Full text of All-Bank Statistics, United States, 1896-1955
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A L L - B A N K STATISTICS U N I T E D S T A T E S 1 8 9 6 - 1 9 5 5 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PUBLISHED APRIL 1959 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 58-60050 PREFACE A reworking of the basic historical banking data of the United States, carried as far back as practicable, has long been needed in order to establish a comparable and consistent record for use by Federal and State bank supervisory agencies, bankers, students of money and banking, and others. Some years ago such an undertaking was initiated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, with the active collaboration of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The program has also received the cooperative interest and support of State bank supervisors. This volume includes the results of this comprehensive revision of statistics for all banks, by class of bank and by State, for the period 1896-1955, together with descriptive and explanatory material. In part the revised record verifies the substantial accuracy of that published for many years by the Comptroller of the Currency and by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation since its establishment in 1933; in part it supplements and corrects the earlier record by providing over time more complete coverage of all banks and balance-sheet items. The new series is a useful statistical history of banking developments in the United States over the past 60 years and provides a reliable basis for relating banking and monetary forces to changing levels of economic activity. Briefly, the specific advantages of the revised series over presently existing series are; fuller coverage as well as greater consistency of balance-sheet items annually for more than a half century; major breakdowns of principal balance-sheet items on a standard basis (for example, segregation of loans into real estate, collateral, and other loans for the period 1896-1938 and into a larger number of items beginning with 1939); and inclusion of data on hundreds of unincorporated (private) banks. These data are provided in convenient form both for States and for major categories of banks. The revised series carries back to 1896 in a condensed form the Federal series which has been compiled semiannually by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation since 1947 pursuant to arrangements made by the three Federal bank supervisory agencies in that year. Summary figures for 1956 and later years are available in recent publications of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and detailed data are available upon request from that agency. Preparation of this historical banking record engaged many members of the Board's staff, especially the staffs of the Divisions of Bank Operations, Research and Statistics, and Administrative Services. Major contributions to the completion of the project were made by Raymond J. Collier and Edwin J. Swindler, who directly supervised the development of statistical techniques and compilations and prepared the description of the series; Harold L. Cheadle, now of the staff of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, who participated in the developmental work of the project; Rita S. Boyer and Elizabeth P. Tewksbury, who did much of the statistical work, with the latter also carrying the main load of checking individual State and United States series and descriptions; Davis H. Wilson, who supervised the vast amount of machine tabulation; and Elizabeth B. Sette, who edited the material and prepared it for publication. General supervision was provided by J. E. Horbett, formerly Associate Director of the Division of Bank Operations, and Albert R. Koch, Associate Adviser of the Division of Research and Statistics. IV The work at the Board was greatly facilitated by material furnished from the files of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; by consultation with William A. Kane, formerly Chief of the Statistical Division of the Comptroller of the Currency; and by a detailed and painstaking review of the preliminary results by Clark Warburton, of the Division of Research and Statistics of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, whose comments and suggestions were particularly helpful because of his long-time historical research in and studies of the American banking structure. Preliminary results of the tabulations were circulated to the supervisors of State banks and others for comment and suggestion. RALPH A. YOUNG, Director Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. WASHINGTON, D. C. November 19,1958 CONTENTS PART I—UNITED STATES SUMMARY PAGE INTRODUCTION HISTORY OF ALL-BANK STATISTICS THE REVISED SERIES Definition of "Bank" Classification of Banks Balance-Sheet Items COMPARISONS WITH SERIES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE, 1896-1933 Number of Banks Total Assets—Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts Loans and Investments Deposits Capital Accounts SOURCES OF DATA Comptroller of the Currency State Banking Departments Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve System National Monetary Commission Bankers' Directories Other Sources NATIONAL BANKS, 1896-1955 Loans Obligations of States and Political Subdivisions Time Deposits INCORPORATED STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 Major Estimating Problems Procedures and Techniques of Estimating UNINCORPORATED BANKS, 1896-1933 Number of Banks States Selected for Separate Tabulations of Balance Sheets Major Balance-Sheet Items Data compiled for a few States Data estimated for other States Breakdowns of Major Items 3 3 4 5 5 6 8 8 8 9 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 VI PAGE ALL STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1955 1934-1946 1947-1955 26 26 28 MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS 28 APPENDICES: A. All Banks—Continental United States B. Revised Series and Former Series C. Reports of State Banking Authorities D. Nonlicensed Banks, 1933 and 1934 E. Composition of Asset and Liability Items F. Interpolating Technique No. 2 30 53 67 71 86 92 PART II—SUMMARIES BY STATES AND OTHER AREAS ALABAMA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FLORIDA GEORGIA IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO f 96 112 128 144 161 , 183 213 238 252 268 291 306 327 358 380 396 413 428 452 483 512 535 566 582 598 618 635 651 674 705 Vll PAGE NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING OTHER AREAS 720 755 770 787 819 836 861 892 916 933 948 964 987 1003 1026 1047 1076 1101 1127 1142 PART I—UNITED STATES SUMMARY U N I T E D STATES S U M M A R Y Statistics for banks in the United States have improved with changes in the banking system and with banking legislation during the twentieth century. Establishment of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 resulted ultimately in a uniform reporting of data by banks that were members of the System. Still more uniformity in reporting followed the establishment of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in 1933. The resulting improvements in statistics pointed up the need for compiling more adequate data for earlier years in order to provide a consistent, longrun series. The need comprehended classifications of data that would be more nearly comparable with those for recent years and a complete coverage of banking institutions. The banking system of the United States comprises thousands of separate institutions, some Federally chartered and some State chartered. In addition, at the turn of the century unincorporated banks accounted for a substantial portion of the total number of banks. Data for Federally chartered and for State chartered banks have generally been more adequate than those for unincorporated banks. Before 1909, however, data for all types of banks often were not reported fully. To provide more adequate banking data, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System—with the cooperation of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the State bank supervisory authorities—has compiled a revised series for all banks in the continental United States as of June 30 of each year, 1896-1955. This series includes data for principal assets and liabilities and number of the major categories of banks. Figures for these categories are shown in the tables on pages 30-49 of this Part. Part II, which begins on page 96, includes comparable figures by States, as well as for areas outside the continental United States. Revisions in the data affect primarily the nonnational components. The largest changes in terms of both number of banks and balancesheet data are in the figures for years before 1920. Comparisons with series previously available indicate that in some of the earliest years of the period the number of banks in the revised series is as much as 45 per cent larger than the number in existing series. Most of the institutions added were smaller, on the average, than those included in earlier series. Accordingly, the revision affected assets and liabilities relatively less than the number. Nevertheless, in some of the early years the revision in balance-sheet totals was as much as 14 per cent. HISTORY OF ALL-BANK STATISTICS Compilation and publication of statistics 1863 the Secretary of the Treasury compiled for all banks by Federal authorities began in and published certain data for all banks that 1833 under a resolution passed by the House responded to his call for information. Comof Representatives in 1832. From then until pilation of the series, which was discontinued All-Bank Statistics when the National Bank Act was passed, was resumed in 1873 by the Comptroller of the Currency in compliance with Federal legislation enacted that year. From then until 1947 the primary responsibility for all-bank statistics remained with the Comptroller. In 1947 the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which were compiling somewhat different balance-sheet statistics for all banks, worked out an arrangement for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to compile semiannually a uniform series of statistics for all banking institutions. In the 1833-1863 period, reporting by banks to the Secretary of the Treasury was voluntary. The need for complete reporting was recognized in the Act of 1873, which authorized the Comptroller to obtain balancesheet data for banks other than national banks from State banking authorities, territorial authorities, or individual banks. Although coverage was improved, the data obtained were not sufficiently uniform for a national series, because the various State and territorial authorities did not request the same information from banks and some States had no departments to request statistics. Provisions of this law, moreover, failed to affect reporting by one major banking group —the unincorporated banks. In some States large numbers of these banks, usually referred to as "private" banks, operated outside the jurisdiction of State authority. A request each year by the Comptroller that private banks report directly to him met with only limited success. Notwithstanding the difficulties of collecting statistics for all banks, the coverage and standardization of data published by the Comptroller became progressively more adequate, particularly after World War I. This improvement reflected for' the most part greater uniformity in classification of balancesheet data requested of banks by the Comptroller and State banking authorities. To a lesser extent, it was the result of more adequate collection and tabulation of bank data by existing State departments and the establishment of banking departments in States that previously had none. The problems of collecting data from banks not reporting to either State or Federal authority were largely overcome by the Banking Act of 1933, which required all banks receiving deposits subject to check to report to either State or Federal authority. Among private banks, however, the improvement in reporting was shortlived, for the Banking Act of 1935 amended the 1933 Act to require that nonnational banks report only to State authorities. After this amendment, private banks in some States discontinued reporting to either State or Federal authority but some private banks continued to furnish balance-sheet data to Federal authority upon request. Efforts to promote uniformity in bank statistics culminated in 1938 when representatives of Federal bank supervisory agencies worked out a standardized balance-sheet report form. This form, which was approved by the National Association of State Bank Supervisors, was adopted by the three Federal banking agencies and by many State banking departments. Nearly all States now use a form that is substantially consistent with the standard one. THE REVISED SERIES The revised all-bank series, which begins with 1896, is an improvement over previously available series in two major respects: First, it provides more accurate and more complete data, State by State, than were avail- able before. In many States, large numbers of private banks and State commercial banks are included for the first time, particularly in the earlier years. In some of the older States such additions are small because nearly com- United States Summary plete data were already available for the entire period, but in other States the additions are substantial. Secondly, it provides for principal classes of banks beginning with 1896 breakdowns of major asset and liability items—loans, investments, cash assets, deposits, and capital accounts—that are as consistent as possible with present-day classifications. Loans are subdivided into real estate, collateral, and "all other" through 1938, and into more detail thereafter; investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities; cash assets into cash items in process of collection, currency and coin, and bankers' balances (including reserves) ; and deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time. These two types of improvements were made possible in part by extensive research into all types of available banking statistics and in part by the cooperation of several large private banks, which made their historical balance-sheet data available for the first time. The main sources of information, other than the records of these private banks, were the annual reports and statistical publications and records of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Bureau of Internal Revenue, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and State banking departments, as well as compilations published in bankers7 directories. Unofficial compilations of figures for banks in several States were also consulted. DEFINITION OF "BANK" In the revised series, a financial institution is considered a bank if it accepts deposits from the general public or if it conducts principally a fiduciary business. This conforms to the definition used by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in the all-bank statistics published beginning with 1947,1 In accordance with this definition, national banks and chartered State banks, loan and trust companies, stock savings banks, unincorporated or "private" banks, and mutual savings banks are included in the revised series over the entire period. Other chartered institutions that are included because their operations involve the receipt of deposits are cooperative exchanges in Arkansas, cash depositories in South Carolina, and Morris Plan and industrial banks (unless engaged merely in making loans and investments). Adoption of this concept of a bank introduced certain difficulties in compiling the series. In the first place, some States did not treat loan and trust companies as banks until well into the period covered by the series, and it was necessary to obtain data for such companies from nonofficial sources. Secondly, it was often difficult to determine whether unincorporated financial institutions that did not report to State or Federal authority were banks. Beginning in 1934, banks accepting deposits subject to check were not permitted to engage in the securities business, but prior to that time unincorporated financial institutions frequently combined a deposit banking business with a brokerage or investment business. The methods of determining whether an institution was engaged primarily in a banking business in the early period are described in the section "Unincorporated Banks, 1896-1933." CLASSIFICATION OF BANKS In planning a useful organization of the revised data for all banks, it was originally hoped to provide two major classifications. The first, by origin of charter, would comprise 1 In 1947, representatives of these three agencies agreed that certain types of banks previously excluded from all-bank statistics should thenceforth be included. (For complete descriptions of the types of institutions included and of those excluded, see the 1956 Annual Report of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, pp. 88-89.) In compiling the revised all-bank series, an effort was made to obtain balance-sheet information for these banks and others of the same type for the whole period 1896-1956, or, if no longer operative, for the period when they were in existence. This effort was only partly successful, but the missing data are not significant. All-Bank Statistics each State, tabulations of data for the kinds of banks listed above that operate in that State, together with a description of the sources of the data and the methods used in compiling them. a series for national banks and a series for State institutions; a separate series for unincorporated banks would supplement these two series. The second classification, according to function, would include a series for commercial banks, one for savings banks, and one for loan and trust companies. Early in the project, however, it became apparent that neither of these two classifications would be sufficiently accurate to justify the effort and time required to prepare them. Often the data needed for such classifications were not available. In many States separate data were not reported consistently by kinds of banks, and in other States they were not reported at all. Moreover, historical differences among classifications in lending and investing activities, structure of deposit liabilities, and banking functions have diminished steadily over the period covered by the revised series. This is a matter of common knowledge among bankers and bank supervisors that is confirmed by available data on the various kinds of banks. As a practical solution, therefore, it was decided to compile the data according to a classification that is in part by origin of charter and in part by banking function, as follows: (1) all banks, (2) commercial banks, that is, all banks other than mutual savings banks, (3) national banks, (4) incorporated and unincorporated State commercial banks, that is, all banks other than national and mutual savings banks, and (5) mutual savings banks.2 In this publication, the term "nonnational banks" is often used in referring to Groups (4) and (5) combined. The simplest and most accurate method was to compile the data on a State-by-State basis. Most of the data for State-chartered banks included in previous series had been gathered from State banking authorities; other sources also present such data for individual States. Part II of this volume includes, for The aggregate balance sheet for banks included in the revised series is a consolidation of the assets and liabilities of commercial departments of banks and the assets and liabilities of all other departments except trust departments. The specific items included were selected after careful scrutiny of data for the period 1896-1955 contained in reports of condition submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency, State banking authorities, the Federal Reserve Board beginning with 1917, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation beginning with 1934.3 For the early years special attention was given to balance-sheet items included in national bank statistics because these banks were the largest group reporting consistently before the Federal Reserve System was established. The objective was to provide a list of balance-sheet items that would be as consistent, detailed, and meaningful as possible. Ideally this would be a series—extending back to 1896—for each of the items now included in the standard form of condition report. This goal was achieved substantially except for the breakdown of the loan portfolio, where the lack of uniformity and consistency in the reporting of a number of items over the period made it impossible. "Total real estate loans" is the only loan item that is consistent for the entire period covered by the revised series. Loans on collateral include loans secured by all collateral other than real estate for 1896-1928, but for the period 1929-1938 they include only loans with securities as collateral. The most important change in the breakdown of loans was 2 Data for these five groups of banks, respectively, are shown in Tables A-l, A-la. A-2, A-3, and A-4 of Appendix A. 3 Before June 21, 1917, State member hanks reported to the Comptroller of the Currency. BALANCE-SHEET ITEMS United States Summary TABLE 1 BALANCE-SHEET ITEMS IN THE REVISED ALL-BANK SERIES, 1896-1955 ASSETS Loans: 1896-1938 Real estate Collateral1 All other1 1939-194$ Commercial, industrial, and agricultural loans (including open market paper) Loans for purchasing or carrying securities: To brokers and dealers To others Real estate loans: On farm land On residential property Other All other loans 1043-1955 Same as for 1939-1942, except that last item was subdivided into: Other loans to individuals All other loans ASSETS—Continued Casn assets: Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets LIABILITIES Deposits: Interbank U. S. Government Other demand Other time Borrowings National bank notes Other liabilities Investments: U. S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts 1 For the period 1929-1938, loans on collateral include only those loans with securities as collateral. For 1896-1928, this loan category was somewhat broader in coverage, including loans secured by any type of collateral other than real estate. For a description of the revised treatment of both loans on collateral and all other loans after 1938, see Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Banking and Monetary Statistics (Washington, D. C., 1944), pp. 63 and 64. made in December 1938, when the Federal bank supervisory agencies adopted a loan classification based more on purpose of loan than on type of collateral. The last change was the segregation, beginning with 1943, of other loans to individuals. The balance-sheet items in the revised series, shown in Table 1, represent the most detailed breakdown obtainable from information that could be gathered with reasonable consistency over the period 1896-1955.4 More detailed information for national banks, member banks, and insured commercial banks for varying periods is available in reports of the Federal bank supervisory agencies, and for State banks in some States in the reports of State banking authorities. Such information is useful in studying some monetary and banking problems, even though it does not cover the country's entire banking structure. 4 For the greater part of the period information was available on some specific categories of "other" securities, e.g., obligations of railroads, but it was so fragmentary and Total liabilities and capital accounts the type of information changed so often for nonnational banks up to 1928, and for banks not members of the Federal Reserve System thereafter, that no attempt was made to construct a breakdown of "other'* securities. Moreover, no such specific breakdowns have been available for national banks since 1942. All-Bank Statistics COMPARISONS WITH SERIES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE, 1896-1933 Data comparing the number and principal balance-sheet items for broad categories of banks in the revised series and corresponding items in series previously published are shown in Appendix B. In general, differences between the revised series and the series previously available are confined almost entirely to the nonnational bank component. The exceptions are the breakdowns of certain items—loans and time deposits for 1896-1908 and investments other than United States Government securities for 1896-1907—that had to be estimated for national banks. For nonnational banks some changes occur in both number of banks and balance-sheet items in practically every year of the period 1896-1955. The largest revisions, however, are in years before 1920. The additions to the series beginning in 1934 represent largely the inclusion of trust companies not engaged in deposit banking and nonreporting private banks; these changes were in accordance with the 1947 arrangement among the three Federal bank supervisory agencies with respect to coverage of the all-bank series. Because the changes for national banks were so small and because there were so few changes in the series for nonnational banks after 1933, the following descriptions of major revisions in data are confined primarily to nonnational banks and to the period 18961933. The principal series used for comparison is that published by the Comptroller of the Currency. NUMBER OF BANKS In the first 10 years of the period covered by the revised series, the number of nonnational banks in that series exceeds by about 2,400-2,800 the number in the Comptroller's series. In percentage terms, the revision raises the number of banks in that period by 22 to 46 per cent. After 1906 the differences decrease gradually, and in the late twenties and early thirties they range between 200 and 300, or only about 2 per cent. Chart 1 compares the number of nonnational banks in the revised series for the period 1896-1946 with the number in the series published by the Comptroller. The greater number of banks is accounted for in large part by improved coverage of unincorporated (private) banks, many of which did not report to State banking authorities or to the Comptroller of the Currency, and in lesser degree by the addition in a few States of sizable numbers of State commercial banks. Addition of these banks was offset somewhat by exclusion of branches reported to the Comptroller as unit banks in some States and by exclusion of banks in liquidation. TOTAL ASSETS—TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS The addition of banks in the revised series affects assets and liabilities much less than the number of institutions because the institutions added are much smaller on the average than those included in former series. Chart 2 compares total assets of nonnational banks in the revised series with those in the Comptroller of the Currency series for 1896-1946. As would be expected, in view of the gradually improving coverage of banks by supervisory agencies, the largest relative additions to total assets occur in the early years of the period. The increases amount to as much as 14 per cent in some of these years and to as little as one per cent in some of the later years. In 1929 and 1930, however, the revised series is 2 to 3 per cent larger than the Comptroller's series, principally because of the addition of the assets of certain private banks, particularly in New York State. As was indicated earlier, these private banks were not included in the Comptroller's series through 1933. After that, as the chart shows, the differences in the two series are negligible. For this reason aggregates for the principal asset and liability items compared in Tables 2 and 3 cover only the period through 1933. United States Summary LOANS AND INVESTMENTS The more consistent classification of assets in the revised series applies to the division of bank credit into the broad categories of loans and investments as well as to the subclassification of these two major items. Differences between the nonnational bank totals in the revised series and in the Comptroller's series are larger for loans than for investments. The revised series shows larger totals for loans in all years and for investments in most years. 9 For most of the twenties, however, as Table 2 shows, the investments of nonnational banks in the revised series are considerably smaller than those in the Comptroller's series. These differences are explained largely by two facts: First, for many years several State authorities classified real estate mortgage loans as investments in their compilations and in the data reported to the Comptroller. Secondly, trust department investments were inadvertently included in the statistics reported to the Comptroller by one State. TABLE 2 LOANS AND INVESTMENTS OF NONNATIONAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1896-1933 REVISED SERIES COMPARED WITH OLD SERIES [Dollar amounts in millions] Total loans June 30 Revised series Old series (Comptroller of the Currency) Total investments Revised series compared with old series — increase (+), or decrease ( — ) Amount Revised series Per cent Old series (Comptroller of the Currency) Revised series compared with old series— increase (+), or decrease ( — ) Amount Per cent 1896 1897 1898 1899 $2,643 2,618 2,812 3,181 $2,280 2,238 2,489 2,670 $+363 +380 +323 +511 +15.9 +17.0 +13.0 +19.1 $1,225 1,318 1,415 1,602 $1,211 1,248 1,305 1,528 $+14 +70 +110 +74 +1.2 +6.6 +8.4 +4.8 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3,449 3,934 4,418 4,816 4,920 3,010 3,431 3,923 4,275 4,338 +439 +503 +495 +541 +582 +14.6 +14.7 +12.6 +12.7 +13.4 1,769 2,006 2,153 2,316 2,504 1,724 1,935 2,093 2,332 2,521 +46 +71 +60 -16 -17 +2.6 +3.7 +2.9 -0.7 -0.7 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 5,612 6,206 6,657 6,124 6,562 5,078 5,639 6,079 5,777 6,361 +534 +567 +578 +347 +201 +10.6 +10.1 +9.5 +6.0 +3.2 2,770 2,840 2,923 2,938 3,152 2,745 2,787 2,929 2,871 3,004 +26 +53 -6 +67 +148 +0.9 +1.9 -0.2 +2.3 +4.9 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 7,312 7,596 8,152 8,661 9,059 7,039 7,379 7,941 8,431 8,853 +273 +217 +211 +230 +206 +3.9 +2.9 +2.7 +2.7 +2.3 3,264 3,412 3,618 3,655 3,831 3,105 3,282 3,492 3,514 3,664 +159 +130 +126 +141 +167 +5.1 +4.0 +3.6 +4.0 +4.6 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 9,313 10,496 11,966 12,786 14,229 9,049 10,114 11,610 12,332 13,908 +264 +382 +356 +454 +321 +2.9 +3.8 +3.1 +3.7 +2.3 3,957 4,514 4,964 6,773 7,216 3,807 4,436 4,981 5,770 7,162 +150 +78 -17 +3 +53 +3.9 +1.8 -0.3 +0.1 +0.7 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 17,690 17,260 16,809 18,956 20,075 16,956 16,524 16,259 18,208 19,150 +734 +736 +550 +748 +925 +4.3 +4.5 +3.4 +4.1 +4.8 6,995 7', 250 7,814 8,447 8,740 7,183 7,338 7,965 8,579 9,060 -188 -88 -151 -132 -320 -2.6 -1.2 -1.9 -1.5 -3.5 1926 1926 1927 1928 1929 21,786 23,336 24,100 25,025 27,139 20,848 22,353 23,096 24,054 26,422 +938 +983 +1,004 +971 +717 +4.6 +4.4 +4.3 +4.0 +2.7 9,355 9,725 10,261 11,005 10,654 9,643 9,944 10,829 11,589 10,655 -288 -219 -568 -684 -1 -3.0 -2.2 -5.2 -6.0 1930 1931 1932 1933 26,116 22,254 17,806 14,236 25,442 21 ,-844 17,640 14,118 +674 +410 +166 +117 +2.6 +1.9 +0.9 +0.8 11,215 12,311 11,223 10,767 11,028 12,344 10,987 10,517 +187 -33 +236 +250 +1.7 -0.3 +2-1 +2.4 Chart 1 NUMBER OF NONNATIONAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES Thousands 30 REVISED SERIES \ 20 OLD SERIES 10 I 1900 1 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 Chart 2 TOTAL ASSETS OF NONNATIONAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES Billions of dollars 100 80 60 40 -X- REVISED SERIES II 20 OLD SERIES mil 1900 Illlllll 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 * For these three years top of bar indicates level of old series; top of black portion, level of revised series. 1935 1940 1945 12 All-Bank Statistics Another important improvement in the revised series is the consistent breakdown for all banks of loans for the period 1896-1938 and of investments for the entire period, 1896-1955. Most of the inadequacies of breakdowns in the series previously used are in data for the nonnational bank sector, but there are some for national banks, especially in the period before 1909. For years in which the subitems of loans and investments were not reported in series previously available, improvements in the revised series are repre- sented by the availability of these subitems rather than by the amounts added. This is especially true of the period before 1909. Breakdowns of both loans and investments at nonnational banks, for example, were not reported regularly or uniformly to the Comptroller by some State banking departments over the entire period 1896-1933; presumably the State authorities did not request such information from the banks. For national banks, the breakdown for loans in the Comptroller's reports was not complete before TABLE 3 DEPOSITS AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS OF NONNATIONAL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1896-1933 REVISED SERIES COMPARED WITH OLD SERIES [Dollar amounts in millions} Total capital accounts Total deposits June 30 Revised series Old series (Comptroller of the Currency) Revised series compared with old series — increase (+), or decrease ( — ) Amount Revised series Per cent Old series (Comptroller of the Currency) Revised series compared with old seriesincrease (+), or decrease ( — ) Amount Per cent $909 916 923 960 $763 763 770 788 $+146 +153 +153 +172 +19.1 +20.1 +19.9 +21.8 +8.4 +9.0 +8.3 +7.1 +7.3 1,062 1,137 1,289 1,475 1,587 893 964 1,107 1,304 1,397 +169 +173 +182 +171 +190 +18.9 +17.9 +16.4 +13.1 +13.6 +467 +521 +431 +356 +331 +5.9 +6.1 +4.7 +4.1 +3.4 1,660 1,796 1,889 1,961 2,022 1,488 1,625 1,724 1,840 1,897 +172 +171 +166 +121 +126 +11.6 +10.6 +9.6 +6.6 +6.6 10,285 10,857 11,603 11,947 12,743 +411 +329 +349 +436 +362 +4.0 +3.0 +3.0 +3.6 +2.8 2,134 2,203 2,288 2,398 2,454 1,977 2,074 2,181 2,292 2,347 +157 +129 +107 +106 +107 +7.9 +6.2 +4.9 +4.6 +4.6 13,687 15,865 18,088 19,045 22,047 12,245 15,412 17,563 18,413 21,620 +1,442 +453 +525 +632 +427 +11.8 +2.9 +3.0 +3.4 +2.0 2,638 2,616 2,791 2,865 3,046 2,418 2,492 2,660 2,740 2,944 +120 +124 +131 +125 +102 +6.0 +5.0 +4.9 +4.6 +3.6 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 24,680 23,793 24,904 27,478 29,612 24,297 23,316 24,630 27,163 29,159 +383 +477 +274 +315 +453 +1.6 +2.0 +1.1 +1.2 +1.6 3,398 3,690 3,752 3,943 4,158 3,300 3,613 3,679 3,895 4,098 +98 +77 +73 +48 +60 +3.0 +2.2 +2.0 +1.2 +1.6 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 32,389 33,773 34,922 35,492 36,683 31,886 33,213 34,760 35,537 36,081 +503 +560 +162 - 45 +602 +1.6 +1.7 +0.5 -0.1 +1-7 4,416 4,753 5,064 5,385 6,077 4,338 4,672 4,987 5,276 5,940 +78 +81 +77 +110 +137 +1.8 +1.7 +1.5 +2.1 +2.3 37,130 35,024 28,140 24,943 36,396 34,445 27,733 24,571 +734 +579 +407 +372 +2.0 +1-7 +1.5 +1.5 6,402 6,122 5,252 4,537 6,257 6,026 5,211 4,482 +145 +96 +41 +55 +2.3 +1.6 +0.8 +1.2 1896 1897 1898 1899 $3,718 3,885 4,246 4,934 $3,345 3,402 3,755 4,362 $+373 +483 +491 +572 +11.2 +14.2 +13.1 +13.1 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 5,299 6,125 6,636 7,051 7,507 4,888 5,621 6,125 6,583 6,996 +411 +504 +511 +468 +511 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 8,365 9,012 9,571 9,112 9.951 7,898 8,491 9,140 8,756 9,620 10,696 11,186 11,952 12,383 13,105 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1930 1931 1932 1933 . . .... United States Summary 1909. Throughout the period 1896-1908, the Comptroller did not require national banks to classify loans on real estate separately from other loans on collateral. These items were estimated for 'the revised series. Differences in United States Government security holdings as shown in the revised series and in the two series previously available are relatively small. They reflect variations in estimating techniques and in coverage. DEPOSITS A comparison of total deposits of nonnational banks in the revised series with those for this group published in the Comptroller of the Currency's annual reports appears in Table 3. Additions to total deposits in the revised series, as for all items on the balance sheet, are considerably larger in percentage terms before 1920 than in later years. The additions to total deposits range from 14 per cent of the Comptroller's figures for 1897 to less than one per cent in 1927. The revised series provides a more consistent breakdown of deposits by type (inter- 13 bank, United States Government, other demand, and other time) than was available in the earlier series. In most States before 1909 and in some States for several years after 1909, there was no clear distinction between demand and time (or savings) deposits. Since no special recognition or treatment was given to time deposits in nonmutual savings banks, with some exceptions, it was necessary to estimate figures for such deposits in many States. For the period 1896-1908 the revised series provides for the first time an estimate of time deposits on a State-by-State basis and also provides a better estimate for the country as a whole than was available heretofore. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Table 3 also compares total capital accounts of all nonnational banks in the revised series with the corresponding item in the Comptroller of the Currency's annual reports. Amounts shown in the revised series are about 20 per cent larger than the Comptroller's figures before 1900, but after 1905 the percentage declines fairly steadily to about one per cent in the early thirties. SOURCES OF DATA Compilation of the revised all-bank figments were made in some balance-sheet items ures was based primarily on the sources of for some years in order to make classifications data described in the following paragraphs. of the items consistent with current practices, The balance sheet for each State was derived and the breakdowns of some items were estiby selecting, year by year and item by item, mated for part of the earlier period. the best data from these sources. The annual reports of the Comptroller were also the primary source of the figures for COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY nonnational banks in the revised series for years before 1934. From 1873 to 1947 the Data collected by the Comptroller of the Currency from national banks, from State Comptroller was authorized to request State banking authorities to furnish summary balbanking authorities, and in some instances from individual banks are the backbone of the ance-sheet statements annually for the banks under their supervision. The collection of this revised series, as they were of the old series. information depended largely on reports made All figures for national banks in the revised series were obtained from the annual by the banks to the State legislatures or to reports and abstracts of bank condition reofficers of the different States and territories. Gaps in the Comptroller's reports on individports published by the Comptroller, with the following exceptions: Relatively minor adjustual balance-sheet items are accounted for 14 All-Bank Statistics mainly by differences between the reports required by many State banking authorities and the information requested by the Comptroller. The data published by the Comptroller could not adequately cover unincorporated (private) banks. These banks in many instances were not subject to State banking authorities, and the majority of them did not comply with the Comptroller's request that they report to him directly. The search for additional data relating to these banks is described in the section "Unincorporated Banks, 1896-1933." STATE BANKING DEPARTMENTS The annual reports of the State banking departments or authorities, which generally include condensed balance sheets for the individual reporting banks, were a major source of supplementary information for nonnational banks, particularly for the period up to 1934. In some instances where these reports did not contain the information needed, the State banking departments were asked to provide any available pertinent information that had not been published. By studying the reports of these State banking authorities it was frequently possible not only to reconcile inconsistencies iri the classification of balance-sheet items from year to year, but also—and this was even more important—to supplement the data for individual items sent to the Comptroller by the State banking authority. In Pennsylvania and several other States, for example, it was possible for several years to derive figures for holdings of United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities. at~all banks in the State on a call date other than June 30 by aggregating amounts for these items shown in the balance sheets of individual banks. Figures for June 30 were estimated from these data. The descriptions for individual States indicate instances where figures were obtained in this manner. The sources of balance-sheet information varied from State to State, and the forms in which such data were published often changed over the period covered by the revision. To simplify identification, the sources of data are usually indicated as "State banking department" or "State banking authorities" in this Summary and in the State descriptions; these terms should be understood to include the following types of material: (1) annual or other regular reports published by State authorities; (2) abstracts or summaries of condition issued or published by State authorities, or prepared by them for their own use; (3) summaries prepared by State authorities at the request of the Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Reserve Banks, or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and (4) summaries prepared by the Reserve Banks from reports made available by State authorities. Appendix C lists by States the titles and dates of the most recent reports of State banking departments or other State banking authorities that were used in compiling data for the revised series. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Summaries of condition reports of insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation were the major source of data beginning in 1934. The insured bank group includes national banks and State banks that are members of the Federal Reserve System, and nonmember banks that carry Federal deposit insurance. Figures for national banks are supplied to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation by the Comptroller and for State member banks by the Federal Reserve System. Figures for insured nonmember banks are collected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; these figures were often used as a basis for estimating breakdowns of balance-sheet items for noninsured banks in the 1934-1946 period. Beginning with 1947, data for all classes of United States Summary banks were taken from publications of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Research by the staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in connection with matters relating to the licensing of banks and the insuring of bank deposits yielded information that proved very useful in developing the revised series for the period immediately after 1932. This information was particularly valuable in ascertaining which banks were not licensed to operate in the period immediately after the bank holiday of March 1933. Similar data collected by the Federal Reserve Board provided a further check on licensing operations. Besides assuring accurate data for banks in active operation, these data made it possible to construct a separate series for nonlicensed banks in 1933 and 1934. This series, which is given in Appendix D, shows the number of nonlicensed banks and available balance-sheet data. Because such data could not be obtained for the nonlicensed banks in some States, the balance sheet is not complete. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Sumjnaries of condition reports of State member banks published by the Federal Reserve System beginning with 1917 provided a basis from which to estimate totals for all State commercial banks in some States for which the Comptroller did not have adequate information on individual balance-sheet items. The summaries and descriptions of all-bank figures published by the Board of Governors, and the supporting records by States and by years, were also of substantial assistance in preparing and testing the revised series beginning with 1914.5 NATIONAL MONETARY COMMISSION The publications of the National Monetary Commission are a benchmark in the statistical record of bank assets and liabilities. fi Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Banking and Monetary Statistics (Washington, D. C., 1943), pp. 5-33. 15 Statements of condition, submitted in response to the Commission's call of April 28, 1909, constitute the first complete reporting by all national banks, as well as by State commercial banks in many States, of assets and liabilities in a manner consistent with the balance-sheet items in the revised all-bank series. Although not all State commercial banks submitted reports of condition to the Commission, the coverage for the country as a whole was more nearly complete for that date than in any other source. Except in isolated instances all of the data for 1909 in the revised series are those for the April call date of that year published by the Commission. BANKERS9 DIRECTORIES The several bankers' directories were a valuable source of information on banks (mainly unincorporated or private banks) that did not report to a public authority. In most States the coverage of private banks in directories appears to be comprehensive and reasonably .accurate, but in a few States, mainly those with large cities, it was difficult to distinguish "brokers and dealers" from private banks. This problem is discussed in the section on unincorporated banks and also in the descriptions of the individual State series. The directories not only list individual banks, thus making it possible to derive their number, but they also provide a considerable amount of balance-sheet data. For some States, figures for most of the principal balance-sheet items of banks are available for long periods of time. For other States, however, only the data for capital accounts are published, and these sometimes intermittently; and in a few States no data are reported. Because listing in directories was voluntary and the information reported did not always meet the requirements for the revised series, it was necessary to select information from these sources carefully, particularly for early years. Sometimes the directories included banks in liquidation and banks no 16 All-Bank Statistics longer in existence; sometimes they listed branches as separate banks; or they misclassified national banks as State banks, and vice versa. In addition, when banks did not submit current statements, the directories often merely repeated the balance-sheet information that had been reported for a prior year. Despite these shortcomings, the directories were useful. Where apparent errors were limited to one or two years, it was often possible to correct them by comparing data for a longer period. OTHER SOURCES Other sources provided data for banks that did not report regularly to a public authority, but these data were often for limited periods. Foremost among these sources were the records of the Bureau of Internal Revenue for the period 1900-1902, when taxes were levied on capital accounts of banks under authority of the War Revenue Act of June 13, 1898,6 The Bureau's classification of banks into such categories as private, State, and national did not always agree with that of the bank supervisory authorities, but its data on the number and capital of banks appear to be the most accurate available by States and for the nation as a whole before 1909. An annual publication entitled Trust Companies of the United States, the first issue of which appeared in 1903, was used in deriving information on trust companies for the early years of the century.7 Some State banking authorities did not regard these institutions as banks even though they accepted deposits and, accordingly, did not include them in banking statistics transmitted to the Comptroller. Early in the work of revising the series, a comprehensive search was made in the Library of Congress for publications in which information on banks might be found; these included publications of State finance or tax departments and those of individual students of banking. Examples of information located in this way included Mr. William H. Dillistin's list of all banks in New York for 150 years or more, which was extremely helpful with respect to private banks in that State, and Mr. Harwood B. Dolbeare's study of Florida banking, which contained data not elsewhere published that were an aid in preparing the aggregate balance sheet for that State.8 Finally, as indicated earlier, several of the largest private banks, which had not reported to public authorities before 1934, submitted balance sheets back through 1896. NATIONAL BANKS, 1896-1955 The problems of compiling a revised balance sheet were considerably less numerous and less difficult for national banks than for State banks because the national banks reported on identical forms in response to calls for reports of condition from a single supervisory authority, the Comptroller of the Currency. The main problems in revising the national bank series related to the period 18961908. In those years loans were not classified e Records were available for 1899 too, but they did not irovide sufficient detail to be useful in revising the all-bank ?ries. by type for the June 30 call date used in the revised series; obligations of States and political subdivisions were included with "other" investments; and time deposits were available separately only for 1896, 1899, and 1906, and then only as countrywide totals. For 1909, as indicated earlier, data frorn publications of the National Monetary Commission were used. After 1909, the classification of loans by type 7 United States Mortgage and Trust Company < New York). 8 Historical Directory of the Banks in the State of New York (New York State Bankers Association, New York, 1946). A Record of Fifty Years of State Banking in Florida, 1890-1939 (reprinted from Annual Report of the State Comptroller, Banking Department, n. d.). United States Summary was available for all years except 1910, 1913, and 1914, and time deposits were available for all years except 1914. LOANS The annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency before 1909 classify loans for the fall call date in two categories: (1) collateral loans, including real estate loans, and (2) all other loans. These classifications were used in estimating the breakdown of total loans for June 30 call dates into the three categories required for the revised series for 1896-1908. The following method was used to derive estimates for each State. (1) The ratio of collateral loans, including real estate loans, to total loans was computed for the fall call date. This ratio was then applied to total loans as reported by the Comptroller for the June call date, thus breaking the total into two categories—collateral and all other. (2) The ratio of real estate loans to total collateral loans was computed from data in the call report for April 28, 1909, the earliest date for which this breakdown is available. This ratio was then applied to the estimated total of collateral loans on all previous June 30 call dates to derive separate estimates for real estate loans and for other collateral loans. The assumption that there was a constant relationship between real estate loans and collateral loans in the period 1896-1908 appears reasonable in light of relationships between the two in the years closely fQllowing 1909. Real estate loans constituted a very small part (little more than one per cent) of total loans at national banks when first reported in 1909 and for many years thereafter. One reason why national banks held such small amounts of real estate loans in early years of the period was that prior to 1913 they were not permitted to make loans on real estate except for the purpose of consolidating and protecting other loans. Since State banks accounted for the bulk of outstanding real estate loans of banks in this period, even a relatively large error in the estimates for national banks could have very little effect on the movements or the level of total real estate loans at all banks. 17 For 1913 the necessary breakdown of loans was available for the United States but not for each State. The distribution of each type of loan was made by assuming that each State accounted for the same proportion of the United States total as was computed from reported data for 1912. For 1910 and 1914, there were no breakdowns of loans for the United States or for individual States. The figures for 1910 were estimated as follows: ratios of each subitem (for example, real estate loans) to total loans for each State, computed from reported figures for April 1909 and for June 1911, were averaged, and then these average ratios were applied to total loans in 1910 to get the breakdown. For 1914 the loan breakdown for each State was estimated by applying to total loans a weighted average of the ratios of each subitem to total loans computed from data for 1912 and 1915. For each subitem the ratio for 1914 was weighted toward the 1915 ratio, that is, twice as much weight was given to the ratio for 1915 as to that for 1912, because data for the other intervening year, 1913, had been estimated. OBLIGATIONS OF STATES AND POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS Data on national bank holdings of obligations of States and political subdivisions were not published by the Comptroller of the Currency until the midyear call report of 1908. In previous years these securities were included with investments other than United States Government securities. The ratio of State and political subdivision obligations to total investments other than United States Government securities was computed for 1908 for each State. The ratio for each State was then applied to its total investments other than United States Government securities in each year of the period 1896-1907 as shown in the midyear call report. The assumption that there was a constant relationship between holdings of State and political subdivision obligations and other non- 18 All-Bank Statistics United States Government securities at national banks over the period 1896-1907 appears reasonable on the basis of the reported data on the two types of bank investments after 1907. National banks, in fact, held relatively small amounts of State and political subdivision securities for some years after 1909. In 1908 they accounted for only about 10 per cent of the total held by all banks. Therefore, even a relatively large error in estimates for national banks could have little effect on the movements or the levels of these holdings at all banks. TIME DEPOSITS Before 1909 figures for time deposits, which include savings deposits and time certificates of deposit, were reported separately from demand deposits of national banks only for the years 1896, 1899, and 1906. Furthermore, in these years only United States totals were published.9 For other years prior to 1909, United States totals of time deposits were estimated by applying to the total of demand and time deposits the ratio of time deposits to this total as follows: For 1897 and 1898, the ratio for 1896 was used. The change in this ratio between 1896 and 1899 was so small that data were not interpolated. For 1900-1905, ratios that were interpolated between similar ratios computed from data for 1899 and 1906 were used. In 1899 the reported ratio was 3.4 per cent, and in 1909 it was 15.4 per cent; the reported ratio for 1906, at 7.1 per cent, is somewhat less than halfway between the two. For 1907 and 1908, ratios that were interpolated between ratios for 1906 and 1909 were used. Total time deposits, as published or as thus estimated, were then apportioned among the States for the years 1896-1908 on the basis of the percentage distribution of total time deposits as reported for national banks in 1909. For 1910-1913 the figures for time deposits represent the total of time certificates of deposit and savings deposits shown in the Comptroller's annual reports for these years. For June 1914 the figures for time deposits of national banks were estimated by applying to total deposits for each State the ratio of time deposits to total deposits computed from data in the December 1914 national bank abstract. This is the first report of time deposits on the basis of the Federal Reserve Act, which defines time deposits as those payable after 30 days, and demand deposits as those payable within 30 days. Probably because of the resulting changes in classification, there is a drop of 12 per cent from 1913 to 1914 in the volume of time deposits reported in the revised series. INCORPORATED STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 Compilations of the revised aggregate balance sheet for incorporated State commercial banks in the period 1896-1933 presented major problems and considerations not encountered in connection with national banks. Some of these banks did not report to any official agency, and those that reported regularly to their* respective State authorities furnished in0 Data on time deposits at national banks for these years were taken from Statistics for United States, Great Britain, Germany, and France, XXI (National Monetary Commission, Washington, D. C., 1911), p. 161. A note to the table on that page indicates that these figures were compiled from reports submitted to the Comptroller of the Currency. formation that in general was neither uniform nor consistent from State to State. In order to prepare the revised series for these banks, it was necessary to gather data from State banking departments and other sources, to compare the data obtained with balance-sheet data for State banks published in the Comptroller's annual reports, and to make extensive adjustments and estimates in the light of these comparisons. The lack of uniformity in material, particularly in the years 1896-1908, made it necessary to make United States Summary more extensive estimates for State commercial banks than for national banks. For the period beginning with 1934, when substantially uniform data became available for all insured commercial banks, simpler methods of compilation were followed, as described in the section "All State Commercial Banks, 1934-1955," beginning on page 26. MAJOR ESTIMATING PROBLEMS The major problems in preparing estimates for the period 1896-1933, and the methods adopted for resolving them, are discussed in the following paragraphs. The individual State summaries include more detailed descriptions of procedures and techniques used. (1> The call report forms used by State commercial banks were not uniform from State to State, and in many cases they differed considerably from the form used by the Comptroller in collecting statistics for State banks from State banking departments. Moreover, both the Comptroller and the State bank supervisory authorities made various and nonuniform changes over the period in their respective call report forms in order to improve bank reports or to provide more timely information. As a result, it was necessary to compare the detailed data published by the Comptroller with the detailed data in State banking department reports and to make extensive adjustments to achieve comparability. Appendix E lists representative items included in the major asset and liability categories of the revised series. A comprehensive list of all the items included by all States and in all years would be much longer. (2) For some States the data reported to and published by the Comptroller on specific items were not consistent from year to year, and amounts showed extreme movements over short periods. In such instances, data published by the Comptroller were revised on the basis of information in State bank reports and other supplementary sources. In one State, for example, the balance sheet had to be revised for 1916-1920 and for several years in the twenties because total assets of the savings departments of loan and trust companies were included in "all other loans," in "other securities," or in "other (3) In the early part of the period, banks in some States were not required to report as of a June call date. In these instances, data for the call date 19 nearest to June were used, or figures for a June call date were estimated by averaging the figures for the preceding and subsequent call dates nearest to June 30. In some cases, however, a given item was estimated from data for a single call date, the one nearest to June 30. (4) In some years and for some States a considerable number of banks, mainly loan and trust companies accepting deposits, were not included in the statistics furnished to and published by the Comptroller. Some revisions, as to both number of State banks and their assets and liabilities, were required on this account in the majority of the States. (5) In many instances branches of banks and banks in liquidation had to be eliminated from the Comptroller's data. The former change, of course, affected only the number of banks. PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES OF ESTIMATING In some instances where balance-sheet data were not available in the Comptroller's reports, they could be found in reports of the State banking departments. Despite the wealth of data in the latter reports, a substantial amount of estimating was necessary in order to derive the revised series for all years and all States. The estimating techniques varied with the particular problem. The following paragraphs describe in general terms the six major procedures and techniques used. (1) Interpolating technique No. 1 was used extensively in deriving estimates for missing years from reported data for nearby years. If figures for a balance-sheet item were lacking for a relatively short period, estimates for the missing years were usually made in two steps: (a) deriving the percentage relationship of the item to its related total—e.g., real estate loans to total loans—in the year before and the year after the period to be covered, and then obtaining ratios for the missing years by straight-line interpolation, and (b) applying the interpolated ratios to the related total for years in which the item was missing. This type of interpolation was used when changes in an item were believed to be related to and roughly proportionate with changes in the total of which it is a part. In a few cases straight-line interpolation was based on dollar amounts of the item, on the assumption that there had been a gradual change between two points in time, irrespective of movements in the total. 20 All-Bank Statistics (2) Interpolating (or extrapolating) technique No. 2 was often used in estimating data for several consecutive years when changes in an item were not believed to be related to or roughly proportionate with changes in the principal item of which it is a part. It applied, to a specific balancesheet item, the relative yearly changes for the same item at another group of banks in the same or a nearby State for which changes could be assumed to be most nearly similar to those for the banking group with incomplete data.10 This technique, which is described in detail in Appendix F, involved the derivation of statistical measures of relationship between reported data for the two groups in another period. Insofar as possible, statistics used in this estimating process were derived from reported figures for the two groups of banks in a period close to that for which the estimates were to be made. This is the only technique referred to by number in the individual State descriptions. Statistics for national banks were often used as a basis for estimating individual balance-sheet items at State commercial banks. Correlation after 1909 of national bank and State commercial bank data on all types of loans, on the breakdown of securities, and on the distribution of deposits between demand and time usually yielded coefficients satisfactory for estimating these items at State banks on the basis of reported figures for national banks. On the other hand, certain balance-sheet items for State commercial banks could seldom be estimated from national bank data because of differences in the types of business at the two classes of banks. This was particularly true of the period before 1920. National bank loans outstanding on real estate, restricted by statute until 1913, were still only 2 per cent of all loans at these banks in 1920, for example, whereas in the same year real estate loans accounted for about 20 per cent of all loans at State commercial banks. Although in some States, particularly after 1920, the relative importance of real estate loans appeared to be fairly comparable at the two classes of banks, estimates for real estate loans at State commercial banks were based on national bank figures only infrequently. Data for national bank holdings of United States Government securities also were used * infrequently before 1916 as a basis for estimating State commercial bank holdings. These securities constituted an insignificant proportion of the investment portfolios at State commercial banks, whereas at national banks (which used them largely as collateral for national 10 This technique was suggested by work done by Professor Milton Friedman of the University of Chicago. bank notes) they accounted for 30-60 per cent of the investment portfolio. With the sharp increase in Government financing during World War I, the ratios of United States Government securities to total investments at the different classes of banks became reasonably comparable, and national bank data were used frequently thereafter as a basis for estimating these holdings at State commercial banks. (3) For State commercial banks that did not report their holdings of United States , Government securities separately for 1916-1920, estimates were generally made by assuming that changes in holdings of these securities accounted for the same proportion of the annual change in total investments as was computed for national banks in the State. (4) Data for State member banks, available after the Federal Reserve System was established, were sometimes used as representative of all State commercial banks (member and nonmember) in a particular State, or in other instances as a basis for estimating data for this group. During World War I and for a number of years thereafter, for example, State member bank figures for United States Government deposits were used in most States to represent such deposits at all State commercial banks in the respective States. United States Government deposits were always deducted from reported or estimated figures for demand deposits. A drawback in basing estimates for State commercial banks on State member bank data was that such data sometimes reflected primarily the large banks in the group. The character of the business done by these large banks and, consequently, the relative importance of their various balance-sheet items were often considerably different from those of nonmember State banks. An estimate for all State commercial banks in a given State derived from reported figures for a balance-sheet item for its State member banks would sometimes be less reliable than an estimate based on the particular item for national banks in the State. (5) Borrowings of State commercial banks were not segregated from other liabilities in several States in the period 1896-1908 and had to be estimated. If the level of reported "other liabilities" in 1896-1908 seemed to be roughly comparable with the aggregate of borrowings and all other liabilities (except deposits) in 1909 and .later years when figures for these two items were reported separately, it was assumed that borrowings were included in reported "other liabilities" prior to 1909. If separate figures for borrowings could not be obtained from other sources, and if there was clear evidence that other liabilities (total liabilities other than deposits) contained relatively substantial United States Summary amounts of borrowings, the amounts were estimated by one of two methods. The method selected depended on (1) the trend in borrowings in the period when this item was reported separately for this class of bank (State commercial) in the State in question, (2) the trend in borrowings at national banks in the same State, and (3) the general banking situation in that State during the period for which estimates were needed. The two methods used were: (a) In some States the relatively stable item "all other liabilities" (total liabilities other than borrowings and deposits) was estimated first—by applying to total liabilities in each $ear the ratio of this item to total liabilities in 1909, the first year when separate figures were available. Borrowings were derived by subtracting these estimates from reported figures for "other liabilities/' which were assumed to include borrowings. (b) In other instances borrowings at State commercial banks were estimated from the trend in this item at national banks in the same State. Generally the figures were extrapolated from reported figures for borrowings in 1909 on the basis of annual percentage changes in borrowings at national banks from 1909 back to 1896. (6) Compilation of data for 1910 for each class of bank other than national banks presented a special problem because the annual report of the Comptroller of the Currency for that year did not include balancesheet data for all principal items and subitems for each class of State bank. Figures for total loans, total 21 investments, and total deposits were published by class of bank and by States, but the breakdown of each of these items by States—together with varying amounts of unclassified loans and deposits — was shown only for all nonnational banks combined. For mutual savings banks the Comptroller published the loan, investment, and deposit breakdowns for the United States, but not by States.11 Distribution of the major balance-sheet items for State commercial banks, separate from those for mutual savings banks, had to be estimated unless the figures for either class could be obtained from State banking department reports or some other source. Generally speaking, the distributions for mutual savings banks were estimated first, because there were fewer of these banks and they did not operate in all States. In most instances the figures for mutual savings banks were interpolated from data for 1909 and 1911. After estimates were prepared for mutual savings banks in States where they operated, these estimates were subtracted from the corresponding figures for all nonnational banks in those States to obtain figures for State commercial banks. The resulting figures for State commercial banks had to be adjusted to bring them in line with figures for other years, which had been adjusted to reflect (1) additions of banks to the Comptroller's data, (2) correction of miselassification of banks by type, and (3) distribution of unclassified amounts of loans and investments shown in the Comptroller's report. UNINCORPORATED BANKS, 1896-1933 One of the major deficiencies for the period before 1934 in each of the series previously available for all banks in the United States was the lack of data for a large number of unincorporated (private) banks. This is not to say that nonreporting private banks were an important part of the banking business in all or even in most States, but rather that statistics available did not disclose their relative importance. Because the coverage of private banks in official sources was incomplete in this period, there were special problems in estimating the revised series. For this reason the data for private banks are described separately from those for incorporated State commercial banks. The nature of, and the information about, private banking is such that no series relating to private banks can claim to be all-inclusive. In the first place, many institutions that were well recognized over the years as private banks did not make their statements of financial condition available in early years. Before 1934 many private banks were not required to report to any public authority, and there is evidence that in some parts of the country a substantial number were not included in the bankers' directories. Secondly, many businesses that were not primarily banks did perform some banking functions. For example, many small businesses such as merchandising concerns, as well as some larger businesses such as brokers and in11 Although this problem affects each class of State bank, it is discussed here because State commercial banks account for the largest proportion of the total. 22 All-Bank Statistics vestment houses, accepted deposits until such operations were prohibited by the Banking Act of 1933. In compiling the revised series, it was necessary (1) to determine whether such businesses provided any banking services and to include only those that did and (2) to include only the balance-sheet items representing their banking business. Thirdly, in many communities individuals accepted money for safekeeping and loaned it out on an informal basis. These in a sense were "private bankers/' but no information is available on their number or financial status. Even though there was no possibility of deriving a series covering every individual or organization that on occasion had accepted deposits or made loans, every effort was made to obtain as complete and accurate a coverage as possible. All sources of information were surveyed for names of private banks. Decisions as to whether a particular individual or institution met the requirements for a "private bank" as defined for purposes of the revised series were made in the light of the best available information, even though the decisions were sometimes arbitrary. Also, arbitrary decisions were sometimes necessary in estimating their assets and liabilities. The major problems in the private bank area related to the period before World War I. After that the number and relative importance of these banks declined sharply, and the proportion reporting to public authorities increased. Even for these earlier years, shortcomings in the revised data are relatively unimportant in relation to total commercial bank assets in those States for which private bank data had to be estimated. The revised series for private banks, which is believed to include most of these banks and the greater part of their assets and liabilities, is substantially larger than the Comptroller's series, as to both number of institutions and their assets and liabilities. While the data for private banks are the least accurate compo- nent of the revised all-bank series—because they were compiled largely from unofficial sources—they are probably the most rewarding for they provide new insight into the history of the banking structure and, it is believed, satisfactorily resolve long-standing questions as to the relative importance of private banks in the various States. Heretofore, little study had been made on a State basis of the number, the size, and the composition of the assets and liabilities of these banks. NUMBER OF BANKS The first step in compiling data for private banks was a State-by-State comparison of their numbers as reported by the Comptroller of the Currency, State banking departments, bankers' directories, the National Monetary Commission, and in a special study by the Federal Reserve System.12 Since the estimates of the National Monetary Commission and of the Federal Reserve were based mainly on the bankers' directories, the figures in these three sources were similar, and they showed the largest numbers of private banks. The Comptroller's reports included the next largest number, while the State banking authorities reported the smallest number. The bankers' directories, however, overstated the number of private banks for the following reasons: (1) Some State banks and some national banks were erroneously designated as private banks; (2) branches of private banks were frequently shown as separate banks; (3) banks no longer in existence or in the process of liquidation were often included; and (4) investment houses, bond dealers, and brokers that did not do a banking business were often included. The last factor accounted for the major part of the differences between the numbers reported by the Comptroller and by the directories. This part of the problem was confined mostly to a few States with large cities—such 12 Federal Reserve System Committee on Branch, Group, and Chain Banking, Changes in the Number and Size of Banks in the United States, 1834-19S1 (1938, unpublished). United States Summary as New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Ohio—but there were problems in other States that had one or more large cities. Investment houses, bond dealers, and brokers were usually so designated in bankers' directories, and the directories also indicated that most of these institutions did not do a banking business. For those that did have a significant banking business, however, there was usually no direct information as to this activity. Advertisements in the directories sometimes served as a guide in determining whether to classify a given institution as a private bank. One basis for correcting overstatement of the number of private banks in the directories was found in Roman's Bankers Directory, the 1917 issue of which announced that bond dealers, investment houses, and brokers were no longer tabulated with private banks as had been done previously. As a result of this change, the number of private banks listed in this directory declined from 4,046 in 1916 to 1,652 in 1917. Overstatement of the number of private banks by bankers' directories before 1917 was further substantiated by reports of the Bureau of Internal Revenue for 1900-1902 in connection with tax collections under the War Revenue Act of 1898. These reports showed that the numbers of such banks ranged from 2,000 to about 4,200 in these three years, about 1,000-3,000 fewer than the numbers in bankers' directories. Even these tax data had to be used with some caution, however, because it was evident that branches of banks had been included and that there had been some misclassification of banks among the several classes. The number of private banks, according to tax reports, was about 1,000 larger in 1901 and 1902 than the number included in the revised series. The number of banks for each State was estimated on the basis of data from the sources already mentioned. In most States the number as reported to the Comptroller of the Currency was increased to take account of the additional banks shown in bankers' directories, after adjusting the number in the latter source for overstatement. STATES SELECTED FOR SEPARATE TABULATIONS OF BALANCE SHEETS The State-by-State inspection of the data published in various sources revealed that private banking was largely concentrated in 18 States and that most of the private banks that did not report to public authorities were located in these States.13 A separate balance sheet for private banks was prepared for each of these States for the period 1896-1933, using the general procedure described in the following sections. In States where it was necessary to deviate from these procedures, those used are described in the respective State summary. The procedures used to obtain data for private banks in these States in the 1934-1946 period were essentially the same as those for incorporated State commercial banks as described in the section on "All State Commercial Banks, 1934-1955."14 Separate balance sheets were not constructed for private banks in other States in the 1896-1933 period because private banking in those States appeared to be relatively unimportant or the coverage of such banks, in the data for all State commercial banks reporting to the Comptroller, appeared to be adequate. Data for private banks in these States in both this period and the 1934-1955 period were estimated as part of the data for all State commercial banks. MAJOR BALANCE-SHEET ITEMS In most of the 18 States where private banks were numerous, some reported to either 13 The 18 States are Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. 14 Beginning with 1934, private banks are not segregated from incorporated State commercial banks for discussion purposes (see pp. 26-28) even though it was necessary in 1934-1946 to complete the coverage of private bank statistics for Iowa, Georgia, Michigan, and Texas by tabulating data for individual banks from bankers' directories. The procedures are described in the individual State summaries. 24 All-Bank Statistics the Comptroller or the State banking authorities in most of the years 1896-1933. These reports were invaluable bases for estimating data for a large proportion of the private banks for which balance-sheet statements were not available. Of major importance in deriving a reasonably complete balance-sheet statement for private banks in the 18 States in the 1896-1933 period was the fact that two large private banks in New York made available to the Board of Governors annual balance-sheet statements for this period. Data for these two banks, which had not been available previously, account for a substantial proportion of all private bank assets. The methods of obtaining aggregate balance-sheet figures for private banks in the 18 States were determined State by State. The methods selected depended primarily on the degree of coverage of the number and assets of these institutions in reports of the Comptroller of the Currency or the State banking departments and secondarily on the length of the period for which data were not available. Data compiled for a few States. When data were missing for only a few years or the number of nonreporting private banks was small, the balance sheets were compiled from the bankers' directories. Where the names and locations of these institutions were known, it was frequently possible to adjust the officially reported data on an individual-bank basis. This was facilitated in later years of the period by the marked improvement in the data shown in the bankers' directories. Data estimated for other States. In those of the 18 States for which data could not be compiled, it was necessary to estimate the data. This group of States included relatively large numbers of banks which did not report over long intervals. In selecting the source or sources of data that were the most reliable, several factors were considered: (1) Data for 1900-1902 on capital accounts of banks by class of bank and by States, compiled by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, provided the best coverage of any balance-sheet item for private banks prior to 1909.15 These data were very useful in determining the representativeness of the group of private banks reporting to public authorities or recorded in the bankers' directories during this three-year period. (2) Information on private bank assets by States was especially good in 1909 as a result of efforts by the National Monetary Commission to obtain the best possible coverage and consistency of bank statistics for that year. Since the coverage was more nearly complete and the reported data included breakdowns of all balance-sheet items that were required by the revised series, these data for 1909 provided another good check on the reliability of figures from other sources for the early period of the revised series. (3) As already indicated, the proportion of private banks reporting to the public authorities increased substantially in most States over the period 1896-1933. The better coverage in later years provided a basis for judging the reliability of estimates in scattered early years and for testing their continuity over comparatively long periods. When estimates derived by one method showed extreme fluctuations that could not be explained, it was necessary to modify the method or to shift to another method that would yield more reasonable results. To summarize, the selection of a particular series or combination of series for estimating purposes depended in part on the adequacy and representativeness of the data in the few years before 1910 for which the data were reported, and in part on the continuity of estimated data over the entire period ctf underreporting. The balance sheets for private banks in these States were estimated from data available in selected "base" years. In general, the procedure was to calculate major asset and liability items for the average bank in each base year and then blow up these averages to reflect the revised totals of all private banks in the State. After estimates for these base years had been made, figures for other years were interpolated or extrapolated. The base years most commonly used were 1901, 1906, 1909, and 1914, but 1915, 15 For an explanation of capital accounts of private banks, see p. 26. United States Summary 1920-1922, 1924, 1925, 1928, and 1930 were also used. In most States it was not necessary to use all of them because data were available for part of the 1896-1933 period. The available data for selected balance-sheet items from the various sources (Comptroller of the Currency, bankers' directories, and, if possible, the State authorities) in the base years were tabulated and divided by the number of banks reporting in each source to get figures representing an "average" bank. The averages in these sources were compared to determine in what source or combination of sources the averages appeared to be most representative. The figures for average capital accounts computed from Bureau of Internal Revenue data for 1900-1902 were used to check this representativeness. Where it was found that capital accounts for the average bank reporting to the Comptroller of the Currency were about the same size as those shown in Bureau of Internal Revenue data, it was assumed that the sample of banks reporting to the Comptroller was representative of all private banks in the State. In such instances the Comptroller's balance-sheet figures for each base year were expanded on the basis of the ratio of the number of reporting banks to the estimated total number of private banks in the State in that year. For some States, data reported to public authorities were unsatisfactory and better results were obtained by using data from bankers' directories. After reasonably satisfactory estimates had been derived for principal balance-sheet items for base years, estimates for other years were made by one of three principal methods. The method selected depended on the amount and sources of reported data for private banks in the State in years other than base years. (1) Wherever the data for banks reporting to public; authorities were acceptable, and these data showed consistent trends over a period during which the proportion of reporting banks usually increased, aggregate balance-sheet data were estimated by multiplying average figures for reporting banks for each nonbase year by the revised total number of banks in that year. 25 (2) Where data reported to public authorities were not adequate, data from bankers' directories were used. If principal balance-sheet items were available in the directories, these were tabulated to derive the aggregate balance sheet for private banks. In many instances, however, particularly in the early years, the only item available in the bankers' directories was capital accounts, and it was necessary to estimate other items from this item. Average capital accounts for banks reporting in the directories were computed for each missing year, and this figure was multiplied by the revised number of private banks to obtain an estimate of total capital accounts. Other major items were estimated by applying to estimated total capital accounts, ratios of the major items to capital accounts that were interpolated from similar ratios for base years derived from data in bankers' directories or in reports to public authorities; data for years before the first base year were derived from extrapolated ratios, (3) Where neither public authorities nor bankers' directories provided adequate data for estimating data for years between base years, total assets and total liabilities were estimated by interpolating between data for base years or, in the case of years prior to the first base year, by extrapolating the dollar amounts of total assets and total liabilities from that year. The principal balance-sheet items were then obtained by applying to total assets or liabilities, ratios of principal items to the respective total that were interpolated between similar ratios derived from data for base years; data for years before the first base year were derived from extrapolated ratios. BREAKDOWNS OF MAJOR ITEMS In all of the 18 States the detailed breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits (e.g., the breakdown of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other") were estimated by applying to the principal items (e.g., total loans) the percentage distribution computed from data reported to public authorities in the same year or in a nearby year in which the sample of reporting banks was adequate. The breakdown of capital accounts of private banks, which have no capital stock, has been treated in two ways for the period 1896-1933 in the revised series. In those of the 18 States where the State laws or regulations permitted or required such banks to assign a certain portion of their total capital All-Bank Statistics 26 accounts or net worth to "capital" and such capital was reported separately after 1933, a breakdown of capital accounts into "Capital" and "Surplus and other capital accounts" was estimated for the earlier period. For the others, where no breakdown of capital accounts was shown after 1933 or for which it was necessary to estimate the balance-sheet data for the 1896-1933 period for a large segment of the banks included, no effort was made to supply a separate figure for capital; in these States all capital accounts are included in the tables for individual States under the heading "Surplus and other capital accounts." ALL STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1955 Several procedures for compiling data for all State commercial banks (including unincorporated banks) in the 1934-1946 period were considered, but in each case the procedures used for each State were designed to take advantage of the data for insured banks reporting to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Throughout this period, as mentioned earlier, figures published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation were adjusted, where necessary, to include or exclude financial institutions in accordance with the definition established in 1947.16 Beginning in 1947 the data in the revised series are those compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 1934.1946. Figures for the principal assets and liabilities of banks in each State were tabulated by two methods. The results of the two methods were compared and the method that appeared, in view of the character of the data, to provide the better results was chosen for each State. Ultimately, one of the two methods was used for the entire period for some States, whereas for other States one method was used for some years and the other method for the other years. In the first method, data for insured State commercial banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation were combined with data for individual noninsured commercial banks taken from statements for those banks published in reports of the State banking department or in bankers* directories or 10 See note 1, p. B. (in a few instances) from other sources. The data used for noninsured banks in this method were compiled by the Federal Reserve for 1934-1941; for 1942-1946 they represent summary balance-sheet data that had been compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. In the second method, State totals were derived from reports or abstracts published by the State banking department or prepared for the Federal Reserve Banks or published in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency, with appropriate adjustments for the noninsured bank group, as described later. The method or methods finally chosen depended in large part on the data available. A combination of data for insured and noninsured banks (the first method) was used in most States, including the following instances: (1) for States for which June 30 statements of individual noninsured banks were published in sufficient detail in the reports of the State banking department; (2) for States where aggregate data for June 30 were not available in State reports; and (3) for States where comparison of the results of the two methods of tabulating the principal assets and liabilities indicated substantial inconsistencies in the data pertaining to insured banks (member and nonmember) available in records of Federal and State banking agencies. In the last two instances data for the major balancesheet items for noninsured banks were taken from bankers' directories and data for minor categories were estimated by appropriate methods. United States Summary When the second method of tabulating the data was used, a tentative balance sheet for noninsured banks was derived by subtracting the insured bank data from totals for all State commercial banks reported by the State banking department to the Comptroller. Each item in this residual balance sheet for each State was inspected for reasonableness of the distribution of assets and liabilities in each year and for consistency from year to year. Many of the adjustments that were needed in the residual balance sheet stemmed from the fact that (1) State banking department summaries frequently showed less detail than corresponding summaries available for insured State commercial banks, and (2) the forms of condition reports prescribed and summarized by State banking departments covering all State commercial banks (insured and noninsured) differed from those prescribed and summarized by the Federal agencies for insured State commercial banks. To correct the inconsistencies, the residual balance-sheet data for noninsured banks (derived by the second method) were adjusted in the light of the following considerations: (1) Care was taken to have no double counting of assets and liabilities of banks whose insurance status changed during the year by reason of (a) admission of noninsured banks to Federal Reserve membership or to membership in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or (b) the withdrawal of banks from Federal Reserve membership or from Federal deposit insurance coverage. (2) Account was taken of the distribution of assets and liabilities of all State commercial banks as shown in summaries made by the State banking department directly from condition reports submitted to it by the banks. Copies of these summaries, which had been furnished to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for many years, were available as a basis for adjusting the summary figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency. These State banking department summaries conformed, of course, to the report forms prescribed by the department in the given year although they usually were condensed versions of these forms. On the other hand, the summary figures submitted by the State banking department to the Comptroller (used in deriving the tentative balance sheet for noninsured banks) were 27 reported on the standard form supplied by him, and they necessarily reflected to some extent arbitrary distributions of assets and liabilities reported by State commercial banks on the particular form used in each State. The lack of uniform reporting by Federal and State agencies, noted earlier, was not the sole reason for many of the adjustments made in the residual noninsured bank summaries. Either a State banking department or a Federal agency may adjust a condition report (submitted on a uniform schedule to both) for statistical purposes, usually on the basis of correspondence with the bank. Unless such adjustments are uniform, the statistics compiled from reports that initially were identical will differ. Resulting differences necessitated some adjustments in the residual balance sheet. The aggregate difference for a given item for the country as a whole would be very small, however, because the assets and liabilities of noninsured commercial banks are a small percentage of the totals for all State commercial banks. (3) Where it was necessary to redistribute the assets and liabilities of noninsured banks, estimates were sometimes based on changes over a period of years in distributions of these items at insured nonmember banks. Such changes were particularly useful where the State banking department's summary balance sheet for all State commercial banks did not adequately classify loans, securities other than United States Government obligations, cash assets, or deposits. This method of estimating was not used, however, without first determining that the noninsured commercial banks were of the same general type as the insured banks. If it were found, for example, that noninsured "banks" were in reality trust companies without deposits, it was not feasible to estimate their balance-sheet items from summary balance-sheet data for insured nonmember banks. If the insured nonmember and the noninsured groups were obviously of different types, the breakdown for noninsured banks was estimated on the basis of balance sheets of such banks for another call date in the same year. If, after these adjustments had been made, it seemed desirable to test further the adequacy of the residual balance sheet for this group of banks, a tabulation was made of the available balance-sheet figures for individual banks. These were obtained insofar as practicable from the annual reports of State banking departments, but where such official reports were not available bankers' directories were used. If the residual balance sheet then appeared to be inadequate, the data tabulated from individual bank balance sheets were used. 28 All-Bank Statistics 1947-1955. The figures shown for State commercial banks beginning with 1947 are those compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation from (1) summaries of condition reports of State member banks compiled, by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, (2) condition reports submitted to the Corporation by insured nonmember banks, and (3) similar reports for noninsured banks collected by the Corporation from State banking departments or the banks themselves, or estimates for this group based on data in bankers* directories. The figures for this period incorporate revisions that have been made by the Corporation from time to time in its published figures. The aggregates for the United States differ only slightly, however, from those originally published. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS The problems encountered in compiling balance-sheet data for mutual savings banks were similar to those described for State commercial banks. Mutual savings banks existed in only 18 States, however, and the amounts for most of their balance-sheet items were thus comparatively small in relation to the totals for all banks. In general the estimating techniques de- scribed in the preceding sections and the problems of selecting a particular technique in a given instance applied equally well to mutual savings banks. An exception was that trends shown by other classes of banks in the same State or in nearby States could not be used as a guide in estimating data for mutual savings banks because they conducted a different type of business. 17 Mutual saving-s banks operated during all or a part of the period covered by the revised series in Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Appendix A ALL BANKS—CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES PAGE TABLE A-l. ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF ALL BANKS, 1896-1955 r 30 TABLE A-la. ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF ALL COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1955 34 TABLE A-2. ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF NATIONAL BANKS, 1896-1955 38 TABLE A-3. ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1955 42 TABLE A-4. ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER OF MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, 1896-1955 , 46 30 Continental United States All Banks—Table A-l ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available .date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All. other Collateral 1896 1897 1696 1899 4*615 4.596 4.976 5.689 1*164 1*169 1 > 197 1*261 1*365 1.413 1*613 2*121 2*086 2*014 2*166 2*307 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 6*093 6*914 7*664 8*257 8,545 1*342 1*445 1*564 1*697 1*805 2.215 2»657 2*991 3*130 3*107 2.536 2*812 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9*540 10*442 11*319 10.763 11*548 1*991 2.228 2*393 2*430 2*548 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 12*766 13*228 14*124 14,821 15*502 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 15*976 18*263 20*902 22*863 25*132 Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 3*430 3*633 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 31.189 29.236 28,000 30,734 32*030 5*516 5*857 6*386 7.329 3.239 10*033 9*203 9*036 9*658 9*949 15*640 14*176 12*578 13*747 13.842 3*600 3.765 3*911 3*671 4*016 3*949 4*449 5*015 4*662 4*984 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 34*378 36*658 37*949 39*946 41.944 9,196 10*105 10.752 11.364 11.796 11*177 12*080 12*835 14*104 13*854 14*005 14.473 14.362 14.478 16*294 2*892 3*084 3.354 3*590 3*678 4.239 4*234 4.485 4*564 4*604 5.635 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 40*990 35.416 28,071 ' 22.337 21*309 11*780 11*626 10.857 9*954 9*141 13.695 10,999 7*388 5*455 5.342 15.515 12*791 9*826 6*928 6*826 3*875 4*108 4.504 4.578 4.709 5*168 6*149 6*957 7*460 9*329 6,933 8,006 1935 1936 1937 1938 20*240 20*640 22,435 21,033 8*691 8*487 8*610 8*689 4.740 4*752 4*902 3*806 6*809 7*401 8*923 8*538 3.109 . 5.910 6*285 6*667 7,220 9.441 10.825 11*094 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others 7*050 On farmland On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 577 6*413 1*921 3,703 1940 1941 19*2 1943 1944 22*311 25.273 25*063 22*2*8 25*435 7*863 9.707 10*192 8*340 9.018 475 606 578 1.1*4 2.233 778 736 647 697 2*329 593 597 570 510 506 6,694 7*033 7.156 6*932 6.727 1.940 1.969 1*891 1.713 1*564 3*968 t+ .625 tt»029 1*995 1*933 1945 1946 19*7 19*8 1949 27.996 31*506 38*365 45*100 47*078 9.293 11,890 16*498 20*071 19.291 3.123 2.422 1*523 1*189 1*984 3*631 2,678 1,309 1*104 926 522 660 810 910 937 6*673 7,569 9*769 11*883 13.255 1*545 1*897 2*332 2.797 3*005 2*181 3*157 5*011 6*538 7*310 .028 .233 *113 • 160 .054 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 52*001 63*841 69*7*2 77*117 81*225 19.885 26*799 28*994 31.127 31.311 1*872 1*622 2*113 1.719 2* 462 934 1*024 968 1*078 1*261 983 1*071 1*106 1*1*9 1*190 15*567 18*620 20*621 22*994 25*293 3*190 3*590 3*8*6 *»200 4*625 9*179 10*444 11*511 -14*220 1*>584 .228 .632 .615 • 746 »675 1955 91*353 33,304 2*859 1*618 1,319 29.3*4 5*288 16*497 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. 917 L.125 »**53 NOTE.—Figures for individual classes of banks may not add to totals for all banks because figures for each class were rounded to millions of dollars independently. Continental United States 31 Table A-7—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 1*689 1.802 1.970 2,254 506 514 533 574 584 621 673 718 599 667 764 962 1*421 1*703 1*914 2*382 136 154 152 340 568 655 717 749 717 894 *045 .293 323 331 356 354 8-»048 6*432 9,216 10,679 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2,544 2*891 3.098 3*341 3*595 611 603 579 588 600 736 785 823 875 916 1*197 1*503 1.696 1*878 2*079 2*395 2,866 2*855 2*828 3.202 277 522 378 347 292 774 848 878 881 1.031 .344 .496 .599 >600 .879 356 366 409 475 506 11*388 13*037 14*026 14*901 15*846 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3.974 4»080 4*284 4*456 4*746 600 620 636 722 747 959 973 1 1»001 1 1»017 1*131 2*415 2*487 2*647 2*717 2*868 3*455 3*635 3*848 4.043 4.499 446 520 468 432 566 1.016 1*052 1*141 1,373 1,472 1.991 2*063 2*219 2*236 2*461 542 583 663 684 696 17*511 16*740 20,114 19*946 21*489 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4*839 5*136 5*440 5*500 5*701 750 755 787 783 793 Iil73 I n 224 1*280 I n 340 1*407 2*916 3,157 3*373 3.377 3*501 4.543 4*842 4*925 4*653 5*125 758 520 496 491 590 1,441 1*574 1.575 1 » 564 1*636 2*344 2*748 2*854 2*798 2*899 774 820 883 929 1*021 22*922 24,026 25,372 26*103 27*349 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 5*982 6*833 7*925 9*609 12*024 778 753 1»349 3.243 5*425 1*477 1*636 1*727 1*708 1*695 3,727 4,442 4,849 4,658 4.904 5*300 6*385 7,250 6,837 8.286 435 778 771 872 1*740 1.477 1*486 1.489 888 965 3*388 4*121 4*990 5.077 5,581 1.105 1*216 1,463 1*788 2.161 28*363 32*697 37,540 41,097 47,603 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 11*043 11*169 12*328 13*474 13*843 4.420 4.201 4.818 5.715 5*381 1.594 1 1-723 U843 1 1>852 2.060 5*029 5.245 5.667 5.907 6.402 8*489 6*980 7*830 7.595 9.034 2*010 1.669 1*991 1.680 2.508 1*038 679 807 770 882 5*441 4*432 5*032 5*145 5*644 2.373 2*248 2,210 2,341 2*513 53,094 49*633 50.368 54,144 57*420 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 15*056 15*562 16*649 18*146 17.305 5.529 5.364 5*345 5.671 5.477 2.235 2.481 2i740 2i698 2*860 7.292 7.697 8,564 9.577 8,966 9.903 9*806 10.156 9*454 9.222 2*758 2*667 2*894 2*413 2,397 920 937 921 797 770 6*225 6.182 6.341 6.244 6*055 2,895 3,053 3.139 3*575 3 • 8 44 62.232 65.079 67*893 71,121 72,315 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 18*090 19,973 18*406 16*125 21*262 5.373 6.601 6.937 6*229 11*308 3.031 3.472 3i256 3.178 3.256 9.686 9,900 8,213 6.718 6,698 11,201 10,405 7*407 7*793 10,158 3,663 2*531 1*376 1*510 1*102 831 851 767 641 691 6.707 7,023 5,264 5,642 6,365 4.009 4*276 3*411 3,104 3*186 74,290 70,070 57*295 51,359 55*915 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 24*176 27*857 27.212 26.267 28*339 14*316 17,392 16.933 16*761 18,779 3*555 3.646 3i592 3.483 3,932 6.305 6,819 6,667 6,023 5*628 12,318 15*038 15*520 17*374 20.550 1*230 2*208 2*262 1*958 2*256 772 994 924 993 1,014 10,316 11*836 12,334 14,423 17,260 3.217 3*319 3.235 3*056 3.004 59*951 66*854 68*402 67*730 73,193 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 29*040 32*667 38.954 65*674 83*329 19*705 23*559 30*320 57*774 75,775 4.161 4i206 3.952 3*751 3.628 5.174 4*902 4*682 4.149 3*926 25.603 26,785 25.595 26.696 28*195 1.607 2,527 2*701 3*560 4*136 1*111 1,366 1,413 1,563 1,576 22*885 22*892 21*481 21*573 22.483 2.775 2.599 2.318 2*111 1*083 79*729 87.324 91*930 116.729 138.842 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 101*724 105*163 92*729 87*982 86*794 93,708 95,969 82*673 76.774 74*879 3i880 4*173 5*029 5*666 6.005 4*136 5.021 5.027 5.540 5.910 30*740 33*163 33*544 35,000 34.967 3*412 5*268 5*848 6,054 6*121 1,586 1*594 1*934 2*195 2*169 25.742 26.301 25.762 26,751 26,677 .709 • 697 .698 .970 .971 162.169 171.529 166.336 170,052 170,810 1950 1951 1952 1953 19S4 90*962 83*901 67.786 85*965 92.115 77*322 68*726 70.784 66,109 72t524 7*477 8 * 595 10*078 10*911 12*463 6.163 6*560 6.924 6*945 7.128 34.101 36.236 41*668 42,024 42*555 6,843 7.439 8,655 8*854 8*911 1*919 1*972 2*497 2.699 2*777 25*339 26*825 30*516 30,471 30*667 2*101 2*360 2,599 2*654 3*001 179,165 186,338 201,795 207,760 218,696 1955 92.897 71,946 13.440 7*511 42*013 9,799 2*800 29*414 3,363 229,626 32 Continental United States All Banks—Table A-l ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Year Total Inter**"* Other demand Government Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 5,859 6,270 7,044 8,472 571 15 726 872 1.126 16 53 76 2,844 2,999 3*431 4*295 2.429 2.529 2*688 2*975 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 8,922 10,374 11,103 11,612 12,341 1.261 1.437 1.498 1.479 1.756 99 99 124 147 110 4.346 5,279 5*541 5.772 6*058 3*216 3.559 3.940 4*214 4*417 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 13*772 14.703 15.759 15*440 16.883 1,909 1.908 2,094 2.213 2.492 75 90 160 130 70 6.899 7.404 7.710 7.382 8*119 4*889 5*301 5*775 5*715 6*202 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 17,950 18,860 20.013 20.523 21.665 2.304 2,633 2.636 2*585 2*720 54 48 58 49 66 8*567 8*629 9*220 9*252 10*309 7*025 7.550 8.099 8*637 8*570 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 22.504 26,738 30.855 33.061 37.982 2*811 3.511 4*014 3*718 3*949 48 39 146 1*542 914 10*706 12.921 15*088 15*751 19.285 8*939 10*267 11,607 12*050 13.834 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 41.838 38*934 41,227 44*376 47.961 3*728 2*904 3*353 3.417 4.246 261 405 158 305 185 21*579 18*934 20*112 20*835 22.076 16.270 16*691 17*604 19i819 21.454 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 52.301 54.416 56,700 58,138 58*269 4^330 4V289 4.528 4.283 3*975 IS2 235* 232 274 375 24.332 25..010 25*265 24*864 25.169 23*457 24,882 26*675 28*717 28.750 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 60.365 57.187 45.569 41.684 46*480 5*129 5*150 3.323 3.467 4.582 298 447 433 858 1,735 25*658 22.573 17,114 16.022 17*798 29*280 29.017 24.699 21,337 22*365 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 51*270 58*066 59*485 59*000 64.303 5,644 6,903 6*337 6*838 8*220 820 1*144 669 596 766 21.733 26*100 27.582 26*398 29.694 23*073 23,921 24*897 25*168 25.601 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 70*854 78,212 82.765 107.297 126.684 10*168 10.929 10*278 10,888 11.201 824 748 1*837 8.027 19*512 33.649 39*919 44*614 59.667 64.262 26*213 26*616 26*036 28*715 33.709 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 151.128 159.293 153,375 156.373 156*488 12.587 12.309 11.682 11.436 10.938 24.385 13.415 1*367 2*180 2*304 72*535 84.838 66.044 68*769 88*015 41.621 46.731 52*282 53*988 55*231 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 163*769 171*879 184.147 189,176 199,505 11*436 11.947 13*513 13.601 15*500 3*801 6*332 6*121 3*942 5*895 91*900 96*417 103*426 105*769 107*042 56*652 57.183 61*087 65*864 71*068 113*032 75*151 1955 Continental United States 33 Table A-l—Att Banks [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Year National bank notes Borrc wings Other liabilities Capital Amounts in millions of dollars] Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1»96 1899 43 34 26 25 199 197 190 , 199 54 54 78 76 1*135 1*103 1*091 1*079 758 774 787 828 8*048 8*432 9.218 10.679 12.112 12*079 12*163 12*459 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 40 43 49 56 62 265 319 309 359 399 86 101 92 114 111 1*138 1*191 1*328 1*440 1*529 937 .009 >145 »320 »406 11*388 13*037 14*026 14*901 15*848 13*053 14,054 15*112 16*433 17*659 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 63 86 115 111 97 445 510 548 613 636 165 156 200 155 123 1*573 1*673 1*769 1*828 1*882 »493 *612 .723 *799 1*868 17.511 18*740 20.114 19*946 21*489 18*767 20*407 21*966 23*161 23*734 1910 19U 1912 1913 1914 162 141 155 193 238 675 631 708 722 722 151 211 227 222 221 1*989 2*027 2*069 2*155 2*183 1*995 2.106 2.200 2*286 2*320 22*922 24*026 25.372 26*103 27*349 25*151 25,815 26,472 27,285 27*864 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 231 173 442 It314 2*210 722 676 660 6»1 677 263 392 595 928 1*325 2*217 2*257 2*354 2*427 2*504 2*426 2*461 2*634 2*686 2*905 28*363 32*697 37*540 41,097 47*603 28*017 28*362 26*919 29*460 29*767 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 3*205 2*636 1*016 1*281 766 64)6 704 725 720 729 1*344 974 801 949 891 2.777 2*946 2*984 3*080 3.125 3.242 3*439 3*615 3*738 3*948 53*094 49*633 50*368 54*144 57*420 30*909 31*076 30*736 30*444 29*601 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 850 930 851 1*594 1*710 648 6!>1 650 649 649 1*049 1*241 1*391 1*786 1*937 3.212 3.338 3.440 3*610 3*683 4*172 4.503 4*861 5*344 5*867 62*232 65*079 67*893 71.121 72*315 29,052 28*350 27*255 26*401 25*568 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 762 485 1*282 539 169 649 636 649 727 695 2*142 1*890 1*270 1*021 706 3.997 3*749 3.356 2.943 3.510 6.375 6*123 5*1*7 4*445 4.355 74*290 70*070 57*295 51*359 55*915 24,273 22*242 19*317 14*771 15*913 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 66 54 49 37 24 222 578 716 745 586 630 3.540 3.391 3*223 3*163 3.119 4,275 4*625 4*900 4*924 5.117 59.951 66*854 68*402 67*730 73.193 16*047 15*884 15*646 15,419 15,210 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 19 15 16 29 87 604 656 649 638 730 3*047 3*011 2*966 2*966 3*016 5*205 5*430 5*514 5*799 6.315 79.729 67.324 91*930 116*729 136*842 15,076 14*975 14*691 14*734 14*674 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 70 68 63 66 31 845 1*044 1*179 1*374 1*445 3*102 3*195 3*292 3.349 3.479 7*024 7.909 8*427 8.890 9*367 162*169 171,529 166*336 170*052 170*810 14*660 14*685 14,715 14,721 14*681 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 49 76 94 114 1*750 2*148 2*516 2*679 2*672 3*583 3.726 3.927 4*059 4.229 9,994 10,509 11*111 11.732 12*435 179*165 186*338 201*795 207*760 218.896 14*676 14*636 14*596 14*533 14*464 1955 55 4*547 14*308 34 Continental United States All Commercial Banks—Table A-la ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans Year Total Real estate Loans All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1896 1899 3.741 3.701 4*060 4.718 436 417 420 446 1.281 1*336 1*535 2.024 2*024 1*946 2.105 2*248 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 5*065 5*835 6*521 7.052 7.299 484 545 617 698 756 2.106 2.543 2.860 2*988 2,974 2,475 2,747 3,044 3 , 366 3*569 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 28.562 26.386 25.040 27.397 28.278 3,225 3,354 3.671 4.243 4.710 9,824 9*005 8*872 9,490 9.803 15*513 14,027 12,497 13.664 13.765 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 8*220 9*013 9.610 9.243 10.015 870 1,026 1*111 1.104 1*199 3*468 3*611 3*758 3*541 3*891 3.882 4*376 4*941 4.598 4,925 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 30.222 32.084 32*932 34*468 36,114 5*273 5.781 5.992 6,193 6,313 11.014 11*895 12.641 13.876 13,572 13,935 14,408 14,299 14,419 16.229 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 11.072 11.455 12.239 12*820 13*416 1.392 1.513 1*677 1.809 1*812 4*105 4,101 4,347 4.415 4*463 5,575 5,841 6*215 6.596 7*141 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 35*043 29*307 22,001 16,457 15,719 6*146 5.757 4,955 4*202 3.661 13*434 10.807 7,260 5,358 5,259 15,463 12.743 9*786 6,897 6,799 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 13*834 16*067 18.581 20.571 22.814 1.960 2*122 2.395 2*484 2.609 5*024 6.001 6.612 7*329 9*188 6,850 7.944 9.374 10*758 11*017 1935 1936 1937 1936 14.950 15.600 17*471 16*126 3.494 3.530 3,727 3,863 4.670 4,695 4,651 3,759 6*786 7,375 8,893 8,506 Loans' Commercial, Year Total and agricultural 16*411 7.029 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 17*393 20.324 20.249 17.673 21*029 7.833 9 . 672 10*163 8.320 6*997 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 23.697 27.159 33.679 39*866 41.028 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farm land others residential property to All other individuals Other 770 1*144 2,232 764 724 636 690 2,323 563 569 542 485 482 2*790 3.113 3*331 3.267 3*209 1*039 1,060 1*002 661 756 9*269 11,664 16.469 20*036 19.253 3*123 2*422 1.523 1*188 1.984 3,626 2,675 1.307 1.102 924 496 636 784 877 698 3.251 4.112 5.994 7.533 6*146 44*798 54*821 59*233 65.025 67*335 19*643 26*773 26.964 31,093 31*263 1.872 1.622 2*113 1.719 2.462 932 1,074 1,256 939 1*026 1*058 1*096 1*135 75*181 33.263 2.859 1*613 1*260 475 606 578 1.022 965 . l Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Other On 1.974 1.911 3,929 4,580 3*995 912 1*119 1.097 1.532 1,823 1,979 2.157 3,128 4,976 6,485 7,250 1*021 1,225 1*094 1*152 1*048 9.420 10.786 11.476 12*420 13.112 2*052 2.332 2.485 2*712 2.979 9,110 10,353 11.417 14.111 14,461 1*221 1*622 1,608 1*737 1*657 15.006 3.513 16*364 2*428 752 NOTE.—Figures for individual classes of banks may not add to totals for all commercial banks because figures for each class were rounded to millions of dollars independently. Continental United States 35 Table A-la—A\l Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankersbalances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1896 1899 886 1*002 1*207 die 348 358 386 435 102 113 128 157 366 415 486 615 1*330 1*604 1*800 2.264 136 153 151 339 550 638 701 732 644 813 948 1*193 278 284 308 300 6*167 6*475 7.170 8.489 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 It410 1*676 1*821 2*016 2*226 506 525 517 542 562 169 190 199 223 259 735 961 1*105 1*251 1*405 2*274 2*740 2.731 2*706 3*066 276 521 377 345 291 756 831 862 865 1*014 1*242 1*388 1.492 1.496 1.761 310 321 354 416 444 9*059 10*572 11.427 12.190 13*035 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 2*523 2*563 2*744 2*912 3*1S3 571 596 616 706 733 286 279 316 335 412 1*666 1*686 1*812 1.871 2*008 3.321 3.502 3*706 3*885 4.340 445 519 487 431 565 1.001 1*036 1*120 1.351 1*453 1.875 1*947 2*099 2.103 2*322 478 523 602 624 637 14*542 15*601 16*862 16.664 18*145 1910 19L1 1912 1913 1914 3.156 3*431 3*676 3*697 3*861 737 742 774 770 782 408 466 530 536 565 2*011 2*223 2*372 2*391 2*514 4.387 4*672 4*758 4.681 4*930 757 519 495 490 587 1*421 1*559 1*559 1*548 1.615 2.209 2.594 2,704 2.643 2.728 709 762 822 858 948 19.324 20*320 21*495 22*056 23*155 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 4*156 4*870 5*837 7*478 9*521 767 740 1*300 3*043 4*864 663 786 863 924 947 2*726 3.344 3*674 3*511 3*710 5*092 6.148 7*010 6.613 8*061 434 775 768 869 1.452 1.463 1.464 1.737 3.206 3*910 4*778 4.879 5.383 1*024 1*132 1*374 1*690 2*066 24.106 26.217 32*802 36.352 42.462 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 8*398 8*360 9*359 10*325 10*679 3*638 3*262 3.846 4*604 4*260 944 1*043 1*146 1.182 1.382 3.816 4*055 4.367 4*539 5*037 8.264 6.771 7.602 7*377 8*787 2*007 1.665 1*988 1*677 2*504 85.6 776 743 855 5.245 4*250 4*838 4.957 5*428 2*285 2*152 2*105 2*233 2*392 47*509 43*669 44*106 47*332 50*136 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 11*755 12*224 13*165 14*466 13*683 4*454 4*414 4*494 4*933 4*872 1*527 1.723 1*912 1*999 1*955 5*774 6*087 6.759 7*534 6*856 9*663 9*568 9.901 9.215 9*004 2*755 2*683 2*890 2.409 2*394 892 911 893 768 740 6.016 5*974 6.118 6.038 5*870 2*761 2.905 2.975 3*394 3*641 54*401 56*781 58*973 61*563 62*442 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 14*392 15*686 14*277 14*078 17*072 4*874 6.011 6*250 7*496 10*324 2*111 2*434 2*299 2*267 2*360 7*407 7*241 5*728 4.315 4.388 10*910 10*017 6*970 7.368 9*648 3*659 2*526 1*372 1*506 1.097 799 816 715 582 642 6*452 6*675 4.883 5*280 7.909 3.780 4*007 3*056 2*608 2.539 64*125 59*017 46*304 40*511 44*978 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 19*735 23*077 22*138 21*109 23*004 12*778 15*344 14*583 14*081 15*740 2*689 2*873 2»799 2i»779 3«>286 4*268 4*860 4*756 4*249 3*978 11.799 14.497 14.993 16.798 19.852 1.226 2*204 2*257 1*953 2.249 729 945 875 936 950 9.844 11*348 11*861 13*909 16*653 2*421 2*398 2*305 2*150 2*155 48*905 55*572 56*907 56*185 61*422 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 23*793 27*319 33*431 59*020 74*784 16.597 20*139 26*439 52*495 68*480 3i»610 31.670 3d 564 3r517 3*472 3*586 3*510 3*428 3»008 2*832 24.626 25.819 24.844 25*976 27.662 1*598 2.517 2*691 3*550 4*126 »037 .290 .334 • 485 .503 21*991 22*012 20*819 20*941 22*033 1*992 1*894 1.752 1*653 1*556 67*804 75*356 80.276 104*322 125*031 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 90*917 92*417 79*076 73*990 72*750 84*136 84*549 70*533 64*798 63*221 3 (.778 4 1>082 4i>965 5»588 5,929 3*003 3*786 3*578 3*604 3*600 30*157 32*418 32.705 34*168 34*167 3*402 5.253 5.831 6*038 6*102 1*509 1*510 1.851 2*103 2*072 25*246 25*655 25*023 26*027 25*993 1.474 1*513 1*514 1.775 1*760 146*245 153.507 146.974 149.799 149*705 1950 1951 1962 1963 195*4 76.973 71*224 75*204 72*932 79*046 65*753 58*521 61*178 58*645 63*508 7t392 8t514 9 1 844 10*533 11*930 3*828 4.1*9 4*182 3*754 3*608 33*270 37*385 40*703 41*157 41*568 6.813 7*409 8*619 8*826 8*880 1*829 1.873 2*396 2*590 2*659 24*628 28*103 29*688 29*741 30*029 1*873 2*073 2*277 2*313 2*632 156*914 165*503 177*417 181*427 190*581 1955 60.080 63*270 12*785 4*025 41.024 9.762 2*681 28*581 2*959 199*244 865 941 1.012 36 Continental United States All Commercial Banks—Table A-la ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AM) NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Year Total Inter bank U S * ' Government Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1896 1699 4*142 4*486 5,175 6*472 571 726 872 1*126 15 16 53 76 2*844 2.999 3*431 4*295 712 745 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 6.792 8,114 8.713 9.107 9.739 1*261 1*437 1*498 1*479 1*756 99 99 124 147 110 4.345 5*279 5*541 5.771 6*057 1*087 1*299 1*550 1*710 1*816 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 11*028 11*791 12*727 12*425 13*789 1,909 1,906 2,094 2,213 2*492 75 89 180 130 70 6*698 7,403 7,708 7,381 8*115 2*146 2*391 2*745 2*701 3*112 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 14*644 15,452 16,455 16,808 17,606 2,304 2*633 2,636 2*585 2*720 54 46 58 49 66 8*566 6*625 9*217 9*249 10*306 3*720 4.146 4*544 4*925 4*714 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 18*612 22*613 26*501 26.708 33,254 2*811 3*510 4*015 3*718 3,946 46 39 146 1*541 , 914 10*703 12.917 15*085 15,747 19*282 5*050 6*147 7.255 7*702 9*110 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 36,682 33*432 35,532 38*175 41*343 3,729 2*904 3.353 3,417 4,247 261 405 158 305 185 21,571 16*926 20,106 20*829 22*069 11*121 11*197 11*915 13*624 14*842 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 45,230 46,952 48,704 49*582 49*385 4,330 4,289 4,527 4,282 3.975 162 235 232 274 375 24*325 24*993 25.257 24*657 25*160 16*393 17.435 18*688 20*169 19.875 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 51,267 47,277 35*658 3**£T8 3*T810 5,129 5*150 3,323 3*467 4*581 298 447 433 858 1*735 25*646 22.569 17*111 16*019 17*796 20*192 19*111 14*791 11*734 12*698 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 41,462 48*116 49.345 48,814 53.894 5*644 6,903 6,336 6,838 6.220 820 1*144 669 596 786 21*731 26*096 27.578 26*367 29*691 13*267 13.975 14*762 14*993 15*195 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 60,246 67,588 72,394 96.175 116*235 10,166 10,929 ]10,278 10*888 11*201 824 748 1*837 8,026 19*511 33*646 39*915 44,611 59*661 64*254 15*608 15*996 15*668 17*600 21.269 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 136,727 143*042 135,933 138,162 137,536 12*586 12*309 J11,681 11*435 10,938 24*384 13*413 1*365 2*176 2*302 72,526 84*624 88*030 88*754 87*999 27*231 32*496 34*857 35*795 36*299 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 143*845 151,475 162*365 165*548 174,065 11*435 11,946 13.512 13*598 15.497 3*799 6*329 6.118 3*940 5*892 91*682 96*399 103*402 105*735 106*995 36*729 36*801 39*333 42.275 45*681 15*242 5*414 112,981 1955 819 975 Continental United States 37 Table A-la—A\\ Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Year Nat onjil ba no£ Borrowings 1896 1897 1896 1899 43 34 28 25 n.. Habeas <**" Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 199 197 190 199 53 53 76 73 1*135 1*103 1*091 1*080 595 602 610 640 6*167 6*475 7.170 8*489 11*474 11,438 11*530 11*835 40 44 49 56 62 265 319 309 359 399 84 99 90 113 106 1*138 1*191 1*326 1*440 1*529 740 805 938 • 115 .198 9*059 10.572 11.427 12*190 13*035 12*427 13*424 14,488 15*814 17.037 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 63 86 115 110 97 445 511 547 613 636 162 153 199 152 122 1*573 1,673 1*770 1*828 1*882 • 271 ,387 *504 .536 • 619 14*542 15.601 16.862 16*664 18.145 18,152 19*786 21*361 22.531 23,098 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 162 141 154 193 238 675 681 709 722 722 149 203 222 217 220 1*989 2*027 2*069 2*155 2*183 1.705 1*816 1*886 1*961 1*986 19*324 20*320 21*495 22*056 23.155 24,514 25*183 25*844 26.664 27,236 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 230 173 441 1»313 2*208 722 676 660 681 677 256 388 568 908 1*309 2*216 2*257 2*354 2.427 2*504 2,070 2*110 2*258 2*315 2*510 24.106 28,217 32.802 36,352 42.462 27,390 27,739 28*296 28.856 29.147 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 3*204 2*635 1*015 1*281 766 688 703 725 719 729 1*336 963 790 937 878 2*777 2*946 2*984 3*080 3.125 2*822 2*990 3*060 3.140 3.295 47.509 43*669 44*106 47.332 50.136 30,291 30,456 30,120 29,829 28*986 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 850 930 851 1*593 1*708 648 651 650 649 649 1*037 1*227 1*376 1,771 1*920 3*212 3*338 3*440 3*610 3.884 3*424 3*683 3,952. 4,358 4,896 54*401 56.781 58*973 61.563 62.442 28*442 27*742 26*650 25*798 24,970 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 761 481 1*266 523 163 649 636 649 727 695 2*130 1.877 1*247 993 685 3*997 3,748 3.358 2*943 3*510 5,321 4*996 4*126 3,247 3,115 64.125 59.017 46*304 40*511 44*978 23*679 21*654 18.734 14.207 15*346 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 61 51 46 34 23 222 559 700 730 567 609 3*540 3*391 3.224 3*183 3*119 3*061 3*312 3.562 3,567 3,777 48*905 55*572 56*907 56*185 61*422 15*488 15*329 15.094 14.867 14*667 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 19 15 16 29 87 579 622 612 597 698 3*047 3*011 2*986 2*966 3*018 3,913 4,120 4.268 4,555 4,993 67*804 75,356 . 80*276 104*322 125.031 14*534 14*434 14.353 14.197 14.138 1945 1946 1947 1948 194? 69 86 63 65 30 797 987 1*101 1*286 1*356 3*102 3*195 3*292 3*349 3*479 5,550 6,197 6,565 6*935 7,302 146.245 153»-507 146.974 149*799 149.705 14*126 14.152 14*182 14.189 14.151 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 50 75 94 113 55 1*630 2*003 2.359 2.490 2*423 3.563 3*726 3*926 4*059 4*229 7,806 8,224 8,673 9,217 9,809 156*914 165*503 177*417 181.427 190*581 14*146 14.107 14,069 14*005 13.936 1955 150 2*676 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 * // 10*359 38 Continental United States National Banks—Table A-2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total *tl All other ^atera, Year Total Real estate Collateral 1896 1897 1898 1699 1.972 1*976 2.164 2.508 18 18 20 24 637 681 779 1*048 1.317 1.279 .365 »436 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*644 2*960 3*246 3*441 3*625 26 31 35 37 38 1.049 1.193 1.291 1.307 1.416 • 569 »756 .920 2.097 2.171 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 13*499 11*976 11*191 11*778 11*955 230 280 371 463 535 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3*928 4.236 4*66 1 4*639 4*966 41 47 52 52 57 1.522 1.567 1.640 1.808 1.939 2.365 2.622 2.970 2.779 2.990 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 12.592 13*322 13*649 14*921 14*605 636 725 1*062 1*285 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 5*454 5*632 5.972 6.160 6*443 65 65 75 77 114 1.985 2*004 2.134 2.167 2.294 3»404 3*563 3.763 3.916 4.035 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 14.874 13.162 10*265 6.102 7*681 1.468 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 6.663 7.767 8.936 10.077 10*903 151 161 185 185 184 2.632 3.072 3.398 3.837 4*768 3.880 4*534 5.353 6*055 5.951 1935 1936 1937 1938 7.353 7.749 8.797 8*316 All other * . 4,899 4.361 8*370 7.335 4.289 4*368 4*454 6.531 5.022 5»492 5*824 6*587 5*476 6,934 7,791 6,931 1*326 5*615 4*651 3.369 2.865 2.624 1.293 1.367 1,503 1.621 2*265 2.275 2*335 1*898 3.795 1*412 1*580 1.612 1.322 6.947 6.966 7,105 6,963 7*049 7,917 5,284 3,915 3*731 4.107 4.959 4*797 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farmland To others On residential property Other loans to individuals Other All other 4.086 290 4*516 5.672 6*022 4,875 5.347 169 238 187 368 900 390 356 307 313 1*322 234 234 220 188 184 1.274 1*448 1*557 1*561 1.519 485 490 460 360 329 698 838 2*086 2.459 2»127 590 774 12.369 14.469 1 8 . 764 22.243 22.505 5.440 6.814 9.791 11.925 11*345 1*330 1.166 769 523 694 1*872 1*394 671 558 443 183 238 307 342 348 1*562 1*984 3*139 3*988 4.320 332 518 769 920 1*009 940 1*472 2*666 3.531 3*981 710 881 652 655 626 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 24.591 30*479 33*054 36,420 37.671 11*647 15*819 17,111 18.290 18.476 704 621 917 745 1*055 441 496 495 563 ' 612 356 390 401 414 428 4.953 5.645 6.114 6.639 7.134 1.0Z6 1*189 1*270 1,390 1.547 5*053 5,759 6,335 7,916 8*083 748 969 905 1,001 910 1955 39.422 17*979 890 679 483 8*051 1*832 8*916 1,182 1940 1941 1942 1943 19*4 9.156 10*897 10.860 9.173 11*213 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., Jbefore deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Continental United States 39 Table A-2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection 1896 1897 1698 1899 464 484 555 652 274 279 304 346 22 24 29 36 168 181 222 270 801 982 1*129 1*428 89 101 112 229 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 775 885 945 1*025 I f 091 418 450 460 486 514 41 51 57 63 67 316 384 428 476 510 1,400 1,681 1.665 1.633 1,740 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Ii204 It240 1*361 1*518 1.594 527 562 587 679 705 76 78 93 105 157 601 600 681 734 732 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1.575 1.724 1.822 1.845 1.870 712 717 745 752 764 149 164 179 175 176 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*025 2*319 2.961 3*836 4.809 749 703 1*043 2*025 2*941 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 4.048 3.919 4.514 5.027 5.103 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 5*7.pjT.837 6.388 7.141 6.651 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 6 » 8 75_ Tib' 6?" 7,183 7 fi 31 58^ Trmi 10^69Jt fr¥t£9 12.097 11*618 12*528 12.882 Yzr^fsr 18*584 33.632 42*130 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 8 JS4J& — *5T?809 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 44,132-, 44.218 41.395 41.012 4trm5 42.962 41,429 44.808 Currency and coin 0 Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 363 435 493 512 349 446 524 687 117 119 130 121 3,354 3*563 3,978 4*709 180 326 269 250 172 529 567 597 581 689 691 788 819 802 879 125 128 131 186 197 4*944 5.674 6*007 6*265 6.653 1*982 2,071 2,157 2,264 2.496 296 345 306 271 338 679 681 721 869 926 1.007 1.045 1.130 1.104 1.232 211 234 292 289 289 7,325 7.781 8,472 8,710 9,365 714 643 896 918 930 2.549 2.691 2,714 2,659 2*770 483 317 295 295 358 865 996 996 968 1*022 1*201 1.376 1*423 1*396 1*390 314 331 349 368 394 9*892 10,378 10*857 11*032 11*477 245 278 315 320 322 1,031 1*338 1*603 1.491 1,546 2*695 3*352 3.739 3,570 4*395 250 522 530 596 1,183 857 618 752 382 424 1*588 2.012 2.457 2*590 2.786 407 482 595 779 996 11*790 13*920 16*231 16*262 21*105 2.137 1.917 2,240 2.655 2.446 338 393 414 401 505 1»573 1,609 1*660 1*971 2,152 4.493 3.535 3.969 3,660 4*455 1*406 1*106 1*251 1,023 1,468 449 373 325 290 345 2.636 2.056 2.393 2.347 2*642 1*227 1*045 959 989 1*012 23*267 20*475 20,633 21,454 22,525 2.512 2.466 2.593 2*886 2*801 594 647 743 839 636 2,595 2,724 3*052 3,414 3*012 4,789 4.768 4.978 4.736 4.279 1,605 1,568 1,635 1,412 1,228 359 359 363 314 297 2,825 2*861 2,960 3,012 2,754 1*170 1.255 1.240 1.465 1.525 24,252 25,202 26,455 28,265 27,260 2.746 3,251 3,3^7 4,026 5,847 893 1.107 1,114 1,158 1,225 3,234 3.304 2*722 2,174 2.259 5.408 4.988 3,430 4*110 5,688 1,808 1,262 692 764 633 340 367 336 286 350 3*260 3*359 2.452 3*060 4.705 1.671 1.616 1,390 1,243 1,154 28,628 27,430 22,318 20*613 23,854 7,164 6*435 6*206 7.973 8,753 1.396 1»535 1,462 1,424 1,691 2*138 2,489 2.429 2*221 2,064 6*857 6,368 8,365 9,438 11*061 689 1.236 1,284 1,107 1.257 402 528 441 525 527 5.766 6.604 6.640 7.806 9*277 1*101 1.067 1.013 945 977 26*009 29,643 30*272 30.317 33*119 9,094 11,111 14,878 30,102 38*640 1*926 2,016 1,956 2*022 2*029 1*862 1.795 1*750 1.508 -1*461 13*857 14,496 14*274 15,154 15*998 960 1*512 1*671 2*258 2*509 575 703 715 793 803 12.302 12*281 11*888 12*103 12.686 921 913 846 824 802 36.816 41.228 44*584 58*783 70*143' 47,051 47,271 39,271 36,092 35,487 2,196 2.451 2*898 3.204 3.406 1,561 2.037 2*049 2*099 2,119 17,544 18,607 19,341 20,415 20,324 2*184 3,004 3*558 3,829 3.692 601 788 966 1.105 1*077 14.559 14.615 14*817 15*481 15.555 770 813 826 .028 .012 81.491 85.696 83,149 65*061 64*653 37,548 32.965 34.604 32.956 35,757 4,286 4,959 5,800 6,209 6.941 2,296 2.611 2.578 2.262 2,110 19,914 22,196 23,927 24,279 24,635 4,334 4*616 5*271 5.547 5*489 946 968 1.239 1*336 1.369 14*634 16.614 17,417 17,396 17,777 .054 ,182 .290 *290 1*493 89*691 94*394 101,253 103,418 108*607 7.011 16*121 107.736 40 Continental United States National Banks— Table A-2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits \/ Year Total Interbank Government Other Other time 1696 1897 1898 1899 2*141 2.386 2.799 3.599 454 597 720 933 16 16 53 76 1*603 1*700 1.943 2*443 68 73 83 87 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3.621 4.249 4.4 67 4.561 4.834 1.063 1.207 1*243 1.212 1*412 99 99 124 147 110 2,361 2*811 2*945 3.026 3,113 98 132 155 176 199 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 5.406 5.691 6.188 6*328 6.932 1.547 1.545 1*686 1*823 2.037 75 90 180 130 70 3.538 3*766 3*890 3.850 4,082 246 290 432 525 743 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 7.254 7.673 8*061 8,140 8*560 1»900 2.147 2*178 2,120 2*186 54 48 58 49 66 4,266 4,394 4,611 4*603 5.107 1*014 1*084 1*214 1*368 1*201 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 8.817 10.872 12.767 14.015 15.935 2*208 2.713 3*025 2,796 2,974 46 39 133 1*036 565 5*235 6*391 7*430 7*840 9*612 1*326 1*729 2*179 2*343 2*784 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 17.159 15*142 16*323 16*899 18*349 2,824 2,132 2,482 2*384 2.794 174 247 102 191 121 10,676 9*068 9*628 9*570 10,175 3*485 3*695 4*111 4*754 5*259 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 19*912 20*644 21.778 22.645 21*586 2.855 2.864 2.620 2.701 2*219 106 143 138 184 226 11*028 11*325 11,507 11*466 10*908 5*923 6*312 7.313 8*294 8*233 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 23,235 22,164 17,428 16,742 19,896 2*850 2*862 1*814 2*000 2*767 170 234 212 448 887 11*682 10*653 8*196 6*141 9,469 8*533 8*415 7*206 6*153 6.773 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 22,477 26,153 26,716 26*763 29.416 3,410 4*167 3,790 4*210 4.881 435 690 377 392 500 11*517 13.786 14*785 14,210 15*999 7*115 7*510 7*764 7*951 8*036 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 33,014 37*273 40*533 54.5 90 65.585 6*083 6*589 6,497 7*156 7,402 537 516 1*146 4*542 10*746 18*189 21*812 24.737 33*715 36*214 6*205 6*356 8*153 9*177 11*223 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 76,534 80,212 77,146 78,753 78.219 8,251 7,616 7*432 7*305 6.945 13*138 7,646 843 1*327 1*417 40*636 47*356 49*932 50*680 50*130 14*507 17*392 18*939 19*441 19*727 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 82.430 86.589 92,7 19 94,475 99*358 7,362 7*625 8,584 8,594 9.750 2*363 3*670 3*629 2*434 3.576 52*746 55*014 58,862 60*166 60,826 19*957 20*060 21*644 23*261 25»206 1955 96*631 3*099 60.917 Continental United States 41 Table 4-2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Year Nat onal ba k no».es Borrowings fWmr IU& Surplus and other capital accounts ^^ Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 28 15 15 8 199 196 190 199 3 4 19 16 651 632 622 605 332 330 333 342 3.354 3.563 3*978 4*709 3*689 3*610 3*581 3*582 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 17 18 23 29 30 265 319 309 359 399 27 26 24 51 41 622 645 702 743 767 392 417 482 542 582 4*944 5.674 6*007 6.285 6*653 3.731 4*163 4*532 4*935 5*330 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 27 37 39 42 28 445 511 547 613 636 41 52 95 60 41 791 825 883 918 933 615 665 720 749 795 7.325 7.781 8.472 8.710 9.365 5*664 6.047 6.422 6*817 6*886 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 70 46 59 73 91 675 681 708 722 722 43 46 46 52 55 989 1*019 1*033 1*056 1*058 861 913 950 989 991 9*892 10*376 10*857 11*032 11*477 7*138 7*270 7*366 7*467 7*518 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 98 69 320 799 1.363 722 675 660 601 677 48 202 287 518 768 1*068 1*065 1*082 1*098 1.118 1*037 1,037 1*115 1.151 1*244 11*790 13*920 16*231 18*262 21.105 7*597 7.571 7.599 7.699 7.779 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2t071 1*437 444 676 310 688 704 725 719 729 728 397 294 286 222 1*224 1*273 1*306 1*328 1*333 1.397 1.522 1.541 1*546 1.582 23*267 20*475 20*633 21*454 22*525 8*024 6*150 8.244 8.236 8*080 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 395 425 372 808 764 648 6!>1 630 649 649 328 394 418 594 589 1*369 1.412 1*473 1.593 1*626 1*600 1*676 1*764 1*976 2*046 24.252 25*202 26*455 28*265 27*260 8.066 7*972 7,790 7*685 7.530 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 237 164 546 127 20 649 636 649 727 695 738 717 421 367 248 1*740 1,684 1*566 1,512 1,734 2*229 2*065 1,708 1.336 1.261 28*828 27*430 22*316 20*813 23*854 7*247 6,800 6*145 4*697 5.417 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 9 3 9 10 3 222 221 327 342 278 318 1*806 1,688 1,578 1*569 1*559 1.274 1.472 1*627 1*697 1*823 26*009 29*643 30*272 30*317 33.119 5*425 5,368 5.293 5.242 5.203 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 3 2 2 4 6 331 363 378 373 451 1*531 1*520 1*504 1*494 1*550 1.937 2*070 2*167 2*322 2.551 36*816 41*226 44 » 584 58*783 70*143 5.164 5,130 5,101 5*060 5*036 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 5 24 28 43 14 491 600 679 752 805 1*620 1*679 1*766 1.800 1,904 2*841 3.183 3.530 3.733 3*911 81*491 85*698 83*149 85*081 64*853 5*015 5*012 5*012 4*996 4*967 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 29 33 42 46 29 1,052 1*268 1*613 1.677 1*534 1*975 2*062 2*198 2*259 2*366 4.205 4.442 4.661 4,961 5.320 89*691 94*394 101*253 103*418 108*607 4.971 4.946 4.925 4.874 4.834 1955 72 1.319 2*416 5,296 107*736 4*743 42 Continental United States State Commercial Banks—Table A-3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Loains .cans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral 1896 1897 1898 1899 1.770 1.723 1.897 2*210 418 399 401 421 644 708 655 756 976 669 740 813 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2.421 2.854 3.275 3.611 3.674 457 513 581 661 718 .057 ,350 ,569 ,681 ,559 1,125 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 4.292 4,778 5.148 4.604 5.029 829 979 1,946 2,044 2.117 1,733 1.953 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 5.618 5*822 6*267 6*661 6.973 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 7,171 8*300 9.645 10.494 11.912 1,060 1.052 1*141 1.327 1*448 1,602 1*733 1,698 1,809 1.961 2.210 2.299 2.425 Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1,397 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 15*063 14*410 13.849 15.620 16.323 2,995 3,074 3,300 3,780 4,175 4,925 4,644 4,582 5.122 5.349 7*143 6,692 5,967 6.718 6,799 1,517 1,755 1,971 1,819 1,935 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 17.630 18.762 19.083 19.567 21,308 4,636 5*056 4,930 4,908 4,901 5,993 6,403 6*817 7.289 8,095 7,001 7,303 7,336 7,370 8.312 2,120 2,097 2,212 2.246 2,169 2,171 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 20,169 16,145 11.735 8.355 8,039 4,678 4.177 3.342 2.880 2.335 7,819 6,156 3,891 2.494 2,636 7,672 5,812 4,502 2,961 3,068 2.393 2.929 3.413 3,492 4,421 2*969 1935 1936 1937 1938 7,597 7,852 8,674 7,811 2,200 2.164 2.224 2,241 2,405 2,420 2*516 1*861 2.992 3,268 3,934 3,709 907 991 1*269 2,277 2,453 2,680 3*106 3,410 4.022 4,703 5*066 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farm land To others 1939 On residential property Other loans to individuals Other 1,751 318 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 3,237 9,427 9.369 6,500 9,816 3,3)6 4,000 4,141 3,445 3,650 1,332 1.001 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 11,329 12,690 14,915 17,622 18,522 3,829 5,050 6*679 8*111 7.908 1 » 794 1,254 754 666 1*290 1,754 1*261 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 20,208 24*341 26*180 28*606 29,664 8.197 10.955 11.853 12*802 12,787 1*168 1,001 1,195 1955 35,759 15,284 306 368 391 775 374 368 331 377 ,516 ,665 .774 .726 • 689 636 544 462 315 398 477 535 550 583 635 657 664 707 4.467 1,407 492 526 470 511 644 1*969 934 776 6,954 975 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. 329 335 322 297 296 All other 1.689 2.128 2.854 3.545 3.826 5,142 5,362 5,781 5,978 554 570 542 482 427 1,842 2,121 1,868 1,076 1,074 322 345 420 579 763 903 970 1,217 1.656 2.310 2.954 3.269 311 344 442 497 422 • 026 .143 ,215 ,322 ,432 4,057 4.594 5*082 6*192 6,378 473 653 703 73.6 747 7,447 1,246 1,680 Note.—In this table blanks indicate that amounts are either less than $500,000 or zero. Continental United States 43 Table A-3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency ^and *coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 355 402 447 555 75 79 81 88 80 89 100 121 200 234 266 346 528 622 671 636 46 52 40 111 187 203 208 220 295 367 423 505 160 165 178 179 2*813 2.912 3.193 3.780 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 635 791 877 991 1.135 88 75 57 56 48 128 139 143 160 192 419 577 677 775 895 874 1.059 1*046 1*073 1*326 96 195 108 96 119 227 264 264 283 325 551 600 674 694 882 185 193 222 230 247 4*115 4.697 5.420 5.905 6.382 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1.319 1.322 .383 .394 .559 44 35 29 27 28 210 200 223 230 256 1,065 1,087 1*131 1,137 1.275 1.339 1.431 1*549 1*621 1*843 149 175 181 159 226 321 354 399 463 527 869 902 969 999 1,090 267 289 310 335 349 7.217 7*820 8*390 7.954 6*760 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 .581 *708 .854 .851 1.991 24 26 29 19 18 260 302 351 360 389 1*297 1.380 1,474 1*472 1*584 1.838 1*960 2*045 2*022 2*160 274 201 200 195 230 556 561 564 580 593 1.008 1*218 1.281 1,247 1,337 395 431 472 490 555 9.432 9*941 10,638 11*024 11.679 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*131 2*551 2*876 3*643 4i711 17 37 257 1.018 1.922 419 508 548 605 625 1*695 2*006 2*071 2.020 2*164 2.397 2»796 3.271 3.043 3*666 183 254 238 271 553 596 644 712 483 517 1*616 1*896 2*321 2*239 2*596 617 650 779 910 1*068 12*316 14.297 16,571 18.090 21.357 1920 1921 1922 1923 192* .350 *441 .846 .297 *576 • 501 *345 • 607 .948 • 813 607 650 732 780 878 2*242 2.446 2*507 2*569 2*885 3,771 3.236 3*633 3.717 4*332 601 560 737 654 1*036 562 482 451 453 510 2.608 2*194 2*445 2*610 2*786 1*058 1*107 1*145 1.244 1.381 24.242 23*194 23.473 25.878 27.612 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 6*05^ 6.387 6.777 7.324 7.032 1.942 1.948 1.900 2*044 2*071 933 1.076 1.170 1.160 1.117 3.180 3.363 3.707 4*120 3*844 4*874 4*780 4*924 4*478 4.725 1.149 1*115 1*255 997 1*165 534 552 530 455 444 3*191 3*113 3*139 3*026 3.116 1.591 1*650 1*734 1*929 2*116 30*150 31.579 32*518 33.298 35.181 7.517 2*126 2.760 2.903 3.469 4.477 1*218 1*327 1.185 1*109 1*135 4.173 3.937 3.006 2*141 2.129 5*502 5.029 3.490 3.259 3.959 1*851 1*264 680 742 463 459 449 379 296 292 3*192 3*316 2*431 2*221 3.204 2*109 2*369 1*666 1*365 1*385 35*297 31*587 23*985 19*698 21,124 10*042 9*491 10.476 5.614 6.909 6.377 6.108 6*986 1.293 1*338 1*338 1.355 1.595 2*130 2*371 2*327 2*028 1.895 4*941 6*129 6*627 7*361 8*792 536 966 973 846 . 993 327 417 434 412 423 4*078 4.744 5*220 6*103 7,376 1*321 1*330 1.292 1.205 1.177 22*896 25.929 26.635 25,868 28.303 10.9JQ T27398 14*848 25.389 32*655 7,503 9*028 11*562 22.393 29*841 1.685 1*655 1*608 1*496 1*443 .723 ,715 .678 • 500 .371 10*769 11.322 10*569 10*821 11.664 618 1.004 1.020 1.292 1.617 461 587 618 692 700 9.690 9,731 6*931 8.637 9.347 1.071 981 905 829 754 30.988 34,126 35*691 45.539 54,889 flfO»609 34*858 32*595 31.738 37.085 37,278 31*262 28*707 27.734 1*582 1*631 2*067 2*384 2.523 *441 ,700 .529 1.504 1.481 12*613 13.811 13.363 13.753 13.844 1.218 2.249 2.273 2.209 2*410 709 723 884 998 995 10*686 10.839 10,206 10,546 10,439 704 700 689 748 748 64,754 67,610 63*825 64,718 64*852 1950 1951 19S2 1953 1954 32*64Ll 30*690 32.222 31.503 34*238 28,205 25*556 26.574 25.687 27.750 3il04 3*555 4*044 4*324 4(990 1.532 1,579 1,604 1,492 1,498 13,355 15.187 16,775 16*678 16.933 2.478 2.793 3.348 3*279 3.391 883 905 1.156 1,254 1*290 9*994 11*489 12.271 12*345 12*252 619 891 987 1.022 1*139 67.223 71.109 76*164 76*009 81*974 1955 36.189 28.599 5(774 1.816 16.134 4,357 1,317 12*460 1.426 91*508 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 •s~. 6 zC 7.094 6»719_ / 1 /4T" 9*037 lU.tlff 4p,|ga 1 Note.—In this table blanks indicate that amounts are either less than $500,000 or zero. 44 Continental United States State Commercial Banks—Table A-3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figur s as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank 1896 1897 1898 1899 2*. 001 2,101 2,376 2*934 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3,171 3,864 4,246 4,5 46 4,905 198 230 256 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Other demand Q^imt Other time 116 1.241 152 194 1.299 1.488 1.652 644 673 736 888 344 1.984 2.467 2,595 2.745 2.944 989 1*167 1,395 1,534 1,617 5,622 6,101 6,539 6*096 6,857 362 362 409 390 455 3.360 3.637 3.816 3,530 4.033 1*900 2*102 2,312 2*176 2,369 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 7,390 7,780 8*394 8*667 9,246 404 486 458 464 534 4,260 4,232 4,605 4*646 5*198 2.706 3*062 3*331 3,557 3*514 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 9,794 11*742 13,7 33 14,693 17*319 603 797 3,723 4*419 5*076 5*358 6*326 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 129 267 989 13 922 975 506 349 5,468 6,526 7,655 7,907 9,669 19,523 18,289 19,210 21,276 22*994 904 771 871 1,032 1,453 88 158 56 115 64 10,895 9,858 10,479 11*259 11,894 7*636 7,502 7,804 8*670 9*583 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 25*318 26.307 26,926 26*9 37 27.799 1*476 1,425 1,708 76 92 95 1*755 149 13,296 13,668 13,749 13,392 14,252 10*470 11»122 11,374 11*874 11*643 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 28,032 25,113 18.229 15,337 16,914 2,279 2,288 1,509 1*467 1*814 128 213 221 410 848 13,966 11,916 8,914 7.879 8*327 11*659 10*696 • 585 • 581 ,925 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 18,965 21,965 22*629 22*0 51 24,478 2*234 2,735 2.547 386 454 292 3.338 289 10*214 12*311 12.793 12.177 13*692 ,151 • 465 6,997 7*042 7,159 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 27,233 30.3 15 31.860 41.586 50,650 4.085 287 15*458 18*103 19,874 25*947 28*039 7,403 7*641 7*515 8*423 10*047 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 60,193 62,830 58,786 59,4 08 59,319 31*888 37*468 38*097 38*074 37.870 12,724 15,104 15,917 16,353 16,571 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 16,773 16,721 17»6B9 19*015 20»475 1955 21*574 1,581 2,628 90 204 4,339 232 3*781 3*732 3*796 690 3,484 8,766 4*335 4,493 4,249 11*246 5,765 523 3,993 885 61,416 64,886 69.6 45 71.073 74,706 4,073 4,321 1,436 2»459 5,004 5.747 1,506 2.315 39.134 41.385 44.540 45,548 46,169 82*881 6,928 2*.315 52,064 For note sue opposite page. 4*131 4*927 850 2*489 Continental United States 45 Table A-3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Year Nat onail ha no"£ Borrowings otliatiUties Surplus and other capital accounts ^P*31 Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1*97 1696 1899 16 19 13 16 50 49 57 58 483 471 469 475 263 272 278 297 2,813 2,912 3,193 3*780 7,765 7*828 7,949 8,253 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 23 26 26 27 31 56 73 66 62 67 516 546 626 697 762 349 368 456 573 617 4*115 4*897 5,420 5*905 6*382 8*696 9,261 9,956 10*879 11,707 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 36 48 76 68 68 121 101 104 93 81 782 848 687 910 949 656 722 764 787 825 7,217 7.820 8.390 7.954 8*780 12*488 13,739 14*939 15*714 16*212 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 92 94 96 120 147 106 ItOOO 156 1,008 177 165 165 1*036 1.099 1*126 844 903 935 973 995 9*432 9*941 10,638 11,024 11,679 17,376 17,913 18,478 19,197 19,718 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 132 104 121 513 845 208 186 1*149 1*192 302 390 541 It272 1*329 1*386 1,033 1*073 1*143 1*165 1*266 12*316 14,297 16.571 18*090 21.357 19,793 20,166 20,699 21.157 21,368 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1.133 1*198 571 605 456 608 566 496 651 656 1*553 1*673 1*677 1*752 1*792 1*425 1*468 1,519 1.594 1*714 24.242 23,194 23,473 25,878 27,612 22,267 22,306 21*676 21,593 20.906 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 455 504 479 785 944 709 834 956 1*844 1*926 1*967 1*177 2.017 1*824 2*008 2*188 2*362 2*849 30*150 31,579 32.518 33.298 35*181 20*376 19*770 18*860 18*113 17.440 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3*092 2.933 2,418 1*909 1*854 35.297 31.587 23.985 19,698 21,124 16,432 14.854 12,589 9.310 9,931 1,766 1,641 1,935 1,869 1*954 22,896 25,929 26,635 25,868 28.303 10*063 9*961 9*601 9*625 9.464 1*975 2,050 2*101 2*233 2,442 30,988 34,128 35,691 45,539 54,889 9.370 9.304 9.252 9,137 9,102 2,708 3,014 3*056 3*203 3,391 64,754 67.810 63,625 64,718 64,852 9,111 9,140 9,170 9,191 9,164 67,223 71,109 76,164 78,009 61,974 9,175 9,161 9*144 9,131 9,102 91*508 9,037 1*332 2*257 524 317 720 395 143 1*393 1*160 2*256 2*064 825 626 437 .793 *431 ,776 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 52 47 37 25 20 338 373 ,735 ,703 369 *645 291 »560 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 16 13 14 24 80 248 259 234 224 1*516 1*491 1,482 1.472 248 1*469 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 64 62 35 22 16 307 1*482 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 21 42 52 68 26 578 735 746 1,729 613 689 1*800 1*864 3,601 3,782 3*992 4,255 4,489 1955 78 1*357 2,129 5*063 »614 289 388 1*516 422 536 1*526 1*549 550 Note.—In this table blanks indicate that amounts are either less than $500,000 or zero. 1.576 1*607 1*664 46 Continental United States Mutual Savings Banks—Table A-4 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total 84 77 77 97 62 66 61 59 858 901 948 999 1*049 109 114 130 141 133 60 65 65 65 64 1*121 1*202 1*282 1*326 1*349 133 154 153 129 125 66 73 74 64 59 »685 2*001 2*085 1*500 1*570 1*677 1*780 1*866 134 134 138 150 140 60 69 70 71 79 2*143 2*196 2*321 2*292 2f318 1*916 1*986 2.109 2*094 2*100 144 148 145 131 141 83 62 67 67 77 1898 1899 1900 1.027 1901 uoeo 1902 1903 1904 1*143 1*205 1*246 1905 1906 1907 1*320 1*429 1*509 1908 1909 *533 1910 »694 1911 .773 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Total 728 752 777 815 874 895 915 971 1696 1897 1912 1913 «S5, C* SSL Year *519 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 co'" - SSL <z 2*627 2*650 2*961 3*337 3*753 2*291 2*502 2*715 3*086 3*529 210 199 165 168 146 126 149 61 83 76 4*155 4*574 5*017 5*458 5*830 3.923 4.325 4*760 5*171 5*483 162 184 194 228 282 70 65 63 59 65 5.947 6*108 6*071 5*680 5*590 5*635 5*869 5.903 5,752 5,480 261 191 126 97 83 51 48 40 31 27 5*289 5*040 4*965 4*905 5.196 4*956 4,864 4,826 70 58 51 47 23 26 30 32 Loans' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farm land To others On residential property Other loans to individuals Other 21 17 3,871 912 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 4.917 4.949 4*815 4*575 4*405 30 34 29 20 20 14 12 9 8 6 30 26 28 25 24 3*904 3.921 3*625 3.646 3*519 901 909 890 651 806 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 4.299 4*347 4*686 5*234 6*050 25 26 29 35 36 5 4 3 2 2 24 24 26 32 39 3*422 3*457 3*775 4*349 5.108 793 600 800 974 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 7*203 9*020 10.509 12*092 13*890 42 26 30 34 48 2 3 3 4 5 44 46 48 50 55 6.147 7.833 9.145 10.574 12.181 1955 16.172 41 5 59 14.339 1939 ' Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. All other 20 22 38 45 34 5 6 1.026 24 29 35 53 60 6 7 18 9 6 1.138 1*258 1*361 1*468 1*645 69 91 94 110 123 7 10 7 9 18 1*775 133 24 Note.—In this table blanks indicate that amounts are either less than $500,000 or zero. Continental United States 47 Table A-4— Mutual Savings Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total 1896 1897 1896 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in pr ocess of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total 482 508 544 561 230 252 277 347 91 99 115 117 1 1 1 18 1*047 158 156 147 139 17 17 17 73 81 97 99 46 47 50 55 1.881 1.957 2*048 2*190 1*134 1*215 1*277 1*325 1*370 105 78 62 46 38 567 595 624 652 657 462 542 591 627 675 121 125 124 122 135 1 1 1 1 1 18 17 16 16 17 102 107 107 105 117 46 46 55 59 63 2*326 2*466 2*599 2.711 2*814 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1*452 1.517 1*540 1*544 1*593 30 22 20 16 14 673 694 684 682 719 749 801 836 846 860 134 133 142 158 159 1 1 1 1 2 17 16 21 22 16 116 116 120 135 139 63 60 61 60 59 2*969 3.139 3*252 3*281 3*344 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*684 1*705 1*764 1*803 1*840 13 12 13 12 12 765 759 750 804 642 1*001 906 934 987 986 156 170 167 172 196 1 1 1 1 3 20 15 16 16 21 135 154 150 155 172 64 56 61 71 73 3*598 3.706 3.877 4.047 4.194 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1»825 1*963 2*089 2*131 2*503 11 14 50 200 561 813 851 864 783 748 1*001 1*098 1*175 1»146 1*194 208 237 240 224 225 2 2 2 3 4 24 24 26 23 24 182 211 212 198 197 81 84 89 96 95 4,257 4*480 4.739 4.745 5*141 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2*646 2*809 2*968 3*150 3*164 783 939 971 650 680 697 670 677 1*213 1*190 1.300 1*364 1*365 225 209 228 218 247 3 3 3 3 4 26 24 31 27 27 196 182 194 188 216 88 96 105 107 120 5*586 5*964 6*262 6*812 7.284 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 3*302 3*337 3*464 3*661 3*621 1*076 709 758 827 900 905 1*517 1*609 1*805 2*043 2*112 240 236 255 238 219 4 4 4 4 3 27 26 28 28 30 209 208 223 206 186 134 149 164 180 203 7.831 8*298 8*920 9*557 9*873 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3*697 4*287 4*129 4*047 4*190 499 590 687 733 984 920 957 911 896 2*278 2.659 2*485 2*403 2*310 291 388 437 425 511 4 5 5 5 5 32 35 51 59 50 255 348 381 361 456 229 269 354 496 647 10.164 11.052 10*991 10*846 10,936 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 4*441 4*780 5*074 5*158 5*336 1*538 2*049 2*350 2*680 3*040 866 773 793 704 647 2*037 1*958 1.931 1.774 1*649 520 541 527 575 697 4 5 5 5 6 43 48 49 56 64 473 488 473 514 627 796 922 930 907 849 11.046 11*283 11.496 11*545 11.771 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 • 247 .348 • 522 • 654 • 545 3*108 3*420 3*880 5*279 7*294 551 536 388 234 156 1*588 1*392 1*254 1.141 1*095 977 966 751 720 533 9 10 9 10 9 74 76 79 78 74 894 880 663 632 450 784 706 567 458 327 11*925 11*969 11*655 12*407 13*810 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 10*606 12*745 13*654 13*992 14*044 9*572 11.419 12*140 11*976 11.657 102 91 65 79 77 1*134 1.235 1.449 1*937 2*310 582 745 839 632 800 10 15 17 17 19 76 84 84 92 97 496 646 738 723 684 235 164 183 194 211 15,924 18,021 19*362 20*252 21*105 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 13*989 12.677 12*582 13*033 13*069 11*569 10*205 9.606 9.464 9*017 85 81 234 378 532 2*335 2*391 2.742 3*191 3.520 832 851 966 867 987 31 29 37 28 31 90 99 101 106 118 711 723 828 731 838 228 287 321 341 369 22*252 22*835 24*378 26*333 28*315 1955 12*818 8*676 656 3.486 989 38 119 832 403 30*362 870 916 968 1.112 1*122 970 852 738 604 11.038 NOTE.—In this table blanks indicate that amounts are either less than $500,000 or zero. 48 Continental United States Mutual Savings Banks—Table A-4 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Deposits Year Total U. S. Government Interbank Other demand Other time 1896 1*717 1897 1898 1899 1.785 1.670 2 ,OOO 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*129 2*261 2*390 2.505 2*602 1 1 2*129 2*261 2*390 2*504 2*601 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 2.744 2.911 3.032 3*016 3.094 1 1 1 2 3 2*743 2*910 3*031 3*014 3*091 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3.306 3*407 3*558 3.715 3.859 2 4 3 3 3 3*304 3,403 3,555 3.712 3*856 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3.893 4*124 4,355 4*353 4.728 3 3 3 4 4 3.889 4*120 4.352 4.348 4,723 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 5,157 5.503 5*695 6*202 6.618 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 7.071 7,465 7,996 8,555 8.884 7 17 9 7 9 7.064 7.448 7»987 ,546 »875 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 9.099 9,910 9,911 9,606 9.670 11 4 3 3 3 ,088 ,906 ,908 ,603 ,667 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 9.609 9.950 10.141 10.186 10*409 2 4 5 11 3 9*807 9,946 10,136 10,175 10.406 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 10.608 10*624 10.372 11*122 12*449 3 4 3 6 6 10*605 10*620 10*366 11,115 12*440 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 14*400 16*251 17*442 18*211 18*949 1 2 2 3 2 9 14 14 15 15 14,390 16,235 17,425 18,193 18,932 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 19.943 20*404 21*783 23*628 25.440 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 19 18 24 35 46 19*922 20*383 21,755 23*589 25,388 1955 27.334 3 3 51 27,277 For notu sw: opposite pape. 1 1 1 1 1 5*149 5.495 5.689 6,196 6*612 1 1 1 1 1 1.717 Ii784 1*670 2 »000 Continental United States 49 Table A-4—Mutual Savings Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in millions of dollars] Year National bank notes Borrowings Q,, liabilities ., , CaP1*81 r Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Numh«Number <* oanKs 1896 1897 1896 1899 1 1 1 2 163 171 177 188 1.881 1*957 2*048 2*190 638 641 633 624 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2 2 2 1 3 197 203 207 205 209 2*328 2*466 2*599 2*711 2*814 626 630 624 619 622 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3 3 2 2 1 222 225 218 263 249 2*969 3*139 3*252 3*281 3*344 615 621 625 630 636 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2 8 4 4 2 290 291 315 327 333 3*598 3*706 3*877 4*047 4*194 637 632 628 621 628 7 5 7 19 16 356 351 376 371 395 4*257 4*480 4*739 4*745 5*141 627 623 621 624 620 1 1 1 8 11 11 12 13 420 449 555 598 653 5*566 5*964 6*262 6*812 7*284 618 620 616 615 613 1 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1 1 1 2 2 " 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1 1 2 11 13 14 15 16 748 820 909 986 971 7*831 8*298 8.920 9*557 9.873 610 608 605 603 598 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1 4 16 16 6 U 13 23 28 21 1*053 1.125 1*041 1*198 1*241 10*164 11*052 10*991 10*848 10*936 594 586 583 564 565 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 5 3 3 3 1 19 17 15 19 21 1*213 1*313 1*337 1*337 1.340 11*046 11*283 11*496 11*545 11*771 559 555 552 552 543 25 35 37 41 39 1.292 1*310 1.246 1*244 1*322 11*925 11*969 11*655 12*407 13*810 542 541 536 537 536 48 57 78 86 90 1*475 1»712 1*842 1*955 2*065 15*924 18*021 19*362 20*252 21*105 534 533 533 532 530 120 145 157 189 249 2*189 2*285 2.438 2*516 2*626 22*252 22.835 24.378 26*333 28*315 530 529 529 528 528 291 2*757 30*362 528 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1 1 1 1 NOTE.—In this table blanks indicate that amounts arc either less than *500,000 or zero. Appendix B REVISED SERIES AND FORMER SERIES PAGE TABLE B-l. TOTAL ASSETS AND TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS OF ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1896-1955 53 TABLE B-2. TOTAL LOANS OF ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1896-1955 54 TABLE B-3. TOTAL INVESTMENTS OF ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1896-1955 56 TABLE EA. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS HELD BY ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1896-1955 58 TABLE B-5. TOTAL DEPOSITS OF ALL BANKS BY CLASSES AND DEMAND DEPOSITS ADJUSTED AT ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1896-1955 60 TABLE B-6. NUMBER OF BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1896-1955 62 TABLE B-l TOTAL ASSETS AND TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS OF ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1896-1955 REVISED SERIES COMPARED WITH SERIES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE [In millions of dollars] Total capital accounts Total assets Revised series June 30 Difference— excess (+}, or deficiency (— ) Comptroller of the Currency Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Revised series Difference— excess (+), or deficiency (— } Comptroller of the Currency 8,048 8,432 9,218 10,679 +494 +610 +609 +774 1,893 1,877 1,878 1,907 +147 +152 +153 +172 11,388 13,037 14,026 14,901 15,848 +607 +714 +707 +644 +695 2,075 2,200 2,473 2,760 2,935 +169 +174 +182 +172 +190 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 17,511 18,740 20,114 19,946 21,489 +636 +632 +515 +413 +349 3,066 3,285 3,492 3,627 3,750 +172 +170 +165 +120 +110 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 22,922 24,026 25,372 26,103 27,349 +534 +466 +466 +462 +456 3,984 4,133 4,269 4,443 4,503 +157 +127 +105 +106 +108 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919. 28,363 32,697 37,540 41,097 47,603 +650 +537 +552 +577 +275 4,643 4,718 4,988 5,113 5,409 +120 +124 +130 +123 +103 53,094 49,633 50,368 54,144 57,420 +622 +367 +351 +510 +626 6,019 6,385 6,599 6,818 7,073 +99 +76 +73 +48 +61 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901... 1902 1903 1904 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 . . . . . * i Total assets June 30 Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Revised series Total capital accounts Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Comptroller of the Currency Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Revised series Difference— excess (+), or deficiency (— ) CompFederal troller Deposit of the Insurance Currency Corp. 1925 1Q26 1927 1928 1929 62,232 65,079 67,893 71,121 72,315 +631 +699 +279 +328 +963 7,384 7.841 8,301 8,954 9,750 1930 1931 1932 1933.. 1934 74,290 70,070 57,295 51,359 55,915 +1,147 +669 +430 +380 +81 10,372 9,872 8,525 7,388 7,865 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 59,951 66,854 68,402 67,730 73,193 -103 +34 -91 -102 +44 7,815 8,016 8,123 8,107 8,236 +33 +99 -59 -20 -2 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 79,729 87,324 91,930 116,729 138,842 +46 +24 +73 +76 +81 8,252 8,441 8,500 8,765 9,333 -2 -10 +9 +6 +17 1945. 1946 1947 1948 1949 162,169 171,529 166,336 170,052 170,810 +104 +141 10,126 11,104 11,719 12,239 12,846 +19 +20 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 179,165 188,338 201,795 207,760 218,896 1955 229,626 -1 +i' +6 +2 +2 +2 13,577 14,235 15,038 15,791 16,664 17,663 +76 +82 +77 +109 +138 . +145 +96 +40 +56 +65 -2 +2 +1 +1 -1 TABLE B-2 TOTAL LOANS OF ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1896-1955 REVISED SERIES COMPARED WITH SERIES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE [In millions of dollars] CD All banks Commercial banks Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— ) June 30 Revised series Comptroller Federal De- Banking and of the posit Insur- Monetary Currency ance Corp. Statistics > Mutual savings banks Difference— excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Bowser and Pearson * Revised series Comptroller Federal De- Banking aud posit Insurof the Monetary ance Corp. Statistics ' Currency Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Revised series CD Comptroller Federal De- Banking and of the posit Insur- Monetaryl Currency ance Corp. Statistics 3,741 3,701 4,060 4,718 +336 +362 +328 +491 874 895 915 971 +28 +18 -5 +20 +420 +488 +476 +519 +570 5,065 5,835 6,521 7,052 7,299 +412 +471 +443 +474 +524 ,027 ,080 ,143 ,205 ,246 +25 +33 +53 +67 +62 +534 +568 +578 +347 +127 +532 +568 +574 +351 +201 8,220 9,013 9,810 9,243 10,015 +484 +515 +561 +365 +184 ,320 ,429 ,509 ,519 ,533 +50 +53 +17 -19 -57 12,766 13,228 14,124 14,821 15,502 +273 +217 +211 +230 +206 +239 +273 +216 +211 +231 +245 11,072 11,455 12,239 12,820 13,416 +306 +254 +246 +268 +244 +245 ,694 ,773 ,885 2,001 2,085 -33 -37 -35 -38 -39 -7 15,976 18,263 20,902 22,863 25,132 +264 +382 +302 +370 +201 +318 +283 +380 +489 +442 +323 +291 +377 +459 +409 13,834 16,067 18,581 20,571 22,814 +292 +407 +349 +393 +219 +315 +299 +396 +498 +451 2,143 2,196 2,321 2,292 2,318 -27 -25 -47 -23 -18 +4 -16 -16 -9 -9 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 31,189 29,236 28,000 30,734 32,030 +734 +735 +551 +749 +926 +457 +309 +373 +462 +621 +350 +248 +250 +336 +489 28,562 26,386 25,040 27,397 28,278 +698 +695 +594 +773 +950 +459 +313 +388 +474 +634 2,627 2,850 2,961 3,337 3,753 +36 +40 -42 -24 -23 -2 -4 -14 -12 -12 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 34,378 36,658 37,949 39,946 41,944 +937 +983 +1,005 +972 +718 +649 +623 +741 +439 +363 +496 +482 +571 +463 +413 30,222 32,084 32,932 34,488 36,114 +964 +1,033 +1,053 +1.026 +689^ +662 +635 +754 +453 +376 4,155 4,574 5,017 5,458 5,830 -28 -50 -48 -54 +29 -14 -12 -13 -14 -13 1896 1897 1898 1899 4,615 4,596 4,976 5,689 +364 +380 +324 +511 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 6,093 6,914 7,664 8,257 8,545 +438 +503 +496 +541 +586 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9,540 10,442 11,319 10,763 11,548 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 . . . . i. I 1930 1931 1932... 1933 1934 40,990 35,416 28,071 22,337 21,309 +674 +409 +164 +117 +493 +131 +183 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 20,240 20,640 22,435 21,033 21,300 -30 —61 -96 +27 +4 +25 +51 —20 1940 1941 1942 ... 1943 1944 22,311 25,273 25 063 22,248 25,435 -30 -38 —15 +6 +16 -HI 1945 1946 1947 1948--. 1949 27,996 31,506 38,365 45,100 47,078 +22 +21 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 52,001 63,841 69,742 77,117 81,225 1955 . . . 91,353 35 043 29,307 22 001 16,457 15,719 +623 +351 +235 +178 +504 +141 +195 +108 +51 +57 —70 -61 -57 — 11 +19 5 947 6,108 6,071 5,880 5,590 14,950 15 600 17,471 16,128 16 411 +22 +13 -49 -81 -14 +41 +41 +39 +75 -12 5,289 5 040 4,965 4,905 4 889 -53 —74 -46 -22 —6 -15 -37 -13 -24 —8 —29 -38 —24 +2 17 393 20,324 20 249 17 673 21,029 —22 -29 —15 +6 +15 —21 -29 _|_1 —9 -9 +8 +20 4 917 4,949 4 815 4 575 4,405 —9 —9 _7 —6 -9 +17 +20 23,697 27 159 33 679 39 866 41 028 +22 +20 +25 +29 +94 +3 +32 -103 -20 -|_1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +1 +2 +1 +352 +32 +237 +134 +30 -32 -39 -79 44 798 54,821 59 233 65,025 67,335 75 181 +89 — 16 _j_l -j-1 +3 +3 +2 +2 4,299 4 347 4,686 5 234 6 050 7 203 9,020 10 509 12,092 13,890 —11 —11 — 14 -16 -8 —9 +1 +1 +1 16 172 For notes see p. 59. t I Cn Oi TABLE B-3 TOTAL INVESTMENTS OF ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1896-1955 REVISED SEKIES COMPARED WITH SERIES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE [In millions of dollars] Commercial banks All banks Difference— excess (+), or deficiency (— ) June 30 Revised series Comptroller Federal De- Banking and posit Insur- Monetaryl of the ance Corp. Statistics Currency Mutual savings banks Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Bowser and Pearson! Revised series Comptroller Federal De- Banking and posit Insur- Monetary of the ance Corp, Statistics i Currency Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Revised series Comptroller Federal De- Banking and posit Insur- Monetary of the Currency rance Corp. Statistics l 818 886 1,002 1,207 +8 +45 +72 +54 870 916 968 1,047 +5 +25 +38 +21 +42 +70 +58 -60 -57 1,410 1,676 1,821 2,016 2,226 +40 +69 +70 +23 +12 1,134 1,215 1,277 1,325 1,370 +6 +2 -9 -40 -32 t3 +67 +130 -11 +11 -89 +14 +138 2,523 2,563 2,744 2,912 3,153 +27 +59 +9 +36 +137 1,452 1,517 1,540 1,544 1,593 -1 -6 -14 +31 4,839 5,136 5,440 5,500 5,701 +159 +130 +127 +142 +167 +176 +123 +93 +89 +99 +169 3,156 3,431 3,676 3,697 3,861 +152 +141 +141 +157 +182 +178 1,684 1,705 1,764 1,803 1,840 +8 -11 -14 -15 -15 -2 1915 1916. . . 1917 . 1918. . . 1919 5,982 6,833 7,925 9,609 12,024 +150 +78 -16 +2 +53 +174 +226 +156 +169 +143 +169 +219 +161 +201 +177 4,156 4,870 5,837 7,478 9,521 +194 +114 +28 +45 +42 +202 +227 +159 +171 +124 1,825 1,963 2,089 2,131 2,503 -45 -36 -43 -43 +11 -29 -1 -2 2 +19 1920 1921 1922 . 1923 1924 11,043 11,169 12,328 13,474 13,843 -188 -88 -151 -132 -321 +203 +201 +118 +133 +185 +198 +157 +122 +133 +204 8,398 8,360 9,359 10,325 10,679 -117 -8 -113 -94 -267 +207 +214 +118 +140 +192 2,646 2,809 2,968 3,150 3,164 -70 -80 -39 -37 -54 -3 -13 -1 -6 -7 1925 1926 1927 1928 . 1929 15,056 15,562 16,649 18,146 17,305 -287 -219 -568 -585 -2 +76 +123 +212 -30 -13 +108 +176 +276 +364 +362 11,755 12,224 13,165 14,466 13,683 -237 -151 -529 -514 +152 +82 +131 +220 -21 -3 3,302 3,337 3,484 3,681 3,621 -49 -69 -39 -70 -155 -5 -9 -8 -8 -11 1896 1897 1898 1899 1,689 1,802 1,970 2,254 +14 +70 +110 +75 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2,544 2,891 3,098 3,341 3,595 +46 +71 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3,974 4,080 4,284 4,456 4,746 1910 1911 . . 1912 1913 . 1914 ±S -21 +25 I s. 1930. . . 1931 1932 . . . 1933 1934 18,090 19 973 18,406 18 125 21 262 +188 —34 +236 +250 +38 +31 —9 -16 +63 +16 +619 +336 +169 +251 +38 14,392 15 686 14,277 14 078 17 072 +362 +154 +302 +306 +105 +39 -1 -8 +70 +30 3,697 4,287 4,129 4,047 4,190 -175 -188 -66 -56 -67 -9 -8 -8 -7 -14 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 . 24 176 27,857 27 212 26 267 28,339 +30 +82 +31 +15 +40 +42 +81 +57 +37 +43 +31 +78 +30 19 735 23,077 22 138 21 109 23,004 +100 +155 +135 +33 +59 +56 +96 +98 +53 +60 4,441 4,780 5,074 5,158 5,336 -70 -73 -104 -18 -18 -14 -15 -41 -16 -16 1940 1941 1942 1943 . . . 1944 29,040 32 667 38 954 65.674 83 329 +45 +34 +57 +34 +38 +44 +32 +28 +39 +45 23,793 27 319 33 431 59,020 74 784 +60 +48 +55 +33 +41 +59 +47 +44 +53 +62 5,247 5,348 5,522 6,654 8,545 -15 — 14 +1 +1 -3 -15 -15 -17 -14 -17 101 724 105,163 92 729 87 982 86 794 +56 +70 +63 +76 —1 90 917 92,417 79 076 73 990 72 750 +57 +70 —I +84 +99 _1 10,808 12,745 13,654 13,992 14 044 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 . 1953 1954 90 962 83 901 87,786 85 965 92 115 1955 92 897 —1 +2 _j_l +2 +1 +2 +2 76 973 71 224 75,204 72 932 79 046 +2 +2 13 989 12,677 12,582 13 033 13,069 80 080 +1 +1 12,818 -1 +1 -20 -24 +1 For notes see p. 59, §a-fr^ x TABLE B-4 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS HELD BY ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1896-1955 REVISED SERIES COMPARED WITH SERIES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE [In millions of dollars] Commercial banks All banks Difference —excess (-}-), or deficiency (— ) Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— ) June 30 Revised series Banking and Federal DeMonetary posit InsurStatistics » ance Corp. Bowser and Pearson * Mutual savings banks Revised series Banking and Federal DeMonetary posit InsurStatistics 1 ance Corp. Bowser and Pearson * Difference— excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Revised series Banking and Federal DeMonetary posit InsurStatistics > ance Corp. Bowser and Pearson * 158 156 147 139 348 358 386 435 1896 1897 1898 1899 506 514 533 574 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 611 603 579 588 600 —3 -11 -57 -68 +» 506 525 517 542 562 +32 +16 +3 -40 -51 105 78 62 46 38 -23 -19 -14 -17 -17 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 600 620 636 722 747 -64 -68 -99 -57 -42 571 598 616 706 733 -46 -52 -93 -54 -31 30 22 20 16 14 -17 -16 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 750 755 787 783 793 -36 -40 -37 -39 -44 -36 737 742 774 770 782 -36 -29 -28 -30 -39 -30 13 12 13 12 12 +1 -11 -10 -9 -6 -5 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 778 753 1,349 3,243 5,425 -34 -10 -293 -264 -388 -34 -10 -293 -264 -388 767 740 1,300 3,043 4,864 -35 -12 -245 -168 -283 -28 -5 -237 -160 -283 11 14 50 200 561 +3 -46 -95 -105 -6 -4 -55 -104 -105 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 4,420 4,201 4,818 5,715 5,381 -163 -130 -171 -113 -211 -163 -130 -171 -113 -211 3,638 3,262 3,846 4,604 4,260 -110 -124 -135 -101 -172 -110 -113 -124 -91 -161 783 939 971 1,112 1,122 -52 -6 -37 -10 -38 -52 -17 -48 -21 -49 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 5,529 5,384 5,345 5,671 5,477 -231 -128 -58 -209 -22 -231 -128 -58 -85 +100 4,454 4,414 4,494 4,933 4,872 -178 -137 -97 -229 -69 -167 -127 -86 -93 +63 1,076 970 852 738 604 -52 +9 +40 +19 +47 -63 -1 +29 +8 +36 -3 -11 5,373 6 601 6,937 8,229 11,308 —124 —61 +42 +30 +30 +176 +113 +179 +209 +329 4,874 6 Oil 6,250 7,496 10 324 — 103 —3 +33 +20 +17 14,316 17,392 16,933 16,761 18,779 +58 +69 -21 +34 +36 +2 139 +2,585 +2,405 12 778 15,344 14,583 14 081 15,740 19,705 23,559 30,320 57,774 75,775 +39 +38 +21 +34 +38 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 . 93,708 95,969 82,673 76,774 74,879 +51 +58 -6 -6 -J-2 +2 1950 .... 1951 1952 1953 1954 77,322 68,726 70,784 68,109 72,524 +2 +2 +1 +1 t 1930 1931 1932 1933 .... 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 . ... . 1940 1941 1942 1943 ... 1944.... 1955 ;.. . . l 1 71,946 1 Changes for 1896-1941 based on data from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Banking and Monetary Statistics (Washington, D. C., 1943), pp. 18, 19, and 23; beginning with 1942, from Federal Reserve BULLETIN. +207 +186 +189 +220 +337 499 590 687 733 984 -20 -58 +9 +10 +13 +62 +74 +20 +39 +40 1,538 2,049 2,350 2,680 3,040 —4 -3 -41 —5 -3 16,597 20,139 26 439 52,495 68,480 +44 +44 +28 +41 +49 3,108 3,420 3,880 5,279 7,294 -5 84,136 84,549 70,533 64 798 63,221 +67 +76 -6 -6 +1 +1 65,753 58,521 61 , 178 58,645 63,508 +2 +2 +1 +1 63,270 9,572 11,419 12,140 11,976 11,657 —31 -73 —10 -11 —8 —8 -8 -12 —16 -19 11,569 10,205 9,606 9,464 9,017 8,676 +1 +1 «Estimates made by Henry R. Bowser and Harold T. Pearson of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. TABLE B-5 TOTAL DEPOSITS OF ALL BANKS BY CLASSES AND DEMAND DEPOSITS ADJUSTED AT ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, 189&-1955 REVISED SERIES COMPARED WITH SERIES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE [In millions of dollars] All banks Commercial banks—total deposits Total deposits Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— J June 30 Revised series Comptroller of the Currency Mutual savings banks—total deposits Demand deposits adjusted Banking Federal Deposit and Insurance Monetaryl Corp. Statistics Revised series Cfl Difference— excess (+}, or deficiency (— ) Difference from Banking and Monetary Statisticsexcess (+}, or deficiency (-} ] Revised series Comptroller of the Currency Federal Banking Deposit and Insurance Monetaryl Corp. Statistics Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Revised series Comptroller of the Currency 5,859 6,270 7,044 8,472 +373 +483 +490 +572 2,708 2,845 3,279 3,955 -131 -26 -153 -207 4,142 4,486 5,175 6,472 +344 +436 +446 +533 1,717 1,785 1,870 2,000 +29 +48 +45 +39 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 8,922 10,374 11,103 11,612 12,341 +413 +504 +511 +469 +511 4,069 4,757 5,163 5,425 5,766 -351 -447 -556 -537 -490 6,792 8,114 8,713 9,107 9,739 +418 +504 +501 +477 +511 2,129 2,261 2,390 2,505 2,602 + 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 13,772 14,703 15,759 15,440 16,883 +467 +522 +432 +355 +256 6,453 6,884 7,222 6,950 7,553 -616 -620 -650 -434 -215 11,028 11,791 12,727 12,425 13,789 +460 +519 +455 +406 +307 2,744 2,911 3,032 3,016 3,094 -If -50 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 17,950 18,860 20,013 20,523 21,665 +411 +332 +349 +435 +362 +409 7,809 8,109 8,724 8,761 9,719 -445 -559 -432 -379 -363 14,644 15,452 16,455 16,808 17,806 +466 +385 +400 +490 +419 +416 3,306 3,407 3,558 3,715 3,859 -55 -54 -51 -55 -57 1P15 . 1916 1P17 1918 1P19 22,504 26,738 30,855 33,061 37,982 +541 +367 +497 +607 +426 +610 +519 +597 +688 +509 10,271 12,143 14,317 14,879 17,545 18,612 22,613 26,501 28,708 33,254 +600 +431 +566 +676 +450 +619 +534 +616 +697 +515 3,893 4,124 4,355 4,353 4,728 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 41,838 38,934 41,227 44,376 47,961 +382 +475 +276 +314 +454 +556 +429 +413 +434 +670 19,569 17,265 18,121 19,155 19,568 +443 +170 +816 +36 -79 __47 +152 +76 +197 +156 36,682 33,432 35,532 38,175 41,343 +413 +548 +361 +402 +529 +568 +445 +427 +450 +687 52,301 54,416 56,700 58,138 58,269 +503 +559 +164 -44 +601 +660 +680 +903 +347 +328 21,574 22,323 22,371 22,451 22,772 +198 +323 +388 +192 +232 45,230 46,952 48,704 49,582 49,385 +584 +673 +245 +73 +720 +678 +699 +923 +367 +349 1896 1897 1898 1899 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 .. .... . . -6 +1 Federal Banking Historical Deposit and Statistics Insurance Monetary of the Corp. Statistics > United States - • H +7 -51 y -52 -51 -97 -51 -58 -65 -68 -69 -24 -8 -16 -18 -9 -6 -52 +22 +16 -29 -4 5,157 5,503 5,695 6,202 6,618 -30 -72 -85 -87 -75 -11 -15 -14 -15 -17 +99 -65 -123 -71 -75 7,071 7,465 7,996 8,555 8,884 -81 -113 -81 -118 -119 -18 -18 -20 -21 -21 -81 -60 -44 -113 -20 I I +44 9,809 9,950 10,141 10,186 10,409 -111 -110 +101 +143 +205 +248 +231 +105 -21 -21 +16 -23 -24 -63 -60 -23 +35 +24 +107 +116 +107 +116 10,608 10,624 10,372 11,122 12,449 -23 -24 +1 +24 +23 +21 +3 -23 -24 -23 -19 -22 +26 +20 +18 14,400 16,251 17,442 18,211 18,949 +4 +3 -26 -30 +18 +18 +17 +17 +1 19 943 20,404 21,783 23,628 25,440 +112 +122 +127 +70 +81 +83 41,462 48,118 49,345 48,814 53,894 +84 +92 +99 +72 +73 +84 +92 +58 +75 +79 32 042 37,392 41,913 56 107 60,126 +80 +75 +43 +68 +61 60,246 67,588 72,394 96,175 116,235 +90 +95 69,123 79,570 82 196 82,715 81 894 +70 +94 +10 +18 +17 136,727 143,042 135,933 138,162 137 538 +85 85 057 88 978 94,771 96 915 98,131 +17 +18 +17 +17 143 845 151 475 162,365 165 548 174,065 51,270 58 068 59,485 59,000 64 303 -68 +10 -8 -44 +77 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 70 854 78 212 82,765 107 297 128,684 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 151 128 159,293 153 375 156,373 156 488 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 163 789 171 879 184,147 189 176 199 505 +45 +122 +124 +26 +20 +18 +26 +20 +18 +19 +19 +17 +17 +19 +19 +17 +17 103,233 Changes for 1896-1941 based on-data from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Banking and Monetary Statistics (Washington, D. C., 1943) pp. 18, 19, and 23; beginning with 1942, from Federal Reserve BULLETIN. -18 -18 -16 -15 -21 20,503 23,892 25,320 24,440 27,438 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 208 845 -117 -125 -128 -107 -110 +121 +184 +263 +208 +537 +285 +158 +152 1 9,099 9,910 9,911 9,606 9,670 51,267 47 277 35,658 32,078 36,810 +734 +577 +408 +371 +79 1955 +556 +303 +174 +167 +66 +289 +210 +113 +101 +2 60 365 57 1S7 45 569 41,684 46,480 .... +852 +702 +536 +478 +189 21,995 20 042 15,738 14,512 16,696 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 +120 +65 -21 +82 +95 +99 +72 +70 +121 +102 +26 +20 +18 +18 +18 +17 +17 +1 181,512 +120 +152 -72 -23 -24 +1 -107 -124 -129 -154 -133 +1 27,334 2 A supplement to Statistical Abstract of the United States (U. S. Department of Commerce, 1949), p. 271. TABLE B-6 NUMBER OP BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES, BY CLASS OF BANK, 1896-1955 REVISED SERIES COMPARED WITH SERIES PREVIOUSLY AVAILABLE All banks Commercial banks Difference— excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Difference —excess (+), or deficiency (— ) June 30 Revised series CompBank-ing troller Bowser and Monetary and of the Currency Statistics ' Pearson* 12,112 12,079 12,163 12,459 +2,643 +2,622 +2,664 +2,728 13,053 14,054 15,112 16,433 17,659 +2,676 +2,666 +2,716 +2,778 +2,840 +2,676 +2,664 +2,716 +2,740 +2,840 -2,085 -1,709 -1,671 -1,919 -1,665 18,767 20,407 21,986 23,161 23,734 +2,389 +2,534 +2,276 +1,858 +1,255 +2,389 +2,534 +2,276 +1,858 +1,255 -2,492 -2,440 -1,987 -2,261 -2,898 25,151 25,815 26,472 27,285 27,864 +2,093 +1,472 + 1,329 +1,338 +1,151 +2,093 + 1,472 + 1,329 +1,338 +1,128 28,017 28,362 28,919 29,480 29,767 +1,005 +902 + 1,052 +661 +703 +1,506 +1,512 + 1,456 +1,389 +1,278 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 30,909 31,076 30,736 30,444 29,601 +831 +328 +411 +332 +320 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 29,052 28,350 27,255 26,401 25,568 +279 +269 +261 +256 +308 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 . . ... . . 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 . . . . , . .... Other series * Bankers' directories * Mutual savings banks Revised series Banking Compand troller Monetary of the Currency Statistics ' Branch, Group, and Chain Banking Committee' 11,474 11,438 11,530 11,835 +2,682 +2,649 +2,690 +2,759 -304 -398 -390 -653 12,427 13,424 14,488 15,814 17,037 +2,702 +2,696 +2,749 +2,816 +2,886 -1,498 -1,450 -1,191 — ,428 - ,744 18,152 19,786 21,361 22,531 23,098 +2,442 +2,591 +2,329 +1,904 +1,261 — - -1,871 -2,628 -2,483 -2,206 -2,135 24,514 25,183 25,844 26,664 27,236 +2,094 +1,475 +1,331 +1,340 +1,157 +1,006 +902 +1,052 +661 +703 -2,027 -2,129 -198 +22 -429 27,390 27,739 28,298 28,856 29,147 +1,008 +901 +1,053 +662 +705 +1,194 +657 +650 +617 +605 +831 +328 +411 +332 +320 -683 -618 -565 -434 -1,187 30,291 30,456 30,120 29,829 28,988 +573 +496 +490 +457 +455 +279 +269 +261 +256 +308 -889 -896 -625 -577 +111 28,442 27,742 26,650 25,798 24,970 +2,500 +2,556 -1,881 : + 2 ;m+ 1,288 Other series * +2,531 Difference— excess (+), or deficiency (— ) Revised series Banking Compand troller Monetary of the Currency Statistics » 638 641 633 624 -39 -27 -26 -31 626 630 624 619 622 -26 -30 -33 -38 -46 615 621 625 630 636 -53 -57 -53 -46 -6 -641 — 1 ,092 -965 -857 -842 637 632 628 621 628 -1 -3 -2 -2 -6 +1,515 +1,522 +1,467 +1,399 +1,288 -692 -53 +137 -93 -95 627 623 621 624 620 -3 +1 +833 +331 +414 +335 +320 +1,204 +668 +662 +628 +616 -104 -203 -70 -141 -128 618 620 616 615 613 -2 -3 -3 -3 +280 +281 +274 +269 +321 +584 +507 +501 +468 +466 -112 -84 -51 -64 +27 610 608 605 603 598 -1 -12 -13 -13 -13 ,821 ,303 ,477 ,665 ,616 +2,575 +2,259 +1,294 -2 Other series4 -31 -19 -88 -6 -12 -9 -10 -11 -10 -10 -10 -11 -12 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 -11 +121 +120 +116 +114 +121 —128 —131 1945 1946 .. 1947 1948 1949 .... 14,660 14,685 14,715 14,721 14,681 +118 +118 +118 +118 —110 —126 -103 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 14,676 14,636 14,598 14,533 14,464 .. 1955 .... 14,308 -1 +2 +1 +2 -i -4 -141 —110 -128 —92 -101 —91 —94 -99 —69 -79 —85 -77 —66 _1 +2 +1 +2 —1 -4 —77 1 Changes for 1896-1941 based on data from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Banking and Monetary Statistics (Washington, D. C., 1943), pp. 18, 19, and 23; beginning with 1942, from Federal Reserve BULLETIN. * Estimates made by Henry R. Bowser and Harold T. Pearson of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. * Homan's, 1899-1918; Rand McNally, 1919-1955. * Differences for the period through 1909 are based on data published by the National +131 +128 +118 +115 +120 +130 +129 +125 +122 +129 542 541 538 537 536 —9 —9 —9 —9 —9 —8 —8 +118 +118 +126 -r-ijo +126 14 126 14 152 14,182 14 189 14,151 +122 +119 +118 +115 +120 . ... +132 +119 —10 —10 —11 —10 —9 14,534 14 434 14,353 14,197 14 138 15,076 14,975 14,891 14,734 14,674 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 +76 +78 +53 -12 -11 —12 —10 -9 +146 +131 +143 +131 +107 +120 +127 -16 559 555 552 552 543 15 488 15,329 15,094 14 867 14,667 +135 +119 +133 +122 +73 +118 +130 +136 +14 +3 +48 .. 14,146 14,107 14 069 14,005 13 936 13 780 +36 +27 +24 +72 —10 —10 -9 —10 —11 +273 +247 +225 +218 +86 16,047 15,884 15,646 15,419 15,210 . 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 +261 +235 +271 +252 -12 -12 -11 —12 -13 23,679 21 654 18,734 14 207 15 348 +261 +235 +214 +206 +418 +335 +276 +248 594 588 583 564 565 +118 +186 +277 —1 231 -281 24,273 22,242 19,317 14 , 771 15,913 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 +60 +428 +345 +285 +258 —5 +10 +86 +2 +1 -1 -r-2 +1 +2 +2 _i —1 -4 -4 534 533 533 532 530 —8 —8 530 529 529 528 528 528 Monetary Commission; those for later years, on data published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 6 Data compiled by Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group, and Chain Banking. NOTE.—In some instances after 1946 the differences between (1) the revised series and (2) data published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the series labeled "Banking and Monetary Statistics" (published currently in the Federal Reserve BULLETIN) are the result of rounding. Appendix C REPORTS OF STATE BANKING AUTHORITIES Appendix C 67 REPORTS OF STATE BANKING AUTHORITIES [Includes the latest current reports that were used in compiling the revised series for all banks in the United States. Most of the reports arc annual, but some cover other periods. Alabama, Arizona, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Wyoming are not included because the banking authorities in these States no longer publish such reports. Current data for banks in these States may be obtained from abstracts available from their respective State banking departments.) State Frequency of report, and title Latest report used Semiannual Louisiana Reports of the State Banks, Savings Banks, and Trust Companies June 30, 1955 Annual Arkansas California . .. Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia . . Florida Georgia Idaho . . . Indiana Iowa .. Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts New Hampshire . . New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oregon Rhode Island South Carolina Vermont . Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Report of the Bank Commissioner. Report of the Superintendent of Banks . .... .... Report of the Bank Commissioner. Report of the State Bank Commissioner Report of the Comptroller of the Currency . Report of the Comptroller of the State Report of the Superintendent of Banks Report of the Department of Finance . ... Report of the Department of Financial Institutions Report of the Superintendent of Banking .. Report of the Commissioner of Banking , . .. Report of the Bank Commissioner Report of the Commissioner of Banks Report of the Bank Commissioner .. ... .... Report of the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance (Bureau of Banking) Report of the State Bank Examiner ... Report of the Superintendent of Banks (3 parts) Report of the Commissioner of Banks .. Report of State Examiner to the State Banking Board Report of the Division of Banks (Department of Commerce) Report of the Superintendent of Banks. . . . Report of the Banking Bureau to the General Assembly (Department of Business Regulation) . . Report of the State Banking Department Report of the Bank Commissioner .. .... Report of the State Corporation Commissioner Report of the Supervisor of Banking Report of the Commissioner of Banking , .... Report of the Condition of State Banks, Mutual Savings Banks, Trust Companies,, and National Banks 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 Biennial (fiscal years unless otherwise indicated) Colorado Illinois Kansas. . .. Maine Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada. ..... South Dakota Utah 1 Calendar years. Report of State Bank Commissioner Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts . . .... Report of the Bank Commissioner Report of the Bank Commissioner Report of the Department of Bank Supervision . . . . Report of the Department of Business and Administration Report of the Department of Banking . . . ... Report of the Superintendent of Banks Report of the Superintendent of Banks Report of the Bank Commissioner 1 1 1955-56 2 1956 1954-56 1954-56 1 1954-55 2 1956 1953-55 1954-56 1954-56 1954-56 Includes data for fiscal years ending June 30, 1955 and 1956. Appendix D NONLICENSED BANKS, 1933 AND 1934 PAGE TEXT , 71 TABLE D-l. SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF ALL NONLICENSED BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1933 72 TABLE D-2. SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF ALL NONLICENSED BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1934 74 TABLE D-3. SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF NONLICENSED NATIONAL BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1933.., 76 TABLE D-4. SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF NONLICENSED NATIONAL BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1934 78 TABLE D-5. SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF NONLICENSED STATE BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1933 80 TABLE D-6. SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF NONLICENSED STATE BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1934 82 N O N L I C E N S E D B A N K S , 1933 1934 district: (1) State member banks that were not licensed as of Marefa 15, 1933, (2) nonmember banks thai were not licensed as of April 12, 1933, and (3) the date when each bank was licensed or placed in liquidation or receivership. From these compilations it was possible to ascertain which banks were not licensed as of June 30, 1933 and 1934. This list was reconciled with information collected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation m its survey of banks for insurance purposes and with lists published in the reports of some of the State banking departments. The major assets and liabilities of nonlicensed State banks were obtained from State banking department reports and from bankers' directories. For most banks the data are for June 30, 1933 and 1934, as compiled and reported by the State banking authorities. For the others the data are for the call date prior to March 15, 1933. In a few States the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insured some nonmember banks before they were licensed; the Corporation included data for these nonlicensed banks in its summary call report of active insured banks for June 30, 1934. Accordingly, for this study, the data for these banks are included in the active-bank data and are excluded from the data for nonlicensed banks. There were only a few nonlicensed mutual savings banks and they were not large. The number and balance-sheet data for these banks have been combined with data for State commercial banks in Tables D-5 and D-6. As the United States Summary indicates, both the revised all-bank series and the series previously available exclude banks in liquidation or receivership, suspended banks, and banks not licensed after the banking holiday in March 1933. A large number of banks were not licensed after the banking holiday, but emergency regulations permitted these banks to pay out a portion of their old deposits under prescribed restrictions and to receive new deposits subject to withdrawal without restriction. A separate abbreviated balance sheet covering such banks has been constructed for June 30, 1933 and 1934. A few nonlicensed banks continued to exist for several years after 1934, but their assets and liabilities were not large enough to warrant tabulation; they have been excluded from the data for active banks until the date of their activation. Data for selected assets and liabilities and the number of all nonlicensed banks as of June 30, 1933, and June 30, 1934, by States, are shown in Tables D-l and D-2; for nonlicensed national banks, in Tables D-3 and D-4; and for nonlicensed State banks, in Tables D-5 and D-6, respectively. The data for nonlicensed national banks were obtained from compilations made in 1933 and 1934 by the Comptroller of the Currency. They include the amounts of unrestricted deposits and related assets held by these banks. Such data are not available for nonlicensed State banks. A list of nonlicensed State banks was obtained from special compilations made by the Federal Reserve Banks in 1933 and 1934. These compilations showed for each Reserve AND 71 t 5 i TABLE D-l I I SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF ALL NONLICENSED BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1933 [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Assets State Total assets — Total liabilities and capital accounts GO Liabilities Other i Capital Other capital accounts Number of banks Investments Cash assets 1,614,496 885,111 332,183 294,627 3,126,417 2,207,480 242,780 228,096 265,598 182,463 9,767 35 8,134 9,639 6,734 2,714 208 2,188 8,385 5,007 2,284 42 2,119 2,394 3,213 1,673 70 1,223 2,306 1,427 16,438 355 13,664 22,724 16,381 10,383 282 8,670 16,137 11,007 713 2,002 2,459 1,626 2,020 43 220 716 1,011 1,832 25 2,046 2,630 2,113 1,490 5 726 782 624 28 1 61 28 46 Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia 732 318 24,866 4,363 4,359 379 217 9,607 3,793 2,828 143 27 4,294 1,247 956 29 56 8,283 2,260 1,597 1,283 618 47,050 11,663 9,740 935 482 32,414 7,464 4,558 88 12 6,500 1,015 881 1,288 879 2,019 150 75 4,365 1,405 1,365 110 49 2,483 900 917 1 2 12 25 11 Idaho . . . Illinois Indiana . Iowa Kansas. . 534 68,877 71,715 77,869 6,567 1,065 47,161 34,361 32,124 2,631 595 17,733 17,999 20,107 2,109 224 12,535 14,501 12,519 1,235 2,418 146,306 138,576 142,619 12,542 1,937 106,453 96,526 107,411 8,737 13 3,376 11,091 11,327 1,059 150 12,883 9,384 2,995 846 230 14,546 14,640 13,784 1,370 88 9,048 6,935 7,102 530 5 153 150 349 31 11,714 34,359 74,197 111,541 21,360 5,746 11,765 41,046 70,069 20,837 2,421 4,716 13,923 17,497 5,925 1,415 2,915 8,434 17,409 3,604 21,296 53,755 137,600 216,516 51,726 14,303 37,030 108,845 152,768 38,288 1,410 8,348 2,876 20,203 963 1 ,960 2,081 12,460 14,415 5,412 2,458 4,276 6,538 15,052 3,400 1,165 2,020 6,881 14,078 3,663 25 35 31 67 19 239,955 9,208 3,421 44,168 1,883 117,878 5,339 1,415 30,112 1,577 51,549 1,635 1,057 14,106 823 60,339 1,517 562 6,358 523 469,721 17,699 6,455 94,744 4,806 319,856 13,055 4,677 65,719 3,428 7,131 1,958 176 9,291 315 83,131 576 648 3,643 159 36,112 1,548 582 10,932 720 23,491 662 372 5,159 184 315 57 17 166 13 18,366 634 2,284 81,161 3,598 7,781 571 3,165 49,293 3,291 6,627 296 731 9,808 1,215 3,242 59 602 12,118 792 36,016 1,560 6,782 151,880 8,896 26,929 1,242 5,391 96,691 6,789 1,153 560 52 397 5,104 569 4,949 125 450 11,145 775 2,425 141 325 11,840 416 178 3 5 63 5 Loans United States Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Kentucky . Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts .... .... " . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi . Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico . .. m Other Deposits Borrowings 219 27,100 347 3,084 New York North Carolina North Dakota. Ohio Oklahoma 84 , 892 13,920 5,369 101,454 6,555 68,551 3,667 3,124 45,968 5,482 17,984 3,075 1,380 16,855 2,753 13,409 2,429 1,434 15,602 1,400 184,836 23,091 11,307 179,879 16,190 134,945 12,322 8,347 132,136 12,032 17,461 2,503 918 16,283 10,402 2,142 621 6,581 13,290 4,208 1,090 14,660 1,859 8,738 1,916 331 10,219 Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota 8,458 253 , 005 1,444 14,613 1,923 4,261 135,871 1,918 37,569 1,163 51,036 418 23,003 1,736 36,620 619 38,433 6,169 3,676 155 11,813 332,262 2,003 21,996 2,072 1,214 47,163 9,649 15,800 477,481 2,933 34 , 107 3,321 4,789 2,872 3,279 1,171 1,721 932 2,055 1,710 1,887 988 935 163 308 338 909 188 627 666 436 196 Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia 15,841 5,152 1,762 1,671 2,206 1,242 1,567 1,565 21,376 9,630 13,669 5,778 2,044 13,532 13,561 9 850 4,740 2,286 2,686 1,674 3,444 27,342 24,431 21,426 14,878 2,510 1,931 1,103 4,040 Washington West Virginia Wisconsin 16,885 18,860 86,140 12,041 9,597 44,333 4,493 4,015 19,915 3,119 2,524 10,247 36,538 34,996 160,635 25 , 076 25,310 122 , 578 3,627 2,888 13 157 2,393 1,928 3,021 534 68 75 18 695 430 782 134 200 310 724 106 116 82 57 33 163 73 28 214 1 25 7 1,225 2,557 428 81 1,078 1,025 12 37 1 15 26 3,775 2,645 14,691 1,667 2,225 7,188 34 323 50 51 ' Includes national bank notes outstanding; such notes amounted to $77,789,000 for the United States as a whole. CO fc 60 TABLE D-2 SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF ALL NONLICENSED BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1934 I. [Amounts in thousands of dollars] . Ass eta State Loans United States Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut . Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico .... Other Total assets— Total liabilities and capital accounts Liabilities Deposits Investments Cash assets 207,732 104,659 63,602 49,580 425,573 314,806 1,588 123 376 288 2,375 1,636 297 411 249 Borrowings 8 Capital Other i 21,646 44,197 25,603 573 178 5 265 291 5 1,237 6,249 1,419 6 542 225 45 224 403 1,210 591 65 247 109 15 9 10 646 23 50 140 200 237 50 1 4 2 1,253 1,046 13 40 66 3 8 18 232 209 1 3 2 7 1 979 3,556 894 2,183 1,301 1,253 348 373 510 340 79 403 363 107 202 271 160 525 152 1,640 1,126 1,073 676 77 190 123 4,629 11,627 10,103 276 3,930 5,800 4,275 173 2,583 3,565 7 476 131 979 3,327 2,711 83 12,121 24,319 24 , 565 663 9,905 19,095 20 544 206 905 439 11 572 157 71 75 950 2,909 2,465 90 129 7,337 86 281 739 3,673 35 220 61 213 572 358 9,369 2,367 3,690 28,290 250 5,828 2,222 90 50 11 579 268 50 1,460 1,887 13,109 108 771 565 851 10,936 14,554 1,477 256 7,378 430 13,256 501 38 3,013 66 8,204 228 153 2,658 62 3,589 534 36 1,751 102 39 , 603 2,740 483 14,800 660 30,588 2,125 364 11,598 414 2 693 288 665 185 2 058 211 523 67 5 939 4 363 17,581 11,750 1,981 6,884 38,196 26,484 570 1 041 719 751 Number of banks 19,321 1,936 8,293 2,343 531 Other capital accounts 447 1,305 3,008 20 , 365 3,106 114 250 485 94 573 1,694 1,290 161 205 3,800 488 40 1,019 3,332 42 9 78 4,074 255 100 1,804 120 1,495 68 10 835 32 108 4 1 64 4 117 4 895 80 564 94 34 3 4,068 3,500 2,450 is 3,905 5,913 3,025 2,700 6,270 290 56,357 2,867 44,619 2,097 12 176 274 13 603 2,813 99 911 2,222 69 959 180 204 248 173 180 65 1 081 822 717 258 528 15 267 517 56 338 302 141 761 26 896 155 2,006 3,287 1 493 1,872 6,171 1,781 5,030 1,382 98 499 856 101 615 247 1,489 2,838 1,480 1,120 1,155 32,279 11,404 6,404 Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota. 1,198 51 515 507 22 617 834 473 351 Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont .... Virginia 1 340 1,481 New York . , North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Washington West Virginia Wisconsin . . . . Wyoming 328 961 . . 493 3,205 1,084 292 2 571 2,380 8 870 1,732 240 143 539 1,952 525 40 746 411 800 83 459 793 590 634 4 224 5,435 365 126 858 1,192 80 601 g 3,533 1,024 4,130 3,051 78 13 415 249 562 26 74 5,493 365 207 520 98 698 424 60 387 3 108 4 414 130 425 60 410 156 4 10 4 41 8 9,373 9,477 85 9 34 2 1 232 75 25 5 2 108 102 65 64 140 553 50 200 225 58 240 77 178 110 3 9 1 3 2 89 104 125 465 520 25 175 397 4 8 13 5,609 i Includes national bank notes outstanding; such notes amounted to $5,754,000 for the United States as a whole. f I w S ?r TABLE D-3 SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF NONLICENSED NATIONAL BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1933 [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Assets State United States Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Total assets— Total liabilties and capital accounts Loans Cash assets Other Deposits Borrowings 669,956 481,051 168,815 121,614 1,441,436 1,028,347 124,616 91,658 3,095 35 1,485 6,227 4,959 2,221 208 847 5,190 4,464 672 42 335 1,756 2,643 713 659 43 204 700 954 6,679 355 2,831 14,577 13,137 3,898 282 1,767 10,086 8,850 401 1,803 1,457 Other capital accounts Number of banks 117,878 78,937 985 76,307 49,619 26,688 890 25 380 1,625 1,470 519 5 79 363 406 11 1 8 18 22 329 29 138 763 1,275 221 22 86 470 864 108 7 52 293 411 Capital Investments 691 70 164 1,404 1,071 i I Memoranda Liabilities Other i Related assets Unrestricted deposits Reserves with F. R. banks Cash and due from banks Delaware District of Columbia Florida .. . Georgia 77 132 17 18 244 200 12 25 7 1 4 1 3 14,708 1,705 2,078 6,490 1,977 1,252 2,363 478 659 5,068 439 933 28,629 4,599 4,922 18,895 3,157 2,453 3,746 620 881 1,188 134 543 3,225 425 770 1,575 263 275 3 4 9 948 319 347 455 155 197 493 164 150 Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas 501 30,110 40,840 14,076 4,731 1,010 30,191 25,296 10,614 2,453 527 11,079 13,271 4,638 1,707 212 6,217 9,344 2,142 1,009 2,250 77,597 88,751 31,470 9,900 1,827 58,802 60,774 22,998 6,887 13 3,376 6,049 1,366 791 150 4,575 9,186 2,670 813 190 6,645 9,182 3,315 1,030 70 4,199 3,560 1,121 379 3 93 40 61 18 215 5,667 9,008 2,237 612 162 4,079 5,441 1,413 308 53 1,588 3,567 824 304 Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts. . . . 10,173 8,976 22,115 9,377 7,899 5,464 1,572 18,489 7,844 16,074 2,216 1,091 8,518 2,382 4,013 1,227 561 1,987 1,159 2,056 19,080 12,200 51,109 20,762 30,042 13,313 7,066 40,443 16,418 23,934 1,127 2,963 2,876 1,220 963 1,785 452 2,533 846 1,688 1,843 1,575 2,640 1,190 2,050 1,012 144 2,617 1,088 1,407 19 8 17 19 14 589 566 2,021 1,088 1,138 338 345 1,350 895 474 251 221 671 193 664 Michigan Minnesota M ississi p pi Missouri Montana 49,451 5,501 1,121 17,461 1,008 36,490 3,415 493 19,129 863 13,614 963 332 6,752 390 13,368 1,003 336 2,078 196 112,923 10,882 2,282 45,420 2,457 86,416 7,728 1,651 29,964 1,676 5,824 1,409 176 4,735 269 7,860 574 132 3,244 159 7,960 870 100 5,850 280 4,863 301 223 1,627 73 47 23 1 9 5 4,944 431 184 3,274 245 3,112 315 69 2,836 161 1,832 116 115 438 84 3,774 383 2,284 32,570 2,112 2,896 363 3,165 28,608 2,597 1,176 134 731 7,963 731 321 7 602 5,997 634 8,167 887 6,782 75,138 6,074 5,828 721 5,391 52,379 4,566 527 560 51 397 2,979 530 895 50 450 5,400 500 357 65 325 3,383 264 18 1 5 48 3 534 75 184 3,813 83 425 63 109 2,677 51 109 12 75 1,136 32 .. Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. . . New Mexico 219 10,997 214 New York North Carolina . . . North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma 70,884 7,125 3,471 2&, 738 2 538 63,297 2,982 2,724 23,986 2 941 16 , 714 1,542 892 7,728 1,240 11,813 1,235 955 6,164 656 162,708 12,884 8,042 67,616 7 375 117,792 5,833 5,852 49,157 5,480 17,461 2,258 686 2,560 510 8,242 1,671 618 5,625 349 11,690 2,090 675 5,908 780 7,523 1,032 211 4,366 256 80 8 9 56 13 4,306 839 335 3,257 504 2,447 399 221 2,013 360 1,859 440 114 1,244 154 Oregon Penns y I vani a Rhode Island South Carolina . . . South Dakota 4,935 162,254 2,363 90 797 961 25,691 591 26,797 8,850 305 , 539 6,364 216,321 711 27 , 773 417 16,198 1,050 19,555 308 25,692 8 142 411 14,183 256 9,781 155 4,402 12,537 1,657 9,117 812 5,667 278 2,892 125 30,213 2,872 19,522 1,809 4,749 627 2,375 136 2,560 210 1,007 90 5 6 3,723 116 1,928 77 1,795 39 Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia 15,055 3,443 534 8,628 10,281 1,729 1,119 68 8,233 3,343 2,085 761 75 2,101 1,588 1,426 785 18 570 1,194 20,295 6 , 108 695 19,532 16,406 12,857 3,736 430 15,779 10,546 2,044 782 134 978 1,931 1,581 370 872 1,545 1,970 930 50 1,000 1,620 1,843 290 81 903 764 9 21 1 12 15 1,130 289 45 745 731 615 214 37 451 594 515 75 8 294 137 Washington West Virginia . . . . Wisconsin. . WVoming 12,590 11,687 13,767 10,151 6,898 10,684 3,889 2,843 3,567 2,431 1,508 2,140 29,061 22,936 30 158 20,122 16,524 21,853 2,848 2,372 1,445 2,387 1,266 2,397 2,605 1,665 2,670 1,099 1,109 1,793 18 20 33 1,406 1,623 1,604 998 1,049 1,095 408 574 o 509 1 Includes national bank notes outstanding; such notes amounted to $77,789,000 for the United States as a whole. I TABLE D-4 SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF NONLICENSED NATIONAL BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1934 [Amounts in thousands of dollars] ASElets State Loans United States Alabama Arizona Arkan^aft Colorado Connecticut • • . Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia I*taho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri T Montana Nebraska Nevada .... New Hampshire. New Jersey New Mexico Other Deposits Borrowings Cash and due from banks 9,653 7,325 2,328 42 29 13 2,138 6 490 32 33 85 25 450 275 2 81 44 1 4 3 12 374 159 10 317 111 2 57 48 1 126 676 77 123 200 60 2 150 105 45 820 177 9 063 1 917 7,460 1 568 206 374 49 650 237 373 63 12 4 1 287 1 016 156 271 29 65 565 372 10 75 75 33 2 52 43 9 50 1 1 1 1 41 695 21 83 29 518 11 58 12 177 10 25 10,038 250 28 72 1,453 38 788 336 16 358 72 182 3,192 1 116 117 367 56 593 341 340 363 271 152 2,809 3,346 2,088 728 162 118 712 250 297 293 108 749 59 195 1 , 004 71 264 35 170 40 95 9,144 5,711 481 1 050 501 353 228 135 534 2 019 2,740 1 584 2,125 880 294 617 55 1 846 1 444 5,073 5,186 762 1,463 12 484 1,477 Reserves with F. B. banks 95 1 97,999 316 86 RelatecI assets Unrestricted deposits 8,011 g 136,128 67 129 Number of banks 25 14,896 48 7,221 Other i Other capital accounts 12,932 20,123 16 315 Capital 7,148 5 33,308 185 220 .... Cash assets Memoranda Liabilities 67,801 697 Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Investments Total assets— Total liabilties and capital accounts 358 467 847 206 727 9,099 185 90 50 6 52 60 1,200 g 11 54 103 250 78 42 200 255 54 68 3 4 149 112 132 68 17 44 117 175 110 4 363 308 55 419 800 472 4 291 181 110 2,216 1,694 65 60 1,489 2,203 1,480 1,030 525 1,046 411 697 3,905 4,976 3,025 2,308 249 522 126 840 425 800 80 506 4 3 269 656 178 439 91 117 2,354 162 882 273 664 110 575 134 4,475 679 3,425 311 251 68 126 100 435 200 238 5 1 362 43 266 33 96 10 267 34,934 160 14,603 248 8,136 59 7,936 734 65,609 575 47,666 20 3,287 12 4,006 125 6,375 2 5,275 2 20 183 3,410 172 2,477 11 933 South Dakota 361 204 173 65 793 717 TW^BSCC . , . . . . , . 923 509 493 432 955 51 141 15 158 239 187 346 56 95 269 114 253 26 15 145 1,275 1,249 590 700 1 608 905 703 365 584 1 246 207 143 98 54 99 570 165 184 554 153 315 192 20 1,099 1,054 823 907 23 New York North Carolina . . . North Dakota Ohio Oklfth om a Oregon . .. Pennsylvania Te*a« Utah Vermont Virginia -. Washington West Virginia Wisconsin y g 1 1 2 73 54 19 25 64 80 170 50 60 200 29 134 77 41 98 1 3 1 1 1 105 228 49 31 68 99 206 40 24 40 6 22 9 7 28 70 25 140 65 43 57 2 1 86 174 33 172 53 2 75 Includes national bank notes outstanding; such notes amounted to $5,754,000 for the United States as a whole. 1 *ri* K d 00 o WW 8 TABLE D-5 Cfl I I SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF NONLICENSED STATE BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1933 [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Ass ets State Other Total assets— Total liabilities and capital accounts Liabilities Deposits Borrowings Investments Cash assets 944,540 404,060 163,368 173,013 1,684,981 1,179,133 6 672 493 1 612 982 9,759 6,485 6,649 3 412 1,775 1,341 3,195 543 1,784 638 570 1,059 902 356 10,833 8,147 3,244 6,903 6,051 2,157 1,601 656 169 Connecti cut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia 732 241 10,158 2 658 2 281 379 85 3,117 1,816 - 1 576 143 10 1,931 769 297 29 38 3,215 1,821 664 1,283 374 18,421 7,064 4,818 935 282 13,519 4,307 2,105 88 Idaho Illinois l Indiana Iowa Kansas . 33 38 767 30,875 63 793 1,836 55 16,970 9,065 21,510 178 68 6,654 4,728 15,469 402 12 6,318 5,157 10,377 226 168 68 , 709 49 , 825 111,149 2,642 110 47,651 35,752 84,413 1,850 1,541 25 383 52 082 102 164 13 461 282 10,193 22 557 62,225 4,763 205 3,625 5,405 15,115 1,912 188 2,354 6,447 16,250 1,548 2,216 41,555 86,491 195,754 21,684 990 29,964 68 , 402 136,350 14,354 Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri . Montana 190,504 3 707 2 300 26 707 875 81,388 1,924 922 10,983 714 37,935 672 725 7,354 433 46,971 514 226 4,280 327 356,798 6,817 4,173 49 , 324 2,349 233,440 5,*327 3,026 35,755 1,752 Nebraska 14 592 251 4 885 208 5,451 162 2,921 52 27 , 849 673 21,101 521 626 48 591 1,486 20,685 694 1,345 484 6,121 158 76 , 742 2,822 44,312 2,223 16,103 133 Loans United States Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado ...r , . . . Kentucky Louisiana . . Maine Maryland 2 M a ssaoh u setts NPW H . *mhirp New Jersey New Mexico Oft Capital Other Other capital accounts Number of banks 136,438 147,720 103,526 2,099 1,361 942 971 17 16 16 57 1,666 1,005 643 647 419 218 53 10 24 2,754 395 100 745 1,476 150 50 1,140 980 595 110 42 908 637 642 1 1 9 21 2 5,042 9,961 268 8,308 198 325 33 40 7,901 5,458 10,469 340 18 4,849 3,375 5,981 151 2 60 110 288 13 175 1,629 9,927 13,569 3,724 615 2,701 3,898 13,862 1,350 153 1,876 4,264 12,990 2,256 6 27 14 48 5 75,271 2 516 399 28,152 678 482 5,082 440 18,628 261 149 3,532 111 268 34 16 157 8 1 4,054 75 2,068 76 160 2 2,125 39 5,745 275 8,457 152 15 2 118,164 283 5,385 18,983 1,307 549 4,556 46 1 2 Includes one mutual saving Includes three mutual savin] 24 239 6,950 171 942 2,933 3,894 5,449 115,941 2,003 2,474 449 263 121 481 141 780 1 081 3,522 2,042 185 1,104 2,250 7,810 8,025 5,647 4,332 604 688 1,172 16,348 1,016 8,107 7,477 12 , 060 130 477 4,954 8,786 100 , 725 479 21,982 2,541 9,127 1,513 9,438 3,523 90 751 1,444 2,076 1,898 45,074 957 572 11,878 786 1,709 33 552 4 904 3,280 1,617 1,397 1,098 4,295 7,173 72,373 1,890 2,699 33,649 Oregon 1*6 nnsy 1 v a ni a Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Washington . . . . West Virginia Wisconsin * 17,153 6,489 2,495 82,979 6,552 1,596 1,194 488 14,008 6,795 1,898 71,716 4,017 Tennessee Toxas .. . Utah Vermont Virginia 22 , 128 10,207 3,265 112,263 8,815 1,270 1,533 New York North Carolina. North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma 266 mk. banks. 5,254 685 400 988 532 123 163 502 30 744 338 784 30 2,160 245 232 399 471 3 956 317 503 1 13 , 723 19,390 188 40 812 1,532 779 516 11,712 1,600 2,118 1,215 8,752 1,079 5,853 415 884 120 468 686 311 17,065 12,741 2 49 24 107 60 436 497 60 200 719 100 106 164 26 20 72 1 20 1 140 562 85 780 44 138 3 16 231 2,495 225 937 175 261 3 11 6 662 624 1,170 568 12,021 1,116 5,395 33 14 290 6,805 980 ' Includes two mutual savings banks. I d 00 TABLE D-6 SELECTED ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AND NUMBER OF NONLICENSED STATE BANKS, BY STATES, JUNE 30, 1934 [Amounts in thousands of dollars] Asslets State Other Total assets — Total liabilities and capital accounts Liabilities Borrowings Investments Cash assets 139 931 71 351 43 479 34,684 289,445 216,807 9,283 1 403 107 328 221 2,059 1,386 150 907 2,103 527 241 1,590 190 373 513 234 233 895 276 1,754 5,101 1,227 1,120 4,111 707 52 373 510 79 403 107 202 160 525 719 1,640 646 1,073 23 Kansas 1,820 10,930 10,103 56 584 5,485 4,275 11 495 2,837 7,476 13 159 3,150 2,711 18 3,058 22,402 24 , 565 98 2,445 17,527 20,544 75 905 439 1 Kentucky Louisiana Maine . . Maryland » Massachusetts 116 1,163 1 594 13,109 22 506 656 10,936 37 210 475 3,673 50 21 118 572 225 1,900 2 843 28,290 117 1,099 2,281 20,365 Michigan Minnesota 14,073 12,206 7,851 3,454 37,584 29 , 004 256 7,378 430 38 3,013 66 153 2,658 62 36 1,751 102 483 14,800 660 364 11,598 414 1,813 288 371 185 1,441 211 468 67 4,093 751 2,919 573 12,508 6,564 5,421 25,712 17,385 Loans United States Alabama Arizona .. . , Arkansas California Colorado Deposits Capital Other 14 498 Other capital accounts Number of banks 31,265 17 , 592 240 283 478 4 193 12 139 378 760 316 63 166 65 14 5 7 190 50 140 237 1 4 198 108 71 300 2 , 672 2,465 15 115 1,190 1,046 7 1 36 66 1 6 5 527 208 3,106 90 96 145 3,800 7 178 209 1,019 2 1 g 1 11 3,254 9 78 3,874 1,441 100 1,804 120 10 835 32 105 1 64 4 4 720 80 454 94 30 3 3,649 2,700 1,978 9 Connecticut District of Columbia Florida Georgia Idaho lUinois Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico .. 1,219 485 94 New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania . , Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia \Vashington West Virginia Wisconsi n Wyoming 1 635 328 ' • .. 109 40 103 83 937 459 392 365 29,925 10,522 5,740 5,695 156 51,882 2,188 41,194 1,786 931 347 586 215 1,647 22,293 822 799 597 636 16,581 8,014 4,040 5,667 2,079 34,302 473 180 248 180 1,081 417 972 207 387 80 171 27 508 2,038 1,169 2,773 1,574 1 243 33 881 10 5,471 143 355 98 346 541 101 423 227 3,125 4 381 129 292 2,001 2 215 Includes one mutual savings bank. 90 8 1 398 731 173 634 40 26 18 392 60 3,282 6 898 30 3,695 58 1 290 210 95 8 2,813 7 4 36 7 156 1,603 3,998 4,202 83 7 14 2 232 25 5 377 64 3 60 383 29 106 2 6 4,446 698 40 150 25 137 12 2 1 424 60 364 19 79 125 325 465 25 132 340 4 6 12 588 136 2,285 3 507 2,206 Appendix E COMPOSITION OF ASSET AND LIABILITY ITEMS 86 All-Bank Statistics COMPOSITION OP ASSET AND LIABILITY ITEMS Items reported by banks Revised series Assets Revised series Items reported by banks Assets—Continued Loans secured by mortgages on real estate Loans secured by real estate mortgages or other liens or realty Loans on farm land Real estate loans Loans on residential properties Loans on other properties Bonds and mortgages Mortgages purchased Mortgages owned Loans on demand or time secured by stocks and bonds Loans on demand or time secured by other personal securities including merchandise, warehouse receipts, etc. Loans on securities Loans on demand <jr time secured by collateral Loans secured by collateral other than real estate Loans on collateral . . . Loans on other collateral security Loans on public funds (loans secured by securities of national, State, and local governments) Loans to banks and trust companies on securities Loans to brokers and dealers Other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying stocks, bonds, and other securities Loans on demand or time, unsecured by collateral Loans on demand or time with one or more individual or firm names Loans on demand or time, single-name paper (one person or firm) without other security All other loans 1 Loans on personal security Loans on depositors' books Acceptances or bills of exchange purchased or discounted Syndicate participations Customers' liability on account of drafts paid under , letters of credit ' Advances to trust estates Personal loans Commercial paper bought in open market 1 All other loans Overdrafts — Continued - Notes and bills rediscounted Loans to banks and trust companies, not secured by collateral Loans and discounts not classified ' United States bonds Premium on United States bonds Payment on account of subscription to Liberty Loan bonds United States bills United States certificates of indebtedness United States Victory notes United States GovBonds deposited with United ernment obligaStates Treasurer to secure tions 2 ... Postal Savings deposits War savings certificates Thrift stamps Bonds fully guaranteed by United States: Reconstruction Finance Corp.3 Home Owners* Loan Corp.3 Federal Farm Mortgage Corp. Federal Housing Corp. Other Government corporations and agencies ' State, city, town, county, or other municipal or district bonds State warrants Obligations of States Special warrants and political subSchool and county warrants divisions Tax certificates Loans to towns, villages, school districts, etc. , including warrants Territorial and insular possessions t ' Bank stock Stocks of other corporations Railroad bonds Other securities * < Railroad notes Terminal company bonds Collateral trust and other corporation notes 1 For the period 1921-1928, foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with indorsement, then regarded as rediscounts and included in gross loans and discounts, were deducted from loans and from total 1assets of Federal Reserve member banks. To conform with current practice, amounts of U. S. Government securities borrowed by national banks were deducted from their reported holdings in 1903-1925. 'Initially, obligations of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the Home Owners' Loan Corporation were guaranteed 4as to interest only; those issued later were fully guaranteed. To conform with current practice, amounts of other securities borrowed by national banks were deducted from their reported holdings in 1914-1925. Appendix £ 87 COMPOSITION OF ASSET AND LIABILITY ITEMS (Continued) Revised series Items reported by banks Assets—Continued Other securities4 —Continued.. Cash items in process of collection (float), Currency and coin.. Bankers1 balances (including reserves)6.. Bonds of privately owned public utilities Federal Reserve Bank stock Obligations of: Federal land banks Federal intermediate credit banks Other Government corporations not fully guaranteed by United States8 Stocks and bonds taken for indebtedness Premium account Bonds of foreign governments Other foreign bonds and securities Obligations of foreign state. provincial, and municipal governments Stocks and bonds of foreign corporations Checks on other banks and other cash items Exchange for clearing house Outside checks and other cash items Items with Federal Reserve Banks in process of collection Bills of other banks Notes of other national banks Fractional currency Specie Legal tender notes United States certificates of deposit for legal tender notes United States certificates for gold deposited Silver certificates Federal Reserve notes Federal Reserve Bank notes Cash in vault Lawful money reserve Due from national banks Due from State banks Due from Reserve Agents Due from private banks and bankers Due from Federal Reserve Banks Due from bankers and trust companies Cash on deposit in banks Cash in other banks Collection accounts (balances) Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Banks For notes 3 and 4 see opposite page. 1 Beginning in 1942, demand balances due from other banks and those due to other banks exclude reciprocal bank balances, Revised series Items reported by banks Assets—Continued ' Balances payable in dollars due from foreign branches of other American banks Due from banks and bankers in foreign countries Bankers' balances (in- Balances not subject to imcluding reserves) mediate withdrawal with —Continued... . banks in the United States and foreign countries Time balances with other banks Balances with banks in foreign countries Banking house, furniture, and fixtures Other real estate owned Redemption fund with United States Treasurer Due from United States Treasurer Internal revenue stamps United States and other bonds borrowed Other securities borrowed Real estate owned for banking purposes Real estate acquired by foreclosure Safe deposit vaults Due from branches (to the extent not offset by due to branches) Guaranty fund and assessments Interest in depositors guaranty fund Other assets. Accounts receivable Insurance or other expenses prepaid Suspense account Clearing house fund Supplies Accrued interest on loans and investments Customer's liability on acceptances Cash items not in process of collection Foreign money Due to banking department from other departments (to the extent not offset by contra accounts) Investments and other assets representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Sundry assets which totaled $643 million at all insured commercial banks on June 30 of that year. 88 All-Bank Statistics COMPOSITION OP ASSET AND LIABIIJTT ITEMS (Continued) Revised series Items reported by banks Liabilities Due to national banks Due to State banks Due to private banks and bankers Due to trust companies Due to savings banks Due to Reserve Agents Due to banks in foreign countries 5 Interbank deposits . . < Due to clearing house Time deposits of banks in United States and foreign countries Balances due . to foreign branches of other American banks, but excluding amounts due to own foreign branches ' United States Government deposits Deposits of United States disUnited States Govbursing officers ernment deposits... United States Treasurer's time deposits, open account War loans and Series E bond accounts Liberty Loan subscriptions t United. States War Savings ' Letters of credit and travelers checks sold for cash and outstanding Deposits subject to check Deposits for payment of coupons Certified checks Cashiers' and treasurers' or other officers' checks Dividends unpaid Demand certificates Deposits sub j ect to withdrawal within 30 days Trust funds (not offset by per Other demand contra entry) deposits • Special deposits Guaranty fund deposits Time certificates of deposit payable within 30 days State and municipal demand deposits Due to Federal Reserve Bank Dividend checks outstanding Uninvested funds of sinking fund for railroads or other corporations Individual deposits subject to check, less savings deposits For note 5 see p. 87. Revised series Items reported by banks Liabilities —Continued ' Time deposits Time certificates of deposit Savings deposits Postal savings Christmas savings accounts Trust funds subject to 30 or more days notice Time deposits, open account Interim certificates Time certificates payable after 30 days Other time deposits. . Deposits evidenced by savings pass books Deposits the payment of which has been deferred beyond the customary period by agreement with depositors Public funds of States, counties, school districts, or other subdivisions or municipalities (time) Deposits accumulated for payment of personal loans Bills payable Notes and bills rediscounted Certificates of deposit representing money borrowed Borrowings Bonds and other securities sold under repurchase agreement Real estate loans sold under repurchase agreement Circulating notes outstanding National bank notes . . National bank circulation National bank notes outstanding Accounts payable State bank circulation outstanding United States and other bonds borrowed Other securities borrowed Acceptances executed for customers and outstanding Time drafts outstanding Acceptances executed by Other liabilities . . . . other banks lor account of reporting bank and outstanding Reserves for interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Interest, discount, and other income collected but not earned Dividends declared but not yet payable Appendix E 89 COMPOSITION OF ASSET AND LIABILITY ITEMS (Continued) Revised series Items reported by banks Liabilities— Continued Other liabilities — Continued Capital ' Mortgages or other liens on bank premises or other real estate Reserves for alterations Bank liquidation account Fees, rents, commissions, and other income unearned Annuities on lives Loans to customers—uncompleted Due on "future" accounts Due to other departments from banking department (to the extent not offset by contra accounts) t Capital stock Common stock Preferred stock t Capital notes and debentures Revised series Items reported by banks Liabilities-—Continued Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid Reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc. Preferred stock retirement fund Surplus and other cap- Reserve for dividends payital accounts able in common stock Undivided earnings Improvement fund Guaranty fund (mutual savings banks) Profit and loss Stockholders statutory liability t Reserve fund Appendix F INTERPOLATING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 INTERPOLATING TECHNIQUE NO. 2 (1) Compute annual ratios of real estate loans to total loans for Series X and Series Y banks for 1935-1946 (columns 1 and 4 of Table 1-A). Then compute a straight-line trend between the ratios for the initial year 1935 and the terminal year 1946 (columns 2 and 5). Compute annually for each class of bank for 1936-1945 the relationships between actual ratios and interpolated-trend ratios (columns 3 and 6). Interpolating Technique No. 2 involves several steps, which are described in the following paragraphs. In the example used, real estate loans for Series Y banks are estimated for the years 1925-1934 on the basis of the relationship of their behavior in 1924 and 1935-1945 to the behavior of such loans at Series X banks. In those years real estate loans were available for both classes of banks. TABLE 1 COMPUTATION OF ESTIMATING STATISTICS A. Series Y banks Series X banks Ratio of real estate loans to total loans Year Actual (1) 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 . . 20.0 22.9 25.9 27.0 30.2 31.2 34.6 35.4 38.9 39.6 43.2 42.0 Interpolated trend (2) 22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 38.0 40.0 Ratio of actual to interpolated trend Ratio of real estate loans to total loans Actual (3) (4) 104.0 108.0 104.0 108.0 104.0 108.0 104.0 108.0 104.0 108.0 42.0 40.4 38.8 36.4 34.7 32.3 30.6 28.3 26.5 24.2 22.4 20.0 Interpolated trend (5) 40.0 38.0 36.0 34.0 32.0 30.0 28.0 26.0 24.0 22.0 Ratio of actual to interpolated trend (6) 101.0 102.0 101.0 102.0 101.0 102.0 101.0 102.0 101.0 102.0 B. Year 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 (Col. 3 of Table 1-A minus 100) (1) (2) 16.0 64 0 16.0 64 0 16 0 64.0 16 0 64.0 16 0 64.0 4.0 8 0 4.0 8.0 4 0 8.0 4 0 8.0 4 0 8.0 S X* 400 0 92 (Col. 6 of Table 1-A minus 100) (3) 1.0 & xy (4) (5) 1.0 2 0 4 0 2 0 10 10 1.0 1.0 4.0 4.0 16.0 4.0 16.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 16.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 4.0 16.0 25 0 100.0 10 10 2.0 10 4.0 16.0 4.0 Appendix F (2) Compute the difference between the ratio of "actual to interpolated" and 100; this represents the percentage-point variation of the actual ratio from the straight-linetrend value. These variations for Series X and Series Y banks appear as x and y, respectively, in columns 1 and 3 of Table 1-B. Then compute (1) the coefficient of association (axy), which is analogous to the correlation coefficient except that differences are measured from corresponding trend values, and (2) mean square deviations of Series X and Series Y (dx and dy), using the following formulas (where N equals the number of years) and x2, yzt and xy as shown in columns 2, 4, and 5, respectively, of Table 1-B: 100 = 1.00 V (400). (25) 93 TABLE 2 APPLICATION OF ESTIMATING STATISTICS A. Series X banks Year Ratio of real estate loans to total loans Actual Interpolated trend (2) (D 1924. 1925, 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930, 1931, 1932. 1933. 1934. 1936. Ratio of actual to interpolated trend 31.0 31.6 29.8 29.6 27.8 27.6 25.8 25.6 23.8 23.6 21.8 20.0 (3) 30.0 29.0 28.0 27.0 26.0 25.0 24.0 23.0 22.0 21.0 105.3 102.8 105.7 108.0 106.2 103.2 106.7 103.5 107.3 103.8 B. Year Series X, difference from trend (Col (3) of Table 2-A minus 100) (D * d* (adjustment) (2) 1925. . . 1926.. 1927.. 1928.. 1929 . . 1930., 1931 . . 1932., 1933.. 1934.. 5.3 2.8 5.7 3.0 6.2 3.2 6.7 3.5 7.3 3.8 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 = 6.32455 To obtain a measure of the average difference between amplitudes of movement in the two series, express the standard deviations of the two series from their trends in the following form: d y _ l . 58113 _ d "6.32455 ay a dy Col. m X Col (2) (adjusted difference) (3) 1.3 0.7 1.4 0.8 1.6 0.8 1.7 0.9 1.8 1.0 Col, (3) plus 100 (4) 101.8 100.7 101.4 100.8 101.6 100.8 101.7 100.9 101.8 101.0 c. Series Y banks— Ratio of real estate loans to total loans Thus, on the average, for every movement of one point in Series X ratios, Series Y ratios move one-quarter of one point. (3) To apply these relationships in estimating real estate loans for 1925-1934 at Series Y banks, compute for Series X banks for this period (1) actual and interpplatedtrend ratios of real estate loans to total loans and annual percentage relationships between the two sets of ratios (columns 1-3 of Table 2-A) and (2) interpolated ratios for Series Y banks based on reported data for 1924 and 1935 (column 1 of Table 2-C); these compu- Year Interpolated trend U> 1924 . . 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 Adjustment, actual to interpolated trend (2) Estimated final ratio (3) 101.3 100.7 101.4 100.8 101.6 100.8 101.7 100.9 101.8 101.0 32.4 33.2 34.5 35.3 36.6 37.3 38.6 39.4 40.7 41.4 94 All-Bank Statistics tations are made in the same manner as those in Table 1-A, described earlier. The derivation of figures for 1925-1934 in columns 2 and 3 of Table 2-C depends on the following calculations shown in Table 2-B: (1) For Series X banks, the annual differences from trend (column 3 of Table 2-A minus 100) for 1925-1934; (2) the following adjustment, consisting of the previously computed coefficient of association and mean square deviations of each series (column 2): 0*,-^- = 1.0 (.25) = .25 (3) multiply this adjustment by the annual differences shown in column 1 to obtain the adjusted annual differences (column 3); (4) then add these adjusted differences to 100. The results—the annual percentage relationships between actual ratios and interpolatedtrend ratios—appear in column 4, and also in column 2 of Table 2-C. Use these percentages in Table 2-C to adjust the interpolated ratio trend for Series Y banks in the period 1925-1934, that is, multiply the interpolated-trend values in column 1 by the adjusted ratios in column 2 to obtain the estimated final ratios in column 3. Finally, multiply these estimated ratios in column 3 of Table 2-C by the dollar amount of total loans at Series Y banks for 1925-1935 to obtain estimates of real estate loans at these banks. PART II—SUMMARIES BY STATES AND OTHER AREAS ALABAMA Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Alabama, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3.1 A separate balance sheet was not compiled for unincorporated banks in this State because adequate data were reported, either separately or in combination with data for other State commercial banks, in the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency or the State banking department. A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods and procedures used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Alabama were obtained from the abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments. A description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks for the period 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. The sources of such statistics for the period 1934-1946 were either (1) summary figures of assets and liabilities of all State commercial banks published or supplied by the State banking department or (2) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation together with figures for noninsured banks obtained from bankers' directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics for State commercial banks—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in Alabama, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used tn Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies," "stock sayings banks," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks). 96 Alabama 97 STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET The accompanying table shows adjustments made in figures published by the Comptroller for number of banks and balance sheets. Most of these changes reflect underreporting. CHANGES IN NUMBER OF BANKS AND BALANCE SHEETS Year or period Additions Deductions Number of banks and corresponding balance sheets 65 59 56 1896 1897-1898 1899 1900 1901 1902. 1903 1904 ..... 59 62 73 92 97 74 1910. 1913 1914 U2 W 1 Number of banks only 1916 1919 1 27 21 Unincorporated (private) banks. 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. Less than one-fourth of all State commercial banks reported to the Comptroller during most of the period 1896-1904, and 65 per cent reported in 1910. Since reports of the State banking department were not available until 1911, the number of banks was taken from the bankers* directories and the aggregate balance sheet was estimated from information on capital accounts available in these directories. In estimating the aggregate balance sheet of nonreporting banks, it was assumed that the ratios of capital accounts to various asset and liability items were the same as for banks reporting to the Comptroller. Data that were nearer to the midyear call date than those in the Comptroller's reports for the years 1906-1908 were substituted for the Comptroller's figures in those years. Figures for October 1906 and 1907, which were shown in publications of the Comptroller for 1907 and 1908, respectively, were transferred to the year in which the call was made; figures for 1908 were estimated by interpolating each balance-sheet item in dollar amounts between reported figures for October 1907 and April 1909. In the discussion in the following paragraphs of adjustments or estimates for individual balance-sheet items and their breakdowns, it should be noted that such adjustments and estimates were made prior to the addition of nonreporting banks discussed above. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. In the years in which items were not reported, figures were estimated. Estimates of collateral loans and "all other" loans, reported as a single total in 1899, were obtained by applying to this total an average of the ratios of each of these items to All-Bank Statistics the total computed from reported data for 1898 and 1900. The loan breakdowns for 1905-1908 were estimated by applying to total loans for each year the percentage distribution based on reported data for 1909; for 1910, by applying the percentage distribution for 1911. This single year was used as the estimating base for 1910 because of the sharp increase in total loans between the calls for 1909 and 1910. The loan breakdowns for 1916-1921, for 1924 and 1925, and for 1927-1931 were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios of each subitem to the total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1922, for 1923 and 1926, and for 1926 and 1932, respectively. INVESTMENTS A complete classification of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934, although figures for United States Government securities were complete with minor exceptions after 1918. In the years for which items were not reported, figures were estimated. United States Government securities* Estimates for the period 1896-1908 were made by applying to total investments in each year the ratio of United States Government securities to total investments computed from reported data for 1909. Since amounts for this item as well as for total investments were comparatively small when the breakdown was reported in 1909, it seemed reasonable to assume that amounts were small for the earlier years also. An estimate for 1914 was made by applying to total investments the average of the ratios of United States Government securities to total investments computed from reported data for 1913 and 1915. For 1918, when United States Government securities were again unreported, an estimate was made by assuming that holdings of these securities accounted for the same proportion of the change from 1917 to 1918 in total investments as was computed for Alabama national banks. Obligations of States and political subdivisions. The amounts of these securities were estimated for 1896-1908 and 1914 in the manner described for United States Government securities for these years. Estimates for 1916-1921 were made by applying to total investments less United States Government securities, annual ratios of State and political subdivision securities to this total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported figures for 1915 and 1922. This estimating procedure was followed in order to avoid the influence, on the rest of the investment breakdown, of the rapid growth in United States Government security holdings during these years. Estimates for 1923-1925 were made by applying to total investments less United States Government securities the average of the ratios of State and political subdivision securities to this total computed from reported data for 1922 and 1926. The ratios for these two years were very similar. Figures for 1927-1931 were estimated by applying annual ratios derived by interpolating between ratios for 1926 and 1932. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was adequate, after some minor revisions, in the reports of the Comptroller beginning with 1914, although reported figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.3 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. 8 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, an'd United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. Alabama 99 In years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdown of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time was estimated for 1896-1908 by applying to this total, annual ratios of time deposits to the total that were extrapolated from a straightline trend of sudh ratios computed from reported data for 1911-1923. The breakdown for 1910 was derived by applying the average time-to-total-deposits ratio computed from reported figures for 1909 and 1911. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1930 represent such deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was esti- mated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Alabama to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. STATE COMMERCIAL The principal assets and liabilities of all State commercial banks for 1934, 1935, 1940, and 1941 were taken from annual reports of the State banking department. Comparison of these figures with totals obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for noninsured banks from bankers' directories indicated no need for adjustments. For 1936, 1938, and 1939, June 30 figures were not available in State banking department reports because the State had made no June 30 call for condition reports. For June 30, 1937, the figures for some of the principal items of all State commercial banks were available in the summary report of condition published by the State banking department, but these totals were smaller than the figures for identical items at insured State commercial banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Because of these discrepancies, the principal assets and liabilities of each noninsured bank for June 30, or the nearest available date, for the period 1936-1939 were obtained from bankers' directories. BANKS, 1934-1946 OTHER ITEMS Small amounts of cash items in process of collection were estimated for 1905, 1907, and 1908 by' applying to total cash assets in each year the ratio of this item to total cash assets computed from reported data in a nearby year or years. Borrowings, reported with "other" liabilities in 1896-1908, were estimated by applying to that total for each year the ratio of borrowings to that total computed from reported data for 1909. For 1942-1946 the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation made available condensed balance-sheet data covering noninsured banks, which it had compiled from the balance sheets of individual banks obtained from the State banking authority or from bankers' directories. For both 1936-1939 and 1942-1946, figures for noninsured banks were added to those for insured State commercial banks. The breakdowns of some of the principal asset and liability items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks for every year during the 1934-1946 period in the sources cited. The breakdowns of the following items were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of such items at insured nonmember commercial banks in corresponding years:4 loans, 1934-1946; securities other than United States Government obligations, 1934-1941; cash assets, 1934-1946; and deposits, 19341946. * It should be noted that during the period 1934-1946, total deposits of noninsured commercial banks amounted to less than 1 per cent of total deposits at all commercial banks in the State. 100 Alabama All Banks—7b&/e 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Real estate Total Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 15.439 15.394 15.245 16.356 3*753 1.394 1*236 1*306 4.311 3.309 4*686 4*601 7,375 10*691 9.323 10.449 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 20.391 23.030 28.564 32.609 38.370 1.128 4.420 3.421 3.967 2*683 5.147 6*933 6,736 9,373 10.519 14*116 11*677 18,407 19*269 25.168 1921 1922 1923 1924 187*118 169*610 159,685 182.277 191,953 21*209 20,624 20,901 21*672 23*951 68.774 68,192 63.597 72,554 78.053 97.135 80,794 75,187 88*051 89*949 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 43.625 58.685 64*370 59.886 58.311 2.849 3*921 4,397 4*139 4*255 11.744 16*634 18*156 16.959 21.975 29,032 38,130 41,817 38,788 32,081 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 205,980 223,531 221*666 243,694 249,358 26,171 29.347 28,995 30,361 31,583 81.515 90.374 82.682 90.704 53,542 98*294 103**810 109.989 122.629 164.233 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 72.774 76.784 90.061 92.705 95.368 5.9.17 6*315 7.927 6.822 5.576 23*212 25,208 27,275 26,084 22.087 43,645 45,261 54,859 59,799 67.705 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 210,817 170*145 130,506 98*367 94,990 29,122 23.509 20.785 16,535 14,142 36*114 28,989 21,732 18,960 17,352 145.581 117.647 87*989 62,852 63,496 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 84.749 86*169 94»220 108*398 134.057 8,713 9.376 10.464 12.538 14,970 26*557 28.518 31.121 36.735 49,703 49,479 48,275 52,635 59,125 69,384 1935 1936 1937 1938 108,612 90,798 106*487 123.105 13,586 14,608 17,656 18*805 16*686 12,885 12*653 11*960 78.340 63,305 76,178 92,340 1920 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others 76,951 Other 4.810 11,012 7,323 1.702 5.130 2,224 31.324 4.099 4,456 12.158 13.748 13.352 14*707 13*458 6.777 2,057 5.390 5*619 1.067 1.511 1*188 21.872 24.161 14.175 10,127 7,446 7»672 11*348 13*572 14.523 15,085 26,630 43,647 51*397. 51*678 1*921 7,189 3*147 3*166 2*338 2,041 6,274 5,009 4*200 4.736 15*841 16.425 17.119 17*840 18.243 2.777 5*320 20*089 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 127.114 146*940 146*417 123*483 164.373 61,622 69.170 74.966 65,224 75.934 1,087 784 548 564 870 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 171*568 213.625 282.876 339,128 372.641 91.676 99.956 131.079 166.596 194.028 1*444 3.822 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 399*100 434.094 448*532 490.621 521*341 166*954 192.850 197.001 202.130 242.996 1955 572,056 243,374 1.318 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to On farm land On residential property 5.013 Other loans to individuals 8.185 7.111 All other 38*762 47.377 43*608 11*135 9*917 7*403 9*402 18,127 19,012 6,951 20,390 33,530 58,982 74*244 78,829 9*137 8.703 15.375 17.344 20.105 73.353 69*258 60.529 70.899 67.941 19*649 18,454 17*780 18.342 20,011 104,547 119.501 137.667 159,202 160*972 15,310 15,659 18.514 24,956 13,678 73.557 25,050 181,953 30*603 . 9,151 7,203 6,442 8,789 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Alabama 101 Table 1—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments u. s. Year Total Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 2.580 2.887 3»152 5i064 1,427 1,414 1*094 1,599 678 807 1,047 1,625 475 666 1,011 1,840 4,573 4,086 8,481 10,180 60 85 174 91 1.863 1,663 3,390 2,958 2,650 2»338 4,917 7,131 1.280 2.143 1.013 1.331 23,872 24,510 27,891 32,931 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 6,059 4*839 5,582 5,725 6,944 2,212 2,378 2,515 3,179 4,012 1,791 1*298 1*463 1,312 1,442 2,056 1,163 1,604 1,234 1,490 12*428 9,624 12.358 13,551 16,890 190 271 182 339 463 3,542 3,270 4,626 4,048 5,004 8,696 6,083 7,550 9,164 11,423 1.840 1.812 1.947 1,922 2.717 40,718 39,305 48,451 53,807 64,921 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 7,212 8,724 12,985 13,333 12,870 4,458 5,338 6*886 7,724 7,928 1,293 1,571 2,880 2*656 2,434 1*461 1.815 3,219 2,953 2,508 18,952 19,300 20,410 19,215 21,195 468 594 617 665 690 5.436 6.330 6,131 6,748 6,860 13.048 12,376 13,662 11,802 13,625 2.602 3.209 3.664 4,512 4*462 72,391 89,918 101,629 96,946 96*858 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 13,356 13,945 15,669 15,768 17,115 7,831 8,194 8,758 8,936 9*598 2,695 2,838 2,467 2*482 2,814 2,830 2,913 4,444 4,350 4,703 20,377 23,632 26,015 24,530 28,203 791 710 597 1.578 709 7,175 7,268 7,477 7,618 8*137 12,411 15,654 17,941 15,334 19,357 5,176 5,559 4,874 6.599 7.339 111,683 119,920 136,619 139,602 148,025 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 17,397 16,844 20*388 34,723 48,380 9*595 9,603 10,790 24*181 37*061 2,599 2*586 2,729 2,836 3,046 5,203 4.655 6.869 7,706 8,273 24,380 32,245 36,688 46*184 47*703 665 1*230 1*345 3,013 3,746 6,791 7,815 3,310 7,029 8,047 16,924 23,150 27,033 36,142 35.910 6,866 7.034 7,627 9,746 9,124 133,392 142.292 158.923 199,051 239,264 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 42,245 36,322 31,791 40,708 41,455 29.762 24*448 18*451 22.872 18.907 3,219 3,320 3,743 5,590 7,479 9,264 8,554 9,597 U»246 15,069 51*280 38,897 42,138 50,523 54,531 5,119 3,179 4,200 5,389 4,895 9,531 7,349 6,884 6*526 8,090 36,630 28,369 31,054 38,608 41,546 8,804 8*883 10,542 12*674 12.980 289,447 253.712 244,156 286,182 300,919 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 42,751 45*654 50*408 57,958 57,508 16,736 15,560 18,689 20,696 22,381 8*283 10*363 10,700 13,028 12,469 17.732 19,731 21,019 24,234 22,658 54,233 55,850 60,351 52,906 51*174 6.869 6,630 6,841 6,348 6*373 8,561 9,407 9,445 8,150 7,498 38,803 39,813 44,065 38.408 37.303 14.093 14,639 16,816 18,372 19.851 317,057 339,674 349,241 372,930 377,891 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 51,409 56,452 56,416 57,299 72,761 20,088 22,330 25*108 29*150 36*858 10,434 13.518 12*354 12,085 18,413 20,887 20.604 18*954 16.064 17,490 52*428 48,393 31,646 38,489 60*420 6*234 3*589 2,054 2*748 4.731 7,877 7,808 5,551 5,099 5,118 38.317 36,996 24,041 30,642 50,571 19,418 18,682 18,406 16,794 17,573 334.072 293,672 236,974 210,949 245,744 193S 1936 1937 1938 1939 78,743 98*526 102,901 85,507 92,486 42,324 55,487 56,800 38,599 41,759 23*139 30,118 33*160 34.618 38*435 13.280 12.921 12.941 12.290 12.242 56,262 90,889 87,748 79.372 103,552 4*659 5.398 6.036 5.613 7.342 5,506 7,639 8,064 7,667 7,926 46.097 77,852 73,648 66,092 88,284 18,299 17.550 17.122 16*912 16*960 261,916 297,763 314,258 304,896 348.791 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 99,817 108*785 184,900 399,371 506,257 46,845 50,078 121*506 329.909 438*062 42.292 47.328 51*282 57.413 57,906 10.680 11.379 12,112 12,049 10,289 134,214 181*285 218*708 251*309 265.338 8.793 9.635 14.435 15,993 17,409 8,274 10,227 14,861 18,344 20,608 117,147 161,423 189,412 216,972 227,321 17,831 17*574 16*350 14,930 13,067 378,976 454,584 566,375 789.093 949.035 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 674,604 763,160 628,324 588*559 546*015 596,340 667,730 526,178 478,823 435*719 64.135 74.325 81.210 86,719 89,756 14,129 21*105 20.936 23,017 20.540 310.743 318,999 297.345 304.623 302.345 20.310 23.580 19.173 23.100 23.239 19,716 21,157 24,910 28,863 28,552 270,717 274,262 253,262 252,660 250,554 12,814 13*202 11*968 13*152 13*503 1*169,729 1,308,986 1,220,513 1,245,462 1,234*504 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 556,178 545,779 613*691 609,829 665,626 439,041 422,646 469,313 456,145 490,787 96,362 102*110 123,119 132,781 150,287 20,775 21.023 21.259 20,903 24,552 293,644 334,872 365*660 357,769 356,498 27,830 32,622 30,120 48,^11 55*388 24,423 25,359 31,460 33,532 33,502 241,391 276,891 304,060 275,826 267,608 13*993 15,427 16.229 16,428 16,980 1*262*915 1,330,172 1,444,112 1.474.647 1.562,445 49.257 34,937 286,019 679,736 102 Alabama All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated, Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank 1896 1897 1698 1899 11*540 16t204 21.931 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 26,522 24.561 32.239 34.185 41.624 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 46,551 55*802 64*550 58*240 59.021 2.762 3*602 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 l i t 545 U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1*377 1,439 2.200 358 412 563 2,266 94 94 100 195 9.595 13.341 16*816 1,278 251 251 451 498 401 21.370 19.979 25.774 27.511 33i331 3*623 2*937 4*344 3*610 4.033 265 264 949 1*166 522 36.723 43*454 48*864 42*664 44*641 6*601 8,482 10*612 10.778 9*825 67.068 74,622 88*626 86*437 94.748 4*340 4.536 6,635 5,072 5*746 309 345 342 260 394 46.021 51.390 59*008 57*062 65*066 14,398 18.351 22*441 24*043 23.542 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 79,842 92,916 110.468 147.396 178.333 4*676 5,293 7,235 6,568 8*690 329 326 321 4,109 2.023 55*441 63*083 73*630 99*632 121.944 19*196 24*212 29*282 35*087 45.676 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 215*464 172.839 175.708 213*841 226.904 8,515 6.107 8*191 10.128 9.559 741 692 837 1.124 815 146,055 106.900 105,545 129,524 128,749 60*173 59*140 61.135 78.065 87*781 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 243.385 261,296 269,371 279.862 265,447 10,446 10,660 12,071 10*146 9*388 1*626 2,457 2.923 3.433 138.199 145,888 148.090 151,418 138,067 93.112 103*177 106*753 115.373 114.559 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 240*404 214,743 162*204 147,800 183,180 6,488 10,120 126,232 110,983 77.114 67*821 87,742 101.735 90*102 74*012 63.773 72*923 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 206*508 249,501 263*412 255,147 298,287 15,063 22,971 21*884 20,752 32*359 6.394 9.747 3.315 2.143 6,114 108.844 132.700 147*060 139.892 161*566 78*207 84*083 91,133 92*360 96*228 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 328,371 402,094 511*862 731,198 888.136 38.449 50*492 55,707 60,200 59.509 6.933 9*350 13.141 53.079 119*488 179.358 232*617 326.097 488.643 553.109 103*631 109*635 116.917 129*276 156.032 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 ,103,249 ,236*225 1*141,783 ,159,874 ,142,273 72.295 71*764 58.929 53.720 46.852 129,779 92.787 9.968 14.252 12*162 696*582 829.551 819*262 836.402 825.210 204*593 242.123 253.624 255*500 258*049 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 .163,815 .224,477 »329.952 1*352,762 1*431,576 55*604 65.235 73.781 70.324 74,687 22.645 34.653 33*411 25*885 40.566 824,937 866*945 944*696 957*887 990,070 260*429 257,644 278*064 298*666 326*233 1955 1*394 1,670 1,625 2,228 4.125 6,521 7,891 14,254 1.571 3,949 3.538 4.557 8.315 8.261 9.716 2*654 4,351 5*664 340*542 Alabama 103 Table 1—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings Nat onal bank no ;es ^ nt, . - •* ia ities Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 30 92 48 17 7*938 7*539 7*724 7*404 2,333 2,552 2,220 2.218 23*872 24,510 27*891 32*931 102 1*626 1*953 1*928 2.479 3.366 191 153 132 155 149 8*169 7*850 8*499 10*999 12,950 2.684 3.057 4.495 4,538 4,951 40.718 39*305 48.451 53.807 64*921 107 117 136 153 175 2*332 6*101 5*014 4*743 2*813 3*920 4*804 5.771 6,557 6.896 203 385 461 419 225 12*945 14*978 16,751 17*499 17*910 6,440 7,848 9,082 9*488 9,993 72*391 69.918 101.629 96.946 96.858 204 240 269 276 274 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 6.519 4.453 3.553 7.266 5.469 7,158 7*475 8.051 8*197 8*984 168 187 87 405 261 19.647 20,696 21.726 22*801 23*480 11.123 12.487 14.576 14,496 15,083 111*683 119,920 136*619 139.602 148,025 293 304 324 34-5 357 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 6.000 4.394 3.240 5*163 12*334 9.144 8.958 9*263 9*248 9.099 193 235 348 1.194 1.730 23,033 21,704 21,335 21*262 21*622 15*180 14.085 14,269 14,788 16,146 133.392 142*292 158.923 199*051 239.264 353 334 328 329 334 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 19.365 24.943 11.743 8.704 12.063 9.562 10*516 10*450 10.026 10,585 1.646 860 1.048 1.305 1.366 23,774 24,445 24,329 25.443 26*721 19,616 20.089 20*878 21.863 23.280 289*447 253*712 244*156 286*182 300*919 352 358 356 360 362 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 11.103 14*705 11.804 18.399 33*271 9*200 8*724 9.335 12*195 13*638 2*028 1.191 2*031 3*065 3*113 26.898 27.058 28.098 28,886 30*131 24*443 26.700 28*602 30.523 32*291 317.057 339.674 349.241 372*930 377,891 354 355 356 357 350 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 16*306 9.538 11*369 3*072 504 13*641 13*414 13.653 10.513 11*355 3*779 2.184 2.250 2.581 1*472 28,806 27,581 24,789 26,956 31,805 30*636 26,212 22.709 20*027 17.428 334.072 293.672 236.974 210*949 245*744 321 286 243 203 216 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 864 256 654 970 310 4*897 1*330 1*199 1*527 1*320 1*164 29*994 29,160 28,990 28*692 28,465 16.323 17,647 19.675 18,767 20,565 261*916 297.763 314*258 304*896 348*791 217 217 217 218 216 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 132 52 47 47 97 1.595 2.026 2.057 1*911 2.495 26,713 26,592 26,369 25*953 24*799 22*165 23,820 26,040 29,984 33,506 378,976 454*584 566,375 789.093 949*035 218 217 217 216 217 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 347 2*968 4*121 4*931 5*444 5*880 24*283 23.718 24*560 25,854 26,685 38,882 44,922 49,189 54,063 59.146 1.169,729 1.308*986 1*220*513 1,245*462 1.234.504 216 219 219 222 226 7*211 8«384 10*040 10*793 12*220 28.190 29*361 30.758 33.525 35.038 63*353 67*807 73,233 77,531 83.611 1.262*915 1,330.172 1,444*112 1,474.647 1*562.445 225 225 229 230 231 1896 1897 1898 1899 1*001 1*743 923 263 1*025 1.044 772 1*078 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1*526 1*731 1.158 1*451 1*881 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 50 227 520 346 143 129 36 . 1.643*184 96 100 101 104 Alabama National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Losins Loans Year Total 6,861 1896 1897 1S9S 1899 6*553 6.484 6,773 9*191 Real estate All other Collateral 138 120 116 124 2*318 2*029 I t 959 2.098 4*405 4*404 4.409 4.551 Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Ili585 13*293 14*615 18*376 161 210 254 255 337 2*716 3*544 4t279 4.305 5*673 6.314 7*831 8.760 10*055 12*368 1921 1922 1923 1924 91*842 85*460 80.535 89*597 93.301 3.297 4,299 5,116 4.658 5,305 34.379 34*784 29.353 33*694 36*521 54,166 46,377 46.066 51.045 51.475 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 20*311 27*184 28*716 26,231 26*655 373 550 582 539 871 6.289 9.263 9*813 9*088 14.577 13.649 17*371 18.321 16*604 11.207 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 99*766 107.236 118,761 145.508 150,975 6.097 6,891 7,899 9,153 9.152 36.799 40.996 43.784 58.204 25.700 56,870 59,347 67,078 78,151 116*123 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 32*396 34i762 37*824 41*778 43*687 749 935 1»137 1*152 I t 667 11*361 12.878 14t215 15.730 16*469 20.266 20*949 22.472 24*896 25.551 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 135,324 114.593 88.416 70,173 68.402 11.004 9.510 9*695 8.892 7,630 16.298 18*490 15,746 13,357 14,181 106*022 86*593 62*975 47.924 46,591 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 43*612 44*985 50*446 54*791 67*186 2*079 2*539 2.935 3*050 2*733 19.045 19*540 20*002 21*189 27.970 22.488 22.906 27.509 30,552 36.483 1935 1936 1937 1938 76.491 61.684 70,036 82,860 7,699 8.163 9,482 9*694 11,643 9,990 9,235 8.799 57.149 43.529 51.319 64*367 1920 Loans' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers 1939 95,498 56,970 1,770 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 86*183 101*884 100*177 84,293 108*691 43,697 51,079 53,517 46.661 51.034 1,001 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 110*928 143,350 203.657 243*922 264.648 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Real estate To others On farmland On residential property 2,068 Other Other loans to individuals All other 5,179 23,107 733 455 409 638 889 1*553 1*386 1*396 21.257 2*281 2*310 2,057 1*606 1*597 5.924 6,769 6.214 7*960 6*923 4,752 6*075 5*073 5,627 7,719 11*608 11*168 27,639 33*365 31.473 9»024 8.335 60.133 70.184 99.929 129.514 148.619 997 3,042 1*041 1»468 1*177 16.276 18*395 12.232 8.489 5,809 1*711 2,640 4,249 5*095 5,310 7,350 15*841 27.305 31,882 31.750 5*223 5,435 10,708 11*928 13*689 11,637 20*095 42*263 52,211 54.675 7,601 7,718 5*930 5,174 7,073 290.980 320.149 323,509 355,728 368,689 126.615 149.561 149,363 151.409 160.392 1*911 3.103 3.102 2.272 2*011 5,650 4,564 3.159 2.737 2,277 5,539 5.351 5.565 5,347 5*526 52,544 47.457 36,748 46,392 42,307 13.750 13.139 11,700 11*867 12*605 75*689 88.984 103.059 119.507 118.497 13,635 14,234 17,501 23.723 12*476 411.663 186.281 2*708 3*087 6,060 43,559 15,513 133*905 29,018 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Alabama 105 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 2,570 2*642 2*493 3*409 1*426 1*413 1.090 1*589 675 725 628 1*074 469 504 575 746 2*236 2.400 3.508 4.736 50 57 82 82 1.101 1*023 1.117 1.331 1*087 1.320 2.309 3.323 713 696 625 625 12.382 12*291 13.110 15*543 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 4.171 4.231 4*218 4*972 * 5*808 2*201 2.374 2*507 3*174 4.005 1*162 1.096 1*009 1*061 1*064 808 761 702 737 739 5,054 5*602 6*750 6*464 9*538 126 252 135 151 131 1*482 1*922 2.130 2.270 2*824 3*446 3*628 4*485 6.043 6.583 694 708 750 799 1.052 19*110 22*326 25,011 28*850 34.776 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 5.905 7.042 10*152 10*762 10*561 4.450 5*328 6*869 7*709 7.915 858 1*011 1.937 1.800 1.666 597 703 1,346 1*253 980 10,080 9*995 9*861 8*560 10*434 184 296 279 309 316 2.729 3*236 2.877 3,504 3,645 7(167 6*463 6.705 4.747 6.473 1*043 1*169 1.450 2*084 2*040 37,339 45.390 50.179 47*637 49*690 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 10.373 11*131 12.295 12*413 13*344 7.795 8.187 8*736 8*931 9*583 1*558 1*609 1.765 1.632 1.796 1.020 1*385 1.794 1.650 1*965 10,070 12*664 13*870 12*695 12.522 337 354 309 572 459 3.744 4*120 4*187 4.254 4*514 5.989 8.190 9*374 7*869 7*549 2*176 2*409 2*471 2*730 3*010 55,015 61,016 66*460 69*616 72*563 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 15.230 14.749 17.499 27.662 35.788 9.579 9.565 10.738 20*231 28*330 1*850 1*864 1.728 1.728 1.660 3.801 3*320 5*033 5.703 5*798 13.842 17*668 19*760 25*434 24.674 374 531 567 1*537 1*910 3.704 4.251 4*494 3.562 3.570 9*764 12.886 14*699 20*335 19*194 3.240 3.433 3.552 3*490 3*916 75.924 80*835 91*257 111*377 131*564 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 29*866 26.405 24.721 30*730 31,539 22*061 19.027 16.420 20.092 17.120 1.518 1*683 1.895 2.956 4.504 6*267 5*695 6*406 7*682 9*915 27*225 21*239 22.246 27.616 30*605 2*968 1.763 2.334 2.849 2.705 4.246 3.629 3.310 2(665 3.729 20*011 15*847 16*604 21*902 24.171 4*162 4.399 4*923 5*681 6*242 153,095 137,503 132,427 153*624 161,687 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 31*046 33*602 39,627 46,530 46*620 15.723 14.652 17.788 19.604 21*689 4*370 6*323 7.183 9*400 8*962 10.953 12*627 14*656 17.526 15*969 29*912 31*588 36.476 36*000 34.567 4*243 4*161 5.017 5.121 5*169 3*894 4.383 4.984 4*130 3.997 21.775 23*044 26*475 26*749 25.401 6*356 6*690 9.226 11*566 12.752 167,060 179*116 204*090 239,604 244,914 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 42*694 48*193 48,097 48*805 58*387 19.825 21.673 23.449 27.119 31.300 7*577 10*994 10*160 9*427 13*627 15.292 15.526 14*468 12.259 13*460 39*024 34*498 23.176 28.121 42.709 4.999 2.847 1*552 2*010 3.656 5.006 5,109 3.732 3.466 3.371 29.019 26*542 17(892 22*645 35.682 12.984 12*729 12*470 12.014 12.747 230*026 210*013 172.159 159.113 182.245 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 59*014 70*970 75*596 60.299 65.316 32.908 39.822 42.440 26.660 29.104 16.883 21.669 23.895 25*015 27.703 9.223 9.479 9.261 8,604 8,509 41.623 66.624 63.866 57.533 74.696 3*746 4*336 4*954 4*556 5*496 3.362 4*855 5.075 4.732 5.004 34.513 57.433 53.837 48.245 64(196 13.175 13.078 12.783 12*760 13*201 190*303 212*356 222*281 213*452 248*711 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 69,845 77,875 143,594 292,941 370,402 31*742 33*832 95.036 238.008 316.370 30.538 35*192 38,605 45,282 45*878 7,565 8.851 9.953 9.651 8.154 99.181 128.572 151*555 169.926 180*541 7*249 7*479 11*099 12*158 14*014 5.302 6.774 10*149 12.276 13*687 86(630 114.319 130*307 145*492 152*840 13*450 13.245 12*546 11*342 9.993 268*659 321.576 407.872 558.502 669.627 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 483,013 527,021 478*819 448*064 420,511 420.825 451.929 394.027 358.461 331*411 50*792 58*529 67*066 69*779 71*030 11.396 16*563 17.726 19.824 18.070 203*907 207.975 225.651 238*631 241*260 15.901 18.492 17*342 21.419 20.331 12.176 13*328 16*601 19*250 18*825 175*830 176*155 191.708 197,962 202,104 9.908 10.233 10*337 11*448 11*221 807.756 888.579 916*464 942*065 937*840 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 434,011 421,044 473.697 454*942 504*083 338*997 322.391 358*226 334.116 368.804 76,302 80*005 96,560 102,365 116,874 18.712 18,648 18,911 17.961 18*405 226*250 262.043 283*009 273*977 275,351 25*030 30*130 27.336 45.570 52*861 15*220 16,753 21.302 22.668 21.839 186,000 215,160 234,371 205,739 200*651 11.484 12*228 12.722 12.704 15.022 964*725 1.015*464 1*092*937 1.097.351 1.163,145 46*283 22*179 215(902 16(827 25,157 106 Alabama National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures i 3 of June 30 or nearest available dale; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government ^Other demand Other time 1696 1897 1898 1699 6.152 6,115 7.608 10*020 231 94 94 100 195 5*524 5*393 6*734 8,921 303 306 405 516 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 12*213 14.170 16,472 19.131 22.135 881 956 1*011 1,163 1*491 251 251 451, 498 401 10,644 12f375 14,322 16*688 19,361 437 588 688 782 862 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 23.583 27.245 30.675 25,973 28*363 1,669 2*001 1*979 1,512 1,984 265 264 949 1,168 522 20.557 23*695 25*829 20*962 22*559 1.092 1»265 1*916 2*331 3*298 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 31.079 35,981 40*438 41*574 42*298 2,059 2*411 2,698 2*612 2,506 309 345 342 260 394 23,238 25.794 28*637 28,220 29,903 5*473 7.431 8*761 10*462 9*495 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 43,839 51,392 61,303 79.438 93.380 3,172 3,606 4*890 4,922 5,428 329 328 321 3*509 1*624 29,967 35,204 41*218 53*643 63,062 10.371 12*254 14*674 17*364 23*266 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 109.589 88,955 91,266 113,738 119,205 5.189 3,757 5,216 6,444 6,294 503 431 624 817 767 73,222 53*820 54.271 66*378 65*315 30*675 30*947 31*155 40»099 46*629 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 126*756 136,375 157,693 178,932 170.354 6,950 6,702 9»282 6,386 7,944 1*300 1*161 2»306 2*749 3*258 70,614 74,064 84,341 97,117 88,604 47*892 54,448 61*764 70*660 70*548 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 167,123 154,156 117,943 110,573 135,017 7,269 8,555 5,610 6,714 12,027 3.877 3*366 4*386 8*253 7,297 88,915 79,517 56,165 49*414 62,534 67*062 62.718 51*760 46*192 53.159 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 151,799 179,786 187.881 179,561 213*566 13*025 19,535 18,560 17,484 26,866 5*856 6*383 2*915 1.710 4,551 77,422 92*676 102*524 96*131 113,754 55*494 59.192 63*882 64*236 66*395 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 233,731 285*121 369,660 518*148 627*996 30*484 38,726 46,215 46,429 48*437 5*520 7*511 10.574 38.747 91.117 125,955 163,954 231,790 340.356 378*084 71*772 74*930 81*061 90.616 110*360 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 762,250 638,593 859.464 878,646 870,544 59.249 57,683 58*193 52.457 46*032 98*655 70.604 8.015 11.671 10.196 459*956 541*402 598*289 618*543 617*841 144*388 166*904 194*967 195.975 196.475 1950 1951 i952 1953 1954 692*394 938.194 1.009,596 1.009*248 1*068*170 54*869 64*064 71,941 68*191 72*616 19*953 31.363 27.741 21.869 34.212 620,929 649,951 704,913 704,075 734,779 196*643 192.616 205.001 215*113 226*563 1955 1*114*667 72*186 322 369 386 229*706 Alabama 107 Table 2— National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nat onal ba no £ Borrowings nt>,0r liSLs C^1 Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 658 1897 1898 1899 638 357 118 1*025 1.044 772 1.078 3.405 3.355 3.205 3.105 1.141 ,139 ,167 .219 12,382 12*291 13,110 15,543 27 1 3 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 216 873 532 534 1.002 1.626 1.953 1*928 2.479 3.366 82 81 80 79 76 3.460 3.590 4.000 4.250 5.555 *493 ,659 .999 2.377 2.642 19*110 22.326 25,011 28*850 34*776 28 33 41 41 52 190S 1906 1907 1908 1909 606 2.440 It330 2.011 1.033 3.920 4.804 5.771 6i557 6.896 76 80 154 192 77 5*893 7.115 7.925 8.317 8*372 3.061 3,706 4,324 4,587 4,949 37*339 45,390 50,179 47,637 49.690 65 71 73 76 75 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2.616 1.653 1.300 2.443 3.066 7*158 7.475 8*051 8.197 8.984 65 77 23 59 95 8.680 9.380 9.700 9*965 10.405 5,417 6,450 6,948 7,378 7,715 55.015 61.016 66.460 69,616 72.563 79 81 85 87 90 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3.087 2.. 116 1.748 3.305 8.429 9*144 8.958 9.263 9.248 9.099 26 75 133 380 997 11.340 10*550 10.657 10*620 10.745 8,488 7,744 8,153 8*386 8,914 75,924 80*835 91,257 111*377 131.564 92 90 92 91 94 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 10*381 13*343 5.494 3*886 5.022 9.562 10.516 10.450 10.026 10.585 1*057 432 551 503 579 11.932 12*765 12.840 13*175 13.330 10,574 11.492 11.826 12,296 12,966 153.095 137.503 132.427 153.624 161.687 101 107 107 106 105 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 4*007 5*784 5.344 10*297 20.138 9.200 8.724 9.335 12.195 13.638 698 698 1.799 2*389 2*429 13*070 13.170 14.095 17,020 18*020 13,349 14,365 15,824 18,771 20,335 167.080 179.116 204.090 239.604 244*914 102 102 105 107 106 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 7.516 4>632 6*704 1*431 101 13.641 13.414 13.653 10,513 11.355 2*636 1.937 1,125 1.244 1.243 18,270 18.305 17,120 20*755 23.095 20,840 17,569 15.614 14,597 11,434 230*026 210.013 172*159 159,113 182.245 101 92 81 66 70 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 154 21 271 168 10 4,897 1,204 1,006 1,309 1.091 1*004 21.100 20.625 20*360 19*897 20*457 11,149 10,918 12.460 12.735 13,674 190,303 212,356 222,281 213*452 248.711 69 69 68 66 67 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 81 1.117 1*601 1*804 1.386 2*106 18*687 18.612 18.415 18.206 16.902 15*043 16.242 17,993 20,762 22,621 268,659 321*576 407.872 558.502 669.627 66 65 66 66 66 2.380 3.387 4*581 4*972 5*248 16*484 16.096 18*069 18*744 19*280 26,642 30,503 36,330 39,541 42,768 807.756 888.579 918.464 942.065 937.840 65 66 66 68 69 6.377 7*458 9.011 9.490 10.921 20,565 21*440 22*007 23.762 24.615 45,389 48,372 52,323 54,851 59,439 964*725 1.015*464 1.092.937 1*097.351 1.163.145 70 70 71 71 71 19*5 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 162 1 26 26 26 108 Alabama State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total 8t578 Real estate All other Collateral Year Total 3.615 1.274 1.120 1.182 1.993 1.280 2.727 2*503 2*970 6*287 4.914 5.898 967 2.431 3.389 2*457 5.068 4*846 7*802 3*846. 9,647 9.214 12*800 1920 1921 1922 1923 5*455 7.371 3*343 7.871 7.398 15.383 20.759 23*496 22,184 20.874 5.380 6.790 5.670 3.909 11.831 12*330 13*060 10»354 5*618 6*634 6.837 7.529 9.488 12*237 7.512 8.978 11.119 15.546 21.733 1896 1897 1898 8,841 1899 8i761 9*583 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 11.200 11.445 15.271 17.994 19.992 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 23.314 31.501 35*654 33.655 31.656 3.600 3.384 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 40.378 42.022 52.237 50.927 51.681 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 41.137 41.184 43.774 53.607 66*871 4.210 3.167 3.712 2*346 2*476 3.371 3.815 5.168 Real estate Collateral All other 1924 95.276 84*150 79*150 92,680 98.652 17,912 16*325 15.785 17*014 16.646 34.395 33.408 34.244 38.660 41.532 42.969 34.417 29.121 37.006 38.474 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 106,214 116,295 102,905 98*186 98.383 20.074 22.456 21*096 21.208 22*431 44.716 49,376 38,898 32*500 27.842 41*424 44*463 42.911 44*478 48.110 23.379 24,312 32.387 34*903 42.154 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 75.493 55*552 42*090 28*194 26.588 18,118 13.999 11,090 7.643 6.512 17,816 10*499 5,986 5*623 3*171 39*559 31.054 25.014 14.928 16*905 26.991 25.369 25.126 28*573 32*901 1935 1936 1937 1938 32*121 29,114 36,451 40.245 5.887 6,443 8.174 9,111 5*043 2*895 3*418 3*161 21*191 19*776 24.859 27.973 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers 1939 Real estate On farmland To others On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 628 2.742 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 40.931 45.056 46.240 39*190 55.682 17.925 18.091 21.449 18,563 24*900 86 51 93 155 232 429 504 314 828 10.067 3*109 3*309 3*073 2.491 2.859 6.234 6,979 7*138 6*747 6*535 2.025 2*110 2*038 1.776 1.683 6,519 7.824 11.123 14.012 12*135 2*111 1,582 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 60*640 70*275 79*219 95*206 107,793 31.543 29.772 31.150 37*082 45*409 447 780 26 43 11 5.596 5.766 1*943 1*638 1,637 3*302 5*032 7.099 8*477 9.213 7.735 10.789 16.342 19.515 19,928 1.728 3*268 4*667 5.416 6.416 8.753 13*435 16.719 22.033 24,154 1.536 1,433 1*273 1*268 1,716 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 108*120 113.945 125,023 134*893 152.652 40.139 43.289 47.638 50*721 62.604 10 44 64 66 30 1,539 1*710 1*850 1*463 2*459 10.302 11.074 11.554 12*493 12*715 20*809 21.801 23.781 24.507 25,634 5.899 5.315 6*030 6*475 7*406 28.658 30,517 34.608 39,695 42,475 1,675 1.425 1.013 1.233 1.202 1955 160.393 57.093 69 2.233 14.029 29*998 9,537 48.048 1,585 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. continue to be shown net. Total loans Alabama 109 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-]955^Contmued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Casb assets Investments Year 1896 1897 1698 1899 Obligations of States and political subdivisions U.S. Government obligations Total 10 245 659 1*655 1 1 4 10 3 62 219 551 1*888 11 629 202 454 251 378 Bankers' balances (including reserves) Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin 2.335 1*686 4*973 5*444 10 26 92 9 2.273 1.627 1*563 1*016 2*608 3*808 7*374 3*822 5*608 5*087 7*352 64 19 47 186 332 2.060 1.348 2*496 1*778 2*180 1*112 1.873 1*700 1.528 8*872 9*305 10*549 10*655 10*761 284 298 338 356 374 1*810 1*528 2*650 2*700 2*738 10.307 10*968 12*145 11*835 15*681 454 356 288 1*402 1.335 1.836 2*003 2.475 10*538 14.577 16.926 20.750 23*029 Other securities 6 162 436 1*094 1*248 Total Other assets Total assets 388 706 11.490 12*219 14,781 17*388 5.250 2.455 3*065 3.121 4.840 1*146 1.104 1,197 1.123 1*665 21*608 16*979 23.440 24*957 30*145 2.707 3*094 3.254 3*244 3.235 5*881 5.913 6*957 7.055 7*152 1*559 2*040 2*414 2*428 2*442 35*052 44*526 51*450 49,309 47*168 3.431 3*148 3.290 3*364 3.623 6*422 7*464 8.567 7*465 11*806 3*000 3*150 2*403 3*869 4*329 56*668 58*904 70.159 69.986 75.462 291 749 776 1*476 1*836 3.087 3.564 3.816 3.467 4.477 7*160 10*264 12.334 15*807 16*716 3*626 3*601 4*075 6*256 5*208 57.466 61*457 67*666 87.674 107.700 762 640 567 1.447 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1*364 I t 136 8 5 7 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1*307 1*682 2*833 2*571 2*309 8 10 17 15 13 435 560 943 856 768 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2*983 2»764 3*374 3*355 3.771 36 7 22 5 15 1»137 1*229 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*167 2»095 2*889 7*061 12*592 16 38 52 3.950 8.731 1*001 1*108 1.386 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 12*379 9,917 7*070 9*978 9*916 7.681 5*421 2*031 2.780 1*787 1.701 1*637 1*848 2*634 2.975 2.997 2.859 3.191 4*564 5.154 24.055 17*656 19.890 22.907 23.926 2*151 1*416 1*866 2*540 2*190 5*265 3*720 3.574 3.661 4.361 16*619 12*522 14.450 16.706 17,375 4*642 4*464 5*619 6*993 6*738 136.352 116*209 111*729 132*558 139*232 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 11*705 12*052 10*781 11*428 10*888 1*013 3*913 4*040 3.517 3*628 3*507 6*779 7*104 6*363 6*708 6*689 24*321 24*262 23.875 16.906 16*607 2*626 2*469 1*624 1.227 1.204 4.667 5*024 4.461 4.020 3.501 17*028 16*769 17.590 11.659 11*902 7.737 7.949 7.590 6*806 7*099 149.977 160*558 145*151 133*326 132*977 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 8*715 8*259 3*319 8*494 14*374 5*595 5*078 4*486 3*805 4*030 13*404 13*895 8*470 10*368 17.711 1*235 1*659 2*031 5*556 2*857 2.524 2*174 2*658 4*786 2*871 2*699 1.819 1.633 1.747 9*298 10.454 6.149 7*997 14.889 6*434 5*953 5*936 4.780 4*826 104.046 83*659 64*815 51*836 63.499 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 19t729 27»556 27*305 25*208 27tl70 9.416 15*665 14*360 11.919 12*655 6*256 8*449 9*265 9*603 10*782 4*057 3*442 3*680 3*686 3.733 14*639 24*265 23*882 21*839 28*656 1.062 1.082 1.057 1.846 2.144 2*784 2*989 2.935 2.922 11*584 20*419 19.811 17*847 24*088 5*124 4.472 4*339 4*152 3.759 71.613 85.407 91.977 91.444 100*060 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 29.972 30*910 41*306 106*430 135*855 15*103 16*246 26.470 91t901 121*692 11*754 12*136 12*677 12*131 12*028 3*115 2.526 2*159 2*398 2*135 35*033 52*713 67*15* 81*383 84*797 1.544 2.156 3*336 3*835 3.395 2.972 3*453 4.712 6*066 6.921 30,517 47.104 59.105 71.480 74.481 4*381 4*329 3*804 3,586 3*074 110*317 133.008 158.503 230*591 279.406 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 191*591 236.139 149.505 140(495 125*504 175.515 215.801 132.151 120*362 104.308 13*343 15*796 14*144 16*940 18*726 2*733 4*542 3*210 3*193 2*470 106*836 111*024 71.694 65*992 61*085 4.409 5.068 1.831 1*681 2*906 7.540 7*829 8.309 9.613 9.727 94.887 98.107 61*554 54,698 48.450 2*906 2*969 1*631 1.704 2*282 361,973 420*407 302*049 303,397 296*664 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 122.167 124.735 139.994 154*887 161*543 100*044 100*255 111.087 122*029 121.983 20*060 22*105 26*559 29*916 33*413 2*063 2*375 2*348 2*942 6*147 65*394 72.829 82*651 83*792 81.147 2*800 2*492 2*764 2*841 2.527 9.203 8*606 10*156 10.864 11.663 53.391 61.731 69.709 70*087 66*957 2.509 3.199 3.507 3.724 3*958 296*190 314*708 351.175 377.296 399*300 2.974 12.758 70*117 4*352 427*866 608 753 177.272 * 4 908 901 1*092 692 263 657 702 650 1*018 749 722 402 902 497 751 864 5.921 1.006 250 742 502 738 1*075 911 110 Alabama State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures i s of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government 1896 1897 1898 1899 5*393 5*425 8.596 11.911 127 106 158 1,750 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 14*309 10*391 15.767 15.054 19*469 397 438 659 662 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 22*968 28,557 33.875 32.267 30.658 1*093 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 35,989 38*641 48*188 44,863 52,450 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 36,003 41,524 49.165 67*958 84,953 2,345 3,646 3,262 600 399 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 105*895 83,884 84*442 105,103 107,699 3*326 2,350 2,975 3.684 3,265 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 116*629 124,921 111,678 100,930 95,093 3,496 3*958 2,789 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 73,281 60,587 44,261 37,227 48,163 1,219 1,565 911 1.177 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 56,709 69.715 75.586 84,721 2,038 3,436 3,324 3,268 5,493 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 94,640 116,973 142.202 213,050 260.140 7,965 11,766 9,492 11,771 11,072 2*567 14,332 28,371 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 340.999 397.632 282,319 281,228 271,729 13,046 14*081 31,124 22.183 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 271,421 286,283 320*356 343,514 363*406 935 1.171 1,840 2,133 2,071 75:, 531 368.223 4,192 4,202 6*607 7,895 1,831 2*266 16,166 19,759 23*035 21,722 22*082 5.709 24.783 25,596 30,371 28»842 35*163 8*925 10,920 13,680 13>561 14*047 25,474 27*879 32.412 45.989 58.882 8*825 11,958 14,408 17.723 22,410 261 213 307 48 72.833 53.080 51.274 63,146 63*434 29*496 28,193 29*980 37*966 40*952 328 410 151 174 175 67*585 71,824 63,749 54,301 49*463 45,220 48*729 <t4,9B9 44*693 44*011 72 172 169 62 964 37,317 31,466 20*949 18,407 25.208 34.673 27.384 22.232 17.581 19*764 536 31,422 40*024 44*556 43,761 47*832 22*713 24*891 27,251 28.124 29*833 53*403 68*663 94.307 148.287 175*025 31.859 34*705 35*836 36.660 45*672 236,624 288,149 220,973 217.859 207,369 60*205 73*219 58*657 59*525 61*574 204,006 216,994 239,783 253,812 255,291 63*766 64,828 73*063 83*553 99*670 2*098 2*049 2*281 2,125 4,137 2.460 3*240 1,704 1.687 736 1,263 820 1.074 1.117 3,186 2 .349 1*601 2,146 2,227 Other time 10.726 7,604 11,452 10*823 13.970 737 1,762 1,444 Other demand 238 1*364 400 433 1,563 1,413 1,839 1,953 2»58i 1,966 2*692 3*290 5*670 4,016 6*374 5,690 3.656 3,569 fe»782 7.197 8*694 8>447 6*527 Alabama 111 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Nat Year Borrowings ba no•jf .Sties OP" Amounts in thousands of dollars] Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1896 1899 343 1*105 566 165 29 92 47 14 4*533 4.184 4*519 4.299 1,192 1*413 1,053 999 11*490 12,219 14,761 17*368 75 70 74 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1,310 858 626 917 879 109 72 52 76 73 4*689 4*260 4*499 6,749 7,395 1,191 1,398 2*496 2*161 2*309 21*608 16,979 23*440 24*957 30*145 79 84 95 112 123 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1*526 3*661 3*684 2*732 1*780 127 305 307 227 148 7,052 7.863 8,826 9,182 9,538 3.379 4.142 4*758 4,901 5*044 35,052 44*528 51.450 49.309 47,168 139 169 196 200 199 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3,903 2*800 2.253 4*823 2*403 103 110 64 346 166 10,967 11*316 12*026 12*836 13,075 5,706 6,037 7,628 7,118 7,368 56*668 58*904 70.159 69.966 75,462 214 223 239 258 267 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 2*913 2*278 1*492 1*858 3*905 167 160 215 814 733 11.693 11,154 10,678 10*642 10*877 6,692 6,341 6,116 6,402 7,232 57*468 61,457 67,666 87,674 107,700 261 244 236 238 240 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 8*984 11*600 6*249 4*818 7*041 589 448 497 802 787 11*842 11*680 11,489 12,263 13,391 9*042 8,597 9,052 9,567 10*314 136*352 116*209 111*729 132*558 139,232 251 251 249 254 257 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 7*096 8*921 6»460 8*102 13*133 1*330 493 232 676 684 13,828 13,888 14,003 11*866 12.111 11,094 12,335 12,778 11,752 11,956 149,977 160*558 145.151 133.326 132,977 252 253 251 250 244 1930 1931 1932 9*290 4*906 4*665 1933 1934 1*641 403 1.143 247 1,125 1*337 229 10,536 9.276 7,669 6,201 8*710 9,796 8*643 7,095 5,430 5,994 104.046 83*659 64,815 51,836 63*499 220 194 162 137 146 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 710 235 383 802 300 126 193 218 229 160 8,894 8,535 8.630 8,795 8*008 5,174 6,729 7,215 6,032 6.891 71,613 85,407 91,977 91,444 100*080 148 148 149 252 149 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 51 52 47 47 97 478 425 253 525 389 8.026 7*980 7,954 7.747 7,897 7,122 7,578 8,047 9,222 10,985 110*317 133*008 156*503 230.591 279.408 152 152 151 150 151 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 347 588 734 350 472 632 7*799 7i622 6,471 7,110 7,405 12,240 14,419 12,859 14,522 16,378 361*973 420,407 302,049 303*397 296*664 151 153 153 154 157 834 926 1,029 1,303 1,299 7,625 7,921 8,751 9,763 10,423 17,964 19,435 20,910 22*680 24,172 298,190 314,708 351*175 377,296 399,300 155 155 158 159 160 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 50 65 520 346 143 129 36 1,578 75 164 ARIZONA States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks for the period 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State and territorial banking departments and by other State authorities. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. The sources of such statistics for the period 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks obtained from abstracts published or supplied by the State banking department or from bankers' directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Arizona, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3.1 A separate balance sheet was not compiled for unincorporated banks in this State because adequate data were reported, either separately or in combination with data for other State commercial banks, in the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency or the State banking department. A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods and procedures used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Arizona were obtained from the abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments. A description of these figures is included in the United 1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in Arizona, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national'*; it refers to banks that at one time or another during: the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies," "stock savings banks/' or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks). 112 Arizona 113 STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET Based on information in the reports of territorial authorities, five banks were added to the number published by the Comptroller for 1899, and two to the number for 1900. One trust company and its balance sheet were added for the period 1923-1928, and two were added for the period 1929-1933, in accordance with an agreement among Federal bank supervisory authorities in 1947 as to the types of institutions to be included in banking data. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1924. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were estimated. Real estate loans were estimated for certain years by applying to total loans the ratio of these loans to total loans as follows: for 1896, the ratio computed from reported data for 1897; for 1902-1905, the average of the ratios for 1901 and 1906; and for 1907 and 1908, the average of the ratios for 1906 and 1909. Estimates for 1916-1920 were derived by applying to total loans, ratios of real estate 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. loans to total loans that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1921 (an adjustment was made in the interpolated ratio for 1920 to take account of the trend in the corresponding ratio at Arizona national banks); estimates for 1922 and 1923 were made by the same method except that the base years were 1921 and 1924. Collateral loans were estimated for the same years and by the same methods as described earlier for real estate loans except that (1) ratios of collateral loans to total loans less estimated real estate loans were used in making estimates for 1902-1905 and 1907 and 1908 (and these ratios were applied to that total), and (2) no adjustment was made in the interpolated ratio for 1920. In addition, it was necessary to estimate collateral loans for 1898; this was done by applying to total loans an average ratio of this item to total loans based on data for 1897 and 1899. INVESTMENTS A complete breakdown of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1924. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were estimated. United States Government securities. United States Government securities were estimated for several years by applying to total investments the ratio of this item to total investments computed from reported data as follows: for 1916, the ratio for 1915; for 19171920, ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of United States Government securities to total investments at Arizona national banks (these ratios'were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary); and for 1922 and 1923, ratios that were derived by interpolating between ratios for 1921 and 1924. Holdings of United States Government securities for 114 All-Bank Statistics 1916-1920 were estimated by a different method from that used for 1922 and 1923 because of the predominant influence on total investments of holdings of United States Government securities, which increased sharply in the years immediately following 1916. Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Since the amounts of State and political subdivision securities held by State commercial banks were very small in 1905 when they were first reported, no holdings were estimated for earlier years. Estimates for 1907 and 1908 were derived by applying to total investments the average of the ratios of this item to the total computed from reported data for 1906 and 1909. Estimates for 1916-1920 were derived by applying to total investments other than United States Government securities, ratios of State and political subdivision securities to this total that were deriveH by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1921; for 1922 and 1923, by applying to total investments, ratios of this item to total investments that were derived by interpolating between ratios computed from reported data for 1921 and 1924. DEPOSITS The breakdowns of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time were adequate, after some minor revisions, in the reports of the Comptroller for all years except 1896-1908, 1916-1920, 1922, and 1923.3 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for United States Government deposits prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. For years in which items were not reported, 8 In subsequent paragraphs these items «(if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Demand and time deposits. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank and United States Government into demand and time were estimated for certain years by applying to this total, ratios of time deposits to this total derived as follows: for 1896-1908, ratios extrapolated from the straight-line trend of such ratios computed from reported data for 1911-1915, 1921 and 1924 for the same class of banks; for 1916-1920 and for 1922 and 1923, ratios that were derived by interpolating between ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1921 and for 1921 and 1924, respectively. Movements in time deposits at national banks were not used as a basis for estimating these deposits at Arizona State commercial banks because of the very small amounts of such deposits at national banks. Interbank deposits* Interbank deposits were reported for all years except 1903 and 1905. No estimate was made for 1903 since the amounts were very small in surrounding years. For 1905 an estimate was made by applying to total deposits the average ratio of this item to total deposits computed from reported data for 1904 and 1906. United States Government deposits. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1920 represent such deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Arizona to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. Arizona STATE COMMERCIAL The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934 and 1935 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with (1) data for individual noninsured State commercial banks derived from reports of the State banking department and (2) data for noninsured trust companies derived from bankers' directories. The same procedure was followed for 19361946; in that period, however, the only noninsured banks in the State were two trust companies in 1936 and one in 1937-1946. The breakdowns of some of the asset and liability items that were required for the allbank series were not available for noninsured 115 BANKS, 1934-1946 banks and trust companies for some years in the sources cited. The breakdowns of loans, securities other than United States Government obligations, cash assets, and deposits for the noninsured State commercial banks in 1934 and 1935 were made on the basis of percentage distributions of corresponding items at insured nonmember commercial banks in those years. Estimates of the breakdown of these items at trust companies for 1936-1946 were made on the basis of distributions computed from balance-sheet data for December dates for one of these companies, which had submitted reports to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 116 Arizona All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Year Total Real estate Loans All other Collateral Year. Total Real estate Collateral All other 318 2.195 208 216 77 256 381 420 540 763 839 1,305 1.399 2.944 .3.631 4*163 5»373 5,917 391 469 597 774 866 1*445 988 1*142 1.627 1,669 1,108 2.174 2.424 2.972 3 . 362 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 62.884 56.166 50.162 48,693 46*845 7,533 7*259 7.572 8*364 9,478 23.138 21,964 19,710 18,921 18,474 32.213 26.943 22*680 21.408 16*893 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 6.459 6*141 10.547 9.636 10.085 909 1.199 1*665 1*589 1*618 1*959 2*594 3*334 3.204 3,423 3,591 4,348 5,548 4*845 4,844 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 45,700 43,604 43*206 51*135 54.282 10*648 9.666 10*785 10,576 10,822 18*323 17*346 17.978 26.629 30.950 16*729 16*592 14*445 13*928 12.510 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 12.709 13*832 15,174 20*845 22.590 1,943 2*276 2,366 3,748 3,526 4,OU5 4,112 4.651 4.812 5.899 6,761 7,444 8.157 12,285 13.165 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 46*833 34,221 20.765 15.615 15.143 11,928 11.401 6,423 6,771 6,618 16.409 9*299 4.446 4.697 1.940 18.496 13.521 7,894 4,147 6,565 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 21*136 26.927 34,461 39.039 42,403 3*649 4,699 6,022 6,063 6.130 6,357 8.604 11.462 13.329 15.303 11.130 13.624 16,977 19,647 20.970 1935 1936 1937 1938 16,152 20.416 25*054 27,160 5.791 5.201 6.062 7,433 1.791 2.128 2.348 1.827 8,570 13*067 16*644 17*900 1696 1897 1698 1699 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1»289 1.436 1*802 Loans1 Commercial, Year Total and agricultural 1939 For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farmland To others 14.954 residential property to Other All other individuals 1.008 5.951 901 688 544 574 678 870 691 554 682 480 8.479 10.338 11.943 11.681 12.118 1,271 1*211 1,021 798 638 4*231 4*853 7,907 10,400 8,815 227 739 617 597 129 1,354 1.175 1.056 1.070 1.215 1.091 1.897 2*111 2.417 2.215 11.034 13.387 25.059 47.718 50.045 610 2»159 3,583 4,709 4*776 5*665 12*836 21,975 29*571 32,064 1,303 1,020 689 861 733 72,881 92,1-72 93.872 103,498 113,656 158 251 126 337 235 140 295 317 268 326 2,489 2.562 2.413 2.540 2.321 51.888 60,140 58,787 66,578 67.990 3,532 4,753 2*671 3*078 3*906 39,883 46,964 58,231 80,051 77.046 1,063 463 386 944 1.234 147,791 420 582 2*844 83.182 6*326 91,629 3.446 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 34,384 43,251 41.446 40,283 46.422 14.950 19.908 18.556 22.090 26*916 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 56.512 81,580 122,540 162,604 15,5,752 35.455 49,106 67.450 76.508 65.413 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 171.429 206,501 215,215 255.328 265.530 1955 334,154 6 15 13 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to Other On 6,952 the total and are not entirely com parable with prior figures. continue to be shown net. Total loans Arizona 117 Table 7—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1896 1899 410 403 428 443 213 244 259 253 69 59 51 67 128 100 118 123 717 1,247 1,533 1*779 18 9 23 20 316 320 465 475 383 918 1,045 1*284 96 127 87 135 2,512 3,213 3,850 4.552 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 498 629 951 1,262 1.408 259 271 271 362 594 71 83 103 115 130 166 275 577 785 684 2*254 3*100 3,083 4.005 4,137 32 56 54 100 112 697 782 939 2,267 966 1,525 2,262 2*090 1*638 3.059 185 316 395 393 622 5*881 7*678 8,592 11,033 12,084 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1*639 2*054 2*382 2.453 2*656 641 779 1,000 946 1.117 199 445 490 544 627 799 830 892 963 912 4,953 6.597 8.340 5.229 7.090 117 151 267 310 130 1,378 1,461 1,864 1,654 1,862 3.458 4,985 6.209 3,265 5,098 597 810 1,133 970 1*140 13,648 17*602 22.402 18.290 20.971 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2,746 2,999 3,509 4,557 4,603 1.002 992 1.232 1.404 1.426 700 843 880 1,139 1,477 1,044 1,164 1.397 2,014 1,700 7,302 8,530 8,941 11.163 13.017 228 268 197 301 888 1,781 1,805 1,883 2,390 3,025 5,293 6.457 6»861 8,492 9,104 1,177 1,511 1,561 1,759 1,680 23.934 26.872 29*165 38.344 41.890 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 5*025 5,146 6,693 11.598 13,409 1.398 1.417 1.990 4.447 5.983 1,440 1,764 2,222 3,209 3,178 2.187 1.965 2.481 3.942 4.246 12.403 19.776 25.542 18.837 21.312 238 501 658 644 1*040 2,381 3,634 4,594 3,857 3,692 9,784 15.641 20*290 14*336 16*580 2,072 2,136 2,255 2*345 2*659 40.636 53.985 68.951 71,819 79,783 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 12.575 10.950 12.974 12.137 11.174 5.742 5,375 6,646 (6,241 5,592 2,764 2,351 2,295 1,884 1,816 4*069 3.224 4*033 4*012 3*766 21.922 17.209 19,055 16.620 17,405 999 815 807 780 896 3,873 3,460 5,344 4,667 3,522 17*050 12.934 12.904 11,173 12,987 3,184 3,707 3,529 3,891 5.371 100,565 88,032 85,720 81,341 80*795 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 13.527 14,607 19,261 24.139 30.699 6*099 7*026 9*747 11.469 15*60.4 1*992 2.359 3,027 4,286 6,120 5,436 5,222 6,487 8*364 8,975 16,930 15,390 15,696 17,773 18,263 794 875 1,329 1,042 1.894 3.583 3.589 3,190 3,158 3.070 12,553 10,926 11*179 13.573 13,319 6,232 6,015 5*624 5*251 4,873 82,369 79.616 83.791 98.298 108.137 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 28,882 28,808 21,231 22*355 22.707 13.103 13.547 10.611 12.248 11,190 6.569 7.867 5.570 5,743 6,415 9,210 7,394 5.050 4.364 5.102 18*282 17,618 11,016 11,214 16,446 1.641 955 819 564 608 3.128 3.665 4,036 1,911 1,615 13*513 12.998 6*161 8*739 14.023 4,776 4,142 3*384 3,938 3,685 98.773 84,789 56.396 53,122 57,981 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 22*229 24*814 32,882 32.672 30,291 10*874 13,993 21*081 22.335 20.569 6,768 5,386 4,637 4,401 4.977 4,567 5,435 7,164 5,936 4,745 22,097 29,292 29,606 29,155 31,034 603 1,982 1*889 1.738 1.777 1,949 3,035 2.783 2.274 2.586 19,545 24,275 24.934 25,143 26.671 3,212 3,330 2,649 2,745 2,944 63,690 77.852 90,191 91,732 95,520 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 26.716 29*346 37.494 104.103 146.634 17*054 21.254 29,974 95,077 142,233 5,008 4*786 3*830 3,309 2,796 4.654 3.308 3.690 5.717 1.805 37.992 36.637 50,102 69,970 68,110 1,791 2,689 3,798 5,137 5.513 2,708 3,182 4,630 5,413 6,254 33.493 30,566 41,674 59,420 56.,343 2,857 2*910 2*709 2,699 2,592 101,949 112,146 131.751 217*055 263*958 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 198.170 221,202 200*882 183*592 187*457 193,477 214,975 183,713 155,204 156,705 2,773 3,682 11,882 15*003 17*040 1,920 2,545 5,287 13,385 13,712 61,682 93,330 61,279 84,934 89,117 5.859 6,642 8*180 10*536 10.752 6,996 6.540 7.475 8.654 9.336 69,027 60,146 65,624 65,744 69,029 2,929 3,168 5,412 6,739 7,215 339*493 399*260 410*113 437*869 439,541 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 196*302 208.485 259,106 260.636 284,351 163,314 167,069 202,331 203.934 219.376 20,544 28*446 43,141 43.519 48,198 12,444 12*970 13,634 13*183 16,777 79,190 94,252 114,261 119,812 121,316 12.751 15.276 24.712 27.827 22.464 9,259 10,770 12.195 14.046 13,890 57,180 68,206 77,354 77*939 84.962 8*593 10,734 12,326 13*069 15,214 455.514 519.972 600*908 648,845 686,411 1955 304.172 233,016 51,265 19*891 124,077 27,486 15,522 81.069 17,992 780,395 118 Arizona All Banks—Table 1 njacti at EJAADUJA i mo, AI^IS 11 uiuoun, j.oy v-x^*»*»—VAJUUIIUCU [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank Other demand (J^ 1896 1897 1898 1899 1.584 2.2 87 2.9 22 3.561 33 54 69 60 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 4,668 6,205 7,005 8,557 9,541 97 180 188 98 175 248 296 495 387 549 1 Other time 1*499 2.147 2.733 3*374 51 86 120 147 90 4,300 5,603 6*263 7,704 8*366 271 422 554 755 910 100 150 200 245 260 9.355 12,219 15*838 11.575 14.256 1,082 1,469 1,952 1,808 1,359 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 10,785 14,154 18,485 14,0 15 16*424 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 18,986 21,273 23,359 30*020 34*996 654 915 1,103 1,163 1,960 190 188 241 236 276 15.770 16,539 17.785 21*508 24.209 2.372 3.631 4,230 7,113 8*553 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 33,012 46,120 60,273 61,005 67,054 2,038 2,973 2,750 3,026 3,693 279 226 197 437 242 22,293 30,309 39,793 40*473 43,993 8,402 12,612 17.533 17.069 19*126 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 63,857 64,314 68,109 65,587 66,761 3.796 2,726 2,558 2.309 2.397 247 240 183 134 118 55.745 40.115 40,854 38,561 38.655 24*069 21*233 24.514 24*563 25.591 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 69,760 68,194 72,024 87,114 94,559 2,215 1.349 1,744 1.975 2,058 115 99 118 106 197 40,094 •40.655 41.081 50.096 53.547 27.356 26*091 29.081 34.935 38*757 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 84,270 71,953 44.408 44.103 50*572 1,831 1.931 820 882 1.178 129 139 345 196 156 45.946 37.134 20.531 20,334 28,051 36*364 32*749 22.712 22.691 21.187 1935 1936 1937 1933 1939 56.293 70,325 8 2 , 2 15 83,498 86,741 1,495 1,560 1.517 2,601 1,922 179 153 157 174 149 34,584 46,639 55,722 &2.817 54*446 20.035 21.973 24.819 27*906 30*224 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 93,092 103.435 122,7 61 207,760 252.056 1,962 2,170 2.501 3,309 2.512 200 217 341 8.829 23.095 60.897 69*987 89.009 156.411 174,930 30*033 31*061 30,910 39*211 51.519 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 325,062 382,052 390.254 413,945 413.089 3,177 3,934 2,969 4,274 4*035 29,146 18.702 1*891 4.496 4.676 221,627 273,341 291,717 308.671 305.618 71.112 86*075 93,677 96,504 98,760 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 425,930 482,568 559*331 601*1 84 632*451 3,744 5,400 6*088 7.062 9.143 8,534 9*959 7,690 8,808 14*028 313.872 365.035 431.453 454,877 452,276 99,780 102.174 114.100 130.437 157.004 14.906 179,112 Arizona 119 Table 7—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings 1896 1897 1898 1899 40 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 10 Nat nal ° ba n k not e g Other liabilities 81 150 143 140 Surplus and other capital accounts ^P^1 12 Total liabilities and capital accounts Number banks 637 638 622 630 158 138 163 201 2*512 3*213 3*850 4.552 12 12 12 13 188 184 200 293 392 25 28 6 14 773 925 955 1*591 1.458 252 339 404 576 679 5*881 7*678 8*592 11.033 12*084 21 23 23 35 37 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 5 55 105 215 179 454 560 645 626 696 31 23 20 151 6 1.525 1.656 1.790 1.858 2.014 846 1.152 1.357 1*423 1*650 13*648 17.602 22.402 18.290 20.971 34 40 42 42 46 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 55 99 163 291 247 703 732 825 932 932 23 29 51 119 26 2*349 2*622 2*649 4*306 3.061 1*816 2.117 2.136 2.676 2*626 23.934 26.672 29.165 38*344 41*690 50 52 51 56 60 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 255 32 51 767 2*372 939 930 829 970 1.014 95 114 283 810 328 3*526 3.961 4*106 4.604 4.817 2*609 2.828 3.409 3.663 4.198 40*636 53.985 68*951 71*819 79*783 59 66 70 78 81 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 4.499 11.323 5*391 3*771 2*046 1.080 1*179 1.210 1*045 1*066 472 409 378 462 980 5.466 6.128 6*460 6*278 5.879 5.171 4,679 4,172 4,198 4.063 100*565 88*032 85*720 81.341 80*795 87 83 80 75 64 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2*104 1.529 739 663 235 567 499 652 672 1.025 689 1*213 1.637 503 428 5.404 4*882 5*217 5.316 6*326 3,845 3*299 3.522 4,030 5,564 82*389 79*616 83.791 98.298 108.137 58 48 47 46 48 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 452 221 1*768 122 1*220 1.172 1*022 1.410 854 520 435 414 340 705 6.230 5.485 4.629 4.219 4.075 6,081 5,523 4,155 2*926 1,775 98.773 84.789 56.396 53.122 57.981 47 39 28 21 19 510 258 419 430 495 851 4*024 4.039 3.839 3*888 3*856 2.605 3.069 3,707 3,851 4,072 63.690 77.852 90.191 91.732 95.520 17 16 15 13 13 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 747 887 887 702 840 3*845 3.748 3.747 3.747 4.747 4,265 4.076 4,356 4.846 6.315 101*949 112*146 131.751 217*055 263*958 13 13 13 13 13 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1.315 1.463 2*723 3.712 3.975 4.848 5,872 5.908 6.608 7.008 8.268 9.893 11*228 13,604 15,469 339.493 399,280 410.113 437.869 439.541 13 12 11 11 11 520 5,759 7.517 10*187 9*771 7,685 10,485 10.785 11.635 14.335 17,501 21,160 23,275 25.839 29.854 455.514 519.972 600*908 643*645 686*411 10 12 13 14 14 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 3*878 11.470 760,395 120 Arizona National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Real estate Total 1696 1897 659 All Collateral Year Total other Real estate Collateral All other 808 1,017 1*274 25 33 31 40 210 1898 1899 272 258 328 424 503 728 906 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1»557 Ii697 1.705 2*283 2»369 55 66 54 91 82 454 547 442 747 678 1,048 1.084 1.209 1.445 1,609 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 21,682 20*248 17,671 15.835 15.008 570 1*116 1,467 1,738 2.002 6,946 7,157 6*178 5.078 4.709 14.166 11,975 10*026 9.019 8,297 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 2.858 3»467 4.563 3.943 3.893 113 140 175 171 174 933 1,153 1.449 1,410 1,440 1.812 2,174 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 15.152 14.104 13,609 16,376 17,192 1,928 1,548 1,916 1,877 1*626 4,916 4,578 5*598 8*811 10,276 8,308 7,978 6.095 5.688 5,290 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4,925 5i059 5,330 6.419 7.797 176 154 147 154 225 1.587 1.518 1.629 1,709 2,376 5.196 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 14,638 10.690 6,934 4.412 4.373 1*672 1.725 1.487 1.103 853 5*085 2,963 1,729 1*087 990 7.881 6*002 3,718 2,222 2,530 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 7,726 8,939 9,633 12,053 13,222 240 382 411 342 352 2,493 3.046 3.269 3.857 4.448 4.993 1935 1936 1937 1938 9,844 13,748 16.852 19,768 1.653 2*383 2*639 3*984 1.378 1.539 1.675 1,314 6*813 9,826 12,538 14*470 2,939 2,362 2,279 3.162 3.387 3,554 4.556 5.511 5.953 7,854 8.422 Loans1 Year Total 1939 Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land On residential property 12,188 Other All other 571 5,718 709 443 355 406 495 413 272 293 508 254 4.267 5*536 6*828 7,155 7,998 385 229 205 163 129 3,482 3,966 6.6-75 6,788 7,506 174 373 617 597 129 867 416 163 19 52 786 1.389 1.537 1,865 1*638 7,216 8*756 17.932 35,187 35,992 139 1*086 1*909 2*643 2*145 4,478 10.495 16*924 24,165 25*964 910 480 660 795 63,971 77,506 74,586 82,571 89.900 158 242 126 337 235 104 233 145 158 200 1*785 1*687 1,551 1,570 1,420 40.750 48,485 44*831 50*509 50,850 2*025 1.742 1*144 860 1,175 34*007 38*490 45,632 61,750 59,230 1*044 263 204 872 1*169 120*995 420 345 1*784 63*709 2.157 68*167 3.350 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 24,307 32,325 29,679 30*949 37,172 11,852 17*042 14.479 19,061 23,957 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 45,941 65*474 99*088 131,376 123,567 31,545 42,852 59,346 66.823 57,583 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 143*431 167*894 167.034 197*205 203,300 1955 259,432 6 15 13 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to Other loans to individuals 720 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Arizona 121 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1097 1898 1899 300 311 294 321 153 184 184 178 69 59 51 67 78 68 59 76 485 713 933 1*239 7 3 13 11 216 196 310 313 262 514 610 915 26 29 27 46 1*470 1*861 2,271 2.860 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 362 399 442 558 823 209 221 221 312 544 71 83 103 115 130 82 95 118 131 149 1*148 1.554 1,632 1*851 2*014 11 22 22 33 46 327 398 483 459 456 810 1.134 1.127 1*359 1.512 52 109 171 191 192 3.119 3,759 3,950 4*863 5,398 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 966 1*170 1,478 1*529 1.604 591 729 950 896 1*021 175 206 246 295 343 200 235 282 338 240 2*326 3*320 4*540 2*192 3*186 49 86 85 93 45 499 592 800 667 807 1.778 2*642 3,655 1,432 2,334 217 247 403 353 363 6,367 8,204 10*984 8,017 9*046 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*583 ItSll Ii767 2*166 2*271 967 957 1*067 1*222 1.234 326 341 338 453 518 290 213 362 491 519 3*267 3*622 3*435 4*571 5.078 86 97 63 181 694 748 737 762 975 1*163 2*433 2,788 2,610 3,415 3,221 373 542 594 611 650 10.148 10*734 11*126 13*767 15*796 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*846 2*639 2.987 4*394 5*042 1.216 1.206 1.456 2*754 3.414 448 676 788 845 824 1*182 757 743 795 804 4*508 6*501 7*034 6.142 7.159 123 302 381 454 652 924 1*282 1,351 1*078 991 3*461 4*917 5*352 4*610 5,516 687 756 764 786 1,030 15*767 18*835 20,468 23,375 26,453 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 4*493 4*538 4,776 4*726 4*135 2.921 2.882 3*452 3.349 2*810 744 935 621 485 534 828 721 703 892 791 7,848 5*460 6,876 5*467 6.571 642 520 442 446 543 1*225 1*163 983 871 1*134 5,981 3,777 5,451 4*150 4,894 1,305 1,361 1,465 1,754 2*246 35,328 31*607 30,788 27,782 27,960 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 4.475 5*314 6»972 9*747 11*986 2*631 3*005 4*305 6*164 8,165 576 658 661 1.109 2i334 1,268 1*651 2.006 2,474 1,489 5,804 5*136 5,077 6,131 5,889 449 310 429 486 525 1.173 929 915 865 809 4*182 3*897 3.733 4.780 4,555 2*360 2*596 2*288 2.189 1*443 27,811 27,150 27*946 34*443 36*51-2 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 12*067 11.820 8*823 11*900 10*927 7*656 6*906 5*989 8*181 7.488 2.460 3.359 1.973 2*284 2*317 1*951 1,555 861 1*435 1,122 6,420 6,605 4*602 5*189 7*179 504 509 425 339 315 882 1*295 1.756 742 650 5.034 4,801 2*421 4,108 6*214 1*583 1*408 1*276 1,413 1,545 34*708 30.523 21*635 22*914 24*024 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 14*848 16*763 22*493 22*092 19*489 7*567 9.295 14*408 15.908 14.349 3.994 3*115 2.528 1.889 1*888 3,287 4*353 5.557 4*295 3*252 14,476 19,409 18*895 19*693 21*185 485 1,799 1*586 1.367 1*478 1.272 2*029 1.648 1.326 1.638 12,719 15*581 15,661 17*000 18*069 1,901 1,930 1*675 1.816 2*053 41*069 51*850 59.915 63.369 65*190 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 16*980 18.164 24.917 79*599 109*008 11.311 13*882 21*032 73,991 107.135 2*026 1*802 1*099 915 804 3.643 2.460 2*786 4.693 1*069 27,347 25,177 36*935 50,753 49*405 1*519 2,559 3*669 4*880 4,997 1*694 2*136 3.046 3.521 4.380 24*134 20*482 30,220 42.352 40.028 1*936 2.149 1,924 1,989 2*111 70,570 77.815 93*455 163,290 197.696 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 143.875 156.151 133.704 118.011 119.763 141,755 152,725 123*242 98*600 100*303 916 1*645 6*087 7.707 7.942 1*204 1*781 4*375 11*704 11*518 63,740 71,034 59,885 62,280 65,745 5.115 5*166 7,153 9*010 9*402 5.206 4.330 4.821 5.612 5.331 53*419 61,538 47,911 47*658 50,512 2*375 2*630 3.650 4.620 4.964 255.931 295*289 296.327 316.287 314,039 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 131*214 134.102 173.657 160*182 186.619 110,006 108*602 134*896 123.486 144.978 11*200 16*531 29.738 29.605 34*333 10*008 8*969 9*023 7*091 7*308 56,327 68,985 81,222 88,580 88,341 10*170 12,441 19,779 21*660 18,165 6*085 6*723 7.723 8.839 8*714 40*072 49*821 53,720 58*081 61*462 6,014 7,516 8*906 9,409 10.937 336*986 378,497 430*819 455.376 489.197 1955 193*041 146*703 37*028 9*310 92*673 21*930 9*464 61,279 12,988 556*134 122 Arizona National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Intetank Other demand GoJ^Lnt 1896 1897 1898 1899 866 1,2 24 1*625 2.195 18 42 51 42 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*346 2.934 3.091 3,720 4*062 72 142 131 98 69 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 4,778 6,401 8.939 5,797 6.756 128 126 231 189 264 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 7.579 6*022 6,2 41 10*662 12.516 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1 839 1*174 1*565 2*143 Other time 8 8 9 10 11 15 18 20 90 2,263 2,777 2*942 3,602 3*880 100 150 200 245 260 4*522 6*092 8*459 5.303 6,147 28 33 49 60 65 269 477 514 618 1,234 190 188 241 236 276 6,945 7,023 7,012 8,859 9,806 155 334 474 949 1*200 12.222 15*376 17,160 18*8 02 21*526 886 1,341 760 1,007 1,288 279 226 197 341 221 9,541 11*532 13*474 15*012 16,753 1*516 2.277 2*729 2*442 3,264 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 28,389 21.851 2 4 , 2 98 22,800 23,299 1,618 1.102 1*016 676 861 243 240 183 134 118 22,335 14.670 15*277 14.261 14,613 4,193 5,839 7,822 7*729 7,707 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 23,851 23,265 24,364 30,465 31,797 669 535 752 949 1,007 115 99 118 106 196 15*247 15,720 15*049 19*645 19,306 7,820 6.911 81445 9*765 11,288 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 29,453 25,645 16*851 18*915 20*645 935 1,177 540 589 911 129 139 140 133 131 16*671 13.553 8.377 7,945 11.979 11.718 10,776 7,794 10*248 7*624 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 36,387 47,176 54,821 58,0 72 59,404 1*319 1*370 1,353 2.485 1,773 127 152 154 174 149 26*483 34,935 40.794 40.697 41,473 8,458 10,719 12,520 14*716 16*009 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 64.770 72,155 87.720 157,5 32 189,743 1,840 2*061 2,243 3.086 2,240 200 211 312 7,065 18*066 46*646 53*194 68*219 124,931 136,852 16*084 16*689 16*946 22.450 30,565 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 246*207 283*906 283,512 300,2 50 2 9 6 , 4 13 2*824 3.587 2,615 3,992 3,655 22*896 14,347 1*636 3*779 3*780 176*800 212.709 221.492 232.233 227*331 43,687 53*263 57,769 60,246 61*647 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 315*794 351,718 401,5 0? 422,712 452,075 3,376 5,076 5,848 6,592 8,651 6,966 7,860 5,283 6,007 10,362 232*978 265.523 309.819 319,415 322*426 72*474 73*259 80,553 90*698 110*636 1955 23 Arizona 123 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings 1896 1897 1898 1899 40 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 10 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 5 5 55 65 National bank rwhor ^^ Surplus and other capital accounts ,. . <*** r Total liabilities and capital accounts w,,mh«r N™*" ^ Danks 81 150 143 140 400 400 400 400 83 87 103 145 1.470 1*861 2t271 2*880 5 5 5 5 188 184 200 293 392 1 7 400 455 455 602 605 185 186 204 257 332 3*119 3.759 3*950 4.883 5.396 5 7 7 11 11 454 560 645 628 698 23 13 4 17 5 705 755 755 755 760 402 470 586 755 807 6»367 8.204 10.964 8.017 9.046 13 14 14 13 13 1 2 6 6 14 980 1.030 1.055 1*155 1.175 885 948 999 1.012 1.125 10*148 10.734 11.126 13.767 15.796 13 13 13 13 13 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 34 703 732 825 932 932 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 103 32 51 767 805 939 930 829 970 1.014 4 17 54 120 225 1.175 1.225 1.187 1*550 1*550 .324 .255 »187 .166 .333 15*767 18*835 20.468 23*375 26*453 13 13 14 18 18 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2.035 5*059 1*884 868 603 1*080 1*179 1*210 1*045 1*066 472 184 171 208 228 1*750 1.775 1.900 1.700 1.650 1*602 1*559 1.325 1.161 1*114 35*328 31.607 30*786 27.782 27*960 20 21 22 20 19 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 857 1*007 336 494 15 567 499 652 672 1*025 214 317 414 297 80 1*500 1.325 1.525 •625 .950 822 737 655 890 1.645 27.811 27.150 27.946 34*443 36.512 16 15 15 15 14 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 55 12 585 81 1*220 1.172 1*022 1*410 854 165 99 90 50 106 .950 •800 .650 .525 .625 1.865 1*795 1.437 933 794 34*708 30.523 21.635 22.914 24*024 14 12 10 8 8 510 203 372 373 408 700 2*625 2.690 2.509 2*546 2.534 1.344 1*612 2*212 2*343 2.552 41.069 51.850 59*915 63*369 65.190 7 7 6 5 5 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 616 812 781 599 685 2*522 2.425 2.425 2.425 3.425 2*662 2*423 2.529 2.734 3*843 70.570 77*815 93*455 163.290 197*696 5 5 5 5 5 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1*116 1*205 2*115 3*049 3*216 3*425 4*350 4*300 4*850 5.100 5*183 5*828 6*400 8*138 9.310 255*931 295.289 296*327 316.287 314.039 5 4 3 3 3 4.708 5*999 8*035 7.379 6*025 7*775 7.475 7*475 9*925 11*313 14,296 15.842 17*154 19*816 336*986 378,497 430.819 455*376 489,197 3 3 3 3 3 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 3.854 1955 8.776 . 124 Arizona State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Real estate Total All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 630 1898 1899 626 785 921 183 ' 183 46 216 106 109 162 212 339 336 577 493 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Ii387 1*934 2*458 3*090 3*548 336 403 543 683 784 991 441 700 880 1*011 60 1.090 1.215 1.527 1.753 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 41*202 35*918 32*491 32*858 31.837 6,963 6*143 6,105 6.626 7.476 16*192 14*807 13*532 13,843 13*765 18.047 14*968 12*854 12.389 10.596 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3*601 4*674 5*964 5*695 6tl92 796 1*059 1.490 1*418 1*644 1,026 1*441 1.885 1.794 1.983 1.779 2.174 2.609 2.483 2.565 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 30*548 29.500 29*599 34*759 37.090 8.720 8,118 8*869 8,701 9,196 13,407 12*768 12*380 17.818 20,674 8*421 6*614 8.350 8*240 7.220 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 7.784 8*773 9,844 14,426 14.793 1.767 2.122 2*219 3.594 3.301 2.418 2.594 3.022 3.103 3»523 3,599 4*057 4*603 7,729 7,969 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 32.195 23i531 13.831 11.203 10.770 10.256 9*676 6,936 5.668 5.765 11,324 6.336 2*719 3*610 950 10*615 7.519 4*176 1*925 4*055 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 13*410 17.988 24.828 26*986 29*181 3.409 4.317 5.611 5.721 5,778 3.864 5.558 8.193 9*472 10*855 6,137 8,113 11,024 11,793 12,548 1935 1936 1937 1938 6*308 6*668 8*202 7*392 4*138 2*818 3*423 3*449 413 589 673 513 1*757 3*261 4*106 3*430 Loans' Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate _ T others On farm land 1939 On residential property Other to individuals Other 3.143 All other 1*234 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 10,077 10*926 11,767 9,334 9,25C 3,098 2.866 4,077 3.029 2,959 192 245 189 168 183 457 419 261 174 226 4.212 4.602 5*115 4*526 4*120 886 982 816 635 509 7*9 867 1.232 1*612 1*309 53 366 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 10*571 16*106 23.452 31,228 32*185 3,910 6,254 8.104 9,605 7.830 487 759 893 1*051 1.163 305 508 574 552 577 3.818 4.631 7.127 12.531 14.053 471 1.073 1*674 2*066 2.631 1.187 2.341 .051 .406 .100 393 540 29 66 13 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 27.998 38.607 48.181 58.123 62.230 8.910 14.666 19.286 20.927 23*956 36 62 172 110 126 704 875 862 970 901 11 1138 11*655 13*956 16.069 17*140 1*507 .3*011 1.527 2*216 2.731 ,676 ,474 12*599 18*301 17*616 19 200 182 72 65 1955 74,722 26*796 237 19.473 4.169 23*642 96 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 1.060 the total and are not entirely comparable wilh prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Arizona 125 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1696 1897 1696 1899 110 92 134 122 60 60 75 75 50 32 59 47 232 534 600 540 11 6 10 9 100 124 155 162 121 404 435 369 70 98 60 89 1*042 1.352 1.579 1.672 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 136 230 509 704 585 50 50 50 50 50 86 180 459 654 535 1.106 1*546 1*451 2*154 2*123 21 34 32 67 66 370 384 456 1*808 510 715 1*128 963 279 1*547 133 209 224 202 430 2.762 3*919 4*642 6.150 6*686 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 673 884 904 924 1.052 50 50 50 50 96 24 239 244 249 284 599 595 610 625 672 2*627 3.277 3*800 3*037 3*904 68 65 182 217 85 879 669 1*064 987 1*055 1*680 2*343 2*554 1*633 2.764 380 . 563 730 617 777 7.281 9*398 11*418 10,273 11*925 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1 1!63 1.486 1*742 2*391 2»332 35 35 165 182 192 374 502 542 666 959 754 951 1*035 1*523 1.161 4*035 4*908 5*506 6*612 7.939 142 171 134 120 194 1.033 1.068 1*121 1.415 1.862 2.860 3.669 4*251 5*077 5*883 804 969 967 1(148 1*030 13.786 16.138 18,059 24.577 26.094 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*179 2i507 3.706 7.204 8*367 182 211 534 1*693 2*569 992 1*088 1*434 2*364 2*354 1.005 1.208 1»738 3.147 3*444 7.895 13.275 18*453 12.695 14.153 115 199 277 190 388 1.457 2.352 3.243 2*779 2.701 6*323 10*724 14*938 9.726 11.064 1(385 1*360 1.491 1.559 1*629 24*869 35.150 48*463 46*444 53*330 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 8*082 6.412 8*198 7.411 7.039 2*821 2*493 3*194 2.892 2*782 2*020 Ii416 1*674 1*399 1*282 3*241 2.503 3*330 3*120 2.975 14.074 11*749 12*179 11.153 10*834 357 295 365 334 353 2*646 2.297 4*361 3*796 2*386 11.069 9.157 7.453 7*023 8.093 1.879 2.346 2*064 2*137 3*125 65*237 56.425 54.932 53.559 52.835 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 9.052 9.293 12*289 14.392 18.711 3*468 4*021 5*442 5.325 7.439 1*416 1*701 2*366 3*177 3.786 4*166 3*571 4,481 5.990 7*486 11*126 10*254 10*621 11.642 12.394 345 565 900 556 1*369 2.410 2.660 2.275 2.293 2.261 8*371 7*029 7.446 8*793 8.764 3*352 3*419 3*336 3*062 3*430 54.578 52*466 55*645 63*855 71*625 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 16*815 16*988 12*408 10*455 11.780 5.447 6*641 4*622 4.067 3*702 4*109 4*508 3*597 3*459 4*098 7.259 5.839 4*169 2*929 3*980 11*862 11*013 6*414 6*025 9.267 1*137 446 394 225 293 2*246 2.370 2*260 1*169 1*165 8.479 8.197 3*740 4.631 7.809 3*193 2*734 2*106 2*525 2*140 64*065 54*266 34*761 30.206 33,957 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 7*381 8*051 10.389 10*580 10*802 3.307 4*696 6,673 6*427 6*220 2*774 2.271 2*109 2*512 3*069 1*300 1*082 1*607 1*641 1*493 7*621 9*683 10.711 9*462 9*849 118 183 303 371 299 677 1*006 1*135 948 948 6(826 8*694 9,273 8*143 8*602 1*311 1*400 974 929 891 22.621 26*002 30*276 28.363 30*330 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 9*736 11*184 12*577 24*504 37.826 5.743 7*372 8*942 21*086 35*096 2*982 2*964 2.731 2.394 1*992 1*011 628 904 1*024 736 10.645 11*460 13*167 19.217 18*705 272 330 129 257 516 1*014 1*046 1*584 1.892 1*674 9*359 10*084 11.454 17*068 16*315 921 761 785 710 481 31.379 34.331 38*296 53*765 66.262 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 54.295 65.051 67*178 65*581 67*694 51.722 62*250 60*471 56*604 56*402 1.857 2*037 5.795 7*296 9.098 716 764 912 1*681 2.194 16.142 22.296 21*394 22*654 23.372 744 1*476 1*027 1*526 1.350 1*790 2*210 2*654 3*042 3.505 15.608 18.610 17»713 18*086 IB. 517 554 538 1*762 2*119 2*251 83.562 103.991 113*786 121.582 125.502 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 65*086 74*383 85*449 100*454 97.732 53*308 56*467 67*435 80*446 74*398 9.344 11*915 13.403 13*914 13*865 2.436 4*001 4.611 6*092 9.469 22.863 25*267 33*039 31*232 32*975 2*581 2*835 4*933 6*167 4*299 3.174 4.047 4*472 5.207 5*176 17.108 18.385 23.634 19*858 23*500 2*579 3.218 3*420 3*660 4.277 118.528 141.475 170*069 193.469 197.214 1955 111*131 86*313 14.237 10*561 31*404 5.556 6.058 19.790 5.004 222*261 126 Arizona State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total | Interbank Other demand J^ Other time 1696 1897 1898 1899 718 1.063 1,297 1*386 15 12 18 18 660 973 1*168 1,231 43 78 111 137 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2,322 3,271 3,914 4,837 5,479 25 38 57 106 2*037 2,626 3,321 4,102 4,486 260 407 536 735 887 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 6,007 7,753 9,546 8,218 9,668 120 170 264 198 265 4*833 6*127 7*379 6*272 8,109 1*054 1,456 1,903 1,748 1*274 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 11*407 13,251 15,118 19,358 22.482 365 438 569 545 726 8*825 9*516 10*773 12*649 14.403 2*217 3*297 3*756 6*164 7*353 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 20,790 30*744 43,113 42*203 45,528 1,152 1*632 1*990 2,019 2,405 12*752 18.777 26*319 25,461 27*240 6*666 10,335 14*804 14*627 15*862 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 55,468 42,463 43*811 42*767 43,462 2,178 1,624 1*542 1,633 1,536 33*410 25*445 25*577 24*320 24,042 19*876 15*394 16,692 16,834 17*884 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 45*929 44,929 47,660 56*649 62*762 1,546 814 992 1*026 1,051 1 24,647 24,935 26,032 30*453 34*241 19*536 19,180 20*636 25*170 27*469 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 54,817 46,308 27,557 25,188 29,927 896 754 280 293 267 205 63 25 29*275 23*561 12,154 12,369 16*072 24*646 21*973 14,918 12,443 13*563 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 19,906 23,149 27,394 25,426 27,337 176 190 164 116 149 8,101 11,704 14,928 12,120 12*973 11*577 11,254 12*299 13,190 14,215 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 28,322 31,280 35.041 50*228 62*313 122 109 258 223 272 6 29 1,764 5,029 14,251 16,793 20*790 31,480 36*078 13*949 14*372 13*964 16*761 20*934 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 78,855 98,146 106,742 113,695 116,676 353 347 354 282 360 6*250 4*355 255 717 896 <*4.827 60,632 70.225 76,438 78,287 27*^25 32*812 35*908 36,258 37,113 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 110,136 130,850 157,828 178,472 180,376 368 324 240 470 492 1,568 2,099 2,407 2*801 3,666 80,894 99,512 121,634 135,462 129*850 27,306 28*915 33,547 39,73V 46*368 204,446 96 21 4 52 1 3 Arizona 127 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Year National bank Borrowings 1896 1897 1898 1899 -.. liabilities 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Surplus and other capital accounts .. . <**** r 12 Amounts in thousands of dollars] Total liabilities and capital accounts Number Number ^ 237 238 222 230 75 51 60 56 1*042 1.352 1.579 1*672 7 7 7 8 25 28 5 7 373 470 500 989 853 67 153 200 319 347 2.762 3.919 4*642 6.150 6.686 16 16 16 24 26 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 50 50 150 179 8 10 16 134 1 820 903 1.035 1.103 1.234 446 682 771 668 843 7,281 9.398 11.418 10.273 11.925 21 26 28 29 35 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 55 99 163 291 213 22 27 45 113 12 1.369 1.592 1*594 3.151 1*886 933 1.169 1.139 1.664 1.501 13.786 16*138 18.059 24,577 26*094 37 39 38 43 47 1915 1916 1917 1918 152 91 97 229 690 1.485 1.573 2.222 2*497 2.865 24.869 35.150 48.483 48.444 53.330 46 53 56 60 63 1919 1»567 103 2.351 2.736 2*919 3.054 3.267 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2*464 6*264 3*507 2*903 1*443 225 207 254 752 3.736 4.353 4,560 4.578 4*229 3.569 3.120 2.847 3,037 2,949 65.237 56.425 54.932 53,559 52*835 67 62 58 55 45 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1.247 522 403 169 220 475 896 1.223 206 348 3.904 3,557 3.692 3.691 4,376 3.023 2,562 2.867 3.140 3.919 54,578 52,466 55,845 63.855 71,625 40 33 32 31 34 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 397 209 1*183 41 355 336 324 290 599 4.280 3*685 2.979 2*694 2.450 4.216 3*728 2.718 1*995 981 64.065 54,266 34*761 30.208 33.957 33 27 18 13 11 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 55 47 57 87 151 1.399 1,349 1.330 1.342 1,322 .261 ,457 .495 .508 .520 22.621 26,002 30,276 28.363 30,330 10 9 9 8 8 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 131 75 106 103 155 1,323 1,323 1*322 1,322 1,322 ,603 ,653 *827 2,112 2*472 31,379 34,331 38*296 53,765 66*262 8 6 6 8 6 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 199 258 608 663 759 1*423 1.522 1.608 1.758 1*908 3*085 4,065 4.328 5.466 6*159 83.562 103.991 113.786 121.582 125*502 8 8 8 8 8 1*660 2,710 3.310 4*160 4*410 6*188 6,864 7,433 8*685 10.036 118*528 141*475 170,089 193*469 197,214 7 9 10 11 11 4,510 10*611 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 24 520 1*051 1*518 2*152 2.392 ' ARKANSAS description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks for the period 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories and other sources. The sources of such statistics for the period 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks obtained from reports of the State banking department or from bankers' directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Arkansas, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3.1 A separate balance sheet was not compiled for unincorporated banks in this State because adequate data for most years were reported, either separately or in combination with data for other State commercial banks, in the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency or the State banking department. A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods and procedures used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Arkansas were obtained from the abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments. A 1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in Arkansas, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies," "stock savings banks/' or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks). In addition, in the case of this State, the term includes cooperative exchanges. 128 Arkansas 129 STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET Both the number of banks and the aggregate balance sheet appear to have been substantially underreported to the Comptroller in the period 1896-1913. Estimates of the number of banks and the aggregate balance sheet in this period were based on information obtained from the State banking department report for 1914, bankers' directories, and the annual publication, Trust Companies of the United States.3 The report of the State banking department for 1914, the year the department was organized, includes the names of active and inactive banks in that year, with the date of incorporation of each. With this as a guide the numbers of banks for prior years were derived from bankers' directories and Trust Companies of the United States. As a result of this research*, figures for both number of banks and balance sheets as reported by the Comptroller were revised to include the number of banks shown in the accompanying table. Balance-sheet data for these banks were estimated on the basis of data for capital -In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. y United States Mortgage and Trust Company (New York). ADDITIONS TO NUMBER OF BANKS Year 1896 1897 1898 1899... 1900 1901. 1902 1903 1904 Number 73 69 62 65 76 93 99 123 244 Year Number 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 152 213 186 200 117 1910... 1911 1912 1913.. 127 94 74 122 stock and other capital accounts obtained from bankers' directories and Trust Companies of the United States. Total assets and liabilities for unreported banks were estimated by assuming that the ratios of their total assets and liabilities to capital accounts were the same as for banks reporting to the Comptroller. Similarly, estimates of the major balance-sheet items—as well as the breakdowns of all major items except loans—at unreported banks were based on the ratio of each item to total assets or total liabilities at all reporting banks. For several years during the period 18961913 the number of banks in the new series is several times the number reported by the Comptroller. The aggregate balance sheet and the individual balance-sheet items for these years were expanded by about the same proportions as the number of banks. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. A loan breakdown for the period prior to 1914 was reported for a comparatively small number of State commercial banks, but these data did not appear to provide an adequate basis for estimates. For years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Real estate loans were estimated for the 130 All-Bank Statistics period 1896-1908 by applying to the estimated figures for total loans the ratio of real estate loans to total loans based on reported data for 1909. For 1910-1913, estimates were made by applying to total loans, ratios of real estate loans to the total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1909 and 1914. Collateral loans for the period 1896-1908 were estimated by the method used for real estate loans in the same period. Estimates for the period 1910-1933 were derived by applying to total loans in each year ratios of this item to total loans derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1909 and 1934. This case was an exception to the general rule of avoiding the use of simple straight-line interpolation over such a long period. Statistical testing provided no clear evidence that the behavior of these loans at Arkansas State commercial banks was correlated with that of national banks in Arkansas or of commercial banks in nearby States. INVESTMENTS A complete classification of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934, although United States Government securities were reported for the entire period. For years when other items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Holdings of obligations of States and political subdivisions for 1914 were estimated by assuming only a nominal increase from reported data for 1913. For the period 19161933, estimates for these securities were derived by applying to total investments less United States Government securities, ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of this item to total investments less United States Government securities at Ar- kansas national banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was adequate, after some minor revisions, in the reports of the Comptroller beginning with 1909 although reported figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.4 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. In years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to this total, ratios (extrapolated from reported data for 1909-1924) that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of each item to total deposits other than interbank at Missouri State commercial banks; these ratios were derived by extrapolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1930 represent such deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Arkansas to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. 4 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. Arkansas 131 STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1946 The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks operating under the general banking code. The data for noninsured -banks were derived from reports of the State banking department or from bankers* directories. In this State the noninsured bank category consists of incorporated banks (there were no private banks in this period) and cooperative exchanges. Cooperative exchanges transact a limited amount of banking business and they represent only a small proportion of the noninsured bank total; their total assets were largest—$2,169,000—in June 1945. Data for cooperative exchanges were tabulated separately from those for noninsured incorporated banks because their balance sheets were inadequately reported prior to 1942. Noninsured incorporated banks. The breakdowns of some of the principal asset and liability items that were required for the allbank series were not available for noninsured incorporated banks for every year during the 1934-1946 period in the sources cited. The breakdowns of loans and of cash assets for the entire period were estimated on the basis of the percentage distributions of these items at insured nonmember commercial banks in corresponding years. The breakdowns of deposits for 1934-1941 were made on the basis of the percentage distribution of this item at noninsured incorporated banks in 1942. Reports of individual noninsured banks received by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for 1942-1946 indicated that, except for one trust company, their holdings of securities other than United States "Government obligations were obligations of States and political subdivisions; the amounts shown by these banks for securities other than United States Government obligations for the period 1934-1941 were classified accordingly. For the trust company these securities were treated as "other" securities; on this basis the estimates were consistent with data in reports received by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for 1942-1946. Cooperative exchanges* Aggregate balance-sheet data for these institutions for the period 1934-1941 were estimated from data for those institutions for which balance-sheet information was available in bankers' directories. Institutions for which no figures were reported in any year were included in the number only. For those institutions for which balancesheet data were available for one or more years, data for the principal items were tabulated, insofar as available, on an individual institution basis for each year; data for other years were estimated in one of several ways: by repeating data for the nearest year; by interpolation; or by estimating on the basis of data for exchanges of the same size. Balance-sheet figures for 1942 were derived from individual statements furnished to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; for 1943-1946, from reports of the State banking department. The breakdowns of the principal balancesheet items of cooperative exchanges were estimated by the same general procedure used for noninsured incorporated banks. The breakdowns of loans and of cash assets for 1934-1946 were made on the basis of the percentage distributions of these items at insured nonmember commercial banks in corresponding years. On the basis of reports of individual cooperative exchanges for 1942-1946, it appeared that their holdings of securities other than United States Government obligations were obligations of States and political subdivisions, and that their deposits were all demand deposits. For 1934-1941, the amounts shown for securities other than United States Government and for total deposits for these institutions were classified accordingly. 132 Arkansas All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] LOJ ns Loans Year Total Real estate 9.260 All other Collateral Year Total 1896 1897 1898 1699 8*489 10*404 818 787 743 944 1*597 1*540 1*350 1.627 6*845 6*385 6*396 7.833 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 12*407 16*201 19*830 23*333 28*937 1*138 1*462 1*806 2.193 2.513 1.934 2.517 3.127 3.730 4.954 9,335 12.222 14.897 17*410 21.470 1920 1921 1922 1923 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 34*901 48*758 49*578 48*872 51*126 3*032 4.461 4,410 4*283 4*420 5,813 7.894 3. 032 8,291 8,902 26.056 36.403 37.136 36.298 37,804 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 57*400 64*690 71*914 81*962 71.724 5*859 7*804 9,911 12.762 12.036 9.975 10*987 12,413 14.070 12.615 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 63.932 63*946 86.045 112*069 132*031 11.584 12.452 14,223 14*624 16*068 11*748 12*381 15*505 20.571 25.164 6.712 Real estate Collateral All other 1924 188.796 163*121 147,156 163.659 170.282 21.255 23,203 24.158 25.602 28*176 34.177 28.430 25.511 27*973 28*907 133.366 111.488 97.487 110.184 113*199 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 175.437 186,545 170.563 167.634 164.426 27,638 29,322 29,625 27,886 27,560 28,057 31*076 31,260 28.929 15,500 119,742 126.147 109.678 110*819 121*366 41,566 45,899 49*590 55,130 47,071 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 157.447 99.948 72.223 45*602 43,883 26,359 21,450 17,893 13.005 11*608 11,795 8*624 5,899 4,950 5*188 119,293 69.874 48.431 27.647 27.087 40,600 44,113 56,317 76,874 90*799 1935 1936 1937 1938 51.343 48.105 52.994 62.656 10*822 11*516 11,573 11,453 5*525 5*818 7,282 6.680 34*996 30.771 34*139 44*523 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To On others farm land Other loans On to residential property individuals Other All other 1939 74*056 3.911 5.115 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 67*185 70.954 66*005 62.701 84.316 35.116 34,330 34*001 34.549 45,914 316 284 212 377 589 1,002 1,012 1*061 1.218 9,168 3,680 3.957 3*671 3.333 3,582 6.136 6*825 6*774 5*697 5,775 3*259 3*486 3*254 2*746 2,167 8*097 9,868 17*676 21*060 17.032 6*684 7,253 19*5 1946 1947 1948 1949 95.162 102*206 146.128 175*720 209*927 56*412 47,039 65.507 83*679 115.520 837 1*492 404 914 577 6,857 5,320 5,349 2*632 1*547 4.362 7.629 9,572 10*146 10,251 6*682 12*634 18,665 24*706 24,300 2*494 5.185 9,497 10,155 10,292 12*989 18*115 34,503 41,240 45*266 4,529 4,792 2*611 2*653 3*025 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 198.555 229*264 247,357 261*816 327.491 90*915 108*923 119*920 124*220 182.785 1*046 1*410 1*416 1*958 1.531 963 1,367 1,501 1*584 1,282 10.459 12,180 13.635 14.940 15.656 27.071 28,962 30,290 29,867 29*821 11,170 12,655 12,556 13,515 14,718 55*376 62,050 65,445 74*352 80*139 2*749 3*120 4.290 3*278 3,553 1955 325.832 158.827 1*660 1,496 18*225 34*295 18,399 92*327 3*116 ' Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various toan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 17.554 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Arkansas 133 Table 7—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 1*136 952 1.169 915 406 410 496 520 511 71 86 113 219 471 587 282 3,520 4,141 5*570 7,233 128 94 104 111 1,102 1,558 1,513 1,925 2,290 2,489 3,953 5,197 680 879 806 896 14*596 14*664 16*034 19.448 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1»031 1.097 1.367 1.905 1*846 474 606 616 664 809 117 166 285 247 269 440 325 466 994 768 7*374 8*165 9,492 12,283 12*457 169 327 329 272 709 1*922 1,899 2,207 2,689 2,551 5,283 5*939 6,956 9,322 9.197 889 984 1.210 1.400 1.662 21*701 26.447 31.899 38.921 44.902 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 2.411 2.520 2.699 3.290 4*008 1*208 1.431 1*724 2.312 2,545 430 218 299 209 455 773 871 676 769 1,006 13.488 16*011 16,655 15,837 18.954 469 486 732 410 604 3*490 4.074 4*682 4*591 5.346 9.529 11*451 11*241 10*836 12*804 2,435 2.225 3.507 2,863 4,684 53.235 69.514 72.439 70.862 78.772 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4*799 5.203 5*880 6.421 6.105 2*554 2.635 2.980 3,248 3,263 430 269 425 519 595 1,815 2.299 2,475 2*654 2.247 15.437 25.143 19.756 23.852 20.593 1,044 1,079 901 1.263 968 4.3005,«Z46 5,641 5,815 4,924 10*093 18*818 13.214 16.774 14,701 5,602 5*982 4.997 6*928 5,906 83.238 101.018 102.547 119.163 104*328 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 6.773 6.583 11.049 22.984 29.339 3,424 3,245 5,590 16,980 23,468 708 761 1,692 2*381 2,075 2.641 2.577 3*767 3*623 3.796 19*498 28.210 40,169 35,997 41,761 767 794 1,036 1.452 2,329. 4,376 4,735 6,075 5,332 5.123 14*355 22,681 33*058 29*213 34*309 6,191 6,249 6,156 6,133 6,883 96.394 109,988 143,419 177,183 210,014 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 28.407 26,332 19,714 26,892 22.024 20»565 17.847 12,094 18*935 12*863 3,982 3*830 3,506 3,918 5,236 3.860 4.655 4.114 4.039 3.925 44.313 ° 38,392 43.635 49.723 45.789 3.343 2.696 3.968 3.543 3.689 5,741 5.258 4*866 4*640 5*529 35*229 30*438 34*801 41,540 36.571 7,305 8,528 9,919 11,000 12,584 268.623 236*373 220,424 251,274 250,679 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 25.904 26.915 28,324 37.126 43.767 15.900 15,468 14,201 17,989 22,073 4,520 6*131 7*851 7,947 13*036 5*484 5,316 6*272 11,190 8*658 55.910 57.437 56,832 51.191 48.109 3,560 4.861 4.250 3.598 4.179 5,788 6.094 5.950 5.085 4.752 46*562 46*482 46*632 42*506 39.178 13,001 13*458 13*184 13,114 13,036 270.252 284,355 268,903 269,065 269,338 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 36, ( 5 7 35.423 33,722 33,307 42,605 14,163 12,709 12,858 14,285 22,721 13,944 12,393 10,969 9,464 9.921 8,550 9,821 9,895 9,558 10,163 46.419 43,613 31,310 31*081 39,400 3.210 2.444 1,372 1*670 1,919 5.192 4.939 3,752 2,771 2,609 38.017 36.230 26*186 26*640 34*872 12,808 9,582 8,537 6,780 6*310 253,331 186,566 145*792 116*770 132,398 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 43*606 53*315 61*732 53.572 50.941 24,270 28,291 32,507 24,837 22,066 11.275 16.313 20,748 22,065 23,046 6,061 8,711 8,477 6,670 5,827 49,544 65,874 67,387 64 ,449 72,601 2,303 3,512 3,477 3,641 3.217 2,606 3.566 4,103 4,223 4,187 44,635 58*796 59*807 56,585 65.197 6,275 6,017 5*496 5,326 5,108 150,768 173,311 187,611 186.003 202*706 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 54.943 66.750 100.637 214,357 272*228 23,174 30,236 65,411 180*436 239.090 26,465 31*473 29*882 28,680 27,538 5,304 5,041 5,344 5,241 5,600 91,058 113*263 159*849 185*651 181.372 3,478 5,038 6,231 7,019 7,185 4,201 4,973 7,631 8,679 10,060 83.379 103.252 145.987 169,953 164,127 4,649 4,263 3,953 3,684 3,937 217.835 255,230 330*444 466*393 541*853 1945 1946 1947 194ft 1949 374.370 456 .749 406*059 379,339 357.301 337,626 405,080 344,912 316,450 294,525 31,271 37,382 45,300 51,365 51,171 5,473 14,287 15*847 11.574 11.605 229*693 232*811 211.028 206*010 210.996 9,321 12,563 13,591 15,582 15,629 9,912 12,221 12,403 14,828 16,569 210,460 208,027 185,034 175.600 178,798 3,694 3,825 4.186 4.418 5.004 702,919 795,591 767,401 765,487 783,228 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 392. «35 375,682 392.793 405»?40 376,633 •124,505 300,728 307,790 315,242 262*075 57*890 62*560 74,661 80,687 96. COT 10,440 12.594 10,342 9,411 8,556 214*995 221,695 246*088 249.857 257*877 20,869 20,757 23.782 24.802 30.961 15,623 14,341 17,783 19,252 19,351 178.503 186.597 204,523 205,803 207,565 5.416 5.928 6.514 6,506 8,163 811,801 832,769 892,752 923,519 970,164 29,660 20,152 312,123 134 Arkansas All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figun » of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total 1696 1897 Interbank 159 357 U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1898 1899 7,670 8,299 10*098 13,244 461 811 43 51 51 6,936 7*283 8*807 11*341 1*041 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 15.233 18*685 23,116 28.475 32*233 803 929 960 2,136 1*266 90 95 101 101 81 13*060 16*043 19*383 23,050 27,344 1*280 1*618 2*674 3*188 3*542 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 38,140 48,935 51.715 46*690 53*150 3,139 1*996 3,205 3*236 4,447 80 81 205 261 109 30,480 40*208 41*214 36,662 40,611 4*441 6*650 7.091 6.531 7*983 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 52*543 69,687 68*156 81.000 67,141 3,927 6,156 5*072 6,306 5*350 85 82 167 44 131 39,794 51,125 50.079 57,789 51*163 8»737 12*324 12*838 16*861 10,497 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 60*842 76,742 109*173 133*241 154,737 5,035 6,449 12,914 11,094 12*462 103 104 203 1.376 403 44*881 56.225 79,048 101*131 117,472 10*823 11*964 17*008 19*636 24*380 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 186,655 157,112 160,846 < 196*441 191,658 12,792 10*570 12,178 15*655 13.913 222 613 391 615 261 141,337 111*285 110*405 130*817 124*027 34*304 34*644 37*872 49*354 53*457 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 215*928 226,623 219,000 219,594 217,861 19*868 19*634 19.175 17.180 16,453 338 492 424 481 605 130.350 136*152 126*053 126*794 124*767 65*372 70*345 73*348 75,139 76*036 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 199,438 151,587 108.173 87,479 107,022 14,812 14,460 8.700 6.185 8,360 362 365 326 432 1*218 109*990 80*680 56.079 45*417 58.109 74*274 56*062 43*068 35.445 39*335 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 127,529 150.623 163,732 161,687 177,149 11*374 15,843 17,479 17.429 20*014 347 1*289 649 423 1,302 74.116 89.726 99.768 97.499 110*016 41.692 43*765 45*836 46*336 45,817 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 191*655 227*975 302,210 436,572 509,628 25,492 30,497 39,692 49*964 47,264 1,298 1,420 2*969 20,023 46,707 117.341 147,301 210,989 316.763 358.778 47,524 48*757 48*560 49,802 56,879 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 667,542 755,532 722,308 716,025 728*958 61,192 53,873 5*118 0.753 2.628 58,573 39*441 6*115 7.823 6.039 472.625 571,128 575,623 572*596 582*854 75*152 91,090 95,452 94,853 97,437 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 752*134 768,165 823,200 848,435 888*095 8,532 9,451 52,732 53,058 59,002 8*291 11,084 13*244 8,916 13,235 594.311 607.692 648,361 666*084 671,04} 101.000 99.938 108.843 120.377 144,817 575 616 779 Arkansas 135 Table 1— All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nati 31 bank no £ Borrowings Capital Otto liabilities Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 21 52 10 254 259 222 225 422 177 138 216 4.404 4*120 4*074 4.031 1*825 1,777 1*492 1.732 14.596 14*684 16,034 19,448 103 110 106 109 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 12 23' 43 31 399 83 122 413 4.133 4.605 5.417 6*801 8*726 2*058 2.414 2.903 3*159 2.907 21,701 26,447 31,899 38*921 44*902 125 149 172 223 361 98 234 321 335 364 525 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 85 230 119 321 710 817 1.115 1*285 1*891 2*068 488 2*038 267 564 247 10*121 12.277 13*983 15.155 15*362 3.584 4,919 5,070 6.241 7.235 53.235 69.514 72*439 70*862 76.772 298 340 364 364 381 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4*448 1»813 3*347 5»319 6*363 2*335 2.499 2.755 2.970 2*908 291 158 479 205 238 16*149 17.974 19.140 21*119 18.902 7.472 8.887 3*670 8.550 8.756 83,236 101,016 102*547 119*163 104*328 398 438 450 453 482 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 4*463 2*558 2.021 9*345 18.879 3.155 3*031 3.060 3*287 3*288 286 87 222 744 1.622 18*666 18*810 18*971 19*350 19*529 8.982 8.760 9,972 11.216 11.959 96*394 109*966 143*419 177,183 210,014 453 454 455 461 464 1920 1921 1932 1923 1924 37.335 35*091 15>721 10*423 14*473 3*882 4*060 4*245 4*230 4*098 2*191 2*112 1*845 1*435 1*362 22*668 23*786 23.825 24.431 24.558 14*072 14*212 13*942 14*314 14*530 268,823 236,373 220*424 251.274 250.679 487 488 466 491 485 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 10*964 14*245 8*255 8*619 10*165 3.757 3*691 3*441 3*704 3*883 1*238 1*454 956 771 1*314 24*186 23*841 22*617 22*124 21*719 14*179 14,501 14,634 14,253 14,396 270.252 284.355 268.903 269*065 269*338 482 478 455 437 420 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 14.113 4*433 9*278 6*008 3.772 3*137 3*123 3.444 3*606 1*433 1.541 800 1*006 277 20*403 15.963 14.291 11*638 13*523 14,172 11*685 10*127 7,195 7,527 253*331 188*566 145*792 116.770 132*396 396 321 273 196 232 1.099 234 314 419 394 439 13*841 13.771 13.641 13.551 13*339 7,999 8.545 9.595 10.241 11,464 150*768 173*311 187.611 186*003 202.706 242 236 236 237 234 484 491 555 560 638 13*225 12*989 13*046 13*010 13*225 12.456 13.765 14.633 16.251 18*362 217*835 255.230 330*444 466*393 541*653 232 229 227 223 223 751 1.058 1.220 1.477 1*766 13*513 13.916 15,937 16*935 17*567 21*113 25,085 27,936 31,050 34.937 702*919 795*591 767.401 765*487 783.228 224 228 228 229 230 2*075 2.307 2.253 2.570 3*239 19.145 20.158 21.203 21*876 24*243 38*447 42*089 46*096 50*398 54.417 811.801 832,769 892*752 923,519 970*164 232 231 230 230 231 1*009.369 233 443 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 66 58 224 130 315 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 15 10 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 50 240 170 2,785 56.562 136 Arkansas National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total 1896 1897 1898 1899 2*539 2*251 2*266 2*425 65 63 48 50 656 635 482 510 1*818 1*553 1.756 1.865 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*766 3*845 4*576 4*743 8*331 58 78 98 111 205 584 787 991 1.127 2*069 2.124 2.980 3*487 3*505 6.057 1920 1921 1922 1923 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9*867 11*266 12,735 13*586 14*916 228 262 284 331 376 2.308 2*645 2»874 3*351 3.824 7.331 8*359 9.577 9*904 10*716 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 16*384 17t325 19.775 21*443 22*035 389 368 526 537 857 4.465 4.735 5.739 6*505 6*603 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 20*694 21>900 27.315 33.378 36*890 978 1*185 1.326 1*175 1.163 6*689 7.065 9.103 12*308 15.460 Real estate Collateral All other 1924 54*063 49*691 45*839 53*432 54,814 1*626 2,321 3*370 4*281 5,078 20*973 17*768 16*392 18*493 19,439 31,464 29,602 26*077 30,658 30,297 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 57*080 62.527 58*027 57*818 54.454 5,282 5*620 6*361 6*495 6.929 18,707 21*775 23*270 21,571 8*572 33,091 35*132 28*396 29.752 38.953 12*030 12*222 13*510 14*401 14,575 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 45*202 32*546 25,705 22*292 24*637 5.814 5*299 5*105 5,071 4,495 5.173 4*849 3*480 3*831 4*333 34.215 22,398 17,120 13,390 15,809 13*027 13,650 16*886 19.695 20*267 1935 1936 1937 1938 26*728 26*331 28*247 33*913 4,624 4*896 5,074 5,329 4*624 4.476 5.764 4*881 17*480 16*959 17,409 23*703 Loans' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farm land To others On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 1939 38*175 539 551 1*746 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 35*013 37*834 35*611 32*470 42*415 17.609 18.589 17.809 15.786 20.046 274 284 202 329 413 714 637 649 662 5*130 1*675 1*853 1*756 1*433 1*450 2,163 2*252 2*262 2*022 1*974 1*902 1*936 1*683 1,632 1*402 4.928 5,935 10,676 12*263 11,030 5*676 6*065 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 45*118 52.555 75*900 94*123 109*605 24,052 24,261 33.999 46*081 59.990 633 1,213 305 632 426 3*358 2*384 1*490 629 565 1*672 2*642 3*503 3,751 3.503 2,513 4,780 7,324 10*421 10*385 1,496 2,739 5*480 5,519 5,080 8*116 10.747 22,169 26.353 26*831 3,278 3,589 1,610 1,021 1*243 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 105.373 122*097 127*597 137*360 169*321 48.707 58*858 63*753 65.682 93.154 957 1*129 1.224 1*659 1*269 376 485 466 516 393 3*570 4*405 4*304 4*481 5*290 11*457 11*826 12*112 12)179 12,006 5*824 6*829 6,078 7*101 8*047 33*800 37.495 38.241 44,622 48,415 1*224 1*682 2*196 1*827 1,719 1955 166*843 64.083 1.640 469 5,807 12,706 9.671 54*173 1*375 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 1.751 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Ar. 137 Table 2- ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total 431 Amounts in thousands of dollars] Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 464 485 455 309 356 334 325 20 17 24 21 102 91 127 109 838 869 1*336 1*664 35 27 32 44 339 262 352 364 464 580 952 1*276 185 201 213 213 3,993 3*785 4*320 4*777 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 502 566 556 610 905 363 467 466 506 741 23 16 15 17 27 116 83 75 87 137 1*885 1*717 1*965 3*402 4.284 39 76 91 92 110 418 452 488 657 916 1*428 1*169 1,386 2*653 3*256 213 198 233 270 260 5*366 6*326 7*330 9*025 13*800 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 1*144 1*503 1*672 2*466 2*606 994 1*332 1*495 2*213 2*398 24 28 29 41 56 126 143 148 212 152 4*549 3*816 5*706 4*861 6*409 187 174 227 198 252 1*061 1*147 1.162 1.307 1*619 3*301 2,495 4*317 3*356 4*538 336 446 479 626 712 15*896 17*033 20,592 21,539 24*643 1910 1911 1912 1913 191* 2*982 3*289 3*933 4.132 4,011 2*449 2.633 2.979 3*222 3*262 79 84 198 120 195 454 572 756 790 554 5*469 9*031 6*333 7*511 7*511 256 312 262 481 254 1.545 1.886 1.666 1.625 2*024 3*666 6.633 4.403 5.405 5*233 800 936 928 998 1*035 26*135 30*581 30*969 34*084 34,592 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 4*767 4.566 6,637 11.454 13*300 3*415 3*243 4.561 9*149 11,172 239 253 542 772 634 1*113 1»070 1*534 1*533 1*494 7*609 11,217 14*002 12*673 12*822 246 364 461 588 792 1*817 1.893 2*460 1*963 1*653 5*546 8,960 11*081 10,122 10*377 1*177 1*316 1*460 1*360 1*821 34,247 38*999 49*414 58*865 64,633 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 14,125 14.876 11.567 15.790 13.150 10*735 11.127 8.536 12.278 9*218 1,480 1*467 1*198 1*504 1*952 1*910 2*282 1*833 2*008 1,980 14*667 12.712 14,735 16*023 17,138 1*080 950 867 1,035 1*168 1.788 1,731 1,549 1*380 1*967 11,799 10.031 12*319 13.606 14.003 1*821 1*884 2*565 3*101 3>630 84,676 79*163 74*726 88*346 88*732 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 15.870 16.937 17.782 22.003 24.340 11*180 11.066 9.774 11,940 13.670 1,863 2,791 4,005 3,728 5*683 2*627 3*080 4*003 6,335 4,987 21,979 21,533 21*654 18*144 15*839 1*037 1.270 1*168 1.079 1*005 1.937 2*064 2*112 ,775 • 562 19,005 18,179 16*354 15*290 13.272 3,975 4,184 4,070 4,087 4*037 98*904 105*181 101*533 102*052 98*670 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 20,712 22,446 20,775 22*239 30*217 9.270 9.348 9*002 10.379 16.138 6,318 6,730 5,587 5,410 6*485 5*124 6,370 6*186 6*450 7,594 16,033 16,508 11.371 13.336 22.764 644 345 278 566 1*074 ,723 .829 • 399 • 287 ,558 13*666 14*334 9*694 11*483 20*132 3,025 2,343 2*233 2.230 2*824 84,972 73,845 60*064 60,097 80*442 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 28*976 35*362 40,596 33*230 31*408 14*927 17,022 20*302 13*741 12,302 7.657 11*493 13*665 13,942 14.427 6*392 6.847 6.629 5.547 4.679 30*433 38*191 38,446 37.484 44*305 1*577 2.478 2*522 2*482 2*192 .415 • 931 2*166 2*271 2.171 27*441 33*762 33*760 32.731 39*942 2,945 2*874 2*702 2,779 2*894 89*082 102*758 109.993 107.406 116.782 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 32*649 40*422 66*801 130*839 161*335 12.389 17.418 43.971 109.170 141,183 16*438 19*618 18*825 17.884 16*388 3*822 3*386 4.005 3*785 3.764 55,618 66»529 83*600 96,745 93,304 2*379 3*539 3*775 4.959 5,348 2*244 2.539 4*265 4*526 5*263 50,995 60,451 75,740 87,258 82,693 2,664 2,546 2 , 364 2,300 2*434 125*944 147*333 188*576 262*354 299.488 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 222*430 250*749 213*349 195*278 185*864 199,988 218,240 174,069 156,041 146,538 18*969 21,818 27.075 31*612 31.864 3.473 10.691 12.205 7.625 7.462 112,537 115,204 107,323 109,735 114,665 6*595 9*440 9*621 10.817 11*522 4*986 6*882 5*284 6.780 7.468 100*956 98,862 92,418 92*138 95*675 2*306 2*304 2,365 2,368 2*649 382*391 420*812 398*937 401*504 412*803 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 208*310 198*727 213*805 215*627 203,709 165,864 152.293 163,007 162,936 147,252 35*634 38.690 44.214 46*697 50,600 6*812 7.744 6.584 5*994 5.857 113,600 120,449 132,826 133*572 142*663 14*226 14*533 16.644 18*857 24.290 6.842 6.245 7,868 8,660 8.927 92,532 99,671 108,294 106.035 109.646 2,758 2*826 3*229 3*331 4,570 430*041 444.099 477.457 489*890 520*463 1955 228*599 164,259 55*484 8.856 136,253 22*310 9,196 104.747 9,704 539,399 138 Arkansas National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total w l k -- Cogent Other demand 1,926 1,697 Other time no 1896 1897 1898 1899 2,152 1.9 53 2*6 96 3.126 116 96 157 274 1900 3*586 4.361 5,1 88 6,663 9,850 262 375 352 498 806 90 95 101 101 81 3,076 3*678 4.486 8,644 156 213 249 283 319 11,132 11,107 13,6 90 13,184 16,081 1,420 1,203 2.374 2,049 2*764 80 81 205 261 109 9,237 9,356 10.417 10,031 12*015 395 465 694 843 1.193 2*376 3,517 2,779 3.378 3,211 85 82 167 44 131 12,220 15,013 14,641 16,059 17.245 2,025 2*138 1913 1914 16,228 20,637 19,725 22,0 52 22,503 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 21,770 26,832 36,834 43,214 45,289 3.265 4,805 7*491 6.266 5*333 103 104 203 1,366 389 16,627 19,841 26,496 31,747 33,724 2*082 2.644 3.335 5.843 1920 1921 1922 1924 58,985 53.441 54,569 68,2 69 68,490 6*069 5,093 5,478 6.694 6.003 174 443 279 445 261 43,164 36,646 35.592 44,589 43,614 9.578 11.259 13.220 16»541 18.612 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 79,375 84,633 84.270 83,914 80,323 7,883 8*824 9.082 7,252 5,976 338 492 276 481 545 46,540 46.677 ^3.634 44,558 41.798 24,614 28.640 31,278 31*623 32.004 1930 1931 1932 67,590 59,489 46*129 47, C47 66,205 4,481 5,765 3*834 3.865 7,630 268 225 82 182 786 33,558 27.367 19,399 20,679 32.553 29.283 26.132 22.814 22*321 25*236 1936 19371938 1939 76,733 90,9 90 97,533 94,420 103,151 9,299 12*865 13.766 13,473 15,464 308 1,188 509 397 666 41,253 50,316 55,602 52,738 59.908 25.873 26*621 27.656 27.812 26*913 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 111,830 132. A48 173,174 245, S61 281,919 19,877 24,038 30.790 39.665 37,744 873 948 2.368 12*250 29.782 63,542 79,536 111,736 164.110 179,817 27,538 27,926 26.280 29.936 34.576 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 363.231 399,3 03 374,903 375.274 384.073 46,886 42.589 34,894 31.437 33,603 37.763 23,735 2,595 4.059 3,832 230,816 277,506 279,495 282,994 288,795 45.766 55,473 57.919 b6,784 57,843 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 398,348 410,019 440,867 450,7 01 476,772 38,098 38,028 41.218 42,622 47,188 5,190 7,117 9.072 6,200 8,382 295.760 306.611 329.037 334,592 341,598 59.300 58.263 61,540 67.267 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1923 1933 1934 1935 493,592 43 51 51 2,355 2*661 5,781 117 133 140 1,547 2.571 1*916 1,775 79 ,604 Arkansas 139 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year ' Nat ba no*" Borrowings 1896 21 1897 1898 1899 52 10 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 12 23 43 <*"" .SL Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 3,993 Number of banks 254 259 222 225 1.220 1.220 1.070 1*070 346 301 322 356 3,785 4,320 4,777 98 234 321 335 364 525 1.070 1.107 1,120 1,238 2,245 464 514 644 758 1,082 5,366 6*326 7,330 9.025 13,800 7 9 9 12 19 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 85 230 119 321 42 817 1.115 1*285 1.891 2,068 34 37 90 48 2,595 2.940 3.565 3,950 4,080 1,267 1,607 1,896 2.103 2.324 15,896 17,033 20,592 21,539 24,643 26 33 35 40 43 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 820 121 555 1.019 916 2.335 2.499 2.755 2*970 2*908 49 46 34 22 16 4.155 4*435 5.035 5,065 5.036 2,548 2,843 2*865 2*956 3*213 26,135 30,581 30,969 34.084 34,592 45 46 50 49 57 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 624 273 196 2*458 5.519 3.155 3.031 3.060 3*287 3.288 10 14 105 239 814 5.286 5*521 5.536 5.711 5,467 3,402 3,328 3,683 3,956 4,456 34,247 38,999 49,414 58.865 64*833 58 67 67 72 78 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 9.174 9.183 3.337 2.857 2.719 3,882 4.060 4.245 4.230 4.098 676 116 79 87 108 7,083 7.397 7,548 7.713 7,912 4,876 4,966 4,948 5,190 5,405 84.676 79,163 74,726 88*346 88*732 83 83 84 88 88 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2.36.5 3.615 1.091 1.649 1.832 3*757 3.691 3,441 3,704 3,883 230 275 275 199 209 7.905 7,600 7,115 7,115 6,915 5,272 5,367 5.341 5.471 5,508 98,904 105*181 101.533 102.052 98*670 86 84 79 79 73 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2,076 1.076 1,591 809 54 3,772 3.137 3.123 3,444 3,606 199 218 115 270 189 6,090 5.305 4,940 4,720 6,327 5.245 4,620 4*186 3.807 4,061 84.972 73,845 60*084 60,097 80*442 67 56 50 45 51 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1,099 65 130 163 147 219 280 302 361 6,416 6.475 6,369 6,406 6,269 4*687 5,074 5,746 6,148 6,838 89,082 102,758 109,993 107,406 116,782 51 50 50 50 49 391 406 441 476 541 6,272 6*347 6.312 6.383 6,483 7.436 8.132 8,649 9*534 10,545 125,944 147,333 188.576 262*354 299*488 50 50 50 51 51 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 610 817 994 1*269 1*521 6,548 6,478 7,830 8,180 8*580 12,002 14,214 15,210 16,761 18*629 382*391 420*812 398.937 401*504 412*803 50 50 50 50 51 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1.796 1,886 1.971 2*203 2*835 9,730 10*305 10.395 11*205 12,970 20*167 21,889 23,724 25,781 27,716 430.041 444*099 477.457 489,890 520,463 52 52 52 53 53 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 15 170 2 9 9 7 7 140 Arkansas State Commerciai Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars} Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral • Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1696 1897 1896 1899 6i721 6*461 6i203 7.979 753 724 695 894 941 905 868 1»117 5.027 4,832 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 9*641 12*356 15.254 18*590 20*606 1*080 1*364 1*708 2,082 2*308 1,350 1*730 2,136 2,603 2,885 7*211 9,242 11,410 13,905 15,413 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 134,735 113,430 101*317 110,227 115,468 19*629 20*882 20,768 21*221 23,098 13*204 10,662 9*119 9*480 9,468 101.902 81*886 71.410 79.526 82*902 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 25*034 37,492 36*843 35*266 36*210 2*804 3*952 4,044 3*505 5,249 5*158 4.940 5*078 18.725 28,044 27.559 26.394 27,088 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 118.357 124,018 112*536 109*816 109.972 22*356 23.702 23.264 21,391 20*631 9*350 9,301 7,990 7*358 6,928 86.651 91.015 61*282 81*067 82*413 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 40*516 47.365 52.139 60*519 49*689 5,470 7.436 9.385 12,225 11*181 5,510 6*252 6*674 7.565 6.012 29,536 33.677 36*080 40*729 32,496 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 112*245 67*402 46i518 23*310 19.246 20*54^ 16*151 12*788 7*934 7.113 6*622 3,775 2i419 1*119 855 85,078 47*476 31*311 14,257 11.278 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 43*236 47*046 58,730 78.691 95,141 10*606 11*267 12.897 13.449 14,905 5*059 5*316 6*402 8,263 9*704 27,573 30*463 39,431 56,979 70,532 1935 1936 1937 1938 24.615 21*774 24,747 28*743 6.198 6.620 6*499 6.124 901 1,342 1,518 1,799 17.516 13*812 16,730 20*620 4,199 4,126 4,640 5,968 Loans' Commercial, Year Total and agricultural 35,681 22*144 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 32*172 33*120 30*394 30*231 41*901 17.507 15.741 16*192 18*763 25*868 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 50*044 49*651 70,228 81,597 100,322 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farm land others On residential property Other to Other All other individuals 173 10 46 176 288 375 412 556 4*038 2,005 2,104 1,915 1,900 2*132 3*973 4*573 4.492 3.675 3*801 1.357 1.550 1.371 1»114 765 3.169 3*933 7*000 6*777 6*002 1*006 1*188 32*360 22.778 31,508 37,598 55,530 204 279 99 282 151 3,499 2,936 3,859 2,003 982 2.690 4,787 6,069 6,395 6.748 4,169 7,654 11*361 14.287 13.915 998 2»446 4.017 4,636 5,212 4*873 7*368 12*314 14*887 16*435 1*251 1*203 1*001 1*632 1*782 93.182 107,167 119*760 124*456 158*170 42.206 50*065 56*167 58*338 89*631 89 281 192 299 262 587 882 1,035 1,068 889 ^6.889 7.775 9,331 10*459 10*366 15.614 17.136 18.178 17*688 17*815 5,346 5.826 6*478 6,414 6.671 21,576 24*555 27,204 29*730 31*724 1*525 1*438 2*092 156*989 74,744 20 1,027 12*416 21*589 8*528 .38*154 1*741 42 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 1*834 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Arkansas 141 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Obligations of States and political subdivisions U.S. Government obligations Total Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1696 1897 1898 1899 705 488 664 460 97 54 162 195 491 54 62 92 117 380 460 173 2.682 3.272 4*234 5*549 93 67 72 67 1*296 1.161 1*561 763 1.826 1*909 3.001 3*921 495 678 593 683 10*603 10*899 11.714 14.671 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 529 531 811 111 139 150 156 66 94 150 270 230 242 324 242 391 907 631 5*489 6.44S 7.527 8*881 8.173 130 251 238 180 599 1*504 1*447 1.719 2*032 1.635 3.855 4*750 5*570 6*669 5*939 676 786 977 1*130 1*362 16*335 20*121 24*569 29.896 31.102 406 190 270 168 399 647 728 526 557 856 8.939 12*195 10*949 10*976 12.545 282 312 505 212 552 2*429 2.927 3.520 3.284 3.727 6*228 6*956 6*924 7*460 8*266 2*099 1*777 3*028 2.237 3*972 37.339 52.481 51.847 49.323 54*129 1*295 941 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 It267 1*017 1.027 1*402 214 99 229 99 147 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*817 1*914 1*947 2*289 2*094 105 2 1 26 1 351 165 227 399 400 1*361 1.727 1.719 1*864 1*693 9*968 16.112 13>423 16*341 13*082 788 767 639 7B2 714 2.755 3.360 3*973 4*190 2*900 6*425 11*985 6*811 11*369 9*466 4*602 5.046 4*069 5*930 4.871 57,103 70.437 71.578 85*079 69.736 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*006 2*017 4*412 11*530 16*039 9 2 469 508 1*029 7*831 12*296 1*150 1*609 1*441 1*528 1.507 2*233 2.090 2*302 11.869 16*993 26.167 23.324 28.939 521 430 575 864 1.537 2*559 2*842 3*615 3*369 3*470 8.809 13*721 21*977 19*091 23.932 5*014 4*933 4*696 4,773 5,062 62*147 70*969 94*005 118*318 145*181 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 14*262 11*456 8*147 11*102 8*874 9.830 6,720 3.558 6.657 3.645 2*502 2*363 2*308 2*414 3*284 1.950 2.373 2*281 2*031 1*945 29*646 25*660 28*900 33.700 26.651 2*263 1*746 3*101 2*508 2*521 3.953 3*527 3*317 3*260 3*562 23*430 20*407 22*462 27.932 22*568 5*464 6*644 7*334 7.899 8*954 184.147 157.210 145.698 162.926 161*947 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 10»034 9*978 10*542 15*123 19t427 4*720 4.402 4.427 6,049 8*403 2*657 3*340 3*846 4*219 7*353 2*657 2*236 2*269 4*855 3*671 33*931 35*904 35.178 33.047 32*270 2.523 3*591 3*062 2*519 3.174 3*851 4*010 3*838 3.310 3.190 27.557 28*303 28*278 27*218 25*906 9*026 9*274 9*114 9*027 8.999 171*348 179*174 167*370 167.013 170.668 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 15*945 12*975 12*947 11*068 12*588 4.693 3.361 3*656 3*906 6*563 7*626 6*163 5*382 4*054 3*436 3*426 3.451 3*709 3*108 2*569 30.386 27*105 19.939 17*745 16*636 2*566 2*099 1.094 1*104 3*469 3*110 2.353 1*484 1*051 24.351 21*896 16*492 15.157 14*740 9*783 7*239 6*304 4*550 3*486 168.359 114,721 85.708 56.673 51.956 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 14*630 17*953 21.136 20*342 19.533 9*343 11.269 12*205 11*096 9*764 3*618 4*620 7*083 8*123 8.621 1*669 1*864 1*848 1*123 1*148 19*111 27*683 28*939 26*965 28*296 955 1*159 1.025 1*191 1*635 1*937 1*952 2*016 17*194 25*014 26.047 23*854 25*255 3.330 3.143 2.796 2.547 2*214 61*686 70.553 77*618 78*597 85,924 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 22*294 26*328 33*836 63*518 110*893 10*785 12.818 21.440 71*266 97*907 10*027 11*855 11*057 10*796 11*150 1*462 1*655 1*339 1*456 1*836 35*440 46*734 76.049 88*906 88*066 1*099 1*499 2.456 2*060 1*837 1*957 2*434 3*346 4*151 4.797 32*384 42*801 70*247 82*695 81*434 1*965 1*715 1*589 1*384 1.503 91,891 107*897 141*668 204*039 242*365 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 151*940 206*000 192*710 184*061 171*437 137*638 186*840 170*843 160*409 147*967 12*302 15*564 18*225 19*753 19*307 2*000 3*596 3*642 3*899 4*143 117*156 117.607 103.705 96*275 96.311 2.726 3.123 3*970 4.765 4.107 4*926 5.339 7,119 8.048 9*081 109*504 109*145 92*616 83*462 83*123 1.388 1.521 1.821 2.050 2*355 320*528 374*779 368*464 363*983 370.425 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 184*525 177.155 176*988 189*713 172.924 156*641 146*435 144*783 152*306 134*823 22*256 23*870 30*447 33*990 35*402 3*628 4*650 3*758 3*417 2*699 101*395 101*246 113*262 116.285 115.014 6*643 6*224 7.138 5*945 6*671 8.781 8*096 9.895 10.572 10*424 85*971 86*926 96*229 99*768 97,919 2.658 3.102 3*285 3.175 3.593 381*760 388*670 415.295 433.629 449*701 1955 192*745 147*664 40*216 4.665 116*495 7*350 10.956 98*169 3*761 469*990 824 845 726 1*034 142 Arkansas State Commercial Banks—Table 3 *%JJC* A Ot •J»>*pfiJ.i A U*7, /U1LT 11 UiTADEin, J.O7V A^a«^— ^(ODUaUCU [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total U.S. Government Interbank Other demand Other time 43 5*010 5.566 6*452 8.680 465 499 646 901 541 554 608 9*984 12*365 14.897 17.269 18*700 1*122 1*405 2*425 2*905 3*223 793 831 1*187 1.663 21*243 30*850 30*797 26*631 28*596 4.046 6*185 6*397 5*688 6*790 36.315 49.050 46*431 56*948 44.638 1.551 2*639 2*293 2*926 2*139 27.574 36*112 35.436 41.730 33*918 7*190 10*299 10.700 14*290 8*581 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 39*072 49.910 72.339 90.027 109*448 1.770 3.644 5,423 4.828 7.149 28*254 36.384 52*552 69.384 83*748 9*046 9*862 14*364 15*803 16*537 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 129,670 103*671 106,277 128,172 123.166 6*723 5.477 6.700 8*961 7,910 48 170 112 170 98*173 74,639 74*813 86.228 80*413 24*726 23*385 24*652 32*813 34*845 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 136,553 141.990 134,730 135,680 137.538 11,965 10.810 10*093 9.928 10,477 146 60 83*810 89*475 82.419 82*236 82.969 40*758 41,705 42*070 43*516 44*032 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 131*848 92.098 10,331 8*695 4*866 2.320 94 140 244 250 432 76.432 53*313 36*660 24*738 25*556 44.991 29*950 20*254 13*124 14.099 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 50.796 59,633 66.199 67.267 73*998 2*075 2*976 3.713 3.956 4.550 39 101 32.663 39.410 44*166 44*761 50.108 15*619 17.144 18*160 18*524 16*904 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 79,825 95,527 129*036 190*611 227,709 5.615 6.459 8.902 10.319 9.520 425 472 601 7.773 16*925 53,799 67.765 99.253 152.653 178.961 19*986 20*831 20.260 19*866 22*303 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 304.311 356.229 347,405 340.751 344.885 12.306 11.264 10.224 9.316 9.025 20*810 15.706 3,520 3*764 2*207 241.609 293.622 296.128 289.602 294*059 29*386 35*617 37*533 38.069 39*594 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 353.786 358.146 382.333 397.734 411,323 10,434 11*423 11,514 10*436 11.814 3*101 3*967 4,172 2*716 4.653 296.551 301.081 319.344 331.492 329.443 41.700 41.675 47*303 53.090 65*213 1995 429.034 10.730 340*111 72*139 1896 1897 1898 1899 5*518 6*346 7*402 10*118 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 11*647 14*324 17.930 21.812 22*383 1909 1906 1907 1908 1909 27*008 37*628 36.025 33*506 37.069 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 62 .044 40.432 40,817 261 304 537 1*638 460 1.719 730 12 14 140 26 436 Arkansas 143 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year r1 Nat tx no [£ Borrowings o** Capital liabilities Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 422 177 138 216 3*184 2*900 3.004 2*961 1.479 1.476 1.170 1*376 10*603 10*899 11.714 14*671 94 101 99 102 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 31 399 83 120 413 3*063 3*498 4,297 5*563 6.481 1*594 1.900 2.259 2.401 1*825 16*335 20*121 24*569 29*896 31*102 118 140 163 211 342 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 668 488 2*004 230 474 199 7*526 9*337 10.418 11.205 11.282 2.317 • 312 *174 .138 .911 37,339 52*481 51*847 49*323 54.129 272 307 329 324 338 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3.628 It 692 2i792 4t300 5i467 242 112 445 183 222 11*994 13*539 14*105 16*054 13*866 .924 .044 .805 .594 5,543 57,103 70*437 71*578 85.079 69,736 353 392 400 404 425 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3t839 2*285 1*825 6*887 13*360 276 73 117 505 808 13.380 13.289 13.435 13.639 14*062 5*580 5*432 6*289 7*260 7,5JD3 62*147 70.989 94*005 118*318 145*181 395 387 388 389 386 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 28*161 25*908 12*384 7*566 11.754 1*515 1*996 1.766 1*348 1*254 15.605 16.389 16.277 16.718 16*646 9.196 9.246 8.994 9*124 9.125 184*147 157.210 145*698 162.928 161,947 404 405 402 403 397 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 8.599 10*630 7*164 6*970 8*333 1*008 1*179 681 572 1*105 16.281 16*241 15*502 15*009 14*804 8»907 9,134 9.293 8*782 8*888 171*348 179*174 167,370 167.013 170*668 396 394 376 358 347 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 12*037 3.357 7*687 5.199 389 1*234 1*323 685 736 88 14*313 10*678 9*351 6.916 7.196 8.927 7*265 5,941 3,388 3,466 168*359 114*721 85*708 56.673 51,956 329 265 223 151 181 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 66 56 159 87 95 139 92 78 7*425 7*296 7.272 7*145 7.070 3*312 3*471 3*849 4*093 4,626 61*686 70,553 77,618 78,597 85*924 191 188 188 187 185 93. 85 114 84 97 6*953 6*642 6*734 6*627 6*742 5*020 5*633 5*984 6*717 7,817 91,891 107,897 141,868 204,039 242,365 182 179 177 172 172 141 241 226 188 245 6*965 7*438 8*107 8*755 8*987 9*111 10*871 12*726 14*289 16*308 320*528 374,779 368*464 363*983 370*425 174 178 178 179 179 279 421 282 367 404 9*415 9*853 10*308 10.671 11*273 18,280 20*200 22*372 24*617 26,701 381*760 388,670 415*295 433,629 449,701 180 179 176 177 178 11*761 28*853 469*990 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 152 10 1945 1946 19*7 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 50 240 CALIFORNIA Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in California, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3.1 A separate balance sheet was not compiled for unincorporated banks in this State. Adequate data were reported, either separately or in combination with data for other State commercial banks, in the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency or the State banking department for 1896-1909; unincorporated banks were prohibited by law after 1909. A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods and procedures used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in California were obtained from the abstracts and 1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in California, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies/' "stock savings banks," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks); it also includes one stock savings bank that for many years was classified as a mutual savings bank. annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments. A description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The sources of statistics for State commercial banks for the period 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department. The sources of such statistics for the period 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks published in reports of the State banking department. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 144 California 145 STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete, or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET The accompanying table shows adjustments made in figures for number of banks CHANGES IN NUMBER OF BANKS AND BALANCE .SHEETS Year or period Additions | Deductions Number of banks and corresponding balance sheets 1896-1916 1917-1919 1920-1923 1924 1925-1928 . 1929-1933 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 7 9 10 Number of banks only l 1896-1900 1901-1904 1905 1906 1907-1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1 2 4 10 30 2 38 52 66 82 79 97 107 1 Balance-sheet data were available for one bank in 18961900 and two in 1901-1916 but they are included in number only because their combined assets were not significant. 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. and balance sheets as published by the Comptroller. These were based on information contained in the State banking department reports. Changes in number of banks only reflect mainly the exclusion of branches of domestic banks, while changes in number of banks and corresponding balance sheets reflect mainly the exclusion of branches of foreign banks and sales finance companies. These changes were to make the revised series comparable with the series currently published. Other changes reflect exclusion of one trust company (chartered in 1909, but not included in State banking department reports until 1917) that had never engaged in deposit banking or general fiduciary business, and inclusion of one bank, generally regarded prior to 1938 as a mutual savings bank, in the commercial bank category for the entire period. After the latter bank was admitted to Federal deposit insurance, banking authorities concluded that it was more nearly a stock savings bank than a mutual savings bank and that ithad some special deposits subject to check. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were derived from State banking department reports, except for collateral loans in 1911 and 1920-1933. These were estimated as follows: for 1911, by applying to total loans an average of the ratios of collateral loans to total loans based on reported data for 1910 and 1912; for 1920 and 1921, by applying to total loans ratios of collateral loans to total loans that were interpolated between such ratios computed from reported data for 1919 and partly estimated data for 1922. For the period 1922-1933 collateral loans are a combination of reported figures for State member banks and estimates for non- 146 All-Bank Statistics member State commercial banks. The estimates for nonmember State commercial banks for this period were obtained by applying to their total loans, ratios of collateral loans to total loans that were interpolated between such ratios computed from reported data for 1919 and 1934. INVESTMENTS A complete classification of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. For the years in which the items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The figures for United States Government securities for 1899, 1900, 1906, and 1907 were taken from the reports of the State banking department. Estimates for certain other years were made by applying to total investments, ratios of United States Government securities to total investments derived as follows: for 1896-1898, the ratio computed from data for 1899 published in the State banking department report; for 1901-1905, ratios interpolated between similar ratios computed from data in those reports for 1900 and 1906; for 1911, ratios interpolated between similar ratios computed from data for 1909 and 1912 published in the annual reports of the Comptroller; and for 1914, the average ratio computed from data for 1913 and 1915 shown in the Comptroller's reports. For 1916-1922 these securities were estimated by applying to total investments, ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of United States Government securities to total investments at California national banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. Holdings of obligations of States and political subdivisions for 1896-1898, 19011905, 1911, and 1914 were estimated by the methods .used for estimating United States Government securities for comparable periods. For 1916-1933, obligations of States and political subdivisions were estimated by applying to total investments less United States Government securities, ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of State and political subdivision securities to this total at California national banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. DEPOSITS The complete breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was not available in the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency until 1934.3 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for United States Government deposits prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. In years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1906-1933 were obtained from the reports of the State banking department. For 1896-1905, the breakdowns were estimated by applying to total deposits other than interbank, ratios (extrapolated from data for the period 19061924) that reflected changes over the period in the ratios of these items to total deposits other than interbank at Washington State commercial banks; these ratios were derived by extrapolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1929 represent such deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to United States Govern8 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. California ment deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in California to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. OTHER ITEMS The amount of cash items in process of collection was not published separately by the Comptroller of the Currency or the State banking department prior to 1909. Data 147 for the years 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to total cash assets in each year an average of the ratios of this item to total cash assets computed from reported data for 19091911. Borrowings, reported with "other" liabilities for the period 1896-1908, were estimated by applying to "other" liabilities, ratios of borrowings to the total of borrowings and "other" liabilities computed from data for California national banks in these years. STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1946 The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for the period 19341946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation wfth data for individual noninsured banks obtained from reports of the State banking department. The breakdowns of some of the principal asset and liability items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks for every year during the 1934-1946 period in the reports of the State banking department. The breakdowns of (1) loans and investments for 1934 and 1935, (2) loans other than real estate for 1936-1938, (3) investments other than United States Government securities for 1936-1938, and (4) cash assets for 1934-1946 were estimated on the basis of the distribution of corresponding items at insured nonmember commercial banks in these years. Real estate loans and United States Government securities were included in the state- ments of individual banks as shown in the State banking department reports after 1935, and a complete breakdown of investments was so reported after 1938. The loan breakdowns for 1939-1946 were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of total loans at this group of banks on December 31, 1948. The figures for this date were used as the basis for estimating because it was not until then that the breakdown of loans appeared consistent with data currently reported for these banks. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time deposits for 1934 and 1935 were estimated by applying to total deposits other than interbank in each year ratios of each item to this total computed from reported data for 1936; and for 1937 and 1938, on the basis of ratios computed from reported data for 1939. For the period 19391946 the breakdowns of deposits were taken from the reports of the State banking department. 148 California All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year All other Year Total Real estate 1896 1899 205*899 190,668 195*830 195.303 123*377 117.114 111.735 107*622 30*180 24*939 28*602 30*852 52*342 48*615 55*493 56*829 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 209,829 226*214 243*837 303*716 331*666 106.579 108*480 114*170 133*601 151.419 36*466 43*886 44*729 66*845 59.345 66*784 73.848 84*938 103*270 120*902 1920 1921 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 380*208 462*410 516*178 468*603 469*084 179.006 206.171 213*774 215*260 206*662 72.690 97,831 113*324 86*723 90.786 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 562*400 605*366 670.813 731.900 747.410 249*765 271.982 307*612 341*454 353*452 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 748.725 807.535 935.929 1.028*819 1*087.767 360*161 387*038 419.710 422*855 415*226 1896 1897 Collateral Total Real estate Collateral All other 1922 1923 1924 1*440*305 1*451*706 1*513*439 1*807*536 1*907*814 472*176 529,614 615,104 761,880 876*918 304*510 302*024 298*272 342*855 347*324 663*619 620*068 600*063 702*801 683*572 126*512 158.408 189.080 166.620 171*636 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2*068*943 2*215*069 2*288*605 2,296,513 2,380,569 964,227 1*041,608 1,067,368 1.050*832 1,019*750 373,396 407*232 464,917 531*004 473*034 731*320 766*229 756*320 714*677 887*785 118*112 123*190 127*336 140*415 140*752 194.523 210*194 235*865 250,031 253.206 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2,325,157 2,127*719 1*810*906 1,570,420 1*494*310 993*574 1*022*402 913*064 874*423 843*561 465*013 387*913 282*249 252*982 242*195 846*570 717*404 615*593 443*015 408*554 138,347 143.925 171,672 204.415 245.300 250.217 276.572 344,547 401*549 427.241 1935 1936 1937 1938 1,441*716 1*530*377 1,678*141 1,720,509 801*357 789*949 837*701 883*380 196.552 215.734 231*519 222*419 443,807 524*694 606*921 614*710 Loans * Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 1939 1*761*143 13.316 57,491 104,197 601*903 251*258 286*962 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1*824*531 2*058*390 2*071*609 1*803*151 1*901*493 463*623 592*334 639*931 552*831 622*581 9*387 9*830 7*694 17*203 67*923 53*003 48*753 41.751 35*976 73*529 100*588 94*649 86*815 67.742 61*865 670*310 741*666 818*143 814*552 773*923 235*053 231.560 201*536 163.987 134*536 116*530 120.736 292*567 339*598 275*739 34*330 46*350 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2*015*598 2*500*406 3*877*945 4.674,606 4.838*072 669.670 906.116 1.516*706 1*761*236 1*703*900 53*907 59*802 36*995 13*830 21*288 159*510 119.150 78,425 56*971 41*319 51*209 55*486 69*444 79*640 79.717 777*361 882*843 1.470*468 1*932*654 2.084*116 117*086 157*784 218*401 257*073 273*169 150,359 249*462 406*707 549.732 638.817 36*496 69*763 80*799 83*201 65*814 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 5.027.774 6*178*320 6*664*117 7*536.549 7*433*250 1*511*650 2*250.458 2*473*112 2*715*580 2.607*583 31.257 25*247 48.351 38*688 47*006 30*163 31.909 29*046 27*728 34*187 78*759 86*157 89*576 93*432 92*832 2*246*522 2*462*592 2*573*878 2*805*837 2*932*459 258.352 300,548 316*976 361*856 386*370 873*213 945*822 1*105*543 1*465*047 1*324*181 74*922 154*071 117*036 133*063 116*364 1955 8,227,486 2.815*219 67*224 46,890 99*208 3.175*431 444,864 1,453.755 243*260 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. continue to be shown net. Total loans California 149 Table J—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Total Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1896 1897 1898 1899 34*113 40*249 52.126 66*250 18.997 21,859 28,578 36.353 1*509 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 80.727 93*168 106*286 123*932 132*712 42»477 45*079 46*886 50*261 50*220 2.752 4.279 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 138*319 151*661 174.954 160*137 163*782 48*064 51.397 54.123 52.721 52.426 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 179.572 194.165 206.311 210*185 206.848 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 14.342 17.266 22,039 28*181 39*615 46,038 54,708 66*013 1*633 1.652 2.062 2.501 20.357 22 * 549 28*925 29.232 17,625 21*637 23*721 36.280 24*308 25*534 27*465 27*708 303.935 302.489 330,129 357.274 7.686 36,542 45,337 55,121 67,513 74*806 66*557 76*196 95*122 97.700 102.711 3*001 3.498 4*130 4*452 4,157 25.857 27.130 30*668 32*264 31,917 37.699 47.568 60*304 60.984 66*637 27.634 29.356 30.365 26.529 28*454 364.747 426.934 475*610 551*877 595*543 9*060 10.830 13.361 17*844 23*068 81*195 89.434 107*470 89*572 68*268 134,009 189,139 163*150 146*366 171.923 6*907 8.611 6*523 7*436 7*705 39.352 55.222 43.655 49.072 45*993 67*750 125*306 110.972 89*858 116*225 30*660 35*047 35.371 37.598 36*182 663*196 838*257 889*653 812.704 842.971 56,834 61,089 62.536 56,668 56,360 34*572 41,219 52,886 63*953 66*643 68.166 91.857 90.889 89,564 85.845 185.813 197.816 225*999 211*732 214»493 11*576 9,330 10*755 10*508 13*128 53,506 52.876 58.822 60*528 65.262 120*731 135*610 156*422 140*696 136,103 42,151 45*094 46.650 49,970 49,951 969.936 1.042,441 1.149.773 1.203.787 1.220.702 217,171 243.557 311.672 381*508 465.449 55,817 59.413 76.178 138*782 198,748 74*339 85*862 99.534 103*848 108,935 87.015 98.282 135.960 138.878 157.766 220*434 300,436 311.850 322.570 375,682 8*318 17.692 15,151 26*926 43*421 58*060 65.933 73.279 57.811 60.608 154*056 216*811 223*420 235*833 271*653 52.978 56,519 66*725 90.558 96.578 1.239.306 1.408.047 1.626.176 1.823,455 2.025.476 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 514.893 541.766 577.716 636*052 623.546 202.959 207.044 228,366 292,497 271.202 133*265 144*908 144*547 136*903 161*782 178.669 169*814 204*803 206.652 190*562 403,915 343.431 391.849 425.958 476.417 57.559 52*729 67*496 83*262 105.763 62*308 53*973 52,778 50.634 53,291 284*048 236.729 271*575 291*662 317.363 128.016 112*992 120*755 131,017 142.153 2.467.131 2.449.695 2.603.759 3.000.563 3.149,930 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 727.751 770*929 814*760 957*698 993*356 333.282 322.156 357.427 452.650 477,827 167,278 225,156 253,449 251*415 271*207 227.191 223.617 203*884 253*633 244*322 508.619 521,963 533,148 555,545 555,305 107*791 117.377 122.590 121*994 112.464 54*597 52*807 51.869 59.644 44.924 346*231 351.779 358,689 373,907 397.917 149*636 176*102 167*639 178.305 199.715 3,454,949 3,684.063 3*804*152 3*968*061 4,128,945 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 995*202 1.079.607 1*071.440 1*122*779 1.355.574 448*472 452.632 469*864 575.561 776*856 323,621 396,353 396,686 398,159 389,176 223*109 230*422 202*890 149.059 189*542 653,856 604,105 428,090 418.523 510*437 122.627 95.878 71,898 79,677 63,362 42.648 44*316 42.626 32,256 33.113 488.583 463.909 313.566 306,568 413.962 220*303 192.079 170*181 178*738 203*690 4,194.520 4*003,510 3,480.617 3,290.460 3,564*211 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1.520,197 1,764*825 1.662.322 1*637*607 1,732*694 960*200 1.181.660 1.135.679 1.146.581 1.199.532 365*713 354*216 338*971 320,064 394.384 194.284 228.949 187.672 170.962 138.778 588.049 759.804 811*164 889*760 900.263 75,155 122.577 126.849 118.100 121*562 37.970 45,350 43.516 47.206 52.034 474,924 591,877 640,797 724,454 726,667 196*826 185,995 171,133 156,339 187*069 3.746.788 4,241,001 4,322,760 4,406,215 4,561.169 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1*805*465 1.915.987 2.201.559 4,388.546 5.986.132 1.251.312 1.349.557 1,700*624 3.850.166 5.420.800 419.751 429.374 373.845 399.368 429.952 134*402 137*056 127*090 138.992 135.380 1*092.352 1.214.490 1,361*272 1.821.411 1.964.969 130.024 159.060 205.221 370.852 403.281 50*374 60.797 71.952 89.086 98.728 911,954 994.633 1,104,099 1.361.471 1,482.960 175.337 166.251 151.418 136*495 132*667 4.897.685 5.355.118 5.805,858 8,151,603 10,005,461 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 7.734.837 8*531.229 6*742.058 6.325.015 5*989*882 7,107.953 7*791.295 6.009*271 5.601.132 5.200.199 464*229 537.511 577.935 561.404 582.476 162*655 202.423 154.852 162.479 207.207 2*211,670 2*469*956 2,487,939 2,600.310 2.507.753 423.534 453.515 512.675 559,431 514.874 97.012 94.822 106,573 114*830 117.027 1.691.124 1.921.619 1,868*691 1*926*049 1*875*652 126*988 143*506 151*475 180*449 181*605 12.091,093 13*645,097 13,259,417 13.760*380 13*517.312 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 6*586,705 6.007*145 6.565.959 6,424*544 7*236*502 5.610,066 4.606.734 ° 5.203.694 4*949.650 5*696.651 691,838 818*502 941*427 1.069.427 1*144*554 284*601 381*909 420*836 385*467 395*297 2.534,056 2*726,158 2,986,940 3*079.916 3.232.607 696.902 597.627 826*036 863*492 798*428 112.165 113.687 135*919 147*770 155*963 1,724,989 2,014*844 2*024.985 2*068,654 2*276,216 193.114 220*944 251*644 259*280 305,074 14.341*649 15*132.567 16,466,660 17*300*289 18,207.433 1955 7*883*723 6.185.142 1*262.912 435*669 3.385.625 863.227 173*569 2.328.829 340,259 19.837.093 774 1*124 1*716 1.708 6.158 150 California All Banks—Table 1 njJJl^Ul LlLnj».LLLl J. U^L3, /U1.L* 11 UlUDUin, XO7 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated . Amounts in thousands of. dollars] Deposits Year Total 1896 Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time .1897 1898 1899 212.210 216*069 246,010 273i250 8,720 9,393 13,128 15,609 246 334 321 506 62*224 59*506 101*670 105*638 141*020 146*836 130*891 151,497 1900 1901 1902 1903 190* 295.257 328.996 372.810 434*817 455.634 15,480 16*678 20*323 25,989 30,700 599 727 1.254 2.291 1*793 115*461 131.949 153.840 181.931 224.846 163,717 179.442 197*393 224*606 198,295 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 535,750 665.970 702,053 613,590 642,291 47,392 67,293 72,853 62,732 72,897 1*425 6*175 9,753 5,380 2*018 209.916 318.476 308,677 264,774 269*167 277*017 274*024 310*770 280*704 296*209 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 -752.700 809,591 904*446 946.095 961,179 88*103 96,792 106,639 103,425 90,773 1,180 1*128 2*108 1*496 1*686 307*422 314,400 358*405 350*990 372*828 355*99*> 397.271 437*294 490*184 495*892 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 970.203 1,138,477 1.334.654 1,482,967 1*674,943 91.620 116,148 137,764 143,899 157,156 1,181 658 2.381 40.187 13*862 397,320 412.303 561,761 555*268 678*881 479*682 609*368 632*748 743*613 825*044 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2,044,561 1,997,983 2.218,532 2,560,686 2,736,454 151,805 127.683 156.238 153,772 170,926 12.811 6,567 10,914 23*977 9.573 854.045 800*049 914*031 1,074*019 1.125.735 1,025,900 1,063,464 1*137*349 1*308,918 1,430,220 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 3,026,579 3,218,545 3,312,069 3,453.352 3*549,022 193,383 208.878 210,253 192*942 198,377 8.993 14*253 25,784 47.884 47.684 1.232.598 1*293,352 1,215,649 1,228.142 1*237*205 1,591,605 1*702*062 1.860.383 1,984,384 2,065.556 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3.606*001 3.476.753 2*885*638 2,784,510 3*050,406 330,593 265,134 167*982 142.655 177.627 21.442 20*955 23*060 58*031 91.770 1*104*665 1*024,972 791,594 788.113 835.124 2*149.301 2.165*692 1*903,002 1,795,711 1*945,867 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 3,328,020 3,315*352 3.887.780 3,974.761 4,132,532 211*333 247,942 215,109 226,898 268,462 54.755 114,505 43,522 87,410 99.945 1,027.650 1*244*313 1*445*446 1*407*600 1*495*758 2,034*282 2,208,592 2,183*703 2,252*853 2,266*347 1940 19*1 1942 1943 1944 4,408,185 4,843*167 5,311,348 7,641,342 9,454*820 297,927 330,214 325,565 398*108 359.549 101*589 80.272 91,211 392»139 951,758 1,684,679 2,052,459 2,474,633 ,075*040 .755.965 2*323*990 2,380.242 2»M9»939 2,776.055 3*387, 5<*B 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 11,446,859 12,934,021 12,486,978 12,944,510 12*615*823 410,814 422,204 395.119 415,075 450*917 1.202.509 875*033 78*142 163,345 160*035 .508.895 .546.312 .523.534 .710.271 ,225,020 4*324*641 5*090.472 5.490.183 5*655*819 5*779.651 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 13,235,516 13*992*997 15.198.97h 15,861*828 16,755.901 468,195 516*024 573,413 577,431 725.206 269*832 478*546 350,176 260,610 410,672 6,627,450 7,004,976 7*766,306 8,070,376 8,179,909 5*870*039 5,993*451 6^09,08^ 6*953*411 7,440*114 18*215,691 834,257 California 151 Table 7—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, ' H96-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year National bank notes Borrowings Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 300 1*214 656 1*042 1*424 1.432 1*451 1.476 4.734 3*995 2.999 5*397 58*243 52*249 50*869 46*801 27,024 27.530 26*142 29*306 303,935 302,489 330*129 357,274 281 261 287 261 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904. 390 411 431 558 649 3*080 5*784 7.087 8*961 13*166 6*228 4.475 7,132 3*573 7.078 46.516 49.596 50*353 59.411 66*391 33.276 37*672 37*797 44,557 52,625 364,747 426,934 475*610 551*877 595*543 267 296 315 342 418 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1*426 957 It974 5*605 2i340 15*261 21*618 23*555 25*691 28*453 7*496 9*263 10*138 8*514 3*049 76,174 87*495 92.751 97.353 96.843 47*087 52,954 59,182 61,751 69,995 663*196 838,257 889,653 812,704 842,971 492 562 598 618 632 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3*616 3*248 3*735 4*145 9*136 36*094 39*041 41*222 43*339 42*602 2*361 4.787 5*084 6*179 5,332 102.088 110.467 114,528 118*591 119*697 73,077 75,307 80,758 85*438 82*756 969*936 1*042*441 1*149.773 1.203.787 1.220.702 640 655 682 720 735 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 9,742 2*496 11*714 33*368 36*624 42*647 40*107 40*412 40*648 40*927 5.117 19,261 19.126 48*909 43*538 120*605 122,134 124.329 128.854 133.280 90,994 85,572 95,941 88.709 96,164 1.239.308 1.406*047 1.626.176 1*823,455 2,025*476 733 721 712 696 700 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 88*397 101.387 37*041 66*447 26.877 41*710 41*135 40*774 39.479 33.625 53*240 31*293 23*833 33*796 32*086 149*785 160.531 163*390 173.153 183*120 109,438 117,566 120*169 127*002 137*768 2*487*131 2,449,895 2*603.759 3*000.563 3.149,930 717 726 718 693 666 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 30*205 37.662 40*897 21*811 41*317 30*282 29*712 35*358 36*345 34*984 35*353 54.319 49.565 50*894 51,864 186*854 193*081 169*809 215.188 231*434 145*676 150*744 176*454 210,471 220,324 3*454*949 3*684*063 3*804*152 3*988*061 4*128*945 653 612 535 487 445 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 11.338 6*994 108*025 10*610 1.277 39.285 43*621 51.039 94.829 93.308 62,172 46,108 24,275 17*266 24*259 228*684 209*424 203*116 200*513 220,692 227*040 220,410 208,524 182*732 174,267 4,194,520 4,003*510 3*480*617 3,290*460 3.564.211 427 401 353 285 273 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 3*326 322 1*046 727 766 6*054 23,171 28*040 34*047 32*398 35,671 216.185 213.851 206*616 199,937 199*985 170.032 183*436 193,271 198,392 212,215 3*746*788 4*241*001 4.322*760 4*406*215 4*581*169 265 257 229 222 219 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 339 131 195 37,613 51.386 35,812 39,371 48*079 210*595 203*930 192*864 190*027 191*523 240,953 256,484 265,639 280*863 311,059 4*697*685 5.355*118 5*805*858 8*151*603 10*005*481 216 213 207 202 199 57.395 81*609 104.977 127*678 145*093 240*688 246.178 247*264 261*400 287*019 346*151 382*989 420*198 446,707 469,121 12*091*093 13*645.097 13.259.417 13*780*380 13*517*312 201 199 201 201 203 227,348 214*844 296*736 405*059 356.370 318.678 328.250 334*374 342*225 360*933 560.096 596*476 638,572 685,077 727,729 14*341*649 15*132.567 16.468.660 17,300,289 18,207,433 202 202 201 201 200 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 300 85 256 U 6*100 4.500 403,136 19,837,093 152 California National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All Collateral Year Total other Real estate Collateral All other 1696 1897 1896 1899 25.216 28,164 326 319 452 517 9,382 10,728 11*100 11.212 15,382 16*939 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 32.675 36*871 44.251 62.307 67*059 528 612 769 997 1,046 10*941 12.698 15*958 20*686 21.687 21*206 23*561 27.524 40.624 44,326 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 626,172 566,279 535*166 585,356 517.338 15,730 18,206 18,917 23,714 27,438 197,859 187,804 174,529 191,360 170,853 412*583 360*269 341*720 370,282 319.047 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 83*422 114*773 136*702 125*617 143.113 1»347 1*763 2*044 2*103 2*316 27.934 36*571 42*384 43*622 48*432 54,141 76,439 92,274 79,892 92*365 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 563.258 575,948 1.022,991 1,222*295 1,321*617 30,232 32,450 287,724 371,637 434,355 207,345 212,797 293,004 389*406 334,144 325.681 330,701 442*263 461*252 553*118 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 211.068 226*301 254.179 273*503 281.557 3.301 3,392 3*426 3.532 7,047 73*828 79*218 83*538 83*445 93*318 133*939 143,691 167,213 181,526 181,192 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1,349*640 1,418,464 1*214,310 1,038,352 1,027*756 457,584 556,965 492,606 490,223 502,547 356,510 308,439 233,083 211,889 207,664 533.546 553*060 488*621 336*240 317,545 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 277.744 312*608 380*298 434,746 463,142 8,448 11,365 12.191 11,711 12,609 92*872 100*792 117*631 134.815 161*418 176,424 200,451 250,476 288,220 289,115 1935 1936 1937 1938 1,006,119 1,078,479 1,195,09s 1,231*159 492,554 497,561 536,310 570,107 162,180 177,860 183*591 180,399 351.385 403*058 475*197 480*653 18*196 18 » 142 6.770 6*611 Loans1 Commercial, Year Total For purchasing or carrying securities Real estate Other All and agricultural To brokers and dealers others On farm land On residential property to Other other individuals 36.727 78,773 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 ,288.550 ,470*411 ,487*076 ,273,841 ,351,928 355,879 464,798 522.373 445.540 509.067 7.197 5.566 4.603 12.705 47.371 32.540 28.113 24.998 19,687 43,957 76*167 70*726 65*019 49*524 45.188 429,783 485,756 537.870 540.892 512.148 145,484 135*305 117.499 88*987 69,321 89*954 92.416 241.500 280.147 214.714 26.552 32*460 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1,467,459 1,610,106 3,021,185 3,648,303 3,765,866 555,233 714,095 1 ,238,587 1,446,606 1 ,387,054 45*586 52,192 33*740 9*865 15.501 113,466 70,448 52,962 34,715 25.073 34,826 38.705 50.443 58.338 58.136 521.800 606,454 1,122,659 ,481*612 1*589.527 60*400 81,541 132.890 160.922 172*649 111*381 193,501 325,955 434,483 510,541 24.767 53.170 63.949 63.367 55.096 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 3*859,940 4,729,907 5,139,577 5,817,001 5,649,952 1 ,192,718 1 ,797,877 2 ,011.565 2»196»194 2,091*847 23*004 15.074 30.746 23*739 27,623 17,604 18,215 17,955 15,943 21*441 56.478 61*34^2 64.380 66*712 64.170 1,691*780 ,819,364 ,901,589 2,081,968 2.189,565 167.171 191,594 203,416 235.230 244*184 711.285 751.821 881,990 1,170*081 1,015,207 53*830 129*205 90.382 103.349 76.759 1955 6,097,770 2 ,192.579 45,730 27,010 64*956 2.306.226 273,322 1,089.525 186*765 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 240,842 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. California 153 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Fipiires as of June 30 or nearest available date: partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1896 1897 1898 1899 3»647 4*379 6*699 6*912 2*477 2*355 3*873 4*056 381 660 921 931 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 8*434 10*807 14*431 19*921 25*433 5*516 7.151 9*167 12*809 16*949 190S 1906 1907 1908 1909 29.347 39*330 51*869 54*844 57*232 1910 1911 1912 1919 1914 Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1*364 1*905 1*925 789 7,216 7*248 15*800 20*124 541 343 754 866 3.877 3*754 9*171 8*564 2*798 3,151 5*875 10.672 2*009 2*157 2*182 2*121 31*068 31*926 49*697 57.341 1*192 1*716 2*319 2*766 1*967 2*464 3.548 4*793 5.718 18*238 22,865 28,138 32*652 36*156 1*372 1*634 1*870 2*262 1*911 6*480 8*028 10*126 10*938 13*792 10*386 13,203 16*142 19,652 20,455 2*233 2*220 2*276 2*641 3*531 61*560 72.763 89*096 117.721 132.181 19*869 27*856 32*254 31*785 33*602 3*090 3*741 6*394 7*506 9*602 6*388 7*733 13.221 15*553 14*028 50*752 73.181 67*983 66*186 83,291 4*098 4,707 5,335 4*744 4*719 16.326 26*480 20,957 25*100 26,920 30*326 41,994 41,691 36*342 51*652 4*366 6.977 8*308 7*941 9,247 167*887 234*261 264*862 254*588 292*683 72*609 78*729 85*986 89*810 91*037 39*119 42*157 44*333 46*329 45*960 14*872 18*132 21*060 21*686 22*638 16*616 18*440 20*593 21*795 22*439 105*248 114,142 127*069 118*623 117.309 7.543 6*345 7*274 6*757 8*309 30*305 31,138 34*623 33*594 34*713 67*400 76*659 85.172 78*272 74*287 12*996 14*411 15,540 15,980 16,675 401*921 433*583 482*774 497.916 506.578 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 94»272 96*732 118*994 158*269 180*469 44*862 43*115 51*130 89*446 115*249 25*221 27*516 31*309 31*852 28.746 24*189 26*101 36.555 36.971 36.474 120,982 162,008 174*353 164*165 213*224 5*877 10*329 10*423 19*852 28*511 30*492 31,009 35*351 15,428 17,027 84,613 120*670 128*579 148*885 167*686 17,551 18*955 25*801 31*383 40*605 510*549 590*303 699*446 806*563 897*440 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 173*778 173*278 183*296 200*403 176*696 102*330 96*498 101*757 122*693 98*488 32*742 35*283 35*548 32*426 37*325 38*706 41.497 45*991 45.284 40*865 221*523 167.556 185,976 190,816 187*974 41*842 30*598 36*623 41*425 43*121 18*057 16*727 14*564 12.775 13*170 161*624 120,231 134*791 136.616 131.663 74*707 55*778 50*865 49*535 46*506 1*096*160 962*891 955*305 1*026,110 926,516 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 201*461 200*596 392*802 528*999 611*685 111*037 100*401 222*413 299*155 360*295 39*579 51.564 95*917 115*464 132*798 50*845 48*631 74*472 114*380 118*592 194*989 206*644 281,167 355*250 356*306 43*474 47*164 70*596 79*641 61*585 13*301 12,995 20,298 36*601 21*507 138*214 146*485 190.293 239,008 253*216 45,895 59,322 79,876 104*904 128*412 1*005,603 1,042*510 1,776*856 2.211,448 2*418*022 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 610*367 647*600 652*218 700*144 902*358 341*567 313.847 326*698 408*519 567.454 159*086 210*577 214*557 210*298 222*567 109*714 123.176 110*963 81*327 112*337 415*884 395,861 273*460 274.867 346.906 77*585 67*794 50*110 57*169 46*226 22*464 27.238 25*713 19,641 20*241 315*835 300*829 197,637 196*057 260*439 146*529 142,286 124*304 126*057 139*024 2*522*420 2*604,211 2*264*292 2,141,420 2,416,044 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1*031*082 1*223*916 1*139*871 1*147 i 745 1*167*473 704*371 892.327 835*922 854.629 834.498 222*913 208.439 196*602 181*359 253*151 103*798 123*150 107.347 111.757 79*624 413,110 540*070 597,393 635*141 650,665 57*460 96*946 102*001 93*698 92*548 24,968 31,047 29,603 32,933 37,226 330,682 410,077 465,789 508,510 520.891 131*026 119*924 107.333 101*928 133*573 2,581,337 2*962,389 3,039*695 3.115*973 3*213*180 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1*224*245 1*303*801 1.543.774 3.240*692 4*411*549 867*495 941*141 1*219*960 2*874*609 4*013*825 276*799 281*826 246.229 274*669 308*466 79*951 80*834 77*565 91.214 89*256 797,326 867*669 996*726 1*348,127 1,457,339 101*869 123*676 161*391 297*806 322*563 34*450 41,465 49,221 62*175 69*181 661*007 702*348 786.114 988,146 1.065*595 127.098 121*755 113*308 102*126 101*067 3*437*219 3*763*656 4*140*864 5*964*786 7*321*883 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 5*661*039 6*259.157 4*768*029 4*466*094 4*206*218 5*200*509 5*698*282 4.229.521 3*959*757 3*642*459 342*766 414*550 430*013 395*089 407*485 117.764 146*325 106*495 111*248 156.274 1,637,372 1*826*775 1*822,276 1*954,404 1,882,974 344*589 365*983 372*385 443*280 414*297 66*122 64,945 75,437 * 81*035 83,316 1.226,661 1,395,847 1,374,456 1*430*089 1.385.361 96.729 109*240 116*998 140*461 141*930 8*864.599 10.005.278 9*728*490 10,209*262 9,996*988 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 4*743*505 4*372*341 4*791*508 4*663*028 5*304*518 4*030*229 3*449*053 3*732*244 3*516*139 4*106*687 486*965 609*927 715.776 648.039 890*906 226*291 313*361 343*486 298*859 306*925 1,920.352 2,057,283 2*216,262 2*316*776 2*411*506 563*394 499*336 656*265 693*256 624*797 80,630 82,557 96,885 106*839 111,560 1*256*328 1*475.390 1*463*092 1,516*661 1,675*149 149,549 173,014 195,694 205*069 244*065 10,673,346 11,332*545 12.343*041 13*001.874 13.610*041 1955 5*797*014 4*484*147 971*023 341*844 2,515.976 678.527 125,868 1*711.581 268*540 14*679*300 951 154 California National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time 18.747 19*514 33*359 40,126 1.915 2.178 5.341 7,625 246 1896 1699 334 321 506 15.704 16*065 26.626 30,668 882 937 1.071 1*127 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 41*566 49*769 62*994 83,947 90.017 7.621 9,011 10.576 13.921 17,494 599 727 1.254 2.291 1.793 32*097 38*323 49*165 65*464 66.167 1*269 1*708 1.999 2*271 2*563 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 115,715 166,728 190.722 170.475 202,799 27,907 42.579 47,523 41,257 57,062 1.425 6.175 9,753 5*380 2*018 83*211 116*241 127.872 117.067 134*139 3*172 3*733 5*574 6*771 9*580 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 278.513 303,182 345,519 352,904 356*144 78.270 84,964 94,653 92.269 80*380 1.180 1*128 2.108 1*496 1,686 179.435 190*726 220*872 218*604 233.789 19*628 26*364 27*686 40*535 40.289 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 357,754 429,423 527, 414 600.893 686.636 79,548 103*508 118,102 117,943 138,376 1*161 658 2*381 40.141 13*852 232*396 263.947 326,472 355*640 429.121 44*629 61*310 80*459 87*169 105*287 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 816*360 693.423 751.637 802.135 755.052 132,942 104,222 120,432 118*236 111.775 8.747 5,612 5*628 12*200 4*335 526*140 433.545 459*430 496.111 441.133 148*531 150*044 166*147 175.586 197*609 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 835,576 856,330 Ii514,866 1.880.411 2*040,047 120,066 129*226 132.303 140*132 146.561 3.941 2*431 22.470 44.923 34,154 478.591 472.331 641.363 752.847 745.345 232*978 252*342 718*732 942*509 1*113*987 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2*136,438 2.238,143 1.827,332 1.774.880 2.046.829 248,173 205,672 126.812 98*353 124.326 17.491 16.001 18.657 47.415 77*479 715,790 716,333 564,013 560*625 609.487 1*154*984 1*300*137 1.117.850 1.068*487 1.235*537 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 2.303.289 2*680.675 2.752.905 2.829.388 2.906,103 141,141 166.954 146,918 156,793 174.899 47*966 98.532 39.919 83.493 91.542 765*410 923.835 1*123.636 1*084.536 1.142.047 1.348*770 1.491*354 1*442*432 1.504.566 1.497.615 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 3.093*706 3.404,509 3.792*903 5,604,574 6.932*076 195,563 213,566 202*696 256,831 230.150 92.226 72.981 81.359 337,731 735.580 1.277.874 1*567,631 1.912.169 3*172.825 3.686.802 1*528.045 1.550.331 1.596.679 1.837.167 2.279*544 1945 1946 1947 1943 1949 8,393,261 9,488,200 9,155,799 9*586.034 9,320*845 267,214 252,203 250.002 279.984 317,678 906.295 669,454 62*964 130.145 121.371 4.257.401 5*056*999 5.020.962 5.209.675 4,799,797 2.962.351 3*509*544 3*821*851 3*966*230 4.081.999 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 9.814,247 10,459*521 11*354,167 11,880,405 12.497,299 330.208 373.044 400,638 408,401 536,170 211.562 380.201 256.967 211*916 320.975 5.109.273 5.397.982 5.971,222 6,171,594 6.198.386 4*163*204 4,306*294 4,723.140 5.068.494 5.441*766 13*456,789 622,076 1896 1897 6*791,234 California 155 Table 2— National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year National bank notes Borrowings Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1897 1898 1899 30 142 103 150 1*424 1*432 1.451 1*478 5 1 8 7.525 7.550 10.825 10*825 3.342 3.283 4,156 4,754 31*068 31*926 49*897 57.341 31 32 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 70 60 47 127 189 3*080 5.784 7.087 8.961 13.166 378 22 36 125 121 10.988 11.255 12*160 15*662 17,730 5,478 5,873 6,752 8,879 10.958 61*560 72.763 89,096 117.721 132*181 36 41 49 57 75 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 404 347 618 1.859 408 15*261 21*618 23*555 25*691 28*453 314 1.657 2*566 1*595 1*185 22.003 25*076 27.613 33*546 35.955 14,190 16,833 19.568 21,420 24.083 167*887 234,261 264*862 254*588 292.883 87 113 126 139 149 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1.435 986 1,365 2.585 5.108 36.094 39*041 41,222 43.339 42.602 810 1.315 1.131 784 1.459 44.914 51.604 53*853 55*923 57*523 40*155 37.253 39.684 42*381 43*742 401,921 433.583 482*774 497*916 506*578 185 203 227 252 262 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 5.862 1*601 11*227 29*186 31.526 42 . 647 40*107 40*412 40*646 40.927 712 15.611 14.537 30.782 25.272 58*153 58,423 59*472 59.735 62*147 45*421 45.138 46*384 47.319 50*932 510*549 590*303 699*446 806,563 897*440 265 261 268 270 279 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 78,041 83.743 24.548 46.656 12*505 41.710 41.135 40*774 39.479 33.625 35,893 17,867 14,009 16,455 15,018 67.397 66.922 65*125 63,263 60*078 56,779 59,801 59,212 55,922 52,238 1*096*180 962*891 955.305 1*026*110 926*516 303 309 295 270 265 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 8*785 17,823 22,953 6,232 23*418 30.282 29.712 35,358 36,345 34,984 14,783 25*631 27*926 33*846 36*356 62*935 64*355 94*472 126*677 145*445 53,242 46,659 81,277 125,937 137,772 1*005*603 1,042.510 1.776,856 2*211*446 2*418*022 266 264 240 222 211 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3.971 4,075 99,992 5,341 191 39,285 43,621 51.039 94*829 93.308 56.097 32*781 12.683 10*514 16*265 143,957 142,125 136.643 137,367 143,960 142.672 143.266 134.603 116.469 115.491 2.522*420 2.604.211 2.264*292 2*141*420 2*416*044 205 169 166 135 130 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 157 28 406 404 145 6*054 15.185 18.986 20*427 17.165 24.427 142.450 139.900 136.472 134.516 136.690 114*202 122,798 129,485 134,480 145,815 2*581.337 2.962*389 3.039,695 3,115*973 3.213,180 125 122 105 103 101 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 15 25 84 24,644 34,057 23,724 25,609 33.677 147,930 142.522 134,130 133.007 134.299 170.922 182,543 190,043 201.596 221,631 3,437,219 3,763,656 4,140.884 5.964.766 7.321.883 99 96 95 94 91 250 40,929 61.473 86.177 103,273 122.006 183,813 186*196 187,232 193,526 215*281 246,596 269,107 299,262 326,429 338.606 '8*864.599 10*005.278 9.728.490 10.209*262 9*996*986 92 91 94 93 94 6*100 4.500 197,559 179,649 260*119 360*806 308,308 238*263 244.373 248*458 249*983 263,386 423.277 449.002 480,297 504,578 536.548 10.673*346 11*332*545 12*343*041 13,001,874 13,610*041 94 94 93 91 87 370.711 281*866 569*934 14*679,300 66 1896 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 300 1955 34 35 156 California State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year All Year Real estate All other Total Real estate 1896 1897 1898 1899 187i703 172.526 170*614 167 ( 119 123.051 116.795 111*283 107,105 23*410 18.328 19*220 20*124 41.242 37,403 40,111 39,890 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 177*154 139*343 199t586 241*409 264*607 106.051 107,866 113.401 132*604 150.373 25.525 31*188 28*771 46.159 37.658 45*578 50,287 57*414 62*646 76*576 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 814*133 885*427 ,978.273 1*222*130 1*390*476 456*446 511*408 596*187 738*166 849*480 106.651 114*220 123.743 151*495 176*471 251*036 259*799 258*343 332.519 364*525 1905 1906 1907 1903 1909 296*786 347*637 379*476 342*986 325.971 177*659 204*408 211.730 213*157 204*346 44,756 61.260 70.940 43.101 42.354 74,371 81.969 96,806 36.728 79.271 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1.505*685 1.639*121 1*265*614 1*074,218 1*058,952 933*995 1*009*158 779,644 679*195 585*395 166.051 194.435 171*913 141*598 136.890 405*639 435.528 314.057 253*425 334*667 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 351.332 379.065 416*634 458*397 465.853 246.464 268*590 304,184 337,922 346*405 44*234 43.972 43.798 51.970 47.434 60.584 66*503 68*652 68,505 72*014 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 975.517 709.255 596,596 532*068 466*554 535*990 465.437 420.458 384.200 341*014 126*503 79*474 49*166 41.093 34*531 313*024 164*344 126*972 106*775 91*009 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 470.981 494.927 555.631 594.073 624*625 351.713 375.673 407*519 411*144 402.617 45.475 43.133 54.041 69.600 83.882 73*793 76.121 94*071 113*329 138,126 1935 1936 1937 1938 435*597 451*893 483*043 489*350 308.803 292*388 301.391 313.273 34.372 37.874 47.928 42.020 92*422 121*636 133.724 134*057 Collateral Total other Collateral Loans' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers , To others Real estate On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 1939 499*674 20,764 25.424 210.878 98.218 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 535*981 567,979 584.533 529,310 549,565 107,744 127,536 117.558 107*291 113*514 2.190 4.264 3.091 4.498 20*552 20*463 20*640 16,753 16,289 29*572 24.421 23.923 21.796 18*218 16.677 240*527 255*910 280*273 273*660 261*775 89*569 96.255 84*037 75*000 65*215 26.576 28.370 51*067 59*451 61*025 7.776 13.890 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 548,139 690*300 856*760 1*026*303 1.072*206 114.437 192,021 278.119 314*630 316*846 8.321 7.610 3*255 3*965 5.787 46*044 48,702 25,463 22,256 16*246 16.383 16*781 19*001 21*302 21.581 255*561 276.389 347*809 451*042 494.591 56.666 76.243 85.511 96.151 100*520 38.978 55*961 80*752 115*249 128*276 11.729 16.593 16.650 19.834 10*718 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1*167,834 1*448.413 1*524,540 1.719.548 1*783.298 316,932 452,581 461,547 519*386 515.736 8.253 10.173 17.605 14.949 19*383 12*559 13,694 11.091 11*785 12.746 22.281 24*815 25.196 26*720 28*662 554,742 643*228 672.289 723.869 742*894 91.181 108,954 113.560 126.626 142.186 161*928 194.001 223.553 294.966 308.974 21*092 24*866 26.654 29.714 41.605 1955 2.129,716 622.640 21*494 19,880 34*252 869.205 171,542 364.230 56.495 ' Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. California 157 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 30*466 35.870 45*427 59*338 16.520 19*504 24*705 32*297 393 464 588 785 13.553 15.902 20.134 26*256 32*399 38*790 38*908 47*889 1.092 1.309 1.308 1.613 16.480 18.795 19.754 20.668 14.827 18,686 17.846 25,608 22,299 23,377 25,283 25,587 272,867 270,563 280,232 299*933 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 72.293 82*361 91*855 104*011 107.279 36*961 37*928 37*719 37*452 33*271 757 1.560 2*563 3.839 4*920 34.575 42.873 51.573 62*720 69.088 48.319 55.331 66*984 64*846 66.553 1*629 1*864 2*260 2*190 2*246 19.377 19.102 20*562 21,326 18,125 27.313 34.365 44,162 41,332 46*182 25,401 27,136 28*089 23*888 24,923 323*167 354*171 386.514 434.156 463.362 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 108*972 112*331 123*085 105.293 106*550 28*195 23*541 21*869 20.936 18*824 5.970 7.089 6.967 10.338 13*466 74.807 81*701 94.249 74,019 74*260 83*257 115.958 95*167 80*180 88*632 2*809 3.904 3*188 2*692 2*986 23*024 28.742 22.698 23.972 19*073 57.424 83*312 69,281 53,516 66,573 26*294 28*070 27,063 29,657 28,935 515.309 603,996 624,791 558,116 550.088 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 106.963 115*436 120*325 120»375 117*811 17.715 18.932 18*203 10*339 10*400 19.700 23.087 31.826 42*267 44*005 69.548 73.417 70.296 67.769 63*406 80.565 83.674 98*930 93.109 97.184 4.033 2*985 3.481 3*751 4*819 23*201 21.738 24.199 26.934 30.549 53.331 58,951 71,250 62.424 61.816 29,155 30,683 31,110 33.990 33.276 568,015 608,858 666,999 705,871 714,124 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 122.899 146*825 192.678 223.239 284.980 10.955 16*298 25*048 49.336 83.499 49.118 58*346 68*225 71*996 80*189 62*826 72*181 99.405 101*907 121.292 99.452 138*428 137*497 138.405 162*458 2*441 7.363 4*728 9.074 14.910 27.568 34.924 37*928 42*383 43*581 69.443 96,141 94.841 86.948 103.967 35.427 37.564 40.924 59.175 55.973 728,759 817,744 926.730 1.014.892 1.128.036 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 341*115 368 i 488 394*420 435*649 446*648 100.629 110*546 126.609 169*804 172*714 100*523 109*625 108*999 104.477 124.457 139*963 148*317 158*812 161*368 149.677 182*392 175.875 205.871 235.142 288.443 15.717 22.131 30.873 41.837 62*642 44.251 37.246 38,214 38,059 40,121 122.424 116.498 136,784 155,246 185.680 53.311 57.214 69.890 81*482 95*647 1.390.951 1,487.004 1,648,454 1*974,453 2,221,414 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 526.290 570.333 421*958 428*699 381*671 222*245 221*755 135*014 153.495 117.532 127*699 173.592 157*532 135.951 138.409 176*346 174*986 129.412 139.253 125.730 313.630 315.319 251.961 200*295 198*997 64.317 70.213 51.994 42.353 30.879 41.296 39,312 31,571 23,043 23,417 208.017 205,294 168.396 134.899 144.701 103.741 116,780 87,763 73,401 71.303 2*449*346 2*641.553 2.027.296 1.776*613 1.710.923 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 384*835 432.007 419.222 422.635 453*216 106.905 138*985 143.166 167.042 209.402 164.535 185.776 184*129 187*861 166*609 113*395 107.246 91*927 67.732 77.205 237.974 208.244 154*630 143.656 163.531 45*042 28.084 21.788 22.508 17.136 20,184 17.080 16,913 12.617 12.872 172.748 163*080 115,929 108,531 133.523 73,774 49,793 45,877 50,681 64,866 1.672.100 1.399.299 1.216,325 1,149,040 1*148.167 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 489*115 540*909 522.451 489.862 565*221 255*829 289*333 299*757 291*952 365*034 142.800 145*777 142*369 138.705 141.233 90.486 105.799 80.325 59*205 58*954 174.939 219.734 213*771 254*619 249.618 17.695 23.631 24*848 24.402 29.034 13.002 14.303 13.915 14,273 14,808 144.242 181*800 175*008 215,944 205.776 65,800 66.071 63.800 56.411 53.496 1.165,451 1,278,612 1,283,065 1,290*242 1,368,009 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 581*220 612.186 657.785 1.147*854 1*574*583 383*817 408*416 480*644 975*357 1*406*975 142.952 147.548 127*616 124.719 121.484 54*451 56.222 49.525 47.778 46.124 295.026 346*801 384*546 473.284 527.630 28.155 35.184 43.830 73*046 80*718 15,924 19,332 22,731 26.913 29,547 250,947 292,285 317,985 373,325 417.365 48*239 44*496 38,110 36,369 31,820 1,460*466 1,591,462 1,664,974 2,186,317 2*683*598 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2*073*798 2.272*072 1*974*029 1*858*921 Ii783.664 1*907*444 2*093.013 1.779.750 1.641*375 1.557*740 121*463 122*961 147*922 166.315 174*991 44*891 56*098 46.357 51.231 50.933 574.298 643*181 665*661 645*906 624*779 78.945 87,532 140*290 116.151 100.577 30.890 29.877 31.136 33,795 33.711 464,463 525,772 494.235 495*960 490*491 30,259 34,266 34,477 39*988 39*675 3,226,494 3*639,819 3*530*927 3,571*118 3.520,324 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1.843.200 1*634.804 1*774.451 1*761*516 1*931*984 1*579.837 1*357*681 1*471*450 1*433*520 1*589*964 204*853 208.575 225*651 241.388 253*648 58*510 68*548 77.350 86*608 88.372 613*704 668.875 770*678 763.140 821*101 113,508 98.291 169.751 170,236 173.631 31,535 31,130 39.034 40,931 44,403 468*661 539,454 561.893 551.973 603*067 43*565 47*930 55,950 3.668.303 3*800*022 4.125.619 4.298*415 4*597.392 1955 2.086.709 869*649 204*700 1.700*995 291*889 47*701 54 * 2 1 1 61,009 5*157.793 158 California State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank US. Government Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 193,463 196.555 212*651 233.124 6,805 7,215 7,787 7*984 46.520 43.441 75.044 74.770 140*138 145»699 129*620 150*370 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 253*671 279.227 309.816 350*870 365*617 7,859 7.867 9*747 12.066 13*206 83*364 93.626 104.675 116*467 156.679 162*448 177*734 195*394 222*335 195»732 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 420*035 497,242 511.331 443*115 439.492 19,485 24*714 25.330 21.475 15.635 126*705 202*237 180.805 147*707 135*028 273*645 270*291 305*196 273*933 288(629 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 474.187 506.409 558,927 593,191 605.035 9.833 11.828 11.986 11,156 10*393 127,987 123*674 137*533 132.386 139,039 336*367 370*907 409*408 449*649 455*603 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 612.449 709.054 807.240 882.074 988.307 12.272 12*640 19*662 25.956 18*780 46 10 164.924 146.356 235*289 199*628 249*760 435*253 546*058 552*289 656*444 719*757 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 >228.201 .304.560 .466*895 .758.551 *981.402 18*863 23.661 35.806 35.534 59,151 4,064 975 5.286 11.777 5.238 327.905 366.504 454.601 577.908 684.602 877*369 913*420 971*202 1*133*332 1*232*411 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 2.191.003 2.362*215 1.797,201 1*572*941 1,508.975 73.317 79,652 77,950 52*810 51.616 5,052 11.822 3.314 2.961 13.730 "754.007 821*021 574.286 475.295 491.860 1*356*627 1*449*720 1*141*651 1*041*875 951*569 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1.469.563 1.238.610 1.058.306 1*009.630 1.003.579 82.420 59*462 41,170 44*302 53.301 3.951 4.954 4*403 10.616 14*291 386.875 308.639 227*581 227.488 225*637 994*317 865*555 785*152 727.224 710.350 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 Ii024.731 1*134.677 1*134.875 1.145,373 1,226,429 70,192 60,986 68,191 70,105 93*583 6*787 15*973 3*603 3*917 8*403 262.240 320.478 321.810 323.064 353.711 685*512 717*238 741*271 7481287 770*732 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1*314.477 1,438,678 1*516*445 2.036,768 2i522.744 102*364 116*648 122.869 141,277 129*399 9.363 7.291 9.852 54*408 216*176 406*805 484.828 562,464 902*215 1*069*163 795*945 829*911 823*260 938*866 1*108*004 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 3.053.598 3.445,821 3.331,179 3*358*476 3,294*978 143,600 170*001 145,117 135,091 133,239 296.214 205*579 15*178 33*200 38*664 1*251*494 1*489*313 1*502*552 1.500.596 1.425.223 1*362*290 1*580*928 1,668*332 1*669*569 1,697*652 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 3,421*269 3*533*476 3*844*811 3,981.423 4,258,602 137,987 142,980 172,575 169,030 189*036 58*270 98.345 91*209 46.694 89.697 .516*177 .606.994 .795.084 .898.782 .961*523 1,706*835 1*665*157 1*785*943 1*864*917 1,996*346 2*331*929 2*120*541 1955 ' 212*181 California 159 Table 5—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figun Year 3 of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Nati ba °"? no Borrowings Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 270 Ii072 555 892 4.734 3*990 2*996 5*369 50*718 44*699 40*044 35*976 23*682 24,247 23*984 24,552 272.867 270.563 280*232 299.933 250 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 320 351 384 431 460 5*850 4.453 7.096 3.448 6*957 35*528 36*341 36*173 43,729 48*661 27,798 31,799 31,045 35,678 41*667 323*167 354.171 366*514 434.156 463.362 249 255 266 285 343 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1.022 610 1*356 3*946 If932 7.164 7.606 7.572 6*919 1*864 54.171 62*417 64.938 63.805 60*888 32.897 36.121 39.594 40.331 45,912 515*309 603*996 624.791 558.116 550.086 405 449 472 479 483 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2.181 2*260 2,370 I t 560 4*028 1*551 3.472 3.953 5.395 3.873 57.174 58*663 60.675 62.666 62.174 32*922 38.054 41,074 43,057 39.014 568.015 608*858 666*999 705.871 714.124 455 452 455 468 473 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3*860 895 487 4»182 5*098 4*405 3.650 4*589 18*127 18.266 62*452 63*711 64.857 69.119 71.133 45,573 40*434 49,557 41,390 45,232 728.759 817*744 926*730 1*014.892 1.128.036 468 460 444 426 421 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 10*356 17.644 12*493 17*591 14*372 17.347 13*426 9,824 17,341 17*068 82.366 93.609 96*265 109*890 123.042 52,659 57,765 60.977 71,060 85,530 1*39,0.951 1 1 48*7 1 004 1*648*454 1,974*453 2,221.414 414 417 423 423 403 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 21*420 19.839 17.944 15.579 17.899 20.570 28*688 21.637 17*048 15.508 123*919 128.726 95.337 86*511 85*989 92,434 102*085 95,177 84*534 82,552 2,449,346 2,641*553 2*027*296 1.776.613 1.710.923 385 348 295 265 234 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 7.367 2*919 8*033 5.269 1*086 26.075 13.327 11.592 6.752 7.994 84*727 67.299 64.473 63.146 76*732 84,368 77,144 73*921 64,243 58.776 1.672.100 1.399.299 1.216.325 1,149.040 1.146*167 222 212 165 150 143 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 3.169 294 640 323 641 7*986 9.052 13.620 15.213 11.244 73.735 73.951 70.144 65*421 63*295 55*630 60.636 63.766 63.912 66.400 1.165*451 1*278*612 1*283*065 1.290.242 1.368,009 140 135 124 119 118 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 324 106 111 12*969 17.329 12.088 13.762 14*402 62.665 61.408 58*734 57.020 57.224 70.031 73.941 75.596 79.267 89*228 1*460*466 1,591,462 1,664*974 2*186*817 2*683,598 117 117 112 108 108 16.466 20.136 18.600 24.405 23*087 56.875 59.980 60*032 67*874 71.738 99,555 113*682 120,916 120.278 130.515 3,226*494 3*639*819 3,530*927 3*571*118 3,520*324 109 108 107 108 109 29.789 35*195 36.617 44.251 50*062 80*415 83,877 85*916 92*242 97*547 136.819 147*474 156.275 180.499 191*161 3,666*303 3*800*022 4*125*619 4*298.415 4*597.392 108 106 108 110 113 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 85 6 11 249 253 246 COLORADO tions not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks) for 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. The primary sources for unincorporated banks, which operated in this State during the period 1896-1928, were bankers' directories and, beginning in 1908, the annual reports of the Comptroller. The sources of statistics for State commercial banks (excluding those that were unincorporated) for 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks obtained from reports of the State banking department or from bankers' directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Colorado, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3. Because of the incomplete coverage in reported data for unincorporated banks in the State, a separate balance sheet was compiled for these banks (Table 3a); Table 3 includes data for these and other State commercial banks.1 A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Colorado were obtained from abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments; a description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks) and for unincorporated banks presented a number of problems and considera1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in Colorado, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to (1) banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies," "stock savings banks," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks) and (2) industrial banks that accept deposits. In this report the data for unincorporated banks are discussed separately from those of other State commercial banks. 161 162 All-Bank Statistics STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS (OTHER THAN UNINCORPORATED BANKS), 1896*1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET In order to make the revised series comparable with current series, two industrial banks were added to the number in the revised series for the period of their existence beginning with 1925. This change was in line with an agreement among the Federal bank supervisory authorities in 1947 as to the types of institutions that should be included in the banking data. Balance-sheet figures for only one of these banks were added; reliable data for the other could not be obtained. Sixty-eight unincorporated banks and their estimated balance-sheet data, which were included by the Comptroller with incorporated State banks in 1907, were transferred to the correct classification. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1927. Furthermore, loans and investments were not available separately for 1896. This breakdown was estimated by applying to the total of the two in 1896 the ratio of each 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not made on the basis of a complete percentage distribution, but where one or more" components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. This same procedure was used for unincorporated banks in the State. item to the total of loans and investments computed from reported data for 1897. For years in which the loan breakdowns were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Estimates of real estate loans and collateral loans for 1896 and 1897 were made by applying to total loans the ratio of each of these items to total loans computed from reported figures for 1898; for 1899-1907, by applying to total loans the ratios obtained by interpolating between ratios based on reported figures for 1898 and 1909. For 1908 an amount for "secured loans" at each class of State commercial bank was obtained from the report of the State banking department. The total for each class of bank was broken down into real estate and collateral loans by applying the ratio of real estate loans to the total of real estate and collateral loans computed from reported data for 1909. Collateral loans at State commercial banks were not segregated in the Comptroller's report for 1922. The figure used was obtained from the annual report of the State banking department. For 1923, 1925, and 1926, data for both real estate and collateral loans were obtained from reports of the State banking department. Since no loan breakdown for 1924 was available, an estimate of each item for each class of bank was made by applying to total loans in that year the average of the ratios of each item to the total computed from figures reported by the State banking department for 1923 and 1925. INVESTMENTS Total investments in 1896 were estimated as noted in the discussion of loans. A complete breakdown of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. For the years in which items were not reported, figures Colorado were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Figures for United States Government securities in 1902 were obtained from the report of the State banking department. Estimates of holdings of State and political subdivision securities in 1896 and 1897 were made by applying to total investments in these years the ratio of this item to total investments computed from reported data for 1898; for 1899-1907, by applying to total investments ratios that were derived by interpolating between ratios based on reported data for 1898 and 1909. For 1908 this item was estimated separately for each class of bank on the basis of the relationship of this item to total investments in 1909. Estimates for 1916-1933 were made by applying to total investments, ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of State and political subdivision securities to total investments at Colorado national banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No.. 2, described in the United States Summary. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time as published by the Comptroller of the Currency was adequate, after some minor adjustments, beginning with 1911, although figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.3 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. For years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdown of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1908 was obtained from the State banking 3 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. 163 department. The breakdowns for 1896-1907 were estimated by applying to total deposits other than interbank, ratios (extrapolated from data for the period 1908-1920) that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of time deposits to total deposits other than interbank at Nebraska State commercial banks; these ratios were derived by extrapolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. Estimates for 1910 for each class of State commercial bank were derived by applying to total deposits other than interbank the average ratio of time deposits to this total as computed from reported figures for 1909 and 1911. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918, 1919, 1923, 1925, 1926, and 1929 represent holdings of these deposits at State member banks only, which held substantially all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. The figure for 1918 is an estimate, but figures for other dates are as reported. The 1918 estimate was derived by applying to United States Government deposits^at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Colorado to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. OTHER ITEMS Cash items in process of collection for 1896 and 1897 were estimated by applying to total cash assets the ratio of this item to total cash assets computed from reported figures for 1898. The same method was used in estimating data for 1900 and 1901 and for 19031906 except that the average ratios used were based on reported data for 1899 and 1902 and for 1902 and 1907, respectively. The figure for 1902 was obtained from the State banking department report. Figures for borrowings in 1902 and 1908 were derived from reports of the State banking department. 164 All-Bank Statistics STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1946 The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks derived from reports of the State banking department or from bankers' directories. The breakdowns of some of the principal asset and liability items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks for every year of the period 1934-1946 in the sources cited. The breakdowns of loans, securities other than United States Government obligations, and cash assets were estimated for the entire period on the basis of the percentage distribution of corresponding items at insured nonmember commercial banks in these years. The breakdown of deposits at certain industrial banks was inadequate for 19431946. Examination of the statements furnished to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation by such banks in recent years indicated that their deposits were evenly divided between demand and time. For the period 1943-1946, therefore, demand and time deposits of banks not reporting the breakdown were estimated on this basis. UNINCORPORATED BANKS, 1896-1928 Unincorporated banks, which operated in Colorado until 1929, did not report to the State banking authority, and the data reported to the Comptroller of the Currency were inadequate before 1908. Figures for numbers of banks in this period were tabulated, from bankers' directories, and balance-sheet data were estimated from data available in the directories. The number of banks added to the Comptroller's series varied from 32 in 1896 to 68 in 1907. On the basis of the estimated data described hereafter, the total assets of all private banks amounted to about 40 per cent of the total for all State commercial banks before 1900, then declined to about 12 per cent in 1910, and to less than 1 per cent in 1918 and thereafter. Data for principal balance-sheet items (loans, investments, cash assets, deposits, capital, and surplus) —where such data were available in the bankers7 directories on an individual bank basis—were tabulated for the period 1896-1908. Figures for all items were not shown for each bank for each year; for some institutions no balance-sheet items were shown, while for others certain items were shown intermittently. When items were re- ported for a bank for any year or period of years, estimates for missing years were made by interpolating or extrapolating as much of the series as was feasible. The total for each principal item as tabulated from the directories—including estimates for some banks—was divided by the number of banks reporting the item; before this calculation was made, figures for from one to three large private banks were eliminated in order to avoid undue bias in the average* These averages were multiplied by the total number of banks (excluding the large banks) shown by the bankers' directories to be operating in the State, and the estimated principal items were totaled. The balance sheets of the large private banks were then added to these totals in order to obtain an aggregate balance sheet for Colorado private banks. It should be noted, however, that aggregate data for assets prior to 1901 could not be estimated satisfactorily from the sample of banks in the bankers' directories because of numerous gaps in reported cash assets. The balance sheet thus constructed for the 51 banks in operation in 1908 was then compared with data actually reported to the Colorado Comptroller. This comparison showed that capital and principal assets and liabilities in the latter source were roughly 15 per cent smaller than totals estimated from data in the bankers' directories, although the number of banks reported in each source was substantially the same. For this reason the estimated figures for capital and for principal assets and liabilities for 1901-1907 and for capital and liabilities for 1896-1900 were adjusted by reducing each estimated figure by 15 per cent. Figures for the principal asset items (total cash assets and total loans and investments) for 1896-1900 were estimated by applying to the estimated total of liabilities and capital accounts for each year 1896-1900 (described in the preceding paragraph) the ratios of the two principal asset items to the total of liabilities and capital accounts, as estimated from the data in bankers' directories. In order to make assets balance with liabilities and capital accounts, it was necessary, as was typical when bankers' directory data were used, to estimate "other" assets as the residual. The principal items for 1896-1907 were then broken down into the detail required for the revised series by applying to each the percentage distribution based on reported data for 1909, the first year in which complete breakdowns were available. Estimates of the breakdowns of major items for any years after 1907 when data were not reported are described in the following paragraphs. LOANS An amount for "secured loans*' for 1908, obtained from the State banking department report, was divided between real estate loans and collateral loans by applying the ratio of real estate loans to the total of real estate and 165 collateral loans computed from reported data for 1909. Estimates for these two items in 1910 were made by applying to total loans the average ratio of each item to the total computed from reported figures for 1909 and 1911. Estimates of the breakdown of total loans for 1923-1925 were made by applying to the total in each year the percentage distribution computed from reported data for 1921. The breakdown reported for 1922 was not used because it appeared inconsistent with 1921 and earlier years. Estimates for 1926 were based on the percentage distribution of reported data for 1927. Since so few private banks remained in operation during these years, the reported data on which estimates were based were selected with attention to the dates of cessation of business of individual banks. Thus, the breakdown for 1926 was estimated by using ratios for the single year 1927, since the same unincorporated bank conducted business in both years. In all cases the amounts involved were very small. INVESTMENTS Holdings of obligations of States and political subdivisions in 1908 were estimated by applying to total investments the ratio of this item to the total computed from reported data for 1909; for 1910, by averaging ratios for 1909 and 1911; and for 1916, by using the ratio computed from reported data for 1915. DEPOSITS Time deposits were included with demand deposits in 1908, 1910, and 1928. The breakdowns for 1908 and 1910 were estimated by applying to total deposits the ratio of time to total deposits computed from reported figures for 1909. An estimate for 1928 was made in the same way} except that the ratio was computed from reported data for 1927. 166 Colorado All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 23.799 23.813 25.739 27.045 1*547 1.698 1*674 1*842 7*839 8*221 7 » 316 8>145 14*413 13*894 16.749 17.058 1900 1901 1902 34.598 39.078 41.391 42.794 43 »474 2*584 3*140 3.271 3.410 3*981 13*411 16,301 15.227 14*994 15*786 16*603 19.637 22.893 24*390 23.707 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 222*931 198*396 181*393 194,534 178.838 9,274 11.419 13.855 16.879 16*253 118*193 109*814 97*594 106*319 95*555 95*464 77.163 69*944 71*336 67*030 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 46*409 55*460 64.439 60*754 65.843 4.371 4*706 5.516 5»158 5,716 17*028 20.130 21*918 21.841 23*144 25.010 30,624 37*005 33,755 36.983 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 179.106 163.723 160.245 166*711 172*362 16*013 14*019 12.989 14*192 12.876 97.323 94.547 89*300 98*111 &9.173 65.772 55.157 57.956 54*408 90.313 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 85*673 82*618 87*604 93.195 94*518 6*862 6.560 7,403 8*746 6.980 31.931 31.981 33.395 36*216 41.702 46,880 44.077 46*806 48.231 45.836 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 154*035 132.405 102*308 68.722 60.760 11.671 11*319 10*943 9*294 7.426 57,513 48*431 37*322 25*593 16.630 84,851 72*655 54*043 33*835 36*704 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 97,260 111.093 139,793 159.862 180.463 7.221 7,459 46*259 57*336 73*081 84*425 99*939 43.780 46,298 58,301 67,613 73,025 1935 1936 1937 1938 59.201 68*999 82*841 80.960 6*558 8*334 10*546 12*000 15.291 15.677 13*941 13*271 37*352 44*986 58*354 55*689 19X13 1904 8,411 7,824 7,499 Loans' Year Total Commercial , industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate Other AH Trto others rwi un farm land On residential property to Other other individuals 1939 85.349 50*416 1*381 3.282 2*609 8.736 3*416 15*509 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 93.568 107.907 103.903 65.309 95t949 56*130 68*596 64,554 54,002 59*725 686 489 405 904 690 3*241 2.997 2.848 1*988 2,825 2.675 2.492 9*675 10,557 10*823 1 1 . 372 11*670 3*593 3.858 3*644 3*347 3*138 6*780 7.213 17*368 16*918 19*455 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 103.539 152*573 209.407 249*282 256.889 ^64*824 64,589 118,343 140.051 142.198 13*380 21*804 30.713 34*431 33.591 4*018 7.207 10*955 14*651 15*458 9*530 16*502 34*660 45.710 53*223 7.857 13*093 5*456 6*924 6*627 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 306,564 390.694 447.917 477,386 507*441 17,918 18*644 21*546 22*276 27.332 72.378 67.736 97.397 125,719 130.365 6*036 12.017 Ut37l 12*426 1955 605,694 34*498 160*461 17*330 398 1*032 5,847 4,031 1*802 2.116 2*685 4*315 541 592 593 3.488 2,797 2*231 5*013 4*734 159,794 221*858 257.372 251,054 255.957 863 1.372 5.487 5*416 5.940 885 1*864 3*045 2*880 3*438 3.866 6.103 43.647 47.576 54.025 60*094 74.615 286.757 2*578 3,725 7.054 99.015 1*025 1*528 ' Beginning June 30, 194C, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 2,174 5.251 5*161 5*114 8.572 7*115 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Colorado 167 Table I—AH Banks flJJMX A J) MjMMMJUUM. A M.M^iJt f tLL1JLT 11 *JlTl.l»t*UL, J.O7 W M. y*ttJ—\M IIUIIUCU [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly est imated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investm ents Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 4t663 5»595 7*767 9*656 1*836 1.867 2*104 3*242 405 517 758 904 2*422 3*211 4.905 5,510 16,167 450 20*480 23.229 33,180 392 515 943 7 ,33,7 7,653 7*640 8,185 10,380 12,435 15,074 24,052 2.710 2,312 2*149 1.905 49*339 52*200 58.884 71*786 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 l i t 816 14*908 18*858 21i706 25*532 4.269 5*032 4*937 5.785 6*112 1*032 1.321 1.876 2.141 2.577 6*515 8.555 12*045 13*780 16.843 35,415 35,088 40*453 36,625 38,855 791 1*107 1,157 972 837 10,498 10.123 10*137 10*155 12*468 24*126 23,858 29*159 25*498> 25,550 1.841 2.172 2.347 2.472 2*395 83*670 91,246 103*049 103*597 110*256 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 29»766 31.201 33*962 34*385 33.174 6.957 7,711 7.722 8*337 8.843 3.045 3.180 3*444 3*676 4*051 19.764 20*310 22.796 22.370 20.280 50»792 52,366 56*042 51*860 61,538 1,176 1.564 1,692 1.524 1*363 13*252 15*361 12,849 16*126 15,128 36*364 35,441 41,501 34,208 45*047 2*563 2*611 3.206 3.367 3.371 129*530 141*638 157,649 150,366 163*926 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 33*572 34.576 35*550 36*105 36.519 9*541 9*613 10*613 10*502 10*457 4.372 4.820 3*732 3.590 3*618 19.659 19*943 21*205 22*013 22.444 55.430 51.310 54,042 51,302 50*448 2.418 1*736 2.059 2.028 2,210 15*585 15*064 14,918 14*220 15*256 37.427 34,510 37,065 35.054 32*982 3.656 3 .828 4.341 4*763 5.337 178*331 172,332 181*537 185*365 186*822 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 38.090 47.013 56.878 61.253 63.899 10*034 9*102 14*648 21.991 27.108 5.679 8*965 9.829 9.919 11.688 22.377 28*946 32.401 29.343 25.103 49.513 63,310 76.875 61.967 69.497 1.751 3,217 3,011 4.971 6.784 10*985 12*436 14,912 9,439 9*595 36.777 47.657 58*952 47*557 53*118 5.73T 6*407 6*458 7/»416 7* 236 190*600 227*623 280*004 290*498 321.097 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 65*202 62*804 74*836 85.468 81.407 27.405 26.342 35*437 44*646 39*998 11*213 11*232 12.454 13.525 15.550 26*584 25.230 26*995 27,297 25,859 77,588 64*856 68.930 66.670 82*603 11*949 9.153 11.177 10.176 11.237 10,616 9*970 9,178 8.897 9.288 55*023 45.733 48*575 47.597 62.078 8*651 9.415 9*998 10.772 11.287 374.372 335.471 335.207 357.444 354.135 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 92*865 93*767 96*766 100*376 94*121 43.375 45.372 42.642 37.616 39.666 20*073 19.547 20.112 21*416 19*566 29,417 28*848 34*012 41*344 34.887 84*766 73.100 70.411 70.327 69*777 12,032 10.785 10,800 10,466 10,273 9,769 8,971 8,483 7,699 7,535 62.965 53.344 51*128 52*162 51*969 11*145 11*376 11*481 11*130 11.169 367.884 341*966 338.903 348.544 347.429 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 88*597 109.906 102.741 99*654 111*167 38*620 55.433 55*028 60*490 76.872 17.933 21*231 18.056 16.117 14*509 32,044 33,242 29.657 23*047 19*786 89,428 7*6,020 56,723 65,457 92,819 6*613 7.053 4.653 5,732 10.050 7,247 10,140 10,524 8,613 6,130 73,568 58*827 41.546 51.112 76,639 10,713 10*603 9*756 8*595 8*013 342*773 328*934 271*528 242*428 272.759 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 111*706 119*916 128.349 105.931 109.972 76.871 80*034 92*434 75*098 74*740 16*396 18*152 16.179 14.502 16.543 18*439 21.730 19.736 16*331 18,669 125,429 141,202 136,852 145,192 161*106 7.537 12.518 16.393 12,436 13,737 6,663 6.793 7.206 6.678 6.691 111*229. 121*691 113*253 126*078 140*678 7*537 7*177 6*355 5.828 5,701 303.873 337*294 354.397 337.911 362*128 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 98*699 97*714 137*125 305.579 428*396 65.228 67.454 108*163 276,853 402*461 16*121 16.279 14*786 14*029 12.517 17*350 13*981 14.176 14.697 13.418 184*587 200.199 229,135 257,533 251,157 11*206 15,841 18,814 21,066 27,405 6*605 7.764 8*999 10.058 10.564 166*776 176.594 201*322 226.407 213.186 5*420 4*751 4*567 4,813 4,843 382*274 410.571 474*730 653*234 780,345 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 548.843 653.981 558.949 553.478 551*639 520*737 614*564 513.989 502.556 503*838 12.750 16.254 22.984 29.817 29.836 15.356 23.163 21.976 21*103 17,965 287,803 298*902 289*994 295,956 299*613 27,513 27,240 33,657 42*125 37*438 10.895 11*848 13*470 15*344 16*273 249.395 259*814 242*867 238*487 245.902 4*681 5*024 5,513 6*363 6*755 950*066 1*110*460 1.063.863 1*105*079 1*114*896 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 573.903 550.489 568*601 584.594 632.372 527.392 502.159 514*984 530*810 570.010 29*468 31*247 35*687 39*500 46*108 17.043 17,083 17,730 14*284 14*254 309,772 327,512 334,328 371*795 382*910 45,727 50,044 49,397 55,311 53,739 15*862 16,549 20*390 22,649 22,129 248,163 260,919 264*541 293*835 307*042 7*312 8*654 9*561 10,544 11*660 .197.551 •277.349 •360*427 ,444.319 .534.403 662.327 585.156 57.428 19.743 65.028 22.586 12.687 1*644.948 168 Colorado All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government 1696 1897 1898 1899 36.799 39.911 47*169 61*168 4,461 5.675 1900 1901 1902 1903 190* 71.890 77,916 87,944 86*612 90.829 11.125 12,221 14,806 11.974 12,996 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 107.601 117*365 130.405 119.566 133,704 18,879 18.746 21.749 16.395 22,447 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 143*666 135,403 141*175 144,852 146*396 20*194 19.359 19*506 19,294 18.462 1*420 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 150*461 189.372 239.732 241.392 269,244 18*002 24,828 29,952 21*712 22*460 1*161 1*104 1*341 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 307.100 268.047 278,584 301*161 305,912 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Other demand Other time 27.939 3,969 29*093 34*017 44*512 4*668 5*143 5*856 53*072 56*629 62.299 63*029 63*247 6.597 7,899 9»484 10*110 13*056 71.686 81.633 86.663 79.743 83,452 15*631 15*514 19*667 21.315 26*239 80*399 71,231 73*019 73,797 82*302 41.653 43*335 46,693 50*727 44*334 9*344 3*190 82,471 103*539 132*876 133*638 159*687 48,827 59,901 75*563 76.698 83,907 24*146 19*832 21,187 20,566 25,718 1,827 764 706 510 790 178.263 144*484 149.824 156.935 156,932 102,864 102*967 106*867 123*150 120,472 320,924 298,071 295.518 305.043 301.694 26,323 21,977 20,127 18*784 19*031 696 854 257 466 501 175.269 166*311 163,550 166,453 161*952 118*636 108,929 111*584 119*340 120*210 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 296,725 284*619 226.738 203,736 235,929 23,714 23*812 15.461 21.102 29*410 259 872 1,233 158*153 145*727 111.383 98*463 122,804 114*599 114*208 98*661 82*825 82*239 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 270,398 304,732 320.342 303,256 325.873 36.367 43.345 42,517 39,854 45.262 1*373 145,336 170,237 186,162 175*055 189*220 87*322 89,247 91*283 87.851 90.157 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 344.327 371,452 433,995 610,771 734*611 48*403 54*229 65.005 72.516 73.555 22*628 66,368 200*872 222*105 273,475 409,316 462*444 93*844 93.662 93*274 106*311 132*244 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 900,438 1,055,428 1,002,524 ,037,649 ,042,184 87*141 81*160 71,772 70,840 68,195 96.335 74.103 9*879 13*815 13,905 544*649 688*351 696.720 733.712 739.397 172.113 211.814 224.153 219.282 220,687 ,117,182 ,189,437 ,266*154 »341 .093 ,423,523 73*309 74,212 79,829 94,000 108,480 23.249 39,939 29*903 29.533 42.253 796*390 836*681 877.905 892*465 915*051 224*234 236*605 278*517 325*095 357.739 1950 1951 1952 1953 1964 1955 7.336 9,646 430 475 673 1*154 1,096 1*167 1*355 1.499 1,530 1,405 1,472 2*326 2.133 1*566 1.478 1*957 1,034 1*298 1*346 1*476 1.903 380 496 1*234 1,208 1,456 2,241 43,575 376,696 Colorado 169 Table 1—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nat onal ba no£ Borrowings rwv,« uwL c^ Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1.103 1.132 1.085 1.668 80 160 761 12 8.372 8*203 7.400 6.571 2*695 2.667 2*449 2.367 49.339 52*200 58*884 71.786 115 115 124 116 38 20 44 80 68 2.564 3*523 3*369 3.953 4*280 5 11 16 49 129 6.550 6*871 7*818 8*436 9*519 2.623 2.905 3.858 4.467 5.431 83*670 91.246 103*049 103*597 110*256 lie 40 86 58 698 277 5*047 5*863 6*246 6.9.93 7.036 176 136 1*072 921 242 10.481 11.305 12*516 13.870 13.795 6*185 6*883 7*352 8*298 8.872 129.530 141*638 157.649 150*366 163*926 176 191 203 246 259 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 623 752 Ii027 592 1.059 T.868 8*063 8*760 8*912 8*887 231 609 653 1*183 484 15.577 16*681 17*684 17*502 17.571 10*366 10*824 12*238 12.324 12*425 178.331 172*332 181*537 185*365 186*822 292 316 322 319 330 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1*065 716 466 7.677 7*214 8.618 7.960 7*537 7.631 7.668 281 441 861 1*506 1*685 17.179 17*298 18*080 18*468 18.873 12.996 12*036 13*328 13*824 16*413 190*600 227*823 280*004 290.498 321*097 328 340 349 358 371 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 16*820 17*705 7.943 8.944 4.056 7*768 7*301 6*851 6.392 5.944 1*401 650 1*076 685 200 22*111 22*246 21.842 21.966 19.999 19.172 19.522 18.911 18*296 18*024 374*372 335*471 335.207 357*444 354*135 403 399 361 367 342 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2*977 3.241 2.609 2*199 3*341 5*527 4*455 4.306 4.191 4.403 »700 .380 .275 »750 .669 19.846 18*027 18*332 18.150 18.298 16*910 16*792 16*863 17*211 18*024 367*884 341.966 338*903 348.544 347.429 336 311 299 287 260 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3*019 2.175 5.389 1.732 139 4.355 4.293 4.508 7*912 7.517 2.084 2*462 1.527 1.499 1*182 18.113 17*416 16*595 13*547 15.768 18.477 17*969 16,771 14*002 12*224 342.773 328.934 271.528 242.426 272.759 272 252 223 151 167 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 44 1*912 1*467 1.192 1.506 1*159 1*135 16.189 15*717 15*024 14*857 14*442 13*863 15.653 17.512 18*594 20*594 303*673 337.294 354.397 337.911 362*128 165 159 153 149 148 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 58 200 1.279 1*259 1.335 1*350 1.562 14t335 15*197 14.981 14*873 14*864 22*275 22*663 24.419 26.240 29.106 382*274 410.571 474.730 653*234 780*345 150 149 146 146 146 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 200 91 295 145 1*984 2*406 3.429 3.346 3.901 15.163 15*900 17.481 19.497 20.660 32*461 36*546 40*338 44.292 48*006 950*066 1*110*480 1*063*663 *105*079 •114*896 145 147 147 147 148 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 245 745 480 880 670 4.914 5*826 7.218 9.932 10*060 21*682 24*250 25.955 27.435 29.570 53*528 57.091 60.620 64.979 70.580 .197.551 .277.349 .360*427 .444.319 1.534*403 152 157 159 160 161 1.644*946 163 1896 1897 90 127 1898 1899 20 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1955 13 45 84 129 140 152 160 170 Colorado National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real -estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 19,183 18.297 19«650 20*730 842 876 759 836 7.176 7.467 6.472 7*124 11.165 9*954 12*419 12*770 1900 1901 1902 1903 190* 27.276 30,530 31*362 32*062 30*007 1*429 1*721 1*538 1*464 1*446 12*182 14*674 13.108 12.483 12*327 13*665 14*135 16,716 18.115 16*234 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 147*870 130.737 120*108 128.939 130*396 2*845 4*609 6.155 7*843 9.436 79.576 72.186 64.801 71.490 69*787 65*449 53*942 49*152 49*606 51*173 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 31*9*1 41*612 47*670 46*715 49*789 1*523 1*874 1*877 1*957 2*012 12*978 15*978 15*999 16*682 17*085 17.440 23.760 29,794 28,076 30*692 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 129*300 121*702 119*212 123*743 127.730 8*768 8.199 7.333 8*660 8*055 70.777 72*577 67*454 74*226 43*626 49*755 40*926 44*425 40*657 76.049 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 62*917 59*786 62*162 64*766 64*432 2*151 1*811 1*860 1*920 2*077 22*646 23.170 24.082 26.139 28.964 38*120 34*805 36*220 36,707 33,391 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 114*065 98.611 77.274 52.474 45.996 7*688 7.706 7.562 5.942 5.287 34*823 29.289 22*614 16.000 13*520 71*554 61*616 47*098 30.532 27.189 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 65*502 75.428 91.018 103*884 114*969 2*253 2.640 2*692 2*669 2*478 32.340 39.358 47*683 55*758 64.519 30.909 33.430 40.643 45,457 47*972 1935 1936 1937 1938 44.084 50.787 61*323 61*129 4.577 6.201 7.871 9.249 11*879 12*239 10.786 11.278 27*628 32*347 42.666 40*602 Loans1 Year Total 1939 Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farmland To others Other Other loans to individuals All other 37.811 1.129 2.324 2*046 6*862 2.731 11.764 41.304 52*419 51.578 41*606 43*805 674 482 405 904 684 2*270 2*068 1.932 1.888 1.720 1*471 7*564 8*182 8*575 1»659 8*379 2*901 3*124 3*036 2*459 2.240 3.249 2,843 12*746 13.002 11*895 4,777 8*230 46 . 445 376 867 363 564 593 4*930 2*817 2,384 2*038 3.895 3*661 3*443 10.062 15*282 21.177 22*678 22*392 2*827 5,292 8.042 11*104 11*838 17.262 25,717 28.918 863 802 814 812 29.019 31.583 35.307 40*305 50.791 13*880 14*287 16*596 17.178 21*056 41.240 49*264 53,235 69.961 72,868 6*612 7.400 11.109 10*589 11.742 68*717 24*607 88*263 16,544 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 69,393 81*165 79*309 64*330 69*691 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 77.838 104.561 142.802 172.199 174.977 58.397 84.655 100.612 101.566 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 207.488 263.837 303.360 317*988 334*542 112.720 157.269 183.707 175.241 174.199 1955 401*241 197.642 2.100 1.233 1.851 1.647 1*181 3.131 740 1*186 1.260 3*653 3*885 3.846 4.255 4*389 2.384 1*478 5*138 1.139 898 1.360 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to On residential property 8.631 3,676 6,151 7*482 12*624 5*004 6,682 6*110 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Colorado 171 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Amounts in thousands of dollars] Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1698 1899 3.953 4t768 6*628 8*728 1*836 1*867 2*103 3*212 279 383 597 728 1*838 2*518 3*928 4*768 14*995 16.294 18.945 27,933 409 336 460 904 6,639 6,691 6*795 7*111 7,947 9,265 11*690 19,918 1*393 1*411 1,200 984 39*524 40,770 46*423 58,375 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 10*916 13*511 17*402 19,852 22*356 4*220 5*032 4*911 5*785 6*112 684 1,119 1.649 1.857 2*144 5,814 7*360 10*842 12,210 14,100 30,365 29*899 33,716 30*276 29.823 744 1*058 1*084 902 739 8*970 8,912 8*039 6*639 8.877 20,651 19*929 24*593 20*737 20*207 1.059 1(245 1*250 1*213 1*150 69*618 75*185 83*730 83,405 83*336 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 25*804 27.105 28*995 29*305 27.994 6.957 7.711 7.722 8*330 8*832 2*488 2.560 2.808 2*769 3.170 16,359 16*834 16,465 18,206 15,992 39.573 42*345 46.724 42.353 51,127 1*056 1*455 1.599 1*344 1.232 9*195 10,451 11*770 14*772 13.982 29*322 30*439 33*355 26*237 35,913 1*187 1*470 1*937 2*139 1*916 98,505 112,532 125*326 120*512 130*826 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 26.958 27.244 27.074 26*982 27.602 9*518 9.743 10*517 10*435 10*374 2.872 2*811 2.172 1,993 1*864 14,566 14*690 14,385 14.554 15.364 43*404 39.901 42,278 38*091 37,173 2*180 1*549 1*836 1*742 1*963 13.870 13*240 13,313 12,606 13*099 27,354 25*112 27,129 23,743 22,111 2*103 2*491 2*856 3,116 3(392 135,362 129,422 134,370 132,957 132,599 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 28*620 34*323 44.222 47*209 46*647 10*016 9*099 13*623 19*251 20*364 4*084 6*307 7*346 7.250 8.051 14.718 18,917 23,053 20,708 18,232 36,766 45,909 54*465 41,423 47,548 1*536 2*885 2*562 4*010 5,220 6,855 9*865 11.467 5*996 6*266 26,373 33,159 40*436 31*417 36,040 3(769 3,999 3(712 4(334 4*373 134,857 159*659 193*417 196*850 213*537 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 46.907 43.772 50.705 58.810 66*606 21.283 20*145 25.417 31*656 33*859 7*506 7*182 7,573 8.250 11,970 18.118 16.445 17.715 16.904 20,777 53*904 45.881 50*034 48*303 64.132 10,710 8,195 9,869 8,743 10*060 6,525 6,239 5*690 5*735 6*537 36,669 31*447 34*475 33*625 47.535 5,239 5.574 6*000 6*290 6*908 253*920 225*964 226*647 242.342 268.042 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 76*859 76.760 79*037 83.409 78*464 36*979 37.822 34*310 31»678 34,273 15,707 14,974 15,272 16*597 15.119 24.173 23,964 29*455 35,134 29.072 63.346 57.432 56.524 56.989 57.291 10*213 9*164 10*071 9.749 9*491 7*086 6.433 6*097 5*445 5*398 46,047 41*635 40*356 41*795 42*402 7*038 7*164 7*576 7,802 6*041 276,543 263*056 262*349 271,943 271,526 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 73*503 93»499 89*651 87*129 97.457 32*784 48*103 50.873 55*560 69*227 13*692 16*686 14,587 12.9^8 11.511 27*027 28.710 24.191 16*621 16*719 75.159 64.767 46*414 56.094 78.914 7.785 6.403 4*265 5.415 9*174 5*319 7.159 7.419 7*134 4*699 62*055 51*205 34*730 43*545 65*041 7*834 7*586 7*147 o 6*666 6*394 270*561 264.465 220*466 202*363 228.761 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 96.408 103.147 109.499 87.835 91*765 69*831 71,997 82.292 64*573 65*594 11,401 13.147 11,407 10.336 11,298 15.176 18.003 15*800 12*926 14*973 107.44& 121*307 115*661 123*769 135*641 6*842 11.719 15*143 11*424 12*266 5*057 5*184 5*351 4,830 4,854 95*547 104*404 95*367 107*535 118(501 5*796 5*456 4,742 4*296 4(213 253,734 280,699 291.425 277*051 296*286 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 82*412 82*287 116.937 259*609 347*930 57*523 59*669 96*756 236*063 326,413 11,091 11,527 10,635 9,445 8,269 13*798 11.091 11.544 12*101 11*246 156*087 169.915 189*322 205*645 201*692 10*226 14,392 16.753 19.157 24.963 4*769 5*867 6*851 7.645 8,094 141*092 149,656 165,718 178(643 166(615 3(933 3(560 3.530 3.714 3,716 311*625 336*947 391*098 533*298 623*029 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 444.520 523.586 442*703 434*168 428*956 423*078 494,396 407*959 391,207 388.939 8,157 9,635 16,302 23,612 23*462 13,285 19*555 18*447 19,349 16,555 229.644 235*375 226*113 232*169 234.599 24*836 24*266 28*742 36*749 32*557 6*210 8*609 9.795 10*649 11*220 196,598 202*500 187*576 184,771 190,822 3*528 3.790 3.989 4.573 4.536 755*530 867,312 615*612 843*109 843*066 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 445.971 430*932 431.908 435.395 472.947 407.008 369,569 390*113 395,054 428*030 23*308 25*828 26.978 27,913 32*246 15*655 15,535 14,817 12*426 12.671 236.855 255.867 253.228 282*157 285*163 38*838 41,621 41.922 47*304 44,466 10*546 11*311 13*231 14,191 13,779 169*469 202,935 198*075 220*662 226*918 4.442 4*953 5*646 6*577 7,065 896*756 955*589 994* 144 1,042*117 1,099.717 427,226 38,183 17,738 54.318 14.199 1955 1,161.890 172 Colorado National Banks—Table 2 njJJEi M, k7, IjUUMJLdl 1 AfrO, rtllU 1^ UlTlUJ^n* XO7*^.M.7«7*r~^^Af UUJUUCU [Figures aa of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government 1896 1897 1898 1899 30*455 32*137 38*467 50*692 4*401 5*615 7,279 9,582 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 60,704 65.004 72*118 70*190 69*286 11*025 12*165 14*734 11*905 12.913 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 82*321 93*654 103*984 96*839 107.415 18*735 16.660 20.780 15*881 21.632 2*326 2*133 1*566 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 109*123 101,743 104*598 103*410 102*688 19.271 18*495 18.647 18*607 17.676 1*420 1*478 1*957 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 105.332 131*944 165*211 161*193 176.751 17*288 23.428 27.695 18.799 20,021 .161 *104 .341 • 209 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 205.089 178.034 188.841 204*545 233*035 22.372 18.559 19*856 18,939 24*656 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 242*887 231.496 230.859 240*100 237.629 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 430 475 673 Other demand Other time 1*154 24.022 24.344 28*568 37.909 1*602 1*703 1*947 2*047 1.096 >167 ,355 .499 .530 46.277 48*568 52.396 52.659 50.185 2*306 3*104 3*633 4*127 4*656 .405 • 472 56.417 66.737 70*748 66*519 66*806 5*764 6*785 10*130 12*306 17.411 61,037 55.450 56.123 54.990 61*946 27*395 26*320 27.871 28.779 21*766 2.905 61.902 76.558 96.525 93.569 108*690 24.981 30*854 39*650 40*616 45*135 1*627 764 706 464 790 123.556 99.844 105,083 110.377 120*518 57*334 58*667 63.196 74*745 87*071 24,981 21.070 19,253 17,896 18*278 669 727 257 466 494 131*358 127,743 126*550 130*065 126*624 85*879 81*956 84*799 91*673 92.233 236*492 232*170 187*263 172.047 199.040 22,933 23*165 15*127 20,747 28*871 259 665 1*223 1*343 1*444 124*935 118*406 92*041 82*702 101,355 88.365 89*714 78*872 67*255 67*370 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 227.625 255.541 264.923 249.882 267,852 35.398 42*417 41.155 38.292 43.465 1.324 1*851 119*911 139*873 152*257 143*193 153*845 70.992 71*400 71*152 67*915 69*331 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 282.190 306.579 359,514 500.387 587.734 46*677 52.274 62.678 70.014 69*864 19.107 55*526 162*282 180*886 224*214 329*791 360*835 72*055 72*011 70*519 81*475 101*509 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 717,407 825*405 770.102 792.710 789.296 81*758 74.521 65.948 63.694 59,774 78.750 62*106 8*512 11*190 11*974 424*377 526*714 525*967 552,772 554.579 132*522 162*064 169*675 165*054 162*969 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 838.396 892*017 927*248 970.369 1.024*059 62*779 61*965 65*253 72*888 84*661 19*385 35*193 23*953 25*697 35*139 593.590 627.102 642.794 646*093 658*849 162*642 167*757 195*248 225.691 245*410 1*078.400 73*607 • 034 .298 359 482 1*211 1.176 1.408 2.103 253*027 Colorado 173 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nat onal ba no% Borrowings rwt,« uttlu. **- Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts II Number of banks 1896 1B97 1898 1899 90 127 20 1.103 1.132 1*085 1*668 1 109 235 5*487 5*232 4.707 4*147 2*388 2.033 1.909 1*868 39*524 40,770 46,423 58*375 42 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 38 20 9 80 68 2.564 3.523 3*369 3*953 4*280 5 1 16 16 9 4.247 4*427 5*195 5*638 5*850 2*060 2*210 3*023 3.526 3*843 69,616 75,185 83.730 63,405 83*336 37 41 48 55 59 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 40 86 58 172 139 5*047 5.863 6*246 6.993 7*036 3 26 598 467 81 6.674 7*656 8*360 9*500 9.195 4*420 5*247 6*060 6*521 6*960 98.505 112.532 125*326 120*512 130.826 68 65 97 114 113 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 326 387 474 115 353 7.868 8.063 8*760 6.912 6*887 145 110 148 151 182 9*955 10.515 10*940 10.940 10*805 7*963 8.604 9.450 9*429 9*664 135.362 129*422 134*370 132*957 132.599 121 126 127 126 124 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 364 261 105 6*117 5.150 8*618 7*960 7*537 7.631 7.666 50 293 411 1.131 1.006 10.490 10*255 10*540 10*640 10.815 10,003 8.946 9*613 10.138 12.147 134*857 159*659 193,417 196,850 213,537 122 121 121 122 127 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 14.201 14.363 5*666 5*942 2.539 7.768 7.301 6*851 6.392 5.944 1*037 310 146 291 103 12*160 12*285 12*275 12.825 13.140 13*665 13.671 13.066 12.347 13*261 253,920 225*964 226,847 242*342 268.042 141 143 143 143 141 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 1*993 2.209 1.671 1*537 2*390 5.527 4.455 4*306 4.191 4*403 850 827 773 885 1*016 12.665 11.880 12*260 12*450 12.650 12*421 12.191 12.460 12.780 13*438 276*543 263*058 262*349 271,943 271*526 137 127 124 123 121 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2*221 1.375 3.837 1*016 15 4*355 4*293 4*508 7.912 7*517 1*176 1*219 946 699 673 12*600 12*300 11.865 10.120 12*266 13*717 13.106 12.065 10.569 9*246 270,561 264*465 220*486 202,363 226*761 120 113 100 73 80 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1*912 13 45 84 922 768 837 812 825 12*662 12.190 11*622 11*504 11.084 10.613 12*200 14*030 14.808 16.441 253,734 280*699 291,425 277*051 296.266 81 79 78 78 78 908 870 740 634 997 10.884 11.786 11.513 11.446 11.335 17,785 17.712 19,331 20.631 22.763 311*825 336,947 391,096 533*298 623*029 78 78 78 78 77 1.490 1*688 2*166 2.192 2.571 11*486 11*549 12.334 13.982 14.249 25*145 26*470 31,010 34,025 36,952 755*530 867*312 815,612 843,109 843.068 77 77 77 77 77 3.050 3*516 4.067 5.351 5*440 14*515 16.230 17.310 18*570 18*830 40.795 43*326 45*410 47*627 51*388 896.756 955*569 994,144 1*042.117 1,099,717 77 77 77 77 77 5,846 22,905 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 56 200 200 200 500 109 1.161.890 41 37 36 174 Colorado State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 4*616 5*516 6f089 6.315 705 822 915 663 754 844 1*006 1*021 3*248 3*940 4*330 4*288 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 7.322 8.548 10*029 10*732 13*467 1*155 1*419 1.733 1.946 2*535 1.229 1*627 2*119 2*511 3*459 4.938 5,502 6*177 6,275 7.473 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 75.061 67.659 61*285 65.595 48*442 6*429 6*610 7*700 9*036 6*817 38.617 37*628 32.793 34,829 25*768 30*015 23.221 20*792 21.730 15*857 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 14*468 13*846 16*769 14*039 16*054 2*848 2*832 3.639 3.201 3*704 4*050 4.152 5*919 5.159 6*059 7.570 6.864 7,211 5.679 6.291 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 49*808 42*021 41*033 42.968 44*632 7.245 5,820 5*656 5»33Z 4,621 26*546 21*970 21,846 23,865 25,547 16*017 14.231 13*531 13*751 14*264 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 22*756 22*832 25*442 28*429 30*086 4*711 4*749 5,543 6*828 4*903 9*285 6*811 9*313 10*077 12*738 8*760 9*272 10*586 11.524 12*445 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 39.970 33,794 25,034 16,248 14*764 3,983 3*613 3,381 3,352 2,139 22,690 19*142 14,708 9,593 3,110 13*297 11*039 6,945 3,303 9,515 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 31.758 35*665 48.775 55.978 65.494 4*968 4.819 5.719 5.155 5.021 13*919 17,978 25,398 26*667 35*420 12,871 12*868 17*658 22*156 25.053 1935 1936 1937 1938 15.117 18*212 21*516 19*831 1*981 2*133 2.675 2.751 3,412 3,438 3*155 1*993 9*724 12,641 15*688 15*087 Loans1 Year Total 1939 Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land On residential property Other loans to individuals Other 12*605 3*745 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 24,175 26,742 24,594 20*979 26*258 14*826 16*177 12*976 12*396 15,920 12 7 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 30.701 46,012 66*605 77,083 61*912 18,379 26,192 33*688 39*439 40*632 22 165 178 28 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 99*076 126*857 144*557 159*398 172*899 47*074 64*589 73.665 75.813 81*758 233 127 168 145 2.068 2.252 2.606 1955 204*453 89.115 194 2,247 6 971 929 748 755 974 743 604 454 331 457 917 647 1*184 1*21.4 1.104 1.150 1*050 1*082 2.231 * Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to All other 2,311 2,375 2,248 2*741 3*291 692 734 608 888 898 4*620 5*916 7.560 3*531 4,370 337 342 6,522 9,536 11,753 11,199 2*913 3,547 3*620 5,852 10,351 17*378 19.993 24,305 375 469 452 242 517 1*714 14,628 15,993 18,718 19*789 23,824 4,038 4,357 4*950 5*098 6,326 31.138 38,472 44*162 55,758 57,497 503 636 908 782 684 1*916 30,298 9*891 72.178 766 1*356 1,352 1,291 1*508 1*602 1*570 1*685 3,318 1*191 1.915 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Colorado 175 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total 1896 1897 1898 1899 710 827 1*139 928 1 30 898 49 1.397 I f 456 1*854 3*176 26 Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 126 134 161 176 584 693 977 722 3,172 4.186 4,284 5,247 41 54 55 39 696 962 845 1,074 2*433 3,170 3,364 4,134 148 202 227 284 433 701 1.195 1*203 1*570 2*743 5*050 5*189 6.737 6.347 9.032 47 49 73 70 98 1,528 1*211 2*098 1*516 3*591 3,475 3,929 4*566 4,761 5,343 1*097 1.259 1.245 14.052 16.061 19.319 20.192 26.920 3*405 3.476 4*331 4*164 4*288 11*219 10*021 9*316 9.507 10*411 120 109 93 180 131 4*057 4.910 .079 *356 .146 7,042 5.002 8*146 7,971 9.134 1*376 1*141 1*269 • 228 *455 31.025 29*106 32.323 29*854 33*100 1,317 901 949 921 9*815 11,430 12.461 13.411 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3*962 4*096 4*967 5*080 5*180 7 11 557 620 636 909 881 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 6*614 7*332 8*476 9*123 8*917 23 70 96 67 83 1*500 2*009 1*560 1,597 1,754 5*091 5.253 6*820 7.459 7.080 12*026 11*409 11*764 13,211 13,275 238 187 223 286 247 .715 ,624 1*605 1*614 2.157 10,073 9,398 9*936 11,311 10*871 »553 .337 • 485 1*645 1*945 42,949 42,910 47,167 52*408 54,223 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 9.270 12*690 12*656 14*044 17.252 16 3 825 2.740 6.744 1,595 2*658 2*483 2*669 3,637 7,659 10*029 9*348 6*635 6*871 12,747 17,401 22*410 20*544 21,949 213 332 449 961 2*130 2.571 3.445 3*443 3*307 10,404 14*498 16*516 16,140 17,078 1*968 2*408 2*746 3*082 2*865 55,743 66,164 86.587 93,648 107*560 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 18*295 19*032 24*181 26*658 14*601 6*122 6*197 10*020 12.990 6*139 3*707 4*050 4*881 5*275 3.560 8*466 8*785 9,280 8,393 5*082 23,664 18,975 18*896 18*367 16*471 1,239 4.091 3,731 3,488 3,162 2,751 16,354 14*266 14*100 13*772 14,543 3*412 3.841 3*998 4*482 4*379 120,452 109,507 108,360 115*102 86*093 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 16*006 17.007 17.729 16.967 15*657 6.396 7.550 8.332 5*936 5*395 4*366 4*573 4*840 4*819 4*447 5*244 4*884 4*557 6*210 5.815 21*420 15*668 13,667 13*338 12,486 1,819 1,621 729 717 782 2*663 2*538 2*386 2,254 2,137 16*918 11*509 10,772 10,367 9,567 4,107 4*212 3.905 3.328 3.126 91.341 76.906 76.554 76.601 75.903 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 15*094 16*407 13*090 12.525 13.710 5*836 7.330 4.155 4*930 7*645 4*241 4*545 3*469 3*169 2,998 5*017 4*532 5,466 4*426 3*067 14*269 11*253 10*309 9,363 13,905 828 650 388 317 876 1*928 2,981 3,105 1,479 1*431 11,513 7*622 6,816 7,567 11*598 2,879 3,015 2*609 1*929 1*619 72.212 64,469 51*042 40,065 43*998 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 15*298 16.769 18.850 18*096 18.207 7*040* 6*037 10*142 10*525 9.146 4*995 5*005 4,772 4*166 5*245 3*263 3.727 3,936 3.405 3.816 17*983 19*895 20,991 21,403 25*465 695 799 1,250 1*012 1*451 1,606 1,609 1,855 1.848 1,837 15*682 17,487 17*886 18*543 22.177 1,741 1,719 1,613 1*530 1*488 50*139 56*595 62.972 60*860 65*642 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 16*287 15.427 16*186 45*970 80*466 7,705 7,785 11*405 36.790 74*048 5*030 4,752 4*151 4*564 4*248 3*552 2.890 2*632 2*596 2*170 28*500 30*284 39,813 51,688 49*465 1.449 2,061 1,911 2.422 1,836 1,897 2,148 2,413 2,470 25,684 26,938 35,604 47,564 44.573 1,487 1,171 1,037 1,099 1*127 70.449 73.624 83,632 119.936 157*316 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 104*323 130*395 116*241 119*310 122*683 97.659 120*168 106*030 111*351 114,899 4.593 6.619 6*682 6*205 6*374 2.071 3*606 3*529 1.754 1*410 56,159 63,527 63,881 63.787 65*014 2.677 2*974 4.915 5.376 4.661 2*685 3.239 3,675 4,695 5,053 52.797 57,314 55,291 53,716 55*080 1*353 1*234 1,524 1*790 2*219 194,536 243*168 246.251 261.970 271.828 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 127.932 119.557 136*693 149*199 159*425 120*384 112,590 124,871 135,756 141,980 6*160 5*419 8*909 11*587 15*862 1*386 1.548 2*913 1*856 1*583 70.917 71,645 81*100 89*638 97,747 6.889 8.423 7,475 8,007 9,273 5,334 5,238 7*159 8.458 8*350 58,694 57,984 66*466 73.173 80,124 2,870 3*701 3.933 3,967 4,615 300,795 321,760 366*283 402*202 434*686 1955 157*930 94,531 1,564 958 1.306 1*433 1.177 980 782 927 483,058 176 Colorado State Commercial Banks—Table 3 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total u. s. Inter.bank. 1896 1897 1898 1899 6*344 7,774 8,702 10,476 60 60 57 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 11*186 12,912 15*826 16,422 21,543 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 Other time Other demand Government 64 3,917 4,749 5,449 6,603 2*367 2*965 3*196 3*809 100 56 72 69 83 6,795 8,061 9,903 10,370 13,062 4*291 4.795 25,280 23,711 26,421 22,747 26,289 144 86 969 514 815 15,269 14,896 15,915 13*224 16,646 9.867 8*729 9.537 9*009 8*828 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 34,543 33*660 36,577 41,442 43,708 923 864 859 687 786 19,362 15*781 16,896 18*807 20,354 14*258 17*015 18*822 21*948 22*568 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 45,129 57,428 74,521 80,199 92,493 714 20,569 26,981 36*351 40,069 50,997 23*846 29*047 35.913 36*082 38*772 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 102,011 90,013 89*743 96.616 72,877 1,774 1,273 1.331 54,707 44*640 44,741 46*558 36*414 45.530 44.100 43*671 46.405 33*401 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 78,037 66,575 64,659 64,943 64,065 1.342 907 7 43.911 38*568 37,000 36,388 35.328 32.757 26*973 26.785 27*667 27.977 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 60,233 52,449 39,475 31,689 36,889 781 627 334 355 539 7 10 3 32 33*218 27.321 19,342 15,761 21,449 26*234 24*494 19.789 15.570 14.869 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 42,773 49,191 55,419 53.374 58*021 969 928 49 52 1*362 21 25,425 30.364 33,905 31,862 35*375 16*330 17*847 20.131 19*936 20*826 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 62,137 64*873 74,481 110.384 146,877 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1,400 2,257 2.913 1,135 2,439 285 1*627 26 1,062 874 888 753 1,562 1,797 27 127 14 23 1,726 1.955 32 48 2.327 2.502 3,691 138 3,521 10*842 183,031 230,023 232,422 244*939 252,888 5,383 6,639 5,824 7.146 278*786 297,420 338,906 370*724 399*464 10*530 12.247 14,576 21*112 23.819 443.512 8.421 5.651 5*983 3*398 _ 38,590 41,219 49,261 79,525 101,609 21.789 21.651 22.755 24.836 30.735 17,585 11,997 1*367 2*625 1*931 120,472 161,637 170,753 160,940 184,818 39*591 49*750 54.478 54.226 57.718 3*864 4*746 5,950 3*836 7*114 202.800 211,579 235,111 246,372 256*202 61*592 66*848 83.269 99*404 112.329 Colorado 177 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Nat onal Year Borrowings ba no 1896 1897 1898 £ Ca tal nthw iw£. <* 79 51 526 12 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 507 634 540 Total liabilities and capital accounts 9.815 Number of banks 499 73 74 87 80 563 695 835 941 1.588 14*052 16.061 19.319 20.192 26.920 81 88 92 97 101 3.807 3>649 4*136 4.370 4.600 1.765 1.636 1.292 1.777 1*912 31.025 29.106 32.323 29.654 33*100 108 106 106 134 146 31 120 2*303 2.444 2.623 2.798 3.669 10 Surplus and other capital accounts 11.430 12.461 13*411 2.885 2.971 2.693 2.424 35 Amounts in thousands of dollars] 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 526 138 173 110 474 434 161 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 295 365 553 477 706 86 499 505 1*032 302 5.622 6.166 6»744 6.562 6.766 2*403 2*220 2.788 2.895 2.741 42*949 42*910 47.167 52*406 54*223 171 190 195 193 206 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 701 455 361 1.560 2*064 231 148 450 375 679 6,689 7.043 7.540 7.828 8.058 2.993 3.090 3.715 3*686 4.266 55.743 68*164 86.587 93*648 107.560 206 219 228 236 244 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2*619 3*342 2t277 3»002 1.517 364 340 928 394 97 9.951 9.961 9.567 9.141 6*859 5»507 5*851 5.845 5.949 4»743 120.452 109.507 106.360 115.102 86.093 262 256 238 224 201 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 964 1*032 938 662 951 850 553 502 665 653 6*981 6.147 6*052 5.700 5.648 4.489 4*601 4.403 4.431 4*586 91*341 78*908 76*554 76.601 75.903 199 184 175 164 159 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 798 800 1*552 716 124 908 1.243 579 800 509 5.513 5.116 4.730 3*427 3.500 4.760 4.661 4.706 3.433 2.976 72*212 64.469 51.042 40.065 43,998 152 139 123 78 87 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 44 545 424 669 347 310 3.527 3.527 3*402 3*353 3*358 3*250 3.453 3.482 3.786 4.153 50.139 56.595 62.972 60*860 65*842 84 60 75 71 70 371 389 595 516 565 3.451 3*411 3.468 3.427 3*529 4.490 4.951 5.088 5*609 6.345 70*449 73*624 83.632 119*936 157.316 72 71 70 68 69 7*336 8*076 9.328 10.267 11.054 194*536 243*168 246*251 261.970 271,828 68 70 70 70 71 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 91 95 145 494 718 1,263 1.154 1.330 3.675 4.351 5.147 5.515 6.411 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 245 245 371 880 670 1.864 2.310 3*151 4*581 4.620 7.167 8.020 8*645 8.865 10*740 12.733 1 3 . 76 5 15.210 17.152 19.192 300.795 321.760 366*283 402.202 434*666 75 80 62 63 84 1955 832 5.946 11.942 20.826 483*056 86 178 Colorado Unincorporated Banks—Table 3a ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1928 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year T °'al est ate ™*«* All other 1696 1897 1898 1899 1.819 1.903 2*186 2*482 364 381 438 496 420 440 505 573 1*035 1*082 1.245 1.413 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1*888 2*235 2*434 2*694 2*930 378 447 487 539 586 436 516 562 622 677 1.074 1.272 1.385 1.533 1.667 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3t231 3.496 3*240 3.054 3.058 646 699 648 645 612 746 608 746 745 705 1.839 1.989 1.844 1.664 1.741 1910 1911 2.746 2.223 517 383 591 435 1*640 1*405 Year , SSL R T °'al JSL C °"a 1912 1913 1914 2.005 1.989 1*803 396 312 293 351 415 585 1*256 1.262 925 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1.616 1.569 1*344 784 430 469 306 302 124 115 252 220 170 97 77 60 27 32 11 10 555 583 431 277 175 809 766 743 410 178 223 177 120 72 66 186 102 150 41 39 1925 1926 1927 1928 115 38 50 52 10 7 9 8 66 22 29 30 39 9 12 14 Colorado 179 Table 3a—Unincorporated Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1928—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available dale; partly estimated. Year Obligations of States and political subdivisions U &' Govern ment obliga tlons Total Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments » Q Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1896 1899 365 381 439 497 116 121 140 158 249 260 299 339 1*481 1*549 1.782 2*021 21 22 25 28 215 225 256 293 1*245 1*302 1*499 1*700 349 366 420 477 4,014 4*199 4,829 5.477 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 379 446 466 540 587 121 142 155 172 187 256 306 333 368 400 1,538 1*820 1*656 1*788 1,622 22 25 26 ^5 26 223 264 269 259 264 1*293 1,531 1,561 1*504 1.532 362 432 606 777 672 4,167 4,935 5*384 5,799 6.011 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 648 701 650 565 614 206 223 207 181 V195 442 478 443 384 419 1*893 2*282 1,971 1*590 1*799 27 32 28 21 25 274 331 286 289 260 1.592 1,919 1*657 1*260 1.514 588 569 486 450 335 6*360 7.048 6.347 5,659 5,606 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 726 510 403 390 346 167 139 41 30 19 559 371 362 360 329 1.324 1*015 805 926 639 26 18 10 7 17 233 192 149 147 145 1*063 805 646 772 477 338 162 156 151 136 5*136 3*910 3,369 3.456 2*928 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 261 234 54 70 96 75 67 15 51 90 186 167 39 19 6 453 474 632 297 270 6 10 7 11 2 119 91 79 60 30 326 373 546 226 236 107 91 68 83 22 2,437 2,366 2,098 1*234 818 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 125 19 18 15 7 58 18 16 7 5 67 1 2 8 2 263 136 155 42 37 5 4 3 39 20 21 15 14 219 112 131 27 23 24 9 9 5 5 881 470 484 186 164 1925 1926 1927 1926 13 6 7 5 6 1 51 14 25 31 12 5 6 6 39 9 19 25 5 4 4 5 184 62 79 86 180 Colorado Unincorporated Banks—Table 3a ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1928—Continued & [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total U. S. Government Interbank Other demand Other time 1896 1697 1898 1899 2*705 2*905 3.410 4*022 43 46 55 64 2.175 2.336 2*741 3*234 467 523 614 724 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*995 3*516 3*941 4*112 4.199 48 56 63 66 67 2*408 2*627 3*169 3,306 3,376 539 633 709 740 756 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 4*553 5.351 4,676 4*121 4.527 73 86 75 79 73 3*660 4,302 3»759 3*300 3*638 820 963 842 742 816 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3.993 3,122 2,694 2.821 2*161 65 34 38 15 6 3*209 2*285 »865 .795 .569 719 803 791 1,011 566 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1,739 1.7*9 1.647 1*036 695 6 2 3 4 *252 .292 1*262 756 626 481 455 382 278 67 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 744 399 404 137 113 2 609 280 291 121 97 135 119 111 16 16 1925 1926 1927 1928 132 31 47 54 116 23 43 49 16 8 4 5 Colorado 181 Table 3a—Unincorporated Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1928—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year National bank Borrowings ^ J™^ Surplus and other Canital ^P'*31 capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts ^ N ixumuer ^ 1896 1897 1896 1899 1*000 971 1*051 1*109 309 323 368 346 4*014 4*199 4t829 5*477 42 42 49 52 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 873 999 943 1*136 1*139 299 420 500 551 673 4.167 4*935 5*364 5*799 6*011 51 57 57 62 65 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 65 18 13 3 1*136 1*139 1*110 810 761 671 556 561 630 497 6*360 7*048 6*347 5*659 5*806 67 70 68 51 43 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 7 49 55 50 99 4 4 1 4 3 670 525 423 403 498 462 210 196 176 167 5*136 3*910 3*369 3*456 2*928 34 31 29 27 37 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 61 27 15 15 10 5 3 430 420 275 110 55 177 167 158 71 66 2*437 2*366 2*098 1*234 818 33 29 20 9 5 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 10 55 35 35 25 25 72 34 36 24 26 881 470 464 186 164 5 3 3 2 2 25 15 15 15 27 16 17 19 164 62 79 88 2 1 1 1 1925 1926 1927 1928 5 2 4 CONNECTICUT Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Connecticut, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for all commercial banks, in Table la; for national banks, in Table 2; for State commercial banks, in Table 3; and for mutual savings banks, in Table 4. Because of the incomplete coverage in reported data for unincorporated banks in the State, a separate balance sheet was compiled for these banks (Table 3a); Table 3 includes data for these and other State commercial banks.1 A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Connecticut were obtained from abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments; a description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for other classes of banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet 1 The term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 refers (in this State) to (1) banks that at one time or another during: the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks) and (2) industrial banks that accept deposits. In this report, however, the data for unincorporated banks are discussed separately from those for other State commercial banks. for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. In the description the banks are classified in three groups: (1) State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks), (2) unincorporated banks, and (3) mutual savings banks. The sources of statistics for State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks) for 1896-1933, and for unincorporated banks and mutual savings banks for 18961946 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department and by other State authorities. For unincorporated banks these sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. The sources of statistics for State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks obtained from reports of the State banking department or from bankers1 directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks, unincorporated banks, and mutual savings banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 183 184 All-Bank Statistics STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS (OTHER THAN UNINCORPORATED BANKS), 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates, NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET The number of banks in 1918 and 1919 was reduced by three and in 1920 by one on the basis of information in State banking department reports. No change was necessary in the balance-sheet data. Connecticut State bank data reported to the Comptroller and published in his annual reports for 1896-1898 were for the October call of the preceding year. Accordingly, for the revised series, balance-sheet data for 1896 and 1897 were taken from the Comptroller's reports for 1897 and 1898, respectively; data for 1898 were taken from the report of the State banking department. The assets of the savings departments of loan and trust companies were variously reported:—as "all other" loans, "other" investments, or "other" assets—in the Comptroller's reports for 1916-1925. For the revised series these assets were redistributed among the various items of the balance sheet on the basis of the breakdown of assets of the savings departments for the fall call date of these years shown in the State banking department report. 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. This procedure was also used for other classes of banks in the State. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1928. For years in which items were not published by the Comptroller, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Real estate loans for 1896-1898 were derived from State banking department reports. For 1902-1908 they were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios of this item to total loans that were derived by interpolating between ratios based on reported data for 1901 and 1909. For 1916-1925, figures for the fall call date from the State banking department report were adjusted to June dates. Collateral loans for 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to total loans in each year the average ratio of this item to total loans computed from reported data for 1909-1913; for 1916, by applying the average ratio computed from reported data for 1915 and adjusted data for 1917. For 1917-1925, collateral loans as shown in the Comptroller's reports were increased by the amounts estimated to have been held in savings departments of loan and trust companies; for these estimates the figures for collateral loans in savings departments on fall call dates, as shown in State banking department reports, were adjusted to June dates. Collateral loans held by the banking departments of trust companies in 1924 and 1925 were estimated by applying to total loans the average of the ratios of this item to total loans based on reported data for 1923 and 1926. INVESTMENTS A complete breakdown of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1926. .In the years in which items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Connecticut Very small holdings of United States Government securities were reported intermittently in years prior to 1917. No estimates were made for other years in this early period. Beginning with 1917, holdings were reported regularly except for amounts in the savings departments of loan and trust companies in the period 1917-1925. The latter were obtained from State reports and added to totals reported by the Comptroller. Small amounts of obligations of States and political subdivisions were reported intermittently in the early years of the period. No estimates were made for years when such holdings were not reported. For 1916-1925, figures for the fall call were obtained from the State banking department reports and adjusted to June dates. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was adequate after some minor revisions in the reports of the Comptroller beginning with 1909, although reported figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.3 No attempt was made in the revised series to 185 provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. In years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1896-1901 at loan and trust companies were estimated by applying to this total in each year the average ratio of time deposits to this total computed from adjusted data for 19021907. Time deposit figures for loan and trust companies for fall call dates in 1902-1908 and for State banks in 1914, 1916, 1919, and 1920 were obtained from State banking department reports and were adjusted to June dates. Figures for United States Government deposits at State commercial banks in the period 1918-1925 represent those at State member banks only. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Connecticut to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS (OTHER THAN UNINCORPORATED BANKS), 1934-1946 The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks. Figures for the latter group for 1934-1941 were taken from bankers' directories; for 1942-1946, they were compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation from data furnished by the State banking department, supplemented by data from bankers' directories. The breakdowns of some of the principal 8 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. asset and liability items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks for every year during the 1934-1946 period in either of the sources cited. The breakdowns of these items were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of corresponding items at other groups of banks as follows: loans for 1934-1938 and investments other than United States Government obligations and cash assets for 1934-1941, on the distributions at insured nonmember banks in corresponding years; loans for 19391946, on the distribution at noninsured banks in December 1947; and deposits for 1934-1941, on the distribution at noninsured. banks in 1942. 186 All-Bank Statistics UNINCORPORATED BANKS, 1896-1946 Figures for unincorporated banks were not published by the State banking department until 1924 and were not adequately reported to the Comptroller of the Currency until 1926. Bankers' directories, which gave few or no balance-sheet data for banks designated as private, were also inadequate. Nevertheless, a balance sheet was constructed for 1896-1923 on the basis of the State banking department data for 1924 and Internal Revenue data for 1900-1902. For the latter period the Bureau of Internal Revenue published figures by States and class of bank on the number and capital and surplus of banks, compiled in connection with the tax on bank capital and surplus imposed by the War Revenue Act of 1898. On the basis of estimates described below, the total assets of private banks throughout this period did not exceed 12 per cent of total assets of all State commercial banks. From the data published by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, an average capital-accounts figure per bank was determined for each year of the 1900-1902 period; these three averages, in turn, were averaged. A total capital-accounts figure for each year 18961902 was then derived by multiplying the number of banks, as given in bankers' directories, by the average capital accounts per bank for 1900-1902. Total capital accounts for 1903-1923 were derived by interpolating between the average per bank for 1900-1902 and the average for 1924 and then multiplying the interpolated figure for each year by the number of banks in that year as given in bankers' directories. Total assets and liabilities were then estimated by assuming that capital accounts in each year prior to 1924 represented the same proportion of assets and liabilities as in 1924. For 1896-1902, however, the total assets and liabilities 'figures thus obtained were adjusted to reflect changes in the ratios of capital accounts to total assets and liabilities as reported for all commercial banks in Connecticut during this period. Individual balance-sheet items were then estimated for 1896-1923 by applying to estimated total assets or liabilities the ratio of each item or subitem to the total based on reported data for 1924. For later years in which detailed balancesheet data were not available, the data were obtained as described below. LOANS Real estate loans in 1925 and 1926 and collateral loans in 1926 were estimated by applying to total loans the average ratio of each item to total loans computed from reported figures for 1924 and 1927 and for 1925 and 1927, respectively. For 1942-1946, the breakdowns of loans were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of the total computed from reported figures for December of the same year. The breakdowns of real estate loans into farm, residential, and "other" for this period were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution in December 1947. INVESTMENTS The breakdowns of investments for 19211926 were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of the total as reported for 1927. United States Government securities for 1931 were estimated by interpolating in dollar amounts between reported figures for 1930 and 1932. State and political subdivision securities for 1932-1938 were estimated by applying to total investments in each year, ratios of this item to total investments that were derived by interpolating between ratios based on reported figures for 1931 and 1939. Connecticut 187 MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, 1896-1946 Data reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports for 1896-1908 were for the October call of the year preceding publication. The statistics were shifted to the year in which the call was made by the same process as described for State commercial banks; figures for 1908 were taken from the report of the State banking department. After 1909 the calls were as of June 30 or July 1. The breakdowns of the loan and investment portfolios were generally adequate for the entire period except 1922-1925 and 19391946. The breakdowns of loans for 1922,1923, and 1925 were estimated by applying to total loans shown in the Comptroller's reports the percentage distribution of total loans derived from the State banking department reports for the October call in corresponding years; for 1924, by applying the average distributions for 1923 and 1925; and for 1939-1946, the distribution for December 1947. In addition, some adjustments were made in the loan and investment breakdowns for the years 1921, 1926, 1927,-and 1929-1932 on the basis of evidence in the State banking department reports. Balances due from banks for 1897-1902 were estimated by applying to total cash assets the average ratio of this item to total cash assets computed from reported data for 1896 and 1903. Figures for 1919-1925 were estimated in the same way, using data for 1918 and 1926. 188 Connecticut All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 189? 1898 1899 127.765 128*441 131*190 136.235 61.281 63.801 66*298 67.863 22.545 22*946 24*121 41*891 42,095 41*946 44.251 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 138.209 145.797 148*506 150.973 152.720 69.276 71.150 72.069 73*543 74,929 24*740 27,245 29,332 32*330 31,570 44*193 47,402 47,105 45*100 46.221 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 448*720 459*988 462*250 513.646 563,580 200*007 215,897 228,952 258*684 295*980 103*903 101.420 104*558 110.466 118.347 144*810 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 159.569 173.330 181.315 181.717 187*354 77,672 82.393 86.840 89*305 92*406 32,228 37,547 39,869 39,472 41,152 49.669 53,390 54.606 52.940 53,796 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 634.118 700.554 763.468 849*545 917.040 335*988 378.542 417.952 458.425 488.230 139.301 156*807 173.985 216.078 247*880 158.829 165.205 171*531 175*042 180.930 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 209.757 220*742 240.286 254*566 267.838 101*426 109*175 118*153 128,042 132*798 46*251 47*789 53*694 56,849 54,605 62.080 63*778 68*439 69,675 80*435 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 919.434 884*512 760*529 707*057 647*752 505*409 517*479 497.342 481*808 453.199 236*104 201,354 131,095 114*947 97,654 177.921 165.679 132.092 110.302 96*899 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 273*185 315.040 360*394 366*981 390.274 136*969 145.185 172.413172.620 178*142 57,746 74*453 84,582 89,639 110,735 78.470 95,402 103,399 104,722 101*397 1935 1936 1937 1938 608*493 597.698 602.721 582.120 429.311 428.821 423.929 422.440 84*594 73.148 71,328 62.795 94.588 95*729 107*464 96.885 24.593 142*671 128*740 144*496 149.253 Loans ' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land 76,079 On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 362*053 47*583 60*789 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 571,914 590.320 567*418 492*201 468*961 81*787 92*407 85*457 53*096 57*806 442 634 275 989 540 15*333 14.444 11.354 11.980 9.293 3*241 3*306 3*084 3,006 2,844 361.854 366,517 362.502 338.594 313.474 47.843 48,215 49*241 43.779 39.146 31,725 36.937 61.414 64.797 55.505 9.032 8,921 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 462.227 513*098 616*277 704.242 763.200 57*992 84*600 104*211 142*736 133.094 494 716 362 579 771 23.551 18.214 9,162 8,337 7*803 2*685 2*947 3,408 4*273 5*070 293.427 305.041 339.321 401.124 454.041 37*571 40*600 48*487 51*515 58*901 36.595 51.515 101.934 93.399 103*598 7.912 9.465 9.392 8*747 9*043 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 875.327 1*023.478 1*144*173 1*314*972 1*471.153 151*860 204.615 226*456 249,491 259*296 1*264 2*006 5.329 * 7*862 8*267 9*046 9*442 10,259 6*141 6*429 7,489 8*227 8*636 512.882 586*463 664.277 758*646 872*053 58*529 64*058 61*076 77*969 85*779 137.927 155.703 175*172 211*947 231*058 11*490 11*237 13.191 12.530 13*638 1955 1.716.066 290,841 2*719 12,388 9.370 1 ,035*570 93*781 267*236 21,895 1.778 979 ' Eieginning June 30, 1946, figures for \iirious loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures,. Total loans continue to be shown net. Connecticut 189 Table /—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 99,736 105,899 110,369 125,166 12.400 12.279 11,629 13*209 40.753 42.647 43.548 45.606 46,583 50*973 55.192 66.353 22*863 24*396 28*952 29*428 950 871 1.040 1,407 6.326 6.434 7.103 6.827 15.587 17*093 20*809 21.194 7.144 7,284 7*941 6,142 257*508 266*022 278*452 298.973 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 132,743 142.399 150.360 158*739 166,538 12.931 12*515 12.111 H.920 11.811 44.582 44*616 43*560 43*943 45.391 75.230 85*266 94.669 102.876 109.336 27.348 28,595 28,216 25*246 30*044 1,154 1*550 1*083 971 932 7,052 7.366 7,694 7*276 7,467 19*142 19,679 19,439 16.999 21.645 8,749 9,838 10,515 10.896 11.108 307.049 326*629 337*617 345.654 360.410 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 182,331 190,588 197,473 196,345 203.410 12,071 13*045 13*094 13*226 13.767 48.373 49.382 50.695 48.954 48.207 121.887 128.161 133.664 134.165 141*436 29*929 33,173 31,663 34*211 33,719 1*007 1*236 1*063 1*144 1*027 7,307 7,326 7*676 8.545 9.029 21.615 24.607 22.924 24.522 23.663 11.122 U.139 11.325 11*340 9.443 382.951 408.230 421.776 423,613 433*926 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 209.001 212.595 219,321 219*934 220*360 13.711 13*468 13.675 13,949 13,862 53*081 51*844 53.635 57.399 58*159 142*209 147*263 151*611 148*586 146*319 34,151 37,615 38,131 37,812 44*392 2*312 1*410 1,697 1,742 2*610 9.152 9*613 9.425 10.016 10*416 22*687 26.792 27.009 26.054 31*364 9*801 10*938 11*217 12.360 13*833 462*710 482*090 508,955 524,692 546,423 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 224*106 254.571 281.912 294.904 349.052 13*866 13.672 21.541 42.403 94.464 61.623 64*802 68*431 63*801 67*473 148*615 176.097 191*940 188*700 187.115 44,441 57,940 61,254 77,093 69*016 1.797 3.501 2*392 6*498 7*423 11*351 13*980 16*508 12*666 14.253 31*293 40*459 42.354 57.709 47*340 17.389 15.149 16*853 21*347 22*060 559,121 642,700 720*413 760.325 630.402 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 345*798 339.233 343,257 376.024 382.611 93*616 92.570 91,524 110,777 99,144 52.260 50*762 44*506 41*201 39*641 199.922 195.901 207.227 224*046 243*826 80,426 65,003 67,900 69*332 82,198 11*555 9*661 10*498 11*159 13*166 17,107 11,493 10,773 10,708 13*649 51.764 43*849 46*629 47*465 55*363 26,786 25,524 27,280 29,566 33*300 901,730 689.748 900.687 968.568 1.061*669 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 389.765 400.453 423*569 450*021 439.220 89,228 60,164 72.327 68.009 66.013 34.112 33*804 30,635 28*967 26*238 266*425 286*485 320*607 353*045 346*969 64*309 86*881 95*343 86*164 93*077 15*609 14.315 16.463 15*167 16*408 15.295 15,211 14.978 12,241 12,476 53.405 57.355 63.902 58.776 64*193 36.474 37,507 37,645 42,992 46.141 1*144*666 1.225*395 1*320.025 1*428*742 1.495.478 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 449.053 463*275 413*704 394*234 420,494 58*832 64*720 70*578 83.021 117*685 26*271 32*256 30*417 27*706 32*280 363*950 366*297 312*709 283*507 270.329 102*387 113*688 95*799 121,952 144,352 14*647 14.583 10*661 9.474 9.692 15,606 16,407 19,229 15,379 14,456 71*934 82.696 65.909 97.099 120*202 48,336 48,563 51,292 62,350 73,065 1.519.210 1.510.038 1,321.324 1.285,593 1*285*663 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 465.943 526.403 564.084 550,880 574,603 166*684 212,606 246*493 264*050 284.044 37*135 41*082 44.108 43*076 64*498 262*124 274*715 273*483 243.754 226*261 148,815 157,857 182,229 199,892 248,519 11.102 15.471 16.964 13.343 15.525 15,705 20*637 23.761 21.156 19*976 122*006 121.749 141.504 165.393 213.018 65*323 94*677 96,981 96,193 96,201 1*308,574 1,378*635 1,446,015 1*429,065 1*485,997 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 587*378 659*656 842*646 1*261*613 1*632*314 305.953 388.154 565.949 ,027*075 •417.223 67*497 69*893 74*984 72,699 58,308 213.928 201.609 161.713 161.839 156.783 323,809 397*366 361,372 371*014 360*181 13.960 22.522 26.953 34*061 36*030 24*704 32*193 39*759 41.490 34*918 285.145 342*671 294.660 295.463 289.233 88.707 77,682 59,493 49,573 43*586 1,571*608 1,725*044 1*830,929 2,174*401 2,505,042 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1*952,036 2,014,121 1*876*753 1,892,726 1*867*306 ,749.442 •792.952 .620*126 1.581*014 1.536.768 47,187 45,502 61,173 61,144 85,758 155.407 175.667 195*454 230*566 244*780 347*299 359*457 391,289 391,232 365*264 27*701 41.070 53.080 49.572 47.700 35*987 34*932 45.010 52.109 44.451 283,611 283,455 293,199 289,551 273*133 41*553 39*931 39*103 39.408 41*027 2,803*115 2*926*607 2*923*422 3*027,608 3,036,817 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1*694,400 1*887,626 1.946*561 1*963*000 1*960.002 1.531*596 1.494.697 1.502*493 1*460*045 1.422*097 116*365 141*531 161.299 183.037 201,357 246*419 251*600 282*769 299.916 336*546 345,603 436,898 525,985 494.372 522.615 64.207 80.360 124*059 108*496 96*313 36.402 42.251 54.873 60.398 60.703 245,194 314,287 347*053 325*478 365.599 42*382 46.502 49.211 50*636 55.430 3,157,912 3.394,706 3*665,930 3,823,160 4,009*200 1.955*397 1.386,391 224,040 97,777 54,745 190 Connecticut All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figun i of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 200*823 209*091 222*501 242*722 5.698 5.313 6.184 6*017 220 237 326 1*318 43*474 45*444 50.127 56*512 151*431 158*097 165.864 176*875 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 247*427 265*705 276,332 281*465 294.952 4*556 5*762 6.177 5.966 6.271 1.261 1.203 1.660 1*648 1*131 55*008 61*960 61*291 57*634 62*199 166.602 196.760 207.204 216.217 225.351 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 315*322 336,255 346,661 346,907 354*105 5.972 5,653 6,198 6*162 6*115 708 564 816 889 538 70*941 77*186 76*358 82*496 82*744 237.701 252.652 263*269 257.360 264.708 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 380*634 397.700 421,262 432*891 454.197 6,489 5*725 6,555 6,094 7,833 311 309 467 245 431 90.629 95*859 103*933 102*160 111*308 283.205 295.807 310.307 324.392 334.625 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 465,615 546*960 613,381 639*942 692*509 6,557 10*142 6*588 9*545 8*038 419 383 411 17,647 10*716 117.552 158.978 161*523 188*361 217.779 341.087 377.457 422*859 424*389 455*976 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 760*543 736*082 754*894 833,297 905.912 10*720 9*015 9*388 9*356 9,433 2*860 4*258 1.153 2*656 1*343 239*928 200*102 216.847 230.745 256.895 507*035 522*707 527.506 590*540 638*241 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 975*751 1*042.279 1,121*784 1*200*535 1*240.525 10*340 9,595 9,942 9*723 14*079 765 1*200 1*967 1*484 3*728 282*611 290*396 310*423 322*233 331*421 661.835 741.088 799.452 667.095 691.297 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1*267.053 1*274*812 1*108*870 1*092*632 1.111.052 18*280 22*992 18*048 18*698 21*845 3*244 4*589 2.710 6*357 11*417 325*763 303*176 216.507 214*332 219.781 919.766 944.055 8*9.605 653.245 656.009 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1*142*015 1*210*917 1,273*316 1*254.952 1.306.686 23*127 27.521 27.202 24*912 30*206 6*586 8*571 3*524 2.290 5,484 243.485 291*064 326*438 319*952 350*805 866.817 663.761 916*152 907.796 920.191 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1.392.457 1.538.497 1*639*080 1,974,113 2*291.162 39,526 45*894 44*227 41,413 34.096 5*726 6*474 8*002 82*520 272*574 404*655 507*119 595*394 764*766 765*846 942.550 979.010 991*457 1*065*414 1*218*646 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2.565.453 2*661.729 2.648.045 2.740*119 2.740.338 33.669 36*647 36*522 37,311 34.443 322*110 149.191 9*102 28.137 20*958 801*236 694*979 937*438 961.348 949*970 1*406*436 1*560.912 .664*963 .713*323 .734*967 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 2.840.340 3,062,680 3.324.103 3*462.903 3,629.915 35.818 37.195 45*018 42,851 47*598 48*734 74*865 107*872 72*023 86*711 999*794 1*172*058 1.285*769 1*326*946 1*338*137 .795*994 .776*562 ,885.444 .021.063 2.157*469 68*742 1*403*231 2*261.332 Connecticut 191 Table 7—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings National bank notes Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 642 560 860 807 7*951 8.060 7.336 8»022 249 241 311 390 25*876 25*626 24*766 24*367 21.967 22,444 22.678 22.665 257,508 266,022 278.452 298*973 202 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 743 686 844 l»29i I t 499 9*615 10*533 9*865 10*097 10*268 299 383 295 990 916 24*710 24*536 24*586 24*611 24*505 24*255 24*786 25*693 27*400 28.270 307*049 326*629 337*617 345*854 360*410 205 207 208 209 210 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 1*366 1.906 2.330 1.977 2*721 10*760 12*196 12*261 12*578 12*936 • 248 »337 • 829 .656 828 24.813 25.031 25*316 25.765 25*910 29,422 31*505 33*379 34,730 37*426 382,951 406*230 421*776 423*613 433*926 209 211 211 214 217 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3.743 2.659 3.448 3.961 3.530 12*977 12.723 13*040 13*169 13*138 • 067 .472 1*489 1*366 1.481 25*804 26*304 26.361 26*889 27*737 38*485 41*232 43*355 46*416 46*340 462*710 482.090 506.955 524.692 546*423 214 215 219 221 222 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3*681 3*281 7*618 15*729 23*889 12.976 12.962 12.356 12*468 12.442 1*666 2*734 3*678 5*823 9.152 27*762 28.217 28*904 29.273 30*484 47,421 48,546 54,476 57,090 61,926 559*121 642.700 720.413 760.325 830*402 224 225 226 227 232 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 19*548 27*234 13*110 16*970 11*997 12*125 12.696 12.956 12.511 12*746 9.345 5.343 4.678 5.081 5*141 32,727 34.450 35.242 36*724 36*120 67,442 73,943 79.807 83,985 89,773 901*730 869*748 900*687 988*568 1,061*689 237 242 245 245 243 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 17*340 18*549 18*642 30*615 32*991 9.699 9*786 10*097 9*604 9*754 5.159 5.900 7*234 8*012 12.424 36*568 36*576 41*060 42*940 46.490 100.149 110,303 121*208 137*036 153.294 1*144*666 1*225*395 1,320.025 1.428*742 1*495*478 245 247 250 252 254 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 18*344 9*939 18*411 11*421 2*491 10*161 10.557 10*459 10*761 9*404 7.760 5*182 4*851 3*603 2*736 46,325 46*811 40,861 40.906 45*014 167,567 162,737 137,872 126,270 114.966 1,519,210 1,510*038 1,321.324 1*285*593 1,265,663 253 239 212 211 199 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1*678 1*187 709 228 105 3*306 3.027 3*346 3*933 3*881 3*883 45.371 44*711 43,872 43*760 43*480 113.177 118*474 124,185 126,264 131,843 1*308*574 1,378,635 1,446*015 1.429.085 1,485,997 198 198 196 196 195 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 141 54 54 2*034 240 4.470 5.705 6*198 5*731 5*961 42*046 42*016 41*958 41*637 41,957 132.694 138.772 143*639 150.886 165.722 1,571,808 1,725,044 1,630,929 2,174,401 2*505,042 191 191 191 190 190 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2*916 2*680 1*355 265 265 7*049 9*687 11*175 13*855 13*222 41*826 42*190 42*879 43*827 43*682 165.871 210.321 219.966 229.542 239*310 2,803*115 2,926.607 2,923.422 3.027*606 3*036,817 189 188 187 166 186 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 750 1.755 653 1*000 925 19,778 23*869 20*147 24.116 27*462 46,217 46*819 47*919 51*169 52.137 250,827 259,583 273*106 283.990 296*761 3,157*912 3,394.706 3,665,930 3,623,160 4,009.200 190 183 164 183 181 32,578 56,497 202 202 201 175 192 Connecticut All Commercial Banks—Table la ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate 1896 1897 1898 1899 55*439 54*778 56.105 60,452 1.198 1*194 1»399 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 60t012 65.230 66*200 65.723 67.226 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1.452 15*987 14*807 15*879 17.434 38,254 38i777 38*827 41,566 1.571 1*725 1*865 2.145 2*303 17*725 19.725 20*960 21*572 21*828 40*716 43,780 43*375 42*006 43,095 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 259*992 257.499 253.769 284.174 306*134 31*494 35*857 38*999 47*316 56*555 89*061 86*522 91*252 97,552 105,475 139,437 135*120 123*518 139,306 144,104 72.113 78*948 81.900 82*486 84*410 2.517 2.979 3.432 3*539 3*876 22*821 25*618 27*528 28*845 30*791 46,775 50,351 50,940 50,102 49,743 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 348.352 386*261 418*904 473*928 513*532 68*032 82.174 92*721 104.989 113,854 126,514 144*289 160*585 199,725 225.490 153,806 159,798 165,598 169*214 174,188 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 96*495 99.140 111*148 114*787 122*330 4,474 5,507 6*928 8*380 7,967 35*038 35*843 41*041 43.091 40.941 56*963 57,790 63,179 63,316 73,422 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 498*313 447*845 322*480 283*996 244,695 114,759 110*957 88*485 84,928 71,914 211.998 177,492 109*905 96,588 81,875 171*556 159.396 124,090 102,480 90*906 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 125*007 159*188 188*974 197i559 219*609 10*093 13.400 16.693 20.132 24.735 43.788 58*061 72.534 78*659 99.735 71,126 87,727 97*747 98.768 95.139 1935 1936 1937 1938 227*805 231*867 246,392 228*632 67*953 79*752 81*715 81*993 71*381 62*664 62*502 54*496 88.471 89.451 102*175 92*143 Loans ' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 221,554 76*079 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 230*917 250*054 232*695 183,435 186*810 81.787 92.407 85,457 53,096 57,806 442 634 275 989 540 14,727 13,940 10,968 11,689 9*046 1*570 1*633 1*432 1*479 1.447 62*751 67.045 66*804 65,177 63*436 14.424 14*754 16*202 13*229 11.209 29*307 34*863 55,216 59*641 51.557 3*469 6*443 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 204.727 260.745 344*368 393*692 404*690 57,992 84,600 104,211 142,736 133*094 494 716 362 579 771 23.325 17*981 8.901 8*096 7*638 1*410 1*698 2.129 2*405 2,454 65.236 81.524 99.435 121*177 128,200 12*075 15*626 21*878 23*266 29.215 36.719 49,584 98*684 89.918 99.493 7.476 9*016 8*768 8*535 6*941 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 469*018 563*608 619*952 701.756 757*757 151*880 204*612 226.129 249,045 258,777 1*264 2*006 1,778 979 5*329 7.659 8*065 8*144 8*543 9,328 3,321 3,610 4,038 4,280 4,297 139*987 160.503 176.116 192.955 209.892 27*965 32*529 31*446 38*528 44*796 132*634 149,915 168.794 204.532 221*840 11*422 11*146 13*102 12*446 13*556 1955 851*494 290,120 2*719 11.255 4,175 232.364 46,174 255,323 21.573 15*638 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 60*672 53*336 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Connecticut 193 Table la—All Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments u. s. Ycjxr Total Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1.759 Other securities Total Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin 905 817 971 5,401 5*517 5*935 5*765 12,083 12.671 15*175 16,075 3,709 3*921 4*325 4*111 98*082 99*847 104,526 114*492 5*987 6*337 6*581 6*345 6*600 14.001 14,719 14,075 11.890 15,610 4,149 4*160 4,213 4*488 4*926 112.725 122*202 122.724 121.654 127.354 15,531 18,701 16*801 18,644 17,805 4,972 5,356 6.243 6.708 6.884 137.003 148.000 150.841 156.341 159*231 342 364 964 8*647 11*682 12*330 14*665 18,389 19*005 22*081 23.185 11.663 12.203 11.771 11*649 11.539 836 995 861 716 739 14*986 17*048 17*965 19*931 19*852 21.079 22*546 21*674 19.145 23*072 37*090 37.417 37*817 39*755 41*248 11.800 12.873 13*074 13.176 13.647 853 938 851 958 1.512 24.437 23*606 23*892 25,621 26,089 22*828 26.279 24,881 27.392 26*689 948 6,361 6,409 7*085 7,672 7,936 1910 1911 1912 1913 191* 40*439 42*104 43.422 42.735 44*224 13.611 13*368 13.677 13.849 13.782 1.581 1*528 2.271 1.820 1.996 25*247 27*208 27*474 27*066 28*446 27*044 29*692 30*872 29.867 34*600 2*153 1*247 1.556 1.563 2.285 7,945 8*447 8.604 9*019 9.203 16*946 19,996 20,710 19,285 23,112 7.047 7,728 8.265 9,350 10*459 171*025 178*664 193,707 196,739 211,613 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 45*924 62*543 77.016 89*741 117*706 13.766 13.622 18.014 31.438 56.621 3.706 4*134 6*656 6*535 6*476 28,448 44*787 52.146 51.768 54*609 35*207 46,543 51*098 65*031 57.163 1*694 3*293 2*118 6.084 6*902 9,304 11*921 15*086 11*543 12*816 24,209 31,329 33,894 47,404 37,443 14*050 11*703 13*546 16*724 18*045 220*188 279*977 330,634 369,055 412.523 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 104*060 101*481 110*996 129*189 131*370 46.450 42.155 44.003 54.933 47.260 5*501 7,970 5.985 6*405 6*880 52*129 51*356 61,006 67*651 77,230 67*861 54*604 56*071 57.677 70*307 11*002 9*203 9*976 10*646 12*663 15*587 10*235 9*341 9,298 12*210 41*272 35*166 36,752 37,733 45*434 21*697 22*015 23*575 25,510 28,475 453,630 435,599 444,411 496,550 536,286 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 138*194 143*986 157.453 167*060 156*186 42.725 41.346 38.826 36.652 37.139 6.315 7,414 7.375 6.787 5.815 89,154 95,224 111,252 123*641 113*232 72.596 74,807 81.948 74.146 81*196 15*094 13*671 15*896 14,552 15,951 13.877 13,624 13,396 10.717 10*934 43,625 47,512 52,656 48,877 54,311 31*412 32*279 31*806 36*313 39,063 590,554 637,333 690.113 751.467 789.977 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 157*636 159*356 135*196 136*605 150.030 33*601 40.519 47.664 57,595 74.267 6.349 12.328 12.409 12.612 15*622 117*686 106,511 75*123 66*398 60*141 86.109 93.391 74*875 96*178 116*829 14*278 14,040 10,090 9*089 9*241 13.603 13,779 14,384 11*417 10*685 58,226 65.572 50.401 77.672 96*703 40*497 36*801 35.603 35*569 36*039 782.555 739,395 568*154 554,348 547,593 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 172*601 213*046 216*187 199*874 214*691 95,762 121,585 128*955 124,629 124,529 20*165 23*734 24,649 24*623 45*042 56,674 67,727 62.583 50,622 45*120 120*740 125*298 148*455 165*964 204*811 10,712 15,015 16,491 12,868 14,957 11.922 16*151 18,764 16,512 14,793 98*106 94*132 113*200 136.584 175,061 36*716 37*506 35.190 34.023 32.969 557,664 607,717 646*224 628*493 674*025 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 233*863 284*193 413.998 718*872 942*971 141,421 189.170 306*604 617*670 653,819 48*484 53*531 64*187 64,602 52*401 43*958 41*492 41,207 36,600 36.751 246*324 309,574 289,966 306.673 316*865 13*054 21*644 26*263 33*009 34,594 16,195 25*703 33*154 33,648 29,218 217.075 262*227 230.531 239,616 253.053 31*059 26*780 26*856 25*642 23.727 744*163 872.601 963.517 1*234*622 1,470,373 821*418 820*835 806*608 1.019*846 933.116 720*662 696.155 677.412 42.493 41*555 57*758 76*306 83,840 36.450 45*955 42*998 46,374 45*356 300.596 303*206 337*002 337,636 316*021 26,469 39*045 51,260 47,326 45*898 29,924 28*021 37,940 43,733 36,672 244*203 236*142 247,802 246,577 233*251 21.958 21,132 20.632 20,978 21,843 1,626*070 1.605*711 1*523*420 1,573*141 1,549*162 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 851.474 874.557 925.195 908.796 890*740 694.102 689.920 721.860 691.280 671.467 114*738 140*323 157,762 176*642 178.512 42*634 44*314 45.573 40,676 40,761 298*748 390*162 467.183 444*324 463*170 61*193 77.552 121.251 105*901 94*048 29*363 34,041 <t6,580 51*046 51,125 206*192 276*569 299.352 287*377 317*997 22,667 24,973 26,084 26,974 29,370 1,641*907 1.853.300 2*036.4X4 2,081,852 2,141*037 1955 912*731 677*103 196*854 38*774 417,559 94,355 45,107 1896 1897 1898 1899 20*545 22*143 22»015 26,744 10*139 10.119 9*321 11*115 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 27*485 > 30*246 30*637 32*298 32*130 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1*098*789 1*020*626 1*345 1,091 1*490 1,016 910 862 936 1*169 995 1*076 2*213.608 194 Connecticut All Commercial Banks—Table la ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures i j of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total 1 Interbank 1896 1897 1698 1899 51*327 53*121 59,018 68,587 5,698 5,313 6.184 6*017 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 63*646 72*456 72*610 69,287 74.354 4,556 5,762 6*177 5*966 6.271 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 82*474 89*990 90*289 94,809 96,353 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1*318 43*474 45*444 50*127 58.512 1*935 2*127 2*381 2*740 1*261 1*203 1*660 1*646 1*131 55*006 61*960 61*291 57*634 62*199 2*821 3*531 3*682 4*039 4*753 5,972 5,653 6,198 6,162 6,060 708 564 816 889 538 70.941 77*186 76*356 82*496 82,641 4*853 6*587 6*917 5*262 7*114 106,467 112,892 125,742 126*455 140*918 6*464 5.725 6*553 6*087 7,828 311 309 467 245 431 90*629 95,839 103*933 102*138 111*279 9*043 11*019 14*789 17*985 21,380 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 149,052 207*248 249,772 276,755 304,863 6,460 9,330 8.581 9,545 8,038 419 363 411 17*647 10.716 117*378 158*877 181*523 188*361 217*779 24*775 38*656 59*257 61*202 66*330 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 344,958 316,329 335,914 382,468 425,184 10,720 9,015 9,388 9,356 9,433 2*860 4*256 1*153 2*656 1*343 239*928 200*102 216*847 230*745 256*895 91*450 102*954 108*526 139*711 157.513 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 470,357 508*746 552*791 591,549 613,467 10,340 9,595 9,942 9,723 14,079 765 1*200 1*967 1*464 3*726 282*811 290*396 310*423 322*233 331,421 176*441 207*555 230*459 258*109 264*239 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 613,755 590,290 437,991 438*928 447,965 18*280 22,992 16.048 16,696 21,845 3*244 4*589 2.710 6*357 11*417 325*763 303*176 218*507 214*332 219.781 266*466 259*533 198*726 199*541 194*922 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 466,751 517.565 554,286 536,479 580,381 23*127 27,521 27,202 24,912 30,206 6*586 8,571 3*524 2*290 5*484 243*485 291*064 326*438 319*952 350,805 193*553 190*409 197*122 189*325 193*866 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 651,888 778,150 867,739 1*135*143 1,366,266 39*526 45,894 44,227 41*413 34,096 5*726 6*474 8*002 82*520 272*574 404,655 507,119 595*394 764*766 765*846 201,981 218*663 220*116 246*444 293*750 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1*513*042 1*483*032 1*395*646 1*442,739 1*415,831 33,669 36*640 36*508 37,296 34*426 322*110 149,191 8*924 27,891 20*746 801*236 894,979 937*436 961,346 949,969 356*027 402*222 *12»778 416*206 410,688 1950 1951 1952 19*3 1954 1*499,007 1*704,478 1,881,142 1,911*877 1,962,212 35,803 37,187 44,921 42,221 46.961 46,616 74,698 107,767 71*881 86,228 999,789 1,172,046 1,285,419 1*326,590 1*337*816 414*797 420*547 443,035 471*185 491*207 46,931 68,296 1*402*739 503*601 1955 220 237 326 Connecticut 195 Table la—All Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings National bank notes Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1696 1897 1098 1899 642 560 860 807 7.951 8.060 7*336 8*022 187 212 263 372 25.876 25.626 24*766 24*367 12*099 12.268 12.263 12*337 96*082 99*647 104,526 114*492 113 113 113 113 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 743 686 844 1.291 1*499 9*615 10*533 9*865 10.097 10.268 269 341 270 965 868 24*710 24*536 24*588 24*611 24*505 13*742 13*650 14*347 15*403 15*660 112*725 122*202 122.724 121,654 127,354 116 117 116 119 120 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 1*366 1*906 2*330 1*977 2*615 10.780 12.196 12*261 12.578 12*936 1*090 1*202 1*607 1*450 743 24*813 25*031 25*316 25*765 25*910 16*460 17*675 19*038 19*762 20.674 137.003 148 ,000 150*841 156*341 159*231 120 123 124 126 129 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3*633 2*546 3*401 3*834 3*450 12.977 12*723 13.040 13.169 13.138 823 1*154 1*114 I t 123 1*265 25*804 26.304 26*361 26*889 27.737 21.321 23.045 24*049 25*269 25.105 171*025 178*664 193*707 196*739 211*613 127 128 134 137 139 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3*501 3*281 7.499 15.095 23.717 12*976 12*962 12*356 12*468 12*442 1*076 2*111 3*319 5.362 7*966 27.762 28*217 28*904 29*273 30*484 25.821 26*156 28*764 30*102 33*051 220*188 279*977 330*634 369*055 412*523 142 145 143 146 132 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 19*353 27*021 12.860 16.730 11*819 12*125 12.696 12*956 12*511 12*746 8*645 4*878 4.291 4*192 3*718 32*727 34*450 35*242 36.724 36*120 35*822 40*225 43*146 43*925 46*699 453*630 435*599 444*411 496*550 536*286 157 162 166 166 165 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 17.089 18*324 18*252 30*185 32*126 9*699 9*786 10.097 9.604 9.754 5.152 5.453 6*535 7*075 11*895 36*566 38.578 41*060 42*940 46*490 51.689 56*446 61.376 70.114 76*245 590*554 637,333 690*113 751*467 789,977 169 171 175 177 179 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 18*059 9.704 15.120 9*183 1.418 10.161 10.557 10.459 10.761 9*404 7.471 4.861 4*580 3*491 2.527 46*325 46*811 40*861 40*906 45*014 84.784 77,172 59*143 52*079 41*265 782*555 739*395 568*154 554*346 547,593 178 164 137 136 126 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 842 687 609 208 105 3.306 2*893 3*098 3*307 3*093 2*948 45.371 44*711 43*872 43.760 43.480 38.701 41.656 44.150 44,953 47*111 557,664 607*717 646*224 628*493 674*025 125 123 123 123 122 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 141 54 54 2.034 240 2*929 3*666 4*367 3.650 4*566 42*046 42*016 41*958 41*637 41*957 47.159 48,715 49.399 52.158 57.344 744,163 872*601 963*517 1*234*622 1*470*373 119 119 119 116 118 1943 1946 1947 1948 1949 1*916 1*700 1*353 165 65 5*583 7*382 7.814 7*352 7*600 41*826 42*190 42*879 43*827 43*662 63*703 71*407 75.726 79.058 81*964 1*626*070 1*605,711 1,523*420 1*573*141 1,549,162 117 116 115 116 114 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 750 880 653 1*000 675 9*850 12.735 14.925 17*722 19.283 46*217 46*819 47*919 51*169 52*137 86.063 88*388 93.775 100.084 106*730 1,641*907 1*853*300 2*030*414 2*081*852 2*141*037 116 111 112 111 109 1933 1*263 22.224 56.497 112.057 2*213*608 103 196 Connecticut National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] LK ins -cans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 44*827 44*398 45,211 47,992 109 118 127 122 10,950 9,836 10*597 11,439 33,755 34,453 34,496 36*426 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 47,336 50.802 51*205 49*988 49.701 131 145 155 158 151 11*750 13»013 13*978 14,239 13,566 35,455 37,644 37,072 35*591 35,984 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 131*780 127,370 123,531 132*565 137,865 • 894 .982 ,211 ,541 • 339 50*282 37,833 43,494 44,434 48*485 79*604 87,555 76,826 84,590 84,041 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 52,757 56,898 57,141 57,428 57,544 153 170 177 189 201 13,722 15,249 15,937 16,982 17,448 38,882 41*479 41*027 40,257 39,895 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 149*971 165*626 173,625 194,510 202,817 8*252 11*851 13*687 17*198 21*726 56.996 70*075 76,057 94*186 100.112 84,723 83*700 83*881 83,126 80,979 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 65*267 64*879 69*949 68*541 71*050 273 314 296 230 603 20*155 20*445 22,291 22*761 23*309 44,839 44,120 47,362 45,550 47,138 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 190,989 177,453 148*912 129,739 114.745 20*318 20*882 22,227 21,040 20,216 95.124 62.196 58.249 49.584 43.941 75,547 74.375 68*436 59,115 50,588 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 72*493 90,009 104*599 110,633 117,402 787 1,084 1,100 1,402 24*987 32*490 39*416 46,450 53*785 46,719 56,435 64,083 62,781 61*959 1935 1936 1937 1938 105*964 107*047 116*169 106,750 19,456 19,540 20,379 21*504 37.097 36.032 36,706 32,267 49,411 51,475 59,084 52,979 1*658 Loans' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals Alt other 97,174 34,437 585 16,740 5,217 26,766 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 100,627 111,688 103,939 79,955 78,056 36*806 44,983 42*796 28,215 30,179 141 164 91 205 204 11,875 11,038 8,691 7*505 5,721 551 577 445 500 540 18*338 20,332 21*026 20,914 19,997 5,470 5*694 6*556 4*744 3*610 12*681 12*448 27,444 28,900 24,330 5,191 5,357 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 84*404 108,889 147,858 169,696 175*829 26,203 39*254 61,051 69*646 63,843 160 353 185 164 360 14,231 10,543 5,199 4,909 3,867 490 638 845 1,046 1*005 20*508 25*176 31*374 41*517 46*603 4*241 6,229 10,676 10,946 13,436 12*411 19,117 31*534 36*487 42*821 6*160 7*579 ,994 ,761 *812 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 197,976 247*222 273*840 314,750 345*966 76,121 102,421 114,960 127*208 133,579 191 1,396 1*163 130 2t619 4,015 3,840 3*812 3*642 3*974 1*026 1*087 1*289 1*315 1*286 47,919 56,126 62*430 71.595 78*752 12,463 16*132 14,331 16,554 20,931 50,921 63,620 73,021 91,863 102*760 7,803 7*166 7,046 1955 401*003 153,766 939 5*167 1*244 92*410 21,697 117*303 14*646 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to ,768 • 982 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Connecticut 197 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 17.254 17*833 17.283 21.574 10*070 10.071 9,255 10*865 273 295 305 407 6.911 7*467 7*723 10*302 15*811 15,374 18*398 16*652 692 540 772 999 4*675 4,656 4,989 4,713 10*444 10*178 12,637 13,140 2., 66 5 2,819 3,089 2.914 80*557 80,424 83*981 91,332 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 21*951 23*619 24,014 24*222 24*465 11*467 12*148 11*765 11*642 11*506 396 436 465 478 492 10*086 11,035 11,784 12*102 12*465 16*655 17*259 16*986 14.741 17.313 752 940 786 768 670 5*001 5.195 5,371 5*136 5,260 10,902 11*124 10,829 6*835 11*383 2,932 2*944 2*899 2*922 3*257 86,874 94,624 95,104 91,873 94*736 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 27*227 28*176 28.120 29*162 30,426 11*791 12*862 13*062 13,161 13*631 587 582 572 607 1*134 14*849 14*732 14,486 15*394 15*661 17.258 19.712 18*044 21*071 19,794 703 883 711 798 697 4,945 5,010 5,489 5,925 6,070 11*610 13*819 11*844 14*348 13,027 3*109 3*375 3*661 4*248 4,114 100*351 106*161 106*966 111*909 111*878 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 28*787 29.539 30*210 29*642 29*412 13*596 13*347 13*643 13*807 13*745 1*197 843 1*372 859 429 13*994 15,349 15*195 14.976 15*236 19,473 22*353 22*447 21*245 24*567 1.387 831 1*016 1*057 1.493 5,941 6*330 6*437 6,615 6,703 12,145 15*192 14*994 13,573 16,371 4,265 4,333 4*990 5,715 6(102 117*792 121,104 127,596 125*143 131,131 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 31*200 40*538 47*655 53*357 70,507 13*732 13,602 16,693 25*382 41,643 1*963 2,512 4,563 4,359 3,916 15,505 24,424 26*399 23*616 24,748 24,648 31*972 34,112 45,771 37.247 1.159 2,104 1*250 4*277 4.927 6*4-82 7*565 9*309 6*056 6*231 17*007 22.303 23.553 35*438 26,089 6(917 7.086 7.645 9*517 9,922 135,258 169,605 194,011 219*278 235,078 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 56,346 56,128 57,788 65*140 65*648 32,441 31,419 30*520 36.299 32*933 2,773 2*252 1*561 1*342 1,699 23,132 22,457 25.687 27.499 31.216 43,015 32,351 33*612 33*006 40,174 8,350 6.852 7*706 8*132 9*276 7,306 5*317 4*614 4,498 5,970 27,357 20*182 21.292 20*376 24*928 12*258 10,198 10*562 10,956 13,159 245,399 226,047 225,493 241,669 257*046 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 67,718 72*881 79,492 63*209 73*443 29,383 26,651 27*182 25.561 26*194 1*663 2*261 2.417 2*510 2*135 36.452 41*969 49(893 55,138 45,114 41,420 43,607 45,546 39,079 42,549 11*442 10*511 11*706 10*398 11*794 6,094 6*407 6,640 4*639 4*610 23,884 26*669 27*200 24,042 26,145 13,491 13*464 13(791 15,191 16(394 272,600 295,578 312,454 331*989 335*203 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 69,611 76,563 75,409 76*239 86*185 25*021 28*714 34*092 37,970 49.053 2*683 6,407 7*135 7,522 8*421 41,907 41,442 34,182 30*747 28*711 42,254 46,277 36,773 50,233 59*496 10.473 10.735 7*841 7*068 6*666 5*396 5,690 6,198 4,817 4,564 26*385 29*852 22*734 38,348 48,264 15,365 15,576 15,995 15*816 16*428 318*219 315,869 277,089 272*029 276*854 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 97,007 117,515 111,536 103.266 108.220 59*430 72,757 71,250 68*364 60,130 9,234 13,520 12,455 12*047 26.952 28*343 31(238 27,833 22*875 21*136 56*586 63,770 77,998 84.262 111,668 7*676 11*240 12*263 9*991 12.198 5,042 7,117 7,334 6,419 6,174 45*866 45*413 58,401 67,852 93,296 16*301 16,054 14,982 14,291 13*760 277*858 304*386 320*687 308,589 330*822 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 128*506 154*146 212*502 378*071 516*254 75,670 100,264 160*556 330,194 474.180 33,033 36(934 34,355 33,843 27,296 19*803 16*948 17,591 14*034 14,778 124.555 154,730 154,695 172.667 176*941 10*201 15*833 20.734 26.760 28,142 8*040 10*596 14*765 14,791 12*415 106,314 128*299 119,196 131,116 136*364 12,890 12,495 11,665 11,255 10*671 366,578 433*059 482,801 641,948 781,922 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 561,690 511,119 408*936 408*038 397,358 548*719 472*611 359,393 343,995 330*384 16.962 17,313 28,287 40*034 42*698 14,009 21.195 21*256 24*009 24,276 168*691 168*415 177.541 184*385 167,674 19,357 27,587 36*321 32*896 30,236 12*984 10*801 15*782 18,539 15,439 136,350 130,027 125*438 132.950 121,997 10*080 9,664 9*434 9.711 10,029 844,865 796,087 743,769 771,830 750,890 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 418*996 427*235 465,120 450*163 441*953 334,890 323,507 354*986 336,674 328,548 63*295 80,801 87.835 94,376 95*026 20*811 22*927 22*297 19,111 18,377 150*405 204.596 248,492 238*102 231*762 32*426 35*201 54*570 55*480 48,443 13,166 15,056 21,013 23*259 23*629 104,791 154*337 172*909 159.363 159,490 10.356 11*644 12*251 12*280 13*209 777,733 690,697 999,703 1,015*295 1*032*890 1955 470,151 346,886 105.846 17*419 230*112 52*907 22,472 154,733 13,969 1*115,235 198 Connecticut National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-195S-«ontina«>d [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total 1696 Interbank 5.171 U.S. Government 220 Other Other time 1897 1898 1899 39»845 39*874 44t938 52*126 4*616 5*478 5*604 237 326 1*316 34*376 34*936 39*041 45*109 76 81 93 97 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 46*672 52.269 52*832 48*636 51*153 4*302 5*453 5*916 5*501 5*946 1*261 1*203 1*660 1*648 1*131 41,199 45*465 45*063 41.291 43*854 110 146 173 196 222 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 55,864 61*127 58*876 63*595 62*524 5*462 5*206 5*663 5*664 5.163 706 564 816 889 536 49*400 55*034 51,915 56*457 55.975 274 323 482 585 828 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 67*641 70*925 76*716 73*904 80*601 5*678 5*171 5*792 5*613 6*806 311 309 467 245 431 60*496 63.725 68*050 64*126 68*595 1.156 1*720 2*409 3*920 4*769 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 84.912 117*906 138.054 154.777 162*237 5.752 8.260 7*339 8*324 7.323 419 363 411 14*891 9.471 73*019 95*276 111.770 113*067 125*802 5.722 13*985 16.534 18,495 19.641 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 176.527 153.772 162.031 176*929 195*097 7.300 6.854 7.063 7.261 7*074 2*635 3*369 950 2.169 1*111 137*527 110*353 116*769 117*010 125.534 29*065 33*196 37.229 50*489 61*378 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 212.433 230*626 244.191 255*208 258*233 7*024 7*242 7.621 7*667 7*371 715 785 826 612 1*376 135*287 141,792 146*603 145,940 150*344 69*407 80*807 89*139 100*969 99*142 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 245*972 248 »445 211*591 216*651 226*707 8*239 11*221 10*055 11*900 11*201 1*670 1*719 916 3.272 7.412 142.377 136.507 109*366 106*533 106*320 93,666 96*998 91*232 92*946 99*774 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 234*269 262.987 278*539 266*074 287*209 11.857 14.741 13*693 12.160 15.111 4*462 5*575 2*117 1.635 3.914 120*960 150*494 166*303 164*009 178*447 97*010 92*177 94*426 88*270 89*737 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 322*314 387*708 436*759 593*366 732*101 19*697 23.196 22.213 20*318 16.708 4.168 4.506 5*656 51.429 163*925 207*586 263*458 314*899 412*250 424.085 90*643 96*546 93,991 109*369 127*383 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 791*466 739.730 662*645 711*216 669*177 15.926 17.474 18.493 19.369 18.172 165*991 77*549 5*440 16*640 12*701 435.755 472*635 461*658 496*139 486*541 153*794 172*072 176*654 177*070 171*763 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 713*918 823*267 927*656 937*460 951*096 17*251 17.197 24*760 21*096 25*458 26*661 41*453 47*096 34*236 46*591 501*046 590.124 672.950 691*256 679*153 166*758 174*493 182*828 190*670 197*896 38*056 742*781 217*115 1955 1*021*856 Connecticut 199 Table 2— National Banks n.JJEj A O, MjRAMJMJjM. M. M.MXJt yvnjLf 11 U1UD.U11, 4.0 f .; j [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimate d. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year National bank notes Borrowings Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1896 1899 139 44 197 62 7*951 6*060 7.336 8*022 14 13 14 13 22*391 22*141 21*281 20*831 10*217 10.292 10*215 10*276 80*557 80*424 63*981 91,332 62 82 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 156 95 205 494 496 9*615 10*533 9*865 10*097 10*266 29 49 51 79 107 20*695 20*357 20*357 20*082 19*950 11*505 11*321 11.794 12*485 12*762 88*874 94*624 95*104 91*873 94*736 83 83 83 81 80 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 310 622 907 293 510 10*760 12*196 12*261 12*576 12*936 101 100 177 214 71 20*146 20*205 20*154 20*230 20*250 13*146 13*911 14,591 14.999 15.567 100*351 108*161 106*966 111*909 111*878 80 80 80 80 81 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1.121 343 825 677 503 12.977 12.723 13*040 13*169 13*136 149 160 265 77 109 19*914 19*914 19.314 19*314 19*514 15*990 17*039 17*434 18*002 17.266 117*792 121*104 127*596 125*143 131*131 79 79 78 79 76 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 510 1>010 3*452 9*766 14*990 12.976 12.962 12*356 12*466 12.442 19 154 1*393 2*906 4*625 19*289 19*850 19*849 19*899 20*506 17,552 17.723 18,907 19*460 20.278 135*258 169*605 194*011 219,278 235*078 74 71 69 67 67 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 9*046 13.449 3*281 5*396 2*360 12*125 12.696 12.956 12.511 12.746 5*676 1*135 674 535 476 20*631 21.307 21.607 21.282 20.307 21*390 23*688 24,944 25.016 26.056 245*399 226*047 225,493 241*669 257,046 66 64 64 62 62 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2*843 5*391 4*896 11*191 8*343 9.699 9*786 10*097 9.604 9*754 1*541 1*669 1*601 1*922 2*450 20*002 20*252 21*702 22*052 22*502 26,082 27,854 29*965 32*012 33*921 272*600 295,578 312*454 331.989 335.203 62 63 65 65 64 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 4*840 2.662 6*113 904 100 10*161 10*557 10*459 10*761 9*404 1*960 1*565 2*916 1*827 1.309 21*412 21.312 20.162 20*262 22*557 33*874 31*326 25.848 21*624 16.777 318.219 315*669 277.089 272,029 276.654 62 61 58 58 54 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 160 150 40 90 3*306 1.413 1*711 1*906 1*624 1*671 22*661 22*364 21*679 21*630 21*561 16.029 17.174 18.521 19.171 20,381 277*858 304*386 320*667 306*589 330*822 54 54 54 54 53 50 80 79 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 10 2*006 200 1*733 2.146 1*956 1.846 2*242 21*328 21.294 21*232 20*997 21*002 21*153 21*911 22*644 23*733 26.377 366*576 433*059 482*801 641,948 781,922 52 52 52 51 51 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 500 1*300 115 25 2*683 3.729 3.851 3*567 3*664 21*068 20*898 20*933 21*106 21.236 29.446 33.230 35*040 35*824 36,788 844,865 798,087 743,769 771,830 750*890 51 50 50 51 51 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 300 500 300 600 150 4*384 5*515 6*856 8*445 9*773 21*511 21*983 22*833 24*593 24*807 37,620 39*432 42,058 44.197 47,062 777,733 890,697 999*703 1*015*295 1*032*890 46 47 48 46 44 1955 750 53*702 200 Connecticut State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total 1696 1897 1698 1899 10*612 10,380 10*894 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1*076 1*085 5*037 4,971 12*460 1*281 1,325 5»282 5.995 4,499 4>324 4*331 5,140 12.676 14*428 14.995 15.735 17,525 1*440 1*580 1,710 1.987 2*152 5.975 6.712 6*982 7.333 8.262 5,261 6.136 6.303 6.415 7,111 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 128*212 130*129 130*238 151,609 168,269 29*600 33*875 35*788 43,775 51*216 38.779 48*689 47*758 53*118 56*990 59*833 47,565 46,692 54*716 60*063 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 19,356 22*050 24,759 25,058 26*866 2*364 2*809 3.255 3.350 3.675 9»099 10*369 11,591 11,863 13,343 7,893 8,872 9,913 9,845 9*848 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 198.381 220,635 245.279 279,418 310*715 59.780 70.323 79.034 87*791 92*126 69.518 74,214 84,528 105.539 125*378 69*083 76*098 81*717 86*066 93*209 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 31*228 34,261 41,199 46,246 51,280 4.201 5.193 6*632 8.150 7.364 14*883 15.398 18.750 20.330 17.632 12*144 13*670 15,817 17.766 26,284 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 307.324 270.392 173*568 154.257 129.950 94*441 90*075 66*258 63*888 51*698 116*874 95*296 51*656 47*004 37,934 96*009 85*021 55*654 43,365 40*318 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 52.514 69,179 84*375 86.926 102.207 9,306 12.316 17,593 18.730 23.077 18*801 25*571 33,118 32,209 45.950 24.407 31.292 33*664 35,987 33*180 1935 1936 1937 1938 121.841 124.820 130*223 121*882 48*497 60*212 61.336 60*489 34,284 26,632 25,796 22*229 39*060 37.976 43*091 39*164 Loans1 Year Total Commerc ial , industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land 2*262 1,017 1.019 784 336 2.852 2.902 2,277 4,164 3.325 31.789 45,346 43*160 73.088 69,251 334 363 177 415 411 271.042 316*386 346*112 387,006 411,791 75,759 102,191 111*149 121,837 125,198 450*491 136.354 41*642 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 130.290 138.366 128.756 103*480 106,754 44*979 47,424 42,661 24,881 27,627 301 470 184 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 120*323 151*856 196.510 223.996 228.661 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Other Other loans to individuals All other 26.570 1,056 987 979 907 44,413 46,713 45.776 44*263 43*439 8,954 9,060 9.644 8*485 7*599 16,626 22,435 27*772 30*741 27*227 3,278 3*086 9.094 7,438 3,702 3,187 3,771 920 1*060 1.284 1*359 1*449 44*726 56.348 68.061 79,660 81.597 7,834 9*397 11,202 12*318 15*777 24..308 30*467 67.150 53,431 56,672 1*316 1*437 1,774 1,774 2*129 1.073 610 615 849 2,710 3,644 4.225 4.332 4.901 5,354 2.295 2.523 2.749 2.965 3,011 92.068 104,375 113.686 121*360 131*140 15*482 16,397 17,115 21,974 23*665 81,713 86,295 95*773 112*669 119,080 2,654 4*164 5*299 5*260 6*510 1,780 6*088 2,931 139.974 24*477 138,020 6*927 'Be|;inning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to On residential property the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Connecticut 201 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 3.291 4*310 4»732 5.170 69 48 66 250 1*486 47 59 557 1*736 4*215 4*607 4,363 2.578 3,631 3,683 4,333 213 277 199 346 726 861 946 1*052 1*639 2.493 2,538 2*935 1,044 1*102 1*236 1.197 17,525 19,423 20,545 23*160 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 5*534 6*627 6*623 8*076 7*665 196 55 6 7 31 438 559 416 240 247 4,900 6*013 6,201 7,829 7.387 4,424 5,287 4*688 4*404 5*759 339 550 232 142 192 986 1*142 1*210 1.207 1*340 3.099 3*595 3*246 3*055 4,227 1»217 1.236 1.314 1*566 1.669 23,851 27,578 27.620 29,781 32,618 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9*863 9*241 9*697 10.593 10*822 9 11 12 15 16 266 356 279 351 378 9*588 8.874 9.406 10.227 10.428 5.570 6.567 6,837 6,321 6.895 233 286 284 278 251 *416 *399 »596 .747 .866 3*921 4*882 4.957 4*296 4,778 1*863 1,981 2.582 2.460 2.770 36,652 39*839 43*875 44.432 47.353 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 11.652 12.565 13*212 13.093 14*812 15 21 34 42 37 384 685 899 961 1*567 11,253 11*859 12,279 12,090 13,208 7,571 7*339 8.425 8*622 10.033 766 416 542 506 792 2*004 2,117 2*167 2*404 2*500 4,801 4*806 5*716 5*712 6,741 2*782 3.395 3*275 3*635 4,357 53,233 57*560 66,111 71,596 80*482 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 14,724 22.005 29.361 36.384 47*199 36 20 1,321 6*056 14.778 1,745 1,622 2,293 2*176 2,560 12.943 20*363 25,747 28*152 29.861 10,559 14*571 16.986 19.260 19.916 535 1.189 868 1*807 1.975 2,822 4,356 5*777 5.487 6.587 7,202 9,026 10*341 11.966 11.354 7,133 4,617 5*901 7.207 8.123 84,930 110,372 136,623 149,777 177.445 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 45*734 45»353 53.208 64.049 65.522 14»009 10.736 13*483 16*634 14,327 2*728 5,718 4*404 5.063 5.181 28.997 28*899 35.321 40*352 46*014 24,846 22.253 22*459 24,671 30,133 2,652 2.351 2.272 2*514 3.387 8*279 4,918 4,727 4*800 6*240 13.915 14,984 15,460 17,357 20,506 9*439 11*817 13.013 14.552 15.316 208.231 209,552 218.918 254*881 279.240 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 70.476 71*105 77.961 83.871 82.743 13.342 12.697 11.644 11*091 10,945 4,432 5.153 4,958 4.277 3*680 52.702 53.255 61.359 68.503 68*118 31,176 31*200 36.402 35.067 38,647 3,652 3.160 4,190 4*154 4.157 7.783 7,217 6,756 6,078 6*324 19,741 20,823 25,456 24,835 28*166 17.921 18,815 18,017 21.122 22*669 317.954 341.755 377*659 419,478 454,774 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 88*025 82*795 59,787 60*366 63*845 8,580 11,805 13.572 19*625 25.214 3,666 5.921 5.274 5*090 7,201 75.779 65,069 40*941 35,651 31,430 43,855 47.114 36.102 47.945 57.333 3*605 3*305 2*249 2*021 2.573 8*207 6*089 8*186 6*600 6,321 31*843 35.720 27,667 39,324 48*439 25,132 23,225 19*608 19,751 19,611 464,336 423,526 291*065 282.319 270.739 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 75*594 95,531 104,649 96,588 106.471 36*332 48*828 57.705 56.265 64,399 10*931 10*214 12*194 12*576 18*090 28,331 36*489 34*750 27*747 23*962 62,154 61*528 70,457 81.702 93.143 3*036 3*775 4*226 2.877 2,759 6,880 9*034 11*430 10,093 8,619 52.238 46*719 54,799 66,732 81,765 20.417 21,452 20,208 19.732 19,209 280.006 303.331 325.537 319.904 343.203 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 105.357 130*047 201*496 340*801 426*717 65.751 88,906 148*048 287,476 379,639 15*451 16.597 29.832 30.759 25*105 24*155 24,544 23,616 22,566 21,973 123.769 154*844 135*273 134*006 139.924 2*853 5,811 5*549 6,249 6*452 10,155 15,105 18*389 19.057 16.803 110,761 133*928 111.335 108,700 116,669 18,169 16,285 15,191 14.387 13.056 377,585 439,542 460,716 592.674 688.451 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 517*099 509.507 412*482 412.797 409*250 471,127 460*505 361*269 352,160 347,028 23.531 24*242 29.471 38.272 41.142 22*441 24*760 21.742 22.365 21,080 131.905 134,793 159*461 153.251 148.347 7,112 11,456 14,939 14,430 15*660 16.940 17.220 22,158 25,194 21,433 107,853 106,115 122,364 113*627 111,254 11,878 11,468 11,198 11.267 11,814 781,205 807*624 779*651 801.311 798,272 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 432*478 447*322 460*075 458,635 448*787 359,212 366*413 366*872 354*606 342,919 51*443 59,522 69.927 82*264 83.484 21*823 21,387 23,276 21,765 22,384 148*343 185.566 218.691 206.222 231*408 28,765 42*351 66*681 50,421 45*605 16,177 18,983 25,567 27,787 27.296 103*401 124,232 126.443 128,014 158,507 12*311 13*329 13*833 14*694 16,161 864,174 962,603 1,038,711 1,066,657 1,108*147 1955 442,580 330.217 187,447 41*448 22*635 1,098*373 202 Connecticut State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—^Contimied [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government 527 Other Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 11*482 13*247 14*080 16t459 695 706 413 9,096 10*506 11*066 13,403 1,859 2*046 2*268 2*643 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 16.774 20,187 19*978 20.651 23.201 254 309 261 465 325 13*809 16*495 16*206 16,343 18*345 2*711 3*383 3*509 3,843 4*531 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 26.610 28*863 31.413 31*214 33*829 490 447 535 498 877 21,541 22*152 24*443 26,039 26*666 4,579 6*264 6*435 4*677 6*266 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 38*826 41*967 49*024 52.551 60*317 806 554 761 474 1*022 30*133 32*114 35,883 38*012 42*664 7*887 9*299 12*380 14*065 16*611 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 64*140 89.342 111*718 121*978 142*626 726 1,070 1,242 1*221 715 44,359 63,599 69,753 75,294 91,977 19*053 24*673 40*723 42*707 48*689 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 168.431 162.557 173.883 205.539 230*087 3,420 2,161 2*305 2*095 2,359 102*401 69*749 100*078 113,735 131*361 62*365 69*756 71,297 89*222 96*135 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 257,924 278.120 308.600 336*341 355*234 3,316 2,353 2.321 2,036 6,708 147*524 146*604 163,820 176*293 181*077 107*034 126*748 141*320 157.140 165*097 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 367*783 341,845 226*400 222.277 221.258 10*041 11,771 7,993 6,798 10,644 183,386 166,669 109,119 105,799 111*461 172*782 160,535 107,494 106*595 95*148 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 232.462 254.578 275.747 270*405 293.172 11,270 12,780 13,509 12,752 15,095 2,124 1,570 122*525 140,570 156*135 155.943 172*358 96*543 98.232 102*696 101*055 104*149 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 329.574 390*442 430.980 541,777 634.165 19,629 22,696 22,014 21*095 17.388 1*538 1*968 2,346 31*091 108*649 197.069 243,661 280*495 352*516 341*761 111*336 122*117 126*125 137*075 166*367 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 721*576 743,302 713*001 731.521 726.654 17,743 19.166 18,015 17,927 16,256 136,119 71*642 3,484 11*251 8*045 365*481 422*344 455*578 463*207 463,428 202*233 230,150 235*924 239*136 238*925 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 785*089 881,211 953*486 974*417 1,011*114 18,552 19*990 20,141 21,125 21,503 21*757 33,245 60,669 37*643 37,637 498,741 561*922 612*469 635*334 658*663 246*039 246*054 260.207 280*315 293.311 1955 999,711 23,027 2.756 1*245 225 889 203 487 232 50 415 1,139 872 2,352 1,574 2*870 1,794 3,085 4,005 2,996 1,407 655 286*466 Connecticut 203 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings Nat onal ba no* ies ntWr liaSes <**•" Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 503 516 663 745 173 199 249 359 3*485 3*485 3*485 3.536 1*882 1*976 2,068 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 585 591 639 797 It003 240 292 219 886 761 4.015 4*179 4*231 4*529 4.555 2*237 2,329 2.553 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1*056 I f 264 1*423 1*684 2*105 989 1*102 1*430 1*236 672 4.665 4*826 5*162 5*535 5.660 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2.512 2*203 2*576 3»157 2*947 674 994 849 1*046 1*156 5*890 6*390 7*047 7*575 8*223 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*991 2*271 4i047 5t327 8*727 1*057 1.957 1*926 2*456 3*341 8*473 8*367 9*055 9*374 9*978 8,269 8,435 9,877 10,642 12.773 84*930 110*372 136*623 149.777 177,445 66 74 76 79 85 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 10*305 13*572 9*579 11*334 9i459 2*967 3*743 3.617 3*657 3*240 12*096 13*143 13*635 15*442 15*313 14,432 16,537 18,204 18,909 20,641 208.231 209,552 218,918 254,881 279*240 91 96 102 104 103 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 14*246 12*933 13.354 18.994 23.783 3*611 3*784 4*934 5*153 9.445 16*566 18*326 19*358 20*868 23*988 25.607 28,592 31*413 38,102 42.324 317*9&4 341,755 377*659 419*478 454*774 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 13*219 7.042 9*007 8.279 1.318 5,511 3,296 1,664 1*664 1.218 26,913 25*499 20*699 20*644 22.457 50,910 45,844 33,295 29,455 24,488 464*336 423*526 291*065 262,319 270,739 116 103 79 78 72 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 682 537 569 118 105 1.480 1.387 1.399 1,469 1*277 22.710 22,347 22.193 22.130 21*919 22.672 24,482 25,629 25,782 26,730 280,006 303,331 325,537 319*904 343,203 71 71 69 69 69 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 91 54 44 26 4Q 1*196 1*520 2*411 1.804 2,324 20*718 20*722 20,726 20,640 20,955 26*006 26*804 26,555 28,425 30*967 377,585 439*542 480*716 592*674 668,451 67 67 67 67 67 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1*916 1.200 55 50 40 2*700 3*653 3*963 3,785 3*936 20*756 21*292 21*946 22*721 22*446 34,255 38,177 40*666 43,234 45.196 781*205 907*624 779. bbl 801.311 798,272 66 66 65 65 63 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 450 380 353 400 525 5*466 7,220 8,069 9,277 9,510 24*706 24*836 25,086 26,576 27,330 48,463 4d,956 51,717 55,887 59,668 864*174 902.603 1.038.711 1*066*557 1,103,147 70 64 64 65 65 28.110 17,525 19*423 20,545 23*160 31 31 33 34 3*098 23,851 27,578 27*620 29*781 32*618 33 34 35 38 40 3,332 3*764 4,447 4*763 5.087 36*652 39*839 43*375 44*432 47*353 40 43 44 46 48 5.331 53,233 57*560 66 * 1 1 1 71*596 80*482 48 49 56 58 63 2,061 2,918 6,006 6,615 7,267 7*839 107 ioa 110 112 115 204 Connecticut Unincorporated Banks—Table 3a ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Year ££, Lo<ins Year Collateral Real estate Total **, Collateral All other 1696 1897 1898 1899 904 923 .168 •287 129 132 167 184 713 728 922 1*015 62 63 79 88 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 •022 •016 •101 •385 »743 146 145 157 198 249 806 802 869 1*093 1»375 70 69 75 94 119 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 7*809 11.765 11.782 11*270 10.681 1.117 1.682 1.685 1.612 1.526 6.161 9.283 9*296 8.892 8*431 531 800 801 766 722 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1.835 2*230 2*472 2*926 3*188 262 319 353 418 456 Ii448 1.759 1*950 2*309 2*515 125 152 169 199 217 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 16.299 14.589 17.013 19.016 22.791 2.266 2*028 2*280 2*548 2.470 13.311 12*284 14.733 15.185 18*854 722 277 1*283 1*467 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2*960 3*185 3*410 3*931 4*177 423 455 488 562 597 2.335 2i513 2*690 3*102 3.296 202 217 232 267 284 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 15.718 7.837 2.857 3.241 425 2.270 578 168 147 154 12*103 6*846 2.457 2.942 102 1*345 413 232 152 169 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3.741 3*945 4*153 4*753 7*471 535 564 594 680 1*068 2.952 3*113 3.277 3*750 5.895 254 268 282 323 508 1935 1936 1937 1938 429 424 458 425 164 181 207 189 109 76 67 71 156 167 184 165 Loans1 Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land All to residential property 1939 other individuals Other 199 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 400 362 346 324 377 118 113 88 89 76 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 509 692 903 1*177 641 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 31 30 37 186 188 129 124 155 32 31 39 29 41 61 66 21 29 103 90 187 247 158 56 76 93 111 5 233 320 391 467 219 58 81 99 119 40 35 73 120 223 217 24 52 13 10 2 616 752 755 734 827 147 174 152 171 210 5 3 6 5 6 216 253 256 266 273 28 31 34 40 40 218 289 299 242 286 2 2 8 10 12 834 211 5 245 39 322 12 ' Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to Other On 94 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures,. Total loans continue to be shown net. Connecticut 205 Table 3a—Unincorporated Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Cash assets Investments Year Obligations of States and political subdivisions U.S. Government obligations Total Amounts in thousands of dollars] Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection "arfd10^ balances Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1896 1699 227 232 294 323 5' 5 6 6 46 47 59 65 176 180 229 252 112 114 144 159 2 2 2 3 13 13 16 18 97 99 126 138 403 412 521 575 1*646 1*681 2.127 2*344 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 257 255 277 346 436 5 5 6 7 9 52 51 56 70 86 200 199 215 271 341 127 126 136 171 216 2 2 2 3 4 14 14 15 19 24 111 110 119 149 188 456 453 492 618 777 1.862 1*850 2*006 2.522 3*174 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 461 561 621 735 801 9 11 12 15 16 93 113 125 146 161 359 437 484 572 624 227 276 306 362 395 4 5 5 6 7 26 31 35 41 45 197 240 266 315 343 819 995 »104 • 306 • 423 3*342 4.062 4.503 5.329 5.607 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 744 801 857 988 1*050 15 16 17 20 21 150 161 172 199 211 579 624 668 769 818 367 394 422 487 517 6 7 7 6 9 41 45 48 55 58 320 342 367 424 450 »320 .421 .522 »755 *865 5.391 5.801 6.211 7*161 7*609 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 940 992 1*044 1*195 1*878 19 20 21 24 36 189 199 210 240 377 732 773 813 931 1*463 463 489 514 589 926 8 8 9 10 16 52 55 56 67 105 403 426 447 512 805 .670 .760 1.854 2*121 3*334 6.814 7.186 7.565 8*656 13*609 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1*963 2.957 2.961 2.833 2*680 39 59 59 57 53 395 594 595 569 539 1*529 2*304 2.307 2*207 2*088 967 1*457 1.459 1.396 1.321 16 25 25 24 22 109 165 165 158 149 842 1*267 1*269 1.214 1.150 • 485 • 250 • 258 • 029 .780 14*224 21.429 21.460 20*528 19.462 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 2*562 2*467 3*084 3*546 4*099 51 49 61 43 26 515 496 620 580 570 1*996 1*922 2*403 2*925 3*503 901 1.249 1*651 1*242 1*340 21 39 202 266 407 227 489 162 199 214 653 721 1.267 777 719 4*905 5*124 4*522 4*311 4.255 24*667 23*429 26*270 26*117 32*465 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3*771 852 316 195 321 26 25 23 19 10 480 444 167 1,04 173 3*265 383 126 72 136 1*281 142 471 403 137 46 13 7 19 5 209 61 69 59 46 1*026 48 395 325 86 3*474 1*089 753 681 549 24*244 9*920 4.397 4.720 1.432 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 179 184 234 135 267 3 10 26 98 101 130 76 152 76 73 76 59 105 174 211 180 143 129 33 36 27 16 14 51 83 32 31 31 90 92 121 94 64 689 704 631 684 536 1.471 1*523 1*503 1*387 1*346 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 232 226 165 372 554 112 115 36 255 445 120 111 129 117 109 144 193 286 411 212 13 13 14 19 15 42 55 67 84 62 89 125 205 306 135 430 426 480 479 461 1*206 1*207 1*277 1*586 1*604 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 675 976 922 754 406 545 921 660 687 384 130 55 42 67 22 320 404 399 454 280 25 27 38 35 33 105 129 104 154 60 190 246 257 265 167 423 378 374 363 201 1.927 2*450 2*596 2*748 1*528 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 563 563 665 767 603 542 541 439 741 722 21 22 26 26 81 227 291 320 370 351 31 40 49 50 39 96 97 109 66 99 98 154 162 234 213 191 190 163 154 146 1*599 1*796 1.923 2*025 2*127 1955 800 721 79 350 50 89 211 148 2*132 10 , 206 Connecticut Unincorporated Banks—Table 3a ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year 1896 1897 1898 1899 Total U. S. Government Interbank 659 677 869 976 Other demand Other time 176 181 232 261 483 496 637 715 561 567 614 767 965 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1*047 1*317 205 207 223 260 352 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1*387 1*686 1.869 2*212 2*410 370 450 499 591 643 1*017 1.236 1.370 1.621 1.767 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2*237 2.407 2*578 2*972 3*158 597 643 688 794 843 1.640 1*764 1.890 2.178 2*315 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*828 2*982 3*139 3*593 5*648 755 796 838 959 1.508 2*073 2*186 2*301 2*634 4*140 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 5*903 8*893 8*906 8*519 8*065 1*576 2*374 2*378 2*275 2*151 4*327 6*519 6*526 6*244 5*914 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 8*357 9*435 10*831 11.749 12*005 154 343 3*537 3*446 4*690 4*979 4*683 4*666 5*646 6*141 6*714 7*289 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 11*005 3*853 2*742 2*336 515 4 1 4.239 2*775 2*466 2*087 6*251 1*074 663 316 275 249 347 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 703 753 815 719 696 402 386 412 388 403 301 367 403 331 293 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 728 822 909 1.237 1*236 448 523 598 831 737 280 299 311 406 499 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1.589 2.110 2.252 2*418 1*340 1*170 1*177 1*213 1*075 1*205 943 397 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1*413 1*594 1*702 1.818 1*862 1.030 1.176 1.275 1.370 1.440 383 418 427 446 422 1955 766 774 837 56 33 906 663 940 410 Connecticut 207 Table 3a—Unincorporated Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars! Year National bank Borrowings Surplus and ^ Uahi uL <*** ca$£l accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 503 516 663 745 173 177 227 255 311 311 368 368 1*646 1*681 2*127 2*344 11 11 13 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 585 591 639 797 1*003 200 202 219 272 343 311 283 311 406 511 1*862 1*850 2*006 2*522 3*174 11 10 11 12 13 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1*056 1*284 1*423 1*664 1*835 361 438 486 575 627 538 654 725 856 935 3*342 4.062 4*503 5*329 5*807 12 13 13 14 14 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*704 1*833 1*963 2*263 2*404 562 627 670 773 822 668 934 1*000 1*153 1*225 5*391 5*801 6*211 7*161 7*609 12 12 12 13 13 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*153 2*271 2*391 2*736 4*300 736 776 817 935 1*470 1*097 1*157 1*218 1*394 2*191 6*814 7*186 7*565 8*6^8 13*609 11 11 11 12 18 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 4*495 6*772 6*781 6*487 6*159 1*536 2*314 2*318 2*217 2*104 2*290 3*450 3*455 3*305 3*134 14*224 21*429 21*460 20*528 19*462 18 26 25 23 21 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 10*860 8*803 9*923 10*085 14*092 2*977 2*930 3*102 3*501 3*173 2*473 2*261 2*414 2*782 3*215 24*667 23*429 26*270 28*117 32*485 21 19 18 17 17 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 7*620 3*492 67 445 74 2*554 1*116 422 865 197 3*065 1.459 1*166 1*074 498 24*244 9*920 4*397 4*720 1*432 16 8 5 5 4 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 74 72 69 118 105 196 196 149 148 147 496 502 470 402 398 1.471 1*523 1*503 1*387 1*346 4 4 4 4 4 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 91 54 44 28 40 113 110 100 99 90 274 221 224 222 238 1*206 1*207 1*277 1*566 1*604 3 3 3 3 3 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 16 94 97 67 68 11 228 243 254 262 177 1*927 2*450 • 598 • 748 • 526 3 3 3 3 2 164 198 220 205 214 .599 • 796 • 923 2*025 2*127 2 2 2 2 2 210 2*132 2 25 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 50 2 4 1 2 1 1955 50 6 13 208 Connecticut Mutual Savings Banks—Table 4 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year ™ | J5SL Collateral All other Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 72t326 73*663 75*085 75.783 60*083 62*607 64*899 66.411 8*606 7.738 7,067 6.687 3*637 3,318 3*119 2.665 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 78,197 80*567 82,306 85*250 85*494 67,705 69*425 70*204 71.398 72*626 7*015 7*520 8.372 10*758 9,742 3.477 3.622 3.730 3.094 3.126 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 188,728 202,489 208,481 229,472 257*446 168*513 180.040 189,953 211*366 239*425 14,842 14,898 13*306 12,914 12*672 5,373 7,551 5,222 5,190 5,149 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 87*456 94*382 99*415 99»231 102*944 75*155 79*414 83.408 85*766 88*530 9,407 11,929 12,341 10*627 10*361 2,894 3.039 3*666 2.838 4.053 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 285,766 314.293 344*564 375,617 403*508 267,956 296*368 325,231 353,436 374,376 12,787 12,518 13,400 16,353 22,390 5,023 5,407 5,933 5,828 6*742 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 113.262 121*602 129*138 139*779 145*508 96*952 103*668 111*225 119.662 124*831 11.213 11.946 12*653 13*758 13*664 5*097 5*968 5.260 6*359 7,013 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 421*121 436,667 438*049 423*061 403,057 390*650 406*522 408,857 396*880 381*285 24,106 23,862 21,190 18,359 15,779 6*365 6*283 8*002 7,822 5*993 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 148*178 155*852 171.420 169.422 170.665 126*876 131.785 153*720 152,488 153.407 13*958 16.392 12.046 10*980 11.000 7.344 7.675 5.652 5,954 6,258 1935 1936 1937 1938 360,688 365,831 356,329 353*486 361*358 349,069 342,214 340,447 13,213 10,484 8,826 8,299 6,117 6,276 5,289 4*742 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 1*684 301*381 33*674 7.453 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 340.997 340*266 334.723 308.766 282*151 606 504 386 291 247 .671 .673 .652 ,527 ,397 299*103 299,472 295*698 273,417 250,038 33,419 33*461 33*039 30*550 27,937 2*418 2*054 6*198 5*156 3*948 563 478 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 257*500 252,35-3 271,909 310,550 358,510 226 233 261 241 165 ,275 ,249 ,279 ,866 >»616 226,191 223*517 239.866 279.947 325*841 25*496 24*974 26*609 28*249 29*686 1*876 1*931 3*250 3*481 4,105 436 449 624 212 102 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 406,309 459*870 524,221 613,216 713*396 3 327 446 519 203 202 902 899 931 4>»820 <>.819 :)*451 :J»947 /*»339 372*895 425*960 468.161 565.691 662*161 30*564 31*529 29*630 39*441 40*963 5*293 5*788 6,378 7*415 9,216 68 91 89 84 82 1955 864*572 721 1*133 !>*195 803*186 47*607 11,913 322 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Connecticut 209 Table 4—Mutual Savings Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Investments Year U.S. Total Government obligations Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1696 1897 1896 1899 79*191 83*756 88*354 98*424 2*261 2*160 2*308 2.094 38*994 42.305 43.184 44*642 37.936 39.291 42.862 51.688 4.474 5.393 6*871 6.243 45 54 69 62 925 917 1*166 1.062 3,504 4*422 5,634 5,119 3,435 3,363 3,616 4,031 159.426 166,175 173,926 184,481 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 105*258 112*153 119,743 126*441 134*408 1*268 312 340 271 272 43.746 43.621 42*699 43*225 44.652 60.244 68*220 76.704 82*945 89.484 6.269 6.049 6*542 6,101 6,972 63 60 65 61 70 1.065 1.029 1*113 931 867 5,141 4,960 5,364 5,109 6,035 4.600 5,658 6,302 6*408 6*182 194,324 204,427 214,893 224,200 233,056 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 145*241 153.171 159*656 156*590 162*162 271 172 20 50 120 47*520 48*444 49*844 47*996 46*695 97.450 104.555 109.792 108*544 115.347 7.101 6.694 6.782 6.819 7*030 71 69 68 68 79 946 919 591 873 1.093 6,084 5,906 6,123 5,878 5,858 6.150 5.783 5,082 4,632 2*559 245,948 260,230 270,935 267,272 274,695 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 168*562 170.491 175*899 177.199 176*136 100 100 198 100 100 51*500 50.316 51.564 55.579 56*163 116*962 120*075 124.137 121.520 119*873 7,107 8*123 7*259 7.945 9.792 159 163 139 179 325 1,207 1*166 821 997 1,215 5*741 6,794 6,299 6*769 8.252 2*754 3*210 2*952 3*030 3.374 291,685 303*426 315*248 327.953 334,810 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 178.182 192*028 204.896 205.163 231.346 100 50 3*527 10*965 37.843 57.915 60.668 61.575 57.266 60.997 120*167 131.310 139*794 136.932 132*506 9*234 11,397 10,156 12*062 11.853 103 208 274 414 521 2,047 2,059 1,422 1,343 1,435 7*084 9*130 8*460 10.305 9,897 3,339 3.446 3.307 4.623 4,015 338,933 362,723 389,779 391.270 417,879 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 241.718 237.752 232*261 246.835 251.241 47*166 50*415 47*521 55*844 51*884 46*759 42*792 38.521 34,796 32.761 147*793 144,545 146*219 156.195 166.596 12,565 10.399 11.829 11.655 11.891 553 458 520 513 523 1,520 1,258 1,432 1,410 1,439 10,492 8*683 9.877 9*732 9.929 5*089 3.509 3*705 4*056 4*825 448*100 454,149 456,276 492*018 525*403 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 251.571 256*467 266*116 282*941 283*034 46*503 38*816 33*501 31.357 28.874 27*797 26*390 23.260 22.180 20.423 177,271 191*261 209*355 229.404 233,737 11.713 12*074 13,395 12.038 11*881 515 644 567 615 457 1*416 1*587 1,582 1,524 1,542 9.780 9*843 11*246 9,899 9,882 5*062 5*226 5,837 6.679 7.078 554*112 588,062 629,912 677,275 705*501 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 291.417 303.917 278*508 257*629 270*464 25*231 24*201 22*914 25.426 43.618 19*922 19*930 16.008 15.094 16.658 246*264 259,766 237.586 217.109 210.188 16.278 20.297 20.924 23.774 27*523 569 543 571 385 451 2,003 2,628 4,845 3,962 3,573 13,706 17,126 15,508 19,427 23,499 7,839 9.762 15*689 26*781 37*026 736.655 770,643 753,170 731,245 738,070 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 293.342 315.357 347*697 351*006 360*112 70.922 91*021 117*538 139*421 159.515 16*970 17*348 19*459 18.453 19.456 205,450 206,988 210,900 193,132 161*141 28,075 32.559 33.774 33.928 43.708 390 456 473 475 568 3.783 4,486 4,997 4,644 5.183 23,902 27,617 28,304 28*609 37,957 48*605 57*171 61.791 62*170 63*232 750.710 770.918 799,791 800,592 811,972 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 353*515 375*463 428*648 542*741 689*343 164*532 196,984 277.345 409.405 563.404 19.013 16*362 10.797 8.097 5.907 169,970 160,117 140,506 125.239 120,032 75.485 87.812 71.404 64*341 43.316 906 878 670 1,052 1.436 6,509 6,490 6,605 7,642 5*700 68,070 80,444 64,129 55,647 36,180 57*648 48*902 32*637 23*931 19*859 827,645 852,443 867,412 939,779 1,, 034,669 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 853*247 993.495 1.055.335 1*071*891 1.060.698 729.596 859.836 899,464 884.859 859,356 4.694 3,947 3.415 2.838 1.918 118.957 129,712 152,456 184,194 199,424 46,703 56.249 54,287 53,596 49.263 1*232 2.025 1*820 2.246 1.802 6,063 6,911 7,070 8,376 7,579 39,408 47,313 45,397 42,974 39,882 19*595 18*799 18.471 18.430 19.184 1,177,045 1,320,896 1,400,002 1,454,467 1,467,655 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1.042.926 1.013*271 1*021.366 1*054*202 1*069*262 837*494 804.777 780.633 788,765 750*630 1.647 1*208 3*537 6.395 22.845 203.785 207.286 237.196 259.042 295.787 47,055 46.736 58,802 50,048 59*445 3.014 2.808 2*808 2*595 2*265 7,039 8,210 a , 293 9,352 9,576 37,002 35,718 47,701 38,101 47,602 19.715 21.529 23.127 23*862 26.060 1,516,005 1,541,406 1,627,516 1*741,328 1*668,163 711,288 55,325 210 Connecticut Mutual Savings Banks—Table 4 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total U S. * nment r ooven Interbank Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 149.496 155t970 163.483 174.135 149*496 155*970 163*483 174*135 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 183*781 193.249 203.522 212.178 220*598 183*781 193*249 203*522 212*178 220*598 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 232*848 246*265 256.372 252*098 257.752 232*848 246*265 256*372 252*098 257*594 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 274.167 284.808 295.520 306.436 313.279 5 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 316.563 339*712 363.609 363.187 387.646 77 812 7 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 415.585 419.753 418*980 450*829 480*728 415*585 419*753 418*960 450*829 460*728 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 505*394 533*533 568*993 608*966 627*058 505*394 533*533 568*993 608.986 627*058 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 653*298 684*522 670*879 653*704 663*087 653*298 684*522 670*879 653*704 663*087 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 675*264 693*352 719*030 718*473 726*305 675*264 693*352 719*030 716*473 726*305 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 740*569 760.347 771.341 838*970 924*896 740*569 760*347 771*341 838*970 924*696 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 •052*411 ,176.697 >252i399 f297.380 .324.507 7 14 15 15 178 246 212 2 2 1 1*052*411 1)178*690 1*252*205 1)297*117 1*324*279 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 .341,333 ,358.202 ,442.961 1*551*026 1*667,703 15 8 97 630 637 116 167 105 142 463 5 12 350 356 321 1*341*197 1)358*015 1)442*409 1*549*896 1*666*262 1955 1*779*319 55 103 20 2 7 5 22 29 174 101 274*162 284*768 295*516 306*407 313.245 316*312 338*799 363*602 363*187 387*646 1*777*731 Connecticut 211 Table 4—Mutual Savings Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. National Year Borrowings S£ Amounts in thousands of dollars] Surplus and -... liases c^ accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 62 29 48 18 9*868 10*176 10*395 10*328 159*426 166*175 173*926 184*481 89 89 89 88 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 30 42 25 25 48 10*513 11*136 11*346 11.997 12*410 194*324 204*427 214*893 224*200 233*056 69 90 90 90 90 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 106 158 135 222 206 85 12*942 13»830 14 • 341 14*968 16.752 245*948 260*230 270*935 267*272 274*695 69 86 87 86 68 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 110 113 47 127 80 244 318 375 243 216 17*164 18*187 19*306 21*147 21*235 291*685 303*426 315*248 327.953 334*810 87 87 85 84 83 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 180 119 634 172 590 623 359 461 1*186 21*600 22*388 25,692 26*988 28*075 338*933 362*723 389*779 391*270 417*879 62 80 61 61 80 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 195 213 250 240 178 700 465 387 889 1*423 31*620 33.718 '36*659 40*060 43*074 448*100 454*149 456*276 492*018 525*403 80 80 79 79 78 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 251 225 390 430 865 7 447 699 937 529 48*460 53*857 59*830 66*922 77*049 554*112 588*062 629*912 677*275 705*501 76 76 75 75 75 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 285 235 3*291 2*238 1.073 289 321 271 112 209 82*783 65*565 78.729 75*191 73*701 736*655 770*643 753*170 731*245 738*070 75 75 75 75 73 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 836 500 100 20 134 246 626 788 935 74*476 76*818 80*035 81.311 84*732 750*710 770*918 799*791 800*592 811*972 73 73 73 73 73 1.541 2*039 1*831 2*081 1*395 85*535 90*057 94*240 98*728 108*378 827*645 652*443 867*412 939*779 1*034*669 72 72 72 72 72 1*466 2*305 3.361 6*503 5*622 122*168 138*914 144*242 150*484 157*326 1*177*045 1*320*896 1*400*002 1,454*467 1*487*655 72 72 72 72 72 9*928 11*134 5*222 6*396 8*r/9 1*4*744 171*195 179*333 183*906 192*031 1*516*005 1*541*406 1*627*516 1*741*328 1*868*163 72 72 72 72 72 10*354 202*340 1*992*013 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1*000 980 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 100 200 875 250 DELAWARE State commercial banks and mutual savings banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Delaware, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for all commercial banks, in Table la; for national banks, in Table 2; for State commercial banks, in Table 3; and for mutual savings banks, in Table 4.1 A separate balance sheet was not compiled for unincorporated banks in this State because available information appeared to indicate that there were no such banks operating under the banking laws of this State during the period covered by the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks for 1896-1933 and for mutual savings banks for 1896-1946 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods used in compiling the figures. The sources of statistics for State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks obtained from reports of the State banking department. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. The figures for national banks in Delaware were obtained from abstracts and annual reports of the • Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments; a description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks and for mutual savings banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 1 The term "State commercial banks," as used for this State, refers to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks" or "loan and trust companies." 213 214 All-Bank Statistics STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET The accompanying table shows adjustments made in number and balance sheets of banks .as published by the Comptroller. Most of these adj ustments reflect deductions of branches of banks and were Hased on information obtained from publications of the State banking department or from hankers7 directories. Unreported balance-she^t detail of banks added to the series was estimated by assuming the-same relationships to totals as shown in the data for reporting banks of a. similar type in the same or nearby years. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1921. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Real estate loans* Real estate loans for State banks in 1899 were estimated by applying to their total loans the average of the ratios of real estate to total loans computed 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. The same procedure was used for mutual savings banks. CHANGES IN NUMBER OF BANKS AND BALANCE SHEETS Year or period Additions Deductions Number of banks and corresponding balance sheets 1896 1900 1902 1905-1907 1913 1915 l l U l l 2 N *4 »6 Number of banks only 1896 1898 1899 1900 1 3 2 1 1901 1902 1903-1906 1908-1909 1910 2 1 2 2 6 1911 1912 1914 1916-1917 1918 5 6 6 6 2 1919 1920 1921-1924 1925-1926 1927.. 4 6 14 11 12 1928 1929 1930-1931 1932 13 3 13 9 1 Differences between balance-sheet figures published by the Comptroller and those in the revised series do not represent solely the balance sheets of banks that were added, because other adjustments were made in reported figures. 2 Revisions in balance sheets for these years were slight. from reported figures for the years 1898 and 1900. Such loans at both State banks and loan and trust companies were estimated for 1904 and 1905, 1907 and 1908, and 1910 by applying to total loans in these years the average of the ratios of real estate to total loans computed from reported data for 1903 and 1906, 1906 and 1909, and 1909 and 1911, respectively. Data for 1915 and 1917-1920 were Delaware derived from reports of the State banking department. Collateral loans. For State banks these loans were estimated for 1899 by applying to total loans the average of the ratios of collateral loans to total loans computed from reported data for 1897, 1898, and 1900.3 The same method was used for estimating collateral loans for loan and trust companies for the period 1903-1908, except that the average ratio was computed from reported data for 1901, 1902, and 1909. Such loans were estimated for State banks for the period 19021908 by applying to total loans, ratios derived by interpolating between ratios based on reported data for 1901 and 1909. Estimates of collateral loans at all State commercial banks for 1910 were derived by applying to total loans the average of the ratios of this item to total loans based on reported figures for 1909 and 1911; and for 1915-1920 by applying to total loans, ratios derived by interpolating between ratios based on reported data for 1914 and 1921. INVESTMENTS A complete classification of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1921, but holdings of United States Government securities were reported for the entire period. For the years in which the breakdown between State and political subdivision securities and "other" investments was not reported, figures were estimated. Estimates of State and political subdivision securities at loan and trust companies for 1902-1908 were obtained by applying to total investments in each year the average ratio of this item to the total as computed from reported figures for 1900, 1901, and 1909. An estimate for 1910 was made in the same manner, using reported data for 1909 and 1911, 8 Data for several years were used in obtaining the average, because the year 1898 did not appear to be typical. This procedure was followed elsewhere in similar circumstances. 215 An estimate of State and political subdivision securities at State banks for 1899 was obtained by applying to total investments the average ratio of this item to the total as computed from reported figures in 1898 and 1900. An estimate for 1910 was made in the same manner, using reported data for 1909 and 1911. For 1903-1908 State and political subdivision securities were estimated by applying to total investments, ratios of this item to total investments that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1902 and 1909. For 1912-1920 State and political subdivision securities were estimated for both State banks and loan and trust companies by applying to total investments in each year ratios of this item to total investments that were derived by interpolating between ratios based on reported data for 1911 and 1921. This item made up a very small proportion (about 5 to 10 per cent) of the total throughout this period. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was adequate, after minor revisions, in the reports of the Comptroller beginning with 1911, although reported figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.4 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. In years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Demand and time deposits* Time deposits at State banks were so small in 1909, when they were first reported separately, that all deposits other than interbank reported 4 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. 216 All-Bank Statistics for prior years were assumed to be demand deposits. Estimates of time deposits at loan and trust companies for 1896-1908 were made by applying to total deposits other than interbank, ratios of time deposits to this total that were extrapolated from a straight-line trend fitted roughly to ratios computed from reported data for 1909 and 1911-1916 for the same class of bank. Time deposits at both State banks and loan and trust companies in 1910 were estimated by applying to total deposits less interbank in that year the average of the ratios of time deposits to this total computed from reported figures for 1909 and 1911. United States Government deposits. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1930 represent holdings of these deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The 1918 figure was estimated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Delaware to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1946 The principal assets and 0 liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks derived from abstracts of the State banking department. The breakdowns of some of the principal asset and liability items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks for every year of the 19341946 period in the abstracts of the State bank- ing department. The breakdowns of loans and of cash assets for the years 1934-1946 were made on the basis of the percentage distribution of these totals for insured nonmember commercial banks in corresponding years. Reports of individual noninsured banks received by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for 1942-1946 indicated that their entire holdings of securities other than United States Government obligations consisted of "other" securities; holdings for 1934-1941 were classified accordingly. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, 1896-1946 In 1896 the assets and liabilities of one bank were not included in data published by the Comptroller of the Currency, although it was included in the number of banks. The balance sheet for this institution was obtained from the bankers' directory. In 1898 and 1902, figures for one bank were added to both number and the aggregate balance sheet on the basis of data obtained from the bankers' directories. For these reasons, as well as because the data were not consistently reported during the entire period, it was necessary to revise the figures for principal assets (total loans, total investments, and total cash assets) in some years before 1909. Revised figures were derived by applying to total assets the ratio of each principal item to total assets computed from reported data as follows: for 1896, ratios for 1897; for 1898, average ratios for 1897 and 1899; for 1902-1905, averages for 1901 and 1906; and for 1907 'and 1908, averages for 1906 and 1909. LOANS The breakdowns of loans for the years for which the individual items were not reported at all, or were reported unsatisfactorily, were derived as described in the next paragraph. Delaware Real estate loans and collateral loans were estimated on the basis of the ratios of each type of loan to total loans computed from reported data as follows: for 1896, ratios for 1897; for 1898 and 1899, average ratios for 1897 and 1900; for 1902-1905, averages for 1901 and 1906; for 1907 and 1908, averages for 1906 and 1909; and for 1910, averages for 1909 and 1911. The breakdown for 1920 was derived on the basis of the ratio of each item to total loans computed from the December call data in the State banking department report. No loans were placed in the "other" category in any of these years because reported data showed no such loans for later years. INVESTMENTS A complete breakdown of investments into United States Government, State ,and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported regularly until 1921. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. For the period 1896-1908 the entire amount of investments (as reported, or as 217 estimated in the manner described earlier) was classified as "other" securities, inasmuch as reports for-, later years indicated that holdings of United States Government and State and political subdivision securities were relatively small. For 1910 an estimate of State and political subdivision securities was made by applying to total investments the average ratio of this item to total investments computed from reported figures for 1909 and 1911. For the 1915-1920 period this item was estimated by applying to total investments less United States Government obligations, ratios of this item to this total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported figures for 1914 and 1921. The figure of United States Government securities for 1917 was taken from the report of the State banking department. DEPOSITS As in the Comptroller's reports, total reported or estimated deposits were classified as time deposits, except for small amounts in 1936 and 1937. 218 Delaware All Bank*—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate Collateral All other Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 11,373 11.709 11*684 11*799 3*426 3*555 3.847 3.739 1*717 1*654 1*852 1*745 6,230 6,500 5.985 6.315 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 12,295 12*275 13*099 13*628 13*657 3*314 2>971 3*235 3*439 3*571 1.996 2*684 3*296 3*120 3*040 6.985 6*620 6*568 7,069 7.046 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 48*283 45*124 46*668 51,382 59.621 10,587 9.681 11*759 13,423 15,949 17*266 16,412 16*770 17,583 22.387 20*430 19*031 18,139 20*376 21*285 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 14*159 16*662 15,946 16*166 18.261 3.771 3.835 4.033 4,058 4.910 3»060 4.305 4.305 3*872 4*532 7.328 8,522 7*608 8,236 8*819 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 63*810 69,453 78.429 92*609 119,324 17,744 20*033 21*648 25,640 28,245 25.045 26,251 33*545 42*425 65,647 21*021 23*169 23*236 24 t 544 25,432 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 20*753 21.126 22*452 23.552 24*207 5*276 5*280 6.525 6.554 6.867 5.019 4,707 5*765 4*049 4.201 10,458 11*139 10,162 12.949 13.139 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 114,574 102*423 86*915 77,243 77,364 28*846 29.898 30*408 28*928 29*062 57,920 48*227 35*810 30.559 29*379 27*808 24,298 20,697 17*756 18*903 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 26*320 28*883 33.285 35.669 40*619 7*018 6*904 9*456 9*274 9.651 5,341 6,376 8*304 10*649 13*221 13.961 15,603 15,525 15*946 17.747 1935 1936 1937 1938 73,805 72,186 78,768 76*277 27.736 27.408 27.981 29*220 26*088 24*309 26*838 26,331 19*981 20*469 23.949 20*726 Loans1 Year Total 1939 Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land 16,372 On residential property Other Other loans to individuals 23*860 All other 18*791 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 79*566 84*333 83*448 64,992 65,125 17.154 25*364 25*293 12*210 13*772 3*436 2*710 3.567 3,801 3,581 7.622 5*182 3*606 3*243 2.937 3,640 3,646 3,856 2*953 2,989 23*525 24,145 23*839 23*316 22*750 5*565 6»QOS 6,029 5,191 5*168 12*769 1 1 ,874 16,622 17,279 17,256 1,509 2,054 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 63,971 81*676 113*585 137,227 150.612 13.266 20.726 41*085 49.098 50*149 4,364 2,873 753 2*275 3*174 3*695 4*648 3*393 3*401 3*057 3.353 4*873 6*409 6*556 20,322 25*401 34*059 44,712 50*351 5,205 7*363 7,233 8*192 10,397 12*521 16*269 19*606 23,635 26*743 2,062 1,996 1*326 1,334 1*341 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 172.235 207,871 227*788 251*518 265,308 53*852 67*217 78.152 85,087 80*233 2*275 2*675 2*675 2*855 3,178 3*620 2*563 2.294 2*056 1*782 6»967 8*026 8*458 8*961 8*815 56,732 76.629 78*616 84*257 91*963 13*175 10*276 11*199 13*350 13*941 34,695 39*671 45,362 53.760 64,414 1*443 1*556 1*617 2*084 2*369 1955 301,909 89.397 3*680 3*771 8*983 100,747 15*776 79,317 ^•334 750 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Delaware 219 Table 1— AH Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Gash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1696 1897 1896 1899 4*045 4.227 5.164 6*260 1*055 1*060 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 7,053 9*155 10*022 10*822 12*358 1*024 1*037 1»067 1.354 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 13*866 14*944 15.754 16*601 16t024 1*063 1*544 1*518 1.562 1.575 1,226 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 16.119 17,158 17,804 17,401 18,266 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankersbalances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 2.671 2*800 3*627 4,508 2*267 2.861 3,031 3*304 119 1*050 319 367 598 702 126 126 780 892 710 692 1*368 1*851 2.193 2.486 1*294 1*463 1*591 1*605 18,979 20.260 21,470 22.968 942 951 978 430 601 614 5*681 7*603 8*430 8>731 9,967 2.923 3*240 2*982 3*619 3.963 83 181 173 316 253 720 814 775 860 842 2*120 2,245 2.034 2*443 2.868 1.525 1,574 1.479 1.553 1,542 23.796 26*244 27*582 29*622 31*520 849 901 827 900 11*579 12.551 13.335 14*212 13*549 4*131 3*684 4,371 4*288 4.554 160 118 138 175 132 901 995 1*254 1*124 1.237 3.070 2*571 2*979 2,989 3.185 1.607 1*531 2,188 2,395 1,652 33.765 36*821 38.259 39.450 40.491 1*583 1*591 1*656 1*521 1*503 1,051 1,231 1.336 1,497 1.663 13.485 14,336 14,812 14,383 15,100 5,252 5*590 5,494 5.467 6.280 184 227 240 130 215 1.427 .441 »498 ,601 >506 3,641 3,922 3*756 3*756 4,559 1.717 1.915 1,917 1*921 2,134 43,841 45,789 47,667 48.361 50,887 18*862 24*262 28,364 33,621 41*492 1*438 1*412 1.87.4 6.365 12*860 1,832 2,412 2,823 3,131 3.717 15,612 20,438 23,687 24,125 24*915 7*304 10,247 10*953 13*844 13.144 317 485 455 571 652 ,548 »930 2*325 2*134 2*322 5.439 7.832 8,173 11.139 10.170 2,162 2,085 2.094 2.509 2*468 54,668 65,477 74.716 85*843 97.723 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 40*253 40*999 40*437 43.645 44,848 9*525 10*017 8*280 8*771 7*895 3*818 4*036 4,372 5*239 5.554 26*910 26,946 27.765 29*635 31*399 14,879 9,342 10,444 10*162 13*487 744 1*048 1,392 1*383 1*606 2*480 ,522 .437 ,343 .761 11*655 6,772 7.615 7.436 10.120 3*125 4.826 4.558 5,175 5,507 106,540 100,291 102*107 110,364 123,463 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 49,425 49*509 53,228 51*430 48*527 6.991 6.554 5.699 5*904 6*320 6*332 6*798 7*023 6.833 6*556 35.102 36*157 40*506 38*693 35.651 11*617 11*769 12*935 12,309 15*237 1*608 1.483 1*823 1*495 2*093 .732 .906 .907 .445 *542 8.277 8.380 9*205 9,369 11.602 6*329 6*469 6*638 7,890 6*667 130,181 137*200 151.230 164*238 189*755 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 51,763 63*394 67,984 76*531 66*802 5*766 12*153 16*927 25.102 18,484 6*462 6*925 7,034 7.421 6*911 39*515 44*316 44,023 44,008 43,407 16,792 24,078 19*741 19,171 24,566 2*236 1*815 1*585 1.555 1.376 1.875 1.974 2.032 1,758 1.689 12*681 20*289 16*124 15*656 21*503 6*503 6,631 7*050 7.600 7,740 189*632 196*726 181,690 180,545 178,474 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 74.901 91,664 103*380 99,077 107,203 19,568 28,640 39,122 35,249 43,832 8,767 13*760 15,289 14,507 12.871 46,546 49*064 48.969 49.321 50.500 34*437 36,337 50.731 57.720 68,247 2.105 3*007 6,115 7,590 5.751 2,038 2.552 3.296 3.219 2.617 30.294 32.778 41,320 46*911 59,879 6*067 7.310 7.021 6.578 6.897 191.210 209,497 239*900 239*652 260*663 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 113*141 129,652 160*720 261.329 326,347 51,368 63,842 91,241 198,542 260*127 12.508 13,507 15,569 14.424 12*953 49*265 52.503 53.910 48*363 53.267 91,154 103*795 80*782 81*256 83,665 2*928 10,598 8.842 11.898 9.653 3,105 3.863 4.721 5.106 5.496 85*121 89.334 67,219 64.252 68,516 6,617 6*318 5.949 5.701 5.087 290*476 324*298 330*899 413*278 480,224 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 379,695 386,280 337,821 314*145 302*480 305,069 297.803 249.717 220.338 207,349 12*089 13*121 14*066 18,348 16,467 62.537 75.356 74*038 75.459 76*644 83,627 94,864 101*156 102*171 97*872 7*244 11*253 19.781 11,406 12*074 6.019 5*824 7*068 7.841 7*399 70.364 "* 77,787 74,309 82,924 78,399 5.053 5.144 5.123 5.265 5*865 532,346 567,964 557,687 558,608 557,029 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 375,944 344,237 311*208 302*646 314,744 273,359 245,247 209*099 200*424 209.303 24,528 22*553 27.744 26*396 28*267 78.057 76.437 74.365 73,826 77.174 96*302 100*726 103,559 92,897 107,516 13*375 16*876 25*590 23.351 14.331 6*385 7,173 9,846 10*122 11*061 76.542 76*679 68,123 59*424 82,124 6,700 6,630 8,079 9,381 9,676 651,181 659,466 650*634 656*442 697,246 101,674 14,297 11.604 75*973 9.806 939 lie 220 Delaware All Banks- -Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1696 1897 1898 1899 11.696 12,933 14,097 15.620 402 410 516 352 50 52 51 50 8*853 10*129 4*398 4*675 5*089 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 16.152 18*263 19.081 20*493 21.699 615 584 466 849 904 47 47 50 50 50 9*865 11*508 11.369 12,259 12.716 5*605 6,144 7.196 7,335 8*029 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 23,472 25*513 26*572 27,368 27,930 795 758 903 1,047 971 51 50 100 97 57 14.041 15*203 15*361 15*883 15.819 8.585 9*502 10*208 10*341 11*063 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 31,113 32,185 33,717 34,723 36,741 1,077 1*356 1*472 ItllO 1.267 51 53 63 102 111 17,189 16*936 17,628 17,566 19*027 12*796 13*840 14*554 15*945 16>336 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 40*497 50,962 59,391 68,364 78,758 1,344 1,663 1,680 1*636 2*455 85 68 75 1*804 1*520 20*581 28,897 32,860 37,881 43.762 18.487 20*334 24.776 27.043 31.021 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 85,334 76,623 80,876 86,441 98,627 2.155 1,226 1*280 1,381 4.729 301 540 573 1*082 714 46.969 37.167 40,079 41,675 46*208 • 35.905 37*690 30.944 42.303 47,176 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 102,347 107,647 117,569 126*087 140,950 4.873 1*338 1.554 1*603 2.598 520 669 75 97 65 46*873 52*006 58,979 63*097 75.359 50.081 53.634 56*961 61*290 62*928 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 140,036 147,112 129.911 132*264 131.771 2.776 2*916 2.942 2.316 1.779 269 569 842 4*702 2.706 73,875 79.025 63*132 62*921 62*135 63*116 64*602 62*995 62*325 65*151 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 146*574 164.871 193,832 192,777 212.655 1.769 1.630 1.707 1.903 1.795 1*514 1*235 1,193 647 76.077 91*823 115*621 111*889 129.267 67*214 70*183 75*311 78*260 80*946 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 241*619 274,332 279.823 361.902 426.008 2.955 3.611 3*330 3*918 3.896 696 662 1.025 34,261 66.614 153*245 183,937 190,670 232,766 252,356 84*723 86*122 84*798 90*957 103*142 1945 1946 1947 41948 1949 475.968 507.867 495.332 494.285 489*508 3,349 3,323 3,260 4,813 4,801 73,568 51*605 9,435 26,573 16,096 273*084 307,396 331,582 310*501 314*814 125*967 145*543 151*055 152*398 153*797 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 580,306 585,267 573,334 576,356 614,095 3,882 4.446 4*900 4.601 5.076 56*940 46,132 26,927 16,266 28*610 339,842 354.562 352*751 360*237 372,363 179*642 180*127 188,756 195*252 208*046 1955 677*427 725 7*039 8*073 421.738 4,205 Delaware 221 Table 1— All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings N ^ notes Capital iSes Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 23 5 703 699 708 764 119 145 143 38 3.814 3.764 3,664 3,684 2,647 2,696 2,853 2.862 18.979 20.260 21.470 22.968 23 23 23 25 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 18 16 27 97 836 866 895 927 952 19 164 381 499 147 3,684 3.709 3.714 3*764 4,307 3,105 3,204 3,495 3.912 4.318 23.796 26*244 27.582 29,622 31,520 25 26 27 30 33 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 29 28 50 134 248 977 1.451 1*392 1*454 1,518 57 16 45 103 44 4*562 4,582 4,582 4,496 4*561 4*668 5,231 5,618 5*895 6,190 33,765 36,821 38,259 39,450 40.491 36 37 37 39 41 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 52 287 205 255 453 1*525 1*545 1,595 1*397 1*365 113 101 93 60 137 4.629 4.731 4.768 4,843 4,904 6*409 6.940 7,289 7,083 7,287 43,841 45.789 47.667 48*361 50*887 43 45 44 44 43 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 326 384 593 1.519 2.745 1,324 1,335 1.238 1,142 1.095 126 66 47 932 614 4,943 5.016 5.276 5,476 5.537 7,452 7,714 8,171 8,410 3*974 54.668 65.477 74.716 85.843 97.723 43 44 43 41 41 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 3*965 3.994 1.305 1.018 561 1.090 1*071 1,090 1*123 1,133 898 1.399 1*219 2,264 1*398 5*661 7,086 7,104 8,367 8,649 9,592 10,116 10.513 11*151 12,395 106*540 100.291 102.107 110*364 123,463 41 41 43 45 47 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1*168 1.281 1.279 4*346 4,036 1.124 1*129 1,142 1*054 1.008 1.693 2,240 3,304 3,169 11.928 9,323 9,842 10,507 10.672 10.800 14.526 15,061 17,429 18,910 21.033 130*181 137,200 151,230 164*238 189.755 47 48 47 48 48 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2.095 1.095 2*406 843 344 899 905 928 1*127 1,203 2*474 3,167 1,679 5,906 976 13.112 13.156 13.746 13,569 13*244 31.016 31,291 33,020 26,336 30,936 189.632 196.726 181.690 180.545 178,474 48 48 50 47 49 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 277 135 114 172 670 868 12,822 12,076 12,079 12*082 11,956 29,999 31,806 33*156 33*927 35,267 191,210 209.497 239.900 239*652 260*663 49 48 48 48 46 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 20 690 1,058 1.414 11,737 11,730 11,707 11,504 1 1 , 560 36,283 37,359 38*498 38*814 40,552 290.478 324.298 330,899 413.278 480,224 46 45 44 43 43 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 250 440 350 415 365 1,539 2.030 2*291 2.200 2.618 11.655 11.812 11*849 12,187 12,229 42.934 45,815 47,865 49,721 52,309 532.346 567.964 557,687 558.808 557.029 42 42 41 41 41 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 210 150 3,331 3,971 4.994 5*052 5*400 12.254 12.229 12,144 13,109 13,140 55,080 57,999 59,912 61*925 64.461 651,181 659,466 650,634 656,442 697,246 40 40 37 37 36 1955 125 5.354 14,886 66,308 764,100 33 250 609 719 694 785 819 877 871 222 Delaware All Commercial Banks—Table la ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1699 8*352 8*562 3*571 8*691 499 506 865 762 1*623 1*556 1*721 1*614 6*230 6*500 5*985 6*315 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 9.374 9*557 10*376 10*807 10*616 547 364 697 810 737 1*842 2*573 3*111 2*928 2*633 6.985 6*620 6*568 7.069 7,046 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 41*716 36.513 39*841 43*905 51.575 5*131 4*059 5*832 6*743 8*427 16.155 15*423 15,870 16*786 21*663 20.430 19.031 16*139 20.376 21.285 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 10.951 13.718 12*823 12*988 14.987 781 1.171 1.125 1,099 1.777 2 » 642 4*025 4*090 3*653 4.391 7.328 8.522 7.608 8*236 8.819 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 54*950 59*645 67*640 60*962 105*642 9.434 10,701 11,456 14,413 16,052 24,495 25.775 32*946 42.005 64*358 21*021 23*169 23*236 24.544 25.432 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 16*983 17*080 17.991 18.622 18.959 1*691 1.452 2*219 1.841 1.793 4*834 4*489 5*610 3*832 4.027 10*458 11*139 10*162 12.949 13.139 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 100*680 88*243 72.607 63.602 64*444 15,956 16.080 16.621 15*567 16,407 56.916 47,865 35*289 30.279 29.134 27*808 24,298 20*697 17.756 18*903 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 20.969 23*352 27.660 29.972 34*962 1.859 1.509 3.962 4.029 4.708 5*149 6*240 8.173 9*997 12.507 13*961 15*603 15*525 15*946 17.747 1935 1936 1937 1938 61.724 60.107 66*524 63*301 15*823 15,472 15,868 16,377 25,920 24*166 26.707 26.196 19*981 20*469 23.949 20.726 Loans' Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate Other to On others farm land residential property Other All other individuals 65*297 16*372 8,239 3*149 11*199 3*433 18,757 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 66,703 71,256 70.204 52.726 53*531 17,154 25,364 25*293 12*210 13,772 3.408 2*660 3*537 3,771 3,561 7,622 5,182 3*606 3*243 2*937 3*414 3*444 3*662 2,769 2,969 10,979 11,356 10,885 11.326 11.245 5.540 5.979 6*003 5,167 5*145 12,769 11.874 18.566 17,251 17,216 1,471 1.968 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 53,449 72*034 102*118 123*186 135*205 13*266 20*726 41*085 49,098 50*149 4*364 2.873 753 750 2*275 3,174 3,695 4,648 3,393 3*401 2*851 3*353 4,636 6*061 6.171 10,055 15,804 22,865 31,099 35,239 5*184 7*344 7.233 8*154 10.325 12.521 16,269 19,608 23*635 26,743 2*034 1,970 »290 .292 .305 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 155*456 189.298 208*240 230,460 242*710 53,652 67*217 78,152 85*055 80,199 2*275 2*675 2*675 2*655 3*178 3*620 2*563 2*294 2,056 1*762 6,608 7,699 8*027 8*498 8.204 40,477 58,648 59,740 63*924 70,204 13,053 10,042 10.986 13.131 13,763 34*695 39.671 45*336 53*749 64.398 .402 .527 *617 2*084 2.369 1955 277,054 89.361 3*660 3,771 8,146 76*916 15.656 79*281 2,334 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Delaware 223 Table la—All Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 2*922 3.056 3,835 4*746 1.055 1.060 939 1.050 319 367 598 702 1 » 548 1*629 2,298 2,994 2.195 2*787 2*957 3*227 119 118 128 126 777 889 707 689 1*299 1*780 2,122 2.412 961 1,136 1*165 1,057 14.450 15,541 16*528 17.721 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 4,672 6*255 5,927 6.579 7.784 942 951 978 1*024 1*037 430 601 614 1.067 1.354 3,300 4,703 4*335 4*488 5.393 2*816 3.151 2*879 3.513 3,648 83 181 173 316 253 717 811 772 857 839 2*016 2,159 1*934 2*340 2,756 1.128 973 1*061 1.119 1,075 17.990 19.936 20*243 22*018 23.323 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 9,044 8,747 9,256 9.990 9.283 ,063 .544 .518 .562 ,575 1.226 849 901 827 684 6*755 6*354 6*839 7.601 7.024 4,010 3,549 4.161 4.074 4.247 160 116 138 175 132 898 992 1*251 1*121 1*235 2,952 2,439 2.772 2.778 2.880 1,114 1,348 2,006 2,211 1,489 25*119 27*362 28.250 29,263 30*006 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 9*251 9,934 10*356 9,706 10*302 1*583 1.591 1*656 1*521 1*503 708 743 705 718 699 6*960 7*600 7.995 7,467 6,100 4.910 5.340 5*173 5*068 5*784 184 227 240 130 215 1*425 1*440 1,496 1,600 1,501 3*301 3*673 3.437 3,338 4,Q68 1.555 1*627 1,765 1*766 1.964 32*699 33.981 35.285 35.162 37.029 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 10,748 15*106 16*106 22.943 28*118 1*438 1,412 1.849 5*825 10.759 694 965 1*008 1*144 1.293 8*616 12.729 15,249 15.974 16.066 6.828 9,712 10,226 13*154 12,489 317 485 455 569 649 1,542 1*923 2*311 2,126 2,311 4*969 7.304 7.462 10*459 9*529 2.013 1*944 1.954 2*369 2.328 40,558 50,114 57,948 68*438 77*897 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 26*865 27.544 27.108 29.688 30.344 7.446 7*938 6*461 7.528 6.771 1.183 1.174 1,362 1*896 2*154 18*236 18.432 19.285 20.262 21.419 14*116 6.555 9.892 9.495 12(734 742 1*015 1*386 1,360 1*602 2,466 1,500 1,422 1,328 1,741 10*908 6.040 7*084 6,787 9*391 2.504 3.705 3.372 4.115 4*508 85,201 78,317 80,213 87,203 99,161 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 33*819 34*716 36*269 35.967 34.306 5.913 5.521 5.055 5.366 5.858 2,972 3,349 3.794 4.225 4*259 24.934 25*846 29.420 26*376 24*189 10*775 11,022 12.170 11.519 14,369 1.600 1,476 1.610 1.490 2.093 1,710 1*883 1.879 1*412 1*502 7.465 7.661 8*481 8.617 10.774 5.386 5.551 5.780 7.084 5.915 104*930 110*934 123,859 135,532 160,432 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 36*924 47.261 51*457 59*414 49.762 5,304 11.691 15.710 23*683 16.689 4.280 4.859 5*066 5,419 4,943 27.340 30*711 30*661 30.312 28*130 15.881 23*022 18*277 17,696 23*227 2*232 1*808 1*580 1*550 1.371 1.645 1*945 2.000 1.727 1*664 11.804 19*269 14.697 14*419 20.192 5.001 5.932 6*148 6.514 6.550 159.286 164.458 148.489 147*226 143,983 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 53*645 68*305 76.396 71.140 76.955 17.667 26.850 36.985 33*111 41*654 7,018 11,934 13.077 12.347 10.891 28,960 29.521 26,334 25,682 24,410 33,044 36*596 49,424 56*222 66,676 2.097 2*999 6*107 7.582 5*743 2*011 2*525 3*265 3.187 2*577 28*936 31*072 40*052 45*453 58*356 6.631 6*067 5*839 5.427 5*826 155*044 171*075 198.183 196.090 214.754 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 80*730 94.691 122.616 218,041 274,242 49.133 61.595 86*578 186*249 244.018 10,725 11,825 14.020 13.064 11.656 20,872 21.271 22,020 18,708 18,568 86*662 100*532 78,370 77,522 79,765 2,916 10,578 8,828 11,876 9,630 3.070 3.833 4.685 5.055 5.419 82*676 86*121 64*857 60*591 64*716 5*559 5*285 4*962 4*755 4*337 241.654 271*764 276*154 353.044 411.875 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 314,337 311,276 259,497 234.708 221*831 285.399 276.805 228.757 199.856 187*312 10.907 11.994 13.001 17.335 17.561 18,031 22,477 17*739 17,517 16,958 80*867 91,648 97,513 98,706 94*156 7,224 11,230 19,756 11,383 12,049 5*937 5.746 7.005 7,760 7,302 67,706 74,672 70*752 79.565 74.805 4*336 4*439 4*444 4*569 5*186 452*989 479*397 463.572 461.171 456.378 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 293,552 262.716 226*034 210*639 216*460 253.456 225.699 189.901 161*226 190*415 23.778 21.850 22,254 17,401 13*040 16,318 15,167 13,879 12,212 13.005 92,732 96,971 99,614 89,238 103,409 13,225 16,730 25.436 22,943 14,173 6,304 7,088 9,713 9,989 10*911 73.203 73,153 64,463 56*306 78,325 6*029 5*960 7*500 8*794 9*063 547*771 554.945 541*388 539*331 571.642 221,269 14.045 11,721 97.721 14.170 11.466 72*085 631*022 224 Delaware All Commercial Banks—Table la ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total 1896 Interbank U.S. Government 50 Other Other time 1897 1898 1899 7,823 8,903 9.855 11,107 402 410 516 352 52 51 50 7.039 8,073 8*853 10*129 332 368 433 576 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 11,125 12,771 12,552 13,907 14.564 615 584 466 849 904 47 47 50 50 50 9*685 11,508 11,369 12,259 12,716 578 632 667 749 894 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 15*920 17,188 17,753 18,538 18*790 795 758 903 971 51 50 100 97 57 14,041 15*203 15,361 15*883 15*819 1*033 1.177 1*389 1.511 1*943 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 21,482 21*912 22,917 23*198 24*687 1*077 1*356 1*472 1*110 1,267 51 53 63 102 111 17*189 16,936 17,628 17*566 19.027 3*165 3.567 3.754 4,420 4*282 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 28,236 37,599 44,745 53,220 61.336 1,344 1.663 1.680 1.636 2.455 85 68 75 1,804 1,520 20,581 28,897 32,860 37,881 43,762 6*226 6*971 10*130 11.899 13,599 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 66*596 57,385 61,845 66,336 77.773 2.155 1.226 1*280 1*381 4,729 301 540 573 1*082 714 46*969 37,167 40.079 41*675 46*208 17,171 18*452 * 19*913 22*196 26*122 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 80,543 85,057 94.165 101.688 116.309 4,873 1,338 1.554 1.603 2,598 520 669 75 97 65 46,873 52,006 58,979 63,097 75.359 28,277 31,044 33,557 36*891 38*287 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 114,601 120*008 102.132 104.447 102.701 2,776 2,916 2*942 2*316 1,779 269 569 842 4,702 2.706 73.875 79,025 63*132 62*921 62*135 37.681 37,496 35.216 34.506 36*081 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 116*154 132*548 158.340 155.806 173.625 1.769 1*630 1,707 1,903 1.795 1.514 1*235 1.193 76*077 91,754 115.551 111*869 129,267 36»794 37*929 39»B89 41,289 41»916 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 200,093 229,557 233*921 311.283 367.876 2.955 3.611 3*330 3,918 3,896 1,025 34.261 66,614 153,245 183,937 190*670 232*766 252*356 43,197 41,347 38*896 40*336 45*010 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 407.593 431, 298 414,072 410*311 403,414 3.349 3.323 3.260 4.813 4.801 73,568 51,605 9,435 26.573 16.096 273,084 307*396 331*582 310.501 314.814 57*592 68,974 69.795 68,42^ 67,703 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 492.530 497.566 481,479 477,205 507.289 3.882 4,446 4,900 4*601 5,076 56,940 46*132 26,927 16,266 28*610 339,842 354,562 352,751 360.237 372.363 91.666 92*426 96,901 <*6 , 1 0 1 101,240 1.047 725 647 696 662 421*738 Delaware 225 Table la—All Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nat onal ba no|* Borrowings r*v,,». lUU*. C ^ Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 23 5 703 699 708 764 118 145 143 38 3*614 3*764 3*664 3*684 1*992 2*007 2*153 2*128 14.450 15.541 16.528 17*721 21 21 21 23 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 18 16 27 97 836 866 895 927 952 19 164 381 384 37 3*684 3*709 3*714 3.764 4.307 2*326 2*408 2*665 3*009 3*366 17*990 19*936 20.243 22.018 23.323 23 24 25 26 31 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 29 28 50 134 248 977 1.451 1*392 X*454 1*518 11 16 42 78 44 4.562 4*582 4*582 4*496 4*561 3*620 4*097 4*431 4*563 4.845 25*119 27*362 28*250 29*263 30*006 34 35 35 37 39 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 52 287 205 25S 453 1*525 1»545 1*595 1*397 1*365 109 101 93 60 137 4*629 4*731 4*768 4*843 4*904 4.902 5.405 5*707 5.409 5*483 32.699 33*981 35*285 35*162 37*029 41 43 42 42 41 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 326 384 593 1»519 2*745 1*324 1*335 1*238 1.142 1*095 126 66 47 932 614 4*943 5*016 5»276 5*476 5*537 5.603 5.714 6*049 6.149 6*570 40*558 50.114 57*948 66*436 77.897 41 42 41 39 39 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 3.965 3.994 1»305 1*018 561 1*090 1*071 1*090 1*123 1*133 898 1.399 1*219 2*264 1*398 5*661 7.086 7*104 8*367 8*649 6.991 7,382 7,650 8.095 9*647 85.201 78*317 80*213 87.203 99,161 39 39 41 43 45 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1*168 1*281 1*279 4*346 4*036 1*124 1*129 1*142 1*054 1.006 1*693 2*240 3*304 3.169 11.921 9.323 9*842 10.507 10.672 10*800 11*079 U.385 13.462 14*603 16.358 104*930 110.934 123,859 135,532 160.432 45 46 45 46 46 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2*095 1*095 2*406 843 344 899 905 928 1*127 1*203 2*471 3*167 1.679 5.906 976 13*112 13*156 13*746 13.569 13.244 26*108 26.127 27*598 21*334 25»515 159.266 164.458 146,469 147.226 143.983 46 46 48 45 47 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 277 135 114 172 670 668 609 719 694 782 12*622 12*076 12.079 12.062 11.956 24.253 25.707 26,931 27.336 28,391 155*044 171,075 196*163 196*090 214,754 47 46 46 46 44 11.737 11.730 11*707 11*504 11.560 26*986 29.602 29.669 29,211 30.349 241.654 271,764 276*154 353*044 411*875 44 43 42 41 41 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 " 20 690 818 875 857 1*046 1*400 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 250 440 350 415 365 1*528 2*013 2*278 2*189 2*603 11.655 11*812 11*849 12.167 12*229 31.963 33.S34 35.023 36.069 37.767 452.989 479,397 463,572 461.171 456.378 40 40 39 39 39 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 210 150 3*309 3*821 4*831 5*045 5*384 12*254 12.229 12*144 13.109 13*140 39*468 41.329 42*684 43.972 45.679 547*771 554,945 541,388 539*331 571,642 38 38 35 35 34 1955 125 5*341 14.886 46.774 631*022 31 250 226 Delaware National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1696 1897 1696 1699 5*287 5*446 5i557 5,656 57 53 61 62 1*159 1*074 1*234 1*262 4*071 4*319 4*262 4*332 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 5»994 6*407 6*596 7*102 7*090 67 95 110 87 80 1*354 1*935 2*226 1*774 1*615 4,573 4,457 4,262 5,241 5*395 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 10,171 9.610 10,018 10.226 10,573 286 302 494 800 787 3*215 2*638 3*080 2*931 2*872 6*670 6*870 6*444 6*495 6,914 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 7*261 8,070 8,457 8*5*6 6*827 80 105 128 103 112 1*624 2*138 2*587 2.090 2*269 5,577 5*827 5*742 6.375 6.446 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 11*093 11*660 12.176 12.561 13*081 1*040 1*198 1*256 1.449 2.320 2,733 2*867 2*931 3*233 3*591 7,320 7,595 7*987 7*879 7*170 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 9*932 9*612 10*019 7*298 7*099 115 91 115 77 93 2*546 2*270 2*378 1.279 1.326 7*271 7,251 7,526 5*942 5*660 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 12*081 11.346 10*196 9.244 6,535 2*560 1.947 1*869 1,784 2*200 3.126 2*994 2*700 2*547 2,209 6*395 6*405 5.627 4*913 4*126 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 7*594 8*412 6*120 7*526 8*375 146 125 204 202 169 1*709 1*923 1.961 2*188 2*472 5.739 6*364 5*955 5*136 5*734 1935 1936 1937 1938 6*155 7.777 7.684 8*084 1,961 2,100 2*247 2*524 2.010 2.069 2*022 2,000 4*184 3*608 3*415 3,560 Loans1 Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real Cestate "r" *U1W! To others On farm land Other loans to individuals On residential property Other All All other 1939 8*266 2*796 70 776 1*134 1.260 503 1*747 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 8*607 9*175 8*841 5*837 6*075 3.245 3,377 3*504 1*967 2*323 80 677 585 445 224 238 1*149 1*123 1,011 855 777 1*428 1.744 1*966 1*603 1.464 593 608 433 366 281 217 61 1*635 1*738 1*482 545 891 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 5.940 7*759 10*514 12*813 13*800 2*045 2*540 4*249 4*530 4*991 531 698 595 926 820 745 960 1*161 1*268 1*361 1*381 1.617 2*679 4*026 4*540 343 607 611 988 1*033 59 86 904 789 815 606 1*021 315 293 273 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 14*312 15*194 12*566 13*538 12*546 4,475 5,291 4.025 3*923 3*784 1,045 338 69 83 12 1,385 1,397 1,273 1*333 1.254 5.118 5.576 5,131 5*892 5*147 1*092 1*091 665 666 435 1,018 1*035 1,191 1*439 1*608 211 509 221 211 316 1955 13*297 3*661 1*325 4,843 1*084 1*712 481 40 40 30 30 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Dekware 227 Table 2— National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities 533 558 Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankersbalances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 I t 496 1*522 Ii637 2*004 945 945 938 1*010 18 19 23 33 676 961 1*610 2*027 2.238 2*097 109 104 115 113 526 568 570 556 975 1*355 1.553 1*428 468 472 508 493 8*861 9*467 9*940 10*250 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1*949 2*611 2*827 3*008 2*902 942 951 978 1*024 1.037 33 55 61 65 62 974 1*605 1*768 1*919 1*803 2*036 2*410 2.069 2*541 2*332 74 167 86 237 166 591 656 617 684 658 1*371 1*587 • 366 »620 *506 505 472 472 468 471 10*464 11*960 11*966 13*139 12*795 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3*313 3*846 3.871 4*142 4*359 1*063 1*544 1*518 1*562 1*572 74 76 78 85 194 2*176 2*226 2.275 2*495 2*593 2.573 2*270 2*051 2*794 2*495 107 83 101 126 70 678 755 774 766 848 • 788 • 432 »176 1*902 1.577 479 507 539 669 680 13*646 14*693 14*916 16*173 16*361 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4*177 4*695 4*878 4*288 4*272 1*583 1*591 1*655 1.520 1*502 167 166 140 203 176 2.427 2*938 3.083 2*565 2*594 2*636 2*491 3*128 2*048 2*459 109 92 118 52 92 924 916 955 739 731 1*603 1*483 2*055 1*257 1*636 735 731 868 698 713 17*480 17,529 16*893 14*332 14.543 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 4*460 5*425 7*226 8*285 9*588 1*398 1*411 1*642 2*823 4*249 199 256 286 271 316 2*863 3*758 5*298 5*191 5*023 2*042 2*568 2*607 3.049 2*974 92 101 110 220 180 608 613 697 612 655 1*342 1*854 1*800 2.217 2*139 732 727 672 677 645 14*626 17*132 16*625 19*537 21*582 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 8*502 7*796 7.332 7*707 7*999 3*284 3*045 2*359 2*579 2*333 335 382 394 387 483 4*883 4*369 4*579 4*741 5.183 2*855 2*616 3*020 2*383 3.517 201 153 377 309 326 682 488 414 322 409 1*972 1*977 2*229 1.752 2*782 660 700 697 737 740 22*186 20*924 21*067 21*053 22*829 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 9*442 9t587 9*454 10.096 9*425 2.373 2.344 2*146 2*125 2*031 775 829 796 741 704 6*294 6*414 6*512 7*230 6*690 2 * 748 2*642 2*957 2*866 2*773 337 277 342 369 339 464 445 499 351 345 1*947 1*920 2*116 2*146 2*089 862 974 1*004 1*043 1*150 24*145 24.863 25*591 26*566 26*429 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 8*574 9.396 9*250 8.853 9.168 2*014 2.168 2.365 2*515 2.809 555 552' 595 700 646 6*005 6*676 6*290 5*638 5*713 2*345 2*490 1*738 2*149 1.907 232 182 244 240 219 302 328 323 297 288 1*811 1.980 1.171 1*612 1*400 1*094 1,174 1*120 1*169 1,259 24*094 24*406 22*304 21*435 20,869 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 8*965 9.529 10.818 9.892 9.113 2*512 1*944 2*767 2.277 2.407 680 897 960 931 792 5.773 6.688 7*091 6*684 5.914 3 . 243 3*892 4.219 4*136 4*578 291 286 315 290 313 349 487 421 423 390 2.603 3*119 3*483 3*423 3*875 1*277 1.236 1.207 1*143 1*093 21*640 22*434 23*928 23*255 23*070 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 7.296 8*189 10*082 14*844 19.044 1*861 3*128 5.279 11.394 16*084 834 1*016 1.217 703 744 4.601 4.045 3.586 2.747 2*216 7*902 7.349 7.811 6*763 6.243 267 553 338 239 565 425 624 740 795 773 7.210 6*172 6.733 5.729 4.905 1*053 947 916 662 592 25*056 25*660 27*650 28*106 31.954 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 24*679 26*252 23*385 21i397 19*680 22*114 22*862 20*365 18.394 16*893 584 478 720 899 954 1*981 2.912 2*300 2*104 1.833 7*910 7.798 8*401 8*627 7*707 311 428 547 459 570 730 778 946 1*104 981 6*869 6,592 6*906 7.064 6*156 540 513 510 504 556 39*069 42.322 42*810 43.341 41,743 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 20*542 23*158 15*805 16*660 14.107 17*464 19*794 12.671 13*102 11*056 1*532 1*825 1*963 2.184 2*110 1*546 1*539 1*171 1*374 941 7*412 9*461 6.810 6*020 5.706 802 1.177 488 339 234 754 881 816 831 855 5*856 7*403 5,506 4*850 4,617 594 686 584 648 580 42*360 48.499 35*785 36,866 32*941 1955 15*858 12*384 2*517 957 6*012 289 784 4,939 576 35*743 228 Delaware National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank Government demand Other time 1896 1897 1896 1899 4,776 5,473 5,923 6*089 339 339 372 352 50 52 51 50 4.286 4,974 5,377 5.558 101 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 6,103 7,520 7,374 8*263 7,628 534 496 385 751 670 47 47 50 50 50 5.376 6.781 6.709 7,201 6,614 146 196 230 261 294 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 8*392 8.797 8*929 9,894 9.895 647 612 625 866 825 51 50 100 97 57 7,330 7,706 7*564 8*153 7,913 364 429 640 778 1,100 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 10.953 10.661 11,817 8,966 9,167 849 986 1,253 604 755 51 53 63 102 111 8*212 7,721 8*332 5,845 6,267 1*841 1,901 2*169 2*415 2»034 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 9,475 11,720 13.214 14.236 15*475 598 728 806 515 458 85 68 75 766 225 6*432 7.742 8.731 8.925 10.819 2,360 3*182 3,602 4,030 3*973 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 15.705 14,190 14,972 14,758 16,715 471 454 305 470 395 98 140 168 92 117 10,435 9*001 9,591 8,488 9,850 4.701 4*595 4*908 5.708 6*353 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 17,650 17,982 18,565 19,503 18,936 370 348 325 355 476 87 72 67 97 65 10*091 9,768 9,574 9,483 8,829 7.102 7*794 8,599 9*568 9*566 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 16,731 17,558 14,907 14,853 14.420 313 326 358 320 293 69 100 137 241 177 7,341 7,567 5,365 5*554 4,940 9.008 9*565 9.047 8.738 9,010 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 15.738 17,231 18,588 17,876 17*665 372 361 265 243 265 128 589 428 245 225 6,097 7,344 8,476 8*286 8,377 9,141 8*937 9,419 9*104 8,798 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 19*703 20.283 22,344 23,726 26,714 709 424 549 347 170 275 273 521 971 1,601 9,920 10*934 13.306 14,067 15,992 8,799 8,652 7,968 8,341 8,951 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 34,365 37,130 37,354 37,639 36,013 436 298 315 330 295 2*348 1.805 346 455 281 20*907 22.763 23.526 23.685 22.445 10,674 12*264 13,165 13,169 12.992 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 37,030 43,548 30*904 31,855 28*599 439 641 10 12 17 547 637 421 264 330 22.841 28.253 18,378 18,714 15,916 13,203 13,017 12,095 12*865 12,336 108 123 129 Delaware 229 Table 2— National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Year National bank notes Borrowings 1896 ->.. ^ 23 5 Surplus and other capita! accounts .. . <=•*" r 703 1897 1898 1899 Amounts in thousands of dollars] Total liabilities and capital accounts Number Number ^ 699 708 764 1 1 21 2.134 2.084 2,084 2.134 1*248 1*187 1.219 1.242 8*861 9*467 9,940 10.250 18 18 18 19 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 18 16 27 97 836 866 895 927 952 2 1 1 8 3 2.134 2.159 2*154 2.199 2,262 1.409 1*416 1,526 1,715 1,853 10,484 11*960 11*966 13,139 12,795 19 20 21 23 24 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 29 28 50 134 99 977 1,451 1*392 1*454 1.518 1 2 2 2 2 2,274 2,274 2,274 2,349 2,349 1,973 2,141 2.271 2.340 2*498 13,646 14,693 14.918 16.173 16,361 24 24 24 27 27 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 48 208 150 143 209 1,525 1,545 1.595 1.397 1,365 2.374 2.374 2.424 1,724 1,689 2.580 2.741 2.907 2,100 2*113 17.480 17,529 18,893 14,332 14.543 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 209 207 252 373 1,055 1.324 1,335 1,238 1,142 1,095 29 5 7 112 219 1.639 1*664 1*589 1,459 1*429 2.152 2.201 2.325 2,215 2*309 14*828 17.132 18.625 19,537 21*582 24 24 22 20 19 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1.337 1.322 640 690 368 1»090 1.071 1,090 1.123 1.133 137 41 26 33 24 1,515 1*660 1*660 1,710 1,710 2*404 2,640 2,679 2.739 2,879 22*188 20*924 21,067 21.053 22,829 19 18 18 18 18 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 548 723 703 751 1.117 1.124 1.129 1,142 1.054 1.008 53 38 32 84 28 1,735 1,759 1,759 1,684 1,629 3,035 3*232 3,390 3,490 3,711 24.145 24,863 25,591 26,566 26,429 18 19 19 18 17 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 773 317 1,074 508 154 899 905 928 1,127 1,203 25 20 42 25 43 1,648 1,648 1*648 1.623 1,833 4,016 3,958 3,705 3.299 3*216 24,094 24,406 22,304 2i»435 20*869 16 16 16 15 16 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 136 15 20 75 670 27 43 37 36 37 1,928 1,918 1,891 1*899 1,872 3,141 3,227 3,392 3,367 3,496 21*640 22*434 23*928 23,255 23,070 16 16 16 16 15 690 42 52 52 36 47 1*751 1*755 1,682 1,478 1,479 3,562 3,570 3*572 2.866 3,024 25*058 25,660 27,650 28,106 31,954 15 15 14 13 13 150 50 33 37 37 45 35 1,479 1.619 1,669 1.669 1.710 3.192 3.536 3.750 3.838 3,935 39,069 42.322 42.810 43.341 41,743 13 13 13 13 13 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 100 39 41 26 28 30 1.710 1,710 1,260 1.260 1*010 4,081 4.200 3.595 3,723 3*202 42,860 48.499 35.765 36.866 32*941 13 13 11 11 10 1955 100 29 975 3,213 35,743 9 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2 - 28 28 28 26 25 230 Delaware State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] LOJins Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 3*065 3*116 3*014 3*035 442 453 804 700 464 482 487 352 2*159 2*181 1.723 1*983 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3*380 3*070 3.778 3*705 3»526 480 269 587 723 657 488 638 685 1*154 1*218 2*412 2.163 2.306 1*826 1*651 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 31*545 28.703 29*823 33.679 41.002 4,845 3,757 5,336 5,943 7,640 12,940 12,785 12*790 13*855 18*991 13,760 12*161 11*695 13*861 14,371 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3.670 5*648 4*366 4*420 6*160 701 1*066 997 996 1.665 1*218 1*887 1*503 1.563 2*122 1.751 2*695 1.866 1.861 2*373 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 43.857 47,985 55,464 68,401 92,761 6,394 9,503 10,198 12,964 13,732 21*762 22,908 30,017 38.772 60.767 13*701 15,574 15.249 16*665 18*262 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 7*051 ,7*468 7.972 11*324 11*860 1*576 1*361 2 • 104 1*764 1*700 2*288 2*219 3*232 2»553 2»701 3,187 3*888 2*636 7,007 7,459 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 88,599 76*897 62*411 54*358 55*909 13,396 14*133 14.752 13.783 14,207 53.790 44.871 32.589 27.732 26*925 21*413 17.893 15,070 12,843 14,777 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 13*375 14.940 19.540 22.446 26*587 1.713 1*384 3.758 3*827 4.539 3*440 4*317 6*212 7*809 10*035 8,222 9,239 9,570 10*810 12*013 1935 1936 1937 1938 53,569 52,330 58.840 55.217 13,862 13,372 13,621 13,853 23.910 22,097 24.685 24.198 15.797 16,861 20.534 17.166 Loans' Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land On residential property Other to Other All other individuals 1939 57.011 13*576 4*078 7*463 2.015 9.939 2.930 17*010 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 57*896 62*081 61*363 46*889 47*456 13*909 21.987 21*789 10*223 11*449 3*328 2*680 3.537 3.731 3*541 6*945 4,597 3,161 3,019 2,699 2.265 2,321 2,651 1,914 2,212 9,551 9*612 8*919 9.723 9.781 4.947 5.371 5.570 4.801 4*864 12.552 11.813 16,951 15,513 15,736 926 1.097 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 47*509 64.275 91*604 110*373 121*405 11.221 18.186 36*836 44.568 45.158 4.334 2*843 753 750 2.275 2,643 2,997 4,053 2*467 2*581 2*106 2.393 3*475 4.773 4*810 8.674 13.967 20*186 27.073 30,699 4*841 6,737 6.622 7.166 9.292 12.462 16,183 18*704 22*846 25*928 1*226 949 975 999 1,032 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 141.146 174.104 195.654 216*922 230*162 49*377 61*926 74.127 81.132 76.415 2.275 2*675 2*675 2*855 3.178 2.575 2.225 2*225 1.973 1.770 5.223 6*302 6*754 7.165 6*950 35.359 53.072 54.609 58.032 65.057 11.961 8*951 10.301 12*465 13*328 33,677 38,636 44,145 52.310 62.790 1.191 1*018 1,596 1,673 2,053 1955 263*757 85.500 3.680 3,771 6,821 72.073 14.572 77*569 1.653 ' Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Delaware 231 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions U.S. Government obligations Other securities Total Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin 10 14 13 13 251 321 137 133 324 425 569 984 513 664 657 564 5.589 6.074 6*588 7.471 645 572 568 720 623 501 589 631 604 7.506 7*956 8.277 8.879 10*528 635 841 11.473 12*669 13*332 13*090 13*645 301 348 575 669 1*015 1*071 1*622 2*033 397 546 553 2*326 3*098 2*547 2*569 3*590 780 741 810 972 1*516 9 14 87 79 65 126 155 155 173 181 1*152 1.437 1*279 2*110 1*280 1.752 53 35 37 49 62 220 237 477 355 387 1*164 1*007 1.596 3 773 823 742 490 4*579 4*128 4*564 5*106 4*431 4*533 4*662 4*912 4*902 5*506 2*274 2*849 2*045 3*020 3.325 75 135 122 78 123 501 1 1 1 541 577 565 515 523 1.698 2*190 1*382 2*081 2*432 1*068 1*271 15*219 16*452 16*392 20*830 22.466 495 709 722 873 977 5.753 8*971 9*951 10*783 11*043 4.786 7*144 7.621 10*105 9.515 225 384 345 349 469 1.310 1.614 1.514 1*656 3*627 5.450 5.662 6*242 7.390 1*281 1*217 1*282 1*692 1*683 25*730 32*982 39*323 48*901 56*315 848 792 968 11*261 5*937 6.872 7.112 9.217 541 862 1*511 1*671 13*353 14*063 14*706 15*521 16*236 1.009 1.071 1*276 1*784 1.012 1.008 1.006 1.332 8*936 4*063 '4,855 5*035 6*609 1*844 3*005 2,675 3*378 3*768 63*013 57*393 59*146 66*150 76,332 3*540 3*177 2*909 3*241 3*627 2*197 2*520 2*998 3*484 3*555 18*640 19*432 22*906 19*146 17*499 8.027 8*380 9.213 8.653 11.596 1*263 1*201 1*466 1*121 1*754 1.246 1*436 1.380 1.061 1.157 5,518 5,741 6*365 6.471 6*685 4*524 4*577 4,776 6*041 4*765 80,765 86.071 98.266 106.966 134,003 28*350 37*865 42*207 50*561 40*594 3*290 9*523 13*345 21*168 13*880 3»725 4.307 4.471 4*719 4*297 21*335 24*035 24.391 24.674 22.417 13*536 20*532 16.539 15*547 21*320 2*000 1*626 1*336 1*310 1*152 1*543 1.617 1.677 1.430 1.376 9*993 17,289 13*526 12*807 18,792 4,707 4,758 5,028 5.325 5.291 135,192 140,052 126.165 125.791 123.114 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 44*680 58*776 65*578 61*248 67*842 15.155 24*906 34.218 30*834 39.247 6*338 11*037 12*117 11*416 10*099 23.187 22*833 19*243 18*998 18*496 29.801 32.704 45*205 52.086 62.098 1*806 2*713 5*792 7»292 5*430 1*662 2*038 2.844 2.764 2.187 26*333 27,953 36*569 42,030 54*481 5*354 4*831 4.632 4,284 4,733 133*404 148*641 174.255 172*835 191*684 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 73*434 86*502 112*536 203*197 255*198 47*272 58*467 81*299 174*855 227.934 9*891 10*809 12*803 12*381 10*912 16*271 17*226 18*434 15*961 16*352 80*760 93.183 70.559 70.759 73*522 2*649 10*025 6*490 11*637 9*065 2.645 3*209 3.945 4.260 4*646 75,466 79,949 58,124 54,862 59.811 4*506 4,338 4*046 4*093 3.745 216,596 246,104 248*504 324*938 379.921 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 289.658 285*024 236*112 213*311 202*151 263*285 253.943 208*392 181.462 170*419 10*323 11.516 12.281 16*436 16*607 16*050 19*565 15*439 15.413 15.125 72*957 83.850 89.112 90.081 86*449 6.913 10.802 19*209' 10*924 11.479 5.207 4»968 6*057 6.656 6,321 60*837 68.080 63.846 72,501 68,649 3*796 3*926 3*934 4.065 4.630 413,920 437,075 420.762 417,830 414,635 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 273*010 239*558 210*229 194.179 202*353 235*992 205*905 177*230 168*124 179.359 22*246 20*025 20*291 15*217 10*930 14.772 13*628 12*708 10*838 12*064 85.320 87.510 92*604 83*218 97.703 12.423 15.553 24.950 22*604 13.939 5*550 6*207 8.897 9,158 10,056 67,347 65*750 .58*957 51*456 73,708 5,435 5*274 6*916 8.146 6*483 504.911 506,446 505,603 502,465 538.701 1955 231.177 208.885 11.528 91,709 13*861 10*682 67*146 1896 1897 1898 1899 It 426 1*534 2*198 2*742 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*723 3*644 3*100 3»571 4*882 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 5*731 4*901 5*387 5»848 4*924 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 5*074 5*239 5*478 5*418 6*030 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 6*288 9*681 10*880 14*658 18*530 3.002 6*510 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 18*363 19*748 19*776 21*981 22.345 4*162 4*893 4*102 4*949 4*438 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 24.377 25*129 28*815 25*871 24*881 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 110 115 1 40 1*002 1*292 40 1 207 585 760 719 1*130 . 524 541 861 770 934 1*250 876 1*303 1,469 1*542 809 820 896 897 595.279 232 Delaware State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available dale; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Inter^ Government Other demand 2»753 3,099 1896 1897 1898 1899 3,047 3,430 3*932 5*018 63 71 146 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 5,022 5,251 5,178 81 88 81 98 234 4*509 4,727 4*660 5,058 6,711 8*977 5*644 6,936 3,476 4*571 6,102 Other time 231 260 310 447 432 436 437 488 600 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 7,528 8*391 8', 824 6*644 8*895 148 146 278 161 146 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 10*529 11*251 11*100 14,232 15*520 226 370 219 506 512 9,296 11*721 12*760 1*324 1*666 1*585 2*005 2*246 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 18,761 25.879 31*531 38*984 45*661 746 935 874 1*121 1,997 1,295 14*149 21.155 24.129 28,956 32*943 3*866 3*789 6*528 7*869 9*626 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 50*891 43*195 46*873 51,578 61,058 1,664 772 975 911 4,334 203 400 405 990 597 36*534 28*166 30.488 33,187 36*358 12*470 13*857 15*005 16*490 19.769 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 62,893 67*075 75,600 82,185 97,373 4*503 433 990 1,229 597 8 36.782 42*238 49.405 53*614 66*530 21*175 23.250 24*958 27.323 28*721 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 97,870 102,450 87,225 89,594 68,281 2*463 2,590 2,584 1.996 1*466 200 469 705 4*461 2.529 66,534 71,458 57*767 57,367 57,195 28.673 27*933 26*169 25*770 27*071 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 100,416 115,317 139.752 137.928 155.960 1.397 1*366 69,980 84*410 107,075 103,603 120,890 27»653 28*992 30*470 32*165 33*118 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 180.390 209,274 211.577 287,557 341,162 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 7,497 7.797 7,730 7,906 9,215 1*036 1*248 2*122 669 748 749 733 643 1,269 1,442 1,660 1.530 646 765 480 422 2.246 421 3,187 2,781 3.571 3.726 389 504 33.290 65.013 143,325 173,003 177,364 218,699 236,364 34*398 32*695 30*926 31*997 36*059 373,228 394,168 376,718 372,672 367.401 2.913 3*025 2,945 4*483 4,506 71.220 49,800 9,087 26,118 15,815 252,177 284,633 308,056 286,816 292.369 46*918 56*710 56*630 55*255 54*711 455*500 455*016 450,575 445,350 478,690 3,443 3,805 4.890 4,589 5.059 56*393 45*495 26*506 16*002 28,280 317,001 326,309 334,373 341,523 356.447 78*663 79*409 84*806 83*236 88*904 532,470 29,469 Delaware 233 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Nat onal Year Borrowings ba "k no ,es 1896 0,, a"""1 liSSes Surplus and other capital accounts 744 820 Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1897 1898 1899 11B 144 142 17 1*680 1*680 1*580 1.550 934 886 5,589 6*074 6*588 7,471 3 3 3 4 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 17 163 360 376 34 1.550 1*550 1*560 1*565 2.045 917 992 .159 *294 .513 7,506 7,956 8,277 6*879 10,528 4 4 4 5 7 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 149 10 14 40 76 42 2*288 2*306 2*308 2.147 2*212 .647 .956 2,160 2,223 2,347 11.473 12*669 13.332 13.090 13,645 10 11 11 10 12 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4 79 55 112 244 109 101 93 58 137 2.255 2.357 2.344 3*119 3,215 2*322 2*664 2*800 3,309 3.370 15*219 16*452 16,392 20,830 22,486 13 15 14 16 16 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 117 177 341 Iil46 1.690 97 61 40 620 395 3,304 3.352 3,687 4»017 4,108 3.451 3*513 3,724 3,934 4,261 25.730 32.982 39.323 48.901 56*315 17 18 19 19 20 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2*626 2.672 665 328 193 761 1,356 1,193 2.231 1*374 4,146 5.426 5,444 6,657 6.939 4,587 4,742 4,971 5,356 6*766 63.013 57,393 59.146 66.150 76.332 20 21 23 25 27 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 620 558 576 3»595 2i919 1,640 2,202 3,272 3.085 11,693 7,588 6.083 8.748 8.988 9,171 8*044 8,153 10*072 11.113 12,647 80*785 86*071 98,268 108*966 134.003 27 27 26 26 29 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1»322 778 It332 335 190 2,446 3,147 1,637 5,881 933 11,464 11.508 12.098 11,946 11,411 22*090 22.169 23,893 18.035 22.299 135.192 140*052 126.185 125,791 123,114 30 30 32 30 31 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 141 120 94 97 841 566 682 658 745 10,894 10.158 10,188 10,183 10.084 21.112 22,480 23,539 23.969 24,895 133*404 148.641 174,255 172,835 191,684 31 30 30 30 29 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 20 776 823 805 1*010 1*353 9.986 9.975 10.025 10.026 10.081 25.424 26.032 26,097 26.345 27.325 216*596 246*104 248*504 324*938 379,921 29 28 28 28 28 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 250 440 350 265 315 1.495 1.976 2.241 2,144 2,568 10,176 10.193 10*160 10.518 10.519 28,771 30.298 31,273 32,231 33,832 413.920 437,075 420*762 417,830 414,635 27 27 26 26 26 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 210 50 3,270 3,780 4.605 5,017 5,354 10,544 10.519 10.664 11.849 12,130 35,387 37.129 39,069 40*249 42,477 504.911 506*446 505,603 502,465 538.701 25 25 24 24 24 1955 25 5,312 13,911 43.561 595,279 22 250 . 234 Delaware Mutual Savings Banks—Table 4 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Year Total Real estate Loans „„ . , Collateral All Q^ Year ^ SSL °*«** 1696 1897 1698 1899 3*021 3*14 7 3*113 3*108 2*927 3.049 2*982 2*977 94 98 131 131 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*921 2.716 2>723 2*821 3*041 2*767 2*607 2.538 2»629 2*834 154 111 185 192 207 1921 1922 1923 1924 6*567 6.611 6,827 7.477 8*046 5*456 5,622 5*927 6*680 7*522 1.111 989 900 797 524 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3*208 2*944 3.123 3»178 3.274 2*990 2*664 2*908 2*959 3*133 218 280 215 219 141 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 6*860 9*608 10.789 U»647 13.482 8*310 9*332 10»192 11.227 12.193 550 476 597 420 1*269 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3*770 4*046 4.46 1 4.930 5.248 3*585 3*826 4*306 4*713 5.074 185 218 155 217 174 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 13*894 14.180 14.308 13.641 12*920 12*890 13.818 13,787 13,361 12*675 1.004 362 521 280 245 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 5.351 5.531 5*625 5*897 5*657 5.159 5.395 5*494 5.245 4*943 192 136 131 652 714 1935 1936 1937 1938 12*081 12*079 12*244 12*976 11*913 11*936 12*113 12,843 168 143 131 133 Commercial, Year Total 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 12*863 13,077 13.244 12*266 11*594 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 and agricultural 1920 For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Tn others 30 30 30 30 Real estate rvn farm land On residential property Other to individuals Other oto All other 226 204 196 184 12.546 12.789 12.954 11*990 11*505 25 26 26 24 23 36 26 38 38 66 10*522 9*642 11*467 14*041 15*607 206 10*267 9*597 11*194 13*613 15,112 21 19 237 348 387 28 26 36 42 36 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 16*777 18,573 19.548 21*058 22.598 32 34 359 327 431 463 611 16*255 17.981 18*678 20.333 21.759 122 234 213 219 178 26 11 16 1955 24*855 36 837 23*831 120 36 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 38 72 41 31 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Delaware 235 Table 4—Mutual Savings Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Cash items in pr ocess of collection Total Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1896 1899 1*123 1*171 It329 1*514 1.123 1*171 1*329 1*514 72 74 74 77 3 3 3 3 69 71 71 74 313 327 426 548 4*529 4*719 4*942 5.247 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*381 2*900 4*095 4*243 4*574 2*381 2*900 4.095 4*243 4*574 107 89 103 106 115 3 3 3 3 3 104 86 100 103 112 397 601 418 434 467 5.806 6.308 7.339 7.604 8*197 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 4*824 6*197 6*496 6*611 6*741 216 4*824 6*197 6*496 6*611 6*525 121 135 210 214 307 3 3 3 3 2 118 132 207 211 305 493 183 180 184 163 8*646 9.459 10.009 10*187 10*485 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 6*868 7*224 7*448 7*695 7*964 343 488 631 779 964 6*525 6*736 6*817 6*916 7*000 342 250 321 419 496 2 1 2 1 5 340 249 319 418 491 162 288 152 155 150 11*142 11*808 12*382 13.199 13*858 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 8*134 9il56 10*278 10*678 13*374 25 540 2*101 1*136 1*447 1*815 1*987 2*424 6*996 7.709 8*438 8*151 6*849 476 535 725 690 655 2 3 6 7 14 8 11 470 528 711 680 641 149 141 140 140 140 14*110 15.363 16.768 17.405 19*826 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 13*388 13*455 13*329 13*957 14*504 2*079 2*079 1*819 1*243 1*124 2*635 2*662 3*010 3*341 3*400 8*674 8*514 8*500 9.373 9*980 763 787 552 667 753 2 33 6 3 4 14 22 15 15 20 747 732 531 649 729 621 1*121 1*186 1*060 999 21.339 21*974 21*894 23*161 24*302 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 14*606 14*793 14*959 15*463 14*221 1*078 1*033 644 538 462 3*360 3*449 3*229 2*608 2*297 10.168 10*311 11*086 12.317 11.462 842 747 765 790 868 8 5 13 5 22 23 28 33 40 812 719 724 752 828 943 918 858 806 752 25.251 26*266 27.371 28*706 29*323 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 14.839 16*133 16*527 17*117 19*040 462 462 1.217 1.419 1*795 2*202 2.066 1*968 2*002 1*968 12*175 13.605 13.342 13*696 15.277 911 1*056 1*464 1*475 1*341 4 7 5 5 5 30 29 32 31 25 877 1*020 1*427 1*439 1*311 702 899 902 1.066 1.190 30.346 32.268 33*201 33*319 34.491 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 21*256 23*359 26*964 27*937 30*246 1.921 1.990 2.137 2*138 2.178 1.749 1*826 2*212 2.160 1*980 17.586 19.543 22.635 23.639 26*090 1*393 1*741 1.307 1.498 1.571 8 8 8 8 8 27 27 31 32 40 1*356 1.706 1.268 1*456 1*523 1.436 1*243 1*182 1*151 1.071 36*166 38.422 41.717 43*562 45*909 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 32*411 35*161 38*102 43*288 52*105 2.235 2.247 4*663 12.293 16*109 1*783 1.682 1*549 1*340 1.297 28*393 31*232 31*890 29*655 34*699 2*492 3*263 2.412 3.734 3*900 12 20 14 22 23 35 30 36 51 77 2*445 3*213 2*362 3*661 3*800 1>058 1*033 987 946 750 48.824 52.534 54*745 60*234 68*349 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 65*358 75*004 78*324 79*437 80*649 19.670 20.998 20.960 20.482 20.037 1.182 1.127 1.065 1*013 926 44*506 52*879 56*299 57.942 59*686 2*760 3.216 3.645 3*463 3.716 20 23 25 23 25 82 78 63 81 97 2.658 3.115 3.557 3.359 3*594 717 705 679 696 679 79.357 88*567 94.115 97.637 100*651 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 82*392 81*521 85*174 91*807 98*284 19*903 19.548 19*198 19*198 18*886 750 703 5.490 10*995 15*227 61.739 61*270 60*486 61*614 64*169 3*570 3*757 3*945 3*659 4.107 150 146 152 408 158 81 85 133 133 150 3*339 3*526 3*660 3*118 3*799 671 670 579 587 615 103.410 104.521 109*246 117*111 125*604 1955 103*476 17.941 127 138 3*888 133.078 236 Delaware Mutual Savings Banks—Table 4 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year 1896 Total Interbank S. ^nment Other demand Other time 3.873 1897 1898 1899 3.873 4.030 4<242 4.513 4.030 4,242 4»513 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 5»027 5.512 6.529 6.586 7,135 5*027 5»512 6»529 6,586 7il35 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 7,552 8.325 8.819 8*830 9.140 7i552 8*325 8*819 8*830 9,140 1910 1911 191Z 1913 1914 9,631 10.273 10.800 11,525 12*054 9*631 10,273 10,800 11.525 12*054 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 12*261 13,363 14*646 15,144 17,422 12*261 13*363 14(646 15.144 17.422 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 18,738 19,238 19»031 20,105 21*054 18*738 19*238 19*031 20*105 21*054 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 21*804 22,590 23*404 24,399 24,641 21*804 22i590 23*404 24.399 24*641 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 25*435 27,104 27.779 27,817 29,070 25*435 27,104 27*779 27*817 29*070 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 30,420 32,323 35,492 36,971 39,030 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 41,526 44,775 45,902 50,619 58,132 41*526 44*775 45*902 50*619 58*132 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 66,375 76,569 81,260 83,974 86,094 68*375 76*569 31*260 83*974 86,094 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 87,776 87,701 91,855 99,151 106,806 87*776 87,701 91,855 99.151 106*606 69 70 30.420 32*254 35*422 36*971 39*030 Delaware 237 Table 4—Mutual Savings Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings 1896 1897 1696 1899 National bank notes Other liabilities ... wpitai r Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts II Number of banks 655 4.529 4*719 4*942 5*247 2 2 2 2 115 110 779 796 810 903 952 5.806 6*308 7»339 7*604 8*197 2 2 2 2 2 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 46 1.048 1.134 1*187 1*332 1.3*5 8*646 9.459 10*009 10*187 10*485 2 2 2 2 2 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4 1*507 1.535 1*582 1»674 1*804 11.142 11*808 12.382 13.199 13*858 2 2 2 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1*849 2*000 2*122 2*261 2*404 14*110 15*363 16*766 17*405 19*826 2 2 2 2 2 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2*601 2*736 2*863 3.056 3*246 21*339 21,974 21*894 23*161 24*302 2 2 2 2 2 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 3*447 3*676 3.967 4.307 4*675 25,251 26.266 27.371 28*706 29*323 2 2 2 2 4*908 5*164 5*422 5»502 5.421 30.346 32.268 33,201 33.319 34*491 2 2 2 2 2 36,166 36*422 41,717 43*562 45*909 2 2 2 2 2 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1 3 25 7 3 689 700 734 z 2 2 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 3 5*746 6.099 6.225 6.591 6.876 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1 2 14 12 14 7.297 7.757 8*829 9.603 10*203 48*824 52,534 54,745 60,234 68,349 2 2 2 2 2 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 11 17 13 11 15 10.971 11.961 12.842 13.652 14.542 79,357 86*567 94,115 97,637 100*651 2 2 2 2 2 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 22 150 163 7 16 15*612 16*670 17,228 17,953 16*782 103*410 104,521 109*246 117.111 125,604 2 2 2 2 2 1955 19,534 D I S T R I C T OF C O L U M B I A Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in the District of Columbia; as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3.1 A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods and procedures used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in the District of Columbia were obtained from the abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments. A description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The principal source of statistics for State commercial banks for the period 1896-1933 1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in the District of Columbia, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with tbose for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "loan and trust companies" or "stock savings banks." Loan and trust companies in the District are chartered under the District of Columbia code, while stock savings banks in the District are chartered under the laws of various States. 238 was figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports. This was supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. Beginning with 1934, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. There were no noninsured State banks in the District of Columbia after 1933. Available information indicates that no unincorporated banks (except a branch of such a bank located in New York) operated in the District during the period covered by the revised series. For State commercial banks in the period 1896-1933, the following paragraphs describe (1) principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available,2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET The accompanying table shows adjustments made in number and balance sheets of banks as published by the Comptroller. 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. District of Columbia CHANGES IN NUMBER AND BALANCE SHEETS OF STOCK SAVINGS BANKS Year 1897 1899 . 1907 1909 1910 1911 1 Additions 1 4 Deductions 1 1 il 1 Balance sheet only. The principal balance-sheet figures for the bank added in 1897 were obtained from bankers' directories. The balance-sheet break* down was estimated by applying to major items (loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits) the percentage distribution of each, derived from figures for stock savings banks reporting to the Comptroller in 1896. Since no data for stock savings banks in 1899 were published by the Comptroller, figures were estimated by interpolating in dollar amounts between data for 1898 and 1900. Changes that were made in figures for 1907, 1909; and 1911 were to exclude the District of Columbia branch of a New York bank, which had been included in figures reported to the Comptroller. The figures for this branch were obtained from the annual reports of the Comptroller. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" for stock savings banks and loan and trust companies was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1911. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were estimated. Real estate loans and collateral loans were estimated for loan and trust companies for 1896-1908 and 1910 by applying to total loans in each year the ratio of each item to total loans as computed from reported figures for 1909. The same procedure was followed in making estimates for stock savings banks for 1907, 1908, and 1910. 239 INVESTMENTS A complete classification of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities also was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1911. United States Government securities, however, were reported for every year. Holdings of State and political subdivision securities by stock savings banks in 1909 —the only year prior to 1911 that they were reported—were so small that no attempt was made to estimate figures for 1896-1908. Holdings of such securities by loan and trust companies in 1896-1908 and by these banks and stock savings banks in 1910 were made by applying to total investments less United States Government securities in each year, the ratio of State and political subdivision securities to this total computed from reported data for 1909. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time as published in the annual reports of the Comptroller was used, after some minor revisions, except for 1896-1908, 1910, and 1912, breakdowns for which were estimated. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time deposits at stock savings -banks for 1902-1908 were estimated by applying to this total, ratios of these items to this total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1901 and 1909. Estimates for 1910 and 1912 were derived by applying averages of the ratios computed for 1909 and 1911 and for 1911 and 1913, respectively. The reported breakdown for 1912 was not used because it was not consistent with data reported for adjacent years. The breakdowns at loan and trust companies for 1896-1908 and 1910 were derived by applying to total deposits other than interbank in each year the average of the ratios of each item to this total computed from data for 1909 and 1911. 240 District of Columbia All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars} I<oans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral 6.276 Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1696 1897 1898 1899 15.297 16*485 17t720 20*450 3*779 3.867 4.155 5*351 8*203 9.747 5*242 5*686 5.362 5.352 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 23*128 25*266 27*809 32*626 33*906 6*111 6*806 7*791 9*133 10*192 10.360 12.144 13*765 15 i 990 15.565 6.157 6*316 6*253 7*505 6.149 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 114.673 116*935 122,396 138,109 140,225 20.688 19.568 24.670 26*863 27.214 55,316 55,063 49,175 53,928 54*827 36*469 42.304 48.551 57.318 58.184 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 38»017 46*723 46*045 42*629 47*598 11*226 13.771 13.351 13.469 15.376 17.775 22*286 21*692 19.209 22*021 9.016 10*666 11.002 9,951 10,201 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 157.888 171.448 161*915 190*369 194.331 29,835 33.183 29.840 30.089 30*132 66,264 68,162 62*340 93*620 85*630 61*769 70.083 69.735 66.680 76.569 1910 1911 1912 1913 191* 54*316 54*935 58.317 63*069 58.967 17.449 17.167 16*925 14*254 14*434 23.972 23.420 26.170 28*417 26.734 12,895 14*348 15*222 20.398 17,799 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 176,702 158,293 140*545 89*057 68*650 26,617 27,758 28.467 23*628 23.621 78*632 66*566 53.873 35,458 32.666 71.453 63.969 58.205 29*971 32*363 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 62.127 67.588 78*794 88*566 98*193 15*409 17.681 19.226 17.567 17.432 26*577 26*510 33*979 38*461 51.961 20*141 23.397 25,587 32.558 28*800 1935 1936 1937 1938 82*565 90.914 102.924 98.199 24,106 29*794 35.053 35*840 26*331 24*062 26*188 24.171 32*126 37.038 41,683 38*188 6 • 932 Loans1 Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate Other to On others farmland 2*425 residential property Other All other individuals 30*278 11.512 34,471 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 121*369 137,666 135,223 108*244 112*199 32*520 36.115 40.331 25.525 27,168 773 780 793 840 1.402 2.502 2.326 1.793 3.143 8.250 101 59 39 38 45 35.413 38*806 38*507 36*021 33*214 13.213 16.020 16.620 14.645 14*406 22.552 24*068 36.647 41.758 37.140 3.480 3.646 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 124,200 147.810 213*892 263*214 272.007 31*752 44 , 644 81*942 99*216 93*232 1.001 2*447 718 661 712 18*750 10.304 6*553 4,757 2,904 44 51 70 132 111 30.763 32.046 44*966 62*964 64*536 13,402 14*294 21.909 25,351 26,496 24.570 36.713 46.653 57.123 68.333 3.918 7.311 11.081 13*899 15.306 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 314.768 371.849 366.412 422.628 455.905 102*408 136*133 131,679 143*345 157,496 2*522 2*468 3.750 6*338 6.081 2.737 4.088 4.167 2.421 2*356 167 174 267 174 237 83*306 89*454 95*656 97*490 106.787 26.843 27.717 32.944 31,569 34.969 86.126 98,866 103,573 127,020 135*269 10.876 15.662 17.345 17*297 15,754 1955 541.050 204,665 7.677 4*510 1,724 115.663 37.538 151,251 22.055 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. District of Columbia 241 Table jf—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 3*812 3,705 3»428 3*978 2.031 2.229 1.973 2.426 11 11 14 20 1»770 1.465 1.441 1.530 8)164 9,525 10.291 16,676 358 333 372 1*014 4*323 3*962 4*048 4*623 3,483 5*230 5*871 11*039 3*119 3.354 3.693 3.787 30,392 33,069 35,132 44*891 1900 1901 1902 1903 190* 4*403 4t876 5*146 7t726 9,160 2*457 2)360 2.193 4,379 4.425 32 45 63 75 87 1.914 2.471 2.890 3.272 4.648 11.918 12)955 15*329 13*992 14,514 503 624 612 795 716 3*542 3.927 3*642 2.906 3.409 7*873 8*404 11*075 10*291 10,389 3.911 4,339 4*283 5.386 5,437 43,360 47*436 52*567 59.732 63*017 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 12*646 13*646 16*504 15*736 16i536 3.463 2.569 2*528 3*426 4.177 164 161 195 193 9.019 10.916 13.781 12)117 10.409 16)039 14*823 17.669 17)484 21)453 1*002 964 893 3.536 3.859 3.774 3.644 4*576 11.501 10.097 12.725 12*856 15*984 6*701 7.805 9*195 9*326 6,868 73*403 82*997 89*413 85*175 94*455 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 18.293 18*326 24i352 24*886 27*346 3.812 4.200 4*397 4*043 5*947 2*455 1*495 13.942 13.743 19*514 16*386 19)904 20*166 21»701 19.562 22)500 22)720 .865 • 432 *375 .958 ,996 3.967 4.273 4.177 4*356 4.713 14*334 15*996 14.010 16.186 16.011 9,514 9,638 10,047 12.502 13.749 102*289 104*600 112*278 122.957 122*782 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 26)538 30*688 33*776 47*155 61*247 5*618 5.924 8*251 21*158 31*026 2*365 2*545 2*429 1*846 1*856 18.355 22*219 23.096 24*151 28.365 22)197 23)541 24)314 31>687 35.737 1.325 2*300 1.858 3.885 6.413 5.616 4.324 5.633 4*595 5.076 15.256 16.917 16.623 23.207 24.246 13,697 14*106 15.276 14.645 15*428 124.559 135.923 152*162 182*273 210.605 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 52.273 50)589 56)549 59.180 55.301 23.327 20.966 22.249 25*784 24*441 1.474 2)348 3)377 2)535 2.495 27.472 27.275 30*923 30*861 28.365 31.499 31.447 34.792 31*588 37,445 7,282 6*952 6*978 7*465 9.059 5,941 5*092 5)130 4)435 5.513 18*276 19.403 22*684 19*688 22*873 18.333 18.111 19.546 21.961 22,688 216.778 217*082 233.283 250*836 255.659 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 61)093 60*668 59)691 64)106 61)637 24*995 25*567 23*563 24*668 26*969 2)253 2*025 1.701 1.676 1*823 33.845 33*276 34*427 37,762 32.845 42*641 46)695 48*533 45,186 48*080 11*866 10*249 10*645 9.581 10)087 5.636 5.657 5.791 5,095 5,642 25*139 30.789 32.097 30.510 32*351 22,955 23*854 25*045 26.757 27.749 284.577 302*865 315)184 326*436 331*797 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 66)077 91*190 100*617 90*000 103.375 31*353 44*866 57*088 62.071 75*324 2*236 5*136 5.792 4.322 3.487 32*488 41,188 37,737 23,607 24,564 52.244 61)691 46,651 56*963 67.537 9*895 10.268 8.510 6*825 6,613 5,560 8,432 8*908 9,978 7,829 36.789 42.991 29,233 40*180 51.095 29,661 29.006 32.323 21,654 22.423 324.684 340*180 320.136 257*694 281*985 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 117*162 125)385 142.290 130*501 130)845 90*107 97.434 116.555 105*915 106*621 2.433 2*768 2.929 2.317 2)267 24.622 25*183 22.806 22.269 21,757 86.919 112*204 89.682 105)419 114.933 8,517 13*687 12*837 12*682 14,870 9.595 11.390 9.060 9*200 8*667 68,607 87.127 67.785 83.537 91.396 23,095 22,124 20.400 20,398 22.441 309.741 350.627 355*296 354.517 372.713 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 134.949 144*545 185*253 386*714 479)593 109*461 121*098 161*347 366*411 459)780 2*869 2)403 2)136 1*401 881 22,619 21,044 21*770 18,902 18,932 158.637 199,955 227,929 193,091 206,583 13)005 18)735 20*173 21*153 21*192 11.578 12.796 15,729 16*413 15,116 134*054 168.424 192*027 155.525 170.275 21*881 21,526 20*467 19*691 17*883 436.836 503.892 568*872 707.740 816*256 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 624,960 695*580 595*608 539)242 503*116 603*721 661*100 550*930 496*313 459.771 1*493 1*808 1.624 4*086 2.958 19,746 32.672 43)054 36)643 40)387 265*018 245)734 260*423 273.624 274.550 31,929 2.7)404 35)244 34)293 33)981 16.055 17.156 20.322 21.200 22.197 217,034 201,174 204*657 216.131 218.3.72 17)711 19*471 18*113 18*503 19,601 1*031*889 1*108.595 1*088.036 1.094.583 1*069*274 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 562*816 536*089 595.215 553)299 570*751 515*218 493*033 539*782 499*417 510*568 8*638 13.576 23.607 28.065 34.579 38)960 31)480 31.626 25,817 25*584 266)591 302*102 309.022 310)277 310)428 42)000 41,427 53>955 51*135 56*906 18,237 20.980 25.770 25,170 23,990 208,354 239,695 229,297 233.972 229.532 20*025 20)689 21,890 22,817 24,964 1*166.200 1.232.729 1.312.539 1.309.021 1.362*046 66*867 24*252 227,553 1955 1>950 539 383 441 34*220 867 1»170 242 District of Columbia All Banks—Table 1 J\JJKjlOt LJUVDU*! I UO, A111.P miiUDEtn, J.O3 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated . Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank 507 605 1696 1897 1898 1899 19.263 21.857 24*702 34*174 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 31*151 34.787 39*603 42*811 43*548 1.146 1.515 1*425 1*637 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 51*260 56*739 60*675 55.303 62.853 1910 1911 1912 1913 191* U.S. Government Other demand Other time 56 77 205 497 18*425 20.842 22*982 32,155 275 333 636 728 453 428 455 3*457 2.550 29*062 32*046 36*267 36*311 37*399 1*167 1*366 1*618 1*962 2*318 3*195 4*268 3*921 5.767 4*465 5*671 6.581 4*073 2»037 41,673 44*723 46*119 42*738 49*656 2.784 3.150 3*707 4*571 5*391 66*266 70*286 76*688 82.974 81,157 5,894 5.375 5*808 7,381 6*776 5*645 2*839 3*380 2.879 4.197 50*381 55*251 57,105 62.391 54*019 6*346 6*821 10*395 10*323 16*165 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 83*007 93.742 107.492 136.629 162*160 6.550 7,420 8*410 9,797 9,236 3.038 3*220 6*202 8*514 7,627 54.055 63.752 69.324 89.933 105.280 19*364 19.350 23*556 28*385 40*017 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 163*413 167*666 181.777 191*651 201.784 7.371 6*728 7*466 6,974 9.396 1.732 3*007 .804 2*196 1*613 109.244 107*434 115.092 116.796 120.149 45,066 50*497 58*395 65*683 70*626 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 230.079 244*999 259*016 264*517 264*411 12.476 11.762 15*166 14*468 13*432 3*295 3.208 3*467 3*272 3*711 133*888 147.052 149*110 148*770 145*606 80*420 82*977 91*271 98*007 101*662 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 261.966 278.297 257*980 212*883 236.134 14,571 17.207 13.363 14,116 16,223 2*163 1*943 1*508 2*360 3*271 136*701 140.392 122.461 112.735 123.646 108.531 118.755 120*646 83*672 92*992 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 266*563 306*413 308.812 306*862 323,682 20*746 25*836 22.253 26*047 31*266 903 584 1*133 1.273 141.560 172.637 177.986 171.532 180*665 103*352 106*625 107*989 106*150 110*476 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 364*677 450*704 515.931 654.332 761*955 35*004 44.939 42.379 40*146 42.658 1*505 2*191 1*944 37.974 102.970 229.886 278.763 343,709 441.349 465.620 118*260 124*811 127*899 134*863 150*707 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 974,027 1,039*287 1,015,018 1.019.385 990,203 48.349 51.344 44.340 47.257 48.367 173.143 107.305 14.796 24.125 19.264 567.025 664.223 728.918 731*484 712*599 185*510 216*415 226*964 216*519 209*953 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1,086*602 1*145*028 1*221*378 1,212,808 1*260*907 50.278 73*168 75.440 80.407 86.389 33.394 41.566 53.787 44,121 54*140 788*996 822*292 878*236 873,075 867*444 214*132 208.000 213.915 215*205 252*934 1*343*090 83.765 924*274 280*543 879 794 939 1*315 697 District of Columbia 243 Table 7—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] N ti Year ; °"al ^ Borrowings 1896 1897 1896 1899 40 15 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 893 947 981 1*026 1.138 1,093 727 533 6.660 6*659 6.410 6.454 2,398 2,498 2,312 2,702 30,392 33*069 35,132 44*891 19 19 16 19 1.301 1*335 1.350 1.375 2*316 335 237 156 1*550 921 7*397 7,696 7,677 8.377 10.227 3,176 3,379 3,781 5,619 6,005 43,360 47*436 52,567 59,732 63*017 20 20 19 19 19 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 206 341 145 2.960 4*022 4»533 4*805 5.160 1.448 2.612 3*601 1*991 2*463 11,177 12.284 12*665 14.370 14,747 6*418 7*340 7*733 8*365 9*067 73,403 62,997 89*413 85,175 94,455 22 24 27 27 27 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 330 151 280 416 1.312 5*532 5.363 5.744 5*811 6*240 2.463 2.391 2*353 2.615 3.522 15,661 15,716 16.022 19,253 18,286 10*037 10*693 11*191 11,688 12*265 102*289 104*600 112*276 122,957 122*782 31 30 29 36 37 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1.463 1»444 1.233 2*409 3.732 6.173 6*221 6*364 6.071 5*752 2.976 2*703 4*722 3.502 4.574 18*385 18.659 18.731 19*393 19.956 12,555 13,154 13*620 14*269 14*431 124*559 135.923 152*162 162*273 210.605 37 40 42 44 44 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 8.605 4.811 4*832 9.912 3*656 5*742 5.772 5.694 5*610 5*668 2*750 1.143 1.287 2.597 1.984 20.572 20.965 21.614 22*095 23*353 15*696 16,725 18,079 18,973 19,214 216,776 217*062 233,263 250*838 255*659 45 47 50 49 46 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 4*338 4*958 1.525 5*010 6.216 4*426 4.107 3*976 3.964 4*891 2*377 1.997 982 1*375 3*508 23.378 24.144 24,451 24,517 24,860 19,979 22,660 25.234 27,055 27*891 264,577 302*665 315*184 326*436 331*797 44 43 43 42 41 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3*449 3*010 4.332 317 255 4*905 4*186 4.389 4*413 2.852 2*122 2*646 2*650 1.603 1*602 23,928 23,328 23*328 17*350 21*835 28*314 28*711 27,457 21*126 19,307 324*684 340*160 320*136 257,694 261*965 40 39 39 20 21 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 130 4 962 1.019 1*619 1*696 1*877 1*770 21,735 21*450 21,244 20*908 19,723 19*332 21*141 23*544 24.670 27.538 309*741 350*627 355*296 354*517 372*713 22 22 22 22 22 3*852 3*553 2*477 1*947 2*312 19,570 19,025 19,047 18,887 17*592 28,737 30,610 31.417 32.574 34,399 436.836 503.892 568*672 707.740 816*256 22 22 22 22 21 2*987 5.896 6*716 7*441 9*163 17,600 20*500 20*900 20*900 21*000 37,275 42*910 44*900 46*857 48.888 1,031*689 1,108*595 1*088*036 1*094*563 1.069*274 21 21 19 19 19 6*315 7*722 8*269 9*717 9.639 21*100 22*250 23*000 23.000 24*940 51*983 56*329 59,172 62,796 66,062 1.166*200 1*232.729 1*312*539 1*309*021 1*362*046 19 19 19 19 19 13.257 27*190 1*450.931 17 140 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 500 1»400 700 700 500 244 District of Columbia National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 8.681 9*737 10*438 11*102 88 102 127 147 3*558 4*163 5*176 5*970 5*035 5*472 5*135 4*985 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 12*490 13*342 14.331 16*793 16*272 164 178 205 235 210 6*656 7*253 8*322 9*555 8*528 5*670 5*911 5*804 7.003 7.534 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 55,125 56,990 58,070 67,120 68,530 281 363 926 1,171 1,595 26*522 26*049 23*581 27*000 27.575 28.322 30.578 33.563 38*949 39*360 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 18*372 22*668 22*508 18,751 20*349 250 316 306 244 285 10*185 12*831 12*456 9.919 11*454 7,937 9,521 9.746 8.588 8.610 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 77*712 85,310 92,923 96,275 95,191 2,167 2.553 2.585 2,496 2,326 33*882 35*312 43*404 48*903 45,642 41,663 47,445 46*934 44*876 47*223 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 23.373 23.166 23*180 26*292 27*404 330 356 310 307 621 12*104 11*985 11*323 12*857 13*452 10*939 10,825 11.547 13.128 13.331 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 88,685 81,302 71,225 41,389 42,768 2*292 2,800 3.729 2*560 2,499 39*661 35*124 28*231 18*004 17*659 46*732 43,378 39*265 20*825 22*610 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 27,433 30*177 36*988 44*609 48*632 690 656 510 479 404 12*622 12*959 16*483 19*281 26*777 14*121 16*562 19,995 24 • 849 21*451 1935 1936 1937 1938 38.658 41,560 47.508 44,720 2*688 4*297 5*850 7*413 13*977 13*439 15.762 14*992 21*993 23*824 25*896 22*315 Loans' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On residential property On farm land Other Other loans to individuals All other 1939 47,168 18*857 1*424 30 8,252 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 56,584 64*457 63,932 51,203 56*607 24,857 28,562 29,557 18*281 19,800 417 387 436 487 526 1,439 1*264 1,170 1*334 4*804 37 13 7 9 24 11*607 13*336 13*744 15,250 14,708 4*052 5,474 5*620 4*517 5*030 9,141 9*417 14,175 15*421 13,398 2,184 2*298 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 65*2*7 84,470 114,978 143*711 140,877 21,657 33,169 58,517 70*038 61*542 516 1*596 333 386 373 13*136 7*346 3*659 2,591 2,142 26 35 35 68 45 13*761 16*194 18*524 25*262 25*496 4,297 5*106 9*250 11,938 15,268 9»775 1 5 * 747 19,224 25*082 29*681 2*099 5*277 5*436 8,933 7*369 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 164*754 198*849 203,432 225,488 250*535 67*372 90*367 81*135 92*789 101*825 1*025 869 1*534 3,519 2*158 1,995 3*516 3*450 2*066 1*960 104 126 205 128 194 36*293 40,290 48*722 46*832 56*662 14,754 13,385 16,957 16,251 18,554 40,334 47,075 46,469 60,343 66,873 2*403 5,010 5,045 5,741 4,457 1955 320,499 134*254 3,162 3,835 164 71,008 22*098 80,979 8*159 ' Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. District of Columbia 245 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—-Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total U. S. Government obligations Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 3*333 3O03 3»023 3*306 1*680 1*984 1*776 2.112 5 4 4 4 1*648 1*315 1*243 1*190 6*884 7.190 7.359 11.662 321 295 306 845 3,907 3*346 3.416 3,961 2,656 3,547 3*637 6*876 1,197 1,202 1,197 1,225 20*095 21,432 22.017 27.315 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3»495 3>775 3i819 6*078 7,235 2.175 2.130 2.143 4*329 4.383 4 5 5 5 9 1*316 1*640 1,671 1*744 2*843 8*887 9.036 10.496 9.342 9*590 450 476 482 668 610 " 2*943 3*424 3*136 2*346 2,681 5*494 5,136 6,880 6,326 6,299 1*308 1,498 1*491 2.499 2.469 26*180 27*651 30.139 34*712 35*566 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9,107 10*222 12*101 10*888 10*876 3.375 2*550 2.528 3.426 4.177 17 23 29 22 1*699 5,715 7*649 9*544 7.440 5.000 10,390 9.940 11.541 10*563 11*977 811 713 1,033 740 727 2,731 3,110 3,020 2*604 3*442 6*796 6,117 7,488 7,219 •7,808 3.711 5.127 5*896 5*206 4.699 41*580 47*957 52.046 45.408 47.901 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 12*453 12*044 14.171 14*464 14*264 3*812 4.200 4.394 4*036 5.946 284 28 13 1*979 1*087 8,357 7*816 9,764 8,449 7,231 10,998 11*987 11*042 11.895 13.689 1*286 1*080 996 1,396 1*416 2*923 3*264 2*959 3*014 3*470 6,789 7,643 7*085 7,485 8,803 5*206 5.294 5.320 5*974 7,166 52*032 52.491 53,713 58,625 62,543 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 15*086 18*159 19*944 27*082 35.734 5*816 5,924 7,399 14*532 21*905 1*866 1*759 1.631 1,303 1,304 7*402 10,476 10,914 11,247 12*525 13,230 13.665 15*435 20*786 22*245 1.027 1.557 1.407 2.984 4.531 4*300 3,005 3,340 3,094 3*163 7,903 9,103 10,186 14,708 14,551 6*950 6*469 6*839 5*792 6»057 62,699 68,470 79,206 98,269 112*668 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 29.726 28*034 29.779 31*241 28*848 17,810 16,121 16*575 18.549 17*765 922 1.153 1.538 1.168 1.101 10*994 10.755 11.666 11*524 9*982 20*323 20*045 22*215 20*246 23.521 5*811 5.452 5.607 5.904 6*903 3,254 2,771 2*768 2*203 3*041 11,258 11,822 13,640 12,139 13*577 7*641 6*907 8*185 10*232 10.605 112,815 111.976 118,249 126,839 131*504 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 31.925 32.237 32*363 34*159 35 » 696 18.407 19*576 18*753 20.292 23.207 1*127 1*116 886 827 883 12.391 11*545 12*724 13*040 11*606 26*024 31*130 29*211 26,097 29,188 8*139 7*411 7*716 6.718 6*171 3*178 3*074 3,169 2,539 2,799 14*707 20*645 18*326 16,640 18,218 11*018 11.863 12,166 12,768 13,747 146,679 160,540 166*663 169,299 173*822 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 36*631 51*324 60*460 57.481 62*840 23.852 31*633 41*046 46.570 51.279 926 2.462 3.327 2*309 1*562 11*853 17*229 16*087 8*602 9.999 32*761 40*483 30*926 35*500 45,394 7.357 7.636 6.098 5.192 5*640 2*879 4*854 4,217 5*867 5*049 22,525 27,993 20,611 24*441 34*705 14*317 15*681 16*487 7*669 7.914 172*894 138*790 179*098 142*039 153,916 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 72*346 74.650 85.984 73*041 78*755 60*199 61*716 73*694 62*224 66*460 1*290 1*656 1*745 1.091 1*113 10.857 11*278 10*545 9*726 11*182 54,154 71,982 54,235 68*806 74*171 5*987 9,222 7*690 7,429 8*596 5*714 7*009 5,308 5*646 4*984 42*453 55,751 41*037 55.731 60*569 7.967 7,655 7,373 7*616 8,312 173,125 195,847 195*100 194*163 208,406 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 82*049 85.266 111*607 251.704 300*703 67*930 73*583 98*889 240.355 289*344 1*553 1*059 1.434 946 265 12.516 10,626 11,284 10*403 11*074 102*154 137,781 154,473 117,951 125*496 8*542 11*388 13.162 14,947 13.987 6,940 7,877 9,332 10,055 9.205 86.672 116,016 131,979 92,949 102,304 8,256 8*069 8*092 7*615 7,295 249.043 295.575 338*104 428*473 490*101 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 380*164 426*433 361*595 308*135 316*932 365*331 401.248 333*193 279*957 288*714 1.066 1*151 1*130 1*660 1*158 13*767 24*034 27,272 26*518 27*060 156,111 157.035 162*862 166*465 173*643 12.808 19,330 23*132 22*592 20*866 9,985 11*087 12*369 12*443 13*619 133.318 126*618 127.361 133*430 139,158 7,278 9,049 7*601 7,705 8,155 608.620 676*987 647*036 628*016 639.607 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 368*399 347*183 380*057 353*584 361*302 341,991 325*413 346*738 319,833 321*100 1*625 3*396 13*689 19.277 25*322 24*783 18,374 19*430 14,474 14*880 166*392 182*562 193,043 195,907 188,719 23*515 25*376 35*790 33*090 35.135 10*291 11*726 13*846 13,184 12*497 134*586 145*456 143*407 149,633 141,067 3,367 9,139 9*804 10*261 11*627 709*932 737*733 786,336 785.240 812.183 1955 371*696 318.990 31.169 45*423 14*336 154*207 246 District of Columbia National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 13.970 15.212 16.290 21*266 507 605 873 788 36 77 205 497 13*387 14*500 15*178 19*945 28 30 34 36 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 19,537 20.874 23il35 25*300 25*041 933 453 1*130 1.448 1.366 1*614 428 455 3,457 2*550 18.111 19*262 21*169 20*405 20.796 40 54 63 72 81 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 28*833 31*670 34.702 28.725 30*602 1*827 2*717 3.505 3.405 4.673 4,485 5*671 6*581 4.073 2.037 22*421 23*164 24*440 21*033 23*590 100 116 176 214 302 1910 1911 1912 1913 191* 32.833 33*189 34.105 37*640 39,763 4.619 4*430 4.719 5.891 5.324 5*645 2*839 3*380 2.879 4.197 22*110 25*430 25*188 27*381 24*950 459 490 818 1*489 5*292 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 40.106 46.094 56.466 75,035 87,354 5*294 6*168 7*048 fl.618 7*812 3*038 3*220 6.202 7.744 7.293 25*711 29*226 34*970 47*309 56*699 6*063 7.460 8.246 11*364 15*550 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 83*837 87.187 92.348 96.950 104.211 6.540 5.832 6.656 6*152 7.904 1.722 2.570 2.031 1*566 58*261 58.411 61.563 60*995 64*616 17*314 20,374 23.527 27*772 29*925 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 120.157 131.643 140.071 137.950 139*215 9.072 9*856 13*058 12*069 11*474 3*287 3*208 3*385 3*234 3*660 72*980 82.963 82*144 78*455 77*614 34.816 35*596 41.484 44*192 46.467 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 141*503 157*352 146.770 121.765 138.433 12*313 14.412 11.235 11*859 14*452 1*732 1.713 1.501 2*329 3.223 74,097 79.147 70*048 65*507 74*917 53.361 62*080 63*986 42*070 45*641 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 154,172 176.584 174,761 173,439 186,927 19.673 24*035 20.500 24*143 26*679 882 538 1*105 1*189 84*786 103*242 106*696 102*600 110*776 46*831 46.094 47*027 45.391 46.283 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 225.068 271*836 314*508 404*922 465*460 32*356 42.804 40.508 38.395 40.563 1*294 1*256 1,244 24*669 61*444 142*641 176*121 219*951 283.707 294*912 46.777 51.655 52*605 58.151 68.541 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 581.968 641*303 609*714 590*250 600.420 46.502 48*849 41*249 41.119 42.709 101.035 62*186 4*688 15.077 11.079 349*221 423*891 454.424 429*124 446.342 65.210 106.377 109*353 104,950 100*290 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 669*869 692*373 738*806 734.736 759.770 41*825 46*044 47.177 52*265 53.735 19*488 25.775 31.517 27.261 37*060 504*910 520*663 557*845 553*274 538*029 103*646 99.891 102.267 101.936 130.946 53.006 38.079 614.595 152.044 1955 602 1.213 District of Columbia 247 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AM) NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] N Year ^ Jjjlj Borrowings 1896 1897 1898 1899 40 15 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 14 893 947 981 1*028 3.327 3*327 3*027 3.027 1.857 1*931 1*719 1*994 20.095 21.432 22.017 27,315 14 12 12 1.301 1*335 1.350 1*375 2*316 1*061 900 3.027 3.027 3.027 3*677 3.777 2.315 2*415 2*627 3.299 3.532 26*180 27.651 30.139 34.712 35*566 12 12 12 12 12 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 206 155 55 2.960 4.022 4*533 4*805 5*160 1*370 2.561 2*903 1*988 1*721 4*527 • 402 .402 .202 .552 3.750 4.302 4*300 4.533 4.811 41.580 47,957 52*046 45*408 47.901 12 13 12 11 11 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 232 77 65 230 325 5.532 IU363 5.744 5.811 6*240 2.307 2.347 2*094 2,483 3*450 .052 .102 ,102 6*602 6*909 5.076 5.413 5.603 5.859 5.856 52*032 52,491 53.713 58.625 62*543 12 11 11 12 13 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 539 374 170 ItOOS 2*514 6*173 6*221 6*364 6.071 5.752 2*957 2*537 2*824 2*126 3.034 6.977 7*159 7.177 7*427 7.427 5.947 6.085 6.205 6*602 6*587 62*699 68*470 79*206 98.269 112*668 13 14 14 14 14 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 6.899 3*231 4»076 8*538 3*064 5.742 5*772 £.694 5*610 5*668 If608 647 422 999 689 7.677 7.677 7*677 8.027 9*527 7.052 7.462 8.032 8.715 8*345 112*815 111*976 118,249 128*839 131.504 15 15 IS 14 14 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 3*328 3*991 740 4*565 4.910 4*426 4.107 3*976 3.964 4.891 940 848 770 900 1*704 9.427 10*277 10.527 10.527 10.773 8.401 9*674 10.579 11.393 12.327 146.679 160.540 166.663 169*299 173*822 13 13 13 13 12 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2*253 1*859 3.399 87 4.905 4.188 4.389 4*413 2*852 823 1*223 1*216 372 334 10.775 11.175 11.175 6,950 9.450 12*635 12.993 12.149 8.452 7.847 172*894 188*790 179.098 142.039 158*916 12 12 12 8 9 962 462 871 823 902 699 9.300 9*300 9*212 8*990 8*830 8*229 9*092 10*304 10.852 11*950 173,125 195*847 195*100 194.183 208*406 9 9 9 9 9 2.677 1*722 1.205 775 1*145 8*700 6,600 8*450 8.300 7,800 12*598 13.417 13*941 14*476 15*696 249*043 295.575 338*104 428*473 490*101 9 9 9 9 9 1*748 4*187 3.575 3.435 3.504 7*800 10.850 11.300 11.300 11.400 17,304 20.647 21.947 23.031 24.283 608*820 676.987 647*036 628*016 639*607 9 10 9 9 9 2*691 3*590 3.811 4*621 4*193 11*400 12.450 13.200 13*200 14*800 25.972 28.920 30.519 32.483 33.420 709*932 737.733 766*336 785*240 812*183 9 9 9 9 9 7.172 16.750 140 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 500 400 200 920*343 248 District of Columbia State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1896 1899 6.616 6,748 7.282 9.348 3»765 4*028 5.204 3.691 2.718 2»769 3.027 3.777 207 214 227 367 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 10*638 11*924 13*478 15*835 17.634 5*947 6.628 7.586 8.898 9*982 4*204 4*891 5*443 6*435 7.037 487 405 449 502 615 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 59.548 59.945 64*326 70.989 71.695 20.607 19,205 23,744 25,692 25*619 28*794 29,014 25,594 26*928 27,252 10,147 11*726 14*988 18*369 18*824 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 19*645 24t055 23*537 23.878 27*249 10.976 13.455 13*045 13*225 15»091 7.590 9.455 9.236 9,290 10.567 1.079 1*145 1*256 1*363 1*591 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 80*176 86.138 88,992 94,114 99,140 27,668 30,630 27,255 27,593 27,806 32*402 32*870 38.936 44.717 39.988 20,106 22,638 22,801 21,804 31.346 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 30.943 31i769 35*137 36.777 31.563 17.119 16.811 16.615 13.947 13.813 11*868 11.435 14*847 15*560 13.282 1.956 3.523 3.675 7.270 4,468 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 88.017 76.991 69.320 47.668 45*882 24,325 24,958 24,738 21,068 21,122 38,971 31*442 25*642 17*454 15.007 24,721 20,591 18,940 9,146 9*753 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 34*694 37.411 41.806 43*977 49*561 14.719 17.025 18.718 17.088 17.028 13,955 13.551 17.496 19*180 25*184 6.020 6.835 5.592 7.709 7.349 1935 1936 1937 1938 43*907 49*354 55*416 53,479 21,418 25,497 29,203 28,427 12.354 10*643 10,426 9,179 10*135 13*214 15,787 15,873 Loans1 Year Total 1939 Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On residential property On farm land To others Other Other loans to individuals All other 6,320 269 22*026 8*193 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 64,785 73*409 71.291 57,041 55,592 7*663 9*553 10*774 7,244 7,368 356 393 357 353 876 1.063 1.064 623 1*809 3,446 64 46 32 29 21 23.806 25.470 24.763 22.771 18*506 9.161 10*546 11.000 10*128 9,376 13,411 14,651 22,672 26,337 23*742 1,296 1.348 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 58,933 63,340 98*914 119*503 131*130 10*095 11.475 23.425 29,178 31.690 485 851 385 273 339 5*614 2.958 2.894 2.166 762 18 16 35 64 66 17.002 15*852 26*442 37*702 39*038 9.105 9.188 12.659 13.413 13*208 14,795 20,966 27,429 32.041 38.652 1*819 2*034 5*645 4*966 7*917 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 150.014 173,000 182*980 197*140 205,370 35.036 45.766 50.544 50*556 55.671 1.497 1.599 2.216 2*819 3*923 742 572 717 353 376 63 48 62 46 43 45,013 49.164 46.936 50*658 50,125 14.089 14.332 15.987 15,318 16,415 45.792 51*791 55*104 66.677 68.396 8.473 10.652 12.300 11,556 11*297 1955 220,551 70*411 4.495 675 1.560 44*655 15.440 70,272 13*896 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures, Total loans continue to be shown net. District of Columbia 249 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AM) NUMBER, 1896-1955—-Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Obligations of States and political subdivisions U.S. Government obligations Total Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 479 402 405 672 351 245 197 316 6 7 10 16 122 150 198 340 1*280 2*335 2*932 4*994 37 38 66 169 416 614 632 662 1*683 2*234 4*163 827 1*922 2*152 2*496 2*562 10*297 11*637 13*115 17.576 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 908 It 327 282 230 50 50 42 26 40 58 70 76 596 831 1*219 1*526 1*805 3*031 3*919 4*631 4*650 4*924 53 148 130 127 106 599 503 506 558 726 2*379 3*268 4*195 3*965 4*090 2*603 2*841 2*792 2*867 2*966 17.180 19*785 22*426 25.020 27.451 1905, 1906 1907 1908 1909 3*539 3*424 4*403 4*848 5*660 88 19 147 138 166 171 251 3*304 3*267 4*237 4*677 5*409 5*649 4*883 6*128 6*921 9*476 191 154 137 244 166 755 749 754 1*040 1*134 4*703 3*980 5*237 5*637 8*176 2*990 2*678 3*299 4*120 4*169 31,623 35.040 37*367 39*767 46*554 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 5*840 6*282 10*181 10*422 13*082 255 355 428 476 408 5*565 5*927 9*750 9*939 12*673 9*168 9*714 8*520 10*605 9*031 579 352 377 562 580 1*044 1*009 1*218 1*342 1*243 7*545 8*353 6*925 8*701 7.206 4*306 4*344 4*727 6*526 6*563 50*257 52.109 56.565 64*332 60*239 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 11*452 12*529 13*832 20*073 25*513 6*626 9*121 497 766 798 543 552 10*953 11*743 12*182 12*904 15*840 8*967 9*876 6*679 10*901 13*492 298 743 451 901 1*882 1*316 1*319 1*793 1*501 1*913 7.353 7*614 6*635 8*499 9.697 6.747 7.637 8*439 9.053 9.371 61*860 67,453 72*956 84,004 97*937 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 22*547 22*555 26*770 27*939 26*453 5*517 4*845 5*674 7*235 6*676 552 16*478 16*520 19*257 19*337 18*363 11*176 11*402 12.577 11*342 13.924 1*471 1*500 1*371 1*561 2*156 2*687 2*321 2*362 2*232 2.472 7.018 7*581 8*844 7.549 9*296 10*692 11.204 11*361 11*729 12*083 103,963 105*106 115*034 121*999 124,155 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 29*168 28*631 27*328 29*947 25*941 6*588 5*991 4*810 4*376 3*762 1*126 909 815 849 940 21*454 21*731 21*703 24*722 21*239 16.617 15*565 19*322 19*089. 16*892 3*727 2*636 2*929 2*863 1*916 2*458 2*583 2*622 2*556 2*843 10,432 10*144 13*771 13*670 14*133 11*937 11*991 12,879 13*989 14*002 137*898 142*325 148,521 157*139 157,975 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 29*446 39*866 40*157 32*519 40*535 7*501 13*233 16*042 15*501 24*045 1*310 2*674 2*465 2*013 1*925 20*635 23*959 21*650 15*005 14*565 19*483 21*208 15.725 21*463 22*143 2*538 2*632 2*412 1*633 2*973 2*681 3*578 4*691 4*111 2*780 14*264 14*996 8*622 15*739 16*390 14.844 13*325 15.836 13*985 14*509 151,790 151,390 141,038 115*655 123*069 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 44*816 50*735 56*306 57*460 52*090 29*906 35*718 42*861 43*691 40*361 1*143 1*112 1*164 1*226 1*154 13*765 13*905 12*261 12*543 10*575 32*765 40*222 35*447 36*613 40*762 2*530 4*465 4*947 5.253 6*272 3*881 4.381 3*752 3.554 3*683 26,354 31*376 26*748 27*806 30*807 15,128 14*469 13*027 12*782 14,129 136,616 154*780 160,196 160,334 164.307 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 52*900 59*277 73*646 135*010 178*690 41*481 47*515 62*456 126*056 170*436 1*316 1*344 10*103 10*418 10*486 8*499 7*858 56*463 62*174 73*456 75*140 61*087 4.463 6.847 7*011 6*206 7*205 4*638 4*919 ,397 • 358 »911 47*382 50*408 60*048 62*576 67*971 13*625 13*457 12*375 12*076 10*588 187,793 206*317 230,768 279*267 326.157 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 244*796 269*147 234*013 231*107 186*184 238*390 259*852 217*737 216*356 171.057 427 657 494 2*426 1*800 5*979 8*638 15*782 12*325 13*327 108*907 88*699 97*561 105*159 100*907 19*121 8*074 12*112 11*701 13*115 • 070 .069 ,953 .757 ,578 83*716 74.556 77*496 64.701 79.214 10*433 10,422 10*512 10*798 11*446 423*069 431.608 441*000 466*567 429*667 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 194*417 190*906 215*158 199*715 209*449 173,227 167*620 193*044 179*584 169*488 7.013 10*180 9*718 8*788 9*257 14*177 13*106 12*396 11*343 10*704 100*199 119*540 115.979 114.370 121.709 18*485 16*049 18*165 16*045 21*771 7*946 9*252 11*924 11*986 11.493 73*768 94*239 85*690 84*339 88*445 11*638 11,550 12*086 12,556 13*337 456*268 494*996 526*203 523*781 549*865 1955 193*686 172*643 8*360 12*683 104*726 21*464 9.916 73*346 11*625 530*588 1*101 1*646 1*925 3 7 1 2 852 1*190 1*839 1*367 1*394 702 455 596 250 District of Columbia State Commercial Banks—Table 3 Ajatia, LtLAmuiuu}, AIIIS iiuraDiun, ioy [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated . Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Other demand U.S. Government Interbank Other time 1896 1897 1896 1899 5*285 6*645 8*412 12*908 6 6 5*038 6*342 7*604 12*210 247 303 602 692 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 11*614 13,913 16*468 17.511 18*507 6 16 67 59 23 10*951 12*784 15*096 15*906 16*603 1,113 »303 »546 • 881 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 22.427 25.069 25,973 26*578 32*251 491 478 763 516 1.094 19*252 21*559 21,679 21*705 26*066 »684 • 032 *531 ,357 5,089 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 35*433 37*097 42*563 45*334 41*394 1*275 945 1.089 1.490 1.452 26*271 29*821 31*917 35*010 29*069 5.687 6.331 9*577 8*834 10*873 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 42*901 47*648 51*026 61,594 74*806 1.256 1.252 1*362 1.179 1*424 770 334 28*344 34*526 34,354 42,624 48*561 13*301 11*870 15*310 17.021 24,467 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 79,576 80*479 89,429 94,701 97,573 631 896 830 822 1.492 10 437 202 165 47 50*963 49.023 53,529 55*803 55,333 27,752 30,123 34*866 37*911 40*701 1923 1926 1927 1926 1929 109.922 113.356 116.945 126,567 125,196 3.404 1*906 2*110 2,399 1,956 6 62 36 51 60*906 64*069 66,966 70*315 67,992 45*602 47,361 49*767 53,615 55,195 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 120*463 120,945 111,210 91,116 97,701 2*256 2*795 2,126 2,257 1,771 431 230 7 31 46 62*604 61.245 52.413 47*228 46.731 55.170 56.675 56*662 41.602 47.151 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 112,391 129*829 134,051 133.423 136,755 1,075 1,801 1,753 1,904 2,587 21 102 46 28 56.774 69*395 71.290 68.732 69*889 54*521 58*531 60*962 62.759 64*195 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 159.609 176,868 201*423 249*410 296*495 2,648 2,135 1*671 1.751 2,095 211 935 700 13,305 41,526 87*247 102*642 123.758 157*642 170,708 69,503 73*156 75.094 76*712 82*166 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 392,059 397,984 405,304 429,135 389,763 1.847 2,495 3,091 6,138 5.678 72*108 45.119 10*108 9,046 6,185 217.804 240*332 274*494 302*360 266,257 100*300 110*038 117*611 111.589 109.663 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 416,933 452,655 482,572 478,072 501*137 8,453 27.124 28.263 28,142 32,654 13,906 15,793 22,270 16,860 17*080 284*088 301*629 320*391 319*601 329.415 110.466 108*109 111.646 113*269 121*988 16*409 309*679 128*519 1955 84 657 District of Columbia 251 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings N ST -as. „- Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1696 1897 1898 1899 1*138 1.093 727 533 3*333 3,332 3*363 3,427 541 567 593 708 10*297 11*637 13.115 17.576 5 5 6 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 335 237 156 489 21 4*370 4*671 4*650 4*700 6,450 861 964 1.154 2*320 2*473 17.160 19*785 22.428 25*020 27.451 8 6 7 7 7 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 186 90 78 51 696 3 742 6*650 6*682 7*263 9*168 9.195 2*668 3*038 3*433 3*832 4.276 31*823 35*040 37.367 39.767 46*554 10 11 15 16 16 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 98 74 215 186 967 156 44 259 132 72 9.609 9.614 9*920 12*651 11*377 4,961 5,280 5*588 6.029 6.409 50*257 52*109 58,565 64*332 60*239 19 19 18 24 24 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 924 1*070 1.063 1*401 1*218 19 166 1*898 1*376 1*540 11*406 11.500 11*554 11*966 12*529 6.608 7,069 7»415 7,667 7,844 61*860 67.453 72*956 84.004 97.937 24 26 28 30 30 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1*706 1,560 756 1*374 592 1*142 12*695 13*266 13,937 14*066 13*826 6,644 9,263 10.047 10,258 10,869 103.963 105*106 115*034 121*999 124*155 30 32 35 35 32 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1*010 967 785 445 1*306 1,437 1*149 1.804 13.951 13.667 13.924 13.990 14*105 11,578 12.986 14.655 15.662 15.564 137*898 142.325 146*521 157.139 157.975 31 30 30 29 29 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1.196 1.151 933 230 255 1,299 1*423 1.434 1.231 1.266 13.153 12.153 12.153 10.400 12.385 15,679 15,718 15*306 12,676 11,460 151,790 151,390 141.038 115.655 123.069 28 27 27 12 12 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 130 4 557 746 873 975 11,103 12,049 13,240 14,018 15,588 136.616 154*780 160*196 160*334 164.307 13 13 13 13 13 496 865 1.598 1*295 212 475 7 1.071 12.435 12.150 12*032 11*916 10*893 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1.175 1*831 1.272 1.172 1*167 10*670 10*425 10.597 10.587 9.792 16,139 17,193 17,476 18,098 18,703 187.793 208*317 230*768 279*267 326*157 13 13 13 13 12 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1.239 1*711 3.143 4.006 5.679 9.800 9.650 9*600 9*600 9*600 19,971 22,263 22,953 23,826 24,605 423.069 431*608 441*000 466 * 567 429*667 12 11 10 10 10 3.624 4,132 4,478 5*096 5*446 9.700 9*800 9*800 9*800 10*140 26.011 27,409 28,653 30*313 32*642 456*268 494*996 526*203 523*781 549*865 10 10 10 10 10 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1*000 700 500 500 6*085 FLORIDA Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Florida, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3.1 A separate balance sheet was not compiled for unincorporated banks in this State because adequate data were reported, either separately or in combination with data for other State commercial banks, in the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency or the State banking department. A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods and procedures used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Florida were obtained from the abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments. A description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for 1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in Florida, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to (1) banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks/' "loan and trust companies," "stock savings banks," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks) and (2) industrial banks that accept deposits. State commercial banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks for the period 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department and by other State authorities. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from a study of banking in Florida by Mr. Harwood B. Dolbeare.2 The sources of such statistics for the period 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks published in reports and abstracts of the State banking department. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 2 A Record of Fifty Years of State Banking in Florida, 1890-1939 (Reprinted from Annual Report of the State Comptroller, Banking Department). 252 Florida 253 STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.3 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a> guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET The accompanying table shows adjustments made in figures for number of banks and balance sheets as published by the Comp^ troller. These changes were based on information contained in State banking department reports. Changes for 1908-1920 were to exclude branches, while those for 1926-1933 were to CHANGES IN NUMBER OF BANKS AND BALANCE SHEETS Additions Year or period Deductions Number of banks and corresponding balance sheets 1896 1926-1930 1931-1933 4 . . 2 3 Number of banks only 1908 1909 1910 1911 5 4 8 4 1912 1913-1915 . . . . 1916-1917 1918-1920 5 4 3 2 make the revised series comparable with current series with respect to types of institutions included. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Estimates of real estate loans and of collateral loans for certain periods were made by applying to total loans in each year ratios of each type of loan to total loans, computed as follows: for 1896-1902, ratios based on reported data for 1903, the first year in which the breakdown was reported; for 1904-1908, average ratios based on reported data for 1903 and 1909; and for 1916 and 1917, average ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1918. Figures for both real estate and collateral loans for 1926 and 1927 were tabulated from individual bank statements published in reports of the State banking department; these were the only years in the 1919-1931 period in which such a breakdown was available. For 1919-1925 and for 1928-1931 real estate and collateral loans were estimated by applying to total loans ratios of each type of loan to total loans that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1918 and 1926 and for 1927 and 1932, respectively. The rapid changes in the real estate loan portfolios of Florida banks during this period made it impossible to make valid comparisons with banks outside the State for estimating purposes. INVESTMENTS 8 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. A complete classification of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 254 All-Bank Statistics 1926. For years in which items were not reported, figures were estimated. Small amounts of United States Government securities were reported intermittently in the years prior to 1918. No attempt was made to estimate figures for the unreported years. Obligations of States and political subdivisions for 1902 and 1906 were estimated by applying to total investments the ratio of this item to total investments computed from figures for the December call of those years published in State banking department reports. For the 1919-1924 period obligations of States and political subdivisions were estimated by applying to total investments, ratios of this item to the total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1918 and estimated data for 1925. For 1922-1924, "other" investments were estimated in a similar manner, using reported data for 1921 and estimated data for 1925. Throughout the 1919-1924 period United States Government securities are residual amounts. For 1925, ratios of each category of investment to total investments were derived from December data published by Dolbeare, and these ratios were applied to total investments for June reported by the Comptroller to get the subitems. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was adequate in the reports of the Comptroller beginning with 1911, although reported figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.4 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. For years in which items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1896-1908 were made by applying to the June totals for each year published by the Comptroller the percentage distributions computed from December call data in the Dolbeare study. Estimates for 1910 were made by applying to the total the average ratio of each item to the total computed from reported data for 1909 and 1911. Interbank deposits for 1905 and 1906 were derived from Dolbeare's study but were not adjusted for differences in call dates. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918, 1919, 1921-1925, 1928, and 1929 represent such deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Florida to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1946 The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks as given in the reports of the State banking department. The breakdowns of some of the principal asset and liability items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks for every year during the 4 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government, This order differs from that in the tables. Florida period 1934-1946 in the State banking department reports. The breakdowns of loans for 1934-1938 and of cash assets for 1934-1946 were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of these items at insured nonmember commercial banks in corresponding years. For 1939-1946, the loan breakdowns were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of loans at noninsured commercial banks on December 31, 1947. The figures for this date were used as the basis for estimating because it was not until then that the break- 255 down appeared consistent with the data currently reported. The breakdowns of investments and of deposits for 1934-1936 were estimated on the basis of percentage distributions of these items in 1937 derived from data for these banks as shown in the State banking department report for that year. For 1937-1946 the breakdowns of both investments and deposits were taken from the reports of the State banking department. 256 Florida All Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Year Total 1896 1897 1898 Real estate Loans All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 5.502 4*881 4*979 5*484 416 415 422 474 1*609 1*492 1*534 1*623 3*477 2*974 3*023 3*387 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 7*480 7*600 9*998 12*244 15*711 724 601 945 1*244 1*506 2.299 2*297 2*988 3.959 4*655 4*457 4*702 6*065 7.041 9,550 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 137*218 130*258 132.754 160*934 189*667 19*789 19*332 19*775 24*440 29*605 42*559 38*035 43*792 53*706 61*199 74*870 72.891 69,187 82*788 98*863 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 21*776 28*396 33*471 30*928 33*797 2*411 3.073 3.316 3.310 3.435 6*333 8*309 9.323 9*005 9*280 13*032 17,014 20*832 16*613 21*082 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 335*202 379*114 277.871 234*975 189*523 50.303 57*485 49.775 46*254 44*134 129*949 150*238 110*838 95*926 53*836 154.950 171,391 117,258 92*795 91*553 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 44*236 49.777 55*140 62*576 66.533 4*143 5*571 7,207 6.351 8*090 11*982 13*051 15*545 15.478 17.213 28,113 31.155 32*388 40*747 41*230 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 108*502 75*264 58,272 43*093 43.956 22*992 18*361 15*633 10*005 9»147 26*916 17*096 13*901 11*539 12*086 58.594 39*807 28.738 21*549 22*721 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 63*610 68*470 69*187 84*764 93.308 8.898 10*352 9.677 13.071 14.041 19.305 18*796 19*133 25*116 30*591 35*407 39*322 40*377 46*577 48*676 1935 1936 1937 1938 51*166 60*641 76.455 81.779 9*541 12*219 15*184 18*423 10*970 12*895 17*538 16*802 30*655 35*527 43*733 46*554 1899 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 37*957 2*967 11*721 6,015 24*308 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 105.179 133*919 128*706 108*134 184*201 47*550 65.322 65*672 53.777 79*430 2*525 3.377 2*606 2*133 3.338 1*747 1*738 2*925 4*977 39,571 2.816 2.633 2.884 2*295 2,486 14.046 16*134 14*760 11*151 12*724 6,064 9,758 9*264 8*305 7.643 12»051 lliSftl 28*431 34*757 30*575 13*445 27.22* 1945 19*6 1947 1948 1949 168*687 238*457 289*008 327*649 330*285 70.894 97.964 139.194 155.166 141*133 3.T69 4*233 2*606 1*645 1*573 31*664 37*966 27*316 20*325 16*194 2*826 4*523 5*478 6*733 6*192 14.713 20,047 29*076 36.093 44*256 7*971 12*403 18*425 23*772 25*699 13*364 25*645 55,220 73.091 86*944 23.2*6 35.676 11.691 10.766 11*395 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 406*092 495*885 559.212 651*070 751.189 166.412 207,636 230*265 263*816 305*375 1.237 2.118 2.694 2*565 3.303 16,707 18*786 17*702 21*652 23,358 6*532 7.983 9.158 11.332 12.562 66*716 72.524 78*048 80*851 89*966 27.615 31*439 37,771 42*620 52*545 114*976 141*956 169*549 212*642 252*431 11*520 17.973 19,424 21*900 18*551 1955 950*856 383.473 3.359 27*804 14*252 123*571 69*310 313*005 26.198 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Florida 257 Table /—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 1.466 It340 1*596 1»761 547 475 625 758 340 304 364 350 579 561 607 653 2.251 2.539 3.350 4.350 76 60 52 59 868 987 ,218 .076 1.267 1*492 2*080 3*215 703 715 728 711 9*922 9.475 10.653 12.306 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2,005 1.922 2*438 3.035 4*033 930 1.056 1.182 1*418 2.192 426 404 713 1*044 984 649 460 543 573 857 4*429 7.109 5.741 7.147 7.832 86 159 152 145 242 .207 .434 ,374 .604 ,750 3*134 5*516 4*215 5*398 5*840 548 625 925 865 907 14.462 17*256 19*102 23.291 26*483 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 4*290 5*116 6*624 7»847 8,191 2*308 2*514 3*442 4.756 5.083 1*052 1.417 1*607 1.693 1,819 930 1,185 1,575 1*398 1*289 8,569 11,847 11.882 10.919 14.677 315 439 430 530 485 2*109 2.317 2.630 3*066 3.367 6*145 9.091 8*822 7.323 10.825 1,141 1.358 1*469 2.204 2*361 35*776 46.717 53,446 51,698 59,026 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 6*244 8*839 10*809 12*589 12*844 5*123 5*289 5.761 6.379 5*912 1*623 2.022 2*605 3*162 3*429 1*498 1*526 2*443 3,048 3.503 17*988 20*611 23.140 26.090 26.597 702 626 622 1.166 922 4.109 4.470 5.177 5,395 6.115 13.177 15*515 17,141 19,529 19,560 3*103 3,372 5*390 5,311 6,830 73.573 82*599 94*479 106*566 112*604 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 13.119 15*695 20*400 30*624 49.142 6*161 6*206 7,250 16*662 33*756 3*682 4*460 4*908 5.594 7.305 3.276 5.029 8.242 8.348 8.081 22.700 33*949 39.399 32,048 42*937 659 908 900 1.790 2.419 5,000 5,649 6,117 4*915 5.357 17,041 27,392 32.362 25,343 35.161 7*164 7*671 7,715 9,139 9,032 106,593 125*785 136*701 156*575 194,419 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 44.031 43.077 46.936 58.394 62.601 25.017 24.687 25.569 32*531 29,722 9.318 8.917 9*267 11,248 IIS, 236 9.696 9.473 12*100 , 14*615 17*643 54*872 42.262 51*463 60*283 79.054 4,136 2,750 2.571 3*954 4,321 7.348 7,063 6,487 6,176 8,242 43*388 32*449 42*425 50*153 66.491 9,274 10*310 11*258 12*206 15*441 245*395 225*907 242,431 291,817 346,763 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 99.823 121.021 123*512 119.793 121.394 37.964 39»929 48.630 48.920 51.286 25,944 50,326 46*259 40*118 36,841 35*915 30*766 28.623 30*755 33*265 205.792 189.086 127.713 101.714 61.551 11*632 12*093 7,850 7,207 6*133 14,660 26,641 15,586 12.244 10,998 179,500 150.352 104.277 82,263 64.420 17.509 23.056 32*363 29*695 24,660 658,326 712,277 561,459 486*177 417,128 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 103.617 113.637 118*609 117.712 124.227 49.940 65.419 75.419 81.802 83.495 26*003 25*449 23*835 19,139 18*732 27,674 22*769 19.355 16.771 22.000 73.898 63.700 44.721 46*246 69*165 4,733 4»395 2*441 2.951 4.353 10*808 8,743 7.281 6.740 6.244 58,357 50,562 34,999 36*555 58*568 19,867 17,856 16,195 13,917 1 3 » 546 305*884 270,457 237,797 220*968 250*914 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 127.161 147.904 167.401 142*582 151.778 90*823 108*602 122.284 100*410 105.585 20*855 22*653 25.923 27.222 31.484 15*483 16*649 19.194 14.950 14.709 88*027 118.020 126*243 133,338 183.527 5,133 7,799 9,456 7,058 8.994 6*996 9.785 10*619 10.458 10.219 75*898 100,436 106*168 115,822 164,314 13*195 13*040 12*914 13*035 14*699 279,549 339,605 383,013 370,734 437,487 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 157.835 189.196 241.003 532.593 754.953 105.446 134.433 186*026 477.483 696.891 38*860 41*952 43*633 44*897 47*841 13*529 12*611 11*344 10.213 10.221 223*466 257*002 259*613 378*003 453.410 9.755 13.045 16,565 23*255 27,016 11.748 14.630 18.406 25*105 28.764 201,965 229,327 224*642 329*643 397,628 14,839 15,293 14,677 17*867 17*478 501,321 595,410 644*199 1.036*597 1,410.042 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 979.412 Ifl85.948 1*026*565 1.003*114 1*008*176 908.541 1*088*895 930*191 897.696 907.872 58*699 69.214 73*457 82*125 82*361 12.172 27.839 22.917 23*293 17*943 465*592 485,554 446.573 429*449 455.073 34,390 39*359 42,012 51,004 46*908 30.508 29.334 33*646 37,176 36,717 400,694 416,661 370.913 341*269 369*448 16,768 17*606 19*358 21*235 23*229 1.630*459 1.927,765 1,781,504 1,781,447 1,616,763 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 •107*048 •155*996 •279.355 .345.551 •416.046 993.067 1.009.426 1.110.052 1*164.653 1.209*611 97,135 123,280 141.894 155*467 179*339 16.846 23*290 27*409 25.431 27.098 467.141 536.656 609.032 653*085 712.057 64,829 69*386 75.821 86.280 93,759 33.597 38*746 48*077 54.200 58.949 388,715 428*524 485*134 510.605 559*349 25,935 30,674 35,201 37,999 43,657 2,028*216 2*219*211 2*482*800 2*687*705 2*923,151 1955 1,556.766 1*305.721 123,912 62*076 590,650 258 Florida All Banks—7b6/e 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank 1896 1897 1896 1899 6*53* 6,162 7,4*7 9*127 356 334 397 524 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 10*93* 13*1*9 14.166 17*850 21*009 528 636 672 646 1*661 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 25,323 3*, 670 39,137 35,2*6 41.405 1*831 2*510 3,114 2*668 4*524 1910 1911 1912 1913 191* 53*167 61,101 68,299 76,866 81*982 5,75* 6,813 6*639 8*279 8*036 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 73,901 95,151 107,251 123,1*3 157,700 6,316 10,694 12*052 9*108 13,035 1920 1921 1922 1923 192* 209,140 184.562 202*539 249, 454 296,500 16*819 11,884 15*284 18*577 24*564 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 602*614 624*639 469,023 405,912 338*582 72.371 57.257 43*418 36*285 27*653 1930 1931 1932 1933 193* 249,773 222*515 190*951 179,195 210,359 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 U.S. Government 76 75 Other demand Other time 5*422 5*0*6 6*06* 7,599 678 175 267 259 258 340 465 635 9,109 11*139 11*61* 14,892 16*924 1*038 1*116 1.340 1*647 1.789 442 460 822 20*420 28,543 30,254 25*833 26,437 2*630 3*157 4,655 5*436 9.622 361 470 531 422 610 31*698 35*867 39,286 44,929 48*867 15*354 17,951 21*8*3 23»256 24.469 594 539 732 44.063 51.991 58.31* 67*693 94,401 22*928 31.927 36*153 42.435 46.870 546 124*570 104.601 106*556 132*287 175.733 66.887 67*30* 60*070 97*2*8 97*657 1*061 1*341 1.096 1*983 2.339 374,865 378*214 246,684 204,501 172.706 15*, 297 187.827 177*825 163.1*3 135*884 21*406 20,902 12*615 13*082 24,486 4,041 6*306 5,109 6.346 10*898 131,579 119*483 94*333 90,616 116.517 92*747 75.822 78*894 68*947 58*458 2*3,6*2 303,919 3**, 707 329,203 393,332 30*295 40,759 42*866 44*586 62*170 7*785 11*959 3*899 3*386 7.277 144,099 185,436 226*700 205*273 238.555 61.463 65.765 69.242 75*958 85*330 19*0 19*1 19*2 1943 19** *5*,385 544.284 587,649 976*5*2 1*3*2*366 77,623 91*306 88*641 140*216 157,771 8*743 10,723 16*138 67,^632 214*954 276*451 345*426 388*264 648*190 800,567 91.568 96*829 94.606 120.504 169.074 19*5 19*6 19*7 19*8 19*9 1*550,725 1,83*, 337 1*678,563 1*670,897 1*696*821 163*094 147,404 116*899 109,360 120*980 180*466 120*4*3 14,650 20*444 17*232 967,020 1.253,953 1*200,984 1*191,220 1*222,650 240.145 312.537 346*030 349*873 335*759 1950 1951 1952 1953 195* 1*895*069 2*072**1B 2*316*566 2*507*228 2*718*115 134,536 142.736 162,130 176.642 211*522 29,766 40*240 46*888 34*732 59*548 1*378*068 1*513*637 1*689*211 1*818*354 1*890*427 352.699 375.805 418*329 475*500 556*618 245,002 66*165 1.114 1*311 3*907 3,394 86* 773 629 1*3*2 707 811 737 Florida 259 Table 7—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Nat Year Borrowings r1 ba no£ ^ Capital liabilities Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 182 251 202 93 354 304 324 385 12 9 11 25 2*101 1,972 1,870 1,860 739 777 799 816 9,922 9,475 10,653 12,306 41 42 38 35 1900 1901 1902 1903 \904 60 204 229 156 329 511 752 796 836 1*351 27 22 77 41 68 1*913 2,013 2,365 2*744 3*716 1,017 1*116 1*469 1*664 2.010 14,462 17*256 19*102 23*291 28*483 38 37 45 52 58 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 904 631 • 120 • 576 • 188 1,725 2,032 2,498 3,230 4,052 143 103 173 160 118 5*219 6*357 7,012 8,264 8,497 2*462 2*924 3,506 3*420 3*766 35,776 46*717 53*446 51*898 59,026 75 97 126 142 138 4,430 4,630 5*144 6,010 5,430 196 192 196 It058 883 9,575 10,093 12,088 13,444 14*310 4,822 5,446 6*740 7*319 8,253 73,573 82,599 94*479 106*566 112*804 157 173 199 232 256 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 .383 ,137 2,012 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 3»380 795 4*235 6*989 5,707 5*815 5,195 5*553 5,441 837 655 939 1*680 2*275 14*263 14,513 13,804 13,918 13,740 8*505 8*463 8,717 8*046 8,274 106*593 125,785 136*701 156,575 194,419 256 252 257 253 251 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 4,275 6*030 2*604 2*394 2t025 5,470 5,561 5,906 5*844 6,151 1,398 1,601 1*518 1*665 3*490 15.259 17,006 18,045 21,253 23,063 9,853 11,147 11,819 11*207 13*534 245*395 225*907 242,431 291,817 346,763 263 272 280 289 299 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1*344 10*662 12*958 4*920 9,777 5,239 5*416 5*422 4*749 4*791 3,483 5*476 6*574 6*110 7,435 25,997 33,632 36*437 33*127 30,682 19,649 32.452 31,045 31.359 25,361 658*326 712,277 561,459 486,177 417,128 318 335 325 300 255 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3.093 4,124 3*894 6,250 9,562 8.168 5*504 3,270 1,926 1,120 746 25,068 24*035 23,077 20,499 21,484 18.322 15.067 13,046 9.689 10,009 305*884 270,457 237*797 220*968 250,914 205 190 181 140 149 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 70 136 115 229 170 2,551 690 790 1*029 709 943 21,773 22*227 22,299 22,508 22,395 10*823 12,533 14,863 18*085 20,647 279,549 339,605 383*013 370,734 437*487 148 156 163 166 167 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 235 73 60 25 1 1,342 1*702 1*768 1,604 2,748 22,406 22,771 26*091 26*091 26*668 22,951 26.580 26.631 32,335 38,259 501.321 595,410 644,199 1*036*597 1,410,042 170 170 170 171 170 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1*401 930 150 130 230 4*322 5*613 5,622 6*020 6*937 28*728 32,608 36*791 37,971 39,966 45,283 54,277 60.378 66,429 72*609 1,630,459 1,927,765 1*781*504 1,781.447 1,816,763 171 175 184 186 190 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 20 507 2 20 1 8,843 10*525 13.397 17*356 20,726 42,334 45*499 51,846 58*342 67*421 81.950 90,262 98.989 104,759 116,888 2,028*216 2,219,211 2*482*800 2,687,705 2,923*151 196 203 211 215 223 50 23,603 78,181 129,638 3,338*169 1*849 1*946 1*188 1,676 2*547 903 148 260 Florida National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate Ah Collateral Year Total other Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 3*875 3*233 3*308 3*581 53 47 49 50 1*082 958 993 1*006 2*740 2*228 2*266 2*525 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 4*530 5*244 6*144 7*190 10*089 66 76 86 115 157 Ii343 1*534 1*739 2*322 3.193 3*121 3*634 4*319 4.753 6*739 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 68*326 63.255 65.998 75,183 82,615 2*153 2,581 3,420 3,860 4*446 24,372 19,274 23*965 26*866 25*979 41*803 41,400 36*613 44*457 52*188 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 12.538 16*706 20*901 18*310 21.228 194 260 299 282 338 3.931 5.270 6.055 5.724 6*845 8*413 11*176 14,547 12*304 14,045 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 141*351 166.507 133,774 123.598 97.506 5*911 9*784 11.929 13*093 13,499 62*877 73.043 61,155 60*421 26*892 72,563 83.680 60*690 50*064 57.115 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 27*073 29*147 33»298 35*945 36,712 444 490 621 614 673 8i278 8*575 10*052 9*983 11*035 18*351 20.082 22*625 25.348 25*004 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 69.877 47*337 37*337 30.400 32,469 6*692 7,036 6*361 5*319 4.939 16*541 10*323 9,346 8*764 10,312 44*644 29,978 21,630 16,317 17,216 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 36*403 39*514 43*494 46*024 43*586 814 2*186 2*432 2*777 2.369 13*408 12*310 13*378 16*186 19.545 22*181 25.018 27*684 27,061 26.672 1935 1936 1937 1938 37,724 43,069 53,541 55*099 5,363 6*790 8,324 10,016 9.021 9*715 13,259 12,481 23,340 26,564 31*958 32,602 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural 58,621 For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others 2*285 Real estate On farmland On residential property Other Other, loans to individuals All other 1.172 6,255 4*020 15,466 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 71,306 95,379 93,528 80*954 151,298 36,452 53.194 54,123 44,884 68,594 1.753 2.739 2.097 1.789 2*700 954 646 1,544 3,489 35,540 1,337 1,323 1*110 646 632 7,736 8,602 8*727 5*955 7.103 5,491 6*606 5.931 5*671 5*164 6*850 6*027 17.583 21.667 19*996 11.470 25*538 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 129*765 182*226 209.841 226.901 218.745 56,950 76,973 108.778 118*534 102*643 3*015 3*667 1.705 1.030 1.316 28,273 33,796 24*677 17,402 13,214 678 1*304 1*315 1.764 1,379 7.636 10*146 15.145 18*317 21*060 4*899 8*735 11.558 14.702 16.848 6*977 13*860 37*742 46*688 56*765 21*337 33*745 8*921 7.827 7.637 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 261.126 315,224 346,048 396*982 468,392 125,841 153.397 165.585 186.559 219*668 1,064 1*830 2,153 2,132 2,969 13.179 15,279 14,403 17,443 18,686 1,449 1.982 2.527 3*114 3*730 28.452 28*128 30.016 29.192 32*061 16*090 18.329 20,615 24,118 29,695 71,637 87,660 101,795 125,550 152*107 5*915 11.503 12*170 12,705 13*726 1955 612,742 270.944 2*124 22,423 4,226 59*248 41*655 198,063 20.331 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Florida 261 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Other assets Bankers' balances (including reserves) Total assets 1896 1897 1896 1899 1*258 1*110 1*385 1*490 547 475 624 758 340 304 364 350 371 331 397 362 1.597 1.881 2*457 3*465 36 27 35 46 621 729 388 762 940 1.125 1.534 2*637 365 303 362 368 7*115 6*527 7,512 ° 8,904 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1*569 1*662 1*878 2*227 3.253 899 1*058 1*182 1*405 2,192 330 298 333 393 507 360 326 363 429 554 3*083 5*338 3*777 4*722 5*296 40 82 81 76 139 626 1,077 814 922 1*048 2,217 4,179 2*862 3,724 4,109 361 409 511 456 508 9*563 12*673 12*310 14*595 19*146 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3.395 3*806 5*458 6*647 7.121 2,308 2*514 3*442 4*756 5.077 520 619 964 904 1,081 567 675 1.052 987 963 5,451 7*207 7,319 6*656 9,076 155 232 280 313 266 1,210 1,417 1,633 1,956 2,268 4*086 5*558 5*406 4*387 6*544 575 666 882 1,262 1*385 21*959 28,389 34,560 32*897 38,812 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 6.724 7.098 8*617 9*854 10*136 5*122 5.237 5.728 6.311 5,879 614 1,078 1,500 1,810 2*160 788 783 1.389 1.733 2*099 9*781 12,013 11*781 14.978 15.737 468 396 458 625 570 2,669 2,995 3*141 3*367 3,815 6*624 8,620 8,182 10,786 11,352 1*811 1.936 2*306 2*830 2,980 45*389 50*194 56*002 63,607 65.567 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 10*513 12*463 15.767 23*085 35.524 6,123 6*206 7,250 14,453 27*842 2*450 2,756 3*168 3,191 3.002 1.940 3*501 5.349 5,441 4,680 14,018 19*545 21*768 18*192 21*878 398 560 539 1.219 1.523 3,225 3,522 3*575 2,453 2*377 10,395 15*463 17.654 14*520 17*978 3*640 4*141 3,712 4,732 4,623 64*574 75.663 84*741 92*033 110*611 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 28*034 28*034 31.594 39*826 40»664 17,418 17.584 18.527 24*231 20,201 4*311 4*254 4*557 5*603 8,633 6,305 6*196 8*510 9,992 11*830 26,185 21*636 27,629 28*506 36*162 2*916 2*050 1.742 2,650 2,641 3*117 3*157 2*884 2.405 3*164 22,150 16,431 23,003 23,451 32,357 4*321 4.734 5*316 5*573 6*275 128*868 117.661 130,537 149,086 167,716 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 61*471 74.570 78*370 75.329 75*623 21*772 26*914 34*303 33*524 35*024 14*528 29,326 26,141 21*319 19*668 25,171 18*330 17*926 20*486 20,931 86*119 91.255 62*084 47.989 43.876 5,709 7,655 5*580 5*316 4*614 5*496 9,742 5,687 4*154 5,332 74,914 73.858 50*817 36*519 33*730 7*266 10*196 14*667 13*780 12*163 296,207 342,528 288,895 260*696 229*166 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 78*498 87.539 92.432 96*694 102*727 36*398 52.638 62.030 70.315 72.595 16*854 16.797 15.634 12.170 11*877 23*246 16,104 14*768 14,209 18*255 53 »444 45.784 32.702 36*688 51,087 3*995 3.733 2.179 2*712 3*924 7*716 6*030 4,552 4*766 4*121 41,733 36*021 25,971 29,210 43*042 11,145 9,717 9*428 9,844 9,674 212*964 190,377 171,699 173*626 195,957 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 102*875 120*314 135.590 112*948 122*362 78*217 93*966 104,961 84*296 90*132 12,229 12*944 14,849 16.145 19*698 12,429 13*404 15,780 12*507 12*552 65.989 88,895 93,312 101*774 140*666 4,289 7*196 8*847 6*556 8,222 4*674 6*494 6,898 6*769 6*454 57,026 75,203 77,567 88*449 125*990 9*405 8,962 9,259 9,176 10,873 215,993 261,240 291,702 278,997 332,542 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 126*442 155.863 197.156 412.821 556,172 89*254 116.769 158*161 374.383 516*620 25(546 27*893 29*113 29*510 32*316 11*642 11*201 9*882 8*928 9*236 173*237 192.794 187.243 257.355 325*180 6*615 12*064 15,489 21*700 24*673 7*761 9,254 12*096 16,752 17*894 156*661 171*476 159,656 218,903 282*613 11,035 11,400 10*864 14,187 14,238 362*020 455*436 486,811 765,317 1*048*868 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 709*160 850*829 712,984 668*206 682*965 656,699 773,278 638*383 608*100 608*724 41*063 52*166 54,978 60*115 59*312 11*398 25*385 19*623 19*993 14*949 318,901 348*506 330.678 316.794 330.777 32*231 36*357 39*027 47*556 45.097 19,966 18*166 20.587 22*312 20*866 266*704 293*983 271,064 246,926 264,814 13,577 14*441 15,466 16*174 16*624 1*171,403 1,396*002 1,268*969 1.250,077 1,249,131 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 756.693 763.975 839,533 849*429 905,511 674,221 662*057 720.315 721,932 762,397 67.718 82*309 97*156 105*072 119*862 14,754 19*609 22*062 22*425 23*252 347.178 379.144 428,556 462 • 540 500*389 56.127 61.879 67.893 79*594 84*684 19,013 22*336 26*536 29*851 32.726 270*038 294,927 334,127 353,095 382*979 18*289 21*082 23*147 24*163 28*057 1,383*286 1*479*425 1,637,284 1,733,134 1,902,349 111*223 34*125 35*809 2*187*498 1955 . 262 Florida National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1896 1899 4*689 4.309 5.277 6.636 315 267 354 453 76 75 175 267 3*801 3*438 4*144 5*260 497 529 604 636 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 7,114 9.462 6.820 10,853 13.720 422 609 598 702 1*328 259 258 340 465 635 5*717 7.651 6*754 8*405 10*311 1*128 1*281 1*446 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 15.597 20.852 24.807 21.926 26,302 1,436 2,332 2,846 2,425 4»102 442 460 822 11.929 15.953 17.700 14*369 15»972 1.790 2*107 3*145 3*821 5*406 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 31.221 35,623 38,364 44.225 47,157 4.673 5,515 5*386 7*015 6*808 361 470 531 422 610 17.447 20*082 21*078 23*357 26.426 6*740 9.556 11.367 13(431 13*313 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 44.227 56.595 67*148 70*849 86.225 5,474 8,874 10,245 7*287 10,720 594 539 732 25.814 29.995 34.280 37.308 44.719 12*345 17*167 21*891 22*536 27.519 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 107.110 94,180 108.621 127,014 143,791 13*436 9,771 12,694 14,902 16,809 510 54*625 45.609 52.945 59*433 68.787 38.185 37*831 42*428 51*437 55.665 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 269,904 303,587 244*113 220*827 191*023 56,649 43*462 32*790 25.839 20.734 1*023 1*341 1*096 1*936 2.245 134*965 162*216 111.507 96*669 63,435 77.267 96*568 98.720 96.363 84.609 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 178,901 160,333 140*683 142,390 165,315 19,934 19.580 11*981 12*510 24*080 4*041 6*130 4*778 5*834 10*581 85.982 77.337 66*166 65.290 86.644 68*944 57*206 57*756 56*756 43*810 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 190,104 236,640 265*360 250,661 302.328 29.529 40,180 42*031 43,655 61,293 7*668 11*362 3*784 3*213 7*023 108*706 139*660 172*712 153,627 177,420 44.201 45*438 46*833 50.166 56*592 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 350.287 420*492 448*871 722.423 999*500 76,307 86,986 86,967 136,779 154,930 8*487 10*464 15*546 53.782 174.360 206*223 259.543 286.507 455.800 564,545 59.270 61.477 59.651 76.062 105*665 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1*113*055 1*326*603 1*194*391 1,171,637 1,165,425 158.352 140*091 111,437 104,334 114,410 138*956 96*201 10*085 15*096 12*691 665,207 890*513 855.069 837,187 834*640 150*540 199.996 217.800 215.020 203.4*4 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1*291,445 1,360,064 1,526,697 1,614,575 1,767,287 127,438 132.064 149,433 159,243 169,127 22*492 32,769 41*043 26*042 44*997 932*881 1*004*387 1*108*959 1*161.608 1*235*961 208.634 210*644 229*262 247*682 297*202 1955 216*409 1*114 1*311 3*718 3*267 864 769 554 1*242 1.386*997 716 964 Florida 263 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings Nat ba no^ uS*. <*#* Surplus and other capital accounts 590 603 619 15 1*350 1.150 1.150 1.150 511 752 796 836 1.351 15 7 32 8 18 204 277 820 876 749 1.725 2.032 2*498 3*230 4*052 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 882 519 1.142 1.038 881 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1896 1897 1898 1899 132 161 142 80 354 304 324 385 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 179 129 56 164 Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 638 7.115 6,527 7,512 8*904 17 15 15 15 1.150 1.355 1.460 1*685 2.510 773 898 1.073 1,157 1.383 9*563 12*673 12*310 14*595 19*146 15 17 20 20 25 32 53 100 72 107 2.712 3*320 4*010 4*680 5.130 1*669 1.855 2*325 2*113 2*472 21*959 28*389 34*560 32.897 38.812 29 35 35 39 39 4*430 4.630 5.144 6*010 5*430 135 154 137 314 409 5*710 5.894 7.080 7*476 6*885 3.011 3.374 4.135 4*544 4.805 45,389 50*194 56.002 63.607 65.567 42 45 46 52 54 1.787 538 415 2*997 5.988 5.707 5.815 5.195 5*553 5*441 294 226 388 1*192 1*641 7.265 7.260 6.381 6.585 6.365 5.294 5,229 5.214 4*857 4,931 64.574 75.663 84.741 92*033 110.611 56 56 54 56 53 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 3.019 3.458 862 719 487 5*470 5*561 5.906 5*844 6.151 1.070 495 329 229 998 6.545 7.198 7»795 9*390 9.740 5,654 6.769 7,02^ 5,392 6,549 128.868 117,661 130*537 149.088 167*716 53 56 62 61 54 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 182 1*445 6.117 2.495 4,092 5.239 5.416 5.422 4.749 4.791 1.799 3*114 2*485 2.230 1.120 10.504 15*200 16*790 15*865 15.190 8*579 13,766 13,968 14,530 12,952 296*207 342.528 288,895 260,696 229*168 57 63 62 63 55 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1.512 669 1.218 227 4.124 3*894 6*250 9.562 8*168 1*079 611 492 502 349 15.785 15*435 15*300 14.800 15*680 11.563 9,435 7,956 6,145 6,445 212,964 190,377 171,899 173,626 195,957 55 51 49 45 50 2*551 322 474 688 551 772 15.780 15.877 15.603 15.568 15*346 7,236 6*249 10*051 12.194 14.096 215,993 261,240 291,702 278,997 332.542 50 52 53 53 52 977 1.312 1*509 1*367 2*366 15.208 15.397 18*625 18*795 19*605 15,546 18,235 19*806 22,732 27.417 382,020 455.436 468.611 765,317 1*046.868 52 52 53 54 55 3*783 4*793 4.612 4*834 5*221 21*025 24*350 27*100 27*100 27.600 32.140 39.306 42*866 46,506 50.685 1.171,403 1.396.002 1*268,969 1,250,077 1,249,131 56 60 61 61 61 6.518 7*688 9.305 12*325 14*539 28*475 29.875 33.175 38.275 42.850 56.848 61.598 66*107 67,959 77,673 1,383.286 1,479,425 1,637,264 1,733,134 1,902,349 62 63 63 65 71 17.879 50.375 68*155 2,187,498 79 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 * 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 23 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1*400 750 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 200 200 264 Florida State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 1*627 1*648 1*671 1*903 363 368 373 424 527 534 541 617 737 746 757 862 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*950 2.356 3,854 5,054 5,622 658 525 859 1*129 1.349 956 763 1*249 1,637 1*462 1*336 1,068 1,746 2,288 2,811 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 68,890 67,003 66,756 85,751 107*052 17*636 16*751 16,355 20,580 25,157 18,187 18,761 19*827 26*840 35*220 33*067 31*491 30*574 38*331 46,675 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9.238 11,690 12.570 12,618 12,569 2.217 2,813 3*017 3*028 3*097 2*402 3,039 3*268 3,281 2,435 4*619 5,836 6.285 6*309 7,037 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 193*851 212,607 144*097 111,377 92,017 44*392 47,701 37,846 33,161 30,635 67.072 77.195 49*683 35*505 26,944 82*387 87*711 56*568 42*711 34,438 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 17,165 20*630 21*842 26*631 29*821 3,699 5.081 6*586 5,737 7,417 3,704 4,476 5,493 5,495 6,176 9,762 11,073 9,763 15,399 16,226 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 38.625 27,927 20.935 12,693 11,487 14,300 11*325 9*272 4,686 4*208 10*375 6.773 4,555 2*775 1*776 13*950 9*829 7,108 5 » 232 5,503 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 27,207 28,956 25*693 38*740 44,722 8,084 8,166 7,245 10,294 11.672 5,897 6,486 5,755 8,930 11,046 13,226 14.304 12,693 19*516 22,004 1935 1936 1937 1938 13,442 17,572 22,914 26,680 4*178 5*429 6.860 8*407 1*949 3.180 4,279 4,321 7,315 8,963 11,775 13,952 Loans1 Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate others farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 28*862 9*427 682 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 33*873 38*540 35,178 27,180 32,903 11*098 12*128 11,549 8*893 10*836 772 638 509 344 638 793 892 1,381 1,468 4,031 1*479 1*510 1*774 1*449 1*854 6.310 7.332 6.033 5.196 5.621 2,573 3,150 3,353 2*634 2*679 5,201 5.554 10*848 12*890 10.579 1,975 1*690 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 38,922 56*231 79,167 100,748 111,540 13*944 20*991 30*416 36*632 38*490 754 566 901 615 257 3,591 4,170 2*639 2*923 2*980 2*148 3*219 4*163 4*969 4*813 7*077 9*901 13*933 19,776 23,196 3*072 3*668 6*867 9*070 8*851 6,387 11,785 17,478 24,403 30,179 1*949 1*931 2*770 2*939 3»758 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 146,966 180,661 213*164 254*088 282.797 40.571 54*239 64,680 77.257 85*707 173 288 541 433 334 3,528 3,507 3,299 4,209 4,672 5»083 6*001 6.631 8.218 8*852 38*264 44,396 48*032 51*659 57*925 11.725 13*110 16.956 18,502 22,850 43*339 54,298 67.754 87.092 100*324 5,605 6,470 7,254 9,195 4,825 1955 338*114 112,529 1,235 5,381 10*026 64,323 27,655 114*922 5*867 5*466 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Florida 265 Table 3— State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Obligations of States and political subdivisions U.S. Government obligations Total Other securities Total • Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 208 230 210 271 654 656 893 885 40 33 17 13 267 256 330 294 347 367 546 578 318 412 366 343 2.807 2*946 3*141 3*402 96 106 380 651 477 289 134 180 144 303 1.346 1.771 1.964 2.425 2.536 46 77 71 69 103 361 357 560 682 702 917 1*337 1.333 1*674 1)731 187 216 414 409 399 4*899 4*583 6*792 8*696 9*337 6 532 798 643 789 738 363 510 523 411 326 3)118 4,640 4*563 4*261 5*599 160 207 150 217 219 899 900 997 1*108 1.099 2.059 3*533 3*416 2*936 4*261 566 690 587 922 976 13*817 18*328 18.866 19*001 20*214 1 52 33 68 33 809 944 1.105 1.352 1*269 710 745 1,054 1*315 1,404 8.207 8.598 11.359 11.112 10.860 214 228 364 341 352 1.440 1*475 2.036 2*028 2.300 6.553 6*895 8.959 8.743 8*208 1*292 1*436 3*084 2*481 3*850 28*184 32*405 38.477 42.959 47*237 38 2*229 5.914 1*232 1.704 1.740 2*403 4*303 1(336 1.528 2.893 2,907 3*401 6*682 14*404 17.631 13.856 21*059 261 348 361 571 896 1.775 2.127 2*542 2*462 2*980 6*646 11*929 14.728 10*623 17*183 3*524 3*530 4*003 4*407 4.409 42.019 50.122 51*960 64*542 83*808 15*997 15*043 15.342 13.568 21.937 7*599 7.103 7,042 8,300 9,521 5.007 4*663 4.710 5.645 6*603 3*391 3.277 3.590 4.623 5.813 26*687 20*624 23*854 31)777 40*892 1.218 700 829 1.304 1.660 4.231 3.906 3.603 3*771 5*078 21.238 16*018 19*422 26*702 34.134 4.953 5*576 5*942 6)633 9*166 116.527 108*246 111*694 142.729 179*047 1925 1926 1927 1923 1929 38*352 46*451 45*142 44.464 45.771 16,192 13.015 14,327 15,396 16.264 11*416 21.000 20*118 18*799 17.173 10.744 12*436 10.697 10.269 12.334 119.673 97*831 65*629 53.725 37*675 5.923 4.438 2*270 1*891 1*319 9*164 16*899 9.899 8*090 5.666 104.586 76*494 53.460 43.744 30*690 10*243 12*860 17*696 15*915 12*497 362. U9 369.749 272*564 225.461 187.960 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 25.119 26*098 26*177 21*018 21*500 11,542 12.781 13,389 11*487 10.900 9*149 8*652 8.201 6.969 6*855 4*428 4.665 4*587 2*562 3*745 20*454 17*916 12*019 9*558 18.096 738 662 262 239 429 3.092 2*713 2.729 1.974 2*123 16*624 14*541 9*028 7*345 15*546 8*722 8.139 6*767 4*073 3*872 92*920 80.080 65.898 47.342 54*957 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 24*286 27.590 31*811 29.634 29.396 12.606 14.636 17*323 16.114 15.453 6*626 9.709 11.074 11*077 11*766 3*054 3.245 3*414 2*443 2*157 22.038 29.125 32.931 31.564 42.861 844 601 609 502 772 2.322 3.291 3*721 3.689 3*765 18*872 25.233 28*601 27*373 38*324 3*790 4.078 3*655 3*859 3*826 63*556 78*365 91*311 91*737 104*945 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 31.393 33.333 43*847 119.772 196,781 16.192 17,664 27,865 103,100 180,271 13*314 14*059 14*520 15.387 15.525 1*887 1*610 1*462 1*285 985 50.231 64*208 72,570 120*648 126*230 940 981 1.076 1.555 2.345 3.987 5*376 6*308 6.353 10.870 45*304 57)851 65*186 110*740 115*015 3*804 3.893 3*793 3*660 3*240 119*301 139.974 155.388 271.260 361*154 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 270,252 335*119 313*581 314*906 325*191 251,842 315,617 291.806 289*596 299,148 17,636 17*048 18.479 22*010 23*049 774 2.454 3(294 3.300 2*994 146*691 137*048 115.895 110)655 124.296 2,159 3*002 2.985 3*448 3*811 10.542 11.168 13.061 14.864 15.851 133.990 122.878 99)849 92*343 104*634 3*191 3*365 3.892 5*061 6*605 459.056 531.763 512.535 531.370 567*632 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 350,355 392*021 439,822 496.122 510.537 318.846 347.369 389.737 442.721 447.214 29.417 40.971 44.738 50.395 59,477 2*092 3*681 5*347 3*006 3*846 139.963 157.512 180.476 190.545 211.668 6.702 7*507 7*928 8*666 9*075 14.584 16*408 21.541 24.349 26.223 118*677 133)597 151*007 157,510 176,370 7*646 9*592 12.054 13*816 15*800 644.930 739.786 845.516 954.571 1.020*802 1955 562.661 484.339 73,352 4.970 231.816 12.669 27.951 191*176 18*080 1*150.671 1696 1897 1898 1899 208 230 211 271 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 416 240 560 806 780 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 895 1*308 1*166 1*200 1.070 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1.520 1.741 2*192 2*735 2*706 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2*606 3*232 4*633 7.539 13.618 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1 31 13 266 Florida State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year U Sl ' Government Interbank Total Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 1.845 It853 2*170 2*491 43 67 43 71 1,621 1*608 1,920 2,319 161 176 207 101 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3*820 3*667 5*346 6*997 7.289 106 27 74 144 333 3*392 3,486 5*060 6*487 6*613 322 152 212 366 343 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9*726 13*818 14*330 13*322 15*103 395 178 266 243 422 8*491 12*590 12*554 11*464 10*465 1*050 1*510 1*615 4*216 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 21*946 25*478 29*935 32*661 34*825 1*081 1.298 1*251 1*264 1*228 14*251 15*785 18*208 21*572 22*441 6»614 8*395 10.476 9,825 11*156 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 29,674 38*556 40*103 52*294 71.475 842 1*820 1.807 1*821 2.315 189 127 18*249 21*996 24.034 30.385 49,682 10*583 14*740 14,262 19*899 19t351 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 102*030 90*362 93*918 122*440 154,709 3.383 2*113 2,590 3*675 5,755 4 75 100 36 69,945 58,792 53*611 72.854 106*946 28*702 29*473 37*642 45*811 41*972 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 332,710 321,052 224*910 185*085 147*559 15.722 13.795 10*628 10*446 6.919 47 94 239*920 215*998 135,177 107.832 89*271 77*030 91.259 79.105 66*760 51*275 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 70*872 62,182 50*268 36.805 45.044 1,472 1,322 634 572 406 176 331 514 317 45.597 42*146 28.165 25*526 29,673 23*603 18*536 21*138 10*191 14*648 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 53,533 67,279 79,347 78.542 91.004 766 579 835 931 877 117 597 115 173 254 35*393 45*776 55*988 51*646 61*135 17*262 20*327 22*409 25*792 26*738 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 104.098 123,792 138,778 254,119 342,866 1,316 2*318 1,674 3*437 2^841 256 239 592 13*850 40*594 70*228 85*883 101*757 192*390 236*022 32*298 35*352 34*755 44*442 63*409 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 437,670 507,534 484,172 499*260 531,396 4,742 7.313 5.462 5,026 6*570 41*510 24*242 4,565 5*348 4*341 301*813 363*440 345,915 354,033 388*210 89*605 112.539 128*230 134*853 132*275 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 603,624 692,354 789,869 892.653 950*828 7.098 10.672 12*705 19.399 22*395 7.274 7.471 7*845 8*690 14*551 445*187 509*250 560,252 636,746 654,466 144*06^ 164*961 189*067 227, 813 259,416 38 . 840 Florida 267 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Borrowings Nat onal ba no% f^* U&U. Surplus and other capital accounts <**- 1896 1897 50 90 60 13 12 9 11 10 751 822 720 710 149 174 160 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 60 25 100 100 165 12 15 45 33 50 763 658 905 1*059 1*206 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 700 354 300 700 439 111 50 73 88 11 2*507 3*037 3*002 3*584 3*367 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 501 618 870 811 1*065 61 38 59 744 474 3*865 4*199 5*008 5*968 7.425 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1*593 650 380 1*238 1*001 543 429 551 468 634 6*998 7*253 7*423 7.333 7*355 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1*256 2*572 1*742 1*675 1*538 328 1*106 1*169 1.436 2.492 8*714 9*808 10*250 X I . 863 13*323 4.199 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1*162 9*217 6*841 2*425 5.665 1*684 2*362 4*089 3*880 6.315 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1*581 1*007 1*329 676 148 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 Total liabilities and capital accounts II Number of banks 178 2*607 2*948 3.141 3*402 24 27 23 20 244 216 396 507 627 4.899 4*583 6.792 8*696 9.337 23 20 25 32 33 773 13*817 18*328 18*886 19*001 20*214 46 62 91 103 99 28*184 32*405 38*477 42*959 47.237 115 128 153 180 204 42*019 50*122 51*960 64.542 83*808 200 196 203 197 198 6.985 116*527 108*246 111*894 142*729 179*047 210 216 218 228 245 15*493 18*432 19.647 17*262 15*492 11.070 18*686 17.077 16*829 12.909 362.119 369*749 272*564 225*461 187.960 261 272 263 237 200 4.425 2*659 1.434 618 397 9*283 8*600 7.777 5*699 5*604 6.759 5.632 5.090 3*544 3.564 92*920 80*080 65*898 47.342 54*957 150 139 132 95 99 70 136 115 206 170 368 316 341 158 171 5*993 6*350 6.696 6*940 7*049 3*587 4*284 4*812 5*891 6*551 63*556 78.365 91.311 91*737 104*945 98 104 110 113 115 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 235 73 60 25 1 365 390 259 237 382 7*200 7*374 7*466 7.296 7.063 7*403 8*345 8.825 9*603 10*842 119.301 139.974 155*388 271.280 361*154 118 117 117 115 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1 180 150 130 30 539 820 1.010 1*186 1.716 7.703 8*258 9*691 10.871 12*366 13*143 14.971 17.512 19,923 22*124 459.056 531.763 512*535 531.370 567.632 115 115 123 125 129 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 20 307 2 20 1 2.325 2.837 4*092 5.031 6.187 13.859 15.624 18.671 20*067 24*571 25*102 28.664 32.882 36*800 39*215 644*930 739*786 845*516 954.571 1*020*802 134 140 148 150 152 41*483 1*150*671 153 1898 1899 1955 1*069 1*181 1*307 1*294 1.811 2.072 2*605 2*775 3*448 3*211 3*234 3*503 3*169 3*343 4.378 4.795 5.315 lie GEORGIA Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Georgia, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3. Because of the incomplete coverage in reported data for unincorporated banks in the State, a separate balance sheet was compiled for these banks (Table 3a); Table 3 includes data for these and other State commercial banks.1 A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Georgia were obtained from abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments; a description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks) and for unincorporated banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sec- tions describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks) for 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department and by, other State authorities. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. For unincorporated banks for 1896-1946, the primary sources were bankers * directories. The data shown for such banks in official sources in this period were very limited. The sources of statistics for State commercial banks (excluding those that were unincorporated) for 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department or obtained from bankers' directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks and for unincorporated banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The data for unincorporated banks in this period include several banks for which balance-sheet data were not available. 1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in Georgia, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies," "stock savings banks," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks). In this report the data for unincorporated banks are discussed separately from those of other State commercial hanks. 268 Georgia 269 STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS (OTHER THAN UNINCORPORATED BANKS), 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET The accompanying table shows adjustments made in number of banks and balance CHANGES IN NUMBER OF BANKS AMD BALANCE SHEETS Year or period 1896 1897 1901 1910 Number of banks only 4- 74 4- 67 - 2 +174 . 1913 . . 1914-1915. ., 1916-1918 1919 1920 -24 -26 -28 -29 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925. —54 —39 -42 —46 -46 .... . ;. . 1926 1927 . 1928 1929 1930 . 1931 1932 1933 . Number of banks and corresponding balance sheets + 11 __49 -21 — 19 -16 — 16 -12 -12 -2 4- 11 + 11 4- 10 -j- 12 4- 16 44+ 4+ 12 9 9 9 8 + 7 4- 8 4- 7 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other'* category (for example, other loans) is a residual. sheets as published by the Comptroller. These adjustments reflect for the most part exclusion of branches, addition of certain types of institutions that are now included in the all-bank series, and corrections for underreporting. Figures used for 1896 and 1897 were tabulated from individual bank statements published in the annual reports of the Treasurer of Georgia. For 1910, the number of banks represents a count based on information for that year published by State authorities; the assets and liabilities in that year are averages of the amounts shown in the over-all balance sheets reported for 1909 and 1911. Although data for the December 31, 1910 call were available, it was not feasible to adjust these data to the June call because of a large seasonal growth in loans, which seemed characteristic of the State. Prior to 1920, all incorporated State commercial banks, including those chartered by the Superior Court, were under the supervision of the Treasurer of the State. When the Department of Banking was organized in January 1920, only the State chartered banks came under its supervision, with the result that banks chartered by the Superior Court were not included in the banking statistics published by that department. These SuperiorCourt-chartered banks were added to the revised series. The major items on the balance sheet of these banks were tabulated from the bankers' directories, and the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits were based on the distribution of items for years in which data for these banks were published in reports of the State Treasurer or for years in which these banks reported to the Comptroller but were included in his tabulation of private banks. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not re- 270 All-Bank Statistics ported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. For years in which items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Data for real estate loans and collateral loans for 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to total loans in each year the ratio of each of these items to total loans as computed from reported data for 1909; for 1912, by applying the average ratio of each item to the total computed from reported figures for 1911 and 1913. Real estate loans for 1916-1919 were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios of this item to total loans that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1920; for 1928, by applying the average ratio computed from reported data for 1927 and 1929. Collateral loans for 1916-1933 were estimated by applying to total loans other than real estate, ratios of collateral loans to this total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1934. INVESTMENTS A complete breakdown of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1929. In years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Figures for United States Government securities and for obligations of States and political subdivisions for 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to total investments in each year the ratio of each of these items to total investments based on reported data for 1909. Since amounts for both of these items were relatively small before 1909, no effort was made to apply trends observed at other classes of banks. For 1912 and 1928 these two types of investments were estimated by applying to total investments the average ratio of each item to total investments based on reported data for 1911 and 1913 and for 1927 and 1929, respectively. The investment breakdown was estimated for each year of the period 1916-1920, except for United States Government securities in 1920. An estimate for United States Government securities in 1916 was derived by applying to total investments the ratio of this item to total investments computed from reported data for 1915. For 1917 it was assumed that these securities accounted for all of the increase in investments between 1916 and 1917. Estimates for 1918 and 1919 were derived by assuming that these securities accounted for the same proportion of the increase in total investments in each year as was computed for Georgia national banks. State and political subdivision securities and "other" investments for 1916-1920 were estimated by applying to total investments less estimated amounts of United States Government securities, ratios of each item to this total that were derived by interpolating between ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1921. In 1920, when United States Government securities were reported, the estimated figure for "other" investments had to be adjusted, that is, it represents the residual after United States Government securities and the estimated figure for State and political subdivision securities were deducted from total investments. The investment breakdown for 1925 was obtained by applying the percentage distribution of total investments computed from data for the April call date of that year. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was adequate, after some minor adjustments, in the reports of the Comptroller beginning with 1920, although reported figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.3 No 3 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. Georgia attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks, In the years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to this total, ratios of time deposits to this total that were extrapolated from a straight-line trend fitted roughly to ratios computed from data for 1909-1925; for 1910, by applying the average ratio of each item to total deposits other than interbank based on reported data for 1909 and 1911. Estimates for 1918 and 1919 were computed in this same manner, using an average ratio computed from data for 1917 and 1920. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1930 represent holdings of these deposits at State member banks only, 271 which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. The figure for 1918 is an estimate, but figures for other dates are as reported. The 1918 estimate was derived by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Georgia to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. OTHER ITEMS Cash items in process of collection were estimated for 1897, for 1899 and 1900, and for 1919 and 1920 by applying to total cash assets in those years the average ratio of this item to total cash assets computed from reported data for 1896 and 1898, for 1898 and 1901, and for 1918 and 1921, respectively. Borrowings for 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to total liabilities in each year the ratio of borrowings to total liabilities computed from reported data for the December call of that year. STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS (OTHER THAN UNINCORPORATED BANKS), 1934-1946 The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks for this period published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks, ranging from 26 in 1935 to 18 in 1946. Figures for the latter group for 1934-1941 were taken from bankers' directories; for 1942-1946, they were compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation from data furnished by the State banking department, supplemented by data from bankers7 directories. The breakdowns of some of the principal asset and liability items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks in the sources cited. The breakdowns of loans, of cash assets, and of investments other than United States Government obligations for 1934-1946 were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of corresponding items at insured nonmember commercial banks in these years. The breakdowns of deposits for 1934-1941 were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of total deposits at noninsured banks in 1942. UNINCORPORATED BANKS, 1896-1946 Unincorporated banks in Georgia have never reported to the State banking authorities, and the Comptroller of the Currency received only scattered reports from them except in 1934 and 1935 when 42 and 51 banks, respectively, reported. In these years about 80 to 90 per cent of all private banks in the State reported. Balance-sheet data for 272 All-Bank Statistics private banks are, therefore, very limited throughout the period covered by the all-bank series. Figures for numbers of unincorporated banks were compiled from bankers7 directories, and balance-sheet data were estimated in large part from information in these directories. On the basis of estimated data described hereafter, the total assets of these banks amounted to about 14 per cent of total assets of all State commercial banks in 1896 and 1897; the proportion declined gradually to less than 2 per cent in 1918 and remained small thereafter. The number of banks and their capital accounts as compiled from the bankers' directories for the years 1900-1902 are in general agreement with data for these years obtained by the Bureau of Internal Revenue for tax purposes under the War Revenue Act of 1898. In each year the Internal Revenue figures are slightly smaller than those compiled from the directories, possibly because some unincorporated banks may have been counted for tax purposes as State chartered commercial banks. The largest number of these institutions, based on a count from the bankers' directories, was 65 in 1939, In making the bank-by-bank count, it was necessary to exclude (1) branches of some of these institutions that were considered as separate banks and (2) banks included in the directories for several years after they had been liquidated or merged with other banks. BALANCE SHEET, 1896-1914 It was necessary to exclude data for a few banks (the number ranged from one to five) in the period 1896-1914 since no data were available to indicate their size; these banks are included in number only. For some other banks, capital accounts were not shown for some years; in these cases estimates were derived by interpolating or extrapolating on the basis of reported data for other years. The aggregate balance-sheet statement for private banks was estimated from an abbreviated balance sheet compiled from bankers' directories for four base years—1901, 1906, 1909, and 1914. Ratios of capital accounts to total assets were computed for each base year. The ratio of 1901 was applied to the capital-accounts data for years prior to 1901 to arrive at aggregate total assets and total liabilities for each year of that period. Totals for the intervening years—1902-1905, 1907 and 1908, and 1910-1913—were estimated by applying to capital-accounts data, ratios interpolated between ratios computed for the base years. Ratios of major items to total assets or total liabilities that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios in these same base years were used to distribute total assets and total liabilities in intervening years. For the breakdowns of the principal items (loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits), the data for private banks that reported to the Comptroller were used. Because of the limited number of banks reporting to the Comptroller in most of the years, the breakdowns were considered to be representative of all private banks only in those years in which the largest coverage occurred. For each of these years, ratios of each subitem to its total (e.g., real estate loans to total loans, etc.) were computed ; ratios for intervening years were interpolated. These ratios were then applied to the corresponding principal item for each year. BALANCE SHEET, 1915-1946 Except for several banks for which no data of any kind were available, an abbreviated balance sheet was compiled or estimated for each bank for each year during this period. For some banks data for missing years were interpolated from data reported for other years. For others, where it was not considered desirable to interpolate, a reported figure was carried forward or a figure was estimated on the basis of the movement in this item at reporting banks of similar size. The procedure for estimating the breakdowns of the principal items on the balance sheet that was used for 1896-1914 was used Georgia for the 1915-1934 period also, i.e., using only those years in which reports to the Comptroller had the greatest coverage. For the 1935-1946 period the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits were estimated by applying to each of these items 273 ratios of the subitems to the total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on data reported to the Comptroller of the Currency for 1935 and the December 1947 data compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 274 Georgia All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All. other Collateral Year Total I Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 34,100 34*228 35.089 37.505 2*752 2.723 2,740 3.047 9,405 9.576 9.847 10.111 21.943 21*929 22.502 24.347 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 42*680 51*791 55*886 64*602 71.050 3*299 3.887 4.075 4,651 5.173 10*916 13*286 14*342 16*660 19,026 28*465 34.616 37.471 43*291 46*851 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 403*946 341.073 302*569 330*359 329*861 31*056 36.099 40.658 41.512 43*792 105*555 86,606 75,111 77.463 78.646 267,335 216,368 166,600 211.384 207.223 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 78*310 105.134 114.400 109.464 116.951 5.653 7,739 8,465 7.744 8*422 20*412 27,217 30*063 29*464 32.194 52*245 70.178 75,872 72,276 76*335 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 329,454 336,549 306,980 321*597 305,192 43*752 53*338 49.741 50.018 43.422 80.614 83.317 99.414 105.021 81.131 205.066 199*894 157.825 166*556 180*639 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 144.510 161*367 170,996 175.970 180.907 13,646 18.764 20,945 22.956 18.137 39.207 40,878 45,712 49*769 37*381 91,657 101,725 104,341 103,243 125,389 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 276,272 224.577 181*729 149.795 157.328 41.749 38,814 36,618 29,115 29,208 73.045 49.471 40*907 41,120 43.928 161*478 136.292 104.004 79.560 84*192 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 170.197 185*174 205*882 262.565 284.856 20*285 20.760 20.578 23.212 21.548 46*271 51.513 57.134 73.045 90.707 103*641 112*881 126.170 166,308 172.601 1935 1936 1937 1938 176.277 161*936 205*713 212*662 26*154 29*484 3 3, '195 34*670 28.142 30,740 36,040 35.560 121*981 101*714 136*178 142*432 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate "*" ^"^ To others On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 1939 221.756 112.355 1.969 7.941 7.405 21*675 7*512 62*899 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 234.198 288*978 271*550 223*552 353.145 106*081 129*802 138,615 122.196 141,358 2,048 3*085 1*062 1*797 2.011 10.353 9*708 6.270 8*650 116*044 7.758 8*101 7*702 6.752 7.336 23.558 26.509 26,977 28*211 28*809 10*842 10*361 9.180 6*497 6*175 30*201 28.324 73.558 101.412 79.544 19.246 23*066 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 310*361 412*423 498*360 588.410 591,202 165*761 180.013 226.322 277,462 266.228 3.983 5*325 1*69$ 1*245 2*147 35.753 59*750 27*569 23.475 18.461 8.585 13*835 16.552 19.759 20.978 30,517 47*826 73.145 86.290 86,736 7,455 13*243 21.715 24*840 27.648 29»409 52,662 98,653 133,557 146,349 28*698 39*769 30*706 24*296 25*443 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 674.823 769*692 809*079 859*722 909*976 288.456 356*204 372*460 394,353 436,662 6.557 4.346 6.745 6*062 7.319 17.343 15.359 17.176 13*088 14.432 22.699 25.580 26.771 29.036 32.053 100,606 114,160 107.293 104,361 108*236 30*567 31.989 36.077 36.551 35.520 187,016 205,182 224.892 259.259 257,542 27.673 24,552 26*061 26,103 27,384 1955 1.026.790 456.098 9.447 21.060 41.902 123.976 48,267 302,720 32,293 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. continue to be shown net. Total loans Georgia 275 Table /—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1896 1899 4.529 4.420 4.359 5.318 1,580 1,482 1*417 2*005 572 577 593 690 2.377 2.361 2.349 2*623 11,084 9,863 10,837 13,059 509 474 425 587 4,693 4,677 4.716 4,783 5*682 4,712 5*696 7.689 2*472 2*331 2.408 3*054 52*185 50,842 52,693 58*936 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 6,616 7,623 7,783 8,574 9,310 3,103 3*832 4*081 4*703 4*882 725 764 749 786 909 2*788 3*027 2*953 3.085 3,519 12,092 * 12,844 14,532 15,249 15,756 558 760 665 847 686 4*536 4.470 4.880 5*122 5.194 6.998 7.614 6*987 9*280 9*876 2*802 2*972 3.207 3.683 3*977 64*190 75,230 81*410 92,108 100,093 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9,638 10,186 11.904 14,995 15,628 5,131 6*165 7,382 9*444 10.556 937 826 901 3.570 3*195 3.621 4*466 3*400 21,140 22,260 23,040 23.291 29,390 883 1,012 1*604 1,343 1,619 5*662 6,065 5,736 6,488 7*727 14,575 15,163 15,700 15,460 20*044 4.439 5,361 5.380 6.340 7*043 113,527 142,941 154,724 154,110 169,012 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 16*458 17,317 19,348 20,759 20,974 10*890 10*942 12*134 12*821 13*336 1*191 4*377 5.477 6.601 7.276 6.999 29,028 31,600 34,454 34,660 37.927 2,099 2.279 2.162 3.189 1.973 7,465 7,642 8,295 8,514 10,722 19,464 21,679 23.997 22,957 25,232 8,477 9,307 10,552 11,956 12,997 198*473 219.591 235,352 243*345 252,805 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 21,870 23*008 24*369 41,631 58*046 13*205 12.725 13*662 30*946 47*552 1.265 1,376 1,282 933 7.704 9,018 9*351 9*603 9.561 36*821 47.066 64,392 71,040 90.797 1,816 2.780 5.016 10*859 13.383 8*558 8,679 11,072 10,403 11,576 26,447 35,407 48,304 49,778 65.838 13,442 14,015 15,182 20,785 24,225 242,330 269*263 309.845 396*221 457.924 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 52,745 38.158 37.122 37.904 34.111 36*640 24.869 23.345 21,788 17,755 1,934 1,183 1,061 1,475 1,407 14.171 12.106 12.716 14.641 14.949 88,444 61,603 69,934 75.164 76.489 11,372 10*154 11.599 12.390 12*567 11,208 8,519 8*096 7,117 8,319 65,864 42,930 50,239 55,677 55,603 20,930 21,663 20,114 26*248 28,837 566,065 462*497 429,739 469.695 469*296 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 41.205 48*220 54*672 59.258 57,161 22,357 22*007 26,438 28,722 31,756 2,426 3,826 5*560 5.998 5,224 16.422 22*387 22*674 24*538 20*181 86.334 84.320 84.227 78.798 72,595 15.042 15.999 15.020 12,863 13,363 9,165 9,385 9.118 7,551 6.820 64,127 58,936 60,089 58*364 52,412 33,203 33,006 29,146 30,035 29,969 492.196 502,095 475.025 489,686 464,917 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 62*466 76,219 73,673 84.742 100.576 33,728 40,910 40*455 51,876 65.439 3,216 6,932 6,330 9*146 10*993 25.522 28.377 26.888 23.720 24,144 79,508 90,225 66.047 78,800 94,397 11.762 9,051 7,243 7.762 9.048 7,883 7,957 6,479 6,107 6,446 59.863 73.217 52.325 64,931 78*903 26,841 26*857 27,247 25,959 26,256 447,087 417,878 348.696 339,296 378.559 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 90.196 135.205 94.991 84,885 114,473 59,121 96,918 55,521 49,265 71,260 12.757 17.227 17,422 17,330 23,684 18,318 21*060 22,048 18,290 19,529 109,107 144,132 126,130 123,623 167,629 12*802 14.056 21.415 18.919' 23,063 6,635 10,040 9,B44 9.152 9,055 89,670 120.036 94,871 95,552 135.511 25,112 24,635 22,966 22,687 22*466 400.692 465.910 449,800 443,857 526,324 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 116,660 133*666 191,308 514,157 656.732 67*678 81.840 141,254 460*768 604,828 27,391 31,306 31,915 34,180 34,209 21,591 20,542 18,139 19,209 17,695 206,043 241.453 298,174 363,361 381,751 24,275 34.098 40,659 54,484 61,187 9.582 12.709 16,360 20,634 22,136 172.166 194,646 241.155 288,263 296,428 21.373 20*236 19,510 18,631 17,054 578,274 684,355 780,542 1,119,721 1.408.682 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 878,530 930.117 765,623 672,946 622,389 823,322 867,776 696*409 599.466 538*881 38*636 39.632 45,597 51.471 58.383 16*572 22*709 23,617 22,009 25.125 459,746 451,379 442,376 446.356 420.309 67.782 89.374 93.498 91,604 65,718 19,444 23,009 28.978 35,187 33,226 372,520 338,996 319,900 319,565 301,365 17,281 17,651 18,098 18,344 19,419 1.665,918 1*811.570 1,724,457 1,726.056 1,653,319 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 610,580 597,614 731,718 716,731 737,948 516,625 496.992 614,793 585,023 595,847 69.553 80*281 91*146 108*808 118.209 24,402 20*341 25,777 22,900 23,892 424,712 490.332 557,789 556.276 551.847 104,510 124,094 133,016 137,968 129,673 29,211 29,554 39.786 43 ,018 43,717 290,991 336,684 384.985 375.290 378.457 21,297 25.048 29,502 29,790 32,154 1,731,412 1,882,886 2*128.088 2,162.519 2,231,925 147,860 44,398 1955 601.736 1,085 1.672 898 613 662 639 961 276 Georgia All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total 1896 Interbank 1897 1896 1899 29,526 27t433 29,565 34*366 1.925 1.786 2.025 2*164 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 37*260 41*835 48.632 57.671 62*119 2,617 3,235 4,110 4,349 4,279 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 72.118 85,753 93,446 86,823 97.955 5*308 6,286 6,709 6,291 8.336 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 109*164 121,357 132,778 126,677 132.742 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 U.S. Government 130 145 Other demand Other time 20.084 18*695 19,869 22,910 7,387 6,807 7,487 8,782 24,512 27*229 31,682 37.637 40*507 9*296 10*315 11,680 14,210 16(233 2,082 2,400 1*097 47*200 55,254 58*288 53,924 60,371 18,814 23,252 26,367 24*208 28*151 8,361 9,747 9,730 9.051 11,641 773 663 752 910 926 63,788 68,595 73,666 69,750 85,675 36*242 42*352 46*630 46*966 34*500 132,517 164.635 209,047 266,610 314*540 9,949 14,045 20*263 24*412 30,852 868 546 658 5.843 6*085 75,456 94*044 115,527 144,937 172,768 46.244 56*000 72,599 91,418 104*835 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 389,290 282,489 269,720 326,909 324,040 32,036 20,972 26,935 31,140 28,508 1,829 1,286 2*017 2,734 1,753 216,095 139,835 146,062 158,944 152,665 139*330 120*396 114*706 134.091 141,114 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 365,362 372.612 365.116 365*090 347*639 46,589 40,036 37,405 32,536 27,714 2,144 3,344 4,496 2,711 7,631 180,330 213,495 178,398 167,582 160,740 136,299 115,737 144,819 162*261 151.554 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 338.714 324.778 257,494 257.122 301.051 30*951 35.593 31,142 39,447 42,126 6,183 9,960 4,815 6,154 19,629 154,668 146,162 108,084 109,548 131,085 146*912 133*063 113,453 99.973 108.211 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 327,785 400,614 381,183 373,967 455.900 50*699 68,532 51*314 54,742 79.420 8,625 21*322 5,760 7,208 14,481 156,346 198,026 209,963 195,773 242*227 112.115 112.734 114*146 116*264 119*772 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 505,686 608,421 701,476 1,038,777 1,323,246 94,840 119.596 127.418 159*802 165.698 16,072 22,928 19,645 86,842 247,566 266,496 333*151 419,601 640,241 719*344 126*276 132*746 134*812 151.892 190*620 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1,570,361 1.705,817 1.607.494 1,597,796 1,516*995 211*392 181*226 145*402 143,429 126,051 203,696 151,305 14,525 22*624 20,170 898*670 1,065,409 1,126,572 1,109*614 1,052.711 256,623 307*877 320.995 321.931 316,063 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1*586,325 1*724.205 1.956,197 1,976.436 2*030.084 144,853 162,500 185,659 185*006 187.700 37,122 60,919 77,971 41,648 69,334 1,084,400 1,188,956 1,361,204 1,388,608 1,369,730 319.950 311*630 333,363 360,972 403.320 2.141.990 192.573 64,254 1,446,115 439,048 184 510 833 „ 1*056 1*160 1*475 1*100 796 961 Georgia 277 Table 1—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Year Borrowings National bank notes Other Amounts in thousands of dollars] Capital liabilities Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1.052 180 179 152 116 13*837 13.272 13.063 12*997 6.507 6.747 6*739 7.342 52*185 50.842 52*693 58.936 186 193 194 211 1.636 2*539 2.490 3*064 3*470 113 124 136 399 202 12*791 13*731 14*598 15*532 17*056 7.605 6*760 9.930 11.353 12.454 64.190 75.230 61.410 92*108 100.093 223 257 272 296 328 4*563 12*699 9*657 9>320 9*319 3 ,.95 5 4i>945 5*804 7*699 9.266 163 319 1*776 18*835 22*963 25.467 29*443 30*764 13.873 16.262 18.574 19.958 21.449 113.527 142.941 154.724 154.110 169.012 390 481 537 595 603 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 19*870 22*123 19*764 28*576 29*194 10 1» 32 8 11.265 11*676 12*141 1*388 35*067 36*223 41*436 43*744 45.133 23.903 26.773 29.195 31.481 32*207 198.473 219.591 235*352 243.345 252.805 693 732 785 793 601 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 20*095 15.793 13*930 34*784 46*005 12*252 11*966 10*280 10.899 10*482 1*624 1*066 1*779 6*180 8.395 43*194 43.007 41.282 41.620 41*922 32*646 32.796 33.527 35.928 36*560 242*330 269*263 309.645 396.221 457.924 773 755 739 756 751 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 62*331 72*116 31*593 34*310 37*696 9*928 10*591 11*172 10*211 10.275 9.271 3.816 5.297 7.350 5.430 49*149 49*213 49*426 48*260 50*108 46*096 44*272 42*531 42*655 41.749 566*065 462*497 429.739 469*695 469*296 779 715 692 683 656 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 24*364 27*532 15*231 26*129 19*687 8.277 6*140 6*036 7.742 7.750 6*169 7*405 4*663 8*626 8*639 49*065 47*158 42*490 43.541 42.015 36.919 39*248 39,487 38*558 39*187 492*196 502.095 475.025 489*686 464*917 638 555 495 474 442 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 14*172 8*593 11.745 7*423 1*910 7.677 7*192 6*936 11*894 11*159 7*655 4.246 4*716 2*902 3*159 40.544 37*837 35*957 32*606 36*233 38*325 35*230 31*846 27*149 25*047 447*087 417*876 346*696 339*296 376.559 414 374 338 323 336 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 6*073 3*015 757 3*345 2*853 3*617 3*689 4*070 35*845 35.251 34*508 34*327 34*047 24*629 26*606 28.197 29*366 31.550 400*692 465*910 449.800 443.657 526.324 342 345 349 352 353 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 659 300 176 120 317 4*434 5*823 6*994 6.423 5.806 33*722 33*663 33*766 33*839 34*001 33*773 36*146 36.126 40*562 45.310 578.274 684.355 760.542 1*119*721 1*408.682 352 346 350 348 351 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 807 976 2*005 3*790 3*173 7*253 9*424 11*054 12*207 14.602 34.320 34.923 36.344 38*095 39*017 53.157 60.430 67*560 74*166 79*532 1.665.918 1.811*570 1.724.457 1.726.056 1.653.319 355 369 380 390 393 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 2*476 2*700 1*726 2*507 3*176 15*090 16*978 20*774 23*170 25*004 40*460 42*084 43*963 48*120 49*793 87*061 94*919 103*428 112*286 123*868 1.731.412 1.882*886 2*126*088 2*162*519 2*231*925 398 402 402 400 401 1955 4*069 28.144 53*008 135*119 2.362.330 402 1896 1697 1896 1699 It075 2*178 2i235 3*063 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 4*585 6*221 5*622 4»089 4*792 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 584 2*295 2*486 1.060 1*033 939 9*888 867 237 561 787 892 991 278 Georgia National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1896 1899 8.859 9,381 10.093 9*325 96 103 108 94 4.212 3.673 5*032 5.263 5,773 5.558 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 12il53 15.871 18.499 21.976 23*482 101 129 148 175 204 3.922 5»013 5»753 6.835 7.944 8.130 10*729 12.598 14*966 15.334 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 133.079 116*223 109.826 110.203 123.822 2.612 5,656 7,598 8*005 8.573 48.590 41*400 37.751 34.022 39*272 81,877 69*167 64*477 66.176 75*977 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 26*054 34.215 38.110 41*879 44.919 210 269 310 348 394 8.179 10.509 12*076 13.556 15*232 17*665 23.437 25.724 27.975 29*293 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 123.849 123*636 170.855 179.751 169*646 8*443 8.150 11*871 12,793 9.214 41.027 44.494 76.764 80*964 57*803 74*379 70.992 82.220 85*994 102.629 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 57*898 60.117 64.209 65.555 64*960 472 422 532 537 1*190 19*775 18.965 20.745 22.103 19.916 37.651 40.730 42.932 42*915 43.854 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 159*445 133.522 102*294 88.638 98.371 8.905 8.250 8,009 8,336 6,801 53*783 35*657 29*385 31*964 35.758 96.757 89*615 64*900 48.338 55*812 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 63*080 69*540 76.901 98*023 113.019 1.857 2*704 2.332 2.469 2*276 25.147 28.355 30*843 39.028 54.772 36.076 38,481 43.726 56.526 55.971 1935 1936 1937 1938 102*443 98.022 127.705 128.607 6*555 9*106 10,680 11,014 18.362 20*382 25.804 23*739 77.526 68*534 91*221 94*054 3*731 4.015 Loans1 Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate 'f\n others farmland Other to On residential property Other 77.007 35*787 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 137.549 176.481 159.333 122.331 226.780 66*985 86*990 88*773 74.641 81*432 1.534 2.713 932 1.353 1.566 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 164*165 226.003 259.477 311*141 304*308 91*920 100*837 129*604 164*520 150*859 2.841 4.313 1.450 948 1.345 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 366*512 421*206 425.327 454*326 488*298 174,623 218*312 217.396 232*086 263*388 1955 554.320 285.743 7*932 6*973 4,727 4,774 103,160 2,012 1*955 1*856 1*377 1*388 7.014 7*385 6,520 6.874 4*939 5,691 4,573 3,517 2*519 2,300 15*306 13.495 46*361 65,892 53,008 15,487 16,480 21*763 42*059 18,846 15*686 12.875 1.488 2*590 3,249 3.935 3.712 4,922 8.677 17,572 20*922 20.106 2*865 4.933 9*505 11,599 13,500 13,770 27,454 61*686 76.046 83.680 24,596 35*140 17.365 18*794 20*805 4*442 3.421 4.465 4*961 5*676 11.666 9*944 11.524 6.883 9,002 4.001 4.985 4.718 5.209 5.972 29.832 37.654 31*694 25,804 25,212 13*565 13*830 15*641 15,996 14,784 110*840 117*416 125.168 147.576 147*357 21*049 19*654 19,424 20,713 21*615 6*311 11.414 11*082 27,323 24*668 170.269 23.507 , 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to All other individuals the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Georgia 279 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 2.389 2,196 2»074 2*633 1.554 1.455 1*389 1.970 99 87 81 78 736 654 604 585 2*829 2*632 3.123 4*697 174 173 164 197 1.426 1.268 1.402 1.699 1,229 1.371 1.557 2,801 589 592 545 511 14*666 15*001 15*835 17*166 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3.860 4*820 5*007 5*676 5t994 3.067 3.796 4.046 4*666 4.838 94 121 113 119 136 699 903 848 891 4.280 5*184 6.270 6.693 6.347 198 366 394 495 368 1.644 1.641 2.154 2,061 2,124 2,436 3.155 3,722 4il37 3(855 658 687 686 1*114 665 20,951 26*562 30,464 35,459 36,686 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 6*198 7.195 8*804 11*411 11*660 5*085 6*125 7.341 9.396 10.502 131 126 173 238 738 8.627 8.597 9.513 10.019 13.275 463 559 705 596 686 2,455 2,608 2,562 3,112 3,928 5,689 5,430 6,246 6,309 8*659 1.256 1.339 1.746 2*124 2.559 42,135 51,346 58,173 65,433 72,433 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 11*845 12i029 13*230 14.029 14*586 10.857 10.931 12*117 12.801 13*234 518 482 209 217 193 470 616 904 1.050 1.105 1*011 1*159 12.592 14*815 15*435 16.220 17*447 3,799 4,102 4,405 4*442 5.796 7*743 9.608 10.125 10,088 10(213 3.417 3*669 4*052 4*443 4(639 65.752 90,630 96.926 100,247 101,632 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 15t559 15.803 15.744 24.604 38.775 13.183 12.697 12.222 21*014 35.602 452 718 832 746 395 1(924 2.388 2.690 2.844 2.778 18*368 22.528 28.472 32.962 41.188 1.636 1.424 6*199 8,960 4.754 4,808 5,156 3,446 3.811 12*616 16,084 21*890 23,315 28,417 4,454 4,707 4,624 6*963 7.917 101*461 112,578 125.941 162,572 200.899 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 25.189 20.625 22.397 20.746 17*656 21.485 17.744 19.260 16.484 13*842 1.123 525 404 823 556 2.581 2*356 2.733 3.439 3»258 33.846 23.827 29.277 26.447 36*790 7,665 5,779 6*184 5,413 7.707 3,996 2,888 2,935 2.250 3.204 22,165 15*160 20.158 18.784 25(879 7,367 5*932 6*234 7,915 9,075 199,481 166*607 167.734 165*311 187.343 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 24*407 28*121 36*443 40.790 39.836 18.641 18*917 22.820 24*581 27.362 1*033 1.223 2.393 2.863 2.339 4*733 7*981 11*230 13*346 10.135 41*510 38*809 53*997 51.866 48*967 8.799 10.190 13.651 11.545 11.687 3.164 3.200 4*216 3*224 3.397 29.527 25,419 36(128 37.097 33,883 10,871 9.636 12*063 11,581 11,708 200*637 200.202 273,356 263(968 270,157 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 48.566 63*181 57.640 71.651 79.498 30.835 38.679 37.067 48.323 54.845 2.283 5*853 4*835 8.173 7.958 15.448 18.649 15.738 15.155 16.695 56.839 67.377 49.664 58*927 67.410 10,158 7,456 6.100 6,396 7,626 4.263 4*446 3*643 3.338 3.573 42*418 55.473 39.921 49,193 56.211 15,358 14,606 15,121 14.705 13,287 280,208 278,686 224.719 233.921 258.566 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 70*186 102.330 65*865 57.862 83.197 48.565 77.149 39.853 35.305 53.391 9.302 11.551 11.498 11.607 17.064 12*319 13.630 14.514 10t950 12*742 78.114 98.031 84.532 87,962 113*412 10,587 11,644 18,252 16,257 20.567 3.765 5*283 5.050 4.839 4.416 63.762 61*104 61*230 66*366 88.429 12,595 12,173 11,182 10,998 11.081 263.338 310.556 269,284 285.629 340,287 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 85.357 95.439 140*613 352*433 428*927 50.534 60.069 107.029 315.354 392.474 20.217 22.044 22.214 23.826 23.948 14*606 13.326 11.370 13.253 12.505 138.935 156.242 183.527 212.019 230*595 20,136 30.529 33.686 47.161 53.809 4,768 6*406 8.172 9.691 10.164 114.031 119.307 141,669 155,167 166,602 10,495 9*964 9.919 9.652 9*498 372,336 436*146 493,392 696,435 895*800 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 558.363 565.461 450.861 391.724 362.195 519.847 520*643 402.944 340.013 305.934 27.516 26.607 29*066 33.941 36.459 11*500 18*231 18*831 17*770 19.802 266*791 274.979 275.990 285*748 264.855 56.655 74.996 80.172 74.833 70.722 10,102 10,011 13*376 16.064 14.172 202.034 189.972 182,440 194.351 179*961 9,898 9,884 9»557 9,852 10,514 1*001,717 1*076,347 995,885 998,465 941,872 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 346.293 326*655 413.553 388.622 395.536 280.560 259*238 331.269 300.977 299.213 45*305 50*866 62.557 71.120 77.394 20*426 16.751 19.727 16.525 16*929 256.569 298*451 324.171 325.817 334.943 85.002 99,131 103. 598 110,000 103,984 11,479 12.174 16*894 18.294 17,620 160.088 187.146 203.679 197.523 213*339 11,541 14,147 16.621 16.331 16.112 960*915 1,060.659 1,179,672 1,185,096 1,236.889 1955 403.166 296.655 84.635 21.678 311.072 117,885 17,342 175.845 19,574 1.266,134 1*020 982 944 1.290 1.777 440 905 1.690 1.438 998 280 Georgia National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government 6*164 145 184 510 6*076 6*656 7*991 633 9*102 10*870 13*656 16*197 16*746 633 1*121 1*312 2.081 1.097 20*596 22*955 23*685 24*148 28*161 2*450 3*658 4.444 6*287 773 663 752 910 926 29*604 32*654 34*697 34*023 36*903 9*341 10*407 11.790 12*272 6*714 7t400 7*395 8*286 10*138 527 559 743 898 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 12*112 15*066 18,224 21*649 21*737 1*344 2*019 2*096 2.487 2*209 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 26,439 29,457 33*198 34*287 40*677 2*964 3*091 3.773 3.295 2*082 2.400 5.132 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 44,492 49*455 53,225 52*448 55*153 4.774 5,986 5.243 6,610 Other time 130 1896 1897 1898 1899 5.731 Other demand 1*056 1.160 1.475 1.100 796 961 579 615 703 739 1*490 1*662 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 55,332 68*336 85*146 109,676 140*069 6,229 8.326 13.540 16.002 21*605 868 546 658 5*222 5*676 36*435 46*821 51*926 64*249 81*617 9*800 12)643 19*020 24*403 31*169 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 132*728 101,213 115*304 116.601 135,643 15.251 8.640 13,850 12.877 16.323 1.139 841 1.178 79*565 57.355 64.155 60.515 70.219 36*773 34.377 36*121 40*731 47*380 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 155,023 155,661 224,1*2 225,436 217,762 22.385 18.919 31*706 27,087 23.572 2.108 3.317 80*646 80*462 106*192 106*843 102*563 49*882 52*963 81*749 88*626 84*020 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 226,802 230,739 177,774 187.849 215,478 29.167 33.858 24.595 33.941 36,444 6*032 9*795 4.685 17*737 105*838 103*268 73.768 75.616 91*659 85.765 83*818 74*726 70.376 69*638 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 227,438 276,717 254,047 250,202 304.341 40*423 57,133 41,004 45*842 64.665 17.374 4*504 5*639 12*035 110*134 134*010 142*042 131*176 160*981 69*940 66*200 66*497 67*545 66)660 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 335,296 398,975 452*823 655,916 853.733 76.563 97,037 101.779 123.962 129,006 13.590 20.147 16*849 65*361 188.231 176*669 213*440 267*425 390*766 436*661 68.434 66.351 66*770 75*807 99*835 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 954,817 1.024,268 939.872 937,867 878.832 167*352 145.614 117.399 114.377 100.728 126.166 107.717 10*011 14*831 13.727 522*720 606.103 641.977 642*276 603*994 136*579 164*834 170*485 166*383 160*363 1950 1951 19S2 1953 1954 913,956 988.420 1*101.145 1*097,152 1*138,650 116,341 128.334 146.395 147.063 146.788 24*216 41.174 53*443 28*056 43*890 615*402 670*294 749*684 763.301 773.452 157.995 146*618 151*623 158*732 174*520 1*160*655 153.747 2*478 1.721 4*495 2.680 7.587 7.914 6.941 183.228 Georgia 281 Table 2— National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year National bank notes Borrowings UUU. <*«- Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 588 642 661 65 1,060 1*033 939 1,052 8 1 7 4 3*816 4*016 3.916 3.756 1.794 1.914 2*026 2*151 14*666 15*001 15,835 17*166 30 30 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 618 .779 »596 .314 •660 1*636 2»539 2*490 3,064 3*470 3 3 164 18 4.056 4.416 4.971 5.748 5.846 2*526 2.759 3*183 •3,520 3*957 20.951 26.562 30,464 35*459 36*688 26 32 41 48 51 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 941 *207 •565 4.339 2.183 3*955 4i945 5*804 7*699 9*268 13 107 326 505 123 6.263 7.139 3.515 10.716 11.402 4,524 5.491 6,765 7,887 8,780 42,135 51,346 58*173 65,433 72,433 62 75 86 96 102 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 8*254 5*885 5.249 7.763 6.218 9*886 10*328 11.285 11*876 12.141 200 73 161 125 173 13.185 13.841 14.960 15*219 15.048 9,733 11,048 12,046 12,816 12,899 85,752 90,630 96,926 100,247 101,632 113 114 115 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 5.473 4.140 4*019 12.513 19.621 12.252 11.966 10*280 10.899 10.482 136 123 627 3.163 4*571 14*706 14*623 13*000 13.108 12.658 13,562 13.390 12*869 13*013 13,498 101,461 112,578 125,941 162,572 200.899 113 110 100 97 95 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 24*187 23.496 9.509 9.252 6*224 9*928 10.591 11.172 10.211 10.275 4*050 801 384 1*003 590 13.448 14.098 14.798 13*640 16.390 15*140 16.408 16*567 14,604 16,221 199*481 166*607 167*734 165*311 187*343 93 95 97 97 94 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 5.486 5.528 4.363 11.916 5.231 8*277 8.140 8.036 7.742 7.750 1*424 1.074 Ii201 1*215 1*574 15*665 15.000 17.800 18.830 18*405 14,762 14,799 17,816 18,849 19,435 200,637 200,202 273,358 283*988 270.157 89 62 83 61 80 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3.702 2*285 3.372 1.008 23 7.677 7.192 6,938 11.894 11.159 2*963 731 875 988 922 19*395 19*080 18*590 17,315 18,446 19,669 18*659 17,170 14,867 12,538 280*208 278*686 224,719 233,921 258*566 75 69 62 47 54 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 827 3*015 1.146 1*577 1*876 1.795 2.049 18*367 18.205 17.954 17.751 17.637 12*545 14,057 15,104 15,385 16,242 263*338 310*556 269*284 285,629 340*287 58 57 55 53 52 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 36 2.177 3.293 3,990 3.568 2.432 17.377 17,229 17,183 16*941 17,123 17,450 18,649 19,396 20,010 22,512 372,336 436*146 493,392 696,435 895*800 52 51 50 47 48 17.297 17*497 18,197 19*272 19,222 26,563 30,247 32,936 34,807 37,025 1*001.717 1*076.347 995*885 998*465 941,872 48 49 50 51 51 19,423 19.973 21.223 22*498 23*773 40*286 43,219 46,815 52,874 60,702 980*915 1,060,659 1,179,672 1*185*096 1*236*889 51 51 51 52 52 303 496 18 • 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 879 400 3.040 4.335 4.880 5,640 6*393 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 100 550 100 600 774 7tl50 8*497 .10.389 11,972 12*990 875 14,271 29 27 lie 115 282 Georgia State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] .Loans Year Total Real estate Loans All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 25.241 24*847 24*996 28*180 2*656 2*620 2*632 2*953 5*674 5*561 5*635 6*438 16*911 16*666 16*729 18*789 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 30*527 35*920 37*389 42*626 47.568 3*198 3.756 3*927 4*476 4.969 6*994 8*273 8*589 9*825 11*082 20.335 23*889 24*873 28*325 31.517 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 270.867 224*850 192.743 220*156 206*039 28*444 32*443 33*060 33*507 35*219 56*965 45*206 37*360 43.441 39.574 185*458 147*201 122*323 143*208 131*246 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 52.256 70t919 76.290 67*605 72.032 5*443 7.470 8*155 7*396 8*028 12*233 16*708 17*987 15*908 16 i962 34.580 46.741 50.148 44.301 47.042 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 205.605 212.913 136*125 141*846 135*546 35*309 45*188 37*870 37*225 34*208 39.587 38*623 22*650 24*057 23*326 130*709 128*902 75*605 80*564 76*010 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 86*612 101*250 106*789 110*415 115*947 13.174 18*342 20.413 22.421 16.947 19»432 21*913 24*967 27*666 17.465 54*006 60.995 61.409 60*328 81*535 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 116*627 91.055 79*435 61*157 58*957 32»844 30*564 28*809 20.779 22.407 19*262 13*814 11*522 9.156 8*170 64*721 46*677 39*104 31*222 28*380 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 107*117 115.634 128*981 164*542 171*837 18*428 18*076 18*246 20*743 19*272 21.124 23*158 26*291 34*017 35*935 67*565 74*400 84 > 444 109.782 116*630 1935 1936 1937 1938 73*834 63*916 78*008 83*855 19*599 20*378 22*815 23*656 9*780 10*358 10*236 11*821 44*455 33*180 44*957 48*378 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural 1939 89.159 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 96*649 112.497 112*217 101.221 126*365 39.096 42.812 50*042 47.555 59.926 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 146*196 186*420 238*883 277*269 286*894 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land 371 514 On residential property Other Other loans to individuals 15*262 All other 27*112 372 130 444 425 2.421 2.735 3*543 3*876 12*684 5.746 6.146 5*846 5.375 5*948 16.544 19.124 20*457 21.337 23*870 5.151 5*788 5*663 3*978 3.875 14*895 14*829 27*177 35*520 26*536 3*761 4*608 73*841 79*176 98*718 112*942 117*369 1.142 1*012 248 297 802 13*990 17.691 8*723 7*589 5.586 7*097 11.245 13*303 15*824 17*266 25*595 39*149 55*573 65*368 66*632 4*590 6*310 12*210 13*241 14*148 15*639 25*206 36*767 57.511 62*669 4*302 4*629 13*341 5*502 4*638 308*311 346*686 383.752 405.396 421.678 113*833 137,892 155*064 162*267 173*274 2*115 925 2.280 1.101 1.643 5*677 5*415 5*652 6*205 5.430 18*698 20*595 22*053 23.827 26*081 70*774 76*526 75.599 78.557 83*024 17.002 18*159 20*436 20*555 20*736 76*176 87.766 99.724 111.663 110.185 6*624 4*696 6*637 5*390 5*569 472.470 172.355 3*136 9.666 30*820 96.653 23*599 132.451 8*786 ' Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures,. Total loans Georgia 283 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 2.140 2*224 2*285 2.685 26 27 28 35 473 490 512 612 1.641 1.707 1*745 2*036 8.255 7.031 7*714 8*362 335 301 261 390 3.267 3.389 3*314 3.084 4*653 3*341 4*139 4,888 1.883 1*739 1*863 2.543 37.519 35.841 36.856 41.770 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2.7S6 2*803 2.776 2.898 3.316 36 36 35 37 44 631 643 636 667 773 2*089 2*124 2*105 2.194 2.499 7*612 7*660 6*262 8*556 9*409 360 372 271 352 318 2*892 2.829 2.726 3*061 3.070 4*560 4*459 5.265 5.143 6*021 2.144 2.285 2*519 2.569 3»112 43.239 48.666 50.946 56*649 63.405 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3.440 2*991 3*100 3*584 3*948 46 40 41 48 54 806 700 728 847 934 2*568 2*251 2*331 2*669 2*960 12.513 13.663 13.527 13*272 16*115 400 453 899 745 931 3.227 3.477 3.174 3*376 3.799 8*886 9*733 9*454 9.151 11*385 3*163 4*022 3*634 4*216 4*484 71.392 91.595 96.551 88.677 96*579 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4*613 5*288 6*118 6.730 6.388 33 11 17 20 102 673 416 404 445 446 3*907 4*861 5.697 6.265 5.840 16*436 16.785 19.019 18*440 20.480 1*049 1*174 1*257 1*499 3*666 3*540 3*890 4*072 4,926 11.721 12*071 13*872 12.869 15.019 5*060 5*638 6.500 7.513 8.358 112*721 128.961 136.426 143.098 151,173 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 6*311 7.205 8.645 17*227 19*271 22 26 5*780 6*630 6*661 6*759 6*763 18.453 24.538 35*920 38*078 49.609 818 1.440 9.932 11.950 509 547 544 536 538 1*144 3.592 4*660 4.423 3*804 4.071 5*914 6.955 7.765 13.631 19.323 26.414 26.463 37,421 8.986 9.308 10.358 13.802 16.306 140*869 156.685 183.904 233.649 257.025 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 27*556 17*533 14.725 17.158 16*455 1)5.155 7.125 4*085 5.304 3.913 611 658 657 652 851 11*590 9*750 9*983 11*202 11*691 54.598 37.776 40*657 48.737 39*699 3*707 4*375 5*415 6.977 4*860 7.212 5.631 5.161 4.667 5*115 43*679 27.770 30.061 36.893 29*724 13.563 15,731 13*860 16.333 19.762 366.564 295.890 262.005 304*384 281*955 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 16*798 20*099 18*229 18*466 17.325 3*716 3*090 3*618 4*141 4.394 1*393 2*603 3*167 3*135 2.885 11*689 14.406 11*444 11*192 10.046 46*824 45. 511 30.230 26.932 23.628 6.243 5.809 1.369 1.316 1.676 5*981 6*185 4,900 4*327 3*423 34*600 33*517 23.961 21.287 18.529 22.332 23.370 17,083 18*454 18.261 291.559 301*893 201.667 205.700 194.760 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 13*900 13*038 16*033 13*091 21.078 2*893 2*231 3*368 3*553 10*594 933 1*079 1.495 3*035 10*074 9.728 11.150 8.565 7.449 22.669 22.846 16.383 19.873 26.987 1.604 1.593 1*143 1.366 1*422 3*620 3*511 2*836 2.769 2.873 17.445 17.744 12.404 15.738 22.692 13.483 12*251 12.126 11.254 12.971 166,879 139*192 123*977 105.375 119,993 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 20.010 32.875 29*126 27*023 31*276 10*556 19.769 15*666 13*960 17*869 3*455 5*676 5*924 5.723 6.620 5.999 7.430 7.534 7.340 6.787 30.993 46*101 41.59& 35,661 54*217 2*215 2*412 3.163 2.662 2.496 2.870 4*757 4.794 4,313 4,639 25.908 38.932 33,641 28,666 47*082 12*517 12.462 11.784 11.689 11.385 137,354 155.354 160,516 158*228 186.037 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 31.303 38*249 50*695 161*724 227*805 17*144 21*771 34*225 145*414 212.354 7*174 9*262 9.701 10.354 10.261 6.985 7.216 6.769 5*956 5*190 67.108 65.211 114,647 151,362 151.156 4*139 3.569 6,973 7,323 7,378 4,814 6.303 3.188 10.943 11.952 58,155 75.339 99,486 133,096 131*826 10.878 10.252 9.591 8.979 7.556 205*938 246.209 287*150 423.286 512*882 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 319.667 364.636 314.762 281.222 260.194 303.475 347.133 293.465 259.453 232.947 11.120 13»02i> 16*511 17*530 21.924 5*072 4*478 4.786 4.239 5*323 190,955 176*400 166*386 160.608 155.454 11*127 14.378 13.326 16.771 14.996 9.342 12*998 15.600 19.123 19,054 170,486 149,024 137.460 124.714 121.404 7,383 7.767 8*541 8*492 6.905 664,201 735.223 728*572 727.591 711.447 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 264.287 270.759 318*165 328*109 342.412 236*065 237*754 283*524 284*046 296*634 24.248 29*415 26*591 37.686 40.815 3.974 3.590 6.050 6.375 4*963 168.143 191.881 233,616 230*459 216.904 19*508 24.963 29.420 27.968 25.689 17,732 17,380 22.892 24,724 26*097 130.903 149,538 181,306 177,767 165*118 9.756 10.901 12.881 13.459 14*042 750.497 622.227 948.416 977.423 995.036 360*567 973 535 284 Georgia State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 22,126 20,038 21t279 24.228 *398 .227 ,282 ,266 13»920 12*619 13*213 14,919 6*808 6.192 6*784 8*043 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 25*148 26.769 30.408 36.022 40.302 ,273 .216 2.014 1*862 2.070 15*410 16*359 18,026 21*440 23*761 8.465 9*194 10*368 12*720 14.551 190S 1906 1907 1908 1909 45.679 56*296 60*248 52*536 57.278 2,344 3,195 2*936 2,996 3,204 26*602 .32,299 34.603 29.776 32.210 16*733 20*802 22*709 19*764 21*864 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 64*692 71.902 79.553 74,229 77,589 3,607 4*016 3,744 3,808 5*031 34.184 35*941 38*969 35,727 46*772 26*901 31*945 36*840 34,694 25*786 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 77,185 96,299 123,901 156,734 174.471 3,720 5.719 6.723 8.410 9,247 621 407 37*021 47.223 63*599 80*688 91*151 36*444 43*357 53*579 67,015 73*666 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 256*562 181,276 174,416 210*308 188,397 16,785 12*332 13,085 18,263 12,185 690 445 839 256 32 136*530 82,480 81.907 98.429 82*446 102*557 86*019 78*585 93*360 93,734 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 210.339 216*951 140.976 139.654 129,877 24,204 21,117 5.699 5.449 4.142 36 27 1 31 44 99.682 133.033 72.206 60.739 58,157 86*417 62*774 63,070 73*435 67*534 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 111,912 94,039 79,720 69,273 85,573 1,784 1,735 6.547 5*506 5*682 151 165 130 240 1,892 48*830 42*894 34*316 33*930 39,426 61*147 49*245 38*727 29*597 38*573 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 100.347 123.897 127*136 123.785 151,559 10*276 11.399 10*310 8.900 14,755 1»684 3*948 1*256 1.569 2,446 46*212 64,016 67,921 64,597 81,246 42*175 44,534 47*649 48*719 53,112 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 170,390 209,446 248,653 382*861 469,515 18,257 22.559 25,639 35,840 36,692 2*482 2.781 2*796 21,461 59.355 91,809 119,711 152,176 249,475 282,683 57,842 64,395 68*042 76,085 90»785 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 615*564 681,549 667,622 659,931 638*163 44*040 35,612 28.003 29,052 25*323 75,530 43,588 4.514 7.993 6*443 375.950 459,306 484*595 467.338 448,717 120,044 143,043 1^0,510 155*543 157*680 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 672,369 735.785 857,052 879*284 891,434 28*512 34*166 39*264 37.945 40*912 12,904 19,745 24*528 13.792 25.444 468,998 518,662 611,520 625,307 596,278 161,955 163*212 181,740 202,240 228*800 23*038 Georgia 285 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Year Borrowings r1 Nat ba, no tes °** Capital liabilities Amounts in thousands of dollars] Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1«97 1B98 1999 487 I t 536 1*574 2»998 172 178 145 112 10*021 9*256 9.147 9*241 4*713 4*833 4,713 5*191 37,519 35,841 36,856 41,770 156 163 165 184 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3*967 6*442 4*026 2.775 3*132 110 121 138 235 184 8*735 9*315 9*627 9*784 11*210 5,279 6,021 6*747 7,833 8,497 43*239 48*668 50*946 56*649 63*405 195 225 231 248 277 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3*642 8*492 6*092 4*981 7*136 150 212 1*450 12.572 15*824 16*952 16*727 19.382 9,349 10,771 11.809 12*071 12.669 71*392 91*595 96*551 88*677 96*579 328 406 451 499 501 1910 1911 1912 1913 191* 11*616 16i238 14.515 20*813 22*976 361 714 731 866 1*215 21*882 24.382 26.478 28*525 30,085 14,170 15,725 17*149 18*665 19.308 112*721 128*961 138*426 143*098 151*173 580 618 670 675 686 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 14*622 11*653 9,911 22*271 26*384 1.152 3.017 3*824 26*488 28.384 28.282 28.712 29*264 19*086 19.406 20*658 22,915 23,082 140*869 156*685 163*904 233*649 257*025 660 645 639 659 656 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 38*144 48*620 22*084 25*058 29.472 5*221 3.015 4.913 6*347 4.840 35.701 35.115 34.628 34.620 33.718 30*956 27,864 25,964 28,051 25,528 366,564 295,890 262*005 304*384 281.955 686 620 595 586 562 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 18*878 22*004 10*868 14*213 14*456 4.765 6.331 3*462 7*413 7*065 33.420 32*158 24.690 24.711 23.610 24,157 24*449 21*671 19.709 19,752 291.559 301.893 201*667 205*700 194.760 549 473 412 393 362 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 10*470 6*306 8.373 6.415 1*887 4*692 3.517 3*841 1.914 2.237 21.149 18,757 17.367 15.491 17.787 18*656 16,571 14.676 12,262 12.509 166.879 139.192 123*977 105*375 119*993 339 305 276 276 282 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 5*246 584 1*992 1.990 739 2*199 1.276 1.741 1.894 2*021 17*478 17,046 16*554 16*576 16*410 12.084 12,551 13,093 13,983 15,306 137.354 155,354 160*516 156*228 186*037 284 288 294 299 301 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 623 300 178 120 317 2,257 2*530 3,004 2.855 3.374 16,345 16,434 16,585 16*696 16,676 16*323 17*499 18.730 20*552 22*798 205,938 246,209 287,150 423*286 512.862 300 297 300 301 303 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 807 976 2*005 2*911 2*773 4*213 5.089 6.174 6*567 8.209 17,023 17,426 18,147 18,823 19*795 26.594 30,183 34*624 39,359 42,507 664*201 739*223 728*572 727,591 711*447 307 320 330 339 342 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 2*376 2.150 1.626 1*907 2*402 7*940 10*481 10*385 11*198 12,014 21,037 22*111 22*740 25*622 26*020 46.775 51*700 56*613 59,412 63*166 750,497 822*227 948,416 977,423 995*036 347 351 351 348 349 13,873 27,260 66,534 1,074*196 351 362 114 1*488 943 286 Georgia Unincorporated Banks—Table 3a ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total <X£ Year All Collateral *fu ^tal other ^lateral All other 1896 1*97 1896 1899 2t456 2*576 2*350 2*113 332 346 322 294 206 216 200 182 1*916 2*012 1*826 1*637 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*172 2*292 2*559 2*716 2*254 306 328 374 405 347 189 202 230 247 207 1*677 1*762 1.955 2*064 1*700 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2*816 3*476 2*966 3*312 3*311 994 1.220 985 1*037 970 360 452 3*5 384 364 1.462 1*604 1*616 1*891 1*977 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 2*096 2*172 2*269 2*295 2*405 327 456 607 734 899 195 209 227 234 253 1.574 1*505 1.455 1.327 1*253 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1*655 1*850 1.716 1*134 508 472 403 246 197 191 178 153 94 76 1*156 1*200 1.160 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 2t454 2*562 .672 .957 .840 913 946 689 716 670 260 277 206 221 212 1*281 1.337 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1*034 1*050 811 820 813 184 167 114 98 62 71 65 45 40 34 779 818 652 662 697 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 »952 .848 • 022 2*154 2*669 709 667 726 769 947 226 220 245 265 336 1.015 1935 1936 1937 1936 1*345 1*054 1*120 1*096 110 86 92 90 47 37 39 38 1*168 977 1*020 958 961 1*051 1*120 1*366 998 794 725 931 969 968 Loans * Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate T_ others On residential property rvn farmland Other to individuals Other All other 1939 1*096 561 22 72 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1*126 1*100 1*209 1*331 1*724 570 531 555 611 731 31 39 52 58 95 104 130 175 192 317 23 29 39 43 71 385 460 398 371 388 42 50 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 2*298 3*361 3.920 4*281 2*590 948 1*136 225 1*434 954 135 281 29 307 239 452 939 37 1*122 696 102 212 26 296 132 597 716 189 986 506 64 77 3*414 46 63 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 2.349 2*575 3.491 3*328 3*276 649 612 1*134 1*061 1.016 223 219 325 262 309 687 666 819 788 779 141 127 186 198 173 614 666 980 967 944 35 63 47 52 55 1955 3*578 1*023 371 735 164 1*210 75 90 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Georgia 287 Table 3a—Unincorporated Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 400 419 383 344 57 59 57 53 3*3 360 326 291 1*662 1*7*3 1*590 1*429 33 35 32 29 725 760 693 623 90* 9*6 865 777 356 373 3*1 306 4*874 5*111 4*664 4*192 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 353 373 417 442 367 57 62 72 60 68 296 311 3*5 362 299 1.469 1*553 1*703 1*782 1*450 30 55 89 123 123 6*0 662 706 722 573 799 836 906 937 75* 315 332 331 315 233 4*309 4*550 5*010 5*255 4.304 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 3*1 353 373 374 391 65 70 76 80 85 276 283 297 294 306 1*329 1*356 1*357 1*290 1*277 135 162 163 19* 187 512 507 *9* *57 *53 682 687 680 639 637 190 16* 23* 297 371 3*956 *»0*5 4*253 4.256 ***** 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 399 417 305 318 300 89 96 73 78 76 310 321 232 240 22* 1*260 1*271 177 175 117 113 99 **9 452 322 326 296 63* 6** 459 *66 426 367 405 300 31* 302 4*500 4*655 3t375 3»*9* 3*263 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 318 301 329 351 434 83 60 90 99 125 235 221 239 252 309 1*067 I t 386 1*616 1*496 60 117 1** 160 1*1 189 388 506 592 5*9 27* 562 736 866 806 186 115 98 116 79 2*981 3*331 3*835 4*239 *»678 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 457 47* 326 284 202 135 135 90 75 51 322 339 236 209 151 1*024 1*874 1*627 1*754 1*521 91 15* 125 127 104 377 693 581 603 503 556 113 178 68 83 15* *»*10 6*002 5*007 5.433 5*188 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 157 165 164 182 87 87 97 46 33 **7 *72 *81 2*1 179 1*098 25 119 127 128 1*4 186 1*402 1*5*1 1*676 257 36 38 36 36 *6 591 472 207 124 11* 130 126 3*621 3*680 3*670 2*326 2*065 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 275 268 278 333 322 55 18 1* 50 210 42 45 ** *4 16 178 205 220 239 96 661 711 668 1*076 1*050 29 27 23 31 25 170 168 1*9 226 207 482 516 496 819 816 111 135 96 102 119 2*101 2*164 1*653 2*331 2*304 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 379 337 3*1 339 3*0 217 160 1*9 161 182 22 27 39 42 *3 1*0 130 153 136 115 1*191 1*5*1 1*326 1*227 1*311 16 23 24 23 28 226 284 235 210 216 9*9 1*23* 1*067 1*067 21* 2*8 316 2*2 265 3*129 3*180 3*103 2*904 3*012 1940 1941 19*2 19*3 19*4 315 316 395 484 859 151 1*6 1** 312 661 50 56 93 69 87 11* 11* 158 103 111 1*502 1*686 2*332 3*055 3*563 36 ** 66 9* 114 237 256 340 425 474 1*229 1*386 1*926 2f536 2*975 3*7 292 327 327 266 3*290 3*396 4*263 5*197 6*412 19*5 19*6 1947 19*8 19*9 1*212 1*363 1*161 944 675 950 1.133 1*130 823 652 123 126 27 85 15 139 12* 2* 36 8 4*830 5*799 5*036 4.355 2*154 165 21* 19* 177 62 613 696 567 554 37* 4*052 4*689 4*275 3*624 1»718 325 371 178 355 229 8*665 10*914 10*315 9*935 5*646 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 436 58* 620 498 505 428 542 586 488 468 6 3 6 2 39 28 2*355 2*918 3*684 3*212 3*038 113 128 155 126 138 326 364 482 462 473 1*916 2*426 3*0*7 2*604 2*427 166 259 320 202 236 5*308 6*336 8*115 7*240 7*057 2*676 1*6 40* 2*324 2*7 7*339 1955 581 10 37 898 905 821 523 880 68* 1*027 921 1*024 914 866 982 99* 288 Georgia Unincorporated Banks—Table 3a ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total U. S. Government Interbank Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 2t335 2*449 2*235 2*009 245 \!S7 235 211 1,973 2,033 1,821 1*607 117 159 179 191 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2*066 2,178 2,367 2,445 1,973 217 229 249 ; 57 207 1,622 1,677 1,767 1,809 1,431 227 272 331 379 335 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 1,7*5 1*798 1,900 1,907 1*994 187 189 200 200 209 1,268 1*249 1,291 1,268 1,259 330 360 409 439 526 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*965 2,016 1,434 1*455 1,320 208 212 ] 51 153 139 1,259 1,266 919 937 655 516 516 364 365 326 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1*345 1»8«7 2*366 2,715 2*971 141 198 246 i'85 312 676 1,244 1,581 1,835 2*035 328 445 537 595 624 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2*970 4*211 3,536 4,000 3,826 312 442 3147 360 318 2,056 2,956 2*531 2*924 2,852 600 813 658 716 656 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2,303 2,499 2,292 1,354 1,121 173 170 138 72 50 1,750 1,934 1,806 1,087 919 360 395 346 195 152 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1,229 1,266 1,069 1,522 1*540 47 38 25 23 12 1,023 1,074 921 1,335 1,372 159 154 123 164 156 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 1*653 2*256 2i367 2,273 2*320 18 19 18 19 1,678 1,999 2,069 1,960 1,972 174 239 279 295 329 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 2.529 2*655 3,511 4,422 5,707 20 21 28 35 46 200 252 325 2*120 2*193 2*655 3,290 4,177 389 441 628 845 1,159 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 7,702 9,838 9,311 8,377 4*603 62 79 74 64 20 439 561 64 64 19 5.545 6*965 6,925 6,174 3,600 1,656 2*233 2,248 2*075 764 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 4*264 5*109 6*447 5*690 5*607 33 21 3,536 4,900 6,322 5,587 5,441 674 209 125 103 166 1955 5,778 1 Georgia 289 Table 3a—Unincorporated Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June SO or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year National Borrowings ™ <>.. .)ltal it_. ySSS. Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1696 1897 1898 1899 126 132 120 2,413 2*530 2*309 2»075 4*874 5*111 4*664 4*192 45 49 46 48 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 110 138 156 135 2*133 2*254 2*505 2*654 2*196 4*309 4*550 5*010 5*255 4*304 51 58 54 59 54 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 160 132 142 183 221 110 2*039 2*105 2*170 2*126 2*160 3*956 4*045 4*253 4*256 4f444 49 49 46 41 46 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 40 63 96 96 56 236 225 114 123 146 2*239 2*351 1*731 1*820 1.739 4*500 4*655 3*375 3*494 3*263 49 47 42 37 36 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 69 207 64 62 78 110 1*360 1*380 1*407 1*446 1*597 2*981 3*331 3*835 4*239 4*678 34 36 36 36 32 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 109 66 94 67 61 1*331 1*725 1*377 1*366 1*299 4*410 6*002 5*007 5*433 5*186 30 35 34 35 34 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 231 220 147 152 168 1*087 820 776 3*621 3*660 3*670 2*326 2*065 36 35 36 30 29 ioa lie 961 1*231 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 24 10 7 37 22 143 194 85 35 16 705 694 692 737 726 2*101 2*164 1*853 2*331 2*304 32 35 35 47 53 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 524 27 19 112 139 164 140 733 785 597 467 552 3*129 3*180 3*103 2*904 3*012 58 59 59 64 65 121 43 55 84 16 640 698 697 691 689 3*290 3*396 4*263 5*197 6*412 63 56 56 52 54 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 5 6 6 97 83 83 117 14 666 993 916 1*435 1*025 8*665 10*914 10*315 9.935 5*648 52 55 57 57 52 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 9 24 121 145 33 33 79 80 38 56 1*002 1*124 1*467 1*367 1*361 5*308 6*336 8.115 7*240 7*057 52 52 51 46 46 1945 37 14 1*510 7*339 48 IDAHO Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Idaho, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3.1 A separate balance sheet was not compiled for unincorporated banks in this State because adequate data for most years were reported, either separately or in combination with data for other State commercial banks, in the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency or the State banking department. A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods and procedures used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Idaho were obtained from the abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments. A description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks for the period 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department and by other State authorities. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. The sources of such statistics for the period 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks published in reports and abstracts of the State banking department or in bankers' directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in Idaho, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies," 'stock savings banks," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks). 291 292 All-Bank Statistics STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET On the basis of information obtained from bankers' directories, the following numbers of banks and their aggregate balance°sheets were added to figures published by the Comptroller: Year 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 Number 17 14 14 18 17 Year 1901. . . 1902 1903 1904. . 1905. . . Number 22 31 38 36 42 When balance-sheet items and subitems for these banks were not reported in bankers' directories, figures were derived from data on their capital accounts. For these banks that reported capital accounts only, it was assumed that major items and subitems (except demand and time deposits) bore the same relationship to capital accounts as for banks that reported to the Comptroller. Methods of estimating demand and time deposits at these banks are described in a later section. Estimates for 1896-1905 (except for demand and time deposits) discussed in following paragraphs were made before figures for these nonreporting banks were added. 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1930. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were estimated. Real estate loans and collateral loans for certain years were estimated by applying to total loans the ratio of each item to total loans computed in the following manner: for 1906-1908, ratios derived by interpolating between ratios computed from partly estimated •data for 1905 and reported data for 1909; for 1916 and 1917, ratios derived by interpolating between ratios computed from reported data for 1915 and 1918. Real estate loans for 1919-1921 and 19241928 were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios that reflected changes over these periods in the ratio of real estate loans to total loans at Idaho national banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. Collateral loans for 1919-1921 and 19241929 were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios of this item to the total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios computed from reported data for 1918 and 1922 and for 1923 and 1930, respectively. INVESTMENTS A complete classification of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1929. For the years in which items were not reported, figures were estimated. Figures for United States Government securities for 1916, 1917-, 1919-1921, and 19241928 were estimated by applying to total investments, ratios that reflected changes during these periods in the ratio of United States Government securities to total investments at Idaho national banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. Idaho Holdings of obligations of States and political subdivisions for 1906-1908 and for 1924-1928 were estimated by applying to total investments, ratios derived by interpolating between ratios of this item to total investments computed from partly estimated data for 1905 and reported data for 1909 and from reported data for 1923 and 1929, respectively. Estimates for 1916-1921 were made by applying to total investments less United States Government securities, ratios of this item to this total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios computed from reported data for 1915 and 1922. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was adequate, after some minor revisions, in the reports of the Comptroller beginning with 1911, although reported figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.3 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. 293 In years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1896-1905, 1907, 1908, and 1910 were estimated by applying to this total, ratios of time deposits to total deposits other than interbank, based on the straight-line trend extrapolated from ratios computed from reported data for 1906, 1909, and 1911-1924. Time deposits in 1906, which were combined with demand deposits in figures published by the Comptroller, were obtained from the State banking department report for that year. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1921, 1926, and 1928-1930 represent such deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Idaho to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1946 The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks. Figures for the latter group for 1934-1941 were taken from reports of the State banking department or bankers' directories; for 1942-1946, from the balance sheet for the one noninsured bank in the State in this period, which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation had obtained from the State banking department. 3 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. A comparison of the principal assets and liabilities thus obtained with totals for all State commercial banks as reported by the State banking department indicated no need for adjusting data published by the Comptroller. Accordingly, except for the loan breakdown for 1942-1946, the Comptroller's breakdowns of the principal balance-sheet items were used throughout the period 19341946. The loan breakdown of the one noninsured bank in Idaho in the period 1942-1946 was estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of total loans as reported for this bank for December 31, 1947. Figures for this date were used because the breakdown appeared consistent with the data currently reported for this bank. 294 Idaho All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 2»107 91 2*907 117 226 199 590 590 578 1.220 1*426 1*454 1.617 1*488 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3*439 5.9*5 6*831 8*809 12*453 249 1,181 1.152 485 1*128 870 1.589 1*671 2*012 2.201 2*320 3.175 4,008 6,312 9.124 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 106,820 82.713 68.604 60,817 53.670 7.489 8,452 10*289 10*195 9.217 36*540 32,554 25,411 22*110 18,473 62,791 41,707 32»904 26.512 25.980 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 13.502 16,217 22.774 21*294 25.437 811 1.260 2.218 2.512 3.277 3*359 3.987 5.380 5.176 5.563 9.332 10.970 15.176 13.606 16.597 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 50.417 49.360 47.823 48*000 48*494 7.320 6*991 6*688 5.972 6.154 18*454 16.996 16*770 15.527 10*499 24.643 25,373 24,365 26.501 31*841 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 34*504 28*960 29,210 31*184 30.843 3*598 3*593 3.505 3.331 3,213 8,321 6*943 6.686 7,571 7.886 22,585 18,424 19,019 20.282 19*744 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 47,130 39,922 28.664 15,478 15.320 5,514 5,345 4,059 3*063 2,707 6.403 4.717 5.179 1.975 1.576 33*213 29.860 19.626 10.420 11.037 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 32,342 39*422 54,791 65,680 75*557 3.150 3,645 4.506 4.712 5.331 9.533 11.634 17.003 21.978 26,944 19.659 24*143 33.282 38,990 43*282 1935 1936 1937 1938 17*621 21.933 26.677 29.253 2.605 3.408 4.320 5.412 1*444 1*301 1*683 1,496 13.772 17*224 20.674 22.343 2*161 2,421 Loans' Year Total Commercial , industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 28.791 15.587 3.702 1.942 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 34,815 39.718 37.340 31.797 35.754 17,482 20,569 19,596 17,011 19,222 6 4 38 9 11 620 486 377 201 1.474 1.374 1.357 1*402 1.331 1*161 5*562 7.447 8.617 8.340 8.643 2.515 2*449 2.556 1.951 1.838 1,760 1.930 7.256 7*406 4*754 1.194 1.475 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 43.584 54,263 81.121 109.065 124,292 24,432 29,778 43*762 57.738 59,502 9 25 242 114 96 2*324 1.220 605 506 992 1.543 2*253 3*376 3*648 3.951 8*676 10,469 14*891 22*241 29,136 1*991 3.028 5,447 6*149 6,719 2.066 *»945 9*962 14.270 20.669 2*341 2*345 2*616 2.924 2.505 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 147,410 175,702 189,676 207,218 205,749 64,427 82.035 65,883 86,809 81.931 166 415 76 16 12 578 499 565 656 883 4*284 4*057 3.805 3.679 3,790 40,906 45.957 51.473 57.650 61*660 9*231 10,466 10,123 10,100 9,942 26.802 31.848 37.201 48.204 46.663 2.646 2*466 2*600 2*425 3*143 1955 231,752 90*803 251 805 4*098 71.696 10,957 53*916 2*206 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Idaho 295 Table 1—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1896 1899 901 1*210 957 974 271 251 251 299 141 116 167 168 489 843 539 507 1.067 2.731 2.180 3.231 10 34 36 154 455 870 645 549 602 1.827 1.497 2*528 563 736 523 571 4*638 6.838 6.081 7*663 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1.006 946 1.094 1.198 1.485 323 333 405 564 624 191 163 186 170 376 492 450 503 464 485 2.988 4.837 5.452 5.266 5,719 38 47 55 141 145 684 987 992 965 1.403 2*266 3,803 4.405 4.162 4,171 547 680 442 459 1.097 7*980 12.406 13*819 15*734 20.754 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1.717 2.187 3.245 4.066 4*362 726 988 1.518 1.705 1*665 457 534 679 727 583 534 665 1,046 1,634 1,914 7,313 7,838 7.690 9.195 10.289 128 289 206 468 332 1*694 1*464 1*945 2.704 2*806 5,491 6,085 5.539 6.023 7.151 1*246 1*422 1*996 2.415 2.631 23.778 27.664 35*705 36.970 42*739 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4*640 4*513 4*942 6.628 6*249 2*166 2*320 2.677 3.133 3*113 566 403 505 401 561 1.908 1.790 1.760 3.094 2*575 10.561 9,445 11,035 10*323 11,185 378 271 288 346 262 2.932 2.945 2.902 2.941 3*010 7,251 6,229 7,845 7.036 7.913 3.670 3.160 3*180 3*299 3*451 53,375 46,078 48,367 51,434 51,728 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 6*597 7.272 9.581 13.834 22.670 3*218 3*445 4*926 8*529 18.356 736 883 1.209 1.512 1*148 2*643 2.944 3*446 3.793 3.166 11,040 16*692 21.768 17,212 23,515 256 530 660 1.090 1*282 2.742 3*261 3*831 2.701 2*796 S.040 12.901 17.277 13.421 19.437 3*508 3.453 3.732 3*962 4.682 53,487 66*839 89*872 100*688 126*424 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 22*773 17.844 13*811 14.219 16.032 16.695 8.525 7.348 7.991 9*603 1*630 2*610 1*823 1*832 2*047 4. 448 6.709 4.640 4.396 4*382 21*690 16,599 17,627 15,397 18,974 1*455 1.273 961 1.103 1*057 . 3.029 2*855 2*440 2*380 2,536 17.206 12.471 14.226 11.914 15*381 5*579 6*012 6*509 6*319 6.381 156,862 123,168 106*551 96.752 95*057 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 18*815 23*811 25*321 30*899 28.669 12,536 14*920 12.378 13.019 12*105 2,506 4.082 4.596 5.189 6*331 3.773 4*809 8*347 12*691 10.253 16*525 18.947 17,788 19*781 18*526 839 1*405 1*163 1.139 731 2*462 2*374 2.371 2.243 2*084 13.224 15.168 14.254 16.339 15.711 6.111 5.790 5.271 5.025 4,712 91,868 97*908 96*203 103*705 100*421 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 28.910 27.563 24,729 20,651 26,388 10.975 9*326 8*734 8.753 14.696 6*256 6*221 6*674 5.204 7*200 11.679 12.016 9.321 6.694 4*492 20*046 20*532 11.826 13.942 19.216 864 704 508 689 851 2.241 2,182 2*092 2*124 1*845 16*941 17*646 9*226 11.129 16*520 4.629 4.504 4*070 2.775 2.897 100*715 92.521 69*489 52*846 63*621 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 31.905 38.460 43.615 38.623 38.030 19.304 25,873 30.874 28*561 27,736 8*461 8.668 8*382 7.353 8.109 4.140 3.919 4.359 2.709 2.185 25.894 28.417 31.068 27,937 33,194 1*508 2*276 2.156 2.189 2*007 2*001 2.328 2.874 2.855 2*685 22.385 23.813 26.036 22,893 28.502 2.659 2.450 2.403 2.217 2.060 78,279 91*260 103,763 98.030 102.075 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 39.915 40*138 48.461 117.266 169.329 30*969 32*429 40*748 110.396 162*326 6.869 5*956 .149 *546 .863 2.077 1.753 1*564 1.322 1.140 34,379 41,940 51*247 62*114 72,352 2*342 3*662 3.356 3.418 5.245 2.592 2.850 3.510 4.198 5.214 29.445 35.428 44.379 54.498 61,893 2,023 2,174 2*029 1*834 1.743 111.132 123.970 139.077 213*011 279.178 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 219.673 273.107 246.017 230.173 213.327 212.735 264,913 237.475 220*448 202*571 .902 .279 .471 .118 .686 1.036 1.915 1.071 1*607 2.070 83.493 87,907 84,868 84,340 88,581 4*618 6.415 7.683 7*540 7*194 5.447 5.562 6.190 6.443 7.100 73,428 75,930 70,995 70,357 74,287 2.073 2.396 2.712 3.080 3*661 348,823 417,673 414,716 426,658 429*661 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 200.997 172.481 204.770 208*306 216.866 189.798 159.453 186.193 189.247 197.994 9.349 11.380 14.909 16.795 17,091 1*850 1*648 3*668 2*264 1*781 75.391 85.254 89*967 88.600 88.516 8.597 8.491 11*721 14.596 11*271 7*148 6.834 7.807 8.260 8.096 59,646 69.929 70.439 65.724 69.149 3,789 4.128 4.378 5.441 5.208 427,587 437,565 488,791 509.565 516.339 12.271 6.663 541.577 296 Idaho AU Banks— ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures \ 3 of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total 1896 1897 1898 1899 Interbank 2.544 4,3 94 4,147 * 5,693 Other demand Comment 90 50 141 117 50 49 50 76 2.082 3,642 Other time 322 3*405 4,730 653 551 770 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 6,036 9,294 10,934 12,1 97 15,193 236 156 488 521 466 76 75 103 202 184 4,977 7.612 8.837 9,739 12,101 747 1,451 1,506 1,735 2*442 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 17,485 20»257 26.338 26,362 31.423 439 892 1,430 1.506 2,140 171 165 525 579 394 13,916 16»190 19,773 19,344 23,026 2»959 3.010 4,610 4,933 5*863 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 38,473 31,967 35,695 36.9 72 37.629 2,642 1,630 1,981 1,997 2,015 247 257 415 192 220 27,171 22,843 25,787 25,291 27,014 8*413 7.237 7,512 9,492 8*380 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 39,291 52,733 74.340 76,6 50 95,890 1,801 2,931 4,985 3,592 4.439" 157 133 138 775 455 27*668 35*830 49,630 51,556 63.897 9,665 13*839 19,587 20,727 27,099 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 108,334 77,688 73,610 71,971 74.679 3,765 2,301 2.498 1.724 1.974 204 65 95 110 132 71*161 50.672 49.000 46,775 48,233 33.204 24,650 22,017 23*362 24,340 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 75,153 83,675 82.073 90.461 87,081 2,029 2,318 2.428 3,199 2.800 130 136 123 337 121 47,354 53,322 48,904 52.863 49.771 25,640 27,899 30.618 34*062 34,389 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 86,768 78,363 56.3 30 43.903 54,639 3.120 3,702 2,082 2,424 1,739 142 147 126 66 496 49,801 42*776 29,862 23.271 34,492 33,705 31,738 24.260 18*142 17*912 1935 1936 1937 ,1938 1939 69.439 82.479 94,317 88,3 67 91,721 2*232 1.847 2,148 2,008 2.402 340 820 114 254 272 46*186 55.915 64,971 58*004 60,106 20*681 23*897 27*084 28*101 28*941 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 100,427 112,700 127.639 200,965 265,765 2,986 3,039 3,492 4.709 4,295 305 496 1,834 9*480 20,641 66*546 76.321 89.760 145.960 186,940 30,590 32*844 32*553 40*816 53.889 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 333.567 400*345 395,940 406,352 407,249 4,723 5,080 5.378 4,772 4,070 26,033 18,065 3.235 5,419 4,698 229,710 288*435 293,899 303,499 300*054 73.101 88*765 93*428 92*662 98*427 1950 19S1 1952 1953 1954 402*645 410.270 459.693 480,281 483.555 4,509 4.814 5.675 4,510 5.076 6*800 8,492 10*393 7,288 8.925 287,416 289,792 318,642 324,327 313,412 103*920 107.172 124,983 144,156 156,142 1955 506,783 3.765 Idaho 297 Table 1— All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nat onal ba no* les Borrowings 1696 1897 1696 1699 37 5 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 26 35 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 30 45 415 491 457 15 0,. Capital lUflU. Surplus and other capital accounts 165 155 1*257 47 1*081 1*107 564 1*198 620 137 162 74 Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 37 1*342 474 4*638 6*836 6*061 7,663 147 194 210 292 370 60 123 1 71 1*304 2*124 1*807 2.462 3.845 493 721 745 734 1.240 7*960 12,408 13,619 15*734 20,754 40 46 53 71 81 456 166 4.146 757 931 1.136 1.343 177 172 296 19 4*745 5*585 6*109 6*778 1*493 1*683 2*264 2.576 2.719 23,778 27*664 35*705 36.970 42,739 90 112 134 152 167 33 29 31 34 1.773 86 7*911 1*951 2*246 2.741 2.706 175 79 66 109 6*897 6*697 7.260 7*200 3*048 3*096 3*087 3*349 3*116 53,375 46*078 48,367 51,434 51*728 200 196 164 192 189 Ii275 6*601 13*390 2*856 2.969 2.977 3*122 3*149 71 57 82 240 525 6*891 7*196 7*610 8*286 8.838 3*359 3*149 3*568 3.789 4.632 53,467 66,839 69,872 100*688 126*424 181 182 194 204 208 28*419 26*012 15*196 9.452 5*500 3*316 3*363 3.363 2*996 2*846 797 1*012 476 173 364 10.478 9*995 9.425 8*415 8.035 5*516 5*096 4*481 3.745 3*633 156*862 123*168 106*551 96*752 95,057 222 216 198 182 177 1925 3.790 1926 1927 1926 1929 1.610 1.833 885 990 2*356 2.114 »984 .617 •389 481 530 673 204 1*827 7*042 6*788 6.562 6.343 5.912 3.044 3.191 3*078 3,995 3*222 91*868 97.908 96,203 103*705 100*421 161 156 144 140 137 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 914 855 1.629 300 5 .423 •586 1.453 940 1*299 2*015 2*305 1*966 1*541 111 6*043 5*942 5*147 4*085 5*100 3.552 3*468 2*964 2.077 2*667 100,715 92,521 69,489 52*846 63,821 137 131 112 86 64 1910 2*064 19X1 1912 1.992 561 1913 1*046 1915 1916 1»019 733 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1914 968 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 627 5 5 30 5 99 5*115 171 236 235 252 5*050 5*167 5*034 5*102 2.999 3.560 4*043 4.389 4*995 78*279 91*260 103*763 96*030 102*075 61 56 53 52 50 263 336 357 239 417 5*005 5*400 5*005 4.735 5*520 5*407 5.529 6.076 7.072 7.476 111.132 123*970 139*077 213.011 279*178 50 50 50 46 46 569 862 1.130 1.052 *155 .343 .545 .795 348*623 417*673 414.718 426.656 429*861 46 46 48 48 45 427*587 437.565 486*791 509*565 516*339 43 43 40 36 37 1*431 »030 8.532 10*058 11*103 12,459 13*151 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1*970 2.348 2*750 3.435 3*318 .220 .415 10*143 9*608 10.666 13,752 15,532 16.205 16.241 18*798 1955 2,656 45 298 Idaho National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Year Total Real estate Loans All other Collateral 1S96 1897 1896 1899 1*343 1.112 1*226 1.263 44 38 35 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1*667 2.067 2*620 4*038 4*920 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 450 385 Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 29 354 294 849 689 837 940 41 47 56 95 120 414 474 568 955 1*213 1*212 1*546 1*996 2.988 3.587 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 57.450 46*627 41*533 37*904 33.736 5.335 5,482 5*091 18*668 19.419 15.540 13*367 11*476 37.168 24.097 20*658 19*055 17*169 5*350 6*963 9*607 8*981 11*550 130 177 243 259 284 1.314 1*794 2*457 2*615 2*886 3*906 4*992 6.907 6*107 3.380 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 30.489 30.567 28*847 26*979 24*331 3.574 3*514 3*234 2*440 2*145 12.057 11*546 11.855 10*734 5.715 14,858 15*507 13*758 13*805 16.471 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 15*618 13.734 14*984 16*517 16.537 411 444 479 460 527 3*978 4.160 4.188 4.754 4.806 11.229 9.130 10.317 11*303 11*204 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 22.753 18,797 13*628 5,704 5*570 2*179 2*058 1*705 4*336 2*974 4*000 1.000 623 16.238 13,765 7,923 3,549 3,986 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 18*089 20.190 27*598 33.935 38*700 661 664 835 1»073 6.122 6.268 8.326 10*581 13.639 11*306 13*258 18.435 22.281 23*895 1935 1936 1937 1938 6*800 9.107 11*912 13*561 455 445 746 750 5,531 7,385 9,298 10,198 1*166 1*614' 3.111 1*155 961 814 1.277 1*868 2*613 Loans1 Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities Real estate Other to On To brokers and dealers others farm land residential property Other All other individuals 1939 13.659 7,491 1 288 595 2*009 790 2*485 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 17,129 31*029 28,978 24*376 27*343 9,213 15,442 14.205 11.729 13.308 2 4 34 6 8 245 428 321 143 1*231 724 1*013 1.074 925 700 2*954 6*653 7.811 7*742 8*016 1.095 1.958 1.955 1.657 1*474 1*149 1*334 2*896 5*531 3.578 1.025 1.272 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 34*401 41.521 61,053 80*964 90*967 17,965 21,554 31*235 40,240 40*286 4 10 100 39 33 2*156 1*004 460 396 929 1.037 1,505 2,468 2,821 2,807 8*261 9.317 12.748 19.302 24.804 1.563 2,253 4,295 6.580 6.886 1,397 3.704 7*597 9*876 14*457 2.018 2*174 2.150 2.341 1*825 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 106*725 130*390 137,313 155*901 154,850 43*704 57*058 57*405 58*763 56,013 131 400 70 10 7 260 320 235 315 194 3,089 2.839 2.610 2.683 2*607 33.275 39.568 43.768 51.814 54*786 7,355 8*717 8*281 8*311 7,716 18*413 20*930 24*153 33*595 32.871 1*787 2*158 2*358 2*199 2*610 1955 178.584 63*151 245 327 2.754 64.302 8*470 39*568 2*035 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Idaho 299 Table 2— National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AM) NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Cash assets ID vestments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Amounts in thousands of dollars] Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 750 666 611 748 271 251 251 299 134 116 101 126 345 299 259 323 792 1*268 1*643 1*997 10 10 16 16 346 342 447 328 436 936 1*176 1.653 302 295 300 254 3*187 3*361 3*780 4*262 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 606 736 859 1*055 1*190 323 333 405 564 624 135 113 127 137 158 348 290 327 354 408 2*105 2.573 3*610 2*968 2*776 21 31 43 31 71 442 386 517 569 600 1*642 2*154 3*050 2*366 2*105 280 266 243 252 401 4*856 5*642 7*332 6*313 9.287 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1.337 1*592 2*225 2*829 2*905 726 988 1*518 1.705 1*836 171 169 197 315 299 440 435 510 609 770 3.444 3.918 3.819 4*270 5.354 49 84 76 98 164 735 761 947 1*136 1.557 2.660 3.073 2.796 3*036 3*633 442 605 666 833 966 10.573 13*078 16.317 16*913 20*775 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3*490 3.413 4*081 5*049 5*032 2*124 2*311 2*656 3*097 3*078 358 270 317 204 172 1*006 832 1*108 1*748 1.782 5*244 5*097 6*658 6*101 6.775 216 146 165 209 176 1*459 1.664° 1.712 1.747 1*827 3*569 3*2«7 4*781 4*145 4.772 1*154 1*227 1*341 1*506 1.696 25.506 23.471 27.064 29.175 30*040 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 5*459 5*873 7.509 9*927 15*486 3*175 3*253 4*404 6.673 12*630 416 499 673 745 562 1*866 2*121 2*432 2*509 2.294 6*920 9.271 10.857 9.223 12.510 177 307 339 572 716 1.667 1*814 1*997 1*032 1.069 5.076 7*150 8.521 7.619 10.725 1.787 1*790 1.859 2.047 2.697 32*255 37*124 47*823 55.132 69.393 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 14*913 11*231 9.893 9*409 10*370 11.122 6.151 5*613 5*450 6*200 644 664 760 752 807 3*147 4*416 3*520 3*207 3*363 12*469 9*700 10.434 9*383 11*882 902 966 707 806 851 1*394 1*348 1.222 1.236 1.320 10*173 7.366 8*505 7*337 9*711 3*318 3*433 3*844 3,641 3.776 88,150 70.991 &5s704 60*337 59*764 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 10*676 13*269 13.911 14*437 11*398 6.749 7*973 7*072 6.681 5*216 781 1.910 2.325 2*012 3.111 3*146 3*386 4*514 5.744 3.071 9.634 11.454 10.519 9.957 8.945 631 1.003 853 886 500 1*186 1.281 1.241 1.007 850 7.817 9.170 8.425 8*064 7*595 3.037 3*130 2*644 2*565 2*356 53.836 56*420 56*121 53.938 47.030 1930 1991 1932 1933 1934 11*560 11*494 9»703 7*005 11*715 5*489 5.181 4*512 4*011 7*512 2.987 3*056 2*787 1*909 2*915 3*084 3.255 2*404 1*085 1*268 9*481 9*275 5*060 5*912 8.701 571 474 381 476 476 692 859 774 729 780 8.016 7.942 3.905 4.707 7*443 2*282 2*241 1*972 1*019 1*310 46.076 41.807 30.363 19.640 27.296 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 13*692 17.951 20.917 20.242 19.706 9.154 12.569 15*906 15.677 15.295 2*971 3*514 3*436 3*468 3*441 1*567 1*768 1*575 1*077 970 11.814 11*611 13.605 14.256 15.918 562 1.014 1*192 1.070 710 836 861 1*206 1.392 1.374 10.416 9*736 11*207 11.794 13*834 1*302 .248 .203 »151 • 062 33*606 39.817 47*637 49*210 50*345 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 20.474 33*238 40*014 97*165 137.987 16*169 28.560 35.112 92.762 133.392 3*496 3*408 3.708 3.387 3.872 609 1.270 1.194 1.016 723 19*153 33.324 39.495 45*504 54.627 1.044 3.153 2.825 2.832 4.943 1.375 2.193 2.610 3*292 4.214 16.734 27,976 33*860 39*380 45,470 >083 • 780 .653 • 502 *436 57.839 99.371 110*140 168.547 221*393 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 178.411 220*523 195.084 180.907 167.299 173.879 214.877 189*448 174.625 160.223 3.819 4*045 4.860 4.995 5*793 713 1*601 776 1.287 1*263 62.327 66.141 63*413 63*882 67.476 3.364 5.776 6.403 6.200 5*723 4*464 4.439 4*687 4*713 5*262 53*999 55*926 52*323 52*969 56*491 1*786 2*104 2.197 2*553 2*797 276.925 330.289 321.747 328.306 328.539 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 157.744 132*840 157*856 161.864 169*419 150*811 124.835 146.519 149.512 157.984 5.704 7.036 8.312 10*305 9*751 1*229 969 3*025 2*047 1*664 54.640 61*913 67.467 65.341 65*094 7*099 6*835 9*659 12.880 9.216 4*921 4.556 5*207 5,875 5.603 42*620 50*522 52.601 46.586 50.275 3*005 3*313 3*435 4*301 4*169 322.114 328.456 366.071 387.407 393*532 1955 173*950 160*163 10*484 3*303 56*466 10*091 6.140 40*235 4*886 413*886 300 Idaho National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Inter bank Government 1897 1898 1899 1896 1*910 2.210 2*629 3.257 58 42 94 50 49 50 99 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 3*819 4*452 5*984 6*589 7,094 123 106 171 161 225 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 6*066 9,762 12.342 12*620 15.713 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 Other demand Other time 205 218 249 76 1.597 1.901 2.236 2*820 76 75 103 202 184 3,325 3,874 5,246 5*698 6*090 295 397 464 528 595 277 408 692 940 1.481 171 165 525 579 394 6.861 8,322 9.830 9,528 11.612 737 867 1*295 1»573 2*226 16,970 16*513 19,739 20,614 21.503 1,473 1,039 1,519 1,466 1*586 247 257 415 192 220 13.696 12.140 14.353 14.336 15.502 3,554 3*077 3*452 4*620 4.195 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 23,348 28.361 38,517 39,934 51,412 1,436 2,264 3,884 2,345 2*990 157 133 138 674 433 16*781 19,123 25.374 27.066 34,333 4*974 6.841 9*121 9*647 13*656 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 60,227 44,847 45,079 44*474 46,339 2*646 1,678 1,752 1,458 1,740 87 28 69 101 132 39,593 29,427 30*104 28,911 29,542 17*901 13*714 13*154 14*004 14,925 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 43,572 49.493 47,353 46*530 40.476 1,887 2.114 2.204 2.439 1,542 130 122 121 325 83 26.522 31.065 27.394 25.807 22*162 15*033 16.192 17*634 17.959 16,669 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 39.378 34,955 24,232 16,029 22*898 1.814 1,886 895 1,165 1,062 103 111 92 8 7 21,364 17,802 12,076 7,708 13,753 16*097 15,156 11*167 7*148 8*076 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 29.632 36*216 43*665 44*853 45*610 1.222 1.102 1,125 1.026* 1.227 4 49 20 20 51 19,266 24*226 29,447 28,683 29,431 9,140 10.839 13,073 15.124 14,901 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 52.729 90,790 101.557 159,438 211,242 1*480 2.738 3.131 4,363 3.759 69 474 1,789 8*645 17.698 35,118 60,657 70*558 113*586 146*582 16*062 26.721 26*079 32»844 43.203 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 265,235 316*934 307,704 313,275 311.910 4.298 4.619 3»575 3,294 2,670 21*836 15*603 2.889 4,926 4*020 180*380 225,398 226,939 233*660 232*118 58.721 71.314 74.301 71.395 73.102 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 303*815 308.621 345,066 366.500 369.719 2,669 2»696 3*892 2.392 3,424 6*162 7,496 8,797 6.643 7,836 219*470 220*009 240*644 247,760 239,046 75*514 78.420 91,733 109*685 119*413 262 127.848 Idaho 301 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nat onal ba ^ no .es Borrowings 1896 1897 1898 1899 37 5 Other liabilities Surplus and other capital accounts £*&* Total liabilitie and capit5 accountf Number of banks 162 165 155 137 675 600 600 550 403 386 391 318 3*187 3 .361 3 ,780 4*262 10 10 11 550 600 675 875 1.093 342 381 463 526 667 4,858 5*642 7.332 8*313 9*287 9 11 13 19 24 768 926 1*164 1*268 1,378 10.573 13*078 16 •317 16 .913 20 ,775 27 32 9 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 28 35 147 194 210 292 370 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 30 45 110 69 75 456 757 931 1.136 1*343 8 3 6 1*245 1*585 1.750 1.620 2*260 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 356 509 130 285 269 1.773 1.951 2.248 2.741 2*706 8 17 22 46 34 2.609 2.640 2.940 3.370 3.470 1,790 1.841 1,985 2,119 2*058 25 .506 23*471 27,064 29 .175 30*040 47 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 357 224 468 5,686 7,354 2.856 2.969 2.977 3.122 3*149 16 42 61 116 382 3.495 3*600 3.661 4.015 4*305 2*183 1,928 2.139 2.259 2,791 32 ,255 37,124 47 .823 55 .132 69,393 56 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 15.641 14.098 8*961 5*533 3*364 3*318 3*363 3.363 2.996 2.646 383 179 .274 55 60 5*193 5.385 5.240 4.885 4*720 3,388 3*119 2,767 2,394 2,435 88*150 70*991 65,704 60.337 59*764 81 83 79 73 70 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 2*000 940 1.104 589 492 2*356 2*114 1.984 1.817 1.389 92 111 91 110 269 3*840 3.710 3.635 3.205 2,730 1,974 2.052 1,954 1,667 1.674 53*836 58 ,420 56 .121 53,938 47*030 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 575 618 842 173 1.423 1.588 1.453 940 1.299 88 60 75 5 10 2.675 2*650 2.150 1*535 2.290 1.937 1,916 1,611 958 799 46.076 41,807 30*363 19 »640 27 •296 41 39 31 24 25 627 23 45 73 101 86 2.380 2*380 2.649 2.664 2.702 946 1,176 1,250 1*592 1*940 33*608 39*817 47*637 49*210 50,345 24 22 20 20 18 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 97 324 347 231 409 2.695 4*130 3.730 3*510 4.260 2*318 4,127 4,506 5,368 5*462 57,839 99.371 11C .140 168*547 221 ,393 IB 19 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 561 839 1*092 1*032 1*257 4.860 4*985 4,685 4*685 5*720 6,269 7.531 8*266 9,314 9*652 276*925 330.289 321,747 326*306 328*539 16 16 15 15 15 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1.577 1*793 1*990 2*456 2*094 6.655 6*800 7*250 6*950 8*025 10.067 11,242 11.765 11.501 13.694 322*114 328*456 366 »071 387.407 393*532 13 13 15 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 5 1 28 2,000 13,820 34 36 42 46 48 54 55 57 60 68 70 57 56 52 46 43 19 16 16 12 11 11 302 Idaho State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total 1896 1697 1698 1899 764 1*049 1*195 1*644 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1*772 3*678 4*211 4.771 7*533 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 8*152 9*254 13.167 12*313 13,687 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 Real estate All other Collateral 47 79 191 170 140 205 Year Real estate Total Collateral All other 577 765 780 548 224 926 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 49,370 36,086 27,071 22,913 19,934 5,875 5,341 4*954 4,713 4*126 17.872 13,135 9,871 8*743 6,997 25*623 988 1,108 1*629 2*012 3*324 5,537 1,083 1*975 2,253 2*993 2*045 2*193 2,923 2*561 2*677 5*426 5,978 8,269 7,499 8,217 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 19,928 18,793 18.976 21*021 24,163 3,746 3,477 3*454 3*532 4,009 6.397 5,450 4,915 4,793 4,764 9,785 9,866 10,607 12,696 15,370 18,886 15*226 14,226 14,667 14.306 3,187 3.149 3*026 2*871 2*686 4,343 2*783 2*498 2*817 3»0t30 11,356 9*294 8,702 8,979 8*540 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 24,377 21*125 15*236 9*774 9,750 3*335 3.287 2*354 1*928 1,746 4,067 1.743 1*179 975 953 16,975 16*095 11*703 6*871 7.051 14,253 19.232 27,193 31,745 36*357 2.489 2,981 3.671 3,639 4*165 3*411 5.366 8*675 11*397 13*305 8,353 10*885 14,847 16,709 19,387 1935 1936 1937 1938 11*021 12*826 14,765 15,692 1,791 2,131 2,452 2*799 969 856 937 748 8.241 9.839 11.376 12*145 208 1*134 1*096 390 1*008 681 456 1,115 1*103 1*057 17,610 12*246 9.457 8.811 Loans ' Year Commercial, Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate To others On farm land On residential property Other to individuals Other All other 1939 15,132 8.096 1 373 656 1*693 1*152 3*161 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 17,686 8,689 8.362 7,421 6*411 8,269 5,127 5,391 5,282 5,914 4 650 344 328 406 461 2*608 1,420 4 3 3 375 58 56 58 243 794 806 596 627 491 601 294 364 4.360 1*675 1*176 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 9*183 12*742 20,068 28,101 33*325 6*467 8*224 12,527 17,498 19,216 5 15 142 75 63 168 216 145 110 63 506 748 908 1,027 1,144 1*152 2*143 2,939 4,332 1,152 1,569 1*833 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 40.685 45,312 52,363 51,317 50,899 20,723 24,977 28,476 26*046 25.916 35 15 6 6 5 318 179 330 341 689 1*195 1,218 1,195 996 1,183 7,631 6,369 7,705 5,836 6,874 1955 53,168 27*652 6 478 1*344 7*394 ' Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to 617 611 596 169 203 669 1.241 2*365 4*394 6*212 323 371 666 583 660 1*876 1*751 1*642 1*789 2.226 8.389 10.918 13*048 14*609 13*992 859 328 242 226 533 2*487 14,346 173 426 775 the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Idaho 303 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year U.S. Government obligations Total Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets Cosh items in process of collection Currency and coin 24 20 136 109 528 198 221 166 891 319 875 261 441 223 317 1,451 3»477 2,301 3*421 624 1,649 1*355 1*794 2*066 267 414 199 207 696 3,122 6*766 6,487 7,421 11,467 804 817 1896 1897 1896 1899 151 544 346 226 66 42 144 544 280 184 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 200 210 235 143 295 56 50 59 33 216 144 160 176 110 77 2*264 1,842 2*300 2.943 17 16 12 110 74 242 599 475 396 803 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 380 595 1*020 1*237 1*477 94 230 538 825 49 286 365 482 412 264 3,869 3.920 3,871 4,925 4,935 79 205 130 370 168 •996 1*568 1*249 2*831 3*012 2,743 2,987 3*518 1,330 1,562 1,665 13*205 14*586 19,386 20,057 21*964 42 9 21 36 35 208 133 168 197 389 5,317 4.348 4.377 4,222 4,410 162 125 123 137 86 1*473 1*281 1.190 • 194 ,183 3*682 2*942 3*064 2*891 3,141 2*516 1,933 1*839 1,791 1.755 27*869 22»607 21*303 22*259 21*666 872 4.120 7.421 10*911 7,989 11,005 81 223 321 516 566 ,075 ,447 ,834 .669 ,727 2*964 5,751 8,756 5,802 8,712 1.721 1*663 1.873 1.915 1,985 21*232 29*715 42,049 45*556 57*031 9,221 6,899 7,193 6*014 7,092 553 287 254 295 206 1,635 1,507 1,218 1*142 1,216 7.033 5,105 5,721 4*577 5,670 2*261 2*579 2*665 2*678 2,605 66.712 52,177 40*647 36,415 35,293 627 7 1*144 275 1.443 537 1*234 883 959 703 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*150 1*100 1915 1916 1917 1913 1919 1*138 1*399 2*072 3.907 7.184 43 192 522 1.856 5*726 318 384 536 767 586 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 7*860 6.613 3*918 4*610 5*662 5.573 2*374 1.735 2*541 3*403 986 1*946 1,063 1,080 1,240 1*301 2,293 1*120 1*189 1*019 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 8*139 10*542 11*410 16*462 17*291 5.787 6*947 5*306 6*336 6*889 1,725 2*172 2,271 3*177 3*220 1*423 3*833 6*947 7*182 6,891 7.493 7,269 9,824 9.581 208 402 310 253 231 1*276 1,093 1,130 1,236 1,234 5.407 5.998 5,329 8.335 8,116 3*074 2*660 2,427 2*460 2*356 38,032 39,466 40,062 49,767 53,391 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 17*350 16*069 15*026 13*646 14*673 5.486 4*145 4.222 4,742 7.184 3*269 3.163 3*887 3*295 4*265 8,595 8,761 6*917 5,609 3,204 10,565 11,257 6.766 8,030 10*515 293 230 127 213 373 1*349 1,323 1*318 1,395 1,065 8*923 9,704 5,321 6,422 9,077 2,347 2*263 2*098 1*756 1,587 54,639 50,714 39*126 33*206 36*525 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 18.213 20*609 22*698 18*381 18.324 10.150 13*304 14*968 12*884 12.441 5*490 5*154 4,946 3*665 4,666 2,573 2,151 2,784 1,632 1*215 14,080 16*806 17,463 13,681 17,276 946 966 1,119 1*297 1,165 1,467 1,666 1*463 1,311 11.969 14,077 14,329 11.099 14*668 1,357 1,202 1,200 1,066 996 44,671 51,443 56*126 46*620 51,730 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 19*441 6*900 8*447 20*101 31.342 14*800 3*869 5*636 17*636 28*934 3*373 2*548 2*441 2*159 1*991 1.268 1*298 1,217 483 370 306 417 15*226 8,616 11*752 16*610 17,725 509 533 586 302 657 700 906 12,711 7,450 10,519 15*118 16,423 940 394 376 332 307 53*293 24,599 28*937 44*464 57,785 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 41»262 52.584 50.933 49.266 46.028 38*856 50*036 48*027 45*823 42*348 2*083 2,234 2*611 3*123 2*893 323 314 295 320 787 21*166 21*766 21,455 20,458 21*105 754 639 1*280 1,340 1,471 1*123 1,503 1*730 1*838 19,429 20,004 18*672 17*388 17,796 287 292 515 527 864 71,896 87,384 92,971 96,352 101,322 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 43.253 39.641 46.914 46.442 47.447 38.987 34*618 39*674 39,735 40*010 3*645 4*344 6.597 6*490 7*340 621 679 643 217 97 20,751 23,341 22,500 23*259 23,422 1*496 1*656 2,062 1,716 2,055 2.227 2.278 2,600 2*405 2*493 17*026 19,407 17,336 19*138 18,874 784 815 943 1*140 1.039 105,473 109*109 122*720 122,156 122,807 1955 50,195 42,371 7,723 101 23*176 2,180 2*523 10*475 1*150 127,691 861 1,579 1*217 900 958 652 1*346 793 777 823 1,014 1,284 1*262 1,000 983 304 Idaho State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total 1896 Interbank 634 Gov^nment demand Other time 117 1897 1898 1899 2*184 1*518 2*436 32 8 47 18 485 1*741 1,169 1.910 435 302 508 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2.217 4,842 4*950 5*606 8*099 113 50 317 360 241 1,652 3*738 3*591 4*041 6*011 1*054 1*042 1*207 1>647 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 9*419 10*495 13*996 13.742 15,710 162 484 738 566 659 7.035 7*868 9*943 9*816 11*414 2*222 2fl43 3*315 3*360 3.637 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 19.503 15*454 15,956 16,358 16,126 1.169 591 462 531 429 13.475 10.703 11.434 10.955 11*512 4*859 4*160 4»060 4.872 4*185 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 15*943 24,372 35,823 36,716 44*478 365 667 1.101 1*247 1.449 10*687 16*707 24*256 24*488 29*564 4*691 6*998 10*466 10*680 13*443 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 48*107 32,841 28,531 27,497 28,340 1.119 623 746 266 234 117 37 26 9 31.568 21.245 18*896 17.864 18*691 15*303 10*936 8*863 9*358 9*415 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 31.581 34*162 34.720 43.931 46.605 142 ° 204 224 760 1*258 14 2 12 38 20*832 22»257 21*510 27*056 27.609 10,607 11.707 12*964 16*103 17*700 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 47,390 43,408 32,098 27,674 31*741 1.306 1.816 1.187 1*259 677 39 36 34 56 489 26.437 24*974 17.784 15.563 20*739 17*608 16*582 13*093 10.994 9.836 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 39.807 46,263 50*652 43.514 46*111 1*010 745 1.023 982 1.175 336 771 94 234 221 26*920 31.689 35*524 29.321 30*675 11*541 13*056 14*011 12*977 14*040 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 47,698 21.910 26,082 41,527 54*523 1.506 301 361 346 536 236 22 45 835 2.943 31.428 15.464 19*202 32*374 40*358 14*526 6*123 6»474 7*972 10*686 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 68.332 83*411 88*236 93*077 95*339 425 461 1*603 1.478 1*400 4*197 2*462 346 493 678 49*330 63*037 66*960 69*839 67.936 14*380 17*451 19*127 21*267 25*325 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 96*830 101*649 114*627 113,781 113*836 1.840 2*116 1.783 2*118 1*652 638 996 1*596 645 1.089 67*946 69*783 77.998 76*547 74*366 26*406 28*792 33*250 34.471 36*729 1955 118.442 101 22 452 37*813 Idaho 305 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nat ba no tf Borrowings 1896 1897 1698 1899 Surplus and other capital accounts „££. 74 582 Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 161 812 229 156 1.451 3.477 2.301 3*421 22 19 21 25 754 151 43 1*524 1*132 1*607 2.752 340 282 206 573 3.122 6*766 6*487 7.421 11.467 31 35 40 52 57 305 422 382 158 174 172 296 13 2*903 3*160 3*835 4*269 4*516 1*080 1*308 1.341 13*205 14*566 19*388 20.057 21.964 63 80 100 114 125 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1.728 1.483 431 761 699 76 158 57 20 75 5*302 4*257 3*757 3*690 3*730 1.256 1*255 1.102 1.230 1.056 27.869 22.607 21.303 22,259 21.688 153 150 136 138 134 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 662 509 807 2*915 6*036 55 15 21 124 143 3*396 3*598 3*949 4*271 4.533 1*176 1*221 1,449 1,530 1,841 21*232 29.715 42*049 45.556 57.031 125 125 134 136 138 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 12.778 11*914 6*215 3*919 2*136 414 833 202 116 304 5*285 4*610 4,165 3.530 3.315 2.128 1.979 1,714 1.351 1,198 68.712 52.177 40.847 36*415 35*293 141 133 119 109 107 1925 1926 1927 1926 1929 1*790 670 729 296 498 389 419 582 94 1*558 3*202 3*078 2*927 3*138 3*182 1,070 1,139 1.124 2*308 1,548 38.032 39,488 40*082 49*767 53.391 104 100 92 94 94 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 339 237 787 127 5 1*927 2*225 1*891 1*536 101 3*368 3.292 2.997 2.550 2*610 1*615 1.552 1*353 1,119 1,868 54.639 50.714 39.126 33.206 36*525 96 92 81 62 39 76 126 163 134 164 2,735 2.670 2.516 2.370 2.400 2,053 2,384 2,793 2.797 3.055 44*671 51*443 56.126 48*820 51*730 37 34 33 32 32 166 12 10 8 6 2.310 1.270 .275 .225 .260 3.089 1.402 1.570 1.704 1.994 53.293 24,599 28.937 44.464 57,785 32 31 31 30 30 8 43 38 20 174 .295 .358 .860 2.110 2.310 2*263 2.527 2*637 3.145 3.499 71,896 87,384 92,971 98*352 101*322 30 30 33 33 30 393 555 760 979 1*224 2.565 2.615 2*893 2*658 2*643 3.685 4.290 4,440 4,740 5,104 105*473 109.109 122.720 122.156 122.807 30 30 26 27 26 856 2*803 5*590 481 47 37 507 792 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 60 123 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 5 30 5 45 725 757 25 ILLINOIS sented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks) for 1896-1933 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. The primary sources for unincorporated banks, which operated in this State during the period 1896-1920, were bankers' directories and the annual reports of the Comptroller. The sources of statistics for State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks obtained from reports of the State banking department or from bankers* directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Revised data for assets and.liabilities and number of all banks in Illinois, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for national banks, in Table 2; and for State commercial banks, in Table 3. Because of the incomplete coverage in reported data for unincorporated banks in the State, a separate balance sheet was compiled for these banks (Table 3a); Table 3 includes data for these and other State commercial banks.1 A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Illinois were obtained from abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments; a description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks) and for unincorporated banks pre1 Since there have been no mutual savings banks in Illinois, the figures for all commercial banks are identical with those for all banks. For the same reason, the term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 is synonymous with "all banks other than national"; it refers to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks," "loan and trust companies," "stock savings banks," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks). In this report, the data for unincorporated banks are discussed separately from those of other State commercial banks. 306 Illinois 307 STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS (OTHER THAN UNINCORPORATED BANKS), 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested, and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET In order to make the revised series comparable with the current series, a number of nondeposit trust companies and two branches of foreign banks with their balance-sheet data were added for the period of their existence. The following tabulation shows the number added and the years affected: Year or period Number 1896-1900.... 1901-1905.... 1906-1908 1909 1910-1926.... 1927-1931.... 1932-1933 4 5 4 3 4 5 6 Balance-sheet data for the nondeposit trust companies and for the branch of one foreign bank were obtained from bankers' directories; data for the other foreign branch were supplied by its head office. In all instances, the subitems of the balance sheet were partly estimated. The balance-sheet data for this group were added to the revised series after the estimates described in the following paragraphs had been made. 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1929. For the years in which the items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Estimates of real estate loans for 18961908 were made by applying to total loans, ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of these loans to total loans at Ohio State commercial banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. Figures for 1918-1920 were estimated by applying ratios that were interpolated between ratios based on reported data for 1917 and 1921. Figures for 1923-1925 were obtained from annual reports of the State banking department. Collateral loans for 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to total loans in each year the ratio of this item to total loans computed from reported data for 1909, and for 1918-1920 in the same manner as described for real estate loans in this period. Figures for 1922-1928 were obtained from annual reports of the State banking department. INVESTMENTS A complete breakdown of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1921. For the years in which data were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Data for United States Government securities in 1910 were obtained from the report of the State banking department. Estimates of obligations of States and political subdivisions for 1896-1908 were made by applying to total investments in each year the ratio of this item to total investments computed from reported figures for 1909. 308 All-Bank Statistics Estimates for 1918-1920 were made by applying to total investments, ratios of this item to total investments that were interpolated between similar ratios based on reported figures for 1917 and 1921. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was adequate, after some minor adjustments, in the reports of the Comptroller beginning with 1921, although reported figures for United States Government deposits were supplemented in a number of years.3 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for the latter item prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. In the years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1896-1908 and 1910 were obtained from reports of the State banking department. Estimates for 1919 and 1920 were made by applying to this total, ratios of time deposits to this total that were interpolated between similar ratios based on reported data for 1918 and 1921. Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1930 represent such deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Illinois to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS, 1934-1946 The principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for 1934-1946 were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks. Figures for the latter group for 1934-1941 were taken from reports of the State banking department or from bankers' directories; for 1942-1946, they were compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation from data furnished by individual banks or by the State banking department, supplemented by data from bankers' directories. The breakdowns of some of the principal asset items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks in the sources cited. The breakdowns of loans for 1934-1938, and of investments other than United States Government obligations and cash assets for 1934-1946, were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of these items at insured nonmember commercial banks in corresponding years. The loan breakdowns for 1939-1946 were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of total loans at noninsured commercial banks on December 31, 1947, the first breakdown consistent with data currently reported. UNINCORPORATED BANKS, 1896-1920 Unincorporated banks operated in Illinois in 1896-1920, after which they were prohibited by State law. In most years, however, only, a small proportion of these banks— 8 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. roughly 20-25 per cent of the total number— reported to the Comptroller of the Currency. The principal sources of figures for nonreporting banks were bankers' directories and—for the years 1900-1902, when the number and the capital and surplus of banks were tabulated for tax purposes—the annual reports of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Illinois The balance-sheet data available in the bankers' directories varied considerably from bank to bank and from year to year; in some instances a number of asset and liability items were shown, but in most cases only capital accounts were given. Capital-accounts data published by the Bureau of Internal Revenue were more complete for 1901 and 1902 than those in other sources and were used to check the reliability of data from other sources. Although substantial numbers of banks— the totals ranged from about 450 to 550 in most years—were added to the figures published by the Comptroller, the total assets of all private banks as estimated for the revised series were a significant part of the total for all State commercial banks only in early years. The proportions declined from 34 per cent in 1896 to less than 5 per cent after 1910. To provide a suitable basis for deriving the aggregate balance sheet for private banks in Illinois, four base years—1901, 1906, 1909, and 1914—were selected to check the representativeness of data from the several sources. For each of these years figures for the principal balance-sheet items for each bank, when available, were tabulated from the bankers' directories, and the average for each item was computed. These averages were compared with similar averages for banks included in the Comptroller's annual reports; over-all capital accounts were also compared with Bureau of Internal Revenue data for 1901. These comparisons showed that the average principal asset or liability and the average capital-accounts figure were generally smaller for banks reporting to the Comptroller than for those listed in the bankers' directories; for capital accounts this development was not surprising, since it had been found in other States that figures for capital accounts of private banks shown in bankers' directories frequently included the net worth of the owner or owners. Average capital accounts computed from data in the Comptroller's reports were also considerably smaller than the average capital and surplus computed from Internal Revenue Bureau data for 1901. 309 Since the figures in each of these sources appeared to be inadequate in some respect, estimates for principal balance-sheet items for all private banks in Illinois for the four base years were obtained by (1) multiplying the total number of banks by (a) per-bank averages for principal balance-sheet items computed from data published by the Comptroller and (b) similar averages computed from data in bankers' directories, and (2) averaging the total of these estimates. Data for other years were based on estimates for the four base years. The principal balance-sheet items for 1896-1900 were estimated by multiplying averages for these items for 1901 by the number of banks in each year derived from bankers7 directories. For 19021905, for 1907 and 1908, and for 1910-1913, estimates were made by multiplying interpolated dollar amounts for the principal balancesheet items by the relation of the actual number of banks to the interpolated straight-line trend in the number. Estimates for 19151920 were computed in the same way as those for 1896-1900 except that the base year figures used were those for 1914. Insofar as practicable, the detailed breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits were computed for the entire period 1896-1920 by applying to each of the principal items the percentage distribution of similar totals computed from data for private banks reporting to the Comptroller. Where detailed breakdowns were not reported to the Comptroller, estimates were made as follows: The breakdowns of loans and investments in 1910 were estimated by applying to the totals the percentage distributions of these items derived from data reported to the Comptroller for 1911, a year in which the data were considered to be representative. Demand and time deposits were reported to the Comptroller as a single total in the period 1896-1908 and 1910. Separate estimates of these deposits were obtained by applying to total deposits in each year the ratio of time to total deposits as computed from reported figures for 1909. 310 Illinois All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Losins Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 281*862 256.859 303*414 352*347 31.474 26*846 24*613 28.925 97,393 88*960 108*744 128*310 152,995 139*053 170,057 195,112 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 384*866 460*622 515*194 557*262 593*521 34,725 43*159 50.759 60.280 50.681 131*685 156.722 173.532 167.895 193.563 216*456 258,741 290*903 $09*087 349.077 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2.376,871 2.213.601 2.031*769 2.233*717 2.316*945 198*146 192.752 214.666 239.738 274,077 841*756 800*796 753*227 844,977 671.737 1.336*967 1*220*053 1*063*696 1*149*002 1,171,131 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 677*869 755.757 810.200 763*560 826*529 66.779 76»237 80*367 83*049 80*629 223.708 262,331 278,972 259,505 276*449 367*382 417.189 450,861 421,006 467.251 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2*503*038 2.631,373 2.719,075 2*858*203 2.974*652 285,931 314,786 334,054 318,385 327,620 .041.545 ,144.614 ,230*865 ,370,426 ,369*710 1,175*562 1,171*773 1,154,136 1,169*390 1*257,322 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 938*314 998*656 •090*866 .144*549 .175*397 91*708 108,779 127,392 137.731 126.391 336*709 336*326 379.724 398,510 382*163 507*897 553,553 583,750 608,308 666.843 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2*642*350 2,138,900 1*426,727 1,020,676 868*349 303,414 216,109 166,394 107,408 103.357 •357,981 •024*961 683*660 452,653 317,956 1,180,955 895,830 576*673 460*615 447*036 •193*696 •387*237 •536*761 1*602*460 1,808»415 148*012 152»090 163*895 156*301 174.995 441*235 485,137 548,583 571,944 679,129 604*449 750*010 624*303 674.215 $54.291 1935 1936 1937 1938 735,592 811,586 1,005,196 866*263 73,327 78.066 89,277 95,188 250*946 263,292 258*911 193.761 411,319 470,228 657,006 577,314 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 Loans' Commercial, Year Total and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land On residential property Other Other to individuals All other 938,311 549*966 39.911 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 ,059,090 ,350*534 .391.711 •171*829 .459,730 660*049 860,271 926,789 759,409 863*042 23.958 36095 29*699 40*711 102*675 75*043 68*959 62*791 54*366 156»597 24,034 24,981 23,685 21,501 20,980 95*900 120,744 132*521 131,761 132*439 22*146 25*893 27*059 23.453 20*687 104*994 105*414 157,960 213*291 189*167 35,632 57,896 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 ,686*851 •920,093 2*344*919 2,658,777 2,602*862 842,140 1*022,488 1,471,213 1*716*331 1,597,099 160*398 189,518 100*602 61*685 83»593 337,777 235*488 121,318 97,676 78,056 21,968 26*154 28*733 31*459 32*314 138,959 173*992 245,456 292*189 316*528 24,885 51,859 59,868 70*444 78*266 108*211 168,178 276,423 365*278 404.261 52,513 52*416 41,306 44,530 41,034 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 2.771,469 3,597,440 3,909*811 4*272,240 4,494,209 1*596,155 2*229*934 2*420*139 2*591,090 2*643*018 109*866 113*543 166*252 143.778 245*608 83*874 85*976 83*183 118,901 122,373 33*626 36*349 41,076 43*003 45*038 361*103 432*420 475*887 515*941 562*794 84,610 96*026 106,972 114, 407 128,862 492,752 550*016 585*692 715*560 731,512 50*647 106,673 101,307 111,813 99,760 1955 4,937,745 2*731*147 274.237 155,020 51*434 660*780 155,395 842,219 164,116 17,822 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Illinois 311 Table /—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets of collection Currency and coin Cash items Total in process 1896 1897 1896 1899 35,325 38*467 46*422 57.376 10*876 11*978 12*318 14*691 4*387 5*268 6*824 9*290 20*062 21*221 27*260 33*395 122,357 164*601 171,147 218,487 9,355 9,975 9,062 16*062 56.153 77,275 73,114 77.344 56,649 77.551 68.971 125.061 13,716 13,576 15,319 13,347 453*260 473.705 536,302 641,557 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 68*592 88,507 95*452 107*174 119*679 21*095 24*057 20*718 22*148 25*297 10*166 13*698 15,442 17,669 19,615 37*331 50*752 59.292 67.357 74.567 224,714 236,074 276,255 270,960 306,535 14,646 17,249 19,352 19,667 19,340 86,907 94.492 103,512 100.061 106,460 123.161 126.333 153.391 151.232 180.735 14,094 14,379 17,242 20,065 20,674 692,266 801,582 904.143 955,461 1,040.409 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 143*905 151.679 170.727 193*315 201*743 28*195 33*290 33*450 39*469 44*187 24,601 24*573 27.773 30*829 38*268 91.109 93*816 109*504 123*017 119*286 313,695 319,006 337,539 385,979 360,049 23,146 24*550 32*095 26,325 24,650 110,146 116,624 123,967 147,421 150.497 180,401 177,632 181,477 212*233 204*902 20,679 28,038 33,504 36,875 37,582 1.156.148 1.254.480 1.351,970 1,379,729 1,445,903 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 211*992 227*686 256*246 248*604 252*417 46*325 44*461 46*346 45*949 44*045 35*897 35*177 37*171 37,125 40,573 129*770 148*048 172*729 165*530 167.799 385,410 451,445 453,955 445,136 451.033 34,063 27,357 27,309 30*640 39,642 149.736 173.596 178.025 169.218 171*819 201.609 250.492 246.621 245.278 239*372 44,775 56,260 57,280 57,265 70,076 1,560,491 1.734,049 1,656.347 1,895,554 1,948,923 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 261*190 261*004 334.108 467*074 636,661 43.542 34*014 74*527 200*609 366*689 48*754 55*581 58*066 70*660 90*796 168.694 191.409 201*513 195*805 179.176 470.673 534.157 620.560 561*700 685,704 33*374 39,893 37*814 76*785 116,332 146.418 134,874 144,631 77,393 83,146 290,881 359,390 438,135 407*522 466*226 67,731 61,619 68,285 92,630 *92, 836 1,993,290 2,264,017 2,559,754 2,723*864 3,223,616 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 487*631 492*326 664*179 764*454 602*222 191*241 174*000 271,342 335*661 349*493 77*768 69*212 120*651 119*218 134*373 216.622 229.116 272*186 309*375 318.356 688,354 590,510 664.163 693.928 824.640 129*596 95*116 119,410 115*740 152*810 85,654 69.923 67.099 66,615 71,514 473*104 425.471 477,654 511,573 600,316 126*075 132,232 149,331 136,988 136,003 3,678,931 3.428*671 3,509,462 3.829,087 4.079.610 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 670*900 915*944 973*517 1*069*007 979.298 352*337 336,356 324*957 359*096 311*329 142*366 163*340 181*554 206.723 180*194 376.197 416*248 467,006 503*186 487.775 871.899 825*365 766,069 787,529 604,200 158,607 145,734 143*099 149.524 148,833 69.396 67,390 65,981 59,947 59,576 643,896 612*241 559*009 578,058 595.791 167,054 194,940 202*266 233.153 254*360 4,412.891 4.567,622 4,662,947 4,947,892 5.012.530 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1*012*794 1.106*695 792*701 844,977 1,234*580 293*957 463,122 344*879 483*879 836*966 188*072 164*412 116*662 124*226 170*247 530*765 461.161 331.160 236,872 227,367 797,104 771,081 595*730 681*010 934,397 125.824 90,805 62*064 67.419 71*809 61*999 72,238 82,786 56,480 61,515 609,281 608,038 450,880 557,111 801,073 309,343 271*661 207,268 147,184 126,065 4.961.591 4.290,537 3,022.426 2.693*847 3*163*411 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1*528*517 1,953*668 1,927,783 1*843,516 2*106*410 1*095*661 1*403*598 1,380*365 1*317*216 1*539*448 216*867 256*423 266*731 236*139 269*360 215,989 293.647 280*687 290,161 297*602 1*342,102 1*512,895 1,317,847 1*753,537 1,777,826 93.359 173.351 159,944 134.322 150*647 61,963 71,198 64,871 68,119 62.681 1*166,780 1,266,346 1,093*032 1,551,096 1*564,496 133,602 140*765 115,463 102*185 96*091 3.739*613 4.416.914 4.366.269 4.565*501 4,918,638 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 2*141*496 2*483.503 3*044*919 5,119,202 6,294,556 1*579*200 1*877*366 2*456*018 4*497*829 5*674*221 298,772 324*702 302,745 352,742 356,205 263.526 261.415 286.156 266.631 264.130 2,226,126 2,227*912 2*161*826 2*043*732 2*226*927 135,369 194,1^4 215,758 276,364 302,774 76,315 86,509 93,445 94,683 1C3.552 2,014,424 1,946,959 1*852*623 1*672*685 1,820,601 90*143 85.571 76.104 77,494 76,407 5*516,859 6,147*520 6*674*560 8*412,257 10,057,620 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 7,455,709 7,271,161 6,658,442 6,545,138 6,742,552 6*654*725 6,617,369 5*942*154 5*750*654 5*893*594 300,905 309*994 394*793 462*265 518,631 300*079 343*616 321*495 332,219 330,327 2,421,123 2,418,420 2,679,080 2*907.693 2.680.304 267,796 346,868 440,258 497,739 444,807 94,076 91,467 119,246 123,527 122,548 2,059,251 1,980,085 2,119,576 2*266,427 2.312,949 73,760 78*623 76,334 88,087 91*916 11,637,443 11,688.317 11.756.775 12.199.695 12.317.636 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 7*325*484 6*896*073 7*082*092 7.019*267 7*483*565 6*281*225 5*788*603 5*921*037 5*831*740 6.197*103 671*579 718*502 776*293 633*026 906*599 372,680 388,966 364,762 354,499 377*863 2.783,334 3,176,735 3,271,377 3,475*636 3,460,326 536,729 605*821 607,376 725,839 691,851 115,776 112,406 131,087 145,164 148,591 2,130,829 2.460.508 2.532.912 2,604*835 2.619,684 92*756 112,227 104,257 102,969 118*887 12.973,063 13,764,475 14,367,537 14,670,334 15,556,987 1955 7*636.517 6*152.484 1*024*359 459,674 3.131.576 736,217 150,393 2,244,968 122,688 15,828.526 312 Illinois All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1896 1899 331*917 356*465 419*524 519,765 61*860 81.874 101*581 127*240 1*484 1*511 1*590 2*055 204*558 210*558 243,477 300,826 64*015 62*522 72*876 89*644 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 559*861 659*428 739*149 769*916 843*568 143,656 168*666 188,741 176,155 187*321 3*147 3,755 4*616 5*182 6*111 307,161 364*304 390*650 406*627 441,050 105*897 122*703 155*142 181.952 209*086 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 955*825 1,022.351 1*095*541 1*113*058 1*169*257 210*131 217,581 237,919 255*208 279,288 5.572 6*866 11,580 8*572 5*943 497*364 515,673 547*752 560*798 560.027 242*756 282.231 298.290 288,480 323,999 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*272*613 1*398.709 1*505,962 1*515*435 1*554*681 263.309 318.144 338*282 316,859 313*956 4*299 4,045 4*646 4.364 6.542 670.156 637.723 677*413 677.930 754.118 334,849 438*797 485*621 516*282 480*065 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1,584* 75!5 1*870,066 2*134,852 2*212*911 2*588,670 320*642 370,381 438,511 370,206 444,034 3*928 2*634 6,934 115,559 48.475 763,969 944.556 1,086.530 1,081.390 1.322,342 496*216 552*493 602*877 645*756 773.819 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 2*800*026 2,671,766 2*862,838 3,174,471 3*429,325 369,200 305.477 373,939 379*103 475,202 6,227 16*442 11*616 1 9 , 1 48 11,620 1,506,629 1*403,311 1*518,293 1,668,796 1*745,820 917,970 946t536 958*990 1*107,424 1*196,683 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 3*752,567 3*811*301 3,894*463 4*075*270 4*035*120 451,044 433.262 400,502 376*796 395,585 14,586 8*756 14,613 6*334 25*236 1,959,544 1,968*208 2*010*972 2*066*010 2.037.551 1*327*393 1,401,075 1,468,376 1*626*130 1,576*748 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 3,997*736 3*429*089 2,256*807 2,149,363 2,647*016 468.611 441,784 267,735 288,087 418,466 12*030 39*098 30*143 50,734 59*214 1*934,662 1,630,617 1*116*053 1,220.519 1*506*639 1*582.433 1.317.590 642.876 590.023 662*697 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 3*306*107 3,973,442 3,931*840 4*123,840 4*454*143 538*923 676*968 577*700 732.362 798,322 24*238 110,922 46*262 92*666 68*698 1,911*394 2.314.452 2*356*079 2*298,446 2*519*488 831.552 871*100 951.799 1*000*366 1,067.635 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 5,056,895 5*659,612 6,164*126 7*865*871 9,459*573 1,006*125 1,082*853 1,126,910 1,151,547 1,221*145 92*637 109.502 218.971 635.152 1,406,495 2*839*872 3.333,525 3,730.222 4*874*591 5*327*158 1*118,261 1,133*732 1.088*023 1,204,561 1,504,775 19*5 1946 1947 1948 1949 10*988,627 10,982*912 11*013*175 11,412,522 11,480*896 1,327,139 1*176,766 1*183,254 1*170*075 1,095.883 1*937,926 1*104*336 224,262 186*176 264*221 5.725*230 6.257.234 6.842.173 7.088.591 7.024.115 1*998,332 2*444*576 2,763,486 2,967*660 3,096.677 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 12*092,857 12*836*600 13,363,555 13,807*033 14*415.341 1*103,139 1,134.730 1*296*983 1*325.183 1*453*510 339*973 609,663 427,154 285.814 540.026 7,461,726 7.837,136 8.152,691 8,493,529 6,485*866 3,188,019 3,255,071 3.486.727 3*702.507 3.935.939 14*627.745 1,283,150 482*179 Illinois 313 Table 1—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] 0 Year 1910 1911 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 453*260 473*705 536*302 641,557 939 938 945 955 506 40 750 871 624 13*004 17*248 14*072 16*921 18*822 8*433 8*214 7*182 9*167 7*800 69*230 72*886 92*798 100*204 106*589 41*234 43*766 50*192 58*382 63.006 692*268 801*562 904*143 955,461 1*040*409 990 1*042 1*099 1*225 ,1*256 755 791 1*255 2*152 2*549 21*020 27*681 28*754 31*049 35*610 5*567 10*630 9*740 6*689 14*567 106*903 118*006 131*185 135*103 130*293 66*078 74*819 85*495 91.678 93*627 1*156*148 1*254*460 •351*970 .379*729 •445*903 1,309 1.402 1*460 1*530 1*539 5*054 5*068 4*219 6*603 7*439 40*859 39*206 39*848 41*270 42*390 12*557 18*062 19*476 23*297 21*603 147*766 158*526 169*038 177.810 182*099 101*642 114.478 119*802 131*139 140,711 ,580*491 »734»049 •856*347 •895*554 ,948,923 1*640 1*715 1*767 1*872 1*902 11*836 6*373 14*938 60*144 109*056 42*471 28*503 26*894 27*588 27*077 21*196 25*066 27*971 57*909 111*031 184*725 184*281 191,790 194.704 198.961 148,307 149,728 163,309 170,608 168,801 1*993*290 2*264*017 2*559.754 2*723,864 3,223,616 1*696 1*891 1*899 1*903 1*899 293*560 164*387 46*675 51*894 27*499 28*006 29.339 30*580 32*524 33*940 124*033 71*965 91*744 70*115 73*010 220.380 240.697 240.077 254*123 260*232 212,926 230,517 237,548 245,960 255*804 3,676*931 3,428*671 3.509,462 3,629*087 4*079,810 1*969 1*697 1*910 1,921 1*910 35*294 61*704 36*299 89*357 99*073 30*483 34*562 34*628 36*087 35*949 79*303 96*779 107*177 127*143 150*459 255*622 278,598 285,532 296,779 345,757 259*622 284*678 304*848 323*256 346*172 4,412*891 4,567*622 4*662*947 4*947*692 5*012*530 1*904 1*866 1)846 1,621 1,806 22*795 31*180 121*199 83*919 61*167 36*001 34 • 448 22*946 21*319 21*828 201*322 179*021 127*570 69*835 42*025 350*953 308,590 256,868 219*012 250*124 352*784 308*209 237*016 150*399 141.251 4*961*591 4*290*537 3*022*426 2*693.847 3*163*411 1,668 1,466 1,155 851 886 29 38 245 5 35 7*642 46*793 52*451 26*215 22*943 20*156 239.320 227.970 217.089 217.002 217.284 137,922 165,013 190,900 201,711 227,018 3*739*813 4*418*914 4*366*289 4*565*501 4*918*636 889 689 868 671 857 21*949 24*523 27*739 34*753 42*827 191.900 191*084 190*194 190*267 222*669 246.057 272,301 292*476 321*366 332*551 5*516*859 6*147*520 6*674*560 8*412.257 10.057.620 847 839 634 829 832 52*152 55*244 53*423 57*428 60*020 226*701 240*933 245*658 249*207 268.383 369*963 409*228 446*196 480,318 508,229 11*637*443 11*688*317 11*758*775 12.199*695 12*317.636 64S 864 879 886 891 64*124 76*656 89*878 97*626 106*766 271,651 280.438 316*096 328*616 338*530 544,431 580,628 596,008 636,214 696*03S 12*973*063 13.784*475 14*367*537 14.870*334 15,556,987 890 891 894 896 909 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 58 1941 1942 25 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 323 220 108 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 accounts Number of banks 36*186 35,096 35*926 37.682 1903 1904 1912 1913 Total liabilities and capital 71*922 70*357 68*160 66*620 1901 1902 1909 Surplus and other capital accounts 5*711 5*159 5*929 9*842 1900 1908 Capital 6*532 6*130 6*172 7*031 1898 1899 1906 1907 Other liabilities 992 498 571 617 1696 1897 1905 National bank notes Borrowings 10*153 1954 1955 845 312 105,579 15,828,528 314 Illinois National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans 'Loans Year Total Real estate Year All other Collateral Total Real estate Collateral Ail other 1896 1897 1898 1899 139.719 127*031 158,861 186*846 1.994 1.833 2.274 2,762 49*143 45*168 56*028 68»053 88*582 80*030 100*559 116*031 1900 1901 1902 1903 190* 205*529 251*834 27,4*104 282.673 292*333 2.677 3*349 3*378 3*384 2*976 65*970 82.526 83*240 83*397 73*323 136*882 165,959 187,486 195*892 216*034 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1*066*037 957*836 836,097 860*505 934*016 14,646 13,966 16*436 18,349 20*739 377,475 357*550 314*624 323*596 355.179 673,916 566*322 507*037 536*560 556*098 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 321*967 333*493 366*5.82 360*921 391.151 3*240 3*642 3*989 4.068 4*389 79.827 89.736 98.287 100*238 106*825 238*900 240,115 264*306 256,615 279,937 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 954*629 1*006,652 1*044*656 Itl73»396 916*054 24,319 27*303 27*586 38*663 41*615 414*881 445*257 505*960 606,392 330*359 515*429 534*292 511*112 526,321 546*060 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 444.587 475*651 506.479 508.547 524.450 5*172 4*880 5.517 5*682 11*848 136*764 138*287 150*376 160*982 138.426 302*651 332*464 352,586 341*883 374.176 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 961*251 723,640 436*765 700,183 59**923 43*562 36*394 27,687 43*635 38,776 374*293 317,600 189*664 326*292 257*266 543,396 367,646 221,414 330*256 296*679 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 539.801 634*503 703*979 755.190 791*734 20.683 11.209 13*189 11*893 11»019 198.701 192*798 230*386 259.204 305*981 320.417 430,496 460*402 484,093 474*734 1935 1936 1937 1936 521*743 585,436 726,343 606*619 32,083 36*035 43,021 46,666 199,411 204*822 193,871 143*459 290,249 344,579 469,451 416,294 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers Real estate On farmland To others On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 74,420 9,804 39,138 10,642 79,093 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 745.220 995,686 1,062,760 893*241 1*157*720 494*950 673*108 749,852 620*626 712.371 16*944 26*465 20*865 25*359 83*340 64*766 57,855 53*866 44,083 131*100 10*901 11,635 11,444 10,555 10,720 51.264 67*511 76,467 75,543 77*815 15,099 17,428 18,417 15*756 14,064 75,357 75,059 91*296 141(484 131,827 25*962 53,251 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1,342,744 1*498.002 1*819.615 2,049,159 1.961,283 695*115 817.344 1,182.816 1(391,360 1.261.437 133.294 156*608 32*613 48.756 67.553 281,175 197.384 107,670 85,209 66,662 11,001 13*648 15,146 16,080 16,550 81*810 106.627 156.654 184.119 200*486 16,659 38,716 42*089 49*921 55,049 75,830 119*280 196*025 255,325 287,224 47*660 47*995 36,600 37,160 30*258 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 2.048.838 2.734,997 2.948.748 3*170.799 3»334.639 1.247.534 1.793.464 1.928*451 2*042.646 2.076*364 69*820 89.797 127(592 104,746 201*035 74,286 75,000 73,422 86,696 83.591 17,423 19*431 20*595 21*595 22*251 229*449 273*072 301.761 322.737 353,583 56,771 64,983 70,625 77,277 87,917 350*152 387*971 404,473 497,690 506*420 37*882 79.479 81.233 86*559 74*968 1955 3.652*490 2»147.869 219,900 101.106 25.708 419,661 104,613 579*522 133.164 406*190 . 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Illinois 315 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total aaaota 6*565 10*649 12.724 15.697 65,737 91,512 97.651 127.851 4,611 5,600 6.134 10,471 34,893 47,896 49,195 50,618 26,033 38,016 42,322 66*762 5*130 4,959 6*538 4*732 230*865 246*526 288*223 349.817 14.962 19.026 22,538 22,697 21.713 133.435 145,275 158,977 151.309 165,254 6,644 11,843 12.222 11.530 10,062 58,741 63,643 67,297 62,622 66,665 66*050 69*789 79*458 77*157 88*527 5,105 4,805 4,937 6,981 7,348 360.811 446.787 483,994 488.763 514,601 4,501 4*889 5*966 7,472 13,427 27,419 29,788 36,344 45.454 36,912 171,968 173,692 178,644 200.895 199.554 13*593 15,061 17,093 12.997 12.065 69,688 70,984 78.217 89,909 96,849 88,687 87,647 63*334 97*989 90*620 6*237 8*157 9,626 12*311 15.230 559,243 582*565 629.931 665*367 699*133 45,256 43,616 44,294 44,879 43,658 10,651 9,982 10*041 10*828 9.159 39*435 45.481 52.391 50.832 44*369 211,410 237,623 246*242 236,959 237,683 21*172 15*858 16*664 16.761 18,752 94,528 111.641 115.775 106.902 106*740 95*710 109*924 113.783 111.296 112.191 16.705 14.560 15.819 16*411 26,034 766,044 626,933 877,266 868,456 885,353 103*666 103.435 135.443 201.548 290.465 42,999 33,395 55*476 118,466 197*599 13.991 16.204 18.204 19.973 22.908 46*676 53*836 61.763 63.107 69.978 239.737 264,324 329*558 298*102 373*449 17*114 20.827 25*269 42*796 69*915 74*606 68.169 69.559 33.Q46 39.326 148.017 175*326 234.730 221.458 264*208 26,719 22*640 25*968 41,380 50*806 909,923 1,024,902 1*194,948 1*296*220 1*506*474 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 205*363 169*866 237*639 293*226 309.183 110.668 87.683 121*424 160*702 170*172 24*520 33*923 36,616 35.915 40*311 70.175 66.282 79.599 96*609 98.700 357*984 276*869 308*716 319*837 397*762 76.817 56.527 65.023 61,191 75,671 35*682 29,357 26*691 25.395 29*116 245*285 189*005 217.002 233*251 292,975 80,391 57,502 59,124 55*852 57,033 1,709,775 1,482,117 1,443,576 1*549,420 1.697.994 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 311.270 327.177 358.558 423*426 327.579 144*428 144.691 152*348 162*729 123*790 40.299 46,004 55,130 79,092 67,758 126*543 134.482 151*060 181,607 136,031 367*581 351.837 353*745 389*994 283*147 70*762 74*966 75.262 83.779 62.438 26.392 22.829 22,446 18,972 18*142 270*427 254*042 256,037 287,243 202*567 64*256 77*660 74*024 89*638 75.S55 1.697.736 1.763.526 1.630.965 2.076*456 1*604*635 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 346*479 396*365 274*026 547*835 816*594 112*225 171,918 143,447 330,490 592,631 78.168 80*387 43.544 75*009 68*760 156*066 144*060 37,035 142,336 135*003 311.283 312.551 202.158 520*342 734*461 55*624 44.430 26,354 54,179 57*263 22*031 30,175 33,750 30.175 38*325 233*628 237,946 142*054 435*968 638*873 92,184 67,618 47,132 89,729 76*447 1*711.197 1,500*374 962.081 1.856.069 2.222.425 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1*040*476 1*317*481 1.318,768 1.279.242 1*507*687 808,101 1.019,760 1,034,749 1,002*454 1*222*295 108.392 127,542 131*368 106,980 116*898 123*983 170*179 152*651 169*606 168*694 1*009*907 1*202*362 961.292 1,321.772 1*329*141 72*028 136,383 128,889 108*200 119,766 40.176 44,989 39,391 42,923 37,883 897,703 1.020,990 793,012 1,170.649 1,171,492 84*368 93*881 70.707 56.312 57.474 2.656.494 3.199.160 3.077.110 3.265.945 3*545*213 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1.573.227 1*666,452 2.275,833 3,647.286 4.646.853 1*260*211 1.550.217 1.967*295 3.502*542 4.281,747 146,763 163*699 158*485 203,300 215,954 146*253 152,536 150*053 141,444 149*152 1*669*774 1*655*576 1*626*343 1*507.533 1.635.885 107,482 159,607 179,274 232.365 250*426 52.784 59,632 65.014 66.397 73,262 1.509.508 1.436*339 1*362*055 1*208*751 1*312*197 55.958 54*839 49.624 52.533 54*212 4.044.179 4*572,555 5*014.760 6.300*593 7)494*670 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 5.394.673 5.192*466 4*686*786 4*498*201 4.675.847 5,056,195 ,795,730 .246.774 .008,183 .158*024 174,730 196,525 246,742 284,257 316*292 163*748 198.211 193.270 205.761 201*531 1.773*813 1.772*812 2*003*143 2.199.137 2.167.537 225*197 290*916 375.073 421.355 377.494 63,092 59,660 78,517 81 ,609 60,448 1,485*524 1*422*236 1*549*553 1,696,173 1,709*595 49*913 50*970 52*652 58*788 61.644 8*561*143 8*514*250 6,562,196 6,605*265 6*666*511 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 5.154,964 4,769,929 4,879,088 4,846,850 5,142,275 •522.019 •075*064 •152.442 •073,967 4*350*062 402,397 430.651 480,053 540*726 570*023 230.568 264.194 246,593 232.157 222,190 2*098*441 2*408,316 2.479,355 2*646,526 2*598*305 454,145 505,858 513,661 617.334 593,307 75*666 73*841 86,371 96*631 97,556 1*568*628 1*828*617 1,877*323 1.932*561 1.907.442 61*767 80*666 71.278 68.393 78.961 9*364,030 9.993,928 10,378.469 10*732.568 11*154,200 5,232*820 4*313*276 270,603 2,322,786 619,964 98.810 1,604*014 79,664 11*287,762 1896 1897 1898 1899 20,279 23*024 25*173 30*388 10.306 10,627 10,360 12,115 1*406 1.748 2.089 2.576 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 36*742 44*873 45.976 47.800 49.866 19.324 22.724 19*738 21.377 24,589 2,456 3,123 3.700 3,726 3,564 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 59.071 67,223 75,079 91,240 93,198 27,151 32,546 32*769 38*314 42*659 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 95.342 99,079 106*726 106*539 97*186 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 . 316 Illinois National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total 1896 1897 1898 Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time ,678 1899 163.590 183,647 224,334 285,273 52.107 70,512 87,551 112,473 1*484 1*511 1*590 2*055 105*321 106*652 129*506 164*766 *972 • 665 • 979 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 306,999 366*676 398,349 391,593 413,485 127,152 143,349 157,546 147,548 157.476 3,147 3*755 4*616 5*182 6*111 169,967 210,510 225*576 226*813 236,298 .733 *064 10,609 12*050 13*600 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 454,990 465,781 501,732 530,999 559,250 175,740 177,177 194,947 211*144 228,062 5*572 6,666 11*580 8,572 5*943 256,847 261*926 265*628 275.351 274,408 16.831 19.812 29,577 35*932 50,837 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 605,812 657,627 704*086 687.401 698,304 221.575 263.817 275*774 260*483 2S4*45y 4,299 4,045 4,646 4*364 6*542 314,402 320,183 342.107 333,450 357,714 65*536 69*582 81*559 89.104 79.589 1915 1916 1917 1910 1919 716,795 845,162 1,OOJ,917 1,049,111 1*199,734 251*565 290,975 349*944 287,927 359,134 3*928 2*634 6.934 83,121 24.152 374*617 447.109 521.862 545,231 661.054 86*685 104,444 125,177 132*832 155.394 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1*230,123 1,104,162 1*171,184 1,275,261 1*437.616 599,125 246,656 292.036 297,128 370,173 4.719 12,870 7,050 11,052 7*315 734,679 636*447 658.312 718,865 785.555 191.600 207*969 213.786 246*216 274*575 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1,443,463 1,471,083 1*550,762 1,722.084 1,308,571 313*540 306*581 279,328 265,835 171.063 4,866 4*409 6*090 2*852 12*560 810.927 618.514 889.597 933.426 693*431 314*150 341,579 375.747 519.971 431*517 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1*420*112 1,259.592 776*538 1,581,866 1,926*912 214,042 206,625 119.468 244*178 361.867 5*176 11.559 4*028 33*678 41*450 727.575 689*812 460*609 913.018 1.102.548 473,319 351*596 194*433 390,992 421.047 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 2*369*202 2*902,821 2,796.135 2,976,472 3*232,356 460*961 587,720 499,039 628*277 690.054 17,681 98*388 43,102 82*643 57*568 1*385,029 1,677,071 1,676.048 1,649*904 1,619,960 505,531 539,642 577,946 615.6A8 664*754 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 3,734,792 4*234,433 4,656,164 5,913,464 7,063,188 870*416 927.362 978.886 1,005*042 1*073.919 81*766 107*117 193,754 511*733 1,089,679 2*075,182 2,468,229 2,784,132 3*634,910 3*936,258 707.428 731*725 699.392 761*779 961.132 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 8.092*707 6.001.565 8*018*170 8,229,679 8*251,322 1*165,614 1,022*505 1,025*676 1*015*990 957,031 1.470,576 859,707 203*997 141,284 170*478 4,171,979 4,537,344 4,973*387 5,132*856 5,099,878 1.284*538 1,582,009 1*815*110 1*939*749 2.023.935 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 6,718,762 9*309.453 9*641*504 9*953,894 10.319.130 959*426 $82,694 1*126,265 1,150.346 1,260,402 262*435 493,541 326,400 219,903 423*134 5,418,277 5,706,065 5,920,423 6,196,850 6,114*164 2.076.624 2*127.153 2*266.416 2,386.795 2*521*430 1955 10.417.311 1.113.965 373.939 6.342*066 2.587*341 Illinois 317 Table 2—National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year National bank notes Borrowings Other liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 683 217 186 132 6*532 6*130 6*172 7.031 10 10 13 12 39.171 37.241 36,996 35,721 20,879 19,281 20.522 21.648 230.665 246.526 288,223 349,817 220 219 219 217 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 321 40 75 273 375 13.004 17.248 14,072 16.921 18,822 9 297 530 1,359 1.251 36,438 38*142 43*840 47.016 48.213 24,040 24,382 27,128 31.601 32,655 380,811 446.787 483,994 488,763 514,801 233 255 274 300 319 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 366 502 633 288 513 21,020 27*881 28.754 31.049 35,610 1.204 3.718 3.754 2,354 1*566 48.480 49*634 54.101 56.221 56.120 33.183 35.049 40*957 44*456 46.074 559,343 582,565 629,931 665,367 699,133 344 368 389 409 412 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*467 769 484 If718 2*016 40*859 39.206 39*846 41.270 42,390 1,663 1.377 1,642 3,363 4,542 68*205 73,220 75,177 75.408 75.795 50*036 54,734 56,029 59,296 62,306 768*044 826*933 877,266 668,456 865,353 431 438 447 457 463 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 5*430 1.732 9*061 37*385 64*407 42.471 28.503 26*894 27*588 27,077 4.538 9.272 7,152 30,850 56,996 75.995 76*190 77.550 78.220 79,195 64*694 64*043 70,374 73,066 79.065 909*923 1 »024»902 1*194,946 1,296.220 1*506,474 468 471 469 469 471 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 217*862 121*002 16.224 21*478 8*675 28,006 29.339 30*580 32*524 33*940 58,672 26*306 30.901 22*246 12,181 86.061 94,160 90,615 92*113 95*723 69,051 107,148 104,072 105,798 109,857 1,709,775 1,482*117 1*443,576 1,549*420 1*697*994 480 494 500 505 502 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 16*587 38*609 16*750 54*343 35.403 30,483 34.562 34,628 36*087 35*949 19,240 21,568 21,466 27,435 30*245 94,048 97*758 99*662 112*083 94.185 93,895 99*946 107,717 124.424 100.282 1.697*736 1,763*526 1*830,985 2,076*456 1,604,635 501 497 490 464 487 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 6*190 8.940 16*459 1*582 132 36,001 34,448 22,946 21.319 21.828 40,485 26*361 15,543 41,849 33,512 105.040 88*475 66*370 136.729 167,681 103.369 62,558 62,225 74,744 72*360 1*711,197 1.500*374 962.081 1,858*089 2*222*425 462 418 345 239 281 7.642 38*612 45*038 17.227 14,549 13*551 169,764 159,691 151*030 152*116 153,651 71,274 91,610 112,718 122*808 145*652 2*656*494 3*199*160 3,077,110 3,265,945 3,545*213 295 301 310 314 324 14*742 16,675 19,772 26,152 32,715 130.251 133.703 133.377 133,019 165*476 164*394 187,744 205,422 227,958 233,291 4.044.179 4,572.555 5,014,760 6,300,593 7,494*670 329 339 339 340 346 39*831 40.383 37.164 39.744 41,651 166*997 181*032 187*114 189*944 208*037 261,606 291*270 319*618 345*643 365*501 6,561*143 8.514*250 6*562*196 8*805*285 8*866,511 353 365 375 378 383 44,293 50*823 62*100 69*648 78*440 210*417 214,952 249*147 253.725 259*312 390,556 418*550 425.718 454,476 497,018 9.364,030 9*993,928 10,378,469 10,732*568 11,154*200 382 384 386 386 389 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 3 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 25 130 75 150 825 300 1955 11,287.762 318 Illinois State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES. AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Year Total Real estate Loans All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1698 1699 142*143 129*828 144*553 165*501 29*480 27.013 22*339 26*163 48.250 43.792 52.716 60*257 64*413 59*023 69*498 79*081 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 179.339 208*788 241*090 274*589 301.188 32*048 39*810 47.381 56*696 47*905 65.715 76*196 90*292 104*496 120*240 81*576 92*782 103.417 113*195 133*043 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1.310.834 1*255*763 1*193*692 1*353.212 1.382.929 163*502 176*786 198*430 221*369 253*336 464*281 443*246 438*603 521*361 516*558 663*051 633.731 556*659 610*442 613*033 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 355.902 422*264 443.618 402*639 435.378 63*539 72.595 76.378 78,981 76.440 143.881 172.595 160*685 159.267 171*624 148*482 177*074 166*555 164,391 187.314 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1*548*409 1.624.521 1*674.417 1*684*607 2*056*598 261.612 287.483 306*468 279.702 286*005 626*664 699.557 724*925 764.036 1*059*351 660*133 637.481 643*024 641*069 711.242 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 493.727 523*007 582.387 636.002 650.947 86*536 103.899 121*875 132.049 114,543 201.945 198,039 229.348 237.528 243.737 205,246 221.069 231.164 266.425 292*667 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1*681*099 1.415.060 987.962 320.493 273.426 259.852 179.715 136.707 63.773 64.579 963*686 707,361 493*996 126*361 60*690 637.559 527,984 355.259 130*359 148*157 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 653.895 752.734 832.802 847,270 1*016.681 127,329 140,881 150*706 144,408 163.976 242.534 292.339 318.195 312.740 373.148 284*032 319,514 363.901 390.122 479,557 1935 1936 1937 1938 213*849 226.150 276.853 259*644 41.244 42.031 46.256 48*322 51*535 58.470 65*040 50*302 121*070 125.649 167.557 161*020 Loans ' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land 11*457 287,600 On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 37*601 7.180 65.457 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 313.870 354*846 328*951 278.566 302*010 165*099 167*163 176.937 138*783 150.671 7*014 9.930 8*634 15.352 19.335 10*277 11.104 8.903 10*285 25,497 13*133 13*146 12*241 10*946 10*260 44.636 53.233 56*054 56*218 54*624 7*047 8*465 8*642 7.697 6*623 29*637 30.355 66*664 71,807 57*340 9.670 4»645 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 344.107 422*091 525*304 609.618 641*579 147*025 205,144 288.397 324.971 335*662 27.104 32,910 17,989 12*929 16.040 56*602 38,104 13*648 12,467 9,394 10.967 12*306 13*585 15*379 15.764 57.149 67.165 66.802 108*070 118*042 8*226 13,143 17*779 20*523 23*219 32.381 46*898 80.396 109*953 117.037 4*653 4*421 4*706 7*370 10.776 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 722*651 362.443 961.063 1*101*441 1,159,570 346*621 436.470 491*688 546,242 566*654 40*066 23*746 38*660 39*032 44.573 9,588 10*976 9.761 32,205 38*782 16.203 18*918 20*481 21.408 22*787 131.654 159.348 174.126 193.204 209.211 27.839 31.043 36,347 37,130 40*945 142*600 162*045 181.219 217.870 225.092 12*765 29.194 20*074 25.254 24*792 1955 1*285*255 583.278 54.337 53.914 25*726 241.119 50*762 262*697 30*954 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Illinois 319 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Inveetm ent Year Total U.S. Government obligations Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1899 15f046 15*443 21*249 26*988 566 1*351 1*958 2*576 2*981 3i520 4*735 6*714 11.497 10,572 14,556 17,698 56*620 73*289 73,496 90,636 4.544 4.375 2*928 5,611 21*260 29*379 23.919 26,726 30,816 39.535 46.649 58.299 8*586 8.619 8*781 8*615 222*395 227.179 248*079 291.740 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 31*850 43*634 49.476 59*374 69*813 1*771 1*333 980 771 708 7*710 10,575 11.742 13*943 16*251 22*369 31*726 36*754 44*660 52*854 91.279 92*799 117.278 119*651 141*281 6*002 5*406 7.130 8.137 9*278 28.166 30.849 36*215 37*439 39.795 57,111 56*544 73,933 74*075 92,208 8*989 9.574 12*305 13*084 13.326 311*457 354,795 420,149 466,698 525,606 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 84*834 84*456 95*648 102*075 108*545 1*044 744 681 1*155 1*328 20*100 19*684 21*807 23*357 24*841 63*690 64*028 73*160 77,563 82,376 141.727 145.314 158.895 185*064 180,495 9*555 9,469 15*002 13,328 12*565 40*458 45*840 45*750 57.512 53.646 91,714 89*985 98.143 114,244 114*282 14.442 19,881 23.878 24.564 22*352 596,905 671*915 722,039 714,362 746*770 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 116*650 128*607 149*520 142*065 155.231 1*069 845 2*052 1*070 387 25*246 25*195 27,130 26*297 31*414 90*335 102*567 120*338 114*698 123*430 174,000 213*822 207*713 208,177 213.350 12*891 11,499 10,625 11,879 21,090 55,210 61,755 62,250 62*316 65.079 105*699 140*566 134*838 133*982 127,181 28*070 41*680 41.461 40,854 44,042 812.447 907.116 981.081 1,027,096 1,063,570 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 157*524 177.569 198*665 265*526 346*176 543 619 19*051 82*141 169*090 34.763 39.377 39*864 50*687 67*868 122*216 137*573 139.750 132.698 109,198 230*936 269*833 291*022 263,598 312.255 16,260 19,066 12*545 33*987 46*417 71,812 66.705 75.072 43.547 43*620 142*664 184*062 203,405 186,064 222,018 41,012 38.979 42,317 51,250 42*030 1,083*367 1*239*115 1*364,806 1*427,644 1*717*142 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 282*268 302*440 426*540 471*228 493*039 80.573 86*317 149.918 175,159 179,321 53*248 55*289 84*035 83*303 94*062 148*447 160*834 192,587 212,766 219*656 330.370 313.621 355,447 374.091 426.876 52.779 36.589 54.387 54*549 77,139 49*772 40*566 40*408 41,220 42*398 227,819 236*466 260*652 276.322 307*341 45,684 74*730 90.207 81*136 78.970 1*969*156 1.946,554 2*065*866 2,279*667 2*381.816 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 559,630 588.767 614.959 645.579 651*719 207*909 191.665 172.609 196*369 187,539 102*067 115.336 126*424 127*631 112*436 249*654 281*766 315,926 321,579 351,744 504*318 473*528 414*344 397*535 521*053 67*645 70,766 67,637 65,745 86,395 43*004 44*561 43*535 40.975 41.434 373.469 356*199 302*972 290*815 393*224 102.798 117.280 126,242 143.515 176,525 2.715,155 2.604,096 2,831,962 2,871*436 3,407.895 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 666*315 712.330 518*675 297.142 417.986 181*732 311*204 201*432 153*369 244*135 109*904 64*025 73.118 49*217 81*487 374*679 317*101 244*125 94,536 92,364 485*821 458*530 393.572 160.668 199*936 70,200 46,375 35,710 13,240 14,546 39*966 42*063 49.036 26*305 23.190 375*653 370.092 308,826 121,123 162,200 217.159 204.243 160,136 57.455 49*638 3*250*394 2*790*163 2*060,345 835,756 940,986 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 488*041 636.187 609*015 564.274 598.523 287*560 383,838 345*616 314,762 317,153 108*475 128*881 135*363 129*159 152*462 92*006 123,468 128*036 120.353 128*908 332*195 310.533 356.555 431.765 448*665 21,331 36,968 31,055 26,122 30*661 21.787 26.209 25*460 25*196 24*798 289,077 247.356 300,020 380,447 393,006 49*234 46.684 44.756 43*673 38*617 1*083,319 1*219*754 .289.179 »299*556 .373.425 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 568.271 617.051 769*086 1.271*916 1.647.703 298*989 327,169 468*723 995,267 1.392*474 152*009 161*003 144*260 149.442 140*251 117*273 128,879 136.103 127.187 114.978 556*354 572*334 535.483 536.199 591*042 27,907 34,837 36,484 43,979 52,346 23*531 26.877 28*431 28.286 30,290 504*916 510*620 470*566 463*934 508*404 34*185 30.732 26*280 24,961 22*195 •472*660 ,574,965 1*659*800 2,111,664 2,562,950 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2*061.036 2.078.715 1.971.656 2*046*937 2.066*705 1*796*530 1*821*639 1.695.380 1.742.471 1.735.570 126*175 111*469 148,051 176,008 202*339 136*331 145.607 128.225 126.458 128*796 647.310 645*608 675*937 708.556 712.767 42,599 55,952 65,185 76*384 67,313 30.984 31.807 40.729 41,918 42,100 573.727 557*849 570,023 590,254 603*354 23.847 27.653 23*682 29.299 30.074 3*076,300 3,174,067 3.196.579 3.394*410 3*451*125 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 2*170*500 2.126.144 2.203*004 2.172.417 2*341*290 1.759,206 1.713*519 1*768.595 1.757.773 1.847.041 269*182 287*851 296*240 292*302 338*576 142*112 124,774 138*169 122*342 155*673 684.893 770*419 792.022 829.312 862*021 82,584 99,963 93,717 108*505 98*544 40,108 38.565 42,716 46,533 51,035 562*201 631,891 655,589 672*274 712*442 30*989 31*541 32*979 34*596 39*906 3,609*033 3.790.547 3*969.068 4,137,766 4*402,787 1955 2*403.697 1*639*208 375*418 189,071 808.790 116,253 51,563 640*954 43*024 4*540,766 320 Illinois State Commercial Banks—Table 3 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1696 1897 1698 1899 168*327 172*818 195.190 234.492 9*753 11*362 14*030 14*767 99.237 103*906 113*969 136*060 59*337 57.550 67.191 83*665 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 252.862 292.750 340.800 378*323 430*063 16.504 25.317 31.195 28.607 29.845 137.194 153.794 165.072 179*8X4 204.752 99*164 113.639 144.533 169*902 195*486 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 500.635 556.570 593.809 582.059 610.007 34.391 40*404 42*972 44*064 51*226 240*517 253*747 282*124 285*447 285*619 225.927 262*419 268.713 252*548 273*162 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 666.801 741*082 801*876 826.034 856.377 41.734 54.327 62*508 56.376 59.497 355.754 317.540 335.306 344.480 396*404 269.313 369.215 404.062 427.178 400*476 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 867.960 1*024*904 1.130*935 1.163*800 1*388*936 69.077 79.406 88.567 82.279 84*900 32*438 24.323 369*352 497.449 564*668 536*159 661*286 4091531 446.049 477*700 512*924 618.425 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1*569*903 1.567.604 1.691.654 1.899.210 1.991.707 70.075 56.621 81.903 81.975 105*029 1*506 3.572 4.566 6.096 4.305 771*950 766.864 859.981 949.931 960.265 726*370 738.547 745.204 859*208 922*108 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 2*309*064 2*340.218 2*343*701 2.353*186 2*726*549 137*504 126.681 121.174 110.961 224.522 9*720 4*347 8*523 3.482 12*676 1.148*617 1.149*694 1.121.375 1.132*584 1.344.120 1.013*243 1.059.496 1.092.629 1*106*159 1.145*231 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 2*577.624 2*169*497 1*478.269 567,497 720.104 254.569 235.159 148.267 43.909 56*599 6*854 27*539 26.115 17.056 17.764 1.207.087 940*805 655*444 307.501 404.091 1*109.114 965*994 648t443 199*031 241.650 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 936.905 1.070.621 1.135.705 1.147.366 1.221.787 77.962 89*246 78*661 104*085 108*266 6*557 12*534 3*160 10.023 11*110 526.365 637.381 680*031 648*542 699.528 326*021 331*458 373.853 384,718 402.881 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1.322.103 1.425*179 1.507.962 1.952.407 2*396*385 135.709 155*491 148*024 146*505 147.226 10.871 2*385 25*217 123.419 316.616 764*690 865.296 946*090 1*239*681 1*388*900 410.833 402.007 388*631 442*802 543.643 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2.895.920 2.981.347 2.995.005 3*162*643 3.229.574 161.525 154*261 157.578 154*085 138.852 467.350 244.629 20*265 44*892 93*743 1*553*251 1,719.890 1.868.786 1.955*735 1.924.237 713*794 662*567 948*376 1.027.931 1*072*742 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 3.374.095 3.527.147 3.722.051 3.853.139 4.096.211 143.713 152*036 170.718 174.837 193.108 77*538 116*122 98*754 65*911 116*892 2.043.449 2*131*071 2*232*268 2.296.679 2.371.702 1*109*395 1.127*918 1.220*311 1.315.712 1.414*509 169*185 108.240 2*474»061 1*458*948 Illinois 321 Table 3—State Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year Nati 1 banT no £ Borrowings ^er liabilities Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 1896 1897 1898 1899 309 281 385 485 5.701 5*149 5*916 9*630 32*751 33*116 31*164 30*899 15,307 15,815 15*404 16*034 222,395 227*179 248*079 291*740 719 719 726 738 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 185 675 598 249 8*424 7»917 6*652 7*808 6*549 32*792 34*744 46*956 53*186 58*376 17*194 19*384 23,064 26*781 30*351 311*457 354,795 420,149 466*696 525,608 757 787 825 925 937 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 389 289 622 I t 864 2.036 4*363 6*912 5*986 4,335 13*001 58*423 68,374 77*084 78*682 74*173 32,895 39,770 44*536 47,222 47.553 596*905 671,915 - 722*039 714.362 746,770 1*034 1*091 1*121 1*127 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 3.587 4i299 3t735 4.885 5,423 10.894 16.685 17.836 19*934 17*061 79*561 85*306 93,861 102*402 106*304 51,604 59,744 63,773 71*843 78,405 812*447 907*116 981*081 1,027,096 1,063,570 1*209 1*277 1*320 1*415 1.439 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 6*406 4*641 5*877 22*759 44*649 16*656 15*794 20*819 27*059 54,035 108,730 108*091 114*240 116*484 119*766 83*613 85*665 92.935 97.542 109.736 1*083*367 1*239*115 1*364*806 1*427,644 1,717*142 1,430 1,420 1,430 1*434 1*428 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 75,698 63*385 30f451 30*416 18*824 65*361 45,659 60*843 47*869 60,829 134*319 146*537 149*462 162*010 164*509 123.875 123*369 133.476 140*162 145*947 1*969*156 1*946*554 2*065*886 2.279,667 2*381*816 1*489 1,403 1*410 1*416 1,408 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 18.707 23*095 19*549 35*014 63*670 60,063 75,211 85*711 99*708 120*214 161*574 180,840 185*870 184,696 251*572 165,727 184,732 197,131 196*832 245*890 2*715,155 2,804,096 2,831,962 2*871*436 3*407*895 1*403 1*389 1,358 1.337 1,319 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 16*605 22*240 104*740 82.337 61.035 160,837 152*660 112*027 27*986 8,513 245,913 220*115 190*518 82,283 82.443 249*415 225*651 174,791 75,655 68*891 3,250*394 2*790*163 2,060*345 635*758 940,986 1*226 1*050 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 29 38 245 5 32 10,181 7*413 6,988 8*394 6*607 69*556 68*279 66*059 64,886 63*633 66,648 73,403 78,182 78*903 81.366 1*083*319 1,219*754 1,289*179 1,299,556 1,373*425 594 588 578 557 533 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 58 7,207 7,848 7,967 8*601 10,112 61*649 57*381 56*817 57*246 57,193 81*663 84*557 67,054 93,406 99,260 1*472,660 1*574*965 1*659*800 2,121*664 2*562,950 518 500 495 489 486 12,321 14,861 16,259 17*684 18*369 59*704 59*901 56*544 59*263 60*346 108*355 117.958 126*578 134,675 142,728 3,076*300 3*174*067 3.196.579 3.394*410 3*451.125 492 499 504 508 506 19*831 25.833 27,778 27.978 28,326 61*234 65*466 66*949 74*891 79*218 153,673 162*078 172.290 181*738 199,020 3*609*033 3*790*547 3*969,068 4,137,766 4*402*767 506 507 508 512 520 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 193 145 108 10*003 1955 20 12 31,550 214*070 965 810 612 605 322 Illinois Unincorporated Banks—Table 3a ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1920 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 46.114 45*958 46*521 46*844 12*027 12*675 6*443 5*813 5*737 6*572 9*751 8*985 28*350 26*711 30,327 32*046 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 47*805 49*647 54*910 65.395 66*431 7*744 8*956 10*537 14*786 10*197 8*481 5.759 7*061 10*332 13*187 31.580 34.932 37*312 40*277 43*047 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 70*475 77*288 79.224 79*799 80.023 19*409 17^58 20*210 25*663 16*653 12*375 13*456 12*288 9*895 7*018 36.691 46.674 46.726 44*241 56*352 Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 83*841 86*433 88*114 90*325 85*092 25*538 26*336 30*364 28*868 16*184 10*472 10*795 10*177 8*888 13*479 47.831 49.302 47.573 52.569 55*429 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 81*995 78*026 74*804 72*448 64*269 17*096 14*419 12*911 11*679 9*602 12.545 5*290 5.568 3*941 5*887 52.354 58.317 56*305 56*828 48.760 1920 57*829 6*118 1*371 50.340 Illinois 323 Table 3a—Unincorporated Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1920—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U „ Govern °' obliga Sns Obligations of States andpolitical subdivisions Other securities Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin 22*071 21*996 22*265 22*420 638 721 710 480 6*946 5*908 5*760 4*287 14*487 15.367 15,795 17,653 5,582 5,564 5,633 5*672 76,281 76.023 76*955 77,490 Total 1896 1897 1698 1899 2*514 2*505 2*536 2*554 212 330 1,044 1*011 457 900 752 853 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 2,607 2*707 3*114 3*825 3*985 1.174 962 631 535 13 695 804 625 1*278 1*093 1*856 2*012 2*879 22*860 23*762 23*636 25.573 23*797 394 326 655 483 616 4.141 3.773 4,150 4,217 4,757 18*345 19,663 18*831 20,873 18,424 5*787 6*010 6*194 6*935 6.669 79*079 82,126 87,854 101.728 100,882 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 4*316 4*817 5*001 5*100 5.175 287 12 105 250 150 1*454 1*284 861 1*163 639 2*575 3.521 4*035 3*687 4*336 23.290 23*702 23*528 22*943 22*267 689 604 405 344 599 4*404 4*266 4*842 4*066 4.792 18,197 18*832 18*281 16.513 16,876 6.740 7*075 6*603 9.995 11.325 104.821 112*662 116,356 117*837 118,790 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 4*767 4*257 3*685 3*123 2*340 204 181 146 122 64 455 407 296 303 433 4*108 3*669 3.243 2,698 1.843 23*380 24*152 24.673 25.342 23*920 690 642 592 682 3*021 5,293 5*043 4.515 4*823 4*212 17,397 18,467 19,566 19,837 16,687 12.570 13*669 14*642 15.715 15.453 124,558 128)511 131,114 134*505 126.805 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 2.255 2*146 2.057 1.992 1,767 16 41 376 L»062 1.014 274 508 356 120 191 1.965 1.597 1.323 23*049 21*933 21*027 20*365 16*066 70S 555 793 485 596 4.919 3*786 2*729 3.224 2*224 17,422 17,592 17*505 16.656 15,246 14.690 14)170 13)585 13)157 11)671 122.189 116*275 111.473 107,962 95,773 1920 1*590 620 136 13,119 10*502 86,177 1*845 1*275 740 690 738 941 810 562 324 Illinois UnincorpurattHl Banks—Table 3a ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1920—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank S. ^J^,iment Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1898 1899 59,563 59*362 60*090 60*506 2,412 1.686 1.634 246 36*774 37.368 37,899 39,560 20.377 20*308 20.557 20.700 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 61.749 64.129 68*805 79,875 79,389 229 237 461 527 691 40*396 41,953 44*606 52.023 51*539 21.124 21*939 23.538 27.325 27.159 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 82,652 89,165 91,767 92,796 93,410 843 909 587 464 701 53*534 57.753 59.787 60*566 60*753 28.275 30*503 31.393 31.746 31.956 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 95,863 96,811 96,694 97,114 89,645 949 755 581 816 3,299 62*119 49*141 48*859 47,333 56.100 32.795 46.915 47*254 48.965 30*246 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 86,382 82,202 78,808 76,325 67,708 518 740 606 77 325 48*348 58*141 49*267 50*565 46*373 37*516 23*321 26.915 25.663 21*010 . 20*312 Illinois 325 Table 3a—Unincorporated Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1920—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Year Borrowings 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 190* Nat banT1 ™ no 0th" liabilities Capital Amounts in thousands of dollars] Surplus and other capital accounts 634 632 640 644 12*001 11*960 12*106 12.190 4.063 4*069 4,119 657 682 1*015 1*463 1*702 12.440 12.919 13*368 15*023 14*501 Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 76.281 76*023 76*955 77*490 577 575 582 586 4*233 4,396 4.666 5,367 5.290 79.079 82.126 87.854 101*728 100*682 598 621 630 696 660 4.148 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 372 739 ItlOO 1.999 2.373 1.959 1*509 1.057 14*703 15.484 15.664 15.572 15.415 5*467 5,860 6,594 7*221 7*808 104*821 112.682 116.356 117.837 118*790 659 683 696 697 695 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1*329 1.550 1.757 Ii979 2.027 2*365 3*703 5*031 6*416 7*201 15.922 16*185 16*272 16*452 15.289 9*079 10,262 11*360 12.544 12,643 124*556 128*511 131.114 134*505 126*805 717 729 732 751 687 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1*953 1*858 1*781 1.725 1.530 6*939 6*603 6*330 6*131 5*439 14.732 14.019 13.440 13*017 11*547 12,183 11.593 11*114 10.764 9,549 122*189 116*275 111*473 107*962 95.773 662 630 604 585 519 4.894 6*592 INDIANA Revised data for assets and liabilities and number of all banks in Indiana, as of June 30 or the nearest available date, in the period 1896-1955 are shown in Table 1; for all commercial banks, in Table la; for national banks, in Table 2; for State commercial banks, in Table 3; and for mutual savings banks, in Table 4. Because of the incomplete coverage in reported data for unincorporated banks in the State, a separate balance sheet was compiled for these banks (Table 3a); Table 3 includes data for these and other State commercial banks.1 A general description of the compilation of all-bank figures for the United States as a whole is given in Part I of this volume, the United States Summary. This summary includes the definition of "bank" as used in this study and a description of the balance-sheet items, the classification of banks, and the principal methods used in compiling the figures. The figures for national banks in Indiana were obtained from abstracts and annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency with relatively minor adjustments; a description of these figures is included in the United States Summary. Compilation of figures for other classes of banks presented a number of problems and considerations not encountered in compiling the balance sheet for national banks. The following sections describe these problems and the methods used in deriving the revised series. In the description the banks are classified in three groups: (1) State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks), (2) unincorporated banks, and (3) mutual savings banks. The primary sources of statistics for State commercial banks (other than unincorporated banks) for 1896-1933 and for unincorporated banks and mutual savings banks for 18961946 were (1) figures reported to the Comptroller of the Currency and published in his annual reports and (2) figures published in the reports and abstracts of the State banking department. These sources were supplemented by data obtained from bankers' directories. The sources of statistics for State commercial banks (excluding those that were unincorporated) for 1934-1946 were (1) summary figures for insured banks published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and (2) figures for noninsured banks obtained from reports of the State banking department or from bankers' directories. Data for this period are discussed separately because of the substantially better coverage and more consistent reporting beginning in 1934. Beginning with 1947, all statistics—including the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits—for State commercial banks, unincorporated banks, and mutual savings banks were taken directly from data published or supplied by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 1 The term "State commercial banks" used in Table 3 refers (in this State) to banks that at one time or another during the period were designated in the annual0 reports of the Comptroller of the Currency as "State banks, "loan and trust companies," or "private banks and bankers" (unincorporated banks). In this report, however, the data for unincorporated banks are discussed separately from those for other State commercial banks. 327 328 All-Bank Statistics STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS (OTHER THAN UNINCORPORATED BANKS), 1896-1933 The following paragraphs describe (1) the principal adjustments in the figures as published by the Comptroller of the Currency, (2) supplementation of the data from other sources, and (3) preparation of estimates where data were incomplete or were not available.2 The United States Summary includes a discussion and evaluation of alternative estimating procedures considered, tested and used in one or more States. It also includes examples of the use of banking trends as a guide in making State estimates. NUMBER OF BANKS AND AGGREGATE BALANCE SHEET On the basis of data obtained from reports of the State banking department, both the number and the aggregate balance sheet as published by the Comptroller were revised to include data for the following numbers of banks: Year 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 Number Year or period 1 7 17 1905-1906 7 3 6 1909-1910 1911-1912 3 1 1 2 4 8 1904 1907 9 1917 Number each of these items to total loans at loan and trust companies as reported by the State banking department for 1901-1907 and as derived (see following paragraph) for 1908. Because of the small number of loan and trust companies reporting before 1901, the ratios for 1901 were used to estimate figures for State banks for 1896-1900. Real estate loans and collateral loans for loan and trust companies in 1908 were estimated by applying to total loans the average ratio of each type of loan to the total computed from reported figures for 1907 and 1909. Estimates for both real estate loans and collateral loans for all State commercial banks in 1910 were made by applying to total loans the average ratio of each item to the total computed from reported data for 1909 and 1911. Figures for 1916-1933 were estimated by applying ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of each item to total loans at another class of bank or at the same class of bank in another State: real estate loans, on the basis of ratios at Ohio State commercial banks; collateral loans on the basis of ratios at Indiana national banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. INVESTMENTS LOANS A complete classification of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. In years when items were not reported, figures were estimated. Real estate loans and collateral loans were estimated for State banks for the period 1896-1908. Figures for 1901-1908 were estimated by applying to total loans the ratio of 2 In cases where the breakdown of a given item (for example, total loans) was not estimated on the basis of a percentage distribution, but where one or more components were estimated on the basis of data from various sources or for various dates, the "other" category (for example, other loans) is a residual. This procedure was also used for other classes of banks in the State. A complete classification of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. For years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. United States Government securities. Estimates for holdings of United States Government securities for 1910 were made separately for State banks and for loan and trust companies by applying to total investments at each class the average ratio of United States Government securities to total invest- Indiana mcnts computed from reported data for 1909 and 1911. Holdings at loan and trust companies for 1913 and 1916 were estimated by applying the average ratio derived from reported figures for 1912 and 1914 and for 1914 and 1915, respectively. Holdings at loan and trust companies in 1917 were obtained from the report of the State banking department. Obligations of States and political subdivisions* Holdings of these securities at State banks in 1896-1908 were estimated by applying to total investments the ratio of this item to total investments computed from reported data for 1909. Since holdings of these securities as well as total investments were comparatively small when the breakdown was reported in 1909 and in subsequent years, it appeared reasonable to assume that amounts were small in the earlier years also. Holdings of State and political subdivision securities at loan and trust companies in 1913 were estimated by applying to total investments the average ratio of this item to total investments computed from reported figures for 1912 and 1914. The rapid increase in holdings of United States Government securities at both State banks and loan and trust companies during 1916-1920 made it seem advisable to eliminate the effect of this growth on total investments before estimating holdings of other types of investments. Estimates for 1916-1920, therefore, were prepared by a different method from that used for 1921-1933. Holdings of State and political subdivision securities at State banks in 1916-1920 were estimated by applying to total investments other than United States Government securities the average ratio of State and political subdivision securities to this total based on reported data for 1913-1915. Holdings at loan and trust companies in this period were estimated using the same type of ratio, but this ratio was based on reported data for a single year, 1915. Estimates of holdings for 1921-1933 for all State commercial banks were obtained by applying to total investments, 329 ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of State and political subdivision securities to total investments at Indiana national banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time as reported by the Comptroller was not adequate until 1933.3 No attempt was made in the revised series to provide figures for United States Government deposits prior to 1918 because practically all such deposits were held by national banks. In the years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Demand and time deposits. Figures for time deposits at loan and trust companies for 1896-1908, 1913, 1916, 1917, and 1921-1927 were obtained from reports of the State banking department. Demand and time deposits for 1918 were derived by applying to total deposits the ratio of each item to the total computed from data for the September call date published in the report of the State banking department; for 1928, by applying to total deposits other than interbank the average ratio of each item to this total as computed from reported data for 1927 and 1929. Demand and time deposits for State banks for 1896 and 1897 were estimated by applying to total deposits the ratio of each item to total deposits computed from figures for October call dates published in reports of the State banking department. Figures for both categories for 1898-1905, 1907-1909, 1911-1913, 1915, 1921-1925, and 1927 were obtained from State banking department reports and are for the call date nearest June 30. Reliable figures for demand and time deposits were not available for 1906, 1918, or 1926; 8 In subsequent paragraphs these items (if discussed) are designated and arranged as follows: demand, time, interbank, and United States Government. This order differs from that in the tables. 330 All-Bank Statistics estimates were made by applying to total deposits other than interbank deposits the average ratio of each item to this total computed from reported data for 1905 and 1907, 1917 and 1919, and 1925 and 1927, respectively. Interbank deposits. Interbank deposits for loan and trust companies for 1897, 1899, 1904, 1905, 1908, 1910, 1913, and 1917 and for State banks for 1910-1912 were obtained from reports of the State banking department. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to total deposits the ratio of this item to this total computed from figures for the September call date published in reports of the State banking department. United States Government deposits* Figures for United States Government deposits for 1918-1930 represent such deposits at State member banks only, which held practically all of this type of deposit at State commercial banks. Figures except for 1918 are as reported. The figure for 1918 was estimated by applying to United States Government deposits at all State member banks in the United States on June 30 of that year, the ratio of these deposits at State member banks in Indiana to such deposits at all State member banks on June 30, 1919. OTHER ITEMS Comparatively small amounts of cash items in process of collection were estimated for State banks for 1897-1899 on the basis of the average ratio of this item to total cash assets computed from reported data for 1896, 1900, and 1901. Figures for loan and trust companies were not reported for 1896-1907 but were estimated by applying to total cash assets the average ratio of this item to the total derived from reported figures for 1908 and 1909.' Data for 1929-1933 were estimated separately for State banks and for loan and trust companies by applying to total cash assets, ratios of this item to total cash assets that were interpolated between ratios based on reported figures for 1928 and 1934. Amounts representing current expenses and large amounts of invested trust funds were deducted from the balance sheet for State commercial banks in 1897-1902, 1904, 1913, 1915, 1916, and 1921-1933. These deductions affected the following items: other assets, other liabilities, or other capital accounts. STATE COMMERCIAL BANKS (OTHER THAN UNINCORPORATED BANKS), 1934-1946 The figures for some of the principal balance-sheet items for June 30, 1934, that were included in the summary report of condition for all State commercial banks published by the State banking department were smaller than those for corresponding items for insured State commercial banks. Therefore, the principal assets and liabilities of State commercial banks for this date were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and data for individual noninsured State commercial banks derived from bankers' directories. Principal assets and liabilities of all State commercial banks for 1935-1941 as reported by the State banking department were used with only minor adjustments. A comparison of these data with corresponding totals obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and data for noninsured banks from bankers' directories indicated only minor differences. For 1942-1946, figures for principal assets and liabilities and for the breakdowns of loans, investments, cash assets, and deposits were obtained by combining data for insured banks published by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation with data for individual noninsured banks compiled by the Corporation from data supplied by the State banking department. Indiana The breakdowns of some of the principal asset and liability items that were required for the all-bank series were not available for noninsured banks for every year during the 1934-1941 period in any of the sources cited. The breakdowns of loans for 1934-1936 were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of this item based on reported figures for noninsured banks in 1937. The break- 331 downs of investments other than United States Government obligations, of cash assets, and of deposits for 1934 were estimated on the basis of the percentage distribution of corresponding items at noninsured banks in 1935. Cash items in process of collection for 19351938 were estimated on the basis of the ratio of this item to total cash assets derived from reported figures for 1939. UNINCORPORATED BANKS, 1896-1946 Data for unincorporated banks in Indiana were inadequately reported in official sources throughout the period before 1906. The proportion of such banks reporting to the Comptroller of the Currency varied from 20 per cent in 1896 to about 50 per cent in 1905. State legislation in 1906 that required certification of private banks resulted in complete coverage in the Comptroller's reports beginning with that year. Numbers ranging from 160 to 210 banks were added to the Comptroller's data in most years of the 1896-1905 period. These additions were compiled from bankers' directories, and their balance sheets were estimated. The revised total assets of all private banks ranged from 27 per cent of the total for all commercial banks in the State in 1896 to 13 per cent in 1905, the last year when data were incomplete, and to 3 per cent in 1923. To determine the reliability of balancesheet data shown in the bankers' directories, data for banks reported in this source were compared with those reported by the Comptroller for 1906 and 1909, when the Comptroller's figures contained a complete coverage for these institutions, and also in 1901. In each year a total for each of the principal balance-sheet items (loans, investments, cash assets, deposits, and capital accounts) was obtained for all of the reporting banks. These totals were divided by the number of banks actually reporting the particular item in that year. The averages derived from the bankers' directories in 1906 and 1909, when the Comp- troller's data were complete, were consistently larger than those shown by the Comptroller. The Comptroller's data were assumed to be more representative than those derived from bankers' directories. The principal items of the balance sheet for the period before 1906 are a combination of data reported by the Comptroller and estimated data for nonreporting private banks that were added to the series. Data for this group for 1897-1905 were derived by multiplying figures for the average bank as reported by the Comptroller by the total number of private banks added in each year of the period. The distributions of principal assets and liabilities—except for the estimates of time deposits, described later—were made on the basis of percentage distributions of corresponding items compiled from figures reported by the Comptroller for the same year. Figures for 1896 were obtained by applying the averages for major items in 1897; reported data for that and later years indicated that averages for 1896 were not representative. LOANS A complete breakdown of loans into real estate, collateral, and "all other" was reported to the Comptroller in only about half of the years after 1905. For years when items were not reported, figures were estimated. The loan breakdowns for 1906-1908 were estimated by applying to total loans the average ratio of each item to total loans computed from data for 1905 and 1909 reported by the 332 All-Bank Statistics Comptroller; for 1910, by using similar averages based on reported data for 1909 and 1911. Real estate loans for 1916-1933 were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of this item to total loans at private banks in Ohio, which were reported in all years except 1923-1926; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No, 2; described in the United States Summary. Collateral loans for 1916-1933 were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios of this item to total loans that were interpolated between similar ratios computed from reported data for 1915 and 1934. The breakdowns of loans for 1942-1946 were derived from reports of individual private banks obtained from the State banking department by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. INVESTMENTS A complete breakdown of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. For years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. The figure for United States Government security holdings in 1910 is for the September call date; it was taken from the report of the State banking department and was not adjusted to the June call. State and political subdivision securities for 1906-1908 were estimated by applying to total' investments the average of the ratios of this item to the total computed from reported data for 1904, 1905, and 1909; for 1910, by applying the average of ratios for 1909 and 1911; for 1916-1933, by applying to total investments less United States Government securities, ratios of State and political subdivision securities to this total that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1934. DEPOSITS The breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was reported satisfactorily to the Comptroller after 1913, except for the allocation of "unclassified" deposits in a few years. For years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Data for demand and time deposits for 1906-1908, 1910, and 1913 were obtained from reports of the State banking department. The breakdowns of total deposits other than interbank into demand and time for 1896-1905 were estimated by applying to total deposits the average of the ratios of each item to the total derived from data for 1906-1909 in State banking department reports. Estimates for the entire deposit breakdown for 1911 and 1912 were made by applying to total deposits the ratios of each item to total deposits computed from data for the September call date in reports of the State banking department. OTHER ITEMS A figure for borrowings in 1908 was obtained from the report of the State banking department. Cash items in process of collection were estimated for 1929-1933 and for 1935-1938 by applying to total cash assets, ratios of this item to total cash assets that were interpolated between similar ratios based on reported figures for 1928 and 1934 and for 1934 and 1939, respectively. The amounts estimated were small. MUTUAL SAVINGS BANKS, 1896-1946 Figures for mutual savings banks for the period 1896-1908 that were available in the reports of the State banking department were substituted for data published by the Comptroller of the Currency because they were for a date nearer to the midyear call date. Indiana Not all of the principal items and subitems that were needed for the revised series were available in each year of the period 1896-1933. For years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. LOANS Real estate loans and collateral loans for 1896 and 1897 were estimated by applying to total loans the average of the ratios of each item to total loans computed from reported data for 1898 and 1899; for 1908 and 1910, by applying the average of the ratios computed from reported figures for 1907 and 1909 and for 1909 and 1911, respectively, Real estate loans for 1915-1933 were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios that reflected changes over the period in the ratio of real estate loans to total loans at Ohio mutual savings banks; these ratios were derived by interpolating technique No. 2, described in the United States Summary. Collateral loans for this period were estimated by applying to total loans, ratios of collateral loans to total loans that were derived by interpolating between similar ratios computed from reported data for 1914 and 1934. INVESTMENTS A complete breakdown of investments into United States Government, State and political subdivision, and other securities was not reported to the Comptroller regularly until 1934. For most of the period, however, figures for United States Government securities were available in the reports of the Comptroller or those of the State banking department. For years when items were not reported to the Comptroller, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Figures for United States Government securities for 1910 and 1920 are for September call dates and were not adjusted to the mid- 333 year call; they were obtained from reports of the State banking department. Estimates of State and political subdivision securities for a number of years were made by applying to total investments less United States Government securities, ratios of this item to this total that were derived as follows: for 1897-1904 and for 1906-1908, ratios interpolated between similar ratios based on reported data for 1896 and 1905 and for 1905 and 1909, respectively; for 1910, an average of the ratios for 1909 and 1911; for 1916-1933, ratios that were interpolated between similar ratios based on reported data for 1915 and 1934. DEPOSITS The complete breakdown of deposits into interbank, United States Government, other demand, and other time was available in the annual reports of the Comptroller for most years of the period. For years when items were not reported, figures were obtained from other sources or were estimated. Figures for time deposits in 1910 were included with demand deposits in the Comptroller's data. The two items were segregated on the basis of information in the reports of the State banking department. Estimates of demand and time deposits for 1917 and 1918 were made by applying to total deposits other than interbank the average ratio of each item to this total computed from reported figures for 1916 and 1919. The figure for demand deposits for 1929 was obtained from the annual report of the State banking department. OTHER ITEMS Cash items in process of collection for 1929-1933 were estimated by applying to total cash assets the average ratio of this item to this total computed from reported figures for 1928 and 1934. 334 Indiana All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Loans Loans Year Total Real estate All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1696 1897 1696 1899 67*972 65*604 67,857 74*769 8*642 6*930 9*666 11*946 10*928 10*634 12*946 12*735 48*402 46*040 45*223 50*108 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 90*009 101*285 124*085 140.013 146*488 14,140 18*236 21*316 24*821 26*064 14*793 17*966 24*666 31*239 31.721 61*076 65*061 78.081 83.953 66*683 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 573,022 557,131 534.623 590,587 594,036 144,741 145*060 148*814 167,330 173,730 95*405 79*530 76*692 63*536 81*767 332,876 332*541 309.117 339,721 336*539 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 150*982 181*649 205*504 200*849 212*891 33*035 41*732 46*830 47*115 52*160 31*141 39*981 45*602 41*116 38*370 66*806 100*136 113*072 112*616 122*361 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 615,907 673,477 673,762 662,539 670,493 184*420 204*191 206*226 204*469 200*696 88*841 112*620 108*153 111*558 101*680 342*646 356*666 359*381 346*492 368,115 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 243*689 258.812 262*133 304*400 307*810 61*484 68*728 76*546 80*905 79.715 43*512 45,343 48,376 51,182 47,062 136*693 144*741 157,211 172.313 161.033 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 605,330 468,822 347,159 220,937 211,489 166*804 149*981 120*024 85*620 81*862 86*804 73.146 52,465 32,112 34,776 331,722 245,695 174,670 103,005 94,831 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 310*891 339*344 399*031 412*343 443*766 64*308 91.226 106*735 109*290 114*492 52*353 51,741 60*930 58*660 69*426 174,230 196,377 231,366 244.393 259*868 1935 1936 1937 1938 206*802 228,437 257*954 257,749 77*980 84*043 94*176 102*647 29*059 29*656 26*859 28*221 101,763 114,736 134,919 126,861 Loans ' Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers To others Real estate On farm land 104*275 On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 72.117 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 318*696 368*041 342.958 269.879 295.072 122.241 146.089 123*663 90,156 92*596 602 492 324 208 363 4*756 4*063 3,405 9.730 21,172 25.745 26.453 26*102 25,950 28*084 83*661 98*496 105*697 104*011 97.502 19*513 21*292 19.896 17*177 13*906 29*491 29*037 62*176 71*136 63*871 13*156 12*410 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 326.163 408*177 563.914 681.135 715.125 96.021 136,228 209,690 244*487 247,013 1*670 1*624 760 936 893 38,359 21*326 12.774 9,669 9*184 30*367 35*693 41*651 45*233 45*479 97,298 124,429 166,333 204,090 223,163 14,022 22*154 30*206 37*176 41*066 34,960 55,198 91,383 131,297 142,735 13*446 11*325 11.117 13*016 12*311 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 795.782 925*001 1*004*025 1*118*401 1*191*404 267*126 322*052 336*352 360*399 391.715 1*239 1*838 2*505 2*989 3*469 8.800 9,304 9,875 10.223 10*576 47.129 51.294 51.847 53*033 54.350 248,718 283*115 313*916 347.974 377*894 42,470 50,331 55,625 62,175 66*770 176*652 204*896 233,543 279,977 285,668 12*476 13,384 11,277 16,151 16,613 1955 1*344*396 441.902 5*957 12.120 59.173 419*270 77,720 329,404 17,638 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are not entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Indiana 335 Table 1—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896.1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers* balances (including reserves) Other assets Total asset* 1696 1897 1898 1899 12,313 12*946 13,827 19*723 6*937 7.109 8*031 11.386 2*137 2*712 2*809 3*770 3*239 3*125 2.967 4,565 25*664 31,798 38,101 49,405 639 614 824 1*022 11*005 12*411 13*128 13*679 14*220 18.773 24,149 34,704 4,837 5,392 5*304 5*484 110*966 115,740 125,089 149*401 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 23*782 28*670 30,163 35*093 39*819 12*143 12*861 13,564 14*461 16*273 4.715 6.773 6*847 8*656 11*179 6,924 9*036 9*752 11,976 12.367 54,801 56,833 67,733 71,311 70*294 625 1,272 1*219 1.519 1.392 14.870 15.293 16,168 17,892 18.391 39,106 42,268 50*346 51.900 50.511 7,785 5*740 6*472 7*707 8.837 176,377 194,528 228,453 254,124 265*438 1905 1906 1907 1906 1909 41*910 43*956 51.919 54*608 57*218 17*631 18*547 20*832 21,617 21*897 10.215 9,895 12*652 12*573 13*892 14*064 15*516 18*435 20.418 21,429 72,344 73*211 79.543 85*436 78,610 1*664 1.999 1.997 2,032 2,374 18.592 18*591 19*286 23*024 22*466 52.088 52,621 58.258 60.382 53.770 8.412 11*728 12*581 12*648 13.520 273*648 310,746 349,547 353,543 362,239 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 58*351 63*351 69*620 68*577 70*673 22,166 22*842 24,744 25*846 27,446 13.572 14.095 13.786 11,813 12,150 22*611 26*414 31*090 30*916 31*077 94*042 94,141 97,979 100*081 89*964 3.813 2,648 2,731 4.021 3.817 24*222 23.192 24*086 25*365 25*021 66,007 66*301 71.162 70.695 61*126 16.765 18.053 20.252 16,596 24,746 412.847 434.357 469.984 491.654 493.193 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 74*874 80*292 109,413 146*163 199,791 27,323 26,352 36*000 79*277 125*074 13*219 14*478 19*146 17.613 18*866 34*332 39*462 54*267 49*273 55*849 89,172 112,900 135*825 118,702 139,233 3,108 4*476 4*329 11,313 13*366 23*496 24*271 27.133 19,446 22.332 62.566 84,153 104.363 87,941 103,535 22*672 24*646 26*739 27,417 36*215 497.609 557,182 671.008 704,625 819.025 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 166,374 164,153 165*460 188*946 181*098 82*614 77*894 74.083 87*199 75*908 22*896 24.700 28*612 27*358 29*990 60.864 61,559 62*765 74,391 75,200 147,942 131*504 136*111 144,974 150,654 16.588 15*313 15,930 17,880 16,432 26.424 25.160 23.752 23.292 25*390 104,930 91,031 96,429 103,802 108,832 39*923 37*854 39*580 42,653 42,960 927.261 890.642 875,774 967*162 968.748 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 185*382 193,172 207.137 227*655 225*769 71.199 68.968 66.984 70.377 69*125 32.451 31.639 26*931 27*752 27*415 81,732 92*565 109*222 129.526 129.229 159,173 178.907 163*713 160*385 149.514 17*262 18*331 17*649 17.721 18.024 25*227 27.015 26*746 24*202 27,677 116,684 133,561 119,318 118,462 103*813 52*981 58,441 56*843 58*997 61*994 1.013.443 1*103*997 1*101*455 1*109.576 1.107,770 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 205.333 200*201 183*531 146.194 209,515 59*086 67*573 76,375 69*526 112*357 21*671 21*044 16*248 11*251 14.747 124.576 111.564 90*908 65*415 82*411 169,574 170*630 127,458 109*903 166*907 18.862 13*832 11,768 6,686 10,045 29.702 33.192 23.775 18*885 16*324 120.990 123*606 91,915 84*330 140*536 61*173 b4*065 46*994 38*221 36*491 1.041*410 893.718 707.142 515.255 626.402 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 278,225 349*354 400*363 384.782 395*766 176.630 219*212 256.104 256.328 269.507 22.721 36.136 48,177 46,076 53,235 78*874 94,006 96*102 80*376 73*024 224,154 245,596 257.055 272*895 310,873 17*810 16*219 20,180 17,181 21*969 19*082 25*159 27*380 25,188 24.605 167.262 202,220 209,495 230*526 264.099 37.564 39.354 37.777 35.453 32.614 748,745 862,743 9i>3.169 9&0.879 1,022,317 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 377,739 407*262 540*204 1,048*267 1,381*538 256.208 290*203 413,802 909,513 1,250*509 55*592 57,626 62,509 75*837 76*626 63*939 59*433 63*893 62.917 54.403 367,891 413,895 496*891 548,038 607*919 20,092 25,119 28,477 39.075 44*781 25.629 31.917 38.111 44*074 47,505 321,970 356*859 430*303 464*889 515*633 30.047 27,587 25.595 23*290 21*022 1,094,373 1,216.785 1,405,648 1,909,474 2,305,551 1945 1946 1947 1946 1949 1,774,940 1,946*614 1*763*650 1.771.278 1.746.533 1*644,689 1,794.518 1*608*217 1*595*641 1,570,546 75*209 76*615 88*979 106.161 111*508 54.842 75*681 66*454 69,476 64,479 654.531 638,783 653*083 690*498 664*970 45,236 48.137 63.935 67.279 52*863 48*502 45,289 54,121 65*337 65,174 560*793 545.357 535.027 557*862 546,933 20*930 20.771 20.837 22,703 24,016 2.776.564 3.014.545 3.001,484 3.165.614 3,150,644 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1*835*862 1,807,568 1,892*052 1,967,671 2,060*405 1*644,638 ,594.028 ,662*672 ,728*663 •807*500 128,342 144*706 164*036 179*082 189.959 62*882 68*834 65*344 59*926 62*946 683*324 763.632 819,412 654,535 860*154 80*178 101*702 102*167 105*072 94*899 62.456 59.943 71*983 81*340 83.741 540,690 601.987 645*262 668*123 681*514 25,436 28.011 31.746 32.577 37,223 3,340,404 3,524*212 3*747.235 3*973*184 4*149*186 849*920 114.902 84.542 336 Indiana All Banks—Table 1 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank U.S. Government Other demand Other time 1896 1897 1896 1899 66.550 71,427 86.756 106.710 3*014 4.504 5.014 7,710 204 249 1*246 2*466 54*245 57.143 69*459 86.301 9*087 9*531 11.035 12*233 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 130*402 146.032 176*184 194.645 198*932 10,610 13.745 16*646 17,033 16,052 2,869 3*112 4.424 6*089 4*626 100.319 107,677 124*990 137*933 136*982 16*584 21*496 30,122 33,590 41,270 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 203,945 229,532 261.686 260,594 265,966 18,630 18,593 21,023 25*163 22,647 3.068 2*530 5.092 4*896 2*871 137*163 147.543 169*004 177*342 181*040 45*084 60*866 66*569 53.193 59.410 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 308,067 323,269 351,344 369.651 365.901 26.115 28.602 30.537 30.120 27*778 1.566 1*562 1,963 2*162 2*692 202*712 208.853 222.930 248.393 236.738 75.674 84.252 95.894 66*976 98.693 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 370,594 427,480 534,874 548,619 639,740 28,266 35,756 46*716 39.002 42*290 2*361 2*234 2*165 13*359 7.554 234*871 259*356 316.207 320*366 391*786 105.096 130.134 169.784 175.892 198*110 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 721,430 686.134 698,060 773.858 780,796 41,053 35*670 39*017 40*794 43,665 2*208 2*493 1*340 3*646 1.808 396,960 369*779 374*644 411*596 401*246 281,209 280.192 283*059 317.822 334*079 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 828,004 890.606 880,695 889*329 873,970 49,259 57,662 47,810 44,097 37,991 1,990 2*370 1*747 1*966 3.149 418*925 448*579 433*667 423.834 422*997 357*830 381,995 397*451 419*432 409*633 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 625*462 728.743 556.745 414,001 517,591 40,850 41*784 26,771 24,317 39,897 1*401 3*157 2*040 1*564 10.730 429*050 337*216 270*050 232*100 260*574 354.161 346.586 257.884 156,020 206.390 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 649.102 762.206 847,783 842,540 911.807 55.546 55,655 59.824 60*502 64.227 4*795 16.399 6*701 12*526 17*003 339.716 415*918 470.135 452*319 501.520 249*043 274*234 309.123 317*193 329*057 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 981,341 1.097,820 1*283,472 1,781,241 2,167,340 78.489 86*146 101*263 108.547 112,187 17.840 21.034 28*771 117.613 243*805 540*596 628*377 792*336 1,147.395 1*294*582 344,414 362*263 361*102 407*686 516*766 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2,627,570 2,851,459 2,824,560 2*976,925 2.949,404 126,894 114,776 105,939 100*079 65,921 324*015 212*914 24.175 49*240 37,639 1*501*369 1*722.700 1*827*782 1*930*052 1*912*423 675*292 801*069 866*664 897*554 913*421 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 3*124.250 3.294*686 3*499.592 3*705*603 3*861*333 97,946 103,229 116.013 118,858 123,435 68,337 94,804 102.166 70*009 105.163 2,023,072 2*154,430 2*266*098 2,415,582 2*473.386 934*895 942,223 1,013,315 1,101*154 1*159,349 1955 116*123 2.598*797 Indiana 337 Table JT—All Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year 110,966 115*740 125*089 149*401 422 432 431 452 55 6 40 129 93 5*750 6*642 6*958 8*345 10*564 1.157 1*407 1*630 3*515 3*201 28,916 29*692 32*284 34.007 37,361 10*095 10*549 11*357 13*483 15.267 176*377 194,528 228,453 254,124 265,438 489 520 560 625 473 114 253 190 683 537 13*152 16*505 17.574 19*596 21*194 3*153 4*428 5*219 4*319 3*965 37.763 41*335 44*648 48*266 46*608 15.521 18.693 20*226 20*085 21*967 273*648 310,746 349*547 353*543 362,239 674 706 745 793 801 969 1*400 1*291 1*065 3*202 22*930 23*304 25*061 25*207 25*364 4*338 7*056 8*662 8»903 9.079 52*070 52*579 54*764 58*206 58*471 24*473 26,747 28.862 28,622 31,176 412,847 434,357 469*984 491*654 493,193 847 869 693 936 924 3*054 3*261 3*332 16*899 24*008 26*084 25*896 26*150 26*260 26*217 3*171 3i947 4.774 11*564 20.560 61*088 61*935 62*720 64*130 65*281 33*618 34*663 39.158 37*153 43*219 497,609 557*182 671*008 704,625 819,025 44*333 40*571 18*767 27*045 21*379 26,588 27*039 27*467 28*255 27*574 15,724 15*664 4*758 4*972 4*049 69*420 72,409 75*362 79.266 79.236 49.766 46.605 51,360 53*764 55*712 927*261 890,642 875,774 967,162 968*748 18*513 42*109 48*774 48*413 56*759 25*074 24 » 360 22*775 21*901 21*634 3*943 5*264 4*275 4,757 6*968 79.413 80*140 80*216 78.807 78.417 58*496 61,518 64*720 66*369 67*822 1,013*443 1.103.997 1,101*455 1*109*576 1,107,770 1,028 966 13*869 9*898 17*854 7,628 820 23 >459 21*639 22 t 299 13*373 14*613 35.648 8*644 3,695 4*042 5,037 75*655 64*999 57,089 39*796 54*796 67*317 59.795 49,260 36*413 33*545 1,041,410 893*718 707*142 515,255 626,402 915 812 695 492 521 449 381 232 92 2 4*043 4*431 2*724 3*214 2*364 2*275 58*318 59*225 58.189 58,320 56*919 32*402 38*207 43.751 47.563 51*314 748,745 862,743 953*169 950*879 1*022*317 552 542 530 520 512 2,747 3,179 3,236 3*082 3*762 56*346 55*957 55*568 55*508 56*649 53*927 59.827 63*371 69*642 77.599 1,094,373 1*216*785 1*405*648 1,909,474 2,305*551 507 506 503 500 499 4,439 5*631 7»347 8*966 11,110 56*511 57,464 57*961 58*749 59*726 88*044 99.991 111*546 120.874 130*354 2*776*564 3*014,545 3*001,464 3,165*614 3*150,644 497 495 494 492 490 13*334 14,265 19*156 25*069 26,591 60*509 63*444 65*395 67*313 73*312 142.161 151.567 162*992 175.149 187.725 3.340*404 3*524,212 3*747*235 3,973*184 4,149,186 491 487 485 484 480 26*678 75,666 200*538 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 Number of banks 10*032 9*762 8*128 8.872 1902 1903 1904 1914 Total liabilities and capital accounts 28,976 29*213 25.549 26,179 1901 1913 Surplus and other capital accounts 503 593 481 900 1900 1912 Capital 4*707 4*581 4*143 4*740 1898 1899 1911 Other liabilities 218 164 32 1896 1897 1910 National bank notes Borrowings 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 12 2 1 1 1 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 50 100 50 1950 150 250 100 50 225 1951 1952 1953 1954 * 986 995 *014 ,036 ,034 ,057 ,083 ,094 *110 ,108 • 097 ,087 .065 338 Indiana All Commercial Banks—Table la ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] I^oans Loans Year Total Real estate All Collateral Year other Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 64*631 62*384 64*324 70*697 5*912 6*299 6*810 8*597 10*317 10*045 12,291 11,992 48,402 46,040 45,223 50*108 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 85*336 96*382 118*606 133*807 139*875 10*516 14*305 16*943 19*839 22*679 13,744 16,996 23.582 30*015 30*513 61,076 65,081 78,081 83,953 86,683 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 560*943 544*345 521*914 576*197 579*118 135,476 134,831 137*999 155.027 160*736 94*311 76*558 75.701 82.370 60.529 330,956 330,956 308*214 338,800 337,853 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 143*875 173*608 196*480 192*846 204*789 27*431 34,975 39*223 40,296 45*178 29*638 36,497 44*185 40,158 37,738 86,606 100*136 113*072 112,392 121,873 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 599,981 656*129 655*355 643*600 650,428 170,182 169*064 190*545 188*145 165*569 87,487 111,093 106,496 109.816 99.774 342,312 355,972 356,314 345,639 365,065 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 234*684 249*086 271*643 293*467 296*482 53*623 60*152 67*352 71*189 69*662 42,837 44*636 47*658 50,313 461377 138,224 144*298 156*833 171*965 160,443 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 565*634 448*757 329*046 205*235 195*859 171.579 133*207 105,101 72,709 66,580 84,893 71,160 50,636 30*479 33*127 329,162 244,390 173*311 102,047 94,152 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 299*903 328*294 387*146 401*134 433*188 74*715 81,071 96*659 99*359 106*183 51*672 51*023 60,134 57*887 68,663 173*516 196*200 230*355 243*886 258,342 1935 1936 1937 1938 195,047 215*473 245*582 245,774 66,326 72,832 83*255 91*986 27,476 28,357 27*802 27*345 101,245 114,264 134*525 126*443 Loans ' Year Total Commercial, industrial, For purchasing or carrying securities and To brokers agricultural and dealers Real estate To On others farmland On residential property Other Other loans All to other individuals 1939 272*013 104*001 5,435 22,359 67*053 16*152 56*453 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 307*882 357*405 332*656 281*075 287*250 122,003 145,856 123*478 90*110 92 » 596 602 492 324 208 363 4*754 4*083 3*405 9.575 20*962 23*143 23*911 23,723 24*001 26*287 78,265 92*839 99*620 98*907 92*919 17,666 19,645 18,602 15,776 12,783 29,364 28*942 61*429 70,579 63,504 13,134 12,378 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 319*394 400,601 554,161 667*789 699,801 95.987 136,196 209,586 244*408 246*921 1*670 1*824 760 936 693 36*259 21.212 12*676 9*644 9*102 26*748 34*086 40,100 43,567 43,616 93*154 119*567 159,523 193*673 211*579 13*245 21*341 29,179 36*052 39.703 34*908 55*099 91*333 131,035 142*338 13*423 11*276 11,004 13,016 12*160 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 779*325 906,966 984*712 1*096,466 1*167,448 267,020 321,930 338,192 360*186 391*552 1*239 1*638 2*505 2*969 3*469 8*665 9.209 9*751 10.221 10*568 45,073 48,942 49,540 50*722 52*085 236,055 269*444 296*973 330*697 356*405 41*108 46,760 54*123 60*376 64,861 176*309 204,510 233*252 279,648 265*396 12*476 13*384 11*277 16,151 16,813 1953 1,319,320 441*802 5*957 12,011 56*743 399,177 75,546 329*168 17,475 1 Beginning June 30, 1948, figures for various loan items are shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to the total and are noj entirely comparable with prior figures. Total loans continue to be shown net. Indiana 339 Table la—All Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Cash assets Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Bonkers1 balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin 639 614 824 10,526 11.539 12*892 13*440 14,220 18,773 23,207 34,237 4*565 5,140 5,090 5,279 106,452 110,857 119,437 143,126 1896 1897 1898 1699 11,851 12i407 13*100 1B»451 6*840 7,012 7,909 10,897 1.798 2*301 2*246 3*044 3.213 3*094 2*945 4,510 25.385 30,926 36,923 48,699 1,022 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 22*874 27.120 28f586 33.144 37.574 11,786 12*721 13,307 14*325 16,105 4,203 5*460 5*616 6*966 9.245 6*885 8*939 9,661 11*851 12*224 53,545 57,764 66*469 70*110 68,996 1*272 1*219 1,519 1*392 14.614 14.941 15.887 17.597 18,172 38*106 41*551 49,363 50,994 49*432 7,605 5,533 6,269 7,511 8*669 169,360 186,799 219,930 244,572 255*114 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 39*521 41.777 49.656 52*323 54.977 17,479 16*411 20*832 21,491 21*762 6*131 7,999 10,563 10,591 11*970 13*911 15*367 18*261 20*241 21*245 71,054 71*760 78*269 83*913 77*011 1*664 1*999 1*997 2*032 2*328 18*449 18,393 19,038 22*678 22,205 50*941 51,368 57,234 59,203 52,478 8*268 11*561 12*454 12,543 13*413 262*718 298.706 336*859 341*625 350,190 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 56*255 61.273 67*780 66.972 69,153 22*042 22,715 24*618 25.720 27.320 11*669 12*146 12*447 10*350 10.771 22*524 26,410 30.715 30.902 31,062 92,269 92,359 96,233 96*285 68,213 3,793 2,636 2,706 3,993 3,757 23.941 22.929 23*656 25,080 24.725 64,535 66*792 69.671 69.212 59.736 16*646 17*946 20*008 18*346 24,526 399,856 420*664 455,864 477,070 476*379 1915 1916 1917 1916 1919 73.415 78*797 107*399 143*252 195*626 27.284 26.352 36*000 78.565 122*971 12*141 13*377 17*708 16*092 17,487 33*990 39,068 53,691 48*595 55*166 87,254 110,649 133*687 117,053 137*164 3,077 4,459 4,314 11,258 13*295 22*690 24*009 27*008 19*245 22.103 61.287 82.381 102.365 86.550 101.766 22,341 24*309 26,433 27,170 36,023 482,913 542*249 654,667 688*609 602*001 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 163*054 160*479 162*100 185*299 177,355 81*135 75,745 72*199 85.668 73.872 22*156 23*747 27.722 26.124 29,037 59.761 60*987 62.179 73.498 74*446 145*468 129.399 133*805 143.119 146,436 16*546 15*250 15*867 17.772 16.378 26,193 24*916 23.507 23,144 25,184 102.729 89.233 94.431 102.203 106,874 39*624 37*544 39,315 42,290 42,807 909,069 871,767 857,134 946,896 947,716 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 181*093 189,392 203,340 222,742 220*659 68*830 67*465 67*102 67.924 66,186 31*422 30*471 27*991 26*596 26*445 80*841 91.456 108.247 128.220 126*028 157*067 176.575 161*010 156,890 147.249 17,238 18,307 17,613 17,683 17.992 24,580 26,370 25*764 23*175 26,297 ai5»249 131,898 117.633 116.032 102.960 52.837 58,247 56.551 58,678 61,676 990,978 1,080,343 1,076,256 1,081,910 1,080*012 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 200*566 195,522 180,259 143,574 206*578 58,175 65.385 74*833 68*315 111,242 20.037 20*043 15.591 10.749 14,136 122*356 110*094 89,835 64*510 81*200 166,771 167,902 125*423 108.395 164*578 18,643 13,794 11,740 6.667 10*004 29.614 31*681 23,416 18*584 16*136 118.314 122,227 90,267 83,144 138*436 60,640 53,718 46,381 37*497 37*623 1,013,813 855,899 683,111 494*701 604*638 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 274*167 343*916 393,375 377,664 389.680 173*965 215.570 251.330 251,692 265*925 21*833 34*806 46*444 45.784 51,024 78,369 93.540 95.601 79*988 72*731 220.442 241,883 253*329 268,910 306.287 17.712 18,119 20,085 17,076 21.886 16*943 24*991 27*162 25*006 24*564 183*787 198,773 206,082 226,826 259,837 36*337 38*002 36.501 34,156 31*717 725.993 839.274 928,787 926.504 999.697 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 371*915 400,145 531*325 1,034,826 1*362*485 254,734 265*463 407*262 898*823 1*233*513 53,393 35.877 61.088 74.520 75.734 63.788 58.805 62*975 61,463 53*238 362.232 408,759 492,195 542,462 602,372 20.032 25,025 28,235 38,971 44,670 25*437 31*524 37,923 43,522 47*120 316,763 352*210 426.037 459*969 510,562 29,196 26,961 25*211 23,006 20,854 1.071.225 1,193,270 1*381,367 1,881,369 2*272*961 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1*748,975 1*915,548 1,732*524 1,742,218 1,718,707 1*621*126 1,766,081 1,579.416 1*566*634 1*544,797 74.475 75.914 66*399 105.792 111.363 53*374 73.553 64*709 67,792 62*547 649.480 634,557 646*893 686*542 661,262 45.142 48,016 63,603 67,166 52,750 48*129 44*938 53,780 65*114 64,906 556.209 541*603 531,310 554.262 543,604 20.794 20.698 20,787 22*664 23,978 2*738.643 2*971,404 2,956*365 3*119*213 3*103*746 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1.806*463 1,761*880 1*864,041 1,938,291 2*030,940 1,618*933 1*570*250 1*637*284 1*703*510 1*782*525 128.231 144*606 163.729 177*457 186,287 61,299 67*024 63.028 57*324 60*128 679,606 759*830 815, 208 850.358 856,389 80*051 101*559 101*664 104.906 94.741 62*170 59*633 71,661 81*025 83,487 537,385 398,638 641*683 664,427 678,161 25,285 27,622 31,570 32*400 37,059 3,292»t>79 3,476V500 3,695.531 3.917,535 4,091.636 1955 2,049*810 1*780*776 207,291 61,741 645,532 114,593 84,209 825 4,253,732 340 Indiana All Commercial Banks—Table la ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Deposits Year Total Interbank 1896 1897 1896 1899 62*575 67.148 81,707 103,059 3*014 4.504 5.014 7,710 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 124*014 138,975 166,372 185*844 189*418 10,610 13,745 16,648 17,033 16,052 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 193,867 218,433 249,979 249,659 254,996 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 U.S. Government 204 249 Other demand 54*245 57*143 69*459 Other time 5*112 86.301 5*252 5*966 6*562 4.424 6*089 4.628 100,319 107,677 124,990 137*933 136*982 10*196 14*441 22*310 24*769 31*756 18,630 18,593 21,023 25,163 22.593 3,066 2*530 5*092 4*896 2*871 137,163 147,543 169*004 177*342 181,009 35*006 49.767 54,660 42.258 48.523 296.230 310,882 338*647 356,595 352,620 28.115 28,572 30.517 30,120 27,752 1*566 1*562 1*983 2*162 2*692 202,712 206,853 222,890 248*338 236.686 63.637 71,895 83,257 75.975 85.486 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 357,575 414,388 520,513 534*590 625,072 26*181 35,727 46,694 38,971 42,224 2*361 2t234 2*165 13*359 7.554 234,443 258.943 315*862 320*029 391*540 92*590 117*484 155*792 162.231 183.754 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 705.400 671,574 681,824 756*223 762,595 40.937 35,565 38,902 40,477 43.534 2*208 2*493 1*340 3*646 393,406 369,481 374*334 411,190 400,654 266.849 264.035 267.248 300.910 316.399 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 808,375 870,069 856,667 864,625 849,305 49.154 57,563 47,710 43,923 37,831 418,505 448,515 433,258 423,665 422*646 338*726 361*621 375*952 395*251 385*677 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 801,026 704,154 536*788 397,024 499,090 40,700 41,355 26,679 24.208 39,731 10.730 426.024 336,939 269,566 232*001 260*162 332*901 322.703 238.503 139.251 168*447 1935 1936 1937 1936 1939 629*504 741,891 826,687 821,467 892,212 55,376 55,568 59,745 60*422 64,133 4*795 16.399 8*701 12*526 17,003 339,265 415.499 469,205 451*363 500,636 230*068 254.425 269*036 297.156 310*440 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 961,106 1*077*346 1,262,336 1,756,471 2*138,158 76,433 86,069 101,192 108.427 111,804 17,640 21,034 28,769 117,357 243,751 539*526 627,224 790,966 1,145,525 1,292,661 325.307 343*019 341.369 385.162 489.942 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 2*593.160 2*812*009 2.783*273 2,934,539 2*906*798 126*830 114*712 105.683 100.024 85*666 323*698 212.455 24*095 49*160 37.619 1*499*070 1,719*672 1,824,988 1,926,860 1,909,331 643.582 765*170 828*307 858*475 873*982 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 3*080*825 3*251.449 3*452*580 3*654,802 3*808*921 97*907 103,194 115,988 118.823 123,399 68.307 94,764 102,078 69.978 105,052 2*019,609 2*151*306 2,264,440 2,411,648 2,469,592 695*002 902*185 970*074 1*054*353 1*110*878 116.087 104.269 1*248 2*466 2.889 3.112 1.808 1,990 2.370 1.747 1,966 3.149 1.401 3,157 2*040 1.564 1.138.678 Indiana 341 Table la—All Commercial Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Year 1896 1897 1898 National bank notes Borrowings 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 191* 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 192* 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 Capital Surplus and other capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts Number of banks 216 164 32 4.707 4.581 4.143 4.740 503 592 479 900 28*976 29*213 25*549 26.179 9.473 9.159 7.527 8*248 106*452 110*857 119*437 143*126 417 427 426 447 55 6 40 129 93 5*750 6.842 6.956 8.345 10.584 1*154 1.405 1*630 3*514 3.201 28.918 29*692 32.284 34.007 37*361 9*469 9.879 10.646 12.733 14.457 169*360 186*799 219*930 244*572 255*114 484 515 555 620 668 114 253 190 683 537 13.152 16*505 17*574 19 i 596 21*194 3*149 4*426 5*212 4.319 3*965 37*763 41*335 44*648 48*266 48*608 14*673 17,752 19*256 19*102 20*890 262*716 298.706 336,659 341*625 350*190 669 701 740 788 796 969 It400 1*291 1*065 3*202 22*930 23.304 25*061 25*207 25*364 4*338 7»025 8*662 8.903 9*079 52.070 52.579 54*764 56.206 58*471 Z3*319 25.474 27.439 27.094 29*643 399.856 420*664 455.864 477*070 478*379 842 664 888 933 919 3*054 3*261 3.332 16*699 23*706 26*084 25*896 26*150 26.260 26*217 3*109 3.947 4*774 11*564 20*552 61*066 61*935 62*720 64*130 65*281 32*003 32*622 37*178 35.166 41,171 482.913 542*249 654,667 688*609 802*001 981 990 1*009 1*031 1*029 44 i 333 40.571 18.767 27.045 21.379 26i.588 27<>039 27 i>467 28 f 255 27«574 15*715 15*456 4*758 4*972 4*049 69*420 72.409 75.362 79*268 79*236 47*633 44*718 48.956 51,133 52*863 909*089 871.767 857.134 946,896 947*716 »052 • 078 18.513 42.109 48.774 48t413 56.759 25*074 24*360 22*775 21*901 21f*834 3*943 5.264 4.275 4*757 6*966 79.413 80*140 80*216 78*807 78.417 55,660 58*401 61,549 63*207 '64,729 990*978 1*060*343 1*076.256 1*081*910 1*080*012 13*869 9*898 17*121 6*912 620 23 i 459 21 i 639 22 » 299 13.373 14*613 35*648 8.644 3.695 4*035 5*037 75.655 64*999 57*089 39.798 54*796 64,156 56*565 45,919 33,559 30*282 1*013*813 865*899 683*111 494*701 604*638 910 807 690 488 516 4.043 4*372 2.724 3.214 2.364 2.275 56*316 59*225 58*189 58*320 56*919 29*307 35*053 40*465 44.261 46*289 725,993 839.274 928*787 926*504 999*697 547 537 525 515 506 2*747 3.105 3*136 2.932 3*612 56*346 55.957 55.568 55*508 56*849 51.014 56.860 60.346 66*457 74*341 1*071*225 1,193*270 1,381,387 1,881*369 2*272*961 503 502 499 496 495 1899 1900 Other liabilities 449 361 232 92 2 12 2 1 1 1 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 .069 .105 • 103 .092 • 082 • 060 .023 981 1947 1948 1949 50 100 50 4.289 5.481 7.347 8.679 10*955 56*511 57*464 57*981 58*749 59.726 84*663 96*450 107*714 116*946 126.219 2*736.643 2*971*404 2*956*365 3*119*213 3*103*748 493 491 490 488 486 1950 150 200 100 50 225 13*309 14*236 19.104 25.019 26*483 60*509 63*444 65.395 67.313 73.312 137,886 147.171 158,352 170.351 182.895 3*292.679 3*476*500 3,695*531 3*917.535 4*091.836 487 483 481 480 476 1945 1946 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 4*253,732 342 Indiana National Banks—Table 2 ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955 [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] ] -cans Year Total Real estate Loans All other Collateral Year Total Real estate Collateral All other 1896 1897 1898 1899 34.274 30.901 35*422 37.616 489 460 539 525 5*783 5.442 6*368 6.208 26.002 24*999 28*515 30*883 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 44.718 51.179 60*103 70*157 71*856 596 731 1.031 1*281 1.222 7.051 8.635 12*192 15.136 14*443 37.071 41*813 46*880 53*740 56.191 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 241.671 224.308 205.777 220.883 219*771 11.236 12.368 14.935 16,075 17.475 60*609 48,493 45*336 48*073 46.459 169*826 163*447 145*506 156.735 155.837 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 75*392 91*100 102.569 99.519 105*380 1*300 1*727 1*856 1*917 2*067 15*362 20.410 21.940 22*664 24*545 58.730 68*963 78.773 74,938 78*768 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 226.037 242.018 236.116 243.845 256*889 19.914 21.951 22.221 27,126 29,894 50.235 62.651 58,647 62,598 58*199 155.888 157.416 155*248 154.121 168.796 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 120.356 123.425 132.398 137.977 138.188 2.591 2*886 3.514 3,609 4.269 27*244 27*544 29*706 33*101 29*845 90*521 92*995 99.178 101*267 104*074 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 246.701 205.016 151*905 74.580 77*542 37.304 35.555 32.031 17.645 18.263 51*686 45.765 32.711 16.606 19.048 157.711 123.696 87*163 40*329 40*231 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 136,179 148,321 171.352 177*191 184*792 5.349 6*093 8.061 8*916 9*038 34*765 33.953 39.434 37.794 43.711 96*065 108*275 123*857 130*481 132*043 1935 1936 1937 1938 75.467 88.129 109.427 108.224 16*442 21.842 28.429 32.888 16*143 16.225 15*618 15*725 42*682 50.062 65.360 59.611 Loans1 Year Total Commercial, industrial, and agricultural For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers , and dealers Real estate To others 57.058 On farm land On residential property Other Other loans to individuals All other 5*191 28.922 6.450 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 138.824 165.198 150.914 128,648 140.735 67.087 84.633 69*777 53*970 56*022 540 440 293 206 241 2.738 2.204 1.927 6*813 15*732 5*471 5.756 5*515 5.189 5*600 32*615 37.485 37.786 36.392 39.605 7.425 7.713 7.835 6.075 5*300 9.772 8*859 22.948 26*967 27*781 8*231 9*176 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 162*833 19^,733 264,864 316*882 329.565 57*160 60*515 123*470 141*170 136,593 1*663 1*650 563 783 678 31*506 15)611 7*405 4.603 4.754 6*576 8.033 10.534 11*681 11*645 39.151 50*462 66.196 83.797 95.014 5*903 10*321 13*280 15.952 17*226 11.273 21.230 36.524 54*796 59*693 9*561 6*911 6.692 6*205 7*056 1990 1951 1952 1953 1954 378,004 476*343 521.191 586.646 637.607 151*667 191*244 201*183 216*483 233,679 804 1*435 2*034 2*397 2*786 4*149 5.537 6*336 7.228 7.269 12*523 14*654 14.859 15*753 16*017 108*064 132.700 149.705 165*889 185*582 16*945 26*147 29*315 33*627 36*015 76*270 101*314 116*263 141*692 150*596 7*895 9*196 6*416 11*247 12.143 1955 756.390 275,507 5.917 9*265 17*699 223.452 44*066 178*027 12.868 1 nc^iriiiiti^ U N U ou, nj^urcs tur Beginning JJune 30, I:/'KJ, 1948, figures for vuriuus various luuii loan items urc are hiiuwn shown gross (i.e., before deduction of valuation reserves); they do not add to and aic are not UK; HIM entire cuuicily comparable with prior figures,. Total loans the luiui total unu continue to be shown net. Indiana 343 Table 2—-National Banks ASSETS, LIABILITIES, AND NUMBER, 1896-1955—Continued [Figures as of June 30 or nearest available date; partly estimated. Amounts in thousands of dollars] Investments Year Total U.S. Government obligations Cash assets Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other securities Total Cash items in process of collection Currency and coin Bankers' balances (including reserves) Other assets Total assets 1896 1897 1898 1699 9»059 9*189 10*270 14*569 6*286 6*403 7.015 10*010 1*149 1*609 979 983 1.794 1.803 2*106 2.950 14,418 18*506 23.194 31,607 418 434 560 652 6*848 7,444 8*996 9*436 7.152 10*628 13*638 21.519 2*155 2*524 2*309 2*666 59*906 61,120 71,695 86*458 1900 1901 1902 1903 190* 17*119 20.069 21*747 24*311 26.195 10.722 11.758 12.625 13*852 15*615 2*258 2.934 3*220 3*692 3*735 4.139 5*377 5.902 6.767 6.845 33,138 36.508 40,724 43*806 41*361 638 883 820 1,235 1*005 10,055 10,756 11,371 12,400 12.951 22*445 24.869 28.533 30.171 27*905 2,575 2*580 2*428 3.904 4,069 97.550 110.336 125,002 142,178 144,001 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 28.543 30.340 34»390 39*033 39*881 17*253 17.925 20.414 21.153 21*264 3,985 **382 4.934 6.313 6*656 7.305 8.033 9.042