Full text of Annual Statistical Digest : 1984
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C, ANNUAL STATISTICAL DIGEST 1984 October 1985 Copies of this publication may be obtained from Publications Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. The price is $12.50 per copy. Remittances should be made payable to the order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in a form collectible at par in U.S. currency. Stamps and coupons are not acceptable. Preface The ANNUAL STATISTICAL DIGEST is designed as a compact source of economic—and, especially, financialdata. The object is to lighten the burden of assembling time series by providing a single source of historical continuations of the statistics carried regularly in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. The DIGEST also offers a continuation of series that formerly appeared regularly in the Bulletin, as well as certain special, irregular tables, which the Bulletin also once carried. The domestic nonfinancial series included are those for which the Board of Governors is the primary source. Sources of data other than the Federal Reserve are listed in Part 3—Notes to Tables. This issue of the DIGEST, like those for 1980 through 1983, covers data for only a single year—in this case, 1984—unless data were revised for earlier years; exceptions are noted in the Table of Contents. The DIGEST serves to maintain the historical series published in Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1949-1970, and the DIGEST, 1970-1979. In this issue, series include revisions to all the data available through July 1985. The current coverage of the series, any changes in the coverage, and other pertinent details are given in Part 3— Notes to Tables. The numbering system for the tables contained in this issue differs slightly from those in previous issues of the DIGEST and in the Bulletin. As a guide to tables that cover the same material in these publications, the Board's staff has prepared a concordance, which accompanies this DIGEST. A glossary of Federal Reserve terms is available free of charge from Publications Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 2055 L Suggestions for making the DIGEST more useful may be sent to the Economic Editing Unit, Stop 94, at the same address. Please note that the index refers to table numbers, not page numbers. Symbols and Abbreviations ATS CD FHA FHLBB FSLIC G-10 GNMA GNP HUD IPCs MMDA n.a. Automatic transfer service Certificate of deposit Federal Housing Administration Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Group of Ten Government National Mortgage Association Gross national product Department of Housing and Urban Development Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Money market deposit account Not available n.e.c. NOW OPEC REIT RP SDR SMSA VA * ... Not elsewhere classified Negotiable order of withdrawal Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Real estate investment trust Repurchase agreement Special drawing right Standard metropolitan statistical area Veterans Administration Amount is less than one-half the smallest unit in the table (for example, less than 50,000 when the data are shown in millions to one decimal place). Not applicable "U.S. government securities" may include issues of U.S. government agencies. "State and local government" also includes municipalities, special districts, and other political subdivisions. In some of the tables details do not add to totals because of rounding. Contents The data shown in this issue of the DIGEST are in general for 1984. The exceptions are indicated in parentheses after the table titles. A list of tables that were in the 1983 DIGEST that have been discontinued appears at the end of this table of contents. Part 1—Regular Tables 1. Reserves, money stock, liquid assets, and debt measures A. Quarterly changes (1981-84) B. Monthly changes (1981-84) 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit A. Monthly averages B. Weekly averages of daily figures C. Wednesday figures D. End-of-month figures 3. Reserves and borrowings of depository institutions A. Monthly averages B. Biweekly averages of daily figures 4. Federal funds and repurchase agreements of large member banks 5. Federal Reserve Bank interest rates A. Short-term adjustment credit to depository institutions B. Extended credit to depository institutions 6. Reserve requirements of depository institutions, December 31, 1984 7. Margin requirements (1968-84) 8. Maximum interest rates payable on time and savings deposits at federally insured institutions 9. Federal Reserve open market transactions 10. Federal Reserve Banks A. Consolidated condition statement B. Federal Reserve note statement C. Maturity distribution of loans and securities held 11. Debits and deposit turnover at commercial banks (1972-84) A. Seasonally adjusted B. Not seasonally adjusted 12. Measures and components of the money stock and debt (1981-84) A. Seasonally adjusted B. Not seasonally adjusted 13. Aggregate reserves of depository institutions and monetary base (1981-84) A. Adjusted for changes in reserve requirements B. Not adjusted for changes in reserve requirements 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks (1973-84) 15. Major nondeposit funds of commercial banks (1973-84) 3 4 6 7 10 13 14 14 15 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 25 28 30 32 33 34 46 Contents—continued 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series A. All commercial banking institutions (1973-84) B. Domestically chartered commercial banks (1973-84) 17. All large weekly reporting commercial banks 18. Gross demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 19. Commercial paper and bankers dollar acceptances outstanding A. Commercial paper, seasonally adjusted (1982-84) B. Bankers dollar acceptances, not seasonally adjusted 20. Prime rate charged by banks on short-term business loans 21. Terms of lending at commercial banks—Based on surveys of loans made 22. Interest rates in money and capital markets A. Annual and monthly averages B. Weekly averages 23. Stock market—Selected statistics A. Stock prices and trading B. Customer financing C. Margin-account debt at brokers D. Special miscellaneous-account balances at brokers 24. Selected assets and liabilities of savings institutions A. Savings and loan associations (1982-84) B. Mutual savings banks C. Life insurance companies (1983-84) D. Credit unions (1983-84) E. FSLIC-insured federal savings banks 25. Federal fiscal and financing operations 26. U.S. budget A. Receipts * B. Outlays 27. Federal debt subject to statutory limit—Types and ownership 28. Gross public debt of the U.S. Treasury—Types and ownership (1983-84) 29. U.S. government securities dealers A. Transactions B. Positions C. Financing , 30. Debt of federal and federally sponsored credit agencies 31. New security issues of state and local governments 32. New security issues of corporations (1983-84) 33. Open-end investment companies (1983-84) 34. Corporate profits and their distribution (1982-84) 35. Current assets and liabilities of nonfinancial corporations (1982-84) 36. Total nonfarm business expenditures on new plant and equipment 37. Domestic finance companies—Assets and liabilities (1980-84) 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies A. Accounts receivable (1975-84) B. Extensions and repayments (1975-84) 52 58 64 71 72 72 73 73 75 76 81 81 81 81 82 83 83 84 84 85 86 87 88 88 , 89 92 95 96 97 98 99 99 100 100 101 103 108 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. Mortgage markets Mortgage debt outstanding, by type of holder and type of property (1981-84) Installment credit—Total outstanding, and net change (1983-84) Flow of funds accounts—Financial assets and liabilities, December 31, 1984 A. All sectors B. Private nonbank financial institutions Flow of funds accounts, 1973-84 A. Summary of credit market debt outstanding, by sector B. Direct and indirect claims on credit market debt C. Sector statements of financial assets and liabilities Selected measures of nonfinancial business activity Output, capacity, and capacity utilization A. Output B. Capacity C. Capacity utilization Labor force, employment, and unemployment Industrial production Housing and construction Consumer and producer prices Gross national product and income Personal income and saving Summary of U.S. international transactions (1983-84) U.S. foreign trade U.S. reserve assets Selected U.S. liabilities to foreign official institutions (1983-84) A. By type B. By area Liabilities to foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States A. By holder and type of liability (1983-84) B. By area and country (1983-84) Banks' own claims on foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States (1983-84) Banks' own and domestic customers' claims on foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States (1983-84) Banks' own claims on unaffiliated foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States (December 1982-84) Liabilities to and claims on foreigners, payable in foreign currencies, reported by banks in the United States (December 1982-84) Marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes—Foreign transactions (1983-84) Foreign official assets held at Federal Reserve Banks Foreign transactions in securities (1983-84) Liabilities to unaffiliated foreigners, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States (December 1981-84) Claims on unaffiliated foreigners, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States (December 1981-84) 113 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 129 129 129 130 131 133 134 135 136 137 138 138 139 139 140 143 146 149 150 150 151 152 153 155 157 Contents—continued 66. Assets and liabilities of foreign branches of U.S. banks (1983-84) 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks A. March 31, 1984 B. June 30, 1984 C. September 30, 1984 D. December 31, 1984 68. Claims on foreign countries held by U.S. offices and foreign branches of U.S.-chartered banks (1983-84) 69. Discount rates of foreign central banks 70. Foreign short-term interest rates 71. Index of weighted-average value of U.S. dollar 72. Foreign exchange rates 159 163 168 173 178 183 184 184 184 185 Part 2—Special Tables 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. Statement of condition of Federal Reserve Banks, December 31, 1984 Income and expenses of Federal Reserve Banks Banks and branches—Number in operation, December 31, 1984, by state Banking offices in the United States—Number, and changes in number, December 31, 1984 A. Banks (head offices), by type B. Branches, additional offices, and facilities, by type of bank Changes in offices of commercial banks and nondeposit trust companies during 1984—Summary, by state Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups A. Summary totals and comparisons B. Multibank and one-bank classifications—Summary C. Details, by state D. Multibank, one-bank, and all commercial bank comparisons, by state Selected assets and liabilities of minority-owned banks, by size of bank, December 31, 1984 Assets of pension funds (1973-84) A. Totals for private and public funds B. Types held by private noninsured funds C. Types held by state and local government retirement funds Terms of consumer installment credit (1982-84) Security credit reported by nonbank lenders subject to margin regulations, June 30, 1984 Detailed debit and credit balances at brokers carrying margin accounts, June 30, 1984 Commitments of life insurance companies for income-property mortgages (1982-84) 189 192 194 196 196 197 198 209 209 210 217 224 225 225 225 226 226 227 227 Part 3—Notes to Tables Notes to regular tables Notes to special tables 231 246 Part 4—Index to Tables Index to tables 251 Discontinued Tables Insured commercial banks with assets of $100 million or over—Domestic and foreign offices Insured commercial banks with assets of $100 million or over—Domestic offices Insured commercial bank assets and liabilities—Domestic offices Number of par banking offices Consolidated report of income Income, expenses, and dividends of member banks, by Federal Reserve District Denominations of U.S. currency in circulation Table 20B, All large weekly reporting commercial banks; Balance sheet memoranda. This table has been combined with the first part of that table (formerly 20A), which is now table 17, Part 1—Regular Tables 1. Reserves, money stock, liquid assets, and debt measures A. Quarterly changes Annual rate of change, seasonally adjusted, in percent1 1981 Tfpm 1 2 3 4 1982 Qi Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 31 42 100 39 8.3 95 -.2 64 34 22 99 52 1 5 10 8 37 46 4o -5 5 75 12 18 43 64 40 37 104 72 14 1 13 0 17 1 86 32 70 12 2 12 0 102 88 104 11 5 97 97 30 83 11 9 11 9 93 52 103 11 8 12 0 91 88 95 10 1 10 8 87 29 68 90 94 80 60 93 102 104 89 16 3 99 93 91 98 83 36 7 11.0 16 6 10 1 27 3 12 0 18 1 97 12 9 80 18 0 104 13 9 79 70 ... -33 4 32 7 397 -12 2 17.3 8.5 -13 2 17 7 27 6 -12 0 20 8 28 20 12 5 84 -1 5 22 5 142 13 12 9 104 12 6 -3 5 -24 .... -30 6 19 6 26 2 -11 4 78 19 2 -14 6 43 21 3 -12 7 60 19 2 61 2 24 0 -5 4 87 14 9 8 29 12 1 19 5 -8 9 26 4 144 93 97 97 11 9 93 120 91 10 8 87 94 80 104 89 91 98 95 79 67 68 92 89 70 65 Reserves of depository institutions2 Total3 Required . , Nonborrowed Monetary base4 ... . ' . . . . Concepts of money, liquid assets, and debts5 6 7 8 9 M2 M3 . . . L Debt . . Nontransaction components 1 1 M3 only7 Time and savings deposits at commercial banks 12 Savings8 .. ... 13 Small-denomination time910 11 14 Large-denomination time ' Thrift institutions 15 Savings8 16 Small-denomination time910 1 17 Large-denomination time ' ' Debt components 18 Federal 19 Nonfederal 20 Total loans and securities at commercial banks12 1983 Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 61 58 65 95 124 12 6 10 3 103 63 63 21 81 8 3 31 78 77 53 81 95 86 10 3 -3 7 70 68 66 18.0 72 -7 -1 5 6 39 11 4 20 6 10.8 109 93 12.1 105 9.1 98 98 10.3 76 8.8 103 11 5 63 84 9.8 95 109 6.2 72 9.2 11.3 13 1 65 71 10.5 122 13 1 4.5 68 9.5 12.2 12.4 3,2 90 11 0 9.4 12.5 23 6 -27 2 99 28 68 14 2 90 16 0 75 18 2 72 249 7.6 202 10 8 189 -45 0 -45.4 . . . . -496 -14 5 -18.2 -15.7 -6 0 8.4 4 -10 1 174 34 -11 6 9.5 7.4 -67 13.1 21 8 -5 6 13.4 19.3 -104 .... -31 4 -53 0 -7.2 -4.2 -12 6 53.4 2 57 71.2 -5 9 16 1 62.0 -5.0 13 1 52.0 -.9 13 3 48.3 -6.5 17.0 37.9 -6.5 14.8 31.4 . . 109 93 98 98 10 3 11 5 95 10 9 11 3 13 1 122 13 1 12.2 124 12 5 81 95 11 0 12 1 11 9 11 0 9.1 9.1 L 1 2 3 4 Reserves of depository institutions2 Total 3 Required .. Nonborrowed Monetary base4 Concepts of money, liquid assets, and debts5 6 7 8 9 M2 M3 L Debt . Nontransaction components 10 M2 6 11 M3 only7 . . . . . Time and savings deposits at commercial banks 12 Savings 13 Small-denomination time19 1 11 14 Large-denomination time ' ' Thrift institutions 15 Savings8 16 Small-denomination time10 11 17 Large-denomination time ' Debt components 18 Federal 19 Nonfederal 20 Total loans and securities at commercial banks12 1984 Q1 6.9 12.2 94 1. Reserves, money stock, liquid assets, and debt measures—Continued B, Monthly changes Annual rate of change, seasonally adjusted, in percent1 Jan. Item Feb. Mar. Apr, May June July Aug. L Sept. Oct. 1, Nov. | Dec, r i .. . I 1981 1 2 3 4 Reserves of depository institutions2 Total3 Required Nonborrowed 4 . Monetary base 5 6 7 8 9 Concepts of money, liquid assets, and debts5 Ml M2 M3 .. L Debt Nontransaction components 10 M26 .. 11 M3 only7 -100 -46 43 -2.7 8,9 100 11 1 8.0 13.5 164 26.1 7.8 3,4 142 82 10 9 -9 7 -20 5 5.8 6.8 -1.1 -42 6.4 2,8 1.8 1.7 16.2 7.6 3.9 58 17.5 4.2 5.5 10 13,0 3.2 -7.6 -2.6 8.1 .3 1.4 -1.1 10.9 5.3 6,1 7,2 6.6 11.4 67 6.8 15 2 14.6 99 6.9 8.7 109 11.6 10 1 12.6 12.8 9.7 5.9 10.3 20.4 14.3 14 3 9.8 90 -67 4.6 99 11.3 92 -.8 6,5 9.9 11.3 102 6,2 8,5 12.9 11.7 9.4 8.1 11.6 12.6 12.1 8,1 1.1 8.0 12 1 12.5 9 1 2.5 9.7 11.8 13.5 9.8 9.1 11.8 11,0 10.8 8,7 10.1 11.7 11.0 8.1 8.2 6B 53 8 93 206 12.9 -3 8 12 2 14 3 84 33 9 9.1 24 1 9.2 31 7 12.7 169 103 29 3 12.0 20 7 12.8 77 12.1 85 Time and savings deposits at commercial banks 12 Savings8 13 Small-denomination time910 14 Large-denomination time '" -51 8 -21,0 -13.8 40.7 20.3 17.9 23 1 -13.2 55 0 -3.5 -168 13.0 19.0 375 -9 0 -17.0 20.3 31.7 -5.0 -18.1 -19 1 -14.9 9.8 24.3 19.8 26,6 29.4 22.2 10 2 -2.4 -4.5 16.2 -2.9 1.5 8.0 -3.9 Thrift institutions 15 Savings8 16 Small-denomination time'J10 17 Large-denomination time '" -47 3 -18 0 -10 6 9.2 21 7 120 15 S 32 1 13 0 -1 2 -190 -229 13 118 119 15 3 35 2 98 -3 7 -17 9 -207 -19 8 69 10.2 -5.6 67 16 9 28 6 25 6 13 7 - 7 1.8 18 1 52 -.8 13 3 Debt components 18 Federal 19 Nonfederal . . . . 20 Total loans and securities at commercial banks12 14 6 99 11.6 10 1 5.9 10 3 98 90 11 3 92 11,3 10 2 11.7 94 12.1 81 12 5 91 13.5 98 10.8 8.7 8.1 82 83 34 6.0 64 14 1 83 2.7 7,3 68 6.6 5.0 10.2 1982 Reserves of depository institutions2 1 Total3 2 Required 3 Nonborrowed . ... 4 Monetary base4 9.6 59 -21 9 91 -.4 39 -9 6 43 -.3 -24 11 8 3,1 -1.9 14 -4 9 61 7.3 41 22 4 10 3 2.5 44 -35 80 3.9 -42 13 5 4.8 9.8 99 18 3 7,1 15.5 13 0 11 93 10.8 10 1 28 8 83 21.9 22,2 186 7.9 8.9 55 84 10.2 20 7 12 9 13 4 14 2 91 -6 3 21 45 93 88 7 66 84 8.1 74 96 72 11 0 99 76 4 82 83 100 84 16 73 92 91 80 22 83 87 10.3 85 14 1 12 3 13 9 12 5 94 15 4 10 7 10 5 82 10 4 19 6 90 10 8 12 0 94 16 5 91 61 5.0 93 80 95 38 6.9 10 5 Nontransaction components 10 M26 .. 1 1 M3 only7 10 5 15 2 48 14 2 85 IS 9 64 26 5 10 7 90 91 16 5 10 3 10 5 11 7 20 1 92 95 56 17 7 67 102 -53 -18 7 Time and savings deposits at commercial banks 12 Savings'* 9 1 3 Small-denomination time10 14 Large-denomination time '" 102 68 6.6 15 17.5 22.1 -3 0 24.0 9.9 -1 5 26.5 192 -15 20.4 83 -8 13.4 10 5 -3 8 17.4 19.5 76 6.2 40 10 6 3.7 -31 -3.2 -10.2 8.1 10.9 27 3 30 1 -64 83 62 -13 92 61 -32 47 18 3 -5.2 47 60 11 1 -2 7 11 9 5 6 7 8 9 Concepts of money, liquid assets, and debts* Ml M2 M3 L Debt Thrift institutions 15 Savings8 16 Small-denomination time910 17 Large-denomination time '" Debt components 18 Federal 19 Nonfederal 20 Total loans and securities at commercial banks13 . . 207 -8 6 264 20 2 -7.1 94 21 3 -20 2 -2.8 -19.0 -5.8 -34 7 84 365 -1 5 -13 0 23 6 25 1 28.0 -194 -60 -23 9 45 4 73 14 2 91 93 88 81 74 99 76 10 0 84 91 80 103 85 12 5 94 82 104 12 0 94 50 93 69 10 5 81 12 2 81 97 82 54 75 67 79 77 21 88 1. Reserves, money stock, liquid assets, and debt measures—Continued B. Monthly changes—Continued Annual rate of change, seasonally adjusted, in percent1 Jan. Ttam item Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1983 Reserves of depository institutions2 1 Total3 ..,. 2 Required 3 Nonborrowed 4 Monetary base4 -11 3 -13 2 -8 8 6.1 15 3 19 6 18 0 12.8 19 2 19 6 13 4 12 8 11 2 98 68 8.3 36 46 94 88 160 15 1 80 11.1 52 43 -1 5 6.6 13 34 -4 8 55 32 15 77 11 0 6 -1 8 4 -2 6 12 1 -12 3 71 7,3 12 1 55 66 89 33.4 160 162 9.4 142 21.9 13 3 11 0 7.6 140 9.8 79 80 9.1 8.2 8.5 83 11.5 9.9 15 7 9.3 83 80 9.4 99 8.2 10 3 10.1 12.9 11 5 7.3 73 11.9 12.5 85 63 87 99 9.7 48 7.5 102 86 10.4 80 10.8 84 68 10.9 51 7.7 124 11.5 10,7 42 5.9 82 13 9 12.6 Nontransaction components 10 M26 11 M3 only7 24.4 41 4 -52 9 -23 2 86 -8 8.5 76 7.2 39 7.7 20 1 6.0 71 56 19 4 8.4 21 8 11.6 -2 0 8.5 33 5 6.5 18 3 Time and savings deposits at commercial banks 12 Savings8 13 Small-denomination time910. . . . 14 Large-denomination time '" -93.9 -47.8 -20.7 -11.0 -2.6 -76 8 -594 -33 7 -84 -63 -4.2 -14.3 -85.2 -52.3 -29.9 -7.7 -3,4 12 6 19 12.4 -11.7 -6.0 13 2 10.7 -8.7 13 0 7.5 -8.7 -14.1 -14.2 21 1 18 6 13 8 14.4 5.3 -9.5 Thrift institutions 15 Savings" 16 Small-denomination time9 17 Large -denomination time10'" -70 4 -28 2 -8 1 -89 8 -61.3 -246 39 9 -50 8 -3 8 5 6 7 g 9 Concepts of money, liquid assets, and debts5 Ml M2 M3 L Debt Debt components 18 Federal . 19 Nonfederal 20 Total loans and securities at commercial banks12 14 2.1 71 7 14 -3 5 60 7 .0 47 9 o 7 7.4 73 0 27 106 73 3 -7 4 11.1 81 8 -34 17 9 594 -95 -12 3 20.2 15.4 403 40 2 162 94 11 0 76 80 91 11 5 99 80 94 10.1 12 9 11.9 12 5 99 97 8.6 104 6.8 109 11.5 107 13.9 12 6 94 68 11 2 92 86 10.9 120 109 9.7 12 1 15.0 11.2 269 21.0 822 14.4 -1 6 3.5 15 0 3.9 46 2.3 29 7.2 -7.6 -12 1 -5.8 -12.1 -1 7 -18 1 -.4 2.9 11.3 9.1 17.4 7.6 18.8 14.0 25,6 8.0 19 84 Reserves of depository institutions2 2 Required 3 Nonborrowed 4 Monetary base4 5 6 7 8 9 ., Concepts of money, liquid assets, and debts5 Ml M2 M3 L Debt Nontransaction components 10 M26 1 1 M3 only7 4 11 0 8.3 7.6 -84 -47 5 4.3 6.9 73 5.6 95 12.9 22 1 11.4 27 6 9.9 24 10.2 -9 5 5.6 76 73 78 82 13.8 64 8.0 99 11 2 13.4 70 66 10 4 14 9 12.3 43 6.5 9.8 93 13.2 72 76 11.7 12 6 13.6 107 7.5 10.1 14 0 12.2 _ 9 5.8 9.8 12 8 12.8 43 66 71 96 12.2 57 8.1 9.3 10.3 10.2 -69 5.4 9.9 7,3 11.8 11 9 13.9 14.1 9.7 14.7 102 13.2 14.3 12.0 14.2 72 98 86 17.9 65 26.3 72 23.7 76 28.7 65 20.8 79 25.7 73 8.9 8.8 14.1 94 27.3 14.6 15.0 14.1 18.6 -64 -10 1 5.1 7.8 14.5 8.9 -7 4 15.8 19.0 -4 6 16.6 38.4 -.9 15.7 20.6 -5 6 -10 3 12.0 13.1 25.0 1,7 -8.5 -11.4 -10.6 -11,6 4.4 7.8 9.2 4.4 14.1 24.4 3.6 1.8 -7.7 -10.5 15,3 18.7 41.5 26.7 -7.1 16.1 4.4 -5,7 15.9 38.2 -5,7 10.8 43,0 -5.8 11.2 39.0 Time and savings deposits at commercial banks 12 Savings8 9 13 Small-denomination time10 14 Large-denomination time '11 -13 5 6.8 26 Thrift institutions 15 Savings8 16 Small-denomination time109 11 17 Large-denomination time ' -3.5 10.2 56.5 -3.5 12.3 58.5 1.4 10.0 41.8 -1.4 11.6 44.6 .7 17.1 45.0 -4.2 17.4 53.0 82 13.8 11 2 13.4 149 12.3 93 13.2 12 6 13.6 14,0 12.2 12 8 12.8 96 12.2 10.3 10.2 7.3 11.8 9.7 14.7 12.0 14.2 9.3 14.7 11.7 10.0 12.6 5.0 11.7 6.9 9.8 6.5 12.9 9.6 Debt component? 18 Federal 19 Nonfederal 20 Total loans and securities at commercial banks12 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit, 1984 A. Monthly averages Millions of dollars Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 172,027 166,904 168,738 174,232 173,797 175,397 2 U.S. government securities' 3 Bought outright 4 Held under repurchase agreements 5 Federal agency securities 6 Bought outright . . 7 Helo under repurchase agreements 8 Acceptances . . 9 Loans 10 Float 1 1 Other Federal Reserve assets 152,481 151,482 999 8,709 8,630 79 76 726 1,282 8,753 148,137 148,137 0 8,573 8,573 0 0 588 1,100 8,506 149,546 149,128 418 8,604 8,562 42 14 905 1,002 8,667 154,226 152,859 1,367 8,660 8,557 103 87 1,285 756 9,219 152,987 152,313 674 8,571 8,527 44 50 2,964 524 8,701 154,500 153,354 1,146 8,602 8,503 99 106 3,166 594 8,429 11,120 4,618 15,757 11,118 4,618 15,813 11,115 4,618 15,863 11,110 4,618 15,949 11,106 4,618 16,018 11,103 4,618 16,082 168,976 478 167,179 485 168,317 488 170,426 523 172,013 544 174,219 530 4,479 216 1,941 489 4,669 214 1,452 549 4,012 229 1,940 579 6,637 220 1,482 394 4,960 241 1,456 487 3,894 244 1,388 439 5,617 21,325 5,492 18,414 5,705 19,066 6,098 20,129 5,874 19,964 6,214 20,272 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec, 176,910 175,604 179,643 177,114 180,040 183,925 152,628 152,050 578 8,540 8,500 40 0 6,023 822 8,897 150,145 149,890 255 8,512 8,494 18 0 8,095 417 8,435 154,137 152,532 1,605 8,674 8,493 181 0 7,251 462 9,119 149,686 149,686 0 8,484 8,484 0 0 5,940 820 12,184 154,357 153,519 838 8,479 8,425 54 0 4,660 829 11,715 159,474 159,010 464 8,462 8,389 73 0 3,040 1,499 11,450 11,099 4,618 16,129 11,099 4,618 16,186 11,098 4,618 16,219 11,097 4,618 16,266 11,096 4,618 16,324 11,096 4,618 16,388 176,340 514 176,182 475 176,436 465 176,560 474 178,708 490 181,720 511 3,966 227 1,526 329 3,528 214 1,462 339 6,117 234 1,339 476 4,021 226 1,483 348 3,177 246 1,619 520 3,406 247 1,676 450 6,128 19,727 5,986 19,321 6,253 20,258 6,195 19,789 6,298 21,020 6370 21,648 Factor 1 June SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings .. ... ... Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 19 Service-related balances and adjustments . . . . 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 1 L - ..1 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding '. . . 2 U.S. government securities' 3 Bought outright 4 Held under repurchase agreements 5 Federal agency securities 6 Bought outright . . 7 Held under repurchase agreements 8 Acceptances 9 Loans 10 Float 1 1 Other Federal Reserve assets 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account . . . 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury, . 18 Foreign 19 Service-related balances and adjustments 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit, 1984—Continued B. Weekly averages of daily figures Millions of dollars; Wednesday dates Factor Jan. 11 Jan, 4 Jan, 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb, 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 29 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 174,845 173,499 171,238 170,734 171,204 166,837 167,033 166,805 166,408 U S government securities' Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 153 555 151,120 2435 8,920 8,645 1,291 2 119 8,547 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 275 413 153,696 153,162 534 8,662 8,642 151 822 151,822 151 266 150,586 8 635 8,635 8,691 8,626 o o 680 151 839 148 151 147,720 150,346 148,151 147,720 o 0 1 493 8,711 8 585 8,570 8,570 8,602 8 585 o o 148,641 148,641 147,673 147,673 8,568 8,568 8,568 8,568 0 o o 0 753 0 0 634 8949 1 071 8,918 1 002 7,961 1,537 8,124 11,120 4,618 15 779 11 120 4,618 15 793 11 119 4,618 15 808 11 117 4,618 15 822 11,116 4,618 15,835 167,399 166,347 484 166 938 167,435 167,427 481 166,996 3 118 5 252 7,180 4 710 4,398 4,864 4,415 2,422 471 2,105 465 1,967 427 1,598 426 1,552 479 1,574 630 1,311 566 1,372 599 5,566 21,443 5,735 21,467 5,735 20,922 5,651 20,825 5,446 18,553 5,497 18,344 5,420 18,070 537 18,353 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 20 7 563 109 59 672 921 0 781 65 10 504 1,946 8,624 1 298 8 703 1 405 8,859 9,002 11 121 4,618 15 732 11,121 4,618 15,743 11 121 4,618 15 755 11 120 4,618 15 767 15 Currency in circulation 172,092 16 Treasury cash holdings 473 Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 3436 18 Foreign 210 19 Service-related balances and adjustments . . . . 1,531 20 Other 755 170,931 169 138 3,458 0 359 793 0 507 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital . . 22 Reserve accounts3 5,514 22,305 Mar. 7 473 216 478 225 216 209 482 208 482 218 489 215 485 220 May 2 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 167,085 169,028 169,316 168,956 169,794 171,507 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U.S government securities' Bought outright . . Held under repurchase agreements Federal agency securities . . . . Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets . . . . 149,196 149 196 149,174 148 318 149,897 149 897 149,620 148 623 150,442 150,442 151,112 151 112 152,425 152 425 8 568 8,568 8,610 8,564 8 558 8,558 8 698 8,558 8,558 8,558 8 557 8,557 8,556 8,556 1,195 1,114 0 0 856 o 46 1 886 . . 8,369 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account . . . . 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 493 459 0 0 o 997 140 59 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 751 669 156,664 161,515 154,406 156,109 2,258 5,406 8,786 8,869 8,556 8,556 313 172 230 267 1,713 1,029 9,162 9,427 9,589 11,111 4,618 15,903 11,109 4,618 15,915 11,109 4,618 15,927 11,108 4,618 15,979 169 026 170 363 170 827 170,753 170,496 4,358 3,754 3,098 3,964 8,607 15,467 1,548 537 1,677 536 1,542 429 1,525 389 1,625 353 1,337 378 5,832 19 325 5,874 19,805 6,313 20672 5,818 19,946 6,126 21,166 6,296 18,712 8,966 1,513 1 344 8,981 11,114 4,618 15,879 11,111 4,618 15,891 168 634 168 263 2,825 5,327 1,553 525 1,596 667 5,634 20776 5,570 18 411 1 775 8,581 1 077 1 091 8,692 8,902 11,116 4,618 15,843 11,116 4,618 15,855 11 114 4,618 15,867 15 Currency in circulation 167 578 482 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 3,557 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 258 19 Service-related balances and adjustments . . . . 1,457 605 20 Other 168 598 . • 171,564 177,678 181,753 481 714 834 566 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital . . 22 Reserve accounts3 5,719 19 004 481 224 485 225 494 210 507 236 515 208 521 217 528 207 537 234 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit, 1984—Continued B. Weekly averages of daily figures—Continued Millions of dollars; Wednesday dates Factor May 9 May 16 Jjvlay 23 May 30 June 6 ^June 13 (June 20jjune 27 J[ July 4 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding. 175,410 174,875 169,162 172,199 174,301 174,525 176,524 2 U.S. government securities' Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements. Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements, Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 155,264 155,606 148,520 154,534 152,606 148,520 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding3 730 8,601 8,556 45 94 1,098 892 9,460 0 8,516 8,516 0 0 4,613 11 9,129 0 8,516 8,516 0 0 3,746 439 7,941 11,107 4,618 16,001 11,107 4,618 16,013 11,106 4,618 16,024 175,297 152,195 153,849 154,735 155,037 155,132 153,003 152,195 152,800 154,383 153,350 152,863 153,003 1,687 352 0 2,269 0 1,049 8,612 8,534 8,756 8,501 8,583 8,515 8,502 8,501 8,509 8,501 8,515 8,501 32 111 74 255 0 0 82 175 241 0 18 0 2,508 3,421 4,845 3,131 2,973 3,008 754 470 806 314 581 394 8,260 8,634 8,075 8,525 8,661 8,088 11,104 4,618 16,037 11,104 4,618 16,055 11,104 4,618 16,070 11,104 4,618 16,085 11,103 4,618 16,100 11,100 4,618 16,117 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 19 Service-related balances and adjustments 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital. 22 Reserve accounts3 171,473 172,168 177,825 172,653 173,742 174,414 174,275 174,021 175,612 544 537 535 530 527 523 548 543 546 5,651 224 1,542 539 3,521 230 1,380 511 4,020 237 1,599 441 3,332 274 1,304 436 4,704 241 1,285 513 3,311 234 1,318 394 4,081 269 1,434 489 3,401 236 1,427 359 3,911 256 1,443 416 5,792 21,372 5,777 22,479 5,915 16,324 5,885 19,531 5,889 19,167 5,849 20,261 6,222 21,030 6,946 21,474 6,020 18,952 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1 Augi g. 22J Aug. 29 Sept. 5 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U.S. government securities' Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements. Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements, Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account... 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 178,811 177,945 176,331 175,366 176,186 176,122 174,924 174,371 178,243 154,554 154,054 151,472 149,972 150,701 149,443 150,378 149,332 152,830 152,947 153,102 151,472 149,972 150,701 149,443 150,378 149,332 148,815 0 4,015 0 0 0 0 952 0 1,607 8,494 8,494 8,494 8,494 8,805 8,498 8,542 8,500 8,635 8,494 8,494 8,494 8,494 8,494 8,500 8,501 8,498 8,500 311 0 0 42 0 0 0 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,692 7,935 7,282 8,007 8,356 6,849 4,824 7,460 5,891 784 382 106 583 286 603 370 713 1,739 7,831 8,910 9,066 8,083 8,925 8,907 8,219 8,745 9,059 11,100 4,618 16,130 11,099 4,618 16,128 11,099 4,618 16,136 11,099 4,618 16,146 11,099 4,618 16,162 11,099 4,618 16,177 11,099 4,618 16,192 11,099 . 11,098 4,618 4,618 16,207 16/222 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 19 Service-related balances and adjustments . . , 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital. 22 Reserve accounts3 177,399 176,828 175,892 175,355 176,257 176,767 176,117 175,468 177,057 472 475 510 522 465 476 497 521 480 4,486 206 1,377 371 3,415 248 1,339 341 3,972 227 2,043 276 4,179 215 1,502 314 3,942 218 1,404 274 6,083 20,215 6,196 20,904 6,147 19,118 6,097 19,071 5,853 19,637 3,120 205 1,378 275 6,067 19,728 3,348 208 1,452 322 3,615 206 1,504 436 4,140 252 1,392 435 6,039 18,871 5,979 18,614 6,114 20,327 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit, 1984—Continued B. Weekly averages of daily figures—Continued Millions of dollars; Wednesday dates Factor Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding .. 178,304 178,922 180,950 181,066 178,283 177,882 175,166 176,159 2 U S government securities' 3 Bought outright 4 Held under repurchase agreements 5 Federal agency securities 6 Bought outright ... 7 Held under repurchase agreements 8 Acceptances 9 Loans .. 10 Float . . 1 1 Other Federal Reserve assets 153,058 153,650 156,106 153,866 150,966 148,833 148,166 149,457 152,195 152,579 154,044 153,866 150,966 143,833 148,166 149,457 0 863 2,062 0 0 1,071 0 0 8,492 8,622 8,724 8,482 8,679 8,493 8,479 8,479 8,494 8,482 8,493 8,492 8,493 8,479 8,493 8,479 0 128 231 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,822 ... 7,323 6,157 5,645 7,503 6,896 5,187 6,173 714 -113 1,451 557 779 418 550 679 8,407 8,491 9,337 12,116 12,119 12,295 12,198 12,478 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 11,098 4,618 16,237 11,098 4,618 16,221 11,097 4,618 16,232 11,097 4,618 16,239 11,097 4,618 16,251 11,097 4,618 16,263 11,097 4,618 16,275 11,096 4,618 16,286 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign . . .. 19 Service-related balances and adjustments 20 Other 177,521 176,559 175,346 175,628 177,025 177,244 176,387 175,857 465 465 474 475 466 465 475 475 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 «. 3,933 210 1,258 495 5,602 252 1,346 580 8,410 236 1,353 432 7,742 231 1,452 423 4,642 229 1,428 405 3,702 216 1,349 355 3,136 213 1,395 287 3,803 237 1,906 286 6,339 20,036 6,269 19,786 6,320 20,334 6,066 21,011 6,155 19,892 6,307 20,214 6,228 19,035 6,172 19,422 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Nov. 7 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding ... 179,415 179,631 180,246 180,643 180,922 183,681 182,683 184,004 2 U S government securities1 . 3 Bought outright 4 Held under repurchase agreements 5 Federal agency securities 6 Bought outright 7 Held under repurchase agreements 8 Acceptances 9 Loans . 10 Float 1 1 Other Federal Reserve assets 152,446 152,998 155,669 155,715 156,550 158,751 158,519 160,835 150,110 152,998 154,485 155,643 156,550 158,751 158,519 160,835 72 0 2,336 1,184 0 0 0 0 8,389 8,625 8,464 8,389 8,389 8,453 8,400 8,389 8,453 8,389 8,479 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,389 ... 11 0 0 0 0 146 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,353 5,561 3,301 1,844 4,683 4,148 3,161 4,268 513 213 892 1,833 1,227 727 1,156 1,331 11,284 11,709 12,570 12,770 10,953 11,225 11,117 11,407 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 11,096 4,618 16,297 11,096 4,618 16,313 11,096 4,618 16,329 11,096 4,618 16,345 11,096 4,618 16,361 11,096 4,618 16,375 11,096 4,618 16,389 11,096 4,618 16,403 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation .. 16 Treasury cash holdings .. Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury .. .. 1 8 Foreign * 19 Service-related balances and adjustments 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 176,999 178,585 179,101 179,859 179,729 180,809 181,412 182,813 512 480 490 512 513 491 495 503 . . 3,191 237 1,817 606 3,128 266 1,436 537 3,509 234 1,590 497 2,984 223 1,520 466 2,586 307 1,576 454 3,331 233 1,709 434 3,468 251 1,484 441 3,669 214 1,778 455 6,379 21,717 6,265 20,951 6,304 20,566 6,236 20,919 6,335 21,506 6,406 22,338 6,402 20,816 6,330 20,351 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit, 1984—Continued C. Wednesday figures Millions of dollars Factor Jan. 4 | Jan. 11 | Jan. 18 [ Jan. 25 [ Feb. 1 [ Feb. 8 I Feb. 15 | Feb. 22 j Feb. 29 | Mar. 7 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 179,211 178,565 176,275 174,267 171,034 167,966 168,462 167,459 161,971 165,964 U.S. government securities' Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 157,519 153,740 153,538 151,914 150,672 148,753 147,571 148,903 140,847 148,280 153,147 153,740 153,538 149,699 150,672 148,753 147,571 148,903 140,847 148,280 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,372 0 2,215 8,974 8,635 8,635 8,825 8,585 8,585 8,568 8,568 8,568 8,568 8,645 8,635 8,635 8,605 8,585 8,585 8,568 8,568 8,568 8,568 0 0 0 220 0 0 0 0 0 329 0 35 0 0 0 0 436 0 0 0 414 252 2,218 376 1,020 1,217 2,215 3,362 646 1,292 3,795 1,167 2,087 1,527 3,193 --1,181 1,220 2,296 5,252 1,880 9,156 8,085 8,343 8,883 8,018 8,769 8,723 8,860 9,052 9,318 12 Gold stock account 13 Special drawing rights certificate 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 . 11,121 11,121 11,120 11,120 11,120 11,119 11,118 11,117 11,116 11,116 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 15,737 15,749 15,761 15,773 15,782 15,800 15,814 15,827 15,841 15,853 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 19 Service-related balances and adjustments 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 172,176 170,243 168,594 166,773 166,606 167,330 167,725 167,633 167,206 168,206 466 479 480 484 481 488 489 486 484 482 3,104 3,258 198 226 1,014 1,020 474 485 3,921 171 1,034 7,331 198 1,049 434 435 6,682 196 1,047 467 4,791 210 1,073 603 4,877 260 1,072 607 5,693 195 1,073 524 3,226 3,564 247 294 1,070 1,091 498 519 5,552 5,554 5,446 5,445 5,537 5,343 5,289 5,280 5,555 27,702 28,787 27,696 24,062 21,538 19,664 19,694 18,136 15,260 5,430 17,966 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 May 2 i May 9 May 16 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 2 U.S. government securities' 3 Bought outright 4 Held under repurchase agreements .......... 5 Federal agency securities ................ 6 Bought outright 7 Held under repurchase agreements 8 Acceptances ..................... 9 Loans .......................... 10 Float .......................... 1 1 Other Federal Reserve assets ....... 12 Gold stock 13 Spcial drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 174,644 170,957 165,262 169,530 171,860 174,982 183,905 184,658 178,615 171,598 151,465 150,968 145,670 151,027 150,972 155,409 158,331 163,714 156,544 149,417 148,570 150,968 145,670 151,027 150,972 155,409 154,817 157,575 154,147 149,417 0 6,139 2,397 0 0 0 2,895 0 3,514 0 8,878 8,670 8,516 8,713 8,558 8,558 8,558 8,556 8,556 8,881 8,558 8,558 8,558 8,558 8,556 8,556 8,556 8,556 8,556 8;516 322 114 325 0 0 0 155 0 0 0 0 224 427 349 0 0 0 5 0 0 807 2,701 671 6,334 588 2,425 718 2,449 5,459 935 354 1,261 334 221 576 763 1,003 1,240 3,108 1,655 9,076 9,023 9,144 9,343 9,656 9,774 9,697 7,985 8,904 8,841 11,116 11,114 11,114 11,111 11,109 11,109 11,109 11,107 11,107 11,107 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 15,865 15,877 15,889 15,901 15,913 15,925 15,937 15,999 16,011 16,022 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 168,863 168,528 168,488 169,719 171,001 170,962 170,599 170,987 172,063 172,187 16 Treasury cash holdings 484 493 503 513 520 528 530 540 546 549 Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 2,827 7,677 14,045 16,436 4,029 5,096 2,575 5,545 3,838 4,701 18 Foreign 200 183 192 283 241 187 217 251 275 229 19 Service-related balances and adjustments .. 1,093 1,104 1,103 1,133 1,133 1,138 1,136 1,134 1,136 1,136 20 Other 457 421 502 550 336 562 541 493 506 319 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 10 5,625 5,409 5,595 5,698 5,623 5,671 6,007 6,079 5,776 26,819 20,696 16,663 18,740 21,758 20,139 22,682 20,451 25,984 5,563 18,092 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit, 1984—Continued C. Wednesday figures—Continued Millions of dollars Factor May 23 May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 171,438 174,565 174,725 173,197 181,880 173,877 176,882 178,485 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U.S. government securities1 Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Acceptances „ Loans . Float „ Other Federal Reserve assets 151 148 153 697 152 791 153 635 158 583 152 907 153 811 155 513 151,148 153,697 152,791 153,635 153 182 152,907 153,811 152,430 o o 8,515 8,515 8,502 8,502 0 8,501 8,501 0 0 0 4 387 752 8 293 o 8 117 0 2 703 1 390 8 260 2 404 212 8 445 5 401 8 872 8 501 371 619 4 394 590 8 822 11 104 4 618 16035 11 104 4,618 16047 11 104 4,618 16068 11 104 4,618 16 083 11 103 4618 16 098 o 3 225 432 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 o 8,516 8,516 o o o o 3 083 8,775 8,500 275 8 501 8 501 8 501 8,501 0 3 332 352 8 785 0 5 222 674 8 674 4 600 771 8 826 11 100 4 618 16 113 11 100 4 618 16 128 11 099 4,618 16 143 o o o ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 19 Service— related balances and adjustments 20 Other . 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 . . . . . 172 097 173 562 174,228 542 532 2 594 1 136 407 6,306 292 1 148 425 3,458 206 1 148 378 3,524 251 1 150 342 2 922 179 1 150 405 3 533 243 1 149 310 2,891 205 1 148 364 3,488 217 1 155 381 5 750 20455 5,715 18 344 5,658 20906 5,752 18 849 6240 28 161 5 942 19 567 6,054 20895 5,938 21 089 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 212 . 174,603 174 114 174441 176,648 177,555 530 528 522 523 523 544 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 181,230 174,907 178,219 177,009 174,186 174,939 173,944 176,442 2 U.S. government securities1 3 Bought outright 4 Held under repurchase agreements 5 Federal agency securities 6 Bought outright 7 Held under repurchase agreements 8 Acceptances , .. 9 Loans , 10 Float 1 1 Other Federal Reserve assets 155 637 150 167 151,352 150,660 144 689 150 392 149,054 151,118 152 630 150 167 151 352 150 660 144 689 150 392 149 054 151 118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 007 8494 8,494 8 659 8499 8 494 8494 8 494 8494 8494 8494 8494 8,494 8 500 8499 8494 8 494 6 958 1,006 8970 0 0 6 995 198 9048 0 0 8 775 604 8 994 o 7 385 1,225 9 245 0 0 12 787 264 7 952 0 0 7 826 38 8 189 0 0 8 166 -24 8254 0 0 7 500 595 8,735 11 099 4,618 16 135 11 099 4,618 16,143 11 099 4,618 16,160 11 099 4,618 16,175 11 099 4,618 16,190 11 099 4,618 16,205 11 098 4,618 16,220 11,098 4,618 16,235 159 o 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 0 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 1 8 Foreign 19 Service— related balances and adjustments 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital . . . . 22 Reserve accounts3 176 527 175 614 175 777 497 489 3 848 1 156 3 958 246 1 157 265 3 586 256 1 158 533 4 220 228 1 145 246 4 393 205 1 145 289 3 358 233 1 141 485 3,783 215 1 142 428 4,533 254 1,147 435 6 126 5 967 19 064 5 815 22 482 5 811 20 062 5 842 17 077 5 863 19 470 5,792 18051 5,850 17,888 195 . 176 713 176 667 175 837 176005 177,823 465 475 463 473 476 512 275 21 m 11 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit, 1984—Continued C. Wednesday figures—Continued Millions of dollars Factor Sept. 12 [ Sept, 19 | Sept. 26 [ Qct.J^jj)ct^ 10 | Oct. 17J Oct. 24 Oct. 3^ SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U.S. government securities' Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements , Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements . Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 179,849 182,600 179,737 179,356 178,558 179,104 173,495 174,892 153,936 156,630 153,748 152,435 147,432 150,419 147,877 148,220 153,936 152,332 153,480 152,435 147,432 150,419 147,877 148,220 0 0 0 0 4,298 268 0 0 8,484 8,479 8,479 9,042 8,519 8,493 8,479 8,493 8,493 8,484 8,479 8,479 8,479 8,493 8,493 8,493 0 0 0 0 549 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,164 5,711 5,809 6,425 5,060 7,409 7,683 4,786 -602 578 4,408 1,580 658 1,525 465 165 8,780 12,519 12,139 12,425 12,201 12,577 12,475 8,486 11,098 4,618 16,250 11,098 4,618 16,231 11,097 4,618 16,237 11,097 4,618 16,249 11,097 4,618 16,261 11,097 4,618 16,273 11,096 4,618 16,285 11,096 4,618 16,295 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 19 Service-related balances and adjustments 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 177,429 176,118 175,394 176,299 177,775 177,066 176,122 176,300 474 472 482 475 465 465 470 465 3,521 11,710 198 261 1,148 1,155 407 490 8,814 196 1,155 402 5,396 250 1,139 431 3,144 246 1,139 429 4,188 259 1,143 318 2,971 194 1,142 275 3,791 270 1,132 321 6,213 18,135 6,068 19,190 5,796 21,544 6,146 21,182 6,110 21,536 6,037 18,279 5,997 18,608 6,060 22,587 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 i Dec. 12 Dec, 19 I Dec. 26 SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve Bank credit outstanding . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 U.S. government securities' Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Federal agency securities Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Acceptances Loans Float Other Federal Reserve assets 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 184,044 180,370 181,617 180,899 179,717 183,268 182,683 184,004 150,620 153,152 154,157 155,214 153,335 158,404 158,519 160,835 150,262 153,152 153,654 155,214 153,335 158,404 158,519 160,835 0 0 0 0 0 503 0 358 8,389 8,389 8,466 8,504 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,389 8,479 8,389 8,389 0 0 77 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,844 5,133 3,750 6,732 3,155 3,161 12,193 4,968 1,227 1,912 1,350 2,371 1,183 142 821 1,331 12,585 13,040 11,079 11,175 11,510 11,408 11,284 11,709 11,096 4,618 16,307 11,096 4,618 16,327 11,096 11,096 11,096 11,096 11,096 11,096 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 16,343 16,359 16,373 16,387 16,389 16,403 ABSORBING RESERVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation 16 Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 18 Foreign 19 Service-related balances and adjustments 20 Other 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital 22 Reserve accounts3 12 177,860 179,162 179,777 179,921 180,150 181,367 181,412 182,813 489 493 500 511 512 512 513 491 4,176 245 1,133 561 6,063 25,537 3,740 191 1,134 494 2,679 226 1,138 462 3,431 213 1,254 456 2,929 259 1,254 427 2,627 256 1,136 423 3,468 251 1,484 441 3,669 214 1,778 455 6,096 21,105 6,062 22,837 6,057 21,140 6,115 20,159 6,203 22,845 6,402 20,816 6,330 20,351 2. Reserves of depository institutions and Reserve Bank credit, 1984—Continued D. End-of-month figures Millions of dollars 1984 Factor Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. SUPPLYING RESERVE FUNDS 1 Reserve bank credit outstanding 169,225 161,971 170,168 182,683 175,753 175,051 176,127 178,938 182,641 174,892 182,391 186,384 2 U.S. government securities' 150,254 140,847 150,814 162,134 154,869 152,859 150,705 153,183 155,018 148,220 157,770 160,850 150 254 140 847 150,814 155 042 151,745 152 859 150 705 148 356 155 018 148 220 157 770 159 223 3 Bought outright 4 Held under repurchase 0 0 0 7,092 0 o 0 0 1 627 3,124 agreements o 4 827 8,982 8,851 8,605 8,568 8,558 5 Federal agency securities , 8,501 8,499 8,863 8,493 8,479 8,389 8,777 8 605 8 568 8,558 8 556 • 8,515 8 501 8 499 8494 8493 8479 8 389 8 389 6 Bought outright 7 Held under repurchase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 agreements 426 388 336 369 o o o 305 426 o o 0 o o o o 8 Acceptances . 418 9 Loans . . . . 907 1 020 2,832 4 760 7 238 8276 6 633 5 060 5 073 3 577 896 10 Float 833 671 -16 846 3,193 787 609 658 588 -655 326 289 1 1 Other Federal Reserve 9 102 8,343 9,113 9 746 8 187 9 586 9014 8290 12208 12475 11 175 12 347 assets 12 Gold stock 13 Special drawing rights certificate account . . . 14 Treasury currency outstanding2 11 120 11 116 11,111 11 109 11,104 11 100 11 099 11 098 11 097 11 096 11 096 11 096 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 4,618 15,782 15,841 15,922 15,987 16,053 16,111 16,145 16,220 16,237 16,295 16,360 16,418 ABSORBING RESHRVE FUNDS 15 Currency in circulation . . , 166,501 167,206 168,750 170,345 173,803 175,069 175,606 176,852 175,340 176,300 179,511 183,796 547 482 513 484 534 500 492 16 Treasury cash holdings . . . 523 523 465 497 465 Deposits, other than reserves, with Federal Reserve Banks 17 Treasury 7 153 3 226 3 684 16 729 4 855 4 397 3 972 4 029 8 514 3 791 2 216 5 316 252 253 18 Foreign 247 221 295 392 345 237 215 270 242 - 206 19 Service-related balances 1,254 1 047 1,070 1,134 1,132 1,126 and adjustments . . . . . 1,148 1,147 1,103 1,148 1,139 1,158 20 Other . . . . 562 324 432 321 416 309 447 410 383 867 498 413 21 Other Federal Reserve liabilities and capital . 22 Reserve accounts3 5,625 19,263 5,555 5,912 15,260 21,064 6,391 18,581 5,939 20,538 5,971 19,104 6,035 6,140 6,073 20,197 21,586 22,473 5,997 18,608 5,952 6,347 23,798 20,693 13 3. Reserves and borrowings of depository institutions, 1984 A. Monthly averages1 Millions of dollars Jan. Reserve classification 2 Feb. Mar. Apr. 1 May June 1 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks 21,229 18,418 19,486 20,353 19,562 20,217 2 Total vault cash3 3 Vault cash used to5 satisfy reserve requirements4 4 Surplus vault cash 22,578 18,795 3,782 22,269 17,951 4,318 20,396 16,794 3,601 20,152 16,802 3,349 20,446 16,960 3,486 20,770 17,308 3,461 5 Total reserves6 6 Required reserves 36,357 39,507 37,026 35,423 37,099 35,569 37,110 36,664 37,450 35,942 38,290 36,752 613 715 86 4 943 567 103 5 710 952 133 27 492 1,234 139 44 580 2,988 196 37 774 3,300 264 1,873 7 7 Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks . 8 Total borrowings at Reserve Banks 9 Seasonal borrowings at Reserve Banks . 10 Extended credit at Reserve Banks8 July 2 Aug. Sept. Oct. j Nov. J Dec. 1 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks 19,891 19,270 20,143 20,099 20,843 21,738 2 Total vault cash3 3 Vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements4 . . 4 Surplus vault cash5 21,134 17,579 3,554 21,688 17,995 3,693 21,232 17,900 3,332 21,875 18,413 3,461 21,827 18,392 3,434 22,316 18,958 3,357 5 Total reserves6 6 Required reserves 38,239 36,858 38,386 36,575 38,143 37,415 37,758 37,892 38,113 38,542 38,079 39,843 613 5,924 308 5,008 689 8,017 346 7S043 628 7,242 319 6,459 620 6,017 299 5,057 693 4,617 212 3,837 853 3,186 113 2,604 7 Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks7 8 Total borrowings at Reserve Banks 9 Seasonal borrowings at Reserve Banks 10 Extended credit at Reserve Banks8 ... B. Biweekly averages of daily figures Millions of dollars Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 15 Feb. 29 Mar. 14JMar. 28JApr. 11 Reserve classification 1 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks2 21,579 21,455 21,455 20,877 20,877 18,447 18,213 19,950 18,861 20,241 2 Total vault cash3 20,912 21,508 24,027 23,238 22,475 22,774 21,750 19,980 20,938 19,803 3 Vault cash used to5 satisfy reserve requirements4 . . 17,835 18,219 19,617 19,294 18,567 18,406 17,452 16,458 17,188 16,520 4 Surplus vault cash . ... 3,077 3,289 4,410 3,944 3,908 4,368 4,298 3,522 3,750 3,282 5 Total reserves6 6 Required reserves . 36,707 36,198 36,320 36,535 36,143 37,367 36,748 37,158 37,154 36,570 39,181 38,980 40,608 39,670 38,862 35,656 34,943 35,635 35,322 36,413 7 Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks7 . . . . 8 Total borrowings at Reserve Banks 9 Seasonal borrowings at Reserve Banks 10 Extended credit at Reserve Banks8 958 1,291 73 5 628 563 69 2 475 781 79 4 580 505 96 6 503 677 109 3 1,196 556 89 3 721 570 115 7 772 689 118 21 727 1,136 149 30 348 1,313 131 36 Apr, 25 May 9 May 23 June 6 j June 20 j July 4 July 18 Aug. 1 [Aug. ISJAug. 29 2 1 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks 20,557 20,029 2 Total vault cash3 20,476 3 Vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements4 . . 17,103 4 Surplus vault cash5 . . . . 3,373 5 Total reserves6 37,491 6 Required reserves . . . . 37,091 7 Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks7 8 Total borrowings at Reserve Banks 9 Seasonal borrowings at Reserve Banks 10 Extended credit at Reserve Banks8 568 1,232 138 44 19,390 19,339 20,614 20,190 20,554 19,086 19,695 18,729 20,010 20,655 20,570 20,604 21,121 20,708 21,596 21,532 21,980 16,581 17,166 17,023 17,284 17,513 17,404 17,788 17,922 18,165 3,428 3,488 3,547 3,320 3,608 3,304 3,808 3,610 3,815 37,234 37,698 37,259 38,639 38,419 38,598 37,798 38,694 38,138 36,019 35,937 35,865 37,208 36,644 37,499 36,232 36,913 36,210 591 1,063 159 61 619 4,179 195 33 496 3,069 239 15 689 2,964 257 1,973 1,058 3,909 288 2,845 458 5,357 283 4,614 642 7,154 340 6,098 704 7,987 338 6,975 683 8,145 359 7,184 Sept. 12 Sept. 26 Oct. 10 Oct. 24 Nov. 7 Nov. 21 1 Dec, 5 JDec. 19 2 1 Reserve balances with Reserve Banks 20,167 20,043 20,421 2 Total vault cash3 3 Vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements4 4 Surplus vault cash5 20,781 21,522 21,570 22,328 21,404 22,116 21,704 21,666 17,405 18,232 18,221 18,783 17,948 18,661 18,319 18,547 3,376 3,290 3,349 3,545 3,455 3,455 3,385 3,119 5 Total reserves6 6 Required reserves 38,263 38,103 37,925 37,713 37,609 38,354 38,129 38,279 36,928 37,743 37,723 37,984 37,948 38,799 38,601 39,616 7 Excess reserve balances at Reserve Banks7 8 Tbtal borrowings at Reserve Banks 9 Seasonal borrowings at Reserve Banks 10 Extended credit at Reserve Banks8 14 643 7,755 309 7,001 531 7,109 328 6,368 918 6,165 314 5,147 19,629 20,577 20,748 21,196 428 6,233 305 5,430 577 5,372 264 4,183 609 4,475 204 3,888 914 4,250 183 3,488 21,596 526 3,231 115 2,774 4. Federal funds and repurchase agreements of large member banks, 19841 Averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars Week ending Monday2 Maturity and source One day and continuing contract 1 Commercial banks in United States 2 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U S government agencies 3 Nonbank securities dealers 4 All other All other maturities 5 Commercial banks in United States 6 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U.S. government agencies 7 Nonbank securities dealers 8 All other MEMO: Federal funds and resale agreement loans in maturities of one day or continuing contract 9 Commercial banks in United States 10 Nonbank securities dealers One day and continuing contract 1 Commercial banks in United States 2 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U S government agencies 3 Nonbank securities dealers 4 All other , . All other maturities 5 Commercial banks in United States 6 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U.S. government agencies . . 7 Nonbank securities dealers 8 All other MEMO: Federal funds and resale agreement loans in maturities of one day or continuing contract 9 Commercial banks in United States 10 Nonbank securities dealers One day and continuing contract 1 Commercial banks in United States 2 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U.S. government agencies 3 Nonbank securities dealers 4 All other . . . Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 56,752 60,936 57,939 52,795 53,310 57,860 59,327 58,037 53,810 19,667 5,720 25,900 21,380 5,421 27,179 22,974 5,866 26,483 24,970 4,790 28,271 23,324 5,231 27,630 23,998 5,228 26.411 26,078 5,318 26,631 25,325 6,278 28,316 24,753 5,746 27,267 6,458 5,933 6,560 6,240 6,522 6,163 6,838 6,273 6,905 9,737 6,400 9,756 8,927 6,190 8,316 9,026 6,756 9,786 8,759 7,402 9,666 9,303 7,603 9,830 9,097 7,464 9,811 9,614 8,059 10,356 9,065 7,115 9,182 9,367 7,637 9,566 22,904 4,704 24,576 4,862 24,528 4,291 23,568 4,068 23,819 4,784 25,799 5,057 26,414 5,254 27,598 6,798 23,662 5,871 Mar. 5 Mar. 12 Mar. 19 Mar. 26 Apr. 2 Apr. 9 Apr 16 Apr. 23 Apr. 30 57,882 58,509 55,080 53,345 52,349 62,853 60,249 57,105 53,458 24,044 5,334 26,474 24,549 5,596 26,718 24,553 5,383 26,605 24,470 6,223 26,057 22,625 6,858 26,655 23,797 6,334 27,605 23,016 6,022 24,973 21,040 5,984 24,477 20,606 6,106 25,893 7,251 7,801 7,746 7,468 7,516 7,823 8,477 9,005 8,285 9,476 8,097 9,115 10,010 8,021 9,193 10,710 8,035 9,019 10,614 8,292 9,333 10,832 7,240 9,106 10,727 6,667 8,808 11,421 7,366 11,666 11,324 8,845 12,135 11,598 8,632 9,164 24,966 6,230 24,124 5,371 23,035 5,293 23,294 4,404 22,138 5,315 24,236 5,694 23,648 5,349 23,420 5,374 21,426 5,617 May 7 May 14 May 21 May 28 June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25 July 2 59,973 57,642 58,637 57,887 61,315 66,186 61,024 57,342 56,052 21,749 5,791 26,181 22,804 6,016 26,133 21,164 6,493 26,775 22,206 7,057 25,006 22,309 6,043 27,514 23,296 5,553 25,275 21,313 4,893 25,176 21,271 4,916 24,743 18,828 5,570 24,079 All other maturities 5 Commercial banks in United States 6 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U.S. government agencies 7 Nonbank securities dealers 8 All other 8,237 8,688 9,739 10,303 9,870 9,790 9,604 9,647 9,296 12,116 8,542 9,396 12,375 8,036 9,823 12,642 7,379 10,504 12,647 7,951 10,030 12,309 7,498 8,835 11,921 6,770 9,207 11,770 6,720 9,294 12,247 6,895 8,957 11,980 6,557 9,186 MEMO: Federal funds and resale agreement loans in maturities of one day or continuing contract 9 Commercial banks in United States 10 Nonbank securities dealers 23,151 7,069 22,874 5,876 25,108 5,686 24,313 5,488 27,426 5,938 28,595 4,971 27,097 4,951 24,362 4,845 25,106 5,328 15 4. Federal funds and repurchase agreements of large member banks, 19841—Continued Averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars Week ending Monday2 Maturity and source One day and continuing contract 1 Commercial banks in United States 2 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U S government agencies 3 Nonbank securities dealers 4 All other All other maturities 5 Commercial banks in United States . . 6 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U S government agencies 7 Nonbank securities dealers 8 All other MEMO: Federal funds and resale agreement loans in maturities of one day or continuing contract 9 Commercial banks in United States 10 Nonbank securities dealers \ 2 3 4 One day and continuing contract Commercial banks in United States Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U S government agencies . Nonbank securities dealers All other All other maturities 5 Commercial banks in United States 6 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U S government agencies 7 Nonbank securities dealers 8 All other MEMO: Federal funds and resale agreement loans in maturities of one day or continuing contract 9 Commercial banks in United States , . 10 Nonbank securities dealers 1 2 3 4 One day and continuing contract Commercial banks in United States Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U S government agencies. Nonbank securities dealers All other All other maturities 5 Commercial banks in United States 6 Other depository institutions, foreign banks and foreign official institutions, and U S government agencies. . 7 Nonbank securities dealers ,. 8 All other MEMO: Federal funds and resale agreement loans in maturities of one day or continuing contract 9 Commercial banks in United States 10 Nonbank securities dealers 16 July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30 Aug. 6 Aug. 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 27 1 Sept. 3 64,992 59,295 55,879 54,302 60,070 62,041 59,692 56,960 60,528 21,053 5,361 24,357 19,970 4,740 24,793 19,502 5,027 25,787 19,437 4,758 25,654 21,050 5,029 25,363 22,831 5,469 26,088 21,881 5,287 26,260 21,724 5,073 27,710 22,200 4,972 26,723 8,908 9,084 9,065 9,133 9,040 8,908 8,620 9,236 9,469 11,728 5,466 8,535 12,033 5,723 9,586 10,799 5,901 9,484 10,650 6,862 9,734 10,397 6,758 10,008 10,159 6,514 10,320 9,923 6,304 10,288 9,626 6,117 10,413 9,867 6,246 10,937 24,908 4,936 24,744 4,896 23,686 4,239 23,954 3,950 26,938 3,882 26,008 3,809 26,524 4,189 24,220 3,987 27,189 4,011 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. iT1 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 | Nov. 5 66,324 64,434 56,625 54,888 61,252 61,830 58,666 55,512 62,538 24,055 4,728 26,446 24,982 4,250 26,768 24,865 4,109 27,082 23,998 3,758 26,845 24,649 3,901 26,210 25,128 4,965 25,751 26,160 4,856 26,481 25,391 5,195 26,717 27,218 6,420 27,833 9,226 9,415 9,496 9,468 9,345 9,766 9,691 9,661 9,527 9,440 5,969 10,324 9,224 5,960 10,888 8,972 6,732 10,885 9,034 6,576 10,706 9,587 6,841 10,458 9,138 6,762 10,588 8,532 7,187 10,904 8,266 7,580 11,128 8,118 7,261 11,519 28,407 4,898 28,540 5,519 26,809 4,906 26,968 5,037 28,013 5,259 28,777 5,432 28,594 4,864 28,125 5,284 32,333 6,343 Nov. 12 Nov. 19 Nov. 26 Dec, 3 Dec. 10 I Dec. 17 65,520 63,478 61,122 60,725 65,416 61,792 59,435 60,203 29,396 6,045 27,548 29,310 6,498 28,937 30,099 5,878 23,077 30,210 7,637 29,154 29,041 6,295 27,068 28,098 5,362 27,456 28,916 5,536 22,712 27,176 5,717 24,580 9,516 8,677 10,027 10,044 9,882 10,077 11,312 11,462 8,083 7,014 12,487 7,716 6,574 10,342 7,736 7,596 15,416 8,058 5,979 10,226 8,138 5,685 9,649 8,037 6,058 10,209 8,458 6,338 13,919 8,440 6,190 11,864 31,489 5,907 30,583 5,520 28,549 6,190 29,899 6,701 27,919 6,617 26,446 7,177 28,805 6,978 29,370 6,423 Dec. 24 J Dec. 31 5. Federal Reserve Bank interest rates A, Short-term adjustment credit to depository institutions1 Percent per annum Year and month Boston ?ew Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Da] [las San Francisco 1983 In effect December 31 . 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 1984 In effect December 31 . 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Da] lias San Francisco r^ B. Extended credit to depository institutions Percent per annum Year and month Boston New Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond r^ Seasonal credit2 1983 In effect December 31 . 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 85 8.5 1984 In effect December 31 . 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 3 Exceptional circumstances and other extended credit 1983 In effect December 31 . 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 85 8.5 1984 In effect December 31 . 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 80 8.0 17 6. Reserve requirements of depository institutions, December 31, 19841 Percent of deposits Member bank requirements before implementation of the Monetary Control Act Type of deposit, and deposit interval Percent Net demand2 $0 million-$2 million . $2 million-$10 million $10 million-$100 million $100 million-$400 million Over $400 million 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 12/30/76 9>/2 11% 12% 16 '/4 3 Time4 $0 million-$5 million, by maturity 30-179 days 180 days to 4 years . . . 4 years or more Over $5 million, by maturity 30-179 days 180 days to 4 years 4 years or more Percent Effective date 7 Time and savings2'3 Savings Depository institution requirements after implementation6of the Monetary Control Act Type of deposit, and deposit interval j Effective date ,1 Net transaction accounts1'* $0-$28 9 million Over $28.9 million Nonpersonal time deposits9 By original maturity Less than 1 1A years 11A years or more 3 0 Eurocurrency liabilities All types 3 12/29/83 12/29/83 ! i 10/6/83 10/6/83 3/16/67 3 1 3/16/67 1/8/76 10/30/75 6 2Vi 1 12/12/74 1/8/76 10/30/75 2 l /2 11/13/80 7. Margin requirements1 Percent of market value; effective dates shown Type of security or sale 1 2 3 4 Mar. 11, 1968 June 8, 1968 70 50 70 Margin stocks Convertible bonds Short sales Writing options2 80 60 80 May 6, 1970 Dec. 6, 1971 Nov. 24, 1972 65 50 65 Jan. 3, 1974 Jan. 1, 1977 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 65 50 65 55 50 55 8. Maximum interest rates payable on time and savings deposits at federally insured institutions1 Percent per annum Type of deposit Commercial banks Savings and loan associations and mutual savings banks (thrift institutions)1 In effect Dec. 31, 1984 In effect Dec. 31, 1984 Percent 1 2 3 4 Savings Negotiable order of withdrawal accounts Negotiable order of withdrawal2 accounts of $2 500 or more2 Money market deposit account Time accounts by maturity 5 7-31 days of less than $2,50024 6 7-31 days of $2,500 or more 7 More than 31 days 18 5'/2 5'/4 (3) 5 l /2 Effective date Percent 1/1/84 12/31/80 1/5/83 12/14/82 5 */2 1/1/84 1/5/83 10/1/83 5V4 5% (3) Effective date 7/1/79 12/31/80 1/5/83 12/14/82 9/1/82 1/5/83 10/1/83 9* Federal Reserve open market transactions, 1984 Millions of dollars Type of transaction1 Year Jan. Feb. Mar. May Apr. June July Sept, Aug. Nov. Oct. Dec. U.S. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Outright transactions (excluding matched transactions) Treasury bills Gross purchases Gross sales Exchange Redemptions 20,036 8,557 0 7,700 0 1,967 0 1,300 368 828 0 600 Others within 1 year 0 0 Gross purchases 1,126 0 Gross sales 0 0 16,354 573 2,488 Maturity sliift -20,840 -1,530 -4,574 Exchange Redemptions 0 0 0 3,159 0 0 0 3,283 0 0 3,283 610 2,003 0 2,200 0 198 0 0 0 0 1,012 347 2,739 0 -2,223 -1,807 0 0 0 801 0 0 801 7 to 5 yearn Gross purchases Gross sales Maturity shift Exchange 1,638 0 -13,709 16,039 14 15 16 17 5 to 10 years Gross purchases . . . Gross sales Maturity shift Exchange 536 300 -2,371 . 2,750 0 300 -86 0 0 0 97 1,000 0 0 0 0 200 0 -75 0 0 0 -383 400 0 0 0 0 18 19 20 21 Over 20 years Gross purchases . . . Gross sales Maturity shift Exchange 441 0 -275 2,052 0 0 0 0 0 0 -97 713 0 0 0 0 277 0 0 0 0 0 -77 257 22 23 24 All maturities Gross purchases . . . Gross sales Redemptions 23,476 7,553 7,700 0 2,267 1,300 368 828 600 3,159 0 0 1,484 0 0 610 2,003 2,200 25 26 Matched transactions Gross sales Gross purchases 27 28 Repurchase agreements 139,441 14,245 Gross purchases 139,019 15,629 Gross sales 29 Net change in government securities ... 187 1,491 0 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 428 3,811 1,069 0 -2,606 -2,274 0 0 0 10 11 12 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 -487 -2,488 -1,012 1,530 2,861 0 0 897 0 600 0 0 808 0 0 0 -273 -2,279 -1,069 2,223 1,150 0 0 0 4,463 0 0 0 3,410 0 0 0 0 146 600 0 0 0 872 896 1,348 0 -1,497 -3,363 0 0 0 182 0 771 -966 0 830 0 594 1,763 0 0 -111 3,249 71 0 0 507 1,300 0 2,200 0 0 -345 -3,811 2,606 1,443 0 0 -872 0 0 0 -83 0 0 0 52 500 0 0 0 0 0 335 0 0 0 -1,893 0 850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -52 332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 164 0 -49 750 0 0 0 0 801 0 0 0 897 600 0 187 800 3,849 71 0 507 1,300 2,200 5,938 0 0 3,591 0 0 0 0 -896 1,497 966 808,986 54,833 55,656 66,827 72,293 79,313 61,017 81,799 79,087 52,893 89,689 51,904 63,674 810,432 58,096 47,310 73,634 71,754 79,608 61,331 81,143 78,842 55,776 85,884 55,516 61,537 0 0 4,996 15,313 8,267 23,298 14,830 4,996 8,220 12,199 26,460 14,830 4,992 26,040 166 30,867 8,908-1,688-9,407 9,966 11,321-7,228-2,047-2,154 2,478 0 12,063 0 12,063 1,835-6,798 3,888 2,261 9,549 3,080 FEDERAL AGENCY OBLIGATIONS 30 31 32 Outright transactions Gross purchases Gross sales Redemptions . . 0 0 256 0 0 40 33 34 Repurchase agreements Gross purchases . . . . Gross sales 1,205 817 0 0 o 0 0 0 38 10 2 40 15 o 0 0 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 14 0 0 90 0 0 0 931 1,139 0 o 609 609 1,247 820 616 744 1,819 2,117 958 958 381 12 3,743 4,112 0 o 698 698 506 119 132 -248 -38 -10 424 -169 -313 -1 364 -370 -14 -90 388 36 Repurchase agreements, net -418 -418 0 0 305 122 -426 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 Total net change in System Open Market Account . 6,116 -2,354 -9,444 9,956 12,050 -7,275 -2,786 -2,155 2,842 1,465 -6,811 9,459 3,468 35 Net change in agency obligations o o o BANKERS ACCEPTANCES 19 10. Federal Reserve Banks, 1984 A. Consolidated condition statement Millions of dollars, end of period Account Jan. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. 11,109 11,104 11,100 11,099 11,098 11,097 11,096 11,096 11,096 4,618 520 4,618 482 4,618 443 4,618 435 4,618 444 4,618 454 4,618 478 4,618 485 4,618 451 4,618 436 896 0 907 0 2,832 0 4,760 0 7,238 0 8,276 0 6,633 0 5,060 0 5,073 0 3,577 0 Feb. Mar. Apr 11,116 11,111 4,618 534 I | Nov. Dec. ASSETS 1 Gold certificate account. 11,120 2 Special drawing rights certificate account . 4,618 498 3 Coin 4 Loans to depository 418 institutions 5 Other 0 6 Acceptances held under repurchase agreements Federal agency obligations 8,605 1 Bought outright 8 Held under repurchase 0 agreements U.S. government securities 1 Bought outright 65,806 63,634 10 Notes 11 Bonds 20,814 12 Total1 150,254 13 Held under repurchase agreements 0 14 Total U.S. government securities 150,254 15 Total loans and securities . . 16 Cash items in process of collection 17 Bank premises Other assets 18 Denominated in for-2 eign currencies 19 Allother3 20 Total assets 1,020 0 3,051 426 8,568 8,558 8,556 8,515 8,501 8,499 8,494 8,493 8,479 8,389 8,389 0 0 426 336 0 0 369 0 0 0 388 56,399 62,921 21,527 140,847 66,366 62,921 21,527 150,814 69,111 64,127 21,804 155,042 65,814 66,928 64,774 63,870 63,870 63,870 22,061 22,061 22,061 151,745 152,859 150,705 62,425 63,894 22,037 148,356 68,487 61,689 69,764 64,494 64,494 65,055 22,037 22,037 22,951 155,018 148,220 157,770 71,035 65,237 22,951 159,223 0 0 7,092 3,124 0 0 4,827 0 0 0 1,627 140,847 150,814 162,134 154,869 152,859 150,705 153,183 155,018 148,220 157,770 160,850 159,277 150,435 160,268 172,328 166,978 166,120 166,442 170,322 170,144 161,759 171,232 173,204 10,383 548 11,193 549 7,698 549 7,044 548 8,770 553 6,350 556 9,747 555 6,808 554 7,052 564 7,020 565 6,237 565 5,498 568 3,700 4,854 3,915 3,879 4,011 4,553 3,912 5,286 3,794 3,840 3,733 5,297 3,638 4,821 3,672 4,064 3,522 8,122 3,647 8,263 3,648 6,962 3,597 8,167 194,998 186,239 193,328 205,327 200,100 198,209 201,364 201,590 205,597 197,453 204,809 207,184 LIABILITIES 21 Federal Reserve notes . . 151,711 152,383 153,871 155,388 158,727 159,915 160,402 161,551 160,046 160,972 164,102 168,327 Deposits 22 Depository institutions 20,361 16,330 22,167 19,715 21,686 20,252 21,355 22,733 23,612 19,740 25,052 21,818 23 U.S. Treasury— General account . . 7,153 3,226 3,684 16,729 4,855 4,397 3,972 4,029 8,514 3,791 2,216 5,316 24 Foreign— Official accounts 252 242 247 221 237 215 270 392 345 295 206 253 25 Other 359 324 413 498 562 432 309 321 447 416 383 865 26 Total deposits 27 Deferred availability cash items 28 Other liabilities and 4 accrued dividends . . 29 Total liabilities 28,125 20,301 26,634 37,113 27,252 25,318 25,851 27,417 32,715 24,122 28,107 28,252 9,537 8,000 6,911 6,435 8,182 7,005 9,076 6,482 6,763 6,362 6,253 4,653 2,188 2,099 2,427 2,920 2,593 2,528 2,463 2,591 2,593 2,433 2,682 2,700 191,561 182,783 189,843 201,856 196,754 194,766 197,792 198,041 202,117 193,889 201,144 203,932 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 30 Capital paid in 3 1 Surplus 32 Other capital accounts . . 1,468 1 465 '504 1,482 1 465 '509 1,499 1,465 '521 1,520 1*465 '486 1,531 1*465 '350 1,541 1*465 '437 1,545 1J465 '562 1,557 1*465 '527 1,597 1*465 418 1,611 1 ,465 *488 1 ,620 1 ^465 '580 1,626 1*626 * 0 33 Total liabilities and capital accounts.. 194,998 186,239 193,328 205,327 200,100 198,209 201,364 201,590 205,597 197,453 204,809 207,184 34 MEMO: Marketable U.S. government securities held in custody for foreign and international account .. 112,311 119,391 113,547 116,173 114,495 116,234 115,318 119,421 115,174 119,233 117,949 122,134 20 10. Federal Reserve Banks, 1984—Continued B. Federal Reserve note statement Millions of dollars, end of period Account 1 Federal Reserve notes outstanding (issued to Bank) . . , 2 LESS: Notes held by Reserve Bank1 . . . 3 Federal Reserve notes, net Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 180,570 182,185 183,132 184,496 185,998 187,637 188,428 189,217 189,882 191,730 193,727 193,867 28,859 29,838 29,261 29,108 27,271 27,722 28,026 27,666 29,836 30,758 29,625 25,540 151,711 152,347 153,871 155,388 158,727 159,915 160,402 161,551 160,046 160,972 164,102 168,327 Collateral held against notes outstanding 4 Gold certificate account 5 Special drawing rights certificate account . . 6 Other eligible assets . . . . 7 U.S. government and agency securities . . . 135,973 136,613 138,142 139,661 143,005 144,197 144,685 145,835 144,331 145,258 148,388 152,613 8 Total collateral 151,711 152,347 153,871 155,388 158,727 159,915 160,402 161,551 160,046 160,972 164,102 168,327 11,120 11,116 11,111 11,109 11,104 11,100 11,099 11,098 11,097 11,096 11,096 11,096 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 4,618 0 C. Maturity distribution of loans and securities held Millions of dollars, end of period Type and maturity grouping 1 Loans 2 Within 15 days 3 16 days to 90 days . . . 4 91 days to 1 year . . . . 5 Acceptances 6 Within 15 days 7 16 days to 90 days . . . 8 91 days to 1 year 9 U.S. government securities 10 Within 15 days' 11 16 days to 90 days . . . 12 91 days to 1 year 13 Over 1 year to 5 years 14 Over 5 years to 10 years 15 Over 10 years 16 Federal agency obligations 17 Within 15 days1 18 16 days to 90 days . . . 19 91 days to 1 year 20 Over 1 year to 5 years 21 Over 5 years to 10 years 22 Over 10 years Jan. 418 387 31 0 0 0 0 0 Feb. 1,020 941 79 0 0 0 0 0 Mar. 896 864 32 0 0 0 0 0 Apr. 907 864 43 0 305 305 0 0 May 2,832 2,764 68 0 426 426 0 0 June 4,760 4,674 86 0 0 0 0 0 July 7,238 7,135 103 0 0 0 0 0 Aug. 8,276 8,111 165 0 0 0 0 0 Sept. 6,633 6,546 87 0 0 0 0 0 Oct. 5,060 4,973 87 0 0 0 0 0 Nov. 5,073 5,004 69 0 0 0 0 0 Dec. 3,577 3,547 30 0 0 0 0 0 150,254 140,847 150,814 162,134 154,869 152,859 150,705 153,183 155,018 148,220 157,770 160,850 6,295 4,499 3,424 10,462 7,751 5,129 3,013 8,544 7,125 5,672 4,892 4,254 35,451 25,076 35,062 35,614 30,922 34,053 33,317 33,105 35,452 29,871 34,871 37,396 43,246 43,925 44,980 46,562 47,631 45,112 44,702 44,040 44,305 44,811 46,797 47,795 34,149 34,521 34,522 36,267 35,138 35,138 36,329 33,318 33,960 33,690 36,877 37,072 13,099 18,014 14,196 18,630 14,196 18,630 14,322 18,907 14,339 19,088 14,339 19,088 14,256 19,088 14,808 19,368 14,808 19,368 14,808 19,368 14,100 20,233 14,100 20,233 8,605 212 685 1,696 8,568 162 688 1,587 8,558 188 763 1,668 8,982 561 635 1,657 8,851 495 559 1,638 8,501 159 519 1,647 8,499 85 613 1,719 8,863 571 523 1,754 8,493 234 563 1,721 8,479 17 560 1,756 8,389 8,777 226 575 473 521 1,727 1,665 4,290 4,378 4,176 4,409 4,421 4,476 4,371 4,304 4,310 4,358 4,334 1,319 403 1,350 403 1,360 403 1,321 399 1,339 399 1,301 399 1,312 399 1,312 399 1,266 399 1,232 399 1,230 1,267 399 399 4,350 21 11. Debits and deposit turnover at commercial banks A. Seasonally adjusted Debits during the month (annual rate, billions of dollars) Average deposits outstanding (Billions of dollars) Annual rate of deposit turnover To demand deposits1 Demand deposits1 Demand deposits' All banks Major N.Y.C. banks Other banks All banks Major N.Y.C, banks Other banks All banks Major N.Y.C. banks Other banks June July August September October November December 14,130.7 14,269.7 13,978.0 14,535.8 14,753.5 14,837.7 14,698.7 15,089.5 15,500.0 15,493.9 16,089.1 16,403.7 5,184.2 5,269,2 4,994.5 5,123.0 5,466.3 5,383.0 5,297.0 5,537.7 5,646.4 5,592.5 5,930,8 6,024.7 8,946.5 9,000.4 8,983.5 9,412.8 9,287.1 9,454.7 9,401.7 9,551.8 9,853.6 9,901.3 10,158.3 10,379,0 197.2 198.5 199.4 200.6 201.1 202.0 204.0 206.5 207.7 210,2 210,6 211.3 23.6 23.5 23.5 23.4 23.5 22.9 23.2 23.1 23.3 23.9 23.4 23.4 173,6 175.0 175.9 177.1 177,6 179.1 180.8 183.4 184.3 186.3 187.2 187.9 71.7 71,9 70.1 72.5 73.4 73,4 72.0 73.1 74.6 73.7 76.4 77.6 220.1 224.4 212.7 218.7 232.4 235.1 227.9 240.1 241.9 233.6 253.2 257.2 51.5 51.4 51.1 53.1 52.3 52.8 52.0 52.1 53.5 53.2 54.3 55.2 1973 January February March April May June July August September October November December 17,063.5 17,147.6 17,438.2 17,752.9 17,967.7 18,609.9 19,272.1 19,458.0 19,616.7 20,245.1 20,387.2 20,847.9 6,234.6 6,093.2 5,988.8 6,269.5 6,466,0 6,670.4 6,872.5 7,050.3 7,149.4 7,243.5 7,351.1 7,573.3 10,829.0 11,054.4 11,449.4 11,483.5 11,501.6 11,939.4 12,399.6 12,407.8 12,467.3 13,001.5 13,036.1 13,274.6 216.7 217.7 218.8 218.9 220.3 221.9 223.0 223.2 223.2 225.0 225.7 227.2 24.4 24.3 24.2 24.2 23,9 24,4 24,5 24.9 24.5 24,5 24.9 25.1 192.3 193.4 194.6 194.7 196.4 197.4 198.5 198.2 198.7 200.5 200.8 202.1 78.7 78.8 79.7 81.1 81.6 83.9 86.4 87.2 87.9 90.0 90.3 91.8 255.6 250.4 247.4 259.2 270.8 272.9 280.4 282.9 291.5 295.7 295.0 301.5 56.3 57.2 58.8 59.0 58.6 60.5 62.5 62.6 62.7 64,8 64.9 65.7 1974 January February March April May June July August September . . . . October November December 20,785.8 21,318.7 21,966.7 22,078.9 22,552.3 22,573.8 23,088.4 23,313.2 24,246.6 24,055.8 24,536.3 24,653.0 7,277.4 7,648.3 8,013.7 7,946.1 8,247.8 8,351.2 8,541.2 8,581.7 9,171,9 9,028.6 9,117.7 9,203.1 13,508.4 13,670.4 13,953.0 14,132.9 14,304.5 14,222.5 14,547.2 14,731.6 15,074.7 15,027.2 15,418.6 15,449.9 228.0 228.7 230.6 233.3 232.5 232.3 231.7 232.6 233.4 233.1 234.0 233.9 25.1 25.0 25.7 26.0 26.4 26,5 26,2 26,4 26.9 27.0 27.3 27.4 202.9 203.7 204,9 207.3 206.1 205.8 205.5 206.2 206.5 206.1 206.8 206.5 91.2 93.2 95.3 94.6 97.0 97.2 99.7 100.2 103.9 103.2 104.8 105.4 290.1 305.6 312.1 306.1 312.5 314.7 326,3 325,2 340.8 334.8 334.5 336.0 66.6 67.1 68.1 68.2 69.4 69.1 70.8 71.5 73.0 72.9 74.6 74.8 1975 January, . . February March April May June July August . . September . . October November December 24,243.6 24,579.4 24,289.8 24,505.9 24,904.6 24,975.3 24,765.1 25,144.0 25,347.8 26,279.2 25,929.3 26,167.5 9,192.0 9,443.8 9,296.7 9,571.9 9,814.8 9,745.9 9,535.0 9,412.8 9,577.3 10,365.9 9,932.1 10,133,8 15,051.5 15,135.6 14,993.0 14,934.0 15,089.8 15,229.4 15,230.0 15,731.2 15,770.5 15,913.3 15,997.2 16,033.7 232.3 234.3 235.2 235.6 238.9 239.8 240.2 241.4 242.4 241.2 242.9 243.1 27.0 27.4 27.1 27.4 28.2 27.2 27.6 27.9 27.5 27.7 27.5 27.5 205.4 206.9 208.1 208.2 210.7 212.6 212.5 213.5 214.9 213.6 215.4 215.7 104.3 104,9 103.3 104.0 104.3 104.1 103.1 104.2 104.6 108.9 106.8 107.6 340.6 344.7 343.1 349,5 348.4 358.2 344.9 337.2 348.8 374.6 361.7 369.1 73.3 73.2 72,1 71.7 71,6 71,6 7K7 TH 13A 74.5 74.3 74.3 26,551.8 27,997.7 28,420.0 28,120.9 28,039.3 28,632.8 29,563.7 29,817.6 29,526.3 29,937.2 30,150.7 32,450.8 10,471.5 10,682.8 11,455.2 11,170.0 10,933.6 11,231.1 11,973.7 11,857.5 11,317.0 11,873.2 11,797.3 12,485.4 16,080,3 17,314.9 16,964,8 16,950.9 17,105.7 17,401.7 17,589.9 17,960.1 18,209.3 18,064.1 18,353.4 19,605.4 244.7 246.0 245.6 246.3 246.4 246.7 248.2 248.6 249.1 250.5 253.5 259.0 28.0 28.1 28.0 27.5 27.2 27.3 27.7 27.5 27.7 27.1 27.4 27.3 216.8 217.9 217.5 218.8 219.2 219.3 220.5 221.0 221.4 223.5 226.0 231.7 108.5 113.8 115.7 114.2 113.8 116.1 119.1 119.9 118.6 119.5 119.0 125.3 374.2 380.4 408.7 406.1 402.3 411.0 432.5 430.5 409.0 438.4 430,1 471.1 74.2 79.5 7B.O 77.5 78.0 79.3 79.8 81.3 82.3 80.8 81.2 84.6 Year and month 1972 January February March April May 1976 January February March April May June July August September October November December 22 .... 11. Debits and deposit turnover at commercial banks—Continued A. Seasonally adjusted—Continued A\rerage deposits (Dutstand Debits durins the month (annual rate, billions of dollars) To demand deposits' Year and month All banks tata Other banks 1 ATS ATS Demand deposits1 ATS „_ j Savings Demand deposits nnA nr\A ana ana Savings ana Savings NOW dede- 3 All Major NOW Major Other NOW de .~ 3 acposits banks N.Y.C. banks ac- 2 acbanks N.Y.C. counts2 counts banks banks counts2 banks 1977 January . . February . March April May June July August . . . September October . November December 32,470,6 31,895.4 32 629 1 33,602.1 34,442.9 34,055.3 34,194.5 34,240.3 34,922.3 35,275.3 36,438.7 36,970.2 13,115.1 13,107.1 13 147 5 13,406.8 14,039.9 13,511.9 13,445.9 13,892.4 14,401.6 14,794.7 14,277,5 14,903,9 19,355.6 18,788.2 19 481 6 20,195.4 20,403.0 20,543.4 20,748.6 20,347.9 20,520.7 20,480.5 22,161.2 22,066.3 * 10.2 11.6 10.7 1978 January . February . March April . . May.. June . . July . . August September October . November December 36,496.4 36,898.2 37,488,7 39,249.2 39,678.1 40,963.7 40,285.1 41,686.5 41,711.4 42,912,1 43,251.2 42,552.9 14,190.1 14,053.9 14,355.7 15,290.5 14,816.1 15,441.3 14,877.3 15,562.8 15,296.3 15,599.6 15,608.2 15,135.9 1979 January . . February . March .. April . . . M a y . . .. June . . July . . . . August . . September October . . November December 44,484.5 44,929.8 45,998.2 47,685.2 47,590.7 49,810.3 51,541.5 51,854.2 53,731.8 53,777.1 52,664.1 54,768.2 1980 January . . February . March April . May.. June . . July . , August September October . . November December 58,128.2 60,466.3 59,581.6 58,698.0 61,337.2 60,515.8 61,827.1 63,574.6 63,918.7 65,853.3 67,982.5 70,491.4 Annual rate of depc sit turn over >ns of d ollars) 211.6 212,6 212.8 213.3 214.3 215.1 127.5 124.9 126.5 129.6 132.5 130.5 127.7 127,5 129.2 129.2 133.0 133.3 473.5 479.9 482.7 487.6 509.0 503.8 476.2 510.4 529.1 545.3 528.7 549.4 85.3 82.4 84.4 87.1 87.8 87.7 86.7 84.3 84.4 83.3 89.7 88.2 6.8 5.7 6.8 6.3 5.5 6.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 5.1 217.1 218.2 219.2 220.0 221.3 221.0 218.7 218.2 218.2 217.8 217.7 215.5 130.3 131.2 133.0 137.6 138.4 141.5 138.5 142.2 141.8 144.4 145.7 142.6 516.8 515.3 529.3 559.9 547.0 570.2 530.8 548.6 544,4 545,8 546.3 530,6 88.3 89.9 90.8 92.9 95.8 97.2 96.7 98.7 99,3 101.7 103.0 101.6 7.2 5.7 7.2 7.3 8.0 8.6 7.4 6.1 7.6 7.0 6.7 6.7 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.0 6.5 7.9 9.1 9.9 10.5 10.7 11.2 11.9 12.1 12.1 12.4 12.7 212.5 210.3 209.5 208.4 206.8 206.9 205.8 204.5 202.2 198.7 193.7 192.5 148.9 150.5 153.7 157.3 156.6 162.8 167.7 168.7 172.7 172,0 168.2 175.2 581.9 577,6 577.9 621.5 601.8 662.1 666.6 663.8 687.9 657.9 634.3 683.2 104.9 106,3 109.6 109.9 110.6 111.2 115.2 116,5 118.5 119.6 117.3 120.3 7.5 6.9 7.8 8.2 8.2 8.6 7.6 6,5 8.0 8.8 7.6 8.1 2.3 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.2 2.8 3.1 3.2 2,9 3,5 3.6 3.3 13.1 13.7 14.2 13.8 14.1 15.6 16.5 17.4 18.3 18.8 20.4 20.7 191.8 189,1 185.1 179.4 178.2 181.5 185.3 188.7 189.2 189.4 189.6 184.0 185.2 191.9 189.0 186.2 194.2 191.4 195.5 201.0 202.3 207.3 217.0 226.2 737.7 760.2 776.9 785.5 807.4 771.2 763.0 821.4 800.9 848.2 879.6 888.7 123.7 127.9 125.7 120.0 126.3 128.6 131.4 133.6 136.4 136.6 145.0 151.9 10.0 3.5 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.4 3.5 3.5 4.0 3.9 4.4 4.6 9.9 11.9 338.6 340.2 361.8 319.9 342.9 344.2 254.6 255.3 258,0 259.4 260.0 261.0 267.7 268.6 270.4 273.0 274.0 277.4 27.7 27.3 27.2 27 5 27.6 26.8 28.2 27.2 27.2 27.1 27.0 27.1 226.9 228.0 230.8 231.9 232.4 234.2 239.4 241.4 243.1 245.9 247.0 250.2 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 22,306.3 22,844.2 23,133.0 23,958.7 24,862.0 25,522.4 25,407.8 26,123.7 26,415,1 27,312.4 27,643.1 27,417.0 13.7 10.8 14.4 14.6 16.0 17.2 15.5 13.4 16.7 16.1 15.4 34.2 303.9 327.3 372.6 396.0 398,3 419.9 415.5 414.6 414.6 435.6 457.2 431.0 280.1 281.3 281.9 285.2 286.6 289.5 290.8 293.1 294.1 297.1 296.9 298.3 27.5 27.3 27.1 27.3 27.1 27.1 28.0 28.4 28.1 28.6 28.6 28.5 252.7 254.1 254.7 257.9 259.5 262.4 262.8 264.7 266.0 268.5 268.4 269.8 16,030.5 16,150.9 16,298.4 17,479.2 17,103.0 18,971.9 19,496.8 19,442.6 20,377.7 20,033,3 19,571.1 20,821.4 28,454,0 28,778.9 29,699.9 30,206.0 30,487.7 30,838.4 32,044.7 32,411.6 33,354.1 33,743.8 33,093.0 33,946.8 48.8 54.5 71.0 81.2 86.1 92,0 85.1 77.4 96.8 106.5 94.2 102,9 488.8 441.6 502.8 562.7 661.8 579.3 638.0 654.4 586.4 695.5 697.3 635,3 298.8 298.6 299.2 303.1 304.0 305,9 307.3 307.4 311.2 312.7 313.0 312.6 27.5 28.0 28.2 28.1 28.4 28.7 29.2 29.3 29.6 30.5 30.9 30.5 271.2 270.6 271.0 275.0 275.6 277.3 278.1 278.2 281.5 282.2 282.2 282.1 23,199,7 24,240.8 23,803.1 24,611.2 25,443.6 23,829.2 24,491.3 25,441.0 25,097.9 26,757.5 27,013,3 27,924.8 34,928.6 36,225.5 35,778.4 34,086.8 35,893.6 36,686.6 37,335.9 38,133.7 38,820.7 39,095.8 40,969.2 42,566.6 131.0 126.0 146.3 179.4 142.4 171.6 165.0 121.8 181.2 176.7 153.0 213.2 671.3 699.7 684.9 681.7 659.3 617.1 648,6 660.5 756.8 738.7 834.2 846.4 313.8 315.1 315.2 315.3 315.8 316.1 316.3 316.3 316.0 317.7 313.3 311.7 31.4 31.9 30.6 31.3 31.5 30.9 32.1 31.0 31.3 31.5 30.7 31.4 282.4 283,2 284.5 284,0 284.3 285.2 284.2 285.4 284.7 286.2 282.6 280.3 9.1 9.2 10.3 13.0 10.1 11.0 10.0 7.0 9.9 9.4 7.5 10.3 23 11. Debits and deposit turnover at commercial banks—Continued A. Seasonally adjusted—Continued Average deposits outstanding (billions of dollars) Debits during the month (annual rate, biluons of dollars) To demand deposits1 Year and month ATS ATS Demand deposits1 Demand deposits' __ j Savings unrl ana and Savings Savings " I NOW dede- 3 All NOW de- 3 All Major Other NOW Other ac- 2 posits3 acposits banks N.Y.C. banks ac- 2 posits banks N^C counts banks counts counts ATS and All banks Major N.Y.C. banks Other banks 1981 January . February March April . May.. June . , July . . August September October . . November December 72,319.9 73,995.3 76,781.8 76,801.6 78,223.0 77,833.9 83,058.7 87,495.5 85,724.8 83,692.7 87,450.4 86,927.1 29,259,2 30,524.6 31,808.5 31,545.0 32,388.8 32 918 8 36,253.3 39,292.8 37,841.7 35,544.6 35,188.9 36,731.8 43,060.7 43,470.8 44,973.3 45,256,7 45,834.2 44915 2 46,805.4 48,202.8 47,883.1 48,148.1 52,261.5 52,786.0 522.5 542.5 777.6 872.1 709.9 8954 734.2 674.4 864.9 813.3 828.1 897.2 1982 January . . February . March . . April . . . May . . . . June . . July . . . . August . . September October . . November December 85,831.5 86,456.7 85,467.9 86,781.3 88,573.8 87,602.3 90,280.7 95,177.9 94,480.0 97,097.0 95,475.9 97,748.5 35,142.6 36,731.7 35,758.0 37,038.4 37,248.2 35,729.5 36,880.8 39,525.3 37,986.3 42,077.9 38,971.6 42,104.4 50,688.8 49,724.9 49,709.9 49,742.9 51,325.7 51,872.8 53,399.9 55,652.6 56,493.7 55,019.1 56,504.4 55,644.1 1983 January February March . . April . . May . . . June . . . July . . . August . September October . . November December 103,333.1 102,743.5 102,206.1 103,022,3 107,273.3 106,799.4 107,884.4 111,538.1 110,700.7 118,407.2 114,466.6 115,381.5 46,353.0 45,133.2 44,327.4 46,025.6 46,891.2 46,445.4 46,978.0 48,373.3 46,903.7 52,639.9 49,715.8 48,255.7 1984 January . February March April . May . , June . . July . . August September October . . November December 120,954.6 126,749,9 116,416,7 129,229.4 131,456.9 121,488.2 128,299.3 128,141.9 124,117.4 142,907.2 134,016.3 137,512.0 51,952.5 55,776.7 50,765.2 57,868.3 60,351.3 53,147.7 55,340.6 57,096.5 55,591.4 67,488.7 60,992.8 62,341.0 24 Annual rate of deposit turnover banks ^i 725.3 293.1 694.0 287.8 674.7 286.4 656.3 284.3 664.6 283.7 717 7 279.4 620.2 281.4 795.0 279.5 651.3 278.0 635.5 278.4 631.1 282.0 689.3 284.6 30.2 31.6 31.5 29.6 30.2 29 3 29.6 30.5 30.6 30.5 30.3 30.5 262.9 256.1 254.9 254.6 253.5 250.1 251.7 249.0 247.4 247.9 251.7 254.1 34.6 43.4 48.3 53.5 52.2 53 3 55.2 56.2 57.5 57.6 60.0 62.1 176.9 246.7 173.5 257.1 173.0 268.1 172.7 270.2 170.4 275.7 166.9 278,6 163.2 295.2 159.0 313.0 155.2 308.4 153.5 300.6 155.4 310.1 157.1 305.4 163.8 169.7 176.5 177.7 180.8 179.6 185.9 193.6 193.5 194.2 207.6 207.7 15.1 12.5 16.1 16.3 13.6 16.8 13,3 12.0 15.0 13.8 14.4 4,1 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.9 43 3.8 5.0 4.2 4.1 4.1 4,4 749.1 854.1 893.7 915.7 900.5 977.6 1,049.9 1,146.2 1,165.4 1,109.4 1,224.6 1,448.1 625.0 724.7 733.7 686.4 698.9 698.9 773.8 770.7 707.8 637.0 697.1 889.3 288.1 280.3 277.9 278.8 277.4 274.9 277.8 278.6 277.1 283.1 286.0 285.3 30.6 29.2 28.6 28,6 28.9 27.6 29.1 27.8 29.6 32.4 30.8 30.5 257.5 251.0 249.3 250.3 248.5 247.3 248.6 250.9 247.4 250.7 255.2 254.9 65.7 67.4 68.6 70.3 68.8 69.1 68.8 71.0 73.1 75.4 78.5 78,8 159.1 297.9 1,148.1 196.9 158.3 308.5 1,256.5 198.1 159.4 307.5 1,250.4 199.4 159.4 311.2 1,296.6 198.8 159.3 3193 1,287.8 206.6 158.3 318.7 1,295.9 209.8 155.5 325.0 ,265.7 214.8 154.7 341.6 ,424.2 221.8 154.6 341.0 ,282.5 228,3 157.9 343.0 ,298.7 219,5 163.2 333.8 ,263.7 221.4 187.6 342.6 1,381.2 218.3 11.4 12.7 13.0 13.0 13.1 14.2 15.3 16.2 15.9 14.7 15.6 18.4 3.9 4.6 4.6 4.3 4.5 4.4 5.0 5.0 4.6 4.0 4.3 4,7 56,980.1 57,610.3 57,878.7 56,996.7 60,382.1 60,354.1 60,906.4 63,164.9 63,796.9 65,767.3 64,750,8 67,125.8 1,262.3 1,286.4 1,369.4 1,202.2 1,371.5 1,342.1 1,390.1 1,679.5 1,495.9 1,392.8 1,447.4 1,499.6 904.3 827.9 803.2 714.9 743.1 776.2 659.4 706.3 712.7 643.7 674.9 661.4 286.1 284.4 287.0 286.4 289.6 290.6 290.4 289,2 287.8 289.1 287.4 291.6 31.7 30.9 30.8 30.6 31.9 32.1 32.8 31,7 31.1 30.9 30.2 31.3 254.4 253.5 256.2 255.8 257.7 258.6 257.6 257.5 256.7 258.2 257.2 260.3 79.8 85.2 87.6 86.3 90.3 91.6 92.6 93.9 93.9 93.4 93.7 94.5 149.8 361.1 1,462.3 223.9 143.1 361.3 1,462.5 227.2 140.6 356.1 1,437.4 225.9 139.3 359.7 1,502.8 222.9 138.6 370.4 1,471.5 234.3 137.9 367.5 1,449.1 233.4 136.4 371.5 1,432.2 236.5 134.8 385.7 1,526.7 245.3 133.9 384.7 1,508.8 248.6 132.3 409.6 1,703.8 254.7 133.4 398.3 1,645.6 251.8 132.5 395.7 1,541.4 257.9 1S8 15.1 15.6 13.9 15.2 14.7 15.0 17.9 15.9 14.9 15,5 15.9 6.0 5.8 5.7 5.1 5.4 5.6 4.8 5,2 5.3 4.9 5.1 5.0 69,002.2 70,973.1 65,651.5 71,361.1 71,105.6 68,340.4 72,958.7 71,045,4 68,526.0 75,418.5 73,023.5 75,171.0 1,345.1 1,491.1 1,464.9 1,432.1 1,608.9 1,515.8 1,658.9 1,851.9 1,640.6 1,698.6 1,678.5 1,677.5 620.8 708.3 688.9 606.5 688.8 677,9 682.4 694.5 566.8 597.2 579.1 486.0 292.0 291.6 294.8 292.6 296.9 302.3 296.3 293.4 292.4 293.6 299.0 303.3 31.5 31.9 30.8 28.8 31,1 31.9 31.2 31.1 30.5 30.7 31.8 32.8 260.5 259.7 264.0 263.8 265.8 270.4 265,1 262.3 261.9 262.9 267.2 270.5 97,3 99.3 99.9 97.9 100.5 100.7 100.0 101.1 101.1 100.7 101.8 103.2 13.8 15.0 14.7 14.6 16.0 15.1 16.6 18.3 16.2 16.9 16.5 16.3 4.7 5.5 5.4 4,8 5»S 5,4 5.5 5.6 4.6 4.9 4.7 4.0 130.9 128.5 127.0 126.5 125.8 125.4 124,5 123.2 122.4 121.7 123.5 122.9 414.2 434.7 394.9 441.7 442.7 401.8 433.0 436.7 424.0 486.8 448.2 453.4 968.9 964.7 ,009.5 ,065.1 ,071.8 ,123 4 ,223.3 ,291.0 ,237.3 ,165.8 ,161.1 ,119.1 1,650.9 1,747.7 1,649,5 2,012,5 1,938.7 1,665.2 1,774.3 1,834.6 1,822.5 2,199.6 1,917.5 1,903,0 264.9 273.3 248.7 270.5 267.5 252.7 275.2 270.9 261.7 286.9 273.3 277.8 14,1 11* Debits and deposit turnover at commercial banks—Continued B. Not seasonally adjusted Debits during the month (annual rate, billions of dollars) 1 Year and month 1972 January February March April . 1973 January February March April . . . May June July August September October November December 1974 January February. . . . . . . . March April May June July August September October November December. . . , 1975 January February March April May June July August September October . November December . . 1976 January February March April May June July. August . . . , . September October November December Annual rate of deposit turnover 1 To demand deposits ... May June , July , August . , September October November December Average deposits outstanding (billions of dollars) Demand deposits1 Demand deposits All banks Major N.Y.C. banks Other banks All banks Major N.Y.C. banks Other banks All banks Major N.Y.C. banks Other banks 13,942.8 13,165.2 15,103.2 14,156.4 14,955.6 15,523.2 14,019.6 15,332.4 14,768.4 15,624.0 16,114.8 16,887.6 5,194.9 4,961.3 5,596.9 4,940.3 5,372.2 5,554.2 4,788.1 5,467.3 5,330.6 5,529.6 6,059.1 6,401.7 8,747.9 8,203,9 9,506,3 9,216.1 9,583.4 9,969.0 9,231.5 9,865.1 9,437.8 10,094.4 10,055.7 10,485.9 201.8 195.5 197.6 204.3 198.3 202.3 206.1 203.1 208.6 211.4 212.9 221.3 24.0 23.5 23.6 24.3 23,3 23.2 23.9 22.3 23.5 24.2 23.6 25.4 177.8 172.0 174.0 180.0 175.0 179.1 182.2 180.8 185.1 187,2 189.3 195.9 69.1 67.3 76.4 69.3 75.4 76.7 68.0 75,5 70.8 73.9 75.7 76.3 216.5 211.1 237.2 203.3 230.6 239.4 200.3 245.2 226.8 228.5 256.7 252.0 49.2 47.7 54.6 51.2 54.8 55.7 50.7 54.6 51.0 53.9 53.1 53,5 18,181.2 15,654.0 18,139.2 17,763.6 18,328.8 18,693.6 19,062.0 19,674.0 18,055.2 21,182.4 20,220.0 21,381.6 6,650.5 5,712.8 6,439.1 6,249.1 6,481.0 6,554.8 6,454.1 6,921.3 6,582.8 7,504.8 7,350.8 8,083.1 11,530.7 9,941.2 11,700.1 11,514.5 11,847.8 12,138.8 12,607.9 12,752.7 11,472,4 13,677.6 12,869.2 13,298.5 223.3 215.2 216.1 220.8 216.1 222.6 223.8 218.8 223.9 224.7 227.5 236.4 25.5 24.5 24.2 24.5 23.6 24.8 24.6 23.7 24.6 24.2 24.8 26.6 197.8 190.7 191.9 196.3 192.5 197.8 199.2 195.1 199.3 200.5 202,7 209.8 81.4 72.7 83.9 80.5 84.8 84.0 85.2 89.9 80.6 94.3 88,9 90.4 260.8 233.2 266.1 255.1 274.6 264.3 262.4 292.0 267.6 310.1 296.4 303.9 58.3 52.1 61.0 58.7 61.5 61,4 63.3 65.4 57.6 68.2 63.5 63.4 22,209.6 19,387.2 21,883.2 22,880.4 22,881.6 21,937.2 23,707.2 22,730.4 23,007.6 25,352.4 23,223.6 26,142.0 7,896.1 7,119.4 8,167.4 8,137.0 8,266.7 8,081.6 8,429.7 8,072.5 8,725.8 9,596.4 8,574.4 10,089.6 14,313.5 12,267.8 13,715.8 14,743.4 14,614.9 13,855.6 15,277.5 14,657.9 14,281.8 15,756.0 14,649.2 16,052.4 233.4 224.9 227.9 233.8 227.0 232.6 231.4 228.0 232.2 231.7 236.7 241.8 26.0 25,1 25.6 26.1 25.4 26.9 25.9 25.4 26.3 26.5 27.2 28.5 207.4 199.8 202.3 207.7 201.6 205.7 205.5 202,6 205.9 205.2 209.5 213.3 95.2 86.2 96.0 97.9 100.8 94.3 102.5 99.7 99.1 109.4 98.1 108.1 303,7 283,6 319.0 311.8 325.5 300.4 325.5 317.8 331.8 362.1 315.2 354.0 69.0 61.4 67.8 71.0 72.5 67.4 74.3 72.3 69.4 76.8 69.9 75.3 25,678.8 22,195.2 24,042.0 25,461.6 24,381,6 25,105.2 25,636.8 23,605.2 24,960.0 27,506.4 23,546.4 28,656.0 9,907.8 8,664.0 9,452.3 9,897.4 9,494.0 9,816.4 9,681.8 8,500.1 9,355.1 10,994.8 9,046.5 11,483.9 15,771.0 13,531.2 14,589.7 15,564.2 14,887.6 15,288.8 15,955.0 15,105.1 15,604.9 16,511.6 14,499.9 17,172.1 237.1 229.1 230.5 235.6 232.4 238.0 238.9 237.1 240.1 239.1 245.4 249.8 27.6 27.1 26.6 27.2 27.2 27.0 27.2 26.8 26.7 26.4 27.4 28.1 209.5 202.0 203.9 208.4 205.2 211,0 211.7 210,3 213.4 212.7 218.0 221.7 108,3 96.9 104.3 108.1 104.9 105.5 107.3 99.6 104.0 115.0 96.0 114.7 359,0 319.7 355.3 363.9 349.0 363.6 355.9 317.2 350.4 416.5 330.2 408.7 75.3 67.0 71.6 74.7 72.6 72.5 75.4 71.8 73.1 77.6 66.5 77.5 27,069.6 24,523.2 30,423.6 29,389.2 26,556,0 30,496.8 29,676.0 29,319.6 29,505.6 29,188.8 29,529.6 35,679.6 10,830.1 9,436.7 12,396.8 11,667.0 10,148.2 11,901.3 11,729.0 11,246.4 11,398.3 11,478.8 11,486.4 14,594.0 16,239.5 15,086.5 18,026.8 17,722.2 16,407.8 18,595.5 17,947.0 18,073.2 18,107.3 17,710.0 18,043.2 21,085.6 249.3 241,5 241.8 248.6 243.2 247.8 250.9 246.0 249.8 254.0 257.5 268.8 28.7 27.9 28.1 27.7 27.2 28.2 28.1 27.1 27.4 27.5 28.0 28.3 220.6 213.6 213.7 220.9 216.0 219.6 222.8 218.9 222.4 226.5 229.5 240.5 108.6 101.5 125.8 118.2 109.2 123.1 118.3 119.2 118.1 114.9 114.7 132.7 377.4 338.2 441,2 421.2 373.1 422.0 417.4 415.0 416.0 417.4 410.2 515.7 73.6 70.6 84.4 80.2 76.0 84.7 80.6 82.6 81.4 78.2 78.6 87.7 25 11. Debits and deposit turnover at commercial banks—Continued B. Not seasonally adjusted—Continued Average deposits outstanding (Billions of dollars) Debits during the month (annual rate, bilfions of dollars) Year and month To demand deposits1 All banks Major N.Y.C. banks Other banks 1977 January , . February . March . . . April May June July August . . . September October . . November December 32,068,0 28,686.7 35,050.2 33,605.5 33,822.9 36 435 8 32,956.7 35,068.9 34,702.3 34,188.8 35,673.5 38,940.7 13,076.3 11,784,8 14,358.8 13,210.2 13,505.6 14 707 0 12,604.4 13,876,6 14,325.2 14,298.1 13,988.8 16,119.7 18,991.7 16,901.9 20,691.4 20,395.3 20,317.3 21 728 8 20,352.3 21,192.3 20,377.1 19,890.7 21,684.7 22,821.0 1978 January . . February . March April . May .. , June . . July . . . August . September October . . November December 37,511,0 33,012.8 39,944.2 37.722.4 40,320.9 43,663.2 38,830.8 43,133,0 39,846.9 42,942.1 42,213.2 42,893.3 14,767.3 12,537.4 15,511.1 14,587.9 14,787.6 16,701.3 14,144.6 15,969.6 14,557.1 15,362.0 15,617.8 15,627.1 1979 January . February March April . May.. June . . July . . August September October . . November December 47,442.7 40,090.9 47,139.0 46,912.7 48,590.1 50,831.4 51,510.6 53,503.2 49,648.2 55,616.3 50,994.6 55,047.5 1980 January . February March April . May .. June . . July . . August September October . . November December 62,325.1 54,679.7 58,950.0 60,494.2 60,386.5 61,913.7 65,264.7 61,279,6 64,225,5 68,810.1 61,327.0 77,103.5 26 Annual rate of deposit turnover Demand deposits1 ATS Demand deposits1 ATS and Savings and Savings Major Other deMajor Other NOW NOW deAll N.Y.C. All N.Y.C. ac- posits3 banks posits3 banks acbanks banks banks banks counts2 counts2 ; ATS and Savings de' NOW ae- 2 ,| posits3 : counts 213,2 213.6 213.3 214.3 214.0 214.0 121.7 114.4 139.0 128.0 132.8 1400 121.6 132.6 128.3 124.1 128.4 135.5 437.3 430.1 527.9 473.5 498.4 542 7 443.2 525.6 538.5 525.7 512.4 569.6 81,3 75.7 92.0 86.9 89,3 93.2 83.9 89.0 83.5 80.1 86.6 88.1 6.5 6.7 6.5 6.5 6.2 6.7 .6 ,6 .6 .6 .5 .6 .9 .9 2,0 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 5.1 215.8 216.4 218.2 220.1 220.6 221.0 220,5 219.7 219.7 219.6 217.8 214.6 130.2 120.1 145.7 130.8 144.6 151.9 132.6 150.2 135.0 144,1 141.3 138,9 502.1 460.4 587.5 528.5 566.6 616.3 503.4 589.3 523.6 542.8 553,8 531.5 88.1 82.7 98.6 88.7 101.0 103.5 93.2 104.5 94.6 102.2 98.3 97.6 7.7 5.5 6.4 6.9 7.9 7.8 7,0 7,2 7.2 7.3 7.5 6.8 .5 .4 .7 .9 .7 .9 .9 .9 .8 2.1 2.0 2.0 276.3 262.9 262.8 276.4 267.6 275.3 278.5 272.7 282.6 282.3 283.3 290.3 6.6 7.6 8.7 9.9 10.4 10.7 11.4 12,1 12.3 12,4 12.5 12.7 211.2 208.3 207.8 207.8 205.6 206,4 207,7 206.3 204,3 200.9 194.1 191.9 155,3 138.1 162.4 154.5 165.0 167.0 167.6 178.3 159.2 178.2 162.7 171.2 592.0 524.9 610.7 623.0 647.3 670.7 667.8 731.1 651.4 680.5 636.7 689.4 109.4 97.8 115.4 108.2 116.5 113.9 115.7 122.6 108.2 125.0 112.3 115.4 8.1 6.7 7,0 7.7 8.1 7.8 7.2 7.6 7.6 9.1 8.5 8,2 2,5 1,9 2,5 2,9 3.1 2.8 3.1 3.1 2.8 3.6 3.4 3.3 286.4 276.3 275.7 268.2 268.3 274.6 278.8 280.6 287,0 289.0 288.1 289.9 13.2 13,3 13,7 13,8 13.9 15.5 16.7 17,6 18.6 19.1 20.5 20.9 190.6 187,1 183.1 178.5 176.7 180.8 187.3 190.7 191.6 191.8 190.2 183.6 195.5 177.8 192.1 203.2 203.3 202.9 210.9 197.5 201.6 214.6 191.6 238.8 781.6 698.8 749.5 838.7 861.8 808.6 845.9 814.8 806.2 871.5 756,1 944.1 129.3 119.3 129.3 133.5 133.1 135.6 141.3 132.5 135.4 142.8 128.7 158.8 10.7 8.9 9,2 12.2 9.9 9.9 9.5 8,2 9.4 9.7 8.4 10.4 3,8 3.4 3.8 4.1 3.6 3.4 3,5 3.4 3.9 4.1 4,2 4.5 9.8 10.7 11.1 11.1 11.2 12.1 263.6 29,9 250.8 27.4 252.2 27.2 262.5 27.9 254.6 27.1 260.3 27.1 338.7 271.1 28.4 346.9 264.4 26.4 335.4 270.5 26.6 344.1 275.4 27,2 314.9 277.8 27.3 341.9 287.3 28.3 233.7 223.4 225.0 234.6 227.5 233.2 242.6 238.0 243.9 248.2 250.5 259.0 .5 .6 .7 .7 .8 .8 22,783.7 20,475.3 24,433.1 23,134.5 25,533.3 26,961.9 24,686.2 27,163.4 25,289.8 27,580.1 26,595.4 27,266.2 14.6 10.5 12.7 13.8 15.8 15.5 14.8 15.9 15.9 16.9 17.2 34.9 323.8 307.9 369.1 412.3 383.6 430,9 421.3 419.3 405.1 450.5 434.1 426.8 288.1 274.8 274.1 288.3 278.9 287.5 292.9 287.1 295.2 298.1 298.7 308.9 29.4 27.2 26.4 27.6 26.1 27.1 28.1 27.1 27.8 28.3 28.2 29.4 258.7 247.6 247.7 260.7 252.8 260.4 264.8 260.0 267.4 269.8 270.5 279.5 17,309.9 14,382.8 16,797.7 17,008.8 17,413.5 19,487.3 19,280,0 20,077.1 19,072.5 20,316.9 19,169.0 21,538.6 30,132.8 25,708.2 30,341.4 29,903.9 31,176.7 31,344.1 32,230.6 33,426.1 30,575.7 35,299.4 31,825.5 33,508.9 53.2 50.7 60.7 76.4 84.1 83.8 82.3 91.8 93.4 113.1 106,0 103.9 528,5 387.7 526,9 610.6 642.5 570.6 634.8 630.1 570,0 720.3 659.0 629.5 305.5 290.3 290.3 303.7 294.5 304.3 307.3 300.0 311.9 312.1 313.4 321.5 29.2 27.4 27.5 27.3 26.9 29,1 28.9 27.3 29.3 29.9 30.1 31.2 25,311.2 21,761.6 23,389.8 24,761.0 24,762.1 24,728.2 25,867.9 24,106.9 25,373.8 27,532.8 24,245.7 31,076.2 37,013.8 142.0 32,918.1 118.0 35,560.2 125.4 35,733.2 167,7 35,624.4 137.8 37,185.5 152.8 39,396.8 157.7 37,172.7 144.3 38,851.8 175.2 41,277.3 185.3 37,081.2 172.8 46,027.3 217.3 732.2 644.8 700.9 740.6 627.8 613.8 651.6 643.4 745.8 804.9 670.1 824.7 318.8 307.5 306.9 297.7 297.0 305.2 309.4 310.2 318.5 320.6 320.1 322.9 32.4 31.4 31.2 29.5 28.7 30.6 30.6 29.6 31.5 31.6 32.1 32.9 11. Debits and deposit turnover at commercial banks—Continued B. Not seasonally adjusted—Continued Debits during the month (annual rate, bilfions of dollars) To demand deposits1 Year and month Average deposits outstanding (billions of dollars) ATS Demand deposits1 ATS Demand deposits1 ATS andj Savings and Savings andj Savings NOW de- 3 All Major Other NOW dede- 3 All Major Other NOW posits banks N.Y.C. banks ac- 2 posits banks N.Y.C, banks ac- 2 posits3 accounts counts banks counts2 banks ftr\A All banks Major N.Y.C. banks Other banks 74,771.5 66,803.0 78,716.7 78,714.0 73,639.1 82,441.7 87,228.2 84,240.7 86,573.5 84,194.9 81,145.2 95,906.7 30,410.4 27,579.3 32,254.8 32,095.1 30,000.4 35,101.1 38,330.7 37,648.0 38,594.6 35,156.0 32,463.6 38,750.0 44,361.1 39,223.7 46,461.9 46,618.9 43,638,7 47,340.6 48,897.6 46,592.8 47,978.9 49,038.8 48,681,6 57,156.7 789.0 629.3 677.3 708.9 639.5 706.7 680.3 652.1 639.5 671.2 600.7 680.4 302.0 282.1 280.7 286.3 280.0 278.6 282.5 276,6 279.6 280.5 282.2 293.1 32.4 31.2 31.6 29.5 29.8 29.9 29.2 29.9 30.7 30.8 30.5 31,6 269.7 250.8 249.1 256.8 250.2 248.7 253.2 246.6 248.9 249.7 254.9 261.5 1982 January , 84,895.8 February 78,096.3 90,758.4 March . April , . 88,169.7 May . . . 82,913.9 92,867.2 June . . . 91,318.9 July . , . August . 94,968.5 September 95,557.1 October . . 93,543.3 November 91,838.8 December 107,454,9 34,653.1 33,314.1 37,708.0 37,073.9 34,585.7 38,286.7 37,502,5 39,126.7 39,634.0 39,657.6 36,893.5 47,576.3 50,242.7 894.5 677.5 44,782.4 790.9 658.2 53,050.4 904.5 740.5 51,095.9 1,034.1 737.5 48,328.2 891.7 680.8 54,580,6 ,046.0 694.4 53,816.4 ,021.0 778.2 55,841.8 ,020.5 763.7 55,923.1 OQ7 3 695.2 53,885.7 ,098.0 672.7 54,944.8 ,115.0 663.3 59,878.6 ,411.9 878.0 2973 273.7 271.0 279.7 272.3 273.5 278.3 273.8 276.7 285.3 287.6 292.6 32.8 28.7 28.3 28.1 28.4 28.1 28.7 26.6 29.1 32.5 30.8 30.9 264.5 245.0 242.7 251.6 243.9 245.4 249.5 247.2 247.6 252.8 256.8 261.7 66.8 65.5 67.0 71.1 67.5 68.8 69.2 70.6 1983 January . . February . March April . May . . . June . . July . . . August . September October . . November December 101,566.1 92,654.1 109,1663 100,117.1 103,947.8 113,773.4 105,057.8 115,776.6 111,741.3 114,191.9 110,963.9 122,558.3 45,657.2 40,937.3 47,496.6 43,678.9 44,942.5 50,643.1 45,601.0 49,788.2 48,276.1 49,910.9 47,508.1 52,418.5 55,908.8 ,525.5 980.4 51,716.8 ,198.7 754.3 61,669.7 ,398.4 820,4 56,438.1 ,405.3 779.9 59,005.4 ,353.1 722.2 63,130.4 4707 779.3 59,456.8 ,325.3 661.6 65,988.3 ,468.9 694.3 63,465.2 ,388.3 688.9 64,280.9 ,373,2 672.9 63,455.8 1,327,2 6353 70,139.7 1,465.4 647,1 293.4 276.8 278.6 287.8 282.4 289.4 293.8 284.7 288.6 292.0 290.7 301.1 33.4 30.0 30.4 30.2 30.6 32.4 33.0 30.7 30.7 82.1 30.6 32.5 260.1 246.8 248.2 257.6 251.8 257.1 260.9 254.0 257.9 260.7 260.1 268.6 1984 January . . February . March April . . May . . . June . . July . . . August . . September October . . November December 123,567.2 114,721.3 124,088.6 121,514.4 132,521.7 128,522.3 124,604.3 133,844.2 120,120.8 141,249.5 131,791.6 140,166.0 52,895.2 50,724.8 54,301.1 53,514.4 60,214.5 57,168.1 54,060.5 59,743.8 54,329.0 64,790.2 61,148.7 64,498.8 70,672.0 ,601.5 672.5 63,996.5 ,389.5 649.9 69,787.5 ,504.3 711.9 68,000.0 ,670.1 665.7 72,307.2 ,599.0 673.8 71,345.3 ,621.7 686.2 70,543.8 ,598.5 6863 74,100.3 ,629.4 6803 65,791.8 ,523.7 543.1 76,459.2 ,665.7 616.2 70,643.0 1,524.8 538.7 75,667.1 1,625.4 470.6 299.7 284.9 287.4 295.8 290.1 299.9 298.0 287.4 293.8 294.3 300.3 313.5 33.4 31.3 30.2 30.2 30.2 31.9 31.1 29.8 30.4 30.6 31.4 33.8 266.2 253.6 257.2 265.6 260.0 268.0 266.9 257,7 263.4 263.8 268.9 279.8 1981 January . . February March April . May.. June . . July . . August . September October . , November December Annual rate of deposit turnover 566.2 510.3 677.0 821.4 688.1 804.4 792.5 745,7 817.6 807.2 753.1 868.1 313 35.0 423 47.2 53.8 51.4 53.1 55.6 56.3 57.8 58.2 60.4 63.3 733 76.0 79.1 80.8 833 863 90.3 88.2 903 91.3 91.8 92.8 93.8 95.1 97.1 98.6 97.1 99.1 102.1 99.0 1003 99.7 99.4 100.0 100.5 1023 105.2 175.8 171.5 170.9 171.6 168.8 166.1 165.1 160.8 1573 155.4 155.9 156.8 247.6 940.0 236,8 882.7 280,4 ,020.0 274.9 ,089.7 263.0 ,006.1 295.9 ,172.2 308.8 ,310.8 304.6 ,258.6 309.6 ,255.5 300,2 ,141.8 284.4 ,065.9 327.3 1,227.6 164.5 156.4 186.5 181.5 174.4 190,4 193.1 188.9 192.8 196.4 191.0 218.6 16,2 12.1 14.4 153 13.4 15.2 143 13.2 14,1 13,9 12.5 13.7 4.5 3.7 4.0 4.1 3.8 43 4.1 4.1 4.1 43 3.9 4.3 158.2 156.5 1573 1583 157.7 157.7 157.4 156.6 156.8 159.9 163.7 187.3 285.6 2853 334,9 3153 304.5 339.6 328.2 346.9 3453 327.8 3193 367.2 1,059.2 1,157.6 1,330.7 1,320.5 1,218.1 1,361.3 1,305.8 1,472,8 1,362.5 1,220.8 1,198.6 1,540.7 189,9 182,8 218.6 203.1 198.1 222.4 215.7 225.9 225.8 213.1 213.9 228.8 13.4 12.1 13.5 14.6 13.2 15.2 14.8 14.4 15.0 14.5 14.1 17.5 4.3 4.2 4.7 4.7 4.3 4.4 4.9 4.9 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.7 148.9 141.9 140.4 140.5 139.5 138.5 137.8 135.4 133.7 132.6 132.4 131.1 346.1 334.8 391.8 347.9 368.1 393.1 357.6 406.7 387.2 391.1 381.7 407.0 1,368.1 1,366.7 1,561.1 1,446.9 1,471,0 1,563.6 1,383.5 1,621.6 1,574.5 1,595.5 1,553.4 1,613,6 215.0 209.5 248.5 219,1 2343 245.6 227.9 259.8 246.1 246.6 244.0 261.1 18.6 14.4 16.2 15.6 153 15.7 14.5 16.0 15.0 14.6 14.0 15.1 6.6 5.3 5.8 5.6 5.2 5.6 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.1 4.8 4.9 130.0 128.4 128.3 128.4 127.5 127.0 126,1 1233 1213 120.4 121.1 120.3 4123 402.7 431.8 410.8 456.8 428.6 418.1 465.7 408.9 479.9 438.8 447.1 1,581.5 1,618.7 1,795.5 1,770.2 1,997.1 1,792.0 1,738.1 2,008.0 1,786.4 2,120.7 1,944.6 1,910.8 265.4 252.4 271.4 256.0 278.1 266.3 264.3 287.6 249.8 289.9 262.7 270,5 16.2 143 15.2 16.4 16.1 16.2 16.0 16.4 15.2 16.6 14.9 15.4 5.2 5.1 5.5 5.2 5.3 5,4 5.4 5.5 4.5 5.1 4.4 3.9 27 12, Measures and components of the money stock and debt1 A. Seasonally adjusted Billions of dollars Measures Year and month Debt Ml M2 M3 1981 January . . . February ., March April May June July August September . October . . . November , December , 417.1 419.5 423.9 431.1 428.7 428.4 430.6 433.5 433.9 434.8 438.1 441.8 1,640.6 1,652.5 1,670.1 1,690.0 1,696.4 1,705.7 1,717.7 1,734.2 1,745.8 1,759.8 1,777.2 1,794.4 2,013,7 2,032,0 2,048,4 2,072,8 2,090.0 2,107.2 2,129,8 2,152.1 2,173.9 2,195.3 2,215.5 2,235.8 2,353.0 2,375.8 2,387.5 2,407.0 2,429.7 2,452.6 2,476.6 2,501.5 2,527.6 2,556.1 2,579.0 2,596.5 3,958.8 3,992.0 4,026.3 4,056.5 4,087.6 4,122.4 4,154.7 4,182.9 4,214.6 4,249.1 4,279.8 4,309.2 1982 January , . , February .. March . . . . April May June July August September , October . . , November , December , 449.4 447.0 447.3 450.9 451.0 451.6 452.4 457.7 463.6 471.2 477.7 480.8 1,813.8 1,816.9 1,826.9 1,837.8 1,850.3 1,861.5 1,874.4 1,893.6 1,910.5 1,924.8 1,939.4 1,954.9 2,260.8 2,269.2 2,285.2 2,306.2 2,322.2 2,339.9 2,357.0 2,384.3 2,405.1 2,426.7 2,439.1 2,446.8 2,625.9 2,646.0 2,664.3 2,687,1 2,709.0 2,731.6 2,755.5 2,779.2 2,803.8 2,831.1 2,841.4 2,854.5 4,342.0 4,373.8 4,400.7 4,428.6 4,459.7 4,489.4 4,521.2 4,556.8 4,596.3 4,632.5 4,668.5 4,709.2 1983 January . . , February . , March April May June July August September , October .. November , December , 484.4 490.1 495,8 499.2 505.8 509.9 514.8 518.4 520.5 524.0 526.2 528.0 2,009.3 2,046.0 2,062.8 2,077.3 2,093.4 2,107.7 2,120.6 2,131.7 2,145.1 2,164.3 2,178.1 2,188,8 2,479.5 2,507.1 2,523.6 2,541.0 2,558.6 2,580.7 2,596.4 2,615.2 2,637.4 2,655.8 2,683.3 2,701.7 2,895.6 2,921.9 2,941.1 2,969.7 2,989.0 3,016.6 3,047.3 3,067.1 3,094.5 3,111.3 3,139,8 3,175.9 4,746.2 4,776.1 4,812.4 4,852.1 4,890.2 4,942.8 4,994.2 5,034.7 5,078.3 5,124,5 5,170,0 5,224.4 1984 January . . , February . March April May June July August September October .. November December 531.4 534.2 537.3 539.2 542.5 547.3 546.9 548.9 551.5 548,3 553.7 558.5 2,202.2 2,216.9 2,229.1 2,241.1 2,255.2 2,269.3 2,280.2 2,292.8 2,308.2 2,318.7 2,345.9 2,371.7 2,719.3 2,741.7 2,765.4 2,788.0 2,815.2 2,839.0 2,862.1 2,879.0 2,901.3 2,925.4 2,960.0 2,995.5 3,195.6 3,226.9 3,267.9 3,294,1 3,327.4 3,368.3 3,403.5 3,430.8 3,460.3 3,480.4 3,509.3 3,543.7 5,284.7 5,343.7 5,398.4 5,458.0 5,519.6 5,575.6 5,635.1 5,692.4 5,740.8 5,797.4 5,868.3 5,937.6 28 Components Nontransaction components Currency2 Travelers checks3 Demand deposits4 Other checkable deposits5 M26 M37 116.9 117.7 118.4 119.3 119.9 120,1 121.0 121.4 121.6 122.1 122.9 124.0 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.4 252.2 245.0 242.9 243.0 239.8 237.7 237.0 237.3 235.6 235.4 235.2 235.2 43.5 52.7 58.4 64.5 64.8 66.5 68.3 70.5 72.4 73.0 75.7 78.2 1,223.5 1,233.0 1,246.2 1,259.0 1,267.8 1,277.2 1,287.1 1,300.8 1,311.9 1,325.1 1,339.0 1,352.6 125.0 125.5 125.9 127.1 128.3 128.9 129.8 130.6 131.5 132.7 133.2 134.3 4,4 4,4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.3 238.1 234.7 233.2 233.0 232.2 231.2 230.5 231.7 233.4 236.0 237.9 238.6 81.9 82.5 83.8 86.4 86.1 87.0 87.8 91.0 94.3 98.1 102.2 103.5 135.4 136.8 138.1 139.3 140.4 141.4 142.4 143.2 144.6 146.1 147.3 148.4 4.1 4,3 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.9 238,6 238.2 239.3 239.2 241.5 242.8 244.2 244.4 243.8 244.2 243.6 243.5 149.4 150.2 151.2 152.1 152.8 154.3 155.0 155.9 156.8 157.1 157.9 158.7 4.9 5.0 5.0 5,1 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.0 5.1 5.2 244.3 245.2 245.5 245.9 246.3 248.9 247.3 246.8 247.5 244.5 246.8 248.6 Year and month Savings deposits3 Small time deposits4 Large time deposits5 Federal debt Nonfederal debt 373.1 379.4 378.3 382.8 393.6 401.5 412.2 417.9 428.1 435.4 438.3 441.4 384.3 378.1 374.3 373.6 368.0 361.8 360.4 355.1 349.3 344.1 343.4 344.4 746.7 756.2 764.2 768.0 777.4 787.3 787.7 796.8 804.9 816.4 821.6 823.6 269.8 274.7 272.8 271.6 280.1 286.6 293.1 298.7 301.9 302.1 302.3 302.1 2,353.0 2,375.8 2,387.5 2,407.0 2,429.7 2,452.6 2,476.6 2,501.5 2,572.6 2,556.1 2,579.0 2,596.5 3,958.8 3,992.0 4,026.3 4,056.5 4,087.6 4,122.4 4,154.7 4,182.9 4,214.6 4,249.1 4,279.8 4,309.2 1981 Jan, Feb. Mar. Apr, May June July Aug. Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec. ,364.4 ,369.8 ,379.6 ,386.9 ,399.3 ,409.9 ,421.9 ,435.9 ,446.9 ,453.6 ,461.8 1,474.0 447.0 452.3 458.3 468.4 471.9 478.4 482.6 490.7 494.6 501.9 499.7 492.0 348.5 348.2 346.2 344.9 344.6 344.0 342.7 345.4 348.1 356.5 363.9 357.8 822.1 830.4 841.8 853.1 863.1 869.2 876.6 877.5 878.1 870.6 867.3 . 851.5 305.4 311.4 314.7 319.3 321.2 324.5 329.1 330.6 331.1 334.5 335.7 328.3 2,627.2 2,647.5 2,665.2 2,687.2 2,709.7 2,730.1 2,753.6 2,782.3 2,8014 2,829.4 2,841.1 2,857.4 4,342.0 4,373.8 4,400.7 4,428.6 4,459.7 4,489.4 4,521.2 4,556.8 4,596.3 4,632.5 4,668.5 4,709.2 1982 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 106.2 110.9 113.9 116.1 119.2 121.0 123.5 126.2 127.3 128.9 130.5 131.3 1,524.9 1,555.9 1,566.9 ,578.1 ,587.7 ,597.8 ,605.8 ,613.2 ,624.5 ,640.3 ,651.9 ,660.8 470.2 461.1 460.8 463.7 465.2 473,0 475.8 483.5 492.3 491.5 505.2 512.9 333.7 323.4 319.7 318.5 318.6 318.1 317.3 317.0 314.9 313.4 310.4 307.0 791.9 752.0 734.1 732.4 729.5 730.0 736.0 743.1 750,5 762,6 775.1 784.6 306.8 296.0 292.4 295.4 296.2 301.4 303.8 310.7 317.8 320.6 326.6 330.8 2,896.1 2,922.5 2,942.1 2,9704 2,990.3 3,015.4 3,045.4 3,0704 3,0924 3,120.0 3,139.9 3,176.4 4,746.2 4,776.1 4,812.3 4,852.1 4,890,2 4,942.8 4,994.2 5,034.7 5,078.4 5,124.5 5,170.0 5,224.4 1983 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 132.7 133.8 135.6 136.1 138.3 139.0 139.4 141.0 142.2 141.8 143.9 145.9 ,670.8 ,682.7 ,691.8 ,701.8 ,712.8 ,722.0 ,733.3 ,743.9 ,756.7 ,770.4 ,792.1 ,813.2 517.2 524.8 536.4 546.9 560.0 569.6 581.9 586.2 593,1 606.6 614.2 623.8 305.1 303.8 302.9 301.9 301.5 300,8 299.1 2964 294.5 292.5 290.6 288.5 790.3 796.2 802.3 811.2 822.6 834.0 843.7 855.0 864.4 872.1 877.9 885.1 336.1 343.0 349.7 357.7 369.8 379.5 389.3 392.6 396.1 405.7 411.2 416.7 3,179.9 3,227.7 3,267.8 3,293.3 3,328.0 3,366.7 3,402.7 3,429.9 3,4594 3,480.5 3,508.8 3,543.9 5,284.7 5,343.7 5,3984 5,458.0 5,519.6 5,575.6 5,635.1 5,692.4 5,740.8 5,797.4 5,868.3 5,937.7 1984 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 29 12. Measures and components of the money stock and debt1—Continued B. Not seasonally adjusted Billions of dollars Measures year ana monin Ml M2 M3 L Debt 421 8 4106 417 3 436,3 423 5 427 8 432.8 4309 432.3 435.1 4404 452.2 642 6 641 4 665 8 698.1 691 1 705 9 ,722.5 734 4 743 7 ,761.3 777 1 ,7987 20172 2 025 1 2 046 8 2 080. 1 2 085 4 2 1040 2,130.0 2 151 6 2 1703 2,194.3 2 2167 2,243,4 2,359.6 2,373 1 2,390.0 2,416.0 24260 2,448.9 2,473.0 24965 2,520.7 2,552.9 2,579.7 2,604.7 3,958.8 3 992 0 4,026.3 4,056.5 4087 6 4,122 .4 4,154.7 4 182 9 4,214.6 4,249.1 4,279.8 4,309.2 454.3 437 9 4409 456.3 446 1 451 3 454 8 454.9 461 4 471 3 479.9 491 8 8162 806 3 823 9 ,846,6 845 6 862 5 879 3 892 5 905 8 924 8 ,939.1 959 6 2264 3 2262 6 22847 2,314.2 2 3184 2,338 0 2 357 2 2 382 8 2 3994 24247 2,440.2 24544 2,633.1 2 644 1 2,6684 2,696.4 2,704.9 2,728.6 2 7520 2,778.0 2,794 5 2,827.0 2,842,0 2,862.6 4,342.0 4 373 8 4,400.7 4,428.6 4,459.7 4,489.4 4521 2 4,556.8 4 596 3 4,632,5 4,668.5 4,709.2 1983 January February March April May June July August September October November December 489.6 4805 489.2 505 3 5007 5100 517 4 514 7 517 8 524 0 528 5 539 7 2 012.8 2 036 7 2 061 1 2 087 4 20892 2 109 6 2 125 7 2 128 3 2 137 7 2 162 7 2 177 1 2 194 0 2483,1 24999 2 523 6 2 550 7 2 555 5 2 580 7 2 597 8 2 612 2 2 629 1 2 652 7 2 683 9 2 709 1 2,903.4 29203 2,946.4 2 980 3 2 984 1 3 014 9 3,045.0 3 065 2 3,082.3 3 1060 3,1400 3 179 7 4,746.2 4 776 1 4,812.4 4 852 1 4 8902 4 942 8 4994.2 5 034 7 5,078.3 5 124 5 5,170.0 5 224 4 1984 January February March April . May June July August September October November December 536 8 523 9 5304 545 6 537 3 547 9 549.9 545 0 548 5 548 2 555.9 5704 2206 7 2 208 9 2 228 5 2 252 2 2 251 3 2 272 3 2 285 7 2 287 6 2 298 6 2 316 1 2 3440 2 376 6 2 723 2 2 734 6 2 766 4 2 798 9 2 812 8 2 840 5 2 863 7 2 875 0 2 891 2 2 920 9 2 960 5 3 002 6 3,203.9 3 225 1 3 273 9 3 305 1 3 321 8 3 368 0 3,403.4 3423 6 3 447 8 3 476 2 3 5094 3 545 4 5 284.7 5 343 7 5 398 4 5 458 0 5 519 6 5 575 6 5 635,1 5 692 4 5 740 8 5 797 4 S 868 1 5 937 6 1981 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1982 January February March April May June July August September . . October November December 30 . , . . . . . , Components Currency2 Other De- checkTravel- mand ers de- 4 able checks posits deposits5 Nontransaction components 6 7 M2 M3 Money market mutual funds OverMoney Small Large night General time Federal market Savings9 time RPs and purpose Insti- deposit deposits de- 10 de- 11 debt Euro- 8 and tution accounts posits posits dollars broker/ only dealer Non- Year and federal month debt 116.1 116.2 117.2 118.8 119.7 120.3 121.9 121.9 121.5 121.9 123.7 126.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.4 4.7 4.7 4.5 4.3 4.1 4.1 258.1 238.4 237.8 246.5 235.4 236.5 237.5 234.6 234.6 236.4 237.4 243 .4 43.6 52.0 58.3 67.0 64.3 66.6 68.7 69.7 71.8 72.5 75.3 78.5 1,220.8 1,230.7 1,248.5 1,261.8 1,267,6 1,278.1 1,289.7 1,303.5 ,311.4 ,326.2 ,336.7 ,346.5 374.6 383.7 381.0 382.0 394.3 398.1 407.5 417.2 426.5 433.0 439.6 444.7 30.0 28,6 30.3 30.4 32.5 35.3 35.1 37,5 34.7 32.6 33.9 35.9 63.7 72.9 82,9 94,3 98,1 101,3 110.8 120.4 128.9 135,7 143.0 150.6 16.1 18.7 22.0 24.0 22.5 22.8 24.6 26.3 29.5 32.7 35.2 38.0 .0 ,0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ,0 .0 .0 .0 382.0 373.6 373.5 376.0 369.6 364.8 365.1 355.1 348.2 344.2 341.4 342.2 751.1 761.1 767.2 766.6 772.8 781,9 784,2 795.9 805.0 819.6 824.1 823.2 272.7 278.0 275.7 270.6 278.7 283.0 288.5 297,1 300.9 301.6 303.2 306.0 2,353.0 2,375.8 2,387.5 2,407.0 2,429.7 2,452.6 2,476.6 2,501.5 2,572.6 2,556.1 2,579.0 2,596.5 3,958.8 3,992.0 4,026.3 4,056.5 4,087.6 4,122.4 4,154.7 4,182,9 4,214.6 4,249.1 4,279.8 4,309.2 1981 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 124.1 123.9 124.7 126.6 128.2 129.3 130.8 131.1 131.3 132.4 133.9 136.3 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.7 4.9 4.9 4.7 4.4 4.2 4.0 243.5 228.3 228.2 236.0 228.2 230.0 231.0 229.0 232.2 237.0 240.1 247.2 82.5 81.5 83.8 89.6 85.4 87.3 88.0 89.9 93.3 97.4 101.7 104.1 ,362.0 ,368.4 ,383.0 ,390.3 ,399.5 ,411.2 ,424.5 ,437.7 ,444.4 ,453.5 ,459.2 ,467.8 448.1 456.3 460.8 467.6 472.8 475.5 478.0 490.3 493.6 499.9 501.2 494.8 40.4 37.9 39.3 36.7 38.7 38.0 39.2 40.1 39.4 41,6 41.6 38.8 153.8 155.9 158.8 161.8 163.8 169.7 171.8 180.9 185,1 186.8 190.8 185.2 37.2 35.6 36.8 36.6 37.5 39.1 41.7 49.1 51.0 51.6 52.7 51.1 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 43.2 346.6 344.4 345.9 347.6 346.7 347.2 347.0 345.1 346.3 355.9 361.5 355.3 827.2 835.9 844.7 849,9 856.0 861.7 872.3 877.2 879.4 875.5 871.5 851.8 308,1 314.3 317,4 317.4 319.2 321.5 325.3 330^ 331.2 334.8 336.3 331,1 2,627.2 2,647.5 2,665.2 2,687.2 2,709.7 2,730.1 2,753.6 2,782.3 2,801.4 2,829.4 2,841.1 2,857.4 4,342.0 4,373.8 4,400.7 4,428.6 4,459.7 4,489.4 4,521.2 4,556.8 4,596.3 4,632,5 4,668.5 4,709.2 1982 Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 134.5 135.1 136.8 138.8 140.4 141.9 143.6 143.8 144,4 145.7 148.0 150.5 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.9 5.2 5.1 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.6 244.2 231.8 234.2 242.0 237.4 241.7 245.0 241.5 242.5 245.4 245.8 252.2 107.0 109.6 113.9 120.1 118.3 121.5 123.6 124.3 125.9 128.0 130.1 132,4 ,523.2 ,556.1 ,571.9 ,582.2 ,588.5 ,599.6 ,608.3 ,613.6 ,619.9 ,638.7 ,648.6 ,654.2 470.3 463.3 462.5 463.3 466.3 471.1 472.1 483.9 491.5 490.0 506.8 515.2 42.3 44.0 45.3 47.6 51.2 51.4 50.4 50.0 51.0 54.4 52.7 53.8 168.2 160.6 154.8 148.2 141.4 140.2 138.7 139.1 137,8 137.5 138.8 138.2 48.7 48.0 46.7 44.0 43.3 42.2 41.3 41.2 41.8 42.8 43.5 43.2 191.0 281.3 323.1 343.9 359.9 370.9 373.0 371.5 372.4 373.5 376.0 379.2 332.1 320.3 319.7 321.2 321.0 321.5 321.1 316.2 312.9 312.5 308.4 304.7 796.9 756.9 736.0 728.4 722.0 722.5 732.3 743,5 752.6 767.8 779.7 785.2 308.5 297.5 293.6 293.2 294.4 299.7 301.9 311 8 318.7 321.7 326.9 332.2 2,896.1 2,922,5 2,942.1 2,970.4 2,990.3 3,015.4 3,045,4 3,070.4 3,092.4 3,120,0 3,139.9 3,176.4 4,746.2 4,776.1 4,812.3 4,852,1 4,890,2 4,942.8 4,994.2 5.034.7 5,078.4 5,124.5 5,170.0 5,224.4 1983 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 148.4 148.3 149.9 151.6 152.9 154.9 156.3 156.5 156.5 156.7 158.7 160.9 4,6 4.7 4.8 4.8 5.0 5.4 5.8 5.7 5.4 5.0 4.8 4.9 250.0 238.5 240.1 248.6 242.1 247.8 248.4 243.8 246.1 245.8 248.9 257.4 133.8 ,669.9 516.5 132.4 ,684.9 525.7 135.7 ,698.1 537.9 140.6 ,706.6 546.7 137.4 ,714.0 561.4 139.8 ,724.3 568.2 139.4 ,735.8 578.0 138.9 ,742.7 587.3 140,5 ,750.1 592.6 140.8 1,767.8 604.8 143.4 1,788.2 616.5 147,2 1,806.2 626.0 56.1 57.3 56.6 56.2 58.2 55.9 56.3 58.5 56.7 56,8 58.1 57.6 137.8 142.1 144.8 145.9 146.5 148.9 150.5 150.6 152.0 155.7 162.2 168.1 43.5 44.6 45.0 45.0 45.3 45.7 46.1 46.2 46.9 52.2 58.3 62.7 384.0 390.0 396.9 401.0 399.4 397,8 394.2 388.9 388.7 392.1 402.6 415.2 303.5 301.1 303.0 304.5 304.0 304.4 302.5 295.6 292.5 291.6 288.7 286.2 795.8 801.6 803.9 806,1 812.9 824.4 839.3 855.8 867.3 878.8 883.9 886.4 337.0 343.4 349.9 354.7 367.7 378.2 388.0 395.1 398.0 407.6 411.7 417.4 3,197.9 3,227.7 3,267.8 3,293.3 3,328.0 3,366.7 3,402.7 3,429.9 3,459.4 3,480.5 3,508.8 3,543.9 5,284.7 5,343.7 5,398,4 5,458.0 5,519.6 5,575.6 5,635,1 5,692.4 5,740.8 5,797.4 5,868.3 5,937.7 1984 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec. 31 13. Aggregate reserves of depository institutions and monetary base A. Adjusted for changes in reserve requirements1 Billions of dollars; averages of daily figures Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Year and month 1981 January ... February March April Total reserves2 Nonborrowed NonTotal borrowed reserves Required Monetary base4 reserves plus reserves reserves extended credit3 Non- | borrowed Nonborrowed reserves Required Monetary plus reserves base4 reserves extended 3 credit j 30,780 31,009 31,359 31,459 31,830 31,801 31,849 31,952 32,099 31,896 31,933 32,096 29,385 29,706 30,359 30,121 29,607 29,763 30,169 30,532 30,643 30,715 31,270 31,460 29,456 29,727 30,374 30,129 29,613 29,770 30,172 30,613 30,944 31,153 31,435 31,608 30,406 30,659 31,078 31,290 31,573 31,463 31,508 31,660 31,685 31,618 31,588 31,777 150,007 151,005 151,982 152,719 153,587 153,951 154,921 155,464 155,874 155,911 156,604 158,097 32,541 30,866 30,786 31,448 31,459 31,195 31,688 31,467 31,824 31,943 32,034 32,816 31,146 29,562 29,787 30,111 29,236 29,158 30,009 30,047 30,367 30,763 31,371 32,179 31,217 29,584 29,801 30,118 29,241 29,164 30,012 30,128 30,668 31,200 31,536 32,328 32,167 30,516 30,506 31,279 31,201 30,857 31,348 31,175 31,410 31,665 31,690 32,497 151,049 149,224 150,009 152,262 153,127 153,645 155,692 155,467 155,408 155,912 157,695 160,941 32,352 32,340 32,333 32,282 32,478 32,546 32,440 32,704 33,126 33,423 34,032 34,283 30,834 30,551 30,778 30,714 31,361 31,341 31,748 32,188 32,192 32,946 33,411 33,649 31,032 30,783 31,086 30,959 31,537 31,445 31,799 32,282 32,311 33,086 33,599 33,835 31,934 32,037 31,971 32,009 32,120 32,238 32,126 32,391 32,742 33,019 33,630 33,783 159,291 159,858 160,270 161,079 162,461 163,550 164,207 165,174 166,456 167,606 168,710 170,145 34,091 32,182 31,800 32,294 32,134 31,955 32,242 32,224 32,868 33,465 34,132 35,008 32,573 30,393 30,246 30,726 31,017 30,750 31,551 31,709 31,934 32,988 33,512 34,374 32,771 30,625 30,554 30,971 31,193 30,854 31,601 31,803 32,053 33,128 33,700 34,560 33,672 31,879 31,439 32,021 31,775 31,646 31,929 31,912 32,484 33,061 33,731 34,508 160,236 157,976 158,193 160,597 161,975 163,225 165,022 165,177 165,962 167,447 169,720 173,174 June July August September October November December 33,959 34,393 34,944 35,271 35,377 35,848 36,003 36,043 36,139 36,157 36,103 36,138 33,430 33,811 34,152 34,261 34,424 34,212 34,550 34,496 34,698 35,313 35,198 35,364 33,587 34,089 34,469 34,666 34,937 35,170 35,128 34,987 35,213 35,569 35,204 35,366 33,411 33,958 34,511 34,794 34,928 35,368 35,495 35,596 35,641 35,652 35,574 35,578 171,003 172,821 174,668 175,882 177,166 178,808 179,789 180,619 182,272 183,357 184,472 185,486 35,669 34,250 34,395 35,289 35,065 35,239 35,783 35,524 35,829 36,145 36,199 36,859 35,139 33,668 33,603 34,280 34,113 33,603 34,330 33,978 34,388 35,301 35,294 36,085 35,296 33,946 33,920 34,685 34,626 34,561 34,908 34,469 34,903 35,557 35,300 36,087 35,121 33,815 33,962 34,813 34,616 34,758 35,275 35,078 35,331 35,640 35,670 36,298 172,029 170,796 172,586 175,351 176,806 178,641 180,666 180,632 181,734 183,183 185,561 188,757 1984 January February March April May . . June . . . . July August September October November December 36,357 37,026 37,099 37,110 37,450 38,290 38,239 38,386 38,143 37,758 38,113 38,709 35,642 36,459 36,148 35,876 34,462 34,989 32,315 30,369 30,902 31,741 33,495 35,523 35,646 36,464 36,175 35,921 34,499 36,862 37,323 37,412 37,360 36,798 37,332 38,127 35,744 36,083 36,388 36,619 36,870 37,516 37,626 37,697 37,515 37,138 37,419 37,857 187,484 189,026 189,902 190,587 191,689 193,984 194,616 195,783 196,253 196,185 197,427 198,736 38,181 36,611 36,616 37,478 36,771 37,801 37,854 37,698 37,881 37,953 38,687 40,129 37,466 36,043 35,664 36,244 33,783 34,500 31,929 29,681 30,640 31,936 34,070 36,943 37,470 36,048 35,691 36,288 33,819 36,373 36,937 36,724 37,098 36,993 37,907 39,547 37,568 35,667 35,905 36,986 36,191 37,027 37,240 37,008 37,253 37,332 37,994 39,277 188,648 186,875 188,150 190,666 191,333 194,245 195,899 196,111 196,067 196,129 198,224 202,020 May June July August September October November December 1982 January February . . . March April . . May June July August September October November December . . . 1983 January February March April May 32 13. Aggregate reserves of depository institutions and monetary base—Continued B. Not adjusted for changes in reserve requirements5 Billions of dollars: averages of daily figures Total reserves2 Nonborrowed reserves Nonborrowed reserves plus extended credit3 Required reserves Monetary base4 Excess6 Borrowings 41 621 39 872 39 687 40,338 40522 40,446 41,006 41 007 40,591 40 710 40949 41,925 40226 38 568 38,688 39,000 38 299 38,409 39,327 39 588 39,135 39 530 40,286 41,289 40297 38 590 38,702 39,008 38 304 38,416 39,330 39 668 39,435 39 967 40,451 41,437 41 247 39 521 39407 40,169 40265 40 108 40,666 40 715 40 177 40433 40605 41 606 161 280 159 188 159 827 162,110 163 121 163 832 165,994 165 947 164552 165 041 166 977 170,471 374 350 280 169 257 338 340 292 414 278 344 319 1,395 1 304 1,000 1,338 2223 2,037 1,679 1,420 1,456 1 181 663 636 43 202 41 285 39 227 39 557 39,550 39,566 39 964 40 179 39 960 40587 41,200 41 854 41 685 39496 37 672 37 989 38,432 38,361 39 273 39 663 39 027 40 110 40,580 41 221 41 882 39728 37 981 38 234 38,609 38,465 39 323 39 757 39 145 40251 40,768 41 406 42 784 40981 38 866 39284 39,191 39258 39 651 39 866 39 576 40 183 40799 41 354 169 945 167 637 166 241 168 502 170,034 171 447 173 365 173 808 173 368 174 876 177,147 180 521 418 304 361 273 359 308 314 312 384 404 402 500 518 ,790 555 ,568 ,117 1,205 691 525 933 477 621 634 1983 January February March April May June July August September . . , . , October « November December 41 864 39,799 38 035 38 650 38,282 38 415 38 948 38 661 37 916 38,137 38 144 38,894 41 334 39,217 37242 37 641 37 330 36 779 37 495 37 114 36475 37,294 37 239 38,120 41 491 39,495 37 560 38 046 37,843 37 737 38,072 37 605 36,990 37,550 37 245 38,122 41 315 39,364 37 601 38 174 37 833 37 934 38440 38 214 37 418 37 633 37 615 38 333 179 100 177,261 177 277 179 861 181 276 183 144 185 303 185 398 185 112 186,598 188 971 192,359 548 435 433 476 449 480 507 446 498 505 529 561 529 582 792 1 009 952 1 636 1,453 1 546 1,441 844 906 774 1984 January February March April May June July August September October November December 40 120 36 366 36,280 37,156 36522 37 526 37,471 37 264 38 043 38,512 39235 40 695 39405 35 799 35,329 35,922 33 533 34225 31,547 29 247 30 801 32,495 34 618 37 509 39409 35 804 35,356 35,966 33,570 36098 36,555 36,290 37 260 37,553 38,455 40 113 39 507 35 423 35,569 36,664 35 942 36 752 36,858 36 575 37 415 37,892 38 542 39 843 192,316 186 672 187,814 190,344 191,083 193 971 195,516 195 677 196 229 196,688 198,771 202 586 613 943 711 492 580 774 613 689 628 620 694 853 715 567 952 1,234 2,988 3,300 5,924 8,017 7,242 6,017 4,617 3,186 Year and month 1981 January February March April May June July August . , September October November . , » December 1982 January February March April May June July August September October November December . .. 33 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1 Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1973 1972 Source Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. SeptJ Oct. [ Nov. [ Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2 572.0 575.9 586.2 593.0 598.4 605.0 611.4 89.0 2 U.S. government securities 88.6 93.4 93.4 3 Other securities 2 4 Total loans and leases 3900 3935 137.1 139.2 5 Commercial and industrial 3 . . . 2.4 6 Bankers acceptances held 2.3 1347 136.8 7 Other commercial and industrial 4 8 U S addressees 129.9 131.5 49 9 Non-US, addressees4 5.3 98.2 10 Real estate 99.0 1 1 Individual 863 87.0 12 Security 15.8 15.6 13 Nonbank financial institutions . . . . 21 7 224 14 3 14 Agricultural 14.6 n.a. 15 States and political subdivisions. . . . n.a, 39 16 Foreign banks 41 17 Foreign official institutions 1.6 1.6 14 18 Lease financing receivables . . 1.4 19 All other loans 8.2 10.0 86.0 94,1 406 1 144.6 2.4 142 3 136.6 5.7 100.8 88.6 15.7 236 14.9 n.a. 55 1.7 15 9.1 84.0 94.9 414 1 149.6 2.6 1470 140.6 6.4 102.5 902 15.1 246 152 n.a. 65 1.7 16 7.0 82.7 95.4 4204 151.8 2.6 1492 142.8 63 104.1 91 5 14.4 25 1 154 n.a. 62 1.7 16 8.4 82.3 95.9 426 8 154.4 2.7 151 6 145.1 65 105.6 926 14.3 260 15 6 n.a. 62 1.7 17 87 82.5 96.1 4328 157.4 2.9 154.5 147.8 6.7 107.4 93.7 13.4 26.6 15.7 n.a, 6.2 1.8 1.8 8.8 619.7 627.2 631.5 636.4 641.3 647.8 83.3 96.7 4397 159.5 3.0 1565 150.0 6.6 109,3 94.7 13.3 273 16.0 n.a. 6.1 1.7 18 9.9 82.1 98.1 4470 162.4 3.1 1593 152.7 6.6 111.1 95.7 13.4 28.2 16.2 n,a. 6.0 1.7 19 10.4 85.4 99.2 451 8 163.3 2.6 160 7 154.2 66 114.3 97 1 12.6 28 2 16.5 n.a. 60 1,8 20 10.0 88,2 99.4 460 1 165.0 2.5 162.5 156.7 5.8 117.3 98.7 12.9 28.5 17.2 n.a. 6.2 2.1 2.1 10.2 83.1 98.9 4494 162.6 2.8 159 9 153.3 6.6 112.8 96,3 13.0 28 3 16.3 n.a. 5.8 1.8 19 10.6 87.5 98.7 455 2 163.9 2.4 161 4 155.0 6.4 115.8 98 1 12.6 27 8 16.9 n.a. 59 1.9 20 10.2 Not seasonally adjusted 20 Total loans and securities2 577.1 21 U,S, government securities 89.9 22 Other securities 93 5 393.7 23 Total loans and leases2 24 Commercial and industrial 3 1385 25 Bankers acceptances held 2.5 26 Other commercial and industrial . 1360 27 U.S. addressees4 . . 4 130.6 5.4 28 Non-U.S. addressees 29 Real estate 983 30 Individual 86.9 31 Security 169 32 Nonbank financial institutions 22.0 33 Agricultural 14.2 34 States and political subdivisions . . . . n.a. 35 Foreign banks 4.1 36 Foreign official institutions 1.6 37 Lease financing receivables 14 38 All other loans 9.7 34 575.2 580.1 90.0 929 392.3 138.7 2.4 136,3 130.8 5.6 99.0 87.1 15.9 22.2 14.5 n.a. 4.1 1.6 14 7.8 86.5 935 400.0 1427 2.4 1404 134.6 5.8 100.4 87.8 154 22.8 14.7 n.a. 5.1 1.7 15 7.8 590.8 597.8 604.1 613.3 620.5 627.8 633.2 637.0 642.3 653.2 85.2 945 411.2 148 5 2.6 145 9 139,6 6.3 102.0 88.9 15 1 24.1 15.0 n.a. 6.2 1.7 16 8.1 82.9 964 434.0 157.8 3.0 154 8 148.3 6.5 107.4 93.3 13 3 26.9 15.8 n.a. 6.3 1.8 1.8 9.7 85.2 946 418.0 152 1 2.6 1495 143.3 6.3 103.7 90.4 13 8 24.9 15.2 n.a. 6.0 1.7 16 8.5 829 957 4254 1545 2.7 151 8 145.4 64 105.3 91 8 13 6 25 8 15.5 n.a. 6.1 1.7 17 9.3 81.9 970 441.6 1605 3.0 1575 150.9 6.6 109.4 94.9 127 27.9 16.2 n.a. 6.4 1.7 18 10.1 80.9 985 448.4 162 1 2.9 1592 152.7 6.5 111.4 96.5 137 28.6 16.5 n.a. 6.2 1.7 19 9.9 81.8 99 4 452.1 162 9 2.6 1604 154.0 6.3 113.3 97.5 13 1 28.8 16.6 n.a. 5.9 18 19 10.3 82.8 100 0 454.2 163 4 2.6 1608 154.5 6.4 114.8 98.1 130 28 2 16.7 n.a. 6.0 1.8 20 10.2 86.9 98 9 456,5 163 9 2.5 161 4 155.0 6.4 116.4 98.9 129 27.8 17.0 n.a. 5.9 1.9 20 9,9 89.1 99.6 464,5 166.7 2.6 164.1 157.6 6.5 117.5 99.4 13,9 28.9 17.1 n.a. 6.5 2.1 2.1 10.3 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures Source 1974 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. June May Aug. July Sept. Oct. Nov.7 Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Tbtal loans and securities2 5 6 655.7 662.3 668.7 680.7 686.8 692.1 699.1 704.2 706.5 707.6 709.9 713.7 2 U S government5 6securities 3 Other securities ' 4 Total loans and leases2' 6 5 Commercial and industrial 6t 67 7 6 Bankers acceptances held ' 7 Other commercial 4 and industrial 8 US addressees 9 Non-U.S addressees4 10 Real estate5 6i 7 1 1 Individual 12 Security 13 Nonbank financial institutions6 14 Agricultural 15 States and political subdivisions 16 Foreign banks 17 Foreign official institutions 18 Lease financing receivables 19 All other loans 89.0 101 0 465.7 1676 2.5 165.1 158 9 6.2 118.5 99.4 12.7 29.4 175 n.a. 6.4 2.1 22 9.9 84.5 1065 508.1 1893 3.7 185.6 177 8 7.8 126.7 1025 11.9 33.6 182 n.a. 8.9 2.7 29 11.3 85.1 1062 513.0 191 9 34 188.5 1805 80 127.6 1027 12.2 34.1 182 n.a. 8.7 2.6 29 11.9 20 Total loans and securities2- 5 6 654.7 655.4 666.2 679.7 685.6 694.2 699.9 704.8 708.5 708.8 711.2 21 US government securities 22 Other securities5' 6 2 6 23 Total loans and leases ' 24 Commercial and industrial6'37 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial 4 and industrial 27 U S addressees 28 Non-U.S. addressees4 29 Real estate5' ' ' 7 30 Individual 31 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions6 33 Agricultural 34 States and political subdivisions 35 Foreign banks 36 Foreign official institutions 37 Lease financing receivables. 38 AU other loans 89 9 100.4 4644 167.1 2.6 164.5 1580 6.5 118.5 99.5 12.7 29.1 17.3 n.a. 6.4 2.1 22 9.6 88.7 101 8 471.9 1697 2.5 167.2 1607 6.5 119,9 100.1 12.7 29.5 17.8 n.a. 6.6 2.0 2.3 11.5 88.8 103 1 476.8 1744 2.7 171.7 1649 6.9 121.1 1007 11.8 30.2 17.9 n.a. 7.3 2.1 24 8.8 87.3 1040 489.4 1804 2.9 177.4 1704 7.0 122.6 101.4 11.8 31.6 18.1 n.a. 8.3 2.5 25 10.5 85.9 105 1 495.8 1832 3.2 180.0 172 8 7.2 124.0 101 9 12.3 32.2 18 1 n.a. 8.3 2.5 27 10,7 85.2 105 9 501.1 185 6 3.3 182.3 1747 7.6 125.3 102 3 12.3 32.7 182 n.a. 8.6 2.6 28 10.7 83.8 107 1 515.7 193 3 3.5 189.9 182 0 79 128.4 1029 12.8 34.3 182 n.a. 8.7 2.3 30 11.9 83,8 1074 516.4 1946 35 191.1 1834 77 129.1 1028 12.5 34.2 18 1 n.a. 8.3 2.3 31 11.6 85.1 1068 518.0 195 8 35 192.3 184 8 7.5 129.6 1026 12,6 34.2 18 3 n.a. 8.3 2.2 31 11.2 86.3 107 5 519.8 1966 36 193.0 1862 6.9 130.1 102 5 12.6 34.5 18 3 n.a. 8.3 2.2 32 11.4 Not seasonally adjusted 89 2 101.1 465 1 167.5 2.5 165.0 1584 6.6 119.4 99.3 12.4 28.6 17.4 n.a. 6.2 2.0 23 10.1 902 102.6 473 4 173 3 2.7 1705 163 8 6.7 120.5 99.2 11 8 29.6 17.7 n.a. 7.0 2.1 24 9.8 89 9 103.2 486 6 1808 2.9 177.9 1709 7.0 122.1 100.1 11 4 31.3 17.8 n.a. 8.0 2.5 25 10.3 86 5 105.0 4940 183 3 3.1 1802 173 1 7.1 123.7 101.1 11.7 31.9 18.0 n.a. 8.1 2.5 27 11.1 85 6 106.2 5024 186 1 3.4 1827 175 3 7.4 125.2 101.9 12 3 33.1 18.3 n.a. 8.7 2.6 28 11 5 83 0 106.9 510 1 1904 3.6 1867 1789 7.8 126.8 102.7 11 4 34.2 18.4 n.a. 9.3 2.7 29 11.2 83 9 106.6 5144 191 5 3.3 1883 1805 7.8 127.9 103.6 125 34.5 18.6 n.a. 9.0 2.6 29 11.4 82 5 107.6 5184 193.6 3.3 1903 1827 7.6 128.9 104.1 12.8 34.9 18.5 n.a. 8.8 2.3 30 11.5 81 4 108.3 519 1 1947 3.4 191 3 183 7 7.5 129.6 103.9 12 8 34.2 18.3 n.a. 8.4 2.3 31 11.9 845 107.1 5196 1959 3.6 192.3 1847 7.6 130.2 103.4 12.9 34.2 18.3 n.a. 8.2 2.2 31 11.1 719.8 87 2 107.8 5248 198.6 3.8 194.8 187 1 7.7 130.4 103.1 13.6 35.0 18.2 n.a. 8.8 2.2 32 11,8 35 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1975 Source Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. j Oct. I Nov. j Dec, Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2 . 715.2 714.7 716.2 717.8 719.2 721.8 724.3 726.4 732.1 736.1 738.7 745.1 2 U S government securities 3 Other securities 4 Total loans and leases2 5 Commercial and industrial 3 6 Bankers acceptances held 7 Other commercial and industrial . 8 U S addressees4 9 Non-U S addressees4 10 Real estate 1 1 Individual 12 Security 13 Nonbank financial institutions 14 Agricultural 15 States and political subdivisions 16 Foreign banks 17 Foreign official institutions 18 Lease financing receivables 19 All other loans 86.4 108.6 520.2 197.8 3.5 194.2 186.7 7.6 130.6 102,2 12.3 33.8 18.3 n.a. 8.4 2,1 3,3 11.5 86.0 109,4 519.3 196.8 4.1 192.7 184.7 8.0 131.1 102.5 11.9 33.5 18.4 n.a. 8.2 2,0 3,4 11.5 90.3 109.4 516.5 195.0 4.0 191.0 182.8 8.3 131.3 102.3 13.6 32.6 18.5 n.a. 7,9 1.9 3.4 9.9 94.1 109,4 514.4 193,9 3.9 190.0 181.6 8.4 131.5 101.8 11.5 32.1 18.7 n.a. 8.2 1.9 3.5 11.2 98.0 108.7 512.5 192.5 4.2 188.4 180.0 8.4 131.5 101.6 11.6 31.7 18.7 n.a. 8.5 1.9 3.6 10.9 101.6 109.1 511.1 190.9 4,3 186.6 178.2 8.4 131.8 101.6 12.8 31.5 18.7 n.a. 8.2 2.1 3.6 10.0 105.0 109.5 509.8 189.6 4.5 185.2 176.7 8.5 131.9 101.7 12.4 31.2 18.9 n.a. 8,4 2,1 3.7 9.9 107.4 110.1 508,8 188.9 4.5 184.4 175.8 8.6 132.0 102.1 10.8 31.0 19.2 n.a. 8.6 2.2 3.7 10.2 111.8 109.8 510.5 188.7 4.5 184.2 175.4 8.8 132.4 102.6 11.4 30.5 19.5 n.a. 8,8 2.1 3.8 10.6 113.6 110.6 511.9 188.7 4.4 184.3 175.3 9.0 133.1 103.3 12.5 29.9 19.7 n.a. 9.0 2.2 3.9 9.7 114.5 111.3 512.9 188,7 5.2 183.5 174.5 9.0 133.6 104.0 12.5 29.4 19.8 n.a. 9.1 2.2 3.9 9.5 116.7 111.2 517.1 189.3 6.2 183,2 174,5 8.7 134.4 104.9 13.5 29.0 20.1 n.a. 9.0 2.4 4.0 10.7 20 Total loans and securities2 714.4 707.4 713.3 716.9 718.0 723.8 724.5 726.3 733.2 736.5 740.1 751.5 21 U S government securities 22 Other securities 23 Total loans and leases2 24 Commercial and industrial 3 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial and industrial . 27 U.S. addressees4 28 Non-US addressees4 29 Real estate 30 Individual 31 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions 33 Agricultural 34 States and political subdivisions . . . . 35 Foreign banks 36 Foreign official institutions 37 Lease financing receivables 38 All other loans 87,1 108.0 519.3 197.2 86.5 108.6 512.4 194,5 91.7 108.8 512.9 193.9 96.9 108.5 511.5 194.3 98.7 108.6 510.7 192.7 193.5 185.5 8.0 130.7 102.3 12.3 33.5 18.1 n.a. 8.4 2.1 3.3 11.4 190.4 182.3 8.1 130.6 101.6 11.6 32.7 18.0 n.a. 7.8 2.0 3.4 10.1 189.8 181.7 8.2 130.6 100.7 13.6 32.0 18.2 n.a. 7.6 1.9 3.4 10.8 190.5 182.1 8.4 130,9 100,6 11.2 31.8 18.4 n.a, 7,9 1.9 3.5 10.9 188.6 180.4 8.2 131.2 100.8 11.0 31.5 18.6 n.a. 8.3 1.9 3.6 11.1 102.1 109.4 512.4 191.4 4.3 187.1 179.0 8.2 131,7 101.2 12.9 31.8 18.8 n.a. 8.2 2.1 3.6 10.7 103.3 109.9 511.3 190.5 4.3 186.2 177.7 8.4 132.0 101.8 11.9 31.7 19.2 n.a. 8.7 2.1 3.7 9.9 106.0 110.4 509.9 188.5 4.2 184.3 175.8 8.5 132.3 102.9 11.0 31.2 19.6 n.a. 8.7 2.2 3.7 9.8 110.2 110.3 512.7 188.7 4.2 184.5 175,8 8.7 133.0 103.8 11.5 31.0 19.8 n.a. 9.0 2.1 3,8 10.1 110.6 111.5 514.4 188.7 4.4 184.3 175.5 8.8 133.7 104.5 12.7 29.9 19.9 n.a. 9.1 2.2 3.9 9.8 113.5 111.8 514.8 189.0 5.6 183.4 174.5 8.9 134.2 104.8 12.8 29.4 19.9 n.a. 9.0 2.2 3.9 9,5 117.8 111.6 522.1 191.1 6.7 184.4 175.2 9.2 134.6 105.6 14.3 29.4 20.0 n.a. 9.5 2.4 4.0 11.4 Not seasonally adjusted 36 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued BUHons of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1976 Source Jan. Feb, Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2 2 U S government securities 3 Other securities . . 4 Total loans and leases2 5 Commercial and industrial8'39 6 Bankers acceptances held 7 Other commercial and industrial . 8 U S addressees* 9 Non-U.S. addressees4 10 Real estate8 9 . . . 11 Individual 12 Security 13 Nonbank financial institutions8'9 . , . 14 Agricultural . . . 15 States and political subdivisions. . . . 16 Foreign banks. . 17 Foreign official institutions 18 Lease financing9 receivables 19 All other loans 745.2 749.3 753.5 757.8 762.3 767.5 770.2 776.0 780,5 788.8 796.2 804.6 118.6 111.0 515.6 189.2 5.5 183.7 174.5 9.3 135.5 105.8 12.4 28.4 20.4 n.a. 9.0 2.4 4.0 8.6 119.9 110.8 518.6 188.9 5.5 183.4 174.1 9.3 136.3 106.3 12.1 28.6 20.6 n.a. 9.4 2.4 4.1 9.8 121.9 110.4 521.2 186.5 5.3 181.2 171.8 9.4 137.9 107.1 14.7 28.9 20.9 n.a. 9.6 2.4 4.2 9.1 124,6 110.5 522.7 183.6 5.4 178.2 168.7 9.6 139.8 108.0 14.8 28.5 21.2 n.a. 9.6 2.5 4.3 10.4 125.9 110.8 525.6 184.5 5.3 179.2 169.3 9.9 ,140.8 109.0 14.9 27.9 21.5 n.a. 9.6 2.6 4.5 10.3 125.7 112.0 529.8 185.0 5.0 180.0 169.9 10.1 141.6 110.1 15.5 27.5 21.7 n.a. 10.3 2.6 4.6 10.9 126.2 112.7 531.2 184.9 5.2 179.7 169.8 9.8 142.7 111.0 15,5 26.8 22.0 n.a. 10.5 2.6 4.7 10.5 128.0 112.8 535.1 185.5 5.6 179.9 169.9 10.1 143.9 112.0 16.0 26.3 22.1 n.a. 10.8 2.6 4.8 11.1 128.6 113.2 538.7 186.7 6.1 180.6 170.5 10.2 145.1 112,9 16.3 25.9 22.4 n.a. 10.8 2.8 4.8 10.9 131.3 113.3 544.3 188.1 6.3 181.8 171.5 10.3 146.2 114.0 17.0 26,3 22.6 n.a. 11.1 2.8 4.9 11.3 133.1 113.8 549.3 189.7 6,8 182.9 172.6 10.3 147,5 115.2 16.9 26.3 22.9 n.a. 11.7 2.8 5.0 11.3 136.3 113,5 554.8 190.9 8.0 182.9 172.8 10.0 148.8 116.3 17.7 26.4 23.2 n.a. 11.7 2.8 5.1 11.9 Not seasonally adjusted 2 20 Total loans and securities 745.0 743.0 750.9 757.8 761.0 769.5 769.7 775.1 781.1 789.4 797.8 811.5 21 U S government securities 22 Other securities 23 Total loans and leases2 24 Commercial and industrial8*39 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial and industrial . 27 U S addressees4 28 Non-U S addressees4 29 Real estate8-9. . . 30 Individual 31 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions8' 9 . . . 33 Agricultural 34 States and political subdivisions 35 Foreign banks 36 Foreign official institutions 37 Lease financing9 receivables 38 All other loans 119.4 110.4 515.2 188.7 6.0 182.8 173.3 9.4 135.5 105.9 12.4 28.3 20.2 n.a. 9.1 2.4 4.0 8.6 120.5 110.1 512.5 187.0 5.6 181.3 172.1 9.3 135.9 105.4 11.7 28.0 20.3 n.a. 9.0 2.4 4.1 8.8 123.7 109.7 517.5 185.7 5.5 180.2 170.9 9.3 137.1 105.5 14.6 28.4 20,5 n.a. 9.3 2.4 4,2 9.8 128.2 109.7 519.9 184.0 5.2 178.8 169.3 9.6 139.1 106.7 14.7 28.3 20.9 n.a. 9.3 2.5 4.3 10,2 126.6 110.9 523.5 184.7 5.1 179,7 169.9 9.8 140.3 108.2 14.2 27.7 21.4 n.a. 9.3 2.6 4.5 10.5 126.3 112.3 530.9 185.6 4.9 180.7 170.7 9.9 141.4 109.7 15.6 27.7 21.9 n.a. 10.4 2.6 4.6 11.5 124.3 113.0 532.3 185.4 4,9 180.5 170.7 9.8 142.7 111.2 15.0 27.1 22.3 n.a. 10.7 2.6 4.7 10.6 126.3 113.0 535.8 184.9 5.1 179.8 169.8 10.0 144.2 112.8 16.2 26.5 22.5 n.a. 10.7 2.6 4.8 10.6 127.2 113.5 540.4 186,5 5.7 180.8 170.7 10.1 145.7 114.2 16.3 26.2 22.7 n.a. 11.0 2.8 4.8 10.2 128.4 114.0 547,0 188.1 6.3 181.8 171.6 10.2 146,9 115.2 17.2 26.3 22,9 n.a. 11.3 2.8 4.9 11.4 132.0 114.3 551,6 190.0 7.4 182.6 172.5 10.1 148.2 115.9 17.3 26.3 23.0 n.a. 11.5 2,8 5.0 11.5 137.5 113.9 560.1 192.5 8.9 183.6 173,4 10.3 149.1 117.0 18.6 26.8 23.1 n.a. 12.6 2.8 5.1 12.5 37 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1977 Source Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July 1 Aug. j Sept. 1 Oct. j Nov. | Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities3 809.6 816.3 824.3 831.1 840.1 846.3 853.5 863.0 869.4 876.3 884.9 891.4 2 U S government securities . , ., 3 Other securities 2 4 Total loans and leases . . 10 . .. 5 Commercial and industrial 3. . . . . . . 6 Bankers acceptances held 7 Other commercial and industrial . 8 U.S. addressees4 9 Non-US addressees4 10 Real estate10 . .... 1 1 Individual 12 Security 13 Nonbank financial institutions10 . . . . 14 Agricultural . . 15 States and political subdivisions . . . . 16 Foreign banks. 17 Foreign official institutions 18 Lease financing receivables 19 All other loans 137.8 113.3 558.6 191.5 7.1 184.4 173.8 10.6 150.1 117.7 18.8 26.3 23.4 n.a. 11.8 2.9 5.1 10.9 138.7 113.6 564.0 193.0 6.6 186.4 175.9 10.5 152.0 119.3 18.9 26.0 23.7 n.a. 11.8 2.9 5.1 11.4 141.0 113.1 570.2 195.1 6.5 188.6 178.3 10,3 153.8 121.0 19.1 25.9 24.1 n.a. 11.7 2.7 5.1 11.5 139.1 115.6 576.4 196.1 6.8 189.3 179.2 10.1 156.0 122.8 19.6 25,5 24.4 n.a. 12.2 2.6 5.1 11.9 139.3 117.3 583.5 197,8 6.7 191.2 181.1 10.1 158.3 125.0 19.5 25,6 24.9 n.a. 12.6 2.6 5.1 12.1 139.4 117.7 589.2 199.7 6.4 193.3 183.2 10.1 160.6 126.8 19.1 25.4 25.2 n.a. 12.4 2.5 5.2 12.3 138.8 119,1 595.6 201.2 6.5 194.6 184.6 10.0 163.1 128.8 19.6 25.0 25.5 n.a. 12.5 2.6 5.2 12.2 138.3 119.7 605.0 203.4 6.7 196.6 186.5 10.1 165.7 130.6 20.1 25.0 25.6 n.a, 12,8 2.7 5.3 13.8 137.7 120.6 611.2 204.7 6.7 198.0 187.6 10.4 167.8 132.3 20.9 25.2 25.7 n.a. 13.2 2.7 5.4 13,2 136.6 121.5 618.2 207,0 6,9 200.1 189.6 10.5 170.2 134.0 20.8 25.7 25,7 n.a. 13.6 2.7 5.5 12.8 136.2 122.7 626.0 209.1 6.9 202.2 191.9 10.3 172.8 135.9 2L5 25.7 25.8 n.a, 13.4 2,5 5,6 13.6 136,6 122.7 632.2 211.0 7.7 203.3 193,4 9.9 175,2 138.3 21.0 25.8 25.8 n.a. 13.7 2.7 5.8 13.9 20 Total loans and securities2 809.9 810.7 821.6 831.3 838.3 848.0 852.6 861.2 869.7 877.6 887.2 899.0 21 U.S. government securities 22 Other securities . 2 ... 23 Total loans and leases 10 24 Commercial and industrial 1 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial and industrial . 27 U.S. addressees4 28 Non-U10S addressees4 29 Real estate 30 Individual 31 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions10 33 Agricultural 34 States and political subdivisions 35 Foreign banks 36 Foreign official institutions 37 Lease financing receivables 38 All other loans 138.3 112.8 558.8 191.0 7.9 183.1 172.6 10.5 150.2 117.9 18.9 26.2 23.2 n.a, 12,3 2.9 5.1 11.0 139.3 112.9 558.5 191.3 6,8 184.5 174.0 10.5 151.6 118.3 18.2 25.6 23.3 n.a, 11,3 2.9 5.1 10.9 142.9 112.3 566.4 194.5 6.6 187.9 177.6 10.3 153.1 119.3 19.0 25.6 23.6 n.a. 11.4 2.7 5.1 12.0 142.8 114.9 573.5 196.7 6.5 190.1 179.9 10.2 155.2 121.4 19.7 25.4 24.0 n.a. 11.8 2,6 5.1 11.6 139.8 117.5 581.0 198.1 6.3 191,8 181.8 10.0 157.8 124.1 18.7 25.4 24.8 n.a. 12.1 2.6 5.1 12.2 140.0 117.9 590.0 200.3 6.1 194.1 184.2 9.9 160.2 126.4 19.4 25.5 25.4 n.a. 12.3 2.5 5.2 12,8 137.1 119.3 596.2 201.5 6.1 195.4 185,4 10.0 163.0 128.9 19.0 25.1 25.8 n.a, 12.6 2,6 5.2 12.5 136.5 119.7 604.9 202.5 6.2 196.3 186.3 10.0 166.0 131.4 20.4 25.0 26.1 n.a. 12.5 2.7 5.3 13.1 136.5 120.8 612.4 204.3 6.4 197.8 187.6 10.2 168.4 133.6 20,9 25.5 26,2 n.a. 13.5 2.7 5.4 12.0 134.2 122.1 621.2 207,1 6.9 200,2 189.8 10.5 171.1 135.4 21.0 25,7 26.1 n.a. 13.9 2.7 5.5 12.8 135.0 123.2 629.0 209.6 7.5 202.1 191.8 10.3 173.6 136.7 22.0 25.7 25.9 n.a. 13.3 2.5 5.6 14.0 137.6 123.2 638.2 212.5 8.6 204.0 193.7 10.2 175.6 139.1 22.0 26,2 25.7 n.a, 14.9 2.7 5.8 13.8 Not seasonally adjusted 38 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1978 Source Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 899.5 907.8 918.9 930.5 941.4 952.2 136,4 122.5 640.6 213.2 6.8 206.4 196.2 10.2 178.1 140.1 21,7 25.3 25.9 n.a. 14.1 2.9 5.8 13.3 137,7 122.2 647,9 216.2 6.3 209.9 199.4 10.5 180.6 141.9 20.6 25.1 26.0 n.a. 14,6 3.0 5.9 13.8 138.4 122.9 657.6 220.3 6.5 213.8 203.1 10.7 183.2 144.0 20.8 25,1 26.0 n.a. 15.7 3.1 6.0 13.5 138,5 124.3 667.7 223.8 6.4 217.4 206,5 10.9 185.8 146.5 21.1 25.3 26.1 n.a. 15,6 3.0 6.1 14.4 138.1 124.9 678.3 227.8 6.3 221.5 210.3 11,3 188.7 149.1 21.0 25.6 26.2 n.a. 14.8 3.0 6.2 15.9 138.1 125.8 688.3 231.1 6.5 224.7 213.2 11.5 192.0 151.9 21.1 25.9 26.5 n.a. 16,4 3.0 6.3 14.1 June Nov. Aug, Sept. Oct. %3.7 971.0 982.0 992.4 1,004.7 1,013.8 138.8 125.5 699.3 233.8 6.3 227.5 216.0 11.5 195.1 155,3 21.0 26.2 26.7 n.a. 16.6 3.0 6.4 15,0 139.2 125,8 706,0 235,9 6,0 229.9 217.8 12.1 198.5 158.4 20.2 26.3 27.1 n.a. 15.9 3.4 6.5 14.0 139.7 127.0 715.2 237.8 6.3 231.5 219.0 12,4 201,4 159,7 20.7 26.4 27.3 n.a. 16.6 3.8 6.7 14.7 139.9 127.4 725.2 240.4 6.7 233.7 221.1 12.6 204.5 162.3 19.9 25.9 27.7 n.a. 18.2 4.1 6.9 15.2 July Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2 2 U S government securities , . . 3 Other securities 4 Total loans iind leases2 5 Commercial and industrial 3 6 Bankers acceptances held 7 Other commercial and industrial . 8 U S addressees4 9 Non-U S addressees4 10 Real estate 11 Individual 12 Security 13 Nonbank financial institutions 14 Agricultural ,. 15 States and political subdivisions 16 Foreign banks 17 Foreign official institutions. , 18 Lease financing receivables 19 All other loans 139.3 128.0 737,4 243.8 6.6 237.2 224.1 13.1 207.6 163.8 19.8 26.0 28,0 n.a. 20.0 4.6 7.2 16.5 137.6 129.2 746.9 246.1 6.6 239.4 225,7 13.8 210.5 164.7 19.6 26.3 28.2 n.a. 21.5 5.1 7.5 17.5 Not seasonally adjusted 2 20 Total loans and securities , . . 900.8 902.8 915.7 930.1 938.6 953.4 962.1 968.2 982.3 994.5 1,007.4 1,022.5 21 US government securities 22 Other securities 23 Total loans and leases2 24 Commercial and industrial 3 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial and industrial , 27 U S addressees4 28 Non-US addressees4 29 Real estate 30 Individual 31 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions 33 Agricultural 34 States and political subdivisions 35 Foreign banks .,. 36 Foreign official institutions . 37 Lease financing receivables 38 AU other Joans 136.6 122,3 641.8 212.9 7.5 205.4 194.9 10.4 178.3 140,5 21.9 25.3 25.6 n.a. 14.9 2.9 5.8 13.7 138,3 121.6 642.8 214,7 6.5 208.2 197.7 10.6 180.2 140.9 19.9 24.9 25.5 n.a. 14.1 3.0 5.9 13.5 140.1 122.2 653.4 219.7 6.4 213.3 202.5 10.8 182.4 142.2 20.5 24.8 25.4 n.a. 15.4 3.1 6.0 13.8 141.8 123.7 664.6 224,4 6.1 218.3 207.4 10,9 184.9 145.0 21.2 25.2 25.6 n.a. 15.2 3.0 6.1 14.0 138.3 125,4 675.0 228.1 6.0 222.1 211.1 10.9 188.1 148.2 20.1 25,4 26.1 n.a. 14.2 3.0 6,2 15.6 138.7 125.8 688.8 231.7 6.3 225.4 214.4 11.0 191.5 151.5 21.5 25.9 26.6 n.a, 16,3 3.0 6.3 14.5 137.4 125,3 699.3 233.9 6.0 227.9 216.6 11.3 195,0 155.2 20.5 26,2 27.1 n.a, 16.6 3.0 6,4 15.3 137.5 125.6 705.1 234.7 5.7 229.1 217,3 11.7 198.7 159.0 20.4 26.4 27,5 n.a. 15.4 3.4 6.5 13.0 138.9 127.0 716.3 237.2 6,2 231.0 218.9 12.1 202.0 161.1 20.7 26.7 27.8 n.a. 17.1 3.8 6.7 13.2 137.9 127,8 728.8 240.6 6.7 233.9 221.3 12.7 205.5 163.8 19.8 25.9 28.1 n.a. 18.7 4.1 6.9 15.2 138.1 128,5 740.8 244.3 6.9 237.4 223.9 13.5 208.5 164.7 20.2 26.1 28.2 n.a. 19.8 4.6 7.2 17.2 138.3 130.0 754.2 247.7 7.2 240.5 226.0 14.5 211.0 165.8 20.6 26.6 28.1 n.a. 23.2 5.1 7.5 18.6 39 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1979 Source Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. j Nov. | Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2' " 2 U S government1 securities 3 Other securities' 4 Total loans and leases2' " 5 Commercial and industrial ' 3' 6 Bankers acceptances held 7 Other commercial and industrial . 8 U.S. addressees4 9 Non-U S addressees4 10 Real estate" 11 Individual11 12 Security 13 Nonbank financial institutions" . . . . 14 Agricultural 15 States and political subdivisions 16 Foreign banks 17 Foreign official institutions 18 Lease financing receivables" . 19 AU other loans" 1,026.6 1,035.9 1,047.7 1,061.0 1,070.1 1,083.0 1,097.0 1,108.0 1,126.2 1,130.4 1,128.6 1,135.4 136.9 134.0 755.7 250.5 6.7 243.8 228.8 15.0 212.4 165.4 20.1 26.5 28.4 n.a. 21.8 5.3 7.4 17.8 135.9 135.4 764.7 254.5 7.1 247.4 231.9 15.5 214.5 168.0 21.2 26.2 28.6 n.a. 21.2 5.4 7.5 17.5 137.3 136.4 774.0 258.3 7.1 251.2 235.3 15.9 216.7 170.1 21.1 26.3 28.7 n.a. 21.4 5.7 7.7 18.0 138.0 137.0 786.0 263.5 7.0 256.5 240.1 16.4 219.3 172.3 21.7 26.7 29.1 n.a. 20.9 5.7 7.8 19,0 138,7 136.7 794.7 268.0 7.0 260.9 244.2 16.7 221.2 174.7 22.3 27.3 29.2 n.a. 19.9 5.3 7.9 18.8 139.8 136.9 806.3 272.2 7.3 264.9 247.7 17.2 224.5 176.8 22.2 27.5 29.4 n.a. 21.8 5.1 8.1 18.6 140.2 138.0 818.8 276.6 7.9 268.7 251.4 17.4 228.1 178.2 23.2 28.3 29.6 n.a. 21.9 5.3 8.3 19.2 139.7 139.6 828.7 280.5 7.5 272.9 254.7 18.2 230.7 180.0 22.8 28.7 29.9 n.a. 21.2 5.7 8.5 20.8 141.3 140.8 844.1 285.5 7.7 277.8 258.8 19.0 233.6 181.7 23.8 29.0 30.1 n.a. 22.7 6.6 8.7 22.2 142.6 141.2 846.6 287.3 7.6 279.7 260.7 19.0 236.6 182.7 21.1 30,0 30.4 n.a. 21.7 7.2 8.9 20.7 143.0 141.8 843.8 287.9 7.7 280.2 261.4 18.8 239.0 183.8 18.4 29.8 30.8 n.a. 19.1 6.9 9.1 19.0 144.4 141.9 849.1 291.1 8.3 282.8 263.7 19.2 241.9 184.5 18.6 29.3 31.1 n.a, 18.6 6.9 9.4 17.8 Not seasonally adjusted 20 Total loans and securities2-11 21 U.S. government securities 22 Other securities11 23 Total loans and leases2' " 24 Commercial and industrial ' '3 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial and industrial . 27 U.S. addressees4 28 Non-U S addressees4 29 Real estate" .. .... 30 Individual " 31 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions" 33 Agricultural 34 States and political subdivisions 35 Foreign banks . . 36 Foreign official institutions 37 Lease financing receivables" 38 All other loans" 40 1,029.5 1,031.5 1,044.0 1,060.0 1,066.4 1,083.6 1,094.5 1,103.9 1,126.4 1,133.1 1,131.5 1,145.0 136.9 134.0 758.5 250.5 7.2 243.3 227.8 15.6 212.7 166.2 20.3 26.5 28.2 n.a. 23.0 5.3 7.5 18.4 136.5 134.9 760.1 253.3 7.2 246.1 230.5 15.6 214.2 167.1 20.5 26.1 28.1 n.a. 20.5 5.4 7.6 17.3 138.7 135.9 769.4 257.8 7.0 250.8 234.8 16.0 215.9 168.3 20.7 26.0 28.1 n.a. 20.9 5.7 7.7 18,2 140.9 136.5 782.6 264.2 6.8 257.4 241.1 16.3 218.2 170.8 21.9 26.6 28.5 n.a. 20.4 5.7 7.8 18.4 138.7 137.3 790.3 268.1 6.8 261.4 245.1 16.3 220.6 173.7 21.5 27.0 29.1 n.a. 19.2 5,3 8.0 17.9 140.5 136.8 806.3 272.5 7.2 265.3 248.7 16.6 223.8 176.3 22.8 27.5 29.6 n.a. 21.6 5.1 8.1 18.9 139.2 137.4 817.9 276.4 7.6 268.8 251.6 17.2 227.8 177.7 22.5 28.2 30.1 n.a. 21.8 5.3 8.3 20.0 138.3 139.2 826.4 278.8 7.2 271.6 253.8 17.8 230.8 180.3 23.0 28.8 30.4 n.a. 20.4 5.7 8.5 19.5 140.8 140.5 845.2 284.9 7.7 277.2 258,5 18.7 234.3 183.0 23.6 29.2 30.7 n.a. 23.5 6.6 8.7 20.8 141.0 141.5 850.7 287.7 7.5 280.2 261.0 19.2 237.6 184.2 20.8 30.0 30.8 n.a. 22.4 7.2 8.8 21.0 141.8 142.2 847.4 288.4 7.9 280.6 261.2 19.4 240.0 184.8 18.8 29.8 30.9 n.a. 19.0 6.9 9,0 19.7 144.6 143.0 857.4 293.0 9.0 284.0 264.2 19,8 242,6 185.9 19.7 29.7 30.9 n.a. 20.0 6.9 9.3 19.3 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued BMons of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1980 Source Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2' 13 1,142.5 1,156.6 1,165.7 1,164.6 1,160.3 1,159.1 1,168.4 1,186.7 1,196.3 1,207.0 1,225.3 1,239.7 2 -U S government securities14 3 Other securities14 4 Total loans and leases2' 13 5 Commercial and industrial123' 13 6 Bankers acceptances held 7 Other commercial and industrial4' '2 8 US. addressees4' 12 4 9 N o n U S addressees 10 Real estate13 1 1 Individual .. 12 Security17 13 Nonbank financial institutions 14 Agricultu ral 15 States and political subdivisions 16 Foreign banks 17 Foreign official institutions 18 Incase financing receivables 19 All other loans12' l3 143.9 143.2 855.3 295.3 8.1 145.8 143.8 867.0 299.1 8.7 147.1 144.2 874.4 302.8 8.1 146.0 145.6 873.0 303.3 7.8 148.1 147.7 864.5 300.3 8.3 151.3 148.8 859.0 298.6 8.4 155.2 150.4 862.7 300.4 9.1 160.6 151.1 875.1 306.6 9.5 162.8 151.5 882.0 310.7 9.2 164.3 153.6 889.1 315.2 9.2 168.2 154.2 902.9 322.0 9.2 170.9 154.4 914.5 326.9 8.2 287.1 267.4 19.7 244.5 185.2 17.8 29.0 31.2 n.a. 18.4 7.3 9.5 17.2 290.5 270.4 20.1 248.0 187.3 17.5 29.2 31.3 n.a. 19.0 7,4 9.6 18.7 294.7 274.6 20.1 250.1 187.4 16.6 30.0 31.3 n.a. 19.5 7.6 9.8 19.3 295,6 275.2 20.3 251.9 184.9 15,7 29.4 31.2 n.a. 20.3 7,8 9.9 18,6 292.0 271.6 20.4 252.0 181.7 15.2 27.5 31.2 n.a. 20.9 7.9 10.1 17.6 290.2 269.8 20.4 252.6 179.6 15.4 26,4 30.8 n.a. 20.5 8,5 10.3 16.2 291.3 271,2 20.1 253.8 178,9 14.8 26.8 30.8 n.a. 20.9 9.3 10.4 16.6 297.1 275.7 21,4 254,9 178.5 15.6 27.0 31.0 n.a. 22.0 9.5 10.5 19.4 301.5 279.9 21.6 256.1 178.3 15.6 27.4 31.1 n.a. 21.9 9.8 10.6 20.4 305.9 284.5 21.4 258.3 178.4 16.2 28.0 31.2 n.a. 22.1 10.3 10.8 18,6 312.8 291.0 21.8 260.5 178.9 16.7 28.6 31.4 n.a. 23.2 10.9 10.9 19.8 318.7 296.4 22.3 262.6 179.3 17.7 29.3 31.6 n.a. 23,5 11.5 10.9 21.2 Not seasonally adjusted 2 13 1,147.1 1,153.2 1,162.0 1,163.5 1,156.0 1,158.9 1,164.7 1,181.6 1,196.1 1,209.4 1,227.6 1,249.8 20 Total loans and securities 21 U S government securities14 22 Other securities14 23 Total loans and leases2' 13 24 Commercial and industrial123' 13 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial and industrial4' 12 27 U S addressees4- 12 4 28 Non-U.S. addressees 29 Real estate13 30 Individual 31 Security12 32 Nonbank financial institutions 33 Agricultural 34 States and political subdivisions 35 Foreign banks 36 Foreign official institutions 37 Lease financing receivables 38 All other loans12- I3 '. . 143.9 143.6 859.6 295.9 8.5 146.4 143.6 863.2 298.3 8.7 148.3 144.0 869.7 302.4 8,0 148.7 145.2 869.5 304.0 7.6 148.2 148.4 859.4 300.0 8.0 152.3 148.5 858.2 298.4 8.5 154.4 149.4 860.9 299.8 8.8 159.2 150.6 871.8 304.7 9.2 162.2 150.9 883.0 310.3 9.2 162.7 153.6 893.1 315.7 9.1 166.6 154.6 906,4 322.4 9.2 170.4 155,8 923.6 329.2 8.8 287.4 267.0 20.3 244.9 186.3 18.1 29.0 30.9 n.a. 19.4 7.3 9.6 18.2 289.6 269.4 20.2 247.6 186.6 17.0 29.1 30.7 n.a. 18,5 7.4 9.7 18,1 294.4 274.3 20.1 249.3 185.6 16.3 29.8 30.6 n.a. 19.1 7.6 9.9 19.1 296.4 276.3 20.1 250.9 183.4 15.8 29.3 30.6 n.a. 19.7 7.8 10.0 18.0 292.1 272.1 19.9 251.4 180.5 14.7 27.3 31.1 n.a. 20.1 7.9 10.1 16.2 289.9 270.2 19.7 252.0 178.9 15.7 26.4 31.1 n.a. 20,1 8.5 10.2 16.8 291.0 271.0 20.0 253.4 178.0 14.3 26.7 31.3 n.a. 20.6 9.3 10.4 17.1 295.5 274.4 21.1 255.0 178.5 15.7 27.1 31.5 n.a. 21.3 9.5 10.4 18.0 301.1 279.7 21.4 256.8 179.3 15,3 27.6 31.6 n.a. 22.4 9.8 10.5 19.4 306.6 284.9 21.8 259.3 179.7 16.0 28,0 31.7 n.a. 22.7 10.3 10.7 19.1 313.2 290.7 22.5 261.4 179.8 17.2 28.6 31.5 n.a. 23.3 10.9 10.7 20.4 320.4 297.2 23.2 263.3 180.9 19.1 29.6 31.4 n.a. 25.1 11.5 10.9 22.7 41 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1981 Source Jan, Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. j Oct. j Nov. ; Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2 1S 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Total loans and leases2' l5 5 Commercial and industrial 15<3 l6 6 Bankers acceptances held 7 Other commercial and industrial . 8 US addressees4 9 Non-U.S. addressees4 . . . 10 Real estate15 . 1 1 Individual 12 Security 13 Nonbank financial institutions15 14 Agricultural 15 States and political subdivisions. . . 16 Foreign banks 17 Foreign official institutions15 18 Lease financing receivables . 19 All other loans 1,248.9 1,253.5 1,259.6 1,266.0 1,280.7 1,289.3 1,291.3 1,298.3 1,306.1 1,313.6 1,319.5 1,307.4 174.0 155.1 919.8 329.1 9.0 320.1 296.3 23.8 264.1 179.2 19.1 29.3 31,8 n.a. 24.1 11.6 11.2 20.3 174.9 155.6 923.0 329.4 8.9 320.5 296.0 24.5 265.9 179.9 18.7 29.0 32.0 n.a. 23.7 11.4 11.6 21.4 175.5 156.7 927.4 331.2 9.0 322.2 297.6 24.6 267.8 180.4 19.4 28.5 32.1 n.a. 22.9 11.1 11.7 22.4 176.2 156.2 933.6 334.0 9.5 324.4 299.0 25.4 269.6 180.1 20.0 28.7 32.3 n.a. 23.1 11.0 11.9 23.0 178.8 155.6 946.4 339.6 9.7 330.0 303.9 26.1 271.8 180.8 20.7 29.8 32.4 n.a. 24.1 11.1 12.0 23.9 180.4 155.5 953.4 344.7 10.1 334.6 308.2 26.4 273.8 181,1 21.3 30.1 32,6 n.a. 24,2 11.2 12,2 22,2 180.7 155.1 955.4 347.1 9.2 337.8 311.6 26.3 274.9 181.2 20.4 30.0 32.8 n.a. 24,4 11.3 12.3 21,2 181.4 154,8 962, 1 350,2 7.0 343,2 316.2 27,0 277.0 181.7 18.3 30.4 32.8 n.a. 24.6 11.4 12.4 23.2 180.3 156.3 969.5 353.1 6.3 346.7 319.7 27.0 278.6 182.2 19.5 30.3 32.9 n.a. 24.5 11.5 12.6 24.4 180,3 158.8 974,5 356.6 6.8 349.9 323.1 26.7 280.2 182.1 19.7 30.1 33.0 n.a. 23.8 11.7 12.6 24.6 177.3 162.2 980.0 359.7 6.7 353.0 326.5 26.5 281.8 182.1 20.7 30.1 33.0 n.a. 23.7 11.9 12.8 24.3 179.6 160.4 967.4 355,1 6,6 348.5 332.6 15.9 284,1 182.6 21.0 30.1 33.1 n.a. 17.6 7.5 12.8 23.3 Not seasonally adjusted 2 15 20 Total loans and securities ' 21 U.S. government securities 22 Other securities 23 Total loans and leases2' IS 24 Commercial and industrial153- 16 25 Bankers acceptances held . , 26 Other commercial and industrial 27 U.S. addressees4 28 Non-U.S. addressees4 29 Real estate15 30 Individual 3 1 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions15 . 33 Agricultural 34 States and political subdivisions . 35 Foreign banks 36 Foreign official institutions15 37 Lease financing receivables 38 All other loans 42 1,254.8 1,251.4 1,256.6 1,265.7 1,276.1 1,288.8 1,286.6 1,292.6 1,305.5 1,315.8 1,321.6 1,317.2 173.9 155.8 925.2 330.4 9.2 321.1 296.7 24.4 264:6 180.6 19.4 29.3 31.5 n.a. 25.1 11.6 11.3 21.4 175.5 155.6 920.2 329.0 8.9 320.1 295.5 24.6 265.7 179.5 18.2 28.9 31.4 n.a. 23.3 11.4 11.8 21.1 176.8 156.7 923.1 331.0 8.9 322.0 297.4 24.6 267.0 178.9 19.1 28.4 31.4 n.a. 22.4 11.1 11.9 22.1 179.5 155.9 930.3 334.6 9.5 325.1 300.1 25.0 268.6 178.8 20.1 28.7 31.7 n.a. 22.4 11.0 11.9 22.6 179.2 156.3 940.6 338.8 9.4 329.4 304.0 25.3 271.2 179.6 20.0 29.5 32.3 n.a. 23.3 11.1 12.0 22.7 182,0 155,2 951.7 343.8 10.2 333.6 308.1 25.5 273.2 180.1 21.8 30.0 32.9 n.a. 23.5 11.2 12.2 22.9 180,2 153.8 952.6 346.1 9.0 337.1 311.0 26.1 274.4 180.0 19.5 29.9 33,3 n.a. 23.9 11,3 12.3 21.9 180.1 154.3 958.2 348.1 6.8 341.2 314.6 26,7 277.0 181.6 18,1 30,5 33.4 n.a. 23.9 11.4 12.4 21.7 179.5 155.5 970.5 352.8 6.3 346.5 319.5 27.0 279.3 183.1 18.9 30.4 33.5 n.a. 25.0 11.5 12,5 23.4 178.5 158.5 978.7 357.5 6.6 350.8 323.7 27.2 281.2 183.4 19.4 30.1 33.5 n.a. 24.5 11.7 12.5 24.3 175.2 178.4 162.5 162.1 983.8 976.7 360.3 357.6 6.6 7.2 353.6 350.4 326.4 333.7 27.3 16.7 282.6 284.9 183.1 184.5 21.6 23.1 30.1 30.3 33.2 32.9 n.a. n.a. 24.1 18.7 11.9 7.5 12.6 12.7 22.8 24.7 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1982 Source Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr, May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2 18> I9 18 l9 2 U S government securities ' 3 Other securities18' 19> 20.2 l8 19i2 4 Total loans and leases ' ' °20 5 Commercial and industrial 3 6 Bankers acceptances held 7 Other commercial and industrial . 8 US addressees4 9 Non-US addressees4 10 Real estate18- 19>2° 1 1 Individual 12 Security 13 Nonbank financial institutions20 14 Agricultural 15 States and political subdivisions. . . . 16 Foreign banks 17 Foreign official institutions 18 Lease financing30 receivables 19 All other loans 1,309.4 1,321.9 1,331.3 1,341.2 1,350.0 1,356.0 1,364.2 1,371.0 1,379.7 1,388.1 1,390.2 1,400.5 181.3 159.5 968.6 357.2 6.3 350,9 338.2 12.7 285.9 182.7 20.8 30,3 33.3 n.a. 15.9 5.9 12.9 23.7 182.8 159,7 979,4 362,5 6.5 356.0 343.0 13.0 288.4 183.3 20.9 30.7 33.6 n.a. 16.5 5.6 13.0 24.9 181.9 161.4 988.0 366.6 6.8 359.9 346.9 13.0 291.1 183.7 21.0 31.5 33.9 n.a. 15,8 5.2 13,0 26,1 184.4 183.6 184.5 186.3 188,9 191.4 194.9 198.1 202.7 161.0 161.6 161.5 161,6 161.3 161.8 162.0 161.6 165.0 995.9 1,004.8 1,010.0 1,016.2 1,020.8 1,026.6 1,031.3 1,030.5 1,032.8 372.2 378.1 381.5 384,9 386.1 390,9 392,8 391.7 391,5 7.0 7.6 7.0 7.2 7.3 6.5 6.4 6.8 7.5 365.2 370.8 374.9 378.4 379.2 383.4 385.2 384.7 384.3 352.1 357.7 361,5 365,4 366.2 370.3 372.7 372.6 372.4 13.2 12.5 12.1 13,1 13.4 13.0 13.0 11.9 13.1 292.8 294,4 296.1 296.5 297.4 298.1 298.7 299.3 299.9 184.3 184,8 185.8 186.1 186.1 186.3 186.5 187.0 188.3 21,2 24.5 21.0 20.7 22.7 23.5 24.8 23.8 22.0 32.1 32.1 31.7 31.5 32.1 32.3 31.6 31.9 31.9 36.2 36.2 36.3 34.2 34.5 36.0 34.9 35,3 35.7 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 14.3 14.4 14.6 14.2 14.3 14.3 14.1 13.8 13.9 6.0 5.9 5.8 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.8 5.6 13.4 13.4 13.4 13.4 13,1 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.3 27.4 27.1 27.5 26,3 27,1 25.9 27.7 27.1 25.9 Not seasonally adjusted 20 Tbtal loans and securities2 l8 t9 21 U S government securities18' 19 22 Other securities18- 19- 2(t 2 l8 19 20 23 Total loans and leases ' ' ' 20 24 Commercial and industrial 3 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial and industrial , 27 U S addressees4 28 Non-US, addressees4 29 Real estate18'19'20 30 Individual 31 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions20 33 Agricultunil 34 States and political subdivisions . . . . 35 Foreign banks 36 Foreign official institutions 37 Lease financing20 receivables 38 All other loans 1,315.5 1,320.2 1,328.2 1,341.1 1,346.3 1,355,8 1,359.1 1,365.9 1,378.7 1,389.6 1,391.7 1,410.3 181.2 160.4 973.9 358.6 6.4 352.2 339.2 13.0 286,4 184.3 21.4 30.3 32.9 n.a. 16.4 5.9 13.0 24.6 183.4 159.9 976.9 362.2 6.5 355.7 342.9 12.8 288.1 183.1 20.5 30.6 33.0 n.a. 16.4 5.6 13.1 24.4 183,2 161.6 983,4 366.2 6.7 359.5 346,9 12.7 290,3 182.2 20.6 31.4 33.1 n.a. 15,5 5.2 13.2 25.5 187.9 160.7 992.5 372.6 7.0 365,7 353,0 12,6 291.8 182.9 21.2 32.2 33.6 n.a. 14,1 5.2 13.2 25,9 192.8 195.4 200.7 184.5 186.5 186.0 187.7 190.2 162.4 161.1 160.1 160.8 160.9 161.5 161.9 166.8 999,5 1,008.2 1,013.0 1,017.4 1,027.6 1,035.4 1,034.5 1,042.8 377.2 380.5 384.0 384.1 390.6 393.6 392.1 394.2 7.5 7.4 6.6 6.3 6.7 7.1 7.8 6.9 370.1 373.8 377.7 377.5 383.2 386.1 385.2 386.4 357,4 360.8 364.6 364.5 370.0 373.3 372.4 373.8 12.7 12.6 12.8 13.2 13.0 13.1 12.9 12.9 293.7 295.6 296.0 297.4 298.9 299.6 300,1 300,6 183.5 184.6 184.8 185.9 187.1 187,8 188.2 190,5 27.2 25.0 24.5 22.6 22.3 20.2 20.9 20.9 32.1 31.7 31.9 31.7 31.7 32.1 32.2 31.9 36,4 36.7 36.4 35.2 34.4 36,0 36.7 36.0 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 15.2 14.6 14.3 14.0 13.8 14.1 13.8 13.8 5.3 5.6 5.8 5.9 6.0 5,8 5,7 5.5 13.3 13.3 13.2 13.3 13.2 13.2 13.3 13.3 27.2 26.7 26.3 26.1 26.8 26.2 28.5 27.9 43 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures 1983 Source Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. ! Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities2'26 . . 1,411.7 1,419.5 1,432.3 1,443.3 1,453.6 1,466.9 1,481.4 1,495.0 1,506.8 1,520.8 1,539.1 1,553.0 208.8 213.4 220.9 226.0 233.4 238.5 240.7 242.2 246.9 252.9 257.8 260.8 2 U.S. government securities . 167,8 167.8 167.0 168.2 169.0 170.5 171.7 173.4 173.7 172.6 172.7 169.6 3 Other securities23 . 2 23 26 4 Total loans and leases - 1,035.1 1,038.2 1,044.4 1,049.1 1,051.3 1,057.9 1,069.0 1,079.4 1,086.2 1,095.3 1,108.5 1,122.7 24 5 Commercial and industrial 3 392.9 393,8 395.5 394.5 393.2 394.6 397.9 401.2 402.1 405.0 409.6 412.8 7.4 6.2 6 Bankers acceptances held 6.7 6.4 6.3 6.7 6.8 6.4 6.9 6.3 5.9 5.9 7 Other commercial and industrial . 385.5 387.1 388.6 388.2 387.3 388.8 391.4 394.9 395.9 398.4 402.8 406.4 4 23 8 U.S. addressees - 4 25 373.4 374.6 376.1 375.6 374.7 376.2 379.3 382.7 383.7 386.0 390.6 394,7 12.1 12.2 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.2 11.7 9 Non-US addressees ' 12.5 12.1 12,2 12.5 12.6 10 Real estate212122 '22'24 302.0 303.7 304.9 307.0 308.9 311.3 314.6 317,3 320.7 324.1 327.6 331.0 1 1 Individual 188.1 188.3 189.6 190.9 192.6 194.4 197.4 200,2 202.9 206.4 209.7 213.1 12 Security 24.4 23.5 25.4 25.3 25.6 26,6 23.6 24.1 24.5 27.0 26.9 23.9 13 Nonbank financial institutions . ... 30.7 31.5 31.5 30.6 30.8 30.7 31.2 30.9 30.8 30.6 31,0 30.6 36.4 36.7 38.2 38.5 14 Agricultural 37.1 37.6 37.8 38.9 39.2 37.8 38.0 37.5 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 15 States and political subdivisions. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a, n.a. 14.5 14.4 14.3 14.6 14.4 13.0 16 Foreign banks 15.1 15.2 15.0 15.3 14.6 14.6 17 Foreign official institutions 7.4 7.5 6.7 7.0 7.1 7.3 8.8 9.5 5.8 6.3 7.3 7.9 18 Lease financing receivables . . . 13.4 13.4 13,4 13.4 13.5 13.4 13.4 13.6 13.7 13.3 13.3 13.3 26.6 19 All other loans22-25-26 26.5 30.5 27.7 27.3 28.3 28.9 28.3 32,3 30.1 31,5 28.5 Not seasonally adjusted 20 Total loans and securities2 M 2 1,418.3 1,418.0 1,429.5 1,443.9 1,450.9 1,467.7 1,475.9 1,489.4 1,505.0 1,521.3 1,539.6 1,562.8 21 U.S. government securities 208,7 214,2 222,7 230.6 235.0 241.5 240,4 240.7 245.0 250.1 253.9 257.7 22 Other securities23 168.8 168.0 167,2 167.9 169.9 170.1 170.0 172.9 172.8 171.9 172.9 171.5 23 Total loans and leases"3'26 24 1,040.8 1,035.8 1,039.6 1,045.5 1,046.1 1,056.1 1,065,5 1,075.9 1,087.3 1,099.4 1,112.8 1,133.5 24 Commercial and industrial 3 394.5 393.4 395.1 394.8 392.2 393.6 397.1 399.4 402.0 405.8 410.0 415,5 25 Bankers acceptances held 6.5 6.6 7.5 6.7 6.9 6.1 5.8 6.4 6.7 6.1 6.1 6,3 26 Other commercial and industrial . 387.0 386.8 388.4 388.4 386.4 387.5 390.8 393.3 395.8 399.3 403.3 408.6 27 U S addressees4'23 . .4 25 374.7 374.6 376.2 376.4 374.2 375,3 378.6 381.1 383.5 386.5 390.4 396.2 28 Non-U.S. addressees 12.2 12.8 12.3 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.0 12.2 12.8 12.5 29 Real estate212122 -22'24 302.6 303.4 304.1 306.0 308.1 310.8 314.0 317.4 321.6 325.2 328.5 33 L6 30 Individual ' 189.9 188.1 188.1 189.4 191.0 193.1 196.1 200.0 203.8 207.9 211,2 215,7 31 Security 26.4 24.4 28.4 30.1 24.6 24.8 23.0 24.7 23.5 24.0 23.2 24.0 32 Nonbank financial institutions 30.5 31.2 30.6 30.9 30.7 31,4 31.6 30.6 30.6 31.0 31.2 30.6 33 Agricultural 39.1 39.0 38.2 37.5 36.8 36.2 39.0 38,9 38.8 36.0 35.9 38.5 34 States and political subdivisions n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 35 Foreign banks 14.7 15.0 14.6 14.0 14.4 14.5 14,9 14.8 13,8 14.6 14.8 14.8 36 Foreign official institutions 5.8 7.3 7.0 8.8 9.5 7.9 7.5 7.4 7.3 6.3 7.1 6.7 37 Lease financing 2receivables 13.4 13.4 13.3 13.3 13.2 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.7 13.4 13.4 13.4 38 All other loans^ '2526 26.2 27.4 28.2 28.2 30.3 27.9 30.0 30.0 30.0 28.1 26.7 30.1 44 14. Loans and securities of all commercial banks1—Continued Billions of dollars; averages of Wednesday figures Source 1984 Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Seasonally adjusted 1 Total loans and securities"3 1,565.0 1,584.1 1,599.6 1,612.9 1,629.8 1,636.6 1,652.6 1,662.1 1,674.8 1,682.8 1,701.0 1,714.8 2 U.S. government securities27 260.4 260.7 261.0 257.6 257.3 253.7 256.4 257.1 258.0 257.0 259,4 260.2 143.7 142.2 142.3 142.1 140.5 139.7 139.5 140.8 141.9 141.5 141.1 139.9 3 Other securities27 2 27 30 4 Total loans and leases - 1,160.8 1,181.2 1,196.3 1,213.2 1,231.9 1,243.2 1,256.7 1,264.2 1,274.9 1,284.3 1,300.6 1,314.7 27 30 414.1 421.7 432.2 438.5 448.0 452.2 455.0 458.1 460.0 463.0 467.1 468.1 5 Commercial and industrial 3' 5.4 5,2 6.0 5.2 5.1 5.6 6.2 5.4 5.6 6 Bankers acceptances held 5.8 5.8 5.8 7 Other commercial and industrial . 409.0 416.4 426.6 433.2 442.2 446.3 448.8 452.3 454.6 457.3 461.1 462,9 4 28 2 1 397.2 404.2 414.3 420.8 430.2 434.7 431.2 440.6 443.5 446.7 450.7 453.3 8 U.S. addressees ' - " 12.2 10.3 12.3 11.7 10.6 9.6 9 Non-US. addressees4 11.8 12.4 12.0 11.7 11,1 11.6 334.3 338.5 342.9 347.2 350.7 354.7 358,3 361.2 364.7 367.7 371.8 375.6 10 Real estate2827-3078'29-30 11 Individual ' 215.2 218.1 221.1 224.9 229.0 233.0 236,3 238.5 241.3 243.5 246.7 251.0 12 Security 30.3 31.5 33.7 30.2 29.5 30.1 28.0 28.8 30.0 29.6 28.5 26,1 31.4 31.4 31.2 13 Nonbank financial institutions27'30... 30.2 31.4 31.2 30.9 30.6 30.6 31.4 30.8 31.1 40.3 40.4 40.5 40.0 40.6 40.7 40.6 39.4 39.7 40.1 40.3 40,6 14 Agricultural 44.0 42.1 35.5 40.4 41.7 41,2 15 States and political subdivisions27.., 33.7 34.6 36.7 37.4 38.7 41.2 11.7 11.5 12.8 13.4 12.7 12.3 12.2 16 Foreign banks 12.8 12.5 12.3 11.7 11.9 8.4 8.5 8.3 9.0 9.4 17 Foreign official institutions 9.1 9.3 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 15.1 15.5 18 Lease financing27 receivables 13.8 15.3 13.8 14.1 14.5 15.0 13.8 14.0 14.3 14.8 37.4 19 All other loans -31 28.1 31.4 35.5 29.1 30.6 31.6 27.8 30.1 29.8 28.9 30.9 Not seasonally adjusted 20 Total loans and securities2 3 1,572.1 1,582.5 1,596.5 1,613.7 1,626.6 1,637.6 1,646.7 1,656.1 1,673.2 1,684.0 1,701.9 1,725.8 21 U.S. government securities27 22 Other securities27 23 Total loans and leases2'27-30 27 30 24 Commercial and industrial 3' . . . . 25 Bankers acceptances held 26 Other commercial4 28and industrial 27 U.S. addressees ' -29'314 28 Non-US, addressees 29 Real estate2827 28-29-30 30 Individual ° 31 Security 32 Nonbank financial institutions27'30.. 33 Agricultural 34 States and political sutxlivisions27.. 35 Foreign banks 36 Foreign official institutions 37 Lease financing2731 receivables 38 All other loans 260.4 261.6 263.1 263.0 259.4 257.2 256.2 255.5 255.7 254.1 255.2 256,9 142.4 142.5 141.8 141.1 139.4 138.2 140.4 141.3 140.9 141.2 141.5 144.6 1,167.2 1,178.5 1,190.9 1,208.9 1,226.1 1,241.0 1,252.4 1,260.2 1,276.2 1,289.0 1,305.5 1,327.4 415.7 421.3 431.8 438.7 446.8 450.9 454.3 456.1 459,9 463.8 467.3 471.2 5.7 5.5 5.9 6.0 5.3 5.3 5.3 6.0 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.3 410.5 416.0 426.3 433.4 441.0 444.8 448,2 450.4 454.6 458.3 461.4 465.5 398.6 404.3 414.4 421.7 429.5 433.5 436.5 438.8 443.3 447.2 450.5 455.0 10.5 11.1 11.0 11.3 11.7 11.8 11.6 11.3 11.7 11.7 11.9 11.6 334.9 338.1 341.9 346.0 349.8 354.1 357.7 361,4 365.8 368.9 372.8 376.2 254.2 248.4 245.3 242.3 217.3 217.8 219.3 222.9 227.2 231.3 234.7 238.3 30.2 35.2 31.7 25.4 32.7 27.7 26.6 29.0 28.5 29.5 30.7 28.9 31.5 31.0 31.4 30.4 31.3 31.4 30.2 30,9 31.2 30.7 30.9 31.1 41.2 40.6 40.0 41.5 41.4 41.4 40.9 40.2 39.4 38.9 38.8 39.0 41.2 42.1 41.2 44.0 41.7 40.4 38.7 37.4 36.7 34.6 33.7 35.5 12.2 12.2 13.4 12.0 12.3 13.1 11.9 11.8 12.0 12.3 11.9 12.6 8.4 8.5 8.3 9.4 8.9 9.3 8.9 8.9 9.0 8.9 9.1 8.9 15.5 15.1 . 15.1 14.7 14.9 14.4 14.1 14.0 14.3 14.0 13.9 13.9 39.3 31.8 35.6 30,3 28.3 30.3 30.0 28.5 29.1 29,5 29.7 29,7 45 15. Major nondeposit funds of commercial banks1 Monthly averages, billions of dollars 1973 1972 Source Jan. Feb. 26.1 25 7 25.8 26 1 26.0 264 172 16.8 169 17,2 18.1 18.5 8.9 8.9 1.9 6 2.5 Apr. May June July 27.5 27 2 27.7 27 0 31.4 31 0 32.2 32 5 35.1 35.9 37.8 37 1 39.2 38.6 40.0 39.4 41,2 40.5 43.3 40.1 20 8 20.5 206 19.9 23.6 23.2 242 24.4 27.0 27.8 29,7 29.0 31.9 31.3 33.0 32.4 33.6 35.7 33.3 32.9 7.9 6.7 7.1 7.8 8.0 8.1 8.1 7.4 7.0 7,6 7.2 1.8 7 2.5 1.7 5 2.2 1.6 1i 2.7 1.6 8 24 1.7 9 2.6 1.8 8 2,6 2.0 1.1 3.1 2.1 11 3.2 1.6 1.1 2,7 1.2 1.4 2.6 1.4 13 2.7 1.3 1.4 2.7 7.0 2.7 97 71 2.8 98 6.2 3.0 92 51 3.3 84 55 2.8 83 61 2.8 89 62 3.3 95 6.1 3.5 9,6 60 3.2 92 5.8 3.3 9.1 5.8 4.0 9.8 6.2 3.9 10.1 5.9 4.0 9.9 6.4 61 7.3 65 7.9 78 7.8 77 7.4 74 7.3 76 8,5 87 10.0 10.3 10.3 107 11.4 11.6 12.7 12.7 12.0 12.8 12.3 11.6 72 7.4 75 8.1 87 9.9 95 10.4 81 8,3 70 8.7 70 7.1 6.7 6.5 52 4,1 5.4 5.3 6.8 6.0 5.6 4.3 6.0 6.3 86.8 86.8 87.4 88.6 Dec. Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs, and other 3 borrowings from nonbanks 3 Seasonally adjusted 4 Not seasonally adjusted 5 Net balances due to foreign-related institutions, not seasonally adjusted 1 2 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions* net positions with directly related institutions, not seasonally adjusted s 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 13 Not seasonally adjusted U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted . . . 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted Mar. 93.4 101.4 93.1 100,9 Aug. Sept. ; Oct. | Nov. Dec. 105,9 108.5 110.2 114.7 120.7 125.9 127.7 127.6 128.0 105.0 108.6 108.6 112.8 122.0 128.1 129.2 126.7 128.1 1974 Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs.5 and other borrowings from nonbanks 3 Seasonally adjusted 4 Not seasonally adjusted 5 Net balances due to foreign-related institutions, not seasonally adjusted . . . 1 2 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances . . 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 13 Not seasonally adjusted U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted 46 397 40 1 40,9 41 5 45 1 44 5 43 7 42 8 48 2 47 7 47 2 47 5 50.4 51.3 51.8 51 0 51.2 50.5 49,1 48.5 45.5 43.2 47.7 42.9 32.5 33 0 32.7 33.4 36.3 35 6 34.3 334 38.3 37 8 38.1 38 3 40.5 41.4 41.1 40.3 40.5 39.8 39.6 38.9 35.7 37.8 34.4 34.1 7.2 8.1 8.9 9.4 9.9 9.1 9.9 10.7 10.7 9.6 9,8 8.8 12 1,8 30 1.6 1.6 32 18 2.0 38 21 2.4 45 27 2.9 56 22 2.2 44 3.3 1.6 4.9 30 2.2 52 2.6 2.4 5.0 1.2 2.8 4.0 1,3 2.4 3.7 0.9 3.7 4.6 6.0 4.4 10.4 6,5 4.5 11.0 7.1 4.3 11.3 7.3 4.3 11.6 7.2 4.2 11.5 6.9 5.2 12.1 6.6 6.2 12.8 7.7 5.5 13.2 8.1 5.3 13.4 8.4 5.2 13.6 8.5 4.8 13.3 7.9 5.6 13.5 12.8 11.4 13.2 13.1 14.1 13.9 13.6 13.3 13.9 14.3 14.9 15.1 14.4 14.9 14.9 15.5 14.8 15.4 14.1 14.2 14.1 14.9 13.2 12.5 7.5 8,0 6.0 6.6 5.9 6.4 5.7 6.0 6.5 7.6 5.8 6.1 5.7 5.4 5.3 4.0 5.4 5.5 4.2 3.7 4.1 3.4 4.5 4,9 130.7 134.5 134.9 143.0 149.5 154.6 159.5 162.3 163.5 165.0 165.2 169.6 132.1 133.8 134.4 142.0 149,5 152.7 157.2 163.7 165.8 166.6 164.4 170.2 15. Major nondeposit funds of commercial banks1—Continued Monthly averages, billions of dollars 1975 Source Total nondeposit funds Seasonally adjusted2 Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs. and other borrowings from nonbanks* 3 Seasonally adjusted 4 Not seasonally adjusted 5 Net balances due to foreign-related institutions not seasonally adjusted 1 2 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related institutions, not seasonally adjusted5 10 Gross due irom balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 . 13 Not seasonally adjusted U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $103,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted Nov. 367 36.2 37 3 36.9 36 8 38.3 37.6 37.4 31.2 30.8 31.5 31 1 31.7 31 3 31.3 32 9 32.4 32 1 4.0 60 51 56 55 53 -2 9 6.5 3.5 -3 9 7.8 3.8 -2 2 6.4 4.1 -2 8 -1 4 6.2 6.8 39 47 -1 4 6.3 48 -2 0 7.5 54 Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 37.5 37.8 34.9 34.2 36.8 36.3 38.0 37.6 35.8 36.0 36.6 37.3 37.2 36.8 32.6 33 0 31.7 32 1 29.8 29 0 30.8 30 3 32.8 32 5 31.9 32.1 32.6 33.4 72 58 52 59 52 39 0 -12 -19 -1 3 4.3 4.7 4,5 30 2.7 3,1 -1 7 5,9 41 Feb. 39.8 402 3.6 35 Dec. Oct. j Mar. Jan. 7.3 61 13.4 7.1 54 12.5 7.2 5.6 12.8 7.3 63 13.6 7.0 64 13.3 6.9 63 13.2 8.0 6.5 14.4 8.3 71 15.4 8.0 72 15.2 7.1 71 14.2 7.0 76 14.6 7.4 80 15.4 12 4 11.4 13 3 12.8 13 0 12.7 13 3 13.1 12 7 13.7 13 2 13.1 13 8 13.7 13 3 13.5 14 6 15 1 146 14,3 14 3 14.7 12 6 13.0 3.7 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.8 3.8 4.0 3.8 4,1 3.8 4.2 3.7 3.4 3.6 2.7 37 3.9 3,8 3.4 40 3.5 3.7 4.1 4.0 172.8 171.8 169.2 174 3 171 1 168.7 165.9 165.0 164.1 164.0 161.8 160,2 159.2 157,2 156.5 157.3 157.3 159.5 160.1 159.1 158 6 160 3 159 8 160,4 1976 1 2 3 4 5 Total nondeposit funds Seasonally adjusted2 Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs, and other borrowings from nonbanks Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Net balances due to foreign-related institutions not seasonally adjusted MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 10 Gross due Prom balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 13 Not seasonally adjusted U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $1(X),000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted 36 5 36.7 37 1 37.3 35 7 34.9 39 8 39.7 43 2 43.0 40 5 40.4 41 4 42.0 43 9 43.7 44 2 43.9 47 5 47.4 49 7 51.4 51 1 50.7 33 2 334 33 4 33 6 31 8 31 0 35 6 35 4 39 2 389 35 8 35.8 37 0 37.6 41 5 41.3 40 6 403 43 5 43 4 44 6 46 3 47 4 47 1 33 37 39 43 40 4.7 44 25 35 40 51 36 -3 2 78 4.5 -34 8.6 5.1 -3 8 -3.2 9.2 9.0 5.7 5.3 -3 3 9.4 6.0 -5.2 11.9 6.6 -5 1 11,3 6.1 -4 8 12,0 7.1 -3 6 10,6 6,9 -5 9 12.8 6.8 6.6 7.9 14.5 7.2 7.4 14.6 7.6 7.5 15.1 7.5 7,5 15.0 7.9 7.6 15.5 8.0 8.4 16.4 7.8 8.1 15.9 7.8 7.4 15.2 8.7 7.7 16.4 8.9 8.1 16.9 8.8 8.1 16.9 9.6 8.6 18.2 14.6 13.5 15.3 14.8 15.8 15.4 16.8 16.5 18.7 20.0 18.6 18,5 18.6 18.4 22.1 22.4 20.5 21.2 20,4 19.9 21.5 22.0 22.7 23.4 3.5 3.8 4.4 4.5 3.8 3.9 3.6 3.9 3.8 3.8 4,2 4.8 3.8 3.5 4.8 3.7 4.6 5.0 4.5 4.0 4.6 4.1 3.9 4.4 155.6 157.1 151.4 151.3 -36 -3 1 8.1 9.3 5.6 4.9 150.7 149.4 151.0 148.7 145.6 149.2 145.1 147,7 149.7 147.7 144.5 144.5 141.8 142.0 139.5 139.7 137.5 137.8 138.1 140,0 47 15. Major nondeposit funds of commercial banks1—Continued Monthly averages, billions of dollars Source Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs. and other borrowings from nonbanks 3 Seasonally adjusted 4 Not seasonally adjusted 5 Net balances due to foreign-related institutions, not seasonally adjusted 1 2 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 13 Not seasonally adjusted U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted 1977 Nov. j Dec, Mar. Apr. May June J July ; Aug. j_Sept. ] Oct. 52 0 52 1 51 5 50.3 492 49 3 54 0 53 8 51 6 51 2 52.8 53.1 546 54.9 55 8 55.7 570 57.3 55,9 57.5 55.8 55.4 44.9 44 9 47 8 47 9 49.7 48 4 49.0 49 1 54.8 546 51.7 51 4 53.2 53 4 54.6 549 54.0 53 9 54.2 54 5 55.9 57.5 57.4 57.0 3.3 4.3 1.9 .2 - .7 - .1 - .2 .0 1.8 2.8 .0 Jan. Feb. 482 482 -5 3 -4 0 -7 6 -8 8 11 1 9 7 13 3 144 57 56 5.6 5.5 -1.5 -9 2 -10 1 -10 1 -92 -84 -84 -106 -124 15 3 169 17.1 16.3 163 17 3 19.4 21.1 8.7 7.8 7.0 8.6 8.8 6.0 6.7 6.9 87 92 17 8 84 82 166 96 7.4 17,0 91 71 16,2 85 69 15.5 100 77 17.7 99 8.5 183 93 8.7 17.9 103 9.2 19.5 11 3 9.4 20.8 10.7 9.3 20.0 109 10.7 21.7 22 7 21 3 22 7 22 0 23.8 234 23 8 23 3 25 3 27 0 26 0 25 8 26.5 26 2 27.4 27 9 27.6 284 28.4 27 8 29.9 30.5 29.6 30 5 36 39 40 42 44 4.3 52 54 38 36 43 50 39 3.6 43 3.4 44 5.0 41 3.7 4.0 3.5 4.5 5.1 137.4 137 2 136.9 136.5 137 7 141 8 144.4 146.3 148.2 152.8 157.7 138 8 137 7 137 6 135 9 137 1 140 2 142 1 145 6 147 6 1524 158.5 162,3 165.3 1978 1 2 3 4 5 Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs.3 and other borrowings from nonbanks Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Net balances due to foreign-related institutions, not seasonally adjusted 55 2 55 0 57 5 57 2 58 5 569 61 4 61 7 695 694 68 7 680 71 1 71.1 734 740 73 2 734 807 81 5 82.1 83.5 83 1 83.0 57 5 57 3 599 59 6 62,3 60 8 61.9 622 694 69 2 1 67 4 66 7 68.2 68 1 71.1 71 7 68.9 69 1 73.7 74 5 74.0 75.4 76.3 76.2 1,3 3.0 2.2 4.3 7.0 8.1 6,8 -2.2 -2.3 -3.8 -.4 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 -13 5 -13 1 -14 8 -11 0 -11 6 -11 7 -94 -104 -102 -9 8 -97 - 10 1 22 3 22 7 23.1 190 19 6 20 6 18.4 19.6 20.0 21 3 22.8 24.9 7 Gross due from balances 14 7 8 Gross due to balances 79 88 89 82 87 95 9 7 11 4 13.0 91 79 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 11 3 10 8 11 0 10 6 11 8 13 1 12 5 12 7 14 6 169 17 9 170 10 Gross due from balances 14.3 11.6 11 1 12.2 12.5 11 8 122 12.1 11.5 12,9 14 3 13.8 1 1 Gross due to balances 23.0 21.9 23.2 23.1 23.6 25.3 24,5 24.2 27.5 31.2 31.7 31.3 Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 30.8 31.1 32.2 32.3 31.2 299 31.2 32.8 32.6 35.5 37.6 40.0 13 Not seasonally adjusted 29 3 30 3 31.8 31,4 32 8 29 8 31.0 33.5 332 34.9 38.2 40.8 U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 44 44 44 38 42 99 54 46 54 94 50 49 62 44 62 15 Not seasonally adjusted 35 48 8,3 10 3 40 43 43 43 50 Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted , 165,8 169 6 175.1 180.0 185.6 189.9 194.3 197.3 200.1 202.0 210.2 213.9 17 Not seasonally adjusted 167 9 1709 176.9 1794 184 8 187 2 190.6 195.6 198 6 201 1 211.7 218.3 48 15. Major nondeposit funds of commercial banks1—Continued Monthly averages, billions of dollars Source 1 2 3 4 5 Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs. and other borrowings from nonbanks Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Net balances due to foreign-related institutions not seasonally adjusted . . . . MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 . . 13 Not seasonally adjusted U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted 1979 Jan. Feb. Mar. 77 6 77 7 91 1 90 1 97 4 95 6 994 110 3 113 1 118 8 125 5 128 7 1266 123 6 117 1 99 8 110 1 112 1 118 4 126 8 129 3 1282 124 8 117 1 71 3 71.4 79.0 78.0 80 1 78.3 79 6 80.0 869 86.7 860 85.0 90 3 89.9 92 4 93.6 93 2 93,8 92 2 93,7 88 9 90.1 88 7 88.7 6.3 12.0 17.3 19.8 23.4 27 1 28 5 33 1 35 5 34 5 34 7 28 4 -100 24.6 14.5 -6 2 23.3 17.0 -3 4 22 5 19.0 -9 21 9 20.8 27 19 5 22.2 53 20 1 25.4 56 203 25.9 82 194 27.7 10 5 21 7 32,2 91 22 0 31.1 11 4 21 6 33.0 69 22 9 29,7 164 15.4 31 8 18 4 15.0 33 3 20 8 15.3 360 20 8 15.7 36 5 20 6 15.9 36 6 21 8 17.6 39 3 22 9 17 6 40 5 249 162 41 1 25 0 23 4 48 3 25 4 25.7 51 1 23 3 26.5 497 21 6 28.9 505 41 9 40.7 43 2 42.2 44 4 44.1 47 0 45.7 47 8 49.6 50 6 503 49 0 48 7 47 9 492 51 4 51 9 507 50 1 44 5 45 0 43 5 44 1 10.5 12.0 1.1 8.4 7.0 6.5 54 53 79 84 98 108 14 2 13 2 11 8 98 107 12 5 98 11 7 85 56 107 97 Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 217 7 219.2 218 7 2167 214 6 212 2 2140 2163 222 5 227 9 229 1 229 5 2205 221 5 221 4 216 3 213 8 208 9 209 7 214 1 220 6 226 6 230 6 234 1 19 80 1 2 3 4 5 Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted 120 9 127 0 131 3 119 4 123 5 115 3 117 0 108 7 111 6 121 0 125 4 1294 120 1 122 8 113 9 116 3 110 5 112 2 Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs. and other borrowings from nonbanks Seasonally adjusted 92.8 97.6 98.5 92.5 100.5 100.8 106.1 98.4 102.7 92.9 96 1 96 6 93 2 99 8 994 105 4 1002 103 4 Not seasonally adjusted Net balances due to foreign-related institutions not seasonally adjusted . . . . 28.1 29.4 32.8 269 23 0 146 109 10 3 88 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances .. . 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 13 Not seasonally adjusted .,. U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 17 Not seasonally adjusted 117 3 115 7 114 8 1194 118 7 117 7 106.0 107.2 106.5 1080 110 1 1094 11 3 85 83 -8 3 -102 -14 4 -12 9 -14 5 -14 5 32 7 35 8 38 2 38 3 37 6 37 6 24.3 25.5 23.7 25.3 23.1 23.0 6.0 229 28.9 6.6 23 3 29.9 93 23 6 33.0 59 24 5 30.4 2 6 -5 3 27 4 30 1 30.0 24.7 22.1 29 7 51.7 22.8 305 53.2 23 5 32 0 55.4 209 284 49.4 205 284 48.8 19 9 28 5 48,4 19 3 30 8 50,1 206 30 9 51.6 23 3 30 3 53.6 24 3 30 8 55.2 23 1 31 0 54.1 22 9 32 5 55.4 42 1 41 5 42.5 41 8 41 9 41 6 39 5 38 5 38 4 39 2 42 1 42 1 46 8 46 6 48 8 49 9 49 4 49 6 50 6 50 1 505 50 9 51 6 52 0 11 0 12 7 10 8 11 7 82 78 91 90 81 85 93 100 97 91 10 8 90 12 1 13 8 10 2 12 6 10 3 67 10 2 91 231.3 235.1 237.8 2405 243.3 2405 236.6 237 4 242 7 248.1 257.0 268.5 234 .1 238.0 2409 240 1 242 3 237 0 2322 235 3 241 1 247 0 258 3 272 9 49 15. Major nondeposit funds of commercial banks1—Continued Monthly averages, billions of dollars 1981 Source Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs, and other borrowings from nonbanks 3 Seasonally adjusted 4 Not seasonally adjusted 5 Net balances due to foreign-related institutions, not seasonally adjusted 1 2 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances . . . 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 13 Not seasonally adjusted . 7 US. Treasury demand balances 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted . . . . Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted . Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. I 1 I Sept. j Oct. j Nov. Dec. 116 7 115 6 110 8 1044 114 4 116 1 115 7 117 0 116 6 111 6 113 9 118 8 117 6 113 0 105 8 1179 118.6 117,7 1205 118 9 113 7 117.1 1084 107 3 107.3 110.5 109.3 109.4 8.3 8.3 3.5 105 1 105,8 106.5 109.3 -0.6 8.6 -16.1 -14.6 -16.9 -21.2 -13,5 37.5 36.3 38.8 43.0 43.4 21 2 21 6 21 8 21 7 29 8 110.2 109.5 112.7 111.5 106.6 110.1 107,4 109.6 106.7 108.8 6.2 10.3 9.3 4,9 5,9 110.1 113.4 92 6 95.3 110.8 113.5 3.8 -18.1 -14.5 -14.5 -10.1 -12.2 -15,3 -14.8 42.5 45.0 43.7 44.5 45.5 47.9 27.8 30.4 33 5 32 2 30 1 32.9 -22.4 54.9 32,4 24.5 31 5 560 23.0 31 8 54 8 20.5 31 9 524 20.6 340 54 6 22.2 35 6 57 9 20.5 36 8 57 4 20.9 37,3 58 1 20.6 37 9 584 21.6 39 9 61 5 20.3 38 2 58 4 18.7 39 1 57 8 4.3 48 1 52 4 54 8 54 5 54 4 53 9 54 3 540 54 9 53.8 54 5 55.5 58 4 58.5 57 5 57.0 56 0 57 0 56 3 56 1 55 8 55,4 57 2 57.9 59 0 59.2 69 7.9 73 8.2 10 5 10.3 11 9 12.1 11.9 12.3 12.1 12.4 11.4 10.5 89 7.3 95 10.7 10.4 13.2 15.0 9.6 12.8 11.1 280.1 285.0 283.6 285.4 295.8 302.2 309.7 317.2 321.8 324.1 324,1 326,5 283 0 288 1 286 8 284 8 294 5 298.6 305.0 315 3 320 6 323 1 325,0 310.6 IBF ADJUSTMENTS FOR SELECTED ITEMS9 18 19 20 21 22 22.4 17 20.7 3.1 17.6 Items 1 and 2 Items 3 and 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 9 1982 1 2 3 4 5 Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted . . . . 81 5 82 0 806 802 80 2 82.8 81.9 83.8 Not seasonally adjusted 83.8 84.4 Federal funds, RPs. and other borrowings from nonbanks Seasonally adjusted 1107 110,4 113.1 112.6 114.0 Not seasonally adjusted . 113 1 112 7 115 2 114 3 1177 Net balances due to foreign-related institutions, not seasonally adjusted . . . . -29.2 -28.2 -32.4 -32.3 -33.8 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks1 net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 . . . . 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted . . 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 . . . . 13 Not seasonally adjusted . 7 U.S. Treasury demand balances 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted . 82.0 84.7 78.7 80.1 76 3 79.4 73 9 75.7 75.3 77.3 77.5 81.3 72,1 74.7 114.3 115.8 117.5 119.6 123.3 122.3 119.8 1170 117 2 1205 121 4 125 2 126 1 122 4 -32.2 -37.0 -41.0 -45.6 -47.8 -44.7 -47.6 -27 0 -25 8 -28 7 -29 7 -29 8 -29 1 -32.9 -34 3 -38 6 -40 3 -38.3 --39.5 55 1 55 0 56 7 57 4 58 1 57 7 60 6 65 1 68 5 69 8 69 9 72 2 28 0 29 1 27 9 27 6 28 3 28 5 27 6 30 6 29 8 29 4 31 5 12 6 -2 1 50.0 47.8 -2 3 50.5 48.1 -3 6 50.0 46.3 -2 6 49.2 46.5 -39 49.5 45.5 -30 50.3 47.2 -40 52.7 48.6 -6 6 53.6 46.9 -68 54.2 47.2 -74 53.9 46.4 -64 53.5 47.1 -80 54.6 46.6 599 59 8 59 6 59 4 61 3 60 9 61 5 607 58 3 59 4 57 4 57 6 58.8 57 7 62 8 63 4 63 4 62 7 66 4 65 8 64 9 66 3 63 6 63 7 12.4 14.4 17.6 19.9 15.0 15.4 13.0 13.7 15.2 15.3 11.1 10.7 8.8 8.2 10,2 81 11.1 12 3 12.5 16 4 12.4 78 13.0 10.8 328 5 333 1 334 9 337 5 342 3 347 9 354 8 3604 362 2 365 8 361 9 351 4 331 0 335 7 337 8 336 1 340 4 345 1 351 1 359 7 362 1 365 6 362 4 354 6 IBF ADJUSTMENTS FOR SELECTED ITEMS* 18 19 20 21 22 50 Items 1 and 2 Items 3 and 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 9 29 6 24 27 2 48 22 5 304 24 28 0 49 23 1 31 2 24 28 4 49 23 6 31 4 24 29 0 50 240 31 7 24 29 3 50 24 3 32 0 24 29 6 50 24 6 32.2 24 29 8 51 24.7 32 5 24 30 1 53 24 9 32 8 24 30 4 53 25 0 33 1 24 30 7 54 25 3 33 3 24 30 9 53 25 4 33 9 24 315 58 25 7 15. Major nondeposit funds of commercial banks1—Continued Monthly averages, billions of dollars Source 1983 Jan. | Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 1 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Total nondeposit funds2 61 6 66 4 67 5 69 8 77 9 78 1 709 75 6 77 3 72 8 860 91.0 Seasonally adjusted 64.1 69.0 69 8 72 1 82 2 807 71.2 78.3 78.3 74.7 90.8 93.5 Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs. and other borrowings from nonbanks 123.2 127.9 129.8 132.3 135.8 133.5 130.0 127.9 129.2 129.2 133.5 134.3 3 Seasonally adjusted 125.7 130.5 132 1 134 7 140 1 1360 1304 130,6 130.2 131.0 138.2 136.8 4 Not seasonally adjusted 5 Net balances due to foreign- related -51.8 -56.3 -47.3 -43.2 -61.4 -62 2 -624 -57 8 -55 3 -590 -52.2 institutions not seasonally adjusted . . . . -61.5 1 2 MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks' net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 13 Not seasonally adjusted U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted -49.9 79 2 29.2 -50.4 -52.7 -52.6 -48.6 -49.1 -50.8 -45.2 -46.2 -48.4 -42.9 -39.7 78 9 79 7 80 3 76 3 75 8 774 73 6 74 7 764 76.5 75.3 28.4 26 8 27 6 27 6 26.6 26.5 28.3 28.3 27.9 33.6 35.5 -11.5 57.0 45.3 -10.9 55.4 44.4 -9.4 56 2 46.7 -9.7 55 9 46.1 64 8 64.8 67 7 67.9 70 0 69 8 72 5 724 75 2 77.0 74 8 74.8 13.8 16 3 8.6 10 2 12,3 13 2 13.4 14 2 12.7 12 5 14.5 13 2 -6.9 -6.1 -8.1 -9.1 55 8 540 55 3 54 0 46.6 47.8 47.1 47.0 -5.5 54.0 48.5 -7.7 56.1 48.3 -4.4 53.9 49.4 -3.4 54,6 51.1 73 5 71.4 71 9 72.2 73 7 72.2 74 6 73.9 76,5 78.8 79.1 79.1 23.8 21 8 20.9 164 16.3 179 18.3 247 12.0 7,5 13.5 10.8 324 0 309 6 299 5 295 1 287 4 285 8 2840 284 8 285 1 281.1 284.1 287.7 325.7 310.8 301 1 293.4 285.6 284.3 282.2 285.3 285.6 281.3 284.2 289.5 19 84 1 2 3 4 5 Total nondeposit funds2 Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Federal funds, RPs, and other borrowings from nonbanks* Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Net balances due to foreign-related institutions not seasonally adjusted MEMO 6 Domestically chartered banks* net positions with own foreign branches, not seasonally adjusted4 7 Gross due from balances 8 Gross due to balances 9 Foreign-related institutions' net positions with directly related5 institutions, not seasonally adjusted 10 Gross due from balances 1 1 Gross due to balances Security RP borrowings 12 Seasonally adjusted6 13 Not seasonally adjusted U.S. Treasury demand balances7 14 Seasonally adjusted 15 Not seasonally adjusted Time deposits, $100,000 or more8 16 Seasonally adjusted 17 Not seasonally adjusted 88.0 90.4 93.9 98 9 102 1 109 1 994 100.3 96.9 101 3 105.0 113.8 101.8 99.9 103.5 105.7 106.5 107.9 112.0 108.6 107.0 109.6 117.5 111.1 132.2 135.5 135 8 135 7 1374 133.2 134.5 139.3 141.6 141.4 145.0 140.5 134 6 138 5 138 1 138 7 142 1 135 7 134 0 141 5 142 1 143.1 150.5 143.1 -44 l -41 5 -36 8 -33 5 -28 2 -33 8 -34 1 -35.7 -35.0 -33.4 -38.7 -37.6 -34 8 -33 1 -29 8 -32.8 -33.0 -34.9 73.3 72.2 73.8 73.6 73.5 73.8 71.2 72.8 34 5 34.5 38 9 404 43 6 40.9 38.1 37.7 -35.1 -34.1 -32.7 -31.4 71.5 69.8 68.3 69.0 36.3 35.6 35.6 37.6 -53 -38 -1 8 54 0 513 502 48.6 47.3 48.3 -33.1 -32.0 -3 49 6 49.2 16 49 7 51.2 - 8 -1 0 50 7 51 9 49.7 50.8 - 7 51 6 50.8 1 51 7 51.8 .7 50 8 51.5 -.4 50.7 50.4 -.6 52.0 51.4 78.9 78.9 80.2 80.7 80 1 79 9 80.9 81 3 79.6 81 9 76.1 76,0 77.5 74.6 79.9 79.6 81.4 79.4 82.0 81.2 84.0 87.0 81,1 81.1 16 0 19.6 187 22.3 16 1 17.5 15 6 16.5 13 4 12.8 14 1 12.4 12 8 11.9 13 1 10.3 160 17.5 80 11.0 17.3 10.4 16.1 12.5 287.3 286.3 289 3 292 2 302 2 309.9 314.8 314.2 288 4 286 5 290 1 290 1 3002 3090 313 7 315.6 315.4 321.4 323.0 325.8 316.8 322.2 322.9 327.3 51 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series A. All commercial banking institutions1 Billions of dollars Jan. Feb. Mar Apr. May 1973 r June 1 July 577.1 583.1 593,0 599.5 607,6 615,9 620.8 626.8 633.8 638.2 642.5 658.6 90.0 93 0 85 3 94 1 85.3 94 5 84.8 95 0 82 8 96 3 82.6 96 5 81.5 97 6 80.2 99 1 81.2 99.8 83.4 100.8 86.8 98.6 88,9 99.7 394 1 403 8 413 2 419 6 4285 436 8 441 6 447.5 452.8 454,0 457.1 470.0 139.5 99 6 874 67.6 144,7 1009 88 3 699 150.1 102.5 89 3 71.3 152.7 104 1 90 8 720 155.2 106 1 92 5 747 158.8 107.9 93 8 76.4 160,9 109,9 95 1 75.7 161.5 111.9 970 77.1 163.6 113.8 97 5 77.8 162.8 115.4 98 4 77.4 164.3 116.8 99 0 77,0 167.9 117.8 99 3 85.0 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . 101.1 104.3 95.0 95.7 99 9 97.0 99.4 95 1 103.5 115.7 107,8 100.6 26.4 88 27.3 88 27.1 89 26.0 91 24.3 94 24.9 96 27.8 95 28.1 98 31.3 97 32.1 96 29.7 10 5 25.2 10 5 35 6 30.2 366 31.6 30 9 28.0 32 2 28.4 36 1 30.0 32 0 30.5 33 0 29,0 300 27.2 33 1 29.5 39 9 34,1 35 8 31.8 14 9 30.0 56.8 62.0 61.1 63.3 64.2 64.7 64,8 66.3 65.1 71.1 71.8 76.9 15 Total assets 735.0 749.5 749.0 758.5 771.7 777.6 784.9 788.2 802.4 824.9 822.1 836.1 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities . , 21 Residual 596.5 273.0 605 1 273.2 602,8 262.2 610 1 266.3 6182 267.3 621 2 270.0 624 9 268.3 6244 258.2 635.7 268.0 652.2 284.0 6445 277.2 6604 289.3 323.3 45 1 404 53 0 331.8 50 3 40,6 53 4 340.4 50,4 41 9 54 0 343.7 50 7 43 2 54 4 3507 52 8 45 7 54 9 351.1 55 0 46 0 55 5 356.5 58 7 45 7 55 6 366.0 60 1 47 7 56 0 367.5 63.1 47 3 56 3 367.9 67.6 47 8 57 2 367.2 69 6 50 5 57 5 370.9 68 8 49 2 57 8 Account 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank . . 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other Aug. Sept, Oct. Nov. | Dec. 1974 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 652.9 656.7 669.5 679,9 686.2 696.9 704.1 707.3 707.5 708.2 711,0 721,1 89 8 100 8 890 101 6 89 4 102 8 88 4 104 0 85 6 105 2 844 106 7 83 6 106 8 83 3 106 7 81,4 108 1 81.6 108 3 840 107 4 875 108 3 462.4 466.2 477.2 487.6 495.4 505.7 513.7 517.4 518.1 518.2 519.7 525.3 166.5 118.9 99.3 77 8 168.1 119 6 99.1 794 175.6 120.9 99.2 81 6 181.2 122 6 100.3 83 5 183.6 124 2 101.1 86 5 187.5 125 7 102.2 90 3 190.7 127 3 102.9 92 8 191.7 1284 104.0 93 3 194.0 129.3 104.1 90 8 194.9 130,0 103.8 89 6 196,7 130,5 103.3 89 1 199.5 130 4 103.3 92 2 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . 107 6 106 6 109 1 106 5 120 8 115 9 112 2 104 9 111.3 114 7 123 1 120 7 31.0 99 28,6 98 28.6 97 29.7 100 33.6 104 30.6 10 5 27.5 10 2 27.7 107 32.6 10 6 31.1 10 8 32.0 10 0 31.4 10 6 34.5 32.1 36 0 32.1 37.2 33.6 33.8 33.0 40 9 35.9 37.7 37.0 40 4 34.1 34 3 32.3 35.6 32.5 38.9 33.9 43.7 37.4 41.5 37.3 77.9 80,5 80.0 78.5 78.7 81.7 86,7 84.2 84.7 93.5 96.7 15 Total assets 838.4 843.8 858.6 865.0 885.7 894.5 903.0 896.5 903.5 911.1 927.7 938.5 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual 658 7 279.4 658 8 275.9 667 6 278.8 676 4 278.5 6900 284.1 696 6 288.7 703 0 287.9 694 8 274,9 699 5 278.7 707 6 284.6 718 2 295.1 729 6 298,7 379 1 73 0 47,6 59 1 382 7 74 9 506 59 5 388 7 77 2 53 7 60 1 397 7 75 2 52 7 60 8 405 8 78 0 56 5 61 2 407 8 78 4 58 0 61 5 415 0 77 5 600 62 4 419 g 77 2 62 1 624 420 8 77 6 63 6 62 8 422 8 77 4 63 0 63 1 422 9 80 6 65 7 63 2 430 8 78 3 66 9 61 7 52 88.3 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued A. All commercial banking institutions1—Continued Billions of dollars 1975 Account Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 708.7 706.4 711.9 718.2 718.1 723.8 723.5 725.8 732.7 734.7 742.8 758.2 85.3 1084 86.1 1090 92.7 108 6 97.5 108 5 99.1 108 6 101.5 1102 103.5 1103 106.4 1104 U0.3 1104 109.9 1120 114.3 111 8 119.2 111 5 514 9 511 4 510 7 512 2 510 5 512 2 5097 5090 512 1 512 8 516 7 527 5 195 5 130.6 102.0 86.8 1942 130.6 101.4 85.2 193 8 1306 100.4 85 9 1944 131,1 100.8 85.9 191 7 131.3 100.9 86.6 191 5 131.8 101.4 87.4 189 5 132.1 102.2 85.8 1880 132.4 103,3 85.3 188 8 133.1 104.1 86.1 1884 134.0 104.7 85,7 1894 134.4 105.0 87,9 192 7 135 0 106.2 93 6 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of colUiction . . . . . 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . 105.6 107.6 1100 1182 1184 118 3 111 6 108.7 108 8 113 0 127 0 138 3 30.4 107 30.6 105 30.7 10 6 32.5 104 29.9 109 31.4 11 0 28.7 11 2 27.2 11 4 29,4 11 2 29.2 11 5 31.3 107 27.0 12 3 32.5 31 9 342 32 2 35 a 392 36 2 41 2 36 4 37 8 38 1 35 9 35 9 34 9 35 3 33 2 35 0 36 8 35 5 45 0 400 482 50 9 90.9 94.6 97.7 93.8 94.3 94.0 95.4 95.9 94.0 95.9 99.6 98.9 15 Total assets 905.1 908.6 919.7 930.2 930.8 936.1 930.5 930.5 935.4 943.6 969.4 995.4 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual 708.9 273.3 708 9 271.9 719 3 276.4 7307 289.3 7329 287.0 734 1 288.0 7308 283.8 731.2 281.7 733.4 279.8 743.4 286.8 7603 301,0 7944 329.3 435.5 71.0 60.0 65.2 4369 73.6 605 65 7 442 8 73.4 605 664 441 3 71.4 61 8 664 445 7 71.5 600 665 4460 74.1 608 67 1 446 8 70.7 61 6 67 5 449.3 68.7 62.5 68 1 4534 69.9 63.8 68 3 456.4 70.4 60,9 68 8 459 1 76.1 63 7 69 3 4649 70.6 59 9 70 5 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 33 6 1976 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 742.3 742.3 752.7 757.5 761.2 774.7 768.8 775.5 784.0 790.1 798.7 816,7 119.6 110.3 120.1 110 1 125.0 1092 125.8 111 2 125.6 111 2 126.1 112 7 123.6 113 4 126.6 113 0 127.7 113 9 128.5 113.9 133.2 1145 139,0 113 8 512.3 512 1 518 5 520 6 5244 535 9 531 8 535 9 542.4 547.7 5509 563.9 187.5 135.6 105.9 834 1867 136.3 105 5 83 6 184 3 138.3 105 8 90 1 1844 139.7 107 5 89 1 184 6 140.9 108 5 90 3 187 0 142.1 1102 96 6 185 0 143.3 111 8 91 7 184 8 144.5 113.3 93 3 187 4 146.2 114.7 940 188 5 147.4 115.6 962 190 5 148.5 1162 95 8 193 4 149.3 117 7 103 5 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank. . . . 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . 116.4 114.9 125.9 116.9 115 7 132 7 113.8 112.3 126.3 119.1 130.1 137.6 29.6 11 6 29.6 11 4 28.0 11 3 28.0 12 1 26.5 12 1 28.5 12 0 28.3 12 2 25.7 12 1 30.1 124 26.8 12 7 29.5 11 9 30.3 14 1 36.3 39.0 36 6 37.3 43 3 43.3 38.6 38.1 37 9 39.2 46 3 45.9 37 3 36.0 36.3 38.3 41.5 42.3 40.2 39.4 44 2 44.5 46.5 46.7 98.2 101.9 89.2 82.6 82.9 86.5 86.1 87.7 90,9 91.0 95.5 103.7 15 Total assets 956.9 959.1 967.8 957.1 959.9 993.9 968.7 975.5 1,001.1 1,000.2 1,024.2 1,058.0 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Tiine and savings deposits . , . . . . 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual . . 751.7 287.5 750.0 284.7 775.7 303,6 761.8 292.5 764,8 291,2 797.2 318.3 773.2 294.1 772.6 291.9 789.2 303.9 792,1 304.7 805.5 313.9 832.0 330.9 464.0 765 58 5 70.1 465 1 77 0 61 7 70.4 471 9 73 4 46 9 71.8 469 1 77 1 46 3 71.9 473 3 74 3 48 0 72.7 478 7 769 43 9 75,8 478 9 75 6 46 2 73.8 4803 81 0 47 7 74.2 485,1 87 1 49 9 74.9 487,1 849 47 7 75.5 491 3 93 0 49 9 75.9 5006 996 49 5 76.9 53 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued A, All commercial banking institutions1—Continued Billions of dollars 1977 Account 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 2 U.S. government securities . . . . 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank . . . 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 9 Total cash assets . . 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank. 1 1 Cash in vault . . . 12 Cash items in process of collection . 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . 15 Total assets 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits . . . . 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 804.9 810.8 823.2 831.5 839.7 850.1 852.9 863,1 871.4 877.9 890,3 904.2 137.1 113.1 139.4 113.2 142.3 112.5 140.1 117.4 138.8 118.1 138.1 118.7 136.1 119.6 136.0 120.4 135.2 121.2 134.6 122.4 135.4 123.4 137.4 123.6 554.8 558.2 568.4 574.0 582.8 593.3 597.2 606.7 615.0 620.8 631.6 643.1 189.9 150.7 117.9 96.3 191.7 151.8 118.5 96.3 195.5 153.8 119.9 99.2 197.2 156.1 122.6 98.2 198.4 158.5 124.8 101.1 201.9 161.2 127.7 102.6 201.8 163.8 129.7 101.9 203.2 167.0 132,5 104,1 205.1 169.6 134.5 105.9 207.8 172.0 135.8 105.2 210.5 174.7 137.4 109,0 213.6 176.5 140.3 112.7 123.0 129.2 130.1 125.3 122.8 133.2 130.0 139.3 135.0 133.3 143.2 158.5 29.0 12,8 29.0 12.5 27.5 13,0 28.8 13.4 24.5 13.2 23.9 13.7 27.7 13.5 28.9 13.7 30.8 13.9 29.0 13,8 26.8 14.7 32.5 15.7 40.5 407 45.1 42 7 41.7 47 8 41.7 41 5 41.7 43 4 45.4 50 1 44.9 440 49.3 47 3 43.3 46 9 43.9 466 52.0 497 54.3 560 97.1 100.3 100.9 100.6 99.9 103.8 103.1 105.3 106.9 103.8 115.6 123.6 1,025.0 1,040.3 1,054.1 1,057.5 1,062.4 1,087.1 1,086.0 1,107.7 1,113.2 1,115.0 1,149.1 1,186.3 810.3 307.1 818 5 311.1 8300 313.1 8320 317.8 833 7 311.6 851 0 324.7 8540 324.9 8697 336.8 8692 332.4 871 8 330.5 898.6 350.8 926.4 370.8 502 8 91.0 46 1 77.6 506 9 96.0 47 7 78.1 5164 95 0 50 6 78 5 513 8 97 8 48 8 78 9 521 6 974 51 9 794 525 8 101 4 54 g 80 1 528 6 100 1 51 8 802 5324 102.5 54 8 807 5364 105 4 57 1 81 4 5409 104.4 57 1 81 7 547 4 109.4 58 3 82 7 555 2 117.7 59 1 83.2 1978 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. U.S. government securities 3 Other securities . . , 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 2 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection . . 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . 15 Total assets 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits . 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities . . 21 Residual 54 898.5 901.6 918.2 931.2 945.2 957.6 964.1 971.6 987.9 994.8 1,011.4 1,027.9 135 6 122.9 138 7 121,5 138 4 122.5 140 5 125.2 137 4 126.1 137 3 125.9 137 5 125.6 137 0 126.5 138 6 127.2 137 7 128,1 137 8 128.8 139 1 129.9 640.0 641.4 657.3 665.5 681,7 694.3 700.9 708.1 722.0 729.0 744.8 758.9 212.4 178.9 140 5 108.2 215.2 180.6 140 9 104.7 221.6 183.2 143 0 109.5 225.2 185.8 146 3 108.3 230,5 189.3 1494 112.6 233.6 192.7 153 2 114.9 234.2 196.1 1560 114.7 235.3 200.0 161 3 111.5 238.5 203.1 161 3 119.0 240.8 206.3 164 8 117.1 245.6 209.5 164 8 124.9 248.5 211.6 166 6 132.2 131 1 148 7 137 7 137 4 171 1 147 4 1364 144 0 150 9 153 7 156 8 181 0 27.1 14 1 31.5 13 9 30.8 14 3 28.3 14 3 30,8 14 5 32.1 14 8 24.1 14 8 30.2 15 1 33.0 15 2 35,1 15 1 33.1 16 6 38.3 17 1 45.1 44.9 54.8 48.5 44.9 47.7 49.0 45.9 65.7 60.2 51.5 49.0 48.7 48.9 50.9 47.7 51.1 51.6 53.0 50,4 54.8 52.2 64.8 60.9 115.9 119.0 123.9 121.0 128.0 122.7 118.1 119.4 124.9 124.9 133.2 144.9 1,145.5 1,169.3 1,179.7 1,189.6 1,244.3 1,227.8 1,218.6 1,235.0 1,263.7 1,273.3 1,301.4 1,353.9 894.8 335.0 912.5 347.2 915.7 338.3 926.5 348,2 964.8 377.1 947.9 358.0 944.5 350.8 952.5 352.2 971.1 366.2 971.6 361.7 983.2 1,024.0 362.8 399.0 559.4 109.9 57.3 83.6 564.9 113.8 59.0 84 1 577.0 117.2 62.2 84 7 577.6 116.0 62.2 85 0 586.3 125.2 69.1 85 8 589.3 123.8 69.4 86 7 593.0 116.2 69.7 88 2 599.6 121.8 72.7 88 0 604.3 126.4 76.8 89 3 609.4 132 0 79.9 89 9 619.9 142.7 85.2 903 624.4 154.8 86,0 89,0 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued A. All commercial banking institutions1—Continued Billions of dollars 1979 Account Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 1,027.6 1,034.4 1,046.5 1,058.2 1,069.3 1,086.6 1,093.1 1,107.0 1,130,2 1,132.0 1,131.0 1,151.5 U.S. government 136.0 137.9 141.2 140.7 142 2 1369 137,3 139.3 139.0 137.5 144.0 securities 139.1 135 2 137 1 137 5 1374 143 2 3 Other securities 134.5 137 5 142 1 1409 142 6 138 1 139 8 4 Loans excluding 757.1 762 3 772 1 781 3 792 9 811 1 8644 interbank 816 5 829 3 848.8 848.5 846 1 5 Commercial and 288.4 264.7 269.0 274.7 industrial 250.5 276.5 279.6 287.3 255.0 259.9 288.2 295.6 2149 221 5 225 2 213.2 228 6 231 8 238.9 235 2 2409 242 8 216 7 218 8 6 Real estate 171.6 175.1 176.6 185,2 186.3 7 Individual 167.0 178.1 181.7 185.1 183.6 167.6 169.1 126.3 126.4 126.2 127.3 134.5 8 All other 133.3 136.2 136,4 142.4 124.8 131,9 139.6 2 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 11 Cash in vault . . . 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks . . . 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . 15 Total assets 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 3 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual3 157.9 166 9 156 8 1560 176 8 168 6 160.5 165 9 171.9 179.5 176 8 169 6 30.4 15,2 30.3 15 1 30.7 15 2 34.6 15 6 33,5 160 33.4 16 3 30,4 160 34.5 16 8 32.5 166 34.8 16.5 35.5 18 1 29,0 17 9 56.0 56.3 61 3 603 554 55 6 52 9 53 0 67 2 60 2 580 60 9 55 0 59 2 55 5 59 1 606 62 2 65.7 62 5 62 6 606 63 7 59 1 130.7 130.6 130.7 128.5 129.5 131.4 130.2 135.1 145.9 148.5 150.0 160.4 1,316.2 1,331.9 1,334.1 1,342.7 1,375.6 1,386.6 1,383.9 1,408.0 1,448.0 1,460.0 1,457.8 1,481.5 993.5 1,002.7 362.9 367.9 995.2 356.3 997.8 1,013.6 1,016.2 1,013.0 1,021.5 1,044.9 1,063.8 1,059,9 1,077.9 394.1 362.5 376.2 376.8 384.8 400.3 370.0 369.4 383.3 415.0 138.6 96 3 87.8 421,2 141 3 105 6 91.9 418 8 150 1 102 9 91 9 418.9 137 5 101 2 90.5 420.9 159 0 108 7 94 3 422.5 1649 110 2 95 4 424.2 165 1 111 0 94.7 435.0 1690 121 0 96.4 447.7 181.0 124 1 97.9 461.6 170.8 126 6 98.9 469.4 168 9 130 1 99.0 473.8 1794 123 4 100.8 19 80 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 1,144.0 1,154.7 1,160.2 1,162.9 1,154.5 1,159.3 1,169.2 1,184,8 1,195.6 1,214.9 1,232.4 1,262,3 U.S. government 144.2 161.5 162.8 146.7 149.3 152.3 166.8 172.3 securities 155.4 159.2 148.3 148.1 154.1 156.7 143.2 143 6 151.0 150.9 3 Other securities 148.8 144 2 147 3 148.5 154.8 150.0 4 Loans excluding interbank 8644 898 1 9107 856 6 867 7 858 5 933 3 863 8 883 0 874 7 8564 867 6 5 Commercial and 302 7 3242 332 6 295 0 298 5 301 7 310,3 317.0 305 9 298 9 297 3 303 0 industrial 260.0 261.8 251.6 249 A 251.2 252.3 264.3 6 Real estate 2453 248.3 253.8 257.3 255.6 186.3 186 7 179.6 179.7 182 8 1800 185 1 178.3 179.9 181.3 7 Individual 178,1 178.9 141.2 125 9 144 8 155 0 8 All other 130.0 1309 1302 135 8 1344 130 9 130 2 1306 2 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection. 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans 166.0 167 9 174 2 187 6 191 0 172 3 175 6 169 7 177 0 1769 1969 215 6 29.0 17.2 31.2 17.0 35.0 16.7 34.0 16,7 38.7 17.7 30.3 17.2 32,9 17.5 29.6 18.2 31.6 17.7 32.2 18.3 31,0 16.8 29.1 19.9 60.3 59.5 59 9 59.8 61 2 61.3 699 67.0 70 5 64.2 597 65.1 61 2 64.0 57 3 64.7 62.3 65.4 60.3 66.2 73 8 75,3 84,3 82.3 158.8 165.8 166.6 181.6 186.7 191.0 188.8 196.6 202.8 202,5 206.6 223.3 15 Total assets 1,468.9 1,488.4 1,500.9 1,532.1 1,532.2 1,522.6 1,533.6 1,551.0 1,575.5 1,594.4 1,635.9 1,701.2 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Savings deposits 19 Time deposits 20 Borrowings 21 Other liabilities 22 Residual 1,063.7 1,070.5 1,076.2 1,104.5 1,100.0 1,090.0 1,095.6 1,105.9 1,121.2 1,139.3 1,174.4 1,237.2 452.5 388.6 395.4 375.4 396.7 373.3 387.8 378.3 413.3 379,3 383.2 382.6 201,4 192.4 209.3 200.4 206.5 210.3 209.6 212.0 196.6 189.4 198.6 199.9 583.3 484.1 495 1 522 A 531.9 5184 519 8 513 2 551,8 505 9 513,7 506 3 208,4 208 9 210,7 178 3 181 7 197 0 1999 211 7 188 9 185 2 195 4 198 1 145.4 138.7 143,1 135.7 137.0 133.6 131.6 129.9 128.3 130.7 135.1 138.5 105.7 110.0 110.0 98.6 104.2 106.3 105.5 106.1 100.5 102.6 105.1 105.3 55 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued A. All commercial banking institutions1—Continued Billions of dollars 1981 Account Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. | Nov. 1 Dec. 1 Loans and investment 4 excluding interbank 1,251.4 1,250.7 1,254.0 1,268.3 1,275.8 1,287.3 1,284.8 1,292.8 1,318.6 1,311.4 1,324.3 1,321.7 2 U.S. government 179.0 174.0 180.1 180.5 179.3 178.5 173.3 175.4 177.7 180.3 securities .173.7 178.7 158.4 158.2 153.8 154.4 158.4 163.0 161.6 155.7 155.7 156.8 154.7 3 Other securities4 156.3 4 Loans excluding 922.3 919.5 941.4 952.2 974.0 987.4 980.0 922.2 interbank4 933.4 950.5 959.6 981.7 5 Commercial and 4 347.5 3300 328 2 3392 345 1 344.5 355,6 361.4 358.9 357.7 331 8 industrial 3362 267.4 265.0 271.7 6 Real estate 269.4 277.7 280.2 281,6 283,0 286.6 265.9 273.8 275.3 179.2 183.2 180.1 179 6 179.9 1804 183.3 183.4 186.2 7 Individual4 179.5 180.6 182.0 147 2 145 8 143 8 8 All other 150 7 152 9 150 1 151 8 153 4 159 6 148 2 148 4 1607 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans 182 8 1905 193 2 213 0 2169 2120 192.1 2104 239 8 167 6 182 8 192 6 26.0 18 7 31.2 18 5 32.7 17 7 39.4 18 7 26.6 19 3 27.0 19 0 28.6 19 5 27.3 20 1 29.4 192 27.3 19 7 28.2 18 4 30.1 22 0 62 2 75.9 640 76.7 65 1 77.8 69 7 85.2 76 1 94 8 67 4 987 58 6 85.4 62 6 100.5 764 114 8 55 6 65 1 66 3 699 68 5 72.1 210.4 222.9 227.8 233.3 223.1 230.7 224.8 229.6 248.8 241.4 262.8 282.0 15 Total assets4 1,644.5 1,664.1 1,675.1 1,714.7 1,715.8 1,730.0 1,701.7 1,732.8 1,807.3 1,720.5 1,769.9 1,796.3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1,179.0 1,187.1 1,193.3 1,212.2 1,234.7 1,234.4 1,215.9 1,244.1 1, 292 A 1,213.0 1,242.6 1,277.6 415.4 373.9 369.7 394.4 329.9 345.0 370,3 371.0 386.3 360.8 376.6 388.8 2204 219 9 218 0 215 7 2204 2225 212 3 216 0 2203 214 8 2090 214 2 596.2 603.2 602.0 603.4 671.0 681.6 687.0 662.2 620.0 625.7 637.1 651.9 224.3 233 3 212 8 222.3 208.0 215 6 2322 239.1 249.7 256.0 241 2 216.0 143 9 148 6 1504 153 7 149 2 146 9 155 0 138.4 149 8 1506 1492 154 8 110 5 1100 113 8 115 7 117 4 116 1 117 2 118 8 121 2 122 6 124 4 108 6 Total deposits Demand deposits Savings deposits Time deposits Borrowings Other liabilities Residual . . . . 19 82 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 1,312.6 1,322.2 1,335.4 1,339.1 1,347.5 1,361.8 1,358.8 1,363,5 1,383.4 1,387.2 1,390.9 2 U.S. government 182.2 183.0 182.4 193.7 194.6 securities . . 185.4 184.0 186.4 186.9 187.5 189.9 159.7 3 Other securities 160.2 164.4 161.3 162.3 159.3 161.3 161.9 160.0 160.8 160.6 4 Loans excluding interbank . . 979.0 970.7 988.6 993.1 1,000.7 1,015.0 1,012.4 1,015.8 1,032.8 1,032.3 1,034.0 5 Commercial and 358.4 industrial . 362.6 377.6 391.4 392.0 384.2 369.7 372.6 383.3 393.3 383.1 289.2 286.6 6 Real estate 292.5 296.0 294.0 299,8 300,5 291.1 297.6 299.9 296.1 7 Individual . . . 182.7 183.9 182.5 188.1 188.2 183.5 185.1 187.8 185.2 183.5 186.0 8 All other 145.4 144 6 141.8 145 5 152 9 153 3 144 5 151 7 149 1 147 9 1496 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 11 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans 1,417.1 201.4 169.2 1,046.4 395.4 300.7 191,8 158.6 173 7 169 1 181 4 171 7 173 3 187 1 174 8 181 6 177 g 184 4 192 6 215 0 32.4 19 8 27.2 197 28.2 18 9 28.0 199 29.2 20 0 21.1 20 1 28.0 205 29.3 204 19.9 205 26.7 20 6 25.1 19 0 28.1 23 1 55 0 66.5 55 9 66.3 63 7 70.7 55 6 68.2 56 3 72.8 67 3 78.6 53 6 72.7 55 5 76.4 59 6 77.8 56 9 80.3 64 1 84.4 68 4 95.4 268.5 271.1 286.7 271.4 275.9 291.1 292.7 301.5 305.7 308.2 311.0 329.7 15 Total assets 1,754.8 1 762 31 803.5 1,782 1 1 796 7 1 840 0 1 826 4 1 846 7 1 866 9 1 879 8 1 894 5 1 961 8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1,240.2 1,245.8 1,281.3 1,259.2 1,273.1 1,313.0 1,293.2 1,306.8 1,319.7 1,329.0 1,345.9 1,3943 343.3 320.4 318.7 322.0 327.8 320.6 350.1 319.1 329.6 340.9 366.9 325.9 221.0 220.4 227.8 225.0 227.3 228.5 235,9 242.5 294.7 226.8 224.6 225.5 691.4 710.2 714.2 703.3 727. 0 736.1 749.4 763.5 762.5 732,7 760.3 765.2 257.4 262 1 263 1 259 6 257 4 255 2 263 5 264 3 271 7 272 5 265 1 284 6 149 7 153 9 152 5 135.8 135 4 137 1 140 8 136 0 143 4 145 6 148 7 148 0 121 5 121 5 123 0 123 8 125 4 127 5 128 7 129 6 130 4 126 1 126 9 126 3 Total deposits Demand deposits Savings deposits . . Time deposits . . . Borrowings Other liabilities Residual 56 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued A. All commercial banking institutions'—Continued Billions of dollars 1983 Account Jan. 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank . 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 9 Total cash assets . . . 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank . . . 1 1 Cash in vault . . . 12 Cash items in process of collection . . 13 Due from banks , 14 Other assets and interbank loans. . . . . 15 Total assets, . 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits. . . . 18 Savings deposits . . . . . 19 Time deposits 20 Borrowings 21 Other liabilities 22 Residual. Feb. Mar. Apr. May July June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1,413.1 1,414.0 1,434.2 1,443.3 1,448.8 1,472,4 1,475.4 1,496.7 1,507.2 1,522.8 1,546.2 1,569.2 208 2 169.1 213 6 168.7 2242 167.2 229 3 170.5 235 4 170.2 2402 170.4 238 3 171.3 2407 174.1 2442 173.3 251 1 172.2 254 7 173.4 254 1 177.2 1,035.8 1,031.6 1,042.7 1,043.5 1,043.2 1,061.7 1,065.7 1,081 9 1,089.7 1,099,6 1 118.0 1,137.9 3927 302.8 189 1 151.1 195.1 392 1 303.5 187 9 148.2 212.6 396 3 304.7 188 8 152.9 196,5 393 0 306.9 190 1 153.5 196.3 3909 308.6 191 4 152 3 193,4 3942 311.8 194 5 161 2 206.7 397 1 314.7 197 0 156,9 198.2 400 1 3192 201 8 160 8 206.8 402 4 322 7 205 2 159 5 187.5 405 2 326.4 208 8 1592 191.5 411 3 3299 212 6 1642 209.0 419 4 332.4 217 6 168,5 219.6 27.0 20.5 28.9 20.4 23.4 20.0 26.9 20.5 25.0 20.4 21.1 21.4 23,0 20.8 25.2 21.1 17.5 20.9 21.9 20.6 20.2 22.4 20,8 23,4 56.1 91.6 67.7 95.6 61.7 91.4 59,9 89.0 56.5 91.5 67.4 96.8 60.5 93.8 64.6 95.9 57.1 91.9 56.8 92.2 68.7 97.7 73.2 102.2 305,0 314.9 305.9 309.2 307.8 313.0 304.7 297.8 310.5 317.8 322.2 324.5 1,932.7 1,948.8 1,948.4 1,950.2 1,940.1 1,983.8 1,981.4 2,016.4 2,003.9 2,020.2 2,070.1 2,093.8 1,369.7 1,396.4 1,403.5 1,395.8 1,397.7 1,427.9 1,422.1 1,444.6 1,432.5 1,443.1 1,484,8 1,508.9 337 0 332 7 3262 374 6 361 5 3349 338 1 348 1 331 6 328 2 348 1 340 8 359.8 445.4 445.0 447.9 455.3 457.2 425.1 437.6 393.0 416.6 441.9 444.2 683.7 677.1 667.9 660,3 639 8 651 0 655.9 638.0 632 0 637 8 649.8 662.6 273 2 287 3 277 6 2694 279 6 268 8 275 9 278 2 2804 282 2 289 1 281 5 142.5 143.6 165.3 158.5 144.3 146 8 141 3 1499 1364 141 5 139.5 143.3 1464 145 4 132 2 132 3 1322 143 6 142 4 139 8 141 6 137 1 138 6 135 3 19 84 7 1 Loans and securities . . . 2 Investment securities. . 3 U.S. government securities5 4 Other5 . , 5 Trading account assets. 6 Total loans5-7 7 Interbank loans7 8 Loans excluding interbank5 9 Commercial and industrial . . . . 10 Real estate5 11 Individual 12 Allother 13 Total cash assets 14 Reserves with Federal Reserve Banks . . . 15 Cash in vault 16 Cash items in process of collection 17 Demand balances at U.S. depository institutions 18 Other cash assets 19 Other assets7 20 Total assets/total liabilities and capita] 21 Deposits 8 22 Transaction deposits .. 23 Savings deposits8 24 Time deposits 25 Borrowings 26 Other liabilities 27 Residual (assets less liabilities) MEMO 28 U.S. government securities (including trading account) . . . . 29 Other securities (including trading account)5-6 1,679.5 1,710.3 1,712.8 1,734.1 1,756.9 1,764,1 1,765.3 1,784.5 1,798.3 1,822.7 1,822.7 1,864.0 377.5 374.4 375.2 376.2 378.2 385.5 388.5 386.3 377,2 382.0 381.2 387.8 242.5 240.4 243,4 241.2 251.3 251.0 251.2 248.0 247.7 248.2 246.5 243.5 1349 133 9 1340 132 7 1344 134 5 137 3 138 3 133 8 131 7 133 0 136 5 22.9 21.9 22.5 20.0 15.7 19.9 17.0 16.9 16.8 20.9 18.8 14.6 1,276.3 1,304.9 1,308.0 1,328.7 1,356.1 1,368.3 1,371.4 1,388.4 1,400.2 1,424.9 1,426,4 1,463.7 114.6 126.9 122.6 126,1 123.3 127.1 118.6 124.7 122.8 116.7 115.0 117.9 1,161.7 1,187.0 1,193.0 1,212.0 1,231.4 1,245.5 1,252.8 1,261.2 1,276.9 1,298.8 1,303,8 1,336.8 413.3 334.7 217 2 196.6 186 3 427.0 338 7 218 8 201.9 189 1 433.1 342 3 219 8 197.8 181 8 439.7 346 8 224 1 201.3 190 5 447.3 350 3 228 4 205.4 202 5 452.9 354 6 232 8 205.2 185 6 454.4 356 8 235 2 206.5 179 1 455.2 361 8 240 0 204.2 177 3 459.8 3666 243 3 207.3 181 0 467.7 369 8 247 1 214.2 188 0 468.7 3744 249 6 211.1 188 4 476.8 377 7 255 5 226.8 201 9 21.7 21.1 14.7 20.6 16.3 20 7 22.2 21 2 18.6 22 3 19.1 21 8 19.4 21 6 17.4 222 18,0 21 6 18.1 21 4 20.4 23 9 20.5 23.3 60.6 69.3 62.3 65.9 76.4 63 7 60.2 607 63.2 70.2 66.5 75,9 30.2 52 6 186 5 33.7 50 9 192 8 31.7 50 8 1900 30.0 51 2 189 9 34.8 504 186 0 30.8 50 1 191 8 29.3 48 6 191 3 29.5 47 5 190 6 30.8 47 4 196 8 32.0 46 3 201 6 30.9 46 7 190 1 34.5 47 7 196 8 2,052.2 2,092.2 2,084.6 2,114.5 2,145.4 2,141.4 2,135.6 2,152.4 2,176.1 2,212.2 2,201.2 2,262.6 1,466.9 1,498.6 1,494 5 1 501 5 1 541 3 1 532 9 1 535 5 1 539 0 1 5499 1 578.9 1,578.2 1,631.2 433.7 491.1 440.0 442.3 462.7 453.1 440.9 447.3 462.6 445.9 441.4 456.1 378.1 386.3 371.1 367.2 371.4 361.9 368.5 365.1 364.9 369.5 369.6 371.6 671.4 753.8 745.0 747.0 742.7 684.5 707.2 717.4 682.2 675.3 725.6 734.0 304.1 314.3 298,8 307.1 295.6 289.2 297.2 301.5 292,8 292.0 305.9 292.8 179.4 181.1 149.9 174.1 169 7 172.9 167 9 173 7 167 5 159.1 162 2 173 8 138 1 138 9 138 8 139 6 137 6 141 9 140 2 142 1 146 2 144 9 144 8 1462 259.0 262.9 262.4 263.0 260.1 256.5 255.6 255.1 255.4 256.3 255.2 256.9 144.1 142.5 142 5 142 4 1407 139 3 138 3 141 0 142 7 141.5 141.1 143.4 57 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued B. Domestically chartered commercial banks2 Billions of dollars 1973 Account 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial . 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank. . . . 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks * 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . 15 Total assets 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits . 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual T Nov. 1 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. | Sept. Oct. Dec. 564.9 570.3 579.9 586.5 594.1 602.0 606.6 612.6 619.1 623.1 627.3 642.3 89 3 92.4 84,6 93,6 84 6 94.0 842 94.5 82 1 95.8 81 8 95.9 807 97.1 79 4 98.5 80.3 99.2 82.5 100.2 85 8 98.1 88.0 99.1 383.2 392.2 401.3 407.9 416.2 424.2 428.8 434.7 439.6 440.4 443.4 455.2 130.9 99 6 87.3 654 135.5 1009 88.1 67 7 1405 102 5 89 1 69 2 143,2 104 1 906 700 145.1 106 1 92 3 72 7 148.4 107 9 93.7 742 150.2 109 9 95 0 73 7 150.6 111 9 96 9 75 3 152.4 113 8 97.4 76 0 151.4 115 4 98.3 75 3 152.6 116 8 98.9 75 1 155.9 117 7 99.3 82 3 95 2 98 3 89 7 902 93 9 890 94 3 90 5 984 1101 102 6 94 1 26.3 8.8 27.2 8,7 26.9 8-9 25.9 9.1 24.2 9.4 24.8 9.6 27.7 9.5 28.0 9.8 31.2 9.7 32.0 9.6 29.6 10.5 25.0 10.5 34.8 25 3 36,0 265 302 23 7 31 5 23 7 35 5 24 8 306 23 9 32 5 24 6 29 7 23 0 32 7 24 9 39. 1 29 4 35 3 27 2 34 3 24 3 52.0 56.2 54.8 56,9 56,2 56.6 56.0 57.7 56.7 61.9 61.8 67.7 712.0 724.8 724.3 733.6 744.2 747.6 7S6.9 760.8 774.2 795.1 791.6 804.1 587.6 . 266,7 596.2 267.0 5944 256.6 602 1 261,2 6094 261.5 6105 262.2 6165 262.7 616 8 253.6 627 5 263.2 643.1 278.4 635 8 271.9 650.5 283.1 321 0 42,3 29.8 52 3 329.2 45.0 30.9 52 7 337 8 449 31 8 53 3 3409 45.3 32 5 53 7 347 9 46.8 33 8 54 2 348 3 48.1 34 3 54 7 353 8 51 9 33 7 54 9 363 2 52.5 36 3 55 3 364 3 55.4 35 7 55 5 364.7 59.7 36.0 56 4 363 9 61.8 37 3 56 7 367.4 59.7 36 9 56 9 1974 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank, U.S. government securities 3 Other securities . . . . . 4 Loans excluding interbank :. 5 Commercial and industrial , 6 Real estate 7 Individual . . . . . . . . 8 All other 637.4 641.0 652.7 662.7 668.1 677.0 684.2 687.1 687.1 687.1 689.7 697.6 890 100.2 87 9 101.1 88 4 102,2 87 4 103.3 84 6 104.5 834 106.1 82 5 1062 82 3 106.0 80 4 107.4 80 6 107.7 83 0 106.7 86 4 107.6 448.3 451.9 462.1 472.0 479.0 487.5 495.6 498.8 499.4 498.8 499.9 503.6 154.6 118 8 99.2 75.7 156.1 119 5 99.0 77.3 162.9 120 8 99 1 79 3 168.0 122 5 1002 81 3 169.9 124 1 101.0 840 173.1 125 6 102.0 86 8 175.6 127 2 1027 90 1 176.4 128 3 103 8 90 3 178.3 129 2 104.0 87 9 178.6 129 9 103.7 86 6 180.2 130 4 103 2 86 1 182.1 130 3 101.2 88 1 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank. . . . 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans 101.4 100.7 1025 1002 113 1 103 7 105 4 98 2 104 9 108 4 1140 111 7 30.8 9.9 28.3 9.8 28.4 97 29.5 100 33.4 104 30,3 105 27.4 102 27.5 10 6 32.4 10 5 30.9 10 8 31.9 10 0 31.0 10 6 34 0 26.7 35 3 27.2 36 6 27.8 33 2 27.5 40 1 29.2 36 0 27.0 39 8 28.1 33 9 26.3 35 1 26.9 38 2 28.6 42 6 29.6 40 0 30.1 66.7 70.3 69.0 67.8 67.7 70.3 73.3 70.7 71.8 75.2 80.6 84.2 15 Total assets 805.5 811.9 824 1 830.7 848.8 851.0 862 8 856,0 863.8 870.7 884.3 893.5 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual 648 8 273,1 649 1 269.9 657 4 272.2 665 5 211 A 678 7 276.7 679 7 275.6 690 5 279.5 684 0 268.3 688 5 271.9 696 0 277.6 704 0 285.4 714 5 288.2 375 7 64 6 33 8 58.3 3792 66 8 37 4 58.6 385 2 68 6 39 0 592 394 1 66 3 39 i 59 8 402 0 68 5 41 5 60 2 404 1 67 7 43 i 605 411 1 66 5 44 4 61 4 415 6 65 6 45 1 61 4 416 6 66 2 47 5 61 7 418 4 66 5 45 2 62 0 418 5 69 4 48 9 62 0 426 3 65 B 50 7 62 5 2 58 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued B. Domestically chartered commercial banks2—Continued Billions of dollars 1975 Account 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. US. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial . . . 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 2 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks . . . . . 14 Other assets and interbank loans Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 686.4 684.2 689.8 695.3 695.5 700.8 700.9 703.1 709.4 711.3 719.0 733.4 84 3 107.7 85 2 108.4 91 7 108.0 96.6 107.8 98 3 107.9 1007 109.5 102 7 109.6 105.6 109.7 109.5 109.7 109 1 111.2 113.0 111.3 118 3 110.8 494.4 490,6 490.0 490.8 489.3 4906 488.6 487.8 490.2 491.1 494.9 504.4 178,1 130.5 101 9 83.9 176.8 130.4 101.3 82.1 176.5 130.4 100 3 82.8 177.0 130.8 100.6 82.4 174.5 131.0 100.7 83.1 174.3 131.5 101 2 83.6 172.4 131.7 102.0 82.5 170.9 132.1 103.1 81.7 171.3 132.8 103.9 82.2 170.8 133.7 104 5 82,1 171.9 134.2 104.8 84.0 174.5 134.8 106.0 89.1 99.5 101.7 103.5 111.3 111.5 108.5 103.5 101.2 102.2 106.3 118.4 128.5 30.2 10.7 30.5 10.4 30.5 10,6 32.2 10.4 29.6 10.9 31.2 11.0 28.5 11.2 26.9 11.4 29.2 11.2 29.0 11,5 31.0 10.7 26.8 12.3 31 9 26.7 33 6 27.1 34 3 28 1 38 1 30.5 40 5 305 36 9 294 35 0 28.8 344 28.6 32 6 29.2 36 1 297 442 32.5 47 2 42.2 78.7 82.5 85.0 80,9 82.4 81.8 82.4 83.2 80.9 83.4 86.1 86.2 15 Total assets 864.6 868.3 878.2 887.5 889.4 891.2 886.8 887.5 892.4 901.1 923.6 948.0 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual 697.5 266.7 697.7 265.5 707.5 269.5 717.8 281.7 720.1 279.8 719.2 278.3 717,7 276.2 718.3 274.8 720.3 273.1 729.7 280.0 745.4 293.6 777.2 320.6 430.8 59.5 43 8 63.9 432.2 62.1 44.1 64.4 438.0 61.2 44 5 65.1 436.1 59.1 45.7 64.9 440.3 59.4 449 64.9 440.9 61.3 45 2 65.5 441.5 59.4 43 8 65.9 443.5 57.4 45.3 66.5 447.2 58.4 46.9 66.8 449.7 57.9 46 1 67.4 451.8 63.7 46.7 67.8 456.7 57.4 44.5 68.9 1976 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial . . . . . 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 AH other 718.5 718.4 727.9 733.6 737.2 748.5 743.6 750.1 757,6 763.9 772.2 787.4 118.7 109 6 119.2 109.4 124.0 108.5 124.8 110.5 124.7 110.5 124.9 111 9 122.7 112.7 125.7 112.2 126.6 113.2 127.5 113.2 132.0 113.8 137.5 113.1 490.2 489.7 495.4 498.4 502.0 511.7 508.3 512.2 517.7 523.2 526.3 536.7 169.8 135.4 105 7 79.3 169.0 136.1 105 3 79.4 166.9 138.1 105 6 84.8 167.2 139.5 107 3 84.4 167.6 140.7 1084 85.3 169.6 141.9 110 1 90.1 167.7 143.1 111 7 85.8 167.5 144.4 113.2 87.1 169.5 146,1 114.6 87.5 171.0 147.3 115 5 89.4 173.0 148.4 116.1 88.8 175.6 149.2 117.6 94.3 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans 108.9 107.9 117.2 109.7 108.5 124.3 107.1 105.5 114.9 111.7 121.3 125.3 29.4 11,6 29.4 11.4 27.7 11.3 27.8 12.1 26.2 12.1 28.2 12.0 28.0 12.2 25.4 12.1 29.8 12.3 26.4 12.7 29.1 11.9 29.9 14.0 35 7 32.3 36.0 31.1 42 4 35.8 38.0 31.7 37 4 32.7 45 5 38.6 36.9 30.0 35.7 32.3 40.7 32.1 39 7 33.0 43.5 36.8 45.4 36.0 85.2 88.5 75.9 70.4 69.7 73.4 72.8 74.8 77.7 77.9 80.9 89.1 15 Total assets 912.6 914.9 921.0 913.7 915.3 946.3 923,5 930.5 950.2 953.4 974.4 1,001.7 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings . .. 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual 735 8 279.8 734 7 277.6 759 0 294.4 747 1 285.2 749 o 283.4 779 4 308.6 757 4 286.3 756 7 284.5 7709 294.0 775 8 296.7 788 1 304.9 811 1 318.8 4560 64 5 43.6 68.7 457 1 65.7 45.5 68.9 4645 60 8 30.9 70.3 461.9 65 6 30.5 70.5 465 6 63 3 31.7 71.3 470 8 644 28.1 74.3 471 1 64 0 29.8 72.3 472,2 69,2 31.8 72.7 476.9 74 3 31.6 73.4 479 1 729 30.8 74,0 483.2 80.2 31.7 74.4 492.3 845 30.7 75.5 59 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued B. Domestically chartered commercial banks2—Continued Billions of dollars 1977 Account Sept. I Oct. 1 Nov. ^ Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July 778.6 784.0 795.1 804.4 812.0 821.4 824.9 833.9 839.9 848.0 859.0 869.4 135.8 112.4 138.1 112 5 141.0 111.9 139.0 116.7 137.7 117.4 137.0 118.0 135.0 118.9 134.7 119.6 133.9 120.4 133.3 121.5 134,1 122.5 136.0 122.7 530.3 533.4 542.2 548.6 556.9 566.5 571.1 579.6 585.6 593.1 602.5 610.7 172.6 150.6 117 8 89.3 174 1 151.7 118 4 89.2 177,4 153,7 119.8 91.3 179.4 156.0 122 5 90.7 1805 158.4 1247 93.3 183.5 161.1 127.6 94.3 183.7 163.7 129.6 94.1 184.8 166.9 132.4 95.5 186.4 169.5 134.4 95.3 189.1 171.9 135.8 96.3 191.0 174.6 137,4 99.5 193.8 176.4 140.3 100.2 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank. , . . 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks . . . 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . 114.2 121,0 116.7 116.3 113.1 118.6 119.0 127.5 120.6 121,0 130.4 141.7 28.6 12.8 28.7 12 5 26.9 13.0 28.2 13.4 24.0 13 1 23.5 13.7 27.2 13.4 28.2 13.6 30.0 13.9 28.3 13.8 26.3 14.6 32.1 15.7 39.6 33 2 444 35 5 41.0 35 8 41.0 33 7 409 35 0 44.4 37 0 43.8 346 48.2 374 42.0 34 8 42.7 36 2 50.9 38 7 53.3 40 6 82.8 86.2 86.6 85.3 84.0 87.9 86.9 89,5 87.8 86.3 98.8 104.7 15 Total assets 975.6 991.2 998.4 1,006.1 1,009.1 1,027.9 1,030.8 1,050.8 1,048.2 1,055.3 1,088.3 1,115.7 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits . . . . 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual 792.4 297.8 801 8 303.2 810.3 302.3 813 3 308.0 814 2 301.2 829.4 312.5 832 7 313.0 847 9 324.6 843 1 315.7 850.0 '318.4 875.7 338.2 899.7 355.1 494 6 78.1 29,0 76 1 498 6 83.0 299 76 5 507 9 80.2 31.1 769 5054 83.8 31 6 77 3 513 0 83 2 33 9 77 8 5169 85.6 34.4 78 5 519 7 85.9 33 6 78 6 523 3 88.1 35 6 79 3 5274 89.5 35 9 79 8 531.6 89.6 35.4 80 3 537.5 93.2 38 1 81 2 5446 98.8 35.7 81 5 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 2 1 Aug. 1978 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank. 2 U.S. government securities . . . 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial . 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans 15 Total assets . . 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual 60 866.0 868.5 880.0 895.7 908.0 916.2 924.7 931.1 941.9 951.1 963.4 973.8 1344 122.0 137 5 120.6 137 0 121.5 139 3 124.2 135 9 125.2 135 7 125.0 136 0 124.7 135 5 125.5 137 0 126.2 136 1 127.2 1362 128.0 137 3 129.0 609.6 610.4 621.5 632.3 646.9 655.5 664.1 670.1 678.7 687.8 699.3 707.5 192 3 178 8 140.5 980 1945 180 5 1409 94 5 1997 183 1 142.9 95 8 202 9 185 7 1462 97 5 207 6 189 2 149 3 100 8 210 0 192 6 153.1 99 8 2102 196 0 155 9 102 0 2106 199 9 161 2 98 4 212 6 203 0 161 2 101 9 2145 206 2 164.7 1024 217 1 209 4 164 7 108 0 219 1 211 5 1665 1104 118.7 1363 122.8 125 0 152 9 132 3 122 1 129 2 133 2 137 5 140 4 161 6 26.6 14 0 31.0 13 8 30.2 14 3 27,6 14 2 30.3 144 31.6 14 8 23.6 14 7 29.7 15 i 32.6 15 2 34.6 15 1 32.5 16 6 37.7 17 1 43.9 34.2 53 4 38.1 43.3 35.0 47.6 35.6 64 3 43.9 50 1 35.8 47 3 36.4 49 5 34.9 49 6 35.9 51.6 36.1 534 37,8 63 5 43.3 98.6 101.1 104.0 101.2 108.3 101.1 97.2 98.0 100.7 99.6 105.7 117.5 1,083.3 1,105.9 1,106.7 1,122.0 1,169 2 1 149.6 1,144.1 1,158 3 1 175 8 1,188.2 1,209.4 1 252 8 872.0 323.2 888 9 334.8 886.1 320.6 900 8 335.3 937 4 363.2 917 6 340.3 917 9 337.4 924 8 338.9 937 2 347.0 942 6 347,7 951 4 348.6 986 4 379.2 548 8 93 8 35 6 82 0 554 1 97 3 37 3 82 4 565 5 98 7 38 9 82 9 565 6 98 0 39 9 83 3 574 1 104 6 43 2 84 1 577 3 103 4 43 6 84 9 580 4 95 6 44 1 86 5 585 9 101 5 45 g 86 2 590 3 104 9 46 2 87 4 594 9 109 8 47 7 88 1 602 9 117 4 52 1 88 5 607 1 125 6 53 7 87 1 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued B. Domestically chartered commercial banks2-—Continued Billions of dollars 1979 Account 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank . 2 U.S. government securities 3 Other securities 4 Loans excluding interbank 5 Commercial and industrial 6 Real estate 7 Individual 8 All other 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash itermi in process of collection 13 Due from banks . . . . . 14 Other assets and interbank loans 15 Total assets 16 Total deposits 17 Demand deposits 18 Time and savings deposits 19 Borrowings3. 3 20 Other liabilities 21 Residual3 Apr. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. 976.8 983.6 990.4 1,004.8 1,013.7 1,025.5 1,034.5 1,045.4 1,060,0 1,067.7 1,067.5 1,082.8 134.5 133.6 135.4 134 2 135.7 136 1 137.6 136,5 708 7 713,9 718 6 730 7 740.1 220.9 213 1 166.9 107 8 224.8 214 8 167.5 106 8 228.2 216 5 169.0 104 9 233.2 218 7 171.5 107 3 236.8 221 4 175.0 1069 140 0 147 6 135 8 139 5 159 1 29.8 15 2 29,7 15 0 30,0 15 2 33.9 15 6 54 7 40.3 599 42,9 54 0 36 5 105 5 104 7 101 6 May 137.2 136.4 June July 135.7 137.0 Aug. Sept. 137.5 136.5 136.2 138.8 138.8 139.4 752.7 760.7 770.4 240.8 225 1 176.5 110 3 241.8 228 4 178.0 112 5 243.5 231 5 181.6 113 9 147 1 140 3 32.8 160 32.6 16 3 51 7 38 2 65 9 44 5 100 5 98 5 139.1 140.8 140.2 141 3 781.9 787.9 7860 7992 248.9 234 8 183.5 114 7 250.2 238 3 185.0 114 3 248.5 240 1 185,1 112 3 254.3 241 9 186.2 116 7 145 5 148 2 160 5 157 9 146 5 29.6 160 33.7 16 8 31.6 166 34.1 16 5 34.7 18 1 28.4 17 8 56 8 41 4 53 7 41 1 54 3 40.8 595 40.5 64 5 45.4 61 4 43 8 62 5 37 8 100 8 101 9 104 4 110 9 112 1 111 3 123 1 141.6 142 0 1,222.3 1,235.9 1,227.8 1,244.7 1,271.2 1,273.5 1,276.8 1,295.3 1*319.2 1,340.3 1,336.7 1,352.5 960 8 347 6 9700 352 5 9562 335 7 964 8 348 5 976 0 358 2 971 9 352 8 9760 352 9 9834 352 7 997 6 1 024 8 1 018 8 1 032 5 377 5 358 8 3765 364 8 3984 111.7 63 8 85 9 402 5 111.9 65 4 88 6 404 0 115.1 665 89 9 400 9 123.4 666 90 0 402 5 131.8 71 2 92 2 403 0 136.8 71 4 93 3 405 0 136.8 71 4 92 6 414 5 140.1 774 94 3 425 7 146.6 79 3 95 7 441 0 136.8 82 0 96 7 449 2 134 8 864 96 7 451 7 139.6 81 9 98 5 19 80 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank . 1,078.4 1,087.7 1,090.6 1,093.7 1,087.2 1,090.3 1,095.2 1,108.5 1,118.2 1,135.4 1,151.6 1,177.9 US. government 152 9 securities 1640 1695 142 0 144 4 145 9 145 8 149 9 147 0 156 6 158.8 160.0 3 Other securities 142 1 142 5 152 9 153 6 155 4 143 1 146 2 147 4 148 8 147 6 149 8 149 8 4 Loans excluding interbank 794 2 800 7 801 5 792 5 793 0 793 5 802 2 809 6 822 6 834 1 852 9 801 7 5 Commercial and 264.7 270.4 industrial 257 8 260.4 277 3 282 9 252 8 2564 2594 259 9 256 8 257 5 244 3 247 2 255 4 258 0 259 7 6 Real estate 262 1 248 1 249 8 250 1 250 6 252 1 253 7 7 Individual 182 7 179.5 179.6 179 8 181 2 186.3 186.6 185 0 179 9 178 2 177.9 178.8 8 All other 110 8 1106 109 0 109 3 105 7 109 2 1100 114 6 117 3 1266 105 7 1067 2 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank . . . . 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks . . . . . 14 Other assets and interbank loans . . . . . 148.3 149.9 153.9 168 5 172 8 1507 1540 148.0 155.4 154.4 173 5 191 3 28.3 17 2 30.6 17 0 34.2 167 33.2 16 6 37.9 17 7 29.5 17 2 32.2 17 5 29.0 18 1 31.1 17 7 31.7 18.2 30.4 16 8 28.4 199 58 8 43.9 58 7 43.6 59 8 43.3 68 6 50.1 68 9 48.5 58 0 46.0 59 6 44.7 55 7 45.2 60 8 45.8 58 7 45.8 72 2 54.2 82 6 60.4 119.6 122.7 121.7 136.0 140.2 143.8 143.8 151.0 155.6 152.6 153.2 168.8 15 Total assets 1,346.2 1,360.3 1,366.2 1,398.2 1,400.2 1,384.8 1,393.0 1,407.6 1,429.2 1,442.5 1,478.3 1,537.9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1,023.6 1,030.2 1,034.9 1,063.4 1,059.8 1,046.3 1,051.4 1,061.3 1,076.1 1,091.8 1,124.5 1,185.0 358.2 377.3 357.4 375.5 392.6 431.1 361.6 354.3 369.9 362.9 362.9 369.4 209.2 209.9 200.1 199.6 196.3 189.1 192.1 198.2 206.1 211.7 208.9 201.1 5046 522 9 552 8 461 9 472 5 484 3 497 0 497 8 490 7 482 4 489 2 496 8 158.4 156.0 142.0 143.7 140.9 145.1 153.3 151.9 158.0 159.4 164.4 162.8 88.4 84.4 88.2 902 84 3 82 3 83.8 83.3 869 87.0 80.8 82.8 108 5 96 3 98 2 1002 102 8 102 8 104 3 102 8 104 1 104 8 104 6 108 5 Total deposits Demand deposits Savings deposits Time deposits Borrowings Other liabilities Residual. 61 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued B. Domestically chartered commercial banks2—Continued Billions of dollars 1981 Account Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 Loans and investment 4 excluding interbank . 1,166.8 1,168,0 1,170.4 1,187.0 1,192.8 1,202.4 1,205.2 1,211.5 1,231.3 1,228.7 1,238.4 1,256.7 U.S. government 177.8 176.5 176.6 171.5 176.8 175.7 177.6 170.5 172.7 171.0 175.9 174.9 securities 152.3 153.0 161.5 160.7 156.9 154 9 155 3 153.2 156.9 154.4 154.4 156 8 3 Other securities4 4 Loans excluding 895.2 905.5 919,2 882.0 898,7 8562 862 6 871 6 875.0 841.9 840.9 8426 interbank* 5 Commercial and 4 296.2 299.0 305.8 305.2 294.6 310.1 317.9 279.3 278.2 279.8 287.3 289.6 industrial 274.4 276.8 270.8 278.1 279.2 282.7 262.7 263.5 272.1 264.8 266.6 268.8 6 Real estate 183,2 186.1 183.0 180.2 183.1 180.0 180.5 181.8 179.4 1790 1794 179.8 7 Individual4 133.7 126.0 128.2 120.0 126.2 126.8 133.0 132.5 119.0 122.8 124.4 8 All other 119.8 2 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank . . . . 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans 156 8 162 8 163 9 179 5 179 3 170 3 161 8 174.9 197 5 157 5 171.4 182.2 25.2 18,7 30.4 18,5 31.8 17.7 38.4 18.7 25.5 19.3 25.8 18.9 27.5 19.5 26.0 20.0 27.6 19.2 26.0 19.7 26.9 18.3 28.8 22.0 60,4 52.5 62.1 51,8 63.1 51 3 67.3 55 1 73.4 61 0 64.4 61 1 57.4 57.3 61.3 67.5 75.1 75 7 55.3 56.5 66.1 60.1 68.3 63.1 1544 163.6 167 8 169 8 160 1 1682 157.6 161.3 1770 167.5 184.5 200.2 1 5 Total assets4 1,478.0 1,494.4 1,502.1 1,536.4 1,532.1 1,541.0 1,524.6 1,547.7 1,605.9 1,553.7 1,594,3 1,639.2 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 125 0 1 131 2 1 135 7 1 1502 1 168 3 1 163 5 1 154 3 1 174.9 1,217 2 1 170.8 1,199,3 1,233.8 322.2 337.0 361.9 340.6 375.9 351 0 345 4 345 3 356 3 360 1 3502 332.0 220.0 208.7 213.9 220.1 222.3 220.1 219.6 217.7 215.4 214.6 212.0 215.7 636.6 646.6 652.0 618.8 626.8 565.3 571.9 570 3 571 6 588 0 593 7 604.6 181.7 192,7 161.4 179.6 171.4 177.1 166.1 157.0 164.1 164.8 180.7 157.5 87.1 87.5 93.3 90.6 92.3 934 924 904 94.7 93 3 91.6 92.0 1200 122,1 1142 115 1 112 1 114 0 118 3 1167 108 9 108 3 115 6 1070 Total deposits Demand deposits Savings deposits Time deposits Borrowings Other liabilities Residual 1982 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank . 1,250.5 1,260.0 1,274.1 1,279.8 1,288.2 1,301.5 1,298.8 1,304.0 1,321.6 1,326,4 1,329.2 1,353.5 2 US, government 178.7 183.7 184.4 187.5 179.2 180.4 190.9 197.3 179.2 184.1 190,1 securities 181,8 160,2 161.3 168.2 159.5 1604 1634 158.3 3 Other securities 15818 159.3 158.9 159.6 161 0 4 Loans excluding interbank 913.0 931 9 938 3 945 6 959.1 956.2 976.0 959.9 974.7 921.6 976.9 988.0 5 Commercial and 344.4 352.8 344.2 352.3 334.4 352.0 355.5 339.9 345.4 industrial 318,9 323.3 330.0 282.5 295.5 295.7 295.1 294.9 6 Real estate 285.0 2869 288 1 289 5 291 4 291.3 292.8 182 5 182 3 183 3 187 9 187 6 7 Individual 183 7 188 0 191 6 183 3 185 0 184 9 185 8 8 All other 127.8 140.5 139.8 137.2 130.8 132 8 132 5 141.5 145.2 133 0 137 3 135.7 9 Total cash assets 10 Balances at Federal Reserve Bank . . . . 1 1 Cash in vault 12 Cash items in process of collection 13 Due from banks 14 Other assets and interbank loans 15 Total assets 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 163.4 159.7 172 0 162 2 1634 176.9 165.0 171.3 167.0 172,0 180.1 200.8 31.3 19.8 26.0 19.6 26.8 18 8 26.9 19 8 23.0 20.0 19.8 20.1 26.7 20,5 27.9 20.4 18.4 20.5 25.0 20.6 23.4 19.0 26.5 23.1 54.7 57.7 55.7 58,4 63 5 62.8 55 5 60.0 56 1 64.4 67 1 69.9 53.4 64.4 55,4 67.7 59,4 68.7 56.7 69.8 64.0 73.7 68.2 83.0 187.4 192.2 209.9 197.4 199.3 211.8 214.3 221.4 226.0 226.0 229.3 246.1 1,601.3 1,611.8 1,656.0 1,639.3 1,650.9 1,690.2 1,678.1 1,696.7 1,714,7 1,724.3 1,738.6 1,800.4 Total deposits 1,199.4 1,206.6 1,243.1 1,222.8 1,235.6 1,275.5 1,256.9 1,269.0 1,279,8 1,288.4 1,304.4 1,349.0 320.5 315.1 312.2 313.6 343.0 Demand deposits. . . . . 360.5 313,0 336.7 313.9 320,1 323.6 335.0 220.2 Savings deposits 220.7 242.2 294.3 224.7 235.6 227.5 224.3 225.2 226.5 227.0 228.3 Time deposits 658.2 731.4 729.2 671.3 678 9 684 6 6967 706,0 727.2 694.2 719.9 729.0 194.5 Borrowings 193.7 192 1 199 5 216 5 1980 198 8 203 4 197 4 205 8 198 6 205,4 92.3 Other liabilities 88.1 93 3 91 6 94 9 98 9 104 1 108 0 107 8 104 7 104.4 99 3 Residual 119 2 119 3 125 1 120 8 121 6 126 6 127 0 123 1 123 7 123 8 126 0 124 5 62 16. Commercial bank assets and liabilities—Last-Wednesday-of-month series—Continued B. Domestically chartered commercial banks2—Continued Billions of dollars 1983 Account Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. May July June Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 Loans and investment excluding interbank . 1,352.8 1,354.6 1,371.3 1,383.6 1,390.5 1,413.4 1,416.1 1,435.8 1,445.6 1,461.8 1,482.1 1,504.3 2 U.S. government 2044 209 6 2190 224.1 229.8 248.7 248.0 234 5 232 7 2349 238,8 245.4 securities 169,2 167.7 172.3 175.9 170.3 173.1 169.4 3 Other securities 166.2 172.2 171.0 169.6 168.0 4 Loans excluding 977.4 interbank 986.1 990.0 991.6 1,009.5 1,013.2 1,027.8 1,034.5 1,045,3 1,061.1 1,080.4 980.4 5 Commercial and 364.2 367.4 354.4 355.0 373.2 381.3 360.6 363.0 359.0 industrial 357.2 357,3 355.9 324.9 321.5 297 8 298 5 2997 327.2 309 8 314 3 317.9 6 Real estate 301,8 303.6 306 8 191.2 187.7 212.4 217.4 196.8 7 Individual 188.6 205.0 208.6 189.9 188.9 201.6 194.3 139 3 136 3 1546 8 All other 1406 147.5 147.8 1409 141,0 150.6 1460 148 9 1494 181.3 198.8 207.0 192.2 9 Total cash assets 181.9 175.0 179.3 182.4 179.8 195.5 183.9 192.6 10 Balances at Federal 25.3 27.2 19.9 24.0 20.0 21.6 16.7 25.3 23.6 Reserve Bank 18.9 21.1 21.9 20.4 204 204 23.4 22,3 21 1 21 4 11 Cash in vault 19 9 20.9 20.6 20.5 20 8 12 Cash items in process 55 9 of collection 674 73 0 64 3 68.5 61 4 569 56.6 597 56.2 603 67 1 79.7 13 Due from banks 83.8 90.8 78.9 80.6 81,0 76.9 83.2 79.6 85,8 80.9 83,6 14 Other assets and 245 4 249 4 245 4 240 9 2330 2384 240 1 242 2 237.2 237,6 245.6 237.4 interbank loans 15 Total assets 1,779.5 1,802.8 1,798.6 1,806.9 1,803.4 1,843.9 1,840.1 1,870.5 1,857.8 1,878.6 1,923.2 1,948.7 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1,327.3 1,354.6 1,360.8 1,356.2 1,358.7 1,388.8 1,383.8 1,406.1 1,394.2 1,406.1 1,446.3 1,468,1 320 1 334 2 3302 329 1 355.7 368 5 332 0 342 1 325 7 341 7 3269 3222 416.2 444.5 447.3 454.7 456.6 424.6 437.1 441 4 443,7 359.3 392.6 444.8 6430 627 9 6144 604 8 647 8 635.9 5994 605 7 608 1 619 1 6240 6297 221.7 214.1 216.5 208.2 224.7 220.9 215.2 212.1 217.7 219 1 215.4 215.6 103.1 108.4 106.9 99.0 101.8 116,3 122.3 104.3 110,6 100.7 101.1 97.9 128.7 128.7 144.1 140.9 128.5 133.7 143.0 136.6 138,6 135 3 139.6 131.9 Total deposits Demand deposits Savings deposits Time deposits Borrowings Other liabilities Residual 19 84 1 Loans and securities7 . . . 1,591.8 1,620.9 1,619.0 1,642.8 1,663.2 1,671.0 1,676.7 1,688.4 1,707,4 1,728.5 1,726.7 1,765.4 2 Investment securities. . 379.8 381.5 381.1 378.7 375.3 374.5 367.5 370.5 371.2 369.1 369,8 367.9 3 U.S. government 5 242 5 242 8 237 9 245 7 241 4 238 5 securities 2384 236.1 246.2 245.8 235.8 243 1 4 Other5 132 9 137 0 132 6 135 8 129 8 130 7 132 8 131 4 131 6 131 5 131 8 135 0 5 Trading account assets 16.8 22.9 16.9 15.7 20.0 14.6 20,9 22.5 17.0 19.9 18.8 21.9 1,195.2 1,222.5 1,220.8 1,244.3 1,269.2 1,281.8 1,289.8 1,299.4 1,316,6 1,338.0 1,337.3 1,372.1 6 Total loans5 7 7 Interbank loans7 . . . . 95.5 96.1 103.3 90.0 96.2 89.8 102,8 95.2 97,6 94.7 99.9 86.8 8 Loans excluding interbank5 1,105.4 1,126.9 1,134.0 1,154.3 1,172.9 1,187.1 1,194.6 1,201.8 1,216.7 1,234.7 1,241.2 1,269.3 9 Commercial and industrial 377.0 430.2 386.5 418.7 423.0 392.7 400.0 407.4 412.9 424.7 414.5 414.0 334.1 10 Real estate6 342.2 330,1 372.1 369.1 362.3 365.5 337.6 346.1 353.1 358.0 3505 217.0 11 Individual 224.0 228.3 232 6 235 1 239.8 243.1 246.9 249.4 255,3 218.6 219.6 12 All other 192 5 191 1 198.0 211 7 181 3 187 6 189 6 192 4 191 1 199 3 184 0 188 1 177.2 190.7 175.1 190.3 166.7 13 Total cash assets 176.6 169.0 169.5 177.9 176.8 165.9 173 2 14 Reserves with Federal 17.4 Reserve Banks . . . 19.2 21.0 14.0 16.7 18.0 18,4 17.4 17.1 15,8 21.5 19.7 15 Cash in vault . . 21 1 206 23.9 21 4 22 2 207 21 2 22 3 23 3 21 6 21 6 21 8 16 Cash items in process of collection 605 69 1 66,3 69 9 622 65 8 76 3 75 7 605 63 0 60 1 63 5 17 Demand balances at U.S. depository 32,1 institutions . . . . . . 29.4 28.6 32 9 294 27 9 30.7 30.0 282 29,4 28.6 33.5 1 8 Other cash assets 43 9 41 3 37,5 37 7 37 5 409 409 41 3 39 3 38 3 39 2 40 1 19 Other assets7 138 9 146 5 145 7 143 6 139 0 141 5 138 9 140 6 141 2 147 9 139 7 142 1 20 Total assets/total liabili1,905.7 1,944.6 1,934.2 1,964.3 1,992.9 1,985.7 1,982.3 1,995.0 2,017.6 2,053.1 2,043.2 2,097.8 ties and capital 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Deposits 1 430 8 1 462 0 1 4564 1 464 9 1 501 7 1 492 5 1 495 4 1 500 3 1 510 9 1 539 1 1 538 0 1 587 8 8 427.4 449.7 Transaction deposits ,. 456.2 434.5 456.2 439.6 441.1 446.8 484.5 434.8 433,7 435.9 370.5 370.7 368,7 Savings deposits8 385.2 361.0 366,3 367.5 368.6 377.1 364.2 363,9 370.1 714.1 642.4 646,0 Time dejjosits ... 702.4 712.8 651.4 655,1 674.9 718.1 693.1 684.3 711.1 Borrowings 233.0 240.9 243.5 251.3 227.2 241.9 232.5 243.1 232.9 229 6 228 0 236.0 113.4 Other liabilities 122,3 114.7 123.9 106.5 123 5 121 5 124 4 1197 120.5 119 3 120.8 Residual (assets less 142.1 135.3 143.4 136.1 137.4 liabilities) 143.4 136.0 136.8 134.8 142.0 139.3 139.1 63 17. All large weekly reporting commercial banks—Assets and liabilities, 19841 Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Account 1 Cash and balances due from depository institutions 9 Total loans, leases* and securities, net 3 U S Treasury and government agencies Trading account Investment account by maturity One year or less One through five years . . . . Over five years Other securities . Trading account Investment account States and political subdivisions, by maturity One year or less Over one year Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities Other trading account assets 4 5 6 7 8 Q 10 11 12 n 14 15 16 17 Federal funds sold2 18 To commercial banks 19 ^0 *>! 99 93 24 ?S ^6 97 9R 29 30 31 ^9 33 34 35 36 37 3X To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities . . To others Other loans and leases gross3 Other loans gross3 Commercial and industrial3 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper , All other U S addressees Non-U.S. addressees Real estate loans3 To individuals for personal expenditures . . . To depository and financial institutions . . . Commercial banks in the United States . . . Banks in foreign countries Nonbank depositories and other financial institutions For purchasing and carrying securities. . . . To finance agricultural production To states and political subdivisions To foreign governments and official institutions All other . Lease financing receivables LFSS- Unearned income Loan and lease reserve3 Other loans and leases, net3 All other assets 30 40 41 4? 43 44 Total assets 45 Demand deposits 46 47 48 4<» 50 51 59 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 6? 63 64 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U S government . . . . Depository institutions in United States Banks in foreign countries Foreign governments and official institutions Certified and officers' checks Transaction balances other than demand deposits Nontransaction balances Individuals, partnerships, and corporations. . States and political subdivisions U.S. government Depository institutions in the United States Foreign governments, official institutions and banks Liabilities for borrowed money Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks Treasury tax-and-loan notes All other liabilities for borrowed money4. . . . Other liabilities and subordinated notes and debentures Jan. 4 116,472 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 |Feb. 1 j Feb. 8 99,256 99,326 89,738 93,616 81,839 Feb. 15 ! Feb. 22 Feb. 29 92,278 92,639 86,714 743,401 733,865 733,962 725,667 741,036 734,204 746,832 736,044 745,105 81 228 9,713 71 515 19,697 38061 13 757 49,724 4 322 45,402 41,244 5 442 35,803 4,157 2,214 80695 10,359 70336 19,388 37 471 13 477 49,187 3 779 45,407 41,342 5 377 35,965 4,065 2,156 45 888 32 383 8,988 4,516 570266 558 774 221 982 2,846 219 136 212 172 6,964 48 611 34 881 9,712 4,018 575 906 564435 224 753 3,420 221 333 214 374 6,959 144220 144 573 91,771 91,588 41,960 40,501 8,999 8,695 7,595 6,831 25,365 14,515 7,473 21,472 4,656 13 616 11,471 5 157 9 124 561,625 148,362 1,008,23*> 213,747 160,854 5,640 1,632 27 989 7,321 906 9406 34,781 412 405 382,838 17,095 383 9 008 3,081 186 920 384 10,222 176,314 80279 11,150 69 128 18,433 37 346 13 349 48,750 3 372 45,378 41,272 5 323 35,949 4,106 2,569 46 196 33 302 8,841 4,053 570 485 559 Wl 221 559 3,041 218 518 211 615 6,902 144 820 91,743 40,658 9,203 6,939 79547 11,009 68 538 17,852 37 244 13 441 48,508 3 184 45,324 41,244 5 281 35,962 4,080 2,597 41 622 28 310 9,179 4,133 567,736 556 286 220 594 2,882 217 712 210 932 6,780 145 019 91,948 39,394 8,729 6,564 81 707 12,710 68 997 18,196 37 344 13456 48,227 3 161 45,066 40,954 5,321 35,633 4,112 2,532 49 785 33 862 10,542 5,381 573,254 561 769 221 890 3,055 218 834 212 092 6,743 145 287 91,928 40,681 8,527 6,896 24,974 24,516 24,102 25,258 14,564 14,237 13,993 15,097 7,244 7,234 7,309 7,248 21,655 21,814 21,808 22,102 4,700 4,629 4,581 4,656 11 974 12,347 11,631 12,849 11,493 11,478 11,449 11,485 5 164 5 177 5,166 5,119 9 350 9 162 9 139 9 176 555,940 556,169 553,393 558,785 139,523 138,460 132,268 137,074 972,645 971,749 947,674 971,727 186,991 184,222 172,342 186,113 143,194 138,755 131,868 139,110 4,908 5,104 4,916 5,455 1,730 1,104 2,250 3,649 21 147 21 579 20 360 23 988 5,421 6,322 5,992 6,536 942 789 857 876 9044 8 353 8 226 7 189 33,935 33,012 31,696 32,664 412 672 409 180 408,611 409,188 382,829 380,682 380,135 380,699 17,572 17,367 17,622 17,604 388 400 384 395 7,604 7,683 8 908 7,805 2,974 2,927 2,866 2,807 181 679 190679 183 498 189,934 2,824 48 976 1,830 8,458 11,776 16,182 16,255 171,391 176,080 167,268 172,702 82 694 13,072 69 622 18,320 37 818 13 485 47,914 2 954 44,960 40,813 5,149 35,663 4,147 2,065 51 897 37 100 10,692 4,105 576,892 565 326 223,140 3,097 220,044 213,319 6,725 145 849 92,150 40,369 8,512 7,149 78 748 9,646 69 102 18,032 37,968 13 102 47,870 2 997 44,872 40,756 5,178 35,577 4,116 2,008 44 504 29 681 10,574 4,249 577,597 566 088 224,414 3,274 221,140 214,423 6,717 146000 92,354 40,868 8,893 7,644 81 544 1 1 ,794 69 750 18,063 38,796 12 891 47,861 3 144 44,717 40,602 5,062 35,540 4,115 1 ,995 48 147 32,068 10,084 5,995 580,289 568 764 227,562 3,423 224,139 217,491 6,648 146,209 92,840 40,177 8,726 7,172 24,602 24,709 24,331 15,023 16,552 15,214 7,234 7,260 7,278 22,076 22,147 22,585 4,694 4,680 4,662 11,6H4 13,178 12,712 11,507 11,566 11,509 5,134 5,138 5,152 9521 9493 9 531 557,893 562,261 562,914 136,732 135,588 132,513 952,775 974,698 961,196 170,310 188,728 180,698 130,498 142,599 136,089 5,077 4,541 4,968 2,208 2,730 1,295 19,174 22,131 23,366 5,620 6,689 6,923 787 880 998 8 732 7480 6951 32,830 32,506 32,156 408,807 409,406 409,536 380,220 380,638 380,657 17,874 18,214 18,388 392 413 395 7,517 7,365 7,273 2,801 2,796 2,804 186,814 188,762 185,738 40 1,774 12 10,640 13,279 16,436 176,134 173,709 169,289 24,279 15,528 7,285 22,390 4,531 12,241 11,525 5,166 9565 565,557 138,261 970,080 185,618 140,397 5,447 2,446 22,624 6,376 969 7,360 32,510 411,248 382,613 18,296 401 7,164 2,774 183,601 576 16,207 166,818 81 036 11,321 69 715 18,603 37 519 13 593 47,679 2 728 44,951 40,789 5,190 35,599 4,162 2,348 45 248 31 283 9,760 4,204 572,548 561 041 223 342 3,220 220 122 213,439 6,683 145 459 91,989 39,540 8,435 6,504 66 Residual (total assets minus total liabilities)5 . . . 95 095 91 936 89535 86579 88462 88,810 90,039 87,900 91,486 942,949 907,213 906,629 882,727 906,360 887,572 909,442 896,028 904,464 65,287 65,431 65,120 64,947 65,366 65,202 65,256 65,168 65,616 MEMO 67 Total loans and leases (gross) and investments adjusted6 68 Total loans and leases (gross) adjusted3 6 69 Time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more 70 Loans sold outright to affiliates total7 71 Commercial and industrial 79 Other 73 Nontransaction savings deposits (including MMDAs). 713 802 580,637 147,670 2 390 1,783 607 151,183 65 Total liabilities 64 707 114 575,076 147,067 2 530 1,931 599 151,219 705 774 574,176 143,781 2 457 1,861 595 150,676 702 971 572,319 143,154 2 418 1,827 592 150,714 713 116 580,650 142,247 2 417 1,839 577 151,637 709,141 578,078 141,227 2 425 1,825 600 152,209 715 851 583,178 141,071 2478 1,869 610 152,945 712 154 583,528 141,411 2 531 1,900 631 152,824 719042 587,642 142,005 2 518 1,912? 6' 6 153,724 17. AH large weekly reporting commercial banks—Assets and liabilities, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Account 1 Cash and balances due from depository institutions . 2 Total loans, leases, and securities, net 3 U S Treasury and government agencies 4 Trading account 5 Investment account by maturity , ... 6 One year or less 7 One through five years 8 Over five years 9 Other securities 10 Trading account 1 1 Investment account . 12 States and political subdivisions, by maturity 13 One year or less. 14 Over one year 15 Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities. . . 16 Other trading account assets 17 Federal funds sold2 18 To commercial banks 19 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities 20 To others 21 Other loans and leases gross3 22 Other loans, gross3 23 Commercial and industrial3 24 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper . . 25 All other 26 U S addressees 27 Non-U S addressees 28 Real estate loans3 29 To individuals for personal expenditures . 30 To depository and financial institutions . . 31 Commercial banks in the United States 32 Banks in foreign countries 33 Nonbank depositories and other financial institutions 34 For purchasing and carrying securities 35 To finance agricultural production 36 To states and political subdivisions 37 To foreign governments and official institutions . 38 All other 39 Lease financing receivables 40 LFSS- Unearned income 41 Loan and lease reserve3 42 Other loans and leases net3 43 All other assets 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Total assets Demand dejjosits Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U.S. government Depository institutions in United States. . . . Banks in foreign countries Foreign governments and official institutions Certified *md officers* checks Transaction balances other than demand deposits . . . Nontransaction balances Individuals partnerships and corporations States and political subdivisions U.S. government Depository institutions in the United States Foreign governments, official institutions and banks Liabilities ibr borrowed money Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks . . . Treasury tax-and-loan notes All other liabilities for borrowed money4 Other liabilities and subordinated notes and debentures 65 Total liabilities . 66 Residual (total assets minus total liabilities)5 MEMO 67 Total loans and leases (gross) and investments adjusted6 68 Total loans and leases (gross) adjusted3'6 69 Time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more 70 Loans sold outright to affiliates, total7 71 Commercial and industrial 72 Other 73 Nontransaction savings deposits (including MMDAs). Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Mar. 28 Apr 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr 25 May 2 86,204 83,341 739,289 739,691 80,157 79,894 11,344 11,080 68,813 68,814 18,142 18,492 37,406 37,025 13,264 13,297 47,680 47,930 3,875 3,573 44,108 44,055 40,006 39,859 4,825 4,775 35 182 35 084 4,101 4,196 2,048 2,086 41 412 42 442 27,441 27,531 9 180 9 869 4,792 5,042 582,772 582,115 571,244 570,629 231,578 231,453 3,523 3,374 228,055 228,079 221 622 221 592 6487 6433 147,468 147 245 93,017 93,577 39,043 38,489 7,907 7,826 6,675 6,866 90,744 87,333 91,212 91,222 749,222 748,256 753,885 753,337 80,350 80,343 81,172 79,784 11,708 11,984 12,934 11,944 68 642 68,359 68,238 67,839 18,316 18,154 17,997 18,162 37 073 36950 36,796 36,180 13,252 13,255 13,444 13,497 47,428 47,084 49,004 49,003 3 549 5,479 5,438 3 926 43,502 43,535 43,566 43,524 39,443 39,442 39,467 39,375 4,837 4,637 4,890 4,629 34 814 34 804 34 577 34 538 4,094 4,099 4,060 4,148 2,709 2,329 2,438 2,126 47 340 47 675 43,227 43,419 32,184 33,206 28,801 28,894 9 573 10 157 9 384 9 561 5,085 4,864 4,998 4,953 586406 585,668 592,308 593,330 574,901 574,176 580,811 581,818 233 454 233,311 235,335 235,586 3,168 3,185 3,371 3,110 230,083 230,143 232,150 232,476 223 461 223 764 225 801 226 297 6,349 6622 6,179 6 380 147,500 147,794 148,211 148,470 93,725 93,993 94,513 95,292 39,454 39,331 40,504 40,151 8,632 8,053 8,884 8,277 6,824 6,845 6,629 6,801 93,850 757,721 24,462 12 844 7,388 22 935 4,749 12,220 11 529 5 171 9,61C 567 991 132,388 957,882 171,514 131,617 4 648 1 105 20,317 5 698 23 797 12 527 7 336 23 184 4,726 12,091 11 486 5 22C 9 556 567 339 138 044 961,077 176,097 134,158 4 237 1 736 21,31C 6 292 24,577 12 794 7,397 23 198 4,569 12,809 11 506 5 144 9486 571 775 143,896 983,863 187,409 140,939 4 609 3 624 22,643 5 724 24,425 25,071 12 566 13 733 7,355 7,424 23 222 23 535 4,458 4,557 12,144 12,978 11,492 11,497 5 056 5 175 9,480 9,466 571 028 577 772 142,817 139,276 978,406 984,373 183,434 184,988 140,594 140,577 5 017 4 941 2 504 3 91C 20,431 21,009 5,982 5 875 24,962 13 733 7,493 23 714 4,585 13,361 11,584 5 024 9,656 582 517 141,449 993,020 185,492 140,823 5 854 1 307 22,120 6,273 7 268 7 262 7 632 7 739 33,41C 33,117 32,945 32,626 412 72C 412 977 413 317 415 357 384 008 384 013 384 329 385 964 18 364 18 306 18,401 18 77C) 392 39* 366> 398 7,333 7,321 7,058 7,396> 2,874 2,894t 2,862 2,926 184,768 184,244 181,159 178 152 3C1 1 929 203 61 6902 13,032 10 63$> 10 151 174 581 175 413 167 925 167 452 9 068 35,147 415 597 386 82* 18,134 368 7,42$ 2,842, 181,306> 6C) 3 382 177 8641- 8,282 8 132 7 755 8 166 35,076 35,584 32,985 33,236 415 895 414,373 413,443 414,652 386 728 385 111 384,117 385,503 18,282 18,277 18,518 18,405 82,570 96,136 739,818 741,871 80995 81,635 1 1 ,247 11,863 69 748 69,772 18,151 18,267 38,420 38,183 13,176 13,322 48,146 48,458 3 845 3 609 44,537 44,613 40,442 40,505 4,855 4,859 35 583 35 650 4,107 4,095 2,067 2,240 43 847 45 141 29 625 31,045 8 910 9 041 5,311 5,056 579 396 579 382 567,864 567,858 229 114 228 847 3,297 3,811 225 302 225,551 218 822 219 055 6496 6480 146 467 147,273 92,765 92,929 39,655 38,505 8,484 8,026 6,652 6,371 24 52C 13 448 7 315 22 388 4,537 12,174 11 532 5 15C 9 656 564 59C 139 248 961,635 174,434 134.12C> 4 345 2 043 19,973 5 866 818 24,107 14 237 7,358 22 502 4,551 11,656 11 524 5 167 9 645 564 570 13l'$57 969,864 180,154 138,551 4 392 2 445 20,166 6076 786 868 734 802 88C 814 372 376 24,423 14,205 7,449 23,726 4,678 12,260 11,512 5,09C 9,547 578,693 136,048 980,608 178,931 136,857 4,739 2,818 19,428 5,95C 856 371 79,107 12,039 67,068 18,074 35,676 13,318 49,537 6,060 43,477 39,326 4,820 34506 4,151 2,754 43 806 28,336 10454 5,016 597,198 585,614 237,566 3,423 234,143 227 870 6,273 148,438 95,944 40,778 8,976 6,840 948 360 6,998 7,073 7,336 7,19? 3,311 3,175 3,415 3,439 190,392 > 190,422 182,934 185,336 170 5,601 2 03C} 4C1 2,573 10,573 16,653 16,781 178 33C> 174,723 168,168 173,441 90,65C) 93,608 93,55C1 93 585) 98,09'' 94,446> 97,782 98,638 102,360 895,982 , 904,101 892,486f 895,823( 917,55'JP 911,785' 918,0651 914,42C> 926,132 65 65q 65 764 65 396 65 254I 66 306> 66 621 66,308 66,188 66,888 716 51* 585 134L 143,02C) 2,54(> 1 951 59*> 154,035> 717 612 585 452 142,742 2,49C> 1 929 561 154,251 718,724 719 IK) 723 6ie> 588 838 589 20C) 593 505) 142,456> 143,26<> 142,21"i 3,01C) 3,102 3 06(> i 9r 1 932 1,88^I 1 134I 1 21*J 1 09^ 154,694I 155,735) 156,99!> 721,413 591 86C} 141,805 3,095 1,886> 1 20$) 157,738\ 730,988 598,102 141,07C) 3,092, 1,88" 1,20! 156,391 730,198 598,972 141,60" 3,22C) 1,995> 1,22C ) 154,82"' 735,090 603,692 142,369 3,126 1,983 1,144 155,132 65 17* All large weekly reporting commercial banks—Assets and liabilities, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Account 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Cash and balances due from depository institutions , Total loans, leases, and securities, net U.S. Treasury and government agencies Trading account Investment account, by maturity One year or less One through five years Over five years Other securities Trading account Investment account States and political subdivisions, by maturity. . One year or less Over one year Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities .. Other trading account assets . Federal funds sold2 To commercial banks To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities To others Other loans and leases, gross3 Other loans, gross3 Commercial and industrial3 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper . All other U.S. addressees Non-US, addressees Real estate loans3 To individuals for personal expenditures To depository and financial institutions.... Commercial banks in the United States.. Banks in foreign countries Nonbank depositories and other financial institutions For purchasing and carrying securities To finance agricultural production To states ana political subdivisions To foreign governments and official institutions. All other Lease financing receivables LESS: Unearned income Loan and lease reserve3 Other loans and leases, net3 All other assets Total assets Demand deposits Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U.S. government Depository institutions in United States Banks in foreign countries Foreign governments and official institutions Certi: ified and officers' checks Transaction balances other than demand deposits . .. Nontransaction balances Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions U.S. government Depository institutions in the United States Foreign governments, official institutions and banks Liabilities for borrowed money Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks Treasury tax-and-loan notes All other liabilities for borrowed money4 Other liabilities and subordinated notes and debentures Total liabilities Residual (total assets minus total liabilities)5 MEMO Total loans and leases (gross) and investments adjusted6 Tptal loans and leases (gross) adjusted3'6 Time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more Loans sold outright to affiliates, total7 Commercial and industrial Other Nontransaction savings deposits (including MMDAs). 66 May 9 May 16 May 23 May 3oJ June 6 | June 13 | June 20 June 27 j July 4 90,155 756,877 77,482 10,792 66,689 17,522 35,817 13,350 48,891 5,449 43,442 39,287 4,778 34,508 4,155 2,433 46,563 31,974 9,364 5,225 596,274 584,695 239,921 3,626 236,295 230,015 91,456 86,006 96,530 87,568 86,767 97,025 86,648 105,487 759,146 758,622 761,899 766,657 759,578 764,932 759,693 771,399 73,802 8,692 65,110 17,314 34,951 12,845 46,125 4,443 41,682 37,998 3,904 34,094 3,684 2,358 48,552 34,830 9,173 4,549 615,729 603,957 245,050 4,261 240,789 234,472 6,317 150,677 99,190 42,591 10,112 6,609 6,280 148,532 96,010 39,789 8,105 6,425 77,033 11,019 66,014 17,042 35,933 13,039 48,497 5,041 43,456 39,239 4,728 34,511 4,217 1,949 46,406 30,855 10,091 5,460 600,076 588,481 241,375 3,494 237,882 231,476 6,405 148,848 96,578 40,815 '--9,440 6,498 76,436 78,091 10,973 12,403 65,462 65,689 16,640 17,015 35,800 35,737 13,023 12,936 48,209 48,090 4,579 4,446 43,630 43,644 39,372 39,422 4,753 4,801 34,619 34,622 4,258 4,222 1,902 1,920 46,248 45,103 30,860 30,371 9,573 8,959 5,816 5,773 600,728 603,571 589,190 592,010 241,252 240,388 3,502 3,774 237,750 236,614 231,306 230,295 6,444 6,319 149,061 149,168 96,858 97,296 40,593 •• — 41,750 — 9,408 9,949 6,462 6,475 76,343 10,624 65,719 17,434 35,472 12,812 47,986 4,643 43,343 39,320 4,769 34,551 4,023 2,304 49,446 36,770 8,341 4,335 605,561 593,912 241,721 3,522 238,200 232,026 6,174 149,511 97,568 41,602 9,549 6,600 74,895 9,582 65,314 16,955 35,510 12,849 47,585 4,321 43,264 39,274 4,646 34,628 3,991 2,266 44,717 31,812 8,159 4,746 605,111 593,466 241,619 3,786 237,833 231,607 6,226 150,131 97,965 41,144 9,883 6,193 25,258 11,973 7,587 23,940 4,675 12,267 11,579 5,057 9,709 581,508 142,097 989,129 173,998 133,760 4,424 1,068 20,365 6,106 857 7,418 33,210 417,845 388,348 18,740 347 7,188 3,221 196,129 2,078 13,823 180,228 24,878 12,455 7,575 23,843 4,547 12,444 11,596 5,080 9,736 585,260 142,259 992,861 187,556 141,930 4,867 2,464 22,514 6,263 1,087 8,430 32,981 420,491 390,105 19,162 343 7,356 3,526 183,162 4,827 3,303 175,032 24,722 13,050 7,578 23,995 4,377 12,426 11,538 5,110 9,792 585,827 136,744 981,372 172,513 132,688 4,526 2,077 19,523 6,015 792 6,892 32,390 424,737 393,406 19,759 347 7,911 3,314 182,192 2,416 564 179,213 25,454 14,271 7,632 24,655 4,348 12,601 11,649 5,089 9,894 590,577 140,955 995,180 180,178 137,759 4,669 1,879 21,133 6,346 790 7,601 34,374 428,781 397,941 19,074 322 7,970 3,474 188,332 3,915 2,748 181,669 25,067 25,136 24,767 25,870 13,622 13,883 13,060 14,236 7,736 7,723 7,711 7,656 24,808 24,963 25,090 25,758 4,402 4;340 4,723 4,412 12,109 12,430 12,656 13,996 11,645 11,657 11,679 11,772 5,141 5,132 5,117 5,118 9,882 9,847 10,049 9,879 590,115 592,950 593,993 600,562 138,042 139,680 141,288 146,195 984,388 1,001,637 987,629 1,023,081 180,245 180,481 177,248 204,438 140,463 136,657 134,681 153,664 5,041 4,708 5,438 4,261 1,417 4,066 2,295 1,366 19,904 21,381 20,994 27,510 6,216 5,773 6,519 5,619 771 815 797 1,140 6,901 7,581 7,681 8,751 33,545 32,668 31,944 34,406 429,395 428,866 431,390 432,310 398,484 397,659 399,560 401,589 19,370 19,258 19,442 19,034 303 316 311 329 8,372 8,144 7,746 8,080 3,492 3,278 3,488 3,705 178,153 195,698 178,999 183,121 4,445 3,690 2,466 1,950 2,066 15,719 10,751 2,459 174,137 176,288 165,782 176,217 25,326 14,385 7,559 24,189 4,384 12,890 11,560 5,107 9,769 588,695 135,470 993,899 184,993 140,745 4,623 1,076 22,563 6,586 844 8,557 32,654 426,965 395,722 19,547 324 8,106 3,264 181,774 1,857 2,960 176,956 73,471 8,330 65,141 17,004 35,350 12,786 46,675 4,002 42,673 38,981 4,410 34,571 3,692 2,266 49,571 36,261 8,655 4,654 607,963 596,306 243,912 3,607 240,305 234,217 6,088 150,454 98,507 40,031 8,964 5,931 73,296 8,221 65,075 16,609 35,557 12,909 46,750 4,107 42,644 38,978 4,407 34,572 3,665 2,266 43,388 29,376 8,878 5,133 608,981 597,302 244,444 3,910 240,534 234,364 6,170 150,630 99,006 40,365 - '" 9,414 6,184 100,804 101,595 102,043 100,206 95,290 95,027 96,261 100,558 101,714 921,986 925,784 913,876 926,593 926,955 916,365 933,973 920,138 955,989 67,143 67,077 67,496 67,306 68,224 68,023 67,664 67,491 67,092 731,563 602,757 144,721 3,125 1,964 1,161 155,454 733,667 606,187 146,758 3,122 2,005 1,116 155,685 733,255 606,708 151,143 2,549 1,933 616 155,290 736,455 608,354 152,834 2,518 1,914 603 155,421 735,321 608,688 153,392 2,557 1,952 605 155,894 732,879 608,133 154,496 2,618 1,922 696 155,273 734,720 612,308 154,240 2,675 1,972 702 154,446 735,890 613,578 156,830 2,741 2,027 714 154,060 741,624 619,339 156,171 2,753 2,033 720 155,264 17, All large weekly reporting commercial banks—Assets and liabilities, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Account July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept, 5 1 Cash and balances due from depository institutions. 88,064 92,196 82,084 95,097 84,152 87,820 82,428 81,133 93,442 2 Total loans, leases, and securities, net 760,414 763,442 761,991 769,633 765,079 773,135 765,317 767,761 779,278 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 U.S. Treasury and government agencies Trading account Investment account, by maturity One year or less One through five years Over five years Other securities Trading atxount Investment account States and political subdivisions, by maturity .. One year or less Over one year Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities .. Other trading account assets Federal funds sold2 To commercial banks To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities To others Other loans and leases, gross3 Other loans, gross3 Commercial and industrial3 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper.. All other U.S. addressees Non-U.S. addressees Real estate loans3 To individuals for personal expenditures To depository and financial institutions Commercial banks in the United States Banks in foreign countries Nonbank depositories and other financial institutions For purchasing and carrying securities To finance agricultural production To states and political subdivisions To foreign governments and official institutions All other Lease financing receivables LESS: Unearned income Loan and lease reserve3 Other loans and leases, net3 All other assets 75,524 10,987 64,537 16,479 35,182 12,876 45,564 3,818 41,746 38,028 4,026 34,002 3,718 2,454 41,828 28,669 8,459 4,700 610,221 598,498 243,684 4,258 239,427 233,052 6,375 151,111 99,406 41,177 9,176 6,398 72,915 73,506 8,629 9,164 64,286 64,342 16,227 16,049 35,203 35,390 12,855 12,903 45,787 46,024 3,905 4,077 41,882 41,947 38,161 38,235 4,072 4,116 34,089 34,119 3,721 3,712 2,526 2,436 47,467 42,963 34,271 30,021 8,546 8,143 4,650 4,799 609,928 612,296 598,192 600,511 244,105 244,038 4,027 3,873 240,078 240,165 233,714 233,849 6,363 6,316 151,642 151,396 99,817 100,314 40,585 40,772 8,966 9,240 6,204 6,541 25,603 12,082 7,757 25,972 4,550 12,759 11,723 5,160 10,016 595,044 143,088 991,566 Total assets Demand deposits 180,616 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 138,980 States and political subdivisions 4,793 U.S. government 2,191 Depository institutions in United States 20,593 Banks in foreign countries 5,914 Foreign governments and official institutions 900 Certified iind officers' checks 7,246 Transaction balances other than demand deposits... 33,452 Nontransaction balances 432,223 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 401,705 19,231 States and political subdivisions U.S. government 303 Depository institutions in the United States 7,745 Foreign governments, official institutions and banks 3,238 Liabilities for borrowed money 180,502 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks 4,000 Treasury tax-and-loan notes 7,575 All other liabilities for borrowed money 4 ... 168,926 25,414 11,208 7,803 26,002 4,532 12,498 11,735 5,160 10,021 594,746 139,862 995,500 180,539 137,077 4,932 3,035 21,203 5,914 866 7,513 33,039 432,201 401,867 19,439 299 7,458 3,138 183,684 6,235 6,253 171,196 Other liabilities and subordinated notes and debentures Total liabilities Residual (total assets minus total liabilities)5.. MEMO Total loans and leases (gross) and investments adjusted6 Total loans and leases (gross) adjusted3*6 Time deposits in amounts of $100,000 or more Loans sold outright to affiliates, total7 Commercial and industrial Other Nontransaction savings deposits (including MMDAs). 735,386 737,965 614,158 615,998 156,488 157,567 2,918 2,895 2,182 2,152 736 743 154,056 153,110 74,091 9,944 64,147 16,794 34,544 12,808 46,744 4,919 41,824 38,156 4,222 33,934 3,668 2,550 47,009 34,135 7,972 4,901 614,590 602,724 244,900 4,049 240,851 234,487 6,364 151,917 100,751 41,114 9,458 6,547 74,959 11,039 63,920 16,745 34,452 12,724 46,932 5,010 41,923 38,236 4,250 33,987 3,686 2,749 43,708 31,448 7,321 4,939 612,161 600,276 245,134 3,699 241,435 235,136 6,299 151,871 101,006 40,268 9,355 6,184 75,892 11,786 64,106 16,914 34,466 12,727 47,546 5,533 42,013 38,347 4,324 34,023 3,666 2,677 47,754 33,610 8,525 5,618 614,756 602,738 244,538 3,560 240,978 234,688 6,289 152,648 101,551 39,774 8,663 6,046 76,394 12,440 63,954 16,734 34,510 12,710 47,480 5,318 42,162 38,435 4,465 33,970 3,727 2,764 42,631 30,240 7,474 4,916 611,538 599,474 243,604 3,843 239,761 233,571 6,190 152,817 102,086 39,471 8,625 6,208 24,991 25,108 24,729 25,065 24,638 12,110 12,648 11,303 13,126 11,269 7,673 7,641 7,588 7,535 7,770 26,045 26,206 26,072 26,172 26,326 4,472 4,281 4,624 4,429 4,461 13,603 12,889 12,553 12,869 12,083 11,785 11,867 11,884 12,018 12,065 5,162 5,152 5,138 5,168 5,158 10,072 10,200 10,293 10,322 10,333 597,061 599,239 596,729 599,266 596,048 138,190 144,077 144,684 147,431 139,062 982,266 1,008,807 993,914 1,008,386 986,807 173,327 188,430 176,530 188,247 171,047 132,456 142,190 133,549 141,568 131,055 4,627 6,114 4,553 4,645 4,445 1,741 1,200 2,366 3,019 2,089 19,219 23,302 19,714 22,408 19,886 6,143 5,913 6,218 6,242 5,585 1,017 1,022 998 696 810 9,342 6,988 8,784 9,625 8,048 32,344 33,362 33,463 33,093 32,574 433,576 434,056 435,279 436,438 436,045 402,714 403,004 403,575 404,074 403,454 19,903 19,816 20,289 20,743 20,956 304 310 323 306 313 7,452 7,622 7,548 7,753 7,836 3,202 3,554 3,489 3,291 3,563 177,220 187,498 184,806 186,142 183,221 6,217 8,040 6,750 12,075 6,992 7,946 10,010 2,495 1,450 5,416 163,057 169,448 175,561 172,618 170,814 75,582 11,612 63,969 16,732 34,457 12,780 47,652 5,438 42,214 38,494 4,450 34,044 3,720 2,907 44,774 32,848 7,157 4,769 612,388 600,267 242,872 3,506 239,366 233,144 6,222 152,962 102,824 39,755 8,812 5,946 77,281 13,281 64,000 17,495 33,712 12,793 47,391 5,065 42,325 38,514 4,435 34,078 3,812 3,462 48,546 34,482 9,165 4,900 618,232 606,092 244,699 3,719 240,980 234,672 6,307 153,106 103,102 40,719 9,241 6,415 24,997 25,063 11,243 13,081 7,535 7,523 26,394 26,280 4,433 4,384 12,247 13,198 12,121 12,141 5,178 5,147 10,365 10,486 596,845 602,598 138,720 141,144 987,615 1,013,864 172,432 191,026 131,670 144,041 4,962 4,360 1,393 2,151 19,220 25,025 6,262 6,100 782 913 8,150 8,430 32,242 34,599 436,064 436,549 403,295 404,095 21,160 20,977 327 336 7,490 7,806 3,651 3,477 185,225 190,720 6,900 7,260 4,677 3,320 173,287 180,499 97,537 99,012 98,744 97,933 96,188 97,127 96,417 94,278 92,944 924,330 928,475 915,211 941,279 926,266 941,048 919,304 920,242 945,838 67,236 67,026 67,055 67,528 67,648 67,339 67,503 67,373 68,026 737,745 614,203 156,466 2,794 2,063 731 154,489 741,392 618,006 156,923 2,877 2,114 764 152,932 739,707 615,066 157,674 2,905 2,146 759 152,438 746,351 620,236 158,307 2,912 2,149 763 152,115 741,942 615,304 157,967 2,945 2,173 772 151,434 741,645 615,503 158,075 3,015 2,223 792 151,176 751,189 623,055 156,734 3,024 2,219 805 152,234 67 17. All large weekly reporting commercial banks—Assets and liabilities, 1984'—Continued Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Account 1 Cash and balances due from depository institutions 2 Total loans, leases, and securities, net 3 U.S. Treasury and government agencies 4 Trading account 5 Investment account, by maturity 6 One year or less 7 One through five years 8 Over five years 9 Other securities 10 Trading account Investment account States and political subdivisions, by maturity One year or less Over one year Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities 16 Other trading account assets 17 Federal funds sold2 18 To commercial banks 19 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities 20 To others 21 Other loans and leases, gross3 22 Other loans, gross3 23 Commercial and industrial3 24 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper 25 All other 26 U.S. addressees 27 Non-U.S. addressees 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 68 Real estate loans3 To individuals for personal expenditures . To depository and financial institutions... Commercial banks in the United States Banks in foreign countries Nonbank depositories and other financial institutions For purchasing and carrying securities... To finance agricultural production To states and political subdivisions To foreign governments and official institutions All other Lease financing receivables LESS: Unearned income Loan and lease reserve3 Other loans and leases, net3 All other assets Sept. 12 Sept. 19 [sept. 26 j Oct. 3 93,142 85,576 83,726 89,514 j Oct. 10 | Oct. 17 j Oct. 24 j Oct. 31 93,030 88,246 80,443 87,266 Nov. 7 95,361 780,804 780,930 779,640 780,146 786,809 779,512 783,921 797,654 799,720 77,336 13,340 63,996 17,478 33,792 12,725 47,655 5,159 42,496 76,712 12,961 63,751 17,161 33,692 12,897 47,926 5,274 42,652 76,002 12,140 63,862 17,296 33,728 12,839 48,494 5,756 42,738 74,656 11,181 63,475 18,331 32,339 12,804 47,112 4,677 42,435 75,995 12,532 63,463 18,366 32,325 12,772 46,826 4,108 42,717 76,536 12,697 63,839 18,570 32,601 12,668 47,043 4,347 42,696 73,994 10,708 63,285 18,232 32,280 12,774 47,626 4,640 42,986 79,042 15,158 63,884 18,313 32,809 12,763 47,301 4,522 42,778 77,728 13,875 63,853 18,752 32,379 12,722 46,493 3,958 42,535 38,664 4,498 34,165 38,820 4,582 34,238 38,867 4,682 34,185 38,519 4,628 33,891 38,726 4,600 34,127 38.714 38,898 4,498 4,598 3,832 2,865 3,832 2,914 3,870 3,041 3,917 2,823 3,991 2,516 34S216 34,299 38,734 4,587 34,147 38,388 4,506 33,881 3,982 2,874 4,088 2,769 4,044 2,860 4,147 3,182 49,803 47,820 47,742 47,506 52,690 45.715 51,442 54,283 55,697 34,196 34,598 34,577 37,825 31,930 36,594 38,387 38,578 34,922 8,588 8,912 8,664 10,107 9,182 9,138 10,158 10,965 11,123 4,758 5,036 4,231 4,265 4,931 5,996 4,646 4,691 5,698 618,854 621,293 619,599 623,425 624,178 622,805 623,592 629,776 632,307 606,663 609,088 607,372 611,140 611,927 610,528 611,323 617,470 619,988 245,087 246,816 244,752 246,772 246,775 246,037 246,464 247,549 249,561 3,883 3,475 3,473 3,216 3,607 3,608 3,343 3,860 3,425 241,662 243,343 241,537 243,165 243,300 242,430 243,121 243,666 245,700 235,430 237,120 235,252 236,786 236,952 236,118 236,759 237,292 239,307 6,375 6,393 6,348 6,232 6,223 6,285 6,379 6,312 6,361 153,949 103,513 40,960 9,687 6,025 25,248 12,291 7,506 26,166 154,449 154,777 155,069 155,524 156,113 156,347 156,952 157,009 104,108 104,568 104,978 104,917 105,578 106,133 106,702 106,936 39,711 39,275 39,229 39,192 39,107 37,808 39,399 39,782 9,060 9,261 8,895 9,444 8,886 9,016 9,127 B,228 6,030 5,758 5,964 5,912 5,805 5,809 5,936 6,151 25,011 12,668 7,484 26,268 24,022 13,140 7,431 26,476 24,407 13,143 7,438 26,231 24,174 14,354 7,394 26,074 24,016 23,667 12,756 13,874 7,312 7,262 26,167 26,036 24,354 15,068 7,214 26,245 24,571 14,960 7,185 26,497 4,362 4,296 4,565 4,427 4,320 4,371 4,325 4,406 4,429 12,762 13,019 12,524 13,962 13,290 13,096 13,104 13,970 13,733 12,205 12,227 12,284 12,251 12,277 12,270 12,306 12,319 12,191 5,174 5,191 5,184 5,138 5,146 5,167 5,163 5,172 5,138 10,544 10,064 10,237 10,249 10,298 10,329 10,424 10,550 10,540 604,362 608,783 608,049 607,344 608,090 614,168 616,619 603,146 605,558 140,465 139,815 138,578 139,706 138,483 134,384 133,895 140,340 137,155 17. All large weekly reporting commercial banks—Assets and liabilities, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Account 44 Total assets . Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 1,014,4111,006,3211,001,9441,009,3671,018,3221,002,142 998,259 1,025,2601,032,236 185,166 179,349 176,177 186,022 192,204 178,933 175,726 184,939 188,087 142,494 135,028 132,632 139,294 145,257 137,259 132,896 141,373 142,583 5,134 4,592 4,946 4,592 4,901 4,822 4,826 4,218 4,519 2,152 1,432 1,124 2,638 1,389 3,930 2,393 2,193 4,119 21,727 20,352 21,161 22,444 25,518 20,792 21,080 21,033 21,240 6,472 6,264 6,784 5,867 5,667 6,238 5,856 6,002 5,848 894 895 867 811 915 962 750 1,015 858 7,599 8,218 8,990 8,513 8,307 8,146 7,624 8,856 9,299 45 Demand deposits 46 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations . 47 States and political subdivisions 48 U.S. government 49 Depository institutions in United States 50 Banks in foreign countries 51 Foreign governments and official institutions 52 Certified and officers' checks 53 Transaction balances other than demand deposits 54 Nontransaction balances 55 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations . 56 States and political subdivisions 57 US. government 58 Depository institutions in the United States . 59 Foreign governments, official institutions and banks 60 Liabilities for borrowed money 61 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks . . . 62 Treasury tax-and-loan notes 63 All other liabilities for borrowed money 4 ... 64 Other liabilities and subordinated notes and debentures 33,847 32,832 31,789 33,893 33,723 33,065 32,356 32,998 34,193 437,168 436,966 439,788 440,735 441,639 442,593 443,822 443,875 444,656 404,470 404,084 405,896 407,339 407,880 408,464 410,034 410,059 410,985 21,185 21,402 21,628 21,378 21,732 21,813 21,859 21,587 21,232 464 332 332 353 463 331 338 370 358 7,590 8,475 7,591 8,365 8,655 8,373 8,596 8,389 8,428 65 Total liabilities 946,430 938,516 932,962 940,036 948,501 932,446 928,554 955,218 962,002 66 Residual (total assets minus total liabilities)5.. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 MEMO Total loans and leases (gross) and investments adjusted6 Total loans and leases (gross) adjusted3'6 Time deposits in amounts of $100,0007 or more Loans sold outright to affiliates, total Commercial and industrial Other... Nontransaction savings deposits (including MMDAs) 3,542 3,292 3,557 3,315 3,379 3,591 3,246 3,291 3,198 195,899 195,338 192,764 188,453 189,991 184,517 185,265 200,627 204,786 4,000 5,893 4,620 4,550 11,739 6,990 5,110 6,890 5,275 6,142 14,446 16,616 2,415 7,105 14,216 7,974 3,889 2,929 182,867 173,902 172,147 175,369 181,787 176,209 173,540 181,862 189,158 94,349 67,981 94,031 67,805 92,444 68,982 90,933 69,331 90,944 69,821 93,339 91,385 69,696 69,705 92,779 70,042 90,280 70,234 751,903 753,575 750,836 752,060 755,119 753,916 754,601 765,859 767,770 624,048 626,022 623,299 627,468 629,782 627,463 630,213 636,657 640,366 157,116 157,268 159,726 159,616 159,702 160,296 160,809 159,286 158,800 2,817 2,892 2,982 3,001 2,961 2,992 2,972 2,996 3,042 2,017 2,126 2,182 2,198 2,157 2,211 2,210 2,193 2,236 800 766 804 800 804 762 803 781 806 152,157 151,442 151,688 152,576 153,443 153,963 154,601 155,962 157,075 69 17. All large weekly reporting commercial banks—Assets and liabilities, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Account Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 Adjustment bank8 98,422 90,775 90,438 90,262 91,345 96,466 98,124 1,346 799,373 799,941 792,068 808,990 800,030 815,277 815,830 7,714 3 U.S. Treasury and government agencies 4 Trading account . . 5 Investment account, by maturity 6 One year or less 7 One through five years 8 Over five years 9 Other securities 10 Trading account . . . 1 1 Investment account 12 States and political subdivisions, by maturity . I'H One year or less 14 One year 13 Other bonds, corporate stocks, and securities . 16 Other trading account assets 77,699 13 870 63,829 18477 32,608 12 744 46,715 4 342 42,373 38,324 4455 33,869 4,049 3,763 78,287 14 599 63,688 18 054 33,151 12484 47,049 4722 42,327 38,182 4 394 33,787 4,145 3,602 78,532 14762 63,770 17 949 33,186 12 634 46,314 3 949 42,365 38,152 4 343 33,809 4,213 3,211 81,144 16,593 64,551 18 365 32,966 13,220 45,974 3,701 42,273 38,038 4,262 33,776 4,234 2,905 79,285 14 890 64,394 18769 32,377 13 248 46,215 3 825 42,390 38,154 4 342 33,812 4,236 2,874 78,763 14 565 64,198 19 325 31,651 13 222 46,877 4 319 42,558 38,164 4413 33,750 4,395 2,644 78,523 14,328 64,196 20 171 30,706 13,318 48,145 5 067 43,078 38,665 4,710 33,956 4,413 3,448 1,143 2 1,141 413 612 116 771 6 763 683 159 524 82 17 Federal funds sold2 18 To commercial banks . 19 To nonbank brokers and dealers in securities . . . 20 To others 21 Other loans and leases, gross3 22 Other loans, gross3 , . 23 Commercial and industrial3 24 Bankers acceptances and commercial paper. 25 All other 26 U.S. addressees 27 Non-US, addressees 53,180 36446 11,356 5 378 633,713 621 404 248,962 3,914 245,047 238 678 6,369 52,429 36,056 11,888 4484 634,276 621 940 249,154 4,320 244,834 238 498 6,336 48,116 32 647 10,681 4788 631,642 619 272 248,452 4,055 244,397 238048 6,349 56,212 38,055 12,033 6,124 638,555 626,112 249,894 4,353 245,541 239 195 6,345 49,405 32,133 11,947 5 325 638,094 625 668 248,644 4,209 244,435 238 199 6,236 54,486 37 887 11,674 4925 648,373 635 860 250,780 3,815 246,965 240 722 6,243 51,342 34,602 11,809 4,932 650,173 637,599 251,423 3,832 247,590 241 402 6,188 774 770 5 5,267 5,248 1,493 29 1,464 1 368 96 Real estate loans3 To individuals for personal expenditures To depository and financial institutions Commercial banks in the United States Banks in foreign countries Nonbank depositories and other financial institutions For purchasing and carrying securities . To finance agricultural production To states and political subdivisions To foreign governments and official institutions All other Lease financing receivables . LESS- Unearned income . . 3 Loan and lease reserve Other loans and leases, net3 All other assets 157 656 107,162 40740 9,586 6 611 157,820 107,488 39989 9,452 6 320 158 200 108,117 39534 9,286 6082 158,405 108,856 40,597 9,562 6,740 159,045 109,658 40652 9,796 6 357 159,324 110,729 41 301 10,137 6 170 159,210 111,894 41,633 10,378 6,088 1,546 1,454 137 65 56 24543 14040 7,225 26643 4,314 14 662 12 309 5 126 10,571 618 016 132 418 24217 14422 7,216 26 891 4,367 14,594 12 336 5 122 10,579 618,574 132 688 24 166 12 636 7,187 26 852 4,170 14 123 12 370 5 125 10,624 615 894 132 139 24,295 15,137 7,141 26,920 4,500 14,664 12443 5,075 10,726 622,754 138484 24,499 15,092 7,174 27 125 4,246 14,032 12426 5 094 10,748 622,252 133 034 24994 19 198 7,218 27 772 4,214 15 325 12 513 5 110 10,756 632 507 135 061 25,167 17,112 7,217 28,414 4,374 16,324 12 574 5,129 10,672 634,371 133 105 16 6 32 147 23 410 18 186 56 5,026 957 1,030,213 1,023,404 1,014,645 1,037,735 1,024,409 1,046,804 1,047,060 10,017 1 Cash and balances due from depository institutions 2 Total loans, leases, and securities, net 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Total assets 70 17. All large weekly reporting commercial banks—Assets and liabilities, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars, Wednesday figures Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 Adjustment bank8 45 Demand deposits . . . . . . , 194,664 46 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 149,288 47 States and political subdivisions 4,800 4 8 U S government . . . . . . . 1,705 49 Depository institutions in United States 23,038 50 Banks in Jbreign countries 6,654 51 Foreign governments and official institutions . . . . 939 52 Certified and officers' checks 8,239 53 Transaction balances other than demand deposits . . 33,340 444,280 54 Nontransaction balances 410,504 55 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 56 States and political subdivisions . . . 21,291 57 U.S. government 515 58 Depository institutions in the United States 8,529 59 Foreign governments, official institutions and hanks 3,441 196,214 60 Liabilities for borrowed money 61 Borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks 4,639 62 Treasury tax-and-loan notes 4,663 63 All other liabilities for borrowed money4 186,911 64 Other liabilities and subordinated note and 91,495 debentures. 180,969 139,217 5,072 1,423 20,472 6,227 914 7,645 33,135 446,232 412,243 21,337 497 8,735 180,270 139,061 4,781 1,041 20,985 6,099 803 7,500 32,668 446,038 412,111 21,393 473 8,652 191,332 144,437 4,877 3,778 22,192 6,489 905 8,653 34,869 449,008 415,317 21,189 378 8,495 185,369 142,659 4,742 2,375 20,597 6,141 976 7,878 34,136 449,363 415,191 21,429 391 8,748 193,802 144,974 5,458 3,686 22,646 6,497 744 9,797 34,308 452,303 417,666 21,794 407 8,876 201,139 157,520 5,142 1,176 21,544 5,918 665 9,174 34,316 453,534 418,624 21,983 418 8,938 2,357 1,913 108 51 119 90 15 61 1,045 4,921 4,772 96 2 51 3,419 199,462 6,328 4,499 188,635 3,409 191,002 3,250 3,364 184,387 3,629 197,043 4,810 2,547 189,686 3,606 188,810 2,910 1,856 184,044 3,560 198,410 3,300 11,280 183,830 3,571 192,424 2,130 10,212 180,082 93,377 94,693 94,626 95,961 97,332 95,130 345 65 Total liabilities 959,993 953,176 944,671 966,879 953,639 976,155 976,544 9,300 70,220 70,228 69,974 70,856 70,770 70,649 70,516 111 769,038 640,862 158,290 2,911 2,114 798 157,654 770,134 641,196 159,097 2,987 2,182 805 158,885 765,883 637,825 158,379 2,953 2,127 826 159,366 777,174 647,151 158,780 2,874 2,077 797 161,748 773,943 645,570 159,057 2,880 2,049 831 161,791 783,119 654,836 160,838 2,883 2,040 842 163,144 786,652 656,536 161,267 2,946 2,078 868 164,136 7,121 5,207 582 -10 Account 66 Residual (total assets minus total liabilities)5 MEMO 67 Total loans and leases (gross) and investments adjusted6 68 Total loans and leases (gross) adjusted3'6 . 69 Time deposits in amounts of $1(50,0007 or more . . . 70 Loans sold outright to affiliates — total . . .... 71 Commercial and industrial 72 Other 73 Nontransaetion savings deposits (including MMDAs), ' '632 ' '632 ' -10 2,415 18. Gross demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, 1984 * Billions of dollars, estimated daily-average balances for last month of quarter All weekly reporting banks All commercial banks Type of holder Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 1 AH holders—Individuals, partnerships, and corporations . . . 279.3 285.8 284.7 304.5 139.5 145.3 145.3 157.1 2 3 4 5 6 31.7 150.3 78.1 3.3 15,9 31.7 154.9 78.3 3.4 17.4 31.3 154.8 78.4 3.3 16.8 33.0 166.3 81.7 3.6 19.9 23.5 76.4 28.4 3.2 7.7 23.6 79.7 29.9 3.2 8.9 23,7 79.2 29.8 3,2 9.3 25.3 87.1 30.5 3.4 10.9 Financial business Nonfinancial business Consumer Foreign Other . 71 19. Commercial paper and bankers dollar acceptances outstanding A. Commercial paper, seasonally adjusted Millions of dollars, end of period Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May 168,467 167,788 168,165 172,372 176,742 177,029 178,975 174,794 170,424 168,871 165,179 166,436 Financial companies1 2 Dealer-placed paper Total Bank-related Directly placed paper* Total Bank-related 30,496 6,210 30,901 6,556 31,944 7055 81,801 28,946 80,366 27,591 6 Nonfinancial companies4 56,170 56,521 4 5 1 Nov. [ Dee.s 19 82 1 All issuers 1 3 Oct. July ] Aug. ! Sept. June Instrument 35,028 37,448 7 188 6,427 36,998 6,038 35,763 5,924 35,503 6,232 34,606 2,517 79048 81 638 83,688 27,579 29,434 30,576 84562 30828 84,671 31,141 80,961 28,901 79,893 79,072 78,538 27,761 27,712 27,769 84,393 32,034 57,173 57,439 56,856 56,835 54,768 32,848 7905 57,886 34,153 8,003 58,901 36,197 5,791 53,602 51,138 47,437 19 83 167,995 169,013 168,862 170,426 170,173 169,221 170,513 173,210 175,937 176,036 181,029 188,312 1 All issuers 2 3 4 5 Financial companies' 2 Dealer-placed paper Total Bank-related Directly placed paper3 Total .. Bank-related 6 Nonfinancial companies4 . . . . 36013 2,660 37 781 2,604 36776 2030 ^8 160 38976 1 950 1,954 84,505 31,691 84,448 31,661 85665 32,951 87 163 87 675 87537 32,495 32,943 33420 47,477 46,784 46,421 45,103 43,522 38 827 2 192 42,857 38 474 2,367 39 662 40 073 2,353 2,303 89 149 90,684 33,613 35,085 42,890 39 857 42 831 44 622 2 194 2,341 2,441 91,146 92 302 93,935 34,855 34,622 35,001 42,864 44,718 43,877 96,918 35,566 44,263 46,772 19 84 189,683 194,656 202,736 209,674 215,216 216,618 220,320 221,174 225,127 228,194 235,363 239,117 1 All issuers 1 2 3 4 5 Financial companies 2 Dealer-placed paper Total Bank-related Directly placed paper3 Total Bank-related 6 Nonfinancial companies4 . . . . 44,251 2087 45,352 46917 48,604 50,500 49362 50 405 50,900 52,543 54,527 55,176 56,917 19% 2 015 1 959 2 060 1 765 1 767 1 865 1 6% 1 944 1 799 2 010 99 547 101 942 106 104 108 224 110791 108 771 109 076 108 630 107 537 105379 109419 110474 37,636 36,958 39,617 41,881 46,338 43960 45,090 43,665 41,066 38,112 40,185 42,105 45,885 47,362 49,715 52,846 53,925 58,485 60,839 61,644 65,047 68,288 70,768 71,726 B. Bankers dollar acceptances, not seasonally adjusted Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 Instrument 1 Total Holder 2 Accepting banks 3 Own bills 4 Bills bought Federal Reserve Banks 5 Own account 6 Foreign correspondents . . . 7 Others Basis 8 Imports into United States . . . 9 Exports from United States . . 10 All other 72 Jan. Feb. Mar. 73,450 74,367 73,221 78,457 9546 7,814 1,732 9237 7,897 1,340 8 734 11 160 7,040 9,029 1 694 2 131 0 0 729 63 174 777 64 353 15,028 15,495 16,159 15,818 42,263 43,055 Apr. 0 305 896 834 63 592 66468 May June 79,530 82,067 9927 8,422 1,504 July Aug. Sept. T Oct. TTNov. 1 Dec. 80,957 79,779 77,928 75,736 75,179 ^ 10 877 10 708 10 743 1 1 065 9,354 8,854 8,823 8,729 1 523 1 853 1,920 2,336 J .. 1 .. 1 1 444 9,018 1 426 _U 10 397 9,081 1,316 .. 10 255 9,065 1,196 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 426 697 611 632 679 686 658 615 671 68942 70 493 69 639 68 404 66 177 63 635 64 781 64 543 15,107 16,579 16,687 17,301 15,572 17,025 15,938 16,421 42 542 44 853 46906 48345 17,947 15,485 47525 17,648 17,1% 15,871 15,985 46,260 44,747 . 75,470 16,141 16,975 16,256 16,442 15,859 16,312 43 155 42,638 43,173 20. Prime rate charged by banks on short-term business loans, 19841 Percent per annum Date of change in effective rate Rate Effective date March 19 11.50 April 5 , May 8 . Effective date Rate Effective date Rate June 25 13.00 November 9 . 28 11.75 11.25 12.00 September 27. 12.75 December 20 10.75 12.50 October 17. 29. 12.50 12.00 Averages of daily effective rates Year Jan. Feb. 12.04 11.00 11.00 Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 11.21 11.93 12.39 12.60 13.00 13.00 12.97 12.58 11.77 11.06 21. Terms of lending at commercial banks—Based on surveys of loans made, 19841 Feb. 6-10 May 7-11 Aug. 6-10 Nov. 5-9 38,330 171 1.1 11.06 38,734 195 1.4 12.45 36,986 171 1.2 13.29 33,621 166 1.3 11.29 By size of bank 5 Large bank s4 6 Small banks 10.78 11.98 12.16 13.22 13.07 13,91 10.84 12.25 By size ofhan (thousands of dollars) 1 1-99 . . . . , 8 100-999 . 9 1,000 and over 13.71 12.46 10.75 14.62 13.73 12.12 15.18 14.49 13.01 14.50 13.19 10.78 32.6 63.7 10.4 40.3 39.2 69.7 9.9 39.0 40.4 69.4 9.7 38.7 31.4 67.7 11.6 21.0 3,706 30 48.0 11.92 4,130 36 47.9 13.12 3,982 27 49.4 13.81 4,432 34 51.4 12.69 By size of hank 18 Large banks4 19 Small banks 11.59 12.49 12.58 14.00 13.34 14.78 11.99 14.21 By size of loan (thousands of dollars) 20 1-99 21 100-999 22 1,000 and over 14.21 12.15 11.46 15.00 13.76 12.56 16.05 14.43 13.33 15.34 13.46 12.04 76.0 73.9 59.9 75.4 81.5 79.5 71.0 78.6 Item SHORT-TERM COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 Amount of loans (milliQns of dollars) Number of loans (thousands) Weighted-average maturity (months)2 Weighted-average interest rate (percent per annum)3 Percentage of amount of loans With floating rate Made under commitment With no steted maturity With one-day maturity LONG-TERM COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL LOANS 14 15 16 17 Amount of loans (millions of dollars) Number of loans (thousands) Weighted-average maturity (months)2 Weighted-average interest rate (percent per annum)3 Percentage of amount of loans 23 With floating rate 24 Made under commitment 73 2L Terms of lending at commercial banks—Based on surveys of loans made, 19841—Continued Item Feb. 6-10 | May 7-U Aug. 6-10 j Nov. 5-9 CONSTRUCTION AND LAND DEVELOPMENT LOANS 2,279 43 8.9 13.5 2,568 33 8,2 13.76 3,050 33 9.2 14.56 1,590 25 12.6 14.14 By size of bank 29 Large banks4 30 Small banks 12.48 13.55 13.54 13.81 13.78 15.06 13.05 14.54 By size of loan (thousands of dollars) 31 1-99 32 1<XM99 33 500 and over 13.67 13.77 12.22 14.87 13.92 13.19 15.33 15.05 13.93 15.36 14.43 13.11 51.3 91.3 61.6 2.3 43.2 72.6 40.4 73.3 71.6 4.0 69.1 96,9 61,2 4.4 49.9 6.0 44.1 28.8 67.6 17.9 2.2 79.9 35.6 10.9 53.5 1,352 64 8.5 13.50 1,502 77 8.3 14.25 998 68 6.6 14.87 1,090 65 6.4 14.29 By size of bank 45 Large banks4 46 Small banks 12.16 14.11 13,34 14,50 14.36 15.03 13.37 14.51 By size of loan (thousands of dollars) 47 1-24 48 25-99 49 100 and over 14.17 14.01 12.86 14.50 14.33 14.09 14.91 15.04 14.73 14.62 14.43 13.86 By purpose of loan Feeder livestock Other livestock Other current operating expenses Farm machinery and equipment Other 12.68 13.62 13.81 13.86 13.47 14.51 13.86 14.29 15.04 13.93 14.63 15.17 14.99 14.% 14.38 13.88 14.14 14.52 14,49 14.28 25 26 27 28 34 35 36 37 Amount of loans (millions of dollars) Number of loans (thousands) Weighted-average maturity (months)2 Weighted-average interest rate (percent per annum)3 Percentage of amount of loans With floating rate Secured by real estate Made under commitment With no stated maturity By type of construction 38 1- to 4-Srruly 39 Multifamily 40 Nonresidential 43.8 9.5 3.6 LOANS TO FARMERS 41 42 43 44 50 51 52 53 54 Amount of loans (millions of dollars) Number of loans (thousands) Weighted-average maturity (months)2 Weighted-average interest rate (percent per annum)3 74 22. Interest rates in money and capital markets, 1984 A. Annual and monthly averages Percent per annum Year Jan. Feb. 1023 8 80 9 56 8 50 9 59 8 50 9.91 10.29 10.32 11 06 11.23 11.64 11,30 8 50 8 87 9 00 900 900 900 900 10.05 10 10 10.16 9.23 920 9.18 9.35 932 9.31 9.81 10.17 10.38 9 83 10 18 1065 9,86 10,22 10,87 997 9.73 9 65 9 20 9.08 9 02 9 34 9.14 906 976 1008 1026 1076 1099 11 16 1098 9.54 9.86 10.16 10.38 10.53 10.60 10.62 9 38 976 1003 1025 1042 1052 1055 10 14 10.19 9 23 9,19 9 38 9.35 9 88 1022 9.91 10.26 10 17 10.37 1068 10 73 9 33 9.42 9 56 9 78 943 991 9.54 10.08 9 73 10 37 9 91 1040 1024 10.41 10 73 1083 US. Treasury bills2- 6 Secondary market 15 3-month . . . . 16 6-month 17 1-year „ . . , 9 52 9.76 9.92 8 90 9.01 9.07 909 9.18 9.20 Auction average5 3-month «, 6-month . , 1-year 9 58 9.80 9.91 8 93 9,06 9.04 903 9.13 9.24 Item Mar. Apr. Oct. Nov. 9.99 900 9.43 8 83 8.38 8 37 10.82 11.06 11.19 11.10) 10.05 1098 11 19 11 18 11 04 10 12 11.23 11.34 11.16 10.94 10.16 9.01 903 9.06 8.39 844 8.55 992 9,87 9 87 8 92 8.83 8 82 8 25 8.12 809 10 84 11.06 11 04 11 30 11 23 11 04 10 13 11.30 11.44 11.13 10.91 10.14 9 00 9.02 845 8.54 1062 11.11 11 64 11 53 11 01 11.34 11 96 11 68 May June July Aug. Sept. Dec. MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS 1 Federal funds 2 Discount window borrowing Commercial paper1' 2 3 1-month 4 3 -month 5 6-month. „ Finance paper, directly placed1*2 6 1 -month 7 3-month , 8 6-month Bankers acceptances2' 3 9 3-month 10 6-month Certificates of deposit,4 secondary market 11 1 -month 12 3-month 13 6-month 14 Eurodollar deposits, 3-month5 18 19 20 11 28 11.56 12 08 12 02 11 32 11.47 11 71 11 81 11 20 11.29 11 46 11 67 10 18 10.38 1063 1077 9 09 9.18 9 39 9 50 847 8.60 8 85 890 9 52 9,66 9.67 9 69 9 83 9 87 10 12 9,84 10.31 10.51 10.52 9.95 10.57 10.93 10.89 1047 10.61 10,71 10 37 10.47 10.51 9 74 9,87 9.93 8 61 8.81 9.01 8 06 8.28 8.60 9 44 9.58 9.68 969 9.83 9.86 990 9 94 10 13 1049 1041 9 97 10.31 10.55 10.58 10,65 10.51 10.05 10.64 10.92 10.99 10.79 10.84 10.32 8 79 8.99 9.10 8 16 8.36 8.38 12.08 12.03 11.82 11.58 10.90 9.82 1291 12 88 1243 12 20 11 60 10.65 9.33 10.18 U.S. TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Constant maturities7 1-year 2-year 2 & -year8 3 -year 5-year 7-year 10-year 20-year 30-year 30 Composite9 Over 10 years (long-term) 10.89 11 65 9.90 10.04 10.59 10.90 11.66 10 64 1079 11 31 11 69 1247 11 89 10 93 12.24 11.37 12,40 11.58 12,44 <H.67 12.48 rd& 12 39 11 75 11 05 11 59 11.54 12.02 11 75 12 25 11.84 12.32 12.00 12.45 11 95 12 38 11.98 12.37 12.56 12.63 12.65 12 65 12 75 13.17 13.34 13.41 13.43 13 43 13 18 13.48 13 56 13.56 13.54 13 44 13.08 13.27 13.35 13.36 13.36 13 21 12.50 12.34 12.68 12.53 12.75 12.60 12,72 12.52 12.71 12.42 12 54 12 29 11.85 12.06 12.16 12.16 12.04 11 98 10.90 11,33 11.49 11.57 11.66 11 56 10,56 11.07 11.45 11.50 11.64 11 52 11,99 11.44 11.90 12.17 12.89 13.00 12.82 12,23 11,97 11.66 11.25 11.21 1005 10.10 10.68 10.61 10.67 10.42 9.58 10.30 9.99 9:58 10.40 10.10 9,72 10.51 10.25 9.78 10.47 10.17 9.54 10.45 9.95 11.29 STATE AND LOCAL NOTES AND BONDS Moody 's series10 31 Aaa 32 Baa 33 Bond Buyer series11 9 61 900 10.38 10,10 10.10 9.63 904 941 954 9.98 9.94 10.22 10,30 10,55 9.64 9.94 9.96 10.49 CORPORATE BONDS 34 Seasoned issues, all industries12 . . . Rating group 35 Aaa 36 Aa : 37 A 38 Baa 13.49 12.92 12.88 13.33 13.59 14.13 14.40 14.32 13.78 13.56 13,33 12.88 12.74 12.71 13.31 13.74 14,19 12.20 12.71 13.13 13.65 12.08 12.70 13.11 13.59 12.57 13.22 13.54 13.99 12.81 13.48 13.77 14.31 13.28 14.10 14.37 14.74 13.55 14.33 14.66 15.05 13.44 14.12 14.57 15.15 12.87 13.47 14.13 14.63 12,66 13.27 13.94 14.35 12.63 13.11 13.61 13.94 12,29 12.66 13.09 13.48 12.13 12,50 12.92 13.40 39 A-rated recently offered utility bonds 13.81 12.99 13.05 13.63 13.96 14.79 15.00 14.93 14.12 13.86 13.52 12.98 12.88 MEMO: Dividend/price ratio14 40 Preferred stocks 41 Common stocks 11.59 4.64 11,35 4.27 11.16 4.59 11.39 4.63 11,66 4.64 11.72 4.72 12,04 4.86 12.13 4,93 11.77 4.62 11.65 4.54 11.62 4.62 11.36 4.61 11.21 4.68 75 22. Interest rates in money and capital markets, 1984—Continued B. Weekly averages Percent per annum Week ending Item Jan. 6 Jan. 13 | Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb. 3 Feb. 10 j Feb. 17 1 Feb. 24 Mar.TJ Mar. 9 MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS 1 Federal funds15 2 Discount window borrowing Commercial paper1' 2 3 1-month 4 3-month ... 5 6-month 12 Finance paper, directly placed ' 6 1-month 7 3-month 8 6-month Bankers acceptances2' 3 9 3-month 10 6-month Certificates of deposit,4 secondary market 11 1 -month 12 3-month 1 3 6-month 14 Eurodollar deposits, 3-month16 U.S. Treasury bills2- 6 Secondary market 15 3-month 16 6-month 17 1-year 18 19 20 Auction average 3-month 6-month 1-year 10.06 8.50 9.53 8.50 9.54 8.50 9.53 8.50 9.41 8.50 9.58 8.50 9.53 8.50 9.60 8.50 9.62 8.50 9.74 8.50 9.36 9.32 9.28 9.22 9.20 9.20 9.18 9.15 9.12 9.20 9.19 9.17 9.18 9.15 9.14 9.30 9.25 9.23 9.39 9.35 9.35 9.42 9.41 9.40 9,42 9,43 9.44 9.54 9.56 9.58 9.33 9.19 9.15 9.17 9.09 9.07 9.17 9.02 8.95 9.20 9.03 8.96 9.17 9.05 8.99 9.30 9.08 9.03 9.38 9.12 9.07 9.42 9.22 9.11 9.36 9.18 9.12 9.55 9.32 9,19 9.31 9.25 9.24 9.21 9.19 9.13 9.23 9.19 9.15 9.13 9.31 9.26 9.41 9.38 9.50 9.49 9,51 9.52 9.63 9.63 9.51 9.57 9,70 9.88 9.35 9.44 9.63 9.85 9.25 9.35 9.45 9.70 9.29 9.40 9.53 9.75 9.25 9,33 9.44 9,68 9.35 9.44 9.62 9.78 9.46 9.57 9.76 9,91 9.54 9.69 9,90 10.06 9.57 9.69 9.95 10.09 9.67 9.84 10,08 10.18 8.95 9.12 9.19 8.88 9.03 9.09 8.88 8.95 9.02 8.93 9.00 9.04 8.91 8.97 9.00 9.06 9.10 9.10 9.09 9.21 9.21 9.18 9.32 9.35 9.18 9.33 9.37 9.29 9.43 9.45 9.04 9.19 8.92 9.10 8.82 8.92 8.92 9.01 9.04 8.87 8.97 9.08 9.11 9.04 9.16 9.13 9.28 9.24 9.20 9,33 9.24 9.37 10.02 10.77 9.86 10.56 11,04 11.55 11.75 11.85 12.02 11,96 10.21 10.94 11.10 11.17 11.67 11.87 11.97 12.12 12.09 10,24 11.00 10.87 11.31 11.53 11.63 11.79 11.74 9.94 10.67 10.85 10.96 11.43 11.65 11.74 11.90 11.83 10.05 10.78 10.86 11.29 11.50 11.59 11.74 11.67 9.87 10.63 10.75 10.89 11.31 11.52 11.63 11.76 11.71 9.81 10.56 11.04 11.50 11.71 11.79 11.97 11.86 9.91 10,66 10.80 10.98 11.42 11.63 11.71 11.86 11.79 11.24 11.75 11.97 12.05 12.21 12.15 10.33 11.09 11.25 11.38 11.85 12.09 12.18 12.35 12.27 11,42 11.32 11.21 11.23 11.26 11.34 11.44 11.56 11.65 11.78 9.20 10.20 9.66 9.00 10.10 9.67 8.90 10.10 9.60 8.90 10.00 9,59 8.80 9.85 9.51 9.00 9.95 9.56 9.15 9.95 9.68 9.20 10.00 9.80 9.30 10.10 9.86 9.40 10.20 9.94 13.08 13.00 12.85 12.83 12.80 12.77 12.84 12,96 13.09 13.19 12.53 12.78 13.24 13.75 12.43 12.71 13,16 13.71 12.01 12.69 13.09 13.61 11.98 12.70 13.07 13.58 11.97 12.64 13.04 13.54 11.96 12.58 13.03 13.48 12.06 12.67 13.08 13.56 12.22 12.76 13.18 13.70 12.30 12,96 13.31 13,78 12.46 13.08 13,39 13.84 13.16 12.95 12.88 12.85 12.83 12.91 13.02 13.35 13.41 13.55 11.55 11.47 4.24 11.26 4.25 11.10 4.33 11.16 4.42 11.25 4.62 11.12 4.62 11.07 4,69 11.19 4,62 11,30 4.70 U.S. TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Constant maturities7 1-ycar 2-year 8 2'/2-year 3-year 5-year ,. . 7-year 10-year 20-year 30-year 30 Composite9 Over 10 years (long-term) . . . STATE AND LOCAL NOTES AND BONDS Moody *s series10 31 Aaa 32 Baa 33 Bond Buyer series11 . . . . . CORPORATE BONDS 34 Seasoned issues, all industries12 Rating group 35 Aaa 36 Aa 37 A 38 Baa 39 A-rated recently offered utility bonds13 14 40 41 MEMO: Dividend/price ratio Preferred stocks . . Common stocks . . 76 4.27 22. Interest rates in money and capital markets, 1984—Continued B. Weekly averages—Continued Percent per annum Week ending Item Mar. 16 Mar, 23 Mar. 30 Apr. 6 Apr. 13 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 May 4 May 11 May. 18 May 25 MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS 1 Federal funds15 2 Discount window borrowing .... Commercial paper1' 2 3 1-month . . . 4 3 -month 5 6-month . . . Finance paper, directly placed1' 2 6 1 -month 7 3-month 8 6-month Bankers acceptances2' 3 9 3-month 10 6-month Certificates of deposit,4 secondary market 11 1 -month 12 3-month 13 6-month 14 Eurodollar deposits, 3-month16. . . 9.79 8.50 10.04 8.50 9.97 8.50 10.41 8.50 10.13 8.71 10.37 9.00 9.98 9.00 10.70 9.00 lb.46 9.00 10.52 9.00 9.75 9.00 9.73 9.77 9.82 10.06 10.07 10.09 10.04 10.09 10.11 10.16 10.15 10.17 10.11 10.12 10.13 10,23 10.22 10.26 10.16 10.21 10.27 10.28 10,33 10.37 10.52 10.73 10.86 10.54 10.84 11.05 10.19 10.57 10.96 9.67 9.45 9.29 10.06 9.81 9.53 9.95 9.74 9.60 10.16 9.81 9.66 10.08 9.87 9.72 10.04 9.83 9.80 10,00 9.92 9.86 10.21 9.95 9.86 10.43 10.13 10.00 10.25 10.23 10.09 10.12 10.21 10.10 9.79 9.88 10.11 10.15 10.12 10.15 10.20 10.22 10.15 10.15 10.26 10.33 10.26 10.34 10,38 10.43 10.93 11.00 11.02 11.22 10.89 11.25 9.80 9.99 10.35 10.31 10.11 10.31 10.62 10.61 10.18 10.34 10.59 10.61 10.26 10.40 10.69 10.79 10.19 10.33 10,61 10.73 10.28 10.42 10.76 10.89 10.24 10.46 10,84 10.89 10.39 10.60 10.96 10.99 10.77 11.17 11,59 11.59 10.82 11.32 11,84 11.74 10.50 11.14 11.82 11.59 9.43 9.59 9.60 9.76 9.88 9.90 9.72 9.85 9.86 9.74 9.91 9.96 9.65 9.79 9.82 9.76 9.86 9.98 9.64 9.79 10.00 9,73 9.99 10.18 9.97 10.28 10.46 9.88 10.28 10.59 9.79 10.42 10.73 9.37 9.52 9.65 9.79 9.68 9.76 9.88 9.67 9.83 9.66 9.82 9.80 9.92 9.86 9.64 9,74 9.68 9.88 9.99 10.27 10.07 10.40 10.64 9.95 10.38 10.53 11.24 10.79 11.54 12,59 12.99 13.17 13.23 13.28 13.27 11.68 12.50 12.65 12.78 13.24 13.41 13.49 13.52 13.52 11.84 12.65 12.08 12.47 12.66 12.74 12.78 12.76 11.19 11.96 12.20 12.26 12.65 12.82 12.89 12.94 12.93 11.52 12.33 12.24 12.41 12.49 12.52 12.50 10.94 11.69 11.85 11.99 12.38 12.58 12.66 12.73 12.70 10.98 11.79 12.20 12.39 12.46 12,51 12.47 10.91 11,67 11.80 11.96 12.36 12.54 12,61 12.54 12.60 10.76 11.55 11.53 11.98 12.22 12.29 12.46 12.38 10.85 11.52 11.65 11.77 12.17 12.40 12.46 12.60 12.52 11.89 12.02 12.00 12.13 12,05 12.21 12.27 12.43 12.73 12.98 13.04 9.45 10.25 9.98 9.50 10.30 10.01 9.40 10.25 9.93 9.50 10.30 10.04 9.60 10.30 9.97 9.50 10.30 9.89 9.55 10.30 9.94 9.60 10.30 9.99 9.80 10.35 10.19 10.00 10.40 10.36 10.20 10.60 10.83 13.32 13.44 13.48 13.53 13.51 13.60 13.70 13.79 13.97 14.19 14.29 12.58 13.24 13.50 13.97 12.65 13.34 13.65 14.10 12,71 13.33 13.70 14.15 12.74 13,42 13.74 14.21 12,71 13.36 13.73 14.22 12.79 13.48 13.75 14.37 12.95 13.62 13.84 14.41 13.00 13.72 13.97 14.46 13.15 13.92 14.19 14.61 13.33 14.21 14.48 14.75 13.42 14.27 14.54 14.91 39 A-rated recently offered utility bonds13 13.60 13.81 13.80 13.86 13,87 14.05 14.18 14.40 14.77 14.87 15.15 MEMO: Dividend/price ratio14 40 Preferred stocks . . 41 Common stocks 11.32 4.64 11.40 4.63 11.52 4.57 11.79 4.63 11.63 4.70 11.62 4.62 11.60 4.61 11,58 4.54 11.68 4.59 11.62 4.69 11.77 4.83 U.S. Treasury bills2' 6 Secondary market 15 3 -month 16 6-month 17 1-year . 18 19 20 Auction average 3 -month 6-month . . . 1-year „ U.S. TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Constant maturities7 1-year . 2-year 2'/2-year 8 .... 3 -year . 5-year 7-year 10-year 20-year 30-year 30 Composite9 Over 10 years (long-term) ii.so ii.84 12.93 13,35 13.50 13.59 13.60 13.60 STATE AND LOCAL NOTES AND BONDS Moody 's series H 31 Aaa 32 Baa 33 Bond Buyer series11 . .... CORPORATE BONDS 34 Seasoned issues, all industries12. . Rating group 35 Aaa 36 Aa 37 A .... 38 Baa 77 22. Interest rates in money and capital markets, 1984—Continued B. Weekly averages—Continued Percent per annum Week ending Item June 15 June 22 June 29 July 6 July 13 j July 20 July 27] Aug. 3 | Aug. 10 June 1 June 8 10.30 9.00 10.72 9.00 10.85 9.00 11.49 9,00 11.27 9,00 10.91 9.00 11.25 9.00 11.21 9.00 11.19 9.00 11.53 9.00 11.59 9,00 10.32 10.72 11.08 10.56 10.78 11.13 10.75 10,87 11,19 10.98 11.06 11.24 11.07 11.26 11.37 11.11 11.28 11.42 11.13 11.26 11.41 11.03 11.18 11.34 10.98 11.11 11.26 11.02 11,12 11,19 11.11 11.14 11.16 10,28 10.26 10.11 10.53 10.26 10.13 10.69 10.28 10.15 10.90 10.45 10.31 11.04 10,55 10.45 11.14 10.52 10.41 11.11 10.56 10.47 10.96 10.51 10.40 10.90 10.55 10.40 10.83 10.58 10.45 11.13 10,55 10.45 10.88 11.35 10.76 11.20 10.81 11.19 11.22 11.33 11.41 11.49 11.40 11.55 11.36 11.52 11.31 11.48 11.22 11,34 11.14 11.17 11.21 11,12 10.56 11.31 11.99 11.67 10.56 11.09 11.83 11.39 10.83 11.13 11.94 11.50 11.19 11.46 11.97 11.75 11.41 11.67 12.11 12.11 11.41 11.75 12.20 12.25 11.32 11.60 12.18 12.08 11.25 11.54 12.10 12.00 11.19 11.47 11.98 11.86 11.21 11.39 11.77 11.73 11,29 11.43 11.70 11.80 9.76 10.56 10,94 9.81 10.49 10.80 9.95 10.50 10,87 9.91 10.56 10.97 9.81 10,48 11.09 9.92 10,43 11.01 10.04 10.50 10.94 10.11 10.55 10.89 10.25 10.56 10.79 10.42 10.63 10.73 10,48 10.59 10.69 9.83 10.62 9.90 10.57 10.07 10.66 10.92 10.01 10,49 9.77 10.49 10.01 10.54 10.04 10.52 10.99 10.17 10.60 10.30 10.64 10.40 10.64 10.55 10.68 10.79 12.15 12.98 12.17 13.12 13.06 13.23 13.31 13.32 13.31 13.16 11.90 12.70 12.75 12.86 13.03 13.10 13.11 13.15 13.06 11.84 12.50 13.38 13.67 13.77 13.80 13.76 13,57 12.10 12.97 13.05 13.19 13.39 13.46 13.46 13.43 13.24 12.03 12.88 13.24 13.49 13.55 13.55 13.51 13.41 12.28 13.15 13.35 13.46 13.72 13,77 13.79 13.71 13.59 12.63 12.77 12.83 12.82 12.87 12.79 11.80 12.38 12.40 12.44 12.63 12.69 12.67 12.72 12.58 MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS 1 Federal funds15 2 Discount window borrowing Commercial paper1' 2 3 1-month 4 3 -month 5 6-month Finance paper, directly placed1'2 6 1-month , 7 3-month 8 6-month Bankers acceptances2' 3 9 3-month 10 6-month Certificates of deposit,4 secondary market 11 1-month 12 3-month . 13 6-month 14 Eurodollar deposits, 3-month16. . . U.S. Treasury bills2* 6 Secondary market 15 3-month 16 6-month 17 1-year Auction average 3-month . 6-month 1-year 18 19 20 U.S. TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Constant maturities7 1-year 2-year 8 2Vfe-year 3-year 5-year 7-year 10-year 20-year 30-year 12.10 12.94 13.05 13.25 13.69 13.82 13.86 13.79 13,80 11.92 12.71 12.99 13.34 13.45 13.47 13.47 13.42 12.02 12.83 12.90 13.08 13.36 13.46 13.43 13.45 13.32 30 Composite9 Over 10 years (long-term) 13.25 12.94 12.91 12.97 13.18 13.21 12.89 12.79 12.62 12.36 12.23 10,30 11.10 11.07 10.00 10.85 10.78 10.00 10.60 10.59 10.00 10.50 10.56 10.20 10.75 10.76 10.25 10.70 10.69 10.15 10.60 10.44 10.10 10.65 10.36 9.90 10.50 10.19 9.75 10.45 9.92 9.55 10.30 9.81 STATE AND LOCAL NOTES AND BONDS Moody's series10 31 Aaa . . . 32 Baa 33 Bond Buyer series11 CORPORATE BONDS 34 Seasoned issues, all industries12 . . Rating group 35 Aaa 36 Aa 37 A 38 Baa 14.44 14.34 14.34 14.37 14.53 14.54 14.40 14.31 14.18 13.96 13.76 13.56 14.44 14.73 15.04 13.46 14.32 14.64 14.95 13.48 14.29 14.58 15.01 13,55 14.27 14,59 15.06 13,71 14.41 14.80 15.20 13.69 14.38 14.80 15.29 13.53 14.20 14.69 15.16 13.36 14.15 14.54 15.18 13.32 13.92 14.40 15.09 13.05 13.66 14.25 14.89 12.84 13,47 14,07 14.65 39 A-rated recently offered utility bonds 15.02 14,82 14.78 15.21 15.28 15.30 14.88 14.85 14.54 14.10 14.08 11.97 4.93 12.07 4.79 12.00 4.89 12.02 4.82 12.06 4.92 12.12 4.86 12.17 4,97 12.09 4.91 12.13 4.99 12.08 4.84 11.73 4.64 14 40 41 MEMO: Dividend/price ratio Preferred stocks . . . . Common stocks 78 22. Interest rates in money and capital markets, 1984—Continued B. Weekly averages—Continued Percent per annum Week ending Item Aug. 17 Aug. 24 Aug. 31 Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept.21 Sept. 28 Oct. 5 Oct. 12 Oct. 19 Oct. 26 MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS 1 Federal funds l5 2 Discount window borrowing Commercial paper1*2 3 1 -month 4 3-month 5 6-month Finance paper, directly placed1' 2 6 1 -month 7 3 -month 8 6-month Bankers acceptances2* 3 9 3-month . . , 10 6-month Certificates of deposit,4 secondary market 11 1 -month 12 3-month . . „ 13 6-month 14 Eurodollar deposits, 3-month16. . . U,S. Treasury bills2' 6 Secondary market 15 3-month 16 6-month 17 1-year 18 19 20 Auction average 3-month 6- mo nth 1-year 11.63 9.00 11.77 9.00 11.50 9.00 11.68 9.00 11.52 9.00 11.46 9.00 10.73 9.00 11.20 9.00 10.01 9.00 10.22 9.00 9.45 9.00 11.18 11.16 11.13 11.28 11.22 11.16 11.28 11.23 11.17 11.39 11.32 11.24 11.24 11.17 11.05 11.07 10.98 10.84 10.77 10.75 10,70 10.75 10.72 10.71 10.36 10.45 10.49 10.05 10.13 10.18 9.43 9.54 9.63 11.18 10.65 10.55 11,23 10.58 10,54 11.26 10.63 10,57 11.39 10.72 10.64 11.19 10.72 10.66 10.96 10.61 10.52 10.45 10,45 10.41 10.54 10.43 10.40 10.22 10.20 10.18 9.90 9.88 9.88 9.35 9.31 9.42 11.22 11,10 11.24 11.11 11,29 11.17 11.30 11,22 11.16 11.02 10.95 10.75 10.78 10.71 10.77 10.69 10.45 10.46 10.13 10.15 9.60 9.64 11.32 11.46 11.68 11.80 11.37 11.50 11.69 11.83 11,37 11.52 11.75 11.86 11.46 11,60 11.82 11.95 11.31 11.39 11.57 11.78 11.19 11.25 11.33 11.55 10.90 11.00 11.22 11.40 10.85 11.02 11,24 11.44 10.48 10.76 10.99 11.15 10.21 10.39 10.63 10.73 9.62 9.82 10.05 10.16 10.31 10.52 10.64 10.44 10.57 10.68 10.65 10.75 10.84 10.61 10.73 10.82 10.38 10.51 10.54 10.29 10.35 10,37 10.24 10.34 10,38 10.19 10.30 10.35 10.01 10.12 10.-25• a^iJS1 9.81 9.91 9.96 9,33 9.46 9.56 10.49 10.63 10,40 10,59 10.60 10.70 10.63 10.75 10 84 10.39 10.49 10,33 10,40 10,27 10.39 10.23 10.35 10.32 10.11 10.21 9.98 10.08 9.54 9.57 11.73 12.40 11.97 12.55 10.93 11.63 12.27 12.46 12.53 12.46 12.36 12.26 11.39 12.03 12.15 12.26 12.46 12.56 12.51 12.40 12.31 11.16 11.82 12.44 12.29 11.41 12.04 12.10 12.19 12.34 12.42 12.35 12.23 12.14 11.42 12.06 12.60 12.79 12.86 12.82 12.75 12.56 11.95 12.55 12.55 12.63 12.84 12.91 12.83 12.70 12.53 11.61 12.24 12.45 12.67 12.74 12.71 12.75 12.51 11.80 12.43 12.45 12.46 12.66 12.70 12.66 12.60 12.42 12.06 12.26 12.39 12.33 12.19 12.16 11.88 12.10 12,19 12.19 12.04 12.00 10.46 11.22 11.70 11.48 11,69 11.80 11.85 11.74 11.68 12.25 12.15 12.29 12.25 11.96 11.80 11.93 11.98 11.80 11.68 11.37 9.50 10.25 10.02 9.50 10.15 10.02 9.60 10.35 10.17 9.70 10.45 10.18 9.60 10.45 10.10 9.45 10.30 9.95 9.55 10.40 10.15 9,70 10.60 10.34 9.80 10.65 10.36 9.80 10.50 10.24 9.60 10,30 10.05 13.77 13.73 13=77 13.76 13.61 13.45 13.46 13.47 12.85 13.41 14.09 14.55 12.88 13.47 14.13 14,58 12.87 13.45 14.14 14.56 12.72 13.32 13.99 14.39 12.52 13,17 13.83 14.26 12.56 13.19 13.84 14.24 12.62 13.23 13.83 14.21 13.42 l?Sa 12.60 13.21 13.78 14.09 13.40 i) ;••'., !j 1 12,82 13.20 13.63 13.94 13.15 12.86 13.44 14.14 14.63 14.16 14.10 14.15 14.01 13.70 13.76 13.84 13.81 13.70 13.29 13.24 11.65 4.61 11.66 4.50 11.71 4.50 11.71 4.58 11.70 4.56 11.61 4.50 11.57 4.53 11,66 4.67 11.76 4.68 11.56 4.62 11.57 4.54 U.S. TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Constant maturities7 1-year . . 2-year 2'/2-year8 3-year .. 5 -year 7-year 10-year 20-year 30-year 30 Composite9 Over 10 years (long-term) 12.34 12.55 12.60 12:51 STATE AND LOCAL NOTES AND BONDS Moody 's series10 31 Aaa 32 Baa 33 Bond Buyer series11 CORPORATE BONDS 34 Seasoned issues, all industries12 . . Rating group 35 Aaa 36 Aa 17 A 38 Baa 39 A-rated recently offered utility bonds13 12.54 12.95 13.38 13.72 14 40 41 MEMO: Dividend/price ratio Preferred stocks Common stocks 79 22. Interest rates in money and capital markets, 1984—Continued B. Weekly averages—Continued Percent per annum Week ending Item Dec. 7 1 Dec. 14 J Dec. 21 Dec. 28 Nov. 2 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 9.73 9.00 9,87 9,00 9.55 9.00 9.47 8.93 9.00 8.50 8.83 8.50 8.70 8.50 7.99 8.50 7.95 8.29 9.51 9.56 9.61 9,17 9.19 9.20 9.17 9.18 9,19 8.96 9.00 9.04 8.61 8.64 8.69 8.69 8.72 8.83 8.65 8.71 8.82 8.12 8,20 8.31 8.07 8.11 8.23 9.45 9.35 9.31 9.12 9.04 9.03 9,10 8,98 8.95 8.83 8.67 8.68 8.48 8.49 8.48 8.65 8.46 8.41 8.56 8.44 8.39 7.88 7.90 7.88 7.88 7.66 7.69 9.49 9,52 9.13 9.15 9,17 9.16 8.93 8.94 8.67 8.72 8.74 8.86 8.70 8.78 8.20 8.26 8.14 8.24 9.55 9.66 9.95 10.03 9.26 9.36 9.55 9.69 9.25 9.35 9.56 9.60 9.05 9.14 9.30 9.46 8.70 8.81 9.02 9.10 8,79 8.92 9,16 9.21 8.73 8.86 9.13 9.14 8.21 8.34 8.59 8.64 8.11 8.25 8.49 8.63 9.10 9.33 9.43 8.65 8.65 9.15 8.68 8.95 9.15 8.55 8.65 8.85 8.41 8.55 8.78 8.44 8.61 8.86 8.27 8.43 8.73 7.81 8.03 8,37 7.67 8.03 8.40 9.38 9.59 9.45 8.82 9.07 8.73 8.99 8.59 8.79 8.43 8.50 8.74 8.52 8.67 8.38 8.57 7.97 8.15 7,75 8.04 8.38 10.31 11.08 9.99 10,82 9.55 10.37 10.67 11,09 11.32 11.39 11.54 11.43 9.63 10.47 10.60 10.80 11.21 11.52 11.58 11.71 11.59 9.49 10.36 .... 10.71 11.19 11.56 11.61 11.73 11.61 9,09 9,94 10.45 10.32 10.90 11.31 11.37 11.52 11.41 9,10 9,94 11,05 11.53 11,66 11.75 11.84 11.72 9.64 10.49 10.90 10.75 11.21 11.36 11.44 11.58 11.49 10.39 10.96 11.39 11.42 11,56 11.45 MONEY MARKET INSTRUMENTS 1 Federal funds15 2 Discount window borrowing Commercial paper1- 2 3 1-month 4 3 -mo nth 5 6-month . . . . Finance paper, directly placed1' 2 6 1-month 7 3-month .... 8 6-month 2 3 Bankers acceptances ' 9 3-month 10 6-month Certificates of deposit, secondary market 1 1 1-month 12 3-month . , . 13 6-month 14 Eurodollar deposits, 3-month16 US. Treasury bills2' 6 Secondary market 15 3-month 16 6-month , . , . 17 1-year 18 19 20 Auction average 3-month . . 6-month 1-year U.S. TREASURY NOTES AND BONDS 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Constant maturities7 1-year . 2-year 8 2 '/2-year . . . 3-year 5-year 7-year . . . 10-year 20-year 30-year 11.33 11.58 11.69 11.76 11.69 11.62 9.98 10.84 11.15 11.06 11.47 11.63 11,71 11.73 11.64 30 Composite9 Over 10 years (long-term). , . 11.32 11.34 11.42 11.17 11.12 11.29 11.30 11.09 11.13 9.65 10.35 10.11 9.70 10.40 10.17 9.90 10.60 10,31 9.90 10.60 10.24 9.75 10.40 10.04 9.60 10.40 9.95 9.55 10.40 10.00 9,50 10.50 9.93 9,50 10,50 9.91 34 Seasoned issues, all industries12 Rating group 35 Aaa 36 Aa 37 A 38 Baa 13.05 12.98 12.96 12.82 12.70 12.79 12.80 12.67 12.68 12.50 12.84 13.26 13.61 12.43 12,72 13.22 13.55 12.42 12.75 13.15 13.52 12.82 12.61 12.99 13.45 12,05 12.51 12.93 13.34 12.20 12.54 13.01 13.42 12.21 12.55 13,01 13.43 12.04 12,43 12.85 13,35 12.05 12.47 12.80 13.39 39 A-rated recently offered utility bonds13 . 13.06 13.09 13.07 12.77 12.90 13.01 12.98 12.70 12.79 MEMO: Dividend/price ratio14 40 Preferred stocks 41 Common stocks 11.54 4.58 11.44 4.49 11.31 4.61 11.41 4.67 11.26 4.66 11.19 4.74 11.33 4.72 11.12 4.61 11.18 4.64 STATE AND LOCAL NOTES AND BONDS Moody 's series10 31 Aaa 32 Baa 33 Bond Buyer series11 .... CORPORATE BONDS 80 23. Stock market—Selected statistics, 1984 A. Stock prices and trading Averages of daily figures Series Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, May June July Common stock prices New York Stock Exchange (Dec. 31, 1965 = 50) Total Industrial... Transportation Utility , Finance . . . 92.46 96.16 90.60 90.66 108.01 112.16105.44 105.92 85.63 97.98 86.33 86.10 46.44 47.43 45.67 44.83 89.28 95.79 89.95 89.50 Standard & Poor's Corporation (1941-43 = 10) Total Industrial Public utility Transportation (1970 = 10)' . Financial (1970 = 10) 160.46 166.39 157.25 157.44 157.60 156.55 153.12 181.26 187.50177.14 177.85 178.57 177.60 174.20 67.98 68.50 66.25 65.25 64.34 64.94 64.00 136.10 148.10138.50 137.88 135.43 132,37 126.55 16.99 18.35 17.28 17.13 16.99 16,23 15,14 90.67 106.56 83.61 43.86 88.22 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 90.07 88,28 87.08 94.49 95.68 95.09 95.85 94.85 105.94 104.04 102.29 111.20112.18 110,44 110.91 109.05 81.62 79.29 76.72 86.86 86.88 86.82 87.37 88,00 44.22 43.65 44.17 46.49 47.47 49.02 49.93 50.58 85.06 80.75 79.03 87.92 91.59 92.94 95.28 95.29 151.08 164.42166.11 164.82 166,27 164.48 171.70 186.86188.10 185.44 186,57 183.62 64.66 68,11 69,70 72.02 73.58 74.43 122.04 138.37 138.71 137.90 137.99 139.40 14.66 16.65 17.43 17.62 18.10 18.27 11 American Stock Exchange (Aug. 31, 1973 = 50), total. 207.96 224.83207.95 210.09 207.66 206.39 201.24 192.82 207.90214.50 210.39 209.47 202.28 Volume of trading (thousands of shares) 12 New York Stock Exchange 13 American Stock Exchange 91,084105,51896,641 84,931 85,874 88,170 85,920 79,156109,88693,108 91,676 83,692 89,032 6,107 7,167 6,431 5,382 5,863 5,935 5,071 5,141 7,477 5,967 5,587 6,008 7,254 B. Customer financing End-of-period balances, millions of dollars Jan. Series Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec, 1 Regulated margin 2credit at broker-dealers 23,132 22,557 22,669 22,830 22,360 23,450 22,980 22,810 22,800 22,330 22,350 22,470 2 3 4 22,870 22,330 22,460 22,830 22,360 23,450 22,980 22,810 22,800 22,330 22,350 22,470 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 261 226 208 200 n.a. n.a. 1 1 1 1 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Margin stocks Convertible bonds Subscription issues MEMO: Free credit balances at brokers3 5 Margin accounts 6 Cash accounts 6,510 8,230 6,420 8,420 6,520 8,265 6,450 7,910 6,685 8,115 6,430 8,305 6,430 8,125 6,855 8,185 6,690 8,315 6,580 8,650 6,700 8,420 7,015 10,215 C. Margin-account debt at brokers Percentage distribution, end of period Series 1 Total By equity class4 2 Less than 40 percent 1 40-49 . 4 50-59 . *> 60-69 6 70-79 7 80 percent or more . . Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 43.0 21.0 15.0 9.0 6.0 6.0 48.0 20.0 13.0 8.0 6.0 5.0 46.0 47.0 20.0 20.0 14.0 , 13.0 9.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 53.0 18.0 12.0 7.0 5.0 5.0 50.0 19.0 12.0 8.0 6.0 5.0 52.0 17.0 12.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 40.0 22.0 16.0 9.0 6.0 7.0 42.0 22.0 15.0 9.0 6,0 6.0 44.0 21.0 14.0 9.0 6.0 6.0 47.0 19.0 13.0 9.0 6.0 6.0 46.0 18.0 16.0 9.0 5.0 6.0 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. D. Special miscellaneous-account balances at brokers5 End of period Item 1 Total balances (millions of dollars)6 Distribution by equity status (percent) 2 Net credit status Debit status, by equity 3 60 percent or more 4 Less than 60 percent Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 62,670 63,411 65,855 66,340 70,110 69,410 70,588 71,840 72,350 73,500 73,904 75,840 61.0 59.0 61.0 60.0 60.0 56.0 57.0 58.0 58.0 59.0 59.0 59.0 29.0 10.0 29.0 12.0 28.0 11.0 29.0 11.0 27.0 13.0 30.0 14.0 30,0 13.0 31.0 11.0 31.0 11.0 30.0 11.0 29.0 12.0 29.0 11.0 81 24. Selected assets and liabilities of financial institutions A. Savings and loan associations Millions of dollars, end of period Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Account July June Aug. J Sept. Oct. j Nov. ] Dec. 19 82' 1 Assets 668,041 672,487 678,886 682,313 688,057 693,701 698,776 704,643 692,199 693,719 698,510 707,646 2 Mortgages 3 Cash and investment securities2 4 Other 517 802 516714 516450 515 154 514 611 513 675 511 470 510 682 494 918 491 057 489 871 483,614 64,508 85,731 67,051 68278 68,431 70,558 71,131 73,160 74,552 75,155 75,153 78,715 §5,438 88,722 94,158 98,728 102,888 108,895 114,146 119,409 122,126 127,509 129,924 138,594 5 Liabilities and net worth . , . 668,041 672,487 678,886 682,313 688,057 693,701 698,776 704,643 692,199 693,719 698,510 707,646 527, 160 88,783 62581 26,202 6,265 18317 533,922 93,560 65 347 28,213 6,568 22238 535,613 539,218 540,432 543 380 94,117 96,850 98,433 98,803 65216 66925 67 019 66 374 28,901 29,925 31,414 32,429 7,250 7,491 6,766 7,116 26 142 25062 27 859 36 477 548 580 99,771 65 567 34 204 8,084 19 372 548,047 549,430 567,961 100,881 102,885 97,850 65,015 64 202 61 861 35,866 38,683 33,989 8,484 8,967 9,934 20 253 21 423 15 602 529,965 89,146 62690 26456 6,161 20 137 536 708 90,689 63636 27053 6,418 18 583 12 Net worth4 27,516 27,078 26,488 26,025 25,419 25,455 24,802 24,492 24,476 24,538 24,772 26,233 13 MEMO: Mortgage loan commitments outstanding5 . . . 15,131 15,397 15,582 16,375 16,622 16,828 15,924 16,943 17,256 6 Savings capital 7 Borrowed money 8 FHLBB 9 Other 10 Loans in process3 1 1 Other 18,407 19,682 18,054 1983 1 Assets 716,429 724,282 725,724 730,765 730,612 733,905 742,383 748,105 749,737 758,337 764,913 771,417 2 Mortgages 3 Cash and investment securities2 4 Other 482902 482642 477 358 478 041 474 041 475 183 480 108 484 076 483 317 486 490 490 956 494 789 91 418 94930 97 596 100265 104610 102 501 103 057 100 396 100 900 102 283 102 192 104 274 142 109 146710 150 770 152 459 JS1 961 156 221 159220 163633 165520 169,564 171,765 174,354 5 Liabilities and net worth . . . 716,429 724,282 725,724 730,765 730,612 733,905 742,385 748,105 749,737 758,337 764,913 773,417 6 7 8 9 10 11 Savings capital Borrowed money FHLBB Other Loans in process3 Other 584,802 88 888 60,415 28473 10455 16,492 593,882 599 179 603,303 601,876 605456 611,029 615601 618263 86591 85 020 83 850 83014 84682 85 093 84 844 86 489 58 841 56859 55,933 54392 54234 53 579 52 303 52 179 27 750 28 161 27 917 28 622 30448 31 514 32 541 34 310 11 044 12255 13478 14 548 15998 17 094 17 967 18 812 17,364 14594 16,064 18,200 15,468 17 905 19,057 16 002 622,867 625,347 87 937 89 861 52,678 51,735 35 259 38 126 19,209 19 728 18,016 19,806 634,455 92 127 52,626 39 501 21 117 15,968 12 Net worth4 26247 26445 26931 27548 27 522 28299 28 358 28 603 28 983 29 517 29 899 30 867 13 MEMO: Mortgage loan commitments outstanding5 . . . 19,468 22,077 24,922 27,968 30,148 30,691 31,733 32,415 32,483 32,798 34,780 32,9% 1984 1 Assets 774,414 781,821 797 849 808,264 825,557 840,682 850,780 860,088 877 642 881,627 887,696 902,449 2 Mortgages 3 Cash and investment securities2 4 Other 496,015 499,337 503,509 510,670 519,628 528,172 535814 540644 550129 552,516 556,229 555,277 102,760 104 800 109477 106,863 110033 109752 108456 108820 112350 112,023 114879 125,358 175 639 177 684 184 863 190 731 195 896 202 758 206510 210624 215 163 217088 216588 221 814 5 Liabilities and net worth . . . 774,414 781,821 797,849 808,264 825,557 840,682 850,780 860,088 877,642 881,627 887,696 902,449 6 7 8 9 10 11 Savings capital Borrowed money FHLBB Other Loans in process3 Other 640,079 644977 87034 87269 50880 50465 36 154 36 804 21 532 21 974 16415 18 146 656 650 94 113 50663 43 450 22 969 15 548 660,663 98275 51 951 46324 23938 17 524 670666 103 119 53485 49 634 24761 19 832 681 947 108 417 56558 51 859 25 726 17 586 687 817 110238 57 115 53 123 26 122 19 970 691 704 114747 60 178 54 569 26 773 20 599 704 558 121329 63 627 57 702 27 141 18 050 31 802 31 940 32 732 32 755 33 038 33 705 33 582 33 839 34 764 45,274 44,878 43,878 41,182 40,089 38,530 37,856 34,841 12 Net worth4 30 886 31 429 31 538 13 MEMO: Mortgage loan commitments outstanding5 . . . 33,504 36,198 39,867 41,732 82 708 846 714 780 724 301 119305 117775 126169 63 412 63 383 64 207 55 893 54 392 61 962 26 754 26 683 26 959 19 894 21 302 17 215 24. Selected assets and liabilities of financial institutions—Continued B. Mutual savings banks1 Millions of dollars, end of period Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. May June Account 1 Assets 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , Loans Mortgage other Securities U.S. government2 State and local government . Corporate and other3 Cash Other assets July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1984 194,217 195,168 197,178 198,000 200,087 198,864 199,218 200,722 201,445 203,274 204,455 203,828 97,703 20,463 97,895 21,694 15,167 15,667 2,180 2,054 43,542 43,439 4,788 4,580 10,374 9,839 98,472 99,017 21,971 22,531 99,881 22,907 99,433 100,091 101,211 101,621 102,704 102,953 102,872 23 198 23 213 24068 24535 24486 24,930 24,956 15,772 15,913 16,404 15448 2,067 2,033 2,024 2,037 43,547 43,122 43,200 42479 5,040 5,008 5,031 5,452 10,309 10,376 10,640 10817 15 457 2,037 46 682 4,896 10752 15019 14965 2,055 2,052 42632 42605 4,981 4,795 10756 10872 15295 14925 14633 2,080 2,077 2,077 43,063 43 366 42,936 4,945 4,605 4,805 11 101 11 399 11 409 194,217 195,168 197,178 198,000 200,087 198,864 199,128 200,722 201,445 203,274 204,455 203,828 9 Liabilities 173,636 174,370 10 Deposits 4 1 1 Regular 171 099 171 957 37,992 37,642 12 Ordinary savings 13 Time and other 96519 97005 14 Other 2,537 2,413 15 Other liabilities 9,917 10019 16 General reserve accounts . . . . 10,350 10,492 17 MEMO: Mortgage loan commitments outstanding5 . . . n.a. n.a. 176,044 175,875 176,253 174,972 174,823 176 085 177,345 178,624 180,142 180,559 173,385 173,010 173 310 171 858 171 740 172990 174 296 175 727 177 196 177 362 37,866 37,329 37,147 36322 35 511 34787 34.564 34,221 34,008 33,732 97 339 96,920 97236 97 168 98410 101 270 102934 104 151 104913 104689 2,659 2,865 2,943 3 114 3083 3095 3049 2,897 2,946 3,197 10390 11 211 12861 12 999 13 269 13 064 12979 13 853 13 367 12501 10,373 10,466 10,554 10,404 10,495 10,498 10,488 10,459 10,508 10,500 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. C. Life insurance companies Millions of dollars, end of period Jan. Account 1 Assets 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 , Feb, Mar. Apr. May June July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1983 594,324 599,799 605,688 612,728 617,418 624,459 628,526 634,442 639,035 643,338 649,081 654,948 Securities Government 1 35,456 36,547 38027 39,228 40470 41 209 15,062 16,083 17,394 18,391 19,176 19,632 United States 9,219 9,321 State and local . . . . „ . . , 9,634 9852 9,150 9,116 Foreign2 , 11,278 11,314 11,414 11,516 11,660 11,725 293,737 296,907 299,567 304,741 307,638 311 570 Business 236,899 238,993 239,910 242,556 244,314 246 387 Bonds . . Stocks . . o 56,838 58,014 59,657 62,185 63,324 65,183 Mortgages Real estate . . , Policy loans Other assets „ Aug. 41 977 50,224 9876 11,877 314 225 250065 64,160 42907 20,761 10 122 12,024 316 131 251 822 64,309 46605 24,513 10022 12,070 318 668 253 602 65,066 142 481 142 828 143 267 143 308 143 635 144 597 144 878 146509 147025 20,848 20,940 21,103 21,217 21,129 21 366 21 389 21,409 21,536 53 149 53 250 53 427 53 575 53 646 53 711 53 758 53 827 53 860 46,846 47,266 47,976 48,419 48,587 49 550 49 307 50523 51 341 48478 26,054 10010 12,414 319644 255,049 64,235 48,341 50,752 26,293 28,636 9,925 9,986 12,123 12,130 323,714 322,854 258,757 257,986 64,957 64,868 147 839 148 487 150 999 21,731 21,864 22,234 53 917 53 979 54063 51,729 52,696 54,046 1984 1 Assets 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 , Securities Government 1 United States State and local Foreign2 Business Bonds Stocks 9 Mortgages 10 Real estate 1 1 Policy loans 12 Other assets 658,504 660,901 665,836 671,259 673,518 679,449 684,573 694,082 699,996 705,827 712,271 720,807 51,328 51,762 52,504 52,828 53,422 53 970 54688 29,179 30,130 31,056 31 358 31 706 32066 32 654 9995 9426 9259 9 192 9239 9213 9 236 12 154 12 206 12 189 12 278 12 477 12 691 12 798 328,075 328,235 331,631 334,634 334,151 338,508 341,802 263,207 265,798 268,446 271,296 273,212 276,902 281,113 64,868 62,437 63,185 63,338 60,939 61 606 60689 56263 33 886 9 357 13 020 348,614 283,673 64941 57 552 59,825 62,678 35 586 37594 40,288 9221 9344 9 385 12 745 12 887 13005 350,512 352,059 335,297 285,543 287,607 271,503 64,969 64,452 63,794 64,683 41,970 9757 12956 354,902 29,073 64,171 151 085 151 020 151 445 152 373 152 968 153 845 154 299 155 438 155 802 156064 156 691 157,283 22 500 22 591 23 034 23 237 23 517 23 792 24019 24 117 24 685 24947 25467 25 985 54,089 54,170 54,254 54,365 54,399 54430 54441 54517 54551 54,574 54,571 54,610 51,939 53,123 52,968 53,822 55,061 54904 55,324 55,133 56,894 58,358 58,049 63,344 83 24. Selected assets and liabilities of financial institutions—Continued D. Credit unions Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 Account Jan. Feb. Mar. 1 Total assets/liabilities and capital .... 69,814 71,379 73,824 74,827 76,762 2 Federal 3 State 45,609 24,205 46,673 48,350 48,986 24,706 25,474 25,841 . . .... 4 Loans outstanding 5 Federal 6 State 7 Savings 8 Federal (shares) .... 9 State (shares and deposits) . 42,947 42,823 27,740 27,644 15,207 15,179 63,365 64,875 41,556 42,533 21,809 22,342 Apr. 50,275 26,487 Dec. July Aug. Sept. Oct. 78,969 79,444 80,342 80,626 51,430 51,859 27,037 27,110 52,261 27,183 53,086 27,256 53,297 53,801 54,482 27,329 27,4m 27,479 May | June 78,467 43,070 43,530 44,058 45,001 45,719 46,850 27,823 28,133 28,512 29,175 29,672 30,582 15,247 15,397 15,546 15,826 16,047 16,268 67,641 68,862 70,475 71,712 72,327 72,508 44,336 45,165 46,192 47,145 47,713 47,847 23,305 23,697 24,283 24,567 24,614 24,661 1 Nov. i , ........ . . . 81,203 81,961 47,701 48,401 49,235 31,212 31,691 32,304 16,489 16,710 16,931 73,417 73,799 74,202 48,709 49,044 49,400 24,708 24,755 24,802 50,083 32,930 17,153 74,739 49,889 24,850 1984 1 Total assets/liabilities and capital .... 82,496 83,726 85,789 86,594 88,350 90,276 90,145 90,503 91,651 91,619 92,521 93,036 2 Federal 3 State . .. .... 54,770 27,726 55,753 27,973 57,569 28,220 58,127 28,467 59,636 28,714 61,316 61,163 28,960 28,982 61,500 62,107 29,003 29,544 61,935 29,684 62,690 63,205 29,831 29,831 4 Loans outstanding .. 5 Federal . 6 State 7 Savings 8 Feoeral (shares) 9 State (shares and deposits) . 50,625 33,270 17,355 75,532 50,438 25,094 51,435 33,878 17,557 76,556 51,218 25,338 52,269 34,510 17,759 78,487 52,905 25,582 53,247 35,286 17,961 79,413 53,587 25,826 54,437 36,274 18,163 80,702 54,632 26,070 55,915 57,286 37,547 38,490 18,368 18,796 82,578 82,402 56,261 56,278 26,317 26,124 58,802 59,874 60,483 62,170 39,578 40,310 40,727 41,762 19,224 19,564 19,756 20,408 82,135 83,172 83,129 84,000 56,205 56,734 56,655 57,302 25,930 26,438 26,474 26,698 Apr May 62,561 42,337 20,224 84,348 57,539 26,809 E. FSLIC-insured federal saving banks Jan. Feb. Mar, Account j June July Aug. Sept, Oct. [ Nov. Dee. 1984 1 Assets 2 Mortgages . . .... 69,835 72,143 75,555 77,374 78,952 81,310 83,989 87,209 82,174 87,743 94,536 98,559 41,754 43,371 44,708 45,900 46,791 48,084 49,996 52,039 48,841 51,554 55,861 57,429 11,662 17,110 12,552 18,295 13,331 21,839 13,615 22,574 14,826 23,849 16,001 25,129 3 Cash and investment securities2 4 Other 11,243 16,838 12,762 18,712 12,814 19,347 13,071 13,184 20,155 20,809 5 Liabilities and net worth . . . 69,835 72,143 75,555 77,374 78,952 81,310 83,989 87,209 82,174 87,743 94,536 98,559 6 7 8 9 10 11 Savings capital Borrowed money FHLBB Other Loans in process3 Other . .. .... 12 Net worth4 13 MEMO: Mortgage loan commitments outstanding5 , . 84 57,195 8,048 4,751 3,297 1,347 3,245 59,107 61,433 62,495 63,026 64,364 9,707 10,475 11,489 9,213 8,088 4,884 5,232 5,900 6,538 5,491 4,216 4,575 4,951 3,204 3,981 1,747 1,646 1,360 1,548 1,545 3,704 3,811 3,549 3,624 3,403 66,227 12,060 6,897 5,163 1,807 3,895 68,443 12,863 7,654 5,209 1,912 3,991 12,867 20,466 65,079 11,828 6,600 5,228 1,610 3,657 70,080 11,935 6,867 5,068 1,896 3,832 76,167 79,572 11,937 12,798 7,041 7,515 4,896 5,283 1,903 2,259 4,173 4,286 1,387 1,531 1,669 1,716 1,787 1,839 1,901 1,895 1,505 1,457 1,689 1,738 2,974 2,704 3,253 3,714 3,763 3,583 3,988 3,860 2,970 2,925 3,298 3,234 25. Federal fiscal and financing operations Millions of dollars Type of account or operation \ 2 3 4 5 U.S. budget Receipts . Outlays' Surplus, or deficit (-). Trust funds 2 Federal funds 6 7 Off-budget entities Surplus, or deficit (-) Federal Financing Bank outlays. Other3 8 9 10 11 U.S. budget plus off-budget, including Federal Financing Bank Surplus, or deficit (-)... Source of financing Borrowing from the public Cash and monetary assets—Decrease, or increase (-)4 5 Other MEMO 12 Treasury operating balance (level, end of period) 13 Federal Reserve Banks 14 Tax and loan accounts Fiscal year 1983 Calendar year 1984 HI Year H2 Jan. 666,457 683,202 341,808 841,800 867,650 420,700 341,394 446,950 -175,343 -184,448 -78,892 -105,556 30,565 49,553 18,080 31,473 -205,908 -234,003 -96,971 -129,955 -7,277 -2,719 -7,495 -2,398 -5,115 -838 198,801 5,636 -19,180 8,885 2,775 30,426 8,514 21,913 80,592 Mar. 62,537 44,464 47,886 68,052 68,267 73,020 -5,515 -20,381 -28,556 1,043 557 -2,827 -6,558 -20,938 -25,728 -2,380 -1,560 -185,339-194,385 -84,884-109,501 170,817 Feb. 80,180 68,687 11,493 5,033 6,459 -1,431 -296 -920 262 -5,762 -20,588 -30,282 10,833 -198 23,686 18,172 -3,127 -16,683 -21,127 7,418 -4,643 3,202 8,722 -6,306 9,415 -24,772 13,299 -3,099 28,544 7,153 21,392 23,758 3,226 20,531 14,054 3,684 10,369 38,204 16,729 21,474 Oct. Nov. Dec. 17,649 5,316 12,333 118,209 -121 -125 Apr. 13,567 4,397 9,170 17,649 5,316 12,333 7,568 17,038 Calendar year 1984 May June July Aug. U.S. budget 1 Receipts. 2 Outlays1 3 Surplus, or deficit (-). 4 Trust funds 2 5 Federal funds 37,459 69,282 52,017 55,209 88,707 71,391 71,283 68,433 -33,932 -2,001 -16,416 -33,498 10,425 441 -11,045 3,849 -37,781 -12,425 -16,857 -22,453 Off-budget entities Surplus, or deficit (-) 6 Federal Financing Bank outlays. 7 Other3 -1,171 -181 U. S. budget plus off-budget, including Federal Financing Bank -35,284 8 Surplus, or deficit (-) Source of financing 9 Borrowing from the public 8,604 31,023 10 Cash 5and monetary assets—Decrease, or increase (—) 11 Other -4,344 MEMO 12 Treasury operating balance (level, end of period). 13 Federal Reserve Banks 14 Tax and loan accounts 8,182 4,855 3,327 -1,504 -296 -1,406 -306 -755 -419 -3,801 -18,128 -34,673 5,524 -6,388 4,666 13,567 4,397 9,170 24,540 -3,264 -3,148 16,312 3,972 12,340 Sept. 68,019 52,251 51,494 62,404 51,234 81,037 79,956 77,583 16,785 -28,786 -28,462 -15,179 8,426 -265 10,055 23,861 -7,077 -38,842 -28,197 -23,606 -467 -1,507 -48 -392 142 475 14,784 -28,019 -28,902 -14,563 25,340 4,167 -6,295 -18,987 3,038 -1 11,327 4,029 7,298 154 613 30,426 8,514 21,913 20,754 7,564 -299 22,345 3,791 18,553 19,353 24,055 14,780 -10,490 -5,231 998 5,566 2,216 3,350 17,649 5,316 12,333 85 26. U.S. budget A. Receipts Millions of dollars Calendar year 1984 Source May June 80,180 37,459 69,282 39,192 22,321 5 31,993 15,127 4,333 23,519 8 1,269 20,463 32,200 23,347 3 11,196 2,346 9,441 1,476 11,786 2,691 2,295 2,015 11,929 614 19,972 16,774 523 2,308 369 17,702 16,704 433 191 373 26,036 18,532 4,637 2,501 366 26,441 17,168 432 8,457 384 19,759 17,811 1,165 373 410 2,693 839 570 1,613 2,870 974 523 1,535 3,042 937 505 1,374 3,322 990 550 1,543 3,229 1,060 466 1,253 Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 1 AH sources' 683,201 62,537 47,886 44,464 2 Individual income taxes net 3 Withheld 4 Presidential Election Campaign Fund 5 Nonwithheld 6 Reftmds 301,920 285,867 34 80,866 64,845 33,881 21,070 0 12,728 -82 22,190 23,523 4 1,501 2,838 12,895 26,877 9 2,776 16,766 75,518 16,842 2,985 1,366 1,892 1,833 250,063 210,974 8,754 25,648 4,689 21,462 19,446 478 1,112 427 37,265 11,905 6,131 17,293 3,148 776 488 1,163 7 8 Corporation income taxes Gross receipts Refunds 9 Social insurance taxes and contributions, net 10 Payroll employment taxes and contributions2 1 1 Self-employment taxes and contributions3 12 Unemployment insurance 13 Other net receipts4 14 15 16 17 Excise taxes Customs deposits Estate and gift taxes Miscellaneous receipts5 . . 1 Calendar year 1984 1 All sources'. . 2 Individual income taxes, net 3 Withheld .. . 4 Presidential Election Campaign Fund 5 Nonwithheld 6 Refunds 7 8 ... ... Corporation income taxes Gross receipts Refunds . . . . 9 Social insurance taxes and contributions, net . 10 Payroll employment taxes and contributions2 1 1 Self-employment taxes and contributions3 12 Unemployment insurance 13 Other net receipts4 14 15 16 17 Excise taxes Customs deposits Estate and gift taxes Miscellaneous receipts5. 86 ... Oct. ! Nov. July Aug. Sept. 52,017 55,209 68,019 52,250 51,494 62,404 22,398 23,013 3 789 1,407 25,820 25,072 1 2,396 1,649 31,541 21,852 1 11,716 2,027 25,624 24,721 0 1,463 559 24,729 24,573 0 1,036 816 27,054 25,979 0 2,003 929 3,376 1,313 1,936 1,136 12,332 441 3,307 2,371 1,888 766 12,351 820 21,361 18,858 0 2,093 410 21,932 17,547 -269 4,252 401 18,639 16,781 1,209 295 354 19,107 17,273 146 1,323 365 19,525 16,752 0 2,346 427 18,127 17,328 0 397 403 3,298 1,088 476 1,333 3,221 1,241 558 1,637 3,120 939 449 1,440 3,264 3,151 989 495 1,421 2,9€7 922 469 1,395 1,586 ! Dec. 26. U.S. budget—Continued B. Outlays Millions of dollars Calendar year 1984 Source Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 1 All types 867,644 68,052 68,267 73,020 68,687 71,391 71,283 2 3 4 5 6 232,925 13,976 8,454 2,503 12,833 18,283 709 503 255 963 18,515 780 721 34 790 19,516 1,108 611 265 861 18,711 973 685 57 923 19,955 999 756 119 951 19,659 857 705 350 975 15,653 5,235 24,289 7,990 27,182 1,835 709 1,953 434 2,476 1,737 -648 1,517 524 2,305 1,315 224 1,555 514 2,172 1,364 -22 1,716 481 2,210 687 2,013 1,798 563 2,260 191 296 2,077 638 2,022 Health Social security and medicare2 Income security Veterans benefits and services Administration of justice General government 31,243 239,033 107,861 26,166 5,799 5,014 2,552 19,385 8,519 1,202 487 88 2,540 19,165 8,585 2,180 505 495 2,729 20,192 9,791 3,293 435 585 2,577 19,405 8,677 891 476 265 2,638 19,555 8,498 2,204 441 558 2,515 21,718 6,380 3,151 463 471 18 General-purjjose fiscal assistance 19 Net interest 20 Undistributed offsetting receipts3 6,401 116,041 -20,950 1,153 7,808 -1,263 201 9,800 -1,407 86 8,592 -824 1,219 9,211 -1,130 80 9,731 -2,414 204 9,606 -998 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 All types' 68,433 88,707 51,234 81,037 79,950 77,583 2 3 4 5 6 . . . 18,870 1,117 745 309 1,232 20,059 1,020 762 213 1,247 18,942 1,698 646 -266 1,293 19,329 1,995 961 562 1,390 20,930 1,423 667 327 955 20,156 1,297 692 278 1,253 7 8 9 10 11 Agriculture Commerce Transportation Community and regional development Education, training employment and social services 503 559 2,322 682 2,075 507 -161 2,272 698 2,710 145 103 2,331 850 1,839 2,344 1,390 2,411 1,106 2,369 2,144 -271 2,282 873 2,655 2,881 1,043 2,055 627 2,089 12 13 14 15 16 17 Health Social security and medicare2 Income security Veterans benefits and services Administration of justice General government 2,536 19,656 7,047 1,234 543 290 2,736 34,145 8,271 3,287 553 546 2,337 4,084 7,615 936 396 468 2,891 21,457 11,807 2,108 376 536 2,515 19,631 11,967 3,350 633 143 2,677 20,640 10,704 2,393 491 569 1,256 8,743 -1,296 91 11,106 -1,356 236 9,742 -2,160 1,735 9,497 -3,226 119 12,120 ^2,508 21 10,085 -2,368 1 National defense International Jiff airs . . . . . . . General science, space and technology Energy Natural resources and environment . . . 7 Agriculture 8 Commerce and housing credit , 9 Transportation 10 Community and regional development 1 1 Education training employment and social services 12 13 14 15 16 17 National defense International affairs General science space and technology Energy Natural resources and environment 18 General -purpose fiscal assistance 19 Net interest 20 Undistributed offsetting receipts3 . . . 87 27. Federal debt subject to statutory limit—Types and ownership, 1984 Billions of dollars Item Mar. 31 June 30 Sept. 30 Dec. 31 1 Federal debt outstanding 1,468.3 1,517.2 1,576.7 1,667.4 2 Public debt securities 3 Held by public 4 Held by agencies 5 Agency securities 6 Held by public 7 Held by agencies 1,463.7 1,223.9 239 8 4.6 3.5 1.1 1,512.7 1,255.1 257 6 4.5 34 1.1 1,572,3 1,309.2 263,1 4.5 3.4 1.1 1,663.0 1,373.4 2896 4.5 34 1.1 8 Debt subject to statutory limit 1,464.5 1,513.4 1,573.0 1,663.7 1,463.1 1,3 1,512.1 13 1,571,7 1.3 1,662.4 13 1,490.0 1 5200 1 5730 1 823 8 9 Public debt securities 10 Other debt' 1 1 MEMO- Statutory debt limit ... , . 28. Gross public debt of the U.S. Treasury—Types and ownership Billions of dollars, end of period 1 Total gross public debt Type 2 Interest-bearing debt 3 Marketable 4 Bills 5 Notes . . 6 Bonds 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 iy at iy oo Type and holder ,. . Nonmarketable ' State and local government series Foreign issues2 Government Public Savings bonds and notes 3 Government-account series 1 Q2 ^, <* ! Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 04 Ql 1,244.5 1,319.6 1,377.2 1,410.7 1,463.7 1,512.7 1,572.3 1,663.0 1 243 0 937 8 331 9 4944 111 4 1 318 1 978 9 334 3 527 I 117 5 1 375 8 1 024 0 3407 557 5 125 7 1 4009 1 0509 343 8 573 4 133,7 1 452 1 1 097 7 3502 6049 142 6 1,501 1 1 126 6 343.3 532 1 151.2 1 559 6 1 176 6 356 8 661 7 158 1 1 6606 1 247 4 3744 705 1 167 9 305 2 27.1 12 4 11 1 13 68 5 1970 339 2 33.1 11 4 10.8 6 69 4 225 0 351 8 35.1 11 5 11 5 354 4 38.1 99 99 0 71 6 2346 3745 39.9 88 8.8 383 0 41.4 88 8,8 70 3 2347 3500 36.7 104 10,4 0 70 7 231.9 72 3 253.2 73 i 259.5 413 2 44.4 91 91 0 73 3 2862 o o o 15 15 15 9g 11 6 11 6 12 7 23 Holder* 15 U.S. government agencies and trust funds 16 Federal Reserve Banks 201.2 1367 229.3 141 7 239.0 155 4 236,3 151,9 239.8 150 8 257.6 152.9 263.1 155.0 289,6 1609 17 Private investors 1 8 Commercial banks 19 Money market funds 20 Insurance companies 2 1 Other corporations 22 State and local governments 906 6 153 2 44 8 43 7 27 2 137.1 948 6 171 6 28 3 47 4 32 8 144.9 982 7 176 3 22 1 51 2 35 9 149.9 1 022 6 188 8 22 8 56,7 39 7 155.1 1 073 0 189 8 19 4 57 1 42 6 162.9 1 102 2 182 3 149 61.6 45 3 165.0 1 154 1 183 0 13 6 58 6 47 7 n.a. 1 212 5 185 5 26 0 73 9 50 2 n.a. Individuals 23 Savings bonds 24 Other securities 25 Foreign and international3 26 Other miscellaneous investors6 68 8 47 9 156 2 227 7 69.7 51 6 160 1 242.2 706 584 160 1 258 3 71.5 61 9 166 3 259.8 72.2 640 166 3 2987 72.9 69.3 171 5 319.4 73.7 73 8 175 5 n a. 74 5 70 8 193 1 na 14 Non-interest-bearing debt 88 29. U.S. government securities dealers, 1984 A. Transactions1 Par value, averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars and maturity Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 U.S. government securities... 45,649 52,425 50,444 45,796 54,976 51,079 47,484 44,722 50,356 61,325 71,079 58,100 2 3 4 5 6 Maturity Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years Type of customer U.S. government securities dealers 8 U.S. government securities brokers 9 All others2 10 Federal agency securities 1 1 Certificates of deposit 12 Bankers acceptances 13 Commercial paper 7 23,156 24,921 23,333 24,593 28,994 27,560 23,471 21,481 25,699 29,911 31,173 28,194 904 1 120 896 949 1 168 1 206 1 197 944 1 051 1 748 2,454 2027 9,619 11,802 11,038 8 873 11,401 10,613 9,869 9,491 10464 14,033 18,641 14,962 5,651 8,068 7 792 5 783 6,745 6,787 7,697 6 780 7 972 9463 10,633 7,914 6 104 6739 7 377 5 598 6669 4913 5 251 6026 5 171 6 170 8 178 5 003 2,751 4 151 1 999 2287 2,277 2,489 2,417 2,673 2 654 3 675 21 071 24 944 27 3?1 22 650 27 989 26 532 23 564 21 499 24459 28 832 21,828 23,329 21,124 20,859 24,499 22,269 21,503 20,550 23 243 28 818 6550 7 590 7 160 7 235 6580 7 084 7 979 7 053 8 978 9 250 4,884 5 344 4 810 7 608 6,188 3 979 4 512 3 019 4 461 4 976 3 121 2 716 2 506 3 072 3 326 3 109 3 185 2 538 3 792 4 168 8,892 8,110 8 124 9 854 8,877 10 034 11 580 10531 11 669 10589 3,686 3,981 33,382 24 766 34,018 29,353 10 177 8 521 5,203 4,381 4 015 3 376 11,079 10,882 FUTURES TRANSACTIONS3 14 Treasury bills 15 Treasury coupons 16 Federal agency securities 5,453 2 628 157 7 104 3 550 302 8 676 4 629 437 8 510 11 352 3 804 5 517 247 356 8 210 4 967 381 7 136 4 245 221 5 527 4 386 284 5 097 5 117 254 4964 5 115 138 6,650 5 473 230 4,686 4 605 131 703 2,154 1,611 2,596 1 ,394 2 ,597 997 2,914 1,779 3,068 1,756 2,810 1,141 2,719 1,412 3,180 1,071 2,458 1,257 2,654 1,807 3,583 1,447 3,380 FORWARD TRANSACTIONS* 17 U.S. government securities 18 Federal agency securities Week ending Wednesday Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan, 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 29 Mar. 7 50,754 47,047 49,187 38,623 44,628 50,939 55,257 50,973 54,993 47,261 26,128 1,152 9,406 7,034 7,034 23,147 1,005 9,505 5,944 7,446 24,626 1,467 10,280 6,055 6,760 20,407 865 7,593 5,118 4,641 21,982 1,080 11,434 5,087 5,046 24,358 804 13,099 6,778 5,901 23,114 805 11,591 10,264 9,484 28,097 909 10,053 6,263 5,651 25,040 1,000 12,630 9,678 6,646 2,957 21,239 26,559 6,493 4,844 2,636 11,083 2,679 21,978 22,390 6,209 5,622 3,353 9,870 3,116 23,186 22,885 7,784 5,272 3,496 8,268 2,386 17,931 18,306 6,199 3,760 2,595 7,333 2,881 20,020 21,728 6,568 4,338 2,945 8,395 3,857 24,643 22,439 7,468 4,705 2,487 7,691 5,290 24,925 25,041 9,179 5,378 2,420 8,666 4,668 23,251 23,054 6,065 5,888 2,806 8,321 1,890 3,335 27,749 26,486 23,910 18,884 7,317 7,450 5,428 5,788 3,192 2,719 7,714 7,883 4,336 2,116 293 5,994 2,583 207 6,782 3,412 240 4,784 2,511 159 4,223 1,964 140 7,648 3,402 208 6,180 3,335 302 7,408 2,986 232 7,433 4,718 398 8,344 4,861 485 833 2,106 430 2,256 983 2,607 753 1,584 823 1,980 2,231 3,089 1,728 2,863 965 2,644 1,474 1,985 819 2,409 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 U.S. government securities. . . 2 3 4 5 6 Maturity Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years Type of customer 1 U.S. government securities de alers 8 U.S. government securities br<>kers 9 All others2 10 Federal agency securities 1 1 Certificates of deposit 12 Bankers acceptances 13 Commercial paper 21,693 807 8,941 9,162 6,658 FUTURES TRANSACTIONS3 14 Treasury bills 15 Treasury coupons 16 Federal agency securities . . , FORWARD TRANSACTIONS4 17 U.S. government securities. . . . 18 Federal agency securities 89 29. U.S. government securities dealers, 1984—Continued A. Transactions'—Continued Par value, averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars Type and maturity Week ending Wednesday Mar, 14 Mar, 21 Mar. 28 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr, 18 1 Apr. 25 \ May 2J May 9 May 16 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 U.S. government securities 1 3 4 5 6 Maturity Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years Type of customer 7 U.S. government securities dealers 8 U.S. government securities brokers 9 All others2 10 Federal agency securities , 1 1 Certificates of deposit 12 Bankers acceptances 13 Commercial paper 46,768 46,355 40,742 48,570 63,671 44,831 50,728 52,807 57,295 44,432 22,571 25,316 22,843 753 821 1,096 8,321 10,851 15,031 6,704 6,673 6,972 6,482 7,068 6,865 27,248 22,731 26,613 26,181 20,876 25,756 1,176 873 772 1,037 824 1,177 7,749 8,156 8,889 9,879 10,880 10,935 8,590 6,553 5,686 5,641 4,057 5,341 4,754 5,720 9,345 6,627 5,276 4,821 1,869 1,850 2,080 2,387 25,135 26,899 27,889 30,763 17,828 21,980 22,837 24,145 7,041 8,394 6,524 6,356 4,365 4,533 5,050 4,984 2,712 2,328 2,383 2,618 7,319 8,444 8,239 10,942 29,993 1,172 14,046 8,226 10,235 1,787 1,587 3,622 2,368 2,016 2,923 22,820 22,292 21,529 20,362 25,054 34,068 19,825 22,889 21,204 18,012 21,500 26,680 7,101 8,065 7,670 6,047 6,526 8,597 9,114 7,253 7,105 8,352 8,714 7,043 3,284 3,032 3,271 2,644 3,211 3,655 9,162 10,274 9,478 9,343 7,961 8,775 FUTURES TRANSACTIONS3 14 Treasury bills 15 Treasury coupons 16 Federal agency securities 10,445 5,100 334 7,269 4,706 465 8,531 3,651 379 10,157 4,639 358 9,560 3,884 259 6,971 4,134 265 8,823 3,467 297 6,422 3,044 176 10,448 4,543 403 14,067 7,466 253 1,184 2,874 1,103 3,023 2,489 2,292 1,038 2,998 635 3,695 322 2,969 2,657 1,592 1,140 2,648 2,547 3,783 1,735 3,880 May 23 May 30 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 FORWARD TRANSACTIONS" 17 U.S government securities 18 Federal agency securities July 11 1 July 18 J July 25 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 U.S. government securities 2 3 4 5 6 Maturity Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5—10 years Over 10 years Type of customer 7 U.S. government securities dealers 8 U S government securities brokers 9 All others2 10 Federal agency securities 1 1 Certificates of deposit . . . . 12 Bankers acceptances 13 Commercial paper. . . 51,873 57,446 65,530 51,142 50,808 45,901 45,730 51,618 43,745 30,156 1,322 10,188 4,823 5,385 44,789 30,217 34,744 29,575 28,757 22,128 23,956 25,798 22,986 22,087 1,544 1,359 1,208 1,289 922 968 989 U93 1,400 9,234 13,507 9,532 8,869 7,941 9,683 12,335 11,881 8,606 5,137 6,644 11,694 9,525 6,369 7,053 6,199 6,970 7,720 5,046 5,981 5,811 5,002 5,205 3,769 4,500 6,217 5,160 2,413 2,904 2,682 1,860 2,271 2,850 2,721 2,171 25,972 27,250 33,302 27,073 28,087 23,032 21,327 24,729 23,730 27,347 29,507 22,208 20,450 20,455 21,500 24,207 5,221 4,871 8,285 6,599 8,528 6,354 6,903 7,790 4,092 4,183 4,698 3,876 3,549 3,813 4,274 4,993 3,260 3,368 3,431 3,697 3,267 2,803 2,816 2,981 9,524 8,747 10,480 9,435 9,608 10,361 12,251 11,038 2,533 1,457 21,920 22,883 19,292 20,450 9,622 7,286 4,336 4,546 3,245 3,170 12,056 11,117 FUTURES TRANSACTIONS3 14 Treasury bills 15 Treasury coupons 16 Federal agency securities 10,781 5,137 362 11,583 5,882 443 11,026 6,242 367 7,302 4,509 350 9,603 5,528 445 7,389 4,239 208 6,033 3,849 404 6,699 4,817 263 8,218 4,046 195 7,594 4,035 225 1,541 1,922 1,550 2,704 1,625 3,231 1,237 3,015 2,590 3,406 1,474 1,943 1,371 2,997 1,145 3,390 1,027 3,187 1,296 1,747 FORWARD TRANSACTIONS'* 17 U.S. government securities 18 Federal agency securities 90 29. U.S. government securities dealers, 1984—Continued A. Transactions'—Continued Par value, averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars Week ending Wednesday Type and maturity Aug. 1 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 49,117 47,479 59,647 37,361 35,883 39,200 49,413 52,366 51,012 46,722 48,420 1 U.S. government securities 2 3 4 5 6 Maturity Bills . Other within 1 year 1-5 years . , 5-10 years Over 10 years 21,551 22,286 27,632 17,817 18,640 22,188 25,124 26,396 24,559 24,753 24,043 734 1,197 1,182 1.142 1,392 1,018 1,298 887 682 854 1,075 13,283 11,751 10,961 8,622 8,081 5,242 9,333 10,666 12,758 9,464 10,023 7,817 6,045 9,022 5,262 5,038 8,000 8,992 8,553 7,179 6,522 8,328 5,285 6,323 10,836 4,773 3,390 3,088 5,110 5,359 5,374 4,965 4,729 Type of customer 1,908 2,647 2,570 2,326 2,937 2,397 3,009 3,363 1 U.S. government securities dealers . . . 2,886 2,896 3,136 8 U.S. government securities brokers, . . 24,556 22,323 29,264 19,384 16,573 17,689 24,631 25,310 24,791 22,324 22,112 21,675 22,261 27,248 16,069 16,663 18,943 22,456 24,119 23,824 21,389 22,945 9 All others2 8,594 7,479 8,884 9,184 5,172 5,212 6,177 8,872 11,517 8,135 7,213 10 Federal agency securities 3,915 3,560 3,399 2,764 2,633 2,853 4,006 4,641 5,076 3,832 4,674 1 1 Certificates of deposit 2,963 3,275 2,352 2,359 2,250 2,725 3,522 4,104 3,829 3,577 4,094 12 Bankers acceptances 11,312 10,650 10,060 10,515 10,615 12,194 11,608 12,061 10,853 11,176 11,246 13 Commercial paper FUTURES TRANSACTIONS3 14 Treasury bills 15 Treasury coupons 16 Federal agency securities 6,166 4,405 265 5,816 5,128 207 8,623 5,287 358 4,076 4,467 381 4,179 3,427 311 3,467 3,114 103 5,347 4,984 206 5,407 6,566 494 5,752 4,090 243 3,974 4,067 123 3,215 3,939 108 1,270 2,135 1,616 5,140 1,193 4,201 1,682 2,522 1,182 1,590 1,091 2,381 662 2,303 1,418 3,314 1,339 1,917 372 2,244 735 3,101 FORWARD TRANSACTIONS* 17 U S government securities . 1 8 Federal agency securities .. Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 U.S. government securities 2 3 4 5 6 Maturity Bills . . Other within 1 year 1 -5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years 58,442 83,358 64,875 80,933 66,293 73,474 61,584 65,875 52,988 74,271 48,229 31,150 36,293 31,678 35,041 27,296 34,581 25,542 33,268 24,954 34,938 23,208 1,880 1,370 2,120 2,492 3,016 2,976 2,304 1,878 2,288 2,468 1,365 11,177 21,537 16,269 22,665 15,232 19,598 18,648 14,112 13,180 19,194 15,113 9,672 13,562 8,496 11,766 8,477 9,737 9,425 11,791 7,832 11,128 5,436 5,074 9,846 5,941 8,446 12,312 7,254 6,090 4,826 4,733 6,543 3,107 Type of customer 1 U.S. government securities dealers . . . 3,474 4,949 3,487 8 U.S. government securities brokers. . . 27,296 39,211 30,714 9 All others2 27,672 39,198 30,674 10,921 10,000 8,306 10 Federal agency securities 1 1 Certificates of deposit . . . . 5,031 5,564 5,591 4,700 4,200 4,264 12 Bankers acceptances 13 Commercial paper 9,751 10,131 10,715 4,069 38,219 38,646 10,431 5,721 4,588 12,571 3,686 30,177 32,431 12,411 5,026 3,389 11,641 3,676 3,008 4,198 3,291 4,860 3,404 35,658 28,766 28,683 24,432 33,987 18,981 34,140 29,811 32,994 25,265 35,424 25,844 11,168 8,142 8,604 7,749 11,885 6,491 5,543 4,843 4,382 4,278 6,033 3,405 4,320 3,763 3,732 3,713 4,344 2,189 11,436 8,989 10,713 10,547 13,041 9,283 FUTURES TRANSACTIONS3 14 Treasury bills 15 Treasury coupons 16 Federal agency securities 4,873 4,713 97 5,961 8,112 161 5,751 4,652 233 8,762 5,610 236 6,514 5,106 259 6,325 5,046 185 4,834 5,617 292 5,377 7,080 161 5,345 4,413 127 7,476 5,845 187 2,144 1,982 86 1,625 3,230 2,387 2,016 596 2,202 2,320 3,361 1,170 4,974 2,598 4,266 1,503 2,215 989 2,710 651 3,516 2,522 4,199 1,519 3,401 FORWARD TRANSACTIONS* 17 U S government securities 18 Federal agency securities 91 29. U.S. government securities dealers, 1984—Continued B. Positions' Averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars Jan. Type and maturity NET IMMEDIATE Feb. Mar. 9,203 2,890 Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. • Oct. J Nov. j Dec. 2 1 U.S. government securities 2 Bills 3 Other within 1 year . . 4 1-5 years 5 5-10 years 6 Over 10 years 7 Federal agency securities . . . . 8 Certificates of deposit . . 9 Bankers acceptances 10 Commercial paper 12,727 10 815 9,658 4,619 1,083 949 811 1 662 -265 -1,789 -706 -1 610 -323 -289 328 -515 11 398 6,532 3,495 2,762 1,333 -9,060 -6,390 -6,288 16,151 6,914 2,838 3,012 16649 6,970 3,299 2,797 16 849 6,403 3,186 2,937 -10,276 -7,786 -1,218 754 1,255 2 052 -721 976 9,364 1 071 79 602 12,532 7,327 3,243 2,779 3,361 11,330 14,537 14,489 18,326 2,929 -7 105 -2,631 -2,382 4,542 10,316 11 649 9,748 13,841 -32 310 116 -487 -416 -596 -604 -89 -291 343 -999 50 188 2 471 4 012 5 551 7,234 7,449 -46 -939 -1 341 -865 -1 165 -1034 -1554 -1717 -2,122 -598 -865 -2,250 -2,714 -2,490 -2,355 -1 348 -431 -565 15,999 6,990 3,498 3,969 16,040 16,098 7,407 6,708 4,183 4,691 3,161 4,158 14,063 7,890 5,274 4,531 13 169 7,620 3,980 4,685 16,106 8,511 4,474 4,965 18,471 9,157 4,329 5,694 FUTURE POSITIONS 1 1 Treasury bills 12 Treasury coupons . 13 Federal agency securities 38 -174 201 2,611 -1,394 -7,176 -9,478 -9449 -8,104-10,668 3 372 2 803 2 667 2 519 1 395 808 1 858 622 610 267 -836 -1,794 -675 -927 826 -248 -21 -10 FORWARD POSITIONS 14 U.S. government securities 15 Federal agency securities 92 -1 454-2,258 -829 -1 932 -4 588 -855 -1,382 -2,188 -7 512 -8,019 -9,753 -9 501 --10 278 --10,763--10,272 -9 682 -8601 -8568 -9,208 -8,303 29. U.S. government securities dealers, 1984—Continued B. Positions1—Continued Averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars Week ending Wednesday Type and maturity Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 29 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 9,963 10,309 14,046 14,964 12,587 6,523 842 2,564 621 -709 11 731 7091 3,397 3 746 8,065 931 1,931 -63 -690 11,328 6263 3,534 3 066 4,922 11,374 12,779 13,695 12,582 9,370 7,936 6,541 6,788 111 1,250 1,090 1,296 928 846 1,258 637 873 1,824 1,720 837 1,351 358 -2,712 -719 -1,490 -2,238 184 -416 -506 -1 246 -1 686 -2,270 -1 519 -1,195 -1,281 441 -317 -250 64 -180 -596 886 151 928 11,917 11,086 11,370 12,265 13,287 12,394 12,501 14,719 16,821 6609 6417 6 741 7 045 6983 7 503 7 838 7 646 6 890 3,171 3 153 3,275 3,434 3,265 3,062 3 202 2,645 4,061 2 904 2 137 2 710 3 342 2 722 2 405 2455 3 128 3 077 Jan. 4 NET IMMEDIATE2 1 US. government securities 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years Federal agency securities . . . Certificates 01 deposit Bankers acceptances Commercial paper 13,477 9,707 4,567 7,687 6,316 2,980 FUTURE POSITIONS 1 1 Treasury bills 12 Treasury coupons 13 Federal agency securities -6 512 -9 676 -10 - 106 --11 852 --11 132 --11 163 --11 016 -6436 -2 238 -2 539 1,386 554 533 456 1 185 1,925 1 439 1,121 658 1 592 397 10 -92 117 -220 228 -184 -104 -383 -326 -112 2,226 163 FORWARD POSITIONS 14 U S government securities . 15 Federal agency securities -1 039 -1,190 -1,595 -1 818 -1 577 -3,383 -2 728 -1 419 -1 381 -1 156 -963 -7 814 -7 671 -8 033 -7 282 -7 039 -7 828 -8 214 -8 059 -8 159 - 8 422 -10451 Mar 21 Mar. 28 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 May 2 May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30 NET IMMEDIATE2 1 US. government securities 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1,255 Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years Federal agency securities , Certificates of deposit Bankers acceptances Commercial paper 799 2,659 5,054 2,991 2,977 804 300 903 -3,122 -1,212 -627 -821 -718 928 -843 -1,154 -1,006 17,495 15,744 15,315 6,505 6,792 6,596 2,677 2,935 2,586 2,975 2,677 3,759 2,542 4,958 -1,967 -4,165 -9,523 -7,972 -9,179-11,193 1,080 -2,812 -7,657 -8,251 -6,025 -8,021 3,604 6,456 -1 -263 -541 -284 -83 -295 36 -130 -922 -1,158 -1,999 716 708 517 -1,665 560 -802 -1,719 -994 -550 -638 -777 396 -220 221 -519 -1,713 -921 -1,388 -653 -63 -408 17,306 17,242 16,533 16,724 17,004 16,912 16,378 16,709 5,968 6,029 6,141 6,870 7,003 7,181 6,934 7,216 3,499 2,694 2,624 3,075 3,676 3,424 3,592 3,719 3,050 2,550 2,601 3,065 3,218 1,874 3,050 2,609 FUTURE POSITIONS 11 Treasury bills 12 Treasury coupons 13 Federal agency securities , -513 2,403 380 -991 -1,733 -1,147 -2,963 2,480 908 1,277 924 387 474 370 -326 594 902 -172 3,587 796 228 6,811 1,035 479 10,467 803 694 11,070 11,525 1,274 1,347 768 620 FORWARD POSITIONS 14 U.S. government securities 15 Federal agency securities .. -485 -767 -534 -726 -1,104 -3,571 -4,407 -4,242 -5,001 -5,559 -3,844 -10,658 -9,623 -9,205-10,485 -9,112 -9,019 -9,913 -10,879-10,519 -9,782 -9,711 June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 8 2 NET IMMEDIATE 1 U.S. government securities . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bills Other within 1 year . . . 1-5 years 5-10 years Over 10 years Federal agency securities. Certificates of deposit ... Bankers acceptances Commercial paper -6,985 -5,045 -4,685 -7,714-11,927 -8,226 -7,202 -4,623 -1,513 -4,432 -1,373 -701 -4,087 -427 -365 -647 -848 171 -177 1,093 -125 -541 -1,463 -1,502 -1,431 -1,490 -1,803 -2,089 -2,535 17,270 16,543 15,727 14,981 6,679 6,667 6,991 7,289 3,172 3,236 3,606 3,841 4,232 4,039 4,001 3,817 130 -5,310 -4,392 -2,947 -251 0 2,776 -275 -547 18 -1,038 -670 -615 1,503 819 76 -659 -818 2,431 -721 -457 -1,265 -1,436 -627 -2,031 -4,453 -2,607 -2,512 -2,574 -2,496 -2,825 15,961 16,889 16,230 15,191 15,791 17,338 6,565 7,569 7,780 7,492 7,025 7,128 3,703 4,296 4,283 4,002 4,371 4,826 3,132 3,174 3,350 2,907 4,135 3,562 FUTURE POSITIONS 11 Treasury bills 12 Treasury coupons 13 Federal agency securities. 8,223 1,537 604 4,917 1,780 840 -547 1,043 701 -95 2,354 977 828 -1,413 -1,430 -1,401 -2,430 -2,701 3,476 3,217 2,975 3,604 3,662 3,470 1,071 616 530 560 632 675 FORWARD POSITIONS 14 U.S. government securities 15 Federal agency securities.. -2,734 -667 -283 -416 -565 -1,874 -1,696 -2,696 -1,138 -909 -10,860-11,242-10,563 -10,161 - 11,555-11,239-10,286 -9,177 -9,702-10,533 93 29. U.S. government securities dealers, 1984—Continued B. Positions1—Continued Averages of daily figures, in millions of dollars Week ending Wednesday Type and maturity Oct. 3 | Oct. 10 Oct. 17 13,281 13,799 12,265 12,987 10,052 12,894 11,444 11,937 481 2,725 -1,178 -2,592 80 6,956 -1,764 -2,122 -36 4,295 -1,776 -1,666 23 4,610 -2,066 -1,853 -31 3,917 -1,357 -1,607 16,037 14,014 12,247 11,693 12,816 13,254 7,058 5,342 4,285 7,376 5,487 4,468 8,343 5,521 4,872 8,195 4,897 4,352 7,922 4,782 4,493 -8,492 2,976 469 -8,605 2,942 407 -9,796 2,801 340 -9,553 2,679 352 -9,631 2,741 159 -8,404 2,035 13 -8,818 2,662 -139 -10,331 2,821 -297 -415 -9,071 -124 -9,734 -674 -9,741 -1,203 -9,672 -714 -8,404 -925 -7,769 -759 -8,166 -318 -9,339 -489 -8,724 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. 5 Dec. 12 j Dec. 19 | Dec. 26 14,943 17,845 14,212 16,598 13,686 15,185 13,874 17,256 16,898 21,822 10,281 188 6,357 -1,002 -1,015 13,612, 7,392 3,641 5,214 11,679 382 8,075 -1,701 -725 13,645 7,928 3,984 5,258 8,762 486 8,804 -2,764 -1,211 14,999 8,621 4,109 5,923 10,212 -493 8,307 -1,686 125 14,875 8,434 3,857 5,741 9,990 -825 5,776 -937 -465 14,758 8,685 4,638 4,435 10,225 -783 7,111 -1,622 107 19,525 8,437 5,124 4,176 11,020 -647 6,029 -1,741 -930 17,524 8,112 4,665 4,997 13,490 -253 6,125 -1,668 -577 18,540 8,191 4,241 5,109 13,585 -419 6,335 -2,336 -407 18,438 8,943 3,730 5,916 15,505 -662 9,387 -2,342 -205 18,619 10,273 4,483 6,308 -10,407 1 1 Treasury bills 12 Treasury coupons 3,337 -371 13 Federal agency securities. . . . -8,874 1,479 -297 -8,472 2,079 -10 -8,083 1,658 42 -8,056 1,575 13 -7,837 925 -94 -8,522 -132 -81 -9,032 -11,163 -12,517 489 1,076 1,133 148 51 -125 -1,322 -8,355 -945 -9,093 -1,468 -9,056 -1,518 -8,893 -1,725 -10,585 -852 -8,141 -1,416 -9,098 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 1 U.S. government securities 4,684 3,620 4,378 8,375 10,082 10,539 2 3 4,537 5,199 5,282 8,322 9,780 11,025 -101 2,733 -753 -1,826 -252 2,072 -945 -2,550 -42 3,498 -1,729 -2,717 173 2,622 -237 -2,584 490 2,732 -342 -2,662 15,841 14,498 16,423 16,627 6,647 4,349 4,471 6,554 4,642 4,360 6,898 4,804 3,802 -7,959 2,536 735 -9,899 2,048 588 14 U.S. government securities . . -1,254 -9,142 15 Federal agency securities NET IMMEDIATE2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bills Other within 1 vear ,,. 1-5 years 5—10 years ... Over 10 years Federal agency securities Certificates of deposit Bankers acceptances . . . Commercial paper .' 7,417 3,767 4,026 7,607 3,962 4,047 FUTURE POSITIONS 1 1 Treasury bills 1 2 Treasury coupons 13 Federal agency securities FORWARD POSITIONS NET IMMEDIATE* 1 U.S. government securities 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bills Other within 1 year 1-5 years 5—10 years Over 10 years Federal agency securities Certificates of deposit Bankers acceptances Commercial paper . . . FUTURE POSITIONS FORWARD POSITIONS 14 U.S. government securities . , 15 Federal agency securities 94 -1,258 -8,068 -2,399 -8,359 -3,763 -7,656 29. U.S. government securities dealers, 1984—Continued C. Financing1 Millions of dollars Source Jan. Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS2 1 Overnight and continuing 2 Term agreements 37,038 40,156 39,621 43,525 46,269 44,990 42,412 41,845 42,461 48,558 49,834 52,222 60,527 60,499 64,837 65,149 65,742 65,225 69,221 71,733 70,864 72,907 78,049 75,532 REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS3 3 Overnight and continuing 4 Term agreements 67,797 70,086 70,473 74,563 72,513 70,133 69,928 74,018 81,941 84,770 82,964 89,419 51,777 51,891 52,921 53,023 54,805 54,761 55,217 53,545 53,799 61,396 74,249 67,185 Feb. 29 Mar. 7 Mar. 14 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS2 41,514 35,267 37,467 34,989 37,919 38,052 41,957 40,617 40,444 36,363 39,064 60,119 60,504 60,254 60,250 61,547 62,529 57,976 58,848 62,432 64,922 64,818 1 Overnight and continuing 2 Term agreements REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS3 3 Overnight and continuing 4 Term agreements 71,743 68,129 67,326 63,540 70,333 69,337 69,935 68,768 72,256 69,013 69,488 48,197 49,321 52,197 54,778 53,255 53,771 51,448 51,099 50,974 54,391 51,977 Mar 21 Mar. 28 Apr. 4 Apr. 11 Apr. 18 Apr. 25 May 2 May 9 May 16 May 23 May 30 REVERSI; REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS2 39,024 41,483 45,993 40,648 41,756 45,291 45,859 45,622 44,056 48,289 47,621 66,254 63,773 63,789 64,327 66,907 64,873 65,412 66,138 66,389 65,554 65,805 1 Overnight and continuing 2 Term agreements Rj-PURCHASE AGREEMENTS3 71,061 70,281 75,592 74,113 72,177 75,581 76,562 74,193 72,378 70,412 71,484 52,644 54,380 48,647 51,847 57,236 52,726 52,834 52,398 54,450 57,118 56,375 3 Overnight and continuing 4 Term agreements June 6 June 13 June 20 June 27 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug. 1 Aug. 8 REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS2 44,539 46,331 45,490 44,412 42,730 43,159 42,822 41,762 41,542 40,639 61,823 63,221 64,082 68,725 71,150 66,738 69,361 69,002 70,975 71,176 1 Overnight Jind continuing 2 Term agreements REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS3 3 Overnight and continuing 4 Term agreements 72,335 70,385 72,674 71,413 55,549 73,162 73,633 70,359 71,503 71,999 53,130 52,722 52,160 55,059 68,881 51,592 52,588 54,057 54,235 53,553 Aug. 15 Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 5 Sept. 12 Sept. 19 Sept. 26 Oct. 3 Oct. 10 Oct. 17 REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS2 1 Overnight and continuing 2 Term agreements 43,152 41,707 41,103 43,949 41,037 42,976 42,250 43,028 49,404 48,301 70,889 73,347 72,272 70,233 69,986 71,025 72,128 70,447 71,423 72,579 REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS3 3 Overnight and continuing 4 Term agreements 76,155 74,537 71,369 80,303 82,071 83,544 82,185 79,460 84,791 85,040 52,456 54,463 54,969 50,054 53,281 53,654 55,757 56,182 58,187 61,412 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28 Dec. Dec.5 12 Dec. 19 Dec. 26 REVERSE REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS 1 Overnight and continuing 2 Term agreements 2 49,423 50,424 51,589 51,643 43,195 50,543 55,742 51,818 51,924 49,256 74,772 74,329 74,501 75,316 85,094 78,025 76,200 77,729 76,440 79,118 REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS3 3 Overnight and continuing 4 Term agreements 85,022 87,413 88,417 88,391 59,395 91,502 93,343 89,891 89,319 85,414 63,763 65,350 66,924 67,110 96,133 69,143 68,468 68,305 68,777 71,797 95 30. Debt of federal and federally sponsored credit agencies, 1984 Millions of dollars, end of period Agency 1 Federal and federally sponsored agencies . Jan. Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 239,872 241,628 246,095 247,145 252,044 255,376 258,957 263,642 267,383 269,131 270,314 270,844 2 Federal agencies 33,919 33,785 34,204 34,273 34,231 34,473 34,560 34,497 34,739 35,012 35,078 35,145 146 142 234 215 206 197 188 181 172 162 153 149 3 Defense Department1 14,852 14,846 15,347 15,344 15,344 15,604 15,611 15,606 15,733 15,721 15,721 15,882 4 Export-Import Bank2-3 5 Federal Housing 4 140 133 Administration 173 162 154 146 138 166 155 139 169 156 6 Government National Mortgage Association participation 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 2,165 certificates3 1,337 7 Postal Service6 1,404 1,404 1,337 1,337 1,337 1,404 1,337 1,337 1,337 1,337 1,404 8 Tennessee Valley Authority 14,980 14,875 14,805 14,890 14,930 14,980 15,070 15,030 15,160 15,450 15,520 15,435 9 United States Railway 111 111 51 51 51 51 51 51 Association6 111 111 51 111 10 Federally sponsored agencies7 . 205,953 207,843 211,891 212,872 217,813 220,903 224,397 229,145 232,644 234,119 235,236 235,699 11 Federal Home Loan Banks .. 48,344 48,224 48,594 49,786 52,281 54,799 57,965 62,116 65,616 66,126 66,230 65,085 12 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation .. 6,679 7,556 8,633 8,134 9,131 8,988 7,822 9,068 8,950 9,634 10,299 10,270 13 Federal National Mortgage Association 74,676 75,865 77,966 78,073 79,267 79,871 80,706 79,921 80,123 80,357 81,119 83,720 73,023 72,856 73,180 73,130 73,138 73,061 73,297 73,352 73,131 72,859 72,267 71,255 Farm Credit Banks. Student Loan Marketing Association8 3,231 3,342 3,518 3,749 3,996 4,184 4,607 4,688 4,824 5,143 5,321 5,369 MEMO 16 Federal 9Financing Bank debt Lending to federal and federally sponsored agencies 17 Export-Import6 Bank3 18 Postal Service 19 Student Loan Marketing Association8 20 Tennessee Valley Authority 21 United States Railway Association6 M 135,940 135,859 137,707 138,769 139,936 141,734 143,322 144,063 144,836 144,978 145,174 145,217 14,789 14,789 15,296 15,296 15,296 15,556 15,563 15,563 15,690 15,690 15,690 15,852 1,154 1,154 1,154 1,154 1,087 1,087 1,087 1,087 1,087 1,087 1,087 1,087 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 13,255 13,150 13,080 13,165 13,205 13,255 13,345 13,305 13,435 13,725 13,795 13,710 111 111 111 111 111 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 Other lending™ 22 Farmers Home Administration.., 23 Rural Electrification Administration... 24 Other 96 54,776 54,471 55,186 55,691 56,476 57,701 58,856 59,196 59,511 59,021 58,801 58,971 19,927 19,982 20,185 20,413 20,456 20,611 20,671 20,742 20,587 20,694 20,887 20,693 26,928 27,202 27,695 27,939 28,305 28,473 28,749 29,119 29,475 29,710 29,863 29,853 31. New security issues of state and local governments, 1984 Millions of dollars Type of issue or issuer, or use 1 All issues, new and refunding Year 106,641 Type of issue 2 General obligation 26,485 16 3 U.S. government loans2 . . . 4 Revenue . . . , 80,156 2 17 5 U.S. government loans . . . Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 5,444 5,579 7,323 7,680 7,537 11,726 1 147 0 3,674 0 1 855 2 2,889 1 2066 2422 2 0 3,378 3,157 1 2 2438 0 4,885 6 2 857 0 4,823 0 1 919 1 781 1 433 3 770 2 611 2,185 2 1 1 4 1 3 5,618 9,945 6,534 8,788 10,937 15,528 1 1 1 1 0 3 7,967 12,558 13,549 17,713 33,962 1,335 1,658 9 Issues for new capital, total 94,050 3,676 4,178 Use of proceeds Education Transportation Utilities and conservation . . . Social welfare Industrial aid Other purposes 7,553 7,552 17,844 29,928 15,415 15 758 439 283 632 484 428 877 464 466 844 984 514 590 1,180 1 138 658 1 097 1,685 1 227 1,195 2 239 118 423 1,418 875 385 3 728 2,013 3 018 1 238 1 165 1 268 1 721 1 Oil 1,015 4 823 1 055 2 806 Dec. 4,744 63,550 10 11 12 13 14 15 Nov. 4,821 type of issuer 6 State 7 Special district and statutory authority 8 Municipalities, counties, townships, school districts 9,129 Oct. 725 327 931 583 886 497 447 465 2,157 596 1 110 3 159 2 155 3 177 2 866 3 990 4313 5 121 7 321 5 202 7 087 7 265 11 894 1,684 1,827 2 836 2 920 1,951 2,248 2 169 4 361 5,878 4,461 4,146 6,024 6,959 6,592 10,749 127 204 613 304 316 1 447 76 197 228 987 429 463 884 627 405 5,093 7,454 11,104 12,169 15,791 333 679 821 755 999 671 1 018 2 151 1 339 2,784 '534 4,133 3 500 3 701 3 598 1 522 3,866 5,572 1 526 1 101 1 041 97 32. New security issues of corporations Millions of dollars Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Sept. | Oct. I Nov. 1 Dec. July Aug. 6,490 5,981 6,598 6,897 8,103 £,812 2,566 2,587 2,895 3,055 4,075 3,173 n.a, n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 282 60 200 228 458 353 148 0 0 322 355 590 1,100 0 100 708 1,574 1,570 367 114 0 510 50 2,014 22 423 23 201 111 105 910 120 0 0 3,009 2,324 type of issue or issuer, or use 1983 120,074 7,709 1 All issues' 2 Bonds 3 4 3,851 5317 6,035 7,032 2,269 n.a. na n.a. na n.a. na n.a. n a. 16851 849 7,540 562 32 3,833 9 125 313 0 , . 3,642 27 502 2 813 655 335 250 763 0 1 848 962 511 0 950 650 2244 1 449 2 158 1,109 1,055 150 175 755 1 115 505 725 1 822 2049 51,579 3,140 4,652 6,411 4,453 4,472 5,921 3,924 3,394 3,703 3,842 4,028 3,639 68,495 4,569 Type of offering public Private placement Industry group 5 Manufacturing 6 Commercial and miscellaneous 7 Transportation 8 Public utility . . . . 9 Communication 10 Real estate and financial 1 1 Stocks 8,503 11,728 10,488 11,504 8,190 47,369 21 126 n.a. na n.a. n.a 706 425 115 363 250 410 n,a. n.a. 12 13 Type Preferred Common 7 213 594 44 366 2 546 1 962 2 690 893 5 518 440 4013 492 665 3980 5256 644 290 247 3,634 3,147 3059 300 3,542 433 253 3,595 3,386 14 13 16 17 18 19 Industry group Manufacturing Commercial and miscellaneous Transportation Public utility Communication Real estate and financial 14 135 13,112 2729 5001 1 822 14,780 888 994 355 350 187 366 1 038 646 283 534 2 2,149 1 654 1,225 91 674 1 133 1,634 1 424 1,494 113 639 37 746 1 545 2,449 922 1,358 221 109 264 550 8 138 1,512 1,317 1,015 1,415 337 72 20 1,065 962 1,309 997 743 145 165 263 200 0 236 698 1,379 744 868 305 588 36 1,301 458 649 1,598 852 192 413 622 245 13 12 1,145 1,468 132,311 7,728 7,707 5,465 6,075 4,073 7,401 7,641 10,917 7,758 12,350 11,931 6,SMO 109,683 5,685 5,328 3 370 4,290 2264 5,180 6,309 8,863 6,225 10,403 n.a. na n.a. na n.a. na n.a. n a. n.a, n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a, 1984 1 All issues1 ... . 2 Bonds . . 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Type of offering Public Private placement 73,357 36326 Industry group Manufacturing Commercial and miscellaneous Transportation Public utility Communication Real estate and financial 24,607 179 13 726 1 007 4,694 10 10679 325 2,997 210 52 980 3 954 452 650 75 385 0 3 766 68 265 180 521 200 2 135 691 1 098 69 495 0 1 937 383 1,440 221 536 0 225 100 475 0 0 1 560 2504 950 875 40 650 31 3 763 2,484 1,614 776 576 183 200 765 758 0 0 4 654 3 076 2,989 988 161 1,150 240 4 875 1,447 1,741 1,198 555 19 110 555 575 1,557 169* 4,749 2,768 22628 2043 2379 2096 1 785 1 809 2221 1,332 2 054 1 533 1 947 2,407 1,022 305 4,118 18 510 1 738 425 1 954 227 1 869 339 1 446 579 244 1 230 1 977 209 1,123 155 334 1 720 1 378 555 1 392 655 1,752 91 931 299 616 15 45 20 1,384 387 486 105 134 18 966 165 732 62 188 94 544 442 584 718 316 1 84 116 282 11 16 433 1,027 204 382 28 136 0 582 712 489 16 146 69 515 227 1,025 66 150 3 936 137 112 71 66 26 610 11 Stocks 12 13 'type Preferred Common 14 15 16 17 18 19 Industry group Manufacturing Commercial and miscellaneous Transportation Public utility Communication . , Real estate and financial 98 9,524 5,918 4,054 6,277 589 1 624 419 9,665 n.a. n.a. 427 465 54 225 30 842 n.a. n a. 258 558 0 44 123 1,071 212 378 87 92 9 755 n.a. n.a. 33. Open-end investment companies Millions of dollars Item 1 Sales of own shares2 2 Redemptions of own shares3 3 Net sales. . . , 1983 Year Jan. Feb. Apr. May June July Oct. Nov. Dec. 84,345 8,037 6,056 7,871 8,424 7,378 8,107 6,925 6,117 5,915 6,481 6,231 6,803 57 100 27,245 4233 3,804 3 510 2,546 5 066 2,805 6482 1,942 4479 2,899 5403 2,704 4 500 2,425 4 885 1,232 4412 1 503 4264 2 217 3 920 2,311 5 946 857 Mar. Aug. Sept. 4 Assets4 113,599 80,384 84,981 90,075 98,669 101,423 106,449 104,279 104,616 109,455 107,314 113,052 113,599 5 Cash position5 6 Other 8 343 6943 7404 7 904 8 501 8 575 8 907 8 815 8 164 8 868 8 256 9 395 8 343 105,256 73,441 77,577 82,171 90,168 92,848 97 542 95 464 96452 100 587 99 058 103 657 105 256 1984 1 Sales of own shares2 107,469 10,249 2 Redemptions of own 76,147 5,530 shares3 = . . 31 322 4719 3 Net sales 8,233 8,857 9,549 8,657 8,343 7,488 8,956 8,156 9,517 9,458 10,006 5,162 3 071 5,339 3 518 7,451 2098 5,993 2 664 6,156 2 187 5,777 1 711 6,497 2 459 6,185 1 971 6,766 2 751 6,343 3 115 8,948 1 058 4 Assets4 137,126 114,839 111,068 114,537 116,812 111,071 115,034 115,481 128,209 129,657 131,539 132,709 137,126 5 Cash position5 6 Other 11,978 8,963 9,140 10,406 10,941 10,847 11,907 11,620 12,698 13,221 11,417 11,518 11,978 125,148 105,876 101,928 104,131 105,871 100,224 103,127 103 861 115 511 116436 120 122 121 191 125 148 34. Corporate profits and their distribution Billions of dollars; data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates Item 1 Corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments 2 Profits before tax 3 Profits tax liability 4 Profits after tax 5 Dividends 6 Undistributed profits 7 Inventory valuation adjustment 8 Capital consumption adjustment 1982 1983 1984 159 1 165 5 607 104 8 69 2 35 6 -9,5 31 225 2 203 2 75.8 127 4 72.9 54 5 -11.2 33 2 285 7 235 7 89 8 145 9 80 5 65 4 -5 7 55 7 1982 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 159 9 167 6 62 9 104 7 69 2 35 5 -6 3 -1 4 161.7 169 8 62 9 1069 68 6 38 2 -8 9 8 163 3 168 9 61 9 107 0 690 38 1 -10 1 45 151.6 155 8 55,0 100 8 702 306 -12 6 84 1984 19 83 1 Corporate profits with inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments 2 Profits before tax 3 Profits tax liability 4 Profits after tax 5 Dividends 6 Undistributed profits 7 Inventory valuation adjustment 8 Capital consumption adjustment Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 179.1 161 7 59 1 102 6 71 1 31 4 -4 3 21.7 216.7 1982 74 8 123 4 71 7 51 7 -12 1 30.6 245 0 2274 84 7 142 6 73 3 69 3 -19 3 369 260,0 225 5 84 5 141 1 75 4 65 6 -9 2 43 6 277 4 243 3 92 7 150 6 77 7 72 9 -13 5 47 6 291 1 246 0 95 g 150 2 799 702 -7 3 52 3 282 8 224 8 83 1 141 7 81 3 60 3 2 58 3 291 6 228 7 87 7 141 0 83 1 58 0 -1 6 64 5 99 35. Current assets and liabilities of nonfinancial corporations1 Billions of dollars, except for ratio 1982 Account Qi Q2 ± 1983 Q3 Q4 Qi Q2 Q3 1984 QI 1 Q2 ! Q3 | Q4 1,419.1 1,420.3 1,447.1 1,432.7 1,444.2 1,468.0 1,522.8 1,557.3 1,600.6 1,630.6 1,667.2 1,680.9 1 Current assets 143 i 2 Cash 3 U.S. government securities 4 Notes and accounts receivable 5 Inventories 6 Other 16.7 16.7 19.3 22.8 260 28.2 27.0 30.6 35,1 367 32 3 36.4 536.8 591 4 149.2 536.1 588 5 151.8 540,8 598 8 158.5 519.2 578 6 165 2 525 3 577 6 172 1 539.3 576 2 176.4 565.0 597 3 183.0 577.8 599 3 183.7 596.9 623 1 186.3 612 4 633 3 193 2 628.1 662 2 194 0 617,7 659 0 206.3 7 Current liabilities 981.9 984.9 1,005.1 976.8 983.4 990.2 1,026.6 1,043.0 1,079.0 1,112.0 1,143.3 1,149.6 8 Notes and accounts payable 9 Other 540.7 441 2 543.2 441 7 551.5 453 6 543.0 433 8 530.9 452 6 536,6 453 6 559.4 467 2 577.9 465 2 584.1 495 0 604.6 507 3 624.8 518 5 627.7 521 9 10 Net working capital . . . 437.2 435.4 442.0 455.9 460.8 477.8 496.3 514.3 521.6 518.6 524.0 531.4 1 1 Current ratio2 1.445 1.442 1.440 1,467 1 .469 1.483 1.483 1 .493 1 .483 125 1 127 2 129 7 147 0 147 9 150 5 165 8 159 3 155 0 150 6 1 .466 161 6 1 .458 36. Total nonfarm business expenditures on new plant and equipment, 1984 Billions of dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates Industry 1 Total nonfarm business Manufacturing 2 Durable goods industries 3 Nondurable goods industries Nonmanufacturing 4 Mining Transportation 5 Railroad 6 Air . . 7 Other Public utilities 8 Electric 9 Gas and other 10 Commercial and other1 100 337.48 _L_ 348.34 v L 361.12 367.21 65 95 7243 61 26 68.71 63 12 72.21 68 31 73.72 71.13 75.07 16 88 17 61 1601 1696 16.93 6 77 3 55 6 17 5 76 3.23 5 96 7 46 3 52 606 7 47 3,73 650 640 3.73 6.16 37 09 10 30 134 39 38 36 8,77 127 83 37 82 10.07 132 07 36 82 11.07 136 55 35,37 11.31 141 10 Year QI 353.54 Q3 _ _ _ [ _ Q4 1 .462 37. Domestic finance companies—Assets and liabilities Billions of dollars, end of period 1980 Account Q2 Q3 Q4 61,352 86,059 12,625 160,036 21,244 2,628 136,164 23,620 62,352 84,789 13,029 160,170 22,306 2,779 135,085 23,593 63,226 90,335 13,753 167,314 23,550 2,833 140,931 23,113 159,785 158,678 164,044 13,215 45,487 12,565 44,879 14,294 47,704 10,509 50,258 18,011 22,306 9,838 51,837 15,700 23,860 10,442 52,415 15,909 23,280 159,785 158,678 164,044 ASSETS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Receivables Consumer Business Real estate Total, gross LESS: Reserves for unearned income LESS: Reserves for losses Total receivables, net All other .... .... 9 Total assets LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 10 Bank loans 11 Commercial paper Debt 12 Other short-term 13 Long-term 14 All other liabilities 15 Capital surplus and undivided profits .... 16 Total liabilities and capital ASSETS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Receivables Consumer Business Real estate Total, gross LESS: Reserves for unearned income LESS: Reserves for losses Total receivables, net All other 9 Total assets 1981 64,920 90,813 15,231 170,964 25,147 2,994 142,823 26,084 66,659 97,042 16,518 180,219 26,686 3,024 150,509 26,045 71,181 95,201 17,209 183,591 28,479 3,115 151,997 26,929 72,356 100,289 17,868 190,513 30,034 3,217 157,262 27,147 168,910 176,555 178,926 184,410 13,232 49,432 14,762 54,845 14,867 57,068 16,119 57,206 11,374 52,071 18,891 23,910 11,751 52,599 18,606 23,991 11,249 52,757 18,302 24,683 11,256 56,029 18,527 25,272 168,910 176,555 178,926 184,410 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 10 Bank loans 11 Commercial paper Debt 12 Other short-term 13 Long-term 14 All other liabilities 15 Capital surplus and undivided profits 16 Total liabilities and capital 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ASSETS _ Receivables Consumer Business Real estate Total, gross LESS; Reserves for unearned income LESS: Reserves for losses Total receivables, net All other 73,509 101,079 18,467 193,055 31,129 3,386 158,540 28,197 76,531 101,837 19,541 197,909 31,987 3,292 162,630 30,483 76,809 101,615 20,011 198,435 32,358 3,425 162,652 30,419 78,143 101,372 20,215 199,730 31,942 3,495 164,293 30,744 186,734 193,113 193,069 195,037 17,450 52,135 17,424 56,485 17,833 52,261 18,332 51,063 11,925 59,294 20,235 25,695 12,278 60,752 20,115 26,060 13,185 61,665 21,889 26,237 12,653 64,404 21,210 27,374 186,734 193,113 193,069 195,037 9 Total assets 1982 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 10 Bank loans 11 Commercial paper Debt 12 Other short-term 13 Jomg-term 14 All other liabilities 15 Capital surplus and undivided profits 16 Tbtal liabilities and capital 101 37. Domestic finance companies—Assets and liabilities—Continued Billions of dollars, end of period 1983 Account Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 80,068 103,020 20,491 203,579 31,893 3,541 168,145 33,635 83,030 105,887 20,652 209,569 32,754 3,746 173,069 33,483 85,358 106,292 21,843 213,493 32,703 3,837 176,953 33,728 87,429 113,428 22,532 223,389 33,022 3,970 186,397 34,018 201,780 206,553 210,678 220,415 18,429 51,641 16,924 55,729 17,518 56,458 18,699 59,748 12,369 65,512 24,721 29,108 13,147 65,216 26,216 29,320 12,677 66,893 26,824 30,308 13,935 68,053 30,146 29,834 201,780 206,553 210,678 220,415 ASSETS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Receivables Consumer Business Real estate Total, gross LESS: Reserves for unearned income LESS: Reserves for losses Total receivables, net All other 9 Total assets LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 10 Bank loans 11 Commercial paper Debt 12 Other short-term 13 Long-term 14 All other liabilities 15 Capital surplus and undivided profits 16 Total liabilities and capital ASSETS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Receivables Consumer Business Real estate Total, gross LESS: Reserves for unearned income LESS: Reserves for losses Total receivables, net All other 9 Total assets 1984 87,356 120,484 22,238 230,078 32,824 4,089 193,165 35,697 90,496 124,430 23,049 237,975 33,949 4,386 199,640 35,797 95,594 124,531 25,186 245,311 36,028 4,324 204,959 36,378 96,747 135,227 26,291 258,265 36,529 4,417 217,319 35,366 228,863 235,437 241,337 252,685 16,194 64,761 18,280 68,478 19,699 66,825 21,340 72,547 14,050 70,269 32,448 31,142 15,549 69,674 32,071 31,385 16,070 73,849 32,616 32,278 16,171 77,203 33,119 32,305 228,863 235,437 241,337 252,685 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 10 Bank loans 11 Commercial paper Debt 12 Other short-term 13 Long-term 14 All other liabilities 15 Capital surplus and undivided profits 16 Total liabilities and capital 102 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies A. Accounts receivable Millions of dollars Type 1975 TV/»\ci 1 2 3 4 5 Total outstanding, end of period Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale automotive , , Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment . . . . Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . All other business credit Oranges during period, seasonally adjusted 6 Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) 7 Wholesale automotive 8 Retail paper on business, industrial, and fiirm equipment 9 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . 10 All other business credit Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 6,399 7,759 6,354 7464 6,450 7,604 6,609 7 567 6,684 7685 6,748 7713 6893 7 154 6878 6 608 6894 7 198 7,077 7 189 7096 7 268 7 344 7410 9,585 9575 9613 9728 9983 10005 10 386 11 124 11 310 11 714 11 949 12 199 5,098 8,498 5,172 8,893 5,182 8,949 5,142 9,169 5,192 9 343 4,985 9,255 5,340 9034 5,384 8406 5,626 8 395 5,420 8,404 14 50 70 73 41 60 72 31 127 115 27 69 257 101 496 -110 49 -68 -585 115 5,468 8582 5,518 8409 96 144 -38 -386 11 84 157 65 229 44 305 258 201 123 229 241 75 257 14 207 -5 -103 -15 -147 84 240 -318 36 454 -25 17 -152 254 10 -319 86 140 130 72 -4 1976 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total outstanding, end of period Retail automotive (commercial 7 397 7495 7 723 7972 8207 8477 8 668 8793 8933 9 196 9 393 9686 vehicles) ,. Wholesale automotive 7,401 7,864 8,266 8,244 8359 8,501 7,903 6972 7,645 7,641 8,381 8,726 Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment 12 462 12 679 12759 13 057 13 437 13 755 14 119 14441 14 810 15 358 15 757 16217 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . 5,364 5,531 5,668 5,770 5,770 5,911 5,919 5,952 6,069 6,131 6,039 6,137 All other business credit 8 556 8 873 9 118 9061 9 066 8 961 8 796 8 809 8 873 8 838 8 869 8 694 Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale automotive Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment . . . . Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . All other business credit 107 -37 198 183 161 76 169 168 319 334 295 270 -37 118 92 81 90 46 26 -7 183 342 192 71 204 123 243 646 361 211 310 316 330 78 -3 88 -5 35 27 100 37 60 46 205 -113 245 252 342 165 226 332 388 392 36 25 -3 29 17 -14 -412 1977 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total outstanding, end of period Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) 9,917 10091 10,502 10916 11 279 11 731 12010 12 245 12360 12,618 12 815 13211 Wholesale automotive 9 138 9 584 10204 10228 10632 10700 10 500 9 306 9 388 10655 11 268 11 954 Retail paper on business, industrial, und farm equipment 16 519 16 676 16 615 16961 17405 17 880 18 364 18 811 19 323 20221 20732 20985 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . 6,049 6,135 6,213 6,385 6,349 6,539 6,587 6,655 6,698 6,743 6,705 6,670 All other business credit 8,828 9,168 9,531 9,664 9842 9,915 9754 9 837 9920 9,895 10,062 10 137 Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale automotive Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment . . . . Lojtns on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . All other business credit 352 196 287 97 287 266 362 73 290 150 303 406 351 332 314 490 249 j 223 574 266 197 257 447 412 316 248 372 415 375 470 424 495 498 460 337 114 103 -34 75 73 65 80 189 80 179 97 139 74 41 27 166 3 50 103 90 -10 153 -61 224 103 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued A. Accounts receivable—Continued Millions of dollars 1978 Type Total outstanding, end of period 1 Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) 2 Wholesale automotive 3 Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment 4 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . 5 All other business credit 6 7 8 9 10 Oianges during period, seasonally adjusted Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale automotive Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment Ijoans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . All other business credit Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July | Aug. Sept. j Oct. j Nov. j Dec. 13,366 13,432 13,757 14011 14,441 14,969 15,112 15,328 15,326 15,701 15,936 16,278 12,205 12,607 12,942 13,037 12,892 12,234 11,386 9,461 10,134 11,082 11,897 12,727 21 468 21,568 21 375 21 856 22435 22965 23 543 24 068 24,154 24,971 25494 25,920 6,479 6,655 6,838 6,964 6,969 7,282 7,219 7,307 7,458 7,261 7,381 7,552 10,279 10,733 11,393 11,488 11,563 11,530 11,346 11,445 11,525 11,581 11,790 11,934 250 194 202 84 222 -139 309 -192 352 -137 214 -331 265 -27 219 469 286 203 286 456 265 287 625 388 201 504 520 404 490 408 236 324 360 524 53 113 46 137 56 290 148 105 30 158 184 46 30 121 64 125 119 49 -46 228 112 172 126 278 48 15 1979 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total outstanding, end of period Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale automotive Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . . All other business credit Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale automotive Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable All other business credit 104 16,411 16,479 16,881 17 142 17,386 17439 17,483 17,510 17,373 17,534 17,474 17,492 13,577 14,475 15 170 15 500 16229 16748 16 547 14 129 13,658 13986 14053 13766 25,734 25,760 25 821 26 158 26482 27 166 27,550 28 074 28,411 29,497 30077 30647 7,369 7,449 7,351 7,540 7,561 7,510 7,355 12,082 12,676 13 293 13423 13620 13 839 14,242 7,562 7,311 7,349 7,625 8,020 14483 14,735 14,797 14 958 14,604 200 885 235 516 278 264 186 213 91 551 -35 738 80 422 9 350 466 305 214 655 235 389 462 471 439 591 11 196 -115 189 -134 150 173 224 110 224 -197 280 -1 803 6 275 -144 136 83 408 241 110 423 -151 95 113 -489 -1,041 44 -7 -193 -180 -59 -891 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued A. Accounts receivable—Continued Millions of dollars 1980 Type Jan. Total outstanding, end of period 1 Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) .. 2 Wholesale automotive 3 Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment 4 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable 5 All other business credit .. 6 7 8 9 10 Feb. Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 9,614 9,363 9,217 8,943 8,868 17,423 17,318 17,153 16,956 16,560 16,283 13,013 13,118 12,966 12,807 12,661 12,373 31,213 31,453 31,836 32,474 32,816 33,167 7,972 8,261 8,488 8,363 8,427 8,323 14,369 14,900 15,217 15,599 15,611 15,914 Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail automotive (commercial -44 vehicles) .• -892 Wholesale automotive Retail paper on business, industrial, 722 and furm equipment Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored com276 mercial accounts receivable . . . . All other business credit -298 62 -208 -45 -645 611 -133 48 891 -286 -75 -450 -263 -382 -673 575 312 212 295 -182 -147 455 78 35 -157 297 Midyear revision 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total outstanding, end of period Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment .. Wholesale financing Automotive1 . . . . Equipment All other1 Leasing Automotive2 Equipment3 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . All other business credit Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive1 Equipment All other1 Leasing Automotive2 Equipment3 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . All other business credit 10 088 9,867 16 230 16,673 17,090 17,386 18,150 18,563 18,766 12 373 11,094 5 072 4,959 4 296 4,107 9,569 4,846 3,866 9,751 10,368 11,009 12,007 4,180 4,621 4,550 4,378 4,581 4,011 4,044 3,951 6 194 6,066 6,260 6,144 6,089 6,038 6,178 16 937 17,402 17,562 17,937 18,160 18,482 19,092 8 323 6 546 8,340 6,435 9,722 6,763 8,268 7,179 8,382 7,394 7,799 7,663 9,559 7,536 -212 -219 -239 -158 295 448 -724 111 -150 -202 -22 -133 -142 597 564 203 -29 116 1,339 259 -198 -132 412 450 346 -480 169 -706 445 673 . -724 505 22 61 665 -210 -35 159 448 -14 304 -110 297 5 225 -901 360 113 501 -744 210 1,680 -102 278 105 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued A. Accounts receivable—Continued Millions of dollars Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total outstanding, end of period Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive . . Equipment ' All other1 Leasing Automotive2 . Equipment 3 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . All other business credit Jan. J Feb. [ Mar. | Apr. [ May 8,719 8,537 8,435 8,407 8,340 ! 15mi June Lluly Aug. | Sept. Oct. j Nov. i Dec. , 8,289 8,352 8,495 8,285 8,478 8,504 8,569 18 856 18 942 18 826 19,168 19 355 19 632 20297 20,409 20,588 21,317 21 539 21 251 11 564 1 1 465 10 869 11 415 12 314 13 499 13498 11 665 11 200 11 853 12 650 12 987 4,542 4,860 5,000 5,276 5 399 5,453 5,276 5,168 5,372 5,303 5,296 5,287 3 894 3 995 4 123 4276 4266 4 442 4437 4426 4,445 4,481 4 619 4 527 6092 6 045 5 968 5 890 5 812 5 758 5 682 5 552 5 437 5,373 5490 5 619 19,454 19,315 19,741 20,082 20,617 21,799 22,001 22,244 22,383 22,743 23,464 24,513 10,050 10,166 7,526 7,663 Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . -100 Business, industrial, and farm 303 equipment Wholesale financing Automotive2 . -280 Equipment 222 All other1 128 Leasing 2 Automotive -84 Equipment3 ... . 488 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable 449 All other business credit -423 9,955 10,052 10,320 10,282 7,896 7,782 7,741 7,888 9,954 10,263 7,861 8,007 9,578 7,720 9,956 10,166 10,452 7,208 7,243 7,082 -98 -124 2 116 121 48 91 28 83 45 316 172 212 491 144 151 358 220 -47 -432 170 58 -520 37 46 743 155 113 932 71 -31 487 51 85 289 41 30 -397 -1 115 -40 207 -10 79 385 20 41 248 72 15 377 -60 3 -95 - 15 -111 432 -45 ^84 -70 534 -61 1 084 -91 359 -98 295 -46 172 -36 378 58 899 14 445 -199 82 -251 196 __ ^ 69 487 -30 -36 31 -184 143 122 -4 -66 -118 95 -399 371 -56 -=13 -100 9,007 8,867 8,803 8,969 9,067 -100 -66 -156 H>82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total outstanding, end of period Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive . . Equipment ' All other1 Leasing Automotive2 . Equipment' Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . All other business credit Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive Equipment' All other1 Leasing Automotive2 . Equipment3 . . Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . All other business credit 106 8,488 8,450 8,560 8,676 8,938 9,154 9,067 21 002 21 258 21 158 21 022 20 945 20 761 20793 20651 20666 20,706 20600 20400 12 824 12 808 12 499 12 202 12 085 13 149 13 589 12 732 13 500 13,271 12 357 12,116 5 307 5 432 5 550 5 560 5 533 5 504 5 238 5 062 5 027 4 918 4 787 4 833 4233 4 355 4 483 4 498 4 529 4 659 4 639 4590 4 649 4,715 4 773 4 730 5 562 5 651 5 877 5,139 5 221 5 266 5 287 5 167 5,073 5,036 5 134 5,281 24 757 24 899 25 161 25 401 25 681 26 059 26 262 26485 26737 27023 27 056 27 700 10,235 10,568 10,584 10,817 10,151 10,018 10,382 10,257 7,278 7,315 7,207 7,295 7 259 7 267 7,206 7,193 -26 59 31 62 255 54 -52 -38 9,943 10,101 7,153 7,136 -123 -31 9,999 7,121 9,896 7,349 218 61 -157 -17 -8 283 47 -156 -115 -102 -106 -24 -125 241 45 -61 -340 -36 81 -59 30 19 -110 -69 -38 -247 -59 _4 723 -21 75 906 -135 36 672 -154 62 -42 45 -132 -2 017 -25 -78 -12 -6 38 246 183 313 -506 330 32 236 44 275 -1 306 • -7 382 -54 213 40 276 48 204 23 71 131 -19 71 -4 130 98 -562 -66 -13 88 195 -57 -165 -14 -1 -19 141 42 62 7 -269 192 -11 336 QQ -76 -289 -599 6 64 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued A. Accounts receivable—Continued Millions of dollars 1983 TL.__ Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total outstanding, end of period Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and form equipment Wholesale financing Automotive Equipment ' All other Leasing Automotive Equipment3 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . All other business credit Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive Equipment1 All other1 Leasing Automotive2 Equipment3 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . All other business credit Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 9,128 9,111 9,427 9,666 9,803 10,082 10,207 10,332 10,494 10,615 10,712 10,814 June July 19969 20,032 19,983 19,993 19,942 20,447 Aug. Sept. Oct. 19,964 19,965 20,036 20,062 20,022 20,056 12,124 12,756 12,732 12,575 12,930 12,847 11,865 10,390 11,663 12,701 13,839 15,206 4689 4705 4,668 4778 4608 4,953 4,784 4905 4,774 4,659 4,520 4,654 4,992 5,240 5,376 5,247 4,530 4,645 4,720 5,304 4,874 4,925 4,917 4,491 7,035 5,673 5,798 5,941 6,285 6,561 6,100 5,382 5,312 5,442 5,484 5,517 27,674 27,684 27,795 27,789 27,788 27,974 28,020 27,700 28,334 28,546 28,675 29,581 10,022 10,070 10,773 10,849 10,854 11,527 11,576 11,881 12,109 12,163 11,720 12,305 7 884 7 874 7,555 7 546 7,548 7,510 7,593 7525 7,790 7,913 8,082 8,530' 126 -211 362 -157 5 81 66 179 491 86 249 168 102 120 56 86 -17 -97 467 304 31 -96 19 -29 55 40 112 75 81 106 24 40 72 -213 -69 397 -131 69 -27 303 61 -111 -16 -150 280 -183 529 192 -643 96 70 116 167 447 -78 97 260 -71 339 659 231 186 206 260 284 54 427 50 538 141 -106 153 -29 307 -6 288 98 14 164 157 463 -10 144 80 -439 121 -51 857 -21 141 -65 172 22 279 172 -130 44 -93 -2 133 -354 219 o 321 -165 1,321 69 48 19 84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total outstanding, end of period Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesme financing Automotive1 Equipment All other1 Leasing Automotive2 Equipment3 . . . . Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . All other business credit Changes during period, seasonally adjusted Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive Equipment ' All other' Leasing Automotive2 Equipment3 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . AH other business credit 10,855 10,839 10,845 10,903 11,051 11,234 11,307 11,362 11,303 11,414 11,374 11,334 20,137 20,235 20,172 20,271 20,527 20,878 20,974 19,863 20,078 20,247 20,419 20,771 15,455 16,613 17,440 17,361 17,070 16,350 15,115 14,390 13,877 16,013 17,308 18,509 4751 4,789 4,644 4,607 4,593 4,816 4655 4795 4,991 4941 4,947 4,941 6,624 6,442 6,619 5,437 5,444 5,645 5,794 5,743 5,986 5,905 5,934 6,162 7 399 7 866 8,425 8 877 9472 10,061 10,524 10855 11,028 11,298 11,639 12,353 29767 29841 30,425 30673 31,136 31,922 32020 32765 33 444 33,804 34,190 35,883 12,312 12,431 13,412 13,643 13,581 13,587 13,680 13,804 14,025 14,136 14,140 14,690 9,556 9,609 9,825 10,093 10,180 10,470 8,723 8,848 9,129 9,155 9,162 9,471 89 41 n.a. 2 71 50 219 266 104 70 -19 -1 040 261 76 56 87 825 55 431 510 -9 436 89 115 367 405 513 370 183 453 544 558 375 575 518 514 679 549 380 559 849 285 -116 -21 209 348 197 283 -3 144 247 -14 162 235 159 121 163 -131 -119 81 -168 -1 218 -28 -164 -18 214 -292 108 -62 1 237 -35 123 27 62 39 -20 477 25 215 1 152 -37 23 349 43 142 391 564 373 531 271 554 377 453 393 78 344 531 133 114 226 31 114 -865 10 289 1,295 -82 212 107 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued B. Extensions and repayments Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted Type 19 75 Jan. Extensions I Retail automotive (commercial 527 vehicles) 2 Wholesale automotive 2 518 3 Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment 490 4 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 2,560 1,122 5 All other business credit Repayments 6 Retail automotive (commercial 478 vehicles) 2,586 7 Wholesale automotive 8 Retail paper on business, industrial, 479 and farm equipment 9 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 2,485 865 10 All other business credit ~? " "~r " ) j i Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July j Aug. i Sept. | Oct. I Nov. [ Dec. 507 2,534 540 2 521 553 2 662 544 2,911 523 3 020 576 3 238 536 3,384 571 3,961 590 3,479 576 3,122 626 3,752 474 571 583 590 624 723 633 558 671 632 691 2,422 1,059 2,382 866 2,482 1,040 2,635 1,068 2,806 1,043 3,793 3,302 3,677 3,688 3,526 3,487 1 ,083 98 1 1 ,044 1 ,094 1 ,094 1 ,099 493 3,119 490 2451 480 2621 484 2,839 492 2 893 46 1 467 3 211 3,127 390 414 518 361 580 418 2,408 852 2,387 969 2,497 1,187 2,551 828 3,124 1,007 3,339 1,108 470 3,465 475 3,589 480 3,508 482 3,790 375 357 548 403 450 3,285 1,133 3,423 1,034 4,007 1,008 3,386 964 3,415 1,103 795 3,810 814 741 4,642 4,702 1976 1 2 3 4 5 Extensions Retail automotive (commercial 716 737 783 598 678 669 712 699 vehicles) 666 3,795 4,171 4038 4,235 3,905 4,520 4,256 4,172 4,367 Wholesale automotive Retail paper on business, industrial, 702 and farm equipment 689 714 765 826 816 743 793 789 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 3,338 3,587 3,493 3,376 3,543 3,582 3,676 3,632 3,588 All other business credit 1 145 1 126 1 128 1 124 1 142 1 174 1 195 1 217 1,253 776 858 831 3,566 1,257 3,512 1,320 3,652 1,334 Repayments 6 Retail automotive (commercial 480 524 533 540 550 562 576 491 508 507 516 vehicles) 497 3 832 3 988 3 962 4 067 4 018 4 178 4 185 4 049 3 721 4 222 4 300 4 476 7 Wholesale automotive 8 Retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment . .. 370 380 455 510 486 444 470 439 407 382 516 519 9 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 3,375 3,495 3,403 3,350 3,465 3,494 3,641 3,532 3,528 3,530 3,515 3,635 1 027 1 045 1 082 1 131 1 145 1 179 1 168 1 180 1,207 1 232 1 291 1 348 10 All other business credit 108 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued B. Extensions and repayments—Continued Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted 1977 TVpe Jan. Extensions 1 Retail automotive (commercial 933 vehicles) 4,973 2 Wholesale automotive 3 Retail paper on business, industrial, 944 and farm, equipment 4 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 3,655 1,391 5 All other business credit Repayments 6 Retail automotive (commercial 581 vehicles) 7 Wholesale automotive . . , 4,777 8 Retail paper on business, industrial, 532 and farm equipment 9 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 3,541 1,288 10 All other business credit May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 5 048 967 5,275 1,034 5 374 1,016 5,673 972 5,058 963 5,553 1,018 5,478 1,026 5,598 974 976 946 1 017 1 045 1,214 1,322 1,334 1,177 3,513 1,408 3,569 1 466 3,509 1,497 3,546 1,494 3,613 1,489 3,746 1,508 3,710 1,504 3,740 1,580 3,757 1,625 3,534 1,693 598 4,657 613 4,904 627 4788 648 664 740 4,979 769 5,183 723 5,065 752 4 869 683 5,042 702 4 898 5,281 5,151 515 745 602 561 571 547 621 719 824 874 840 3,527 1,361 3,440 1,343 3,489 1,277 3,429 1,318 3,449 1,355 3,539 1,448 3,719 1,342 3,707 1,454 3,637 1,490 3,767 1,472 3,595 1,469 Apr Feb. Mar. 885 4,754 900 989 938 5,170 4 861 831 993 3,493 1,436 19 78 Extensions 1 Retail automotive (commercial 1,039 vehicles) 5,234 2 Wholesale automotive 3 Retail paper on business, industrial, 1,298 and Ktrm equipment 4 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 3,593 1 681 5 All other business credit Repayments 6 Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) 789 5 186 7 Wholesale automotive 8 Retail paper on business, industrial, 673 and larm equipment 9 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 3,540 10 All otheif business credit 1,568 1,005 5,197 1,024 5,531 1,060 5 699 1,161 5 969 1,220 5 809 1,108 5 729 1,174 5 938 1,147 6474 1,227 6,286 1,246 6,435 1,242 6,398 1,436 1,331 1 373 1 544 1 521 1 607 1 563 1,528 1,442 1,482 2,133 3,594 1 752 3,656 1 873 3,878 1 892 3,940 1 916 4,179 1 927 4,207 1 950 4,346 2 063 4,395 2 169 4,494 2083 4,485 2 053 4,757 2 164 811 822 5,447 838 852 868 5 838 6 161 5 946 894 6060 909 5 182 5 965 928 6005 941 6083 960 5,979 6,111 1,048 1,130 869 1 034 1 117 1 117 1,155 1,292 1,118 1,122 1,609 3,548 1,615 3,600 1,583 3,730 1 787 3,910 1 758 3,995 1 881 4,177 1,829 4,282 1,938 4,276 2,120 4,540 1,855 4,373 1,881 4,631 1,886 977 IS>79 Extensions I Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) .... 1,200 2 Wholesale automotive 6505 3 Retail paper on business, industrial, and rarm equipment 1,471 4 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 4,761 5 All other business credit . . 2 227 Repayments 6 Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) 1,000 7 Wholesale automotive 5 620 8 Retail paper on business, industrial, 1,462 and farm equipment 9 Loans on commercial accounts rticeivable and factored commercial accounts receivable. . 4,750 2,031 10 All other business credit 1 251 6 614 1 304 6 141 1 232 6 213 1 154 6 343 1 038 5 836 1 147 6 108 1 167 5 635 1 192 5423 1 134 6456 1,090 5 116 1,045 4,894 1,509 1,503 1 558 1 563 1,696 1,645 1,659 1,612 1,695 1,718 1,754 4,716 2 262 4,929 2,334 5,462 2 755 5,707 2 488 4,976 2468 4,786 2 623 4,797 2 574 4,929 2 434 5,120 2 886 5,886 2 656 6,160 2,392 1,016 6098 1,026 5,877 1 046 6000 1 063 5 792 1 073 5 098 1 067 5 686 1,072 6 124 1 079 6464 1,090 6,649 1,097 5,296 1,104 5,785 1,159 1,037 1,253 1,349 1,041 1,410 1,270 1,150 1,224 1,279 1,163 4,831 2,073 5,063 2,184 5,289 2 531 5,597 2 264 5,173 2 188 4,787 1 820 4,791 2,299 5,073 2,298 5,037 2,478 5,645 2,546 5,737 2,543 109 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued B. Extensions and repayments—Continued Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted 1980 Type Jan. 1 2 3 4 5 Extensions Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) Wholesale automotive ... Retail paper on business, industrial, and Farm equipment Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable All other business credit Feb. Mar Apr. May June | July ] Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. ] Dec, 1 059 1 129 912 830 659 703 5,010 5 593 4 607 4,546 3,631 3,711 1 ,903 1 ,935 2,03 1 1 ,859 1 ,777 1 ,765 6,614 6,852 6,760 5,836 5,973 5,222 2 475 2 387 2 280 2 193 2 150 2,250 Repayments 6 Retail automotive (commercial vehicles) 7 Wholesale automotive . . . . 8 Retail paper on business, industrial, and iarm equipment 9 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable 10 All other business credit 1 103 1 067 1 120 1 116 1 109 1 085 5,902 5,638 5 252 4 621 3 894 4,384 1 181 1 324 1 140 1 284 1 465 1,553 6,338 6,985 6,465 6,018 5,895 5,379 2 773 2 339 2 427 1 738 2 115 1 953 Midyear revision 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Extensions Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive 1 Equipment AH other1 Leasing Automotive2 Equipment3 . . Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable All other business credit Repayments Retail financing of installment sales 10 Automotive (commercial vehicles) 11 Business industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing 12 Automotive 1 1 3 Equipment 14 AU other1 Leasing 1 5 Automotive32 1 6 Equipment 17 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable 18 All other business credit 110 457 525 476 532 1,452 1,434 1,438 3,711 3,997 4,630 4,049 5,452 5,806 625 836 852 688 755 863 769 944 899 994 890 931 6,116 634 794 1,123 246 641 ... 493 1,280 267 973 483 1,289 1,063 716 5,222 5 437 5,277 857 864 790 457 1,436 982 860 362 776 307 771 342 617 5,118 5,677 4,536 5,933 904 1 287 1 086 1,024 705 702 696 683 674 664 985 841 1,158 1,040 984 1 ,092 4,721 4,832 4,529 5,283 5,301 733 418 725 874 1 394 1 094 1 032 321 1,655 829 5,451 844 829 409 376 499 513 5 466 3 938 748 531 823 412 376 472 417 474 337 392 6,019 5,564 5,280 4,253 876 1,126 786 544 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued B. Extensions and repayments—Continued Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted 1981 Jan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Extensions Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . 556 Business, industrial, and form equipment 1,339 Wholesale financing Automotive 5,431 Equipment 865 All other1 883 Leasing Automotive2 271 Equipment 952 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable 5,288 All other business credit 969 Repayments Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive1 Equipment AUother Leasing Automotive32 Equipment Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable All other business credit 656 Feb. Mar. 556 525 Apr 537 May June 565 466 July 612 Aug. Sept. 717 716 Oct. 643 Nov. Dec. 683 616 1,367 1,461 1,497 1,510 1,594 1,631 1,655 1,526 1,681 1,548 1,511 4,997 855 894 5,611 790 922 5,420 790 952 5,813 749 972 5,503 733 977 5,395 772 983 5,446 720 954 5,336 774 951 5,298 652 940 4,985 632 962 3,863 589 925 229 938 256 898 251 826 261 255 882 1,550 256 849 204 747 209 811 296 901 321 1,352 345 828 7,207 1,067 5,889 5,860 5,834 5,733 6,041 5,999 6,019 6,212 5,507 1,187 1,146 1,106 1,125 1,094 1,075 981 837 917 801 654 649 637 631 622 610 601 595 595 592 588 1,416 1,181 1,338 1,382 1,140 1,511 1,375 1,323 1,328 1,558 1,036 1,284 5,711 643 755 5,429 355 464 324 953 4,839 7,406 1,392 985 6,299 6,131 4,677 4,881 5,016 5,106 5,843 6,451 4,913 4,737 3,486 731 682 685 753 567 632 560 635 678 649 760 953 892 922 836 876 875 899 947 839 1,003 961 367 466 296 442 331 348 347 490 316 466 6,140 5,865 5,812 5,870 5,917 951 991 1,077 1,136 1,094 302 452 255 639 332 523 263 453 331 383 5,919 6,065 5,924 1,079 1,099 1,236 5,841 973 5,520 545 787 642 1,130 1,212 901 1982 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Extensions Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . 560 Business, industrial, and farm 1,456 equipment Wholesale financing Automotive1 4,854 Equipment 519 All other1 898 Leasing Automotive32 278 Equipment 804 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable 5,699 All other business credit 827 Repayments Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . 586 Business, industrial, and form equipment 1,464 Wholesale financing Automotive1 4,613 Equipment 474 AH other1 959 Leasing 2 Automotive 289 Equipment3 468 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable 5,798 All other business credit 903 639 607 636 826 628 526 538 453 1,547 1,285 1,037 1,049 1,145 1,159 1,103 1,149 1,060 5,046 3,993 5,458 5,235 5,845 5,976 5,696 5,903 599 958 590 919 590 905 559 915 540 999 390 945 338 970 395 961 5,401 6,065 5,582 485 482 455 999 1,006 1,022 347 780 333 838 288 820 325 895 359 868 319 847 287 900 297 784 5,766 5,603 5,739 5,608 5,906 775 733 737 662 836 574 571 574 289 821 322 788 360 846 5,921 5,845 6,087 5,965 6,078 6,249 680 708 870 713 730 746 580 576 578 576 1,264 1,238 1,193 1,164 1,434 1,261 1,209 1,173 1,185 1,287 1,229 5,386 635 877 4,592 5,568 5,482 5,122 5,070 5,024 5,841 560 900 659 943 618 919 561 924 525 909 492 970 437 916 309 534 150 525 794 490 293 659 315 593 320 541 294 518 351 571 249 545 274 584 337 773 5,635 794 5,532 5,609 6,170 5,919 5,726 6,010 6,088 5,824 6,016 6,518 737 639 728 748 737 727 749 704 701 678 576 576 5,533 569 581 8,082 6,181 510 560 1,005 1,018 449 958 111 38. Business credit of domestic finance companies—Continued B. Extensions and repayments—Continued Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted 1983 Type Extensions Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive1 Equipment All other1 Leasing Automotive32 Equipment Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable , . 9 All other business credit Jan. 714 Feb. Mar. 680 846 Apr. 783 May 731 June \ July I Aug. ! Sept, j Oct. 750 834 749 878 845 Nov. 801 Dec. 804 1,204 1,214 1,228 1,407 1,272 1,237 1,161 1,266 6,422 400 6,315 343 6,597 396 6,674 426 6,878 470 6,668 504 7,202 516 7,025 7,630 8,141 8,354 9,356 552 614 523 513 614 1,144 1,179 1,218 1,121 1,055 1,009 1,082 1,100 1,125 1,088 1,140 1,184 1,213 1,245 392 743 387 830 336 820 383 867 361 751 396 775 467 951 554 900 629 1,023 585 971 1,281 1,364 618 572 1,020 1,054 6,559 6,203 7,137 7,359 7,347 7,913 7,863 8,440 8,455 8,421 8,852 9,188 742 812 783 774 969 671 673 661 704 732 650 748 Repayments 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) Business, industrial, and farm 653 659 673 680 688 954 Wholesale financing 6,060 Automotive 557 Equipment1 AH other1 1,050 Leasing 311 Automotive32 , 677 Equipment ... Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . 6,380 180 All other business credit 6,011 454 1,025 6,566 492 1,063 6,703 371 1,060 6,598 653 596 7,022 225 1,527 7,295 518 1,007 7,090 380 1,162 7,309 779 1,169 7,284 544 1,104 7,907 591 1,184 8,035 545 1,316 537 718 261 739 277 843 321 679 298 761 303 794 294 971 290 364 354 785 412 760 288 1,000 6,416 742 6,740 792 7,290 731 7,044 671 7,450 660 7,719 668 8,013 692 7,917 671 8,527 630 8,881 467 9,194 681 796 760 790 771 720 1,048 1984 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Extensions Retail financing of installment sales Automotive (commercial vehicles) . Business, industrial, and farm equipment Wholesale financing Automotive1 Equipment All other1 Leasing Automotive2 Equipment3 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . All other business credit . . . . Repayments Retail financing of installment sales 10 Automotive (commercial vehicles) . 11 Business, industrial, and farm equipment . .. Wholesale financing 1 2 Automotive1 1 3 Equipment 14 AH other1 Leasing 1 5 Automotive32 1 6 Equipment 17 Loans on commercial accounts receivable and factored commercial accounts receivable . . . 18 All other business credit 112 780 733 701 704 111 762 823 1,257 1,315 1,255 1,247 1,337 1,406 1,097 1,123 1,248 1,337 1,491 9,214 783 1,514 8,904 622 1,429 8,869 666 1,413 8,549 600 1,450 8,352 535 1,431 7,463 596 1,482 8,252 731 1,442 9,473 595 1,553 7,140 10,308 8,616 560 617 591 1,808 1,639 1,702 9,898 573 1,690 754 1,242 716 734 821 704 916 1,354 928 1,128 901 1,033 920 1,006 999 1,116 831 1,113 885 1,164 757 1,328 917 1,528 9,280 1,127 8,451 1,033 9,244 995 9,045 901 9,090 1,044 8,619 956 8,930 1,014 8,467 983 8,809 792 9,112 1,291 8,753 1,065 9,285 986 691 692 701 702 706 712 719 726 733 728 732 740 996 1,239 1,199 1,160 1,118 1,140 1,116 2,163 1,134 1,023 1,122 1,014 8,389 728 1,083 8,394 631 1,560 8,433 577 1,298 8,182 719 1,369 8,520 563 1,595 8,681 614 1,268 8,544 623 1,504 8,236 630 1,430 8,005 581 1,519 9,156 8,267 597 574 1,616 1,560 8,603 655 1,478 349 729 346 551 368 160 358 979 353 610 387 354 371 626 440 267 440 549 8,995 1,243 8,472 824 8,896 798 8,762 9<W 8,946 797 8,633 794 8,695 855 8,346 820 8,416 714 512 633 486 774 540 1,075 8,768 8,620 760 951 9,059 955 39. Mortgage markets, 1984 Millions of dollars, except as noted Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Terms and yields in primary and secondary markets PRIMARY MARKETS Conventional mortgages on new homes Terms* 1 Purchase price (thousands of dollars) . 2 Amount of loan (thousands of dollars) 3 Loan-price ratio (percent) 4 Maturity (years) 5 Fees and charges (percent of loan amount)2 6 Contract rate (percent per annum) . , . Yield (percent 3per annum) 1 FHLBB series 8 HUD series4 92.9 104.1 94.0 92.4 93.9 93.4 98.3 94.3 97.4 98.4 99,5 102.6 71.7 79.2 27.8 77.8 77.8 27.3 73.4 80.4 27.9 71.1 79.2 28.0 72.8 79.8 27.6 72.5 79.9 28.1 74.6 78.4 28.2 71.8 78.1 28.0 72.5 77.3 27.6 74.0 78,2 27.6 75.2 77,9 27,5 76.9 77.9 28.0 2.61 11.80 2.41 11.78 2.52 11.56 2.63 11.55 2.63 11.68 2.58 11.61 3.07 11.91 2,82 11.89 2.63 12.03 2.58 12,27 2.54 12,27 2.65 12.05 12.29 13.28 12.23 13,31 12.02 13.57 12.04 12.18 13.77 14.38 12.10 14.65 12.50 14.53 12.43 14.24 12.53 13.98 12.77 13.59 12.75 13.20 12.55 13.05 13.08 12.40 13.20 12.37 13.68 12.77 13.80 13.03 14.91 14.14 14.58 13.88 14.21 13,56 13.99 13,36 13.43 13.09 12.90 12.71 12,99 12.54 SECOKDARY MARKETS / yield (percent per annum) V 9 FHA mortgages (HUD series)5 10 GNMA securities6 15.01 13.67 Activity in secondary markets FEDERAL NATIONAL MORI GAGE ASSOCIATION Mortgage holdings (end of period) 11 Total 12 FHA/VA 13 Conventional 79,049 79,350 80,974 81,956 82,697 83,243 83,858 84,193 84,851 85,539 86,416 87,940 36,036 35,420 35,329 35,438 35,309 35,153 35,049 34,938 34,844 34,791 34,752 34,711 43,013 43,930 45,645 46,518 47,388 48,090 48,809 49,255 50,006 50,749 51,664 53,229 Mortgage transactions (during period) 14 Purchases 15 Sales 1,285 20 1,507 723 2,030 0 1,775 235 1,379 0 1,209 0 1,226 0 820 0 1,145 0 1,087 0 Mortgage commitments^ 16 Contracted (during period) 17 Outstanding (end of period) 1,772 5,470 1,930 5,872 1,626 5,333 1,561 5,135 1,233 4,981 1,995 5,640 1,976 6,281 1,227 6,332 1,142 6,235 1,638 2,150 2,758 6,656 5,916 6,384 Mortgage holdings (end of period)8 18 Total 19 FHA/VA 20 Conventional 8,049 940 7,109 8,566 934 7,632 8,980 929 8,050 9,143 9,224 9,478 924 918 912 8,219 8,306 8,566 Mortgage transactions (during period) 21 Purchases 22 Sales 1,419 984 1,389 810 1,291 863 1,297 0 1,962 0 FlDERALHOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION Mortgage commitments^ 23 Contracted (during period) . 24 Outstanding (end of period) 983 717 987 829 2,204 1,854 9,154 9,331 9,447 9,726 906 901 896 891 8,248 8,431 8,551 8,835 1,288 1,573 1,821 1,570 1,262 1,137 2,864 2,573 9,900 10,399 886 881 9,014 9,518 2,241 1,961 4,137 3,635 1,470 1,386 1,874 1,701 1,966 2,712 3,929 3,130 3,440 2,663 4,158 4,174 16,994 16,944 17,514 18,183 19,139 19,649 22,311 23,639 22,013 25,676 27,550 26,990 113 40. Mortgage debt outstanding, by type of holder and type of property1 Millions of dollars, end of period m1 Type of holder, and type of property \ <* \ Ql Q3 L Q J Q2 ! Q3 Q4 1,499,552 1,534,823 1,563,538 1,584,033 1,603,191 1,626,449 1,634,314 1,658,450 1 All holders 2 3 4 5 1982 1 Q4 1- to 4-family Multifamily Commercial Farm , . , 1,007,540 1,032,215 1,051,530 1,068,300 1,079,857 1,093,577 1, 094,771 1,110,315 140,063 137,463 138,437 137,849 136290 139 614 138 466 137 472 301,362 282,040 288,925 295,225 277,742 272,381 266,598 260,159 103 831 105,510 106,469 101 701 106,710 97 544 94 381 100013 . 6 Major financial institutions 7 Commercial banks2 8 1- to 4-family 9 Multifamily 10 Commercial 11 Farm . .. 12 Mutual savings banks 13 1- to 4-family 14 Multifamily 15 Commercial 16 Farm 17 Savings and loan associations 18 1- to 4-family 19 Multifamily 20 Commercial 21 Life insurance companies 22 1- to 4-family 23 Multifamily 24 Commercial 25 Farm 1 006072 1 022 768 1 033 825 1 040 507 1 041 518 1 043 927 1 027,971 1,024,680 301,272 288,774 294,234 298,194 284,216 278 860 272,694 265 821 173,569 173,549 173,804 171,936 170,331 167,706 165,062 161,327 15,918 14,950 16,132 16,480 15,680 14,194 13 662 13 504 96,215 99,925 102,553 92,783 90,551 88,510 85,489 82,511 8,375 8,532 8,588 8,435 8 384 8450 8,481 8,479 97,464 99,997 94,382 99,944 97,805 96,346 99,993 99,719 68,187 63,849 66,777 66,305 65,381 68,082 68035 67 619 15,026 15,305 15,536 15,338 15,960 15,931 15,955 15,909 15,594 15,479 15,694 15,598 15 810 15 901 15 999 16 105 28 40 50 30 40 29 507 615 423 656 38,223 45 736 132 917 17 799 19,527 82 616 12,975 515 422 430 841 38,090 46491 134,659 17 549 19495 84 571 13,044 518 985 433 923 37 990 47 072 136 036 17 376 19,441 86070 13,149 518 547 431 142 37,699 47 706 137,747 17 201 19,283 88 163 13,100 516,450 430 461 38,011 47 978 138,830 17 094 19,209 89573 12,954 513,675 426 453 38,372 48 850 139,672 16467 19,000 91 200 13,005 494,918 406328 38,208 50,382 140,477 16 874 18,977 91 687 12,939 483,614 393 323 38,979 51,312 141,989 16,751 18,856 93,547 ' 12,835 116,232 119,112 121,749 126,094 128,698 131,456 134,409 138,138 4,826 4,972 4,765 4,438 4,227 693 689 4,669 4,110 698 4,382 696 4 130 2 837 1 321 4 274 2,662 1 151 3 686 1,562 3 749 2,469 3 981 1,335 3,428 528 479 509 464 357 690 491 179 256 409 947 302 46 164 435 3,551 1,786 500 242 325 495 4072 2,235 5 799 2,135 3 664 57,362 51 842 5,520 40258 2 228 38,030 5 895 2,172 3 723 57,657 52 181 5,476 42,681 2 401 40,280 6005 2,240 3 765 59,682 54227 5,455 44708 2 605 42,103 5 999 2,289 3 710 61,412 55,986 5,426 46,446 2788 43,658 6003 2,266 3,737 62,544 57,142 5,402 47,947 2 874 45,073 5 908 2,218 3,690 65,008 59,631 5,377 49,270 2954 46,316 5,362 2,130 3,232 68,841 63,495 5,346 49,983 3029 46,954 5,228 1,980 3,248 71,814 66,500 5,314 50,350 3 068 47,282 5 150 3,945 1 205 5 245 4,016 1 229 5 410 4,148 1 262 5 237 5,181 5 297 5,240 5 266 5,209 5 166 5,116 4733 4,686 47 Mortgage pools or trusts 48 Government National Mortgage Association 49 1 - to 4-family 50 Multifamily 51 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation .. 52 1- to 4-family 53 Multifamily 54 Federal National Mortgage Association 55 1- to 4-family 56 Multifamily 57 Farmers Home Administration 58 1- to 4-family 59 Multifamily 60 Commercial 61 Farm 147 246 152 308 158 140 163,000 172,303 183,657 198,376 216,654 97,184 94,810 2,374 100,558 98,057 2,501 103,750 101,068 2,682 105,790 103,007 2,783 108,592 105,701 2,891 111,459 108,487 2,972 114,776 111,728 3,048 118,940 115,831 3,109 17 067 13 641 3 426 17 565 14 115 3 450 17 936 14 401 3 535 19,853 19 501 23,970 23,610 28,703 28,329 35,132 34,739 42,964 42,560 2,786 2,786 4,556 4,556 8,133 8,133 14,450 14,450 32,995 16,640 2,853 5 382 8 120 34,185 17,165 3 097 5,750 8 173 36,454 18,407 3,488 6,040 8 519 36,640 18,378 3,426 6,161 8,675 36,955 18,740 3,447 6,351 8,417 38,939 19,357 4,044 6,762 8,776 40,335 20,079 4,344 7,056 8,856 40,300 20,005 4,344 7,011 8,940 62 Individuals and others4 . . 63 1- to 4-family 64 Multifamily 65 Commercial . 66 Farm 230,002 149,881 26563 27,330 26228 240,653 158,772 27 096 27,941 26 826 249,824 166,151 27 943 28,463 27 267 254,432 169,985 28 100 28,845 27 502 260,672 174,298 28 769 29,262 28 343 267,409 179,787 29,135 30,044 28,443 273,558 184,738 29,619 30,532 28,669 278,978 189,121 30,208 30,868 28,781 ... . 26 Federal and related agencies 27 Government National Mortgage Association 28 1- to 4-family 29 Multifamily 30 Farmers Home Administration 31 1- to 4-family 32 Multifamily 33 Commercial 34 Farm 35 Federal Housing and Veterans Administration 36 1- to 4-family 37 Multifamily 38 Federal National Mortgage Association . . 39 1- to 4-family 40 Multifamily 41 Federal Land Banks 42 1- to 4-family 43 Farm 44 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 45 1- to 4-family 46 Multifamily 3 114 ,. ... 696 914 473 506 342 56 352 717 717 715 615 499 640 57 360 29 688 57 374 682 50 393 29 676 783 218 377 408 47 404 40. Mortgage debt outstanding, by type of holder and type of property1—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 19 84 1983 Type of holder, and type of property 1- to 4-family , Multifamily Commercial Farm, . Qi Q4 Q2 Qi Q3 Q4 1,685,722 1,727,947 1,779,259 1,827,563 1,874,489 1,934,437 1,987,182 2,030,930 1 All holders . 2 3 4 5 Q3 Q2 1,127,595 1,153,332 1,187,888 1,219,145 1,250,678 1,287,537 1,320,500 1,349,951 141 Oil 146 770 153 655 163 977 144,010 150,149 158 349 161,960 322,642 377,974 393,600 406,139 310 191 335,722 360 540 348,958 107,963 109,311 110,577 111,122 110,863 106,925 108,879 109,616 . . 6 Major financial institutions 7 Commercial banks2 8 '1- to 4-family ., 9 Multifamily .. 10 Commercial 11 Farm . . . . 12 Mutual savings banks 13 1- to 4-family 14 Multifamily 15 Commercial 16 Farm . ., 17 Savings and loan associations 18 1- to 4-family 19 Multifamily 20 Commercial . . 21 Life insurance companies . , 22 1- to 4 family 23 Multifamily . 24 Commercial 25 Farm .. .... 1,030,012 1,050,265 1,081,561 1,110,165 1,138,931 1,183,480 1,221,779 1,247,106 311,121 374,186 303 947 321 244 340 797 328,323 353 946 365,386 174,539 194,933 172 672 185 530 197 944 178 708 181,300 190,706 21,142 16,925 18,288 21,412 16,322 17,604 20,005 20,670 144,623 106,442 138,774 110,759 119,411 132,447 115,808 125,550 9,324 10,267 10,477 8,511 9,124 9,712 8,898 10,123 136,054 150,462 105,378 129,644 143,180 160,761 119,236 147,517 114,364 106,944 73,240 92,182 101,868 84,349 96,569 105,063 20 190 15 587 16,667 17 785 18 752 19,138 17 588 18 441 24,349 26 176 16522 22 841 18,192 19 846 21,671 23 672 29 28 28 29 30 30 31 477,358 384,990 39,286 53,082 143,329 16422 18,864 95,356 12,687 475,183 378,483 40,011 56,689 144,725 15 860 18,778 97,416 12,671 483,317 382,546 41 420 59,351 147,356 15 534 18,857 100,209 12,756 494,789 390,883 42,552 61,354 150,999 15 319 19,107 103,831 12,742 503,509 397,017 43 553 62,939 151,445 14917 19083 104,890 12,555 528,172 414,087 45,951 68,134 153,845 14 437 19,028 107,796 12,584 550,129 429,101 47,861 73,167 155,802 14,204 18,828 110,149 12,621 554,868 431,132 48,274 75,462 157,291 14,218 18,881 111,692 12,500 26 Federal and related agencies 27 Government National Mortgage Association 28 1- to 4-family . .. 29 Multifamily 30 Farmers Home Administration 31 1- to 4-family 32 Multifamily 33 Commercial . 34 Farm 35 Federal Housing and Veterans Administration 36 1- to 4-family 37 Multifamily .. . 38 Federal National Mortgage Association . . 39 1- to 4-family 40 Multifamily 41 Federal Land Banks .... 42 1- to 4-family 43 Farm 44 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation .. .... 45 1- 1« 4-family .... 46 Multifamily 139 973 142,094 142 224 147 370 150 784 152 669 153,407 157,826 3,753 3,643 3,475 3,395 2,900 2,715 2,389 2,500 594 597 2,992 1,605 2 836 2,765 2,141 1 159 2 282 2,094 1 005 2 110 1,344 1,795 1,903 1,800 303 319 467 281 463 81 519 ^126 113 293 449 124 652 575 665 3 088 2,077 651 639 630 618 605 738 206 31 381 555 248 421 600 211 32 113 244 5,138 1 867 3 271 73,666 68 370 5,296 50544 3 059 47,485 5,084 1 911 3,173 74,669 69 396 5,273 50 858 3,030 47,828 5,050 2 061 2989 75,174 69938 5,236 51 069 3 008 48,061 4,894 1 893 3,001 78,256 73 045 5,211 51 052 3,000 48,052 4 832 1 956 2 876 80,975 75 770 5,205 51 004 2 982 48,022 4,753 1 894 2 859 83,243 77 633 5,610 51 136 2,958 48,178 4,801 1 967 2,834 84,850 79,175 5,675 51 182 2,954 48,228 4,782 2 007 2,775 87,940 82 175 5,765 50 679 2 948 47,731 4 795 4 740 6 235 6 119 6 856 6 799 7 632 7 559 8 979 8 847 9447 8 841 10 125 9 425 132 9 478 8 931 547 606 700 47 Mortgage pools or trusts3 . . . . 48 Government National Mortgage Association 49 1- to 4-family 50 Muttifamily .... .... 5 1 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 52 1- to 4-family . .... 53 Multifamily 54 Federal National Mortgage Association . . 55 1- to 4-family 56 Multifamily 57 Farmers Home Administration 58 1- to 4-family 59 Multifamily 60 Commercial 61 Farm 234 596 252 665 272 611 285 073 296 481 305 051 317 548 331 019 127 939 124 482 3 457 139 276 135 628 3 648 151 597 147 761 3 836 159 850 155 801 4 049 166 261 161 943 4 318 170 893 166 415 4 478 175 770 171 095 4 675 179 873 175 089 4 784 48008 47 575 50,934 50446 54 152 53 539 57,895 57 273 59 376 58 776 61 267 60 636 63,964 63 352 70417 69 817 18,157 18 157 20,933 20,933 23,819 23 819 25,121 25 121 28,354 28 354 29,256 29 256 32,888 32,730 36,215 35 965 40,492 20,263 4 344 7 115 8,770 41,522 20,728 4 343 7 303 9,148 43,043 21 083 5 042 7 542 9 376 42,207 20404 5 090 7 351 9 362 42 490 20573 5 081 7 456 9 380 43,635 21 331 5 081 7 764 9459 44,926 21,595 5 618 7 844 9,869 44,514 21 578 5 835 7 403 9 698 62 Individuals and others4 63 1- to 4-family . . . . 64 Multifamily . 65 Commercial 66 Farm 281 141 190,386 30628 31 337 28 790 282 923 190,878 31 041 32 035 28 969 282 863 190060 30 660 32 853 29 290 284 955 189 189 31 433 34 931 29 402 288 293 190 522 31 776 36 545 29 450 293 237 193 304 32 169 38 080 29 684 294 448 192,809 32 622 39 204 29 813 294 979 192 243 32 754 40 131 29 851 ... .. .... .... 707 380 337 653 55 433 116 488 57 613 173 409 400 73 622 600 631 612 158 600 250 115 41. Installment credit—Total outstanding, and net change1 Millions of dollars Holder, and type of credit Jan. T ' ' | Mar, ! By major holder Commercial banks . . 150 131 148709 148,997 78,434 78,671 80,068 Finance companies 46,946 46,757 47,081 Credit unions 2 Retailers 31 084 29 950 29 870 Savings and loans 16 353 17 228 17,966 3,780 3,669 4,102 Gasoline companies 5,050 5,130 Mutual savings banks . . . . 4,919 By tnajor credit type 9 Automobile 10 Commercial banks 1 1 Credit unions 12 Finance companies Apr. May " June 1983 1 July T ' ' ~ r ) [ Aug. Sept. Oct. ; 1 Nov. ] Dec. 331, %9 330,145 332,781 335,325 337,893 343,815 349,010 355,402 360,548 365,611 371,646 383,701 1 Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Feb. 123 919 57 135 , . , 22 458 44,326 123855 56 758 22 360 44,737. 149311 149,601 80,737 81,750 47,505 47,838 30 055 30 375 18 520 19,107 3,980 3,943 5,217 5,279 125278 126487 56 745 56 865 22,518 22 721 46,015 46,901 127931 57 352 22,880 47,699 152065 83,030 48,652 30 837 19 691 4,159 5,381 154,914 158,402 84,073 84,833 49,139 50,121 31 055 31,468 20 006 20,456 4,356 4,457 5,467 5,665 160,973 85,358 51,123 31,924 21,105 4,338 5,727 130282 58 231 23 269 48,782 132959 59 695 23 502 49,762 138116 139881 141552 143114 63,448 64 780 65 917 67 557 24,451 24,759 25,147 25 574 50,217 50,342 50,488 49,983 136323 62 178 23,972 50,173 163,274 86,189 51,767 32 519 21,716 4,243 5,903 165,670 87,058 52,578 33,740 22,392 4,157 6,051 171,978 87,429 53,471 17 470 23,108 4t131 6,114 13 Revolving 14 Commercial banks 15 Retailers 16 Gasoline companies . . . . 68 043 65 853 65 752 66 393 66 579 68 225 69 276 70 552 71 727 36 313 35541 35,625 35773 35687 36697 37358 38,162 39,041 27,628 26,532 26,458 26 640 26,949 27 369 27,562 27,933 28,348 4,102 3,780 3,669 3,980 3,943 4,159 4,356 4,457 4,338 17 Mobile home 18 Commercial banks 19 Finance companies 20 Savings and loans 21 Credit unions 22,772 22,824 22,809 22,795 22,836 22,889 22,998 23,165 23,365 23,537 23,676 23,862 9 845 9 842 9 795 9 697 9 672 9 760 9 826 9 851 9 876 9 877 9,871 9 842 9^223 9,236 9,265 9,308 9,244 9^248 9,312 9,372 9,429 9,454 9,547 9,212 3,217 3,263 3,279 3 330 3,349 3 369 3,403 3,471 3,575 3,682 3,793 3,906 496 499 503 507 516 52 1 53 1 542 549 558 567 498 22 Other 117 235 23 Commercial banks 46,838 24 Finance companies . . . . 24,896 25 Credit unions 23 990 3 456 26 Retailers 13,136 27 Savings and loans 28 Mutual savings banks , . 4,919 117613 46,568 24,711 23 901 3,418 13,965 5,050 118942 46,832 24,817 24 064 3,412 14,687 5,130 119650 46,976 24,571 24 281 3,415 15,190 5,217 120547 46,890 24,743 24 451 3,426 15,758 5,279 122419 47,377 25,004 24 867 3 468 16,322 5,381 123777 48,035 25,063 25 116 3,493 16,603 5,467 125362 48,211 25,348 25 618 3,535 16,985 5,665 72 941 75 023 81 977 39774 40,774 44184 28,924 30,092 33,662 4,243 4,157 4,131 127340 48,608 25,769 26,130 3,576 17,530 5,727 129252 48,843 26,418 26 459 3,595 18,034 5,903 131395 134748 49,108 50,395 27,116 27,899 26,873 27 330 3,648 3,808 18,599 19,202 6,051 6,114 Net change (during period)* 29 Total 1,942 1,770 3,335 -210 680 -78 164 252 391 43 273 867 -200 144 841 1 239 143 333 687 -35 127 By major credit type 37 Automobile 38 Commercial banks . 39 Credit unions 40 Finance companies -162 -854 20 672 330 -94 15 409 41 Revolving 42 Commercial banks . 43 Retailers 44 Gasoline companies 523 174 427 -78 45 Mobile home 46 Commercial banks 47 Finance companies . . . . 48 Savings and loans 49 Credit unions 50 Other 5 1 Commercial banks 52 Finance companies . . . . 53 Credit unions 54 Retailers 55 Savings and loans 56 Mutual savings banks . . 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 By major holder Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers2 Savings and loans ... Gasoline companies . . . . Mutual savings banks . . , 116 2,948 3,940 4,457 4,540 3,723 6,138 5,752 6,371 485 492 708 298 452 299 81 798 834 288 359 652 -51 68 1 565 622 573 395 785 77 -77 2 223 '889 662 382 195 5 101 2 278 708 510 381 425 65 173 1 709 583 646 328 547 -167 77 2 713 1,103 942 476 588 131 185 2,832 644 912 465 686 58 155 3 977 595 668 437 571 -27 150 841 -142 68 915 1 025 75 34 1 609 1 324 508 137 679 1 461 587 275 599 2 360 1,282 328 750 2,746 2,063 232 451 1,533 1,014 309 210 2,249 1,483 45 1 315 1,873 1,257 436 180 1,979 1,568 324 87 201 170 23 1 -200 1,062 763 334 -35 1,068 489 280 299 663 370 344 -51 1,180 742 361 77 789 440 344 5 741 315 361 65 636 511 292 -167 1,455 875 449 131 1,542 1 ,040 444 58 1,574 1 ,207 394 -27 350 173 101 77 -1 154 55 63 37 -1 -26 -61 20 12 3 - 16 -75 30 23 6 - 16 -60 10 30 4 -59 48 - 157 44 6 1,231 297 161 1 5 1,085 121 -81 29 42 830 144 1,458 281 304 72 -1 675 127 738 -4 -147 361 18 429 81 977 -20 145 147 15 622 68 1 358 188 180 292 34 74 1 -77 934 20 432 603 164 2,815 101 36 1 57 7 1,207 465 138 327 38 138 101 105 -11 36 75 5 948 -89 221 273 20 350 173 157 10 39 101 7 1,397 174 334 330 36 446 77 128 23 0 95 10 2,306 332 788 481 27 493 185 149 -4 49 94 10 2,188 539 415 466 21 592 155 255 39 109 101 6 2,563 1,163 399 338 43 470 150 41. Installment credit—Total outstanding, and net change1A—Continued Millions of dollars 1984 Holder, and type of credit 1 Total. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec, 382,928 386,796 389,857 395,688 405,334 414,738 422,008 430,795 437,469 441,358 447,783 460,500 By major holder Commercial hanks.... Finance companies ... Credit unions Retailers2 Savings and loans Gasoline companies... Mutual savings banks . 171,934 87,140 53,882 35,913 22,961 4,300 6,798 175,941 87,227 54,851 34,744 23,074 4,025 6,934 177,625 87,356 55,892 34,367 23,566 3,944 7,107 181,022 87,832 56,962 34,440 24,148 3,955 7,329 186,668 89,245 58,517 34,813 24,808 4,020 7,263 191,519 91,006 59,893 35,242 25,428 4,289 7,361 195,265 92,534 61,151 35,058 26,057 4,472 7,471 199,654 94,070 62,679 35,359 26,922 4,452 7,659 202,452 95,594 * 63,808 35,595 27,880 4,328 7,812 204,582 95,113 64,716 35,908 28,781 4,290 7,968 206,635 212,391 95,753 96,747 66,528 67,858 37,124 40,913 29,358 29,945 4,217 4,315 8,168 8,331 By major credit type 9 Automobile 10 Commercial banks.. 11 Credit unions 12 Finance companies . 144,319 68,747 25,771 49,801 147,143 147,478 71,327 71,237 26,234 26,732 49,582 49,509 149,816 73,016 27,244 49,556 154,210 158,215 75,787 78,018 27,988 28,646 50,435 51,551 161,834 80,103 29,248 52,483 165,177 167,231 81,786 82,706 29,979 30,519 53,412 54,006 168,923 83,620 30,953 54,350 170,731 172,589 84,326 85,501 31,820 32,456 54,585 54,632 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 Revolving. 14 Commercial banks.. 15 Retailers 16 Gasoline companies. 79,545 78,501 79,770 80,756 82,946 85,027 43,118 43,506 45,235. 46,149 47,936 49,374 32,127 30,970 30,591 30,652 30,990 31,364 3,955 4,020 4,289 4,300 4,025 3,944 17 Mobile home 18 Commercial banks.. 19 Finance companies . 20 Savings and loans... 21 Credit unions 23,801 23,657 23,691 23,825 24,028 24,300 24,639 24,947 25,198 24,573 24,439 24,556 9,663 9,589 9,610 9,627 9,613 9,711 9,761 9,573 9,621 9,681 9,580 9,829 9,470 9,235 9,243 9,729 9,883 9,992 10,065 9,631 9,555 9,533 9,519 9,527 4,205 4,316 3,868 3,894 3,983 4,087 4,428 4,581 4,697 4,791 4,887 4,985 592 571 718 704 685 675 663 647 634 619 603 581 22 Other 23 Commercial banks... 24 Finance companies .. 25 Credit unions 26 Retailers 27 Savings and loans 28 Mutual savings banks 135,263 50,240 27,806 27,540 3,786 19,093 6,798 137,495 51,445 "" 28,126 28,036 3,774 19,180 6,934 138,918 51,564 28,320 28,568 3,776 19,583 7,107 141,291 52,277 28,721 " 29,115 3,788 20,061 7,329 144,150 53,372 29,179 29,910 3,823 20,603 7,263 147,196 54,506 29,726 30,613 3,878 21,112 7,361 86,003 88,202 50,358 52,313 31,173 31,437 4,472 4,452 149,532 55,123 30,168 31,256 3,885 21,629 7,471 152,469 55,844 30,666 32,037 3,922 22,341 7,659 90,231 91,505 93,944 101,555 54,258 55,276 56,641 60,549 31,645 31,939 33,086 36,691 4,315 4,328 4,290 4,217 154,809 55,727 31,523 32,614 3,950 23,183 7,812 156,357 56,059 31,293 33,078 3,969 23,990 7,968 158,669 56,055 31,933 34,004 4,038 24,471 8,168 161,800 56,731 32,872 34,684 4,222 24,960 8,331 Net change (during period)3 29 Total, 5,267 6,188 5,929 6,792 9,093 7,082 6,481 6,022 4,982 5,631 6,080 6,819 By major holder Commercial banks Finance companies . . , Credit unions Retailers1 Savings and loans Gasoline companies... Mutual savings banks . 2,029 965 836 518 190 428 687 4,914 255 774 130 89 -146 172 3,423 237 1,279 385 429 1 175 4,014 264 1,523 268 45 79 6,065 636 1,421 349 612 23 -13 3,835 942 1,049 330 813 37 76 3,192 1,138 1,360 36 586 -23 192 2,631 1,381 927 197 804 -63 145 1,384 1,571 871 225 770 -38 199 2,756 398 1,224 128 864 98 163 2,483 778 1,731 278 546 86 178 3,028 1,196 1,336 389 576 117 177 By major credit type 37 Automobile 38 Commercial banks., 39 Credit unions 40 Finance companies . 2,954 1,722 388 844 2,434 2,635 126 -327 1,048 432 849 -233 2,340 1,786 743 -169 3,641 2,807 679 155 2,725 1,907 503 315 3,087 1,852 650 585 2,482 1,150 444 1,513 434 416 663 2,504 1,057 587 860 2,549 1,019 828 702 2,687 1,275 640 112 41 Revolving 42 Commercial banks.. 43 Retailers 44 Gasoline companies. 545 18 485 42 1,071 1,127 90 -146 2,960 2,613 346 1 1,851 1,568 238 45 2,638 2,298 317 23 1,356 1,047 272 37 772 764 31 -23 1,263 1,159 167 -63 1,484 1,323 199 -38 1,488 1,279 111 98 1,614 1,289 239 86 1,445 1,001 327 117 45 Mobile home 46 Commercial banks.. 47 Finance companies . 48 Savings and loans. .. 49 Credit unions 26 -15 47 -17 11 -54 -112 32 15 11 23 -85 14 84 10 143 27 10 91 15 138 -50 36 138 14 191 10 46 123 12 334 31 137 152 14 217 4 63 140 10 127 4 19 95 9 -392 -91 -381 67 13 -91 -1 -192 84 18 117 29 -13 88 13 50 Other 51 Commercial banks... 52 Finance companies .. 53 Credit unions 54 Retailers 55 Savings and loans.... 56 Mutual savings banks 1,742 304 74 437 33 207 687 2,737 1,264 550 637 40 74 172 1,898 463 456 420 39 345 175 2,458 653 423 765 30 508 79 2,676 1,010 445 728 32 474 -13 2,810 871 581 534 58 690 76 2,288 545 416 696 5 434 192 2,060 318 430 473 30 664 145 1,858 -377 889 446 26 675 199 2,031 511 -81 624 17 797 163 2,008 176 268 885 39 462 178 2,570 723 437 683 62 488 111 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 599 117 42. Flow of funds accounts—Financial assets and liabilities, December 31, 1984 A. All sectors Amounts outstanding, billions of dollars Private domestic nonfmancial sectors Line, and transaction category Households Assets B usiness Ll ^- Asse ts 1 Total financial assets 6,608.5 2 Total liabilities . . . . 2,223.8 . . . 1,400.3 Total andteal L |U ^s5618 \1e § ~ j Assets Assets 't1ef~ . ., L Li bili *ties - 425.9 8 Checkable deposits and currency Private domestic Foreign U S government . 5.348.0 87 7 87 7 4 4 179 6 20 Corporate equities 21 Credit market instruments . 22 U.S. Treasury4 securities 23 Federal agency securities5 24 Tax exempt 25 Corporate and foreign bonds 26 Mortgages . 27 Consumer credit 28 Bank loans n.e.c 29 Open market paper 30 Other loans ... 81 4 . 40 3 134 64 3 325.3 19 6 600 13.4 31 32 33 34 Security credit Trade credit6 Taxes payable Miscellaneous 118 892 205.3 ... 51.3 166;2 2,056.3 99.9 39.4 34.6 . . . -26,6 231.8 404.0 1,242.9 4,594.1 298.3 114? 193,1 ] .7 4U 50.2 . . . 102.4 10.0 38 5.5 141 1 219.3 539,2 453 5 648.3 40 2 453 5 242.4 2 021 9 76 1 593 6 579.6 64 1 794 47 5 25.8 587 1 16.7 42^\2 4597 57 5 543 6 . . . . 794 229 1 . . . . 18 5 326.9 479 2 ? 1.9 24.9 47.5 587.1 526.9 20 4 10 5 524 1 169 0 10 5 152 3 ... 20 4 99 130.0 94.5 28 3 40 2 1849 1,373,6 . . 593 6 7( 36.0 . . 80 5() 1 79.3 . . 24 9 21 9 1.1 1.492.5 844.9 2,133.8 11.6 . , 31.. . . . . 17.5 21.9 19.6 248 8 . . 1,433.0 1 492 5 317 3 19.6 4746 474.6 1,557.5 5.6 7.7 ... . . 1,696.3 2097 17 Life insurance reserves . . . 248 8 1,433.0 1 8 Pension fund reserves 19 Interbank claims 3 599.5 11.5 67 386 5 386 5 ties _J- . _ - _ , . - . .,-=.--_—, = 303.7 . . 38.2 21.0 12 Small time and savings 1,688.6 deposits 13 Money market fund shares, 209 7 14 Large time deposits .,. 15 Federal funds and security RPs 16 Deposits abroad bili Assets i|Li* Assets tie§ " 670.3 , 3 Gold3 4 Special drawing rights . . . . 5 International Monetary Fund position 6 Official foreign exchange . , 7 Treasury currency 9 10 11 U.S. government L 8.353.0 344.2 2.698.3 Rest of the world 247.5 229.6 1,376.8 , . 1,373 4 32 63.4 66.4 41.8 28.1 82.3 70.6 26.3 13.9 159.7 285.4 51.3 .1 178.2 31.9 23.4 -16.2 15.1 * Financial sectors . T Total Assets Sponsorec I agencies and mortt'age pools LiabHities M t Asseis Liabilities 587.1 6,775.9 Commercial banking Monetary authority . Assets Liabi ll~ ties . 218.4 Assets Liabilities 2,012.9 Private nonbank finance Assets Liabilities Floats and discrepancies All sectors1 Liabilities Assets Assets -29.7 16,103.0 3,957.6 Line 1 13,975.3 2 -.1 -.1 49.3 26.7 11.5 11,5 3 4 5 3.6 21.0 3.6 21,0 6.7 21.0 6.7 17.5 -3.5 6 7 218 .4 579.5 6,470.3 11.1 11.1 3,804.4 1,867.9 .., 63.5 623,1 1.3 171 .4 10.5 409.3 51.7 42.4 579.7 623.1 43.3 8 63.5 582.2 19 6 21.2 1.3 165 .1 4 5 .8 10.5 374.7 19.2 15.4 51.7 42.4 538.2 19.6 21,9 582.2 19.6 21.2 44.1 9 10 11 10.0 1 707 4 . ... 812.9 10.0 894.5 1,707.4 1,707.4 12 209.7 209.7 209.7 13 22.5 282.9 146.2 67.0 69.8 148.8 45.5 431.7 152.2 431.7 191,6 34.6 34.6 16 239.0 1,303.0 248.8 1,433.0 18.3 248.8 1,433.0 29.7 17 18 19 596.8 161.9 2,183.8 161.9 20 2,887.8 374.2 291.1 7,121.0 1,373.4 7,121.0 1,373.4 21 22 299,6 528.7 528.7 23 148.0 518.3 539.2 639.5 539.2 639.5 24 25 2.1 2,024.1 2,024.1 593.6 593.6 638.1 638.1 307.2 307.2 477.1 477.1 26 27 28 29 30 209 7 67.0 92.3 431 7 191.6 21.2 21,2 44.9 239.0 1 303,0 297 596.9 161 9 5,350.3 720.5 902.8 ..... 552.9 2.5 530 5 169 6 160.9 1 7400 183 0 387.7 525.5 .7 525 5 8.8 78 5 319.9 535.9 1,730.4 517.5 638.1 201.3 298.9 77.0 24.3 393.0 4.4 1720 17 6 374 2 2596 638.1 17 0 437.5 30.4 145.6 .8 79.6 111.4 5.0 -10.7 81.1 ' ' 37,6 918.8 257.9 44.1 35.0 54 3 19 614.2 40.5 1 119 6 2.1 40 .5 10.4 49.0 8.8 6.6 186.9 .3 146.0 82.6 183.5 187.5 30.4 101.4 74.6 42.0 24.3 54,3 187.0 1.6 412.6 101.9 669.5 4.2 1,091.8 v 101.9 564.2 12.3 1,068.6 ' ' - .7 ' " 39.4 11.4 -105.3 8,2 -23.3 14 15 31 32 33 34 119 42. Flow of funds accounts—Financial assets and liabilities, December 31, 1984—Continued B. Private nonbank financial institutions Amounts outstanding, billions of dollars Transaction category Assets 1 Total assets Liabili | ties - 3,957.6 . . . Assets 51.7 42.4 10.0 894.5 209 7 6 Large time deposits 67.0 148.8 16.0 7 Federal funds and security RPs . 8 Deposits abroad 69.8 21.2 45.5 22.5 596.8 161.9 12 Credit market instruments . 2,887.8 13 U.S. Treasury 374,2 securities4 14 Federal agency securities5 299.6 15 Tax exempt 148,0 16 Corporate and foreign 518.3 bonds 918.8 17 Mortgages 257,9 18 Consumer credit 19 Bank loans n.e.c 20 Open market paper 183.5 21 Other loans . . . 187,5 291.1 Security credit Trade credit Taxes payable Miscellaneous 120 206.4 bili Assets jL^ties ~ Assets *** * Asset, L»s " | Assels 195.1 108.0 4,6 10.0 1.6 153.9 10.0 131.0 .4 17.8 2.4 45.5 66 . 7 .8 656.1 3.5 93.9 24.6 30,4 101.4 ' ' *8.7 74.6 42.0 54.3 24.3 . 1.6 187.0 412.6 110.8 101.9 21.1 . . . . 24 4 . . . . 21 3.5 15,7 74.6 * 30.9 21 0 103.3 11 3 64 6.6 . . . . 67 9 . 568.7 . . . 300.5 41.5 , . . 113.1 332 9.4 57.9 . . 94.5 . . . , 4.6 2407 157 3 , . 30.4 32 0 54 6 70 4 11.6 13.4 . , . .. 623.3 294,1 63 8 178.9 99 49.0 606.3 43.3 4,2 239.0 ^24.8 121.7 .9 82.6 2.1 6233 100 .2 • 43 830,0 625.3 692 4 115.8 . , . . . 24,7 640.4 . ! Private pension funds iH 239.0 . . . . 1,303.0 9 Life insurance reserves . . . 10 Pension fund reserves . . . . 22 23 24 25 10.6 Life insurance companies Credit unions Assetsptf 966.3 3 Checkable deposits 4 Small time and savings deposits 5 Money market fund shares, 1 1 Corporate equities3 Liabilities L 989.9 3,804.4 2 Total liabilities Mutual savings banks Savings and loan associations Total Sfi S Ql R State and I local government retirement funds Other insurance companies Finance companies Real estate investment trusts Open-end investment companies Money market funds Security brokers and dealers Line I Assets ]LiabiliI ties 1 Assets 354.9 Liabilities 240.5 354.9 14.0 . . . . . . Assets Liabilities 294.1 168.2 2.6 Assets Liabilities 8.1 297.1 Assets Liabilities 161.9 8.7 5.1 Assets Liabilities 209.7 161.9 2.1 Assets Liabilities 60.5 209.7 -1.2 55.2 4.7 209.7 23.7 22.7 18.0 21.2 9 10 354.9 98.1 50.0 242.8 70.0 145.6 20.9 43.0 13.0 1.5 113.3 87.2 21.8 15,1 2.6 79.9 289.0 190.5 2.5 6.7 79.9 13.1 161.9 140.9 42,3 6.5 11 7.2 -6.6 12 13 14 .7 78.4 20.5 135.5 2.5 11.0 101.1 44.8 15.2 15 16 2,0 11.9 17 18 19 20 21 2.1 '3.6 6.7 98.7 133.0 24,3 42.0 .2 168.0 106.5 5.6 2.0 2,4 54.3 '•' '.9 22 23 24 25 121 43. Flow of funds accounts, 1973-84 A. Summary of credit market debt outstanding, by sector Amounts outstanding at end of year, billions of dollars 1973 1974 1975 Transaction category, or sector 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 j 1981 [ 1982 ! 1983 1 1984 i i i Nonfinancial sectors 1 Total credit market debt owed by domestic nonfinancial 1,919.1 2,094.2 2,288.8 2,532.6 2,854.1 3,218.1 3,604.2 3,948.3 4,328.4 4,728.9 5,255.3 5,970.8 sectors 2 U.S. government 3 Treasury issues 4 Agency issues and mortgages 349,1 339.4 9.6 360.8 351,5 9.4 446.3 437.3 8,9 515,8 506.4 9.3 572.5 564.1 8.4 626.2 619.2 7,0 663.6 658.0 5.6 742.8 737.8 5.0 830.1 825.6 4,5 5 Private domestic nonfinancial 1,570.1 1,733,4 1,842.6 2,016.9 2,281.5 2,591.9 2,940.7 3,205,5 3,498.3 sectors 6 Debt capital instruments . . . . 1,072.8 1,173.1 1,275.8 1,399.4 1,572.3 1,772.0 1,985.0 2,177.0 2,336.0 191.2 207.7 223.8 239.5 262,9 291.3 321,6 351.9 374.6 7 Tax exempt obligations 8 Corporate bonds 207.5 227,1 254.3 277.2 300.0 321.2 338.5 365.1 386,9 674.1 738.3 797,7 882.8 1,009.4 1,159.6 1,324.9 1,460.0 1,574.5 9 Mortgages 10 Home mortgages 410.8 447.9 490.0 553.8 647.8 759,9 881.5 978.2 1,058.9 91.4 98.3 11 Multifamily residential 98.9 102,7 109.8 119.1 126.9 135.8 135.3 130.7 145.8 157.9 169.6 188.0 209.7 233.9 254.0 278.6 12 Commercial 41.3 13 Farm 46.3 50,9 63.6 70.8 82.7 92.0 101.7 56.6 14 15 16 17 Other debt instruments Bank loans n e e Consumer credit Open market paper 19 By borrowing sector, total 20 Tax exempt 21 Households 22 23 24 25 Nonfinancial business Farm Nonfarm noncorporate . . . . Corporate 497.3 195.4 203.7 13.1 85.1 560.3 228,3 213.6 19.8 98.6 566.7 217.7 223.2 17,2 108.7 617.4 222.0 248.6 21.2 125.6 709.2 248.9 289.1 24.3 146.9 819.9 284.5 337.9 25.4 172.1 991,4 1,177.9 1,376.8 987.7 1,174,4 1,373,4 3.7 3.6 3,4 3,737.5 2,486.6 428.4 405.5 1,652.7 1,105.7 139.6 300.7 106.7 4,077.3 2,725.9 484.6 421.3 1,820.0 1,214.4 147,9 348.0 109.6 4,594.1 3,014.6 539,2 453.5 2,021.9 1,347.0 160.8 403,2 110.9 955.6 1,028.5 1,162,3 1,250.9 1,351.4 1,579.5 333.9 370.5 425.0 479.9 507.2 579.6 383.4 389.7 416,4 441.7 493.0 593.6 36.5 41.7 60.9 57.9 56.7 79.4 201.8 226.6 260.0 271,5 294.6 326.9 1,570.1 1,733.4 1,842.6 2,016.9 2,281.5 2,591.9 2,940.7 3,205.5 3,498.3 3,737.5 4,077.3 4,594.1 193.3 207.9 220.2 233.5 245.5 262.0 279.6 296.9 303,0 334.3 371.0 404^0 670.9 725.5 778.8 871.2 1,012,2 1,182.5 1,362,5 1,487.0 1,619.2 1,712.1 1,887.5 2,133,8 705.9 66.9 177.7 461.3 800,0 74.7 197.8 527.4 843.5 83.2 211.9 548.5 912.2 1,023.9 1,147.3 1,298.5 1,421.7 1,576.1 1,691.1 1,818.8 2,056.3 93.4 105.6 120.3 141.6 156.0 172.3 179.9 184.2 186.1 227.3 255,6 286,0 320.4 353.7 389.0 425,8 489.6 562,9 591.5 662,6 741.1 836.5 912.0 1,014.8 1,085,4 1,144.9 1,307.3 26 Foreign credit market debt held in United States . . . . 67.0 91.2 110.6 123.9 161.9 182.5 209.6 237.0 226.4 245.2 247,5 79.8 27 Bonds 17.0 25.3 19.1 43.1 47.8 53.3 59.9 63.7 66.4 38.9 47.0 33.9 28 Bank loans n e e 12.5 16.5 24.1 46.4 60.2 64.1 29.4 34.3 28.1 27.1 48.7 18,5 29 Open market paper 4,2 11.4 16,1 13,6 11.7 26.6 37.8 48,0 61.9 74.9 80.9 82.3 33.4 30 U.S. government loans . . . . 35.7 32.8 39.0 53.6 57.8 62.1 66,3 70.6 45.7 41.8 49,0 31 Total nonfinancial domestic 1,986,2 2,174.0 2,380.0 2,643.2 2,978.0 3,380,0 3,786.7 4,157.9 4,565.4 4,955.3 5,500.5 6,218.3 plus foreign 122 43. Flow of funds accounts, 1973-84—Continued A. Summary of credit market debt outstanding, by sector—Continued Amounts outstanding at end of year, billions of dollars 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Transaction category, or sector Financial sectors 32 Total credit market debt owed by financial sectors . 194.0 232.6 239.9 261.1 307.1 381.1 464.7 527.6 611.7 683.4 774.3 902.8 77.9 98.6 108.9 123.1 145.5 182.6 231.8 276,6 324,0 388.9 456.7 530.5 59.8 18.0 76.4 21.5 .7 78.8 28.5 1.6 81.2 40.7 1.2 88.2 56.8 .5 111.3 70.4 .9 135,5 94.8 1.5 159.9 114.0 2.7 190.4 129.0 4.6 205.4 178.5 5.0 206.8 244.9 5.0 236.8 288.7 5.0 37 Private financial sectors 38 Corporate bonds 39 Mortgages 40 Bank loans n e e 41 Open market paper 42 Loans from Federal Home Loan Banks 116.2 37.4 1.5 29.5 32.7 134.0 40.5 1.6 33.6 36.5 131.0 43.7 2.0 29.9 37.5 138,0 53.6 2.4 26.4 39.7 161.5 63.7 2.4 26.0 49.2 198.5 71.2 2.5 28.3 63,9 232.9 79.0 2.6 27.7 81.8 251.0 86.1 2.4 26.9 86.6 287.7 85.3 1.9 27.7 107.6 294.5 87.8 2.0 29.6 109.1 317.6 105.1 2.1 29.5 122 A 372.3 119.6 2,1 30.4 145.6 15.1 21.8 17.8 15.9 20.2 32.7 41.8 49.0 65.2 66.0 59.0 74.6 43 Total, by sector 194.0 232.6 239.9 261.1 307.1 381.1 464.7 527.6 611.7 683.4 774.3 902.8 44 Sponsored credit agencies 45 Mortgage pools 46 Private financial sectors 47 Commercial banks 48 Bank affiliates 49 Savings and loan associations 50 Finance companies 5 1 Real estate investment trusts . 59.8 18.0 116.2 4.1 10.0 17.1 70.7 14,4 77. 1 21.5 134.0 4.3 14.4 23.3 76.2 15.8 80.3 28.5 131.0 4.5 15.0 19.1 76.7 15.7 82,4 40.7 138.0 5.2 20.4 17.4 81.2 13.8 88.7 56.8 161.5 5.7 22.4 24.3 97.9 11.3 112.2 70.4 198.5 5.9 29.5 37.8 115.7 9.7 137,0 94.8 232.9 6.1 36.0 50,3 132.1 8.4 162.6 114.0 251.0 6.3 42.9 57,8 137.9 6.2 195.0 129.0 287.7 6.2 51.2 73.4 150.5 6.4 210.4 178.5 294.5 6.8 53.3 75.9 152,2 6,4 211.8 244.9 317.6 6.6 61.9 73.2 169.4 6.6 241.8 288.7 372.3 8.5 72.6 93,9 190,5 6.7 33 34 35 36 By type of instrument U.S. government-related Sponsored credit agency securities Mortgage pool securities . . . . Loans from U.S. government All sectors 52 Total credit market debt 2,180.2 2,406.7 2,619.9 2,904.3 3,285.0 3,761.1 4,251.4 4,685.5 5,177.1 5,638.7 6,274.8 7,121.0 716.7 807.1 893.2 1,016.1 1,149.1 1,375.0 1,629.4 1,902.1 636.7 239.5 262.9 291.3 321.6 351.9 374.6 428.4 484.6 539.2 525.4 553,3 590.0 639.5 364.6 402.6 435.4 464.4 499.1 886.2 1,012,7 1,162.9 1,328.2 1,463.0 1,576.9 1,655.0 1,822.3 2,024.1 248.6 289,1 337.9 383.4 389.7 416.4 441.7 493.0 593.6 272.5 302.1 359.2 410.3 457.6 516.8 538.9 570,9 638.1 89.5 115.9 156.2 176.3 230.3 241.9 259,7 307.2 74,6 181.6 209.4 251.3 294.1 331.9 387.6 404.6 424.9 477.1 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 U.S. government securities . . . . Tax exempt obligations Corporate and foreign bonds . . Mortgages Consumer credit Bank loans n.e.c Open market paper .... Other loans 425.7 191.2 261.9 676.9 203.7 237.3 50.0 133.7 457.6 207.7 286.7 741.1 213.6 278.4 67.6 153.9 552.5 223.8 323.4 800.8 223.2 266,1 66.4 163.8 61 62 63 64 Selected claims not included above Security credit Trade credit Mutual fund shares Other corporate equities 29.5 264.2 46.6 901.4 24.7 211.3 35.2 641.7 28.5 41.1 223.6 243.0 46,5 43.0 849.5 1,005.5 43.4 271.1 45.4 950.0 101,9 90.5 66.6 60.1 59.2 46.7 44.6 564.2 470.8 463.0 520.7 332.1 392.9 440.1 89.5 129.3 161.9 51.2 63,8 63.5 45.8 982.5 1,179.5 1,572.1 1,504.7 1,721.0 2,022.2 2,022.0 123 43. Flow of funds accounts, 1973-84—Continued B. Direct and indirect claims on credit market debt Amounts outstanding at end of year, billions of dollars, exceptions noted Transaction category, or sector 1 Total credit market debt claims against domestic nonfinancial sectors Public agencies and foreign 2 Total held 3 U.S. government securities . . 4 Residential mortgages 5 Federal Home Loan Bank advances to savings and loans 6 Other loans and securities , . . 1973 lJ974 1975 1976 1977 1978 j 1979 | 1980 i 1981 i 1982 1983 1984 1,919.1 2,094.2 2,288.8 2,532.6 2,854.1 3,218.1 3,604.2 3,948.3 4,328.4 4,728.9 5,255.3 5,970.8 2904 136,6 50.6 339 1 146.0 63.8 378 8 164.0 79.5 428 6 187.1 91.8 508 2 221.9 111.8 6105 258.0 137.5 687 3 251.7 174.6 784.2 267.4 206.3 881.9 284.6 229.8 990 8 1 107 9 1,250.3 302.6 330,2 366.0 290.8 366.9 423.5 15,1 88.0 21 8 107.5 17 8 117.4 15.9 133.9 154.3 202 32 7 182.3 41 8 219,1 49.0 261.5 65,2 302.3 66.0 331.4 2904 65.1 339 1 72 3 378 8 85 8 428.6 93,8 5082 103 6 610 5 1206 687 3 1400 784.2 163.6 881 9 187 6 990 8 1 107 9 1,250.3 2034 213 0 229.6 82 5 80.6 62.2 106 7 73.4 867 118 2 95 3 79 5 135 1 105 1 94.7 1580 1122 134.3 198 3 1192 1724 252 6 1269 167 8 298 2 131 4 191.0 346 4 1405 207.3 411 6 150 3 2254 481 1 161 2 252 5 552 9 169 6 298.3 77.9 67,0 98.6 79.8 108 9 91.2 123.1 110.6 145.5 123.9 182 6 161.9 231 8 182.5 276.6 209.6 324,0 237.0 388.9 226.4 456.7 245.2 530.5 247.5 Private domestic holdings 14 Total private holdings 1,773.7 1,933.5 2,110.1 2,337.7 2,615.3 2,952.1 3,331.2 3,650.3 4,007.5 4,353.4 4,849.3 15 U. £ government securities . . 289.0 311.6 388.5 449.6 494.7 549.1 641.5 748.6 864.5 1,072.4 1,299.2 191.2 207.7 223 8 239.5 262 9 291 3 321 6 351.9 374,6 428.4 484 6 16 Tax exempt obligations 17 Corporate and foreign bonds. 221.3 242.3 275.1 305,6 329.7 353.1 371.6 390.9 409.7 424.5 439.1 452.9 483 6 5104 565 7 646 8 742 3 834 5 908 2 964 9 954 8 995 8 18 Residential mortgages 19 Other mortgages and loans . . 634.4 710.2 730.1 793.0 901.3 1,049.1 1,203.9 1,299.6 1,459.0 1,539.3 1,689.5 20 LESS: Federal Home Loan 21 8 15 1 Bank advances 59 0 17 8 202 32 7 41 8 49 0 65 2 15 9 66 0 5,498.5 1,536.1 539.2 456,5 1 084.4 1,956.8 7 By type of lender 8 U.S. government . . . . 9 Government-related agencies and pools 10 Monetary authorities 1 1 Foreign Agency and foreign debt not on line 1 Sponsored credit agencies and mortgage pools 13 Foreign 12 21 22 23 24 25 59 0 351.9 74.6 386.2 74 6 Private financial intermediation Credit market claims held by private financial institutions 1,496,0 1,629.4 1,763,6 1,959.0 2,222.4 2,538.6 2,850.5 3,132.4 3,455.0 3,706.4 4,085.3 4,627.8 Commercial banking 652.9 720.0 749.4 809.2 897.0 1,025.4 1,146.3 1,246.8 1,349.1 1,427.9 1,563.9 1,740.0 Savings institutions 371.6 396.4 447 4 515.8 594 3 667 1 723 8 778 7 806 6 825 5 962 3 1,110.8 Insurance and pension funds . 355,0 390.8 442.8 498.5 571.6 661.1 746.9 841.3 937.7 1,046.5 1,145.3 1,257.5 Other finance 116.5 122 2 124 1 135.5 159 6 185 1 233 5 265,7 361 7 406 6 413 8 519.5 26 Sources of funds 1,496.0 1,629.4 1,763.6 1,959.0 2,222.4 2,538.6 2,850.5 3,132.4 3,455.0 3,706.4 4,085.3 4,627.8 27 Private domestic deposits and repurchase agreements , . 905.0 968.0 1,062.9 1,185.9 1,324.8 1,467.4 1,603.5 1,777.6 1,989.6 2,157.2 2,360.8 2,644.9 28 Credit market debt 116.2 134.0 131.0 138.0 161,5 198 5 2329 251.0 287.7 2945 317 6 372.3 29 Other sources 474 8 5274 569 7 635 1 736 1 872 6 1 014 1 1 103 8 1 177 8 1 254 7 1 406 9 1 610.7 25 6 30 Foreign funds 284 34 2 61 5 39 8 312 -18 3 37 32 1 30 1 27 6 38 7 9.9 4.8 31 Treasury balances 31 3.0 73 14 1 14 5 119 10 8 169 115 154 32 Insurance and pension 287.2 328.5 367 7 407.5 463 0 534 2 606 1 688 9 780 3 883 7 980 1 1,086.0 reserves 33 Other net 1494 155 3 168 8 199 1 238 1 290 1 332 0 363 1 355 5 372 5 411 6 477.2 124 43. Flow of funds accounts, 1973-84—Continued B. Direct and indirect claims on credit market debt—Continued Amounts outstanding at end of year, billions of dollars, exceptions noted 34 35 36 37 38 39 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Private domestic nonfinancial investors Credit market claims U.S. government securities . . Tax exempt obligations Corporate and foreign bonds . Open market paper, etc Other 393.8 148.6 59.8 51.5 28.7 105.2 438.2 165.2 69.1 54.6 33.4 115.9 477.5 183.4 77.5 60.9 30.5 125.2 516.6 196.3 80.8 71.6 30.8 137.0 554.4 219.2 81.5 71.4 34.6 147.7 612.0 252.7 83.6 65.2 42.9 167.6 713.6 307.0 93.7 64.0 51.4 197.4 768.9 331.6 100.4 58.3 48.2 230.4 840.2 361.1 111.4 50.4 50.9 266.5 941,5 1,081.7 1,242.9 600.8 399.4 488.1 145.1 187.6 219.3 45.8 40.2 45.7 60.8 57.0 64.1 294.4 299.4 318,4 40 Deposits and currency , 41 Currency 42 Checkable deposits 43 44 45 46 47 1984 Transaction category, or sector Small time and savings deposits Money market fund shares . . Large time deposits Security repurchase agreements Foreign deposits 48 Total of credit market instruments, deposits, and currency 49 Public support rate (percent) . . 50 Private financial intermediation (percent) 51 Total foreign funds 1983 970.2 1,041.0 1,143.0 1,275.1 1,423.4 1,578.0 1,723.5 1,909.1 2,131.0 2,305.8 2,528.5 2,823.4 165.1 61.8 68.1 74.4 81.7 89.9 99.2 107.1 117.5 150.9 126.9 136.6 337.3 353.6 199.6 201.7 211.0 221.4 237.8 254.0 272.1 281.8 299.8 315.6 585.3 622.7 2.4 720.5 3.7 841.9 3.7 935.4 1,001.3 1,060.7 1,143.6 1,190.6 1,328.8 1,547.9 1,696.3 3.9 10.8 45.2 74.4 181.9 206.6 162.5 209.7 106.4 129.7 115.9 104.9 131.4 177.6 195.1 240.9 277.9 263.0 255.4 325.3 13.7 3.3 11.5 4.9 11.7 5.8 14.0 7.4 16.3 8.7 23.7 11.4 30.3 12.9 36.9 14.0 39.4 14.5 43.3 12.0 57.5 16.8 60.0 13.4 1,364.0 1,479.2 1,620.5 1,791.7 1,977.8 2,190.0 2,437.1 2,678.0 2,971.2 3,247.3 3,610.2 4,066.3 20.0 20.1 20.1 85.1 207.1 84.2 256.2 84.2 330.3 14.6 15.6 15.9 16.2 17.1 18.1 84.3 90.6 84.3 112.1 83.6 109.6 83.8 120.2 85.0 162.0 86.0 206.5 52 Total market value 53 Mutual fund shares 54 Other equities 948.1 46.6 901.4 676.9 35.2 641.7 892.5 1,051.9 43.0 46.5 849.5 1,005.5 995.4 1,028.3 1,230.7 1,635.6 1,568.5 1,810.5 2,151.5 2,183.8 129.3 45.8 45.4 51.2 63.5 63.8 89.5 161.9 950.0 982.5 1,179.5 1,572.1 1,504.7 1,721.0 2,022.2 2,022.0 55 Held by financial institutions . . 56 Other holdings 208.8 739.3 154.1 522.7 210.3 682.2 232.2 763.2 18.2 85.6 229.3 18.9 19.3 85.8 230.9 86.2 238.5 Corporate equities not included above 243.0 809.0 245.3 783.1 596.9 290.1 382.8 369.6 458.9 588.1 940.6 1,252.8 1,198.9 1,351.6 1,563.4 1,587.0 NOTES BY LIKE NUMBER 1. Line 1 of table 43, part A. 6. Includes farm and commercial mortgages. 12. Credit market funds raised by federally sponsored credit agencies, and net issues of federally related mortgage pool securities. 14. Line 1 less line 2 plus lines 12 and 13. Also line 21 less line 28 plus line 34. Also sum of lines 29 and 48 less lines 41 and 47. 19. Includes farm and commercial mortgages. 27. Line 40 less lines 41 and 47. 28. Excludes equity issues and investment company shares. Includes line 20. 30. Foreign deposits at commercial banks, bank borrowings from foreign branches, and liabilities of foreign banking agencies to foreign affiliates. 31. Demand deposits at commercial banks. 32. Excludes net investment of these reserves in corporate equities. 33. Mainly retained earnings and net miscellaneous liabilities. 34. Line 14 less line 21 plus line 28. 35-39. Lines 15-19 less amounts acquired by private finance. Line 39 includes mortgages. 41. Mainly an offset to line 10. 48. Sum of lines 34 and 40, or line 14 less line 29 plus lines 41 and 47. 49. Line 2 divided by line 1. 50. Line 21 divided by line 14. 51. Sum of lines 11 and 30. 52. 54. Includes issues by financial institutions. 125 43. Flow of funds accounts, 1973-84—Continued C. Sector statements of financial assets and liabilities Amounts outstanding at end of year, billions of dollars 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 j 1978 j 1979 | 1980 1981 Category 1982 1 1983 i ; , i 1984 Households, personal trusts, and nonprofit organization S 1 Total financial assets 2,2%.8 2,201.0 2,558.9 2,899.7 3,076.5 3,364.5 3,850.0 4,532.0 4,826.3 5,377.3 6,057.4 6,608.5 2 Deposits and credit market instruments' 1,077.9 1,178,2 1,294.8 1,438.9 1,596.2 L767.5 1,975.1 2,181.0 2,433.9 2,645.6 2,916.9 3,309.4 3 Deposits 4 Checkable deposits and currency 5 Small time and savings deposits 6 Money market fund shares . . 7 Large time deposits 787.1 847.8 940.1 1,062.0 1 189.5 1,321 5 1,4504 1 6207 1 8302 1 983 3 2 177 6 2 464 5 156.4 163.6 170.4 186.2 205.2 228.3 585.3 ' 45.4 622.6 2.4 59.2 719.6 3.7 46.4 835.8 3.7 36.4 930.9 3.9 49.5 996.9 1,056.9 1,140.2 1,187.1 1,323.8 1,537.6 1,688.6 45.2 74.4 181.9 206.6 162.5 209.7 10.8 121.7 98.8 142.0 161.7 85.5 179.6 137.0 290.8 108.7 95.2 60.4 34.9 13.4 330.4 127.2 111.3 63.3 48.0 15.8 354.7 138.7 126.2 67.4 58.9 12.5 376.9 145.5 129.8 72.0 57.8 15.6 406.7 163.4 142.3 76.8 65.5 21.2 446,0 184,1 156.8 80.7 76.1 27.3 53.7 61.9 68.1 70.1 70.1 51,5 63.1 13.8 54.6 70.0 16.9 60.9 76.2 10.9 71.6 83.6 6.1 71.4 91.7 10.0 18 Corporate equities 19 Mutual fund shares 20 Other corporate equities 705.7 46.6 659.1 498.5 35.2 463.3 646.9 43.0 603.9 766.0 46.5 719.5 723.4 45.4 678.1 21 Life insurance reserves 151.3 158.4 166.5 175.3 322.8 4.9 34.1 325.2 3.9 36.8 405.6 4.5 40.6 467.2 6.3 46.0 25 Total liabilities 697.7 752.2 808.0 907.4 1,051.7 1,225.8 1,409.8 1,544.3 1,679.3 1,778.7 1,S>75.7 2,223.8 26 Credit market instruments 27 Home mortgages 28 Installment consumer credit , 29 Other consumer credit. 30 Tax exempt debt 31 Other mortgages 32 Bank loans n.e.c 33 Other loans 670,9 404,5 155,1 48.6 .4 22.6 13.5 26.2 725.5 442.3 164.6 49.0 1.3 23.7 15.2 29.4 778,8 482.9 172.3 50.9 2.7 24.8 13.7 31.5 871.2 1,012.2 1 ,182.5 1,362.5 1,487.0 1,619.2 1,712.1 1,887.5 2,133.8 544.3 635.1 746.5 869.2 967.5 1,051.0 1,096.9 1,200.1 1,332.2 355.8 396.1 477.0 314.9 335.7 193.8 230.6 273.6 312.0 80.7 116.6 96.9 85.9 71.3 74.8 64.3 58.6 54.8 51.3 29.4 21.1 40.6 13.6 16.7 10.7 8.1 4.7 41.4 36.4 29.6 31.5 38.9 33.8 28,1 26.7 25.6 38.4 34.4 31.2 36.0 20.8 26.8 19.9 17.4 14.6 73,2 76.5 79.3 65.8 45.9 54.7 39.5 35.7 33.4 13.2 7.3 11.4 8.3 12.1 9.4 17.2 10.5 18.5 11.7 19.7 13.2 20.7 14.9 27.2 17.2 25.6 19.8 28.8 22.2 48.1 24.0 47.5 25.8 6.4 7.1 7.7 8.4 9.3 10,3 11,7 12.9 14.7 15.5 16.1 16.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Credit market instruments . . . U.S. government securities Treasury issues Savings bonds Other Treasury Agency issues Tax exempt obligations Corporate and foreign bonds Mortgages Open market paper 22 Pension fund reserves 23 Security credit 24 Miscellaneous assets 34 Security credit 35 Trade credit 36 Deferred and unpaid life insurance premiums 126 .... 249.4 264.0 299.4 315.9 355.7 386.5 524,8 226.8 181,6 79.9 101.8 45.2 560.4 240.2 188,2 72.5 115.6 52.1 603.7 264.8 208.2 68.2 140.0 56.5 662.3 277.3 226,2 68.3 157.9 51.1 739.4 328.0 268.4 71.5 196,9 59.5 844.9 406.4 317.3 74.5 242.7 89.2 72.7 83.2 89.9 100.8 132.8 173.8 205.3 65.2 105.9 18.1 64.0 125.9 24.7 58.3 148.1 23.8 50.4 171.2 16.5 45.7 191.7 14.7 45.8 183.8 7.9 40.2 184,9 8.0 741.0 45.8 695.2 892.3 1,188,2 1,134.3 1,274.8 1,466.2 1,492.5 161.9 129.3 89.5 63.8 51.2 63.5 841.1 1,124.8 1,070.5 1,185.4 1,336.9 1,330.6 184.8 196.0 206.7 216.4 225.6 513.8 5.3 52.9 592.6 7.8 59.5 699.6 9.6 66.7 859.1 14.8 72.4 941.2 1,122.7 1,321.7 1,433.0 24.9 19.3 16.0 12.7 99.9 92.5 85.3 78.5 232,8 240.8 248.8 43. Flow of funds accounts, 1973-84—Continued C. Sector statements of financial assets and liabilities—Continued Amounts outstanding at end of year, billions of dollars 1977 1982 1983 1984 1974 1975 1976 36 Total financial assets 526.0 516.7 557.6 611.9 671.7 764.4 888.6 993.4 1,057.6 1,085.9 1,213.7 1,289.6 37 Liouid assets 38 Demand deposits and currency . . •> 39 Time deposits 40 Security repurchase agreements 41 Foreign deposits .... 101.0 105.4 125.2 139.8 143.4 159.2 177.8 194.2 212.1 239.2 287.1 292.5 46.3 16.6 47.8 20.5 53.9 22.4 56.4 24.4 59.2 29.2 63.0 31.2 69.2 35.9 73.1 39.9 62.5 54.8 72.0 60.0 71.5 76.6 67,3 81.4 11.3 3,3 5.5 4.9 4.7 5.8 7.0 7.4 8.3 8.7 13.7 11.4 16.3 12.9 22.9 14.0 22.9 14.5 26.6 12.0 37.9 16.8 40.3 13.4 4.5 4.0 14.9 5.6 4.7 16.5 14.3 4.5 19.6 16.4 3.4 24.7 10.0 3.5 24.5 11.5 3.7 24.8 13.1 3.7 26.7 16.5 3.5 24.4 19.5 3.5 34.3 22.7 3.5 42.2 27.2 4.2 52,9 30.0 4.1 56.1 45 Consumer credit 46 Trade credit 21.7 266.8 22.3 243.5 23.0 249.4 24.9 268.1 26.0 304.3 27.8 360.2 29.4 429.6 29.9 477.0 32.5 497.8 33.1 485.9 36.5 543.5 42.8 587.1 47 Miscellaneous assets ... 48 Foreign direct investments2 . . 49 Insurance receivables 50 Equity in sponsored agencies 5 1 Other 136.6 91.7 15.7 .4 28.8 145.5 100.4 17.8 .4 26.9 160.1 114.1 20.0 A 25.5 179.2 126.6 23.4 ,5 28.8 198.0 135,4 27.8 .5 34.3 217.2 151.8 33.4 .6 31.4 251.7 178.2 38.9 .6 33,9 292.3 208.5 43,6 .6 39.6 315.3 222.8 47,3 .6 44.5 327.8 227.1 50.0 .7 49.9 346.7 235.7 54.3 .7 56.0 367.2 245,8 58.4. .7 62.3 52 Total liabilities 732.6 743.4 770.9 834.7 930,3 1,072.0 1,235.6 1,362.9 1,506.9 1,587.8 1,715.2 1,930.5 53 Credit market instruments 54 Tax exempt debt3 55 Corporate bonds2 56 Mortgages, 57 Home mortgages 58 Multifamily 59 Commercial .... 461.3 2.4 207.5 65.9 3.1 26.9 35,9 527.4 4.1 227.1 66.8 2.8 28.3 35.7 548.5 6.7 254.3 65.9 3.5 28.8 33.6 591.5 9.2 277.2 68.3 4.8 30.0 33.6 662.6 17.4 300.0 71.9 6.4 32,0 33.5 741.1 25.0 321.2 76.1 6.7 34.7 34.6 836,5 35.0 338.5 77.5 6.1 37.2 34.2 912,0 1,014.8 1,085.4 1,144.9 1,307.3 74.5 83.9 102.4 45.9 59.3 365.1 386.9 405.5 421.3 453.5 79.7 80.0 76.8 80.0 78.1 7.4 4.4 7,2 4.0 5.3 41.6 41.8 40.8 41.4 40.6 30.7 30.9 32.7 31.6 34.0 60 61 62 63 64 Bank loans n e e Commercial paper Acceptances Finance company loans . . . . U S government loans 150.3 8.4 2.4 22.3 2.1 181.5 12.5 3.6 28.1 3.7 172.4 9.6 3.8 31,9 3.9 176.3 11.0 5.1 40.3 4.1 197.0 12.8 5.7 53.8 4.0 227.4 15.5 5.0 65.3 5.7 272.6 24.5 6.0 75.4 6.9 299.2 28.0 6.9 78.5 8.4 341.9 42.7 9.1 87.2 9.6 383.0 38.2 9,8 86.7 10.9 401.9 37.7 9.5 100.5 10.4 472.4 58.5 10.4 118.1 12.0 65 Profit taxes payable ... 66 Trade debt . . 67 Foreign direct investment in United States 15.6 235.1 16.7 174.1 14.3 180.5 21,8 190.7 20.3 212.8 24.6 263.9 27.1 317.6 25.3 357.2 18.5 383.2 4.5 376.0 9,8 427.0 10.5 460.4 20.6 25.1 27.7 30.8 34.6 42.5 54.5 68.4 90.4 121.9 133.5 152.3 31.7 69.4 68.9 77.4 91.5 96.4 112.0 119.8 114.7 109.9 116.4 126.7 275.8 185.4 436,2 298.0 229.4 420.3 326.9 221.5 416.3 354.7 236.8 449.3 389.3 273.4 506.4 422.2 318.8 607.2 451.0 385.4 730.1 491.0 421,0 803.5 524.3 490.5 892.2 556.8 528,6 909.1 584.9 635.9 560.0 671.4 996.8 1,142.3 59.8 56.5 59.6 60.0 58,7 57.0 53.9 53.8 51.7 51,3 51.1 48.6 40.2 43.5 40.4 40.0 41.3 43.0 46.1 46.2 48.3 48.7 48.9 51.4 23.1 25.1 30.1 31.1 28.3 26.2 24.4 24.2 23,8 26.3 28.8 25.6 1978 1979 1980 1973 Transaction category, or sector 1981 Nonfinancial Corporate Business 42 43 44 U.S. government securities . . Tax exempt obligations Commercial paper MEMO 68 Net trade credit Debt subtotals 69 Securities and mortgages . . . . 70 Loans and short-term paper . 71 Total short-term liabilities4 . . Ratios (percent) 72 Long-term debt to credit market debt 73 Short-term debt to credit market debt 74 Liquid assets to short-term liabilities .... 127 44. Selected measures of nonfmancial business activity, 1984' 1977=100; monthly data are seasonally adjusted. Exceptions are noted Measure 1 Industrial production, total 2 3 4 5 6 7 Market groupings Producte total Final total Consumer goods Equipment . . . . Intermediate Materials Industry groupings 8 Manufacturing 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Capacity utilization (percent)2 Manufacturing Industrial materials industries 3 Construction contracts (1977=100) . Nonagricultural employment, total4 . . . . Goods-producing, total . . . . Manufacturing, total Manufacturing, production worker . Service-producing 17 Personal income, total5 18 Wage and salary disbursements 19 Manufacturing 20 Disposable personal income5 21 Retail sales (1977=100)6 i Mar. Apr. j May Nov. | Dec. Year Jan. 121.8 118.4 119.3 120.1 120.7 121.3 127.1 127.8 118,2 1405 124.9 114,6 122.8 123,4 116.2 132 8 1209 1124 123.7 124.2 116.9 133 9 121 9 113 3 124.5 125.0 117.3 135 3 122.8 114,1 123.9 1196 121 0 122.0 122 8 123 2 124.1 125.4 125.9 125.6 125.5 126.0 125.8 80.8 823 149.0 143.1 106.8 100.7 94.0 163.0 79.2 81 6 150.0 140.4 104.6 99.0 925 160.0 80.0 80,4 82 1 82 5 1490 145.0 141.1 141.4 105.4 105.5 996 100.1 93 1 93.6 1607 161.1 478.2 422.5 323.6 470.3 179.0 459.9 409.3 411 0 314.0 317.1 453.0 457.1 1762 1755 464.0 413.3 418.1 4192 422.6 318.8 322.0 321.9 323.1 459.9 464.2 465.3 469.1 1735 1783 1792 181,1 311.1 291.2 305.2 289.5 307.3 466.8 125.4 126.1 118.3 1364 1230 1149 126.2 126,8 117.7 138 8 1242 1147 June July ^ Aug. j Sept. Oct. 122.3 123.2 123.5 123.3 122.7 127.5 128.2 118.5 141.0 125.4 115.2 128.6 129.2 119.1 142.5 127.0 115.8 129.0 129.7 118.4 144 5 126.9 116.1 128.8 129.8 118.3 145.0 125.6 115.9 123.4 123.3 129.9 130.7 119.6 145,5 127.2 114.2 114.6 129.0 129.9 118.5 145,0 126.2 81.2 81.5 151.0 145.1 107.8 101 4 80.7 80.7 81.1 826 826 82,8 147.0 163.0 144.0 142.0 142.5 143.1 106.2 106.6 107.1 1004 1006 100.9 940 94 1 94.3 161.6 162.2 162.8 81.7 83.0 150.0 143.4 107.5 101.3 946 163.1 81.8 83 1 148.0 143.6 107.7 101 4 948 94.0 163.4 164.2 145.0 144.6 107.6 101.2 94.3 164.9 47L2 480.6 424.4 324.4 472.5 483.5 487.0 425 5 428.4 326.2 325.7 475.5 479.1 178 3 179.9 489.1 428.8 326.7 480,6 1809 492.3 432,6 330.0 482.9 1830 311.7 313.0 314.5 291 3 289.8 315.3 291.6 315.3 2923 472,8 477.2 178 5 81.3 82.7 146.0 144.1 107.3 100.9 81.1 81.3 944 165.6 129.8 130.6 119.7 144.9 V27.1 114.6 80.9 81 3 150,0 145.4 108.4 101 8 94 8 16*5 7 494.2 436 S 333.3 484.5 1834 7 22 23 Prices Consumer Producer finished goods 128 306.6 2906 291.4 308.8 291,2 309.7 310.7 291 1 290.9 292.3 315.5 2924 45. Output, capacity, and capacity utilization, 1984 A. Output 1967 = 100; quarterly data are seasonally adjusted Series 1 Total industry Year Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 163.3 159.8 163.1 165.6 164.7 2 Mining 3 Utilities ... 125.7 181.5 124.2 179.2 125,1 183.1 129.0 181.1 124.3 183.0 4 Manufacturing ... 164.7 161.0 164.4 167.2 166.5 161.2 166.6 160.5 161.7 162.5 165.2 162.2 169.7 159.8 169,6 161.2 158.8 162.1 163.4 160.2 161.6 96.6 184.3 193.3 168.2 237.1 131.5 157.6 97.3 183.7 193,2 165.8 236.7 131.2 162.0 100.3 186.6 195.9 168.5 240.4 132.4 164.6 97.2 185.7 194.9 171.0 238.4 133.1 162.1 91.0 181.5 189.6 168.3 233.5 129.4 Year Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 5 Primary processing1 2 6 Advanced processing 7 Materials3 . . .. .... 8 Durable goods 9 Metal 10 Nondurable goods 1 1 Textile paper and chemical . . 12 Paper. 13 Chemical 14 Energy . . . B. Capacity 1967 output = 100; quarterly data are seasonally adjusted Series 200.4 198.4 199.7 201.1 202.4 ... 166.0 216.0 165,7 213.8 165.9 215.3 166.1 216.8 166.3 218.3 ... 201.8 199.5 201.0 202.5 204.0 5 Primary processing' . . . . 6 Advanced processing2 . . 197.6 204.0 196.5 201.1 197.2 203.0 198.0 204.9 198.7 206.8 7 Materials3 196.5 194.7 195.9 197.2 198.4 198.9 138.2 224.3 237.2 170.0 306.6 156.7 197,1 139.1 221.8 234.2 168.5 302.3 155.8 198.3 138,5 223.4 236.2 169.5 305.2 156.4 199.5 137.9 225.2 238.2 170.5 308.0 157.0 200.8 137.3 226.9 240.3 171.5 310.9 157.6 Year Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 1 Total industry 81.5 80.5 81.7 82.4 81.3 2 Mining 3 Utilities 75.7 84.0 75.0 83.8 75.4 85.0 77.7 83.5 74.7 83.8 81.6 80.7 81.8 82.5 81.6 5 Primary processing 6 Advanced processing2 81.6 81.7 81.7 80.3 82.4 81.4 81.9 82.8 80.4 82.0 7 Materials3 82.0 81.6 82.7 82.9 80.7 81.2 69.9 82.2 81.5 98.9 77.3 84.0 79.9 70.0 82.8 82.5 98.4 78.3 84.2 81.7 72.4 83.5 82.9 99.4 78.8 84.6 82.5 70,5 82.5 81.8 100.3 77.4 84.8 80.7 66.3 80.0 79.0 98.1 75.1 82.1 1 Total industry 2 Mining . . . 3 Utilities . 4 Manufacturing 8 Durable goods 9 Metal 10 Nondurable goods 1 1 Textile paper and chemical . 12 Paper 13 Chemical 14 Energy C. Capacity utilization4 Percent; quarterly data are seasonally adjusted Series 4 Manufacturing ... 1 8 Durable goods 9 Metal 10 Nondurable goods 11 Ti ixtile paper and chemical 12 Paper 13 Chemical 14 Energy ... 129 46. Labor force, employment, and unemployment, 1984 Thousands of persons; monthly data are seasonally adjusted. Exceptions noted Mar. | Year Jan. 178,602 177,733 177,882 178,033 178,185 178,337 178,501 115,763 113,544 114,520 112,320 114,927 112,724 115,115 112,906 115,418 113,202 115,936 113,722 115,836 113,619 101,685 3,321 100,000 3,294 100,524 3,364 100,818 3,305 101,023 3,379 101,795 3,367 102,023 3,368 8,539 7.5 62,839 9,026 8.0 63,213 8,836 7.8 62,955 8,783 7.8 62,918 8,800 7.8 62,767 8,560 7.5 62,401 8,228 7.2 62,665 94,166 92,391 92,846 93,058 93,449 93,786 94,135 19 589 999 4 315 5,169 21,790 5,665 20,666 15 973 19 254 975 4,154 5,095 21,320 5,573 20,162 15 858 19,373 978 4,226 5,105 21,418 5,593 20,278 15,875 19,466 978 4,151 5,112 21,493 5,613 20,378 15,873 19 530 984 4,246 5,129 21,568 5,640 20,449 15,903 19,570 995 4,286 5,144 21,658 5,662 20,549 15,922 19,629 1,002 4,343 5,163 21,747 5,676 20,681 15,894 July Aug. Sept. Oct.^T . ... .1 Nov. 1 Noninstitutional population' 178,669 178,821 179,005 179,181 179,353 179,524 2 Labor force (including Armed Forces)1 3 Civilian labor force . . .... Employment 4 Nonagricultural industries2 5 Agriculture Unemployment 6 Number 7 Rate (percent of civilian labor force) . 8 Not in labor force , 116,097 113 868 115,867 113,629 116,006 113,764 116,241 114,016 116,292 114,074 116,682 114,464 102 044 3,333 101 884 3,264 102,075 3,319 102 480 3,169 102 598 3,334 102,888 3,385 8491 75 62,572 8481 7.5 62,954 8,370 7.4 62,999 8 367 7.3 62,940 8 142 7.1 63,061 8,191 7.2 62,842 94,350 94,523 94,807 95,157 95,497 95,681 19,696 1,007 4,356 5 175 21,811 5 676 20,701 15 928 19,725 1,017 4,356 5,202 21,839 5,679 20,748 15 957 19,616 1,020 4,374 5,213 21,930 5,684 20,861 16 109 19,686 1,012 4,382 5,225 22,080 5 705 20,964 16 103 19,718 1,009 4,396 5,226 22,267 5,725 21,030 16 126 19,801 1,000 4,457 5,249 22,267 5,749 21,095 16063 Category Feb. Apr j May } June HOUSEHOLD SURVEY DATA 1 Noninstitutional population1 1 2 Labor force (including Armed Forces) 3 Civilian labor force Employment 4 Nonagricultural industries2 .. 5 Agriculture Unemployment 6 Number 7 Rate (percent of civilian labor force) 8 Not in labor force ESTABLISHMENT SURVEY DATA 9 Nonagricultural payroll employment3 10 Manufacturing 1 1 Mining .. 12 Contract construction 13 Transportation and public utilities 14 Trade 15 Finance 16 Service 17 Government .. .. ... Dec. HOUSEHOLD SURVEY DATA ESTABLISHMENT SURVEY DATA 9 Nonagricultural payroll employment3 10 Manufacturing 1 1 Mining 12 Contract construction 13 Transportation and public utilities 14 Trade 15 Finance 16 Service 17 Government 130 47. Industrial production1 Monthly data are seasonally adjusted Grouping MAJOR MARKET 1 Total index 2 Products 3 Final products 4 Consumer goods 5 Equipment 6 Intermediate products 7 Materials Consumer goods 8 Durable consumer goods 9 Automotive products 10 Autos and trucks 11 Autos, consumer 12 Trucks consumer 13 Auto parts and allied goods . . . 14 Home goods 15 Appliances, A/C, and TV 16 Appliances and TV 17 Carpeting and furniture 18 Miscellaneous home goods . . 19 Nondurable consumer goods 20 Consumer staples 21 Consumer roods and tobacco . 22 Nonfood staples 23 Consumer chemical products 24 Consumer paper products 25 Consumer energy 26 Consumer ftiel 27 Residential utilities Equipment 28 Business and defense 29 Business 30 Construction, mining and ferm 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Manufacturing Power Commercial Transit Defense and space .. Intermediate products Construction supplies Business supplies .. General business supplies Commercial energy products . . . 1977 proportion 1984 1984 avg. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Index (1977 - 100) 118.4 119.3 120.1 120.7 121.3 122.3 123.2 123.5 123.3 122.7 123.4 57.72 44 77 25.52 19.25 12.94 42 28 127.1 127 8 118.2 140.5 124.9 114.6 122.8 123 4 1162 132.8 120.9 1124 123.7 1242 1169 133.9 121.9 113 3 124.5 125 0 117.3 135.3 122.8 114 1 125,4 126 1 118 3 136.4 123.0 1144 126.2 126 8 117 7 138.8 124.2 114 7 127.5 128 2 118.5 141.0 125.4 115 2 128.6 1292 119.1 142.5 127.0 115.8 129.0 129.7 118.4 144,5 126.9 116.1 128.8 129 8 118.3 145.0 125,6 115.9 129.0 129,9 118.5 145.0 126.2 114.2 129.9 130.7 119.6 145.5 127,2 114.6 129.8 1306 119.7 144.9 127.3 114.6 6.89 2.98 1 79 1.16 .63 1.19 3.91 1.24 1.19 96 1.71 1863 15.29 7.80 7.49 112.6 109 8 103.0 93.2 121.2 120.1 114,8 136.2 137.5 117 6 97,8 1202 125.0 126,2 123.9 113.0 1107 105 7 97.9 120.1 118.1 114.9 136.3 137.7 115 5 99.1 117 3 121.1 122.7 119.4 113.0 111 2 106.2 98.3 120.9 118.6 114.4 132.9 134.1 116 8 99.8 1183 122.2 123.2 121.3 112.8 111 6 106.5 99.4 119.6 119.3 113,7 131.9 133.4 117 8 98.2 1189 122.7 124.0 121.4 113.0 1104 1034 95.0 119.0 121.0 115.0 135.9 136,8 118 5 98.1 1203 124.3 126.0 122.7 111.8 1089 102 2 93,4 118.5 118.9 114.1 133.2 134.0 118 6 97.8 1199 124.4 125.5 123.3 111.7 1104 102.7 93.7 119.3 122.1 112,7 131,0 131.8 1180 96.6 120.9 125.7 126.8 124.8 113.8 110.4 102.8 92.8 121.5 121.9 116.4 140.9 143.0 119.3 97.2 120.9 125.9 126.9 125.0 113.3 111.6 106.0 92.7 130.8 120.0 114.6 138.7 140.6 117.5 95.7 120.2 125.4 126.6 124.3 111.5 107 4 98.7 85.1 124.1 120.6 114.7 138.0 140.1 118.8 95.6 120.7 126.3 127.7 125.0 111.4 104.2 95.0 84.0 115.4 118.1 116.9 140.5 142.2 118.1 99.3 121.0 126,7 128.2 125.4 113.3 110.2 103.1 89.7 127,8 121.1 115.8 137.4 138.4 118.1 99.0 121.8 127,4 127.6 127,5 113.1 111.6 104.7 95.6 121.5 122,1 114.3 137.2 138.2 114,1 97.9 122.1 127.7 129,1 126.5 2.75 1 88 2.86 1 44 1,42 137.4 1384 101.4 893 113.7 131.0 130 1 101.3 860 116.9 134.2 131 7 102.1 91 5 113.0 131,1 1339 104.0 92 5 115.7 134.7 1365 102,2 91 2 113.4 133.7 1390 103,0 91 1 115.1 138.1 139.0 138.3 140.4 1405 143.0 141.2 140.7 101.6 99.7 99.8 100.0 89,5 87.4 88.5 88.1 113.9 112.2 111.2 112.1 141.3 140.0 100.5 88.8 112.4 143.3 141.5 103.0 89.9 116,3 142.7 141.8 100.7 87.7 113.9 100.00 121.8 123.3 18.01 139.6 131.5 133.1 134,7 136.1 137.9 139.9 141.4 143.5 144.1 144.1 144.6 143,9 14.34 134,9 127.1 128.5 130.4 131.2 133,3 135.5 137.0 139.1 139.2 139.1 139.8 138.4 2,08 66.6 3.27 109.4 1.27 79.2 5.22 209.2 2.49 98.6 3.67 157.9 60.6 101.9 73.0 194.9 101,7 148.8 63.5 64.6 66.7 66.3 66.6 68.9 68.1 67.9 69.5 104.3 106.7 107.7 108.5 109.7 110.6 113.4 113.3 112.7 79.8 80.3 80.3 82,4 83.7 74.5 74.9 76.3 76,7 196.3 199.6 202.5 208.7 212.1 213.5 216.5 216.9 216.4 100.1 99.9 94.5 93.2 95,3 97.6 100.6 99.3 98.5 151.3 151.9 155.6 156.0 157.2 158.5 160.7 163.4 163.5 68,2 112.4 83.8 217.1 102.9 163.3 68.5 111.5 84.5 214.5 100.9 165.3 5.95 6.99 5.67 1.31 111.2 129.3 132.3 116.2 112.4 130.0 133.5 114,7 114.0 134.2 137.9 118.0 113.9 130.5 134,1 114.8 113.7 130.9 134.0 117.4 113.1 133,7 137.7 116.2 114.3 134.9 138.4 119.5 114,3 137.8 142.0 119.5 Materials 40 Durable goods materials 20.50 122.3 118.1 120.1 120.6 121.6 121.7 122.4 123.5 41 Durable consumer parts 4.92 98.0 97.3 97.0 97.4 97.7 96.5 97.2 97.5 42 Equipment parts 5.94 164.5 152.6 157.5 158,6 162.9 162.9 164.8 168.6 9.64 108.6 107,3 108.7 109.0 108.3 109.1 109.1 108.8 43 Durable materials n.e c. . . 4.64 86.4 86.4 88.1 87.5 88.4 87.7 87.2 86,5 44 Basic metal materials . . 10.09 111.2 110.3 111.2 111.8 111.3 111.4 111.2 111.6 45 Nondurable goods materials 46 Textile, paper, and chemical materials 7.53 111.6 111.0 112.0 112.1 111.7 111.8 112,0 111.8 47 Textile materials 1.52 101.5 105.5 105,9 105.7 103.4 104.4 102.1 103,2 48 Pulp and paper materials . . . 1.55 126.5 125.5 125,5 123.9 128.0 126.6 127.6 128.5 4.46 109.9 107.9 109.5 110,3 108.9 109.2 110.0 109.1 49 Chemical materials 50 Miscellaneous nondurable materials 2.57 109.8 108,4 108.8 110.8 110.0 110.0 108.7 110.8 5 1 Energy materials 11.69 104.0 104.2 103.3 104.5 104.6 105.3 106.0 106.0 52 Primary energy 7.57 107.5 107.3 106.9 107.9 107.9 108.9 110.1 110.7 4.12 97.6 98.4 96.6 98.2 98.4 98.9 98.5 97.3 53 Converted fuel materials Aug. 115.3 136.9 141.3 117.4 114.7 134.9 138,7 118.2 114.6 136.1 140.1 118.8 115.7 137.1 140.9 120,4 114.7 138.0 141.4 122.9 124.4 99.0 170.1 109.2 85.6 111.6 124.0 98.8 169.9 108.5 85.0 111.4 123.7 98.9 168.6 108.7 84.8 111,2 123.9 99.1 169.1 108.7 85.2 110.7 123.4 99.8 168.8 107.4 84.0 110.7 .112.5 112.3 111.5 110.5 110.1 104.5 99.2 98.5 93.7 91.2 127.0 127.7 126.2 125.1 127.2 110.1 111.5 110.8 111.1 110.6 109.0 108.4 109.9 111.1 112,1 105.5 105.5 99.9 101.5 102.4 109.3 110,0 101.4 104.1 106.0 98.5 97.2 97.1 96.8 96.0 131 47. Industrial production1—Continued Monthly data are seasonally adjusted SIC code Grouping 1984 1977 proportion Jan. 15.79 9.83 5.96 84.21 35 11 49.10 111.6 1109 112.7 119 6 1195 119.6 Feb. [Mar. 1 Apr. May June July J Aug. S«pt. 1 Oct. j^Nov. j Dec, Index (1977 - 100) MAJOR INDUSTRY 1 Mining and utilities 2 Mining 3 Utilities 4 Manufacturing 5 Nondurable 6 Durable 7 8 9 10 Mining Metal Coal Oil and gas extraction Stone and earth minerals . . . 11 12 13 14 15 Nondurable manufactures Foods Tobacco products . Textile mill products Apparel products Paper and products . . . . 16 17 18 19 20 Printing and publishing Chemicals and products . Petroleum products Rubber ana plastic products Leather and products Durable manufactures 21 Lumber and products 22 Furniture and fixtures 23 Clay, glass, and stone products . . 109.4 1094 109.4 121 0 121,0 121,0 110.4 1096 111.6 122 0 121 6 122.2 110.4 109 8 111.4 122 8 121 9 123.3 111.7 111.7 111.6 123,2 122.3 123.8 112.7 113.5 111.4 124 1 123.2 124.7 112.9 114.8 109.8 125 4 123.9 126.4 111.9 112,1 113.0 113.6 110.0 109.7 125.9 125 6 123.2 123.1 127.7 127.2 108.0 107,2 109,4 125 5 123,3 127.0 110.1 108,8 112,1 1260 123,8 127.5 109.9 108,9 111.6 125,8 123.4 127,4 .50 742 79.6 83.7 81.3 80.0 79.0 79.6 72.2 1.60 124.1 128.1 130.7 128.1 130.8 137.9 141.7 136.4 7.07 110.3 106.9 106.0 106,8 109.2 110.2 110.9 110.2 .66 112 7 113.5 115 9 1195 117.3 117.0 1183 118.4 73.6 75,3 75.5 69.3 144.2 102.0 113.1 116.2 109.2 110,1 109.8 109,8 117.6 1142 115 3 113.2 20 21 22 23 26 7.96 .62 2.29 2.79 3.15 128.2 99,6 100 9 100.1 128.9 27 28 29 30 31 4.54 1397 141.6 143.5 144 1 148.2 149.4 152.3 151.5 148.8 149.5 153.5 151.2 8,05 118.2 120.1 120.3 119.9 119.5 122,1 122,9 122.0 124.2 123.5 124.3 123.4 2,40 865 91.3 89 8 88 7 88.3 88.4 87 0 87.5 85 7 854 862 84.7 2.80 137.6 138.7 140.7 140.1 143,5 144.9 146.0 144.5 144,1 146.0 146.6 146.6 .53 79 3 82 4 81 7 82 0 78 8 77 3 77 0 74 2 73 4 709 71 5 71.4 24 25 32 2.30 106.7 108.1 109.5 110.0 108.3 109.8 107.9 109.4 1.27 128.1 132.2 132 5 132 9 138.3 138.6 139 4 140.0 2.72 108.5 111.0 111.3 112.0 113.2 112.5 113.8 113.7 10 11,12 13 14 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Primary metals 33 5.33 Iron and steel 331.2 3.49 34 6.46 Fabricated metal products Nonelectrical machinery 35 9.54 Electrical machinery 36 7.15 Transportation equipment 37 9.13 Motor vehicles and parts 371 5.25 Aerospace and miscellaneous transportation equipment . . 372-6.S» 3.87 32 Instruments 38 2.66 33 Miscellaneous manufactures 39 1.46 Utilities 34 Electric 123.4 100.8 106 8 104.1 125.9 84.3 77.9 97 2 131.6 163 0 112.1 106 5 124.4 125.5 100.4 98.0 107,6 108 7 104.7 104.6 126.1 126.0 85.1 78.1 99.1 133.4 164 6 112.3 106.0 83.6 75.6 102 1 136.5 165 9 112.3 106 5 126.8 99.7 1069 106 1 127.3 84.2 76.0 101 5 138.9 1692 1120 103 6 126,7 99.2 107.0 104.2 126.5 82.8 74,3 101 9 141.9 1692 111.2 103 4 127.4 102.0 105,0 102.9 127,2 80.4 71.0 103 3 143.7 171 4 112.4 104 3 127.8 100.9 105 7 102.3 128.2 80.6 69.0 103 7 146.1 175 3 114.2 105 4 127,7 97.3 103.5 101.3 128.2 84.0 74.6 104.1 147.8 176 2 116.2 108 3 129.1 103.1 1003 100.5 127.6 128.7 102.7 97 1 101.1 127.7 129.0 107.4 94.7 102.5 128.8 110.4 110,2 109.5 109.4 140.9 H9.9 139.8 138.0 112,6 113.3 113.6 111.8 82,9 73.6 104 8 146.5 176 8 114.3 104 6 81.3 71.0 104 8 146.6 1784 113.4 103 1 80.9 71.1 105 4 145.8 178 9 1160 107 5 78.4 68.9 105.9 144.6 1802 117.8 109 5 119.6 120.8 120.2 123.4 121.6 123.4 126.0 126.9 127.5 127.3 127,5 129.0 1303 132.6 135 3 135 8 135 1 1380 139 4 139 8 140 2 138 6 H8 6 138 9 98.7 99.6 96.8 98.3 98.8 96.4 99 7 97.8 95.9 98,6 98 6 97.2 4.17 117.3 113.8 116.8 117.2 117.7 118.0 116.1 116.8 116.2 116.8 118.7 117.5 Gross value (billions of 1972 dollars, annual rates) 36 Final . , . , . 37 Consumer goods . , 38 Equipment 39 Intermediate . . . , 132 , O 35 Products, total 596.0 725.6 731.0 738.8 740.1 743.8 749.5 748.1 OOOO MAJOR MARKET 472,7 309.2 163.5 123.3 589.2 358.7 230.8 149.5 577.6 352.6 225.2 147.8 582.7 355.5 227.4 148.1 590.5 361.0 229.7 149.5 592.6 358.0 234.9 151.0 596.7 357.7 239,4 152.7 593,7 355.0 239.1 154.3 752.4 749.2 753.7 759.2 756.5 598.0 354.1 244.3 154.3 596.8 352.5 244.8 152.3 600.4 355.5 245.4 153.2 605.2 359.0 246.7 154.0 601.8 360.0 242.3 154.6 48. Housing and construction, 1984 Monthly figures are at seasonally adjusted annual rates except as noted Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Item Private residential real estate activity (thousands of units) NEW UNITS 1 Permits authorized 2 1-family 3 2-or-more-family , 1,871 1,050 821 1,969 1,149 820 1,765 1,004 761 1,802 983 819 1,774 943 831 1,819 941 878 1,590 849 741 1,508 835 673 1,481 865 616 1,436 817 619 1,613 838 775 1,627 852 775 4 Started 5 1-family 6 2-or-more-family 1,933 1,256 677 2,208 1,440 768 1,700 1,076 624 1,949 1,163 786 1,787 1,118 669 1,837 1,077 760 1,730 996 734 1,590 962 628 1,669 1,009 660 1,564 979 585 1,600 1,043 557 1,630 1,112 518 7 Under construction, end of period1 8 1-family 9 2-or-more-family 1,035 554 480 1,034 557 478 1,066 571 496 1,087 579 508 1,090 585 505 1,098 587 511 1,100 582 518 1,091 574 517 1,088 568 520 1,081 571 510 1,077 574 503 1,073 579 495 1,605 1,024 581 1,582 1,034 548 1,603 1,032 571 1,661 996 665 1,731 1,072 659 1,718 1,045 673 1,699 1,062 637 1,681 1,035 646 1,657 1,040 617 1,614 972 642 1,587 1,001 586 1,635 985 650 13 Mobile homes shipped 311 296 290 287 295 298 301 302 282 302 291 282 Merchant builder activity in 1-family units 14 Number sold 15 Number for1 sale, end of period 671 700 677 645 617 636 615 557 670 652 596 604 303 303 320 327 332 338 340 343 343 346 349 356 79.2 78.4 79.6 81.4 80.5 80.7 82.0 81.3 80.1 82.5 78.3 92.2 94.4 97.7 96.2 101.9 98.8 97.1 96.9 101.3 95.7 101.4 96.3 2,890 2,900 2,960 3,030 2,970 2,920 2,790 2,770 2,730 2,740 2,830 2,870 70.7 84.2 71.4 84.5 71.8 84.8 72,1 85.7 72.7 85.9 73.4 87.2 74.2 87.9 73.5 87.6 71.9 85.4 71.9 86.2 71.9 85.1 72.1 85.9 10 Completed 11 1-family 12 2-or-rnore-family 2 Price (thousands of dollars) Median Units sold Average 17 Units sold 16 76.2 EXISTING UNITS (1-family) 18 Number sold Price of units sold (thousands of dollars)2 19 Median 20 Average Value of new construction (millions of dollars)3 CONSTRUCTION 21 Total put in place . 280,897 300,355 309,744 308,596 316,398 315,279 314,223 318,031 318,685 312,849 308,111 307,579 22 Private 23 Residential 24 Nortresidential, total Buildings 25 Industrial 26 Commercial 27 Other 28 Public utilities and other 229,972 248,104 254,958 254,057 261,182 257,789 258,245 261,165 260,871 256,121 251,607 251,283 121,931 137,403 141,087 136,577 138,401 136,418 137,818 138,926 137,106 131,143 125,906 122,727 108,041 110,701 113,871 117,480 122,781 121,371 120,427 122,239 123,765 124,978 125,701 128,556 29 Public 30 Military 31 Highway 32 Conservation and development . 33 Other 12,872 41,057 12,742 41,370 13,969 42,078 12,999 41,655 14,363 45,279 13,190 41,039 13,633 47,352 13,271 43,224 15,170 49,718 13,821 44,072 14,065 48,947 13,327 45,032 13,784 48,436 12,744 45,463 14,613 49,496 12,059 46,071 14,917 50,861 12,079 45,908 14,867 53,509 12,111 44,491 15,287 54,579 11,975 43,860 15,353 56,661 12,396 44,146 50,925 52,251 54,786 54,539 55,216 57,490 55,979 56,866 57,814 56,729 56,504 56,296 3,508 2,890 3,082 2,974 2,608 2,474 2,872 2,827 2,649 2,703 2,345 2,851 14,240 14,993 16,205 16,781 16,949 16,824 17,136 17,322 17,209 16,794 17,458 17,588 4,319 4,608 4,531 4,518 4,356 4,492 4,520 4,520 4,890 4,591 5,073 4,555 29,758 30,176 31,178 30,413 31,262 33,471 31,978 32,173 32,207 32,454 30,891 31,179 133 49. Consumer and producer prices, 1984 Percentage changes based on seasonally adjusted data, except as noted 3 months (at annual rate) to 12 months to Item 1983 Dec. 1984 Dec. Q2 Ql j Q3 j i Q4 1 Index level (19671 = 100) CONSUMER PRICE 2 3.8 4.0 5.4 3.2 4.5 3.0 315.5 2.6 -.5 3.8 .2 8.4 1.2 -.5 .3 3,9 .1 3,7 -.7 305.1 418.9 4.9 5.0 4,8 4.7 3.1 5.6 5.1 3.8 6.0 4.8 3.9 5.2 5.3 3.8 6.2 3,5 .9 5.0 307.3 256.7 365.0 .6 2.3 -9.2 1.9 1.9 1.8 3.8 -4.1 2.2 2,1 -.4 -7.5 5.0 .8 2.2 .0 4.5 -19.7 2.5 2.3 1.8 4.5 5.7 .0 .0 292.4 274,4 736.4 248.0 296.4 1.4 3.0 1.7 2.0 4,2 4.1 2,7 2.0 -1.1 .9 1.1 1.3 325.5 304.6 8.0 -4.6 15.5 -.9 -1.0 -3.4 8.9 -1.6 .9 -19.2 4.0 14.3 -1.7 1.0 -15,3 12.0 -7.0 -10.7 253.7 775.4 253.9 1 All items 2 Food 3 Energy items , 4 All items less food and energy 5 Commodities 6 Services PRODUCER PRICES 7 Finished goods 8 Consumer foods . . . 9 Consumer energy . . , 10 Other consumer goods . . 1 1 Capital equipment 12 Intermediate materials3 13 Excluding energy 14 15 16 Crude materials Foods Energy .... Other 6.1 15.2 -5.2 * 5.6 3.9 1 month to Jan, CONSUMER PRICE 2 Food 3 Energy items . . , 4 All items less food and energy 5 Commodities 6 Services PRODUCER PRICES 7 Finished goods 8 Consumer foods 9 Consumer energy 10 Other consumer goods 1 1 Capital equipment . . 12 Intermediate materials3 13 Excluding energy 134 Apr, Mar. May June July Au g. Sept. j Oct. Nov. j_ Dec. 2 1 All items Crude materials 14 . Foods 15 Energy 16 Other Feb. , .6 .4 .3 .4 .2 .2 .3 .4 .4 .3 .2 .3 1.4 .0 .7 .1 .0 .2 -.1 .8 -.2 -.3 .2 -.4 .4 -.4 .5 -.1 .1 .5 .3 -.1 ,2 .1 .4 -.2 .5 .3 .7 .3 ,2 .4 .4 .4 .4 .5 .5 .5 .3 .3 .4 .3 .2 .4 .4 ,2 .6 .4 .4 .5 .4 .4 .4 .3 .1 .5 ,2 .0 .4 .3 .2 A .7 2.4 -1.0 .4 ,3 .3 .2 .8 .2 .4 .5 1.0 -1.1 ,8 .3 .0 -1.1 2.1 -.2 .6 -.1 -.8 .2 .2 -.2 .0 .0 -1.0 .2 .1 .2 1.5 -2.2 ,2 .2 -.2 -.3 -2.3 .2 .2 .0 -.1 -1.0 .2 .2 .0 .1 1.6 -.5 -.2 .3 .4 ,4 .3 .2 .2 .6 -.6 .2 .0 .2 .2 .3 .2 .5 ,5 .2 .2 .3 .1 .2 .2 -.1 .1 -.1 .2 -.1 -.1 .1 .1 .2 .3 -.1 .0 1.6 .3 -1.1 -3.0 .1 -1.3 3.7 -.8 2.6 -1.7 .4 2.1 -2.2 ,4 1.0 -1.4 .2 .3 .9 .4 -1.7 -1.8 .6 -2.6 .5 -.7 .3 -.8 -.3 -2.0 3.4 -.9 -.5 .3 -.6 -.4 50. Gross national product and income, 1984 Billions of current dollars except as noted; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates Year Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 .. 3,662.8 3,553.3 3,644.7 3,694.6 3,758.7 .. 2 341.8 318.8 856.9 1,166.1 2 276 5 310.9 841.3 1,124.4 2 332.7 320.7 858.3 1,153.7 2 361 4 317.2 861.4 1,182.8 2,396 5 326.3 866.5 1,203.8 637.8 579.6 425.7 150.4 275 3 153.9 148.8 623.8 5500 398.8 142.2 2567 151.2 146.4 627.0 576.4 420.8 150.0 270.7 155.6 150.5 662.8 591 0 435.7 151.4 2842 155.3 150,1 637.8 601 1 447,7 157.9 289 7 153.5 148,3 58.2 49 6 73.8 60 6 50.6 47 0 71.8 63 7 36.6 27 2 -642 364.3 428.5 -51 5 358 9 410.4 -58 7 362.4 421.1 -906 368.6 459,3 -560 367 2 423.2 747.4 295 4 452.0 704.4 267 6 436.8 743.7 2964 447 .4 761.0 3020 458.9 780.5 315 7 464.8 3 604 6 1,542.9 655.7 887.3 1,763.3 356,5 34795 1,498.0 632.3 865.7 1,713.7 341.6 3 594 1 1,544.8 647.9 896.9 1,742,6 357.2 3 622 8 1,549.1 654.7 894.4 1,783.3 362.1 3,722 1 1,579.8 687.7 892.1 1,813.7 365.2 58.2 30.4 27.8 73 8 34.9 38.9 50.6 18.2 32.4 71.8 41.7 30.1 36.6 26.7 9.9 1,639.3 1,610.9 1,638.8 1,645.2 1,662.4 31 Total 2,959.9 2,873.5 2,944.8 2,984.9 3,036.3 32 Compensation of employees 33 Wages and salaries ., 34 Government and government enterprises 35 Other .. 36 Supplement to wages and salaries 37 Employer contributions for social insurance 38 Other labor income 2 173 2 1,804.1 349 8 1,454.2 3690 173 5 195 5 2 113 4 1 755.9 3429 1,4J3.0 3574 169 4 188 1 2 159.2 1,793.3 347 5 1,445.8 365.9 172 4 193 5 2 191 9 1,819.1 352 0 1,467.1 372.8 174 7 198 1 2,228 1 1,848.2 357 2 1,490.9 380.0 177 5 202 5 154 4 126 2 28 2 154 9 122 5 32 5 153 7 1264 27 3 159 1 129 7 29 4 Account GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT 1 Total 2 3 4 5 . By source Personal consumption expenditures Durable goods Nondurable goods Services . , . . . , 6 Gross private domestic investment 7 Fixed investment 8 Nonresidential . .. 9 Structures 10 Producers' durable equipment 11 Residential structures . . . . 12 Nonfarm 13 Change in business inventories 14 Nonfarm 15 Net exports of goods and services 16 Exports 17 Imports .. ... .. , . .. .. 1 8 Government purchases of goods and services 19 Federal 20 State and local By major type of product 21 Final sales total 22 Goods 23 Durable 24 Nondurable 25 Services 26 Structures ... .. 27 Change in business inventories 28 Durable goods 29 Nondurable goods *, ..... 30 MEMO: Total GNP in 1972 dollars NATIONAL INCOME 39 Proprietors* income 40 Business and professional1 41 Farm1 42 Rental income of persons^ .. . 43 Corporate profits' 3 44 Profits before tax 45 Inventory valuation adjustment 46 Capital consumption adjustment 47 Net interest .. .. ,. . . 149,8 126 3 23 4 62 5 61 0 62.0 63 0 64 1 285.7 235.7 -5 7 55 7 284 1 277.4 243 3 -13 5 47 6 266 8 291.1 246.0 -7.3 52 3 282 8 282.8 224,8 -02 58 3 293 5 291,6 228 7 -1 6 64 5 293 4 135 51. Personal income and saving, 1984 Billions of current dollars; quarterly data are at seasonally adjusted annual rates. Exceptions noted Ql Q2 Q3 3,012.1 2,920.5 2,984.6 3,047.3 3,096.2 1,804.0 569 3 433.9 4320 452 9 349 8 1,755.7 555 9 424.6 419 2 437 9 342 8 1,793.1 567 0 432.2 429 5 449 3 347,3 1,819.5 573.3 436.4 436.4 457,3 352.4 1,H47.6 580.9 442.4 443.1 4669 356.7 195 5 154.4 1262 28.2 62 5 77.7 433 7 416.7 237 3 188 1 154.9 122 5 32.5 61 0 75,0 403 9 411 3 232 1 193 5 149.8 1263 23.4 62 0 77.2 425 6 415.2 235 2 198.1 153.7 126.4 27.3 63.0 78.5 449 3 418.6 2382 202.5 159.1 129 7 29.4 64.1 80.2 456 1 421.8 243 5 Year Account 1 1 Q4 PERSONAL INCOME AND SAVING 1 Total personal income. . . . 2 Wage and salary disbursements 3 Commodity-producing industries 4 Manufacturing 5 Distributive industries 6 Service industries 7 Government and government enterprises .. ....... 8 Other labor income . . . . 9 Proprietors' income1 10 Business and professional1 1 1 Farm1 . 12 Rental income of persons2 ... . . . . . 13 Dividends 14 Personal interest income ,. . 15 Transfer payments 16 Old-age survivors disability and health insurance benefits 17 LESS' Personal contributions for social insurance 18 EQUALS: Personal income 132.5 129.6 131.8 133.4 135.2 3,012.1 2,920.5 2,984.6 3,047.3 3,096.2 435.3 418,3 430.3 440.9 451.7 20 KQUALS- Disposable personal income 2 576 8 2 502 2 2 5543 2 606.4 2 644 5 21 LESS- Personal outlays 2 420 7 2 349 6 2 4095 2442 3 2 481 5 22 EQUAI<S' Personal saving 156 1 152 5 144 8 164 1 163 0 6,926.1 4488 7 4,939.0 61 6 8294 4426 5 4 865 0 61 6,933.2 4502 3 4,930.0 57 6,943,2 4,498 4 4,965.0 63 6,998.3 4527 1 4,996.0 62 19 LESS: Personal tax and nontax payments MEMO: Per capita (1972 dollars) 23 Gross national product 24 Personal consumption expenditures . . 25 Disposable personal income 26 Saving rate (percent) GROSS SAVING 2 7 Gross saving . . . 28 29 30 31 ... Gross private saving .... Personal saving Undistributed corporate profits' Corporate inventory valuation adjustment Capital consumption allowances 32 Corporate 33 Noncorporate 34 Wage accruals less disbursements , ., . 35 Government surplus, or deficit (-), national income and product accounts 36 Federal 37 State and local 38 Capital grants received by the United States net 39 Gross investments 40 Gross private domestic . . . . 41 Net foreign 42 Statistical discrepancy . . 136 .. 551.8 543.9 551.0 556.4 556.0 674 8 156.1 115 4 -5 7 651 3 152,5 1070 -13 5 6602 144.8 115 3 -7 3 6894 164.1 118.4 -2 698 2 163.0 120 8 -1 6 246.2 157 0 239 9 151 8 244 .1 1560 248.1 158.8 o 252.8 161 5 0 -122 9 -175 8 52 9 -107 4 -161 3 53 9 -109 2 -163 7 54 5 -133 0 -180.6 47.6 -142 2 -197.8 55.6 o 0 o 0 0 o o o 544.4 546.1 542.0 543.4 637 8 -93 4 623 8 -77 7 627 0 -85 0 662.8 -119 4 637 8 -91 6 -7.4 2.2 -9.0 -13.0 -9.9 546.1 52. Summary of U.S. international transactions Millions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted except as noted1 1984 1983 Item 1 Balance on current account 2 Not seasonally adjusted 3 4 5 6 7 8 Merchandise trade balance Merchandise exports Merchandise imports Military transactions, net ... . Investment income net3 Other service transactions, net 9 Remittances, pensions, and other transfers . . . U.S. government grants (excluding military) . . . 10 Change in government assets other than official reserve assets, net (increase, —) 12 Change in official reserve assets (increase, — ) n Gold . . . . . Special drawing rights 14 15 16 Reserve position in International Monetary Fund Foreign currencies 17 Change in U.S. private assets 18 19 20 21 abroad (increase — ) Bank-reported claims Nonbank-reported claims U.S. purchases of foreign securities net .... U.S. direct investments abroad net 22 Change in foreign official assets in the United States (increase, +) 23 U.S. Treasury securities 24 Other US. government obligations 25 Other U.S. government liabilities4 26 27 Other U.S. liabilities reported by U S banks Other foreign official assets5 . . . . 28 Change in foreign private assets3 in United States (increase, +) . . 29 U.S. bank-reported liabilities . . . . 30 U.S. nonbank-reported liabilities . 31 Foreign private purchases of U.S. Treasury securities, net 32 Foreign purchases of other U.S. securities, net 33 Foreign direct investments in United States net3 . . . . W Allocations of SDRs Discrepancy ^ 36 Owing to seasonal adjustments . 37 Statistical discrepancy in recorded data before seasonal adjustment 1984 1983 Qi -40,790-101,532 Q3 Q2 -3,060 -2,851 Q4 Qi Q4 Q3 Q2 -9,038 -11,295 -17,394 -19,064 -24,493 -32,500 -25,477 -8,547 -14,270 -15,123 -18,395 -24,654 -35,724 -22,759 -62,012-108,281 -9,62\ -14,754 -17,230 -20,407 -25,569 -25,649 -32,507 -24,557 53,753 54,677 55,530 56,355 200,745 220,316 49,227 48,862 50,399 52,257 -262,757-328,597 -58,848 -63,616 -67,629 -72,664 -79,322 -80,326 -88,037 -80,912 -250 -163 -1,765 -71 -669 -593 -575 703 -126 -346 8,234 3,618 4,003 5,652 7,397 3,256 25,401 19,109 6,316 6,039 363 4,837 819 1,812 868 829 -123 -253 1,346 809 -2,566 -2,891 -595 -630 -660 -680 -732 -710 -669 -782 -6,287 -8,522 -1,011 -1,245 -1,544 -2,486 -1,480 -1,522 -2,207 -3,313 -5,006 -5,516 -1,135 -1,263 -1,171 -1,436 -2,059 -1,353 -1,369 -734 -1,196 o -3,130 o -787 o -953 o -657 o -565 o -799 -979 -98 16 0 -303 529 -66 -209 545 -226 -288 -271 -1,109 0 -194 -4434 3 304 -995 -1,156 -2 139 1,450 -212 -88 -200 -231 -321 -331 -197 -143 -112 o -48 842 -11 800 -24 205 -29,928 -8,504 -20,303 -6,513 6,266 -2,776 -7007 531 119 3,518 -230 826 -1 996 498 -9 172 -15 587 -3,616 -9,527 -233 -3,274 -1 608 -2 872 -1 368 -1 160 44 -2260 -17 070 -1,110 -20,186 1,908 1,289 o 20532 -13 003 17,725 -4,933 970 2,099 673 -756 -1 313 -5 394 ' -4 503 482 -297 -3 955 -1 626 -3 112 1 964 2021 -5 377 3,424 4,690 -161 3,012 1,706 1,995 -2,666 -611 6,916 2,576 -224 -274 -686 -575 7,119 5,814 -476 167 -371 -170 -362 427 3 146 85 -67 552 453 -527 476 124 479 233 555 -139 -197 663 3,560 -126 -2 147 -600 430 -979 -487 2052 -483 5,795 6,972 545 -5 059 231 -2,786 -275 328 -3 663 -1,798 -2,549 -1 893 -382 -826 -1 353 -464 78,527 49,341 -118 93,895 31,674 4,284 15,319 10,384 -2,763 13,902 4,141 -64 22,205 13,665 1,311 27,101 21,151 1,398 22,063 11,348 4,520 41,816 20,970 4,566 3,825 -5,125 -2,939 26,191 4,481 -1,863 8,721 22,440 2,921 3,124 1,016 1,660 1,396 6,485 5,058 9,501 8636 12,983 2 988 2 604 1 888 1 156 1 494 506 1 603 9 380 11 947 22 514 1 789 4097 4 325 1 736 3 305 9 289 5 228 4 692 0 o o o o o o o o o 11 513 24,660 14029 -733 -5,442 1 570 -2 867 1 353 3 524 4763 -422 1 889 10997 -606 -3 170 7 013 -4 200 11 513 24660 14 762 -5 515 4437 -2 171 5 185 2 495 14 167 11 213 73 137 52, Summary of U.S. international transactions—Continued Millions of dollars; quarterly figures are seasonally adjusted except as noted1 1983 Item 38 39 40 41 MEMO: Changes in official assets U.S. official reserve assets (increase — ) ... Foreign official assets in the United States excluding line 27 (increase, +) Changes in OPEC official assets in the United States (part of line 22 above) Transfers under military grant programs (excluded from lines 4, 6, and 10) 1983 1984 -1,196 -3,131 5,243 Ql Q2 -787 2,971 366 1984 Q3 16 Q4 529 Ql -953 1,230 -2,790 |~ Q2 j Q3 I Q4 -657 -566 -799 -1,110 6,437 -3,019 -779 -547 7,316 -8,283 -4,143 -1,347 -3,409 -2,095 -1,432 -2,405 -2,097 -453 812 194 190 35 28 49 81 41 44 45 61 53. U.S. foreign trade, 19841 Millions of dollars; monthly data are seasonally adjusted Item 1 Exports of domestic and foreign merchandise excluding grant-aid shipments.,. 2 General imports including merchandise for immediate consumption plus entries into bonded warehouses . 3 TVade balance.. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. | Oct. Nov. I Dec. 17,889 17,208 17,906 17,520 17,978 17,705 19,154 18,123 18,210 18,411 18,395 19,142 325,726 26,205 26,420 26,948 28,074 26,012 25,276 31,334 26,866 28,409 26,783 27,331 25,933 Year 217,865 Jan. -107,861 -8,316 -9,212 -9,043-10,553 -8,034 -7,571-12,180 -8,743-10,199 -8,372 -8,937 -6,791 54. U.S. reserve assets, 1984 Millions of dollars, end of period Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 33,887 34,820 34,975 34,585 34,713 34,547 11 120 5050 11,422 6,295 11 116 5 320 11,707 6,677 11,111 5 341 11,706 6,817 11,107 5,266 11,618 6,594 11,104 5,513 11,666 6,430 11,100 5,459 11,659 6,329 July Aug. Sept. Oc, Nov. 1 Total . . . 34,392 34,760 34,306 34,570 34,727 34,934 2 3 4 5 11 099 5,453 11,735 6 105 11 098 5,652 11,820 6 190 11 097 5,554 11,619 6036 11 096 5,539 11,618 6,317 11 096 5,693 11,675 6,263 11 096 5,641 11,541 6656 Type 1 Tbtal 2 3 4 5 Gold stock1 Special drawing rights 2 ' 3 . . ... Reserve position in International Monetary Fund2'4 . . . . Convertible foreign currencies5 Gold stock' Special drawing rights2'3 Reserve position in International Monetary Fund2'4 Convertible foreign currencies5 . . . 138 | May [ 1 June Dec. 55. Selected U.S. liabilities to foreign official institutions A. By type Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 Item 1 1 Total Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May July June Aug. 175,341 173,059 173,086 173,442 174,308 174,306 175 626 173 025 2 Liabilities reported by banks in the3 United States2 3 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates U.S. Treasury bonds and notes 4 Marketable 4 5 Nonmarketable 6 U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasury securities5 24 172 50,432 21-733 23 096 22 859 49,854 47,917 48,399 23 293 23 326 49 281 49 118 67 770 69,322 70289 70630 70666 71 072 8 750 7 950 7 950 7 950 7 950 7 950 24 218 24099 23 834 23 604 23 119 22 838 1 1 Total Nov. Oct. 22 510 50965 70 178 69250 7 950 7 950 22 585 22 349 1984 19 83 Sept. 21 430 53 484 Jan. Dec. Feb. Mar Apr. 171,515 173,207 173,859 177,951 176 248 176,847 174,933 175,508 2 Liabilities reported by banks in the3 United States2 3 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates US, Treasury bonds and notes 4 Marketable 4 5 Nonmarketable 6 U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasury securities5 21 974 50,374 22 057 51,618 22 816 52 558 25 534 54 341 22 792 55 327 23 195 56084 23 388 53 681 23 999 53 171 69,205 69709 68 950 68 514 69 059 69064 69 550 70 169 7 950 7 950 7 250 7 250 7 250 6 600 6 600 6 600 22,011 21 873 22,286 22 311 21 820 21 904 21 715 21 569 1984 May 1 Total1 . , June July Aug. Sept. Nov. Oct. Dec. 172,101 174,130 174,634 177,385 173,583 176,258 178,468 180,640 2 Liabilities reported by banks in the3 United States2 3 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates U.S. Treasury bonds and notes 4 Marketable 4 5 Nonmarketable 6 U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasury securities5 23,244 51,035 23,716 53,977 25,944 51,974 69,851 68,955 69,133 6 600 6 600 6600 21,371 20,882 20,984 26,422 54022 24,146 54 627 26,934 55 780 25,986 59,570 26,197 59,976 70,498 68,530 67 678 67 076 68,995 5 800 5 800 5 800 5 800 5 800 20,641 20480 20,066 20036 19,672 B. By area Millions of dollars, end of period 19 83 Item 1 Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 Western Europe1 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa Other countries2 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 62,127 61,627 61,168 61,635 62,636 63,238 65,955 64,195 2 406 2 718 2 874 2 645 2 739 2 816 2 869 2 751 7,161 6,173 5,619 6,291 5 918 6501 5429 5 698 95 860 96218 97 352 95 893 96070 95 182 94 849 93,625 1 716 1 327 1 162 1 208 1 203 1 075 1 138 1 173 6 071 4 951 4 910 5 771 5 742 5 494 5 387 5 583 Sept. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Western Europe1 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa Other countries2 Aug. 175,341 173,059 173,086 173,442 174,308 174,306 175,626 173,025 1983 1 Total July Oct. 1984 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 171,515 173,207 173,859 177 951 176,248 176 847 174,933 175,654 63474 64438 65,200 67 195 65 730 67,444 67,271 69,496 2 707 2 811 2 665 2438 2 511 2 329 1 944 1 557 5 503 5 630 6 468 6 248 6443 7 605 6464 7 464 91 907 93 219 92 755 93 026 92 666 91 036 91 080 89 025 1,062 1,196 1,024 798 958 1 056 1,067 1,038 7 841 7 366 7 136 6,904 5 417 6 550 6 821 8085 19 84 May 1 Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 Western Europe1 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa Other countries3 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 172,101 174,130 174,634 177,385 173,583 176,258 178,468 180,640 69 600 69 744 68,363 70014 67,706 68,296 70,510 69,756 1 248 994 1 251 1 435 1 069 1 321 1 466 1,528 7 029 6 997 6475 8 174 7 067 8 141 8 904 8 645 86 975 88 880 90 880 90 917 90 852 91 916 90 115 93 951 896 1 179 1 007 837 981 1 423 1 290 970 6 624 6476 6 172 6 008 5 993 5 603 6050 5 470 139 56. Liabilities to foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States A. By holder and type of liability Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May I June July Aug. 317,852 324,592 327,446 335,239 1 All foreigners 305,781 306,296 318,445 309,328 2 Banks' own liabilities 3 Demand deposits .. 4 Time 2deposits1 5 Other 6 Own foreign offices3 220,906 221,847 237,232 227,302 234,674 240,954 240,126 249,059 15,898 17,410 16,372 15,504 16,804 17,181 15,588 15,683 66,853 68,093 71,678 70,570 73,744 76,746 76,186 78,773 21,149 18,512 23,430 20,062 21,340 23,318 20,590 23,207 117,006 117,833 125,752 121,166 122,786 123,709 127,763 131,396 Banks* custody liabilities4 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 10 Other 11 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations7 84,875 62,157 84,449 61,925 81,213 58,771 82,027 60,109 83,178 60,506 83,638 61,338 87,320 65,237 86,180 63,939 19,491 3,227 19,286 3,238 18,855 3,588 18,803 3,114 19,109 3,562 18,613 3,687 17,986 4,097 17,987 4,253 6,135 5,079 6,273 5,803 5,686 5,678 5,555 2,898 252 2,087 559 3,467 267 2,511 690 3,278 165 2,483 630 4,030 307 3,010 713 3,433 325 2,507 601 6,790 12 Banks' own liabilities 13 Demand deposits .. 14 Time deposits1 2 15 Other 1,965 284 1,512 170 1,860 195 1,532 134 2,433 221 1,148 1,064 16 Banks' custody liabilities4 17 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 18 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 19 Other 4,824 3,603 4,275 3,153 2,645 1,501 3,375 2,230 2,335 1,280 2,408 1,538 1,648 678 2,121 1,294 1,221 0 1,122 0 1,144 0 1,145 0 1,055 0 870 0 970 0 828 0 20 Official institutions8 74,604 71,688 71,013 71,258 72,574 72,445 74,914 73,476 21 Banks' own liabilities 22 Demand deposits .. 23 Time 2deposits' 24 Other 16,546 2,069 4,959 9,517 14,796 2,063 5,496 7,237 16,474 2,181 5,331 8,963 16,181 2,217 5,994 7,970 16,547 1,944 6,099 8,505 16,428 2,060 6,013 8,355 15,262 1,774 6,162 7,326 16,275 1,685 5,997 8,594 25 Banks' custody liabilities4 26 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 27 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments6 28 Other 58,059 50,432 56,891 49,954 54,539 47,917 55,077 48,399 56,026 49,281 56,017 49,118 59,652 53,484 57,201 50,965 7,591 35 6,904 33 6,597 25 6,663 15 6,724 22 6,881 17 6,139 29 6,196 39 29 Banks9 179,456 182,211 194,059 183,759 30 Banks' own liabilities 31 Unaffiliated foreign banks 32 Demand deposits 33 Time 2deposits1 Other . . . . . . 34 162,633 164,203 175,683 165,307 170,171 176,096 175,60* 183,161 45,627 46,371 49,931 44,141 47,384 52,387 47,841 51,766 9,134 8,264 8,154 8,065 7,601 8,309 8,807 9,628 26,685 26,376 29,087 25,723 27,014 29,441 27,870 30,102 10,787 10,367 12,580 10,817 11,563 13,812 11,905 13,355 35 Own foreign offices3 117,006 4 117,833 125,752 189,586 195,557 195,732 203,615 121,166 122,786 123,709 127,763 131,396 36 Banks' custody liabilities 37 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 38 Other negotiable6 and readily transferable instruments 39 Other 16,823 6,292 18,007 6,790 18,376 7,121 18,452 7,474 19,416 7,822 19,461 8,402 20,128 8,608 20,454 9,028 7,702 2,829 8,345 2,872 8,265 2,990 8,041 2,937 8,315 3,280 7,771 3,289 7,821 3,699 7,581 3,845 40 Other foreigners ,.. 44,931 46,263 48,294 48,038 49,889 50,903 51,122 52,593 41 Banks' own liabilities 42 Demand deposits .. 43 Time deposits 44 Other2 . . . . 39,762 5,391 33,697 674 40,987 5,524 34,689 774 42,642 5,706 36,112 824 42,916 5,435 36,766 715 44,489 5,786 38,121 582 45,151 5,821 38,808 522 45,231 5,441 39,144 646 46,189 5,365 40,167 658 5,169 1,830 5,276 2,028 5,653 2,231 5,122 2,006 5,400 2,123 5,752 2,279 5,891 2,466 6,404 2,652 2,976 363 2,915 333 2,849 573 2,954 162 3,016 261 3,091 381 3,055 369 3,383 369 13,507 11,692 11,408 11,584 11,477 11,470 10,941 10,730 45 Banks' custody liabilities4 46 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 47 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 48 Other 49 MEMO: Negotiable time certificates of deposit held in custody for foreigners 140 56. Liabilities to foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United StatesContinued A. By holder and type of liability—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 1983 Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Sept. Oct. 1 All foreigners 339,532 339,056 352,153 369,607 2 Banks' own liabilities . 3 Demand deposits . . . 4 Time 2deposits1 5 Other . 6 Own foreign offices 253,500 16,324 82,280 23,934 130,961 250,891 17,115 81,527 21,789 130,460 262,998 17,205 85,636 21,917 86,032 64,062 88,165 65,735 89,156 66,746 90,520 68,669 93,970 71,083 97,007 74,277 92,199 69,666 93,321 69,893 17,302 4,669 17,182 5,247 17,721 4,689 17,467 4,385 17,990 4,897 17,802 4,929 18,027 4,506 18,656 4,771 11 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations7 5,308 4,619 6,363 5,957 4,759 6,831 6,243 6,356 12 Banks' own liabilities 13 Demand deposits 14 Time deposits 15 Other2 3,024 252 2,168 605 3,294 452 2,487 355 4,939 437 4,079 423 4,632 297 3,584 750 2,867 271 2,235 361 2,317 347 1,611 360 4,047 414 2,656 977 3,528 194 2,468 866 16 Banks' custody liabilities4 17 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 18 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 19 Other 2,284 1,442 1,325 441 1,424 484 1,325 463 1,892 1,045 4,514 3,416 2,196 1,224 2,827 1,759 842 0 884 0 939 0 862 0 847 0 1,098 0 971 0 1,068 0 20 Official institutions8 72,349 73,675 75,374 79,876 78,119 79,279 77,068 77,170 21 Banks' own liabilities 22 Demand deposits .. 23 Time deposits1 24 Other2 16,197 1,886 6,230 8,081 16,532 1,818 6,661 8,053 16,673 2,023 6,728 7,921 19,427 1,837 7,318 10,272 16,488 1,753 7,280 7,454 17,512 1,663 7,636 8,213 17,120 1,938 6,727 8,455 17,534 1,761 7,483 8,290 25 Banks' custody liabilities4 26 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 27 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments6 28 Other 56,152 50,374 57,144 51,618 58,701 52,558 60,448 54,341 61,631 55,327 61,767 56,084 59,948 53,681 59,636 53,171 5,745 32 5,489 36 6,115 28 6,082 25 6,257 47 5,623 60 6,249 19 6,287 178 7 Banks' custody liabilities4 8 US. Treasury bills and certificates5 9 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 10 Other Nov. Dec. 360,104 370,221 379,207 381,914 279,087 266,133 273,214 287,008 288,593 17,470 16,124 16,635 17,389 17,163 90,632 88,426 91,841 97,331 96,946 25,874 22,739 23,570 23,992 24,259 138,239 145,111 138,845 141,168 148,296 150,225 29 Banks9 207,799 205,564 214,718 226,887 219,458 224,259 235,373 236,140 30 Banks' own liabilities 31 Unaffiliated foreign banks , 32 Demand deposits 33 Time 2deposits1 34 Other 186,731 183,623 55,770 53,162 8,616 9,111 32,505 31,318 14,649 12,733 35 Own foreign offices3 36 Banks' custody liabilities4 37 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 38 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 39 Other 130,961 21,069 9,440 7,553 4,075 193,284 205,347 55,045 60,236 8,770 8,759 33,521 37,439 12,754 14,038 196,884 201,744 212,992 213,667 58,040 60,576 64,696 63S441 8,784 8,260 8,172 8,388 35,669 38,074 42,637 40,257 14,113 13,800 14,400 14,199 130,460 138,239 145,111 138,845 21,941 10,036 21,434 9,967 21,540 10,178 22,573 10,776 141,168 148,296 150,225 22,516 10,756 22,381 10,760 22,473 10,795 7,542 4,363 7,251 4,216 7,485 3,877 7,402 4,396 7,375 4,385 7,444 4,177 7,586 4,092 40 Other foreigners . , . 54,075 55,197 55,699 56,887 57,768 59,851 60,524 62,248 41 Banks' own liabilities 42 Demand deposits .. 43 Time 2deposits1 44 Other 47,547 5,571 41,377 600 47,443 5,734 41,061 648 48,102 5,975 41,308 819 49,680 6,577 42,290 813 49,894 5,927 43,242 724 51,641 6,237 44,520 884 52,849 6,778 45,310 761 53,864 6,423 46,738 703 6,528 2,805 7,755 3,640 7,597 3,737 7,207 3,686 7,874 3,935 8,211 4,021 7,674 4,001 8,384 4,168 3,162 561 3,267 848 3,415 445 3,038 483 3,484 455 3,705 484 3,363 311 3,716 501 10,346 9,995 10,385 10,346 10,246 9,355 9,643 10,083 45 Banks' custody liabilities4 46 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 47 Other negotiable6 and readily transferable instruments 48 Other 49 MEMO: Negotiable time certificates of deposit held in custody for foreigners 141 56. Liabilities to foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United StatesContinued A. By holder and type of liability—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 Item May June 1 All foreigners 395,569 2 Banks' own liabilities 3 Demand deposits 4 Time 2deposits' 5 Other 6 Own foreign offices3 303,231 17,181 103,438 23,943 158,670 T Oct. Nov. Dec. 398,894 388,894 399,681 406,831 300,028 17,209 111,922 22,170 148,727 290,184 297,857 306,758 19,542 16,490 18,351 109,608 112,218 110,235 23,684 26,332 24,441 July Aug. 402,469 398,394 396,463 305,715 17,657 105,232 23,404 159,423 302,736 16,355 109,441 25,711 151,229 296,621 16,229 107,558 23,658 149,176 92,338 68,511 96,754 72,272 95,659 71,244 99,842 74,148 98,866 73,160 98,710 101,824 73,295 76,531 18,739 5,088 19,479 5,003 19,358 5,056 20,567 5,127 20,833 4,873 20,281 5,135 19,703 5,590 18,775 5,460 11 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations7 5,316 5,055 5,364 5,748 6,279 4,801 5,852 4,083 12 Banks' own liabilities 13 Demand deposits .. 14 Time deposits1 2 15 Other 2,229 255 1,640 335 2,920 182 2,209 529 2,612 142 2,213 257 1,960 325 1,446 189 3,305 209 2,526 570 2,053 144 1,513 396 2,779 354 2,114 311 1,644 263 1,093 288 16 Banks' custody liabilities4 17 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 18 Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments 19 Other 3,087 2,057 2,135 887 2,752 1,709 3,788 2,722 2,975 1,834 2,748 1,455 3,073 1,448 2,440 916 1,030 0 1,248 0 1,023 20 1,067 0 1,140 0 1,292 0 1,604 21 1,524 0 20 Official institutions8 74,280 77,693 77,918 80,445 78,773 82,714 85,556 86,173 21 Banks' own liabilities 22 Demand deposits .. 23 Time 2deposits1 24 Other 16,899 1,729 7,303 7,868 16,595 1,909 7,517 7,169 18,533 1,875 8,028 8,630 18,263 2,003 8,060 8,200 16,382 1,969 7,866 6,547 19,247 1,725 8,677 8,846 18,790 2,133 9,457 7,201 19,065 1,823 9,391 7,852 25 Banks' custody liabilities4 26 US. Treasury bills and certificates5 27 Other negotiable6 and readily transferable instruments 28 Other 57,380 51,035 61,098 53,977 59,384 51,974 62,181 54,022 62,391 54,627 63,467 55,780 66,766 59,570 67,108 59,976 6,307 38 7,030 91 7,356 55 8,149 10 7,746 18 7,626 61 7,010 186 7,038 94 4 7 Banks' custody liabilities 8 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates5 9 Other negotiable6 and readily transferable instruments 10 Other I Sept. 139,645 143,604 150,650 100,074 75,838 29 Banks9 251,020 253,760 249,540 243,522 246,251 233,555 239,806 248,360 30 Banks' own liabilities 31 Unaffiliated foreign banks 32 Demand deposits 33 Time deposits1 34 Other2 227,869 229,092 224,225 218,051 221,359 209,431 216,240 225,512 69,200 69,669 72,995 68,875 72,632 69,786 72,635 74,862 8,864 8,464 8,174 7,884 8,389 9,430 10,526 9,100 45,271 45,554 48,670 46,841 49,780 46,770 47,717 47,059 16,151 15,065 15,015 14,150 14,388 14,627 15,488 17,278 35 Own foreign offices3 158,670 159,423 151,229 149,176 36 Banks' custody liabilities4 37 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 38 Other negotiable6 and readily transferable instruments 39 Other 23,150 11,182 24,669 12,852 25,315 13,022 25,471 12,766 24,892 12,234 24,124 11,828 23,566 11,409 22,848 10,927 7,523 4,445 7,446 4,371 7,867 4,426 8,172 4,534 8,421 4,236 7,802 4,494 7,360 4,797 7,156 4,766 40 Other foreigners 64,954 65,961 65,573 66,748 67,591 67,824 68,467 68,215 41 Banks' own liabilities 42 Demand deposits .. 43 Time 2deposits1 44 Other 56,233 6,333 49,225 675 57,108 6,466 49,951 691 57,366 6,163 50,530 672 58,347 6,017 51,210 1,120 58,983 6,567 51,750 665 59,453 6,232 52,648 573 60,048 6,433 52,930 685 60,537 6,930 52,693 914 8,721 4,238 8,853 4,556 8,207 4,540 8,401 4,639 8,609 4,465 8,372 4,232 8,419 4,103 7,678 4,020 3,879 605 3,756 541 3,111 556 3,180 582 3,525 619 3,560 580 3,730 586 3,058 601 10,591 10,946 10,904 11,415 11,048 10,714 10,437 10,476 45 Banks' custody liabilities4 46 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates 47 Other negotiable6 and readily transferable instruments 48 Other 49 MEMO: Negotiable time certificates of deposit held in custody for foreigners 142 148,727 139,645 143,604 150,650 56. Liabilities to foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United StatesContinued B. By area and country Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 Area and country 1 Total Feb. Mar. Apr. 24 Canada 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Latin America and Caribbean Argentina Bahamas Bermuda Bra/U British West Indies . Chile Colombia .................. 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Asia ............................. China Mainland . .................... Taiwan ....................... Hong Kong .................... , India ......................... Indonesia ....................... Israel .......................... Japan ......................... Korea .......................... Philippines .................... Thailand ....................... Middle East oil-exporting countries3 Other .......................... 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Cuba Ecuador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Netherlands Antilles Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other June July Aug. 298,991 300,161 313,367 303,055 312,049 318,906 321,768 329,684 119,021 116,452 116,691 111,447 116,144 119,256 118,955 123,859 610 513 572 640 556 467 604 576 2,295 2,852 3,116 2,270 2,728 2,808 2,960 2,615 612 1,197 732 616 573 996 765 849 292 280 447 459 473 408 437 369 7,774 6,650 6,774 8,483 6,782 7,098 8,845 8,466 3,433 3,537 5,782 3,437 3,710 6,203 6,471 3,971 567 636 597 670 588 595 648 589 6,644 7,277 7,795 4,519 4,331 5,573 4,939 5,029 3,773 3,970 3,415 3,197 3,550 3,247 3,630 3,706 1,044 1,476 900 1,407 1,061 2,227 1,719 1,565 340 370 430 353 315 398 365 349 1,484 1,694 1,524 1,621 1,615 1,585 1,316 1,640 1,204 1,317 1,407 1,653 1,356 1,493 1,384 1,210 29,004 30,278 30,459 29,427 29,783 29,981 29,979 29,879 315 190 254 231 224 246 248 198 50,358 47,353 47,792 45,067 48,864 50,993 48,095 53,776 504 462 470 504 427 452 491 549 6,564 6,656 6,596 6,275 6,273 6,125 6,066 6,450 45 41 71 31 47 40 44 78 453 451 384 415 365 417 338 330 11,017 13,667 15,230 14,568 16,328 16,369 16,838 17,918 110,997 111,979 120,669 117,926 118,545 122,960 124,448 126,614 4,771 5,042 4,269 4,769 4,794 4,638 4,810 4,839 43,115 45,446 48,835 48,615 49,315 51,282 54,162 51,778 2,042 2,363 1,972 2,849 1,800 1,913 2,080 2,083 3,051 2,709 2,678 2,373 1,805 2,501 2,025 1,813 24,814 24,338 27,921 24,366 23,802 25,048 24,524 27,062 1,385 1,475 1,355 1,347 1,208 1,108 1,341 1,280 1,674 1,618 1,825 2,385 1,719 1,873 1,891 2,336 12 11 13 8 12 10 9 10 532 534 473 601 581 658 500 575 718 697 671 682 705 711 669 679 106 130 103 108 107 134 115 108 9,469 9,065 8,560 7,769 9,186 8,376 8,132 8,031 3,521 3,436 3,501 3,632 3,450 3,477 3,465 3,763 5,953 5,672 5,669 4,930 5,759 5,773 5,651 4,958 1,129 1,148 1,055 922 1,052 1,005 966 903 963 1,039 961 925 821 865 825 731 7,730 8,214 7,682 8,598 8,650 8,592 7,749 8,639 3,331 3,257 3,405 3,390 3,533 3,293 3,108 3,249 48,280 49,701 52,619 50,275 52,200 52,071 53,127 52,707 187 3,600 5,166 669 1,028 767 17,086 1,147 712 530 11,763 7,620 158 3,765 5,214 719 765 789 17,447 1,459 783 566 12,610 7,926 208 3,744 5,615 669 554 839 17,052 1,326 818 702 11,837 8,705 192 3,913 5,585 606 1,245 676 17,691 1,552 770 537 11,880 8,482 176 4,086 5,632 528 839 823 16,937 1,553 933 531 11,770 8,896 2,876 513 50 975 1,031 2,841 466 49 310 28 1,071 916 32 867 1,057 2,693 467 54 355 59 743 1,014 2,916 554 57 403 55 928 919 2,853 465 48 452 29 934 926 5,241 5,052 190 5,224 4,933 291 5,999 5,804 195 5,956 5,778 178 5,557 5,404 154 5,483 5,250 233 5,733 5,512 221 6,135 5,352 487 296 5,079 4,297 496 285 6,273 5,550 494 229 5,803 5,078 457 267 5,686 4,980 443 263 5,678 4,987 454 237 5,555 4,861 441 252 220 3,194 4,542 514 1,163 614 15,836 1,473 680 489 12,337 7,218 196 3,530 5,050 962 621 515 16,613 1,458 787 529 11,705 7,735 208 3,549 5,732 521 861 990 17,072 1,418 718 Africa Egypt Morocco South Africa Zaire Oil-exporting countries4 Other 3,362 523 54 281 25 1,603 877 3,121 432 53 333 31 1,333 940 2,933 540 59 295 Other countries Australia All other 6,314 6,080 235 6,790 5,948 527 316 67 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 68 International5 J-atin American regional Other regional6 May 305,781 306,296 318,445 309,328 317,852 324,592 327,446 335,239 2 Foreign countries 3 Europe 4 Austria 5 Belgium-Luxembourg . 6 Denmark 7 Finland 8 France 9 Germany 10 Greece 11 Italy 12 Netherlands 13 Norway 14 Portugal 15 Spain 16 Sweden 17 Switzerland 18 Turkey 19 United Kingdom 20 Yugoslavia 21 Other Western Europe1 22 U.S.vS.R 23 Other Eastern Europe2 , 69 70 Jan. 488 13,163 7,899 33 358 143 56. Liabilities to foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United StatesContinued B. By area and country—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 1983 Area and country 1 Total 2 Foreign countries 3 Europe 4 Austria Belgium-Luxembourg . 5 Denmark 6 7 Finland France 8 Germany 9 Greece 10 11 Italy 12 Netherlands 13 Norway Portugal 14 Spain 15 Sweden 16 17 Switzerland Turkey 18 United Kingdom 19 Yugoslavia . . . ^ 20 21 Other Western Europe1 22 US.S.R Other Eastern Europe2 23 24 Canada 25 26 27 28 Latin America and Caribbean Argentina Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Chile Colombia Cuba Ecuador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Netherlands Antilles Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Asia China Mainland Taiwan Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel , Japan Korea , Philippines Thailand Middle East oil-exporting countries3 , Other 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Africa Egypt Morocco South Africa Zaire Oil-exporting countries4 Other 64 65 66 Other countries Australia All other 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 67 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 68 International5 69 Latin American regional 70 Other regional6 144 ——-1——|- — - - - Y — Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. I - r Jan. j Feb. | Mar.Apr. 339,532 339,056 352,153 3^9,607 360,104 370,221 379,207 381,914 334,223 334,437 345,790 363,649 355,344 363,390 372,965 375,558 126,037 127,235 130,697 138,072 134,984 140,167 142,553 147,863 755 883 585 861 570 641 756 659 2,972 3,242 3,617 2,470 3,392 2,856 2,795 2,709 372 307 538 285 544 355 593 466 485 375 287 372 298 398 373 531 8,122 10,098 10,733 10,740 8,827 8,083 9,441 8,638 3,823 5,205 4,332 4,878 4,307 4,599 3,438 3,599 513 528 604 544 520 503 595 513 7,622 7,813 6,931 7,824 8,462 7,703 7,648 7,395 5,043 4,290 4,451 3,735 3,701 4,008 4,210 3,889 1,847 1,457 1,673 1,285 1,072 1,531 1,481 1,452 414 403 297 377 352 302 306 373 1,707 1,592 1,645 1,664 1,678 1,603 1,749 1,531 1,652 1,896 1,755 1,673 1,337 1,799 1,838 1,489 29,961 30,841 30,643 32,246 31,982 32,269 32,267 32,820 277 334 335 333 319 467 318 400 55,708 55,168 58,450 60,683 61,864 64,490 65,040 67,841 464 477 448 506 552 562 479 505 5,584 6,102 5,872 4,965 6,098 6,660 7,403 5,748 177 37 62 74 23 27 65 61 464 576 482 451 525 518 596 510 16,470 16,335 16,369 16,026 16,270 17,679 17,185 16,707 127,217 127,408 134,321 140,088 136,908 139,364 144,812 145,425 4,657 4,404 4,172 4,564 4,331 4,040 4,038 4,399 49,818 50,947 53,690 55,818 53,202 53,714 59,598 58,369 3,064 2,853 2,582 2,688 2,632 2,266 2,706 3,111 3,734 4,152 3,408 3,808 3,488 2,999 3,823 3,168 28,679 27,728 30,858 34,545 33,106 32,544 32,722 32,999 1,972 1,878 1,842 1,783 1,616 1,935 1,811 1,697 1,814 1,669 1,645 1,611 1,840 1,586 1,617 1,689 8 8 10 10 8 13 9 10 825 821 1,047 1,003 670 969 826 828 850 812 750 815 788 766 758 800 234 127 105 132 109 131 113 109 9,473 10,392 11,001 10,700 10,720 11,210 9,715 9,456 4,904 3,773 3,888 4,681 3,879 3,943 3,586 4,506 5,472 5,902 5,478 5,924 6,084 5,560 5,372 5,988 1,182 1,130 1,154 U166 1,090 1,203 1,146 1,049 1,343 1,284 1,211 1,425 1,244 1,180 1,119 1,326 8,582 8,632 8,395 9,334 8,213 9,081 8,036 9,461 3,541 3,915 3,535 3,488 3,561 3,817 3,688 3,513 55,863 53,904 54,810 58,570 56,265 55,640 57,988 55,238 190 3,852 6,592 712 622 848 18,344 1,478 1,181 581 12,975 8,488 3,132 488 84 520 34 963 1,042 5,505 5,284 220 5,308 4,674 445 189 216 3,992 6,528 830 871 812 17,140 1,353 747 522 12,860 8,032 2,865 595 73 394 43 736 1,023 6,690 6,461 229 4,619 3,944 437 238 183 4,063 7,003 725 661 808 17,583 1,591 1,012 569 12,650 7,961 2,710 606 96 389 32 679 909 6,884 6,666 217 6,363 5,598 415 350 249 4,051 6,657 464 997 1,722 18,079 1,648 1,234 747 12,976 9,748 2,827 671 84 449 87 620 917 8,067 7,857 210 5,957 5,273 419 265 249 4,339 6,234 670 1,103 786 17,026 1,614 1,244 776 12,607 9,618 2,939 589 109 486 61 874 821 7,979 7,742 237 4,759 4,174 433 152 168 4,368 5,920 749 866 752 17,572 1,542 1,289 622 11,737 10,055 3,088 587 138 502 66 839 957 7,451 7,197 255 6,831 6,189 457 186 272 4,273 6,429 687 743 836 19,201 1,748 1,266 714 12,364 9,455 3,111 561 122 538 77 893 920 7,315 7,095 220 6,243 5,426 451 366 302 4,469 5,501 657 804 716 18,862 1,414 1,026 636 12,331 8,519 3,303 649 127 264 119 1,167 978 7,023 6,803 220 6,356 5,641 419 296 56. Liabilities to foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United StatesContinued B. By area and country—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 Area and country May . Latin America and Caribbean . Argentina Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Chile Colombia Cuba Ecuador . .. Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Netherlands Antilles Panama . Peru Uruguay Venezuela . Other 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Asia China Mainland .. Taiwan Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel Japan Korea Philippines Thailand Middle East oil-exporting countries3 Other 57 Africa . . . Fgypt Morocco South Africa Xaire . . . Oil-exporting countries Other Other countries Australia All other 67 Non monetary international and regional organizations . . . 68 International5 . . . . . . . . . . 69 Lutin American regional 70 Other regional6 Oct. Nov. Dec. 867 770 668 758 693 744 627 615 5,169 4,848 4,789 4,278 4,093 3,613 4,114 12,119 3 990 1,248 11,670 3 692 12,031 3 973 11,534 3 758 11,554 3 036 11,935 3 425 12,701 3 353 8 308 5,030 1 536 8 148 5,761 2 084 6960 5,615 1 624 566 567 11,641 3 331 8 356 5,116 2026 8 266 5,239 1 912 8 976 4,421 1 895 11 056 5,077 1 693 10757 4,799 1 548 594 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 64 65 66 Sept. 4,704 378 405 Canada 59 60 61 62 63 Aug. 390 253 397 414 393 031 390715 392 615 384094 393 829 402 748 151,645 156,266 152,796 150,818 147,282 146,308 150,659 152,395 24 58 July 395,569 402,469 398,394 396,463 398,894 388,894 399,681 406,831 1 Total 2 Foreign countries 3 Europe . , 4 Austria 5 Belgium-Luxembourg 6 Denmark 7 Finland 8 France 9 Germany 10 Greece 11 Italy 12 Netherlands 13 Norway 14 Rutugal 15 Spain 16 Sweden 17 Switzerland 18 Turkey 19 United Kingdom 20 Yugoslavia 21 Other Western Europe1 22 USSR 23 Other Eastern Europe2 June 291 596 429 947 600 408 489 341 638 337 407 609 434 487 602 438 418 699 401 425 440 539 434 540 552 597 1 663 1,962 32 760 1 774 1,486 35 198 1 825 1 833 33 352 1 971 2095 32 936 1 984 2,008 33 015 1 905 1,945 32 461 1 873 1,839 31 494 2 082 1,676 31 054 69006 69 977 69 782 67 996 65 456 65 280 67 964 68 553 511 556 525 435 514 579 565 602 6,429 6,481 6,539 6,114 6,247 6,062 6,429 7,184 17,455 17,572 19,221 18,170 17,536 16,767 16,549 16,048 444 53 484 315 41 584 340 31 435 354 47 532 320 41 738 557 50 476 457 54 481 584 79 542 153,770 153,230 149 558 150,968 152,267 145,799 149,794 153,985 4 411 4 424 4439 4 375 4 484 4 558 4 535 4 583 64,238 62,752 60,075 60,072 58,441 52,838 55,470 56,955 3 043 3 222 2 763 2 370 2 559 2 505 3 158 3 236 4,997 4,717 4,462 5,332 4,120 3,568 4,729 3,690 33 867 34 685 34 000 33 770 35 996 34485 34 385 36949 2,052 2,063 2,070 1,874 2,001 1,970 2,176 1,887 2,514 2 057 1 791 1 957 2 022 1,809 1 801 1,767 10 881 842 126 9 908 825 157 7 845 811 116 7 951 831 126 g 931 810 180 8 924 855 122 1,029 1,092 11 874 4666 6,283 1 249 1,380 9,432 3,882 11,976 4432 6,652 1 279 1,309 10,129 3,553 11 733 4253 6,664 1,278 1,302 9,684 3,749 12,268 4261 6,506 1 273 1,319 10046 3,786 12 869 4 179 6,811 1 343 1,418 9,615 3,839 12,488 4 187 6,585 1 297 1,361 10,367 3,952 13,422 4 180 6,847 1,209 1,309 10,013 4,030 12,695 4 153 6,928 1,247 1,394 10,545 4,297 57,327 60,396 61,912 61,549 66,457 66,033 66,952 71,139 400 469 644 603 803 804 844 4 891 6 117 4 866 6 110 5 142 6 535 1 153 4 975 7 240 1,033 1 268 20929 1,691 1,396 1 257 16,804 12,886 4 446 5 862 4 672 6416 5 042 7 037 1,137 644 939 750 5 098 6 236 19 782 1,641 1,084 21 310 1,572 1,020 1,344 2017 19 644 1,552 1,097 800 616 8 884 110 606 893 10 896 183 507 1 281 631 937 804 20 516 1,321 1 130 19 440 1,276 1,032 19 434 1,393 11,662 8,962 12,414 11,256 14,792 10,515 13,200 10,815 13,754 12,844 13,890 12,755 1 023 20 750 1,609 1,252 1 458 13,399 13,442 3 132 3 341 3 145 3 052 3 018 3 343 3 599 3 506 698 132 329 124 886 962 893 133 420 136 816 943 858 128 409 99 706 946 743 119 350 101 775 964 629 136 318 148 821 966 763 115 459 141 739 117 460 163 757 118 328 153 6,925 6685 6,609 6 316 6,399 6095 6,159 5 758 5,316 4 741 5,055 4,436 5,364 4 740 428 146 438 180 431 193 646 897 754 730 240 498 768 875 293 976 779 304 726 782 741 980 1 012 1 141 1,189 6,055 5,687 5,844 5464 6,277 5,598 5,674 5,290 5,748 4 973 6,279 5,411 4,801 4,086 5,852 5,055 4,083 3,376 445 330 488 381 518 196 593 204 401 368 852 379 978 679 961 384 587 120 145 57. Banks' own claims on foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 Area and country 1 Total 9 Foreign countries 3 4 S 6 7 8 Q 10 11 P 13 14 IS 16 17 18 70 77 73 Europe Austria Belgium-Luxembourg Denmark . .. Finland . France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom . . . . Yugoslavia Other Western Europe' U.S.S.R Other Eastern Europe2 ... 04 Canada 7S 77 78 29 30 31 33 34 3S 36 38 40 41 47 43 44 Latin America and Caribbean Argentina Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Chile Colombia Cuba Ecuador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico , Netherlands Antilles . Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other . Apr. ~ • ~ "• r June Jan. Feb. Mar. July Aug. 360,554 364,649 377,659 365,017 367,136 376,956 370,768 375,825 360,291 364,557 377,351 364,685 366,969 376,513 370,432 375,506 85,313 230 4,777 614 984 7,616 1 382 576 7,574 1 452 625 882 3 696 3,119 1 549 527 46020 1,395 312 247 1 737 86,359 224 5,436 655 967 7,832 1 713 653 7 037 1 343 587 886 3 215 2,699 1 491 616 47 286 1,430 319 261 1 709 89,870 258 5,813 1 138 961 7,709 1 745 655 7 190 1 601 544 870 3 127 2,461 1 642 595 49 808 1,394 327 342 1 690 85,726 307 5,502 1 127 844 7,500 1 246 631 7403 1 260 628 866 3 040 2,277 1 640 608 47049 1,433 256 425 1 685 84,902 309 5,704 1 069 766 7,858 1 156 610 6989 1 262 683 882 3071 2,316 1 079 578 46788 1,496 260 364 1 664 87,515 342 5,808 1 103 870 7,956 1 365 577 7 339 1 155 652 921 3 205 2,859 1 606 570 47 293 1,482 344 377 1 692 85,685 383 5,481 1 101 724 7,953 1 046 461 7 407 971 598 936 3 343 2,920 1 727 629 46 370 1,408 368 292 1 566 88,729 338 5,918 1 128 637 8,589 1,148 378 7412 1 052 634 959 3 371 2,836 1 635 594 48430 1,389 406 236 1 640 14,275 15 468 16,565 15,156 16,600 16,763 16,575 17,497 193,481 11 332 58,550 603 23 124 33 204 5 248 3 248 11 2,047 129 206 29 522 826 10,111 2 309 692 10,263 2 057 195,501 11 544 57,633 526 23 840 34 212 5 421 3 162 2 2,148 120 199 30790 881 9,368 2 337 685 10,432 2200 201,123 11 312 60,638 491 23 651 36 175 5 223 3 166 2 2 054 84 217 31 455 897 9,871 2 303 707 10632 2 246 197,742 11 248 58,125 375 23 814 35 588 5 144 3 155 0 2093 77 196 31 933 985 9,038 2 333 859 10573 2208 199,824 11 558 59,673 628 23 635 33 948 5 581 3485 0 2 040 90 197 32 154 830 9707 2 416 824 10 757 2 300 201,316 11 263 63,012 440 23 469 33 510 5 174 3 601 0 2 038 90 207 32 524 528 8,840 2 627 820 11 045 2 129 197,811 11 132 60,323 334 23 869 31 053 5 204 3 661 0 2018 96 209 33 118 977 9233 2 506 833 11 130 2 115 197,859 11 350 56466 381 24 382 32 708 5 433 3 597 0 2014 100 204 33 796 871 10 108 2 421 820 11 054 2 152 59,389 59403 61 795 57 891 57 690 62 922 62 134 62 689 198 2,235 7 265 230 376 1 837 26,645 9 116 2469 681 3,433 4,906 195 1 980 7293 201 434 1 764 26,708 9 292 2 637 671 3,427 4 802 195 1 860 7 854 160 518 1 744 28432 9284 2 647 637 3,832 4631 239 1 786 7 624 163 554 2 036 24,862 8 833 2 641 774 3,947 4431 219 1 606 7 668 198 576 1 945 24,652 9 013 2 495 748 4,027 4 543 166 1 746 7 949 230 551 2 202 27,414 9 197 2 830 829 4,461 5 348 124 1 715 8 155 245 602 1 676 27 661 9 689 2 641 732 4,013 4 883 179 1 644 8 100 275 642 1 667 27 262 9 745 2 554 781 4,664 5 176 ! 1 May 1 S4 55 56 Asia China Mainland Taiwan Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel Japan , Korea Philippines . Thailand Middle East oil-exporting countries3 . . . Other S7 S8 S9 60 61 6? 63 Africa Egypt Morocco South Africa Zaire Oil-exporting countries4 Other 5 613 310 342 2 066 57 914 1 924 5 539 286 359 2 194 55 845 1 800 5 483 309 375 2 185 52 844 1 717 5 701 297 382 2 123 104 750 2 045 5 542 378 441 2 123 47 851 1 702 5 665 450 463 2 231 46 830 1 645 5 960 501 484 2 407 45 850 1 673 6 547 544 444 2 630 40 1 052 1 837 64 6S 66 Other countries Australia All other 2,220 1 710 510 2,288 1 710 578 2 515 1 957 557 2468 1 882 586 2412 1 750 662 2 332 1 712 620 2266 1 639 627 2 185 1 630 555 263 92 308 332 167 443 336 319 4S 46 47 48 49 SO S1 S3 67 Nonmonetary international and regional 5 organizations 146 57. Banks' own claims on foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 19 83 Area and country 1984 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec,6 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 1 Total 380,080 376,047 378,904 391,312 376,982 381,845 389,116 390,180 2 Foreign countries 379 483 375 987 378 834 391 148 376,918 381,681 388,966 390,106 91 624 351 5 683 1,135 697 7,899 1,408 411 7,073 1 179 550 986 3,383 3 081 1,793 616 51 611 1,407 536 219 1 606 89 719 334 5 533 1,107 789 7,457 1,095 372 7,713 1 026 575 1 044 3,152 3 059 1,625 660 50481 1,506 405 211 1,575 91 317 s 91 927 401 395 5 639 5 557 1,275 1,272 822 1,044 8,766 7,957 1,284 1,265 412 476 8,464 9,018 1 267 1 351 690 590 1 114 1 054 3,573 3,645 3 249 3 358 1,863 2,119 812 693 47 364 48 646 1,718 1,620 477 429 192 173 1,598 1,603 91 494 349 5 947 1,301 945 8,008 1,038 508 7,899 1 384 652 1 144 3,401 3 373 1,459 814 49 303 1,776 493 162 1,537 92,476 414 6 197 1,244 952 8,304 1,037 549 7,919 1 294 645 1 145 3,290 3 356 1,302 933 49,920 1,760 547 187 1,483 92,995 449 6005 1,283 931 8,382 1,112 694 8,176 1 358 638 1 119 3,358 3 528 1,452 964 49,535 1,765 499 199 1,548 96,732 679 6,243 1,197 1,021 8,724 1,516 830 8,292 2 294 705 1,291 3,730 3,646 1,854 1,043 49,514 1,754 651 179 1,570 3 Europe 4 Austria 5 Belgium-Luxembourg 6 Denmark 7 Finland 8 France 9 Germany 10 Greece 11 Italy . 12 Netherlands 13 Norway . 14 Portugal 15 Spain .. 16 Sweden 17 Switzerland 18 Turkey 19 United Kingdom 20 Yugoslavia 21 Other Western Europe1 22 U.S.S.R 23 Other Eastern Europe2 ,. , 24 Canada 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Latin America and Caribbean Argentina Bahamas Bermuda Bra?il British West Indies Chile Colombia Cuba Ecuador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Netherlands Antilles Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Asia China Mainland Taiwan Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel Japan . Korea Philippines Thailand Middle East oil-exporting countries3 . . . Other 57 Africa 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 . Other countries Australia All other 67 Nortmonetary international and regional organizations5 .. • 15,832 16,357 16,341 15,866 15,952 17,164 16,998 2 006 112 214 33,900 917 9206 2 470 857 11 053 2,217 197,209 11,638 57 201 477 24 388 31,497 5 783 3 653 3 2 141 115 203 33,665 1,033 8 835 2 434 883 10888 2,372 200,191 11,899 57 603 600 24704 32,799 5,888 3 734 0 2262 122 210 33,776 1,186 8 502 2 469 903 11 086 2,450 205,491 11,749 59 633 566 24 667 35,527 6,072 3 745 0 2 307 129 215 34,802 1,154 7,848 2 536 977 11 287 2,277 197,401 11,755 54017 644 25,027 32,807 6,196 3 695 0 2,367 189 253 34,676 971 7 867 2467 982 11,255 2,232 200,530 11,760 54,631 409 25,132 34,608 6,319 3 536 0 2,350 126 219 34,793 1,043 8,799 2415 908 11,183 2,298 204,732 11,635 58,009 532 25,910 34,788 6,164 3,667 0 2,334 128 277 34,708 1,245 8,378 2453 926 11,146 2,431 203,505 11,411 57,074 614 26,124 35,399 6,085 3,649 4 2,335 129 252 34,377 1,149 7,985 2 380 923 11,105 2,509 65,163 63,948 61,611 67,837 62,894 62,789 64,431 63,118 227 1 829 8 752 259 695 1 750 28,661 9,712 2 786 885 4,155 5,452 295 1,618 8 384 324 704 1 800 28,044 9,370 2 383 897 4,689 5,440 249 1,574 8 948 305 711 1 846 25,741 9,678 2434 954 4,276 4,895 292 1,908 8,489 330 805 1 832 30,354 9,943 2,107 1 219 4,954 5,603 420 1,810 8,180 344 853 1 556 27,180 9,542 2,415 1 240 4,644 4,710 337 1,710 8,064 253 899 1 478 27,655 9,467 2,361 1 274 4,272 5,019 364 1,657 7,513 337 935 1 607 28,469 9,639 2,403 1 163 5,048 5,295 428 1,654 7,979 372 911 1 846 25,973 10,292 2,382 1,219 5,113 4,949 6501 610 444 2,719 38 964 1,727 6910 642 462 2,578 38 1 485 1 705 6 830 692 461 2,892 37 1 039 1 709 6,654 747 440 2,634 . 33 1 073 1,727 6,571 738 450 2,684 29 1 037 1,631 7,226 712 481 2,928 16 1 124 1,964 6,920 744 484 2,989 13 1,029 1,661 6,655 698 486 2,908 26 1,000 1,536 2 294 1,686 607 2 370 1,691 679 2 528 1,889 639 2 898 2,256 642 2 692 2,085 607 2 708 2,038 670 2 724 1,997 727 3,099 2,479 620 598 60 70 164 64 164 150 74 o ligypt Morocco South Africa £aire . . . Oil-exporting countries4 Other 16,519 197,382 11 464 56 575 564 24 494 31,828 5 835 3 670 . 147 57. Banks' own claims on foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period Area and country 1 Total 9 Foreign countries ^ 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 1? 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 ?0 ?1 99 73 Europe Austria Belgium-Luxembourg Denmark ... Finland . . France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland TVirkey United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe1 USSR Other Eastern Europe2 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 401,257 408,742 405,636 396,678 393,924 383,489 384,634 398,722 401,154 408,628 405,427 396,480 393,853 382,807 384,072 398,048 104,126 582 6 814 1 197 1 100 9 370 1 155 1 036 8,556 1 766 729 1,463 3 809 3 152 1 933 1 160 56083 1,808 597 175 1 643 102,409 636 6 108 1,189 928 9722 1,142 979 8,331 1 811 648 1,503 3,955 2 638 1,544 1 210 55,703 1,817 800 172 1,573 100,081 581 6 156 1,088 872 9 975 1,257 974 7,832 1 440 649 1,433 3 700 2404 1,580 1 145 54 759 1,857 732 175 1,471 98,168 572 6286 1,057 882 9084 1,220 1 086 7,803 1 470 649 1,387 3,355 2 596 1,741 1 132 53 681 1,888 660 176 1,442 95,415 521 5 363 544 887 8 812 1,097 929 7,820 1 190 676 1,346 3,189 2 362 2 067 1 121 53 348 1,868 660 159 1,454 97,930 532 4988 520 1,098 9299 1,261 819 8,854 1 229 602 1,262 3 017 2 313 2275 1 097 54 637 1,866 625 169 1,467 97,962 433 4 794 648 898 9085 1,305 817 9,079 1 351 675 1,243 2 884 2 220 2201 1 130 55 184 1,886 596 142 1,391 98,585 456 6 626 1 118 1 041 9024 1,125 940 7,901 1 753 719 1 366 3 700 2 918 1 579 1 047 53 125 1,775 591 172 1 610 [ 17,859 17,459 18,350 16,326 16,549 16,634 15,778 16,057 211 314 11 071 62 026 845 26,058 37 787 6 146 3 524 0 2 332 127 220 34 734 1 173 8 386 2 438 887 11 019 2 541 210 160 11 164 59 605 559 26,246 38 294 6492 3 559 21 2 373 125 323 35 227 1 312 8 092 2 473 950 11 175 2 171 209727 11,381 58 519 543 26,009 39248 6 648 3,490 203 914 11,021 56612 509 25,991 35 844 6619 3444 203 026 11,108 55 216 508 26,140 36007 6 836 3,438 198 372 11,014 52 006 551 26,146 34 871 6 795 3 343 199058 10,983 54084 635 26,275 33 727 6 703 3406 207 577 11 043 58027 592 26,307 38 105 6 839 3 499 2 396 124 272 35 306 1,381 7 825 2487 961 10 836 2 301 2 380 130 216 35 $24 1,302 8202 2 394 930 11 137 2 160 2 365 120 225 35 602 1 296 7 639 2 397 934 10 982 2 211 2452 141 234 35 364 1 337 7 540 2 416 962 11 $29 2 170 2 431 148 222 35 288 1 337 7 360 2 358 990 10994 2 118 2 420 158 252 34 697 1 350 7 707 2 384 1 088 11 017 2 091 63 699 67 046 64 859 65 979 66 006 62 356 61 398 66 380 348 1 562 7,478 362 983 1 822 27 084 9 582 2433 1 301 5,200 5 543 554 1 702 8 153 355 969 1 910 29 039 2495 1 123 5,118 5 986 640 1 510 6979 323 952 1 827 27 727 9 799 2,650 1 120 5,214 6 116 639 1 573 6 809 295 906 1 869 29 005 9 547 2,756 1 262 4,924 6 396 563 1 651 7 139 354 886 1 802 30 601 9 586 2,578 1 113 4,506 5 227 409 1 588 7,155 302 821 1 890 26 862 9 253 2,510 1 072 4,650 5 844 543 1 679 6,945 381 797 1 938 26421 8 896 2487 1 112 4,687 5 512 710 1 849 7,368 425 734 2 088 29 059 9 285 2 550 1 125 5,054 6 133 Africa Egypt Morocco South Africa Zaire Oil-exporting countries4 Other 6764 666 561 2 974 28 967 1 568 6 840 734 497 3 065 39 1 004 1 502 7,048 638 549 3 307 43 1 025 1 485 6,969 613 556 3 281 30 996 1 493 6,830 650 545 3 152 18 944 1 522 6,862 674 582 3 140 18 938 1 510 6 719 693 536 2 960 19 911 1 600 6615 728 583 2 795 18 842 1 649 Other countries Australia All other 2 932 2 335 597 2 996 2 435 561 3 036 2 481 554 3 210 2 582 628 3 274 2 673 601 3 169 2 508 661 3 189 2 487 702 3 456 2 778 678 103 114 209 198 71 681 562 674 ?4 Canada ^5 76 77 ^8 79 30 31 3? ^3 34 35 36 37 38 3Q 40 41 49 43 Latin America and Caribbean Argentina Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Chile Colombia Cuba . . . . Ecuador Guatemala Jamaica Mexico Netherlands Antilles Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other 44 V S3 54 55 56 Asia China Mainland Taiwan Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel Japan Korea Philippines Thailand Middle East oil-exporting countries3 . . . Other S7 58 5Q 60 61 6? 63 64 6S 66 45 46 47 48 49 SO 51 19 84 May 67 Nonmonetary international and regional 5 organizations 148 o o o o o o 58. Banks' own and domestic customers' claims on foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States1 Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 Type of claim 1 Total 2 Banks' own claims on foreigners 3 Foreign public borrowers 4 Own foreign offices2 5 Unafflliated foreign banks 6 Deposits 7 Other 8 All other foreigners . . . . . . Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 360,554 364,649 415,926 365,017 367,136 412,660 370,768 375,825 360,554 45,141 134,942 118,444 44,085 74,359 62,027 364,649 46,062 136,448 120,972 46,119 74,852 61,168 377,659 47,764 145,721 123,239 50,725 72,515 60,934 365,017 48,387 137,484 118,552 46,062 72,491 60,594 367,136 48,504 141,074 116,719 45,813 70,906 60,840 376,956 50,514 142,127 122,039 48,358 73,682 62,276 370,768 50,810 138,375 118,788 46,899 71,889 62,796 375,825 52,468 139,789 121,445 47,789 73,657 62,122 43,558 43,960 9 Claims of banks' domestic customers3 10 Deposits 1 1 Negotiable and readily transferable instruments4 . . . 12 Outstanding collections and other claims 38,267 2,126 29261 6,880 35,704 2,631 26,937 6,135 13 MEMO* Customer liability on acceptances 35,204 34,856 Dollar deposits in banks abroad, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States 40,361 40,526 40,371 45,397 43,676 43,621 1984 1983 Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr 1 Total 416,177 376,047 378,904 426,215 376,982 381,845 426,278 390,180 2 Banks' own claims on foreigners 3 Foreign public borrowers 4 Own foreign offices2 5 Unaffiliated foreign banks 6 Deposits 7 Other 8 All other foreigners 380,080 54,512 140,472 122,971 48,928 74,043 62,126 376,047 55,136 144,039 115,406 44,664 70,742 61,466 378,904 56,137 140,404 119,566 45,303 74,263 62,798 391,312 57,569 146,393 123,837 47,126 76,711 63,514 376,982 58,322 142,625 116,913 42,978 73,935 59,121 381,845 57,410 145,134 119,196 44,962 74,234 60,106 389,116 57,803 149,415 122,107 45,869 76,239 59,791 390,180 58,083 147,868 123,649 45,017 78,631 60,580 9 Claims of banks' domestic customers3 10 Deposits 1 1 Negotiable and readily transferable instruments4 . . . 12 Outstanding collections and other claims 36,097 2 654 27,550 5 892 34,903 2969 26,064 5,870 37,162 3,660 26,947 6,555 13 MEMO* Customer liability on acceptances 34 584 37 715 36,959 Dollar deposits in banks abroad, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States^ 43,880 46,642 49,400 46,404 45,856 48,718 47,906 49,585 1984 1 Total 2 Banks' own claims on foreigners 3 Foreign public borrowers . . . 4 Own foreign offices2 5 Unaffiliated foreign banks 6 Deposits 7 Other 8 All other foreigners . . May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 401,257 445,886 405,636 396,678 428,461 383,489 384,634 431,639 401,257 58,101 157,078 125,724 46,975 78,749 60,354 408,742 59,348 158,881 129,850 49,501 80,350 60,662 405,636 59,745 156,926 127,498 48,585 78,914 61,467 396,678 58,465 154,101 123,724 46,981 76,744 60,387 393,924 59,617 152,055 122,477 47,367 75,110 59,775 383,489 61,367 143,631 120,879 46,787 74,092 57,612 384,634 61,443 144,809 120,890 45,788 75,102 57,492 398,722 61,371 156,497 123,775 48,112 75,663 57,080 9 Claims of banks' domestic customers3 10 Deposits 1 1 Negotiable and readily transferable instruments4 . . . 12 Outstanding collections and other claims . . . . 37,144 3458 26 324 7 362 34,537 4 575 23 907 6 055 32,916 3,380 23,805 5,732 13 MEMO* Customer liability on acceptances 42 365 38 536 36,575 Dollar deposits in banks abroad, reported by5 nonbanking business enterprises in the United States 48,643 44,708 43,863 44,615 44,201 43,007 44,152 40,129 149 59. Banks' own claims on unaffiliated foreigners, payable in U.S. dollars, reported by banks in the United States Millions of dollars, end of period Maturity, by borrower and area 1 Dec. 19*14 1983 1982 Mar. Sept. June 1 Dec. Mar. j Sept. ]~ Dec. June 1 Total 228,150 230,747 232,548 237,033 243,715 238,829 249,904 240,595 243,049 By borrower Maturity of 1 year or less2 . . Foreign public borrowers 4 All other foreigners . . 173 917 174 434 174 580 175 624 176 158 163 582 172 474 162 863 165 200 21 256 21,878 22,752 25 138 24039 20,436 21,066 21 059 22,076 152 661 152 556 151 828 150 486 152 120 143 146 151 407 141 804 143 124 9 3 ^6 7 Maturity of over 1 year2 Foreign public borrowers . . All other foreigners 54,233 23 137 31 095 56,312 25 194 31,118 57,968 26 558 31,411 61 409 28 325 33,083 67 557 32 521 35 036 75,247 36320 38,927 77,430 37 747 39,683 77 731 38410 39321 77,849 39,620 38,229 8 0 10 11 1? By area Maturity of 1 year or less2 Europe Canada .. Latin America and Caribbean Asia Africa 3 All other 50500 7 642 73 291 37,578 3 680 1 226 54 152 6929 75,594 32,456 3,870 1 434 52 258 7 134 74,748 35,070 3 854 1 516 53 441 6583 76,095 33,480 4570 1 454 56 117 6211 73 660 34,403 4 199 1 569 54 393 6509 65,673 31,206 4472 1 330 59924 6959 65,136 34,012 4790 1 652 56773 5 841 61 479 32,252 4798 1 720 58 170 5 978 60,692 33,450 4442 2468 11 636 1 931 35,247 3 185 1 494 12,081 1 928 36,026 3 640 1,487 1 150 12,385 1 861 36,880 4 109 1 667 1 066 12 519 1 760 39410 4 761 1 819 1 139 13 576 1 857 43 888 4 850 2286 1 101 13,324 2 038 51,238 5 150 2,291 1 206 12,778 2203 54249 5 098 1 865 1 237 11,249 1 801 56568 5 106 1 857 1 150 9,590 1 890 57,8"M 5 386 2,033 1,116 n 14 15 16 17 18 IP Maturity of over 1 year2 Europe Canada .. Latin America and Caribbean Asia . .. Africa 3 All other . . 740 60. Liabilities to and claims on foreigners, payable in foreign currencies, reported by banks in the United States1 Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 1982 Item 1984 Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Mar. June 1 Banks own liabilities 4 844 5,088 5 880 5 976 5 219 5,817 6,459 6,227 7 501 2 Banks* own claims 3 Deposits 4 Other claims 7 707 4251 3 456 8 123 3,728 4 396 7 879 3,907 3 971 7 998 3,045 4 953 7 231 2731 4 501 9034 4,024 5 010 9 687 4,284 5 404 9 334 3,685 5 649 10 801 3,964 6 837 676 637 684 717 1 059 361 227 281 569 1 ... . 5 Claims of banks' domestic customers2 . . 150 1 Sept. j[ Dec. 61. Marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes—Foreign transactions Millions of dollars 1983 Country or area Year Jan. Mar. Feb. May Apr. June Aug. July Nov. Oct. Sept. Dec. 1 Transactions (end of period) 1 Estimated total2 2 2 Foreign countries . .. 3 Europe2 4 Belgium Luxembourg . 5 Germany2 6 Netherlands 7 Sweden 8 Switzerland2 9 United Kingdom . . 10 Other Western Europe 11 Eastern Europe . . 12 13 14 15 16 Canada . Latin America Venezuela Netherlands Antilles Other Latin America and Caribbean . . . 17 18 Asia , Japan 19 20 Africa All other 3,693 309 3,162 6,226 288 602 -431 2,450 375 170 -421 1,966 275 311 84 1 -526 169 2,118 0 289 0 42 0 46 2 699 -212 -124 595 1,241 951 1,024 1,168 1,330 1,193 -802 -245 1,498 911 172 184 13 -25 26 4 220 537 83 417 0 240 38 542 -1,315 15 -557 15 9 -845 -77 25 -4 14-15 -156 -37 319 191 -102 100 -149-76 28 -1 0 8 4 110 52 -359 29 -131 122 -78 272 408 463 3 -17 0 3 0 5 - 2 6 - 3 23 -21 -647 -760 0 0 0 MEMO 24 Foreign countries2 . . . 25 Official institutions . 26 Other foreign2 1,362 779 2,382 288 34 252 Oil-exporting 3countries Middle East Africa4 -5,419 - 1 1,241 1,552 -310 121 -233 0 0 -15 0 8 1,655 -2,166 1,561 -1,997 0 951 966 -15 0 1,024 341 682 -40 414 -47 48 90 340 -15 522 62 64 -113 - 10 13 198 81 44 55 - 103 38 0 400 0 275 0 148 0 102 0 202 -39 75 72 -356 78 -37 37 -200 47 122 20 1 10 64 -3,535 2,315 -3 -196 -29 -41 110 40 167 107 0 60 167 -562 12 20 -22 2 -172 0 2 - 154 0 - 1 0 -2 1 7 -137 -25 -26 3 -14 -700 171 0 1,716 1,021 -966 1,545 858 -872 -524 -414 240 36 203 -691 -109 -566 0 0 1 -90 0 542 -1,315 407 -895 135 -420 0 -848 -928 79 11 -405 202 0 20 0 9 -731 244 21 0 -79 219 1 - 2 - 8 - 7 2 - 3 8 0 8 30 -87 0 1,629 -574 1,080 658 -631 -112 389 -52 0 -28 1,133 2,361 -1,402 -848 -80 667 0 - 100 - 19 3 - 5 535 218 -35 0 234 239 36 0 26 240 1,954 1,563 -2,281 -1,372 -9 - 16 2-116 21 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations . . . . 22 International 23 Latin American regional 27 28 2,606 -1,143 0 -46 1,245 1,335 0 -112 -45 -67 -277 -172 -1,791 -305 0 0 0 0 134 76 -51 0 42 87-92 419 -1,399 237 153 0 8 97 390 0 -13 -314 292 1 -5 733 -828 -727 673 -1,064 -626 0 0 0 1,629 -574 97 504 -760 -435 1,125 185 533 -373 0 -968 0 -54 0 151 61. Marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes—Foreign transactions—Continued Millions of dollars 1984 Country or area Year Jan. | Feb. May Mar | Apr. July | Aug. June Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1 Holdings (end of period) 1 Estimated total2 2 2 Foreign countries ... 3 Europe2 4 BelgiumLuxembourg . 5 Germany2 . . . 6 Netherlands . , 7 Sweden 8 Switzerland2 . . . 9 United Kingdom . 10 Other Western Europe . . . 11 Eastern Europe . 21,412 725 580 -529 2,309 16,432 11,070 739 527 -133 1,333 22 -89 986 560 385 599 289 2,958 454 46 635 5,223 17 291 -16 31 49 214 17 946 -61 20 39 -103 7 307 -40 47 50 -165 34 368 95 5 -14 5 1,465 0 -58 0 475 0 -294 0 12 1,599 6,5% -3,799 2,931 2,197 972 1,172 909 1,088 5,576 -1,736 3,990 -718 1,092 795 2,293 5,066 776 1,300 -30 448 -139 5 161 239 74 86 35 -15 349 545 33 20 1,036 -747 13 -6 -52 77 67 99 2,857 -313 27 -39 458 -1 -172 742 41 36 -7 1 -288 244 46 336 16 -88 26 716 69 0 -85 - -165 1 0 559 0 35 0 153 0 0 748 0 248 0 -220 209 194 107 31 231 288 237 193 249 -277 0 9 1 205 0 -101 10 -543 -1 313 1 165 3 320 1 965 7 380 -10 93 -57 102 231 92 61 57 213 80 69 258 902 177 1,000 -1,475 529 -18 -302 851 1,410 -114 3 -109 106 17 269 243 12 Canada 1,526 -3 13 14 15 Latin America . . . Venezuela . . . Netherlands Antilles Other Latin America and Caribbean . , . 1,413 14 563 0 -587 528 -20 -122 -70 871 582 -464 -207 59 112 -53 -644 17 18 Asia Japan 2,377 6,062 -348 90 -881 337 603 -12 209 214 -637 324 57 490 564 385 19 20 Africa All other -67 114 0 0 -1 -10 4 1 3 -4 2 21 0 0 0 31 4,982 4,612 -13 63 712 672 -550 -525 1,324 1,323 1,025 -1,086 1,010 -1,086 428 381 0 0 0 0 0 16,432 481 15,951 739 545 193 -133 4 -137 22 487 -465 986 619 367 16 21 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 22 International . . 23 Latin American regional MEMO 24 Foreign countries2 . . . 25 Official institutions . 26 Other foreign2 27 28 Oil -exporting 3countries Middle East Africa4 -6,277 -515 -101 0 0 -829 0 50 0 -51 -678 0 0 0 0 385 972 1,172 -318 -896 177 703 1,868 994 -1,037 0 67 -312 0 0 -219 7,508 369 3,218 1,287 1,585 27 -23 __ i 43 -5 -5 2 -83 1,020 -2,063 1,099 -2,149 1,839 1,651 -96 -188 2,442 2,361 0 0 0 0 5,576 -1,736 1,366 -1,968 4,210 232 1,092 -852 1,944 -411 -100 -983 -100 142 0 -144 0 0 2,293 5,066 -602 1,919 2,895 3,147 -1,284 0 -200 0 62. Foreign official assets held at Federal Reserve Banks, 19841 Millions of dollars, end of period Assets 1 Deposits Assets held in custody 2 2 U.S. Treasury securities 3 Earmarked gold3 152 Jan. 251 Feb. 246 Mar. 222 Apr. 345 May 295 June 238 July | Aug. | Sept. 215 242 206 Oct. j Nov. j Dec. 270 392 253 117,076 119,499 116,768 117,808 114,562 117,143 115,760 117,130 115,678 115,542 117,433 118,267 14,347 14291 14,278 14 278 14 268 14266 14,270 14 258 14,256 14,260 14,265 14,265 63, Foreign transactions in securities Millions of dollars Transactions, and area or country 1983 Year Jan. Feb. Mar Apr. STOCKS 1 Foreign purchases 2 Foreign sales 3 Net purchases, or sales (—). 4 Foreign countries 5 Europe 6 France 7 Germany 8 Netherlands 9 Switzerland 10 United Kingdom 11 Canada . 12 Latin America and Caribbean 13 Middle East1 14 .Other Asia 15 Africa 16 Other countries . , . 17 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations . . . May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. U.S. corporate securities 69,770 5,166 5,317 7,076 5,931 6,617 6,852 5,743 5,185 5,499 5,530 4,848 6,007 64,360 4,357 4,341 6,153 5,340 6,352 6,457 5,198 5,154 5,103 5,380 4,789 5,736 5,410 809 976 922 590 265 395 545 31 397 150 58 271 5,312 3,979 -97 1,045 -109 1,325 1,799 1,151 800 627 45 119 2 217 184 90 955 899 53 138 7 223 452 63 896 972 8 226 41 102 572 147 539 642 29 222 12 277 127 122 262 306 -28 86 -81 268 127 92 420 191 14 -31 -57 191 94 98 536 430 33 135 7 190 40 1 32 87 75 54 12 58 90 77 389 257 -10 39 -49 123 174 154 146 -88 -33 55 -15 58 -61 -68 53 24 -97 19 -1 279 -281 -64 -51 13 -208 47 183 529 -808 395 42 24 1 -57 116 5 18 117 86 -22 62 -13 -60 -302 -192 1 -44 -90 -210 4 3 8 8 60 -4 -10 6 28 36 64 1 2 35 -59 143 0 -12 -98 -88 75 7 28 107 -178 51 4 -6 14 45 63 1 -3 239 13 122 2 1 98 10 21 52 2 1,751 2,310 2,275 1,797 2,447 1,885 2,457 2,289 26 -18 -129 124 -40 49 104 -1 -25 -7 BONDS' 18 Foreign purchases 19 Foreign sales 24,000 1,871 23,097 2,209 20 Net purchases, or sales (-). 903 -338 21 Foreign countries . . . 22 Europe 23 France 24 Germany 25 Netherlands . . . . 26 Switzerland 27 United Kingdom 28 Canada 29 Latin America and Caribbean 30 Middle East1 31 Other Asia 32 Africa 33 Other countries . . . 888 909 -89 344 51 583 434 123 -336 -21 -154 -181 -196 -266 -20 -10 -22 127 -94 -33 1 3 16 -2 63 25 -94 -111 -182 21 14 34 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations ... 27 100 -1,161 -212 22 865 0 0 52 0 -46 -137 1,546 1,438 1,747 1,463 2,177 1,995 1,900 1,967 2,537 2,497 2,039 1,304 1,698 1,496 390 169 -201 -25 181 -67 40 735 202 405 405 7 47 1 209 42 -18 193 -203 474 -128 -7 7 85 -18 -4 12 28 188 120 140 22 -10 79 152 -6 63 -3 0 112 -3 -73 18 0 34 1 -19 42 -10 137 300 2 63 11 7 136 22 715 458 -31 53 5 15 390 46 195 -53 -4 27 -128 -22 24 4 19 13 -21 -168 -119 -121 -130 -251 45 44 72 47 78 0 2 2 0 0 35 0 -2 0 -6 116 101 0 0 20 42 207 0 0 12 84 68 -1 0 0 32 59 0 0 -3 10 -56 -378 60 62 -5 1 21 2 -25 17 -14 -49 -74 -5 -33 53 24 3 78 6 -97 -3,765 13,281 17,046 -327 -225 -432 -544 -642 -600 -488 -210 -76 1,032 1,044 1,198 978 1,081 1,397 982 1,040 1,333 1,359 1,268 1,631 1,522 1,723 1,997 1,470 1,2501,409 -8 1,150 1,157 -3,239 36,333 39,572 137 -264 -515 -524 2,600 3,097 2,814 2,564 2,462 3,361 3,329 3,088 -200 175 -884 3,906 3,115 3,076 4,106 2,940 3,960 15 -2 -24 102 20 Foreign securities 35 Stocks, net purchases, or sales (—) 36 Foreign purchases . 37 Foreign .sales 38 Bonds, net purchases, or sales ( — ) 39 Foreign purchases . 40 Foreign sales 41 Net purchases, or sales (-), of stocks and bonds . . , -7,004 42 Foreign countries . . . 43 Europe 44 Canada 45 Latin America and Caribbean 46 Asia 47 Africa 48 Other countries . . . 49 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations . -837 2,667 3,504 238 -189 -366 3,333 2,565 2,837 3,095 2,754 3,203 -190 -489 -947-1,069-1,479 -363 -576 -86 -208 -6,559 -5,492 -1,328 -174 -267 26 -802 -681 -447 -662 -1,046 -606 -520 40 -426 -972 -633 -286 -397 -687 -583 -475 -683 -327 16 83 30 -114 125 -353 -257 -362 9 44 -421 38 -910 -643 -60 1,120 -855 141 -144 258 -180 -9 -2 346 -31 21 -9 -23 88 243 -140 -221 -310 30 25 9 37 8 4 -80 47 62 -152 -145 23 13 11 14 280 0 -385 23 135 16 -59 5 90 11 -10 135 158 1 133 17 -81 0 -143 -445 -16 28 49 313 -286 -22 -506 34 -677 -11 3,760 3,771 -26 -187 914 1,132 940 1,320 10 149-1,071 105 -161 153 63. Foreign transactions in securities—Continued Millions of dollars 1984 Transactions, and area or country Feb. Year | Jan. Mar. 1 Foreign purchases 2 Foreign sales June May Apr. STOCKS Aug. J Sept. ] Oct. j Nov. ] Dec. July U.S. corporate securities . . . . 60,462 63,388 5,439 5,799 3 Net purchases, or sales (— ). -2,926 -360 409 -3,041 -2,986 -405 -50 -315 -1,490 -658 1,673 -349 -167 -72 95 1 -92 -93 83 493 -1,998 -372 -23 171 115 4,511 4,190 4,958 5,494 4,553 4,902 3,377 3,946 7,255 7,399 4,052 4,892 4,657 5,398 355 321 -537 -349 -569 -144 -840 -741 478 146 -97 116 1 282 -169 323 323 188 -4 151 32 -3 -17 300 321 208 38 -43 -15 90 137 73 -545 -372 9 -40 -47 -220 -80 -61 -359 -578 -319 -592 -3 -45 2 -38 -76 -34 -120 -321 - 181 - 127 158 188 -290 -410 -28 -125 -19 -358 146 129 -909 -690 -67 -63 -66 -335 - 131 149 -752 -529 -37 -10 -47 -130 -251 150 124 -361 -48 5 16 43 -45 36 10 -34 9 -197 33 -7 -1 25 -58 66 5 2 82 -168 -28 -4 6 38-58 213 9-89 -215 -55 -214 -207 -270 -27 -76 -57 -160 -92 3 -2 -5 -6 -8 2 16 54 -3 87 -11 -70 32 1 8 18 Foreign purchases 1 9 Foreign sales 39,341 1,830 26,071 1,766 2,116 2,000 2,405 2,092 1,734 1,866 1,629 1,467 20 Net purchases, or sales (-). 13,269 65 116 313 -133 162 208 579 855 21 Foreign countries . 22 Europe 23 France 24 Germany 25 Netherlands 26 Switzerland 27 United Kingdom 28 Canada 29 Latin America and Caribbean 30 Middle East1 31 Other Asia 32 Africa 33 Other countries 12,972 11,792 207 1,731 93 644 8,520 -71 75 73 -1 -37 3 12 129 1 29 -66 -5 -32 25 -102 90 -53 370 170 -1 117 9 -45 127 -23 -200 40 -5 68 -12 -22 -220 -77 196 70 0 107 -1 8 -75 3 168 - 272 4 122 11 35 77 32 539 480 33 256 3 13 -80 -35 902 1,278 3,954 2,133 3,527 502 1,004 3,956 1,954 3,338 17 8 143-11 24 181 19 606 139 184 16 2 22 -1 15 49 9 253 159 276 311 922 2,860 1,603 2,776 45 3 -3 13 14 .... 390 -1,011 1,862 1 10 10 -26 18 -1 0 17 58 75 0 -2 20 30 170 0 3 -4 -263 102 1 1 13 11 100 0 0 15 -287 135 0 0 14 -60 138 0 1 76 64 42 44 78 1 - 1 9 -232 -45 - 179 265 223 192 169 276 1 1 0 2 1 3 3 0 2 0 34 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations . . . 297 -11 87 -57 67 40 41 4 Foreign countries 5 Europe 6 France 7 Germany 8 Netherlands 9 Switzerland 10 United Kingdom 1 1 Canada 12 Latin America and Caribbean 13 Middle East' 14 Other Asia 15 Africa 16 Other countries .... .... .... 17 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations 6,235 6,101 5,827 5,746 10 4,838 4,746 4,487 5,049 92 -562 81 -90 -46 11 -15 -34 17 47 -461 -359 -54 -105 -29 -249 91 134 30 67 -12 -196 74 -91 -8 --6 39 -11 11 -101 9 147 69 11 2,004 3,082 1,795 2,503 2,885 2,030 3,356 2,035 6,994 3,060 4,902 2,556 6,403 2,900 1,321 3,934 2,346 3,503 2 BONDS .... .... .... -34 -48 43 -20 213 -24 Foreign securities 35 Stocks, net purchases, or sales ( — ) 36 Foreign purchases . . 37 Foreign sales 38 Bonds, net purchases, or sales (— ) 39 Foreign purchases 40 Foreign sales . .. -127 334 135 -16 65 1,216 1,491 1,581 1,256 1,164 1,343 1,157 1,446 1,2721,099 -33 1,128 1,161 -3,931 57,338 61,270 260 8 75 -364 3,434 3,998 4,982 3,861 3,174 3,989 4,908 4,226 257 180 -287 -482 -1,195 5,324 4,428 5,770 4,122 4,527 5,067 4,249 6,057 4,604 5,722 41 Net purchases, or sales (— ), -5,008 of stocks and bonds 42 Foreign countries 43 Europe 44 Canada 45 Latin America and Caribbean 46 Asia 47 Africa 48 Other countries 132 343 -4,619 -8,532 413 104 310 -45 -331 7 183 .... 2,472 1,345 -107 -210 119 188 28 280 -5 -11 - 1 1 49 Nonmonetary international and regional organizations . . . -389 154 111 -490 -340 -318 -177 -221 899 1,286 921 1,333 1,147 1,169 787 1,777 1,261 1,651 1,324 1,390 -1,077 14,591 15,668 28 32 209 -380 -645 5,156 5,802 -580 123 -379 -660 -249 -501 -1,539 116 -191 40 48 130 221 187 -10 -4 - 3 0 87 -2 223 -578 -1,159 6,601 5.134 7,179 6,293 291 -777 -822 -1,513 -755 1,379 209 229 -614 -458 -468 -603 124 176 -7 -886-1,477 -963 -1,582 -198 -68 -908 -671 -707 -1,086 -23 254 601 242 -16 12 465 80 -4 1 80 15 237 127 331 - 136 -21 11 -25 -5 62 -163 28 169 -14 92 217 -30 -19 6 64 -36 207 104 88 - 1 15 -16 3 -457 169 153 -709 64. Liabilities to unaffiliated foreigners, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States Millions of dollars, end of period 1982 1981 Type, and area or country 1983 Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Mar. 1 Total 28,618 27,638 25,532 25,149 27S512 24,766 2 Payable in dollars 3 Payable in foreign currencies 24909 3,709 24,889 2,749 22 770 2,763 22 051 3,099 24280 3,232 21,826 2,940 fy tyP€ 4 Financial liabilities 5 Payable in dollars 6 Payable in foreign currencies 12,157 9,499 2,658 12,382 10,431 1,951 10,144 8,203 1,941 10,855 8,565 2,291 11,066 8 858 2,208 11,000 9,008 1,992 7 Commercial liabilities 8 Trade payables 9 Advance receipts and other liabilities 16,461 10 818 5,643 15,256 9,483 5,773 15,388 9475 5,913 14,294 8 084 6,209 16,446 9438 7,008 13,766 6,935 6,831 15,409 1 052 14,457 14,566 13,486 808 15,423 1 023 12,818 6 825 7 742 5 944 6 389 6 501 6380 471 709 491 748 715 562 917 503 750 707 518 581 439 517 661 494 672 446 759 670 505 783 467 711 792 410 774 482 699 725 4,195 3,081 10 11 Payable in dollars ... Payable in foreign currencies By area or country Financial liabilities 12 Europe * 13 Belgium-Luxembourg 14 France . . . 15 Germany 16 Netherlands 17 Switzerland 18 United Kingdom 3,565 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda ....... Brazil British West Indies . . . Mexico ... Venezuela 27 28 29 Asia Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries' 30 31 32 Africa Oil-exporting countries2 All other1 ... 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Commercial liabilities Europe .. Belgium-Luxembourg . France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom . 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda .... Brazil British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 48 49 50 Asia Japan Muddle East oil -exporting countries1 51 52 53 Africa Oil-exporting countries2 All other3 919 784 753 2 805 1,003 2,969 1 241 .. . 3,102 746 948 3,148 733 2,751 2,793 1,027 1,059 904 14 28 857 18 39 1,369 1 044 102 98 67 97 83 100 938 9 28 981 85 104 976 792 75 472 293 63 582 395 66 714 479 67 1 039 1,061 14 0 24 13 0 12 17 0 11 17 0 13 17 0 12 20 0 13 3 770 3 508 3 844 3 957 3 831 3,551 1 001 52 598 468 346 367 1 027 45 579 455 351 324 810 6 27 7 24 121 114 715 169 149 121 718 168 71 573 545 220 424 880 50 507 473 230 400 910 47 703 457 246 412 951 897 2 67 67 2 340 276 897 827 22 71 83 27 218 197 1,134 1,460 1,197 1,235 1,495 1,570 1,437 1,523 9 384 1 094 7,008 8 758 1 106 6,331 7 591 1 085 5,195 6641 1 192 4,178 8 144 1 226 5,503 6,166 1 245 3,486 703 344 664 661 247 604 729 340 630 669 0 595 753 277 651 511 158 578 1,044 .... 3,212 3,223 1,095 7 22 ... 822 3,356 1,279 963 .. . 798 20 102 62 2 769 219 50 762 436 277 358 6 48 128 3 499 269 16 117 60 32 436 642 4 137 51 4 371 592 155 64. Liabilities to unaffiliated foreigners, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 1983 Type, and area or country June 1 SeptTf Dec. June Sept. Dec. Mar. 23,700 26,325 25,197 29,481 34,013 30,738 28,788 20,864 2 836 23,546 2 780 22,176 3 020 26,243 3,237 30,815 3,198 27,934 2,804 25,915 2,873 By type 4 Financial liabilities 5 Payable in dollars . . . 6 Payable in foreign currencies 11,115 9 144 1 971 10900 9025 1 875 10,423 8 644 1 779 14,177 12,159 2,018 18,339 16297 2043 15,879 14,082 1,797 13,932 12064 1 868 7 Commercial liabilities 8 Trade payables 9 Advance receipts and other liabilities 12 585 6,933 5,652 15 425 8 567 6,858 14 774 7 765 7,009 15 304 7,893 7,411 15 674 7 897 7,776 14 859 6,900 7,959 14 857 6,990 7,867 11 720 865 14 521 904 13 533 1 241 14085 1,219 14 518 1,155 13 852 1,007 13 851 1,006 By area or country Financial liabilities 12 Europe 13 Belgium-Luxembourg 14 France .. 15 Germany 16 Netherlands 17 Switzerland 18 United Kingdom 6 335 436 802 457 728 606 3 132 6014 379 785 449 730 500 3 014 5 691 302 843 492 581 486 2 839 7,087 428 956 514 527 641 3,790 7230 359 900 561 583 563 4013 6,679 428 910 521 595 514 3,463 6 798 471 995 489 578 569 3 389 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 876 2 623 776 10 34 1 033 151 124 788 2 737 784 13 32 1 095 185 117 764 2 607 751 13 32 1 018 213 124 795 4912 1,419 51 37 2 635 243 121 735 8 888 3,603 13 25 4 457 237 124 825 6780 2,606 11 33 3 250 260 130 863 4 556 1,423 11 35 2059 369 137 27 28 29 Asia Japan .. . Middle East oil-exporting countries1 . . . . 1 255 879 205 1 327 896 201 1 332 898 170 1,355 947 170 1 462 1 013 180 1 566 1 085 144 1 682 1 121 147 30 31 32 Africa Oil-exporting countries2 All other3 17 0 9 19 0 15 19 0 10 19 0 9 16 0 9 16 1 14 14 0 19 3,443 41 594 439 342 385 678 3 633 47 523 472 243 460 967 3,245 62 437 427 268 241 732 3,567 40 488 417 259 477 847 3,409 45 525 501 265 246 794 3,961 34 430 558 239 405 1,133 3,987 48 438 619 245 257 1 082 1 Total 2 Payable in dollars 3 Payable in foreign currencies 30 11 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 .... Payable in dollars Payable in foreign currencies .... .... Commercial liabilities Europe Belgium-Luxembourg France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom j 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda . . Brazil British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 1,468 1 376 1 77 49 22 456 531 1 418 1 508 1 77 48 14 512 539 1,841 1 473 1 67 44 6 585 432 1,776 1,807 14 158 68 33 682 560 1,840 1 705 17 124 31 5 568 630 1,906 1,758 1 110 68 g 641 628 1,975 1 871 7 114 124 32 586 636 48 49 50 Asia Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries' 5 254 1 246 2 740 7 638 1 305 4 817 6 741 1 247 4 178 6620 1 291 3 735 6989 1 235 4 190 5,569 1 429 2 364 5 307 1 256 2 372 51 52 53 Africa Oil-exporting countries2 AH other1 525 192 518 628 231 600 553 167 921 539 243 995 684 217 1 046 597 251 1,068 588 233 1 128 156 65. Claims on unaffiliated foreigners, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States1 Millions of dollars, end of period 19 82 1981 Type, and area or country 1 Total 2 Payable in dollars 3 Payable in foreign currencies . , By type 4 Financial claims 5 Deposits . . 6 Payable in dollars 7 Payable in foreign currencies . ., 1983 Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. Mar. 36,185 30,757 31,039 30,232 28,725 31,656 32,582 3 603 28,111 2 646 28,525 2 513 27,571 2 661 26,085 2 640 28,921 2 736 21 142 15,081 14 456 18 175 13,145 12 687 18,814 14,041 13 671 18 356 13,241 12 828 17 684 13,058 12 628 20598 15,868 15 388 5 115 3 419 1 696 11 877 10,770 1 106 4 626 2 979 1 647 11 041 9,994 1 047 4730 3 071 1 659 11 058 9,819 1 238 10,478 10,461 625 457 370 413 8 Other financial claims . . . 9 Payable in dollars . 10 Payable in foreign currencies 1 1 Commercial claims . . . . . . 12 Trade receivables 13 Advance payments and other claims 6,061 3 599 2 462 15 043 14,007 1 036 5,030 3 362 1 668 12 582 11,537 1 044 4,773 3 194 1,579 12,225 11,045 1 179 14 15 14,527 12,061 11,661 1 1 ,324 564 552 4,596 4,578 4,867 4,967 13 324 148 106 74 16 326 215 119 60 3 546 3 586 3 930 6 755 8,812 3 650 5 075 7,656 3 547 3 971 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Payable in dollars Payable in foreign currencies fiv area or country Financial claims Europe Belgium -Luxembourg . . France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom 516 43 285 224 50 117 520 430 563 480 597 4,873 6,327 3 859 4064 5 532 4 436 8,487 3 832 4 386 7 948 3 435 4 377 7 546 3 279 4 692 8,688 3 915 2 999 3 676 3 411 3 255 3 479 16 375 197 114 53 15 134 178 97 107 58 98 127 140 107 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies . Mexico Venezuela 31 32 33 Asia Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries2 758 366 37 668 262 36 802 327 33 846 268 30 698 153 15 712 233 18 34 35 36 Africa , Oil-exporting countries3 All other4 173 46 48 164 43 34 156 41 66 165 50 44 158 48 31 153 45 25 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Commercial claims Europe . „ Belgium- Luxembourg . . France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom 5 405 4428 4 331 4231 3 826 3 671 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda Brazil British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 52 53 54 Asia Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries2 55 56 57 Africa Oil-exi>orting countries3 All other4 .. 18 30 313 148 234 776 561 299 431 985 27 49 281 130 246 698 456 222 358 1,079 42 76 274 134 211 636 394 291 414 905 16 76 268 133 178 646 427 268 291 1 035 32 62 274 139 151 474 357 350 360 811 21 50 352 156 136 490 424 310 257 758 967 939 714 666 633 650 3 479 2925 2 790 2 772 2 526 2705 424 80 212 417 23 762 396 3 959 1,245 3 214 1,171 3 329 1,144 3 098 809 973 111 3 050 1,047 3 121 1,106 772 152 461 612 143 463 648 138 413 661 148 448 588 140 417 559 131 351 12 223 668 12 1 022 905 757 30 225 423 10 750 383 19 154 481 7 869 373 21 261 258 12 775 351 751 30 176 403 21 894 288 703 157 65. Claims on unaffiliated foreigners, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States1—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 1983 Type, and area or country June Sept, Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec. 1 Total 33,527 32,934 34,932 33,645 31,740 30,183 28,673 2 Payable in dollars 3 Payable in foreign currencies 30 860 2,667 30029 2,905 31 842 3,090 30,755 2,890 28,770 2,970 27,391 2,792 26,068 2,605 22 864 17,819 17,379 439 22038 16,907 16,463 445 23 801 18,356 17,859 497 22 781 17,486 17,057 429 21,292 16,124 15,614 510 19,794 15,014 14,574 439 18,108 13,475 13,056 420 8 Other financial claims 9 Payable in dollars 10 Payable in foreign currencies 1 1 Commercial claims 12 Trade receivables 13 Advance payments and other claims 5 046 3 437 1 608 10 663 9261 1,402 5 130 3,279 1 851 10 896 9,562 1,334 5445 3,489 1 956 11 131 9 721 1,410 5 296 3,506 1 790 10 864 9,540 1,323 5,168 3,407 1 761 10448 9,105 1,343 4,781 3,088 1 693 10 389 8,885 1,503 4,632 3,182 1 450 10 565 9,084 1,481 14 15 10044 620 10287 609 10494 637 10 193 671 9749 699 9 729 659 9 830 735 7 304 12 140 216 136 37 6 514 6,232 25 135 161 89 34 5 577 6,434 37 150 159 71 38 5 767 6,252 30 171 148 57 90 5 548 6,364 37 151 161 158 61 5 543 5,569 15 146 187 62 64 4 863 5,365 15 114 220 66 66 4486 5 107 9 380 4037 92 48 4,065 348 152 5 244 9,500 3,829 62 49 4,457 315 137 6 166 10,144 4 745 96 53 4,163 291 134 5 665 9,823 3 927 3 87 4,903 279 130 5 180 8,469 3,213 5 83 4,348 230 124 4419 8,633 3,255 5 84 4,423 232 128 3,964 7,512 2,95! 6 100 3,703 215 By type 4 Financial claims 5 Deposits 6 Payable in dollars 7 Payable in foreign currencies 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 .. . Payable in dollars Payable in foreign currencies By area or country Financial claims Europe Belgium-Luxembourg France Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom [ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda Brazil . British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 31 32 33 Asia Japan Middle East oil-exporting countries2 771 288 14 764 257 8 764 297 4 753 309 7 963 307 8 900 371 7 944 353 37 34 35 36 Africa Oil-exporting countries3 All other4 154 48 149 151 45 148 147 55 145 144 42 145 158 35 158 160 37 113 21© 85 114 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Commercial claims Europe Belgium- Luxembourg . France . . Germany Netherlands Switzerland United Kingdom 3 465 138 497 366 243 331 734 3,394 116 486 382 282 292 738 3,670 135 459 348 334 317 809 3,610 173 413 363 310 336 787 3,555 142 408 443 306 250 812 3,570 128 411 370 303 289 891 3,805 138 419 374 340 271 1,061 .... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Canada Latin America and Caribbean Bahamas Bermuda . , Brazil . British West Indies Mexico Venezuela 711 2 728 30 111 512 21 957 273 792 2,870 15 246 611 12 898 282 829 2,695 8 190 493 7 884 272 1 061 2,419 8 216 357 7 745 268 933 2,042 4 89 310 8 577 241 1 026 1,976 14 88 219 10 595 245 1 020 1,972 8 115 214 7 583 206 52 53 54 Asia .... Japan . . . . Middle East oil-exporting countries2 2 861 944 698 2 934 1 033 719 3 063 1 114 737 2 997 1 186 701 3,085 1 178 710 2,884 1 080 703 3,070 1 180 687 55 56 57 Africa Oil-exporting countries3 All other4 528 130 369 562 131 344 588 139 286 497 132 280 536 128 297 595 135 338 470 134 228 158 . . 66. Assets and liabilities of foreign branches of U.S. banks1 Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 Assets Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. All foreign countries 1 Total, all currencies 462,968 459,000 466,334 454,096 453,127 466,629 456,639 453,031 461,456 460,194 464,680 477,090 2 Claims on United States . 3 Parent bank Other, 5 Claims on foreigners.. 6 Other branches of parent bank 7 Banks 8 Public borrowers 1 ... 9 Nonbank foreigners . 10 Other assets. 89,887 59,886 30,001 353,471 87,614 94,072 58,589 63,613 29,025 30,459 352,035 353,151 91,485 92,198 98,088 97,147 99,554 62,015 62,860 66,094 67,915 67,207 29,470 29,338 31,994 29,232 32,347 344,560 342,805 350,323 341,515 335,294 102,021 66,836 35,185 340,877 89,524 131,241 24,674 108,032 19,610 89,798 129,465 24,836 107,936 19,351 85,354 127,025 25,201 106,980 18,051 92,180 90,953 120,254 117,729 25,061 25,162 106,247 107,924 18,558 18,635 89,125 132,507 24,810 106,709 19,111 86,467 124,197 25,642 106,499 18,124 88,394 84,893 130,415 123,706 25,461 25,966 106,053 106,950 18,218 17,977 84,573 119,319 25,215 106,187 18,183 103,191 110,145 70,855 76,655 32,336 33,490 338,368 336,009 92,215 114,608 24,323 107,620 18,526 115,542 82,026 33,516 342,689 96,004 117,668 24,517 107,785 18,859 11 Total payable in U.S. dollars 355,300 351,051 357,353 345,111 344,407 357,944 350,972 348,440 355,444 352,429 359,053 371,508 12 Claims on United States . 13 Parent bank 14 Other..... 15 Claims on foreigners 16 Other branches of parent bank 17 Banks 18 Public borrowers1 19 Nonbank foreigners . . , 20 Other assets 88,154 59,079 29,075 255,317 21 Total, all currencies 157,464 156,577 156,022 152,408 151,821 155,631 153,209 154,865 156,048 156,803 155,964 158,732 22 Claims on United States . 23 Parent bank 24 Other 25 Claims on foreigners 26 Other branches of parent bank 27 Banks 28 Public borrowers1 29 Nonbank foreigners . . . 30 Other assets 27,175 26,423 26,259 25,139 24,847 26,279 26,012 29,722 28,947 30,853 32,352 34,433 22,539 21,962 21,912 20,657 20,456 21,384 20,849 22,169 20,816 25,507 26,872 29,111 4,636 4,461 4,347 4,482 4,391 4,895 5,163 7,553 8,131 5,346 5,480 5,322 124,354 124,214 123,993 121,727 121,187 123,835 121,757 119,672 121,518 120,660 118,275 119,280 31 Total payable in U.S. dollars 120,233 119,273 118,891 113,170 112,585 118,023 116,526 119,377 121,238 121,817 121,744 126,012 85,961 91,615 89,207 89,840 57,859 62,660 61,378 62,059 28,102 28,955 27,829 27,781 253,457 254,098 245,363 244,158 71,223 71,962 70,807 103,784101,053103,776 18,805 19,001 18,805 61,505 61,441 60,710 11,829 11,633 11,640 66,821 98,350 18,980 61,212 10,541 95,811 94,733 64,765 66,487 31,046 28,246 251,515 245,465 67,815 69,537 96,179102,968 19,044 18,728 61,120 60,282 10,409 10,618 67,183 97,334 19,147 61,801 10,774 97,065 65,781 31,284 241,103 66,609 93,806 18,804 61,884 10,272 99,173 100,642 107,654 113,436 64,968 69,305 75,112 80,909 34,205 31,337 32,542 32,527 245,726 241,459 240,974 247,406 74,013 95,146 18,496 60,802 10,545 72,625 92,106 18,700 61,321 10,328 74,108 90,206 17,782 61,526 10,425 78,431 93,332 17,890 60,977 10,666 United Kingdom 32 Claims on United States . 33 Parent bank 34 Other. 35 Claims on foreigners 36 Other branches of parent bank 37 Banks 38 Public borrowers1 39 Nonbank foreigners . . , 40 Other assets 34,959 35,437 36,171 32,973 33,361 35,787 35,632 35,555 36,382 36,556 35,642 36,565 49,497 48,580 48,976 48,301 47,623 48,328 46,643 44,303 45,451 43,888 42,683 43,352 6,421 6,592 6,337 6,591 6,599 6,570 6,440 6,342 6,274 6,280 6,307 5,898 33,477 33,605 32,509 33,862 33,604 33,150 33,042 33,472 33,411 33,936 33,643 33,465 5,935 5,940 5,770 5,542 5,787 5,517 5,440 5,471 5,583 5,290 5,337 5,019 26,581 25,829 25,597 24,374 24,044 25,536 25,180 28,905 27,837 30,095 31,671 33,756 22,250 21,700 21,626 20,354 20,092 21,017 20,434 21,720 20,036 25,084 26,537 28,756 5,000 7,801 5,011 5,134 4,020 3,952 4,519 4,746 7,185 4,129 3,971 4,331 89,137 88,973 88,797 84,981 84,779 88,587 87,450 86,868 89,530 88,253 86,614 88,917 29,380 29,918 30,589 27,131 27,579 30,025 30,122 30,053 31,409 31,414 30,371 31,838 35,616 34,499 34,442 33,228 32,801 34,417 33,159 31,718 33,237 31,796 31,158 32,188 4,600 4,789 4,413 4,522 4,497 4,547 4,420 4,410 4,329 4,346 4,377 4,194 19,541 19,767 19,353 20,100 19,902 19,598 19,749 20,687 20,555 20,697 20,708 20,697 3,469 3,459 3,339 3,762 3,900 3,896 3,604 3,871 4,471 4,497 3,815 4,515 Bahamas and Caymans 41 Total, all currencies 42 Claims on United States . 43 Parent bank 44 Other 45 Claims on foreigners 46 Other branches of parent bank 47 Banks 48 Public borrowers1 49 Nonbank foreigners . . . 50 Other assets 51 Total payable in US. dollars 142,351 138,905 145,999 142,348 141,306 147,060 142,616 139,769 143,838 142,061 147,930 152,083 57,455 33,111 24,344 80,803 56,318 32,932 23,386 78,606 62,910 38,218 24,692 79,150 61,639 38,193 23,446 77,034 62,834 39,293 23,541 74,814 66,749 40,765 25,984 76,709 66,216 43,130 23,086 72,683 63,993 40,378 23,615 72,021 67,210 41,425 25,785 72,861 66,937 41,295 25,642 71,341 71,994 45,545 26,449 72,045 75,309 48,720 26,589 72,868 20,101 19,730 17,512 18,295 18,540 16,674 15,568 15,354 19,654 19,218 20,751 20,626 40,841 39,180 42,353 39,682 37,565 41,681 37,381 37,350 36,642 36,017 35,404 36,842 5,935 6,538 6,404 6,465 6,647 5,894 6,093 6,434 6,494 6,540 6,388 6,175 13,427 13,202 12,745 12,669 12,534 12,419 13,196 12,913 12,965 12,859 12,753 12,592 3,755 3,767 3,783 3,891 3,906 3,675 3,658 4,093 3,981 3,939 3,602 3,717 136,514 133,059 139,885 136,414 135,478 140,970 136,485 133,303 137,541 135,443 141,518 145,641 159 66* Assets and liabilities of foreign branches of U.S. banks1—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1983 Liabilities Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.J_ Oct. i Nov. Dec. All foreign countries 52 Total, all currencies 462,968 459,000 466,334 454,0% 453,127 466,629 456,639 453,031 461,456 460,194 464,680 477,090 53 To United States 54 Parent bank 55 Other banks in United States 56 Nonbanks 57 To foreigners 58 Other branches of parent bank 59 Banks 60 Official institutions 61 Nonbank foreigners 62 Other liabilities 178,780 178,580 189,565 184,477 184,653 191,937 188,084 183,969 183,252 186,319 184,891 18B,070 80,244 79,870 85,387 81,201 81,065 84,866 82,040 77,472 78,966 86,060 80,353 81,261 32,826 32,381 34,011 32,714 31,833 33,715 31,543 29,760 31,409 27,605 26,723 29,453 65,710 66,329 70,167 70,562 71,755 73,356 74,501 76,737 72,877 72,654 77,815 77,356 265,729 262,115 258,970 251,674 250,869 256,487 250,219 250,873 260,033 255,195 260,838 269,685 89,038 93,015 20,352 63,324 18,459 88,592 90,404 19,827 63,292 18,305 86,976 91,810 17,907 62,277 17,799 84,184 87,046 18,453 61,991 17,945 84,941 84,751 17,274 63,903 17,605 86,607 87,256 18,716 63,908 18,205 82,923 84,769 18,362 64,165 18,336 81,722 85,466 17,932 65,753 18,189 88,449 86,682 20,608 66,020 18,171 85,663 84,602 19,518 67,060 18,680 88,728 88,091 18,493 67,461 18,951 90,615 92,889 18,896 68,845 19,335 63 Total payable in U.S. dollars. 370,747 368,089 375,355 364,086 363,929 376,597 369,118 365,694 373,910 370,873 375,271 388,291 64 To United States 65 Parent bank 66 Other banks in United States 67 Nonbanks 68 To foreigners 69 Other branches of parent bank 70 Banks 71 Official institutions 72 Nonbank foreigners 73 Other liabilities 175,090 174,844 186,014 181,028 180,842 188,407 184,547 180,240 179,431 182,368 180,849 184,305 77,917 77,484 83,045 79,111 78,786 82,662 79,774 75,152 76,656 83,665 77,881 79,035 32,302 31,954 33,571 32,253 31,240 33,285 31,169 29,214 30,880 27,067 26,249 28,936 64,871 65,406 69,398 69,664 70,816 72,460 73,604 75,874 71,895 71,636 76,719 76,334 185,512 183,859 179,935 173,667 173,980 178,994 174,967 175,660 184,659 179,154 184,477 194,139 71,144 52,292 15,940 46,136 10,145 70,924 51,320 15,381 46,234 9,386 69,084 52,167 13,536 45,148 9,406 66,216 48,468 13,801 45,182 9,391 66,697 47,494 12,655 47,134 9,107 68,406 49,964 13,912 46,712 9,196 66,227 48,123 13,517 47,100 9,604 64,522 49,522 13,029 48,587 9,794 71,003 50,937 15,409 49,004 9,820 68,121 48,287 14,639 49,725 9,351 71,362 52,097 13,459 49,464 9,945 73,522 57,022 13,855 51,260 9,847 United Kingdom 74 Total, all currencies 75 To United States 76 Parent bank 77 Other banks in United States 78 Nonbanks 79 To foreigners 80 Other branches of parent bank 81 Banks 82 Official institutions 83 Nonbank foreigners 84 Other liabilities 85 Total payable in U.S. dollars 86 To United States 87 Parent bank 88 Other banks in United States 89 Nonbanks 90 To foreigners 91 Other branches of parent bank 92 Banks 93 Official institutions 94 Nonbank foreigners 95 Other liabilities 157,464 156,577 156,022 152,408 151,821 155,631 153,209 154,865 156,048 156,803 155,964 158,732 52,650 51,927 55,309 52,883 53,603 56,952 56,959 58,347 56,924 60,903 57,095 55,799 14,287 14,080 14,616 14,343 13,907 14,461 15,011 16,145 16,852 21,385 17,312 14,021 12,343 12,198 13,172 12,119 12,773 13,503 12,993 12,462 12,174 10,751 10,176 11,328 26,020 25,649 27,521 26,421 26,923 28,988 28,955 29,740 27,898 28,767 29,607 30,450 97,827 97,515 93,835 92,460 91,071 91,545 89,198 89,458 92,122 88,727 91,714 95,847 19,343 41,073 12,377 25,034 6,987 21,008 39,892 12,025 24,590 7,135 19,653 40,867 10,252 23,063 6,878 19,470 20,235 18,376 17,544 17,595 38,960 37,594 38,238 37,192 37,571 10,520 9,413 10,848 10,146 9,588 23,510 23,829 24,083 24,316 24,704 7,052 7,060 7,134 7,065 7,147 19,365 37,122 11,448 24,187 7,002 18,288 35,847 10,611 23,981 7,173 19,038 41,624 10,151 25,034 7,155 7,086 18,841 38,888 10,071 23,914 126,286 126,007 126,088 120,683 120,324 124,760 123,265 125,656 127,868 128,600 127,234 131,167 51,808 50,977 54,520 51,993 52,473 56,092 56,081 57,359 55,931 59,824 55,907 54,691 14,105 13,859 14,476 14,212 13,696 14,308 14,812 15,829 16,673 21,145 17,094 13,839 12,128 12,041 12,987 11,929 12,439 13,313 12,833 12,223 11,886 10,523 9,880 11,044 25,575 25,077 27,057 25,852 26,338 28,471 28,436 29,307 27,372 28,156 28,933 29,808 71,000 71,994 68,309 65,485 64,621 65,428 63,818 64,801 68,252 65,347 68,011 73,279 15,081 25,177 10,657 20,085 3,478 16,709 14,918 14,815 15,636 14,117 13,386 13,421 15,166 14,542 15,044 15,403 25,563 26,395 23,821 22,960 23,895 23,453 24,447 24,478 23,136 26,343 29,320 10,121 8,419 8,742 8,029 8,279 8,474 7,306 8,786 8,065 7,630 9,381 19,601 18,577 18,375 18,719 18,630 18,914 19,303 19,227 18,927 18,595 20,277 3,036 3,259 3,205 3,230 3,240 3,366 3,496 3,685 3,429 3,316 3,197 Bahamas and Caymans 96 Total, all currencies 97 To United States 98 Parent bank 99 Other banks in United States 100 Nonbanks 101 To foreigners 102 Other branches of parent bank 103 Banks 104 Official institutions 105 Nonbank foreigners 106 Other liabilities 142,351 138,905 145,999 142,348 141,306 147,060 142,616 139,769 143,838 142,061 147,930 152,083 104,609 104,668 111,736 109,920 109,481 111,899 108,807 104,536 105,207 104,873 107,276 111,299 50,652 49,910 55,643 52,023 51,238 53,894 50,961 46,398 46,423 49,257 47,447 50,980 17,561 17,028 17,328 17,451 16,143 16,921 15,494 14,560 16,675 14,891 14,638 16,057 36,396 37,730 38,765 40,446 42,100 41,084 42,352 43,578 42,109 40,725 45,191 44,262 35,495 31,885 32,054 30,210 29,651 33,088 31,560 32,879 36,312 34,809 38,194 38,445 14,258 11,808 11,547 10,314 10,073 11,835 11,229 11,621 15,084 14,283 17,456 14,936 8,737 9,577 9,073 9,629 11,876 9,279 8,451 8,987 8,126 7,618 8,012 9,011 1,630 2,101 1,919 2,170 2,246 1,985 1,849 1,720 1,678 1,710 1,734 1,796 10,109 9.906 9,842 10,060 10,226 10,446 10,218 10,351 11,131 11,116 11,414 11,274 2,247 2,352 2,209 2,218 2,174 2,379 2,460 2,339 2,073 2,249 2,354 2,319 107 Total payable in U.S. dollars 138,939 135,553 142,802 139,210 138,225 143,771 139,431 136,298 140,545 138,264 144,277 148,278 160 66, Assets and liabilities of foreign branches of U.S. banks1—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 Assets Jan. Feb. Mar. 2 Apr. May June July Oct. Aug. Sept. Nov. Dec. All foreign countries 1 Total, all currencies 2 Claims on United States ... 3 Parent bank 4 Other3 3 5 Nonbanks , 6 Claims on foreigners 7 Other branches of parent bank 8 Banks 9 Public borrowers 10 Nonbank foreigners 11 Other assets 459,031 466,648 481,752 475,159 486,134 477,856 465,902 462,486 454,082 448,284 452,012 452,012 112,897 113,426 122,468 121,465 126,289 125,424 118,484 117,078 114,160 109,055 112,623 113,265 78,740 80,521 87,317 86,129 89,769 90,458 82,885 82,437 80,035 75,499 77,767 77,926 1-U1V7 JJ4.157 12005 . 32,905 Vi 151 35,151 Vim 3 -tt<S20 J5,3J6 0,520 13 980 13 987 > > 20j9g6 21 fil2 13 216 13 125 > > ^^ 2l,QQQ 12 13 553 13 968 »,591 ' > 20 965 21,303 21,371 326,775 332,914 339,262 333,715 339,323 332,488 327,298 324,474 319,375 319,097 319,443 318,688 89,447 108,204 25,158 107,420 19,359 89,170 94,981 96,254 111,499 114,854 107,691 25,599 24,654 24,639 110,057 109,048 108,544 20,308 20,022 19,979 99,432 112,810 24,241 106,998 20,522 95,866 105,798 23,292 107,532 19,944 91,410 107,471 23,291 105,126 20,120 93,507 103,346 22,654 104,967 20,934 92,646 90,821 101,574 102,246 22,554 23,030 102,601 103,000 20,547 20,132 91,319 103,037 22,914 102,173 19,946 94,794 100,064 23,037 100,793 20,059 12 Total payable in U.S. dollars. 350,495 351,455 365,716 359,667 372,850 368,000 357,598 352,807 346,929 340,431 345,485 349,364 13 Claims on United States . , , 14 Parent3 bank 15 Other 16 Nonbanks3 17 Claims on foreigners . . . . . . 18 Other branches of parent bank . . . 19 Banks 20 Public borrowers 21 Nonbank foreigners 22 Other assets 110,774 111,165 120,065 77,572 79,271 85,984 83,202 31,894 34,081 229,130 229,802 235,778 23 Total, all currencies 155,096 157,972 161,007 161,109 159,250 159,038 155,643 154,250 147,696 147,543 148,627 144,377 24 Claims on United States . . , 25 Parent3 bank 26 Other 27 Nonbanks3 28 Claims on foreigners 29 Other branches of parent bank 30 Banks 31 Public borrowers 32 Nonbank foreigners 33 Other assets 36,603 36,646 38,072 38,428 36,172 36,338 33,697 31,691 29,333 28,933 29,487 27,667 30,728 30,875 32,201 32,855 30,266 30,621 27,863 26,054 23,772 23,264 23,758 21,854 I 087 4^34 1,327 1,214 1,4^ 484 |<; a-7* 3,B /3 <; -7-71 3, / /1 < 9-71 3 , 8 / 1 « «TI 3,3/3 ^ QAA D,yUO 1,252 4^5 1,273 4^ 1, ^Q 4^55 4 ^ 34 Total payable in U.S. dollars. 121,195 121,944 124,501 123,174 122,406 123,933 120,488 118,337 114,358 113,418 114,886 112,801 35 Claims on United States . . . 36 Parent3 bank 37 Other 38 Nonbanks3 39 Claims on foreigners 40 Other branches of parent bank 41 Banks . . . . 42 Public borrowers 43 Nonbank foreigners 44 Other assets 35,886 35,934 30,383 30,515 | 5,419 5,503 82,190 83,067 71,429 83,173 17,868 59,977 10,591 70,080 84,930 18,117 59,956 10,488 75,088 88,467 18,098 58,268 9,873 118,955 123,884 123,202 116,145 114,754 111,677 106,429 110,265 111,313 84,687 88,568 89,325 81,664 81,291 78,847 74,129 76,572 77,046 13,759 13,674 12,897 12,769 12,338 13,355 13,786 34,268 35,316 20,118 20,807 20,566 20,061 19,962 20,338 20,481 230,438 238,190 234,301 230,840 227,132 224,603 223,355 224,210 227,281 73,370 83,401 17,946 58,988 10,274 79,685 86,811 17,650 58,046 10,776 77,412 81,438 17,045 58,406 10,497 73,653 82,400 17,186 57,601 10,613 75,969 77,402 16,783 56,978 10.921 75,509 76,567 16,943 55,584 10,649 73,472 76,910 17,302 55,671 10,647 74,606 77,083 17,359 55,162 11,010 78,356 76,688 17,245 54,992 10,770 United Kingdom 113,316 116,055 118,200 117,713 117,970 117,492 116,740 117,255 113,299 113,524 114,270 111,828 33,871 33,296 34,617 38,571 36,806 38,620 37,728 39,313 37,499 37,638 37,401 37,953 40,119 42,300 43,804 39,779 42,244 40,069 40,980 39,906 39,133 38,696 39,262 37,443 5,424 5,334 5,330 5,441 6,076 6,072 5,992 5,876 5,786 5,510 6,063 6,213 33,263 34,246 33,703 33,291 32,928 32,927 32,246 32,526 31,337 31,749 32,183 31,098 5,177 5,271 5,208 5,206 5,304 5,064 5,086 4,870 4,882 4,735 4,968 5,108 37,282 37,598 35,234 35,387 32,587 30,641 28,282 27,898 28,595 26,860 31,789 32,453 29,876 30,181 27,239 25,509 23,323 22,806 23,363 21,487 1,363 1,144 1,149 950 1,195 1,113 1,437 5,493 5,145 5,358 4,062 4,199 4,182 3,764 3,979 3,795 4,010 84,599 82,769 84,087 85,447 84,729 84,553 83,082 82,456 82,977 82,945 28,770 28,103 28,723 29,247 30,280 32,867 31,762 33,623 32,704 32,461 32,675 32,607 28,749 30,158 31,613 29,135 30,196 28,778 29,444 27,961 27,986 27,093 27,290 26,805 4,356 4,414 4,390 4,408 4,296 4,284 4,288 3,983 3,879 4,063 4,094 4,030 20,315 20,392 19,873 19,979 19,315 19,518 19,235 18,986 18,513 18,839 18,918 18,503 3,143 2,994 3,064 3,314 2,996 3,119 2,943 2,620 2,807 3,085 3,099 3,172 Bahamas and Caymans 45 Total, all currencies 46 Claims on United States . . . 47 Parent3 bank 48 Other 49 Nonbanks3 50 Claims on foreigners 51 Other branches of parent bank 52 Banks 53 Public borrowers 54 Nonbank foreigners 55 Other assets 142,670 141,347 150,289 145,563 156,862 154,029 147,912 147,319 144,578 138,798 141,448 146,641 71,315 71,242 78,352 75,964 83,817 82,132 78,252 78,882 77,013 71,750 75,522 77,205 44,313 45,402 50,959 48,379 54,858 54,632 50,285 51,384 50,078 45,480 48,070 49,303 U 891 H 932 H 540 U 072 10 716 U 283 H 858 \27002 W 27 S8S 28 28959 ' ' 15)' » <69 lfi > | 27,002 25840 25,840 27 27,393 27,585 ,959 15) ^ 6Q9 lfi' Q35 15)Q5g 863 15)5 54 lfi 1 67,460 66,212 68,024 65,758 69,033 68,109 65,620 64,263 63,545 63,010 61,996 65,520 19,269 17,892 19,288 18,071 21,110 17,926 15,567 16,093 15,639 15,117 13,837 17,682 32,971 33,125 34,896 32,822 33,659 31,746 32,007 30,505 30,075 30,259 30,516 30,159 6,040 6,060 6,077 6,002 5,965 6,039 6,009 5,918 5,993 6,000 5,883 6,119 12,497 12,464 11,823 12,115 12,350 12,444 12,046 11,782 11,712 11,594 11,583 11,602 3,841 3,895 3,893 3,913 4,012 3,788 4,040 4,174 4,020 4,038 3,930 3,916 56 Total payable in U.S. dollars. 136,263 134,984 143,802 139,163 150,397 147,871 141,950 141,139 138,693 132,834 136,064 141,407 161 1,429 66. Assets and liabilities of foreign branches of U.S. banks1—Continued Millions of dollars, end of period 1984 Liabilities Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. All foreign countries 56 Total, all currencies 459,031 466,648 481,752 475,159 486,134 477,856 465,902 462,486 454,082 448,284 452,012 452,012 57 Negotiable CDs4 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 43,421 41,297 41,656 39,866 38,520 37,915 37,725 58 To United States 182,789 185,624 188,545 184,707 191,243 162,578 155,231 152,635 147,003 139,402 138,354 146,808 59 Parent bank 80,097 82,055 78,119 76,026 80,692 81,025 78,067 77,160 75,026 74,756 70,339 78,110 60 Other banks in United States 27,481 26,576 29,623 27,737 28,399 23,174 22,365 19,693 20,120 18,913 18,613 18,386 61 Nonbanks 75,211 76,993 80,803 80,944 82,152 58,379 54,799 55,782 51,857 45,733 49,402 50,312 62 To foreigners 257,136 261,443 273,061 270,190 274,959 252,180 248,651 246,565 245,746 248,185 253,956 246,790 63 Other branches of parent bank 83,688 83,626 89,229 92,972 94,894 92,384 89,081 90,747 90,426 89,530 90,729 93,206 64 Banks 86,898 89,493 95,639 90,164 94,042 83,024 80,082 78,796 77,471 82,226 86,815 7g,235 65 Official institutions 19,716 20,551 18,248 17,887 19,606 19,523 21,261 20,238 21,566 19,501 20,883 20,241 66 Nonbank foreigners 68,728 69,714 71,923 71,205 68,882 57,249 58,227 56,784 56,283 56,928 55,529 55,108 67 Other liabilities 19,106 19,581 20,146 20,262 19,932 19,677 20,723 21,630 21,467 22,177 21,787 20,689 68 Total payable in U.S. dollars. 368,650 370,305 383,099 375,719 390,930 385,338 374,735 370,356 364,247 356,342 361,660 365,594 69 Negotiable CDs4 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 70 To United States 178,918 181,304 184,259 180,405 186,964 71 Parent bank 77,722 79,438 75,527 73,583 78,216 72 Other banks in United States 27,004 26,026 29,054 27,163 27,763 73 Nonbanks 74,192 75,840 79,678 79,659 80,985 74 To foreigners 180,715 179,883 189,600 185,187 193,984 75 Other branches of parent bank 66,561 65,245 70,373 70,928 75,813 76 Banks 50,583 50,704 56,225 50,917 55,004 77 Official institutions 14,672 15,834 13,162 13,346 14,835 78 Nonbank foreigners 50,629 49,864 51,656 51,828 50,589 79 Other liabilities 9,017 9,118 9,240 10,127 9,982 40,852 38,990 39,610 37,629 36,102 35,608 35,227 158,034 150,973 148,102 142,482 135,131 134,159 142,764 78,316 75,542 74,574 72,254 72,245 67,814 75,625 22,593 21,749 19,019 19,457 18,259 18,064 17,880 57,125 53,682 54,509 50,771 44,627 48,281 49,259 176,549 174,414 171,880 173,610 174,090 180,824 177,576 74,448 46,986 14,124 40,991 9,903 71,438 44,858 16,117 42,001 10,358 73,501 42,373 15,476 40,530 10,764 73,412 42,772 16,850 40,576 10,526 72,204 46,218 14,850 40,818 11,019 74,552 50,502 16,068 39,702 11,069 77,222 45,123 15,733 39,498 10,027 United Kingdom 80 Total, all currencies 81 Negotiable CDs4 82 To United States 83 Parent bank 84 Other banks in United States 85 Nonbanks 86 To foreigners 87 Other branches of parent bank 88 Banks 89 Official institutions 90 Nonbank foreigners 91 Other liabilities 155,096 157,972 161,007 161,109 159,250 159,038 155,643 154,250 147,696 147,543 148,627 144,377 n.a. 55,618 17,075 10,640 27,903 92,268 n.a. 56,550 18,307 10,570 27,673 93,734 n.a. 56,228 15,850 11,440 28,938 97,109 n.a. 56,526 16,311 10,542 29,673 97,064 n.a. 55,353 17,820 9,487 28,046 96,530 39,840 31,949 18,532 4,701 8,716 79,802 37,998 29,682 16,730 4,277 8,675 80,261 38,265 29,667 18,127 3,548 7,992 78,469 36,600 27,280 16,130 3,451 7,699 75,901 34,948 26,558 16,598 3,388 6,572 77,985 34,269 25,338 15,116 3,040 7,182 81,217 34,413 25,254 14,651 3,118 7,485 77,420 18,526 38,812 10,530 24,400 7,210 17,741 21,477 21,939 20,791 21,298 39,548 42,073 40,751 41,597 32,917 11,531 8,833 9,403 10,377 9,928 24,914 24,726 24,971 23,765 15,659 7,688 7,670 7,519 7,367 7,447 21,459 31,435 11,301 16,066 7,702 22,252 30,735 10,480 15,002 7,849 21,536 21,023 20,846 21,631 28,996 32,436 34,739 30,436 10,625 9,650 10,505 10,154 14,744 14,876 15,127 15,199 7,915 8,052 7,803 7,290 92 Total payable in U.S. dollars. 126,987 127,622 130,985 128,369 128,446 128,922 126,294 124,260 119,337 118,084 119,278 117,457 93 Negotiable CDs4 94 To United States 95 Parent bank 96 Other banks in United States 97 Nonbanks 98 To foreigners 99 Other branches of parent bank 100 Banks 101 Official institutions 102 Nonbank foreigners 103 Other liabilities n.a. 54,535 16,838 10,406 27,291 69,557 n.a. 55,105 17,900 10,247 26,958 69,438 n.a. 55,031 15,606 11,204 28,221 72,892 n.a. 55,201 16,127 10,292 28,782 69,739 n.a. 54,094 17,624 9,200 27,270 70,955 38,463 30,602 18,244 4,486 7,872 56,274 36,757 28,349 16,390 4,018 7,941 57,495 37,219 28,027 17,701 3,244 7,082 55,337 35,398 25,763 15,679 3,131 6,953 54,590 33,703 25,178 16,209 3,144 5,825 55,482 33,168 24,024 14,742 2,830 6,452 58,163 33,070 24,077 14,339 2,941 6,797 56,919 14,758 13,956 17,559 14,801 15,907 17,362 17,472 18,384 18,175 17,600 17,562 18/294 26,386 26,229 28,833 27,286 27,308 19,541 18,197 16,984 16,015 18,309 20,262 18,356 8,594 9,777 6,910 7,650 8,760 7,945 9,610 8,920 9,375 8,306 9,072 8,871 19,819 19,476 19,590 20,002 18,980 11,426 12,216 11,049 11,025 11,267 11,267 11,398 2,895 3,079 3,062 3,429 3,397 3,583 3,693 3,677 3,586 3,721 3,923 3,391 Bahamas and Caymans 104 Total, all currencies 142,670 141,347 150,289 145,563 156,862 154,029 147,912 147,319 144,578 138,798 141,448 146,641 105 Negotiable CDs4 n.a. n.a, n.a. n.a. n.a. 1,065 965 905 788 106 To United States 105,221 105,694 111,088 107,694 114,919 111,047 106,338 103,915 100,682 107 Parent bank 45,692 45,129 46,049 43,961 46,653 46,050 45,098 42,373 42,064 108 Other banks in United States 15,222 14,476 16,565 15,794 17,478 16,989 16,498 14,742 15,459 109 Nonbanks 44,307 46,089 48,474 47,939 50,788 48,008 44,742 46,800 43,159 110 To foreigners 35,206 33,412 36,839 35,524 39,427 39,338 37,828 39,598 40,213 111 Other branches of parent bank 13,799 13,392 13,629 14,514 16,096 13,873 12,381 14,446 15,283 9,884 9,373 11,428 9,902 12,178 12,485 12,635 12,200 11,978 112 Banks 113 Official institutions 2,310 1,870 2,397 1,869 2,198 2,681 2,427 2,674 3,028 114 Nonbank foreigners 10,758 10,378 11,027 10,895 11,018 10,299 10,385 10,278 9,924 115 Other liabilities 2,243 2,241 2,362 2,345 2,516 2,579 2,781 2,901 2,895 878 95,084 42,850 14,143 38,091 39,855 898 615 95,831 102,804 40,516 47,161 14,155 13,922 41,160 41,721 41,747 40,302 14,823 16,455 16,782 13,059 13,986 12,397 2,211 2,376 2,054 9,762 8,930 9,069 2,981 2,972 2,920 116 Total payable in U.S. dollars. 138,805 137,666 146,253 141,322 152,721 149,959 143,961 143,294 140,902 135,143 137,712 143,420 162 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks A. March 31, 19841 Millions of dollars All states2 Item Total 5 1 Total assets 2 Cash and due from depository institutions 3 Currency and coin (U.S. and foreign) 4 Balances with Federal Reserve Banks 5 Balances with other central banks . . . 6 Demand balances with commercial banks in United States 7 All other balances with depository institutions in United States and with banks in foreign countries . . 8 Time and savings balances with commercial banks in United States 9 Balances with other depository institutions in United States . . , 10 Balances with banks in foreign countries 11 Foreign branches of U.S. banks . 12 Other hanks in foreign countries . . 13 Cash items in process of collection . . 14 Total securities, loans, and lease financing receivables 15 Total securities book value 16 U.S. Treasury 17 Obligations of other U.S. government agencies and corporations 18 Obligations of states and political subdivisions in United States 19 Other bonds, notes, debentures, and corporate stock . 20 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 21 22 23 24 25 26 By holder Commercial banks in United States . . Others . . . , By type One-day maturity or continuing contract Securities purchased under agreements to resell Other Other securities purchased under agreements to resell 27 Total loans gross 2S LESS: Unearned income on loans . . . . 29 EQUALS: Loans, net New York Branches4 Agencies Branches4 Agencies California, total3 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 238,103 186,543 51,559 166,580 6,075 41,970 10,867 6,364 6,247 46,207 42,166 4,042 39,383 478 3,805 1,965 286 289 22 19 3 15 1 2 2 1 1 812 20 748 20 64 0 649 19 14 0 45 0 23 1 65 0 15 0 1,284 1,103 181 1,029 64 84 48 20 40 43,861 40,092 3,769 37,498 398 3,652 1,885 198 230 22,646 20,540 2,107 19,058 313 1,829 1,139 175 132 239 226 13 226 0 13 0 0 0 20,976 1,185 19,326 1,109 1,650 75 18,214 1,046 86 20 1,811 46 745 63 22 0 97 9 19,791 209 18,217 184 1,574 25 17,168 173 66 1 1,765 22 683 7 22 3 88 4 141,764 108,769 32,995 95,371 4,302 25,685 8,060 3,463 9,208 5,077 8,479 4,886 729 191 8,020 4,632 72 58 634 56 338 210 27 20 117 100 539 519 19 516 0 16 0 2 5 67 57 10 42 0 1 14 1 9 3,526 3,017 509 2,830 14 562 114 3 3 7,905 6,847 1,058 6,472 544 465 322 39 63 6,849 1,056 6,055 792 794 265 5,690 782 305 240 440 25 312 10 39 0 63 0 7,664 6,605 1,058 6,230 544 465 322 39 63 343 7,320 213 6,392 130 928 212 6,019 113 431 10 456 0 322 0 39 9 54 241 241 0 241 0 0 0 0 0 132,829 274 132,555 100,513 223 100,289 32,317 51 32,266 87,564 213 87,351 4,236 6 4,231 25,096 45 25,051 7,729 7 7,722 3,439 3 3,436 4,765 0 4,765 \ 4,882 163 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued A. March 31, 1984'-Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item New York Ti i Total loans, gross, by category 30 Real estate loans 31 Loans to financial institutions. 32 Commercial banks in United States 33 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks . . . . 34 Other commercial banks 35 Banks in foreign countries 36 Foreign branches of U.S. banks 37 Other 38 Other financial institutions Total 4 4 Branches Agencies Branches Agencies 2 CaliOther states fornia, i Illinois, 1 3 branches Branches Agencies total 5 142 51 637 28,346 2 150 40,311 21,983 2 992 11 326 6,363 1 509 36,632 19,984 12 872 245 2 126 10,061 6,346 207 2,794 1,355 285 441 302 1 003 838 114 24 507 3,839 21 212 674 20 538 2 079 18,416 3,567 16 520 544 15 976 1 808 6091 272 4692 130 4 562 271 16,789 3,195 15 210 511 14 700 1 437 196 49 573 0 573 54 6,148 199 3,515 128 3 387 200 1,021 334 1 076 15 1 061 363 284 19 137 10 127 2 71 43 701 9 691 23 39 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities . . . 40 Commercial and industrial loans .... 41 U S addressees (domicile) 42 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 43 Loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures . . . . 44 All other loans .... 45 Loans to foreign governments and official institutions , , , 46 Other 1,281 58 937 34 819 24 118 1,250 45 028 25 888 19 140 31 13 909 8932 4978 1,169 37 388 19713 17 675 0 1 852 255 1 597 111 10,822 7 817 3,005 0 4 101 3 522 579 1 2,530 1 796 734 0 2244 1 717 528 212 15 620 185 11 589 27 4031 139 10,728 2 1 499 25 1,951 9 617 28 154 9 671 14 826 794 10,902 688 3 925 106 10 145 583 1 481 17 1,883 68 571 46 106 48 6H9 31 47 Lease financing receivables 48 All other assets .... ... 49 Customers1 liability on acceptances outstanding 50 U S addressees (domicile) 51 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 52 Net due from related banking institutions6. . . 53 Other 0 42 226 0 28 763 0 13464 0 25,354 0 749 0 12,014 0 520 0 2,576 0 1,012 14 183 8 581 5 602 21,901 6 142 10,944 5 921 5 023 12,897 4921 3 239 2 660 579 9,004 1 221 10,519 5 656 4,863 10,333 4,503 134 3 132 435 180 3,035 2 651 384 8,050 929 246 218 27 35 240 162 34 127 2,319 96 88 20 69 730 194 164 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued A. March 31, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item [Branches4 Agencies Branches4 1 Agencies Total 5 New York California, total3 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies _i 10,867 6,247 6,364 54 Total liabilities 238,103 186,543 51,559 166,580 6,075 41,970 55 Total deposits and credit balances 56 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 57 U.S. addressees (domicile) 58 Non-U S. addressees (domicile) 59 U.S. government, states , and political subdivisions in United States 60 All other 61 Foreign governments and official institutions , 62 Commercial banks in United States 63 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks . . . 64 Other commercial banks in United States ... 65 Banks in foreign countries 66 Foreign branches of U.S. banks . 67 Other banks in foreign countries 68 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 120,705 105,619 15,086 97,243 1,966 12,446 3,234 3,567 2,249 37,464 20,884 16,579 34,600 20,797 13,804 2,864 88 2,776 29,745 16,535 13,210 141 19 122 1,514 409 1,105 975 762 213 3,204 3,132 72 1,885 28 1,857 57 83,184 57 70,962 0 12,223 16 67,482 0 1,825 5 10S927 0 2,258 35 329 0 364 4,351 33,539 4,090 27,040 261 6,499 3,988 25,429 81 844 155 5,924 14 1,041 25 141 87 159 23,148 18,307 4,841 17,021 328 4,895 802 75 28 10,391 44,798 6,721 38,077 8,733 39,401 5,505 33,896 1,658 5,397 1,215 4,181 8,409 37,659 5,211 32,448 517 882 222 660 1,030 4,807 983 3,824 239 1,188 266 922 66 157 20 137 131 105 19 86 69 Demand deposits ... , 70 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations. . 71 U.S addressees (domicile) . . . . 72 Non-U S , addressees (domicile) 73 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States 74 All other 75 Foreign governments and official institutions 76 Commercial banks in United States 77 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign tanks. . . . 78 Other commercial banks in United States 79 Banks in foreign countries 80 Certified and officers* checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 81 Time deposits . . . 82 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 83 U.S. addressees (domicile) 84 Non-U. S. addressees (domicile) 85 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States 86 All other 87 Foreign governments and official institutions 88 Commercial banks in United States , 89 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 90 Other commercial banks in United States 91 Banks in foreign countries ... 92 Savings deposits 93 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations. . 94 U S addressees (domicile) 95 Non-U. S. addressees (domicile) 96 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States 97 All other , 496 430 66 406 17 40 16 5 12 3,248 1,705 995 710 3,004 1,594 995 600 244 110 0 110 2,724 1,374 791 583 61 0 0 0 98 52 21 31 139 118 H4 4 107 75 69 5 119 86 0 86 11 1,532 11 1,399 0 134 10 1,341 0 61 0 46 0 21 0 32 0 33 305 132 302 110 3 22 275 108 0 18 2 1 2 0 25 1 1 4 26 18 8 18 8 0 0 0 0 106 599 92 557 14 43 90 552 10 26 1 3 0 3 1 1 4 15 496 430 66 406 17 40 16 5 12 116,239 101,723 14,516 93,814 1,724 12,235 3,021 3,386 2,059 34,756 19,293 15,463 32,259 J9,293 12,966 2,497 0 2,497 27,812 15,402 12,410 24 0 24 1,350 321 1,030 784 578 205 3,054 2,992 62 1,731 0 1,731 46 81,473 46 69,418 0 12,019 6 65,997 0 1,700 5 10,879 0 2,238 35 296 0 328 4,012 33,362 3,775 26,897 237 6,464 3,699 25,289 62 814 153 5,923 12 1,041 0 140 85 155 23,109 18,276 4,833 16,990 320 4,895 802 75 28 10,253 44,064 8,622 38,746 1,631 5,318 8,300 37,008 495 824 1,028 4,803 239 1,185 65 156 126 88 703 702 435 267 635 634 435 199 68 68 0 68 449 449 270 178 0 0 0 0 67 67 26 42 73 73 70 3 74 74 69 5 39 39 0 39 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 0 165 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued A. March 31, 1984'—Continued Millions of dollars Item 98 Credit balances . , 99 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations, 100 U S addressees (domicile) 101 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 102 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States 103 All other . . . 104 Foreign governments and official institutions 105 Commercial banks in United States . 106 US. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 107 Other commercial banks in United States 108 Banks in foreign countries 109 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreement to repurchase 110 Ill 1 12 1 13 1 14 115 By holder Commercial banks in United States Others All states2 Total California, Branches Agencies Branches Agencies total3 New York 4 I 4 Other states3 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 515 301 161 140 257 112 74 39 259 189 88 101 255 111 72 39 181 117 19 98 47 44 42 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 32 28 28 1 0 214 0 144 0 70 0 144 0 64 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 34 45 13 33 21 13 13 33 20 12 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 33 134 20 98 13 36 20 98 12 33 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 21,196 15,479 5,716 14,226 680 5,026 840 279 146 17,532 3,664 12,271 3,208 5,260 456 11,155 3,071 346 334 4,893 132 718 121 279 0 141 5 14,660 5,586 13,468 570 5,006 778 279 146 1,836 12,824 30 5,556 1,826 11,642 12 558 9 4,996 10 769 0 279 9 137 820 130 758 110 20 62 0 0 By type One-day maturity or continuing contract . . . 20,245 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 1,865 Other ... 18,380 Other securities sold under agreements 950 to repurchase 116 Other liabilities for borrowed money 117 Owed to banks 118 U.S. addressees (domicile) 119 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 120 Owed to others 121 U S addressees (domicile) 122 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 46,605 43,422 41,217 2,205 3,183 2,806 376 27,595 24,748 22,742 2,006 2,847 2,621 227 19,010 18,674 18,475 199 335 186 150 26,026 23,230 21,285 1,945 2,796 2,574 222 2,130 2,060 1,995 65 70 6 64 16,520 16,224 16,190 35 296 205 90 760 750 733 17 10 10 0 496 484 443 41 12 12 0 674 674 573 101 0 0 0 123 All other liabilities 124 Acceptances executed and outstanding 6, . . 125 Net due to related banking institutions . 126 Other 49,597 15,885 29,760 3,952 37,850 12,303 22,153 3,394 11,747 3,582 7,607 558 29,085 11,863 14,086 3,136 1,299 178 1,016 105 7,978 3,331 4,216 431 6,034 252 5,682 100 2,023 169 1,738 115 3,178 91 3,021 66 87,169 74,522 12,647 67,193 217 12,145 2,636 3,237 1,741 29,363 57,806 27,540 46,982 1,823 10,824 22,826 44,367 1 216 1,125 11,019 1,148 1,488 3,121 116 1,142 599 55 31 25 11 0 12 7 9 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MEMO 127 Time deposits of $100,000 or more 128 Certificates of deposit (CDs) in denominations of $100,000 or more ... ... 129 Other 130 Savings deposits authorized for automatic transfer and NOW accounts 131 Money market time certificates of $10,000 or more, and less than $100,000 with original maturities of 26 weeks 132 Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more with remaining maturity of more than 12 months 133 Acceptances refinanced with a U.S.chartered bank .. ... 134 Statutory or regulatory asset pledge requirement 1 35 Statutory or regulatory asset maintenance requirement ... .... 136 Commercial letters of credit 1 37 Standby letters of credit total 138 U.S. addressees (domicile) 139 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 140 Standby letters of credit conveyed to others through participations (included in total standby letters of credit) 166 8,932 8,912 20 7,737 1 172 281 731 10 3,998 2,873 1,125 2,584 100 1,026 61 226 1 60,977 60,438 539 52,707 429 115 7,648 16 63 8,776 7,976 15,937 13,183 2,754 8,331 5,323 13,328 10,868 2,460 444 2,653 2,608 2,315 293 5,606 4,782 11,483 9,310 2,173 0 181 87 7 81 478 2,321 1,914 1,713 201 379 242 944 756 188 1,873 252 513 475 37 440 199 996 921 75 1,616 1,479 137 1,312 0 132 55 22 96 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued A. March 31, 19841—Continued Millions of* dollars Item All states2 Ti 141 Holdings of commercial paper included in total gross loans .... . . 142 Holdings of acceptances included in total commercial and industrial loans 143 Immediately available funds with a maturity greater than one day (included in other liabilities for borrowed money) 144 Gross due from related banking institutions6. . 145 U S addressees (domicile) 146 Branches and agencies in the United States 147 In the same state as reporter 148 In other states 149 U S banking subsidiaries7 150 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 151 Head office and non-US, branches and agencies 152 Non-U. S. banking companies and offices 153 Gross due to related banking institutions6 . . . . 154 US. addressees (domicile) . 155 Branches and agencies in the United States 156 In the same state as reporter 157 In other states 158 U.S. banking subsidiaries7 , 159 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 160 Head office and non-US, branches and agencies 161 Non-US, banking companies and offices Total 891 Branches4 Agencies Branches4 Agencies 517 California, total3 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 39 1 13 1 171 76 141 18 1 640 1,300 101 12405 15,528 7 149 609 1,881 187 311 3,446 2939 293 1,678 749 101 3 98 184 o 1 199 6,870 447 6,423 279 8 379 184 3 1 694 2,938 19 2,919 0 508 748 80 668 2 928 1,198 8,203 1,684 498 840 6 556 335 5 088 3 893 1 194 3 610 71 31 191 87,851 22 933 17 104 69,840 15 155 14,088 18,011 7 778 15 933 64,018 11 807 22,396 1 138 21,258 537 64918 14,898 640 14,258 257 54 685 7,498 498 7,000 280 10233 11,554 588 10,966 253 52 211 62,630 52,662 9,968 50,208 o 317 2,288 2,023 265 2,003 1 176 10 95,710 22,571 79,096 16 509 16,614 6,063 67,771 9 880 1,882 304 11,694 3,188 7,528 3 787 2,866 2,354 3,969 3,057 22,306 945 21,361 265 73 139 16295 460 15 835 214 62 587 6,011 485 5,526 52 10552 9767 409 9 358 113 57 891 304 23 281 0 1 577 3 159 444 2 715 29 8 506 3 707 0 3 707 80 3 742 2,342 17 2,325 12 511 3,027 52 2,975 31 911 71 235 60794 10 441 56 125 1 573 8419 3 727 511 880 1,793 110 1,766 4 87 15 1 31 52 623 3,784 165 129 35,273 6446 457 42 637 3,500 10231 1,860 6,641 295 6,125 256 1,086 31,812 4,958 15,045 5,518 84064 15,489 92461 510 4 080 577 1 992 522 24738 3,954 12,389 114 7 311 1,029 3 090 73 3,442 112 3,743 76 4,640 720 2,114 1,762 21 662 11 1,103 1,088 3,343 1,084 5,525 19,105 13,873 23,341 609 2,232 4,994 16,584 614 705 343 473 153 560 177 173 31 115 43 32 51 1,904 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date 237,209 184 586 162 Total assets 163 Cash and due from depository institutions . . . 41,640 37,857 164 Federal funds sold and securities purchased 6,813 under agreements to resell 5,727 128,275 96463 165 Total loans , 166 Loans to banks in foreign countries 21,881 16,923 167 Total deposits and credit balances 115,790 100745 168 Time CDs in denominations of $100,000 28,291 26 529 or more 169 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 15,060 20,585 170 Other liabilities for borrowed money 43,894 24,789 171 Number of reports filed8 New York 445 268 10 89 167 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued B. June 30, 1984' Millions of dollars All states2 Item Total 5 1 Total assets ... 2 Cash and due from depository institutions 3 Currency and coin (U.S. and foreign) . . . . 4 Balances with Federal Reserve Banks .... 5 Balances with other central banks , . . 6 Demand balances with commercial banks in United States 7 All other balances with depository institutions in United States and with banks in foreign countries . . Time and savings balances with 8 commercialbanks in United States . . . Balances with other depository 9 institutions in United States . . . 10 Balances with banks in foreign countries 11 Foreign branches of U.S. banks . 12 Other banks in foreign countries 13 Cash items in process of collection . . 14 Total securities, loans, and lease financing receivables 15 Total securities, book value 16 U.S. Treasury. . . . 17 Obligations of other U.S. government agencies and corporations 18 Obligations of states and political subdivisions in United States 19 Other bonds, notes, debentures, and corporate stock 20 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 21 22 23 24 25 26 By holder Commercial banks in United States . . Others By type One-day maturity or continuing contract Securities purchased under agreements to resell Other Other securities purchased under agreements to resell 27 Total loans, gross 28 LESS. Unearned income on loans . . . . 29 EQUALS- Loans, net 168 New York Branches3 Agencies Branches3 Agencies Calistates2 1 Illinois, I °_^L fornia, total4 jbranchesJBranehes Agencies 251,835 196,633 55,202 175,019 5,803 45,717 11,777 6,613 6,906 54,479 49,704 4,775 46,601 331 4,613 2,057 492 384 22 19 2 14 1 2 2 2 1 990 46 924 46 66 0 829 38 14 0 45 0 24 8 54 0 25 0 1,409 1,237 171 1,117 53 95 80 21 42 51,732 47,209 4,522 44,343 259 4,465 1,939 414 312 25,249 22,556 2,693 20,886 213 2,585 1,128 250 187 13 0 11 1 541 528 14 516 0 25,941 2,056 24,125 2,020 1,816 36 22,940 1,953 46 10 1,867 36 811 57 152 0 125 0 23,885 281 22,105 268 1,780 13 20,987 260 36 4 1,831 6 753 4 152 2 125 4 143,379 109,205 34,173 94,521 4,364 27,0% 9,046 3,303 5,049 9,790 4,962 8,888 4,744 902 218 8,412 4,522 103 87 801 54 319 174 33 25 122 100 538 518 20 512 1 16 1 2 6 66 56 10 41 0 1 14 1 9 4,224 3,570 654 3,337 15 731 129 5 1 6,923 5,965 958 5,722 521 374 158 73 74 6,120 804 5,463 502 656 302 5,220 502 234 287 359 15 158 0 73 0 74 0 6,364 5,406 958 5,163 521 374 158 73 74 269 6,095 222 5,183 47 912 222 4,940 40 482 0 374 0 158 0 73 7 67 559 559 0 559 0 0 0 0 0 133,958 369 133,589 100,638 320 100,317 33,321 49 33,272 86,418 308 86,110 4,264 4 4,261 26,340 45 26,295 8,733 6 8,727 3,274 4 3,270 4,929 2 4,927 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued B. June 30, 1984'—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item Total Total loans, gross, by category 30 Real estate loans 31 Loans to financial institutions. 32 Commercial banks in United States 33 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 34 Other commercial banks 35 Banks in foreign countries . 36 Foreign branches of U.S. banks 37 Other 38 Other financial institutions . New York Branches3 Agencies Branches3 Agencies California, total4 Other states2 niinois, branches Branches Agencies 4,883 52,204 28,605 2,147 40,293 21,670 2,736 11,911 6,935 1,377 35,654 19,170 16 887 234 1,996 10,784 6,946 225 3,655 1,830 252 497 316 1,017 111 109 24,302 4,303 21,168 870 20,298 2,431 17,717 3,953 16,389 688 15,700 2,234 6,585 350 4,779 182 4,597 197 15,708 3,462 14,747 639 14,108 1,737 199 35 596 0 596 57 6,660 286 3,714 210 3,504 125 1,361 468 1,337 16 1,321 489 304 12 180 5 175 1 69 40 594 0 594 23 1,080 58,228 35,540 22,687 1,079 43,622 25,813 17,809 1 14,606 9,728 4,878 1,001 35,790 19,452 16,339 1 1,861 259 1,602 77 11,546 8,621 2,926 0 4,271 3,665 606 1 2,316 1,624 691 0 2,443 1,920 524 252 17,311 226 13,270 26 4,040 179 12,417 2 1,498 27 1,909 8 574 29 180 8 733 16,457 854 12,559 711 3,897 143 11,784 633 1,477 20 1,799 110 545 29 146 34 706 27 47 Lease financing receivables 0 47,054 48 All other assets 49 Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding 16,435 50 U.S. addressees (domicile) 10,433 6,002 51 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 6 52 Net due from related banking institutions . . . 24,304 53 Other , 6,315 0 31,759 0 15,295 0 28,174 0 587 0 13,633 0 516 0 2,745 0 1,399 12,238 6,981 5,257 14,611 4,910 4,197 3,452 745 9,693 1,405 11,783 6,763 5,020 12,017 4,374 131 31 100 262 194 3,994 3,416 578 8,536 1,104 197 174 23 26 293 228 29 199 2,388 129 103 20 83 1,075 221 39 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities . . . 40 Commercial and industrial loans 41 U S addressees (domicile) 42 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 43 Loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures 44 All other loans .... 45 Loans to foreign governments and official institutions 46 Other 169 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued B. June 30, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars Item 5 All states2 New 3 3 York _J frTmfa Branches Agencies Branches Agencies 3' Ti. Total Other states2 Ulinois, branches Branches | Agencies 251,835 196,633 55,202 175,019 5,803 45,717 11,777 6,613 6,906 132,311 55 Total deposits and credit balances 56 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 40,698 21 530 57 U S addressees (domicile) 58 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) , . , 19,168 59 U.S. government, states, and political 115 subdivisions in United States 60 All other 91,499 61 Foreign governments and official institutions 5,845 62 Commercial banks in United States 36,533 63 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 26,548 64 Other commercial banks in 9,985 United States 65 Banks in foreign countries . . . 48 667 6,803 66 Foreign branches of U.S. banks . 67 Other banks in foreign countries . 41,865 68 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of 453 credit sold for cash 114,725 17,586 105,079 2,034 14,928 3,838 3,898 2,534 37,863 21 464 16,399 2,835 66 2,769 32,574 17 122 15,453 87 18 69 1,568 386 1,182 1,013 735 278 3,358 3,253 105 2,098 17 2,081 115 76,747 0 14,751 25 72,480 0 1,948 4 13,356 3 2,822 83 457 0 437 5,528 289298 318 8,235 5,273 26,367 140 939 221 7,679 20 1,242 61 149 130 156 20,226 6,322 18,622 423 6,307 1,081 78 38 8,072 42 531 5,373 37,159 1,913 6 136 1,430 4,706 7,745 40482 4,962 35,520 516 839 202 637 1,372 5,424 1,303 4,121 161 1 546 215 1,332 72 240 107 134 119 135 15 121 390 63 358 30 31 14 6 15 3 392 3 175 217 2 852 30 85 135 142 148 1 757 1 070 687 1 650 1 070 580 107 0 107 1 436 875 560 o 1 1 48 21 26 114 109 5 69 64 5 90 0 90 9 1 626 9 1 516 no 0 5 1 411 0 30 0 37 0 21 4 69 0 58 437 160 434 139 3 21 370 136 0 0 1 1 2 0 61 1 2 21 16 16 o 15 o 1 0 0 0 144 576 123 553 21 22 121 547 0 0 3 0 5 1 1 21 20 54 Total liabilities 69 Demand deposits ... 70 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 71 U S addressees (domicile) 72 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 73 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States 74 All other 75 Foreign governments and official institutions 76 Commercial banks in United States 77 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign oanks 78 Other commerciafbanks in United States 79 Banks in foreign countries 80 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash o 453 390 63 358 30 31 14 6 15 127 833 81 Time deposits . . . 82 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations . ... 38 001 19 875 83 U S addressees (domicile) 84 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 18,127 85 U.S. government, states, and political 105 subdivisions in United States . . . . 89,727 86 All other 87 Foreign governments and official institutions 5,369 88 Commercial banks in United States 36,356 89 US. branches and agencies of 26 532 other foreign banks 90 Other commercial banks in United States 9,825 48002 91 Banks in foreign countries 1 10 688 17 145 101 553 1 906 14,742 3 627 3,688 2,317 35 441 19 875 15,566 2 560 o 30553 15 888 14,666 38 2,560 38 o 1,422 307 1,115 823 554 269 3,222 3 126 96 1,943 0 1,943 105 75 142 0 14,585 21 70979 0 1,868 4 13,317 3 2,801 79 388 0 374 5 077 28,156 292 8,201 4 885 26,226 119 927 218 7,677 18 1,242 0 148 128 135 20 210 6 322 18 606 423 6 306 1 081 78 38 7,946 41 910 1,879 6092 7 621 39 867 504 822 1,371 5,421 161 1 541 70 240 97 111 737 669 67 483 0 66 75 66 46 736 445 292 669 445 224 67 0 67 483 285 198 0 0 0 66 26 40 75 72 4 66 62 4 46 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 Savings deposits 93 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 94 U.S. addressees (domicile) 95 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 96 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States 97 All other 170 o o o o 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued B. June 30, 1984'—Continued Millions of dollars Item All states2 New York California, 3 3 Branches Agencies Branches Agencies total4 Total Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 350 204 140 63 193 103 75 29 157 100 66 34 191 102 73 29 99 49 18 31 35 33 32 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 24 20 17 3 0 146 0 89 0 57 0 89 0 50 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 40 17 17 4 22 13 17 4 21 12 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 16 90 3 68 13 22 3 68 12 17 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 20,060 14,258 5,802 13,295 518 5,260 452 330 205 16,365 3,694 10,956 3,301 5,409 393 10,052 3,243 258 260 5,144 116 403 48 330 0 111 28 13,593 5,724 12,669 446 5,255 413 330 205 2,172 U,421 30 5,694 2,170 10,500 12 434 10 5,245 1 412 0 330 10 195 664 78 626 72 6 39 0 0 45,511 41,436 39,923 1,513 4,075 3,685 390 27,294 23,780 22,399 1,381 3,514 3,230 284 18,217 17,656 17,524 132 561 455 106 25,464 22,001 20,691 1,309 3,463 3,206 258 1,949 1,883 1,856 27 66 6 60 16,183 15,648 15,599 50 534 462 73 923 914 893 21 8 8 0 558 555 521 34 3 3 0 435 435 362 73 0 0 0 53,953 123 All other liabilities 17,742 124 Acceptances executed and outstanding 6 125 Net due to related banking institutions . . . . 32,298 126 Other . . . 3,912 40,357 13,791 23,304 3,262 13,597 3,952 8,994 650 31,180 13,305 14,915 2,961 1,302 155 1,029 118 9,346 3,748 5,094 504 6,565 214 6,232 119 1,828 242 1,474 113 3,732 79 3,555 98 93,555 78,687 14,868 69,787 243 14,402 3,564 3,551 2,010 32,301 61,254 30,389 48,299 1,913 12,955 25,160 44,626 10 232 1,328 13,074 1,270 2,294 3,202 349 1,331 679 61 33 28 13 0 12 7 8 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,610 8,563 47 7,238 0 206 340 815 11 98 Credit balances 99 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations. 100 U S addressees (domicile) 101 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 102 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States 103 All other 104 Foreign governments and official institutions 105 Commercial banks in United States 106 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 107 Other commercial banks in United States 108 Banks in foreign countries 109 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase By holder Commercial banks in United States Others 110 111 1 12 113 114 115 By type One-day maturity or continuing contract . . . 19,318 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 2,202 Other 17,116 Other securities sold under agreements 742 to repurchase 116 Other liabilities for borrowed money 1 17 Owed to banks 118 U.S. addressees (domicile) 119 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 120 Owed to others 121 U.S. addressees (domicile) 122 Non-U S addressees (domicile) MEMO 127 Time deposits of $100,000 or more 128 Certificates of deposit (CDs) in denominations of $100,000 or more 129 Other . . . , 130 Savings deposits authorized for automatic transfer and NOW accounts 131 Money market time certificates of $10,000 or more, and less than $100,000 with original maturities of 26 weeks 132 Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more with remaining maturity of more than 12 months 133 Acceptances refinanced with a U.S.chartered bank 134 Statutory or regulatory asset pledge requirement 135 Statutory or regulatory asset maintenance requirement 136 Commercial letters of credit 137 Standby letters of credit, total 138 U.S. addressees (domicile) 139 Non-U. S. addressees (domicile) 140 Standby letters of credit conveyed to others through participations (included in total standby letters of credit) 4,404 3,092 1,312 2,711 59 1,309 34 290 1 60,591 60,034 557 51,403 444 123 8,531 23 67 9,361 7,858 17,884 14,732 3,152 8,939 5,232 15,379 12,545 2,834 422 2,627 2,505 2,188 318 5,885 4,609 13,060 10,542 2,518 0 141 97 4 93 500 2,333 1,905 1,689 216 405 307 1,266 1,097 170 2,152 223 650 595 54 418 246 907 805 101 3,098 2,964 134 2,647 0 101 166 86 97 171 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued B. June 30, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item Total 141 Holdings of commercial paper included in total gross loans 142 Holdings of acceptances included in total commercial and industrial loans 143 Immediately available funds with a maturity greater than one day (included in other liabilities for borrowed money) 144 Gross due from related banking institutions6. . 145 U S addressees (domicile) 146 Branches and agencies in the United States 147 In the same state as reporter In other states 148 149 U.S. banking subsidiaries7 150 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 151 Head office and non-U.S. branches and agencies 152 Non-U.S. oanking companies and offices 1 New York California, Branches Agencies Branches Agencies | total4 3 3 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 674 395 279 332 10 260 59 0 12 5,743 4,348 1,395 4,170 70 1,375 85 40 4 30,272 94,768 26,456 16,768 75,547 17,624 13,504 19,221 8,832 15,307 68,801 14,089 1,564 1,233 42 12,067 16,500 8,291 786 2,559 147 413 3,501 2,969 136 2,173 918 25,900 2,153 23,747 556 68,312 17,265 1,075 16,190 360 57,922 8,635 1,078 7,557 197 10,389 13,741 1,001 12,739 349 54,712 42 2 40 0 1,191 8,092 1,033 7,060 198 8,209 141 0 141 7 2,412 2,969 4 2,965 0 532 915 113 802 3 1,255 65,675 55,548 10,127 52,376 1,177 8,096 2,373 532 1,121 2,637 2,375 262 2,336 15 113 39 153 Gross due to related banking institutions . . . . 102,762 154 U S addressees (domicile) 26,350 155 Branches and agencies in the United States 25,990 156 In the same state as reporter 2,317 23,674 157 In other states 158 U.S. banking subsidiaries7 360 76,412 159 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 160 Head office and non-US, branches 74,185 and agencies 161 Non-U.S. oanking companies and 2,227 offices 84,240 18,554 18,522 7,796 71,699 11,342 2,000 215 13,058 4,518 8,765 4,540 2,586 2,040 4,653 3,694 18,251 1,260 16,991 303 65,686 7,739 1,056 6,683 57 10,726 11,138 1,181 9,957 204 60,357 215 22 193 0 1,785 4,487 1,033 3,453 31 8,540 4,455 0 4,455 85 4,225 2,030 4 2,026 10 546 3,665 77 3,588 30 959 63,619 10,566 58,342 1,734 8,433 4,210 546 920 2,067 160 2,015 51 107 15 0 39 55,243 4,824 175,699 43,538 6,133 322 45,620 4,688 11,458 1,952 6,468 419 6,799 357 951 33,675 4,897 17,536 6,284 86,102 14,040 100,368 576 4,264 602 1,935 319 26,658 4,037 15,059 155 8,531 1,063 3,844 62 3,346 130 3,745 72 4,925 566 2,462 6 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date Total assets 252,176 196,933 Cash and due from depository institutions . . . 51,275 46,451 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 7,468 6,518 Total loans 133,826 100,151 Loans to banks in foreign countries 20,438 15,541 127,413 109,877 Total deposits and credit balances ... Time CDs in denominations of $100,000 or more 31,112 29,281 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 19,486 14,431 Other liabilities for borrowed money . . 45,362 27,008 171 Number of reports filed8 172 452 279 0 135 1,831 24,005 16 1,334 1,267 3,260 1,230 5,055 18,354 13,402 25,317 534 1,983 4,515 16,206 556 821 307 539 172 496 173 178 30 116 44 32 52 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued C. September 30, 19841 Millions of dollars All states2 Item Total 5 1 Total assets . . . 2 Cash and due from depository institutions. . . . 3 Currency and coin (U.S. and foreign) 4 Balances with Federal Reserve Banks . . „ 5 Balances with other central banks . . . 6 Demand balances with commercial banks in United States 7 All other balances with depository institutions in United States and with banks in foreign countries . . 8 Time and savings balances with commercial banks in United States 9 Balances with other depository institutions in United States . . . 10 Balances with banks in foreign countries 11 Foreign branches of U.S. banks . 12 Other banks in foreign countries 13 Cash items in process of collection . . 14 Total securities, loans, and lease financing receivables 15 Total securities, book value .... 16 U.S. Treasury 17 Obligations of other U.S. government agencies and corporations 18 Obligations of states and political subdivisions in United States 19 Other bonds, notes, debentures, and corporate stock 20 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 21 22 23 24 25 26 By holder Commercial banks in United States . . Others By type One-day maturity or continuing contract Securities purchased under agreements to resell Other Other securities purchased under agreements to resell 27 Total loans gross 28 LESS. Unearned income on loans . . . . 29 EQUALS' Loans net New York Branches3 Agencies Branches3 Agencies California, total4 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 259,605 204,661 54,945 183,178 5,847 45,001 12,278 58,246 52,965 5,281 49,965 380 5,109 1,901 5,919 521 7,382 370 27 24 3 18 1 2 2 1 1 815 23 761 22 55 1 684 21 16 1 40 0 22 1 40 0 14 0 1,292 1,104 188 1,025 60 106 37 21 43 55,817 50,805 5,012 47,976 301 4,940 1,834 456 310 28,905 25,959 2,946 24,251 231 2,854 1,077 289 202 92 72 20 70 0 4 0 0 17 26,820 1,656 24,774 1,601 2,046 56 23,654 1,544 70 26 2,082 21 757 56 167 0 91 8 25,163 273 23,173 251 1,990 22 22,109 241 43 2 2,061 21 700 5 167 3 83 1 142,249 108,494 33,765 93,877 4,383 26,221 8,970 10,781 4,888 9,665 4,703 1,116 186 9,112 4,442 81 56 1,015 56 387 216 26 18 159 100 681 663 18 657 0 16 1 2 5 3,351 5,447 131 121 10 107 0 1 13 1 9 5,081 4,178 903 3,907 25 943 156 5 45 9,103 7,673 1,430 7,079 778 601 499 75 72 7,924 1,179 6,886 787 1,038 391 6,301 111 443 335 544 56 489 10 75 0 72 0 8,955 7,527 1,428 6,933 778 599 499 75 72 213 8,742 177 7,350 36 1,392 175 6,758 22 756 2 597 0 499 0 75 14 58 147 146 1 146 0 1 0 0 0 131,846 377 131,468 99,142 323 98,820 32,703 55 32,649 85,073 309 84,764 4,305 3 4,302 25,258 52 25,206 8,590 8 8,582 3,328 3,325 5,291 3 5,289 173 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued C. September 30, 1984'—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Total 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Total loans, gross, by category Real estate loans Loans to financial institutions. . Commercial banks in United States US. branches and agencies of other foreign banks Other commercial banks Banks in foreign countries Foreign branches of U S, banks Other Other financial institutions 39 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities 40 Commercial and industrial loans 41 U S addressees (domicile) . . . 42 Non-U,S. addressees (domicile) 43 Loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures 44 All other loans 45 Loans to foreign governments and official institutions 46 Other 47 Lease financing receivables 48 All other assets 49 Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding 50 U.S. addressees (domicile) 51 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 52 Net due from related banking institutions6. 53 Other 174 Cali- 3 Branches Agencies Branches Agencies 4 total 4 815 48 765 26,037 2,132 38295 20,316 2,684 10470 5,721 1,355 34220 18,051 22 752 22 530 3 507 20,018 17 054 3 262 15,498 5 476 15 246 2 806 14,223 19230 2,711 14,929 2,482 4,301 229 13 698 1,945 535 47 3,268 1,162 60,333 37 224 23 110 1,098 45,180 26989 18,191 65 15,153 10235 4,918 1,023 36,940 20 186 16,755 5 1,778 220 1 558 273 16,496 241 12,197 33 4,300 194 11,343 15 702 11 539 4 163 788 . New York 3 795 569 658 o 245 4,520 219 137 o 171 1,948 9520 5,818 254 3 091 1,664 240 504 245 997 678 88 148 5 593 196 1 287 377 924 17 907 503 198 46 258 6 252 1 58 30 570 0 570 19 135 11,736 8 743 2,994 0 4,639 4 075 564 0 2,393 1 694 699 0 2,847 2 307 540 4 1,745 28 1,891 8 597 28 162 11 758 10 771 1 727 1 797 567 30 118 44 721 37 13,070 o 0 909 0 1 972 0 1,492 4601 4,168 433 7,321 1,148 215 179 36 373 321 216 37 178 1,611 145 82 12 70 1,152 258 525 571 23 535 o 18 35 538 o 50007 14469 32 257 0 307 18 919 11,951 6 968 23,523 7 564 14223 7,795 6428 15,220 6,096 4 697 4,157 540 8,303 1,469 13 758 7,547 6 211 12,997 5,503 47 0 Illinois,; Overstates2 branches Branches j Agencies 8 39 69 190 225 3,507 239 94 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued C. September 30, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item New York Branches3 Agencies Branches3 Agencies Total California, total4 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 259,605 204,661 54,945 183,178 5,847 45,001 12,278 5,919 7,382 138,444 55 Total deposits and credit balances 56 Individuals, partnerships, and 40,117 corporations 57 US. addressees (domicile) . 20,630 19,486 58 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 59 U.S. government, states, and political 86 subdivisions in United States 98,241 60 All other . . . . . 61 Foreign governments and official institutions 5,742 39,309 62 Commercial banks in United States 63 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks .. 28,403 64 Other commercial banks in 10,906 United States 65 Banks in foreign countries. . 52,776 6,585 66 Foreign branches of U.S. banks . 67 Other banks in foreign countries . 46,191 68 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 413 120,765 17,679 111,732 1,801 15,153 4,141 3,014 2,602 37,144 20,551 16,593 2,972 79 2,894 32,435 16,735 15,700 86 10 76 1,552 402 1,150 1,312 1,066 245 2,499 2,399 100 2,234 18 2,215 86 83,534 0 14,707 27 79,270 0 1,715 4 13,597 20 2,810 36 480 0 368 5,446 31,152 297 8,157 5,246 28,895 164 867 206 7,726 25 1,416 31 298 70 107 22,042 6,361 20,141 380 6,370 1,240 230 43 9,110 46,572 5,272 41,299 1,796 6,204 1,313 4,892 8,754 44,796 4,944 39,852 487 666 157 508 1,357 5,635 1,213 4,422 176 1,357 219 1,138 68 146 40 106 64 176 12 164 365 49 334 19 30 11 4 16 54 Total liabilities .. .* .. 69 Demand deposits 70 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations . . . . 71 U.S. addressees (domicile) 72 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 73 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States . . . . 74 All other. 75 Foreign governments and official institutions 76 Commercial banks in United States 77 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks . . 78 Other commercialbanks in United States 79 Banks in foreign countries 80 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash . ., 81 Time deposits 82 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations .... 83 U S addressees (domicile) 84 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 85 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States 8 6 A l l other . . . 87 Foreign governments and official institutions 88 Commercial banks in United States 89 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 90 Other commercial banks in United States 91 Banks in foreign countries 92 Savings deposits .. 93 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations ., . 94 U S addressees (domicile) 95 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 96 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States . . . . 97 All other 3,212 3,005 208 2,715 22 83 129 109 154 1,785 1,111 674 1,660 1,111 548 125 0 125 1,444 917 527 3 0 3 47 23 24 113 110 3 71 61 10 108 0 108 4 1,422 4 1,340 0 82 4 1,268 0 19 0 35 1 16 0 38 0 46 288 123 286 119 2 4 253 115 0 0 2 1 2 1 31 2 1 3 26 25 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 97 598 94 571 3 27 90 567 0 0 1 3 1 2 2 0 3 26 413 365 49 334 19 30 11 4 16 133,980 116,786 17,194 108,228 1,651 14,946 3,941 2,835 2,378 37,341 18,935 18,406 34,687 18,935 15,751 2,655 0 2,655 30,379 15,475 14,904 36 0 36 1,384 301 1,083 1,128 889 240 2,357 2,271 86 2,057 0 2,057 82 96,557 82 82,018 0 14,539 23 77,826 0 1,615 4 13,559 19 2,794 36 442 0 321 5,354 39,110 5,108 30,973 245 8,137 4,942 28,720 116 851 203 7,725 23 1,415 0 296 69 103 28,323 21,963 6,361 20,062 380 6,370 1,240 230 43 10,786 52,093 9,010 45,936 1,776 6,157 8,658 44,165 471 648 1,356 5,630 175 1,356 66 146 60 150 765 691 73 507 0 67 71 70 49 765 454 311 691 454 238 73 0 73 507 294 214 0 0 0 67 27 41 71 67 3 70 66 4 49 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued C. September 30, 1984'—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item 98 Credit balances 99 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations. 100 U S addressees (domicile) 101 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 102 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States . , . 103 All other 104 Foreign governments and official institutions 105 Commercial banks in United States 106 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 107 Other commercial banks in United States 108 Banks in foreign countries 109 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase By holder 1 10 Commercial banks in United States . 1 1 1 Others 112 113 1 14 115 By type One-day maturity or continuing contract . . . Securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other Other securities sold under agreements to repurchase New York Branches3 Agencies Branches3 Agencies Total Calilorma, total4 tf^mtn Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches j Agencies 487 225 130 96 283 107 51 56 204 119 79 40 281 105 50 56 127 47 10 37 56 53 51 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 21 20 18 2 0 261 0 176 0 85 0 176 0 81 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 100 77 52 60 49 17 52 60 47 16 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 54 54 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 23 85 6 65 17 20 6 65 16 18 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 22,840 16,981 5,859 16,044 561 5,328 531 227 150 18 964 3,876 13,604 3,377 5 360 498 12,785 3,258 238 322 5,150 178 438 93 227 0 126 24 21,680 15,939 5,741 15,039 465 5,304 4% 227 150 2,109 19,571 2,078 13,861 31 5,710 2,042 12,997 12 453 25 5,279 20 476 0 227 10 140 1,160 1,042 118 1,005 96 24 35 0 0 1,015 999 979 20 16 16 0 635 626 592 34 9 9 0 686 686 565 121 0 0 0 116 Other liabilities for borrowed money 117 Owed to banks 118 U S addressees (domicile) 119 Non-U S. addressees (domicile) 120 Owed to others ... .... 121 U S addressees (domicile) 122 Non-U. S. addressees (domicile) 40,299 38,460 37 125 1,335 1,839 1 663 176 23,717 22,089 20 914 1,175 1,628 1 543 85 16,582 16,371 16211 160 211 120 91 21,697 20,117 19,018 1,098 1,581 1 496 85 1,940 1,881 1,845 37 59 8 51 14,325 14,151 14,125 25 174 134 40 123 AH other liabilities 124 Acceptances executed and outstanding6 125 Net due to related banking institutions 126 Other 58023 20,934 32,058 5 031 43,198 15,951 22,892 4 356 14 825 4,983 9,166 676 33,704 15,446 14,263 3 995 1,545 62 1,364 120 10,196 4,869 4,797 530 6,591 230 6,195 166 2,043 242 1,685 116 3,943 85 3,753 105 98,855 83,634 15,221 75,319 43 14,782 3,889 2,738 2,084 31 388 67 467 29,449 54 186 1 939 13 281 24,786 50533 0 43 1,286 13,496 1,613 2,276 2,315 423 1,388 696 59 33 26 14 0 12 7 8 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 9,956 44 8,173 0 213 403 1,199 12 MEMO 127 Time deposits of $100 000 or more 128 Certificates of deposit (CDs) in denominations of $100,000 or more . . . . ... .... 129 Other 130 Savings deposits authorized for automatic transfer and NOW accounts 131 Money market time certificates of $10,000 or more, and less than $100,000 with original maturities of 26 weeks 132 Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more with remaining maturity of more than 12 months. . . .... 133 Acceptances refinanced with a U.S.chartered bank 134 Statutory or regulatory asset pledge requirement , 135 Statutory or regulatory asset maintenance requirement 136 Commercial letters of credit 137 Standby letters of credit total 138 U.S. addressees (domicile) 139 Non-U. S. addressees (domicile) 140 Standby letters of credit conveyed to others through participations (included in total standby letters of credit) 176 3 951 2 529 1 422 2 183 105 1,381 8 275 0 59,629 58,823 806 49,682 736 135 9,034 18 24 9,370 7 869 20 556 17,264 3,292 8,920 5,329 17,616 14,661 2,955 450 2 539 2 940 2,603 337 5,469 4,800 14,934 12,310 2,624 0 150 124 9 115 482 2,311 2,272 2,083 189 439 218 1,615 1,386 229 2,532 201 625 578 47 447 188 986 898 88 3,182 2,960 222 2,627 0 195 182 84 94 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued C. September 30, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 New York Tj. Item Total 141 Holdings of commercial paper included in 662 total gross loans 142 Holdings of acceptances included in total 4,354 commercial and industrial loans 143 Immediately available funds with a maturity greater than one day (included in other 29,618 liabilities for borrowed money) 144 Gross due from related banking institutions6. . 102,489 26,170 145 U S. addressees (domicile) 146 Branches and agencies in the United 25,570 States . 147 In the same state as reporter 1,849 23 722 148 In other states 7 149 U S banking subsidiaries 599 76,319 150 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 151 Head office and non-U.S. branches 74 135 and agencies 152 Non-U.S. banking companies and 2,184 offices 6 153 Gross due to related banking institutions . . . . 111,023 32 844 154 U S addressees (domicile) 155 Branches and agencies in the United States 32,466 156 In the same state as reporter 1,979 157 In other states 30,487 378 158 U S banking subsidiaries7 78,179 159 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 160 Head office and non-U.S. branches 75 787 and agencies 161 Non-U.S. banking companies and 2 391 offices Branches3 Agencies Branches3 Agencies 462 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 393 268 345 4 251 45 0 17 3,129 1,225 2,991 61 1,205 81 11 5 17,419 84,008 18,256 12,200 18,481 7,914 15,806 77,368 14,977 1,608 850 37 10,576 16,434 7,524 875 2,972 544 467 2,912 2,351 286 1,954 737 17,838 1,002 16 836 7,732 14,587 7,340 2,348 6,886 13,633 6,499 184 523 0 523 21 10,567 62,391 8,909 2,428 3 561 735 49 686 1 65,752 37 2 35 0 813 1,217 63 877 10258 60 557 787 8 753 2 399 550 1 088 1,875 309 1,833 26 157 29 11 129 91,679 25 597 19,344 7 247 78,635 18 519 2,145 69 13,909 4278 8,794 4 192 2,986 2,202 4,555 3 585 25,332 1,108 24,225 7,134 871 6,263 18,361 1,056 17,305 69 11 58 4,225 859 3,366 4,105 1 4,104 2,185 3 2,182 54 87 66,082 12,097 60,116 2,076 9,631 4,602 17 785 3,522 49 3,473 63 844 11 943 57,903 2,039 9,521 4,592 785 947 2 238 153 2 213 36 110 10 0 22 54477 5,028 181 204 47,913 5 750 346 44 689 4,833 11 521 1,884 5,857 376 7 374 354 1,046 31 976 4,357 17,108 6,318 81 840 14,364 107,099 607 4 032 250 8 324 63 3,336 73 5 282 1,757 392 24 846 3,577 14,684 4,025 2S955 2,498 1 840 24 368 o 1 294 1,280 2 490 1 279 5 299 16,674 15 004 21,879 528 1,825 4 839 14,649 474 942 270 621 138 605 171 185 28 120 45 32 52 418 265 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date 162 Total assets 256 394 201 916 50,678 163 Cash and due from depository institutions . . . 55,706 164 Federal funds sold and securities purchased 6,655 7,701 under agreements to resell 127 661 95 686 165 Total loans 20,051 15,694 166 Loans to banks in foreign countries 133,018 115,910 167 Total deposits and credit balances 168 Time CDs in denominations of $100,000 or more 30 712 28 872 169 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 21 252 15 953 1 70 Other liabilities for borrowed money 40,521 23,847 171 Number of reports filed8. California, total4 291 847 181 114 954 390 158 o 522 841 791 2 2,345 251 63 970 546 177 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued D, December 31, 1984' Millions of dollars Item 5 1 Total assets 2 Cash and due from depository institutions 3 Currency and coin (U.S. and foreign) 4 Balances with Federal Reserve Banks 5 Balances with other central banks . . . 6 Demand balances with commercial banks in United States . 7 AH other balances with deoository institutions in United States and with banks in foreign countries , . 8 Time and savings balances with commercial banks in United States 9 Balances with other depository institutions in United States . . . 10 Balances with banks in foreign countries 11 Foreign branches of U.S. banks , 12 Other banks in foreign countries 13 Cash items in process of collection . . 14 Total securities, loans, and lease financing receivables 15 Total securities book value 16 U.S. Treasury 17 Obligations of other U.S. government agencies and corporations 18 Obligations of states and political subdivisions in United States 19 Other bonds, notes, debentures, and corporate stock 20 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 21 22 23 24 25 26 By holder Commercial banks in United States . . Others By type One-day maturity or continuing contract Securities purchased under agreements to resell . . Other Other securities purchased under agreements to resell 27 Total loans, gross 28 LESS: Unearned income on loans 29 EQUALS* Loans net 178 All states2 Total New York 3 3 1 Branches Agencies Branches Agencies California, total4 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 272,438 215,825 56,613 191,816 5,880 46,287 14,159 6,547 7,749 62,646 56,861 5,785 53,039 332 5,581 2,926 309 459 30 28 2 22 1 2 3 2 1 1,085 37 1,023 36 62 2 916 35 26 1 44 0 45 1 42 0 12 1 1,461 1,247 215 1,157 81 95 50 23 55 59,830 54,332 5,498 50,729 220 5,436 2,819 238 388 30,279 26,942 3,337 24,873 188 3,125 1,663 151 279 92 63 29 63 0 4 0 0 26 29,459 2,019 27,328 1,939 2,132 81 25,793 1,893 33 6 2,307 66 1J56 46 87 0 84 9 27,440 202 25,389 196 2,051 6 23,900 181 27 2 2,241 5 1,111 8 87 3 75 2 151,075 115,235 35,840 99,748 4,522 27,974 9,667 3,575 5,589 11,597 4,705 10,111 4,423 1,486 283 9,534 4,175 163 146 1,300 60 405 207 35 17 158 100 587 572 15 557 0 15 0 12 2 77 68 10 54 0 1 13 1 9 6,228 5,049 1,179 4,748 17 1,225 186 5 47 8,983 7,837 1,146 7,389 639 506 287 95 67 7,577 1,407 6,706 1,131 870 276 6,277 1,112 374 265 496 10 269 19 95 0 66 1 8,184 7,042 1,143 6,594 639 503 287 95 66 90 8,095 60 6,982 30 1,113 60 6,534 16 623 0 503 0 287 0 95 14 53 799 795 4 795 0 3 0 0 1 139,628 150 139,478 105,229 104 105,124 34,399 46 34,354 90,306 92 90,214 4,360 2 4,358 26,718 44 26,674 9,268 6 9,262 3,543 3 3,540 5,433 2 5,431 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued D. December 31, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item Total Total loans, gross, by category 30 Real estate loans 31 Loans to financial institutions 32 Commercial banks in United States 33 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 34 Other commercial banks 35 Banks in foreign countries 36 Foreign branches of U.S. banks 37 Other 38 Other financial institutions New York Branches3 Agencies Branches3 Agencies California, total4 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 5,085 50,873 24,902 2,444 38,650 17,639 2,641 12,223 7,263 1,562 34,283 15,608 23 903 179 1,805 10,954 7,264 336 3,364 1,468 264 610 272 1,095 759 110 20,919 3,983 22,557 862 21,695 3,414 13,971 3,668 17,942 625 17,317 3,068 6,947 315 4,614 237 4,378 346 12,459 3,149 16,554 593 15,961 2,121 179 0 675 29 645 50 6,927 337 3,384 166 3,218 305 1,061 408 986 27 959 910 216 56 337 5 332 1 77 33 620 41 579 29 39 Loans for purchasing or carrying securities . . . 40 Commercial and industrial loans 41 U S addressees (domicile) 42 Non-U S addressees (domicile) 43 Loans to individuals for household, family, and other personal expenditures 44 All other loans 45 Loans to foreign governments and official institutions 46 Other 2,288 64,587 41,936 22,651 2,218 49,355 31,367 17,989 70 15,232 10,569 4,663 2,143 40,585 24,098 16,487 30 1,683 252 1,431 115 11,952 9,027 2,925 0 5,055 4,450 604 0 2,463 1,750 713 0 2,850 2,358 492 276 16,519 246 12,315 30 4,204 201 11,532 3 1,718 25 1,867 8 505 28 178 10 719 15,667 852 11,595 721 4,073 132 10,912 621 1,705 13 1,771 97 473 33 128 50 679 40 47 Lease financing receivables 48 All other assets 49 Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding 50 U S addressees (domicile) . 51 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 52 Net due from related banking institutions6. . . 53 Other 0 49,733 0 35,891 0 13,842 0 31,639 0 387 0 12,226 0 1,279 0 2,568 0 1,634 19,578 12,234 7,344 23,272 6,883 14,820 8,015 6,805 15,614 5,457 4,757 4,218 539 7,658 1,426 14,380 7,769 6,611 12,362 4,897 55 7 48 150 182 4,692 4,277 415 6,395 1,139 147 130 17 826 306 212 36 176 2,229 128 92 14 77 1,310 232 179 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued D. December 31, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item 3 Branches Agencies Branches 1 Agencies Total 5 New York 3 California, total4 1 Other states2 Illinois, i branches Branches J Agencies 54 Total liabilities 272,438 215,825 56,613 191,816 5,880 46,287 14,159 6,547 7,749 55 Total deposits and credit balances 56 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 57 U S addressees (domicile) Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 58 59 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States . . . . 60 All other Foreign governments and official 61 institutions 62 Commercial banks in United States U.S. branches and agencies of 63 other foreign banks Other commercial banks in 64 United States Banks in foreign countries 65 Foreign branches of U.S. banks . 66 Other banks in foreign countries . 67 68 Certified and officers' checks, travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 147,641 127,254 20,387 116,804 1,717 17,379 4,825 3,704 3,212 45,230 25,010 20,220 41,685 24,945 16,740 3,544 65 3,480 35,550 19,724 15,826 79 10 68 1,627 369 1,258 1,918 1,696 222 3,291 3,181 110 2,765 30 2,735 109 102,303 109 85,460 0 16,843 26 81,228 0 1,639 6 15,746 12 2,894 65 348 0 448 7,101 41,305 6,772 31,658 328 9,646 6,571 29,598 169 755 198 9,251 39 1,374 7 189 118 137 31,024 23,177 7,847 21,496 377 7,842 1,192 74 42 10,280 53,341 7,030 46,311 8,481 46,524 5,175 41,348 1,799 6,817 1,855 4,963 8,102 44,581 4,749 39,831 377 696 264 432 1,409 6,271 1,670 4,601 182 1,470 312 1,158 115 148 18 130 96 176 16 160 557 506 51 479 19 26 12 4 17 69 Demand deposits 70 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. addressees (domicile) 71 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . . . 72 73 U,S, government, states, and political subdivisions in United States . . . . 74 All other 75 Foreign governments and official institutions Commercial banks in United States 76 77 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign oanks Other commercial banks in 78 United States Banks in foreign countries 79 Certified and officers' checks, 80 travelers checks, and letters of credit sold for cash 3,576 3,290 286 2,984 19 101 147 95 230 1,972 1,199 773 1,821 1,199 622 151 0 151 1,563 967 596 0 0 0 66 31 34 129 125 4 80 75 5 134 0 134 7 1,597 7 1,462 0 135 6 1,416 0 19 0 35 1 17 0 14 0 96 260 139 256 90 4 50 247 86 0 0 3 1 2 1 7 2 1 50 6 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 134 641 84 611 50 30 80 605 0 0 1 5 1 3 2 0 50 28 557 506 51 479 19 26 12 4 17 81 Time deposits 82 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 83 U S addressees (domicile) 84 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) . , . 85 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States . . . . 86 All other Foreign governments and official 87 institutions Commercial banks in United States 88 U.S. branches and agencies of 89 other foreign banks Other commercial banks in 90 United States Banks in foreign countries 91 142,756 122,914 19,842 112,998 1,595 17,170 4,594 3,518 2,882 42,138 23,157 18,981 38,933 23,157 15,776 3,205 0 3,205 33,284 18,366 14,918 43 0 43 1,456 281 1,175 1,706 1,491 215 3,119 3,019 100 2,531 0 2,531 101 100,516 101 83,879 0 16,637 20 79,694 0 1,552 5 15,708 11 2,877 65 334 0 351 6,800 41,143 6,502 31,560 299 9,584 6,309 29,503 145 743 193 9,249 37 1,374 0 187 117 88 31,016 23,170 7,847 21,489 377 7,842 1,192 74 42 10,127 52,572 8,390 45,818 1,737 6,754 8,014 43,881 365 665 1,408 6,266 181 1,467 113 147 46 146 92 Savings deposits 93 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 94 U.S. addressees (domicile) Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) , . . 95 96 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States . . . . 97 All other 907 813 94 587 0 78 83 91 68 906 517 389 812 517 295 94 0 94 587 321 265 0 0 0 78 30 48 83 80 3 91 86 5 68 0 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 67. Assets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued D. December 31, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item 98 Credit balances . . . . 99 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations. 100 U S addressees (domicile) 101 Non-U S. addressees (domicile) 102 U.S. government, states, and political subdivisions in United States , 103 All other . . 104 Foreign governments and official institutions . . 105 Commercial banks in United States 106 U.S. branches and agencies of other foreign banks 107 Other commercial banks in United States 108 Banks in foreign countries 109 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 110 Ill 1 12 113 1 14 115 By holder Commercial banks in United States Others ... . Total New York Branches3 Agencies Branches3 Agencies California, total4 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 403 213 137 76 237 118 72 47 166 95 65 30 235 117 70 47 103 36 10 26 30 28 26 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 33 32 30 2 0 190 0 119 0 71 0 119 0 67 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 40 22 15 9 25 13 15 9 24 12 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 19 128 7 95 12 33 7 95 12 31 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 21,658 15,777 5,881 14,962 540 5,326 442 257 131 18,491 3,168 13,017 2,760 5,474 407 12,294 2,667 213 327 5,241 85 375 66 257 0 109 22 15,130 5,756 14,390 418 5,314 376 257 131 2,136 12,993 23 5,733 2,120 12,270 7 410 26 5,288 0 376 0 257 7 125 By type One-day maturity or continuing contract . . . 20,886 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 2,159 18,726 Other Other securities sold under agreements to repurchase 772 1 648 125 572 122 12 66 0 0 1 16 Other liabilities for borrowed money 1 17 Owed to banks . . . 118 U S addressees (domicile) 119 Non-U S. addressees (domicile) 120 Owed to others 121 U.S. addressees (domicile) 122 Non-U S. addressees (domicile) . 39,512 37,081 35,729 1,352 2,431 2,163 268 24,126 21,853 20,769 1,084 2,273 2,085 188 15,386 15,228 14,960 268 158 78 80 21,362 19,335 18,329 1,006 2,028 1,840 188 1,939 1,881 1,835 46 58 13 45 13,072 12,972 12,876 96 100 65 35 1,604 1,359 1,337 22 245 245 0 685 685 652 34 0 0 0 849 849 701 148 0 0 0 123 All other liabilities 124 Acceptances executed and outstanding 6 125 Net due to related banking institutions . . . . 126 Other 63,627 21,970 36,773 4,885 48,668 16,972 27,497 4,199 14,959 4,997 9,276 686 38,688 16,489 18,358 3,841 1,683 54 1,522 107 10,511 4,953 4,995 562 7,289 172 6,943 174 1,900 209 1,585 105 3,556 92 3,369 96 88,371 17,750 78,750 52 16,859 4,540 3,395 2,525 34,845 53,527 2,391 15,359 29,154 49,596 0 52 1,347 15,512 1,845 2,695 3,091 304 1,798 56 32 33 0 15 8 8 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MEMO 127 Time deposits of $100,000 or more 106,121 128 Certificates of deposit (CDs) in denominations of $100,000 or more 37,235 129 Other 68,886 130 Savings deposits authorized for automatic transfer and NOW accounts 88 131 Money market time certificates of $10,000 or more, and less than $100,000 with original maturities of 26 weeks 0 132 Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more with remaining maturity of more than 12 months 11,119 133 Acceptances refinanced with a U.S.chartered bank 3,945 134 Statutory or regulatory asset pledge requirement . . 60,627 135 Statutory or regulatory asset maintenance requirement 10,053 136 Commercial letters of credit 8,649 137 Standby letters of credit, total 27,238 138 U.S. addressees (domicile) 23,628 139 Non-U.S addressees (domicile) . 3,609 140 Standby letters of credit conveyed to others through participations (included in 4,182 total standby letters of credit) 111 10,950 169 8,940 0 221 536 1,285 138 2,657 1,288 2,121 97 1,326 0 401 1 59,512 1,115 49,501 1,038 146 9,894 24 23 9,813 6,190 23,735 20,540 3,195 240 2,459 3,503 3,089 414 5,875 5,576 20,252 17,405 2,846 0 135 92 12 80 514 2,239 2,930 2,707 222 538 253 2,247 1,964 283 2,889 218 626 597 29 236 229 1,092 943 149 3,822 360 3,464 0 382 175 64 97 181 ssets and liabilities of U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks—Continued J. December 31, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars All states2 Item Total 141 Holdings of commercial paper included in total gross loans 142 Holdings of acceptances included in total commercial and industrial loans 143 Immediately available funds with a maturity greater than one day (included in other liabilities for borrowed money) 144 Gross due from related banking institutions6. 145 U.S. addressees (domicile) 146 Branches and agencies in the United States 147 In the same state as reporter In other states 148 149 U.S. banking subsidiaries7 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) 150 151 Head office and non-US, branches and agencies 152 Non-U.S. banking companies and offices 153 Gross due to related banking institutions6 154 U.S. addressees (domicile) 155 - -in the United Branches and- agencies States In the same state as reporter 156 157 In other states U.S. banking subsidiaries7 158 159 Non-U.S. addressees (domicile) Head office and non-U.S. branches 160 and agencies 161 Non-U.S. oanking companies and offices New York Calirma ~~~" ~~ ™^Hp—'~ pP f° fornia, ~~ ™^"F"""'~" » Branches3 Agencies Branches3] Agencies | total4 720 433 286 344 2 277 82 14 4,344 3,092 1,251 2,979 56 1,209 85 8 29,218 98,816 26,600 18,396 79,513 19,393 10,823 19,303 7,207 16,016 71,441 14,631 1,560 933 84 9,541 16,919 6,529 1,501 3,677 1,339 498 3,424 2,973 103 2,423 1,043 25,824 2,571 23,253 776 72,216 18,850 1,749 17,101 543 60,120 6,974 822 6,152 234 12,096 14,109 1,729 12,380 522 56,810 74 1 10 849 6,307 791 5,516 222 10,390 1,325 0 1,325 14 2,338 2,971 2 2,969 2 450 1,037 47 990 6 1,379 70,449 58,701 11,748 55,411 819 10,225 2,320 450 1,224 1,767 1,419 182 73 156 349 1,399 30 165 18 112,316 26,611 91,396 18,815 20,921 7,796 77,437 11,735 2,304 20 15,519 4,936 9,794 4,406 2,780 2,010 4,482 3,504 26,164 2,517 23,647 447 85,705 18,478 1,672 16,806 337 72,581 7,686 845 6,841 110 13,125 11,500 1,653 9,847 235 65,701 20 1 19 0 2,284 4,869 813 4,056 67 10,584 4,322 0 4,322 84 5,389 2,000 2 1,998 10 770 3,454 49 3,405 51 977 83,021 70,191 12,829 63,352 2,134 10,452 5,379 770 934 2,685 2,389 296 2,349 150 131 10 56,113 5,654 188,059 50,679 5,848 307 45,861 5,413 13,464 2,769 6,560 302 7,861 459 1,080 32,310 4,645 20,066 6,823 87,529 16,157 112,138 668 4,207 675 1,669 402 25,753 3,566 17,011 192 8,871 974 4,724 55 3,547 344 3,630 77 4,605 587 3,141 2,308 27,157 4,769 14,995 14,297 21,874 422 1,885 4,370 12,832 510 1,467 273 654 104 722 170 187 26 119 45 32 53 Average for 30 calendar days (or calendar month) ending with report date 162 Total assets 267,652 211,538 163 Cash and due from depository institutions . . . 59,929 54,276 164 Federal funds sold ami securities purchased under agreements to resell 7,137 8,217 165 Total loans 134,512 102,202 166 Loans to banks in foreign countries 22,302 17,657 142,313 122,247 167 Total deposits and credit balances 168 Time CDs in denominations of $100,000 or more 35,125 32,817 169 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 19,975 15,206 170 Other liabilities for borrowed money 39,433 24,439 171 Number of reports filed8 Other states2 Illinois, branches Branches Agencies 462 292 1,335 0 43 1,797 3,118 1,719 68. Claims on foreign countries held by ILS* offices and foreign branches of U,S.-chartered banks1 Billions of dollars, end of period 1983 Area or country 1 Total 2 G-10 countries and Switzerland 3 Belgium- Luxembourg 4 France 5 Germany . . 6 Italy . . .... 7 Netherlands 8 Sweden 9 Switzerland 10 United Kingdom 1 1 Canada 12 Japan . ,. 13 Other developed countries * 14 Austria . . . 15 Denmark 16 Finland . . 17 Greece . . „ 18 Norway . , , . 19 Portugal 20 Spain , 21 Turkey 22 Other Western Europe . . . . 23 South Africa 24 Australia . 3 . ... ... . . .. ... ... ... ... ... 19 84 2 Mar. June Sept, Dec. Mar. June Sept. Dec, 443.7 439.9 431.0 437.3 434.2 429.2 409.7 407.6 182.5 13.8 17.1 13.4 102 4.3 4.3 4.5 73 4 12 5 290 177.1 13.3 17.1 12.6 10.5 4.0 4.7 4.8 70.8 10 8 28,5 168.8 12.6 16.2 11.6 9.9 3.6 4.9 4.2 67.8 89 29.0 168.0 12.4 16.3 11.3 11 4 3.5 5.1 4.3 65.4 83 29.9 166.1 11.0 15.9 11.7 11.2 3.4 5.2 4.3 65.1 86 29.8 157.6 10.8 14,2 10.9 11 5 3.0 4.3 4,2 604 89 29 3 148.1 9.8 14.3 10.0 9.7 3.4 3.5 3.9 57.4 81 27,9 147.5 8.8 14.0 9.0 10.1 3.9 3.2 4.0 59.7 78 27 1 340 21 3.3 21 2.9 33 1.4 70 1.5 23 36 46 345 2.1 3.4 21 2.9 34 1.4 72 1.4 2.0 39 45 34 3 1.9 3.3 1.8 2.9 32 1.4 71 1.5 2.1 47 44 36 1 19 3.4 24 2.8 33 1.5 71 1.7 18 47 55 35 7 2.0 3.4 2,1 3,0 32 1.4 7.1 1.9 1.8 48 5.2 37 1 2.0 3.1 23 3.3 32 1.7 73 2.0 19 47 57 363 1.8 2.9 19 3.2 32 1.6 6.9 2.0 17 50 6.2 33 8 1.7 2.2 19 2.9 30 1.4 65 1.9 17 45 61 28 5 22 104 35 93 30 28.3 22 10.4 32 9.5 30 27.2 21 9.8 34 9.1 28 28 9 22 9.9 38 10.0 30 28.6 21 9.7 40 9.8 30 26,7 21 95 40 84 27 25.0 21 9.2 38 7.4 25 25 6 22 93 37 8,2 23 25 OPEC countries 26 Ecuador 27 Venezuela 28 Indonesia 29 Middle East countries 30 African countries . . . . .. 31 Non-OPEC developing countries Latin America 32 Argentina 33 Brazil 34 Chile 35 Colombia 36 Mexico 37 Peru 38 Other Latin America . . . . . 108 1 108.8 109.8 111 6 112.1 112 7 111.9 112 3 .. ... 90 23 2 60 29 25 1 24 42 94 22 7 5,8 32 25 2 2.6 43 95 23 1 6.3 32 25 9 2.4 42 95 23 1 64 32 26 1 24 42 9,5 25 1 6.5 31 25 6 2.3 44 92 25 4 67 30 26 0 23 40 91 26 3 7,1 29 26 1 2.2 39 87 26 3 70 29 25 8 22 39 .2 51 7 20 10 9 25 66 16 14 .2 51 7 23 10 9 26 64 1.8 12 .2 5.2 $ 17 10 9 28 62 1.8 1.0 .3 53 10 19 11 3 29 62 2.2 10 .3 49 10 16 11 1 28 67 2.1 9 ,6 55 10 19 11 2 27 63 19 1i ,5 52 11 17 10 3 30 59 1.8 1.0 .7 51 10 18 10 7 28 60 18 11 1i 8 1 2.3 13 g 1 2.2 14 g 1 2.4 15 g 1 2.3 14 8 1 2.2 14 8 1 1.9 12 g 1 1.9 12 8 1 2,1 57 3 22 32 58 4 23 30 53 2 2.3 28 53 2 24 28 49 2 23 25 49 2 23 24 45 2 23 21 45 1 23 21 56 Offshore hanking centers 57 Bahamas 58 Bermuda 59 Caymart Islands and other British West Indies 60 Netherlands Antilles .. 61 Panama5 , . . 62 Lebanon 63 Hong Kong 64 Singapore 65 Other6 68 0 18 6 10 12 6 31 71 1 15 1 10.4 0 69.3 20 7 8 12.7 26 66 1 14 5 11.2 o 68.7 21 6 8 10.5 4,1 57 1 15 2 10.5 1 70 5 21 8 9 12.2 42 60 1 15 0 10.3 70.5 24.6 7 11.2 3.3 63 1 14 4 10.0 73 0 27 3 7 11 3 33 66 1 13 5 102 66.5 23 7 10 10.7 3.1 57 1 12 7 9.5 66.8 21 6 9 11 7 34 68 1 12 5 98 66 Miscellaneous and unallocated^ 16 9 16 2 169 17 0 16 3 17 3 17 3 17 2 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Asia China Mainland Taiwan India Israel Korea (South) Malaysia Philippines Thailand Other Asia 48 49 50 51 Africa Eevot Morocco Zaire Other Africa4 52 Eastern Europe 53 U.S.S R 54 Yugoslavia 55 Other . . . .. .. ... o o o o o 183 69. Discount rates of foreign central banks, 19841 Percent per annum Month-end January February March April May June July August September October November December . Austria Belgium 3.75 3.75 4.25 4,25 4.25 4,5 10 0 11 0 4.5 fada ml* 49 .0 9.98 > i 10.04 10.76 10.84 11.60 11.98 12.98 12.39 12.27 11.71 10.78 49 .0 10.09 ... ... C Brazil 11 0 France 7.0 12.0 L 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.75 11.5 11.25 11.25 11.0 11.0 r 10.75 7. 0 10.75 Germany Italy Japan 4.0 17.0 16,0 16.0 16,0 15.5 5.0 ji t 4.0 4.5 Neth er-* Nor ^orlands 1 way 5.0 5. 5 I i Swe- ' Sz^~ den 1 land Vene- 40 11 0 40 11 0 80 8.5 zuela 8.5 9.5 15.5 16.5 4.5 16.5 t 5.0 \ 5.5 80 9.5 70. Foreign short-term interest rates, 19841 Percent per annum, averages of daily figures Month January February March April May June ... July August September October November December .. ... Eurodollars United Kingdom Canada Germany Switzerland Netherlands France Italy 978 9.88 10.00 9 81 9.81 9 88 9 88 9 81 9 81 9.88 9 69 9.69 940 9.35 8.90 8 84 9.32 943 11 38 11 09 10 78 1060 9 87 9.74 9 84 9 85 10.40 10 74 11,52 11 86 13 03 12 41 12 20 11 99 11 09 1041 6 07 5 91 5 82 5 81 608 6 11 6 09 6 00 5 81 606 5 92 5 81 3 65 3 47 3 60 3 61 3 83 4 15 4 72 4 81 5 04 5 23 5 03 4 96 601 5 95 6.09 604 6.05 608 6 39 6 26 6 23 6 16 5 87 5 77 1222 12 36 12.53 12 46 12 16 1223 11 70 11 37 11 00 10 75 10 54 1066 17 75 17 40 17.28 17 38 16 80 1675 16 73 16 50 17 28 17,13 17 13 16 86 1 ' Belgium I 1068 11.43 12.02 11.66 11.80 11.90 11 90 11 73 11 16 11.00 1081 10.75 Japan 6.^5 6.34 6.41 6,26 6,24 6.35 6 30 6.35 6.32 6.31 632 6.33 71. Index of weighted-average value of U.S. dollar1 March 1973 = 100 Year 1984 184 Jan, 135.07 [ Feb. 131.71 Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. 128.07 130.01 133 99 134 31 139.30 140.21 145.70 ^ Oct. 147.56 [ Nov. j Dec. 144.92 149.24 72. Foreign exchange rates, 19841 Foreign currency units per dollar Australia2 Austria (dollar) (schilling) . . D Penod January February March April May June .... July August . . . . . . September October . November December 90.602 93 482 18.285 92.306 90.613 88.255 83 418 84.732 83 077 83.639 85.884 84.000 .... January. . . . . . February March . . . . . . April . May . . . „ June ..... July August . o . . . . Septembe r October . . . . . November December. . , . ... January February. . . . . March April . . . o . . . May . . . . . . June July August . . . . . . Septembe r October . . . . November. . . December January. , . . . February . . . March April May June . . . . . . . July. . . . . . . . August . „ . . . September October Novembe r December , , . , . Belgium (franc) Brazil (cruzeiro) Canada (dollar) China (yuan) Denmark (krone) Finland (markka) France (franc) 57.354 55 279 53.135 54.078 55.925 55.840 57 714 58.282 61.132 62.048 60,475 62.380 1,022.81 1,131.37 ,266.64 ,387.52 ,497.64 ,643.81 81900 1,994.30 2,226.79 2,453.64 2,734.16 3,008.55 1 .2484 1 .2480 1.2697 1.2796 1.2944 1.3040 3238 .3035 .3145 .3189 .3168 .3201 2.0490 2.0628 2.0646 2.0929 2.1866 2.2178 2 2996 2.3718 2.5469 2.6488 2.6785 2.7953 10.1793 9.8549 9.5175 9.7311 10.0618 10.0501 104178 10.5174 10.9753 11.0896 10.8244 11.1258 5.9385 5.7892 5.6136 5.6434 5.8115 5.8182 60187 6.0626 6.2783 6.3726 6.2653 6.4563 8.5948 8.3051 8.0022 8.1411 8.4435 8.4181 8.7438 8.8567 9.3041 9.4108 9.1981 9.5083 Germany Greece Hong Kong (deutsche (drachma) (dollar) mark) India (rupee) Ireland2 (pound) Italy (lira) Japan (yen) Malaysia (ringgit) 2.8110 2 6984 2.5973 2.6474 2.7484 2.7397 2 8492 2.8856 3 0314 3.0678 2 9985 3.1044 102.601 101 795 102.404 104.892 108.367 108 846 112 397 115 110 120 395 126.058 123 625 127.261 7.7968 7 7883 7.7942 7.8073 7.8159 7.8131 7 8519 7.8388 7 8430 7.8242 7 8235 7.8287 10.715 10 744 10.715 10.820 11.017 11.064 11 371 11.556 11.858 12.027 12 078 12.292 110.20 114.21 117.88 115.67 111.75 111.67 107.63 106.84 102.28 100.85 103.41 100.37 1,706.6 1 6664 ,614.2 ,638.5 ,696.3 ,694.8 751 2 ,780.5 ,870.8 ,899.0 1 863.1 1,912.5 233.80 233.60 225.27 225.20 230.48 233.57 243.07 242.26 245.46 246.75 243.63 247.96 2.3411 2.3363 2.2933 2.2904 2.3029 2.3109 2.3385 2.3331 2.3528 2.4076 2.4300 2.4164 Mexico (peso) Netherlands (guilder) New Zealand2 (dollar) Norway (krone) Portugal (escudo) Singapore (dollar) South Africa2 (rand) South Korea (won) 166.33 168.49 172 93 179.07 198.35 196 54 196 63 196.98 197 71 203.33 210.79 219 56 3.1602 3 0455 2 9326 2.9864 3 0926 3 0882 3 2155 3 2539 3 4188 3.4597 3 3817 3 5035 64.86 65.81 66 71 65,83 64.89 64 21 55 63 49.91 48 95 48.61 49.28 48 26 7.8763 7.6937 7 5028 7.5992 7.8100 7 8162 8 2151 8.2991 8 6246 8.8721 8.7175 8 9805 136.29 135.01 131.70 134.45 139.85 141.83 152 17 151.02 158.45 163.36 163.10 167.31 2.1309 2.1279 2.0893 2.0853 2.1006 2 1122 2 1473 2.1472 2.1635 2.1667 2.1554 2 1732 79.543 81.310 82.104 80.186 78.150 76.493 66.515 63.760 60.079 56.535 55.471 52.663 800.33 799.06 794.51 796.41 801.54 802.20 810.96 811.42 815.82 820.03 818.89 825.73 Spain (peseta) Sri Lanka (rupee) Sweden (krona) Switzerland (franc) Taiwan (dollar) Thailand (bant) United Kingdom2 (pound) 159 83 154 20 149 68 150 26 154.03 154 75 161 37 164 41 170 19 172 15 168 09 171.98 25 181 25 270 25 177 25 133 25.161 25.176 25 223 25 285 25 605 25 906 26 075 26.213 8.1782 7 9976 7.7323 7 8444 8.0782 8.0993 8.3063 8 3489 8.5892 8 6887 8 5957 8.8614 2.2380 2.2050 2.1490 2.1913 2.2680 2.2832 2.4115 2.4150 2.5049 2.5245 24700 2.5602 40.20 4024 40.08 39 78 39.72 39.84 39.48 39.09 39.16 39.23 3942 39.51 23.006 23.000 23.004 23.010 23.010 23.010 23.020 23.018 23.013 23.020 26.736 27.091 140.76 144.17 145.57 142.10 138.94 137.70 132.00 131.32 125.63 121.96 123.92 118.61 19.851 19.028 95.13 18.630 19.316 19.226 19 998 20.268 21.293 21.557 21.075 21.802 185 Part 2—Special Tables 73. Statement of condition of Federal Reserve Banks, December 31, 19841 Millions of dollars Item San Francisco All Reserve Boston Banks New York 11,096 599 3,357 515 617 969 360 1,510 357 160 608 726 1,318 4,618 241 1,335 225 302 408 161 646 170 61 241 310 518 436 23 18 12 35 61 50 26 24 16 43 34 94 3,577 26 78 91 1 234 38 2,969 34 7 52 23 24 8,389 422 2,816 282 465 699 199 1,145 241 113 400 531 5,349 8,816 13,270 3,782 21,738 4,568 2,144 7,588 10,086 20,416 5 722 9282 14203 4019 25 852 4 843 2 264 8 040 10640 21 516 Phila- Clevedelphia land Richmond St. Atlanta Chicago Louis Minne- Kansas Dallas apolis City ASSETS 1 Gold certificate account 2 Special drawing rights certificate account 3 Coin 4 Loans t 5 Acceptances held under repurchase agreement . . . . 6 7 Federal agency obligations Bought outright . . . Held under repurchase agreement . . . . 388 U.S. government securities 8 Bought outright2 . . . 159,223 9 Held under repurchase agreement . . . . 1,627 10 Total loans and securities 1 1 Cash items in process of collection 12 Bank premises Other assets 13 Denominated in foreign currencies3 14 All other, 15 Interdistrict Settlement Account 16 Total assets 173,204 1,076 388 8,013 53,453 1,627 8461 58 362 6,837 205 725 203 193 242 541 593 688 421 1,520 814 692 568 95 26 49 28 103 39 21 17 25 36 19 110 3,597 8,167 97 168 878 1 112 176 111 248 174 183 280 299 138 471 4 375 97 106 126 52 166 151 266 778 590 722 -218 707 1,104 2,277 -5,427 357 -84 720 1,369 6,795 11,586 17,553 7*884 28,067 6,659 3,041 0 1,431 -2,008 208,523 11,320 63,805 -228 10,577 14,307 26,929 189 73. Statement of condition of Federal Reserve Banks, December 31, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars Item All Reserve Boston Banks New York Richmond Atlanta Chicago 5,687 10,125 15,428 5,217 23,873 5,245 2,065 Phila- Clevedelphia land St. Minne- Kansas Dallas City Louis apolis San Francisco LIABILITIES 17 Federal Reserve notes Deposits Reserve accounts4 . . U.S. Treasury— General account 20 Foreign— Official accounts . . 21 All other 18 19 22 Total deposits . . . 168,327 21,818 9,960 51,096 932 726 883 1,413 1,738 2,797 576 451 1,017 2,480 4,413 140 480 7 15 10 24 8 63 12 6 20 113 4 13 5 5 7 28 11 35 25 58 961 10,328 748 917 1,484 1,756 2,930 593 461 1,052 2,526 4,496 5,316 253 865 28,252 7,775 10,807 21,049 4,392 5,316 4 25 23 Deferred-availability cash items 5 992 177 688 111 189 265 546 446 653 363 1 485 552 517 24 Other liabilities and accrued 5 dividends 2 700 132 899 89 147 216 97 362 76 44 117 164 357 6,635 11,378 17,393 7,616 27,611 6,567 25 Total liabilities 205,271 11,230 63,011 2,933 10,429 14,049 26,419 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 26 Capital paid in 1,626 45 397 80 104 80 134 228 46 54 74 129 255 27 Surplus 1,626 45 397 80 104 80 134 228 46 54 74 129 255 7,884 28,067 6,659 3,041 28 Other capital accounts 29 Total liabilities and capital accounts . 208,523 11,320 63,805 190 6,795 11,586 17,553 10,577 14,307 26,929 73. Statement of condition of Federal Reserve Banks, December 31, 19841—Continued Millions of dollars Item All Reserve Boston Banks New York Phila- Clevedelphia land Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minne- Kansas Dallas apolis City San Francisco NOTE STATEMENT Federal Reserve notes Issued to Reserve Bank by Federal Reserve Agent and outstanding. 193,867 11,539 55,639 31 Less held by issuing Bank, and forwarded 6 4,543 for redemption . 25,540 1,579 8,004 11,082 17,501 7,897 25,469 6,475 2,317 2,681 1,596 1,230 520 32 Federal Reserve notes, net7 5,687 10,125 15,428 5,216 23,873 5,245 2,065 30 33 34 35 36 168,327 9,960 51,096 957 2,073 2,585 10,806 12,640 24,230 3,030 1,833 3,181 7,776 10,807 21,049 Collateral held by Federal Reserve Agent for notes issued to Bank Gold certificate 11,096 account Special drawing rights certificate 4,618 account Other eligible assets U.S. government and agency 152,613 securities 37 Total collateral 168,327 191 74. Income and expenses of Federal Reserve Banks, 1984 Dollars Total Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond 569,454,090 3,172 267 16,687,547,370 217,120423 574,657,724 16 868 868 2,992,223 0 818,709,617 5 852 322 32,534,754 603 030 25,320,840 3,172,267 5,611,130,704 52 977,868 94,789,616 8 238 052 4,041,838 0 556,858,451 10,589,082 22,250,414 308,593 2,863,929 0 939,311,393 15,021,379 34,310,795 459,292 8,647,599 0 1,382,870,087 11,093,209 47,747,216 597,345 18,068,820,742 860,691,946 5,795,629,347 594,048,378 991,9^6,788 1,450,955,456 528 986 996 135,503,252 13,533,932 17,961 143 88,985,428 15,265 528 41,473,019 32 924 974 8,388,077 1,680,330 921 384 3,407,776 1 117 670 2,165,530 112 612 715 26,404,887 1,099,441 2 306,933 12,275,193 3 481 208 8,305,759 26 655 216 7,151,568 521,886 762,099 4,437,909 674,009 2,238,968 30 369 048 7,674,876 695,050 1,419,412 6,015,719 599,966 2,634,368 38,258 920 10,270,905 464,065 1,407,339 8,193,051 924,500 3,733,283 20 075 936 20,587,884 22 991 681 12,037 417 12 202 719 3 290 180 2 402 725 2 489 268 542 131 731 603 3 317 520 2 003,770 4 185 088 7 225,136 2 805 293 1,484083 1,601,756 2 248 578 42,364 1 036 245 1,029,193 1,111,014 1 440 752 227,926 522 579 1,718,536 3,581,355 1 928 771 388,241 1 232 344 1,851 777 50 533 451 51,439,122 29,334,360 118,713,401 34,016 409 0 -26,260 736 -2 717 494 308 753 1 843 190 3 618 190 1,642,099 6,127 836 2 395 387 -1 007 542 -4,343 603 - 107 587 0 10 895 390 8 795,575 5,375,662 13 246,506 5 310,042 3 384 632 -2 271,925 -8 826 89,421 077 822 ,978,419 ,617,056 ,570,566 ,619,190 781 324 - ,600,092 -46 840 105,335 4 246 128 2,135,690 1,042,770 9,195,430 2,475,093 -522,544 -2,158,475 -194 315 135,379 2,617,414 4,477,081 2,600,400 10,051,640 2,241,831 1,229,613 -3,329,197 269,886 1,186,515,224 84 070 770 1,102,444,454 70,538,290 3 849 213 66,689,077 230,749,999 19 476211 211,273,788 62,941,547 6,649,876 56,291,671 70,065,015 5,419,238 64,645,777 91,855,585 5,936,868 85,918,717 32 Current net income .... 16 966 376 291 Additions to current net income 33 Profits on sales of U.S. 48,553,022 government securities . . . 34 All other 1 727 427 35 Total additions 50 280 449 Deductions from current net income 36 Losses on foreign currency 454 815 437 transactions3 37 All other 8, 408 ',168 38 Total deductions 463,223,605 39 Net additions to or deductions (-) from current net income , -412 943 156 Assessments by Board4 40 Board expenditures 82,115 700 41 Cost of Federal Reserve currency . . . .... 162 606410 42 Net income before payments to U.S Treasury 16 308 711 024 43 Dividends paid 92,620 450 44 Payments to U.S. Treasury (interest on Federal Reserve notes) 16,054 094 674 45 Transferred to surplus 161 995 900 46 Surplus, January 1 1,464,112,300 47 Surplus, December 31 1 ,626, 108 200 794 002 869 5 584 355 558 537 756 707 927 321 012 1 ,365 036 740 2,373,213 7 321 2 380 534 16,151,134 35 685 16 186 819 1,629,400 8 589 1 637 989 2,779,521 7 161 2 786 682 3,945,945 9,125 3 955 070 12 280 017 298 466 12,578,483 1 10 974 967 1 563 927 112,538,893 22 285 956 359,990 22,645,946 31 382 265 395,929 31,778,194 23 195 587 434,807 23,630,394 -10 197 949 -96 352 074 -21 007 957 -28 991 512 -19 675 324 Item CURRENT INCOME 1 2 3 4 5 6 Loans Acceptances .... U.S. government securities Foreign currencies Priced services AH other 7 Total CURRENT EXPENSES 8 Salaries and other personnel expenses Retirement and other benefits . . Fees Travel Postage and other shipping costs Communications Materials and supplies Building expenses 15 Taxes on real estate 16 Property depreciation 17 Utilities 18 Rent 19 Other Eouipment 20 Purchases . . . . 21 Rentals . 22 Depreciation 23 Repairs and maintenance 24 Cost of earnings credits 25 All other 26 Shared costs net1 27 Recoveries 28 Expenses capitalized2 9 10 11 12 13 14 29 Total 30 Reimbursements 31 Net expenses PROFIT AND Loss 192 2 262 400 20 162 400 4027 500 5,637,400 4,149,300 9 275 070 51 208 986 6 061 479 9 140 757 14 244 645 772 267 450 2 584 234 5 416 632 098 22 886 593 506 659 771 4 661 077 883 551 343 6,177,578 1 326 967 471 4,554,218 764 647 616 5 035 600 39 762 950 44 798 550 5 354 672 255 39 073 250 357 436 550 396 509 800 493 029 544 8 969 150 70,972.850 79942 000 874 781 466 2 592 300 101,367,350 103 959 650 1 316 216 852 6 196 400 74,164,050 80,360,450 Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City 3,898,170 0 397,090,907 17,989,221; 61.537.75S 1,303,932 . 420,195,830 0 2,274,308,368 28,492,952 75,114,542 1,537,193 5,252,164 0 474,799,584 5,872,289 28,680,466 415,144 4,426,817 0 217,452,114 7,609,268 32,794,448 440,635 481,819,985 2,799,648,885 515,019,647 44,315,421 12,057,629 5,545,097 1,633,247 9,337,306 1,702,488 3,862,926 66,982,769 17,976,564 1,018,621 2,426,200 9,121,445 1,513,354 4,837,324 1,092,518 1,211,421 1,807,351 139,936 791,384 Line Dallas San Francisco 12,946,555 0 810,508,947 9,987,631 40,900,239 186,027 72,422,393 0 1,081,772,637 16,017,143 40,471,202 914,431 6,445,732 0 2,122,734,561 35,618,059 63,526,277 1,865,194 1 2 3 4 5 6 262,723,282 874,529,399 1,211,597,806 2,230,189,823 7 26,817,273 7,187,507 408,244 805,973 5,548,164 636,714 2,679,050 25,022,564 6,054,331 450,113 960,842 4,819,280 981,909 1,684,336 34,918,519 8,939,705 506,690 1,356,168 6,697,003 1,097,079 3,042,158 32,584,847 7,844,838 500,861 1,412,913 6,944,020 893,644 2,698,448 57,524,730 15,552,365 643,534 2,548,633 12,188,562 1,642,987 3,590,869 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 2,567,776 1,020,976 2,396,460 2,101,313 1,784,952 419,559 618,954 1,188,533 312,392 554,100 2,159,889 1,040,619 892,450 95,750 602,879 582,796 1,170,441 1,206,486 68,541 563,624 762,274 981,634 1,251,100 703,728 516,516 1,651,611 3,843,219 1,956,843 189,960 1,061,200 15 16 17 18 19 149,261 6,295,521 3,211,859 2,353,080 12,044,659 2,813,584 -2,262,777 -1,300,523 - 179,794 363,561 8,178,116 6,612,616 4,657,716 28,128,051 5,331,887 -4,947,210 -2,220,803 -715,210 7,689 1,547,347 2,643,597 1,490,917 5,616,758 1,480,337 1,483,307 -1,266,804 -57,729 381,743 2,336,506 2,671,698 1,158,352 6,940,570 1,654,011 1,488,538 -807,936 -48,278 70,462 1,849,934 3,870,729 2,205,518 6,965,562 1,599,153 460,241 -1,050,929 -720,658 122,308 4,358,779 3,646,049 1,850,690 4,027,239 2,249,271 -1,942,238 -1,841,074 -292,242 117,865 5,287,304 7,777,699 3,340,100 8,798,584 4,846,623 854,656 -4,069,375 -76,128 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 106,621,594 5,999,419 100,622,175 159,136,478 10,217,470 148,919,008 60,121,882 5,438,394 54,683,488 60,540,166 2,720,419 57,819,747 75,399,222 4,892,820 70,506,402 69,273,605 4,491,190 64,782,415 129,271,841 8,979,652 120,292,189 29 30 31 381,197,810 2,650,729,877 460,336,159 204,903,537 804,022,997 1,146,815,392 2,109,897,634 32 1,166,694 8,073 1,174,767 6,671,023 5,568 6,676,591 1,388,237 6,938 1,395,175 628,054 6,423 634,477 2,401,263 5,531 2,406,793 3,211,095 5,509 3,216,605 6,207,443 1,621,503 7,828,946 33 34 35 37,749,681 428,530 38,178,212 59,580,822 720,164 60,300,986 12,280,017 452,135 12,732,152 15,918,540 308,389 16,226,929 20,921,510 491,728 21,413,238 33,656,342 889,429 34,545,771 74,589,732 2,064,674 76,654,406 36 37 38 -53,624,395 -11,336,977 -15,592,453 -19,006,445 -31,329,166 -68,825,460 39 6,826,100 10,649,600 2,245,400 2,837,200 3,809,800 6,102,700 13,405,900 40 3,266,601 23,211,089 5,044,375 2,376,981 7,855,190 10,292,337 20,628,900 41 334,101,663 7,686,605 2,563,244,793 12,142,373 441,709,407 2,524,330 184,096,903 3,193,417 773,351,562 4,262,060 1,099,091,188 7,132,217 2,007,037,374 14,815,749 42 43 313,799,808 12,615,250 121,540,950 134,156,200 2,515,374,820 35,727,600 191,885,000 227,612,600 433,359,978 5,825,100 40,122,000 45,947,100 177,120,936 3,782,550 50,521,400 54,303,950 763,255,503 5,834,000 67,897,900 73,731,900 1,070,312,421 21,646,550 107,649,600 129,296,150 1,977,523,475 14,698,150 240,791,700 255,489,850 44 45 46 47 -37,003,445 | 193 75. Banks and branches—Number in operation, December 31, 1984, by state Number maintaining branches or additional offices1 Commercial and mutual savings banks Commercial State United States Member Total Nonmember Commercial Mutual savings Member Total Total National State NonInsured sured2 15,48915,1264,910 1,072 8,530 Alabama . Alaska .. Arizona . Arkansas California 269 17 55 261 505 269 16 55 261 Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida 575 105 37 22 443 575 50 36 Georgia Hawaii . Idaho .. Illinois . Indiana . 385 25 25 Insured Noninsured 614 267 96 Total J, Nonmember ' In- Non- In- NonNain1 tional State ! sured I su?ed | suredsured 7,533 7,208 2,423 534 4,217 34 246 79 51 6 3 95 9 22 102 202 0 1 1 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 52 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 75 6 10 77 158 25 0 8 4 29 169 9 28 177 268 0 1 9 3 50 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 159 16 26 171 291 159 16 26 171 291 66 66 13 0 0 3 14 66 1 4 0 49 153 127 35 15 0 3 22 443 229 14 14 18 187 1 199 3 8 0 55 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121 94 13 14 296 121 42 12 14 295 71 13 7 13 121 6 1 0 0 27 385 25 25 55 3 7 320 404 111 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 253 19 22 558 288 50 2 6 221 93 7 0 3 28 28 15 13 308 226 1 4 0 58 2 253 19 1,300 1,300 383 380 9 0 3 68 41 165 0 2 0 1 0 485 441 250 229 15 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 297 150 238 220 42 297 150 238 220 24 57 58 66 42 9 19 6 5 5 2 221 86 167 173 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 59 58 165 506 115 1 7 3 3 2 2 49 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 79 234 316 253 130 77 108 316 253 130 24 58 106 101 32 4 2 70 6 4 49 48 139 146 2 47 0 0 0 0 79 0 0 0 26 5 2 1 2 290 10 65 9 23 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 14 0 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 505 18 15 770 22 558 286 28 5 1 147 196 Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine 632 629 338 303 46 632 629 338 303 26 106 165 79 67 9 Maryland Massachusetts . Michigan Minnesota Mississippi . . . . 91 276 368 741 155 89 131 368 741 155 25 64 119 199 34 4 2 81 Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire . 719 719 170 479 17 65 126 39 42 10 1 3 548 73 6 1 5 1 3 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 393 29 115 13 70 393 29 115 13 52 77 14 48 3 26 10 6 40 0 6 44 2 45 2 50 204 46 2 133 2 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 70 222 52 82 114 70 154 52 82 65 31 83 16 26 10 4 26 0 3 39 35 33 36 53 102 288 50 117 9 3 7 11 15 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 185 235 185 50 256 18 49 249 14 119 84 6 138 4 50 6 8 11 0 66 94 35 99 9 50 90 226 794 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 58 49 227 297 58 49 15 9 227 297 54 4 10 9 39 39 5 10 39 30 164 213 24 170 479 17 88 54 123 5 27 39 22 7 6 2 33 4 472 65 181 127 97 401 65 181 107 17 40 Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania . Rhode Island . 323 546 323 546 150 229 83 7 341 18 195 4 68 22 15 14 0 South Carolina South Dakota . Tennessee Texas Utah 73 142 300 73 142 300 63 63 18 25 60 998 7 5 27 10 61 16 New Jersey New Mexico . . New York North Carolina . North Dakota . . Vermont . . . . Virginia Washington West Virginia . . Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico Virgin Islands 194 Mutual savings 142 97 84 348 22 71 44 341 10 32 37 3 33 28 12 0 15 1 178 124 227 603 178 116 227 601 50 24 101 123 85 3 27 26 43 75 99 446 0 14 0 6 118 21 118 21 58 0 28 31 10 1 10 5 5 o o o 5 71 0 0 1 7 4 o 5 0 8 0 2 0 o o 0 0 0 o o 94 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 25 15 o o 4 0 137 84 102 278 10 o 137 76 102 278 43 19 51 65 60 1 12 6 34 56 39 207 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 4 12 1 0 0 1 3 9 0 2 0 0 0 0 o o o o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 75. Banks and branches—Number in operation, December 31, 1984, by state—Continued Branches and additional offices1 Class of bank Location Commercial banks State Member Nonmember Outside head-office city Mutual savings Total State Insured Noninsured2 Insured Noninsured 43,979 41,740 21,982 4,712 14,976 70 2,009 230 Total United States National In headoffice city In In In non contigheaduous contiguous office county coun- counties ties Banking facilities3 13,306 12,515 7,889 10,269 145 Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California , . . 723 134 655 435 4,596 723 134 655 435 4,596 368 93 411 213 2,725 133 0 0 12 482 222 40 243 210 1,371 0 1 1 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 282 53 169 278 615 245 9 200 150 710 38 38 193 4 929 158 34 93 3 2,342 2 1 2 1 15 Colorado Connecticut Delaware . . . . District of Columbia Florida 110 1,013 159 156 1,993 628 154 156 1,993 no 62 347 42 154 1,335 6 1 0 0 79 42 280 112 2 579 0 0 0 0 0 0 385 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 199 41 156 543 9 419 77 0 770 3 206 21 0 217 1 189 20 0 463 9 0 0 1 8 Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana 1,040 230 270 708 1,252 1,040 230 270 708 1,249 538 11 193 294 568 104 0 10 40 103 398 216 67 369 578 0 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 399 86 39 524 620 282 69 22 149 620 171 3 54 25 5 188 72 155 10 7 19 6 0 6 1 545 217 757 897 437 545 217 757 897 325 112 87 297 321 127 47 7 61 37 45 386 123 399 539 153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 0 0 0 264 214 474 484 57 211 3 279 397 152 70 0 3 12 134 0 0 1 4 94 0 1 1 2 2 1,153 1,521 2,114 352 750 1,114 1,025 2,114 352 750 610 482 958 157 316 106 20 532 8 17 398 522 623 187 47 0 39 266 0 0 0 0 230 0 0 0 206 544 833 167 217 238 864 835 141 155 380 87 421 41 163 329 26 25 3 215 2 1 2 0 2 586 26 165 201 263 586 26 165 201 200 138 11 72 105 105 45 5 4 37 2 403 10 89 59 92 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 63 0 0 0 0 0 401 25 152 49 73 177 0 3 28 129 5 1 3 27 56 3 0 7 97 5 2 1 1 0 0 New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota 1,946 274 3,838 1,831 122 1,705 274 3,280 1,831 122 1,224 135 1,904 885 33 167 20 1,102 0 5 314 119 261 946 84 0 0 13 0 0 241 0 558 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 226 183 1,339 175 41 744 81 676 110 49 469 7 895 280 31 507 3 928 1,266 1 4 0 4 0 2 Ohio Oklahoma Oregon . . . . Pennsylvania Rhode Island 2,269 174 630 2,857 222 2,269 174 624 2,689 191 1,693 67 370 1,567 103 356 5 11 95 0 220 100 243 1,024 78 0 2 0 3 10 0 0 6 168 31 0 0 0 0 0 631 148 134 299 48 904 16 92 968 101 352 8 137 1,427 51 382 2 267 163 22 3 5 0 2 0 South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee . . , Texas Utah 784 172 1,033 323 347 784 172 1,033 323 347 366 97 468 55 186 7 21 53 18 73 411 54 512 248 88 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 133 28 488 310 62 75 34 317 10 96 99 39 54 1 53 477 71 174 2 136 0 0 19 3 Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin . . 206 1,530 971 144 560 182 1,530 863 144 560 73 584 642 86 146 0 754 4 13 30 109 192 217 45 384 0 0 0 0 0 24 0 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 239 272 80 171 62 203 292 46 294 60 362 168 9 77 51 726 239 9 18 0 10 3 0 1 Wyoming . . . Puerto Rico . Virgin Islands 3 267 18 3 267 18 0 30 16 0 35 0 3 193 2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 263 18 0 0 0 Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana . . , . 0 Maine . . . Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi . Missouri Montana . . . Nebraska . Nevada New Hampshire .... 1 1 0 0 1 195 76. Banking offices in the United States—Number, and changes in number, December 31, 1984 A. Banks (head offices), by type1 Commercial banks All Item banks Total pT«- Mutual savings banks Nonmember Member Total tiona. State 4,910 1,0722 jlnsuredj^^ «[i& Number 1 Total 15,489 15,126 5 ,982 489 0 -8 0 0 487 0 -8 0 0 307 0 -1 0 0 9,144 6143 267 96 93 0 -1 0 0 87 0 -6 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -199 -11 0 3 -3 -7 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,530 Change in number during 1984 New banks4 . . . . Ceased banking operations Voluntary liquidation Suspensions . . . . Placed in receivership Consolidations and absorptions 7 Banks converted into branches 8 Other Interclass changes 9 Nonmcrnber to national 10 Nonmember to state member . ... 1 1 State member to national 12 State member to nonmember 13 National to nonmember 14 National to state member . . . ... 15 Noninsured mutual to insured mutual 16 Noninsured to insured 17 Noninsured to national 18 Noninsured nonmember to state member. 19 Insured mutual to federal mutual 20 National to noninsured . . . .... 21 Savings and loan to state member 22 Savings and loan to national 2 3 4 5 6 23 Net change -348 -42 263 0 -1 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 -345 -34 -146 -120 -26 -19 -26 -7 0 0 0 0 0 40 40 6 0 0 0 0 0 - 5 - 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -40 -6 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -40 -6 0 0 5 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 t) 0 0 0 -75 -125 50 -10 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 90 101 1 1 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 176 157 19 180 0 -7 0 0 -199 -8 B. Branches, additional offices, and facilities, by type of bank Commercial banks All banks Item Total Mutual savings banks Nonmember Member Total National State 26,694 21,982 4,712 Total insured [^ i«T±£d Number 1 Total 43,979 41,740 15,046 14,976 70 2,009 230 Change in number during 1984 Branches and additional offices 2 De novo . . 3 Banks converted . 4 Discontinued ... 5 Other1 .... 6 Net change 7 Number, December 31,1983 Banking facilities2 8 Established 9 Other 10 Net change 11 Number, December 31 1984 196 ... , 749 159 -180 -452 593 159 -179 -263 156 0 -1 -189 37 3 -15 -104 5 0 -5 -2 276 310 -34 -79 -2 4,816 14,770 14,666 104 2,088 232 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -14 -14 0 0 0 0 0 0 110 99 11 25 25 0 0 0 1,405 363 -889 -28 1,363 360 -869 78 614 201 -689 530 492 165 -587 690 851 932 656 760 43,128 40,808 26,038 21,222 0 0 0 0 0 0 -14 -14 135 135 122 36 -102 -160 -104 77. Changes in offices of commercial banks and nondeposit trust companies during 1984— Summary, by state July 1 -December 31 of Net in- Type Net inbranchIn opera- Begin- Ceasing In opera- crease, or In opera- Begin- Ceasing In opera- crease, 1 or tion on ning tion on ning tion on tion on ing Jan. 1 operation operation June 30 decrease July 1 operation operation Dec. 31 decrease (-) <-) January 1-June 30 State 50 states and District of Columbia—Total 55,340 850 462 55,728 388 55,728 858 551 56,035 307 Statewide branching states . . . 24,245 Limited branching states . . . . 22,480 8,615 Unit banking states 424 235 191 277 144 41 24,392 22,571 8,765 147 91 150 24,392 22,571 8,765 388 256 214 303 207 41 24,477 22,620 8,938 85 49 173 972 134 659 680 5,035 16 5 13 1 98 10 0 0 3 127 978 139 672 678 5,006 6 5 13 -2 -29 978 139 672 678 5,006 14 5 23 7 85 6 0 5 3 126 986 144 690 682 4,965 8 5 18 4 -41 L S S L S 653 670 182 182 2,256 20 13 5 0 107 0 1 0 2 52 673 682 187 180 2,311 20 12 5 -2 55 673 682 187 180 2,311 15 10 1 1 95 6 2 1 0 32 682 690 187 181 2,374 9 8 0 1 63 U S S S S 1,368 189 288 1,945 1,614 30 4 1 23 10 9 1 0 6 6 1,389 192 289 1,962 1,618 21 3 1 17 4 1,389 192 289 1,962 1,618 37 2 6 24 17 22 0 2 6 10 1,404 194 293 1,980 1,625 15 2 4 18 7 L S S U L 1,168 834 1,078 1,154 351 4 5 12 15 5 6 2 4 6 7 1,166 837 1,086 1,163 349 -2 3 8 9 -2 1,166 837 1,086 1,163 349 11 11 6 20 3 11 3 6 1 3 1,166 845 1,086 1,182 349 0 8 0 19 0 L U L L S 1,141 1,145 2,512 1,088 896 18 10 13 16 7 6 4 11 16 4 1,153 1,151 2,514 1,088 899 12 6 2 0 3 1,153 1,151 2,514 1,088 899 8 8 7 12 12 3 3 42 8 10 1,158 1,156 2,479 1,092 901 5 5 -35 4 2 S L2 L L L Missouri . . . . , , Montana Nebraska Nevada , New Hampshire 1,255 197 608 185 256 30 1 15 5 2 19 0 1 0 0 1,266 198 622 190 258 11 1 14 5 2 1,266 198 622 190 258 30 0 19 3 8 13 0 7 3 4 1,283 198 634 190 262 17 0 12 0 4 U U3 U S S New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota 1,811 360 3,642 1,871 302 14 3 33 40 0 5 0 16 24 1 1,820 363 3,659 1,887 301 9 3 17 16 -1 1,820 363 3,659 1,887 301 22 1 17 29 1 14 0 19 16 0 1,828 364 3,657 1,900 302 8 1 -2 13 1 S L S S U 2,624 672 695 3,017 245 24 18 6 13 1 9 4 7 2 2 2,639 686 694 3,028 244. 15 14 -1 11 -1 2,639 686 694 3,028 244 33 30 7 13 2 34 4 8 9 5 2,638 712 693 3,032 241 -1 26 -1 4 -3 L U4 S L S 868 313 1,338 2,032 397 7 3 40 74 7 4 2 43 6 1 871 314 1,335 2,100 403 3 1 -3 68 6 871 314 1,335 2,100 403 8 4 26 81 6 10 5 33 2 2 869 313 1,328 2,179 407 -2 -1 -7 79 4 S S L U S 208 1,696 971 344 1,122 117 0 30 7 10 11 5 0 13 7 6 5 2 208 1,713 971 348 1,128 120 0 17 0 4 6 3 208 1,713 971 348 1,128 120 1 35 7 18 14 3 0 31 12 3 6 0 209 1,717 966 363 1,136 123 1 4 -5 15 8 3 S S S L L U Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California . .. Colorado Connecticut . Delaware District of Columbia Florida ,. Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana . .. Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland . Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi . , ... . ... Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee . . . Texas Utah .. . . Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming . . .. . ... .... 197 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state State and item1 Rank, by t otal assets 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 7 ! 8 9 i1 10 June 1984 Alabama (213) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 17 3 17 3 142 31 5 13 1 447 12 3 570 48 61.8 1 82 63.7 15 65 2 14 666 11 67.8 10 68.8 162 162 14 7 31.0 12 2 432 104 53 7 50 58.7 19 60.7 14 62 2 13 63 5 12 64.8 10 65.8 23 32 23 3 14 5 37 9 13 82 51 7 102 620 98 71 9 82 2 80 1 72 87 3 4 22 91 6 24 94 1 18 96.0 23.8 23 8 13.7 37 5 13.6 51 1 9.8 61 0 9.7 70 8 8,4 792 6.9 862 4.7 909 2.7 93.7 1.8 95 5 Arizona (41) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 41.7 41 7 25.4 67 2 14.6 81 8 72 89 1 2.9 920 2.0 940 ,9s 95 0 & 95 9 .62 96 5 .3 96 8 41 1 41 1 25 6 66.8 14 5 81 3 73 88 6 30 91,6 21 93 7 9 94 7 9 95 7 6 96.3 3 96.7 Arkansas (242) Assets Per organization . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 105 105 70 17.6 35 21 2 23 23 5 22 25.8 20 2 27.8 19 29 7 17 315 16 33.1 16 34.7 102 102 51 15 3 34 18 7 23 21 1 19 23 0 19 25 0 20 27 0 17 28 8 1,5 30 3 1.7 32 1 California (421) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 30,7 307 13.7 44 5 9.1 53 6 85 62 2 7.9 702 3.8 740 2.0 76 0 1.6 77 7 1.2 78 9 1.0 79 9 32 6 32 6 12 4 45,1 99 550 72 62 3 76 699 31 73 1 21 75 2 13 76 6 12 77 9 12 79 2 Colorado (253) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 17 3 17 3 12 0 29.4 111 40.5 104 51 0 79 58.9 47 63.7 2 62 66.3 9 67 3 8 68.1 7 68.9 16 7 167 97 26 4 10 5 37 0 11 0 480 79 55 9 50 61 0 28 63 8 10 64 8 9 65.8 8 66 6 287 28.7 264 55.1 92 644 73 71 8 67 78.5 57 2 84.2 1 42 85.7 1 O2 86 7 1 CF 87,8 9 88.7 27 0 27 0 25 1 52 2 98 62 0 79 700 67 767 57 82 5 16 84 1 12 85 4 11 86 5 10 87 6 14 I2 14 1 12.9 27 1 12 8 40 0 98 49 8 8.0 57 8 6.92 64 8 5 82 70 6 42 74 9 4.1 79 0 3.4 82 5 11 0 11 0 17.6 28 6 144 43 1 85 51 6 11.7 63 4 7.5 70 9 8.9 79 8 0 79 8 2.6 82 4 ,4 82 8 District of Columbia (19) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative , , . 31.2 31 2 28.7 60,0 10.3 70.3 9,3 797 7.6 87.3 2.7 90.0 2.7 92.7 2. 12 94 9 .82 95.7 .7 96,4 305 305 27 5 58 0 93 67 4 11 0 78 4 76 86 1 28 889 30 92 0 24 94 4 .9 95 4 ,8 96 2 Florida (289) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 144 144 12 3 26.8 10 9 37,7 72 45 0 65 51.5 49 56.5 48 61.3 45 65.9 19 67.8 15 69.4 149 14 9 12 6 27 5 10 8 38 3 63 44 7 65 51 2 50 56 2 44 60 7 42 65 0 1.9 669 1.6 68 5 Alaska (13) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Connecticut (45) Assets Per organization . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Delaware (31) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . . . . 198 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by t otal assets State and item1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 June 1984 Georgia (324) Assets Per organization . . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization . . . Cumulative Hawaii (19) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Idaho (24) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . 192 19.2 15,5 34.8 14.1 48.9 5.8 54.7 5.1 59.8 3.3 63.2 24 2 65.7 1.1 66.8 .9 67.7 .7 68.5 169 16.9 14.2 31.1 13.6 44.8 6.3 51.1 4.7 55.8 3.1 58,9 2,7 61.6 1.1 62.8 ,9 63.8 .8 64.6 35 9 35 9 32. 42 68.4 7.0 75.4 6.5 81.9 5. 12 87.1 3 62 90.8 2 92 93.7 2 32 96.1 1.82 97.9 7 98.6 40 1 40 1 32.7 72.9 6.6 79.5 6.0 85.6 4.7 90.4 1,5 91.9 2.7 94.6 2.1 96.8 1,3 98.2 .7 98.9 38 1 38 1 26 6 64.7 11 8 76.6 68 83.4 34 2 86.9 22 2 89.1 1 42 90.5 14 92.0 12 93.3 10 94.4 35 7 35 7 260 61.8 12 4 74.3 75 81.9 38 85.7 23 88.0 16 89.7 16 91.3 14 92.7 1l 93.8 18 8 18 8 17 1 360 45 406 43 449 13 462 10 47 3 9 48 2 8 490 5 49 6 5 502 16 7 167 74 24.2 44 28.6 36 32.2 15 33.8 12 35.0 9 36,0 9 36.9 7 37.6 6 38.3 72 72 66 13.9 47 2 18.7 21 20.8 21 22.9 20 25.0 20 27.0 18 28.8 16 30.4 15 31.9 62 6.2 6.7 12,9 4.2 17.1 2.0 19.2 2.1 21.3 1.9 23.2 1.7 25.0 1.7 26.7 1.5 28.2 1.4 29.6 7.4 74 66 14 0 6.5 206 3.9 245 3.52 28 1 3.2 31 3 2.2 33 5 1.5 35 0 ,9 360 .9 369 68 68 68 13 7 63 20.1 38 23.9 37 27,7 24 30.1 18 31 9 14 33.4 10 344 9 35 3 , . .. 7.0 70 27 98 2.0 11 9 1.6 13 5 1.5 15 1 1.4 165 13 17 8 1,3 19 1 12 20 4 12 21 6 ... 66 66 25 92 1.3 10 6 1.4 12 0 1.3 13 4 1.4 14 8 13 162 1.3 17 5 1.1 18 6 1.1 19 7 11 8 11.8 10 3 22 1 55 21.1 33 31.0 23 33.3 12 34.6 1 O2 35.7 10 36.7 10 37.7 9 38.6 10 0 100 89 19 0 55 24 5 26 27 1 19 29 1 12 30 4 9 31 3 10 32 3 10 33 4 10 34 4 6.3 63 5.6 11 9 4.9 16.9 3.3 20.2 3.2 23 A 3.1 26.6 2.2 28 8 2.1 31 0 1.9 33 0 1.9 349 5.7 57 50 10 8 4.2 15 0 3.0 18 1 3.0 21 2 2.9 24 1 2.3 26 5 2,1 28 7 2,0 307 18 32 6 ... 22 6 22 6 18 3 40 9 14 7 55 7 140 69 7 13 2 82 9 22 85 2 22 2 87 4 19 89 4 1 72 91 1 16 92 8 ... 224 224 18 8 41 3 13 4 54 7 14 3 69 1 13 5 82 6 23 85 0 19 87 0 20 89 0 18 90 9 17 92 6 .. .. Illinois (1,077) Assets Per organization Cumulative .. Deposits Per organization Cumulative .... Indiana (381) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization . . Cumulative Iowa (525) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Kansas (609) Assets Per organization Cumulative .... Deposits Per organization Cumulative Kentucky (335) Assets Per organi/ation Cumulative Deposits Per organization , . Cumulative Louisiana (291) Assets Per organization Cumulative, Deposits Per organization Cumulative Maine (21) Assets Per organization . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization . . Cumulative 199 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by total assets State and item' 1 2 3 4 i 5 ! « 1 7 ii 1 » L 8 10 June 1984 Maryland (67) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 21.3 21 3 14.0 35 4 11.6 47 0 10.5 57 6 10.1 67 8 7.3 75 1 4.9 80 1 -) ? 82.4 1.5 1.1 83.9 85.0 19.9 19.9 12.5 32.4 10.7 43.2 12.5 55.7 10.3 66.1 6,9 73.0 5.3 78.3 2.5 80.9 1.6 1.2 82.5 83.7 25 4 25 4 142 12 8 52.5 109 63.5 80 71.6 442 76.0 36 79,6 3.5 83.1 2,0 39.7 85.1 17 86.9 21 3 21 3 13 9 35.2 12 5 47 8 12.5 60.3 6,4 52 72.0 42 76.3 4.2 80.5 2.4 1,9 66.8 82.9 84.8 18.8 18 8 15.1 33 9 10.8 44 8 53.2 6.6 59.8 5.6 65.5 2.0 67.6 1.9 69.5 71.4 73.1 15 6 15 6 144 11 3 41 3 85 49.8 70 56.9 63 63.2 22 65.5 2.0 67.5 1.9 30.0 69.4 17 71.2 34 2 34 2 22 1 56,3 34 19 61.8 17 63.5 9 64.5 6 65.1 .52 65.6 .5 3 59 8 66.2 66.5 260 22 5 48.5 36 52,1 2.2 26,0 54.4 17 56.1 1.0 57.1 7 57.9 .6 58.5 59.1 146 11.32 25.9 5 62 31.5 35.2 3.6 14.6 38.9 2.3 41.3 22 43.5 1.72 45.3 47.0 12.5 12 5 10.5 23.1 3.8 36.5 2.2 41 2 1.7 32 7 2,4 390 1.8 28 9 43 1 44.8 12 8 12.8 11 0 23.8 88 32.6 6.3 25 54,1 2.2 46.7 4.9 51.6 2.4 40.3 56.6 58.8 11 2 11.2 99 85 29.8 71 36.9 64 21.2 43.4 51 48.6 24 51.0 26 53.6 56.0 58.1 25 7 25 7 12.0 37 8 63 6.2 503 4.7 44 1 55 0 4.3 594 2.2 61 6 63 3 1.6 1.2 645 65 8 23 7 23 7 11.8 35.5 2.2 59 6 1,2 1.2 52.8 4.5 574 1.7 47,9 4.9 41 6 61.4 62.6 63.8 Nebraska (453) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . 94 9.4 5 92 15.4 56 21.0 39 24.9 29 12 29.1 10 30.2 9 S 27.9 31.1 31.9 87 87 52 13 9 46 18 6 37 22 3 28 25 2 12 264 10 274 284 Nevada (14) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 48 5 48.5 224 11 92 83.0 77 2 71.0 90.7 3 62 94.3 22 96.5 1 0* 97.6 98.1 49 8 49.8 21 0 70,9 11 7 82.7 75 90.2 37 93.9 24 96.4 1i 97.5 98.1 98.6 98.9 17 5 17 5 17.2 34 7 542 4.2 467 3.22 61 7 2.62 644 665 21 2.02 68 5 1.7 703 17 3 17 3 16.7 34 0 122 462 53 1 3.2 608 2.6 634 65 4 Massachusetts (75) Assets Per organization Cumulative , , . Deposits Per organization Cumulative Michigan (196) Assets Per organization Cumulative . Deposits Per organization Cumulative . , ,, .. Minnesota (596) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Mississippi (159) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . . . Missouri (444) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Montana (107) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative New Hampshire (49) Assets Per organization Cumulative . Deposits Per organization Cumulative . 200 ... , ... . . ... 5.7 60 11 9 8.4 3.7 3.8 7.6 63 75 6.8 58 5 4.5 57 6 10 5 6 20 1.8 .5 1.6 24 ,8 29 3 .4* 98.6 .5 1.9 67.4 1.6 .4 59.6 1.5 48,5 1.5 46.3 1.9 60.8 2.0 1.2 8 32.8 .7 30 1 .3 98.9 .2 1.8 69.3 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by t otal assets State and item1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 574 31 28 60.2 26 62.9 65.4 31 55.9 29 58.9 29 61.8 64.4 26 2 65.8 22 68.1 18 69.9 71.6 18 68 9 1,7 707 June 1984 New Jersey (99) Assets Per organization Cumulative . , Deposits Per organization Cumulative 5.2 4.5 45.8 50.3 3.8a 54.2 205 205 12 4 33.0 75 40.5 197 11 8 31.5 7.4 5.4 4.4 3.9 19 7 38.9 44.4 48.8 52,8 New Mexico (61) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 23 8 23.8 10 72 34.5 97 44.2 7.8 7.7 3,3 52.1 59.8 63.2 23 7 23 7 109 8.5 34 6 43 1 51 3 58 8 New York (168) Assets Per organization , . . . „ . . . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 16 1 16.1 12.0 28.2 11.4 39.6 10.9 50.6 108 11 2 36 8 124 69 49.3 .... 14 7 8.1 7.5 3.4 2.5 2.5 1.6 62 3 649 26 21 67 0 9.4 7.0 3.1 67.1 50 72.1 4.6 60.0 76.8 79.9 82.0 50 61.3 664 704 36 56.2 740 29 77.0 52 79.2 32 82 4 31 85 6 24 88.0 17 89.8 6.3 75 2 39 79 1 3,7 2.9 82 9 85 8 2.1 51 39 2.0 147 25 6 North Carolina (67) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 23 8 23.8 204 169 44.2 61.1 73 68,4 55 74.0 204 204 406 20 1 13.7 54 3 7.9 622 68 8 North Dakota (142) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organisation Cumulative 16.7 16 7 14.1 30 8 37 3 6.4 2.9 402 42.9 45.1 1.92 47 1 48 8 50 1 160 160 142 65 28 30.2 36.8 397 27 42.4 21 44.5 20 465 16 48 1 494 504 Ohio (247) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 12 7 12.7 97 22.5 83 30.8 80 7,7 7.5 38.9 46,6 54.1 40 58.1 39 62.1 39 66.1 69.6 12 6 12 6 84 21 1 82 29 3 86 37 9 462 82 72 53 5 39 57 5 33 60 8 4o 64 8 28 67 7 Oklahoma (508) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 78 78 14 7 21 6 6.8 36 25 2 27 7 2,4 1.5 292 13 30 6 10 31 7 10 32 7 33 7 6.6 6,2 190 1.3 22 2 24.3 25.7 13 27 0 .9 12 7 2.1 61 28 1 29 1 .9 300 Oregon (68) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 41.8 41 8 299 71 7 78 5 6.7 4.42 82 9 2.0 849 1.6 865 10 87 6 1.0 886 8 894 .6 900 370 37 0 31.9 69 0 75 8 4.7 2.3 829 84 8 860 1,1 80 5 87 1 .9 880 88 7 Pennsylvania (312) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organisation Cumulative 21 8 21 8 11 8 33 7 73 41.0 42 45.2 49.3 40 36 52.9 26 55 5 22 57 7 20 59 8 20 61.8 37 3 41 0 45.0 30 48 1 2.4 506 2.3 26 1 32 9 4.0 24 166 53 1 55 4 Rhode Island (14) Assets Per organisation Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 42 6 42 6 24 8 67 5 22 1 89 6 37 93 3 2.2 1.1 967 6 6 5 95 6 97 4 98 0 98 5 .4 990 40.3 24.5 64 8 23.3 88,1 92 3 6.1 16.6 403 69 9.4 6.8 6.8 3.1 4.4 4.2 6.6 2.6 3.6 2.6 95.0 1.8 1l 1.2 7 96.3 97 1 1.7 1.0 .6 97 7 1.3 13 .6 98.4 2.0 87 8 1.2 51 3 10 3.4 9 .6 .5 98.9 201 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by total assets State and item1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 10 June 1984 South Carolina (74) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 18.0 18.0 17.82 35.8 13.8 49.7 13.8 63.5 7.5 71.1 4.3 75.4 2.22 77.6 1.32 79.0 1.3 80.3 1.2 81.6 17.7 17.7 16,9 34.6 12.9 47.6 13.8 61.5 8.2 69.7 4.5 74.3 2.2 76.5 1.4 78.0 1.4 79.4 1.2 80.7 South Dakota (125) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 41.9 41.9 13.5 55.4 10.9 66.4 2.1 68.5 1.9 70.5 1.6 72,1 1.1 73.2 1.0 74.3 1.0 75.3 1.0 76.3 27.3 27.3 17,1 44.4 12.8 57.3 2.6 59.9 2.5 62,5 2.0 64.5 1.4 65.9 1.3 67.3 1.3 68.7 1.1 69.9 Tennessee (267) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 14.8 14,8 12.7 27.5 11.2 38.7 8.0 46.8 5.5 52.3 3.5 55.9 1.42 57.3 1.3 58.6 1.2 59.9 1.0 61.0 14.0 14.0 12.4 26.4 10.9 37.3 7.4 44.8 5.7 50.5 3.1 53.7 1.5 55.2 1.3 56.6 1.3 57.9 1.1 59.0 Texas (1,192) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 12.1 12.1 10,3 22.4 9.7 32.2 8.8 41,0 6.4 47.5 5.1 52.6 4.2 56.9 3.1 60.0 1.7 61.8 1.3 63.2 9.6 9.6 9.2 18.8 7.8 26.6 8.2 34.9 6.2 41.1 5.5 46.6 4.4 51.1 3.2 54.3 1,9 56,2 1.5 57.7 Utah (55) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 28.3 28.3 23.0 51.4 9.8 61.2 7.5 68.7 7.42 76.2 3.5 79.7 3.2 82.9 1.8 84.8 1.4 86,2 .9 87.2 29.0 29.0 20.8 49.8 10.2 60.1 7.5 67.6 8.0 75.7 2.6 78.4 3.5 81.9 1.2 83.2 1.6 84.8 1,0 85,9 Vermont (24) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 21.5 21.5 12.0 33.5 11.5 45,1 11.2 56.4 8.9 65.4 5.8 71.2 4.6 75.8 3.4 79.2 2.72 82.0 1,8 83.9 21.5 21.5 12.0 33.5 11.4 45.0 11.2 56.2 8.8 65.1 5,8 71.0 4.5 75.5 3.4 79.0 2.7 81.7 1.9 83.7 Virginia (143) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 20.6 20.6 16.0 36.7 11.1 47.8 9.9 57.7 7.8 65.5 7.2 72.7 5.2 77.9 2.9 80.9 .9 81.9 .8 82.7 20.3 20.3 14.6 35.0 10.5 45.5 9.8 55.4 7.4 62.8 8.0 70.8 5.5 76.4 3.1 79.5 .9 80,5 .9 81.4 Washington (92) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 28.7 28.7 22.5 51.2 10.2 61.5 8.0 69.5 6.2 75.8 4.91 80.8 2.4 83.2 2.02 85.2 1.42 86.7 1.0 87.8 28.1 28.1 21.4 49.5 10.3 59.9 8.1 68.0 6,1 74.1 5.4 79.5 2.5 82.1 2.1 84.2 1.4 85.7 1.1 86.8 West Virginia (210) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 7.0 7.0 3.7 10.7 2.9 13.6 2.5 16.2 2.3 18.6 2.02 20.6 1.8 22.4 1.7 24.2 1.6 25.9 1.5 27.5 6.7 6.7 3.3 10,0 2.4 12.4 2.5 15.0 2.3 17.3 2.0 19.4 1.8 21,2 1.5 22.8 1.6 24.4 1.2 25.7 Wisconsin (452) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 13.1 13.1 9.6 22.7 7.6 30.3 3.1 33.5 2.5 36.0 2.1 38.1 2.0 40.1 1.6 41.8 1.6 43.5 L6 45.1 11.8 11.8 8,2 20.0 7.4 27.5 3.2 30.7 2.4 33.2 2.1 35.3 1.8 37.2 1,7 38.9 1.7 40.6 1.6 42.2 202 .... ... 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by total assets State and item1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 June 1984 Wyoming (64) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative United States (11, 656) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 16.7 16.7 12.1 28.8 11.7 40.6 4.5 45.1 4.1 49.3 3.72 53.0 3.0 56.0 2.1 58.2 2.0 60.2 1.9 62.2 16.5 16.5 11.7 28.2 11,9 40,2 4.5 44.8 4.3 49.1 3.7 52.8 3.0 55.8 2.1 58.0 2.1 60.1 2.0 62.1 3.5 3.5 2.7 6,3 1.9 8.3 1,9 10.2 1.7 12.0 1.7 13.7 1.5 15.3 1.4 16.7 1.2 18.0 1,2 19,2 4.1 4.1 1.9 6.0 1.3 7.4 1.9 9.3 1.3 10.7 1.5 12.3 .9 13.2 1.4 14.6 1.0 15.6 .9 16.5 December 1984 Alabama (211) Assets Per organizution Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 17.2 17.2 14.1 31.4 14.1 45.5 12.3 57.9 4.4 62.3 2.02 64.4 1.6 66.1 1,3 67.4 1.0 68.5 .9 69,5 16,3 16.3 14,6 30,9 12.9 43.9 10.3 54.2 4.6 58.9 2.1 61.1 1.5 62.6 1.3 64.0 1.2 65.2 1.0 66.2 Alaska (14) Assets Per organisation Cumulative Deposits Per organisation Cumulative 23.4 23.4 14.42 37.9 14.2 52.2 10.02 62.2 9.1 71.3 8.62 80.0 6.7 86.8 4. 12 90.9 2.6 93.5 1.8 95.4 23.4 23.4 13.9 37.3 13.2 50,5 10.2 60.8 9.9 70.7 8.9 79.7 6.6 86.3 4.2 90.5 2.9 93.5 1.4 94.9 Arizona (47) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 39.6 39.6 26.4 66.0 15.1 81.1 7.6 88.8 2.6 91.5 1.9 93.4 .92 94.4 .82 95.2 .5' 95.8 .3 96.1 40.1 40.1 25.3 65.4 15.2 80.7 7.7 88.4 2.7 91.2 2.0 93.2 ,9 94.1 .9 95.1 .6 95.7 .3 96.0 14.0 14.0 6.8 20.8 3.1 24.0 2.8 26.9 2.8 29.7 2.0? 31.7 1.9 33.6 1.7 35.4 1.7 37.1 1.6 38.8 13.4 13.4 6.0 19.4 2.9 22.4 2.5 24.9 2.8 27.7 1.9 29.7 1.9 31.6 1.7 33.4 1.6 35.0 1.7 36.7 31.0 31.0 13.9 44.9 9.7 54.7 7.8 62.6 7,7 70.3 3.4 73.8 2.0 75.8 1.6 77.4 1.2 78.6 1.1 79.7 31.8 31.8 12.7 44.5 10.0 54.6 7,4 62.0 7.3 69.4 3.0 72.4 2.2 74.7 1.3 76.0 1.2 77.3 1.2 78.5 17.7 17.7 11.1 28.8 10.9 39.8 10,4 50.2 8.5 58.7 4.5 63.3 2.72 66.0 .9 66.9 .8 67.7 .8 68.5 16.6 16.6 9.6 26.2 10.4 36.7 11.0 47.8 8.3 56.1 4.9 61.0 2.8 63.8 1.0 64,8 .8 65.7 .8 66.5 28.7 28.7 27.4 56.1 9.1 65.3 7.0 72.4 6.9 79.4 5.42 84.8 1.32 86.2 1.0 87.2 l.O2 88.3 .9 89.2 25.9 25.9 27.1 53.0 9.8 62.9 7.2 70.2 7.3 77.5 5.6 83.2 1.5 84.7 1.1 85.8 1.1 87.0 1.0 88.0 Arkansas (232) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative California (438) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . ... Colorado (263) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Connecticut (45) Assets Per organization Cumulat tve Deposits Per organization Cumulative .*. 203 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by total assets State and item1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ! 8 ! 9 1™10~" December 1984 Delaware (32) Assets Per organization . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 13.72 13.7 11.1 24.9 10.7 35.6 10.5 46.1 8.5 54.7 6.4 61.2 5.4 66.6 5.02 71.6 4.72 76.4 4.0 80.4 11.2 11.2 18,1 29,4 9.1 38.5 8.0 46.5 8.8 55.4 11.1 66.5 .5 67.1 3.7 70.8 8.4 79.2 .1 79.3 District of Columbia (19) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 32.6 32.6 27.6 60.2 10.0 70.3 9.1 79.5 7.9 87.5 2.8 90.3 2.5 92.8 2. 12 94.9 95*,8 .6 96.4 33.2 33.2 25.4 58.7 10,4 69.1 9.5 78.6 7.5 86,1 3.1 89.3 2.8 92,1 2.4 94.5 .9 95.4 .7 96.2 Florida (291) Assets Per organization . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 14.6 14.6 12.0 26.6 11.9 38.5 6.8 45.4 6.0 51.5 5.0 56.5 4.9 61.4 4.8 66.2 2.1 68,4 1.5 69.9 15.4 15.4 11.0 26.5 12.1 38,6 6.6 45.3 6.1 51.4 4.8 56.2 4.5 60.7 4.8 65.6 2,1 67,7 1.5 69.2 19.1 19.1 16.1 35.2 15.5 50.8 5.8 56.6 5,5 62.2 3.2 65.5 2.5 68.1 l.l 2 69.2 1.1 70.4 .9 71.3 17.6 17.6 14.9 32.6 13.6 46.3 5.6 51.9 6.1 58.0 3.2 61.2 2.8 64.1 1,2 65.4 1.2 66.6 .9 67.6 39.7 39.7 32.22 71.9 6.1 78.0 5,8 83.9 4.32 88.3 3.42 91.8 2.72 94.5 2.02 96.5 1.52 98.1 .6 98.8 41.1 41.1 31.6 72.7 6.5 79.3 6.2 85.6 4.6 90.2 1.5 91.7 2.8 94.6 2.1 96.8 1.3 98.1 .7 98.8 38.0 38.0 25.8 63.8 12.0 75,8 6.8 82.7 3.62 86.3 2.3* 88.6 1.6' 90.2 1.4 91.7 1.3 93.0 1.0 94.0 .... 36.6 36.6 25.7 62.4 12.0 74.5 7.3 81.8 3.8 85.6 2.3 87.9 1.7 89.6 1.5 91.2 1.4 92.7 1.1 93.8 Illinois (1,048) Assets Per organization CumulatiVe Deposits Per organization Cumulative .. 18.8 18.8 15.5 34.3 5.3 39.6 4.7 44.4 1.5 45.9 1.0 47.0 1.0 48.0 .8 48.9 .6 49.6 ,6 50.2 15.2 15.2 8.1 23.4 5.0 28.4 4.0 32.4 1.7 34.2 1.0 35.2 1.2 36.4 1.0 37.4 .8 38.3 ,7 39.0 Indiana (375) Assets Per organization . Cumulative . Deposits Per organization Cumulative ... 7,9 7.9 7.8 15.7 5.22 20.9 2.1 23.0 2.1 25.2 2.0 27.3 1.9 29.2 1,8 31.0 1.7 32.7 1.5 34.2 6.7 6.7 6.8 13.6 4.4 18.0 2.1 20.1 1.9 22.1 2.0 24.1 1.9 26.0 1.7 27.8 1.6 29.4 1.4 30.9 Iowa (517) Assets Per organization . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative ... 8.1 8.1 6.8 14.9 6.4 21 A 3.8 25.3 3.52 28.8 3.1 32.0 2.1 34.2 1.5 35.7 1,1 36.9 1.0 37.9 7.5 7.5 6.6 14.1 6.7 20.9 3.8 24.8 3.7 28.5 2.4 30,9 1.9 32.8 1.5 34.4 1.1 35.5 1.0 36.6 7.9 7.9 3.0 11.0 1.8 12.8 1.5 14.3 1.5 15.8 1.4 17.3 1.3 18.6 1.3 19.9 1.2 21.2 1.1 22,3 7.4 7.4 2.7 10.2 1.6 11.8 1.4 13.3 1.5 14.8 1.3 16.1 1.4 17.5 1.3 18.9 1.1 20.0 1.1 21.1 Georgia (313) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative .. . .. Hawaii (19) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . Idaho (24) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Kansas (614) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative , . 204 . . 78* Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by total assets State and item1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 December 1984 Kentucky (329) Assets Per organization Cumulative . ... Deposits Per organization . . . Cumulative 12.6 12.6 10.8 23.5 5.8 29.4 3.9 33.3 2.3 35.6 1.1 36.8 l.O2 37.8 1.0 38.8 1.0 39.8 .9 40.8 11.2 11.2 9.1 20.4 5.5 25.9 3.2 29.2 1.9 31.1 1.2 32.3 .9 33,3 1.0 34.3 1.0 35.4 1.0 36,4 Louisiana (304) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits . Per organization Cumulative .. 6.2 6.2 5.5 11.8 4.8 16.6 3.4 20.1 3.3 23.4 3.2 26.7 2.3 29.1 2.2 31.3 1.9 33,3 1.8 35.2 5.7 5.7 4.8 10.5 4.5 15.1 3.3 18.4 3.2 21.7 3.0 24.7 2.5 27.2 2.2 29.5 1.8 31.3 1.8 33.2 22.0 22.0 18.3 40,3 14.9 55.3 14.9 70.3 12.8 83.1 2.22 85.3 2.0 87.4 1.8 89.2 1.82 91.0 1.6 92.7 21.9 21.9 19.2 41.2 13.4 54.6 14.6 69.2 13.1 82.4 2.2 84.7 2.1 86.9 1.8 88.7 1.9 90,6 1.7 92.4 .. 22.0 22.0 12.4 34.5 11.4 45.9 10.3 56.2 8.4 64.7 7.1 71.8 6.0 77.8 3.9 81.8 2.1 84.0 1.2 85.2 ... 18,8 18.8 12.2 31.1 11.3 42.4 10.2 52.7 9.4 62.1 6.6 68.7 6.3 75.0 4.4 79.5 2.5 82.1 .6 82.7 25.7 25.7 13.1 38.9 12.9 51.9 10.62 62.5 8.5 71.1 4.42 75.6 4.0 79.6 3.5 83.1 1.9 85.1 1.9 87.1 22.7 22.7 13.2 35.9 12.5 48.4 11.7 60.2 7.3 67.5 5.1 72.6 4.3 77.0 4.0 81.1 2.1 83.3 2.2 85.5 19.4 19.4 14.0 33.5 10.6 44.2 8.9 53.1 6.5 59.7 6.0 65.8 2.0 67.9 1.8 69.7 1.8 71.6 1.6 73.2 16,4 16.4 13.5 30.0 11.1 41.1 8.7 49.9 7.0 56.9 6.2 63.2 2.2 65.4 2.0 67.4 1.8 69.3 1.6 70.9 34,4 34.4 21.7 56.2 3.4 59.6 1.9 61.6 1.8 63.4 .9 64.4 ,62 65.0 .5 65.6 ,5 66.2 .3 66.6 26.2 26.2 23.2 49.4 3.5 53.0 2.2 55.2 1.7 57.0 1.0 58.0 ,7 58.8 .6 59.4 .6 60.1 .4 60.5 16.3 16.3 11.82 28.2 5.8 34.0 3,6 37.7 3.6 41.3 2.3 43.6 2.2 45.8 1.9 47.7 1.7 49.5 1.4 50.9 14.4 14.4 11.2 25.6 5.9 31.5 3.8 35.4 3.7 39.1 2.4 41.5 2.3 43.8 2.0 45.8 1.7 47.6 1.4 49.1 13.1 13.1 10.9 24.0 9.2 33.2 7.6 40.8 6.3 47.2 5.0 52.2 2.8 55.1 2.3 57.5 2.2 59.7 1.8 61.6 11.7 11.7 9.7 21.4 8.9 30.3 7.2 37.5 6.4 44.0 5.2 49.3 2.7 52.0 2.5 54.5 2.3 56.9 1.9 58.9 24.7 24.7 11.9 36.6 6.8 43,5 6.1 49.7 4.8 54.6 4.1 58.7 2.3 61.1 1.6 62.7 1.2 64.0 1.2 65.3 23.9 23.9 11.7 35.7 6.1 41.8 6.2 48.0 4.9 53.0 4.3 57.3 2.2 59.6 1.7 61.3 1.3 62.6 1.2 63.9 . Maine (22) Assets Per organization. . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative Maryland (69) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . ... Massachusetts (73) Assets Per organization. . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization. . . Cumulative . Michigan (194) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative ... .. .. Minnesota (592) Assets Per organization. , . Cumulative ... Deposits Per organization Cumulative Mississippi (154) Assets Per organi/ation Cumulative Deposits Per organization, . . Cumulative . Missouri (450) Assets Per organi/ation Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative; Montana (107) Assets Per organization. Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . .... .. 205 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued State and item1 Rank, by 1otal assets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 December 1984 Nebraska (448) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 9.6 9.6 7.22 16.8 8,9 8.9 15 5 20.7 Nevada (15) Assets Per organization . . . . . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 49.6 49.6 22 5 72.1 49.7 49.7 New Hampshire (48) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative New Jersey (97) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 23.1 4,2 27,4 3.1 30.5 1.2 31.7 1.0 32.7 .9 33.7 .8 34.5 .8 35,3 5.2 4.2 25 0 2.9 27 9 1.2 29.1 1.0 302 1.0 31.2 .7 31.9 .8 32 8 83.2 n.i2 76 2 90.9 3 32 94.2 2,1 96.3 9s 97.3 .62 98.0 .42 98.4 .3 98.7 22.0 71 8 10.8 82,6 7.7 904 3.4 93 9 2.3 96.2 1.0 97,2 .6 97.9 .4 98.3 ,3 98.7 19 1 19.1 17 2 36.3 11 6 47.9 73 55 3 48 602 43 64.6 2 62 67 2 21 69.4 1 9^ 71.3 17 73 0 18 2 18.2 165 34 8 120 46.8 70 53 9 48 58 7 46 63.4 27 66.1 22 68.3 18 70,2 18 72,0 20 3 20.3 12 7 33 0 76 40.7 51 45 8 50 50 8 3 82 54.7 32 58.0 31 61.1 28 64.0 25 66.6 19.4 194 12 3 31 8 7.2 390 52 443 47 490 3.9 53 0 3.1 56 1 3.4 59 6 3.0 62 6 2.6 65 2 23. 82 23 8 100 33 8 9.6 43 5 80 51 5 75 59 0 3,5 62 6 27 65 3 2.2 67 5 1.7 69 2 16 70 8 23 8 23.8 88 32.6 95 42.2 81 50.3 78 58.2 36 61.8 27 64,5 20 66.5 17 68,3 16 70,0 New York (167) Assets Per organization Cumulative . . Deposits Per organization . Cumulative 18.8 18 8 134 32 2 10.8 43 1 100 53 2 97 62 9 69 69 8 44 74 2 3,5 77 7 31 80 8 20 82 8 15 9 15.9 13 9 29.8 11.5 41.4 107 52.1 68 58.9 45 63.4 49 68.3 3.6 72.0 34 75.4 26 78.1 North Carolina (63) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . . . . 22.9 22.9 21,0 43 9 17.0 61 0 7.0 68 1 6.1 74 3 5.5 79.8 3.3 83 2 3.3 86,6 2.4 89 0 1.6 90 7 New Mexico (62) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization . Cumulative 207 6.5 6.2 20 7 41 6 209 12 8 54 5 78 62 3 72 69 6 64 76 0 40 80 1 4.0 84 2 29 87 1 19 89 1 North Dakota (142) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 16,8 16 8 307 13 8 6.3 370 29 399 28 42 8 22 45 0 20 2 47 0 1.8 48.9 1.22 50 2 12 51 4 16 1 16.1 13 8 30.0 64 36.5 28 39.3 28 42.2 20 44.3 20 46.3 16 48.0 13 49.3 12 50.5 Ohio (239) Assets Per organization , Cumulative . . . Deposits Per organization Cumulative 17 6 17 6 12 9 30 5 90 39 6 80 47 g 74 55 0 44 59 5 42 63 7 37 67 4 34 70 9 32 74 1 16.1 16.1 13 6 29 8 8.4 38 2 84 466 72 53 9 3.9 579 42 62 1 3.3 65.5 3.0 68 5 30 71 5 Oklahoma (516) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 8.9 8,9 167 77 7.3 24.0 3.8 27 9 15 29 4 1.5 31 0 10 32 1 1.0 33.1 1.0 34 1 9 35 1 84 59 14 3 67 21 0 35 24 5 16 262 13 27 5 10 28 6 10 29 7 10 30 7 9 31 7 206 84 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by t otal assets State and item1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 10 December 1984 Oregon (66) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization , . Cumulative 40.3 403 32.9 73 2 6.5 79 7 4.02 83.8 1.9 85 7 1,6 87,3 .9 88 3 .9 892 .7 900 .5 906 38 1 38 1 31 9 70.0 68 76.8 45 81.4 23 83.7 17 85.4 11 86 5 1i 87.7 8 88.5 6 89.2 Pennsylvania (303) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 22.4 224 12.4 34 8 7.7 42.6 4,7 47,3 4.1 51 5 3.9 55.4 2.2 57 7 2.2 600 2.0 62 0 1.9 63.9 17 5 17 5 100 27 6 73 35.0 5.2 40.3 43 44 6 35 48.2 26 508 26 53 4 24 55 8 22 58.0 Rhode Island (14) Assets Per organization , . Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 56 9 56.9 296 86.5 43 90.8 28 93,7 16 95.4 13 96.7 8 97.5 7 98.3 52 98.8 4 99.2 49 2 492 33 6 82 8 55 88.4 37 92.2 21 94.3 16 96.0 10 970 8 97.9 6 98.5 4 99.0 South Carolina (73) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 29 9 29.9 18 22 48.2 14 7 63.0 75 70.5 45 75.1 21 77.2 1 42 78.7 1.32 80.1 13 81.4 1.1 82.6 27.5 27 5 18.1 45 7 13.7 59.4 8.6 68.0 5.0 73.0 2.1 75.2 1.6 76 8 1,4 78.3 1.5 79.8 1.2 81.1 South Dakota (124) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization . . Cumulative .. 49 8 49 8 11 3 61 2 90 702 19 72 2 17 73 9 1.4 75 4 11 76 6 ,9 77 5 8 78 4 ,7 79 2 31 9 31 9 15 7 47 6 12 0 596 25 62 2 24 64 7 20 66.7 16 68 3 13 69.6 11 707 10 71.8 Tennessee (261) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 13 7 13 7 13.0 26 8 12.0 38 8 8.3 472 58 53 0 3.52 566 16 58 2 1.3 59 6 1.2 609 1.0 61 9 13 3 13 3 12 8 26,2 11 4 37.7 78 45.5 51 50.7 3.2 53.9 17 55.7 14 57.2 12 58.5 1.0 59.5 11 8 11 8 10.3 22 1 9.7 31 8 8.6 405 83 48 9 5.0 53.9 32 57 2 2.3 59.5 1.8 61 3 1.4 62.8 96 96 92 18 8 80 26 8 81 35 0 80 43 0 53 48 4 32 51 7 26 54 4 19 56 3 16 57 9 27 8 27 8 23 7 51 6 9.9 61 5 7.7 692 7 32 766 3.7 80 3 28 83 2 1.8 85.1 1.3 86 5 .9 87.4 28 3 28 3 20 1 48.5 10 3 58.8 82 67.0 77 74.8 32 78.0 32 81.3 20 83.3 15 84.8 11 85.9 22.2 22 2 12.3 34 g 11.3 45 9 11.0 57 0 8.8 65 8 5.4 71 3 4.7 76 0 3.3 79 4 2.62 82 0 1.8 83 9 22 5 22 5 11.9 34 4 11.4 45.9 11.1 57.0 8.7 65 7 5.4 71.2 4.6 75.8 3.3 79.2 2.6 81.8 1.9 83.8 21 5 21 5 15 5 37 1 11 2 48 3 99 58 2 79 66 2 69 73 2 53 78 5 27 81 3 9 82 2 .8 83 0 204 204 14,6 35.1 10.5 45.6 9.5 55.1 7.7 62.8 7.9 70.7 5.7 76.5 2,9 79.5 .9 80,5 .9 81.4 Texas (1,241) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organisation . . Cumulative ... Utah (53) Assets Per organisation Cumulative Deposits Per organisation Cumulative Vermont (24) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organisation Cumulative Virginia (142) Assets Per organisation Cumulative Deposits Per organisation . , . „ Cumulative, ; 207 78. Percentage of total assets and total deposits held by 10 largest banking organizations (all commercial banks and trust companies), by state—Continued Rank, by total assets State and item1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 J^ 9 [ 10 December 1984 Washington (94) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 29.9 29.9 23.2 53.2 9.8 63.1 7.7 70.9 5.9 76.8 5. 12 81.9 2.3 84,3 1.92 86.3 L32 87.6 1.0 88.7 27.6 27.6 21.8 49.5 10.3 59.8 8.0 67.9 6.3 74.3 5.7 80.0 2.5 82.6 2.1 84.7 1.4 86,2 1.1 87.3 West Virginia (203) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 6.7 6.7 3.8 10.6 3.4 14.0 2.9 17.0 2.4 19.5 1.9 21.5 1.9 23.4 1.9 25.3 1.6 27.0 1.6 28.7 6.5 6.5 3.4 9.9 3.3 13.3 2.3 15.6 2.5 18.2 1.8 20.1 2.0 22.1 1.8 23.9 1.3 25.3 1.5 26,9 Wisconsin (440) ' Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative . 13.6 13.6 11.0 24.7 7.6 32.3 3.2 35.6 2.8 38.4 2.3 40.7 2.2 43.0 1.7 44.7 1.6 46.4 1.6 48.0 12.2 12.2 9.8 22.0 7.4 29.5 3.4 33.0 2.7 35.7 2.3 38.1 2.0 40.1 1.7 41.8 1,6 43,5 1.6 45.2 Wyoming (65) Assets Per organization Cumulative Deposits Per organization Cumulative 16.3 16.3 11.8 28.2 11.5 39.7 4.9 44.7 4.2 48.9 3.8 52.7 3.62 56.4 3.1 59.5 2.0 61.6 2.0 63.6 16.2 16.2 11.9 28.1 11.1 39.3 4.7 44.0 4.3 48.4 3.8 52.2 3.7 55.9 3.1 59.1 2,1 61,2 2.0 63.3 3.6 3.6 3.4 7.0 2.2 9.3 1.8 11.2 1.7 12.9 1.7 14.7 1.7 16.4 1.4 17.8 1.2 19.0 1.1 20.2 3.9 3.9 2.1 6.1 1.7 7.8 1.9 9.8 1.4 11.2 1.3 12.6 ,9 13.5 1.4 14.9 .9 15.9 .8 16,8 United States (11, 609) Assets Per organization . Cumulative Deposits Per organization . . . Cumulative 208 . 79* Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1 A. Summary totals and comparisons 50 states and District of Columbia Item Holding company groups All commercial banks Holding company groups as percentage of all commercial banks TVpe of branching Statewide Limited Unit December 31, 1984 , domestic data only Banking offices Total Banks Branches Amounts (millions of dollars) Assets Deposits 44,259 8,628 35,631 56,941 14,449 42,492 7.7 21,509 1,192 20,398 17,290 3,889 13,401 5,379 3,547 1,832 1,891,484 1,411,641 2,147,651 1,633,406 88.1 86.4 970,356 694,887 551,186 436,033 369,943 280,721 December 31, 1984, including foreign data Banking offices Total Banks Branches Amounts (millions of dollars) Assets Deposits 45,427 8,628 36,799 57,717 14,449 43,268 8.7 22,495 1,192 21,303 17,442 3,889 13,553 5,490 3,547 1,943 2,237,956 1,727,616 2,495,617 1,950,962 89.7 88.6 1,265,620 957,844 566,477 451,544 405,859 318,228 B. Multibank and one-bank classifications— Summary Number Classification Holding company groups Amounts (in millions of dollars) Offices Banks Branches3 Total Assets Deposits December 31, 1984 , domestic data only Total (6,102 companies) . . . Member Nonmember . . . . 5,702 8,625 3,678 4,947 35,618 24,555 11,063 44,243 28,233 16,010 1,890,939 1,490,694 400,245 1,411,175 1,064,065 347,110 Multibank . . . . . . . . Member Nonmember 806 3,740 1,982 1,758 22,299 17,715 4,584 26,039 19,697 6,342 1,359,428 1,177,721 181,707 977,043 820,329 156,713 One-bank . . . . . . Member .. Nonmember . . . . 4,896 4,885 1,696 3,189 13,319 6,840 6,479 18,204 8,536 9,668 531,511 312,972 218,538 434,133 243,736 190,396 14,449 42,492 56,941 2,147,651 1,633,406 All commercial banks . December 31, 1984, including foreign data Total (6, 102 companies) . . . Member Nonmember . . . . 5,702 8,625 3,678 4,947 36,786 25,678 11,108 45,411 29,356 16,055 2,237,410 1,828,040 409,371 1,727,151 1,370,413 356,738 Multibank Member Nonmember 806 3,740 1,982 1,758 23,335 18,738 4,597 27,075 20,720 6,355 1,663,461 1,478,653 184,808 1,252,384 1,092,444 159,940 One-bank Member Nonmember 4,8964 4,885 1,696 3,189 13,451 6,940 6,511 18,336 8,636 9,700 573,949 349,386 224,563 474,767 277,969 196,798 14,449 43,268 57,717 2,495,617 1,950,962 All commercial banks . 209 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued C. Details, by state Number of offices Number Number of of holding holding com- 5 company panies groups2-5 State, and class of bank Deposits Assets Banks and branches Banks Branches Total As a perAs a percentage centage As a perIn In of all centage millions ' ofafi millions comcomof an of of mercial i mercial comdoHars dollars mercial bank bank banking deposits assets offices December 31, 1984 , domestic data only 50 states and District of Columbia—Total 6,070 Member Nonmember Alabama . . . . Member Nonmember 5,702 .... . ... 8,625 35,618 44,243 77.7 1,890,939 88.0 1,411,175 86.4 3,678 4,947 24,555 11,063 28,233 16,010 84.7 67,8 1,490,694 400,245 92.7 74.2 1,064,065 347,110 9L3 74.2 82 79 136 61 75 622 471 151 758 532 226 75.0 86.1 57.7 19,644 15,933 3,710 80.2 89.0 56.3 15,364 12,129 3,235 78.5 87.9 55.9 8 7 8 3 5 72 55 17 80 58 22 52.6 56.9 44.0 2,831 1,310 1,521 63.8 57.1 71.0 2,277 1,050 1,226 63,6 58.1 69,1 Arizona Member . . Nonmember 20 16 16 7 9 619 412 207 635 419 216 90.1 97.2 78.8 20,497 14,268 6,229 95.6 99.0 88.7 17,570 12,148 5,421 95,4 99.0 88.1 Arkansas Member Nonmember 122 117 144 56 88 337 190 147 481 246 235 68,5 78.6 60,4 12,460 8,014 4,446 76.0 84.3 64.6 10,603 6,661 3,942 75.3 83.5 64,7 Alaska Member . . Nonmember .... California Member Nonmember . . 198 168 184 81 103 4,153 3,145 1,008 4,337 3,226 1,111 83.9 93.3 64.9 208,921 176,278 32,644 92.8 97.0 75.3 170,034 141,584 28,450 92.4 96.8 75.2 Colorado Member Nonmember .... 175 168 356 231 125 132 85 47 488 316 172 83.0 81.7 85.6 22,137 17,865 4,272 92.2 92.1 92.8 18,045 14,319 3,725 91.7 91.4 93.0 Connecticut Member Nonmember ... 13 13 18 5 13 484 318 166 502 323 179 81.5 91.2 68.3 19,070 12,445 6,625 88.7 95.9 77.8 15,155 9,517 5,638 87.5 95.2 77.0 31 17 20 15 5 70 38 32 90 53 37 47.1 84.1 28.9 14,833 12,112 2,720 80.3 99.1 43.5 5,514 4,196 1,318 62.8 91.0 31,6 17 n 11 11 147 147 158 158 89.3 90.8 11,136 11,136 96.1 96.7 8,773 8,773 95.8 96.5 167 146 267 145 122 1,763 1,343 420 2,030 1,488 542 82.0 89.2 67.1 66,013 52,362 13,651 86,7 93.6 67.5 56,198 44,026 12,171 86.5 93.5 67.9 137 127 193 44 149 913 621 292 1,106 665 441 75.3 90.5 60.2 32,819 25,392 7,427 85.0 95.4 62.0 24,986 18,397 6,589 83.1 94.5 623 Hawaii Member Nonmember 5 4 6 160 166 61.9 6,750 82.2 5,886 83.7 6 160 166 65.4 6,750 84.1 5',886 85.7 Idaho Member . Nonmember 12 12 13 4 9 237 182 55 250 186 64 84.7 87.3 78.0 6,207 5,236 971 90,9 92.9 81.5 5,207 4,335 873 90.5 92.6 81.5 Illinois Member Nonmember 538 507 717 276 441 539 268 271 1,256 544 712 63.3 65.9 61.5 113,304 88,492 24,812 85.0 90.4 70.3 77,951 55,872 22,079 81.7 87,0 70.7 Indiana Member Nonmember 180 177 182 79 103 934 558 376 1,116 637 479 67.6 75.5 59.4 32,248 22,427 9,821 76.4 83.8 63.5 26,431 17,800 8,632 75.0 82.4 63.2 .... .... Delaware Member . . Nonmember .... District of Columbia Member Nonmember ... Florida Member Nonmember Georgia Member . . Nonmember 210 .... . ... .... ... 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued C. Details, by state—Continued Number of offices Number of holding companies5 State, and class of bank Number of holding company groups2-5 Assets Banks and branches Banks Branches Total As a perIn centage millions of afl of comdollars mercial banking offices Deposits As a perAs a percentage centage In of afl of afl millions comcomof mercial mercial dollars bank bank assets deposits December 31, 1984 domestic data only 345 332 445 108 337 506 168 338 951 276 675 77.5 80.9 76.2 21,790 9,361 12,429 78.4 77.6 79.0 18,839 7,825 11,014 78.9 78.3 79.3 446 427 438 143 295 204 90 114 642 233 409 74.6 80.1 71.8 18,558 9,559 8,999 82.0 88.6 76.0 16,081 8,097 7,984 81.8 88.3 76.1 172 172 180 53 127 588 327 261 768 380 388 68.6 83.2 58.6 21,277 13,668 7,608 77.7 89.9 62.5 16,986 10,483 6,503 76.2 88.7 62.1 163 159 158 35 123 680 310 370 838 345 493 68.0 76.2 63.2 27,131 15,924 11,207 77.0 86.0 67.0 22,775 12,902 9,874 76.2 85.1 67.0 Maine . . . Member Nonmember, 14 10 14 7 7 372 205 167 386 212 174 97.5 92.6 104.2 5,058 2,394 2,664 110.3 89.8 138.7 4,311 2,004 2,307 110.3 89.1 138.9 Maryland Member Nonmember 27 18 36 14 22 970 652 318 1,006 666 340 83.8 89.6 74.4 24,299 15,993 8,307 89.6 93.8 82.4 17,988 11,308 6,680 87.7 92.3 80.9 36 33 84 47 37 923 469 454 1,007 516 491 85.9 87.3 84.5 44,484 31,745 12,738 90.4 97.1 77.2 33,574 22,639 10,934 89.2 96.4 77.2 58 56 229 132 97 1,770 1,303 467 1,999 1,435 564 79.9 83.8 71.5 56,536 47,027 9,509 87.5 91.5 71.9 45,796 37,276 8,521 86.4 90.6 71.8 398 388 532 188 344 315 160 155 847 348 499 77.2 86.1 72.0 41,346 30,934 10,412 90.3 95.2 78.3 30,391 21,199 9,192 88.8 94.4 78.2 72 72 71 23 48 520 276 244 591 299 292 65.0 79.9 54.6 11,266 6,751 4,516 71.9 86.4 57.4 9,495 5,492 4,003 70.9 85.5 57.5 Missouri ... Member Nonmember 266 248 530 138 392 522 179 343 1,052 317 735 80.4 90.1 76.9 41,862 23,608 18,253 92.2 102.0 82.0 34,091 17,981 16,110 91.4 101.5 82.3 Montana Member Nonmember 70 62 126 64 62 31 23 8 157 87 70 77.7 74.4 82,4 6,208 4,346 1,861 86.9 87.0 86.7 5,265 3,621 1,644 86.4 86.3 86.5 Nebraska Member . . Nonmember 319 306 335 106 229 163 87 76 498 193 305 74.6 84.3 69.5 13,256 8,615 4,642 84.9 93,1 73.1 11,240 7,112 4,128 84.6 92.7 73.6 5 4 5 3 2 144 142 2 149 145 4 68.7 97.3 5.9 4,564 4,504 60 84.4 98.5 7.2 3,642 3,593 49 83.8 98.5 7.0 New Hampshire Member . Nonm&mber 18 17 34 16 18 179 80 99 213 96 117 79.5 69.1 90.7 5,564 2,313 3,251 102.3 80.1 127.4 4,665 1,899 2,766 99.6 78.8 121.8 New Jersey Member Nonrnemter 37 36 70 49 21 1,389 1,219 170 1,459 1,268 191 77.9 83.7 53.4 42,452 37,838 4,614 81.9 87.1 54.9 35,897 31,813 4,083 81.3 86.7 54,7 Iowa Member Nonmember Kansas Member Nonmember .... Kentucky Member Nonmember Louisiana Member. . Nonmember Massachusetts Member Nonmember ... . ... Michigan Member Nonmember Minnesota Member. , Nonmember Mississippi Member . Nonmember Nevada Member Nonmember ... ... .... .... .... ... ... .... 211 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued C. Details, by state—Continued Deposits 1 Banks and branches As a perAs a percentage As a percentage In In ofafl of all centage millions millions comcomBranches ofafl of of mercial commercial Total dollars dollars bank bank mercial banking assets deposits offices Number of offices State, and class of bank Number of holding companies5 Number of holding company groups2-5 Banks j Assets December 31, 1984 , domestic data only New Mexico Member Nonmember 43 38 70 40 30 239 131 108 309 171 138 83.5 83.4 83.6 7,098 4,604 2,494 81,3 79.4 85.1 6,213 4,016 2,197 82.4 80.9 85 J New York Member Nonmember 104 69 99 67 32 3,159 2,922 237 3,258 2,989 269 92.6 93.3 85.1 342,048 324,141 17,907 97.8 98.3 89.1 197,787 184,425 13,362 97.5 97.7 93,9 North Carolina ... Member Nonmember 19 19 19 7 12 1,710 859 851 1,729 866 863 91.4 96.0 87.2 36,621 26,600 10,021 94.6 98.1 86.3 27,024 18,383 8,640 93.7 97.7 86.1 North Dakota Member Nonmember 92 90 128 34 94 105 38 67 233 72 161 75.2 79.1 73.5 5,328 2,611 2,717 80.4 83.5 77.6 4,601 2,209 2,392 80.3 83.4 77.6 Ohio Member Nonmember 60 59 136 99 37 1,922 1,766 156 2,058 1,865 193 79.4 82.2 59.6 61,937 58,960 2,977 86.7 89.0 57.5 47,397 44,761 2,636 85.1 87.6 57.5 351 330 357 162 195 194 93 101 551 255 296 71.0 69.7 72.2 27,098 18,856 8,242 84.3 86.8 79.2 22,870 15,470 7,400 83.7 85.9 79.3 20 19 25 10 15 542 370 172 567 380 187 81.6 94,5 63.8 15,077 12,252 2,825 91.4 98.3 70.1 11,596 9,172 2,424 90.1 98.1 68.8 Pennsylvania Member . . Nonmember 103 97 124 74 50 2,296 1,409 887 2,420 1,483 937 79.2 77.8 81.4 102,631 75,015 27,616 88.8 89.6 86.9 75,171 51,403 23,768 86.8 86,9 86,5 Rhode Island Member Nonmember 10 10 10 3 7 197 126 71 207 129 78 90.4 98.5 79.6 7,370 6,545 825 98.9 99.7 93.2 5,028 4,306 722 98,8 99.7 93.6 South Carolina Member Nonmember . . 22 22 22 10 12 565 348 217 587 358 229 67.8 88,2 49.8 9,114 6,861 2,253 70.4 91,8 41,1 7,263 5,250 2,013 70.1 90.9 43.9 South Dakota Member Nonmember 63 61 80 33 47 156 117 39 236 150 86 73.3 84.3 59.7 12,099 10,926 1,173 91.1 95.5 64.0 7,593 6,556 1,037 88.0 93.5 64,2 Tennessee Member Nonmember . . . 129 125 160 54 106 841 516 325 1,001 570 431 74.4 93.3 58.7 27,289 19,980 7,309 84.2 96.6 62.3 22,613 16,100 6,513 83.1 96.2 62.2 Texas Member Nonmember 604 546 1,161 629 532 295 81 214 1,456 710 746 65.8 61.5 70.4 158,627 113,840 44,787 84.6 85.8 81.7 121,226 81,866 39,360 83.0 83.8 81.6 28 26 33 14 19 311 247 64 344 261 83 83.5 91.6 65.4 8,544 7,168 1,377 87.9 92.9 68.7 6,655 5,488 1,167 87.5 93.1 68.3 14 13 16 5 11 174 60 114 190 65 125 90.5 74.7 101.6 3,647 1,049 2,598 100.5 78.8 113.1 3,261 932 2,330 100.0 78.3 112.5 33 29 64 59 5 1,208 1,095 113 1,272 1,154 118 73.9 77.9 49.2 28,876 26,574 2,302 77.3 79.9 56.7 22,928 20,916 2,012 76.3 79,1 56.1 Oklahoma Member . . . . Nonmember Oregon .... Member Nonmember . . Utah Member . . . Nonmember ... .... ... Vermont Member Nonmember Virginia Member Nonmember . . 212 ... 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued C. Details, by state—Continued Number of offices State, and class of bank Number of holding com- 5 panies Number of holding company groups2-5 Banks Branches Total Deposits Assets Banks and branches As a perIn centage millions of all of comdollars mercial banking offices As a perAs a percentage centage In of afi of all millions comcomof mercial mercial dollars bank bank assets deposits December 31, 1984 , domestic data only Washington Member Nonmember 32 31 39 15 24 705 629 76 744 644 100 73.6 95.8 29.5 24,480 22,983 1,497 88,2 98.1 34.6 19,236 17,902 1,334 87.0 97.8 35.1 West Virginia Member Nonmember 52 52 78 51 27 77 58 19 155 109 46 41.7 47.8 31.9 7,624 5,909 1,715 57.1 64.2 413 6,251 4,762 1,489 55.4 623 41.0 Wisconsin Member Nonmember 214 204 353 101 252 460 166 294 813 267 546 67.5 75.6 64.2 26,974 14,823 12,150 77.4 86.7 68.5 21,953 11,324 10,629 76.0 85.0 683 42 41 93 67 26 4 1 3 97 68 29 80.8 79.1 85.3 3,940 3,149 791 86.9 86.6 87.8 3,481 2,774 707 86.9 86.6 88.1 Wyoming .. Member Nonmember . . . . December 31, 1984, including foreign data 50 states and District of Columbia—Total Member Nonmember 6,070 5,702 .... 8,625 36,786 45,411 78.7 2,237,410 89.7 1,727,151 88.5 3,678 4,947 25,678 11,108 29,356 16,055 85.7 68.4 1,828,040 409,371 93.9 74.6 1,370,413 356,738 93.0 74.7 82 79 136 61 75 625 474 151 761 535 226 75.7 87.3 57.7 19,707 15,997 3,710 80.3 89.1 56.3 15,485 12,250 3,235 78.6 88.0 55.9 8 7 8 3 5 73 56 17 81 59 22 53.3 573 44.9 2,833 1,312 1,521 63.9 57.2 71.0 2,278 1,051 1,226 63.6 58.1 69.1 20 16 16 7 9 624 415 209 640 422 218 90.3 97.2 79.3 20,527 14,297 6,229 95.6 99.0 88.7 17,595 12,173 5,422 95.4 99.0 88.1 122 117 144 56 88 337 190 147 481 246 235 68.5 78.6 60.4 12,461 8,015 4,446 76.0 843 64.6 10,606 6,664 3,942 753 83.5 64.7 198 168 184 81 103 4,327 3,310 1,017 4,511 3,391 1,120 86.7 93.5 71.0 263,030 229,638 33,392 94,2 97.7 75.4 217,267 188,122 29,144 93.9 97.6 753 175 168 356 231 125 134 87 47 490 318 172 83.1 81.7 85,6 22,324 18,051 4,272 923 92.2 92.8 18,240 14,514 3,725 91.8 91.5 93.0 Connecticut . . . . . . . . Member Noiimembei' .. 13 13 18 5 13 491 323 168 509 328 181 81.7 91.4 68.6 19,637 13,005 6,633 89.0 96.1 77.8 15,685 10,032 5,653 87.9 95.5 77.0 Delaware Member Nonmembfijc 31 17 20 15 5 73 41 32 93 56 37 47.9 84.8 28.9 15,403 12,682 2,720 80.9 99.1 43.5 6,494 5,176 1,318 66,5 92.5 31.6 17 11 11 11 154 154 165 165 89.7 91.2 13,451 13,451 96.8 973 10,909 10,909 96.6 97.1 167 146 267 145 122 1,775 1,354 421 2,042 1,499 543 82.3 89.5 67.4 66,934 53,250 13,683 86.8 93.7 67.6 56,968 44,748 12,220 86.6 93.6 68.0 Alabama Member Nonmember .... Alaska * Member Nonmember Arizona Member . Nonrnember .. . , .. Arkansas Member Nonmember California Member Nonmember .. .. Colorado Member Nonmember District of Columbia Member Nonmernbe r Florida . Member . , Nonmember .. 213 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued C. Details, by state—Continued Number of offices Number Number of of holding holding company companies5 groups2'5 State, and class of bank Banks and branches Banks Branches Total Deposits Assets As a perIn centage millions of aU of comdollars mercial banking offices As a perAs a percentage centage In of all of an millions comcomof mercial mercial dollars bank bank assets deposits December 31, 1984, including foreign data Georgia Member . . . Nonmember .... Hawaii Member Nonmember 137 127 193 44 149 5 4 6 6 1,113 672 441 76.3 92.6 60.2 33,723 26,296 7,427 85.3 95.5 62.0 25,972 19,383 6,589 83.7 94.7 62.3 173 179 64.4 7,361 83.5 6,437 84.9 '173 *179 oV.8 7,361 85.3 6,437 86,8 920 628 292 12 12 13 4 9 237 182 55 250 186 64 84.7 87.3 78.0 6,207 5,236 971 90.9 92.9 81.5 5,207 4,335 873 90.5 92.6 81.5 Illinois . . . . Member Nonmember 538 507 717 276 441 614 342 272 1,331 618 713 64.8 68.7 61.8 138,968 114,038 24,930 87.4 92.4 70.2 102,666 80,484 22,181 85.4 90.6 70,6 Indiana Member . Nonmember 180 111 182 79 103 939 563 376 1,121 642 479 67.8 75.7 59.4 32,448 22,627 9,821 76.5 83.9 63.5 26,629 17,998 8,632 75,1 82,6 63.2 Iowa Member Nonmember 345 332 445 108 337 546 208 338 991 316 675 81.0 93.2 76.3 21,804 9,375 12,429 78.4 77.6 79.0 18,875 7,861 11,014 78.9 78.4 79.3 Kansas Member Nonmember 446 427 438 143 295 204 90 114 642 233 409 74.6 80.1 71.8 18,558 9,559 8,999 82,0 88.6 76.0 16,081 8,097 7,984 81.3 88.3 76.1 Kentucky Member Nonmember 172 172 180 53 127 590 329 261 770 382 388 68.7 83,2 58.6 21,524 13,916 7,608 77.9 90.1 62.5 17,306 10,802 6,503 76.5 88,9 62, 1 Louisiana Member Nonmember . 163 159 158 35 123 683 313 370 841 348 493 68.3 77.2 63.2 27,163 15,956 11,207 77.0 86.1 67.0 22,800 12,927 9,874 76.2 85.2 67.0 Idaho Member Nonmember . . .... Maine Member Nonmember . 14 10 14 7 7 372 205 167 386 212 174 97.5 92.6 104.2 5,058 2,394 2,664 110.3 89.8 138.7 4,311 2,004 2,307 110.3 89.1 138.9 Maryland Member Nonmember .... 27 18 36 14 22 977 659 318 1,013 673 340 84.4 90.6 74.4 25,025 16,719 8,307 89.9 94.1 82.4 18,735 12,056 6,680 88.1 92.7 80,9 36 33 84 47 37 989 535 454 1,073 582 491 87,2 89.3 84,9 53,238 40,500 12,738 91.9 97.7 77.2 40,873 29,939 10,934 90.9 97.2 77.2 58 56 229 132 97 1,785 1,318 467 2,014 1,450 564 80.8 85.1 71.6 59,132 49,623 9,509 88.0 91.9 71.9 48,300 39,779 8,521 87.0 91.1 71.8 398 388 532 188 344 324 169 155 856 357 499 77.4 86.4 72.0 44,445 34,033 10,412 90.9 95.7 78.3 33,437 24,245 9,192 89.7 95.0 78.2 72 72 71 23 48 521 277 244 592 300 292 65.1 80.0 54.6 11,284 6,768 4,516 71.9 86.5 57.4 9,508 5,504 4,003 71,0 85.5 57.5 266 248 530 138 392 527 184 343 1,057 322 735 80.6 90.7 76.9 42,300 24,047 18,253 923 102.0 82.0 34,710 18,600 16,110 91.6 101.5 82.3 Massachusetts Member Nonmember .... Michigan Member Nonmember .... .... Minnesota Member Nonmember .... Mississippi Member Nonmember Missouri Member Nonmember 214 ... 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued C. Details, by state—Continued Number of offices State, and class of bank Number of holding com- 5 panies Number of holding company groups2'5 Banks Branches Total Deposits Assets Banks and branches As a perIn centage millions of all of comdollars mercial banking offices As a perAs a percentage centage In ofafi ofafi millions comcomof mercial mercial dollars bank bank deposits assets December 31, 1984, including foreign data 70 62 126 64 62 31 23 8 157 87 70 77.7 74.4 82.4 6,208 4,346 1,861 86.9 87.0 86.7 5,265 3,621 1,644 86.4 86.3 86.5 319 306 335 106 229 163 87 76 498 193 305 74.7 84.6 69.5 13,256 8,615 4,642 84.9 93.1 73.1 11,240 7,112 4,128 84.6 92.7 73.6 5 4 5 3 2 144 142 2 149 145 4 76.0 97.3 8.5 4,564 4,504 60 84.4 98.5 7.2 3,642 3,593 49 83.8 98.5 7.0 New Hampshire Member . Nonmember 18 17 34 16 18 179 80 99 213 96 117 79.8 69.1 91.4 5,564 2,313 3,251 102.3 80.1 121 A 4,665 1,899 2,766 99.6 78.8 121.8 New Jersey Member Nonmember 37 36 70 49 21 1,397 1,227 170 1,467 1,276 191 78.1 83.9 53.4 42,840 38,226 4,614 82.0 87.2 54.9 36,341 32,257 4,083 81.5 86.9 54.7 New Mexico . . Member Nonmember . 43 38 70 40 30 239 131 108 309 171 138 83.5 83.4 83.6 7,098 4,604 2,494 81.3 79.4 85.1 6,213 4,016 2,197 82.4 80.9 85.1 New York Member Nonmember 104 69 99 67 32 3,720 3,470 250 3,819 3,537 282 93.8 94.4 87.6 563,840 538,333 25,508 98.5 98.8 92.4 395,643 374,073 21,570 98,5 98.6 96.4 North Carolina Member Nonmember 19 19 19 7 12 1,721 869 852 1,740 876 864 91.4 96.1 87.2 39,038 29,017 10,021 94.9 98.3 86.3 29,403 20,762 8,640 94.2 98.0 86.1 North Dakota Member Nonmember 92 90 128 34 94 105 38 67 233 72 161 75.2 79.1 73.5 5,328 2,611 2,717 80.4 83.5 77.6 4,601 2,209 2,392 80.3 83,4 77.6 Ohio Member Nonmember , 60 59 136 99 37 1,938 1,782 156 2,074 1,881 193 80.4 83.3 59.6 62,271 59,294 2,977 86.7 89.0 57.5 48,095 45,459 2,636 85.3 87.8 57.5 Oklahoma Member Nonmember , 351 330 357 162 195 198 97 101 555 259 296 71.3 70.0 72.5 27,123 18,881 8,242 84.3 86.8 79.2 23,050 15,650 7,400 83.8 86.1 79.3 Oregon Member Nonmember 20 19 25 10 15 546 374 172 571 384 187 81.7 94.6 63.8 15,200 12,376 2,825 91,5 98.3 70.1 11,695 9,271 2,424 90.1 98.1 68.8 Pennsylvania Member Nonmember 103 97 124 74 50 2,332 1,443 889 2,456 1,517 939 79.5 78.2 81.6 109,867 82,252 27,616 89.5 90.4 86.9 82,092 58,324 23,768 87.7 88.3 86.5 Rhode Island . „ Member . . . „ , Nonmember , 10 10 10 3 7 201 130 71 211 133 78 95.0 98.5 89.7 7,838 7,013 825 99.0 99.7 93.2 5,691 4,969 722 98.9 99.7 93,6 South Carolina Member Nonmember 22 22 22 10 12 568 351 217 590 361 229 67.9 88.3 49.8 9,114 6,861 2,253 70.4 91.8 41.1 7,263 5,250 2,013 69.8 90.9 43.5 South Dakota Member Nonmember 63 61 80 33 47 156 117 39 236 150 86 73.5 84.3 60.1 12,099 10,926 1,173 91.1 95,5 64.0 7,593 6,556 1,037 88.0 93.5 64.2 Montana Member Nonmember Nebraska Member .. Nonmember Nevada Member Nonmember ... 215 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued C. Details, by state—Continued Number of offices State, and class of bank Number of holding com- 5 panies Number of holding company groups2-5 . Banks and branches Banks Branches Total Deposits Assets As a perIn centage millions of all of comdollars mercial banking offices As a perAs a percentage centage In of afl of af! millions comcomof mercial mercial dollars bank bank assets deposits December 31, 1984, including foreign data Tennessee . . Member Nonmember 129 125 160 54 106 847 522 325 1,007 576 431 75,0 94.1 59.0 27,491 20,182 7,309 84.3 96.6 62.3 22,733 16,220 6,513 83.2 96.2 62.2 Texas Member Nonmember 604 546 1,161 629 532 324 109 215 1,485 738 747 66.4 62.6 70.6 168,255 123,459 44,796 85.3 86.7 81.7 133,205 93,836 39,369 84.3 85.5 81.6 Utah Member Nonmember 28 26 33 14 19 312 248 64 345 262 83 83.5 91.6 65.4 8,694 7,318 1,377 88.1 93.0 68.7 6,806 5,639 1,167 87.8 93.3 68.3 Vermont . Member Nonmember 14 13 16 5 11 174 60 114 190 65 125 90.5 74.7 101.6 3,647 1,049 2,598 100.5 78.8 113.1 3,261 932 2,330 100.0 78.3 112.5 Virginia Member Nonmember 33 29 64 59 5 1,211 1,098 113 1,275 1,157 118 74.5 78.6 49.2 28,930 26,628 2,302 76.7 79.1 56.7 23,037 21,025 2,012 75.6 78.2 56.1 Washington Member Nonmember 32 31 39 15 24 720 644 76 759 659 100 74.0 95.9 29.5 25,745 24,249 1,497 88.7 98.2 34.6 20,220 18,886 1,334 87.6 97.9 35.1 West Virginia Member Nonmember 52 52 78 51 27 77 58 19 155 109 46 41.7 47.8 31.9 7,624 5,909 1,715 57.1 64.2 41.3 6,251 4,762 1,489 55.4 62.3 41.0 Wisconsin . . Member Nonmember 214 204 353 101 252 465 171 294 818 272 546 68.3 77.9 64.3 27,293 15,143 12,150 77.6 86.9 68.5 22,294 11,665 10,629 76.3 85.4 68.3 Wyoming Member Nonmember 42 41 93 67 26 4 1 3 97 68 29 80.8 79.1 85.3 3,940 3,149 791 86.9 86.6 87.8 3,481 2,774 707 86.9 86.6 88 .1 216 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued D. Multibank, one-bank, and all commercial bank comparisons, by state „ State, and type of holding company h 4 - °~ m £ Amounts (millions of dollars) Number of offices Number groups2-5 Holding companies Banks Branches All commercial banks Total Banks Branches Total Assets Deposits Holding All com- Holding All comcomcommercial mercial banks banks panies panies December 31, 1984, domestic data only 50 states and District of ColumbiaTotal . . . 6,068' 8,628 35,631 44,259 Multibank . . . One-bank . . . . . . 1,008 5,060* 3,743 4,885 22,312 13,319 26,055 18,204 14,449 42,492 56,941 1,891,4842,147,6511,411,6411,633,406 1,359,974 531,511 . . . 977,508 . . . 434,133 Alabama Multibank One-bank . . . . . . L 82 14 68 136 71 65 622 526 96 758 597 161 268 742 1,010 19,644 16,355 3,288 24,490 ... ... 15,364 12,470 2,894 19,582 Alaska Multibank . One-bank S 8 3 5 8 4 4 72 13 59 80 17 63 15 137 152 2,831 913 1,919 4,435 ... ... 2,277 741 1,535 3,581 Arizona ... Multibank . . . . . . One-bank . . , „ . , S 19 1 18 15 1 14 608 111 431 623 178 445 46 659 705 20,300 5,677 14,623 21,442 ... , . . 17,396 4,685 12,711 18,423 Arkansas Multibank . One-bank ... L 122 16 106 144 40 104 337 138 199 481 178 303 258 444 702 12,460 5,554 6,906 16,387 ... ... 10,603 4,514 6,089 14,077 California Multibank One-bank . S 198 26 172 184 34 150 4,153 2,844 1,309 4,337 2,878 1,459 450 4,720 5,170 208,921 225,065 170,034 150,520 . . . 120,978 58,402 . . . 49,056 184,024 Colorado Multibank . . . . . . One-bank U 175 41 134 356 224 132 132 95 .37 488 319 169 446 142 588 22,137 17,847 4,290 23,998 .. , ... 18,045 14,237 3,807 19,674 Connecticut Multibank , One-bank S 13 3 10 18 8 10 484 212 272 502 220 282 50 566 616 19,070 9,057 10,012 21,493 ... ... 15,155 7,387 7,768 17,318 Delaware Multibank One-bank S 31 27 4 20 16 4 70 31 39 90 47 43 32 159 191 14,833 11,824 3,008 18,474 ... ... 5,514 3,672 1,842 8,785 S 17 7 10 11 2 9 147 55 92 158 57 101 19 158 177 11,136 4,842 6,294 11,587 ... ... 8,773 3,919 4,854 9,161 Florida Multibank One-bank S 167 51 116 267 164 103 1,763 1,368 395 2,030 1,532 498 432 2,044 2,476 66,013 51,400 14,613 76,158 ... ... 56,198 43,689 12,509 64,999 Georgia Multibank One-bank L 138 32 106 199 98 101 937 701 236 1,136 799 337 382 1,086 1,468 33,582 27,494 6,089 38,610 ... ... 25,644 20,459 5,185 30,056 Hawaii . . . Multibank One-bank S 5 2 3 6 1 5 160 15 145 166 16 150 21 247 268 6,750 483 6,267 8,210 ... ... 5,886 441 5,445 7,033 Idaho Multibank One-bank . . % . . . S 12 4 8 13 5 8 237 203 34 250 208 42 25 270 295 6,207 5,645 561 6,824 ... ... 5,207 4,706 502 5,752 Illinois . . . . Multibank One-bank U 536 119 417 715 308 407 539 258 281 1,254 566 688 1,241 742 1,983 113,284 133,229 84,307 ... 28,977 ... 77,932 52,683 25,249 95,416 Indiana Multibank One-bank L 180 5 175 182 10 172 934 72 862 1,116 82 1.034 377 1,273 1,650 26,431 1,749 24.683 35,247 District of Columbia- . Multibank One-bank 32,248 2,075 30.173 42,233 ... ... 217 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued D. Multibank, one-bank, and all commercial bank comparisons, by state—Continued Number of offices State, and type of holding company Number of holding branchcompany ing7 groups2-5 ^ Banks Branches Amounts (millions of dollars) All commercial banks Holding companies Total Banks Branches Total Assets Deposits Holding All comcommercial banks panies All commercial panies j banks December 31, 1984 , domestic data only Iowa . . Multibank One-bank ... L 345 36 309 445 142 303 506 259 247 951 401 550 625 602 1,227 21,790 10,519 11,271 27,794 18,839 9,024 9,815 23,890 U 446 24 422 438 26 412 204 29 175 642 55 587 628 233 861 18,558 3,063 15,495 22,631 16,081 2,591 13,489 19,668 L 172 11 161 180 19 161 588 153 435 768 172 596 335 784 1,119 21,277 7,966 13,311 27,382 16,986 5,883 11,103 22,299 L 163 3 160 158 3 155 680 31 649 838 34 804 303 930 1,233 27,131 3,969 23,162 35,237 22,775 3,121 19,655 29,886 S 14 9 5 14 9 5 372 237 135 386 246 140 26 370 396 5,058 3,138 1,920 4,588 4,311 2,659 1,652 3,909 Maryland Multibank One-bank s 27 14 13 36 25 11 970 620 350 1,006 645 361 87 1,113 1,200 24,299 15,896 8,403 27,122 17,988 11,479 6,509 20,516 Massachusetts . . . . Multibank One-bank S 36 9 27 84 60 24 923 111 146 1,007 837 170 122 1,050 1,172 44,484 36,178 8,306 49,205 33,574 27,324 6,250 37,650 Michigan Multibank One-bank L 58 26 32 229 198 31 1,770 1,667 103 1,999 1,865 134 362 2,139 2,501 56,536 54,280 2,256 64,621 45,796 43,771 2,025 53,029 Minnesota Multibank One-bank L 398 45 353 532 184 348 315 172 143 847 356 491 738 359 1,097 41,346 31,708 9,638 45,776 30,391 21,831 8,560 34,217 Mississippi Multibank One-bank L 72 71 520 591 153 756 909 11,266 15,675 9,495 13,383 72 71 520 591 U 266 62 204 530 329 201 522 370 152 1,052 699 353 712 596 1,308 41,862 34,637 7,225 45,395 34,091 27,645 6,447 37,293 U 70 20 50 126 77 49 31 28 3 157 105 52 169 33 202 6,208 4,801 1,406 7,140 5,265 4,013 1,251 6,096 Nebraska . Multibank One-bank L 319 20 299 335 40 295 163 61 102 498 101 397 473 195 668 13,256 5,501 7,756 15,609 11,240 4,353 6,886 13,279 Nevada Multibank One-bank S 5 1 4 5 1 4 144 72 72 149 73 76 15 202 217 4,564 2,684 1,880 5,407 3,642 2,163 1,479 4,345 New Hampshire . . . Multibank One-bank , . S 18 7 179 123 56 213 146 67 62 206 268 5,564 4,160 1,405 5,440 4,665 3,423 1,242 4,681 n 34 23 11 New Jersey Multibank One-bank S 37 13 24 70 47 23 1,389 1,004 385 1,459 1,051 408 124 1,749 1,873 42,452 32,538 9,914 51,830 35,897 27,112 8,784 44,149 , .. Kansas Multibank One-bank Kentucky Multibank One-bank .. Louisiana Multibank One-bank Maine Multibank One-bank Missouri . Multibank One-bank Montana Multibank One-bank « .. ... .,. 218 11,266 9,495 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued D. Multibank, one-bank, and all commercial bank comparisons, by state—Continued Amounts (millions of dollars) Number of offices Number of holding branchcompany ing7 groups2'5 Type State, and type of holding company Holding companies Banks Branches All commercial banks Total Banks Branches Total Deposits Assets Holding All com- Holding All comcomcommercial mercial panies panies banks banks December 31, 1984, domestic data only New Mexico. Multibank One-bank L 43 10 33 70 41 29 239 153 86 309 194 115 95 275 370 New York Multibank One-bank S 104 38 66 99 58 41 3,159 2,738 421 3,258 2,796 462 196 3,324 3,520 North Carolina Multibank One-bank S 19 3 16 19 3 16 1,710 648 1,062 1,729 651 1,078 63 1,829 1,892 North Dakota Multibank One-bank U 92 9 83 128 47 81 105 46 59 233 93 140 179 131 Ohio Multibank One-bank L 60 22 38 136 99 37 1,922 1,746 176 2,058 1,845 213 317 Oklahoma Multibank One-bank L 351 28 323 357 49 308 194 35 159 551 84 467 Oregon Multibank One-bank . . . . . . S 20 4 16 25 10 15 542 419 123 Pennsylvania, Multibank „ .. One-bank . . . . . . L 103 29 74 124 50 74 Rhode Island . . . . . . Multibank One-bank . . . . . . S 10 1 9 South Carolina Multibank One-bank S South Dakota Multibank One-bank . . . . 7,098 4,921 2,177 8,730 6,213 4,284 1,929 7,543 342,048 349,671 197,787 202,904 286,799 166,410 31,377 55,249 36,621 23,649 12,972 38,709 27,024 15,740 11,284 28,847 310 5,328 2,854 2,474 6,628 4,601 2,438 2,163 5,733 2,276 2,593 61,937 58,170 3,767 71,450 47,397 44,162 3,235 55,669 539 237 776 27,098 12,578 14,520 32,139 22,870 9,823 13,047 27,338 567 429 138 72 623 695 15,077 13,013 2,064 16,490 11,596 9,831 1,765 12,876 2,296 1,382 914 2,420 1,432 988 325 2,732 3,057 102,631 115,539 72,657 29,974 75,171 50,434 24,737 86,632 10 1 9 197 48 149 207 49 158 13 216 229 7,370 4,238 3,131 7,448 5,028 2,510 2,519 5,091 22 2 20 22 2 20 565 80 485 587 82 505 73 793 866 9,114 597 8,516 12,952 7,263 522 6,741 10,366 S 63 16 47 80 34 46 156 111 45 236 145 91 141 181 322 12,099 10,610 1,488 13,274 7,593 6,281 1,312 8,629 Tennessee . . . . t ... Multibank , . * . . . One-bank L 129 21 108 160 52 108 841 344 497 1,001 396 605 293 1,345 27,289 13,127 14,162 32,426 22,613 10,754 11,860 27,200 Texas Multibank One-bank U 604 168 436 1,161 747 414 295 229 66 1,456 976 480 2,213 158,627 137,087 21,540 Utah Multibank . . . . . One-bank . . . . S 28 4 24 33 11 22 311 158 153 344 169 175 60 352 412 8,544 4,454 4,091 9,721 6,655 3,596 3,059 7,604 Vermont Multibank One-bank S 14 3 11 16 6 10 174 53 121 190 59 131 27 183 210 3,647 1,127 2,520 3,628 3,261 1,021 2,240 3,260 Virginia Multibank . . . . . . One-bank S 33 15 18 64 46 18 1,208 883 325 1,272 929 343 176 1,546 . 1,722 28,876 19,632 9,244 37,335 22,928 15,716 7,212 30,037 1,849 1,052 364 187,520 121,226 145,977 102,083 19,143 219 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued D. Multibank, one-bank, and all commercial bank comparisons, by state—Continued Amounts (millions of dollars) Number of offices State, and type of holding company TVpe br &hIn 8 ^ Holding companies £K groups'* Banks Branches Total Banks Branches Total Deposits Assets All commercial banks Holding companies All commercial banks Holding All corncornmercial panics J banks December 31, 1984, domestic data only Washington .... Multibank One-bank S 32 11 21 39 18 21 705 558 147 744 576 168 102 909 West Virginia Multibank One-bank L 52 19 33 78 45 33 77 44 33 155 89 66 227 145 Wisconsin Multibank One-bank L 214 50 164 353 189 164 460 323 137 813 512 301 590 Wyoming Multibank One-bank U 42 14 28 93 66 27 4 3 1 97 69 28 25 952 274 678 1,192 589 603 20,398 13,447 6,951 Limited branching Multibank One-bank 18 3,001 387 2,614 3,889 1,330 2,559 Unit banking Multibank One-bank 8 2,231 457 1,774 3,547 1,824 1,723 24,480 21,440 3,040 27,761 19,236 16,663 2,573 22,105 372 7,624 4,764 2,860 13,354 6,251 3,832 2,419 11,279 614 1,204 26,974 20,365 6,609 34,854 21,953 16,173 5,779 28,891 116 4 120 3,940 2,861 1,078 4,535 3,481 2,513 967 4,006 21,590 14,036 7,554 2,449 23,606 26,055 970,356 1,054,268 720,513 249,843 694,887 502,668 192,219 766,047 13,401 7,807 5,594 17,290 9,137 8,153 6,660 16,641 23,301 551,186 352,003 199,182 662,307 436,033 266,637 169,396 533,497 1,832 1,058 774 5,379 2,882 2,497 5,340 2,245 7,585 369,943 287,457 82,485 431,076 280,721 208,203 72,518 333,861 1,011 TOTALS BY STATE-BRANCHING CLASSIFICATION Statewide branching . . . . Multibank One-bank December 31, 1984, including foreign data 50 states and District of ColumbiaTotal 6,068 8,628 36,799 45,427 Multibank One-bank 1,008 5,060 3,743 4,885 23,348 13,451 27,091 18,336 14,449 43,268 57,717 2,237,956 2,495,617 1,727,616 1,950,962 1,664,007 573,949 1,252,850 474,767 Alabama Multibank One-bank L 82 14 68 136 71 65 625 529 96 761 600 161 268 737 1,005 19,707 16,419 3,288 24,554 15,485 12,591 2,894 19,703 Alaska Multibank One-bank S 8 3 5 8 4 4 73 13 60 81 17 64 15 137 152 2,833 913 1,920 4,437 2,278 741 1,536 3,582 Arizona ... . Multibank One-bank S 19 1 18 15 1 14 613 178 435 628 179 449 46 663 709 20,330 5,704 14,626 21,471 17,421 4,706 12,714 18,448 Arkansas Multibank One-bank L 122 16 106 144 40 104 337 138 199 481 178 303 258 444 702 12,461 5,554 6,906 16,388 10,606 4,517 6,089 14,080 California Multibank One-bank S 198 26 172 184 34 150 4,327 3,003 1,324 4,511 3,037 1,474 450 4,753 5,203 263,030 201,895 61,135 279,366 217,267 165,701 51,565 231,432 Colorado Multibank One-bank U 175 41 134 356 224 132 134 97 37 490 321 169 446 144 590 22,324 18,033 4,290 24,184 18,240 14,432 3,807 19,869 220 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued D. Multibank, one-bank, and all commercial bank comparisons, by state—Continued ™ Number of offices Number State, and type of holding company m *«*• — Banks Branches 8 groups'* Amounts (millions of dollars) All commercial banks Holding companies Total Banks Branches Total Assets Deposits Holding All com- Holding All comcommercial mercial combanks panies banks panies December 31, 1984, including foreign data Connecticut . . . Multibank One-bank S 13 3 10 18 8 10 491 215 276 509 223 286 50 573 623 19,637 9,212 10,426 22,061 ... ... 15,685 7,495 8,190 17,848 Delaware Multibank ... One-bank S 31 27 4 20 16 4 73 34 39 93 50 43 32 162 194 15,403 12,260 3,143 19,045 ... ... 6,494 4,289 2,205 9,765 S 17 7 10 11 2 9 154 59 95 165 61 104 19 165 184 13,451 6,225 7,226 13,903 ... .,. 10,909 5,067 5,842 11,298 Florida Multibank . . . . . . One-bank . . . S 167 51 116 267 164 103 1,775 1,375 400 2,042 1,539 503 432 2,048 2,480 66,934 52,172 14,762 77,079 ... ... 56,968 44,354 12,614 65,771 Georgia Multibank . . . One-bank L 138 32 106 199 98 101 944 708 236 1,143 806 337 382 1,076 1,458 34,486 28,381 6,106 39,514 ... ... 26,631 21,428 5,202 31,042 Hawaii Multibank ... One-bank S 5 2 3 6 1 5 173 15 158 179 16 163 21 257 278 7,361 483 6,878 8,820 ... ... 6,437 441 5,996 7,584 Idaho Multibank One-bank ... S 12 4 8 13 5 8 237 203 34 250 208 42 25 270 295 6,207 5,645 561 6,824 ... ... 5,207 4,706 502 5,752 Illinois Multibank One-bank ... U 536 119 417 715 308 407 614 329 285 1,329 637 692 1,241 812 2,053 Indiana Multibank , , One-bank L 180 5 175 182 10 172 939 72 867 1,121 82 1,039 377 1,277 1,654 32,448 2,075 30,373 42,433 ... ... 26,629 1,749 24,881 35,445 Iowa Multibank . . , One-bank . . . . . . L 345 36 309 445 142 303 546 299 247 991 441 550 625 599 1,224 21,804 10,533 11,271 27,808 ... ... 18,875 9,060 9,815 23,926 Kansas . * Multibank One-bank * U 446 24 422 438 26 412 204 29 175 642 55 587 628 233 861 18,558 3,063 15,495 22,631 ... ... 16,081 2,591 13,489 19,668 Kentucky . . . . Multibank . , . One-bank L 172 11 161 180 19 161 590 155 435 770 174 596 335 786 1,121 21,524 8,214 13,311 27,630 ... ... 17,306 6,203 11,103 22,619 Louisiana Multibank One-bank L 163 3 160 158 3 155 683 33 650 841 36 805 303 928 1,231 27,163 3,982 23,180 35,268 ... ... 22,800 3,134 19,667 29,911 Maine Multibank . . . . . . One-bank . . . . . . S 14 9 5 14 9 5 372 237 135 386 246 140 26 370 396 5,058 3,138 1,920 4,588 ... ... 4,311 2,659 1,652 3,909 Maryland Multibank One-bank S 27 14 13 36 25 11 977 626 351 1,013 651 362 87 1,113 1,200 25,025 16,583 8,442 27,848 ... ... 18,735 12,189 6,547 21,263 S 36 9 27 84 60 24 989 841 148 1,073 901 172 122 1,108 1,230 53,238 44,489 8,749 57,959 ... ... 40,873 34,191 6,682 44,950 District of Columbia Multibank ... One-bank .. Massachusetts . . . . Multibank One-bank . 138,948 158,977 102,647 120,213 109,752 . . . 77,196 29,195 . . . 25,451 221 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued D. Multibank, one-bank, and all commercial bank comparisons, by state—Continued Amounts (millions of dollars) Number of offices State, and type of holding company Number of holding branchcompany 7 ing groups2-5 "•&• Banks Branches Total Banks Branches Total Deposits Assets All commercial banks Holding companies Holding All com- HoldinglAH corncomcornmercial mercial banks panics | banks panies December 31, 1984, including foreign data Michigan Multibank , . One-bank L 58 26 32 229 198 31 1,785 1,682 103 2,014 1,880 134 362 2,130 2492 59,132 56,876 2,256 67,216 48,300 46,275 2,025 55,532 Minnesota Multibank One-bank L 398 45 353 532 184 348 324 181 143 856 365 491 738 368 1 106 44,445 34,807 9,638 48,876 33,437 24,877 8,560 37,263 Mississippi Multibank One-bank L 153 757 910 11,284 15,693 9,508 13,396 Missouri Multibank One-bank 72 71 521 592 '72 '7V 521 592 U 266 62 204 530 329 201 527 375 152 1,057 704 353 712 599 1,311 42,300 35,075 7,225 45,833 34,710 28,263 6,447 37,912 Montana Multibank One-bank U 70 20 50 126 77 49 31 28 3 157 105 52 169 35 202 6,208 4,801 1,406 7,140 5,265 4,013 1,251 6,096 Nebraska Multibank One-bank . . . . . . L 319 20 299 335 40 295 163 61 102 498 101 397 473 194 667 13,256 5,501 7,756 15,609 11,240 4,353 6,886 13,279 Nevada Multibank One-bank S 5 1 4 5 1 4 144 72 72 149 73 76 15 181 196 4,564 2,684 1,880 5,407 3,642 2,163 1,479 4,345 New Hampshire . . . Multibank One-bank S 18 7 11 34 23 11 179 123 56 213 146 67 62 205 267 5,564 4,160 1,405 5,440 4,665 3,423 1,242 4,681 New Jersey . . . . Multibank One-bank S 37 13 24 70 47 23 1,397 1,011 386 1,467 1,058 409 124 1,755 1,879 42,840 32,857 9,982 52,222 36,341 27,542 8,798 44,598 New Mexico . . . Multibank . . One-bank L 43 10 33 70 41 29 239 153 86 309 194 115 95 275 370 7,098 4,921 2,177 8,730 6,213 4,284 1,929 7,543 New York Multibank One-bank S 104 38 66 99 58 41 3,720 3,251 469 3,819 3,309 510 196 3,874 4,070 North Carolina Multibank One-bank . . . S 19 3 16 19 3 16 1,721 658 1,063 1,740 661 1,079 63 1,840 1,903 39,038 26,066 12,972 41,126 29,403 18,119 11,284 31,226 North Dakota Multibank One-bank U 92 9 83 128 47 81 105 46 59 233 93 140 179 131 310 5,328 2,854 2,474 6,628 4,601 2,438 2,163 5,733 Ohio . Multibank One-bank L 60 22 38 136 99 37 1,938 1,762 176 2,074 1,861 213 317 2,264 2,581 62,271 58,504 3,767 71,784 48,095 44,859 3,235 56,367 Oklahoma. . , Multibank One-bank L 351 28 323 357 49 308 198 39 159 555 88 467 539 239 778 27,123 12,603 14,520 32,165 23,050 10,003 13,047 27,518 Oregon .... Multibank . . . One-bank S 20 4 16 25 10 15 546 423 123 571 433 138 72 627 699 15,200 13,137 2,064 16,614 11,695 9,930 1,765 12,975 222 11,284 9,508 563,840 572,301 395,643 401,601 331,654 474,510 89,330 63,989 79. Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups1—Continued D. Multibank, one-bank, and all commercial bank comparisons, by state—Continued Number of offices State, and type of holding company _, 6 ^E br nc h *in 77 - S Number of Holding companies comparfy groups" Banks Branches Amounts (millions of dollars) All commercial banks Total Banks Branches Total Assets Holding companies Deposits All commercial banks Holding companies All commercial banks December 31, 1984, including foreign data Pennsylvania Multibank One-bank . . . . . L 103 29 74 124 50 74 2,332 1,404 928 2,456 1,454 1,002 325 2,765 3,090 109,867 77,957 31,910 Rhode Island . . . . Multibank One-bank . . . . S 10 1 9 10 1 9 201 51 150 211 52 159 13 209 222 South Carolina . . . Multibank One-bank S 22 2 20 22 2 20 568 80 488 590 82 508 73 796 South Dakota Multibank One-bank S 63 16 47 80 34 46 156 111 45 236 145 91 141 180 Tennessee Multibank One-bank L 129 21 108 160 52 108 847 347 500 1,007 399 608 293 1,050 Texas Multibank , One-bank U 604 168 436 1,161 747 414 324 258 66 1,485 1,005 480 1,849 388 Utah Multibank One-bank S 28 4 24 33 11 22 312 158 154 345 169 176 60 Vermont Multibank One-bank S 14 3 11 16 6 10 174 53 121 190 59 131 Virginia . . Multibank One-bank S 33 15 18 64 46 18 1,211 885 326 Washington Mulubank One-bank S 32 11 21 39 18 21 West Virginia . . . . Multibank One-bank L 52 19 33 Wisconsin Multibank One-bank L Wyoming Multibank One-bank 122,776 82,092 55,468 26,624 93,553 7,838 4,655 3,183 7,917 5,691 3,120 2,571 5,754 869 9,114 597 8,516 12,952 7,263 522 6,741 10,406 321 12,099 10,610 1,488 13,274 7,593 6,281 1,312 8,629 27,491 13,163 14,327 32,627 22,733 10,870 11,863 27,320 2,237 168,255 146,714 21,540 197,180 133,205 114,061 19,144 158,053 353 413 8,694 4,454 4,241 9,871 6,806 3,596 3,209 7,754 27 183 210 3,647 1,127 2,520 3,628 3,261 1,021 2,240 3,260 1,275 931 344 176 1,536 1,712 28,930 19,632 9,298 37,732 23,037 15,767 7,270 30,484 720 573 147 759 591 168 102 924 1,Q26 25,745 22,706 3,040 29,027 20,220 17,647 2,573 23,089 78 45 33 77 44 33 155 89 66 227 145 372 7,624 4,764 2,860 13,354 6,251 3,832 2,419 11,279 214 50 164 353 189 164 465 328 137 818 517 301 590 608 1,198 27,293 20,685 6,609 35,174 22,294 16,515 5,779 29,232 U 42 14 28 93 66 27 4 3 1 97 69 28 116 4 120 3,940 2,861 1,078 4,535 3,481 2,513 967 4,006 25 953 275 678 1,217 613 604 21,397 14,301 7,096 22,614 14,914 7,700 2,456 24,331 26,787 Limited branching Multibank One-bank 18 3,010 388 2,622 3,907 1,336 2,571 13,644 7,979 5,665 17,551 9,315 8,236 6,674 16,744 23,418 569,034 364,181 204,852 680,353 453,643 279,741 173,903 551,285 Unit branching . . , Multibank One-bank 8 2,252 470 1,782 3,590 1,861 1,729 1,969 1,187 782 5,559 3,048 2,511 5,345 2,345 7,690 412,385 329,761 82,624 467,564 323,312 250,667 72,645 371,940 1,343 TOTALS BY STATE-BRANCHING CLASSIFICATION Statewide branching . . . . Multibank One-bank 1,267,976 1,351,918 973,147 294,829 959,938 1,031,310 725,245 234,693 223 80. Selected assets and liabilities of minority-owned banks in the United States, by size of bank, December 31, 19841 Thousands of dollars, except for number of banks All size classes Account 25-49 : Asset size (in millions of dollars) Under 10 ~[~ 10-24 ASSETS r~ 50 and over 560,433 965,075 274,965 78,147 10,899 1,496 6,754 8,402 10 1,290 0 0 72,739 117,762 16,379 5,909 385 0 157,908 180,149 64,095 7,322 1,730 0 323,032 658,762 194,481 63,626 8,784 1,496 7 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell . 8 Net loans and leases 9 Bank premises etc 10 Real estate owned, not bank premises 1 1 Other assets 12 Intangible assets 13 Investment in unconsoli dated subdivisions 407,348 2,152,812 105,225 16,517 91,931 1,621 83 3,886 17,877 1,439 209 658 0 0 65,743 321,927 17,490 1,462 12,042 74 0 94,515 511,321 24,609 3,507 22,860 686 83 243,204 1,301,687 61,687 11,339 56,371 861 0 14 Total assets 4,666,552 40,525 631,912 1,068,784 2,925,330 778,259 3,436,782 110,849 458,230 77,485 8,300 26,789 1,243 3,533 502 102,003 407,436 32,769 72,419 11,488 204,113 688,014 43,603 107,702 12,649 463,843 2,314,543 33,234 274,576 52,846 4,861,605 1,276,165 2,697,070 10,899 40,367 14,419 18,579 0 626,115 180,930 283,101 385 1,056,081 345,705 509,050 1,730 3,139,042 735,111 1,886,340 8,7H4 93,384 41,307 9,226 60,054 15 173 0 463 2,783 8,292 196 8,486 4,027 7,177 458 14,044 86,559 25,665 8,572 37,061 4,188,105 33,649 484,173 882,191 2,788,092 8,140 0 2,634 1,111 4,395 4,716 113,419 140,429 60,445 100 3,223 2,937 -3,168 2,613 25,704 27,283 99 3 38,100 33,545 13,613 2,000 46,392 76,664 49,901 1 Cash and due from depositories . . . 2 U S Treasury and federal agency securities total 3 Securities issued by states etc., book value 4 Other securities, book value . 5 Customers liability on acceptances 6 Assets held in trading accounts . . ... LIABILITIES 15 16 17 18 19 Deposits Demand —Individuals, partnerships, and corporations . . . Total time and savings U S government States and political subdivisions Certified and officers checks . . 20 Total deposits 21 Demand 22 Nontransaction accounts . . . . 23 Acceptances executed for account 24 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 25 Treasury note balances and other borrowings 26 Mortgage indebtedness 27 All other liabilities 28 Total liabilities 29 Subordinated notes and debentures EQUITY CAPITAL 30 31 32 33 Preferred stock— Par Common stock — Par . . Surplus Undivided profits and capital reserves . . 34 Total equity capital 35 Total liabilities and equity capital 36 Number of banks 224 319,009 3,092 55,699 85,262 174,957 4,515,254 36,741 542,506 968,564 2,967,444 99 5 37 30 27 81. Assets of pension funds, 1973-84 A. Totals for private and public funds Book value of all assets other than equities at end of year, billions of dollars 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1 All types. 322.8 2 Private funds 202 7 3 Insured 1 56.1 146.6 4 Noninsured 1202 5 Public funds 6 State and local government , . 84.7 7 U.S. government 35.5 31.4 8 Civil service2 41 9 Railroad retirement 325 2 199 0 604 138.6 1262 88.0 38.2 344 39 405 6 258 9 72.3 186.6 146 7 104.8 41.9 38.5 34 467.2 3003 88.7 211.6 166.9 120.4 46.4 43.1 33 513.8 328 4 103.2 225.1 185.4 132.5 52.9 50.0 29 592 6 379 0 121 6 257.4 213 6 153.9 59.8 567 31 699.6 4622 143.5 318.6 2374 169.7 67.7 64.6 31 859 1 5846 172.0 412,7 274 5 198.1 76,4 73.9 25 Type 1981 1982 1983 1984 941.2 1 122 7 1,321.7 1 433.0 630 8 761 0 894 2 9482 199.8 242.9 286.4 324.8 518,1 607.8 623.3 431.0 310.4 361 7 427.5 484.8 263.8 315.5 354.9 224.2 86.2 97.9 112.0 130.0 97.4 111.4 126.9 84.8 5 14 31 .6 B. Types held by private noninsured funds Book value of all assets other than equities at end of year, billions of dollars Type 1 Total financial assets 2 3 4 5 6 7 Demand deposits and currency Time deposits Corporate equities U.S. government securities . . Corporate and foreign bonds. Mortgages 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 146.6 138.6 186.6 211.6 225.1 257.4 318.6 412.7 431.0 518.1 607.8 623.3 1.7 73 102.1 24.9 43.9 2.4 1.9 86 116.0 32.3 44.6 2.4 2.1 10 4 111.3 38.9 48.2 25 23 14 1 1169 43.9 58.5 28 2.8 169 146.6 55.5 71,3 3.1 28 17 2 209 5 75.0 82.0 3.7 3.0 18 5 195.6 101.1 85.4 3.7 2.8 17 2 248,4 136.8 86,5 4.1 3.4 21 6 306.2 152.3 92.3 5.2 4.2 246 294.1 171.0 94.5 4.6 15 22 97.5 8.6 32.9 2.4 15 95 706 12.4 39.5 24 C. TVPes held by state and local government retirement funds Book value of all assets other than equities at end of year, billions of dollars 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1 Total financial assets 84.7 88.0 104.8 120.4 132.5 153.9 169.7 198.1 224.2 263.8 315.5 354.9 2 3 4 5 48.4 18 3 5.8 12.1 54.9 209 6.2 60 61.8 23 2 7.8 12 0 66.9 26.4 10.9 16.2 72.9 30.0 16.3 13.2 81.9 32 7 23.4 15 9 85.0 36.8 30.1 17.8 94.5 42 1 40.0 21 4 103.6 50.5 51.8 18.3 108.8 606 70,7 23.7 110.7 82.8 88.2 33.8 113.3 91 2 113.0 37.4 Type Corporate bonds Corporate equities U.S. government securities . . Other. 225 82. Terms of consumer installment credit1 Percent per annum; unless noted otherwise 1984 Item 1982 1983 1984 16,83 18 65 18 05 18 51 13.92 16 68 15.91 18 78 1647 15.58 18 77 16 15 20 75 12 58 18,74 14 62 17.84 14 18 17 54 14 11 17,59 1405 17.52 14 06 17 59 14 17 17.60 46 0 34 0 45 9 37 9 48 3 39 7 46 3 395 464 394 467 39,4 47 1 39 5 47 7 39.7 860 Jan. J| [ Mar. Feb, May Apr. INTEREST RATES 1 2 3 4 5 6 Commercial banks2 48-month new car3 24-month personal 120-month mobile home3 Credit card Auto finance companies New car . Used car ... .... 13.53 16 35 15.54 18 71 13.32 16 16 15.45 18 73 13.71 OTHER TERMS4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Maturity (months) New car Used car . Loan-to-value ratio New car. . . Used car Amount financed (dollars) New car Used car 903 92.0 88 0 92.0 88 0 92 0 87 0 91,0 87 0 92.0 88 0 92 0 880 92.0 8,178 4 746 8,787 5 033 9,333 5 691 9,099 5 392 9,072 5 418 9 139 5 474 9,190 5 547 9,262 5 675 .... 85 3 1984 P-ruly June __Aug. j Sept, ] Oct. Dee. ] Nov. INTEREST RATES Commercial banks2 48-month new car3 24-month personal 120-month mobile home3 Credit card Auto finance companies 5 New car 6 Used car 13 91 1663 15.60 18 82 14 08 1675 15,72 18 81 1 2 3 4 ... . 14 33 17.64 14 68 17,70 15 01 17.99 15 16 18.10 15 18 18.19 15 24 18.30 15 24 18.34 .... 48 2 39 8 48 6 39 8 492 39 § 495 399 49 7 39 9 500 399 502 39 8 .... 88 0 92.0 88 0 92.0 88 0 93,0 880 93.0 88.0 93.0 890 93.0 890 93.0 9,311 5,774 9,377 5,763 9,409 5,753 9,402 5,792 9,449 5,826 9,577 5,900 9,707 5,975 .. OTHER TERMS" 7 8 9 10 11 12 Maturity (months) New car Used car Loan-to-value ratio New car .... Used car Amount financed (dollars) New car Used car . 83. Security credit reported by nonbank lenders subject to margin regulations, June 30, 19841 Millions of dollars 1 Regulation T T^pe of credit 1 Margin accounts s . 2 "Plan lenders"4 3 3 Total 226 i Regulation G Total NYSE members Other brokers and dealers2 Total 22 496 10 22 506 128 148 22,634 22,4% 10 22,506 276 22,782 i 148 84. Detailed debit and credit balances at brokers carrying margin accounts, June 30, 1984 Millions of dollars, except for number of firms Member firms' Item ASSETS Debit balances due from public customers \ Margin accounts 2 Cash accounts 3 Nonsecurities accounts 4 Other accounts 22,506 3,827 326 168 5 Total 26,827 6 Debit balances in firm investment and trading accounts 7 Amount to be received for securities held under repurchase agreements 8 All other assets 56,010 88,799 39,030 9 Total assets 210,666 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL 10 11 12 13 Credit balances due to public customers Margin accounts Cash accounts Nonsecurities accounts Other accounts 3,533 8,669 956 921 . 14 Total 14,079 15 Credit balances in firm investment and trading accounts 35,262 Credit balances due on loans 16 U.S. banks 17 Foreign banks 18 Other lenders 9,838 2,730 6,713 19 Total 19,281 20 Amounts to be repaid for securities sold under repurchase agreements 21 All other liabilities and capital 90,952 51,092 22 Total liabilities and capital 210,666 MEMO: Number of margin accounts 23 Debit status 24 Credit status 1,081,282 1,250,943 25 Total .' 2,332,225 85. Commitments of life insurance companies for income-property mortgages1 Period Number of loans Total amount Loan Contract committed amount (millions (thousands interest rate of dollars) of dollars) (percent) Averages2 Maturity (years/ months) LoanDebt to-value Capitalization rate coverage ratio ratio (percent) (percent) Percent constant 1982 1983 671 1,181 4,828.5 9,965.9 6,815 8,734 14.66 12,56 11/3 9/5 66.2 70.1 12.4 11.1 1.34 1.27 14.9 12.9 1984 ....... 1,138 82 102 173 119 99 67 33 54 55 12,968.5 823.1 1,019.9 1,639.4 1,387.5 1,155.4 802.2 790.3 396.7 944.4 132 138 1,570.4 1,556.5 12,248 10,038 9,999 9,476 11,660 11,671 11,974 23,948 7,346 17,172 10,511 11,897 11,279 12.98 12.59 12.60 12.58 12.90 12.93 13.15 13.09 13.56 13.42 13.29 13.07 12.56 9/5 11/4 10/8 9/1 9/4 9/10 10/10 13/0 7/5 10/2 9/0 70.2 69.8 70.6 70.4 70.7 69.1 62.2 74.2 74.0 70.0 70.2 70.9 70.2 10.8 11.0 10.7 10.8 10.6 10.6 10.3 11.4 11.1 11.1 10.6 10.9 10.8 1.24 1.27 1.20 1.30 1.19 1.21 1.50 1.19 1.10 1.22 1.20 1.18 1.27 13.2 12.9 12.8 12.7 13.1 13.2 13.5 13.4 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.4 12,7 January . . . February .. March April May . . . . . June July August . . . September Octoter . . November . December . 84 883.0 8/8 9/5 227 Part 3—Notes to Tables Notes to Tables Part 1—Regular Tables TABLE 1 1. Unless otherwise noted, rates of change are calculated from average amounts outstanding in preceding month or quarter. Growth rates for reserves are adjusted for discontinuities in series that result from changes in Regulations D and M. 2. Figures incorporate adjustments for discontinuities associated with the implementation of the Monetary Control Act and other regulatory changes to reserve requirements. To adjust for discontinuities due to changes in reserve requirements on reservable nondeposit liabilities, the sum of such required reserves is subtracted from the actual series. Similarly, in adjusting for discontinuities in the monetary base, required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float also are subtracted from the actual series. 3. Total reserves not adjusted for discontinuities consist of reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks, which exclude required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float, plus vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements. Such vault cash consists of all vault cash held during the lagged computation period by institutions having required reserve balances at Federal Reserve Banks plus the amount of vault cash equal to required reserves during the maintenance period at institutions having no required reserve balances. 4. The monetary base not adjusted for discontinuities consists of total reserves plus required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float at Federal Reserve Banks and the currency component of the money stock less the amount of vault cash holdings of thrift institutions that is included in the currency component of the money stock plus, for institutions not having required reserve balances, the excess of current vault cash over the amount applied to satisfy current reserve requirements. After the introduction of contemporaneous reserve requirements (CRR), currency and vault cash figures are measured over the weekly computation period ending Monday. Before CRR, all components of the monetary base other than excess reserves are seasonally adjusted as a whole, rather than by component, and excess reserves are added on a not seasonally adjusted basis. After CRR, the seasonally adjusted series consists of seasonally adjusted total reserves, which include excess reserves on a not seasonally adjusted basis, plus the seasonally adjusted currency component of the money stock and the remaining items seasonally adjusted as a whole. 5. Composition of money stock and debt measures is as follows: Ml: (1) currency outside the Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of commercial banks; (2) travelers checks of nonbank issuers; (3) demand deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic banks, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (4) other checkable deposits (OCD) consisting of negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) and automatic transfer service (ATS) accounts at depository institutions, credit union share draft accounts, and demand deposits at thrift institutions. The currency and demand deposit components exclude the estimated amount of vault cash and demand deposits respectively held by thrift institutions to service their OCD liabilities. M2: Ml plus overnight (and continuing contract) repurchase agreements (RPs) issued by all commercial banks and overnight Eurodollars issued to U.S. residents by foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide, MMDAs, savings and small-denomination time deposits (time deposits—including retail RPs—in amounts of less than $100,000), and balances in both taxable and taxexempt general purpose and broker/dealer money market mutual ftinds. Excludes individual retirement accounts (IRA) and Keogh balances at depository institutions and money market funds. Also excludes all balances held by U.S. commercial banks, money market funds (general purpose and broker/ dealer), foreign governments and commercial banks, and the U.S. government. Also subtracted is a consolidation adjustment that represents the estimated amount of demand deposits and vault cash held by thrift institutions to service their time and savings deposits. M3: M2 plus large-denomination time deposits and term RP liabilities (in amounts of $100,000 or more) issued by commercial banks and thrift institutions, term Eurodollars held by U.S. residents at foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide and at all banking offices in the United Kingdom and Canada, and balances in both taxable and tax-exempt, institution-only money market mutual funds. Excludes amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government, money market funds, and foreign banks and official institutions. Also subtracted is a consolidation adjustment that represents the estimated amount of overnight RPs and Eurodollars held by institution-only money market funds. L: M3 plus the nonbank public holdings of U.S. savings bonds, short-term Treasury securities, commercial paper and bankers acceptances, net of money market mutual ftmd holdings of these assets. Debt: Debt of domestic nonfmancial sectors consists of outstanding credit market debt of the U.S. government, state and local governments, and private nonfinancial sectors. Private debt consists of corporate bonds, mortgages, consumer credit (including bank loans), other bank loans, commercial paper, bankers acceptances, and other debt instruments. The source of data on domestic non-financial debt is the Federal Reserve Board's flow of funds accounts. Debt data are on an end-ofmonth basis. Growth rates reflect adjustments for discontinuities over time in the levels of debt presented in other tables. 231 6. Sum of overnight RPs and overnight Eurodollars, money market fund balances (general purpose and broker/dealer), MMDAs, and savings and small time deposits, less the consolidation adjustment that represents the estimated amount of demand deposits and vault cash held by thrift institutions to service their time and savings deposits liabilities. 7. Sum of large time deposits, term RPs and term Eurodollars of U.S. residents, money market fund balances (institutiononly), less a consolidation adjustment that represents the estimated amount of overnight RPs and Eurodollars held by institution-only money market funds. 8. Savings deposits exclude MMDAs. 9. Small-denomination time deposits—including retail RPs—are those issued in amounts of less than $100,000. All individual retirement accounts (IRA) and Keogh accounts at commercial banks and thrifts are subtracted from small time deposits. 10. Large-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of $100,000 or more, excluding those booked at international banking facilities. 11. Large-denomination time deposits at commercial banks less those held by money market mutual funds, depository institutions, and foreign banks and official institutions. 12. Changes calculated from figures shown in table 14. Adjusted for shifts of assets to international banking facilities and breaks in series. TABLE 2 1. Includes securities loaned—securities fully guaranteed by the U.S. government pledged with Federal Reserve Banks—and excludes any securities sold and scheduled to be bought back under matched sale-purchase transactions. 2. Amounts of currency and coin held as reserves are shown in table 3, line 3 plus line 4. 3. Excludes required clearing balances to compensate for float. TABLE 3 1. Before February 1984, data are prorated monthly averages of weekly averages; beginning February 1984, data are prorated monthly averages of biweekly averages. 2. Excludes required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float. 3. Dates refer to the maintenance periods in which the vault cash can be used to satisfy reserve requirements. Under contemporaneous reserve requirements, maintenance periods end 30 days after the lagged computation periods in which the balances are held. 4. Equal to all vault cash held during the lagged computation period by institutions having required reserve balances at Federal Reserve Banks plus the amount of vault cash equal to required reserves during the maintenance period at institutions having no required reserve balances. 5. Total vault cash at institutions having no required reserve balances less the amount of vault cash equal to their required reserves during the maintenance period. 6. Total reserves not adjusted for discontinuities consist of reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks, which exclude required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float, plus vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements. Such vault cash consists of all vault cash held during the lagged computation period by institutions having no required reserve balances at Federal Reserve Banks plus the amount of vault cash equal to required reserves during the maintenance period at institutions having no required reserve balances. 232 7. Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks plus vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements less required reserves. 8. Extended credit consists of borrowing at the discount window under the terms and conditions established for the extended credit program to help depository institutions deal with sustained liquidity pressures. Because there is not the same need to repay such borrowing promptly as there is with traditional short-term adjustment credit, the money market impact of extended credit is similar to that of nonborrowed reserves. TABLE 4 1. Daily average borrowings in immediately available funds of 121 large member banks (banks with assets of $1 billion or more as of December 31, 1977) disaggregated by lender and term to maturity. Immediately available funds are those that borrowing banks receive the same day that the transfer of these funds is initiated. Unsecured borrowings in immediately available funds—federal funds—are acquired mainly from commercial banks and, to a lesser extent, from other depository institutions and federal agencies. Other borrowings and immediately available funds are principally sales of U.S. Treasury and federal agency obligations under an agreement to repurchase—security repurchase agreements—-and are obtained from a much wider range of customers, including nonbank securities dealers, nonfmancial corporations, and state and local governments. There is also a small amount of borrowing in immediately available funds in the form of promissory notes, repurchase agreements involving other assets, due bills, and certain other obligations. Borrowings of immediately available funds may have a specified term to maturity—as short as one business day—or may be made under continuing contract. Transactions under continuing contract remain in effect until terminated, without any requirement of prior notice by either borrower or lender. Information is provided on two maturity categories: one-day plus continuingcontract borrowings, and all other maturities. 2. Before February 27, dates indicated weeks ending Wednesday. TABLES 1. Rate applied to discounts of eligible paper and advances secured to the satisfaction of the Federal Reserve Bank pursuant to section 201.4(b) of Regulation A. Adjustment credit is extended to assist an institution in meeting temporary requirements for funds or to cushion more persistent outflows of funds pending an orderly adjustment of an institution's assets and liabilities. (See section 201.3(a) of Regulation A.) 2. Rate applied on advances to assist smaller depository institutions in meeting regular needs for funds arising from expected patterns of movement in deposits and loans. (See section 201.3(b)(l) of Regulation A.) 3. Applicable to advances when exceptional circumstances or practices involve only a particular depository institution and to advances when an institution is under sustained liquidity pressures. The interest rate is increased by one percentage point for loans outstanding more than 90 days and by an additional percentage point for loans of more than 150 days duration. As an alternative, for loans outstanding for more than 150 days, a Federal Reserve Bank may charge a flexible rate that takes into account rates on market sources of funds, but in no case will the rate charged be less than the basic rate plus one percentage point. Where credit provided to a particular depository institution is anticipated to be outstanding for an unusually prolonged period and in relatively large amounts, the time period in which each rate under this structure is applied may be shortened. See section 201.3(b)(2) of Regulation A. TABLE 6 1. For changes in reserve requirements beginning in 1963, see ANNUAL STATISTICAL DIGEST, 1971-1975 and for earlier changes, see Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 63rd Annual Report, 1976, table 13. Under provisions of the Monetary Control Act, depository institutions include commercial banks*, mutual savings banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, agencies and branches of foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations. 2. Requirement schedules are graduated, and each deposit interval applies to that part of the deposits of each bank. Demand deposits subject to reserve requirements are gross demand deposits minus cash items in process of collection and demand balances due from domestic banks. The Federal Reserve Act as amended through 1978 specified different ranges of requirements for reserve city banks and for other banks. Reserve cities were designated under a criterion adopted effective November 9, 1972, by which a bank having net demand deposits of more than $400 million was considered to have the character of business of a reserve city bank. The presence of the head office of such a bank constituted designation of that place as a reserve city. Cities in which there were Federal Reserve Banks or branches were also reserve cities. Any banks having net demand deposits of $400 million or less were considered to have the character of business of banks outside of reserve cities and were permitted to maintain reserves at ratios set for such banks. Effective August 24, 1978, the Regulation M reserve requirements on net balances due from domestic banks to their foreign branches and on deposits that foreign branches lend to U.S. residents were reduced to zero from 4 percent and 1 percent respectively. The Regulation D reserve requirement of borrowings from unrelated banks abroad was also reduced to zero from 4 percent. Effective with the reserve computation period beginning November 16, 1978, domestic deposits of Edge corporations were subject to the same reserve requirements as deposits of member banks. 3. Negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) accounts and time deposits such as Christmas and vacation club accounts are subject to the same requirements as savings deposits. The average reserve requirement on savings and other time deposits before implementation of the Monetary Control Act had to be at least 3 percent, the minimum specified by law. 4. Effective November 2, 1978, a supplementary reserve requirement of 2 percent was imposed on large time deposits of $100,000 or more, obligations of affiliates, and ineligible acceptances. This supplementary requirement was eliminated with the reserve maintenance period beginning July 24, 1980. Effective with the reserve maintenance period beginning October 25, 1979, a marginal reserve requirement of 8 percent was added to managed liabilities in excess of a base amount. This marginal requirement was increased to 10 percent beginning April 3, 1980, was decreased to 5 percent beginning June 12, 1980, and was eliminated as of July 24, 1980. Managed liabilities are defined as large time deposits, Eurodollar borrowings, repurchase agreements against U.S. government and federal agency securities, federal funds borrowings from nonmember institutions, and certain other obligations. In general, the base ibr the marginal reserve requirement was originally the greater of (a) $100 million or (b) the average amount of the managed liabilities held by a member bank, Edge corporation, or family of U.S. branches and agencies of a foreign bank for the two reserve computation periods ending September 26, 1979. For the computation period beginning March 20, 1980, the base was lowered by (a) 7 percent or (b) the decrease in an institution's U.S. office gross loans to foreigners and gross balances due from foreign offices of other institutions between the base period (September 13-26, 1979) and the week ending March 12, 1980, whichever was greater. For the computation period beginning May 29, 1980, the base was increased by 7l/2 percent above the base used to calculate the marginal reserve in the statement week of May 14-21, 1980. In addition, beginning March 19, 1980, the base was reduced to the extent that foreign loans and balances declined. 5. The Garn-St Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 (Public Law 97-320) provides that $2 million of reservable liabilities (transaction accounts, nonpersonal time deposits, and Eurocurrency liabilities) of each depository institution be subject to a zero percent reserve requirement. The Board is to adjust the amount of reservable liabilities subject to this zero percent reserve requirement each year for the next succeeding calendar year by 80 percent of the percentage increase in the total reservable liabilities of all depository institutions, measured on an annual basis as of June 30. No corresponding adjustment is to be made in the event of a decrease. Effective December 9, 1982, the amount of the exemption was established at $2.1 million. Beginning Dec. 15, 1983, for quarterly reporters and Dec. 29, for weekly reporters, the amount of the exemption was $2.2 million. In determining the reserve requirements of a depository institution, the exemption shall apply in the following order: (1) nonpersonal money market deposit accounts (MMDAs) authorized under 12 CFR section 1204.122; (2) net NOW accounts (NOW accounts less allowable deductions); (3) net other transaction accounts; and (4) nonpersonal time deposits or Eurocurrency liabilities starting with those with the highest reserve ratio. With respect to NOW accounts and other transaction accounts, the exemption applies only to such accounts that would be subject to a 3 percent reserve requirement. 6. For nonmember banks and thrift institutions that were not members of the Federal Reserve System on or after July 1, 1979, a phase-in period will end September 3, 1987. For banks that were members on or after July 1, 1979, but withdrew on or before March 31, 1980, the phase-in period established by Public Law 97-320 will end on October 24, 1985. For existing member banks the phase-in period is about three years, depending on whether their new reserve requirements are greater or less than the old requirements. All new institutions will have a two-year phase-in beginning with the date that they open for business, except for those institutions that have total reservable liabilities of $50 million or more. 7. Transaction accounts include all deposits on which the account holder is permitted to make withdrawals by negotiable or transferable instruments, payment orders of withdrawal, and telephone and preauthorized transfers (in excess of three per month) for the purpose of making payments to third persons or others. However, certain accounts are not considered transaction accounts but rather savings deposits subject to time deposit reserve requirements: MMDAs and similar accounts offered by institutions not subject to the rules of the Depository Institutions Deregulation Committee that permit no more than six preauthorized, automatic, or other transfers per month of which no more than three can be checks. 8. The Monetary Control Act of 1980 requires that the amount of transaction accounts against which the 3 percent reserve requirement applies be modified annually by 80 percent of the percentage increase in transaction accounts held by all depository institutions determined as of June 30 each year. Effective on the following dates, the amount was increased accordingly from $25 million; December 31, 1981, to $26 million; December 30, 1982, to $26.3 million; and December 29, 1983, to $28.9 million. 233 9. In general, nonpersonal time deposits are time deposits, including savings deposits, that are not transaction accounts and in which the beneficial interest is held by a depositor that is not a natural person. Also included are certain transferable time deposits held by natural persons, and certain obligations issued to depository institution offices located outside the United States. For details, see section 204.2 of Regulation D. TABLE 7 1. Regulations G, T, and U of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, prescribed in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, limit the amount of credit to purchase and carry margin stocks that may be extended on securities as collateral by prescribing a maximum loan value, which is a specified percentage of the market value of the collateral at the time the credit is extended. Margin requirements are the difference between the market value (100 percent) and the maximum loan value. The term "margin stocks" is defined in the corresponding regulation. Special margin requirements for bonds convertible into stocks were adopted by the Board of Governors effective March 11, 1968. 2. The margin is expressed as a percent of the market value of the stock underlying the option. excludes any securities sold and scheduled to be bought back under matched sale-purchase transactions. 2. Includes U.S. government securities held under repurchase agreement against receipt of foreign currencies and foreign currencies warehoused for the U.S. Treasury. Assets shown in this line are revalued monthly at market exchange rates. 3. Includes special investment account at Chicago Bank of Treasury bills maturing within 90 days. 4. Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreignexchange commitments. TABLE 10-B 1. Federal Reserve notes held by the Reserve Bank are exempt from the collateral requirement. TABLE 10-C 1. Holdings under repurchase agreements are classified as maturing within 15 days in accordance with maximum maturity of the agreements. TABLE 11 TABLE 8 1. Effective October 1, 1983, restrictions on the maximum rates of interest payable by commercial banks and thrift institutions on various categories of deposits were removed. For information regarding previous interest rate ceilings on all categories of accounts, see earlier issues of the Federal Reserve Bulletin, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board Journal, and the Annual Report of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 2. Effective December 1, 1983, IRA/Keogh (HR 10) Plan accounts are not subject to minimum deposit requirements. 3. Effective December 14, 1982, depository institutions are authorized to offer a new account with a required initial balance of $2,500 and an average maintenance balance of $2,500 not subject to interest rate restrictions. No minimum maturity period is required for this account, but depository institutions must reserve the right to require seven days notice before withdrawals. When the average balance is less than $2,500, the account is subject to the maximum ceiling rate of interest for NOW accounts; compliance with the average balance requirement may be determined over a period of one month. Depository institutions may not guarantee a rate of interest for this account for a period longer than one month or condition the payment of a rate on a requirement that the funds remain on deposit for longer than one month. 4. Deposits of less than $2,500 issued to governmental units continue to be subject to an interest rate ceiling of 8 percent. TABLE 9 1. Sales, redemptions, and negative figures reduce holdings of the System Open Market Account; all other figures increase such holdings. Details may not add to totals because of rounding. TABLE 10-A 1. Includes securities loaned—securities fully guaranteed by U.S. government pledged with Federal Reserve Banks—and 234 1. Accounts of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, and of states and political subdivisions. 2. Accounts authorized for negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOW) and accounts authorized for automatic transfer to demand deposits (ATS). ATS data are available starting in December 1978. 3. Excludes ATS and NOW accounts as well as special club accounts, such as Christmas and vacation clubs. SOURCES. Data for demand deposits are available beginning in 1970 estimated in part from the debits series for 233 SMSAs that were available through June 1977. Data for ATS and NOW accounts and savings deposits are available beginning in July 1977. Back data are available on request from the Banking Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. TABLE 12 1. Composition of the money stock measures and debt is as follows: Ml: (1) currency outside the Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and the vaults of commercial banks; (2) travelers checks of nonbank issuers; (3) demand deposits at all commercial banks other than those due to domestic banks, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float; and (4) other checkable deposits (OCD) consisting of negotiable order of withdrawal (NOW) and automatic transfer service (ATS) accounts at depository institutions, credit union share draft accounts, and demand deposits at thrift institutions. The currency and demand deposit components exclude the estimated amount of vault cash and demand deposits respectively held by thrift institutions to service their OCD liabilities. M2: Ml plus overnight (and continuing contract) repurchase agreements (RPs) issued by all commercial banks and overnight Eurodollars issued to U.S. residents by foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide. MMDAs, savings and small-denomination time deposits (time deposits—including retail RPs—in amounts of less than $100,000), and balances in both taxable and tax- exempt general purpose and broker/dealer money market mutual funds. Excludes individual retirement accounts (IRA) and Keogh balances at depository institutions and money market funds. Also excludes all balances held by U.S. commercial banks, money market funds (general purpose and broker/ dealer), foreign governments and commercial banks, and the U.S. government. Also subtracted is a consolidation adjustment that represents the estimated amount of demand deposits and vault cash held by thrift institutions to service their time and savings deposits, M3: M2 plus large-denomination time deposits and term RP liabilities (in amounts of $100,000 or more) issued by commercial banks and thrift institutions, term Eurodollars held by U.S. residents at foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide and at all banking offices in the United Kingdom and Canada, and balances in both taxable and tax-exempt, institution-only money market mutual funds. Excludes amounts held by depository institutions, the U.S. government money market funds, and foreign banks and official institutions. Also subtracted is a consolidation adjustment that represents the estimated amount of overnight RP,s and Eurodollars held by institution-only money mutual funds L: M3 plus the nonbank public holdings of U.S. savings bonds, short term Treasury securities, commercial paper and bankers acceptances, net of money market mutual fiind holdings of these assets. Debt: Debt of domestic nonfmancial sectors consists of outstanding credit market debt of the U.S. government, state and local governments, and private nonfinancial sectors. Private debt consists of corporate bonds, mortgages, consumer credit (including bank loans), other bank loans, commercial paper, bankers acceptances, and other debt instruments. The source of data on domestic nonfinancial debt is the Federal Reserve Board's flow of funds accounts. Debt data are on an end-ofmonth basis. 2. Currency outside the U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve Banks, and vaults of commercial banks. Excludes the estimated amount of vault cash held by thrift institutions to service their OCD liabilities. 3. Outstanding amount of U.S. dollar-denominated travelers checks of nonbank issuers. Travelers checks issued by depository institutions are included in demand deposits. 4. Demand deposits at commercial banks and foreign-related institutions other than those due to domestic banks, the U.S. government, and foreign banks and official institutions less cash items in the process of collection and Federal Reserve float. Excludes the estimated amount of demand deposits held at commercial banks by thrift institutions to service their OCD liabilities. 5. Consists of NOW and ATS balances at all depository institutions, credit union share draft balances, and demand deposits at thrift institutions. Other checkable deposits seasonally adjusted equals the difference between the seasonally adjusted sum of demand deposits plus OCD and seasonally adjusted demand deposits. Included are all ceiling free "Super NOWs," authorized by the Depository Institutions Deregulation committee to be offered beginning January 5, 1983. 6. Sum of overnight RPs and overnight Eurodollars, money market fund balances (general purpose and broker/dealer), MMDAs, and savings and small time deposits, less the consolidation adjustment that represents the estimated amount of demand deposits and vault cash held by thrift institutions to service their time and savings deposit liabilities. 7. Sum of large time deposits, term RPs and term Eurodollars of U.S. residents, money market fund balances (institutiononly), less a consolidation adjustment that represents the estimated amount of overnight RPs and Eurodollars held by institution-only money market funds. 8. Consists of overnight and continuing contract RPs issued by commercial banks to other than depository institutions and money market mutual funds (general purpose and broker/ dealer), and overnight Eurodollars issued by foreign branches of U.S. banks worldwide to U.S. residents other than depository institutions and money market mutual funds (general purpose and broker/dealer). 9. Savings deposits exclude MMDAs. 10. Small-denomination time deposits—including retail RPs—are those issued in amounts of less than $100,000. All individual retirement accounts (IRA) and Keogh accounts at commercial banks and thrifts are subtracted from small time deposits. 11. Large-denomination time deposits are those issued in amounts of $100,000 or more, excluding those booked at international banking facilities. TABLE 13 1. Figures incorporate adjustments for discontinuities associated with the implementation of the Monetary Control Act and other regulatory changes to reserve requirements. To adjust for discontinuities due to changes in reserve requirements on reservable nondeposit liabilities, the sum of such required reserves is subtracted from the actual series. Similarly, in adjusting for discontinuities in the monetary base, required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float also are subtracted from the actual series. 2. Total reserves not adjusted for discontinuities consist of reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks, which exclude required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float, plus vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements. Such vault cash consists of all vault cash held during the lagged computation period by institutions having required reserve balances at Federal Reserve Banks plus the amount of vault cash equal to required reserves during the maintenance period at institutions having no required reserve balances. 3. Extended credit consists of borrowing at the discount window under the terms and conditions established for the extended credit program to help depository institutions deal with sustained liquidity pressures. Because there is not the same need to repay such borrowing promptly as there is with traditional short-term adjustment credit, the money market impact of extended credit is similar to that of nonborrowed reserves. 4. The monetary base not adjusted for discontinuities consists of total reserves plus required clearing balances and adjustments to compensate for float at Federal Reserve Banks and the currency component of the money stock less the amount of vault cash holdings of thrift institutions that is included in the currency component of the money stock plus, for institutions not having required reserve balances, the excess of current vault cash over the amount applied to satisfy current reserve requirements. After the introduction of contemporaneous reserve requirements (CRR), currency and vault cash figures are measured over the weekly computation period ending Monday. Before CRR, all components of the monetary base other than excess reserves are seasonally adjusted as a whole, rather than by component, and excess reserves are added on a not seasonally adjusted basis. After CRR, the seasonally adjusted series consists of seasonally adjusted total reserves, which include excess reserves on a not seasonally adjusted basis, plus the seasonally adjusted currency component of the money stock and the remaining items seasonally adjusted as a whole. 5. Reflects actual reserve requirements, including those on nondeposit liabilities, with no adjustments to eliminate the effects of discontinuities associated with implementation of the Monetary Control Act or other regulatory changes to reserve requirements. 235 6. Reserve balances with Federal Reserve Banks plus vault cash used to satisfy reserve requirements less required reserves. TABLE 14 1. All commercial banks include domestically chartered insured banks, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks, New York investment companies majority owned by foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations owned by domestically chartered and foreign banks. Data are prorated averages of Wednesday estimates for domestically chartered insured banks, based on weekly reports of a sample of domestically chartered insured banks and quarterly reports of all domestically chartered insured banks. For foreign-related institutions, data are averages of month-end estimates based on weekly reports from large agencies and branches and quarterly reports from all agencies, branches, investment companies, and Edge Act corporations engaged in banking. 2. Adjusted to exclude federal funds sold to commercial banks and domestic commercial interbank loans. 3. Includes nonfinancial commercial paper held. 4. U.S. includes the 50 states and the District of Columbia. 5. Beginning June 30, 1974, data revised to include one large mutual savings bank that merged with a nonmember commercial bank. Total loans and securities were increased $0.6 billion of which $0.5 billion were in loans (specifically real estate loans) and $0.1 billion in other securities. 6. Beginning October 31, 1974, as the result of the liquidation of one large bank, total loans and securities were reduced $1.5 billion; total loans and leases $1.0 billion; commercial and industrial loans $0.6 billion; nonbank financial loans $0.2 billion; real estate $0.2 billion; and other securities $0.5 billion. 7. Beginning November 6, 1974, commercial and industrial loans were increased and real estate loans reduced $0.1 billion as the result of loan reclassifications at one large mideastern bank. 8. Beginning March 24, 1976, as the result of loan reclassifications, commercial and industrial loans were reduced $0.7 billion; real estate loans were increased $0.6 billion; and nonbank financial loans $0.2 billion. 9. Beginning March 31, 1976, as the result of loan reclassifications, commercial and industrial loans were reduced $0.5 billion; real estate loans were increased $0.2 billion; nonbank financial loans $0.4 billion; and all other loans $0.2 billion. 10. Beginning December 31, 1977, as the result of loan reclassifications, commercial and industrial loans were reduced $0.2 billion, and nonbank financial loans $0.1 billion; real estate loans were increased $0.3 billion. 11. As of January 3, 1979, total loans and securities were increased $0.6 billion. Other securities were increased $1.5 billion largely as the result of reclassifications of certain taxexempt obligations. Total loans and leases were reduced $0.9 billion. Commercial and industrial loans were increased $1.8 billion; real estate loans $0.5 billion; and lease financing receivables $0.1 billion. Loans to individuals were reduced $0.4 billion; nonbank financial loans $1.2 billion; and all other loans $1.6 billion as the result of loan reclassifications. 12. Beginning January 2, 1980, as the result of reclassifications, commercial and industrial loans were increased $0.5 billion (loans to U.S. addressees $0.4 billion); security loans and all other loans were reduced $0.2 billion and $0.3 billion respectively. 13. Beginning January 2, 1980, as the result of reclassifications, total loans and securities, total loans and leases, and real estate loans were reduced $0.1 billion. Commercial and industrial loans were increased $0.1 billion; all other loans were reduced $0.2 billion. 236 14. Beginning October 1, 1980, U.S. government securities were reduced $0.1 billion while other securities were increased the same amount due to a reclassification. 15. As of February 4, 1981, as the result of the absorption of a nonbank affiliate by a large commercial bank, total loans and securities were increased $1.0 billion; total loans and leases $1.0 billion; commercial and industrial loans $0.5 billion; real estate loans $0.1 billion; nonbank financial loans $0.1 billion; and lease financing receivables $0.2 billion. 16. Beginning April 1, 1981, an accounting procedure change by one bank reduced commercial and industrial loans $0.1 billion. 17. Beginning in December 1981, shifts of foreign loans and securities from U.S. banking offices to international banking facilities (IBFs) reduced the levels of several items. The accompanying tables show the cumulative, not seasonally adjusted amounts shifted to the IBFs for each month from December 1981 to December 1982 on a monthly average basis, for each item affected. Cumulative Assets Shifted to International Banking Facilities Monthly averages, not seasonally adjusted Billions of dollars, all commercial banks 1981 | Item Total loans and securities Other securities. . Total loans and leases Commercial and industrial to non-U.S. addressees . . Foreign banks . . . Foreign official institutions . . All other loans . . 1982 Dec. Jan. ] Feb.] Mar. [Apr.] May J June 15.3 .3 29.8 31.0 .6 .6 31.8 .6 32.5 .6 32.8 .6 33.1 .6 15.0 29.2 30.4 31.2 31.8 32.1 32.5 7,3 3,7 13.8 7.4 14.2 7.8 14.6 8.1 14.9 8.3 15.0 8.4 15.1 8.6 3.4 .7 6.9 1.1 7.2 1.1 7.3 1.1 7.5 1.1 7.6 1.2 7.7 1.2 1982 Item July Aug. Sept. | Oct. ] Nov. I Dee, Total loans and securities . 33.4 33.8 34.0 .6 .6 Other securities .6 Total loans and leases . . 32,7 33.1 33.4 Commercial and industrial to non-U.S. 15.2 15.4 15.5 addressees Foreign banks 8.7 8.6 8.7 Foreign official institutions 7.7 7.8 7.9 1.2 1.2 All other loans 1.2 34.3 .6 33.7 34.6 .6 34.0 35,0 .6 34.4 15.7 8.8 15.7 8.8 15.8 9.0 8.1 1.2 8.2 1.2 8.3 1.2 18. Beginning February 24, 1982 due to the merger of a mutual savings bank with a commercial bank, total loans and securities increased $1.0 billion. U.S. government securities and other securities each increased $0.1 billion. Total loans and leases increased $0.8 billion and real estate loans $0.7 billion. 19. Beginning March 17, 1982, due to the merger of a commercial bank with a mutual savings bank, total loans and securities increased $0.6 billion. U.S. government securities and other securities each increased $0.1 billion; total loans and leases and real estate loans each increased $0.4 billion. 20. Beginning September 29, 1982, as the result of reclassifications, total loans and leases were reduced $0.1 billion. Real estate loans increased $0.3 billion; commercial and industrial loans and other securities each increased $0.1 billion. Nonbank financial loans and all other loans decreased $0.3 billion and $0.1 billion respectively. 21. Beginning January 5, 1983, as the result of reclassifications, real estate loans increased while loans to individuals decreased $0.2 billion. 22. Beginning January 12, 1983, real estate loans increased $0.4 billion; loans to individuals and all other loans were each decreased $0.2 billion due to loan reclassifications. 23. Beginning January 26, 1983, total loans and leases, and commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees were reduced $0.2 billion. Other securities were increased $0.2 billion due to a reclassification. 24. Beginning February 2, 1983, commercial and industrial loans were reduced and real estate loans increased $0.5 billion as the result of a loan reclassification. 25. Beginning October 5, 1983, due to reclassifications, commercial and industrial loans to non-U.S. addressees increased $0.3 billion, while all other loans were reduced the same amount. 26. As of October 19, 1983, due to a merger and sale of loans, total loans and securities, total loans and leases, and all other loans were each reduced $1.0 billion. 27. Beginning January 4, 1984, several definitional changes occurred in the banks credit series. A. Other assets in trading accounts were shifted out of total loans and leases into other securities. Other securities increased $2.2 billion; total loans and leases decreased $L6 billion, of which $1.2 billion came from bankers acceptances held and $0,4 billion from nonbank financial loans. B. Loans to state and political subdivisions were shifted from other securities to total loans and leases. Other securities increased and total loans and leases decreased $33.2 billion. C. U.S. agency securities held in trading accounts were shifted from other securities to U.S. government securities. Other securities were reduced $2.0 billion; U.S. government securities increased the same amount. D. Domestically chartered non-insured commercial banks were eliminated from the series. Total loans and securities were reduced $1.3 billion; U.S. government securities $0.2 billion; other securities $0.3 billion; total loans and leases $0.8 billion. Commercial and industrial loans decreased $0.3 billion; real estate loans $0.4 billion; and all other loans $0.2 billion. 28. Beginning January 4, 1984, commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees increased $0.2 billion; real estate loans increased $0.1 billion; and loans to individuals decreased $0.3 billion due to loan reclassifications. 29. Beginning September 19, 1984, a reclassification of loans raised real estate loans $0.2 billion and lowered commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees $0.2 billion. 30. As of September 26, 1984, a transfer of loans from Continental Illinois National Bank to the FDIC reduced total loans and securities and total loans and leases $1.9 billion. Commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees decreased $1.4 billion; real estate loans $0.4 billion; nonbank financial loans and loans to individuals were each reduced $0.1 billion. 31. Beginning December 26, 1984, commercial and industrial loans to U.S. addressees increased $0.4 billion, while all other loans decreased $0.4 billion due to reclassifications. TABLE 15 1. Commercial banks are those in the 50 states and the District of Columbia with national or state charters plus U.S. agencies and branches of foreign banks, New York investment companies majority owned by foreign banks, and Edge Act corporations owned by domestically chartered and foreign banks. 2. Includes seasonally adjusted federal funds, RPs, and other borrowings from nonbanks and not seasonally adjusted net Eurodollars and loans to affiliates. Includes averages of Wednesday data for domestically chartered banks and averages of current and previous month-end data for foreign-related institutions. 3. Other borrowings are borrowings on any instrument, such as a promissory note or due bill, given for the purpose of borrowing money for the banking business. This includes borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks and from foreign banks, term federal funds, overdrawn due from bank balances, loan RPs, and participations in pooled loans. Includes averages of Wednesday figures for domestically chartered banks and averages of current and previous month-end data for foreign-related institutions. Beginning November 1980, fluctuations of federal funds, RPs, and other borrowings from nonbanks (lines 3 and 4) are derived from changes in the following: security RP borrowings (lines 13 and 14), borrowings from Federal Reserve Banks, borrowings from foreign banks, one-day and term federal funds purchased and RPs from other depository institutions, foreign banks, and foreign official institutions. 4. Averages of daily figures for member and nonmember banks. Before October 1980, nonmember banks were interpolated from quarterly call report data. 5. Includes averages of current and previous month-end data until August 1979; beginning September 1979 averages of daily data. 6. Based on daily average data reported by 122 large banks beginning February 1980 and 46 banks before February 1980. 7. Includes U.S. Treasury demand deposits and Treasury tax-and-loan notes at commercial banks. Averages of daily data. 8. Averages of Wednesday figures. 9. Estimated effects of shifts of foreign assets from U.S. banking offices to international banking facilities (IBFs). TABLE 16 1. All commercial banking institutions include domestically chartered insured commercial banks, agencies and branches of foreign banks, Edge Act and Agreement corporations owned by domestically chartered and foreign banks, and New York State investment companies majority owned by foreign banks. Data for domestically chartered insured commercial banks (partly estimated) are for the last Wednesday of the month. Data for foreign-related institutions are based on last-Wednesday-of-themonth reports from large agencies, branches, investment companies, and Edge Act and Agreement corporations engaged in banking. 2. Data are last-Wednesday-of-the-month estimates for domestically chartered commercial banks, based on weekly sample reports and quarterly universe reports. Beginning in January 1984, the series includes only insured commercial banks. The exclusion of noninsured banks reduced total loans $0.8 billion and securities $0.5 billion in January 1984. 3. Beginning January 1979, improvements in estimation methods resulted in a different allocation among the liability categories of borrowings, other liabilities, and the residual. Other liabilities are higher in the revised series than in the data previously published, and the residual is smaller. 4. Beginning in December 1981, shifts of foreign loans and securities from U.S. banking offices to international banking facilities (IBFs) reduced the levels of several assets; other securities, total loans, commercial and industrial loans and all other loans. 5. Beginning January 1984, U.S. government securities includes both U.S. Treasury securities and U.S. government agency obligations; previously published data included U.S. government agency obligations in other securities. Data before 1984 have been revised to conform more closely to the new definition; however, U.S. government agency obligations held 237 in trading accounts remain in other securities through December 1983 resulting in a $2.0 billion break in series. In addition, certain obligations of state and political subdivisions have been moved to all other loans. This shift results in a break in series of -$33.2 billion at the beginning of 1984. Partially offsetting this shift, trading accounts assets other than securities formerly reported as loans or cash assets, increased other securities $2.2 billion in January 1984. 6. Beginning January 1984, the definition of loans was changed to include certain obligations of state and political subdivisions previously included in other securities. Total loans (specifically, all other loans) were increased $33.2 billion by this shift; an offsetting $1.6 billion decline was due to the transfer of certain acceptances and commercial paper formerly reported as loans to trading account other assets. 7. Beginning in January 1984 loans to domestic commercial banks (interbank loans) are shown separately and are included in both total loans and total loans and securities. Before 1984, because of inadequate data after October 1980, total loans and securities do not include interbank loans; these are included in other assets. 8. Beginning January 1984, deposits are grouped differently than in previous years. The new categories are transactions deposits, non-transactions savings deposits, and time deposits. Through 1983 the categories were demand deposits, savings deposits, and time deposits. Only total deposits and time deposits are consistent from 1973-84. TABLE 17 1. All large weekly reporting commercial banks are those with domestic assets of $1.4 million or more on December 31, 1982. This panel began reporting on January 4, 1984. Partially estimated historical data for this reporting panel are available beginning with January 1979 data, from the Banking Section, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 2. Includes securities purchased under agreements to reselL 3. Levels of major loan items were affected by the September 26, 1984 transaction between Continental Illinois National Bank and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Other loans and leases gross, declined $1,949 million, with commercial and industrial loans accounting for $1,373 million of this amount and real estate loans for $372 million; the remainder was distributed among several other loan categories. 4. Includes federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase. 5. This is not a measure of equity capital for use in capital adequacy analysis or for other analytic uses. 6. Exclusive of loans and federal funds transactions with domestic commercial banks. 7. Loans sold are those sold outright to a bank's own foreign branches, nonconsolidated nonbank affiliates of the bank, the banks holding company (if not a bank), and nonconsolidated nonbank subsidiaries of the holding company. 8. Adjustment bank amounts represent accumulated adjustments originally made to offset the cumulative effects of mergers. These adjustment amounts should be added to outstanding data for any date in the year to establish comparability with any data in the subsequent year. A description of the adjustment process is available in Banking and Monetary Statistics, 19411970, pages 148-49. sample of commercial banks. Types of depositors in each category are described in the Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 57 (June 1971), page 466. TABLE 19 1. Institutions engaged primarily in commercial, savings, and mortgage banking; sales, personal, and mortgage financing; factoring, finance leasing, and other business lending; insurance underwriting; other investment activities; and the like, 2. Includes all financial company paper sold by dealers in the open market. 3. As reported by financial companies that place their paper directly with investors. 4. Includes public utilities and firms engaged primarily in activities such as communications, construction, manufacturing, mining, wholesale and retail trade, transportation, and services. 5. Effective December 1, 1982, there was a break in the commercial paper series. The key changes in the content of the data involved additions to the reporting panel, the exclusion of broker or dealer-placed borrowings under any master note agreements from the reported data, and the reclassification of a large portion of bank-related paper from dealer-placed to directly placed. TABLE 20 1. The prime rate is the rate that banks charge their most creditworthy business customers on short-term loans. The table shows the date on which a new rate came to be the predominant one quoted, rather than the date on which the first bank made a change in the rate. TABLE 21 1. The survey of terms of bank lending covers loans of $1,000 or more made at about 340 banks selected to represent all sizes of banks. The sample data are collected over one business week and used to estimate lending terms at all insured commercial banks. Short-term loans have original maturities of less than one year, and long-term loans have maturities of one year or more. Construction and land development loans include both unsecured loans and loans secured by real estate. Thus some of the construction and land development loans would be reported on the statement of condition as real estate loans and the remainder as business loans. Loans to fanners exclude loans secured by real estate. 2. Average maturities are weighted by loan volumes exclusive of loans with no stated maturity (demand loans). 3. The approximate compounded annual interest rate on each loan is calculated from survey data on the stated rate and other terms of the loan; then, in computing the average of these approximate effective rates, each loan is weighted by its dollar amount. 4. Large banks correspond roughly to banks with more than $500 million in total assets. TABLE 22 TABLE 18 1. Figures include cash items in process of collection. Estimates of gross deposits are based on reports supplied by a 238 1. Average of offering rates quoted by at least five dealers (in the case of commercial paper) or finance companies (in the case of finance paper). 2. Yields are quoted on a bank-discount basis. 3. Dealer closing offered rates for top-rated banks. Most representative rate (which may be, but need not be, the average of the rates quoted by the dealers). 4. Averages of offering rates quoted by five dealers. 5. Annual figures are averages of the individual observations. For the other series, annual averages are constructed from the monthly averages. 6. Except for auction averages, yields are computed from daily closing bid prices; auction averages are recorded in the week in which the bills are issued. 7. Yields on the more actively traded issues adjusted to constant maturities by the U.S. Treasury, based on daily closing bid prices. 8. Each weekly figure is calculated on a biweekly basis and is the average of five business days ending on the Monday following the calendar week. Until Mar. 31, 1983, these data determined the maximum interest rate payable on small saver certificates. 9. Averages of yields (to maturity or call) for all outstanding bonds neither due nor callable in less than 10 years, including several very low yielding "flower" bonds. 10. General obligations only, based on figures for Thursday, from Moody's Investors Service. 11. Twenty issues of mixed quality. 12. Averages of daily figures from Moody's Investors Service. 13. Data are a compilation of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. This series is an estimate of the yield on recently-offered, A-rated utility bonds with a 30-year maturity and 5 years of call protection. Weekly data are based on Friday quotations. The Federal Reserve previously published interest rate series on both newly-issued and recently-offered Aaa utility bonds, but discontinued these series in January 1984 owing to the lack of Aaa issues. 14. Provided by Standard & Poor's Corporation. 15. Weekly figures are seven-day averages of daily effective rates for the week ending Wednesday; the daily effective rate is an average of the rates on a given day weighted by the volume of transactions at these rates. 16. Weekly figures are averages of daily quotations for the week ending Wednesday. TABLE 23 1. Beginning January 25, 1984, Standard and Poor's Corporation rebased the transportation index making 1982 = 100, rather than 10. Data only from 1974 are available on this new basis. 2. Beginning July 1983, under the revised Regulation T, margin credit at broker-dealers includes credit extended against stocks, convertible bonds, stocks acquired through exercise of subscription rights, corporate bonds, and government securities. Separate reporting of data for margin stocks, convertible bonds, and subscription issues was discontinued in April 1984, and margin credit at broker-dealers became the total that is distributed by equity class. 3. Free credit balances are in accounts with no unfulfilled commitments to the brokers and are subject to withdrawal by customers on demand. 4. Each customer's equity in his collateral (market value of collateral less net debit balance) is expressed as a percentage of current collateral values. 5. Regulations G, T, and U of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, prescribed in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, limit the amount of credit to purchase and carry margin stocks that may be extended on securities as collateral by prescribing a maximum loan value, which is a specified percentage of the market value of the collateral at the time the credit is extended. Margin requirements are the difference between the market value (100 percent) and the maximum loan value. The term "margin stocks" is defined in the corresponding regulation. 6. Balances that may be used by customers as the margin deposit required for additional purchases. Balances may arise as transfers based on loan values of other collateral in the customer's margin account or deposits of cash (usually sales proceeds) occur. TABLE 24-A 1. Beginning in 1982, a regulatory accounting change provides that certain balances that had been reported as liabilities be reported as contra-assets and deducted from asset balances. Total assets and liabilities plus net worth are net of these items. 2. Holdings of stock in the Federal Home Loan Banks are included in "Other" (line 4). 3. Beginning in 1982, loans in process are classified as contra-assets and are not included in total liabilities and net worth. Total assets are net of loans in process. 4. Includes general reserves, paid-in surplus, individual profits, and permanent stock in the case of stock associations. 5. Excludes figures for loans in process. SOURCE. Estimates by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board for all savings and loan associations in the United States. Data are based on monthly reports of federally insured associations and annual reports of other associations. Even when revised, data for the current and the preceding year are subject to further TABLE 24-B 1. Data are reported on a net-of-valuation-reserves basis. Data for December 31, 1984, are revised as follows: 1 Assets 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Loans Mortgage Other Securities U S government2 State and local government Corporate and other3 Cash Other assets 9 Liabilities 10 Deposits 4 1 1 Regular 12 Ordinary savings 13 Time 14 Other 15 Other liabilities 16 General reserve accounts 17 MEMO: Mortgage loan commitments outstanding5 . 193,535 97,356 19 129 15 360 2 177 43,580 6,263 9,670 193,535 172,665 170 135 38 554 95,129 2,530 10,154 10368 n.a. 2. Data include obligations of U.S. government agencies. 3. Item includes securities of foreign governments and international organizations. 4. Excludes checking, club, and school accounts. 5. Commitments outstanding (including loans in process) of banks in New York State as reported to the Savings Banks Association of that state. SOURCE. Estimates of National Council of Savings Institutions for all savings banks in the United States. 239 TABLE 24-C TABLE 26-B 1. Direct and guaranteed obligations. Excludes federal agency issues not guaranteed, which are shown in this table under "Business." 2. Issues of foreign governments and their subdivisions and bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. SOURCE. Estimates of the American Council of Life Insurance for all life insurance companies in the United States. Annual figures are annual-statement asset values, with bonds carried on an amortized basis and stocks at year-end market values. Adjustments for interest due and accrued and for differences between market and book values are not made on each item separately but are included, in total, in "Other assets." 1. Supplemental medical insurance premiums and voluntary7 hospital insurance premiums have been reclassified from social insurance receipts to offsetting receipts in the health function. 2. Beginning February 1984, social security and medicare were removed from the income security and health functions respectively. 3. Consists of rents and royalties on the outer continental shelf, and U.S. government contributions for employee retirement. SOURCES. "Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the U.S. Government" and the Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 1985. For some categories, an adjustment was made to the last month of the fiscal year so that functional totals for the fiscal years match those in the Budget. TABLE 24-D TABLE 27 SOURCE. Estimates by the National Credit Union Administration based on a group of federal and state-chartered credit unions that account for about 30 percent of credit union assets. Figures are preliminary and are revised annually to incorporate recent benchmark data. 1. Includes guaranteed debt of U.S. government agencies, specified participation certificates, notes to international lending organizations, and District of Columbia stadium bonds. SOURCE. Treasury Bulletin. TABLE 25 TABLE 28 1. Supplemental medical insurance premiums and voluntary hospital insurance premiums have been reclassified from social insurance receipts to offsetting receipts in the health function. 2. Half-year figures are calculated as a residual (total surplus or deficit less trust-fund surplus or deficit). 3. Other off-budget includes the Postal Service Fund, Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund, and Rural Telephone Bank; it also includes, effective November 1981, petroleum acquisition and transportation and strategic petroleum reserve. 4. Data include U.S. Treasury operating cash accounts, special drawing rights, gold tranche drawing rights, loans to the International Monetary Fund, and other cash and monetary assets. 5. Item includes accrued interest payable to the public, allocations of special drawing rights, deposit funds, miscellaneous liability (including checks outstanding) and asset accounts, seigniorage, increment on gold, profit on sale of gold, net gain or loss for U.S. currency-valuation adjustment, and net gain or loss for IMF loan-valuation adjustment. SOURCES. U.S. Treasury Department, "Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the U.S. Government," and Treasury Bulletin, various issues; and The Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1985. 1. Includes (not shown separately) securities issued to the Rural Electrification Administration; depository bonds; retirement plan bonds; and individual retirement bonds. 2. Nonmarketable dollar-denominated and foreign currencydenominated series held by foreigners. 3. Held almost entirely by U.S. government agencies and trust funds. 4. Data for Federal Reserve Banks and U.S. government agencies and trust funds are actual holdings; data for other groups are Treasury estimates. 5. Consists of investments of foreign and international accounts. Excludes non-interest-bearing notes issued to the International Monetary Fund. 6. Includes savings and loan associations, nonprofit institutions, credit unions, mutual savings banks, corporate pension trust funds, dealers and brokers, certain U.S. government deposit accounts, and U.S. government-sponsored agencies. SOURCES. Data by type of security, U.S. Treasury Department, Monthly Statement of the Public Debt of the United States; data by holder, Treasury Bulletin. TABLE 26-A 1. Supplemental medical insurance premiums and voluntary hospital insurance premiums have been reclassified from social insurance receipts to offsetting receipts in the health function. 2. Old-age, disability, and hospital insurance, and railroad retirement accounts. 3. Old-age, disability, and hospital insurance. 4. Federal employee retirement contributions, and civil service retirement and disability fund. 5. Deposits of earnings by Federal Reserve Banks and other miscellaneous receipts. SOURCES. "Monthly Treasury Statement of Receipts and Outlays of the U.S. Government" and the Budget of the U.S. Government, Fiscal Year 1985. 240 TABLE 29-A 1. Transactions are market purchases and sales of U.S. government securities dealers reporting to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The figures exclude allotments of, and exchanges for, new U.S. government securities, redemptions of called or matured securities, purchases or sales of securities under repurchase agreement, reverse repurchase (resale), or similar contracts. 2. Includes, among others, all other dealers and brokers in commodities and securities, nondealer departments of commercial banks, foreign banking agencies, and the Federal Reserve System. 3. Futures transactions are standardized agreements arranged on an organized exchange in which parties commit to purchase or sell securities for delivery at a future date. 4. Forward transactions are agreements arranged in the overthe-counter market in which securities are purchased (sold) for delivery after five business days from the date of the transaction for government securities (Treasury bills, notes, and bonds) or after thirty days for mortgage-backed agency issues. TABLE 29-B 1. Positions are shown net and are on a commitment basis. 2. Immediate positions are net amounts (in terms of par values) of securities owned by nonbank dealer firms and dealer departments of commercial banks on a commitment, that is, trade-date basis, including any such securities that have been sold under agreements to repurchase (RPs). The maturities of some repurchase agreements are sufficiently long, however, to suggest that the securities involved are not available for trading purposes. Securities owned, and hence dealer positions, do not include securities to resell (reserve RPs). TABLE 29-C 1. Figures cover financing involving U.S. government and federal agency securities, negotiable certificates of deposit, bankers acceptances, and commercial paper (based on Wednesday figures, in terms of actual money borrowed or lent). 2. Includes aU reverse repurchase agreements, including those that have been arranged to make delivery on short sales and those for which the securities obtained have been used as collateral on borrowings, that is, matched agreements. 3. Includes both repurchase agreements undertaken to finance positions and "matched book" repurchase agreements. TABLE 30 1. Consists of mortgages assumed by the Defense Department between 1957 and 1963 under family housing and homeowners assistance programs. 2. Includes participation certificates reclassified as debt beginning October, 1, 1976. 3. Off-budget August 17, 1974, through September 30, 1976; on-budget thereafter. 4. Consists of debentures issued in payment of Federal Housing Administration insurance claims. Once issued, these securities may be sold privately on the securities market. 5. Certificates of participation issued before fiscal 1969 by the Government National Mortgage Association acting as trustee for the Farmers Home Administration; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Housing and Urban Development; Small Business Administration; and the Veterans Administration. 6. Off-budget. 7. Includes outstanding noncontingent liabilities: Notes, bonds, and debentures. 8. Before late 1981, the Association obtained financing through the Federal Financing Bank (FFB). 9. The FFB, which began operations in 1974, is authorized to purchase or sell obligations issued, sold, or guaranteed by other federal agencies. Since FFB incurs debt solely for the purpose of lending to other agencies, its debt is not included in the main portion of the table in order to avoid double counting. 10, Includes FFB purchases of agency assets and guaranteed loans; the latter contains loans guaranteed by numerous agencies with the guarantees of any particular agency being generally small. The Farmers Home Administration item consists exclusively of agency assets, while the Rural Electrification Administration entry contains both agency assets and guaranteed loans. TABLE 31 1. Par amounts of long-term issues based on date of sale. 2. Consists of tax-exempt issues guaranteed by the Farmers Home Administration. SOURCE. Public Securities Association. TABLE 32 1. Figures, which represent gross proceeds of issues maturing in more than one year sold for cash in the United States, are the principal amount or the number of units multiplied by the offering price. Excludes offerings of less than $100,000, secondary offerings, undefined or exempted issues as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, employee stock plans, investment companies other than closed-end, intracorporate transactions, and sales to foreigners. Private placement data are not available on a monthly basis. SOURCES. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. TABLE 33 1. Excluding money market funds. 2. Includes reinvestment of investment income dividends. Excludes reinvestment of capital gains distributions and share issues of conversions from one fund to another in the same group. 3. Excludes share redemptions resulting from conversions from one fund to another in the same group. 4. Market value at end of period, less current liabilities. 5. Also includes all U.S. government securities and other short-term debt securities. SOURCE. Investment Company Institute. Data based on reports of members, which are substantially all open-end investment companies registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Data reflect newly formed companies after their initial offering of securities. TABLE 34 SOURCE. Survey of Current Business (U.S. Department of Commerce). TABLE 35 1. For description of series, see Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 64 (July 1978), pages 533-37. 2. The ratio of total current assets to total current liabilities. SOURCE. Federal Trade Commission and Bureau of the Census. TABLE 36 1. "Other" consists of construction; wholesale and retail trade; finance and insurance; personal and business services; and communication. SOURCE. Survey of Current Business (U.S. Department of Commerce). TABLE 38 1. Before June 1980 these data were included in all other business credit. 241 2. Before June 1980 these data were included in retail commercial vehicle paper. 3. Before June 1980 these data were included in retail paper on business, industrial, and farm equipment. TABLE 39 1. Weighted averages based on sample surveys of mortgages closed by major institutional lenders during the first five fuU working days of the month. Compiled by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in cooperation with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 2. Includes all fees, commissions, discounts, and "points" paid (by the borrower or the seller) to obtain a loan. 3. Average effective interest rates on loans closed, assuming prepayment at the end of 10 years. 4. Average contract rates on new commitments for conventional first mortgages, from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 5. Average gross yields on 30-year, minimum-downpayment first mortgages, insured by the Federal Housing Administration for immediate delivery in the private secondary market. Any gaps in data are in periods of adjustment to changes in maximum permissible contract rates. 6. Average net yields to investors on fully modified passthrough securities backed by mortgages and guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association, assuming prepayment in 12 years on pools of 30-year mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Agency or guaranteed by the Veterans Administration. Monthly figures are unweighted averages of Thursday quotations for the month. 7. Includes commitments for residential mortgages to be added to FNMA's portfolio. The total excludes commitments to issue securities backed by pools of conventional mortgages under a program begun in October 1981. By December 1981, about $2.6 billion in mostly optional-delivery commitments were outstanding under the new program. 8. Includes participations as well as whole loans. 9. Includes both conventional mortgages and a small amount of government-underwritten loans. TABLE 40 1. Minor revisions in some items were made for 1977 and 1978. These revisions are available from the Mortgage and Consumer Finance Section, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. 2. Includes loans held by nondeposit trust companies but not bank trust departments. 3. Outstanding principal balances of mortgage-backed securities insured or guaranteed by the agency indicated. 4. Other holders include mortgage companies, real estate investment trusts, state and local credit agencies, state and local government retirement funds, noninsured pension funds, credit unions, and U.S. agencies for which amounts are small or separate data are not readily available. SOURCES. Based on data from various institutional and government sources, with figures for some quarters estimated in part by the Federal Reserve in conjunction with the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and the U.S. Department of Commerce. Separation of nonfarm mortgage debt by type of property, if not reported directly, and interpolations and extrapolations, when required, are estimated mainly by the Federal Reserve. Multifamily debt refers to loans on structures of five or more units. 242 TABLE 41 A Data are revised. 1. The consumer installment credit series covers most shortand intermediate-term credit extended to individuals through regular business channels, usually for the financing of the purchase of consumer goods and services or the refinancing of debts incurred for such purposes, and scheduled to be repaid (or with the option of repayment) in two or more installments, The series generally excludes mortgage financing, which is reported elsewhere, although some credit secured by junior liens on real estate may be reported in the data for certain holders, such as finance companies. Also excluded are (1) credit card or other receivables held by a holding company rather than by its subsidiary financial institution; (2) extensions of funds against the cash value of life insurance policies or, generally, against savings accounts; (3) loans to fanners; and (4) noninstallment credit extended to individuals. Some components include unearned (precomputed) finance charges. 2. Retailers include auto dealers and exclude 30-day charge credit held by travel and entertainment companies. 3. Beginning 1983, net change equals outstandings, seasonally adjusted less outstandings, of the previous period, seasonally adjusted. TABLE 42 1. Excess of total assets over total liabilities consists of gold, special drawing rights (SDRs), and corporate equities not included in liabilities minus total floats and discrepancies in adjacent column. 2. Rest-of-the-world total holdings of gold and SDRs appear as assets and are included in totals because in flow tables transactions in these categories are treated as purchases and sales of existing assets without associated liabilities. 3. Assets are shown at market value; nonbank finance liability is redemption value of shares of open-end investment companies. No specific liability is attributed to issuers of stocks other than open-end investment companies for amounts outstanding. 4. Includes savings bonds and other nonmarketable debt held by the public. Postal savings system deposits are included in "Miscellaneous" in part A, line 34. 5. Issues by agencies in the budget (Commodity Credit Corporation, Government National Mortgage Association, Tennessee Valley Authority, Federal Housing Administration) and by sponsored credit agencies in financial sectors. Includes loan participation certificates and securities backed by mortgage pools. 6. Entry under business assets is corporate only. Noncorporate trade credit is deducted in liabilities total to conform to quarterly flow tables. TABLE 43-C 1. Excludes corporate equities. 2. Corporate bonds include net issues by Netherlands Antilles subsidiaries, and U.S. foreign direct investment is before subtracting reflows of capital from Netherlands Antilles subsidiaries' foreign financing. 3. Industrial revenue bonds. Issued by state and local governments to finance private investment and secured in interest and principal by the industrial user of the funds. 4. Loans and short-term paper, profit taxes payable, and trade debt. Includes loans due in more than one year and excludes current maturities of securities and mortgages. TABLE 44 1. Annual data for line 11 are revised as follows: 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 48.0 56,0 64.0 70.0 65.0 65.0 78.0 100.0 114.0 121.0 108.0 112.0 111.0 137.0 149.0 2. Ratios of indexes of production to indexes of capacity. Federal Reserve estimates. 3. Index of dollar value of total construction contracts, including residential, nonresidential, and heavy engineering, from McGraw-Hill Informations Systems Company, RW. Dodge Division. Data for 1970 and 1971 are based at 1972 - 100. 4. Based on data in Employment and Earnings (U.S. Department of Labor). Series covers employees only, excluding personnel in the Armed Forces. 5. Based on data in Survey of Current Business (U.S. Department of Commerce). 6. Based on U.S. Bureau of Census data published in Survey of Current Business. 7. Not seasonally adjusted. Based on data published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. SOURCE. Basic data (not index numbers) for series mentioned in notes 5 and 6 and indexes for series mentioned in notes 3 and 7 may also be found in Survey of Current Business. TABLE 45 1. Primary processing includes textiles; lumber; paper; industrial chemicals; petroleum refining; rubber and plastics; stone, clay, and glass; and primary and fabricated metals. 2. Advanced processing includes food, tobacco, apparel, furniture, printing, chemical products such as drugs and toiletries, leather, machinery, transportation equipment, instruments, miscellaneous manufacturing, and ordnance. 3. Industrial materials are items both produced and used as inputs by manufacturing plants, mines, and utilities; industrial materials cover many of the items represented in the primaryprocessing grouping of manufacturing as well as some of the output of mines and utilities such as iron ore, crude oil, and electricity sold to industry. 4. Capacity utilization is calculated as the ratio of the Federal Reserve's seasonally adjusted index of industrial production to the corresponding index of capacity. For a detailed description of these series, see Federal Reserve Measures of Capacity and Capacity Utilization (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 1978); "New Federal Reserve Measures of Capacity and Capacity Utilization," Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 69 (July 1983), pages 515-21; and "Capacity Utilization: Manufacturing, Mining, and Utilities, January 1967-December 1982" (Federal Reserve statistical release, July 1983). figures. By definition, seasonality does not exist in population figures. Based on data from Employment and Earnings (U.S. Department of Labor). 2. Includes self-employed, unpaid family, and domestic service workers. 3. Data include all full- and part-time employees who worked during, or received pay for, the pay period that includes the 12th day of the month, and exclude proprietors, selfemployed persons, domestic servants, unpaid family workers, and members of the Armed Forces. Data are adjusted to the March 1984 benchmark. Based on data from Employment and Earnings (U.S. Department of Labor). TABLE 47 1. Not at annual rates. TABLE 48 1. Published groupings include some series and subtotals not shown separately. For a detailed description of the 1976 revision and for historical data, see "Industrial Production: 1976 Revisions" (Board of Governors, 1979). 2. 1972 dollar value. 3. Value of new construction data in recent periods may not be strictly comparable with data in prior periods because of changes by the Bureau of the Census in its estimating techniques. For a description of these changes see Construction Reports (C-30-76-5), issued by the Bureau in July 1976. SOURCE. Census Bureau estimates for all series except (a) mobile homes, which are private, domestic shipments as reported by the Manufactured Housing Institute and seasonally adjusted by the Census Bureau, and (b) sales and prices of existing units, which are published by the National Association of Realtors. All back and current figures are available from originating agency. Permit authorizations are those reported to the Census Bureau from 16,000 jurisdictions beginning with 1978. TABLE 49 1. Not seasonally adjusted. 2. Figures for consumer prices are those for all urban consumers. 3. Excludes intermediate materials for food manufacturing and manufactured animal feeds. SOURCE. Bureau of Labor Statistics. TABLE 50 1. With inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. 2. With capital consumption adjustment. 3. For after-tax profits, dividends, and the like, see table 34. SOURCE. Survey of Current Business (Department of Commerce). TABLE 51 TABLE 46 1. Persons 16 years of age and over. Monthly figures, which are based on sample data, relate to the calendar week that contains the 12th day; annual data are averages of monthly 1. With inventory valuation and capital consumption adjustments. 2. With capital consumption adjustment. SOURCE. Survey of Current Business (Department of Commerce) . 243 TABLE 52 1. Seasonal factors are not calculated for lines 6, 10, 12-16, 18-20,22-34, and 38-41. 2. Data are on an international accounts (LA.) basis, which differs from the Census basis data for reasons of coverage and timing. Military exports are excluded from merchandise data and are included in line 6. 3. Includes reinvested earnings. 4. Associated primarily with military sales contracts and other transactions arranged with or through foreign official agencies. 5. Consists of investments in U.S. corporate stocks and in debt securities of private corporations and state and local governments. SOURCES FOR TABLES 52-65. Data in table 52 are from Survey of Current Business (U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis). FT900 "Summary of U.S. Export and Import Merchandise Trade" (U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census). Table 54 is based on U.S. Treasury Department data and on data reported to the Treasury Department by the International Monetary Fund. Tables 55 through 63 are based on Treasury Department data and on data reported to the Treasury Department by banks (including Federal Reserve Banks) and brokers in the United States. The data exclude the holdings of dollars by the International Monetary Fund derived from payments of the U.S. subscription and from the exchange transactions and other operations of the IMF. The data also exclude U.S. Treasury letters of credit and U.S. nonnegotiable, noninterest-bearing notes held by nonmonetary international and regional organizations. Tables 64 and 65 are based on data reported to the Treasury Department by nonbanking business enterprises. The term "foreigners" covers all institutions and individuals domiciled outside the United States (including U.S. citizens domiciled abroad), and the foreign branches, subsidiaries, and offices of U.S. banks and business concerns; the central governments, central banks, and other official institutions of foreign countries, wherever located; and international and regional organizations, wherever located. The term "foreigners" also includes persons in the United States when it is known by reporting institutions that they are acting on behalf of foreigners. TABLE S3 1. Data are on a Census/customs valuation basis. For reasons of coverage and timing, these data differ from the merchandise trade data shown in table 52. "Summary of U.S. International Transactions." TABLE 54 1. Includes gold in Exchange Stabilization Fund. Gold held under earmark at Federal Reserve Banks for foreign and international accounts is not included in the gold stock of the United States; see table 62. Gold stock and earmarked gold are valued at $42.22 per fine troy ounce. 2. Beginning July 1974, the International Monetary Fund adopted a technique for valuing the special drawing right based on a weighted average of exchange rates for the currencies of member countries. From July 1974 through December 1980, 16 currencies were used; from January 1981, 5 currencies have been used. The U.S. SDR holdings, and reserve position in the IMF are valued on this basis beginning in July 1974. At valuation used before July 1974 (SDR1 = $1.20635) total U.S. re- 244 serve assets, SDR holdings, and reserve position in IMF were as follows (in millions of dollars, end of period). Month Total SDKs ...i, Reserve position in IMF 1984 January February March April . . . May June July August . September October November December 35435 35,978 36,064 35,938 36 207 36210 36 368 36,712 36 560 36 871 37 188 37 549 5 892 6,054 6,054 6,076 6386 6,386 6492 6,707 6707 6,707 6942 6,942 12 128 12,131 12,082 12,170 12 287 12 395 12 672 12 717 12720 12751 12 887 12 855 3. Includes allocations by the IMF of special drawing rights as follows: $867 million on January 1, 1970; $717 million on January 1, 1971; $710 million on January 1, 1972; $1,139 million on January 1, 1979; $1,152 million on January 1, 1980; and $1,093 million on January 1, 1981; plus net transactions in SDRs. 4. Represents the U.S. reserve tranche position in the IMF (the U.S. quota, plus net U.S. loans to the IMF, minus IMF holdings of dollars), which is the amount that the United States could purchase in foreign currencies automatically if needed. Under appropriate conditions, the United States could purchase additional amounts related to the U.S. quota. 5. Valued at current market exchange rates. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 55-A 1. Includes the Bank for International Settlements. 2. Principally demand deposits, time deposits, bankers acceptances, commercial paper, negotiable time certificates of deposit, and borrowings under repurchase agreements. 3. Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness (including those payable in foreign currencies) and nonmarketable Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries, 4. Excludes notes issued to foreign official nonreserve agencies. Includes bonds and notes payable in foreign currencies. 5. Debt securities of U.S. government corporations and federally sponsored agencies, and U.S. corporate stocks and bonds. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 55-B 1. Includes the Bank for International Settlements. 2. Includes countries in Oceania and Eastern Europe. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 56-A 1. Excludes negotiable time certificates of deposit, which are included in "Other negotiable and readily transferable instruments." 2. Includes borrowing under repurchase agreements. 3. U.S. banks: includes amounts due to own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in "Consolidated report of condition" filed with bank regulatory agencies. Agencies, branches, and majority-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks: principally amounts due to head office or parent foreign bank and to foreign branches, agencies, or wholly owned subsidiaries of head office or parent foreign bank. 4. Financial claims on residents of the United States, other than long term securities, held by or through reporting banks. 5. Includes nonmarketable certificates of indebtedness and Treasury bills issued to official institutions of foreign countries. 6. Principally bankers acceptances, commercial paper, and negotiable time certificates of deposit. 7. Principally the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Inter-American and Asian Development Banks. Data exclude "holdings of dollars" of the International Monetary Fund. 8. Foreign central banks and foreign central governments and the Bank for International Settlements. 9. Excludes central banks, which are included in "Official institutions." Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. 5. Includes demand and time deposits and negotiable and nonnegotiable certificates of deposit denominated in U.S. dollars issued by banks abroad. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 59 1. Liabilities and claims of banks in the United States were increased, beginning in December 1981, by the shift from foreign branches to international banking facilities in the United States of liabilities to, and claims on, foreign residents. 2. Remaining time to maturity, 3. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 60 TABLE 56-B 1. Includes the Bank for International Settlements. Also includes Eastern European countries not included in line 23. 2. Comprises Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. 3. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 4. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 5. Excludes "holdings of dollars" of the International Monetary Fund. 6. Asian, African, Middle Eastern, and European regional organizations, except the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Western Europe." Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 57 1. Includes the Bank for International Settlements. Also includes Eastern European countries not included in line 23. 2. Comprises Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. 3. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 4. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 5. Excludes the Bank for International Settlements, which is included in "Other Western Europe." Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. 1. Data for banks' own claims are given on a monthly basis, but the data for claims of banks' own domestic customers are available on a quarterly basis only. 2. U.S. banks: includes amounts due from own foreign branches and foreign subsidiaries consolidated in "Consolidated report of condition" filed with bank regulatory agencies. Agencies, branches, and majority-owned subsidiaries of foreign banks: includes principally amounts due from head office or parent foreign bank, and foreign branches, agencies, or wholly owned subsidiaries of head office or parent foreign bank. 3. Assets owned by customers of the reporting bank located in the United States that represent claims on foreigners held by reporting banks for the account of their domestic customers. 4. Principally negotiable time certificates of deposit and bankers acceptances. 1. Data on claims exclude foreign currencies held by U.S. monetary authorities. 2. Assets owned by customers of the reporting bank located in the United States that represent claims on foreigners held by reporting banks for the accounts of their domestic customers. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 61 1. Estimated official and private transactions of marketable U.S. Treasury securities with an original maturity of more than one year. Data are based on monthly transaction reports. Excludes nonmarketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes held by official institutions of foreign countries. 2. Includes U.S. Treasury notes, denominated in foreign currencies, publicly issued to private foreign residents. 3. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 4. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 62 1. Excludes deposits and U.S. Treasury securities held for international and regional organizations. 2. Marketable U.S. Treasury bills, notes, and bonds; and nonmarketable U.S. Treasury securities payable in dollars and in foreign currencies. 3. Earmarked gold is gold held for foreign and international accounts; it is not included in the gold stock of the United States. Earmarked gold and the gold stock are valued at $42,22 per fine troy ounce. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 63 1. Comprises oil-exporting countries as follows: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 2. Includes state and local government securities, and securities of U.S. government agencies and corporations. Also includes issues of new debt securities sold abroad by U.S. corporations organized to finance direct investments abroad. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. 245 TABLE 64 1. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 2. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 3. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 65 1. Table 58, "Banks' own and domestic customers' claims on foreigners," includes monthly figures for U.S. dollar deposits in banks abroad, reported by nonbanking business enterprises in the United States. 2. Comprises Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates (Trucial States). 3. Comprises Algeria, Gabon, Libya, and Nigeria. 4. Includes nonmonetary international and regional organizations. Sources appear at the end of notes for table 52. TABLE 66 1. For a given month, total assets may not equal total liabilities because some branches did not adjust the net position of the bank in the branch to reflect unrealized paper profits and paper losses caused by changes in exchange rates, which are used to convert foreign currency values into equivalent dollar values. 2. Beginning with the data for June 1984, reported claims held by foreign branches have been reduced by an increase in the reporting threshold for "shell" branches from $50 million to $150 million equivalent in total assets; this is the threshold now applicable to all reporting branches. 3. Data for assets vis-a-vis other banks in the United States and vis-a-vis nonbanks are combined for dates before June 1984. 4. Before June 1984, liabilities on negotiable CDs were included in liabilities to the United States or liabilities to foreigners, according to the address of the initial purchaser. TABLE 67 1. Data are aggregates of categories reported on the quarterly form FFIEC 002, "Report of Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks." This form was first used for reporting data as of June 30, 1980. From November 1972 through May 1980, U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks had filed a monthly FR 886a report. Aggregate data from that report were available through the Federal Reserve statistical release G. 11, last issued on July 10,1980. Data in this table and in the G. 11 tables are not strictly comparable because of differences in reporting panels and in definitions of balance sheet items. 2. Includes the District of Columbia. 3. Agencies account for virtually all of the assets and liabilities reported in California. 4. Includes all offices that have the power to accept deposits from U.S. residents, including any such offices that are considered agencies under state law. 5. Total assets and total liabilities include net balances, if any, due from or due to related banking institutions in the United States and in foreign countries (see footnote 6). On the former monthly branch and agency report, available through the G. 11 statistical release, gross balances were included in total assets and total liabilities. Therefore, total asset and total liabil- 246 ity figures in this table are not comparable to those in the G. 11 tables. 6. "Related banking institutions" includes the foreign head office and other U.S. and foreign branches and agencies of the bank, the bank's parent holding company, and majority-owned banking subsidiaries of the bank and of its parent holding company (including subsidiaries owned both directly and indirectly). Gross amounts due from and due to related banking institutions are shown as memo items. 7. "U.S. banking subsidiaries" refers to U.S. banking subsidiaries majority-owned by the foreign bank and by related foreign banks and includes U.S. offices of U.S.-chartered commercial banks, of Edge Act and Agreement corporations, and of New York State (Article XII) investment companies. 8. In some cases two or more offices of a foreign bank within the same metropolitan area file a consolidated report. TABLE 68 1. The banking offices covered by these data are the US. offices and foreign branches of U.S.-owned banks and of U.S. subsidiaries of foreign-owned banks. Offices not covered include (1) U.S. agencies and branches of foreign banks, and (2) foreign subsidiaries of U.S. banks. To minimize duplication, the data are adjusted to exclude the claims on foreign branches held by a U.S. office or another foreign branch of the same banking institution. The data in this table combine foreign branch claims in table 66 (the sum of lines 7 through 10) with the claims of U.S. offices in table 58 (excluding those held by agencies and branches of foreign banks and those constituting claims on own foreign branches). The claims of the U.S. offices in this table include only banks' own claims payable in dollars. 2. Beginning with June 1984 data, reported claims held by foreign branches have been reduced by an increase in the reporting threshold for "shell" branches from $50 million to $150 million equivalent in total assets, the threshold now applicable to all reporting branches. 3. In addition to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries shown individually, this group includes other members of OPEC (Algeria, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates) as well as Bahrain and Oman (not formally members of OPEC). 4. Excludes Liberia. 5. Includes Canal Zone beginning December 1979. 6. Foreign branch claims only. 7. Includes New Zealand, Liberia, and international and regional organizations. TABLE 69 1. Rates are mainly those at which the central bank either discounts or makes advances against eligible commercial paper or government securities for commercial banks or brokers. For countries with more than one rate applicable to such discounts or advances, the rate shown is the one at which it is understood the central bank transacts the largest proportion of its credit operations. The compounded annual rate is based on the official rate per day. TABLE 70 1. Rates are for three-month interbank loans except for Canada, finance company paper; Belgium, three-month Treasury bills; and Japan, Gensaki rate. TABLE 71 1. Index of weighted-average exchange value of U.S. dollar against currencies of other Group of Ten (G-10) countries plus Switzerland. Weights are 1972-76 global trade of each of the 10 countries. Series revised as of August 1978 (see Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 64, August 1978, p. 700). TABLE 72 1. Averages of certified noon buying rates in New York for cable transfers. 2. Cents per unit of foreign currency. Part 2—Special Tables branches are shown according to their own location rather than that of the parent bank.) Type and location of bank 1 national in New Jersey 1 national in California 1 noninsured unincorporated in New York 3 insured nonmember in Puerto Rico Number and location of branches 1 in Pennsylvania 3 in Washington and 1 in Oregon 1 in Massachusetts and 1 in Pennsylvania 17 in New York and 1 in California 2. As of December 31, 1984, includes 13 state member noninsured trust companies and 1 noninsured national trust company. 3. Banking facilities (other than branches) that are provided at military and other government establishments through arrangements made by the Treasury; 78 banks operated such facilities and 23 had no other type of branch or facility in 1984. TABLE 73 1. See the Board's Annual Report for statements of condition of the Federal Reserve Banks for other years. 2. Includes securities loaned—securities fully guaranteed by U.S. government pledged with Federal Reserve Banks; and excludes any securities sold and scheduled to be bought back under matched sale-purchase transactions. 3. Such assets are revalued monthly at market exchange rates. 4. Includes reserves of all depository institutions. 5. Includes exchange-translation account reflecting the monthly revaluation at market exchange rates of foreign exchange commitments. 6. Beginning September 1980, Federal Reserve notes held by the Reserve Banks are exempt from the collateral requirement. 7. Includes Federal Reserve notes held by U.S. Treasury and by Federal Reserve Banks other than the issuing Bank. TABLE 76-A 1. Figures include all banks in Alaska and Hawaii, but exclude nonmember banks in territories and possessions. 2. State member figures include 1 bank in Puerto Rico. 3. As of December 31, 1984, includes 13 state member noninsured and 1 noninsured national trust company. 4. Figures exclude new banks organized to succeed operating banks. TABLE 76-B 1. Individual breakdowns by type of bank are not available. Therefore, the "Other" category of changes are the residual changes from the differences between figures for the current and previous year, minus the actual changes from the first three (3) categories. 2. Provided at military and other government establishments through arrangements made by the U.S. Treasury Department. TABLE 74 TABLE 77 1. Includes distribution of costs for projects performed by one Bank for the benefit of one or more other Banks. 2. This item includes expenses for labor and materials temporarily capitalized and charged to activities when the products are consumed. 3. This item includes $437.1 million of unrealized net losses related to revaluation of assets denominated in foreign currencies to market exchange rates. 4. For additional details, see the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 71st Annual Report, 1984, (1985), pages 212-16. Nan . Details may not add to totals because of rounding. TABLE 75 1. Number excludes banks that have banking facilities only; banking facilities are shown separately; see note 2. Except for the following, branches and additional offices are located in the same state as the parent bank. (In this table these 1. S = statewide branching; L = limited branching; U = unit banking. 2. Statewide branching effective October 1984. 3. Limited branching effective September 1, 1983. 4. Limited branching effective December 1984. SOURCES. Compiled from unpublished data from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. TABLE 78 1. Number in parentheses is total of banking organizations in state. 2. Independent bank. TABLE 79 1. Companies included are those that have reported to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System pursuant to 247 the requirements of the Bank Holding Company Act; the number includes some companies that have filed registration statements, but whose holding company status has not yet been determined by the Board. Lists showing the names, offices, total assets, and total deposits of the subsidiary banks in the holding company groups (both domestic and domestic including foreign) for 1984 are available from Publications Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. 20551. Figures exclude banking subsidiaries located in Puerto Rico and holding companies whose only banking subsidiaries are located in Puerto Rico. 2. Companies that are subsidiaries of other bank holding companies are eliminated. 3. Branches include locations other than the bank's head office; that is, domestic branches, customer-bank communication terminals (CBCTs), facilities, foreign branches and subsidiaries, and Edge Act and Agreement corporations, when applicable. 4. Companies whose only bank subsidiary is also a subsidiary of another, unrelated bank holding company are included. 5. Data for each state represent the number of bank holding companies or groups having subsidiary banks in that state rather than the number of registered bank holding companies or groups whose principal offices are located in the state. 6. The total does not necessarily equal the sum of the figures for states because it has been corrected for duplications; that is, holding companies or groups that have subsidiary banks in more than one state are included in the total only once. 7. S = statewide branching; L = limited branching; U = unit banking. TABLE 82 1. Rates are reported on an annual percentage rate basis as specified in Regulation Z (Truth in Lending) of the Board of Governors. Commercial bank rates are "most common" rates for direct loans with specified maturities; finance company rates are weighted averages for purchased contracts on automobile loans. For description of data, see Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 59 (September 1973), pages 641-45. 2. Data are available for midmonth of quarter only. 3. Before 1983 the maturity for new car loans was 36 months, and for mobile home loans was 84 months. 4. At auto finance companies. TABLE 83 1. Annual data for bank lending under Regulation U ceased to be collected after June 1977. 2. Includes data for firms that are members of the American Stock Exchange but not of the New York Stock Exchange that report directly to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 3. Margin accounts include credit extended on stock and non-convertible, and convertible bonds under the consolidated method of reporting in Regulation T. 4. Includes credit extended to finance purchases through qualified stock option and employee stock purchase plans. TABLE 84 TABLE 80 1. These are members of either the American Stock Exchange or the New York Stock Exchange. 1. Minority-owned banks are defined as those in which more than 50 percent of the stock is owned by minority groups, as well as those independently controlled by minority group members. The following tabulation shows numbers of minority-owned banks for 1984 classified in two ways: TABLE 85 By type of bank charter By type of minority Black Hispanic Women Asian American Indian Multiracial 48 28 8 15 3 2 Federal Reserve member National State 47 5 Nonmember state 52 TABLE 81 1. Includes deferred profit-sharing funds and pension funds of corporations, unions, multiemployer groups, and nonprofit organizations. 2. Includes Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Trust Fund. 248 1. American Council of Life Insurance data for new commitments of $100,000 and over each on mortgages for multifamily and nonresidential nonfarm properties, most of which are located in the United States. The series covers 20 companies with 61 percent of industry assets and 67 percent of nonfarm mortgages. 2. Averages, which are based on number of loans, vary in part with loan composition by type and location of property, type and purpose of loan, and loan amortization and prepayment terms. Data for the following are limited to cases for which information was available or estimates could be made: capitalization rate (net stabilized property earnings divided by property value); debt-coverage ratio (net stabilized earnings divided by debt service); and percent constant (annual level payment, including principal and interest, per $100 of debt). All statistics exclude construction loans, increases in existing loans in a company's portfolio, reapprovals, and loans secured by land only. Part 4—Index to Tables Index to Tables References are to table numbers, not page numbers Acceptances, bankers (See Bankers acceptances) Agricultural loans, commercial banks, 17, 21 Assets and deposits Banking organizations, percentage of total held by 10 largest, 78 Banks in holding company groups, 79 Assets and liabilities (See also Foreigners) Banks, by classes, 16, 17 Domestic finance companies, 37 Federal Reserve Banks, 10(A), 73 Financial institutions, 24 Foreign banks, U.S. branches and agencies, 67 Minority-owned banks, 80 Nonfinancial corporations, 35 Assets of pension funds, 81 Automobiles Consumer installment credit, 41, 82 Production, 47 Bankers acceptances, 9, 19(B), 22, 29(A, B), 74 Bankers balances, 16, 17 (See also Foreigners) Banking offices Banks in holding company groups, 79 In operation, number and changes, 75, 76, 77 Bonds (See also U.S. government securities) Interest rates, 22 New issues, 32 Branch banks, 66, 67, 75, 76(B) Budget, U.S. (See Federal finance) Business activity, selected measures, 44 Business expenditures on new plant and equipment, 36 Business loans (See Commercial and industrial loans) Capacity utilization, 44, 45(C) Capital accounts Banks, by classes, 16 Federal Reserve Banks, 10(A), 73 Central banks, foreign discount rates, 69 Certificates of deposit, 22, 29(A, B) Commercial and industrial loans Commercial banks, 14, 16, 17, 21, 67 Weekly reporting banks, 17 Commercial banks Agricultural loans, 17, 21 Assets and liabilities, 16, 17 Banking offices, number and changes, 75, 76, 77 Banking organizations, percentage of total assets and deposits held by 10 largest, 78 Commercial and industrial loans, 14, 16, 17, 21, 67 Consumer loans held, by type and terms, 41, 82 Debits and deposit turnover, 11 Commercial banks—Continued Loans and securities, 14 Loans sold outright, 17 Nondeposit funds, 15 Real estate mortgages held, by holder and property, 40 Time and savings deposits, 1 Commercial paper, 19(A), 22, 29(A, B), 37 Condition statements (See Assets and liabilities) Construction, 44, 48 Consumer installment credit, 41, 82 Consumer prices, 44, 49 Consumption expenditures, 50, 51 Corporations Nonfinancial, assets and liabilities, 35 Profits and their distribution, 34 Security issues, 32, 63 Cost of living (See Consumer prices) Credit unions, 24(D), 41 (See also Thrift institutions) Currency and coin, 16 Currency in circulation, 2, 12 Customer credit, stock market, 23(B, C, D), 83, 84 Debits to deposit accounts, 11 Debt (See specific types of debt or securities) Demand deposits Banks, by classes, 11, 16, 17 Ownership by individuals, partnerships, and corporations, 18 Turnover, 11 Depository institutions (See also Financial institutions) Reserve requirements, 6 Reserves and related items, 1, 2, 3, 13, 73 Deposits (See also specific types) Banking organizations, percentage of total deposits held by 10 largest, 78 Banks, by classes, 1, 16, 17, 24(B) Banks in holding company groups, 79 Federal Reserve Banks, 2, 10(A), 25, 73 Turnover, 11 Discount rates at Federal Reserve Banks and at foreign central banks (See Interest rates) Discounts and advances by Federal Reserve Banks (See Loans) Dividends Corporate, 34 Federal Reserve Banks, 74 Dollar, U.S., index of weighted-average value, 71 Employment, 44, 46 Eurodollars, 22 Expenditures on new plant and equipment, 36 251 Farm mortgage loans, 40 Federal agency obligations, 2, 9, 10(A, C), 29(A, B), 73 Federal credit agencies, 30 Federal finance Debt subject to statutory limit, and types and ownership of gross debt of U.S. Treasury, 27, 28 Receipts and outlays, 25, 26 Treasury financing of surplus or deficit, 25 Treasury operating balance, 25 Federal Financing Bank, 25, 30 Federal funds, 4, 15, 17, 22, 25 Federal Home Loan Banks, 30 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, 30, 39, 40 Federal Housing Administration, 30, 39, 40 Federal Land Banks, 40 Federal National Mortgage Association, 30, 39, 40 Federal Reserve Banks Condition statement, 10(A), 73 Discount rates (See Interest rates) Income, expenses, and dividends, 74 Payments to US. Treasury, 74 Surplus, 74 US. government securities held, 2, 10(A, C), 28, 73 Federal Reserve credit, 2, 3, 10(A, C), 73 Federal Reserve notes, 10(A, B), 73, 74 Federal savings banks, assets and liabilities, 24(E) Federally sponsored credit agencies, 30 Finance companies Assets and liabilities, 37 Business credit, 38 Loans, 41, 82 Paper, 19(A), 22 Finance rates (See Interest rates) Financial institutions, 17, 24, 40 (See also Commercial banks, Credit unions, Mutual savings banks, Savings and loan associations, and Thrift institutions) Float, 2 Flow of funds, 42, 43 Foreign banks, assets and liabilities of US. branches and agencies, 67 Foreign currency operations, 10(A), 73, 74 Foreign deposits in US. banks, 2, 10(A), 17, 73 Foreign exchange rates, 72 Foreign trade, 53 Foreigners Claims on, 57, 58, 59, 60, 65, 66, 67, 68 Liabilities to, 17, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67 Interest rates—Continued Foreign countries, 70 Installment credit, selected types, 82 Money and capital markets, 22 Mortgages, 39 Prime rate, 20 Time and savings deposits, 8 International capital transactions of United States, 52-70 International organizations, 55, 56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65 Inventories, 50 Investment companies, issues and assets, 33 Investments (See also specific types) Banks, by classes, 16, 17, 24(B) Commercial banks, 1, 14, 16, 17, 40 Federal Reserve Banks, 10(A, C), 73 Financial institutions, 24, 40, 85 Gold certificate account, 10(A, B), 73 Gold stock, 2, 54 Government National Mortgage Association, 30, 39, 40 Gross national product, 50 National banks, number, and changes in number of banking offices, 75, 76 National defense outlays, 26(B) National income, 50 Nondeposit funds of commercial banks, 15 Nonmember banks, number, and changes in number of banking offices, 75, 76 Holding company groups, banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in, 79 Housing, new and existing units, 48 Labor force, 46 Life insurance companies (See Insurance companies) Loans (See also specific types) Banks, by classes, 16, 17, 24(B, E) Commercial banks, 1, 14, 16, 17, 21, 67 Federal Reserve Banks, 2, 3, 5, 10(A, C), 73, 74 Financial institutions, 24, 40, 85 Insured or guaranteed by United States, 39, 40 Manufacturing Capacity utilization, 44, 45(C) Production, 44, 45(A), 47 Margin accounts Brokers' detailed debit and credit balances, 84 Selected statistics, 23(B, C, D) Margin regulations, credit subject to, 83 Margin requirements, 7 Member banks (See also Depository institutions) Banking offices, number and changes, 75, 76 Federal funds and repurchase agreements, 4 Reserve requirements, 6 Minority-owned banks, assets and liabilities, 80 Mobile homes shipped, 48 Monetary and credit aggregates, 1, 13 Money and capital market rates, 22 Money stock measures and components, 1, 12 Mortgages (See Real estate loans) Mutual funds (See Investment companies) Mutual savings banks, 8, 24(B), 40, 41, 75, 76 (See also Thrift institutions) Open market transactions, 9 Income, personal and national, 44, 50, 51 Income and expenses, Federal Reserve Banks, 74 Industrial production, 44, 47 Installment loans, 41, 82 Insurance companies, 24(C), 28, 40, 85 Insured commercial banks, 75 Interest rates Bonds, 22 Commercial and industrial loans, 21 Federal Reserve Banks, 5 Foreign central banks, 69 252 Pension funds, assets, 81 Personal income, 44, 50, 51 Prices Consumer and producer, 44, 49 Stock market, 23(A) Prime rate, 20 Producer prices, 44, 49 Production, 44, 47 Profit and loss, Federal Reserve Banks, 74 Profits, corporate, 34 Real estate loans Banks, by classes, 14, 17, 40 Financial institutions, 24(A, B, C, E) Life insurance companies, 85 Terms, yields, and activity, 39 Type of holder and property mortgaged, 40 Repurchase agreements, 4, 15, 17 Reserve requirements, 6 Reserves Commercial banks, 16 Depository institutions, 1, 2, 3, 13, 73 Federal Reserve Banks, 73 U.S. reserve assets, 54 Residential mortgage loans, 39 Retail credit and retail sales, 41, 44, 82 Saving Flow of funds, 42, 43 National income accounts, 50 Savings and loan associations, 8, 24(A), 40, 41, 43(A) (See also Thrift institutions) Savings deposits (See Time and savings deposits) Savings institutions (See Credit unions, Insurance companies, Mutual savings banks, and Savings and loan associations) Securities (See specific types) Commercial banks, 14 Credit reported by lenders, 23(B, C, D), 83, 84 Federal and federally sponsored credit agencies, 30 Foreign transactions, 63 New issues, 31, 32 Prices, 23(A) Special drawing rights Allocations, 52 Certificate account, 2, 10(A, B), 73 Holdings, 42, 52, 54 State and local governments Deposits, 17 Holdings of U.S. government securities, 28 New security issues, 31 Ownership of securities issued by, 17, 24(B, C, D) FRB1-2000-1085C State member banks, number, and changes in number of banking offices, 75, 76 Stock market Customer credit, 23(B, C, D), 83, 84 Prices and trading, 23 Stocks (See also Securities) New issues, 32 Prices, 23(A) Tax receipts, federal, 26(A) Thrift institutions, 1 (See also Credit unions, Mutual savings banks, and Savings and loan associations) Time and savings deposits, 1, 8, 12, 15, 16, 17 Trade, foreign, 53 Treasury currency and Treasury cash, 2 Treasury deposits, 2, 10(A), 25, 73 Treasury operating balance, 25 Unemployment, 46 U.S. government balances Commercial bank holdings, 17 Treasury deposits at Reserve Banks, 10(A), 25 U.S. government securities Bank holdings, 16, 17, 28 Dealers' transactions, positions, and financing, 29 Federal Reserve Bank holdings and earnings, 2, 10(A, C), 28, 73, 74 Foreign and international holdings and transactions, 10(A), 28, 61, 62 Open market transactions, 9 Outstanding, by type and holder, 24(B, C, D), 28 Rates, 22 U.S. international capital transactions, 52-70 Veterans Administration, 39, 40 Weekly reporting banks, 17 Wholesale (producer) prices, 44, 49 Yields (See Interest rates) 253