Full text of Annual Statistical Digest : 1971-1975
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Washington, D.C. ANNUAL STATISTICAL DIGEST 1971-1975 October 1976 Copies of this publication may be obtained from Publications Services, Division of Administrative Services, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D. C. 20551. The price to paid subscribers to the Federal Reserve Bulletin is $4.00 per copy; to all others, $5.00 per copy. Remittances should be made payable to the order of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in a form collectible at par in U.S. currency. (Stamps and coupons not accepted.) Preface With this issue of the Annual Statistical Digest the Board of Governors is inaugurating a new publication. The Digest is envisaged as a document that will provide a convenient source of economic, and especially financial, data for a broad range of users. Availability of such a document is deemed to be of special importance in view of the changes that are expected to be made soon in the statistical section of the Federal Reserve Bulletin. The broad function of the Digest is to reproduce sufficient historical data for Bulletin tables to reduce drastically the work required to put together for recent years consistent and detailed series of statistics for the areas covered. Another is to provide for publication—in a source other than the Bulletin—of a number of special tables that in previous years have appeared in the Bulletin. Hereafter data for those tables will be published only in the Digest, as will data for some of the other series that are no longer published in the Bulletin. This first issue of the Digest covers the period 1971-75. In many instances the series shown represent continuations of series published in Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-1970. When this is the case, the table in the Digest generally overlaps (repeats, for example, the last week and/or last month of 1970) its counterpart in Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-1970. In other instances the tables may contain statistics for years before 1971. If so, the data may have been revised since they were published in Banking and Monetary Statistics, 1941-1970 or in the Bulletin, or they may represent series for which the Board had not previously published all of the retrospective data available. Each table contains all revisions available as of mid-July 1976. This document contains no text describing the tables. Information on coverage of series, changes in coverage, and other pertinent details is contained in notes to the tables. All of these notes, as well as the guide to tabular presentation, appear in Part 3. Contents Part 1—Regular Tables 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items A. Annual and monthly averages of daily B. Weekly averages of daily C. Wednesday figures figures figures 2 4 12 2. Reserves and borrowings of member banks 20 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions 21 4. F. R. Bank interest rates on loans to member banks under Sections 13 and 13a 35 5. F. R. Bank interest rates on loans to member banks under Section 10(b) 36 6. 7. F. R. Bank interest rates on loans to others than member banks under last paragraph of Section 13 Reserve requirements on deposits of member banks 37 38 8. Maximum interest rates payable by member banks on time and savings deposits 39 9. Margin requirements 39 10. Transactions of the System Open Market Account 40 11. Maturity distribution of loans and securities held by Federal Reserve Banks 46 12. 13. Consolidated statement of condition of all Federal Reserve Banks Measures of the money stock A. Seasonally adjusted B. Not seasonally adjusted 48 49 50 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposits A. Reserves B. Deposits 15. Loans and investments at all commercial banks 16. Principal assets and liabilities and number of all commercial banks 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks 19. Commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks 20. "Term" commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks 21. Loans sold outright by large commercial banks 51 54 59 61 62 82 107 110 112 Contents-continued 22. Gross demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations A. B. All commercial banks Large weekly reporting commercial banks 114 114 23. Commercial paper and bankers acceptances outstanding 115 24. Prime rate charged by banks on short-term business loans 117 25. Bank rates on business loans A. B. C. Short-term loans, by size Revolving credit loans, by size Long-term loans, by size 118 119 120 ( 26. Money market rates 121 27. Bond and stock yields 126 28. Security prices 131 29. Stock market customer 30. Equity status of margin-account debt at brokers 137 31. Special miscellaneous-account balances at brokers, by equity status of accounts 137 32. Assets and liabilities of mutual savings banks 138 33. Assets of life insurance companies 139 34. Assets and liabilities of savings and loan associations 140 35. U. S. Government debt 141 36. Fiscal operations—U. S. Budget 142 37. New issues of State and local government securities 143 38. Open-end investment companies 144 39. Net change in outstanding corporate securities 146 40. Corporate securities—Types of issuers and issues 147 41. Corporate securities—Types of issues 148 42. 43. Corporate profits, taxes, and dividends Current assets and liabilities of nonfinancial corporations 148 149 44. Business expenditures on new plant and equipment 149 45. Mortgage debt outstanding by type of holder 150 46. FNMA—Secondary mortgage market activity 154 financing 136 47. FNMA and FHLMG—Secondary mortgage market activity 156 48. Terms and yields on new home mortgages 157 49. FNMA—Auctions of commitments to buy home mortgages 160 50. Commitments of life insurance companies for income-property mortgages 162 51. . Instalment credit—Total outstanding 167 52. Instalment credit extensions 170 53. Instalment credit liquidations 173 54. Net change in instalment credit 176 55. Finance rates on selected types of instalment credit 179 56. Flow of funds accounts A. B. Summary of funds raised in U.S. credit markets Direct and indirect sources of funds to credit markets 180 181 57. Selected business indexes 183 58. Industrial production, 1975 184 59. U. S. reserve assets 186 60. U. S. net monetary gold transactions with foreign countries and international organizations 187 61. Gold reserves of central banks and governments 188 62. U. S. liabilities to foreign official institutions, and liquid liabilities to all other foreigners 190 63. U. S. liabilities to official institutions of foreign countries, by area 191 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States A. B. C. By type By country Supplementary data, other countries 192 195 200 65. Long-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States 201 66. Estimated foreign holdings of marketable U. S. Treasury bonds and notes 202 67. Short-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States A. B. 68. By type By country Long-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States 205 206 211 Contents-continued 69. Purchases and sales by foreigners of long-term securities, by type 70. Net purchases or sales of U.S. securities by foreigners A. B. U.S. corporate stocks, by country U.S. corporate bonds, by country 212 213 214 71. Net purchases or sales by foreigners of long-term foreign securities, by area 215 72. Foreign credit and debit balances in brokerage accounts 215 73. Assets and liabilities of foreign branches of U. S. banks A. In all foreign countries—Total of all currencies B. In all foreign countries—Payable in U.S. dollars C. In the United Kingdom—Total of all currencies D. In the United Kingdom—Payable in U.S. dollars E. In the Bahama and Cayman Islands—Total of all currencies 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 216 218 220 222 224 Deposits, U.S. Treasury securities, and gold held at F. R. Banks for foreign official account Short-term liquid claims on foreigners reported by nonbanking concerns in the United States 226 Short-term liabilities to and claims on foreigners reported by nonbanking concerns in the United States, by type 227 Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by nonbanking concerns in the United States, by country 228 Short-term claims on foreigners reported by nonbanking concerns in the United States, by country . . . ; 230 226 Long-term liabilities to foreigners reported by nonbanking concerns in the United States^ by country Long-term claims on foreigners reported by nonbanking concerns in the United States, by country 232 Open market rates 233 232 82. Central bank discount rates 234 83. 235 Foreign exchange rates Part 2—Special Tables 84. Statement of condition of each Federal Reserve Bank, December 31, 1975 239 85. Earnings and expenses of Federal Reserve Banks 240 86. Banks and branches—Number in operation, by States 250 87. Banking offices in the United States—Number, and changes in number A. B. 88. 89. Banks Branches, additional offices, and facilities, by type of bank Changes in offices of commercial banks and nondeposit trust companies— Summary, by States 260 ; . . 262 264 Banking offices, assets, and deposits of banks in holding company groups A. B. C. D. Details by States Summary totals and comparisons Multibank and one-bank classifications—Summary Multibank, one-bank, arid all commercial bank comparisons by States 267 279 280 281 90. Number of par and nonpar banking offices 284 91. Income, expenses, and dividends of insured nonmember banks, and of Federal Reserve member banks grouped by classification for reserve purposes 286 92. Income, expenses, and dividends of member banks, 1975, by Federal Reserve district A. B. C. All member banks Large banks Other-than-large banks 93. Income, expenses, and dividends of member banks in 1975, by size of bank 94. Member bank income ratios, 1975, by Federal Reserve district and by class of bank A. B. C. All member banks Large banks Other-than-large banks 296 298 300 302 304 306 308 Contents—continued 95. Member bank operating ratios, 1975 A. By Federal Reserve district B. By ratio of time to total deposits, by size C. By size of bank and by ratio of time to total deposits 96. Denominations of U,S, currency in circulation 97. Liquid asset holdings of private domestic nonfinancial investors 98. Assets of pension funds A. Totals for private and public funds, by type of fund B. Types held by private noninsured funds 99. Security credit at banks, by type 100. Margin credit, by source 101. Security credit reported by lenders subject to margin regulations 102. Detailed debit and credit balances at brokers carrying margin accounts 103. Selected assets and liabilities of minority-owned banks, by size of bank 310 312 314 316 317 318 318 319 319 320 322 324 Part 3—Guide to Tabular Presentation, and Notes to Tables Guide to tabular presentation , Notes to tables 326 327 Part 1 — Regular Tables Annual Statistical Digest 1, Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items A. Annual and monthly averages of daily figures In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Govt securities * Period fy Total 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Bought outright a Held under repurchase agreement Loans 58,195 65,350 70,974 76,058 83,164 88,461 57,976 65,089 70,809 75,602 82,496 87,434 219 261 165 456 668 1,027 835 412 322 1,678 2,054 195 1970— Dec 61,688 61,310 378 1971—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 62,068 62,350 62,719 63,371 64,714 64,642 66,001 66,324 67,106 67,690 68,052 69,158 61,941 62,051 62,381 63,153 64,368 64,574 65,652 66,143 66,794 67,488 67,655 68,868 127 299 338 218 346 68 349 181 312 202 397 290 1972—Jan Feb Mar. . Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. 70,687 69,966 69,273 70,939 71,428 71,632 72,089 71,858 70,252 71,359 71,112 71,094 70,300 69,862 69,133 70,770 71,391 71,624 71,972 71,732 70,135 71,194 70,815 70,790 72,194 72,307 74,019 75,353 76,758 75,355 77,448 76,653 76,073 78,042 78,457 79,701 . . . . . . . . 1973— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July AutJ Sept Oet Nov Dec . .. 1974— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. . . Nov. Dec 1975=- Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July.. Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. . ... , Float Other F.R. assets Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 2,931 3,039 3,339 2,739 2,301 2,116 1,597 1,040 1,020 1,041 1,665 3,247 63,623 69,922 75,744 81,617 89,470 94,805 11,279 10,396 10,188 10,648 11,572 11,614 362 400 400 400 400 461 6,989 7,400 8,039 8,510 8,911 9,618 321 3,570 1,032 66,708 11,105 400 7,145 370 328 319 148 330 453 820 804 501 360 407 107 3,636 2,974 2,671 3,047 2,704 2,690 3,001 2,572 1 2,974 1 3,122 3,129 3,905 1,216 1,065 892 1,103 1,076 979 1,150 991 900 1,105 1,013 982 67,363 66,797 66,691 67,747 68,926 68,834 71,052 70,749 71,568 72,349 72,694 74,255 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 10.448 10,332 10,332 10,184 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 7,157 7,188 7,235 7,291 7,357 7,419 7,437 7,460 7,523 7,545 7,573 7,611 387 104 140 169 37 8 117 126 117 165 297 304 20 33 99 109 119 94 202 438 514 574 606 1,049 3,405 2,959 2,948 ! 3,031 1 3,140 3,370 3,548 3 ,345 3,723 4,112 2,966 3,479 1,177 957 780 990 934 933 1,111 957 894 1,202 1,170 1,138 75,415 73,994 73,181 75,171 75,705 76,108 77,035 76,676 75,451 77,331 75,959 76,851 10,132 9,851 9,588 9,588 10,224 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 7,656 7,795 7,859 7,922 7,991 8,043 8,080 8,137 8,183 8,230 8,278 8,293 71,711 72,082 73,624 74,914 76,205 75,047 76,875 76,475 75,712 77,500 77,937 78,833 483 225 395 439 553 308 573 178 361 542 520 868 1,164 1,593 ,858 ,721 ,786 ,788 ,051 ,144 ,861 ,465 ,399 ,298 3,262 2,550 2,387 2,319 2,190 2,371 3,162 2,563 2,925 2,936 2,764 3,414 1,329 1,004 839 1,043 960 942 1,180 1,018 889 1,122 1,078 1,079 78,057 77,594 79,219 80,542 81,831 80,547 83,929 82,443 81,810 83 , 644 83,756 85,642 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,933 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 8,321 8,353 8,406 8,444 8,478 8,518 8,538 8,549 8,584 8,613 8,642 8,668 80,793 80,801 80,686 81,567 83,434 82,812 84,313 84,493 84,384 83,735 84,052 86,679 80,608 80,551 80,184 80,873 82,037 81,859 83,496 84,221 84,049 83,303 83,395 85,202 185 250 502 694 1,397 953 817 272 335 432 657 1,477 ,044 ,186 ,352 ,714 2,580 3,000 3,308 3,351 3,287 1,793 1,285 703 3,385 2,300 1,816 2,295 2,025 2,114 2,267 1,983 2,239 2,083 2,409 2,734 1,258 1,117 960 1,160 1,093 1,106 1,343 1,258 1,349 2,984 3,171 3,129 86,568 85,493 84,943 86,907 89,405 89,254 91,554 91,367 91,617 90,971 91,302 93,967 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 I t , 567 11,567 11 , 567 11 , 567 11 , 567 11,567 11 , 567 11,630 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 8,705 8,747 8,767 8,807 8,838 8,877 8,905 8,951 8,992 9,041 9,113 9,179 86,039 84,744 84,847 87,080 91,918 88,912 88,166 86,829 89,191 90,476 90,934 92,108 85,369 83,843 84,398 86,117 89,355 87,618 87,882 86,348 87,531 89,547 89,560 91,225 670 901 449 963 2,563 1,294 284 481 1,660 929 1,374 883 390 147 106 110 60 271 261 211 396 191 61 127 2,456 2,079 1,994 2,061 1,877 2,046 1,911 1,691 1,823 1,945 2,480 3,029 3,391 3,419 3,142 3,237 3,039 3,098 3,100 2,953 3,060 3,521 3,481 3,534 93,002 91,168 90,819 93,214 97 , 845 95,119 94,144 92,395 95,277 96,931 97,817 99,651 11,647 1 1 , 626 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,604 1 t , 599 11,599 1 1 , 599 11,599 400 400 400 400 429 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 9,235 9,284 9,362 9,410 9,464 9,536 9,616 9,721 9,793 9,877 10,010 10,094 Annual Statistical Digest 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Currency and coin " Total & 756 780 5,010 5,342 5,685 6,220 6,781 7,237 28,322 30,463 532,582 33,296 36,481 35,027 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 145 735 2,265 23,925 5,340 29,265 Dec.— 1970 155 153 139 148 173 155 161 181 151 152 133 290 786 778 718 752 690 698 714 712 712 736 714 728 2,109 2,232 2,227 2,194 2,244 2,227 2,251 2,298 2,296 2,327 2,320 2,287 24,938 24,710 24,601 24,814 25,251 24,793 25,231 25,098 25,365 25,463 25,500 25,653 5,550 5,170 5,085 5,071 5,168 5,230 5,316 5,357 5,437 5,397 5,453 5,676 30,488 29,880 29,686 29,885 30,419 30,023 30,547 30,455 30,802 30,860 30,953 31,329 Jan.— 1971 Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2,821 2,421 933 1,688 2,170 2,673 2,398 2,025 938 1,369 1,321 1,449 181 172 470 200 185 153 209 171 190 200 195 272 750 683 597 615 574 598 617 604 619 631 604 631 2,208 2,273 2,247 2,313 2,289 2,304 2,329 2,324 2,240 2,336 2,378 2,362 26,955 26,374 26,555 27,144 27 , 347 27,002 27,361 27,454 27,224 ' 28,088 25,631 24,830 5,910 5,548 5,366 5,421 5,465 5,537 5,660 5,694 5,779 5,715 5,813 6,095 32,865 31,922 31,921 32,565 32,812 32,539 33,021 33,148 33,003 33,803 631,774 31,353 Jan.— 1972 Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 364 382 384 414 413 386 346 344 349 622 340 323 2,033 2,956 3,598 3,471 4,121 2,408 3,375 1,674 792 1,718 1,772 * 1,892 294 302 338 275 330 266 341 300 332 266 522 406 644 645 666 666 652 698 3782 838 781 752 689 717 2,365 2,482 2,530 2,622 2,721 2,732 2,846 2,877 2,848 2,866 2,854 2,942 26,214 25,426 25,848 26,281 26,157 25,777 27,205 27,375 27,510 28,458 28 , 259 28,352 6,457 6,029 5,852 5,822 6,007 6,086 6,273 6,296 6,402 6,371 6,382 6,635 32,950 31,734 31,969 32,275 32,336 32,029 33,590 33,783 34,020 34,913 34,725 35,068 Jan.— 1973 Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July . Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. . Dec. 349 342 334 308 286 293 275 283 303 315 302 220 2,488 2,972 1,803 1,712 3,000 2,015 2,795 2,633 2,451 1,601 864 1,741 427 293 311 328 320 491 296 326 456 294 370 357 713 682 699 702 699 691 773 831 766 869 770 874 2,904 2,932 2,998 2,985 3,168 3,187 3,216 3,240 3,345 3,260 3,149 3,266 29,396 28 , 574 28,450 29,469 29,861 29 , 672 30,514 30,264 30,156 29,985 29 , 898 29,767 7,192 6,601 6,450 6,402 6,600 6,668 6,824 6,765 6,920 6,811 6,939 7,174 36,655 35,242 34,966 35,929 36,519 36,390 37,338 37,029 37,076 36,796 36,837 36,941 . ...Jan.— 1974 Feb. Mar. . Apr. May June July . Aug. Sept, Oct. Nov. Dec. 221 236 i 2,087 2,374 1,887 3,532 8,115 3,353 2,207 818 3,415 4,940 4,333 3,955 336 317 363 307 262 272 269 274 308 271 297 259 884 711 958 718 746 989 71.1 660 798 632 649 906 3,264 3,358 3,076 3,137 3,231 3,191 3,135 3,096 3,169 3,208 3,276 3,247 29,713 28,503 27,948 28,264 27,576 28,007 27,442 27,183 27,215 27,254 27,215 27,215 7,779 7,062 6,831 6,870 6,916 6,969 7,213 7,299 7,431 7,313 7,356 7,773 37,492 35,565 34,779 35,134 . . . . 34,492 34,976 34,655 34,482 34,646 34,567 34,571 34,989 57,013 56,192 55,754 56,123 56,716 57,155 57,969 58,847 58,906 59,012 59,185 59,939 61,060 1,096 1,307 1,851 2,484 2,171 3,424 169 165 192 331 356 294 427 849 445 465 467 499 506 491 471 477 466 464 470 453 1,028 1,025 783 1,047 1,112 652 1,546 1,121 1,621 2,100 1,723 1,926 60,201 59,681 60,137 60,717 61,182 61,874 62,669 62,726 62,913 63,385 64,543 66,060 487 436 388 405 573 356 342 319 320 362 375 350 65,274 64,564 65,072 66,068 66,726 67,609 68 , 382 68,394 68 , 592 68,909 69,927 71,646 70,962 70,411 71,081 72,176 72,876 73,749 74,556 74,709 75,098 75,654 77,029 78,951 With F.R. Banks Period 23,312 25,121 26,834 26,917 29,670 27,790 512 473 393 389 301 338 ; Member bank reserves 2,212 2,251 2,300 2,726 3,139 3,198 54,186 58,072 62,174 67,617 73,960 80,674 77,780 76,979 77,692 78,377 79,102 80,607 81,758 81,822 81,903 82,215 83,740 85,810 Other a Other F.R. liabilities and capital 277 309 326 355 358 368 361 387 415 452 765 728 627 3711 .Jan.— 1975 Feb. . .Mar. Apr. May . . . June July Aug. .Sept, Oct. Nov. ,Dec. 4 Annual Statistical Digest 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items—Continued B. Weekly averages of daily figures In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds r"" ~ ~' Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Govt. securities l Week ending— Total Bought outright 2 Held under repurchase agreement Loans Float 1970— Dec. 30 61,704 61,554 150 1971—Jan. 6 13 20 27 62,477 62,110 61,970 61,889 62,091 62,110 61,874 61,809 386 96 80 407 277 472 354 4,393 3,718 3,910 3,022 Feb. 3.... 10.... 17.... 24 61,956 61,769 62,936 62,350 61,783 61,722 62,161 62,152 173 47 775 198 283 247 561 250 Mar, 3 10 17 24 31 62,627 62,206 63,032 62,510 63,076 62,479 62,169 62,301 62,423 62,581 148 37 731 87 495 Apr, 7 14 21 28 63,268 63,114 63 , 526 63,476 62,709 62,921 63,394 63,424 May 5 12 19 26 64,238 64,504 64,804 64,942 Other F.R. assets Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 67,783 11,117 400 7,171 1,164 1,182 1,222 1,256 68,538 67,347 67,643 66,586 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 400 400 400 400 7,148 7,151 7,155 7,164 2,620 3,163 2,632 3,472 1,264 1,284 1,166 797 66,201 66,528 67,401 66,944 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 400 400 400 400 7,172 7,177 7,189 7,195 258 421 290 333 257 2,723 2,906 2,549 2,853 2,482 844 829 879 922 966 66,520 66,414 66,867 66,699 66,874 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 400 400 400 400 400 7,210 7,223 7,230 7,242 7,255 559 193 132 52 197 150 84 176 2,718 2,958 3,259 3,252 ,010 ,053 ,177 ,152 67 , 308 67,338 68,110 68,131 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 400 400 400 400 7,268 7,284 7,296 7,309 63,808 63,981 64,452 64,764 430 523 352 178 174 99 306 267 2,753 2,540 2,964 2,787 ,186 ,297 ,109 851 68,438 68,537 69 , 276 68,955 10,732 10,561 10,332 10,332 400 400 400 400 7,326 7,345 7,354 7,372 64,877 64,432 64,385 64,302 65,352 64,777 64,432 64,385 64,117 65,295 100 185 57 646 153 403 619 750 2,461 2,750 2,627 2,917 2,588 923 911 959 ,007 ,047 69,007 68,310 68,437 68,936 69 , 802 10,332 10,332 10,332 10,332 10,332 400 400 400 400 400 7,390 7,404 7,417 7,429 7,434 65,772 65,826 66,435 66,055 65,461 65,669 65,694 65,721 311 157 741 334 661 991 1,121 545 2,965 3,179 3,189 2,734 ,092 ,145 ,156 ,187 70,586 71,216 71,982 70,600 10,332 10,332 10,332 10,332 400 400 400 400 7,431 7,430 7,440 7,443 Aug. 4 11 18.... 25 66,182 66,158 66,067 66,353 65,822 65,872 65,956 66,353 360 286 111 764 593 1,179 771 2,583 2,517 2,692 2,711 ,222 ,257 ,044 726 70,819 70,585 71,029 70,615 10,332 10,246 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 7,443 7,453 7,457 7,465 Sept, 1 8 15 22 29 66,779 67,156 67,082 66,687 67,393 66,635 66,726 66,596 66,687 67,071 144 430 486 322 706 765 457 329 424 2,433 2,594 2,920 3,602 2,863 776 817 894 923 963 70,766 71,439 71,455 71,591 71,730 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 400 7,475 7,494 7,522 7,532 7,542 Oct. 6.... 13 20 27... 68,079 67,748 67,810 67,334 67,657 67,662 67,496 67,257 422 86 314 77 309 449 332 413 2,720 2,803 3,585 3,091 ,007 ,071 ,113 ,160 72,205 72,136 72,925 72,053 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 7,530 7,525 7,549 7,560 Nov. 3 10.... 17.. . 24.... 67,390 67,307 67,828 68,400 67,276 67,155 67,414 67,867 114 152 414 533 216 122 287 538 3,262 3,105 3,268 3,214 ,207 ,240 ,061 796 72,132 71,847 72,535 73,056 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 7,549 7,557 7,573 7,576 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 68,970 68,941 68,761 68,958 69,514 68,481 68,822 68,761 68,863 68,938 489 119 705 59 25 141 216 3,027 3,090 3,473 4,444 4,644 859 893 927 988 1,096 73 , 669 73,047 73,245 74,621 75,627 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 i 400 400 400 400 400 7,586 7,594 7,602 7,615 7,634 5 12.... 19 26 70,658 70,712 71,130 70,561 69,517 70,211 70,560 70,561 1,141 501 570 57 17 14 12 4,260 3,594 3,353 3,024 ,078 ,125 ,181 ,228 76,258 75,592 75,833 74,902 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 7,626 7,634 7,649 7,658 2 9 16 23 70,364 70,002 70,692 70,326 70,364 70,002 70,261 70,326 431 16 42 18 14 2,791 2,759 2,693 3,020 ,279 ,307 ,150 574 74,526 74,180 74,667 74,000 10,132 10,132 9,977 9,588 400 400 400 400 7,712 7,771 7,793 7,811 1 8 15 22 29 68,622 68,772 69,110 69,095 69,744 68,622 68,772 68,813 69,095 69,615 297 67 103 13 115 153 3,447 2,885 2,932 3 , 239 2,686 662 707 749 797 850 72,863 72,532 72,901 73,313 73,516 9,588 9,588 9,588 9,588 9,588 400 400 400 400 400 7,818 7,834 7,848 7,868 7,882 June 2 9 16 23 30 July 1972— Jan, Feb. Mar. 7 14 21 28 .... 95 576 129 270 4,643 1,097 Annual Statistical Digest 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Other Othei F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves With F.R. Banks Currency and coin " Week ending— Total 57,424 409 1,205 162 711 2,231 24,329 5,514 29,843 Dec. 30—1970 57,021 56,654 56,099 55,585 430 430 440 465 973 1,039 925 1,184 154 158 158 159 1,053 711 718 737 2,006 2,061 2,120 2,169 25,181 24,578 25,470 24,583 5,430 5,664 5,559 5,589 30,611 30,242 31,029 30,172 Jan. 55,442 55,664 55,946 55,816 468 466 465 463 900 1,163 1,226 816 143 147 157 155 807 771 759 759 2,237 2,300 2,097 2,243 24,510 24,326 25,073 25,019 5,449 5,434 5,129 4,897 29,959 29,760 30,202 29,916 Feb. 55,719 56,000 56,300 56,213 56,110 469 467 463 465 475 924 1,044 547 743 806 138 136 141 121 162 768 732 742 698 694 2,321 2,379 2,139 2,141 2,198 24,522 24,011 24,897 24,691 24,817 5,020 5,393 5,058 4,791 5,123 29,542 29,404 29,955 29,482 29,940 56,428 56,971 56,880 56,610 489 497 502 506 1,048 807 945 1,338 148 162 141 140 828 727 760 704 2,281 2,208 2,112 2,166 24,486 24,381 25,199 25 , 108 5,184 5,244 4,739 5,049 29,670 29 , 625 29,938 30,157 Apr. 56,715 57,164 57,266 57,165 519 507 499 502 1,035 1,314 1,248 1,045 154 167 162 187 714 689 697 677 2,262 2,299 2,148 2,225 25,497 24,703 25,344 25,260 5,283 5,381 5,018 4,986 30,780 30,084 30,362 30,246 May 5 ...12 19 . . . 26 57,482 57,851 58,078 58,005 58,011 506 494 494 493 480 890 394 9 670 1,464 187 151 150 155 166 703 695 695 689 693 2,304 2,328 2,148 2,169 2,233 25,057 24,534 25,012 i 24,916 24,921 5,219 5,352 5,213 5,003 5,371 30,276 29 , 886 30,225 29,919 30,292 June 2 9 ...16 23 ...30 58,671 59,182 58,955 58,683 460 460 470 488 ,535 ,778 ,602 ,383 170 162 166 137 707 721 703 708 2,307 2,264 2,183 2,236 24,898 24,811 26,074 25 , 142 5,415 5,443 4,858 5,481 30,313 30,254 30,932 30,623 58,691 59,014 59,112 58 , 875 484 475 473 479 ,121 ,157 ,038 ,153 174 169 176 184 746 726 730 681 2,322 2,406 2,190 2,253 25,456 24,737 25,298 24,986 5,438 5,593 5,307 5,125 30,894 30,330 30,605 30,111 Aug. 4 . 11 . . 18 25 58,711 59,063 59,354 58,992 58,685 473 464 458 470 473 1,213 1,318 1,388 1,760 2,009 194 165 139 150 146 691 711 708 704 718 2,324 2,402 2,226 2,234 2,299 25,167 25,341 25,236 25,345 25,473 5,352 5,514 5,615 5,015 5 , 600 30,519 30,855 30,851 30,360 31,073 Sept. 1 8 15 22 .29 58,825 59,316 59,347 59,174 466 459 460 456 2,148 2,093 2,117 2,183 183 134 145 156 765 763 730 711 2,398 2,379 2,252 2,281 25,483 25,050 25,954 25,184 5,510 5,652 5,117 5,240 30,993 30,702 31,071 30,424 Oct. 59,307 59,594 59,925 60,107 483 479 465 464 1,795 ,598 ,582 ,927 134 119 123 123 726 710 725 686 2,355 2,422 2,244 2,265 25,412 25,014 25 , 577 25,591 5,549 5,566 5,595 5,125 30,961 30,580 31,172 30,716 Nov. 3 10 17 . . .24 60,424 60,568 61,040 61,242 61,448 457 456 457 450 448 ,894 ,749 ,563 1,895 2,336 169 133 143 426 471 732 717 710 736 708 2,328 2,398 2,219 2,234 2,301 25,783 25,151 25,246 25,785 26,081 5,492 5,592 5,907 5,366 5,843 31,275 30,743 31,153 31,151 31,924 Dec. 61,026 60,689 60,225 59,663 462 473 486 508 2,548 2,760 2,515 3,084 298 17! 148 160 862 727 737 724 2,152 2,155 2,210 2,259 27,068 26,784 27 , 694 26,695 5,746 6,009 5,971 5,897 32,814 32,793 33,665 32,592 Jan. 5—1972 . . .12 .19 26 59,395 59,577 59,774 59,736 508 502 472 372 3,053 3,072 2,915 2,015 166 156 142 167 755 764 733 592 2,318 2,382 2,209 2,216 26,576 26,030 26,593 26,702 5,859 5,862 5,664 5,121 32,435 31,892 32,257 31,823 Feb. 59,696 59,871 60,222 60,257 60,175 369 376 377 391 406 1,339 1,031 ,754 978 886 219 139 171 189 178 590 587 596 617 576 2,269 2,337 2,169 2,191 2,263 26,187 26,012 26,448 26,546 26,903 5,427 5,453 5,660 5,012 5,316 31,614 31,465 32,108 31,558 32,219 Mar. 1 8 15 22 ...... 29 6—1971 20 . . 27 . .... . . .... . . . 3 10 .17 24 Mar. 3 .10 . .,17 .24 ...31 7 .14 . . .21 28 ..:.•; Y Y Y YJuly.. .. 1.2147 .28 6 13 . . . .20 27 . . f . I 8 .15 22 .29 2 9 16 23 Annual Statistical Digest 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items—Continued B. Weekly averages of daily figures--Continued In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Govt. securities > Week ending— Total Bought outright a Held under repurchase agreement 19 26 70,697 70,704 70,811 71,317 70,109 70,556 70,811 71,130 May 3 10 17 24 31 71,337 71,524 71,348 71,303 71,530 71,337 71,524 71,348 71,303 71,367 June 7 ... 14 21 28 71,643 71,728 71,325 71,658 71,620 71,728 71,325 71,648 23 July 5 12 19 26 72,487 71,785 72,353 71,909 72,431 71,688 71,988 71,909 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 71,990 72,102 72,045 71,731 71,448 1972— Apr 5 Loans Float Other F.R. assets Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency out= standing 187 141 14 43 279 2,841 2,894 3,265 3,113 891 943 996 1,045 74,706 74,668 75,196 75,853 9,588 9,588 9,588 9,588 400 400 400 4GO 7,894 7,912 7,920 7,936 163 117 87 , 39 63 254 2,996 3,197 3,192 3,355 2,951 1,094 1,135 968 752 807 75 , 627 76,030 75,627 75,554 75,630 9,588 9,940 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 7,954 7,971 7,987 8,008 8,011 58 94 59 129 3,297 2,950 3,704 3,497 878 896 941 1,002 75,962 75 , 747 76,10! 76,367 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,023 8,032 8,055 8,057 56 97 365 i *£ 173 172 3,056 3 , 769 i 3,896 3,689 1,010 1,061 1,115 1,156 76,939 76,923 77,663 76,991 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,056 8,077 8,082 8,089 71,890 71,967 71,922 71,731 71,356 100 135 123 363 287 382 348 477 3,195 3,300 3,301 3,656 3,170 1,212 1 , 265 1,112 670 729 76,832 77,037 76,922 76,474 75,900 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,096 8,116 8,135 8,151 8,153 70,872 69,408 69,684 70,389 545 20 . . 27 71,417 69,408 69,753 70,389 837 149 717 550 3,056 3,783 4,137 3,832 776 824 899 982 76,184 74,225 75 , 566 75,811 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,161 8,177 8,188 8,196 Oct. 4 11 18 25 71,350 71,683 71,279 71,082 70,939 71,548 71,279 70,899 411 135 183 436 535 434 765 3,460 3,687 4,530 4,479 1,068 1,120 1,203 1,269 76,406 77,121 77,518 77,677 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,198 8,222 8,230 8,239 Nov 1 8 15 22 29 71,200 71,735 71,172 70,880 70,688 71,165 71,105 70,845 70,641 70,645 35 630 327 239 43 555 959 494 419 572 4,245 3,706 2,397 2,803 2,905 1,318 1,349 1,353 958 1,008 77,400 77,896 75,528 75,155 75,241 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,252 8,268 8,273 8,282 8,290 Dec 6 13 20 27 71,335 70,910 71,399 70,646 70,788 70,547 71,014 70,646 547 363 385 589 805 1,221 1,118 2,503 3,016 3,217 4,636 1,062 1,083 1,144 1,186 75,582 75,903 77,088 77,656 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,283 8 , 290 8,294 8,299 1973- -Jan. 3 10 t7 24 31 71,737 71,629 71,949 72,092 72,957 71,150 71,573 71,555 71,555 72,343 587 56 394 537 614 1,751 691 ,293 ,094 ,310 4,043 4,530 3,775 2, §31 1,651 1,255 1,276 1,311 1,383 1,373 78,909 78 , 209 78,431 77,501 77,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,303 8,314 8,319 8,326 8,331 Feb 7 14 21 28 71,973 72,058 72,569 72,629 71,905 71,884 72,083 72,457 68 174 486 172 ,232 ,992 ,670 ,479 2,569 2,166 2,781 2,683 1,322 1,337 662 694 77,180 77,661 77,927 77,608 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,343 8,347 8,352 8,371 Mar. 7 14 21 28 73,415 73,710 74,083 74,258 73,183 73,339 73,783 73 , 889 232 371 300 369 ,685 ,491 2,139 2,011 2,595 2,810 2,599 1,786 749 790 876 908 78,562 78,917 79,817 79,061 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,387 8,402 8,408 8,420 Aor. 4 n::::':::::::. 75,223 74,700 75,420 75,654 74,404 74,586 74,866 74,907 819 114 554 747 ,755 ,499 ,848 ,646 1,857 2,353 2,328 2,815 938 968 1,025 1,139 79,906 i 79 , 602 80,725 81,390 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,427 8,437 8,444 8,448 2 9 16 23 30 76,149 76,501 77,020 77,534 76,231 75,830 76,027 j 76,296 1 76,477 76,231 319 474 724 1,057 ,874 ,484 ,815 ,688 ,400 2,166 2,361 2,394 2,129 1,803 1,120 1,195 1,059 760 793 81,418 81,698 82,461 82,252 81,315 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,461 8,464 8,468 8,487 8,494 76,049 73,953 74,898 75,871 75,328 73,953 74,543 75,832 721 ,664 ,700 1,928 1,849 2,293 2,344 2,491 2,622 853 887 940 999 80,989 78,954 80,350 81,412 10,410 i 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,500 8,515 8,520 8,526 . Sept, 6 . . n .... 18 . 25 May June 6 13 20 27 . . 588 148 10 92 69 355' 39 Annual Statistical Digest 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Other Other F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves With F.R. Banks Currency and coin 4 Week ending— Total a 60,508 60,858 60,863 60,633 414 403 407 398 1,240 1,273 1,535 2,413 206 255 177 152 657 627 596 586 2,353 2,389 2,220 2,283 27,210 26,764 27,306 27,312 5,394 5,581 5,259 5,354 32,604 32,345 32,565 32,666 Apr. 60,668 61,010 61,309 61,208 61,358 403 748 861 380 375 2,090 2,518 1,658 2,265 2,178 191 136 140 149 323 603 574 576 557 588 2,356 2,305 2,210 2,271 2,329 27 , 259 27,049 27,669 27,542 27,299 5,581 5,708 5,488 5,104 5,515 32,840 32,757 33,157 32,646 32,814 May 3 ...10 17 . .24 31 61,632 61,944 61,958 61,871 361 354 355 354 2,559 2,602 2,435 3,173 134 138 150 154 611 588 575 571 2,415 2,203 2,253 2,330 27,083 26,760 27,240 26,780 5,594 5,657 5,356 5,521 32,677 32,417 32,596 32,301 June 7 14 ..21 28 62,384 63,005 62,829 62,530 362 352 330 335 2,166 2,427 2,388 2,533 252 176 199 271 722 599 621 584 2,372 2,364 2,264 2,303 27,548 26,889 27,926 27,334 5,595 5,858 5,369 5,706 33,143 32,747 33 , 295 33,040 July 62,448 62,681 62,921 62,785 62,544 336 330 313 315 316 2,464 2,531 2,132 1,780 1,609 150 159 167 177 183 611 633 611 581 584 2,377 2,379 2,235 2,289 2,351 27,352 27,251 27,489 27,507 27 , 276 5,787 5,882 5,837 5,315 5,702 33,139 33,133 33,326 32,822 32,978 Aug. 2 9 16 .23 30 62,868 63 , 227 62,987 62,670 306 304 319 336 1,215 162 675 1,611 176 195 189 198 601 589 671 589 2,424 2,190 2,152 2,217 27,566 26,544 27,571 27,197 5,796 5,976 5,446 5,856 33,362 32,520 33,017 33,053 Sept. 6 .13 20 . . . 27 62,757 63,332 63,616 63,484 356 357 359 366 ,306 ,517 ,033 ,462 192 192 199 221 663 664 624 615 2,278 2,331 2,290 2,348 27,863 27,760 28,437 28,230 5,868 5,950 5,661 5,325 33,731 33,710 34,098 33,555 63,456 63,801 64,471 64,806 65,142 368 381 383 374 365 ,576 ,717 ,181 ,196 ,171 184 187 189 198 212 608 626 600 595 585 2,414 2,483 2,279 2,332 2,391 27,857 27,778 25 , 508 24,747 24,476 5,847 5,916 6,174 5,342 5,802 33,704 33,694 532,132 30,539 30,728 Nov. 1 8 15 , . . . 22 .29 65,175 65,874 66,191 66,575 349 356 352 346 ,098 ,350 ,389 1,689 241 252 278 280 611 662 578 591 2,510 2,318 2,335 2,385 24,691 24,191 25,069 24,899 5,868 6,427 5,889 6,092 31,009 3 1 , 068 31,408 31,441 Dec. 6 .13 20 27 66,553 66,023 65,493 64,809 64,229 346 350 366 372 377 ,715 ,707 ,664 2,303 2,671 322 287 291 306 278 767 673 606 614 636 2,213 2,254 2,326 2,411 2,535 26,106 26,040 26,814 25,821 25,824 6,212 6,164 6,912 6,409 6,450 32,597 32,483 34,005 32,509 32,553 Jan. 64,277 64,673 64,743 64,565 378 378 385 389 3,018 3,233 2,501 3,071 277 290 270 372 639 614 657 671 2,598 2,396 2,430 2,506 25,148 25,235 26,103 25,216 6,377 6,295 5,656 5,789 31,804 31,809 32,038 31,284 Feb. 64,683 65,157 65 , 250 ,65,130 385 376 380 388 3,177 4,129 3,731 3,625 343 335 365 304 692 670 650 643 2,609 2,405 2,499 2,559 25,870 25,058 26,159 25 , 642 5,910 6,221 5,534 5,743 32,059 31,558 31,972 31,664 Mar. 7 14 .21 28 65,381 65,906 66,335 66,296 409 413 413 416 3,117 3,438 3,104 3,641 318 279 272 258 672 649 687 663 2,662 2,639 2,529 2,624 26,584 25,526 26,642 26,751 5,858 6,059 5,813 5,479 32,614 31,757 32,627 32 , 402 Apr. P 4 11 18 25 66,133 66,450 66,851 66,768 66,890 419 421 417 409 402 4,084 4,497 4,393 4,097 3,564 313 332 314 343 321 660 648 637 654 666 2,703 2,734 2,622 2,717 2,787 26,379 25 , 894 26,505 26,560 25,989 5,951 6,180 6,265 5,538 6,044 32,502 32 , 246 32,942 32,270 32,205 May 2 . .9 16 23 .30 67,220 67,734 67,760 67,580 398 388 385 381 3,026 1,401 1,653 3,062 264 253 246 277 656 663 768 693 2,882 2,641 2,659 2,732 25,852 25,195 26,210 26,025 6,139 6,230 5,894 6,023 32,163 31,597 32,276 32,220 June 6 .13 20 27 . . . . . . 5—1972 .12 19 26 5 .12 19 26 Oct. 4 11 ...18 .25 3—1973 10 .17 .24 31 7 14 21 . . .28 8 Annual Statistical Digest 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items—Continued B. Weekly averages of daily figures-=Continued In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Govt. securities 1 Week ending— Total Bought outright 2 Held under repurchase agreement Loans Float Other F.R, assets Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 77,758 77,002 77,264 77,243 76,564 76,650 76,821 76,853 1,194 352 443 390 2,400 1,679 1,722 2,080 2,198 3,731 3,870 3,305 1,098 1,090 1,183 1,244 83,575 83,585 84,111 83,942 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,537 8,537 8,537 8,540 77,889 76,916 75,989 76,368 76,839 77,405 76,916 75,989 76,129 76,539 484 2,095 2,005 1,916 2,134 2,558 2,288 2,702 2,886 2,689 2,046 1,278 1,299 1,282 772 748 83,649 82,975 82,122 82,026 82,272 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,539 8,543 8,546 8 , 549 8,554 ^i!::::::::::::: 19 76,828 74,600 75,085 76,287 554 123 26 77,382 74,723 75,085 76,499 212 2,361 1,487 1,706 2,190 1,762 3,427 3,812 2,569 781 834 901 942 82,353 80,514 81,541 82,261 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,568 8,574 8,586 8,592 Oct. 3..,. 10 17 24 31 77,917 77,376 78,053 78,419 78,325 76,503 76,360 77,692 78 , 267 78,072 1,414 1,016 361 152 253 1,520 1,353 1,162 1,915 1,455 2,550 3,093 3,490 3,118 2,252 990 ,041 ,109 ,198 ,198 83,110 82,980 83,886 84,706 83,285 10,410 10,410 10,410 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 400 8 , 598 8 , 599 8,614 8,622 8,627 Nov 7 14 21 28 78,007 77,154 79,692 78,886 78,007 76,867 78,365 78,404 287' 1,327 482 1,171 1,521 1,568 1,287 2,193 2,642 2,881 3,341 ,281 ,378 826 871 82,701 82,749 85,044 84,440 11,567 1 1 , 567 11,567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,626 8 , 629 8,650 8,659 Dec. 5 12.... 19 26 79 , 532 78,727 79,571 80,087 78,232 78,036 78,752 79,242 1,300 691 819 845 1,478 1,303 1,488 1,039 2,496 2,580 3,353 4,684 942 963 1,037 1,229 84,568 83,673 85,577 87,260 11,567 1 1 , 567 11 , 567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,661 8,666 8,668 8,672 1974— Jan. 2.... 9.... 16.... 23 30. ... 80,851 80,880 80,762 80,309 81,088 80,238 80,671 80,690 80,202 80,713 613 209 72 107 375 1 ,210 776 988 1,182 1,220 4,073 4,399 3,639 3,208 2,149 ,204 ,232 ,211 ,271 ,329 87,499 87,397 86,670 86,036 85,876 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 11,567 400 400 400 400 400 8,682 8,683 8,691 8,723 8,726 Feb. 6.... 13 20 27 80,407 80,678 81,535 80,577 80,213 80,451 80,953 80,577 194 227 582 998 1,153 1,376 1,251 2,185 2,268 2,314 2,409 ,362 ,462 869 828 85,037 85,645 86,207 85,136 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,731 8,747 8,750 8,756 Mar 6 13 20 27 80,203 80,167 80,813 80,920 80,203 79,767 80,303 80,302 400 510 618 912 983 1,483 1,713 2,010 2,074 1,889 1,766 878 938 961 1,003 84,072 84,246 85,262 85,546 11,567 11,567 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,758 8,762 8,768 8,772 Apr. 3.... 10 17 24 81,330 80,675 81,606 81,689 80,483 80,485 80,651 80,996 847 190 955 693 1,503 1,194 1,816 1,939 1,801 2,039 2,646 2,503 1,060 1,104 1,134 1,191 85,923 85,111 87,332 87 , 526 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 11,567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,789 8,800 8,803 8,812 May 1 8 15.... 22.... 29 82,731 83,190 83,626 83,679 83,162 81,637 81,868 81,951 81,756 82,418 1,094 1,322 1,675 1,923 744 2,157 1,616 1,977 3,090 3,606 1,919 1,807 1,908 2,238 1,905 1,292 1,336 1,248 879 900 88,365 88,238 89,065 90,227 89,737 1 1 , 567 11,567 11,567 1 1 , 567 11 , 567 400 400 400 400 400 8,822 8,827 8,830 8,836 8,856 June 5 12.... 19 26 83,075 81,267 83,017 83,815 82,128 80,814 82,283 82,049 947 453 734 1,766 3,054 2,729 3,223 2,788 2,184 2,007 2,162 2,055 1,013 ,036 ,095 ,160 89,554 87,184 89,720 90,068 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,859 8,862 8,880 8,891 July 3 10.... 17 24 31 83,933 83,990 84,718 84,429 84,112 82,663 83,007 83,614 84,153 83,531 1,270 983 1,104 276 581 3,435 2,640 3,175 3,641 3,690 2,190 2,951 2,401 2,027 1,807 ,253 ,259 ,321 ,397 ,434 91,140 91,157 92,015 91,722 91,386 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 11,567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 400 8 , 899 8,898 8,903 8,907 8,913 Aug. 7 . 14 21 28 83 , 648 83,486 85 , 394 85,176 83 , 648 83,486 84,720 84,646 3,089 3,041 3,437 3,533 2,100 2,018 1,940 1,845 ,461 ,524 914 ,145 90,516 90,286 91,998 92,086 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 11,567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,938 8,953 8,955 8,961 Sept. 4 11 18 25 85 , 304 83,126 83,791 84,982 85,061 83,126 83,222 84,616 3,906 3,084 2,921 3,531 '1,779 2,717 2,535 2,171 ,237 ,290 ,323 ,413 '92,540 90,486 90,876 92,486 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 8,973 8,971 8,974 9,016 1973— July 4 11 18 25 /vufc AUK " g1 15 22 29 * ... 239 300 674' 530 243 569' 366 Annual Statistical Digest 9 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Other 3 Other F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves Week ending— With F.R. Banks Currency and coin 4 Total & 68,048 68,662 68,613 68,267 373 366 344 331 3,614 3,978 3,224 3,168 308 284 281 405 740 729 817 3780 2,850 2,972 2,730 2,780 26,989 26,942 27,450 27,563 6,226 6,465 6,159 6,138 33,327 32,519 33,721 33,813 68,051 68,311 68,619 68,463 68,208 324 334 347 353 345 2,928 2,773 1,413 919 1,649 407 275 314 348 286 818 816 878 884 782 2,903 2,957 2,704 2,826 2,944 27,567 26,860 27,202 27,592 27,424 6,372 6,484 6,515 5,897 6,261 34,051 33,456 33,829 33,601 33,797 68,499 68,955 68,716 68,343 343 340 343 355 1,095 2 354 1,326 271 336 364 373 787 758 859 746 3,069 2,661 2,759 2,875 27,667 26,846 27 , 542 27,645 6,347 6,591 6,204 6,386 34,126 33,549 33,858 34,143 68,366 68,886 69,156 68,970 68 , 787 371 350 354 1,522 365 1,771 1,362 1,439 1,566 2,422 252 270 276 254 279 713 682 764 950 655 2,972 2,735 2,802 2,904 3,004 28,073 28,104 28 , 520 29,129 28,369 6,516 6,606 6,415 5,905 6,498 34,673 34,794 35,019 35,118 34,951 69,061 69,834 70,181 70,502 364 338 333 329 2,087 1,120 1,946 1,853 332 580 557 651 662 696 722 684 2,726 2,738 2,913 2,986 28,062 28,040 29,009 28,060 6,480 6,747 6,002 6,294 34,626 34,871 35,095 34,438 70,493 71,229 71,682 72,233 334 315 307 328 1,884 1,597 1,654 2,228 440 297 397 531 670 651 674 694 2,958 2,769 2,923 3,047 28,417 27,448 28,574 28,838 6,405 6,912 6,545 6,508 34,906 34,444 35,203 35,430 72,470 71,855 71,214 70,581 69,931 33^ 329 350 363 359 2,254 2,344 2,170 2,351 3,099 331 544 318 398 494 978 699 706 709 646 2,977 2,776 2,850 2,959 3,059 28,808 29,499 29,719 29,364 28,981 6,781 6,730 7,916 7,179 7,091 35,656 36,296 37,702 36,610 36,139 69,935 70,500 70,686 70,438 349 343 334 344 3,084 3,431 2,844 2,651 306 256 327 260 689 664 682 690 2,947 2,806 2,950 3,031 28,424 28,360 29,102 28,445 6,984 6,921 6,219 6,339 35,475 35,348 35,388 34,851 70,577 71,193 71,286 71,117 334 330 337 335 1,927 1,794 1,324 2,317 328 277 300 307 694 714 731 669 2,942 2,842 2,994 3,093 27,994 27,826 29,025 28,448 6,572 6,855 6,117 6,259 34,633 34 , 748 35 , 209 34,774 71,366 72,008 72,616 72,308 340 326 303 288 1,889 1,354 1,299 1,666 372 300 439 269 704 725 695 703 3,105 2,854 3,010 2,997 28,904 28,311 29,741 30,074 6,481 6,633 6,457 5,923 35,443 35,002 36,256 36,055 72,048 72,463 72,997 72,959 73,062 301 299 285 278 273 2,460 2,959 2,723 3,028 3,224 343 294 277 343 287 672 662 715 728 684 3,132 2,961 3,122 3,218 3,310 30,198 29,393 29,743 30,477 29,719 6,589 6,885 6,845 6,081 6,572 36,845 36,336 36,646 36,616 36,349 73 , 344 73,846 73,938 73,689 302 283 292 298 2,804 931 1,51! 2,659 399 309 992 343 694 674 674 687 3,275 3,041 3,140 3,265 29,562 28,929 30,019 29,985 6,659 6,802 6,631 6,493 36,279 35,789 36,708 36,536 74,112 74,876 74,849 74,441 74,081 287 275 266 270 283 2,781 2,957 2,366 2,721 3,214 350 289 303 283 293 111 753 786 757 785 3,240 3,050 3,193 3,271 3,390 30,459 29,820 31,122 30,853 30,218 6,815 7,048 6,702 6,564 6,986 37,274 36,868 37 , 824 37,417 37 , 204 74,383 74,916 74,872 74,613 282 274 279 281 2,730 1,875 2,447 3,191 274 269 428 307 799 875 833 779 3,053 3,107 3,262 3,390 29,900 29,890 30,799 30,452 7,020 7,046 6,357 6,614 36,920 36,936 37,156 37,066 74,979 75,399 75,302 74,890 302 297 298 304 3,107 1,858 1,438 3,148 371 362 525 612 802 732 751 904 3,502 3,126 3,255 3,450 30,416 29,649 30,249 30,161 6,823 7,088 6,837 6,785 37,239 36,737 37,086 36,946 . . . . . . . . .July 4—1973 . .11 . ..18 25 . .Aug. 1 ..8 . .15 22 29 . . . . . . ..Sept. 5 . ..12 19 ..26 .Oct. 3 ..10 17 . . 24 ..31 . . .Nov. 7 14 ..21 , ...28 . . .Dec. 5 ..12 ..19 . . 26 . .Jan. 2—1974 9 16 23 ,..30 . . . . . Feb. 6 ..13 ..20 27 . . . Mar. 6 ..13 . . .20 27 . Apr. 3 , ..VO ..17 . . 24 . . May I ...8 ..15 ..22 ..29 . June 5 ..12 ...19 . . 26 .July 3 ....10 ..17 , . . 24 ..31 . . . . . . . . . .Aug. 7 ..14 . .21 ...28 Sept. 4 ..11 ..18 25 10 Annual Statistical Digest 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items—Continued B. Weekly averages of daily figures—Continued In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds Reserve Bank credit outstanding Week ending— U.S. Govt. securities ' Total Bought outright 2 85,380 84,041 83,367 83,472 83,581 84,904 83,480 82,598 83,472 83,218 Nov. 6 13 20 27 83,662 82,421 83,959 85,212 83,217 82,421 83,480 84,076 Dec. 4 11 . 18 25 85,559 85,445 85 , 842 88,242 i 8... 15 22 29 Held under repurchase agreement Loans Float Other F.R. assets Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 3,218 2,245 ,744 ,322 ,638 1,898 2,137 1,875 2,553 1,895 1,646 2,047 3,288 3,396 3,386 92,695 91,006 90,716 90,958 90,767 11,567 11,567 11,567 11 , 567 11 , 567 400 400 400 400 400 9,039 9,027 9,036 9,042 9,054 479 1,136 ,125 ,097 ,367 1,479 2,086 2,466 3,018 2,060 3,466 3,484 2,967 2,917 90,658 89,689 91,667 92,159 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 9, OHO 9,099 9,118 9,128 83,967 84,925 85,157 85,761 1,592 520 ' 685 2,481 1,070 648 818 662 2,768 2,545 2,569 2,285 3,113 3,053 3,047 3,141 93,186 92,238 92,859 95,124 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 603 11,652 11,652 400 400 400 400 9,168 9,163 9,178 9,194 87,903 86,317 85 , 520 86,105 86,341 85,746 85,587 85,381 85,191 85,448 2,157 730 139 914 893 561 3It 609 594 142 3,261 3,439 2,601 2,101 1,978 3,205 3,291 3,309 3,443 3,490 95,962 94,058 92,672 92,957 92,742 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,635 400 400 400 400 400 9,221 9,216 9,235 9,239 9 , 246 5 12 19. .. 26 85,613 83,801 84,255 85,376 84,999 83,111 83,357 84,148 614 690 898 1,228 98 90 229 180 2,128 1,987 1,993 2,261 3,839 3,680 3,396 2,933 92,509 90,301 90,633 91,533 11,634 11 , 628 11,624 11,621 400 400 400 400 9,284 9,271 9,276 9,303 Mar. 5.... 12 19.... 26.... 85,505 82,658 83,345 86,867 84,207 82,658 83,345 85,854 1,298 70 1,013 .8 155 (.£.(. 1 , ODD 2,098 1,993 1,685 3,071 3,085 3,217 3,197 91,159 88,571 89,381 92,719 11,621 11,620 1 1 , 620 11,620 400 400 400 400 9,352 9,341 9,344 9,386 Apr. 2 16^ 23 30 . 86,518 84,508 85,109 87,465 91,411 86,518 84,508 84,705 86,682 88,467 404 783 2,944 i&22 165 241 2,356 2,504 1,857 2,075 1,765 3,083 3,086 3,125 3,315 3,281 92,679 90,793 90,796 93,730 97,557 11,620 11,621 11,620 1 1 , 620 1 1 , 620 400 400 400 400 400 9,400 9 , 399 9,407 9,415 9,437 7 u::::::::::::. 92,125 91,358 92,529 92,156 88,923 89,449 89,494 89,724 3,202 1,909 3,035 2,432 34 17 121 84 1,681 1,750 2,220 1,821 3,424 3,347 2,629 2,735 98,377 97,446 98,458 97,606 11,620 11,620 1 1 , 620 11,620 400 400 400 486 9,435 9,456 9,462 9,469 June 4. . . . 11 18.... 25 90,748 86,150 87,281 89,859 88,833 86,150 86,957 88,434 1,915 324 1,425 84 38 77 188 2,159 2,122 2,132° 1,953 3,061 3,026 3,140 3,165 96,905 92,044 93,315 95,949 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 500 500 500 500 9,561 9,527 9,538 9,542 July 91,559 89,020 87,497 87,997 87,868 88,834 88,473 87,263 87,850 87,609 2,725 547 234 147 259 871 222 202 382 253 1,887 2,260 2,131 1,800 1,420 3,010 3,007 3,050 3,125 3,246 98,243 95,272 93,566 93,995 93,479 11,620 11,620 11,620 1 1 , 620 1 1 , 620 500 500 500 500 500 9,573 9,569 9,618 9,630 9,641 86,727 85,221 87,075 87,572 86,727 85,221 86,692 86,615 180 179 204 272 1,525 1,847 1,900 1,581 3,217 3,225 2,684 2,707 92,328 91,135 92,538 92,885 11,617 1 1 , 603 1 1 , 602 11,600 500 500 500 500 9,700 9,704 9,715 9,715 Sept. 3 10 17 24 88,224 86,653 87,286 90,530 86,708 86,653 86,466 88,373 222 385 327 395 1,548 2,036 1,854 2,027 2,973 3,000 3,097 3,062 93,814 92,736 93,269 96,874 1 1 , 599 11,598 1 1 , 599 11,599 500 500 500 500 9,801 9,765 9,789 9,811 Oct. 1 8.... 15 22 29 93,192 90,561 88,782 89,674 92,027 89,312 89,392 88,782 88,949 90,717 3,880 1,169 725 1,310 581 239 172 232 94 1,620 1,645 2,029 2,174 1,811 3,145 3,348 3,452 3,578 3,666 99,535 96,657 95,144 96,409 98,415 1 1 , 599 11,599 11,599 11 , 599 1 1 , 599 500 500 500 500 500 9,836 9,857 9,873 9 , 887 9,893 Nov. 5 12.... 19. . 26 92,251 87,911 90,116 92,992 89,755 87,449 89,465 90,992 2,496 462 651 2,000 67 39 58 73 2,213 2,265 2,867 2,295 3,714 3,752 3,474 3,116 99,245 94,725 97,311 99,393 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 500 500 500 500 9,909 9,955 10,049 10,061 Dec. 91,961 89,531 90,625 94,134 94,468 90,887 89,009 90,625 92,580 92,978 1,074 522 66 28 44 219 253 2,661 2,347 2,626 3,144 4,634 3,279 3,486 3,557 3,356 3,466 98,850 96,170 97,585 101,720 103,807 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 11,599 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 500 500 500 500 500 10,102 10,081 10,087 10,099 10, 103 1974— Oct. 1975__jan Feb. v May 2 . 9.... 16 23 30.... 21 28 2 9 16... 23.... 30 Aue. 6 B:;:::: " : 20.... 27 3.. . 10 17 24 31 476 561 769 363 445 383' 957 1,516 820 2,157 1 , 554 1,490 Annual Statistical Digest 11 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Other 3 Other F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves With F.R. Banks Currency and coin 4 Week ending— Total & 74,839 75 , 327 75,944 75,848 75,624 315 314 318 318 313 3,274 2,698 838 1 , 200 1,341 356 288 271 271 312 960 824 794 843 800 3,493 3,107 3,180 3,285 3,410 30,464 29,441 30,376 30,202 29,987 7,069 7,160 7,039 6,254 6,832 37,533 36,601 37,415 36,456 36,819 Oct. 2^1974 ... 9 16 23 30 76,060 77,025 77,209 77,328 295 300 300 307 1,049 159 649 1,346 302 302 512 303 811 703 781 788 3,312 3,038 3,060 3,174 29 , 875 29,227 30,240 30,007 7,120 7,252 6,572 6,762 36,995 36,479 36,812 36,769 Nov. 6 13 .20 27 77,952 78,496 78,926 79,368 316 266 182 180 1,464 1,303 926 2,471 453 320 407 345 1,024 893 821 752 3,250 3,090 3,213 3,399 29,861 29,035 29,615 29,855 7,100 7,258 7,147 6,990 36,961 36,293 36,762 36,845 Dec. 79,655 78,922 78,191 77,431 76,666 189 192 226 244 252 2,606 1,850 1,352 1,618 3,005 333 324 446 279 272 896 986 901 828 798 3,339 3,071 3,194 3,366 3,395 30,218 29,981 29,652 30,482 29,635 7,370 7,331 8,555 7,783 7,605 37,588 37,312 38 , 207 38,265 37,240 Jan. 1—1975 . 8 15 .22 29 76,469 77,052 77,298 76,993 250 239 234 212 2,634 1,492 1,960 3,489 342 270 364 300 848 634 612 703 3,741 3,342 3,162 3,239 29,543 28,573 28 , 304 27,920 7,431 7,456 6,814 6,686 36,974 36,029 35,118 34,606 Feb. 5. 12 19 .26 77,022 77,715 77,874 77,767 255 258 272 294 2,845 590 386 3,424 340 309 332 376 988 923 994 843 3,238 2,952 3,006 3,088 27,845 27,186 27,883 28,333 6,950 7,296 6,627 6,486 34,795 34,482 34,510 34,819 Mar. 5 .12 19 . . . 26 78,030 78,355 78,672 78,384 78,137 307 309 318 306 302 2,826 1,919 976 3,523 7,902 476 359 267 289 279 1,039 646 642 660 576 3,160 2,952 3,093 3,194 3,342 28,261 27,671 28,254 28,809 28,477 6,826 6,992 7,041 6,440 7,018 35,087 34,663 35,295 35,249 35,495 Apr. 78,405 79,095 79 , 203 79,472 307 323 324 300 8,960 8,419 7,947 7,474 232 277 258 266 688 472 697 911 3,141 3,125 3,278 3,313 28,098 27,212 28,233 27,444 7,139 7,305 6,469 6,765 35,237 34,517 34,702 34,209 May 79,904 80,476 80,775 80,685 373 380 363 370 5,815 1,833 1,464 4,224 285 258 306 243 1,294 1,108 1,069 823 3,297 3,009 3,135 3,258 27,618 26,627 27,861 28,008 6,893 7,080 7,076 6,698 34,511 33,707 34,937 34,706 June 81,094 81,898 82,164 81,761 81,287 366 367 358 345 364 5,774 3,393 1 , 198 1,370 1,830 274 264 296 240 262 729 729 676 690 711 3,323 3,016 3,110 3,147 3,237 28 , 376 27 , 294 27 , 502 28,192 27,550 7,105 7,318 7,362 6,706 7,449 35,481 34,612 34,864 34,898 34,999 July 81,531 82,036 82,028 81,615 354 377 366 366 1,205 209 299 1,178 277 271 302 240 662 607 583 715 3,108 2,941 3,060 3,196 27,007 26,501 27,717 27,390 7,546 7,662 6,912 7,080 34,553 34,163 34,629 34,470 81,979 82,242 82,166 81,688 363 359 354 364 1,806 1,402 1,181 5,032 300 351 326 285 839 840 946 717 3,253 2,913 3,069 3,256 27,173 26,493 27,116 27,442 7,356 7,605 7,436 7,175 34,529 34,098 34,552 34,617 81,411 81,853 82,561 82,451 82,075 374 371 381 382 411 7,413 5,863 3,091 3,575 6,148 277 235 340 245 265 650 570 617 656 664 3,463 3,044 3,091 3,221 3,375 27,883 26,678 27,036 27,866 27,470 7,561 7,582 7,618 6,710 7,245 35,444 34,260 34,654 34,576 34,715 82,404 83,457 84,021 84,145 412 427 410 432 6,755 2,868 3,321 5,010 288 273 315 277 652 583 566 635 3,382 3,109 3,202 3,385 27,362 26,061 27,624 27,670 7,524 7,693 7,117 7,014 34,886 33,754 34,741 34,684 84,742 85,222 85,685 86,120 86,554 460 462 449 445 448 4,124 1,865 1,943 5,533 6,777 305 243 244 254 293 877 921 979 866 891 3,297 3,044 3,158 3,355 3,477 27,245 26,594 27 , 3 1 2 27,345 27,569 7,572 7,825 7,827 7,491 8,036 34,817 34,419 35,139 34,836 a 35,611 4 11 . ..18 25 . . . . 2 9 ..16 23 . . 30 7 14 ..21 28 4 .11 18 25 2 9 . . .16 .23 30 . . . . Aug. 6 13 20 .27 Sept. 3 .10 17 . . . 24 Oct. . . . 1 g .15 22 29 Nov. 5 12 . . . 19 26 Dec. 3 .10 17 24 .31 12 Annual Statistical Digest 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items—Continued C. Wednesday figures In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Govt. securities » Wednesday Total Bought outright 2 1970— Dec. 30 60,632 60,632 1971— Jan. 6 13 20 27 62,140 62,110 62,701 62,044 61,785 62,110 62,033 61,883 3 10 17 24 61,951 60,647 64,461 61,700 61,783 60,647 62,280 61,700 Mar. 3 10 17 24 31 62,767 62,495 63,054 62,455 64,345 Apr. 7 14 21 28 . . . . May June Held under repurchase agreement Loans Other F.R. assets Float Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 1,110 65,989 11,117 400 7,147 1,159 1,202 1,248 1,270 68,613 66,706 68,612 67,100 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 400 400 400 400 7,150 7,151 7,160 7,165 2,370 2,510 2,679 3,076 1,261 1,314 839 804 65,909 64,780 69,793 65,883 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 400 400 400 400 7,176 7,177 7,191 7,201 262 1,521 567 820 391 2,859 2,462 2,752 2,295 2,550 867 861 921 981 997 66,846 67,414 67,442 66,612 68,421 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 400 400 400 400 400 7,212 7,225 7,238 7,249 7,263 621 361 176 217 88 718 3,731 2,759 3,170 2,995 1,026 1,085 1,164 1,197 67 , 249 67,049 68,529 69,018 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 400 400 400 400 7,274 7,290 7 , 297 7,310 64,043 63,921 64,530 64,764 1,273 264 618 207 802 28 984 1,274 2,856 2,365 2,779 2,520 1,216 1,324 826 871 70,329 67,960 69,885 69,738 10,732 10,332 10,332 10,332 400 400 400 400 7,331 7,350 7,360 7,381 64,959 64,613 63,993 64,981 65,518 64,809 64,613 63,993 64,640 65,518 150 37 590 261 631 446 2,609 2,371 2,788 2,605 2,549 958 955 984 ,047 ,086 68,634 68,591 68,088 69,390 69,661 10,332 10,332 10,332 10,332 10,332 400 400 400 400 400 7,396 7,414 7,426 7,434 7,434 7 14 21 28 65,118 65,636 66,680 65,762 65,118 65,636 65,704 65,762 976' 469 1,840 1,563 782 2,959 3,314 2,802 2,553 ,123 ,157 ,201 ,205 69,730 72,004 72,328 70,356 10,332 10,332 10,332 10,332 400 400 400 400 7,430 7,431 7,441 7,449 Aug. 4 11 18 25 67,216 66,017 66,260 66,406 65,841 65,902 65,942 66,406 1,375 115 318 655 573 1,123 1,803 2,479 2,386 2,814 2,454 ,281 ,336 749 772 71,729 70,359 70,998 71,487 10,332 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 7,446 7,457 7,457 7,466 Sept. 1 8 15 22 . . . . 29 67,337 67,483 65 , 726 66,587 67,661 66,635 66,741 65 , 726 66,587 67,386 702 742 988 339 350 941 381 2,258 2,596 3,164 3,077 2,527 828 857 948 961 995 71,549 71,410 70,238 71,614 71,655 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 400 7,490 7,512 7,528 7,539 7,547 68,015 68,264 66,688 67,886 67,662 67,662 66,688 67,352 353 602 192 1,033 495 2,043 2,779 2,577 3,067 2,728 1,046 1,109 1,170 1,201 72,120 73,111 71,471 73,944 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 7,521 7,544 7,556 7,561 Nov. 3 10 17 24 68,026 66,944 68,541 69,862 67,226 66,944 67 , 605 68,159 252 195 392 2,397 2,763 2,855 3,597 2,921 1,241 1,289 801 825 72,373 7 1 , 340 73,464 76,207 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 7,570 7,567 7,574 7,579 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 68,427 69,194 68,032 68,652 71,759 68,427 68,882 68,032 68,640 69,059 2,692 3,053 3,844 4,059 4,043 962 929 983 1,018 1,114 72,203 73,344 72,953 74,635 78,519 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 i 10,132 400 400 400 400 400 7,603 7,592 7,614 7,622 7,619 1972—Jan. 5 12 19 26 70,275 70,518 71,451 70,561 69 , 689 70,361 70,561 70,561 586 157 890 66 86 28 828 1,340 44 17 24 18 4,254 3,103 3,156 2,843 1,099 1,179 1,223 1,261 75,791 74,951 75,995 74,760 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 400 400 400 400 7,627 7,644 7,653 7,673 Feb. 2 9 16 23 70,195 69,995 71,928 69,619 70,195 69,995 70,623 69,619 " 1,305 25 176 28 18 2,749 2,528 2,953 2,610 1,311 1,357 611 641 74,353 74 , 1 24 75,663 72,951 10,132 10,132 9,588 9,588 400 400 400 400 7,765 7,788 7,802 7,813 1 8 ... 15 22 29 68,872 68,772 68,802 69,395 70,689 68,872 68,772 68 , 802 69 , 395 69 , 785 58 704 27 733 1,030 2,824 2,788 3,637 3,072 2,673 707 749 790 843 897 72 , 524 73,076 73,323 74 , 11 2 75,458 9,588 9,588 9,588 9,588 9,588 400 400 400 400 400 7,820 7,842 7,855 7,877 7,889 Feb. July Oct. Mar. 252 3,939 288 273 1,522 740 4,874 3,058 3,029 2,978 2,181 242 255 1,598 251 62,490 62,233 62,301 62,405 62,841 277 262 753 50 1,504 62,216 62,904 64,015 64,020 62,216 62,904 63 , 394 63,659 5 12 19 26 65,316 64,185 65,148 64,971 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 ... . .. 355 668 161 168 341 ' 275' 534' 800 936' 1,703 iii' 12' 2,700 904 l Annual Statistical Digest 1o 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Other Other F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves Wednesday With F.R. Banks Currency and coin 4 Total 57,365 403 1,271 135 736 2,249 22,494 5,511 28,005 56,889 56,539 55,909 55,586 429 435 458 471 1,105 587 608 1,237 154 136 185 155 723 719 713 717 2,032 2,098 2,151 2,188 25,563 24,476 26,879 25,043 5,423 5,666 5,560 5,589 30,986 30,142 32,439 30,632 55,591 55,929 56,069 55,828 468 470 468 465 1,112 1,742 485 1,350 161 129 172 153 802 721 762 710 2,260 2,318 2,214 2,261 23,822 21,780 27,946 23,449 5,449 5,445 5,134 4,896 29,271 27,225 33,080 28,345 55,897 56,270 56,363 56,220 56,294 469 469 460 479 481 960 1,203 363 926 858 114 134 134 146 201 740 745 718 669 794 2,355 2,402 2,103 2,180 2,255 24,655 24,549 25,671 24,373 25,932 5,022 5,396 5,060 4,792 5,124 29 , 677 29,945 30,731 29,165 31,056 56,864 57,102 56,846 56,713 503 504 512 508 824 772 1,470 1,401 163 148 150 133 1,015 755 715 683 2,363 2,081 2,137 2,195 23,922 24,108 25,128 25,827 5,185 5,244 4,739 5,051 29,107 29,352 29 , 867 30,878 .Apr. 7 14 .21 ,.28 57,008 57,382 57,306 57,373 519 500 507 505 493 1,112 1,224 887 148 161 195 156 685 687 646 671 2,313 2,149 2,197 2,241 27,626 24,051 25,902 26,017 5,283 5,381 5,018 4,984 32,909 29,432 30,920 31,001 . May 5 . 1 2 19 . 2 6 57,811 58,121 58,183 58,050 58,394 507 498 501 493 466 869 7 7 719 1,274 140 194 179 181 199 751 668 704 701 688 2,326 2,345 2,125 2,197 2,256 24,358 24,904 24,547 25,215 24,550 5,219 5,347 5,201 5,004 5,372 29,577 30,251 29 , 748 30,219 29,922 59,184 59,230 58,916 58,781 468 468 492 493 2,065 2,516 1,110 1,413 196 163 115 149 713 694 698 722 2,321 2,133 2,211 2,251 22,945 24,964 26,960 24,728 5,424 5,451 4,858 5,479 28,369 30,415 31,818 30,207 58,930 59,253 59,133 58,854 481 476 478 488 733 1,292 1,184 1,375 178 163 166 135 724 740 719 689 2,393 2,422 2,217 2,275 26,469 24,002 25,089 25,669 5,438 5 591 5,307 5,125 31,907 29 593 30,396 30,794 58,920 59,498 59,332 58,940 58,832 471 466 465 480 475 "1,194 1,185 1,386 1,939 2,021 142 152 139 146 166 682 733 767 690 712 2,374 2,427 2,210 2,251 2,317 25,788 24,994 23,999 25 , 239 25,211 5,354 5,517 5,614 5,017 5 , 600 31,142 30,511 29,613 30,256 30,811 59,178 59,584 59,335 59,402 469 464 466 462 1,988 2,141 2,148 1,709 165 146 129 156 719 736 701 688 2,419 2,233 2,245 2,305 25,234 25,883 24,535 27,315 5,508 5,655 5,117 5,239 30,742 31,538 29,652 32,554 59,564 59,939 60,094 60,409 493 "473 472 467 1,687 1,411 1,532 1,435 124 137 145 126 740 714 705 698 2,403 2,443 2,226 2,303 25,465 24,322 26,396 28,879 5,548 5,565 5,593 5,125 31,013 29,887 31,989 34,004 60,578 61,004 61,271 61,620 61,492 460 463 462 452 459 2,567 936 2,127 2,031 I t 955 128 187 173 473 281 111 779 709 725 754 2,353 2,429 2,198 2,250 2,362 23,536 25 , 670 24,159 25,238 29,367 5,490 5,591 5,908 5,366 5,844 29,026 31,261 30,067 30,604 35,211 60,992 60,656 60,053 59,602 469 479 506 512 3,071 2,108 2,491 2,862 302 146 127 146 729 707 778 716 2,108 2,173 2,234 2,279 26,279 26,858 27,992 26,848 5,743 6,016 5,974 5,895 32,022 32,874 33,966 . . . 32,743 59,554 59,838 59,848 59,905 505 513 374 373 3,173 2,781 2,531 1,139 172 145 145 178 779 739 612 590 2,351 2,405 2,198 2,236 26,116 26,022 27,745 26,331 5,860 5,865 5,669 5,122 31,976 31,887 33,414 31,453 59,794 60,215 60,392 60,321 60,438 374 382 382 406 413 1,128 1,081 851 1,314 917 137 150 184 175 205 575 548 620 608 589 2,299 2,360 2,146 2,215 2,302 26,025 26,170 26,591 26,938 28,471 5,427 5,453 5,661 5,011 5,318 31,452 31,623 32,252 31,949 33,789 Dec. 30—1970 .Jan. . . . 6=1971 ,13 . . .20 27 . ... ..Feb. 3 , . ,10 .17 . 24 , . ..Mar. 3 .. .10 .. 17 . 2 4 .31 . . . . . . . . . .June 2 .9 16 ..23 30 . . .July , 7 14 ..21 28 Aug. 4 . .11 , 18 .25 . . . . . . . . . .Sept. 1 . 8 15 . 2 2 . . 29 . .Oct. 6 13 , .20 27 . . . . . . . . . . .Dec. I , , . .8 15 .22 29 .Jan. 5—1972 12 19 26 . Feb. 2 .9 16 . ,23 . . . . . . . .Nov. 3 10 17 .24 . Mar. 1 . . . .8 15 .22 29 14 Annual Statistical Digest 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items—Continued C. Wednesday figures—Continued In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Govt. securities 1 Wednesday Total Bought outright " Held under repurchase agreement 941 Loans Float Other F.R. assets Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate 1 account Treasury currency outstanding 60 10 245 1,789 3 ,023 3,032 3,333 3,209 928 1,003 1,045 1,102 75,468 74,469 75,369 78,522 9,588 9,588 9,588 9,588 400 400 400 400 7,908 7,917 7,925 7,946 468 494 194 317 1,594 3,280 3,053 3,851 3,065 2,846 1,134 1,180 734 806 845 76,428 76,157 76,206 75,567 78,039 9,588 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 7,967 7,976 8,000 8,00*) 8,020 135 66 181 474 3,125 3,440 3,950 3,488 893 940 1,012 1,042 76,171 76,247 76,507 77,246 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,028 8,037 8,057 8,057 513 86 82 637 3,072 3,909 4,049 3 , 569 1,062 1,107 1,155 1,168 77,731 74,683 77,839 77,397 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,056 8,081 8,087 $,093 1,271 842 535 877 1,332 3,406 3,135 3,628 3,458 3,115 1,233 1,320 676 727 766 78,572 78 , 024 77,693 76,093 77,371 I 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,101 8,132 8,146 8,152 8,157 69,363 68,727 70,396 70,018 104 147 1,753 842 3,305 3,732 4,257 3,742 810 874 970 1,066 73,645 73,537 77,433 75,728 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,162 8,179 8,196 8,196 72,259 71,548 70,789 72,463 70,990 1,269 71,548 70,789 71,187 ""[',216 1,094 388 426 3,175 3,806 3,646 4,858 3,974 ! 1,090 1,194 1,271 1 , 45 1 78,426 76,845 77,415 81,208 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,200 8,228 8,232 8,242 Nov. I 8 15 22 29 71,352 72,400 69 , 1 27 71,084 70,338 71,105 71,105 69,127 70,784 70,338 247 1,295 567 1,468 130 252 677 3,960 3,522 3,464 3,466 2,642 ,373 ,404 ,058 978 ,059 77,397 78,971 73,841 75,896 74,778 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,266 8,271 8,275 8,293 8,279 Dec 6 13 20 27 70,741 72,867 71,374 69 , 545 70,231 71,180 70,741 69 , 545 510 1,687 633 274 995 1,442 1,435 3,702 4,190 4,063 4,103 ,149 ,144 ,175 ,219 75,947 79 , 363 78,212 76,371 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,285 8,294 8 , 294 8,302 3. . . . 10 17. . . . 24 31 73,615 71,509 72,275 73 , 298 73,394 71,361 71,509 71,616 71,768 72,444 2,254 659 1,530 950 891 830 1,072 2,008 1,310 4,146 4,627 4,399 2,899 2,383 ,274 ,302 ,380 ,522 ,339 80,119 78,344 79,274 79 , 868 78,567 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,305 8,316 8,320 8,328 8,343 7 14 21 28 70,399 72,519 72,116 73,947 70,399 71,884 71,928 73,286 635 188 661 967 2,766 391 1,564 3,265 2,423 2,882 2,795 ,304 ,397 671 735 76,016 79,335 76,239 79 , 274 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,347 8,347 8,355 8,378 Mar. 7 14 21 28 72,086 74,257 73,103 75 , 193 72,086 73,559 73,103 74,050 698 1,143 1,132 1,823 2,984 2,028 3,542 3,282 2,742 2,122 794 878 901 949 77,632 80,406 79 , 805 80,436 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,390 8,407 8,412 8,422 Apr 74,493 74,350 76,953 75,393 74,493 74,350 75,033 74,714 1,920 679 1,082 1,241 3,159 1,522 3,268 2,943 3,403 3,090 949 1,010 1,088 1,134 79,867 79,619 84,768 81,252 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,436 8,440 8,445 8,453 16*'"." 23 30 76,464 76,814 77,663 77 , 940 75,187 75 , 890 76,296 76,296 76,506 75,187 574 518 1,367 1,434 817 2,778 2,445 1,455 1,771 3,457 2 , 729 3,341 2,514 ! 2,134 1,177 1,226 739 787 820 82,059 83,710 84,378 82,864 79,996 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,462 8,466 8,471 8,493 8,498 6 13 . . . 20 27 75,957 72,641 76,253 75,865 75,196 72,641 75 , 277 75,865 761 881 1,694 1,761 1,584 3,291 2,954 3,458 2,644 870 948 990 1,081 81,160 78 , 302 82,585 81,241 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,502 8,515 8,520 8,535 71,285 70,342 70,664 72,255 70,344 70,342 70,664 71,164 3 10 17 24 31 71,461 71,348 71,348 71,303 72,611 71,461 71,348 71,348 71,303 71,471 7 14 21 28 71,888 71,728 71,298 72,094 71,728 71,728 71,298 72,022 160 ,!:::::::::::: 19 72,969 69,515 72,443 71,959 72,582 69,515 72,039 71,959 387 72,544 72,565 72,709 70,964 72,033 71,864 71,953 72,031 70,964 71,389 69 , 363 68,727 70,396 70,018 18 25 1972— Apr 5 12 19 26 May June July ... 26 Au S> 2 \6. '.'.'.'.'.".".". 23 30 Sept. Oct. 6 13 20 27 .. ... 4 1973 -Jan. Feb. -it.:::: 18 25 May June 2 ""'i;69i' 1,140 72' 404' 680 612 678 644 300 976' Annual Statistical Digest 15 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Other Other F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves With F.R. Banks Currency and coin 4 Wednesday Total s 60,829 61,041 60,898 60,728 412 407 411 398 1,212 1,541 1,868 1,822 236 188 142 128 696 625 545 573 2,396 2,179 2,241 2,308 27,583 26,393 27,178 30,499 5,397 5,584 5,262 5,354 32,980 31,977 32,440 35,853 60,936 61,322 61,419 61,311 61,702 405 1,224 386 383 358 2,687 2,686 1 , 49 1 2,402 2,144 136 121 170 148 157 560 606 569 611 584 2,387 2,167 2,234 2,301 2,388 27,273 26,817 28,747 27,230 29,538 5,571 5,695 5,499 5,109 5,513 32,844 32,512 34,246 32,339 35,051 61,936 62,123 62,014 62,161 360 357 368 357 2,356 2,121 2,954 2,923 145 126 186 194 615 533 554 585 2,442 2,223 2,290 2,365 27,155 27,611 27,008 27,528 5,593 5,655 5,357 5,524 32,748 33,266 32,365 33,052 62,926 63,125 62,795 62,582 367 339 337 349 1,795 2,816 2,426 2,490 189 172 236 156 575 561 615 601 2,414 2,216 2,294 2,328 28,331 24,345 28,033 27,794 5,594 5,859 5,368 5,708 33,925 30,204 33,401 33,502 62,642 63,020 63,018 62,766 62,769 345 325 319 325 316 2,137 2,473 1,792 1,919 1,406 168 156 171 187 168 690 562 658 573 602 2,420 2,205 2,266 2,315 2,402 29,080 28,224 28 , 426 26,970 28 , 675 5,787 5,882 5,837 5,315 5,702 34,867 34,106 34,263 32,285 34,377 63,339 63 , 280 62,979 62,776 304 325 325 347 571 408 958 1,862 184 176 194 183 638 605 557 660 2,433 2,215 2,161 2,215 25,148 25,517 29 , 266 26,692 5,796 5,976 5,446 5,856 30,944 31,493 34,712 32,548 63 , 065 63,772 63 , 667 63,641 373 361 376 374 1,269 1,464 1,140 1 , 392 170 213 228 197 664 574 645 568 2,337 2,247 2,308 2,379 29,559 27,252 28,093 31,709 5,868 5,950 5,661 5,325 35,427 33,202 33,754 37,034 63,645 64,340 64,783 65,118 65,292 379 394 382 377 360 1,597 1,044 1,523 989 1,074 160 256 214 205 200 654 668 620 565 603 2,467 2,385 2,291 2,363 2,418 27,571 28,964 23,113 25,381 23,920 5,847 5,916 6,174 5,342 5,802 33,418 34,880 529,737 31,173 30,172 65,682 66,237 66,545 66,990 361 359 359 361 1,188 1 , 525 1,145 2,264 284 259 271 296 547 612 546 657 2,590 2,318 2,364 2,399 24,390 27,157 26,087 22,516 5,868 6,427 5,889 6,092 30,708 34,034 32,426 29,058 66,526 65,933 65,313 64,603 64,312 343 363 376 386 372 1,048 1,961 1,842 2,207 2,747 320 305 288 264 310 713 845 633 593 674 2,252 2,270 2,367 2,459 2,576 28,033 25,793 27,586 28,494 26,727 6,216 6,163 6,913 6,409 6,452 34,528 32,235 34,778 35,182 33,458 64,612 64,923 64,868 64,696 385 388 396 379 3,253 2,809 3,358 2,073 245 332 275 455 651 615 681 633 2,612 2,468 2,461 2,574 23,415 26,958 23,365 27,653 6,380 6,296 5,656 5,788 30,074 33,533 29 , 300 33,720 65,093 65,409 65,318 65,354 381 378 394 396 3,799 4,321 4,424 3,382 296 311 287 359 635 665 633 709 2,615 2,442 2,493 2,596 24,013 26,098 25,479 26,873 5,906 6,219 5,525 5,747 30,198 32,596 31,283 32,899 65,832 66,348 66,519 66,339 421 414 421 424 3,596 3,533 2,787 3,696 271 267 263 240 636 703 658 682 2,691 2,453 2,574 2,632 25,665 25,152 30,801 26,502 5,861 6,060 5,811 5,477 31,698 31,384 36,784 32,151 66,359 66,872 67,003 66,872 67,272 428 428 414 419 411 4,414 4,685 4,925 3,984 3,932 342 352 333 290 290 666 631 644 613 669 2,754 2,533 2,708 2,752 2,783 26,368 27,486 27,631 27,236 23,947 5,952 6,180 6,263 5,539 6,042 32,492 33,838 34,066 32,947 30,161 .May 67,654 67,969 67,821 67,855 397 396 385 381 1,324 1,522 2,063 3,583 253 261 274 378 642 624 659 701 2,896 2,600 2,696 2,769 27 , 306 24,255 28,017 24 , 9 19 6,140 6,230 5,892 6,020 33,618 30,657 34,081 31,111 .June 6 . 13 .20 .27 . . .Apr. 5—1972 . .12 . ..19 26 . .May 3 10 . . . 17 . . . 24 . .31 . . . . . . . . . . .June 7 14 . .21 28 . . . . . .July . . .Aug. 2 9 . .16 . ..23 ,30 . . . . . 5 .12 .19 26 . .Sept. 6 . 13 .20 . . 27 .Oct. . . . . 4 11 .18 25 ,Nov. 1 . 8 15 .22 29 .Dec. 6 .13 .20 . . .2 7 .Jan. . . , 3=1973 10 17 .24 .31 .Feb. . . . 7 14 .21 .28 . .Mar. 7 . 14 .21 . 28 . . Apr. 4 .11 . . . . 18 .25 2 9 16 .23 .30 16 Annual Statistical Digest 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items—Continued C. Wednesday figures—Continued In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds i Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Govt. securities > Wednesday Total 1973—July 4 Bought outright 2 Held under repurchase agreement 79,148 74,173 77,361 76,877 76,787 74,173 76,777 76,591 2,361 Aug. 1 8 15 22 29 78,546 74,287 74,066 76,594 75,966 77,747 74,287 74,066 76,016 75,966 799 Sept. 5 1219 : : " . : : ' 75,896 75,007 74,820 76,969 75,896 75,007 74,820 76,346 3 10 17 24 31 78,766 73,802 78,952 79,371 80,378 76,657 73,802 77,849 78,302 78,606 Nov. 7 14 21 28 77,207 79,417 80,862 79,466 Loans Other F.R. assets Float Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certificate account Treasury currency outstanding 2,999 2,304 1,673 2,032 2,523 4,395 4,646 3,604 1,065 1,165 1,210 1,272 85,909 82,094 84,957 83,870 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,537 8,537 8,537 8,543 1,377 1,429 2,531 3,035 3,467 3,450 3,198 4,022 3,249 2,449 1,351 1,363 770 752 797 84,876 80,325 81,435 83,729 ' 82,725 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 400 8,540 8,544 8,548 8,552 8,557 1,341 1,278 2,286 4,522 2,498 3,952 4,471 3,036 819 865 950 996 80,595 81,140 82,563 85,580 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 400 400 400 400 8,573 8,577 8,590 8,595 i.ioi 1,069 1,772 1,205 705 1,536 3,367 2,198 3,474 ' 4,561 3,770 3,281 2,654 ,028 ,117 ,170 ,215 ,265 84,612 80,228 85,558 87,329 86,602 10,410 10,410 10,410 11,567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 400 8 , 599 8,599 8,619 8,623 8,649 77,207 77,406 78,441 78 , 507 2,011 2,421 959 840 3,992 1,385 1,486 2,997 3,146 3,649 3,750 ! ,315 ,375 859 923 82,406 88,036 86,873 85,685 11,567 11,567 1 1 , 567 11,567 400 400 400 400 8,626 8,630 8,656 8,661 79,639 78,206 81,965 76,740 78 , 203 77,590 79,223 76,740 1,436 616 2,742 687 1,581 ! 1,569 481 3,883 3,097 5,198 5,597 | 970 1,056 1,063 1,964 85,357 84,039 90,035 84,843 11,567 11,567 11,567 U , 567 400 400 400 400 8,664 8,668 8,668 8,675 2 9 16 ... 23 30 82,641 79,232 81,175 81,251 81,922 80,667 77,312 80,671 80,501 80,742 1,974 1,920 504 750 1,180 990 2,104 1,234 2,666 1,600 5,871 4,788 4,402 3,133 2,380 1,202 1,444 1,310 1,294 1,373 90,974 87,633 88,229 88,419 87,425 11,567 11,567 1 1 , 567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 400 8,677 8,685 8,720 8,723 8,729 6 13 20 27 .... 79,719 82,300 83,595 80,548 77,830 80,712 81,047 80,548 1,889 1,588 2,548 856 2,500 1,061 1,189 2,980 2,016 2,576 2,126 1,469 1,543 790 847 85,093 88,530 88,281 84,779 1 1 , 567 11,567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 8,733 8,749 8,753 8,756 ... 80,156 81,726 81,461 80,176 80,156 79,696 80,331 79,781 "'iioid' 1,130 395 846 1,627 2,163 2,033 2,673 2,509 2,123 2,222 915 1,023 998 1,029 84,657 87,038 86,911 85 , 590 11,567 11,567 11,567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,760 8,764 8,769 8,773 3 10 17 24 80,483 80,478 81,195 81,489 80,483 80,478 80,682 80,933 sis' 556 1,116 1,286 1,284 2,171 2,632 2,549 2,637 2,649 ,053 ,106 ,283 ,229 85,358 85,492 86,494 87 ,737 11,567 11,567 1 1 , 567 11,567 400 400 400 400 8,797 8,801 8,803 8,821 1 8 15 22 29 82,425 83,125 83,670 81,473 85,253 81,649 81,916 82,088 79,840 82,471 776 1,209 1,582 1,633 2,782 1,869 1,923 3,500 2,980 4,711 2,955 2,380 2,714 2,131 2,165 ,395 ,330 831 946 923 88,848 89,023 91,055 87,787 93,402 1 1 , 567 11,567 | 11,567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 400 8,826 8,829 8,832 8,853 8,856 June 5 12 19 26 79,659 82,989 82,283 83,555 79,659 80,764 82,283 81,976 2,225 2,710 3,157 2,486 2,978 2,847 2,271 3,044 2,621 1,078 1,090 ,134 ,196 86,394 89,903 89,042 90,607 11,567 1 1 , 567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 ' 400 8,860 8,865 8,886 8,892 July 84,027 84,510 84,829 85 , 229 81,688 82,745 83,086 83,775 84,294 81,688 1,282 1,424 1,054 935 3,002 2,271 4,048 5,639 3,589 2,668 3,544 3,070 2,158 2,631 ,266 ,343 ,369 1,419 1,684 91,346 92,057 93 , 663 94,910 89,810 11,567 11,567 1 1 , 567 1 1 , 567 11,567 400 400 ! 400 400 400 J 8,897 8,898 8,906 8,911 8,965 M:::::: : 21 82,121 83,803 85,816 81,523 82,121 83,803 85,050 80,996 2,889 2,920 3,113 3,433 2 , 660 2,355 2,455 2,139 1,560 1,540 1,118 1,112 89,445 90,833 92,817 88,615 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 8,949 8,954 8,959 8,964 Scp,.^.... ... . 86,841 82,760 82,185 84,887 85,136 82,760 82,185 84,181 3,207 2,455 3,123 5,192 1,943 3,064 1 3,093 ! 3,721 1,238 1,406 1,334 1,403 93,764 89,948 90,010 95,693 11,567 11,567 j 11,567 1 1 , 567 400 400 400 400 8,969 8,974 8,974 9,032 is! '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 25 . . 26 Oct. Dec. 5 12 19 26 1974—Jan. Feb. Mar. 6 13 20 27 Apr. May AU . , ... . . 3 10 17 24 31 28 18 25 584 286 578' 623 2,109 1,579 766 527 1,705 706 Annual Statistical Digest 17 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Other 3 Other F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves Wednesday With F.R. Banks Currency and coin ' Total & 68,509 68 , 882 68,637 68,262 375 365 343 330 3,161 4,241 3,005 3,032 252 269 257 277 743 689 782 3766 2,920 2,620 2,737 2,803 29,297 24,375 28,543 27,753 6,227 6,465 6,159 6,139 35,636 30,952 34,814 . . . . 34,004 July 68,259 68,672 68,773 68,450 68,444 331 352 354 356 346 2,281 2,302 1,968 1,431 250 285 409 277 257 778 827 808 772 740 2,994 2,644 2,747 2,846 3,082 29 , 333 24,597 27 , 703 28,422 27,792 6,372 6,484 6,514 5,895 6,259 35,817 31,193 34,329 34,429 34,163 Aug. 1 8 15 . . 22 29 68,965 69,071 68,658 68,453 346 347 358 372 1,102 2 1,105 1,125 284 277 411 459 741 776 1,010 670 3,011 2,687 2,786 2,945 25,529 27,367 27,635 30,962 6,346 6,591 6,205 6,385 31,987 34,070 . . . 33,952 37,459 68,703 69,331 69,188 69,077 69,043 367 355 381 1,537 342 1,594 2,638 1,124 1,252 1,837 239 265 286 272 426 612 654 743 673 719 3,101 2,742 2,846 2,986 3,065 29,405 23,652 30,419 32,122 31,787 6,515 6,606 6,413 5,899 6,496 36,004 30,342 36,916 38,105 38 , 367 69,626 70,156 70,522 70,655 353 343 333 333 1,557 1,530 1,404 2,001 413 552 759 516 654 697 662 645 2,679 2,808 2,988 3,029 27,717 32,547 30,828 29,133 6,479 6,745 5,997 6,286 34,280 39,376 36,909 35,503 70,977 71,711 72,123 72,743 333 335 303 321 1,705 1,524 2,092 2,716 369 297 283 729 716 632 670 593 2,720 2,801 2,986 3,021 29,169 27,374 32,212 25,361 6,400 6,912 6,545 6,508 35,653 34,370 38,841 31,936 72,457 71,679 71,086 70,380 69,977 330 356 370 368 370 1,985 2,880 1,851 2,898 3,013 309 543 239 713 485 713 705 650 693 668 2,758 2,777 2,948 3,001 3,103 33,067 29 , 344 31,772 31,056 30,505 6,781 6,730 7,916 7,179 7,091 39,915 36,141 39,755 38,302 37,663 70,393 70,810 70,836 70,572 342 343 335 352 3,119 2,987 2,863 2,337 232 258 342 273 740 700 655 767 2,750 2,912 3,014 3,057 28,218 31,236 30,955 28,144 6,984 6,921 6,219 6,339 35,269 38,224 37,241 34,550 71,060 71,482 71,343 71,378 341 336 347 338 ,1,528 1,944 2,079 2,094 282 274 261 355 687 737 675 683 2,783 2,945 3,022 3,073 28 , 703 30,051 29,920 28,410 6,572 6,855 6,117 6,259 35,342 36,973 36,104 i 34,736 71,762 72,633 72,723 72,310 340 313 293 287 2,426 1,277 902 2,425 264 339 368 279 748 758 670 700 2,757 2,918 2,896 3,026 27,825 28,021 29,411 29,498 6,481 6,633 6,457 5,923 34,364 34,712 35,926 35,479 72,329 72,975 73 , 204 73,099 73,488 300 305 296 '292 269 2,948 2,993 2,569 4,332 2,333 544 254 358 265 315 705 689 749 761 642 3,180 3,009 3,131 3,244 3,644 29,634 29 , 594 31,547 26,614 33,534 6,589 6,885 6,845 6,081 6,572 36,281 36,537 38,450 32,753 40,164 73,740 74,166 73,991 73,932 300 296 308 303 1,340 906 2,946 2,693 330 359 753 282 683 650 695 699 2,931 3,101 3,141 3,286 27,896 31,257 28 , 060 30,270 6,659 6,802 6,631 6,493 34,613 . . . 38,117 .. . 34,749 36,821 74,749 75J 54 74,848 74,411 74,373 288 277 285 268 269 2,590 2,447 2,714 3,001 3,822 269 241 257 254 330 637 764 797 732 1,169 2,971 3,144 3,170 3,350 3,403 30,706 30,894 32,465 33,771 27,376 6,815 7,048 6,702 6,564 6,986 37,521 37,942 39 , 1 67 40,335 34,362 74,877 75,140 74,882 74,973 289 290 294 306 i',891 1,969 2,456 2,950 261 248 303 324 675 929 738 723 3,030 3,141 3,290 3,429 29,338 30,036 31,780 26,840 7,020 7,046 6,357 6,614 36,358 37,082 38,137 33,454 75,416 75,655 75 , 254 74,972 302 302 311 318 2,785 1,287 2,503 3,347 359 305 327 611 111 739 758 711 3,135 3,181 3,259 3,477 31,926 29 , 420 28,538 33,256 6,823 7,088 6,837 6,785 38 , 749 36,508 . . . 35,375 40,041 . . . . 4—1973 11 18 25 Sept. 5 12 19 26 .Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 Nov. 7 14 21 28 . Dec. .. 5 12 .19 .26 Jan. 2—1974 9 . .16 23 30 . . . Feb. 6 . 1 3 20 27 Mar. 6 13 20 . . .27 . . . . Apr. 3 ..10 17 24 . . . May 1 8 .15 22 29 . . . , .. . .June 5 12 .19 . .26 , July . . . 3 10 ... 17 ....24 31 . . .Aug. 7 . . . .14 21 28 Sept. 4 11 18 , .25 18 Annual Statistical Digest 1. Member bank reserves, Federal Reserve Bank credit, and related items—Continued C. Wednesday figures—Continued In millions of dollars Factors supplying reserve funds Reserve Bank credit outstanding U.S. Govt. securities l Wednesday Total 1974_Oet. 2 9 16 23 30 Bought outright 2 Held under repurchase agreement Loans Float Other F.R. assets Total Gold stock Special Drawing Rights certi fieate account Treasury currency outstanding 85,523 79,589 85,748 83 , 694 83 , 594 84 ; 90I 622 79,589 82,565 ""3;i83' 83 , 694 82,790 804" 2,829 802 1,762 2,481 1,851 2,740 2,945 2,765 2,640 2,427 1,544 3,346 3,349 3,391 3,429 93,224 86,997 94,478 92,422 91,627 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 400 9,038 9,033 9,041 9,046 9,069 Nov. 6 13 20 27 84,592 81,175 83,472 86,764 83,253 1,339 81,175 82,325 '" ' i i i 4 7 ' 83,948 2,816 839 625 2,536 1,756 2,553 3,676 3,742 2,112 3,479 3,379 2,913 2,922 91,869 89,071 93,234 94,384 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 400 400 400 400 9,075 9,104 9,118 9,136 Dec, 18 25 82,271 86,187 87,967 89,258 81,447 84,878 85,679 85,985 824 1,309 2,288 3,273 315 1,159 1,384 426 2,927 3,077 3,117 2,463 2,947 3,047 3,248 3,154 89,068 94,204 96,433 96,164 11 , 567 11,652 11,652 11 , 652 400 400 400 400 9,141 9,170 9,184 9,208 t 8 15 22 29 85,714 82,726 85,176 89,306 86,305 84,760 82,726 85,048 85,325 85,141 954 299 126 2,893 2,444 159 2,001 3,168 2,865 2,537 2,638 3,195 3,460 3,493 3,928 . 3,598 92,208 90,074 95,097 99,198 93,579 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,635 400 400 400 400 400 9,253 9,235 9,237 9,242 9,264 83,909 86,154 83,976 86,886 83,909 83,741 83,976 84,121 2,765 89 117 1,126 834 5,302 2,387 3,339 2,357 4,665 3,580 2,984 2,740 94,632 93,180 92,061 93,696 11,629 11,625 11,621 11,621 400 400 400 400 9,270 9,275 9,281 9,334 83,282 80,626 83,955 88,078 83,282 80,626 83,955 85,991 2,087 58 87 854 813 2,561 2,306 2,637 2,163 3,156 3,170 3,161 3,139 89,733 86,856 91,262 95,221 11,620 11,620 11,620 1 1 , 620 400 400 400 400 9,339 9,343 9,348 9,389 86,358 83,810 84,915 86,977 88,812 2,826 1,410 5,105 42 14 48 1,068 1,539 2,278 3,035 2,922 2,860 1,942 3,067 3,134 3,146 3,260 3,297 92,422 90,643 94,736 96,341 101,880 11,621 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 400 400 400 400 400 9,396 9,403 9,412 9,419 9,531 1975=_jan, Feb. ... 4 ..... . ... u 5 12 19 26 Mar. 5 12 19 26 Apr. ... ... ... 128' 3,981 1,164 '2^13' 2 9 16 23 30 ... 86,358 83,810 87,741 88,387 93,917 7 14 21 28 . 91,579 91,356 95,465 94,337 89,209 89,655 89,505 89,640 2,370 1,701 5,960 4,697 21 20 728 481 2,188 2,342 2,140 2,118 3,319 3,417 2,672 2,939 98,051 98,079 102,015 100,751 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 400 400 400 500 9,453 9,460 9,468 9,475 June 4. 11 18 25 . . 89,002 84,979 89,273 93 , 269 88,142 84,979 88,167 88,738 860 1,106 4,531 457 115 374 1,100 2,890 2,573 3,039 2,059 3,011 3,149 3,141 3,070 96,188 91,514 96,508 100,492 11,620 11,620 1 1 , 620 11,620 500 500 500 500 9,481 9,538 9,538 9,553 July 2 9 16 23 30 90,026 84,483 89 , 369 88,662 88,064 89,512 84,483 87,729 87,631 87,112 1,640 1,031 952 272 80 1,132 2,000 149 2,078 2,849 2,241 2,157 1,678 2,932 3 , 064 3,076 3,222 3,238 96,000 91,162 96,498 96,790 93,839 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 500 500 500 500 500 9,562 9,612 9,627 9,637 9,647 Aug. 6 13 20 27 . . . . 84,871 86,227 88,832 86,887 84,871 86,227 86,146 86,887 117 543 644 159 2,576 2,194 2,336 1,919 3,228 3,304 2,604 2,846 91,456 92,925 95,141 92,482 1 1 , 60S 11,602 11,600 11,599 500 500 500 500 9,689 9,710 9,715 9,715 Sept. 3 10 17. . . . 24 89,037 85,234 85,206 93,289 86,647 85,234 85,206 88,656 208 1,695 338 1,402 1,732 2,576 2,837 2,406 2,915 3,123 3,075 3,048 94,799 93 , 280 92,107 101,019 11,599 1 1 , 599 11,599 1 1 , 599 500 500 500 500 9,738 9,776 9,795 9,819 Oct. 92,963 87,150 87,772 91,633 93,366 89 , 660 87,150 87,772 89,120 90,317 3,303 2, S J 3 3,049 615 156 481 941 98 2,685 2,435 3,172 2,835 1,915 3,246 3,386 3,620 3,663 3,675 100,446 93,830 95,743 99,936 99,951 11,599 11,599 11 , 599 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 500 500 500 500 500 9,819 9,858 9,882 9,893 9,893 85,676 90,976 91,967 96,041 85,022 87,737 90,372 90,956 654 3 , 239 1,595 5,085 52 70 91 184 2,639 3,430 3,086 2,247 3 , 723 3,803 3,082 3,221 93,066 99 , 1 59 99,163 102,816 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 500 500 500 500 9,916 10,033 10,056 10,068 90,231 88,758 89,885 94,459 94,124 89 , 597 88,758 89,885 92,777 92,789 634 66 31 66 1,263 211 2,811 3,273 3,635 4,856 3,688 3,370 4,302 3,631 3,366 3,312 97,416 97,088 97,943 104,914 102,461 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 11,599 1 1 , 599 1 1 , 599 500 500 500 500 500 10,077 10,087 10,087 10,099 10,218 May 1 8 15 22 29 Nov. 5 12 19 26 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31 . . . . t ... .. 514 2,686 2,390 4,633 " "1^682" 1,335 1.—Continued Factors absorbing reserve funds Currency in circulation Treasury cash holdings Deposits, other than member bank reserves, with F.R. Banks Treasury Foreign Other a Other F.R. liabilities and capital Member bank reserves Wednesday With F.R. Banks Currency and coin 4 Total 8 75,193 75,887 76,218 75,868 75,921 324 328 314 326 299 3,255 1,179 629 1,393 1,079 313 296 328 282 404 822 798 789 916 844 3,093 3,097 3,299 3,346 3,481 31,229 26,411 33,909 31,304 30,635 7,069 7,160 7,039 6,254 6,832 38,298 33,571 40,948 37,558 37,467 76,710 77,461 77,331 77,841 307 312 313 327 =i; 256 1,349 1,315 318 272 499 274 707 763 639 745 3,046 2,997 3,098 3,259 31,822 28,080 31,090 3 1 , 726 7,120 7,252 6,572 6,762 38,942 35,332 37,662 38,488 78,349 79,009 79,293 79,842 323 207 192 183 1 , 568 690 2,209 2,671 411 358 266 450 841 924 816 775 3,211 3,149 3,332 3,463 25,473 31,089 3 1 , 562 30,040 7,100 7,258 7,147 6,990 32,573 38,347 38 , 709 37,030 79 , 743 78,710 77,946 77,136 76,638 185 235 240 261 261 3,113 741 1,366 1,857 3,442 418 381 950 230 334 1,275 766 731 906 708 2,935 3,058 3,232 3,618 3,446 25 , 843 27,470 31,922 36,484 30,049 7,370 7,331 8,555 7,783 7,605 33,213 34,801 40,477 44,267 37,654 76,860 77,493 77,408 77,053 249 236 230 238 779 1,308 3,040 3,187 277 250 319 271 732 683 700 851 4,859 3,174 3,232 3,229 32,175 31,336 28,434 30,223 7,431 7,456 6,814 6,686 39,606 38,792 35 , 248 36,909 77,474 78,058 77,980 78,033 261 271 297 306 956 * 1,795 3,554 277 314 321 428 867 989 870 792 2,951 2,893 2,971 3,080 28,308 25,695 28 , 396 30,437 6,950 7,296 6,627 6,486 35,258 32,991 35,023 36,923 . . Mar. 5 .12 . . 19 . .26 78,322 78 , 764 78,749 78,380 78,443 312 329 308 308 301 2,430 467 1,638 6,191 8,363 429 267 296 249 27ti 795 595 615 640 573 2,908 3,030 3,166 3,261 3,452 28 , 642 28,614 31,396 28,751 32,028 6,826 6,992 7,041 6,440 7,018 35,468 35 , 606 38,437 35,191 39,046 .Apr. 2 .. 9 .16 . . .2 3 .30 78,989 79,382 79,400 79,972 330 329 338 321 9,162 6,871 7,017 7,687 257 253 253 294 482 482 694 1,318 3,080 3,187 3,342 3,392 27,223 29,055 32,459 29,362 7,139 7,305 6,469 6,765 34,362 36,360 38,928 36,127 80,251 80,935 80,879 80,972 390 383 370 370 1,858 1,057 2,639 5,497 254 254 295 294 1,098 1,165 885 741 3,027 3,080 3,207 3,452 30,911 26,298 29,391 30,839 6,893 7,080 7,076 6,698 37,804 33,378 36,967 37,537 . June 81,708 82,372 82,193 81,709 81,478 369 370 354 349 370 5,291 1,381 597 1,333 1,386 253 239 224 276 284 765 694 673 795 574 2,877 3,022 3,193 3,171 3,339 26,418 24,817 31,011 30,914 28,175 7,105 7,318 7,362 6,706 7,449 33,523 32,135 38,373 37,620 35,624 .July 2 . .9 .16 . ..23 . .30 82,064 82,328 82,059 81,881 351 359 342 359 # # 660 833 259 293 333 232 665 594 554 838 2,895 2,989 3,148 3,217 27,018 28 , 1 74 29,861 26,937 7,546 7,662 6,912 7,080 34,564 35,836 36,773 34,017 . . Aug. 6 13 .20 .27 82,346 82,490 82,169 81,694 363 357 346 356 804 405 2,421 7,249 247 295 242 234 868 1,036 854 660 2,913 2,949 3,060 3,381 29,096 27 , 623 24 , 908 29,363 7,356 7,605 7,436 7,175 36,452 35,228 32,344 36,538 ..Sept. 3 .10 ,17 .24 81, 67V 82,425 82,876 82,467 82,329 383 374 384 384 407 7,637 3,691 2,703 6,074 6, 124 283 234 877 214 236 824 568 642 817 594 3,417 3,046 3,129 3,317 3,446 28,149 25 , 449 27 , 1 1 4 28,655 28 , 807 7,561 7,582 7,618 6,710 7,245 35,710 33,031 34,732 35,365 36,052 .Oct. 1 . .8 .15 .22 .29 83,001 84,147 84,228 84,630 426 421 424 442 3,066 2,577 4,175 4,327 355 222 244 324 692 642 566 978 3,063 3,115 3,325 3,455 24,478 30, 167 28,356 30,327 7,524 7,693 7,117 7,014 32,002 37,860 35,473 37,841 85,146 85,773 86,033 86,608 86,547 478 460 438 434 483 2,289 1,032 4,007 6,491 7,285 229 238 226 253 353 796 1,846 897 925 1,090 3,011 3,093 3,214 3,471 2,968 27,643 26,832 25,314 28,930 26,052 7,572 7,825 7,827 7,491 8,036 35,215 34,657 33,141 36,421 634,094 .Oct. . . . . . . . . . .Nov. 6 . . . 13 . .20 . .27 . . . . .Dec. 4 . 1 1 .18 . .25 . . 2—1974 .9 16 23 ,30 . .Jan. 1^1975 . , ..8 15 . . .22 .29 .Feb. . 5 12 . . 19 . .26 . May 7 14 .21 .28 4 11 .18 . .25 . . . . .Nov. 5 12 19 .26 .Dec. . . . . 3 10 17 .24 .31 20 Annual Statistical Digest 2. Reserves and borrowings of member banks In millions of dollars Large banks 5 All member banks Period Borrowings Reserves 1 Total 3 New York City Seasonal 4 City of Chicago Borrow- Excess reserves ings Other Total held i ReExcess quired 2 1970^Dec. 29,265 28,993 272 321 34 25 7 4 42 264 189 28 1971—Jan, Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec 30,488 29,880 29,686 29,885 30,419 30,023 30,547 30,455 30,802 30,860 30,953 31,329 30,209 29,679 29,487 29,745 30,107 29 , 892 30,385 30,257 30,596 30,653 30,690 31,164 279 201 199 140 312 131 162 198 206 207 263 165 370 328 319 148 330 453 820 804 501 360 407 107 59 44 -39 -6 46 -37 -25 53 9 I 11 \ 36 25 40 29 51 15 113 90 86 164 38 67 107 35 —5 23 -9 1 15 -IS 1 4 16 4 13 21 28 7 4 15 22 8 12 -65 81 -35 91 8 10 -12 38 19 65 -35 294 268 236 119 136 181 441 425 318 163 177 22 213 199 166 174 160 178 178 150 165 160 154 174 35 27 16 10 68 161 265 208 141 115 101 42 32 ( 865 31,922 31,921 32,565 32,812 32,539 33,021 33,148 33,003 33 , 803 31,774 31,353 32,692 31,798 31,688 32,429 32,708 32,335 32,874 32,893 32,841 33,556 31,460 31,134 173 124 233 136 104 204 147 255 162 247 314 219 20 33 99 109 119 94 202 438 514 574 606 1,049 8 -32 57 -2 14 i 34 32 6 29 61 4 -20 5 71 48 50 6 15 116 136 59 64 301 =9 4 -9 6 9 "1 8 10 -I 22 -14 13 4 5 12 13 5 26 16 -24 6 11 12 45 19 i 55 -41 72 —2 24 -1 -42 12 9 22 31 40 64 134 195 240 248 429 161 147 159 116 105 164 148 167 136 140 — •5 -160 20 16 15 34 26 48 117 177 171 230 275 264 32,950 31,734 31,969 32,275 32,336 32,029 33,590 33,783 34,020 34,913 34,725 35,068 32,601 31,537 31,682 32,126 32,277 31,970 33,199 33 , 540 33,775 34,690 34,543 34,806 349 197 287 149 59 59 391 243 245 223 182 262 ,164 ,593 ,858 ,721 ,786 ,788 ,050 ,144 ,861 ,465 ,399 ,298 5 30 77 124 163 147 126 84 41 96 -12 72 38 -35 -61 156 34 -6 11 27 -23 193 324 176 146 110 145 135 109 115 74 180 74 —6 8 6 —5 30 -8 24 1 -24 43 108 105 102 9 12 28 67 53 62 54 28 28 -42 -38 4 -112 -US -79 —2 8 40 17 -20 28 577 693 857 828 881 904 855 755 712 589 593 761 14 -32 — 52 43 31 38 95 97 79 110 115 133 286 471 723 738 783 711 993 1,227 972 748 598 435 1974—Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June Julv Aug Sept Oct Nov ' Dec 36,655 35,242 34,966 35,929 36,519 36,390 37,338 37,029 37,076 36,796 36,837 36,941 36,419 35,053 34,790 35,771 36,325 36,259 37,161 36,851 36,885 36,705 36,579 36,602 236 189 176 158 194 131 177 178 191 91 258 339 ,044 ,186 ,352 ,714 2,580 3,000 3,308 3,351 3,287 1,793 1,285 703 18 17 32 50 104 130 149 165 139 117 67 32 65 51 21 19 -20 -26 45 -58 133 -49 -8 132 135 87 113 114 772 1,303 1,457 1,464 1,662 502 257 80 -44 -19 -61 69 29 -8 19 6 20 -18 38 5 17 18 65 41 20 51 70 23 17 36 14 18 -8 -51 43 -58 -4 26 -12 78 -77 36 90 39 156 14L 107 70 131 8 125 9 152 115 122 138 163 343 446 485 572 849 847 933 1,004 816 686 448 282 1975— Jan Fcb Mar Apr May June July Auu Sept Oct Nov Dec 37,492 35,565 34,779 35,134 34,492 34,976 34,655 34,482 34,646 34,567 34,571 34,989 37,556 35,333 34,513 35,014 34,493 34,428 34,687 34,265 34,447 34,411 34,281 34,727 -64 232 266 120 =1 548 =-32 217 199 156 290 262 390 147 106 110 60 271 261 211 396 191 61 127 13 10 7 7 9 11 17 38 61 65 28 13 -119 31 53 32 -28 142 ^22 -18 17 42 50 64 156 37 22 25 24 90 54 14 68 31 7 63 -16 17 20 -23 -21 47 16 10 10 14 -91 41 56 —4 -89 217 -118 98 23 3 42 89 162 143 137 US 137 142 132 132 132 134 164 127 131 71 46 33 23 65 122 145 185 128 49 38 . ,. 1972-=Jan Fcb Mar Apr. !May June July .., AuK Sept Oct Nov. Dec 1 1973—Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov. . Dec . . Excess reserves All othe r banks 8 -6 17 8 1 2 ~212\ -23 34 -18 Borrow- Excess reserves ings 2 23 2 Borrow- Excess ings reserves 549 635 689 987 939 799 848 ! §60 792 569 566 323 87 29 28 38 13 114 62 51 141 32 5 26 Borrowings Annual Statistical Digest 21 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions 46 Money market banks In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( — ) Less: Week ending— Excess reserves l Interbank Federal funds transactions Net Borinterrowings bank at F.R, Federal Banks funds trans. 2 Per cent of avg. Amount required reserves Gross transactions Purchases Sales Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers 4 Net transactions Total Pur2-way transchases actions 3 of net buying banks Loans to dealers 5 Sales of net selling banks Federal funds Clearing House funds G Borrowings from dealers 7 3 4 3 4 4 344 403 572 525 304 =-9 200 383 336 136 -332 -599 -952 -858 -436 3.8 6.9 10.7 9.7 4.9 605 694 859 908 835 614 495 477 572 699 317 285 254 338 397 288 410 605 570 437 297 210 222 234 301 49 84 28 36 41 87 101 50 82 73 7 14 21 28 5 6 1 4 562 594 465 341 260 260 188 178 -817 -848 -652 -515 9.3 9.8 7.5 5.8 799 805 814 830 539 545 626 652 323 321 314 319 476 484 500 511 216 225 312 333 15 5 41 15 76 94 98 88 Nov. 4 11 18 25 2 5 3 6 388 527 533 342 213 375 447 144 -599 -897 -977 -480 6.8 10.3 11.2 5.6 850 867 989 807 637 492 542 663 310 273 379 377 541 594 609 430 328 220 163 286 40 20 38 11 84 89 92 93 1959—Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 Oct. Dec. 2 9, . 16 23 30 3 3 3 6 10 301 309 440 531 456 139 129 226 272 385 -437 -435 -663 -798 -831 5.0 4.9 7.4 8.8 9.2 873 754 758 698 810 734 625 532 426 425 523 466 344 280 277 349 288 414 418 533 210 159 188 146 148 28 21 123 35 22 114 97 86 89 61 1960— Jan. 6 13 20. . 27 1 8 4 5 642 432 494 277 139 331 270 56 -781 -755 -760 -328 8.5 8.5 8.6 3.8 335 693 617 704 195 363 347 648 90 218 194 353 245 476 423 351 105 145 154 295 65 76 66 34 62 63 106 145 3 10 17 24 1 6 2 8 314 415 533 204 81 260 176 112 -394 -669 -707 -309 4.5 7.8 8.3 3.6 828 904 719 1 , 106 747 644 543 994 345 361 233 470 483 543 487 636 402 283 311 524 43 28 22 142 163 135 124 Mar. 2 9 16 23 . . . . 30 1 3 4 8 3 298 178 298 336 280 19 -8 6 201 -100 -316 -167 -300 -529 -177 3.7 2.0 3.5 6.2 2.1 742 1,063 871 ,091 ,210 723 1,071 865 890 1,310 285 518 438 536 558 457 545 434 555 653 438 553 427 354 753 12 14 63 5 8 94 101 104 117 130 Apr 4 3 4 3 256 337 250 231 -17 31 256 -78 -236 -365 -503 -150 2.8 4.4 5.8 1.7 ,012 ,044 ,178 ,024 1,029 1,013 922 1,102 435 517 579 474 577 527 599 550 594 496 343 628 19 32 52 14 155 154 92 127 18 25 4 n:::/: 1 5 10 3 139 197 196 84 -77 33 122 -252 -60 -225 -309 171 .7 2.6 3.6 2.0 ,167 ,108 ,057 ,127 1,245 1,074 935 1,379 633 544 459 582 534 564 598 545 612 531 476 797 53 25 4 7 96 HI 138 170 1 8 15 22 29 13 2 3 4 17 63 115 97 312 90 -244 -39 80 365 73 195 -74 -173 -674 -145 2.3 .9 2.0 7.7 1.7 ,030 ,091 ,125 ,052 ,128 1,274 1,130 1,045 687 1,056 594 569 564 336 527 436 521 561 716 601 680 560 481 351 529 28 13 61 79 -26 163 141 84 90 104 t20i 27 4 6 3 5 128 97 220 96 117 291 346 164 -241 -382 -563 -255 2.8 4.5 6.3 2.9 965 ,209 ,112 ,175 848 918 766 1,011 515 564 477 560 449 644 635 616 332 354 289 452 21 48 65 8 255 142 91 165 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 2 3 2 5 3 140 138 210 17 67 196 432 451 244 252 -334 -567 -658 -256 -316 3.8 6.5 7.6 2.9 3.7 ,158 ,314 ,034 ,131 996 963 882 583 887 744 . 647 578 384 664 530 511 736 650 467 466 316 304 199 223 214 26 16 46 66 85 125 62 78 71 101 Sept. 7 14 21 28 8 9 2 80 133 378 443 520 283 -451 -567 -518 -396 5.3 6.7 5.9 4.5 ,165 ,113 ,312 ,003 787 670 792 720 569 412 481 389 596 702 831 614 218 259 311 331 105 71 170 121 130 163 113 65 Feb. - 20,!:::::; 27 May June July ""112 22 Annual Statistical Digest 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( — ) Less: Week ending— I960— Oct. Excess reserves l 5 12 19 26 . . . . Interbank Federal funds transactions Net interBorrowings bank at RR. Federal Banks funds trans. 2 Gross transactions Per cent of Amount avg. required reserves Purchases Sales Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers4 Net transactions Total Pur2-way trans- 3 chases of net actions buying banks Loans to dealers o Sales of net selling banks Federal funds Borrowings Clearfrom dealers' ing House funds ° 10 2 26 64 76 4 147 292 515 379 223 -346 = 589 -357 -370 3.9 7.0 4.0 4.2 895 ,319 ,075 884 603 804 696 661 359 558 452 457 536 761 623 427 244 246 243 204 128 31 21 100 56 99 97 127 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 6 4 4 5 35 69 55 65 25 27 397 656 701 505 291 -459 -706 -763 -525 = 283 5.2 8.1 8.9 6.1 3.3 ,162 ,358 ,513 ,276 926 765 702 812 771 635 548 545 615 553 414 614 812 899 723 512 217 157 197 218 221 82 6 65 31 SI 102 123 116 127 105 Dec. 7 . . 14 21 28 6 10 4 9 1 23 188 256 556 665 -183 -246 = 576 -656 2.2 2.9 6.6 7.5 ,007 ,055 ,329 ,401 819 799 773 736 494 430 456 509 513 624 873 891 325 369 317 226 103 102 247 205 76 184 III 127 1961— Jan. 4. 11 18 25 6 6 5 33 128 1 4 237 573 484 112 -359 -568 =482 =79 4.0 6.6 5.7 .9 811 ,298 ,253 666 574 725 769 555 256 485 518 276 555 813 735 391 318 240 252 279 158 118 188 153 70 133 135 62 Feb. 1 8 15 22 1 7 8 9 1! 79 119 51 69 330 446 522 -79 -403 = 557 = 563 .9 4.7 6.7 6.7 846 851 i 1,069 1,283 776 520 624 761 529 375 247 145 184 148 196 71 107 155 68 88 121 95 Mar. 1 8 15 22 29 10 3 10 6 7 419 541 347 565 141 -409 -552 -338 -559 -149 4.7 6.5 4.0 6.5 1.8 1,198 1,348 1,182 1,353 1,294 Apr. 5 12 19 26. . . . 13 2 9 4 128 308 292 50 -119 -313 =282 =46 1.4 3.7 3.3 ,5 May 12 1 3 5 13 -128 -20 261 338 86 140 -I = 348 = 350 = 73 125 1 275 = 24 3 10 17 24 31. 14 15 4 7 22 90 16 $ 316 476 629 670 779 807 835 788 1,153 577 621 618 603 587 620 727 564 750 707 201 187 217 185 566 153 100 99 152 67 84 127 103 108 108 864 1,121 1,089 912 736 813 797 862 507 490 574 529 357 631 515 382 229 323 223 332 79 111 190 157 54 109 106 111 1.6 (*) 4.1 4.1 .9 905 943 1,014 1,021 1,083 1,033 963 753 6S3 997 521 495 558 482 677 384 44S 455 539 407 512 468 195 201 320 185 114 164 52 63 77 82 115 97 129 -125 12 -274 40 1.5 .1 3.1 .5 1,065 995 1,102 915 940 994 827 940 598 607 573 539 467 388 529 376 341 387 255 400 53 89 97 58 137 82 86 92 ! June 7 14 21 28 7 13 3 16 July 5 11 2 16 12 4 =82 206 86 -72 82 = 195 =96 84 .9 2.3 1 .1 1.0 806 1,223 1,0)9 848 889 1,016 933 920 434 701 502 524 372 522 516 324 455 315 431 395 70 41 118 86 89 122 99 101 4' 4 5 5 15 35 16 1 2 -130 123 230 181 -103 115 -154 -241 -177 105 1.3 1.8 2.8 2.0 1.2 868 978 ,110 ,082 955 998 854 881 901 1,058 606 579 671 629 532 263 399 439 453 424 392 275 209 272 526 115 62 102 188 47 137 134 116 91 92 Sept. 6 13 20 27 11 3 3 6 5 i?' -33 309 520 425 39 -307 -534 -425 .5 3.5 6.0 4.8 898 ,116 ,291 ,256 931 807 771 831 555 572 538 544 343 1 543 753 712 376 234 233 288 65 93 205 189 84 110 136 99 Oct. 7 10 4 2 10! 30 242 335 513 333 -236 -330 -609 -361 2.6 3.8 6.8 4.0 ,022 ,147 ,427 ,134 780 812 914 801 499 535 632 582 IS 795 552 281 277 283 218 91 91 181 596 71 84 93 H7 5 3 4 4 19 25 54 71 45 37 305 533 702 723 493 -326 -584 -770 -763 -511 3.6 6.6 8.7 8.5 5.7 ,176 ,331 ,365 ,388 ,295 871 798 663 665 802 599 592 488 452 601 577 739 | 877 936 694 272 206 175 213 201 549 602 721 673 413 109 1(6 115 106 114 7 11 3 6 81 127 298 283 627 817 -291 -272 -705 -939 3.3 3.1 7.6 10. 1 ,285 ,311 ,405 ,540 987 1,029 779 723 723 657 519 446 264 371 260 276 272 108 520 506 146 131 137 111 AUB 5 12 19 26 ' 1 16. 23 30 4 18 25.... ,. Nov. 1 8. 15 22 29 Dec. . . 6 13 20 27. 7 2 6 6 5' 561 654 887 1,093 Annual Statistical Digest 23 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( — ) Less: Week ending— 1962— Jan. Excess reserves l Net Borinterrowings bank at F.R. Federal funds Banks trans. 2 3 10 17 24 31 2 14 2 15 8 262 27 26 7 14 21 28 4 3 5 7 Mar. 7 14 21 28 Apr. 4 11 18 25 Feb. Related, transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers 4 Interbank Federal funds transactions Net transactions Loans to dealers & Gross transactions Per cent of avg. Amount required reserves Purchases Sales Total 2-vvay transactions 3 Purchases of net buying banks Sales of net selling banks Federal funds Clearing Housec funds Borrowings from 7 dealers r 482 761 670 374 62 -742 -774 = 694 -359 -55 7.8 8.5 7.7 4.0 .6 1,030 1,656 1,430 1,257 1,237 549 895 761 883 1,175 296 721 629 647 641 734 935 801 611 596 253 174 132 237 534 380 365 286 83 81 81 170 186 169 183 12 16 6 8 179 234 321 155 -187 -246 -321 -155 2.1 2.8 3.7 1.8 1,396 1,232 1,320 1,163 1,217 998 999 1,008 650 619 663 571 746 613 657 592 567 379 336 437 133 199 155 179 157 176 139 122 3 6 2 3 36 12 92 41 435 316 649 537 -468 -322 -739 -574 5.3 3.7 8.3 6.4 1,476 1,316 1,683 1,561 1,042 1,001 1,034 1,025 663 602 738 643 813 714 945 918 378 399 296 381 265 243 520 673 138 156 113 122 6 4 1 6 21 30 42 29 392 548 548 414 -406 -574 -588 -437 4.6 6.5 6.6 4.9 1,214 1,407 1,590 ,289 822 859 1,042 875 522 530 815 642 692 877 775 647 300 329 227 233 409 400 543 404 91 158 175 119 May 2 9 16 23 30 6 5 3 6 20 8 10 18 1 231 307 295 198 -206 -233 -312 -310 -193 226 2.6 3.5 3.5 2.2 2.5 1,321 1,320 1,350 1,357 1,027 >1 ,091 1,013 1,056 I , 159 1,233 716 680 671 766 688 605 639 679 591 339 374 332 385 393 545 667 636 675 392 236 124 155 117 126 100 June 6 13 20 27 5 6 6 5 4 85 57 -31 155 646 471 37 -153 -724 -523 .4 1.7 8.0 5.7 1,118 1,212 1,285 1,226 1,149 1,057 639 755 653 760 540 574 465 453 745 652 496 298 99 181 317 371 757 555 136 146 99 93 4 7 8 3 15 47 14 114 3 366 807 696 287 -406 -813 -807 -276 4.4 9.0 9.0 3.1 1,072 1,534 1,352 1,315 706 727 656 1,027 551 635 559 633 521 899 793 682 154 92 97 394 375 271 246 101 98 107 138 113 1 8 15 22 29 4 3 9 4 5 9 62 28 91 17 74 322 381 713 306 -79 -381 -399 -800 -318 .9 4.3 4.5 9.0 3.6 1,203 1,560 1,444 1 , 608 1,439 1,130 1,239 1,064 895 1,133 674 775 594 582 742 529 786 851 1,026 697 456 464 470 313 391 144 122 160 273 236 143 146 115 180 117 138 158 165 138 193 Sept. 5 12 19 26.. . . . . 2 5 26 9 10 25 5 89 384 684 1,196 913 -392 -704 -1,174 -993 4.4 7.9 13.0 11.0 1,404 1,772 2,006 1,782 1,021 1,088 810 869 653 640 610 677 751 1,132 1,396 1,105 367 448 200 192 268 (8) 865 669 108 203 225 154 (') 47 80 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 39 22 -7 24 52 14 13 24 18 17 663 593 800 638 531 -639 -583 -831 -632 -496 7.0 6.4 9.2 7.0 5.6 1,550 1,676 1 , 844 1,679 1,537 887 ,083 ,045 ,041 ,007 660 673 746 623 687 890 1,004 1,098 1,055 850 227 411 299 418 319 502 482 579 408 630 224 236 251 274 272 61 67 75 50 67 Nov. 7 14 21 28 14 28 7 83 105 51 61 49 794 930 1,158 956 -885 -953 -1,211 -923 10.1 11.1 13.9 10.6 1,848 2,008 ,960 ,805 ,054 ,078 802 849 755 762 636 674 1,093 1,246 1,323 1,130 299 316 166 174 614 495 652 512 331 261 277 239 127 61 96 65 July is:.';;:: 25 Aug. (8) Dec. 5 12 19 26 -21 30 16 66 25 31 70 161 609 703 970 1,101 -656 -705 -1,024 -1,196 7.4 8.1 11.4 13.0 ,604 ,883 ,896 ,874 995 1, 180 927 773 721 945 665 578 883 939 1,231 1,296 274 235 261 194 540 337 1,152 295 301 384 541 75 78 83 90 1963— Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 120 66 4 28 21 534 17 20 77 25 809 1,271 1,021 1 ,022 456 -1,223 -1,223 - 1 , 308 -1,071 -461 13.0 13.3 11.5 12.0 5.2 ,267 ,012 ,790 ,865 ,552 458 741 769 843 1,095 314 633 625 767 873 952 1,379 1,165 1,098 679 143 108 144 77 222 1,177 902 922 807 482 543 478 482 398 312 65 171 76 80 56 Feb. 6 13 20 27 36 28 27 -17 82 94 49 690 786 807 749 -765 -840 -874 -815 8.7 9.6 10.0 9.5 ,716 ,721 ,789 ,859 1 ,025 935 982 1,110 851 708 701 758 865 1,013 1,089 1,102 174 226 281 352 689 537 473 722 330 308 279 274 54 63 47 65 Mar. 6 13 20 27 21 38 33 21 89 71 14 160 1,051 742 917 698 -1,119 -775 -898 -837 12.7 8.9 10.2 9.5 2,099 1,829 2,169 1,750 1,048 1,088 1,252 1,051 736 701 940 744 1,363 1,129 1,229 1,006 312 387 311 308 1,113 U063 808 557 432 389 394 290 42 51 96 81 24 Annual Statistical Digest 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks ^Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Week ending— Excess reserves l Interbank Federal funds transactions Less: Net surplus, or deficit ( — ) Net Borinterrowings bank at F.R. Federal Banks funds trans. 2 Per cent of Amount avg, required reserves Net transactions Gross transactions Purchases Sales Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers 4 Total 2-way Purtrans- 3 chases actions of net buying banks Loans to dealers 5 Sales of net selling banks federal funds Borrowings from 7 Clearing dealers House funds ° 3. 10 17 24 36 10 62 6 89 31 65 85 557 458 828 635 -610 -478 -831 -714 6.9 5.5 9.5 8.1 ,750 ,643 ,981 ,819 1,193 1,184 1,153 1,184 843 842 111 813 907 800 1,205 1,006 350 342 377 371 370 226 423 316 247 $ 287 21 51 22 40 May 1. 8 15 22, 29 60 17 9 21 94 15 51 89 133 92 314 587 676 689 311 -270 -621 -756 -801 -309 3.0 6.9 8.6 9.0 3.5 ,684 ,726 ,707 ,443 ,398 1,370 1,139 1,031 753 1,087 978 796 766 560 784 707 931 941 883 613 392 343 265 193 302 660 614 578 482 253 237 323 290 370 250 ii £65 June 5 12 19 26 15 21 9 23 61 108 129 102 259 357 637 710 -305 -445 -756 -790 3.5 5.1 8.5 8.6 ,414 ,624 ,536 ,594 1,155 1,267 899 883 769 880 651 612 645 744 884 981 386 387 248 271 317 178 462 409 204 213 313 365 56 42 17 34 July 3 10 17 24 31 9 66 22 110 19 170 159 229 135 29 682 941 663 410 -3 -843 -1,034 -870 -434 -7 9.1 11.5 9.7 4.9 .1 ,320 ,833 ,496 ,475 ,364 638 892 833 1,065 1,367 400 645 608 750 772 921 1,188 8SS 725 592 239 247 225 315 595 364 257 276 208 285 304 20! 215 180 173 19 38 32 21 45 Aug. 7 14 21 28 7 14 16 2 213 18! 132 92 399 387 529 128 -605 -555 -645 -219 6.8 6.3 7.3 2.5 ,780 ,668 ,736 ,584 1,381 1,281 1,207 1,456 785 736 772 902 996 933 964 681 597 545 435 553 200 198 248 199 184 198 165 132 24 29 25 35 79 29 -14 16 122 233 120 245 296 682 1,159 804 -338 -886 -1,293 -1,033 3.8 10.1 14.5 11.3 ,710 ,745 ,202 ,807 1,414 1,063 1,042 1,003 1,004 739 837 729 706 ,006 ,364 ,078 409 324 205 274 318 401 1,023 632 169 184 372 385 34 13 40 45 2 9 16 23 30 15 16 33 14 21 199 259 217 221 37 742 83L 991 543 346 -926 -1,074 -1,175 -750 -362 10. 1 I t .9 13.2 8.5 4.1 ,838 ,781 2,077 2,015 1,977 1,096 950 1,086 1,472 1,631 818 774 907 1,056 1,061 ,020 ,007 1,169 959 916 277 176 178 416 570 601 282 229 106 180 386 321 255 221 238 64 38 48 37 29 Nov. 6 13 20 27 16 71 11 24 262 160 291 61 702 1,063 902 439 -948 -1,152 -1,183 -476 10.5 13.0 13.3 5.3 1,946 2,335 2,056 2,050 1,243 1,272 1,154 1,612 828 1,049 927 1,149 1,118 1,286 1,129 902 416 223 226 463 317 120 300 253 277 199 256 230 39 70 42 27 Dec. 53 12 26 18 289 23 117 177 380 612 750 1,039 -616 -623 -840 - 1 , 1 98 6.9 6.9 9.1 12.7 1,782 2,295 2,036 2,108 1,402 1 , 683 1,286 1,068 1,011 1,238 996 876 771 1,057 1,040 1,232 390 446 290 192 282 194 455 549 201 232 256 265 32 74 89 47 243 6 56 2 1 341 228 226 74 59 726 1,027 842 1,021 399 -824 -1,250 -1,011 -1,092 -456 8.6 13.1 11.1 12.0 5.1 ,505 1,933 1,571 1,924 1,548 779 906 729 902 1, 149 603 697 637 819 770 902 1,236 934 1,105 778 !76 209 92 83 379 443 675 637 979 649 25? 318 347 411 309 26 42 39 59 60 5 12 19 26 41 25 21 6 112 257 160 115 503 658 649 403 -575 -890 -787 -513 6.3 9.9 8.8 5.7 1,769 1,564 1,694 1,718 1,266 907 ,045 ,315 1,006 707 908 930 259 199 137 385 581 740 623 396 350 319 311 30? 60 39 28 9 Mar. 4 11 18 25 66 21 3 37 182 132 212 207 271 621 739 620 -386 -732 -948 -790 4.3 8.2 10.4 8.6 1,428 1,742 1.718 1,858 ,158 ,121 979 ,238 934 878 798 937 763 857 786 789 494 864 919 921 224 243 181 301 293 248 562 305 305 2?B 297 289 39 35 34 40 Apr. V 8 15 22..... . 29 53 11 25 15 17 36 110 75 193 13 682 390 698 565 29 -664 -490 -747 -743 -25 7.2 5.4 8.2 8.2 .3 2,032 1,733 2,093 2,105 1,819 ,351 ,343 ,395 ,540 ,790 1,012 918 1,033 989 1 , 184 1,020 815 t,060 1,116 636 339 425 363 551 607 394 334 410 203 242 304 237 272 538 224 16 37 38 45 62 May 6 13 20 27 29 35 17 30 30 75 104 44 -31 301 304 125 30 -342 -391 -139 3 4.3 1.5 :2 1,446 ,474 1,549 1,642 ,477 ,172 ,245 ,518 947 S82 978 1,121 500 591 571 521 531 290 267 396 434 625 554 389 308 260 288 244 SO 48 37 54 June 3 10 17 24 1 28 16 59 99 90 146 75 256 345 611 818 -354 -407 -740 -833 3.9 4.5 8.0 8.9 ,586 1,639 1,641 1,860 ,330 ,293 ,030 ,043 973 945 827 897 613 693 814 963 358 348 204 146 541 462 672 586 316 321 349 375 25 43 44 42 1963=-Apr, Sept. 4 11 18 25 , . . . Oct. 1964— Jan. Feb. 4 11 18 25 1 8.... .. 15 22 29 Annual Statistical Digest 25 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Interbank Federal funds transactions Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( -) Less: Week ending— Excess reserves l Net Borinterrowings bank at F.R, Federal funds Banks trans. 2 Gross transactions Per cent of avg. Amount required reserves Purchases Sales Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers 4 Net transactions Total 2- way Purtrans- 3 chases actions of net buying banks Sales of net selling banks Loans to dealers 5 Borrowings from dealers 7 Net loans 1 8 15 22 29 28 15 65 50 20 56 87 261 45 42 375 842 805 631 -51 -403 -914 -1,000 -625 30 4.3 9.7 10.8 6.8 .3 1,698 1,892 1,597 2,174 1,993 ,324 1,050 792 1,543 | 2,045 1,002 854 708 1,087 1,210 696 1,038 889 1,087 783 322 196 85 456 834 1,087 1,213 1,380 1,274 779 76 60 114 153 190 1,011 1,153 1,267 1, 120 589 ^ti:::::: 19 26 16 19 12 18 69 139 119 156 435 667 733 368 -488 -787 -839 -506 5.3 8.6 9.2 5.5 2,049 1,789 2,066 1,564 1,614 , 122 ,333 ,196 1,209 862 1,151 895 840 927 915 669 405 260 182 301 1,100 877 1,059 951 152 113 91 174 949 764 968 111 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 78 36 45 1 92 141 244 89 259 111 501 507 1,113 1,035 554 -565 -715 -1,157 -1,293 -572 6.2 7.8 12.6 13.6 6.0 1,705 1,603 2,268 1,880 1,515 ,204 1,096 ,155 845 961 1,022 828 985 726 818 683 775 1,283 1,153 697 182 268 170 118 143 918 789 1,322 1,572 1,346 145 167 157 103 90 773 622 1 , 1 65 1,469 1,256 Oct. 7 14 21 28 13 77 -4 21 218 138 246 82 581 753 507 311 -786 -813 -75-7 -372 8.2 8.8 8.2 4.0 1,561 1,893 1,824 2,039 980 1 ,140 1,318 1,728 858 944 972 1,158 703 949 852 881 121 196 345 570 1,127 715 944 744 114 87 66 88 1,013 628 878 656 Nov. 4 11 18 25 39 10 45 46 303 210 288 16 472 795 786 425 -736 -995 -1,029 -395 7.8 10.8 11 . 1 4.2 1,734 1,788 1,561. 1,972 1,262 992 776 1,548 986 860 685 1,076 748 928 876 897 276 133 90 472 1,295 1,075 1,274 958 83 82 70 99 1,212 992 1,204 859 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 6 33 32 23 62 117 22 54 129 309 440 321 345 1,123 898 = 551 -311 -367 - ,228 - ,145 5.8 3.3 3.9 12.6 11.8 1,905 2,109 2,072 2,298 1,886 1,465 1,787 1,727 1,175 987 995 1,207 1,236 1,030 884 910 902 835 1,268 1,002 470 581 491 145 104 1,076 532 996 ,104 ,139 93 97 71 63 98 983 434 925 1,041 1,041 1965— Jan. 6 13 20 27 20 43 101 -1 198 317 211 117 1,015 1,295 1,310 531 - ,192 - ,568 - ,420 =649 11.9 16.5 15.1 6.9 1,909 2,286 2,287 1,801 894 991 977 1,270 724 815 864 833 1,185 1,471 1,423 968 171 176 113 437 ,194 ,40! ,423 ,061 126 127 107 92 1,068 1,274 1,316 969 22 40 37 30 175 284 208 325 662 686 747 423 -815 -930 -918 -718 8.5 9.9 9.9 7.8 1,866 1,816 2,066 1 , 703 1 , 204 1,130 ,319 ,281 962 883 1,007 920 904 933 1,059 784 242 247 312 361 ,298 ,006 ,035 706 90 57 109 134 1 ,207 950 926 573 1964— July Feb. 3 10. . . . . . 17.. . 24 Mar. 3 10 17 24 31 20 29 4 42 112 155 205 176 268 289 711 615 861 871 524 = 846 =791 -1,033 -1,097 -701 8.9 8.5 11.0 11.5 7.4 2,120 1,834 2,021 2,014 1,880 ,409 ,219 ,161 ,143 ,356 1 ,142 845 871 906 946 978 989 1,150 1, 107 934 267 374 290 237 409 990 602 844 996 858 79 81 92 115 1.48 911 521 751 881 710 Apr. 7 14 21 14 27 11 17 297 146 323 60 761 1,069 1,065 421 = 1,045 -1,188 -1,377 =464 10.9 12.6 14.3 4.8 1,799 2,230 2,244 1,978 ,037 ,160 ,179 ,556 850 982 ,009 ,094 949 1,248 1,235 884 187 178 170 462 984 956 1,233 1,173 146 164 132 153 838 792 1,101 1,021 19 26 41 59 -5 38 148 161 168 95 262 585 394 219 = 369 -687 -568 -276 3.7 7.2 5.9 2.9 1,900 2,124 1,968 1,877 ,638 ,539 ,574 ,658 ,143 ,130 ,082 ,106 757 994 886 771 495 409 491 552 1,397 947 1,079 829 134 97 116 100 1 , 263 849 963 728 3une 2 9 16 23 30 29 29 21 116 23 147 165 295 331 237 165 419 531 849 341 =283 = 555 = 805 -1,064 -555 3.0 5.9 8.4 10.8 5.6 1,985 2,281 2,218 2,238 1,892 ,82\ ,862 ,687 ,389 ,551 ,178 ,151 ,092 ,047 987 807 1,131 1, 126 1,191 906 642 711 595 342 565 832 7L6 ,219 ,453 ,454 90 90 106 91 742 626 ,1 13 ,343 ,364 41 21 27 16 299 329 161 185 850 1,152 1,001 139 -1,108 -1,460 -1,135 -308 11.1 15.1 11.8 3.2 2,223 2,148 2,191 1 , 895 ,373 997 ,190 ,756 1,041 873 1,050 996 1,183 1,275 1,141 898 333 124 141 760 ,359 ,148 ,235 873 145 92 113 90 ,214 ,056 ,122 783 25 34 30 31 27 235 338 214 244 438 554 679 388 = 639 -862 = 862 -605 6.6 9.1 9.2 6.4 2 , 003 1,978 2,051 1,753 ,565 ,424 ,372 ,365 1,104 978 1,100 897 899 1,000 952 857 461 446 272 469 1,030 614 792 723 95 70 71 bl 935 544 721 662 1 8 15 22 29 108 37 88 9 92 248 211 238 398 238 502 626 1,179 1,350 783 = 642 -800 -1,328 -1,739 -928 6.7 8.5 14.1 17.7 9.5 1,918 2,066 2 , 443 2,199 1,985 ,416 ,440 1,264 848 1,203 1,006 949 1,129 760 865 912 1,118 1,314 1,438 1,120 410 491 135 88 337 878 652 802 908 627 95 16L 109 107 103 784 491 693 801 524 May July Au8 is;;;;!! ti 7 14 21 28 'u:::::: 18 Sept no 26 Annual Statistical Digest 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks -Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( — ) Less: Week ending- Excess reserves l Interbank Federal funds transactions Net Borinterrowings bank at F,R. Federal Banks funds trans. z Per cent of Amount avg. required reserves Gross transactions Purchases Sales Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers 4 Net transactions Total 2-way transactions 3 Borrowings from dealers ' Purchases of net buying banks Sales of net selling banks 463 393 386 647 516 1 742 979 717 133 104 102 86 384 638 877 631 652 362 152 333 783 499 797 , 835 107 92 99 119 676 407 697 716 Loans to dealers s Net loans 6 13. 20 27 14 52 26 31 290 276 270 41 844 1,322 1,011 692 - 1 , 1 20 - 1 , 546 -1,255 -701 11.4 16.2 12.8 7.2 2,291 2,864 2,194 2,475 ,447 ,542 ,183 ,783 984 1,149 798 1,136 1,307 1,715 1,397 1,339 Nov. 3 10 17 24 38 86 25 17 168 89 216 124 631 1,099 1,022 786 = 761 -1,102 -1,213 -892 7.8 11.6 12.7 9.4 2,233 2,560 2,323 2,162 ,603 ,461 ,301 ,376 951 1,100 1,149 1,043 1,282 1,460 1,173 1,119 71 120 83 40 45 177 143 265 87 296 550 708 890 1,752 1,182 -656 = 730 -1,072 -1,800 -1,432 6.7 7.5 11.0 17.7 14.0 1,804 1,787 2,214 3,068 2,633 ,254 ,080 ,323 ,317 ,452 897 841 1,155 1,199 1,182 907 946 1,059 1,869 1,451 357 238 169 118 269 983 847 1,099 ! 1,050 929 ( 102 141 72 107 115 881 706 1,027 943 814 95 77 80 98 829 919 990 728 l965-=0ct. ! Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 . 1966— Jan. 5 12 19 26 49 44 60 14 316 424 93 160 1,461 1,781 1,858 767 = 1,413 -2,160 -1,891 -912 13.6 21,6 19.2 9.3 2,255 2,943 3,220 2,615 ,109 ,162 ,362 ,848 981 1,053 1,258 1,301 ,274 ,890 ,961 ,314 128 109 104 547 925 l 996 1,070 ! 826 Feb. 2 9 16 23 19 46 -5 37 91 229 188 222 767 841 789 468 =839 -1,024 =983 -653 8.5 10.5 10.2 6.8 2,699 2,503 2,655 2,564 ,932 ,662 ,865 ,096 1,276 1,075 1,121 1,315 ,423 ,428 ,533 ,249 656 586 744 781 1,040 795 784 555 69 83 107 172 971 711 677 383 Mar. 2 9 16 23...... 30 45 25 124 28 46 87 205 134 316 129 645 434 707 710 222 -687 = 614 = 716 -998 -305 7.1 6.4 7.4 10.2 3.1 2,472 2,187 2,642 2,536 2,386 ,828 ,753 ,935 ,826 ,164 1,245 894 1,158 991 1,090 ,227 ,293 ,484 ,545 ,296 583 859 111 835 1,074 735 639 834 686 829 171 167 146 153 154 564 472 687 533 675 Apr. 6 13 20 27 31 83 30 113 257 191 317 172 553 1,201 1,227 573 -=779 - 1 , 309 -1,514 -632 7.9 13.3 15.3 63 2,320 2,767 2,669 2,269 ,768 ,566 ,442 ,696 1,193 1,166 ,217 ,155 ,128 ,601 ,452 ,113 575 400 225 540 ,053 ,474 ,573 ,400 127 54 82 89 926 ,420 ,491 ,311 May 4. . . . . . 11 18 25. . . . . . 44 51 25 44 182 208 204 30 352 855 705 262 -490 -1,011 =884 = 248 4,8 10. 1 8.9 2.5 2,215 2,160 2,087 2,029 ,863 ,305 ,382 ,767 ,202 ,014 ,080 ,162 ,013 ,146 ,007 866 661 291 302 604 ,583 ,196 ,058 900 125 109 104 104 ,458 ,086 954 796 June 1 8 15 22 29 66 51 49 70 53 143 86 216 230 297 37 698 707 1,420 1,061 = 114 -733 -874 -1,580 -1,305 1.2 7.5 9.0 15.6 12.9 1,665 2,119 2,153 2,847 2,429 ,628 ,421 ,446 ,428 ,368 ,023 ,208 ,117 ,302 ,191 642 911 ,036 ,546 ,238 604 213 329 126 177 1,096 900 912 965 916 123 122 112 103 145 973 778 800 861 771 6 20 27 137 60 128 66 391 477 341 268 1,650 1,892 1,742 1,159 - ) , 904 -2,310 -1,955 -1,360 18.4 23.1 19.2 13.4 2,999 3,121 3,127 2,675 ,349 ,229 ,384 ,516 ,188 ,025 ,185 ,011 ,810 ,096 ,942 ,664 160 204 199 506 813 669 761 455 190 155 164 174 623 514 597 281 AUH. 3 10 17 24 31 19 40 62 11 84 223 259 231 101 61 1,163 1,135 1,269 714 437 -1,367 -1,354 -1,438 =803 =413 13.4 13.6 14.5 8.2 4.1 2,801 2,795 2,879 2,591 2,599 ,638 ,660 ,610 1,877 2,162 ,184 ,256 ,276 ,184 ,514 ,617 ,539 ,603 ,406 ,085 454 403 334 693 647 526 418 446 296 702 191 229 218 232 209 335 189 229 64 492 57 177 38 51 219 395 315 294 818 1,481 1,461 959 =981 - 1 , 700 -1,739 -1,203 9.8 16.7 16.7 11.5 2,846 2,934 3,320 3,088 2,027 ,453 ,858 ,129 ,370 ,183 ,447 ,406 ,475 ,751 ,873 ,682 657 270 412 723 803 790 891 637 174 136 112 95 630 654 779 542 5 12 19 26 44 63 22 45 361 578 431 133 825 1,512 1,332 803 -1,141 -2,028 - 1 , 742 -891 10.7 19.9 17.2 8.5 2,726 3 , 298 3,211 2,844 ,901 ,786 ,879 ,041 ,167 ,377 ,381 ,412 ,558 ,921 ,830 ,431 734 409 498 629 710 535 624 782 90 118 103 75 620 417 520 707 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 28 37 34 171 78 187 320 390 110 232 835 1,718 1,722 1,498 731 =994 -2,001 -2,078 -1,437 -885 9.5 19.6 20.8 14.6 8.8 2,655 3,310 3 , 494 3,561 3,036 ,821 ,592 ,773 ,063 ,305 ,258 ,361 ,461 ,508 ,425 ,397 ,949 i ,033 ,054 ,611 562 231 312 556 880 953 831 647 496 512 85 70 S3 119 144 H68 761 564 377 368 Dec. 30 45 77 247 85 359 223 313 1,235 1,449 2,000 1,508 -1,287 -1,763 -2,146 - 1 , 574 12.5 17.4 20.2 14.8 3,034 3,162 3,513 3,117 ,803 ,713 ,513 ,609 ,415 ,400 ,275 ,381 389 313 238 227 732 875 1,198 1,250 204 105 117 140 528 770 1,081 1,111 July ... Sept, 7 14 21. . . . . . 28 Oct. 7 14 21 28 ,620 ,763 2,237 1,736 Annual Statistical Digest 27 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—-Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( -) Less: Week ending— 1967— Jan. 4 11 18 . 25 Gross transactions Borrowings at F.R. Banks Net interbank Federal funds trans. 2 Amount Per cent of avg. required reserves 47 45 25 49 433 441 84 396 1,588 2,688 2,793 1,839 -1,974 -3,085 -2,852 -2,186 17.9 29.1 27.5 20.9 2,740 3,672 4,106 3,187 1,152 984 1,313 1,348 Excess reserves l Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers 4 Interbank Federal funds transactions Purchases Sales Net transactions Total 2-way transactions Borrowings from dealers 7 Purchases of net buying banks Sales of net selling banks 1,014 910 1,090 1,135 1,726 2,762 3,015 2,052 138 73 223 213 1,728 2,064 2,033 2,016 123 101 75 87 1,606 1,964 1,959 1,929 3 Loans to dealers e Net loans Feb. 1 .... 8 . 15 ... 22 144 27 68 99 91 270 285 337 1,782 2,041 2,160 1,850 -1,729 -2,284 -2,378 -2,088 16.3 21.7 23.0 20.2 3,501 3,066 3,256 3,069 1,719 1,025 1,096 1,220 1,450 954 979 1,111 2,051 2,113 2,277 1,958 269 72 118 109 2,220 1,959 1,551 1,475 107 89 84 101 2,112 1,870 1,467 1,375 Mar. 1 8 . 15 22 . 29 58 10 45 43 122 5 82 72 219 89 1,950 1,915 2,301 2,467 2,484 -1,897 -1,986 -2,329 -2,643 -2,452 18.3 19.3 22.6 24.8 23.3 3,268 3,038 3,679 3,684 3,707 1,318 1,123 1,378 1,217 1,222 1,161 965 1,138 1,049 1,082 2,107 2,073 2,541 2,635 2,624 157 158 240 168 140 1,460 1 , 505 1,600 1,881 1,828 74 79 78 92 46 1,385 ,427 ,522 ,788 ,782 Apr. 5 12 . 19 ... 26 21 34 14 57 141 103 129 55 2,181 2,982 2,617 2,159 -2,301 -3,051 -2,732 -2,157 21.9 29.3 26.0 20.4 3,125 3,979 3,819 3,579 943 998 1,202 1,420 816 977 ,151 ,315 2,309 3,002 2,668 2,264 128 21 50 105 1,750 2,009 1 ,744 1,500 95 76 69 78 ,656 ,932 ,675 ,422 . May 3 . 10 17 . 24 31 33 99 23 61 69 100 23 82 22 56 1 ,716 2,392 2,131 1,767 1,245 -1,783 -2,316 -2,190 -1,728 -1,233 16.6 22.2 21.1 16.8 12.0 3,124 3,622 3,317 3,294 2,807 •1,407 1,230 1,186 1,527 1,562 ,281 ,108 ,130 ,379 ,245 1,843 2,514 2,187 1,915 1,563 127 122 55 148 317 1 ,662 1,411 1,335 1,224 1,124 66 63 88 71 57 ,596 ,348 ,247 ,154 ,067 June 7 14 21 28 54 31 19 32 24 2 65 28 2,032 2,263 2,544 1,490 -2,002 -2,234 -2,590 -1,486 19.4 21.8 24.1 14.1 3,434 3,626 4,106 3,362 1,402 1,363 1,562 1 , 872 ,297 ,237 ,462 ,475 2,138 2,389 2,644 1,887 105 126 100 397 1,238 1,655 1,675 942 86 94 73 85 ,152 ,561 ,602 857 July 5 12 19 26 163 101 57 33 254 2 1,269 2,269 2,056 1,170 -1,360 -2,170 -1,999 -1,145 12.6 20.5 18.7 10.7 2,998 3,847 3,627 3,128 1,729 1,577 1,571 1,958 ,358 ,345 ,415 ,479 1,640 2,502 2,212 1,649 371 232 156 479 1 ,047 916 1,170 1,190 91 101 84 96 956 814 1,086 1,095 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 38 40 40 38 34 54 17 18 1,206 1,525 1,343 802 355 -1,222 -1,503 -1,322 -763 -321 11.3 14.1 12.6 7.3 3.1 3,099 3,122 3,099 2,818 2,658 1,894 1,597 1,756 2,017 2,304 ,448 ,367 ,489 ,431 ,583 1,652 1,755 1,610 1,387 1,075 446 230 267 586 720 1,589 1,817 1,659 1,631 1,541 90 100 145 143 127 1,499 1,717 1,514 1,488 1,414 Sept. 6 13 20 . . . . 27 58 43 25 3 34 7 56 13 699 1,784 1,767 1 ,090 -675 -1,747 -1,798 -1,100 6.3 16.5 16.7 10.1 2,946 3,574 3,596 3,265 2,247 1,790 1,829 2,176 ,393 ,423 ,445 ,609 1,553 2,151 2,151 1,656 854 367 384 567 1,770 2,032 1,964 1 ,638 131 70 51 61 1,640 1,962 1,913 1,578 51 72 131 877 1,624 1,163 751 -846 -1,654 -1,271 -634 7.6 15.2 11.4 5.7 2,769 3,337 2,985 2,779 1,892 1,713 1,822 2,027 1,412 1,551 1,477 1,442 1,358 1,787 1,508 1,336 480 163 345 585 1,615 1,512 1,459 1,526 79 73 70 80 1,536 1,439 1,390 1,446 549 1,272 1,170 839 208 -534 -1,276 -1,217 -855 -172 4.8 11.6 11.3 7.8 1.6 2,532 2,935 2,761 2,976 2,543 1,983 1,663 1,591 2,137 2,334 1,402 1,381 1,354 1,592 1,400 1,131 1,554 1,408 1,384 1,143 581 282 238 545 934 1 , 680 1 , 507 1 ,343 1,536 1,328 75 77 82 74 65 1,605 1,430 1,260 1,462 1,263 8 Oct. 4 11 . . 18 , 25 83 42 24 118 Nov. 1 . . 8 15 22 . . 29 31 45 44 42 84 Dec. 6 13 . . 20 . 27 44 26 39 86 21 56 80 131 506 491 700 671 -484 -520 -741 -716 4.4 4.8 6.6 6.2 2,780 2.7VO 3,030 2,986 2,273 2,219 2,330 2,315 1,513 1,352 1,534 1,628 1,267 1,358 1,496 1,358 760 867 796 687 1,611 1,433 1,699 1,598 77 92 89 111 1,534 1,341 1,610 1,488 16 49 90 , 57 48 1968— Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 183 21 30 36 44 336 75 115 77 70 1,066 1,672 1,444 406 121 -1,219 -1,725 - 1 , 529 -447 -147 10.3 15.2 13.4 3.9 1.3 2,758 3,340 3,227 2,681 2,504 1 ,692 1,668 1,783 2,276 2,384 1,317 1,464 1,525 1,568 1,508 ,441 ,876 ,702 ,114 997 376 204 258 708 876 1,786 2,096 1,985 1,762 2,070 98 104 97 69 72 1,688 1 ,992 1,889 1,693 1,998 Feb. 7 14 21 28 41 199 35 51 55 211 241 193 988 1,192 760 564 -1,002 -1,205 -966 -707 8.6 10.8 8.7 6.2 2,623 2,884 2,511 2,619 1,635 1,692 1,750 2,055 1,252 1,353 1,368 1,535 ,372 ,532 ,142 ,084 383 340 382 520 2,137 1,659 1,755 1,761 93 101 97 77 2,044 1,558 1 , 658 1,684 Mar. 6 13 20 . . 27 33 172 36 15 236 451 304 125 793 1,108 749 626 -997 -1,387 -1,017 -736 8.6 12.4 9.0 6.5 2,532 2,667 2,636 2,861 1,738 1,559 1,887 2,235 1,336 1,275 1,321 1,535 ,196 ,392 ,315 ,326 402 285 566 700 1,966 1,507 1,398 1,304 76 84 97 108 1,890 1,423 1,301 1,197 28 Annual Statistical Digest 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks -Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( =) Less: Week ending— Net Excess interBorreserves * rowings bank at F.R. Federal funds Banks trans. 2 1968— Apr. 3 . . 10.,, . 17 24 . . . . Interbank Federal funds transactions Per cent of Amount avg. required reserves Net transactions Gross transactions Purchases Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers * Total 2- way Purtrans- 3 chases of net actions buying banks Sales i :. BorrowI Loans Sales ! to 5 ings of net 1 dealers from : selling dealers 7 banks Net loans ! 30 165 31 24 278 198 453 342 792 1,755 2 095 1,863 -1,040 -1,788 — 2,517 -2,182 9.2 16.1 22 0 19^3 2,553 3,389 3 743 3,763 1,761 1,634 1,648 1,900 1,199 1,280 I 409 1,613 1,353 2,109 2 334 2,151 562 355 239 287 1,075 1,232 1 432 973 85 j 97 ; 62 89 990 1,135 1.370 884 May 1 8. . .. 15. . 22. , . 29 40 91 50 84 27 167 362 221 139 2U 768 1,362 1,469 1,309 411 -895 -1,633 -1,641 -1,364 -595 7.9 14.4 14.9 12.3 5.4 2,781 3,417 1 3,596 3,417 3,048 2,013 2,055 2,127 2,108 2,637 ,386 ,597 ,507 ,531 ,579 1,395 1,819 2,089 1,886 1,469 627 458 620 577 1,058 1.235 1,113 896 941 673 127 173 270 280 286 1,107 941 627 661 387 June 5. . . . 12 19 26 . . . . 55 27 56 46 257 214 187 300 871 1,149 1,537 1,026 -1,074 -1,336 -1,668 - 1 , 280 9.6 12.0 14.8 11. 1 3,357 3,252 3,632 3,426 2,485 2,103 2,095 2,400 .822 ,464 ,807 ,827 1,535 1,788 1,825 1,599 664 639 288 573 1.155 1,085 1,151 894 319 344 291 340 835 741 861 554 July 3 10 17 24.. ., 31 107 79 44 20 107 141 75 121 271 158 1,118 1 440 2,077 1,763 1,558 -1,152 — 1,437 -2,154 -2,014 -1,608 10. 0 12 7 is!s 17.3 13.8 3,420 3,927 3,812 3,491 3,472 2,301 2 486 ,735 ,728 ,913 ,773 998 ,632 ,483 ,543 1,647 1 929 2,181 2,008 1,929 529 488 103 245 371 1,101 1 194 1 , 675 2,354 2,356 317 783 254 940 93 1,582 129 ' 2,225 2,208 148 . . . , . ... . .. 19 62 33 33 380 225 363 70 2,133 2,708 2,431 2,494 — 2,493 -2,871 -2,762 -2,530 21 5 25.5 24.3 22.4 3,809 4,456 4,174 | 4,227 ' ,676 .748 ,743 ,734 ,381 ,478 ,533 J513 2,428 2,978 2,641 2,715 295 , 270 210 221 2,311 2.1 22 2,120 2,012 165 186 170 163 2.145 l|936 1,949 1,849 Sept. 4 . . 11 18. ... 25. ... 13 213 18 16 194 426 213 297 2,299 3,573 3,948 3,349 -2,479 -3,786 -4,143 -3,629 21.9 33.7 36.7 32,3 4,132 4,898 5,467 4,792 ,833 ,325 ,519 ,443 ,524 ,181 ,435 ,306 2,608 3,717 4.032 3,486 309 144 84 137 2,214 2,375 2,718 2,464 j 190 179 163 103 2,024 2,196 2,555 2,362 2. 9. . . 16 .. . 23... . 30. . ., 113 16 116 -39 72 179 177 275 103 112 2,564 3,829 3 , 697 2,676 2,035 -2,630 -3,990 -3,856 -2,818 -2,075 23.1 34.3 32.2 24.1 17.9 4,339 5,492 5,338 4,528 4,281 ,775 .663 ;64l ,852 ,246 ,422 ,491 1,513 1,718 1,969 2,918 4,001 3,825 2,811 2,312 354 172 129 134 277 2,323 2,368 1,524 1.408 1,466 121 •' 2,202 125 2,243 117 1,407 143 1,265 99 1,367 Nov. 6 . . . . 13 20.. 27 . 22 213 126 8 155 371 211 206 3,115 3,838 2,991 1,932 -3,248 -3,996 -3,076 — 2,130 28.3 33.9 26.0 18.6 5,061 5,585 5,064 4,384 ,947 ,747 2,073 2,452 ,853 1 , 595 1,958 7.007 3,208 3,990 3,106 2,377 93 151 115 445 1,888 ,308 ,321 , 000 145 1,743 131 ; 1,177 167 1,154 1 60 840 Dec. 4 . . . . 11. . . 18 25 202 -16 101 168 221 200 360 643 2,290 3,355 3,156 3,220 =2,309 = 3,571 = 3,416 -3,695 20.2 30.9 29.0 31.6 4,672 5,413 5,321 5,054 2,382 2,058 2,165 1,834 2,132 ,955 1,969 1,680 2,540 3,458 3,352 3,375 250 103 195 155 ,111 ,388 ,838 ,301 108 126 97 108 1,003 1,262 1,741 1 , 193 916 186 372 431 260 2,608 3,028 3,217 2,260 955 = 2,940 = 3,101 -3,593 -2,638 — 1, 188 24.2 25.2 28.2 21.1 10.0 4,426 5,307 5,568 4,607 3,907 1,818 2,279 2,351 2,347 2,952 .642 ,924 ,854 1,938 2,006 2,784 3,383 3,714 2,669 1,901 176 355 497 29 585 114 —4 53 27 946 ,316 ,374 ,038 ,092 ,356 139 162 134 106 104 1,197 1,212 904 986 1.252 5. 12. 19. . . 26. .. . 50 13 131 153 212 340 482 234 1,016 2,095 1,515 1,022 -1,178 = 2,422 -1,866 -1,102 9.9 20.3 15.4 9.3 4,042 4,701 4,518 4,462 2,137 3,026 2,606 I 1,973 3,003 ,973 3,440 2,151 1,905 2,727 2,545 2,311 889 633 1,030 1,289 1 220 873 734 619 51 83 = 32 72 215 342 252 352 1,339 2,271 1,934 1,655 -1,503 =2,530 = 2,218 -1,935 12.7 21.7 18.9 16.9 4,684 5,123 5,073 4,681 3,346 2,852 3,139 3,026 2,083 2,004 2,045 2,027 2,602 3,118 3,028 2,653 1,263 :'l 848 1,094 999 90 SO -130 31 -16 489 561 451 630 353 1,293 3,090 3,943 3,637 1,814 - 1 , 693 -3,572 -4,524 -4,236 -2,184 14.7 31.1 38.6 35.5 18.4 4,625 5,440 6,012 5,632 4,605 3,332 2i350 2,069 1,995 2,791 2.032 2J070 j 1.652 ! 1,646 2,269 2,593 3J370 4,360 3,986 2,336 1,300 280 417 350 522 Aug. 7. 14 21 28 Oct. 1969- Jan. I . . ., 8... .. 15. , . 22. Feb. Mar. 5. 12.. . 19. .. 26. . . ! Apr. 2... 9 16. . . 23. 30 May 7. . . . 14 . . 21 28. 186 189 7 9 609 381 542 337 2,504 3 , 288 3,283 2,528 -2,927 -3,481 = 3,818 -2,857 24.4 28.9 31.3 23.7 5,206 5,734 6,156 5,641 2,702 2,446 2,873 3,113 2,233 ! 2,974 j 1,912 3,822 2,145 4,011 2,051 3,590 June 4, , 11 18 . .. 25... . 125 298 65 73 595 457 465 559 2,887 4,061 3,703 2,790 =3,357 =4,220 -4,104 -3,275 28.4 36.2 35.4 28. 9 5,816 6,314 6,197 5,646 2,929 2,253 2,493 2,856 3,539 2,277 4.430 1,884 2,242 I 3,955 3,237 2,409 409 92 1,128 14! 732 171 ,• 563 184 435 841 ' 674 617 668 228 201 26? 344 613 473 350 324 654 1,229 1 , 534 1,086 852 309 20 1 305 182 201 345 1 , 028 1 , 228 904 651 470 534 728 \ 1,062 981 895 594 481 207 185 280 214 774 709 314 267 653 370 251 448 755 < l 607 1,160 1,076 242 288 292 332 513 319 868 744 Annual Statistical Digest 29 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( — ) Less: Week ending— Interbank Federal funds transactions Excess Net Borinterreserves i rowings bank at F.R. Federal Banks funds trans. 2 Per cent of Amount avg. required reserves Gross transactions Purchases Sales Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers * Net transactions Total 2- way Purtrans- 3 chases actions of net buying banks Sales of net selling banks Loans to dealers 6 Borrowings from dealers 7 Net loans 2 9 . 16 23 30 301 66 17 182 79 541 165 390 299 298 1,835 2,819 2,787 2,071 1,418 -2,076 -2,919 -3,160 -2,189 -1,637 18.1 25.3 27.0 19.2 14.8 5,072 6,030 6,107 5,430 5,252 3,237 3,210 3,320 3,359 3,835 2,281 2,480 2,500 2,561 2,791 2,791 3,549 3,607 2,869 2,461 955 729 820 799 1,044 869 856 578 918 1,034 272 242 292 295 321 598 6U 285 623 714 Aug. 6 13 20 27 . 71 150 23 23 201 483 403 249 1,902 2,636 2,078 1,553 -2,031 -2,969 -2,457 -1,779 17.8 26.1 20.8 15.6 5,621 5,678 5,592 5,147 3,719 3,042 3,514 3,594 2,865 2,426 2,604 2,389 2,756 3,252 2,988 2,758 854 616 910 1,205 808 689 653 606 313 353 343 351 495 337 309 255 Sept. 3 10 17 24 177 241 21 62 346 104 458 390 1,959 3,770 4,151 3,715 -2,128 -3,632 -4,588 -4,043 18.7 31.8 39.7 35.4 5,806 6,820 6,574 6,452 3,848 3,050 2,424 2,737 2,843 2,356 2,352 2,272 2,963 4,464 4,222 4,180 1,005 694 71 465 647 1,447 1,839 671 382 332 295 231 265 1,115 1,544 440 Oct. 1 8 15 22 . . 29 160 52 43 65 18 626 283 607 275 375 2,044 3,236 3,754 3,460 2,596 -2,510 -3,467 -4,318 -3,669 -2,953 21.6 29.9 36.3 30.3 25.2 5,347 6,251 7,044 6,339 5,681 3,303 3,016 3,290 2,879 3,085 2,338 2,222 2,480 2,484 2,359 3,010 4,029 4,564 3,855 3,321 966 793 809 396 725 797 587 556 964 880 143 123 96 150 140 654 465 460 814 740 Nov. 5 12...... 19 26 . 142 251 94 43 543 646 390 446 3,048 4,801 4,151 2,771 -3,449 -5,196 -4,448 -3,174 28.9 43.2 36.0 26.7 6,133 7,369 7,343 5,889 3,085 2,568 3,192 3,118 2,677 2,283 2,600 2,451 3,456 5,086 4,743 3,438 407 285 592 667 1,018 898 828 854 155 161 186 179 863 738 642 675 Dec. 3 10 17 24 31.. . 16 133 53 107 340 573 557 461 652 653 3,515 4,501 4,539 4,551 4,315 -4,072 -4,924 -4,946 -5,097 -4,629 34.0 40.8 40.1 42.5 37.6 6,505 7,116 7,413 7,144 7,101 2,990 2,615 2,874 2,593 2,786 2,714 2,297 2,554 2,571 2,551 3,791 4,819 4,859 4,573 4,549 276 318 321 23 235 1,190 831 762 945 1,052 152 165 143 162 155 1,038 666 619 783 897 317 -19 56 44 523 516 415 286 4,803 5,492 5,005 3,182 -5,009 -6,027 -5,364 -3,424 40.0 46.9 41.4 27.8 7,645 8,222 7,911 6,652 2,842 2,730 2,906 3,470 2,784 2,599 2,882 2,710 4,862 5,623 5,029 3,942 59 131 25 759 1,355 1,352 843 748 146 138 127 184 1,209 1,214 716 5*1 66 1 101 130 463 481 479 271 2,718 4,240 3,728 3,236 -3,115 -4,720 -4,106 -3,377 25.3 38.7 33.4 28.4 6,530 7,517 7,332 6,640 3,812 3,277 3,604 3,404 2,856 2,716 2,713 2,459 3,674 4,801 4,619 4,181 957 561 892 945 595 869 606 892 224 233 287 257 372 636 319 635 114 23 -45 52 79 518 362 386 4,008 4,829 4,865 4,308 -3,972 -5,324 -5,271 -4,643 33.4 44.6 43,6 38.8 7,204 7,605 7,582 7,061 3,196 2,776 2,717 2,753 2,811 2,442 2,591 2,447 4,393 5,163 4,991 4,615 384 334 126 307 1,188 1,358 957 1,152 329 366 306 297 859 992 652 855 159 137 16 60 29 496 269 832 769 424 4,367 5,949 6,624 7,179 4,839 -4,705 -6,081 -7,439 -7,888 -5,235 39.2 50.4 59.4 63.2 43.0 7,140 8,316 8,832 9,221 7,814 2,772 2,367 2,208 2,042 2,975 2,429 2,338 2,183 2,007 2,634 4,711 5,978 6,649 7,214 5,180 343 29 25 36 340 1,797 2,336 1,854 2,026 1,154 229 222 160 176 213 1,569 2,114 1 , 694 1,850 942 May 6 13 20.. , 27 200 24 79 30 341 405 642 236 4,660 5,585 4,898 4,107 -4,800 -5,966 -5,461 -4,312 39.1 49.4 44.7 37.0 7,630 8,643 8,274 7,223 2,971 3,058 3,376 3,117 2,383 2,334 2,700 2,649 5,247 6,309 5,574 4,575 588 724 676 468 1,231 878 785 863 306 317 326 334 925 561 459 529 June 3 10 17 24 145 24 162 142 618 433 252 410 4,188 5,407 5,444 4,907 -4,661 -5,815 -5,534 -5,176 39.4 49,0 46.4 44.5 7,404 8,551 8,519 7,822 3,216 3,144 3,075 2,915 2,716 2,780 2,910 2,407 4,688 5,771 5,609 5,415 499 365 165 508 877 714 609 837 367 313 349 341 510 401 260 496 July 1 8 15 22 29 -57 -23 49 99 60 352 772 1,039 670 557 3,763 4,730 5,544 4,788 4,311 -4,173 -5,525 -6,535 -5,360 -4,807 34.8 45.9 53.2 43.6 39.9 7,308 8,004 8,448 7,805 7,275 3,545 3,274 2,903 3,017 2,964 2,801 2,719 2,420 2,570 2,476 4,508 5,285 6,028 5,235 4,798 745 555 484 446 488 757 1,017 642 ,019 ,978 173 H9 191 155 142 584 898 451 864 1,836 19 26 60 119 38 16 476 744 265 200 5,304 7,159 6,023 5,199 -5,720 -7,783 -6,250 -5,383 47.3 62.5 50.1 45.0 7,926 9,853 8,507 7,946 2,622 2,695 2,483 2,746 2,601 2,448 2,336 2,506 5,325 7,405 6,171 5,443 21 247 148 245 ,963 ,753 ,509 2,152 176 210 156 140 1,786 1,543 1,353 2,011 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 71 207 222 -33 97 248 303 187 151 196 5,391 6,492 6,784 5,778 4,652 -5,568 -6,588 -6,748 -5,962 -4,751 45.8 53.0 54.1 48.4 38,1 7,661 8,814 9,240 8,456 6,891 2,270 2,322 2,456 2,678 2,239 2,140 2,195 2,361 2,512 2,145 5,521 6,619 6,878 5,944 4,747 129 127 95 166 94 2,222 2,148 2,087 2,140 1,565 117 122 82 76 136 2,105 2,026 2,005 2,064 1,429 1969—July 1970—Jan. Feb. 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25.. Mar. 4 11 18 25 Apr. 1 8 15 22 29 30 Annual Statistical Digest 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Net surplus, or deficit ( — } Less: Week ending — 1970 -Oct. 7 14 21 28 Excess reserves 1 Net Borinterrowings bank at F.R. Federal Banks funds trans. 2 Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers 4 Interbank Federal funds transactions Basic reserve position Per cent of avg. Amount required reserves Gross transactions Purchases Sales Net transactions Total 2-way Purtrans- 8 chases of net actions buying banks Sales of net selling banks 322 S 45 44 4 67 114 24 6,304 7,020 6,517 5,154 -5,986 -7,079 =-6,585 -5,134 48.3 56.4 52.0 41.9 8,907 9,307 8,822 7,674 2,602 2,288 2,306 2,519 2,534 2,275 2,296 2,464 6,373 7,032 6,526 5,209 68 13 Nov. 4 11 18 . . 25 158 126 21 21 26 97 1 108 6,G47 8,173 7,127 6,253' -5,914 -8,144 -7,108 -6,340 48.0 65.3 56.8 52.4 8,818 10,491 9,945 8,622 2,771 2,318 2,817 2,369 2,709 2,310 2,753 2,156 6,109 8,181 7,192 6,466 63 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 199 72 18 27 188 108 6,519 7,507 7,582 7,631 8,080 -6,428 -7,435 -7,666 -7,653 -7,893 52.6 60.2 60.5 60.4 61.6 9,819 10,175 10,002 10,841 11,055 3,300 2,668 2,420 3,209 2,974 2,895 2,556 2,352 2,919 2,755 103 49 Loans to dealers 5 Borrowings from dealers 7 Net loans 2,115 2,142 1,659 1,892 89 74 105 129 2,026 2.06B 1,554 1,763 «! 213 2,403 2,332 1,7S4 2,061 89 82 71 93 2,314 2,250 1,713 1,968 6,924 7,619 7,650 7,921 8,300 405 112 OB 290 220 2,444 2,985 2,746 3,597 3,424 92 61 78 76 62 2,352 2,924 2,669 3,521 3,362 55 £0 1971 -Jim. 6. . 13 20 . . 27 364 127 21 -112 ""i45' 21 48 6,990 7,743 6,570 6,283 -6,753 -7,721 -6,828 -6,310 51.2 58.4 49.9 49.1 9,410 10,828 9,570 9,054 2,420 3,085 3,000 2,771 2,247 2,956 2,837 2,555 7,163 7,872 6,733 6,498 173 129 163 215 3,173 2,617 2,551 2,745 98 98 77 91 3,076 2,520 2,474 2,654 Feb. 3 10 17 24 . . 76 27 41 ' "'235' 170 6,346 7,693 7,094 6,509 -6,270 -7,666 -7,287 -6,339 48.7 59.5 55.1 49.3 9,345 10,459 10,437 10,049 2,999 2,766 3,343 3,539 2,726 2,662 3,257 3,407 6,619 7,797 7,180 6,642 272 104 86 133 3,083 3,158 1 ,996 2,134 106 99 263 234 2,977 3,058 1,733 1,899 Mar. 3 10 17, . . 24 31 , . 72 -20 66 -8 172 1 159 46 67 18 6,434 7,369 6,906 6,732 5,934 -6,363 -7,548 -6,885 -6,807 -5,779 50.3 59.6 53.0 53.5 45.0 9,575 10,657 10,003 9,775 8,998 3,142 3,288 3,097 3,043 3,065 2,974 3,080 2,892 2,740 2,687 6,601 7,577 7,111 7,034 6,312 168 209 205 302 378 2,439 2,505 1,926 2,005 1,879 218 200 200 325 440 2,220 2,305 1,727 1,679 1,439 Apr 185 93 37 -62 i?' 1 65 8,213 9,940 9,343 6,200 -8,028 -9,863 -9,307 -6,328 63.5 77.2 71.8 48.8 11,183 13,232 12,759 9,817 2,970 3,293 3,417 3,617 2,799 3,132 3,186 3,083 8,384 10,100 9,573 6,735 171 16V 231 534 2,811 3,246 2,174 1,543 183 135 255 275 2,629 3,110 1,919 1,268 -iJ21 28 . . May 5 12:.;:;' 19 . 26 134 136 = 14 51 85 59 182 126 5,310 7,285 7,267 5,661 -5,261 -7,209 -7,463 -5,737 40.3 56.1 56.3 44.3 9,082 11,371 11,515 9,406 3,772 4,086 4,249 3,745 3,331 3,234 3,316 2,850 5,752 8,137 8,199 6,556 442 852 933 895 1,642 1,360 1,401 1,264 295 504 477 284 1,347 856 924 980 June 2 9. . . 16 23 30 . 121 -16 31 123 82 328 74 104 264 239 5,814 6,686 6,428 6,134 4,907 -6,021 -6,775 -6,501 -6,275 -5,065 46.8 52.7 50.2 49.6 39.5 9,881 11,059 10,581 9,898 8,814 4,067 4,373 4,152 3,764 3,907 3,682 3,890 3,881 3,380 3,495 6,199 7,169 6,699 6,519 5,320 385 483 271 385 412 1,390 1,530 1,339 1,169 1,207 267 304 356 533 472 1,123 1,226 984 635 735 July 7 , . 14 21 . . 28 166 -39 58 -2 149 561 390 97 6,145 7,020 5,815 4,347 -6,128 -7,619 -6,148 -4,447 47.9 58.4 46.5 34.2 10,668 10,981 9,975 8,986 4,523 3,961 4,160 4,639 3,818 3,587 3,497 3,484 6,850 7,394 6,478 5,503 705 373 664 1,156 1,271 1,360 1,028 1,075 425 253 368 347 846 1,108 660 727 183 27 71 _4 165 47 560 326 5,190 6,302 6,195 5,646 -5,172 -6,322 -6,684 -5,975 39.7 48.6 51.3 47.1 9,613 10,608 10,790 10,347 4,423 4,306 4,595 4,701 3,681 3,264 3,780 3,718 5,932 7,344 7,010 6,629 742 1,042 816 983 1,201 1,046 1,305 1,677 396 436 447 388 805 610 S58 1,289 Sept. 1 8 15 . . 22 29 146 74 126 -20 135 151 286 97 134 37 6,110 7,711 8,258 8,066 6,113 -6,114 -7,923 -8,230 -8,220 -6,016 47.8 60.2 62.9 63.8 46.2 10,329 11,763 12,323 12,397 10,537 4,219 4,052 4,065 4,331 4,424 3,584 3,456 3,666 4,003 3,635 6,745 8,307 8,657 8,394 6,902 635 596 398 328 789 1,593 1,867 2,174 1,876 1,504 355 349 339 292 291 1,238 ,518 ,835 ,587 ,213 Oct. 6 13 20 27 144 =28 35 -18 34 214 112 205 6,192 7,666 6,583 6,018 -6,082 -7,907 -6,660 -6,241 46.6 60.4 50.4 49.0 10,616 12,236 10,782 10,219 4,424 4,570 4,199 4,201 3,839 4,020 3,577 3,630 6,777 8,217 7,205 6,590 585 551 622 572 1,764 1,770 1,722 1,789 427 512 406 382 ,337 ,258 ,317 ,407 Nov. 3 10 17 24 151 -23 -33 64 21 186 269 6,897 8,502 7,518 6,010 -6,747 -8,547 -7,737 -6,215 52.2 65.7 58.7 48.8 11,243 12,732 12,160 10,557 4,346 4,230 4,641 4,547 3,989 3,640 3,895 3,808 7,255 9,092 8,264 6,749 357 589 746 739 2,127 2,385 1,81 1 1,640 247 366 404 381 1,879 2,019 1,407 1,259 Dec. 350 155 76 -35 40 5,641 7,098 7,844 7,636 6,586 -5,662 -6,943 -7,769 -7,768 -6,662 44.2 54.1 59.1 58.9 49.8 10,289 11,121 12,107 12,040 11,080 4,647 4,022 4,263 4,404 4,494 4,140 3,796 3,909 4,007 3,925 6,148 7,325 8,199 8,033 7,154 507 227 354 397 569 1,713 1,789 1,844 1,837 1,614 206 164 224 207 328 1,507 1,625 1,620 1,631 1,268 AU8> n-:-:-- 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 371 98 116 Annual Statistical Digest 31 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Net surplus, or deficit ( — ) Less: Week ending— 1972—Jan. 5 12 19 26 Net Excess Borinterreserves * rowings bank at F.R. Federal Banks funds trans. 2 154 38 63 66 Interbank Federal funds transactions Per cent of avg. Amount required reserves Gross transactions Purchases Sales Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers * Net transactions Total 2-way Purtrans- 3 chases actions of net buying banks Sales of net selling banks Loans to dealers 5 Borrowings from dealers 7 Net loans 6,567 7,967 7,448 6,319 -6,413 -7,929 -7,386 -6,253 46.1 56.5 51.5 46.0 11,770 12,965 11,692 10,909 5,203 4,998 4,244 4,590 4,451 4,739 3,789 3,963 7,319 8,226 7,904 6,946 752 259 455 627 2,024 1,627 1,671 1,851 477 19V 173 109 1,547 1,436 ,498 ,742 5,897 6,885 6,341 5,569 -5,797 -6,930 -6,253 -5,521 42.8 51.6 46.1 41.4 10,686 1 1 , 669 11,845 11,458 4,788 4,784 5,504 5,889 4,108 4,102 3,983 4,193 6,578 7,567 7,862 7,265 681 683 1,521 1,696 1,844 1 , 639 1,443 1,787 73 121 303 210 ,771 ,518 ,140 ,576 6,335 7,282 7,162 6,959 5,722 -6,352 -7,377 -6,935 -7,113 -5,772 48.1 56.0 51.6 53.5 42.9 11,347 11,925 12,237 12,050 11,049 5,012 4,644 5,075 5,091 5,327 3,966 4,003 4,370 4,162 4,032 7,381 7,922 7,867 7,888 7,017 1,047 7,282 705 929 1,295 2,515 1,897 1,809 1,995 1,676 2,303 212 200 -1,697 1,550 259 197 1,799 1,314 363 Feb. 2. . . . 9 16 23 100 -23 89 48 Mar. 1 8 . 15 22 29 -11 -1 227 -55 67 Anr. 5 P 12:::::: 19 26 208 120 -54 32 28' 176 6,757 7,814 7,219 4,611 -6,635 -7,694 -7,301 =4,756 48.6 56.1 52.6 35.0 12,880 13,038 12,389 10,446 6,123 5,224 5,169 5,835 4,432 4,004 3,931 3,976 8,448 9,034 8,458 6,470 1,691 1,220 1 , 239 1,859 1,741 1,590 1,570 1,404 728 685 525 378 1,013 905 1,045 1,026 May 3 10 17 24 31 21 23 44 24 -14 60 46 21 39 159 4,306 5,621 6,064 4,994 4,397 -4,345 -5,644 -6,041 -5,010 -4,570 31.7 41.0 42.7 36.5 33.1 10,211 11,874 12,039 10,409 10,300 5,905 6,253 5,976 5,415 5,903 4,100 3,656 3,756 3,513 3,546 6,111 8,219 8,284 6,896 6,754 1,805 2,598 2,220 1,902 2,358 1,828 1,728 1,476 1,290 1,499 233 307 233 209 321 1;S95 1,421 1,243 1,082 1,178 June 7 14 21 28 97 66 104 53 19 48 6,076 6,405 6,622 4,249 -5,980 -6,340 -6,538 =4,244 43.9 46.5 48.1 31.8 12,275 12,440 12,685 11,188 6,198 6,035 6,062 6,939 4,171 4,018 4,084 4,054 8,104 8,423 8,601 7,135 2,028 2,018 1,978 2,885 1 , 887 1,721 1,967 1 , 585 258 344 358 438 1 , 629 1,377 1,609 1 , 147 5 12 19 26 170 187 65 19 113 30 30 64 4,735 6,553 5,583 5,259 -4,678 -6,395 -5,548 -5,304 34.0 46.8 39.5 38.4 11,315 12,996 12,117 11,856 6,580 6,444 6,534 6,597 3,952 4,245 3,965 3,921 7,363 8,751 8,152 7,935 2,628 2,198 2,569 2,675 1,707 1,849 1,293 1,592 437 544 526 513 1,270 1,304 768 1,079 Aug. 2 9. . . . 16 23 30 35 67 73 8 62 213 77 96 79 166 5,211 7,016 6,959 7,067 5,766 -5,389 -7,027 -6,982 -7,139 -5,870 39.1 50.8 50.3 52.5 43.3 11,724 13,343 13,724 13,524 12,357 6,513 6,327 6,765 6,457 6,590 4,320 4,173 4,468 4,680 4,426 7,404 9,170 9,256 8,844 7,931 2,193 2,153 2,297 1,777 2,164 1,650 1,943 2,148 1,873 1,624 548 659 644 415 328 1.V02 1,284 1 , 504 1,458 1,296 561 43 62 7,166 9,256 8,393 6,760 = 6,994 -9,217 -8,775 -6,897 51.9 67.9 64.3 50.8 12,719 15,105 13,847 12,161 5,553 5,849 5,454 5,401 4,228 4,757 4,517 4,178 8,491 10,348 9,331 7,983 1,325 1,092 938 1 1 224 1,852 2,493 2,556 1,973 235 239 152 229 V.617 2,254 2,404 1 , 744 July Sept. 6 13 20 27 22 1 6 95 '"'99' 117 86 22 388 4 444 159 Oct. 4 11 18 25 91 -163 -5 -5 118 144 68 339 6,574 8,806 8,700 6,415 -6,602 -9,114 -8,773 -6,759 47.4 64.1 61.3 48.9 12,677 14,273 14,252 12,014 6,103 5,431 5,552 5,600 4,702 4,069 4,105 4,101 7,975 10,168 10,147 7,913 1,401 1 , 362 1,447 1,498 1,982 1,500 1,742 1 , 890 409 315 248 278 ,573 ,184 ,494 ,613 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 79 10 228 116 17 19 442 100 41 219 6,557 7,710 8,737 8,082 7,836 -6,497 -8,141 -8,609 -8,008 -8,038 47.3 58.7 62.9 60.9 61.6 12,512 13,734 14,838 14,247 13,387 5,955 6,024 6,101 6,165 5,55i 4,038 3,828 4,334 4,325 4,219 8,474 9,906 10,504 9,922 9,168 1,918 2,197 1,767 1,839 1,332 1,516 1,705 2,002 2,039 2,061 246 444 318 150 169 ,270 ,261 ,684 ,889 ,892 Dec. 6 13 20 27 106 58 -33 -33 139 266 668 631 8,614 -8,648 10,042 = 10,249 9,674 -10,374 9,562 = 10,226 64.9 76.4 75.8 75.3 13,893 15,249 14,503 14,466 5,279 5,204 4,829 4,904 4,629 4,586 4,582 4,496 9,264 10,663 9,921 9,970 650 621 247 408 2,434 2,459 2,408 2,876 153 283 140 62 2,281 2,176 2,268 2,814 1973— Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 -18 42 30 -98 195 1,280 266 765 439 479 8,775 10,887 10,55V 9,542 7,879 -10,073 -11,111 = 11,287 -10,079 -8,163 70.5 77.7 75.0 71.5 58.9 14,258 1 5 , 949 14,972 14,217 13,035 5,483 5,062 4,421 4,675 5,156 4,302 4,181 3,486 3,644 4,167 9,956 11,768 11 ,487 10,573 8,868 1,181 881 935 1,031 989 2,307 2,221 1,851 1,724 1,629 199 93 248 455 388 2,108 2,128 1,603 1 , 268 1,241 Feb. 7 14 21 28 73 31 257 31 424 1,239 710 591 8,743 -9,093 8,963 = 10,171 8,957 -9,410 8,897 -9,457 66.5 73.3 68.1 69.7 13,854 15,062 15,767 14,394 5,111 6,099 6,809 5,497 4,161 4,390 4,670 4,131 9,693 10,672 11,097 10,263 950 1 , 709 2,140 1,366 2,010 1,628 1,492 2,069 307 362 445 373 1 , 703 ,266 ,048 ,696 Mar. 7 14 21 28 104 127 115 2 614 494 900 595 9,485 -9,995 10,465 -10,833 10,609 -10,794 8,738 -9,331 71.7 78.4 77.4 67.9 14,915 i6,613 15,782 15,153 5,431 6,147 5,772 6,416 4,082 4,164 4,095 4,202 10,833 12,449 11,687 10,951 1,349 1,983 1 , 677 2,214 1,978 1,828 1,729 i,495 382 613 330 468 ,596 ,216 ,400 ,027 32 Annual Statistical Digest 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks- Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Less; Net surplus, or deficit ( -) Week ending— Excess reserves l 1973— Apr. 4. Borrowings at F,R. Banks Net transactions Gross transactions Loans to dealers5 Borrowings from dealers7 ,910 ,032 ,376 878 1,509 1,534 1,482 1,663 402 243 371 433 1,107 1 , 29 1 1 ,111 1,230 8,574 10,029 10,542 10,137 9,429 ,682 ,797 ,502 ,657 919 1,178 1,188 1,374 1,376 1,704 443 404 459 S44 376 735 784 915 533 1,327 4,128 4,283 4,475 4,323 10,090 11,411 10,894 10,012 1,536 758 1,059 998 1 ,455 2,399 2,055 1,565 3S6 400 403 349 1 ,068 1 ,999 t ,652 1,217 Total 2-way trans- 3 actions Purchases of net buying banks Amount Per cent of avg. required reserves Purchases Sales -9,510 9,206 10,839 -11,320 10,146 -10,797 9,137 -9,300 67.2 80.6 75.1 66.6 15,528 15,699 15,252 14,695 6,322 4,860 5,106 5,558 4,412 3,829 3,730 4,679 11,116 11,870 11,522 10,016 1 -7,232 -8,784 -9,487 -8,630 -9,186 51.5 62.0 65.6 61.3 66.0 12,841 14,445 14,466 14,054 13,481 5,949 6,214 5,426 5,573 4,971 4,267 4,417 3,924 3,917 4,052 -8,705 8,555 10,653 -11,011 9,835 - tO ,456 -9,473 9,015 62.6 79.8 73.9 68.2 14,219 16,693 15,351 14,335 5,664 5,041 5,516 5,320 Net interbank Federal funds trans,2 Related transactions with U.S. Gov t. securities dealers4 Interbank Federal funds transactions Sales of net selling banks Net loans is;;;;:; 25 250 -34 87 226 554 448 738 389 May 2. . . 9 16 23 30 197 -39 126 103 119 536 514 572 252 795 June 6 13.. . 20 27.. 281 38 55 22 431 396 676 480 July 4. . . 11 18. . 25 206 -24 203 63 991 300 403 284 8,123 9,802 8,652 7,330 -8,908 10,127 -8,852 -7,551 62.1 71,0 59.7 50.7 14,551 15,570 14,968 14,823 6,428 5,768 6,316 7,493 4,858 4,555 4,389 4,719 9,693 U.015 10,580 10,104 1,570 1,213 1,928 2,773 1,600 1,523 1 , 299 1,309 819 511 558 483 781 1 ,013 741 826 269 152 85 =29 =45 253 361 299 250 365 7,003 7,477 8,401 8,015 6,319 -6,987 -7,687 = 8,614 -8,294 -6,730 47.5 52.3 58.0 55.8 42.2 14,016 14,166 14,242 14,068 13,394 7,013 6,689 5,841 6,052 7,075 4,747 4,715 4,659 4,431 4,649 9,269 9,451 9,583 9,637 8,745 2,266 1,974 1,183 1,622 2,426 1,379 1,867 2,240 1,829 1,560 564 460 503 475 391 815 1,407 1,737 1,354 1,169 225 100 95 -8 461 164 270 531 6,079 9,639 9,184 8,006 -6,315 =9,704 =9,359 =8,545 42.3 65.3 62.0 56.8 13,536 15,918 15,746 15,028 7,457 6,278 6,562 7,023 5,098 5,003 4,787 4,619 8,437 10,915 10,958 10,409 2,359 1,275 1,774 2,403 1,713 3,258 2,963 1,877 401 540 404 372 1,313 2,718 2,559 1,505 . 223 181 -26 50 71 109 164 194 475 233 7,868 =7,754 10,136 -10,118 11,063 -=11,283 9,358 =9,783 =9,364 9,202 51.3 65.7 71.0 62.9 60.3 15,915 16,541 17,698 16,728 15,985 8,047 6,405 6,635 7,370 6,783 5,475 4,859 4,626 4,909 4,403 10,440 11,682 13,072 11,819 11,582 2,572 1,546 2,009 2,461 2,380 1,871 2,262 1,739 1,643 2,048 938 693 886 811 706 933 1,570 853 832 1,342 Nov. 7 14.. 21. .. . 28... 54 -53 167 88 256 627 487 270 11,833 12,949 12,584 11,773 -12,034 -13,628 -12,904 -11,955 78.7 87.3 84.0 79.8 18,939 19,861 19,131 18,265 7,106 6,912 6,547 6,492 4,871 5,020 5,108 5,304 14,068 14,842 14,022 12,962 2,235 1,893 1,439 1 , 189 2,463 2,560 1,911 1,890 683 774 1,004 765 1,780 1,786 908 1,125 178 9 40 333 322 531 768 180 12,076 14,409 14,949 14,190 -12,219 -14,932 -15,677 -14,037 80.5 98.0 100.5 90.8 18,089 20,065 20,537 19,890 6,013 5,655 5,588 5,700 5,041 4,936 5,028 4,987 13,048 15,129 15,509 14,903 972 720 561 713 1,801 2,067 2,322 2,660 669 523 503 446 1,132 1,545 1,819 2,214 2. 9.... 16.. , . 23... 30 183 21 30 =99 18 605 357 321 420 415 13,536 15,414 17,150 18,338 13,483 -13,536 -15,750 -17,441 -16,857 -13,880 89.1 96.1 102.1 102.3 87.7 20,164 21,147 22,323 21,005 19,504 6,629 5,733 5,173 4,667 6,021 5,743 4,787 4,430 4,141 4,773 14,421 16,360 17,894 16,864 14,732 886 946 744 526 1,249 2,732 2,460 2,329 2,309 1,919 563 420 465 502 542 2,169 2,040 1,864 1,807 1,377 6 13. 20. . . . 27.... -57 58 39 96 281 497 583 487 14,210 15,936 16,046 15,858 -14,484 -16,375 -16,589 -16,249 93.4 105.3 105.2 107.1 20,196 22,068 22,199 21,748 5,986 6,132 6,153 5,890 5,141 4,745 5,145 5,332 15,055 17,323 17,054 16,415 794 1,387 1,009 558 2,293 2,513 2,260 2,557 636 593 583 499 1,657 1,921 1,678 2,058 25 18 = 13 31 292 344 603 684 16,140 16,912 15,129 15,047 -16,408 -17,239 -15,745 -15,699 108.5 112.9 100.8 104.1 22,757 22,605 20,675 21,321 6,617 5,693 5,546 6,274 5,863 5,211 5,123 5,371 16,895 17,394 15,552 15,951 754 482 423 904 2,514 2,186 ,811 ,575 589 667 643 682 1 ,925 1 ,519 1,168 893 278 74 296 106 593 182 665 728 14,779 16,738 17,196 13,698 -15,094 -16,846 -17,565 -14,320 96.9 108.7 108.3 89.4 21,490 22,700 22,124 19,837 6,7(1 5,962 4,928 6,140 5,832 5,380 4,454 5,401 15,658 17,320 17,671 14,436 879 582 475 738 ,463 ,610 ,557 ,227 604 516 432 548 859 1,094 1,125 680 562 591 639 742 802 906 795 678 1,146 993 798 948 751 1,579 i 1,422 2,322 1,337 227 Aug. 1...... 15 22. . . 29 Sept. 5. 12.::'" 19.. 26,. . Oct. Dec. 1974—Jan. Feb. 3... 10. . 17... 24.. 31... 5. . 12.. 19.. . 26.. Mar. 6. . 13.. 20.. 27.. . 6,892 8,232 9,040 8,481 8,511 Apr. 3.. 10... 17.. 24 May 1.. 8.. . 15.. . 22. 29.. 77 42 80 95 64 579 360 429 473 711 12,177 12,208 12,742 11,809 10,511 -12,679 -12,525 -13,092 -12,187 -11,157 76.8 77.0 78.8 73.5 68.1 19,231 18,909 18,783 17,221 17,391 7,054 6,702 6,040 5,412 6,881 5,704 5,820 5,659 5,259 6,016 13,527 13,090 13,123 11,962 11,375 1,350 882 380 152 865 ,467 ,386 ,316 ,888 ,794 June 5. . 12.. . , 19. . . 26 50 31 59 66 423 228 827 343 12,509 15,187 13,981 13,465 -12,882 -15,384 -14,749 -13,741 78.3 94.6 87.7 82.9 18,938 20,960 20,238 19,669 6,428 5,773 6,258 6,205 5,482 5,168 5,790 5,344 13,455 15,792 14,448 14,326 946 606 468 861 2,220 3,271 2,088 1,806 Annual Statistical Digest 33 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Less: Week ending — Excess reserves l 1974— July 3 10 17 24. . . . 31 Borrowings at F.R. Banks Interbank Federal funds transactions Net surplus, or deficit ( -) Gross transactions Net Per cent interof bank avg. Amount required Federal funds reserves trans.2 Purchases Sales Related transactions with U.S. Govt. securities dealers4 Net transactions Total 2-way trans- 3 actions Purchases of net buying banks Sales of net selling banks Loans to dealers5 Borrowings from dealers7 Net loans 65 222 120 63 100 817 267 327 284 411 12,007 14,249 13,591 7,330 11,757 -12,759 -14,293 -13,798 -7,551 -12,068 75.3 85.3 77.5 50.7 70,6 19,030 20,324 19,453 14,823 17,690 7,023 6,075 5,862 7,493 5,933 6,098 5,646 5,373 4,719 4,872 12,933 14,678 i 14,080 10,104 12,818 925 429 489 2,773 1,060 1,806 1,788 1,655 1,309 2,483 1,051 1,091 1 ,154 483 985 756 698 501 826 1,498 107 179 161 -1,092 123 224 454 295 14,388 14,512 12,484 11,501 -14,404 -14,556 -12,777 -12,888 84.6 84.9 74.4 70.2 20,168 20,111 18,306 17,223 5,779 5,600 5,822 5,723 5,005 4,809 4,746 4,578 15,162 15,303 13,560 12,646 774 791 1,076 1 , 145 3,168 3,152 2,642 2,583 1,170 1,030 1,159 1 ,098 1,998 2,122 1,483 1 ,485 Sept. 4 11. . . . 18 25 179 -95 33 -1 735 421 330 618 11,176 14,803 13,238 10,478 -11,731 -15,318 -13,536 -11,097 68.1 89.4 77.9 64.9 17,730 20,003 18,820 16,953 6,555 5,200 5,582 6,475 5,049 4,641 4,986 4,843 12,682 15,362 13,834 12,110 1,506 559 596 1,632 2,642 4,287 3,665 3,184 1,078 963 919 932 1 ,564 3,324 2,746 2,252 Oct. 271 -44 137 -77 38 184 -9,977 -9,890 83 13,610 -13,737 765 14,686 -15,315 240 12,480 -12,797 345 11,847 -12,155 57.4 80.3 86.9 74.8 71.7 17,661 19,866 20,532 18,806 18,037 7,684 6,256 5,846 6,326 6,189 5,868 4,855 5,034 4,832 4,791 11,792 15,012 15,498 13,974 1 3 , 246 1,815 1 ,401 812 1 ,493 1,399 3,262 4,039 4,790 3,678 3,606 891 901 890 795 823 2,371 3,138 3,900 2,883 2,783 Aug. 7 14 21 28 2 9 16. 23 30 147 144 412 618 471 14,046 17,391 16,335 15,342 -13,990 -17,734 -16,841 -15,666 82.1 104.8 99.1 94.3 20,916 23,751 22,357 21,227 6,869 6,360 6,023 5,885 5,033 4,943 5,033 5,080 15,883 18,808 17,324 16,146 1 ,836 1 ,417 989 805 3,180 3,859 3,660 3,050 827 899 1,062 922 2,353 2,961 2,598 2,128 311 18 31 261 218 91 257 121 15,382 17,786 17,004 15,512 -15,289 -17,860 -17,229 -15,372 91.1 106.6 99.5 90.1 21,459 23,158 22,575 21,048 6,077 5,372 5,571 5,536 5,297 5,262 4,809 4,619 16,162 17,896 17,766 16,429 780 111 762 917 3,217 3,826 3,952 3,068 956 940 739 767 2,261 2,886 3,213 2,301 i 8 15 22 29 271 136 -91 -11 4 185 76 330 244 8 13,872 15,609 15,890 15,213 13,212 -13,786 -15,550 -16,310 -15,468 -13,216 78.6 87.9 88.6 84.7 74.9 20,642 21,570 21,062 20,563 19,233 6,270 5,961 5,172 5,350 6,021 5,124 5,239 4,854 4,812 5,319 15,018 16,330 16,208 15,752 13,915 1,146 722 318 538 703 3,042 3,278 3,121 2,584 2,548 538 565 604 860 919 2,505 2,713 2,516 1 ,724 1,629 Feb. 5 12 19 26 177 52 -41-10 1 5 142 74 14,481 16,260 16,440 15,742 -14,305 -16,213 -16,623 -15,826 82.2 94.9 100.2 98.2 20,952 22,136 23,568 21,864 6,470 5,876 7,128 6,122 5,631 5,155 5,949 5,204 15,321 16,982 17,618 16,661 839 722 1,179 918 2,800 3,635 2,727 2,977 809 1 ,000 932 878 1,991 2,635 1,795 2,100 Mar. 5 12 19 26 128 225 -38 29 6 106 78 15,962 18,903 16,302 14,639 -15,834 -18,684 -16,446 -14,688 98.2 116.0 101.1 90.8 22,134 24,585 21,491 21,345 6,172 5,682 5,189 6,706 5,203 5,337 4,708 5,373 16,931 19,248 16,782 15,972 969 345 480 1,333 3,120 4,717 4,614 3,233 765 824 608 710 2,355 3,893 4,006 2,523 Apr. 2 9 16 23 30.. 100 72 68 11 69 4 83 142 14,360 17,178 16,414 14,411 9,755 -14,260 -17,106 -16,350 -14,483 -9,827 87.3 105.7 98.8 88.3 60.2 21,992 23,124 22,696 20,699 17,254 7,631 5,946 6,282 6,288 7,499 6,068 5,304 5,779 5,149 5,192 15,924 17,820 16,917 15,550 1 2 , 062 1,563 641 503 1,139 2,307 3,700 3,674 3,577 2,577 2,120 526 552 635 442 1,363 3,175 3,122 2,942 2,135 757 207 35 -48 -30 100 38 11,983 14,339 14,144 13,223 -11,777 -14,305 -14,291 -13,292 73.1 88.7 88. 7 85.4 18,600 20,190 19,856 18,233 6,616 5,851 5,712 5,010 4,919 4,295 4,726 4,530 1 3 , 680 15,896 15,131 13,730 1,697 1,556 987 480 2,408 2,327 3,022 3,361 603 622 767 685 1,806 1,705 2,255 2,676 Nov. 6 13 20 27 200 70 Dec. 4 11 18 25 1975_Jan. May 7 14 21 28 i June 4 11. . . 18 25 123 4 23 84 61 13 49 124 14,066 17,347 17,112 15,612 -14,005 -17,355 -17,137 -15,652 89.0 112.8 106.9 99.7 19,745 22,227 22,029 21 ,050 5,679 4,881 4,917 5,438 5,166 4,477 4,457 4,356 14,579 17,751 17,572 16,694 513 404 460 1,082 3,198 4,597 3,938 2,730 649 533 389 725 2,548 4,005 3,549 2,005 July 2 9 16.... 23 30 210 121 -31 69 200 503 58 132 205 1 13,626 16,779 17,347 14,396 13,290 -13,919 -16,717 -17,510 -14,532 -13,091 86.6 106.5 109.1 92.2 83.4 20,100 22,688 22,263 18,962 18,494 6,474 5,909 4,916 4,566 5,204 4,847 5,310 4,671 4,375 4,550 15,253 17,378 17,592 14,587 13,945 1,627 599 244 191 655 2,139 2,957 3,083 2,195 1,616 629 542 601 664 641 l,5U 2,415 2,483 1,531 975 Aug. 6 13 20 27 162 -31 51 206 2 59 33 43 13,789 15,539 13,423 13,347 -13,630 -15,628 -13,405 -13,183 87.5 100. 1 85.4 85.8 19,306 20,062 18,285 18,357 5,516 4,523 4,862 5,010 4,803 4,211. 4,490 4,439 14,503 15,851 13,795 13,918 713 312 373 571 2,343 2,477 2,328 1,711 571 537 521 492 1,772 1 ,940 1 ,808 1,219 Sept. 3 10 17.. . 24 222 -23 53 13 8 240 126 120 12,357 1 5 , 099 13,953 11,476 - 1 2 , 1 43 -15,362 -14,026 -11,583 78.4 99.2 90.1 74.4 18,973 20,512 18,658 16,937 6,616 5,413 4,705 5,461 5,682 4,697 4,395 4,395 13,291 15,815 14,262 12,542 934 716 309 1,066 2,027 2,830 3,095 2,365 619 340 368 431 1,408 2,490 2,727 1,934 34 Annual Statistical Digest 3. Basic reserve position, and Federal funds and related transactions—Continued 46 Money market banks—Continued In millions of dollars unless otherwise noted Basic reserve position Less: Week ending™ 1975— Oct. 1 8 15 22 29 Excess reserves l . Nov. 5 12 19.. . 26 Dec. 3 10 17. . . 24 31. 227 64 20 93 589 =-10 9 3 102 200 137 168 171 Borrowings at F.R. Banks 130 3 50 102 5' 16 16 168 174 Interbank Federal funds transactions Net surplus, or deficit ( -) Gross transactions Net transactions ; Total 2- way trans- z actions j Bor| rowLoans tngs to from dealers5 dealers7 Purchases of net buying banks Sales of net selling banks 4,761 4,399 4,100 4,405 4,387 11,975 13,691 14,999 12,909 11,600 2,094 1,109 !,468 1,397 1,640 2,067 !j 3,124 3,950 i 2,943 ' 2,248 456 430 332 363 402 1,612 2,694 3,618 2,580 1,846 6,402 4,766 5,690 5,271 4,798 4,474 4,985 4,387 13.557 16,959 15,093 13,837 1,604 292 706 885 2,862 ' 4,623 i 3,014 2,778 | 635 298 417 417 2,192 4,325 2,598 2 , 360 5,687 4,380 4,644 -, 5,491 6,629 4,964 4,161 4,205 4,681 5,306 13,844 15,967 14,768 13,027 12,378 723 218 439 810 1,324 3,507 3,918 3,509 3,601 3,610 381 300 400 495 665 3 , 1 26 3,619 3,109 3,105 2,946 Per cent of Amount avg. required reserves Purchases Sales 9,880 -9,783 12,583 -12,586 13,531 -13,517 1 1 , 5 1 3 -11,635 9,960 -9,867 61.6 80.9 86.1 73.9 63.8 16,736 18,090 19,099 17,314 15,987 6,856 5,508 5,568 5,802 6,027 1 1 ,954 16,667 14,388 12,954 -11,365 = 16,677 -14,384 -12,966 73.4 108.5 90.4 83.0 18,355 21,433 20,078 18,224 13,121 15,748 14 , 329 12,217 11,054 = 13,035 -15,548 -14,192 = 12,218 = 11,057 83.4 100.3 88.7 78.5 69.2 18,808 20,128 18,973 17,708 17,683 Net interbank Federal funds trans.2 Related transactions with U.S. Govt, securities dealers4 Net loans Annual Statistical Digest 35 4. Federal Reserve Bank interest rates on loans to member banks under Sections 13 and 13a Per cent per annum. Figures in parentheses indicate day of month new rate became effective. Year and month Boston 1970—Jn effect Dec. 31 New York Philadelphia 51A 5K Cleveland 51A Richmond Atlanta Chicago 5M 5M St. Louis 5K 5^ 5M Minneapolis Kansas City 5M 5M Dallas San Francisco 5M 1971— Jan.. Feb. July Nov Dec. (19) (13) (19) (11) (13) 1973—Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug (15) 5 (15) 5 (15) 5 (15) (15) 5 (15) 5 (15) 5 (15) 5 (15) 5 (15) 5 (15) 5 (15) 5 (28) 5H (26) 5M (26) 5H (27) 5H (27) 5J^ (27) 5H (27) 5H (26) 5^ (27) 5K (26) 5M (27) 5H (2) K K (23) 23) 5U (27 5M (23) 5^ (23)'55i ( 1 1 ) 6 (ID 6 (11)6 (11) 11) 6 | (11 6 (11) 6 < n , 6M (M j 6 M ( , 1 ) 6* ( H ) 6K 02, 6* 6K (10 §H ( 1 1 ) 6/2 (l ( H ) 6M (11) 7 (2) (2) 7 (2) 7 (23) 7H (14) 7H (14) 7^ (14) 7K (14) 7H (16) iy, (14 7H (14) 7J^ (14) 7X> (14) 7^ (14) 7J4 (14) 1974—-Apr Dec (30) 8 (25) 8 (25) 8 (25) 8 (25) 8 (29) 8 (10) 1% (9) 1U (9) 1% (13) 1H (10) 1% (16) 7% 1975—Jan. Feb. Mar. May In effect Dec. 31 5 4M 5 4% 4y2 (22) (19) (16) (19) (17) 5 4^ 5 4% 4% (19) (13) (16) til) (17) 5 *% 5 4^ 4K (19) (13) (23) (11) (17) 5 4% 5 4% 4Y2 ff?j V (29) (13) (23) (12) (24) 5 4^ 5 4^ 4H ft] I* (19) (13) (19) (15) (23) 5 4^ 5 4^ 4^ »j «« (21) (13) (23) (12) (17) 5 4% 5 4^ 4H (29) (13) (16) (H) (13) (29) 5 (8) 5 K (13) 4% (23) 5 4% (H) 4M (12) 4H (23) 4X2 (13) iiii S I?I! ?* °a 5 4% 5 ' 4M 4H 5H (19) 5 (22) 5 (13) 43X (13) 4K (23) 5 (16) 5 (11) 4H (11) 4% (24) 4H (13) 4^ [S] S {Sj i (i! §* 5 5M 5% 6 6H 7 7^ 8 (26) 8 (26) 8 (25) 8 (25) 8 (25) 8 (13) 7^ (13) 7M (13) 7% (10) 1% ( H ) ?K 88 7M (6) 7^ (10) 7^ (6) 7M (6) 7K (6) 7H (13) 7K (1 7K (10) 7K (10) 7K (24) 7K (6) 7% (6) 7K (5) 6% (5) 6% (5) 6% (5) 6K (5) 6%| (5) 6M <S 6^ (6) 6% (5) 6K (6) 6^ (5) 6% (5) 6% ) 6^ (14) 6^ (10) 6M (10) 6K (14) 6K (10) 6K (10) 6J4 (10) 6K (10) 6X (10) 6J4 (10) 6^ (10) 6M (16) 6 (16) 6 (16) 6 (16) 6 (16) 6 (16) 6 l!8 ) 6 (16) 6 (23) 6 (16) 6 (16) 6 (16) 6 . 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 36 Annual Statistical Digest 5. Federal Reserve Bank interest rates on loans to member banks under Section 10(b) Per cent per annum. Figures in parentheses indicate day of month new rate became effective. 1 Year and month Boston New York Philadelphia Richmend Cleveland Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City San Francisco Dallas Regular rate 1970 - In effect Dec. 31 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 1-3' 09) 5!4' 03) 514; 093 5»i|(in 5 (23) 5i2 51/4 5i L . 514 5 6 ;' 6 6 (29) 5 'a 09) 5^\22) 5» : . (13) 5i 4 03) 54 (13) 5U 09) 5J4 (22) 5J4 09) 5J4 09) 514 06 )5»4 (19) 5J4 (13) 5 07) 5 1973—Jan.. . Feb Mar. Apr. . . . May June July. . . Aug 1 1 (15) 514 05) 5^ 05) 5!4 05) 5J4 05) 514 (15) 514 (15) 514 (15) 5 i J ( 1 5 ) 5L> (15) 5 i , 05) 5 > \ 1 5 ) 5 , (28) 6 (26) 6 (26) 6 (27) 6 (27) 6 (27) 6 (27) 6 (26) 6 ^(21} 6 (26) 6 C27) 6 " .. . . . ! | (2} b ( 2 3 ) ' 6 i i (27) 6*4 (27) 614* (23 i 6i| (23) 6K (23) 6J4 (23)' eli 1 (23) bU l ( U ) 6J4 ( i i ) 6i4 (11) 634 (11) 6'4 ( T l ) 6i .-•> ( I D 6H ( l l ) 6K»Uin 6 o (18) b'.j ( i n 6 . 0 n b'.. (U) 7 (11) 7 OU 7 (12) 7 (11) 7 " on 7 (11) 7 (11) 7 (15) 7 (ii ) 7 " ' ( i n 7 (2) 7 i j 1 2 1 7 ' , (2) 714 (2) 7*5 (2) 7>1J (2) 7i.$ (2) 7 J 2 (2) 71, (2) 7J, 2 (2) 7!4 (2) 7', (23) 8 04) 8 (14) 8 (14) 8 (14) 8 06) 8 (14) 8 (14) 8 1(14) 8 (14) 8 J (14) 8 04) 8 1974— Apr. Dec. . . 1 (30) 8)4 (25) 8 '4 (25) 8i 2 (25) 8 ' 2 (25) 8i, (29) 8 » $ (26) 8ij (26) 8)$ (26) 8' j (25) 8 ^ j (25) 8 » t > i25> 8 » (10) 8M (9) 8J4 (9) Si| 03) 8V4 !(10) 8V4 06) 8K (13) 8MK13) 8» 4 ( 1 3 ) 84 1975- Jan. Feb Mar. May. . . . (6) (5) (10) 06) on SM 09) 03) 06) 01) (17) 5K> 534 5J4 5J4 5 09) 03) (23) (U) 07) 514 5K 5J4 5M 5 (29) 03) (23) 02) (24) 5»4 5J4 5V 2 5J4 5 (19) 03) (19) 05) (23) 5».| 514 512 5J4 5 (21) (13) (23) (12) (17) 6 1971— Jan. Feb. . . . July Nov. Dec. . . . 5U 5V| 5><2 5M 5 (29) (13) 06) (ll) 03) (23) 5 ' j 06) 5'-. (12) 514 H i ) s u ^ i n su (13) 5 (24) 5 ](1.3) 5 on 76*4 on 734 7J4 6% 6^4 (10) (5) 00) 06) 7M (6) 1% (6) 73/4 714 (5) 7)4 (5) 714 6?4 (10) 68/4 (10) 63| 6J4 (16) 6'» 2 (16) 6U ., 6?4 In effect Dee. 3 1 (6) (5) (10) 06) 6.4 734' (13) 734 (10) 7M 7}| (5) 7i| (6) 7K 6*4 (10) 6*4 00) 6M (16) 6,l-2 6i.j (10) (7) (14) (16) 6t, 6>a (10 )734 (24) 7»4 (5) 74 (7) 7i 4 (10) 634 (10) b»4 (14) 6 3 4 00) 6 3 4 (23) 6 i 2 ( 1 6 ) b ^ j 06) 6 ' j I 6U 6>6 61 1 ' 734 7J4I 6|4 61L> Special rate — .1974— In effect Aug. 31 Sept, . . . Oct. Dec. . . . 1975— Jan Feb MaiMay June , . , July In effect Dec. 31 (ii)io 00) 9'3 (6) (S) (10) (16) 9 8H 8 7)4 -- - - — '(27) J O ' ' (10) (5) (10) 06) (24) 9 8»'a 8 7 1-2 7 (2) 7 7 7 - - — ~ — -- (27 ) 1 0 .... (3)10 (4)10 '(4)16" . . . . . . . . (4)10 (3)10 (4)10 i (3)10 » (14)10 (11)10 (9) 9J4 (13) 9.^(10) 9V 2 : (16) 914 (10) 9!4 (13) 9!4 (13) 9', (13) 9i, (10) 9?.j (U) 9 ' a (6) (5) (10) (16) (9) 9 . (6) 8*4 (5) 8 (10) 7141(1.6) 7* (9) 9 j (6) 8U (5) 8 KIO) 7 i^i (16) 7 \ (9) 9 |(13) 8 > '2. (5) 8 "(10) 7i:>(16) 1'". (3) 9 8,14 8 7'.. 7 7 7 ' 7 (10) (6) (14) 06) (9) 9 8»-a S 7V 2 7 7 (10) (7) (14) 06) 9 812 8 7J3 (15) 7 (10) (5) (10) (23) (9) 9 8J2 8 7 Hi 7 7 (24) (7) (10) 06) 9 8^ 8 7'2 7 (6) (5) (14) (23) (9) 9 (f>) 9 8'- 2 , (5) « ' a 8 (10) B 7 U (16) 7 i : i 7 (24) ? 7 : 7 Annual Statistical Digest 37 6. Federal Reserve Bank interest rates on loans to others than member banks under last paragraph of Section 13 Per cent per annum. Figures in parentheses indicate day of month new rate became effective. Year and month 1970—In effect Dec. 31 Boston New York 7 7H Philadelphia 7 Cleveland Richmond 7 Atlanta Chicago St. Louis 1¥i 7 7M 7X2 Minneapolis 7 Kansas City Dallas San Fra ncisco 7 7 7 1971—Jan Feb July Nov. Dec (22) (13) 6^ (19) (19) 7 (16) (11) 6M (19) (13) 6*4 (17) 1973—Jan Feb Mar. Apr. . . , May June July Aug. (15) 7 (15) 7 (15) 7 (15) 7 (15) 7 (15) 7 (15) 7 (15) 7 (15 )7 (15) 7 (15) 71 (15) (28) lYi (26) 1H (26) 7J/g (27) 7H (27) 1\4 (27) 7K> (27) 7Vg (26) 7 '4 (2?) iy2 (26) 7'£ (27) 7 -.; (2) (23) 7% (23) 7% (23) 7M (23) 1VA (27) 73< (27) 7^ (23) 7^ (23) 7^ (27) 7^ (23) (11) 8 (ii) 8 (11) 8 (11) 8 (1 1) 8 (11) 8 (11) 8 (11) 8 1 ( 1 1 ) 8 (18) 8 ] (11) 8 1 (11) (11) 8H (H) 8H (11) 8H ( 1 1 ) 8U (12) 8*'2 (11) 8V-S (11) 8^ ( i i ) 8 .; ( 1 1 ) 8 ' t> (15) 8 '2 ( 1 1 ) S ^ ( 1 1 ) (2) 9 (2) 9 (2) 9 (2) 9 (2) 9 (2) 9 (2) 9 (2) 9'" (2) (2) 9 (2) 9 " (2) 9 (23) 9J4 (14) 9]A (14) 9^4 (14) 9 ] /2 (14) 9J4 (16) 9!<1 (14) 9J4 (14) 9^i (14) 9].-i (14) 9^ (14) 9 " 2 \(14); .... 7 6% 7 6% 6y2 (8) (13) 6% (13) 6K (26) (16) 7 (23) 7 (23) (11) 6% (11) 6M (12) (17) 6H (17; 6M (24) 7 6*4 7 6% 6H (19) (13) (19) (15) (23) 7 6M 7 6^ 6^ (21) (13) (23) (12) (17) 7 6^ 7 6^ 6H (13) (16) (11) (13) 6^ 7 6M 6J/2 (13) (19) (11) (23) 6K 03) 6M (13) (23) 7 6K (12) 6^ (11) 6^ (13) 6^ (24) 6^ 7 6^ 6?/^ (13) (16) (11) (13) 6K 7 6M 6^ 7 7].> 7% 8 8! 9 9i>> 1974— Apr (30)10 1975—Feb Mar (5) 91^ (5) 9^2 (5) 91^ (5) 9L£ (5) 94 (5) 914 (6) 9J4 (7) 91^ (5) 9^2 (7) 91^ (5) 9^-> (5) 9 U (10) 9 (10) 9 (10) 9 (10) 9 (10) 9 (10) 9 (14) 9 (14) 9 (10) 9 (10) 9 (14) 9 (10) 9 In effect Dec. 31 9 (25)10 9 (25)10 9 (25)10 9 (25)10 9 (29)10 9 (26)10 9 (26)10 9 (26)10 9 (25)10 9 (25)10 9 (25)10 9 2 38 Annual Statistical Digest 7. Reserve requirements on deposits of member banks Deposit intervals arc in millions of dollars. Requirements are in per cent of deposits. Net demand Effective date 1 Time 3 (all classes of banks) E Reserve city 0-5 Over 5 0-5 1963—In effect Jan. 1 . . Other Other time Savings 4 12 16K Over 5 0-5 Over 5 1966—July 14, 21 Sept, 8, 15 4 1967—Mar. 2 Mar 16 3^ 5 1968— Jan. n, 18 16Ji 17 12 12^ 1969— Apr. 17 17 17^ 12J4 13 4 : 5 6 3), J 5 1970— Oct. t Beginning Nov. 9, 1972 Time B Net demand 2 - 4 Other time Effective date 0-2 2-10 10-100 100-400 Over 400 Savings 0-5, maturing in— j 1 ! ' Over 5 5, maturing in— ! 1 Less than! 4 years 1 30-179 ! 180 days ' 4 years 4 years or more ; days to 4 years or more 1972—Nov. 9 Nov. 1 6 . . . . 10 8 .... 12 6 16! 2 13 1973—-July 19 18 10'^ 12^ 13''2 10 12 13 16 ^ 12 13 16J-2 1974— Dec, 12 l7i-> 1975— Feb. 13 Oct. 30 7*j In effect Dec. 31, 1975. 7'j 17H 73 i »5 ' ::::::::i::::::::::::::::r". i !; ' 10 73 1 < " ( 3 ;i 3 3 ii s 1 si Legal limits, Dec . 31, 1975: Ne demand d eposits, reserve city banks Ne demand d eposits, other banks Tinle deposits ; i * '! } 1 1 6 3 ; 3 Minimum 10 1 3 3 !i s j ! 1 s 1 si Maximum 22 14 10 Annual Statistical Digest 8. Maximum interest rates payable by member banks on time and savings deposits Per cent per annum Rates July 1, 1973— Dec. 31, 1975 Rates in effect Dec, 31, 1970June 30, 1973 Type and size of deposit Effective date Type and size of deposit July 1, 1973 Savings deposits Other time deposits: 4H 1 Savings deposits . 5 Nov. 1, 1973 Nov. 27, 1974 5 5 6M 5 $1A 6 6K 6H 7K IIA 5 Other time deposits (multiple- and single-maturity): 1 - 2 Multiple-maturity :2 30-89 days 90 days to 1 year 1-2 years 2 years or more Single-maturity : Less than $100,000: 30 days to 1 year 1—2 years. 2 years or more 4H 1% 5 5H 5% ... $100,000 or more: 30-59 days 60-89 days 90-179 days . 1 80 days to 1 year 1 year or more Less than $100,000: 30-89 days 90 ldays to 1 year \-2 /2 years 2 j/2 years or more I* 6H ... Minimum denomination of $1,000: G 4-6 years 6 years or more . . Governmental units } 0 7 () $100,000 or more (8) . !« 7 C) (8) l¥i (8) (33) () J6K4 7M 9. Margin requirements Per cent of market value Period Beginning date For credit extended under Regulations T (brokers and dealers), U (banks), and G (others than brokers, dealers, or banks) Ending date On margin stocks T U On convertible bonds G T U G On short sales (T) 1968—June 8 1970— May 5 80 60 80 1970— May 6 1971— Dec. 3 65 50 65 1971— Dec. 6.. 1972—Nov. 22 55 50 55 1974— Jan. 65 50 65 Effective Jan. 3 1974 50 50 50 In effect Dec. 31, 1975 50 50 50 1972—Nov. 24 Dec. 23, 1974 2 IA 1( 7K ?8 (8) 40 Annual Statistical Digest 10. Transactions of the System Open Market Account In millions of dollars Outright transactions in U.S. Govt. securities, by maturity (excluding matched sale-purchase transactions) Others within 1 year l Treasury bills Period Gross purchases Gross Redempsales tions 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 . 5,794 6,813 7,280 9,433 8,958 4,486 6,211 4,429 5,437 4,227 1,015 1,353 1,152 2,093 1,675 1966 . 1967 1968 1969 1970 11,121 10,190 10,304 11,002 11,074 6,241 2,281 6,046 5,645 5,214 2,176 3,738 1,477 1,848 2,160 1971 1972 1973 1974 .. 1975 8,896 8,522 15,517 11,660 1 1 , 562 3,642 6,467 4,880 5,830 5,599 1,064 2,545 3,405 4,550 6,431 1961—Jan. . . . Feb.... Mar. . . Apr.... May... June. .. July . . . Aug... . Sept. . . Oct. . . . Nov. . . Dec — 7 166 71 842 345 563 223 1,001 986 700 697 193 383 94 274 637 166 374 505 465 418 244 184 742 1962— Jan.. . . Feb.... Mar. . . Apr May... June... July . . . Aug... . Sept. . . Oct. , . . Nov..., Dec.... 486 474 380 522 691 380 471 333 702 622 459 625 1,310 1,117 558 339 615 914 755 575 124 259 262 53 1963— Jan. . . . Feb.... Mar. . . Apr May... June. , . July . . . Aug.... Sept. . . Oct. . . . Nov. . . Dec.... 271 504 359 429 677 1,262 1,054 166 608 654 977 319 603 183 201 544 281 342 586 604 345 156 295 289 67 50 10 330 104 268 173 13 173 61 156 36 i?4 185 70 311 175 ii 71 51 50 94 192 294 10 365 9 15 Gross purchases ij 1=5 years s 5-10 years Exch., Gross maturity Gross sales shifts, or purredemp- chases tions Gross Exch. or sales maturity shifts Gross purchases | Gross Exch. or Gross Gross Exch. or pur- sales ! maturity sales maturity shifts j chases \ shifts : i 3,218 600 1,474 402 1,085 54 56 3,431 5 -3,558 614 1,923 1,569 843 465 500 97 -3,769 108 60S 50 -2,932 4,372 61 660 326 543 440 340 389 -459 -499 -779 = 689 199 50 319 143 99 7,324 -7,618 -6,005 3,867 -3,483 208 663 -6,816 8,064 -3,816 =380 5,430 50 287 289 187 249 -508 -446 9,821 -3,488 -=1,845 1,036 125 1,396 450 3,886 -6,462 2,882 -140 -1,314 -3,553 1,338 789 579 797 2,863 4,672 -1,354 =2,028 =697 4,275 933 . 539 500 434 1,510 685 -2,094 895 1,675 -4,697 13 3 32 83 ""l\4\5 86 512 -947 229 31 320 52 123 40 " ' 170 "-i;i79 300 66 100 32 ""3^234 169 35 376 53 10 124 "-i',307 132 54 11 307 793 152 " " 70 234 73 130 334 39 2 15 21 61 183 91 3 42 11 14 '"s'.ois " " 40 -2,193 2,518 ;;;;;; !!? 848 7 10 -1,415 -350 95 312 298 210 118 306 146 64 108 244 22 70 ""ii j:::::: 106 10 61 130 259 25 77 48 22 13 12 4 657 -320 14 23 357 50 127 7 136 136 to 165 140 56 246 ""42 122 49 5 230 63 55 72 79 190 43 Over 10 years , i 35 1,193 "-3',i59 -376 . 311 . . . . . . 167...... 129...... 196 . . . . . . 1,070 150 250 87 205 848 -133 13 . . . . j 15 42 . . . . . . ! 12 10 9 291 i -5 . .... -14 =35 17 ;i 153 56 1 . . .. 67 ...... 93]...... -102 483 ' - ™133 =152 128 31\ 68 111 90 |1 — 75, 1 1,307 1 1 io 10 —793 81 ' i =28 14 47 25 172 48 -334 347 -=91 20 69 "15 -2,787 65 38 63 155 50 1 "°2",292 | -2,510' 164 83 . 2 3 4'i. 23 i. 5 ...... 20 i "• = 530 79) 53 -20 -79 7.1 .. . . ' =228 ' ....' -99 8;.. . . . . . . . . . . . ! 7: . 9'.. . . . . . 17 . . . . . . 10 =8 10 . = 164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 'i Annual Statistical Digest 41 10.—Continued Matched sale-purchase transactions (U.S. Govt. securities) Total outright transactions Gross purchases Gross sales Redemptions 9,105 9,829 8,789 10,454 9,888 6,057 6,721 4,533 5,437 4,227 1,310 1,353 1,152 2,093 1,690 11,595 11,343 11,480 11,709 12,362 6,241 2,281 6,046 5,645 5,214 2,176 3,738 1,477 1,848 2,160 12,515 10,142 18,121 13,537 20,892 3,642 6,467 4,880 5,830 5,599 7 284 447 1,283 814 772 771 1,247 1,147 929 1,150 254 421 187 360 1,149 395 405 505 634 788 276 194 742 510 534 1,112 542 1,136 747 1,679 868 804 878 568 451 527 646 380 333 622 702 1,200 339 914 575 322 162 271 536 666 493 800 1,421 1,216 527 711 654 1,176 319 638 183 201 558 296 342 586 604 385 156 295 289 Gross sales Gross purchases Repurchase agreements (U.S. Govt. securities) Gross purchases Gross sales Federal agency obligations Net change in U.S. Govt. securities 4,620 6,115 8,895 9,286 14,923 4,861 5,932 9,226 8,760 15,171 1,497 1,939 2,773 3,451 3,724 9,756 16,793 15,862 23,790 33,859 9,420 17,287 15,994 23,790 33,859 3,514 4,830 3,824 4,217 4,988 2,019 16,205 16,205 44,741 43,519 2,862 23,319 23,319 31,103 32,228 4,592 45,780 45,780 74,755 74,795 4,682 64,229 62,801 71,333 70,947 9,559 151,205 152,132 140,311 139,538 8,076 -312 8,610 1,984 7,434 "67 50 305 330 104 268 173 13 173 61 156 36 i74 185 70 311 175 'll 71 51 50 94 192 294 10 365 9 15 4,056 1,300 16,815 22,764 12,177 4,056 1,300 16,815 22,764 12,177 Outright Gross purchases 485 1,197 865 3,087 1,616 Sales or redemptions 370 239 322 246 Repurchase agreements, net Bankers acceptances, net Net change '<• Period Repurchase agreements Outright -5 4 17 -11 16 = 17 55 34 -57 77 1,475 1,998 2,824 3,383 3,817 1961 1962 . . 1963 1964 1965 34 4 -38 -5 6 -17 6 -6 12 -35 -89 3,555 4,805 3,680 4,223 4,982 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 101 -88 29 469 -392 22 =9 =2 511 163 181 = 145 = 36 420 -35 8,866 272 9,227 6,149 8,539 1971 1972 1973 . . 1974 1975 = 20 -842 97 21 83 107 364 165 277 103 472 947 = 321, ..Jan.— 1961 ..Feb. , . Mar. . . Apr. . . May . .June ..July . . Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. ./Dec. -355 -174 699 115 436 67 107 564 -533 375 256 439 ..Jan.— 1962 ..Feb. . . Mar. . . Apr. . . May . .June .July . . Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. . .Nov. . .Dec. = 569 279 375 211 70 774 436 -78 168 219 893 45 ..Jan.— 1963 . . Feb. . . Mar. . . Apr. . . May . . June ..July . .Aug. . .Sept. ..Oct. . .Nov. . .Dec. 161 1,246 97 285 314 130 301 404 116 429 780 358 561 1,246 97 285 313 131 67 637 105 440 780 199 -814 97 21 84 115 366 169 275 102 469 943 -329 -8 278 60 670 942 264 648 58 331 221 533 1,280 831 437 60 545 993 338 478 228 218 334 284 1,274 743 -349 -172 701 121 440 40 124 572 -533 376 252 366 -3 —2 342 1,261 808 782 353 783 1,015 253 419 1,095 959 826 505 1,245 845 449 691 897 909 243 573 1,032 921 915 -531 297 377 219 72 773 441 -77 172 195 909 -74 1C -1 -8 -2 3 1 1 3 5 6 .3 -3 £ _4 1 8 1 —2 4 15 26 -24 -1 58 =48 -10 g I -1 1C 28 J4 = 14 92 42 Annual Statistical Digest 10. Transactions of the System Open Market Account—Continued In millions of dollars Outright transactions in U.S. Govt. securities, by maturity (excluding matched sale-purchase transactions) Others within year l Treasury bills 5-10 years 1-5 years Over 10 years Period Gross purchases Gross Redempsales tions 1964—Jan, . . . Feb.... Mar. . . Apr.... May... June. . . July . . , Aug — Sept. . . Get Nov.. . Dec.... 95 989 677 538 1,259 900 1,264 145 388 1,275 1,197 706 1965 -Jan. . . . Feb. . . . Mar. . . Apr May... June. . , July . . . Aug. . . Sept. . . Oct.... Nov. . . Dec. . . . 261 388 784 198 551 466 ' " 290 26 876 115 361 284 206 652 398 1,541 770 671 652 598 1,666 615 816 1966 -Jan. . . . Feb.... Mar. . . Apr. . . . May... June. . . July... Aug. . . Sept. . . Oct Nov. . . Dec 894 1,070 873 887 1,174 1,296 572 1,095 675 986 860 736 1967- -Jan Feb.... Mar. . . Apr.. . . May. . . June. .. July... Aug. . . Sept.... Oct. . . . Nov. . . Dec. , . . 634 161 587 1,395 859 " ' 206 107 936 567 1,332 661 926 100 251 453 749 27 700 1,200 622 439 305 704 415 412 223 94 400 127 200 168 250 1968—Jan Feb.... Mar. . . Apr — May... June. . , July.. . Aug... . Sept.. . Oct Nov. . , Dee... . 588 575 467 490 862 217 217 886 384 698 1,693 409 404 140 1,028 688 S90 726 1,081 827 655 1,095 1,329 20 100 305 167 1969—Jan Feb..,. Mar,. . Apr — May... June. , . July . . . Aug.... Sept.... Oct... . Nov.... Dec. . . . 341 920 674 635 65 217 62 837 349 1,078 1,216 623 403 226 543 222 943 427 1,739 365 2,482 1,250 1,029 670 458 18 714 136 610 413 534 888 131 866 919 979 314 748 392 650 535 391 493 598 223 Exch., Gross maturity Gross sales shifts, or purredemp- chases tions Gross purchases 255 115 239 367 85 371 447 215 -3,411 is -2,164 2 ',030 5 12 464 7 111 1,752 =-15 2,521 224 in "i',937 198 98 150 297 228 171 101 201 50 HO 98 170 320 323 405 289 65 87 115 ' -28 Gross Exch. or sales maturity shifts 11 13 43 20 187 108 33 55 '"957 -28l 108 ""84 15 6,456 -2,457 'io 17 24 ^2 ',879 -1,225 = 1,227 169 50 51 58 10 54 7,658 -3,566 308 i -15 2,164 307 ' =2 ',030 'ioi =70 9 30 27 11 28 335 46 36 -l',752 574 23 45 65 185 =2,521 32 166 61 107 = 1,821 35 40 11 9 25 34 88 29 12 281 -108 76 —6 253 . 10 4 2,595 '2', 879 55 14 32 62 109 121 f,338 44 27 121 1,227 -73 45 80 50 107 ' 185 52 208 41 41 88 -8,497 -73 -308 -44 " " -96 19 20 5 839 4,636 12 2,384 -10,895 60 519 -40 ""=ii3 £50 78 4,514 J 3 ""3,638 i6rg§3 74 29 ' 15 3 1 10 33 24 '2 5 ' =55 64 8 18 50 '10 142 -308 5,586 -358 " = 138 ' 21 7 200 24 31 27 '". ""=i60 -203 24 26 28 12, .. 431 3 6,095 1 -574 148 386 . -116 8 39 33 73 407 12 10 = 144 -8,479 574 ' =694 1,177 .. . -574 . ' -957 144 '23 49 "i . -35 5,582 231 175 381 206 115 a 41 34 11 ' -102 35 -335 45 -4,778 150 180 3 8 =307 202 89 29 14 31 53 308 =6,293 358 Gross Kxch. or sales maturity shifts Gross purchases j 52 -5,582 33 78 18 3,481 Gross Exeh. or sales maturity shifts Gross purchases 7 "708 6 20 12 23 ........ .. . . . ........ 24 °io 1 =4 921 . . . . . . . . 1 i J1 3 ....,,< 4 175 -1,137 > :.:::.(1 . . . Annual Statistical Digest 43 10.—Continued Gross purchases Gross sales 95 989 699 588 1,332 937 1,264 574 620 1,347 1,197 813 670 458 18 714 136 388 865 642 466 984 755 206 758 1,692 652 1,666 816 261 198 894 1,114 960 929 1,208 1,448 653 1,095 676 986 860 771 919 979 314 748 392 650 535 391 493 598 223 634 587 1,496 975 1,146 1,681 926 251 940 700 1,386 622 161 653 517 1,200 996 768 1,894 404 1,111 800 1,216 827 1,095 341 759 385 837 1,273 1,216 470 543 223 1,868 2,545 1,250 610 413 534 888 131 866 290 26 115 284 398 770 671 598 615 206 107 567 661 100 453 27 588 490 217 217 384 409 140 890 726 655 1,329 Redemptions Gross sales Gross purchases 255 115 239 367 85 371 447 215 12 464 7 126 224 114 198 98 150 297 228 171 101 201 50 110 98 170 320 323 405 1,954 882 926 295 1,954 507 1,301 295 270 225 439 305 704 415 412 223 94 400 127 200 168 250 495 20 100 305 167 1,005 280 350 765 400 835 450 350 765 400 4,715 1,520 2,775 5,005 4,715 1,520 2,775 5,005 3,670 475 3,670 475 1,284 1,095 3,370 3,025 1,658 4,540 3,277 370 1,284 1,095 3,370 3,025 1,658 4,540 3,277 370 289 65 87 115 150 180 920 635 65 62 349 623 226 231 175 381 206 944 427 365 1,029 115 Repurchase agreements (U.S. Govt. securities) Matched sale-purchase transactions (U.S. Govt. securities) Total outright transactions 200 J48 386 295 340 170 295 340 170 Gross purchases Gross sales Net change in U.S. Govt. securities Federal agency obligations Bankers acceptances, net Outright Gross purchases Repurchase agreeSales or ments, redempnet tions Repurchase agreements Outright =934 412 662 =633 1,014 602 229 93 249 341 1,048 300 .Jan.-=1964 .Feb. .Mar. .Apr. .May . .June ..July . . Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. . .Nov. ..Dec. 22 =40 71 -38 =20 -19 -12 19 4 21 16 52 -281 122 756 124 909 386 88 = 137 732 -94 941 270 .Jan.— 1965 ..Feb. ..Mar. . .Apr. ..May . .June ..July . . Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. ..Dec. -75 12 1 30 20 58 -157 -280 -365 549 14 786 748 24 135 387 94 996 466 ..Jan.— 1966 ..Feb. ..Mar. . . Apr. ..May . . June ..July . . Aug. . . Sept. . . Oct. . . Nov. ..J3ec. -972 546 948 606 499 719 28 -263 453 370 1,570 302 ..Jan.— 1967 . . Feb. ..Mar. ..Apr. ..May . .June . .July . .Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. ..Dec. -139 = 166 830 766 75 1,683 132 599 280 11 23 -414 ..Jan.=-1968 ..Feb. . . Mar. ..Apr. . . May . . June ..July . . Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. . . Dec. -818 209 137 810 582 220 43 834 =841 1,402 1,794 -150 ..Jan.— 1969 ..Feb. ..Mar. ..Apr. . . May ..June ..July . . Aug. . .Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. ..Dec. 440 127 338 280 734 625 1,021 733 712 782 1,313 1,657 -840 416 601 -601 1,060 566 257 113 186 359 1,065 269 -2 -4 -4 -7 -7 1,753 983 482 1,831 1,207 1,894 2,734 1,552 450 352 24 1,661 2,171 1,019 434 1,717 1,233 1,895 2,549 1,955 450 352 24 1 ,372 -303 166 684 163 932 415 106 -157 725 -117 918 193 =1 -4 1 1,595 272 222 682 421 185 120 364 97 275 1,775 3,751 1,545 611 222 682 421 185 26 457 97 275 1,153 3,746 -203 -376 545 -20 766 689 212 •138 388 69 937 370 1,693 3,253 3,399 1,727 1,438 753 286 450 453 1,427 1,369 545 2,320 3,253 3,253 1,529 1,459 992 370 450 453 1,427 1,046 736 -818 507 938 552 606 652 87 -249 361 474 1,541 182 -34 16 89 1,136 968 657 1,832 2,488 1,560 1,145 2,497 440 790 980 1,369 1,031 1,205 596 1,627 2,753 1,560 908 2,734 -38 -12 57 -45 -12 -1 1,230 980 1,369 -20 -140 739 815 119 1,605 166 647 235 50 21 -414 9 -9 —4 9 -69 -20 35 ^ -30 75 -32 -43 39 -39 371 2,517 2,044 1,929 4,192 1,312 560 2,721 1,121 2,655 1,031 3,336 371 2,318 1,854 1,790 4,470 1,562 560 2,491 1,062 2,715 ! 1,260 3,336 -810 148 130 708 646 336 44 773 -777 1,381 1,803 -165 6 15 -3 -10 -6 3 2 8 25 -2 34 13 -3 -10 1 -1 23 15 3 4 -1 2 -30 -3 -1 4 3 15 4 3 -7 2 21 -13 -14 -12 1c -1 -92 21 56 47 -124 37 4 57 -98 45 -45 104 -104 j! 20 e 54 1 -80 39 -39 17 -17 -8 — At < : 4C 43 -60 -30 22 i 8 15 Period 64 -25 -39 36 -2V = 16 61 -18 =23 15 429 127 497 172 682 625 1,070 684 812 682 1,313 2,194 -7 _4 2 Net change 2 — 2" 44 Annual Statistical Digest 10. Transactions of the System Open Market Account—Continued In millions of dollars Outright transactions in U.S. Govt. securities, by maturity (excluding matched sale-purchase transactions) Treasury bills Others within 1 year * Period Gross purchases Gross Redempsales tions 1970— Jan.. . . Feb. . . . Mar. . . Apr. . , . May... June. . . July... Aug... . Sept. . . Oct.... Nov. . . Dec. . . . 40 1,061 406 892 812 1,124 747 2,017 835 1,435 598 926 44 1,127 106 569 462 245 183 1,615 291 678 75 615 100 119 1971— Jan.. . . Feb. . . . Mar. . . Apr.... May... June, . . July. . Aug.. . Sept.. . Oct., . Nov. . Dec. . . . 616 420 968 1,163 1,623 657 920 803 132 754 840 32 422 343 233 248 895 207 235 73 493 75 386 327 1972— Jan. . . . Feb.... Mar. . . Apr.... May... June, . . July... Aug. . . . Sept. . . . Oct. . . . Nov. . . Dec.... 499 248 479 1,541 1,304 298 974 198 475 291 1 ,094 335 318 851 440 918 1,069 373 535 282 393 635 941 498 1973—Jan. . , . Feb. . . . Mar, . . Apr May... June. . . July . . . Aug... . Sept.... Oct.... Nov. . . Dec.... 1,855 530 ,558 695 ,569 260 ,377 717 " ' 623 ,047 218 ,640 495 655 945 480 401 2,117 153 583 489 70 1,919 1974=-Jan. . . , Feb. . . . Mar. . . Apr May... June. . . July . . . Aug. . . . Sept. . . Oet Nov. . . Dec. . . . 1,340 335 768 391 664 566 1,237 49 737 100 614 954 211 988 1,652 850 717 565 547 1,110 1,422 273 973 426 1975—Jan.... Feb.... Mar. . . Apr. . . . May... June. . . July... Aug.... Sept. . . Oct. . . . Nov. . . Dec. . . . 341 357 760 2,119 903 421 945 460 156 318 354 161 1,505 312 282 2,118 1,263 " ' 766 652 983 1,984 244 641 308 134 1-5 years Exch., Gross maturity Gross sales shifts, or purredemp- chases tions Gross purchases Gross Exch. or sales maturity shifts "-564 154 'i? 23 17 37 5 240 50 -9,414 -21 5-10 years Gross Exch. or sales maturity shifts Gross purchases ' ' -66 i 16 . 37 11,106 -129 90 Gross Exch. or sales maturity shifts Gross purchases — 68X 1,319 -154 167 146 Over 10 years ... 4 150 . . . 61 6,362 80 365 -6,712 -3",732 174 263 119 46 38 "4,092 -2 -136 -82 '189 205 62 82 11 9 -1,692 23 . 113 16 386 16 48 -360 121 74 16 37 127 955 "2 464 -873 83 46 991 104 84 189 -444 -104 16 34 -54? 8 14 200 24 11 -3,548 130 406 21 1,478 -130 267 67 1,920 5 110 410 155 133 16 10 11 7 " Y,30i 187 73 92 255 ' 959 191 52 31 126 -2,260 6 2 432 850 150 300 200 200 51 600 163 60 456 564 38 42 25 "so 17 -2 2,626 -90 - 1,089 -38 309 -135 -1,408 -3,829 351 836 4,361 -813 1,101 10 41 75 1,515 34 1,402 410 165 407 9 204 786 1,063 107 6 "112 48 27 687 2,563 79 '"109 673 35 -360 "3", 476 61 "J27 1 66 7 -- 79 -2,068 37 ' " "20 ... . 15 ' 32 —2,220 "331 35 77 ' -922 -2,663 ""56 I 31 78 9 200 . . 1,940 35 25 38 16 36 '53 -1,623 126 92 123 1,757 -126 78 53 -465 25 20 2,437 -1,494 305 129 361 485 -21836 194 61 113 450 274 "249 26 74 212 164 148 85 * -3,13i 691 -2,144 278 48 -=265 28 488 150 562 "267 118 ' ' "6,635 -529 1,299 -278 -48 -135 -28 40 -78 100 "680 -34 93 30 " . 109 172 26 34 53 "250 °32 -4,812 -23 '125 116 150 23 8 47 23 . . . . f,057 200 '-2,867 -200 ..... 16 11 . 5,105 . ... 78 51 '19 -1,316 123 27 23 J4 65 '22 14 600 900 487 '"i',579 506 148 407 50 612 20 800 400 '"2, 002 200 400 919 43 31 200 "-2,626 69 -327 -36 180 " -3", 801 64 137 "-f,444 "'l55 78 '300 37 "l09 47 . . . . 124 " ' 244!.. !(' 71 . . . . 25 35 100 = iio 266 150 298 300 "ioo Annual Statistical Digest 45 10.—Continued Matched sale-purchase transactions (U.S. Govt. securities) Total outright transactions Gross purchases 40 406 892 1,124 2,225 1,645 926 1,127 752 245 1,771 1,209 Gross sales Redemptions 1,061 si2 747 835 598 44 106 462 183 291 75 Gross sales Gross purchases 3,093 395 1,765 2,298 4,183 6,561 5,085 4,076 1,165 3,044 2,184 3,697 2,616 5,003 4,830 2,298 4,183 5,242 6,404 4,076 1,165 3,044 1,951 3,930 2,616 5,003 3,607 2,435 "Y, 435 834 834 8,300 8,300 2,143 2,143 2,245 2,245 4,142 4,142 4,722 1,694 2,695 2,625 1,115 211 1,736 3,171 1,132 3,594 3,547 4,863 5,945 -666 1,694 -1,854 2,022 2,229 380 3,298 1,299 1,326 -251 1,736 -533 -82 2,459 1,844 -866 3,594 220 3,547 -593 4,765 405 1,205 4,521 1,941 2,101 1,105 4,630 3,405 9,632 6,981 4,735 2,089 3,435 1,205 4,521 1,941 2,101 1,105 4,630 3,405 9,632 6,981 4,735 2,089 3,435 9,719 2,774 6,024 5,664 7,379 5,621 7,651 2,234 3,309 8,220 6,637 9,523 8,928 2,116 3,034 599 5,478 1,656 5,978 1,218 8,240 -1,367 5,621 893 6,686 2,076 2,492 -1,005 2,752 72 7,859 2,325 7,525 -1,360 10,202 1,387 2,590 2,393 702 2,590 2,393 702 4,442 4,265 6,248 8,069 4,586 9,192 4,580 6,124 4,269 " 1 1 ', 287 2,096 9,782 3,551 12,516 4,618 6,404 6,990 7,962 11,470 4,500 -276 4,265 -3 5,124 1,246 524 8,498 8,648 1,388 6,667 -911 4,965 -2,381 2,096 3,028 -96 3,551 4,618 -1,684 6,121 1,647 11,895 -498 244 641 "'i;6i4 ' "i',014 700 700 308 '"i',905 "" i',905 134 " " i ', 166 " ' r, 166 2,205 2,205 962 1,164 1,291 2,640 657 1,029 1,087 132 1,508 945 327 * 240 50 1,515 4,731 2,180 1,065 1,515 4,731 2,180 1,065 992 127 270 1,410 789 1,015 640 995 1,595 270 1,410 789 1,015 640 375 2,215 915 621 1,484 1,386 475 1,294 318 556 1,107 652 393 941 248 1,541 298 198 291 335 851 918 373 282 635 498 110 410 155 135 1,855 1,754 1,569 1,584 717 1,274 1,666 1,006 1,316 2,117 1,116 2,145 530 695 260 623 218 495 945 401 153 489 70 1,519 798 854 1,409 944 790 1,113 1,652 893 547 1,765 1,254 335 391 566 49 100 954 211 850 565 1,110 273 426 1,402 410 165 407 786 1,063 238 6 4,586 4,580 2,587 9,061 9,420 12,574 6,880 8,855 746 673 3,362 3,189 953 1,217 945 460 156 318 354 161 1,505 282 600 900 1,788 506 407 450 800 2,389 200 400 919 200 9,237 7,167 15,933 12,375 2,996 12,914 : 15,532 14,234 19,931 15,886 14,442 10,559 2,574 2,940 1,263 1,693 2,281 200 96 432 888 150 351 135 200 200 51 600 163 60 807 1,400 ' "i',ioi 766 652 10 204 Gross sales 1,009 -1,444 4,599 114 1,176 -38 723 3,338 1,299 799 407 905 882 2,008 2,852 1,351 3,861 28 3,353 40 4,125 1,218 5,334 908 3,093 395 1,765 83 Gross purchases Federal agency obligations Net change in U.S. Govt. securities 1,201 4,407 1,176 3,685 953 905 2,008 3,181 3,906 3,465 3,863 5,109 615 100 119 32 422 343 233 248 895 207 235 73 493 75 386 i ,ioi Repurchase agreements (U.S. Govt. securities) 1,940 1,280 1,415 525 1,280 10,367 6,634 16,763 12,216 3,044 13,026 15,139 13,730 19,835 16,113 15,207 10,058 9,260 11,267 5,011 12,774 19,489 15,219 5,977 8,146 16,664 13,699 14,342 8,464 -359 679 1,698 -439 1,043 754 323 1,027 698 -361 613 2,401 8,748 844 10,305 -258 6,928 332 8,551 6,428 21,952 -2,224 16,810 -873 6,146 -2,866 6, SSI 663 14,857 4,451 13,838 186 17,275 -2,047 7,247 2,797 Outright Gross purchases Repurchase agreements, net Sales or redemptions 30 -30 34 -34 31 50 8 -27 -61 186 -186 69 -69 61 35 244 145 101 173 149 83 176 8 72 174 48 26 131 35 22 9 14 127 166 149 7 176 74 212 18 14 19 21 19 6 20 30 4 3 84 29 120 170 360 201 309 761 238 207 39 46 48 48 15 72 35 3 16 229 174 353 394 284 \6 -16 25 -25 74 -74 13 48 -28 61 -65 -29 106 157 -95 -20 20 -126 185 33 424 -372 -270 14 81 1 2 97 6 2 40 1 i -409 246 -347 883 -567 -255 -61 90 203 -124 -169 118 Net change 2 Period Repurchase agreements Outright -7 26 -1,395 .Jan.— 1970 _1 57 ..Fob. -26 -4 -43 ..Mar. 811 ..Apr. 6 49 702 ..May -15 -49 397 ..June -10 887 ..July 5 -4 """30 1,407 . . Aug. 3 21 101 ..Sept. 34 ..Oct. -14 i 1,204 . . Nov. 13 21 819 ..Dec. -50 2 -5 * 3 8 -1 -7 -3 6 22 -4 _12 19 4 -6 -10 4 —4 7 -6 7 11 -3 -1 7 -1 -17 -12 -7 -9 8 2 23 -42 369 142 331 360 376 210 -101 Bankers acceptances, net 4 8 16 121 59 40 -100 174 188 103 -12 24 55 -62 3 -1 14 49 -21 15 -357 673 I ,968 -707 1,099 705 316 1,148 634 -326 862 2,850 ..Jan.— 1971 ..Feb. ..Mar. ..Apr. ..May ..June ..July . . Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. ..Dec. -787 -1,789 2,408 472 1,386 -221 -570 22 30 -30 -1,009 206 -442 36 596 ..Jan.— 1972 ..Feb. . . Mar. ..Apr. . . May . . June ..July . . Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. . . Dec. 2,197 23 644 95 1,636 -66 1,106 -36 -52 -1,470 1,085 78 2,416 -915 -41 7 69 2,440 -46 -34 -1,307 -26 1,386 ..Jan.— 1973 . . Feb. ..Mar. . .Apr. ..May . .June ..July ..Aug. ..Sept. ..Oct. ..Nov. ..Dec. 85 -85 48 -48 55 -55 181 -181 61 -61 65 -65 -328 ..Jan.— 1974 72 . . Feb. 1,780 ..Mar. 223 789 . .Apr. -89 2,155 . . May 142 -70 -1,115 . .June -207 -2,011 . . J u l y 3,322 . .Aug. 322 ..Sept. 187 -185 -1,970 ..Oct. 2,739 ..Nov. 218 393 . . Dec. 201 387 ..Jan.— 1975 -136 309 ..Feb. 39 -136 ..Mar. -323 7,829 . . Apr. 496 -375 -3,207 ..May -121 -1,317 ..June -2,926 ..July 1,222 - - Aug. 156 5 , 1 5 5 ..Sept. 94 445 ..Oct. 50 -300 -Z,537 ..Nov. 3,315 ...Dee:. 385 46 Annual Statistical Digest 11. Maturity distribution of loans and securities held by Federal Reserve Banks In millions of dollars Loans End of period Total 1970— Dec Within 15 days 16 days to 90 days 91 days to 1 year Total Within 15 days 1 ji 16 days to 90 days 91 days to 1 year Over 1 year to 5 years Over 5 years to 10 years Over 10 years 2 62,142 1,995 12,676 21,667 19,089 6,046 669 1 2 2 3 2 4 1 2 1 3 2 61,783 62,441 64,345 63,721 64,764 65,518 65,841 66,868 67,566 67,205 67,817 70,218 2,415 1,831 4,434 4,308 1,944 3,268 3,062 2,542 2,575 6,218 1,811 3,917 13,685 15,410 14,414 12,579 13,760 13,298 14,173 18,904 17,517 14 , 849 15,966 15,825 19,879 15,179 14,934 16,076 18,639 18,552 18,206 15,904 17,822 16,486 16,111 16,583 19,089 23,356 23,619 23,736 23,645 23,600 23,600 23 , 240 23,325 23,325 25 , 209 25,100 6,046 5,B75 6,080 6,142 5,896 5,907 5,907 5,377 5,4tt 5,411 7,597 7,664 669 790 864 880 880 893 893 901 916 916 ,123 1,129 2 4 2 I 7 6 3 2 69,552 67,698 69,928 70,307 71,607 71,356 70,822 70,740 69,874 70,094 69,501 69,906 3,103 2,320 3,296 3,471 5,059 2,734 4,209 3,212 3,705 2,919 2,332 3,838 16,049 17,134 18,119 18,362 15,894 17,292 15,726 14,497 15,805 16,094 17,477 17,833 16,107 15,119 15,218 14,775 19,581 20,060 19,617 20,556 17,889 18,532 17,554 16,097 25,286 26,318 26,410 26,665 24,039 24,108 24,108 24,859 24,859 24,895 24,484 24,484 7,855 5,647 5,678 5,804 5,804 5,913 5,913 6,102 6,102 6,108 6,108 6,108 1,152 ,160 ,207 ,230 ,230 ,249 ,249 ,514 ,514 ,546 ,546 ,546 1,307 1,559 2,018 1,688 1,182 1,689 2,160 2,749 1,478 2,147 1,849 1,250 3 6 31 21 43 82 64 98 81 51 65 7 72,022 72,620 74,276 75,495 74,128 75,022 77,098 76,093 76,165 78,491 77,129 78,516 7,277 4,609 5,013 9,186 2,885 3,832 4,874 3,982 4,524 7,389 4,018 4,495 15,674 20,753 22,524 18,170 17,998 19,662 19,291 19,995 19,845 18,588 20,689 ,20,352 16,933 1 3 , 540 13,021 14,264 15,541 13,612 14,991 18,886 18,565 19,306 20,238 21,369 24,484 28,021 28,021 28,148 26,832 26,956 26,982 22,170 22,171 22,148 22,953 23,035 6,108 4,119 4,119 4,138 9 , 243 9,358 9,358 9,358 9,358 9,358 7,469 7,503 ,546 ,578 ,578 , 589 ,629 ,602 ,602 ,702 ,702 ,702 ,762 ,762 959 721 1,821 1,747 3 , 298 3 , 209 3,588 4,321 2,920 1,120 1,227 301 940 712 1 ,799 1,709 3,210 3,157 3,476 4,226 2,814 1,059 1,202 275 19 9 22 38 88 52 112 95 106 61 25 26 78,240 78,237 79,483 80,007 81,395 80,484 78,103 81,131 81,035 79,351 80,998 80,501 4,869 4,166 5,298 5,327 5,397 4,802 9,127 3,058 3,340 5,408 3,264 4,464 18,668 18,958 18,951 19,917 25,065 25,150 17,770 20,926 21,747 18,255 23,045 20,740 22,233 23,301 23,232 22,589 21,227 20,697 21,273 24,348 22,794 22,534 19,848 20,401 23,128 22,235 22,344 22,516 19,879 19,914 19,967 21,024 21,289 21,289 23,138 23,120 7,580 7,780 7,836 7 , 836 7,867 7,945 7,954 9,893 9,946 9,946 9 , 559 9,612 ,762 ,797 1 , 822 1,822 1,960 1,976 2,012 1,882 1,919 1,919 2,144 2,164 101 77 59 1,538 23 560 178 231 283 73 46 229 91 74 58 1,536 20 552 162 196 251 46 43 228 10 3 1 2 3 8 16 35 32 27 3 1 81,344 81,086 81,418 87,846 85,622 84,749 81.883 82,546 86,998 87,184 85,137 87,934 6,324 4,649 3,771 13,679 5,087 3,891 5,294 3,826 5,608 6,148 2,430 6,205 18,535 22,196 22,146 17,837 21,911 21,187 15,760 16,758 19,533 18,235 21,460 19,245 21,182 21,059 21,102 21,009 20,117 20,972 22,130 22,805 22,198 23,190 20,596 21,703 23,440 20,733 25,288 21,772 28,463 28,366 28,366 29,858 30,099 30,051 30,292 30,273 9 , 673 10,035 10,485 10,759 6,957 7,137 7,137 5 , 756 5 , 893 5 , 893 6,348 6,426 2,190 2,414 2,626 2,790 3,087 3,196 3,196 3,543 3,667 3,667 4,011 4,082 334 332 1971— Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct. . . . Nov Dec. 308 264 391 8V 1,051 446 778 858 198 211 146 39 308 263 389 79 1,048 444 774 857 196 210 143 37 1972™Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec. 15 6 255 58 1,592 131 83 1,091 239 481 501 ! ,982 14 5 254 58 1,590 127 81 1,090 232 475 498 1,980 1973— Jan Feb. . MaiApr. May . . . . . June July Auu. Sept Oct. Nov Dee 1,310 1,565 2,049 1,709 1,225 1,771 2,224 2,847 1 , 559 2,198 1,914 1,257 1974 -Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May . . June. . July Aug... Sept. . . . Get. . . . Nov.... Dec 1975 -Jan... . Feb. . . Mar.... Apr. . . May . . June. . July Aug. . . Sept Oct. Nov.... Dee. . . U.S. Government securities 1 1 1 Annual Statistical Digest 47 11.—Continued Acceptances Federal agency obligations Total 69 61 96 340 586 650 727 826 979 ,004 ,106 ,079 ,150 ,041 ,020 ,177 ,324 Within 15 days 1 16 days to 90 days 7 16 60 20 38 109 20 9 14 13 Over I year to 5 years Over 5 years to 10 years Over 10 years Total Within 15 days 16 days to 90 days 91 days to 1 year End of period 57 11 46 Dec.— 1970 18 22 98 12 62 15 18 67 11 12 11 196 41 32 40 44 49 47 37 40 40 40 47 65 Jan.— 1971 Feb. . . . . Mar. Apr. . . . . May June . . . July Aug. . . . Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 24 20 40 51 121 182 2l' 20 126 181 46 61 is' 7' 23 33 59 54 138 56 111 62 55 107 51 52 58 261 25 6 55 74 78 123 99 30 24 14 17 32 181 186 158 217 221 162 146 117 127 128 124 207 288 366 397 450 409 480 475 519 525 540 622 612 91 99 116 134 132 197 197 227 197 181 238 269 58 70 84 104 104 J24 124 148 148 148 162 191 75 63 143 83 143 73 63 96 62 70 63 106 19 20 70 23 90 16 17 48 17 23 15 53 56 43 73 60 53 57 46 48 45 47 48 53 . . . . Jan.— 1972 Feb. Mar, Apr. May June July Aug. ' Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 199 191 214 231 219 332 373 379 302 290 280 282 597 611 568 545 537 561 630 622 615 671 665 787 269 247 247 247 247 284 308 307 347 425 469 497 191 191 191 191 191 216 252 252 211 227 227 239 141 233 165 136 83 66 132 84 145 107 71 68 80 175 102 65 33 18 94 47 9 71 31 19 61 58 63 71 50 48 38 37 136 36 40 49 Jan.— 1973 Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. "69 109 91 days to 1 year ,372 ,327 ,374 ,290 ,240 ,449 ,723 ,860 ,735 ,887 ,978 ,980 293 168 148 252 60 ids' 55 40 52 42 26 56 52 7 92 126 85 115 1,927 2,001 2,308 2,654 3,263 3,128 3,585 3,820 4,011 4,011 4,711 5,213 39 48 185 218 714 275 3 31 25 8 450 535 104 63 135 119 46 57 85 99 155 144 98 266 234 248 275 260 312 397 449 513 577 598 640 580 819 846 821 978 1,074 1,274 1,719 1,848 1,894 1,937 2,133 2,340 492 557 608 723 746 754 865 865 872 836 891 991 239 239 284 356 371 371 464 464 488 488 499 501 68 69 296 216 373 304 218 277 504 218 611 999 28 29 253 150 295 225 31 20 202 57 262 489 40 40 43 63 78 79 187 184 253 141 291 436 73 49 20 58 74 Jan.— 1974 Feb. . . . . Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. . Nov. Dec, 4,790 5,330 5,190 6,071 5,407 5,146 5,083 5,486 6,082 6,242 6,072 6,190 153 514 6 926 390 109 27 230 363 207 107 134 260 122 189 192 189 282 276 113 201 216 108 184 573 608 643 616 529 495 531 579 613 657 745 873 2,313 2,541 2,580 2,567 2,529 2,552 2,544 2,700 3,073 3,282 3,222 3,149 990 ,025 ,211 ,209 ,209 ,147 ,187 ,311 ,310 ,284 ,294 ,254 501 520 561 561 561 561 518 553 582 596 596 596 966 993 665 1,185 865 682 685 840 948 1,047 727 1,126 457 470 111 594 229 93 99 268 353 421 70 470 397 425 139 366 394 383 403 381 288 294 334 409 112 98 415 225 242 206 183 191 307 332 323 247 Jan.— 1975 Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 61 47 102 34 20 3' Annual Statistical Digest 12, Consolidated statement of condition of all Federal Reserve Banks In millions of dollars End o f year =™. _ ,_=,-- Item 1971 1970 1972 1973 1974 1975 10,303 400 11,460 400 11,652 400 1 1 , 599 500 Assets Gold certificate account Special Drawing Rights certificate account .... Cash. Loans: Member bank borrowings. . Other Acceptances: Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements Federal agency obligations: Bought outright Held under repurchase agreements U.S. Govt. securities: Bought outright: Bills Certificates—Special . . Other Notes .. . Bonds . ... 3 . . Total loans and securities Cash items in process of collection, Bank premises Operating equipment. ... Other assets: Denominated in foreign currencies IMF gold deposited 4 AH other . , Total assets 10,457 400 9,875 400 221 261 313 271 240 347 335 39 1,981 1,258 299 229 57 80 181 70 36 68 579 420 741 385 485 101 1,311 13 1 ,937 42 4,702 511 6,072 118 29,664 36,897 36,765 37,207 : . : 36,681 : ; : ; ; ' ; ;. ; 38,412 40,009 3,284 43,989 5,521 86,717 1,217 25,965 . . . Total bought outright l Held under repurchase agreements 2 Total U S Govt securities . . . . . 30,156 33,236 2,941 35,554 3,286 62,142 68,996 1,222 62,142 62,534 11,178 128 . 3,463 3,149 69,808 98 7B,458 58 80, OSS 443 j 70,218 69,906 78,516 80,501 87,934 71,104 11,887 150 73,317 9,172 194 81,821 8,168 223 87,012 8,329 263 95,479 9,210 319 13 257 166 572 17 144 757 192 85,913 94,595 94,765 874 ] 2 80 925 4 ; 2,930 2,900 103,272 110,828 120,447 Liabilities F R notes Deposits: Member bank reserves U.S. Treasury— General account Foreign . . . Other: IMF goldG deposited All other . Total deposits .. .... Deferred availability casli items. . . . Other liabilities and accrued dividends .. . Total Liabilities 50,323 53,819 58,757 64,262 70,916 77,159 24,150 1,156 148 27,788 2,020 294 25 , 647 1,855 325 27,060 2,542 251 25 , 843 3,113 418 26,097 7,285 353 166 1,067 144 855 840 1,633 < 1,275 1,090 26,687 31,101 28,667 31,486 30,649 34,825 6,917 582 7,544 647 5,198 557 4,855 981 6,328 1,141 5,495 1,110 84,509 93,111 93,179 101,584 109,034 118,589 702 702 742 742 793 793 844 844 897 897 929 929 94,765 103,272 110,828 120,447 Capital accounts Capital paid i n Surplus Other capital accounts . . . . . . Total liabilities and capital accounts . . . . . . Contingent liability on acceptances purchased for foreign correspondents Marketable U.S. Govt. securities held in custody for foreign and international accounts .j 85,913 250 ~ 11,197 94,595 "~ ^"254^ ~ ~ 179 581 981 30,858 26,365 32,836 41,871 75,116 81,877 11,596 302 71,510 83,408 27,227 Federal Reserve Notes— Federal Reserve Agents 1 Accounts F,R. notes outstanding (issued to Bank) Collateral held against notes outstanding: Gold certificate account Special Drawing Rights certificate account Acceptances U.S. Govt. securities. Total collateral 53,745 54,954 62,492 68,161 3,330 2,670 2,561 2,555 51,415 [ 55,875 6i,6is 66,335 3,055 93 I S50 72,555 ; 54,745 58,545 63,576 68,890 76,253 Annual Statistical Digest 49 13. Measures of the money stock A. Seasonally adjusted In billions of dollars Over-all measures Year and month Related data Deposits at commercial banks Mi Mi M3 M4 M& Currency Nonbank thrift institutions 2 Time and savings Demand CD's^ Other Total 1970— Dec. 219.6 423.5 656.2 448.8 681.5 49.1 170.5 25.3 204.0 229.2 232.7 1971— Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July . . Aug Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. . 220.6 222.5 224.1 225.9 228.3 229.8 230.9 231.9 232.5 232.7 233.3 233.8 428.2 434.7 441.0 445.7 450.7 454.8 457.1 459,2 461.6 464.3 468.1 471.7 663.7 673.2 683.1 691.7 700.4 707.8 713.6 719.2 725.0 731.2 738.2 745.1 454,8 462.4 469.2 473.6 479.0 483.8 487.1 489.7 492.5 496.7 500.8 505.0 690.3 700.9 711.3 719.6 728.7 736.9 743.6 749.7 755.9 763.6 771.0 778.4 49.4 49.8 50.0 50.4 50.7 51.0 51.5 51.7 51.9 52.2 52.3 52.6 171.2 172.7 174.1 175.4 177.6 178.8 179.4 180.2 180.5 180.5 180.9 181.3 26.6 27.7 28.2 27.9 28.3 29.1 30.0 30.4 30.9 32.4 32,8 33.3 207.6 212.3 216.9 219.8 222.4 225.0 226.2 227.4 229.1 231.6 234.8 237.8 234.2 239.9 245.1 247.7 250.7 254.0 256.2 257.8 260.0 264.0 267.6 271.2 235.5 238.4 242.1 246.0 249.7 253.0 256.5 260.0 263.5 266.9 270.1 273.4 1972— Jan. . . Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 235.4 237.3 239.7 241.4 242.2 243.3 245.4 247.4 249.4 251.0 252.5 255.3 477.0 481.9 486.8 490.4 493.8 498.0 502.6 507.5 512.1 516.2 520.0 525.3 753.6 762.0 770.6 • 777.7 784.3 792.1 801.0 810.6 819.8 828.2 836.1 844.9 510.7 516.3 520.6 525.1 529.6 534.6 540.0 546.1 551.5 556.5 562.3 568.9 787.3 796.4 804.5 812.4 820.1 828.8 838.4 849.2 859.1 868.6 878.4 888.5 52.9 53.3 53.6 53.8 54.1 54,3 54.7 54.9 55.4 55.8 56.3 56.9 182.5 184.1 186.2 187.6 188.2 188.9 190.7 192.5 194.0 195.2 196.1 198.4 33.7 34.4 33.9 34.7 35.8 36.7 37.4 38.6 39.4 40.4 42.4 43.6 241.5 244.5 247.0 249.0 251.6 254.7 257.2 260.1 262.7 265.2 267.5 270.0 275.2 278.9 280.9 283.7 287.4 291.3 294.6 298.7 302.1 305.6 309.8 313.6 276.6 280.1 283.8 287.3 290.6 294.2 298.4 303.1 307.7 312.1 316.1 319.6 1973— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 257.3 257.8 257.6 259.0 261.9 264.1 265.0 265.6 265.3 266.6 268.9 270.5 529.9 532.6 534.9 538.4 543.7 548.2 550.9 554.7 556.8 561.4 566.6 571.4 852.8 858.2 862.7 868.4 876.4 883.8 888.6 893.6 897.3 904.2 912.1 919.5 575.1 582.1 589.3 596.1 603.0 608.8 613.4 620.0 622.8 625.8 630.1 634.9 898.0 907.6 917.1 926.2 935:7 944.4 951.1 958.9 963.3 968.6 975.5 982.9 57.2 57.5 57.9 58. 6 58.8 59.3 59.5 59.8 60.2 60.5 61.0 61.5 200.2 200.2 199.7 200.5 203.0 204.8 205.5 205.8 205.0 206.0 207.9 209.0 45.2 49.4 54.4 57.7 59.3 60.6 62.5 65.3 66.1 64.4 63.5 63.5 272.6 274.9 277.2 279.4 281.9 284.1 285.9 289.0 291.5 294.8 297.7 300.9 317.8 324.3 331.6 337.1 341.1 344.7 348.4 354.4 357.6 359.2 361.2 364.4 322.9 325.6 327.8 330 . 0 332,6 335.6 337.7 338.9 340.5 342.8 345.4 348.0 1974— Jan. Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. . Nov. . . . Dec 271.3 272.6 274.1 275.5 276.2 277.7 278.9 279.5 279.8 281.1 282.5 283.1 575.5 580.5 584.3 588.2 590.2 594.4 597.9 600.7 602.5 607.2 610.5 612.4 925.6 932.5 938.7 944.0 946.6 952.0 957.0 961.0 964.3 971.1 976.9 981.6 641.9 648.7 652.3 662.2 668.3 675.7 681.6 685.3 687.3 692.9 696.4 702.2 992.0 ,000.7 ,006.6 ,018.0 ,024.7 ,033.3 ,040.6 ,045.6 , 049 . 2 ,056.8 ,062.8 ,071.4 62.0 62.7 63.2 63.9 64.3 64.6 64.8 65.5 65.9 66.6 67.4 67.8 209.3 210.0 210.9 211.6 211.9 213.1 214.1 214.0 213.9 214.6 215.1 215.3 66.4 68.2 68.0 73.9 78.1 81.3 83.6 84.6 84.8 85.8 86.0 89.8 304.3 307.9 310.2 312.7 314.0 316.7 319.1 321.2 322.7 326.0 328.0 329.3 370.7 376.1 378.2 386.7 392.1 398.0 402.7 405.8 407.5 411.8 414.0 419.1 350.1 352.0 354.3 355.8 356.4 357.6 359.1 360.3 361.9 363.9 366.4 369.2 1975^ Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July..'.... Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 281.9 281.9 284.1 284.9 287.6 291.0 291.9 293.2 293.6 293.4 295.6 294.8 614.5 618.2 623.0 626.7 633.7 642.4 647.5 650.6 652.9 655.8 662.1 664.3 986.7 994.0 1 , 003 . 7 1,012.7 ,025.3 ,040.2 ,051.6 ,060.6 , 068 . 1 ,075.8 1,086.5 1,092.9 707.3 710.2 712.8 715.1 718.8 726.5 729.6 729.3 731.9 736.7 743.9 747.2 ,079.5 ,086.1 ,093.5 ,101.1 ,110.4 ,124.3 ,133.7 , 1 39 . 3 ,147.1 ,156.6 , 1 68 . 3 ,175.8 68.2 68.7 69.4 69 . 5 70.2 71.0 71.3 71.9 72.0 72.6 73.4 73.7 213.7 213.2 214.7 215.4 217.4 220.0 220.6 221.3 221.6 220.8 222.1 221 .0 92.7 92.1 89.8 88.4 85.1 84.1 82.1 78.8 79.1 80.9 81.8 82.9 332.6 336.2 339.0 341.8 346.1 351.4 355.5 357.4 359.2 362.4 366.5 369.6 425.4 428.3 428.7 430.1 431.2 435.5 437.6 436.2 438.3 443 . 3 448.3 452.4 372.2 375.9 380.7 386.0 391.6 397.8 404. 1 410.0 415.2 420.0 424.4 428.6 50 Annual Statistical Digest 13. Measures of the money stock—Continued B. Not seasonally adjusted In billions of dollars Over-all measures Related data Deposits at commercial banks Year and month Mi Mz Ms M4 Ms Currency Total Member 1970— Dec.. 225.8 428.1 659.1 453.8 684.7 50.0 175.8 135.0 1971— Jan. . Feb.. Mar. . Apr. . May. June. July. . Aug. . Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 226.2 220.0 221.9 227.1 224.4 228.4 230.6 229.2 231.0 232.4 234,6 240.4 433.2 432.3 440.1 448.5 448.4 454.1 456,9 456.5 459.7 463.5 467,1 476,4 668.0 670.7 683.3 696.3 699.4 709.0 715.0 716.3 722.1 728.9 734.8 747,7 460.0 459.6 468,1 475.6 475.8 482.4 486.2 487.5 491.6 497.0 500.7 510.2 694.8 698.0 711.3 723.4 726.8 737.2 744.3 747.3 754.0 762.4 768.4 781.5 49.1 49.1 49.5 50.1 50.5 51.0 51.9 51.9 51.9 52.2 52.7 53.5 177.0 170.9 172.4 177.0 173.9 177.4 178.7 177.3 179.1 180.2 181.8 186.9 135.7 131.1 132.4 135.8 133.2 135.8 136.4 135.0 136.0 136.4 137.3 141.1 1972— Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June . July. . Aug. , Sept. . Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 240.9 234.6 237.4 242.8 238.1 241.9 245.3 244.5 247,8 250.5 253.9 262.7 481.8 479.4 486.1 493.6 491.8 497.7 502.6 504.5 509.5 514.7 518.6 530.3 757.6 759.4 771.2 783.0 784.0 794.1 803.1 807.5 816.1 825.0 831.7 847.4 515.5 513.1 519.4 527.3 526.7 533.5 539.4 544.0 550.5 556.5 561.7 574.5 791.3 793.0 804.5 816.7 818.9 829.8 839.8 847.1 857.0 866.8 874.7 891.6 52.5 52.6 53.1 53.5 53.9 54.4 55.1 55.1 55.3 55.7 56.7 57.9 188.4 182.1 184.3 189.3 184.2 187.5 190.3 189.5 192.5 194.8 197.1 204.8 1973— J a n . . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July.. Aug. . Sept.. Get. . Nov.. Dec.. 263.2 254.8 255.2 260.5 257.5 263,1 265.2 262.6 263.5 265.6 270.4 278.3 535.2 530.0 534.3 542.2 541.7 548.5 551.2 551.5 553.8 559.4 565.0 576.5 856.9 855.3 863.6 874.7 876.2 886.7 891.3 890.3 893.0 900. 1 907.2 921.8 580.1 578.1 587.8 598.2 600.1 607.8 612.9 619.3 622.8 626.0 629.3 640.5 901.8 903.3 917,0 930.7 934.6 946.0 953.1 958.2 962.0 966.8 971.5 985.8 56.8 56.8 57.4 58. 3 58.7 59.4 60.0 60.0 60.1 60.4 61.5 62.7 1974— Jan. . Feb.. Mar. . Apr. . May . June. July. . Aug. . Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dee.. 276.9 269.3 271.5 277.0 271.6 277.0 279.0 276.4 278.0 280.1 284.2 291.3 580.5 577.6 583.9 592.3 588.3 595.3 598.2 597.5 599.3 604.7 608.8 617.5 929.3 929.0 939.7 950.8 946.6 955.8 960.1 957.8 959.7 966.3 971.7 983.8 646.3 643.6 650.6 664.1 665.5 674.9 681.0 684.6 688.1 693.5 695.9 708.0 995.1 995.1 ,006.3 ,022.6 ,023.8 ,035.4 ,042.9 ,044.9 ,048.5 ,055.1 ,058.8 ,074.3 1975— Jan. . Feb. . Mar.. Apr, . May . June. July. . Aug. . Sept. . Oct.. Nov.. Dec. . 287.7 278.5 281.4 286. 5 282.9 290.3 292.1 290.0 291.7 292.3 297.4 303.2 619.5 615.2 622.7 631.1 631.9 643.5 647.8 647.2 649.5 653.2 660.2 669.3 990.3 990.3 ,005.0 ,020.0 ,025.7 ,044.5 ,055.0 ,057.1 ,062.8 ,070.4 ,080.6 ,094.6 711.4 704.4 710.8 716.9 716.0 725.8 729.1 728.4 732.2 736.9 743.0 752.8 ,082.2 ,079.6 ,093.1 ,105.8 ,109.8 ,126.8 ,136.3 ,138.3 ,145.5 ,154.1 ,163.5 ,178.1 : Demand Domestic nonmember Time and savings CD's* Other Nonbank thrift institutions a U.S. Govt. deposits ° Total 25.7 202.4 228.1 230.9 7.3 39.8 38.3 38.4 39.7 39.1 40.0 40.7 40.7 41.4 42.1 43.0 44.1 26.8 27.3 28.0 27.1 27.4 28.3 29.3 31.0 31.9 33.5 33.6| 33.8 207.0 212.3 218.2 221.4 224.0 225.7 226.4 227.3 228.7 23 L t 232.6 236,0 233.8 239.6 246.2 248.51 251.4 254.0 255.6 258.3 260,6 264.6 266.1 269.8! 234. B 238.4 243. 2' 247. 8j 251.0 254.8,1 258. 1 259.8, 262.41 265.4 267.7 271.3 6.8 8.5 5.5 5.6 8.0 5.5 7.0 7.0 7.7 5.4 4.0 6.9 142.3 137.5 139.4 143.0 138.8 141.0 142.7 141.7 143.6 145.0 146.4 152.1 44.6 43.2 43.7 45.1 44.3 45.4 46.4 46.8 47.948.8 49.7 51.4 33.7 33.6 33.4 33.7 34.9 35.8 36.8 39.5 41.0 41.8 43.1 44.2 240.9 244.8 248.7 250.9 253.7 255. S 257.3 260.0 261.8 264.2 264.7 267.6 274.6 278.4] 282.0 284.5 288.6 291.5 294.0 299.5 302.7 306.0 307.8 311.8 275. 8 280.0 285.1 289. 4 292.2 296^4 300.4 303.0 306.5 310.3 313.1 317.0 7.4 7.4 7.9 7.7 10,5 6.9 7.3 5.3 6.0 6.7 6.3 7.4 206.4 198.0 197.7 202.3 198.8 203.7 205.2 202.5 203.4 205.2 208.9 215.7 152.4 145.8 145.3 148.5 145.3 148.7 149.2 147.4 147.8 149.2 151.2 156.5 51.6 49.8 50.1 51.6 51.1 52.4 53.2 52.7 53.3 53.8 55.1 56.3 44.9 48.1 53.5 56.0 58.4 59.3 61.8 67.8 69.0 66.6 64.3 64.0 272.0 275.2 279.1 281.6 284.3 285.3 286.0 288.9 290.3 293.7 294.7 298.2 316.9 323.3; 332.6 337.6 342.7 344.7' 347.8 356.7 359.3 360.3! 359.0 362.2 321.7 325.2 329.3 332.5 334.5 33S.2 340.2 338.9 339.2 340.8 342.2 345.3 8.1 9.9 10.4 8.3 8.7 7.1 6.5 4.1 5.3 6.0 4.3 6.3 61.6 61.9 62.7 63.5 64.1 64.8 65.3 65.7 ! 65.8! 66.4 67.9 69.0 215.3 207.4 208.8 213.5 207.4 212.2 213.7 210.7 212.2 213.7 216.4 222.2 155.8 150.4 151.6 154.8 150.2 152.7 153.8 151.7 152.7 153.7, 155.41 159.7 56.6 54.4 54.4 56.0 54.6 55.9 56.2 55.8 56.3 56.8 57.3 58.5 65.8 66.1 66.7 71.8 77.2 79.6 82.8 87.1 88.7 88.8 87.1 90.5 303 . 6 308.3 312.4 315.3 316.7 318.3 319.2 321.1 321.3 324.6 324.6 326.3 369.4 374.3 379.1 387.11 393.9 397.9) 402.0 408.2 410.1 413.3 411.7 416. 7 ; 348.8 351.4 355.8, 358.5! 358.3 360.5 361.8 360.3 360.4 361.6 362.9 366.3 8.1 6.6 6.4 6.0 7.6 6.1 5.4 4.0 5.5 3.7 3.4 4.9 67.8 67.8 68.8 69.1 70.0 71.2 71.9 72. 71.9 72.5 73.9 75.1 219.9 210.6 212.6 217.4 212.9 219.1 220.3 217.8 219.9 219.9 223.5 228.1 158.2 151.8 153.4 156.9 153.4 157.21 157.9 155. S 157.0 156.6 159.0 162.1 58.2 55.7 56.0 57.4 56.6 58.9 59.4 59.0 59,7 60.3 61.4 62.6 91.91 89.2 88.1 85.8 84.1 82.3 81.31 81.1; 82.7 83.7 82.9 83.5 331.9 336.7 341.4 344.6 349.1 353.2 355.7 357.3 357.7 360.8 362.8 366.2 423.8 425.9 429.4 430.4 433.2 435.5 436.9 438.4; 440.4 444.5 445.6 449.6 370.8 375.2 382.3 388.9 383.8 401.0 407.2 409.9 413.3 417.2 420.4 425.3 4.0 3.3 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.2 3.4 2.7 3.9 3.4 3.5 4.1 39.2 Annual Statistical Digest 51 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposits A. Reserves Seasonally adjusted Period Total reserves Nonborrowed Not seasonally adjusted Required Total reserves Nonborrowed Required In billions of dollars 1959_jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sent Oct. Nov Dec. 1960—Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May. June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov. Dec 1961— Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec. 1962— Jan. Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept. . . . Oct Nov Dec 1963 — jan> Feb. Mar.- ^ Apr May June July Aug Sent Oct Nov. . .. Dec 1964 — Jan. Feb, Mar Apr. . May June July All 2. Sept Oct. . . . Nov. Dec 18.55 18.65 18.61 18.73 18.67 18.50 18.71 18.72 18.71 18.59 18.57 18.63 18.51 18.30 18.21 18.20 18.32 18.35 18.54 18.62 18.64 18.74 18.93 18.92 19.00 19.06 18.99 19.00 18.98 19.07 19.12 19.31 19.43 19.64 19.73 19.75 19.75 19.70 19.73 19.85 19.98 19.97 20.05 20.05 20.13 20.15 19.48 19.66 19.66 19.68 19.68 19.75 19.77 19.82 19.96 19.97 20,02 19.96 20.07 20.31 20.26 20.28 20.38 20.37 20.37 20.57 20.59 20.87 20.97 21.00 21.18 21.19 18.00 18.15 18.01 18.04 17.93 17.57 17,75 17.73 17.78 17.68 17.71 17.68 17.63 17.49 17.57 17.60 17.83 17.92 18.16 18.33 18.43 18.57 18.79 18,84 18.93 18.93 18.92 18.94 18.88 19.01 19.07 19.24 19.39 19.57 19.63 19.61 19.66 19.63 19.64 19.77 19.92 19.87 19.96 19.92 20.04 20.09 19.36 19.40 19.51 19.52 19.53 19.62 19.56 19.56 19.66 19.64 19.70 19.64 19.72 19.98 19.99 19.99 20.10 20.16 20.11 20.31 20.33 20.55 20.63 20.68 20.78 20.92 18.06 18.20 18.15 18.30 18.25 18.10 18,29 18.27 18.27 18.15 18.12 18.12 18.00 17.85 17.79 17.78 17.88 17.87 18.04 18.08 18.02 18.08 18.18 18.17 18.23 18.41 18.44 18.38 18.42 18.48 18.51 18.73 18.85 19.11 19.14 19.16 19.12 19.20 19.26 19.35 19.46 19.50 19.52 19.52 19.64 19.67 18.93 19.08 19,15 19.22 19.25 19.30 19.34 19.40 19,50 19.52 19.60 19.57 19.63 19.82 19.82 19.88 19.99 20.02 20.01 20.20 20.22 20.44 20.54 20.60 20.77 20.78 Excess Borrowings In millions of dollars 18.89 18.57 18.43 18.68 18.55 18.45 18.68 18.59 18.62 18.61 18.62 18.96 18.85 18.21 18.03 18.12 18.21 18.31 18.51 18.50 18.56 18.76 18.98 18.34 18.07 17.83 17.99 17,81 17.52 17.72 17.60 17.70 17.70 17.76 18.01 18.39 18.12 17.97 18.25 18.13 18.05 18.27 18.14 18.18 18.17 18.18 18.45 498 454 460 431 421 407 416 448 443 441 444 506 552 505 599 692 741 930 961 990 927 907 859 941 19:26 17.96 17.40 17.39 17.52 17.72 17.87 18.13 18,20 18,35 18.59 18.85 19,19 18.33 17.76 17.61 17.70 17.77 17.83 18.01 17.96 17.93 18.10 18.24 18.52 514 454 423 426 445 480 501 542 627 662 743 743 887 810 641 606 496 434 379 296 215 167 133 74 19.34 18.96 18.81 18.88 18.86 19,02 19.10 19.20 19.36 19.69 19.81 20.13 19.27 18.83 18.74 18.83 18.76 18.96 19.05 19,13 19.32 19.62 19.71 20.00 18.57 18.31 18.27 18.27 18.30 18.43 18.49 18.62 18.78 19.16 19.22 19.55 772 649 546 616 556 590 616 579 580 532 591 584 66 133 70 57 95 63 54 65 38 71 98 133 20.10 19,57 19.55 19.72 19.83 19.92 20.05 19.88 20.07 20.20 19.57 20.05 20,01 19.50 19.46 19.64 19.77 19.82 19.96 19.76 19.99 20.14 19.45 19.79 19.47 19.07 19.08 19.22 19.31 19.45 19.52 19.35 19.58 19.72 19.01 19.48 623 502 472 492 517 473 534 530 490 477 557 572 87 68 89 72 61 102 92 125 81 63 120 260 20.04 19.57 19.52 19.61 19.65 19.77 19.99 19.71 19.97 19.99 20.15 20.70 19.90 19.40 19.37 19.48 19.44 19.51 19.69 19.38 19.65 19.67 19.80 20.37 19.54 19.11 19.09 19.15 19.22 19.35 19.53 19.26 19.54 19.59 19.71 20.21 505 461 434 457 430 417 454 445 428 397 441 490 146 166 148 130 210 259 298 329 319 320 349 332 20.68 20.15 20.24 20.25 20.24 20.55 20.64 20.58 20.93 21.02 21.18 21.60 20.40 19.86 19.96 20.04 19.98 20.28 20.38 20.26 20.58 20.70 20.78 21.33 20.24 19.75 19.86 19.90 19.89 20.17 20.26 20.16 20.49 20.63 20.77 21.19 440 397 386 352 354 375 376 421 431 398 408 406 274 286 278 211 260 268 263 315 345 321 400 264 52 Annual Statistical Digest 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposits—Continued A. Reserves—Continued Seasonally adjusted Period Total reserves Nonborrowed Not seasonally adjusted Required Total reserves Nonborrowed Required Excess Borrowings In millions of dollars In billions of dollars 1965— Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov. Dee 21.09 21.22 21.31 21.56 21.54 21.71 21.75 21,88 21.86 21.93 21.94 22.18 20.79 20.82 20.90 21.09 21.05 21.17 21.22 21.33 21.30 21.44 21.51 21.74 20.68 20.81 20.94 21.22 21.21 21.35 21.39 21.48 21.45 21.57 21.59 21.76 21.63 21.20 21.26 21.50 21.48 21.72 21.87 21.58 21.76 21.98 21.94 22.69 21.33 20.80 20.85 21.02 20.98 21.18 21.34 21.03 21.21 21.50 21.51 22.25 21.22 20.79 20.90 21.15 21.14 21.36 21.52 21.19 21.35 21.63 21.59 22.27 415 412 366 341 334 362 353 396 410 358 352 423 300 405 411 471 495 537 528 547 554 488 432 444 1 966—Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct. . Nov Dee.. 22.17 22.24 22,25 22,39 22.60 22.57 23.00 23.02 23.41 23.37 23.29 23.28 21.75 21.75 21.69 21.75 21.91 21.86 22.25 22.29 22.64 22,64 22.69 22.75 21.79 21.89 21.90 22.03 22,26 22.21 22.62 22.66 23.04 23.04 22.91 22,94 22.78 22.20 22.19 22.53 22.46 22.56 23.06 22.68 23.22 23.37 23.23 23.78 22.36 21.72 21.63 21.89 21.77 21.85 22.32 21.94 22.45 22.64 22.62 23.25 22.40 21.86 21.84 22.17 22.12 22.21 22.68 22.31 22.85 23.04 22.84 23.45 379 347 342 355 341 356 378 367 371 333 385 339 420 482 560 637 687 707 741 735 769 734 607 532 1967=Jan. Fcb Mar. Apr May June July . Aug Sept Oet Nov Dee. 23.51 23.77 23.47 23.41 23.52 23.63 24.04 24.14 24.37 24,68 24.77 24.76 23.10 23.40 23.27 23.27 23.43 23.52 23.92 24.06 24.28 24.55 24.64 24.53 23.11 23.40 23.06 23.06 23.15 23.27 23.62 23.77 24.03 24.34 24.41 24.38 24.10 23.72 23.38 23.41 23.27 23.46 23.97 23.76 24.18 24.67 24.69 25.29 23.69 23.36 23.17 23.26 23.18 23.35 23.86 23.68 24.09 24.54 24.56 25,06 23.70 23.35 22.96 23.06 22.91 23.10 23.55 23.40 23.84 24.33 24.33 24.92 403 369 414 350 365 352 418 365 342 335 358 375 410 364 200 146 89 106 115 81 89 129 132 228 1968— Jan. Feb Mar Apr May June. . . . July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec 25.22 25.61 25.65 25.59 25.71 25.86 26.22 26.42 26.46 26.61 26.84 27.05 24.98 25.23 24.99 24.90 24.97 25.16 25.69 25.85 25.96 26.16 26.30 26.30 24.84 25.22 25.32 25.25 25.35 25.53 25.87 26.09 26.10 26.36 26.54 26.62 25.83 25.60 25.56 25.62 25 . 44 25.68 26.05 ; 26.02 : 26.05 26.64 26.77 27.19 25.59 25.23 24.90 24.94 24.70 24.99 25.52 25.45 25.55 26.19 26.22 26.45 25,45 25.21 25.23 25.29 25.08 25.36 25.70 25.69 25.69 26.39 26.46 26.77 387 386 337 335 360 328 351 329 361 245 30H 426 246 373 659 685 741 694 527 565 504 443 545 746 27,06 27.04 26.89 27.10 27.82 27.70 27.18 27.36 27.38 27,39 27.82 27.93 26.32 26.20 25.99 26.09 26.44 26.32 25.93 26.14 26.30 26.24 26.62 26,81 26.81 26.78 26.67 26.93 , 27.56 27.40 26.95 27.12 27.U 27,23 27.59 27.65 28.07 27.31 26.75 27.09 27.86 27.27 27.08 27.01 27.00 27.35 27.74 28.05 27.34 26.48 25.85 26.08 26.48 25.89 25.83 25.79 25.92 26.20 26.54 26.93 27.83 27.06 26.53 26.92 27 . 60 26.97 26.86 26.77 26.73 27.19 27.51 27.77 246 254 219 167 255 304 225 237 274 163 229 286 736 835 902 1,003 1,374 1,385 1,252 1,219 1,079 1,150 1,203 1 , 1 19 27.74 27,71 27.64 28.06 27.90 27.96 28.22 28.80 29.14 28.74 28.78 29.11 26.78 26.63 26.74 27.21 26,94 27.08 26.86 27.96 28.54 28.28 28.37 28.77 27.57 27,51 27.48 27.91 27.75 27.77 28.05 28.62 28.90 28.54 28.55 28.86 28.85 27.91 27.52 28.12 27.88 27.56 28.14 28.37 28.79 28.65 28.67 29.25 27.89 26.83 26,62 27.28 26.91 26.68 26.78 27.53 28.19 28.18 28.25 28.91 28.68 27.70 27.35 27.97 27.72 27,37 27.98 28.20 28.55 28.44 28.43 29.00 174 208 163 152 157 190 166 174 244 205 234 249 959 1 , 080 898 845 968 881 1,360 837 600 463 415 332 1969— Jan Feb. . Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov Dee, ... .... 1970—Jan Feb. Mar. Apr May , June July Aug. Sept. Oet Nov. Dee Annual Statistical Digest 53 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposits—Continued A. Reserves^Continued Seasonally adjusted Period Total reserves Nonborrowed Not seasonally adjusted Required Total reserves Nonborrowed Required In billions of dollars Excess Borrowings In millions of dollars 1971— Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July . . . Aug Sept Get Nov Dec. 29.24 29.63 29.81 29.88 30.30 30.51 30.61 30.94 31.14 30.91 31.09 31.24 28.88 29.30 29.49 29.73 30.02 30.02 29.79 30.13 30.65 30.55 30.70 31.12 29.01 29.38 29.61 29.72 30.08 30.31 30.43 30.75 30.95 30.75 30.85 31.06 30.44 29.90 29.68 29.91 30.33 30.09 30.57 30.45 30.78 30.81 30.93 31.35 30.07 29.57 29.36 29.76 30.04 29.60 29.74 29.64 30.29 30.45 30.54 31.22 30.21 29.65 29.49 29.74 30.11 29.89 30.38 30.26 30.59 30.65 30.69 31.16 234 254 195 168 219 201 184 196 189 163 237 182 364 332 319 153 284 492 823 809 495 357 384 126 1972= Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May . . June July. Aug Sept. Oct. . Nov. Dec. . . 31.56 31.72 32.06 32.44 32.72 33.02 33.11 33.51 33.57 33.87 32.07 31.44 31.54 31.69 31.96 32.32 32.61 32.92 32.87 33.12 33.03 33.31 31.46 30.39 31.35 31.57 31.87 32.29 32.58 32.81 32.91 33.32 33.36 33.65 31.72 31.16 32.89 31.94 31.88 32.58 32.84 32.54 33.06 33.08 33.05 33.76 31.81 31.41 32.87 31.91 31.78 32.46 32.73 32.44 32.83 32.69 32.51 33.21 31.20 30.36 32.68 31.79 31.69 32.42 32.70 32.34 32.87 32.89 32.84 33.55 31.46 31.13 206 152 190 156 139 203 193 188 212 211 354 284 21 33 98 117 111 100 238 388 541 555 608 1,050 1973— Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. . . May June July Aug Sept.. . . Oct Nov Dec 31.60 31.55 32.01 32.21 32.28 32.66 33.43 34.12 34.39 35.05 35.04 34.98 30.44 29.96 30.19 30.50 30.44 30.81 31.48 31.96 32.54 33.57 33.64 33.69 31.34 31.35 31.80 31.99 32.14 32.44 33.15 33.95 34. L6 34.80 34.81 34.68 32.86 31.73 31.89 32.35 32.41 32.19 33.48 33.71 34.01 34.94 34.77 35.11 31.70 30.14 30.07 30.64 30.57 30.34 31.53 31.55 32.15 33.47 33.37 33.81 32.60 31.54 31.68 32.13 32.27 31.97 33.20 33.54 33.78 34.69 34.54 34.80 258 197 209 223 138 217 283 172 231 252 225 304 ,160 ,593 ,824 ,711 ,843 ,851 ,953 ,165 ,852 .476 ,393 ,298 1974— Jan Feb. MaiApr May June July. . . . Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec 35.18 35.10 35.16 35.82 36.45 37.00 37.30 37.49 37.44 36.92 36.94 36.63 34.13 33.91 33.84 34.09 33.86 34.00 34.00 34.16 34.16 35.11 35.69 35.90 35.02 34.92 35.02 35.64 36.29 36.81 37.14 37.30 37.26 36.80 36.74 36.37 36.58 35.24 34.93 35.95 36.48 36.46 37.32 37.04 37.07 36.87 36.78 36.86 35.53 34.04 33. 6L 34.22 33.89 33.45 34.02 33.70 33.78 35.06 35.52 36.13 36.42 35.05 34.79 35.77 36.32 36.26 37.16 36.85 36.89 36.75 36.57 36.60 162 184 134 182 160 198 162 188 181 120 205 258 ,051 ,191 ,314 ,736 2,590 3,006 3,301 3,336 3,282 1,813 ,252 727 1975— Jan Feb. Mar. Apr May June July . . Aue. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec 36.37 35.49 34.99 35.08 34.74 35.07 34.98 34.88 34.99 34.79 34.73 34.75 35.97 35.34 34.88 34.97 34.67 34.85 34.68 34.67 34.59 34.60 34.67 34.62 36.22 35.30 34.79 34.92 34.58 34.87 34.79 34.69 34.80 34.58 34.44 34.49 37.70 35.53 34.71 35.17 34.65 34.63 34.87 34.46 34.64 34.63 34.58 34.99 37.30 35.38 34.61 35.06 34.59 34.40 34.57 34.25 34.24 34.44 34.52 34.86 37.55 35.33 34.51 35.01 34.50 34.43 34.69 34.26 34.45 34.43 34.29 34.72 147 194 200 158 155 201 188 195 191 207 283 266 398 147 106 no 66 227 301 211 397 190 60 130 54 Annual Statistical Digest 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposits—Continued B. Deposits In billions of dollars Seasonally adjusted Period Total 1947— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. Time and savings Not seasonally adjusted Private demand Total Net interbank Other U.S. Govt. demand Total Time and savings Private demand Total Net interbank Other U.S. Govt. demand 104.5 104.6 105.2 105.5 105.5 105.0 105.4 105.7 106.3 107.1 107.1 107.1 27.4 27.5 27.7 27.7 27.8 27.9 27.9 28.1 28.3 28.4 28.4 28.4 73.9 74.2 74.8 75.4 75.8 76.2 76.6 76.7 77.0 77.0 77.3 77.1 5,8 5.9 6.0 6.0 6,0 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.8 68.1 68.3 68.8 69.3 69.8 70.4 70.8 70.8 71.1 71.1 71.5 71.3 3.2 2.9 2.8 2.4 1.9 .8 .8 .9 .0 .7 .4 .6 106.1 104.9 104.9 104.2 104.2 104.0 104.5 105.2 106.7 107.9 108.0 108. 6 27.3 27.5 27.7 27.8 27.9 28.0 28.1 28.1 28.3 28.4 28.3 28.2 76.4 74.5 74.0 73.8 74.3 75.2 75.6 75.8 77.1 77.5 78.2 79.6 6.2 5.9 6.0 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.9 6.1 6,1 6.1 70.2 68,5 68,1 68.0 68.6 69.6 70.0 70.2 71.1 71.4 72.1 73.5 2.4 2.9 3.2 2.6 2.0 .8 .9 1.2 1,4 2.0 1.5 .8 107.3 107,0 106.7 107.0 107.3 107.2 107.2 107.5 107.3 107.2 107.3 107.1 28.5 28.6 28.6 28.6 28. 6 28.6 28.7 28.7 28.8 28.8 28.9 29.3 77.2 77.0 76.7 76.5 76.5 76.6 76.8 76.9 76.7 76.5 76.4 76.0 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 71.5 71.3 71.1 71.0 70.9 71.0 71.2 71.3 ' 71.1 70.9 70.8 70.4 .6 .4 .4 .9 2.3 .9 .6 .8 .7 .9 2 i K9 108.9 107.3 106.4 105.6 106.0 106.2 106.3 107.0 107.7 107.9 108.2 108.6 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.7 28'. 8 28.8 28.8 28.8 28.7 28.6 79.8 77.3 75.9 74.9 75.0 75.6 75.8 76.1 76.8 77.0 77.3 78.4 6.1 5.7 5,5 5.3 5^4 5.4 5.5 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.9 73.6 71.6 70.4 69.6 69.7 70.2 70.3 70.6 71.1 71.3 71.4 72.6 ,8 1,4 1.8 2.0 2.4 1.9 1949— .Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct Nov. Dec 107.0 107.0 107.1 107.0 106.8 106.6 106.6 107.6 107.8 108.2 108.5 108.6 28.9 29.0 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.2 29.2 29.2 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 75.8 75.6 75.8 75.8 76.0 76.1 76.3 76.1 76.0 76.0 76.0 76.1 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.4 S 5.3 5.3 70.1 70.0 70.3 70.4 70.6 70.6 70.8 70.7 70.6 70.6 70.6 70.8 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.1 1.5 1.4 l.l 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.3 108.6 107.4 106.8 105.7 105.4 105.7 105.8 107.1 108.2 108.8 109.2 110.1 28.9 28.9 29.1 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.3 29.2 29.1 78.3 75.9 75.0 74.3 74.5 75.1 75.2 75.3 76.0 76.4 76.8 78.6 6.1 5.6 5.5 5.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.6 72.2 70.3 69.6 69.0 69.4 69.9 70.0 70.0 70.6 70.9 71.3 73.0 1950— Jan. Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aue, Sept Oct Nov. Dee 109.3 109.8 109.9 110.5 110.9 111.4 111.8 112.2 112.6 112.7 113.1 114.0 29.4 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.6 29.6 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.6 76.5 77.1 77.6 78.2 78.6 78.9 79.4 79.9 80.2 80.6 80.9 81.6 5.3 5.4 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.7 71.2 71,6 72.1 72.7 73.0 73.3 73,9 74.4 74.7 75.1 75.2 75.9 3.4 3.3 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.9 2.9 2.8 2.9 2 6 2.7 2.8 110.9 110.1 109.7 109.2 109.5 110.6 111. I 111.7 112.8 113.1 113.9 115.7 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.7 29.7 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.4 29.4 79.0 77,4 76.9 76.6 77.1 78.0 78.3 79.0 80.2 81.1 81.8 84.3 5.7 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.9 6.0 73.3 71.9 71.4 71.2 71.8 72.7 72.9 73.7 74.7 75.4 75.9 78. 2 2.6 3.4 3.2 3.0 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.6 2.7 2.1 1951— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dee 114.6 115.4 116.7 117.8 117.3 117.5 117.7 117.6 118.3 119.3 119.8 120.6 29.7 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.7 29.7 30.0 30.2 30.4 30.5 30.8 30.9 82.1 82.5 83.1 82.9 82.9 83.3 83.6 84.2 84.7 85.2 86.1 86.7 57 5: s 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.9 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.0 6.0 76.3 76.8 77.2 77.1 77.1 77.5 77.7 78.3 78.9 79.2 80.2 80.7 2.9 3.2 4.0 5.3 4.7 4.5 4.1 3.3 3.2 3.5 2.9 3.0 116.4 115.6 116.5 116.5 115.7 116.6 116.8 117.1 118.2 119.7 120.6 122.7 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.6 29.7 29.8 30.1 30.2 30.4 30.6 30.7 30.7 84.9 83.0 82.8 81.2 81.3 82.5 82.2 82.9 84.5 85.5 87.1 89.5 6.2 5.8 5.8 5.6 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.8 6.1 6.2 6.3 78.7 77.2 77.0 75.5 75.7 76.9 76.5 77,2 78.6 79.4 80.9 83.2 1.8 3.0 4.2 5.7 4.8 4.3 4.5 3.9 3.3 3.7 2.8 2.5 1952— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept, . Oct. Nov Dec 121.4 121.9 122,4 123.0 123.3 124.3 126.6 125.5 125.7 126.4 126.8 127.6 31.1 31.3 31.5 31.7 31.8 31.9 32.1 32.3 32.6 32.8 33.1 33.4 87.0 87.2 87.3 87.2 87.6 83.0 87.9 88 . t 88.7 88.9 89.0 89.2 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.2 1 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.2 80.9 81.1 81.3 81.2 81.6 81.9 81.8 82.0 82.4 82.6 82.9 83.0 3.3 3.4 3.6 4.2 3.9 4.3 6.6 5.0 4.5 4.7 4.7 5.0 123.2 122.1 122.3 121.5 121.7 123.3 125.8 124.9 125.5 126.9 127.8 129.7 31.1 31.2 31,5 31.6 31.8 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.6 32.9 33.0 33.1 90.1 87.8 87.2 85.4 85.9 87.3 86.5 86.6 88.2 89.1 90.0 92.1 6.5 6.1 6.0 5.9 5.7 5,8 5.9 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.5 83.6 81.8 81.2 79.5 80.2 81.5 80.6 80.7 82.0 82.6 83.6 85.6 2.0 3.1 3.6 4.2 4.0 4.0 7.1 5.8 4.8 5.0 4.8 4.5 1948— Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec. . . 1:1 5,7 i.7 2 2 2A 2.1 2.2 1.6 1.4 H ?:l 1.3 1.2 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.2 2.5 Annual Statistical Digest 55 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposits—Continued B. Deposits—Continued In billions of dollars Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Period Total Time and savings Private demand Total Net nterbank Other U.S. Govt. demand Total Time and savings Private demand Total Net interbank Other U.S. Govt. demand 1953— Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. 127.2 127.2 127.3 127.0 126.4 126.9 128.4 129.8 129.4 128.6 129.7 129.7 33.5 33.7 33.8 34.1 34.2 34.4 34.6 34.9 35.1 35.5 35.8 36.2 89.0 88.9 89.4 89.8 89.6 89.7 39.5 89.5 89.3 89.6 89.6 89.8 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.1 82.8 82.8 83.3 83.7 83.5 83.6 83.4 83.5 83.3 83.6 83.5 83.6 4.7 4.6 4.1 3.1 2.5 2.8 4.3 5.5 4.9 3.5 4.3 3.8 129.1 127.4 127.2 125.6 124.9 125.9 127.8 129.2 129.1 129.1 130.7 131.9 33.5 33.6 33.9 34.0 34.2 34.5 34.8 34.9 35.1 35.5 35.7 35.8 92.2 89.5 89.3 88.1 88.1 89.0 88.1 87.9 88.8 89.7 90.5 92.6 6.6 6.1 6.1 5.9 5.8 5.8 5.9 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.4 85.6 83.4 83.2 82.2 82.3 83.1 82,2 82.1 82.7 83.5 84.1 86.1 3.4 4.3 4.0 3.4 2.5 2.4 4.9 6.3 5.2 3.9 4.5 3.5 1954— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec. 130.3 130.6 131.0 131.0 132.3 133.1 133.0 134.5 134.3 136.8 137.8 137.5 36.3 36.7 36.9 37.4 37.7 38.0 38.4 38.8 39.0 39.2 39.3 39.5 90.1 90.2 90.2 90.0 91.0 91.1 91.5 92.0 92.0 92.5 93.1 93.3 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.4 83.9 83.9 84.0 83.8 84.7 84.8 85.2 85.6 85.6 86.2 86.8 86.9 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.6 4.0 3.1 3.7 3.4 5.T 5.3 4.7 132.3 130.7 130.7 129.6 130.7 132.0 132.5 133.8 134.0 137.4 138.8 1 39 . 8 36.2 36.6 37.0 37.4 37.7 38.1 38.6 38.9 39.1 39.3 39.2 39.1 93.3 90.8 90.1 88.5 89.4 90.4 90.1 90.4 91.4 92.5 93.9 96.1 6.6 6.2 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 86.7 84.6 83.9 82.5 83.5 84.4 83.9 84.1 85.0 86.0 87.3 89.5 2.7 3.4 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.8 4.5 3.6 5.6 5.7 4.6 1955— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec. 137.5 138.0 137.9 138.6 139.1 139.0 139.1 139.0 138.8 139.4 139.5 139.6 39.5 39.6 39.6 39.7 39.7 40.0 39.9 40.0 40.2 40.4 40.6 40.7 93.9 94.6 94.5 95.1 95.3 95.1 95.5 95.2 95.3 95.4 95.1 95.5 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 87.5 88.2 88.1 88.6 88.9 88. 7 89.1 88.9 89.0 89.1 88.8 89.2 4.1 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.0 3.7 3.7 3.3 3.7 3.8 3.4 139.3 138.0 137.2 138.1 137.9 138.1 138.5 138.3 138.5 139.9 140.2 141.6 39.4 39.5 39.7 39.7 39.8 40.0 40.1 40.2 40.3 40.5 40.4 40.3 97.2 95.2 94.1 93.9 93.7 94.4 94.2 93.7 94.7 95.3 95.9 98.2 6.7 6.3 6.2 6.3 6.1. 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.5 90.5 88.9 87.9 87.6 87.6 88.2 87.8 87.4 88.4 88.9 89.3 91.7 2.7 3.3 3.4 4.5 4.5 3.6 4.2 4.5 3.5 4.1 3.9 3.0 1956=- Jan.. Feb Mar Apr May June July. Aug Sept. Oct. Nov Dec 139.7 139.4 140.6 140.4 140.6 140.9 140.6 140.7 141.8 141.4 142.1 142.4 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.7 40.7 41.0 41.2 41.4 41.7 41.8 42.0 42.2 95.8 95.7 96.1 96.2 95.9 96.2 96.2 95.9 96.3 96.3 96.5 96.8 6.4 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.5 6.7 6.7 89.4 89,3 89.6 89.7 89.5 89.8 89.7 89.4 89.8 89.8 89.8 90.1 3.3 3.1 3.9 3.5 3.9 3.7 3.1 3.3 3.8 3.2 3.7 3.4 141.3 139.0 139.9 139.9 139.7 140.5 140.0 140.0 141.5 141.7 142.6 144.2 40.4 40.4 40.6 40.7 40.8 41.2 4K4 41.6 41.8 42.0 41.7 41.7 99.0 96.2 95.6 95.5 94.2 95.5 95.1 94.4 95.7 96.2 97.2 99.5 6.7 6.3 6.3 6.4 6.1 6.2 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.9 6.9 92.4 89.9 89.3 89.1 88.1 89.2 88.5 87.9 89.1 89.5 90.3 92.6 1.9 2.4 3.7 3.7 4.7 3.8 3.5 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.6 3.0 1957— Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June. July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 142.4 142.4 143.2 144.3 143.7 144.2 144.8 144.0 144.6 145.2 144.6 145.3 42.6 43.1 43.5 j 43.9 44.2 44.5 44.8 45.1 45.4 45.8 46.1 46,5 96.9 96.7 96.8 96.6 96.7 96.4 96.5 96.6 96.2 95.9 95.6 95.4 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.5 90.3 90.2 90.3 90.1 90,2 89.9 90.0 90.0 89.6 89.4 89.3 88.9 2.9 2.5 2.8 3.8 2.8 3.3 3.5 2.3 3.0 3.5 2.8 3.4 144.2 141.7 142.3 144.0 143.0 143.9 144.8 143.3 144.3 145.5 144.7 147.1 42.5 42.9 43.6 44.0 44.3 44.8 45.1 45.3 45.6 45.9 45.8 45.9 100.0 97.0 96.1 96.0 95.0 95.6 95.3 95.3 95.7 95.9 96.3 98.0 6.9 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.2 6.3 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.6 6.7 93.1 90.7 89.8 89.7 88.8 89.3 88.8 88.7 89. V 89.2 89.8 91.3 1.7 1.7 2.7 3.9 3.6 3.6 4.4 2.7 3.1 3,7 2.6 3.1 1958— Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept. Oct. Nov Dee 145.3 146.9 149.5 150.5 151.9 154.5 154.8 155.7 155.2 155.4 155.9 156.4 47.0 48.2 49.2 50.0 50.9 51.6 52.3 52.7 52.9 52.9 53.2 53.5 95.3 95.8 95.9 96.4 96.9 97.8 97.7 98.5 98.6 98.9 99.2 99.4 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.7 6:9 6.7 6.9 7.1 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.6 88.7 89.3 89.4 89.7 90.0 91.0 90.9 91.4 91.8 92.1 92.6 92.8 3.0 2.8 4.4 4.0 4.1 5.0 4.8 4.5 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5 147.0 146.1 148.3 150.2 151.3 154.3 154.8 155.1 154.9 155.7 156.1 158.3 46.8 47.9 49.2 50.2 51.1 51.9 52.6 53.0 53.1 53.1 52.7 52.7 98.3 96.0 95.1 96.1 95.2 96.8 96.6 97.3 98.1 98.8 100.0 102.1 6.9 6.4 6.4 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.9 7.0 6.8 6.9 6.8 6.8 91.4 89.6 88.7 89.4 88.6 90.3 89.7 90.2 91.2 92.0 93.2 95.3 2.0 2.2 4.0 3.9 5.1 5.6 5.6 4.8 3.7 3.8 3.5 3.4 , 56 Annual Statistical Digest 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposits—Continued B. Deposits Continued In billions of dollars Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted ;] Period Private demand Total deposits Time and savings Total Net interbank Othcr i Total member bank U.S. deposits Total j Time Govt. plus deposits and demand nonsavings deposit sources of funds 1959— Jan.. Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June . July. . Aug. . Sept. . Oct.. Nov.. Dee.. 157.2 158.0 157.6 158.9 158.7 157.8 159.1 158.9 158.9 158.1 158.1 158.2 54.1 53.9 53.9 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.4 54.3 54.3 54.2 54.4 54.3 99.5 99.7 100.0 100.3 100.7 100.5 101.0 100.5 100.1 99.7 99.5 99.0 6.2 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.2 6.1 6.2 93.3 93.4 93.6 93.9 94.3 94.2 94.7 94.2 93.7 93.4 93.3 92.8 3.6 4.5 3.7 4.4 3.7 2.9 3.7 4.1 4.6 4.2 4.2 4.8 157.2 158.0 157.6 158.9 158.7 157.8 159.1 158.9 158.9 158.1 158.1 158.2 159.1 157.3 156.3 158.6 158.1 157.7 159.1 158.3 158.6 158.5 15S.3 160.1 1960— Jan. . Feb. . Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 157.6 156.6 156.3 156.4 157.3 157.6 159.1 160.1 160.9 161.7 162.8 162.5 54.3 53.8 53.7 54.1 54.2 54.5 55.1 55.9 56.7 57.3 58.3 58.8 99.0 98.6 98.4 98.5 98.2 98.1 98.7 99.1 99.5 99.4 99.3 99.1 6.2 6.1 6.1 6.2 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 92.8 92.5 92.3 92.3 92.0 91.8 92.3 92.6 93.0 92.9 92.8 92.7 4.4 4.2 4.2 3.9 4.9 5.0 5.3 5.1 4.8 5.0 5.2 4.6 157.6 156.6 156.3 156.4 157.3 157.6 159.1 160.1 160.9 161.7 162,8 162.5 1961— Jan . . Feb. . Mar.. Apr.. May. June . July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec. . 163,5 165.6 166.2 166.4 167.5 168.3 169.1 171.0 172.3 174.5 175.4 175,5 59.5 60.6 61.2 62.1 63.1 63.7 64.6 65.3 66.0 66.6 67.4 67.7 99.5 100.1 100.6 100.7 101.2 101.4 101.4 10U6 101.8 102.3 102.7 102.9 6.5 6.7 6.8 6.7 6.8 6.8 6.7 6.8 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 92.9 93.5 93.8 94.0 94.4 94.6 94.7 94.8 95.2 95.5 95.9 96.0 4.5 4.8 4.4 3.6 3.2 3.1 3.0 4.1 4.5 5.6 5.2 4.9 1962— Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June . July. . Aug. . Sept., Oct.. Nov.. Dee.. 176.1 177.5 178.6 180.1 181.4 182,5 183.2 183.6 185.2 186.7 187.3 189.0 68.9 70.1 71.3 72.6 73.3 74.3 75.2 75.8 76.7 77.8 78.9 79.9 102.8 102.7 102.6 102.8 102.6 102.6 102.7 102.5 102.4 102.7 103.1 103.3 7.0 6.8 6,8 6.9 6.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.6 6.5 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.9 96.2 96.1 96.1 95.9 95.9 96.1 96.5 96.8 4.4 4.7 4.7 1963— Jan. . Feb. . Mar.. Apr.. May. June . July. . Aug. . Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dee.. 190.7 191.6 192,4 193.6 194.7 195.9 197.3 198.0 199.4 200.2 201.7 203.2 81.3 82.1 83.2 84.2 85.1 85.9 86.7 87.9 89.0 90.1 91.5 92.1 103.9 103.9 103.9 104.1 104.3 104.4 104.9 104.8 105.1 105.4 106.2 105.9 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.8 97. 1 97.2 97.3 97.5 97.6 97.8 98.3 98.2 98.4 98.7 99.6 99.2 1964— Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr, . May. June. July. . Aug. , Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 204.4 205.5 206.6 207.6 208.2 210.3 210.9 212,9 214.6 215.8 217.9 218.7 93.5 94.5 95.1 95.9 96.9 98.1 98.7 99.5 100.6 101.8 102.9 103.7 106.2 106.2 106.3 106.5 106.3 106.8 107.4 107.9 108.7 108.9 109.1 109. 1 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.5 99.6 99 . 6 99.6 99.9 99 . 6 100.2 100.8 101.2 102.0 102.2 102.5 102.5 Private demand Total Net interbank Other Total member bank U.S. deposits Govt. plus nondemand deposit sources of funds 53.5 53.6 53.9 54.3 54.6 54.8 54.8 54.6 54.5 54.4 53. S 53.7 102.7 99.8 99.1 100.2 98.8 99.3 99.9 99.1 99.5 99.8 100.3 102.0 6.6 6.3 6.2 6.3 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.1 6.3 6.4 6.4 6.5 96.1 93.6 92.8 93.8 92.8 93.2 93.6 93.0 93.2 93.3 93.9 95.5 2,8 3.8 3.3 4.2 4.7 3.6 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.3 4.2 4.4 159.1 157.3 156.3 158,6 158.1 157,7 159.1 158.3 158.6 158.5 158.3 160.1 159.5 j 155.8 1 155.0 156.0 156.7 157.4 159.1 159.4 160.6 162.0 163.0 164.4 53.7 53.6 53.8 54.2 54.5 54.9 55.5 56.2 56.9 57.5 57.6 58.1 102.2 98.6 97.4 98.5 96.4 96.8 97.5 97.7 98.9 99.5 100.2 102.2 6.6 6.0 5.9 6.1 5.8 6.0 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.8 6.8 95.5 92.6 91.5 92.4 90.6 90.8 91.2 91.4 92.4 92.8 93.4 95.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.3 5.8 5.7 6.0 5.5 4.8 5.1 5.2 4.1 159.5 155,8 155.0 156,0 156.7 157.4 159.1 159.4 160.6 162.0 163.0 164.4 163.5 165.6 166.2 166,4 167.5 168.3 169.1 171.0 172.3 174.5 175.4 175.5 165.4 164.8 165.0 165.8 166.8 168.1 169.1 170.3 172.0 !: 174.9 175.5 177.7 59.0 60.4 61.4 62.3 63.4 64.1 65.0 65.6 66.2 66.7 66.7 67.0 102.8 100.0 99.4 101.0 99.3 100.0 100.2 99.8 101.2 102.4 103.6 106.3 7.0 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.4 6.5 6.7 6.6 6.6 7.0 7.2 7.3 95.8 93.5 92.9 94.4 92.9 93.5 93.6 93 1 94.6 95.4 96.4 99.1 3.6 4.3 4.2 165.4 164.8 165,0 165. B 166.8 168.1 1 69 . 1 170.3 172.0 174.9 175.5 177.7 176.1 177.5 178.6 180.1 181.4 182.5 183.2 183.6 185.2 186.7 187.3 189.0 178.2 176.6 177.6 179.3 180.7 182.3 183.3 182.6 184.8 187.1 187.5 191.1 68.4 69.9 71.6 72.8 73.7 74.7 75.6 76.1 76.8 77.7 78.1 79.2 106.5 102.5 101.4 103.2 100.7 101. 1 101.4 100.4 101.6 102.9 104.1 106.9 7.5 6.7 6.6 6.8 6.1 6.2 6.5 6.3 6.4 6.8 7.0 6.S 99.0 95.7 94.8 96.3 94.6 94.9 95.0 94.1 95.2 96.1 97.1 100.1 3.4 4.1 4.5 3.3 6.4 6.5 6.3 6.1 6.4 6.5 5.0 1 BO . 7 182.3 183.3 182.6 184.8 1B7.1 187.5 191.1 5.4 4.7 3.9 5.2 190.7 191.6 192.4 193.6 194.7 195.9 197.3 198.0 199.4 200.2 201.7 203.4 193.0 190.8 191.6 192.8 194.1 195.7 197.7 196.5 j 199.0 200.2 201.7 205.5 80.8 107.9 82.1 103.7 102.7 83.6 104.5 84.6 85.6 102.2 102.7 86.3 103.7 87.1 102.7 88.2 104.2 89.0 89.9 105.6 90.6 1 107.3 91.3 109.6 7.3 6.6 6.4 6.5 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.0 7.1 100.6 97. 1 96.3 98.0 96.0 96.3 97.1 96.3 97.6 98.7 100.3 102.5 4.2 5.1 5.3 3.7 6,4 6.6 6.9 5.5 5.8 4.7 3.8 4.5 193.0 190.8 191.6 192.8 194 . 1 195.7 197.7 196.5 199.0 200 . 2 201.7 205.6 4.8 4.8 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.5 i 4.8 5.6 5.3 5.2 5.9 5.9 205.4 206.6 207.6 208.7 209.4 211.3 211.9 214.0 215.8 217.0 219.2 220.1 207.1 204.7 !, 206.0 207.0 207.6 210.1 211.4 211.2 r 214.2 215.8 217.5 220.9 7.1 6.5 6.5 6.7 6,2 6.2 6.5 6.4 6.7 6.9 7.0 6.9 103.2 99.5 98.6 100.4 97.9 98.7 99.6 99.3 101.2 102.4 103.2 106.2 3.6 4.2 5.4 3.7 6.2 6.9 6.2 5.7 5.9 5.0 5.2 4.8 208.1 205 . 8 207.0 208.0 208.8 211.1 212.3 212.3 215.4 217.0 218.8 222.3 4.7 5.6 5.5 5.3 5.3 6.0 6.2 5.3 5.7 5.5 5.6 5.3 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.6 5.3 ' 1 i ! , i ! 93.2 94.5 95.5 96.2 97.4 98.2 99.0 99.8 100.5 101.6 102.1 103.0 110.2 106.0 105.1 107.0 104.1 105.0 106.2 105.7 107.9 109.3 110.2 113.1 i ^ 4.'l 4.0 3.8 4.9 4.6 5.7 5.2 4.4 S ^ 178,2 176.6 177.6 179.3 Annual Statistical Digest 57 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposit —Continued B. Deposits—Continued In billions of dollars Seasonally adjusted Private demand Period Total deposits Time and savings Total Net interbank Other Not seasonally adjusted Total member bank U.S. deposits Total Time Govt. deposits and plus nondemand savings deposit sources of funds Private demand Total Net interbank Other Total member bank U.S. deposits Govt. plus demand nondeposit sources of funds 1965—Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June . July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec.. 219.9 222.1 223.9 226.4 227.5 229.3 230.5 232.1 233.2 235.3 236.8 238.3 106,0 107.7 108.9 110.0 111.1 112.6 113.8 115.3 116.8 118.6 119.9 120.7 109.0 109.2 109.3 109.5 109.6 110.1 110.3 110.4 111.5 112.0 112.5 112.8 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.6 6.9 6.9 6.9 6.9 102.5 102.6 102.8 103.0 103.1 103.5 103.7 103.8 104.7 105.1 105.6 105.9 4.9 5.2 5.6 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.4 6.5 4.9 4.8 4.4 4.9 221.2 223.6 225.3 227.8 228.9 230.7 232.1 233.9 235.0 237.0 238.5 239.9 223.0 221.7 223.4 225.9 227.1 229.3 231.3 230.3 232.3 235.3 236.1 240.8 105.7 107.8 109.3 110.4 111.7 112,7 114.1 115.7 116.7 118.4 119.1 119. S 113.6 108.7 108.2 110.4 106.5 108.2 109.0 108.0 110.7 112.4 113.5 117.1 7.0 6.5 6.3 6.5 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.4 6.9 7.1 7.3 7.3 106.6 102.2 101.9 103.9 100.5 101.9 102.4 101.6 103.8 105.3 106.2 109.8 3.8 5.2 5.9 5.0 8.7 8.3 8.2 6.6 4.9 4.5 3.5 4,0 224,3 223.2 224.9 227.3 228.5 230.6 232.8 232.0 234.1 237.0 237.8 242 .4 1966— Jan,. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. May. June . July. . Aug.. Sept. . Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 239.6 240.8 241.6 243.9 246.3 246.6 248.3 247.3 247.7 246.7 246.0 246.3 121.7 122.3 123.2 125.0 126.3 127,0 128.2 128.8 129.0 128.5 128.0 128.7 113.6 114,0 114,6 115.5 115.2 115.2 114.5 114.2 114,7 113.8 113.9 113.9 7.0 6.9 7.1 7.0 7.0 6.8 7.0 6.7 6.7 6.6 6.7 6.7 106.7 107.1 107.6 108.4 108.3 108.4 107.4 107.5 108.0 107.2 107.2 107.1 4.3 4.5 3.8 3.5 4.7 4.4 5.6 4.4 4.0 4.4 4.1 3,7 241.2 242.7 243.5 245.8 248,2 248.6 250.8 250.3 251.0 250.3 250.0 250.4 243.1 240.3 241.0 244.5 245.3 246.1 248.7 245.4 246.7 246.7 245.3 249.2 121.4 122.4 123.7 125.4 126.8 127.0 128.4 129.2 129.0 128.4 127.2 127.9 118.4 113.4 113.4 116.5 112.0 113.6 113.2 111.6 U3.9 114.1 114.8 118.2 7.5 6.8 6.8 7.0 6.4 6.5 7.0 6.4 6.8 6.9 7.1 7.1 110.9 106.6 106.6 109.5 105.6 107.1 106.2 105.2 107.1 107.2 107.7 111.1 3.3 4,5 4.0 2.7 6.5 5.5 7.2 4.5 3.8 4.3 3.2 3.0 244.7 242.1 242.9 246.4 247.1 248.0 251.2 248.3 250.0 250.2 249.3 253.3 1967— Jan . . Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. May. June. July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. Nov., Dec.. 249.5 252.9 255.8 258.3 260.1 262.5 266.0 268.1 270.9 273.7 275.3 275.6 131.4 133.9 135.8 137.5 139.1 141.5 143.0 144.7 146.0 147.0 148.1 148.9 113.6 114.8 116,0 115.3 116.8 118.0 118.9 119.7 120.2 120.8 121.3 121.2 6.8 6,9 7.0 7.1 6.9 7.3 7.2 7.2 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.5 106.8 107.9 109.0 108.2 109.9 HO. 7 111.7 112.5 112.9 113.3 113.8 113.7 4.5 4.2 4.0 5.5 4.3 3.0 4.1 3.7 4.7 5.8 5.9 5.5 253.1 256.3 259.2 261.4 263.1 265.6 269.4 272.0 274.9 277.9 279.8 280.0 253.2 252.4 255.3 258.5 258.7 261.2 265.6 266.0 269.8 273.7 274.5 278.5 131.1 134.0 136.3 137.9 139.4 141.3 143.1 145.2 146.0 146.9 147.6 148.1 US. 4 113.9 114.7 116.4 113.4 116.5 117.5 117.1 119.4 121.1 122.3 125.9 7.3 6.8 6.7 7.0 6.3 6.9 7.1 7.0 7.4 7.7 7.9 8.0 111.0 107.1 108,0 109.3 107.1 109.5 110.4 110.1 112.0 113.3 114.4 118.0 3.7 4.5 4.3 4.3 5.8 3.4 5.1 3.7 4.4 5.7 4.6 4.5 256.8 255.8 258.7 261.6 261.6 264.3 269.0 269.9 273.7 277.9 279.0 282.9 1968— Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. May. June. July. . Aug.. Sept. . Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 276.7 278.2 279.7 279.6 280.8 283,1 285.9 288.9 291.1 293.9 296.6 299.7 149.6 150.8 151.7 151.7 152.0 152.7 154.2 156.6 158.6 160.7 162.7 164.5 121.8 121.9 122.8 123.3 124.7 126.2 126.9 127.5 127.4 127.6 129.1 130.4 7,6 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.3 7.5 7.9 8.0 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.9 114.3 114.4 115.3 115.9 117.4 118. 7 119.0 119.5 119.6 120.0 121.4 122.5 5.2 5.5 5.2 4.7 4.1 4.2 4.8 4.S 5.1 5.6 4.7 4.9 281.0 282.8 284.4 284.4 286.5 289.4 292.6 295.8 298.3 301.1 303.7 306.8 280.8 278.7 279.5 280.1 279.1 281.1 284.4 286.6 290.2 294.5 296.2 303.2 149.4 150.9 152.2 152.0 152.3 152.2 154.0 157.1 158.6 161.0 162.3 163.8 127.0 121.4 121.5 124.3 121.2 124.1 125.4 124.6 126.4 128.1 130.2 135.3 8.1 7.4 7.2 7.3 6.7 7.1 7.9 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.1 8.3 118.8 113.9 114.3 116.9 114.5 116.9 117.6 117.0 118.7 120.2 122.1 127.1 4.4 6.4 5.8 3.7 5.6 4.8 5.0 4.8 5.1 5.4 3.6 4.1 285.1 283.2 284.2 284.9 284.7 287.3 291.1 293.4 297.4 301.7 303.4 310.3 1969— Jan . . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. , May. June. July. . Aug.. Sept. . Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 298.6 297.6 295.7 297.6 298.2 296.3 292.8 288.6 287.9 286,0 288.4 287.5 162.9 161.8 160.9 160.6 159.7 158.8 155.5 152.9 151.8 151.0 150.9 150.5 130.8 131.0 131.3 131,6 132.4 132.7 132.6 132.2 131.7 131.4 132.0 131.9 7.6 7.9 7.8 7.8 8.3 8.4 8.0 8.5 8.4 8.2 8.5 8.6 123.1 123.1 123.5 123.8 124.0 124.4 124.6 123.7 123.3 123.2 123.5 123.2 4.9 4.9 3.4 5.4 6.1 4.8 4.6 3.5 4.3 3.6 5.5 5.2 306.5 306.3 305.0 307.2 308.4 311.9 310.8 307.3 306.7 305.1 308.0 306.8 303.1 297.9 295.5 298.3 296.6 294.4 291.1 285.9 287.0 286.2 287.4 291.2 162.7 ' 161.8 161.6 160.9 160.1 158.6 155.3 153.1 151.8 151.1 150.0 149.7 136.2 130.3 129.9 132.8 128.6 130.9 131.1 129.2 130.8 131.7 133.1 136.9 8.2 7.8 7.5 7.8 7.7 8.0 8.0 8.1 8.5 8.5 8.9 9.2 128.1 122.5 122.4 125.0 120.9 122.9 123.1 121.1 122.3 123.2 124.2 127.8 4.2 5.9 3.9 4.5 7.9 5.0 4.7 3.5 4.4 3.5 4.3 4.6 3U.O 306.6 304.8 307.9 306.7 310.1 309.1 304.6 305.8 305 . 3 307.0 310.5 1970— Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July. . Aug. . Sept. . Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 286.6 285.0 288.0 292.4 293.0 294.5 301.1 306.9 310.0 313.1 316.5 320.8 149.1 148.9 150.2 153.3154,3 155.6 161.1 165.8 169.7 172.8 175.6 178.8 132.8 131.1 132.7 134.2 134.3 133.2 134.3 134.9 134.7 134.8 135.0 135.9 8.0 7.9 7.8 8.2 7.6 6.5 7.6 7.4 6.4 6.7 6.4 6.9 124.8 123.2 124.8 126.0 126.7 126.7 126.8 127.5 128.3 128.1 128.6 129.0 4.7 5.0 5.1 4.9 4.3 5.6 5.7 6.2 5.6 5.4 5.9 6.2 306.2 305.1 307,6 311.8 313.3 315.3 321.3 325.9 326.7 327.5 329 . 6 332.9 291.2 285.1 288.0 293.7 290.8 292.7 299.4 303.9 309.3 313.3 315.4 325.2 148.9 148.8 151.0 153.8 154.9 155.7 160.9 166.0 169.8 173.2 174.9 178.1 138.4 130.2 131.2 135.4 130.5 131.5 132.7 132.0 133.7 135.1 136.0 141.1 8.6 7.8 7.5 8.1 7.0 6.3 7.5 7.2 6.4 6.9 6.8 7.3 129.8 122.4 123.7 127.3 123.5 125.3 125.2 124.8 127.3 128.1 129.2 133.7 3.9 6.1 5.8 4.5 5.4 5.4 5.8 5.9 5.8 5.1 4.6 6.0 ! 310.8 305.2 307.6 313.0 311.1 313.5 319.5 322.9 326.0 327.8 328.5 337.2 ' 58 Annual Statistical Digest 14. Aggregate reserves and member bank deposits—Continued B. Deposits—Continued In billions of dollars Seasonally adjusted Private demand Period Total deposits Time and savings Total Net interbank Other Not seasonally adjusted Total member bank U.S. deposits Total Govt. plus deposits demand nondeposit sources of funds ; Private demand Time „-„ and savings S Total I1 Net interbank Other Total mem betbank U.S. deposits Govt. plus demand nondeposit sources of funds 1971 -Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July. . Aug. . Sept.. Oct. . Nov., Dec.. 325.1 331.2 334.8 338.6 343.1 345.1 348.6 350.6 351.3 352.6 355.6 360.1 183.0 187.6 191.5 193.3 195.5 198.0 199.5 200.4 202.0 205.1 207,8 210.5 ! 136.5 138.0 139.3 140.3 142.2 142.6 143.5 143.6 143.1 142.7 143.2 143.7 7.4 7.8 8.0 7.9 8.2 7.8 8.0 8.3 8.2 8.3 8.8 8.9 129.1 130.2 131.4 132.4 134.0 134.8 135.5 135.3 135.0 134.4 134.4 134.8 5.6 5.6 3.9 5.0 5.5 4.5 5.6 6.5 6.2 4.8 4.7 5.8 336.1 340.8 342.9 344.7 348.4 350.7 353.8 355.5 356.4 358.4 361.9 365.0 330.7 330.9 334.6 339.8 340.9 343.1 346.7 347.1 350.9 353.0 354.4 364.6 182.8 187.1 192.3 193.6 195.8 197.8 198.9 200.8 202,7 205.9 206.8 209.7 142.2 136.8 137.8 141.5 138.4 140.9 142.1 140.6 141.9 142.7 144.3 149.2 8.0 7.7 7.6 7.8 7.5 7.5 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.6 9.3 9.5 134.2 129.1 130.2 133.7 130.9 133.4 134.1 132.5 133.7 134.2 135.1 139.7 5.6 7.0 4.5 4.7 6.7 4.4 5.7 5.8 6.3 4.3 3.2 5.7 341 .7 340.6 342.7 345.9 346.1 348.8 352.0 352.0 356.1 358.8 360 . 6 369.5 1972— Jan. . Feb. . Mar. . Apr. , May . June . July. . Aug. . Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 362.7 366.2 370.4 373.4 378.4 380.4 385.1 388.4 390.0 394.2 399.2 402.3 213.7 216.5 217.5 219.5 222.3 225.1 227.5 230.5 233.0 235.5 239.1 241.7 143.2 144.9 147.2 147.6 148.9 149.5 151.4 152.1 152.2 152.7 152.6 154.4 8.4 8.7 9.3 8.9 9.6 9.9 10.1 ! 10.1 1 9.9 9.8 8.5 8.3 134.8 136.2 137.9 138.7 139.2 1 39 . 5 141.3 142.0 142.3 142.9 144.1 146.1 5.7 4.8 5.7 6.3 7.2 5.9 6.2 5.7 4.8 6.0 7.5 6,2 367.5 370.7 374.9 377.6 382.6 384.6 389.2 392.7 394 . 1 398.4 403 . 3 406.6 368.6 365.7 370.2 375.3 377.0 378.6 383.2 384.5 389.6 394.1 396.4 406.8 213.4 215.9 218.1 219.8 223.1 225.2 227.1 231.3 233.8 236.2 237.6 240.7 149.2 143.7 145.5 149.0 145.1 147.8 150.1 149.0 150.9 152.5 153,7 160.1 9.0 8.6 8.S 8.8 8.9 9.5 10.0 9.9 9.8 10.1 9.0 8.9 140.2 135.1 136.7 140.2 136.2 138.3 140.0 139,0 141.0 142.5 144.7 151.2 6.0 6.1 6.6 6.5 8.8 5.7 6.1 4.3 4.9 5.4 5.1 6.1 373.5 370. 1 374.6 379 . 5 381.2 382.8 387.4 388.9 393.7 398.2 400,6 411.2 1973— Jan. . Feb . . Mar.. Apr. , May. June . July.. Aug. . Sept.. Oct.. Nov.. Dee.. 404.0 409 . 9 416.7 420.2 424.5 428.4 431.7 435.7 437.3 438.9 440.3 442.8 244.3 249.7 255.9 260.6 263.6 266.2 269.0 274.3 277.0 277.4 278.2 279.7 153.6 154.0 153.3 153.5 155.1 156.3 157.4 157.0 156.1 156.5 157.3 158.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.8 8.6 8.5 8.8 8.6 8.7 8.9 8.9 145.4 145.7 144.9 144.9 146.3 147.7 148.9 148.2 147.4 147.9 148.4 149.2 6.1 408.5 6,2 414.4 7,4 421.4 6.1 425.2 5.9 429.7 5.8 433.3 5.2 437.6 4 , 3 s 442 . 4 443.9 4.2 5.8 446.3 4.8 446.7 449.4 5.0 410.4 409.0 416.3 422.3 423.0 426.3 429.9 433.7 437.7 439.7 438.2 447.5 243.8 248.5 256.2 260.5 264.5 265.9 268.5 276.6 279.0 278.8 276.6 278.5 160.0 152.4 151.6 154.9 151.4 154.8 156.2 154.0 154.7 156.1 158.3 164.0 8.8 8.2 8.0 8.4 8.2 8.2 8.5 8.7 8.6 8.8 9.3 9.6 151.2 144.2 143.6 146.5 143.2 146.6 147.7 145.3 146. 1 147.3 149.0 154.4 6.6 8.1 B.5 6.8 7.0 5.6 5.1 3.1 4.1 4.8 3.2 s!o 414.9 413.5 421.1 427.3 428.2 431.3 435.7 440 . 4 444.4 446.2 444.0 454.0 1974= J a n . . Feb. . Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July. . Aug. . Sept. . Oct. . Nov., Dee. . 447.4 449.6 451.6 460.7 466.2 472.2 475.7 476.9 478.5 479.8 463 . 1 486.9 283.9 287.6 288.6 296.6 301.9 306.8 310.7 313.0 314.4 316.8 318.8 322.9 157.6 158.1 158.7 160.0 159.2 160.6 160.6 159.8 159.7 159.7 160.6 160.6 9.3 9.2 9.5 10.2 9.8 10.5 10.4 9.4 9.5 9.4 9.4 10.1 148.4 148.9 149.2 149.8 149.4 150.1 150.2 150.4 150.2 150.2 151.2 150.5 5.9 3.9 [ 4.3 4.1 5.1 4.8 4.4 4.1 ' 4.4 3.3 3.7 3.4 j 453.9 456.5 459 . 1 468.7 475.0 480.6 484.9 485.9 487. 1 487.6 490.7 495 . 3 453.0 447.1 450.4 462.5 464.7 470.0 474.3 475.1 479.7 480.5 481.2 491.8 263.1 j 285.7 288.6 296.2 303.0 306.4 310.1 315.3 31.7.2 i 318.6 317.4 321.7 163.4 156.3 156.9 161.5 155.6 158.9 160.0 157.0 158.3 159.1 161.4 166.6 9.9 9.0 9.0 10.0 9.2 10.1 JO. 4 9.4 9.5 9.5 9.8 10.8 153.6 147.3 147.9 151.5 146.4 148.9 149.6 147.6 148. 8 1 49 . 6 151.6 155.8 6.5 5.1 4.9 4.9 6.0 4.7 4.1 2.9 4.1 2.8 2.4 3.4 459 . 5 454.0 457.9 470.6 473 . 5 478 . 4 483.5 484.2 4BH.2 488.3 488.8 500.1 1975— Jan. . Feb. . Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July. . Aug. . Sept.. Oct. . Nov.. Dee.. 490. 1 490.9 493 . 4 494 . 1 493.7 499.5 498.3 496.3 498.4 500.1 505 . 9 506.0 328.2 329.1 329 . 2 329.7 328.6 330.5 330.8 328.4 329.8 333.1 336.1 338.7 159.3 159.9 161.7 161.7 162.6 165.8 164.9 165.1 165.6 164.0 165.9 164.4 10.1 10.5 11.0 10.4 10.3 11. 1 10.7 10.6 11 .2 10.7 11.0 10.8 149.1 149.4 150.7 151.3 152.3 154.7 154.1 154.5 154.4 153.3 154.9 153.5 2.6 497.7 1.9 497 . 4 499 . 9 2.5 2.7 ! 500.8 2.5 501.2 506.5 3.2 2.6 505.1 2.8 503.3 3.0 505 . 5 3.0 508.0 3.9 514.1 3.0 514.4 495.1 487.0 49 1 . 6 495.4 491.8 497.5 497.2 494.8 499 . 1 500.4 503.6 510.9 327.2 165.0 326.5 158.0 328.9 159.8 329.1 163.2 329.8 ! 159.0 330.2 164.2 330.2 164.5 330.5 162.3 332.2 164.0 334.7 163.3 334.3 166,7 337.2 170.7 J 10. S 10.3 10.5 10.2 9.7 10.7 10.9 10.6 11.2 10.8 11.4 11.6 154.2 147.7 149.3 153.0 149.3 i 153.5 2.9 2.4 2.8 3.2 502 . 6 493.5 498.0 502.2 499 . 2 504.5 504.0 501.8 506.1 508 . 3 511.9 519.3 ! 1 53 . 6 151.7 152.8 152.5 155.3 159.0 3.1 3.0 2.5 2.0 2.9 2.5 2.5 3.1 Annual Statistical Digest 59 15. Loans and investments at all commercial banks In billions of dollars Not seasonally adjusted Seasonally adjusted Loans Date Total loans and investments l Securities Commercial and industrial Total * Plus loans sold 2 Total Plus loans2 sold U.S. Treasury Other Securities Loans 4 Total loans and investments 1 Commercial and industrial Total i Plus loans sold 2 Total Plus loans sold 2 U.S. Treasury Other 4 1964™ Jan... Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. May. June. July. . Aug.. Sept. . Oct... Nov.. Dec.. 250.9 252.6 254.1 255.8 257.5 259.5 260.6 263.4 266.6 267.1 270.3 272.3 155.3 156.6 158.1 159.5 161.2 162.9 164.3 166.0 167.7 168.6 170.6 172.9 52.4 52.8 53.0 53.5 54.0 54.5 54.9 55.5 56.1 56.6 57.3 58.4 60.6 60.7 60.4 60.6 60.4 60.4 59.9 60.6 61.4 60.6 61.2 60.7 35.0 35.3 35.6 35.7 35.9 36.2 36.4 36.8 37.5 37.9 38.5 38.7 250.3 251.3 254.0 254.8 255.7 261.9 258.8 260.7 266.9 267.1 271.0 279.2 153.6 154.7 157.0 158.9 160.9 166.2 164.0 164.8 168.4 167.7 170.2 177.4 51.8 52.4 53.2 53.4 53.9 55.1 54.4 54.9 56.1 56.3 57.4 60.2 62.1 61.5 61.5 60.1 59.1 59.3 58.3 58.8 60.7 61.4 62.7 63.0 34.6 35.0 35.6 35.8 35.8 36.4 36.5 37.1 37.8 38.0 38.1 38.8 1965— Jan. . Feb.. Mar. . Apr.. May. June. July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct. . Nov.. Dec.. 275.1 277.8 279.2 282.5 284.5 286.7 289.0 290.6 292.0 295.6 297.3 300.1 175.7 178.0 180.3 182.5 184.5 186.5 188.5 190.1 191.7 194.1 195.8 198.2 59.6 60.7 61.8 62.8 63.6 64.4 65.2 65.9 66.8 67.6 68.4 69.5 59.9 59.8 58.4 58.8 58.7 58.3 58.1 57.4 56.8 57.6 57.3 57.1 39.5 40.0 40.5 41.2 41.3 41.9 42 .4 43.1 43.5 43.9 44.2 44.8 274.4 276.0 279.2 281.3 282.5 289.3 286.5 288.5 292.1 295.5 297.7 307.6 173.8 175.8 179.9 181.6 184.2 190.2 187.7 189.6 192.3 192.9 195.1 203.2 58.9 60.3 62.2 62.5 63.4 65.5 64.8 65.5 66.8 67.1 68.3 71.4 61.5 60.5 59.0 58.3 57.2 56.9 56.3 55.5 55.9 58.4 58.8 59.5 39.1 39.7 40.3 41.4 41.1 42.2 42.6 43.4 43.8 44.1 43.8 44.9 1966— Jan. . 302.9 303.9 Feb.. 304.8 Mar.. 308.3 Apr. . May . 309.9 June. 3313.0 313.6 July. . 314.3 Aug.. 315.0 Sept., 314.1 Oct.. . 314.1 Nov.. Dec.. 316.1 200.2 202.2 203.8 206.1 207.9 3209.4 210.3 211.1 2H.9 212.8 213.1 213.9 70.5 71.4 72.2 73.2 74.1 75.7 76.7 77.6 78.2 78.6 78.7 78.6 57.7 56.2 55.2 56.0 54.8 55.3 54.8 55.2 54.5 52.8 52.6 53.5 45.0 45.5 45.8 46.2 47.2 48.3 48.5 48.0 48.6 48.5 48.4 48.7 302.4 301.6 303.8 307.1 307.8 3315.9 312.6 313.1 314.6 313.8 314.8 324.0 198.4 199.2 203.0 205.2 207.1 3213.6 211.2 211.0 212.2 211.6 212.5 219.1 69.7 70.7 72.6 72.8 74.0 77.2 77.1 76.7 77.9 78.0 78.6 80.6 59.6 57.3 55.4 55.4 53.5 53.5 52.7 53.7 53.6 53.6 54.4 56.2 44,4 45.1 45.4 46.5 47.1 48.8 48.6 48.4 48.8 48.6 47.9 48.8 1967— Jan . . Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. May. June . July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec.. 319.9 323.2 327.2 329.3 330.9 333.4 337.9 342.2 345.3 347.8 350.0 352.0 215.9 216.4 217.7 218.8 219.3 220.3 222.4 223.9 226.1 227.3 228.8 231.3 79.5 80.1 81.0 81.5 82.0 82.9 83.6 83.7 84.4 84.5 84.9 86.2 54.1 55.7 57.2 57.1 56.9 56.9 58.9 6t.O 61.1 61.5 60.9 59.4 49,9 51,1 52.3 53.4 54.7 56.2 56.6 57.3 58.1 59.0 60.3 61.3 319.8 320.4 325.9 328.3 329.4 335.4 337.7 340.1 344.7 347.6 350.0 360.8 214.4 213.1 216.1 218.2 218.9 224.4 223.9 223.2 226.3 226.2 227.4 236.9 78.9 79.1 81.1 81.8 81.7 84.5 84.1 82.6 84.0 83.8 84.6 88.4 56.0 56.6 57.8 56.1 55.8 54.2 57.1 59.1 60.1 62.4 62.8 62.5 49.3 50.7 52.0 53.9 54.7 56.7 56.7 57.8 58.3 59.0 59.8 61.5 1968— Jan... Feb.. Mar. . Apr. . May . June. July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec.. 355.5 359.3 359.4 361.2 363.6 365.6 371.4 376.4 381.3 386.0 387.8 390.2 233.2 234.4 235.2 237.2 238.6 240.7 244.5 247.3 250.2 253.0 256.5 258.2 86.5 87.0 87.8 88.7 89.2 89.6 90.6 91.6 92.5 93.4 95.2 95.9 60.2 62.3 61.0 60.8 61.6 61.1 62.4 63.2 63.7 63.8 61.2 60.7 62.1 62.6 63.2 63.2 63.4 63.8 64.5 65.9 67.4 69.2 70.1 71.3 356.3 356.6 357.4 360.5 361.3 367.8 371.9 373.8 380.6 385.4 387.6 400.4 232.3 231.3 233.0 236.8 237.5 244.8 246.8 246.3 250.5 251.8 255.3 264.4 85.7 85.9 87.8 89.2 88 . 7 91.4 91.3 90.3 92.1 92.7 94.7 98.4 62.2 63.1 61.2 59.8 60.3 58.6 60.5 61.5 62.5 64.8 62.8 64.5 61.7 62.2 63.1 63.8 63.5 64.4 64.6 66.0 67.6 68. % 69.5 71.5 1969— Jan . . Feb. . Mar.. Apr. . May . June . July. . Aug. . Sept.. Oct. . Nov.. Dec.. 392.2 393.6 394.6 398.7 399.2 400.8 399.8 399.0 398.5 400.1 402.3 401.7 260.6 263.2 264.8 268.5 270.8 272.1 272.1 272.2 273.2 275.5 277.5 279.4 97.7 98.8 99.7 101.2 102.1 102.6 103.0 103.4 103.8 104.5 105.1 105.7 60.6 59.1 58.5 58.7 56.8 57.0 56.4 55.8 54.3 53.8 53.3 51.2 71.0 71.3 71.3 71.5 71.6 71.7 71.3 71.0 71.0 70.8 71 .5 71.1 391.4 390.4 392.3 398.3 397.1 403.2 399.4 396.2 398.0 398 . 7 402.0 412.1 257.7 260.1 262.3 268.0 269.9 276.8 273.5 271.0 273.6 273.9 276.1 286.1 96.5 97.7 99.7 101.6 101.8 104.4 103.1 102.0 103.8 103.6 104.4 108.4 63.1 59.5 58.5 58.0 55.4 54.0 54.7 54.3 53.2 54.4 55.1 54.7 70.5 70.9 71.4 72.3 71.8 72.4 71.3 70.8 71.2 70.4 70.9 71.3 '272.3 274.2 274.9 275.5 277.0 280.3 282.3 283.3 102.8 103.6 104.9 105.6 106.4 107.8 108.5 108.3 271.4 278.9 276.3 274.3 111 A 278.7 280.9 290.0 102.5 105.4 105.0 104.2 106.4 106.9 107.8 111.0 60 Annual Statistical Digest 15. Loans and investments at all commercial banks—Continued In billions of dollars Seasonally adjusted Not seasonally adjusted Loans Date Total loans and invest-l ments Total l Securities i Commercial and industrial Plus loans sold 2 Plus loans sold 2 Total U.S. 1 Treasury Other 4 . _.... 400.0 400.5 403.0 406.1 407.5 409.2 415.2 419.6 423.7 426.7 429.3 435.5 278.6 278.4 279.0 279.7 279.3 280.3 283.7 285.5 287.6 288.9 289.7 292.0 284.4 284.8 285.7 286.7 287.2 288.2 291.8 293.3 292.6 293.1 293.3 294.7 105.4 105.2 105.1 105.3 105.5 106.5 107.5 108.1 108.8 109.0 109.3 110.0 1971 Jan. . 440.2 Feb. . 446 . 1 Mar.. 449.4 Apr. . 452.6 May. 456.1 June. * 462.0 July. , 464.5 Aug.. 468.7 Sept. . 471.9 Oct... 477.7 Nov. . 480.1 Dec.. 485.7 293.7 295.7 297.4 298.8 301.0 4 302. 9 305.2 309.1 312.4 315.8 318.3 320.9 296.6 298.6 300.3 301.5 303.8 306.0 308.0 311.9 315.4 318.7 321.1 323.7 1972—J a n . . Feb. . Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July.. Aug. . Sept.. Oct.. . Nov.. Dee. . 491.3 496.5 502.8 508.3 514.4 518.5 523.1 528.9 535.1 541.4 549.6 558.0 325.6 328.4 333.0 337.6 341.3 345.0 349 . 3 353.6 359.8 365.9 372.8 378.9 1973— Jan. . Feb. . Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July. . Aug. . Sept. . Oct... Nov.. Dec.. 565.5 575.1 582.4 589.2 596.3 602.0 609.2 616.0 620.0 624.7 628.1 633.4 Loans Total loans i and invest-1 Total i ments 50.3 50.8 51.7 52.9 54,1 54.0 55.7 56.8 56.7 s 56.5 56.2 57.8 110.4 111.3 111.2 111.5 112.4 112.8 113.6 114.9 115.6 116.0 116.2 116.1 112.5 113.4 113.1 1 113.4 114.3 114.7 115.4 116.7 117.5 117.8 i 118.0 117.7 58.8 60.9 60.6 60.6 60.5 62.5 61.1 61.3 59.6 60.0 58.9 60.6 87.7 89.5 91.4 93.2 94.6 <96. 6 98.2 98.3 99.9 101.9 102.9 104.2 439.5 442.4 447.7 450.9 453.6 464.8 463.0 466.1 472.0 476.5 479.9 497.9 290.9 292.1 294.6 296.7 300.0 ' 307 . 1 305,6 309,3 313.4 315.1 317.3 32S.3 328.6 331.3 335.8 340.3 343.7 347.3 351.6 356.0 362.1 368.1 375.3 381.5 116.5 117.3 118.4 119.9 120.8 » 121.6 122.2 123.1 124.0 126.2 128.1 130.2 118.2 , 119.0 120.2 121.6 122.3 1 '» 123.0 123.6 124.6 125.5 127.6 129.7 131.9 60.2 61 .2 61.6 62.0 62.9 62.9 62.1 62.3 61,3 60.8 60.8 62.6 105.5 , 490.1 106.9 i 492.4 108.2 501.5 108.7 506.6 110.2 513.7 110.6 521.6 111.7 521.4 525.8 113.0 535.0 114.0 U4.7 540.3 116.0 549.9 571.4 116.5 386.1 396.9 404.5 411.4 416.9 421.1 428.4 434.9 438.8 441.5 444.8 449.0 388.7 400.0 407.7 415.0 420.6 424.6 432.4 439.6 443.4 446.1 449. I 453.3 133.4 137.9 141.8 144. 1 146.4 148.5 151.3 153.0 153.5 153.5 154.7 156.4 135.1 140.0 ' 143.8 146.4 148.6 150.7 153.8 155.9 156.4 156.4 157.4 159.0 62.4 117.0 60.8 117.4 60.5 117.4 60.2 117.6 60.2 119.2 60.8 120.1 59.0 J 121.8 57.5 123.6 56.3 124.9 55.9 127.3 127.7 55.6 129.9 54.5 452.9 1974= Jan. . 639.5 458.3 Feb. . 647.3 466.7 Mar.. 656.5 476.8 Apr. . 666.4 480.8 May. 671.8 June. "677.5 M85.5 495.4 July. . 687.5 Aug. . 692.3 1 500.3 500.1 Sept.. 689 . 8 501.9 Oct.. 690.9 Nov.. ?692.2 ? 503.0 500.2 Dec.. 690.4 457.3 463.3 471.6 482.2 486.5 <M90.9 500.8 505.6 505.4 507.1 '507.9 505.0 157.9 159.5 165.2 169.9 V72.3 174.9 178.1 180.6 181.3 183.0 183.9 183.3 160.5 162.2 168.0 173.0 175.4 177.8 181.0 183.5 184.2 185.8 186.7 186.0 55.2 56.5 56.8 56.1 56.2 55.4 55.0 54.9 52.0 50.6 49.7 50.4 131.4 132.5 133.0 133.5 134.8 o 136.6 137.1 137.1 137.7 138.4 7 139.5 139.8 638.4 642.1 654.0 664.2 669.8 ^681.6 686.3 689.4 689.5 689.5 ?692.2 705.6 186.8 185.2 183.6 183.3 181.5 179.6 179.5 179.3 178.2 179.2 179.9 178.5 49.5 53.2 58.3 63.0 67.4 71.5 72.3 75.0 76.7 76.0 76.8 79.4 140.0 140.4 140.6 140.8 141.0 142,7 143.6 144.1 144.5 145.3 146.9 144.8 689.1 686.8 692.5 698.1 698.3 709.3 703.9 706.1 712.5 714.6 722.4 737.0 1975= Jan . . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July.. Aug. . Sept. . Oct.. . Nov.. Dec.. 690.5 692.5 695.1 698.8 700.6 705.0 705.8 709.3 712.7 716.3 722.2 721.1 501.0 498.9 496.2 495.0 492.2 490.8 489.9 490.2 491.5 495.0 498.5 496.9 505.6 503.4 500.9 499.6 496.9 495.5 494.4 494.7 496.0 499.7 503.2 501.3 7 184.1 182.5 180.8 180.5 178.7 176.7 176.7 176.5 175.4 176.3 177.1 176.0 ; 7 ( ' 1 Plus loans sold s Commercial and in dustrial Total Plus loans sold 2 U.S. Treasury Other 4 .... 109.7 110.0 110.2 110.7 111.7 112.8 113.7 113.9 112.3 112.0 111.8 111.9 1970— Jan... Feb. . Mar.. Apr,. May. June. July.. Aug.. Sept. . Oct... Nov.. Dec.. Securities ;j 71.1 j 399.1 71.3 397.2 72.3 400.5 73.5 404.8 74.1 405.3 74.9 411.7 75.8 414.1 77.3 416.8 79.4 424.7 81.3 425.6 83.4 429.3 85.7 446.8 565.6 571.1 580.6 587.3 594.8 605.6 607.4 613.4 619.9 624.0 628.2 647.3 275.6 275.0 276.3 278.1 278.4 284.5 284.9 284.7 289.5 287.5 288.4 299.0 281.4 104,1 281.4 104.0 104.9 283.0 285.1 105.5 1 286. 3 i 105.2 108.4 292.4 107.3 293.0 107.1 292.5 294.5 109.4 291.7 108.4 292.0 108.8 301.7 112.5 108.4 108.8 UO.O 110. 9 111.4 114.7 113.5 112.9 112.9 I I I .4 111.3 1 (4.4 53.0 51.4 51.5 52.3 52.6 51.6 53.5 55.0 55.8 57 .2 58.3 61.7 293.8 109.1 295.0 110.3 297.5 111.2 299.4 111.6 112.4 302.8 ^310.2 114.4 308.4 113.4 312.1 114.2 316.4 115.9 318.0 115.6 320.1 i 115.6 331.1 118.5 III.2 112.4 113.1 113.5 114.3 116.3 115.2 116.0 117.8 117.4 117.4 120.1 87.1 61.5 61.4 88.9 61.6 91.5 60,0 94.2 58.8 94.9 60.3 ' 4 9 7 . 4 59.3 !, 98. 1 58.7 j 98.1 58.7 !i 99.9 60.0 101.5 61.0 101.6 64.9 104.7 322.6 324.3 330.5 335.1 341.6 349.8 350.3 353.7 360.7 365.2 371.8 387.3 115.2 325.6 327,2 116.1 118.4 333.3 337.8 120.1 344.0 120.8 352.1 s 123. 2 352.6 122.3 1 22 . 2 356.1 363.0 124.2 367.4 ' 125.8 374.3 127.6 132.7 389.9 116.9 117. 8 120.2 121.8 122.3 -> 124.6 123.7 123.7 125.7 127.2 129.2 134.4 62.7 61.9 62.5 61.9 61.2 60.3 59 . 6 59.3 60.3 60.9 63.2 67.0 383.5 392.6 401.7 408.3 416.6 426.6 429.3 435.2 440.1 440.9 443.9 458.5 386.1 395.7 404.9 411.9 420.3 430.1 433.3 439.9 444.7 445.5 448.2 462.8 j 132.0 136.6 141.7 144.4 146.4 150.4 151.6 152.0 153.8 152.9 154.1 159.4 133.7 138.7 143.7 146.7 148.6 152.6 154.1 154.9 156.7 155.8 156. S 162.0 65.6 61.6 61.2 60.4 58.3 57.9 56.4 54.9 55.1 56.0 57.8 58.3 116.5 116.8 117.7 118.6 119.9 21.1 21.7 23 . 3 24.8 27.0 26.5 130,6 448.9 453.3 : 156.2 452.7 457.7 157.9 467.9 164.9 463.0 478.4 170.2 473.0 172.3 480.3 486.0 177.2 e 49 1 . 8 6497.2 502.6 i, 178.4 497,2 505.9 179.4 500.6 501.2 506.5 181.5 505.9 1 182.0 500.7 7 502.0 '506.9 1 • 183.2 510.7 515.5 186.8 158.8 160.6 167.7 173.3 175.4 1 80 . 1 181.3 182.3 184.4 184. 8 7 186.0 1 89 . 5 58.8 57.7 57.5 56.4 54.1 52.1 52.2 52.0 50.7 50.7 52.1 54.5 1 30 . 7 131.7 133.5 134.7 135.5 8 137.6 136.9 136.8 137.6 138.1 i 138.1 140.5 496.5 492.8 492.3 493.1 491.6 497.2 491.1 490.3 492.8 493.7 497.6 507.4 501.1 181.9 497.3 180.7 497.0 180.5 497.7 181.1 496.3 'i 178.7 501.9 179.0 495.6 176.7 494.8 i 175.3 497 . 3 1 75 . 8 498.4 175.3 502.3 176.5 511.8 179.3 184.6 183.4 183.3 183.9 181.5 181.9 1 79 . 5 178.1 178.6 178.2 179.3 181.8 ' '. i a ' i i ' , i • 70.6 70.8 72.7 74.3 74.3 75.6 75,7 77.1 79.5 80 . 9 82,5 86.1 104.8 106.2 108.5 109.7 110.9 111.5 111.5 112.8 114.0 U4.2 114.9 117.1 139.1 53.5 54.5 139.5 59.3 140.9 141.7 63.3 141.7 65.0 68.2 143.9 69.4 143.4 72.0 • 143.8 75.4 144.3 75.9 144.9 79.4 \ 145.4 84.1 145.5 Annual Statistical Digest 61 16. Principal assets and liabilities and number of all commercial banks Amounts are shown in millions of dollars Loans and investments Securities Date Total Loans1 U.S. Treas- Deposits Cash assets3 Total assetsTotal liabilities and Interbank Total3 capital ac- Other" Other Borrowings Demand De- mand counts4 ury 3 Total capital Num- ac- ber of counts banks Timer' Time U.S. Govt, Other 1970—Dec. 31 461,194 313,334 61,742 86,118 93,643 576,242 480,940 30,608 1,975 1971—Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 27 24 31 28 26 30 28 25 29 27 24 31 454,250 458,040 463 , 500 467,030 469,010 480,524 478,300 482,230 489,640 492,020 497,070 516,564 305,600 307,740 310,380 312,840 315,380 322,886 320,870 325,450 331,000 330,570 334,420 346,930 61,520 61,430 61,620 60,030 58,770 60,254 59 , 280 58 , 720 58,740 59,960 61,030 64,930 87,130 88,870 91,500 94,160 94,860 97,383 98,150 98,060 99,900 101,490 101,620 104,704 25,360 25,850 30,640 26,430 24,400 31,313 26,650 26,380 27,050 28,920 28 , 200 32,205 2,030 9,250 1,990 7,060 1,990 4,520 2,020 8,150 2,080 7,900 2,207 8,412 2,030 6,790 2 , 1 1 0 9,390 2,500 8,920 2,610 5.950 2,600 4,210 2,908 10,169 1972— Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 26 23 29 26 31 30 26 30 27 25 29 31 508,200 340,730 511,360 343 , 300 522,790 351,800 525,660 354,120 532,260 360,120 542,689 370,910 542,940 371,820 547,880 375,780 556,380 382,100 561,280 386,190 574,230 396,160 598,808 414,696 62,690 61,860 62,500 61,860 61 , 240 60,258 59 , 580 59,300 60,290 60,930 63,210 67,028 104,780 106,200 108,490 109,680 110,900 111,521 1 1 1 , 540 112,800 113,990 114,160 114,860 117,084 92,690 96,130 91,220 95,040 100,910 99,472 91,610 91,830 91,660 102,830 91,460 113,128 624,750 631,330 639,000 645,410 659 , 070 667,126 660,300 665 , 870 674,780 691,880 694,050 739,033 521,320 524,280 526,150 533,270 544,720 552,543 544,860 546,720 556,490 567,620 572,160 616,037 28, 480 ! 31,050 26,430 26,140 28 , 240 28,782 27,210 27,090 26,830 29,040 27,060 33,854 2,960 9,280 205 , 1 60 275,440 26,370 46,600 13,787 2,990 7,270 204,080 278 , 890 29,190 47,050 13,799 2,950 8,740 205,420 282, 6\0 32,850 47,450 l 13,806 2,870 10,470 208,490 285,300 31,630 47 , 780 13,823 3,020 8,430 215,360 289,670 33,270 48,310 13,838 3 , 1 1 4 9,083 219,050 292,513 33,214 50,117 13,875 3,260 8,320 211,100 294,970 34,440 49,380 13,877 3,350 3,820 211,020 301,440 36,070 49,820 13,898 3,890 9,470 213,070 303,180 33,530 50,140 13,910 3,760 7,520 221,440 305,860 39 , 680 50,700 13,911 3,920 7,760 224,990 308,430 38,350 5 1 , 1 60 13,924 4,194 10,875 252,223 314,891 38,083 52,658 13,927 1973— Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 31 28 28 25 30 30 25 29 26 31 28 31 59 1 , 270 409,220 599,970 421,500 608 , 320 429 , 400 616,480 437,520 622,340 444,120 635,756 456,780 634,730 456,620 641,140 462,910 646,710 466,840 654,390 471,340 659 , 280 475,010 683,799 494 , 947 65,560 61,620 61,180 60,400 58,330 57,877 56,450 54,910 55,080 56,010 57 , 770 58 , 277 116,490 116,850 1 1 7 , 740 118,560 119,890 121,099 121,660 123,320 1 24 , 790 127,040 126,500 130,574 96,490 99 , 590 90,980 91,580 95,410 103,608 95,880 92,010 100,030 111,720 104,140 118,276 716,680 729 , 670 729,250 738,740 749 , 470 769,908 762,410 766,300 779,730 800,760 797,180 835,224 589,850 598 , 520 596,690 604,570 611,920 629,215 619,200 619,520 630,360 646,030 638,740 681 ,847 29,260 29,530 25,960 26,220 27 , 770 3 1 , 047 28,710 26,500 27,720 32,830 30,1301 36,839 3,890 4,170 4,530 4,880 5,250 5,590 5,830 6,620 7,190 6,820 7iOlO 6,773 10,400 11,370 11,390 10,910 5,810 10;434 6,750 3,460 8,210 5,680 4,350 9,865 1974— Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 30 27 27 24 29 30 31 28 25 30 27 31 674,620 485,110 681,360 491,950 691,080 500, 100 699 , 290 508,140 703 , 820 514,280 718,713 528,951 720,730 531,580 722,110 533,320 721,160 532,890 723,330 534,520 729 , 640 539,400 744,107 549,183 58,810 57,670 57,510 56,410 54 , 080 52,114 52,230 52,010 50,690 50,730 52,140 54,451 130,700 131,740 133,470 134,740 135,460 137,648 136,920 136,780 1 37 , 580 138,080 138,100 140,473 103,130 811,700 102,410 818,690 104,430 831,530 102,360 838,740 115,575 857,695 126,487 884,295 107,850 872,560 100,610 865,740 107,390 873,710 110,770 880,750 116,220 894,530 128,042 919,552 652,250 652,670 66 1 , 1 80 669,730 683,175 709,917 695 , 230 688 , 490 692,830 700,420 708 , 1 50 747,903 31,660 31,620 32,030 31,450 34,870 42,016 33,580 30,530 29 , 760 33,150 34,230 43,483 6,620 6,200 6,490 7,290 8,200 8,903 9,680 9,970 10,610 10,180 10,310 11,496 1975— Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr, May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 29 724,820 532,230 53,500 139,090 101,670 875,020 702,170 29,980 725,480 531,390 54,550 1 39 , 540 103,880 879,080 702,500 29,930 26 73 1 , 690 531,440 59 , 330 140,920 105,850 889 , 370 712,520 30,410 26 30... . , 731,100 526,120 63 , 280 141 ,700 114, 140 899,110 723,060 33,140 28 733,690 527,030 65,000 141,660 114,400 901,280 725,590 32,510 747,551 535,493 68,191 143,868 128,716 930,719 754,324 42,582 30 738,060 525,250 69,400 143,410 106,840 899 , 590 723,730 33,180 30 27 741,630 525,780 72 , 020 143,830 104,750 900,870 724,650 31,540 24 743,970 524,270 75,360 144,340 106,220 906,410 726,840 31,330 29 747,250 526,420 75,940 144,890 110,670 915,890 736,870 31,900 757,450 532,660 79 , 400 145,390 123,150 939,310 753,000 34,560 26 775,794 546,172 84,119 145,503 133,614 964,918 786,252 41,811 31 11 , 740 10,440 11,680 11,880 1 1 , 200 1 1 , 209 10,830 10,570 10,990 11,210 1 1 , 1 60 12,020 83 , 860 559 , 200 462,730 82,450 561,810 463,950 94,350 580,930 483,470 88 , 680 578 , 200 479,640 84,530 576,610 478,570 96,141 599,429 503,018 85,880 587,470 489,140 85,3001 591,080 491, ISO 88, ISO 602,070 497,530 95,590 611,630 506,710 95,350 616,080 506,340 99,832 640,255 537,946 I 7,938 209,335 231,084 19,375 42,958 13,686 ) 190,810 188,180 198,860 194,310 191,930 206,918 197,310 195,020 197,180 204,800 204,670 220,375 235,280 240,870 247,460 248,730 252,260 254,168 256,360 258,280 261,880 264,430 266,660 272,289 20,500 21 , 500 22,130 24,070 23,390 22,547 24,050 24,620 26,850 27,240 30,870 25,912 42,730 43,050 43,530 43 , 740 43,910 45,31 1. 44,800 44,980 45,110 45,530! 45,710 47,211 13,692 13,700 13,713 13,717 13,720 13,729 13,734 13.739 13;753 13.768 13,776 13,783 318,260 326,260 334,520 337,390 344,040 345,191 349,440 358,170 358,820 359,570 358,710 365,003 42,700 45,480 45,420 45 , 830 47,360 49 , 299 52,6101 53,220 56,280 60,620 62,870 58,994 52,360 52,780 53,330 53,750 54,240 55,740 54,920 55,350 55,620 56,510 56,730 58,128 13,939 13,952 13,974 13,998 14,018 14,046 14,068 14,082 14,102 14,134 14,163 14,171 9,520 6,650 6,110 5,900 5,940 8,367 4,360 4,070 7,380 3,080 3,910 4,807 233,460 370,990 233,240 374,960 235,830 380,720 236,170 388,920 238,215 395,950 252,434 398,197 243,870 ;403 . 740 235, 780408; 140 236,550 408,530 243 , 090 410,920 248 , 730 410,970 267 , 506 420,611 65,830 68,090 69,930 67,580 69,910 67 , 548 68,030, 67,230 67,920 68,350 71,470; 58,369 58,350 58,730 59,310 59,950 60,330 61,623 61,530 61,530 61 ,850 62 , 1 80 62,210 63,650 14,180 14,202 14,236 14,261 14,290 14,337 14,368 14,385 1 4 , 400 14,424 14,442 14,465 4,520 2,630 3,950 7,910 2,950 3,117 2,220 2,830 3,180 2,650 3,530 3,114 233,880 422,050 234,610 424 , 890 236,900 429,580 242,580 427,5501 246,410 432,520 264,027 433,389 243,000 434,500 242,590 437,120 240,570 440,770 247,590 443,520 257,640 446, 110 278,692 450,615 61,460 64,050 64,290 64,5401 63,370 65 .220 6l,340i 65,100 61,700 65,080 62,420 66,557 61,870 66 , 080 59,920' 66,620 61,030 66,980 60,640 '67,550 66,780 68 , 000 60,224 69,125 14,477 14,499 14,525 14,537 14,558 14,573 14,583 14,595 14,612 14,629 14,624 14,633 228,040 227,190 220,290 225,170 229,050 236,953 228,470 224,770 228,420 241,130 238,540 263 , 367 62 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1971 Member banks * Asset account All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmember banks * 96,141 7,634 24,066 19,936 1,611 496 42,398 95,181 7,610 24,066 19,186 1,562 420 42,337 84,743 5,870 24,066 11,729 1,242 349 41,487 26,200 466 4,716 1,132 61 85 19,739 3,080 126 991 246 1 59 1,656 30,901 1,822 10,394 3,258 811 139 14,476 24,563 3,455 7,964 7,093 369 66 5,616 11,398 1,765 Total securities held=Book value. U.S. Treasury ... Other U S. Govt agencies States and political subdivisions. . . All other securities 157,638 60,254 15,576 77,994 3,813 156,727 59,991 15,406 77,687 3,642 118,704 44,038 9,971 61 ,963 2,731 13,816 5,116 922 7,298 480 4,700 1,736 259 2,581 125 40,265 14,552 2,441 22,409 863 59,923 22,634 6,350 29,675 1,264 38,934 16,216 5,605 16,031 1,082 Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies. . . States and political subdivisions AH other 4,122 1,935 642 1,502 43 4J19 1,933 642 1,502 43 4,083 1,925 632 1,486 40 1,340 509 296 535 1 486 284 51 149 1 1,988 1,054 248 649 37 269 78 36 153 2 38 10 10 16 3 753,5/5 58,319 14,934 76,492 3,770 152,607 58,058 14,764 76,185 3,599 114,620 42,113 9,339 60,477 2,691 12,476 4,608 626 6,763 479 4,214 1 ,451 207 2,432 124 3^,277 13,498 2,193 21 ,760 826 59 ,653 ! 22,556 6,313 29,522 1,262 38,896 16,206 5,595 16,015 1,079 15,663 14,837 569 257 15,381 14,555 569 257 12,026 11,230 557 239 996 790 149 i 58 612 557 55 5,010 4,572 297 141 5,407 5,310 57 41 3,637 3,607 13 17 307,969 75,777 3,967 47,499 43,809 7,224 2,599 33,986 3,689 662 3,027 24,311 306,194 75,615 3,938 47,386 43,697 7,195 2,585 33,917 3,689 662 3,027 24,291 248,040 56,934 1,873 36,643 33,581 6,360 2,227 24,995 3,061 615 2,446 18,418 46,247 4,202 1 2, 149 1,678 297 i 224 1,157 470 107 363 2,052 11,164 861 4 594 464 46 23 395 130 54 75 264 92,176 20,722 247 14J11 12,648 3,500 993 8,156 1,463 227 1,236 6,364 98,452 31,148 1,621 19,789 18,791 2,516 985 15,288 998 226 772 9,738 ! 59,929 18,843 2,094 JO, 856 10,238 864 373 8,991 628 47 582 5,893 2,844 16,958 5,634 3,493 12,226 114,362 2,718 16,825 5,555 3,480 12,211 113,411 2,496 15,770 5,333 3,024 7,095 98,573 1,106 4,210 3,822 637 20 26,948 218 1,465 373 245 41 6,515 893 7,517 786 1,419 1,601 38,189 279 2,577 352 723 5,433 26,922 348 1,187 301 468 5,131 15,789 69 , 149 51,367 23,448 3,732 5,254 3,895 1,359 8,236 3,880 4,357 10,698 17,781 7,527 68,942 51,195 23,360 3,727 5,254 3,895 1,359 8,221 3,877 4,344 10,634 17,747 7,437 52,037 37 , 954 16,601 2,885 4,723 3,532 1,191 5,931 2,849 3,082 7,814 14,083 6,777 3,916 2,119 342 177 652 461 191 127 2 125 822 1,797 1,385 1,078 555 119 34 725 106 20 330 24 106 i 147 524 367 17,929 12,969 5,357 1 , 1 28 2,54$ 1,928 620 1,865 956 909 2,071 4,960 3,120 29 , U 3 22,310 10,784 1,546 1,397 1,037 360 3,810 1,867 1,943 4,774 6,802 1,905 17,112 13,414 6,847 847 537 363 168 2,305 1,030 1,274 2,885 3,698 749 481,270 478,302 378,769 61,059 16,477 137,451 763 , 782 102,500 10,058 808 4,087 7,812 9,999 787 3,968 7,582 8,009 772 3,796 6,673 915 348 2,411 1,834 331 58 175 356 3,242 349 1,096 2,693 3,521 16 U3 1,790 2,048 36 292 1,139 600,175 595,819 482,761 92,767 20,477 175,732 193,785 117,414 Cash, bank balances, items in process Currency and coin . , Reserves with F.R. Banks Demand balances with banks in United States Other balances with banks in United States . . Balances with banks in foreign countries. , Cash items in process of collection Bunk investment portfolios U.S. Treasury . . . Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other . . . Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Commercial banks. . . . Brokers and dealers Others Other loans Real estate loans. . . Secured by farmland. . . Secured by residential properties . . 1- to 4 -family residences FHA insured . . VA guaranteed Other . . . Mult i family properties . . . . FHA insured . Other Secured by other properties Loans to domestic and foreign banks. . Loans to other financial institutions, , . Loans on securities to brokers and dealers Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities. Loans to farmers . Commercial a n d industrial loans. . . . . . . . Loans to individuals. Instalment loans Passenger automobilies Residentiat-repair/modcrnize . , , Credit cards and related plans Charge -ace o u n t e red i t ca rd s Check- and revolving-credit plans .. Other retail consumer goods . . . Mobile homes Other. . Other instalment loans. Single-payment loans to individuals. All other loans . . Total loans and securities Fixed assets Buildings, furniture, real estate . . Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets . . Total assets 8,207 369 146 911 Annual Statistical Digest 63 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1971 Member banks * All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Liability account, or ratio Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmemberl banks Demand deposits . . . . Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government. . . . . . ... States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc. . . . Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers* checks, etc 246,643 1,130 176,828 8,412 17,276 864 27,569 2,614 11,949 245,080 1,027 176,042 8,392 17,185 773 27,492 2,434 11,736 202,775 970 141,478 6,983 12,953 743 26,635 2,360 10,654 49,236 470 25,402 1,199 789 592 13,034 1,717 6,032 8,455 1 6,068 318 352 16 1,438 51 211 70,742 191 51,321 2 S 954 3,716 130 9,440 535 2,455 74,342 307 58,687 2,513 8,095 4 2,723 56 1,956 43,868 160 35,350 1,429 4,323 121 934 254 1,295 Time a n d savings deposits . . . . . Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 257,121 107,868 746 430 114,525 517 26,221 5,037 1,613 165 256,203 107,605 745 407 114,167 517 26,132 4,870 1,606 153 198,734 83,647 536 405 86,796 462 20,534 4,779 1,463 113 24,474 6,180 7,181 2,160 12,648 68 1,896 2,745 758 61 '3',666' 3 741 527 83 1 72,159 31,258 125 252 29,469 249 8,863 1,461 433 50 94,921 44,050 411 34 41,013 143 9,033 48 189 1 58,387 24,221 210 25 27,729 55 5,688 257 150 52 50 3 , 763 501,283 401,509 73,710 15,636 142,901 169,263 102,254 20,454 2,093 641 4,193 17,455 20,365 1,932 639 4,050 16,481 19,947 1,753 494 3,876 14,098 4,276 255 84 2,478 3,862 1 ,985 374 6 176 351 11,508 645 249 1,104 4,623 2,177 479 155 117 5,262 507 340 147 317 3,357 548,600 544,749 441,676 84,665 18,528 161,030 177,453 106,923 3i3' 303 2 7 I 1 ,876 1 ,802 16 57 1 1,832 1,714 50 68 3 999 900 42 56 14,499 437 14,062 18 3,750 5,948 4,024 322 9,489 349 9J40 20 2,578 3,715 2,587 241 Total deposits . .. . . . . Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money. . . . Mortgage indebtedness Bank acceptances outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans/securities. Reserves for bad debts (IRS) Other reserves on loans . Reserves on securities ... Total capital accounts Capital notes and debentures Equity capital Preferred stock . Common stock Surplus . . . Undivided profits Other capital reserves . . . . . ... . , . . Total liabilities, reserves, minority interest, capital accounts Demand deposits adjusted 3 Average total deposits (past I 5 days) . . . Average total loans (past 15 days) ... 4 6,260 5,960 111 189 4 6,250 5,956 109 ! 185 1 5,262 5,061 69 132 lis' . .. 1,241 45,311 2,638 42,674 117 11,673 19,114 10,729 1,041 44,816 2,585 42, 231 113 11,558 19,003 10,570 987 35,822 2,289 33 , 533 98 9,095 15,399 8,142 800 6,860 735 6, 725 41 1,687 3,061 1,233 103 1,637 39 ;,597 512 749 204 132 12,826 1,077 11,749 39 3 , 145 5,640 2,681 244 600,175 595,819 482,761 92,767 20,477 175,732 193,785 117,414 168,263 490,675 310,197 166,860 488,237 308,422 127,670 389,597 249,178 15,264 67,907 45,851 5,044 15,012 11 ,2V4 43,872 138,637 92,988 63,490 168,041 99,125 40 , 593 101,078 61 ,019 Selected ratios — Percentage of total assets: 16,0 16.0 17.6 28.2 15.0 17.6 12.7 9.7 26.3 .7 .3 .3 .1 26.3 .7 .3 .3 .1 24.6 .8 .4 .3 .1 H.9 1.4 .5 .6 .3 23.0 2.4 1.4 .7 .3 22.9 1.1 .6 .4 .2 30.9 .1 33.2 ... 25.6 9.7 12.7 3.1 25.6 9.7 12.8 3.1 23.7 8.7 12.5 2.5 13.4 5.0 7.3 1.2 20.6 7.1 11.9 1.6 21.8 7.7 12.4 1.7 30.8 11.6 15.2 3.9 33.1 13.8 13.6 5.7 . . 53.9 3.8 80.2 54.0 3.7 80.3 53.9 4.0 78.5 50.9 5.9 65. 8 57.5 4.5 50.5 55.3 4.2 78.2 53.6 2.8 84.5 54.1 3.0 87. 3 1.0 7.1 7.5 1.0 7.1 7.5 1.1 6.9 7.4 1.3 6.6 7.4 1.5 7.8 8.0 1.1 6.7 7.3 .9 7,3 7.5 .9 7.8 8.1 13,729 13,547 5,736 12 9 156 5,559 7,993 Cash and balances with other banks Total securities held . . . . . Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions All other trading-account securities ... Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury . . . States and political subdivisions All other portfolio securities Other loans and Federal funds sold All other assets , Total loans and securities Reserves for loans and securities Equity capital—Total Total capital accounts. . . . Number o f banks. . . . ... .1 64 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 31, 1971 Member banks l Asset account All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Cash, bank balances, items in process Currency and coin Reserves with F.R, Banks . , Demand balances with banks in United States. . . . Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries. . Cash items in process of collection Total securities held -Book value U ,S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other securities , Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury. . . . . . ,. Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other. . . . Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell. Commercial banks . Brokers and dealers Others . .. . Other loans, . . . , Real estate loans Secured by farmland Secured by residential properties , . . 7- to 4- family residences FHA insured . . VA guaranteed Other Multi family properties F H A insured . . . Other Secured by other properties . . . Loans to domestic and foreign banks Loans to other financial institutions Loans on securities to brokers and dealers Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities. . Loans to farmers Commercial and industrial loans . . . Loans to individuals Instalment loans Passenger automobiles Residential -re pair /modernize Credit cards and related plans Charge-account credit cards. . Check- and revolving-credit plans Other retail consumer goods. . . . . Mobile homes . . . OtherOther instalment loans. . . Single- payment loans to individuals All other loans . I Total loans and securities Fixed assets Buildings, furniture, real estate Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets. .. Total assets 1 Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large AH other Nonin em her banks » 99,810 7,538 27,478 23,142 2,387 625 38,640 98,259 7,529 27,478 21,882 2,270 520 38 , 579 86,189 5,778 27,478 13,038 1,855 444 37,596 22,663 459 5,362 1,668 137 107 14,928 3,011 133 956 96 106 57 1,663 33,732 1,819 12,264 3,212 1,010 234 15,193 26,783 3,367 8,896 8,062 601 45 5,812 13,621 1 , 760 169,572 64,885 17,924 82,415 4,347 168,649 64,647 17,760 82,094 4,148 127,371 47,633 11,412 65,244 3,082 14,628 5,597 849 7,729 452 4,848 1,782 214 2,688 165 43,040 15,912 2,651 23,459 1,018 64,854 24,343 7,698 31,367 1,446 42,20( 17,252 6,512 17,172 1,265 5,309 2,336 715 2,062 195 5,306 2,333 715 2,062 195 5,23$ 2,309 692 2,043 193 1,844 769 338 736 560 352 65 109 34 2,55$ 1,116 246 1,051 145 276 71 43 147 14 77 26 164,263 62,550 17,209 80,353 4,152 163,343 62,314 17,044 80,032 3,953 122,133 45,324 10,720 63 , 200 2,889 12J85 4,828 511 6,993 452 4,288 1,429 149 2 , 579 131 40,483 14,795 2,406 22,408 874 64,578 24,271 7,655 31,220 1,432 42,737 17,226 6,489 17,153 1 , 263 19,949 17,377 1,959 612 19,618 17,046 1,959 612 15,373 12,826 1,952 595 774 511 154 108 621 492 7,771 5,900 1,543 328 6,208 5,923 254 30 4,576 4,552 8 17 327,568 81,592 4,165 57,324 47,375 7,258 2,956 37,161 3,949 781 3,168 26,104 325,676 81,426 4,134 57,270 47,263 7,230 2,942 37,091 3,948 780 3,167 26,082 262,826 61,091 1,965 39,442 36,189 6,398 2,566 27,226 3,253 714 2,539 19,685 47,940 4,496 2 2,373 7,7^2 280 219 1,283 537 126 405 2,181 1 1 , 693 949 2 625 540 76 22 442 85 34 51 322 98,673 22,300 256 75,269 13,714 3,523 1,266 8,925 7,555 313 1,242 6,775 104,520 33,347 1,706 27 , 235 2n,J53 2,520 1,058 16,576 7,0^2 241 841 10,406 64 , 742 20,500 2 . 200 11,882 4,591 16,924 7,293 3 , 659 1 2 , 497 118,468 4,405 16,790 7,201 3,644 12,482 117,545 4,123 15,713 6,895 3,167 7,311 101,479 1,722 3,997 4,701 677 30 26,526 382 1,568 527 263 51 6,355 1,671 7,497 1 , 193 ! ,407 1 , 630 40,397 348 2,651 474 821 5 , 599 28,201 468 1,211 398 492 5,187 16,989 74,496 55,779 24,860 3,849 5,952 4 , 490 1,462 #,274 4,676 4,539 11 , 304 19,317 8,048 74 , 244 54,959 24,728 3,844 5,952 4,490 1,462 9,199 4,673 4,526 11,237 19,285 7,937 55,839 40,579 17,435 2,975 5,362 4,085 1,276 6,611 3,433 3,178 8,196 15,261 7,207 4.151 2,27.9 340 168 727 521 206 773 2 1 , 1 67 576 125 37 747 125 22 727 31 89 146 591 431 19,405 73,955 5,566 1,140 2,905 2,245 659 2,077 1 , 1 36 941 2,267 5,450 3,173 31,117 23,829 11,404 1 , 629 1,583 1 , 1 93 389 4,307 2 , 263 2,037 4,913 7,288 1 , 962 18,656 74,607 7,425 K75 57 7 , 089 573,942 405.570 63,342 77,762 149,484 775,56*2 111,519 10,676 932 4,012 8,216 10,616 911 3,913 7,964 8,476 903 3,710 6,987 950 425 2,235 1 , 846 337 255 418 3,445 398 1,081 2,822 3 744 21 138 1,900 2,200 29 301 1 , 229 640,735 635,605 511,835 91,461 21,243 190,962 208,169 128,900 no 870 1,932 1,641 1 '532 LSI 1,043 19 '860 390 9,935 697 67 629 6,419 405 185 2,603 1 , 242 1,361 3,107 4 , 056 841 Annual Statistical Digest 65 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 31, 1971 Member banks l Liability account, or ratio All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Large banks Total New York City City of Chicago 2 Other large All other Nonmemberl banks Demand deposits Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. . U.S. Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks, etc 262,712 1,317 191,676 10,169 17,661 879 28,032 2,855 10,123 261,040 1,164 190,916 10,150 17,544 803 27,980 2,680 9,803 213,425 1,100 152,060 8,427 12,955 783 26,956 2,556 8,587 46,281 521 25,567 1,513 909 626 11,526 1,779 3,841 8,953 1 6,309 363 333 14 1,591 101 240 77,273 178 56,204 3,557 3,600 138 10,460 604 2,533 80,917 400 63,981 2,993 8,113 5 3,379 73 1,973 49 , 287 217 39,615 1,742 4,706 96 1,076 299 1,537 Time a n d savings deposits . . . . Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. . U.S. Government. . . .... States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 275,742 111,658 680 302 124,305 528 30,361 5,308 2,406 195 274,491 111,405 677 287 123,766 528 30,280 5,049 2,321 178 212,438 85,907 482 284 94,184 445 23 , 890 4,981 2,135 130 25 , 442 6,251 7,727 2,156 29 809 489 162 6 78,035 31,808 83 98 32,855 225 10,516 1,616 784 51 101,233 45,692 371 28 44,210 167 10,505 26 235 1 63,304 25,751 197 17 30,121 84 6,471 327 271 65 538, 453 535,531 425,862 71 , 723 16,680 155,308 182,151 112,591 24,286 1,625 657 4,154 17,903 24,177 1,451 655 4,038 16,590 23,734 1,312 502 3,833 13,924 5,013 182 83 2,343 3,589 1,688 246 6 258 384 14,304 495 252 1,092 4,370 2,728 389 160 141 5,581 553 313 155 322 3,979 587,080 582,442 469,167 82,933 19,262 175,821 191,150 117,913 4 6,440 6,149 110 181 4 6,429 6,144 106 179 1 5,388 5,198 65 125 1,243 1,243 298 290 2 7 1 1,943 1,881 11 51 I 1,904 1,784 52 68 3 1,052 951 45 56 47,211 2,990 44., 220 97 11,865 19,941 11,251 1,067 46,731 2,938 43,793 92 1 1 , 762 19,829 11,101 1,009 37,279 2,585 34,694 76 9,211 15,989 8,597 822 7,285 857 6,428 20 1,741 3,235 1,329 103 1,682 44 1,638 515 756 235 132 13,197 1,151 12,046 39 3,157 5,811 2,785 255 15,114 533 14,581 17 3,798 6,186 4,248 332 9,932 405 9,526 20 2,654 3,953 2,654 245 640,735 635,605 511,835 91,461 21,243 190,962 208,169 128,900 185,872 497,428 317,074 184,330 494,622 315,180 140,446 387,283 251,545 18,315 42.543 37J413 5,335 16,344 11,729 48,063 150,054 97,820 68,733 178,342 104,584 45 , 426 110,145 65,529 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase ... . Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness Bank acceptances outstanding ... Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans/securities Reserves for bad debts (IRS) Other reserves on loans Reserves on securities Total capital accounts . . . . Capital notes and debentures Equity capital Preferred stock Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Other capital reserves Total liabilities, reserves, minority interest, capital accounts Demand deposit^ adjusted ' Average total deposits (past 15 days) Average total loans (past 15 days) 159' 13,045 51 2,060 2,850 954 73 4,074 0 1 Selected ratios— Percentage of total assets: Cash and balances with other banks 15.6 15.5 16.8 24.8 14.2 17.7 12.9 10.6 Total securities held . . . Trading-account securities U S Treasury States and political subdivisions All other trading-account securities 26.5 .8 A .3 .1 26.5 ,8 A .3 .1 24.9 1.0 .5 .4 .2 16.0 2.0 .8 .8 .4 22.8 2.6 1.7 .5 .5 22.5 1.3 .6 .6 2 31.2 32.7 25.6 9.8 12.5 .3.3 25.7 9.8 12,6 3.3 23.9 8.9 12.3 2.7 14.0 5.3 7.6 1.1 20.2 6.7 12.1 1.3 27.2 7.7 11.7 1.7 31.0 11.7 15.0 4.4 32.7 13.4 13.3 6.0 54.2 3.7 SO. 7 54.3 3.7 80.9 54.4 3.9 79.2 53.3 6.0 69. 3 58.0 5.0 80.8 55.7 4. t. 78.3 53.2 2.8 84.3 53.8 2.9 S6.S 1.0 6.9 7.4 1.0 6.9 7.4 1.1 6.8 7.3 1.4 7.0 8.0 1.4 7.7 7.9 1.0 6.3 6.9 .9 7.0 7.3 .8 7.4 7.7 13,783 13,602 5,727 12 9 156 5,550 8,056 Bank investment portfolios . . U.S Treasury States and political subdivisions All other portfolio securities .... Other loans and Federal funds sold, AH other assets Total loans and securities Reserves for loans and securities Equity capital — Total Total capital accounts Number of banks . . . .; '.i' 66 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of —Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1972 Member banks All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Asset account Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmemberl banks 99,472 6,799 27,119 23,675 2,089 717 39,073 98,252 6,773 27 , 1 19 22,759 1,954 632 39,014 86,430 5,093 27,119 14,375 1,447 560 37,835 22,535 383 5,375 3,520 81 188 12,989 2,946 94 1,142 182 17 40 1,471 33,806 1,574 11,516 3,099 747 286 16,585 27,142 3,042 9,086 7,575 602 46 6 S 791 13,042 1,706 171,779 60,258 19,633 86,598 5,290 170,817 59,984 19,447 86,286 5,100 127,626 43,708 12,367 67,777 3,774 14,960 5,338 548 8,491 584 4,758 1,662 174 2,771 151 41,873 14,141 3,034 23,510 1,187 66,035 22,568 8,610 33,005 1,852 44,153 16,550 7,266 18,820 1,516 3,347 1,576 375 1,295 100 3,321 1,550 375 1,295 100 3,275 1,542 371 1,266 99 1,113 649 109 354 403 264 30 109 1,435 521 184 650 81 327 109 48 153 17 70 34 4 29 2 168,432 58,682 19,257 85,303 5,190 167,496 58,434 19,072 84,991 4,999 124,349 42,166 11,996 66,511 3,676 13,545 4,689 439 8,137 584 4,356 1,398 144 2,662 151 40,437 13,621 2,851 22,860 1,106 65,705 22,459 8,562 32,852 1,835 44,053 16,516 7,262 18,791 1,514 20 , 598 19,201 978 418 19,568 18,172 978 418 15,561 14,197 969 395 649 559 81 10 783 683 11 89 8,272 7,262 751 259 5,857 5,694 125 38 5,037 5,004 10 23 . . . . 350,908 89 , 227 4,522 56,056 51,174 7,224 3,113 40,837 4,912 992 3,920 28,619 348,707 89,048 4,492 55,959 51,048 7,190 3,094 40,764 4,911 992 3,919 28 , 598 279,588 66,516 2,128 42,973 35,574 6,348 2,701 29 , 826 4,099 919 3,180 21,415 50,987 5,288 4 2,705 2,050 320 228 1,502 655 124 534 2,576 12,999 1,011 2 650 567 77 22 468 53 30 53 359 105,014 24,358 280 16,784 14,724 3,490 1,331 9,903 2,060 471 1,589 7,294 110-587 35I859 1,842 22,531 21,533 2,461 1,119 17,953 1,295 294 1,004 11,186 71,319 22,711 2,393 13,114 12,300 876 413 11,012 513 73 740 7,204 Loans to domestic and foreign banks . .... Loans to other financial institutions Loans on securities to brokers and dealers Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities . . Loans to farmers Commercial and industrial loans 5,041 18,353 8,608 4,012 13,610 123,162 4,761 18,266 8,491 3,998 13,593 122,064 4,520 17,104 8,260 3,477 7,924 104,419 1,834 4,936 5,665 768 33 25,972 242 2,015 666 225 66 7,179 2,136 7,771 1,563 1,566 1,803 41,770 308 2,381 366 917 6,023 29,498 521 1,249 348 535 5,686 18,743 80,243 59,602 27,050 4,090 6,140 4,562 1,578 10,269 5,464 4,805 12,053 20,641 8,651 79,933 59,331 26,883 4,084 6,140 4,562 1,578 10,250 5,462 4,788 11,974 20,602 8,553 59,603 43,425 18,812 3,131 5,530 4,144 1,386 7,252 3,974 3,308 8,670 16,179 7,765 4,561 2,379 396 182 751 530 221 121 9 112 929 2,182 1,930 1,054 525 132 36 154 132 22 93 34 60 109 529 542 20,772 14,827 5,996 1,216 2,997 2,277 720 2,269 1,321 948 2,349 5,946 3,275 33,215 25,694 12,287 1,697 1,625 1,206 422 4,799 2,611 2,188 5,283 7,522 2,019 20,640 16,178 8,238 959 610 417 193 2,957 1,490 1,497 3,384 4,462 886 543,255 539 , 093 422 , 775 66,597 15,541 155,158 182,479 120,510 11,312 884 3,792 8,977 11,251 879 3,692 8,671 8,948 868 3,512 7,532 1,004 402 1,848 1,990 345 58 318 354 3,648 376 1,206 3,034 3,951 31 139 2,154 2,364 17 280 1,445 667,722 661,838 530,064 94,377 22,562 197,228 215,896 137,658 Cash, bank balances, items in process Currency a n d coin . . . ... Reserves with F.R, Banks Demand balances with banks in United States. ; . . Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection Total securities held —Book value U.S. Treasury . . . . . Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other securities Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury . . Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other . ... . . * . . . . . Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other . Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Commercial banks . . . . . . Brokers and dealers Others . . Other loans. . . Real estate loans Secured b y farmland Secured by residential properties 1- to 4-family residences FHA insured VA guaranteed Other. . . . Multifamily properties FHA insured . Other Secured by other properties . . . . . . . Total loans and securities Fixed assets— Buildings, furniture, real estate Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets . . . . . . . . Loans to individuals Instalment loans Passenger automobiles Residential-repair /modernize Credit cards and related plans Charge-account credit cards Check- and revolving-credit plans Other retail consunier goods Mobile homes Other. . . Other instalment loans Single-payment loans to individuals All other loans l 9 ',299' 642 157 1,237 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets9 67 and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1972 Member banks * Insured All commercia commercia banks banks Liability account, or ratio Nonmember banks 1 Large banks 2 All other Total New York City City of Chicago Other large Demand deposits Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks etc 256,916 1,230 189,624 9,083 17,687 1,086 24 , 292 3,261 10,653 255,102 1,116 188,939 9,062 17,568 961 24,219 3,064 10,172 207,360 1,036 149,451 7,630 13,177 931 23,328 2,947 8,859 44,608 499 25,224 1,038 816 796 10,269 2,165 3,801 8,195 1 6,073 261 295 17 1,239 92 217 74,872 195 55,077 3,527 3,923 115 8,831 618 2,586 79,684 341 63,077 2,804 8,144 3 2,988 72 2,255 49,556 194 40,173 1,453 4,510 155 964 313 1,793 Time and savings deposits Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations, U.S. Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments central banks etc. Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 294 , 884 296,222 118,794 119,076 592 595 436 418 133,589 134,165 492 491 33,110 - 33,027 5,357 5,671 2,419 2,468 211 196 226,633 91,058 419 415 101,105 387 25,668 5,279 2,150 152 27,824 7,002 8,717 2,331 138 14,448 24 2,331 2,844 974 63 4,756 2 1,047 442 125 14 82,051 33,425 73 212 34,616 180 10,809 1,939 730 67 108,041 48,300 346 66 47,285 182 11,480 54 321 8 69,589 28,017 177 21 33,060 104 7,442 391 318 59 553,138 549 , 985 433 , 993 72,452 16,9/2 156,924 157,726 119,145 30,760 2,454 735 3,976 19,987 30,624 2,205 733 3,824 18,307 29,721 2,031 577 3,641 15,293 6,898 416 82 1,953 3,661 2,459 180 81 327 429 16,641 951 253 1,220 5,261 3,724 484 160 141 5,941 1,039 ' 423 158 335 4,694 611,050 605,677 485,255 85,442 20,388 181,249 198,177 125,794 6 6,549 6,254 114 181 5 6,533 6,248 106 179 3 5,448 5,259 65 124 1,286 1,285 317 307 2 7 2 1 ,958 1,890 16 52 1 1,888 1,777 46 65 3 1,101 995 49 57 50,117 3,623 46,494 74 12,456 20,719 12,363 883 49,623 3,570 46,053 69 12,347 20,608 12,202 826 39,358 3,105 36,253 53 9,618 16,510 9,436 635 7,650 854 6,796 20 1,949 3,239 1,585 3 1,857 51 1,806 14,020 1,558 12,462 16 3,182 6,005 3,007 253 15,831 642 15,189 17 3,941 6,321 4,582 328 10,759 519 10,241 21 2,837 4,208 2,927 248 667,722 661,838 530,064 94,377 22,562 197,228 215,896 137,658 184,468 542 , 894 347,944 182,806 539,825 346,022 138,566 425,046 276,011 20,312 70,910 49,461 5,224 16,567 13,113 45,929 152,532 102,557 67,101 185,036 110,881 45,901 117,848 71,933 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness Bank acceptances outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans /securities Reserves for bad debts (IRS) Other reserves on loans Reserves on securities Total capital accounts Capital notes and debentures Equity capital Preferred stock Common stock Surplus Undivided profits . . . . Other capital reserves Total liabilities, reserves, minority, interest, capital accounts 3 Demand deposits adjusted Average total deposits (past 15 days) Average total loans (past 15 days) 547' 946 262 51 Selected ratios— Percentage of total assets : Cash and balances with other banks 14.9 14.8 16.3 23.9 13.1 17.1 12.6 9.5 Total securities held Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury . . . . States and political subdivisions All other trading-account securities 25.7 .5 2 '.2 .1 25.8 .5 .2 .2 A 24.1 .6 .3 .2 .1 15.9 1.2 .7 .4 .1 21.1 1.8 1.2 .5 .1 21.2 .7 .3 .3 .1 30.6 .2 .1 .1 32.1 .1 Bank investment portfolios . U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions All other portfolio securities. 25.2 8.8 12.8 3.7 25.3 8.8 12.8 3.6 25.5 8.0 12.5 3.0 14.7 5.0 8.6 1.1 19.5 6.2 11.8 1.3 20.5 6.9 11.6 2.0 30.4 10.4 15.2 4.8 52.0 12.0 13.7 6.4 55.6 3.7 81.4 55.6 3.7 81.5 55.7 3.9 79.8 54.7 5.6 70.6 61.1 4.8 82.2 57.4 4.2 78.7 53.9 2.9 84.5 55.5 3.0 87.5 1.0 7.0 7.5 1.0 7.0 7.5 1.0 6.8 7.4 1.4 7 2 8.1 1.4 8.0 8.2 1.0 6.3 7.1 .9 7.0 7.3 .8 7.4 7.8 13,875 13,669 5,714 13 9 157 5,535 8,161 Other loans and Federal funds sold All other assets Total loans and securities , . , Reserves for loans and securities Equity capital — Total Total capital accounts Number of banks » 68 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 31, 1972 Member banks 1 Asset account All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Large banks 2 Total New York City f City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmember banks * Cash, bank balances, items in process Currency and coin , ., Reserves with F.R. Banks Demand balances with banks in United States. . . , Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection , . . 113,140 8,669 26,070 29,174 3,020 854 45,353 111,345 8,640 26,070 28,067 2,676 645 45,247 96,566 6,582 26,070 17,372 2,024 603 43,916 26,416 508 5,695 4,715 139 143 15,216 3,580 152 1 ,497 163 10 55 1,704 36,729 2,114 10,085 3,502 1,186 346 19,496 16,574 29,841 2,087 3,807 8 , 794 8 ,992 " ' i i ' , 8 0 2 ' 996 690 252 59 1,437 7 , 500 Total securities held^-Book value U.S. Treasury ., .... Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions . All other securities 184,198 67,099 21,801 89,508 5,789 183,063 66,750 21,591 89 , 177 5,546 136,239 48,715 13,734 69,640 4,150 16,321 5,696 853 9,107 665 5,06S 1,873 199 2,820 177 44,888 16,316 3,208 24,049 1,315 69,962 24,830 9,474 33,664 1,994 47,958 18,384 8,067 19,868 1,639 5,752 2,615 456 1,874 206 5,726 2,590 456 1,874 206 5,072 2,575 449 1,842 206 2,226 1,115 198 835 78 479 294 44 74 8 2,776 1,083 185 787 120 257 84 22 145 79 40 7 32 179,046 64,484 21,345 87,634 5,583 177,937 64,160 21,135 87,303 5,339 737,767 46,140 13,285 67,798 3,944 74,095 4,582 656 8,272 586 4,64S 1,579 155 2,746 169 42,773 15,233 3 ,023 23,261 1,195 69,711 24,747 9,451 33,519 1,994 47 ,£79 18,343 8,061 19,836 1,639 26,678 24,424 1,774 479 25,599 23,345 1,774 479 19,961 17,755 1,749 457 812 560 117 136 718 405 184 129 9,927 8,651 1,127 149 8,504 8,140 322 43 6,717 6,669 25 23 388,707 98,390 4,730 62,084 56,378 7,030 3,175 46,174 5,706 1,191 4,515 31,575 386,054 98,211 4,702 67,953 56,249 6,998 3,154 46,097 5,704 1,191 4,513 31,557 57,901 309 ,969 73,131 5,789 2,193 47,360 ""3\060 42,570 2,211 6,194 299 2,742 226 33,633 1,686 4J90 849 1,087 159 3,704 690 23,579 2,729 15,576 1,066 2 770 ' 622 81 21 520 88 34 54 354 116,802 27,014 281 18,514 16,157 3,404 1,376 11,377 2,357 580 1,777 8,219 119,690 39,262 1,910 25,077 23,580 2,411 1,119 20,051 7,496 314 1,183 12,276 78,738 25,258 2,537 74,725 13,809 836 432 12,540 916 104 8I( 7,996 6,585 23,408 11,316 4,491 14,314 132,779 6,115 23,282 11,165 4,460 14,287 131,500 5,783 22,026 10,863 3,870 8,495 112,110 2,271 6,413 7,057 841 50 27,864 341 2,780 1 ,330 282 140 7,851 2,716 10,268 2,024 1,707 1,977 44,483 455 2,565 452 1 ,040 6,327 31,911 803 1,382 453 622 5,819 20,669 87,252 64,784 29,071 4,273 7,184 5,408 1,775 11 ,491 6,436 5,055 12,766 22,468 10,173 86,933 64,516 28,913 4,266 7 , IB 3 5,408 1,775 11,473 6,435 5,039 12,681 22,417 10,101 64,490 47,033 20,118 3,251 6,447 4,897 1,550 8,099 4,657 3,443 9,118 17,457 9,201 5,225 2,583 423 185 888 658 230 £7 It 70 1,006 2,643 2,390 1,138 559 140 | 38 790 166 24 92 36 100 579 648 22,669 16,344 6,460 1,282 3,570 2,686 823 2,6 J 3 1,579 1,034 2,480 6,325 3,943 35,458 27,547 13,096 1,745 7 , $6® 1,388 472 5,314 3,030 i 2,284 5,532 7,911 2,220 22,762 17 ,751 8,953 1,022 737 511 225 3,392 1,780 1,612 3,648 5,011 971 599,582 594 J 17 466,769 75,034 27,362 777, 618 198,156 ' 733,473 11,837 1,077 3,469 10,318 9,338 1,067 3,314 9,052 1,011 473 1,979 2,690 357 90 253 369 3,865 476 964 3,587 4,106 29 118 2,406 ! 2,571 16 253 1,502 732,763 585,506 107,603 26,009 217,239 234,655 ' 154,329 . . . . . Trading-account securities. . .... U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury .... Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other . . . . Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Commercial banks. . . Brokers and dealers Others . . . . . Other loans Real estate loans Secured by farmland Secured by residential properties 1- to 4-familv residences FHA insured . . . VA guaranteed Other Mult i family properties FHA insured . , , ., Other Secured by other properties , , ... Loans to domestic and foreign banks, . , Loans to other financial institutions Loans on securities to brokers and dealers Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities. . Loans to farmers. . . , Commercial and industrial loans Loans to individuals Instalment loans. . . Passenger automobiles Residential-repair/modernize. . . . Credit cards and related plans , . Charge-account credit cards Check- and revolving-credit plans Other retail consumer goods Mobile homes Other Other instalment loans Single -payment loans to individuals All other loans .. Total loans and securities Fixed assets Buildings, furniture, real estate Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets ... . . . 1 1 ,909 1,083 3,567 10,554 739,835 55 : Annual Statistical Digest 69 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 31 ,1972 Member banks Liability account, or ratio All Insured commercia commercia banks banks Large banks Total New York City City of Chicago l 2 Other large All other Nonmember banks 1 Demand deposits Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks, etc 296,996 1,367 220,963 10,875 18,592 1,019 28,604 3,883 11,693 294,923 1,206 220,180 10,821 18,463 909 28,525 3,636 11,185 238,800 1,125 173,887 9,024 13,544 883 27,396 3,437 9,503 51,885 552 30,310 1,418 741 730 11,980 2,562 3,592 9,511 1 6,882 509 223 17 1,515 99 264 86,369 226 64,313 3,860 3,854 134 10,200 707 3,075 91,036 346 72,381 3,238 8,726 2 3,701 70 2,571 58,196 242 47,076 1,851 5,048 135 1,207 446 2,190 Time and savings deposits Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments Mutual savings banks , ., Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries . . . . 319,800 123,605 559 367 146,610 608 37,186 7,033 3,502 333 318,098 123,339 554 353 145,877 608 37,111 6,490 3,439 327 243,706 93,525 382 339 110,831 468 28,553 6,387 2,973 248 30,561 6,859 10,340 2,327 187 16,141 10 2,522 3,197 1,537 109 6,140 95 847 770 136 24 87,613 33,963 69 112 38,045 181 11,811 2,372 962 98 115,191 50,377 313 40 50,505 181 13,373 48 338 17 76,095 30,080 177 27 35,779 140 8,633 646 529 84 616 , 796 613,021 482,505 82,446 19,851 273,982 206,227 134,291 33,880 4,203 1,151 3,682 20,550 33,714 3,842 1,148 3,568 18,403 32,674 3,682 986 3,413 15,297 8,346 1,156 82 2,040 4,181 2,550 458 80 267 581 17,888 1,504 664 984 5,465 3,891 564 160 122 5,069 1,206 520 165 269 5,253 680,263 673,697 538,558 98,250 23,788 200,487 216,034 141,704 2 2,063 2,001 13 50 1 2,012 1,902 46 65 4 1,192 1,093 44 54 14,687 1,655 13,032 16 3,278 6,199 3,294 246 16,608 787 15,821 17 4,051 6,557 4,859 338 11,429 616 10,813 21 2,961 4,558 3,022 251 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness Bank acceptances outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans/securities . . . . Reserves for bad debts (IRS) Other reserves on loans . . Reserves on securities Total capital accounts Capital notes and debentures . . Equity capital Preferred stock Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Other capital reserves. . . '. Total liabilities, reserves, minority interest, capital accounts Demand deposits adjusted 3 . . . Average total deposits (past 15 days) Average total loans (past 15 days). . 6 6,909 6,627 106 176 6 6,894 6,617 104 173 5,717 5,534 62 121 1,311 1,311 331 321 3 7 52,658 4,127 48,531 74 12,887 21,569 13,137 864 52,166 4,073 48,093 69 12,796 21,451 12,971 806 41,228 3,511 37,718 52 9,926 17,012 10,115 613 8,042 1,012 7,030 20 2,050 3,156 1,800 4 1,891 57 1,833 739,835 732,763 585,506 107,603 26,009 217,239 234,655 154,329 212,164 597,379 389,456 210,330 593,598 386,665 158,464 466,227 308,646 23,271 77,940 57,313 5,783 19,181 15,265 52,813 167,982 116,110 76,597 201,125 119,957 53,701 131,152 80,810 547' 1,099 161 26 Selected ratios — Percentage of total assets: Cash and balances with other banks 15.3 15,2 16.5 24.5 13.8 16.9 12.7 10.7 Total securities held , . Trad in g-occount securities U.S. Treasury . . . States and political subdivisions All other trading-account securities 24.9 .7 A .3 .1 25.0 .7 .4 .3 .1 23.3 .9 .4 .3 .1 15.2 2.1 1.0 .8 .3 19.5 7. 6 l.l .3 .2 20.7 1.0 .5 .4 .1 29.8 ./ 31.1 .1 Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions. . . All other portfolio securities 24.2 8.7 11.8 3.6 24.3 8.8 11.9 3.6 22.4 7.9 11.6 2.9 13.1 4.3 7.7 1.2 77.9 6.1 10.6 1.2 19. 7 7.0 10.7 1.9 29.7 10.5 14.3 4.9 31.0 11.9 12.9 6.3 Other loans and Federal funds sold All other assets . . Total loans and securities 56.1 3.7 81.0 56.2 3.6 81.2 56.3 3.9 79.6 54.6 5.7 69.7 62.6 4.1 82.1 58.3 4.1 79.0 54.6 2.8 84,4 55.4 2.8 86. 4 Reserves for loans and securities . . . Equity capital —Total Total capital accounts .9 6.6 7.1 1.0 6.4 7.0 1.2 6.5 7.5 1,3 7.0 7.3 .9 6.0 6.8 .9 6.7 7.1 .8 7.0 7.4 5,704 13 9 156 5,526 8,223 Number of banks 13,927 .9 6.6 7.1 1 13,721 .1 70 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1973 Member banks All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Asset account Large banks l 2 Total AH other New York City City of j Chicago Nonmemberl banks Otherlarge Cash, bank balances, items in process. . . Currency and coin Reserves with F.R. Banks Demand balances with banks in United States . , Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection . . . 103,608 7,669 25,143 27,699 2,143 853 40,101 101,716 7,658 25,143 26,519 1,719 691 39,986 88,227 5,754 25,143 16,858 1,146 601 38,724 24,518 467 4,981 5,448 108 248 13,265 3,501 126 1,512 117 21 62 1,663 31,899 1,788 9,345 3,603 496 225 16,442 28,309 3,373 9 , 305 7,691 520 66 7,354 15,381 1,915 Total securities held Book value U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Oovt. agencies . . . . States and political subdivisions All other securities 178,976 57,877 24 , 1 89 91,312 5 , 598 177,793 57,532 23,918 90,967 5,376 129,625 41 ,080 15,270 69,374 3,902 13,785 4,661 1,296 7,224 604 4,921 1,715 219 2,796 191 42,211 ! 13,066 3,530 24,435 1,180 68,709 21,638 10,226 34,919 1,927 49,351 16,797 8,919 21,939 1,696 4 , 709 I ,949 654 1,965 141 4,682 1,923 654 1,965 141 4,625 1,913 648 1,923 141 1,802 790 264 703 45 472 343 43 86 2,112 763 304 953 92 23V 16 38 181 4 84 36 5 42 174,267 55,928 23,535 89,348 5,457 173 ,110 55,609 23,264 89,002 5,235 125,000 39,167 14,621 67,450 3,761 11 ,982 3,870 1,032 6,520 560 4,448 1,372 175 2,710 190 40,099 12,303 3,226 23,481 1,088 68,470 21,622 10,188 34,738 1 ,923 49,267 16,760 8,914 21,897 1,696 27 , 652 26,019 1 ,301 331 26 , 1 62 24,529 1 ,301 331 19,705 18,123 1,297 285 1,394 1 ,251 126 18 1,097 763 270 63 9,333 8,455 715 162 7,882 7,654 186 42 7,947 7,896 4 46 429 , 667 108,199 5,192 67,974 61 ,567 6,737 3,179 51,650 6,408 1,447 4,961 35,033 426,425 108,008 5,166 67,834 61 ,430 6,708 3,156 51,567 6,403 1,446 4,957 35,009 341,577 79,840 2,373 57,530 46,171 5,943 2,757 37,470 5,358 1,324 4,035 25,938 64,033 6,352 18,549 1,146 2 774 712 92 21 600 62 34 28 369 129,182 29,705 291 20,295 17,737 3,285 1,396 13,057 2,558 614 1,945 9,119 129,813 42,638 2,079 27,727 25,354 2,282 1 , 129 21 ,943 7,774 469 1,305 13,432 88,089 28,359 2,819 16,445 15,395 794 422 14,180 1,049 123 926 9,095 9,853 27,685 7,366 4,752 15,985 150,390 9,060 27,574 7,295 4,727 15,967 148 ,825 8,634 26.258 7,103 4,122 9,467 127,194 3,776 8.776 4,563 772 81 31,880 598 3,558 3,603 1 1 ,440 1,415 1,784 2,241 50,457 657 2,484 282 1,253 7,015 34,824 1,219 1,427 263 630 6,518 23,196 24,357 : 77,776' 7,058 1,348 5,707 2,733 975 5,037 1,773 1,258 2,633 6 , 579 4,181 38,284 ' 29,915 14,347 1,831 1,974 1,416 499 5,977 3,424 2 553 5,845 8,369 2,376 25,410 19,975 10,116 1,138 '813 545 267 3 ,#92 2,066 1,826 4,016 5,435 1,067 . . Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other. . . . , Bank investment portfolios . . U.S. Treasury . Other U.S Govt agencies States and political subdivisions All other Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Commercial banks Brokers and dealers Others . Other loans, . Real estate loans*. Secured by farmland Secured by residential properties J o ( () 4 -fa mity PCS tile nccs FHA insured . . VA guaranteed Other M nit i family properties FHA insured Other Secured by other properties . . . . . . Loans to domestic and foreign banks. . . . . . Loans to other financial institutions Loans on securities to brokers and dealers Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities . . Loans to farmers Commercial and industrial loans Loans to individuals Instalment loans Passenger automobilics Residential-rcpair/moderni/e Credit cards and related plans Charge-account credit cards Check- and revolving-credit plans Other retail consumer goods Mobile homes Other Other instalment loans. Single-payment loans to individuals All other loans Total loans and securities Fixed assets Buildings, furniture, real estate. Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated . . Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets I ; 94,416 j 77 ,044 32,112 4,542 7,575 5,609 2,004 75,077 7 ,334 5,738 13,706 23,372 11,020 94,060 70,727 31 ,914 4,536 7,613 <, 5,609 2,004 75,057 7,332 5,720 13,613 f 23,332 j 10,909 ( 69,006 51,069 21,996 3,404 6,800 5,064 1,736 9,179 5,268 3,911 9,690 17,937 9,953 630,379 > 3,333 2,368 285 212 1,871 965 207 758 3,017 10,841 997 251 1,37? 490,908 79,212 180,726 206,404 12,528 1,307 4,819 11,890 12,462 1 ,297 4,743 11,652 9,726 1,284 4,540 10,105 ] ,019 609 2,806 2,865 3,985 538 1,248 4,012 4,340 41 196 2,758 2,80?, 23 279 1,785 770,446 762,250 604,789 111,028 222,407 242,048 165,657 636,294 29,307 145,3 Annual Statistical Digest 71 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1973 Member banks All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Liability account, or ratio 1 Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large AH other Nonmember banks » Demand deposits JVIutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government States and political subdivisions. . . . Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States ,. . . Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks etc. . . 278,434 1,188 206,432 10,434 18,166 1,193 25,790 4,069 11,162 276,141 1,050 205,637 10,408 18,016 1,048 25,663 3,846 10,473 219,917 964 159,373 8,167 13,251 1,034 24,719 3,627 8,781 47,061 475 25,676 1,115 646 882 12,203 2,661 3,403 8,994 1 6,900 299 225 18 1,205 117 229 77,040 180 58,061 2,988 3,954 132 8,266 731 2,728 86,822 308 68,735 3,766 8,426 2 3,045 118 2,421 58,517 223 47,059 2,267 4,915 159 1,071 442 2,381 Time and savings deposits Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U S. Government . . . . States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 351,320 127,041 538 629 167,906 730 40,734 8,780 4,720 242 349,175 126,781 533 612 166,872 730 40,655 8,157 4,600 234 267,228 94,484 375 595 128,087 569 30,812 8,024 4,080 204 35,656 6,529 12,903 2,209 359 20,129 20 2,075 4,130 2,331 84 8,222 224 930 926 372 20 96,206 33,655 63 196 44,881 158 13,145 2,932 1,075 100 122,464 52,091 312 40 54,855 167 14,661 36 302 84,091 32,557 163 34 39,819 162 9,922 756 640 38 629,753 625,316 487,145 82,718 21,896 173,245 209,286 142,608 42,834 6,465 1,143 4,983 22,367 42,364 6,050 1,140 4,897 20,108 40,780 5,749 972 4,694 16,471 9,535 2,062 80 2,937 4,058 3,895 251 80 296 585 21,591 2,441 454 1,262 6,018 5,758 995 357 199 5,810 2,054 716 172 289 5,896 707,546 699,874 555,811 101,391 27,003 205,013 222,405 151,735 7 7,153 6,864 115 173 6 7,129 6,851 107 171 3 5,877 5,695 65 117 1,351 1,350 356 346 3 7 2 2,131 2,071 14 47 1 2,039 1,928 48 63 4 1,275 1,169 50 56 55,740 3,959 51,781 70 13,471 22,680 14,674 886 55,240 3,905 51 ,335 66 13,376 22,563 14,500 832 43,098 3,219 39,879 49 10,249 17,729 11,224 628 8,287 747 7,540 19 2,051 3,412 2,054 4 1,947 57 1,890 15,260 1,551 13,710 16 3,407 6,401 3,639 248 17,604 864 16,740 14 4,229 6,840 5,330 326 12,643 741 11,902 22 3,222 4,951 3,450 258 770,446 762,250 604,789 111,028 29,307 222,407 242,048 165,657 202,109 618,957 434,304 200,083 614,575 430,063 148,306 478,087 342,613 20,478 80,230 64,468 5,827 21,290 18,542 49 , 344 171,270 129,345 72,657 205,296 130,259 53,802 140,870 91,691 13.4 13.3 14.6 22.1 11.9 14.3 11.7 9.3 28.4 .1 29.8 .1 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness Bank acceptances outstanding . . . Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans/securities . . Reserves for bad debts (IRS) Other reserves o n loans. , . . . . Reserves on securities Total capital accounts Capital notes and debentures. Equity capital Preferred stock Common stock Surplus Undivided profits. . . . Other capital reserves Total liabilities, reserves, minority interest, capital accounts Demand deposits adjusted 3 Average total deposits (past 15 days) Average total loans (past 15 days) 562' 1,077 201 50 Selected ratios — Percentage of total assets: Cash and balances with other banks . . Total securities held Trading-account securities . . U S Treasury States and political subdivisions All other trading-account securities 23.2 .6 .3 .3 .1 23.3 .6 .3 .3 .1 21.4 .8 .3 .3 .1 12.4 1.6 .7 .6 16.8 1.6 1.2 .3 .1 19.0 .9 .3 .4 .2 Bonk investment portfolios U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions All other portfolio securities 22.6 7.3 11.6 3.8 22.7 7.3 11.7 3.7 20.7 6.5 11.2 3.0 10.8 3.5 5.9 1.4 15.2 4.7 9.2 1.2 18.0 5.5 10.6 1.9 28.3 8.9 14.4 5.0 29.7 10.1 13.2 6.4 59.4 4.0 82.6 59.4 4.0 52.7 59.7 4.2 81.2 58.9 6.6 71.3 ' 67.0 4.2 83.8 62.3 4.4 81.3 56.9 3.0 85. 3 58.0 3.0 87.8 .9 6.7 7.2 .9 6.7 7.2 1.0 6.6 7.1 1.2 6.4 6.6 1.0 6.2 6.9 .8 6.9 7.3 ,8 7,2 7.6 14,046 13,842 5,705 9 156 5,527 8,341 Other loans and Federal funds sold All other assets Total loans and securities , . Reserves for loans and securities Equity capital— Total Total capital accounts. . . . Number of banks 1.2 6.8 7.513 .1 72 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 31, 1973 Member banks * All Insured commercial commercia banks banks Asset account Large banks Total New York City City of Chicago z Other large All other Nonmember banks » Cash, bank balances, items in process. . Currency and coin Reserves with F.R. Banks. Demand balances with banks in United States. . . . Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection 118,276 10,706 27,816 31,298 2,786 1,029 44 , 641 116,266 10,682 27,816 30,026 2,515 685 44,541 100,098 8,142 27,816 18,602 1,839 597 43,103 25,170 652 6,625 5,061 217 122 12,493 3,848 174 1,131 252 167 79 2,045 38,465 2,679 10,251 4,097 871 331 20,236 32,615 4,637 9,809 9,192 584 66 8,328 18,178 2,564 Total securities held—Book value U.S. Treasury Other U.S Govt agencies States and political subdivisions All other securities 188,852 58 , 277 29,252 95 , 145 6,177 187,587 57,961 28,927 94,750 5,948 137,092 41,494 19,144 72,049 4,405 17,072 5,516 2,045 8,736 774 5,546 1,685 669 2,989 204 45,878 13,466 5,461 25,500 1,450 68,597 20,828 10,969 34,824 1,976 51,759 16,783 10,108 23,096 1,773 8,657 3,136 1,432 3,650 439 8,654 3,136 1,432 3,650 436 8, 570 3,124 1,416 3,598 432 3,653 1,365 597 1,563 128 646 365 63 206 12 3,927 1,311 696 1,635 279 349 83 59 193 14 87 12 17 52 7 180, 1 94 55,142 27,820 91,495 5,738 178,933 54,826 27,495 91,100 5,512 72§,522 38,370 17,729 68,451 3,972 13,418 4,151 1,448 7,173 647 4,900 1,320 605 2,782 192 47 , 956 12,155 4,765 23,865 1,171 68,248 20,745 10,910 34,631 1,962 57,672 16,771 10,091 23 ,044 1,766 35,311 32,123 2,647 542 34,305 31,158 2,647 499 26,126 23,080 2,627 419 790 715 61 15 1,118 701 351 66 13,372 11,484 1,662 226 10,846 10,181 553 112 9,185 9,042 20 123 460,143 118,032 5,394 74,188 67,287 6,648 3,260 57,379 6,901 1,281 5,620 38,450 456,222 117,810 5,373 74,016 67,117 6,612 3,217 57,288 6,899 1,280 5,619 38,421 365,257 87,006 2,419 56,777 50,379 5,862 2,813 41,705 5,798 1,175 4,623 28,410 69,781 7,227 6 3,862 2,667 272 204 2,191 7,795 189 1,006 3,360 20,531 1,231 2 §49 7^2 93 20 669 67 37 30 380 138,524 32,883 295 22,463 79,677 3,253 1,452 14,967 2,792 618 2,174 10,125 136,422 45,665 2,116 29,004 27,259 2,244 1,138 23,877 7,745 331 1,414 14,545 94,885 31,026 2,976 18,010 16 , 907 786 447 15,674 7,703 106 997 10,041 10,200 30,515 7,674 4,300 17,327 159,417 9,141 30,401 7,625 4,280 17,146 157,622 8,751 29,019 7,498 3,649 10,229 134,390 4,043 10,343 4,883 737 137 33,590 680 3,929 1,054 319 167 10,875 3,478 12,179 1,343 1,612 2,476 53,692 551 2,568 217 981 7,449 36,233 1,449 1,496 176 651 7,098 25,027 99,927 75,204 33,462 4,834 9,092 6,838 2,254 14,411 8,370 6,040 14,405 23,724 12,751 99,577 75 ,§97 33,275 4,827 9,092 6,838 2,254 14,390 8,369 6,021 14,314 23,680 12,620 73,104 54 , 993 22,900 3,596 §,777 6,191 1,926 70,236 6,073 4,163 10,143 18,111 11,611 5,408 2,990 496 199 1,040 773 267 737 65 73 1,117 2,418 3,412 1,326 659 147 38 264 238 25 S3 60 28 122 668 950 26,178 79,597 7,364 1,463 4,532 3,467 1,065 3,453 2,155 1,299 2,785 6,581 4,684 40,192 37,747 14,892 1,89? 2,2§7 1,713 568 6,558 3,794 2,764 6,119 8,445 2,565 26,824 21,211 10,562 1,238 975 647 328 4,774 2,298 1,877 4,262 5,612 1,140 684,305 678,113 528,476 $7,643 27,795 197,774 215,864 755,^30 13,232 1,412 4,420 14,086 13,160 1,403 4,355 13,784 10,188 1,388 4,121 11,979 1,034 644 2,264 3,229 404 108 289 699 4,155 584 1,345 5,100 4,595 224 2,952 3,044 24 299 2,106 835,730 827,081 656,250 247,422^ ^56,302 179,480 T?tiding- account securities U S, Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other . . '... B&nk. investment portfolios U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other, Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell. Commercial banks ... Brokers and dealers Others . . . . . . Other loans Real estate loans Secured by farmland . . . Secured by residential properties . 2- IQ 4-fttmily residences FHA insured . . VA guaranteed Other Mult if ami 1 v properties. . . FHA insured . . Other Secured by other properties Loans to domestic and foreign banks Loans to other financial institutions. . . . Loans on securities to brokers and dealers. . . Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities. . Loans to farmers . . Commercial and industrial loans Loans to individuals. . . . Instalment loans Passenger automobiles ResidcntiaUrepair/modernize - Credit curds and related plans . Charge-account credit cards Check and revolving credit plans Other retail consumer goods Mobile homes . . Other Other instalment loans Single-payment loans to individuals. All other loans Total loans and securities Fixed assets -Buildings, furniture real estate Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets. . Total assets . . . 119,984 ~^ 32, 542 12,6% 947 432 1,539 Annual Statistical Digest 73 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 31, 1973 Member banks * All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Liability account, or ratio Large banks Total New York City City of Chicago 2 Other large All other Nonmember banks * Demand deposits Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government . . . States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc. . . Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks etc. 310,071 1,280 231,729 9,865 18,663 1,625 29,975 5,584 11,349 307,634 1,156 230,883 9,856 18,508 1,356 29,815 5,278 10,784 245,620 1,067 179,044 8,273 13,246 1,333 28,713 5,001 8,942 52,661 513 29,305 1,689 658 1,036 12,430 3,803 3,226 10,145 1 7,431 434 244 92 1,552 142 248 89,011 196 66,566 3,603 3,806 201 10,739 942 2,958 93,803 357 75,741 2,547 8,538 4 3,993 114 2,509 64,451 213 52,686 1,592 5,417 293 1,262 583 2,407 Time and savings deposits Savings deposits . . . . . Accumulated for personal loan payments Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments central banks etc. Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 372,282 127,183 507 652 183,624 439 44,385 9,371 5,858 263 369,723 126,925 503 640 182,639 439 44 , 306 8,482 5,622 167 281,569 93,721 352 633 139,755 298 33,259 8,341 5,077 133 37,576 6,134 14,090 2,372 388 21,135 40 2,284 4,364 3,185 46 97 9,027 2 1,173 939 457 23 101,702 33,045 58 118 50,004 103 14,201 2,997 1,118 59 128,201 52,169 294 30 59,590 153 15,601 41 318 5 90,714 33,462 155 19 43,869 141 11,126 1,031 781 131 682,353 677,358 527, 188 90,237 24,235 190,713 222,004 155,165 51,167 7,827 762 4,553 23,128 50,410 7,121 759 4,484 21,549 48,731 6,879 587 4,251 17,451 10,713 2,773 80 2,364 3,797 4,573 245 80 305 691 6,335 794 167 225 6,151 2,436 947 174 302 5,677 769,790 761,682 605,088 109,964 30,129 229,320 235,675 164,702 6 7,806 7,532 99 176 5 7,790 7,518 98 174 3 6,417 6,243 54 120 2 2,372 2,313 8 51 1 2,208 2,101 45 62 3 1,389 1,289 45 55 58,128 4,135 53,993 71 13,882 23,640 15,498 902 57,603 4,081 53,522 66 13,784 23,511 15,314 848 44,741 3,333 41,408 47 10,518 18,297 11,915 631 8,607 729 7,575 19 2,154 3,433 2,268 4 1,989 57 1,932 562 1,120 201 48 15,728 1,617 14,111 15 3,437 6,628 3,779 251 18,418 930 17,488 13 4,364 7,117 5,666 328 13,386 802 12,585 24 3,364 5,342 3,584 271 835,730 827,081 656,250 119,984 32,542 247,422 256,302 179,480 225,589 662,118 466,822 223,422 657,209 462 , 549 165,530 510,255 365,939 26,049 87,627 69,294 6,114 22,787 20,240 54,433 183,133 139,096 78,935 216,709 137,309 60,059 151,863 100,883 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness Bank acceptances outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans /securities Reserves for bad debts (IRS) . . . . Other reserves on loans Reserves on securities . Total capital accounts, Capital notes and debentures Equity capital. Preferred stock Common stock Surplus Undivided profits . . Other capital reserves . . . . . . Total liabilities, reserves, minority interest, capital accounts Demand deposits adjusted 3 Average total deposits (past 15 days) Average total loans (past 15 days) i,4i2 1,412 425' 417 7 27 , 1 1 1 3,067 260 1,357 6,812 Selected ratios — Percentage of total assets: Cash and balances with other banks 14.2 14.1 15,3 21.0 11.8 15.5 12.7 10.1 Total securities held. . Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions All other trading-account securities 22.6 1.0 A .4 .2 22.7 1.0 .4 .4 .2 20.9 1.3 .5 .5 .3 14.2 3.0 1.1 1.3 .6 17.0 2.0 1.1 .6 .2 18.5 1.6 .5 .7 .4 26.8 28.8 Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury . States and political subdivisions All other portfolio securities 21.6 6.6 10.9 4.0 21.6 6.6 11.0 4.0 19.6 5.8 10.4 3.3 11.2 3.5 6.0 1.7 15.1 4.1 8.6 2.5 17,0 4.9 9.6 2.4 26,6 8.1 13.5 5.0 28,8 9.3 12.8 6.6 59.3 4.0 SI. 9 59.3 4.0 82.0 59.6 4.2 80.5 58.8 6.0 73.0 66.5 4.6 83.6 61.4 4.5 79.9 57.5 3.1 84.2 58.0 3.0 86.8 .9 6.5 7.0 .9 6.5 7.0 1.0 6.3 6.8 1.2 6.6 7.2 1.3 5.9 6.1 1.0 5.7 6.4 .9 6.8 7.2 ,8 7.0 7.5 14,171 13,964 5,735 13 9 156 5,557 8,436 Other loans and Federal funds sold All other assets Total loans and securities' . Reserves for loans and securities Equity capital—Total Total capital accounts Number of banks . . . .; .1 74 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1974 Member banks l All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Asset account Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmember banks l Cash, bank balances, items in process Currency and coin Reserves with F.R. Banks. . Demand balances with banks in United States. . . . Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection 126,487 8,378 30,146 31,853 2,517 1,386 52,207 123,536 ' 8,350 30,146 29,824 2,080 1,011 52,125 108,971 6,245 30 , 146 19,732 1,295 884 50,669 36,265 460 6,204 7,560 99 221 21 ,722 4,217 131 1,319 741 71 70 1,885 38,075 1,983 12,459 3,503 456 498 19,176 30,415 ^ 3,671 10,165 7,928 669 96 7,886 12,121 1,222 502 1,538 Total securities held— Book value . U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other securities , 189,762 52,114 31,359 99,870 6,420 188,480 51,832 31,001 99,466 6,180 135,326 35,934 20,523 74,457 4,412 15,193 3,715 2,123 8,578 111 5,266 1,207 923 2,930 206 44,738 11,586 5,960 25,850 1,342 70,129 19,426 11,518 , 37,099 | 2,087 54,436 16,180 10,835 25,413 2,008 Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other 6,370 707 1,472 3,921 269 6,368 705 1,472 3,921 269 6,281 691 1,462 3,876 253 2,162 -22 505 1,616 63 539 141 148 250 3,293 531 774 1,802 186 288 42 35 207 4 88 16 10 45 17 . . . . 183,393 51,407 29,886 95,949 6,151 182,112 51,127 29,528 95,545 5,911 129,045 35,243 19,061 70,581 4,159 13,031 3,738 1,617 6,962 714 4,727 1,066 775 2,680 206 41,445 11,056 5,186 24,047 1,156 69,842 19,384 11,483 36,892 2 f 083 54,348 16,164 10,825 25,368 1,992 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell . . . . Commercial banks Brokers and dealers . Others 35,307 31,612 2,658 1,037 33,225 29,530 2,658 1,037 25,374 21,780 2,628 966 1,944 1,692 82 170 1,239 900 227 112 11,939 9,379 1 ,958 602 10,251 9,808 361 82 9,933 9,832 30 72 . . 494,104 126,173 5,797 75,752 77,577 6,297 3,350 61,930 7,775 1,064 6,112 41,623 488,199 125,914 5,777 78,544 71,387 6,250 3,301 61,836 7,157 1,046 6,110 41,593 390,017 92,093 2,599 58,923 52,993 5,472 2,851 44,669 5,930 954 4,976 30,572 76,484 7,698 6 4,774 2,888 261 196 2,431 1,286 179 1,107 3,519 23,502 1,260 2 833 774 40 20 714 59 28 31 425 147,030 35,201 340 23,742 20,874 3,065 1,505 16,304 2 ,$68 491 2,378 11,119 143,001 47,934 2,251 30,775 28, 457 2,106 1,130 25,221 7,777 256 1,461 15,509 104,087 34,079 3 , 199 19,829 IS, SB4 824 499 17,260 7,245 110 1,135 11,052 Loans to domestic and foreign banks Loans to other financial institutions Loans on securities to brokers and dealers Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities. , , Loans to farmers Commercial and industrial loans 13,110 33,567 5,317 4,217 18,444 177,184 11,218 33,418 5,294 4,175 18,423 174,304 10,784 31,997 5,176 3,533 10,885 149,154 5,191 11,881 3,189 623 140 39,229 954 4,509 794 4,027 12,956 1,023 1,597 2,622 58,205 612 2,651 170 974 7,901 38,812 2,325 1,570 141 684 7,558 28,030 Loans to individuals Instalment loans Passenger automobiles Residential -repair /modernize Credit cards and related plans Charge-account credit cards . . Cheek- and revolving -credit plans Other retail consumer goods . . Mobile homes Other Other instalment loans. Single -payment loans to individuals All other loans 102,615 78 ,947 33,902 5,151 9,458 7tOl7 2,442 15,364 8,847 6,518 15,072 23,668 13,479 102,165 78,565 33,648 5,142 9,458 7,016 2,442 15,340 8,845 6,495 14,977 23,600 13,288 74,285 56,485 22,953 3,788 8,408 6,322 2,086 70,^0 6,399 4,492 10,445 17,801 12,109 5,104 2, £74 458 197 969 689 280 757 76 74 1,099 2,230 3,428 26,254 20,057 7,243 1,522 4,703 3,541 1,162 3,723 2,261 1,462 2,859 i 6,203 : 5,144 41,517 32,825 15,091 2,030 2,436 1,820 617 6,906 4,004 2,902 6,362 8,692 2,430 28,330 22,462 10,948 1,363 7,050 694 356 4,474 2,448 2,026 4,627 5,868 1,370 719,173 709 , 904 550,777 93,621 203,707 223,3^7 168,456 14,168 1,595 6,645 16,688 14,092 1,586 6,500 16,367 10,808 1,568 6,249 14,216 1,115 716 3,739 3,539 4,358 674 1,900 6,537 4,903 ail 3,360 27 396 2,472 884,755 871,986 692,529 138,996 255,251 262,376 192,227 Hank investment portfolios . . U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies .. States and political subdivisions All other. . . Other loans Real estate loans Secured by farmland Secured hy resident tat properties 1- to 4-family residences . FHA insured VA guaranteed . Other Muitifamily properties , FHA insured Other Secured by other properties . Total loans and securities Fixed assets— Buildings, furniture, real estate Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated . . . Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets. . Total assets .... 338 ; 222 12,907 1,410 735 161 | 38 299 272 27 111 57 54 126 676 1,107 30,008 431 121 359 i 771 35,906 3,368 ! 17,516 2,133 Annual Statistical Digest 75 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1974 Member banks * All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Liability account, or ratio Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmember banks i Demand deposits Mutual savings banks . Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U S Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments central banks, etc. Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries Certified and officers' checks, etc 302,816 1,298 216,285 8,367 19,379 1,698 34,586 6,131 15,072 299,114 1,186 215,421 8,355 19,249 1,534 33,562 5,786 14,020 239,480 1,103 165,670 6,624 14,264 1,514 32,576 5,532 12,197 60,522 472 26,762 882 1,346 1,307 18,867 4,332 6,553 9,014 1 6,871 226 202 17 1,335 127 235 81,359 171 61,031 2,893 4,076 182 9,135 955 2,916 88,585 459 71,006 2,622 8,640 8 3,240 118 2,493 63,337 196 50,615 1,743 5,116 185 2,010 598 2,875 Time and savings deposits Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government ... . . States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 407,561 133,129 460 486 207,331 446 47,711 9,581 7,502 915 404,653 132,868 457 465 206,061 446 47,551 8,843 7,301 661 307,881 96,488 330 456 159,052 334 35,192 8,668 6,784 578 44,468 6,165 16,233 2,039 275 25,950 53 2,088 5,074 4,437 426 32 10,969 31 1,655 874 606 27 111,622 33,834 63 129 58,285 100 14,963 2,686 1,461 100 135,559 54,450 267 20 63,848 149 16,487 33 280 25 99,679 36,641 130 30 48,279 111 12,518 913 718 338 710,377 703 , 767 547,361 104,990 25,247 192,980 224,144 163,016 57,064 10,483 1,192 6,916 29,091 55,983 9,531 1,188 6,761 25,767 53,652 9,184 1,002 6,509 21,338 11,115 3,665 78 3,980 4,583 5,641 141 5 362 2,015 28,973 4,193 386 1,914 8,053 7,922 1,185 533 253 6,689 3,412 1,299 189 407 7,752 815,123 802,997 639,046 128,411 33,410 236,499 240,726 176,076 4 8,005 7,709 125 171 4 7,982 7,691 125 166 6,535 6,347 79 110 1,449 1,448 1 428 427 1 2,428 2,368 8 52 1 2,231 2,104 69 58 3 1,470 1,362 47 61 61,623 4,310 57,313 64 14,525 24,408 17,398 917 61 ,003 4,203 56,801 59 14,423 24,272 17,196 851 46,946 3,419 43,526 41 10,886 18,655 13,329 616 9,136 752 8,384 18 2,167 3,459 2,737 4 2,068 57 2,012 562 1,140 268 41 16,323 1,682 14,641 11 3,542 6,705 4,130 253 19,418 929 18,490 12 4,614 7,351 6,194 318 14,677 891 13,786 23 3,640 5,753 4,069 301 884,755 871,986 692,529 138,996 35,906 255,251 262,376 192,227 207,657 693,902 501,628 205,072 687,496 493,909 149,611 532,535 390,178 19,051 96,854 75,995 5,569 24,780 23,483 50,155 189,299 147,258 74,837 221,602 143,441 58,046 161,366 111,450 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness . . Bank acceptances outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries. . . Total reserves on loans /securities Reserves for bad debts (IRS) . . . . Other reserves on loans Reserves on securities . , . . . . Total capital accounts Capital notes and debentures Equity capital Preferred stock Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Other capital reserves. Total liabilities, reserves, minority interest, capital accounts' Demand deposits adjusted 3 Average total deposits (past 15 days) Average total loans (past 15 days) . .. Selected ratios — Percentage of total assets: Cash and balances with other banks 14.3 14.2 15.7 26.1 11.7 14.9 11.6 9.1 Total securities held. . Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions All other trading-account securities 21,4 .7 .1 .4 .2 21.6 .7 .1 ,4 .2 19.5 .9 .1 .6 .2 10.9 17.5 1.3 .2 .7 .4 26.7 28.3 1.2 .4 14.7 1.5 A .7 .4 20.7 5.8 10.8 4.1 20. 9 5.9 11.0 4.1 18.6 5.1 10.2 3.4 9.4 2.7 5.0 1.7 13.2 3.0 7.5 2,7 16.2 4.3 9.4 2,5 26.6 7.4 14.1 5.2 28.3 8.4 13.2 6.7 59.8 4.4 81.3 59.8 4.4 81.4 60.0 4.7 79.5 56.4 6.6 67.4 4.7 83.6 68.9 62.3 5.3 79. 8 58.4 3.3 85.1 59.3 3.3 87.6 Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions, . . . All other portfolio securities Other loans and Federal funds sold All other assets Total loans and securities Reserves for loans and securities Equity capital —Total. . Total capital accounts Number of banks 1.6 .; .1 6.5 7.0 6.5 7.0 .9 .9 6.3 6.8 1.0 6.0 6.6 1.2 5.6 5.8 1.0 5.7 6.4 .9 7.0 7.4 .8 7.2 7.6 14,337 14,108 5,761 13 9 156 5,583 8,576 .9 76 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 31, 1974 Member banks l Asset account Insured All commercial commercial banks banks Large banks Total New York City City of Chicago ' 2 Other large All other Nonmember banks 1 Cash, bank balances items in process, . . . Currency and coin Reserves with F.R. Banks . . . Demand balances with banks in United States. . . . Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection . . . . 128,042 1 1 , 658 27,109 36,073 4,173 1,751 47 , 278 125,375 11,633 27,109 34,317 3,872 1,331 47,113 106,995 8,846 27,109 21,685 2,602 1,165 45,588 27,604 691 4,960 7,265 62 412 14,214 4,816 198 1,783 357 275 89 2,115 40,126 2,889 10,356 4,382 853 532 21,115 34,449 5,068 10,011 9 , 68 1 1,413 132 8,144 21 ,047 2,812 Total securities held— Book value . . U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Gqvt. agencies. States and political subdivisions All other securities 194,924 54,451 32,841 100,376 7,256 193,404 54,132 32,380 100,010 6,882 138,995 38,921 20,858 74,261 4,954 16,412 5,332 2,005 8,288 787 5,612 1,820 874 2,706 212 47,254 13,323 6,450 25,761 1,719 69,716 18,445 11,529 37,507 i 2,235 55,929 1 5 , 529 11 ,984 26, 115 2 , 302 Trading-accoitn t secur it ies U.S. Treasury . Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions . . . All other 7,989 2,548 1,352 3,370 719 7,984 2,543 1,352 3,370 719 7,916 2,521 1,347 3,337 710 3,040 970 541 1,341 188 831 461 120 250 3,^05 1,037 637 1,612 519 240 53 49 135 74 27 4 34 9 B&nk investment portfolios U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt, agencies States and political subdivisions. . . . All other 186,934 51,902 31 ,489 97,006 6,537 185,420 51,589 31,028 96,640 6,163 131,079 36,400 19,510 70,925 4,244 13,372 4,362 1,464 6,947 599 4,781 1,360 753 2,456 212 43,449 12,286 5,813 24,150 1,200 69,476 I B , 393 11,480 37,372 2,232 55,555 15,502 1 1 ,979 26,081 2,293 40,042 33,807 4,386 1,849 38,881 32,645 4,386 1,849 29,848 23,723 4,330 1,795 1,887 1,052 615 220 985 698 253 35 14,741 10,628 2,815 1,298 12,235 11,345 647 243 10,194 10,084 56 54 509,531 130,585 5,904 81,606 74,039 5,914 3,191 j 64,933 7,567 938 6,629 43,075 502,231 130,301 5,887 81,403 73,863 5,870 3,147 64,846 7,540 921 6,619 43,012 399,963 94,576 2,634 60,575 54,316 5,110 2,703 46,503 6,257 820 5,437 31,369 82,049 8,184 14 4,567 3,135 254 188 2,693 1,432 166 1,266 3,602 24,261 1,325 2 887 827 40 20 766 59 27 32 437 149,804 35,945 345 24,133 21,198 2,815 1,401 16,982 2 , 934 355 2,579 11,467 143,849 49,123 2,274 30 , 986 29,155 2,000 1,094 26,062 1,831 212 1,559 15,863 109,567 36,009 3,270 21,033 19,723 805 488 18,430 1,310 118 1,192 11,706 Loans to domestic and foreign banks Loans to other financial institutions Loans on securities to brokers and dealers, . . . . Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities Loans to farmers Commercial and industrial loans 12,265 35,235 5,241 4,026 18,237 186,826 10,017 35,011 5,193 4,001 18,216 182,802 9,500 33,626 5,073 3,343 10,501 156,340 4,731 12,911 3,597 566 120 43,095 679 5,009 550 329 252 13,408 3,628 13,047 763 1,527 2,457 60,473 462 2,660 161 921 7,672 39,365 2,765 1,609 169 683 7,735 30,485 Loans to individuals Instalment loans Passenger automobilies Residential-re pair/modernise Credit cards and related plans Charge -account credit cards Check- and revolving-credit plans Other retail consumer goods Mobile homes Other Other instalment loans Single-payment loans to individuals All other loans 103,210 80,242 32,847 5,546 1J ,078 8,281 2,797 15,381 8,997 6,383 15,390 22,968 13,906 102,951 80,033 32,763 5,536 11 ,077 8,280 2,797 15,357 8,996 6,362 15,299 22,919 13,738 74,460 57,440 22,125 4,074 9,807 7,430 2,377 10,831 6,520 4,311 10,602 17,020 12,543 5,213 3,777 462 206 1,113 665 447 755 97 59 t,242 2,036 3,631 26,751 20,819 6,954 1,734 5,479 4,273 1,206 3,799 2,353 1 ,447 i 2,853 ! 5,932 , 5,214 ! 40,938 32,608 14,549 2,096 2,828 2,134 694 6,758 4,016 i 2,742 6,378 8,330 2,546 28,750 22,802 10,722 1 ,472 7,277 851 420 4,549 2,477 2,072 4,789 5,948 1,362 744,496 734,516 568,806 100,348 30,859 211,799 225,800 775,690 15,106 1,763 10,857 19,677 15,027 1,739 10,648 19,020 11,374 1,723 10,364 16,628 1,116 768 5,629 5,104 448 134 451 872 4,622 752 3,912 7,132 5,189 69 372 3,519 3,732 41 493 3,049 919,941 906,325 715,890 140,569 37,581 268,343 269,398 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Commercial banks Brokers and dealers Others Other loans Real estate loans Secured by farmland Secured by residential properties 7- to 4-family residences FHA insured VA guaranteed Other . . Multifamily properties FHA insured . Other Secured by other properties Total loans and securities . Fixed assets^="Buildings, furniture, real estate Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets 1,558 835 161 39 388 358 30 118 i 54 64 129 723 1,152 14,388 1,571 586 1,690 i 204,051 Annual Statistical Digest 77 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 31, 1974 Member banks All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Liability account, or ratio 1 Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmember banks 1 Demand deposits Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government States and political subdivisions Foreign governments central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Bunks in foreign countries ., Certified and officers' checks, etc 315,796 1,363 235,774 4,807 18,615 2,124 35,316 6,804 10,993 312,829 1,197 234,780 4,799 18,484 1,882 35,053 6,336 10,297 248 ,448 1,121 180,792 3,183 13,125 1,855 33,824 6,116 8,431 55,556 559 30,816 226 666 1,465 14,399 4,593 2,833 11,307 3 7,538 36 218 24 3,039 198 251 88,451 190 67,111 815 3,889 357 11,985 1,192 2,912 93,134 370 75,327 2,106 8,353 8 4,401 J34 2,436 67,348 242 54,982 1,624 5,489 269 1,492 6SS 2,562 Time and savings deposits . Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments. . . , Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government , States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries. . 432,496 135,597 389 479 221,752 477 50,102 12,683 8,611 2,406 428,836 135,353 387 463 219,947 477 49,930 12,049 8,417 1,814 327,390 97,585 275 451 170,180 352 37,057 11,891 7,858 1,742 51 ,799 6,061 17,491 2,060 261 30,329 39 2,060 7,369 4,119 1,561 3 11,996 6 1,307 1,315 775 29 119,486 34,273 69 171 62,467 146 16,494 3,174 2,546 145 138,614 55,191 206 16 65,388 160 17,196 32 418 7 105,106 38,012 115 28 51,572 125 13,046 792 753 663 748,292 741,665 575, 838 107,355 28 , 799 207,936 231 , 748 172,454 52,325 6,045 715 11,433 28,788 51,139 4,848 712 11,221 25,047 48,349 4,501 509 10,936 20,426 10,048 1,571 77 6,155 4,397 4,295 63 4 469 1,346 26,357 2,406 259 3,938 8,029 7,649 460 169 373 6,653 3,976 1,544 206 497 8,362 847,597 834,632 660,559 129,603 34,977 248,927 247,052 187,038 6 8,688 8,402 116 171 5 8,649 8,366 115 169 2 2,338 2,229 51 57 3 1,600 1,493 46 60 63,650 4,290 59,360 54 14,820 25,396 18,122 968 63,039 4,226 58,813 43 14,723 25,224 17,917 904 48,240 3,422 44,818 24 11,014 19,226 13,905 649 ""i'.isY 3,720 2,704 4 568 ' 1,140 301 44 ' 16,748 1,673 75,076 10 3,560 6,840 4,398 267 20,005 933 19,072 13 4,698 7,525 6,502 334 15,410 868 14,542 30 3,806 6,170 4,216 319 919,941 906,325 715,890 140,569 37,581 268,343 269,398 204,051 228,395 724,418 519,192 225,864 717,811 510,810 165,853 555,884 401,666 26,717 103,014 81,665 6,117 27,229 24,493 54,535 199,287 150,485 78,483 226,354 145,023 62,542 168,534 117,525 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness Bank acceptances outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans/securities Reserves for bad debts (IRS) Other reserves on loans. . . . Reserves on securities Total capital accounts Capital notes and debentures Equity capital Preferred stock Common stock Surplus. . Undivided profits' Other capital reserves . . . . . Total liabilities, reserves, minority interest, capital accounts Demand deposits adjusted 3 . . . . Average total deposits (past 15 days) Average total loans (past 15 days) . . . . . 2 7,088 ""i',594' 1,593 6,909 70 1 no 9,372 755 8,616 488 ""2',668' 2 , 598 488 17 53 2,115 61 2,054 Selected ratios*— Percentage of total assets : Cash and -balances with other banks 13.9 13.8 14.9 19.6 12.8 15.0 12.8 10.3 Total securities held Tfading-accoun t sccuf it ies U S Treasury States and political subdivisions AH other trading-account securities 21.2 .9 19.4 1.1 A .5 .3 11.7 2.2 .7 1.0 .5 14.9 2.2 1.2 .7 .3 17.6 1.4 A .6 .4 25.9 ./ 27.4 'A.2 21.3 .9 .3 .4 .2 Bank investment portfolios . . U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions All other portfolio securities 20.3 5.6 10.5 4.1 20.5 5.7 10.7 4.1 18.3 5.1 9.9 3.3 9.5 3.1 4.9 1.5 12.7 3.6 6.5 2.6 16.2 4.6 9.0 2.6 25. 8 6.8 13.9 5,1 27.4 7.6 12.8 7.0 59.7 5.2 SO. 9 59.7 5.1 81.0 60.0 5.6 79. 5 59.7 9.0 71.4 67.2 5.1 82.1 61.3 6.1 78.9 57.9 3.4 83.8 58.7 3.6 86.1 .9 6.5 6.9 1.0 6.5 7.0 1.0 6.3 6.7 1.1 6.1 6.7 1.3 5.5 5.6 1.0 5.6 6.2 .9 7.1 7.4 .8 7.1 7.6 14,465 14,216 5,780 13 9 155 5,603 8,685 Other loans and Federal funds sold All other assets Total loans and securities Reserves for loans and securities Equity capital—Total Total capital accounts Number of banks 78 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1975 Member banks 1 Asset account All Insured commercial commercial banks banks Nonmember banks * Large banks " Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Cash bank balances items in process Currency and coin TC.cscrves with F R Banks Demand balances with banks in United States. . . . Other balances with banks in United States. Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection 128,716 10,102 26,890 34,278 5,727 2,296 49,422 125,181 10,079 26,890 31,788 5,276 1,833 49,315 107,152 7,546 26,890 19,722 3,647 1,738 47,610 29,694 569 5,656 6,940 94 438 15,997 4,419 121 1,800 165 115 78 2,139 38,925 2,520 10,084 3,710 1,153 938 20,518 34,114 4,335 9,350 8,906 2,284 285 8,955 21,564 2,556 Total securities held— Book value U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other securities 212,058 68,191 33,882 101 472 8,513 209,893 67,833 33,490 101,091 7,479 149,728 49,610 21,213 73,762 5,144 16,808 7,368 1,754 7,030 657 5,879 2,189 570 2,828 291 49,992 17,061 6,348 25,087 1,496 77,049 22,992 12,540 38,817 2,699 62,330 18,581 12,669 27,711 3,370 6,198 2,945 941 1,907 406 6,188 2,934 941 1,907 406 6,136 2,909 934 1,893 400 2,46£ 1,399 239 736 95 556 344 27 117 68 2, £96 1,078 633 952 233 277 88 35 89 5 62 35 7 14 6 205,860 65,246 32,941 99,566 8,108 203,705 64,899 32,549 99,184 7,073 743,592 46,701 20,279 71,869 4,743 14,340 5,969 1,515 6,294 562 5,323 1,845 544 2,711 224 47,096 15,983 5,715 24,135 1,264 76,^32 22,904 12,505 38,729 2,694 62,268 18,545 12,662 27,697 3,364 38,841 34,083 3,054 1,704 37,383 32,625 3,054 1,704 28.951 24,296 2,977 1,677 1,747 852 108 787 1,263 1,041 203 19 14,807 11,800 2,195 812 11,133 10,604 471 59 9,891 9,787 77 27 496,990 131,445 6,105 81, 360 74,612 5,626 3,167 65,818 6,745 762 5,986 43,981 488,888 131,246 6,090 81,233 74,489 5,610 3,147 65,732 6,744 761 5,983 43,923 384,247 94,442 2,676 59,898 54,377 4,875 2,713 46,790 5,527 706 4,815 31,868 75,339 7,951 5 4,265 3,750 233 181 2,736 7,775 136 978 3,681 22,512 1,332 2 S 94 839 55 20 764 55 25 30 436 142,424 35,526 327 23,532 20 , 932 2,632 1,418 16,882 2,600 331 2,269 11,667 143,973 49,633 2,342 37,207 29,456 1,955 1,094 26,407 7,757 214 1,537 16,084 112,742 37,003 3,428 27,462 20,235 752 454 19,029 7,227 56 1,171 12,113 11,155 32,413 5,534 3,836 19,071 178,993 8,644 32,164 5,447 3,818 19,054 174,436 8,075 30,964 5,373 3,177 10,768 147,242 3,543 11,756 3,931 516 88 39,616 504 4,720 659 277 190 12,517 3,252 12,175 649 1,497 2,554 55,802 776 2,314 134 887 7,935 39,307 3,080 1,449 161 658 8,304 31,751 101,816 79,246 32,128 5,627 10,835 8,240 2,595 15,273 8,807 6,466 15,383 , 22,570 12,726 101,512 79,033 32,026 5,611 10,835 8,240 2,594 75,242 8,801 6,441 15,318 22,479 12,568 72,806 56,275 21,423 4,077 9,557 7,389 2,162 70,667 6,340 4,321 10,563 16,531 11,400 4,942 3,062 421 202 7,075 742 273 760 100 60 1,265 1,880 2,995 1,540 804 151 49 399 369 29 104 48 56 101 736 773 25,865 20,229 6,621 1,717 5,320 4,181 1,139 3 , 765 2,276 1,489 2,807 5,636 5,103 40,458 32, ISO 14,230 2,109 2,«/S 2,096 722 6,632 3,916 2,716 6 , 390 8,278 2,529 29,010 22,977 10,706 1,550 1,284 851 433 4,677 2,467 2,144 4,820 6,039 1,326 747, 889 736 , 164 562,926 93, £94 29,654 207,223 232,755 184 , 963 16,254 1,820 9,462 26,917 16,175 1,798 9,223 26,239 12,183 1,777 8,993 23,592 1,263 797 4,795 8,889 500 146 427 1,122 4,894 754 3,438 9,756 5,526 81 332 3,825 4,071 42 469 3,325 931,057 914,781 716,623 139,333 36,268 264,990 276,032 . . . Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury Other U.S Govt agencies States and political subdivisions All other Bunk investment portfolios U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other . Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Commercial banks Brokers and dealers Others Other loans Real estate loans ... Secured by farmland Secured hv residential properties . , , 7- to 4-f until v residences F H A insured . . . . VA guaranteed Other , Multifttmitv properties FHA insured . Other Secured by other properties . . . . . . . . Loans to domestic and foreign banks . Loans to other financial institutions Loans on securities to brokers and dealers Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities. . Loans to farmers Commercial and industrial loans Loans to individuals . . . . . . fnstttlment lottnv Passenger automobiles Residential l-repair/modernixc Credit cards and related plans Charge-account credit cards Cheek a n d revolving credit plans . . . . Other retail consumer goods Mobile homes . Other Other instalment loans Single -payment loans to individuals All other loans Total loan's and securities Fixed assets—Buildings, furniture, real estate . Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets . . ... Total assets 14,556 2,080 558 1,813 214,434 I Annual Statistical Digest 79 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars June 30, 1975 Member banks l Insured All commercial commercial banks banks Liability account, or ratio Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmember banks * Demand deposits Mutual savings banks. , Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government . . . . States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries . Certified and officers; checks etc. 309,726 1,279 232,079 3,117 18,217 1,555 34,345 6,957 12,176 306,253 1,151 231,121 3,106 18,079 1,310 34,019 6,074 11,393 243,210 1,057 177,344 2,166 13,074 1,280 32,823 5,967 9,499 57,475 483 29,687 118 758 1,088 16,986 4,662 3,691 9,911 1 7,668 42 186 18 1,593 152 250 85,372 210 65,847 725 3,883 167 10,482 1,058 2,999 90,453 362 74,142 1,280 ' 8,247 6 3,762 95 2,558 66,516 223 54,735 951 5,143 275 1,522 990 2,677 Time and savings deposits Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments . Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U.S. Government. , . States and political subdivisions Foreign governments central banks etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries . 444,936 151,744 338 648 219,489 492 48,219 13,445 8,449 2,111 440,096 151,463 335 627 216,619 492 48,052 12,882 8,334 1,291 330,431 109,037 259 611 163,751 360 34,739 12,710 7,716 1,248 46,693 6,995 16,362 2,385 287 25,801 10 1,421 7,956 3,205 1,018 17 10,371 1 1,324 1,374 842 48 119,708 38,455 74 265 59,106 184 15,062 3,337 3,048 178 147,669 61,202 186 42 68,473 165 16,932 43 621 5 114,505 42,708 79 37 55,738 132 13,480 735 733 863 754,662 746,348 57 3 $41 104,167 26,272 205,050 238,122 181,021 56 , 529 5,891 763 10,060 27,627 54,835 4,475 761 9,814 23,645 52,184 4,150 550 9,583 18,960 13,367 1,362 64 5,375 3,535 5,845 26 4 430 929 25,865 2,370 313 3,447 7,789 7,106 392 169 332 6,706 4,345 '1,741 213 477 8,667 855,533 839,879 659,069 127,870 33,507 244,864 252,827 196,464 5 8,963 8,659 121 182 4 8,912 8,614 119 179 7,297 7,110 69 119 1,685 1,685 525 525 1 2,761 2,682 17 61 1 2,325 2,218 50 57 4 1,666 1,549 53 64 66,557 4,347 62,210 50 15,176 25,968 20,053 963 65,986 4,287 61,699 42 15,077 25,816 19,859 905 50,257 3,467 46,790 24 11,187 19,500 15,441 638 9,777 782 8,995 2,236 81 2,755 17,365 1,656 75,770 10 3,614 6,976 4,845 264 20,878 948 19,930 13 4,842 7,713 7,031 330 16,300 880 15,421 27 3,989 6*, 468 4,613 324 931,057 914,781 716,623 264,990 276,032 214,434 222,842 734,017 506,945 219,813 726,164 497,466 53,646 199,612 143,273 76,456 234,427 145,316 62,231 178,157 121,009 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness . Bank acceptances outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans /securities Reserves for bad debts (IRS) Other reserves on loans Reserves on securities Total capital accounts Capital notes and debentures . . Equity cctpital . Preferred stock Common stock Surplus . Undivided profits. . . . Other capital reserves . . . . . . Total liabilities, reserves, minority interest, capital accounts , . . . Demand deposits adjusted 3 . Average total deposits (past 15 days) Average total loans (past 15 days) ' "'2|i63' 3,667 3,166 568' 1,143 399 44 139,333 36,268 160,611 555,860 385,936 24,373 96,313 74,863 6,136 25,508 22,484 Selected ratios — Percentage of total assets: Cash and balances with other banks. 13.8 13.7 15,0 21.3 12.2 14.7 12.4 10.1 Total securities held. Trading-account securities . . . U.S. Treasury. . . . States and political subdivisions All other trading-account securities 22.8 .7 .3 .2 .1 22.9 .7 .3 .2 .1 20.9 .9 A .3 .2 12.1 1.8 1.0 .5 .2 16.2 7.5 .9 .3 .3 18.9 7.7 .4 .4 .3 27.9 .7 29.1 Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions All other portfolio securities 22.7 7.0 10.7 4.4 22.5 7.1 10.8 4.3 20.0 6.5 10.0 3.5 10.3 4.3 4.5 1.5 14.7 5.1 7.5 2.1 77. 8 6.0 9.1 2.6 27. 8 8.3 14.0 5.5 29.0 8.6 12.9 7.5 57.6 5.8 80.3 57.5 5.8 80.5 57.7 6.5 75.6 55.3 11.3 67,4 65.6 6.1 81.8 59.3 7.1 78.2 56.2 3.5 84.1 57.2 3.7 86, 3 1.0 6.7 7.1 1.0 6.7 7.2 1.0 6.5 7.0 1.2 6.5 7.0 1.4 5.9 6.2 1.0 5.9 6.6 .8 7.2 7.6 .8 7.2 7.6 14,573 14,320 5,794 12 9 155 5,618 8,779 Other loans and Federal funds sold . AH other assets Total loans and securities Reserves for loans and securities . Equity capital-—Total. Total capital accounts Number of banks 80 Annual Statistical Digest 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 30, 1975 i Member banks 1 Asset account Insured All commercial commercial banks banks Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago All other Nonmemberl banks Other large 25,137 3,013 Cash, bank balances, items in process, . , .... Currency a n d coin . . . . . Reserves with F.R. Banks. . . . Demand balances with banks in United States. . . Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Cash items in process of collection. . . . . 133,614 12,256 26,776 34,866 8,866 3,598 47,251 128,256 12,248 26,776 32,091 7,367 2,605 47,169 108,477 9,243 26,776 19,389 5,184 2,356 45,530 24,778 774 3,349 6,496 151 588 13,421 3,888 200 1,433 195 29 27 2,003 43,730 3,081 12,283 3,752 1,995 1,044 21,575 36,081 5,188 9,712 8,947 3,008 696 8,531 ""\s,4iY Total securities held— Book value U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies.. States and political subdivisions All other securities 229,622 84,119 34,409 102,029 9,065 227,230 83,629 33,941 101,757 7,903 162,194 61,519 21,186 74,079 5,410 18,499 9,005 1,508 7 , 204 783 7,134 3,212 485 3,162 275 53,616 21, 411 6,031 24,679 1,496 82,945 27,892 1 3 , 1 62 39,035 2,855 67,428 22,600 13,223 27,950 3,655 5,333 2,982 711 1,142 502 5,552 2,976 711 1,142 502 SJ82 2,858 698 1,130 495 7,902 1,072 247 357 227 565 364 51 102 47 2,484 1,315 351 602 216 252 107 50 70 5 756 124 13 12 7 224 , 254 81,137 33,698 100,887 8,563 221,898 80,653 33,230 100,614 7,401 157,012 58,661 20,488 72,949 4,914 76,597 7,933 1,262 6,847 556 6,570 2,848 434 3,060 229 57,752 20,096 5,680 24,077 1,280 82,712 27,785 13,112 38,965 i 2,850 67,272 22,476 13,20*) 27,938 3,649 39,250 34,099 3,700 1,452 37,323 32,172 3,700 1,452 29,122 24,075 3,646 1,400 2,488 2,080 62 346 1,520 998 468 54 14,562 11,094 2,614 854 10,551 9,903 501 146 10,129 10,023 53 52 507,202 134,770 6,237 82,507 76,456 5,510 3,081 67,865 5,^50 493 5,358 46,226 497,846 134,588 6,224 82,177 76,331 5,493 3,058 67 , 780 5, £46 492 5,354 46,187 387,439 96,018 2,702 59,797 55,790 4,786 2,610 47 , 793 4,601 449 4,153 33,525 73,495 8,448 8 4,138 3,259 238 174 2,847 879 91 787 4,302 22,261 1,371 U 977 840 47 20 773 77 24 ! 53 1 443 143,701 35,198 302 22,650 20,588 2,619 1,353 16,616 2,062 158 1,904 12,245 147,982 51,002 2,381 32,087 50,505 1,882 1,063 27,557 7 , 584 175 1,409 16,534 119,763 38,752 3,534 22,576 27,267 724 471 20,071 1,249 44 1,205 12,702 Loans to domestic and foreign banks Loans to other financial institutions .... Loans on securities to brokers and dealers Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities Loans to farmers. . . . Commercial and industrial loans 12,624 29,611 7,175 3,916 20,158 178,959 9,553 29,276 7,055 3,822 20,129 174,316 8,686 28,088 6,964 3,193 1 1 , 244 145,930 3,366 10,187 4,477 415 94 38,553 584 4,442 911 289 162 12,002 3,905 11,199 1,400 1 , 560 2,564 55,749 831 2,259 176 929 8,424 39,626 3,938 1,523 210 723 8,914 33,029 Loans to individuals. Instalment loans Passenger automobiles Residential-repair/moderni/,e. . . Credit cards and related plans . . . C h a rgc-a cc o u n t c red i t ca rd s . . Check- and revolving-credit plans Other retail consumer goods Mobile homes . . Other Other instalment loans. Single-payment loans to individuals All other loans 106,741 83,594 33,790 5,859 12,312 9,501 2,811 15,318 8,721 6,597 16,315 23,147 13,248 106,019 82,969 33,279 5,845 12,311 9,500 2,810 15,283 8,719 6,564 16,251 23,050 13,087 75,536 58,830 21,963 4,189 10,846 8,506 2,340 70,675 6,276 4,338 11,217 16,706 11,781 4,854 5,755 432 222 7,707 815 293 764 97 67 1,228 1,701 3,100 1,717 925 163 36 509 478 31 70$ 39 69 109 792 784 j 26,871 21,178 6,600 1,731 6,048 4,817 1,231 5,749 2,221 1,527 3,049 5 , 694 5,255 42,093 55,574 14,769 2 199 3,181 2,395 785 6,594 3,919 2,675 6,831 8,520 2,643 31,205 24 , 765 11,827 1 , 670 7,466 995 471 4,704 2,445 2,259 5,098 6,441 1,466 776,074 762,400 578 , 755 94,4^5 50,975 < 277 ,880 ' 24 1, 476* 197,319 17,474 2,015 8,952 27,069 17,390 1,993 8,679 25,937 13,061 1,970 8,424 23,093 1,415 835 4,319 6,586 539 146 249 1,287 5,232 958 3,538 i 11,11? 5,875 31 318 4,103 4,413 45 527 3,976 965,198 944,654 733,780 132,416 37,024 287,886 231,418 Trading-account securities . U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies. . States and political subdivisions. . . . All other . . Bunk investment portfolios. U.S. Treasury Other U.S. Govt. agencies States and political subdivisions All other. . .. . ... . ... , . Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements t o resell . . . . ... Commercial banks. Brokers and dealers .. .... Others . . Other loans Real estate loans Secured by farmland . . ... Secured by residential properties ]. to 4 -family residences FHA insured VA guaranteed Other.. Multifamily properties FHA insured . Other Secured by other properties Total loans and securities Fixed assets—Buildings, furniture, real estate. Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Customer acceptances outstanding Other assets . Total assets ... ... . . 276,454 3 , 683 1,242 1,721 Annual Statistical Digest 81 17. Assets, liabilities, and number of commercial banks, by class of bank—Continued Assets and liabilities are shown in millions of dollars December 30, 1975 Member banks l Liability account, or ratio Insured All commercial commercial banks banks Large banks 2 Total New York City City of Chicago Other large All other Nonmember banks * Demand deposits Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. . U.S. Government . . . States and political subdivisions Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States Banks in foreign countries . Certified and officers' checks etc. 323,617 1,325 246,559 3,114 18,726 1,859 33,768 6,719 1 1 , 548 319,751 1,160 245,471 3,108 18,595 1,659 33,453 5,646 10,659 251,649 1,063 187,632 2,255 13,058 1,610 32,048 5,459 8,523 54,236 494 30,546 139 779 1,318 14,436 3,906 2,618 10,378 1 7,754 34 191 18 1,868 213 299 91,528 221 70,913 809 3,867 261 11,442 1,212 2,804 95,507 347 78,419 1,274 8,221 13 4,302 129 2,802 71,968 262 58,927 859 5,667 248 1,720 1,259 3,025 Time and savings deposits . ... Savings deposits Accumulated for personal loan payments Mutual savings banks Other individuals, partnerships, and corporations. . U.S. Government States and political subdivisions. Foreign governments, central banks, etc Commercial banks in United States. . . Banks in foreign countries 462,915 160,087 280 517 229,414 573 48,113 12,424 9,550 1,957 455,458 159,725 280 499 224,878 573 47,896 11,373 9,038 1,196 339,350 114,228 223 490 168,882 462 34,355 11,187 8,379 1,145 45,551 7,061 16,302 2,402 195 25,975 75 1,114 7,216 2,997 918 5 10,467 1 1,055 1,212 1,079 80 124,194 40,647 76 239 61,277 183 15,307 2,719 3,612 135 153,303 64 , 1 1 8 146 52 71,163 203 16,879 39 691 12 123,565 45 , 860 58 26 60,531 786, 532 775,209 590,999 99,788 26,680 215,722 248,810 195,534 53,811 6,412 765 9,548 29,964 52,126 4,649 763 9,267 25,190 49,305 4,342 548 9,012 20,206 9,043 2,114 54 4,884 4,605 6,367 25 16 252 888 26,601 1,828 300 3,555 7,715 7,294 374 178 321 6,997 4,506 2,071 217 536 9,758 887,033 867,204 674,411 120,489 34,228 255,721 263,974 212,622 4 1,742 1,619 57 66 Total deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase. . . . . Other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgage indebtedness. . Bank acceptances outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities Minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries Total reserves on loans /securities Reserves for bad debts (IRS) Other reserves on loans Reserves on securities Total capital accounts Capital notes and debentures Equity capital Preferred stock . Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Other capital reserves. Total liabilities, reserves, minority, interest, capital accounts Demand deposits adjusted 3 Average total deposits (past 1 5 days) Average total loans (past 15 days) 13,758 1,238 1,171 812 1 , 629 1,627 1 1 482' 482 2,777 2,672 43 62 1 2,405 2,297 49 60 52,074 10,298 3,494 779 48,580 9,579 28 1 1 , 498 ' " ' 2 ^ 2 7 5 ' 19,975 3,848 16,562 3,396 516 2,314 80 2,255 568 1 , 145 472 49 17,956 1,681 76,275 10 3,755 7,079 5,310 121 21,506 954 20,557 18 4,900 7,902 7,385 346 17,051 985 76,066 25 4,103 6,800 4,777 360 132,416 37,024 276,454 287,886 231,418 26,241 95,301 74,436 6,473 25,851 21,931 57,702 207,553 143,973 81,401 243 , 574 148 , 249 67,668 190,250 125,826 5 9,035 8 , 696 150 189 4 8,972 8,641 145 187 69,125 4,479 64 , 646 53 15,601 26,775 21 , 340 876 68,474 4,379 64,095 48 15,495 26,617 21,143 792 965,198 944,654 733,780 239,484 762,528 514,414 236,021 753,182 505,174 171,816 572,278 388,589 7,293 7,078 92 123 Selected ratios— Percentage of total assets: Cash and balances with other banks . . 13.8 13.6 14.8 18.7 10.5 15.8 12.5 10.9 Total securities held , Trading-account securities U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions. All other trading-account securities 23.8 .6 .3 .1 .1 24.1 .6 .3 .1 .1 22.1 .7 .4 .2 .2 14.0 1.4 .8 .3 .4 19.3 7.5 1.0 .3 .3 19.4 .9 .5 .2 .2 28.8 .1 29.1 ,7 .1 Bank investment portfolios U.S. Treasury States and political subdivisions. All other portfolio securities 23.2 8.4 10.5 4.4 23.5 8.5 10.7 4.3 21.4 8.0 9.9 3.5 72.5 6.0 5.2 1.4 17.7 7.7 8.3 1.8 75.5 7.3 8.7 2.5 28.7 9.7 13.5 5.5 29.7 9.7 12.1 7.3 56.6 5.880.4 56.7 5.7 80,7 56.8 6.3 78.9 57.4 9.9 71.4 64.2 6.0 83.5 57.2 7.5 76.6 55.1 3.6 83.9 56.1 3.9 85.3 .9 6.7 7.2 .9 6.8 1.2 1.0 6.6 7.1 1.2 7.2 7.8 6.Q 6.3 1.0 5.9 6.5 .8 7.1 7.5 .8 6.9 7.4 14,633 14,372 5,787 12 9 155 5,611 8,846 Other loans and Federal funds sold, . All other assets . . Total loans and securities Reserves for loans and securities . . Equity capital— Total Total capital accounts Number of banks 82 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks Wednesday figures, 1971 In millions of dollars Loans Other Federal funds sold, etc. i Wednesday For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers involving — Total loans and investments Total To commercial banks U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others Total Commercial and industrial To brokers and dealers Agricultural U.S. Treasury sees. To others U.S. Treasury sees. Other sees. Other sees. To no nbank finan. institi.itions Pers. and sales finan. Other COS., etc. 9,495 8,994 7,715 7,872 7,761 7,467 6,695 6,505 1,119 1,127 631 1,009 387 282 238 230 228 118 151 128 177,769 175,596 174,760 174,427 81,510 81,025 80,918 80,017 2,051 2,016 2,017 2,016 1,523 1,062 882 1,373 3,768 3,513 3,132 3,465[ 105 108 105 122 2,358 2,365 2,381 2,322 7,069 6,708 6,687 6,555 6,077 5,994 6,029 6,056 3 10 17 24 258,935 9,690 259,230 10,252 256,506 7,804 257,126 9,012 7,639 7,858 7,071 7,453 1,502 1,956 330 1,194 328 355 338 342 221 83 65 23 174,995 174,697 174,810 174,502 80,260 80,306 80,715 80,760 2,010 2,011 2,032 2,023 1,409 1,593 770 1,170 3,428 3,332 3,468 3,267 102 102 101 105 2,331 2,330 2,315 2,324 6,980 6,622 6,706 6,386 6,010 5,995 6,014 6,019 Mar. 3 10 17 24 31 259,537 258,016 259,619 257,906 260,047 9,022 7,787 8,278 7,440 8,287 7,825 6,459 7,323 6,539 6,884 822 907 495 537 880 335 326 360 290 390 40 95 100 74 133 175,775 175,175 176,146 175,778 176,251 81,068 81,188 81,794 81,419 81,162 2,035 2,028 2,033 2,038 2,048 1,284 788 822 872 854 3,694 3,754 3,676 3,515 3,970 132 107 126 106 93 2,345 2,359 2,354 2,347 2,339 6,781 6,588 6,746 6,721 7,009 5,990 6,007 6,148 6,159 6,261 Apr. 7 14 21 28 264,276 10,302 265,060 10,715 264,265 9,525 . . . . 260,499 8,233 7,783 8,459 8,330 7,101 1,994 1,597 735 773 412 454 310 267 113 205 150 92 177,104 176,955 177,038 176,594 80,976 81,101 81,255 81,072 2,059 2,083 2,100 2,095 1,677 1,096 891 575 4,236 4,195 3,885 3,721 94 90 90 93 2,346 2,331 2,343 2,330 7,035 7,084 7,209 7,035 6,002 6,056 6,159 6,271 May 5 12 19 26 262,254 264,470 262,151 259,757 8,214 9,709 9,049 6,974 7,470 8,521 7,971 6,073 391 528 462 405 257 261 182 138 96 399 434 358 177,742 179,146 178,874 178,362 81,299 81,621 81,715 81,370 2,118 2,133 "2,149 2,181 552 713 462 561 4,094 4,245 4,076 3,722 113 110 125 2,321 2,361 2,348 2,344 7 , 306 7,365 7,039 6,836 6,464 6,607 6,645 6,708 June 263,583 2 9 262,290 266,350 16 23 . ... 263,883 266,785 30 9,071 8,923 9,126 8,412 7,757 8,094 8,066 8,308 7,653 7,015 596 540 424 483 518 268 140 234 130 28 113 177 160 146 196 179,640 178,281 181,622 180,709 182,693 8«,703 81,292 82,556 82,338 82,156 2,198 2,217 2,223 2,238 2,261 773 629 795 433 888 3,769 3,645 3,934 3,732 4,175 125 114 117 141 124 2,347 2,349 2,355 2,366 2,412 7,259 6,781 7,420 7,120 7,597 6,7»5 6,646 6,854 6,927 7,282 July 7 14 21 28 268,681 265,221 263,221 264,132 9,087 7,549 7,060 8,433 8,060 6,970 6,545 7,705 830 452 359 569 58 17 13 40 139 110 143 119 182,782 181,816 180,970 180,561 82,461 82,204 81,849 81,488 2,247 2,236 2,227 2,219 990 608 546 667 3,725 3,789 3,554 3,490 127 127 142 147 2,401 2,420 2,420 2,415 7,480 7,073 7,010 6,828 7,242 7,173 7,013 6,980 11 18 25 265,418 264,797 266,380 . . . . 266,399 8,829 8,594 8,825 8,600 8,263 8,119 8,083 7,699 409 386 504 679 13 17 66 64 144 72 172 158 181,714 181,671 183,615 183,873 81,528 81,356 82,248 82,310 2,210 2,207 2,191 2,185 482 613 724 780 4,074 3,791 3,907 3,951 148 149 118 119 2,403 2,394 2,405 2,428 7,057 7,180 6,764 6,601 7,081 7,121 7,226 7,105 268,878 9,419 268,898 9,664 274,526 11,585 270,672 9,461 271 ,244 9,830 8,435 8,629 9,542 8,225 8,942 708 861 1,798 1,036 698 120 38 64 63 61 156 136 181 137 129 185,231 184,756 187,151 186,045 186,254 82,671 82,633 83,560 83,589 83,435 2,174 2,155 2,162 2,153 2,149 665 661 1,096 822 708 4,493 4,207 4,567 4,296 4,475 136 124 174 144 128 2,413 2,416 2,430 2,429 2,432 6,834 6,579 6,802 6,264 6,307 7,204 7,181 7,293 7,278 7,310 9,484 9,989 9,363 7,409 8,415 9,238 7,676 6,613 803 487 1,271 514 78 95 80 66 188 169 336 216 186,059 186,722 185,829 186,069 83,194 83,242 83,063 83,003 2,151 2,162 2,170 2,180 677 596 819 644 4,519 4,453 4,551 4,601 130 131 129 129 2,426 2,408 2,404 2,413 6,301 6,594 5,904 5,946 7,282 7,380 7,274 7,258 Nov. 3 10 17 24 275,834 10,457 275,443 10,604 274,806 9,347 272,851 8,118 9,410 9,298 8,681 7,704 695 982 397 271 121 106 74 90 231 218 195 53 187,455 186,882 186,803 186,611 83,091 82,933 82,854 82,562 2,189 2,199 2,209 2,202 1,181 1,275 729 585 4,807 4,820 4,815 4,854 135 132 138 132 2,387 2,364 2,377 2,387 6,240 5,914 5,877 5,855 7,490 7,352 7,426 7,440 Dec. 278,589 276,008 283,198 282,255 283,725 10,351 9,343 11,536 10,465 10,557 8,866 8,586 9,548 9,214 9,550 1,226 527 1,590 826 641 154 148 189 132 117 105 82 209 293 249 188,294 187,508 190,761 191,505 192,135 82,875 82,927 83,853 83,674 83,770 2,201 2,219 2,230 2,2561 2,279 1,124 761 1,047 8631 815 5,006 4,486 5,098 5,545 5,435 137 134 175 137 146 2,408 2,417 2,413 2,424 2,439 6,283 6,008 6,526 6,362 6,600 7,602 7,554 7,741 7,834 7,904 565 13 13 349 97 6 1 1 Jan 6 13 20 27 Feb 261,112 . . . 258,245 255,968 . . 255,528 Sept 1 8 15 22 29 Oct. 6 13 , . 20 27 .. 1 8 15 ' . 22 29 271,318 272,409 270,901 270,687 ^ Dec. 29 1 Annual Statistical Digest 83 18.—Continued Loans (cont.) Investments Other (cont.) U.S. Treasury securities Notes and bonds maturing — To commercial banks Real estate Domestic Foreign Consumer instalment Wednesday Foreign govts.2 AH other Total Certificates Bills Within 1 yr. 1 to 5 yrs. After 5 yrs. 34,257 34,229 34,234 34,274 669 627 660 619 ,535 ,538 ,515 ,564 21,788 21,772 21,717 21,709 813 812 796 784 14,246 13,827 13,687 13,551 28,631 28 , 329 28 , 349 28,268 6,512 6,245 6,237 5,943 4,243 4,267 4,388 4,640 15,069 14,997 15,004 14,916 2,807 2,820 2,720 2,769 Jan, 6 13 20 27 34,278 34,297 34,369 34,422 457 465 534 462 ,465 ,460 ,485 ,469 21,703 21,633 21,579 21,567 788 795 111 772 13,774 13,756 13,945 13,756 28 , 576 28,259 27,762 27,593 6,267 5,868 5,425 5,232 4,722 4,717 3,033 2,994 14,840 14,954 15,007 15,221 2,747 2,720 4,297 4,146 Feb 3 10 17 24 34,408 34,489 34,483 34,533 34,560 418 427 470 483 454 ,508 ,510 ,453 ,399 ,342 21,545 21,499 21,511 21,539 21,591 758 760 755 787 781 13,809 13,671 13,775 13,860 13,787 28; 222 28,123 27,709 27,046 28,060 5,949 5,862 5,467 4,706 5,676 3,032 3,056 3,045 3,123 3,141 15.207 15,264 15,193 15,164 15,186 4,034 3,941 4,004 4,053 4,057 Mar 3 10 17 24 31 34,450 34,577 34,655 34,737 583 579 530 562 ,456 ,481 ,417 ,495 21,605 21,673 21,699 21,810 769 800 784 803 13,816 13,809 14,021 13,995 28 , 380 28,387 28,075 26,569 6,110 6,143 5,854 4,409 3,066 3,104 3,125 3,161 15,111 15,104 15.128 15,070 4,093 4,036 3.968 3; 929 Apr. 7 14 21 28 34,754 34,873 34,941 35,058 561 671 657 636 ,390 ,723 ,867 ,873 21,871 21,944 21,989 22,088 765 806 798 812 14,134 13,973 14,078 14,048 26,506 26,154 25,231 25,568 4,211 3,938 3,365 3,862 3,258 3,273 3,322 3,319 15,081 14,995 14,820 14,736 3,956 3,948 3,724 3 t 651 May 5 ... .12 19 26 35,096 35,197 35,374 35,527 35,675 631 575 548 584 618 ,735 ,749 ,957 ,871 ,719 22,163 22,194 22,298 22,375 22,665 831 833 818 811 731 14,295 H; 060 14.373 14,246 14,390 25,453 25,566 25,586 25,052 26,637 3,801 3,986 4,056 3,574 4,228 3.543 3,543 3,660 3,631 2,691 14,553 14,496 14,330 14,371 15,324 3,556 3,541 3,540 3,476 3,394 June 2 .. 9 16 23 30 35,656 35,933 36,095 36,177 586 591 588 555 ,925 ,836 ,812 ,786 22,692 22,740 22 , 743 22,801 795 800 797 812 14,455 14,286 14,174 14,196 27,110 26,613 25,936 25,396 4,858 4,576 4,020 3,544 3,574 3,560 3,582 3,596 15,321 15,168 15,051 15,012 3,357 3,309 3,283 3,244 July 36,216 36,371 36,518 36,653 561 579 777 794 ,860 ,974 2,682 2,819 22,849 22,884 22,935 23,015 802 809 820 823 14,443 14,243 14,300 14,290 25,182 25,030 25 , 006 24,952 3,431 3,300 2,901 2,858 3,556 3,593 3,350 3,367 14,923 14,876 15,831 15,853 3,272 3,261 2.924 2,874 Aug. 36,734 36,824 37,009 37,126 37,206 857 880 865 849 886 2,534 2,629 2,655 2,672 2,610 23,112 23,126 23,169 23,208 23,323 810 806 830 836 805 14,594 14,535 14,539 14,379 14,480 24,921 25,072 25,275 25,204 25,080 2,808 2,583 2,816 2,758 2,680 3,387 3,422 3,694 3,766 3,825 16,009 16,018 15,693 15,614 15,470 2,717 3,049 3,072 3,066 3,105 Sept. 1 8 . . .15 22 29 37,235 37,399 37,495 37,557 840 851 815 862 2,597 2,603 2,447 2,484 23,341 23,383 23,424 23,476 775 782 772 814 14,591 14,738 14,562 14,702 24,984 24,981 25,176 26,187 2,613 2,537 2,827 2,847 3,954 4,080 4,036 4,055 15,373 15,306 15,392 16,445 3,044 3,058 2,921 2,840 Oct. 6 13 20 27 37,615 37,757 37,887 38,025 852 830 822 844 2,342 2,433 2,497 2,585 23,517 23,584 23,595 23,667 753 768 790 806 14,856 14,521 14,787 14,667 26,476 26,421 27,547 27,285 2,912 2,847 2,791 2,622 4,277 4,318 3,398 3,410 16,386 16,383 1 7 , 008 16,876 2,901 2,873 4,350 4,377 Nov. 3 10 17 24 38,049 38,078 38,238 38,390 38,400 855 841 886 936 904 2,417 2,552 2,729 2,920 3,002 23 , 723 23,760 23,887 23,974 24,117 789 851 897 900 918 14,825 14,920 15,041 15,290 15,406 . 28,298 27,312 28 , 280 28,003 28,944 3,732 2,936 3,948 3,628 4,339 3,437 3,478 3,659 3,768 3,766 16,719 16,608 16,514 16,399 16,607 4,410 4,290 4,159 4,208 4,232 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 103 1 67 4 12 49 2 89 48 7 .14 21 , 28 4 18 25 . . Dec 29 ^ 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1971—Continued In millions of dollars Investments (cont.) Other securities Wednesday Total Oblig ations of!tate arid poli tical subdiv isions Tax warrants 3 Cash items in process of collection Other bonds, corp. stock, and securities All other Certif. of partici-4 pation Reserves with ; F,R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Other assets Total assets/ Total liabilities All others Jan. 6 13 20 27 45,217 45,326 45,144 44,961 6,715 6,795 6,675 6,237 32,384 32,509 32,413 32,629 ,220 ,202 ,178 ,207 4,898 4,820 4,878 4,888 33,290 33,388 31,484 29,753 19,626 18,260 20,562 18,865 3,539 3,733 3,506 3,563 7,205 6,535 6,021 5,664 716 717 720 721 14,638 14,504 14,778 14,476 340,126 335,382 333,039 328,570 Feb. 3 10 17 24 45,674 46,022 46,130 46,019 6,486 6,688 6,838 6,850 32,919 33,044 32,972 32,981 ,201 ,225 ,229 ,150 5,068 5,065 5,091 5,038 31,869 30,801 36,933 29,520 17,978 16,105 21,808 17,212 3,202 3,381 3,454 3,529 6,365 7,027 7,326 6,416 724 723 732 733 14,894 14,911 14,763 14,497 333,967 332,178 341,522 329,033 Mar, 3 10 17 24 31 46,518 46,931 47,486 47,642 47,449 6,808 7,088 7,203 7,041 6,898 33,347 33,510 33,748 34,036 33,831 ,170 ,149 ,185 ,205 ,184 5,193 5,184 5,350 5,360 5,536 33,232 30,671 33,724 29,639 36,285 18,471 18,625 19,508 18,167 19,482 3,159 3,307 3,373 3,431 3,327 6,662 6,558 6,723 6,368 7,495 738 737 738 738 738 15,018 14,765 14,719 15,314 15,482 336,817 332,679 338,404 331,563 342,856 Apr. 7 14 21 28 48,490 49,003 49,627 49,103 7,294 7,347 7,947 7,762 34,256 34,611 34,570 34,353 ,180 ,190 ,192 ,169 5,760 5,855 5,918 5,819 31,817 36,812 34,086 32,616 17,959 18,041 18,648 19,298 3,158 3,528 3,486 3,560 7,108 7,073 6,403 6,611 735 736 740 741 15,247 15,280 15,211 15,166 340,300 346,530 342,839 338,491 May 5 .. 12 , 19. . . . , 26 49,792 49,461 48,997 48,853 7,849 7,709 7,360 7,388 34,866 34,666 34,673 34,593 ,172 ,201 ,159 ,175 5,905 5,885 5,805 5,697 33,651 32,276 32,058 28,468 21 ,038 17,961 19,461 19,688 3,127 3,436 3,455 3,569 6,744 7,275 6,345 5,968 756 756 759 756 15,630 15,721 15,595 15,552 343,200 341,895 339,824 333,758 June 2 9 16 23 30 49,419 49,520 50,016 49,710 49,698 7,828 7,868 7,865 7,814 7,548 34,754 34,822 35,262 35,100 35,130 ,144 ,124 ,128 ,094 ,319 5,693 5,706 5,761 5,702 5,701 33,938 31,082 35,329 31,342 38,776 18,154 18,855 18,291 18,493 18,187 3,459 3,422 3,483 3,551 3,504 7,381 6,419 6,896 6,504 7,358 757 760 760 766 771 15,598 15,307 15,374 15,252 15,680 342,870 338,135 346,483 339,791 351,061 July 7 14 21 28 49,702 49,243 49,255 49,742 7,573 7,490 7,521 7,628 35,200 34,942 34,879 35,319 ,335 ,373 ,373 ,350 5,594 5,438 5,482 5,445 36,859 32,470 32,104 31,178 16,966 18,906 20,248 18,369 3,318 3,652 3,564 3,666 7,244 5,938 5,842 5,862 781 781 782 784 15,863 15,360 15,299 15,454 349,712 342,328 341,060 339,445 Aug 4 11 18 . 25 49,693 49,502 48,934 48,974 7,801 7,675 7,466 7,424 34,967 35,089 34,851 34,954 ,364 ,342 ,282 ,260 5,561 5,396 5,335 5,336 31,875 31,516 30,303 29,811 20,057 17,972 18,588 19,311 3,220 3,486 3,494 3,615 6,169 5,577 5,823 5,818 786 784 786 786 15,696 15,685 15,446 15,654 343,221 339,817 340,820 341,394 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 49,307 49,406 50,515 49,962 50,080 7,650 7,949 8,380 8,065 8,091 35,026 34,865 35,301 35,147 35,246 ,285 ,273 ,339 ,310 ,315 5,346 5,319 5,495 5,440 5,428 33,541 31,971 36,268 33,213 32,231 19,383 19,085 17,805 18,468 18,741 3,482 3,525 3,608 3,641 3,704 6,475 6,677 6,919 6,002 6,243 791 791 794 796 799 15,976 15,828 15,734 15,647 15,798 348,526 346,775 355,654 348,439 348,760 Oct 6 13 20 27 50,791 50,717 50,533 51,022 8,369 8,424 8,187 8,311 35,703 35,441 35,390 35,673 ,314 ,333 ,352 ,399 5,405 5,519 5,604 5,639 33,254 35,609 34,209 35,312 18,741 19,749 18,040 20,826 3,329 3,690 3,644 3,778 7,054 7,042 6,774 6,526 802 803 813 814 15,702 15,465 15,399 15,429 350,200 354,76? 349,780 353,372 Nov. 3 10 17 24 51,446 51,536 51,109 50,837 8,598 8,375 8,015 7,846 35,857 35,844 35,766 35,671 ,389 ,454 ,462 ,452 5,602 5,863 5,866 5,868 40,042 31,370 31,598 33,553 18,946 17,925 19,681 22,152 3,481 3,532 3,601 3,508 7,405 6,885 7,059 7,294 817 817 819 819 15,656 15,488 15,099 15,121 362,18! 351,460 352,663 355,298 Dec 1 8 15 22 29 51,646 51,845 52,621 52,282 52,089 8,106 8,289 8,452 8,322 8,076 36,194 36,302 36,855 36,663 36,655 ,509 ,497 ,541 ,518 ,534 5,837 5,757 5,773 5,779 5,824 35,306 31,358 37,590 34,895 32,565 16,899 19,190 17,706 18,592 22,465 3,744 3,696 3,867 3,838 4,173 8,429 7,747 8,205 7,545 7,326 833 848 849 849 857 15,667 15,825 15,614 16,175 16,253 359,467 354,672 367,029 364,149 367,364 »- Dec 29 136 5 92 5 34 19 12 13 32 688 H Annual Statistical Digest 85 18,—Continued Deposits Demand Total IPC Time and savings Domestic interbank States and political subdivisions U.S. Govt. Commercial Foreign ComMutual Govts., mersavetc.2 cial ings banks IPC Certified and officers' checks Total* Savings Other States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Wednesday Foreign govts. 2 147,456 142,365 139,595 138,251 102,523 99,341 97,026 94,851 6,996 6,307 6,114 6,460 4,101 3,009 4,994 6,599 22,981 21,967 20,396 19,649 788 763 662 636 780 827 850 872 2,359 2,411 2,483 2,286 6,928 7,740 7,070 6,898 120,810 121,956 122,741 123,072 48,801 48,834 48,974 49,145 52,491 53,293 53,616 53,756 13,387 13,504 13,813 13,905 ,289 ,531 ,579 ,585 4,372 4,331 4,299 4,253 Jan 6 . . . . 13 20 . . . .27 141,118 137,735 145,511 135,248 94,417 93,071 98 , 303 93,728 7,179 6,642 7,045 6,483 6,766 4,893 5,246 4,332 21,460 21,926 22,949 20,178 700 663 735 608 789 799 836 796 2,332 2,380 2,505 2,319 7,475 7,361 7,892 6,804 123,599 124,539 124,737 125,800 49,455 49,792 50,140 50,458 53,719 54,249 54,389 54,864 14,159 14,332 14,164 14,506 ,564 ,573 ,568 ,541 4,253 4,129 3,974 3,930 Feb 141,127 136,350 140,449 134,078 146,456 96,043 95,173 97,508 95,117 99,253 6,693 6,264 6,181 6,469 6,957 4,944 3,080 3,950 2,144 2,889 22,253 20,814 21,309 19,647 24,703 639 616 644 594 785 770 742 734 740 805 2,229 2,360 2,380 2,243 2,271 7,556 7,301 7,743 7,124 8,793 127,043 128,105 128,975 129,029 129,128 51,023 51,544 52,025 52,379 52,973 55,385 55,947 56,008 55,842 55,514 14,685 14,666 14,659 14,608 14,498 ,581 ,586 ,569 ,579 ,545 3,859 3,823 4,166 4,110 4,079 Mar. 3 . . . .10 17 . . .24 31 140,700 146,284 143,976 141,474 97,898 101,985 98,472 97,099 6,409 6,419 6,380 6,353 1,971 2,717 5,483 5,833 22,666 21,466 22,070 20,750 829 725 662 631 764 863 794 778 2,324 2,225 2,214 2,329 7,839 9,884 7,901 7,701 128,799 128,678 128,584 129,293 53,083 53,027 53,021 53,044 55,171 54,927 54,290 54,779 14,424 14,557 15,066 15,229 ,526 ,513 ,568 ,570 4,084 4,150 4,160 4,161 Apr, 143,385 142,094 139,272 136,097 96,055 96,567 96,205 95,925 7,674 6,654 6,549 6,249 5,685 6,653 5,114 5,317 21,760 21,083 20,320 18,615 714 652 635 841 828 877 793 765 2,370 2,291 2,176 2,214 8,299 7,317 7,480 6,171 129,488 129,741 130,518 131,099 53,159 53,259 53,397 53,434 54,859 55,020 55,376 55,645 15,205 15,316 15,285 15,384 ,595 ,529 ,563 ,578 4,178 4,117 4,391 4,553 May 5 . 12 19 26 143,627 136,508 145,450 138,625 152,972 100,713 96,525 100,438 97,162 102,131 7,228 6,014 6,801 6,558 7,632 2,718 1,517 4,717 3,280 5,332 22,042 20,947 21,983 20,460 24,967 677 646 628 594 794 813 807 803 752 745 2,327 2,236 2,262 2,384 2,404 7,109 7,816 7,818 7,435 8,967 131,110 131,793 130,778 131,394 131,856 53,535 53,524 53,476 53,429 53,644 55,720 56,465 55,553 56,135 56,451 15,234 15,157 14,926 14,964 14,742 ,572 ,615 ,637 ,687 ,782 4,535 4,531 4,678 4,685 4,736 June 148,574 141,186 140,680 139,736 100,871 100,266 98,066 97,285 6,463 6,017 5,812 6,158 5,081 3,396 4,907 3,901 24,032 20,398 20,525 20,844 851 715 651 621 829 731 716 762 2,512 2,415 2,402 2,368 7,935 7,248 7,601 7,797 131,598 132,058 132,318 132,932 53,497 53,314 53,303 53,140 56,316 56,764 56,859 57,172 14,865 14,970 15,034 15,276 ,647 ,614 ,627 ,601 4,775 4,859 4,968 5,197 July 7 . . . . 14 21 28 139,404 138,109 139,164 139,672 97,190 96,119 96,218 95,700 6,620 6,611 6,212 6,062 2,890 2,333 6,001 6,272 21,489 21,126 20,164 20,562 703 617 620 608 760 1,283 949 803 2,358 2,298 2,461 2,416 7,394 7,722 6,539 7,249 132,924 133,179 133,494 133,827 53,133 53,113 53,070 52,986 57,472 57,708 58,082 58,184 15,067 15,111 15,068 15,258 ,566 ,536 ,597 ,691 5,144 5,208 5,173 5,195 . . Aug. 145,012 141,702 149,396 142,345 141,160 99 , 588 97,871 103,322 97 , 646 96,333 6,601 6,377 6,518 6,262 6,368 4,838 4,242 4,928 5,145 5,647 21,934 22,287 22,537 21,850 21,200 604 661 606 559 641 835 807 883 747 764 2,543 2,399 2,449 2,374 2,416 8,069 7,058 8,153 7,762 7,791 134,070 134,361 133,811 134,798 136,161 52,969 53,039 53,008 53,099 53,313 58,417 58,562 58,091 58,653 59,737 15,285 15,258 15,182 15,324 15,411 ,721 ,746 ,826 ,904 ,997 5,173 5,234 5,201 5,323 5,249 Sent P 142,194 143,537 141,925 144,435 97,663 100,823 99,180 100,492 6,570 5,864 5,970 6,112 3,088 2,460 2,815 3,551 23,307 22,839 22,862 22,730 824 745 666 725 783 850 796 830 2,330 2,340 2,305 2,432 7,629 7,616 7,331 7,563 136,739 137,207 137,167 137,160 53,486 53,498 53,583 53,605 59,984 60,424 60,250 60,294 15,506 15,480 15,608 15,571 2,092 2,124 2,127 2,109 5,226 5,230 5,158 5,142 Oct. 150,019 138,824 140,199 141,548 101,233 98,517 100,108 99,624 7,205 6,538 6,387 6,388 2,811 1,622 2,362 2,231 25,319 21,513 21,270 22,096 832 683 625 579 789 720 748 718 2,448 2,326 2,491 2,596 9,382 6,905 6,208 7,316 136,746 136,956 137,429 137,979 53,691 53,805 53,948 54,022 60,127 60,128 60,399 60,874 15,347 15,393 15,404 15,427 1,967 1,980 2,039 2,096 5,176 5,212 5,201 5,130 Nov. 3 ... .10 17 24 149,106 142,761 155,695 152,295 152,699 103,293 100,478 107,563 105,978 106,885 7,196 6,262 6,960 6,913 6,563 2,237 1,770 5,021 6,313 7,571 24,305 22,775 23 , 746 21,904 20,880 622 665 611 585 636 901 779 852 789 962 2,755 2,533 2,322 2,387 2,402 7,797 7,499 8,620 7,426 6,800 138,217 138,861 138,813 139,921 140,932 54,124 54,034 54,167 54,214 54,542 60,890 61,475 60,550 60,924 61,274 15,588 15,717 16,562 17,229 17,550 2,083 2,135 2,091 2,109 2,129 5,095 5,064 5,010 5,000 4,973 Dec, »> 276 250 9 c 7 325 195 111 19 4 3 10 . ,17 24 7 14 21 28 2 9 16 23 30 4 11 18 25 1 s 15 . . . . 22 29 6 13 20 . .27 1 8 15 22 . . . . 29 Dec. 29 ^ 86 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1971—Continued In millions of dollars Reserves for— Borrowings from — Wednesday Federal funds purchased etc. ^ F.R. Banks Others Other liabilities, etc. 8 Loans Memoranda Securities Total capital accounts Total loans (gross) adjusted 9 Large negotiable time CD's Gross Total included in time liabililoans Deand savings deposits 1 1 ties of and mand banks invest- deposits to ments I adtheir (gross) justed * 6 Issued Issued foreign adTotal to to branchusted 9 IPC's others es 20,014 19,012 17,905 16,700 258 245 1,445 674 1,364 1,329 1,216 1,157 21,391 21,635 21,319 19,898 4,012 4,059 4,059 4,062 75 72 77 77 24,746 24,709 24,682 24,679 178,834 176,496 1 75 , 1 20 175,175 252,682 250,151 248,613 248,404 87,084 84,001 82,721 82,250 26,231 n,ui 26,979 17,640 27,210 17,747 27,140 17,669 9,090 9,339 9,463 9,471 7,438 7,861 7,823 6,535 3 10 17 24 19,044 19,049 19,891 18,037 218 236 1,499 227 1,034 968 964 933 19,940 20,644 19,934 19,770 4,070 4,071 4,069 4,070 79 79 81 80 24,865 24,857 24,836 24,868 176,589 176,626 175,009 175,599 250,839 250,907 248,901 249,211 81,023 80,115 80,383 81,218 26,925 27,343 i 27,146 27,422 17,427 17,768 17,715 17,936 9,498 9,575 9,431 9,486 6,432 6,234 5,871 5,667 Mar 3 10 17 24 31 19,176 17,882 19,692 18,482 18,854 245 1,502 551 795 377 887 829 828 865 828 19,158 18,740 18,676 19,074 17,772 4,077 4,078 4,076 4,078 4,059 81 80 80 80 79 25,023 25,112 25,077 25,082 25,303 176,554 176,076 176,631 176,196 177,200 251,294 251,130 251,826 250,884 252,709 80,698 81,785 81,466 82,648 82,579 27,748 28.100 28,315 28,058 27,458 18,108 18,487 18,400 18,173 17,623 9,640 9,613 9,915 9,885 9,835 5,018 4,807 4,177 4,329 2,858 Apr 7 14 21 28 21,853 23,648 23,428 20,111 167 212 78 694 1,058 1,067 1,024 932 18,157 17,149 16,324 16,509 4,054 4,047 4,044 4,045 81 82 82 83 25,431 25,363 25,299 25,350 179,040 178,632 177,703 177,164 255,910 256,022 255,405 252,836 84,246 85,289 82,337 82,275 27,238 27,173 26,676 27,153 17,397 9,841 17,349 9,824 16,626 10,050 17,010 10,143 3,260 2,317 2,253 2,158 May 5 I!::::..::.:". 19 26 22,448 23,559 22,380 18,744 748 15 920 1,235 997 1,061 995 995 16,444 15,752 16,150 16,002 4,048 4,032 4,030 4,020 85 86 85 84 25,557 25,555 25,474 25,482 177,925 179,663 179,295 178,627 254,223 255,278 253,523 253,048 82,289 82,082 81,780 83,697 27,061 27,118 27,541 28,003 16,934 17,014 17,182 17,296 10,127 10,104 10,359 10,707 2,004 ,598 ,628 ,579 June 2 9 16 23 30 21,347 22,380 22,601 21,531 19,048 16 560 201 513 353 922 898 914 919 972 16,031 16,167 16,836 17,082 15,952 4,032 4,030 4,010 4,020 3,997 83 83 95 83 78 25,702 25,716 25,598 25,624 25,833 179,986 178,563 181,892 180,884 182,817 254,858 253,649 257,494 255,646 259,152 84,929 82,962 83,421 83,543 83,897 27,926 28,760 27,811 28,393 28,460 17,245 17,702 16,988 17,409 17,450 10,681 11,058 10,823 10,984 11,010 ,877 ,938 2,323 2,323 ,512 July 7 14 21 28 21,656 20,823 20,137 20,073 376 1,697 1,382 642 1,305 1,075 1,014 1,015 16,079 15,417 15,484 14,976 3,990 3,988 4,006 4,012 79 76 76 76 26,055 26,008 25,963 25,983 183,223 181,804 180,897 180,734 260,035 257,660 256,088 255,872 82,602 84,922 83,144 83,813 28,491 29,252 29,492 30,233 17,423 17,991 18,085 18,383 11,068 11,261 11,407 11,850 2,083 ,730 ,879 ,505 Aug 4 11 18 25 23,195 21,657 20,827 19,499 552 454 1,017 1,692 ,146 ,140 ,058 ,203 15,750 14,997 15,043 15,269 4,013 4,012 4,011 4,008 76 113 77 77 26,161 26,156 26,129 26,147 181,719 181,567 183,580 183,980 256,594 256,099 257,520 257,906 83,150 83,134 82,696 83,027 30,428 30,750 31,302 31,512 18,569 18,783 19,239 19,273 11,859 11,967 12,063 12,239 ,912 ,104 ,374 ,409 1 15 22 29 22,042 23,520 24,744 22,774 22,989 829 273 286 820 209 ,173 ,104 ,146 ,113 ,132 15,019 15,468 15,959 16,335 16,788 4,001 4,003 4,002 3,990 4,004 76 77 75 89 89 26,304 26,267 26,235 26,175 26,228 185,358 184,911 188,3291 186,432' 186,256 259,586 259,389 264,119 261,598 261,416 84, 699 1 83,202 85,663 82,137 82,082 31,572 31,828 31,309 32,075 32,959 19,368 19,640 19,145 19,652 20,594 12,204 12,188 12,164 12,423 12,365 ,237 ,243 ,704 2,143 2,476 Oct. 6. 13 20 27 23,356 25,181 22,230 21,642 125 939 428 1,906 ,108 ,037 ,051 ,050 16,086 16,321 16,496 16,581 4,002 4,003 3,998 4,004 89 89 89 89 26,501 26,453 26,396 26,505 186,288 186,622 186,701 186,003 262,063 262,320 262,410 263,212 82,545 82,629 82,039 82,842 33,268 33,847 33,637 33,603 20,723 21,227 21,034 21,081 12,545 12,620 12,603 12,522 2,224 2,724 2,523 2,915 Nov 3 10 17 24 27,002 26,992 25,816 24,935 179 168 333 2,236 1,120 1,042 1,083 1,019 16,350 16,678 17,116 16,927 4,011 4,026 4,019 4,012 90 69 77 75 26,664 26,705 26,591 26,567 187,650 187,358 186,647 186,181 265,572! 265,315; 265,303 264,303 81,847 84,319 84,969 83,668! 33,166 33,339 33,597 34,000 20,734 20,845 21,139 21,483 12,432 12,494 12,458 12,517 2,443 2,964 3,363 3,342 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 23,698 25,305 25,158 23,644 26,046 24 66 8 793 1,249 1,034 1,053 1,040 1,038 1,020 16,547 15,741 15,520 15,769 14,762 4,024 4,003 4,009 3,995 3,895 76 90 77 76 77 26,741 26,792 26.709 26i618 26,684 188,924 187,424 191,863; 191,820 192,238 268,868 266,581 272,764 272,105 273,271! 87,258 86,858 89,338 89,183 91,683 33,880 34,317 33,292 33,746 33,951 21,317 21,714 20,862 21,203 21,282 12,563 12,603 12,430 12,543 12,669 2,408 1,867 1,386 1,544 909 4 21 4 57 349 552 251! Jan 6 13 20 27 Feb Sept. . . ... »> Dec, 29 Annual Statistical Digest 87 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1972 In millions of dollars Loans Federal funds sold, etc. Wednesday 1 Other To brokers and dealers involving — Total loans and investments Total To commercial banks U.S. Treasury securities Other securities For purchasing or carrying securities To others Total Commercial and industrial Agricultural To brokers and dealers U.S. Treasury sees. Other sees. To nonbank finan. institutions To others U.S. Treasury sees. Other sees. Pers. and sales finan. Other COS., etc. Jan. 5 12 19 26 285,934 282,712 280,615 279,671 12,941 11,695 11,152 9,912 10,335 9,152 10,513 9,263 881 730 764 841 170 254 248 246 195 256 171 163 191,436 190,566 190,070 189,027 83,016 82,555 82,325 81,512 2,322 2,315 2,305 2,315 916 914 866 880 5,067 4,829 4,933 5,021 157 152 156 161 2,470 2,489 2,463 2,479 6,262 6,227 6,187 6,098 7,970 7,958 7,908 7,782 Feb 2 9 16 23 281,037 280,464 281 ,544 281,250 10,718 9,633 10,958 10,128 11,625 10,995 10,496 9,568 723 515 386 582 227 207 177 238 135 108 67 108 189,771 189,478 190,115 190,667 81,782 81,819 82,320 82,228 2,315 2,320 2,316 2,332 1,106 964 624 771 5,093 4,926 5,225 5,388 161 163 179 182 2,479 2,490 2,505 2,494 6,058 6,158 6,207 6,219 7,802 7,856 7,923 7,961 Mar 1 8 15 22 29 283,969 283,777 288,182 287,254 288,161 10,755 9,694 9,919 8,932 11,531 10,445 11,475 10,350 11,892 10,988 650 734 725 670 490 220 172 272 228 240 191 81 89 227 174 192,213 191,742 194,387 193,952 194,777 82,363 82,484 83,309 83,261 83,627 2,350 2,364 2,372 2,393 2,396 1,031 900 1,118 869 683 6,026 5,802 6,270 6,183 6,152 190 175 186 174 169 2,513 2,537 2,550 2,538 2,516 6,345 6,094 6,531 6,343 6,399 8,037 8,007 8,173 8,203 8,307 5 19 26 290,346 290,101 291,360 287,885 12,173 11,315 11,358 10,171 1 1 , 442 10,143 10,091 9,206 491 843 887 616 193 194 234 157 174 150 178 112 195,803 195,826 197,540 197,182 83,789 83,929 84,604 84,664 2,401 2,408 2,436 2,456 639 607 656 466 6,546 6,303 6,696 6,258 170 167 166 194 2,520 2,524 2,528 2,520 6,595 6,638 6,626 6,524 8,271 8,296 8,446 8,400 May 3 10 17 24 31 291,808 290,364 291,419 290,014 291,126 11,134 10,032 10,165 8,589 11,088 9,926 10,237 9,379 9,992 9,008 652 923 617 473 672 325 265 244 199 207 125 388 301 186 105 199,494 198,854 198,910 198,633 199,975 85,283 85,223 85,177 84,823 84,637 2,468 2,478 2,491 2,504 2,519 894 913 745 678 811 7,004 6,680 6,395 6,557 6,951 184 163 163 194 149 2,542 2,554 2,534 2,545 2,566 6,426 6,283 6,302 6,043 6,269 8,484 8,432 8,447 8,438 8,629 June 7 14 21 28 , 292,065 293,270 295 , 384 294,596 11,134 10,084 10,917 9,896 11,377 10,239 11,138 10,079 575 667 657 521 401 279 317 389 74 75 164 149 199,744 200,985 203,112 203,393 84,536 84,593 85,512 184,954 2,528 2,542 2,563 2,577 784 836 809 645 6,903 7,095 7,380 7,122 155 2,567 6,201 8,655 154 2,585 6,433 8,856 158 2,607 6,701 9,067 156 f2,665 16,680 t9,363 July 5 12 19 26 298,175 297,303 296,351 295,960 12,901 11,683 12,250 9,566 11,951 10,916 11,559 10,555 638 2,228 536 597 359 269 287 250 221 187 212 157 205,460 205,099 205,108 204,812 85,427 85,268 85,300 85,151 2,594 2,597 2,603 2,597 589 1,319 653 717 7,397 7,118 7,129 7,088 158 160 155 167 2,703 2,687 2,680 2,687 7,148 6,572 6,718 6,504 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 298,432 297,297 298,465 298,912 297,748 1 1 , 804 11 ,523 12,069 12,171 10,757 10,692 10,326 11,073 10,278 9,872 682 718 583 1,496 489 252 300 259 216 226 178 179 154 181 170 206,666 205,947 206,756 206,878 206,960 85,307 85,016 85,261 85,158 85,011 2,595 2,590 2,593 2,589 2,575 892 750 862 970 849 7,631 7,249 7,176 7,074 7,108 176 165 165 185 184 2,724 2,733 2,719 2,730 2,783 6,400 9,879 6,377 9,908 6,314 10,043 6,184 10,167 6,284 10,243 20 27 302,765 304,308 302,728 303,182 13,018 10,647 13,376 11,557 11,551 10,085 11,433 9,703 1,909 1,220 865 1,255 292 352 291 291 170 247 310 184 209,019 209,323 210,400 210,736 85,340 85,682 86,366 86,631 2,575 2,576 2,584 2,602 1,415 1,734 1,166 932 7,370 7,273 7,582 7,336 193 182 183 185 2,802 2,796 2,800 2,826 6,573 6,366 6,363 6,324 10,417 10,481 10,593 10,706 Oct. 4 11 18 25 305,207 11,314 10,231 306,019 12,088 11,144 304,480 11,333 10,201 304,690 9,497 8,716 630 507 589 427 295 289 392 262 158 148 151 92 212,792 213,206 213,688 214,258 87,518 87,722 87,762 87,528 2,622 2,626 2,652 2,676 802 893 1,041 863 7,412 7,164 7,526 7,501 204 189 188 189 2,852 2,845 2,834 2,837 6,554 6,735 6,386 6,417 10,920 10,881 11,035 11,167 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 309,042 309,824 313,429 311,490 314,146 10,825 11,837 13,615 11,865 12,480 9,752 10,933 11,117 10,728 11,445 567 489 1,973 463 626 292 308 353 378 284 214 107 172 296 125 216,602 216,639 218,311 217,670 218,272 88,014 88,356 88,496 88,501 88,642 2,687 2,699 2,712 2,730 2,745 853 808 1,459 1,003 1,265 8,337 7,721 7,940 7,585 7,551 190 193 190 193 203 2,838 2,820 2,832 2,825 2,849 6,716 6,614 6,707 6,507 6,539 11,518 11,522 11,736 11,619 11,710 Dec. 6 13 20 27 316,846 318,315 322,157 325,375 12,817 13,212 12,778 13,356 11,571 12,054 11,230 11,054 791 658 827 1,424 295 348 464 541 160 152 257 337 220,018 220,695 225,178 227,414 88,794 89,374 90,794 91,103 2,737 2,781 2,788 2,841 1,649 887 1,154 1,663 7,790 7,715 8,767 8,615 205 207 220 264 2,843 2,858 2,890 2 H 911 6,617 6,992 7,481 7,753 11,842 12,155 12,513 12,697 -11 -11 -92 4 Apr. »> Dec. 27 -311 -189 9,619 9,614 9,642 9,683 -11 88 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1972—Continued In millions of dollars Loans (cent.) Investments Other (cont.) U.S. Treasury securities To commercial banks Notes and bonds maturing— Wednesday Real estate Domestic Foreign Consumer instalment Foreign govts.2 AH other Total Bills Certificates Within lyr. 1 to 5yrs. After 5 yrs. Jan. 5 12 19 26 38,713 38,841 38,970 39,044 907 863 744 802 2,942 2,863 2,873 2,683 24,252 24,217 24,179 24,209 894 924 887 912 15,548 15,419 15,274 15,129 28,968 28,148 27,843 27,821 4,368 3,675 3,873 3,877 3,909 3,968 3,913 3,899 16,564 16,432 16,215 16,210 4,127 4,073 3,842 3,835 Feb. 2 9 16 23 39,101 39,155 39,263 39,343 809 841 833 781 2,618 2,661 2,534 2,603 24,229 24,177 24,144 24,138 910 905 886 910 15,308 15,043 15,156 15,317 27,881 27,497 27,156 27,455 3,909 3,488 3,237 3,612 4,024 4,030 4,551 4,609 16,199 16,199 15,639 15,535 3,749 3,780 3,729 3,699 Mar. 1 8 15 22 29 39,387 39,507 39,658 39,771 39,901 954 972 1,027 ,065 ,136 2,495 2,505 2,567 2,546 2,683 24,171 24,162 24,182 24,190 24,306 919 889 908 912 943 15,432 15,344 15,536 15,504 15,559 27,927 28,862 28,431 27,989 27,749 4,160 5,188 4,858 4,582 4,483 4,758 4,824 4,836 4,824 4,801 15,468 15,375 15,232 15,209 15,190 3,541 3,475 3,505 3,374 3,275 Apr. P 5 12 19 26 40,031 40,197 40,396 40,578 ,273 ,098 ,090 ,089 2,503 2,532 2,484 2,557 24,400 24,458 24,568 24,693 955 931 934 949 15,710 15,738 15,910 15,834 28,628 28,460 28,170 26,776 4,889 4,796 4,652 3,295 4,836 4,776 4,738 4,762 15,683 15,695 15,682 15,627 3,220 3,193 3,098 3,092 May 3 ID..!. . . . . . . . 17 24 . 31 40,630 40,810 41,006 41,146 41,241 1,050 1,000 1,117 1,069 1,005 2,595 2,479 2,672 2,636 2,636 24,803 24,853 24,920 25,052 25,165 933 962 952 949 942 16,198 27,076 16,024 27,294 15,989 . 27,326 15,999 27,024 16,455 26,958 3,615 3,970 4,072 3,859 3,844 4,840 4,831 4,619 4,619 4,941 15,525 15,558 15,550 15,509 15,192 3,096 2,935 3,085 3,037 2,981 June 7 14 21 28 41,384 41,608 41,823 41,992 ,081 ,120 ,120 ,366 2,600 2,561 2,533 2,867 25,213 25,377 25,477 25,620 947 976 999 1,032 16,190 16,249 16,363 16,354 26,811 26,943 26,612 26,009 3,884 4,040 4,083 3,625 5,034 5,065 4,800 4,786 14,951 14,985 14,864 14,928 2,942 2,853 2,865 2,670 July 5 12::;.;.;. . . . . . 19 26 42,122 42,307 42,496 42,654 ,368 ,398 ,391 ,302 2,823 2,853 2,953 2,929 25,728 25,759 25,803 25,899 ,023 ,018 ,020 ,011 16,761 16,429 16,565 16,423 26,225 25,696 25,581 25,795 3,901 3,523 3,422 3,497 4,823 4,780 4,841 5,010 14,728 14,694 14,714 14,663 2,773 2,699 2,604 2,625 AUK. 2 9;::::;;:::::;:'::: 16 23 30 42,846 42,974 43.272 43,434 43,517 ,341 ,342 ,327 ,432 ,444 3,033 3,014 2,996 2,970 2,908 26,036 26,122 26,21! 26,330 26,465 ,029 ,050 ,043 ,034 ,078 16,777 16,657 16.774 16,621 16,511 25,770 25,466 25,246 25,417 25,651 3,268 3,072 2,997 3,131 3,566 5,328 5,308 4,281 4,529 4,581 14,489 14,415 14,860 14,489 14,324 2,685 2,671 3,108 3,268 3,180 20 27 6 iS:::::::;;:::;::::: 43,603 43,810 43,920 44,112 ,445 ,400 ,440 ,450 2,912 2,833 2,840 2,888 26,529 26,601 26,680 26,777 ,093 ,079 ,102 ,093 16,752 16,510 16,781 16,874 26,404 26,861 26,617 26,307 4,396 4,925 5,027 4,772 4,522 4,555 4,454 4,439 14,390 14,340 14,159 14,112 3,096 3,041 2.977 2 [984 Oct. 4 11.. . . 18 25 44,226 44,400 44,614 44,802 ,519 ,534 ,568 ,748 2,900 2,860 2,809 2,973 26,882 26,921 27,019 27,105 ,124 ,H7 ,122 ,128 17,257 17,319 17,132 17,324 26,347 26,026 25,228 25,955 4,982 4,814 4,176 4,052 4,397 4,359 4,364 4,353 14,020 13,941 13,793 14,668 2,948 2.912 2,895 2 S 882 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 44,972 45,065 45,324 45,545 45,630 1,799 1,838 1,839 1,924 1,970 2,825 2,875 2,994 2,960 2,929 27,236 27,287 27,363 27,438 27,548 ,U9 ,131 ,132 ,128 ,146 17,498 17,710 17,587 17,712 17,545 25,985 25,669 26,313 26,597 27,925 4,148 3,838 3,703 4,126 5,568 4,324 4,369 4,268 4,288 4,458 14,582 14,540 15,377 1 5 , 224 15,077 2,931 2,922 2,965 2,959 2,822 Dec 6 13 20 27 45,566 45,748 45,860 45,967 2,043 2,126 2,313 2,376 3,094 3,068 3,164 3,222 27,638 27,813 27,953 28,115 ,146 ,146 ,158 ,161 18,054 17,825 18,123 18,726 28,357 28,185 28,201 28,645 6,110 5,957 6,343 6,808 4,495 4,514 4,335 4,413 15,042 15,005 14,958 14,874 2,710 2,709 2,565 2,550 >> Dec 27 —27 14 5 -7 3 12 -3 Sent — 71 Annual Statistical Digest 89 18.—Continued Investments (cent.) Other securities Total Obligations of State and political subdivisions Tax warrants 3 All other Cash items in process of collection Other bonds, corp. stock, and securities Certif. of partici-4 pation Reserves with F.R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Other assets Total assets/ Total liabilities Wednesday All others 52,589 52,846 52,367 52,310 8,483 8,489 8,201 8,242 36,604 37,024 36,813 36,664 ,608 ,574 ,560 ,548 5,894 5,759 5,793 5,856 33,802 32,925 34,370 33,094 19,747 20,438 21,173 19,897 3,744 3,959 3,795 3,796 7,578 7,345 7,333 6,902 826 885 890 923 16,191 15,986 15,762 15,723 367,822 364,250 363,938 360,006 52,667 52,531 52,648 52,632 8,489 8,438 8,408 8,412 36,837 36,703 36,706 36,667 ,533 ,546 ,542 ,516 5,808 5,844 5,992 6,037 32,493 29,959 33,385 32,783 19,477 19,413 21,013 19,509 3,488 3,488 3,519 3,742 7,043 8,862 8,658 9,399 937 933 933 933 16,294 16,021 15,786 15,881 360,769 359,140 364,838 363,497 Feb 2 9 16 23 53,074 53,254 53,833 53,838 53,743 8,523 8,648 9,031 9,251 9,144 36,801 36,927 37,051 36,902 36,946 ,549 ,552 ,549 ,521 ,567 6,201 6,127 6,202 6,164 6,086 35,276 31,469 33,101 28,400 27,114 19,403 19,727 19,781 20,044 21,726 3,429 3,377 3,475 3,612 3,667 10,403 9,351 9,521 8,597 8,790 934 919 920 920 922 16,409 16,225 16,724 16,493 16,632 369,823 364,845 371,704 365,320 367,012 Mar 1 8 15 22 29 53,742 54,457 54,208 53,836 9,190 9,428 9,196 9,188 36,921 37,220 37,076 37,004 ,547 ,553 .558 ",567 6,084 6,256 6,378 6,077 30,202 30,341 30,447 29,413 21,013 19,796 20,352 23,252 3,372 3,650 3,699 3,760 9,169 8,240 7,919 8,118 933 933 933 943 16,646 16,498 16,489 16,635 371,681 369,559 371,199 370,006 Apr. 5 12 19 26 54,104 54,051 54,095 54,120 54,201 9,284 9.055 9,117 9,041 9,066 37,076 37,242 37,289 37,408 37,357 ,593 ,614 ,594 ,577 ,588 6,151 6,140 6,095 6,094 6,190 30,198 28,386 30,125 27,629 32,686 20,142 20,107 21,814 20,079 22,696 3,446 3,572 3,633 3,743 3,792 8,387 8,031 8,609 8,447 9,276 945 949 951 952 954 17,071 16,700 16,616 16,417 16,599 371,997 368,109 373,167 367,281 377,129 . .May 3 10 17 24 31 54,376 54,425 54,283 54,056 9 . 329 9,195 8,973 8,795 37,326 37,350 37,360 37,361 ,552 ,603 ,580 ,572 6,169 6,277 6,370 6,328 27,720 30,664 30,705 29,235 20,593 20,753 19,974 20,568 3,500 3,780 3,782 3,943 8,633 9,151 9,421 8,803 968 954 965 965 16,336 16,447 16,257 16,434 369,815 375,019 376,488 374,544 . . June 7 14 21 28 53 , 589 54,258 53,711 53,794 8,449 8,856 8,534 8,881 37,301 37,584 37,401 37,084 ,556 ,553 ,527 ,532 6,283 6,265 6,249 6,297 35,552 30,062 29,879 27,844 21,326 17,799 21,005 20,500 3,456 3,894 3,775 3,893 10,428 8,872 9,212 8,756 961 986 992 991 16,471 16,275 16,533 16,484 386,369 375,191 377,747 374,428 54,192 54,361 54,394 54,446 54,380 8,946 9,081 9,267 9,179 9,104 37,276 37,285 37,182 37,347 37,273 ,568 ,569 ,541 ,547 ,496 6,402 6,426 6,404 6,373 6,507 30,039 27,030 29,385 26,076 27,023 21,966 21,326 21,532 19,877 21,457 3,651 3,686 3,703 3,851 3,950 8,389 8,112 8,505 8,334 8,554 992 991 992 997 1,004 17,074 16,639 16,450 16,357 16,531 380,543 375,081 379,032 374 , 404 376,267 54,324 54,748 54,160 54,706 9,089 9,175 9,059 9,479 37,151 37,456 36,971 37,052 ,496 ,495 ,515 ,553 6,588 6,622 6,615 6,622 30,900 29,215 30,052 27,680 18,419 18,701 21,819 19,415 3,664 3,952 3,898 4,003 9,820 8,824 8,865 9,271 ,007 ,007 ,010 ,010 16,787 16,577 16,688 16,752 383,362 382,584 385,060 381,313 54,754 54,699 54,231 54,980 9,371 9,358 9,255 9,292 37,198 37,276 36,972 37,445 ,533 ,517 ,522 ,588 6,652 6,548 6,482 6,655 31,252 30,962 30,502 31,029 22,191 20,212 20,488 24,087 3,464 3,824 3,896 4,021 9,602 10,090 9,709 9,342 ,017 ,016 ,028 ,064 17,077 16,949 16,870 17,267 389,810 389,072 386,973 391,500 Oct 4 11 18 25 55,630 55,679 55,190 55,358 55,469 9,383 9,087 8,833 8,828 8,769 37,651 37,909 37,594 37,772 37,878 ,565 ,662 ,741 ,712 ,763 7,031 7,021 7,022 7,046 7,059 33,089 32,951 29,628 28,708 29,136 20,173 21,528 17,322 19,109 17,809 3,818 3,654 3,836 3,734 4,402 9,457 10,198 10,009 8,861 10,023 ,067 ,071 ,072 ,073 ,076 17,601 17,492 16,946 16,716 16,871 394,247 396,718 392,242 389,691 393,463 Nov 1 8 15 22 29 55,654 56,223 56,000 55,960 8,898 8,969 9,039 8,971 37,907 38,382 38,100 38,142 ,771 ,800 ,766 1,760 7,078 7,072 7,095 7,087 28,841 28 , 1 78 31,299 34,192 18,423 21,174 19,927 16,452 3,837 4,275 4,184 4,689 10,309 9,766 10,535 11,291 ,084 ,084 ,094 ,096 17,295 17,239 17,379 17,493 396,635 400,031 406,575 410,588 Dec. 6 13 20 27 -113 -9 6 32 -9 -5 -116 -21 -314 Jan ... 5 12 19 26 July 5 ... 12 19 26 . Aug , .... ., 2 9 16 23 30 Sept. 6 13 20 27 .... Dec. 27 4 90 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1972—Continued In millions of dollars Deposits Demand Wednesday Total IPC States and political subdivisions Time and savings Domestic interbank U.S. Govt. Commercial Foreign ComMutual Govts., mersavcial ings etc. 2 banks IPC Certified and officers' checks Total ^ Savings Other States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign govts.2 Jan. 5 12 19 26 152,453 148,690 149,096 146,780 106,524 104,767 103,490 99,505 7,083 6,761 6,500 6,492 4,120 3,443 4,584 5,854 22,819 22,270 21,816 22,417 834 798 663 688 764 750 756 701 2,549 2,495 2,454 2,411 7,760 7,406 8,833 8,712 141,316 142,098 142,432 142,834 55,190 55,388 55,605 55,719 61,054 61 ,440 61,571 61,716 17,484 17,567 17,551 17,636 2,140 2,282 2,287 2,286 4,980 4,988 4,930 4,987 Feb. 2 9 16 23 146,564 143,520 145,910 146,174 99,963 97,979 101,714 100,311 7,714 6,436 6,403 6,323 4,531 4,765 3,193 4,471 22,211 23,783 23,677 24,809 739 687 686 643 716 666 690 753 2,488 2,414 2,325 2,527 8,202 6,790 7,222 6,337 142,532 142,933 143,205 144,122 55,870 56,032 56,218 56,422 61,364 61,442 61,570 62,044 17,534 17,607 17,544 17,717 2,262 2,328 2,318 2,313 4,993 5,038 5,060 5,131 Mar. 1 8 15 22 29 151,788 144,988 152,257 144,487 143,920 102,735 99,463 105,652 100,849 100,608 7,311 6,209 6,205 6,593 6,575 3,518 3,899 6,127 6,296 5,599 26,500 24,357 22,597 20,953 20,190 683 665 669 625 653 687 654 778 667 822 2,586 2,504 2,618 2,555 2,627 7,768 7,237 7,611 5,949 6,846 144,286 144,740 143,659 144,026 144,863 56,579 56,879 57,104 57,382 57,616 62,077 62,261 61,209 61 ,527 61,916 17,686 17,644 17,482 17,291 17,488 2,310 2,291 2,253 2,251 2,270 5,151 5,194 5,151 5, 151 5,133 Apr. 5 12... 19 26 149,108 147,023 148,943 146,768 104,431 106,145 105,148 102,707 6,622 6,466 6,275 6,347 5,061 2,938 6,675 7,472 22,083 20,750 19,983 19,941 917 832 775 735 757 766 746 732 2,559 2,516 2,505 2,585 6,678 6,610 6,836 6,249 144,190 144,928 145,770 146,743 57,811 57,633 57,315 57,272 61,408 61,671 61,736 61 ,870 17,197 17,929 18,996 19,871 2,183 2,193 2,150 2,150 5,146 5,067 5,141 5,134 May 3 10... 17 24 31 148,502 .. 143,851 147,349 141,693 150,176 101,536 99,253 102,291 99,231 105,300 7,165 6,700 6,606 6,353 7,200 8,614 6,538 7,513 5,792 5,027 20,694 20,273 20,650 19,679 21,541 738 697 655 618 698 721 884 798 745 723 2,565 2,632 2,653 2,657 2,926 6,469 6,874 6,183 6,618 6,761 147,113 147,520 148,124 148,951 149,081 57,294 57,401 57,523 57,590 57,624 62,598 62,840 63,323 63,936 64,405 19,410 19,433 19,359 19,428 19,081 2,110 2,205 2,264 2,310 2,303 5,224 5,157 5,173 5,208 5,199 June 7 14 21 28 140,989 146,084 147,987 146,199 100,936 105,671 103,273 102,356 6,213 6,137 6,698 6,872 3,284 2,851 5,589 5,726 20,221 20,698 20,164 20,034 721 667 639 694 730 753 677 902 2,644 2,691 2,819 2,886 6,240 6,616 8,128 6,729 149,683 149,223 149,167 149,647 57,722 57,642 57,735 57,844 64,813 64,895 64,846 65,476 19,048 18,633 18,582 18,310 2,363 2,327 2,265 2,233 5,280 5,263 5,272 5,318 July 5 12 19 26 157,680 146,908 148,812 145,159 108,396 105,801 104,317 102,608 6,801 6,312 5,882 5,889 4,350 3,242 6,326 5,332 24,532 20,729 21,691 20,396 920 846 728 694 1,175 958 1,038 893 3,157 2,773 2,898 2,988 8,349 6,247 5,932 6,359 149,325 149,863 150,871 151,296 58,014 58,004 57,983 57,918 65,242 65,645 66,483 66,882 18,035 18,092 18,204 18,174 2,261 2,323 2,442 2,482 5,304 5,335 5,286 5,375 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 147,378 . , 140,911 143,100 138,860 140,450 104,095 101,382 104,684 102,011 102,374 6,744 5,994 6,261 5,806 6,038 4,472 3,401 1,981 2,048 1,715 20,957 20,140 20,195 19,350 20,357 747 700 688 632 682 953 800 774 715 864 2,959 2,926 2,984 2,719 2,999 6,451 5,568 5,533 5,579 5,421 152,111 152,984 153,472 154,459 155,495 57,892 57,924 57,901 57,867 57,827 67,564 68,458 68,933 69,792 70,796 18,334 18,331 18,297 18,458 18,488 2,474 2,433 2,480 2,501 2,542 5,375 5,371 5,394 5,368 5,335 20 27 6 148,159 106,879 144,824 106,646 13..:;:: 148,000 105,517 146,133 103,334 6,542 5,990 6,176 6,491 2,119 1,739 5,687 6,479 22,449 20,933 20,249 20,010 757 698 650 692 800 791 790 744 2,950 2,760 3,035 3,077 5,663 5,267 5,896 5,306 155,340 155,706 155,173 156,270 57,899 57,873 57,895 58,069 70,768 70,860 70,215 70,841 18,289 18,388 18,281 18,483 2,532 2,624 ' 2,847 2,913 5,347 5,462 ^,433 5,449 Oct. 4 11 18 25 150,884 148,866 146,782 149,977 105,842 107,553 106,323 107,281 6,595 6,115 5,890 6,031 5,152 2,119 3,109 4,381 22,325 22,395 21,162 21,690 920 846 775 804 774 898 879 780 3,298 3,058 3,230 3,147 5,978 5,882 5,414 5,863 156,476 156,838 157,373 157,369 58,197 58,182 58,207 58,160' 70,967 71,399 72,051 72,08S| 18,414 18,301 18,211 18,131 2,857 2,823 2,742 2,795 5,455 5,618 5,641 5,667 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 155,144 151,842 151,763 147,861 152,024 109,379 106,703 110,154 108,163 108,876 7,403 6,555 6,931 6,506 6,483 3,888 2,784 3,200 3,831 4,824 21,947 23,394 20,819 19,054 20,620 992 864 757 700 657 849 836 818 773 829 3,328 3,233 2,994 3,095 2,849 7,358 7,473 6,090 5,739 6,886 156,686 157,864 157,575 158,586 158,858 58,113 58,218 58,179 58,237 58,184 71,778: 72,46272,271 72,916 73,103, 17,780 18,085 17,785 18,007 18,008 2,800 2,835 2,853 2, 9141 2,945 5,696 5,701 5,846 5,869 5,955 Dec. 6 13 20 27 154,028 152,099 160,530 166,145 109,290 111,905 114,452 119,052 6,505 6,751 6,718 7,043 4,384 1,615 5,980 5,073 22,542 20,698 21 ,062 22,652 724 662 695 744 1,018 983 932 1,005 3,205 3,078 3,284 3,486 6,360 6,407 7,407 7,090 158,633 159,867 160,440 161,395 58,259 58,162 58,091 58,284 72,878 73,162 73,199 73,567 17,875 18,767 19,253 19,512 2,985: 2,997 3,050 3,067 6,017 6,161 6,226 6,329 25 -6 -1 -84 10 -94 2 -2 Sent ». Dec. 27 -174 -191 Annual Statistical Digest 91 18.—Continued Reserves for— Borrowings from — Federal funds purchased etc. 7 F.R. Banks Other liabilities, Others etc. 8 Loans Memoranda Total capital acSecur- counts ities Total loans (gross) adjusted 9 Large negotiable time CD's Total included in time l loans and savings deposits * Deand mand invest- deposits ments ad(gross) justed n> Total Issued Issued adto to usted^ IPC's others Gross liabilities of banks to their foreign branches Wednesday ,050 14,859 ,069 15,007 ,044 15,290 ,032 15,165 4,072 4,097 4,098 4,103 76 77 76 76 26,895 27,002 27,150 27,221 191,775 190,943 190,509 189,475 273 , 332 271,937 270,719 269,606 91,712 90,052 88,326 85,415 33,316 33,715 33,744 33,850 20,637 20,947 21,027 21,031 12,679 12,768 12,717 12,819 ,208 ,721 ,568 ,419 Jan ,060 ,086 ,086 ,093 15,401 15,010 15,783 15,063 4,106 4,119 4,120 4,122 85 76 76 76 27,366 27,385 27,348 27,364 190,047 189,467 189,912 190,814 270,595 269,495 269,716 270,901 87,329 85,013 85,655 84,111 33,356 33,465 33,436 34,012 20,572 20,498 20,518 20,852 12,784 12,967 12,918 13,160 ,301 ,062 ,006 ,068 Feb 52 695 15 721 991 ,212 ,319 ,365 ,415 ,119 15,325 15,557 16 S 041 16,199 16,012 4,138 4,139 4,135 4,134 4,148 77 77 77 77 71 27,587 27,620 27,546 27,562 27,656 192,320 191,757 194,446 194,012 194,545 273,321 273,873 276,710 275,839 276,037 86,494 85,263 90,432 88,838 91,017 33,765 33,989 32,810 32,996 33,456 20,550 20,678 19,651 19,896 20,132 13,215 13,311 13,159 13,100 13,324 954 ,164 ,263 ,346 ,532 Mar. 41 238 1,679 ,192 ,248 ,211 ,199 15,437 15,450 15,812 15,861 4,132 4,130 4,132 4,139 70 70 70 70 27,820 27,864 27,786 27,811 195,388 195,915 197,749 196,978 277,758 278,832 280,127 277,590 91,762 92,994 91,838 89,942 32,845 .33,379 33,964 34,334 19,839 20,163 20,480 20,627 13,006 13,216 13,484 13,707 ,130 ,052 ,279 ,374 Apr. 5 .......... \2 19 26 26,683 27,416 28,362 27,198 27,209 446 477 181 292 1,516 ,141 ,119 ,089 ,238 ,254 15,889 15,476 15,882 15,712 15,481 4,143 4,146 4,137 4,145 4,154 71 71 71 71 71 28,009 28,033 27,972 27,981 28,187 199,546 199,430 198,955 198,422 199,954 280,726 280,775 280,376 279,566 281,113 88,996 88,654 89,061 88,593 90,922 34,306 34,611 34,927 35,470 35,498 20,949 21,194 21,553 21,947 22,090 13,357 13,417 13,374 13,523 13,408 ,240 ,323 ,544 ,599 ,465 May 29,725 30,090 29,535 28,934 109 37 145 383 ,455 ,482 ,518 ,621 15,417 15,715 15,792 15,361 4,150 4,157 4,157 4,162 71 71 71 71 28,216 28 , 1 60 28,116 28 , 166 199,713 200,886 203,130 203,086 280,900 282,254 284,025 283,151 89,764 91,871 91,529 91,204 36,106 35,813 35,452 35,846 22,481 22,415 22,130 22,395 13,625 13,398 13,322 13,451 ,192 ,525 ,740 ,442 June 7 . .14 21 .. .28 30,696 29,362 29,495 28,653 420 58 47 593 ,527 ,651 ,646 ,551 14,132 14,780 14,382 14,601 4,159 4,148 4,142 4,159 71 71 71 71 28,359 28,350 28,281 28,345 205,310 206,385 204,752 204,514 285,124 286,339 284,044 284,103 93,246 92,875 90,916 91,587 35,694 36,358 37,047 37,705 22,330 22,798 23,344 23,766 13,364 13,560 13,703 13,939 824 ,375 . 974 ,342 July 5 .....12 19 26 30,164 31,162 31,997 30,285 29,623 1,200 111 439 809 1,178 ,494 ,530 ,486 ,555 ,479 15,440 14,933 15,810 15,661 15,182 4,171 4,166 4,168 4,167 4,183 71 71 71 71 71 28,514 28,547 28,489 28,537 28,606 206,437 205,802 206,425 207,339 206,401 286,399 285,629 286,065 287,202 286,432 91,910 90,340 91,539 91,386 91,355 38,227 38,936 39,401 40,312 41,212 24,067 24,862 25,254 26,047 26,835 14,160 14,074 14,147 14,265 14,377 ,829 ,250 ,778 ,845 ,262 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 29,475 31,991 30,297 27,735 44 80 1,647 687 ,544 ,513 ,513 ,410 15,810 15,479 15,519 16,142 4,196 4,184 4,180 4,189 71 71 72 71 28,723 28,736 28,659 28,676 209,945 209 , 742 210,426 211,016 290,673 291,351 291 ,203 292,029 92,691 92,937 92,012 91,964 40,927 41,164 40,527 41,219 26,599 26,597 25,853 26,314 14,328 14,567 14,674 14,905 ,508 ,187 ,417 ,023 Sept. 6 13 20 27 31,083 32,929 31,476 30,155 935 326 351 2,998 ,760 ,825 ,914 2,162 15,554 15,165 16,048 15,765 4,t76 4,175 4,170 4,168 71 71 71 71 28,871 28,877 28,788 28,835 212,356 212,616 213,252 213,291 293,457 293,341 292,711 294,226 92,155 93,390 92,009 92,877 41,183 41,672 42,035 42,277 26,348 26,828 27,355 27,447 14,835 14,844 14,680 14,830 ,639 ,544 ,890 ,415 Oct 30,375 34,436 32,252 32,744 31,365 410 1,332 25 118 525 2,109 2,181 2,068 2,026 2,157 16,232 15,702 15,314 14,981 15,071 4,191 4,192 4,191 4,199 4,208 71 71 71 70 71 29,029 29,098 28,983 29,106 29,184 215,876 215,705 218,970 216,883 217,337 297,491 297,053 300,473 298,838 300,731 96,220 92,713 98,116 96,268 97,444 41,792 42,919 42,884 43,701 43,898 27,170 27,879 27,756 28,400 28,462 14,622 15,040 15,128 15,301 15,436 ,387 ,338 ,841 ,464 ,745 Nov. 1 8 32,768 36,026 32,866 31,085 150 898 1,238 1,293 2,237 2,128 2,023 1,878 15,201 15,372 15,922 15,151 4,207 4,202 4,170 4,139 72 72 71 71 29,339 29,367 29,315 29,431 219,221 219,727 224,413 227,340 303,232 304,135 308,614 311,945 98,261 101,608 102,189 104,228 43,665 44,173 44,355 44,911 28,300 28,554 28,520 28,822 15,365 15,619 15,835 16,089 ,618 ,705 ,807 ,400 Dec. -13 -1 -189 -300 -199 27,085 26,208 24,752 22,795 16 2 23,653 24,856 27,302 25,483 2 155 8 25,358 25,710 26,609 26,699 28,232 29,691 28,846 27,237 25,736 -42 5 12 19 26 2 9 . 16 23 1 8 15 22 29 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 Dec. 27 « 92 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1973 In millions of dollars Loans Federal funds sold, etc. Wednesday 1 Other For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers involving-- Total loans and investments Total To commercial banks U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others Total Commercial and industrial Agricultural To brokers and dealers U.S. Treasury sees. Other sees. To others U.S. Treasury sees. Other sees. To nmibank fin an. institutions Pers. and sales finan, Other COS., etc. Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 327,642 323,132 321,671 319,256 323,606 15,144 12,967 12,011 11,188 12,098 14,069 11,628 10.684 10,134 10,999 413 625 682 615 611 376 435 466 323 296 286 279 179 116 192 227,352 225,371 225,398 224,379 227,165 91,414 91,029 91,380 91,433 92,293 2,936 2.948 2.959 2,975 2,995 978 1,184 991 722 1,063 8,346 7,922 7,800 7,454 7,750 272 302 273 248 291 2,939 2,913 2,923 2,932 2,903 7,700 7,167 7,359 6,899 7,214 12,835 12.625 12,544 12,443 12,647 Feb 7 14 21 . 28 324,763 327,725 328,130 328,545 13,169 14.143 14,417 13,302 11,412 13,086 13,116 12,139 1,366 598 662 719 214 245 285 240 177 214 354 204 228,830 231,598 232,903 234,408 93,300 94,656 95,227 96,224 3,007 3,021 3,015 3,017 1,455 942 1,070 898 7.340 7,262 7,190 7,338 I 277 248 248 272 2,906 2,906 2,947 2.949 7,060 7,402 7,461 7,565 12,770 12,976 13,095 13,384 Mar. 7 14 21 28 333,027 332,045 333,715 333,667 15,117 12,848 12,983 12,561 1 3 , 1 77 11,495 10,681 11,436 1,180 933 1,412 837 528 322 796 171 232 98 94 117 237,082 238,619 240,045 240,533 97,499 98,517 99,724 99,823 3,045 3,056 3,058 3,073 1,083 641 880 712 7,221 7,254 6,942 6,793 265 239 243 241 2,935 2,937 2,926 2,926 7,791 7,874 7,714 7,926 13,448 13,776 14,052 14,320 Apr. 4 11 . . . 18 25 . . . . 334,539 334,996 334,771 337,662 12,912 12,746 11,851 14,641 11,658 11,317 10,857 12,732 849 967 711 1,494 214 261 143 138 191 201 140 277 241,453 241,813 243,365 243,370 100,294 100,772 101.887 101,854 3,094 3.108 3.124 3,119 1,148 856 570 497 6,584 6,584 6,177 6,229 242 210 211 212 2.919 2.925 2,932 2,964 7,892 7,842 7,943 7,911 14,536 14,535 14,773 14,656 May 2 9 16 23 30 337,978 336,693 338,260 337,153 339,968 13,241 12,174 12,546 12,136 12,959 12,246 10,978 11,460 10,972 11,166 593 714 731 849 1,427 225 218 203 159 216 177 264 152 156 150 245,134 245,091 247,156 246,634 247,526 102,433 102,415 102,878 102,942 102,711 3,092 3,103 3.127 3,161 3,176 595 618 536 463 885 6.295 6,605 6,577 6,015 6,079 213 199 217 216 226 2,951 2,955 2,945 2,960 2,930 8,045 7,980 8,354 8,134 8,156 15,080 14,991 15,269 15,364 15,556 341,398 343,301 344,169 344,157 12,967 13,386 1 2 , 648 12,047 11,685 10,799 11,468 10.794 779 2,026 673 796 207 207 260 258 296 354 247 199 248,341 103,381 249,911 103,687 252,129 105,004 252 . 740 104,812 3.202 3,236 3,279 3,304 564 1,462 561 887 5,847 5,841 5,744 5,687 223 210 208 210 2,915 2,946 2,933 2,916 8,439 8,203 8,764 8,615 15,784 15,709 16,105 16,282 18 ! 25 346,463 347,753 347,604 346,915 12,567 11,413 11,615 9,869 13,922 12,731 12,412 10,997 732 1,265 867 953 247 225 150 119 175 256 174 343 254,583 256,839 255,103 255,738 105,526 106,141 106,527 106,755 3.306 3,314 3,301 3,307 380 2,156 522 766 5,433 5,563 5,186 5,296 2061 205 205 201 2,902 2,922 2,963 2,956 8,987 8,710 8,707 8,802 16,788 16,444 16,458 16,421 1 8 15 22 29 349,069 352,536 355,596 350,388 350,651 12,773 15,352 15,375 13,354 13,404 11,520 12,035 12,019 11,556 11,781 872 2,587 2,839 1,369 1,215 130 225 233 160 131 251 505 284 269 277 258,040 259,050 260,493 258,352 258,797 107,433 107,961 108,035 107,785 106,789 3,304 3,343 3,360 3,352 3,334 659 1,164 1,482 830 1,311 5,296 5,291 5,248 5,002 5,197 186 189 188 181 181 2,987 3,008 3,010 2,971 2,951 9,740 9,476 9,696 8,928 8,853 16,859 16,915 17,032 17,020 17,019 355,015 358,259 355,219 353,958 15,714 16,825 14,333 12,894 13,603 14,334 11,758 11,619 1,487 2,014 2,036 818 238 245 238 189 386 232 301 268 259,852 260,927 261,451 261,622 107,012 107,516 108,138 108,183 3,351 3,342 3,337 3,327 1,379 1,087 875 849 5,074 5,205 5,217 5,474 180 177 176 167 2,946 2,947 2,939 2,944 9,172 9,150 9,245 9,026 17,193 17,200 17,151 17,392 .. 13 20 27 July Auy 4 ... Sept. 5 12 19 26 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 356,569 361,917 355,074 . . . 355,714 358,429 14,470 17,802 13,728 13,664 14,629 1 3 , 094 13,889 12,461 12,453 13,291 831 3,346 869 790 913 186 159 144 132 221 359 408 254 289 204 261,864 262,826 260,935 260.754 261,508 108,299 108,155 107,680 107,167 106,829 3,345 3,316^ 3,328] 3,349 3,385 694 1,340 634 741 547 5,507 5,534 5,323 5,614! 5,910 159; 160 152 149 2,942* 2,932i 2,936 2,914 2,902 8,970 9,023 8,461 8,410 8,578 17,342 17,276 17,091 16,800 17,030 Nov 7 14 21 28 . . 363,207 360,150 358,562 359,766 16,290 15,811 13,487 14,447 14,400 14,163 12,059 12,843 1.312 1,206 904 1,065 349 258 309 356 229 184 215j 183 263,271 261,638 261,566 262,469 107,194 107,300' 107,577 107,632 3,409 3,409 3,409 3,434 1,445 613 628. 623 6,012 5,752 5,632 5,564 ( 138 .2,903 135 2,870 143 2,844 142j 2,853| 8,612 8,450 7,992' 8,350 17,037 17,088 16,824 16,971 Dec 5 12 19 26 363,957 366,009 368,678 374,535 15,410 13,951 15,015 1 8 3 248 13,770 12,252 13,614 14,433 1,127 1,119 819 3,118 350 411 410 509 163 169 172 188 263,541 265,395 267,921 270,602 108,205 108,481 109,398 110,121 3,426 3,482 3,492 3,547 760 902 1,020 1,739 5,340' 6,091 5,574 6,228 144 150! 148 153 8,531 8,466 8,825 8,950 17,172 17,062 17,584 17,698 > Dec. 26 804 -33 -33 399 160 8 2,825' 2,820 2,820 2,799 -2 Annual Statistical Digest 93 18.—Continued Loans (cent.) Investments Other (cont.) U.S. Treasury securities Notes an^l bonds maturing— To commercial banks Real estate Domestic Foreign Consumer instalment Wednesday Foreign govts.2 All other Total Certificates Bills Within 1 yr. 1 to 5 yrs. After 5 yrs. 46,024 46,151 46 , 277 46,381 46,504 2,411 2,429 2,333 2,315 2,681 3,267 3,196 3,054 3,048 3,172 28,148 28,123 28,114 28,170 28,270 1,167 1,160 1,162 ,190 ,206 18,915 18,222 18,229 18,169 18,176 29,133 28,939 28,912 28,469 28,926 6,586 6,390 6,434 6,183 6,515 4,472 4,565 4,593 4,546 4,674 15,535 15,441 15,326 15,155 15,132 2,540 2,543 2,559 2,585 2,605 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 46,598 46,776 46,923 46,991 2,820 3,127 3,029 2,862 3,455 4,207 4,374 4,419 28,286 28,339 28,391 28,495 ,222 ,242 ,254 ,240 18,334 18,494 18,679 18,754 27,633 27,002 25,813 25,663 5,351 4,819 4,457 4,607 4,774 4,778 3,480 3,616 14,987 14,924 15,228 1 5 , 042 2,521 2,481 2,648 2,398 Feb 7 14 21 28 47,085 47,269 47,411 47,535 3,222 3,364 3,379 3,358 4,944 5,082 5,268 5,154 28,467 28,535 28,581 28,709 ,258 ,255 ,273 ,283 18,819 18,820 18,594 18,680 25,346 25,178 25,265 25,371 4,465 4,441 4,619 4,911 3,615 3,600 3,771 3,808 15,065 14,963 14,762 14,603 2,201 2,174 2,113 2,049 Mar 7 14 21 28 47,522 47,774 48,035 48,102 3,269 3,191 3,303 3,293 4,796 4,894 4,923 4,897 28,808 28,901 29,051 29,170 ,236 ,243 ,254 ,237 19,113 18,978 19,182 19,229 25,958 25,422 24,838 24,741 5,524 5,187 4,720 4,780 3,851 3,810 3,758 3,739 14,606 14,381 14,307 14,192 1,977 2,044 2,053 2,030 Apr 48,253 48,437 48,666 48,932 49,141 3,177 3,028 3,222 3,285 3,235 4,902 4,843 5,060 5,161 4,969 29,291 29,336 29,451 29,576 29,711 ,239 ,267 ,275 ,267 ,252 19,568 19,314 19,579 19,158 19,499 24,493 24,029 23,699 23 , 500 23,989 4,522 4,171 3,825 3,776 4,191 3,791 3,707 3,694 3,856 3,926 14,146 14,057 13,345 13,107 12,997 2,034 2,094 2,835 2,761 2,875 49,314 49,618 49,902 50,121 3,214 3,227 3,409 3,390 4,840 5,036 5,184 5,161 29,810 29,944 30,157 30,357 ,271 ,314 ,329 ,335 19,537 19,478 19,550 19,663 24,263 24,267 23,916 23,836 4,505 4,472 4,184 4,039 3,976 3,950 3,920 3,956 12,967 12,999 12,978 13,011 50,298 50,547 50,731 50,995 3,594 3,384 3,296 3,394 5,194 5,306 5,220 5,055 30,484 30,575 30,686 30,847 ,260 ,267 ,220 ,243 20,225 20,305 20,081 19,700 23,823 23,611 23,134 22,730 4,152 4,059 3,585 3,133 4,151 4,146 4,074 4,144 51,104 51.250 51,613 51,840 52,037 3,173 3,212 3,206 3,356 3,587 4,848 5,055 5,017 4,854 4,966 31,073 31,149 31,265 31,386 31,526 ,251 ,257 ,254 ,236 ,254 20,127 19,780 20,087 19,611 19,792 22 , 299 22,149 23,016 22,462 22,098 2,954 2,902 4,116 3,753 3,506 52,199 52,480 52,816 53,021 3,551 3,639 3,344 3,305 4,769 4,807 4,726 4,684 31,614 31,703 31,736 31,866 ,311 ,324 ,311 ,255 20,101 20,350 20,440 20,129 22,918 23,324 22,505 22,249 53,179 53,384 53,665 53,738 53,877 3,485 3,356 3,412 3,395 3,549 4,640 4,789 4,655 4,744 4,523 31,921 31,966 32,034 32,127 32,252 ,307 ,339 ,313 ,288 ,325 20,075 20,257 20,243 20,315 20,652 53,971 54,225 54,444 54,548 3,490 3,562 3,833 3,856 4,422 4,495 4,365 4,543 32,293 32,383 32,444 32,525 ,354 ,408 ,403 ,435 54,519 54,773 54,950 54,997 4,044 4,056 4,090 4,103 4,678 4,883 5,101 5,170 32,579 32,693 32,835 32,942 ,427 ,538 ,589 ,580 113 110 4 u 18 .25 May 2 9 .16 23 30 2,815 2,846 2,834 2,830 June 6 13 20 27 12,753 12,663 12,725 12,716 2,767 2,743 2,750 2,737 July 4,055 4,094 3,858 3,854 3,835 12,613 12,548 12,352 12,211 12,134 2,677 2,605 2,690 2,644 2,623 Aug 1 . 8 15 22 29 3,705 3,981 3,107 3,036 3,966 3,962 4,070 4,094 12,635 12,731 12,682 12,463 2,612 2,650 2,646 2,656 Sept. 5 12 19 ,26 22,523 23,179 22,887 23,108 23,195 3,321 3,971 3,650 3,917 3,939 4,384 4,428 4,457 4,494 4,454 12,137 12,069 12,066 11,982 12,037 2,681 2,711 2,714 2,715 2,765 20,991 19,948 20,028 19,993 24,180 24,129 24,872 24,257 5,052 5,114 4,837 4,434 4,416 4,429 4,075 3,911 11,908 11,865 12,354 12,416 2,804 2,721 3,606 3,496 19,891 19,998 20,495 20,575 25,974 26,201 25,441 25,527 6,076 6,452 5,764 5,779 4,033 4,174 4,013 4,109 12,491 12,216 12,199 12,228 3,374 3,359 3,465 3,411 Dec 5 12 19 26 9 132 8 16 106 2 Dec 26 -4 . . . 4 u .18 25 .... .. Oct 3 . .10 17 24 31 Nov. 7 14 ,21 28 ... 94 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1973—Continued In millions of dollars Investments (cont.) Other securities Wednesday Total Obligations of State and political subdivisions Tax warrants ^ All other Other bonds, corp. stock, and securities Certif. of participation 4 Cash items in process of collection Reserves with F.R. Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Other assets Total assets/ Total liabilities All others Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 56,013 55,855 55,350 55,220 55,417 9,252 9,084 8,969 8,860 8,951 37,925 38,073 37,751 37,659 37,816 ,742 ,738 ,745 ,763 ,770 7,094 6,960 6,885 6,938 6,880 34,668 28,481 30,353 29,067 30,863 21,587 19,574 21,415 21.611 20,055 4.377 4.2HO 4,144 4.145 3,981 10,459 9,811 9 , 098 9,167 9,658 ,108 ,106 ,134 ,139 ,143 17,662 17,359 17,181 17,257 17,805 417,503 403 , 743 404,996 401 ,642 407,111 I-eb. 7 14 21 28 55,131 54,982 54,997 55,172 8,711 8,643 8,599 8,578 37,706 37,602 37,740 37,819 ,772 ,766 ,763 ,748 6,942 6,971 6,895 7,027 26,613 30,274 32,735 31,985 17,356 20,862 17,190 21,057 3.678 3,994 4,081 3.924 9 , 499 9,101 10,119 10,555 ,155 ,165 ,178 ,198 1 7 , 952 I K , 354 18,248 18,642 401,016 411.475 411.681 415,906 Mar. 7 14 21 28 55,482 55,400 55,422 55,202 8,622 8,632 8,516 8,349 38,193 38, 123 38,292 38,317 ,730 ,765 ,744 ,738 6,937 6,8SO 6,870 6,798 28,430 29,496 26.896 26,884 17,895 20,192 19.178 20,321 3,648 3.920 3.926 4,037 9,287 9.050 8.571 9,260 ,220 .232 .240 .248 18,847 18,942 18,517 18,889 412,354 414,877 412,043 414,306 Apr 4 II 18 25 54,216 55,015 54,717 54,910 7,344 7,886 7,587 7,667 38,378 38,459 38 , 308 38,357 ,686 ,813 ,831 ,802 6,808 6,857 6,991 7,084 28.904 27,969 28 , 575 28,087 19,428 18,984 24,431 19,239 3,575 3,873 3,991 4,152 9,653 8,910 9,302 9,399 ,256 ,235 ,236 ,237 19,324 1 9 . 209 19.088 19,406 416,679 415,176 421,394 419,182 May 2 9 16 23 30 .. 55,110 55 , 399 54.859 54,883 55,494 7,673 8,330 8,271 8,249 8,318 38,677 38,366 37,798 37,831 37,897 ,655 ,536 ,551 ,540 ,542 7,105 7,167 7,239 7,263 7,737 31.004 26.745 32.377 26,925 31,355 19,599 21,307 21.096 20.698 17,993 3.901 3,846 3,978 4.0S4 4,265 9,451 9,035 10,133 9 . 898 9,335 .233 .240 ,243 .248 ,250 19,707 19,168 19.197 19,268 19,554 422,873 418,034 426 , 284 419,274 423,72© June 6 13 20 27 ... 55,827 55,737 55,476 55,534 8,400 8,123 7,982 7,900 38,083 38,034 38,044 37,980 ,545 ,578 ,575 ,636 7,799 8 . 002 7.875 8,018 27,769 28,278 29 , 1 58 27,012 20.879 18,031 21,543 18,362 3,768 4.163 4,147 4,304 10,142 9.804 9.909 9,788 ,263 ,261 ,268 ,272 19,761 19,490 19,574 19,881 424,980 424,378 429, im 424 , 776 18 25 55,490 55,688 55,445 56,035 7,926 7,925 7,743 7,954 37,979 37,938 37,800 37,954 ,633 ,743 ,769 ,831 7,952 8,082 H,133 8,296 36,655 29,899 30,131 28,842 22,910 18,306 2 1 , 789 20,903 3.751 4,211 4,169 4,249 10,065 9,221 9,913 10,058 ,289 ,303 ,303 ,296 20.282 19,656 19,757 19,824 441,415 430,349 434,666 432,087 Aug. 1 K 15 22 26 55,957 55,985 56,712 56,220 56,352 7,973 7,944 8,103 7,781 7,718 37,987 38,022 38,456 38,329 38,163 ,847 ,958 ,924 ,948 2,015 8,150 8,061 8,229 8,162 8,456 31,670 27 , 508 30.343 26,723 26,192 22,549 18,452 20,707 21,592 2 1 , 277 4,043 3,954 4,085 4,184 4,395 11,457 10.423 9,982 10,220 8,842 ,303 ,308 ,307 ,310 ,308 20.8M5 20,774 21,162 20,182 20,923 440,986 434,955 443,182 434 . 599 433,588 Sept 5 12 19 26 56,531 57,183 56,930 57,193 7,770 7,691 7,532 7,382 38,285 38.779 38,605 38,625 2,015 1 , 989 2,009 2,092 8,461 8,724 8,784 9,094 32,746 31.613 29.878 28,988 19,256 22,045 21,373 24,156 3,976 4.355 4,294 4,354 10,362 9,915 9,925 10,176 ,299 .300 ,300 ,303 20,970 20,695 20,575 20 , 566 443,624 448 , 1 82 442,564 443,501 Get, 3 10 17 24 31 57,712 58, MO 57,524 58,188 59,097 7,578 7,515 7,391 7,604 7,678 38,648 38,875 38,524 38 , 562 38,883 2,113 2,238 2,173 2,213 2,241 9,373 9,482 9,436 9,809 10,295 31,678 32.649 31,829 33,369 34,426 22.661 17,406 23 , 700 24,937 25,037 4,022 4.229 4,215 4.378 4,279 10,541 11,175 10,406 13,161 13,062 ,331 ,335 ,412 ,415 ,340 21,054 20,825 20,681 20.217 20,999 447 ,8 56 449,536 447,317 453,191 457,572 Nov. 7 14 21 28 59,466 58,572 58,637 58,593 7,749 7,348 7,180 7,152 39,187 38,666 38,970 38,907 2,212 2,230 2,193 2,298 10,318 10,328 10,294 10,236 36,848 36,059 3 1 , 700 31,361 20 , 940 25,990 23 , 570 22,713 3,955 4,360 4,021 4,745 14,314 12,417 10,576 12,228 ,355 ,360! ,363 ,368; 20,599 19,8H3 20,033 20,016 461,218 460,219 449,825 452,197 Dee. 5 12 19 26 59,032 60,462 60,301 60,158 7,152 7,603 7,385 7,405 39.411 39,999 40,121 39,940 2,278 2,341 2,327 2,351 10,191 10,519 10,468 10,462 32.576 34,479 34,915 29.771 22,285 20.303 24 , 720 18,052 4,064 4,601 4,538 4,846 11,865 14,083 1 2 , 696 7,532 ,367r ,364 ,381' ,396 20,773 20,568 20 , 909 21,170 456,887 461,407 467,837 457,302 ^ Dee 26 306 4 130 2 170 238 6 11 39 130 1,228 July . . 4 . . Annual Statistical Digest 95 18.—Continued Deposits Time and savings Demand Domestic interbank Total I PC States and political subdivisions U.S. Govt. Commercial Foreign ComMutua Govts,, mersavetc. 2 cial ings banks IPC Certified and officers' checks Total 6 Savings Other States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Wednesday Foreign govts.2 169,768 154,963 156,747 151,981 156,909 121.305 112,947 114,430 108,325 110,247 7,221 6,833 6,784 6,381 7,180 6,469 3,501 3,388 5,678 6,289 22,412 20,286 20,412 18,979 21,992 984 1,009 894 768 839 966 828 785 938 876 3,456 3,289 3,251 3,154 3,156 6,955 6,270 6,803 7,758 6,330 160,661 161,603 161,658 162,535 162,936 58,454 58,395 58,254 58,192 58,067 72,475 72,744 73,059 73,826 74,458 19,756 20,516 20,478 20,601 20,332 2,953 2,829 2,770 2,811 2,794 6,386 6,508 6,473 6,497 6,681 Jan. 3 10 17 24 31 148,485 154,547 156,859 157,135 105,666 108,610 110,308 109,337 6,919 6,851 6,708 6,968 4,700 9,388 7,064 7,230 20,168 18,355 21,426 22,531 781 749 772 656 892 760 992 895 2.999 3J63 3,077 3,160 6,360 6,671 6,512 6,358 164,388 165,250 166,422 168,312 58,055 57,964 57,984 57,966 75,292 76,115 77,027 78,344 20,785 20,731 20,948 21,386 2,909 2,918 2,920 2,963 6,741 6,891 6,914 7,016 Feb 7 14 21 28 150,263 150,969 147,837 149,419 106,539 109,812 105,660 105,757 6,420 5,880 6,393 6,582 6,286 4,991 6,961 7,258 20,240 19,733 18,777 19,072 698 674 679 653 864 909 799 857 3,084 2,711 3,061 3,127 6,132 6,259 5,507 6,113 170,258 172.379 173,107 174,299 58,078 58.174 58,297 58,466 80,035 81,782 81,860 82,753 21,436 21,735 21,825 21,789 2,990 2,954 3,175 3,323 7,076 7,109 7,338 7,337 Mar. 7 . . 14 21 28 153,559 148,971 152,923 151,302 109,278 110.114 HO, 686 107.714 6,455 6,727 6,373 6,215 6,064 2,144 6,389 7,399 20,925 18,933 18,729 19,241 957 879 795 726 759 817 918 954 3,019 3,103 3,097 3,138 6,102 6,254 5,936 5,915 174,788 176,005 175,340 176,056 58,539 58,377 58,022 57,962 82,957 83,303 82,652 83,150 21,791 22,453 22,904 23,132 3,536 3,849 3,709 3,680 7,315 7,351 7,369 7,462 •.•.•.•.•.•:Apr:.,{18 156,704 146,600 153,164 145,378 150,506 109,077 104,677 109,214 104,487 109,224 7,504 6,343 6,919 6,052 6,561 7,447 5.701 3,956 3,942 2,891 21,021 19,271 21,929 19,528 20,341 732 732 687 713 722 948 912 857 908 952 3,436 3,223 3,326 3,210 3,329 6,539 5,741 6,276 6,538 6,486 176,383 178,321 178,862 179,929 180,341 57,965 58.121 58.190 58,265 58,224 83,419 84,924 85,404 86,103 86,338 23,016 23,079 23,024 23,053 22,916 3,752 3,863 3,860 4,065 4,080 7,601 7,704 7,753 7,763 7,997 May 2 9 16 23 30 148,987 149,672 153,944 149,944 108,010 110,935 109,916 107,453 6,309 6,149 6,469 6,836 2,496 1,998 6,634 5,646 20,846 20,121 19,887 19,362 776 ~"»2 70S 733 1.135 893 859 841 3.349 3,345 3,578 3,392 6,066 5,509 5,901 5,681 180,008 180,235 178,796 179,960 58.361 58,290 58,204 58,253 86,550 86,870 86,017 87,228 22,232 21,917 21,506 21,432 4,072 4,301 4,214 4,316 8,021 8,112 8,111 8,018 June 6 13 20 27 161,502 153,096 153,341 150,988 113,985 110,699 111,523 106,801 7,645 6,316 6,089 6,013 5,079 2,790 3,215 3,945 22,448 20,633 21,083 21,008 1,023 854 783 738 997 1,103 902 996 3,360 3,698 3,458 3,685 6,965 7,003 6,288 7,802 . 180,133 180,521 181,811 183,778 58,381 58,227 57,999 57,646 87,550 88,005 89,445 91,284 21,173 21,266 21,325 21,731 4,302 4,425 4,487 4,597 July 4 8,043 8,013 ; . . . . . . . ...11 18 7,967 25 7,959 157,604 147,749 154,097 144,370 143,546 111,539 105,996 112,537 106,340 105,787 6,901 6,060 6,717 5,676 5,697 3.010 1,404 2,222 1,820 1,816 22,748 22,495 21,482 19,723 19,072 857 874 824 792 728 1,018 857 845 820 893 3,657 3,761 3,534 3,556 3,422 7,874 6,302 5,936 5,643 6,131 185,434 187,307 188,824 190,039 . 190,776 57,348 57,123 56,809 56,612 56,286 92,814 94,414 96,021 96,909 97,902 21,978 22,193 22,208 22,544 22,679 4,715 4,954 5,256 5,434 5,466 8,049 8,118 '. 8,060 8,102 8,036 153,018 152,899 150,787 151,080 112,082 112,479 109,544 107 S 225 6,053 5,827 5,798 6,468 1,146 1,639 3,596 5,299 22,131 21,331 20,741 20,173 796 718 671 684 953 913 944 872 3,419 3,531 3,371 3,678 6,438 6,461 6,122 6,681 190,485 190,459 190,684 190,870 56,203 56,090 56,001 56,049 97,590 97,070 97,454 97,549 22,635 23,000 22,720 .22,843 5,505 5,758 5,914 5,980 8,132 8,148 8,181 8,017 156,014 158,087 154,106 158,684 162,134 110,371 112.724 11K660 110.439 112,876 6,317 6,291 5,913 5,931 7,159 5,512 2,363 3,173 3,677 3,480 21,246 23,223 21,128 23,592 24,607 899 876 739 745 875 952 1,114 1,071 1,064 1,034 3,654 3,597 3,598 3,809 3,862 7,063 7,899 6,824 9,427 8,241 189,784 189,293 189,272 189,487 188,702 56,172 56,172 56,190 56,172 56,128 96,585 96,153 96,068 95,967 95,438 22 , 598 22 , 575 22,399 22,560 22,279 6,036 5,791 5,712 5,679 5.670 7,968 8,17j, 8,412 8,614 8,690 Oct 164,691 159,601 153,280 156,083 112.459 112,884 111.914 112;459 6,800 6,410 6,450 6,173 2,200 1,494 2,424 2,138 28,247 23,768 21,189 22,406 820 685 629 604 1,021 888 954 1,055 3,999 4.011 3,835 3,777 9,145 9,461 5,885 7,471 187,077 186,338 186,468 186,481 56,257 56,262 56,315 56,278 94,097 93,622 93,872 94,014 22,079 21,886 2 1 , 670 21,568 5,622 5,795 5,815 5,849 8,525 8,278 8,310 8,267 Nov. 7 . . 14 21 28 159,314 163,856 167,002 161,824 113,193 115,463 116,870 121.364 6,406 6,416 6,390 6,714 2,449 1,503 5,600 5,152 23,532 25,090 23,278 16,767 683 623 670 639 1,164 1,246 1,163 1,024 4,155 4,151 4,180 4,670 7,732 9,364 8.851 5,494 186,071 187,609 187,036 188,273 56,383 56,304 56,241 56,305 93,822 94,678 93,738 94,858 21,617 22,250 22 , 769 22,738 5,690 5,521 5,538 5,643 7,973 8,302 . ; 8,319 8,295 Dec 332 302 12 6 2 10 751 219 325 208 -1 . .25 Aue 1 g .\ 8 15 22 29 •••.•.•.•.-.Sept;,!19 26 3 10 17 24 31 5 12 19 26 Dec 26 ^ 96 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1973—Continued In millions of dollars Borrowings from — Wednesday Federal funds purchased etc. 7 F.R. Banks Others Reserves for— Other liabilities, etc, 8 Memoranda Total capital acSecur- counts ities Loans Total loans (gross) adjus ted 9 Lar ge negoti able Gross • ime CD' s Total liabiliinc uded in t ime loans and sa vings dep osits** ties of Deand mand banks invest- deposits to ments adtheir (gross) justed 10 Issued foreign adTotal Issued to branchto usted^ es IPCs others • Jan, 3 10 17 24 31 35,849 35,226 34,664 33,621 33,860 767 734 932 1,789 1,017 2,262 2,359 2,516 2,670 2,675 14,481 14,723 14,560 15,083 15,554 4,278 4,323 4,337 4,338 4,370 70 70 73 70 70 29,367 29,742 29,509 29,555 29,720 226,016 224,281 224.392 223,118 225,583 311,162 309,075 308,654 306,807 309,926 106,219 102,695 102,594 98, 25?) 97,765 43,682 44,595 44,607 45,139 45,540 27,658 27,961 28,048 28,482 28,946 16,024 16,634 16,559 16.657 16,594 ,121 ,625 ,419 .801 ,413 Feb. 7 14 21 28 35,111 37,632 36,123 36,538 752 2,532 183 1,247 2,772 2,452 2,459 2,326 15,222 14,869 15,424 15,928 4,373 4,372 4,373 4,397 70 70 69 63 29,843 29,751 29,769 29,960 227,767 229 , 528 231,175 232,709 310,531 311,512 311,985 313,544 97,004 96,530 95,634 95,389 46,871 47,718 48,733 50,354 29,627 30,483 31,303 32,250 17,244 17,235 17,430 18.104 ,391 694 ,157 784 Mar 7 14 21 28 37,772 36,816 34,674 35,693 884 1,588 2,639 1,598 2,217 2,383 2,418 2,334 16,495 16.335 17.006 16,594 4,397 4.400 4,409 4,391 63 63 63 63 30,005 29,944 29,890 29,915 235,800 236,608 238,968 238,300 316,628 317,186 319,655 3l8,873j 95,307 96,749 95,203 96,205 51,804 53,615 53,996 54,932 33,756 35,396 35,394 36,205 18,043 18,219 18,602 I K , 727 .465 ,419 .290 .127 Anr 4 u:::::. ::::::: 18. . . 25 34,415 35,459 36,375 36,006 716 907 2,722 1,052 2,299 2,468 2,742 2,907 16,273 16,713 16,742 17,267 4,379 4,398 4,401 4,406 64 64 64 64 30,186 30,191 30,085 30,122 239,438 240,051 241.056 241,986 319,612 320,488 320,611 321,637 97,666 99,925 99,230 96,575 55,405 56,337 55,363 55,935 36,404 36,844 36,272 36,760, 19,001 19,493 19,091 19,175 ,011 ,209 ,193 ,123 May 2 9 16 . 23 30 34,513 36,592 36,836 37,315 36,471 454 2,359 2,002 935 1,253 2,891 2,985 3,082 3,002 3,203 17,082 16,311 17,574 17,906 17,221 4,430 4,427 4,434 4.437 4,459 64 73 64 64 64 30,352 30,366 30.266 30,308 30,202 242,952 243,259 245.020! 244,513 246,084 322,555 322.687 323.578 322,896 325,567 97.232 94,883 94,902 94.983 95,919 56,264 57,650 58,253 59,161 59,454 36.965 38,019 38,548' 39,113 39,122 19,299 19,631 19,705 20,048 20,332 ,238 .073 ,721 ,492 ,351 June 6 13 20 27 39,933 37,723 39,541 37,077 514 1,347 1,393 1,117 3,279 3,100 3,402 3,840 17,186 17,193 17,637 17,742 4,467 4,475 4,477 4,488 64 64 64 64 30,542 30,569 30,514 30,544 246,409 249,271 249,900 250,603 326,499 329,275 329,292 329,973 97,876 99,275 98,265 97,924 59,033 59,462 58,217 59,258 39,070 39,345 38,410 39,462 19.963 20 , 1 1 7 19,807 19,796 940 , 266 ,242 ,521 July 4 11 18 25 41,216 38,656 41,746 38,743 2,423 1,836 1,100 1,299 3,723 4,013 4,264 4,512 17,094 16,932 17,219 17,558 4,469 4,492 4,492 4,495 96 64 64 64 30,759 30,739 30,629 30,650 252,143 255.201 252,998 253,759 331,456 334,500 331,577 332,524 97,320 99,774 98,912 97,193 59,513 60,414 61,618 63,507 39,596 40.237 41,505 43,005 19,917 20,177 20,113 20,502 ,766 ,664 2,146 2,092 Aug 1 8 15 22 29 38,677 40,418 39,747 38 , 374 36,735 698 826 1,959 2,282 2,546 4,356 4,556 4,715 5,286 5,745 18,775 18,624 18,426 18,858 18,840 4,524 4,533 4,533 4,536 4,554 65 65 65 65 65 30,853 30,877 30,816 30,789 30,781 256,120 259,155 260,643 256,794 256,833 334,376 337,289 340,371 335,476 335,283 100,176 96,342 100,050 96,104 96,466 64,645 66,313 67,927 68,851 69,696 43,849 45,099 46,389 47.054 48,023 20,796 21,214 21,538 21,797 21,673 2,226 2,276 1,900 2,440 2,802 Sept. 5 12 19 26 39,876 44,144 39,597 38,447 708 739 1,674 3,708 5,814 5,937 6,046 6,147 18,093 18,393 18,218 17,729 4,572 4,574 4,627 4,633 65 65 65 65 30,993 30,972 30,866 30,822 258,412 259,779 260,682 259,592 337,861 340.286 340,117 339,034 96,995 98,316 96,572 96,620 69,115 69,058 69,236 68,846 47,252 46,678 46,871 46,460 21,863 22,380 22,365 22,386 1,512 ,942 ,801 ,731 Oct. 3 10 17 24 31 42,191 42,733 43,403 43 , 508 45,277 551 317 1,118 2,820 1,677 5,813 5,660 5,893 5,727 6,028 17,583 17.679 17,702 17,089 17,742 4,618 4,608 4,605 4,608 4,613 65 65 65 65 65 31,237 31,094 31.153 31,203 31,334 259,755 263,383 258,790 258,570 259,297 339,990 344.672 339.201 339,866 341,589 97,578 99,852 97,976 98,046 99,621 67,512 66,775 66,298 66 , 3 1 5 65,467 45,222 44,759 44 , 390 44,104 43,429 22,290 22,016 21,908 22,211 22,038 ,695 ,790 ,814 ,642 ,702 Nov. 7 14 21 28 49,546 51,676 48,791 48,407 531 3,699 975 1,025 5,894 5,645 5,653 5,533 17,488 17,223 18,678 18,598 4,613 4,613 4,606 4,606 65 65 65 65 31,313 31,359 31,309 31,399 261,671 259,724 259,161 260,217 345,317 342,425 342,670 343,067 97,396 98,280 97,967 100,178 64,470 63,814 64,117 64,043 i 42,554 41,979 42,257 42,378 21,916 21,835 21,860 21 ,665 ,754 ,807 ,473 ,458 Dec. 5 12 19 26 50,823 48,232 52,215 47,759 9 370 1,350 1,267 274 5,818 5,795 5,588 5,274 18,227 1 8 , 344 18,596 17,759 4,615 4,585 4,547 4,513 65 65 66 66 31,584 31,571 31,520 31,560 261,137 263,038 265,232 270,314 346,143 349,701 350,974 355.999 100,757 102,784 103.209 110,134 63,429 64,442 63,366 64 , 39 1 42,194 43,044 41,999 42,987 21,235 21,398 21,367 2 1 , 404 ,911 ,938 2,382 1,703 119 2 15 399 837 86 183 183 ^ Dec 26 Annual Statistical Digest 97 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1974 In millions of dollars Loans Other Federal funds sold, etc.* Wednesday For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers involving — Total loans and investments To commercial banks Total U.S. Treasury securities Other securities To others Total Commercial and industrial Agricultural U.S. Treasury sees. To nonbank finan. institutions To others To brokers and dealers Other sees. U.S. Treasury sees. Other sees. Pers. and sales finan. Other COS., etc. 18,026 13,950 14,027 12,612 14,275 969 1 ,91 1 1,105 843 927 683 350 549 352 299 230 182 153 174 201 272,736 269,689 269,264 267,962 266,872 111,047 . 3,676 110,467 3,690 110,484 3,694 109,906 3,723 109,724 3,726 816 1,488 844 852 601 5,669 5,161 5,185 4,764 4,601 156 159 151 161 157 2,772 2,745 2,747 2,750 2,736 9,443 8,533 8,708 8,360 8,130 18,609 17,988 18,146 18,186 18,154 16,030 14,046 16,725 15,093 16,659 15,089 16,414 14,597 1,340 1,035 984 1 ,216 415 394 353 366 229 203 233 235 268,055 267,640 267,577 268,739 109,986 110,149 110,142 M O , 707 3,739 3,733 3,732 3,744 1,159 731 586 989 5,025 4,804 4,986 5,271 155 151 148 151 2,731 2,744 2,740 2,743 8,106 7,911 7,931 8,128 18,017 18,129 18,213 1 8 , 1 56 16,805 15,597 15,016 15,447 15,093 14,020 13,492 13,623 1 ,123 1 ,050 993 1 ,210 342 311 303 313 247 216 228 301 270,354 270,610 273,354 275,815 111,725 112,702 114,739 115,953 3,776 3,792 3,784 3,778 1,057 591 575 656 5,135 4,898 4,747 4,642 148 145 141 141 2,753 2,777 2,767 2,770 8,293 8,397 8,457 8,665 18,133 18,359 18,400 18,583 384,367 385,133 386,531 382,529 16,688 16,440 15,633 14,936 15,172 15,003 14,155 13,495 937 891 867 857 355 237 271 207 224 309 340 377 280,449 281,091 284,031 282,274 118,477 118,926 120,453 119,795 3,795 3,790 3,788 3,807 726 857 770 481 4,557 4,731 4,756 4,433 138 138 134 133 2,772 2,753 2,787 2,770 9,088 8,950 9 , 406 8,922 19,086 19,263 19,647 19,538 I 8.. 15 . 22.. 29 . 388,378 385,349 386,476 385,669 385,201 16,559 15,089 15,719 15,661 15,268 14,964 13,514 14,019 12,702 13,401 956 938 974 1,924 1,025 271 262 342 464 402 368 375 384 571 440 286,801 284,996 285,881 286,039 286,180 121 ,332 1 2 1 , 444 121,503 121,041 120,913 3,804 3,803 3,815 3,812 3,835 434 334 392 1,052 336 5,078 4,586 4,739 4,771 4,735 124 125 118 134 123 2,781 2,769 2,755 2,767 2,733 9,634 9,351 9,183 8,989 9,442 20,105 19,940 20,178 20,136 20,253 June 5 .. 12 19.. 26 . 390,965 390,055 390,569 391 ,779 18,836 16,972 15,321 16,187 15,454 13,913 13,213 1 4 , 070 2,014 1,985 905 932 686 512 581 552 682 562 622 633 287,657 287,451 290,510 291 ,481 120,766 121,519 123,004 123,612 3,821 3,834 3,962 3,950 1,542 602 674 511 4,933 5,002 5,102 4,699 126 (30 130 128 2,694 2,689 2,667 2,670 9,461 9,321 9,906 9,867 20,410 20,312 20,807 20,928 July 3.. 10... 17.. 24 . 31... 394,699 . 393,974 393,409 389,976 . 397,781 16,326 16,038 14,930 12,800 16,527 14,308 14,177 13,003 10,971 13,4(8 1,039 918 1,071 935 1,881 495 482 402 , 406 581 484 461 454 488 647 294,749 294,955 295,938 294,567 297,975 125,614 125,813 126,581 126,158 1 26 , 1 43 3,924 3,922 3,942 3,908 3,928 418 462 493 421 1,726 4,440 3,994 3,886 4,008 4,696 122 120 113 2,682 9,979 21,379 2,669 10,089 21 ,618 2,670 10,230 21,580 2,664 9 , 844 21,423 2,677 10,215 21 ,648 Aug. 7. 14 21 28... 397,822 395,361 393,575 . 397,242 16,646 15,466 14,686 16,525 13,558 13,1 13 12,368 12,021 1,962 1 ,229 1,334 3,193 437 450 401 428 689 674 583 883 297,529 296,465 296,071 297,819 126,427 126,521 126,880 126,771 3,926 3,911 3,922 3,893 1,457 1,059 634 2,1 11 4,379 4,275 3,783 3,885 111 109 104 102 2,696 10,190 21 ,710 2,679 9,956 21,736 2,672 9,894 21 ,812 2,690 9,852 21 ,894 Sep. 4 11 18. .. 25 397,698 401 ,011 399,635 395,413 15,987 17,171 16,473 15,419 13,468 13,932 12,254 11,995 1,446 1,782 2,637 1,859 406 669 779 750 667 788 803 815 298,419 299,880 300,343 298,052 127,466 127,978 128,668 128,407 3,879 3,859 3,830 3,803 567 1,958 1,445 947 3,838 4,390 4,470 3,812 97 93 94 95 2,673 10,295 21,848 2,649 10,202 21,929 2,656 10,187 22,173 2,642 9,900 21,902 Oct. 2 9 16... 23 30 398,212 401,346 399,288 394,150 394,981 16,938 19,550 18,515 (5,493 16,243 13,834 14,057 14,723 12,541 12,929 1,300 3,556 2,059 (,240 1,820 889 836 773 744 696 915 1,101 960 968 798 299,353 299,397 298,201 296,913 296,631 128,827 128,529 129,032 128,323 128,328 "3,771 3,754 3,739 3,75! 3,759 898 2,500 618 1,324 966 3,707 4,007 3,454 3,370 3,735 101 91 92 94 94 2,629 10,217 22,069 2,634 9,707 21 ,888 2,629 9,992 21 ,955 2,614 9 , 684 21,710 2,613 9,883 21 ,525 Jan. 2 9 16 23 30. .. Feb 6 13 20 27 Mar. 6... 13.. 20... 27 . 375,493 374,813 . 375,540 378,094 Apr. 3... 10. . 17 24.. May 379,628 373,644 372,236 369,178 . 369,660 371,407 370,362 371,190 372,059 . 19,908 16,393 15,834 13,981 15,702 Nov. 6 13 . 20 27 399,607 403,173 400,512 399,890 18,050 19,800 17,426 17,473 15,035 15,914 14,258 14,340 1,409 2,344 1,432 1,398 774 741 920 885 832 801 816 850 298,241 298,960 298,730 298,712 129,300 3,733 (29,147 3,711 129,208 3,718 129,798 •3,683 828 1,742 1,946 633 4,043 3,828 3,776 4,101 92 91 86 94 2,614 10,140 21 ,718 2,622 9,904 21,686 2,611 9,980 21 ,696 2,587 10,250 21,624 Dec 4 . 11 18 25.. 31 406,133 405,609 407,992 406,253 410,229 19,979 18,877 18,129 17,693 20,275 15,172 15,357 14,563 14,107 15,899 2,660 1 ,519 1 ,411 1,309 1 ,937 ,178 ,169 ,328 ,437 ,401 969 832 827 840 1,038 301,397 300,334 302,395 301,522 303,129 130,278 120,430 131,527 131,386 131,966 3,653 3,642 3,623 3,602 3,650 2,251 1,060 981 772 784 4,331 4,248 4,293 3,673 4, (85 86 84 82 86 91 2,595 2,569 2,559 2,582 2,563 10,464 10,615 11,153 11,051 10,978 - 1 , 1 42 1 1 2 3 10 -26 -19 ^ Dec 31 -823 -320 21,559 21,827 21,915 21,763 22,098 -192 98 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1974—Continued In millions of dollars Loans (cent.) Investments Other (cont.) U.S. Treasury securities Notes and bonds maturing— To commercial banks Wednesday Real estate Domestic Foreign Consumer instalment Foreign govts.2 All other Total Bills Certificates Within 1 yr. ! t to After J yrs. 5 yrs. Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 55 , 359 55,369 55,654 55,725 55,798 4,073 4,242 4,060 4,060 3,898 5,098 5,021 4,937 4,819 4,637 33,243 33,202 33,212 33,191 33,232 1,590 1,534 ,483 ,524 ,582 21,185 20,090 19,959 19,941 19,896 25,461 25,956 26,071 26,230 25,691 5,529 5,913 6,265 6,374 5,859 4,422 4,588 4,661 4,695 4,673 12,071 11,976 11,744 11,768 11,771 3,439 3,479 3,401 3,393 3,388 Feb. 6 13 20 27 55,859 55,889 55,942 55,905 3,900 3,597 3,627 3,693 4,843 4,807 4,705 4,714 33,247 33,216 33,187 33,214 ,455 ,490 ,380 ,438 19,833 20,289 20,258 19,886 25,527 25,236 25,616 25,329 5,809 5,635 4,936 4,837 4,690 4,732 4,252 4,262 11,701 11,630 12,242 12,111 3,327 3,239 4,186 4,119 Mar 6 13 20 27 55,925 56,060 56,261 56,307 3,670 3,592 3,758 3,766 4,975 4,958 5,496 5,863 33,153 33,138 33,105 33,166 ,468 ,466 ,578 ,650 20,143 19,735 19,546 19,875 25,995 25,730 24,869 24,829 5,440 5,278 4,601 4,649 4,338 4,346 4,387 4,278 11,993 11,920 11,772 11,769; 4,224 4,186 4,109 4,133 Apr 3 10 17 24 56,257 56,349 56,571 56,716 3,928 3,859 3,803 3,977 6,234 6,345 6,212 6,352 33,179 33,226 33,286 33,267 ,747 ,752 ,866 ,895 20,465 20,152 20,552 20,188 25.339 25,694 24,784 23,419 5,166 5,195 4,439 3,202 4,273 4,306 4,222 4,192 11,920 12,192 12,094 12,031 3,980 4,001 4,029 3,994 May 1 8 15 22 29 56,905 57,008 57,322 57,478 57,616 4,141 4,006 3,979 4,049 4,060 6,364 6,205 6,186 6,452 6,323 33,225 33,249 33,326 33,408 33,501 ,873 ,839 ,900 ,877 ,898 21,001 20,337 20,485 20,073 20,412 22,960 22,847 22,262 22,186 21,850 2,690 2,669 2,349 2,400 2,120 4,284 4,282 3,361 3,691 3,585 11,954 11,910 12,545 12,176 12,253 4,032 3,986 4,007 3,919 3,892 June 5 12 19 26 57,694 57,923 58,195 58,296 4,013 3,978 3,857 3,959 6,452 6,225 6,275 6,401 33,565 33,676 33,797 33,923 ,859 ,832 ,881 ,966 20,321 20,408 20,253 20,571 22,316 22,123 21,801 20,984 2,727 2,485 2,218 1,531 3,665 3,764 3,728 3,666 11,949 11,882 11,885 11,845 3,975 3,992 3,970 3,942 July 3 10 17 24 31 58,411 58,526 58,710 58,833 59,008 3,971 4,029 4,116 4,036 3,924 6,690 6,996 6,874 6,859 6,979 34,119 34,137 34,197 34,279 34,420 ,040 ,117 ,022 ,837 ,878 20,960 20,463 20,529 20,186 20,620 20,874 20,350 20,182 19,944 20,914 1,749 1,279 1,320 1,052 2,047 3,590 3,552 3,495 3,563 3,557 11,724 11,708 11,614 11,565 11,562 3,811 3,811 3,753 3,764 3,748 Aug. 7 14 21 28 58,985 59,242 59,426 • 59,510 3,865 3,911 3,752 3,704 6,877 6,725 6,808 6,871 34,502 34,560 34,610 34,766 ,075 ,875 ,895 ,656 20,329 19,906 19,879 20,114 21,284 21,426 20,976 21,130 2,458 2,545 2,114 2,328 3,538 3,644 3,440 3,615 11,519 11,446 11,164 10,900 3,769 3,791 4,258 4,287 Sept 4 11 18 25 59,529 • 59,642 59,775 59,855 3,828 3,635 3,677 3,566 6,906 6,857 6,755 6,526 34,849 34,899 34,965 35,069 ,680 ,621 ,639 ,579 20,964 20,168 20,009 19,949 21,268 21,782 20,876 20,069 2,632 3,202 2,472 1,771 3,831 3,819 3,737 3,722; 10,709 10,701 10,636 10,610 4,096 4,060 4,031 3,966 Oct. 2 9 16 23 30 59,840 59,831 59,931 60,056 60,056 3,591 3,509 3,362 3,335 3,289 6,343 6,338 6,566 6,010 6,068 35,159 35,149 35,077 35,037 35,089 ,643 ,636 ,611 ,626 ,627 20,558 19,824 20.143 19,979 19,599 19,766 20,104 20,553 20,373 20,522 1,224 1,551 2,032 1,996 2,174 3,691 3,643 3,624 3,617 3,658 10,939 10,927 10,903 10,718 10,684 3,912 3,983 3,994 4,042 4,006 Nov. 6 13 20 27 60,041 60,147 60,215 60,116 3,236 3,265 3,202 3,327 5,994 6,083 6,149 6,171 35,170 35,026 34,969 35,006 ,568 ,598 ,618 ,622 19,764 20,110 19,556 19,700 21,605 21,948 22,724 21,951 2,978 3,473 3,310 2,754 3,799 3,656 3,562 3,469 10,876 10,868 11,804 11,896 3,952 3,951 4,048 3,832 Dec. 4 11 18 25 31 60,137 60,194 60,178 60,225 60,441 3,261 3,293 3,372 3,304 3,187 6,262 6,236 6,264 6,312 6,378 34,902 34,937 34,964 35,014 34,834 ,570 ,611 ,515 ,458 ,487 20,048 19,588 19,969 20,294 20,487 . 23,002 23,671 24,059 23,863 23,931 3,692 4,412 4,993 4,846 4,519 3,529 3,538 3,533 3,531 3,611 11,867 H,840| 11,733 11,716 12,196 3,914 3,881 3,800 3,770 3,605 > Dec. 31 -254 -68 -25 117 = 51 64 177 6 =99 . . .. -20| Annual Statistical Digest 99 18.—Continued Investments (cont.) Other securities Total Obligations of State and political subdivisions Tax warrants 3 All other Other bonds, corp. stock, and securities Certif. of participation 4 Cash items in process of collection Reserves with F.R. Banks Balances with domestic banks Currency and coin Investments in subsidiaries not consolidated Other assets Total assets/ Total liabilities Wednesday All others 61,523 61,606 61,067 61 ,005 61,395 7,765 7,793 7,459 7,287 7,472 40,080 40,232 40,099 40 , 1 74 40,394 2,431 2,400 2,374 2,370 2,393 11,247 11,181 11,135 11,174 11,136 39 , 584 32,447 34,685 29,979 30,161 25,685 22,606 25,158 24,096 23,753 5,030 4,681 4,529 4,563 4,501 12,455 1 2 , 222 12,341 11,940 11,950 ,435 ,439 ,440 ,440 ,443 22,343 20,622 20,328 20,116 20 , 724 486,160 467,661 470,717 461,312 462,192 Jan 2 9 16 23 30 61,795 60,761 61,338 61,577 7,637 7,191 7,250 7,178 40,520 40,108 40,356 40,670 2,454 2,418 2,434 2,417 11,184 11,044 11,298 11,312 31,677 37,855 38,014 31,481 21,644 24,102 23,935 21,251 4,016 4,366 4,467 4,459 11,891 13,788 12,924 11,621 ,429 ,426 ,429 ,429 2l,V88 21,354 21,605 21,708 463,252 473,253 473 , 564 464,008 Feb. 6 13 20 .27 62,339 62,876 62,301 62,003 7,529 7,822 7,600 7,400 41,136 41,123 40,901 40,942 2,433 2,532 2,541 2,463 11,241 11,399 11,259 11,198 33,386 32,843 32,900 32,860 21,939 23,145 22,992 21,159 3,966 4,341 4,300 4,422 11,843 11,417 12,389 12,384 ,446 ,449 ,465 ,464 22,013 22,270 22,357 22,649 470,086 470,278 471,943 473,032 Ivlar 6 13 20 27 61,891 61,908 62,083 61,900 7,356 7,510 7,656 7,544 40,981 40,881 41,026 41,028 2,443 2,438 2,443 2,417 11,111 1 1 ,079 10,958 10,911 33,262 32,794 35,297 29,510 20,994 21 ,499 22,205 21,945 4,037 4,221 4,493 4,543 12,812 12,695 12,838 11,747 ,477 ,480 ,495 ,519 23,188 22,903 23,156 23,285 480,137 480,725 486,015 475,078 Apr 3 10 .17 24 62,058 62,417 62,614 61,783 61,903 7,621 7,680 7,801 7,490 7,483 40,939 41,393 41,338 40,995 40,905 2,392 2,385 2,433 2,384 2,394 11,106 10,959 11,042 10,914 11,121 35,144 30,498 36,430 31,397 35,679 22,283 22,897 24,226 19,902 26,076 4,270 4,131 4,370 4,453 4,693 10,467 11,239 12,979 12,865 12,339 ,530 ,557 ,566 ,574 ,581 23,968 23,758 23,934 23,493 24,230 486,040 479,429 489,981 479,353 489,799 May 1 .8 15 . .22 29 62,156 63,509 62,937 63,127 7,505 8,007 7,511 7,384 40,931 41,405 41,332 41,311 2,397 2,508 2,519 2,525 11,323 11,589 11,575 11,907 32,299 32,446 32,243 31,909 21,271 24,666 21,214 22,880 4,052 4,494 4,566 4,684 12,134 10,526 11,076 10,994 ,603 ,586 ,602 ,694 24,875 25,001 24,336 25,084 487,199 488,774 485,606 489,024 June 5 . .12 19 .26 62,750 62,631 62,359 62,665 62,365 7,255 7,048 6,968 7,060 6,978 41,205 41,428 41,350 41,419 41,144 2,512 2,385 2,377 2,419 2,493 11,778 11,770 11,664 11,767 11,750 36,811 31,247 33,180 31,874 35,192 23,874 23,899 25,660 26,683 20,314 3,911 4,558 4,515 4,591 4,489 10,045 10,041 11,149 10,253 11,466 ,609 ,607 ,602 ,573 ,594 26,451 26,516 26,091 26,875 28,772 497,400 491,842 495,606 491,825 499,608 JU|y 62,363 62,004 61,842 61 ,,768 6,874 6,770 6,562 6,508 41,354 4 1 , 1 52 41,192 4t ,072 2,516 2,542 2,539 2,541 11,619 11,540 1 1 , 549 11,647 30,128 31,066 29,080 30,011 23,040 23,656 24,950 20,482 4,143 4,474 4,502 4,721 10,020 9,909 9,654 10,624 ,596 ,598 ,610 ,639 28,385 28,319 27,562 27,894 495,134 494,383 490,933 492,613 Aug. 62,024 62,178 61,943 61,873 6,665 6,672 6,601 6,561 41,188 41,103 41,043 40,819 2,539 2,603 2,557 2,616 11,632 11,800 11,742 11,877 37,602 32,897 31,479 31,307 25,671 22,681 21,833 25,124 4,350 4,711 4,709 4,756 11,563 11,187 10,955 10,695 ,626 ,616 ,628 ,590 29,230 29,163 28,678 29,530 507,740 503,266 498,917 498,415 62,155 62,295 62,019 61,371 61,585 6,899 6,963 6,764 6,324 6,254 40,888 41,127 41,090 40,818 40,799 2,431 2,494 2,447 2,456 2,582 11,937 11,711 11,718 11,773 11,950 33,872 29,963 42,009 33,616 33,857 24,163 20,139 2?; 592 24,425 23,873 4,394 4,448 4,628 4,752 4,865 10,485 10,505 11,918 10,703 11,178 ,642 ,622 ,585 ,600 ,605 30,432 29,964 29,406 29,654 30,543 503,200 497,987 516,426 498,900 500,902 Oct 61,711 62,465 61,632 61,754 6,498 6,784 6,515 6,422 40,826 41,233 40,755 40,874 2,541 2,521 2,509 2,539 11,846 11,927 11,853 11,919 38,780 38,139 32,196 37,868 25,306 21,313 24,098 24,798 4,258 4,803 4,764 4,482 11,957 11,572 1 1 ,059 11,260 ,610 ,629 ,638 ,599 30,736 31,472 30,682 31,893 512,254 512,101 504,949 511,790 Nov. 6 13 20 ... 27 61,755 62,727 63,409 63,175 62,894 6,560 6,907 6,861 6,733 6,549 40,622 41,025 41,528 41,278 41,240 2,606 2,584 2,558 2,596 2,570 11,967 12,211 12,462 12,568 12,535 33,788 33,648 34,481 35,245 41,956 19,483 24,015 25,564 24,369 19,653 4,525 4,971 4,996 4,886 5,410 11,809 11,191 11,182 11,268 16,445 ,604 ,630 1,648 1,647 1,699 32,585 33,112 32,232 32,683 34,067 509,927 514,176 518,095 516,351 529,459 Dec. 4 . , .11 18 25 31 21 -193 -54 113 29 6 = 10 = 15 -384 -158 = 395 -1,414 3 10 . . .17 24 31 . 7 14 21 28 Sept. 4 . ..11 \$ 25 2 9 15 , . 23 30 Dec 3 1 <4 100 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1974—Continued In millions of dollars Deposits -™,™ Time and savings Demand Wednesday Total I PC States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank US. Govt. Commercial Foreign 1PC ComMutual savGovts., meretc. 2 cial ings banks Certified and officers' checks Total^ Savings Other States and political subdivisions DoFormestic eign inter- govts.2 bank Jan 2 9 16, , 23 30 184,565 163,213 165,559 156,027 158,014 128,210 115,363 117,004 109,352 109,058 7,352 6,638 6,463 6,032 6,238 7,161 3,134 3,874 4,465 5,688 25,286 23,945 23,598 22,783 22,815 804 893 805 668 689 ,156 ,077 ,062 994 ,190 4,978 4,461 4,338 4,155 4,640 9,618 7,702 8,415 7,578 7,696 189,643 190,963 191,406 192,741 193,136 57,087 57,064 56,956 56,917 56,802 95,393 96,517 96,967 98,297 98,890 22,840 23,458 23,510 23,607 23,552 5,554 5,361 5,385 5,291 5,153 8,311 8,123 8,102 8,081 8,121 Feb 6 . . . 157,344 163,592 13 20 162,933 27 155,685 108,003 1 11 , 1 08 113,261 109,164 6,424 6,370 6,594 6,011 4,700 3,466 2,610 3,242 23,545 26,603 25,572 22,786 769 655 685 594 ,552 ,139 ,313 ,224 4,160 4,351 4,831 4,481 8,191 9,900 8,067 8,183 192,627 192,602 192,450 192,829 56,911 56,955 57,055 57,145 98,488 98,607 98,446 99,016 23,521 23,362 23,349 23,460 5,136 4,971 4,898 4,654 7,988 8,106 8,073 7,906 Mar. 6 13 20 27 157,794 156,244 158,290 158,612 110,728 111,911 110,478 111,152 6,470 6,057 6,095 6,5.21 2,366 1,940 4,044 3,440 23,742 22,313 23,365 22,976 694 732 584 610 ,102 ,059 ,067 ,221 4,523 4,492 4,523 4,678 8,169 7,740 8,134 8,014 193,066 194,079 194,171 195,888 57,418 57,652 57,905 58,250 98,930 99,899 99,788 101,026 23,505 23,524 23,531 23,493 4,704 4,724 4,770 4,886 7 , 890 7,648 7,54! 7,567 Apr 3 10 17 24 163,147 161,834 167,455 155,738 113,210 1 1 3 , 1 46 117,111 110,523 6,064 6,064 6,076 5,890 3,714 1,714 4,796 3,573 24,731 24,580 24,570 22,294 838 779 739 651 ,327 ,203 ,671 ,479 4,701 4,670 4,422 4,669 8,562 8,678 8,070 6,659 197,888 200,141 200,935 203,065 58,485 58,394 58,036 57,923 102,517 104,080 103,904 105,641 23,578 23,986 24,733 24,993 5,114 5,330 5,490 5,676 7,480 7,651 8,105 8,152 1 114,478 108,537 113,946 109,023 112,819 7,167 6,201 7,366 5,883 6,042 7,347 5,221 3,688 2,445 3,591 22,445 22,968 24,828 23,238 25,044 774 700 675 659 657 S 449 15 22. . 29 166,949 156,817 164,390 155,615 161,068 ,368 ,310 ,075 ,114 4,692 4,777 4,786 4,897 4,862 8,597 7,045 7,791 8,395 6,939 203,689 205,600 206,596 208,781 209,557 57,827 57,923 57,865 57,863 57,841 106,218 107,799 108,759 110,321 111,057 24,921 25,053 25,053 25,397 25,466 5,881 6,102 6 123 6,305 6,570 8,201 8,077 8,176 8,262 7,927 June 5,. 12 19.. 26 157,882 156,244 159,298 158,475 111,477 113,717 112,051 112,202 6,024 5,790 5,909 6,733 2,558 1,711 5,903 4,289 22,237 21,529 22,127 21,748 687 671 629 651 ,899 ,431 ,360 ,220 5,056 4,729 4,682 4,759 7,944 6,666 6,637 6,873 209,452 209,894 209,423 210,558 57,926 57,853 57,780 57,886 111,167 111,595 111,109 111,888 24,995 24,635 24,410 24,364 6,514 6,630 6,783 6,947 8,065 8,345 8,460 8,542 July 3, . 10 17. . 24. 31 164,144 157,390 158,172 153,925 161,763 114,626 112,955 114,364 111,748 115,119 6,409 5,971 5,892 5,666 6,272 5,501 2,545 1,685 1,740 1,825 23,426 22,379 22,355 20,734 23,091 935 859 745 637 733 ,246 ,193 ,269 ,104 ,875 4,970 5,469 5,143 5,088 5,431 7,031 6,019 6,719 7,208 7,417 211,529 211,516 213,566 215,431 216,232 58,114 58,060 57,983 57,852 57,602 112,242 112,000 113,640 114,841 115,673 24,232 24,402 24,413 24,576 24,450 7,076 7,047 7,389 7,535 7,346 8,933 9,016 9,001 9,402 9,898 Aug. 7 14 21 . . 28 152,616 153,829 150,969 153,287 109,945 113,214 110,239 111,840 5,793 5,960 5,555 5,586 1,408 1,143 2,847 ll?32 21,626 20,692 20,471 21,251 712 651 582 612 ,378 ,116 .171 ,172 5,358 5,247 4,824 4,861 6,396 5,806 5,280 6,233 217,092 217,996 218,809 219,453 57,549 116,447 57,419 117,362 57,280, 118,024 57,079 118,853 24,311 24,249 24,316 24,266 7,203 7,201 7,265 7,332 10,115 10,220 10,313 10,240 Sep. 4 11 .. 18 25. . 163,679 158,643 158,107 156,348 117,574 115,076 113,850 111,863 6,094 5,799 5,609 6,300 1,343 1,735 4,579 4,331 24,974 22,815 21,342 20,384 698 635 603 572 ,149 ,442 ,211 ,302 5,178 5,079 4,966 5,138 6,669 6,062 5,947 6,458 219,454 219,904 219,282 220,289 57,059 56,960 56,881 56,876 118,780 119,273 118,662 119,135 24,240 24,334 24,253 24,412 7,445 7,417 7,528 7,736 10,311 10,242 10,290 10,407 Oct. 2. 9 16 23 30 160,987 154,150 170,097 156,319 159,896 115,075 111,950 120,145 113,339 115,026 6,164 5,877 5,984 5,568 6,106 3,195 1,074 1,850 1,030 1,155 22,460 21,739 26,780 24,076 23,832 854 826 773 691 679 ,166 ,155 ,283 ,095 ,247 5,199 5,281 5,601 4,961 4,635 6,874 6,248 7,681 5,559 7,216 221,496 221 ,122 221,182 221,596 219,890 57,220 119,472 57,380 118,792 57,436 118,927 57,462i 119,376 57,408 118,238 24,640 24,999 24,970 24,945 24,540 7,620 7,531 7,460 7,259 7,217 10,787 10,659 10,630 10,742 10,627 Nov. 6 13 20 27 166,316 164,764 158,320 165,295 117,445 120,705 114,800 118,647 5,942 5,931 6,179 6,046 2,225 1,473 2,260 1,852 26,133 22,779 21,752 24,901 807 723 571 573 ,174 ,250 ,072 ,055 4,949 5,131 5,340 5,114 7,641 6,772 6,346 7,107 219,310 219,194 218,280 218,965 57,586 57,661 57,748 57,809 117,755 117,520 116,822 117,626 24,000 23,914 23,812! 23,715 7,230 7,194 7,142 7,251 10,859 11,051 10,868 10,600 Dec. 4 11 18 25 31 164,190 162,876 166,790 163,663 185,215 (18.105 118,140 119,151 119,774 129,449 6,071 6,181 6,204 6,331 7,039 2,213 1,496 3,619 2,327 1,471 24,565 22,116 23,329 22,738 31,807 659 738 610 655 932 ,245 ,313 ,529 ,273 ,838 5,301 5,391 5,377 5,425 6,104 6,031 7,501 6,971 5,140 6,575 219,316 221 ,705 224,104 225,947 228,045 57,920 57,890 57,916 57,947 58,485 117,923 119,284 120,248 121,044 122,201 23,713 24,012 24,785 25,236 25,434 7,369 7,702 7,774 8,098 8,158 10,458 10,843 11,346 11,631 11,761 364 150 46 33 -8 -I 2 130 12 86 -44 29 =,24 1 27 May S. * Dec. 31 Annual Statistical Digest 101 18.—Continued Reserves for— Borrowings * from — Federal funds purchased etc. 7 F.R. Banks Others Other liabilities, etc. 8 Loans Memoranda Total capital acSecur- counts ities Total loans (gross) adjus ted 9 Large negotiable Gross time CD's Total included in time 11 liabililoans Deties of and savings deposits and mand banks invest- deposits to ments adtheir (gross) justed i o Total Issued Issued foreign adto to branchjusted « es IPC's others Wednesday 51,993 52,656 53,193 51,138 50,708 754 1 ,941 1,083 2,408 1,316 5,154 5 , 276 5,501 5,231 5,327 17,324 16,837 17,189 16,863 16,787 4,702 4,886 4,906 4,919 4,927 65 69 74 74 83 31 ,960 31,820 31,806 31 ,9!1 31,894 270,545 267,890 267,011 265,271 264,401 357,529 355,452 354,149 352,506 351 ,487 112,534 103,687 103,402 98,800 99,350 64,626 65,578 65,637 66,458 66,936 43,219 44,090 44,337 45,275 45,741 21 ,407 21,488 21,300 21,183 21,195 1 ,158 1,322 2,040 2,004 1,686 Jan. 52,448 54,016 56,828 53,885 592 2,262 840 940 5,508 5,376 5,078 5,353 17,564 18,211 18,301 18,213 4,968 4,966 4,964 4,976 78 73 73 78 32,123 32,155 32,097 32,049 266,139 265,675 265,520 266,863 353,461 351,672 352,474 353,769 97,422 95,668 96,737 98,176 66,215 66,157 65,680 65,753 45,058 45,076 44,752 45,056 21 ,157 21,081 20,928 20,697 1,659 2,218 1,735 1,689 Feb 57,583 56,802 55,240 53,527 671 1 ,362 1,910 1 ,700 5,390 5,910 6,150 6,357 18,093 18,344 18,709 19,433 5,008 5,008 5,000 4,997 79 79 74 74 32,402 32,450 32,399 32,444 268,396 268,595 271,120 273,873 356,730 357,201 358,290 360,705 9$, 300 99,148 97,981 99,336 65,877 66,523 66,261 67,815 45,018 45,791 45,454 46,825 20,859 20,732 20,807 20,990 1,610 . . .' 2,274 2,459 2,947 Mar 54,544 54,569 53,303 51,234 823 6,301 1 ,017 6,250 939 6,060 1,728 6, H I 19,604 19,091 19,597 19,490 4,994 4,991 4,995 4,992 74 74 73 66 32,762 32,758 32,658 32,654 278,037 278,669 281 ,706 279,738 365,267 366,271 368,573 365,057 10|,440 102,746 102,792 100,361 69,479 71,540 71 ,753 73,600 48,173 49,788 49,589 51,235 21,306 21,752 22,164 22,365 2,717 2,908 . . . . 3,020 2,495 Apr. 50,142 51,132 50,733 47,583 50,241 1,366 1,487 3,004 2,349 3,968 19,856 19,841 20,714 20,533 20,880 5,039 5,032 5,020 5,035 5,038 66 66 65 65 65 32,922 32,980 32,908 32,883 32,812 284,255 282,565 283,602 284,949 283,987 369,273 367,829 368,478 368,918 367,740 10^,013 98,130 99,444 98 ,-5 35 96,754 74,288 75,979 76,879 78,837 79,583 51,633 52,954 53,774 55,179 55,873 22,655 23,025 23,105 23,658 23,710 2,709 3,025 3,080 3,418 2,988 May 51,998 54,929 49,474 51,325 2,092 2,658 1,988 2,341 6,319 5,970 6,267 6,358 21,266 20,867 21,029 21,863 5,052 5,061 5,060 5,065 66 61 6! 61 33,072 33,090 33,006 32,978 287,026 286,532 288,761 289,639 371,498 372,164 373,499 373,750 100,788 100,558 99,025 100,529 79,160 79,647 79,154 80,174 55,641 55,969 55,347 55,981 23,519 23,678 23,807 24,193 2,813 . . 2,410 2,503 3,388 June 53,465 55,108 52,608 49,449 50,275 2,361 1,745 3,417 4,780 2,781 6,100 6,086 6,119 6,137 5,869 21 ,448 21,671 23,524 23,910 24,161 5,040 5,033 5,035 5,030 5,068 62 62 62 62 62 33,251 33,231 33,103 33,101 33,397 292,796 292,787 293,749 292,360 297,160 376,420 375,768 376,290 374,969 380,439 98,406 101,219 100,952 99,577 1 Of ,655 80,848 81,129 82,973 84,791 85,491 56,228 56,190 57,542 58,605 59,109 24,620 24,939 25,431 26,186 26,382 3,177 2,804 4,583 4,711 3,314 July 54,516 52,459 50,284 48,646 2,286 2,268 2,375 2,632 6,112 6,010 5,923 5,866 23,998 23,334 24,145 24,333 5,066 5,069 5,074 5,086 62 62 62 62 33,386 33,356 33,292 33,248 296,752 294,907 294,637 298,619 380,399 378,337 377,455 381,517 99,454 100,928 98,571 100,293 86,033 86,916 87,848 88,484 59,692 60,628 61 ,062 61,747 26,341 26,288 26,786 26,737 3,499 , . , 2,910 3,694 3,012 Au tT 7 . . .14 53,030 53,265 49,413 47,705 2,572 1,927 2,569 4,433 5,935 5,988 6,060 5,779 24,365 24,760 24,809 25,236 5,116 5,198 5,148 5,144 62 62 62 62 33,527 33,519 33,467 33,419 297,110 299,484 300,885 297,910 380,402 383,444 383,704 379,852 99,760 101,196 100,707 10Q,326 88,475 88,981 88,209 89,116 61 ,506 62,078 61,284 61,712 26,969 26,903 26,925 27,404 3,002 . . . 3,334 3,449 2,918 Sept 50,055 51,742 53,900 48,912 49,896 2,183 311 1,278 1,907 1,285 5,892 6,022 5,544 5,564 5,448 23,610 25,696 25,526 25,731 25,604 5,173 5,145 5,148 5,143 5,143 64 64 64 64 64 33,740 33,735 33,687 33,664 33,676 298,866 301,381 298,631 296,530 296,656 380,787 383,780 381,203 378,274 378,763 101 ,460 101,374 99,458 97,597 101,052 89,501 88,845 88,671 88,975 87,673 61,808 61,173 61 ,246 61,655 60,619 27,693 27 , 672 27,425 27,320 27,054 2,372 2,188 3,140 2,709 2,131 Oct 55,887 57,545 55,196 55,122 476 •5,176 25,843 311 5,054 26,028 2,243 4,983 26,786 1,456 4,892 26,989 5,193 5,190 5,196 5,209 64 63 63 62 33,989 33,952 33,882 33,800 298,020 299,581 298,696 298,518 381,336 383,994 383,052 382,223 99J78 02,373 02,112 100,674 87,088 87,146 86,298 87,351 60,163 59,938 59,371 60,352 26,925 27,208 26,927 26,999 1,970 . . . 1,897 2,319 2,661 Nov 53,828 56,532 54,315 53,992 44,303 122 926 1,093 207 152 28,187 27,836 27,866 28,656 27,981 5,234 5,222 5,196 5,144 5,273 78 62 66 62 60 34,076 34,131 34,049 34,123 34,162 302,943 300,561 302,589 301,804 304,318 387,700 386,959 390,057 388,842 391,143 103,624 05,616 05,361 03,353 09,981 88,021 89,805 90,996 92,359 92,830 60,834 62,049 62,833 63,531 64,264 27,187 27,756 28,163 28,828 28,566 3,353 3,245 3,751 3,997 3,553 Dec 55 -1,797 -31 -755 -1,0751 226 38 23 15 6,011 6,474 6,551 6,509 6,170 4,896 4,886 4,616 4,557 4,268 -124 33 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 . , 15 22 29 S 12 19 26 3 .10 17 .24 31 21 28 4 1i 18 25 2 9 16 . .23 10 6 13 20 .27 4 11 18 25 31 Dec 3 1 ^ 102 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1975 In millions of dollars Loans Federal funds sold, etc.1 Wednesday Total loans and investments Total Commercial and industrial To brokers and dealers Agricultural 22 29 14,947 14,691 14,384 13,847 2,352 1,459 1,863 1,260 1,272! 840 1,595 987 130,825 129,644 128,446' 127,438 3,637 2,353™ 3,477 3,5S6 1,226| 3,602; 3,565 550 2,950, 3,528 898 3,3801 5 12 19 26 396,961 394,347 397,323 391,425 21,115 20,653 20,415 17,469 17,027 16,774 16,514 13,959 1,929 1,248 911 291,931 127,037 1,802 1,000 1,077; 289,280 126 "",623; 1,729 1,076 1,096291,170 126,6201 898288,767 126,478 1,547 1,065 3,494 1,467; 3,289 3,442:' 585 : 2,769 3,435'; 1,287' 3,443 ~ ''" 3,428-i 800: 2,785 2 9 16 23 30 May 7 . . 774300,373 858 297,282 934293,235 913 292,146 965289,909 126,785 3,424 1,377 1,510 1,145289,474 125,717 3,447 1,537 1,007288,234 126,044 3,402 1,196 789286,180 125,739 3,393' (f 397,163 21,607 17,153 2,364 1,285 805286,813 126,025 3,3951; 398,004 21,643 16,744 2,995 1,158 746286,078 125,913! 3,413;; 397,457 20,451 16,633 ,828 1,255 7358286,535 126,088 3,426! 389,451 16,601 13,199 954 ,848 600-284,280 125,188 3.451J 390,592 16,853 13,597 ,538 993 725284,878 125,259 3,440 399,986 399,940 395,863 393,847 22,935 22,196 19,539 19,373 17,689 16,103 14,675 15,316 To 2,904 3,438 2,320 2,072 1,618J 3,284:! 1,5733 914 1,330 1,431' 846i 731 5971 3,249 3,467? 3,699" 3,212.1 I 3,047' 2,894: 2,724 2/:: 2,594 To nonbank financial institutions others U.S. U.S. Treas- Other Treas- Other ury ury sees. secs. sees. sees. I! il 19,532 18,67. 17,430 17,34: Mar. 5. 12. 19. 26. Apr. To comTo mer- U.S. Other others cial Treasury c unbanks seties curities 407,598 402,853 395,791 393,512 8 15 Feb. For purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers involving— Total Jan. Other 85:; 86!! 84!i 82j Pers, and sales finan. ,| ! Other Real estate ', etc. 2,52l! 10,340! 21,370 60,2;37 2,476! 10,272 21,3581 , , 60,2, 2,438! 2 I ,030 i 60,220 2,453: 9,7851 20,806 60,252 2,439* 9,967' 20.91B 60,017 2 5 437; 9.6381 20,779'^ 59,827 2,4631 10,086' 20,711" 59,902 2,424] 9,585! 20,455,, 59,884 80 82^ 84!! 84 2,4091 9,761 20,521! 59,639 2,395!; 9,488 20,2991J 59,700 2,374 9,443'' 20 S 225 59,645 2,374 9,280! 20,233. 59,623 2,359 2,351 2,352 2,349 2,329 9,624! 20,281 59,459 9,362':I20,278 59,427 9,820: ' -" 20,337 20,251 59,446 9,278 20,274] 59,365 78ii 81, 79S 77 2,342' 2,339 2,351 2,339 9,356 9,090 9,105 9,269 ,224 ,152 ,142 ,1891 59,251 59,238 59,259 59,320 21 28 391,578 17,292 17,142 388,845 16,201 389,317 17,589 14,163 ,631 14,024 ,555 13,045 ,755 13,982 2,276 868 842 828 720 630'284,748 721 283,112 573 282,635 611 281,795 125,015 124,265 123,467: 122,555 3,456 1,066 2,646 3,461 949 2,645 3,447ii 894 2,925 3,464 735! 3,177 June 4 11 18 25 392,798 395,889 396,191 389,781 19,635 21,301 19,758 15,796 16,049 15,234 15,734 12,675 2,256 4,588 2,574 1,871 770 885 893 637 560282,872 5941-282,231 557282,519 6131281,803 121,748 121,752' 121,896' 121,596,! 3,469 1,897 : 3,521 3,495 1,961 3,355 3,523!| 1,306, 3,420! 3,58l| 605 3,687 84 85 83 114 2,338 2,3351! 2,344! 2,334 ! 9,251 1 9.014 9,407 9,408 136! 199! 403 473 59,274 39,272 59,230 59,212 July 2.. 9. . 16.. 23.. 30.. 394,908 397,951 391,955 387,721 388,927 18,803 20,947 17,054 14,098 15,560 15,607 15,694 14,162 11,762 13,335 1,710 3,911 1,751 1,441 1,419 719 640 767 283,905 702 284,572 676282,229 562 280,750 464280,^20 122,0191 3,611]' 121.782 3,634: 121,492j 3,627 120,791 3,631 120,296 3,648 981 3,920 3,261 3,490' 879| 3,528 3,653 7i 101 101 ^ 102 114J 110; 2,34) 2,331 2,333 2,325 2,306 9,357:! 9,310 9,119' 8,949. 9,125' 20,591'! 20,462" 20,343^ 20,141'! 20,0321 59,187 59,102 59,090 39,039 59,036 6.. 13 20 27 390,355 388,160 387,219 388,100 17,303 13,744! 2,565 15,888 23.430s 1,530 14,251 1,285 16,110 13,751 1,453 519'1 452 456280,693 45 7^. 279,409 :i49J279,216 4541278,349 119,8!3 119,486:; 119,2:181 118,8021 3,637 1,484" 3,638; SIS' ^7^i 3,649" 6761 3,519 3,640 896| 3,381)] lis' 2,297| 115 119 99 *»,963 8,917 9,0;?, 8,812J 20,0401 19 sH" 19,^,, 19,926 5K.9S8 59,016 58,992 58,987 Sept. 3. 10. 17. 24. 390,590 393,730 392,257 388,363 16,909 18,722 16,674 14,471 14,738 14,964 13,041 12,152 1,187 2,546! 2,3561,307' 477 619 671 392 507*279,378 593|279,356 606280,042 620278,711 118,943! 118,976'! 119,211' 118,974 3,629 6961! 3,463' 3,624:^ 1,118-11 3,490 3,635] 1.602 3,605 3,630 763 3,?lfi. Oct. 1 8 15,.. 22 29 394,972 394,706 396,088 389,638 389,501 17,777 17,985 19,671 15,574 16,422 15,030 13,398 15,273 12,898 13,817 632 1,288 2,987;: '958 2,635' 1,057 1,543! 533 1,650 466 8271281,571 642,280,842 7061280,758 600278,168 489 277,662 119,675! 119,138! 119,U5; 118,273: 118,173j 8% 3,799 3,63' 3,619 2,248' 3 «™ 3,611 1,499" 4 B98 3,464 3,626 798| 3,659 3,582 Nov. 5 12., 19, 26 ..400,238 .!3«)8,078 ..394,873 '.395,282 22,822 21,100 18,353 17,317 17,160 16,144 14,861 14,048 3,778 3,180 1,S33| 1,842! Dec. 3 397,090 10... 398,942 17. 402,346 24........... 401,356 31. ,... 406,222 18,39! 18.H74 18,764 18,568 20,942 14,428 14,398 14,603 14,804 17,050 2,287 922 754280,430 U9.176J 3,529: 2,754 819 9031280,146 119,431 3,533 21078 1,023|[ 1,0601282,754 119,982 3,577 1,941 S46 977:282,816 120,303 3,580' 1,7901 1,118 984|284,742 120,654 3.6S2, 40 32 14..,....,.,-,-.-;- 389,853 Aug. Dec. 31 1,386 1 342! 538' i '~939: 650 1,2341279,896 118,5955 3,563; 1,829' 3,885f 83S 4 284 744i 1,032279,586 , ' 3,567' 845 814278,969 118,487 3,550 i,i34'i ;,?,6<* 897 530279,797 119,048 3,524 835 V3J J 5; 922 1,221' 4,619 1,183! 4,524 1,451 5,469 1,497 1,226 5,679! I! 131 1 ~-B 2^ 2,172 96 94 2,270 9,272'! 19,S67'' 58,963 O.n^ !9,7(»l ( 58,970 %C%i 19,52^, 59,023 0,019 19,3923 59,035 2,258! 2.260 ?,,27V 83 2] 265 79 78 78 77j P.268 2,279 2,285. 2,300j 70 2,20? 72 2,2% , i??! ,?M ,^SO ~~~ :9,455 59,277 t'KlbH' H ,()<*> | 19,012| 59,238 59,161 59,267 59,365 59,418 1S,S92 IS,833,! 18,792 18,711j 59,396 59,416 54,471 59,407 , 721 fi 59,362 18,618' 59,376 18,5^ 59,340 18.3M) 59,287 59,386 =67 375 Annual Statistical Digest 103 18.—Continued Investments Loans (cont.) Other securities U.S. Treasury securities Other (cont) Notes and bonds maturing— To commercial banks Consumer instalment Foreign govts.2 All other Total Domestic Foreign 3,306 3,099 3,141 3,140 6,171 6,048 5 , 790 5,492 34,854 34,778 34,683 34,653 ,555 ,457 ,428 ,457 19,642 19,402 18,918 18,782 25,087 24,512 23,689 23,011 2,871 3,103 2,829 2,856 5 , 455 5,478 5,498 5,509 34,579 34,492 34,391 34,300 ,405 ,436 ,471 ,418 18,911 18,588 18,952 18,764 2,745 2,671 2,684 2,740 5,329 5,168 5,222 5,159 34,235 34,110 34,012 33,914 ,453 ,363 ,308 ,308 2,728 2,580 2,627 2,544 2,575 5,131 5,125 5,193 5,236 5,236 33,892 33,821 33,861 33,858 33,867 2,615 2,459 2,392 2,200 5,387 5,271 5,289 5,377 2,499 2,311 2,240 2,256 Bills Total i Within Af er 5 > rs. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, corp, stocks, and securities Wednesday lyr. 1 to 5 yrs. 4,780 4,412 3,759 3 , 392 3,701 3,733 3,710 3,614 12,966 12,842 12,723 12,568 3 3 3 3 640 525 497 437 62,606 62,387 61,437 61,013 6,763 6,737 6,436 6,324 40,817 40,586 40 , 110 40,006 2,430 2,476 2,449 2,456 12,596 12,588 12,442 12,227 Jan. 22,752 23,253 24,427 24,095 3,385 4,138 4,057 4,091 3,757 3,706 3,428 3,407 12,326 12,165 13,254 13,040 3 3 3 3 284 244 688 557 61,163 61,161 61,311 61 i 094 6,273 6,239 6,237 6,137 39,936 39,994 40,061 40,107 2,459 2,459 2,491 2,540 12,495 12,469 12,522 12,310 Feb. 5 ....12 19 ..26 18,661 18,283 18,519 18,205 25,459 26,423 26,749 27 , 243 4,107 4,966 4,787 5,092 3,711 3,885 3,732 3,705 14,161 14,122 14,252 14,592 3 480 61,683 3 450 61,847 3 978 61,341 854 61,051 6,196 6,329 6,090 6,108 40,441 40,444 40,172 39,973 2,590 2,589 2,472 2,433 12,456 12,485 12,607 12,537 Mar. ,329 ,268 ,343 ,209 ,319 18,131 18,133 18,366 18,332 18,668 27,855 29,146 28,971 27,931 28,524 4,844 5,264 5,267 4,807 4,999 4,027 4,054 3,987 4,025 3,974 15,194 15,969 15,948 15,494 16,016 3 3 3 3 3 790 859 769 605 535 60,888 61,137 61,500 60,639 60,337 5,904 6,196 6,543 6,276 6,081 39,885 39,869 39,941 39,641 39,595 2,397 2,433 2,455 2,440 2,399 12,702 12,639 12,561 12,282 12,262 Apr. 33,809 33,851 33,829 33,847 ,435 ,229 ,328 ,348 18,068 18,082 18,128 17,898 29,314 29,511 29,794 30,235 5,953 6,052 5,891 5,769 4,034 4,173 4,211 4,296 15,875 15,862 16,077 16,589 424 !452 581 I 615 60,224 60,088 60,215 59,698 6,107 5,908 6,039 5,919 39,620 39,367 39,549 39,501 2,381 2,414 2,431 2,396 12,116 12,399 12,196 11,882 May 5,295 5,235 5,154 5,161 33,818 33,806 33,839 33,922 ,341 ,333 ,267 ,399 18,201 18,078 18,407 18,055 30,590 32,150 32,723 31,583 6,628 7,669 7,975 7,181 4,596 4,632 4,880 4,779 15,951 16,485 16,442 16,359 3 3 3 3 415 364 426 264 59,701 60,207 61,191 60,599 5,859 6,067 6,519 6,601 39,593 39,721 40,168 39,634 2,376 2,410 2,403 2,381 11,873 12,009 12,101 11,983 June 2,313 2,325 2,359 2,365 2,232 5,279 5,664 5,636 5,601 5,773 34,002 33,972 33,992 34,021 34,140 ,586 ,406 ,355 ,362 ,572 18,618 18,274 18,352 18,004 18,131 32,021 32,326 32,058 32,042 32,160 7,086 6,962 6,996 7,073 7,396 5,036 5,043 5,046 5,067 5,122 16,736 17,175 16,952 16,858 16,571 3 163 146 064 044 071 60,179 60,106 60,614 60,831 60,387 6,253 6,268 6,365 6,608 6,491 39,541 39,474 40,005 39,767 39,678 2,375 2,381 2,455 2,439 2,426 12,010 11,983 11,789 12,017 11 ,792 July 2,267 2,211 2,184 2,282 5,818 5,726 5,770 5,580 34,163 34,200 34,271 34,392 ,488 ,444 ,461 ,561 18,032 17,850 18,110 17,718 32,097 32,640 32,975 33,410 6,914 7,556 8,102 8,577 5,136 5,134 4,426 4,594 17,003 16,893 17,359 17,070 044 057 088 169 60,262 60,223 60,777 60,231 6,498 6,571 6,650 6,244 39,615 39,557 40,046 40,113 2,381 2,382 2,381 2,367 1 1 , 768 . . . 11,713 11,700 11,507 2,286 2,334 2,434 2,473 5,846 5,785 5,713 5,864 34,438 34,470 34,535 34,600 ,530 ,432 ,414 ,452 18,074 17,991 17,889 17,942 34,288 9,049 35,243 9,637 35,013 9,838 35,015 10,069 4,937 5,295 5,351 5,319 17,276 17,308 16,959 16,776 026 003 865 851 60,015 60,409 60,528 60,166 6,213 6,541 6,503 6,412 39,904 39,944 40,114 39,799 2,376 2,396 2,374 2,349 11,522 11,618 11,537 11,606 Sept. 3 . . .10 17 . . . . 24 2,614 2,458 2,417 2,438 2,306 5,827 5,938 5,926 5,858 5,782 34,708 34,693 34,692 34,747 34,838 ,405 ,415 1,453 1 ,477 1,539 18,410 18,010 18,389 17,988 17,906 35,316 10,073 35,604 10,205 34,892 9,820 35,572 9,552 35,011 9,022 5,460 5,361 5,374 5,396 5,483 16,902 17,003 16,819 17,790 17,782 2 881 3 035 2, 879 2 834 2, 724 60,308 60,275 60,767 60,324 60,406 6,395 6,323 6,709 6,409 6,689 39,895 39,814 39,824 39 , 666 39,776 2,390 2,346 2,348 2,298 2,306 11,628 11,792 11,886 11,951 11,635 Oct. 1 . .-8 15 ....22 29 2,324 2 , 370 2,287 2,435 6,013 5,781 5,614 5,714 34,844 34,872 34,870 34,969 1,495 1,461 1,451 1,501 18,388 18,411 18,301 18,080 36,825 9,686 36,410 9,361 37,057 9,983 37,493 10,602 5,796 5,736 5,840 6,157 18,475 18,536 18,019 17,664 2 868 777 215 070 60,695 60,982 60,494 60,675 6,742 6,889 6,802 6,840 39,743 39,930 39,686 39,735 2,314 2,323 2,284 2,287 11,896 11,840 11,722 11,813 Nov. I 2,370 2,121 2,148 2,326 2,409 5,826 5,922 5,915 5,928 5,859 34,984 35,088 35,230 35,399 35,494 1,492 1,577 1,633 1,583 1,646 18,165 17,853 18,385 18,980 18,963 37,859 39,010 40,306 39,542 40,428 11,279 12,638 14,273 13,631 13,915 6,663 6,602 6,543 6,629 6,735 16,971 16,779 16,581 16,388 17,007 2; 946 2 991 2, 909 2 894 2 771 60,410 60,912 60,522 60,430 60,110 6,806 7,164 6,775 6,610 6,516 39,533 39,768 39,660 39,597 39,473 2,305 2,283 2,282 2,290 2,305 11,766 11,697 11,805 11,933 11,816 Dec. 3 . .10 17 ....24 31 35 199 31 17 225 43 142 5 35 -1 3(9 34 Tax warrants 3 | 3 3 3 3 } U7 —L Certif. All of other partici-4 All pation other 5 8 .15 22 . . 29 5 12 19 . . . 26 2 9 .16 ....23 30 7 14 21 ..28 4 11 18 25 2 9 .16 ....23 30 . .Aug. 6 13 20 27 5 12 .19 26 Dec 31 4 104 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1975==Continued In millions of dollars Deposits Cash items in process of collection Wednesday Reserves with F.R, Banks Currency and coin Balances with domestic banks Investments in sub- Other sidiar- assets ies not consolidated Demand Total assets/ total liabilities Total IPC States and political subdivisions Doni estic inter sank U.S. Govt. Foreign Mutual govts., etc.s savings Commercial Jan. 8. . . . 15 22. 29 . . . 32,421 34,783 30,329 28,271 21,304 25,141 29,437 23,492 5,042 4,910 4,884 4,888 12,079 11,753 10,853 10,757 1,661 1,694 1,686 1,666 31 ,924 512,029 32,147 513,281 32,691 505,671 32,914 495,500 164,446 165,874 155,438 152,838 H7,693l 118,990 112,595 110,564 6,409 6,474 6,108 5,999 1,571 1,656 2,601 2,007 24,797 23,843 21,054 20,630 E34 745 677 635 1,415 1,369 1,315 1,316 Feb. 5. 12 19 26. . 32,333 31,744 36,488 23,997 25,636 25,455 21,411 23,997 4,219 4,643 4,772 4,788 11,220 11,519 11,530 10,234 ,681 ,684 ,705 ,696 33,564 505,614 33,318 502,710 33,668 506,897 33,889 495,938 159,563 153,952 160,341 152,898 113,147 112,583 115,208 112,434 6,396 5,943 6,499 6,043 2,767 1,448 1,566 1,440 22,882 21,153 23,295 20,329 748 665 628 612 1,270 1 ,291 1,116 1 222 Mar. 5 12. 19 26 34,060 32,055 30,809 30,531 22,208 19,650 21,539 23,710 4,136 4,505 4,655 4,635 I t , 710 11,530 11,390 11,116 ,681 ,68t ,680 ,692 35,029 35,042 33,883 35,546 508,810 504,403 499,819 501,077 161,001 158,996 156,667 155,387 114,720 116,472 112,656 112,725 6,327 5,868 5,942 6,366 2,332 1,714 3,565 1,657 23,655 22,034 21,647 21,123 677 649 618 590 1,153 1,223 1 ,029 1,129 ... Apr. 2 9 16. . 23 30 33,453 30,082 33,775 30,664 33,516 22,265 22,198 24,900 21,717 25,412 4,499 4,455 4,648 4,770 4,699 11,639 12,742 11,955 10,944 12,747 ,700 ,732 ,698 ,708 1,728 35,583 506,302^ 162,031 35,759 504, 972' 159,319 35,321 509,754! 164,241 35,254 494,508 156,208 36,120 504,814 164,368 117,808 115,412 119,686 113,769 115,788 6,418 5,787 6,302 5,589 6,714 1,281 1,015 2,354 1,541 4,905 22,434 23,240 22,581 21,483 23,328 899 795 783 722 800 1,281 1,373 1,260 1,178 1,367 May 7 14. 21 28 30,022 33,021 30,486 35,850 21,295 23,178 25,795 23,265 4,303 4,684 4,657 4,949 12,002 11,780 11,390 I t , 756 1,741 1,741 1,765 1,735 35,441 496,382 35,195 499,452 34,369 497,307 35,706 502,578 155,570 157,109 154,309 161,346 111,552 116,568 113,372 117,547 6,106 5,949 5,953 5,887 1,653 1,084 1,461 1,414 22,776 21,231 20,753 22,671 872 674 676 767 ,300 ,025 ,062 ,208 June 4 It. . 18 25 34,689 33,455 34,358 32,898 24,526 20,231 23,545 24,262 4,291 4,734 4,711 4,945 I t , 818 11,809 12,186 11,783 1,730 1,735 1,739 1,761 37,567 37,377 36,464 36,622 507,419 505,230 509,194 502,052 163,432 162,574 166,493 160,567 116,625 118,749 119,008 115,245 5,991 5,933 6,130 7,084 2,622 1,537 4,992 1,956 24,159 22,867 22,767 22,433 111 728 742 646 ,262 ,197 ,246 ,296 July 2 9. . . 16 23. . 30 35,959 32,615 34,022 30,754 30,884 20,618 18,612 25,019 23,833 22,027 4,566 4,731 4,828 4,986 5,036 12,429 12,132 12,642 11,559 11,558 1,755 1,776 1,750 1,743 1,751 38,975 37,91t 36,621 36,349 37,038 509,210 505,728 506,837 496,945 497,221 169,097 162,384 163,819 157,201 158,966 121,565 117,715 119,284 115,364 115,875 6,413 5,932 5,968 5,933 5,947 1,330 1,421 1,494 979 859 24,694 23,956 23,792 21,980 23,360 914 868 764 699 736 ,462 ,081 ,132 ,t!7 ,204 Aug, 6 13 20. 27 31,217 30,308 . 30,238 30,300 21,304 22,005 23,451 20,581 4,431 4,865 4,889 5,104 11,219 10,629 10,748 11,184 1,748 1,739 1,734 1,741 36,847 497,121 36,423 494,129 35,863 494,142 36,435 493,445 157,934 155,203 156,232 156,113 115,157 115,919 115,059 115,359 5,873 5,609 5,668 5,639 1,688 l,tS7 2,050 1,382 23,t50 20,908 22,396 21,961 811 724 671 712 ,261 ,253 ,158 ,030 to 17. . 24 36,974 31,764 32,351 28,630 22,651 20,995 18,689 22,399 4,796 4,927 4,964 5,027 11,712 10,685 11,226 11,571 1,752 1,753 1,751 1,747 37,431 505,906 38,285 502,139 37,815 499,053 38,017 495,754 165,445 160,028 161,658 154,453 120,411 118,669 118,337 113,640 6,198 6,088 5,847 6,067 1,243 1 ,473 2,764 1,442 24,635 21,677 22,175 21,613 781 711 700 649 ,215 ,144 ,297 ,038 Oct. 1 g 15 22 29. . 36,813 33,427 41,706 32,611 31,801 21,410 19,373 20,764 21,764 22,314 4,768 4,640 4,935 5,008 5,171 13,202 I t ,890 14,041 12,394 11,453 1,794 1,800 1,801 1,792 1,794 38,736 37,663 37,739 37,956 38,130 511,695 1 167 ,744 503,499 ,160,314 517,074 173,414 501,163 159,326 500,164 159,303 119,800 117,589 125,680 US, 960 116,180 6,496 5,731 6,161 5,817 5,807 1,070 894 1,635 1,442 1,249 25,790 23,048 26,153 23,341 22,107 912 837 832 754 781 ,223 ,119 ,102 ,081 ,141 Nov. 5 12. . 19 26 37,333 41,739 33,004 38,856 18,722 23,657 21,532 24,137 4,387 5,008 5,126 4,850 14,291 13,423 11,458 12,195 i 1,812 1,820 1,836 1,845 38 , 697 40,072 38,946 38,315 515,480 523,797 506,775 515,480 173,268 175,008 161,454 167,917 121,843 125,789 118,009 121,335 6,403 6,187 6,095 6,323 2,273 1,374 2,237 1,876 29,169 27,803 22,750 24,341 884 795 672 677 ,129 ,126 ,037 ,180 3 36,107 31,970 37,380 36,838 41 ,928 21,071 20,859 19,317 22,096 19,432 5,068 5,356 5,403 4,997 5,731 12,338 13,610 13,420 12,790 15,614 1 ,891 1,885 ,911 2,015 2,048 37,760 38,495 37,457 38,331 39,359 511,325 511,117 517,234 518,423 530,334 167,015 121,317 164,838 120,771 171,910 124,551 1 68 , 243 123,595 186,781 133,504 5,860 6,058 6,242 6,644 7,342 2,425 1,518 3,053 1,479 1,330 24,163 23,731 24,514 23,578 30,007 728 680 634 642 901 ,208 ,151 ,t44 ,230 ,587 40 17 40 42 101 1,626 393 60 13 3 11 . Sept. 3 Dec. to 17 . 24 31. . > Dee. 3 1 .... 499 Annual Statistical Digest 105 18.—Continued Deposits (cont.) Demand (cont.) Foreign commercial banks Certified and officers' checks Borfowings from— Time and savings IPC Totals Savings Other States and political subdivisions Domestic interbank Foreign govts.2 Federal funds purchased, etc. i F.R, Banks Reserves for— Other liabilities, 8 Loans etc. Total Secur- capital acities counts Wednesday Other Jan. 8 . ..15 22 29 5,397 5,535 4,968 5,200 6,330 1,262 6,120 6,487 228,213 227,145 227,222 226,719 58,672 58 , 606 58,658 58,740 122,072 121,437 .120,901 120,981 25,630 25,246 25,304 25,103 8,239 8,174 8,630 8,241 11,541 11,498 11,646 11,581 51,889 48,885 52,805 48,421 17 2,771 2,271 46 4,051 4,124 4,100 4,005 23,844 24,908 24,221 23,742 5,269 5,305 5,429 5,448 62 61 73 60 34,238 34,208 34,112 34,221 4,927 5,119 5,018 5,010 7,426 5,750 7,011 5,808 225,582 225,893 224,305 224,440 58,977 59,183 59,474 59,694 120,122 120,380 118,898 118,799 24,984 25 , 329 25,211 25,310 7,819 7,245 7,038 7,143 11,597 11,706 11,716 11,568 52,935 55,493 53,982 50,853 8 34 1,053 159 3,797 3,765 3,625 3,662 23,734 23,528 23,622 23,311 5,560 5,561 5,554 5,568 61 60 60 60 34,374 34,424 34,355 34,387 Feb. 5 12 19 26 5,181 5,123 4,939 4,978 6,956 5,913 6,271 6,819 224,687 225,720 226,110 226,896 60,209 60,698 61,152 61,555 118,634 118,834 118,556 118,767 25,026 24,915 24,683 24,550 7,263 7,763 8,104 8,349 11,626 11,579 11,681 11,703 55,401 51,752 47,580 49 ,920 3,952 4,094 4,090 4,007 23,449 23,439 24,240 23,783 5,635 5,653 5,636 5,631 60 60 60 60 34,625 34,649 34,638 34,655 Mar, 40 798 738 5 12 19 26 4,650 4,637 4,709 4,777 5,097 7,260 7,060 6,566 7,149 6,369 226,136 225,326 224,219 224,297 223,521 62,238 62 , 508 62,270 62,327 62,396 117,444 116,344 114,633 114,404 113,643 24,347 24,414 25,092 25,322 25,111 8,292 8,279 8,455 8,549 8,479 11,814 11,822 11,838 11,780 12,017 50,786 52,706 53,678 45,198 47,271 24 1 ,041 1,384 3,712 3,662 3,788 3,630 3,624 23,120 23,379 23,330 23,657 23,824 5,661 5,653 5,658 5,652 5,697 68 68 68 68 69 34,788 34,859 34,748 34,757 35,056 Apr. 2 .....9 .16 23 30 5,014 5,013 4,670 4,681 6,297 223,743 5 , 565 225,188 6,362 225,318 7,171 224 , 647 62,726 63,012 63,392 63,714 113,311 114,525 114,059 113,410 25,299 25,294 25,552 25,412 8,171 8,053 8,092 8,011 12,345 12,467 12,453 12,541 49,408 49,684 49,601 49,060 2 5 711 459 3,670 3,674 3,584 3,254 23,152 23,021 23,107 23,080 5,723 5,721 5,711 5,727 68 68 71 68 35,046 34,982 34,895 34,937 May 7 14 21 28 4,745 4,431 4,729 4,591 7,257 7,132 6,879 7,316 224,283 224,776 223,053 223,660 64,338 64,629 64,874 64,981 113,107 113,458 112,135 112,905 24,905 24,559 24,130 23,740 7,992 7,987 7,885 7,870 12,450 12,595 12,553 12,708 51,527 49,960 52,210 50,141 430 89 340 ( 972 3,406 3,229 3,246 3,205 23,317 23,514 22,899 22,570 5,777 5,786 5,754 5,724 68 68 68 68 35,179 35,234 35,131 35,145 June 4 11 18 25 4,720 4,956 4,921 4,946 5,002 7,999 6,455 6,464 6,183 5,983 223,211 223,137 222,672 223,095 222,475 65,483 65,664 65,638 65,574 65,392 112,922 112,639 112,658 113,291 113,218 22,834 22,882 22,865 23,009 22,950 7,928 7,793 7,677 7,691 7,571 12,592 12,683 12,391 12,081 11,954 49,659 53,268 52,108 47,741 48,881 176 1 34 1,055 1,852 , 21 3,550 3,596 3,652 3,740 3,790 22,279 22,085 22,409 22,218 21,931 5,713 5,710 5,698 5,697 5,737 69 69 69 69 69 35,456 35,445 35,355 35,332 35,351 July 2 9 16 23 30 4,944 4,531 4,496 4,752 5,050 222,313 5,102 222,775 4,734 221,953 5,278 222,139 65,439 65,382 65,308 65,253 112,913 113,335 113,436 113,780 22,917 22,969 22,683 22 , 568 7,607 7,721 7,552 7,585 12,056 12,022 11,642 11,649 49,275 47,624 47,280 46,951 29 446 517 , 34 4,012 4,017 3,928 3,773 22,146 22,602 22,866 23,059 5,732 5,741 5,733 5,747 69 69 69 70 35,611 35,652 35,564 35,559 Aug. 6 . .13 20 27 5,023 4,651 4,941 5,033 5,939 5,615 5,597 4,971 222,765 223,268 222,937 225,003 65 , 246 65,223 65,207 65,214 114,625 115,079 114,871 116,251 22,366 22,096 22,027 22,154 7,815 7,742 7,770 7,999 11,409 11,798 11,782 11,985 49,020 48,006 45,170 45,850 85 1,589 201 1,182 4,036 4,075 4,013 4,023 22,933 23,545 23,520 23,606 5,775 5,797 5,791 5,794 84 69 70 69 35,763 35,762 35,693 35,774 5,176 4,881 5,042 4,803 4,692 7,277 6,215 6,809 6,128 7,346 225,261 226,109 224,886 225,568 224,957 65,601 65,729 65,767 65,931 65,825 116,166 116,309 115,368 115,848 115,538 21,950 22,168 22,035 22,089 22,150 7,928 8,064 8,053 8,096 8,028 12,241 12,508 12,308 12,249 12,071 48,443 47,382 47,821 45,350 46,425 393 38 353 842 3 3,962 4,102 4,113 4,195 3,916 23,872 23,499 24,543 23,973 23,586 5,781 5,800 5,778 5,743 5,755 69 70 75 71 71 36,170 36,185 36,091 36,095 36,148 5,013 5,195 4,727 4,945 6,554 6,739 5,927 7,240 223,641 224,435 224,722 225,500 66,055 66,580 67,012 67,238 114,794 115,270 115,299 115,774 21 ,909 21,612 21,596 21,546 7,792 8,030 8,025 8,077 11,760 11,644 11,479 11,578 48,738 53,860 "'"36 45 50,076 51,861 130 3,773 3,852 3,925 4,034 23,766 24,350 24,391 23,975 5,822 5,808 5,805 5,780 75 71 74 84 36,397 36,383 36,283 36,199 Nov. 5 ...12 19 26 4,901 5,061 4,774 5,032 5,522 6,413 225,877 5,868 226,082 6,998 226,181 6,043 227,385 6,588 227,970 67,561 67,749 67,838 67,948 68,681 116,053 116,117 115,550 116,007 115,908 21,487 21,577 21,951 22,345 22,372 8,146 8,214 8,271 8,441 8,435 11,400 11,194 11,270 11,216 11,128 48,467 49,308 47,821 50,216 44,712 4,203 4,367 4,411 4,434 4,227 23,419 24,094 24,545 24,557 23,916 5,817 5,873 5,823 5,724 5,603 71 71 71 82 71 36,430 36,483 36,450 36,568 36,894 Dec. 998 500 362 136 118 -7 19 18 26 1 , 22 ,1,214 160 . . . . . . . Sept. 3 10 . ,17 24 Oct . . 1 8 15 22 29 3 10 17 24 31 Dec. 31 * 106 Annual Statistical Digest 18. Assets and liabilities of large commercial banks—Continued Wednesday figures, 1975—Continued In millions of dollars Memoranda Large negotiable time CD's Total included in time Deand savings deposits u Total loans loans and mand (gross) invest- deposits ad- 9 ments adjusted Issued Issued (gross) justed 10 adTotal to to IPC's others justed » Wednesday Savings ownership categories All other large time deposits ™ Total Issued to IPC's Gross liabiliIndivid- Part] nerties of Douals banks and ships mestic t nonto and govern- 'i All cor- mental other" their Issued profit foreign orga- porato units branches others niza- tion for tions profit^ . :::::: 1... :: .:::: Jan. 8 15. 22 29. 301,652 298,164 293,140 292,501 389,345 385,063 378,266 376,525 105,657 105,592 101,454 101,930 92,228 91,390 91,397 91,023 64,019 63,248 62, 777 62,574 28,209 28,142 28,620 28,449 38 , 174 38,154 38,241 37,955 20,893 20,859 20,928 20,876 17,281 17,295 i 17,313 17,079 58,672 58,606 58,658 58,740 Fob. 5 12. 19 26, 293,148 290,056 292,242 289,421 377,063 374,470 377,980 374,610 101,581 99,607 98,992 101,220 89,753 89,641 87,949 87,855 61,805 62,091 60,654 60,529 27,948 27,550 27,295 27,326 37,722 37,690 37,306 37,405 20,781 20,565 20,303 20,339 16,941 17,125 17,003 17,066 58,977 59,183 59 , 474 59 , 694 Mar. 5 12. . 19 26 292,410 292,896 290,414 287,497 379,552 381,166 378,504 375,791 100,954 103,193 100,646 102,076 87,436 88,019 87,998 88,765 60,158 60,372 59,968 60,491 27,278 27,647 28,030 28,274 37,354 37,042 36,771 36,366 20,378 20,228 20,075 19,756 16,976 16,814 16,696 16,610 60,209 60,698 . . . . 61,152 61,555 Apr, 2 9. . 16 23. 30 288,539 288,397 287,726 285,138 285,559 377,282 378,680 378 , 197 373,708 374,420 104,863 104,982 105,531 102,520 102,619 87,354 86,495 85,217 84,979 84,173 59,079 58,186 56,704 56,498 55,633 28,275 28,309 28,513 28,481 28 , 540 36,002 35,803 36,076 36,259 36,196 19,530 19,287 18,970 18,912 1SS768 16,472 16,516 17,106 t 17,347 17,428 62,238 62,508 62,270 62,327 62,396 May 7 14 21 28 285,262 283,771 283,399 283,202 374,800 373,370 373,408 373,135 101,119 101,773 101,609 101,411 83,758 84,846 84,219 83 ,429 55,173 56,187 55,590 54,942 28,585 28,659 28,629 28,487 36,404 36,378 36,495 36,204 18,762 18,819 18,873 18,679 17,642 17,559 17,622 17,525 62,726 63,012 63,392 63,714 2,323 2,098 3,212 2,613 June 4 11 18 25 283,959 285,987 284,303 282,668 374,250 378,344 378,217 374,850 101,962 104,715 104,376 103,280 82,621 83,082 81,430 81,941 54,501 54,822 53,524 54,098 28,120 28,260 27,906 27,843 35,541 35,266 34,640 34,362 18,469 18,303 18,061 17,981 17,072 16,963 16,579 16,381 64,338 64,629 64,874 64,981 ] 2,533 2,544 2,368 1,882 July 2 9. . . 16 23. 30 . . . . 284,788 287 , 500 282,762 280,721 280,813 376,988 379,932 375,434 373,594 373,360 107,114 104,392 104,511 103,488 103,863 81,332 81,312 80,920 81,424 81,209 54,016 53,796 53,882 54,401 54,265 27,316 27,516 27,038 27,023 26,944 33,917 33,878 34,059 34,006 33,691 17,824 17,917 17,910i 17,946! 17,887 16,093 15,961 16,149 16,060 15,804 65,483 65,664 65,638 65 , 574 65,392 . .i .. 1 ,429 1,809 3,130 2,742 2,377 281,985 279,656 279,385 278,426 374,344 372,519 373,137 372,067 101 ,879 102,830 101,548 102,470 80,798 81,389 80,811 81,244 53,820 54,196 54,218 54,553 26.978 27,193 26,593 26,691 33,808 34,116 33,443 33,377 17,899 17,977 17,946] 18,062 15,909 16,139 15,497 15,315 65,439 65,382 65,308 65,253 1,826 2,205 2,848 2,617 279,263 I 280,780 281,241 278,557 373,566 376,432 376,782 373,738 102,593 105,114 104,368 102,768 81,814 82,374 82,078 84,180 55,222 55,622 55,332 56,764 26,592 26,752 26,746 27,416 33,291 33,302 33,218 33,215 18,060 18,113 18,196 18,178 15,231 15,189 15,022 15,037 65,246 65,223 65,207 65,214 2,327 2,353 2,613 2,304 2,723 3,085 4,233 3,232 2,916 8 Auc, 6 iS::;: 20 27 Sept. 3 10 17. . 24 i 1 2,805 3,451 2,582 2,066 2,230 1 ,937 1,867 1,869 1,899 1,676 2,667 1,922 t 1,951 2,834 2,738 2,175 2,672 I Oct. I 8. 15..., 22 29. . . 281,704 282,971 282,739 278,406 277,961 377,328 378,850 378,398 374,302 373,378 104,071 102,945 103,920 101 ,932 104,146 83,996 84,486 83,277 83,701 83,305 56,373 56,510 55,622 56,078 55,948 27,623 27,976 27,655 27,623 27,357 33,033 33,387 33,345 33,395 33,411 18,287 18,370 18,341 18,370 18,375 14,746 15,017 15,004 15,025 15,036 65,601 65,729 65,767 65,931 65,825 Nov. 5.... 12 19 26 283,234 282,172 280,174 280,631 380,754 379,564 377,725 378,799 104,493 104,092 103,463 102,844 82,106 82,860 82,716 83,345 55,308 55,836 55,804 56,295 26,798 27,024 26,912 27,050 33,280 33,023 32,913 32,807 18,478 18,495 18,457 18,401 14,802 14,528 14,456 14,406 66,055 66,202 66,436 66,523 75 232 4031 245 281 244 58 63 68 3,413 3,169 3,873 3,356 3. 10 17. . 24. . 31 282,023 282,501 284 , 767 284,254 286,225 380,292 382,423 385,595 384,226 386,763 104,320 107,619 106,963 106,348 113,516 83,597 83,616 83,307 83,510 82,781 56,615 56,680 56,2151 56,353 55,866 26,982 26,936 27,092 27,157 26,915 32,552 32,441 32,712 33,364 33,809 18,329 18,239 18,032 18,090 18,306 14,223 14,202 14,680 15,274 15,503 66,697 66,709 66,726! 66,775, 67,426 548 673 764 860 938 243'' 288 274' 251 254 73, 79 74 62 63 2,911 3,29S 5,162 4,136 4,081 931 1,355 443 82 33 49 106 44 500| Dec. ^ Oec. 31 i 1 Annual Statistical Digest 107 19. Commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks In millions of dollars Last Wednesday of — Industry Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 1970 Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products . . . Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber. Other nondurable goods Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas Trade: Commodity dealers Other wholesale Retail . Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation Communication Other public utilities Construction Services . All other domestic loans Bankers acceptances Foreign commercial and industrial loans July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Adjustment bank 4 1971 2,146 5,429 2,929 1,908 2,554 2,122 5,244 2,904 1,849 2,454 2,177 5,345 2,797 1 ,905 2,609 2,316 5,177 2,838 1,973 2,700 2,317 5,290 2,631 2,018 2,704 2 ,,320 5,299 2,626 2,019 2,741 2,291 5,211 2,739 2,105 2,812 2,199 5,196 2,642 2,063 2,830 2,132 5,104 2,628 2,055 2,819 2,171 4,980 2,763 1,975 2,823 2,160 4,728 2,696 1,882 2,736 2,055 4,437 2,652 1,718 2,625 2,009 4,380 2,662 1,716 2,495 3,104 2,318 1,526 2,780 1 ,998 2,757 2,189 1,438 2,662 1,892 2,638 2,401 1,380 2,783 1,886 2,561 2,482 1,183 2,813 1,889 2,494 2,445 1,182 2,823 1,844 2,317 2,4.74 1,181 2,766 1,852 2,395 2,597 1,122 2,846 1,858 2,378 2,643 1 ,129 2,770 1,846 2,481 2,710 1,068 2,701 1,857 2,688 2,566 1,118 2,691 1,918 2,727 2,476 1,155 2,512 1,865 2,832 2,435 1,083 2,346 1,795 2,893 2,293 1,174 2,254 1,822 4,003 1 ,379 3,701 4,045 4,008 1,373 3,567 4,013 3,982 1,312 3,622 4,074 3,894 1,318 3,702 4,209 3,820 1,197 3,768 4,262 3,821 1,132 3,868 4,400 3,620 1,144 3,909 4,381 3,771 1,156 3,970 4,365 3,752 1,197 4,096 4,385 3,824 1,216 4,301 4,462 3,858 1,343 4,350 4,590 3,790 1,511 4,309 4,619 3,807 1,676 4,433 4,122 6,000 1,308 2,348 3,411 7,398 4,926 1,691 6,124 1,419 2,371 3,409 7,315 4,643 1,506 6,136 1,414 2,384 3,463 7,242 4,668 1,636 6,278 1,355 2,019 3,580 7,207 4,748 1,525 6,067 1,422 1,996 3,650 7,432 4,809 1,453 6,066 1,441 1,961 3,767 7,380 4,774 1,355 5,970 1,539 2,201 3,634 7,585 5,044 1,136 5,860 1,536 2,341 3,685 7,585 5,066 1,042 5,658 1,531 2,324 3,697 7,580 5,185 1,554 5,724 1,563 2,550 3,740 7,598 5,349 1,598 5,588 1,364 2,640 3,777 7,590 5,389 1,681 5,668 1,365 2,681 3,772 7,647 5,416 1,810 5,646 1,314 2,726 3,817 7,874 5,654 2,294 2,409 2,395 2,400 2,545 2,530 2,698 2,647 2,678 3,045 2,971 2,949 2,979 1 3 39 7 118 3,225 -49 69,311 67,654 68,254 68,312 68,154 68,258 68,786 68,751 69,559 70,589 70,056 69,545 70,286 119 Total commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks . . 81,618 80,017 80,760 81,162 81,072 81,370 82,156 81,488 82,310 83,435 83,003 82,562 83,770 97 Total classified loans .. 1972 Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals. . Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining. Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods. . . Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas Trade: Commodity dealers Other wholesale . Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation Communication Other public utilities Construction Services AH other domestic loans Bankers acceptances . . Foreign commercial and industrial loans 1,999 4,177 2,561 1,606 2,451 2,032 4,100 2,689 1,630 2,528 2,068 4,283 2,670 1,723 2,650 2,078 4,366 2,529 1,705 2,726 2,130 4,264 2,412 1,680 2,758 2,097 4,208 2,352 1,702 2,835 2,050 4,196 2,179 1,696 2,793 1,977 4,194 2,230 1,711 2,862 1,998 4,107 2,267 1,783 2,917 2,029 3,975 2,104 1,760 2,895 2,032 4,285 2,135 1,730 2,830 2,018 4,603 2,094 1,759 2,904 -4 -46 47 -31 2,789 2,187 1,129 2,084 1,708 2,801 2,326 1,135 2,134 1,705 2,662 2,578 1,077 2,139 1,758 2,585 i 2,562 2,634 2,771 1,025 , I ,020 2,138 2,158 1,738 1,688 2,620 2,860 991 2,119 1,664 2,672 2,938 977 1,972 1,679 2,729 2,988 916 1,923 1,675 2,807 3,045 967 1,866 1,759 2,998 2,947 884 1,844 1,736 3,178 2,788 928 1,772 1,690 3,447 2,694 977 1,857 1,694 -42 -2 3,669 1,623 4,320 4,085 3,604 1,469 4,261 4,169 3,670 1,475 4,333 4,387 3,681 1,444 4,362 4,452 3,680 1,355 4,363 4,518 3,604 1,172 4,438 4,527 3,645 1,202 4,445 4,730 3,679 1,253 4,413 4,653 3,662 1,313 4,593 4,834 3,708 1,441 4,632 5,252 3,632 1 ,621 4,581 5,359 3,629 1,794 4,654 5,000 -10 ^4 -45 5,548 1,326 2,575 3,745 7,948 5,443 1,938 5,563 1,342 2,578 3,938 8,061 5,556 1,897 5,602 1,240 2,396 3,976 8,274 5,735 1,751 5,674 1,346 2,632 4,062 8,392 5,844 1,618 5,556 1,285 2,604 4,130 8,307 5,942 1,634 5,632 1,435 2,647 4,300 8,638 5,596 1,451 5,449 1,601 2,742 4,340 8,507 5,837 1,352 5,429 1,569 3,007 4,429 8,478 5,603 1,220 5,355 1,712 3,055 4,626 8,574 5,667 1,249 5,388 1,736 3,147 4,602 8,762 5,616 1,310 5,423 1,736 3,326 4,601 8,899 5,529 1,344 5,590 1,859 3,586 4,664 9,132 5,835 1,551 -82 -22 -13 40 -190 86 3,207 3,178 3,306 3,307 3,370 3,389 3,448 3,433 3,466 3,533 3,715 3,880 -I Total classified loans 68,118 68,696 69,753 70,338 70,187 70,277 70,450 70,371 71,622 72,299 73,134 75,221 -320 Total commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks 81,512 82,228 83,627 84,664 84,637 184,954 85,151 85,011 86,631 87,528 88 , 642 91,103 -110 108 Annual Statistical Digest 19. Commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks—Continued In millions of dollars Industry Jan. n Feb. I Adi justment bank Dee. Last Wednesday of— Mar. Apr. May June July | Aug. Sept. 1 Oct. , Nov. 1973 Durable goods manufacturing; Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas... . Trade: Commodity dealers Other wholesale Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation , Communication Other public utilities Construction Services All other domestic loans Bankers acceptances Foreign commercial and industrial l o a n . . . . 2,052 4,712 2,205 1,766 2,891 3,359 2,678 1,092 2,132 1,739 3,865 1,935 4,650 4,912 5,559 1,979 3,651 4,722 9,070 5,990 1,270 3,931 2,119 5,033 2,170 1,834 3,195 2,140 2,038 6,056 5,411] 2,126' 1,995 1,957 6,231 2,364 2,326. 3,735 1,809 . 6,671 3,696^ 3,817 3,644' 3,659 1,245' 1,207 2,645 2,714, 2,134 2,210 3,677' 3,475' 1,181 2,559| 2,185 3,888^ 3,356 1,097 2,468'' 2,170 4.157J 4,004 1,304 5,183 6,096 3,8891 1,425 5,348;! 6,403 3,810 1,743 5,321 6,467 3.804J l,842i. 5.415J 14 5,884 5,962 5,928 5,950 5,824 j 5,803 5,964 ! 2 , l l 7 i 2,134 2,049 2,104 2,007:1 1,888:! 2,026'; 4,547 ! 4,727; 4,683 5.281J 5,1971 5,525 5,877 5,542l 5,645, 5,756 5,753 5,648j 5,579 5,553^ 10,129 " •" 10,217, 10,388 10,491 10,5l5i 10,705 11,0561 7,589 7,842 7,993 7,969 7,835 U 7,863, 8.271J 1,332 1,143 1,075 1,274,-. 1,397 1,233! 1,212 4,434 4,441 4,189 4,050 3,996 4,056 4,073 . 3 -13 -38 10 -•3 358 6,296] 2,260 2,310 3,785 3,489 2,943 3,424 3,424 3,756 3,549 2,322 1,814 2,666 2,054 2,602 3,839 2,035 3,960 4,129 1,272 1,078 1,188 1,254 4,916 5,221" 6,092 5,286 5,625 5,601 3,908 2,038 3,877 4,927 9,674 2,111 4,811 9,333 6,488 1,255 4,005 5,616 2,177 4,046 5,111 9,826 6,801 1,327 4,452 5,741 2,146 4,2851 5,345' 9,881 7,119 1,144 7,483 4,325 4,436 1,304 1,983 1,978 6,112 2,361s 2,308,1 3,855 2,262, 3,776 3,453 1,999 2,056? 6,535 2,430 2,318 4,066 2,158 1,250 2,103 5,323 6,143 6,356 2,507;| 2,263 3,904 4,037 1,212 5,264 6,257 2,520 2,333 3,703 3,219 1,391 2,516 76,160 79,609 82,774 84,371' 85,2,161 87,212 89,077 89,093 90,455 89,01lj 89,564 91,692 Total commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks 92,293 96,224 99,823 101,854 102,711 104,812' 106,755 106,789,108,183 106,829 107,632 110,121 ! I , I i -44 -10 2,145!. Total classified loans 1 113 -55 3 —2 347 j 160 1974 s Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products.,, Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather , Petroleum refining. Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas Trade: Commodity dealers. Other wholesale Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation Communication Other public utilities Construction Service All other domestic loans Uankers acceptances Foreign commercial and industrial loans ! 1,867 6,724 2,490 2,344 3,621 1,798 6,852 2,661 2,356 3,736 1,888 7,740 2,878 2,600 4,052 1,909 8,149 3,053 2,705 4,326 1.894 8,156 2,997 2.777 4,452 1,865 8,519 3,107 2,836 4,612 1,866 8,503 3,197!j 2,959i 4,795 1,871 8,545 3,367 2,995 4,985 1,928 8,868 3,447 3,089 5,124 1,871 8,679 3,519 3,029 5,06l ( j 1,935 8,824 3,479 2,925., 5,035 22,005 88,741 33,812! 22,9lli 4 4,859] 3,954 3,210 1,277 2,445f 2,106 3,982 3,444 1,204 2.499 2,133 4,281 3,789 1,216 2.771 2,261 4,326 3,911 1,208 2,998 2,357 4,059 3,913 1,495 3,006 2,363 3,937 4,128 ll283 3.126 2,483 4,025 4,116 1 1832 3,201 2,513 4,200 4,357 1,745 3,309 2,575 4,437 4,235 1,777| 3,437 2,641 4,429 4,564 3,998 3,846 1,9001 1,932 3,390 3,290 2,497 2,451 4,921 4 33,510 22,250 3 38°*'I 221506J '=13 -12 4.027 2,258 5,444 5,811 4.067 2,307 5,623 6,185 4.116 2,199! 5,880) 6,615 4.262 1,962 6,119 6,930 4.168 1,657 6,112 7,049 4.191 1,569', 6,244 7,172 4.3S2 1,491 6,392 7,264 4.432 1,459 6,334 6,996 4.481 1,374; 6,379 6,953 4.636 1,763 6,410 7,149 4.802 2,135,; 6,565 7,305 55,037 2.077J 6,728, 6,707 -18 -73 I 5,966 5,905 6,069 6,065 6,134i 6,103 6,024 6,084 6,125 6,108 2,142' 2,102 2,175 2,428 2,530 2,501 ! 2,419 2,383 2,409i| 2,198 5,711 5,440 5,586 5,976 6,373! 6,921 7,666 7,611 8,009; 7,725 _ , „ _ 6,378 _ , _ . _ , 6,348 5,434 5,425 5,524 5,661 5,979 6,147 6,235 6,390 10,806) 10,934 11,245' 11,541 11,542 11,650 11,736 11,771 11,783' 11,809 j 8,376 8,281 8,812? 8,856 8,994 9,388 9,490 9,661 ( 9,745 9,997 i 1,249 1,250 1,336i 1,292^ 1,416 1,717 1,490! 1,352 .1,352! 1,453 4,159 4,017 4.178J 4.346J 4,478 4,684 4,857,i 4,527; 4,476 4,384 088 220i 045! 399 810 969 642' 268 6 386'! 2. 499' 8. 618J 6 102 11 954| 10 132 1 661 j 227 { 4 *>T7 ! 91,421 92,201 97,21l|lOO,380|l01, 544104,183 106,453106, 949 ''108 ,447 108,343 109, 529111 ,025 i 1 Total commercial and industrial loans of 109,724 110,707 115,953 119,795 120, 9131123,612 126,143il26, 771 128,407 128,328 129, 798 131 ,875. large commercial banks 1 i i Total classified loans "52 -8 31 •=2 -37 = 12 = 51 -68 =5 340 116 1 4 905 -320 Annual Statistical Digest 109 19. Commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks—Continued In millions of dollars Last Wednesday of — Industry Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Adjustment bank 4 1975 Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals. 1,964 1,974 2,049 2,085 2,005 2,023 1,985 1,986 2,011 1,980 2,055 2,073 8,292 8,297 8,070 8,113 7,912 7,427 7,080 6,836 6,540 6,066 5,845 5,759 Machinery 3,824 Transportation equipment 3,918 3,806 3,640 3,587 3,510 3,507 3,293 3,312 3,150 3,272 3,045 Other fabricated metal products. . . 2,847 2,839 2,934 2,885 2,747 2,723 2,496 2,440 2.446 2,272 2,105 1,973 4,620 4,536 4,465 4,452 4,293 4,141 4,075 3,992 3; 967 3,759 3,604 3,453 Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing; 4,271 3,989 3,831 3,654 3,550 3,312 3,071 3,205 3,325 3,369 3,539 3,780 Food, liquor, and tobacco. 3,237 3,322 3,371 3,305 3,241 3,223 3,224 3,240 3,168 2,956 2,876 2,691 Textiles, apparel, and leather. . . . Petroleum refining. . . . . . 2,234 2,168 2,195 2,428 2,388 2,478 2,523 2,540 2,596 2,560 2,509 2,362 Chemicals and rubber 3,277 3,364 3,443 3,317 3,244 3,122 2,853 2,774 2,869 2,820 2,651 2,691 Other nondurable goods 2,390 2,163 2,214 2,204 2,166 2,223 2,165 2,046 2,076 1,939 1,865 1,808 Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas . . 4,838 4,788 4,780 4,864 4,805 4,888 5,054 5,011 5,164 5,301 5,262 5,953 Trade: Commodity dealers 1,718 1,613 1,433 1,331 1,159 1J105 1 , 1 1 7 1,128 1,242 1,374 1,544 1,582 Other wholesale 6,180 6,034 6,154 5,834 5,727 5 t 620 5,638 5,611 5,542 5,581 5,514 5,439 6,507 6,419 6,523 6,540 6,462 6 t 309 6,118 6,104 6,000 6,372 6,385 5,792 Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation 6,173 6,169 6,210 6,211 6,047 6 ',065 6,023 5,990 5,941 5,965 5,919 6,068 Communication 2,280 2,243 2,125 2,305 2,213 2', 142 2,127 2,103 2,033 2,019 1,985 1,984 Other public utilities. " . . 7,897 7,616 7,599 7,484 7,270 7,195 7,091 6,943 6,964 6,896 6,931 6,997 Construction 5,752 5,703 5,644 5,629 5,586 5,561 5,562 5,534 5,506 5,398 5,252 5 , 1 2 5 Services . . . 11,580 11,424 11,196 11,030 10,841 10,834 10,683 10,535 10,534 10,493 10,549 10,819 9,947 9,819 9,824 10,028 9,614 9,760 9,823 9,752 9,775 9,331 9,521 10,403 All other domestic loans 1,859 2,366 2,232 2,089 2,110 3,260 2,287 2,009 2,090 2,622 4,017 4,945 Bankers acceptances Foreign commercial and industrial 4,314 4,416 4,298 4,339 4,308 4,531 4,891 4,908 5,066 5,047 5,134 5,288 loans . Total classified loans Co mm. paper included in total classified loans 106,001 105,180 104,396 103,767 101,275 100,452 99,393 97,980 98,167 97,270 98,334 100,030 204 210 249 319 224 \240 203 150 284 216 182 36 -2 1 17 45 38 2 71 -34 30 7 10 35 107 -=42 293 68 971 437 Total commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks . . 127,438 126,478 125,739 125,259 122,555 121,596 120,296 118,802 118,974 118,173 119,049 120,654 3 23 83 42 138 225 110 Annual Statistical Digest 20. "Term" commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks In millions of dollars Last Wednesday of— Industry Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Oct. Sept. i Nov. Dec. 1,406 2,396 1,592 707 1,162 1,362 2,285 1,620 713 1,135 Adjustment bank •« 1971 Durable goods manufacturing; Primary metals . . Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products 1 Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobaceo Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods Mining, including crude petroleum and natural oas 1 trade : Commodity dealers .... Other wholesale . Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation .. . Communication Other public utilities Construction Services . AH other domestic loans . . . . I* or citsn co m me rci a 1 a nd i n d us tr i a 1 1 oa n s . Total loans 1,543 2,663 1,647 748 1,109 1,563 2,631 1,633 745 1,224 1,629 2,588 1,613 732 1,217 1,621 2,733 1,515 768 1,193 1,665 2,591 1,440 804 1,202 1,586 2,536 1,559 814 1,233 1,534 2,511 1,552 802 1 , 239 1,481 2,505 1,582 804 1,269 1,524 2,479 '& 1,214 1 1,495 2,476 1,626 743 1 1,204, 946 674 1,190 1,793 1,115 967 659 1,142 1,827 1,115 970 617 914 1,843 1,099 979 592 932 1,815 1,065 916 609 919 1,719 1,057 968 597 891 1,817 1,020 946 597 901 1,821 1,008 938 609 841 1,809 1,006 985 607 857 1,785 1,018 971 585 900 1 , 654 1,047 1,010 577 867 1 , 528 1,018 1,021 576 S92 1,441 . . . . . . . 1,024 3,352 3,268 3,120 3,087 3,056 2,990 3,017 3,000 2,934 3,021. 2,998 3,039 79 777 1,444 79 748 1,452 80 776 1,411 81 807 1,398 88 804 1,417 97 836 1,414 101 845 1,416 117 834 1,450 109 847 1,471 116 862: 1,475 104 860 1,429 115 893 1,383 4,714 398 1,028 1,036 3,175 1,348 1,723 4,746 398 1,055 1,049 3,143 1,321 1,716 4,850 402 972 1,080 3,134 1 , 270 1,792 4,739 426 990 1,149 3,242 1,225 1,840 4,664 439 1,037 1,174 3,181 1,261 1,882 4,597 468 1,094 1,187 3,258 1,249 1,892 4,596 471 1,141 1,225 3,237 1,311 1,908 4,471 422 1,180 1,202 3,311 1,362 1,950 4,571 420 1,272 1,192 3,347 1,390 1,892 4 t 444 J 4,448 4181 427 1,304 1,292 1,240; 1,255 3,397, 3,438 1,390 1,413 1,940 1,956 4,440 427 1,316 1,244 3,488 1,431 2,076 l i 32,502 32,481 32,109 32,197 31,925 32,103 32,179 32,143 32,378 32,308 31,883 31,921 19 72 ' Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods. Mining, including crude petroleum and natura gas .. Trade : Commodity dealers. . . . Other wholesale. , , Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation . . . . Communication ... Other public utilities Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Services All other domestic loans. Foreign commercial and industrial loans. Total loans ""™ i i 1,317 2,174 1,604 696 1,116 1,331 1,997 1,551 681 1,118 1,343 2,067 1,492 686 1,145 1,368 2,000 1,388 693 1,162 1,383 1,981 1,368 682 1 , 144 1,370 1,954 1,359 675 1,182 1,355 1,931, 1,243| 710i 1 5 130 1,314 1,303 1,9631 1,905 1,265 1,307 713 679 1,147. 1,188 1,282' ! 1,907 1,201 680 ; 1,193 1,278 2,034 1,256 707 1,196 1,268 2,154 1,205 720 1 , 239 985 555 848 1,320 1,008 935 568 818 i,303 972 907 639 757 1,214 978 903 655 714 1,228 959 941 635 727 i 1,235 927 926 654 694 1,224 872 1,029! 690! 685 1,190 856 1,079 677 653 1,178 879 1,079 711 679 1,159 918 1,182 731 658 1,190 939, 1,191 699 681 1,143 913 1,234 723 698 1,153 894 2,927 2,891 2,872 2,870 ! 2,785 2,667 2,723 2,724 2,679 2,748' 2,726 2,685 119 891 1,352 132 858 1,354 126 905 1,342 126 867 ; 1,329 128 888 335 109 883 1,298 110 886; 1,346, 107 845! 1,376. 107 864 1,444 123 876 1,497 121 880 1,588 121 894 1 , 592 —7 63 4 4,388 426 1,280 1,261 3 , 559 1,528 " 2,000 4,305 410 1,166 1,331 3,563 1,584 1,902 4,374 434 , 1,137 • 1,421 3,674 1,683 1 , 944' 4,391 454 1,138 1,380 i 3,611 1,782 I 1,986 4,276 420 1,195 U375 3,573 1,764 2,000 4,305 497 1,406 1,408 3,719 1,423 2,038 1 4,234 4,188? 511J 510 1,455 1,623,1 1,397 1,456 3,760 3,826 1,532 1,471 2,033'; 2,069 4,OS6 561 1,688 1,550 3,862 1,554 2,143 4,078 537 I , 759 1,520 3,951 1,459 2,177 4,070 549 1 , 825 1,528 3,999 1,532 2,264 4,180 682 1,975 1 , 558 4,026 1 , 597 2,366 -M 1 '' 23 42 1 55 -8 2 1 1 31,354 30,770 31,140 31,004 30,762 ^0,663 30,806 31,063 31,466 31,688 32,180 32,964 * ; i — 12 27' -40 - 39 37 Annual Statistical Digest 111 20. "Term" commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks—Continued In millions of dollars Last Wednesday of — Industry Jan, Feb. Mar. Apr, May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Adjustment bank 4 1973 Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products Other durable goods. . Nondurable goods manufacturing; Food liquor and tobacco. Textiles, apparel, and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas Trade: Commodity dealers Other wholesale. Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation Communication . . . . Other public utilities Construction Services , .... All other domestic loans Foreign commercial and industrial loans Total loans 1,336 2,271 1,246 751 1,348 1,307 2,305 1,217 765 1,464 1 , 335 2,313 1,174 785 1,520 1,315 2,555 1,180 842 1,614 1,314 2,560 1,168 833 l t S92 1 , 328 2,641 1,189 869 1,690 1,292 2,664 1,197 867 1,728 1,290 2,642 1,231 853 1,738 1,307 2,680 1,266 871 1,788 1,259 2,731 1,239 901 1,795 1,240 2,726 1,257 912 1,754 1,104 2,866 1,284 894 1,772 56 5 1,304 781 781 1,359 1,005 1,325 843 778 1,439 1,062 1,350 892 842 1,479 1,100 1,355 978 858 1,459 1,108 1,372 942 , 885 1,441 1,063 1,393 969 876 1,481 1,063 1,415 1,002 947 1,485 1,066 1,410 1,023 925 1,493 1,080 1,477 1,028 920 1,552 1,100 1,470 1,033 883 1,534 1,090 1,469 1,036 839 1,509 1,077 1,491 1,003 933 1,561 1,082 -39 -4 2,896 2,823 2,872 2,895 2,908 2,846 3,022 2,921 2,990 2,958 2,950 2,958 35 132 982 1,698 131 1,008 1,763 150 1,055 1,823 136 1,068 1,947 i 139 1,051 1,979 123 1,066 2,006 175 1,118 2,063 115 1,151 2,135 116 1 , 178 2,147 120 1,223 2,175 135 1 , 172 2,227 127 1,190 2,206 12 4,257 755 2,060 1,661 4,120 1,711 2,355 4,285 770 2,245 1,665 4,184 1,785 2,327 4,234 746 2,234 1,709 4,339 1,871 2,567 4,202 738 2,343 1,800 4,417 2,061 2,410 4,161 760 2,328 J.852 4,402 2,180 2,647 4,305 785 2,409 1,896 4,562 2,201 2,585 4,263 814 2,548 2,010 4,578 2,390 2,497 4,292 835 2,678 2,000 4,666 2,460 2,292 4,279 858 2,836 1,992 4,719 2,585 2,186 4,220 819 2,857 1,954 4,777 2,552 2,308 4,208 828 3,121 1,936 4,916 2,617 2,306 4,320 860 3,252 1,905 5,049 2,602 2,334 4 3 7 50 34,809 35,491 36,390 37,281 37,577 38,283 39,141 39,230 39,875 39,898 40,235 40,793 136 6 19741 Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals. . Machinery Transportation equipment. Other fabricated metal products . , Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco Textiles, apparel, and leather. .. Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas Trade: Commodity dealers Other wholesale. . . . Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities: Transportation Communication . . . Other public utilities Construction Services .. All other domestic loans Foreign commercial and industrial loans Total loans =2 12 10 -I 48 ^4 ^1 1,092 2,950 1,324 938 1,737 1,046 3,037 1,367 911 1,837 1,064 3,114 1,365 911 1,915 1,083 3,145 1,423 934 1,972 1,111 3,213 1 , 424 960 2,012 1,105 3,286 1,410 954 2,107 1,116 3,572 1,373 996 2,169 1,104 3,789 1,419 1,000 2,198 1,133 3,896 1,535 1,066 2,268 1,107 3,970 1,570 1,093 2,339 1,176 4,049 1,586 1,113 2,361 1,210 4,145 1,673 1,197 2,391 1,514 1,032 920 1,570 1,069 1,527 1,043 901 1,569 1,080 1,529 1,089 945 1,603 1,139 1,533 1,147 934 1,690 1,145 1,584 1,120 954 1,686 1,157 1,571 1,128 963 1,737 1,171 1,604 1,182 996 1,760 1,149 ,604 ,171 ,048 ,790 ,189 1,649 1,151 1,097 1,778 1,204 1,661 1,187 1,208 1,820 1,187 ,674 ,179 ,272 ,818 ,170 1,763 1,145 1,518 1,878 1,235 3,153 3,203 3,245 3,284 3,172 3,130 3,197 3,319 3,339 3,468 3,620 3,701 137 1,265 2,249 129 1,315 2,376 140 1,323 2,480 144 144 1,335 1,404 2,543 , 2,514 141 1,406 2,428 155 1,446 2,512 166 1,419 2,529 139 1,449 2,527 157 1,488 2,578 17V 1,431 2,602 155 1,492 " " -2 2,594 3 4,327 947 3,298 1,943 4,937 2,692 2,469 4,311 940 3 , 245 1 ,940 5,004 2,384 2,321 4,417 966 3,154 1,898 5,076 2,808 2,350 4,414 978 3,196 1,908 5,223 2,935 2,369 4,474 1,033 3,356 1,984 5,263 2,945 2,396 4,425 1,030 3,443 2,130 5,273 3,017 2,548 4,353 1,030 3,539 2,183 5,275 3,058 2,565 4,322 1,021 3,664 2,218 5,301 3,074 2,500 4,349 1,029 3,672 2,272 5,350 3,122 2,401 4,370 1,047 3,810 2,237 5,340 3,215 2,487 4,379 1,076 3,987 2,281 5,417 3,255 2,473 9 4,550 1,082 37 ^4 3,963 2,294 31 5,532 28 3,224 2,457 " ' - i 5 41,563 41,486 42,531 43,335 43,906 44,403 45,230 45,845 46,426 47,339 48,090 49,199 4 20 _4 169 112 Annual Statistical Digest 20. "Term95 commercial and industrial loans of large commercial banks—Continued In millions of dollars Last Wednesday of— Industry Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. June May July Sept. Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. Adjustment bank <« 1975 Durable goods manufacturing: Primary metals, . . . . Machinery Transportation equipment Other fabricated metal products. . . Other durable goods Nondurable goods manufacturing: Food, liquor, and tobacco textiles, apparel and leather Petroleum refining Chemicals and rubber Other nondurable goods. Mining, including crude petroleum and natural gas . . . Trade: Commodity dealers. ... Other wholesale. , . , , Retail Transportation, communication, and other public utilities : Transportation. Communication Other public utilities Construction Services All other domestic loans Foreign commercial and industrial loans Total loans 1,249 4,138 1,737 1,243 2,288 1,237 4,117 1,712 1,323 2,256 1 , 284 4,071 ,672 ,312 2,251 1,323 4,302 1,705 1,280 2,210 1,280 4,269 1,726 1,245 2,122 1,288 3,977 1,740 1,222 2,090 1,269 3,864 ,725 ,196 ,058 1,286 3,825 1,722 1,228 2,042 1,338 3,737 1,693 1,268 2,012 1,320 3,538 ,624 ,175 ,950 1,381 3,451 ,727 1,087 ,905 1,372 3,313 1,615 1,024 1,823 ,703 ,124 ,542 ,839 ,221 1,614 1,083 1,458 1,812 1,119 ,561 ,158 ,483 ,846 ,130 1,571 1,091 1,617 1,814 1,126 1,616 1,075 1,611 1,784 1,114 1,514 1,095 1,709 1,762 1,143 ,440 ,116 ,828 ,678 ,085 1,461 1,077 1,889 1,645 1,023 1,471 1,103 1,967 1,665 1,056 ,451 ,074 ,914 ,605 995 ,544 ,072 1,860 1 , 549 955 1,578 995 1,831 1,622 888 23 28 3,523 3,446 3,537 3,626 3,646 3,734 3,801 3,754 3,847 3,896 3,867 4,484 34 169 1,472 2,369 153 1,420 2,298 150 1,450 2,283 142 1,387 2 ,.192 140 1,344 2,143 148 1,329 2,136, 152 1,344 2,111 148 1,371 2,139 150 1,319 2,153 162 1,403 2,150 168 1,308 2,115 172 ...... 1,276 42 1,996 4,455 1,158 3,885 2 224 5*320 3,079 4,505 1,125 3,870 2,191 5,370 3,144 4,524 1,135 4,034 2,197 5,430 3,082 4,492 1,148 4,017 2,272 5,352 3,210 4 424 1,159 4,047 2,291 5,246 3,186 4,425 1,133 4,045 2,314 5,140 3,258 4,399 1,136 4,018 2,360 5,155 3,232 4,405 1,149 3,902 2,367 5,010 3,257 4,391 1,132 3,966 2,359 5,122 3,244 4,420 1,122 4,027 2,267 5,097 3,054 4,324 1,112 3,942 2,207 5,082 3,116 4,390 1,081 3,979 2,181 5,135 3 , 299 2,524 2,544 2,528 2,596 2,547 2,594 2,676 2,695 2,763 2,834 2,851 2,921 12 48,262 47,797 48,118 48,473 48,015 47,796 47,643 47,395 47,756 47,078 46,623 46,975 485 21, Loans sold outright by large commercial banks Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars To selected related institutions 1 Date To all others except banks By type of loan By type of loan Total Commercial and industrial Real estate All other Total Commercial and industrial 1969— June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 25 30 27 24 29.. 26 31 2,102 2,672 3,151 3,651 4,628 4,641 3,799 1,031 1,793 2,100 2,385 3,168 3,281 2,448 1,071 879 ,051 ,266 ,460 ,360 ,351 742 930 906 941 1,074 1,319 1,189 309 492 490 505 585 695 566 1970— Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. 28 25 25 29 27 24 29 26 30 28 25 30 5,832 6,402 6,682 6,948 7,837 7,858 8,018 7,787 5,037 4,157 3,610 2,735 4,282 4,795 5,148 5,379 6,221 6,313 6,151 5,788 3,478 2,985 2,518 1,899 ,550 ,607 ,534 ,569 ,616 ,545 ,867 ,999 ,559 ,172 1,092 836 1,458 1,753 1,751 1,832 1,816 1,830 1,892 1,794 1,714 1,760 1,849 1,890 721 761 745 1 762 723 674 647 586 500 467 472 442 All other 433 438 416 436 489 624 623 736 992 1,006 1,070 1,093 1,156 ,245 ,208 ,214 ,293 ,377 ,448 •=18 42 15 84 1 32 3! 38 !? Annual Statistical Digest 21. Loans sold outright by large commercial banks—Continued Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars To selected related institutions To all others except banks By type of loan Date 1971— Jan. 27 Feb. 24 Mar. 31 Apr. 28 May 26 June 30 July 28 Aug. 25 Sept. 29 Oct 27 Nov. 24 Dec. 29 l Total ... .. .... ... .. Commercial and industrial Real estate By type of loan All other Total Commercial and industrial All other 2,600 2,622 2,560 2,409 2,781 3,058 2,838 2,764 2,960 2,928 2,845 2,840 1,832 1,807 1,556 1,560 1,881 1,930 1,835 1,829 1,896 1,804 1,757 1,632 768 815 1,004 849 900 1,128 1,003 936 1,064 1,124 1,088 1,208 1,908 1,872 1,866 1,873 1,936 1,969 1,987 2,033 1,598 1,572 1,596 1,661 427 411 415 417 415 436 435 460 421 393 398 378 1,481 1,461 1,451 1,456 1,521 1,533 1,552 1,573 ,177 ,179 ,198 ,283 1972— Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 26 . . 23 29 26 31 28 26 30. 27 25 29 27 . . . 2,994 2,909 2,779 2,688 2,450 2,296 2,327 2,372 2,264 2,247 2,489 2,598 ,725 ,718 ,792 ,677 ,472 ,422 ,426 ,543 ,466 ,448 ,641 ,674 1,269 1,191 987 1,011 978 874 901 829 798 799 848 924 1,601 1,640 1,617 1,654 1,675 1,680 1,692 1,693 1,709 1,743 1,774 1,783 350 340 361 369 362 353 340 303 299 304 308 306 ,251 ,300 ,256 ,285 ,313 ,327 ,352 ,390 ,410 ,439 ,466 ,477 1973—jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct, Nov. Dec. 31 28 28 25 30 27 25 29 26 31 28 26 2,608 3,116 3,161 3,650 3,674 3,520 4,031 4,741 4,637 4,645 4,342 4,300 ,733 2,072 1,997 2,319 2,231 2,173 2,493 2,895 2,877 2,857 2,655 2,603 875 1,044 1,164 1,331 ,443 1,347 1,538 1 , 846 1,760 1,788 1,687 1,697 1,784 1,796 1,821 1,762 1,796 1,730 1,746 1 , §00 1,803 1,788 1,826 1,798 298 296 295 265 308 279 291 323 353 333 354 331 ,486 ,500 ,526 ,497 ,488 ,451 ,455 ,477 ,450 ,455 ,472 ,467 1974— Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 30 27 27 24 29 26 31 ... 28 2 28 . . 25 30 27 25 4,439 4,992 4,904 5,386 5,653 5,372 5,411 5,396 5,333 5,293 5,202 4,931 4,903 2,623 2,748 2,834 3,080 3,112 2,943 2,905 3,033 2,904 2,852 2,790 2,761 2,835 i.fcto 192 182 182 192 185 1,816 2,244 2,070 2,306 2,541 2,429 2,506 2,363 2,237 2,259 2,230 1,978 1,883 343 337 369 393 359 382 440 491 ,467 ,077 ,085 ,089 ,083 ,047 ,041 981 29 26 26 30 28 25 30 27 24 29 26 31 4,636 4,541 4,692 4,608 4,685 4,688 4,525 4,501 4,517 4,749 4,701 4,375 2,732 2,717 2,805 2,762 2,839 2,915 2,783 2,776 2,780 2,936 2,846 2,530 187 185 210 210 208 203 193 205 205 204 205 206 ,717 ,639 ,677 ,636 ,638 ,570 ,549 ,520 ,532 ,609 ,650 ,639 Sept Oct. Nov Dec. 1975— Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. . ... ... ... 1,414 1,454 1,482 1,442 1,429 1,481 1 ,472 '••••' 113 114 Annual Statistical Digest 22. Gross demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations A. All commercial banks In billions of dollars Type of holder Quarter ending— All other Total deposits, 1PC .6 .4 .3 9.6 10.0 10.3 162.5 167.9 175.1 .4 .3 2 l.*3 10.5 10.5 9.7 10.7 170,9 175.8 177.9 187.5 54.7 60.5 63.1 65.4 1.5 12.3 11.0 11,4 12,3 181.2 188.4 195.4 20B.O 102.8 106.6 108.3 116.2 65.1 67.3 69.1 70.1 1,7 2.0 2.1 2.4 11.8 11.8 11.9 12.4 200.0 206.3 210.3 220.1 18.9 18.2 17.9 19.0 108.4 112.1 113.9 118.8 70.6 71.4 72.0 73.5 2,3 2.2 2.1 2.3 11.0 11.1 10.9 11.7 211.2 215.0 216.8 225.4 18.6 19.4 19.0 20.1 111.3 115.1 118.7 125.1 73.2 74.8 76.5 78.0 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.4 10.9 10.6 10.6 11.3 222 2 22716 236.9 Financial business Nonfinaneial business Consumer 17.1 17.0 17.3 85.3 88.0 92.7 49.0 51.4 53.6 18.3 18.1 17.9 18.5 86.3 89.6 91.5 98.4 54.4 56.2 57.5 58.6 1972—Mar June Sept Dec 20.2 17.9 18.0 18.9 92.6 97.6 101.5 109.9 1973- -Mar.... June... Sept.... Dec.. . . 18.6 18.6 18.8 19.1 1974- -Mar.., June,. Sept.., Dee., . 1975—Mar... June.. Sept... Dee.. . Foreign 216.3 B. Large weekly reporting commercial banks In billions of dollars Type of holder Month ending- Foreign |j All other Total deposits, IPC Financial business Nonfinaneial business Consumer 1970—June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dee 13.5 13.6 12.7 13.4 L3.2 13.6 13.5 52.9 52.8 52.8 53.8 53.7 53.9 56.1 20.3 20.6 20.6 21.2 20.9 21.1 23.3 5.3 5.3 4.9 5.5 5.8 5.4 5.6 93.5 93.7 92.2 95.1 94.8 95.2 99.7 1971—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug... Sept Get Nov Dec 13.9 13.8 14.1 14.1 13.7 14.0 14.1 13.3 13.8 13.9 13.7 14.4 54.4 52.3 52.5 53.4 52.9 54.2 54.7 53.4 54.6 55.5 55.8 58.6 23.7 23.1 23.9 25.3 24.1 24.4 24.8 24.3 24.5 24.5 24.6 24.6 5.5 5.5 5.7 5.7 5.5 6.0 5.4 5.1 5,5 5.4 5.4 5.9 98.7 95,8 97.4 99.8 97.4 99.8 100.2 97.2 99.6 100.4 100,7 104.8 14.4 13.7 14.0 14.3 13.7 14.1 14.3 13.6 13.7 25.4 24.4 25.0 27.0 25.4 25.7 26.1 26.0 26.2 26.2 26.7 27.1 1 1 14.5 14.7 56.8 55.4 55.9 56.9 56.2 57.3 58.5 57.4 59.0 60.0 60.5 64.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 5.9 5.9 6.0 5.9 5.7 6.0 6.0 5.7 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.6 103.7 100.5 102.1 105.4 102.1 104.3 106.3 104.0 106.4 107.8 109.2 U4.3 15.0 14.3 14.4 14.3 13.8 14.2 14.8 14.3 14.5 15.0 14.8 14.9 63.1 60.3 59.0 59.4 59.1 60.8 61.1 59.5 60.6 61.7 62.9 66.2 27.8 26,3 26.5 28.6 26.9 27.1 27.3 27.3 27.2 27.3 27.5 28.0 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 6.8 6.5 6.4 6,4 6.4 6.3 6.6 6.1 6.5 6,6 6.7 6.8 J14.1 109.0 107.9 110.4 108.0 110.2 111.7 109.1 110.8 112 5 H3l9 118.1 1972—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept .... , . . . , 14.1 Oct Nov Dee 1973—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aus Sept Oet Nov Dec . Annual Statistical Digest 115 22. Gross demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations—Continued B. Large weekly reporting commercial banks—Continued In billions of dollars Type of holder Month ending— 1974— Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov. Dec .... . ... , . 1975— Jan Feb Mar.... Apr May June July . Aug Sept.. Oct. Nov Dec . . . . . . . . . . Total deposits, IPC Financial business Nonfinancial business Consumer Foreign 15 2 14.1 14.7 14.7 14.2 14.1 14.4 14 1 13.9 14.7 14.6 14.8 63.8 62.1 61.5 62.2 i 62.3 63.4 63.5 62.6 64.4 64.4 65.9' 66.9 28.4 26.9 27.6 29.6 28.0 28.1 28.5 28.0 28.4 28.4 28.7 29.0 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.1 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 6.7 6.2 6.3 6.2 6.1 6,3 6.5 5.8 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.8 116.5 111,5 112.1 114.7 112.7 113.9 115.1 112,5 115,0 115.8 117.7 119.7 14.8 14.4 14.1 15.0 14.2 15 1 15.0 14 4 14.7 15.1 15.4 15.6 65.6 63.1 63,2 63'. 3 63.1 65.1 65.2 64.6 65.5 66.7 68.1 69.9 29.2 27.9 28.2 30.1 29.2 29.5 29.8 29.1 29.6 29.0 29.4 29.9 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.2 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 6.6 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.2 6.2 6.5 5.9 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.6 118,3 114,0 114.1 117 0 115.0 118,1 118.7 116.1 118.1 119.3 121.6 124.4 All other 23. Commercial paper and bankers acceptances outstanding In millions of dollars Commercial paper End of period Bank -re I a ted5 Financial companies1 All issuers Dollar acceptances Nonfinancial com- Dealer- DiDealer- Diplaced2 rectly-3 panies4 placed rectlyplaced placed 1969— Jan Feb Mar.. . . Apr May.... June. . . . July. . . . Aug. . . . Sept. . . . Oct Nov. . , . Dec 22,666 23,712 24 , 424 25,016 25,826 26 , 802 29,149 30,320 30,479 32,781 34,584 32,600 4,322 4,613 4,492 4,790 4,746 5,323 6,122 6,491 6,241 6,713 7,018 6,503 14,793 15,370 15,421 15,140 16,132 16,563 18,704 18,863 18,460 20 , 694 22,016 20,741 3,551 3 f 729 4,511 5,086 4,948 4,914 4,323 4,966 5,778 5,374 5,550 5,356 602 889 990 1,001 939 1,096 1 ,160 1970— Jan. . . . Feb Mar. . . . Apr May.. . . J une . . . . July. . . . Aug Sept. . . . Oct Nov.. . . Dec 35,413 37,135 38,284 39,177 40,906 38,952 38,133 37,767 35,241 35,711 35,323 33,071 6,773 6,907 6,480 6,889 7,209 5,826 5,441 5,280 5,014 5,600 5,701 5,514 23 , 304 24,192 24,760 25,556 27,122 26,231 26,469 26,041 22,866 22,751 22,183 20 , 424 5,336 6,036 7,044 6,732 6,575 6,895 6,223 6,446 7,361 7,360 7,439 7,133 1,139 1,117 932 780 783 666 558 435 329 361 323 352 Based on-- Held by— Total F.R. Banks Accepting banks ^ Total Own bills Bills bought Own acct. Foreign corr.° Others ExImports ports from into United United States States All other 643 975 1 , 259 1,594 2,793 3,122 3,134 4,370 4,420 4,464 4,510 4,668 4,880 4,991 5,145 5,232 5,255 5,212 5,451 ,407 ,473 ,452 ,478 ,387 ,413 : ,388 ,390 ,351 ,335 ,341 ,567 ,211 ,263 ,185 223 ,179 ,183 ,123 ,108 ,144 ,058 ,076 ,318 195 210 266 255 208 231 264 282 308 277 2661 249 50 91 94 142 76 41 40 62 37 41 49 64 104 99 122 125 183 159 162 159 159 149 146 146 2,809 2,757 2,797 2,765 3,022 3,267 3,402 3,535 3,685 3,730 3,676 3,674 1,405 1,449 1,460 1,523 1 ,591 1,673 1,779 1,790 1,880 1,913 1,850 1,889 906 859 872 875 910 967 ,006 ,084 ,063 ,061 ,063 ,153 2,059 2,112 2, 133 2,112 2,166 2,240 2,206 2,271 2,289 2,282 2,299 2,408 4,389 4,935 5,545 5,892 6,817 6,937 7,262 6,868 4,269 3,538 2,803 1,997 5,288 5 , 249 5,352 5,614 5,801 5,849 5,973 5,979 5,848 6,167 6,267 7,058 ,439 ,408 ,398 ,577 ,539 ,589 ,599 ,911 ,952 2,125 2,368 2,694 ,123 ,110 ,156 ,314 ,287 ,339 ,324 ,541 ,557 ,737 ,875 ,960 316 298 242 263 252 250 275 370 395 388 493 735 83 56 52 106 42 32 37 63 87 73 87 57 147 152 170 194 231 232 2391 253 235 238 243 250 3,619 3,632 3,732 3,737 3 , 989 3,996 4,098 3,752 3,574 3,731 3,569 4,057 1,863 1 , 864 1,891 2,034 2,139 2,190 2,294 2,354 2,396 2,553 2 , 490 2,601 ,096 ,054 ,113 ,137 , 189 ,162 ,198 ,294 ,285 ,323 ,388 ,561 2,329 2,331 2,349 2,444 2,472 2,497 2,482 2,331 2,167 2,292 2 , 390 2,895 116 Annual Statistical Digest 23. Commercial paper and bankers acceptances outstanding—Continued In millions of dollars Dollar acceptances Commercial paper End of period Financial companies1 All issuers Dealer- Diplaced2 rectly-3 placed Bank-related 5 Held by— j ___ _ Nonfinancial com- Dealer- Dipanies4 placed rectlyplaced Total Accepting banks F.R. Banks '! Total Own bills Bills bought Gwn acct. Foreign corr.6 Based on= "i i ImExAll Gthers ports ports into from other United United States States !l 1971- Jan Feb . . . . Mar. . . . Apr . . . . May.... June. . . . July. . . . Aug Sept Get Nov. . . . Dec 33,785 33,987 32,695 32,805 32,545 30,902 31,387 31,711 31,682 33,158 33,092 32,126 5,613 5,646 5,310 5,653 5,231 4,925 5,259 5,262 5,053 5,318 5,321 5,297 20,372 20,055 19,052 19,263 19,434 19,121 19,870 19,700 19,195 20,714 20,721 20,582 7,800 8,286 8,333 7,889 7,880 6,856 6,258 6,749 7,434 7,126 7,050 6,247 293 326 354 417 440 432 463 469 504 476 473 524 1,737 1,575 1,338 1,377 1,308 1,301 1,345 1,323 1,396 1,505 1,557 1,449 6,912 6,984 7,174 7,301 7,494 7,645 7,454 8,377 8,148 7,811 7,479 7,889 2,742 3,089 2,953 2,893 2,927 2,807 2,594 2,612 2,803 3,000 2,852 3,480 2,058 2,306) 2,276 2,320 2,382 2,355 2,168 2,131 2,227 2,350 2,204 2,689 684 784 678 573 545 451 426 481 575 650 648 791 59 54 138 56 112 62 55 107 51 52 SSi 261 270 266 255 236 253 230 228 245 259 2611 258 254 3,841 3,575 3,827] 4,115 4,203 4,546 4,577 5,413 5,036 4,499 4,3123,894 2,589 2,618 2,681 2,748 2,889, 3,028 3,118 3,405 3,286 3,148.1 2,848 2,834 ,555 ,520 ,519 ,510 ,479 ,467 ,388 ,505i ,4701 ,366 ,392 ,546 2,768 2,«S47 2,974 3,043 3 , 1 26 3,150 2,948 3,467 3,391 3,296 3 , 239 3,509 1972- Jan Fcb Mar. . . . Apr May.... June July Aug Sept Get Nov. . . , Dec 33,221 33,556 33,615 33,738 33,919 34,366 34,785 34,233 34,012 35,651 35,775 34,72! 5,804 6,008 5,405 5,130 4,960 4,997 5,172 5,298 5,508 5,508 5 , 609 5,655 20, 6U 20,520 20,672 20,613 21,081 21,243 21,774 21,167 20,743 21,834 22,098 22,098 6,806 7,028 7,538 7,995 7,878 8,126 7,839 7,768 7,761 8,309 8,068 6,968 558 662 585 594 649 671 626 718 829 948 1,177 1,226 1,529 1,487 1,587 1,582 1,350 1,300 1,630 1,703 1,539 1,581 1,408 1,411 7,601 7,935 7,985 7,734 7,443 7,069 6,643 6,639 6,602 6,748 6,864 6,898 2,917 3,123 3,083 2,840 2,874 2,817 2,430 2,298 2,403 2,394 2,529 2,706 2,157 2,408 2,246 2,009 2,117 2,082 ,873 ,829 ,833 ,881 ,995 2,006 761 715 837 830 757 735 5571 469 569 514 535, 700 75 63 143 83 143 73 63 96 62 70 63 106 253 267 263 265; 261 251 263 287 261 219 199 179 4,356' 4,482' 4,496 4,546" 4,165 3,927 3,877'! 3,958' 3,876 4,065 4,073 3,90? 2,558 2,589 2,597 2,597 2,683 2,657 2,492 2,532 2,538 2,585 2,621 2,531 ,584 ,717 ,774 ,707 ,596 ,569 ,606 ,631 ,646 ,786 ,844 ,909 3,458 3,629 3,613 3,431 3 , 1 64 2,843 2,545 2,476 2,41H 2,377 2,400 2,458 1973— Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May. . . . June. .. . July . . . . Aug Sept, . . . Get Nov. . . . Dec 35,727 35,196 34,052 34,404 35,672 35,786 35,463 37,149 37,641 41,602 42,945 41,073 5,088 4,321 4,112 4,052 4,260 4,227 4,224 4,271 4,704 5,928 5,811 5,487 22,735 23,772 24,069 24,443 25,530 25,527 25,458 27,253 26,602 27,688 27,977 27 , 204 7,904 7,103 5,871 5,909 5,882 6,032 5,781 5,625 6,335 7,986 9,157 8,382 1,200 1,311 1,493 1,557 1,740 1,849 1,973 2,114 2,077 2,035 1,951 1,938 1,506 1,805 1,963 2,254 2,330 2,434 2,541 2,994 3,154 2,833 3,021 2,943 6,654 6,734 6,859 6,713 6,888 7,237 7,693 7,734 8,170 8,237 8.493 8,892 2,384 2,328 2,269 2,068 2,1197 2,1.85 2,254 1,968 2,099 2,042 2,566 2,837 ,825 ,765 ,777 ,641 ,763 ,746 ,803 ,598 ,629 ,731 2,129 2,318 560 563 492 427 433 439 452 370 470 311 437 519 140 233 165 138 S3 66 132 84 145 107 71 68 198 239 282 344 384 395 496 522 548 589 604 581 3,841 2.337J 3,934 2,311'i 4,143; 2,091 4,165 1,996| 4,225 2,009 4,591 2,053] 4,810 2 222 5,159 2^26i 5,379 2,296 5 , 499 2 , 345 5,252;< 2,320 5,406.; 2,273 ,948] ,113 2,399. 2,359 2,509.; 2,755 2,954 2,945 3,289 3,222 3,340 3,499 2,279 2,310 2,368 2,359 2,371 2,428 2,517 2,520 2,585 2,670 2,833 3,120 1974— Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May.... June. . . . July Aug Sept. . . . Get Nov.. , . Dec 45 , 49 1 47,164 44 , 690 44,677 46,171 44,846 45,561 48,041 49,166 51,490 50,110 49,144 6,367 7,201 6,571 6,228 5 , 699 4,970 4,655 5 , 308 5,333 5,242 4,860 4,611 29,353 29,169 28 , 869 28,752 30,426 29,908 30,344 31,848 31,174 32,245 32,556 31,839 9,771 10,794 9,250 9,697 10,046 9,968 10,562 10,885 12,659 14,003 14,532 12,694 1,960 1,923 2,137 2,270 1,978 1,579 1,465 2,352 2,107 1,970 1,897 1,800 3,541 3,606 3,908 4,564 5,106 5,373 5,585 6,423 6,525 6,484 6,762 6,518 9,101 9,364 10,166 10,692 11,727 13,174 15,686 16,167 16,035 16,882 17,553 18,484 2,706 2,854 2,986 3,232 3,089 3,535 3,499 3,388 3,347 3,291 3,789 4,226 2,251 2,328 2,413 2,744 2,642 3,066 2,983 2,866 2,942 2,872 3,290 3,685 454 525 573 488 447 469 516 522 405 419 499 542 68 69 296 216 373 304 218 277 504 218 611 999 589 592 684 700 732 795 1,023 1,202 1,459 2,037 1,756 1,109 5,738 5,850 6,200 6,544 7,532 8,540 10,947 11,300 10,724 11,335 11,398 12,150 2,334 2,434 2,827 2,900 2,952 3,287 3,589 3,585 3,526 3,793 3,810 4,023 3,493 3,182 2,979' 2,833' 2,899": 3,219' 3,774 3,933 3,8061 3,759 3 , 70*) 4,067 3,275 3,748 4,361 4,959 5,876 6,668 8,323 8,649 8,703 9,330 10,035 10,394 1975— J a n . . , . , Feb Mar. . . . Apr May.... June. . . . July Aug Sept. . . . Get Nov. . . . Dee 51,685 52,415 50,827 51,623 51,317 48,765 49,352 49,810 48,257 50,394 49 , 5 1 2 47 , 690 5,029 5,167 5,342 5,461 5,889 5,604 6,018 5,645 5,574 6,360 6,389 6,239 32,008 32,516 31 ,221 32,144 32,821 31,115 31,263 32,172 30,496 32 , 308 32,003 31,276 14,648 14,732 14,264 14,018 12,607 12,045 12,072 11,993 12,187 U,726 11,120 10,175 1,822 1,786 1,682 1,618 1,543 1,561 1,649 1,511 1,482 1,634 1,715 1,762 6,784 7,318 7,272 7,002 7,096 7,230 7,038 7,392 7,316 7,114 6,974 6,892 18,602 18,579 18,730 18,727 18,108 17,740 16,930 16,456 16,790 17,304 17,875 18,727 4,357 4,864 4,773 4,485 4,450 4 , 774 4,778 4,546 5,002 5,213 6,497 7,333 3,903 4,370 4,085 3,900 3,892 4,224 4,275 3,988 4,190 4,288 5,684 5,899 454 494 688 585 558 550 503; 558 812 924 813; 1,435 966 993 665 1,185 865 682 685 840 948 1,047 727,1 1,126 560 325 263 235 234 319 329 304 302 284 279 293 12,718 12,398 13,029 12,822 12,559 11,965 11,138 10,766 10,538 10,760 10,372i| 9,975 4,120 3,974 3,845 3 , 690 3,665 3,466 3,474 3,305! 3,313 3,467 3,545 3,726 4,314 4,210 4,296, 4,206 4,186 4,080 3,865' 3,806 3,783 3,947 3,888 4,001 10,168 10,396 10,589 10,831 10,257 10,193 9,591 9,344 9,693 9,890 10,443 11,000 Annual Statistical Digest 117 24. Prime rate charged by banks on short-term business loans Per cent per annum Dates of change in effective rate Effective date Effective date Rate Rate 1970—Dec. 22 6M 1973— Feb. 27 6H 1971— Jan. 6H 6K 6 Mar. 26 Apr. 18 6M 6% 5M May 6 15 . 18 Feb. 16 Mar. 11.. . 19 5K-5K Apr. 23 . . . . 5M-5M May 11 July 6.... 7 5M-6 6 Oct. 20. ... 5M Nov. 4 . . . . 5K Dec. 31 . . . . 5X 1972—Jan. 24 31 Apr. July 5H 5 4M 5 5 June 26 5^ Apr. 29 5H Oct. 5% 4 Dec. 27 Aug 1974 — Apr May iy± 3 9 18 30 8M Q1X o yi %% 9 9% 9M Sept. 18 10 Oct. 24 9H 1974—Jan. 29 91A 9H 9 Feb. 11 19.. 25 .. July 5 Oct 7 21 28 1975—Jan. Feb 8M Mar. 22 29 9K 9M 10 HK HH 11% 9 15 20 28 934 6 7M June 9 7 July 18 7K Aug. 12 7M Sept. 15 8 Oct. 27 7% 12 Nov. 5 7H 115^ Dec. 11A u4 HM a 2 IOM IOH lOJi 10 9M 9M 3 10 18.. . . 24 Mar. 5 10 . 18 24. . 9 1975 — May 20 1110K ... Rate Effective date 10J4 10J4 2 6 10 17 Nov. 4 14 25 9H 28 3 June 26 8 -i! 22 Rate 11 19 25 7 734 ji/ 7 25 June 8 25 5J4 Effective date 91^ 9 * 8^ 8H 8M 8 7% 7J*5 Averages of daily effective rates Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. •Nov. Dec. Year 1949 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2.00 2 00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 2 00 2.44 3 00 3.00 3 25 2 00 2.50 3 00 3.00 3 25 2 00 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.13 2 00 2.50 3 00 3.03 3 00 2 00 2.50 3 00 3.25 3 00 2 00 2.50 3 00 3.25 3 00 2 00 2.50 3 00 3.25 3 00 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.25 3.00 2 08 2.50 3 00 3.25 3 00 2.25 2.62 3.00 3.25 3.00 2.25 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.00 2.25 2.85 3.00 3.25 3.00 2.07 2.56 3.00 3.17 3.05 1955 1956 19S7 1958 1959 3 00 3.50 4.00 4 34 4.00 3 00 3.50 4.00 4 00 4.00 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 3 00 3.65 4.00 3 83 4.00 3 00 3.75 4.00 3 50 4.23 3 00 3.75. 4.00 3 50 4,50 3 00 3.75 4.00 3 50 4.50 3.23 3.84 4.42 3.50 4.50 3 25 4.00 4.50 3 83 5.00 3.40 4.00 4.50 4.00 5.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 4.00 5.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 4.00 5.00 3.16 3.77 4.20 3 83 4.48 1960 1961. 1962 1963 1964 5 00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 5 00 4.50 4.50 4 50 4 50 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5 00 4.50 4.50 4 50 4 50 5 00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 5 00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 5.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 4.85 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4 50 4.50 4.50 4 50 4 50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.82 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 4.50 5 00 5.93 6.00 6.95 4.50 5 00 5.63 6.00 7.00 4.50 5.35 5.60 6.00 7.24 4.50 5 50 5.50 6.20 7 50 4.50 5.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 4.50 5 52 5.50 6.50 8.23 4.50 5 75 5.50 6.50 8.50 4.50 5.88 5.50 6.50 8.50 4.50 6 00 5.50 6.43 8.50 4.50 6.00 5.50 6.13 8.50 4.50 6.00 5.68 6.20 8.50 4.92 6.00 6.00 6.60 8.50 4.54 5.63 5.61 6.30 7.96 8.50 6.29 5.18 6.00 9.73 8.50 5.88 4.75 6.02 9.21 8.39 5.44 4.75 6.30 8.85 8.00 5 28 4.97 6.61 10.02 8.00 5.46 5.00 7.01 11.25 8.00 5.56 5.04 7.49 11,54 8.00 5.91 5.25 8.30 11.97 8.00 6.00 5.27 9.23 12.00 7.83 6.00 5.50 9.86 12.00 7.50 5.90 5.73 9.94 11.68 7.28 5.51 5.75 9.75 10.83 6.92 5.49 5.79 9.75 10.50 7.91 5.72 5.25 8.03 10.81 10.05 8.96 7.93 7.50 7.40 7.07 7.15 7.66 7.88 7.96 7.53 7.26 7.86 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 • 118 Annual Statistical Digest 25. Bank rates on business loans A. Short-term loans, by size Per cent per annum '! Survey period All centers New York Other North- North east Centra South- Southeast west West All Coast centers i Other North- North South- Southeast Central east west •j New York All sizes 1970—Nov. 1971- -Feb. (Old scries).. (New series) May Aug. ,. . Nov 1972— Feb May Aug. Nov . . 1973 -Feb May . Aug. , . Nov.. . 1974 . . . . Feb. . May Aug. . . Nov.. . . ..... 1975- -Feb. . . May Aug Nov West Coast Loans of SI, 000-59,000 8.07 7.74 8.47 8.05 8 15 8.08 ^ ifi 8.89 8,67 9 ' 00 8.71 1 6.75 6.59 6.01 6.51 6.18 6.27 6.26 5.66 6.25 5.86 7.18 6.81 6.26 6.77 6.40 6.83 6.65 5.96 6.46 6.13 7.04 6.92 6.41 6.77 6.47 6.72 6.63 6.20 :' 6.64 6.43 6.81 6.61 6.10 6.54 6.21 8.12 8.03 7.45 7.68 7.51 7.60 7.76 6.85 7.49 7,33 8.34 8.2? 7.69 7.88 7.75 7.77 7.76 7.09 7.37 7.13 5.52 5.59 5.84 6.33 5.35 5.28 5.55 6.09 5.72 5.81 6.14 6.61 5,37 5.54 5.79 6.27 5.87 5.78 6.06 6.56 5 79 5.88 6.07 6.36 5.39 5.60 5.82 6.41 7 08 7.07 7.27 7.52 6 4? 6.54 6.82 7.34 7 20 7.25 7.39 7.78 6 72 7 39 i 6! 70 7! 30 ! 7.02 „ 7.55 ,i 7.22 7.64 i 7 05 ?! 02 7.14 7,38 7 41 1AS 7.61 7.79 6.52 7.35 9.24 10.08 6.22 7.04 9.08 9.90 6.89 7.71 9.49 10.51 6.45 7.44 9.24 10.02 6.76 7.37 9.25 9.96 6.63 7.33 9.16 10.08 6.50 7.25 9.25 10.04 7.63 8 . 05 8.95 9.80 7.39 8.05 S.93 10.04 8.00 8.36 9.30 10.34 7.26 ::! 7.70 ;i S.21 9.02 j 7.48 7. 98 9.10 9.91 7.87 8.31 9.67 10.23 9.91 11,15 12.40 1 1 . 64 9.68 11.08 12.38 11.35 10.28 9.98 11.65 11.09 13.17 i 12.26 12.22 1 1 . 66 9.80 10.88 11.85 11.52 9.93 10.82 11.95 11.56 9.78 11,19 12.15 11.48 9.86 10.50 11.74 11.81 9.93 10.70 12.14 12.31 10.42 11.31 13.07 13.03 9.18 :j 9.69 | 9.90 9.59 10.43 10.32 11.25 11.41 1(3.83 11.54 11.44 10.87 10.16 11.01 12.38 12.26 9.94 8.16 8.22 8.29 9.61 7.88 8.00 7.99 10.31 8.37 8.43 8.53 10.24 8.70 8.41 8.70 10,01 8.34 8.28 8.37 9.99 8.33 8.45 8,67 10.94 9.57 9.42 9.56 10.82 9.27 9.28 9.34 12.07 10,00 9.83 10.01 10.55 1 10.59 i 10,36 9.11 9 . 86 J 9 , 35 9.01 9.58 9.21 9.13 9.68 9.38 i r 11.23 9.72 9.67 9.73 9.87 8.00 8.12 8.15 Loans of $10,000-599,000 8.72 • ; ' ' : : 'I ! 8.85 9.41 8.20 j 7.89 8.23 7.83 7.68 ' 7.35 7.75 7.62 7.72 ; 7.38 8.61 8.38 7.84 8.06 7.*>3 .1 7.73 8.03 8.85 9.58 { 1970 —Nov 8.79 8.60 9.09 8 . 72 R . 64 8.53 8.99 8.34 Loans of §100,000-5409,000 i 8. 12 8 . MV» W 60 8.36 • 8. 16 8.26 1971— Feb. (Old series) . . . (New series) , . , May,,. Aug. Nov 7.65 7.48 6.94 7.27 7.05 7.10 7.19 6.66 7.00 6.79 8.05 7.75 7.18 7.52 7.3! 7.40 7.28 6.70 7.17 6.89 7.73 7.72 7.19 7.36 7.16 7.38 7.22 6.76 7.06 6. S3 8.04 7.76 7.13 7.43 7.29 7.02 6.90 6.37 6.88 6.51 6.50 6.55 6.11 6.64 6.17 7.36 7.10 6.58 7.07 6.73 7.05 6.82 , 6.25 : ; 6.83 i 6.45 7.05 7.01 6.55 6.87 6.65 . 6.44 6.53 6.72 7.10 5.92 6.10 6.37 6.79 6.58 6.73 6.89 7.35 6.21 6.31 6.47 6.96 6.43 6.73 6.44 6.77 6.64 6.96 7.15 ! 6.97 6.69 6.77 6.95 7.31 5.76 5.94 6.20 6.60 5.27 5.61 5.95 6.27 5.91 6.10 6.44 6.78 5.60 5.85 i 6.04 6,57 . 6.11 5.81 5.96 6.04 6.30 6,17 6.74 j 6.52 6,08 6.12 6.39 6.71 . . . 7.29 7,85 9.25 10.14 7.08 7.76 9.32 10.28 7.53 8.08 9.51 10.57 7.16 7.70 9.02 9.81 7.33 7.16 7 . 74 7.80 9.07 1 9.18 9.82 10.09 7.37 7.98 9.48 10.26 6.83 7.61 9.50 10.43 6.59 7.38 9.37 10.31 7.04 7.89 9.95 10.86 6,82 7,71 9.46 10.28 10.09 11.06 12.34 12.04 10.12 11.25 12.82 12.11 10.46 11.69 13.20 12.84 9.98 10.80 12.42 11.99 9.81 9.98 10.08 10.69 10.67 j 11.27 11.60 i 11.62 12.29 11.34 11.64 11.99 10.28 11.41 12.60 11.97 9.95 11.54 12.85 12.05 ft). 71 12.01 13.34 12.46 6.83 '1 6.89 ' 6,72 7.58 ' 7.53 7.48 9.44 9.23 9.34 10.38 10.16 10.28 j 10.42 10.02 10,04 11.36 10.92 10.97 12.68 11.84 12.02 11.93 j 11.43 11.77 10.73 9.10 9.02 9.15 10.60 9.02 8.89 8.98 11.31 9.34 9.33 9.36 10.49 8.82 8.79 8.97 10.52 10.47 9.40 8.89 9.21 | 8.76 8.94 9.39 10.25 8.52 8. 48 8.62 10.14 8.55 8.44 8.52 10.64 8.63 8.71 8.83 10.09 8.32 8.39 8.51 10.22 8.58 8.51 8.77 i 1972— Fcb May . . Au«. . . Nov. 1973- Feb. . . Mtw , Aug Nov.. . . 1974- -Feb May . . Aug. Nov.. . . . 1975— Feb.. . . May . . . Aug. . Nov. ,. . . . . . I i 10.75 9.23 9.21 9.29 1975 -Feb. May . Aug. Loans of 51,000,000 and over 7.69 7.90 6.51 j 6.26 6.55 6.25 6.05 il 5.87 6.46 6.31 6.01 6.31 6.32 6.32 5.91 6.31 5.92 8.30 8.26 7.95 7.99 8.12 7.74 7.59 7.99 7.78 I 7.78 > 7.13 6.97 6.22 6.81 6.46 6.65 6.57 5.97 6.45 6.66 6.69 6.12 6.39 6.64 6.63 6.19 6.74 6.27 6.91 6.78 6.10 6.55 6.65 6.41 6.35 5.75 6.27 5.93 6.16 6.18 5.56 6.17 5.78 6.39 6.40 5.88 6.42 6.00 6.70 6.54 5.78 6.27 5.95 5.44 5.57 5.91 6.24 4.97 5.28 5.55 6.01 5.54 5.72 6.12 6.41 5.46 5.64 5.77 6.17 5.76 5.47 6.09 6.38 5.60 5.71 6.17 6.27 5.46 5. 55 5.96 6.30 5.31 5.33 5.59 6.14 5.38 5.21 5.47 6.05 5.45 5.46 5.81 6.39 5.17 J 5.29 , 5.34 5.30 ,i 5.63 ;| 5.41 J 6.11 ! 6.21 5.58 5.60 5.72 6.04 5.07 5.35 5.53 6.24 . 6.52 7,35 '9.31 10. 18 6.33 7.14 9.20 10.01 6.93 7.77 9.72 10.58 6.35 7.34 9.28 10.19 6.65 7.11 9.02 9.97 6.53 7.28 9.18 10.04 6.41 7.28 9.33 10.13 6.30 7.19 9.14 9.95 6.13 6.97 9.03 9.83 6.65 7.52 9.22 10.32 6.27 7.40 9.21 9.91 ; 6.38 7.08 9.03 9.97 6.34 7.06 9.17 9 . 95 , . 1 0 . 06 11.32 12.49 11.80 9.78 11 .24 12.35 11.56 10.48 11.94 10.14 11.37 9.90 10.93 11.84 11.62 9.99 9.83 10.84 1 11.30 12.15 12.33 11.74 11.56 9.75 11.06 12.34 11.44 9.62 11.00 12,32 11.21 9.99 11.40 13.05 11.91 9.82 ' 9.60 1 9.82 11.00 10.94 ! 10.78 12.25 12.00 i 11.99 11.53 | 11.62 1 11.36 9.68 I S . 13 12.07 11.32 9.93 8. 18 8.29 8.38 9.74 7.86 7.93 8.17 10.09 8.51 8.67 9.85 7.91 8.25 10.22 8.67 8.32 8.62 9.73 7.90 8.00 8.04 9.50 7.76 7.93 7.87 9.96 7.95 8.01 8.J5 .. .... . ... Nov.... ! 10.11 ,| 8.32 J 8.27 j 8.44 i 6.31 6.35 5.82 6.37 5.99 . 10.21 8.97 8.57 S.74 7.83 . ... 1974- Feb... . May, Aug. Nov.. ! 1 i ; j 10.05 11.34 12.30 11,86 6.68 6.64 6.05 6.58 6.26 1971 Fob. (Old series) . (New series) May Aug. . . Nov.. . 7.31 7.16 6.42 7.11 6.64 8.09 1970- Nov 1973—Fcb. . May Aug. Nov. 8.38 j Loans of $500,000=5999,000 1972- Feb. . . May , Aug.. Nov.. i 6.83 , 6.82 , 6.33 . 6.79 ! 6.44 1 3 . 29 12.34 8.61 6.62 6.13 12.49 11.77 8.27 i 9.83 8.24 8.32 8.18 10.05 8.23 8.28 8.76 " 9.74 7.82 7.94 7.91 ' ' ;! . 6.41 7.16 9.48 9. 89 10. 12 8.15 7.94 ' 8.36 ' 9.84 8.15 8.0(S 8.15 9.84 8.18 8.37 8.56 Annual Statistical Digest 119 25. Bank rates on business loans—Continued B. Revolving credit loans, by size Per cent per annum Survey period All centers New York Other North- North South- Southwest east Central east We$t Coast All centers Other North- North east Centra New York All sizes South- Southwest east West Coast Loans of $1,000-59,000 1970— No v 7.86 7.69 8.26 7.94 8.23 8.42 7.^3 9.18 7.43 9.99 8.58 8.46 9.64 9.44 1971— Feb. (Old series) (New series) . . . . Mav Aug Nov. 6.47 6.36 5.75 6.31 5.98 6.26 6.25 5.74 6.31 5.94 6.80 6.60 5.88 6.64 6.16 6.59 6.48 5.82 6.37 6.10 6.89 6.51 6.25 6.18 6.04 6.90 6.79 6.12 6.92 6.70 6.49 6.32 5.67 6.20 5,88 7.98 7.69 6.86 7.40 7.24 6.64 6.65 6.35 6.74 6.78 7.76 7.85 8.26 8.25 8.17 6.65 6.55 6.58 7.63 7.21 8.01 8.00 6.27 6.52 6.52 7.54 7.23 6.86 7.77 7.54 8.77 8.27 7.07 8.03 7.65 1972—Feb. May Aug Nov 5.24 5.59 5.83 6.11 5.07 5.44 5.82 6.01 5.41 5.82 5.69 6.22 5.67 5.84 6.12 6.12 5.76 5.13 5.66 6.20 5.91 5.98 6.42 6.50 5,13 5!57 5i 72 6J 14 6.60 6.52 6.78 6.87 6.06 5.92 7.06 7.51 7.37 7.56 7.68 6.26 7.14 6.36 7.02 8.14 6.03 5.95 6.07 5.97 6.65 6.52 6.93 6.98 6.67 6.90 6.98 7.14 1973— Feb.. . May Aug Nov. 6.39 7.21 9.22 10.13 6.53 7.07 9.25 10.30 6.38 7.45 9.72 10.09 6.25 7.40 9.44 10.22 7.24 7.19 8.90 9.22 6.83 7.79 9.72 10.74 6132 7.17 9.00 9.92 7.27 7.89 9.48 10.09 7.07 7.82 8.97 9.84 7.51 8.43 9.90 10.36 8.50 8.15 9.55 9.96 6.00 7.53 9.57 9.11 7.65 7.75 8.78 10.46 7.37 7.97 9.36 10.09 1974— Feb. May Aug Nov. 9.82 11.21 12.46 11.60 9.91 11.47 12.48 11.60 10.20 11.35 12.38 12.26 10.00 11.06 12.72 11.82 9.96 10.58 12.44 11.53 10.34 11.84 12.81 12.06 9.58 11.01 12.35 1 1 . 39 10.22 11.00 12.06 12.71 9.32 10.76 12.72 12.25 9.82 1 1 . 36 13.60 12.08 11.14 11.63 12.38 13.34 9.75 10.00 9.54 10.58 11.73 12.74 13.03 10.24 10.71 12.69 12.70 1975—Feb. May Aug, Nov 9.20 7.95 8.17 8.26 7.84 7.92 8.37 8.08 10.83 7.92 8.09 8.63 10.32 8.20 8.27 8.62 9.77 8.41 7.82 9.50 10.54 8.40 8.41 8*51 9.52 7.84 8.02 8.15 11.03 9.59 9.73 9.93 10.98 9.04 8.91 9.01 12.05 10.45 10.11 10.38 11.77 9.78 9.70 10.11 10.61 9.90 10.07 10.12 11.61 9.44 9.36 9.18 10.67 8.91 9.27 9.71 Loans of $10,000-$99,000 Loans of $100,000-5499,000 1970—Nov 8.85 7.83 9.06 8.62 8.09 9.32 8.92 8.21 7.73 8.33 8.14 8.02 8.80 8.27 1971— Feb. (Old series) (New series) . . . . May Aug. Nov.. 7.54 7.18 6.54 7.08 6.74 6.89 6.89 6.76 6.74 6.52 7.87 8.03 6.60 7.67 7.20 6.90 6.67 6.31 7.12 6.79 8.97 8.02 7.00 6.57 6.56 7.30 7.17 6.88 6.90 6.72 7.69 ,7.16 ,6.43 7.13 ,6.69 6.98 6.71 5.90 6.49 6.16 6.54 6.54 5.85 6.33 6.02 6.93 6.57 5.83 6.62 6.15 6.81 6.49 5.73 6.47 6.22 8.19 7.34 6.57 6.26 6.30 7.59 7.75 6.39 7.31 6.57 7.06 6.66 5.86 6.41 6.10 1972— Feb. May Aug Nov 6.16 6.28 6.51 6.81 5.51 5.97 6.21 6.35 6.56 6.73 6.38 6.92 5.95 6.00 6.35 6.86 6.13 6.05 6.30 6.55 5.94 6.48 6.63 6.76 6.36 6.37 6.68 ;6.90 5.60 5.69 5.93 6.47 5.34 5.41 5.73 6.27 5.44 5.87 6.09 6.23 5.55 5.74 5.79 6.42 5.56 5.44 6.13 7.93 5.94 6.48 6.28 6.75 5.72 5.72 5.97 6.42 7.06 7.82 9.46 10.18 6.87 7.36 9.11 10.09 7.09 7.63 9.98 10.69 7.14 7.85 9.34 10.17 5.95 7.73 9.41 9.54 7.17 7.83 9.34 10.19 7.20 7.95 9.51 10.21 6.55 7.45 9.34 10.20 6.56 7.28 9.18 10.33 6.69 7.55 10.35 10.55 6.54 7.57 9.17 9.70 6.41 7.03 9.39 9.83 6.74 8.11 9.54 11.22 6.51 7.36 9.28 10.16 1974— Feb May Aug Nov. 10.09 11.27 12.45 12.00 9.60 11.16 12.49 11.97 10.27 11.52 12.86 11.98 10.27 11.37 12.31 12.29 9.88 10.17 11.42 11.41 9.97 11.28 12.43 12.33 10.11 11.37 12.60 11.89 10.10 11.36 12.47 11.99 9.99 11.27 12.60 11.89 10.32 11.36 12.04 11.68 10.17 11.35 12.45 12.57 10.09 10.51 1 1 . 03 13.09 10.32 11.79 13.03 12.28 10.04 11.39 12.53 I t .68 1975— Feb May Aug. Nov. 10.56 8.91 9.06 9.15 10.59 8.94 8.94 8.90 10.60 8.66 9.01 8.91 11.14 10.01 9.58 9.57 10.41 8.61 9.47 9.53 11.18 8.66 8.88 9.15 10.13 8.54 i 8.84 8.99 10.14 8.58 8.45 8.59 9.98 8.37 8.41 8.54 9.97 8.21 8.01 8.09 10.97 9.24 8.81 9.34 10.35 8.68 8.35 8.74 10.57 8.51 8.46 8.62 9.77 8.44 8.39 8.34 1973— Feb. May Aug. Nov . . Loans of $500,000-$999,000 Loans of $1,000,000 and over 1970— Nov 7.93 7.74 8.19 7.95 8.27 8.52 7.85 7.75 7.68 8.12 7.88 8.56 7.98 7.68 1971— Feb. (Old series) (New series) . . . . May Aug. ... Nov. 6.54 6.42 5.85 6.36 6.01 6.27 6.27 5.66 6.28 5.85 6.70 6.28 5.74 6.86 6.30 6.59 6.57 5.79 6.61 5.93 6.28 6.28 6.18 6.09 6.25 6.87 6.65 6.61 6.71 6.63 6.59 6.42 5.80 6.17 5.94 6.34 6.30 5.71 6.28 5.94 6.24 6.24 5.73 6.30 5.94 6.64 6.60 5.87 6.58 6.11 6.56 6.46 5.82 6.30 6.09 6.12 6.12 6.08 6.14 5.81 6.47 6.47 5.69 6.86 6.77 6.28 6.25 5.61 6.17 5.84 1972—Feb. May Aug. Nov. 5.31 5.60 5.83 6.27 5.22 5.35 5.61 6.19 5.28 6.09 5.75 6.09 5.32 5.73 6.11 6.35 5.86 5.62 5.84 5.69 5.91 6.37 6.55 5.10 5.47 5.75 6.29 5.18 5.57 5.81 6.05 5.05 5.44 5.83 5.99 5.38 5.76 5.62 6.21 5.73 5.86 6.15 6.03 5.74 4.91 5.44 5.75 6.44 6.22 6.47 6.36 5.04 5.55 5.67 6.08 1973— Feb May Aug Nov 6.38 7.25 9.32 10.23 6.40 7.18 9.34 10.21 6.47 7.33 10.30 10.32 6.29 7.24 9.42 10.55 6.86 7.54 10.11 10.72 6.30 7.23 9.10 10.04 6.39 7.17 9.19 10.11 6.53 7.06 9.25 10.31 6.32 7.45 9.59 10.00 6.18 7.39 9.48 10.24 7.67 7.48 9.75 9.14 10.05 6.82 7.79 9.64 10.64 6.28 7.12 8.95 9.88 1974— Feb. May Aug. Nov 9.78 11.32 12.35 1 1 . 60 9.72 11.31 12.58 11.77 9.65 11.02 11.57 11.75 10.03 11.19 12.06 11.79 9.35 11.00 11.74 10.98 10.43 12.12 12.57 11.82 9.65 11.31 12.49 11.57 9.79 11.19 12.48 11.56 9.92 11.49 12.46 11.57 10.25 11.38 12.49 12.50 9.97 11.00 12.87 11.72 10.14 10.52 13.27 1L.25 10.35 11.79 12.88 12.06 9.51 10.93 12.31 11.33 1975— Feb May Aug. Nov 10.18 8.23 8.68 8.41 9.87 8.16 8.30 8.44 10.98 7.56 8.78 8.19 10.24 8.12 8.56 8.65 9.00 7.97 7.50 8.30 10.75 8.47 8.11 8.49 10.17 8.40 9.10 8.32 8.98 7.84 8.07 8.20 7.61 7.88 8.37 8.03 10.90 7.91 7.98 8.72 10.22 8.03 8.12 8.49 9.76 8.40 7.50 10.12 10.37 8.29 8.49 8.42 9.40 7.69 7.83 8.09 • ' 'i','n 120 Annual Statistical Digest 25. Bank rates on business loans—Continued C. Long-term loans, by size Per cent per annum All centers Survey period New York Other North- North South- Southwest east Central east West All Coast centers Other North- North South- Southeast Central east west New York All sizes West Coast Loans of 51,000-89,000 1970— Nov. 8.31 8.28 8.39 8.38 8.69 8.28 7.95 9.14 7.63 8.39 8.44 8.33 9.16 1971— Feb. (Old series) (New series) . . . . May Aug. Nov. 6.90 6.82 6.36 6.67 6.44 6.81 6.81 6.32 6.31 6.36 7.00 6.95 6.53 6.78 6.64 6.96 6.93 6.49 6.99 6.58 7.22 7.19 7.60 7.73 7.28 7.04 6.99 6.31 7.12 6.44 6.57 6.50 6.07 6.55 6.20 8.38 7.93 7.58 7.54 7.55 7.01 6.94 5.70 6.12 6.39 9.85 9.31 I 8.05 8.41 8.36 7.61 7.63 7.43 7.08 7.69 8,10 7.98 7.03 7.34 6.97 6.96 6.92 8.01 7.47 6.85 7.61 7.63 7.80 7.72 8.16 1972— Feb. May . . Aug Nov.. 5.64 5.87 6.31 6.67 5.35 5.66 5.87 6.26 5.99 6.03 6.59 6.74 5.42 5.92 6.59 7.35 7.07 6.45 7.37 7.79 6.16 6.37 6.36 6.72 5.80 5.80 6.49 6.38 6.98 7.03 7.47 7.43 5.75 5.55 5.87 7.14 7.59 7.76 7.64 7.37 6.39 6.83 6.79 6.94 7. SI 6. SB 6.67 9.67 6.57 6.92 8.60 6.81 7.55 7.49 7.62 7.42 1973= -Feb. May . . Aug Nov. 7.12 7.67 9.85 10.68 6.90 7.30 9.96 11.05 7.08 8.20 9.87 10.17 7.04 7.73 9.70 10.92 8.46 8.67 9.77 12.33 7.88 7,79 10.12 10.28 7.18 7.69 9.71 10.18 7.80 8.14 9.43 10.36 6.64 7.20 8.75 9.69 8.02 8.55 9.68 10.80 7.34 8.04 8.60 10.08 8,35 7. IB 9.16 9,10 8.20 8.39 10.19 10.95 7.49 8.73 9.97 9.92 10.28 1974=Feb May Aug Nov . . . 10.16 11.41 13.08 12.16 10.03 12.64 13.65 11.96 10.48 11.27 12.74 12.35 10.48 11.14 13.12 12.29 10.93 11.03 10.27 13.81 9,90 10.83 13.43 £2.27 9.75 9.97 12.41 12.01 10.74 10.61 'l6!67' 11.76 10.43 8.87 11.74 10.93 10.81 12.70 12.66 10.51 9.49 11.27 10.90 10.49 10.19 11.05 11.21 10.88 11.51 12.09 12.39 10.75 11.31 11.38 12,75 1975— Feb May Aug Nov . . 10.26 8.22 8.89 8.88 9.62 8.38 8.77 8.44 10.48 8.53 8.96 9.10 1 1 . 33 7.22 9.45 9.03 10.42 8.91 8.91 8.87 9.87 8.47 8.41 8.88 10.07 8.71 8.57 9.27 10.54 9,94 9.45 9.76 10.99 9.99 9.35 9.84 10.32 9,06 9.71 9.71 9.67 10.94 8.87 7.82 11.99 10.74 9.69 11.60 8.36 9,15 9 . 60 9.90 9.27 9,92 8.80 7.37 Loans of $100,000-5499,000 Loans of $10,000-599,000 197Q_=Nov 8.66 8.46 8.62 8.65 8.90 8.75 8.78 8.29 7.85 8.10 8.47 8.76 8.57 8.32 1971— Feb. (Old series) (New series) . . . . May Aug. .,.. Nov 7.55 7.49 7.18 7.46 6.95 6.82 6.79 6.29 6.80 6.24 8.02 7.84 7,44 7.48 7.00 7.41 7.39 7.06 7.74 7.38 7.61 7.63 8.03 7.60 6.29 7.66 7.71 7.04 7.48 6.93 7.19 7.17 7.12 7.35 7.19 .7.37 7.35 6.90 7.10 6.79 6.78 6.80 6.52 6.60 6.40 7.55 7.52 7.36 7.27 7.08 7.29 7.29 6.89 6.85 6.79 7.44 7.42 8.03 8.71. 7.78 7.90 8.07 6.70 7.47 6.63 7.30 7.38 6.48 7,04 6.64 1972— Fcb May Aug, Nov 6.85 6.65 6.80 7.15 5.77 6.26 6.29 7.03 7.07 6.60 6.94 7.10 6.75 6.94 6.82 7.09 9,03 6.63 6,17 7.15 6.67 6.95 7.57 7.14 6.24 6.35 6.66 7.44 6.19 6.26 6.51 6.82 5.83 5.99 6.18 6.08 6.51 6.45 6.73 6.70 6.08 6.00 6.67 7.29 6,78 7.10 7.07 7.51 6.42 6.33 6.69 7.20 6.02 6.37 6.07 6.67 7.57 8.02 9.65 10.45 7.00 7.45 9.69 10.92 7.66 7.94 9.79 10.32 7.60 8.11 9.54 10.40 8.06 8.71 9.59 10.98 7.97 8.20 9.61 10.22 7.17 7.95 9.58 10.29 7.31 7.96 9.64 10.23 7.09 7.55 9.27 10.45 7.49 8.24 9.56 9.83 7.24 8.22 9.99 10.12 8.67 8.50 9.68 13.07 7.37 7.66 9 . 76 10.15 6.91 7.66 9.57 9.80 10.42 10.82 12.03 12.04 10.93 11.50 12.56 11.45 10.07 n.03 11.83 12.52 9.69 10.13 11.47 11.89 13.59 9.96 10.83 11.45 10.23 11.32 12.84 12,18 10.21 11.06 13.09 11.99 10.47 10.92 12.30 12.09 10.06 11.90 12.72 12.37 10.19 11.01 12.60 11.98 10.45 11.10 12.27 11.90 12.48 11.49 11.69 12.14 10.56 10.64 12.06 12 2B 10.64 9.40 11.82 12.04 10.55 9.36 9.47 9.18 10.82 9.50 8.53 9.09 10.77 9.76 10.09 9.39 10.25 8.68 9.24 8.55 10.47 9.14 9.66 8.84 10.12 9.86 9.38 9.44 10.77 9.20 9.24 9.90 10.57 8.83 9.01 9.11 10.46 8.69 8.86 9.13 10.51 9.41 9.56 9.02 10.17 8.64 8.50 8.94 11.11 7.93 9.54 9.06 10.46 B.37 8.67 9.39 11.28 9 . 06 9.28 9.32 1973— Feb May Aug Nov ... 1974= Feb May Aug Nov 1975— Feb. May . . , Aug Nov. . . Loans of SI, 000,000 and over Loans of $SOQ,OOQ-$999,000 1970 -Nov. 7.97 7.58 8.67 7.66 7.78 8.39 7.53 8.33 8.35 8,35 8.47 8.91 8.09 7.86 1971— Feb. (Old series).... (New series) . . . . May Aug, . . , Nov. 6.98 6.91 6.26 6.92 6.57 6.56 6.56 6.53 6.65 6.50 6.80 6.80 6.19 6.67 7.50 7.52 7.52 6.34 6.82 6.32 6.50 6.50 7.00 7.27 7,78 6.84 6.82 6.18 8.02 6.11 6.81 6.81 6.05 6.60 6.16 6.76 6.70 6.26 6.54 6.35 6.83 6.83 6.29 6.26 6.35 6.72 6.72 6.27 6.59 6.27 6.77 6.77 6.41 7.00 6.53 7.00 7.00 7.25 7.00 7.05 6.71 6.71 6.19 6.68 6.46 6.32 6.32 5.99 6.45 6.12 1972— Feb. . May Aue Nov. 6.13 5.87 6.27 6.76 5.62 5.54 5.74 5.78 6.88 6.01 6.42 6.66 6.04 6.12 6.52 7.90 9.53 7.05 7.88 6.68 6.29 5.54 6.17 5.04 5.25 6.82 6.77 5.44 5.78 6.28 6.61 5.29 5.64 5.85 6.29 5.52 5.85 6.54 6.73 5.17 5.84 6.58 7.30 5.50 5.50 8.23 8.25 5.87 6.35 6.45 6.76 5.B7 5.79 6.46 6.27 7.13 7.74 9.48 10.54 6.47 7.70 9.63 10.60 6.89 7.95 8.68 9.94 7.02 7.57 10.00 10.25 7.76 9.39 11,25 15.73 6.62 7.68 9.71 10.59 8.24 7.57 9.25 10.73 7.06 7.60 9.44 10.78 6.91 7.25 10.03 11.12 6,94 8.28 10.24 10.29 6.98 7.65 9.63 11.16 8.71 8. SB 9.37 10.96 8.45 7.82 10.40 10.21 7.06 7.71 9.80 10,15 10.58 10.57 1 8.90 1 1 . 50 11.26 13.01 1 13^40 8.30 12.61 12.44 17.29 1973=-Fcb May Aug Nov.. .... .. , 1974— Feb May Aug. Nov . 10.24 11.58 12.59 11.71 9.95 12.06 12.26 12.02 10.58 11.76 12.20 11.55 10.10 11.66 12.70 11.75 14.20 9.96 11.06 12.02 9.63 11.36 12.41 12.68 10.22 11.34 13.43 11.60 10.09 11.48 13.03 12.23 10.02 12.74 13.81 11.93 1975— Feb May Aug. Nov ... . 10.16 8.47 8.54 9.16 9.78 9.02 8.01 9.46 10.20 7.96 9.28 8.02 9.45 8.09 8.23 9.90 11.95 9,47 8.04 9.36 10.09 8.68 8.62 8.97 10.94 8.67 8.47 9.49 10.21 8.05 8.89 8.79 9.53 8.31 8.80 8.32 10.49 S.28 8.60 9.33 11.81 6.80 9.81 8.97 9.16 9.50 8.30 8.54 9.79 '' 9.55 9.81 10.65 14.22 12,32 12.49 12.06 9.60 8.28 8.18 , 8.65 9.78 8.66 8.47 9,21 Annual Statistical Digest 121 26. Money market rates Per cent per annum Prime commercial paper l ( CO. CD's, Prime FedEuropaper bankers 3 placed accept- months dollars, eral 3 5 funds directly, ances, 3 (sec. 4 3 to 6 90 days mkt.) months 90 to 119 4 to 6 months 2 months days Period U.S. Government securities 7 i Finance 3-month bills8 6-month bills 8 6 9- to 12-month issues e 3- to 5year issues !) 6.49 4.67 4.77 7.01 7.71 6.30 6.90 4.75 4.86 7.30 8 25 6.70 7.37 5.77 5.85 6.92 7 81 7.55 Market 1 -year bill yield (market yield) * Hate on new i^sue Market yield Rate on new issue 6.39 4.33 4.07 7.03 7.84 5.80 6.562 4.511 4.466 7.178 7.926 6.122 6.51 4.52 4.49 7,20 7.95 6.11 Other 7.31 4.85 4.47 8.08 9.92 6.30 7.56 5.02 4.64 8.39 10.27 6.43 8.48 6.60 5.40 9.22 10.96 6.97 7.17 4.67 4.44 8.74 10.51 5.82 6.458 4.348 4.071 7.041 7.886 5.838 5.48 5.32 5.64 7.46 4.90 4.860 4.87 4.848 4.89 4.84 4.94 5,86 5.07 4.37 4.05 4.27 4.69 5.24 5.54 5.57 5.44 5.30 4.81 4.60 4.77 4.09 3.80 4.36 4.91 5.33 5.60 5.57 5.49 5.05 4.78 4.45 5.18 4.38 3.86 4.35 5.00 5.38 5.72 5.76 5.61 5.31 4.89 4.70 5.92 5.54 5.11 5.92 7.04 7.15 6.47 8.16 8.34 6.58 6.27 6.37 4.14 3.72 3.71 4.15 4.63 4.91 5.31 5.57 5.55 5.20 4.91 4.14 4.494 3.773 3.323 3.780 4.139 4.699 5.405 5.078 4.668 4.489 4.191 4.023 4.44 3.70 3.38 3.86 4.14 4.75 5.40 4.94 4.69 4.46 4.22 4.01 4.510 3.806 3.431 3.927 4.367 4.890 5.586 5.363 4.934 4.626 4.338 4.199 4.47 3.78 3.50 4.03 4.36 4.98 5.63 5.22 4.97 4.60 4.38 4.24 4.40 3,84 3.60 4.09 4.64 5.33 5.74 5.52 5.19 4.75 4.49 4.40 4.29 3.80 3.66 4.21 4.93 5.57 5.89 5.67 5.31 4.74 4.50 4.38 5 72 5.31 4.74 5.42 6.02 6.36 6.77 6.39 5.96 5.68 5.50 5.42 4.08 3.93 4.17 4.58 4.51 4.64 4.85 4.82 5.14 5.30 5.25 5.45 3.95 3.78 4.03 4.38 4.38 4.45 4.72 4.58 4.91 5.13 5.13 5.24 3.92 3.52 3.95 4.43 4.25 4.47 4.73 4.67 4.84 5.05 5.01 5.16 4.05 3.62 3.99 4.58 4.43 4.58 4.85 4.80 5.08 5.24 5.21 5.39 5.37 5.02 5.26 5.01 4.86 5.07 5.58 5.46 5.46 6.00 5.78 6.05 3.50 3.29 3.83 4.17 4.27 4.46 4.55 4.80 4.87 5.04 5.06 5.33 3.403 3.180 3.723 .3.723 3.648 3.874 4.059 4,014 4,651 4.719 4.774 5.061 3.38 3.20 3.73 3.71 3.69 3.91 3.98 4.02 4.66 4.74 4.78 5.07 3.656 3.594 4.086 4.218 4.064 4.270 4.583 4.527 5.086 5.118 5.079 5.287 3.66 3.63 4.12 4.23 4.12 4.35 4.50 4.55 5.13 5.13 5.09 5.30 3.82 4,06 4.43 4.65 4.46 4.71 4.90 4.90 5.44 5.39 5.20 5.28 3.99 4.07 4.54 4.84 4.58 4.87 4.89 4.91 5.49 5.41 5.22 5.46 5.33 5.51 5.74 6.01 5.69 5.77 5.86 5.92 6.16 6.11 6.03 6.07 5.76 6.17 6.76 7.13 7.26 8,00 9.26 10.26 10.31 9.14 9.11 9.28 5.78 6.22 6.85 7.14 7.27 7.99 9.18 10.21 10.23 8.92 8.94 9.08 5.56 5.97 6.45 6.76 6.85 7.45 8.09 8.90 8.90 7.84 7.94 8.16 5.60 6.14 6.82 6.97 7.15 7.98 9.19 10.18 10.19 9.07 8.73 8.94 5.79 6.28 6.96 7.30 7.47 8.11 9.48 10.74 10.62 9.24 9.20 9.29 6.13 7.46 8.53 8.15 8.45 8.81 10.40 11.44 11.16 9.96 9.88 10.60 5.94 6.58 7.09 7.12 7.84 8.49 10.40 10.50 10.78 10.01 10.03 9.95 5.41 5.60 6.09 6.26 6.36 7.19 8.01 8.67 8.29 7.22 7.83 7.45 5.527 5.749 6.430 6.525 6.615 7.234 8.081 8.700 8.537 7.259 7.823 7.444 5.62 5.83 6.51 6.52 6.62 7.23 8.12 8.65 8.45 7.32 7.96 7.56 5.58 5.93 6.53 6.51 6.63 7.05 7.97 8.32 8.07 7.17 7.40 7.01 5.78 6.07 6.81 6.79 6.83 7.27 8.37 8.82 8.44 7.42 7.66 7.38 6.29 6.61 6.85 6.74 6.78 6.76 7.49 7.75 7.16 6.81 6.96 6.80 1974—Jan Feb. . . . Mar..'. . Apr. . . . May . . . June . . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept.. . . Oct Nov. . . . Dec. . . . 8.86 8.00 8.64 9.92 10.82 11.18 11.93 11.79 11.36 9.55 8.95 9.18 8.66 7.83 8.42 9.79 10.62 10.96 11.72 11.65 11.23 9.36 8.81 8.98 7.92 7.40 7.76 8.43 8.94 9.00 9.00 9.31 9.41 9.03 8.50 8.50 8.72 7.83 8.43 9.61 10.68 10.79 11.88 12.08 11.06 9.34 9.03 9.19 9.04 8.08 8.83 10.27 11.20 11.38 12.25 12.23 11.64 9.80 9.10 9.23 9.41 8.49 9.23 10.52 11.17 12.09 13.52 12.95 12.42 10.95 10.06 10.28 9.65 7.755 7.060 8.97 9.35 7.986 8.229 10.51 11.31 8.430 11.93 8.145 12.92 i 7.752 8.744 12.01 8.363 11.34 7.244 10.06 9.45 7.585 7.179 8.53 7.77 7.12 7.96 8.33 8.23 7.90 7.55 8.96 8.06 7.46 7.47 7.15 7.627 6.874 7.829 8.171 8.496 8.232 8.028 8.853 8.599 7.559 7.551 7.091 7.65 6.96 7.83 8.32 8.40 8.12 7.94 9.11 8.53 7.74 7.52 7.11 7.01 6.51 7.34 8.08 8.21 8.16 8.04 8.88 8.52 7.59 7.29 6.79 7.46 6.93 7.86 8.66 8.78 8.71 8.89 9.54 8.95 8.04 7.67 7.33 6.94 6.77 7.33 7.99 8.24 8.14 8.39 8.64 8.38 7.98 7.65 7.22 1975— Jan Feb. . . . Mar... . Apr. . . . May . . . June. . . July. . . . Aug. . . . Sept.. . . Oct Nov... . Dec. . . . 7.39 6.36 6.06 6.11' 5.70 5.67 6.32 6.59 6.79 6.35 5.78 5.88 7.30 6.33 6.06 6.15 5.82 5.79 6.44 6.70 6.86 6.48 5.91 5.97 7.31 6.24 6.00 5.97 5.74 5.53 6.02 6.39 6.53 6.43 5.79 5.86 7.54 6.35 6.22 6.15 5.76 5.70 6.40 6.74 6.83 6.28 5.79 5.72 7.60 6.43 6.17 6.28 5.78 5.65 6.54 6.86 7.03 6.56 6.27 6.01 8.17 7.26 6.85 7.04 5.98 6.11 6.94 7.23 7.40 7.15 6.76 6.47 6.26 5.50 5.49 5.61 5.23 5.34 6.13 6.44 6.42 5.96 5.48 5.44 6.525 5.674 5.635 6.012 5.649 5.463 6.492 6.940 6.870 6.385 5.751 5.933 6.36 5.62 5.62 6.00 5.59 5.6! 6.50 6.94 6.92 6.25 5.80 5.85 6.27 5.56 5.70 6.40 5.91 5.86 6.64 7.16 7.20 6.48 6.07 6.16 6.74 5.97 6.10 6.83 6.31 6.26 7.07 7.55 7.54 6.89 6.40 6.51 7.29 6.85 7.00 7.76 7.49 7.26 7.72 8.12 8.22 7.80 7.51 7.50 4 66 8.20 10.05 6.26 7.72 5.11 4.69 8.15 9.87 6.33 7.23 4.91 4.52 7.40 8.62 6.16 1970— Dec. . . . 5.73 1971— Jan.. Feb. . . . Mar... . Apr. . . . "'4.'55' 5.06 May . . . 5.38 June . . . 5.75 July.... 5.74 Aug. . , . 5.69 Sept. . . . 5.42 Oct 4.85 Nov. . . . 4.66 Dec. . . . 5.11 4.47 4.19 4.57 5.10 5.45 5.75 5.73 5.75 5.54 4.92 4.74 1972— Jan Feb. . . . Mar... . Apr. . . . May . . . June. . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept.... Oct Nov.... Dec. . . . 4.02 3.81 4.10 4.55 4.45 4.60 4.83 4.75 5.06 5.21 5.18 5.40 1973—Jan Feb. . . . Mar. . . . Apr. . . . May . . . June . . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept.. . . Oct Nov. . . . Dec. . . . 1970. . 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 . . 7.13 6.24 5.54 5.49 5.22 5.55 6.10 6.14 6.24 5.82 5.22 5,20 5.307 5.558 , 6.054 6.289 6.348 7.188 8.015 8.672 8.478 7.155 7.866 7.364 6.493 5.583 5.544 5.694 5.315 5.193 6.164 6.463 6.383 6.081 5.468 5,504 122 Annual Statistical Digest 26. Money market rates—Continued Per cent per annum Prime commercial paper 1 Finance CO. pa petplaced directly, 3 to 6 90 to 119 4 to 6 months 2 days months Week ending- - U.S. Government securities < Prime CD's, Euro- 1 Fedbankers 3 accept- months dollars, eral (sec. 3 ances, funds 6 90 days 3 mkt.) 4 months 3 3-month bills 8 i 6-month bills s • Rate on new issue Market yield Rate on new issue 9- to 12-month issues Market 1-year Kill Dill yield (market yield! » ! 3- »« 5- yea r issues 9 Other ° 1970— Dec. 26 5.75 5.45 5.25 5.59 7.19 4.727 4.83 4.765 4.87 4.85 4.85 5.96 1971 Jan. 2 5.75 5.68 5.38 4.85 4.53 5.44 5.41 5.25 4.93 4.69 5.25 5.23 4.88 4.48 4.45 5.59 5.64 5.45 5.06 4.84 6.95 ! 4.82 6.44 3.82 6.14 4.27 5.81 4.13 5.59 4.23 4 SlO 4.921 4.640 4.213 4.201 4.88 4.836 4.84 4.927 4.51 4.633 4.20 1 4.243 4.20 4.235 4.89 4.88 4.54 4.22 4.24 4 77 4 71 4.48 4.19 4.21 4.85 4.76 4.40 3 .87 4.11 5,94 5*99 5^78 5 . 58 5.54 6 4.63 4.63 4.38 4.25 4.63 4.53 4.31 4.03 4.35 4.13 4.03 3.85 4.73 4.55 4.42 4.21 5.81 5.78 5.40 5.29 4.09 3.59 4.14 3.46 4.110 3.845 3.640 3.497 4.06 3.70 3.56 3.43 4.114 3.839 3.679 3.590 4.10 3.75 3.65 3.58 4.11 3.80 3.73 3.68 4 03 3.82 3.70 3.64 4.25 4.25 4 20 4.05 3.88 4.08 4.13 4.13 3.75 3.70 3.83 3.80 4.04 3.89 3.81 3.83 5.21 3.41 5.04 ! 3.29 5.06 i 3.93 5.04 3.70 3.347 3.307 3.307 3.331 3.35 3.28 3.39 3.37 3.467 3.359 3.416 3.481 3.44 3.39 3. SI 3.54 3.64 3.52 3 57 3.63 3,69 3.56 3.59 3.68 Feb. 9 16 23 30 13 20 27 Mar. 6 13 20 27 4.84 J 1 * 49 5^33 5.24 5.15 5.07 4.75 4 55 4.!56 to 4.25 4 45 4.58 4.23 4.28 4.58 4,70 4.08 4.13 4.28 4.34 4.00 4.13 4.38 4.45 3.87 3.94 4.13 4.46 5.28 5.64 6.08 5.84 4.02 3.98 4.20 4.27 3.521 3.703 4.039 3.770 3.61 3.79 3.96 3.81 3.695 3.754 4.140 3,960 3.72 3.86 4.09 4.02 3.68 3.79 4.10 4.14 3 89 4.02 4.16 4,19 4 S5S 5 . 08 5.37 5.59 8 15 22 29 I 4.75 4.95 5.00 5.08 5.23 4.80 5.00 5.00 5.15 5.25 4.39 4.50 4.51 4.79 4.98 4.60 4.83 4.88 4.95 5.00 4.72 4.82 4.83 4.91 | 5.12 6.03 6.41 7.36 7.05 6.86 4.14 4.41 4.59 4.55 4.68 3.865 3.865 3.861 4.352 4. 478 3.95 3.85 3.96 4.37 4.39 4.087 4.182 4.178 4.530 4.578 4.22 4.20 4.24 4.51 4.48 4.43 4.46 4.58 4.79 4.75 4.53 4.69 4.75 5.20 5.08 5.77 5.92 5.98 6.20 5.97 June 5 12 19 26 5.16 5.25 5.45 5.50 5.38 5.38 5.48 5.50 5.13 5.13 5.19 5.39 5.00 5.18 5.43 5.50 5.25 5.28 5.33 5.43 7.70 7.31 7.19 6.99 4.82 4.77 4.89 4.96 4.344 4.510 4.989 4.953 4.30 4.58 4.95 4.87 4.508 4.720 5.200 5.133 4.51 4.80 5.17 5.07 4.78 5.13 5.43 5.57 4.99 5.37 5.76 5.74 5 92 6.22 6.54 6.46 July 3 10 17 24 31 5.65 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.65 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.45 5.48 5.56 5.56 5.58 5.60 5.63 5.50 5.63 5.63 5.53 5.59 5.68 5.77 5.80 6.80 6.61 6.41 6.31 6.45 5.07 5.18 5.13 5.46 5.38 5.080 5.467 5.376 5.546 5.554 5.19 5.42 5.38 5.46 5.40 5.277 5.614 5.483 5.724 5.833 5.38 5.55 5.52 5.73 5.78 5.79 5.65 5.61 5.77 5.92 6.70 6.70 6.64 6.82 6.92 Aug. 7 14 21 28 5.75 5.83 5.78 5.63 5.75 5.83 5.78 5.63 5.60 5.68 5.58 5.46 5.63 5.63 5.55 5.53 5.80 5.82 5.88 5.75 6.84 7.53 8.70 8.54 5.57 5.59 5.59 5.48 5.273 5.372 \ 4.921 4.747 5,29 5.25 4.71 4.68 5.618 5.770 5.202 4.860 5.67 5.67 4.86 4.88 5.90 5.92 5.24 5.19 6.06 t 5.96 5.70 5.85 6.00 ' il 6.02 6.06 5.41 5.39 Sept, 4 11 18 25 5.63 5.63 5.73 5.75 5.70 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.44 5.44 5.44 5.45 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.56 5.55 5.60 5.66 9.16 8.76 8.09 8.21 5.59 5.73 5.59 5.46 4.549 4.538 4.834 4.743 4.49 4.63 4.80 4.75 4.771 4.846 5.085 4.993 4.80 4.92 5.03 5.04 5.13 5.17 5 22 5^24 Oct. 2 5.68 5.63 5.50 5.33 5.13 5.75 5.75 5.63 5.45 5.25 5,44 5.44 5.39 5.24 5.06 5.40 5.23 5.03 4.98 4.88 5.62 5.53 5.44 5.29 5.18 8.21 7.30 6.76 6.55 6.15 5.43 5.32 5.29 5.14 5.11 4.676 4.534 4.486 4.494 4.443 4.64 4.53 4.44 4.47 4.36 4.973 4.743 4.595 4.635 4.530 4.95 4.72 4.57 4.56 4.46 Nov. 6 4.97 4.88 4.80 4,75 5.03 4.88 4.93 4.88 4.97 4.88 4.80 4.66 4.78 4.75 4.75 4.81 4.99 4.91 4.88 4.88 i 5.99 5.16 4.93 5.98 6.05 ! 4.88 6.68 i 4.86 4.233 4.174 4.122 ! 4.236 4.18 4.18 4,14 4.34 4.346 4.340 4.255 4.411 Dee, 4 11 18 25 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.63 4.88 4.88 4.75 4.75 4.73 4.70 4.63 4.50 4.75 4.58 4.50 4.40 4.89 4.84 4.75 4.66 6.66 6.60 6.50 6.33 4.68 4.59 4.20 3.89 4.324 4.091 3.944 4.023 4.28 4.11 4.04 4.02 1 8 15 22 29 4.43 4.28 4.05 3.93 3.88 4.50 4.38 4.10 3.98 3.88 4.50 4.20 3.98 3.85 3.80 4.18 4.10 3.88 3.88 3.85 4.58 4.34 4.10 4.02 3.97 4.05 6.28 5.68 1 3.57 5.56 3.71 5.46 3.54 3.43 5.U 3.731 3.735 3.109 3.276 3.493 Feb. 5 3,88 3.88 3.75 3.75 3.98 4.00 3.93 3.88 3.88 3.78 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.50 3.45 3.43 3. 82 3.67 3.61 3.54 5.01 5.06 5.04 5.01 3.23 3.25 3.43 3.34 Ma r. 4 3.83 3.88 4.15 4.25 3.90 4.00 4.20 4.30 3.80 3.88 4.03 4.13 3.60 3.73 4.03 4.13 3.65 3.70 3.86 4.09 4.95 4.68 5.25 5.44 3.18 3.43 3.88 3.91 Apr. 3 17 24 May 9 16 23 30 13 20 27 1972—Jan. 12 19 26 18 25 I i f 6.85 6.81 6.05 6.06 5.89 5.94 6.00 6.01 5.14 5.00 4.73 4.67 4.48 5.20 5.23 5.35 5.41 i 5.26 ' 4.91 4.73 4.70 4.51 5.91 5.84 5.68 5,62 5,53 4.34 4.37 4.30 4.50 4.41 4.47 4.42 4.61 4.37 4.40 4.46 4.69 5.41 5.47 5.47 5.63 4.431 4.207 4.144 4.263 4.42 4.29 4.27 4.26 4.59 4,53 4.50 4,38 4.63 4.54 4.40 4.30 5.52 5.48 5.45 5.43 3.73 3.60 3,17 3.31 3.46 3.952 4.043 3.375 3.452 3.754 4.00 3.92 3.43 3.58 3.71 4.05 4.03 3.65 3.64 3.90 4.15 4.11 3.92 3.94 4.00 5.27 5.31 5.20 5.32 5.47 3.367 3.141 3.066 3.145 3.36 3.10 3,05 3.23 3.733 3.594 3.537 3.513 3,78 3.56 3.51 3.64 4.10 4.00 3.95 4.14 4.05 , 3,92 4.04 4.21 5,55 5.51 5.47 5.50 3.446 3.553 3.845 3.920 i 3,45 3.57 3.87 3.82 3.762 3.796 4.195 4.322 3.78 3.86 4.27 4.27 4.18 4.21 4.51 4.50 4.19 4.22 , 4.64 4.72 ' 5.50 5.57 5.84 5.83 i ( Annual Statistical Digest 123 26. Money market rates—Continued Per cent per annum Prime commercial paper l U.S. Government securities 7 Finance Prime CO. CD's, FedEuro3 paper bankers placed accept- months dollars, eral 6 funds directly, ances, 3 (sec. 4 3 3 to 6 90 days mkt.) months 5 90 to 119 4 to 6 months 2 months days Week ending — 3^month bills 8 6-month bills 8 Rate on new issue Market yield Rate on new issue 9- to 12-month issues Market t-year bill yield (market yield) 8 Other 9 3- to 5year issues ° 1972— Apr. 1 4.31 4.45 4,63 4.63 4.50 4.33 4.50 4.63 4.63 4.55 4.20 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.13 4.40 4.50 4.48 4.33 4.28 4.39 4.56 4.68 4.60 5.69 5.44 5.46 5.30 5.09 4.09 4.16 4.18 4.05 4.20 3.849 3.798 3.731 3.849 3.513 3.83 3.81 3.82 3.64 3.55 4.354 4.367 4.223 4.278 4.004 4.36 4.39 4.31 4.19 4.01 4.71 4.82 4.77 4.60 4.39 4.89 5.01 4.96 4.81 4.57 5.92 6.07 6.08 6.02 5.86 May 6 4.50 4.45 4.48 4.38 4.55 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.49 4.46 4.41 4.40 5.01 4.93 4.88 4.78 4.25 4.20 4.32 4.24 3.604 3.462 3.699 3.825 3.57 3.59 3.76 3,80 3.998 3.907 4.118 4.233 4.03 4.03 4,23 4.18 4,37 4.42 4.53 4.49 4.52 4.5S 4.67 4,57 5.72 5.73 5.71 5.62 June 3 4.41 4.50 4.53 4.65 4.50 4.50 4.63 4,65 4.38 4.38 4.38 4.50 4,25 4.35 4.38 4,53 4.40 4.43 4.56 4.61 4.75 4.75 4.79 4.90 4.38 4.48 4.46 4.39 3.762 3.861 3.798 ,3.924 3.83 3.86 3.87 3.97 4.106 4.243 4,187 4,328 4.19 4.25 4.28 4.40 4.54 4.62 4.62 4.69 4,66 4.80 4.80 4.89 5.64 5.71 5,73 5.81 July 1 4.80 4.84 4.88 4.85 4.75 4.83 4.88 4.88 4.88 4.80 4.58 4.70 4.75 4.75 4.70 4.70 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.68 4.67 4.78 4.93 4.89 4.80 5.75 5.39 5.45 5.70 5.60 4.49 4.61 4.62 4.46 4.54 ,4.023 4.138 4.102 ,3.948 4.047 ( 3.97 4.07 4.05 3.93 3.94 4.484 4.688 4.605 4.455 4.585 4.51 4.56 4.55 4.47 4.46 4.98 4.99 4.94 4.86 4.87 5.02 5.01 4.97 4.84 4.79 5.87 6.86 5.85 5.84 5.87 Aug. 5 4.68 4.63 4.75 4.85 4.73 4.70 4.85 4,88 4.58 4.50 4.58 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.63 4.75 4.72 4.70 4.76 4,84 5.60 5.38 5.50 5.50 4.56 4.69 4.87 4.75 ! 3.794 , 3.928 3.956 4.058 3.79 3.86 3.90 4.13 4.298 4.431 4.464 4.623 4.30 4.38 4.46 4.70 4.78 4.75 4.75 5.02 4.72 4.71 4.78 5.05 5.85 5.85 5.87 5.94 Sept. 2 4.90 5.00 5.00 5.13 5.13 4,95 5.09 5.13 5.15 5.23 4.63 4.75 4.90 5.00 5,00 4.75 4.75 4.88 4.88 4.88 4,92 4.98 5.02 5. H 5.17 5.44 5.49 5.50 5.34 5.34 4.90 4.89 4.69 4.93 4.99 4.332 4.569 ' 4.759 4.633 4.644 4.47 4.71 4.71 4.66 4.60 4.818 4.937 5.074 5.097 5.236 4.92 5.06 5.11 5.14 5.22 5.28 5.36 5.42 5.46 5.52 5.38 5.47 5.47 5.48 5.56 6.11 6.19 6.20 6.15 6.13 7 5.18 5.25 5.25 5.22 5.28 5.31 5.33 5.31 5.00 5.13 5.13 5.19 4.95 5.00 5.10 5,13 5.20 5.23 5.29 5.26 5.93 6.05 5.99 6.03 5.15 11 5.09 4.91 1 5.01 ' 4.601 4.743 4.818 4.712 4.66 4.79 4.78 4.73 5.082 5.159 5.127 5.105 5.16 5.16 5.12 5.10 5.46 5.39 5.38 5.34 5.51 5.43 5.42 5.30 6.11 6.10 6.11 6.10 Nov. 4 5.13 5.13 5.15 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.25 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.13 5.10 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.21 5.19 5.21 5.25 5.93 5.86 5.81 5.70 5.06 ' 4.767 5.25 4.668 4.775 4.89 4.97 4.776 4.74 4.71 4.76 4.82 5.141 4.957 5.070 5.050 5.08 5.04 5.07 5.10 5.27 5.18 5.17 5.20 5.25 5.18 5.16 5.24 6.10 6.05 6.00 6.02 Dec. 2 5.25 5.28 5.33 5.50 5.56 5.25 5.38 5.40 5.50 5.59 5.13 5.13 5.18 5.35 5.38 5.00 5.10 5.13 5.20 5.25 5.21 5.23 5.31 5.40 5.51 5.70 6.13 6.06 5.96 6.10 5.03 4.886 5.17 1 4.945 5.099 5.29 5.38 5.087 5.111 5.34 4.88 5.00 5.05 5.15 5.13 5.178 5.230 5.309 5.297 5.313 5.18 5.25 5.27 5.36 5.34 5.25 5.27 5.22 5.26 5.39 5.35 5.39 5.42 5.49 5.55 6.04 6,05 6,04 6.09 6.12 6 5.63 5.63 5.78 5.88 5.63 5.63 5.78 5.90 5.38 5.40 5.53 5.75 5.38 5.43 5.58 5.80 5.61 5.68 5.72 5.83 5.86 5.89 6.06 6.15 5.61 5.66 5.86 6.03 5.163 5.155 5.277 5.633 5.16 5.19 5.40 5.67 5.396 5.412 5.540 5.760 5.42 5.47 5.63 5.81 5.44 5.45 5.52 5.66 5.61 5.70 5.80 5.91 6.16 6.22 6.27 6.38 Feb. 3 6.03 6.13 6.13 6.22 6.10 6.20 6.22 6.25 5.83 5.95 6.00 6.00 5.98 6.13 6.13 6.13 5.98 6.15 6.28 6.31 6.58 6.94 7.20 7.54 6.35 6.21 6.58 6.79 5.689 5.665 5.424 5.455 5.70 5.56 5.43 5.58 5.871 5.849 5.624 5.653 5.88 5.76 5.60 5.84 5.99 5.86 5.74 5.95 5.96 5.97 5.92 6.16 6.50 6.55 6.53 6.67 Mar. 3 6.28 6.50 6.75 6.95 7.00 6.30 6.53 6.85 7.08 7.13 6.05 6.23 6.38 6.60 6.75 6.30 6.65 6.83 7.00 7.00 6.38 6.60 6.85 7.05 7.23 8.18 8.81 8.40 8.26 8.59 6.75 7.02 7.13 6.96 7.11 5.811 5.879 5.997 6.334 6.251 5.81 5.85 6.05 6.31 6.29 6.045 6.272 6.440 6.759 6.632 6.11 6.29 6.56 6.70 6.67 6.18 6,35 6.56 6.69 6.66 6.39 6.56 6.84 7.02 6.99 6.76 6.84 6.90 6.91 6.79 Apr. 7 7.13 7.13 7.13 7.13 7. IS 7.13 7.13 7.13 6.78 6.78 6.75 6.75 7.00 6.98 6.88 7.00 7.27 7.31 7.27 7.32 8.60 8.11 7.90 8.08 7.18 6.84 7.23 7.14 6.531 6.187 6.187 6.251 6.45 6.20 6.16 6.23 6.814 6.268 6.389 6.630 6.68 6.40 6.43 6.56 6.63 6.41 6.42 6.56 6.98 6.77 6.70 6.70 6.77 6.67 6.73 6.79 May 5 7.13 7.13 7.23 7.38 7.13 7.13 7.28 7.38 6.75 6.75 6.75 6.95 7.00 7.00 7.13 7.33 7.34 7.38 7.45 7.47 8.21 8.25 8.54 8.51 7 43 l'.6Q 7.81 8.06 6.278 6.136 6.179 6.452 6.24 6.07 6.22 6.56 6.575 6.431 6.456 6.748 6.56 6.42 6.48 6.78 6.60 6.49 6.49 6.78 6.74 6.68 6.72 6.98 6.79 6.76 6.76 6.82 June 2 7.53 7.80 7.90 8.10 8.28 7.53 7.83 7.90 8.03 8.28 7.13 7.25 7.50 7.50 7.60 7.41 7.75 7.88 8.05 8.35 7.58 7.85 8.01 8.09 8.29 8.64 8.69 8.75 8.78 8.91 7.95 8.43 8.17 8.55 8.59 6,694 7.133 7.129 7.263 7.228 6.91 7.07 7.15 7.25 7.32 6.864 7.210 7.172 7.255 7.299 6.99 7.09 7.16 7.27 7.43 6.93 6.94 6.94 7.02 7.31 7.13 7.20 7.19 7.25 7.46 6.79 6.72 6.70 6.74 6.89 8 15 22 29 13 20 27 10 17 24 8 15 22 29 12 19 26 9 16 23 30 Oct. 14 21 28 11 18 25 9 16 23 30 1973— Jan. 13 20 27 10 17 24 10 17 24 31 14 21 28 12 19 26 9 16 23 30 1 1 1 124 Annual Statistical Digest 26. Money market rates—Continued Per cent per annum I Prime commercial paper l Week ending— 90 to 119 4 to 6 months days Finance Prime CO. CD's, paper- bankers EuroFed3 placed accept- months dollars, eral 3 ;> funds 6 directly, ances, 8 (sec. 3 to 6 2 90 days mkt.) 4 months months 3-month bills 8 j U.S. Government securities 7 i 9- to 12-month 6-month bills § iss Lies Market Rate on new yield issue j i Rate on new issue 7.94 7.78 8.03 8.17 S.OU 8.019 8.023 8.272 3- to 5° yea r issues 9 r Market I -yea K ill Dill yield (market yield) 8 Other 9 7.95 7.86 8.17 8.35 7.71 7.65 7.97 8.34 7.96 8.09 8.40 8.73 7.15 7.29 7,48 7,76 7 14 21 28 8.75 8.98 9.28 9.70 8.75 8.90 9.15 9.60 7.84 8.08 8.13 8.13 8.94 9.00 9.05 9.50 8.63 9.03 9.36 9.85 Aug. 4 11 18 25 9.95 10.15 10.28 10.30 9.88 10,05 10,25 10.25 8,33 8.65 8.80 8.98 9.85 10.15 10.25 10.25 10.14 10.52 10.81 10.71 11.35 10.57 11.50 10.39 11.43 10.39 11.31 10.52 i 8.320 8.486 8.976 8.910 j 8.30 8.70 8.88 8.71 8.476 8.650 8.943 8. 856 8.43 8.79 8.78 8.57 8.40 8.44 S.34 8.25 8.94 9.13 8.91 8.61 8.02 8.16 7.80 7.50 Sept. I 8 15 22 29 10.48 10.50 10.50 10,43 9.85 10.45 10.38 10.48 10.45 9.65 9.00 9.09 9.00 9.00 8.60 10.25 10.25 10.35 10.43 9.75 10.93 10.93 10.90 10.97 1 10.37 11.52 11.56 11.45 11.40 10.80 10.79 10.79 10.74 10.80 10.84 8.668 8.778 9.016 8.786 7.331 } 8.62 8.80 S.94 8.38 7.13 8.577 8.735 8.921 S.832 7.661 8.58 8.75 8.97 8.52 7.63 8.22 8.19 8.45 S.10 7.57 8.53 8.51 8.78 8.59 7.90 7.35 7.27 7.45 7.10 6.85 6 13 20 27 9.58 9.47 9.25 8.66 9.38 9.13 9.03 8.56 8.10 8.00 7.80 7.66 9.50 9.28 9.00 8.81 9.63 9.70 9.36 9.15 10.38 10.65 10.08 9.60 10.72 9.87 10.07 9.98 7.149 7.323 7.188 i 6.959 7.42 7.14 7.16 7.07 7.584 7.259 7.242 6.951 7.59 7.32 7.24 7.09 7.52 7.26 7.15 6.85 7.66 7,46 7.40 7.26 6.89 6.77 6.80 6.80 Nov. 3 10 17 24 8.55 8.88 9.18 9.28 8.28 8.69 9.08 9.09 7.50 7.63 8.10 8.16 8.50 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.53 8.91 9.10 9.39 9.26 9.39 9.58 9.88 9.90 9.71 10.03 10.23 7.196 8.098 8.636 7.704 7.38 8.12 ! 8.U 7.72 7.263 7.987 8.381 7.805 7.43 8.06 8.30 7.85 6.99 7.42 7.64 7.37 7.32 7.85 8.01 7 . 50 6.83 7.03 7.16 6,88 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 9.25 9,43 9,35 9,15 9,19 9.10 9.20 9.10 9.00 9.00 8.05 8.25 8,18 8.20 8.00 8.75 9.10 9.15 8.75 8.75 9.34 9.43 9.50 9.09 9.23 10.43 10.48 10.71 10.49 10.81 10.09 10.17 10.04 10.18 9.52 7.695 7.358 7.386 7.366 7.346 7.52 7.47 7.51 7.35 7.50 7.679 7.766 7.530 7.164 7.315 7.77 7.94 7.52 7.32 7.46 7.29 7.39 7.01 6.75 6.84 7.36 7.53 7.37 7.22 7.41 6,78 6.89 6.75 6.74 6.83 1974- Jan. 5 12 19 26 9.13 8.85 8.95 8,90 8.88 8.65 8.75 8.68 8,00 7.80 7.90 8.00 8.75 8.75 8.75 8.75 9.19 9.08 9.15 8.12 10.31 9.38 9.57 9.49 9,87 9.76 9.77 9.60 7.406 7.615 7.983 7.995 7.49 7.72 j 7.89 7.99 7.371 7.560 7.867 7.819 7.48 7.66 7.79 7.81 6.94 7.07 7.04 7.07 7.37 7.41 7.52 7.58 6.83 6.S8 6.94 7.06 2 9 16 23 8.45 8.15 7.94 7.84 8.38 7.93 7.75 7.69 7.93 7.53 7.38 7,31 8.55 7.85 7.75 7.75 8.87 8.27 8.08 7.96 9.09 8,79 8.39 8.36 9.47 9.13 8.93 9.07 7.778 6.951 7.081 7.018 7.55 7.03 7.06 7.07 7.516 6.747 6.882 6. 787 7.31 6.91 6.86 6.87 6, SO 6,52 6.41 6.42 7.33 6.87 6.83 0,B7 6.94 6.74 6.70 6.76 Mat. 2 9 16 23 30 8,00 8.20 8.43 8.73 9.30 7.88 8.00 8.18 8.50 9 . 10 7.30 7.50 7.75 7.85 8.00 7.85 8.00 '8.10 8.60 9.10 8.07 8.31 8.47 8.64 9.38 8.48 8.86 8.79 9.19 9.88 8.81 8.98 9.03 9.33 9.61 7.188 7.675 7.920 8.047 8.300 7.36 7.71 7,82 8,06 8.35 7.081 7.566 7.637 7.882 8.231 7.27 7.53 7.59 8.02 8.24 6.71 6.96 7.06 7.56 7.84 7.15 7.34 7 . 59 8.15 S.49 6.93 7.06 7.16 7.48 7.69 Apr. 6 13 20 27 9.53 9.70 9.88 10.23 9.38 9.60 9.73 10.13 8.25 8.40 8.50 8.50 9.30 9.50 9.50 9,85 9.68 9.95 10.07 10.40 9.84 10.13 10.42 10.39 9.93 10.02 10.36 10.78 8.358 1 8.648 8.051 7.857 8.51 8.49 8.05 8.10 8.211 i 8.393 8.084 7.995 8.31 8.34 8.18 8.27 7.95 8.05 8.05 8.14 8.48 8,55 8,61 H.S2 7.91 7.98 7.94 8.04 May 4 It 18 25 10.85 11.00 11.00 10.63 10,73 10,83 10.80 10.38 8.70 8.90 9.00 9.00 10.35 10.70 10.75 10.75 10.99 11.24 11.34 11.23 11.45 11.43 11.74 11.79 11.17 11.29 11.46 10.95 8.909 j 9.036 8.023 I 8.197 | 8.81 8.60 8.00 7.90 8.796 9.006 8.031 8.440 8.73 8.71 8.12 8.28 8.45 8.46 8.11 7.99 9.10 9.21 8.79 8.39 8.29 8.51 8.20 8.09 June I 8 15 22 29 10.56 10.78 10.98 11.33 11.65 10.31 10.53 10.75 11.10 11.48 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.75 10.90 11.07 11.05 10.97 11.39 11.62 11.75 11.86 11.50 11.90 12.69 11 . 54 11.45 11.60 11.85 11.97 7.983 8.300 8.260 8.177 7.841 8.04 8.05 8.23 7.88 7.45 8.205 8.426 8.324 8.175 8.003 8.26 8.16 8.32 8,04 7.96 S.06 8.15 8.14 8.10 8.24 8.46 8.61 8.68 8.66 S.8S 8.07 8.06 8,06 8.09 8.33 July 6 13 20 27 12.00 12.18 12.15 11.73 11.81 11.95 11.95 11.50 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 11.31 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.10 12.30 12.66 12.09 13.41 13.55 13.80 13.34 14.01 13.04 12.86 12.60 7.808 7.892 7.702 7.604 7.53 7.45 7.72 7.43 8.055 8.480 7.876 7.700 8.15 8.05 7.83 7.64 8.38 8.13 7.80 7.81 9.09 9.09 8.67 8.62 8.47 8.60 8.35 8.08 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 11.43 11.60 11.73 11.95 12.00 11.23 11.48 11.63 11.80 11.85 9.00 9.00 9.05 9.65 9.65 12.00 12.00 12.08 12.16 12.10 12.00 12.05 12.11 12.24 12.48 13.31 12.29 13.06 12.09 13.19 12.02 13.51 12.23 13.91 11.84 7.698 8.505 8.763 8.846 9.908 7.84 8.75 8.75 9.29 9.37 8.055 8.660 8.719 8.899 9.930 8.38 8.82 8.78 9.41 9.61 8.38 8.49 S.50 9.25 9.38 9.19 9.27 9.33 9.71 9.93 8.55 8.59 8.5S 8.69 8.69 Sept. 7 14 21 28 11.84 11.75 11.43 10.68 11.72 11.63 11,25 10.58 9.41 9.43 9.50 9.35 11.79 11.46 10.95 10.36 13.73 12.30 12.98 12.00 11.89 12.18 11.16 i 11.60 9.167 9.099 8,185 7.002 9.34 9.10 7.64 6.81 9.283 8.980 8.203 7.928 9.39 8.92 8.30 7.91 9.14 8.69 8.40 B.10 9.65 9.14 8.74 8.53 8,61 8.52 8.35 8.14 1973 -July Oct. Feb. 9.26 9.76 9.98 11.09 10.21 9.52 10.22 10.58 11.64 11.48 11.41 11.12 7.987 7.991 7.967 8.114 Annual Statistical Digest 125 26. Money market rates—Continued Per cent per annum Prime commercial paper 1 U.S. Government securities 7 Finance Prime CD's, 3<month bills s Euro3 Fedpaper bankers eral placed accept- months dollars, 3 funds « directly, ances, 3 (sec. 3 to 6 90 days mkt.) * months 6 Rate Market 90 to 119 4 to 6 months 2 on new yield months days issue Week ending — CO. 6-month bills 8 Rate on new issue Market yield 9- to 12-month issues 1-year hill Dill (market yield) » Other 9 3- to 5year issues 9 5 12 19 26 10.40 9.85 9.50 9.15 10.18 9.70 9.31 8.90 9.45 9.20 9.13 8.80 9.79 9.61 9.31 9.12 10.87 10.28 9.96 9.63 12.04 11.64 11.04 10.65 11.04 10.43 10.11 9.81 6.385 6.698 7.722 f.524 6.64 7.24 7.73 7.60 7.439 7.364 7.829 7.398 7.66 7.70 7.79 7.62 7.97 7.53 7.60 7.40 8.34 7.92 8.04 7.90 8.13 7.98 7.95 7.90 Nov. 2 9 16 23 30 8.95 9.00 8.94 8.88 9.00 8.83 8.88 8.81 8.73 8.81 8.53 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.95 8.83 8.93 9.00 9.41 9.15 9.16 9.05 8.75 9.28 10.21 10.00 9.89 10.00 10.29 9.72 9.63 9.37 9.34 9.46 7.892 ^.880 7.604 7.528 7.328 7.95 7.66 7.26 7.46 7.45 7.766 7.857 7.552 7.427 7.369 7.86 7,65 7.39 7.42 7.57 7.51 7.38 7.29 7.19 7.26 8.02 7.81 7.63 7.55 7.62 7.98 7.83 7.67 7.53 7.50 Dec. 7 14 21 28 9.23 8.95 9.20 9.28 9.05 8.78 9.00 9.06 8.50 8.50 8.50 8.50 9.55 9.03 9.03 9.16 9.53 9.03 9.17 9.20 10.81 10.21 10.21 9.97 9.02 8,86 8.72 8.45 7.524 ,7.172 7.058 6.963 7.44 7.24 6.92 7.01 7.564 6.911 6.858 7.032 7.34 7.04 6.99 7.11 7.15 6.79 6.56 6.67 7.65 7.26 7.16 7.26 7.46 7.16 7.06 7.17 1974— Oct. 1975— Jan. 4 11 18 25 9.13 7.95 7.63 6.85 8.84 7.83 7.53 6.85 8.47 7.98 7.65 6.78 9.08 8.33 7.66 7.03 9.36 8.57 7.81 7.31 10.23 9.73 8.66 8.09 7.35 7.70 7.22 7.17 7.113 6.698 '6.678 6.369 6.96 6.59 6.54 5.98 7.101 6.682 6.646 6.373 6.99 6.64 6.54 6.14 6.70 6,45 6.44 6.15 7.17 6.91 6.95 6.66 7,26 7.23 7.32 7,36 Feb. 1 8 15 22 6,55 6,50 6.38 6.31 6.48 6.45 6.34 6.28 6.38 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.59 6.34 6.47 6.26 6.76 6.55 6.42 6,49 8.01 7.25 7.10 7.49 6.99 6.46 6.28 6,29 5,606 5.669 5.800 5.408 5.68 5.61 5.65 5.25 5.825 5.736 5.800 5.483 5.92 5.65 5.70 5.43 5.87 5.51 5.60 5.44 6.31 5.95 6,06 5.84 7.23 6.91 6.92 6.71 Mar. 1 8 15 22 29 6.25 6.25 6.08 5.95 5.91 6.25 6.25 6.08 5.95 5.91 6.23 6,18 6.05 5.90 5.88 6.33 6.37 6.29 6.11 6.11 6,31 6,38 6.26 6.07 6.06 7.34 7.35 6.81 6.61 6.84 6.15 5.88 5.44 5.38 5.53 5.455 5.637 5.622 5.376 5.542 5.47 5.57 5.46 5.41 5.53 5.675 5.742 5.655 5.473 5.669 5.66 5.68 5.56 5.54 5.69 5.67 5.69 5.62 5.66 5.81 6.04 6.07 6,03 6,06 6.20 6.83 6.86 6.88 7.05 7.19 Apr. 5 12 19 26 6.03 6.18 6.15 6.13 6.03 6.23 6.20 6.13 5.88 5,95 6.00 6.00 6.15 6.20 6.11 6.16 6.16 6.38 6.35 6.25 6.98 7.44 7.01 6.79 5.59 5.28 5.44 5.54 5.562 6.021 5.538 5.653 5.62 5.74 5.44 5.66 5.786 6.351 5.843 6.067 5.90 6.09 5.86 6.09 6.20 6.48 6.30 6.49 6.58 6.94 6.76 6.91 7.47 7.74 7.75 7.90 May 3 10 17 24 31 6.03 5.98 5.78 5.48 5.38 6.15 6.08 5.93 5,60 5.50 6.00 6.00 5.78 5.55 5.50 6.07 6.00 5.83 5.58 5.45 6.15 6.04 5.96 5.67 5.56 6.93 6.69 6.50 5.99 5.98 5.71 5.42 5.20 5.13 5.14 5.716 5.356 5.182 5.115 5.206 5.51 5.41 5.04 5.16 5.23 6.158 5.724 5.481 5.412 5.469 5.95 5.77 5.51 5.45 5.50 6.36 6.13 5.81 5.74 5.80 6.81 6.52 6.20 6.15 6,21 7.87 7.64 7.45 7.34 7.38 June 7 14 21 28 5.48 5.55 5.58 5.98 5.60 5.63 5 -.65 6.18 5.50 5.50 5.45 5.63 5.59 5.55 5.58 6.03 5.58 5.71 5.55 5.93 6.01 5.85 5.79 6.49 5.24 5.15 5.31 5.72 5.258 5.080 4.767 5.665 5.23 5.00 5.24 5.80 5.505 5.283 5.129 5.935 5.48 5.25 5,55 6.07 5.77 5.50 5.74 6,32 6.15 5.94 6.13 6.69 7.29 7.05 7.14 7,49 July 5 12 19 26 6.25 6.28 6.28 6.38 6.34 6.45 6.43 6.48 5.81 6.00 6.00 6.03 6.19 6.38 6.35 6.52 6.44 6.61 6.43 6.51 6.84 7.36 7.11 7.09 6.31 6.06 5.93 6.14 6.009 6.203 6.045 6.247 5.98 6.06 6.05 6.27 6.262 6.510 6.344 6.626 6.28 6.39 6.41 6.65 6.47 6.50 6.53 6.82 6.89 6.91 6.91 7.27 7.62 7.65 7.67 7.79 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 6.43 6.50 6.63 6.63 6.63 6.53 6.63 6.68 6.75 6.75 6.18 6.25 6.33 6.50 6.50 6.48 6.66 6.75 6.79 6.83 6.66 6.67 6.89 6.85 6.95 7.06 6.98 7.24 7.16 7.50 6.25 6.09 6.08 6.15 6.23 6.318 6.456 6.349 6.452 6.593 6.28 6,42 6.42 6.46 6.49 6.719 6.864 6.809 7.000 7.085 6.69 6.88 6.93 7.00 6.98 6.86 7.11 7.17 7.26 7.16 7.35 7.50 7.58 7.63 7.54 7.86 8.05 8.13 8.20 8.12 Sept. 6 13 20 27 6.75 6,75 6.85 6.78 6.75 6.75 6.93 6.95 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.58 6.82 6.85 6.82 6,81 6.94 7.05 7.04 7.03 7.23 7.19 7.41 7.50 6.15 6.28 6.29 e.oej 6.381 6.389 6.444 6.316 6.38 6.43 6.45 6.38 6.866 6.889 6.901 6.824 6.89 6.88 6.97 6.90 7.07 7.14 7.31 7.21 7.43 7.51 7.64 7.52 8.07 8.26 8.34 8.18 Oct. 4 11 18 25 6,85 6,70 6.44 6.08 6.93 6.88 6.59 6.23 6.70 6.75 6.56 6.23 6.79 6.59 6,38 6.04 7.01 7.18 6.50 6.35 7.73 7.95 7.25 6.71 6.36 6.06 5.82 5.73 6.547 6,239 6.045 5.887 6.46 6.23 6,01 5.73 6.980 6.571 6.243 6.156 6.91 6.53 6.25 6,06 7.16 6.74 6.51 6.29 7.61 7.20 6.88 6.66 8.21 7.97 7.87 7.67 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 5.88 5.88 5,75 5.75 5.75 6.00 6.03 5.8.8 5,88 5,88 6.00 6.00 6.63 5.78 5.78 5.83 5.79 5.77 5.79 5.80 6.16 6.45 6.32 6.10 6.23 6.64 6,76 6.64 6.76 6.85 5.65 5.17 5.24 5.24 5.28 5.685 5.602 5,279 5.471 5.520 5.58 5.50 5.37 5.49 5.54 5.974 5.792 5.483 5.796 5.933 5.82 5.71 5.65 5.85 5.98 6.02 5.89 5.96 6.17 6.24 6.42 6.30 6.27 6.47 6.54 7,50 7.41 7.38 7.60 7.62 Dec. 6 13 20 27 5.85 5.98 5.95 5.84 5.98 6.03 6.03 5.94 5.88 5.95 5.95 5.75 5.80 5.81 5.72 5.65 6.35 6.32 6.10 5.78 6.93 6.60 1 6.56 6.35 5.25 5.26 5,17 5.18 5,550 5.633 5.491 5.340 5.57 5.60 5.44 5.28 5.995 6.144 5.914 5.678 6.04 6.06 5.85 5.60 6.30 6.43 6,20 5.91 6.65 6.79 6.54 6.25 7.59 7.67 7.50 7,37 1 126 Annual Statistical Digest 27. Bond and stock yields Per cent per annum Corporate bonds Government bonds State and local Period United States (longterm) Aaa utility Total i Total i Aaa Baa New issue By selected rating Aaa Recently offered Stocks Baa By group Industrial Dividend/ price ratio Railroad Public utility Preferred Common 3,83 3,14 2.84 3.06 4.47 4.31 Earnings/ price ratio Common Seasoned issues 1970 . . . 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 6.59 5.74 5.63 6,30 6.99 6.98 6.42 5.62 5,30 5.22 6.19 7.05 6.12 5.22 5.04 4.99 5.89 6.42 6.75 5.89 5.60 5.49 6.53 7.62 8.68 7.62 7.31 7.74 9.33 9.40 8.71 7.66 7.34 7.75 9.34 9.41 8.51 7.94 7.63 7.80 8.98 9.46 8.04 7.39 7.21 7.44 8.57 8.83 9,11 8.56 8.16 8.24 9.50 10.39 8.26 7.57 7.35 7.60 8.78 9.25 8.77 8.38 7.99 8.12 8.98 9.39 8.68 8.13 7.74 7.83 9.27 9.88 7.22 6.75 6.88 7.23 8.23 8.37 1970—Dec 5.97 5.49 5.21 5.80 7.93 8.18 8.35 7.64 9.12 7.95 8.96 8.45 6.88 1971—Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May.... June July . . . . Aug Sept Get Nov. . . . Dec 5.91 5.84 5.71 5.75 5.96 5.94 5.91 5.78 5.56 5.46 5.44 5.62 5.34 5.28 5.26 5.49 5.99 5.98 6.12 5.84 5.45 5.05 5.20 5.24 5,08 4.92 5.00 5.22 5,71 5,65 5,75 5.56 5.09 4.75 4.94 4.99 5.65 5.73 5.56 5.85 6.36 6.36 6.58 6.21 5.86 5.38 5.53 5.55 7.43 7.33 7.59 7.48 8.01 7.98 8.04 7.71 7.68 7.50 7.38 7,28 7,61 7.43 7.61 7.52 7.91 7.98 8.00 7.89 7.64 7.61 7.42 7.29 8.04 7.75 7.84 7.86 8.03 8.14 8.14 8.12 7.97 7.88 7.77 7.75 7.36 7.08 7.21 7.25 7.53 7.64 7.64 7.59 7.44 7.39 7.26 7.25 8.74 8,39 8.46 8.45 8.62 8.75 8.76 8.76 8.59 8.48 8.38 8.38 7.57 7.24 7.36 7.43 7.68 7.80 7,85 7.80 7.64 7.58 7.46 7.42 8.70 8.39 8.39 8.37 8.40 8.43 8.46 8.48 8.39 8.25 8.13 8.12 8.17 7.94 8.08 8.05 8.23 8.39 8.34 8.30 8,12 8.04 7.96 7.92 6.53 6.32 6.48 6.59 6.82 6.99 7.03 7.04 6,90 6.75 6.78 6.81 1972— Jan Feb Mar Apr May.... June July.... Aug Sept. . . . Get Nov. . . . Dec 5.62 5.67 5.66 5.74 5.64 5.59 5.57 5.54 5.70 5.69 5.50 5.63 5.13 5.29 5.31 5.45 5.33 5.35 5.51 5.36 5.38 5.24 5.11 5.13 4.84 5.01 4.99 5.16 5.09 5.07 5.23 5.10 5.12 5.03 4.91 4,91 5.49 5.63 5.61 5.79 5.65 5.72 5.78 5.66 5.69 5.45 5.37 5.39 7.21 7.34 7.24 7.45 7.38 7,32 7.38 7.37 7.40 7.38 7.09 7.15 7.24 7.34 7.27 7.43 7.42 7.38 7.39 7.38 7.42 7.41 7,21 7.21 7.66 7.68 7.66 7.71 7.71 7.66 7.66 7.61 7.59 7.59 7.52 7.47 7.19 7.27 7.24 7.30 7.30 7.23 7.21 7.19 7.22 7.21 7.12 7.08 8.23 8.23 8.24 8,24 8.23 8.20 8.23 8.19 8.09 8.06 7.99 7.93 7.34 7.39 7.35 7.42 7.43 7.36 7.39 7.35 7.36 7.36 7.28 7.22 7.98 8.00 8.03 8.04 8.01 7.98 8.00 7.99 7.97 7.97 7.95 7.91 7.85 7.84 7.81 7.87 7.88 7.83 7.80 7.69 7.63 7.63 7.55 7.48 6.57 6.67 6.76 6.91 6.90 6.93 6.99 6.90 7.00 7.03 6.93 6.92 1973—Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May June July,... Aug Sept. . . . Get Nov. . . . Dec 5.94 6.14 6.20 6.11 6.22 6.32 6.53 6.81 6.42 6.26 6.31 6.35 5.13 5.17 5.30 5.17 5.15 5.25 5.44 5.51 5.13 5.03 5.21 5.14 4.90 4.95 5.07 4.95 4.90 5.05 5.21 5.26 4.90 4.76 5.03 4.90 5.39 5.44 5.58 5.42 5.41 5.51 5.71 5.80 5.41 5.31 5.46 5.43 7.38 7.40 7.49 7.46 7.51 7.64 8.01 8.36 7.88 7.90 7.90 8.00 7,37 7.42 7.54 7.47 7,50 7.64 7.97 8.22 7.96 7.94 7.94 8.04 7.49 7.57 7.62 7.62 7.62 7.69 7.80 8.04 8.06 7.96 8.02 8.05 7.15 7.22 7.29 7.26 7.29 7.37 7.45 7,68 7.63 7.60 7.67 7.68 7.90 7.97 8.03 8.09 8.06 8.13 8.24 8.53 8.63 8.41 8.42 8.48 7.27 7.34 7.43 7.43 7.41 7.49 7.59 7.91 7.89 7,76 7.81 7.84 7.87 7.92 7.74 7.98 8.01 8.07 8.17 8.32 8.37 8.24 8.28 8.28 7.51 7.61 7.64 7.64 7.63 7.69 7.81 8.06 8.09 8.04 8.11 8.17 6.9t ; 1974—Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May. . . . June. . . . July . . . . Aug Sept. . . . Get Nov Dec 6.56 6.54 6.81 7.04 7.07 7.03 7.18 7.33 7.30 7.22 6.93 6.78 5.23 5.25 5.44 5.76 6.06 6.17 6.70 6.70 6.77 6.56 6.54 7.04 5.03 5.05 5.20 5.45 5.89 5.95 6.34 6.38 6,49 6.21 6.06 6.65 5.49 5.49 5.71 6.06 6.31 6.41 7.10 7.10 7.18 6.99 7.01 7.50 8,21 8,12 8.46 8.99 9.24 9,38 10,20 10.07 10.38 10.16 9.21 9.53 8.21 8.23 8.44 8.93 9.11 9.40 10.04 10.19 10.30 10.23 9.34 9.55 8.15 8.17 8.27 8.50 8.68 8.85 9.10 9.36 9.67 9,80 9.60 9.56 7.83 7.85 8.01 8.25 8.37 8.47 8.72 9.00 9.24 9.27 8.89 8.89 8.58 8.59 8.65 8.88 9.10 9.34 9.55 9.77 10.12 10.41 10.50 10.55 7.97 8.01 8.12 8.39 8.55 8.69 8.95 9.16 9.44 9.53 9.44 9.23 8.34 8.27 8.34 8.51 8.73 8.89 9.08 9.30 9.46 9.64 9.59 9.59 1975— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July.... Aug Sept Get Nov. , . . Dec 6.68 6.61 6.73 7,03 6.99 6,86 6.89 7.06 7.29 7.29 7.21 7.17 6.89 6.40 6.70 6.95 6.95 6.96 7.07 7.12 7.40 7.40 7.41 7.29 6.39 5.96 6.28 6.46 6.42 6.28 6.39 6.40 6.70 6.67 6.64 6.50 7.45 7.03 7.25 7.43 7.48 7.49 7.60 7.71 7.96 8.01 8.08 7.96 9.36 8.97 9.35 9.67 9.63 9.20 9.44 9.46 9.68 9.45 9.20 9.36 9.45 9.09 9.38 9.65 9.65 9.32 9.42 9.49 9.57 9.43 9.26 9.21 9.55 9.33 9.28 9.49 9.55 9.45 9.43 9.51 9,55 9.51 9.44 9.45 8.83 8.62 8.67 8.95 8.90 8.77 8.84 8.95 8.95 8.86 8.78 8.79 10.62 10.43 10.29 10.34 10.46 10.40 10.33 10.35 10.38 10.37 10.33 10.35 9.19 9.01 9,05 9.30 9,37 9.29 9.26 9.29 9,35 9,32 9.27 9.26 9.52 9.32 9.25 9.39 9.49 9.40 9.37 9.41 9,42 9,40 9.36 9.37 6.85 7.03 i 7.11 1 7.13 7.25 7.35 7.43 7.38 7.18 7.40 7.76 8.27 7.60 7.47 8.33 8.44 7.56 7.83 8.68 8.86 8.11 8.25 9.08 8.40 ! 9.35 8.61 9.70 8.78 i 10.11 8.78 10.31 8.60 10.11 8.78 10.02 8.33 10.10 8.07 9.83 8.04 9.67 8.27 9.88 9.93 ] 8.51 8.34 9.81 8.24 9.81 8.41 9.93 8.56 9.98 8.58 9.94 8.50 9.83 8,57 i 9.87 6.46 5.4L 5,50 7.12 11,60 9.03 5.48 3.46 3.32 3.18 3.10 5.20 2.99 3.04 5.34 3.10 3.13 3.18 5.52 3.09 3.16 3.31 3.10 5.58 2.96 2.92 5.42 2.86 2.83 2.88 5.57 2.87 2.90 2.80 2.83 5.56 2.82 2.73 5.44 2.70 2.69 2.80 2.83 6.10 2.90 3.01 6.93 3.06 3.04 3.16 3.13 7.09 3.05 3.36 8.37 3.70 3.64 3.81 3.65 JL96' 3.86 4.00 4.02 ""io!i6° 4,42 4.90 14.35 5.45 5.38 5.13 , 12.97 5.43 5.07 4.61 4.42 "'°i6!io' 4.34 4.08 8.29 4.02 4.02 4.36 9.12 4.39 4.22 4.07 4.14 8.61 Annual Statistical Digest 127 27. Bond and stock yields—Continued Per cent per annum Government bonds Corporate bonds State and local Week ending— United States (longterm) Aaa utility Total i Total l Aaa Baa New issue Recently offered Stocks By selected rating Aaa Baa By group Industrial Railroad Dividend/ price ratio Public utility Preferred Common Earnings/ price ratio Common Seasoned issues 1970— Dec. 26. 6,05 5.49 5.25 5.75 8.17 8.23 7.51 9.02 7.80 8.93 8.33 6.87 3.44 1971— Jan. 2. 9. 16. 23, 30. 6.16 6.09 5.96 5.83 5.78 5.49 5.59 5.30 5.24 5.24 5.25 5.40 5.00 4.95 4.95 5.75 5.80 5.60 5.60 5.60 7.60 7.07 7.24 8.23 7.82 7.46 7.46 7.41 8.19 8.16 8.10 8.02 7.87 7.48 7.45 7,42 7.36 7jl9 8.97 8.90 8,82 8.69 8.54 7.75 7.71 7.66 7,54 7.38 8.86 8.84 8.76 8.63 8.57 8.31 8.26 8.22 8.19 8.01 6.92 6.79 6.62 6.33 6.38 3.36 3,36 3.35 3.30 3.26 Feb. 6. 13. 20. 27. 5.80 5.78 5.83 5.92 5.39 5.16 5.24 5.35 5.10 4.75 4.85 5.00 5.75 5.65 5.75 5.80 7.02 7.15 7.31 7.84 7.41 7,41 7.45 7.44 7.79 7.74 7.72 7.74 7.10 7.06 7.07 7.10 8.47 8.40 8.34 8.34 7.26 7.20 7,22 7.25 8.52 8.41 8.32 8.32 7.96 7.94 7.93 7.95 6.30 6.34 6.24 6,41 3.20 3.17 3.15 3.19 Mar. 6. 13. 20. 27. 5.94 5.77 5.65 5.54 5.46 5.24 5.14 5.18 5.15 4.95 4.90 5.00 5.85 5.60 5.40 5.40 8.03 7.77 7.37 7.30 7.75 7.70 7.55 7.49 7.78 7.84 7.88 7.86 7,13 7J20 7J26 7,25 8.40 8.47 8.50 8.47 7.27 7.32 7.38 7.42 8.37 8.40 8.40 8.32 8.00 8,11 8.13 8,07 6.43 6.53 6.44 6.46 3.18 3.11 3.05 3.10 Apr. 3. 10. 17. 24. 5.64 5.66 5.73 5.82 5.24 5.33 5.45 5.61 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.60 5.70 5.80 6.00 7.36 7.30 7.41 7.52 7.48 7.42 7.54 7.54 7.85 7.84 7,85 7.86 7.22 7.23 7.24 7,24 8.46 8.45 8.45 8.42 7.42 7.42 7.42 7.43 8.38 8.35 8.38 8.37 8,03 8,02 8.03 8.05 6.53 6.54 6.54 6.62 3.07 3,02 2.98 2,99 May 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 5.81 5.92 5.96 6.04 5.90 5.80 5.96 6.08 6.00 6.00 5,50 5.65 5.80 5.70 5.70 6.15 6.25 6.40 6,40 6,40 7.75 7.88 7.98 8.17 8.08 7.70 7.80 7.92 7.97 7.97 7.89 7.95 7.99 8.08 8.12 7 30 7J43 7,48 7,57 7,66 8.47 8.52 8.59 8.69 8.68 7.46 7.57 7.64 7.75 7.77 8.38 8.37 8.38 8.44 8.43 8.10 8.14 8.17 8.28 8.35 6.64 6.69 6.74 6,82 7.03 2,95 2.98 3.01 3.06 3,11 June 5. 12. 19. 26. 5.79 5.89 6.06 5.98 5,83 5.90 5.99 6.19 5.50 5.60 5.70 5.80 6.20 6.25 6.35 6.65 7.90 7.87 8.02 7.96 7.86 8.01 8.04 8.01 8.15 8.13 8.13 8.14 7,69 7 66 7 63 7 62 8.71 8.73 8.77 8.78 7.80 7.79 7.79 7.79 8.40 8.37 8.42 8.49 8.41 8.42 8.38 8.37 6.98 7.03 6.96 6.99 3.07 3.09 3.08 3.14 July 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. 5.97 5.92 5.82 5.91 5.96 6.35 6.09 6.09 5.98 6.08 5.90 5.70 5.70 5.65 5.80 7.00 6.60 6.60 6.30 6.40 8.23 7.91 7,86 8.03 8.26 7.93 7.97 8.00 8.03 8.05 8.14 8.14 8.14 8.14 8.16 7,63 7,65 7,64 7,63 7,66 8.78 8.75 8.77 8.75 8.78 7.82 7,83 7,84 7.85 7.86 8.47 8.43 8.43 8.47 8.47 8.35 8.35 8.34 8.32 8.34 7.01 7.06 7.07 6.96 7.04 3.10 3.09 3.12 3.12 3.18 Aug. 7. 14. 21. 28. 5.93 5.90 5.64 5.70 6.13 6.09 5.42 5.71 5.85 5.80 5.15 5.45 6.45 6.45 5.75 6.20 7.96 7.95 7.42 7.58 8.07 8.05 7.84 7.74 8.21 8,22 8,02 8.07 7l69 7[71 7,49 7,50 8.85 8.88 8.66 8.69 7,89 7.89 7.72 7.76 8.53 8.55 8.31 8.48 8.41 8.44 8.23 8.19 7.10 7.06 6.99 7.02 3.28 3.25 3.12 3.06 Sept. 4. 11. 18. 25. 5.59 5.58 5.51 . 5.40 5.50 5.59 5.59 5.51 5.30 5.00 5.10 5.15 6.10 5.80 5,90 5.90 7.58 7.47 7.72 7.84 7.57 7.57 7.65 7.74 8.03 7.97 7.97 7.96 7.45 7.42 7.44 8.65 8.62 8.63 8.57 7.67 7,62 7.64 7.65 8,54 8.45 8.39 8.32 8.15 8.11 8.13 8.12 6.94 6.87 6.87 6.85 3.10 3.03 3.07 3.11 Oct. 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 5.52 5.47 5.44 5.47 5.43 5.25 5.15 4.98 4.95 5.13 4.90 4.80 4.65 4.65 4.90 5.60 5.50 5.30 5.25 5.45 7.76 7.62 7.53 7.42 7.30 7.65 7.65 7.60 7.61 7.54 7.95 7.93 7.90 7.87 7.82 7146 7,44 7.42 7.37 7.31 8.52 8.49 8.48 8.47 8.44 7.64 7.62 7.61 7.56 7.51 8.32 8.32 8.26 8.21 8.18 8.10 8.05 8.04 8.03 8.00 6.95 6.81 6.75 6.70 6.74 3.13 3.07 3.09 3.20 3.26 Nov. 6. 13. 20. 27. 5.33 5.37 5.46 5.56 4.98 5.15 5.25 5,41 4.75 4.90 4.95 5.15 5.25 5.45 5.65 5.75 7.3t 7.34 7,39 7.46 7.41 7.46 7.43 7.39 7,78 7.77 7.77 7.78 7.25 7j.24 71,27 7.28 8.43 8.37 8.36 8.39 7.46 7.43 7.46 7.48 8.15 8.13 8.10 8.11 7.97 7.96 7.95 7.94 6.76 6.66 6.83 6.85 3.24 3.29 3.31 3.39 Dec. 4. 11. 18. 25. 5.58 5.59 5.63 5.68 5.50 5.25 5.21 5.18 5.20 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.85 5.55 5.35 5,40 7.44 7.23 7.26 7.36 7.37 7.32 7.27 7.79 7.79 7.76 7.74 7.28 7.27 7.24 7.23 8.42 8.42 8.39 8.36 7.47 7.46 7.43 7.41 8.14 8.15 8.14 8.12 7.96 7.97 7.92 7.89 6.78 6.76 6.87 6.83 3.21 3.17 3.12 3.02 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 5.60 5.61 5.57 5.61 5.67 5.04 5.05 5.00 5.16 5.31 4.75 4.75 4.65 4.90 5,05 5.40 5,40 5.40 5,50 5.65 7.18 7.10 7.18 7.39 7.17 7.17 7.18 7.26 7.29 7,70 7.67 7.65 7.63 7.67 7j.22 7119 7.17 7.16 7.22 8.31 8.27 8.21 8.18 8.24 7,37 7.36 7.33 7.31 7.36 8.06 8.02 8.00 7.95 7.95 7.88 7.86 7.84 7.82 7.87 6.79 6.68 6.52 6.49 6.57 2.99 2.97 2.95 2.94 2.99 Feb. 5. 12. 19. 26. 5.70 5.71 5.65 5.63 5.36 5.26 5.26 5.29 5.10 5.00 5.00 4.95 5.70 5.60 5.60 5.60 7.22 7.44 7,31 7.35 7.32 7.37 7.34 7.34 7.68 7.70 7.68 7.67 7.25 7.29 7.28 7.26 8.26 8.25 8.23 8.21 7.39 7.42 7.39 7,35 7.99 8.00 8.01 8.01 7.85 7.84 7.83 7.83 6.62 6.71 6.64 6.71 2.93 2.91 2,91 2.92 Mar. 4. 11. 18. 25. 5.62 5.62 5.67 5.68 5.31 5.18 5.30 5.35 5,00 4.90 5.00 5.00 5.60 5.50 5.60 5.65 7.32 7.08 7,24 7,32 7.32 7.27 7.25 7.23 7.67 7.66 7.66 7.67 7.25 7.24 7.22 7.24 8.21 8.22 8.24 8.25 7.35 7,34 7.34 7.36 8.03 8.02 8.02 8.04 7.82 7.81 7.81 7.82 6.74 6.80 6.78 6,71 2.86 2.82 2.85 2.87 1972—Jan. "i'.w r 5.20 5.34 5.52 5,58 5.42 128 Annual Statistical Digest 27. Bond and stock yields—Continued Per cent per annum Government bonds Corporate bonds State and local Week ending— United States (longterm) Aaa utility Total i Total i Aaa Baa New issue By group By selected rating Aaa Recently offered Stocks Baa Industrial Dividend/ price ratio Railroad Public utility Preferred Common Earnings/ price ratio Common Seasoned issues 1972— Apr. 1. o. 15. 22. 29. 5.69 5.73 5.76 5.76 5.71 5.40 5.49 5.54 5.50 5.26 5,05 5.20 5.25 5.20 5.00 5.70 5.80 5.90 5.90 5.55 7.29 7.34 7.46 7.60 7.41 7.29 7.33 7.46 7.49 7.45 7.67 7.67 7.69 7.74 7.76 7,24 7.25 7.28 7.33 7.36 8.25 8.22 8.22 8.26 8.26 7.37 7.37 7.39 7.46 7.48 8.04 8.02 8.01 8.06 8.06 7.82 7.81 7.84 7.89 7.92 6.75 6.86 6.87 6.94 6.97 2.89 2.82 2.79 2.82 2.88 May 6, 20! 27, 5.69 5.69 5.64 5.57 5.36 5.41 5.35 5,21 5.10 5.20 5.15 4.90 5.70 5.70 5.60 5.60 7.40 7.40 7.29 7.49 7.45 7.46 7.40 7.35 7.73 7.71 7.72 7.70 7.34 7.33 7.30 7,27 8.22 8.20 8.25 8.25 7.45 7.44 7.44 7.40 8.01 8.00 8,02 8.01 7.89 7.86 7.89 7.88 6.91 6.93 6.89 6.92 2.92 2.94 2.90 2,81 June 3 . 10. 17. 24. 5.56 5.59 5,59 5.58 5.15 5.31 5.39 5.46 4.85 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.50 5.65 5.75 5,80 7.22 7.27 7.35 7.30 7.36 7,37 7.41 7.39 7.67 7.67 7.67 7.66 7.23 7.24 7.25 7.23 8.22 8.21 8,21 8.18 7.36 7.36 7.36 7.35 7.98 7.99 7,99 7.96 7.86 7.84 7,84 7.83 6.86 6.88 6.97 6.92 5.61 5,61 5.59 5.56 5.54 5.45 5.51 5.53 5.50 5.45 5.20 5.20 5.25 5.25 5.20 5.80 5.80 5.80 5,75 5.70 7.42 7.35 7.32 7.37 7.48 7.38 7,38 7.39 7.40 7.40 7.65 7.64 7.66 7.67 7.68 7.21 7.20 7.20 7.20 7.22 8.20 8.19 8.20 8.25 8.27 7.36 7.37 7.38 7.40 7.41 7.99 7.98 7,99 8,00 8.00 7.80 7.77 7.78 7.81 7.82 6,95 6.98 6,99 7.00 7.00 2.90 2.87 2,91 2.92 2.89 19. 26. 5.51 5.48 5.53 5.56 5.40 5.35 5.31 5.36 5.10 5.10 5,05 5,10 5.70 5.65 5.60 5.65 7,40 7.37 7.32 7.38 7.34 7.39 7.38 7.66 7.63 7.60 7.59 7.22 7,20 7,19 7,17 8.25 8.23 8.19 8.16 7.39 7.36 7.35 7.34 8.00 7.99 7.98 8.00 7.80 7.73 7.67 7.64 6,97 6.96 6.90 6.79 2.84 2.80 2.78 2.77 Sept. 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 5.62 5.66 5.68 5.70 5.75 5.41 5.41 5.38 5.41 5.33 5,15 5.15 5.10 5.15 5.08 5.70 5.70 5.70 5.75 5.60 7.41 7,38 7.34 7.44 7.42 7.42 7.45 7.43 7.42 7.40 7.58 7.58 7.59 7.59 7.60 7,19 7,19 7.23 7.23 7.24 8.15 8.11 8.09 8.09 8.08 7.32 7.34 7.36 7.37 7.37 8.01 7.97 7.96 7.97 7.99 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63 6.87 6.98 7.02 6.99 7.01 2.81 2.81 2.84 2.84 2.82 7.40 7.41 7.46 7.38 7.60 7.59 7.59 7.58 7.23 7.22 7.21 7,19 8.08 8.07 8.06 8.05 7.37 7.36 7.36 7.35 7.96 7.97 7.98 7.96 7.64 7.62 7.63 7.63 7.02 7.03 7.06 7.02 2.81 2.82 2.86 2.80 7.32 7.29 7.15 7.15 7.57 7.55 7.53 7.49 7.18 7.16 7.12 7.09 8.04 8.02 8.00 7.95 7.33 7.31 7.29 7.25 7.96 7.96 7.97 7.93 7.61 7.58 7.56 7.50 6.98 6.99 6.94 6.90 2.75 2.74 2.75 2.70 ™y i. 15. 22. 29. AU8.J. 1 2.83 2.88 2.86 2.85 7. 14. 21. 28. 5.73 5.71 5.70 5.65 5.25 5.23 5.28 5.18 5.05 5.00 5,05 5.00 5.45 5.45 5.50 5.40 7,44 7.48 7,30 7.34 Nov. 4. 11. 18. 25. 5.59 5.51 5.47 5,48 5,09 5.18 5.12 5.08 4.90 5.00 4.90 4.85 5.35 5.40 5.35 5.35 7.27 Dee, 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 5.53 5.57 5.60 5.68 5.70 5.10 5.04 5.11 5.19 5.19 4.90 4.85 4.90 4.95 4.95 5.40 5.30 5.35 5.45 5.45 7.05 7.15 7.21 7.15 7.17 7.21 7.24 7.23 7,47 7.46 7.47 7.48 7.48 7.07 7.05 7.08 7.10 7.11 7.96 7.94 7.94 7.93 7.90 7.22 7.20 7.22 7,25 7.25 7.49 7.91 7.90 7.48 7.91 7.48 7.47 7.91 7.89 ! 7.48 2.71 6.86 2,68 6.90 6.94 ! 2.67 6.89 ; 2.73 2,71 6.93 5.19 5.11 5.08 5.14 4.95 4.90 4.85 4.90 5.45 5.40 "7;29~ 5.30 7.45 5.40 7.40 7.28 7.37 7.38 7.43 7.47 7.47 7.48 7.50 7.11 7.12 7.15 7.18 7.90 7.89 7.90 7.91 7.23 7.24 7.27 7.30 7.90 7.88 7.85 7.85 7.49 7.50 7,50 7.52 6.86 6.87 6.82 6,85 2.65 2.65 2.67 2.72 Get, 7.12 6.99 1973—Jan. 6. 13. 20. 27, 5,72 5.83 5.98 6.08 Feb. 3. 10. 17. 24. 6.13 6.16 6.10 6.15 5.21 5.25 5.10 5.13 5.00 5.05 4.85 4.90 5.45 5.50 5.40 5,40 7.38 7.46 7.34 7.44 7.45 7.41 7.38 7.54 7.56 7.57 7.57 7.20 7.22 7.23 7.22 7,95 7.97 7.97 7.97 7.33 7.34 7.35 7.35 7.88 7.91 7.92 7.92 7.57 7.62 7.61 7.60 6.87 6.82 6.96 6.93 2.74 2,80 2.77 2.78 Mar. 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. 6.16 6.18 6.22 6.24 6.18 5.23 5.29 5.34 5.35 5.30 5.00 5.05 5.10 5.10 5.10 5.45 5.55 5.65 5.65 5.60 7.52 7.45 7.47 7.50 7.59 7.59 7,50 7.57 7.59 7.61 7.63 7.65 7.25 7.27 7.29 7.31 7.31 7.97 7.99 8.01 8.05 8.08 7.35 7.38 7.41 7.46 7.48 7.92 7.94 7.95 7.96 7.94 7.60 7.63 7.64 7.64 7.66 6.92 6.97 7.04 7.06 7.06 2.86 2.79 2.78 2.89 2,87 Apr 6.16 6.09 6.07 6,10 5.26 5.09 5.13 5.20 5.05 4.85 4.90 5.00 5.50 5.35 5.40 5.45 7,50 7.47 7.52 7,42 7.63 7.63 7.62 7.62 7.27 7.25 7.25 7.27 8.11 8.10 8.10 8.06 7.46 7.44 7.42 7.40 7.96 7.98 8.00 8.00 7.65 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.16 7.09 7.11 7.07 2.94 2.84 2.87 2.96 ,i: 19. 26. 6.15 6.15 6.21 6.31 5.10 5.10 5,13 5.19 4.85 4.85 4.85 4.95 7.40 5.35 5.35 5.40 "7!4S' 7.61 5,45 7.42 7.45 7.50 7.55 7.59 7.60 7.61 7.64 7.26 7.26 7.29 7.32 8.03 8.03 8,04 81.08 7.38 7.39 7.40 7.43 7.97 8.00 7.99 8.03 7.62 7.61 7.61 7.64 7.12 i 7.01 7.12 7.22 2.96 2.92 3.03 3.10 June 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 6.31 6.31 6.29 6.32 6.36 5.24 5.17 5.23 5.28 5.31 5.00 5.00 5.05 5.05 5.10 5.50 5.40 5.50 5.55 5.60 7.60 7.59 7.60 7.69 7,72 7.67 7.68 7.68 7.69 7.72 7.35 7.36 7,36 7.38 7.40 8.12 8.13 8.14 8.13 8.14 7.45 7.48 7.48 7.49 7.51 8.06 8.06 8.06 8.08 8.09 7.67 7.67 7.68 7.69 7.71 7.20 7.23 7.19 i 7.27 i 7.29 i 3.02 3.07 2.98 3.07 3,11 ' 2,J:t . 28. May 7.51 7.45 7.55 7,63 7.59 7.66 7.73 5.57 5i56' 5.44 6.10 6.93 Annual Statistical Digest 129 27. Bond and stock yields—Continued Per cent per annum Government bonds Corporate bonds State and local Week ending— United States (longterm) 1 Aaa utility Aaa Baa New issue Aaa Recently offered By By selected rating Total i Total i Stocks I Baa Dividend/ price ratio group Industrial Railroad Public utility Preferred Common 7. 14. 21. 28. 6.44 6.43 6.50 6.64 5.36 5.45 5.43 •5.53 5.10 5.25 5.20 5.30 5.65 5.70 5.75 5.80 7.92 7.92 8.03 7.80 7.85 7.94 8.12 7.74 7,78 7.80 7.83 7.41 7.44 7.45 f48 8.16 8.22 8.25 8.27 7.53 7.55 7.60 7.65 8.13 8.17 8.18 8.17 7.75 7.79 7.82 7.84 7.30 7.33 7.35 7.43 3.15 3.03 3.03 2.94 Aug. 4. 11. 18. 25. 6.90 6.97 6.83 6.74 5.63 5,63 5.64 5.42 5.40 5,40 5.20 5.20 5.90 5.90 5.85 5.75 8.31 8.52 8.30 8.29 8.28 8.32 8.16 8.21 7.88 7.97 8.06 8.12 7.53 7.61 7.71 7.77 8.33 8.43 8.54 8.61 7.72 7.83 7.94 7.99 8.19 8.28 8.34 8.36 7.89 7.96 8.06 8.14 7.43 7.39 7.35 7,48 3.06 3.11 3.19 3.27 Sept. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 6.62 6.45 6.52 6.43 6.28 5.35 5.20 5.19 5.11 5.01 5.10 5.00 5.00 4.90 4.70 5.60 '5.50 "Y.94 7.74 5.45 8.03 5.40 7.81 5.32 8.24 8.02 8,06 8.03 7.84 8.12 8.09 8.06 8.07 8.02 7.73 7.64 7.63 7.65 7.60 8.67 8.66 8.64 8.64 8.56 7.97 7.92 7.90 7.90 7,84 8.40 8.42 8.38 8.38 8.32 8.17 8.13 8.08 8,10 8.08 7.50 7.51 7.39 7,34 7.29 3.17 3.15 3.20 3.12 3.04 7.98 7.94 7.94 7.97 4.59 71.56 7,58 7.64 8.44 8.40 8.40 8.41 7.78 7.73 7.73 7.76 8.27 8.24 8.23 8.22 8.06 8.01 8.02 8,06 7.19 7.10 7.08 7.27 3.06 3.05 3.03 3.03 6. 13. 20. 27. 6.27 6.20 6.27 6.28 5.03 4.98 5.02 5.10 4.70 4.70 4.75 4.90 5.40 5.25 5.30 5.30 7.75 7.96 7.99 7.97 7.90 7.88 7.98 7.98 Nov. 3. 10. 17. 24. 6,27 6,33 6.35 6.29 5,15 5.24 5.29 5.20 4.95 5.05 5,10 5.05 5,40 5.50 5.55 5.45 7.76 8.00 7.98 7.86 7.97 8.03 7.99 7,86 7.99 8.01 8.03 8.02 7!.65 7i.67 7 69 7'.68 8.43 '8.43 8.42 8.42 7.79 7.80 7.82 7.81 8.24 8.27 8.29 8.29 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.12 7.24 7.31 7.35 7.44 3.10 3,17 3,31 3,41 Dec, 6.27 6.31 6.30 6.34 6.47 5.16 5.20 5.13 5.11 5.11 5.00 5.00 4.90 4.85 4.85 5.40 5.45 5.45 5,40 5.40 7.85 8.067,97 7.98 7.87 7.98 7.97 8,05 8.10 8.01 8.02 8.04 8.06 8.08 7'.64 7', 65 7 ,.67 7',68 7,73 8.42 8.43 8.48 8,50 8.52 7.81 7.81 7.83 7.85 7.87 8.30 8.25 8.26 8.31 8 31 8.09 8.13 8.17 8.18 8 21 7.51 7.61 7.70 7.82 7.90 3.55 3.77 3.72 3.67 3.64 8,54 8.56 8.58 8.60 7,87 7,92 7.98 8.02 8.35 8.37 8.35 8.31 8.22 8.23 8.26 8.32 7.81 7.55 7.51 7.49 3.56 3.73 3.65 3.60 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 1974—Jan. 5. 12. 19. 26. 6.52 6.57 6,57 6,57 5.16 5.24 5.24 5.28 4.90 5,05 5.05 5.10 5,50 5.50 5.45 5.50 8.17 8.27 8.25 8.14 8.25 8.21 8.26 8.10 8.12 8,16 8.18 7173 7 t 77 7|85 7 t 88 Feb. 2. 9. 16. 23. 6.55 6.50 6.50 6.56 5.24 5,18 5.24 5.28 5.05 4.95 5.05 5.10 5.50 5.45 5.45 5.50 8.11 8.13 8.05 8.10 8.18 8.19 8.25 8.24 8.18 8.16 8.17 8.18 7|87 7.82 7^85 7.;87 8.58 8.57 8.59 8.61 8.01 7.99 8.00 8.03 8.29 8.28 8.28 8.26 8.33 8.31 8.33 8.34 7.62 7.54 7.49 7.47 3.65 3.81 3.92 3.92 Mar, 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 6.62 6.71 6.75 6.88 6.93 5,29 5.315.38 5.46 5,61 5.10 5.10 5,15 5.20 5.35 5.55 5.55 5.65 5.75 5.90 8.30 8.37 8.33 8.59 8.64 8.29 8.27 8.37 8.52 8.67 8.18 8.21 8.25 8.30 8.36 7. 187 7.92 7. '99 8. ,05 8.11 8.59 8.60 8.63 8.68 8.72 8.03 8.05 8.08 8.14 8.22 8.25 8.28 8.33 8.37 8.39 8.35 8.38 8.41 8.46 8.53 7.39 7.39 7.50 7.63 7.72 3.70 3.64 3.58 3.67 3.71 8.43 8.49 8.51 8.55 8.17 8. '25 8., 26 8.28 8.79 8.87 8.89 8.94 8.30 8,36 8.41 8.45 8.42 8.48 8.51 8.57 8.62 8.69 8.66 8.71 7.75 7.81 7.83 7.91 3.80 3.88 3.80 3.95 20. 27. 7.02 7.04 6.99 7.07 5.73 5.83 5.69 5.80 5.40 5.50 5.40 5.51 6.00 6.15 6.00 6.10 8.78 9.13 8.91 8.98 8.75 8.92 8.95 9.08 May 4. 11. 18. 25. 7.11 7.09 7.02 7.08 6.00 6.11 6.06 6.06 5.80 5.90 5.90 5.90 6.25 6.40 6.30 6.30 9.27 9.27 9.23 9.34 9.15 9.11 9.13 9.10 8.62 8.64 8.67 8.71 8.34 8.38 8.36 8.38 8.99 9.02 9.07 9.16 8.52 8.54 8.53 8.56 8.64 8.69 8.73 8.77 8.76 8.77 8.83 8,89 8.04 8.08 8.12 8.10 3.90 3.91 3.96 4.12 June 1 . 8. 15. 22. 29. 7.06 7.04 6.99 7.01 7.07 6.09 6.03 6.11 6.18 6.35 5.95 5.90 5.95 5.96 6.00 6.30 6.25 6.30 6.39 6.70 9.09 9.23 9.28 9.49 9.50 9.15 9.14 9.18 9.45 9.82 8.75 8.78 8.81 8.87 8.94 8.39 8.40 8.40 8.49 8.57 9.23 9.26 9.29 9.36 9.44 8.60 8.61 8.64 8.72 8.80 8.81 8.85 8.88 8.90 8.93 8.95 9.00 9.02 9.10 9.19 8.20 8.25 8.19 8.24 8.32 4.13 3.98 3.91 4.06 4.14 July (6. 20. 27. 7.12 7.23 7.24 7.12 6.61 6.90 6.80 6.48 6.20 6.50 6.50 6.15 7,00 7.25 7.15 7.00 10.10 9.79 10.16 10.02 10.09 8,99 9.04 9.10 9.16 8.62 8,66 8.71 8.7? 9.47 9.49 9.55 9.61 8.85 8.90 8.95 9.02 8.95 9.01 9.09 9.16 9.25 9.30 9.36 9.40 8.22 8.29 8.43 8.52 4.30 4.54 4.35 4.29 Aug. 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. 7.24 7.31 7.35 7,30 7,36 6.69 6.60 6.64 6.71 6.88 6.40 6.25 6.30 6.35 6.60 7.05 7.00 7.05 7.15 7.25 10.31 9.82 10.10 10.26 9.99 10.28 10.15 10.02 10.28 10.26 - 9.23 9.29 9.34 9.39 9.47 8. $6 8.93 8.98 9.Q3 9.07 9.67 9.70 9.74 9.78 9.86 9.07 9.11 9.12 9.17 9.25 9.23 9.27 9.30 9.30 9.34 9.48 9.57 9.67 9.77 9.87 8,55 8,50 8.52 8.64 8.76 4.61 4.47 4.82 5.05 5.24 Sept. 7. 14. 21. 28. 7.33 7.31 7.31 7.27 6.86 6.79 6.76 6.68 6.60 6.50 6.45 6.40 7,20 7.20 7.20 7.10 10.31 10.27 10.37 10.46 10.24 10.30 10.26 10.27 9.53 9.61 9.69 9.75 9.13 9.20 9.29 9.32 9.95 10.05 10.17 10.26 9.32 9.40 9.49 9,52 9.37 9.43 9.47 9,53 9.96 10.05 10.14 10.24 9.02 8.92 8.94 8.82 5.40 5.42 5.49 5.50 Apr. if . ' io.25 Common Seasoned issues 1973—July Oct. Earnings/ price ratio 7.09 8.37 8.90 10.16 14.35 130 Annual Statistical Digest 27. Bond and stock yields—Continued Per cent per annum Government bonds State and local Week ending— United States (longterm) Aaa utility Total i Total i Aaa Stocks Corporate bonds Baa New issue Aaa Recently offered Baa Dividend/ price ratio By group By selected rating Industrial Railroad Public utility Preferred Common Earnings/ price ratio Common Seasoned issues 5. 12. 19. 26. 7.31 7.26 7.22 7.18 6.73 6.55 6.49 6.49 6.50 6.20 6.15 6.10 7.10 7.00 6.95 6.90 IQ.44 10.03 10.52 10.36 10.36 10.02 9.81 9.84 9.82 9.77 9.37 9.38 9.29 9.19 10.32 10.39 10.43 10.44 9.56 9.58 9.54 9.49 9.62 9.66 9.65 9.62 10.30 10.33 10.34 10.30 8.88 8.93 8.68 8.61 5.87 5.49 5.27 5.24 Nov. 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 7.12 7.04 6.92 6.87 6.88 6.55 6.56 6.50 6.46 6.65 6.10 6.10 6.05 6.00 6.10 7.00 7.00 6.90 6.90 7.25 9.42 9.00 8.87 9.17 9.68 9.82 9.28 9.17 9.29 9.38 9.73 9.67 9.61 9.56 9.54 9.09 8.99 8.89 8.84 8.84 10.48 10.49 10.50 10.49 10.52 9.44 9.35 9.26 9.21 9.23 9.64 9.61 9.58 9.56 9.56 10.25 10.20 10.15 10.08 10.02 8.78 8.69 8.61 8.57 8.53 5.03 4.90 5.00 5.39 5.23 Dec. 7. 14. 21. 28. 6.89 6.75 6.70 6.77 6.89 7.14 7.07 7.07 6.40 6.80 6.70 6.70 7.45 7.55 7.50 7.55 9.50 9.59 9.52 9.39 9.57 9.59 9.64 9.55 9.54 9.55 9.58 8.90 8.87 8.85 8.90 10.51 10.50 10.56 10.61 9.24 9.23 9.21 9.24 9.58 9.60 9.58 9.60 9.98 9.97 10.02 10.09 8.61 8.77 8.78 8.87 5.43 5.42 5.41 5.50 ""12.9Y 4. 11. 18. 25. 6.77 6.68 6.66 6.69 7.07 7.01 6.97 6.75 6.70 6.60 6.55 6.10 7.55 7.50 "9.62 7.50 9.38 7.40 9.45 9.67 9.45 9.55 9.47 9.60 9.60 9.56 9.52 8.93 8.91 8.84 8.78 10.62 10.63 10.63 10.62 9.26 9.24 9.17 9.16 9.58 9.55 9.54 9.52 10.13 10.17 10.15 10.07 8.89 8.62 8.25 8.27 5.37 5.25 5.10 5.14 1. 8. 15. 22. 6.67 6.59 6.58 6.63 6.63 6.36 6.31 6.43 6.00 5.90 5.85 6.00 7.30 7.00 6.95 7.05 9.00 8.89 9.02 9.03 9.21 9.12 9.10 9.08 9.48 9.42 9.35 9.29 8.74 8.68 8.63 8.58 10.59 10.52 10.46 10.39 9.16 9.11 9.02 8.97 9.46 9.39 9.33 9.30 9.99 9.95 9.87 9.79 8.18 8.17 8.07 8.00 4.79 4.68 4.63 4.54 Mar. 1. 8. 15. 22 29. 6.64 6.67 6.67 6.75 6.83 6.51 6.51 6.64 6.76 6.89 6.10 6.10 6.20 6.35 6.45 7.10 7.10 7.20 7.30 7.40 8.94 8.91 9.27 9.60 9.60 9.06 9.17 9.31 9.41 9.62 9.26 9.25 9.24 9.28 9.34 8.57 8.59 8.61 8.69 8.78 10.32 10.31 10.28 10.28 10.29 8.95 8.98 9.01 9.07 9.15 9.26 9.24 9.22 9.29 9.29 9.73 9.67 9.63 9.66 9.70 8.02 7.92 8.06 8.02 8.17 4.58 4.45 4.42 4.39 4.42 Apr. 5. 12. 19. 26. 6.88 7.05 7.03 7.08 6.89 6.99 6.92 6.99 6.45 6.55 6.40 6.45 7.40 7.40 7.40 7.50 9.80 9.65 9.51 9.66 9.70 9.60 9.55 9.71 9.38 9.46 9.50 9.53 8.87 8.94 8.95 8.97 10.28 10.32 10.34 10.37 9.19 9.26 9.32 9.36 9.35 9.38 9.38 9.41 9.75 9.83 9.90 9.94 8.08 8.20 8.35 8.29 4.49 4.47 4.26 4.28 May 3. 10. 17. 24. 31. 7.09 6.98 6.94 6.98 7.03 6.94 6.87 6.88 7.03 7.03 6.40 6.35 6.35 6.50 6.50 7.45 7.35 7.35 7.50 7.75 9.80 9.65 9.54 9.61 9.62 9.69 9.60 9.61 9.66 9.70 9.57 9.56 9.55 9.53 9.55 9.01 8.96 8.88 8.85 8.90 10.43 10.45 10.47 10.46 10.47 9.38 9.38 9.36 9.37 9.38 9.45 9.47 9.52 9.50 9.49 10.00 9.97 9.94 9.89 9.90 8.42 8.49 8.52 8.44 8.50 4.22 4.13 3.98 4.12 4.10 June 7. 14. 21. 28. 6.96 6.81 6.82 6.85 7.01 6.84 6.96 7.01 6.35 6.15 6.30 6.30 7.55 7.35 7.50 7.55 9.41 8.95 9.07 9.37 9.53 9.22 9.14 9.41 9.51 9.46 9.41 9.41 8.85 8.76 8.73 8.75 10.47 10.42 10.37 10.35 9.36 9.29 9.26 9.25 9.46 9.41 9.38 9.36 9.89 9.83 9.76 9.76 8.50 8.29 8.36 8.22 3.98 4.07 4.08 3.93 July 5. 12. 19. 26. 6.89 6.89 6.87 6.90 7.01 7.03 7.08 7.17 6.30 6.33 6.40 6.50 7.55 7.56 7.60 7.70 9.62 9.38 9.53 9.25 9.30 9.45 9.57 9.33 9.44 9.44 9.43 9.43 8.82 8.84 8.82 8.85 10.37 10.35 10.33 10.32 9.26 9.26 9.26 9.25 9.38 9.38 9.37 9.37 9.81 9.82 9.80 9.80 8.04 8.16 8.22 8.33 3.95 3.92 3.93 4.12 Aug. 2. 9. 16. 23. 30. 6.92 7.00 7.01 7.14 7 12 7.07 7.11 7.11 7.12 7 12 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.40 6 40 7.58 7.70 7.70 7.72 7 72 9.37 9.44 9.43 9.53 9 49 9.35 9.51 9.49 9.54 9 50 9.44 9.48 9.51 9.52 9 53 8.86 8.93 8.95 8.96 8 96 10.31 10.31 10.35 10.36 10 37 9.26 9.28 9.29 9.31 9 31 9.38 9.38 9.40 9.42 9.44 9.82 9.88 9.93 9.96 9.96 8.45 8.40 8.39 8.38 8 47 4.19 4.30 4.31 4.44 4.38 Sept. 6. 13. 20. 27. 7.11 7.25 7.34 7.35 7.29 7.35 7.45 7.49 6.60 6.66 6.76 6.79 7.85 7.91 8.01 8.06 9.64 9.68 9.70 9.41 9.50 9.61 9.70 9.53 9.54 9.56 9.55 8.93 8.94 8.98 8.94 10.37 10.36 10.39 10.40 9.32 9.34 9.36 9.36 9.43 9.43 9.42 9.41 9.95 9.97 9.99 10.00 8.48 8.53 8.61 8.61 4.30 4.42 4.50 4.34 Oct. 4. 11. 18. 25. 7.43 7.36 7.31 7.22 7.62 7.52 7.32 7.18 6.92 6.80 6.60 6.44 8.20 8.12 7.92 7.80 9.72 9.60 9.53 9.32 9.70 9.56 9.41 9.30 9.56 9.54 9.52 9.48 8.96 8.93 8.86 8.81 10.39 10.39 10.37 10.36 9.36 9.35 9.32 9.30 9.41 9.41 9.40 9.39 10.01 10.00 9.95 9.90 8.70 8.58 8.66 8.55 4.48 4.22 4.15 4.09 Nov. 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. 7.18 7.17 7.17 7.25 7.24 7.36 7.50 7.40 7.37 7.37 6.60 6.74 6.62 6.59 6.59 8.00 8.15 8.07 8.04 8.04 9.22 9.10 9.11 9.40 9.33 9.24 9.24 9.30 9.25 9.46 9.43 9.43 9.44 9.46 8.77 8.76 8.75 8.81 8.81 10.36 10.32 10.34 10.31 10.34 9.28 9.25 9.27 9.29 9.28 9.38 9.36 9.35 9.34 9.37 9.86 9.82 9.82 9.81 9.85 8.42 8.56 8.52 8.48 8.43 4.14 4.14 4.03 4.08 4.04 Dec. 6. 13. 20. 27. 7.23 7.26 7.17 7.09 7.30 7.31 7.28 7.28 6.52 6.53 6.49 6.49 7.97 7.98 7.95 7.95 9.46 9.37 9.24 9.34 9.25 9.19 9.13 9.47 9.49 9.46 9.42 8.83 8.86 8.81 8.72 10.35 10.37 10.36 10.33 9.30 9.30 9.26 9.22 9.36 9.37 9.38 9.36 9.87 9.91 9.89 9.84 8.39 8.47 8.46 8.49 4.20 4.17 4.12 4.11 1974— Oct. 1975— Jan. Feb. 10.61 iolio 8.29 9.12 ""8*.6i" Annual Statistical Digest 131 28e Security prices Common stock prices New York Stock Exchange Bond prices (per cent of par) Standard and Poor's index (1941-43 = 10) Period Industrial Railroad Public utility Total Industrial Transporta- Utility tion 83.22 91.29 98.29 108.35 109.20 121.79 107.43 120.44 82.85 92.91 85.17 96.15 32.13 41.94 44.11 38.05 37.53 37.48 54.48 59.33 56.90 53.47 38.91 41.21 45.72 54.22 60.29 57.42 43.84 45.73 48.03 57.92 65.73 63.08 48.08 51.88 32.14 44.35 50.17 37.74 31.89 30.73 98.72 32.95 59.96 49.00 51.68 102.22 106.62 109.59 113.68 112.41 110.26 109.09 107.26 109.85 107.28 102.21 109.67 36.64 38.78 39.70 42.29 42.05 42.12 42.05 43.55 47.18 44.58 41.19 43.17 63.43 62.49 62.42 62.06 59.20 57.90 60.08 57.51 56.48 57.41 55.86 57.07 51.29 53.42 54.89 56.81 56.00 55.06 54.83 55.73 54.95 53.76 51.17 54.76 53.72 56.45 58.43 60.65 60.21 59.25 58.70 57.62 59.13 57.52 54.50 58.85 114.12 116.86 119.73 121.34 120.16 120.84 119.98 124.35 122.33 122.39 128.29 131.08 45.16 45.66 46.48 47.38 45.06 43.66 42.00 43.28 42.37 41.20 42.41 45.23 60.19 57.41 57.73 55.70 54.94 53.73 53.47 54.66 55.36 56.66 61.16 61.73 57.19 58.45 59.96 60.65 59.82 59.87 59.21 61.07 60.05 59.99 62.99 64.26 61.33 63.36 65.18 66.10 65.30 65.76 65.13 67.25 65.72 65.35 68.29 69.96 118.42 114.16 112.42 110.27 107.22 104.75 105.83 103.80 105.61 109.84 102.03 94.78 132.55 128.50 126.05 123.56 119.95 117.20 118.65 116.75 118.52 123.42 114.64 106.16 42.87 40.80 39.29 35.88 36.14 34.35 35.22 33.76 35.49 38.24 39.74 41.48 60.01 57.52 55.94 55.34 55.43 54.37 53.31 50.14 52.31 53.22 48.30 45.73 64.38 61.52 60.15 58.67 56.74 55.14 56.12 55.33 56.71 59.26 54.59 50.39 62.3 62.0 61.3 60.3 59.7 59.5 58.5 57.6 56.2 55.9 56.3 56.1 96.11 93.45 97.44 92.46 89.67 89.79 82.82 76.03 68.12 69.44 71.74 67.07 107.18 104.13 108.98 103.66 101.17 101.62 93.54 85.51 76.54 77.57 80.17 74.80 44.37 41.85 42.57 40.26 37,04 37.31 35.63 35.06 31.55 33.70 35.95 34.81 48.60 48.13 47.90 44.03 39.35 37.46 35.37 34.00 30.93 33.80 34.45 32.85 56.4 56.6 56.2 55.8 56.6 56.7 56.6 55,6 55. a 56.0 56.3 56.1 72.56 80.10 83.78 84.72 90.10 92.40 92.49 85.71 84.62 88.57 90.07 88.74 80.50 89.29 93.90 95.27 101.05 103.68 103.84 96.21 94.96 99.29 100.86 94.89 37.31 37.80 38.35 38.55 38.92 38.97 38.04 35.13 34.94 36.92 37.81 37.07 38.19 40.37 39.55 38.19 39.69 43.65 43.67 41.04 40.53 42.59 43.77 43.25 U.S. Govt. (longterm) State and local govt. Corporate AAA 1970 1971... 1972 1973 1974 1975 1970—DCC> 60.52 67.73 68.71 62.80 57.45 57.44 72.3 80.0 84.4 85.4 76.3 68.9 61.6 65.0 65.9 63.7 58.8 56.2 65.63 79.8 64.7 90.05 1971—Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec 66.10 66.78 67.94 67.57 65.72 65.84 66.16 67.33 69.35 70.33 70.47 68.80 79.9 81.5 82.8 80.4 75.6 74.8 74.0 77.4 81.7 84.7 84.1 83.5 66.5 66.8 65.8 65.1 63.7 63.5 63.2 63.4 64.2 65.2 66.4 66.5 93.49 97.11 99.60 103.04 101.64 99.72 99.00 97.24 99.40 97.29 92.78 99.17 1972—Jan Feb. Mar 68.79 68.32 68.43 67.66 68.59 69.05 69.23 69.55 68.06 68.09 69.87 68.68 84.6 83.8 84.1 82.5 84.6 83.4 83.1 84.2 83.4 85.3 87.1 87.1 67.1 66.7 66.2 65.1 65.3 65.6 65.6 65.8 65.6 65.5 65.9 66.05 103.30 105.24 107.69 108.81 107.65 108.01 107.21 111.01 109.39 109.56 115.05 117.50 Dec 65.89 64.09 63.59 64.39 63.43 62.61 60.87 58.71 61.81 63.13 62.71 62.37 86.9 86.1 84.1 85.7 86.1 58.8 83.2 82.2 86.2 86.9 85.6 86.1 66.0 65.5 65.2 64.9 64.7 64.4 63.8 61.0 61.3 62.1 62.1 62.9 1974—Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 60.66 60.83 . 58.70 57.01 56.81 57.11 55.97 54.95 55.13 55.69 57.80 58.96 85.2 85.3 83.5 80.2 77.3 76.2 71.9 71.6 71.0 72.7 72.6 68.6 59.70 1975—Jan 60.27 Feb 59.33 Mar. 57.05 Apr 57.40 May 58.33 June 58.09 July Aug, . .... . 56.84 55.23 Sept 55.23 Oct 55.77 Nov. 56.03 Dec. 70.9 74.1 70.9 69.5 69.6 69.8 68.5 68.3 66.1 66.1 66.2 67.4 Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec 1973__jan Feb. Mar Apr May. June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. New York Stock Exchange index (Dec. 31, 1965 = 50) Total Finance American Stock Exchange total index (Aug. 1973 = 100) Volume of trading in stocks (thousands of shares) NYSE AMEX 37.24 39.53 38.48 37.69 29.82 31.45 54.64 96.63 10,532 70.38 113.40 17,429 78.35 129.10 16,487 70.12 103.80 16,374 49.67 79.97 13,883 46.62 83.15 18,568 33.70 39.93 61.95 37.76 40.37 41.71 45.35 45.48 44.90 44.02 44.83 48.09 47.02 44.29 48.34 42.52 42.30 41.60 41.73 39.70 38.71 39.72 38.17 37.53 37.93 36.87 37.52 66.41 68.19 70.66 73.91 70.89 70.01 70.42 69.41 72.14 71.24 68.98 72.28 103.05 111.50 115.73 120.00 117.66 115.48 115.74 112.70 116.83 113.81 105.12 113.18 17,429 19,540 16,955 19,126 15,157 13,802 12,634 14,574 12,038 13,340 13,163 17,171 4,493 6,054 5,570 5,685 4,157 3,488 3,080 3,473 3,259 3,622 3,234 4,777 50.56 52.80 53.71 55.50 53.43 51.26 48.45 48.97 46.49 44.95 47.50 48.44 40.02 38.56 38.56 37.48 37.04 36.32 36.02 36.87 37.82 38.93 41.81 42.28 74.24 73.74 77.15 80.36 78.32 76.59 75.41 78.27 78.41 79.64 84.57 83.45 123.98 130.72 134.89 135.96 125.61 139.24 129.30 129.48 124.12 122.10 124.88 128.92 18,072 18,817 18,351 18,402 15,270 14,298 14,450 15,522 12,314 14,427 20,282 18,146 5,516 6,328 5,680 5,584 4,184 3,872 3,546 3,807 2,774 3,014 4,286 4,775 70.55 67.67 66.20 64.41 62.22 60.52 61.53 61.09 62.25 65.29 60.15 55.12 45.14 42.34 40.92 40.57 36.66 33.72 34.22 33.48 35.82 39.03 36.31 34.69 41.72 39.95 39.13 39.97 39.01 37.95 37.68 35.40 36.79 37.47 34.73 33.47 81.62 74.47 72.32 69.42 65.33 63.52 68.95 68.26 72.23 74.98 67.85 62.49 127.29 117.95 110.24 105.32 97.11 92.60 97.67 99.23 101.88 107.97 99.91 88.39 18,752 16,753 15,564 13,900 15,329 12,796 14,655 14,761 17,320 18,387 19,044 19,227 4,046 3,690 2,966 2,981 3,043 2,316 2,522 1,796 2,055 3,388 3,693 3,553 51.39 50.01 52.15 49.21 47.35 47.14 43.27 39.86 35.69 36.62 37.98 35.41 55.11 54.02 56.80 53.95 52.53 52.63 48.35 44.19 39.29 39.81 41.24 38.32 36.85 36.26 38.39 35.87 33.62 33.76 31.01 29.41 25.86 27.26 28.40 26.02 35.89 35.27 35.22 32.59 30.25 29.20 27.50 26.72 24.94 26.76 27.60 26.18 64.80 62.81 64.47 58.72 52.85 51.20 44.23 40.11 36.42 39.28 41.89 39.27 95.32 95.11 99.10 93.57 84.71 82.88 77.92 74.97 65.70 66.78 63.72 59.88 16,506 13,517 14,745 12,109 12,512 12,268 12,459 12,732 13,998 16,396 14,341 15,007 2,757 2,079 2,123 ,752 ,725 ,561 ,610 ,416 ,808 ,880 ,823 2,359 38.56 42.48 44.35 44.91 47.76 49.21 49.54 45.71 44.97 46.87 47.64 46.78 41.29 46.00 48.63 49.74 53.22 54.61 54.96 50.71 50.05 52.26 52.91 63.70 28.12 30.21 31.62 31.70 32.28 32.38 32.90 30.08 29.46 30.79 32.09 31.61 29.55 31.31 31.04 30.01 31.02 32.78 32.98 31.02 30.65 31.87 32.99 32.75 44.85 47.59 47.83 47.35 49.97 52.20 52.51 46.55 43.38 44.36 45.10 43.86 68.31 76.08 79.15 82.03 86.94 90.57 93.28 85.74 84.26 83.46 85.60 82.50 19,661 22,311 22,680 20,334 21,785 21,286 20,076 13,404 12,717 15,893 16,795 15,859 2,117 2,545 2,665 2,302 2,521 2,743 2,750 ,476 ,439 ,629 ,613 ,977 95.19 15,241 3,376 4,234 4,447 3,004 1,908 2,150 4,330 132 Annual Statistical Digest 28. Security prices—Continued Common stock prices New York Stock Exchange Bond prices (per cent of par) Week ending— Standard and Poor's index (1941-43 = 10) U.S. Govt. (longterm) State and local govt. Corporate AAA Total New York Stock Exchange index (Dec. 31, 1965-50) Industrial Railroad Public utility Total Industrial Transporta- Utility tion Finance Volume of trading in Amerstocks ican (thousands of Stock shares) Exchange total index (Aug. 31, NYSE AMEX 1973^ 100) 1970—Dec. 26 64.88 79.2 65.1 90.17 98.81 33.14 60.29 49.09 51.68 33.53 40.32 62.49 98.41 13,688 3,342 1971—Jan. 2 9 16 23 30 63.99 64.53 65.72 66.88 67.29 78.8 77.0 78.8 82.1 81.8 64.9 66.0 66.2 66.8 67.2 91.90 91.97 92.62 94.00 95.37 100.68 100,79 101.04 102.66 101.47 34.70 35.67 36.12 37.08 37.71 61.33 62.01 63.81 64.58 63.30 50.09 50.27 50.86 51.65 52.38 52.71 52.68 53.17 53.96 54.97 35.32 36.30 37.27 38.24 39.24 40,92 41.29 42.46 43.31 43.01 64.25 97.86 15,647 65.02 99.86 14,026 66.50 101.81 17,445 66.90 104.09 18,061 67.21 106.45 20,182 4,432 3,610 4,314 4,712 5,338 Feb. 6 13 20 27 67.07 67.27 66.84 66.05 81.1 83.1 81.2 80.5 66.9 67.3 66.7 66.1 96.60 97.74 97.79 96,44 105.99 107.32 107.35 105.95 38.32 38.85 39.11 38.90 62.88 62.86 62.95 61.36 53.12 53.78 53.80 53.04 55,93 56.83 56.90 56.22 39.92 40.51 40.76 40.37 42.95 42.67 42.39 41.21 67.68 68.54 68.74 67.93 109.60 21,142 112.32 22,123 112.99 18,649 1 1 1 . 38 16,067 6,854 6,658 6,156 4,570 Mar. 6 13 20 27 65.89 67.40 68.47 69.51 80.4 82.9 83.4 83.9 65.7 65.9 65.9 66.0 97.56 99.42 101.05 100.02 107.30 109.41 111,21 110.03 39.61 39.95 40.03 39.38 61.24 62.08 63.13 62.93 53.68 54.77 55.66 55.18 57.02 58.33 59.34 58.73 41.06 41.81 42.38 41.50 41.11 41.47 41.84 41.81 68.90 69.87 71.36 71.48 113,24 115.74 117.08 116.34 16,472 18,315 18,268 15,598 5,573 6,354 6,079 4,712 Apr. 3 10 17 24 68.55 68.37 67.77 66.93 83.3 82.6 81.3 80.1 65.5 65.4 65.0 64.7 100.31 101.60 103.25 103.72 110.40 111.90 113.87 114.48 39.74 41.33 42.13 42.66 62.83 62.69 62.57 61.99 55.43 56.07 56.92 57.11 58.97 59.69 60.68 61.00 41.96 43.30 45.33 46.11 41.79 41.98 42.21 41.82 72.77 73.42 73.91 73.87 116.91 119.05 120.32 120.60 14,941 18,972 20,579 18,418 5,049 5,580 5,829 5,155 May 1 8... 15 22 29 67.06 66.05 65.70 64.97 66.18 77.8 76.4 75.3 75.3 75.6 65.2 64.3 63.9 63.2 63.5 104.34 103.39 102.56 100.98 99.64 115,35 114.36 113.39 111.68 110.20 43.65 43.02 42.53 41.53 41.12 60.85 60.08 59.93 58.79 57.99 57.51 56.98 56.52 55.61 54.89 61.65 61.19 60.73 59.82 59,10 47.50 46.57 46.09 44.86 44.40 40.97 40.51 40.15 39.42 38.71 74.55 72.60 71.66 70.12 69.12 121.05 119.56 118,60 116.80 115.69 20,556 17,297 15,960 14,158 13,213 6,282 4,734 4,172 4,051 3,672 June 5 12 19 26 67.23 66.27 64.81 65.51 76.7 75.8 74.6 73.6 63.3 63.5 63.6 63.5 100.87 100.69 100.11 98.01 1 1 1 . 63 111.46 110.75 108.26 42.39 42.46 42.40 41.56 57.97 57.62 57.64 57.62 55.69 55.63 55.26 54.09 47,98 59.93 59.52 58.15 46.28 46.09 45.06 43.33 38.71 71.12 117.88 38.61 i 71.21 117.91 38.70 70.12 115.87 38.48 68,50 112.01 15,719 13,277 13,687 13,256 4,336 3,334 3,445 3,197 July 3 10 17 24 31 65.63 66.08 66.91 66.09 65.72 73.2 73.3 73.9 74.4 74.2 63.4 63.1 63.4 63.2 63.0 99.16 100.21 99.59 99.12 97.02 109.37 109.71 109.19 106.88 41,86 42.30 42.39 42.24 41.30 59.50 60.53 60.59 60.25 59.06 54.80 55.49 55.20 54.94 53.67 58.81 59.46 59.03 58.80 57.45 43.66 44.88 44.83 44.13 42.44 39.44 40.04 40.13 39.77 38.99 69,19 70.82 71.15 70.93 69.13 113.96 116.85 117.00 116.64 113.06 12,545 2,919 12,877 3,411 13,383 3,187 12,169 1 2,830 12,599 3,175 Aug. 7. . . . . fc 14 2! 28 65.91 66.21 68.59 68.04 74.4 75.3 81.0 79,1 63.2 63.1 63.6 63.8 94.54 94.68 98.77 100.17 104.09 104.37 109.00 110.68 40.53 40.97 44.32 47.10 57.82 57.33 57.93 57.27 52.22 52.30 54.63 55.33 55.81 55.98 58.63 59.52 41.46 42.38 46.06 48.21 38.29 37.98 38.48 38.11 67.11 66.85 70.75 71.92 109.12 109.90 115.32 115.58 12,481 10,967 21,058 15,308 3,009 2,657 5,141 3,477 Sept. 4 It 18 25 69.13 69.78 69.07 69.07 81.7 82.5 81.2 80.4 63.6 64.4 64.5 64.1 99.52 100.93 99.76 98.80 109.96 111.51 110.22 109.21 47.09 48.22 47.51 47.08 56.78 57.46 56.84 55.95 55.01 55.83 55.16 54.60 59.15 60.03 59.35 58.81 48.26 49.30 48.30 47.62 37.77 38.14 37.70 37.17 72.24 73.66 72.36 71.32 115.99 118.49 H7.65 116,42 11,413 14,622 10,814 12,235 3,124 4,146 3,172 2,775 69.70 2 9 . , . . , 70.17 1 6 . . . . . 70.53 70. 15 23 70.60 30 82.7 83.3 85.3 85.6 84.6 64.3 64.7 65.3 65.3 65.5 98.13 99.50 98.74 96.22 94.36 108.50 109.88 108.84 106.02 103.97 45.83 46.50 45.58 44.58 42.34 55.65 57.37 58.41 57.57 56.55 54.22 54.98 54.59 53.18 52.14 58.37 58.99 58.38 56.82 55.63 46.99 48.10 48.17 46.22 45.49 37.04 38.20 38.52 37.80 37.28 71.08 72.42 72.26 70.61 69.61 115.31 117.55 116.22 112.09 108.86 11,393 14,844 12,337 13,873 12,294 3,100 4,077 3,773 3,496 3,060 Nov. 6 13 20 27 71.60 71.16 70.30 69.34 85.9 84.8 83.4 82.4 66.4 66.8 66.2 66.2 94.03 93.30 92.33 90.81 103.60 102.72 101.53 100.08 42.21 42.38 41.24 38.97 55.46 56.33 55.88 54.81 51.92 51.52 50.84 49.95 55.37 54.83 54.07 53.19 45.12 45.03 44.02 42.42 37,17 37.17 36.89 36.25 69.67 69.58 68.80 67.15 107.66 106,26 ,104.54 101.07 13,088 12,362 12,192 12,736 3,312 2,810 3,035 3,420 Dec. 4 11 18 25 69.17 69.03 68.70 68.21 81.6 82.9 83.3 84.3 65,6 66.3 66.7 66.8 95.17 96.99 98.84 101.32 105.11 107.18 109.33 112.21 40.94 42.63 43.25 43.77 55,84 56.20 56.63 57.27 52.49 53.57 54.60 55.92 56.15 57.50 58.76 60.32 45.76 47.63 48.39 49.34 36.79 36.76 37.09 37.66 70.78 71.56 71.93 72.92 107.42 111,02 113.10 115.64 18,563 16,321 17,867 19,807 4,536 4,163 4,411 5,474 1972—Jan, 1 8 15 22 29 68.92 68.88 69.24 68.83 68.34 85.3 85.6 85.8 84.0 83.1 66.8 67.3 67.2 67.0 66.9 101.80 102.76 103.39 103.83 103.10 112.54 113.48 114.11 114.72 113.99 44.10 44.72 44.88 45.35 45.48 58.84 60.22 61.03 60.43 59.29 56.20 56.81 57.23 57.49 57.11 60.35 60.87 61.23 61.66 61.41 49.35 49.77 50.23 51.10 50.83 38.99 39.91 40.60 40.22 39.48 73.35 74.36 74.85 74.37 73.39 115.81 119.83 123.79 125.97 125.41 14,399 17,475 17,128 18,953 18,699 5,218 5,322 5,878 6,145 5,823 5 12..... 19 26 68.00 67.95 68.51 68.66 82.4 84.2 84.4 84.1 66.7 66.4 66.9 66.9 104.43 105.10 105.22 105.58 115.69 116.67 116.93 117.30 45.94 45.75 45.66 45.34 58.51 57.48 56.75 57.21 57.99 58.34 58.44 58.64 62.57 63.16 63.44 63.70 52.33 52.76 52.91 52.93 39.16 38.75 38.18 38.33 74.20 73.87 73.54 73.31 129.58 1 129,94 129.93 ! 132.07 19,941 19,102 ' 18,643 16,910 7,075 6,312 6,014 5,981 68.75 68.77 68.32 68.21 84.0 85.3 84.3 83.7 66.6 66.3 66.0 66.1 107.07 108.78 107.62 107.28 119.08 120.99 119.57 119.23 45.61 46.61 47.15 46.44 57.37 58.11 58.11 57.81 59.55 60.59 59.97 59.70 64.85 65.91 65.12 64.80 53.52 54.60 53.88 53.02 38.31 38.98 38.87 38.50 74.58 76.89 76.88 78.06 134.80 136.86 135.43 133.07 20,964 i 21,220 18,260 16,844 7,021 7,431 5,139 4,762 Oct. Feb. Mar. 4 11 18 25 no. 47 Annual Statistical Digest 133 28. Security prices—Continued Common stbck prices I New York Stock Exchange 1 Bond prices (per cent of par) Standard and Poor's index (1941=43=10) Week ending— New York Stock Exchange index (Dec. 31, 1965 = 50) U.S. Govt. (longterm) State and local govt. Corporate AAA Total Industrial Railroad Public utility Total 1 8 15 22 29 68.14 67.77 67.48 67.44 67.95 83.3 82.3 81.5 82.2 84.2 66.0 65.5 65.0 64.7 65.2 107.04 108.73 109.83 109.28 107.38 119.08 121.11 122.50 121.97 119.80 46.19 47.34 48.09 47.78 46.30 56.95 56.70 56.00 55.23 54.86 59.60 ,64.79 60.54 65.90 61.23 66.77 60.96 66.50 59.88 65.23 6 13 20 27 68.09 68.08 68.59 69.28 83.8 83.7 84.3 85.4 65.1 65.0 65.0 65.5 106.33 105.69 107.47 110.18 118.49 117.79 119.97 123.26 45.13 44.73 45.31 45.12 55.41 55.02 54.69 54.70 59.20 58.75 59.76 61.13 June 3 10 17 24 69.34 69.02 69.09 69.17 85.6 84.4 83.4 82.8 65.6 65.7 65.5 65.6 109.83 107.76 107.95 108.48 122.84 120.45 120.78 121.45 44.80 44.00 44.03 43.57 54.76 54.22 53.59 53.51 July 1 8 15 22 29 68.85 68.85 69.07 69.30 69.52 82.8 83.1 82.8 83.1 83.5 65.6 65.9 65.6 65.5 65.3 107.17 108.33 107.08 106.06 107.54 119.95 121.24 119.80 118.67 120.40 42.62 42.67 41.94 41.46 42.08 Aug. 5 12 19 26 69.82 70.09 69.60 69.32 65.9 65.6 65.6 66.7 83.8 84.5 84.9 84.2 109.13 109.23 111.87 111.62 122.32 124.50 125.43 124.89 Sept. 2 9 16 23 30 68.79 68.37 68.19 68.01 67.61 83.5 83.3 83.3 83.2 83.8 65.9 65.8 65.5 65.6 65.3 110.76 1)1.56 108.92 108.54 109.36 Oct. 7 14 21 28 67.73 67.98 68.02 68,47 84.9 85.5 84.8 85.9 65.6 65.4 65.4 65.5 Nov. 4 11 18 25 69.04 69.79 70.21 70.09 86.8 86.3 87.1 87.6 Dec. 2 9 16 23 30 69.66 69.28 68.96 68.17 68.04 1973— Jan. 6 13 20 27 Feb. Volume of trading in Amerstocks ica n (thousands of Stock shares) Exchange total index (Aug. NYSE AMEX 31, 1973100) Transporta- Utility tion Finance 53.21 55.37 56.54 56.08 54.00 37.92 37.94 37.62 37.29 37.07 78.26 79.33 80.93 81.12 80.06 133.54 135.61 138.04 136.73 133.46 19,907 18,075 15,862 3,795 6,034 6,272 5,693 4,336 64.40 63.94 65.24 66.99 52.60 52.38 53.80 54.65 37.23 36.94 36.91 37.13 78.73 77.72 78.13 78.66 130.17 128.26 131.93 133.96 14,435 14,388 15,649 16,506 3,966 4,127 4,432 4,357 60.95 59.87 59.86 60.06 66.83 65.60 65.73 66.06 53.92 51.62 51.40 51.38 36.97 36.71 36.31 36.18 78.48 77.25 76.62 76.35 134.00 132.92 133.35 133.44 15,342 14,252 15,476 13,901 4,048 4,310 3,897 3,633 53.20 54.01 53.67 53.18 53.27 59.29 59.96 59 . 23 58.56 59 . 27 65.24 65.98 65.13 64.33 65.25 49.67 49.81 48.15 47.81 48.44 37.79 36.22 36.03 35.97 35.94 75.33 76.43 75.73 74.59 75.17 131.36 132.72 130.19 127.65 127.92 13,219 13.819 13,873 15 t 395 15,251 3,485 4,047 3,510 3,271 3,357 42.41 41.94 41 -.46 42.08 53.28 53.89 54.48 55.87 60.04 61.05 61.52 61.44 66.19 67.40 67.90 67 .47 48.82 49.76 48.96 48.74 35.99 36.21 36.72 37.78 76.22 77.58 78.47 79.52 128.31 130.38 131.29 129.31 16,055 15,070 16,201 16,729 3,872 3,878 3,998 3,598 123.89 123.65 121.78 121.37 122.31 43.64 43.20 42.55 42.09 41.54 55.68 55.72 55.21 55.02 55.47 60.94 60.78 59.81 59.55 59.96 66.87 66.67 65.47 65.07 65.56 48.28 47.94 46.47 46.06 45.32 37.57 37.58 37.58 37.94 38.16 79.17 79.25 78.09 77.68 78.55 127.11 126.55 123.65 123.07 123.01 11 , 889 11,181 12,311 11,752 13,927 3,283 2,601 2,801 2,617 3,034 109.81 109.18 107.95 110.70 122.83 122.01 120.49 123.61 41.59 41.53 41.20 40.80 55.66 56.02 56.31 57.79 60.18 59.79 59.10 60.57 65.72 65.15 64.31 65.90 44.84 44.70 44 .47 45.47 38.40 38.63 38.68 39.62 79.95 79.75 78.07 80.23 123.27 123.14 120.72 121.49 15,310 11,834 14,247 16,634 3,067 2,626 2,882 3,343 65.7 65.7 66.0 66.0 112.46 113.64 114.79 116.48 125.51 126.78 128.05 129.80 40.71 41.56 42.27 42.82 59.31 60.11 60.80 62.45 61.59 62.27 62.88 63.73 66.94 67.58 68.16 68.97 46.39 46.91 47.09 47.98 40.32 40.96 41.68 42.80 82.43 84.01 85.05 85.60 128.50 124.06 124.11 125.74 18,368 21,844 20,094 19,767 3,955 4,312 4,156 4,207 87.7 88.0 87.2 86.7 86.5 66.1 66.16 66.04 66.0 66.02 116.75 118.16 118.57 116.03 117.09 130.06 131.76 132.30 129.42 130.76 44.30 45.23 45.04 43.99 43.90 62.52 62.34 62.10 61.11 60.85 63.89 64.67 64.81 63.47 63.97 69.24 70.32 70.63 69.10 69.72 48.72 49.50 49.19 47.17 47.29 42.77 42.65 42.39 41.87 42.02 84.42 84.30 83.79 82.49 82.78 127.54 129.90 129.88 127.30 128.30 19,346 18,700 17,408 16,774 19,262 4,791 4,861 3,962 4,080 6,688 67.84 66.84 65.52 64,67 86.7 87.2 87.7 87.0 66.2 66.2 66.1 65.7 119.49 119.71 118.58 117.40 133.55 133.92 132.72 131.60 44.57 43.99 42.50 41.29 61.41 61.00 60.25 58.65 65.22 71.25 65.23 , 7 1 . 3 5 64.45 70.65 63 . 65 69.94 47.35 45.94 44.86 43.74 42.42 42.41 41.75 40.97 84.18 83.85 81.44 79.47 1 29 . 84 129.85 127.60 124.65 19,320 20,368 18,641 19,159 3,957 4,829 3,776 3,921 3 10 17 24 64.24 63.95 64.44 64.03 86.1 85.9 87.0 86.2 65.7 65.6 65.7 65.5 115.40 114.04 115.47 114.42 129.27 127.68 129.41 128.20 41.35 40.86 40.96 40.66 57.93 57.68 57.79 57.42 62.04 62.57 62.23 61.53 68.54 67.70 68.52 67.74 42.96 42.46 43.02 42.37 40.48 40.05 40.20 39.87 77.17 74.57 75.05 74.02 1 2 1 . 99 16,596 120.02 17,197 120.00 17,059 115.77 14,734 3,706 3,766 3,503 3,466 Mar. 3 . . . . , 10 17 24 31 63.91 63.78 63.44 63.27 63.76 85.3 84.4 83.9 83.7 84.5 65.3 65.5 65.3 65.0 65.0 1 1 1 . 62 113.85 114.20 110.47 111.45 125.01 1 27 . 70 128.14 123.80 124.96 39.04 39.31 39.43 38.81 39.78 56.50 56.58 56.43 55.31 55.29 59.94 61.04 61.13 59.03 59.49 65.89 67.28 67.37 64.87 65.41 40.53 41.26 41.09 40.24 41.40 39.21 39.28 39.48 38.86 38.88 72.49 73.62 73.60 70.71 71.33 111.10 112.05 112.43 108.25 108.35 17,175 15,982 14,211 15,482 15,621 3,968 2,938 2,699 3,058 2,786 Apr, 7 14 21 28 63.95 64.56 64.70 64.44 84.8 86.2 86.0 85.9 65.0 65.0 64.9 64.7 109.20 112.08 111.52 109.20 122.31 125.70 124.99 122.32 39.18 39.56 39.26 37.94 54.89 55.58 55.82 55.26 58.26 59.65 59.29 57.97 63.95 65.57 65.10 63.63 40.58 41.92 41.48 39.07 38.50 39.16 39.45 38.95 69.76 70.90 69.81 67.98 106.52 106.80 106.06 103.06 12,415 15,235 13,157 14,461 2,889 3,103 2,692 3,159 May 5 12 19 26 64.05 64.00 63.56 62.69 86.5 86.5 86.2 85.5 64.9 64.8 64.6 64.6 108.74 109.99 105.66 105.09 121.77 123.13 118.07 117.52 37.60 37.80 35.78 34.52 55.30 56.14 55.44 54.90 57.61 58.31 56.01 55.44 63.22 63.98 61.27 60.79 38.50 38.43 36.14 34.85 39.09 39.67 39.07 38.44 66.74 100.66 16,370 67.48 101.95 13,757 64.60 96.72 15,193 63.18 91.82 18,050 2,962 2,480 3,052 4,043 June 62.67 62.69 62.87 62.59 62.31 85.5 86.2 86.3 85.5 85.0 64.6 64.5 64.5 64.4 64.2 105.58 101.96 106.82 103.79 103.62 118.09 117.41 119.54 116.10 115.97 34.41 34.09 35.32 34.24 33.83 55.01 54.67 55.18 53.83 53.60 55.76 55.25 56.23 54.62 54.49 61.20 60.71 61.84 59.91 59.71 34.71 33.95 34.76 33.34 32.78 38.47 38.06 38.35 37.70 37.65 64.01 62.65 64.25 63.30 64.00 93.26 11,405 92.19 13,323 94.31 12,933 92.07 13,025 91.91 12,382 2,388 2,503 2,184 2,395 2,210 1972—Apr. May 2 9 16 23 30 Industrial 13,951 19 , 763 134 Annual Statistical Digest 28. Security prices—Continued Common stock prices Bond prices (per cent of par) Week ending— Volume of trading in Amerstocks ican (thousands of Stock shares) Exchange total index (Aug. 31, NYSE AM EX 1973 ^ 100) New York Stock Exchange Standard and Poor's index (1941-43-10) New York Stock Exchange index (Dec. 31, 1965 = 50) US. Govt. (longterm) State and local govt. Corporate AAA Total Industrial Railroad Public utility Total Industrial Transporta- Utility tion Finance 7 14 21 28 61.64 61.72 61.16 60.03 84.1 83.1 83.3 83.1 64.2 63.9 64.0 63.2 101.96 104.21 106.29 108.95 114.01 116.63 119.16 122.40 33.98 35.14 35.60 35.84 53.18 53.53 53.41 53.38 53.70 55.04 56.50 58,05 58.69 60.18 61.84 63.89 32.33 33.62 34.50 35.57 37.37 37.72 38.00 37.80 64.21 91.57 67.20 94.48 70.57 99.10 71.91 102.54 10,214 14,634 16,725 17,081 1,707 2.3H2 2,896 3,110 Aug. 4 11 18 25 58.01 57.51 58.60 59.22 81.4 81.5 81.9 82.6 61.7 60.6 60.8 60.9 1 07 . 49 105.84 102.81 101.31 120.89 119.10 115.64 113.88 35.12 34.48 33.60 32.85 51.93 50.77 49.73 49.42 57.27 56.44 54,80 53.99 63.20 35.03 62.42 34.27 60.55 I 33.11 59.53 32,44 36.75 35.78 35.02 34.94 70.65 101.36 , 12,053 69.44 101.13 12,406 67.24 98.54 11,842 66.60 97.47 10,763 2,272 1,957 1,687 1,533 Sept. 1 8 15 22 29 60.17 61.52 61.00 61.70 62.97 83.7 85.1 85.5 86.7 87.4 61.1 60.6 61.1 61.4 61.8 103.52 104.77 103.59 105.55 108.35 116.44 117.62 116.19 118.51 121.59 33.44 34.70 34.81 35.55 36.74 50.03 51.77 51.25 51.97 53.67 55.17 56.05 55.48 56.75 58.43 60,90 61.56 60.90 62,32 64.07 33.35 34.57 34.45 36.10 37.89 35.22 36.36 36.24 36.60 37.86 68.61 71.32 70,20 72.46 74.76 98. BO 100.83 '100.35 101.18 ; 104.95 t , 650 2,059 2,055 3 , 379 3,264 Oct. 6 13 20 27 63.02 63.63 63.05 62.94 87.3 87.8 87.1 86.4 61.9 62.0 61.9 62.1 108.81 110.42 110.09 110.21 122.02 124.01 123.76 123.97 37.50 38.13 38.39 38.58 54.21 53.93 52.87 52.46 59.78 59.68 59.43 59.34 64.45 65.65 65.58 65.55 38.83 39.17 39.29 39.03 38.14 37.98 37.20 36.97 74.78 75.87 75.37 74.50 106.46 108.22 1 108.68 108.06 11,978 14,851 12,356 21.157 120,422 i ; 19,439 20,178 18,128 16,148 Nov. 3 10 17 24 63.02 62.50 62.33 62.88 85.8 85.5 84.8 86.0 62.4 62.1 62.0 62.2 108.71 105.72 103.51 99.64 122.22 118.77 116.36 111.96 38.73 40.03 40.46 39.20 51.88 50.38 48.61 47.00 58.49 56.74 55.37 53.16 64.58 62.61 61.09 58.52 38.34 36.61 37.71 i 35.81 36.88 34.92 35.15 34.02 73.30 108.28 17,343 70,37 104,60 17,422 68.72 101.23 21,865 66.28 96,46 19 t 098 2,838 2,907 3,836 3,312 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29 63.01 62.66 62.75 62.46 61,35 85.8 85.6 86.7 86.3 85.9 62.2 63.1 62.9 62.8 62.8 96.64 94.12 94.65 94.08 95.98 108.50 105.60 106.01 105.31 107.36 39.60 39.85 40.46 41.14 44.14 45.74 44.64 45.88 45.78 46.58 51.53 50.10 50.38 49.96 50.94 56.61 55.05 55.17 54.51 55.53 34.66 33.66 34.12 34.28 36.51 33,40 63. n 32.60 ' 61.76 33.32 . 62.45 33.69 62.05 34.23 | 63.53 i 18,764 20 525 19^003 17,849 18,548 3,281 3,456 3,250 3,225 3,715 1974— Jan. 5 12 19 26 60.98 60.61 60.58 60.60 85.8 85.4 85.1 84.8 62.6 62.5 62.2 62.0 98.48 96.98 95.24 96.49 110.02 105.50 106.11 107.68 46.68 44.63 44.56 43 . 63 48.24 48.54 48.58 48.61 52.47 50.74 50.97 51.56 57.17 54.87 55.19 56.04 38.41 36.44 36.67 36.73 4,138 3,005 2,541 2,754 Feb. 2 9 16 23 60.76 61.11 61.12 60.70 85.2 85.9 85.6 85.1 62.2 62.3 69.2 68.7 96.21 93.04 91.16 93.92 107.39 103.67 101.43 104.68 42.59 41.45 40.81 41.96 48.56 47.93 47.85 48.19 51.45 49.79 48.78 50.20 55.92 53.83 52.50 54.24 36.27 35.39 35.32 36.62 35.12 i 65.69 92.66 20,522 35.25 64.90 94.85 17,293 35.24 64.87 94.74 16,059 35.28 64.34 96.06 16,139 '• 1 35.28 • 64.14 • 97.03 13.910 35.00 62.71 95.07 2,1\\ 35.06 61.55 93.30 12,344 35.43 62.73 95,30 14,477 Mar. 2 9 16 23 30 60.19 59.47 59.17 58.18 57.79 84.8 84.8 84.3 S3.0 81.8 61.8 61.7 61.4 61.1 61.1 95.84 97.11 99.34 97.49 96.20 106.89 108.48 111.18 109.09 107.66 43.38 43.19 43.25 42.67 41.99 48.56 48.39 48.49 47.65 46.94 51.34 52.05 53.18 52.18 51.38 55.57 56.47 57.98 56.89 56.13 38.25 38.73 39.14 38.35 37.39 35.70 35.67 35.68 35.07 34.38 63.41 i 96.89 14,808 65.11 98.44 16.824 65.81 : 100. 96 17,362 64.37 99.90 12,933 62.62 97.49 12, 232 2,215 2,517 2,424 ,815 ,757 Apr. 6. . . . . 13 20 27 57.16 57.00 57.39 56.81 80.7 79.7 81.0 79.4 60.7 60.3 60.4 59.9 93.65 92.29 93.72 91.05 104.77 103.30 105.05 102.27 41.17 40.56 40.75 39.35 45.85 44.90 44.75 42.28 49.94 49.17 49.90 48.37 54.58 53.78 54.71 53.15 36.50 36.09 36.58 34.98 33.53 60.05 32.99 ? 58.58 32.99 !| 59.64 31.64 i 57.57 96.25 94.43 94.24 91.05 11,660 10.798 12^90 ,13,952 ,756 ,7H3 ,743 ,883 May 4 11 18 25 56.49 56.66 57.12 56.69 78.2 77.1 77.1 76.9 59.7 59,7 59.8 59.6 91.22 102.75 91.73 103.41 89.95 101,53 87.75 99.04 38.83 38.40 37.39 35.56 40.93 40.68 39.18 38.46 48.39 48.54 47.48 46.23 48.39 53.79 52.75 51.33 34.81 34.78 33.81 32.41 31.04 : 56.49 31.09 • 54.54 30.18 ;, 52,41 29.66 51.03 , 90.22 88.20 84.48 80.48 12,198 12.397 11,874 .13,350 ,567 ,512 ,768 ,971 June 1 8 15 22 29 56.84 57,03 57.38 57.25 56.76 77.1 77.1 77.1 76.1 74.3 59.6 59.7 59.7 59.5 59.1 87.49 98.83 90.81 102.61 92.22 104.33 88.80 100.59 87.32 98.94 35.24 37.46 38.53 37.11 36.23 37.99 39.00 38.64 36.45 35.76 46.04 47.77 48.48 46.63 45.66 51.18 32.29 29.30 50.74 53.17 34.13 29.96 j 52.91 54.06 34.86 29.93 53.81 52.15 '• 33.51 \ 28.61 :i| 50.55 51.16 32.56 28.80 47.53 81.54 83.84 85.29 82.34 80.06 i l l , 831 '14,917 i l l , 730 .i 10, 833 '11,592 ,653 ,903 ,499 ,395 ,447 July 6 13 20 27 56.42 55.66 55.57 56.43 73.3 69.7 71.0 74.4 59.1 58.6 58. 2 58.4 84.56 81.12 83.52 83.97 95.62 90.93 94.43 94.77 35.49 34.29 35.65 36.79 35.68 34.65 35.19 36.12 44.06 42.26 43.65 43.99 49.36 47.29 48.81 49.08 Aug. 3 10 17 24 31 55.59 55.04 54.76 55.13 54.75 71.3 72.5 72.7 71.5 69.8 58.1 58.1 58.0 57.9 56.3 79.62 80.98 77.39 73.48 71.20 89.68 91.21 86.99 82.54 80.10 36.05 36.86 36.05 34.37 32.61 35.10 41.71 35.62 42.42 34.88 40.63 33.36 1 38.56 31.84 37.28 Sept, 7 14 21 28 54.91 55.11 55.06 55.38 69.9 70.8 71.2 72.1 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.3 70.38 67.88 68.31 67.28 79.27 76.39 76.81 75.35 32.72 31.13 31.67 31.82 31.00 30.20 30.68 31.85 1973—July 93.46 90.63 89.32 85.78 87.19 3,760 3 , 923 3,350 2,797 1,957 1 , 857 2,111 2,171 1: 1 36.80 35.49 35.73 35.42 31.24 29.87 31.29 31.91 46.41 30.56 47.19 31.13 45.05 30.07 42.61 ' 28.69 41.26 27.35 40.77 39.18 39.38 38.70 ; 26.66 25.55 25.68 25.39 : 27.90 26.94 27.48 27.92 44.24 42.28 45.16 45.93 77.65 75.36 78.16 80.19 111,141 15,398 i l l , 971 11,760 ,262 ,259 ,449 ,352 27.13 27.65 27.09 26.45 25.61 . 42.79 ; 77.79 11 t 092 43.34 i 78.36 13,321 41.28 77.11 10,263 38.57 73.37 13,286 36.39 ; 70.29 14,837 ,291 ,488 ,150 ,434 ,668 25.14 24.57 24.73 25.33 36.21 ; 68.26 35.57 ! 65.22 36.69 64, 82 37.44 65.59 : 14,756 13,591 15,420 12,176 ; 1,694 2,069 1,976 1 , 200 Annual Statistical Digest 135 28. Security prices—Continued Common sitock prices Bond prices (per cent of par) Week ending — New York Stock Exchange Standard and Poor's index (1941-43 = 10) U.S. Govt. (longterm) State local govt. AAA 55.07 55.42 55.72 55.95 71.5 73.0 73.2 73.4 55.7 55.6 55.856.0 Nov. 56.43 2 57.04 9 16 57.87 2 3 . . . . . 58.24 3 0 . . . . . 58.22 72.2 71.9 73.4 73.4 71.8 Dec. 7 14 21 28 58.08 59.20 59.56 59.00 1975—Jan. 4 11 18 25 Feb. Corporate American Stock New York Stock Exchange index (Dec. 31, 1965 = 50) | Industrial Railroad Public utility Total ' Industrial Transportation Utility 62.99 67.71 71.59 71.60 70.35 75.51 79.92 80.04 29.91 32.89 34.67 35.00 30.94 33.72 35.22 34.48 33.21 35.66 37.75 37.80 36.07 38.70 41.05 41.09 24.40 26.46 28.20 28.37 56.2 56.3 56.4 61.1 56.3 73.00 74.61 73.43 68.49 69.55 81.75 83.50 82.07 76.43 77.68 35.92 36.82 36.57 34.77 35.34 34.24 35.28 35.25 33.46 33.60 38.11 41.51 39.38 42.90 38.89 42.20 36.33 | 39.29 36.83 40.08 69.9 67.7 68.3 68.6 55.9 56.1 56.2 56.2 66.77 67.01 67.30 66.86 74.40 74.73 75.07 74.58 34.62 34.33 34.96 35.18 33.01 32.93 32.84 32.46 35.42 35.39 25.45 35.20 59.06 59.72 59.84 59.67 68.4 69.0 70.0 72.3 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 69.17 71.18 71.83 71.71 77.05 78.98 79.58 79.43 35.79 36.75 37.36 37.25 34.42 37.31 38.31 38.37 1 8 15 22 59.83 60.44 60.54 60.13 72.6 74.6 75.1 74.1 56.5 56.7 56.5 56.6 76.37 78.31 79.87 81.80 84.84 87.16 88.98 91.28 38.29 37.28 37.71 38.12 Mar. 1 8 15 22 29 60.00 59.82 59.81 59.14 58.54 72.7 72.9 71.8 69.4 69.7 56.5 56.4 56.2 56.3 56.0 80.74 83.50 84.28 84.50 82.73 90.15 93.41 94.41 94.79 92.61 Apr. 5 12 19 26 58.15 56.90 57.05 56.72 69.0 68.7 70.8 69.4 55.9 55.6 56.0 55.9 82.16 82.43 86.41 86.62 May 3 10 17 24 31 56.63 57.45 57.72 57.47 57.11 69.3 70.2 70.3 69.0 68.8 55.8 56.5 56.6 56.8 56.5 June 7 14..,. . 21..... 28 57.56 58.74 58.62 58.38 69.2 71.1 69.4 69.5 July 5 12 19 26 58.14 58.11 58.24 58.02 Aug. 2 9 16 23 30 Sept. and Total Fi- Ex- Volume of trading in stocks (thousands of shares) change total index (Aug. 31, NYSE AMEX nance 1973 = 100) 24.61 26.45 27.64 27.44 35.19 37.85 40.06 41.03 61.83 65,34 69,10 68.53 14,638 19,146 16,578 15,036 1,514 2,021 1,929 1,855 28.44 29.40 29.10 27.23 27.51 27.30 28.17 28.38 26.97 26.64 41.69 43.11 42.60 40.41 41.14 68.93 69.69 68.70 65.24 63.09 15,723 17,135 14,067 14,042 11,777 1,956 2,044 1,950 1,757 1,501 38.33 38.26 38.36 38.11 26.49 25.85 25.90 25.78 25.98 26.24 26.30 26.12 39.70 39.60 39.10 38.54 61.01 59.21 60.02 59.31 13,146 15,089 16,406 13,112 1,876 2,185 2,396 2,298 36.47 37.75 38.23 38.19 39.43 40.43 40.81 40.77 26.57 27.51 27.90 27.89 27.20 29.05 29.59 29.58 40.34 43.43 45.02 45.00 61.06 65.22 67.61 69.20 17,389 18,051 16,869 16,436 2,807 1,969 1,849 1,889 39.74 40.29 40.78 40.80 40.60 42.58 41.97 43.32 43.61 44.85 45.84 47.07 29.60 29.67 30.14 30.75 30.60 31.07 31.48 31.71 47,34 48.39 48.12 47.51 73,51 74.44 75.65 77.08 29,138 25,673 22,167* 23,221 2,978 2,838 2,353 2,958 38.14 38.68 38.66 38.42 37.59 39.84 40.33 40.02 39.05 38.32 42.69 44.10 44.58 44.79 43.88 46.46 48.18 48.81 49.20 48.25 30.40 31.80 31.98 31.61 30.99 31.07 31.45 31.43 31.00 30.23 46.33 47.58 47.93 48.54 47.31 76.78 77.53 78.61 80.83 79,54 18,568 26,014 24,439 22,375 18,297 2,112 2,625 3,030 2,919 2,082 92.15 92.54 97.26 97.55 37.63 37.54 39.08 39.30 38.39 37.98 38.46 38.22 43.601 43.70 45.76 45.92 47.95 48.18 50.81 51.05 31.08 31.02 31.94 32.33 30.19 29.93 30.12 30.00 46.42 46.20 48.32 48.32 79,45 80.01 83.07 83.98 14,888 18,290 26,930 21,886 1 , 760 2,006 3,006 2,520 87.30 89.58 91.26 89.93 90.22 98.39 101.02 102.91 101.35 101.62 39.64 39.68 37.30 38.21 38.40 38.05 38.99 40.34 39.81 38.40 46.23 47.41,1 48 . 34 47.72 47.94 51.51 52.81 53.82 53.19 53.46 32.45 32.38 35.52 32.10 31.94 30.00 30.87 31.59 30.88 31.01 47.84 50.64 50.25 50.16 50.45 84.23 86.28 87.49 87.18 87,97 19,904 24 , 290 24, 146 17,860 20,035 2,276 2,820 2,542 2,022 2,738 56.6 56.7 56.9 56.6 92.65 90.56 91.41 94.41 104.17 101.63 102.45 105.85 38.93 39.13 38.70 39.00 42.59 42.50 43.93 45.35 49.25 48.20 48.71 50.39 54.90 53.48 53.88 55.81 32.61 32.14 31.87 32.70 32.14 32.08 32.88 33.86 51.24 50.85 52,44 53.89 90.11 89.42 89.97 92.18 24,708 18,460 19,880 22,466 3,376 2,328 2,104 3,136 69.4 69.0 68.3 67.2 56.5 56.6 56.8 56.6 94.65 94.24 94.45 90.69 106.27 105.87 106.05 101.76 39.44 39.04 38.92 36.92 44.89 44.05 44.48 43.22 50.57 50.431 50. 65 48.67 56.12 56.05 56.24 53.91 33.12 33.37 33.93 32.41 33.58 33.22 33.46 32.66 53.84 53.57 53.80 51.62 92.94 93.78 96.13 93.90 19,338 22,456 22,756 18,632 2,555 3,400 3,344 2,414 57.88 57.26 57.22 56.30 56.45 68.4 67.7 67.7 67.9 70.0 56.5 55.8 55.6 55.5 55.6 88.49 112.75 86.39 96.94 86.32 96.93 84.34 94.67 85.35 95.81 36.07 35.26 35.23 35.01 34.88 42.23 41.15 40.72 39.89 40.38 47. 371 46.22 46.03 44.91 45.44 52.46 51.09 51.04 49.85 50.56 31.37 30.42 30.44 29.78 29.70 32.06 31.52 31.31 30.51 30.54 49.66 47.82 47.07 45.17 45.60 89.84 87.07 86.07 84.13 84.98 15,572 13,682 12,386 14,818 12,744 1,828 ,636 ,388 ,596 ,316 6 13 20 27 56.49 55.52 54.83 54.79 66.9 66.6 65.6 65.1 55.9 55.8 55.6 55.9 85.92 84.21 83.46 85.52 96.31 94.39 93.59 95.95 35.11 34.65 34.46 35.47 40.88 40.62 39.98 40.64 45.76 44.76 44.27 45.37 50.81 49.73 49.27 50.61 29.92 29.18 28.80 30.04 31.01 30.76 30.27 30.64 45.12 43.53 42.51 43.18 85.70 84.40 82.95 84.56 12,053 13,080 13,816 14,250 ,265 ,278 ,744 ,476 Oct. 4 11 18 25 54.25 54.69 55.09 55.71 64.6 65.2 66.5 67.5 55.1 55.7 56.2 56.5 83.77 94.48 87.63 98.31 89.24 100.03 90.43 101.34 35.15 36.41 37.21 37.76 40.71 41.70 42.93 43.61 44. €9 46.36 47.25 47.85 49.78 51.81 52.66 53.29 29.41 30.39 31.07 31.48 30.63 31.17 31.97 32.63 41.98 43.60 45.41 45.62 83.00 83.94 83.98 83.43 13,564 15,890 16,196 17,226 1,376 1,518 1,516 1,600 Nov. 1 8 15 22 29 55.96 56.10 56.04 55.48 55.54 66.4 65.1 66.7 66.4 66.6 56.6 56.5 56.7 56.0 56.0 89.60 88.93 90.48 90.32 90.65 100.40 99.59 101.36 101.13 101.50 37.39 37.38 38.19 38.07 37.53 43.25 43.19 43.75 44.00 44.22 47.38 47.01 47.87 47.80 47.94 52.80 52.27 53.17 53.05 53.22 31.09 31.49 32.28 32.47 32.38 32.47 32.53 32.45 33.15 33.28 44.34 46.39 47.87 47.80 47.94 83.02 82.97 84.88 84.91 90.65 15,338 14,978 19,068 17,162 15,768 1,484 1 , 442 1,832 1,626 1 , 538 Dec. 6 13 20 27 55.60 55.39 56.07 56.64 66.9 66.9 67.5 67.8 55.9 55.6 55.9 56.4 88.65 87.62 88. 88 89.13 99.49 98.11 99.55 99.78 36.95 36.44 37.09 37.32 43.25 42.69 43.14 43.43 46.72 46.17 46.83 47.01 51.83 51.22 51.97 52.13 31.43 30.90 31.43 32.08 32.60 32.42 32.79 32.90 44.15 43.01 43.58 44.07 83.51 81.64 82.45 82.15 17,146 14,854 16,926 13,565 1,754 1,738 2,004 1,848 1974— Oct. 5 12 19 26 136 Annual Statistical Digest 29. Stock market customer financing In millions of dollars Margin credit at brokers and banks l Regulated " By source End of period Margin stock Total Brokers Unregulated 3 By type Banks Brokers ' Banks Convertible bonds Brokers Subscription issues Banks Brokers Gther security credit 4 at banks Nonmargin stock credit at Banks banks Free credit balances &at brokers Margin accts. Cash accts. 1971—Jan. Feb. . . Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept... Get Nov....... Dec. 5,044 5,174 5,392 5,598 5,701 5,783 5,860 5,917 5,990 6,016 5,995 6,535 4,224 4,311 4,531 4,776 4,874 4,976 5,050 5,121 5,208 5,238 5,198 5,700 820 863 861 822 827 807 810 796 782 778 797 835 4,000 4,090 4,300 4,530 4,620 4,720 4,790 4,850 4,930 4,950 4,910 5,700 734 776 772 739 754 733 737 723 713 711 731 764 188 186 193 206 213 213 215 227 230 i 239 242 258 69 70 72 67 57 58 56 58 i 54 53 51 ! 57 36 35 38 40 41 43 45 44 48 49 46 42 17 17 18 16 16 16 17 15 15 14 15 14 ,104 ,121 ,317 ,122 ~>22 |228 ,091 ,208 ,182 ,194 ,193 ,197 ,220 ,205 ,183 ,206 ,235 ,263 ,183 ,206 ,237 ,204 ,209 ,298 431 4K4 465 445 431 415 410 405 364 395 410 390 2,071 2,259 2,333 2,216 2,084 2,023 ,841 ,838 ,734 ,760 ,670 ,835 197 2— Jan. Feb. . Mar Apr. May June July AUK. Sept Get Nov Dec 6,850 7,427 7,847 8,250 8,472 8,747 8,924 9,092 9,091 9,024 9,068 9,045 5,989 6,477 6,896 7,283 7,478 7,792 7,945 8,060 8,083 8,081 8,166 8,180 861 950 951 967 994 955 979 1,032 1,008 943 902 865 5,700 6,180 6,620 7,010 7,200 7,510 7,660 7,780 7,800 7,800 7,890 7,900 789 877 883 898 924 889 910 961 937 872 831 798 252 256 240 240 241 244 248 246 248 250 249 254 56 56 53 57 58 ,182 ,170 ,158 i ,150 i ,141 ,644 ,772 ,800 ,871 ,875 ,871 ,896 ,313 ,327 ,294 ,278 ,296 ,274 ,285 ,29S ,255 ,351 ,396 ,528 450 435 440 435 405 385 405 385 380 390 390 415 ,070 ,025 ,925 ,845 ,840 ,735 ,675 ,710 ,830 ,955 8,840 8,640 8,347 8,165 7,651 7,369 7,299 ' 7,081 6,954 7,093 6,774 6,382 7,975 7,773 7,468 7,293 6,784 6,416 6,243 6,056 5,949 5,912 5,671 5,251 865 867 879 872 866 953 ,056 ,025 ,005 ,181 ,103 ,131 7,700 7,500 7,200 7,040 6,540 6,180 6,010 5,830 5,730 5,690 5,460 5,050 796 800 813 804 802 885 976 949 929 1,105 1,027 1,070 249 248 244 232 224 215 216 210 204 203 197 189 48 50 48 49 47 53 64 61 60 59 60 46 26 25 24 21 20 11 17 16 15 19 14 12 16 17 15 12 12 15 16 17 17 18 19 17 *) i 17 18 19 18 15 16 15 16 17 15 15 ,040 53 54 54 53 52 50 37 41 36 33 37 38 37 34 35 31 27 26 ,932 ,951 ,862 ,952 ,992 ,973 ,957 ,952 ,909 . . . . . . . . . . ,878 ,917 ,866 415 430 440 390 415 395 380 350 380 420 465 455 ,885 ,775 ,720 ,535 ,570 ,425 ,545 ,465 ,635 ,715 , 690 ,705 1974=jan Feb. MatApr. May June July Au s Sept Get Nov Dec. . . . . . . 6,343 6,462 6,527 6,567 6,380 6,297 5,948 5,625 5,097 4,996 4,994 4,836 5,323 5,423 5,519 5,558 5,360 5,260 4,925 4,672 4,173 4,080 4,103 3,980 ,020 ,039 ,008 ,009 ,020 ,037 ,023 953 924 916 891 856 5,130 5,230 5,330 5,370 5,180 5,080 4,760 4,510 4,020 3,930 3,960 3,840 961 977 944 952 963 991 978 912 881 872 851 ' 815 182 183 180 179 172 172 158 156 148 145 139 137 45 46 48 44 44 34 33 29 31 32 29 30 11 10 9 9 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 14 16 16 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 11 It ,845 ,843 ,869 ,868 ,858 ,072 ,091 ,119 ,060 ,024 ,054 ,064 445 420 425 415 395 395 402 429 437 431 410 411 ,666 ,604 ,583 ,440 ,420 ,360 ,391 ,382 ,354 ,419 ,447 ,424 1975— Jan Feb. . . . . . . Mar....... Apr. May June July Aug. . Sept. Get Nov Dec. 4,934 5,099 5,164 5,327 5,666 5,984 6,266 6,197 6,251 6,455 6,527 6,500 4,086 4,269 4,320 4,503 4,847 5,140 5,446 5,365 5,399 5,448 5,519 5,540 848 830 844 824 819 844 820 832 852 1,007 1,008 960 3,950 4,130 4,180 4,360 4,700 4,990 5,300 5,220 5,250 5,300 5,370 5,390 806 783 800 781 779 805 780 791 811 956 958 909 134 136 134 138 140 146 143 142 145 144 146 147 29 34 30 30 27 28 29 30 30 36 37 36 2 3 6 5 7 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 13 13 14 13 13 410 478 515 505 520 520 555 515 470 545 490 475 ,450 ,600 ,770 , 790 ,710 ,790 ,710 ,500 ,455 ,495 1,470 1,525 1973™Jan Feb Mar Apr May June . . . . July Aug Se»t. Get Nov. Dee 51 ! : n 10 tt 10 15 13 15 ,919 ,897 ,882 . . . . . . . . . . ,885 ,883 2,434 2,387 2,457 2,520 2,311 2,270 2,281 ,no Annual Statistical Digest 30. Equity status of margin-account debt at brokers 31. Special miscellaneous-account balances at brokers, by equity status of accounts Per cent of total debt, except as noted Total debt (millions of dollars)1 End of period Per cent of total, except as noted Equity class (per cent) End of period 80 or more 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 Under 40 4,000 4,090 4,300 4,530 4,620 4,720 4,790 4,850 4,930 4,950 4,910 5,490 12.1 11.4 11.8 11.8 10.6 9.6 8.3 9.3 8.7 7.5 7.3 8.6 19.6 19.5 20,0 20.3 15.7 14.4 12.2 14.4 13.1 10.9 10.7 12.7 28.3 31.1 33.0 35.0 36.7 34.9 29.1 35.4 34.3 28.7 25.9 27.1 17.1 16.3 16.2 15.0 18.0 20.1 25.2 19.6 20.7 24.4 26.2 29.9 10.0 9.3 7.2 6.2 7.4 8.6 11.0 8.9 9.9 12.1 13.1 10.2 12.8 12.3 11.8 11,7 11.6 12.2 14,1 12.6 13.3 16.3 16.8 11,5 1971—Jan Feb. . Mar Apr May June July Aug Sent. Oct. . Nov Dec. 5,700 6,180 6,620 7,010 7,200 7,510 7,660 7,780 7,800 7,800 . 7,890 7,900 8.7 8.4 7.6 7.1 6.9 6.0 5.5 5.9 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.5 13.5 12.4 11.2 10.2 9.9 9.1 8.3 8.6 8.0 8.1 9.4 8.6 27.1 25.9 22.3 19.5 19.3 15.9 14.6 15.0 13.8 13.6 16.6 17.6 32.6 35.1 38.5 40.0 38.6 33.9 30.8 33.6 31.4 30.8 35.1 31.9 8.5 8.5 10.6 12.8 15.0 22.0 24.9 22.4 24.9 25.0 20.5 20.3 9.6 9.7 9.7 10.5 10.4 13.2 15.7 14.6 16.4 17.0 12.4 15,0 1973— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 7,700 7,500 7,200 7,040 6,540 6,180 6,010 5,830 5,730 5,690 5,460 5,050 5.8 5.3 5.7 4,8 4,9 4.9 5.8 5.0 5.0 7.2 5.4 5.8 8.2 7.8 7.5 7.3 7,2 7.1 8.8 8.4 13.9 10.0 6.1 7.7 16.8 14.7 15.9 13.4 12.7 13.2 17.7 16.4 18.9 19.9 12.0 14.4 27.8 23.9 23.1 19.8 18.7 17.5 22.7 19.6 23.9 22.6 16.9 17.4 21.2 22.5 22.7 22.4 21.9 22.1 25.3 24.2 23.5 22.1 19.5 20.3 20.0 25.6 25.1 32.4 34.9 35.3 19.7 26.4 16.8 18.2 40.1 34.2 1974— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec. 1975— jan Feb Mar. . . Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec. . . 5,130 5,230 5,330 5,370 5,180 5,080 4,760 4,510 4,020 3,930 3,960 3,840 5.5 5.4 5.0 4.4 4.2 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5 4.6 4.2 4.3 8.0 7.4 7.0 6.0 5.1 5.0 4.8 4.0 3.9 5.5 5.1 4.6 14.2 13.3 11.4 9,9 8,5 7.7 7.9 6.6 6.1 9.4 8.5 8.8 22.6 22.6 19.4 16.5 13.7 12.6 13.3 11.2 10.2 16.8 14.8 13.9 25.8 28.0 30.2 26.5 23,3 21.8 22.2 18.4 18.0 27.3 24.4 23.0 24.0 23.3 27.1 37.0 45.3 49.1 47.9 3,950 4,130 4,180 4,360 4,700 4,990 5,300 5,220 5,250 5,300 ' 5,370 5,390 5.6 5.9 6.5 7.1 7.0 7.4 6.0 5.5 5.1 5.5 5.2 5.3 7.3 7.2 8.0 8.7 9.1 9.9 8.3 6.8 7.3 6.7 6.7 6.9 13.5 14.6 15.3 16.1 16.7 18.3 13.9 11.3 10.6 11.2 12.2 11.6 24.6 25,4 27.6 28,7 31.5 32.7 23.6 21.7 19.6 21.8 23.2 22.3 28.1 28.5 25.8 23.5 21.0 20.4 30.4 31.0 31.0 29.7 28.6 28.8 1971—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sent Get Nov. Dec . 1972—Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aue. Sent Oct Nov. . Dec . 137 Net credit status Equity class of accounts in debit status 60 per cent Less than or more 60 per cent Total balance (millions of dollars) 49.2 49.1 48.6 46.8 46.5 45.1 45.2 44.6 44.2 45.5 44.6 35.9 43.6 44.2 45.5 48.1 47.1 47.8 46.7 48.0 47.0 45.2 45.1 55.1 7.2 6.7 5.9 5.1 6.4 7.0 8.1 7.4 8.8 9.3 10.2 9.0 4,260 4,380 4,400 4,500 4,360 4,250 4,190 4,230 4,160 4,060 4,000 5,430 1972— Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sent. Oct. . Nov. Dec 36,8 35.1 35.8 35.5 34.7 34.3 34.4 33.4 33.7 33.3 33.6 34.4 55.9 57.0 56.0 56.5 57.1 56,3 55.2 55.2 53.8 53.4 54.5 52,9 7.3 7.9 8,1 8,0 8.0 9.4 11.4 11.4 12,5 13.3 11.8 12.7 5,780 5,910 5,990 5,920 5,860 5,770 5,930 5,990 6,000 5,950 6,140 6,100 35.1 35.8 36.3 35.3 35.8 35.8 35.9 35.9 37.4 38.5 37,5 39.4 51.7 49.8 47.9 46.9 45.0 43.5 46.7 45.6 53.1 46.7 42.2 40.0 13.1 14.4 15.7 18.0 19.1 20.7 17.4 18.5 9.4 14.8 20.3 20.6 5,850 5,770 5,790 5,660 5,670 5,750 5,740 5,650 5,740 5,860 5,880 5,940 58.3 36.4 42.8 45.4 1973— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July AUR. . . Sept Oct Nov Dec 1974— jaru Feb Mar.. Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. . Nov Dec 38.3 39.4 40.0 39.6 37.8 40.3 40.2 39.9 40.7 40,9 40.0 41.1 42.7 43.3 41.2 42.3 40.0 37.4 36.5 34.0 31.2 35.1 34.6 32.4 18.0 24.9 18.9 19.4 22.2 22.4 23.2 26.0 27.0 24.0 25.3 26.5 6,596 6,740 6,784 6,526 6,544 6,538 6,695 6,783 7,005 7,250 6,930 7,010 21.2 18.4 16.9 15.9 13.4 11.4 17.9 23.0 26.5 25.2 24.0' 25.0 1975— Jaa Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 41.1 42.2 44.4 45.2 44.5 45.9 45.6 43.5 45.3 44,4 45.3 43.8 39.3 40.1 40.1 41.1 43.2 43.1 41.1 40.6 38 9 40.1 40.2 40.8 19.8 17.8 15.5 13.7 12.3 11.0 13.1 16.0 15 8 15.5 14.5 15.4 7,190 7,300 7,280 7,510 7,600 7,880 7,770 7,490 7,510 7,360 7,420 7,290 56; 3 ,. 138 Annual Statistical Digest 32. Assets and liabilities of mutual savings banks In millions of dollars End of month ! Securities Loans Mort- ' Other gage U.S. Govt. State and ocal govt. Corporate and other l Cash Other assets Total assetsTotal liabili- Deposties its and general reserve accts. Mortgage loan eoi•nmitments classifi ed bv maturity (in months) - Other General liabili- reserve ties accounts 3 or less 3=6 6=9 Over 9 Total 1970— Dec. . . . 57,775 2,255 3,151 197 12,876 1,270 1,471 78,995 71,580 1,690 5,726 619 322 302 1971— Jan Feb. . . . Mar. . . . Apr, . , . May . . . June. . . July,... Aug.. . . Sept.... Oct Nov.... Dec. . . . 58,014 58,194 58,540 58,796 59 , 11 1 59,546 59,935 60,350 60,622 61,036 61,473 61,984 2,365 2,592 2,636 2,727 2,813 2,696 2,545 2,685 2,782 2,840 2,891 2,810 3,196 3,328 3,356 3,340 3,441 3,409 3,558 3,517 3,467 3,382 3,346 3,268 206 222 246 278 330 319 326 338 339 343 357 390 13,457 13,919 14,882 15,519 16,070 16,649 16,969 17,159 17,282 17,292 17,452 18,030 1,129 1,270: 1,287: 1,254 1,261 ,281 ,198 ,151 ,177 ,250 ,280 ,389 1,564 1,575 1,635 1,656 1,659 i;665 1,750 1,692 1,742 1,712 1,695 1,711 79,930 81,100 82,581 83,570 84,686 85,565 86,282 86,892 87,410 87,856 88,495 89,581 72,441 73,366 75,002 75 , 824 76,656 77 , 683 78,130 78,437 79,236 79,648 80,165 81,440 1,739 1,926 1,746 1,882 2,116 1,956 2,198 2,423 2,129 2,150 2,218 1,810 638 5,750 723 5,809 5,832 840 993 5,863 5,914 1,152 5,926 ,118 5,954 ,015 978 6,031 6,045 ,086 6,059 ,124 6,112 ,129 ,047 6,331 322 352 413 445 470 517 582 557 509 415 554 627 285 283 322 360 385 343 347 374 422 484 461 463 1972— Jan.".. . Feb. . . . Mar,... Apr. . . . May... June. . . July.... Aug.... Sept.... Oct Nov. . . . Dee. . . . 62,258 62,517 62,947 63,299 63,753 64,414 64,853 65,408 65,901 66,373 66,891 67,563 3,224 3,523 3,660 3,452 3,499 3,444 3,642 3,512 3,604 3,482 3,507 2,979 3,261 3,306 3,380 3,425 3,450 3,412 3,392 3,369 3,408 3,462 3,434 3,510 433 459 515 548 598 627 675 786 822 844 871 873 18,417 19,055 19,659 20,192 20,615 20,872 21,209 21,405 21,569 21,513 21,664 21,906 ,246 ;255 ,256 ,239 ,238 ,333 ,300 ,329 ,362 ,304 ,323 ,644 1,802 90,641 ;808 91,924 .852 93,268 ,868 94,022 ,881 95,035 ,962 96,064 ,963 97,034 ,958 97,766 ,834 98,500 2,011 98,990 2,014 99,704 2,117 100,593 82,327 83,268 84,809 85,299 85,976 87,148 87,838 88,254 89,289 89,677 90,228 91,613 1,962 2,229 1,991 2,231 2,493 2,252 2,533 2,778 2,428 2,510 2,607 2,024 6,352 6,427 6,468 6,492 6,565 6,664 6,663 6,734 6,784 6,803 6,870 6,956 ,045 ,277 ,448 ,720 ,654 ,611 ,579 ,572 ,740 ,667 ,624 ,593 676 759 769 747 778 925 956 824 716 718 753 713 409 1,442 3,572 533 ,414 3,983 681 .429 4,327 742 i ',431 4,646 737 ,591 4,760 540 ,603 4,679 557 ,629 4,721 550' ,647 4,593 583 ,636 4,675 617 .660 4,662 631 ,658 4,666 609 ,624 4,539 1973— Jan Feb. . . . Mar.... Apr. . . . May... June. . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept Oct Nov.... Dec 68,021 68,352 68,920 69,426 69,988 70,637 71,219 71,713 72,034 72,367 72,760 73,231 3,624 4,030 3,970 3,831 4,099 3,959 3,819 3,986 4,200 4,181 4,424 3,871 3,489 3,419 3,458 3,388 3,376 3,346 3,190 3,037 2,945 3,007 2,948 2,957 935 986 ,028 ,080 ,076 ,125 ,093 999 957 939 925 926 22,190 22,389 22,509 22,598 22,615 22,562 22,683 22,277 21,799 21,276 21,150 21,383 ,3191 ,331 ,576 ,582 ,629 ,775] ,555 ,551 ,491 ,501 ,519 ,968 2,055 2,070 2,058 2,089 2,116 2,273 2;202 2,227 2,345 2,285 2,264 2,314 101,632 102,577 103,518 103,994 104,899 105,677 105,761 105,789 105,771 105,557 105,991 106,651 92,398 92,949 94,095 94,217 94,744 95,706 95,355 94,882 95,183 94,944 95,259 96,496 2,221 2,540 2,255 2,589 2,904 2,650 3,044 3,496 3,134 3,139 3,201 2,566 7,014 7,088 7,139 7,189 7,251 7,321 7,362 3,411 7,453 7,474 7,530 7,589 ,569 915 ,729 862 ,815 886 ,904; 888 ,793 913 ,712 1,020 ,626 906 ,302 840 ,411 762 ,318 771 ,272 685 ,250 598 1974—Jan Feb. . . . Mar.... Apr. . . . May . . . June . . . July.... Aug.. . . Sept,.. . Oct Nov. . . . Dec. . . . 73,440 73,647 73,957 74,181 74, OU 74,281 74,541 74,724 74,790 74,835 74,913 74,891 4,161 4,584 4,825 4,425 4,388 4,274 4,311 4,031 4,087 3,981 4,226 3,812 2,925 2,846 2,851 2,852 2,750 2,758 2,650 2,604 2,574 2,525 2,553 2,555 936 942 934 951 893 880 884 879 876 870 877 930 21,623 21,923 22,302 22,366 22,241 22,324 22,383 22,292 22,218 22,190 22,201 22,550 ,686 ,618 ,634 ,601 ,656 ,651 ,402 ,334 ,303 ;303 .406 ,167 2,312 2;316 2,373 2,347 2,355 2.488 2,487 2,519 2,573 2,608 2,633 2,645 107,083 107,877 108,876 108,722 108,295 108,654 108,660 108,383 108,420 108,313 108,809 109,550 96,792 97,276 98,557 98,035 97,391 98,190 97,713 97,067 97,425 97,252 97,582 98,701 2,665 2,919 2,595 2,943 3,173 2,688 3,144 3,475 3,089 3,158 3.291-1 2,888 7,626 ,171 7,681 ,232 7,724 ,302 7,744 ,214 7,731 ,129 7,776 1,099! 990 7,803 949 7,841 932 7,906 7751 7;904 724 ' 7,936 664 7,961 587 562 525 584 608 603 586 4961 382 374 398 418 440 998 3,196 952 3,153 407 412 929 3,168 994 3,193 401 400 1,014 3,151 328 1,001 3,031 316 1,076 2,968 977 2,839 417 904 2,668 450 360 792 2,301 3171 743 2,182 232J 726 2,040 1975^-Jan Feb. , . . Mar.... Apr, . . . May . . . June . . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept. . . . Oct Nov.... Dec 74,957 4,287 75,057 4,658 75,127 4,736 75,259 4,407 75 , 440 4,593 75,763 .4,492 76,097 4,396 76,310 4,405 76,429 4,487 76,655 4,481 76,855 4,550 77,127 4,028 2,571 2,677 2,975 3,419 3,616 3,744 3,965 4,187 4,279 4,368 4,601 4,777 967 ,017 ,095 ,121 ,137 ,240 ,436 ,451 ,495 ,523 ,551 ,541 22,979 23,402 24,339 24,994 25,579 26,470 26,976 27,104 27,033 27,106 27,421 27,964 ,706 ,856 ,101 ,841 ,077 ,088 ,835 ,730 ,783 ,805 ,872 2,367 2,663 2,709 2,672 2,780 2,811 2,954 3,004 3,067 3,136 3,152 3,223 3,195 110,130 111,376 113,045 113,821 115,252 116,751 117,709 118,254 118,643 119,089 120,073 120,999 99,211 100,149 102,285 102,902 104,056 105,993 106,533 106,745 107,560 107,812 108,480 109,796 2,948 3.211: 2,712 2,849 3,080 2,594 2,970 3,255 2,778 2,950 3.215 2J770 726 7,971 654 8.016 824 8,049 8,071 913 955 8,116 973 8,164 957 8,208 8,254 981 8,304 1,011 8,328 950 972 8.378 896 8J433 400 360 312 335 383 510 463 431 372 368 323 301 225 217 294 312 300 195 266J 237 256 i 275 222 203 687 7321 826 725 712 573 636 717 589 510 479 405| 688 1,931 705 790 864 1,005 1,171 1,244 1,260 1,246 ,196 1,230 1.231 1,310 ,541 ,480 ,355 ,395 ,406 ,378 1,367 1,315 1,197 1,096 1,079 1,008 620 579 564 538 573 565 526 573 499 394 379 403 1,950 2,148 2,439 2,804 3,178 3,222 3,204 3,155 3,213 3,253 3,375 3,447 4,712 4,803 4,882 4,912 4,824 4,683 4,535 4,174 3,959 3,695 3,515 3,261 1,971 1,810 1,994 2,098 2,211 2,243 2 212 2^222 2,138 1,987 1 , 896 1,803 Annual Statistical Digest 139 33. Assets of life insurance companies In millions of dollars End of period Total assets Business securities Government securities Total United States State and Foreign 1 local Total ]|Jonds Stocks Mortgages Real estate Policy loans Other assets 1970— Dec 207,254 10,536 4,042 3,306 3,188 89,050 73,630 15,420 74,375 6,320 16,064 10,909 1971— Jan Feb. Mar.. Apr May. June July Aug. . . Sent. Oct.. . Nov Dec. 208,863 209,947 211,670 212,870 213,611 214,532 215,534 216,771 217,848 218,647 219,723 222,102 10,571 10,533 10.464 10 i 348 10,352 10,178 10,385 10,387 10,262 10,260 10,376 10,373 4,078 4,054 4,004 3,912 3-, 906 3,722 3,925 3,909 3,751 3,728 3,856 3,828 3,308 3,307 3,314 3,329 3,339 3,339 3,346 3,353 3,366 3,359 3,351 3,363 3,185 3,172 3,146 3,107 3,107 3,117 3,114 3,125 3,145 3,173 3,169 3,182 90,824 91,583 93,200 94,442 94,933 95,801 96,448 97,250 98,092 98,665 99,328 100,432 74,857 75,226 75,706 76,245 ^6,800 '77,393 ,78,107 78,431 179,062 79,838 80,339 179,825 15,967 16,357 17,494 18,197 18,133 18,408 18,341 18,819 19,030 18,827 18,989 20,607 74,421 74,459 74,533 74,529 74,541 74,509 74,553 74,673 74,751 74,804 74,845 74,496 6,337 6,373 6,398 6,442 6,500 6,552 6,615 6,645 6,683 6,742 6,808 6,904 16,144 16,220 16,296 16,376 16,444 16,531 16,609 16,704 16,812 16,887 16,986 17,065 10,566 10,779 10,779 10,733 10,841 10,961 10,924 11,112 11,248 1 1 , 289 11,380 11,832 1972— Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July., . . . . . Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec 223 , 768 225,021 226,475 227,655 229,213 229,947 231,603 233,540 234,633 236,229 238,338 239,730 10,421 10,427 10,568 10,390 10,485 10,435 10,530 10,597 10,651 10,687 10,801 10,637 3,865 3,863 3,990 3,790 3,884 3,722 3,812 3,875 3,875 3,908 4,014 3,827 3,366 3,362 3,351 3,365 3,356 3,351 3,358 3,361 3,362 3,363 3,379 3,367 3,190 3,202 3,227 3,235 3,245 3,362 3,360 3,361 3,414 3,416 3,408 3,443 102,415 103,812 104,937 105,975 107,204 107,775 109,028 110,600 111,088 112,451 113,998 113,720 '81,168 '81,892 1 82, 346 82,831 I 83, 624 ,83,798 85,047 '85,711 , 86,384 87,379 1 87,957 i 86,875 21,247 21,920 22,591 23,144 23 , 580 23,977 23,981 24,889 24,704 25,072 26,041 26,845 75,493 75,427 75,398 75,360 75,363 75,404 75,456 75,525 75,588 75,692 75,904 76,948 6,932 6,965 7,009 7,027 7,089 7,144 7,199 7,246 7,242 7,220 7,261 7,295 17,130 17,186 17,267 17,352 17,434 17,522 17,601 17,691 17,771 17,855 17,927 18,003 11,377 11,204 11,296 11,551 11,638 11,667 11,789 11,881 12,293 12,324 12,447 13,127 1973— Jan Feb. . . Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. . . Nov Dec 240,877 241,639 242,476 242,290 243,411 244,495 247 , 264 247,890 250,453 250,925 251,178 252,436 10,679 10,593 10,640 10,595 10,541 10,500 10,579 10,533 10,498 10,537 10,610 10,519 3,807 3,735 3,824 3,737 3,663 3,572 3,609 3,542 3,466 3,502 3,550 3,444 3,379 3,363 3,332 3,347 3,344 3,374 3,387 3,390 3,396 3,397 3,404 3,412 3,493 3,495 3,484 3,511 3,534 3,554 3,583 3,601 3,636 3,638 3,656 3,663 115,146 i 88,814 115, 766 i 89,715 90,301 116,322 115,893 l 90,466 116,641 , 91,132 116,987 1 91,452 92,289 119.039 118,884 , 92,599 92,752 120,273 120,804 ' 93,024 119,064 i 93,229 92,680 118,599 26,332 26,051 26,021 25,427 25,509 25,535 26,750 26,285 27,521 27,780 25,835 25,919 77,105 77,108 77,166 77,278 77,446 77,982 78,335 78,781 79,187 79 , 677 80,371 81,369 7,380 7,443 7,455 7,516 7,532 7,526 7,551 7,592 7,639 7,713 7,771 7,693 18,080 18,163 18,284 18,425 18,556 18,713 18,895 19,252 19,597 19,870 20,039 20,199 12,487 12,566 12,609 12,583 12,695 12,787 12,865 12,848 13,259 13,324 13,323 14,057 1974— Jan.. Feb. Mar Apr May . . . . . . June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov. Dec 253,858 255,057 256,220 256,385 257,304 258,034 258,712 258,508 258,116 261,183 262,253 263 , 349 10,568 10,595 10,824 10,701 10,721 10,701 10,774 10,814 10,773 10,801 10,820 10,900 3,430 3,394 3,596 3,411 3,416 3,349 3,364 3,390 3,327 3,341 3,343 3,372 3,436 3,502 3,485 3,540 3,549 3,577 3,600 3,603 3,618 3 , 620 3,626 3,667 3,702 3,699 3,743 3,750 3,756 3,775 3,810 3,821 3,828 3,840 3,851 3,861 120,375 121,036 121,306 121,022 121,092 120,848 120,603 119,294 117,873 120,228 120,297 119,637 i 94,646 95,284 95,538 , 95,674 96,266 1 96,387 i 96,865 97,051 i 97,151 , 97,818 98 , 250 1 97,717 25 , 729 25,752 25,768 25 , 348 24,826 24,461 23,738 22,243 20,722 22,410 22,047 21,920 81,666 81,918 82,180 82,470 82,734 83,225 83,657 84,082 84 , 427 85,016 85,481 86,234 7,726 7,742 7,759 7,800 7,860 7,904 7,957 8,037 8,100 8,140 8,207 8,331 20,353 20,483 20,643 20,819 12,056 21,305 21,563 21,867 22,175 22,473 22,676 22,862 13,170 13,283 13,508 13,573 13,841 14,051 14,158 14,414 14,768 14,525 14,772 15,385 1975— Jan Feb. Mar... . Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct. . . Nov Dec 266,823 269,715 272,143 273,523 275,816 278,343 279,354 280,482 281,847 284,829 286,975 289,084 10,947 11,023 11,177 11,283 11,351 11,452 11,691 11,877 11,981 12,580 12,879 13,324 3,343 3,377 3,420 3,517 3,565 3,630 3,720 3,750 3,745 4,292 4,512 4,636 3,669 3,686 3,712 3,719 3,739 3,762 3,902 4,039 4,122 4,148 4,210 4,440 3,935 3,960 4,045 4,047 4,047 4,060 4,069 4,088 4,114 4,140 4,157 4,248 123,104 125,296 126,673 127,347 1 28, 960 130,946 131,421 131,804 132,693 134,450 135,745 136,272 99,994 100,709 101,277 100,816 101,591 102,346 103,798 104,641 105,698 106,686 107,635 108,013 23,110 24,587 25,396 26,531 17,369 28,600 27,623 27,163 26,995 27,764 28,110 28,259 86,526 86,929 87,187 87,638 87,882 88,035 88,162 88,327 88,445 88,655 88,850 89,358 8,313 8,402 8,582 8 , 782 8,843 8,989 9,058 9,112 9,210 9,356 9,464 9,634 23,058 23,224 23,391 23,459 23,570 23,675 23 , 794 23,919 24,048 24,171 24,271 24,389 14,875 14,841 15,133 15,014 15,210 15,246 15,228 15,443 15,470 15,617 15,766 16,107 1 l 140 Annual Statistical Digest 34. Assets and liabilities of savings and loan associations In millions of dollars Assets End of month Mortgages Investment securities i Cash Other Total assets— Total liabilities Liabilities Savings capital Net worth 2 ' i Borrowed money ° j ! . 150,331 13,020 3,506 9,326 176,183 146,404 12,401 10,911 1971 Jan Fob Mar.. . Apr May June . July Aug. . . Sept Oct. Nov Dec. 151,267 152,414 154,150 156,272 158,435 , . . 161,114 163,613 165,986 168,097 169,977 171 ,919 174,250 15,454 16,741 18,255 18,213 18,555 18,503 19,203 18,886 18,571 18,873 18,993 18,185 2,922 3,246 3,376 3,154 3,014 2,804 2,182 2,125 2,110 2,226 ! 2,350 2,857 9,264 9 , 384 9,510 9,665 9,909 9,929 10,002 10,225 10,382 10,506 10,708 10,731 178,907 181,785 185,291 187,304 189,913 192,350 195,000 11 97 222 199,160 201 , 582 203,970 206,023 148,934 151,352 155,417 157,606 159,745 162,806 164,339 165,437 168,080 169,559 171,108 174,197 12,735 13,139 12,743 13,143 13,583 12,956 13,360 13,820 13,414 13,846 14,312 13,592 10,464 10,065 ' 9,804 , 8,594 j '; 7,735 j ti 7,862 j 7,996 8,186 ( 8,371 " 8,335 8,420 8,992 1 175,714 177,498 180,035 182,594 185,330 188,767 191,515 194,809 197,719 200,378 203,078 206,182 19,571 20,550 21,285 21,294 21,906 21,466 21,939 21,908 21,800 22,156 22,268 21,574 2,861 2,908 2,602 2,635 2,542 2,502 2,456 2,298 2,175 2,353 2,341 2,781 10,814 11,035 11,187 1 1 , 347 11,602 11,777 1 1 , 848 12,036 12,193 12,373 12,597 12,590 208,960 211,991 215,109 217,870 221,380 224,512 227,758 231,051 233,887 237,260 240,284 243,127 177,435 180,228 184,479 186,238 188,430 192,139 194,327 196,114 199,483 201,513 203,375 206,764 13,995 14,448 14,048 14,484 14,975 14,372 14,817 15,345 14,900 15,390 > 15,892 ' 15,240 j 1970 -Dec, 1972 -Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. , 1973 Jan. o Fob Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept. Get Nov Dec ! Other 3,078 3,389 4,452 3,043 3,146 3,480 3,853 4,308 4,702 i 4,916 4,991 4,960 4,962 4,918 5,029 3,73V 4,083 3,847 4,108 4,542 4,024 4,389 4,788 4,335 4,880 5,212 4,213 4,626 5,304 6,559 7,493 8,459 8,708 8,715 8,459 8,140 7,932 7,880 7,328 4,834 4,816 5,041 5,248 5,576 5,857 , 5,970 6,073 6,094 6,063 6,046 6,209 4,671 5,250 4,816 5,091 5,637 4,916 5,477 6,059 5,387 6,027 6,532 5,132 7,606 8,786 10,024 11,024 12,006 11,868 12,086 12,080 12,111 12,160 12,206 11,515 207,895 209,987 212,941 215,886 219,086 222,338 224,994 227,473 228,856 229 , 847 230,729 231,733 23, 327 24, 087 23, 886 23, 811 23, 940 23, 233 22, 644 21, 019 20, 045 20, 641 21, 246 21, 055 15,522 16,052 16,924 17,411 17,781 17,830 18,193 18,613 18,925 19,202 19,340 19,117 246,744 250 , 1 26 253,751 257,108 260,807 263,401 265,831 267,105 267 , 826 269 , 690 271,315 271,905 210,005 211,882 215,534 216,355 218,209 221,442 221,214 220,044 221,864 222 , 799 224,054 226,968 15,466 9,113 15,829 . 9,363 15,724 9,910 16,027 11,293 16,394 11,719 16,200 12,734 16,519 14,268 16,861 15,682 16,743 16,309 16,998 16,495 17,282 16,378 17,056 17,172 6,060 6,077 '. 6,308 6,528 6,707 6,750 6,680 6,444 6,056 5,527 5,002 4,667 6,100 6,975 6,275 6,905 7,778 6,275 7,150 8,074 6,854 7,871 8,599 6,042 12,404 13,471 14,438 14,937 15,066 14,702 13,707 12,245 10,795 9,904 9,712 9 , 526 232,607 234,051 236,134 238,641 241,257 243 , 393 245,127 246,702 247,612 248,177 248 , 699 249,293 22, 404 23, 353 23, 996 23, 548 23, 710 23, 009 23, 059 22, 087 21, 172 22, 132 23, 255 23, 240 19,387 19,772 20,285 20,745 21,366 21,552 21,855 22,290 22,687 22,940 23 , 222 22,991 274,398 277,176 280,415 282,934 286,333 287,954 290,041 29 1 , 079 291,471 293,249 295,176 295,524 229,149 230,979 235,154 234,936 235,449 238,140 237 , 659 236,502 237,911 238,338 239 , 567 242,959 17,281 17,571 17,434 17,707 18,017 17,832 18,099 18,377 18,201 18,444 18,675 18,436 16,732 16,497 16,715 18,144 19,336 20,324 21,682 22,862 24,104 24,508 24,510 24,780 4,374 4,300 4,490 4,806 5,051 5,049 4,886 4,607 4,253 3,840 3,479 3,244 6,862 7,829 6,622 7,341 8,*480 6,609 7,715 8,731 7,002 8.U9 8,945 6,105 9,781 10,731 12,006 12,918 12,480 11,732 10,844 9,851 9,126 8,127 7,723 7,454 249,719 250,828 252,442 254,727 257,911 261,336 . . . 264,458 267 , 7 1 7 270 , 600 273 , 596 275,919 278,693 25, 390 27, 003 28, 304 29, 047 30, 648 30, 880 32, 054 31, 694 30, 786 31, 652 32, 498 30, 900 23 , 252 23 , 669 24,210 24,868 25 , 520 25,786 26,311 27,127 27,745 28,145 28,610 28,802 298,361 301,500 304,956 308,642 314,079 318,003 322,823 326,538 329 , 1 3 1 333,393 337,027 338,395 246,227 249 , 524 256,017 258,875 262,770 268,978 272,032 273,504 277,201 279,465 281,711 286,042 18,586 18,816 18,654 18,882 19,128 IS, 992 19,266 19,495 19,414 19,663 19,919 19,776 23,355 21,895 20,373 19,845 19,317 18,881 18,765 19,237 20,052 20,327 20,434 20,730 3,057 3,049 3,275 3,608 4,105 4,446 4,771 4,995 5,128 5,207 5,164 5,187 7,136 8,216 6,637 7,432 8,759 6,706 7,989 9,307 7,336 8,731 9,799 6,659 7,887 8,787 10,050 11,653 12,557 12,363 12,611 12,673 12,585 1 1 , 748 U , 365 10,675 • l974=Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oet Nov, Dec 1975- Jan Feb.. Mar Apr. . May June July . . Aug Sept. Oct. Nov Dec. 8,025 7,249 6,725 6,809 6,762 7,228 7,167 7,460 8,023 8,267 8,439 9,782 Loans in process Mortgage loan commitments outstanding at end of period 4 Annual Statistical Digest 141 35. U.S. Government debt In millions of dollars Interest-bearing 1 Marketable End of period Nonmarketable | Held by— Total gross public1 debt Total 1970—Dec. . 388,333 247,713 U.S. Govt. Federal agencies Reserve and Banks trust funds 17,092 62,142 Private investors I Coupon issues, by niaturity Bills 61,250 Within 1 year 22,830 1 to 5 years 57,154 Total 2 Special issues to Govt.3 accts. Savings bonds and notes MEMO: Debt of Govt.sponsored corps. Foreign now govt. private 4 series Over 5 to1 10 years 10 years 12j631 14,615 139,539 77,931 52,524 5,697 38,879 138,819 140,556 142,320 144,142 149,288 150,816 155,884 163,109 160,519 157,941 158,277 160,270 77,380 78,844 79 , 366 79,586 81,681 82,740 84,601 86,910 85,904 84,213 84,253 85,545 52,597 52,761 52,970 53,177 53,415 53,622 53,832 54,048 54,213 54,423 54,650 54,859 5,292 5,697 6,187 6,672 9,495 9,270 1 1 ,095 16,383 16,235 16,152 16,301 16,751 38,710 38,152 37,848 37,693 37,305 36,924 37,793 38,212 38,635 39,678 39 , 5 1 8 40,021 1971— Jan., . Feb. . Mar.. Apr.. May. June. July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec.. 387,516 389,839 390,843 391,066 396,020 397,305 404,474 413,767 411,509 411,109 413,795 423,306 247,667 248,092 247,457 245,888 245,635 245,473 247,649 249,654 249,931 252,240 254,456 262,038 17,209 17,101 17,379 17,409 18,109 18,092 18,220 18,338 18,532 18,411 18,439 18,444 61,783 62,462 64,160 63,721 64,764 65,518 65,841 66,868 67,566 67,205 67,817 70,218 61,508 62,699 61,421 60,321 60,880 57,848 59,741 59,578 58,198 58,957 60,114 65,867 22,846 17,722 17,449 17,578 15,866 16,955 16,930 16,658 18,401 18,590 13,680 15,862 57,124 56,627 56,108 56,007 57,396 58, 5571 58,522i 62,144 60,057 61,995 63,244 60,735 12 622 17 056 16.732 16 719 14 558 14 503 14 461 12i192 13,366 \3,,346 17 ',034 16,943 14,577 14,425 14,207 14,133 14,060 14,001 13,932 13,878 13,810 13,736 14,130 13,967 1972—Jan... Feb. . Mar.. Apr.. May. June. July.. Aug.. Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec. . 422,037 423 , 207 426,519 424,479 427,087 426,435 431,559 434,614 433,121 439,122 443 , 422 448 , 473 261,918 261,215 265,380 262,989 261,924 257,202 257,717 258,095 257,720 260,863 265,621 269,509 18,355 18,621 18,672 20,445 20,438 19,868 19,785 19,737 19,211 19,288 19,518 19,360 69,552 67,698 69,928 70,307 71,607 71,356 70,822 70,740 69,734 70,094 69,501 69,906 66,656 69,183 71,660 65,659 64,548 61,719 62,912 64,600 66,256 67,154 70,773 73,451 16,002 16,986 16,908 16,908 18,821 17,790 17,851 16,825 16,384 16,348 18,824 17,612 60,684 58,961 58,809 60,449 56,956 57,156 57,137 54,225 54,276 56,268 55,449 57,649 16,796 15,992 15,802 15,, 722 1 6, 1 39 16 033 15',988 17,713 171,680 17,640 17,561 17,547 13,870 13,773 13,602 13,497 13,415 13,281 13,221 14,255 14,177 14,074 13,995 13,983 159,172 160,875 160,156 160,547 164,183 168,158 172,860 175,477 174,408 177,273 176,799 177,789 84,037 85,487 84,804 83,034 86,561 89,536 90,945 93,616 92,280 95,365 94,551 95,482 55,064 55,335 55,648 55,918 56,223 56,482 56,745 57,010 57 , 247 57,520 57,838 58,119 16,850 16,851 16,528 18,404 18,234 18,985 22,038 21,728 21,746 21,154 20,972 20,631 39,864 40,183 40,451 40,967 41,250 41,885 41,794 41,874 42,553 42,689 43,301 43 , 544 1973—Jan... Feb.. Mar.. Apr.. May. June. July.. Aug.. Sept. . Oct... Nov.. Dec.. 449,243 454,013 457,781 456,238 456,513 457,317 458,178 461,020 460,614 461,651 463,212 469,073 271,121 269,881 269,775 267,847 265,919 262,971 262,708 262,405 262,356 264,047 270,234 270,224 19,573 19,779 20,040 19,991 20,246 20,080 20,422 21,039 20,872 20,840 23,984 20,961 72,022 72,620 74,276 75,495 74,128 75,022 77,098 76,093 76,217 78,491 77,129 78,516 72,674 72,555 70,898 68,313 68,977 65,429 63,962 66,468 64,654 64,464 68 , 708 70,227 17,399 17,226 17,270 17,097 18,597 18,612 18,436 18,230 20,082 20,027 20,854 22,935 57,526 60,118 59,930 59,616 54,199 54,138 53,350 51,044 50,941 50,709 52,919 50,939 17^,496 13,258 13,231 13,202 15,164 16,384 16.266 16,208 16,260 16,278 13,188 13,241 14,431 14,327 14,130 14,133 14,606 13,305 13,174 13,323 13,331 13,240 13,452 13,404 177,070 183,047 187,012 187,367 189,512 193,382 194,509 197,513 197,115 196,541 191,843 197,603 94,582 95,289 95,826 95,855 97,821 101,248 102,513 105,593 104,840 104,548 101,040 106,624 58,377 58,696 59,002 59,302 59,656 59,937 60,168 60,276 60,341 60,454 60,823 60,812 20,469 25,353 28,338 28 , 498 28,337 28,524 28,166 27,917 28,178 27,761 26,063 26,047 44,035 44,802 45,546 47,885 49 , 7 1 1 50,584 52,760 54,389 56,671 59,310 59,300 59,837 1974—Jan... Feb. . Mar.. Apr. . May. June. July.. Aug. . Sept. . Oct.. Nov.. Dec.. 467,359 469 , 862 473 , 675 471,078 473,850 474,235 475 , 344 481,792 481,466 480,224 485 , 364 492,664 270,131 269,650 273,596 270,452 269,550 266,575 268,782 272,111 272,608 273,525 277,538 282,891 21,095 21,234 21,272 21,296 21,079 21,229 21,425 21,394 2 1 , 444 21,533 21,489 21,390 78,240 78,237 79,483 80,007 81,395 80,485 78,103 81,131 81,035 79,351 80,998 80,500 70,542 70,689 74,177 69,414 69,451 67,236 71,388 71,611 72,365 75,013 76,684 82,168 22,944 21,939 21,828 21,669 19,799 19,914 19,983 20,377 20,503 20,600 18,620 18,130 50,872 49,454 49,048 50,325 49,928 50,103 50,244 50,593 50,338 50,250 53 , 423 54,206 1^,164 14,585 14,405 14,455 14,367 14,197 14,333 14,350 14,348 14,245 13,478 13,512 13,274 13,511 13,382 13,286 13,531 13,413 13,306 12,657 12,574 12,533 12,847 12,984 196,142 198,979 199,027 199,635 203 , 19 1 206,663 205,551 208,629 207,495 205 , 649 206,612 208,670 105,555 108,044 107,889 107,796 110,743 114,921 114,063 118,196 116,885 114,832 115,485 117,761 60,988 61,286 61,580 61,859 62,132 62,398 62,653 62,804 62,987 63 , 260 63,588 63,802 25,345 25,352 25 , 200 25,685 25,999 25,011 24 , 40 1 23, 199 23,176 23,141 23,122 22,813 59 , 546 59,262 59,877 61,131 62,630 65,391 68 , 523 69,931 73 , 048 75,373 75,686 76,439 1975—Jan.. . Feb. . Mar.. Apr. . May . June. July.. Aug. . Sept, . Oct... Nov.. Dec.. 494,139 499,710 509,659 516,740 528,158 533,188 538 , 240 547,711 553,647 561,999 566,799 576,649 286,133 289,827 299,989 307,202 314,886 315,606 323,701 331,080 338,946 350,906 355,879 363,191 21,374 20,888 20,841 20,499 20,114 20,475 20,188 20,088 19,702 19,936 19,582 19,397 81,344 81,086 81,418 87,846 85,622 84,749 81,883 82,546 86,998 87,184 85,137 87,934 83,328 86,574 87 , 374 88,138 92,861 90,851 98,586 103,592 105,003 109,082 114,978 119,258 17,930 18,771 21,134 20,682 22,513 24,770 24,826 25,979 25,638 27,168 30,357 30,820 55,805 55,847 61 , 203 61,670 64,510 65,907 69 , 373 69,176 72,223 78,164 74,517 74,694 13,487 13,188 14,772 14,209 15,631 1.5,384 15,425 15,611 15,514 15,540 16,771 l'6,690 12,864 13,476 13,247 14,158 13,636 13,469 1 3 , 420 14,088 13,870 13,833 14,536 14,400 206,995 208,834 208,592 208,550 212,144 216,516 213,510 215,642 213,658 210,157 209,911 212,466 115,588 116,812 115,596 115,606 118,902 123,033 120,606 122,990 120,839 117,183 116,434 118,294 64,174 64,482 64,813 65,167 65,530 65,917 66,036 66,606 66,903 67,238 67,602 67,888 22,962 23 , 298 23,969 23 , 596 25,503 23,216 22,203 21,551 21,468 21,220 21,283 21,565 76,968 76,044 76,559 77,222 75,698 76,441 77,091 77,091 77,256 78,379 78 , 794 79 , 228 142 Annual Statistical Digest 36. Fiscal operations—U.S. Budget Summary and means of financing In millions of dollars U.S. budget Means of financing Surplus, or deficit ( — ) Period Receipts Outlays Total Federall funds Trust funds Borrowings from the public Change in public debt securities 2 Change in agency securities 31 Less: Investments by Govt. accounts Special issues " Less: Change in cash and monetary assets 8 ! _.. _ Equals : Total Other Treasury operating balance 4 2,185 Plus: Offbudget deficit s Plus: Other ° Other Kquals: Total financing L970—Dec. . . . 15,436 15,594 1971—Jan Feb Mar Apr. . . . May . . . June, . . July... . Aug. . . . Sept. . , . Oct Nov. . . . Dec.. . . 15,768 15,128 13,197 21,040 13,176 22,499 13,221 15,641 19,719 12,450 14,933 17,216 17,121 16,526 1 8 , 640 17,792 17,154 19,976 18,568 19,581 18,202 18,781 18,932 17,490 = 1,353 -140 -1,213 -818 2,207 -1,398 -3,605 2,324 -354 - 5 , 443 -5,089 1,003 3,248 2,527 721 223 -3,978 -7,488 3,510 4,954 344 2,523 2,179 1,285 -312 -5,348 -5,036 7,169 1,901 -3,940 -5,841 9,293 -684 -2,258 1,518 2,202 -6,330 -4,985 - 1 , 345 -400 -263 -3,998 -3,735 2,686 -275 - 1 , 344 1,069 9,511 [972—Jan Feb Mar... . Apr. , . . May . . . June. , . July.... Aug.. . . Sept Oct Nov. . . . Dec. . . . 17,605 15,241 15,224 24,533 17,272 25,593 15,210 18,102 22,394 14,633 16,746 18,976 19,481 18,764 20,329 18,597 19,777 23,375 18,502 20,689 18,448 20,057 21,234 19,648 -1,876 -3,523 -5,105 5,937 -2,506 2,219 -3,291 -2,587 3,946 -5,425 -4,487 -673 -795 -1,081 - 1 , 269 -4,695 1,172 1,169 -532 -4,573 3,312 5,012 925 -2,039 -5,492 2,986 2,607 165 2,054 -651 -3,943 652 5,123 -5,117 2,530 3,056 4,692 -746 -1,493 -9,084 3,659 6,000 -191 -4,296 4,301 1,357 -2,030 5,051 -476 -1,508 567 1,450 -100 -683 -43 -1,770 270 3,527 -370 2,975 9 1,409 534 2,672 22 -1,336 23 3,085 374 -814 -87 931 1973— Jan Feb Mar. , . . Apr. . . . May. . . June. . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept. . . , Oct Nov. . . . Dec. . . . 21,132 18,172 15,878 25,870 16,576 28,536 18,210 21,365 24,843 17,642 20,206 21,990 23 , 665 20,202 20,783 22,234 19,995 21,069 22,717 22,110 20,670 23,105 22,079 19,681 -2,533 -2,031 -4,904 3,636 -3,419 7,467 -4,506 -745 4,173 = 5,463 = 1,873 2,309 -522 -2,011 770 2,019 -4,050 4,770 -4,456 -448 3,768 4,396 -760 -1,543 -7,392 3,973 275 2,606 4,861 803 -9,251 4,745 862 -4,357 3,612 2,842 -124 4,297 -406 -2,740 -2,723 1,037 =2,796 923 1,561 2,154 155 5,861 169 303 IS -900 1,519 707 193 3,863 408 -9 253 3,005 1,152 27 538 -134 -2,160 1,220 -721 29 -43 1.966 236 -1,969 -5,924 4,344 3,427 -188 -2,369 68 4 1,265 318 -717 -5,398 307 625 -556 -4,105 3,080 43 -176 567 5,234" -753 -292 -36 1,397 -2,615, 31 3,139 2,198 -1,010 268 -3,508 5,584 -3,025 3,126 5,693 -176 1,432 2,533 108 *-8 -134< -100 -1,461 2,031 4,904 -63, -99 3,089 1,2151 =l3l! 1,090 -3,636 -410 =132 -814 3,419 -808 61 -1,623 -7,467 4,506 -523 1,040. -1,738 745 300 -237! -2,265 -4,173 310 -578 1,382 5,463 1,921 183J -288 1,873 10; -542 -782 -599 -165 -176 -2,309 1974 -Jan Feb Mar,. . . Apr. . . . May . . . June. . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept.. . . Oct Nov Dec. . . . 23,475 20,224 16,819 29,659 19,240 3 1 , 259 20,943 23,618 28,237 19,601 22,265 24,944 23 , 664 21,039 22,902 22,219 24,034 24,172 24,269 24,512 25 , 605 26,440 24,923 27 , 398 -189 2,055 -815 -3,390 -6,083 -5,566 7,441 8,473 -4,794 -8,539 7,087 4,279 -3,327 -954 -894 = 10,160 3,253 2,631 -6,839 -2,958 -2,658 -3,276 -2,454 -4,295 -770 168 140 158 -160 -2,877 53 4,307 690 35 -2,503 3,124 -211 9 -5,031 121 -3,889 j 2,711 1,654 -2,705 198 2,282 -1,012 -23 560| 3,2441 248 -152 707 -6,445 -31 4,485 816 5,062 2,874 -90 815 -513 - 1,490 -101 6,083 199 -315] 2,981 1,346 -96!-372 -7,441 -838 -234 - 850 4,794 72:: =537! 122 -7,087 3 , 327 -383! -898-1 517 894 -6773 =1,547 -1,530 1,8041 " 529i| 1,328 -2,631 6,839 -600! -867J -46 124J -824' -64 2,658 2,454 289 2.138J -1,583 1975 24,992 19,973 20,040 31,392 12,793 31,817 20,197 23,584 28,615 19,316 21,745 25,995 28,979 25 , 746 28 , 3 1 1 29,130 28,186 30,296 3 1 , 249 30,634 29,044 32,425 29,401 31,792 Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr, . . . May . . . June. . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept Oct Nov, . . . Dec. . . . -158 -3,987 -5,773 -8,272 2,261 -15,394 1,521 -11,052 =7,050 -429 -13,109 -7,656 -5,797 -1,985 -775 -6,364 -6,786 4,157 = 18,078 -4,357 -14,021 =8,045 2,123 -8,052 -6,575 -7,398 1,827 5,519 2,487 3,004 470; -2,244 -1,714 2,575 2,503 -517 3,813 -1,032 -2,597 3,745 2,773 2,808 385 -2,373 1,109 9,266 6,447 -622 -326 -3,881 -1,242 618 5,139 1,841 7,300 15 -1,069 -15 2,489 392 -156 36 -93 -28 2,947 26 4.178 -858 -115 4,133 -56 -178 -1,311 -256 -2,053 653 -32 2,276 -53 -3,212 591 -1,486 -1,896 2,684 5,878 2,969 995 -2,552 -5,057 -1,081 1,601 7 -307 5 -24 -6 I -55 -23 6 9 -5 -3 -24 1,475 5,571 9,949 i 7,081 , 11,418 5,030 5,051 9,472 5,935 8,352 4,800 9,850 59 -551 85 664 1,015 1,518 -1,001 1.464 -378 237 -1,718 522 324 675 -3,370 518 -347 -71 220 -273 4,365 703 40 2,095 2,196 -1,973 -17 -551 1,060 -309 1,835 -959 1,861 122 4,227 -1,559 19 2,309 150 6,853 2,312 -497 -1,006 179 -1,927 -19 48 -1,690 1,357 -3,323 -12 40 69 2,565! -2; 324! 284 1,292 8,485 6,975 18 = 140 -800 422 . . . . . . 158 2,629 1,353 152:........ -405 1 , 398 -97 . . 1 301 5 443 501 1,891 -3,248 -822 -1,013 3,978 338 -43 -2,523 -6301 1 , 068 5,348 -730 54 -1,385 3,940 241! -34 1.154 1,518 -277 — 21, 1 , 393 6,330 158 40 -774 3,998 -147 275 57j -1,439 -378 141 -193 1,049 -129! 2,721 1,876 297 -11 -4,018 -183 17 -685 3,523 98 3,797 84 -112 2,095 5,105 591 1,745 -2,058 4,047 1.414 -59 1.640 -5,937 -29 -620 -2,032 = 1,438 =26 -320 2,506 417 -628 -3,368 1,570 68 3,068 -2,219 3,291 -6 3,730 -1,129 =1,732 -12 -.-3:288 934 -4,012 -16 211 =40 -2,109 2,587 -511 376 4,783 -76; -71 456 -3,946 88 2,851 -1,786[ 791 -30' -33! 5,425 197 5,292 305 78! -72! -350 4,487 -170 4,203 2,795 30 31 j -736 673 -2.173 -42 ^224 -492 -1,2161 -82 10 -451 3 , 296 -440 4,131 276 -2,427 -346 2,384 -94 -2,151 -367 -3,656 260 -749 -390 1,860 -249 530 -209 1,866 189 3,987 349 -2,9421 3,522 3,697 -58 -65! -1,027 -156 5,773 4,531 -2,359 8,272 453 11,252 3,115 -1.182J -1,500 7,499 7,666 1,814! -928! 648 -2,261 15,394 -732 -986 1.335 8,5561 -5,757 55 -693 =2,289 -1,521 567 -949 11,052 -618 -893 7,800 -3,390 =1,373 325 -1,357 7,050 7,189 -630 -263 429 -82 6,961 446 -546 8,463 13,109 11,743 1,817 -203 -348j -1,002 7,656 392! -902' -829 5,936 I -3,844' 5,797 1,971 166 -724, 443 8,215 1 1 Annual Statistical Digest 37. New issues of State and local government securities In millions of dollars Issues for new capital All issues (new capital and refunding) 1970 1971. 1972 1973 1974 1975 Total General obligations 18,164 24,962 23,653 23,969 24,315 30,607 Revenue 11,850 6,082 15,220 8,681 13,305 9,332 12,257 10,632 13,563 10,212 16,020 14,511 HAAi Use of proceeds Type of issuer Type of issue Period U.S. Govt. loans 131 1,000 959 1,022 461 State 103 62 57 58 79 76 Special district Other^ and stat. auth. 4,174 5,595 5,999 8,714 4,991 9,496 4,212 9,505 4,784 8,638 7,438 12,441 To'tal 8,399 10,246 9,165 10,249 10,817 10,660 Education Roads and sridges 18', 110 24,495 19,, 959 22,397 23,508 29,, 495 5,062 5,278 4,981 4,311 4,730 4,689 1,532 2,642 1,689 1,458 768 1,277 Utilities 3 3,525 5,214 4,638 5,654 5,634 7,209 Veter- Other Housing 4 purans' aid poses 466 2,068 1,910 2,639 1,064 647 7,526 9,293 6,741 8,335 11,312 15,673 6 571 826 793 2,176 425 327 623 121 681 2 7 1 5 10 8 5 9 3 3 1 8 577 585 447 430 486 779 477 459 348 341 629 441 1,156 627 660 510 1,095 337 606 735 706 840 874 568 999 639 1,152 952 585 896 905 707 1,044 548 761 1,058 3,721 1,835 2, 244 1,841 2,159 1,942 1,894 2,053 1,626 2?134 2,042 509 520 570 491 625 385 301 352 463 291 418 353 390 133 183 66 448 394 120 158 65 210 338 137 436 315 702 471 433 699 231 377 458 353 500 239 373 123 28 19 222 14 219 159 271 96 246 298 1,013 743 762 795 430 512 1,071 846 796 678 631 1,016 654 951 720 ""225 601 1,023 1,064 ""209 481 1,138 803 " " 257 533 711 268 653 2 5 5 6 3 8 2 8 4 5 5 4 639 354 434 472 374 246 647 468 298 487 425 147 545 977 954 549 850 1,226 467 897 1,016 689 572 754 591 673 851 969 792 799 690 600 414 1,025 866 895 'l , 696 1,933 2,051 1,950 1,950 1 1,899 1 , 796 1,776 ,1,609 2,149 '1,762 1 1 , 507 377 531 463 490 657 347 327 444 238 444 312 351 147 78 134 229 214 150 121 111 107 162 215 21 440 433 348 434 306 533 223 429 590 409 365 204 56 29 329 10 67 393 154 162 270 52 56 332 676 861 779 788 705 475 971 631 404 1,082 814 599 1,152 782 1,228 870 825 1,025 1,458 1,067 721 1,344 866 919 822 731 930 947 1,106 861 564 588 741 964 1,383 995 3 1 6 9 8 5 6 2 2 6 9 1 602 47 613 159 291 189 516 529 236 337 243 450 454 565 918 731 945 1,082 363 498 838 842 1,247 1,022 921 903 936 934 703 881 1,149 630 675 1,135 766 616 1 1,809 ,1,409 2,208 '1,756 ,1,774 2,144 1 2,000 i 1,601 1,654 1 2,164 i 1,928 1,950 369 365 374 306 299 542 391 311 327 299 356 372 215 67 153 12 233 102 231 30 66 142 42 165 420 416 501 452 430 643 366 352 579 412 596 487 117 10 347 88 224 334 3 290 384 251 247 344 688 551 833 898 588 523 1,009 618 298 1,060 687 582 2,257 2,007 2,029 2,406 2,313 2,171 1,466 1 , 109 1,705 2,865 2,487 1,500 1,407 1,209 1,181 1,708 1,101 1,075 859 576 869 1,707 1,110 761 848 794 227 617 689 1,203 856 " " 234 600 529 832 1,153 1,374 717 2 4 4 9 9 6 208 473 344 360 451 580 540 141 448 328 689 222 865 564 793 862 1,097 721 158 400 641 974 1,005 558 1,182 967 887 1,177 756 864 761 565 611 1,558 789 700 i 2,178 i 1,939 1,906 i 2,361 , 2,237 ' 2,079 i 1,456 1,067 1,669 , 2,738 .1 2,403 1,475 595 460 366 516 442 220 314 228 251 343 698 297 36 53 258 9 18 62 58 85 11 110 4 64 372 612 363 595 711 664 154 257 380 236 866 424 56 39 241 178 8 334 21 HO 9 53 1,119 775 678 1,063 1,058 799 930 482 1,006 1,939 826 637 2,367 2,392 2,137 2,413 2,905 3,066 3,586 2,786 2,171 2,337 2,385 2,062 1,364 1,723 1,284 1,501 1,885 1,772 1,371 1,058 907 1,120 1,040 995 997 664 851 905 1,015 1,292 2,209 1,725 1,252 1,203 1,341 1,057 372 877 376 368 811 938 1,577 376 357 482 470 434 702 629 111 880 1,197 1,137 1,063 1,665 1,185 979 1,244 1,043 1,293 1 880 1,048 ! 1,161 , 889 989 941 , 747 614 855 667 576 i 710 478 471 405 419 430 400 379 279 212 219 287 49 209 94 61 211 164 123 55 134 60 88 29 644 425 474 734 559 321 879 626 447 487 618 495 172 105 35 38 25 28 37 67 48 44 28 20 757 1,136 1,009 1,078 1,570 1,397 2,115 1,434 1,215 1,438 1,365 1,159 1970— Dec. . . 2,190 1,270 914 1971— Jan . . . Feb. . . Mar... Apr. . . May . . June . . July... Aug. . . Sept... Oct.... Nov. . . Dec. . . 2,732 1,851 2,258 1,891 2,167 2,013 1,989 1,903 2,098 1,728 2,264 2,068 1,613 1,225 1,309 1,305 1,091 1,320 1,306 1,141 1,313 836 1,394 1,367 997 619 949 581 869 684 506 754 523 890 869 440 1972—Jan . . . Feb. . . Mar... Apr. . . May. . June. . July... Aug. . . Sept... Oct.... Nov... Dec. . . 1,776 2,005 2,239 1,989 2,017 2,270 1,805 1,966 1,727 2,200 1,863 1,797 1,120 1,049 1,289 1,382 990 989 1,322 820 663 1,662 1,147 872 1973— Jan . . . Feb. . . Mar... Apr. . . May. . June. . July... Aug., . Sept... Oct... Nov... Dec, . . 1,977 1,514 2,467 1,826 1,939 2,152 2,028 1,657 1,749 2,314 2,258 2,088 1974— Jan. . . Feb. . . Mar. . . Apr. . . May. . June . . July... Aug. . . Sept... Oct.... Nov... Dec. . . 1975— Jan . . . Feb. . . Mar. . . Apr. . . May, . June . . July... Aug.. . Sept... Oct.... Nov. . . Dec. . . 121 197 171 258 253 " " 303 ""261 " "285 ""173 4 4 « 3 22 6e A t ( H i 10 a, 004 2,332 2,353 2,083 2,316 2,784 2 , 840 3,554 2,561 2,123 2,241 2,318 1,990 is 143 144 Annual Statistical Digest 38. Open-end investment companies In millions of dollars Period Sales and redemptions of own shares Assets (market value at end of period) Period Net sales Sales i Redemptions 783 672 863 196 239 400 587 433 463 ,207 347 ,391 620 ,280 443 433 406 511 786 I960 1961 . 1962 1963 1964 2,097 2,951 2,699 2,459 3,403 1965.. 1966 1967 1968 1969 Total 2 Cash position a Other 3 931 4,146 6,109 309 5,800 765 914 985 1 109 1 494 7,838 9 046 8,714 13 242 15,818 438 492 523 635 860 842 1,160 1,123 1 505 1,874 1 255 1 791 1,576 954 1,529 17 026 22 , 789 21,271 25 214 29,116 973 980 1,315 1 341 1 329 16 053 21 809 19,956 23 873 27 787 4,358 4,672 4,670 6,820 6,718 1,962 2,005 2 744 3,839 3,662 2 396 2,667 1 925 2,981 3,057 35,220 34,829 44 701 52,677 48,291 1 803 2,971 2 566 3,187 3,846 33 417 31 858 42 135 49 490 44,445 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 4,626 5,147 4,892 4,358 5,346 1,638 2,988 397 4,750 6,563 - 1,671 5 651 = 1 261 3,937 1,409 47,618 55 , 045 59,831 46,518 35,777 3,649 3 039 3,035 4 002 5,637 43,969 52 007 56,796 42 516 30, 140 1975 10,057 9,571 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 . 1958 1959 7 8 8 12 14 400 554 191 607 958 486 42,179 3,748 38 431 1954 Oct Nov. . . . Dec 71 100 100 32 32 35 39 68 65 5,339 5,815 6,109 301 296 309 5,038 5,519 5,800 1955 Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May. . . . June. . . . July.... Aug Sept Oet Nov. . . . Dec HO 99 121 96 80 97 98 91 127 92 95 104 47 38 55 36 35 39 33 32 35 32 31 29 63 61 66 60 45 58 65 59 92 60 64 75 6,241 6,454 6,524 6,602 6,790 7,186 7,204 7,286 7,257 7,216 7,760 7,838 308 350 342 338 384 363 383 422 441 438 456 438 5,933 6,104 6,182 6,264 6,406 6,823 6,821 6,864 6,816 6,778 7,304 7,400 1956—Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May.... June. . . . July . . . . Aug Sept Oct Nov. . . . Dec 123 118 109 108 104 108 124 110 101 115 113 114 40 39 37 41 41 37 37 40 31 31 28 32 83 79 72 67 63 71 87 70 70 84 85 82 7,728 8,059 8,555 8,615 8,338 8,612 9,078 8,883 8,506 8,663 8,752 9,046 438 492 509 435 444 418 427 476 505 496 506 492 7,290 7,567 8,046 8,180 7,894 8,194 8,651 8,407 8,001 8,167 8,246 8,554 1957—Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May, . . . June. . . . July Aug . . . . Sept Oct Nov. . . . Dec 150 106 112 113 116 105 135 122 100 128 100 103 37 33 32 37 40 33 37 33 27 34 28 33 113 73 80 76 76 72 98 89 73 94 72 70 9,060 8,838 9,105 9,463 9,73! 9,687 9,816 9,420 9,001 8,666 8,929 8,714 517 512 521 487 529 544 554 580 529 509 516 523 8,543 8,326 S>, 584 8,976 9,202 9,143 9,262 8,840 8,472 8,157 8,413 8,191 1958=Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May.... June. . . . July. . . . Aug Sept.. . . 132 96 106 122 109 132 161 133 146 30 29 32 32 39 40 41 42 50 102 67 74 90 70 92 120 91 96 9,218 9,193 9,463 9,786 10,099 10,610 1 1 , 122 11,351 1 1 , 790 594 613 620 639 633 767 715 730 699 8,624 8,580 8,843 9,147 9,466 9,843 10,407 10,621 1 1 , 09 1 Sales and redemptions of own shares Sales l . Redemp1 lions Assets (market value at end of period) 'Total 2 Net sales Cash position£ Other Oct... Nov.. Dec... 1959—Jan... Feb... Mar... Apr... May.. June. . July . . Aug... Sept... Oct. . . Nov... Dee. . . 171 160 152 224 178 198 192 " 181 182 221 176 188 183 165 193 61 55 59 75 61 63 83 76 70 74 59 54 53 53 65 110 105 93 149 117 135 109 105 112 147 117 134 130 112 128 12,218 12,700 13,242 13,706 14,002 14,133 14,623 14,890 14,972 15,533 15,402 14,746 15,081 15,416 15,818 1960—Jan. . . Feb... Mar. . Apr. . . May . . June. . July . . Aug... Sept... Oct. . . Nov... Dec. . . 222 | 215 , 182 " 167 160 178 168 153 171 150 161 171 79 66 75 69 7t 85 67 72 65 61 59 72 143 149 107 98 89 93 101 81 106 89 102 99 15,093 15,356 15,313 15,233 15,765 16,097 15,872 16,406 15,639 15,644 16,340 17,026 968 992 993 988 ,008 ,025 988 ,034 973 14,224 14,406 14,370 14,265 14,773 15,104 14,884 15,398 14,614 14,656 15,306 16,053 1961—Jan.. . Feb... Mar... Apr... May . . June. . July. . Aug... Sept... Oct. . . Nov... Dec. . . 243 213 263 235 237 223 242 245 236 262 2B2 270 100 107 123 117 110 91 74 97 77 89 94 81 143 106 140 US 127 132 168 148 159 173 188 189 18,056 18,943 19,439 19,763 20,614 20,002 20,528 21,194 21,008 21,562 22,762 22,789 ,065 ,076 ,018 960 971 916 ,020 ,040 ,062 ,071 ,083 980 16,991 17,867 18,421 18,803 19,643 19,086 19,508 20,154 19,946 20,491 21,679 21,809 Feb... Mar... Apr. . . May. . June. . July.. Aug... Sept... Oct. . . Nov... Dec. . . 362 271 289 260 292 219 207 155 134 157 16 191 100 S3 99 91 122 107 74 79 83 92 89 105 262 188 190 169 171 112 133 76 51 65 74 87 22,281 22,955 23,048 21,811 19,947 18,436 19,384 20,124 19,088 19,215 21,088 21,271 ,108 ,225 ,284 ,207 ,106 ,019 ,205 ,382 ,334 ,298 ,324 ,315 21,173 21,730 21,764 20,604 18,841 17,417 18,179 18,742 17,754 17,917 19,764 19,956 1963— Jan.. . Feb... Mar... Apr . May.. June. . July . . Aug... Sept... Oct. . . Nov... Dee. . . 235 166 200 203 194 195 219 193 206 214 210 225 116 115 117 133 132 115 124 123 142 132 123 132 118 51 84 70 61 79 95 69 64 22,447 22,015 22,639 23,487 24,038 23,692 23,550 24,925 24,496 82 :| 24,914 87 :, 24,774 92 ? 25,214 ,336 ,401 ,350 ,256 ,286 ,166 ,310 ,287 , 300 ,374 ,419 ,341 21,III 20,614 21,289 22,231 22,752 22,526 22,240 23,638 23,196 23,540 23,355 23,873 1964—Jan.. . Feb... Mar... Apr. . . May. . June. . July.. Aug... Sept... Oct. . . Nov... Dec. . . 294 219 263 276 241 285 308 260 299 306 317 336 183 165 184 165 153 147 16S 149 149 142 134 136 NO ; 25,854 ,383 ,380 ,403 24,471 24,954 25,460 25,712 26,053 26,183 26,848 26,707 27,694 27,775 27,762 27,787 55 i 26,334 in 88 138 140 110 149 164 184 200 ! ! il ; i il 26,863 27,051 27,497 27,682 28,319 28,164 29,130 29,087 29,062 29,116 668 11,550 677 12,023 634 , 12,608 612 13,094 691 13,311 731 13,402 640 13,983 679 14,211 733 14,239 770 14,763 842 14,560 890 13,856 901 14,180 868 14,548 860 14,958 950 ,339 ; ,444 | ,499 j ,471 \ ,457 ,436 I ,312 ,300 ,329 i Annual Statistical Digest 145 38. Open-end investment companies—Continued In millions of dollars Sales and redemptions of own shares Period Assets (market value at end of period) Sales and redemptions of own shares Assets (market value at end of period) Period 2 Sales * Redemptions 1965 — jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May..., June. . . . July . . . . Aug Sept. . . . Oct Nov. , . . Dec 407 313 356 351 301 417 332 272 381 394 360 475 152 159 168 155 158 186 147 142 183 173 163 176 254 154 188 196 143 231 185 129 199 220 197 299 30 349 30,749 30,464 31,521 31,431 30,036 30,749 31,762 32,824 33,92* 34,533 35,220 1 545 1,605 1,597 1,523 1,551 1,447 1,616 1,815 1,787 1,758 1,847 1,803 28 804 29,144 28,867 29,998 29,880 28 , 589 29,133 29,947 31,037 32,163 32,686 33,417 1966—Jan Feb Mar Apr May.... June. . . . July. . . . Aug Sept. . . . Oct Nov. . . . Dec 497 396 532 475 450 350 363 357 327 329 295 300 181 185 183 192 189 163 153 187 145 133 143 151 316 211 348 284 261 186 210 170 182 196 152 149 36,213 36,178 36,173 37,136 35,453 35,429 35,082 32,553 32,223 33,483 34,497 34,829 2 009 2,094 2,040 2,107 2,278 2,337 2,472 2,657 3,036 3,244 3,206 2,971 34,204 34,084 34,133 35,029 33,175 33,092 32,610 29,896 29,187 30,239 31,291 31,858 1967— Jan Feb Mar. . . , Apr May . . . . June. . . . July.... Aug Sept Oct Nov . , . ! Dec . . . . 391 298 389 358 357 375 425 347 352 409 468 501 183 179 226 214 258 225 222 249 246 270 231 242 209 120 163 144 99 150 203 98 106 139 237 259 37,230 38,034 39,443 41,191 39 , 847 40,795 43,064 42,663 43,585 42,652 43 , 262 44,701 2,869 2,866 2,682 2,666 2,608 2,503 2,515 2,370 2,244 2,218 2,653 2,566 34,361 35,168 36,761 38,525 37,239 38,292 40,549 40,293 41,341 40,434 40,609 42,135 1968—Jan Feb Mar Apr May . . . . June. ., . July.. . . Aug Sept.. . . Oct Nov. . . . Dec 556 451 557 618 502 535 582 531 494 653 688 653 316 260 243 309 366 374 344 309 292 396 313 3.19 240 191 314 309 136 161 238 222 202 257 375 334 42,466 41,533 42,412 46,179 48 , 054 48,426 47 , 342 48,470 51,030 51,633 54,860 52,677 2,679 3,409 3,919 3,923 3,495 3,273 3,113 3,459 3,747 3,384 3,413 3,187 39,787 38,124 38,493 42,256 44,559 42,153 44,229 45,011 47,283 48 , 249 5 1 , 447 49 , 490 1969— Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May... . June. . . . July . . . . Aug Sept. . . . Oct Nov. . . . Dec. . . . 876 625 628 654 529 474 503 483 442 564 417 522 397 379 285 348 364 338 260 208 235 269 277 301 479 246 343 306 165 136 243 275 207 295 140 221 53,323 50,512 51,663 52,787 52,992 49,401 46,408 49,072 48,882 50,915 49 , 242 48 , 29 1 3,831 3,880 4,331 4,579 4,262 3,937 4,167 4,642 4,392 4,572 4,079 3,846 49,492 46,632 47,332 48', 208 48,730 45,464 42,241 44,430 44 , 489 46,343 45 , 1 63 44,445 1970— Jan Feb. . . . Mar. . . . Apr May.... June.. . . 523 407 451 371 304 364 303 249 289 306 300 197 220 158 162 65 4 167 44 , 945 48 , 202 47,915 42,785 39,824 38,459 3,959 4,209 4,046 3,909 4,042 4,396 40,986 43,993 43 , 869 38,876 35,782 34,230 Net sales Total Cash position 3 Other a Sales ' Redemptions 306 311 357 420 343 467 193 167 218 243 215 307 113 144 139 177 128 160 40,714 42,452 44,353 43,567 45,223 47,618 4 817 4^794 4,593 4,377 4,126 3,649 35 897 37^658 39,760 39,190 41,097 43,969 487 349 468 547 307 434 371 432 304 596 397 453 242 322 425 394 428 467 444 394 471 419 334 41 L 245 27 43 153 -121 = 33 -73 38 -167 177 63 42 50,251 51,300 53,618 55,883 53,610 53,560 51 424 53,798 53,291 5 1 , 1 60 50,958 55,045 3 , 663 3,600 3,328 3,046 2,607 2,830 2 856 3,016 2,511 2,885 3,172 3,038 46,588 47,700 50,290 52,837 51,003 50,730 48 568 50,782 50,780 48,275 47,786 52,007 521 404 472 405 378 393 398 391 310 384 387 449 475 514 667 655 585 544 424 582 442 411 645 619 46 -110 = 195 -250 -207 -151 = 26 = 191 = 132 —27 -258 -170 56,694 58,536 58 , 740 58,870 59,736 57,708 56,932 58,186 57,193 57 , 525 59,854 59,831 3,163 53,531 3,478 1 55,058 3,251 55,489 2,827 56,043 2,763 56,973 3,015 54,693 3,219 53,713 3,375 54,811 3,395 53,798 3,719 53,806 3,549 56,305 3,035 56,796 535 327 519 300 285 303 364 239 330 305 502 349 666 530 531 452 446 349 357 432 395 559 542 392 -131 -203 = 12 = 120 -161 -46 -7 -193 = 65 = 254 =40 -43 56,946 54,083 53,377 50,837 48 , 588 48,127 50,933 49,553 52,322 51,952 45,814 46,518 3,015 3,375 3,774 3,837 4, 154 4, 164 4,594 4,567 4,641 4,168 4, 126 4,002 53,931 50,708 49,603 46,464 44,434 43,963 46,339 44,986 47,681 47,784 41,688 42,516 Oct Nov!.".". pec.... 334 215 297 262 323 337 442 446 499 816 619 736 325 303 346 327 320 276 352 339 292 311 335 411 9 -88 -49 =65 3 61 90 127 207 505 284 325 47,094 45,958 44,423 42,679 41,015 40,040 37 , 669 35,106 31,985 37,115 36,366 35,777 4,226 4,447 4,406 4,426 4,389 4,461 4 , 609 4,953 5,078 5,652 5,804 5,637 42 , 863 41,511 40,017 38,253 36,626 35,579 33,060 30,153 26,907 3 1 , 463 30,562 30,140 1975—Jan. . . . Feb. . . . Mar. . . Apr.... (Vlay... June. . . July... Aug. . . . Sept.... Oct.... Nov. . . , Dec.... 1,067 889 847 808 677 705 763 753 760 914 787 1,040 428 470 623 791 735 811 981 788 874 995 911 1,093 639 419 224 17 -58 = 108 -239 -35 = 114 = 81 -124 -53 37,407 39,330 40,449 42,353 43,832 45,538 42 , 896 41,672 40,234 41,860 42,460 42,179 3 , 889 4,006 3,870 3,841 3,879 3,640 3 , 59 1 3,660 3,664 3,601 3,733 3,748 33,518 35,324 36,579 38,512 39,953 41,898 39,305 38,012 36,570 38,259 38,722 38,431 1970-= July . Aug.... Sept.... Oct.... Nov.... Dec.... i 1971— Jan.. . . Feb.... Mar.... Apr, . . . May... June... Ji^ly. Aug. . . . Sept Oct. . . '. Nov.... Dec. . . . 1 1972—Jan. . . . Feb.... Mar.... Apr.... IVJay... June. . . July . . . Aug.... Sept.... Oct.... Nov.... Dec.... 1 1973—Jan. . . . Feb.... Mar.... Apr.... May... June... July. . . Aug... . Sept.... Oct. . . . Nov.... Dec 1 1974— Jan Feb.... lyiar. . . . Apr May. . . June. . . July . . . Aug.... Net sales Total Cash position 3 Other 146 Annual Statistical Digest 39. Net change in outstanding corporate securities In millions of dollars Derivation of change, all issuers l Period All securities New issues es Bonds and notes Common and preferred stocks Retirements Net change New issues Retirements Net change New issues Retirements Net change 2,411 1,318 2,222 2,993 3,678 2,408 6,801 13,452 13,018 9,064 4,302 10,377 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 707 687 306 559 334 255 9,079 9,507 10,224 11 , 804 9,935 10,991 29,628 37,180 32,082 21,754 29,399 42,263 29,495 31,917 27,065 21,501 31,354 40,468 6,667 8,190 8,003 8,810 6,255 8,583 22,825 23,728 19,062 12,691 25,098 31,886 9,213 14,769 15,242 12,057 7,980 12,787 1970—IV. 936 2,577 9,359 9,034 2,069 6,964 2,902 SOS 2,394 1971—1... II.. III. IV. 241 212 746 488 2,015 2,979 1,992 2,521 9,226 10,233 8,754 8,967 8,765 8,974 6,159 8,019 1,776 2,681 1,649 2,084 6,989 6,294 4,510 5,935 2,476 4,238 4,586 3,469 239 299 343 437 2,237 3,939 4,244 3,032 1972—1... II.. III. ZV. 072 514 776 944 2,691 2,389 2,212 2,932 7,381 9,125 7,564 8,012 6,699 7,250 6,118 6,998 2,002 2,191 1,603 2,207 4,698 5,050 4,515 4,790 3,373 4,264 3,659 3,946 690 198 609 725 2,683 4,066 3,049 3,220 1973—1... II.. HI. IV. 176 140 532 711 2,806 2,470 2,150 4,378 4,369 6,669 4,382 6,334 4,198 5,769 4,521 7,013 1,781 1,664 1,579 3,786 2,417 4,106 2,944 3,227 2,977 3,370 2,012 3,698 1,025 806 571 591 1,952 2,564 1,447 3,107 1974—1... II.. III. IV. 973 637 452 272 2,031 2,048 2,985 2,871 6,942 7,589 5,467 9,401 6,810 7,847 6,611 10,086 1,442 1,584 1,225 2,004 5,367 6,263 5,386 2,163 1,790 1,841 2,186 465 1,759 866 588 1,575 1,326 82 1,319 1975—1... II.. HI. IV. 211 602 079 363 2,088 3,211 2,576 3,116 13,123 12,390 6,503 10,247 12,759 11,460 6,654 9,595 1,587 2,336 2,111 2,549 11,172 9,124 4,543 7,047 2,452 4,142 2,425 3,768 501 875 465 567 1,951 3,266 1,960 3,200 Type of issues Commercial and other ° Manufacturing Bonds and notes 1970.. 1971.. 1972.. 1973.. 1974.. 1975. , Stocks Bonds und notes Stocks Communication Public utility Transportation 3 Bonds !i Stocks and notes Bonds ; Stocks and notes Bonds and notes Real estate and financial l Bonds I Stocks and notes Stocks 6,641 6,585 1,995 801 7,404 13,219 870 2,534 2,094 658 17 1,607 853 827 1,409 -109 1,116 1,605 1,778 2,290 2,471 1,411 -135 1,137 1,104 900 711 1,044 341 2,165 36 800 254 =93 -20 65 6,861 6,486 5,137 4,265 7,308 7,236 2,917 4,206 4,844 4,509 3,834 6,015 4,806 3,925 3,343 3,165 I 3,499 2,980 ; 1970—IV. 2,054 374 407 404 428 58 1,777 1,189 1,135 51 1971—1... II.. lit. IV. 2,076 2,296 852 1,361 520 885 676 453 201 446 -10 190 416 757 678 445 271 461 195 -27 33 374 230 163 1,897 1,347 1,493 1,749 948 1,261 814 1,183 1,194 919 832 980 66 38 1,442 54 1972—1... II.. III. IV. 696 704 479 116 423 851 530 290 31 344 459 575 545 774 673 479 267 127 138 179 15 164 28 47 827 1,844 1,410 1,056 872 1,176 1,061 1,735 1,020 806 573 944 j 402 464 305 89 j 1973—1... It.. III. IV. 135 632 165 63 -2 450 147 -174 119 108 -162 377 327 247 460 127 327 414 176 -43 7 -44 844 1,136 1,217 1,068 1,170 1,276 557 1,506 520 f 842 j 752 1,051 j 1974—1.... II... III. . IV. . 906 1,921 1,479 3,098 324 -12 =421 126 698 189 240 363 213 -664 -47 -37 -13 49 342 -35 12 -6 9 2,172 1,699 1,358 2,079 827 1,038 862 1,107 1975—1 II.. . . III. . . IV. .. 5,134 4,574 I ,442 2,069 262 500 412 433 373 483 221 528 77 490 108 462 I 429 1 7 53 4 2,653 1,977 1,395 1,211 1,569 1,866 1,043 1,537 147 1,588 2,564 5,005 7,045 3,523 5,428 4,6B2 1,107 2,017 2,096 1,181 207 468 1,165 318 1,349 825 1,148 1,683 255 624 404 734 1,856 1,233 1,456 1,920 425 638 453 580 185 1 562 " 77 575 965 1,049 284 1,225 201 395 154 431 675 ! 1,080 1,116 ; 628 ' 76 , —7 222 107 1,662 877 1,194 1,695 20 82 88 17 1,269 810 472 429 24 359 97 604 1,742 852 866 1,222 18 43 247 160 94 1,600 1,260 1,399 398 1,084 I Annual Statistical Digest 147 40. Corporate securities—Types of issuers and issues Gross proceeds of new issues In millions of dollars Manufacturing Period Bonds 1970 1971.. 1972 1973 1974 1975 1970— Dec Stocks Commercial and miscellaneous Bonds 9,265 9,568 4,560 4,199 9,867 17,098 1,380 2,084 1,833 638 544 1,670 1,905 2,133 2,526 1,318 1,845 2,750 Stocks Transportation Bonds Bonds Stocks Bonds Bonds Stocks Stocks 1,218 774 1,258 1,084 1,550 3,447 36 375 148 26 22 1 8,006 7,526 6,349 5,578 8,873 9,652 3,002 4,193 4,966 4,691 3,964 6,235 5,050 4,221 3,709 3,523 3,710 3,464 3 725 230 269 692 148 67 90 115 53 2 29 5 6 8 608 758 918 569 460 570 485 685 587 689 672 525 68 317 557 660 141 439 212 162 492 230 545 370 391 675 477 245 404 205 232 359 232 432 260 309 539 222 618 380 727 424 432 302 463 493 653 585 211 59 200 154 122 233 154 336 253 243 313 300 417 383 383 925 381 1,000 429 436 643 518 327 507 115 600 354 295 357 520 343 184 598 758 472 370 453 438 205 177 380 368 398 243 32 310 660 45 293 60 51 1 16 432 196 584 747 788 543 647 323 873 611 231 879 526 976 306 268 170 198 266 273 256 169 207 181 462 486 529 320 228 150 361 1,073 654 426 341 342 584 570 371 277 703 413 410 497 269 98 252 607 476 318 30 57 454 258 355 301 241 320 231 633 293 350 3 85 548 396 279 715 708 351 230 229 196 246 681 647 666 508 461 411 228 226 176 152 98 80 179 127 99 1,192 536 850 446 837 860 318 862 384 1 ,414 739 435 249 293 449 684 76 288 300 216 296 695 224 194 142 372 310 283 660 355 242 364 331 439 62 150 4 25 21 5 3 485 784 691 95 238 499 773 462 217 791 397 786 27 87 58 47 44 39 56 44 48 69 28 15 764 1,471 828 794 845 838 715 719 720 571 848 539 507 486 679 586 704 640 324 305 541 676 424 363 933 126 317 354 153 362 254 93 249 373 45 205 5 1 931 539 ' 614 156 379 603 1,081 255 306 443 434 679 32' 34 9 10 47 22 68 JOS 23 57 83 933 121 226 142 168 647 625 2,152 799 670 1,179 334 311 943 577 629 702 45 17 291 319 157 177 190 179 158 88 170 293 238 49 265 196 154 507 142 79 154 143 53 153 238 94 174 242 116 268 174 175 283 180 223 149 10 22 33 101 124 73 74 19 35 119 102 62 1972— Jan. Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct, . . Nov. Dec 325 432 362 366 567 461 456 177 413 236 258 507 63 104 156 193 194 284 258 164 119 79 109 156 57 188 226 208 159 68 323 189 182 511 259 125 104 263 180 284 322 237 326 216 316 267 146 124 86 150 117 74 186 76 46 53 105 62 179 1973— Jan... Feb Mar. . Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov.. Dec 112 181 458 217 388 705 360 218 238 462 375 485 59 33 24 22 13 23 169 49 78 50 90 28 70 25 59 225 30 132 143 141 179 60 67 187 103 105 99 134 134 89 110 165 82 142 85 284 138 76 109 50 106 119 172 39 97 23 106 49 1974— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov Dec 867 356 479 1,192 848 434 1,052 601 186 725 1,697 1,430 29 36 161 9 15 43 43 4 2 3 2 197 136 54 48 236 332 302 256 38 46 102 116 179 124 144 71 56 70 139 84 62 45 29 92 24 152 32 129 18 78 40 77 44 80 375 465 60 1975— Jan Feb Mar. Apr May . . . . . . June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec. 1,921 1,631 2,368 1 ,498 2,266 2,195 1,116 610 526 810 874 1,283 2 44 111 233 384 123 64 101 107 142 229 130 179 65 271 294 242 384 229 141 54 337 SI 473 58 60 74 211 141 194 231 70 37 152 68 193 84 75 83 97 415 231 338 17 151 626 1,000 330 Stocks Real estate and financial Communication 2,232 2,316 2,786 1,532 940 1,489 1971— Jan.. Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept. . Oct Nov Dec no Public utility 14 1 3 71 8 27 2 12 5 5 1 I 1 1 1 15 2 5' is' 1 5" i 240 1,621 1,126 1,348 217 1,002 11 52 26 2 14 1 , 390 50 9' 67 i 58 1 17 19 29 60 4 15 45 513 27 53 is' 36 26 25 61 260 16' 19 48 555 10 27 3,579 5,838 7,728 5,344 6,218 6,420 1,532 2,578 3,242 2,745 562 490 148 Annual Statistical Digest 41. Corporate securities—Types of issues Gross proceeds of new issues In millions of dollars Bonds Period Total Stocks | Bonds Period PriPublicly vately CornPreoffered placed ferred man — ~~ "—•---- —=—-— .=_ .-=- _~ .__^=—„_— - •-=--—™ • . 4,660 29,026 24,367 1,389 7,035 1973— Jan 30,062 23,294 6,767 Feb.... 3,683 9,485 26,132 17,425 8,706 Mar.... 3,370 10,725 21,049 13,244 7,802 Apr.... 3,337 7,642 32,066 25,903 6,160 2,253 3,994 May . . . 42,830 32,603 10,227 June. . . 3,458 7,426 July.... Aug.... Sept.... 3,013 855 170 475 2,158 Oct. . . . Nov.... Dec... . Total ==™ . —=_... .— ---= =^_Ti __ 37,453 43,229 40,228 32,025 38,311 53,714 1970 1971 1972 1973.... 1974. 1975 1970— Dec 3,658 1971- Jan Feb Mar Apr May. . . . June. . . . July Aug Sept Get Nov Dec 2,994 2,850 5,738 3,758 3,164 4,204 3,873 2,610 3,679 3,200 3,635 3,524 2,432 2,351 4,464 2,290 2,538 2,958 1,700 1,756 2,414 2,454 2,369 2,336 1,854 2,129 3,812 1,936 2,056 2,178 ,266 ,354 ,891 ,762 ,973 ,083 1972— Jan Feb Mar Apr May... . June. . , . July. . . . Aug Sept Oct. . . . . Nov.,... Dec...., 2,976 3,279 3,071 3,223 3,445 4,334 3,469 2,775 2,747 3,675 3,629 3,605 2,059 2,142 2,077 2,354 2,258 2,496 2,300 1,837 1,561 2,231 2,344 2,473 ,484 ,825 ,569 ,612 ,523 ,326 ,755 ,439 861 ,769 ,360 902 578 222 652 354 482 780 434 402 523 691 396 1,253 575 318 508 741 735 1,170 546 398 1 700 | 461 983 1,571 76 101 311 537 59 106 1,528 270 170 86 270 169 486 398 963 930 567 1 , 140 6-46 585 1,095 660 996 1,019 303 613 197 939 691 303 609 260 130 1,057 1,227 611 206 963 207 731 307 879 421 1,023 153 I 1 , 1 3 3 272 860 Stocks Total Total 2,319 1,900 3,807 2,406 2,394 3.375 2^559 1,770 1,840 3,224 3,364 3,068 "— — --——=• 1,274 939 2,022 1,608 1,592 2,561 1,800 1,341 1,332 2,201 2,073 2,306 1974—J a n . . . . Feb.... Mar.... Apr. . . . May . . . June. . . July.. . . Aug — Sept.... Oct.. . . Nov.... Dec. . . . 3,402 2,721 3,270 3,071 3,198 3,016 3 , 255 2,697 1,657 4; 678 3,851 3,495 2,972 2,134 2,510 2,271 2,991 2,490 2,718 2,371 1,244 3,847 3,475 3,040 1975—Jan I Feb.... Mar.... Apr.. . . May... June..., July..., Aug.... Sept.... Oct....j Nov...." Dec./.. 5,384 4,528 5,378 4,294 5,798 5,618 4,390 2,398 2,844 4,707 4,070 4,305 Privately placed Publicly offered " =i-1- "" 1,001 641 1,275 913 973 1,233 853 791 683 1,752 1 , 602 1,527 Preferred Common ' 273 29«S 745 694 619 1 , 328 946 550 648 449 471 779 138 136 829 200 181 216 226 102 119 355 627 208 906 825 957 598 620 598 534 328 390 669 664 553 2,189 1,714 2,073 1,606 2,384 1,974 2,101 2,072 937 3,492 3,145 2,216 783 42 1 437 665 607 516 617 299 307 355 330 823 152 268 398 355 65 113 2^8 H)7 126 196 93 152 278 318 362 445 142 413 309 219 287 635 2H3 303 4,812 3,906 4,481 3,194 4,298 4,613 3,733 1,835 2,007 3,160 3,283 3,508 3,677 3,201 3,971 2,771 3 , 796 3,943 2,658 1 , 356 1,414 2,389 1,666 1,761 1,135 705 510 423 502 670 1,075 479 593 771 1,617 1,747 234 173 253 349 346 230 198 129 308 332 444 462 338 449 644 751 1,154 775 459 434 529 1,215 343 335 Profits before taxes In' Profits come after taxes taxes 1 Cash dividends Undistributed profits 1 42. Corporate profits, taxes, and dividends In billions of dollars Period 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1970—1 ri Ill IV 1971__I II III IV 1972—1 II III IV Profits before taxes Income taxes Profits after taxes Cash dividends Undistributed profits Period 71.5 82.0 96.2 117.0 132.1 116.8 34.5 37.7 41.5 48.2 52.6 45.6 37.0 44.3 54.6 68.8 79.5 71.2 22.9 23.0 24.6 27.8 31.1 32.8 14.1 21.3 30.0 40.9 48.4 38.4 72 7 71.7 73.2 68 3 34 6 34.6 35.4 33 3 38 1 37.1 37.7 35 1 23 0 23.0 22.9 22 7 15 2 14.1 14 8 12 4 1973—1 II Ill IV 115.2 117.9 115.8 119.1 47 . 8 48.8 i 47.8 ; i 48.6 67 . 5 69.1 68.0 70.5 26.4 27.2 28.1 29.5 41.0 41.9 39.9 41.0 77.6 81.2 83 2 85.9 37.1 38.1 37 7 37.8 40.4 43.1 45.5 48.1 23.2 23.0 23.1 22.7 17.2 20 1 22 4 25.4 1974_I It Ill IV 128.3 129.6 146.7 123.9 49.4 J 52.6 59.3 49.2 ; 78.9 77,1 87.4 74.7 30 . 0 30.9 31.7 31.7 48.9 46.2 55,7 43.0 90 0 92 3 96,5 105 8 39 3 40 0 41.4 45 4 50.7 52 3 55.0 60 4 23 8 24 3 24,9 25 4 26 28 30 34 1975— i II III IV 97.1 108 2 129.5 132.4 37.5 1 59.6 41 6 66 6 50.7 78.8 52.5 ' 79.9 32.1 32 6 33.5 33.1 27.5 34 0 45.3 46.8 9 1 2 9 1 Annual Statistical Digest 149 43 Current assets and liabilities of nonfinancial corporations In billions of dollars Current assets Net working capital End of period 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 .... ,.. 1970—j . II Ill IV 197 i_i II Ill IV. . 1972—1... II Ill IV ... Total Cash U.S. Govt. securities Current liabilities Notes and accts. receivable Other U.S. Govt. 1 Inventories Other Total Notes and accts. payable U.S. Govt. l Other Accrued Federal income taxes Other 187.4 203.6 221.3 242.3 261.6 274.1 492.3 529.6 573.5 643.3 712.2 731.6 50.2 53.3 57.5 61.6 62.7 68.1 7.7 H.O 9.3 11.0 11.7 19.4 4.2 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 201.9 217.6 240.0 266.1 289.7 294.6 193.3 200.4 215.2 246.7 288.0 285.8 35.0 43,8 48.1 54.4 56.5 60.0 304.9 326.0 352.2 401.0 450.6 457.5 6.6 4.9 4.0 4.3 5.2 6.4 204.7 215.6 230,4 261.7 287.4 281.6 10.0 13.1 15.1 18.1 23.2 20.7 83.6 92.4 102.6 117.0 134.8 148.8 187.0 185.5 185.2 187.4 478.4 483.0 486.3 492.3 46.2 45.9 47.0 50.2 10.5 8.8 7.2 7.7 4.7 4.4 4.2 4.2 195.3 198.6 202.0 201.9 188.9 190.5 191.5 193.3 32.8 34.8 34.4 35.0 291.4 297.5 301.1 304.9 7.2 7.0 6.8 6.6 192.1 198. 1 200.0 204.7 12.8 10. 1 10.2 10.0 79.3 82.4 84.2 83.6 191.8 195.6 199.8 203.6 498.9 505.7 517.4 529.6 48.6 50.6 51.2 53.3 8.1 8.1 8.2 11.0 4.2 3.9 3.9 3.5 204.7 208.9 214.4 217.6 195.8 196.5 198.9 200.4 37.5 37.8 40.7 43.8 307.1 310.1 317.6 326.0 6.1 5.3 5.0 4.9 202.0 204.2 1 207.9 215.6 11.7 V0.8 12.1 13,1 87.3 89.9 92.6 92.4 208.1 213.7 217.5 221.3 539.2 547.7 558.6 573.5 53.0 53.4 54.8 57.5 10.6 9.2 8.0 9.3 3.4 ' 2.8 2.9 3.4 221.7 226.9 233.3 240.0 204.3 207.8 212.3 215.2 46.2 47.6 47. V 48.1 331.1 334.0 341.1 352.2 4.9 4.9 4.7 4.0 215.3 216.9 220.7 230.4 14.3 12.1 13.5 15.1 96.6 100.2 102.2 102.6 1973—1 II Ill . . IV 1974—1 II III... IV 229.8 235,5 239,5 242.3 590.9 608.2 625.3 643.3 58.1 59.0 58.9 61.6 11.2 9.9 9.7 11.0 3.2 2.9 3.0 3.5 245.3 255,4 264.4 266.1 222.7 230.2 238.0 246.7 50.3 50.8 51.3 54.4 361.1 372.7 385.8 401.0 4.1 4.5 4.4 4.3 231.7 241.7 250.1 261.7 17.2 15.0 16.5 18.1 108.2 III.6 114.7 117.0 250.2 253.9 259.5 261.6 666.2 685.4 708.6 712.2 59.4 58.8 60.3 62.7 12.1 10.7 11.0 11.7 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.5 276.2 289.8 295.5 289.7 258.4 269.2 282.1 288.0 56.9 53.5 56.1 56.6 416.0 431.5 449.1 450.6 4.5 4.7 5.1 5.2 266.5 278.6 287.0 287.4 20.6 19.0 22.7 23.2 124.4 129.1 134.3 134.8 1975—1 II... Ill IV 260.4 269.0 271.8 274.1 698.4 703.2 716.5 731.6 60.6 63.7 65.6 68.1 12.1 12.7 14.3 19.4 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.6 281.9 284.8 294.7 294.6 285.2 281.4 279.6 285.8 55.4 57.3 59.0 60.0 1 438.0 434.2 444.7 457.5 5.3 5.8 6.2 6.4 271.2 270.1 273.4 281.6 21.8 17.7 19.4 20.7 139.8 140.6 145.6 148.8 44. Business expenditures on new plant and equipment In billions of dollars Transportation Manufacturing Period Total Mining Public utilities Communications Gas and other Other l Total (S.A. A.R.) Durable Nondurable 81.21 88.44 99.74 112.40 112.78 14.15 15.64 19.25 22.62 22.27 15.84 15.72 18.76 23.39 26.14 2.16 2.45 2.74 3.18 3.79 1.67 1.80 1.96 2.54 2.54 1.88 2.46 2.41 2.00 1.84 1.38 1.46 1.66 2.12 3.17 12.86 14.48 15.94 17.63 17.00 2.44 2.52 2.76 2.92 3.13 10.77 11.89 12.85 13.96 12.73 18.05 20.07 21.40 22.05 20.59 1971—1 II. . Ill IV 17.68 20.60 20.14 22.79 3.11 3.52 3.40 4.12 3.58 4.03 3.91 4.32 .49 .54 55 .59 .34 .47 .42 .45 .34 .60 .39 .56 .28 .36 .37 .37 2.70 3.20 3.35 3.60 .41 .63 .71 .69 2.50 2.81 2.62 2.84 3.94 4.44 4.42 5.26 79.32 81.61 BO. 75 82.18 1972—1 II. . HI. IV 19.38 22.01 21.86 25.20 3.29 3.71 3.86 4.77 3.32 3.92 3.87 4.61 .58 .61 .59 .63 .48 .48 .38 .47 .50 .73 .61 .63 .32 .39 .35 .40 3.19 3.61 3.67 4.01 .44 .62 .72 .73 2.72 2.95 2.84 3.39 4.55 4.98 4.97 5.57 86.79 87.12 87.67 91.67 1973—1 II 21.50 24.73 25.04 28.48 3.92 •4.65 4.84 5.84 3.88 4.51 4.78 5.59 .63 .71 .69 .71 .46 .46 .48 .56 .52 .72 .57 .60 .32 .43 44 !47 3.45 3.91 4.04 4.54 .50 .68 .77 .82 2.87 3.27 3.19 3.53 4.94 5.40 5.24 5.83 96,19 97.76 100.90 103.74 24.10 28.16 28.23 31.92 4.74 5.59 5.65 6.64 4.75 5.69 5.96 6.99 .68 .78 .80 .91 .50 .64 .64 .78 .47 .61 .43 .48 .34 .49 .58 .71 3.85 4.56 4.42 4.80 .52 .75 .78 .87 3.19 3.60 3.39 3.78 5,05 5.46 5.57 5.97 107.27 1 1 1 . 27 113.99 116.22 25.82 28.43 27.79 30.74 5.10 5.59 5.59 5.99 5.74 6.55 6.55 7.30 .91 .97 .94 .97 .59 .71 .62 .62 .44 .47 .62 .77 .43 .93 3.84 4.15 4.16 4.85 .58 .79 .91 .85 3.11 3.22 3.14 3.26 4.88 5.19 5.00 5.52 114.57 112.46 112.16 11 1 . 80 1971 1972 1973 . . 1974 1975 in IV 1974—1 II III. . IV. . 1975—1 . II. Ill IV 1 Railroad Air .50 Other .85 Electric 150 Annual Statistical Digest 45. Mortgage debt outstanding by type of holder In billions of dollars All holders End of quarter Total 1-to 4f a raily Private financial institutions Commercial banks * Multifamily Commercial Farm Total 1- to 4family Multi- Comfam- ! rnereial ily Mutual savings banks Farm Total 1- o> 4family MukifamHy Commercial Farm 1948—IV . 56.2 33.3 7.5 10.2 5.3 10.9 7.4 0.7 2.0 0.9 5.8 2.8 1.9 1.0 * 1949= I II HI IV 57.5 58.9 60.6 62.7 34.1 35.0 36.3 37.6 7.7 8.0 8.3 8.6 10.3 10.4 10.6 10.8 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.6 11,0 11.1 11.3 11.6 7.5 7.5 7.7 8.0 0,7 0,7 0.7 0.7 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.7 2,9 3.1 3.2 3.4 2,0 1 2.0 I 2.1 2.2 1.0 1,0 * * 1950—1.... II Ill IV 64.4 66.9 69.9 72,8 39.0 41.0 43.2 45.2 8,9 9.2 9.6 10.1 10.8 10.9 11. 1 11,5 5.7 5.8 6.0 6.1 12.0 12.5 13.2 13.7 8.2 8.7 9.2 9.5 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 2.1 2.1 2 2 2^3 0.9 0.9 1.0 i 7.0 7.3 7.8 8.3 3.5 3.7 4.0 4.3 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.7 1951—1. . . . II III IV 75.3 78.1 80.3 82,3 46.8 48.6 50.2 51.7 10.5 10.9 11.1 11.5 11.8 12.1 12.3 12.5 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.7 13.9 14.3 14.5 14.7 9.7 9.9 10.1 10.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 1.0 1,0 .0 .0 8.7 9.1 9.5 9.9 4.5 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.3 .2 .3 .3 .3 1952—1.... II Ill IV 84.3 86.6 89.1 91.4 53.1 54.8 56.7 58.5 11.6 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.7 12.9 13.1 13.4 6.8 7.0 7.1 7.2 14.9 15.2 15,6 15.9 10.4 10.6 11.0 11.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 .0 10.2 10,6 10.9 11.4 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.2 3.3 3,4 3.6 3.7 .3 .4 .4 .4 1953—1 II. Ill IV 93.5 96.4 98.9 101.3 60.1 62.3 64.4 66.1 12.4 12.6 12.7 12.9 13.6 13.9 14.2 14.5 7.4 7.6 7.7 7.7 16.1 16.4 16.6 16,9 11.4 11.6 11.9 12,0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 11.7 12.1 12.5 12.9 6.4 6.8 3.7 3.8 3,9 4.0 ,5 .5 .5 .6 1954=.! H. . Ill IV, 103.3 106.4 109.8 113. 7 67.6 69.9 72.6 75.7 13.0 13.1 13.3 13.5 14.8 15.3 15.7 16.3 7.9 8.1 8.2 8.2 17.0 17.4 17,9 18.6 12.1 12.4 12.8 13,3 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.3 • \2 13.3 13.9 14.4 15.0 7.7 B.I 8.5 9.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 .6 .6 1.7 1.7 1955 I II Ill IV 117.4 121.9 126.2 129.9 78.6 82.2 85.6 88.2 13.6 13.8 14.0 14.3 16.7 17.2 17.8 18.3 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.0 19.1 19.9 20.5 21,0 13.7 14.3 14,7 15.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 3.4 3.5 3.7 3.8 ,2 .3 ,3 .3 15.6 16.2 16.8 17.5 9.5 10.0 10.6 11.1 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.5 1.8 1,8 1.8 1.8 1956= 1 II Ill IV 133.4 137.4 141.2 144.5 90.7 93.7 96.6 99.0 14.5 14.6 14.8 14.9 18.9 19.5 20.1 20.7 9.3 9.6 9.8 9.8 21.4 22.0 22,5 22.7 15.3 15.7 16.1 16.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 .3 .4 .4 .4 18.0 18.6 19.2 19.7 11.6 12.1 12,6 13.0 4.5 4.6 ' 1957—1 II Ill IV 147.2 150.3 153.6 156.5 101.1 103.4 105.7 107.6 14.9 15.0 15.1 15.3 21.3 21.7 22.4 23.2 10.0 10.2 10,3 10.4 22.7 22.8 23.1 23.3 16.2 16.2 16.3 16.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8 .4 .4 .4 ,4 20.1 20.5 20.8 21. 2 13.3 13.6 13.9 14.1 1958—I II III IV. 159.0 162.7 167.0 171,8 109.1 111.5 114.5 117. 7 15.6 16.0 16.4 16.8 23.7 24.4 25.1 26.1 10.5 10.8 11.0 11. 1 23.4 24.0 24.7 25.5 16.3 16.6 17.2 17.6 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 4.9 5.1 5.2 5.5 .4 .4 .5 .5 21.6 22.1 22.7 23.3 1959— I. . . II Ill IV 176.0 181.4 186.4 190,8 120.5 124.3 128.0 130.9 17.4 17.9 18.3 18.7 26.7 27.5 28.3 29.2 11.4 11.7 11.9 12.1 26,1 27.1 27.6 28.1 18.0 18.5 18.9 19.2 1.0 1. I. 1. 5.6 5.9 6.0 6.2 1960—1 II. Ill IV. 194.3 198.5 203.0 206.8 133.1 135.9 138.8 141.3 19.1 19.5 20.0 20.3 29.9 30.6 31.5 32.4 12.3 12.6 12.7 12,8 28.2 28.5 28.7 28.8 19.2 19.2 19.3 19.2 6.3 6.5 6.7 6.8 196 I—I II III. . IV 210.3 215.3 220.6 226.3 143.2 146.3 149.6 153.1 20.9 21.4 22.2 23.0 33.1 34.1 35.0 36.4 13.1 13.4 13.7 13.9 28.9 29.4 29.9 30.4 19.1 19.5 19.8 20.0 .1 .1 \2 6.9 7.1 7.2 7.5 1962 =1 . . . II Ill IV 230.3 236.4 242.4 248.6 155.3 159.1 162.9 166.5 23.5 24.1 24.9 25.8 37.3 38.5 39.7 41.1 14.2 14.7 14.9 15.2 30.8 32.2 33.4 34.5 20.1 20.8 21.6 22,1 .2 •2 7.8 8 2 'A l.'o . S;l 1. 1. * * * * * 4.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 # * * * 4.8 i 4.8 4.8 4.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 !J3 14.4 14.8 15.3 15,6 5,0 5.1 5,2 5.3 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 .6 .6 .6 23.6 24.1 24.6 25.0 15.9 16,2 16.6 16.9 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.6 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 ! .6 .6 .6 .6 25.4 25.8 26.4 26.9 17.2 17.6 18.0 18,4 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.9 2.5 .5 .5 .6 il 27.4 28.0 28.6 29,1 18.8 19.2 19.6 20.0 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.3 .6 .6 ,6 29.8 30.6 31.5 32.3 20.4 21.0 21.6 22.1 6.6 6.6 6.9 7.0 .8 .9 2.0 2.0 : 4.7 ! * * * 2.8 l 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.1 * Annual Statistical Digest 151 —Continued Private financial institutions (cont.) Savings and loan associations Federal and related agencies Life insurance companies 0.7 * * 1.1 16.5 7.6 2.8 3.9 2.3 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 * * # * # * * * 1.1 1.1 1.2 1,2 16.7 16.8 17.1 17.4 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.0 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 # * * * # * * * 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 17.5 17.7 18.1 18.4 7.9 8.1 8.3 8.3 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.0 3.9 3.9 4.0 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.9 3,0 3.2 3.4 1.7 1.7 1.9 2.1 * * * * * * * * 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 18.7 19.1 19.2 19.4 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.8 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7' 3.7 3.7 3.8 4.0 * * * * * « * * 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 19.6 19.9 20.3 20.5 8.7 8.8 9.0 9.1, 3.8 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.4 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.1 4.6 1.8 4.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2-5 2.7 2.8 2.8 1.5 1.5 20.8 01 £l , i> £. 21.5 21.8 9 .J 9.6 9.7 4.0 40 ,u 4.1 4.1 4.4 4.5 4,4 * * * * 9.3 1.9 1.9 * 0 .1i 0.2 0.2 1.4 4.8 4.9 4,6 4.7 4.J 3.1 3. 2 3.2 3.2 * 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 22.1 22.5 22.9 23.4 9.8 10.0 10.2 10.4 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.8 4.9 5.1 5.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 23.8 24.4 24.9 25.4 10.7 10.9 U.2, 11.4 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.5 5.4 5.5 5.7 5.9 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.0 25.9 26.4 26.9 27.3 11.6 11.8 11.9 12.1 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.9 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 27.7 28.2 28.8 29.3 12.3 12.5 12.8 13.0 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.8 6.8 6.9 7.2 7,4 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.5 29.9 30.8 31.6 32.5 13.3 13.7 14.1 14.5 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.2 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.4 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 33.3 34.0 34.7 35.4 14.8 15.0 15.2 15.4 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 8.5 8.8 9.1 9.4 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 36.1 36.7 37.4 38.0 15.7 15.9 16.1 16.3 5.8 1 9.6 6.0 9.8 6.1 10.1 6.2 10.4 4.9 5.0 5.1 5.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 38.9 39.7 40.7 41.9 16.6 16.9 17.3 17.5 6.4 6.5 6.8 7.0 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.7 5.2 5.4 5.5 5.6 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6 42.2 42.9 43.5 44.0 17.8 18.1 18.5 18.7 7.0 7.1 7.1 7.2 11.7 11.8 11.9 12.0 5.7 5.9 6.0 6.1 Commercial Total 10.3 9.8 0.2 0.3 10.8 4.9 1.8 3.1 1.0 1.9 10.6 10.8 11.3 11.6 10. 1 10.4 10.8 U.I 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 11.3 11.8 12.3 12.9 5.2 5.5 5.8 6.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 1.0 I.I 1.1 1.1 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 12.0 12.7 13.3 13.7 11.5 12.2 12.8 13.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 13.5 14.2 15.0 16.1 6.5 7.1 7.7 8.5 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.7 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 14.0 14.5 15.1 15.6 13.4 13.9 14.4 14.8 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 17.1 18.0 18.7 19.3 9.1 9.7 10.2 10.6 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.1 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 16.1 16.9 17.7 18.4 15.3 16.1 16.9 17.6 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 19.9 20.3 20.8 21,3 10.9 11.2 11.5 11.8 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.5 21.7 ?"? £•{., 1 J 12.1 3.3 22.7 23.3 12.8 13.2 3.3 3.4 Farm 19.1 18.3 20.2 21.0 0.3 0 4 0^4 0.4 0.5 21.1 22.0 22.7 23.8 25.0 26.1 21.7 22.8 23.9 25.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 23.8 24.4 25.1 26.0 13.6 14.0 14.5 15.2 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.4 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.4 4.4 4.5 4.6 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 27.3 29.0 30.6 31.4 26.2 27.8 29.3 30.0 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 26.8 27.5 28.3 29.4 15.7 16.3 16.8 17.7 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 5.5 5.6 5.8 6.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 4.8 5.0 5.0 5.2 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 0.3 0.3 Oi3 0,4 32.4 33.7 34.9 35.7 30.9 32.1 33.2 34.0 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 30.4 31.3 32.1 33.0 18.4 19.0 19.5 20.1 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 6.1 6.3 6.5 6.8 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 5.3 5.5 5.6 6.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.5 0.4 0.4 0,4 , 0,4 36.6 37.8 39.1 40.0 34.8 36.0 37.1 38.0 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1 .1 1.1 33.7 34.2 34.7 35.2 20.6 20.9 21.2 21.4 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.6 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.7 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 6.5 6.8 7.1 7.5 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.7 0.4 0.5 0.5 0,5 * * * 40.8 42.3 44.0 45.6 38.6 40.0 41.5 42.9 .0 .0 .1 .2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 35.7 36.0 36.4 37.1 21.7 21.9 22.0 22.4 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 7.9 8.0 8.2 8.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 7.6 7.4 7.4 7.8 4.8 4.5 4.5 4.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 * 47.1 49.4 51.6 53.1 44.1 46.2 48.2 49.5 .3 .4 .6 .7 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.0 37.5 37.8 38.4 39.2 22.6 22.8 23.1 23.6 3.6 3.7 3.6 3.7 8.6 8.6 8.8 9.1 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 8.4 9.0 9.5 10.0 5.1 5.5 5.9 6.3 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 54.4 56.4 58.4 60.1 50.6 52.2 54.0 55.4 .8 .9 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.5 39.9 40.5 41.1 41.8 24.0 24.3 24.5 24.9 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 9.3 9.5 9.8 10.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.0 10.3 10.6 11.0 11.2 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 :j! 61.6 64.1 66.5 68.8 56.5 58.6 60.6 62.4 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.1 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.4 42.3 42.9 43.4 44.2 25.1 25.3 25.4 25.8 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.3 10.2 10.5 10.8 11.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 It.3 11.2 11.4 11.8 7.1 6.9 7.0 7.3 1.0 1.1 .1 .1 # 70.7 73.5 76.2 78.8 63.7 65.9 67.9 69.8 3.3 3.7 4.0 4.3 3.7 4.0 4.3 4.7 44.6 45.1 45.7 46.9 25.8 26.0 26.1 26.4 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.7 11.3 1115 11.8 12.4 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.4 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.2 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.4 .1 .2 .1 1.2 7fk ZU, 1I 1Q .~\j ly O . cJ 0.5 0.5 1- to 4- Multi- Comfam- fam- mer- Farm ily ily cial Commercial Total Multifamily Total 1- to 4family Multifamily Commercial 1- to 4f a roily 1- to Multi4famf a roily ily Individualsa and others :[: * * :j: :|= >l! !(! * * * * * * * 5(! * * * :|: # * * * :]: * * * si'. * Farm 1 . *r A 1 Total C C 152 Annual Statistical Digest 45. Mortgage debt outstanding by type of holder—Continued In billions of dollars AH holders End of quarter Total 1-to 4Multif a ro- fa mily ily Private financial institutions Comrnercial b inks 1 Commercial Farm Total Mutua savings banks 1-to 4f a roily Multifa mily Commercial Farm Total 1- to 4family Multifamily Commercial Farm 1963=1 II Ill IV 253.3 260.5 267.6 274.3 169.2 173.7 178.2 182.2 26.4 27.2 28.0 29.0 42.1 43.4 44.8 46.2 15.6 16.2 16.6 16,8 35.2 36.9 38.4 39.4 22.5 23.5 24.4 24.9 1.4 1.4 .5 .6 9.3 9.7 10.2 10.6 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 33.4 34.3 35.2 36.2 22.9 23.5 24.1 24.7 7.3 7.5 7.7 8.0 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 # $ $ 1964=1 II. HI IV 279.4 286.5 293.4 300.1 185.4 189.8 193.9 197.6 30.0 31.1 32.3 33.6 46.7 47.6 48.7 50.0 17.3 18.1 18.5 18.9 40.2 41.6 42.9 44.0 25.3 26.1 26.8 27.2 .6 .6 .7 .7 10.9 11.3 11.9 12.4 2.4 2.6 2.6 2.6 37.2 38.2 39.4 40.6 25.3 25.9 26.7 27.4 8.2 8.5 ! 8.8 9.1 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.0 * $ 1965—1 11 Ill IV 305.2 312.3 319.2 325.8 200.6 204.8 209.0 212.9 34.3 35.2 36.2 37.2 50.8 52.0 53.2 54.5 19.5 20.2 20.7 21.2 44.8 46.5 48.4 49.7 27.6 28.6 29.6 30.4 .8 .8 .9 2.0 12.7 13.4 13.9 14.4 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 41.5 42.5 43.5 44.6 28.0 28.7 29.4 30.1 9.3 9.5 9.8 10.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5 * * # •t 1966—1 II III IV 331.9 338.7 343.6 347.4 216.2 219.6 221.9 223.6 38.2 39.1 39.7 40.3 55.8 57.5 59.0 60.1 21.8 22.5 23.0 23.3 50.7 52.3 53.6 54.4 30.8 31.8 32.4 32.8 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 14. S 15.5 16.0 16.4 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 45.4 45.9 46.6 47.3 30.5 30.8 31.2 31.7 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.6 4.6 4.7 4.9 5.0 $ & *' •Jf 1967—1 II III IV 350.5 356.2 363.3 370.2 224.9 227.8 232.0 236.1 41.0 41.9 42.8 43.9 60.9 62.2 63.5 64.8 23.8 24.3 24.9 25.5 54.5 55.7 57.5 59.0 32.8 33.3 34.4 35.3 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.4 16.5 17.0 17.5 17.9 3 2 3.° 3 3.4 3.4 48.1 4S.9 49.7 50.5 32.2 32.6 33,1 33.5 10.7 10.9 11.0 11. 1 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.7 Ij! 1968= i 11 Ill IV 375.8 382.9 389.8 397.5 239.1 243,2 247.0 251.2 44.6 45.3 46.2 47.3 66.1 67.6 69.3 71.4 26.0 26.7 27.2 27.5 60.1 62.0 63.8 65.7 35.8 36.6 37.7 38.8 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 18.4 19,1 19.8 20.5 3.6 3.8 3.8 3.8 51.2 51.8 52.5 53.5 33.9 34.2 34.5 35.0 11.3 11.4 11.5 11,7 5.9 6.1 6.3 6.6 1969—1. Ill IV 403.7 411.7 418.7 425.4 254.8 259.5 263.5 266.5 48.3 49.4 50.6 52.3 72.6 74.0 75.4 77.1 28.1 28.8 29.2 29.5 67.1 69.1 70.4 70.7 39.5 40.6 41.3 41.4 2.8 2.9 3.1 3.2 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.1 3.9 4.1 4.1 4.0 54.2 54.8 55.4 56.1 35.4 35.8 36.1 36.4 11.9 12.0 12. 1 12.2 6.8 6.9 7.1 7.3 1970—I II III IV 429.4 435.6 443.4 451.7 268.6 27.18 276.1 280.3 53.2 54.6 56.1 58.0 77.8 78.9 80.3 82.3 29.8 30.3 30.8 31.2 70.9 71.3 72.4 73.3 41.3 41.5 42.0 42.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 22.2 22.4 22.8 23.3 4.0 4.1 4.3 4,4 56.4 56.9 57.4 57.9 36.6 36.9 37.1 37.3 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 7.4 7.5 7.7 7,9 1971—1, II 283.7 291.0 299.3 307.2 59.7 62.1 64.5 67.4 83.7 86.1 89.2 92.3 31.8 31.9 32.4 32.9 74.4 76.6 79.9 82.5 3.5 23.6 4.5 IV 458.9 471.1 485.5 499.8 42.9 m 46.4 48.0 3.9 4.0 25.5 26.3 4.2 4.2 58.7 59.6 60.7 62.0 37.6 37.8 38.2 38.6 13.0 13.6 13.9 14.4 8.0 8.2 8,6 8.9 1972—1 II Ill IV 511.5 528.9 546.9 564.8 314.1 324.6 335.7 345.4 69.2 71.7 73.9 76.7 94.7 98.2 102.3 107.3 33.5 34.4 35.0 35.4 85.6 90.1 95.0 99.3 49.6 51.8 54.7 57.0 4.4 5.0 5.3 5.8 27.4 28.8 30.4 31.8 J:l 4.8 62.9 64.4 65.9 67.6 39.1 39.9 40.7 41.7 14.6 14.9 15.2 15.5 9.2 9.6 10.0 10.4 * * 1973—1 II III IV 579.3 600.0 619.8 635.0 353.7 365.5 377.0 384.6 78.4 81.0 83.6 85.4 111,0 115.8 120.6 125.6 36.4 37.7 38.6 39.3 103.5 109.1 114.8 119.1 59.1 62.2 65.5 68.0 6.1 6.5 6.7 6.9 33.3 35.2 37.2 3S.7 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.4 68.9 70.6 72.0 73.2 42.5 43 . 0 43.7 44.2 15.6 16.4 16.6 16. B 10.7 11.2 11.7 12.1 * * * * 646.1 664.3 678.6 688.7 389.9 399.9 407.6 412.2 86.8 88.4 89.8 91.2 129.2 134.2 138.0 141.0 40.2 41.8 43.2 44.3 121.9 127.3 130.6 132.1 69.4 72.3 74.0 74.8 7.0 7.3 7.5 7.6 39.9 41.9 43.1 43.7 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.0 73.9 74.2 74.8 74.9 44.4 44.4 44.6 44.7 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.2 12.4 12.7 12.9 13.0 * * * * 695.4 709.2 725.5 741.5 415.6 425.1 436.4 447.4 91.5 91.7 92.1 92.1 142.7 145.4 149.1 153.1 45.5 46.9 48.0 49.0 131.9 133.0 134.5 136.2 74.7 75.4 76.1 77.0 7.2 6.8 6,4 5.9 43.9 44.6 45.7 46.9 6.1 75.2 75.8 76.5 77.2 44.8 45.2 45.6 46.0 17.3 17,4 17,6 17. a 13.0 13.1 13,2 13.4 * * n 1974-1 II Ill IV 1975==,! II III IV .. . 4.3 *f 6.4 :>: .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 !i .1 .1 .1 .1 ,t .1 *l * * ;ii * Annual Statistical Digest 153 45.—Continued Private financial institutions (cont.) Savings and loan associations Life insurance companies Farm Total 1- to 4- Multi- Comfam- fam- mer- Farm cial iiy ily * # * * 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.9 44.2 45.2 45.6 45.9 18.9 19.5 19.8 20.0 7.2 7.2 7.2 7.2 11.9 12.0 12.0 12.0 6,2 6.5 6.6 6,7 1.1 1.1 1.1 l.l * * * * 4.0 4,1 4.3 4.3 46.2 46.7 47.2 47.7 20.3 20.6 21.0 21.3 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.4 11.7 11.6 11,4 11.4 6.9 7.2 7.4 7.6 6.0 j 6.0 6.0 6.4 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 * # * * 4.5 4.7 4.8 4.9 47.8 48.4 48.6 48.7 21.4 21.9 22.1 22.3 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.2 11.2 11.1 11.0 10.8 7.8 8.1 8.3 8.5 13.5 14.4 15.2 15.8 7.2 7.8 8.4 8.9 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 * * # * 5.1 5.3 5.5 5.5 48.8 49.6 50.2 50.9 22.0 22.2 22.4 22.6 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.4 10.9 11.2 11.4 11,5 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.3 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 16.4 16.7 17.5 18.4 9.3 9.3 10.0 10.7 1,4 1.4 1.5 1.6 * * # * 5.7 5.9 6.0 6.1 51.3 51.9 52.5 53.0 22.8 23.1 23 . 3 73.5 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.6 . 11.5 11.5 11.6 11.7 9.6 9.8 10.0 10.2 20.8 21.2 21.6 22.4 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.8 19.6 20.6 21.1 21.7 11.6 12,3 12.8 13.2 1,6 1.7 1.8 1.9 * * * # 6.3 6.5 6.6 6.6 53.5 54.2 55.1 55,8 23.8 24.1 24.5 24.9 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.8 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.9 10.4 10.7 11.0 11.2 13.0 13.2 13.5 14.2 22.7 23.1 23.5 24.4 5.8 5.8 5.9 5.8 22.6 23.4 24.9 26.8 13.8 14.3 15.4 17.1 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.6 * * * * 6.8 7.0 7.1 7.2 56.4 57.2 58.0 59.4 25.0 25.2 25.5 26.1 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.3 12.1 12.3 12.4 12.7 11.4 11.7 12.0 12.4 27.8 27.4 27.1 26.8 14.6 15.0 15 4 16.0 24.7 25.1 25 5 26.0 5.7 5.7 5 7 5.6 28.6 30.0 31 7 33.0 18.6 19.7 21 1 22.0 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.4 * * * * 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 60.1 61.1 61.9 62.8 26.2 26.5 26.6 26.9 8.4 8.5 8.7 8.9 12.8 13.0 13.3 13.6 12.7 13.1 74.5 74.5 74.8 75.5 26.4 25.8 25.2 24.6 16.2 16.3 16.5 16.7 26.4 26.8 27.5 28.5 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.6 33.6 35.2 37.5 39.4 22.2 23.3 25.1 26.4 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.6 * * * # 7.8 8.0 8.2 8.3 63.5 63.9 64.6 66.2 27.0 26,, 9 26.6 27.2 9.0 9.1 9.7 10.3 13,7 13.8 13.9 14.0 15.3 16.2 17.1 18.4 75.4 75.4 75.6 76,9 24.2 23.6 22.9 22.3 16.8 16.8 17.0 17.3 28.9 29.4 30.1 31.6 5.5 5,6 5.6 5.7 41.2 42.7 44.3 45.8 27.6 28.6 29.4 30.2 4.9 * * 5.7 6.1 8.6 8.8 9.2 9.6 66.4 67.5 68.3 69.0 26.9 27.2 27.2 27.2 10.5 10.7 10.9 11.2 14.0 14.3 14.8 15.3 21.4 21.9 22.4 22.5 19.1 20.3 21.1 21.5 77,2 78.0 79.2 81.4 21.9 21.3 20.7 20.4 17.4 17,6 17.9 18.5 32.3 33.4 34.7 36.5 5.6 5.7 5.9 6.0 47.3 49.0 53.0 55.7 30.9 31.4 34.2 ' 35.6 6.3 7.0 7.7 8.4 10.0 10.6 H.I 11.7 69.5 71.0 71.9 73.9 26.9 27.5 27.9 28.7 11.4 11.6 11.8 12.2 15.5 15.8 16.1 16.8 191 2 197.0 200 3 201.6 22 8 23.3 23.6 23.7 22 2 23.0 23.7 24.1 82 2 83l2 84.4 86.2 20.1 19.6 19.2 19.0 18 7 18.9 19 2 19.6 37 4 38.6 39.7 41.3 6 0 6.1 6.2 6.3 58.3 62.6 67.9 72.4 37 1 39.7 43.3 46.3 9tO 9<7 10.6 11.3 12.2 13.2 14.0 14.7 73.7 73.5 73.3 73.7 27.7 26.9 26.1 25.8 12.3 12.0 11.8 11.7 17.3 17.9 18.5 19.0 204.1 211 3 218.5 224.7 23.8 24 4 25.0 25,4 24.5 25 6 27.1 28.6 87.2 88 0 88.4 89.4 18.7 18.4 18.0 17.6 19.8 19 8 19.8 19.7 42.3 43.3 44.1 45.3 6.4 6 6 6.6 6.8 76.0 80.0 84.5 89.0 48.5 51 2 54.7 58.4 12.0 12 3 " '. 12.8 13.0 15.6 16.4 17.1 17.6 72.7 71.0 71.0 71.0 24.8 23.7 23.5 23.5 11.4 10.9 10.6 10.3 19.0 18.7 18.9 19.0 Total 1- to 4family 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 11.9 11,2 11.1 11.2 7.0 6,3 6.1 6.2 '•1,7' 1.1 1.1 l.l 14.2 14.4 14.6 15.1 3.9 4.1 4.2 4.3 11.3 11.3 11.3 11,4 6.1 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.6 8.0 8.3 8.8 15.4 15.8 16.2 16.8 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.8 11,6 11.7 11.9 12.4 29.8 30.0 30.1 30.2 9.2 9.5 9.9 10,3 17.3 17.7 18.3 18.8 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.2 65.5 66.1 66.6 67.5 30.2 30.1 29.8 29.8 10.7 11.0 11.3 11.7 19.3 19.7 20.0 20.5 9.2 9.4 9.7 10.0 68.0 68.4 68.9 70.0 29.6 29.5 29.2 29.0 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.8 10.8 11.2 11.5 11.8 10.1 10.2 10.4 10.6 70.4 70.9 71.4 72.0 28.9 28.7 28.5 27.6 118.2 119.8 122 3 125.0 12.0 12.5 13.1 13.8 10.6 10.8 11.0 11.5 72.7 73.2 73.6 74.4 154,2 161.1 168.1 174.3 127.7 132.7 137.8 142.3 14.4 15.6 16.5 17.4 12.0 12.8 13.8 14.6 180.0 188.8 197.7 206.2 146.8 153.5 160.7 167.0 18.0 19.0 19.9 20.8 212.9 222.3 228.9 231.7 172.4 180.2 185.4 187.8 236 1 243.4 247 6 249.3 252.4 261 3 270.6 278.7 1- to 4fam- Multifamily Commercial 81.1 84.6 88.0 90.9 71.5 74.2 76.9 79.1 4,6 5.0 5.4 5.8 93.2 96,2 99.0 101.3 80.8 83.3 85.5 87.2 103.2 105.9 108.4 110.3 Total 1- to 4family Multifamily Commercial 5.0 5.3 5.7 6.1 47.5 48.3 49.2 50.5 26.5 26.7 26.9 27.3 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.3 12.7 13.0 13.5 14.1 6.1 6.4 6.8 7.1 6.2 6.5 6.8 7.1 51.5 52.5 53.5 55.2 27.6 27.8 28.0 28.5 5.7 6.2 6.7 7.2 88.6 90.8 92.7 94.2 7.3 7.6 7.9 8.1 7.3 7.5 7.8 8.0 56.3 57.3 58.4 60.0 28.9 29.0 29.2 29.6 112.3 114.0 114,4 114.4 95,8 97.0 97.4 97.4 8.4 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.2 8.4 8.4 8.4 61.2 62.5 63.6 64.6 114.8 116.9 119.5 121.8 97.6 99.3 101.4 103.3 8.7 8.9 9.2 9.5 8.5 8.7 8.9 9.0 123.3 125.9 128.3 130.8 104.5 106.5 108,4 110.3 9.7 10.0 10.3 10.5 133.0 136.3 138,6 140.2 112.1 114.8 116.7 117.9 140.8 143.1 146 4 150.3 Total Individuals and others 2 Federal and related agencies iiy Farm ' Multifamily 5.3 Commercial n3 13.5 13.9 14.2 14.4 14.7 15.0 15.3 15.5 15.4 15.7 16.1 16.2 16.1 16.4 16.6 16.9 17. I 17.4 17.6 17.9 18.1 154 Annual Statistical Digest 46. Federal National Mortgage Association—Secondary mortgage market activity In millions of dollars Mortgage transactions (during period) Mortgage holdings End of period 1955. 1956 1957 1958 J959 ... I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 , .. l9SS—Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Get Nov Dec. Made Outduring standperiod ing Total > FHAinsured VAgua iran teed Purchases Sales 86 649 1,636 1,381 2,050 20 139 368 399 926 66 510 1,268 982 1,124 86 574 1,021 260 735 5 3 466 3 114 842 970 263 877 27 283 180 80 187 2,903 2,872 2,847 2,062 1,997 ,553 ,615 ,717 ,372 1,386 1,350 1,257 1,129 689 611 980 624 547 181 198 -42 522 385 780 78 1,018 740 449 176 232 165 212 28 9 39 1,864 2,519 4,396 3,345 5,522 4,048 7,167 5,121 10,945 7,676 15,492 11,063 656 1,051 1,474 2,046 3 , 269 4,429 757 47 1 , 190 1,920 2,940 12 1,731 1,698 1,953 2,696 6,630 4,120 5,079 ""26" 8,047 462 214 501 1,287 3,539 5,203 i' r1 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 13 20 3 6 It 16 22 32 44 66 5 7 8 13 15 28 1 956---Jan Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov, Dee 105 131 156 178 200 233 272 314 352 416 542 . 649 25 30 35 40 43 48 55 64 72 86 112 139 80 101 120 138 157 185 217 250 280 330 430 510 20 27 25 23 24 34 40 43 40 65 127 108 1957~Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept Get Nov. Dec 792 917 ,031 ,118 ,186 ,248 ,304 ,374 ,445 ,516 ,576 1,636 171 192 212 230 244 257 270 288 306 321 341 368 62 1 724 819 888 942 991 ,035 ,087 ,139 ,195 ,235 ,268 145 127 116 89 71 66 59 73 74 74 63 i I 1 1 3 1 2 5 9 15 22 30 42 58 86 ... Mortgage commitments 63 6 I i' i i t i' .. i ! ! Mortgage holdings End of period FHAi lisa red Total i 1958— Jan. . . . Feb Mar Apr May June. . . . . 1 July Aug Sept Get Nov. Dec " 7JT Mortgage transactions (during period) VAPurguar- chases anteed ,724 ,718 ,659 ,560 ,394 ,352 ,340 ,334 ,339 ,354 ,381 404 427 439 424 404 37! 362 359 359 365 378 399 ,293 ,297 ,279 ,235 ,155 1,023 990 981 974 973 976 982 1959—Jan ,410 ,432 Feb Mar ,464 ,498 Apr.. . . . . May ,531 ,574 June ,631 July . ,697 Aug. . . . . . Sept. . . . . . ,777 ,877 Oct. ,964 Nov Dee 2,050 424 445 472 504 532 568 615 668 730 S04 S65 926 986 988 991 995 999 1,006 1,016 ,029 ,047 ,073 ,098 ,124 I960—Jan. Feb Mar...... Apr. May June July Al r ^ Sept Oct. Nov. . . . . . Dec 2,131 2,242 2,370 2,467 2,548 2,600 2,684 2,752 2,806 2,756 2,890 2,903 982 ,059 ,148 ,217 ,278 ,318 ,382 ,433 ,474 ,514 ,541 ,553 1961- Jan Feb...... Mar...... Apr May June July Aug. . . . . . Sept Oct. Nov j Dec 2,910 2,863 2,770 2,617 2,526 2,522 2,530 2,567 2,606 2,684 2,780 2,872 65 39 27 21 13 10 8 7 6 11 20 33 Sales Made Outduring standing period 44 27 21 15 !1 s34 144 121 100 88 80 75 70 65 58 78 86 80 34 28 36 '"" l' 40 . . . . . . . 38 1 49 62 72 85 106 93 92 31 30 44 46 54 74 92 95 116 98 93 102 69 67 72 7H 93 117 146 169 198 186 181 187 ,149 ,183 2^2 1250 ,270 ,283 ,303 ,319 ,332 ,342 ,348 ,350 86 117 135 103 92 61 94 76 63 59 51 45 128 124 115 104 76 80 79 SO 65 57 66 44 225 230 207 207 189 203 185 180 174 166 171 165 ,559 ,527 ,480 ,392 ,355 ,352 ,362 ,392 ,420 ,478 ,550 ,615 ,351 ,337 ,290 ,225 ,171 ,170 ,168 ,175 ,185 ,206 ,230 ,257 41 34 *P 22 *M 25 24 53 60 92 112 107 26 71 115 166 101 1.7 6 41 28 32 19 28 34 I 52 85 93 119 117 93 159 143 136 125 125 126 152 177 205 2^7 "*28 2?2 j 96 68 S2 36 31 24 19 30 27 32 19 ) 14 200 175 141 112 96 yi 75 65 63 59 29 28 11 8 1 20 it 18 21 15 18 17 16 9 11 23 I9 17 14 9 *X) 75 109 171 46 15 8 4 •» 9 23 10 13 21 24 24 10 15 23 15 27 26 26 22 25 38 47 41 44 75 156 211 131 32 30 26 28 41 54 55 55 89 179 261 283 2,963 1962—Jan 3,031 Feb M a r . . . . . . 3,022 ,953 Apr. . . . . . ,916 May..... ,871 June ,839 July ,846 Aug Sept j ,848 Get ,861 ,863 Nov, Dec. . . . . . ,847 ,681 ,731 ,764 ,727 ,723 ,696 ,686 ,697 ,702 ,716 ,723 ,717 ,282 ,301 ,258 ,226 ,193 ,175 ,154 ,149 ,145 ,145 ,140 ,129 105 89 1? 76 106 64 56 38 6 8 4 8 14 155 88 84 75 79 64 87 71 57 90 63 56 291 250 216 )99 206 201 227 223 202 203 193 180 1963—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June. . . . . July Aug. . . . . . I Sept.. . . . . Get Nov Dec ,800 ,688 ,528 ,360 ,195 ,138 ,102 ,094 2,091 2,089 2,082 2,062 ,704 ,646 ,572 ,496 ,421 ,395 ,376 377 ,381 ,384 ,381 ,372 ,097 ,042 956 864 774 743 726 717 711 705 701 689 14 \Q 45 108 166 165 169 61 36 9 i 2 1 16 i Mortgage commitments 42 29 n 30 25 33 27 14 ?2 20 21 15 17 15 16 8 11 10 3 2 8 9 8 10 i 11 ? 9 9 9 Annual Statistical Digest 155 46. Federal National Mortgage Association—Secondary mortgage market activity—Continued In millions of dollars Mortgage holdings End of period Mortgage transactions (during period) Total i FHAinsured VAguaranteed Purchases 1964—Jan Feb Mar Apr ,. May. .. June July. . . . . . Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec 2,050 2,046 2,045 2,043 2,044 2,021 1,998 1,993 1,983 1,991 1,986 1,997 1,366 1,368 1,373 1,383 1,392 1,378 1,364 1,364 1,358 1,369 1,372 1,386 684 678 672 660 652 643 635 630 625 621 614 611 11 13 17 26 26 4 6. 15 7 24 16 32 9 2 4 13 11 10 13 4 2 1965—Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug. . , Sept Oct Nov Dec. 2,011 2,014 2,030 2,046 2,060 2,069 2,087 2,119 2,165 2,227 2,350 2,519 1,400 1,410 1,426 1,444 ,458 ,477 ,496 ,525 ,568 ,621 1,724 1,864 611 604 604 602 601 592 591 594 597 606 626 656 30 29 37 39 31 39 37 47 63 78 140 187 2 12 5 8 3 12 3 1966— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. . . Nov Dec 2,733 2,986 3,271 3,447 3,596 3,708 3,906 4,000 4,078 4,168 4,284 4,396 2,038 2,241 2,473 2,618 2,746 2,843 3,004 3,076 3,133 3,197 3,274 3,345 695 745 798 828 850 866 902 923 945 971 1,009 1,051 1967~Jan. Feb Mar Apr. May. . June 4,505 4,571 4,601 4,601 4,596 4,591 3,411 3,451 3,469 3,468 3,464 3,458 1,094 1,120 1,132 1,133 1,133 1,134 Sales Mortgage commitments OutMade during standing period 11 13 17 26 25 6 6 17 13 30 25 42 8 7 6 6 5 7 7 9 15 20 29 39 34 31 38 40 34 46 48 89 89 201 228 313 42 44 45 46 48 54 65 104 129 251 337 462 229 267 301 193 167 132 213 113 95 107 132 131 351 181 241 172 134 107 99 H3 110 147 155 110 577 478 402 368 323 290 171 169 180 217 237 214 125 84 51 21 18 27 70 22 21 17 51 215 156 81 48 42 72 259 6' 6 1 1 6 Mortgage holdings Mortgage transactions (during period) End of period Total i FHAinsured VAguaranteed Purchases 1967—July Aug Sept Oct Nov. . . . . . Dec 4,650 4,823 4,992 5,182 5,344 5,522 3,494 3,604 3,714 3,832 3,935 4,048 ,156 ,218 ,277 ,349 ,409 ,474 81 198 192 215 187 200 1968—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec... . . 5,775 5,999 6,165 6,326 6,477 6,623 6,707 6,780 6,844 6,943 7,048 7,167 4,211 4,356 4,465 4,570 4,671 4,767 4,820 4,867 4,909 4,975 5,045 5,121 ,564 ,643 ,700 ,755 ,806 ,856 ,887 ,913 ,935 ,968 2,003 2,046 1969—Jan. . . . . . Feb Mar Apr May June July. . . . . Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. 7,334 7,510 7,689 7,852 7,998 8,176 8,417 8,887 9,326 9,850 10,386 10,945 5,227 5,346 5,467 5,576 5,678 5,802 5,975 6,304 6,603 6,951 7,305 7,676 11,513 12,005 12,499 12,950 13,287 13,659 14,085 14,452 , 14,807 15,152 15,397 15,492 8,061 8,392 8,739 9,069 9,325 9,611 9,923 10,110 10,500 10,780 10,987 11,063 1970— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Mortgage commitments Made during period Outstanding 206 260 140 223 319 188 382 442 386 389 518 501 275 254 189 186 177 173 108 99 89 126 132 146 207 157 190 185 138 300 351 273 184 218 225 269 428 335 332 328 477 601 842 1,014 ,085 ,150 ,236 ,287 2,107 2,165 2,222 2,276 2,320 2,373 2,442 2,583 2,724 2,900 3,081 3,269 193 201 205 192 176 209 269 497 468 554 564 593 276 388 372 460 532 561 785 599 703 813 460 683 ,283 ,465 ,621 ,887 2,237 2,578 3,088 3,181 3,402 3,594 3,465 3,539 3,452 3,614 3,760 3,880 3,963 4,048 4,162 4,342 4,307 4,372 4 410 4,429 592 522 526 485 374 434 470 413 407 397 294 165 837 765 747 592 817 712 532 718 650 535 541 600 3,694 3,933 4,108 4,152 4,510 4,709 4,725 4,834 4,849 4,805 4,930 5,203 Sales 1 1 20 156 Annual Statistical Digest 47. Federal National Mortgage Association and Federal Home Loan Mortgage CorporationSecondary mortgage market activity In millions of dollars FNMA Mortgage transactions (during period) Mortgage holdings End ot period Total i FHAinsured 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 17,791 19,791 24,175 29,578 31,824 1971—Jan. . Feb.. Mar. . Apr. . May.. June.. July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct.. . Nov., Dec.. FHLMC VAguaranteed Purchases 12,681 14,624 16,852 19,189 19,732 5,110 5,112 6,352 8,310 9,573 3,754 3,699 6,127 6,953 4,263 15,520 15,452 15,420 15,309 15,242 15,363 15,674 16,204 16,732 17,202 17,535 17,791 11,092 11,061 11,012 10,934 10,893 10,970 11,184 11,562 11,942 12,285 12,522 12,681 4,428 4,391 4,408 4,375 5,349 4,393 4,490 4,642 4,790 4,916 5,013 5,110 75 60 76 58 91 239 407 625 633 553 406 350 1972 -Jan... Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June . July.. Aug.. Sept. . Oct.. Nov. . Dec. . 17,977 18,220 18,342 18,403 18,599 18,628 18,740 19,023 19,296 19,438 19,619 19,791 12,815 13,120 13,654 13,745 13,923 13,952 14,013 14,188 14,380 14,462 14,558 14,624 5,161 5,100 4,688 4,659 4,675 4,670 4,714 4,816 4,888 4,939 5,016 5,112 281 323 316 246 321 223 258 427 408 265 322 306 1973- -Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May. June . July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct. . Nov.. Dec. . 19,982 20,181 20,571 20,791 21 ,087 21,413 21,772 22,319 22,831 23,348 23,912 24,175 14,746 14,872 15,201 15,390 15,581 15,768 15,877 16,085 16,293 16,510 16,734 16,852 5,170 5,222 5,259 5,269 5,335 5,411 5,574 5,761 5,937 6,101 6,294 6,352 348 334 522 355 472 516 516 699 633 659 656 410 1974— Jan. . Feb.. Mar.. Apr. . May . June. July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct. . Nov.. Dec. . 24,424 24,529 24,875 25,263 25,917 26,559 27,304 28,022 28,641 29,139 29,407 29 , 578 17,008 17,050 17,315 17,450 17,725 17,966 18,250 18,526 18,758 18,966 19,083 19,189 6,348 6,336 6,340 6,503 6,794 7,079 7,384 7,704 7,994 8,206 8,291 8,310 350 242 462 526 821 770 886 868 760 612 379 278 1975—Jan. . Feb.. Mar. , Apr. . May. June. July. . Aug.. Sept.. Oct., . Nov.. Dec. . 29,670 29,718 29 , 754 29,815 29,858 30,015 30,351 30,777 31,055 31,373 31,552 31,824 19,231 19,256 19,277 19,282 19,251 19,282 19,385 19,507 19,560 19,641 19,648 19,732 8,318 8,313 8,304 8,337 8,395 8,498 8,693 8,942 9,122 9,309 9,430 9,573 208 169 151 211 247 326 538 594 488 508 372 451 Mortgage commitments Mortgage transactions (during period) Mortgage holdings Conventional Made during period Outstanding Total FHAinsured and VAguar. 336 211 71 5 2 9,828 8,797 8,914 10,765 6,106 6,497 8,124 7,889 7,960 4,126 968 1,789 2,604 4,586 4,987 821 1,503 1,743 1,904 1,824 147 286 861 2,682 3,163 4 72 46 105 92 10 139 80 313 457 871 1,294 576 594 1,464 1,342 1,450 1,250 364 318 320 328 246 485 637 689 798 903 976 968 364 316 316 322 339 454 587 625 695 761 800 821 2 4 6 8 31 51 65 103 141 176 147 20 141 154 54 111 108 91 45 6,314 . . . . . . . . 6,205 988 6,409 ,110 6,680 ,324 7,183 ,416 7,240 ,475 7,232 ,498 7,083 ,545 7,327 ,631 7,602 ,743 7,452 ,789 8,124 829 814 928 ,040 ,239 ,344 ,374 ,394 ,408 ,439 ,491 ,503 150 49 60 70 80 72 101 104 137 192 253 286 17 23 98 126 220 194 74 107 66 102 128 143 3 105 8,034 ! 7,972 ! 8,139 8,742 9,312 9,778 9,859 9,809 9,602 8,918 8,690 7,889 ,761 ,677 ,718 ,784 ,906 2,029 2,158 2,307 2,423 2,527 2,565 2,604 ,517 ,535 ,589 ,646 ,695 ,716 ,714 ,728 ,729 ,742 ,746 ,743 244 142 128 138 211 313 444 579 694 785 819 861 76 76 119 126 147 154 140 161 126 113 46 50 99 150 6H 51 17 21 6,715 6,768 7,913 9,292 9,475 9,019 9,044 9,115 9,043 8,987 8,532 7,960 2,621 2,625 2,638 2,722 2,986 3,191 3,309 3,451 3,713 4,107 4,352 4,586 ,736 ,730 ,724 ,756 ,827 ,877 ,883 ,886 ,896 ,910 ,908 ,904 885 895 914 967 ,159 ,314 ,426 ,565 ,817 2,197 2,445 2,682 34 21 29 101 281 222 129 155 273 410 270 266 8 4,744 7,285 4,533 6,672 4,608 6,636 4,634 6,890 4,771 6,615 4,944 6,549 5,015 6,119 4,942 5,888 5,033 5,399 5,119 4 , 685 4,385 ! 4,971 4,987 4,126 ,900 ,893 ,887 ,890 ,920 ,936 ,943 ,863 ,852 ,843 ,834 ,824 2,845 2,640 2,722 2,744 2,854 3,008 3,072 3,080 3,181 3,276 3,137 3,163 199 113 113 121 203 210 161 98 148 176 104 69 Sales Purchases Mortgage commitments Made during period Sales .. i' 5' 7 79 70 7 28 3 6 12 29 i 40 640 534 509 704 1 , 145 669 564 555 814 979 447 1,237 458 478 933 ,211 ,180 ,191 ,102 ,019 724 264 200 158 no i' 1 i' 489 ,646 2,154 1 ,145 527 ,175 1,201 997 878 201 231 146 137 639 913 621 557 575 814 575 282 332 517 740 1,297 1,334 2,191 1,716 115 408 409 52 1,020 Outstanding ., i,6Q6 1,629 4,553 982 182 198 186 2,390 49 I 15 50 97 75 13 9 10 87 '°2' 7 12 16 26 309 19 71 38 63 145 31 59 225 30 49 76 117 49 23 7 283 305 376 300 227 182 17 126 258 232 166 117 75 109 136 189 89 93 182 290 373 455 398 313 298 263 31H 371 293 198 142 166 141 193 187 159 139 208 143 *63 45 43 226 300 295 343 344 316 278 291 288 218 207 186 26 49 595 400 1 ,486 628 1,127 81 69 30 28 34 161 185 74H 1 ,037 2,221 2,598 3,583 3,500 3,278 2,871 2,621 2,390 26 21 52 297 42 28 139 132 I 79 45 50 71 2,190 2,070 1 ,040 1 ,161 969 700 530 509 403 201 124 III Annual Statistical Digest 157 48. Terms and yields on new home mortgages Conventional mortgages Terras l Period Contract rate (per cent) Fees and charges (per cent) 2 Yields (per cent) in primary market Maturity (years) Loan/price ratio (per cent) Purchase price (thous. of dollars) Loan amount (thous. of dollars) FHLBB series 3 HUD series 4 FHAi mured loans— Yield in private secondary market 6 1963 1964 1965 1966 5.84 5.78 5.74 6.14 .64 .57 .49 .71 24.0 24.8 25.0 24.7 73.3 74.1 73.9 73.0 22.5 23.7 25.1 26.6 16.3 17.3 18.3 19.2 5.93 5.86 5.81 6.25 5.81 5.80 5.83 6.40 5.46 5.45 5.47 6.38 1967 1968 1969 1970 6.33 6.83 7.66 8.27 .81 .89 .91 1.03 25.2 25.5 25.5 25.1 73.6 73.9 72.8 71.7 28.0 30.7 34.1 35.5 20.4 22.4 24.5 25.2 6.46 6.97 7.81 8.44 6.53 7.12 7.99 8.52 6.55 7.21 8.29 9.03 1971 1972 . 1973 1974 7.60 7.45 7.78 8.71 .87 .88 1.11 1.30 26.2 27.2 26.3 26.3 74.3 76.8 77.3 75.8 36.3 .37.3 37.1 40.1 26.5 28.1 28.1 29.8 7.74 7.60 7.95 8.92 7.75 7.64 8.30 9.22 7.70 7.53 8.19 9.55 1975 . 8.75 1.53 26.8 76.1 44.6 33.3 9.01 9.10 9.19 1963—Jan Feb. Mar. Apr May June July AUK Sept. Oct Nov. Dec 5.92 5.88 5.86 5.84 5.82 5.82 5.82 5.82 5.81 5.82 5.82 5.80 .68 .67 .70 .61 .60 .62 .61 .64 .61 .61 .65 .62 23.1 23.6 24.0 23.5 23.9 24.0 24.1 24.5 24.2 24.6 24.2 24.5 72.3 73.4 73.4 72.6 72.8 73.8 73.3 74.2 73.5 73.4 73.5 73.9 21.9 22.6 22.5 22.0 22.5 22.4 22.8 22.8 22.5 22.5 22.6 22.9 15.7 16.4 16.4 15.8 16.1 16.4 16.6 16.8 16.4 16.4 16.4 16.7 6.02 5.98 5.96 5.93 5.91 5.91 5.90 5.91 5.90 5.90 5.91 5.89 5.85 5.85 5.85 5.80 5.8Q 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.52 5.48 5.47 5.46 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 1964—Jan Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July . Aug Sept.. Oct Nov Dec 5.83 5.81 5.79 5.79 5.77 5.76 5.76 5.77 5.77 5.75 5.75 5.76 .64 .58 .55 .55 .52 .59 .52 .58 .57 .58 .55 .59 24.7 24.7 24.5 24.8 24.7 25.4 24.5 24.7 25.0 24.5 24.7 25.2 74.7 74.8 74.6 73.9 73.7 74.3 73.9 74.4 74.2 73.2 73.5 73.9 22.6 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.4 23.6 23.8 24.2 23.9 24.1 24.0 24.3 16.7 17.2 17.2 17.2 17.0 17.3 17.4 17.8 17.6 17.4 17.4 17.8 5.92 5.90 5.87 5.86 5.84 5.84 5.83 5.85 5.85 5.83 5.83 5.84 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.46 5.46 5.46 5.45 5.45 5.45 1%5 — jan> Feb Mar 5.77 5.75 5.73 5.72 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.73 5.71 5.75 5.74 5.77 .53 .51 .49 .45 .44 .46 .47 .49 .49 .50 .48 .52 24.8 25.0 25.2 25.1 24.9 24.9 25.1 24.9 24.9 25.0 24.9 24.8 73.8 73.9 74.8 73.2 74.0 73.7 74.1 74.2 73.7 73.7 73.5 73.6 24.5 24.3 25.2 24.9 25.1 24.9 24.9 25.1 25.4 24.9 25.6 25.9 17.9 1,7.7 18.7 18.0 18.3 18.1 18-2 18.4 18.4 18.1 18.6 1$.8 5.85 5.82 5.81 5.79 5.80 5.80 5.81 5.80 5.79 5.82 5.81 5.85 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.80 5.85 5.90 6.00 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.45 5.44 5.44 5.45 5.46 5.49 5.51 5.62 5.82 5.85 5.90 5.98 6.04 6.11 6.15 6.26 6.30 6.40 6.43 6.43 .51 .52 .57 .54 .57 .61 .73 .75 .83 .91 .95 1.00 25.0 25.1 24.8 24.9 24.9 25.0 24.9 24.7 24.6 24.3 24.1 24.5 73.9 73.8 73.8 73.3 73.4 73.8 72.5 73.1 72.1 71.9 72.0 72.6 25.9 25.8 25.9 26.0 26.8 26.9 27.1 27.0 26.5 27.1 26.9 26.9 18.9 18.8 18.9 18.7 19.4 19.6 19.4 19,6 19 ( 0 19.3 19.2 19.2 5.90 5.93 5.98 6.06 6.13 6.20 6.26 6.37 6.43 6.54 6.58 6,58 6.00 6.05 6.15 6.25 6.30 6.40 6.45 6.55 6.65 6.70 6.70 6.65 6.45 6.39 6.34 6.31 6.25 6.23 6.31 6.28 6.31 6.34 6.33 6.41 .91 .89 .82 .77 .77 .76 .77 .78 .78 .82 .76 .84 25.1 25.1 24.6 24.8 25.3 25.2 25.2 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.3 25.4 73.8 73.6 72.8 73.2 74.0 74.0 73.9 73.7 74.2 73.8 73.4 72.7 27.4 26.6 26.7 27.0 27.5 28.1 28.4 28.5 25.2 28.7 28.9 29.6 19.9 19.4 19.2 19.5 20.2 20.6 20.8 20.8 21. 1 21.1 21.0 21.3 6.59 6.54 6.47 6.43 6.37 6.35 6.43 6.40 6.44 6.47 6.45 6.54 6.60 6.50 6.45 6.40 6.45 6.50 6.50 6.55 6.55 6.55 6.65 6.70 M^iy June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec 1966— jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov Dec. . .. 1967 —Jan Feb. Mar, Apr May June July Aug. Sent. Oct Nov Dec. 5.70 ""eioo" '" 6.32 6.45 6.51 6.58 6.63 6.81 6.77 6.62 6.46 6.35 6.29 6.44 6.51 6,53 6.60 6.63 6.65 6.77 6.81 158 Annual Statistical Digest 48. Terms and yields on new home mortgages—Continued Conventional mortgages Terms 1 Period Contract rate (per cent) Fees and charges (per cent) 2 FHAinsurcd loans-—-Yield in private secondary market Q Yields (j»ir cent) in primary market Maturity (years) Loan/price ratio (per cent) Purchase price (thous. of dollars) Loan amount (thous. of dollars) FHLBB series ° HUD series 4 1968—Jan Feb Mar. . . Apr. . . May. June. July... . Aug.. . . Sept Oct Nov.. Dec 6.39 6.47 6.50 6.57 6.69 6.88 7.04 7.10 7.10 7.09 7.07 7.09 .86 .94 .88 .88 .95 .95 .85 .87 .87 .88 .84 .89 25.4 25.5 25,7 25.3 25.0 25.4 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.6 25.4 25.9 72.9 74.5 74.3 73.4 73.2 74.4 73.7 73.6 74.2 74.5 74.1 74.0 29.7 29.8 30.2 30.3 30.2 30.4 30.5 31.0 30.3 31.0 30.7 33.7 21.5 21.9 22.2 21.9 21.7 22.3 22.2 22.6 22.1 22.7 22.5 24.7 6.52 6.62 6.64 6,71 6,84 7.03 7.17 7.24 7.24 7.23 7.21 7.23 6.75 6,75 6.80 6.90 7.15 7.25 7.30 7.30 7.30 7.25 7.30 7,40 7,52 7,42 7.35 7.28 7.29 7.36 7.50 1969 7.16 7.26 7.32 7.47 7.50 7.62 7.76 7.86 7.89 7.98 7.97 8.07 .84 .81 .93 .96 .88 .84 .92 .86 .92 .89 .96 1.06 25.6 25.6 25.8 25.4 25.8 25.6 25.5 25.2 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.4 73.6 73.3 73.8 72.6 73.2 73.0 72.0 72.3 72.4 72.9 72.8 71.9 33.2 32.4 33.0 34.4 34.7 34.8 34.6 34.0 34.3 34.6 34.4 35.3 24.1 23.5 24.0 24.8 25.0 24.9 24.5 24.3 24.7 25.0 24.6 25.0 7.30 7.39 7.47 7.62 7.65 7,76 7.91 8.00 8.05 8.13 8.13 8.25 7.55 7.60 7.65 7.75 7.75 8,00 8.10 8.20 8.25 8.30 8.35 8.35 7.99 8.05 8.06 8.06 8.35 8.36 8.36 8.40 8.48 8.48 8.62 1970 -Jan Feb. . Mar Apr May . , . June, . , July Aug. . .. Sept. Oct.... Nov Dee.. 8.16 8.23 8,29 8.24 8.28 8.31 8.32 8.35 8.31 8.33 8.26 8.20 1.08 1.09 1. 11 1.02 .98 .99 1.01 .98 1.03 1.05 .99 1.07 25.0 25.2 25.0 24.8 25.3 25.1 25.1 24.8 25.2 25.1 25.3 25.8 69.3 71.8 71.1 71.3 71.7 71.3 71.5 71.6 72.7 72.4 72.1 73.8 36.1 35.0 35.8 34.9 35.8 36.3 35.3 35.7 35.3 34.6 35.8 35.3 25.1 24.9 25.1 24.5 25.3 25.6 24.9 25.5 25.3 24.8 25.2 25.8 8.34 8.41 8.47 8.41 8.45 8.48 8.49 8.52 8.48 8.51 8.43 8.38 8,55 8.55 8.55 8.55 8,55 8.55 8.60 8.60 8.50 8.50 8.45 S.30 1971— Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oet Nov. Dec 8.03 7.74 7.52 7.37 7.36 7.38 7.51 7.60 7.67 7.68 7.65 7.62 .92 1. 00 .83 .73 .71 .74 .90 .84 .97 .97 .87 .93 25.8 26.2 25.9 26.3 26.1 26.3 26.3 26.2 25.8 26.4 26.7 26.6 73.3 73.9 73.7 73.6 74.0 73.7 74.5 73.9 75.3 75.5 75.4 74.5 36.2 37.0 35.9 36.0 36.7 37.5 36.8 36.5 35.1 35.2 36.7 36.4 26.4 26.2 26.0 26.2 26.7 27.3 27.1 26.5 25.9 26.3 27,3 26.5 8.18 7.91 7.66 7.49 7.47 7.50 7.66 7.74 7.83 7.84 7.79 7.77 7.95 7.75 7.60 7.55 7.65 7.70 7.80 7.85 7.85 7.80 7.75 7.70 1972— Jan Feb Mar. . Apr May. June . . July. . Aug. . . Sept. Oct Nov Dec. . 7.62 7.45 7.38 7.38 7.40 7.41 7.43 7.45 7.43 7.48 7.50 7.51 .95 1.02 .84 .83 .84 .85 .83 .86 .86 .88 .90 .92 26.5 27.0 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.2 27.5 27.3 27.2 27.5 27.5 75.0 76.5 76.2 76.0 76.2 76.5 77.0 77.5 77.5 77.3 77.4 78.0 37.3 37.2 37.7 38.3 38. 2 37.2 37.3 36.8 36.6 36.0 37.1 37.9 27.6 27.8 28.2 28.5 28.5 27.8 28.2 27.9 27.9 27.4 28.1 29.0 7.78 7.61 7.52 7.51 7.53 7.55 7.56 7.59 7.57 7.62 7.64 7.66 7.60 7.60 7.55 7,60 7.60 7.60 7.65 7.65 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.49 7.46 7.45 7.50 7.53 7.54 7.54 7.55 7.56 7.57 7.57 7.56 1973— Jan. . Feb. . . . Mar Apr. . May June. . July Aug, Sept Oct. . . Nov Dec 7.52 7.52 7.51 7.53 7.55 7.62 7.69 7.77 7.98 8.12 8.22 8.31 .03 .15 .09 .11 .05 .08 .11 .08 .19 .20 1.08 1.12 25.7 26.8 26.6 26.6 25.9 26.3 26.3 26.7 26.6 26.1 26.0 25.6 76.6 78.6 78.4 78.2 77.7 78.0 78.1 76.7 77.3 76.9 75.5 75.5 35.8 35.9 36.7 36.9 35.6 35.8 37.0 38.6 37.2 38.5 38.9 37.7 27.0 27.6 28.3 28.2 27.2 27.5 28.3 28.9 28.2 29.0 28.8 28.0 7.68 7.70 7.68 7.71 7.71 7.79 7.87 7.94 8.17 S.31 8.39 8.49 7.70 7.75 7.80 7.90 7.95 8.05 8.40 8.85 8.95 8.80 8,75 8.75 7.55 7.56 7.63 7,73 7.79 7.89 8.19 Jan Feb MaiApr May . . June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec. .... . ! 6.81 6.78 6.83 6.94 i i | 9.29 9.20 9.10 9.11 9.16 9.11 9.07 9.01 8.97 8.90 8.40 . . .._^. ... 7.37 7.75 7.89 7.97 7,92 7,84 7,75 7.62 7.59 9.18 8.97 8.86 8.78 Annual Statistical Digest 159 48. Terms and yields on new home mortgages—Continued Conventional mortgages Terms l Period Contract rate (per cent) 1974—Jan. . Feb Mar. Apr May. June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec.. .. 1975—Jan. Feb Mar. May June July Au£ Sept. Oct Nov. Dec. Fees and charges (per cent) 2 Yields (per cent) in primary market Maturity (years) Loan/price ratio (per cent) Purchase price (thous* of dollars) Loan amount (thous. of dollars) FHLBB series 3 HUD series 4 8.33 8.40 8.43 8.47 8.55 8.65 8.75 8.87 8.97 8.95 9.04 9.13 .16 .33 .35 .21 .20 .25 .28 .32 .30 .37 .40 .44 26.4 25.9 26.4 26.1 25.8 26.3 26.1 26.4 26.1 26.7 26.2 27.5 76.3 76.5 77.3 77.3 76.8 76.9 74.4 75.3 74.8 74.7 73.6 75.5 38. S 37.8 39.1 38.5 37.9 39.7 40.5 40.2 42.4 42.3 41.3 42.4 28.9 28.5 29.5 29.2 28.8 30.1 29.6 29.5 31.1 30.7 30.2 31.3 8.52 8.62 8.64 8.67 8.74 8.85 8.96 9.09 9.19 9.17 9.27 9.37 8.65 8.55 8.60 8.90 9.15 9.25 9.40 9.60 9.80 9.70 9.55 9.45 9.09 8.88 8.79 8.71 8.63 8.73 8.66 8.63 8.70 8.75 8.74 8.74 .51 .44 .61 .53 .63 .42 .40 .56 .46 .59 .65 .65 26.7 26.8 26.5 26.5 27.0 26.5 26.0 26.7 26.7 27.3 27.6 27.8 73.8 76.5 75.1 76.4 75.5 76.4 75.9 77.0 75.9 77.5 76.5 76.9 43.2 44.4 45.9 44.5 43.5 43 J 44.1 44.6 45.6 43.9 46.4 45.9 31.6 33.0 33.7 33.4 32.2 32.4 32.9 33.7 34.1 33.2 34.8 34.7 9.33 9.12 9.06 8.96 8.90 8.96 8.89 8.89 8.94 9.01 9.01 9.01 9.15 9.05 8.90 9.00 9.05 9,00 9.00 9.15 9.25 9.25 9.20 9.15 FHAinsured loans— Yield in private secondary market ft "8.54 '" 8.66 9.17 9.46 9.46 9.85 10.30 10.38 10.13 ""9!5l"" 8.99 8.84 8.69 9.16 9.06 9.13 9.32 9.74 9.53 9.41 9.32 160 Annual Statistical Digest 49. Federal National Mortgage Association—Auctions of commitments to buy home mortgages Government-underwritten home loans Date of auction Mortgage amounts Offered1 Accepted In millions of dollars Mortgage Average amounts yield (shortterm Accommit- Offered^ cepted ments) In per cent 634,6 153.5 8.01 Sept, 7 20 445.2 437.5 188.6 193.0 7.91 7.89 Oct. 4.... 18.... 365.1 219.8 194.8 103.6 7.88 7.85 1 .... 15.... 29.... 126.0 145,3 210,6 56.4 102.0 101,1 7.79 7,71 7.67 Dec. 1 3 . . . . 27.... 232.5 224.4 70.2 148.1 7.63 7.63 1972— Jan. 1 0 . . . . 24.... 136.9 103.6 72.9 54.9 7.62 7.61 7..., 14 22.... 28 88.7 63.9 7.61 68.6 44.8 7.61 Mat. 6. ... 13 20. . . . 86.9 50.6 7.56 202.9 86.2 7.53 Apr. 3. . . , 10 17. . . . 258.8 178.5 7.55 347.4 176.3 7.60 1. . . . 8 IS.... 30. ... 364.9 336.4 7.64 1971— Aug. 2 3 . . . . Nov. Feb. May June 266.3 "i88!2" "'7!64" 7.63 76.4 133.4 1 .... 1 2 . . . . "'83i5' 97.8 26..., ' "4s!i' 76.6 '"7!63" 7.63 July 10. ... 134.6 92.1 7.63 24. . . . 123.9 113.0 7.63 Aug.J.... 106.2 81.7 7.63 21.... 114.6 87.2 7.63 Sept. 5 . . . . 11 18.... 220.6 151.2 7.64 295,9 148.1 7,66 Oct. 352.8 211.5 7.70 271.2 186.4 224.9 162.7 7.73 7.74 78.7 60.8 49.2 36.2 7.72 7.70 4.... 1 1 . . . . "'B2.2 26. . . . 108.7 42.4 66.3 7.68 7.69 2 8.... 22.... 61.3 92.1 7.69 7.70 Nov Dec. 1973—Jan. 2.... 10 16.... 30.... 6 13. . .. 27 . . . . 74.2 107.0 Government- under written : Conventional home loans home loans Conventional home loans In millions of dollars Average yields (shortterm commitments) Date of auction Offered1 1973— Feb. Mar. 34.9' "7.74 \\',5 °'7!64 '10.1 5.5 7.6i '27il "l4l9" '7.66' 35.0 20.4 7.77 28.2 22.7 7,80 32.5 22.7 7.80 '24.7' '24.2' 7.80* 28.7 26.5 7.85 42.2 37.2 "'7.90 76.7 68.0 7.90 5.... 6 19.... 21 5.... 6 19.... 21 30.9 7.87 39.4 25.5 7.84 65.4 110.3 71.6 170.8 107.7 In per cent In millions of dollars 7.71 "'7l73' 7.75 Average yield(shortterm commitments) In per cent 100.0 62.9 7.89 66.0 49.6 7.92 60.3 44.3 7.95 86.8 56.4 8.02 iii.9 ni.o 81.6 s.ii 8.17 8.23 7.81 2. ... 234.6 145,9 7.86 16! ! .' .' 17 30.... 216.6 190.7 | 7.89 128.9 1 88.4 88.2 May 14. ... 28.... 258.3 212.4 187.7 140,0 7.96 8.00 117.6 113.3 84.4 73.9 8.31 8,39 June 1 1 . . . . 25.... 184.5 199.3 142.2 118.7 8.04 8.09 110. 1 95.0 74.1 69.4 8.44 8.51 July 539.3 351.4 244. S 181.4 8.38 8.54 108.4 119. 0 i 72.5 61.7 8.67 8.79 458.5 525.0 201.9 223.8 8.71 8.95 154.3 171.3 77.4 77.2 8.98 9.27 551.0 138.1 288.9 107.9 9.27 9.37 118.6 48.6 61.5 46.8 9.53 9.68 1.... 15.... 29.... 32.5 24.8 28.2 24.1 16.6 21.6 9.11 8.97 8.94 9.1 18.6 17.4 7.1 16.2 9.4 9.43 9.10 9.01 Nov. 1 2 . . . . 26. . . . 29.3 24.9 23.1 20.9 8.87 8.81 24.1 31.0 16.7 22.1 8.94 8.90 Dec. 1 7 . . . . 38.6 36.2 8.78 51.4 32.2 8.82 40.2 35.6 8.71 48.9 34.5 8.77 50.4 58.0 49.5 42.3 8.53 8.43 48.4 48.6 48.1 39.4 8.69 8.50 351.1 Mar. 11 2 5 . . . . 1,154.7 285.3 332.5 8.44 S. 62 74.2 126.3 50.1 34.2 8.47 8.64 Apr 333.6 -J:::: 1,061.4 267.0 168.5 8.95 9.18 163.9 80.3 63.3 40.9 9.00 9.21 May 6 . . . . 20. . . . 256.0 217.7 111.1 82.8 9.34 9.48 74.3 41.4 29.8 23.6 9.44 9,63 June 3 . . . . 17.... 85.1 38.5 71.5 31.5 9.54 9.54 26.1 21.6 20.5 11.2 9,70 0 . 69 271.7 379.5 151.6 103.0 193.5 73.4 9.65 9.90 9.98 39.7 60.4 36.8 23.6 29 . 9 18.1 9,76 9.90 10.02 2!:::: Aue '2o:::: **•,*:::: Oct. 1974— Jan. 14 Feb. 11 . . . . 25.., . July ,J:::: 29.... 36.4 128.6 Mortgage Average yield amounts (shortterm commit- Offered1 Accepted ments) 297.3 " 16817' Apr. 2K8 Accepted In millions of dollars In per cent 62,4" Mortgage amounts 261.2 "i85l9' 7.92 Annual Statistical Digest 161 49. Federal National Mortgage Association—Auctions of commitments to buy home mortgages—Continued Government-underwritten home loans Date of auction Mortgage amounts Offered1 Ac- cepted In millions of dollars Conventional home loans Average Mortgage yield amounts (shortterm commit- Offered1 Accepted ments) In per cent In millions of dollars Average yield2 (shortterm commitments) 97.7 93.0 10.12 10.38 45.8 59.0 19.4 24.9 10.16 10.42 Sept. 9 . . . . 23.... 176.1 57.2 98.6 38.2 10.59 10.56 46.5 22.1 30.9 19.0 10.71 10.66 7.... 21... . 46.6 34.5 29.7 26.0 10.32 10.11 26.1 14.1 23.3 12.2 10,46 10.27 Nov. 4. ... 18... 47.8 25.7 24.7 17.6 9.93 9.81 20.4 20.6 12.1 6.8 10.11 9.92 Dec. 2.... 16.... 30. . . . 52.5 49.6 35.7 23.3 43.3 31.8 9.61 9.52 9.47 24.0 20.1 17.2 12.0 18.5 10.1 9.80 9.72 9.59 1975—Jan. 1 3 . . . . 27.. . . 25.3 41.4 21.2 28.6 9.37 9.12 17.9 11.1 14.9 10.6 Feb. 10... . 24... .! 24,6 36.2 18.1 23.8 8.98 8.87 14.8 20.0 Mar. 1 0 . . . . 24.... 99.2 460.5 60.1 321.4 8.78 8.85 Apr. 7 . . . . 21 . . . . 551.6 470.9 277.2 247.3 May 5 . . . . 19.... 525.5 165.6 280.4 115.0 Mortgage amounts Offered1 In 207.9 309.6 Date of auction Ac- cepted In millions of dollars per cent 1974— Aug. 12. . . . 26.... Oct. Government-underwritten home loans Conventional home loans Average Mortgage yield amounts (shortterm commit- Offered1 Accepted ments) In per cent In millions of dollars Average yield" (shortterm commitments) In per cent 1975—June 2. ... 16 . . 30.... 172.5 73.4 358.7 80.4 38.6 246.9 9.14 9.06 9.07 51.2 28.5 67.5 27.1 15.7 47.3 9.26 9.21 9.18 July 1 4 . . . . 28.... 333.2 415.8 174.9 247.7 9.10 9.17 71.4 56.5 35.8 34.5 9.20 9.26 Aug. 11 . . . . 25.... 578.7 643.1 365.5 223.0 9.32 9.50 96.9 98.5 48.9 31.0 9.38 9.55 Sept. 8 22.... 530.1 293.6 197.7 142.0 9.70 9.86 96.9 68.8 45.3 35.2 9.75 9,92 Oct. 6.... 20.... 198.5 43.2 143.0 23.2 9.95 9.65 27.5 23.5 9.2 10.02 9.81 9.50 9.39 Nov. 3 . . . . 17 69.8 293.1 41.7 180.6 9.32 9.33 19.6 68.6 15.2 34.6 9.54 9.40 9.1 9.1 9.20 9.04 Dec. 34.4 60.7 22.1 35.8 8.96 9.00 255.9 287.1 95.3 138.5 158.8 52.7 9.32 9.31 9.29 73.9 69.7 41.8 40.5 31.2 11.8 9.38 9.36 9.35 8.98 9.13 99.8 79.2 44.6 64.8 9.13 9.26 9.29 9.25 69.8 46.4 43.9 38.4 9.43 9.41 1 .. 15, . , . 29 . . . . 9.7 162 Annual Statistical Digest 50. Commitments of life insurance companies for income-property mortgages Number of loans Period Total amount committed (millions of dollars) Averages Loan amount (thousands of dollars) Contract interest rate (per cent) Maturity (yrs./mos.) Loanto -value ratio (per cent) Capitalization rate (per cent) Debt coverage ratio Per cent constant 445 573 730 973 171.8 225.2 338.1 568.7 386 393 463 584 4 43 4.54 4.76 4.66 15/03 15/06 15/11 16/03 58 2 57.2 60.6 60.7 7.4 7.8 8.0 8.1 45 j .47 ! .44 ,54 9 1 9.2 9.3 9 2 1955 1956 1957 1958. 1959 1,204 1,354 938 1,356 1,546 603.7 662.6 594.1 745.7 902.5 501 489 633 550 584 4.66 4,94 5,65 5.60 5.92 1 6/04 16/02 16/02 17/00 17/06 61.4 61.5 62.6 62.3 62.7 8.3 8.3 I 8.3 8.6 8.6 ,57 .54 .45 .52 .49 9 1 9 4 9.8 9 4 9.4 1960 1961 1962 1963 ] 964 1,992 2,087 2,310 2,699 3,190 1,039.2 1,391.2 1,697.3 2,158.5 2,461.2 522 667 735 800 772 6.25 6.04 5.99 5 90 5.90 17/09 18/04 18/11 19/06 19/11 63.3 63.8 64.9 66.0 67.7 8.9 8.8 8.6 8.4 8.4 :!1 .51 47 .48 9.5 9 2 9.0 8 8 8 7 1965 11966 1967 1968 1969 3 , 564 2,796 2,726 2,569 1,788 3,002.9 2,515.7 3,027.2 3,244.3 2,920.7 843 900 1,111 1,263 1 633 5.95 6.42 6 97 7.66 8.69 20/02 20/05 21/02 22/11 21/08 69.1 70.0 71.0 73.6 73.3 8.5 8.4 8.6 9.0 9 6 .43 .36 .33 .30 .29 8 6 9.0 9 2 9.5 10 2 1970. 1971 1972 1973 1974 912 1,664 2,132 2,140 1,166 2,341.1 3,982.5 4,986.5 4,833.3 2,603.0 2,567 2,393 2,339 2,259 2,232 9.93 9.07 8.57 8.76 9.47 22/08 22/10 23/03 23/03 21/03 74.7 74.9 75.2 74.3 74.3 10.8 10.0 9.6 9.5 10.1 .32 .29 .29 .29 i .29 tJ.1 10.4 9.8 1 0.0 10.6 1951 1952 1953 1954 599 1,717 2,866 10.22 21/09 73.8 10.8 .33 11.2 1951- -Jan Feb Mar Apr. . . . May June . . . . July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 64 56 46 43 21 21 25 27 33 45 30 34 35.1 28.7 15.4 15.8 6.7 3.7 7.0 7.3 7.8 16.0 18.0 10.2 548 513 335 367 317 178 282 271 237 354 600 301 4.27 4.27 4.32 4.33 4.47 4.57 4.54 4.63 4.75 4.57 4.44 4.48 14/11 15/01 16/03 15/01 17/06 14/06 15/00 15/05 14/11 15/06 15/07 14/01 61.0 60.7 57.2 59.7 63.4 53.7 52.6 56.6 54,3 59.7 56.5 56.8 7.2 8.0 7.2 7.7 7.3 8,0 8.3 7.1 7.0 6.8 7.2 7.5 .43 .58 .54 .43 .03 .38 .85 .36 .17 .43 .71 .35 9.4 8 5 8.5 8 9 8.1 9.8 9.7 9.3 10.1 9.0 8.8 9,7 1952—Jan., . . Feb Mar.. . . . Apr May.. .. June July . . Aug Sept. . . . Oct.. . Nov Dec 41 49 47 42 37 47 36 48 45 66 51 64 14.7 17.1 20.4 19.5 11.8 27.5 15.7 17.5 15.2 22.5 20.9 22.5 359 349 424 465 318 585 437 364 337 341 409 351 4.53 4.56 4.47 4.52 4.54 4.45 4 64 4.61 4.51 4.54 4.56 4.57 15/02 15/05 16/09 15/03 16/06 14/09 14/11 15/10 15/09 14/07 16/03 15/00 56.6 55.8 57.8 57.4 56.7 54.7 58.5 58.0 57.3 57.2 56.8 58.8 8.1 8.2 8.1 7.6 7.1 7.6 8.1 8.3 7.1 8.0 8.0 7.5 .53 .54 .37 .46 .43 .51 57 .71 .29 .55 .52 .25 9,5 8.9 8.4 9.0 8.8 9,3 9 1 9.3 9.1 10.1 8.8 9.7 1953— Jan. .. Feb. Mar Apr May . . June. July Aug, Sept Oct. Nov Dec 46 57 71 73 58 67 59 49 56 70 59 65 18.7 29 7 22.5 31.2 20.5 27.5 28.8 30.8 21.4 46.7 21.9 38.5 406 521 317 427 353 410 488 628 382 667 371 593 4.60 4 61 1 4.60 4.65 4.74 4.75 4 80 4.89 4.91 4.80 4.87 4.86 16/05 15/09 15/08 15/11 1 6/05 15/04 15/03 15/06 15/10 16/07 16/02 16/00 59.6 61 3 61.5 60.8 63.0 61.1 59 9 59.3 58.7 60.2 61.3 59.9 7.6 7 7 8.0 7.6 7.8 8.1 8 I 7,7 7.7 7.8 8.7 8.6 .23 39 .42 .70 36 .40 .35 .33 .43 .57 9.0 9 3 9.1 9.1 9.0 9.7 9 6 9.6 9.5 9.1 9.3 9.3 42 65 76 80 84 98 80 85 83 108 74 98 21.6 28.5 37.1 35.9 42.2 57.6 38.4 57.3 53.7 64.4 40.8 91.2 514 438 488 448 502 588 480 675 647 597 551 931 4.79 4.81 4.73 4.75 4.69 4.66 4.67 4.52 4.60 4.60 4.62 4.59 15/06 16/11 16/10 15/U 15/09 16/01 15/10 16/11 16/04 16/02 16/08 16/01 59.4 59.6 61.7 ! 59.9 60.3 60.5 57.6 62.8 62.0 61.3 ! 62.4 60.2 7.7 8.7 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.5 8.5 7.8 7.6 8.0 7.8 8.3 .50 .62 .40 .50 .51 .57 .74 .45 .43 .57 .43 .75 9.4 9.2 8.8 9.6 9.3 9.1 9.3 9.0 8.9 9.0 9,1 9.3 1975 . . 1954— Jan.. Feb Mar. . . Apr. . . May June July Aug Sept.. . . Oct. . . . Nov Dee :si .45 Annual Statistical Digest 163 50. Commitments of life insurance companies for income-property mortgages—Continued Number of loans Period Total amount committed (millions of dollars) Averages Loan amount (thousands of dollars) Contract interest rate (per cent) Maturity (yrs./mos.) Loanto- value ratio (per cent) Capitalization rate (per cent) Debt coverage ratio Per cent constant 1955— Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov. Dec 78 94 110 97 123 115 91 134 87 89 89 97 40.8 54 7 53.5 43.8 55.5 61 2 47.9 56.0 33.242.5 64 5 50.2 523 581 486 451 451 532 527 418 382 478 724 517 4.56 4 60 4.61 4.60 4.58 4 64 4 69 4.68 4 71 4.74 4 76 4.78 16/05 17/00 15/08 16/03 16/02 16/08 16/07 16/04 15/07 16/05 16/06 16/06 60.7 62 6 61.5 61.0 60.5 62 1 59 8 61.5 60 9 62.3 61 9 62.2 8.1 8 0 8.2 8.3 8.2 8 1 8 5 8.5 8 2 7^9 8 2 8.S 1.55 1 55 l!53 1.63 1.52 1 51 1 60 1.61 1 51 1.53 1 59 L.64 8.9 8 7 9.3 9.0 9.2 9 2 8 9 9.4 9 7 9.0 9 o 1956—Jan. Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec 105 130 117 129 158 98 147 103 105 97 73 92 45.0 70.6 69 4 59.1 71.5 67.9 67.1 63.1 38.6 45.1 32.0 33.3 428 543 593 458 452 693 456 613 368 465 438 361 4 74 4.80 4 76 4.79 4.90 4.91 4 89 5 05 5.07 5.12 5.21 5.33 15/11 16/07 15/11 16/02 16/01 16/07 16/00 16/09 16/01 15/10 16/04 15/10 63 0 60.6 62 2 61.2 60.3 62.1 61.6 61 4 61.5 62.3 61.3 61.0 3 6 8.1 8 2 8.1 8 7 8.1 8 4 8 5 8.0 8.6 8.2 8 4 I 54 1.55 1 53 1.51 1 74 1.48 1 54 1 59 1.41 1.61 .46 49 9 5 9.0 9 4 9.2 9 5 8.9 9 6 9 0 9.4 9.8 9.4 9 6 83 51 61 81 83 83 73 92 81 96 72 82 26.3 36.8 21.8 79.9 50.8 60.1 59.2 51.5 54.2 43 4 55.6 54 3 317 722 358 987 613 724 810 560 669 452 772 663 5.41 5 49 5.55 5.60 5.53 5.61 5.63 5 73 5 72 5 79 5.84 5 81 15/04 15/01 15/06 16/07 (5/10 15/11 16/08 16/04 16/10 16/05 16/07 16/07 61.7 62 9 62.1 62.5 62.4 61.8 62.9 61 8 63 8 63 I 62.5 63 4 8.3 8.7 8.2 8.3 8.3 8 5 8 3 8 3 8.1 8 3 8.3 8 2 .41 47 .42 .56 .42 .49 .49 49 44 44 .38 39 73 105 100 113 137 106 128 126 156 135 98 79 35.2 42.8 68.1 57.5 55.5 57.7 86.0 70.8 83.6 70.4 64 2 53.9 482 408 681 509 405 545 672 562 536 521 655 683 5.82 5 78 5.66 5 63 5.56 5 53 5.44 5.46 5.48 5.61 5 69 5.73 16/08 16/04 17/03 17/00 17/02 16/05 17/05 17/08 17/06 16/04 16/10 17/03 62.7 62 2 62.3 63.0 61.5 61.4 61.7 61.7 64.0 62.4 62 6 61.4 .43 50 .44 50 .52 50 .58 .55 .53 .50 1 50 1.67 1959—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 70 90 127 129 111 181 148 133 138 123 145 151 54.5 66.8 83.8 81.2 60.6 110,5 120.0 54.8 62.1 48.9 67.7 91.5 779 742 660 629 546 611 811 412 450 398 467 606 5.77 5.73 5.78 5.79 5 81 5.8V 5 84 5.90 6.00 6 10 6.14 6.17 17/08 17/09 17/04 17/05 17/09 17/10 17/08 17/03 16/11 17/05 17/09 17/05 63.4 61.7 62.9 63.2 62.1 62.3 62.3 63.3 61.9 63.0 63.7 62.8 I960 —Jan. Feb Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov. Dec 117 134 145 180 188 200 168 196 153 153 188 170 55.1 72.3 79.0 98.8 126.3 108.2 91.4 78.5 66 6 84.4 107.4 71.2 471 540 545 549 672 541 544 401. 435 551 571 419 6 23 6.24 6.27 6 28 6.25 6.28 6 26 6 29 6 27 6.20 6 21 6.20 17/10 17/02 17/07 17/H 17/09 17/07 17/04 17/05 18/04 17/09 17/10 18/01 63.3 62.2 63.4 62.9 62.6 62.6 64.0 63.8 63.8 63.6 63.9 63.1 8.6 8 8 8.5 8 4 8.2 8 7 8.5 8.5 8.8 8.5 8 5 8.9 8.6 8.5 8.8 8.5 8 5 8.7 8.8 8.7 8.4 8.5 8.3 8.7 8.7 8.9 8.7 9.0 10.0 10 1 10. 1 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.6 9 7 9 5 9 7 9.6 9 7 9.6 9 8 9.6 9 5 9.4 9 6 9.0 9.0 9.2 9.6 9 5 9.4 9.4 9.1 9.2 9.4 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.4 9.7 9.5 9.4 9.6 9.4 9.9 9.6 9.4 9.5 9.7 9.5 1957— Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec 1958=-Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec . . .. . . .... .. . 1 8.8 9.1 9. 1 Q Q 8 9 8.7 Q O 9.0 1.49 1.52 1.53 .47 *>7 .57 .56 .51 .49 .42 .42 .48 1.50 1.55 1 . 52 1.58 .50 .58 .53 .47 56 .47 .51 .58 9.3 9.7 9.3 9.5 9.4 9.5 164 Annual Statistical Digest 50. Commitments of life insurance companies for income-property mortgages—Continued Number of loans Period Total amount committed (millions of dollars) Averages Loan amount (thousands of dollars) Contract interest rate (per cent) Loanto- value ratio (per cent) Maturity (yrs./mos.) Capitali/ation rate (per cent) 144 159 174 181 188 195 174 185 183 181 188 135 84.4 93.8 140.8 93.9 132.7 170.3 98.0 109.8 113.5 130.9 123.6 99 4 586 590 809 519 706 873 563 593 620 723 657 736 6 15 6.11 6.10 6 04 6.02 6.01 5.99 6.01 6.02 6 03 6 02 6 03 17/10 18/01 17/11 18/07 I 18/02 18/03 18/05 18/07 18/07 1 8 /03 IS/11 18/02 62 9 64.5 63.7 63.9 63.6 62.8 63.4 64.3 64.5 64 4 63.4 64 3 8.6 9.0 8.7 8.9 8.9 8.6 8.8 S 7 1962 -Jan Feb. . Mar Apr May June July . Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. , . 157 172 201 196 233 188 182 183 200 209 199 190 91.4 92.2 180.1 139.6 202.4 162.5 118.8 117.0 148.7 134.7 171.7 138.3 582 536 896 712 868 864 653 639 743 644 863 728 6.01 6 03 6 04 6.02 6.04 6.04 5 98 5.95 5.96 5.94 5.96 5.93 IS/06 18/03 19/01 18/09 19/02 19/07 19/00 18/05 18/08 19/00 19/05 19/01 64,4 64 I 64.5 65.8 64.9 65.8 64 7 65.0 64.6 65.2 65.2 65.1 1963— Jan Feb. Mar Apr. . . . May . . . . June. . July. .. . Aug. , . Sept Oct Nov. Dec 243 176 209 248 270 206 229 237 223 239 205 214 141.9 134 3 161.6 238.4 234.7 156.7 177.6 174.9 192.4 204.4 169 9 171.7 584 763 773 961 869 761 776 738 863 855 829 803 5 94 5 92 5.93 5.89 5.92 5.90 5.88 5.88 5.91 5.88 5 90 5 92 19/04 19/07 j 19/02 19/07 19/07 19/03 19/02 19/04 19/11 19/06 19/09 19/08 214 223 280 268 264 334 292 262 291 274 271 217 146.5 177 7 211 .5 190.6 186.5 273.7 217.6 191.7 206 0 264.2 205.8 189.4 685 797 755 711 707 820 745 732 708 964 759 873 5 93 5 92 5 91 5.89 5.91 i 5.91 5.91 5.92 5 87 5.88 5.87 5.89 1965—Jan Feb Mar.. Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. 237 217 275 259 246 311 317 287 329 371 ^50 365 183.3 156.9 248.6 197.1 210.8 250.4 292.1 245.2 288.3 325.4 324.7 280 1 773 723 904 761 857 805 921 855 876 877 928 767 5.89 5.91 5.90 5.91 5.89 5.90 5 93 5.92 5.96 5 99 6 01 6 08 1966— Jan,. . Feb. Mar Apr, , . May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec. 300 295 413 240 328 293 195 218 163 119 145 87 248.0 268.7 397.4 226.2 302.9 274.8 153.3 210.7 167.8 86.8 100.1 78.9 827 911 962 943 924 938 786 967 1 ,030 729 690 907 6 05 6 12 6.18 6 28 6.30 6.45 6.59 6 69 6.83 6.90 6.98 7 08 1961 Jan Fob Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec. 1964—Jan Feb. Mar..... Apr.. May . . June. . July... . Aug Sept Oct.. . Nov. . Dec . 9.0 8.6 8.8 t> 0 Debt coverage ratio Per cent constant 55 .50 .60 .50 .46 .59 .58 .54 I .66 51 ! .55 51 9 6 9.3 9.3 9 I 9.2 9.2 9.1 9.1 9.1 9 3 9 1 9 3 S.5 8.6 8.6 8.5 8.5 S.4 8.8 8.5 8.6 8.3 8.6 8.6 .49 49 .59 .48 .48 .50 53 9,1 9 3 9,0 9.1 8.9 8.8 9 0 9.2 9.1 9.0 8.8 9.0 65 6 65 2 66.3 66.5 65. S 65.6 66.4 66.0 65.9 66.1 66 1 66.5 8.4 8 4 8.5 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.2 8.2 8.2 8.4 8 4 8.4 .49 55 < .54 .60 .40 .43 .43 .49 51 .45 9 0 8 8 8.9 8.6 8.8 8.8 8.9 8,8 8,7 8.8 8 7 8.7 19/06 20/03 19/10 ; 20/00 19/10 19/09 19/09 19/11 20/04 20/02 19/08 20/00 65.9 65 7 66.3 66.8 67.4 68.4 68.1 68. 2 68 8 69.4 68.1 69.3 8.5 83 8.4 8.5 8.3 8.7 8.6 8.5 8 2 8.4 8.3 8.3 .4? 53 .50 .50 .46 .50 .47 44 44 * .47 .45 .47 8.8 8 6 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.8 8.7 8.7 8 5 8.5 8.6 8,6 19/05 20/02 20/05 19/tt 20/01 20/03 69.3 69.8 68.4 69.2 68.9 69.6 69.1 68. 8 69 6 70.4 70 0 65 7 8.4 8.6 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.6 8.5 8 4 .41 42 A\ 41 AS .45 .47 .46 .43 44 I 44 1 40 8.8 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.6 8.6 69.0 70 0 70.5 69.5 70.8 70.2 69.9 69 3 70.4 70.9 68.9 69 8 8.5 8 5 8.3 8.4 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.4 8.6 8.7 8.5 8 7 1 42 I 40 .34 .38 .34 .34 ,36 34 .33 .36 33 32 8 8 8 8 8.8 8 9 8.9 9.0 9.1 9 I 9.3 9.2 9 5 9 6 ' ' ; | i 1 : .47 ; .52 • .48 .57 .52j :48 i .55 i i Annual Statistical Digest 165 50. Commitments of life insurance companies for income-property mortgages—Continued Number of loans Period Total amount committed (millions of dollars) Averages Loan amount (thousands of dollars) Contract interest rate (per cent) Maturity (yrs./mos.) Loanto-value ratio (per cent) Capitalization rate (per cent) Debt coverage ratio Per cent constant 1967— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec 94 146 211 222 249 271 228 308 229 258 265 245 65.3 130 2 245 2 249.3 227.0 266.1 251.6 405 1 267.1 264 7 350.6 305.0 695 892 1 162 1,123 912 982 1,103 1 315 1,166 1 026 1,323 1,245 7.03 6 98 6 94 6.87 6 84 6.81 6.90 6 91 7.07 7 07 7.11 7.21 69.8 70 7 70 3 70.7 70 8 71.2 71.0 70 8 70.6 71 2 71.9 72.1 8.8 8 5 8 7 8.7 8 6 8.8 8.7 8 5 8.6 8 6 8.7 8.7 1.33 1 29 1 35 .36 34 .34 .33 31 .33 31 .34 .30 9.6 9 4 9 3 9.2 9 1 9.2 9.2 9 2 9.3 9 2 9.1 9.3 1968— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov. Dec 1969 — jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. 213 227 225 261 273 239 202 200 167 213 187 162 259.6 267 4 313.6 313.2 343.5 245.2 257 5 298.1 180 9 269 5 294 4 201.3 1,219 1,178 1,394 1,200 1,258 1,026 1,275 1,491 1,083 1 265 1,574 1,243 7.26 7 39 7.42 7.46 7.61 7.75 7 82 7.86 7 94 7 92 7 86 7.87 23/03 22/11 23/08 72 9 73 6 73 2 73.5 72.5 73.3 73 9 73.6 73 6 74 2 74*3 75.0 8 7 9 0 8 8 9.0 9.0 9.0 9 0 9.1 9 2 9 1 9 1 9.0 27 34 30 .31 .32 .30 29 .29 29 27 29 1.27 9 3 9 2 9 4 9.3 9.5 9.6 9 g 9.6 9 g 9 g 9 7 9,5 159 216 191 197 171 143 172 136 131 113 70 89 235 2 309 3 333.4 335 9 270.1 249 0 268 1 255.7 270 0 190.1 72.9 131 0 I 479 1,432 1,746 1,705 1,580 1,742 I 559 1,880 2 061 1,682 1,041 1,471 8 02 8 18 8.25 8 44 8.59 8 76 8 92 9.17 9 20 9.37. 9.27 9 36 21/07 20/08 21/08 21/09 21/01 21/08 22/07 20/05 21/11 21/03 23/06 24/04 72 7 72 7 73.3 72 3 74.1 73 4 73 6 73.0 73 5 73.8 75.4 74 1 9 0 9 3 9.3 9 7 9.5 9 7 9 7 10.2 9 8 10. 3 10.1 10 1 1 28 1 27 .28 1 36 1.25 1 31 1 26 .31 25 .29 .27 29 9 8 9 9 9.8 10 0 10.1 10 1 10 3 10.7 10 8 10.8 10.7 10 7 69 59 65 69 70 63 100 68 82 95 77 95 - 251.3 176.1 152 8 161.9 177.3 300.1 193.0 161.8 189 9 217.8 156.0 203.1 3,642 2,985 2,351 2,347 2,532 4,764 1,930 2,379 2,316 2,293 2,026 2,138 9.63 9.72 9 88 9.83 9.92 9.95 10.03 10.00 9 99 10.10 10.05 9.88 23/00 22/02 22/08 23/09 20/05 23/08 21/01 22/06 21/00 22/06 24/05 24/11 71.7 73 0 73 6 74.4 73.2 76.0 74.8 77.6 75 7 74.9 75.8 74.9 10.1 10 9 10 8 10 9 11. 1 11.1 10.8 10 9 10 9 10.7 10.6 10 6 .28 37 31 33 .50 .35 .35 .30 28 30 .28 .29 U 0 H 2 H 3 U 0 U 2 11.0 U 2 10 9 H 2 11 2 11.1 10 8 69 90 124 137 146 203 183 153 178 112 136 133 141.4 237 7 351.5 302,1 257.3 729.0 386.5 434.4 366.1 198.4 288.2 290.0 2,050 2,641 2,835 2,205 1,762 3,591 2,112 2,839 2,057 1,771 2,119 2,181 9.69 9 47 9.14 8.98 8.91 8.92 8.94 9.08 9.15 9.20 9.01 8.96 22/08 22/11 23/04 22/00 23/04 23/08 21/10 23/01 22/06 22/07 23/05 23/00 74.3 72 9 75.0 75.2 75.6 75.5 74.4 74.9 74.8 75.8 75.6 74.4 10.5 10 2 10.2 9.9 10.0 9.8 9.8 9.9 9.8 10.0 9.9 9.9 ,31 32 .32 .28 .27 .29 .26 .27 .28 .28 .27 .30 10 7 10 6 10.4 10 4 10.4 10.2 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.2 10.2 107 122 220 200 246 268 170 178 152 159 180 130 198.6 423.5 530 4 381.1 399.6 683.2 421.2 515.7 354.1 343.5 371.7 363.9 1,856 3,471 2,411 1 ,906 1,624 2,549 2,478 2,897 2,329 2,161 2,065 2,799 8.78 8.62 8.50 8.44 8.48 8.55 8.56 8.54 8.58 8.65 8.63 8.64 22/01 22/06 24/02 24/06 23/04 23/00 23/00 23/00 23/04 23/00 23/02 22/08 73.3 73.3 76.3 76.3 76.0 75.4 74.5 74.9 75.7 75.8 74.7 74.4 10.0 9.7 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.6 9.8 .31 .31 .29 .29 .26 .29 .31 .27 .28 .2') .28 .37 10.2 10.0 9.7 9.6 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.9 9.8 9.9 9.9 9.9 1970=Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June J uly Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec 1971—Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. 1972—Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec . . .. .... .... .... ,. ... . . ., .... .... .... .... .. . 166 Annual Statistical Digest 50. Commitments of life insurance companies for income-property mortgages—Continued Period Number of loans Total amount committed (millions of dollars) Averages Loan amount (thousands of dollars) Contract interest rate (per cent) Maturity (yrs./mos.) Loanto- value ratio (per cent) Ca pi tali /ation rate (per cent) j Debt coverage ratio Per cent constant 1973—Jan Feb Mar Apr. . . May.. June. . July Aug. . Sept Oct. . Nov Dec 134 202 198 200 205 229 230 255 176 161 95 55 397 4 459.9 504.3 459.0 492.1 541.8 415 7 541.9 351 5 203.3 313.5 152.8 2 966 2,277 2,547 2,295 2,401 2,366 1 807 2,125 1 997 1,263 3,300 2,778 8 66 8.60 8.61 8.60 8.68 8.65 8.72 8.77 8 94 9.09 9.17 9.18 23/06 23/04 22/07 23/09 23/03 23/07 24/03 23/05 22/06 22/06 22/02 23/03 74 7 75.0 74.7 75.5 74.8 73.7 74 0 73.6 73 7 73.6 74.3 74.8 9 6 1 9.7 ' 9,7 ;! 9.8 l 9.6 9.5 9.4 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.7 9.9 32 .33 .33 .32 .28 .31 .27 .26 .23 .24 .25 .27 9 9 9.9 9.8 9.8 9.9 9.8 10.0 10.1 10 3 10.3 10.4 10.3 J 974— Jan. Feb Mar, Apr. . . . May. . June. , , July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec 61 90 117 141 148 147 121 105 95 57 47 37 91 5 209.4 238 8 306.7 352.4 287.5 234.6 312.4 241.6 108.3 79.7 140 0 1 ,501 2,327 2,041 2,175 2,381 1 ,956 1 ,939 2,975 2,543 1,899 1,695 3 784 9.07 9.10 8.99 9.02 9.31 9.35 9.60 9.80 10.04 10.29 10.37 10 28 20/11 20/01 21/11 21/09 21/11 20/10 20/00 22/10 20/11 19/07 18/04 19/10 73.7 73.6 74 2 73.8 74.2 75.7 74.1 74.3 74.4 74.6 74.0 74 8 9.7 '! 9.8 9.6 9.9 10. 0 10.1 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.6 i 10.7 11 0 .24 .33 .31 .33 .30 .24 .26 .31 .29 .25 .26 33 10.4 10,2 10 1 10.2 10.4 10.7 10.8 10,7 11.1 11.5 I t .6 11 3 31 46 46 32 73 61 53 44 57 57 47 52 43.8 94 6 109.6 108.4 227.5 167.5 178.6 106.5 123.8 144.7 252.8 159.4 1,414 2 057 2,382 3,386 3,116 2,745 3,370 2,420 2,172 2,538 5,378 3,065 10.44 10.08 10.37 10.02 10.23 10.11 10.19 10.26 10.24 10.29 10.24 10.15 18/04 22) 1 1 23/01 23/00 20/09 21/09 20/07 21/02 22/08 20/10 22/07 23/04 71.9 74 3 74.1 75.6 74.7 73.0 74.6 72.7 73.6 74.3 72.7 73.7 11.0 10.9 11.3 10.8 10.8 10.5 10.9 10. 8 10.7 10.7 10.9 11. 0 .33 .34 .34 .36 .30 .29 .31 .32 .37 .28 .35 .34 11.9 11.0 11,3 10.8 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11. 1 11.3 11.2 11.0 1975— Jan Feb Mar. Apr. . . . May. . June, . July Aug Sept Oct Nov.. Dec ! ! ! • j Annual Statistical Digest 167 51. Instalment credit—Total outstanding In millions of dollars Item Jan. 31 Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 1970 96,327 95,848 95,621 96,140 96,699 97,836 98,654 99,455 42,364 . . . 27,612 11,898 12,511 1,942 42,282 27,508 11,886 12,139 2,033 42,318 27,330 11,961 11,990 2 022 42 , 697 27,361 12,090 11,982 2 010 43,057 27,348 12 234 11,978 2 082 43,634 27 , 543 12 484 12,067 2 108 44 , 560 27 , 260 12 603 12,040 2 191 44,908 27,443 12 764 12,125 2 215 45,156 27 , 505 12,888 12,261 2 220 45,232 27,453 12,908 12,294 2 254 45 , 069 27,420 12,924 12,445 2,328 45,396 27,514 12,986 13,682 2,320 35,141 20,734 12,999 7,735 9,293 4,764 .. 350 34,935 20,603 12,908 7,695 9,207 4,747 378 34,836 20,560 12,864 7,696 9,144 4,760 372 34,938 20,606 12,852 7,753 9,187 4,792 353 35,062 20,680 12,894 7,786 9,197 4,837 348 35,374 20,838 12 967 7,871 9,250 4,924 362 35,541 21,261 13,327 7,935 8,959 4,952 369 35,740 21,293 13,342 7,950 9,090 4,996 361 35,759 21,248 13,285 7,963 9,147 5,025 339 35,733 21 ,238 13,254 7,984 9,135 5,014 346 35,444 21,018 13,086 7,932 9,078 5,001 347 35,060 20,805 12,918 7,888 8,921 5,000 334 TOTAL 100,030 100,141 100,186 101,898 By holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions l Retailers .. . Others 2 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others Mobile homes: Commercuil banks 34 Finance companies 2,327 2,371 2,406 2,444 2,455 2,465 2,462 Home improvement, total. . . . Commercial banks 4,588 2,957 4,584 2,933 4,587 2,920 4,613 2,929 4,683 2,952 4,748 2j981 4,825 3,017 4,881 3,043 4,935 3,067 4,976 3,080 5,010 3,083 5,010 3,071 Revolving credit: Bank credit cards Bank check credit 2,802 1,105 2,831 1,117 2,846 1,118 2,912 1,144 2,954 1,157 3,048 1,180 3,132 1,203 3,219 1,227 3,336 1,264 3,404 1,280 3,475 1,290 3,792 1,336 52,691 14,766 8,655 18,143 12,38t 6,757 12,511 514 52,381 14,798 8,611 18,127 12,370 6,762 12,139 555 52,234 14,874 8,601 18,012 12,303 6,822 11,990 536 52,533 15,106 8,692 18,000 12,316 6,925 11,982 520 52,842 15,313 8,726 17,977 12,279 7,019 11,978 555 51,158 15,586 8,797 15,792 12,380 7,175 12,067 538 51,582 15,947 8,896 15,764 12,417 7,262 12,040 569 51,983 16,127 9,039 15,789 12,463 7,374 12,125 568 52,292 16,241 9,161 15,762 12,456 7,465 12,261 563 52,293 16,230 9,177 15,712 12,460 7,496 12,294 561 52,503 16,204 9 , 192 15,732 12,504 7,524 12,445 598 54,239 16,393 9,280 15,992 12,716 7,585 13,682 587 All other, totol Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance coSo, total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others ... ... 19 71 100,733 100,262 100,351 101,296 102,134 103,396 104,310 105,690 106,837 107,563 TOTAL 108,947 111,195 By holder: . . . 45,301 27,252 . . . 12,839 13,038 2,303 45,314 27,072 12,843 1 2 , 690 2,343 45 , 629 26,891 13,000 12,486 2,345 46,397 26,903 13,182 12,442 2,372 47,041 26,943 13,371 12,396 2,383 47,850 27,041 1 3 , 689 12,408 2,408 48,471 27 , 344 13,802 12,319 2,374 49 , 208 27,584 14,086 12,380 2,432 49,837 27 , 650 14,310 12,572 2,468 50,290 27,782 14,421 1 2 , 569 2,501 50,861 28,029 14,609 12,926 2,522 51,606 28,417 14,770 13,925 2,477 34,734 20,637 12,782 7,855 8,836 4,930 331 34,722 20,653 12,739 7,914 8,799 4,918 352 34,916 20,818 12,769 8,049 8,760 4,979 359 35,392 21 ,187 12,946 8,241 8,802 5,035 368 35,789 21,485 13,095 8,390 8,854 5,094 356 36,386 21 ,858 13,277 8,581 8,959 5,202 367 36,870 22,152 13,431 8,721 9,114 5,244 360 37,304 22,428 13,591 8,837 9,162 5,352 362 37,613 22,602 13,688 8,914 9,215 5,437 359 37,996 22,871 13,809 9,062 9,277 5,479 369 38,425 23,165 13,909 9,256 9,334 5,551 375 38,536 23,252 13,908 9,344 9,311 5,613 360 2,445 2 435 2 422 2 421 2 429 2,445 3,989 2,466 4,135 2,488 4,276 2,511 4,403 2,529 4,523 2,540 4,634 2,555 Home improvement, total. . . . Commercial bunks 4,960 3,043 4,937 3 025 4,926 3 018 4,943 3 037 4,998 3 076 5,069 3 125 5,117 3 167 5,186 3 205 5,229 3,230 5,252 3,244 5,258 3,244 5,239 3,231 Revolving credit: Bank credit cards Bank check credit 3,806 1,335 3,754 1,339 3,711 1,327 ' 3,786 1,337 3,832 1,335 3,895 1,359 3,945 1,370 4,016 1,389 4,096 1,418 4,087 1,417 4,139 1,426 4,490 1,462 53,453 16,480 9,266 15,838 12,607 7,513 13 038 584 53,076 16,544 9,235 15 710 12,539 7,528 12 690 604 53,417 17,050 9,416 15 566 12,497 7,751 12 442 608 53,751 17,313 9,468 15 553 12,526 7,876 12 396 613 54,242 17,613 9,488 15 538 12,575 8,076 12 408 607 50,554 1 3 , 849 9,567 15 669 12,711 8,144 12 319 573 51,171 14,034 9,732 15 842 12,874 8,311 12 380 604 51,695 14,216 9,866 15 838 12,859 8,443 12 572 626 52,637 51,879 14,365 14,268 9,895 ! 9,966 1 5 , 894 16,076 12,899 13,073 8,509 8,619 12 569 12 926 651 639 54,280 14,538 10,064 16 473 13,381 8,713 13,925 631 Commercial banks. Finance companies Credit unions . . . l Retailers Others 2 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased. Direct ... Finance companies Credit unions. Others Mobile homes: Commercial banks 3 Finance companies All other, total Comm, banks, total, Personal loans Finance cos total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others . .. ... . ... . .. 53,049 16,755 9,302 15 587 12,482 7,620 12 486 601 168 Annual Statistical Digest 51. Instalment credit—Total outstanding—Continued In millions of dollars Jan. 31 Item Feb. 28 Mar. 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 1<m Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 5 110,573 110,503 1 1 1 , 300 112,564 114,409 116,621 117,790 119,942 121,293 122,329 124,060 TOTAL 126,756 By holder: 5 1 , 639 28,339 14,636 13,365 2,594 51,839 28 , 3 1 6 14,702 12,944 2,702 52,448 28,372 14,910 12,812 2,758 53,371 54,481 28,605 i 28,966 15,083 15,395 12,798 12,824 2,705 2,743 55,872 29,408 15,786 12,802 2,753 56,701 29,737 15,910 12,737 2,705 57,849 30,132 16,278 12,899 2,784 58,590 30,278 16,439 13,141 2,845 59,306 30,460 16,556 13,180 2,827 59,939 30,839 16,742 13,699 2,841 60,870 31,396 16,913 14,763 2,814 Automobile total Commercial batiks Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others 38,449 23,227 13,879 9,348 9,290 5,562 370 38,582 23 , 348 13,946 9,402 9,251 5,587 396 39,010 23,709 14,134 9,575 9,227 5,667 407 39,561 24,133 14,362 9,772 9,297 5,733 398 40,323 24 , 680 14,675 10,005 9,392 5,852 399 41,330 25,365 15,100 10,266 9,564 6,002 399 41,898 25,780 15,381 10,399 9,678 6,049 391 42,596 26,217 15,679 10,537 9,800 6,189 390 42,886 26,423 15,838 10,584 9,820 6,250 393 43,323 26,795 16,056 10,740 9,853 6,294 381 43,751 27,093 16,212 10,881 9,909 6,366 384 44,097 27,305 16,323 10,982 9,978 6,432 382 Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies 4,709 2,554 4,793 2,563 4,905 2,579 5,039 2,606 5,215 2,640 5,434 2,678 5,590 2,717 5,806 2,769 5,992 2,813 6,143 2,855 6,277 2,896 6,406 2,915 Home improvement, total. . . . Commercial banks 5,226 3,211 5,234 3,210 5,273 3,234 5,339 3,290 5,441 3,361 5,586 3,443 5,639 3,478 5,770 3,547 5,849 3,588 5,904 3,618 5,920 3,618 5,915 3,601 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 4,437 1,478 4,369 1,492 4,346 1,486 4,413 1,509 4,467 1,541 4,562 1,578 4,618 1,601 4,734 1,644 4,857 1,677 4,889 1,699 4,977 1,724 5,408 1,775 53,720 14,577 10,098 16 419 13,338 8 634 13,365 725 53,471 14,628 10,153 16 433 13,356 8 673 12,944 793 53,701 14,768 10,250 16 502 13,406 8 795 12,812 824 54,097 14 989 10,413 16 637 13,526 8 897 12,798 776 54,782 15,217 10,559 16 874 13,681 9 080 12,824 787 55,453 15,490 10,742 17,078 13,820 9,310 1 2 , 802 773 55,726 15,633 10,855 17,243 13,931 9,383 12,737 730 56,623 15,901 11,060 17,453 14,092 9,600 12,899 770 57,219 16,053 11,175 17,528 14,136 9,695 13,141 802 57,516 1 6 , 1 62 11,256 17,623 14,180 9,764 13,180 787 58,515 16,251 11,326 17,897 14,401 9,873 13,699 795 60,238 16,373 11,380 18,349 14,736 9,973 14,763 780 Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions l Retailers Others 2 By credit type: . . All other, total. Com m bank s to ta 1 Personal loans Finance cos total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others 19 73 TOTAL 126,720 127,404 128,752 130,403 132,851 135,435 137,446 139,919 141,194 142,846 144,425 146,434 By holder: 61,369 3 (,350 16,847 14 451 2,703 61,907 3 1 , 508 16,973 14 181 2,835 62,844 31,641 17,239 14 010 3,018 64,045 31 ,918 17,455 14 049 2,936 65,432 32,475 17,832 14 147 2,965 66,862 32,989 18,269 14 297 3,018 68,019 33,509 18,517 14 318 3,083 69,432 34,050 18,961 14,429 3,048 70,044 34,312 19,207 14,518 3,113 70,828 34,699 19,339 14,801 3,179 71,438 35,068 19,517 1 5 , 209 3,193 71,871 35,404 1 9 , 609 16,395 3,155 44,169 27 558 16,459 11 099 9,866 6,405 340 44,577 27 857 16,669 11 187 9,902 6,453 365 45,261 28 358 16,932 11 426 9,946 6,555 402 46,000 28 9*>3 17,303 11 650 6,637 384 46,931 29 591 17,692 11 899 10,176 6,781 383 47,904 30 202 18,110 12 092 10,364 6,947 391 48,604 30 668 18,405 12 261 10,498 7,040 398 49,400 31 176 18,734 12 443 10,631 7,209 384 49,646 11,264 18,845 12,420 10,698 7,302 382 50,113 3 1 , 604 19,073 12,531 10,758 7,352 199 50,335 31,725 19,140 12,585 10,789 7,420 401 50,065 It ,502 18,997 12 505 10,718 7,456 389 Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies . . 6,491 2,880 6,616 2,904 6,755 2,912 6,918 2,958 7,116 3 017 7,304 3 072 7,512 3,111 7,766 3,166 7,938 3,217 8,140 3 , 249 8,288 3 , 294 8 , 140 3 358 Home improvement, total. . . . Commercial banks 5,893 3 597 5,929 3,596 6,010 3 631 6,102 3 688 6,223 3 755 6,372 3 834 6,519 3 904 6,679 3 989 6,768 4,023 6,864 4,064 6,935 4,088 6,950 4 083 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 5 436 1 825 5 413 1 852 5 375 1 855 5 428 1 869 5 503 1 910 5 653 1 960 5 759 1 995 5 954 2 052 6 075 2 107 6,161 2 151 6 , 346 2 185 6 838 2 254 60 027 16,463 11,423 18 446 14,729 9,936 14 451 731 60 112 16,572 11,508 18 531 14,774 10,010 14 181 818 60 585 16,871 11,647 18 613 14,790 10 166 14 010 925 61 129 17,190 11,838 18 736 14,856 10 293 14 049 861 62 150 17,556 12,049 19 064 63 169 17 908 12,229 19 309 1 5 [ 1 1 5 1 5 , 284 10 515 10 773 14 147 14 297 882 868 63 947 18 182 12,385 19 623 1 5 , 506 10 920 14 318 *904 64 901 18,491 12,604 19 938 15J29 11 182 14 429 '859 65 442 18,636 12,702 20 060 66 168 1 8 , 708 12,752 20 110 16,005 1 1 ,406 14 801 67 042 1 8 , 806 12,834 20 594 16,221 11,510 15 209 68 629 18 854 12,873 20 914 16 483 1 1 564 16 395 Commercial banks. Finance companies Credit unions l Retailers Others 2 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others All other, total. Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans. Credit unions Retailers Others 10:026 1 5 , 790 1 1 328 14 518 900 923 923 902 Annual Statistical Digest 169 51. Instalment credit—Total outstanding—Continued In millions of dollars Item Jan. 31 Feb. 28 Mar, 31 Apr. 30 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Sept. 30 Oct. 31 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 19 74 TOTAL 145,549 145,292 145 022 146 268 148 129 149,912 151,362 153,711 154,467 154,509 154,361 155,384 By holder: 71,889 35,380 19,429 15,796 3,055 71,778 35,349 19,430 15,566 3,169 71,845 35,125 19,550 15 287 3,215 72 , 665 35 298 19,704 15 356 3,245 73,519 35 653 20,053 15 563 3,341 74,522 35,975 20,501 15 590 3,324 75,384 36,183 20,825 15 626 3,344 76,388 36,531 21,402 15,922 3,468 76,620 36,463 21,792 16,117 3,475 76,601 36,333 21,893 16,185 3,497 76,182 36,182 21,975 16,611 3,411 75,846 36,208 22,116 17,933 3,281 49,689 31 ,290 18,862 12,428 10,647 7,387 365 49,466 31,141 18,769 12,373 10,554 7,387 384 49,424 31 157 18,796 12 361 10 430 7,433 404 49,696 31 ,388 18,942 12 446 10,418 7,492 398 50,124 31,641 19,104 12 537 10,457 7,625 401 50,718 3 1 , 947 19,307 12 640 10,577 7,797 397 51,133 32 , 208 19,469 12 739 10,606 7,919 400 51,745 32,445 19,609 12,836 10,756 8,139 405 51,760 32,305 19,488 12,817 10,771 8,289 395 51,569 32,053 19,349 1 2 , 704 10,789 8,327 400 51,133 31,632 19,086 1 2 , 546 10,751 8,359 391 50,392 30,994 18,687 12,306 10,618 8,414 366 Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies 8,376 3,364 8,451 3,385 8,525 3 304 8,620 3 342 8,714 3 393 8,819 3 436 8,896 3 447 8,975 3 486 9,013 3,518 9,022 3,547 9,024 3,522 8,972 3,524 Home improvement, total. . . . Commercial banks 6,877 4,048 6,904 4,046 6,957 4 071 7,070 4 147 7,259 4 261 7,394 4 357 7,541 4,468 7,711 4,579 7,775 4,633 7,831 4,685 7,831 4,711 7,754 4,694 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 6,985 2,289 6,891 2 304 6 747 2 309 6 808 2 329 6 901 2 359 7,058 2 400 7,214 2 471 7,492 2 551 7,647 2,621 7,767 2,683 7,875 2,699 8,281 2,797 67,969 18,901 12,909 20,959 16,466 11,458 15,796 855 67,890 18,944 12,922 20,990 16,465 11 ,459 15,566 931 67,757 19,037 12,976 20 959 16 410 1 1 529 15 287 945 68,402 19,372 13,167 21 103 16 515 11 620 15 356 951 69 , 378 19,642 13,298 21 359 16,731 11 825 15 563 989 70,087 19,941 13,478 21 517 16,864 12 088 15 590 951 70,661 20,128 13,624 21 691 17,001 12 280 15,626 936 71,753 20,348 13,808 21,865 17,163 12 619 15,922 999 72,133 20,401 13,894 21 ,766 17,088 1 2 , 848 16,117 1,001 72,090 20,391 13,899 21,604 16,937 12,908 16,185 1,002 72,277 20,241 13,828 21,538 16,902 12,955 16,611 932 73,664 20,108 13,771 21,717 16,961 13,037 17,933 869 Commercial hanks Finance companies Credit unions l Retailers Others 2 . . . . By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks. . . . Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others. . . . . . AH other, total, Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others 1<>75 TOTAL 153,363 152,397 151 100 151 120 151 409 152 640 154,520 156,200 157,448 158,185 159,216 162,237 By holder: 75 , 284 35,707 21,966 17,172 3,234 74,831 35,540 22,089 16,639 3,298 74 026 35,087 22 227 16,288 3 472 74 34 22 16 3 175 910 415 229 391 74 376 34,678 22 674 16 238 3 443 74 925 34,947 23 186 16,079 3 503 75 760 35,750 23 507 15,963 3 540 76,521 35,955 24,043 16,172 3,509 77,132 36,003 24,510 16,236 3,567 77,683 36,097 24 , 706 16,160 3,539 77,864 36,383 24,934 16,451 3,584 78,703 36,695 25,354 18,002 3,483 49,687 30,535 18,394 12,141 10,445 8,356 351 49,701 30,430 18,325 12,106 10,500 8,403 368 49 , 300 30,067 18,033 12,034 10,366 8,456 411 49,252 30 , 049 17,953 12,096 10,284 8,528 391 49,480 30,120 17,937 12,183 10,322 8,627 411 50 , 1 28 30,335 18,032 12,304 10,544 8,823 426 50,872 30,734 1 8 , 246 12,488 10,767 8,945 427 51,460 30,915 18,277 12,639 10,982 9,149 414 51,862 31,048 18,296 12,752 11,071 9,329 414 52,407 31,382 18,464 12,918 11,205 9,403 417 52,756 31,462 18,434 13,028 11,381 9,491 422 53,028 31,534 18,353 13,181 11,439 9,653 402 Mobile homes: Commercial banks . Finance companies 8,927 3,509 8,872 3,492 8 821 3,473 S 794 3,467 8 782 3,462 8 786 3,461 8 777 3,456 8,776 3,451 8,782 3,452 8,758 3,452 8,764 3,474 8,704 3,451 Home improvement, total. . . . Commercial banks 7,608 4,654 7,564 4,633 7,548 4 612 7,539 4 634 7,604 4 692 7,679 4,764 7,787 4,832 7,884 4,898 7,965 4,942 8,002 4,971 8,023 4,977 8,004 4,965 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 8,403 2 802 8,262 2 778 8 039 2 701 8 097 2 683 8 130 2 629 8 240 2 595 8,344 2 631 8,548 2,671 8,735 2,715 8,800 2,735 8,880 2,737 9,501 2,810 72,427 19,963 13,705 21,481 16,797 12,949 17,172 862 71,727 19,855 13,639 21,301 16,679 13,021 16 639 911 71 219 19,787 13,563 21 016 16,574 13 102 16 288 1 026 71 287 19,917 13,642 20 949 16,552 13 213 16 229 979 71 322 20,023 13,679 20 704 16,542 13 365 16 238 992 71 750 20,204 13,780 20 790 16,715 13 665 16 079 1 012 72,653 73,411 20,443 20,714 13,929 14,134 21 371 21 ,367 17,345 | 17,348 13,855 14,170 15 963 16,172 1 021 988 73,938 20,911 14,291 21,326 17,317 14,443 16,236 1,022 74,031 21,037 14,438 21,286 17,303 14,559 16,160 989 74,581 21 ,043 14,458 21 ,376 17,422 14,692 1 6 , 45 1 1,019 76,738 21 ,188 14,629 21,655 17,681 14,937 18,002 956 Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions . . 1 Retailers „ Others 2 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased. Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others All other, total . . Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance cos., total. . Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others 170 Annual Statistical Digest 52. Instalment credit extensions In millions of dollars Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee, Year 1970 i ... 9,354 9,268 9 043 9,046 9,366 9,309 9,883 9,417 9,454 9,325 9,021 9,484 112,175 Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers * Others 2 . 3,525 2 805 I ,129 1,745 150 3,472 2,779 1,149 1,696 173 3,437 2 630 1,147 1,699 129 3,430 2,674 1,135 1,652 155 3,556 2 674 1,196 1,781 160 3,496 2 774 1,177 1,717 146 3,943 2,681 1,237 1,771 251 3,621 2,613 1,183 1,867 133 3,700 2,619 1,202 1,795 138 3,668 2,523 1,164 1,8GB 162 3,547 2,436 1,153 1,719 167 3,801 2,418 1,162 1,912 191 43,247 31,682 14,057 21,264 1 ,925 2,519 1,481 934 547 670 336 33 2,539 1,484 925 559 656 356 42 2,449 1 429 892 536 643 349 28 2,461 1,412 857 555 666 359 24 2,530 1,461 901 560 666 370 33 2,503 1 435 $67 568 665 374 30 2,874 1 798 1,200 598 651 387 38 2,530 1 ,513 916 596 620 368 29 2,535 1,534 949 585 620 368 13 2,402 1,474 889 584 548 354 27 2,212 1,375 K37 537 455 353 30 2,342 1,457 876 581 490 365 29 29,965 17,864 11,057 6,807 7,385 4,349 367 107 98 95 93 89 87 605 Home improvement, total Commercial banks 225 126 229 129 224 126 226 127 236 131 239 129 262 137 240 137 258 144 265 146 261 149 283 150 2,940 1,630 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 554 154 512 153 520 151 513 155 533 159 527 156 561 163 584 164 599 167 605 170 597 168 611 173 6,768 1,936 5 902 1,210 726 2,124 1,345 781 1,745 42 5 836 1,194 726 2,111 1,334 778 1,696 57 5 699 1,212 729 1,977 1,250 779 1,699 32 5,692 1 , 224 742 1 ,996 1,265 765 1,652 55 5 908 1,273 756 1,997 1,228 805 1,781 53 5 884 1,249 741 2 098 1,333 779 1,717 41 5 914 1,282 797 1 914 1,233 829 1,771 118 5,801 1,223 794 1,886 1,243 793 1,867 32 5,801 1,257 798 1 ,894 1,280 813 1,795 42 5,789 1,274 781 1,866 1,255 792 1,808 49 5,695 5,987 1,258 1,409 838 782 1,884 1,830 1,262 1,235 782 i 778 1,719 1,912 52 58 69,961 15,049 9,215 23,563 15,255 9,487 21,264 598 TOTAL. . . By holder: By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others . . Mobile homes: Commercial banks 4a Finance companies All other total Comm. banks, total . Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others 1971 TOTAL 9 247 9 709 9 892 10 047 9 887 10 101 9 983 10 389 10 775 10 690 11,119 11,006 123,086 3,834 2,481 1,212 1,557 163 4,001 2,502 1 230 1,831 146 4 126 2,536 1 301 1,770 158 4 132 2,455 1 363 1 ,856 242 4 146 2,508 1 308 1,790 135 4 242 2,507 1 367 1 806 180 4 2 1 1 159 551 315 832 126 4 320 2,643 1 387 1,868 171 4,548 2,719 1,392 1,922 194 4,515 4,738 2,738 i 2,772 1,405 1,547 1,850 ! 1,922 140 182 4,747 2,848 1,443 1,807 160 51,642 31,336 16,324 21,855 1,930 2 586 1,568 924 644 ... 575 390 53 2 705 1,676 976 700 606 388 35 2 837 1 718 1 004 715 646 437 35 2 816 1 , 728 1 021 '707 619 408 61 2 754 1 719 1 003 716 599 409 27 2 836 1 767 1 042 725 620 418 31 2 822 1 741 1 013 729 639 417 24 2 965 1 829 1 081 747 654 445 38 3 091 1,900 1 123 776 681 471 40 3 046 1,895 1 102 793 674 445 32 3 207 2,004 1 147 856 700 467 37 3,096 1,947 1,143 804 664 458 27 34,778 21,503 12,585 8,919 7,684 5,174 417 85 81 81 80 72 236 87 241 90 272 89 256 92 270 95 287 96 1,601 1,027 Home improvement, total. . . Commercial banks 224 143 244 149 257 150 251 149 254 152 280 160 265 158 273 160 283 165 279 166 271 169 283 166 3,170 1,893 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 602 146 635 155 661 160 681 163 693 157 709 173 693 163 715 180 730 180 714 176 741 185 753 187 8,377 2,026 5,605 1 376 817 1,811 1,242 811 1 557 51 5,889 1 386 793 1,803 1,244 824 1 831 45 5,896 1 437 821 1,798 1,252 840 1 770 51 6,056 1 411 810 1,746 1,218 941 1 856 102 5 957 1 424 801 1,828 1,239 876 1 790 39 6 020 5 716 1 431 1 166 821 820 1 ,796 ' 1,814 1 233 ' 1 246 876 919 1 806 1 832 28 68 1 5 925 1 195 858 1,890 1 ,304 914 1 868 58 6 131 1 303 891 1,941 1,324 894 I 922 72 6 127 1 308 873 1,962 1,318 937 I 850 70 6 350 1 369 935 1,966 1,329 1 054 1 922 39 6 , 303 1 407 918 2,075 1,393 960 1 807 54 72,107 16,241 10,148 22,500 15,404 10,879 21 855 632 By holder: Commercial banks. . Finance companies Credit unions Retailers * Others 2 . By credit type: Automobile total . Commercial banks Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others Mobile homes: Commercial banks 3 Finance companies All other, total Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions . . . Retailers Others 83 | i ' ! i Annual Statistical Digest 171 52. Instalment credit extensions—Continued In millions of dollars Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year 1972 TOTAL 11,516 11,387 11,396 11 , 650 11,361 11,803 11,796 12,038 12,444 12,780 140,072 11,153 11,080 4 660 2,929 1,388 1 848 328 4 713 2,848 1,505 1,796 217 4,752 2,955 1,670 1,902 237 4,910 2,973 1,456 1 ,893 154 4 954 2,878 1,523 1 861 180 5 137 2,905 1,619 1,800 189 5,101 2,859 1,387 1,875 140 5 146 2,949 1,600 1,903 205 5 101 2,990 1,524 1,945 236 5,322 3,052 1,560 1,949 156 5,442 3,137 1,662 2,052 151 5,705 3,288 1,608 1,961 217 60,684 35,674 18,497 22,845 2,372 3 218 1,944 1,157 787 764 453 57 3 176 1,954 1,151 803 698 475 49 3,184 1,955 1,140 815 708 482 39 3,280 2,045 1,199 847 734 468 32 3 282 2,042 1,191 851 712 486 42 3,378 2,137 1,263 874 713 502 25 3,286 2,101 1,256 845 686 476 23 3 383 2,107 1,244 862 725 513 39 3,275 2,061 1,226 835 682 485 48 3,492 2,222 1,308 915 747 504 19 3,619 2,292 1,359 933 761 532 34 3,857 2,451 1,432 1,019 814 549 43 40,266 25 , 194 14,851 10,343 8,699 5,940 433 290 98 284 101 281 107 290 105 298 103 309 107 308 107 328 120 316 120 323 117 326 121 365 119 3,703 1,333 Home improvement, total , Commercial banks 316 183 307 187 322 189 327 201 330 193 356 19,6 305 175 347 199 332 189 328 195 318 191 335 188 3,915 2,278 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 709 191 753 190 811 187 835 188 853 212 888 207 904 213 902 201 911 216 927 225 950 230 955 240 10,390 2,489 6 332 1 343 924 2 053 1 375 919 . 1 848 169 6,269 1 346 946 2 037 1 364 1,009 1 796 81 6,624 1 329 946 2 131 1 437 1,159 1 902 103 6,363 1 351 978 2 120 1 441 962 1,893 36 6 318 1 355 965 2 043 1 366 1 , 004 1 861 55 6 406 400 003 2 050 344 ,082 800 73 6,239 1 401 998 2 045 I 325 884 1 875 34 6 522 1 410 983 2 082 1 357 1 ,053 1 903 74 6,626 1 409 970 2 165 1 404 1,012 1 945 95 6,625 1 429 1 ,002 2 165 1,394 1,029 1,949 54 6,880 1,454 1,006 2,229 1 ,455 1,102 2,052 44 6,910 1,506 1,020 2 326 1,536 1,033 1,961 83 77,976 16,630 11,707 25,386 16,771 12,230 22 , 845 885 By holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers l Others 2 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased Direct . . . . Finance companies Credit unions Others Mobile homes : Commercial banks Finance companies. . ... All other, total. , Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans. . Credit unions Retailers . . Others .... 1973 TOTAL 12 965 13 259 13 520 13 005 13 228 13 297 13 802 13 404 13 365 13 788 13 571 12 991 160 228 By holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers * Others 2 079 214 834 004 234 6 138 3,338 1 732 2 340 241 6,181 3 , 200 1,880 2 143 167 5 843 3,103 I 713 2 127 206 72,216 38,922 21 143 25 440 2 507 3,796 2,444 1 457 987 745 582 25 3,864 2,449 1 473 976 747 628 40 3,860 2,465 1 483 981 766 587 42 3,821 2,435 1 474 961 754 600 32 3,426 2,207 1 304 903 626 564 30 46,105 29,369 17 497 11 872 9,303 7,009 424 401 123 386 120 378 126 391 130 374 130 348 185 4 438 1,573 375 204 402 209 367 205 373 203 377 204 369 215 389 223 4 414 2,487 1 115 273 1 161 279 1 172 291 1 202 295 1 188 291 1,238 294 1 , 279 304 1,237 292 13,863 3 373 7,065 1 548 1,087 2 279 1 485 1 101 2 081 57 7,250 1 554 1,089 2 315 1 481 1 140 2 133 108 7,556 1 578 1,101 2 392 t 576 1 221 2 158 208 7,239 t 573 1,078 2 375 1 503 1 219 2 051 21 7,145 1 570 1,057 2 301 1 472 1 175 2 004 96 7,499 1 547 1,075 2 397 1 582 1 115 2 340 100 7,294 1 574 1,101 2 275 1 481) 1,251 2 143 5? 7,114 I 536 1,085 2 255 I 489 1 123 2 127 72 86,462 18 686 12,928 27 627 17 885 13 768 25 440 941 5 868 3,158 1 621 2 221 97 5 917 3,249 1 742 2 111 241 6 053 3,303 1 780 2 012 372 5 906 3,209 1 684 2 079 *128 6 3 1 2 3,854 2,497 1 481 1 016 781 561 14 3,953 2,490 1 469 1 021 821 594 47 4,000 2,507 1 470 1 036 855 581 57 3,824 2,454 1 455 999 790 561 19 Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies 365 126 370 131 368 131 Home improvement, total Commercial banks 315 204 360 206 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 1,016 257 All other, total Comm. banks, total. . . . Personal loans Finance cos., total. . . Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others. 7,033 1 528 1,043 2 228 1 433 1 040 2 221 17 015 242 710 081 180 893 277 752 133 243 6 101 3,315 1 862 2 158 366 6 3 1 2 3,929 2,512 1 504 1 008 806 573 38 3,788 2,378 1 426 952 802 574 35 3,856 2,449 \ 448 1 001 761 608 38 361 132 368 128 317 128 393 217 356 203 350 199 1 064 266 1 084 266 1 093 261 7,115 1 521 1 ,048 2 269 1 465 1 122 2 111 92 7,278 1 612 1,099 2 300 1 465 1 167 2 012 187 6,980 I 534 1,051 2 253 1 429 1 093 2 079 21 5 3 1 2 104 287 838 051 124 6 3 1 2 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased , Direct Finance companies Credit unions . Others ,. 172 Annual Statistical Digest 52. Instalment credit extensions—Continued In millions of dollars Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. ! Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year 1974 13,349 13,335 13,333 13,547 13,821 13,648 13,772 13,848 13,387 12,942 12,101 12,717 160,008 TOTAt By holder: , 5,999 3,322 1,815 2,101 112 6,001 3,106 1,647 2,353 228 6,079 3,123 1,773 2,130 228 6,129 3,189 1,742 2,158 329 6,176 3,189 1,892 2,302 262 6,290 3,063 1,890 2,236 170 6,296 3,011 1,971 2,243 252 6,272 2,926 2,059 2,345 247 6 224 2,812 1 ,976 2,258 118 5,866 5,590 2,660 2,389 1,972 ,784 2,240 i 2,241 204 98 5,535 2,900 1,824 2,364 93 72,605 35,644 22,403 27,034 2,322 Automobile, total Commercial banks. . . Purchased Direct . Finance companies Credit unions. . . . . . . . Others. 3,664 2,253 1,321 932 789 601 20 3,469 2,230 1,324 906 620 575 44 3,592 2,270 1,365 905 673 607 42 3,611 2,295 1,373 923 686 598 32 3,682 2,291 1,362 930 715 638 38 3,765 2,349 1,363 986 716 673 27 3,788 2,308 1,360 948 759 687 34 3,873 2,357 1,379 978 773 699 43 3,791 2,271 1,270 1,000 770 718 32 3,386 1 ,972 1,169 804 724 656 34 3,163 1,846 1,106 740 678 620 19 3,316 1,888 1,127 761 716 696 16 43,209 26,406 15,576 10,830 8,630 7,788 385 Mobile homes : Commercial banks Finance companies . . . 343 126 355 138 339 133 336 132 308 145 309 128 284 126 265 113 263 105 250 98 241 87 213 81 3,486 1,413 Home improvement, total Commercial banks . . . . 335 208 381 216 384 219 410 232 431 242 402 236 415 242 406 242 323 243 374 238 354 237 335 4,571 2,789 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit. , . 1,323 303 1,304 310 1,317 316 1,325 320 1,393 323 1,429 331 1,489 370 1,510 378 1,539 396 1,523 406 1,484 401 1,426 377 17,098 4,227 All other, total Comm. banks, total. . Personal loans Finance cos., total, . . . Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others 7,255 1,569 1,102 2,369 1,549 1,192 2,101 24 7,378 1,585 1 , 108 2,306 1,498 1,050 2,353 84 7,252 1,618 1,134 2,282 1,488 1,137 2,130 85 7,411 1,620 1,125 2,340 1,535 1,112 2,158 181 7,539 1,618 1,128 2,299 1,525 1,216 2,302 104 7,285 1,636 1,170 2,191 1,470 1,177 2,236 45 7,301 1,604 1,140 2,104 1,410 1,246 2,243 103 7,304 1,520 1,099 2,024 1,375 1,318 2,345 97 6,970 1,512 1,097 1,921 1,316 1,218 2,258 61 6,904 1,477 1,047 1,826 1,256 1,286 2,240 76 6,371 1,381 ,010 ,613 ,136 ,136 *,,241 6,969 ,413 ,016 ,094 ,222 ,099 2,364 86,004 18,599 13,176 25,316 16,691 14,228 27,034 827 Commercial banks , Finance companies. . Credit unions Retailers i Others 3 By credit type: °" 1975 TOTAL 12,435 12,937 12,593 12,837 13,022 13,187 14,089 14,048 14,194 14,609 14,579 15,228 163,483 By holder: 5,768 2,439 1,859 2,150 220 6,113 2,617 1,939 2,085 183 5,857 2,465 1,744 2,218 309 5,928 2,549 1 ,961 2,203 197 5,967 2,765 1,846 2,227 218 6,195 2,632 1,900 2,199 260 6,441 3,075 2,098 2,208 267 6,648 2,707 2,056 2,479 158 6,877 2,748 2,156 2,164 2SO 6,962 2,746 2,187 2,531 184 7 , 1 40 2,873 1 ,995 2,302 269 7,385 2,870 2,381 2,431 161 77,131 32,582 24,151 27,049 2,570 3,444 2,002 1,176 826 701 713 27 4,002 2,336 1,365 971 866 759 41 3,637 2,103 1,187 916 723 748 63 3,612 2,103 1,172 931 735 752 21 3,699 2,159 1,191 967 753 731 56 3,865 2,260 1,266 995 771 789 45 4,104 2,394 1,320 1,074 825 847 38 4,143 2,461 1,338 1,122 811 840 31 4,330 2,551 1,384 1,167 846 873 61 4,354 2,606 1 ,434 1,172 B28 878 41 4,441 2,663 1,418 1,244 i 851 | 885 42 4,642 2,830 1,584 1,246 896 875 42 48,103 28,333 15,761 12,572 9,598 9,702 470 Mobile homes: Commercial banks. . Finance companies. . , 234 73 217 54 212 63 217 63 219 62 208 62 223 61 207 61 229 63 225 64 264 ! 81 244 69 2,681 771 Home improvement, total Commercial banks 334 211 333 214 354 208 336 211 350 219 373 225 372 226 371 227 382 232 384 244 408 251 421 267 4,398 2,722 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit. . . . 1,585 330 1,570 322 1,585 314 1,627 320 1,600 313 1,678 302 1,684 336 1,743 342 1,806 339 1,781 352 1,842 341 1,839 396 20,428 4,024 All other, total Comm. banks, total. . Personal loans . Finance cos., total. . . . Personal loans. . . Credit unions Retailers Others 6,435 1,405 1,017 1,656 1,217 1,122 2,150 102 6,440 ,454 ,022 ,689 ,274 ,151 2,085 61 6,428 1,435 1,013 1,666 1,255 962 2,218 147 6,662 !,449 1,035 1,743 1,297 1,174 2,203 93 6,780 1,458 1,029 1,943 1,190 1,078 2,227 75 6,700 1,523 1,068 1,795 1,481 1,066 2,199 117 7,309 1,579 1,103 2,180 1,879 1,210 2,208 132 7,181 7,045 7,450 7,203 ,780 1,669 ,720 1,753 ,197 1,240 ,226 1,168 ,937 ,835 1,849 1,832 1,502 ,495 ' 1,502 ,581 1,169 ,238 1,269 ' ,074 2,479 i 2,164 ' 2,531 2,302 111 48 > 32 89 i 7,618 1,810 1,301 1 ,902 1 , 549 1,461 2,431 14 83,079 18,944 13,386 22,135 17,333 13,992 27,049 959 Commercial banks Finance companies. . . . Credit unions l Retailers .. . Others z By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks. . . . Purchased Direct Finance companies . Credit unions . . O there . } Annual Statistical Digest 173 53. Instalment credit liquidations In millions of dollars Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year 1970 8 855 8 778 8 784 8 725 9 020 8 870 9 353 8 964 8 921 9 130 9,038 9,063 107,385 3 2 1 1 251 763 053 664 124 3 252 2 643 l'077 1 683 123 3 274 2 642 1*070 1 670 129 3 2 1 1 266 691 067 575 126 3 335 2 704 1*114 1 738 129 3 260 2 777 1*071 1 637 125 3 484 2954 l' 123 1*664 'l28 3 395 2 514 1*109 1 811 135 3 2 1 1 454 518 096 721 132 3 526 2 598 1 1 18 1,755 133 3 486 2 500 1 107 1,811 133 3,542 2 544 1,092 1,750 135 40 , 402 31 887 1 3 , 099 20,448 1,549 2 530 1 488 947 541 684 323 35 2 565 l'502 950 552 688 341 34 2 484 1 479 935 544 631 336 38 2 528 1 478 932 546 674 340 36 2 570 1 491 932 559 696 350 33 2 546 1 470 917 553 699 344 33 2 977 1 602 947 654 984 359 33 2 409 1 498 930 568 520 357 34 2 438 1,524 971 554 531 351 32 2 484 1,514 941 574 585 353 32 2 430 1,508 938 570 530 363 30 2,544 1,524 945 579 627 362 31 30,432 17,982 11,272 6,711 7 877 4,177 396 77 76 68 85 84 88 472 Home improvement, total Commercial banks . . . 203 131 203 129 199 124 200 125 206 129 209 129 215 128 217 131 217 130 226 135 221 131 226 132 2,544 1,555 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 385 133 395 136 417 135 437 135 461 141 431 138 472 138 496 140 509 144 527 145 528 147 569 150 5 615 1,681 5 604 1 114 720 2 069 1 351 714 1 664 43 5 478 1 089 714 1 943 1 254 721 1 683 42 5 549 1 119 724 1 999 1 221 717 1 670 44 5 424 1 090 713 2 006 1 249 710 1 575 43 5 642 I 113 *723 1 997 1*249 748 1 738 46 5 545 1 092 707 2 065 1 277 710 1 637 41 5 473 1 144 720 1 874 1*244 747 1 664 44 5 627 1 130 717 1 904 1 246 735 1 811 47 5 544 1 146 708 1 904 1 253 728 1 721 45 5 662 1 204 746 1 912 1 248 747 1,755 45 5,628 1 173 715 1 872 1,248 727 1,811 45 5,486 1 166 740 1 812 1,205 713 1,750 45 66,639 13,567 8,634 23,373 15,024 8,721 20 , 448 530 TOTAL By holder : Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions . . . l Retailers . .„ , Others 2 .. . . . By credit type: Automobile total Commercial banks Purchased Direct ... Finance companies Credit unions . Others Mobile homes: Commercial banks 34 Finance companies A l l other total Comm banks total Personal loans . Finance cos total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others . . . . . . . . ... . . . 1971 9 094 9 203 9 272 9 337 9 319 9 572 9 299 9 517 9 704 9 727 9 900 9 941 113,788 3 532 2,501 1 139 1,781 141 3 634 2 525 1 135 1,766 144 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 3 2 1 1 932 559 258 826 152 3 987 2,614 1 Ml 1,834 155 4 016 2,671 1 283 1,823 149 45,432 30,431 14 540 21,612 1 773 2 493 1 525 930 595 565 372 32 2 510 1 523 944 578 592 365 31 2 610 1 592 975 617 606 379 33 2 543 1 541 *945 595 602 366 34 2 537 1 530 927 603 596 377 34 2 625 1 618 1 000 618 597 376 34 2 530 1 572 948 623 550 376 32 2 654 1 608 975 633 632 381 33 2 713 1 642 984 658 634 404 33 2 670 1 616 977 639 630 390 34 2 682 1 629 976 653 631 389 •13 2,749 1 667 1,014 653 660 389 32 31 ,303 19 057 11 , 594 7,463 7,294 4,561 391 Mobile homes: Commercial banks 3 Finance companies . . 85 84 79 72 75 114 73 132 79 150 82 137 80 142 73 81 143 74 816 935 Commercial banks 226 133 238 141 246 144 245 144 238 139 244 143 244 142 248 147 252 150 253 151 255 151 251 149 2,939 1,733 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 558 148 587 147 593 155 601 153 606 154 648 160 646 148 662 166 680 164 695 167 712 167 717 172 7,679 1,901 5 584 1 169 757 1,835 1 218 751 1 781 48 5 636 1 235 764 1,834 1 236 753 1 766 48 5 595 1 208 742 1,813 1,217 752 1 775 47 5 716 1 230 765 1,765 1 203 871 1 802 48 5 712 1 233 759 1,835 1 221 793 1 801 50 5 819 1 313 834 1,825 1 202 825 1 807 49 5 544 1 126 765 1,768 1 183 811 1 788 51 5 577 1 093 775 1,789 1 202 81 1 1 836 48 5 662 1 141 798 1,907 1 310 768 1 798 48 5 724 1 165 794 1,836 1 ,220 848 1 826 49 5 860 1 18'> 820 1,886 1 240 902 1 834 53 5 836 1 167 *796 1,923 1,267 874 1 823 50 68 215 14 246 9 365 22,018 14 737 9 751 21 612 588 TOTAL By holder: Commercial banks . .. Finance companies Credit unions . . . . Retailers * Others 2 .. . 692 508 151 775 146 668 466 256 802 145 662 519 188 801 149 882 513 221 807 149 748 408 206 788 149 807 514 211 836 148 928 636 192 798 150 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial bunks Purchased . Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others All other, total. Comm. banks total Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions , Retailers Others ' 174 Annual Statistical Digest 53. Instalment credit liquidations—Continued In millions of dollars Jan. Item Feb. Mar. Apr. June May July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year 1972 TOTAL 9 977 10 012 10 128 10 160 10 145 10 380 10 309 10 485 10 555 10 747 10 913 10 898 124 513 By holder: 4,038 2 692 1,271 1,823 153 4,043 2 682 1 322 1 ,804 160 4,031 2 670 1,460 1,798 169 4,116 2 689 1 352 1,824 180 4 192 2 633 I 309 1,839 173 4,329 2 655 1 ,422 1,807 167 4,368 4 379 2 655 2 755 1 265 i 1 363 1,844 1,819 177 169 4,373 2 806 1,389 1,820 1 167 4,476 2 843 1,402 1,854 172 2 787 1,694 1,012 682 663 398 32 2 770 1 672 992 680 660 405 33 2 756 I 660 973 686 655 405 36 2 829 1 700 1,015 684 680 414 35 2 812 1 715 1 , 007 709 653 408 35 2 900 1,773 1,046 727 663 429 35 2 884 1,771 1,044 727 650 429 35 2 895 1 773 1,033 740 662 426 34 2,906 1,773 1,024 748 657 442 34 .... 144 77 150 79 150 75 143 80 155 75 160 83 163 76 166 89 16S 84 Home improvement, total . . . Commercial banks 259 154 255 149 258 151 265 153 282 162 268 158 279 165 270 161 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 702 174 709 174 708 173 739 161 763 180 810 178 819 181 830 175 5,834 1 170 806 1,938 1,272 853 1,823 49 5,875 1 189 827 1,925 1 260 899 1 804 58 6,008 1 189 844 1,925 1,275 1,033 1 798 ' 62 5,943 1 220 866 1 ,914 1 273 917 1 824 69 5 878 1 217 854 I ,882 1 270 877 1 839 63 5,980 1 250 875 1 , 894 1,255 969 1,807 59 5,908 1 271 893 1,917 1,265 813 1,844 64 6,060 I 274 895 1,991 1,293 914 1 819 62 Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions . . Retailers l Others 8 . . . 4,595 2 836 1,412 1,864 171 51,421 32,696 16,354 22,007 2,035 3 056 3 090 1,854 1,880 1,092 1,110 771 762 i 723 720 453 446 36 33 3,088 1 , 897 1 , 104 793 688 471 12 34 , 705 21,141 12,436 8 , 705 8,032 5,121 411 176 82 177 90 180 90 1,930 975 267 159 271 162 ?8S 168 276 164 3,238 1,907 823 191 856 192 881 200 868 208 9,472 2,175 6,115 6,115 1,259 1,236 874 876 2,051 2,029 1,301 1 1,319 933 924 1,820 1,854 61 63 6,190 1,275 896 2,018 1 , 306 947 1 , 886 64 6,187 1,277 907 2,064 1,339 919 1,864 63 72,017 14,795 10,391 23 , 509 15,415 10,970 22,007 736 i By credit type: Automobile total Commercial banks Purchased Direct . . . Finance companies Credit unions Others Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies All other, total Co mm banks total Personal loans . Finance cos., total Personal loans. Credit unions Retailers . . . . Others . .. .... .. ! 4,581 2 847 1,423 1,886 176 i 1973 11 079 11 169 11 528 11 473 11 539 11 660 11 902 11 905 11,950 12,024 12,228 12,085 £40,552 TOTAL... By holder: Commercial banks. . Finance companies Credit unions . ... 1 Retailers Others 2 . 754 841 476 930 168 5,394 2,923 1,654 2,076 181 5,341 2,904 1,600 2,055 186 i 5 038 2,949 1 539 1 ,958 175 5 145 2,981 1 609 1,985 182 5 178 2,956 1 574 2,014 184 5,303 2,861 1,596 2,010 181 3 329 2,120 1 274 846 697 47B 34 3 353 2,081 1 210 871 736 502 34 3 353 2,120 1 257 864 697 501 34 3 335 2,103 1 254 849 711 487 34 3,438 3,446 2,174 2,178 1,266 1,282 896 908 685 715 547 ' 518 35 33 j 192 90 1 204 81 211 91 217 84 217 96 i 217 9B i 218 89 244 100 2,505 1,129 281 165 280 166 283 169 285 170 275 164 289 171 287 166 274 166 300 178 j 3,381 2,005 991 237 1,020 237 1,025 ! 1,046 251 234 ' 1,062 256 1,085 246 6 414 1 319 ' 921 2,060 1,319 1 003 1 957 74 6 391 1 320 '935 2,071 1,331 952 1 981 67 6 480 ' 6 666 6 677 6,579 1 325 1 347 1 376 1 411 ' 973 ! 973 950 970 2,121 j 2,180 2,149 2,065 !: 1,359 1,437 1,365 I 1,316 1 012 1,083 I 1 063 1,025 1*958 1 985 2 014 2 010 68 76 70 64 4 2 1 1 3 195 1,961 1 151 810 732 454 48 3 198 1,964 1 126 838 718 486 31 Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies 212 127 189 91 194 97 193 86 Home- improvement, total Commercial banks 268 157 272 166 285 166 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank cheek credit 923 216 922 229 972 233 6 138 1 302 921 1,987 1,289 905 1 882 63 6 268 1 284 886 2,023 1,304 970 1 930 61 6 455 1 346 949 2,093 1,355 1,008 1 943 65 4 971 2,930 1 512 1 ,943 173 5,306 2,937 1,544 2,057 179 055 871 455 981 178 4 770 2,857 1 381 1,882 188 4 2 1 1 928 873 5?1 957 193 5 2 1 1 61,215 34,916 18,447 23,808 2,166 By credit type: Automobile, total . . Commercial banks Purchased . . . Direct Fin a nee com pa n ies Credit unions . Others All other, total Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others ... 3 290 1 271 2,059 2,023 1 223 1 174 836 850 719 1 718 495 480 32 35 3,507 3 5 37S 2 22S 2,134 1*323 1,255 902 878 721 688 521 527 I 34 33 40,137 25,172 14,823 10,349 8,563 5,985 417 1,106 1,140 257 238 | 1,151 12,433 253 i 2,894 6,631 6,743 1 401 1 ,188 978 992 2,102 2,103 1,335 ! 1,350 1 ,001 i 1,104 2 057 2,076 71 70 6,662 1 1 ,381 981 2,101 1 , 369 t ,055 2 055 69 78,072 1 6 , 205 11,435 25,063 16,139 12,177 23 808 '819 Annual Statistical Digest 175 53. Instalment credit liquidations— Continued In millions of dollars Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July .Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year 1974 TOTAL 12 344 12 239 12 625 12 528 12 681 12 565 12 661 12 555 12 631 12,729 12,510 13,126 151,056 By holder : Commercial banks Finance companies . . Credit unions Retailers * Others 2 5 452 3 013 1,651 2 036 192 5 2 1 2 513 930 535 083 178 5 3 1 2 683 018 658 078 188 5 666 2 '996 1 617 2 063 '187 5 2 1 2 742 984 683 080 192 5 678 2 892 1,660 2 142 194 5 3 1 2 694 Oil 653 118 'l86 5 2 1 2 720 805 688 160 183 5 2 1 2 893 831 618 165 124 5 794 2,803 1,794 2 150 188 5 860 2,581 1,690 2 190 189 6 053 2,996 1,640 2 238 199 68 630 34,838 19,896 25,496 2,196 By credit type: 3 477 2,211 1 292 920 ., . 701 531 34 3 442 2,205 1 323 883 681 523 32 3 532 2,237 1 313 923 699 562 34 3 517 2 '264 1 333 '932 665 552 35 3 601 2,289 1 355 934 718 559 35 3 591 2,248 1 305 *942 714 595 35 3 625 2,221 1 311 910 812 558 35 3 582 2,254 1 345 909 733 562 33 3 699 2,286 1 337 949 772 606 35 3 559 2,223 1 308 915 715 585 35 3 519 2,199 I 304 896 705 582 32 3,776 2,308 1 381 927 813 622 33 42,883 26,915 15 886 11,029 8,730 6,830 408 Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies 229 95 229 101 233 181 241 85 246 112 246 107 232 110 232 88 239 88 240 80 245 115 244 73 2,854 1 245 Home improvement total Commercial banks 327 186 302 175 306 175 316 180 314 181 320 179 316 177 312 174 282 204 316 181 319 181 351 187 3 767 2,178 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 1 125 287 1 204 283 1 258 273 1 246 289 1 267 295 1 259 297 1 309 301 1 319 317 1 385 338 1 377 343 1 419 363 1 531 317 15 655 3,684 All other total Comrn. banks, total Personal loans . Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others 6 803 1 414 999 2,191 1,411 1 093 2,036 69 6 677 1 416 1 020 2,123 1,389 988 2,083 67 6 842 1 507 1 043 2,113 1,389 1 071 2,078 73 6 835 1 446 1 023 2,216 1,427 1 038 2,063 72 6 844 1 462 1 043 2,131 1,402 1 097 2,080 74 6 745 1 449 1 030 2,041 1,370 1 039 2,142 74 6 768 I 455 1 024 2,057 1,370 1 068 2,118 71 6 706 1 424 1 021 1 ,947 1,312 1 102 2,160 72 6 599 I 440 1 024 1,934 1,310 984 2,165 76 6 814 1,430 1 008 1,981 1,395 1 181 2,150 72 6 530 1,452 1 033 1,730 1,205 1 083 2,190 74 6 835 1,467 1 023 2,073 1,263 993 2,238 65 80,969 17,345 12 278 24,513 16,212 12,755 25,496 860 Automobile total. . . Commercial banks Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others ... 1975 TOTAL 12 581 12 621 12 860 12 820 13 325 12 738 12 803 13 211 13 201 13 429 13,255 13,738 156 640 By holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions 1 Retailers ........ . . Others 2 5 2 1 2 875 656 663 203 'l84 5 2 1 2 962 632 661 182 184 6 2 1 2 131 654 609 279 187 6 014 2*648 1 763 2 '204 192 6 3 1 2 067 117 720 229 192 6 2 1 2 079 536 628 301 195 6 2 1 2 035 566 782 222 199 6 2 1 2 290 651 764 298 207 6 2 1 2 341 654 728 271 207 6 2 1 2 362 649 932 273 211 6 2 1 2 524 586 725 218 203 6,632 2 682 1,910 2 306 207 74 280 32 099 20,913 26 980 2 368 3 2 1 1 869 366 335 032 '746 719 38 3 2 1 1 860 333 308 025 '731 756 39 3 2 1 1 835 360 323 037 643 794 38 3 883 2 376 1,422 955 779 691 37 45 472 27 798 16,101 11 697 8,777 8 463 434 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased Direct. Finance companies Credit unions Others 3 622 2 244 1 341 903 733 611 34 3 657 2 241 1 334 907 744 640 32 3 873 2 380 1 403 976 764 696 33 3 748 2*266 1 318 '948 769 677 36 3 777 2 293 1 326 966 757 692 35 3 727 2 '293 1 323 '970 684 713 37 3 719 2 243 1 269 '974 712 725 38 3 884 2 399 1*395 1 004 '692 755 39 Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies 233 75 244 69 240 67 239 66 246 70 240 72 247 67 242 75 241 65 259 70 255 67 261 83 2,949 844 Home improvement, total. . . Commercial banks 368 194 334 194 349 204 347 203 341 200 359 202 321 197 328 202 334 203 356 220 '134 210 353 222 4 150 2,451 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 1 438 334 1 483 334 1 515 335 1 527 '331 1 529 *343 1 555 '330 1 591 319 1 634 327 1 670 320 1 696 324 1 762 336 1 832 386 19 208 4 010 All other, total Comm. banks, total Personal loans . . . . Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others 6,511 1 431 1 014 I 784 1 252 1 025 2 203 68 6 1 I 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 6 564 I 448 1 *026 1 784 1 284 1*056 2 204 71 7 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 I I 6 539 *439 005 779 422 025 2 222 74 6 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 6 940 1 555 1 063 1 814 1 454 1 187 2*306 77 80 17 12 22 16 12 26 499 465 034 788 321 997 2 182 68 481 459 045 793 246 883 2 279 67 019 457 030 263 293 999 2 229 72 456 458 027 739 358 885 2 301 73 721 486 050 879 549 981 2 298 78 702 541 075 836 469 978 2 271 76 864 531 057 842 470 142 273 75 667 601 105 872 490 901 2 218 76 007 864 528 199 616 092 980 872 176 Annual Statistical Digest 54, Net change in instalment credit In millions of dollars Item Jan. Feb. Man May Apr. June July 6 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year e 1970 TOTAL 499 490 258 321 346 440 530 453 534 195 -16 421 4,790 274 42 76 81 26 219 135 72 13 50 164 -12 77 29 164 -17 68 77 29 221 -11 82 43 31 236 459 -273 114 107 123 226 99 74 56 -2 247 101 106 74 6 143 -76 46 53 29 60 -65 46 -92 34 259 = 127 70 162 56 2,845 -205 958 816 376 =-11 -7 -14 7 = 15 13 -2 -26 -18 -25 7 -32 15 8 -35 = 50 =42 -8 12 13 -10 = 103 196 253 -57 -332 28 5 121 15 -14 29 101 11 -5 96 9 -21 31 89 17 -19 -82 -41 -52 U =37 1 -5 -218 -133 -101 -33 =75 -10 ,,,202 -67 =69 2 -136 3 -=2 -468 -119 =215 96 -492 172 = 29 22 -5 26 -1 169 21 298 96 6 55 -6 67 81 -1 By holder : Commercial banks Finance companies. Credit unions Retailers * Others 2 =3 106 80 21 By credit type: Automobile total . Commercial banks Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others , -67 -67 -40 -30 -43 -35 -76 9 -31 1 -50 15 -7 19 -12 -30 20 -34 30 -3 31 23 27 8 5 0 133 25 2 25 2 30 30 1 48 10 23 6 41 14 39 10 40 IS 57 17 395 74 117 16 103 16 76 19 72 18 96 18 89 25 88 24 91 22 78 25 69 21 43 23 1,153 255 357 105 12 168 80 57 13 15 150 93 5 -22 29 62 29 -12 26S 134 29 -10 16 266 159 32 0 -21 339 157 34 33 56 55 77 57 43 69 80 441 139 78 39 -11 82 107 74 174 93 77 -18 -3 58 56 -15 256 110 89 -10 27 85 74 —3 127 70 35 -45 8 45 53 67 85 67 11 14 55 —92 7 500 243 98 17 30 65 162 13 3,321 1,481 581 190 231 766 816 68 Mobile homes: Commercial banks 34 Finance companies Home improvement, total Commercial banks Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank cheek credit . . . . . All other total . . . Comm banks total Personal loans Finance COSM total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others . . 12 7 1971 153 506 620 710 567 529 684 873 1,071 964 1,219 1,064 9,299 302 —20 73 -224 22 367 -23 95 65 2 434 29 150 —5 12 463 — 12 484 — 12 359 -6 513 129 176 32 23 621 83 200 124 44 583 179 147 24 30 751 159 236 88 -15 731 178 160 --16 11 6,210 905 1,784 243 157 92 44 -6 49 10 18 21 195 153 32 122 14 23 4 227 126 29 97 41 58 2 273 187 76 112 17 1 0 -3 Home improvement, total . . . . . . . . Commercial banks -1 10 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit TOTAL . ... By holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers * Others 2 — 11 —1 -14 31 411 143 109 44 -23 27 217 189 76 113 3 32 -7 211 149 42 107 23 42 —3 292 170 65 105 89 41 -8 312 221 107 114 22 64 5 378 257 139 118 47 67 ! 7 i 377 279 124 154 45 55 =2 525 374 171 203 69 78 4 347 280 129 150 4 __.69« 3,476 2,447 990 1,456 390 613 26 8 1 -1 S 122 14 j 109 11 122 7 119 13 j 128 13 144 22 784 92 6 7 10 5 6 5 15 13 36 18 21 16 26 14 31 15 26 15 16 18 32 16 231 160 44 -2 47 8 68 5 80 87 10 3 62 14 47 15 53 14 49 15 18 9 29 18 ! 36 15 699 126 21 206 60 —24 24 60 -224 3 253 151 29 -31 8 71 65 —3 301 230 79 -16 35 88 -5 4 340 182 45 -19 15 245 192 42 _7 18 83 -11 •=11 173 40 55 46 63 65 44 -23 348 102 83 101 102 103 32 10 469 162 93 34 14 126 124 24 403 143 ' 79 j 126 [ 98 89 24 21 490 ! 184 ! 115 1 70 54 200 117 -12 -29 31 94 t 19 468 240 122 153 126 87 = 16 4 3,892 1,995 784 482 667 1,128 243 44 107 54 97 120 146 By credit type: Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others . . . . Mobile homes: Commercial banks 3 Finance companies AH other, total Comm, banks total Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others 42 54 m\ m 152 | 88 -14 Annual Statistical Digest 177 54. Net change in instalment credit—Continued In millions of dollars Item Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year 1972 TOTAL 1 176 1 068 1 389 1 226 1 251 1 270 1 052 1 318 1 241 1 291 1,531 1,882 15,559 622 237 117 25 175 670 166 183 -8 56 722 285 210 104 68 794 285 105 69 —26 762 245 214 22 8 808 250 197 —7 22 732 204 122 31 —38 767 193 238 84 36 728 184 135 125 69 846 209 158 95 -16 861 290 239 166 -25 1 110 432 197 97 46 9,263 2,978 2 143 838 337 Automobile, total Commercial banks Purchased Direct . . . . Finance companies Credit unions Others 430 250 145 105 101 55 25 406 282 159 123 38 71 16 429 295 167 129 53 78 3 451 345 183 162 54 54 —3 470 327 185 142 59 78 7 478 364 217 147 50 73 — 10 402 330 212 118 36 48 — 12 488 333 211 122 63 87 5 370 288 202 87 25 42 14 436 369 215 153 27 58 -17 529 411 249 162 38 79 1 769 554 328 226 126 78 11 5 561 4,053 2 415 1 638 667 819 22 Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies 146 20 133 22 131 32 147 24 143 27 149 23 145 31 162 30 148 36 147 36 149 31 185 28 1,773 358 Home improvement, total Commercial banks ... 57 29 51 37 64 39 62 48 48 31 88 38 26 10 78 38 65 30 57 33 32 23 59 23 676 370 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 7 17 45 16 103 14 96 27 90 33 78 29 86 32 73 26 88 24 72 34 69 30 87 32 918 314 498 173 119 115 104 66 25 120 394 156 119 112 104 110 —8 23 616 140 102 205 162 126 104 41 419 131 112 206 168 46 69 — 32 440 139 111 161 96 126 22 g 426 150 128 156 90 113 —1 14 330 130 105 128 60 71 31 — 30 462 135 88 91 63 140 84 12 510 150 94 114 103 125 33 510 193 128 136 75. 96 95 —9 690 179 109 210 148 154 166 =20 722 229 113 262 197 114 97 21 5,959 1,835 1,316 1 877 1,356 1,260 838 149 By holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions 1 Retailers .,„ Others 2 .. By credit type: All other, total . Comm. banks total Personal loans Finance cos total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers Others ... oo 1973 TOTAL . 1 887 2 090 1 992 1 533 1 689 1 637 1 899 1 500 1 415 1 765 1 343 906 19 676 1 097 301 240 339 —91 1 163 407 266 181 72 1 082 373 269 69 199 977 336 162 122 — 65 961 372 255 100 1 854 327 212 175 68 956 334 253 173 184 927 331 265 37 —60 776 353 238 —6 53 832 401 188 283 61 787 277 226 67 — 14 502 199 1 13 72 20 11 4 2 1 659 536 330 206 49 107 — 34 755 527 343 183 103 109 16 710 448 247 201 136 102 25 553 431 281 149 72 66 — 16 600 393 231 162 108 95 4 435 297 216 81 66 72 503 329 191 138 64 107 4 461 341 203 138 34 95 —9 426 275 208 68 62 81 7 415 287 201 85 51 70 7 314 210 151 59 33 74 —2 52 73 49 24 -62 43 -3 5 968 4 197 2,675 1 523 740 1 024 7 153 —1 181 41 174 34 168 46 176 38 112 46 190 32 169 37 161 30 173 32 156 40 104 85 1,933 444 Home improvement, total Commercial banks 47 47 87 40 108 51 74 38 69 33 92 36 116 39 92 41 83 32 90 38 94 49 88 44 1,033 482 Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit 93 41 142 37 111 32 102 24 95 36 136 45 126 41 140 39 103 -46 132 56 140 47 86 39 1,430 478 895 226 122 241 145 135 339 —46 848 237 163 247 162 153 181 31 823 266 149 207 110 159 69 122 566 215 130 192 110 89 122 — 53 674 228 152 208 154 149 100 11 770 228 139 195 123 127 175 44 891 231 128 211 139 138 173 138 562 197 107 227 139 157 37 — 55 567 159 84 236 156 150 —6 27 868 146 83 295 247 114 283 29 551 186 123 172 136 146 67 — 20 451 155 104 154 120 68 72 3 8 389 2,480 1,492 2 564 1,746 1,591 1 632 122 By holder: Commercial banks Finance companies . . . . . . . Credit unions l Retailers Others 2 . . . . . 001 006 696 632 341 By credit type: . Automobile, total Commercial banks . . Purchased Direct. Finance companies . . . Credit unions Others Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies . All other, total Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers . . . . Others f 178 Annual Statistical Digest 54. Net change in instalment credit—Continued In millions of dollars Jan. Item Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oet. Nov. Dee. Year 1974 1,005 1 096 708 1 018 1,140 1 082 1,111 1,293 756 213 =409 =409 8,952 547 309 164 65 -80 488 176 113 270 50 397 105 114 52 40 464 193 124 95 143 434 205 209 222 71 612 171 230 94 —24 602 0 318 125 66 552 121 371 185 64 331 -20 358 93 -6 72 = 144 178 90 16 =270 •-192 93 51 -91 -518 -95 185 126 = 107 3,975 806 2,507 1,538 126 186 42 29 13 88 70 -14 27 25 2 23 -61 51 12 60 33 52 -19 -26 45 8 95 31 40 -9 21 46 -3 81 2 7 —4 -3 78 3 174 102 58 I 44 2 79 ~8 163 87 49 38 -52 129 -1 290 103 35 69 40 137 10 91 -16 -67 51 -2 113 -3 -173 =251 = 139 = 112 9 70 =1 =357 -460 = 353 -420 - 198 =254 -155 = 166 =97 =28 74 37 = 17 -13 327 ^508 =310 = 198 = 100 958 =23 114 31 125 36 106 -48 95 47 61 33 63 21 52 16 33 25 24 17 10 18 ~4 = 28 = 30 . .. 7 632 168 Home improvement, total. . Commercial banks 8 22 80 41 78 44 94 53 117 61 82 57 99 65 95 68 41 39 58 57 35 55 -15 31 804 611 197 17 101 27 60 43 80 31 126 28 170 33 180 69 192 60 154 58 147 63 64 38 -105 60 1,443 543 452 156 103 178 138 99 65 -46 701 169 88 183 109 62 270 17 410 111 91 169 99 66 52 12 576 174 102 124 109 74 9S 109 540 187 139 150 100 138 94 -29 532 149 116 48 40 179 125 32 598 96 78 77 63 216 185 25 371 72 73 -13 7 234 93 -16 90 47 39 = 155 = 139 105 90 4 = 158 -71 =23 = 117 =69 53 51 -74 134 =54 =7 21 =41 106 126 =65 5,036 1,255 898 803 479 1,473 1,538 = 33 TOTAL By holder: Commercial banks Finance companies Credit unions Retailers 1, . . . . Others 2 By credit type: Automobile total Commercial banks. Purchased. . . , , . , Direct Finance companies Credit unions Others Mobile homes: Commercial banks Finance companies. ... Revolving credit: Bank credit card . . . Bank check credit All other total Comm. banks, total Personal loans Finance cos. total Personal loans Credit unions . Retailers Others . .. ... 695 156 85 168 \ 122 119 222 30 1975 TOTAL -146 317 -266 17 — 302 448 1 286 838 993 1,181 1,324 1,490 6,843 -108 -217 196 -53 36 151 -15 278 -97 0 —274 -188 135 -61 122 -86 -99 198 —1 5 — 100 —352 126 —2 26 117 96 273 -102 65 406 510 316 — 14 68 359 56 291 181 —49 535 94 428 — 107 43 599 97 255 258 -27 616 287 270 84 67 753 188 470 125 =46 2,851 483 3,238 69 202 -178 -242 -165 —77 =32 102 -7 345 95 31 64 122 120 9 —237 -276 —217 — 60 —42 52 30 — 136 -163 — 146 — 17 —34 75 — 15 —78 -134 — 135 1 —4 39 21 13S -33 —58 25 86 76 9 386 151 51 101 113 122 o 259 62 -56 118 119 86 -8 494 273 126 147 97 122 2 606 t 302 95 207 : 208 91 4 759 453 162 292 117 184 5 2 631 535 -340 875 821 I 239 36 I -2 —27 -16 — 28 -4 —22 -3 —32 -10 —24 -7 —35 -14 = 11 —3 —34 "i 9 14 — 17 = 14 -268 -73 — 34 17 —2 21 5 4 — 11 8 — 27 -8 9 19 14 23 50 29 43 25 48 29 28 24 i 74 41 67 46 248 271 147 =4 86 -11 70 -21 100 -10 71 -30 123 -29 94 16 110 14 135 20 85 28 80 6 10 1 220 14 -76 -27 3 -129 -35 98 -53 35 -59 -12 -12 -98 -47 154 -97 -6 -52 -23 -32 -127 9 79 —61 80 98 1 8 -41 113 118 -239 1 -1 -320 -103 79 —2 3 244 64 41 56 122 181 — 102 45 770 140 98 401 458 185 — 14 58 i 460 183 118 -47 -47 189 181 -46 343 178 122 -1 26 260 -107 13 586 222 183 7 32 127 258 =27 | 536 179 121 65 91 173 84 35 : 678 254 238 88 95 274 125 =63 3,072 1,080 858 ^-64 717 1,900 69 87 By holder: Commercial banks . . . Finance companies Credit unions . . . Retailers * , Others s . . . B y credit type: . . . . Automobile, total . . . . Commercial banks Purchased Direct Finance companies. . . . Credit unions Others Mobile homes: Commercial banks. Finance companies Home improvement, total . Commercial banks Revolving credit: Bank credit card Bank check credit All other, total Comm. banks, total . Personal loans Finance cos., total Personal loans Credit unions Retailers . Others , . . 22 461 184 49 135 99 154 ! 23 Annual Statistical Digest 179 55. Finance rates on selected types of instalment credit Per cent per annum Commercial banks Month New automobiles (36 mos.) Mobile homes (84 mos.) Other consumer goods (24 mos.) Finance companies Personal loans (12 mos.) Creditcard plans 1971—June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec, Automobiles New Used 12.13 12.10 12.11 12.10 12.06 12.06 12.11 16.62 16.69 16.78 16.77 16.08 16.16 16.26 Mobile homes Other consumer goods Personal loans 12.61 19.85 21.10 12.32 19.37 21.12 12.28 19.44 21 . 14 12.45 i9.is 20.94 12.43 18.90 21.15 20.89 1972— Jan Feb. Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 10.26 10.20 10.12 10.00 9.96 9.98 9.97 10.02 10.02 10.01 10.02 10.01 10.94 10.88 10.61 10.45 10.73 10.49 10.77 10.71 10.67 10.66 10.85 10.69 12.57 12.50 12.43 12.37 12.44 12.38 12.39 12.47 12.47 12.38 12.44 12.55 12.74 12.72 12.60 12.58 12.63 12.65 12.73 12.72 12.70 12.70 12.63 12.77 17.11 17.13 17.20 17.22 17.24 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.25 17.23 17.23 17.24 12.07 11.99 11.92 11.87 11.86 11.85 11.84 11.85 11.88 11.86 11.89 11.92 16.17 16.27 16.32 16.40 16.47 16.52 16.57 16.62 16.71 16.67 16.78 16.87 1973— Jan. Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 10.01 10.05 10.04 10.04 10.05 10.08 10.10 10.25 10.44 10.53 10.49 10.49 10.54 10.76 10.67 10.64 10.84 10.57 10.84 10.95 11.06 10.98 11.19 11.07 12.46 12.51 12.48 12.50 12.48 12.57 12.51 12.66 12.67 12.80 1-2.75 12.86 12.65 12.76 12.71 12.74 12.78 12.78 12.75 12.84 12.96 13.02 12.94 13.12 17.13 17.16 17.19 17.19 17.22 17.24 17.21 17.22 17.23 17.23 17.23 17.24 11.89 11.86 11.85 11.88 11.91 11.94 12.02 12.13 12.28 12.34 12.40 12.42 16.08 16.20 16.32 16.44 16.52 16.61 16.75 16.86 16.98 17.11 17.21 17.31 12.53 19.06 12.56 18.92 20,64 12.75 18.88 20.63 12.79 18.93 20.40 12.93 18.68 20,47 13.14 18.77 20.62 1974— Jan. Feb MaiApr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec 10.55 10.53 10.50 10.51 10.63 10.81 10.96 11.15 11.31 11.53 11.57 11.62 11.09 11.25 10.92 11.07 10.96 11.21 11.46 11.71 11.72 11.94 11.87 11.71 12.78 12.82 12.82 12.81 12.88 13.01 13.14 13.10 13.20 13.28 13.16 13.27 12.96 13.02 13.04 13.00 13.10 13.20 13.42 13.45 13.41 13.60 13.47 13.60 17.25 17.24 17.23 17.25 17.25 17.23 17.20 17.21 17.15 17.17 17.16 17.21 12.39 12.33 12.29 12.28 12.36 12.50 12.58 12.67 12.84 12.97 13.06 13.10 16.56 16.62 16.69 16.76 16.86 17.06 17.18 17.32 17.61 17.78 17.88 17.89 13.27 18.90 20.64 13.15 " 'l8;69'" "'ioisi'" 20.54 1975— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 11.61 11.51 1 1 . 46 11.44 11.39 11,26 11.30 11.31 11.33 11.24 11.24 11.25 11.66 12.14 11.66 11.78 11.57 12.02 11.94 11.80 11.99 12.05 11.76 11.83 13.28 13.20 13.07 13.22 13.11 13.10 13.13 13.05 13.06 13.00 12.96 13,11 13.60 13.44 13.40 13.55 13.41 13.40 13.49 13.37 13.41 13.38 13.40 13.46 17.12 17.24 17.15 17.17 17.21 17.10 17.15 17.14 17.14 17.11 17.06 17.13 13.08 13.07 13.07 13.07 13.09 13.12 13.09 13.10 13.18 13.15 13.17 13.19 17.27 17.39 17.52 17.58 17.65 17.67 17.69 17.70 17.73 17.79 17.82 17.86 13.08 18.90 ""i3;22"' 19.25 20,74 13.43 '"i^si"' " '26!87'" 13,60 " 'l9!49" 21.11 13.60 19.80 21,09 13.59 20.00 20.82 13.57 19.63 20.72 13.78 19.87 20.93 13.78 19.69 21,16 13.43 19.66 21.09 180 Annual Statistical Digest 56. Flow of funds accounts A. Summary of funds raised in U.S. credit markets In billions of dollars; half-year data at seasonally adjusted annual rates, N.B. Major revisions in data for the flow of funds accounts will be published later in Flow of Funds Accounts, 1945-1975. Availability of that publication will be announced in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. 1966 Transaction category, or sector 1967 1969 1968 1970 1971 1972 1973 1975 1975 1974 HI H2 Credit market funds raised by nonfinandal sectors 1 Total funds raised by nonfinancial sectors 2 Kxchtfling equities 3 U.S. Government 4 Public debt securities 5 Agency issues and mortgages 6 All other nonfinancia] sectors 7 Corporate equities 8 Debt instruments 9 Private domestic norijin<tnci<il sectors 10 Corporate equities 11 Debt instruments 12 Debt capital instruments 13 State and local obligations 14 Corporate bortds 15 Home mortgages 16 Muttifamily residential mortgages 17 Commercial mortgages. .... 18 Farm mortgages 19 Other debt instruments 20 Consumer credit 21 Bank loans n.e.c. 22 Open market paper 23 Other 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ... By borrowing sector State and local governments Households Farm Nonf arm noncorporate. Corporate Foreign Corporate equities Debt instruments. . Bonds Bank loans n.e.c. Open market paper U.S. Government loans. . 37 Memo: U.S. Govt. cash balance Totals net of changes in U.S. Govt. cash balances: 38 Total funds raised 39 By U.S. Government 82.4 80.0 96.0 96.0 3,6 2.3 1.3 13.0 8.9 4,1 13.4 -3.7 10.4 -1.3 3.1 -2.4 12.8 12.9 -.1 25.5 26.0 -.5 17.3 13.9 3.4 9.1 7.7 2.0 12.0 12.0 64.3 1.0 63.3 62.7 1.3 61.5 38.2 5.6 10.2 77.7 3.1 5.7 1.8 23.3 6.4 10.9 1.1 5.0 69.4 2.4 67.0 64.5 2.4 63.0 44.5 7.8 14.7 77.5 3.6 4.7 2.3 18.5 4.5 9.8 1.7 2.6 82.6 * 82.6 79.7 -.2 79.9 49.5 9.5 12.9 75.7 3.4 6.4 2.2 30.4 10.0 13.6 1.8 5.0 95.5 3.9 91.6 91.8 3.4 88.4 49.6 9.9 12.0 75.7 4.1 5.3 1.9 38.8 10.4 15,5 3.0 9.9 85.4 5.8 79.7 82.7 5.7 77.0 56.7 11.2 19.8 12. 8 5.B 5.3 l.H 20.3 6,0 6.7 3.0 4.6 121.9 11.5 770.4 117.3 11.4 105.8 83.2 17.6 18,8 26.1 8.8 10.0 2.0 22.6 11.2 7.8 -1.2 4.8 152.1 10.5 747.6 147.8 10.9 136.9 93.8 14.4 12.2 39.6 10.3 14.8 2.6 43.0 19.2 18.9 -.5 5.5 177.2 7.2 770.4 170.1 7.4 762.7 96.1 13.7 9.2 43.3 S.4 17.0 4.4 66.6 22.9 35.8 — 4 168.1 3.8 764.2 152.7 4,1 74^.6 92.9 17.4 19,7 31.7 7.8 11.5 4.9 55,6 9.6 27.3 6.6 12.1 62.7 6.3 22.7 3.1 5.4 25.3 65.4 7.9 19.3 3.6 5.0 29.6 79.7 9.8 30.0 2.8 5,6 31.6 91.8 10.7 31.7 3.2 7.4 38.9 82.7 117.3 147.8 170.1 152.7 106.3 11.3 17.8 14.2 12.3 16.6 13.2 23.4 39.8 63.1 72.8 44.0 45.2 9.2 8.6 4.1 4.9 7.8 3.2 2.9 9.3 7.2 8.7 10.4 5.3 39.5 46.8 55.3 67.2 77.1 35.8 1.5 -.3 1.8 .7 -.2 1 1.3 4.0 .1 4.0 1.2 -.3 5 2.6 2.8 .2 2.7 1.1 -.5 2 2.2 3.7 .5 3.2 1.0 -.2 3 2.1 9.7 .1 2.7 .9 = .3 8 1.3 -.4 68.3 4.0 1.2 -1.1 81.3 11.8 97.1 14.6 91.8 87.9 98.2 147.4 169.4 187.4 180.1 204.6 186.7 222.2 92.4 135.9 158.9 180.1 176.2 194.6 176.2 212. 8 67.9 66.9 .4 91.4 -4.1 2.8 4.3 4.6 * -.4 4.7 4.6 .9 1.0 2,9 1.6 3 -1 0 1.8 1.8 3.2 si 7.5 -.2 7.7 1.0 2.8 2.2 1.7 -.3 -1.7 85. 2 84.1 85.8 85.4 = .6 -1.2 86.3 86.4 -.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 119.4 102.6 135.9 9.4 7 9.9 10.5 109.4 92.1 726.5 8 106.3 93.0 119.4 9 9.5 10 9.9 10.3 96.4 B2J 109.9 11 97.8 101.7 93.8 12 15.4 17.1 13.8 13 27.2, 35.3 19.1 14 36.1 31.2 47.0 15 2.4 1.9 16 2.9 9.4 12.6 17 11.0 5.B 5.4 18 5.6 -l.3l -19.1 16.1 19 12.0 20 5.3 =2.5 21 -11.3 -2.5 22 -2.0 4!2 9.2 23 6.7 -]}:] 93.0 119.4 24 14.8 11.6 25 36.2 54.1 26 8.2 10.2 27 5.4 28 33.*6 38.1 29 13.0 . 9.5 6.3 5.9 1.4 4.0 -.1 -1.2 3.4 2.8 16.4 -1. 76.6 6.7 6.6 1.0 2.3 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2.7 3.1 37 15.4 -.3 75.7 2,2 4.7 7.1 1.7 13.0 -4.6 2.9 ! 9.6 95.5 144.2 169.7 189.0 184.7 201.7 184.0 219.1 38 10.0 22.3 17.6 11.4 16,6 82.3 81.4 83.2 39 Credit market funds raised by financial sectors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total funds raised by financial sectors Sponsored credit agencies. U.S. Government securities Loans from U.S. Government Private financial sectors Corporate equities Debt instruments Corporate bonds Mortgages Bank loans n.e.c Open market paper and RP's, ... Loans from FHLB's 1 3 Total funds raised, by sector 14 Sponsored credit agencies 15 Private financial sectors 16 Commercial banks 17 Bank affiliates. 18 Foreign banking agencies 19 Savings and loan associations 20 Other insurance companies 21 Finance companies 22 REIT's 23 Open end investment companies .. . . . 2.0 11.7 4.8 -.6 5.1 = .6 — 2 —.1 2.6 6.9 3.0 3.7 3.2 -.4 1.3 .9 1.0 -.9 -1.0 -2.0 1.9 3.3 .9 -2.5 18.3 3.5 3.2 .2 14.9 6.4 5.5 1.1 .4 2.5 3.6 .9 33.7 12.6 16.5 8.2 8.8 3.8 8,2 3.8 9.1 -.3 4.3 i2.7 24.9 3.3 4.6 6.1 9.3 13.8 -.J 5.1 3.1 1.5 2.1 .7 .2 3.0 2.3 -.5 10.7 -5.0 1.8 4.0 1.3 -2.7 2.0 -.6 2.6 .1 * .1 .1 — 1.7 18.3 3.5 14.9 1 2 33.7 12.6 8.2 8.8 4.3 24.9 1.4 -3.1 4.2 -1.9 .1 .2 4.1 1.8 5 .4 1.6 S'.3 1.3 2.7 4.8 2.6 11.7 4.8 6.9 -.t .... sii 1.2 3.7 3.0 '.1 5.7 .7 5.8 16.5 3.8 12.7 2.5 -.4 1.6 -.1 .6 4.2 3.0 1.1 28.9 6.2 6.2 52.0 19.6 19.6 38.0 22,1 21.4 22.8 32.4 1S> 2.4 1.7 .8 20.3 31.6 74,2 2.3 7.0 1.4 1.7 -1.2 = 1.3 7.5 6.S 13.5 9.8 -.1 4.9 * 7.2 6.7 28.9 6.2 22.8 4.0 .7 .8 2.0 .5 9.3 6,1 52.0 38.0 19,6 22,1 32.4 15.9 4.5 -1.9 2,2 2.4 5.1 2.9 6 6.3 .4 3.9 1.0 -1.6 1.0 :1 !:S 12.1 11.0 10.2 .9 1.1 1.8 -.7 3.1 2.3 -5.3 3.1 -4.0! 12.1 11. 0 1 4.9 19.3 9,1 13.0 2 8.0 12,3 3 .6 4 1.1 6.3 5 -4.2 1.5 6 2.1 -6.3 4.S 7 3.0 3.3 S 2.0 2.6 9 -7.9 -2.7 10 4.6 1.5 11 -8.1 .2 12 19.3 13.0 6.3 2.1 -.3 .2 3.8 .7 .8 -2.1 -1.8 -1.4 2.7 .5 4.9 9.1 -4.2 4.6 3^3 .3 .9 -.3 -.9 -8.0 ~-:i -!:! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Annual Statistical Digest 181 56. Flow of funds accounts—Continued A. Summary of funds raised in U.S. credit markets—Continued In billions of dollars; half-year data at seasonally adjusted annual rates. N.B. Major revisions in data for the flow of funds accounts will be published later in Flow of Funds Accounts, 1945-1975. Availability of that publication will be announced in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. 1975 1966 Transaction category, or sector 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1975 1975 H2 HI Total credit market funds raised, all sectors, by type 1 Total funds raised 2 Investment company shares 3 Other corpoarate equities . . 4 Debt instruments 5 U.S. Government securities 6 State and local obligations. . 7 Corporate and foreign bonds 8 Mortgages. . . 9 Consumer credit 10 Bank loans n.e.c. . . . 11 Open market paper and RP's. . 12 Other loans .... 79.6 3.7 1.1 74.9 8.8 5.6 11.8 21.3 6.4 9.7 4.4 6.9 84.4 114.3 125.5 110.8 163.9 198.3 239.4 218.1 216.6 3.0 5.8 2.6 1.6 4.8 1.0 1.1 -.7 -1.6 2.5 7.7 13.6 13.6 .6 5.2 4.6 10.1 9.6 79.0 ;07.9 115.5 100.4 149.1 185.4 231.3 212.5 204.9 12.5 16.7 5.5 21.1 29.4 23.6 29.4 33.5 95.4 9.5 9.9 11.2 17.6 14.4 13.7 17.4 15.4 7.8 17.2 15.0 14.5 23.8 24.8 20.2 12.5 23.3 36.7 23.0 27.4 27.8 26.4 48.9 68.8 71.9 54.5 57.3 4.5 10.0 10.4 5.3 9.6 6.0 11.2 19.2 22.9 7.5 15.7 17.6 5,8 12.4 28.5 52.1 39.5 -12.6 .9 5.2 14.1 -1.2 .9 4,0 3.3 11.6 13,6 6.4 4.0 2.5 7.3 8.3 15,8 7.4 17.2 21,1 191.6 241 . 5 1 2.7 .5 2 3 9,8 10.4 179.0 230.6 4 92.0 98.9 5 17.1 13.8 6 44.2 29.1 7 51.4 63.2 8 9 -1.5 12.0 1.3 10 -26.7 1.9 * 11 .6 12.2 12 B. Direct and indirect sources of funds to credit markets In billions of dollars; half-year data at seasonally adjusted annual rates. N.B. Major revisions in data for the flow of funds accounts will be published later in Flow of Funds Accounts, 1945-1975. Availability of that publication will be announced in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. 1975 1967 1975 1971 1972 1973 1974 88.0 92.5 135.9 158.9 180.1 176.2 194.6 15.7 .7 4.6 4 0 6.3 28.1 41.7 15.9 33.8 5.7 5.7 I 3 —2 7 4.9 5.2 18.3 8.4 5.2 # 4 6 33.2 11.0 7.6 7 2 7.5 49.2 39.2 41.6 8.6 18.5 28.3 13.8 16.1 15.1 —8 1 6 7 -4.0 8.5 6.3 20.1 4.9 3,2 3.7 .3 3.5 2 9 8.9 4 2 -.3 8.8 2.8 10.0 5.0 10.3 8.2 3 2 3.2 8 9 26.4 3.8 2 6 7.0 3 8.4 6.2 3.0 20.3 9.2 .7 19.6 7.4 24.1 6 2 11.6 22.1 59.8 68.1 5.7 5,4 5.6 7.8 10 3 16.0 12 0 13 0 27.4 23.1 .9 -2.5 87.2 13.3 9.5 13.8 15 5 35.9 .9 81.1 4.8 9.9 12.5 15 7 42.2 4 0 72.6 98.1 146.7 166.5 149.1 166.4 143.7 189.0 5.2 -4.4 15.2 18.4 24,9 76.9 63.7 90.2 11.2 17.6 14 4 13.7 17 4 15.4 17 1 13 8 20.0 19 5 13 2 10.1 20 6 33.1 41 1 25 1 12 8 29 1 44 6 44 1 25 6 72 3 19 1 25 5 34 7 24.6 33.7 59.5 87.4 67.4 14.8 -5.3 * 6 7 -4.0 7.2 1.3 -2 7 -8 1 2 45.4 17.5 7 9 15.5 4 5 63.5 35.9 15,0 12.9 -.3 75.3 38.7 15.6 14.0 7.0 55. 3 18.2 14 5 12.7 9.9 74,9 110.7 153.4 158.8 131.5 123.0 115.0 130.8 19 35.1 50.6 70 5 86.6 64.6 27.3 16,3 38 2 20 16.9 41 4 49 3 35 1 26 9 56 0 58 8 53 2 21 17.3 13.3 17.7 22.1 34.3 40.1 40.0 40.2 22 5.7 5.7 — .4 — .2 - 8 23 5.3 15 8 15.0 24 Sources of funds 25 Private domestic deposits. 26 Credit market borrowing 45.4 22 5 3.2 63.5 50.0 -.4 75. 3 45.9 8.5 55. 3 2.6 18.8 74.9 110.7 153.4 158.8 131.5 123.0 115.0 130.8 24 63.2 90.3 97 5 84.9 76,5 96.0 103.6 88 5 25 -.3 9.3 20.3 31.6 14.2 = .7 -6.3 4.8 26 27 28 29 30 31 19 8 3.7 -5 13.6 3.0 13.9 2.3 .2 12.0 -.6 21 0 2.6 — .2 11.4 7.2 34 0 12.0 11 0 9.3 -8.5 -3.2 * 2 2 2.9 10.8 13.1 9.1 4.4 13.8 2.9 Transaction category, or sector 1966 1 Total funds advanced in credit markets to nonfinancuil sectors 66.9 80.0 By public agencies and foreign 2 Total net advances .... 11.9 11.3 3 U.S. Government securities 3.4 6.8 2.1 4 Residential mortgages . . . 2 8 9 —2 5 5 FHLB advances to S&L's 6 Other loans and securities. , 4.9 4.8 By agency— 7 U.S. Government 49 4.6 5.1 -.1 8 Sponsored credit agencies 3 5 4.8 9 Monetary authorities. . 10 Foreign. „ . . . . 2.0 -1.6 11 Agency borrowing not included in line 1 4.8 -.6 Private domestic funds advanced 12 Total net advances 13 U.S. Government securities 14 State and local obligations 15 Corporate and foreign bonds 16 Residential mortgages 17 Other mortgages and loans, . . . 18 Less: FHLB advances. . 19 20 21 22 23 1968 1969 95.9 12.2 3.4 2.8 9 5.1 1970 13.3 12.6 8.5 4.7 11. 0 HI H2 176.2 212.8 36.8 8.8 17.2 2 10,7 1 2 3 4 5 6 12.7 13 9 7 11.1 14.1 8 7 0 10 1 9 10.8 -1.4 10 9.1 13.0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Private financial intermediation Credit market funds advanced by private financial institutions Commercial banks . . . Savings institutions Insurance and pension funds . . . Otherfinance.. . .... Other sources Foreign funds Treasury balances . . Insurance and pension reserves Other, net 35 5 42 4 40 8 27.7 17 7 37 5 6,5 13.6 -.4 -6.3 5.2 5 6 7 -1,0 — 5 1 -1.7 — 2 3 — 1 1 13.1 16.7 27.9 27.4 27.6 27.2 5 8 4 4 2.4 -1.3 16 5 20.2 27 28 29 30 31 182 Annual Statistical Digest 56. Flow of funds accounts—Continued B. Direct and indirect sources of funds to credit markets—Continued In billions of dollars; half-year data at seasonally adjusted annual rates. N.B. Major revisions in data for the flow of funds accounts will be published later in Flow of Funds Accounts, 1945 -1975. Availability of that publication will be announced in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. 1975 1966 Transaction category, or sector Private domestic nonjlnfinciat investors 32 Direct lending in credit markets 33 U.S. Government securities 34 State and local obligations. , , 35 Corporate and foreign bonds 36 Commercial paper 37 Other. . . . . 38 Deposits and currency 39 Time and saving accounts 40 Large negotiable CD's 41 Other at commercial banks 42 At savings institutions 43 44 45 ... , ... Money . . . Demand deposits Currency 4.2 17,6 8 4 -1.4 2.6 -2.5 2.0 4.6 2 3 1.9 2.3 li7 i 24 4 52. t 20.3 I 39.3 4.3 -.2 18.3 13.3 7.3 16.7 4,1 2.1 2 0 46 Total of credit market instr., deposits, and currency 42 0 47 48 49 17.9 75.9 2.1 Private support rate (in per cent) Private financial intermediation (in per cent) Total foreign funds. 1967 12,8 10,6 2.1 14.1 93.2 4.3 1968 20.4 8.1 4.'? 5.8 2.1 1969 44.5 17.0 8.7 6.6 10.2 2.0 1970 1971 = 2.6 -3.2 =9 0 — 14 0 .6 -1.2 9.3 10.7 =4.4 -.6 1.4 1.5 1972 1973 1974 1975 HI 13.7 1.6 2.1 5.2 4.0 .8 39.3 31.8 18.8 18.1 4.4 10.8 1.1 -1.7 11.3 1.6 2.9 3.8 t 42.7! 22.5 63.0 21.2 =4.8 47.1 5.9 8.3 10.6 6.5 9.0 11.5 2.1 =1.4 -4 4.8 3.8 2.9 48.3 5.4 33.9 =2.3 3.5 = 13.7 17.5 3.4 12.9 8.0: 66.6 56,1 15.0 24.2 16.9 93.7 101.9 81.0 85.2 8.7 7.7 32.9 30.6 40.4 45.9 88.8 76.3 18.5 29.5 28.2 82.8 102,2 110.9 71.9 88,7 91.1 23.6 -9.7 -22.3 26.6 39.0 44.5 21,8 59.4 68.9 14.5 12.1 2.4 7.7 4.8 2.8 10.5 7.1 3.5 12.7 9.3 3.4 16.7 12.3 4.4 12.6 8.6 3.9 10.8 4.5 6.3 68.7 49 9 64 1 90 5 115.7 12.7 86.4 2.9 17.8 30.4 30.7 11.5 68.3 103.1 112,8 104.5 9.1; 1.8' 23.2 13.6 I 128.1 114.5 18.4 95.4 7.2 27.9 88.2 25.1 H2 13.6 7,4 6.2 19,8 12,4 7.3 93.5 86.2 2.9 33.4 49.9 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 7.3 43 2.3 44 5.1 45 144.9 133.3 156.5 46 20.1 73. 9' 4.4 23.6, 80. 0! 4.5 17.3 47 69.2 48 4.2 49 11.7 1.6 12.5 2,7 9.8 10.4 2.2, 10.9 .5 10.4 6.5 4.4 Corporate equities not included above 1 Total net issues 2 Mutual fund shares . . ... 3 Other equities 4 Acquisitions by financial institutions 5 Other net purchases 5.5 4.8 6.4! 10.01 10.4 14.8 12.9 8.0 3.7 3.0 2.6 5.8 4.8 1.1 = .7 -1.6 2.5 .6 5.2 7.7 13.6 13.6 1.1 9,6 6.0 9.1 10.8 12.2 11.4 19.3' 16.0 13.4 -1.2 -3.6 -4.4 -2.2 = 1,0 =4.5 = 3.1 -5.4 5.6 6.\ = .5 10.1! 8.4 3.3 1 2 3 4 5 Annual Statistical Digest 183 57. Selected business indexes 1967 = 100, except as noted Industrial production Market Period Products Total Final Total Total Consumer goods InterEquip- mediate ment Materials Capacity Industry utilizaNonagtion Conriculin tural strucmatetion emrials conployindus- tracts ment—1 Manu- tries Total factur- (1967 output ing = 100) Prices 4 Manufacturing 2 Employment Payrolls Total retail sales 3 Consumer Wholesale commodity 1970 1971 1972 1973... 1974 1975 . 107.8 109.6 119.7 129.8 129.3 117.8 106.9 108.5 118.0 127.1 127.3 119.3 105.3 106.3 115 7 124.4 125.1 118.2 109.0 114.7 124 4 131.5 128.9 124.0 100.1 94,7 103.8 114.5 120.0 110.2 112.9 116.7 126.5 137.2 135.3 123.1 109.2 111.3 122.3 133.9 132.4 115.5 106.4 108.2 118.9 129.8 129.4 116.3 84.3 83.1 88.0 92.5 87.7 73.5 123.1 145.4 165.3 179.9 168,6 166.0 107.7 108.1 111.9 116.8 H9.1 116.9 98.0 94.1 97.5 103.2 102.1 91.4 114.1 116.7 131.5 149.2 157.1 151.0 119 130 142 160 171 186 116.3 121.2 125.3 133.1 147.7 161.2 110.4 113.9 119.1 134.7 160,1 174.9 1970— Dec 107.2 106,3 104.4 110.5 95.8 113.2 108.7 105.4 681.9 132.0 107.3 94.7 112.2 121 119.1 111.0 113.3 114.6 113.9 115.1 115.7 116.0 118.8 116.7 118.5 119.2 119.0 120.0 110.4 110.0 110.4 110.8 112.3 112.8 110.5 109.2 111.4 111.5 111.8 113.4 106.4 1 83.5 106.4 106.2 106.8 83.9 107.8 108.2 t 108.4 82.1 107.1 108.9 110.1 82.8 110.5 111.3 117,0 126,0 141,0 161.0 141.0 147.0 151.0 153.0 154.0 137.0 155.0 160.0 107.5 107.3 107.4 107.7 108.0 108.0 108.1 108.1 108.7 108.6 108.9 109.3 94.5 94.1 93.7 93.9 94.4 94.1 94.0 93.7 94.6 94.2 94.4 94.4 114.8 114.1 114.0 114.7 116.3 116.6 116.5 116.7 117.3 118.4 119.2 121.3 123 126 127 128 128 129 129 132 135 134 136 133 119.2 119.4 119.8 120.2 120.8 121.5 121.8 122.1 122.2 122.4 122,6 123.1 111.8 112.8 113,0 113.3 113,8 114.3 114.6 114.9 114.5 114.4 114.5 115.4 160.0 155.0 159.0 167.0 165.0 154.0 155.0 180.0 187.0 171.0 177.0 163.0 109.9 110.1 110.6 111,0 111.4 111.8 111.9 112.4 112.8 113.3 113.8 114.1 94.8 95.4 95.9 96.5 97.0 97.5 97.4 97.9 98.5 99.4 100.0 100.6 123.0 124.6 126.0 128.9 129.0 130.5 129.6 133.4 135.2 137.1 139.3 140.4 133 135 139 139 142 141 143 145 144 149 148 151 123.2 123.8 124,0 124.3 124.7 125.0 125.5 125.7 126.2 126.6 126.9 127.3 116.3 117.3 117.4 117.5 118.2 118,8 119.7 119.9 120.2 120.0 120.7 122.9 181 0 19UO 193.0 177.0 173.0 183.0 175.0 199.0 182.0 191.0 194.0 161.0 114 7 115.6 114.4 116.3 116.7 116.8 117.2 117.5 117.9 118.4 118.5 101 3 102! 1 102.5 102.8 102.9 103.2 103.1 103.3 103.3 104.0 104.4 104.6 142 4 144^2 145.1 147.5 146.8 148.0 149.7 150.3 151.9 153.4 154.7 155.5 156 158 160 157 159 157 163 162 163 164 164 161 127 7 128.6 129.8 130.7 131.5 132.4 132.7 135.1 135.5 136.6 137.6 138,5 124.5 126.9 129.8 130.5 133.2 136.0 134.3 142.1 139.7 138.7 139.2 141.8 108.1 1971—Jan 108.0 Feb Mar. . . . 108.0 108.5 Apr May.... 109.1 109.6 June July . . . . 109.8 Aug . . . . 108.9 Sept. . . . 110.3 110.9 Oct Nov. . . . 111.3 112.3 Dec 106.6 106.7 106.4 107.0 107.2 107.6 109.3 108.6 109.7 110.5 110.9 111,6 104.8 104.6 104.4 104.8 105.0 105.3 106.6 106.4 107.3 108.1 108.6 109.4 112.2 112.1 112.3 113.0 113.2 113.9 115.5 115.1 115.8 117.0 117.9 118.8 94.5 94.3 93.7 93.5 93.7 93.5 94.3 94.5 95.5 95.9 95.9 96.5 1972— Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May June. . . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept . . . Oct Nov. . . . Dec 1973 — jarit Feb Mar. . . . Apr May. . . . June July . . . . Aug . . . . Sept Oct Nov. . . . Dec 114.6 115.3 116.5 117,7 118.1 118.7 119.3 120.7 121.8 123.4 124.4 125.8 113.2 114.1 115.2 116.0 116,5 117,0 117.5 119.0 119.8 121.4 122.5 123.7 110.8 111.8 113.0 113.8 114.4 114.9 115.2 116.8 117.5 119.0 120.1 121.6 119.8 120.6 121.5 122.5 123.0 123.2 124.0 125.5 126.2 127.4 128.4 130.4 98.2 99.6 101.2 101.9 102.5 103.5 103.0 104.6 105.5 107.0 108.6 109.5 121.7 122.3 123.4 124.1 124.5 125.0 125,9 127.2 128.6 130.6 131.8 131.6 116.5 117.1 118.4 120.2 120.6 121.3 122.1 123.4 124.8 126.6 127.7 128.9 113.2 114.2 115.2 116.9 117.2 117.9 118.3 119.9 121.1 122.7 124.0 125.8 126 3 123 9 127.8 125.2 128.5 126.0 128.5 126.0 129.6 127.1 129.9 127.1 130.4 , 127.4 130.4 126.9 131.1 128.3 131.4 128.8 131.6 128.7 131.3 128.2 121 6 122.7 123.1 123,4 124.3 124,2 124.5 123.9 125.8 126.1 125.9 125.0 129 5 130^5 131.4 131.2 132.1 131.2 131.4 130.2 132.9 133.1 132.4 130.5 110 6 112.2 ill.9 112.8 113.6 114.5 115.0 115.3 116.1 116.8 116.9 117.6 132.5 134.9 136.4 135.7 137.2 137.3 138.6 138.0 137.9 138.4 139.1 140.0 129 9 13l!7 132.3 132.4 133.5 134.3 135.1 135.8 135.4 135.2 136.0 136.0 125 7 128,3 128.3 129.6 129.8 130.6 130.4 131.2 131.6 132.0 131.9 1974— Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May. . . . June July.., . Aug . . . . Sept Oct Nov. . . . Dec 129.9 129.6 130.0 129.9 131.3 131.9 131.8 131.7 131.8 129.5 124.9 119.3 126.7 126.5 127.1 128.0 128.8 129.4 129.6 129.9 129.3 127.6 124.6 120.1 123,4 123.5 124.2 125.1 126.3 126.9 127.3 127.6 127.6 126.3 123.8 119.6 128.3 127.8 128.4 129.6 130.3 131.2 131.2 132.2 131.1 129.7 126.2 121.0 116.9 117.7 118.4 118.8 120.9 120.8 121.8 121.5 122,8 121.8 120.6 117.7 138.6 137.7 137.6 138.7 137.5 138.6 137.7 138.4 135.7 132.3 127.9 122.1 134.9 134.4 134.5 132.9 135.2 135.7 135.4 134.8 135.4 132.4 125.2 118.0 130.1 ) 129.8 • 90.5 130.4 130.3 131.5 • 89.6 132.2 132.1 132.1 • 8 9 . 1 132.1 129.5 81.7 124.6 118.1 155.0 187.0 181.0 167.0 188.0 166.0 172.0 170.0 187.0 184.0 154.0 176.0 118.5 118.7 118.8 119.0 119.1 119.2 119.4 119.6 119.7 119.6 119.0 118.0 104,3 103.5 103.1 103.3 103.2 103.1 103.1 102.6 102.4 101.4 99.3 96.5 155.0 152.9 153.6 150.9 156.7 158.5 160.1 161.9 162,4 162.6 157.5 153.2 164 165 168 169 172 170 111 180 176 175 170 171 139.7 141.5 143.1 143.9 145.5 146.9 148,0 149.9 151.7 153.0 154.3 155.4 146.6 149.5 151.4 152.7 155.0 155.7 161.7 167.4 167,2 170.2 171.9 171.5 1975— Jan Feb Mar. . . . Apr May.... June July . . . . Aug. . . . Sept.. . . Oct Nov.. . . Dec 115,2 112.7 111.7 112.6 113.7 116.4 118,4 121.0 122.1 122.2 123.5 124 .4 116.2 114.4 113.9 115.2 116.2 118.8 120.9 122.3 122.8 122.4 123.8 124.9 115.2 113.5 113.4 114.7 115.6 118.2 119.7 120.8 121.5 120.9 122.3 123.5 117.0 116.1 117.0 119.0 120.4 124.3 126.6 127.5 129.0 128.7 131.1 132.3 112.7 110.0 108.6 108.7 109.2 109.8 110.0 111.4 111.3 110.0 110.0 111.5 119.5 117.9 115.9 116.9 118.1 120.8 125.0 127.9 127.6 128.0 129.3 129.9 113.7 110.1 108.3 108.8 109.8 112.6 114.5 119.0 121.0 122.0 123.1 123,3 113.4 110.8 109.3 110.9 I t 1. . 8 114.6 117.0 119.7 121.4 121.2 122.7 123.6 } 135.0 139.0 153.0 189.0 182.0 174.0 165.0 208.0 157.0 166.0 148.0 137.0 117.4 116.6 116.1 116.1 116.2 115.9 116.4 116.9 117.4 117.8 117.8 118,1 93.9 91.2 90.3 89.9 90.1 89.8 89.7 90.9 92.0 92.5 92.4 93.0 149.5 143.5 143.3 144.7 144.7 146.4 148.7 154.2 157.0 158.4 158.9 162.3 176 179 176 179 184 186 190 191 189 192 192 198 156.1 157.2 157.8 158.6 159.3 160.6 162.3 162.8 163.6 164.6 165.6 166.3 171.8 171.3 170.4 172.1 173.2 173,7 175.7 176.7 177.7 178.9 178.2 178.7 85.7 87.3 • 88.4 90.6 m'.e 92.1 - 92.6 93.0 92.1 ] 71.5 70.6 • 74.8 • 77.0 usis 184 Annual Statistical Digest 58. Industrial production, 1975 Grouping 1967 proportion 1975 avg. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee. Market groupings, seasonally adjusted, 1967 = 100 100.0 117.8 115.2 112.7 111.7 112.6 113.7 116.4 118.4 121,0 122.1 122.2 123.5 124.4 60.71 47.82 27.68 20.14 12.89 39.29 119.3 118.2 124.0 110.2 123.1 115.5 116.2 115.2 117.0 112.7 119.5 113.7 114.4 113.5 116.1 110.0 117.9 110.1 113.9 113.4 117.0 108.6 115.9 108.3 115.2 114.7 119.0 108.7 116,9 108.8 116.2 115.6 120.4 109.2 118.1 109.8 118.8 118.2 124.3 109.8 120.8 112.6 120.9 122.3 120.8 119.7 126.6 127.5 110.0 , 111. 4 125.0 127,9 114.5 119.0 122.8 121.5 129.0 111.3 127,6 121.0 122.4 120.9 128,7 110.0 128.0 122.0 123.8 122.3 131.1 129.3 123.1 no.o 124.9 123.5 132,3 111,5 129.9 123.3 7.89 2.83 2.03 1.90 .80 121.4 125.9 113.7 101.1 156.6 106.2 98.6 79.8 71.4 146.5 104.5 95.6 76.7 66.1 143.5 108.1 108.4 94.8 85.2 143 . 1 114.9 118.1 104.9 94.3 151.4 117.9 122.4 108.9 97.1 156.6 121.4 128.9 116,2 102.5 161.1 126.6 137.0 127,6 114.2 160.5 129.2 139.1 130.2 116,3 161.8 132.2 142.1 133.9 118.5 162,7 131.9 140.8 133.6 119.1 159.0 132.5 143.2 134.7 120.9 164.9 134.0 147.7 140.0 122.8 167.0 5.06 118.8 110.4 109.7 108,0 113,2 115.5 117.3 120.8 123.5 126.7 127.0 126,5 126.4 1.40 1.33 1.07 2.59 98.0 100.2 126.8 126.9 88.2 89.3 108.7 123.1 87.4 88.4 111.4 121.0 80.6 SO. 8 112.5 120.9 96.4 97.3 114.4 121.8 96.9 98.9 120.6 123.4 96.6 99.5 123.9 125.8 107.1 110.7 125.4 126.4 105.8 109.4 134.3 128.8 107.0 111.0 141.1 131.4 105.3 10*). 3 141.9 132.6 100.9 103.7 144.7 132.9 ! 101.1 104.4 142,0 133.6 Nondurable consumer goods . . . 19.79 Clothing , 4.29 15.50 Consumer staples. Consumer foods and tobacco. , . , 8.33 125.1 111.6 128.8 121.3 100.5 127.0 120.7 101.5 126.0 120.5 102.2 125.6 120.7 105.1 125.0 121.4 106.3 125.7 125.5 110.0 129.8 126,7 113.2 130.6 126.9 117.5 129.6 127.6 116.8 130.7 127.4 120.4 129.3 130.6 123.2 132.5 131.5 123.9 133.6 122.8 118.0 118.4 118.5 118.9 119.9 123.9 125.1 125.1 125.2 125.3 127.6 127.2 7.17 2.63 1.92 2.62 1.45 135.8 151.3 107.0 141.6 152.3 137.5 155.9 108.4 140.4 149.1 134.8 149.9 106.9 140.1 150.3 133.8 148,2 105.0 140.3 152.0 132.1 146.2 102.2 139.9 151.4 132.4 144.6 106.5 139.2 152.8 136.7 152.3 107.6 142.5 154.0 137.0 153.0 108.3 141.9 151.1 134.9 149.1 105.7 142.3 153.0 137.1 150.4 108.0 145.0 154.1 133.8 149.8 104.4 139.2 148.6 138,2 157.8 107.5 140.9 152.0 141.0 159.7 113.4 142.8 152.0 Equipment Business equipment 12.63 6.77 Industrial equipment Building and mining equip. . 1.44 Manufacturing equipment. 3.85 1.47 Power equipment 128.2 121.2 168.3 99.9 130.8 130.8 121,8 161,7 101. t 136.9 128.0 120.3 162.1 99.5 133.7 125.7 120.7 166.9 98.7 132.7 125.6 119.6 163.8 99.1 129.8 126.0 119.4 167.2 98.3 127.5 126.6 120.2 165.6 99,8 129.2 127.3 120.0 168,8 100.0 124.5 129.9 121.8 172.4 100.8 127.2 129.2 121.9 170.5 UK). 7 129.5 128,8 122.1 172.9 100.5 128.9 129.6 123.0 174.9 99.9 132.3 131.6 124.5 172.9 101.3 137.6 Commercial, transit, farm eq. . Commercial equipment. . . . Transit equipment Farm equipment 5.86 3.26 1.93 .67 136.3 157.8 101.9 130.6 141.2 161.9 106,2 141,2 136.8 158.5 98.6 141.4 131.7 152.4 94.5 137.8 132.5 151.5 99.0 136.5 133.6 153.2 102.1 128.7 133.9 153.9 102.2 127.9 135.8 157.8 104.0 120.3 139.1 137.8 161.8 ! 160.4 104.6 , 104.4 127,9 123,7 136.4 158.5 102.4 126.6 137.2 159.5 102.8 127.7 139.7 164.4 102.9 125.6 Defense and space equipment.. . 7.51 80.0 82.1 79.9 79.7 80.2 80,9 81.6 81.0 81.2 78.5 77.3 77,7 Intermediate products Construction supplies Business supplies. Commercial energy products . 6.42 6.47 1.14 116.3 129.8 150.6 111.5 127.4 152.5 111.2 124.4 149.9 109.4 122.3 150.8 110.2 123.6 149.7 111.4 124.8 150.3 112.6 128.9 151.7 116.8 133.1 151.9 121.3 122.3 134.4 1 132.8 153.9 150.9 122.7 133.3 147.5 123.1 135.4 149.8 124.1 135.9 147.9 109.1 110.6 97.7 87.4 118.9 126.5 109.0 • U2.4 99.1 109.0 105.3 80.2 120.6 108.3 105,5 103.0 83.2 118.1 103.9 100.0 103.2 89.0 116.6 102.5 96.0 102.9 91.3 114.2 102.1 93.2 104.3 95.3 113.0 103.7 92.8 107.3 99.2 114.8 106.9 94.9 112.9 114.5 108.7 1 110.8 117.4 119.0 112.4 113.7 101.3 100.0 114.6 107.2 120.6 114.8 99.5 i 115. 2 115,5 109.3 1 111, 6 122.3 123.9 114.0 112.9 96.1 99.5 Nondurable goods materials. . . . 10.47 Textile, paper, &chem. mat.. . 7.62 1.85 Textile materials 1.62 Paper materials. .... Chemical materials 4.15 Containers, nondurable 1.70 1.14 Nondurable materials n.e.c Energy materials 8.48 Primary energy 4.65 3.82 Converted fuel materials 126.6 129.0 100.6 113.2 147.9 127.9 108.3 117.2 108.3 128.0 116.6 117.8 77.3 115,3 136.9 121.7 101.2 117,7 108.9 128.5 113.9 115,1 80.3 112.9 131,6 119.2 98.3 117.0 108,3 127.7 110.8 111.3 83.3 101.8 127.6 115.8 99.7 118.0 109.1 128.9 115.2 118.7 123.2 127.1 115.4 ! 119.7 125.7 ! 128.6 88.8 1 94.2 101.8 106.1 i 101.3 101.9 1 108.7 ! 111.3 132.8 | 138.1 143.1 145.5 120.2 122.7 124.8 131.0 107.3 105.7 103.4 j 110.8 114.8 115.3 119.2 ' 116.5 107.1 107.6 110.4 107.6 124.1 124.6 130.0 127.4 : 131.6 138.8 140.3 ! 141.3 146,2 134.3 142.9 ' 144.9 107.8 118.2 117.3 118,4 115.5 120.4 121.6 124.4 153,5 162.7 166.3 167.2 131.9 140.2 137.3 134.8 112.9 109.1 114.3 j 118.4 118.3 '! 114.5 117.0 119.7 107.7 106.0 109.6 110.5 125.9 130.8 131.2 : 124,8 Supplementary groups Home goods and clothing Energy, total Products Materials 115.5 125.5 144.3 117.2 105.9 125.8 144.0 117.7 105.9 125.0 143.0 117.0 105.3 125.9 143.5 118.0 109.4 123.3 142.8 114.8 120.8 122.1 126.7 124.5 145,7 J 146.8 118.3 114.5 Total index Products, total Final products Consumer goods Equipment. . . Intermediate products. . . . Materials Consumer goods Durable consumer goods , Automotive products Autos and utility vehicles. . Autos Auto parts & allied goods. . Home goods Appliances, air cond. and TV. . Appliances and TV Carpeting and furniture. . . , Misc. home goods . . . Nonfood staples Consumer chemical prod.. , Consumer paper products. . Consumer energy prod Residential utilities Materials Durable goods materials. . Durable consumer parts Equipment parts Durable materials n.e.c Basic metal materials 20.35 4.58 5.44 10.34 5.57 9.35 12.23 3,76 8.48 111.2 123.7 142.6 115.3 113.9 127.3 145.3 119.2 117.3 125.2 145.0 116.5 80.6 124.0 124.5 141.8 117.0 125.0 127.1 143.7 119.7 142.6 147.9 118.9 125.9 169.5 136.1 116.7 118.7 107.3 132.3 ] 125.2 126.6 144.5 118.7 Annual Statistical Digest 185 58. Industrial production, 1975—Continued Grouping 1967 proportion 1975 avg. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Industry groupings, seasonally adjusted, 1967 — 100 Mining and utilities . . . Mining. Utilities . . . . . 12.05 6.36 5.69 128.5 112.8 146.0 128.2 113.8 144.4 128.8 114.1 145.1 129.3 113.7 146.8 127.3 112.9 143.3 127.3 111.8 144.5 129.7 113.3 148.1 127.2 110.8 145.5 129.0 111.6 148.3 127.2 111.6 144.6 127.9 113.8 143.8 130.5 114.2 148.8 129.2 112.9 147.2 Manufacturing . Durable Nondurable. . 87.95 51.98 35.97 116.3 109.3 126.4 113.4 109.0 119.8 110.8 105.6 118.4 109.3 104.7 116.1 110.9 105.4 118.8 111.8 105.5 120.8 114.6 107.0 125.5 117.0 109.3 128.1 119.7 112.3 130.5 121.4 113.5 132.9 121.2 112.7 133.6 122.7 113.4 136.2 123.6 114.4 136.9 .51 .69 4.40 .75 115.8 113.4 113.3 107.0 126.9 113.1 112.4 113.9 123.8 112.5 114.0 109.4 118.1 108.7 115.5 104.4 121.6 104.4 114.7 104.6 110.7 111.0 113,7 102.5 111.9 122.4 114.4 99.3 107.0 105.5 113.0 105.6 115.0 112.9 112.4 103.9 113.5 112.6 111.8 108.0 112.5 122.2 113.1 110.9 118.1 125.6 112.3 112.1 117.9 109.9 113.1 111.5 Foods Tobacco products Textile mill products. Apparel products Paper and products 8.75 .67 2.68 3,31 3.21 123,4 111.8 122.3 107.6 116.3 117.8 105.4 96.1 96.6 113.0 117.8 109.3 102.3 102.4 109.8 116.6 105.7 105.4 97.6 103,1 120.2 118.2 111.0 100.4 105.3 121.1 106.9 116.6 104.5 107.0 124.3 109.9 124.2 105.1 113.9 125.4 114.1 127.8 106.3 116.5 125.8 110.5 130.0 112.8 120.5 126.2 114.1 138.3 111.5 124.5 126.4 113.9 137.5 115.9 126.5 128.8 118.5 141.6 118.3 127.7 128.5 116.0 139.0 121.2 129.5 Printing and publishing . Chemicals and products Petroleum products Rubber and plastics products . . . Leather and products 4.72 7.74 1.79 2.24 .86 113.4 147.3 124.1 166.7 76.5 111.7 141.7 123.6 153.8 69.2 111.5 136.9 120.8 145.7 68.9 109.9 134.6 121.1 139.6 66.7 108.5 136.4 119.2 148.9 69.0 111.4 139.5 119.5 156.1 72.0 113.3 144.7 122.8 164.7 75.6 115.5 147.1 127.1 173.2 80.3 115.3 150.8 126.8 180.4 80.7 114.7 154.4 130.8 187.6 80.9 113.2 157.5 125.1 185.2 85.8 115.4 161.9 124.9 185.2 87,7 118.4 163.3 126.3 185.3 83.2 Ordnance, pvt. & govt Lumber and products Furniture and fixtures Clay, glass, stone prod. 3-. 64 1.64 1.37 2.74 76.6 107.6 118.2 117.9 79.9 95.0 108.9 114.3 79.4 96.7 109.6 109.6 79.2 98.0 108.2 107.0 79.8 100.8 108.9 109.2 79.4 105.4 113.6 111.4 79.9 108.6 113.0 112.4 76.6 110.6 118.6 119.2 76.5 113.6 123.6 121.0 75.9 115.8 128.4 126.4 72.0 116.8 127.9 127.8 70.0 114.1 128.7 127.5 70.1 116.4 130.3 129.4 Primary metals Iron and steel . Fabricated metal prod Nonelectrical machinery Electrical machinery 6.57 4.21 5.93 9.15 8.05 96.4 95.8 109.9 125.1 116.5 105.5 107.7 105.9 128.4 118.4 103.4 108.7 104.1 125.7 113.5 98.4 104.4 103.9 122.7 110.6 95.0 97.9 106.4 122.1 112.7 90.8 89.4 106.2 122.0 112.4 90.6 89.4 106.7 122.6 112.4 92.3 87.0 108.9 123.9 116.5 97.7 92.7 113.8 126.2 118.0 97.9 93.4 115.3 125.5 120.2 95.4 92.0 114.4 125.4 120.1 98.1 96.5 116.3 126,6 120.1 92.6 89.1 U7.3 128.6 122.7 Transportation equip Motor vehicles and parts Aerospace and misc. transportation equip. Instruments Miscellaneous mfrs. 9.27 4.50 97.4 111.1 88.7 91.7 83.3 84.7 88,5 95.2 90.8 101.7 94.6 104.9 97.9 110.2 101.1 116.3 105.0 123.7 105.9 126.8 104.4 126.5 104.7 127.1 106.7 130.1 4.77 2.11 1.51 84.5 132.3 128.3 85.8 134.5 119.7 82.0 129.1 121.7 82.1 127.5 121.4 80.6 127.9 121.3 85.0 127.6 124.0 86.5 129.5 128.4 86.9 130.7 128.8 87.3 131.9 131.5 86.3 135.1 132.1 83.6 136.0 134.6 83.6 136.4 137.6 84.7 140,9 137.3 3,88 1,81 160.8 114.4 157.4 116.3 159.1 115.1 161.6 114.8 157.0 113.9 159.0 113.4 164.6 112.7 160.0 114.6 164.7 113.1 159.0 113.6 157.3 114.9 165.5 113.1 162.3 114.8 521.5 405.3 284.3 121.0 116.1 521.1 404.0 285.0 119.1 116.6 527.1 409,7 290.5 119.3 117.6 528.4 410,6 292.0 118.9 117.9 Mining Metal mining Coal. Oil and gas extraction. Stone and earth minerals Nondurable manufactures Durable manufactures Utilities Electric Gas . Gross value of products in market structure (Annual rates, in billions of 1972 dollars) Products, total . „ Final products Consumer goods Equipment Intermediate products 1286.3 1221.4 U56.3 165.3 164.9 505.9 393.3 274.4 119.0 112.6 490.6 38V. 3 258.3 123.2 109.3 482.8 374.6 256.0 119.0 108.1 482.8 375.9 259.6 116.2 106.9 490.1 382.7 265.1 117.6 107.7 494.0 385.0 266.9 118.5 108.8 505.6 394.5 275.5 118.9 110.9 509.9 395.5 278.4 117. 2 114.4 517.2 400.3 280.7 119.3 116.9 186 Annual Statistical Digest 59. U.S. reserve assets In millions of dollars Gold stock i End of month Total Total 2 Treasury Convertible foreign currencies Reserve position in IMF SDR's 3 1970 Dec 14,487 11,072 10,732 629 1,935 851 1971 Jan Fob Mar Apr May June. . . . July.... Aug Sept Oct Nov Dee 14,699 14,534 14,342 14,307 13,811 13,504 13,283 12,128 12,131 12,146 12,131 12,167 11,040 11,039 10,963 10,925 10,568 10,507 10,453 10,209 10,207 10,207 10,206 10,206 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,332 10,332 10,332 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 10,132 491 327 256 257 318 322 250 248 250 259 243 276 1,700 1,700 1,680 1,682 1,678 1,428 1,433 574 577 580 582 585 ,468 ,468 ,443 ,443 ,247 ,247 ,147 ,097 ,097 ,100 ,100 ,100 1972 Jan 12,879 Feb 12,330 Mar 12,270 Apr 12,285 M a y . . . . 5 13,345 June . . . . 13,339 J u l y , . . . 13,090 Aug 13,124 13,217 Sept Oct. . . . . 13,313 Nov 13,307 13,151 Dec 10,206 9,662 9,662 9,662 10,490 10,490 10,490 10,488 10,487 10,487 10,487 10,487 10,132 9,588 9,588 9,588 r ' 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 276 276 212 429 469 457 203 234 323 414 403 241 587 582 586 391 5428 434 439 444 449 454 459 465 ,810 ,810 ,810 1,803 1 ,958 1,958 1,958 1,958 1,958 1,958 1,958 1,958 10,487 10,487 10,487 10,487 10,487 10,487 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 10,410 140 8 8 8 16 8 469 473 478 460 464 470 1973 Jan Feb Mar Apr May.... June. . , . 4 13,054 12,926 12,931 12,904 12,916 12,914 5 4 5 1 958 1,958 1,958 1,949 1,949 1,949 Gold stock1 End of month Total 1973 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dee 12,918 12,923 12,927 14,367 14,373 14,378 6 Total " 6 10,487 10,487 10,487 11,652 11,652 11,652 Convertible foreign currencies Reserve position in IMF 10,410 10,410 10,410 11,567 11,567 11,567 8 8 8 8 8 8 474 479 483 c 541 547 552 Treasury 6 SDR's 3 6 ! 1974 Jan Feb Mar Apr May.... June .7. . . July ... Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 14,565 14,643 14,588 14,642 14,870 14,946 14,912 15,460 15,893 15,890 15,840 15,883 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 1 1 , 567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,567 11,652 59 68 9 9 66 94 12 224 246 193 43 5 688 757 761 824 9S9 1,005 1,021 1,384 1,713 1,739 1,816 1,852 1975 Jan Feb Mar Apr May.... June. . . . July . . . . Aug Sept Oct | Nov Dec 15,948 16,132 16,256 16,183 16,280 16,242 16,084 16,117 16,291 16,568 16,592 16,226 11,635 11,621 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,618 11,599 11,599 11,599 l 11,599 1 1 , 599 11,635 11,621 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,620 11,618 I 11,599 11,599 11,599 i 11,599 j 11,599 •j 2 19 2 4 25 *? 28 247 413 423 80 1,908 2,065 2,194 2,168 2,218 ' 2,179 j 2,135 2,169 2,144 2,191 2,234 ! 2,212 ! 1,949 1,949 1,949 2, 166 ,166 ,166 ,166 ,166 ,166 ,157 ,163 ,195 ,227 ,200 ,282 ,306 ,329 ,374 2,403 2,444 2,423 2,393 2,438 2,418 2,329 2,321 2,301 2,365 2,336 2,335 Annual Statistical Digest 187 60. U.S. net monetary gold transactions with foreign countries and international organizations Net sales [ —] or net acquisitions; in millions of dollars valued at $35 per fine ounce through April 1972, at $38 from May 1972 through September 1973, and at $42.22 thereafter Area and country 1970 1971 1972 IV Western Europe: Austria Belgium .... Fra nee Germany . . . ... Ireland Italy Netherlands .... Spain Switzerland United Kingdom Bank for Intl. Settlements. . Other I -129 II III -110 -282 -191 I IV II III 2 -50 51 -50 -29 i _204 Total Canada. , -110 -473 -129 19 72 19 71 1970 -30 -25 -25 -75 -175 -21 -13 -180 -796 15 -85 -50 -6 -448 -50 -22 -263 ... Latin American republics : Argentina. , . .... Brazil Colombia. ... .... Venezuela Other 1 Total Asia: Iraq. . . . Japan Lebanon . . Malaysia Philippines Saudi Arabia Singapore Other -28 -23 -1 .... Total foreign countries Grand total . . . . _5 -131 _5 -119 .... .... -66 -111 -ii9 -4 -35 -10 -2 —91 -30 39 -3 i -213 -38 -3 i -81 -6 All other Intl. Monetary Fund , -80 .... Total -23 -23 1 -631 2 -156 -787 -845 -22 -867 -8 -71 -197 -75 -3 s -544 -547 -563 142 -422 * -4 * * -4 * —35 —1 -10 —1 —1 -30 21 21 — 15 10 -32 —1 —1 4 * * — 102 —445 -7 -11 -109 -457 =3 —1 -296 _3 —1 3 —4 -300 -3 __1 —544 -544 _3 IV 188 Annual Statistical Digest 61. Gold reserves of central banks and governments In millions of dollars; valued at $35 per fine ounce through April 1972, at $38 from May 1972 through September 1973, and at $42.22 thereafter End of period Estimated total 1 world Intl. Monetary Fund United States Estimated rest of world Algeria Argentina Australia ; Austria Belgium Canada China, Rep. of (Taiwan) Denmark Egypt 1970—Dec 41,275 4,339 11 072 25 865 191 140 239 707 1,470 791 82 64 85 1971—Mar June. Scot. . . Dec 41,240 41,250 41,210 41,160 4 404 4,523 4 722 4,732 10 963 10,507 10 207 10 206 25 875 26,220 26 280 26 220 191 191 192 192 140 140 140 90 239 254 259 259 714 747 722 729 1 466 1,584 1 572 1,544 791 792 792 792 82 82 81 SO 64 64 64 64 85 85 85 85 1972— Mar June Sect. . . , Dec 41,260 44,825 44,875 44 , 890 5,304 5,761 5 777 5,830 9 662 10,490 10 487 10 487 26 295 28,575 28 610 28,575 192 208 208 208 70 130 152 152 259 283 283 281 729 792 792 792 1 544 | 1,682 1 648 1,638 792 834 834 834 80 87 87 87 64 69 69 69 85 92 92 92 1973—Mar June Sept Dec. . . 44 , 880 44,865 44 , 880 49,850 5,830 5,831 5 826 6,478 10 487 10,487 10 487 11,652 28,565 28 , 545 28 565 31,720 208 208 208 231 152 152 152 169 282 281 282 312 793 793 793 881 1,603 1,603 1,603 1,781 834 834 834 927 87 87 87 97 69 69 1 69 77 92 92 92 103 1974—Mar June. . . Sept Dec. . . 49,840 49,835 49,830 49,800 6,478 6,478 6,478 6,478 11,652 11,652 11,652 11,652 31,710 31,705 31,700 31,670 231 231 231 231 169 169 169 169 312 312 312 312 882 882 882 882 1,781 1,781 1,781 1,781 927 927 927 927 97 97 97 97 77 77 76 76 103 103 103 103 1975—Mar.... June. . Sept.. Dec.. . 49,765 49,760 49,750 49,740 6,478 6,478 6,478 6,478 11,620 11,620 11,599 11,599 31,665 31,660 31,675 31,665 231 231 231 231 169 169 169 169 312 312 312 312 882 882 1 882 882 1,781 1,781 1,781 1,781 927 927 927 927 97 97 97 97 76 76 76 76 103 103 103 103 Germany Greece India Libya Mexico Netherlands France Iran Iraq Italy Japan Kuwait Lebanon 1970—Dec... 3,532 3,980 117 243 131 144 2,887 532 86 288 85 176 1,787 1971— Mar June Scot, . . Dec 3,527 3,523 3,523 3,523 3 977 4,046 4 077 4,077 99 99 98 98 243 243 243 243 131 131 131 131 144 143 143 144 2 2 2 2 884 884 884 884 539 641 679 679 86 87 87 87 322 322 322 322 85 85 85 85 176 182 ! 184 184 1,812 1,867 1,889 1 ,90*) 1972—Mar June Sept Dec 3,523 3 826 3,826 3,826 4,077 4 437 4,436 4,459 98 132 132 133 243 264 264 264 131 142 142 142 144 156 156 156 2 884 3 131 3 130 3,130 735 801 801 801 87 98 94 94 322 350 350 350 85 93 93 93 177 188 188 188 i 1,908 2,079 2,078 2,059 1973—Mar. June . . . . Sept, . Dec 3 884 3,841 3 835 4,261 4 468 4,462 4 469 4,966 133 133 133 148 264 264 264 293 142 142 142 159 156 156 156 173 3 3 3 3 134 134 134 483 801 802 802 891 94 102 94 120 350 350 350 388 93 93 93 103 188 179 196 186 2,059 2,063 2,065 2,294 1974—Mar June Sept Dec. 4,262 4,262 4,262 4,262 4,966 4,966 4,966 4 966 148 150 151 152 293 293 293 293 159 159 158 158 173 173 173 173 3 483 3,483 3 483 3 483 891 891 891 891 123 130 130 148 389 389 389 389 103 103 103 103 156 154 154 154 2,294 2,294 2,294 2,294 1975—Mar. . June . . . . Sept. Dec 4,262 4,262 4,262 4,262 4 966 4,966 4 966 4 966 152 153 153 153 293 293 293 293 158 158 158 158 173 173 173 173 3 3 3 3 891 891 891 891 i 154 154 > 160 ) 169 389 389 I 389 < 389 ! 103 103 103 103 154 154 154 154 2,294 2,294 2,294 2,294 483 483 483 j 483 ! Annual Statistical Digest 189 61. Gold reserves of central banks and governments—Continued In millions of dollars; valued at $35 per fine ounce through April 1972, at $38 from May 1972 through September 1973, and at $42.22 thereafter End of period Pakistan Portugal Saudi Arabia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom Uruguay Venezuela Bank for Intl. Settle-2 ments -282 1970— Dec 54 902 119 666 498 200 2,732 82 127 1,348 162 384 1971— Mar June Sept Dec 54 55 55 55 902 902 911 921 119 119 119 108 634 551 479 410 498 498 498 498 200 200 200 200 2,806 2,857 2,909 2,909 82 81 82 82 127 127 127 130 1 124 804 111 111 162 151 148 148 384 389 391 391 -73 213 215 310 1972—Mar June Sept Dec 55 60 60 60 925 1,004 1,021 1,021 119 129 129 117 405 507 601 681 498 541 541 541 200 217 217 217 2,909 3,158 3,158 3,158 82 89 89 89 129 122 122 136 750 814 801 801 156 169 169 133 391 425 425 425 354 304 267 218 1973— Mar. June Sect Dec. 60 60 60 67 1 022 1,022 1 036 1,163 117 117 116 129 714 724 738 802 542 542 542 602 220 220 220 244 3,162 3,162 3 162 3,513 89 89 89 99 136 136 136 151 811 811 798 887 1-13 133 l'S3 148 425 425 425 472 214 205 213 235 1974—Mar. June Sept Dec. 67 67 67 67 1 175 1,175 1 175 1,175 129 129 129 129 780 781 778 771 602 602 602 602 244 244 244 244 3 513 3,513 3 513 3 513 99 99 99 99 151 151 151 151 888 888 888 888 148 148 148 148 472 472 472 472 274 259 259 250 1975—Mar. June Sept Dec 67 67 67 67 1,175 1,175 1,175 1 170 129 129 129 129 755 744 762 749 602 602 602 602 244 244 244 244 3 513 3,513 3,513 3 513 99 99 99 99 151 151 151 151 888 888 888 888 148 148 135 135 472 472 472 472 259 262 254 246 190 Annual Statistical Digest 62. U.S. liabilities to foreign official institutions, and liquid liabilities to all other foreigners Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars Liabilities to foreign countries End of period Total Liquid liabilities to IMF arising from gold transactions * Official institutions 2 Total Shortterm liabilities reported by banks in U.S. Liquid liabilities to other foreigners NonMarketmarketable able U.S. U.S. Treas. Treas. bonds bonds and 3 and notes 4 notes Other readily marketable liabili-G ties Liquid liabilities to commercial banks abroad « Total Shortterm liabilities reported by banks in U.S. Marketable U.S. Treas. bonds and notes 8*? Liquid liabilities to nonmonetary intl. and regional organizations 8 46,960 566 23,775 19,333 295 3,452 695 17,169 4,604 4,039 565 846 1971-=-Jnn.. Feb Mar Apr May June . . . . . July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dee. * 47,330 47,660 49,001 51,106 55,236 54,765 56,603 63,105 63,943 65,262 65,746 /67.681 167,808 559 559 559 548 548 548 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 24,151 25,917 28,357 30,682 35,506 33,996 36,259 43,863 45,331 46,574 48,339 51,215 50,651 19,775 21,599 24,119 26,531 31,346 26,808 26,868 34,015 35,080 36,067 37,271 39,685 39,018 287 292 292 292 292 379 632 870 1,015 1,272 1,747 1,955 1,955 3,452 3,452 3,452 3,452 3,475 6,475 8,475 8,806 9,075 9,076 9,151 9,431 9,534 637 574 494 407 393 334 284 172 161 159 170 144 144 16,902 15,479 14,283 13,855 13,235 14,367 13,937 12,820 12,435 12,478 11,194 10,256 10,949 4,650 4,712 4,676 4,732 4,610 4,530 4,473 4,382 4,160 4,244 4,214 4,138 4,141 4,038 4,103 4,078 4,129 4,041 3,957 3,894 3,839 3,645 3,734 3,733 3,691 3,694 612 609 598 603 569 573 579 543 515 510 481 447 447 1,068 993 ,126 ,289 ,337 ,324 ,390 ,496 ,473 ,422 ,455 ,528 ,523 1972— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June . . July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec. . . . . . . 69,067 69,995 71,009 72,208 72,113 73,995 77,465 79,454 79,728 81,420 82,373 82,862 544 51,514 52,799 53,806 54,093 53,579 54,604 59,416 60,606 60,075 60,931 61,127 61,526 39,581 40,679 40,980 38,723 37,850 38,603 39, 777 40,616 39,633 40,266 40,045 40,000 2,260 2,399 2,644 2,668 3,018 3,292 3,516 3,881 4,117 4,457 4,834 5,236 9,535 9,535 9,817 12,3t7 12,317 12,317 15,741 15,741 15,899 15,748 15,749 15,747 138 186 365 385 394 392 382 368 426 460 499 543 11,172 11,371 11,460 12,416 12,811 13,412 12,093 12,856 13,522 14,100 14,693 14,666 4,154 4,203 4,194 4,252 4,294 4,501 4,528 4,469 4,685 4,895 4,828 5,043 3,764 3,811 3,818 3,863 3,899 4,129 4,158 4,091 4,296 4,489 4,405 4,618 390 392 376 389 395 372 370 378 389 406 423 425 ,683 ,622 ,549 ,447 ,429 ,478 ,428 ,523 ,446 ,494 ,725 1,627 1973—Jan..... . . . 82,032 87,770 Feb i° 90, 729 Mar " 90,431 Apr 91,959 May 92,096 June 93,165 July 92,506 Aug 91,988 Sept 93,076 Get 92,457 Nov. 92,490 Dec 60,797 68,476 1071,336 » 70,754 70,920 70,701 71,028 70,521 69,811 69,736 67,434 66,861 38,535 45,414 46,929 45,955 46,117 45,713 46,138 45,722 45,174 45,212 43,791 43,923 15,890 5,798 15,737 6,377 15,745 6,917 10 6,934 11 15,876 15,873 6,934 16,050 6,934 15,950 6,934 15,874 6,906 15,708 6,914 15,586 6,929 15,587 6,207 15,564 5,701 574 948 1,745 1,989 1,996 2,004 2,006 2,019 2,015 2,009 1,849 1,673 14,704 12,683 12,779 12,858 14,066 14,369 1 5 , 324 15,090 15,039 15,967 17,292 17,694 4,939 4,991 4,977 5,187 5,225 5,357 5,295 5,362 5,519 5,553 5,721 5,932 4,514 4,619 4,601 4,788 4,841 4,974 4,921 5,027 5,172 5 , 179 5,311 5,502 425 372 376 i 399 384 383 374 335 347 374 410 430 1,592 1,620 ,637 ,632 ,748 ,669 ,518 ,533 ,619 ,820 ,010 ,003 90,1(6 92,082 95,847 97,941 101,450 104,189 107,252 110,169 110,916 112,280 115,964 / 1) 9 , 240 {119,152 63,979 64,259 65,719 67,277 68,295 70,132 71,220 71,172 72,836 73,979 75,343 76,801 76,808 41,566 42,053 43 , 505 45,195 46,209 47,465 48,455 48,481 50,149 50,921 51,860 53,057 53,064 5,229 5,192 5,192 5,020 5,013 5,013 5,013 4,940 4,880 4,880 4,906 5,059 5,059 15,618 15,619 15,627 15,629 15,629 16,074 16,074 16,074 16,091 16,339 16,339 16,339 16,339 1,566 1,395 1,395 1,433 1,444 1,580 1,678 1,677 1,716 1,839 2,238 2,346 2,346 18,153 19,794 ! 22,128 22,547 24,644 ! 25,119 : 26,821 29,384 28,056 28,095 29,782 30,314 30,079 6,063 6,223 6,533 6,789 6,877 7,139 7,312 7,495 8,010 8,058 8,336 8,803 8,944 5,614 5,813 6,133 6,372 6,511 6,776 6,935 7,129 7,617 7,627 ! 7,855 8,305 i 8,446 449 410 400 417 366 363 377 366 393 431 481 498 498 ,921 ,806 ,467 ,328 ,634 ,799 ,899 2,118 2,014 2,148 2,503 3,322 3,322 118,314 119,583 119,993 121,096 122 365 122,136 123,054 124,468 123,335 123,477 126,517 126,273 76,102 78,831 79,332 79,292 80,015 80,819 80,068 79,556 78,128 80,047 79 , 532 80,286 51,832 54,310 53,706 53,531 52,408 51,929 50,393 49,915 48,080 49,602 49,124 49,170 5,177 5,279 6,003 5,941 6,064 6,139 6,180 6,296 6,472 6,644 6,474 6,599 16,466 16,466 16,466 16,507 18,067 19,169 19,616 19,466 19,666 19,666 19,726 19,976 2,627 2,776 3,157 ; 3,313 3,476 3,582 3,879 3,879 3,910 4J35 4,208 4,541 29,135 27,297 27,414 28,799 28,913 27,990 29,035 30,340 30,318 28,467 , 32,191 29 , 579 8,752 9,093 9,047 8,843 9,123 9,310 9 , 337 9,668 9,901 J0.021 10,234 10,765 8,244 8,483 8,411 8,188 8,500 8,656 8,627 : 8,997 « 9,200 9,283 9,527 10,036 508 610 636 655 623 654 710 671 70 1 738 707 729 4,325 4,362 4,200 4,162 4,314 4,017 4,614 4,904 4,988 4,942 4,560 5,643 1970— Dec 1974—Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July. Aug Sept Oct Nov f)f*r 12 197S— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct..::;;," Nov Dee u Annual Statistical Digest 191 63. U.S. liabilities to official institutions of foreign countries, by area Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars Total foreign countries End of period 1970 —Dec .... ., . . 1975— Jan Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aus Sept, Oct. Nov Dec ^ Asia Other countries Africa z 1,681 4,708 407 413 24 151 25 917 28 357 30,682 35,506 33 996 36,259 43 863 45,331 46 574 48,339 (51,215 14 , 279 15 973 17 751 19,719 23,320 21,277 23 ,048 26 059 26,634 27 154 28,157 30,016 2,967 3 016 3 090 3,107 3,154 3,132 3,210 3 474 3,462 3 530 3,710 3,980 1,508 1,481 1,310 1,321 1,290 1,338 1,362 1,398 1,275 1,344 1,340 1,414 4,635 4,720 5,492 5,696 6,799 7,245 7,566 11,788 12,872 13,477 14,009 14,519 381 325 242 257 286 271 285 312 296 276 248 415 381 402 472 582 657 733 788 832 792 793 875 51,514 52,799 53 806 54,093 53,579 54 604 59,416 60,606 60,075 60,931 61,127 61,526 30,266 31,190 31 588 31,358 30,935 31,910 36,370 36,612 35,985 35,078 34,608 34,197 3,974 3,981 4 052 4,181 4,316 4 486 4,446 4,463 4,469 4,468 4,289 4,279 1,402 1,330 1,323 1,492 1,476 1,473 1,393 1,420 1,368 1,473 1,444 1,733 14,430 14,792 15,191 15,249 14,967 14,572 14,727 15,352 15,291 16,805 17,372 17,577 426 449 457 477 458 533 572 652 685 616 694 111 ,016 ,057 ,195 ,336 ,427 1,630 1,908 2,107 2,277 2,491 2,720 2,963 70, 754 70,920 70,701 71,028 70,521 69 , 8 11 69,736 67,434 66,861 34,146 40,773 45 , 229 5 45 , 608 46,646 46,967 47 , 140 47 , 260 47,133 47,188 46,036 45 , 764 4,201 4 290 4,221 4 157 4,104 4 111 4,043 3 836 3,759 3 851 3,820 3,853 1,729 1,896 1,751 1,917 1,904 1,999 2,075 2,015 1,861 1,938 2,233 2,544 17,034 17,907 16,568 15,420 14,429 13,734 13,692 13,637 13,289 12,601 11,474 10,887 673 809 823 839 940 992 928 738 769 735 785 788 3,014 2,801 2,744 2,813 2,897 2,898 3,150 3,035 3,000 3,063 3,086 3,025 63,979 64 , 259 65,719 67 , 277 68 , 295 70,132 71,220 71,172 72 836 73,979 75 343 (76,801 \76,808 43 , 369 42,490 42,872 42 , 742 43,054 43 , 304 43 105 42,436 42 768 43,162 43 336 44,328 44,328 3,945 4,262 4,195 4,309 4,302 4,201 4,125 3,953 3,819 3,805 3,705 3,662 2,456 2,805 2,967 3,540 3,409 4,022 3,951 4,157 4,445 4,046 3,768 4,419 10,480 10,878 11,643 12,372 13,006 14,011 15,235 15,554 16,299 17,329 18,673 18,604 838 2,891 2,824 2,793 2,912 2,904 2,740 2,749 2,800 2,655 2,690 2,657 2,627 76 102 78 831 79,332 79 , 292 80,015 80,819 80,068 79 556 78,128 80,047 79 532 80 286 43 473 44 912 45,918 45 , 205 45,485 45,483 44,458 44 210 43,481 45,010 44 744 45 312 3,621 3 616 3,546 3,251 3,101 3,008 2,966 2,929 3,011 3,049 3,218 3 132 3,659 4,223 4,390 4,506 4,600 4,723 4,763 4,937 4,840 4,254 4,056 4,447 19,555 20,274 19,421 20,126 20,464 20,536 21,430 21,114 20,889 22,115 21 ,949 22,518 4 71,336 6 . . Latin American republics 2,' 51 60,797 68,476 1973—Jan. Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov. Dec 197 4__j^n Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec " Canada 13,615 23,775 1971—-Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 3 1972-— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec. Western Europe x 4 A-t e 1,000 1,249 1,402 1,620 1,854 2,055 2,272 2,850 2,947 3,204 3,161 31 £i 3,232 3,356 3,433 3,493 3,448 3,800 3,319 3,392 3,145 3,018 2,951 2,983 871 S7ft 9 697 2,562 2,450 2,624 2,711 2,917 3,269 3,132 2,974 2,762 2,601 2,614 1,894 192 Annual Statistical Digest 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States A. By type Amount outstanding; in millions of dollars To nonmonetary international and regional organizations 8 To all foreigners Payable in dollars End of period Total i U.S. Treasury bills and Time 2 certificates 3 Deposits Total Demand Other shortterm liab.4 Payable in foreign currencies IMF gold invest-5 ment Deposits Total Demand Time 2 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates Other shortterm lmb.7 41,761 41,393 15,795 5,961 14,123 5,514 368 400 820 69 159 211 381 42,158 42,532 43,865 46,063 50,217 46,713 46,346 52,416 52,878 53,946 53,898 (55,404 155,428 41 ,776 42,123 43,211 45,425 49,598 46,046 45,693 51,766 52,481 53,566 53,527 55,019 55,036 14,769 13,520 11,854 10,466 10,002 10,869 10,274 9,294 10,605 11,860 10,883 10,399 6,459 5,673 5,473 5,158 4,952 4,900 4,968 4,955 5,025 5,054 5,088 5,219 5,209 4,217 14,453 16,390 18,703 22,356 26,961 22,763 23,439 30,198 29,772 29,758 30,723 33,025 33,025 6,881 6,740 7,496 7,652 7,735 7,446 7,024 7,248 7,050 6,860 6,701 6,385 11,335 382 410 653 637 619 667 653 650 397 380 371 386 392 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 1,042 951 985 ,148 ,196 ,181 ,247 ,342 ,318 ,267 ,301 ,372 ,367 115 64 73 62 49 61 79 61 92 78 69 73 73 155 149 166 202 221 232 224 202 212 178 205 192 192 273 279 242 206 209 164 170 269 146 168 157 210 210 499 459 503 678 716 724 775 810 868 844 870 896 892 1972—Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec. 56,443 57,326 57,649 56,280 55,828 57,461 57,294 58,884 58,684 60,136 60,654 60,696 56,011 56,853 57,133 55,786 55,329 56,941 56,813 58,429 58,206 59,598 60,112 60,200 6,157 6,019 5,986 6,453 6,569 7,211 7,320 6,631 6,927 7,071 7,011 8,290 4,225 4,334 4,431 4,502 4,653 4,830 4,746 4,867 4,939 5 , 146 5,379 5,603 33,902 34,490 34,929 32,324 31,498 31,871 32,881 33,745 32,714 33,071 32,774 31,850 11,727 12,010 11,787 12,507 12,609 13,029 11,866 13,186 13,626 14,310 14,948 14,457 432 473 516 494 499 519 481 455 478 538 543 496 400 ,526 ,465 ,391 ,278 ,268 ,316 ,266 ,322 ,233 ,281 ,512 ,412 86 85 88 87 84 85 101 65 79 63 95 86 204 167 189 198 186 238 262 267 224 210 242 202 338 295 275 177 198 212 142 172 145 204 380 326 899 918 839 817 800 782 761 818 785 804 794 799 1973— Jan Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. , Oct Nov. . Dec 59,133 64,134 65,734 65,030 66,604 66,625 67,872 67,326 66,937 68,126 68,356 69,074 58,607 63,621 65,186 64,445 66,032 65,981 67,265 66,715 66,277 67,549 67,734 68,477 7,453 7,787 7,607 8,121 8,367 9,115 8,991 8,437 8,757 9,111 9,852 11,310 5,503 5,501 5,442 5,489 5,574 5,724 5,813 6,050 5 ,998 6,626 6,709 6,882 30,134 36,522 37,947 36,440 35,965 34,931 34,556 34,257 33,702 32,869 31,977 31,886 15,518 13,811 14,190 14,396 16,126 16,211 17,905 17,971 17,820 18,943 19,195 18,399 526 513 548 584 572 644 , 607 611 660 577 622 597 ,380 ,418 ,426 ,429 ,579 ,569 ,488 ,487 ,552 ,768 ,962 ,955 118 133 114 119 141 155 206 178 80 70 73 101 168 140 130 108 115 130 113 115 97 90 94 83 279 287 I 260 221 148 169 116 61 62 173 373 296 815 858 922 980 1,176 1,114 1,052 1,132 1,314 I ,434 1 ,423 1,474 1974— Jan Feb, Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec.9 67,185 69,353 72,972 75,278 78,752 81,014 83,956 86,916 87,722 88,642 91,835 /94,847 \94,760 66 , 545 68,583 72,206 74,572 78,098 80,222 83,290 86,170 87,026 87,924 91,091 94,081 93,994 10,822 11,472 11,651 11,977 11,672 12,856 12,222 11,841 12,769 11,228 12,860 14,068 14,064 6,809 6,829 6,956 7,303 7,609 8,253 8,643 9,103 9,252 9,822 9,567 10,106 10,010 29,543 30,274 31,444 32,676 33,983 34,038 34,178 33,179 33,467 34,187 35,212 35,662 35,662 19,371 20,009 22,154 22,615 24,835 1 25,074 28,246 32,047 31 ,539 32,686 33,452 34,246 34,258 640 770 766 706 653 ' 792 666 746 696 719 744 766 766 ,853 ,693 ,206 ,164 ,388 ,653 ,745 ,921 ,900 2,000 2,339 3,171 3,171 95 77 96 60 95 106 121 81 128 125 128 139 139 89 63 63 57 53 66 66 68 69 92 95 111 111 286 232 • 227 209 46 91 51 146 75 93 285 497 497 1,383 1,321 820 838 1 , 194 1,390 1,508 1,627 1,629 1,690 1,830 2,424 2,424 1975—Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec 93,268 94,174 93,032 94,192 93,735 92,518 92 , 500 94,055 92,499 91,935 95,313 94,077 92 , 547 93,441 92,351 93,450 93,070 91,934 91,939 93,493 91,945 91,300 94,673 93,478 12,284 12,135 12,329 11,696 11,929 12,596 12,218 12,218 13,422 1 2 , 1 59 12,813 13,579 10,053 1 0 , 202 10,043 10,390 10,374 10,662 10,385 10,703 10,400 10,584 10,293 10,664 38,108 40,428 40,094 40,424 40,628 38,265 38,564 38,529 36,653 37,749 37,297 37,414 32,102 30,676 29,885 30,941 30,139 30,410 30,772 32,043 31,470 30,808 34,270 31,821 721 733 682 742 665 584 561 562 554 635 640 599 4,057 4,085 3,502 3,674 3,914 3,943 4,444 4,804 4,901 4,583 4,471 5,293 123 118 189 99 115 106 146 111 102 116 126 133 133 134 148 127 150 156 186 1,234 1,260 111 781 1,994 996 2,518 3,156 3,008 2,397 1 , 605 2,554 I•, ' 2,589 2,604 2,419 2,668 t ,672 2,708 1,646 1,389 1,659 1,903 2,563 2,413 1970— Dee 1971- -Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec.s . . no 107 132 145 139 Annual Statistical Digest 193 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued A. By type—Continued Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars End of period Total to official institutions, banks, and other foreigners To official institutions 1° Payable in dollars Payable in dollars Total Deposits Demand 1970 —Dec. Time 2 U.S. Treasury bills and certifi-3 cates Other shortterm liab,4 Payable in foreign currencies Total Deposits Demand Times U.S. Treasury bills and certifi-3 cates Other shortterm liab.' Payable in foreign currencies 40 , 541 15,726 5,802 13,511 5,133 368 19,333 1,652 2,554 13,367 1,612 148 I971_jan 40,715 41,181 Feb. Mar 42,480 44,515 Apr. 48,622 May . . 45,132 June July 44,699 50,674 Aug 51,160 Sept. Oct. . . . . . 52,279 52,198 Nov [53,632 Dec.s 153,661 14,654 13,456 11,781 10,404 9,953 10,809 10,195 9,233 10,513 11,781 10,814 10,326 6,386 5,518 5,324 4,991 4,750 4,679 4,736 4,732 4,823 4,843 4,911 5,014 5,017 4,025 13,781 15,711 18,061 21,750 26,352 22,199 22,869 29,529 29,226 29,190 30,166 32,415 32,415 6,381 6,280 6,993 6,973 7,019 6,722 6,249 6,438 6,182 6,016 5,831 5,489 10,443 382 410 653 637 619 667 653 650 397 380 371 386 392 19,775 21,599 24,119 26,531 31,346 26,808 26,868 34,015 35,080 36,067 37,271 39,685 39,018 1,744 1,688 1,579 1,628 1,643 1,463 1,469 1,264 1,450 1,231 1,263 1,620 1,327 2,490 2,433 2,243 2,204 2,204 2,251 2,307 2,371 2,392 2,465 2,465 2,504 2,039 13,638 15,550 17,916 20,119 24,702 20,097 19,605 26,674 27,855 28,982 30,071 32,311 32,311 1,755 1,778 1,981 2,181 2,377 2,577 3,067 3,286 3,225 3,231 3,313 3,086 3,177 148 150 400 400 11 420 420 420 421 158 158 158 165 165 1972— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June. . . . . . July Aug. Sept. . . Oct. Nov Dec 54,517 55,861 56,258 55,002 54,560 56,144 56,028 57,563 57,451 58,855 59 , 143 59,284 6,071 5,934 5,899 6,366 6,484 7,126 7,219 6,566 6,848 7,008 6,915 8,204 4,021 4,167 4,242 4,304 4,468 4,592 4,485 4,600 4,716 4,935 5,137 5,401 33,164 34,195 34,654 32,147 31,300 31,659 32,738 33,573 32 , 569 32,867 32,394 31,523 10,828 11,093 10,947 11,691 11,810 12,248 11,106 12,368 12,841 13,506 14,154 13,659 432 473 516 494 499 519 481 455 478 538 543 496 39,581 40,679 40,980 38,723 37,850 38,603 39,777 40,616 39,633 40,266 40,045 40,000 1,185 1,099 1,128 1,246 1,224 1,536 1,521 1,308 1,239 1,335 1,271 1,591 2,024 2,119 2,148 2,270 2,379 2,469 2,377 2,417 2,459 2,569 2,643 2,880 33,045 34,092 34,548 32,047 31,209 31,573 32,655 33,499 32,497 32,794 32,315 31,453 3,161 3,204 2,990 2,993 2,871 2,858 3,054 3,220 3,268 3,398 3,645 3,905 166 167 167 167 167 167 170 171 171 171 171 171 1973 — jan Feb. . . Mar Apr. May June July.. . . . . . Aug. Seat Oct. Nov. . . . . . . Dec 57,753 62,716 64,309 63,601 65,024 65,056 66,383 65,839 65,385 66,358 66,394 67 , 1 19 7,334 7,654 7,493 8,001 8,226 8,960 8,784 8,259 8,677 9,040 9,780 11,209 5,335 5,360 5,312 5,381 5,460 5,594 5,699 5,935 5,901 6,536 6,615 6,799 29,855 36,235 37,687 36,219 35,817 34,762 34,440 34,196 33,640 32,696 31,604 31,590 14,703 12,953 13,269 13,415 14,951 15,096 16,853 16,839 16,507 17,509 17,773 16,925 526 513 548 584 572 644 607 611 660 577 622 597 38,535 45,414 46,929 45,955 46,117 45,713 46,138 45,722 45,174 45,212 43,791 43,923 1,406 1,757 1,544 1,715 1,720 1,941 1,935 1,576 1,633 1,811 2,036 2,125 2,875 2,841 2,837 2,920 2,949 3,124 3,192 3,355 3,226 3,846 3,802 3,911 29,779 36,147 37,620 36,137 35,736 34,684 34,360 34,118 33,554 32,613 31,529 31,511 4,303 4,497 4,757 4,996 5,525 5,777 6,461 6,545 6,634 6,814 6,298 6,248 171 172 172 12 187 187 187 189 127 127 127 127 127 1974—Jan Feb. . . Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct. . . Nov. Dec.9 65,333 67,660 71,766 74,114 77,364 79,360 82,211 84,994 85,822 86,643 89,497 191,676 \9 1,589 10,728 11,394 11,555 •11,917 11,577 12,750 12,102 11,760 12,641 11,104 12,732 13,928 13,925 6,720 6,766 6,894 7,246 7,556 8,187 8,578 9,035 ,9,183 9,730 9,472 9,995 9,899 29,257 30,042 31,217 32,467 33,937 33,947 34,128 33,033 33,392 34,094 34,927 35,165 35,165 17,988 18,688 21,335 21,777 23,641 23,684 26,738 30,421 29,910 30,996 31,622 31,822 31,834 640 770 766 706 653 792 666 746 696 719 744 766 766 41 566 42,053 43,505 45, '95 46,209 47,465 48,455 48,481 50,149 50,921 5 1 , 860 53,057 53,064 2,380 2,408 2,631 2,922 2,352 2,643 2,562 2,474 2,825 2,168 2,472 2,951 2,951 3,705 3,703 3,800 3,949 4,025 4,277 4,445 4,429 4,282 4,400 4,058 4,257 4,167 29,152 29,917 31,064 32,312 33,731 33,745 33,749 32,687 32,955 33,634 34,467 34,656 34,656 6,202 5,898 5,882 5,885 5,974 6,673 7,571 8,764 9,960 10,591 10,736 11,066 11,163 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 1975—Jan.., Feb. Mar. , Apr May June July. Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 89,211 90,090 89,531 90,518 89,821 88,575 88,056 89,252 87,598 87,352 90,842 88,785 12,161 12,016 12,140 11,597 11,814 12,490 12,072 12,108 13,315 12,027 12,668 1 3 , 440 9,942 10,100 9,927 10,264 10,241 10,529 10,251 10,555 10,273 10,434 10,137 10,478 36,874 39,169 39,316 39,643 38,634 37,269 36,046 35,373 33,645 35,359 35,692 34,860 29,513 28,072 27,466 28,273 28,468 27,702 29,126 30,654 29,811 28,897 31,708 29,416 721 733 682 742 665 584 561 562 554 635 637 591 51,832 54,310 53,706 53,531 52,408 51,929 50,393 49,915 48,080 49,602 49,124 49,170 2,185 2,058 2,323 2,147 2,175 2,564 2,492 2,493 2,452 2,448 2,242 2,644 4,201 4,206 4,203 4,193 4,324 4,321 4,098 4,164 3,957 3,948 3,594 3,438 36,531 38,840 39,015 39,316 38,372 36,994 35,803 35,055 33,284 34,983 35,247 34,175 8,916 9,206 8,164 7,874 7,537 8,050 8,000 8,203 8,387 8,223 8,041 8,913 194 Annual Statistical Digest 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued A. By type—Continued Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars To banks 13 To other foreigners Payable in dollars End of period Total Deposits Total Demand Time 2 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates Other shortterm liab." Deposits Total Time Demand 2 U.S. Treasury bills and certificates Other shortterm liab.» To bunksand other foreigners: Payable in foreign currencies 21,208 16,949 12,385 1,354 14 3,197 4,039 1,688 1,895 131 325 220 20,940 19,582 18,361 17,984 17,276 18,324 17,831 16,659 16,081 16,212 14,927 (13,947 \14,643 16,668 15,219 14,029 13,618 13,036 14,120 13,704 12,590 12,197 12,255 10,981 10,034 10,721 11,220 10,041 8,476 6,970 6,573 7,586 7,030 6,284 7,486 8,845 7,871 7,047 3,399 1,185 1,016 879 654 590 649 600 665 739 786 879 850 320 13 12 10 1,516 1,518 2,016 3,168 2,769 1,286 120 9 8 8 4,250 4,150 4,665 4,477 4,354 3,869 2,905 2,872 2,685 2,504 2,223 2,130 6,995 4,038 4,103 4,078 4,129 4,041 3,957 3,894 3,839 3,645 3,734 3,733 3,692 3,694 ,689 ,727 ,726 ,805 ,737 ,760 ,696 ,684 ,577 ,705 ,680 ,660 ,660 ,843 ,875 ,870 ,892 ,885 ,835 ,825 ,787 ,712 ,660 ,670 ,663 ,666 130 148 135 116 131 86 96 87 85 89 87 96 96 376 353 347 315 287 276 277 280 272 281 296 274 271 234 260 254 238 199 247 233 230 239 222 213 221 228 1972—Jan Feb Mar Apr. May June July Auu. Sept Oct. Nov Dec 14,936 15,182 15,278 16,279 16,710 17,541 16,251 16,946 17,818 18,589 19,097 19,284 10,906 11,065 11,110 12,089 12,478 13,060 11,781 12,571 13,214 13,733 14,322 14,340 3,183 3,121 3,089 3,365 3,567 3,790 3,877 3,555 3,833 3,798 3,938 4,658 337 349 359 342 297 284 250 281 293 361 398 405 4 4 4 4 3 5 5 6 5 3 5 5 7,382 7,590 7,658 8,379 8,611 8,981 7,649 8,729 9,084 9,570 9,981 9,272 3,764 3,811 3,818 3,862 3,900 4,129 4,158 4,090 4,296 4,489 4,404 4,618 ,703 ,714 ,682 ,756 ,693 ,800 ,821 ,702 ,776 ,875 ,706 ,955 ,660 ,699 ,735 ,692 ,791 ,840 ,857 ,902 ,964 2,005 2,096 2,116 116 GO 102 96 88 81 77 67 68 70 75 65 285 299 299 318 328 409 402 419 489 538 528 481 267 306 349 327 333 353 311 284 3QS 368 372 325 1973- -Jan. Feb Mar, Apr May June . . . . July Aug. . Sept Oct, Nov Dec. , . 19,218 17,302 17,380 17,646 18,907 19,343 20,246 20,118 20,211 21,146 22,602 23 , 196 14,350 12,342 12,402 12,460 13,681 13,912 14,906 14,607 14,506 15,517 16,797 17,224 4,154 4,083 4,144 4,334 4,645 5,053 4,957 4,806 5,070 5,250 5,734 6,941 343 371 331 312 319 264 326 358 436 479 495 529 7 5 5 7 8 8 8 10 8 7 8 11 9,845 7,883 7,924 7,808 8,710 8,587 9,615 9,433 8,992 9,783 10,559 9,743 4,514 4,619 4,601 4,788 4,841 4,974 4,922 5,027 5,172 5,179 5,310 5,502 ,774 ,814 ,805 ,952 1 ,861 ,966 ,892 ,877 ,974 ,980 2,010 2,143 2,116 2,148 2,144 2,149 2,192 2,206 2,182 2,221 2,240 2,211 2,318 2,359 69 S3 63 75 73 70 72 68 77 76 67 68 555 573 5B8 611 716 732 776 861 881 912 915 933 355 341 376 398 385 457 418 483 533 449 495 469 1974—Jan. Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 9 23,766 25,607 28,261 28,920 31,155 31,895 33,757 36,513 35,673 35,722 37,637 (38,619 \38,525 17,640 19,151 21,489 21,967 24,118 24,454 26,282 28,766 27,488 27,504 29,166 29,676 29,441 6,329 6,853 6,568 6,599 6,910 7,689 7,105 6,890 7,096 6,361 7,622 8,248 8,244 517 523 506 677 788 996 1,165 1,456 1,637 1,908 1,807 1,942 1,936 14 32 54 63 82 95 204 200 258 268 253 232 232 10,781 11,745 14,361 14,628 16,339 15,675 17,808 20,220 18,497 18,967 19,484 19,254 19,029 5,613 5,813 6,133 6,373 6,511 6,776 6,936 7,129 7,617 7,626 7,855 8,304 8,445 2,019 2,134 2,355 2,397 2,315 2,418 2,435 2,396 2,721 2,574 2,638 2,729 2,729 2,498 2,540 2,588 2,620 2,744 2,915 2,967 3,150 3,264 3,422 3,608 3,796 3,796 91 93 98 92 124 107 ! 175 145 ! 179 i 193 ! 207 277 277 1,005 1,045 1,092 1,263 1,329 1,336 1,359 1,437 1,454 1,438 1,402 1,502 1,643 513 642 639 579 526 665 539 618 568 591 617 639 639 1975—Jan. Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug Sept. Oct Nov Dec. 37,379 35,780 35,825 36,988 37,414 36,647 37,662 39,337 39,518 37,750 41,718 39,615 28,414 26,564 26,732 28,058 28 , 249 27,406 28,474 29,778 29,764 27,832 31,554 28,988 7,351 7,138 7,077 6,894 6,856 7,070 6,887 6,910 7,982 6,811 7,587 7,549 1,982 2,033 1,808 2,102 1,821 1,979 1,860 1,827 1,775 I , 111 1,694 2,140 172 155 101 120 105 99 91 88 89 100 135 335 18,909 17,238 17,747 18,941 19,466 18,258 19,637 20,953 19,918 19,143 22,139 18,964 8,244 8,483 8,411 8,189 8,500 8,656 8,627 8,997 9,200 9,282 9,527 10,036 2,625 2,820 2,740 1 2,556 | 2,784 2,857 2,694 2,705 ! 2,881 2,769 2,839 3,248 3,760 3,861 3,916 3,969 4,096 4,228 4,293 4,563 4,541 4,708 4,850 4,901 171 174 200 207 156 176 152 230 272 276 311 349 1,688 1,028 1,555 1,457 1 ,465 1,395 1,489 1,498 1,506 1,530 1,528 1,538 721 733 682 742 665 5B4 561 562 554 635 637 591 1970—Dec 1971 —Jan. Feb Mar. Apr May June . . . July Aug Sept Oct Nov. Dec.s ! i ! 1 i Annual Statistical Digest 195 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B. By country End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars Europe : Austria Belgium-Luxembourg Denmark , . Finland France . Germany . . Greece Italy Netherlands Norway ....... Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Yugoslavia ... Other Western Europe " U S.S.R. Other Eastern Europe . . . ...... . .. .... Latin America: Argentina Bahamas 3 Brazil Chile Colombia . , Cuba Mexico Panama Peru , Uruguay Venezuela Other Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America. . . . Total Asia . . Africa : Egypt Morocco South Africa . . . . Zaire Other Africa 185 597 189 117 2,267 7,520 184 1,330 762 324 274 198 503 1,948 46 5,504 37 594 15 54 204 761 196 117 2,354 7,795 162 1,592 584 317 299 205 519 1,941 53 5,633 36 460 11 63 198 767 216 112 2,263 8,518 176 1,658 654 313 307 203 541 2 012 51 5 206 46 377 0 56 Apr. May 194 191 185 780 770 903 219 220 148 115 107 114 2,344 2,297 2 275 9,571 10,318 12,472 140 145 146 1,805 1,903 1,833 741 620 661 364 403 465 319 298 280 184 201 232 577 631 625 2,029 2 145 2 312 32 25 43 4,774 5 082 5 157 41 33 38 368 339 795 9 12 22 45 53 50 June July 203 761 175 110 2,467 7,273 152 1,760 609 506 270 200 681 2,093 21 6 123 33 1 000 9 66 274 781 201 131 3,242 5,446 159 1,777 461 574 271 208 718 1,914 27 6,209 39 1 417 10 61 Aug. 244 916 164 116 3,663 5,082 160 2,032 283 649 295 204 723 3,355 26 6,124 31 1 517 10 45 Sept. 244 901 173 116 3,302 5 , 339 179 2 , 286 302 655 314 185 729 3 268 27 6 342 41 1 446 11 61 Oct, 255 875 171 136 2,842 5,606 184 2,231 315 658 307 202 729 3,306 48 7,223 34 1 409 12 56 Nov. 246 736 168 134 2,858 5,733 175 1,953 291 714 308 185 757 3,265 67 7 711 40 1 401 8 67 Dec.1 254 701 168 160 3,150 6,596 170 1,888 271 685 303 203 791 3,248 68 7 374 34 1 369 14 53 3,626 3,402 3,256 3 136 3,292 3,251 3,316 3,472 3,803 3,590 3 ,441 539 745 346 266 247 7 821 147 225 118 735 620 98 39 508 779 372 256 231 7 829 152 186 125 672 617 92 37 517 666 392 253 215 8 830 167 178 125 693 614 95 38 522 622 331 258 186 8 826 164 168 119 642 609 101 49 507 980 336 260 191 7 863 177 181 121 684 601 105 48 505 940 335 256 169 7 800 165 190 112 729 582 105 56 447 960 361 257 183 6 790 166 200 116 786 582 101 46 501 1,074 428 235 178 7 705 147 162 116 782 624 97 46 499 885 418 252 168 7 726 149 146 127 787 623 101 49 419 661 358 247 178 6 670 127 162 117 806 597 87 44 415 346 360 211 181 6 678 150 163 116 915 608 94 42 437 376 383 189 179 6 706 150 163 108 874 615 85 46 441 656 342 191 188 6 709 154 164 108 963 656 87 36 4,952 4,865 4,792 4,605 5,062 4,953 5,002 5,100 4,938 4,481 4,284 4,317 4,702 33 275 258 302 73 135 5,150 199 285 508 717 36 292 305 236 60 121 5,169 193 281 489 733 36 278 322 229 65 128 5 452 178 296 469 738 34 288 298 188 52 122 6,325 191 331 443 681 34 296 281 211 73 155 6 815 184 338 381 619 33 293 313 245 60 125 8 192 193 340 306 595 35 291 306 255 71 132 8 673 201 321 281 571 39 35 34 34 34 34 258 300 281 248 294 268 312 336 301 311 316 296 89 222 193 142 154 150 63 67 57 65 59 69 150 115 133 128 108 130 8 691 13 136 13 793 14 014 13 919 14 294 187 201 185 195 216 189 304 333 322 294 328 304 126 237 183 144 107 131 634 551 595 631 579 568 .... 7,936 7,914 8 191 8,952 9 384 10 696 11 137 11 135 15 376 15 936 16 255 16 082 16 432 ... . 17 11 83 14 395 16 7 71 16 469 18 7 71 13 334 15 8 56 17 278 15 9 74 19 268 14 9 64 15 291 15 9 61 16 285 19 7 71 19 299 13 10 74 44 303 25 11 81 25 321 16 8 74 16 331 13 9 74 12 314 24 9 78 12 474 521 580 443 373 384 392 385 415 444 463 445 422 597 389 39 376 34 398 46 455 43 576 41 668 40 757 46 830 47 914 46 854 34 854 39 919 51 916 42 428 410 444 497 617 708 803 877 960 888 893 970 957 .... Total Africa . Other countries: Australia All other Total other countries Total foreign countries . Feb. 3,647 Total Latin America. . Grand total Jan. 4,056 Asia : China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . China Republic of (Taiwan) . Hong Kong India . Indonesia Israel . Japan Korea . . . Philippines. Thailand Other Asia Total international and regional Mar. Dec. 22,648 23,299 23,685 24,652 25,812 28,737 24,512 23,921 25,639 25,921 26 , 599 26,816 27,503 Total Europe Canada International and regional : International 4 Latin American regional Other regional ^ 19 71 1970 Area and country ,,„,..., . 40,541 40,715 41,181 42,480 44 515 48 622 45 132 44,699 50 674 51 160 52 279 52 198 53 632 975 131 115 1,176 173 93 1,087 167 97 1,101 177 107 1,225 185 138 1 256 201 139 1 230 210 142 1,242 237 169 1 341 263 138 1 301 280 137 1 265 267 135 1 269 287 144 1 332 298 142 1,221 1,442 1,351 1,385 1 , 548 1 596 1 581 1 647 1 742 1 718 1 667 1 701 1 772 . . . . 41,761 42,158 42,532 43,865 46 , 063 50,217 46,713 46 , 346 52,416 52 878 53,946 53 898 55 404 196 Annual Statistical Digest 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B. By country—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 1971 Area and country Dec.* Europe : Austria .... Belgium-Luxembourg. . . Denmark Finland . . France Germany. . . . Greece. . . . Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal. , . Spain .. Sweden Switzerland Turkey . . . . . . United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe 2 U.S.S.R, . . Other Eastern Europe Total Europe . . . . . . . . ... ... Total Latin America . . . .. Asia: China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . China, Republic of (Taiwan). . . Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel . . Japan ,, Korea . . . Philippines Thailand . Other Asia Feb. 261 728 177 156 3,234 6,972 167 1,700 306 702 299 187 803 3,256 36 7,908 35 1,367 13 54 252 779 179 150 3,311 7,724 164 1,693 4241 675 282 177 871 3,099 34 7,598 40 1,438 11 46 Mar. 257 888 191 140 3,103 7,670 147 1,568 823 674 267 183 964 2,935 42 8,089 54 1,411 9 58 Apr. May June July 276 866 218 151 3,043 5,482 163 1,623 878 655 279 219 981 2,941 36 7,954 94 1,386 283 864 203 131 3,027 5,500 159 1,572 860 669 284 206 1,010 2,709 40 7,954 88 1,388 13 58 254 962 215 148 3,514 6,483 179 1,372 847 654 269 231 1,044 2,622 261 1,159 216 176 4,324 6,601 168 1,424 1,488 769 290 222 1,036 3,618 55 4,945 87 1,387 : 18 58 56 AA 7,912 90 1,370 10 68 Aug. 272 1,188 209 165 4,317 6,459 165 1,615 1,514 892 334 192 1,033 3,485 59 5,893 102 1,399 10 57 Sept. 310 1,175 194 163! 4,422 5,819-1 J77 1,426 1,490 873SI 356 246 1,068 3,538' 72 5,692 65 1,446 14 71 Oct. 279 1,159 217 161 4,501 5,H09 195 1,345 1,460 895 379 230 1,059 3,072 71 5,683 56 1,428 16 63 Nov. 245 1,070 254 157 4,630 5,514 190 1,354 1,442 960 413 223 1,081 2,838 96 5,430 98 1,479 10 58 Dec. 272 1,094 284 163 4,441 5,346 238 1,338 1,468 978 416 256 1,1H4 2,857 97 5,011 117 1,483 11 81 3,441 3,593 3,574 3,486 3,722 4,146 3,966 3,727 3,660 3,730 3,969; 3,799 3,432 441 656 342 191 188 6 715 154 164 108 963 655 87 37 435 315 376 180 185 6 758 158 164 108 870 645 97 43 420 278 406 146 176 6 748 156 160 541 307 449 137 163 6 659 156 174 124 740 649 507 444 543 132 184 459 486 628 136 190 457 384 620 136 196 523 461 591 134 199 6 690 156 164 137 855 662 88 54 532 576 601 j 135i 192 6 671; 151 180 125 924 747|J 638 540 605 137 210 6 831 167 225 140 1,078 861 £ 919 669 94 40 788 165 178 121 831 671 88 47 500 416 550 136 212 6 695 154 178 136 865 701 83 45 547 576 564 135 185 6 659 150 183 133 926 751 Si 465 442 576 134 190 6 761 185 167 122 873 661 91 43 55' 57 44 4,708 4,339 4,272 4,223 4,593 4,716 4,810 4,688 4,675 4,721 4,961 5,568 843 685 90 46 668 155 174 118 851 695 73] $ 117 „ 82 4,979 m m 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 38 38 39 39 541 590 675 502 639 426 320 365 383 291 280 338 258 318 325 310 341 315 313 312 306 311 335 304 299 328 103 98 105 107 122 91 89 116 104 105 118 114 102 107 114 117 71 98 115 63 90 87 113 54 89 108 127 141 134 177 119 128 143 140 143 145 150 148 133 14,295 14,179 14,950 14,808 14,902 14,017 14,096 13,963 14,156 14,412 15,485 16,152 15,843 201 235 206 208 218 192 204 198 220 224 178 196 196 382 364 394 345 379 438 337 346 267 271 294 306 268 171 177 141 120 145 143 120 174 128 116 121 170 126 965 1,071 733 797 1,016 717 729 706 802 708 774 714 595 16,429 16,495 17,257 17,131 17,267 16,525 16,613 16,521 16,904 17,175 18,529 19,182 19,131 Total Asia . Africa : Ecynt. Morocco . . South Africa Zaire Other Africa Jan. 27 , 529 28,361 28,948 29,474 27,311 27,019 28,287 28,302 29,360 28,615 28,078. 27,541 27,136 .... Canada . . . . Latin America: Argentina3 . Bahamas . Brazil. . . . . Chile Colombia. .. Cuba Mexico .... Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela , . Other Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America 254 701 168 160 3,150 6,596 170 1,887 270 685 303 203 792 3,249 68 7,379 34 1,391 14 53 1972 „ . Total Africa Other countries: Australia All other Total other countries Total foreign countries International and regional: International 4 Latin American5 regional Other regional Total international and regional Grand total . .. 24 12 115 24 9 78 12 474 14 10 53 12 510 f3 9 73 13 538 70 22 526 79 14 542 !? 18 8 70 16 522 19 11 76 18 608 17 11 92 27 620 19 9 65 15 622 23 9 71 18 649 23 10 57 14 595 24 11 83 17 67B 768 597 599 646 640 661 635 731 768 729 770 700 814 939 916 42 1,087 42 1,124 41 1,257 47 1,404 43 1,482 39 1,692 45 1,977 45 2,187 47 2,372 69 2,553 47 2,801 46 3,027 51 957 1,129 1,165 1,304 1,447 1,520 1,737 2,022 2,234 2,441 2,600 2,846; 3,077 'i 53,661 54,517 55,861 56,258 55,002 54,560 56,144 56,028 57,563 57,451 58,855 59,143 59,284 1,327 298 142 1,475 306 146 1,000 316 1501 941 301 150 808 333 138 802 329 137 819 347 150 1,767 1,926 1,465 1,391 1,278 1,268 1,316 793! 300 173 1,266 83 1! 335 155 746, 329, 158 794 320 167 1,322 1,233|| 1,281 1,031! 3161 165| 1,512 951 307 156 1,413 55,428 56,443 57,326 57,649 56,280 55,828 57,461 57,294 58,884 58,684 60,136 60, 654 i 60,697 Annual Statistical Digest 197 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B. By country—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 19 73 Area and country Jan. Europe: Austria Belgium-Luxembourg. Denmark Finland France . . . Germany Greece Italy . . . . Netherlands . Norway .. Portugal . . Spain. . . . . Sweden. . . . Switzerland . Turkey United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe 2 . . . . U.S.S.R. Other Eastern Europe . . . .... Latin America: Argentina. . „ Bahamas. . . . . . . . Brazil Chile Colombia . . . Cuba Mexico . . . . Panama Peru Uruguay . . Venezuela. . . . Other Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles a n d Surinam. . Other Latin America . . . . . . Total Latin America Asia: China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . . . China, Republic of (Taiwan) Hong Kong . India..: Indonesia , Israel Japan . . . . . . . . . Korea Philippines ... Thailand. . Other Asia Total Asia . . . . . . Total Africa Total other countries ... . Total foreign countries International and regional : International 4 Latin AmericanG regional Other regional . . . . Total international and regional . . May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov. Dec. 3 826 3,206 3 118 3 430 3 651 3,216 3 318 3,690 3,578 3,654 3,779 3,627 638 292 643 132 210 7 783 193 176 140 996 840 81 236 695 263 648 136 218 7 800 201 167 138 1,052 828 84 238 693 202 671 143 184 6 788 171 172 132 949 806 76 216 700 230 703 140 197 7 853 168 167 143 1,045 820 72 243 737 504 768 137 219 7 843 192 170 150 968 779 64 270 734 452 770 141 200 10 925 187 180 180 1,055 784 68 649 757 797 921 135 200 7 920 196 190 128 1,067 746 78 408 808 565 732 128 168 7 975 219 177 126 1,079 793 61 403 898 593 700 128 167 7 1,044 207 178 114 941 795 65 463 790 456 745 138 207 7 1,029 235 152 115 1,130 746 70 532 776 806 816 143 221 6 1,133 286 124 112 1,420 773 63 556 924 852 860 158 247 7 1,296 282 135 120 1,468 884 71 359 5 366 5,474 5 208 5 489 5 808 6,335 6,548 6,241 6,299 6,351 7,235 7,664 37 44 39 49 737 783 816 830 319 337 330 336 134 114 125 115 96 90 101 89 139 144 146 137 14,576 14,739 12,350 10,422 210 111 214 224 453 445 513 520 211 187 170 166 940 951 897 869 44 832 368 145 117 142 9,063 231 575 177 873 41 846 341 110 155 161 8,465 226 544 175 883 38 790 289 141 176 159 8,134 219 545 146 958 43 810 356 103 140 146 8,011 217 541 140 1 139 40 802 349 99 254 173 7,687 213 482 143 1 165 37 779 363 105 169 279 7,069 198 479 163 1 139 40 764 383 71 160 330 6,736 210 497 180 1 138 38 757 372 85 133 327 6,967 195 515 247 I 202 17 873 18 001 15 671 13 825 12 568 11 947 11 596 11 648 11 408 10 779 10 510 10,839 Other countries: Australia All other Grand total Apr. 26 844 32 227 36 492 36 926 38 950 39,384 40 , 622 40,217 39,971 41,426 40,598 40,742 Total Europe, Canada. Africa : Egypt Morocco. . South Africa Zaire Other Africa Mar. 204 166 161 292 267 292 297 305 302 268 281 301 978 1,165 1,257 1 246 1,374 1,377 1,457 1,381 1 ,378 1,411 1,463 1,483 527 409 470 659 321 364 400 406 502 489 477 436 165 145 135 136 152 158 142 168 244 194 165 153 4,434 4,483 5,000 5,167 5,327 5,406 5,452 5,246 5,296 4,143 3,415 3,483 5 034 10 494 12 990 12 701 12 161 12,003 12 837 12,912 13,236 14,180 14,227 13,227 236 389 215 280 224 210 223 175 219 219 240 236 1,085 1,041 968 1,020 1,171 1,072 870 1,510 1 , 140 1,095 1,224 1,404 1,356 1,762 2,532 2,543 2,427 2,369 2,029 1,945 2,022 2,534 2,866 2,886 965 999 980 995 1,018 1,035 1,046 1,049 1,082 1,055 1,024 973 467 470 534 459 477 472 498 518 502 511 500 439 284 319 305 259 237 222 256 250 325 334 282 231 1,189 1,403 1,483 1,682 1,787 1,905 1,951 1,871 1,835 1,787 1,807 1,885 2,924 2,845 2,901 2,959 3,272 3,268 3,310 3,226 3,309 3,316 3,091 3,377 83 75 72 98 94 71 102 115 109 105 118 75 5,510 4,546 4,657 4,741 5,899 6,317 6,457 5,943 5,593 6,416 6,473 6,148 61 76 86 58 69 73 66 66 57 82 78 58 1 464 1,502 1,619 1,772 2,164 2,360 2,965 3,015 3,099 3,426 2,926 3,352 g 9 11 40 20 22 16 17 14 21 14 18 101 110 114 96 71 74 90 71 65 71 66 81 .... . . Feb. 21 9 111 18 573 28 8 104 23 728 17 13 125 22 739 33 9 125 28 798 67 8 120 45 786 29 11 155 17 904 29 15 169 21 803 41 10 100 27 683 34 11 132 19 765 34 10 103 26 747 63 14 109 24 824 35 11 114 87 808 733 891 917 992 1 025 1 118 1 037 862 961 919 1 034 1,056 3 046 65 2 861 57 2 849 54 2 882 57 2 961 60 2 985 71 3 202 61 3 124 ^7 3 106 62 3 169 59 3 183 55 3 131 59 3,111 2,918 2,903 2,939 3,022 3,056 3,263 3,181 3,168 3,228 3,238 3,190 57 753 62 716 64 309 63 601 65 024 65 056 66 383 65 8'!9 65 385 66,358 66 394 67 119 . . . . 931 301 148 958 318 142 980 320 126 983 337 109 1,131 346 103 1,148 330 90 1,098 310 81 1,124 290 72 1,182 299 71 1,402 300 66 1,609 291 62 1,627 272 57 I 380 I 418 1 426 1 429 1,579 1,569 1,488 1,487 1,552 1,768 1,962 1,955 59 133 64 134 65 734 65 030 66 604 66 625 67 872 67 326 66 937 68 126 68 356 69 074 198 Annual Statistical Digest 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B, By country—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 1974 Area and country Jan. Europe: Austria .... Belgium-Luxembourg . . . . . . Denmark , Finland. . . France. . . . Germany. Greece . . Italy Netherlands Norway . . . . . . Portugal Spam Sweden Switzerland Turkey. . . . United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe " U S.S.R. Other Eastern Europe , .. . . . . ... Canada. ..... Latin America : Argentina Bahamas . Brazil Chile Colombia, . . . Cuba Mexico. ... Panama. Peru Uruguay . . . Vcne/uela . Other Latin American republics. . Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America Total Latin America. . . . . Asia: China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . China Republic of (Taiwan) Hong Kong India Indonesia. . Israel Japan Korea .... Philippines Thailand. , . Middle East7 oil-exporting countries 8. . . Other Asia Africa : Egypt Morocco . . South Africa Zaire .... Oil-exporting countries ^ Other Africa 7 Total other countries. . . May June 310 298 1,748 1.8361 261 266 143 174 3,019 3,425 13,778 13,528 232'! 239 1,435 1,281 2,407 2,352 923 911 411 452 324 365 1,350 1,211 5,138 6,386 125 95 9,082 i 8,748 100, 86 2,639 2,701 27 28 104 126 July Aug. 484 530 1,828 1,937 239 251 1 203 229 , 3,763 3,624 ! 12,602 11,873 222 298 1,327 1,101 2,232 2,234 878 894 429 422 362 303 1,160 1,049 7,216 7,850 134 106 8,565 9,087 J 106 100 i 2,851 2,871 I 27 26 147 133 Sept, Oct. Nov. [ 597 1,933 268 219 3,574 9,337 293 3,138 2,498 1,023 435 377 1,096 8,393 100 8,725 151 3,122 40 149 568 2,047 285 i 223 ) 3,933 : 8,623 ! 255 2,748 3,009 1,131 411 347 1,071 8,974 121 7,582 136 3,263 44 136 557 2,295 338 262 3,8351 9,t02 213 2,192 3,177 1,181 338 332 1,103 9,378' 102 8,198 105 3,434 33' 140 Dec.i 607 2,506 369 266 4,287 9,420 248 2,617 3,234 1,040 310 382 1,138 9,986 152 7,559 183 4,073 ! 82 206 607 2,506 369 266 4,287 9,429 248 2,617 3,234 1,040 310 382 1,138 10,137 152 7,584 183 4,073 $2 206 3,923 4,216 3,639 4,350 3,983 3,550 3,595 3,250 3,754 4,226 3,725 3,517 3,520 857 594 819 179 2J< 1,011 2,014 882 187 ! 234 7 1,424 423 159 121 1,736 1,095 68 681 1,070 1,334 782 226 225 6 1,390 438 160 121 2,297 1,140 63 619 1,193 1,947 753 193 225 6 1,422 551 162 132 2,248 1,051 94 428 1,378 1,498 798 240 217 6 1,413 550 166 121 2,707 1,071 122 465 1,252 1,546 778 279 264 7 1,411 566 197 122 2,600 1,183 92 677 1,189 3,201 847 253 285 6 1,610 445 185 115 2,999 1,066 103 828 1,105 1,232 893 266 293 1,017 1,691 894 270 292 6 1,731 484 177 128 2,992 1,113 138 508 938 1,747 952 297 305 7 1,746 474 183 140 2,921 1,176 135 839 886 1,448 1,034 276 305 7 1,770 488 272 147 3,413 1,316 158 519 886 1 ,054 1,034 276 305 1,38! 284 144 120 1,460 952 69 500 905 1,009 1,020 174 235 8 1,373 348 154 115 1,636 1,023 61 810 7,586 8,872 10,042 9,873 10,406 .0,754 10,971 13,132 11,361 11,442 38 735 389 152 186 337 6,430 222 570 336 39 715 416 183 175 311 7,457 204 604 471 38 641 452 133 240 302 8,327 180 595 607 39 573 453 177 305 275 8,686 253 642 536 39 620 512 264 220 267 9,080 234 731 517 688 462 225 257 256 9,440 262 772 524 39 772 470 172 863 226 9,991 215 762 451 1,306 1,196 1,445 i,942J 1,886 2,572 3,614! 33 1,647 511 182 120 3,217 1,214 123 553 1,770 510 272 165 3,413 1,316 158 589 11,862 12,038 11,754 50 50 43 45 40 40 797 808 818 822 818 842 551 530 530 470 621 490 261 261 140 156 158 131 1,221 1,221 1,363 943i 1,600 785 389 386 279 211 217 218 9,912 10,136 10,407 10,891 10,897 10,897 384 384 309 304 277 313 747 731 747 726 748 715 333 333 333 362 403 32S( 4,633 4,608 845 813 4,252 4,726 4,832 5,681 . .. . 72 12 119 30 52 17 148 42 68 15 83 43J 71 20 122 52 84 39 102 58 91 54, 170, 46 73 791 157 43 105; 63 156! 46 109 73: 109 59 155 82 103 38i 130 84' 1,044 1,335 1,566] 1,703 i,9ii 2,042 2,258 1,277 1,593 1,709 1,968 2,193 2,403' 2,627 2,986 74 2,917 66 2,849 60 2,979 52, 2,980 681 2,831 69; 2,848, 58 2,926 68 3,059 2,984 2,909 3,031 3,047 2,90o| 2,906, 2,994 103 2,973 3,199; 382 130 84 2.BI4 382 3S333: 3,604 3,551 3,551 2,847! 72.| 2,788 71 2,759 86 2,742 89 2,742 89 2,918 2,859 2,845 2,831 2,831 138 41 2,814: 1,059 837 Other countries: Australia . . All other . , Grand total 327 210 248 279 1,593 1,662 1,581 1,804 527 456 380 358 178 160 140 169 3,241 2,967 2,852 2,767 I 12,307 12,357 12,275 13,032 i 262 343 288 238 1,195 1,119 2,243 1,386 2,522 2,502 2,547 2,507 1• 993 961 923 ! 962 482 450 486 450 264 304 267 288 1,975 1,973 1,733 1 ,475i 3,281 3,513 3,791 4,228 i 221 146 96 j 92 6,460 6,202 7,400 8,055 77 94 78 82 3,125 3,007 2,946 3,003 26 52 20 29 93 95 96 122 72 U 97 42 Total Africa Total international and regional Apr. I 10,702 11,769 12,960 13,880 14,369 15,491 17,576 18,060 19,076 19,874 21,147 21,073, 2MJ82 i Total Asia International and regional: International 4 Latin American5 regional Other regional Mar. 39,002 38,542 40,622 41,272 43,591 44,473 44,761 44,932 45,468 44,908 46,313 48,667 48,852 Total Europe Total foreign countries Feb. 2,893 ~~ 7° "j 65,333 67,660 71,766 74,114 77,364) 79,360 82,211,- 84,994 85,822J 86,643 89,497 91,676 91,589 1,536 257 61 1 1,404 228 61 918 226 62 895 217 51 1 ,093 226| 68 1.3051 227 122 1.383J 253! 108 1,567' 26211 93 1,534' 261 104 1,668: 2S2'i 100; 2,055 213 70 2,900 202 69 2,900 202 69 3,171 1,653 1,745 1,921; 1,900 2,000 2,339 3,171 1,853 1,693 1,206 1,164 1,388 j 67,185 69,353 72,972 75,278 78,752 81,014 83,956 86,916 87,722 88,642 91,835 94,847 94,760 j i > Annual Statistical Digest 199 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B. By country—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding: in millions of dollars 1975 Area and country Jan. Europe: Austria Belgium-Luxembourg Denmark Finland. . . France Germany Greece . . . . Italy Netherlands Norway . . . . Portugal Spain . Sweden. Switzerland Turkey ... . United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe 2 . . . U.S.S.R.... Other Eastern Europe . Total other countries Total foreign countries International and regional: International 4 Latin American& regional. Other regional Total international and regional Grand total. Oct. Nov. Dec. 627 661 667 688 606 635 2 891 2,865 2 918 700 2 982 2 938 2,917 4,206 4,035 4,226 4,600 9 953 10 806 1 1 , 240 10 229 4,982 8,203 5,403 6 460 5,515 5,440 5,493 5,277 5,950 4,797 6,608 5,047 7,172 4,841 7,733 4,407 2,157 3,351 2,298 3,535 1,426 3,539 1,118 1,056 3,301 1,052 1,426 3,059 1,398 3,199 1,071 3,301 1,112 3,148 2,195 8,048 2,252 8,205 2,241 8,029 2,286 8,556 6,268 6,722 7,177 138 175 6,885 2,428 2,370 324 204 370 202 242 192 2,260 3 197 2,449 3,414 826 303 320 843 288 358 340 212 323 181 273 202 2,498 3,302 827 247 361 846 267 341 1,132 9 673 1,215 9 547 1,209 8 938 1,477 8 817 1,697 8,615 6,685 6,219 7,039 7,053 6,994 3,136 2,934 2,641 2,516 2,546 187 65 172 131 168 59 120 243 158 35 218 103 87 122 126 34 123 61 148 355 365 254 945 264 362 325 361 299 308 406 307 279 392 268 288 1,847 8,452 2,010 7,965 2,203 8,282 6,417 6,461 8,342 106 104 2,560 2,291 124 83 2,562 62 370 106 29 181 134 50 160 311 391 361 982 207 459 116 128 2,443 39 272 327 367 331 886 236 414 128 42 153 361 380 313 970 190 402 120 38 128 332 391 284 996 194 426 118 126 2,970 40 200 46,063 46,180 47 , 200 46,502 44,701 43,852 41,755 42,882 41,005 42,405 42,853 43,821 3,400 3,783 3,448 3,951 3,946 3,617 3,921 3,637 989 1,061 1,991 1,054 2,190 3,944 3,567 4,091 3,075 984 1,503 1,016 1,135 2,221 1,083 1,150 2,989 1,075 1,872 270 366 6 266 387 7 1,147 1,834 1,227 1,956 2,183 2,078 1,097 4,247 1,462 3,531 1,399 3,188 1,362 113 118 3,290 1,494 1,046 2,141 t ,. , 900 894 822 886 1,716 1,557 1,248 1 065 1,946 1 077 964 2,288 1,691 1,081 921 280 367 7 289 400 7 853 301 376 7 1,819 1,809 1,824 3,726 1,506 3,964 1,410 4,242 1,364 1,603 1,534 1,897 12,024 11,961 11,817 13,158 13,881 13,557 14,554 14,907 14,983 859 284 319 6 927 281 317 6 1,747 1,814 2,918 1,211 3 351 1,263 539 256 161 155 954 503 238 178 133 499 50 977 558 52 1,036 546 1,327 1,083 179 419 177 258 326 6 278 313 6 984 260 307 6 1,668 1,727 1,876 3,501 1,348 3,559 1,401 3,866 1,353 528 225 111 143 501 55 1,044 528 476 183 497 511 327 642 327 311 745 455 695 217 183 113 755 55 1,045 543 127 582 493 579 206 168 123 899 49 1,006 596 168 279 538 549 219 155 134 991 65 1,071 598 145 365 472 657 228 190 104 50 1,015 540 133 527 369 649 208 160 105 55 1,054 577 214 289 343 293 379 7 752 245 208 119 94 1 ,058 741 214 234 322 10,442 10 909 1 1 , 390 10,993 1 1 , 1 09 1 1 , 223 1 1 , 669 11,218 1 1 , 1 28 315 702 337 4,960 1,043 5,213 923 3,683 978 345 660 446 3,932 905 341 662 342 4,300 862 361 697 370 3,835 907 366 632 284 4,432 767 374 669 255 4,804 919 342 604 207 5,111 970 765 247 168 840 249 175 317 414 6 244 172 129 1,501 14,305 16,131 14,950 104 1,061 684 194 612 364 93 1,051 683 181 418 342 123 1,025 623 126 369 386 9,940 10,776 10,142 400 580 194 386 593 193 390 698 252 5,785 925 5,987 885 6,440 869 21 310 21 710 20 381 20 124 20 251 20 108 20 785 20 770 21,025 20 844 21 589 21,442 Total Asia. . Other countries: Australia . . All other Sept. 3 070 169 Total Latin America Total Africa Aug. 627 874 310 379 Asia: China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . China, Republic of (Taiwan) Hong Kong India .. Indonesia ... Israel Japan . . . Korea Philippines. Thailand ... Middle fcast oil-exporting countries e Other Asia Africa : Egypt Morocco South Africa ... . Zaire Oil-exporting countries 8 . . , Other Africa July 2 875 599 2 539 253 „ Latin America : Argentina Bahamas. . . . Brazil Chile. . . Colombia Cuba . . ... Mexico Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela o . . ... Other Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America June 629 624 2 647 2,101 3 208 Total Europe Canada May Apr. 2 810 597 2 391 369 204 .... Mar. Feb. . . 105 71 150 66 106 81 188 41 92 65 191 38 112 66 159 57 113 75 179 68 514 75 141 61 253 76 132 53 295 81 147 49 188 74 254 56 185 60 177 49 255 53 108 87 342 68 168 63 2,858 2,944 3,041 3,070 3,009 2,965 2,785 2,872 2,649 2,447 2,372 2,238 3,666 3 812 3,858 3 872 3,897 4,192 3,732 3,866 3,651 3,385 3,377 3,370 2,661 2 568 2,761 2 856 3 069 3 185 3,231 77 3,114 2,012 64 2 766 2 713 2,013 2 644 2 828 2 916 3 140 3 249 3,308 416 88 2 748 451 76 430 66 408 60 454 71 435 433 423 75 3 189 430 78 2,989 466 80 2 846 503 87 2 800 491 114 2 127 89,211 90 090 89,531 90 518 89,821 88 575 88,055 89,252 87,598 87,352 90 842' 88 785 3,779 229 50 3 792 236 57 3 228 229 44 3 365 220 90 3 661 169 84 3 694 155 94 4 173 181 90 4 500 215 88 4,621 186 94 4 303 190 90 4 217 193 61 5 069 187 37 4,057 4,085 3,502 3,674 3,914 3,943 4,444 4,804 4,901 4,583 4,471 5,293 93,268 94 174 93 032 94 192 93 735 92 518 92 500 94 055 92 , 499 91 935 95 313 94 077 200 Annual Statistical Digest 64. Short-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued C. Supplementary data, other countries l End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars Dec. Other Western Europe: Cyprus Iceland Ireland Rep. of ... Other Eastern Europe : Bulgaria Czechoslovakia German Democratic Rep Hungary Poland .... Rumania Other Latin American republics : Bolivia Costa Rtca .... Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador . Ouatemala Haiti Honduras . Jamaica Nicaragua Paraguay Trinidad and Tobago. . . Other Latin 2America ; Bermuda British West Indies Other Asia : Afghanistan Bahrain 3 4 Bangladesh . . Burma ... Cambodia Iran » Iraq 3 Jordan 3 . . . . Kuwait Laos . . Lebanon .. .. Malaysia 3 Oman . , , Pakistan * Qatar 3 Ryukyu Islands (incl. Okinawa) 8 Saudi Arabia 3 . . Singapore Sri Lanka (Ceylon) . . 3 United Arab Emirates Vietnam Other Africa : Algeria 3 Ethiopia3 (inel, Eritrea) Gabon . . . . . Ghana Ken ya Libya 3 3. Nigeria Southern Rhodesia Sudan, , Tanzania Tunisia Uganda Zambia All other: New Zealand . 19 72 1971 1970 Area and country Apr. Apr. Dec. Dec, Apr. IS 75 1974 19 73 Dee. Apr. Dee. Apr. Dee. 10 10 41 7 10 29 2 11 16 2 9 15 3 9 17 9 12 22 19 8 62 10 11 53 7 «•> t 29 17 20 29 g 5 2 3 23 10 5 3 4 21 7 4 14 2 5 20 6 3 7 5 3 27 8 5 10 6 5 36 8 2 16 6 8 29 I 8 16 IS 7 12 33 17 6 19 3 8 36 16 36 34 36 14 55 25 13 11 18 11 42 14 69 41 99 79 75 100 16 34 19 59 16 10 59 43 90 72 80 97 19 44 19 47 15 14 55 62 123 57 78 117 18 42 19 50 17 10 53 70 91 62 83 123 23 50 32 €6 17 15 87 92 114 121 76 132 27 58 41 61 22 20 65 75 104 109 86 127 25 64 32 79 26 17 68 86 118 92 90 156 21 102 29 17 137 90 129 245 28 71 52 119 40 21 96 118 128 122 129 219 35 88 69 127 46 107 93 120 214 1 157 144 255 34 92 62 125 38 31 33 38 32 23 36 127 100 242 109 201 354 116 449 100 627 1,304 26 32 15 35 19 21 3 2 67 7 3 36 2 60 28 7 28 10 5 59 10 2 20 3 46 23 4 33 25 24 72 2 3 93 10 4 39 2 55 54 5 59 2 39 41 43 4 6 161 22 24 9 12 2 124 101 6 28 3 62 58 10 105 2 29 79 35 4 5 159 19 23 20 17 3 114 26 4 36 3 55 59 3 93 3 11 11 12 42 4 243 168 6 515 1 68 40 16 108 3 18 4 2 42 1! 14 54 5 54 22 1 38 6 18 106 57 4 5 179 17 18 2 5 2 88 9 2 16 3 60 25 4 58 1 53 80 45 6 5 185 344 77 236 53 6 8 98 334 141 13 25 88 303 165 13 12 98 17 19 * 8 38 22 195 17 1 1 9 7 8 10 13 12 1 6 13 21 91 25 2 1 10 6 5 14 23 11 2 8 9 23 274 46 2 1 6 9 3 13 31 29* 11 14 25 296 56 2 5 6 7 10 7 32 57 1 10 23 30 393 85 2 3 11 10 7 28 ) 51 75 28 19 31 312 140 1 3 16 11 19 37 111 79 2 • 20 23 110 118 1 1 22 20 29 257 736 1 2 12 17 11 66 25 22 23 27 30 34 1 13 135 56 39 on 42 331 78 1 2 3 12 7 6 22 39 oo 33 6 33 75 1 19 32 17 13 66 44 110 124 169 120 171 260 38 99 41 133 43 131 170 19 41 21 ' " 50 65 49 4 4 54 31 4 22 30 39 1 126 63 5 180 92 2 117 77 91 245 14 iis ... "" .. 215 n 74 256 13 126 70 62 95 76 60 18 31 39 13 32 33 21 19 53 2 i 4 11 ' 19 13 22 21 23 I 38 > 18 10 29 22 78 47 36 42 14^ 1 12 Annual Statistical Digest 201 65. Long-term liabilities to foreigners reported by banks in the United States Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars End of period Total To intl. and regional To foreign countries Total Official institutions Country or area Other Banks 1 foreigners Germany United Kingdom Total Europe Total Latin America Middle East ^ Other Asia 3 Alt other countries 1,703 789 913 695 165 53 no 42 178 152 522 62 ,567 ,470 ,350 ,187 ,142 ,129 ,024 895 885 942 917 902 713 687 630 577 548 557 501 480 480 490 452 446 853 783 719 611 594 572 523 415 405 452 465 457 637 574 494 407 393 334 284 172 161 159 170 144 162 159 166 147 144 189 189 190 189 236 237 257 54 50 59 57 57 48 51 53 55 57 59 56 110 110 HO 110 110 164 164 164 164 164 165 164 40 37 51 33 28 19 19 19 L9 44 45 52 176 172 188 168 163 206 208 208 207 232 235 246 152 122 104 106 107 100 101 80 76 99 115 111 464 427 365 280 274 220 183 113 113 104 90 63 63 63 58 51 46 31 14 9 7 10 9 986 ,023 ,085 ,103 ,151 ,168 ,157 1,093 1,067 1,068 1,051 11,001 11,018 537 555 629 651 686 693 688 650 612 6V5 600 563 580 450 468 457 453 465 476 470 443 455 453 451 439 439 138 137 127 120 129 127 117 88 99 97 94 93 93 254 252 252 253 253 267 269 269 269 269 269 259 259 58 79 78 80 83 82 84 86 87 87 88 87 87 164 164 165 165 165 165 165 165 167 165 165 165 165 50 67 67 67 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 63 63 244 262 262 264 266 265 267 267 270 270 270 260 260 107 108 103 105 119 135 136 135 135 135 134 136 136 85 82 72 66 60 58 49 24 33 32 33 33 33 14 14 19 18 20 17 18 17 17 16 14 10 10 1973 —Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec 1,044 1,276 1,406 1,397 1,379 1,467 1,525 1,530 1,502 1,473 1,469 1,462 617 613 697 684 688 769 768 775 758 735 753 761 427 662 709 714 691 698 757 754 743 739 717 700 74 304 328 329 313 311 311 322 318 312 313 310 257 258 269 274 274 274 305 305 302 305 287 291 96 100 112 111 104 113 141 127 123 122 117 100 165 164 164 164 164 164 164 165 165 165 165 159 61 59 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 67 66 256 456 464 471 463 465 497 498 496 498 478 470 127 118 133 128 US 125 145 143 145 140 138 132 31 72 97 99 97 96 95 97 86 83 82 83 13 16 16 16 16 10 19 17 18 18 19 16 1974—Jan.. Feb Mar., Apr.. May June. July Aug.. Sept Oct. Nov Dec 1,491 1,509 1,566 ,678 ,644 ,635 ,673 ,498 ,367 ,293 ,354 ,285 821 888 951 1,025 1,005 974 978 1,005 920 849 905 822 670 622 614 653 639 661 695 493 447 445 449 464 310 259 259 294 296 321 337 136 93 111 112 124 269 277 268 270 269 268 284 281 281 263 262 261 90 86 87 89 74 73 75 76 73 71 75 79 159 155 153 152 151 150 155 153 153 153 152 146 65 58 45 56 56 56 56 55 55 43 43 59 460 444 430 435 427 426 442 240 240 228 227 227 119 128 130 152 144 144 142 141 123 116 116 115 94 80 37 41 52 54 79 99 98 71 88 89 8 10 13 13 13 13 12 13 13 13 13 17 20 ,400 ,435 ,512 ,463 ,497 ,460 ,493 ,446 ,468 ,385 ,391 .756 840 770 794 620 579 512 432 372 395 311 297 415 560 666 718 843 918 947 1,060 1,074 1,073 1,074 1,095 1,340 223 336 396 521 601 631 741 751 753 748 749 951 266 264 255 253 248 247 242 243 241 241 261 289 71 66 67 68 69 70 77 81 79 83 83 100 144 t4t 131 129 123 120 121 120 118 118 115 164 58 57 57 57 57 59 61 61 61 59 59 61 219 212 202 204 199 198 200 201 201 204 204 255 118 U9 120 121 121 121 121 123 121 126 146 140 189 304 364 484 569 599 709 719 721 712 712 914 12 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 7 6 7 8 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 23 23 24 24 24 1970— Dec 1971_jan Feb. Mar Apr May... June July . . . . . Aug.. Sent Oct Nov Dec 1972—Jan, Feb Mar Apr May . „ June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec.* 1975— Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept Oct. Nov Dec in 202 Annual Statistical Digest 66. Estimated foreign holdings of marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 1970 Area and country Dec. 19 71 Jan. Mar. Feb. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Europe: Belgium-Luxembourg 7 6 6 6 6 6 Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Other Western Europe Eastern Europe 2 34 472 24 6 2 33 520 16 6 2 34 518 20 6 2 34 510 21 6 2 31 519 21 2 30 485 21 6 1 7 29 490 21 6 ? 29 496 21 6 6 3 2 29 460 20 6 6 3 2 29 432 44 547 586 589 582 587 552 557 562 525 178 178 177 174 173 175 174 175 175 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 8 8 8 20 56 10 20 56 10 20 55 10 20 55 10 . .. Total Canada Latin America : Latin American republics. . Netherland Antilles and Surinam. . 1 Oct. Nov. 6 Asia ; India Japan Other Asia Total . . . Africa , 20 55 10 6T 2 29 427 66 5 6 ^ 60 362 78 5 6 60 323 77 5 521 538 516 480 175 175 179 181 1 2 i 2 2 1 2 T _ . ... ^- Total Dee. 20 55 10 20 142 10 20 395 10 20 633 10 20 755 10 20 1,009 20 1 488 to i,7J7 10 to 85 85 85 85 85 85 172 425 663 784 1 ,038 1,518 1,727 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 25 8 8 860 899 901 890 895 861 952 1,211 1,413 1,530 1,782 2,228 2,402 2 24 25 17 25 115 26 115 26 115 27 115 27 115 28 126 28 126 29 126 29 126 30 126 30 141 142 142 143 154 155 155 156 156 1 354 1 567 1 685 1 937 2 383 2 558 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. All other Total foreign countries International and regional : International Latin American regional Total Grand total 26 25 42 141 886 923 943 1,031 1 036 1 003 1 095 1972 Jan. Europe: Belgium-Luxembourg Germany Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Other Western Europe Eastern Europe, , Total Canada Latin America; Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam. . Feb. Mar. Apr. May 6 3 16 52 288 5 6 3 16 52 280 76 5 441 426 438 445 179 179 178 179 2 2 1 2 1 2 6 3 16 53 279 76 5 6 3 16 53 283 75 5 6 3 16 53 268 75 438 June July fi 6 3 19 49 265 75 5 3 17 45 280 76 5 424 422 166 313 2 2 3 19 52 264 1 1 6 3 15 45 293 i 6 3 35 45 308 76 5 85 45 326 75 5 6 3 85 45 327 76 5 432 443 478 545 547 313 372 432 479 559 558 2 1 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 7 TJ -= -= , _ -^,... , Total Asia: Japan Other Asia Total Africa 2,007 10 2,146 10 2,391 10 2,415 10 2,777 10 2,901 10 3,125 10 3,310 10 3,481 10 3,756 10 4,003 10 4,380 10 2,017 2,156 2,401 j 2,425 8 8 All other Total foreign countries International and regional : International Latin American regional Total.. Grand totat 2,787 2,912 3,136 3,321 3,492 3,766 4,013 4,391 8 * 8 * 8 8 8 * 127 * H3 , 133 133 * 133 * 25 2,650 2,791 3,020 3,057 3,413 3,664 3,886 4,259 ' 4,506 4,863 5,257 5,661 126 31 126 31 126 32 136 33 136 25 136 26 136 27 176 27 186 27 186 27 186 28 186 28 157 157 158 168 161 161 162 203 213 213 214 214 2,807 2,948 3,177 3,226 3,574 3,825 4,048 4,461 4,719 5,076 5,471 5,874 Annual Statistical Digest 203 66. Estimated foreign holdings of marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 19' 3 Area and country Jan. Europe : Belgium-Luxembourg Germany . Sweden . Switzerland . United Kingdom Other Western Europe Eastern Europe Total Canada Latin America: Latin American republics • . . . . Netherlands Antilles and Surinam .'.... Mar. Feb. Apr. May June Aug. July Sept. 6 3 110 45 327 76 5 6 3 135 44 276 76 5 6 3 135 43 278 76 5 6 3 135 44 300 76 5 6 3 135 43 281 82 5 6 3 135 43 280 82 5 6 3 135 42 275 82 5 6 3 135 37 236 82 5 572 544 546 569 555 554 547 558 559 561 561 560 560 560 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 2 Asia: Japan Other Asia Total Africa All other Total foreign countries International and regional : International Latin American regional Total Grand total . Nov. Dec. 37 247 82 5 7 3 165 37 290 82 5 7 4 165 38 400 82 5 7 4 235 34 423 82 5 504 546 588 700 789 560 560 560 567 582 8 2 9 2 9 2 11 2 U 2 1 Total 7 3 Oct. 165 1 - 11 12 12 U 14 4,867 10 5,42! 10 5,961 10 5,978 10 5,978 10 5,977 10 5,977 9 5,949 9 5,950 11 3,950 11 5 143 11 4,552 11 4,877 5,431 5,971 5,988 5,988 5,988 5,987 5,959 5,961 5,961 5,154 4,563 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 183 158 158 158 158 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 6 223 6 749 7 293 7 333 7 318 7 317 7 308 7 241 7 261 7 303 6 617 6 131 186 28 176 26 186 26 176 27 142 27 72 27 1 28 45 21 45 6 47 47 1 48 214 202 212 202 169 100 29 46 66 53 48 49 6,436 6,951 7,505 7,535 7,487 7,417 7,337 7,287 7,327 7,356 6 665 6,179 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1974 Jan, Europe: Belgium-Luxembourg Germany Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom. Other Western Europe Eastern Europe. . Total Canada Latin America : Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America Total Asia: Japan . . . Other Asia . Total Africa All other Total foreign countries International and regional : International . Latin American regional .. Total Grand total .... Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July 7 9 235 33 437 82 5 7 9 260 32 450 82 5 7 9 260 34 439 81 5 7 9 260 33 457 80 5 7 9 260 35 428 78 5 7 9 260 34 424 80 5 9 9 260 35 426 88 5 9 9 260 34 439 92 5 808 845 835 851 823 819 832 597 832 847 848 849 849 851 11 2 1 11 2 1 11 2 2 I 11 4 I 11 5 14 14 14 14 16 4,066 11 3,718 11 3 703 It 3 531 11 4 077 3 729 3 714 158 157 25 10 9 250 34 459 87 5 10 9 250 30 485 93 5 10 9 276 30 498 89 5 10 9 251 30 493 88 5 849 854 883 917 885 756 706 707 7U 713 11 5 11 5 11 15 2 11 23 2 U 60 2 12 83 5 16 16 16 28 36 74 100 3 499 12 3,498 12 3,497 12 3,498 12 3 497 '12 3 497 12 3 498 12 3 498 212 3 542 3 510 3 510 3 509 3 510 3 509 3 509 3 509 3 709 157 157 157 157 156 151 151 151 151 151 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 5,678 5,602 5 592 5 437 5 379 5 376 5 390 5 306 5 273 5 311 5 387 5 557 20 49 72 41 219 41 128 36 212 33 93 52 87 67 132 64 54 60 105 44 106 59 97 53 69 113 261 164 245 145 154 195 114 149 165 150 5,747 5,715 5 853 5 601 5 625 5 521 5 544 5,502 5 387 5 460 5 552 5 708 204 Annual Statistical Digest 66. Estimated foreign holdings of marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 19 75 Area and country Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May July June Aug. Sept. ,,, Total . . Canada. . Latin America : Latin American republics Netherlands An titles and Surinam Other Latin America Total Asia : Japan . Other Asia. Total . . . . Africa . . 11 9 252 31 529 79 5 12 9 252 30 578 73 5 14 208 252 29 599 79 5 14 209 252 32 611 94 5 14 209 251 34 564 97 14 209 252 37 522 Dec. 916 959 1 186 1 217 t 174 697 584 588 460 11 82 6 11 142 5 11 130 5 11 125 99 159 147 3,498 325 3 496 541 3,822 151 ,4 209 252 37 536 98 5 ,4 210 278 41 520 101 5 14 217 275 44 501 U4 14 216 275 54 441 152 5 13 216 275 58 414 154 4 13 215 276 55 363 118 4 1 135 1,151 I 169 1,170 1,157 1 134 1,044 412 412 408 406 404 399 400 393 11 118 13 134 13 178 13 149 13 149 6 158 6 ^ 160 6 33 161 5 140 133 152 196 167 168 177 199 200 3 496 1,071 3 496 1,121 3 496 1,291 3 496 1,417 3,496 1,438 3 496 1,518 3 , 502 1,668 3,520 1,818 3 269 I , H69 3,271 2,099 4,037 4,567 4 617 4,787 4,913 4,934 5,014 5,169 5 , 339 5.I3H 5,370 151 151 161 181 181 201 ~>l | 261 311 1 vi 321 * * 7,173 ] 7,382 1 7,181 7,328 60 29 322 29 1: *T j A 5,685 Total foreign countries International and regional: International . . . . . Latin American regional 215 53 Total Nov. ' Europe ; Belgium-Luxembourg Germany Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom Other Western Europe Eastern Europe. . . Grand total . . . Oct. . . . . 5,889 226 51 i 6,639 6,596 6,687 6,793 627 71 419 69 342 57 29 44 6,967 6,890 128 40 I 268 277 699 488 399 74 169 5,953 6.167 7,337 7 084 7,087 6 867 7,059 1 66 35 ! ^2 i 35 n 324 ! 35 i *|! 101 87 359 89 3St 7,068 7,260 7,741 7,270 7 67*) Annual Statistical Digest 205 67. Short-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States A. By type Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars Payable in dollars End of period Total Loans to- Total Total 1970— Dec Official institutions Banks i Others Payable in foreign currencies Collections outstanding Acceptances made for acct. Other 2 of foreigners Total Foreign govt. seDeposits curities, with for- coml. eigners and finance paper Other 10,802 10,192 3,051 119 1,720 1,212 2,389 3,985 766 610 352 92 166 1971—-Jan. Feb Mar, Apr. . May. June July Aus Sept. Oct Nov. Dec.3 10,441 10,551 10,693 10,751 11,606 11,048 10,953 12,441 11,870 11,289 11,922 (13,170 \13,272 9,939 10,040 10,139 10,232 10,974 10,493 10,423 11,810 11,225 10,668 11,278 12,328 12,377 2,860 2,949 3,001 3,108 3,374 3,401 3,559 4,290 3,831 3,516 4,024 4,503 3,969 110 88 100 107 156 147 200 191 188 135 169 223 231 1,575 1,594 1,598 1,754 1,929 1,969 2,051 2,682 2,236 2,056 2,429 2,613 2,080 1,175 1,267 1,303 1,247 1,290 1,284 ! 1,308 1,417 1,406 1,325 1,426 1,667 1,658 2,363 2,353 2,335 2,279 2,349 2,378 2,364 2,357 2,372 2,307 2,306 2,475 2,475 3,969 3,990 4,049 4,124 4,173 3,990 3,678 4,157 4,049 3,864 3,897 4,243 4,254 747 748 755 721 1,078 724 821 1,006 974 982 ,052 ,107 ,679 502 512 553 520 632 555 531 631 645 620 644 842 895 304 311 354 324 446 365 374 495 453 406 457 549 548 79 111 102 92 78 102 62 46 104 111 89 119 173 120 90 96 103 109 89 95 90 88 103 99 174 174 1972— Jan Feb. . Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept. Oct. Nov Dec 4 13,152 13,671 14,049 13,785 13,460 13,565 14,273 14,361 13,930 13,845 14,419 115,471 \15.676 12,320 12,744 13,048 12,999 12,626 12,732 13,371 13,415 13,042 13,069 13,649 14,625 14,830 3,868 4,020 4,171 4,448 4,598 4,756 5,049 4,978 4,980 5,138 5,306 5,674 5,671 216 204 170 165 171 165 164 152 143 146 157 163 163 2,053 2,055 2,141 2,354 2,518 2,575 2,779 2,710 2,572 2,666 2,700 2,975 2,970 ,599 ,761 ,860 ,928 ,909 2,016 2,106 2,116 2,265 2,326 2,448 2,535 2,538 2,473 2,430 2,476 2,469 2,540 2,649 2,703 2,805 2,882 2,987 3,130 3,269 3,276 4,234 4,394 4,410 4,252 3,838 3,483 3,227 3,082 2,967 2,953 3,129 3,204 3,226 ,745 ,901 1,991 1,830 1,650 1,844 2,392 2,551 2,213 1,991 2,085 2,478 2,657 833 926 1,000 785 835 833 902 946 888 776 770 846 846 501 562 579 498 530 486 516 482 431 408 412 441 441 228 266 283 177 187 222 278 338 330 209 219 223 223 104 98 138 111 118 125 108 126 127 159 139 182 182 1973—jan Feb Mar Apr May June July . . Aug. Sept. . „ Oct Nov.... Dec 15,214 18,038 18,391 18; 369 18,552 18,828 19,014 18,968 18,705 19,279 19,568 20,723 14,389 16,967 17,440 17,550 17,698 17,989 18,151 18,082 17 ,929 18,418 18,778 20,061 5,426 6,449 6,517 6,826 6,933 7,318 7,023 6,959 6,786 6,958 7,047 7,660 142 162 141 146 163 232 190 207 192 248 277 284 2,808 3,669 3,677 3,928 3,813 4,070 3,925 4,021 3,901 3,971 4,067 4,538 2,475 2,619 2,698 2,753 2,956 3,015 2,907 2,731 2,693 2,739 2,702 2,838 3,260 3,589 3,732 3,815 3,824 3,881 3,871 3,948 4,070 4,099 4,287 4,307 3,123 3,302 3,482 3,483 3,623 3,984 3,922 3,716 3,718 3,774 3,788 4,160 2,580 3,627 3,708 3,426 3,319 2,806 3,335 3,458 3,355 3,588 3,655 3,935 825 1 ,071 951 819 854 839 863 887 777 861 . 790 662 443 596 524 460 499 552 561 488 459 510 512 428 253 313 262 207 237 140 151 151 143 187 131 119 128 162 165 152 118 147 151 248 175 163 148 115 1974— jan Feb.... Mar Apr. May... June July Aug Sept Oct. Nov Dec. . . 21,071 22,964 25,789 26,704 29,940 32,453 33,888 35,393 34,485 34,662 36,848 39,030 20,269 22,120 24,941 25,846 29,057 31,496 32,885 34,588 33,567 33,632 35,820 37,835 7,353 7,894 9,025 9,420 9,871 1 1 ,405 10,748 11,543 10,551 10,033 10,999 11,301 321 309 429 354 367 390 480 453 528 378 446 381 4,379 4,946 5,771 6,007 6,310 7,682 6,698 7,744 6,672 6,317 7,121 7,342 2,653 2,639 2,825 3,059 3,194 3,334 3,571 3,346 3,352 3,338 3,433 3,579 4,387 4,427 4,642 4,805 5,081 5,107 5,152 5,295 5,245 5,356 5,345 5,637 4,118 4,573 5,154 5,851 6,664 7,669 9,247 9,502 9,572 10,072 10,724 11,237 4,410 5,225 6,120 5,771 7,440 7,314 7,737 8,248 8,199 8,171 8,752 9,659 803 844 849 857 884 957 1,003 805 918 ,030 ,028 ,195 467 594 545 589 611 687 626 461 468 547 515 668 162 121 160 99 113 130 207 180 217 243 283 289 173 129 144 169 160 141 170 164 233 240 229 238 39,074 39,863 42,283 42,753 45,866 45,710 45,542 45,441 45,564 47,697 48,127 49,876 37,799 38,689 41,136 41,651 44,810 44,497 44 , 368 44,293 44,433 46 , 390 46,846 48,588 10,207 10,288 9,615 10,642 11,853 11,347 11 , 705 13,084 12,706 12,632 13,075 13,352 361 378 310 362 364 483 571 625 571 632 670 585 6,289 6,384 5,664 6,499 7,636 6,796 6,837 7,960 7,520 7,483 7,929 7,736 3,557 3,525 3,641 3,780 3,854 4,068 4,296 4,499 4,615 4,517 4,477 5,031 5,565 5,346 5,418 5,342 5,537 5,345 5,383 5,314 5,314 5,465 5,363 5,467 11,062 11,127 11 ,341 11,441 10,959 10,641 10,204 9,977 10,071 10,134 10,610 11,132 10,965 11,927 14,762 14,226 16,460 17,165 17,076 15,917 16,342 18,160 17,799 18,637 ,275 ,175 ,147 ,102 ,056 ,212 ,175 ,148 ,130 ,306 ,281 ,288 720 609 626 619 478 591 608 610 576 734 625 612 351 336 290 241 301 335 296 240 236 231 340 301 204 229 231 242 277 286 271 298 319 341 316 376 . 1975— Jan.. . . Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. . . . Sept Oct. Nov Dec.. l 206 Annual Statistical Digest 67. Short-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B. By country End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 1970 19 71 Area and country Dec. Europe: Austria Belgium-Luxembourg Denmark , Finland . . France Germany „ Greece . Italy Netherlands. Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe. . U.S.S.R.. , . Other Eastern Europe Jan. Feb. Mar. 6 50 40 66 113 186 26 101 61 54 11 52 97 100 9 379 35 13 3 45 4 69 46 103 95 142 21 92 74 61 12 49 102 122 3 424 35 10 2 36 4 68 53 110 111 176 22 98 68 65 14 56 100 116 4 517 31 11 2 41 1 449 1 ,502 1 ,667 1 706 1 043 909 915 1 005 326 196 325 200 284 13 909 112 147 63 283 342 19 22 331 197 304 187 288 13 917 93 143 57 278 335 19 22 341 175 316 184 296 13 955 105 135 51 277 336 14 21 3,239 3,184 Asia: China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . 2 China, Republic of (Taiwan). . . 95 Hong Kong 39 India 13 Indonesia 56 Israel . . 120 Japan . . 3,890 Korea 178 Philippines 137 Thailand . . 109 Other Asia 167 ... ... .... ... . . .... ... ... .... Total Europe . . . Canada , Latin America : Argentina2 Bahamas . ... Bra'/il Chile Colombia Cuba Mexico Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela . . Other Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam, . . Other Latin America. . . . . Total Latin America. Total Asia Africa : Egypt. . . , Morocco South Africa Zaire Other Africa Total Africa Other countries: Australia . . . . All other. Total other countries Total foreign countries International and regional. Grand total . ... Apr. May June July s 6 73 54 139 120 363 24 132 85 64 20 70 129 166 30 819 36 15 2 50 5 58 51 133 106 250 22 120 87 67 18 61 135 150 14 550 37 17 2 44 48 46 129 125 233 21 140 84 61 13 64 138 163 11 499 38 18 1 , 874 2,398 956 1 009 349 221 362 180 300 13 912 100 131 49 245 327 15 22 321 215 394 165 303 13 898 105 150 53 243 330 21 22 3,218 3,226 101 40 16 49 99 3,675 179 135 106 167 113 41 13 49 130 3,480 177 137 109 182 4 807 4,568 13 6 77 4 79 16 6 83 7 78 84 4 85 180 190 194 64 16 70 17 80 87 5 68 58 123 98 190 21 102 70 62 15 59 104 175 5 461 33 9 3 47 17 57 54 128 102 214 ! 22 109 76 54 15 65 124 138 8 593 33 12 3 51 Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee.i 48 8 95 47 117 156 259 22 144 92 71 11 66 117 255 26 804 37 16 2 37 5 60 47 114 149 253 21 131 82 68 12 62 116 145 20 457 29 15 2 39 53 50 113 133 198 24 114 70 66 10 58 113 137 4 410 27 16 4 33 10 63 48 116 182 227 21 139 90 66 12 68 120 143 3 536 22 11 10 33 57 49 135 267 235 3D 159 105 67 12 70 118 145 3 563 19 12 28 37 1,929 1 887 2,381 1,827 1,639 1,923 2,122 991 960 985 1 092 1 ,093 1 138 1 , 530 322 274 397 158 294 13 886 104 153 52 232 313 20 22 3!6 238 424 155 299 13 879 109 156 43 230 314 19 27 334 286 417 156 315 13 943 99 173 44 239 309 18 31 329 271 436 151 335 13 977 113 169 41 249 303 15 36 337 265 412 143 353 13 901 97 190 31 243 319 17 27 327 242 418 138 353 13 808 95 198 32 251 326 21 32 316 266 410 142 378 13 839 109 201 39 249 337 20 23 305 262 429 139 380 13 936 125 176 41 268 374 18 25 3,233 3,239 3,222 3,377 3,437 3,347 3,253 3,342 3,490 2 119 49 15 66 97 3 482 206 124 109 183 H7 60 21 48 110 3 358 '228 128 118 187 1 127 130 60 56 19 20 34 30 117 112 3,607 3,502 231 259 115 125 114 I 116 200 211 127 69 18 63 123 3,225 252 126 123 203 1 123 71 18 60 116 4,086 252 119 127 239 113 78 20 57 125 4,047 217 110 147 240 1 105 77 22 39 103 3,739 286 111 145 226 94 71 17 40 132 3,889 329 129 148 226 1 109 68 21 41 129 4,279 348 136 164 252 4 431 4 451 4 376 4 629 4,559 4,329 5,211 5,155 4,854 5,075 5,548 14 14 6 86 16 6 103 6 ' 100 14 98 6 107 12 6 131 18 105 11 6 137 22 107 12 5 144 21 106 tf 99 17 5 93 5 100 146 22 101 9 4 152 21 90 10 4 156 21 99 211 221 231 231 272 284 287 285 277 291 105 19 73 18 73 18 81 17 94 20 105 21 118 22 134 23 140 22 140 24 158 28 124 91 91 98 114 126 140 158 162 164 186 2 10,798 10,439 10,549 10,691 10,750 11,604 11,045 10,951 12,439 11,867 11,286 11,919 13,167 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 4 3 10 802 10,441 10,551 10 693 10 751 11,606 1 1 ,048 10,953 12,441 11,870 11,289 11,922 13,170 i Annual Statistical Digest 207 67. Short-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B. By country—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 1971 Area and country 19 72 Dec-1 Europe: Austria , .. Belgium-Luxembourg Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe . . U S.S.R. Other Eastern Europe,, .... Total Europe Canada , Latin America: Argentina2 Bahamas Brazil Chile. Colombia Cuba. Mexico Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela Other Latin American republics. Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America. . , ... Jan, Mar. Feb. Apr. 11 78 55 138 332 258 29 229 116 73 14 105 130 164 514 20 13 33 44 11 102 54 139 339 252 25 181 101 71 14 88 125 181 8 546 15 16 37 48 543 25 17 47 51 12 66 52 137 265 239 28 209 100 72 13 135 128 138 3 516 24 17 70 42 2 114 2 127 2 350 2 417 1 627 1 634 1 887 2 087 305 262 435 139 380 13 934 125 176 41 268 374 18 26 310 261 447 126 375 13 1 ,002 110 163 41 271 366 20 23 306 296 465 122 390 13 975 106 159 41 271 364 23 21 11 57 49 135 263 235 30 160 105 67 12 70 118 145 3 559 19 12 28 37 8 71 50 137 306 200 30 165 91 72 14 83 125 147 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.1 13 72 54 132 288 231 30 230 100 65 24 149 132 194 3 518 27 19 65 43 15 73 52 126 314 315 24 200 117 64 21 141 95 148 3 550 22 24 57 43 16 73 50 124 305 286 25 194 97 71 25 156 114 131 33 66 63 128 349 229 27 190 102 56 21 160 120 137 8 70 60 120 317 268 28 173 116 52 27 194 131 180 15 87 52 119 274 287 27 177 104 62 22 229 128 186 10 84 57 123 272 296 27 170 101 62 21 215 123 150 736 23 23 62 44 666 21 25 64 40 643 22 24 55 38 654 18 23 30 40 723 16 19 32 38 8 120 59 U8 330 321 29 255 108 69 19 207 156 125 6 849 22 20 41 49 2 266 2 389 2 405 2 557 2 503 2 531 2 540 2 545 2,911 I 961 1 824 I 855 2 299 2 482 2 024 1 676 1,695 1,897 316 306 482 106 376 13 1,004 116 155 41 278 352 16 20 304 280 511 108 379 13 1,093 110 163 38 311 376 15 27 316 269 543 94 394 13 1,035 121 177 38 299 359 16 24 325 319 551 78 404 13 1 151 130 160 35 314 366 16 25 323 390 568 75 396 13 1,179 132 157 38 333 357 16 22 339 426 597 71 384 13 1,162 135 158 40 343 355 16 29 352 428 636 79 378 13 1,121 148 137 43 335 345 15 28 363 372 657 58 384 13 1 ,126 143 138 36 361 353 15 32 357 403 631 53 396 15 1,168 177 147 38 386 368 13 33 379 476 649 52 418 13 1,202 '244 145 40 383 388 14 36 3,494 3,527 3,552 3,581 3,727 3,699 3,885 3,999 4,069 4,059 4,049 4,187 4,437 Asia: China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . 109 China, Republic of (Taiwan) 70 Hong Kong. . .. 21 India 41 Indonesia. . . „ . 129 Israel 4,280 Japan 348 Korea . 138 Philippines. . . . ... 172 Thailand . . . „ ... 252 Other Asia . . 1 123 61 22 37 124 4,131 330 141 175 237 154 81 20 35 106 4,059 394 145 185 213 2 156 90 17 37 98 4,116 403 149 184 232 2 172 99 18 39 84 3,980 399 137 187 210 2 180 107 16 49 81 3,684 377 138 181 199 2 182 111 16 45 78 3 570 346 138 183 221 2 178 100 14 44 101 3,527 344 143 174 245 2 173 85 17 60 87 3,473 342 144 187 230 2 180 85 18 66 78 3,461 321 144 187 229 1 187 76 15 74 87 3,715 302 151 177 244 201 76 17 74 105 3,998 317 160 183 260 1 194 93 14 87 105 4,158 296 149 191 300 5 560 5 381 5 393 5 485 5 327 5 015 4 891 4 871 4 800 4 773 5,030 5,393 5,589 Total Latin America Total Asia Africa : geypt South Africa Zaire Other Africa . . .... Total Africa Other countries: Australia All other Total other countries Total foreign countries International and regional Grand total 10 11 13 10 11 16 14 12 15 17 16 21 156 21 96 163 21 88 166 14 98 147 13 101 152 15 116 161 18 126 160 14 120 149 12 117 142 12 110 139 12 121 134 14 109 145 10 112 143 13 124 288 286 296 275 297 320 314 296 280 291 279 286 304 158 28 161 32 158 29 165 35 169 34 175 31 176 34 210 38 184 41 210 39 229 36 271 36 291 40 186 193 188 200 203 206 211 248 225 249 265 308 330 13,269 13,149 13,666 14,045 13,782 13,453 13,561 14,270 14,358 13,926 13,840 14,413 15,468 3 3 5 4 3 7 4 3 3 4 6 6 3 13,272 13,152 13,671 14,049 13,785 1 3 , 460 13,565 14,273 14,361 13,930 13,845 14,419 15,471 208 Annual Statistical Digest 67, Short-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B. By country—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 1972 Area and country 19 73 Dec.i Europe : Austria . . . . Belgium-Luxembourg .Denmark. . Finland , , , , France Germany. . . Greece ... Italy .... Netherlands Norway Portugal. . . Spain , Sweden, . . . . Switzerland Turkey. . . . . United Kingdom. Yugoslavia. Other Western Europe U.S.S.R.. . . Other Eastern Europe Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. g 120 59 118 330 321 29 255 108 69 19 207 164 125 6 997 22 20 41 49 7 67 58 127 275 267 34 221 93 62 21 210 184 187 5 800 17 23 44 47 13 124 59 122 312 414 23 271 152 63 26 236 257 206 6 1 209 20 26 55 51 9 97 60 131 424 371 29 269 118 70 20 i 282 243 152 5 1,063 18 22 54 52 3 067 2 748 3 648 3 491 1 914 1 966 2 391 2 481 379 519 649 52 .... 418 13 1 202 244 145 40 383 388 14 36 389 442 641 53 408 12 1 202 219 128 40 388 393 15 56 417 545 727 49 412 13 1 213 220 135 38 385 379 15 70 4,480 4,386 Asia : China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . 1 China, Republic of (Taiwan) 194 Hong Koitig . 93 India „ 14 Indonesia. . . . 87 Israel . 105 Japan 4 152 Korea, 296 Philippines . 149 Thailand „ 191 Other Asia 300 Total Europe Canada Latin America: Argentina Bahamas Brazil Chile Colombia Cuba Mexico Panama Peru Uruguay Venezuela . . . . Other Latiin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America Total Latin America Total Asia Africa : Egypt. Morocco . . . South Africa Zaire Other Africa. Total Africa Other countries : Australia , . All other Total other countries Total foreign countries International and regional Grand total. . . .... .... July i Aug. June May Sept. Oct. Nov. j Dec, i<: 9 9 12 94 84 73 69 ! 69 63 141 134 140 447 451 389 399 345 1! 356 32 19 19 327 326 288 129 115 109 65 66 67 17 19 30 360 387 238 234 246 267 186 ' 190 245 5 6 9 953 1 009 1 025 12 20 13 21 29 29 61 50 56 73 60 69 10 96 56 134 434 349 28 278 101 79 18 272 224 208 18 107 67 125 368 281 20 278 155 70 14 251 184 206 1 077 12 20 56 84 1 357 10 21 42 76 11 14 14 190 150 147 145 52 53 50 48 89 114 97 108 525 413 i 461 621 392 ! 313 366 311 26 23 16 35 316 242 282 163 144 132 172 I 133 74 82 67 72 22 IS i 23 23 183 i 222 189 183 155 153 177 166 234 242 203 176 6 16 1 10 8 1,304 1,236 ! 1 210 1,459 19 10 10 8 26 34 25 26 49 46 51 46 80 44 70 55 3 428 3 624 ' 3 710 3 542 3 657 3 637 3 661 ; 3 826 3 970 2 305 2 400 2 034 2 168 2 186 1 909 2 210 I 979 1,955 406 513 740 51 380 13 1 320 212 131 40 404 369 17 103 396 544 759 45 401 13 1 343 183 142 36 401 382 24 85 408 439 851 40 398 13 1 343 190 147 31 440 383 35 74 408 454 891 43 412 14 1 406 218 169 34 454 380 38 66 431 442 524 490 965 915 36 50 422 420 13 13 1 386 1 348 223 262 180 176 34 35 454 \ 441 394 373 48 38 71 91 455 625 879 40 423 13 1,309 252 178 39 430 409 31 91 485 469 614 704 826 837 1 125 SO ' 413 423 13 15 1 ,368 1,337 263 273 204 208 47 45 469 436 431 465 23 17 137 124 499 883 900 151 397 12 1,373 274 178 55 518 493 13 154 4,616 4,697 4 752 4,792 4,987 5,159 5,117 5,173 ' 5,450 5,403 5,900 2 205 84 15 87 126 4 075 271 148 184 288 2 211 103 15 103 106 5 272 288 150 195 335 2 2 231 238 111 123 14 16 127 127 142 126 5 563 5 660 301 331 140 1 150 205 197 274 296 216 133 19 97 116 5 530 338 139 194 324 200 204 21 94 111 5 751 347 144 173 354 7 198 220 18 91 133 5 753 348 134 188 352 6 183 116 17 77 128 5 791 336 129 185 350 7 141 130 19 81 141 5 801 348 121 179 361 22 128 121 14 89 140 5,746 372 105 206 349 36 117 124 16 96 150 6 034 369 118 225 377 31 140 147 16 88 155 6,398 403 181 273 392 5 584 5 484 6 780 7 113 7 264 7 111 7 402 7 442 7 317 7,327 7,292 7,661 8,224 21 4 143 13 118 22 6 150 15 111 20 5 155 13 108 20 7 155 11 125 22 5 151 13 129 25 4 166 13 136 34 4 163 42 145 44 5 150 43 149 41 5 151 49 173 43 11 157 48 146 38 4 150 51 163 40 7 147 61 155 35 5 129 61 158 299 304 300 317 I 319 343 388 391 419 405 406 410 388 291 40 272 50 256 44 244 47 249 50 232 47 260 46 271 40 230 41 218 36 223 36 251 36 243 43 330 322 300 291 299 280 305 310 271 254 259 287 | 2S6 6 15,674 15,211 18,035 18,389 18,367 18,550 18,826 19 013 18,968 18,705 19 , 278 19,567 20,723 3 3 3 1 2 2 1 2 t 1 15,676 15,214 18 038 18,391 18 369 18 552 18,828 19 014 18,968 i 18, 705 19,279 19,568 20 , 723 Annual Statistical Digest 209 67, Short-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States—Continued B. By country—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 19 74 Area and country Europe: Austria Belgium-Luxembourg Denmark Finland . France Germany Greece. . . . . Italy Netherlands Norway , . Portugal Spain . Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom. . . Yugoslavia Other Western Europe U.S.S.R Other Eastern Europe . .. ... . . . . . . .. . . . . Total Europe Canada . Latin America : Argentina, . Bahamas Brazil . . . . . Chile Colombia . Cuba , .... . Mexico . Panama Peru. . . Uruguay, . Venezuela Other Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America . . . Total Latin America Asia: China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) China, Republic of (Taiwan) Hong Kong India Indonesia Israel. . . Japan Korea . . . Philippines .... Thailand.. . . . . . Middle East4 oil-exporting countries ' Other Asia . . . Total Asia . . . Africa : Egypt Morocco , . . South Africa Zaire Oil-exporting 4 countries 5 Other Africa . ... . . . . Other countries: Australia All other Total other countries Total foreign countries. . . International and regional Grand total . . . , . Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 14 135 50 106 649 342 41 313 139 85 25 208 135 240 11 1,492 9 19 29 47 36 142 60 93 682 382 36 330 147 91 25 180 106 338 9 1 624 15 20 36 48 20 216 76 97 743 395 37 482 174 76 37 284 121 270 16 2 101 12 22 33 53 40 187 57 115 721 355 47 507 169 91 29 318 132 327 18 1,720 13 28 30 48 32 154 68 127 624 441 48 512 202 96 33 322 95 417 8 2,266 25 55 38 78 104 230 65 134 731 422 49 572 212 91 32 404 117 663 10 2,463 20 26 47 67 18 266 45 150 703 372 61 437 165 103 30 392 119 386 26 2,362 26 19 35 88 72 207 49 151 760 379 66 441 112 136 24 382 139 355 19 2 619 25 22 30 89 17 164 51 146 637 342 59 354 130 113 26 253 159 377 15 2,237 28 18 21 102 21 301 59 128 485 332 48 340 176 94 35 232 149 277 15 1 862 24 31 27 105 42 308 45 107 802 438 57 340 183 97 25 206 160 339 14 2,342 28 38 28 86 21 384 46 122 673 589 64 345 348 119 20 196 180 335 15 2,570 22 22 46 131 4,091 4,400 5,265 4,950 5,642 6,458 5,804 6,073 5,249 4,739 5,685 6,245 1,884 2 049 2 263 2 214 2 381 2 205 2 348 2111 2 032 2 556 2,517 2,776 522 570 953 136 429 11 1 348 298 186 57 483 544 17 366 541 1 029 958 155 432 11 1 422 301 184 51 510 548 19 476 681 1 302 1 114 180 462 13 1 427 350 194 44 586 603 29 301 688 1 115 1 180 193 470 13 I 627 395 224 38 628 621 20 334 646 1 953 1,316 175 488 13 1 655 410 265 38 558 628 27 255 673 1 892 1,477 187 522 13 1 720 392 281 40 606 675 41 378 686 1 703 1 507 224 601 12 1 770 400 353 59 644 690 38 337 704 2 201 1 522 231 679 13 1 828 401 421 50 642 700 56 483 695 2 780 1 534 250 665 14 I 706 410 408 47 627 711 64 402 683 3 085 I ,476 256 686 13 1 ,836 405 433 46 557 724 61 717 708 2,978 1,493 291 675 13 1 ,898 402 486 63 643 810 74 925 720 3,398 1,415 290 713 14 1,972 503 518 63 704 852 62 1,142 5 922 6 637 7 286 7 544 8,425 8,897 9 025 9 931 10,314 10,978 11 ,459 12,366 24 118 169 16 105 139 6 464 432 189 322 19 146 189 15 107 127 6 958 477 182 364 27 181 170 19 97 152 7 855 498 197 405 19 229 179 18 71 127 8 613 555 228 436 557 518 667 4 5 7 28 22 9 23 18 483 500 448 499 321 408 466 359 223 243 214 271 238 167 200 208 14 34 17 19 16 25 20 18 157 140 122 128 120 105 117 115 255 216 193 197 192 209 122 145 9 756 10,861 12 407 12 822 12,398 11 ,745 12,441 12,514 955 706 760 835 '641 733 638 620 372 325 347 342 348 295 266 305 417 458 428 439 438 411 440 440 330 441 670 666 824 683 669 674 708 465 .... Total Africa Jan. 8,444 9,140 10,117 11,141 12,502 13,802 15,572 16,083 15,635 15,016 15,795 16,222 111 18 329 98 42 4 133 56 40 4 134 67 42 21 131 61 44 9 147 79 62 4 206 72 66 5 202 91 68 14 213 93 83 10 238 97 97 10 243 94 93 11 282 107 91 12 299 101 178 175 210 199 223 273 286 275 311 311 291 413 420 466 477 567 637 675 702 755 804 795 855 279 37 268 49 328 63 318 59 357 66 383 70 400 63 415 77 422 76 478 91 492 104 466 99 316 317 391 376 423 453 463 492 498 569 597 565 m 184 21,070 22,963 25,789 26,703 29,939 32,453 33,887 35,392 34,483 34,662 36,848 39,030 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 2 1 1 2t ,071 22,964 25,789 26,704 29,940 32,453 33,888 35,393 34,485 34,662 36,848 39,030 210 Annual Statistical Digest 67. Short-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States B. By country—Continued End of period. Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars 19 75 Area and country Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Europe: Austria Belgium-Luxembourg. ... Denmark Finland France Germany G ireece Italy Netherlands. . . Norway Portugal Spain Sweden Swit/erland Turkey . . United Kingdom Yugoslavia Other Western Europe U.S.S.R Other Eastern Europe 18 401 54 132 892 390 52 351 195 115 16 184 128 252 23 2,796 38 22 44 124 38 591 53 136 893 435 42 277 210 106 39 166 99 267 17 2,860 18 27 48 100 22 550 41 137 896 387 46 287 187 104 32 150 72 230 19 2,984 16 24 34 110 19 17 16 674 647 600 51 j 64 49 133 147 137 859 584 726 • 399 389 428 37 54 37 334 329 339 157 221 218 114 126 98 25 26 25 234 251 235 132 101 115 227 211 252 37 30 40 3,261 3,718 3,476 39 31 28 25 31 22 51 77 83 117 113 118 Total Europe May June July Aug. Oct. Sept. Nov. Dee, 19 16 28 32 15 20 620 598 536 555 463 352 62 j 50 60 54 49 46 127 143 143 133 130 128 741 ! 906 1,329 ! 1,195 1,401 666 482 427 443 1 496 448 j 659 49 54 56 91 : 46 50 363 336 363 438 418 370 338 313 ! 264 288 285 300 102 102 91 j 106 92 71 27 22 19 18 15 I 16 257 214 i 245 256 261 249 185 182 152 155 182 ' 167 214 274 ; 254 290 314 232 43 56 54 121 26 86 3,458 4,067 3,724 3,792 3,858 4,586 37 34 36 40 55 38 22 62 27 23 22 25 106 144 80 79 165 103 130 110 114 110 ! 96 103 1 6 226 6,421 6,327 6 918 7 379 6 910 7,222 7,960 7,630 8,275 | 8,526 8,781 Canada 2 889 2 628 2 919 2 896 3 081 2 837 2 651 2,337 2,626 2 728 2,742 2 812 Latin America : Argentina Bahamas. , , . Brazil Chile Colombia Cuba Mexico Panama Peru . . . . ... Uruguay Vene/uela Other Latin American republics Netherlands Antilles and Surinam Other Latin America 783 3,737 1,264 303 706 13 1,898 604 504 75 795 886 45 1,442 808 4,699 1,345 351 679 18 2,006 458 531 86 747 902 39 1,539 869 958 5,926 5,714 1,266 1 ,299 395 433 695 710 13 13 2,120 2,245 546 524 555 606 104 116 757 736 902 1 954 39 36 1,590 1,731 1,007 7,738 1,272 422 702 13 2,383 671 590 100 745 960 44 2,227 8,660 1,184 429 687 13 2,548 527 623 85 791 953 83 1,830 i , in 1,105 7,813 1,390 472 666 13 2,676 581 626 90 902 1,043 62 1,679 I , f ! 8 1,219 | 1,343 6,627 6,432 7,250 1,505 ! 1,491 1,536 351 435 405 662 667 684 13 16 13 2,762 2,705 2,623 721 903 578 624 599 646 54 52 73 956 1,109 1,051 992 998 1,028 54 57 59 2,091 1,684 2,202 1,229 6,856 1,785 381 649 13 2,565 886 565 56 980 956 46 2,555 1,203 7,513 2,200 360 689 13 2,800 1 ,032 588 51 1 ,086 967 49 1,866 13 054 1 4 , 206 15,758 Total Latin America 16 096 18 874 19,523 19,118 18,518 18,199 19,673 19,522 20,417 Asia : 11 12 11 It 65 19 13 13 22 China, People's Rep. of (China Mainland) . 18 9 434 601 473 500 483 463 503 735 China Republic of (Taiwan) 526 606 681 448 257 184 315 201 188 258 203 231 Hong Kong 291 258 210 288 India 21 17 22 17 20 23 21 19 17 38 16 21 145 115 113 92 105 142 134 119 I 91 86 Indonesia 159 88 389 284 322 312 362 387 Israel 271 287 398 358 491 299 Japan 11 821 1 1 , 246 11,605 10,887 10 603 10,245 10,310 10,294 10,400 10,253 10,429 10,760 Korea I ,116 1 ,286 1,356 1 ,503 1,415 I ,523 1,462 1,502 1,515 1,555 1,505 1,556 410 347 377 302 455 340 338 342 353 478 481 Philippines 398 495 Thailand 391 374 441 501 374 406 461 496 i 474 499 413 411 527 493 524 307 624 446 Middle East oil-exporting countries 8 336 369 418 506 563 572 651 702 457 486 492 544 665 683 Other Asia 448 449 568 15,562 15,228 1 5 , 869 15,336 14,984 14,850 14,960 14,956 15,357 15,156 1 5 , 396 16,025 Total Asia Africa : Egypt Morocco South Africa Zaire Oil-exporting countries 5 Other Africa Total Africa Other countries: Australia All other Total other countries ,, ., , 106 19 364 31 81 184 114 15 396 38 108 183 122 19 413 31 108 182 142 10 458 37 95 231 138 12 475 41 128 223 149 10 498 43 120 249 134 10 489 34 144 252 141 17 492 46 134 284 125 13 504 37 190 293 127 16 513 17 207 326 130 12 540 38 215 359 104 9 546 34 231 308 785 853 875 973 1 018 1,068 1,064 1,114 1,162 1 ,227 1,294 1,231 433 125 431 95 436 99 428 107 440 89 428 81 446 80 466 88 509 80 532 105 554 91 535 71 558 526 535 535 528 | 509 526 554 589 638 645 608 International and regional 39,073 39,863 42 , 283 42,752 45,864 45 , 699 45,541 45,438 45 , 562 47,696 48 , 1 26 49,875 * I 1 1 11 1 1 t 2 3 Grand total 39,074 39,863 42,283 42,753 45,866 45,710 45,542 45,441 45,564 47,697 48,127 49,876 Total foreign countries ! i Annual Statistical Digest 211 68. Long-term claims on foreigners reported by banks in the United States Amounts outstanding; in millions of dollars Country or area Type Payable in dollars End of period Total Loans toOther Banks 1 foreigners Other longterm claims Payable in foreign currencies Total Europe Canada Total Latin America Japan Middle East ^ Other Asia3 All other coun-4 tries Total Official institutions 1970— Dec. . . . 3,075 2,698 504 236 1,958 352 25 482 312 1,325 115 548 292 1971—Jan Feb Mar.... Apr. . . . May. . . June. . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept. . . . Oct Nov... . Dec. . . . 2,968 2,964 3,050 3,088 3,252 3,203 3,261 3,393 3,440 3,494 3,537 3,667 2,621 2,649 2,744 2,784 2,940 2,898 2,959 3,090 3,121 3,181 3,237 3,345 485 484 501 504 523 475 489 523 524 542 567 575 213 213 226 227 251 241 253 265 269 266 282 315 1,923 1,952 2,017 2,053 2,167 2,182 2,217 2,302 2,328 2,373 2,389 2,455 323 289 277 271 279 278 282 276 291 286 276 300 24 26 30 33 32 26 20 28 28 26 23 22 482 497 535 558 605 631 648 666 696 707 724 723 278 266 268 275 277 266 266 259 264 261 244 228 1,287 1,264 ,277 ,279 ,269 ,234 ,277 ,337 ,351 ,323 ,357 ,458 117 121 125 120 208 225 219 221 225 240 240 246 523 521 548 554 548 514 515 539 536 565 563 583 280 295 297 304 343 333 337 370 367 398 407 429 1972— Jan Feb. . . . Mar... . Apr. . , . May. . . June. . . July.... Aug.. . Sept. . . . Oct Nov... . Dec. 5 , . 3,695 3,746 3,846 3,948 4,047 4,192 4,310 4,394 4,542 4,649 4,702 /4,954 \5,063 3,376 3,430 3,535 3,626 3,732 3,874 4,003 4,079 4,227 4,323 4,378 4,539 4,588 575 595 644 654 674 719 757 771 796 796 819 833 844 311 324 329 335 335 363 356 398 402 412 432 430 430 2,490 2,510 2,562 2,637 2,723 2,792 2,890 2,910 3,030 3,114 3,127 3,276 3,314 295 292 284 295 285 287 275 281 282 292 291 375 435 24 24 26 27 30 31 32 34 33 35 33 40 40 714 717 737 769 778 770 820 812 815 797 801 849 853 256 254 233 230 251 284 283 279 291 340 360 406 406 ,459 ,477 ,498 ,542 ,584 ,644 ,724 ,793 ,866 ,897 ,880 ,996 2,020 241 241 278 290 281 309 294 288 289 305 305 319 353 595 624 651 673 707 735 754 773 802 828 863 881 918 430 433 448 444 447 449 434 448 480 481 493 503 514 1973-=Jan Feb. . . . Mar. . . . Apr. . . . May . . . June. . . July.... Aug. . . . Sept. . . . Oct..... Nov.... Dec. . . . 5,071 5,187 5,336 5,482 5,574 5,662 5,683 5,590 5,486 5,671 5,867 5,996 4,590 4,689 4,832 4,989 5,073 5,155 5,177 5,080 4,963 5,117 5,328 5,446 850 851 898 918 947 993 972 ,022 ,030 ,061 ,147 ,160 442 477 496 544 545 550 554 523 526 557 574 591 3,298 3,360 3,438 3,526 3,581 3,612 3,650 3,536 3,407 3,499 3,607 3,694 439 447 458 445 453 462 453 464 454 474 461 478 41 52 47 49 48 45 54 46 70 80 78 72 876 906 984 ,038 ,063 ,120 ,166 ,159 ,133 ,168 ,223 1,272 403 434 453 477 511 523 517 404 418 491 484 490 ,980 ,999 ,989 2,014 2,016 2,014 ,995 ,975 ,954 ,995 2,104 2,116 358 347 341 341 335 316 315 309 256 262 255 251 941 960 ,017 ,061 ,089 ,129 ,155 ,195 ,224 ,241 ,284 ,331 513 540 552 552 558 561 535 548 501 514 516 536 1974— Jan..... Feb Mar.... Apr. . . . May . . . June. , . July.... Aug. . . . Sept. . . . Oct Nov... . Dec. . . . 5,942 5,995 6,174 6,783 6,830 7,087 7,115 7,055 6,999 7,259 7,260 7,183 5,393 5,394 5,558 6,140 6,214 6,475 6,502 6,448 6,386 6,580 6,570 6,494 ,149 ,205 ,281 ,571 ,570 ,622 ,490 ,456 ,419 ,451 ,383 ,329 580 601 657 751 772 792 909 913 853 914 933 931 3,665 3,588 3,620 3,819 3,872 4,061 4,104 4,080 4,113 4,215 4,253 4,234 469 522 541 567 550 546 545 539 542 608 618 609 79 79 75 76 67 66 67 68 71 71 72 80 1,273 1,337 1,445 1,775 1,783 1,908 1,852 1,830 1,801 2,058 1,991 1,908 486 457 473 478 467 496 498 503 543 523 506 501 2,078 2,087 2,155 2,370 2,434 2,487 2,552 2,527 2,479 2,495 2,574 2,613 259 256 256 254 241 244 269 269 247 267 260 258 ' " ' 3 8 4 ' ,334 ,343 ,352 ,373 ,381 ,434 ,423 ,416 ,425 ,399 ,395 977 513 5T5 494 532 524 518 520 511 505 517 534 542 1975— Jan. . . . . Feb. . . . Mar.. . . Apr.... May . . . June. . . July... . Aug. . . . Sept... . Oct Nov. . . . Dec. . . . 7,295 7,491 7,589 7,619 7,906 7,951 8,243 8,259 8,539 8,860 9,070 9,485 6,643 6,811 6,920 6,935 7,215 7,140 7,360 7,388 7,637 7,907 8,050 8,435 ,366 ,374 ,397 ,236 ,279 ,267 ,282 ,271 ,343 ,262 ,298 ,356 972 ,035 ,069 ,U7 ,198 ,212 ,298 ,336 ,364 ,516 ,547 ,692 4,304 4,402 4 , 454 4,582 4,737 4,661 4,781 4,782 4,931 5,129 5,205 5,387 583 611 598 605 610 719 792 787 809 840 903 934 69 69 70 78 81 92 90 85 93 114 118 116 1,992 2,096 2,126 2,188 2,326 2,304 2,344 2,390 2,426 2,534 2,529 2,675 490 500 500 505 491 461 471 438 508 595 569 555 2,614 2,686 2,707 2,798 2,864 2,854 2,998 3,003 3,132 3,168 3,281 3,448 248 248 247 242 254 264 270 259 265 292 293 296 ,016 972 ,029 ,006 ,047 ,140 ,208 ,204 ,195 ,214 ,218 ,276 558 600 595 633 683 688 711 728 775 835 931 1,016 376 388 385 247 242 241 241 237 237 222 249 220 212 Annual Statistical Digest 69. Purchases and sales by foreigners of long-term securities, by type In millions of dollars Marketable U.S. Treasury bonds and notes l U,S. corporate securities 3 Foreign bonds 4 Foreign stocks Net purchases or sales ( — ) Period Total 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 Intl. and regional . Purchases Foreign countries Sales Official Other -41 1,661 3,281 465 -642 1,540 123 -119 -23 6 69 230 11,426 14,593 19,083 18,594 16,183 20,360 9,844 13,158 15,015 1 3 , 844 14,677 15,212 -25 130 57 --165 101 201 82 1,542 3,258 470 = 573 1,770 Net purchases or Pursales (-) chases Net purSales chases or Pursales (-) chases Sales Net purchases or sales {-I 1 Total 2 56 1,672 3,316 305 -=472 1,971 4 1,582 1,435 4,068 4,751 1,506 5,148 ,490 ,687 ,901 ,474 ,045 2,386 2,441 -951 2,621 -935 2,932 -1,031 2,467 -993 3,284 -2,240 8,687 -6,300 1,033 1,385 2,532 1,729 1,903 1,538 998 ,434 ,123 ,554 ,720 ,719 35 -49 409 176 183 = 182 52 -22 74 17 57 1,321 1,030 291 140 277 -137 83 87 -4 1971— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. . . . Sept Oct. Nov Dec. 37 19 88 5 -33 92 260 212 118 252 446 175 -1 17 99* 1 38 2 -11 5 -33 91 259 202 117 252 445 175 -8 5 * 87° 253 238 145 257 474 209 46 —3 -11 4 -33 4 6 -36 -28 -5 -29 -34 1,242 1,516 1,411 1,383 1,163 1,007 1,042 1,185 1,065 965 940 1,673 ,022 ,411 ,314 ,412 ,126 ,022 ,006 ,021 796 974 845 ,207 220 105 97 -28 37 -15 36 163 269 -8 94 465 116 126 176 174 118 139 112 110 131 163 137 185 419 107 190 240 218 239 138 313 195 240 148 175 -302 19 -14 -66 -100 -100 -27 -203 -63 -77 -11 10 90 68 85 117 94 98 102 124 118 157 137 195 95 111 121 179 120 130 139 102 96 104 76 161 =5 -44 -36 -63 -26 -32 --36 22 22 52 61 34 1972- Jan. Feb Mar Apr. . . . May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov Dec 248 141 230 48 348 251 223 413 258 356 395 404 247 141 229 38 356 251 222 373 247 356 395 404 305 138 245 25 350 274 224 365 237 340 377 403 1,584 1,609 2,035 1,683 1,353 1,652 1,196 1,502 1,165 1,363 1,927 2,014 ,283 ,313 ,531 ,424 ,117 ,408 ,157 ,223 843 ,045 ,295 ,375 301 296 504 259 236 244 39 279 322 319 632 639 127 161 188 162 128 109 191 129 173 154 136 243 404 270 278 150 315 339 101 98 163 207 171 436 -277 -109 -90 12 -187 -231 90 30 It -53 -35 -193 191 200 290 197 245 226 155 242 173 188 192 233 170 199 269 181 141 269 166 179 142 119 21 t 20 16 104 -43 -11 63 32 69 82 55 562 579 540 16 * -58 3 -16 13 6 -23 -2 9 11 17 18 1 * -52 3 23 -15 -1 =9 -39 12 27 36 19 1,852 ,116 1,761 ,045 2,220 ,110 1,566 ,040 1,142 ,101 1,087 899 1,320 898 864 1,328 1,201 : 963 1,807 1,722 1,953 ,692 1,357 ,393 736 716 1,109 525 41 188 422 464 238 86 261 -37 191 145 144 117 142 125 101 96 67 97 104 144 323 144 125 292 152 103 207 157 101 336 317 209 -132 j 19 -175 -9 22 -106 -61 -34 -238 -213 -65 161 194 211 121 137 123 108 117 115 129 156 159 158 145 114 112 125 111 107 125 105 131 178 144 =2 --=22 15 1,720 1,202 1,750 1 1,134 959 1,220 1,091 1,487 1,478 1,624 1,414 1,101 ,458 ,224 ,499 909 890 965 ,103 ,167 ,187 ,511 ,518 ,246 262 -22 252 225 69 255 -12 320 291 114 -104 -145 71 100 102 103 89 74 94 59 72 86 92 101 364 145 398 28" 154 269 251 214 152 362 170 524 -292 -45 -295 -178 -64 -194 -158 -155 -80 -276 -78 -423 209 206 167 189 173 207 128 150 146 91 124 117 209 206 183 155 174 117 , 116 119 100 152 ' 102 87 = 16 34 ,..= 2 90 12 31 47 -62 22 30 1,246 1,699 1,76© 1,640 ' 1,846 1,754 2,251 1,421 1,257 2,023 1,605 1,859 913 ,445 ,155 ,397 ,679 ,332 ,278 ,338 ,124 ,362 ,231 958 333 254 604 243 167 422 973 82 134 662 374 901 131 117 195 167 »72 215 315 158 194 195 248 282 1,207 -1,076 -429 546 647 -452 -172 338 345 = 173 852 -637 1,008 -693 318 -160 -91 285 -484 678 991 -743 1 ,471 -1,190 147 134 148 155 145 129 109 89 91 137 107 148 156 173 159 ! 141 157 143 119 256 79 1970 -Dec. . I 11 1 # 1 1 1 1 11 =8 40 10 1 1973— Jan Feb. Mar Apr. May June. . July Aug Sept Oct Nov... Dec 562 515 554 31 -49 -71 -79 -51 40 29 -691 -486 ' '-ii' 10 =9 -33 -69 -71 17 20 -13 -5 1 562 527 543 40 -15 -1 -9 -68 20 42 -686 -487 1974= Jan Feb. . . . Mar... Apr May June July... Aug. Sept Oct Nov. . . Dec -432 = 32 138 = 252 24 -104 23 -42 -115 73 91 156 20 44 147 -97 81 -100 9 41 -81 35 16 -15 -452 -77 -10 -155 -57 -3 14 -84 -33 38 76 171 -472 -37 25 ' 153 19 -39 -10 16 = 50 -3 14 -11 26 38 50 17 1975 Jan.... Feb. . . Mar... Apr. May June. . July... Aug Sept... Oct Nov Dec. . . . ; 245 214 1,171 = 253 3 -220 192 9 192 481 -=471 408 118 9 421 = 210 -89 -326 95 -67 -14 272 = 270 262 127 205 749 -43 92 106 96 77 206 209 -201 146 118 102 724 -63 123 76 41 117 175 173 -171 125 9 102 25 20 -31 31 56 -40 31 37 -30 21 -28 8 15 -722 -506 -172 —7 -73' -60 no 178 '«; 97 3 49 97 9 12 12 t;I ™o to :! -9 - 39 = 11 14 -12 -15 = 10 = 167 = 24 29 51 Annual Statistical Digest 213 70. Net purchases or sales of U.S. securities by foreigners A. U.S. corporate stocks, by country In millions of dollars Purchases Sales 8,927 11,626 14 361 12,767 7,634 15,066 8 301 10,894 12 173 9,978 7,095 10 , 600 626 731 2 188 2,790 540 4,465 58 87 372 439 203 262 195 131 -51 2 39 250 128 219 297 339 330 359 1970— Dec 1,078 862 216 39 27 1971—Jan Feb Mar... . . . Apr. . . May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov...... Dec 999 1,139 1,117 1,214 998 860 845 896 818 713 665 1 361 869 1,171 1,143 1 219 988 871 848 817 663 761 665 878 130 -32 -26 -5 10 — 11 -3 78 155 —48 * 483 -13 -23 -26 8 9 3 12 10 24 g 9 66 1972 —Jan Feb Mar. Apr May June July Aug. Sept Oct Nov. Dec 1 308 1,283 1 464 1,187 996 1,151 893 1,244 805 1,005 1 560 1,464 1 1 1 1 040 131 286 107 940 1 117 891 991 640 846 1 070 1,114 268 152 178 80 56 34 3 252 166 159 490 350 36 13 19 —9 19 8 —6 60 36 65 85 48 1973— Jan. . . . . . . Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1,401 1,282 1,144 868 778 766 880 972 948 1 369 1,486 873 924 835 793 728 898 632 564 631 734 1 272 1,088 -878 477 446 350 141 -120 134 316 341 214 96 398 -4 32 25 35 21 -2 67 53 63 6 106 30 1974—Jan Feb Mar Apr. May . . . . June. . . . July Aug Sept. . Oct Nov Dec 979 743 896 583 580 555 521 590 460 673 .604 450 802 586 846 559 591 513 510 502 445 695 616 429 178 157 49 25 -H 42 11 88 15 —22 -13 21 748 1,420 1,152 318 ,527 ,321 ,669 ,153 882 ,407 ,114 ,355 554 891 913 1 058 1,149 1,063 1,080 712 642 1,042 809 686 193 529 240 259 378 258 589 441 240 365 304 669 Period 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974. . , 1975 ..... . . 1975— Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Net purchases or France sales ( -) Germany Total Europe 110 168 642 686 36 897 -33 -49 561 366 -377 569 482 627 1 958 2,104 281 2 464 —9 -93 — 78 99 -6 356 47 37 — 3? 4 -33 -7 8 39 14 137 40 3;i 4 3 27 28 11 -10 * 3 -6 7 33 —4 -9 51 14 9 2 8 13 12 15 38 9 2 22 76 26 -6 -27 —4 10 9 -10 24 38 4 1 102 7 -23 -11 — 18 -6 — 19 6 -33 11 -30 i 68 107 7 -59 — 24 24 — 18 4 38 132 —21 42 394 11 34 1 1 -17 — 11 -24 11 10 — 21 -14 2 6 -*i 18 11 ~4 —4 2 1? 7 — 17 -38 49 ~3 10 * 6 5 7 14 -2 29 4 — 12 -22 — 14 -20 44 — 13 -7 6 44 -3 60 37 27 19 g 15 — 13 8 15 24 55 42 98 52 57 2 28 27 56 68 51 83 61 59 2 36 95 46 20 i 15 101 56 -89 150 132 217 148 186 36 63 35 5 249 163 109 449 297 1 -32 —26 -23 — 17 —1 4 9 -12 8 13 -I 11 10 —27 ~42 — 2*i -16 1 2 2*i 8 27 20 8 49 30 32 12 4 11 29 =8 42 12 5 7 4 2 9 7 6 3 11 12 4 29 5 8 9 -43 -23 -19 6 _7 27 9 46 67 47 -8 -14 7 25 60 18 5 54 32 143 150 148 53 -22 52 80 57 54 -34 68 -64 108 82 21 -14 -38 15 28 40 15 68 67 -25 380 371 288 107 -116 74 210 245 169 62 327 -12 25 37 25 34 -7 8 19 to* -26 -18 -8 -20 -11 5 -10 -16 -2 11 11 27 16 -4 -4 85 44 21 5 11 55 71 81 21 41 108 34 8 5 11 5 8 -2 5 ~6 -3 4 -14 -16 68 38 14 22 18 -15 13 19 —9 17 5 13 4 5 -26 17 7 8 5 18 17 — 30 I 13 37 54 40 35 29 33 39 16 21 9 —2 20 43 40 24 •j 5 11 -10 15 -6 — 39 -35 -10 28 —6 14 —31 -43 -18 -64 -10 -38 —82 -51 -76 202 165 91 4 12 16 -13 46 -19 -115 -77 -30 -27 -42 ] 9 2 -13 -7 -2 9 4 2 -5 10 36 -9 -29 26 -2 19 13 18 23 95 70 27 9 1 2 2 2 2 * 1 -8 1 * 36 21 12 — 15 -6 32 55 52 10 16 22 28 17 25 15 23 4 1 31 52 7 -7 40 40 8 14 40 26 27 19 80 47 22 17 -5 64 42 115 39 44 100 71 139 83 64 36 42 123 -8 147 38 54 59 36 75 38 111 331 150 136 193 152 396 302 123 142 132 297 12 20 15 —5 36 21 20 21 20 59 36 102 -3 63 -74 2 36 9 2 26 32 21 12 13 2 15 * 5 -2 -19 6 16 8 6 4 -3 : : 48 44 32 Latin Canada America Middle Other2 East i Asia Others United Kingdom Nether- Switzerland lands -21 -10 -7 13 10 14 6 3 -2 14 1,470 9 11 t 7 15 16 4 5 6 39 n -15 13 -5 2 1 8 13 -6 -15 7 -1 Q 85 108 256 577 288 140 86 86 153 119 113 87 153 82 72 130 122 268 21 52 83 5 10 39 2 6 4 —2 214 Annual Statistical Digest 70. Net purchases or sales of U.S. securities by foreigners—Continued B. U.S. corporate bonds^ by country In millions of dollars Period 1970 1971. 1972 i973 1974. 1975 1970—Dec Canada Latin America 464 631 1 303 I 242 *719 116 128 37 82 51 45 127 25 19 22 44 43 30 28 61 1 1 2 _t * * # 1 -1 * * -1 —2 15 16 32 7 -5 -2 3 26 41 53 42 — 12 2 21 32 7 19 -4 20 49 69 24 70 18 12 85 92 19 33 -8 22 67 106 83 122 -3 28 —4 11 -2 * 11 — 10 * 16 —8 7 — 13 _4 1 6 4 3 2 3 I 5 —2 -1 * 1 -I * 20 * 8 8 6 3 1 27 * -14 -20 29 —1 —3 21 41 17 16 35 —1 14 20 102 64 —8 71 4 -34 -16 24 44 46 49 49 67 116 38 121 148 33 62 134 178 147 210 10 —3 —1 11 23 4 9 10 5 -6 S —2 -13 3 * 26 -2 2 -22 29 30 -7 65 76 -3 13 -5 25 46 28 37 49 46 -3 -96 120 -18 -15 57 14 -14 76 60 161 149 174 98 215 -20 -52 94 52 86 122 163 1 36 * 16 7 7 3 —1 —1 4 -21 * 4 4 1 I 3 16 117 45 —75 26 20 41 i 46 I 29 64 6 -10 64 15