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STATISTICAL APPENDIX TO of the Secretary the Treasury onthe State of the Finances '4 f ' / ' '•^' '•• StATrstlcAL ApRENeiX t o ..i- ... ;/ fi of the Secretary oi the Treasury /.on the Skte of the Finances J .^ - f -; . ^ f ' , f^/? 7-//£ FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUIU 30, 1971 DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY DOCUMENT NO. 32S4A Secretary U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington : 1972 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - Price 31-50 (paper cover) Stock Number 4800-0193 rre "^^"^^ CONTENTS Page Bases of tables 1 TABLES SUMMARY OF FISCAL OPERATIONS 1. Summary of fiscal operations, fiscal years 1954-1971 and monthly 1971 6 RECEIPTS AND OUTLAYS 2. Receipts and outlays, fiscal jj^ears 1789-1971 3. Refunds of receipts, fiscal years 1954-71 4. Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 5. Means of financing, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 6. Investments of Government accounts in Federal securities (net) fiscal years 1970 and 1971 7. Receipts by departments and agencies, fiscal year 1971 8. Budget receipts and outlays monthly and total for fiscal year 1971 9. Budget receipts by sources and outlays by major functions, fiscal years 1962-71 10. Internal revenue collections by tax sources, fiscal years 1936-71 11. Internal revenue collections and refunds by States, fiscal year 1971__ 12. Deposits of earnings by the Federal Reserve banks, fiscal years 194771 13. Customs collections and payments by regions and districts, fiscal year 1971 14. Summary of customs collections and expenditures, fiscal years 1970and 1971 15. Postal receipts and expenditures, fiscal years 1926-71 16. Seigniorage on coin and silver bullion, January 1, 1935-June 30, 1971_ 8 17 18 34 36 39 40 42 46 52 53 54 56 57 58 FEDERAL DEBT I.—Outstanding 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Federal securities outstanding, fiscal years 1954-71 Federal securities held by the public, fiscal years 1954-71 Principal of the public debt, fiscal years 1790-1971 Investment holdings of Government accounts in Federal securities, June 30, 1969-71 Debt subject to statutory limitation, outstanding June 30, 1940-71 __ Public debt outstanding by classification, June 30, 1961-71 Securities issued by Government agencies subject to statutory debt limitation, June 30, 1961-71 Interest-bearing securities issued by Federal agencies, fiscal years 1954-71 Maturity distribution and average length of marketable interestbearing public debt, June 30, 1946-71 Summary of the public debt on an accounting basip, June 30, 1971 Public debt securities outstanding on an accounting basis, June 30, 1954-71 Description of public debt issues outstanding, June 30, 1971 Securities issued in advance refunding operations Description of agency securities and D.C. Armorj^ Board Stadium bonds subject to statutory limitation, June 30, 1971 Debt subject to statutory limitation, June 30, 1971 Debt limitation under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, 1917-71 ni 58 59 60 62 65 66 70 72 74 75 76 77 107 110 112 114 rv CONTENTS IL—Operations Page 33. Public debt receipts and expenditures by classes, monthly for the fiscal year 1971 and totals for 1970 and 1971 34. Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971 35. Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970—June 1971 36. Allotments by investor classes on subscriptions for public marketable securities, fiscal year 1971 37. Allotments of Treasury notes issued during the fiscal year 1971, by Federal Reserve districts 38. Statutory debt retirements, fiscal years 1918-71 39. Cumulative sinkingfund, fiscal years 1921-71 116 130 166 199 201 205 206 UL—U.S. savings bonds and notes 40. Sales and redemptions of Series E through K savings bonds by series, fiscal years 1941-71 and monthly 1971 41. Sales and redemptions of Series E and H savings bonds by denominations, fiscal years 1941-71 and monthly 1971 42. Sales and redemptions of U.S. savings notes, fiscal years 1967-71 and monthly 1971 43. Sales of Series E and H savings bonds by States, fiscal years 1970, 1971, and cumulative 44. Savings bonds outstanding, by series and denomination, as of June 30, 1971 207 212 214 215 216 IV.—Interest 45. Amount of interest-bearing public debt outstanding, the computed annual interest charge, and the computed rate of interest, June 30, 1939-71, and at the end of each month during 1971 46. Computed annual interest rate and computed annual interest charge on the public debt by classes, June 30, 1950-71 47. Interest on the public debt by classes, fiscal years 1967-71 216 218 220 V.—Prices and yields of securities 48. Average yields of taxable long term Treasury bonds by months, October 1941-June 1971 49. Prices and yields of marketable public debt issues June 30, 1970, and June 30, 1971, and price range since first traded 221 222 VI.—Ownership of Federal securities 50. Estimated ownership of Federal securities outstanding June 30, 1960-71 51. Summary of Treasury survey of ownership of Federal securities, June 30, 1970 and 1971 224 226 ACCOUNT OF THE TREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES 52. Assets and liabilities in the account of the Treasurer of the United States, June 30, 1970 and 1971 53. Accountability of the Treasurer of the United States on an accounting basis, June 30, 1954-71 54. Location of gold, coin, and coinage metals held by the Treasury, June 30, 1971 55. Analysis of changes in tax and loan account balances, fiscal years 1960-71 228 229 229 230 STOCK AND CIRCULATION O F MONEY IN THE UNITED STATES 56. Currency and coin outstanding, in the Treasury, in the Federal Reserve banks, and in circulation, by kinds, June 30, 1971 57. Stock of money by kinds, selected years, June 30, 1935-71 58. Money in circulation by kinds, selected years, June 30, 1935-71 59. Paper currency issued and redeemed during the fiscal year 1971 and outstanding June 30, 1971, by classes and denominations 232 234 236 237 CONTENTS V TRUST AND OTHER FUNDS Pagpe 60. Airport and airway trust fund, June 30, 1971. .,__ 61. Civil service retirement and disability fund, June 30, 1971 62. Employees health benefits fund. Civil Service Commission, June 30, 1971 63. Retired employees health benefits fund, Civil Service Commission, June 30, 1971 64. Employees' life insurance fund, Civil Service Commission, June 30, 1971 65. Federal disability insurance trust fund, June 30, 1971 66. Federal hospital insurance trust fund, June 30, 1971 67. Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund, June 30, 1971.. 68. Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fu.nd, June 30, 1971-.. 69. Foreign service retirement and disability fund, June 30, 1971 70. Highway trust fund, June 30, 1971 71. Judicial survivors annuity fund, June 30, 1971 72. Library of Congress trust funds, June 30, 1971 73. National service life insurance fund, June 30, 1971 74. Pershing Hall Memorial fund, June 30, 1971 75. Railroad retirement account, June 30, 1971 76. Railroad retirement holding account, June 30, 1971 77. Railroad retirement supplemental account, June 30, 1971 78. Unemployment trust fund, June 30, 1971 79. U.S. Government life insurance fund, June 30, 1971 238 239 242 243 244 246 248 250 251 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 262 262 263 270 FEDERAL AID TO STATES The table "Federal grants in aid to States and local governments^' is published as a separate document, beginning with report for fiscal 1969. CUSTOMS OPERATIONS 80. Merchandise entries, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 81. Carriers and persons arriving in the United States, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 82. Aircraft and aircraft passengers entering the United States, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 83. Seizures for violations of customs laws, fiscal years 1970 and 1971-.. 84. Investigative activities, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 85. Principal commodities on which drawback was paid, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 271 271 272 273 274 274 ENGRAVING AND PRINTING OPERATIONS 86. New postage stamp issues delivered, fiscal year 1971 87. Deliveries of finished work by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, fiscalyears 1970 and 1971 88. Statement of financial condition June 30, 1970 and 1971 89. Statement of income and expense, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 90. Statement of source and application of funds, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 275 276 278 280 281 INTERNATIONAL CLAIMS 91. Status of Class III awards of the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany, and Private Law 509 as of June 30, 1971 92. Status of claims of American nationals against certain foreign governments as of June 30, 1971 281 282 INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS 93. U.S. net monetary gold transactions with foreign countries and international institutions, fiscal years 1945-71 94. U.S. reserve assets, fiscal years 1958-71 95. U.S. liquid liabilities to foreigners, fiscal years 1958-71 96. International investment position of the United States, by area, at yearend 97. Assets and liabilities of the Exchange Stabihzation Fund as of June 30, 1970, and June 30, 1971 283 285 286 288 290 VI CONTENTS Page 98. Summar}^ of receipts, withdrawals, and balances of foreign currencies acquired by the U.S. Government without direct payment of dollars, fiscal 1971 99. Balances of foreign currencies acquired by the U.S. Government without direct payment of dollars, June 30, 1971 292 293 INDEBTEDNESS OF FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS 100. Indebtedness of foreign governments to the United States arising from World War I as of June 30, 1971: 101. Status of German World War I indebtedness as of June 30, 1971 102. Outstanding indebtedness of foreign countries on U.S. Government credits (exclusive of indebtedness arising from World War I) as of June 30, 1971, by area, countiy, and major piogram 103. Status of accounts under lend-lease and surplus propert}^ agreements (World War II) as of June 30, 1971 295 296 297 302 CORPORATIONS AND OTHER BUSINESS-TYPE ACTIVITIES OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 104. Comparative statement of securities of Government corporations and other business-type activities held by the Treasury, June 30, 1961-71 . 105. Capital stock of Government agencies held by the Treasury or other Government agencies June 30, 1970 and 1971, and changes during 1971 106. Borrowing authority and outstanding issues of Government corporations and other business-type activities whose securities are issued to the Secretary of the Treasury, June 30, 1971 107. Description of securities of Government corporations and other business-type activities held by the Treasury, June 30, 1971 108. Summary statements of financial condition of Government corporations, other business-type activities, and regular governmental activities, June 30, 1971 109. Statement of loans outstanding of Government corporations, other business-type activities, and regular governmental activities, June 30, 1971 110. Dividends, interest, and similar earnings received by the Treasur^y from Government corporation? and other business-type activities, fiscal years 1970 and 1971.. 111. Direct sales and repurchases of loans, fiscal years 1963-71 and monthlj^ 1971 304 306 307 308 313 315 319 320 GOVERNMENT LOSSES IN SHIPMENT 112. Government losses in shipment fund, June 30, 1971 321 PERSONNEL 113. Number of employees in the departmental and field services of the Department of the Treasury quarterly from June 30, 1970, to June 30, 1971 .__ 322 Bases of Tables Statistical sources The figures in this report are shown on the basis of: (a) The Daily Statement of ihe United States Treasury; (b) the Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Government; (c) warrants issued; (d) public debt accounts; and (e) administrative accounts and reports. Where no basis is indicated, the figures are derived from administrative reports prepared according to various specifications. Where more than one basis is used in a single table covering a period of years, the date of the change in basis is stated. The term "security," wherever used in the various tables, means any obligation issued pursuant to law for valuable consideration and includes bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, debentures, and other evidences of indebtedness. Following are general explanations of the various bases. For background on the first two bases (the daily and monthly statements) see exhibits 69, 70, and 71 in the 1954 annual report; iand for the third (warrants issued) see 1962 Annual Report, page 502. Daily Statement of the United States Treasury The daily Treasury statement was the basis for receipts, expenditures, and the resulting surplus or deficit shown in this report for the fiscal years 1916-52, and from 1916 to present it has been the basis for much of the public debt data and all of the figures on the account of the Treasurer of the United States. Since 1916 the daily statement has been based on bank transcripts (summarizing charges for checks paid and credits for deposits on the books of the banks) cleared and processed through the accounts of the Treasurer's oflBce in Washington. Telegraphic reports are used to provide more timely data for certain major types of information pending receipt of the bank transcripts. For the fiscal years 1946-52, expenditures for agencies using the facilities of the Treasury Department's Division of Disbursement were shown on the basis of reports of checks issued. Total expenditures, however, as well as expenditures for the military departments and other agencies using their own disbursing facilities, were on the basis of bank transcripts cleared. During the time it served as the basis for the budget results, the daily statement covered certain transactions processed through commercial bank accounts held in the name of Government oflScers other than the Treasurer of the United States, and included intragovemmental and other noncash transactions. The present daily Treasury statement reports the status of the Treasurer's account and summarizes the varipus transactions representing deposits and withdrawals in that account, excluding noncash transactions (with minor exceptions) and transactions involving cash held outside the Treasurer's account. Only a limited number of deposit and withdrawal classifications are shown. These data do not purport to represent budget results. Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Government Beginning with the figures for the fiscal year 1953, this monthly statement replaced the daily statement as the primary source of budget results (surplus or deficit) and other receipt and expenditure data classified by type of account. This statement shows all receipts and expenditures of the Government including those made from cash accounts held outside the Treasurer's account. The information in the monthly statement is based on the central accounts relating to cash operations (see "Description of Accounts Relating to Cash Operations," below). Warrants issued Receipt and expenditure data shown for fiscal years before 1916 were taken from reports based on warrants issued. For receipts, covering warrants were prepared from certificates of deposit mailed to the Treasury, principally by Government depositaries, showing de 2 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY posits received. The figures thus compiled were on a "warrants-issued" basis. Since these certificates did not reach the Treasury simultaneously, all receipts for a fiscal year could not be covered into the Treasury by warrant of the Secretary iinmediately upon the close of the fiscal year. Therefore, certain certificates of deposit representing amounts deposited during one fiscal year were reported as the next year's receipts. Reports of expenditures were based on the amount of accountable and settlement warrants issued and charged to appropriation accounts. Since accountable warrants covered advances to disbursing officers, rather than actual payments, reported expenditures necessarily included the changes in balances of funds remaining unexpended to the credit of disbursing officers at the close of the fiscal year. Public debt accounts The figures reported on this basis represent transactions which have been audited by the Bureau of the Public Debt. It is sometimes several months after a financing oi)eration before all the transactions have been reported and audited. Therefore, the public debt figures on this basis diflfer from those reported in the daily Treasury statement since the latter consist of transactions cleared through the Treasurer's account during the reporting period. A reconciliation of figures on the two bases is given in table 26. Administrative accounts and reports Certain tables in this report are developed from the accounts, records, and reports of the administrative agencies concerned, which may be on various bases. These tables include intemal revenue and customs statistics, foreign currency transactions in the accounts of the Secretary of the Treasury, and financial statements of Government corporations and other business-type activities. Description of Accounts Relating to Cash Operations The classes of accounts maintained in connection with the cash operations of the Federal Government, exclusive of public debt operations, include: (1) The accounts of fiscal officers or agents, collectively, who receive money for deposit in the U.S. Treasury or for other authorized disposition or who make disbursements by drawing checks on the Treasurer of the United States or by effecting payments in some other manner; (2) the accounts of administrative agencies which classify receipt and expenditure (disbursement) transactions according to the individual receipt, appropriation, or fund account; and (3) the accounts of the Treasurer of the United States whose office, generally speaking, is responsible for the receipt and custody of money deposited by fiscal officers or agents, for the payment of checks drawn on the Treasurer, and the payment of public debt securities redeemed. A set of central accounts is maintained in the Treasury Department for the purpose of consolidating financial data reported periodically from these three sources in order to present the results of cash operations in central financial reports on a unified basis for the Government as a whole, and as a means of internal control. The central accounts relating to cash operations disclose monthly and fiscal year information on: (1) The Government's receipts by principal sources, and its expenditures according to the different appropriations and other funds involved; and (2) the cash transactions, classified by types, together with certain directly related assets and liabilities which underlie such receipts and expenditures. The accounting for receipts is substantially on the basis of collections (i.e. as of the time cash receipts are placed under accounting control), and that for expenditures is substantially on the basis of checks issued (and cash payments made) except that since June 1955 interest on the public debt has been on an accrual basis. The structure of the accounts provides for a reconciliation, on a firm accounting basis, between the published reports of receipts and expenditures for the Government as a whole and changes in the Treasurer's cash balance by means of such factors as checks outstanding, deposits in transit, and cash held outside the Treasury. Within the central accounts, receipt and expenditure accounts are classified as described in the following paragraphs. Budget accounts Oeneral fund receipt accounts.—General fund receipt accounts are credited with all receipts which are not earmarked by law for a specific purpose. General fund receipts consist principally of internal revenue collections, which include income taxes, excise taxes, estate, gift, and employment taxes. The STATISTICAL APPENDIX 3 remainder consist of customs duties and a large number of miscellaneous receipts, including fees for permits and licenses, fines, penalties, and forfeitures; interest and dividends; rentals; royalties; and sale of Government property. Special fund receipt accounts.—Special fund receipt accounts are credited with receipts from specific sources which are earmarked by law for a specific purpose, but which are not generated from a cycle of operations. The Congress may appropriate these receipts on an aimual basis or for an indefinite period of time. Examples of special fund receipts are those arising from rents and royalties under the Mineral Leasing Act, the revenue from visitors to Yellowstone National Park, the proceeds of the sale of certain timber and reserve lands, and other receipts authorized to be credited to the reclamation fund. General fund expenditure accounts.—General fund expenditure accounts are established to record amounts appropriated by the Congress to be expended for the general support of the Government. Such accounts are classified according to the limitations that are established by the Congress with respect to the period of availability for obligation of the appropriation, as 1-year, multiple-year, or "no-year" (without a time limit), and with respect to the agency authorized to enter into obligations and approve expenditures. Special fund expenditure accounts.—Special fund expenditure accounts are .established to record appropriated amounts of special fund receipts to be expended for special programs in accordance with specific provisions of law. These accounts are generally available without time limit, but may also be subject to time limitations as in the case of general fund accounts. Revolving fund accounts.—These are funds authorized by specific provisions of law to finance a continuing cycle of operations in which expenditures generate receipts, and the receipts are available for expenditure without further action by Congress. They are classified as (a) Public enterprise funds where receipts come primarily from sources outside the Govemment and (b) intragovernmental funds where receipts come primarily from other appropriations or funds. Treasury reports generally show the net effect of operations (excess of disbursements or collections and reimbursements for the period) on the budget surplus or deficit. These accounts are usually designated as "no-year" accounts; i.e., they are without limitation as to period of availability for expenditures. Examples of public enterprise revolving funds are the Export-Import Bank of the United States and the Commodity Credit Corporation. Examples of intragovernmental revolving funds are the general supply fund, administered by the General Services Administration, and the Government Printing Office revolving fund. Consolidated working fund accounts.—These are accounts established to receive (and subsequently disburse) advance payments from other agencies or bureaus pursuant to section 601 of the Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 686) or other provisions of law. Consolidated working funds may be credited with advances from more than one appropriation for the procurement of goods or services to be furnished by the performing agency with the use of its own facilities within the same fiscal year. Expenditures recorded in these accounts are stated net of advances credited and are classified under the agencies administering the accounts. The accounts are subject to the fiscal year limitations of the appropriations or funds from which advanced. Management fund accounts.—These are working fund accounts authorized by law to facilitate accounting for and administration of intragovernmental activities (other than a continuing cycle of operations) which are financed by two or more appropriations. This classification is also often applied to the consolidated working funds for interagency activities described above. Trust fund accounts.—These are accounts maintained to record the receipt and expenditure of moneys held in trust by the Government for use in carrying out specific purposes or programs in accordance with the terms of a trust agreement or statute. The receipts of many trust funds, especially the major ones, not needed for current payments are invested in public debt and Government agency securities. Generally, trust fund accounts consist of separate receipt and expenditure accounts, but when the trust corpus is established to perform a business-type operation, the fund entity is called a "trust revolving fund" and a combined receipt and expenditure account is used. Some of the major trust accounts are the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund, unemployment trust fund, civil service retirement and disability fund, the national service life insurance fund, and the highway trust fund. Transfer appropriation accounts.—These accounts are established to receive (and subsequently disburse) allocations which are treated as nonexpenditure 4 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY transactions at the time the allocation is made including certain transfers under section 601 of the Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 686), and similar provisions of law. Other accounts Deposit fund accounts.—Deposit funds are combined receipt and expenditure accounts established to account for receipts that are either: (a) Held in suspense temporarily and later refunded or paid into some other fund of the Government upon administrative or legal determinaton as to the proper disposition thereof, or (b) held by the Government as banker or agent for others and paid out at the direction of the depositor. Such funds are not available for paying salaries, expenses, grants, or other expenditures of the Government. Historical Data Historical data consistent with the unified budget have been compiled for the applicable tables back through fiscal 1954. TABLES NOTE.—Details of figures may not add to totals because of rounding. 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Summary of TABLE 1.—Summary of fiscal operations, [On basis of "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending Fiscal year or month The expenditure account Net receipts 1954 1955 1956 1967 1958 1969 1960. 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965... 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1970-July-. Aug... Sept.. Oct... Nov.. Dec... 197l-Jan_.. Feb... Mar... Apr... May.. June.. Net expenditures . Surplus, or deficit ( - ) The loan account» Loan disbursements Loan repa3rments Net lending $69,719,267,504 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 66,468,612,716 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 74,547,008,760 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 79,989,824,460 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 79,635,842,935 $81,031,302,611 -$1,396,459,676 $6,619,941,000 $4,976,151,000 -$1,643,790, doo 79,249,126,696 89,446,950,997 -10,196,824,401 7,859,473,000 6,200,965,000 -2,668,508,000 92,492,109,650 90,341,104,625 2,151,004,925 8,309,588,000 6,427,339,000 -1,882,249,000 94,388,726,938 96,696,688,116 -2,207,961,178 7,868,998,000 6,671,107,000 -1,197,891,000 99,675,606,041 104,461,830,606 -4,786,225,665 9,621,496,000 7,270,733,000 -2,350,763,000 106,660,264,738 111,456,073,478 -4,896,818,740 9,646,230,000 9,791,169,000 144,929,000 112,661,852,497 118,039,187,824 -6,377,335,327 10,237,105,000 9,692,685,000 -544,520,000 116,833,423,692 117,180,773,187 . -347,349,695 10,911,140,000 9,662,168,000 -1,248,972,000 130,855,967,456 130,819,900,519 36,066,937 14,628,467,000 10,796,441,000 -3,832,026,000 149,652,405,078 153,200,978,496 -3,648,673,418 17,675,884,718 12,622,606,674 -6,063,278,144 153,671,422,120 172,802,491,141 -19,131,069,022 20.327.068,453 14,296,904,552 -6,030,163,901 187,784,462,748 183,071,967,248 4,712,495,600 13,167,394,765 11,691,193,471 -1,476,201,294 193, 743,260, 789 194,459, 643, 205 -716, 292,416 8.343,707,336 6,215,464,908 -2,128,242,426 188,391,860,086 210,318,387,835 -21,926,527,749 8,149,124,161 7,042,483,784 -1,106,640,377 12,608,711,322 19,343,972,679 -6,736,261,367 460,423,925 477,911,568 17,487,643 16,172,067,613 17,428,737, 226 -2,266,669,613 667,489,461 601,639,611 -65,849,850 18,724,696,637 17,329,048, 667 1,396, 647,970 598,352,861 484,098,826 -114,254,027 11,493,020,633 17,489,780,833 - 5 , 996,760,200 742,483,969 592,498,164 -149,985,806 14,134,235,202 16, 616, 240,263 - 2 , 482,005,061 684, 724, 274 472,466,239 -112,259,036 16,429,127,376 16,876,060,129 -446,932,763 647,367,680 973,326,079 325,958,499 16,773,367,660 16,870,100,870 -1,096,733,311 813,984,239 669, 242,195 -244,742,044 15,129,569,771 16,716,633,070 -1,687,063,299 373, 699,123 543,836,661 170,137,638 13,204,643,888 18,327,907,729 -6,123,363,840 807, 979,863 490,145,587 -317,834,265 21,024,061,223 17,769,090,095 3, 264,971,128 730,621, 220 681,298, 200 -49,223,020 13,190,089,912 16,882,017,469 - 3 , 691,927,647 666, 991, 090 396,473,107 -269,517,983 22, 508,468,949 19, 668,798,816 2,839, 670,133 1,056,106,678 759,548,648 -296,668,030 ri.a. Not available. » Data for fiscal years 1958-66 from 1969 budget docimient, released Jan. 29,1968. » For content, see table 17. «For content, see table 18. STATISTICAL APPENDIX Fiscal Operations fiscal years 1954-71 and monthly 1971 ofthe United States Govermnent," see "Bases of Tables"] B u d g e t receipts, e x p e n d i t u r e s , and lending—Continued Outlays Budget surplus, (expenditures or a n d n e t lending) deficit ( - ) $70,889,744,341 68, 609,184,178 70,460,329,329 76, 740,682, 604 82, 675,092, 611 92,104,468,997 92,223,363,625 97,794,579,116 106,812,693,606 111, 311,144,478 118,683,707,824 118,429,746,187 134,661,926, 619 158, 254,256, 640 178, 832, 656,042 184,548,168,642 196,587,786,632 211,425, 028,212 19,326,485,036 17,494,687,076 17,443,302,693 17, 639,766,638 16,728,499,298 16,650,101,629 17,114,842,914 16,546,495,531 18, 646,741, 994 17,818, 313,116 17,161,535,442 19,965,356,846 -$1,170,476,837 -3,040,571,462 4,086,679,431 3,249,241,966 - 2 , 9 3 9 , 249, 676 -12,855,332,401 268, 755,926 -3,406,862,178 - 7 , 1 3 6 , 988, 665 - 4 , 750,889,740 -5,921,865,327 - 1 , 596, 321, 695 - 3 , 7 9 6 , 969, 063 - 8 , 701,861, 661 -25,161,232,923 3,236, 294,206 -2,844,534,843 -23,033,168,126 -6,717,773,713 -2,322,519,462 1,281,293,943 -6,146,746,005 -2,594,264,096 -120,974,254 -1,341,476,366 -1,416,925,760 -5,441,198,106 3, 206, 748,109 - 3 , 961,446,530 2, 643,112,103 Selected balances, e n d of period Federal securities ^ $272,223,066,108 276,933,494,339 274, 604, 664,349 273,420,743, 268 280,310,750,260 289,745,991,938 293,100,313, 785 295,448,189, 882 306,128,179, 640 313,982,733,188 320,344,400, 666 326, 609,052, 266 333, 283,859,338 344, 676, 264,466 371,977,865,715 367,969,306, 637 383,428,409, 605 410, 292,476, 611 389,039,069,173 393, 369, 446,343 391,169,114,849 392, 664,928,392 396, 099,676,342 401, 649,691,668 401,844,796,180 403,167, 235,303 404,688,464,924 404,566,766, 668 409,561,047,659 410, 292,476, 610 General O t h e r cash F e d e r a l securities account of t h e held b y T r e a s u r e r of t h e a n d m o n e t a r y the public s U n i t e d States * assets $224,499,347, 583 226, 616, 602,364 222, 225,806,401 219,421,416,472 226,363,338,768 235, 002, 786,899 237,176,808, 656 238, 603,936,167 248, 373,176, 602 254,461,302,259 257, 653,065,891 261, 613, 962,465 264, 690,415, 577 267, 528,868, 721, 290, 629,298,866' 279,483, 009, 886 284,880, 256,929 304,327,777, 567 290,876,872,571 293,692, 683,134 292,245,513,928 294,807,628,742 298,113,236,327 301,137, 662,342 301,797,614,783 302, 037,868,365 302,713,002,560 302,441,518,622 304,638,333,830 304, 327,777,567 $6,738,665,437 6,266,781,422 6,799, 568,033 5, 648,470,269 9,797,462,839 6,391,691, 923 8,156,018,136 6, 770, 617, 586 10, 504, 210,952 12,380,408,389 11,116,139,804 12, 709, 996, 684 12,449, 515,322 7,878, 519, 874 6, 784, 692,839 7, 644,408,390 9,290,801,616 10,116,969,750 8,074,259,564 7,981,791,017 9,673,822,308 7,161,840,959 6,733,214,366 8,768, 622,739 10,605,010,452 8, 854,326,625 5,613,012,486 10,342, 666,119 7,896,884,216 10,116,969,760 $2,820,303,510 2,303,984,346 1,943,614,996 2,662,035,201 3,198,868,818 3,174,407,662 2,936,385,245 2,568,141,641 2, 534,788,362 2,221,776,329 1, 896,065,937 2, 648,115,860 2,469,663,848 2,112,601,319 4,609,826,676 5,962, 535, 584 6,786,048.482 4,969, 639, 676 6,426,661,792 6,093,970,568 4,906,847,691 5, 111, 879,536 7,145,260,312 5,471,165,511 5,311,226,811 7,074, 599,408 7,136,401,127 6.842.879.792 4,959,639,676 < Includes transactions in transit as of June 30. For content, see table 53. NOTE.—Some of the fiscal 1954-68 data have been revised due to reclassifications in the unified budget during fiscal year 1969. 8 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Receipts and TABLE 2.—Receipts and outlays, [On basis of -warrants Issued from 1789 to 1915 and on basis of dally Treasury statements for 1916 through of the United States Government." General, special, emergency, and trust accounts combined from through 1963; on basis of unified budget thereafter. For explanation of accounts see "Bases of Tables"! Keceipts Intemal revenue Year» Other receipts Customs Income and profits taxes Total receipts > $4,399,473 3,443,071 4, 255,307 4,801, 066 5, 588, 461 6, 567,988 7, 549, 660 7,106, 062 6, 610,449 $208,943 337,706 274,090 337,755 475,290 676,491 644,358 779,136 $19,440 17,946 59,910 356,750 188,318 1,334,262 563,640 150,076 157,228 $4,418,913 3,669,960 4,652,923 5,431,905 6,114,534 8,377,530 8,688,781 7,900,496 7,546,813 1800 1801 1802-. 1803.. 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 . 1809 9,080,933 10,760,779 12,438,236 10,479,418 11, 098,565 12,936,487 14, 667, 698 15,845, 522 16,363,551 7,296,021 809,396 1,048,033 621,899 216,180 60,941 21,747 20,101 13,051 8,211 4,044 958,420 1,136,519 1,936,659 369,500 676,801 602,469 872,132 539,446 688,900 473,408 10,848,749 12,936,331 14,996,794 11, 064,098 11,826,307 13, 660,693 15,559,931 16,398,019 17,060,662 7,773,473 1810 1811 1812 1813 . 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 8, 583,309 13,313,223 8,968,778 13, 224,623 5,998,772 7,282,942 36,306,875 26,283,348 17,176,385 20,283,609 7,431 2,296 4,903 4,756 1, 662,985 4, 678,059 6,124,708 2, 678,101 956,270 229, 594 793,475 1,108,010 837, 452 1, 111, 032 3, 519,868 3,768, 023 6,246, 088 4,137,601 3,453,616 4, 090,172 9,384,215 14,423,529 9,801,133 14,340,410 11,181,626 15,729, 024 47,677, 671 33,099,050 21,585,171 24,603,375 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 15, 006, 612 13, 004,447 17,689,762 19,088,433 17,878,326 20, 098,713 23,341,332 19,712,283 23, 205, 624 22, 681,966 106,261 69,028 67,666 34,242 34,663 26,771 21, 690 19,886 17,462 14,603 2,768,797 1,499,905 2, 576, 000 1,417,991 1,468,224 1,716,374 1,897, 612 3,234,196 1, 640, 654 2.131.158 17,880,670 14,573,380 20,232,428 20,540, 666 19,381,213 21,840,858 25,260,434 22,966,364 24,763,630 24,827,627 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 21,922,391 24,224,442 28,465,237 29, 032,509 16,214,957 19,391,311 23,409,941 11,169, 290 16,158,800 23,137,925 12,161 6,934 11,631 2,769 4,196 10,459 370 5,494 2,467 2,663 2,909, 564 4,296,446 3,388,693 4.913.159 5,572,783 16, 028,317 27, 416,485 13,779,369 10,141,295 8,342,271 24,844,116 28, 526,821 31.865.561 33,948,427 21,791,936 35,430, 087 60,826,796 24,964,163 26.302.562 31,482,749 1840 1841 1842 18431 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 13, 499, 502 14,487,217 18,187,909 7, 046,844 26,183, 671 27,628,113 26,712,668 23,747,865 31,757, 071 28,346,739 1,682 3,261 496 103 1,777 3,617 2,897 376 376 6, 978,931 2,369, 682 1,787,794 1, 265,755 3,136, 026 2,438,476 2, 984, 402 2,747, 529 3,978,333 2,861,404 19,480,115 16,860,160 19,976,198 8,302,702 29,321,374 29,970,106 29,699,967 26,495,769 35,736,779 31,208,143 1789-91 1792 1793 . 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 . . . Footnotes at end of table. Net receipts Other "* STATISTICAL APPENDIX 9 Outlays fiscalyears 1789-1971 1952. Beginning with fiscal year 1953 on basis of the "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures 1789 through 1930. Trust accounts excluded from 1931 through 1953. On basis of "Administrative budget" Outlays D e p a r t m e n t of the A r m y 3 ' S u r p l u s , or deficit ( - ) * Department of t h e N a v y » I n t e r e s t on t h e public debt $570 53 $1,286,216 777,149 579,822 800,039 1,459,186 996,883 1,411,666 1.232,353 1,166,138 $4,269,027 6,079,632 4,482,313 6,990,839 7,539,809 6,726,986 6,133,634 7,676, 504 9,666,456 $149,886 -1.409,572 170,610 -1,558.934 -1,426,275 2,660,544 2, 555,147 223,992 -2,119,642 Other* Total outlays 3 $632,804 1,100,702 1,130,249 2,639,098 2,480,910 1,260,264 1, 039,403 2,009,522 2,466,947 410,562 274,784 382,632 1,381,348 2,858,082 $2,349,437 3,201,628 2,772,242 3,490,293 3,189,151 3,195,066 3,300,043 3,063,281 3,186,288 2, 560,879 1,672,944 1,179,148 822,056 875,424 712,781 1,224,356 1,288,686 2,900,834 3,345,772 3,448,716 2,111,424 915, 562 1,215,231 1,189,833 1, 697, 600 1,649,641 1,722,064 1,884,068 2,427, 759 3,374,705 4,412,913 4,126,039 3,848,828 4,266,683 4,148,999 3,723,408 3,369,578 3,428,163 2,866,076 1,401,775 1,197,301 1,642,369 1,965,538 2,387,602 4,046,954 3,206,213 1,973,823 1,719,437 1,641,142 10,786,076 9,394,582 7,862,118 7,851,653 8,719,442 10,506,234 9,803,617 8,364,151 9,932,492 10,280,748 62,674 3,640,749 7,133,676 3,212,445 3,106,865 3,064,469 6.766,314 8,043,868 7,128,170 -2,607,275 2,294,324 2,032,828 11,817,798 19,652,013 20,350,807 14,794,294 16,012,097 8,004,237 6,622,715 6, 508,300 1,654,244 1,965,666 3,959,365 6,446,600 7,311,291 8,660,000 3,908,278 3,314,698 2,953,695 3,847, 640 2,846,428 2,466,733 2,451,273 3,699,456 4,693,239 5,754, 669 7,213,259 6,389,210 6,016,447 5,163,538 1,362,514 1, 694,210 2,052,336 1,983,784 2,465,689 3,499,276 3,453,057 4,135,776 6,232,264 5,946,332 8,156,610 8,068,337 20,280,771 31,681,862 34,720 926 32,708 139 30,586 691 21,843 820 19,826 121 21,463,810 1,227,706 6,365,192 -10.479.638 -17.341,442 -23.539.301 -16.979,115 17,090.980 11.256.230 1.760,060 3,139,565 2,630,392 4,461,292 3,111,981 3,096,924 3,340,940 3,659,914 3,943,194 3,938,978 4,145,645 4,724,291 4,387,990 3,319,243 2,224,459 2,503,766 2,904,682 3, 049, 084 4,218,902 4,263,877 3,918,786 3,308,745 5,126,097 5,087,274 5,172,578 4,922,685 4,996, 562 4,366,769 3,973,481 3,486,072 3,098,801 2,542,843 6,116,148 2,942,944 4,491,202 4,183,465 9,084,624 4,781,462 4,900,220 4,450,241 6,231,711 4,627,454 18,260,627 15,810,753 15,000,220 14,706 840 20,326 708 15,857 229 17,035,797 16,139 168 16,394 843 16,203,333 -379.967 -1.237.373 6,232,208 5,833,826 -945,496 5,983,629 8,224,637 6,827.196 8,368,787 9,624,294 4,767,129 4,841,836 5,446,035 6,704,019 5,696,189 5,759,157 12,169,227 13,682,734 12,897,224 8,916,996 3,239,429 3,85b, 183 3,95(, 370 3,901,357 3,956,260 3,864,939 5,807, 718 6,646,915 6,131, 596 6,182,294 1,913,533 1,383,583 772,562 303, 797 202,153 67, 863 "i4,'997' 399.834 5,222,975 5,106, 049 7,113,983 12,108 379 8,772,967 7,890,854 12,891,219 16,913,847 14.821,242 11,400,004 15,143,066 15,247,651 17,288 950 23,017 552 18,627 569 17,572,813 30,868,164 37,243,496 33,865, 059 26,899 128 9,701,050 13,279,170 14,676,611 10,930,875 3,164,367 17,857,274 19,958,632 -12,289,343 -7,562,497 4.583.621 7,097,070 8,806,565 6,611,887 2,957,300 5,179,220 6,752,644 10,792,867 38,305, 520 25, 601,963 14,852,966 6,113,897 6,001,077 8,397,243 3,727,711 6,498,199 6,297,246 6,454,947 7,900,636 9,408,476 9,786,706 174.698 284.978 773,550 623,595 1,833,867 1,040,032 842,723 1,119,216 2,390,825 3,566,578 10,932, 014 11,474,253 9,423,081 4,649,469 8,826,285 9,847,487 9,676,388 9,956,041 8,076,962 16,846,407 24,317,679 26,565 873 25,205 761 11,858 075 22,337 571 22,937 408 27,766 925 57,281,412 46,377,226 45,051,667 -4,837,464 -9,705,713 -5,229,663 -3,656,373 6,983,803 7,032,698 1,933,042 -30,785,643 -9,641,447 -13,843,514 6M69' 10 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 2.—Receipts and outlays, Receipts Yeari Internal revenue Customs Income and profits taxes Other receipts Total receipts s Other 1850 1851 1852 1863 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 $39,668,686 49, 017,568 47,339,327 68,931,866 64,224,190 53,025,794 64,022,863 63,876,905 41,789,621 49,565,824 $3,934,763 3,541,736 2,507,489 2,666,188 9,576,151 12,324,781 10,033,836 5,089,408 4,865, 745 3,920,641 $43,603,439 62,559,304 49,846,816 61,687,054 73,800,341 66,360,675 74,056,699 68,965,313 46,666,366 63,486,465 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 53,187, 512 39,582,126 49,056,398 69,059,642 102,316,153 84,928,261 179,046,652 176,417,811 164, 464, 600 180,048,427 66,064,608 41,609,931 51,987,466 112,697, 291 264,626, 771 333, 714,605 558,032,620 490,634,010 405,638,083 370,943,747 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878.. 1879 194,638,374 206, 270, 408 216,370, 287 188,089, 523 163,103,834 167,167,722 148, 071,985 130,956,493 130,170,680 137, 250, 048 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 186, 522,064 198,159, 676 220,410, 730 214, 706,497 195,067, 490 181,471,939 192,905,023 217, 286,893 219,091,174 223,832,742 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1896 1896 1897 1898 1899 229,668, 685 219, 522, 205 177,452,964 203,355,017 131,818, 531 162,158,617 160, 021, 752 176,554,127 149, 575, 062 206,128,482 1900-. 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1808 1909 1910.-.. 1911 1912 . . 233,164,871 238, 585,456 254,444,708 284,479,582 261, 274,565 261, 798,857 300, 251,878 332, 233,363 286,113,130 300, 711,934 333, 683, 445 314,497,071 311,321,672 Footniotes at end of table. $2, 741,858 20, 294,732 60,979,329 72,982,159 66,014,429 41,455,698 34, 791,856 $34,898,930 89,446,402 148,484,886 236,244,654 200,013,108 149,631,991 123,564,605 2,877,096 1,927,805 2,931,068 6,996,861 52, 569,484 39.322.129 69, 759,155 48,188, 662 60,085,894 32,638,859 37, 775,874 19,162,651 14,436,862 5,062,312 139, 472 233 588 98 147,123,882 123,935,603 116, 205,316 108,667,002 102,270,313 110,007, 261 116, 700,144 118,630,310 110, 581,625 113, 561,611 31,817,347 33,955,383 27,094,403 31,919,368 39,465,137 20,824,836 29,323,148 31,819,518 17, Oil, 574 23,016,626 411,256,477 383,323,945 374,106,868 333,738, 205 304,978, 756 288,000,051 294,095,865 281,406,419 257,763,879 273,827,185 55,628 124,009,374 136,261,364 146,497,696 144,720,369 121, 530,445 112,498, 726 116,805,936 118,823,391 124,296,872 130,881,514 22,996,173 27,368,231 36,616,924 38,860,716 31,866,307 29,720,041 26,728,767 35,292,993 35,878,029 32,335,803 333,526,611 360,782, 293 403, 625,260 398,287,682 348,519,870 323,690,706 336,439, 726 371,403,277 379, 266,075 387,050.059 77,131 142, 606,706 146,686, 250 153,971,072 161,027,624 147, 111, 233 143,344, 541 146, 762,865 146,688,574 170,900, 642 273,437,162 30,805,693 27,403,992 23, 513,748 21,436,988 27,425, 562 29.149.130 31,357,830 24,479,004 84,845, 631 36,394,977 403,080,984 392,612,447 354,937,784 386,819,629 306,355,316 324, 729,419 338,142,447 347, 721, 705 406,321,336 615,960, 621 295,327,927 307,180,664 271,880,122 230,810,124 232,904,119 234,095, 741 249,150, 213 269,666, 773 251, 711,127 246, 212,644 268,981,738 289,012, 224 293,028,896 38,748,064 41,919,218 36,153,403 46, 591,016 46,908,401 48,380,087 45, 582,356 63,960, 250 64,037,650 57,395,920 51,894,751 64,806.639 59, 676,332 667,240,852 687,685,338 562,478,233 561,880,722 641,087,085 544,274,685 594,984, 446 666,860,386 601,861,907 604,320,498 675,511, 715 701,832,911 692,609.204 3,022 20,951, 781 33, 516,977 28,683,304 Net receipts 11 STATISTICAL APPENDIX fiscalyears 1789-1971—Contmued Outlays Department of the Army 3 Interest on the public debt $9,400,239 11.811,793 8,226,247 9,947,291 11,733,629 14,773,826 16,948,197 19,261,774 25,485,383 23,243,823 $7,904,709 9,005,931 8,962,801 10,918,781 10,798,686 13,312,024 14,091,781 12,747,977 13,984,551 14,642,990 $3,782,331 3,696,721 4,000,298 3,665,833 3,071,017 2,314,375 1,953,822 1,678,265 1,567,056 2,638,464 $18,456,213 23,194,572 23,016,673 23,652,206 32,441,630 29,342,443 36, 677, 226 34,107, 692 33,148,280 28,645,700 $39,543,492 47,709,017 44,194,919 48,184, 111 68,044,862 59, 742,668 69, 671,026 67,796,708 74,185,270 69,070,977 $4,059,947 4,850,287 5,651,897 13,402,943 15,755,479 6,607,907 4,485,673 1,169,605 -27,529,904 -15,584,512 16,409,767 22,981,150 394,368,407 699,298,601 690,791,843 1,031,323,361 284,449,702 95,224,415 123,246,648 78,501,991 11,514,965 12,420,888 42,668,277 63,221,964 85,725,995 122,612,946 43,324,118 31,034, Oil 26,776,503 20,000,758 3,177,315 4,000,174 13,190,325 24,729,847 53,686,422 77,397,712 133,067,742 143,781,592 140,424,046 130,694,243 32,028,561 27,144,433 24,534,810 27,490,313 36,119,382 66,221, 206 69,967,856 87,602,667 87,894,088 93,668,286 63,130,598 66,646,645 474,761,819 714,740,725 865,322,642 1,297,555,224 520,809,417 357,542,675 377,340,285 322,865,278 -7,065,990 -25,036,714 -422,774,363 -602,043,434 -600,695,871 -963,840,619 37,223,203 133,091,335 28,297,798 48,078,469 67,665,676 35,799,992 35,372,157 46,323,138 42,313,927 41,120,646 38,070,889 37,082,736 32,154,148 40,426,661 21,780,230 19,431,027 21,249,810 23, 626,257 30,932,587 21,497,626 18,963,310 14,959,935 17,365,301 15,125,127 129,235,498 125,576,566 117,357,840 104,750,688 107,119,815 103,093,646 100,243,271 97,124,612 102,500,875 106,327,949 100,982,157 111,369,603 103, 638,166 115,745,162 122,267,544 108,911,576 107,823,615 92,167,292 84,944,003 106,069,147 309,653,661 292,177,188 277, 517,963 290,345,245 302,633,873 274,623,393 265,101,085 241,334,476 236,964,327 266,947,884 101,601,916 91,146,757 96,688,905 43,392,960 2,344,883 13,376,668 28,994,780 40,071,944 20,799,662 6,879,301 38,116,916 40,466,461 43,570,494 48,911,383 39,429,603 42,670,578 34,324,153 38,661,026 38,622,436 44,436,271 13,536,985 15,686,672 15,032,046 15,283,437 17,292,601 16,021,080 13,907,888 16,141,127 16,926,438 21,378,809 95,767,575 82,508, 741 71.077.207 69,160,131 54,578,379 51,386,256 50,580,146 47,741, 577 44,715.007 41.001,484 120,231,482 122,051,014 128,301,693 142,053,187 132,825,661 150,149,021 143,670,952 166,488,451 167,760,920 192,473,414 267,642,958 260,712,888 257,981,440 265,408,138 244,126,244 260,226,936 242,483,139 267,932,181 267,924,801 299,288,978 •65,883,653 100,069,406 145,543,810 132,879,444 104,393,626 63,463,771 93,956,587 103,471,096 111,341,274 87,761,081 44,582,838 48,720,065 46,895,456 49,641, 773 54,567,930 51,804,769 60,830,921 48,950,268 91,992,000 229,841,264 22,006,206 26,113,896 29,174,139 30,136,084 31, 701,294 28,797,796 27,147, 732 34,561, 646 58,823.985 63.942,104 36.099.284 37,547,135 23,378,116 27,264,392 27,841,406 30,978,030 35,385,029 37,791,110 37,685,056 39,896,925 215,352,383 253,392,808 245, 576,620 276,435,704 253,414,651 244,614, 713 238,815,764 244,471,235 254,967,642 271,391,896 318,040,711 365,773,904 346,023,331 383,477,953 367,525, 281 366,195,298 352,179,446 366,774,159 443,368, 683 605,072,179 85,040,273 26,838,643 9,914,463 2,341,676 -61,169,966 -31,465,879 -14,036,999 -18,052,454 -38,047,248 -89,111,558 134,774,768 144,616,697 112,272,216 118,629,505 165,199,911 126,093,894 137,326,066 149,775,084 176,840,453 192,486,904 189,823,379 197,199,491 184,122,793 55,953,078 60,506,978 67,803,128 82,618,034 102, 956,102 117, 550,308 110,474,264 97,128,469 118,037,097 115, 546, Oil 123,173,717 119,937,644 136. 591,966 40,160,333 32,342,979 29,108,046 28,556,349 24,646,490 24,690,944 24,308,576 24,481,158 21,426,138 21,803,836 21,342,979 21,311,334 22,616,300 289,972,668 287,161,271 276,050,860 287, 202,239 290,867,397 299,043,768 298,093,372 307, 744,131 343,892,632 363,907,134 369,276,990 352,753,043 347, 650,285 520,860,847 524,616,926 485,234,249 517,006,127 583,659,900 667,278,914 570,202,278 579,128,842 659,196,320 693,743,885 693,617,065 691,201, 512 689,881.334 46,380,005 63,068,413 77,243,984 44,874,596 -42,572,816 -23,004,229 24,782,168 86,731,644 -57,334,413 -89,423,387 -18,105,360 10,631,399 2.727,870 44,9-442—72^ Other * Total outlays 2 Surplus, or deficit ( - ) 4 Department of the Navy 3 TABLE 2.—Receipts and outlays, fiscal years 1789-1971—Continued to Receipts Year» Customs Internal revenue Income and profits taxes Other Other receipts Total receipts by major sources 2 Refunds and transfers 8 Receipts, less refunds and transfers Interfund transactions (deduct)« Net receipts 1913.. 1914.. 1916-. 1916.. 1917.. 1918.. 1919-. $318,891,396 292, 320,014 209, 786,672 213,185, 846 225, 962,393 179, 998, 385 184,457, 867 $35,006, 300 71,381, 276 80, 201,769 124,937,253 359, 681, 228 2,314,006, 292 3,018, 783, 687 $309,410, 666 308, 659, 733 335,467, 887 387, 764, 776 449, 684, 980 872,028,020 1, 296, 501, 292 $60, 802, 868 62, 312,145 72,454, 509 56, 646, 673 88,996,194 298, 550,168 652,514, 290 $724,111, 230 734, 673,167 697,910,827 782, 634,648 1,124,324,795 3, 664, 582, 865 5,152, 257,136 -$9, 648,197 - 9 , 556, 243 -14,493,508 -21,089, 442 -23, 824, 686 -19,343,075 -22, 214, 698 $714,463,033 725,116,924 683,417,319 761,445,106 1,100,500,109 3,645,239,790 5,130,042,438 $714,463,033 726,116,924 683,417,319 761,445.106 1,100,500,109 3, 645, 239, 790 6,130,042.438 1920.. 1921.. 1922.. 1923.. 1924.. 322,902, 650 308,664, 391 356, 443, 387 561, 928,867 545, 637,504 3,944,949, 288 3, 206, 046,158 2,068,128,193 1, 678, 607,428 1,842,144,418 1,460, 082, 287 1, 390, 379,823 1,145,125,064 945,865, 333 953,012, 618 966, 631,164 719,942, 589 539,407,507 820,733,853 671, 250,162 6, 694, 565,389 5, 624,932,961 4,109,104,151 4,007,135,481 4, 012,044,702 -45, 667,064 -54,143,041 -83, 203, 427 -154,340,910 -140, 831, 069 6,648,898,325 5,570,789,920 4,025,900,724 3,852,794,571 3,871,213,633 6,648,898,325 5, 570,789,920 4, 026,900, 724 3,852, 794,571 3,871,213,633 1925-. 1926.. 1927.. 1928.. 1929.. 547, 661, 226 579,430, 093 605,499,983 568, 986,188 602, 262,786 1,760, 637,824 1,982, 040, 088 2, 224, 992,800 2,173, 952, 557 2,330, 711,823 828, 638, 068 855, 599, 289 644,421, 542 621, 018, 666 607.307, 549 643,411, 567 545, 686, 220 654,480,116 678,390, 745 492,968, 057 3, 780,148, 685 3, 962, 755, 690 4,129,394,441 4,042, 348,156 4, 033, 250, 225 -139,343,469 -167,647.775 -116,600,643 -14-2,019,394 -171,660,851 3,640,805,216 3,795,107,915 4,012,793,798 3, 900, 328, 762 3,861,589,374 .- 3, 640,805, 216 3, 795,107,915 4, 012, 793,798 3,900, 328,762 3,861,589.374 1930.. 1931.. 1932-. 1933-. 1934.. 587, 000,903 378, 354, 005 327, 754, 969 250, 750, 251 313,434,302 2,410, 986, 978 1,860, 394, 295 1, 057,335, 853 746, 206,445 817,961,481 628.308, 036 669, 386, 721 503, 670, 481 858, 217, 512 1, 822, 642, 347 651, 645, 785 381, 503, 611 116,964,134 224,522, 534 161, 515, 919 4,177,941, 702 3,189, 638, 632 2, 005, 725,437 2, 079, 696, 742 3,115,554, 050 -120,057,560 -74, 081, 709 -81,812,320 -58, 483. 799 -51, 286,138 4,057,884,142 3,115,556,923 1.923,913.117 2,021,212,943 3, 064, 267, 912 $21,294 24,369,110 49, 298,113 4, 057, 884,142 3,115, 556,923 1,923,891,824 1,996,843,833 3,014,969,799 1935.. 1936.. 1937.. 1938.. 1939. 343, 353, 034 386, 811, 694 486,356,599 359,187, 249 318,837, 311 1, 099,118, 638 1,426, 575,434 2,163,413,817 2, 640, 284, 711 2,188, 757, 289 2,178, 571, 390 2, 086, 276,174 2,433, 726, 286 3, 034, 033, 726 2, 972,463,558 179, 424,141 216, 293,413 210, 093, 535 208,155, 541 187, 765, 468 3, 800, 467, 202 4,115,956,615 5,293,590,237 6,241,661,227 5, 667, 823, 6'26 -70, 553, 357 -47, 019. 926 -314, 980, 542 -626,440.065 -671, 5'24. 096 3,729,913,845 4, 068, 936, 689 4, 078, 600, 695 5. 615, 221,162 4, 096, 299, 530 23, 958, 245 71, 877, 714 22, 988,139 27, 209, 289 17, 233,572 3, 705,955, 600 3, 997, 058,976 4, 955,612, 656 5,588,011,873 4, 979,066.958 1940.. 1941.. 1942.. 1943.. 1944.. 348, 590, 636 391,870, 013 388, 948,427 324, 290, 778 431, 262,168 2,125,324, 635 3,469, 637,849 7,960, 464, 973 16,093, 668, 781 34, 654, 851,852 3,177,809,353 3, 892, 037,133 6, 032, 652, 915 6, 050,300, 218 7, 030,135, 478 241, 643, 315 242, 066, 585 294,614,145 934, 062, 619 3, 324, 809, 903 5, 893, 367, 939 7, 995, 611, 580 13, 676, 680, 460 23, 402, 322, 396 45, 441, 049,402 -749, 354, 895 -892, 680,197 -1,121,244,376 -1,415,621,609 -1.805,734,046 5,144, 013, 044 7,102, 931, 383 12, 555, 436, 084 21, 986, 700, 787 43, 635, 315, 356 6, 763, 273 7, 255, 331 8, 817,329 39, 417, 630 72, 706, 896 5,137, 249,771 7, 095, 676, 052 12,546, 618,756 21,947, 283,167 43, 662, 609,460 O O W Ul o Si o M d Outlays Yeari D e p a r t m e n t of the A r m y 3 D e p a r t m e n t of the N a v y 3 I n t e r e s t on t h e public debt Other 4 Total outlays b y Interfund transmajor p u r p o s e s ^ * actions (deduct) 6 1913 1914 1915. 1916 1917 1918 1919 $202,128,697 208,349,245 202,059,524 183,176,439 377,940,870 4,869,955,286 9,009,075,789 $133,262,862 139,682,186 141,836,654 153,853,567 239,632,757 1,278,840,487 2,002,310,785 $22,899,108 22,863,957 22,902,89? 22,900,869 24,742,702 189,743,277 619,215,669 $356,573,099 354,629,800 379,295,219 353,035,885 1,311,540,736 6,338,820,346 6,862,063,114 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1,621,953,095 1,118,076,423 457,756,139 397,050,596 357,016,878 736,021,456 650,373,836 476,775,194 333,201,198 332,249,137 1,020,251,622 999,144,731 991,000,759 1,055,923,690 940,602,913 2,979,450,604 2,294,189,659 1,363,872,381 1,354,111,136 1,277,977,968 6,357,676,777 5,061,784,649 3,289,404,473 3,140,286,619 2,907,846,896 1925 1926 1927 1928.. 1929 370,980,708 364,089,945 369,114,117 400,989,683 425,945,577 346,137,110 312,743,410 318,909,096 331,335,492 364,561,544 881,806,662 831,937,700 787,019,578 731,764,476 678,330,400 1,324,837,383 • 1,421,192,993 1,382,386,240 1,497,155,810 1,658,361,114 2,923,761,863 2,929,964,048 2,857,429,031 2,961,245,461 3,127.198,635 1930 1931 1932... 1933. 1934 464,853,515 486,141,754 476,305,311 434,620,860 408,586,783 374,163,870 353,768,185 357,517,834 349,372,794 296,927,490 659,347,613 611,559,704 599,276,631 689,365,106 756,617,127 1,821,846,326 2,125,964,360 3,226,103,049 3,149,506,267 5,231,768,454 3,320,211,324 3,577,434,003 4,659,202,826 4,622,865,028 6,693,899,854 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 487,995,220 618,687,184 628,104,285 644,263,842 696,256,481 436,265,532 628,882,143 556,674,066 696,129,739 672,722,327 820,926,353 749,396,802 866,384,331 926,280,714 940,539,764 4,775,778,841 6,596,619,790 5,704,858,728 4,625,163,465 6,549,938,998 907,160,151 3,938,943,048 14,325,608,098 42,525,562,623 49,438,330,158 891,484,523 2,313,057,956 8,579,588,976 20,888,349,026 26,537,633,877 1,040,935,697 1,110,692,812 1,260,085,336 1,808,160,396 2,608,979,806 6,222,451,833 5,899,509,926 9,880,496,406 14,185,059,207 16,473,764,057 1940 1941 1942 1943...1944 $714,863,766 725,525,188.. 746,093,294 712,966,760 1,963,857,065 12,677,359,396 18,492,665,257 Total outlays 2 * S u r p l u s , or deficit ( - ) * $714,863,766 725,525,188 746,093,294 712,966,760 1,953,857,066 12,677,359,396 18,492,665,257 -$400,733 -408,264 -62,675,975 48,478,346 -853,356,956 -9,032,119,606 -13,362,622,819 6,357,676.777 6,061,784,649 3,289,404,473 3,140,286,619 2,907,846,896 291,221,548 509,005,271 736,496,251 712,607,952 963,366,737 2,923,761,863 2,929,964,048 2,857,429,031 2,961,245,461 3,127,198,635 717,043,353 865,143,867 1,155,364,766 939,083,301 734,390,739 $21,294 24,369,110 49,298,113 3,320,211,324 3,677,434,003 4,659,181,532 4,598,495,918 6,644,601,741 737,672,818 -461,877,080 -2,735,289,708 -2,601,652,086 -3,629,631,943 6,520,965,945 8,493,485,919 7,756,021,409 6,791,837,760 8,858,457,570 23,958,245 71,877,714 22,988,139 27,209,289 17,233,572 6,497,007,700 8,421,608,205 7,733,033,270 6,764,628,471 8,841,223,998 -2,791,052,100 -4,424,549,230 -2,777,420,714 -1,176,616,598 -3,862,158,040 9,062,032,204 13,262,203,742 34,045,678,816 79,407,131,152 96,058,707,898 6,763,273 7,255,331 8,817,329 39,417,630 72,705,896 9,056,268,931 13,254,948,411 34,036,861,487 79,367,713,622 94,986,002,002 -3,918,019,161 -6,159,272,358 -21.490,242,732 -57,420,430,365 -51,423,392,541 -.. M W a > > hj fel F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . CO TABLE 2.—Receipts and outlays, fiscal years 1789-1971—Continued k^ Receipts Year 1 Intemal revenue Customs O t h e r receipts Income and profits taxes 1945 1946 1947 1948 7 1949 7 1960 1951 1952 1953 Other T o t a l receipts b y major sources 3 Refunds a n d transfers 5 Receipts, less refunds a n d transfers Interfund transactions (deduct) 9 N e t receipts CO $354,775,542 435,475,072 494,078,260 421,723,028 384,484,796 $35,173,051,373 30,884,796,016 29,305,568,454 31,170, 968,403 29,482,283,769 $8,728,950, 555 9,426,537,282 10,073,840,241 10, 682,516,849 10,825,001,116 $3,493,528,901 3,492,326,920 4,634,701,652 3,823,599,033 2,081,735,860 $47,750,306,371 44,238,135, 290 44, 508,188, 607 46,098,807,314 42,773, 505, 520 - \S3,275,002,706 --4,466,731, 580 --4,722,007, 571 --4, 610, 628,472 --5,077,956,071 $44,475,303, 665 39, 771,403, 710 39,786,181,036 41,488,178,842 37,695,549,449 $113,282,721 121, 532,724 109,014,012 113,476,853 32,676,510 $44,362,020,944 39,649,870,986 39, 677,167,024 41,374,701,989 37,662,972,939 422,650,329 624,008,052 550,696,379 613,419,582 28,262,671,097 37,752, 553,688 51,346,525,736 54,362, 967,793 11,185,936,012 13,353,541,306 14,288,368, 522 15,808,006,083 1,439,370,414 1,638, 568,845 1,813,778, 921 1,864, 741,185 41,310,627,852 63,368,671,892 67,999,369, 558 72, 649,134, 647 --4,815,727,015 --5,801,058,408 --6,608,425,006 --7,824,090, 621 36,494,900,837 47,567,613,484 61,390, 944,552 64,825,044, 026 72,966,260 87,546,409 104,383, 636 154,459,602 36,421,934,677 47,480,067,075 61,286, 560,916 64,670, 584,424 o Net budget receipts Ui I n c o m e taxes Excise taxes Yean Individual Corporation Social i n s u r a n c e taxes a n d contributions Estate and - Miscellaneous gift taxes C u s t o m s dutiesi E m p l o y m e n t Contributions taxes a n d taxes a n d for other receipts c o n t r i b u t i o n s » insurance a n d r e t i r e m e n t 1° R e f u n d s of receipts i' % o O > 1954..... 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 $32,392,146,700 31,654,170,061 36,340,349,927 39,066,646,244 38,581,942,041 40,791,874,129 $21, 522,853,908 $10,014,443,842 18,264, 720,352 9,210, 581,897 21,298,521,621 10,004,194,869 21,530, 653,013 10,637,543, 788 20,633,315, 590 10,814,267,626 18,091,509,456 10,759, 549,109 $945,049,092 936,267,446 1,171,237,192 1,377,998,889 1,410,925,018 1,352, 982,426 $562,020, 619 606,396,634 704,897,516 754,461,446 799, 504,808 948,412,216 $5,266, 575, 249 6,031,045,395 7,124,632,038 7,463,157, 974 8,699,152,717 8, 904, 630,798 $1,984,346, 542 1,886,467,854 2,263,981,844 2,594,688,920 2, 618, 584,155 2,904,787,240 $449,568,926 355,950,702 389,223,885 540,306,673 776,161,635 609,133,892 -$3,417,737,374 - 3 , 4 7 6 , 987, 625 -3,750,030,132 -3,975,532,487 - 4 , 5 9 8 , 010,555 - 5 , 1 1 3 , 752,669 $69,719,267, 504 65,468, 612,716 74,547,008,760 79,989,824,460 79,635,842,935 79,249,126,696 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 44,971,310,266 46,153,000,792 60, 649,593,606 52,987,680,595 54,590,354,384 22,179,414,267 21,764, 940,001 21,295,711,399 22,336,133,758 24,300,863,236 11,864,740,881 12,064,302,042 12,752,175,848 13,409,737,348 13.950.231,780 1,626,347, 638 1,916,392,302 2,036,187,128 2,187,457, 229 2,416,303,318 1,123,037,679 1,007, 765,214 1,171,205, 974 1,240, 537,884 1,284,176,380 11,337,418, 282 12,775,130,688 12, 976,540,446 14,885,842, 299 17.125,163, 991 3,437,824,557 3,762,792,880 4,216, 589,270 6,061,090, 240 6,056,537,393 1,189,629,887 920,422,350 844,270,781 1,023,262,348 1,086,307,634 -5,237,513,807 -5,976,009,231 -6,265,669,311 —6,571,386,963 -7,148,085,619 92,492,109,550 94,388,726,938 99,675, 605,041 106,660,254,738 112,661,852,497 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 53,660,682,653 61,297,551,620 69,370,595,136 78,262,045,190 97,440,405.013 26,131,333,625 30,834,242,695 34,917,825,260 29,896,619,677 38,337,646.690 14,792,778,809 13,398,112,012 14,113,747, 719 14,320,396,487 15,642,045,719 2,746,532,499 3,093, 921,882 3,014,405,754 3,081,978,790 3,630,064,861 1,477, 548,821 1,811,170,211 1,971,799,791 2,113,474,950 2,387,190,473 17,550,191,742 20,889,628,322 28,105,097,413 29,487,010,470 34,841,043,355 4,907, 261, 587 4,911,369,694 5,532,756,876 5,403,864,807 5, 688, 676,958 ' 1,597,638,325 -6,029,544,469 1,875,651,069 -7,255,579,949 2,107,863,544 -9,581,686,414 2.491,496,357 -11,375,364,608 2,908, 510,967 -12,891,120,278 116,833,423,592 . 130,855,967,456 149,552,405,078 153,671,422,120 ' 187,784,462,748 1970 1971 103, 651,685, 605 100,762,420,384 35.036. 982,990 30,319,963,030 16, 904,263,668 3,680,076,379 2,494, 294,171 16,871,851,093 3,784,283,489 2,657,362,160 39,519, 764, 951 42,217,172,018 6,171,434,438 6,886,985,249 3,424,174, 505 -16,139,326,917 3,858,297,227 -18,966,464,564 193, 743,250,789 188,391,860,086 o pi > Outlays Yeari 1945 1946 1947 1948 7 1949 7 1950 19518 1962 1953 ... ... ... ... Yean D e p a r t m e n t of the Army 3 D e p a r t m e n t of the N a v y 3 $60,490,101,935 27,986,769,041 9,172,138,869 7,698,666,403 7,862,397,097 5,789,467,699 8,636,938,764 17,452,710,349 17,054,333,370 $30,047,162,135 15,164,412,379 5,597,203,036 4,284,619,125 4,434,705,920 4,129,545,653 5,862,648,845 10,231,264,765 11,874,830,152 Department of A g r i c u l t u r e D e p a r t m e n t of Defense D e p a r t m e n t of t h e Air Force» $1,690,460,724 3,520,632,580 6,358,603,828 12,851,619,343 15.086,227,952 Department of H e a l t h , E d u cation, a n d Welfare ^ I n t e r e s t on t h e public debt $3,616, 686,048 4,721,957,683 4,957,922,484 5,211,101,865 5,339,396,336 5,749,913,064 5,612,654,812 5,859,263,437 6,503,580,030 Other $14, 262,279,670 12,574,435,216 19,305,128,987 15,874,431,605 20,180,029,420 20,427,444,299 17, 588,084,620 19,012,727,036 23,756,285,980 Total outlays b y Interfund transmajor purposes 2 4 actions (deduct) 9 $98,416,219,790 60,447,674,319 39,032,393,376 -33,068,708,998 39,506,989,497 39, 617,003,195 44,057,830,859 65,407,584,930 74,274,257,484 D e p a r t m e n t of t h e T r e a s u r y Interest on t h e pubhc debt Other O t h e r 1213 $113,282,721 121,632,724 109,014,012 113,476,863 32,676,510 72,966,260 87,546,409 104,383,636 154,459, 602 Undistributed intrabudgetary transactions Total outlays 2 4 S u r p l u s , or deficit ( - ) 4 $98,302,937,069 60,326,041,696 38,923,379,364 32,955,232,145 39,474,412,987 39,544,036,936 43,970,284,450 65,303,201,294 74,119,797,882 -$53,940,916,126 -20,676,170,609 753,787,660 8,419,469,844 -1,811,440,048 -3,122,102,357 3,509,782,624 -4,016,640,378 -9,449,213,467 N e t outlays S u r p l u s , or deficit ( - ) $40,625,674,430 35,629,778, 598 35,692,897,354 38,719,034,957 39,916,688,798 44,602,920,493 $1,977,283,991 1,989,947,310 2,067,374,737 2,292,685,544 2,636,400,425 3,089,040,327 $6,382,485,640 6,370,361,774 6,786,598,863 7,244,193,486 7,606,774,062 7,592,769,102 $5,022,986,962 6,025,333, 595 6,804,477,133 8,255,275,789 11, 252,262, 998 13, 934,236,415 $15, 504, 712,513 15,437,425,728 15,801,617,195 17,525,373, 669 18,734,205,883 18,593,799,491 -$1,236,883,402 -1,218,673,794 -1,453,307,268 -1,856,462,831 -1,939,661,669 -2,237,689,446 $70,889,744,341 68,509,184,178 70,460,329,329 76,740, 582,504 82, 575,092, 611 92,104,458,997 -$1,170,476,837 -3,040,571,462 4,086,679,431 3,249,241,956 -2,939,249,676 -12,855,332,401 4,842,698,671 6,383,802,475 6,294,073,812 7,332,799,230 7,458,177,889 " 43,968,847,762 " 45,688,376,272 " 49,283,444,729 49,242,662,050 60,702,892,890 3,400,074,762 3,680,977,437 4,210,376,106 20,248,873,528 21,695,149,316 9,179,588,857 8,957,241,615 9,119,759,808 9,895,303,949 10,665,858.127 13,572,618,347 15,826,494,755 17, 518,660,038 -150,424,943 -114,183,494 19, 555,888,611 20,706,655,578 22,899, 608,057 27,385,929,284 31,052,420,542 -2,296,263,275 -2,448,969,016 -2,513,328,944 -2,643,898,620 -2,876,607,446 92,223,353,625 97,794,579,116 106.812.593.606 111, 311,144,478 118,583,707,824 ' 268,756,926 -3,406,852,178 - 7 , 1 3 6 , 988,565 -4,750,889,740 -5,921,855,327 . . . . . 6,795,400,161 6,613,411,042 5,841,151,394 7,306,960,660 8,330,318,006 47,179,328,954 65,445,393,783 68,762,932,164 78,672,893,689 r 79,137,136,674 22,732,250,917 27,959,129,367 34,607,693,058 40,576,498,177 ' 46, 694,029,486 11,346,454, 580 12,013,862,667 13,391,068,052 14,673.008,397 16,588,236,606 86,677,461 413,151,535 -327,021,534 81, 521,582 335,658,631 33,398,637,223 36,671,466,641 39,913,935,072 42,120,742,184 r 38,679,750,209 -3,109,004,109 -3,364,488,616 - 3 , 935,501,666 -4,498,969,647 -5,116,860,970 ' 118,429,745,187 134,651,926,519 158,264,256,640 178,832,655,042 184, 548,168,642 -1,596,321,595 -3,795,959,063 -8,701,851,561 -25,161,232,923 3,236,294,206 .. . 8,306,563,326 8,559,794,696 78,360,167, 669 75,921,974,338 62,337, 602, 274 61,866, 310,997 19,303, 669,614 20,969,044,236 205, 575, 956 31,387,643 44,454, 083, 531 51,462,873,004 - 6 , 3 7 9 , 8 7 6 , 627 -7,376,356,501 196, 587, 785, 632 211,425,028,212 - 2 , 8 4 4 , 634,843 -23,033,168,126 1964 1955 1956 1967 1958 1959 . $2,613,484,207 . 4,276,010,967 . 4,760,671,305 . 4,560,471,890 . 4,368,422,114 . 6,629,382,614 1960 1961 1962.. 1963 1964 . . . . .. 1966 1966. 1967. 1968 1969 1970 1971 Footnotes on following page. 1 > > CTI 16 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Footnotes to table 2 ' Revised. 1 From 1789 to 1842 the fiscal year ended Dec. 31; from 1844 to date, on June 30. Figures for 1843 are for a half year, Jan. 1 to June 30. 2 Effective Jan. 3, 1949, amounts refunded by the Government, principally for overpayment of taxes, are reported as deductions from total receipts rather than as outlays. Also, eflective July 1,1948, payments to the Treasury, principally by wholly owned Government corporations for retirement of capital stock and for disposition of earnings, are excluded in reporting both budget receipt? and outlays. Neither change affects the budget surplus or deficit. Figures beginning with fiscal 1913 have been adjusted accordingly for comparability. For adjustments for refunds of receipts for fiscal years 1931-53 see 1967 Annual Report, pp. 448-449. For capital transfers for fiscal 1931 through 1948, see 1958 Annual Report, p. 396, footnote 3. 8 Includes all military and civil outlays of the Departments of the Army (including the Panama Canal), the Navy, and beginning with fiscal 1949 the Air Force, except civil outlays of War and Navy at Washington through fiscal 1915. Department of the Army outlays include those of the Department of the Air Force (established Sept. 18,1947) from funds made available before fiscal 1949. Beginning with fiscal 1952 outlays of the Department of Defense not classified among its three departments are included under "Other." Military assistance outlays for foreign aid programs are included under "Other" except as noted. See footnote 14. 4 The practice of including statutory debt retirements in budget outlays was discontinued effective with fiscal 1948. Such outlays are not included in this table, nor does the "Surplus or deficit" take into account such outlays. Table 38 shows details oi statutory debt retirements. 6 Refunds of receipts and transfers to trust funds. For content for fiscal years 1931-53 see 1967 Annual Report, pp. 448-449. 6 For content see 1961 Annual Report, pp. 450-457. 7 Sec. 114(f) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, approved Apr. 3,1948, required that $3,000,000,000 be transferred to the "Foreign Economic Cooperation Trust Fund" and "considered as expended during the fiscal year 1948, for the purpose of reporting governmental expenditures." The effect of this was to charge the budget in fiscal 1948 for outlays made in fiscal 1949, with consequent effect on the budget surplus or deficit of those years. This bookkeeping transaction had no effect on the actual timing of either receipts or outlays. In order to simplify comparison of figures between years, the transactions shown in this table do not take into account the transfer of $3,000,000,000 in fiscal 1948 to the Foreign Economic Cooperation trust fund; outlays of $3,000,000,000 during fiscal 1949 from the Foreign Economic Cooperation trust fund are treated as budget outlays in this table. If effect is given to sec. 114(f) of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, the budget results for the fiscal years 1948 and 1949 would be as follows: Fiscal year 1948 Fiscal year 1949 Budgetreceipts $41,374,701,989 $37,662,972,939 Budget outlays 35,955,232,146 36,474,412,987 Budget surplus 5,419.469,844 1,188,559,952 8 Beginning with fiscal 1951, investments of wholly owned Government corporations in public debt securities are excluded from budget outlays. See table 6. 9 Includes Federal old-age and survivor's, Federal disability, Federal hospital, and railroad retirement tax act receipts. 10 Includes unemployment insurance, Federal supplementary medical, civil service retirement, and other employees' retirement receipts. 11 For content see table 3. 12 Social security trust fund outlays are reflected under the Department of the Treasury through flscal year 1962, and under the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, thereafter. 13 Includes interest payments by Government corporations and other business-type activities on securities issued to the Treasury. 14 Includes military assistance. TABLE 3.—Refunds of receipts, fiscal years 1954-71 [ O n basis of " M o n t h l y S t a t e m e n t of R e c e i p t s a n d E x p e n d i t u r e s of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s G o v e r n m e n t , " see " B a s e s of T a b l e s " ] I n t e m a l revenue Year 1954., 1956.. 1956.. 1967.. 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 1961.. 1962.. 1963.. 1964.. 1965.. 1966.. 1967.. l970.. l971.. Individual income taxes $3,410, 229,727 3,844, 766,226 4,016, 080,413 4,230, 464,268 4,814, 851,182 5,078, 503,605 6,399, 834, 529 5,893, 412,362 4,869, 010,781 5,851, 430,133 7,844, 839,232 9, 526, 532,235 10,191, 456,409 13,239, 798,270 14, 622, 410,442 Corporation income taxes E x c i s e taxes i 3 $3,345, 409,388 3 3,399, 917,262 3 3,652, 511,738 291,398 $363,580,697 318,439 469,211,509 782,465,420 84, 370,342 84, 970,291 685,336,936 810,492,927 78, 301,929 773,053,077 86, 742,588 767,233,633 89, 299,718 808,341,188 93, 004.025 670,388,676 99, 423,244 761,215,081 216, 797,297 946,468,292 183, 291,991 1,231,846,317 126, 964.026 1,660,087,742 96, 034,670 2,207,653,279 166, 700,341 3,535,378,271 133, 424,802 Estate and gift taxes $13,262,017 18,007,121 20,072,618 20,205,172 20,464,777 18,816,683 20,192,232 22,704,075 29,368,796 27,604,614 36,094,553 31,283,087 39,211,247 36,655,493 49,206,814 Customs duties $20,481,971 21,619,848 23,176,262 19,907,757 17,837,948 23,220,638 18,483,391 25,439,532 29,319,402 35,174,904 32,313,299 35,205,161 44,627,265 71,084,500 75,236,726 68,228,070 64,078,834 66,955,521 1 Excludes highway t r u s t and airport and airway trust. 2 O n l y refunds of railroad r e t i r e m e n t receipts are s h o w n for fiscal y e a r s 1954 t h r o u g h 1966. Miscellaneous taxes a n d receipts $11,269,809 4,389,417 8,241,987 4,500,703 2,873,161 3,721,650 2,828,592 2,260,573 1,225,761 700,987 1,196,525 3,161,988 285,306 107,401 62,797 383,232 60,157 83,711 F e d e r a l oldage, d i s a b i l i t y , Airport and hospital and airway insurance trust fund trust funds $40,500,000 51,000,000 66,000,000 58,190,000 75,465,000 83,430,000 89,190,000 96,740,000 141,667,500 139,425,000 165,800,000 191,690,000 227,675,000 282,156,250 262,715.000 604,952,500 386,093,750 517,614,000 $1,676,730 Highway trust fund $89,913,009 96,899,743 103,472,543 126,703,141 131,302,902 126,319,308 126,636,556 123,498,341 119,771,763 211,507,037 114,387,492 223,754,603 32,073,825 122,612,416 Railroad retirement and unemployment trust funds 2 $86,206 61,098 100,145 2,580,288 3,618,143 3,491,945 2,562,624 2,755,170 5,037,793 3,206,652 4,677,589 7,797,483 6,173,591 6,137,156 6,336,929 7,011,906 7,211,966 8,202,857 T o t a l refunds of receipts $3,417,737,374 3,476,987,625 3,750,030,132 3,975,532,487 4,598,010,655 5,113,752,669 5,237,513,807 5,976,009,231 6,265,669,311 6,571,386,963 7,148,085,619 6,029,644,469 7,255,579,949 9,581,686,414 11,375,364,608 12,891,120,278 16,139,325,917 18,956,464,664 3 A d i s t r i b u t i o n of i n t e r n a l r e v e n u e refunds b y tax category is n o t available for fiscal y e a r s 1954 t h r o u g h 1956. N O T E . — F o r refunds prior to fiscal 1954, see 1967 A n n u a l R e p o r t , p p . 448-449. h-i t-l o > % hj 18 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 [In thousands of dollars. On basis of "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Government," see "Bases of Tables"] The expenditure account 1970 1971 N^ET R E C E I P T S Individual hicome taxes 90,411,787 86,230,010 Corporation income taxes 32,829,330 26,784,676 Social insurance taxes and contributions: Employment taxes and contributions: Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund: Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes Self-Emplojrment Contributions Act taxes Deposits by States 26,072,419 1,564.817 2,768,436 26,733,445 1,554,359 3,066,427 29,396,673 31,364,231 3,483,796 208,146 371,416 3,817,189 227,691 446,690 4,063,358 4,490,470 4,079,696 169,230 61,307 444,864 4,159,604 165,601 63,256 485,873 Total Federal hospital insurance trust fund 4,756,096 4,874,234 Railroad retirement accounts: Railroad Returement Tax Act taxes Total employment taxes and contributions 918,832 39,132,959 980,394 41,699,329 2,563,746 769,639 130,898 2,682,192 964,435 127,328 3,464,281 3,673,965 763,516 75,276 97.209 1,030,541 90,923 131,472 936,000 1,252,936 1,725,518 7,222 2,625 1,906,269 7,648 2,679 1,736,364 1,916,686 Total Federal old-age and survivora insurance trust fund Federal disabihty insurance trust fund: Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes Self-Employment Contributions Act taxes Deposits by States Total Federal disability Insurance trust fund Federal hospital insurance trust fund: Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes Self-Emplojrment Contributions Act taxes Receipts from railroad retirement accounts Deposits by States Unemployment insurance: Unemployment trust fund: State taxes deposited in Treasury Federal Unemployment Tax Act taxes.. Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act contributions Total unemployment trust fund Contributions for other insurance and retirement: Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund: Premiums deducted from benefit payments Premiums coUected by Social Security Administration Premiums deposited by States Total Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund Federal employees retirement contributions: Civil service retirement and disabihty fund Foreign service retirement and disabihty fund Other. Total Federal employees retirement contributions Other retirement contributions: Civil service retirement and disabihty fund Total contributions for other insurance and retirement Total social insurance taxes and contributions 29,289 36,634 2,700,653 3,205,067 45,297,894 48,678,340 19 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [In thousands of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 N E T RECEIPTS—Continued Excise taxes: Miscellaneous excise taxes Airport and airway t r u s t f u n d . . . Highway trust fund 10,351,863 Total excise taxes 6,353,627 10,509,859 562,823 6,541,666 16,705,490 16,614,237 Estate and gift taxes 3,644,421 3,736,078 Customs duties 2,430,216 2,591,407 Miscellaneous receipts: Deposits of earnings by Federal Reserve banks 3,265,900 3,532,969 AUother. Total misceUaneous receipts Total net budget receipts 158,214 325,244 3,424,114 3,858,214 193,743,261 188,391,860 57,583 108,279 13,296 18,796 620 49,804 66,050 118,204 13,983 22,976 696 56,136 39,956 -5,813 69,857 47,642 -8,817 79,777 72 3,300 —13,524 —355 384,140 N E T EXPENDITURES Legislative branch: Senate House of Representatives Joint items for Senate and House Architect of the Capitol. Botanic Garden Library of Congress Government Printing Office: General fund appropriations Revolving fund (net) General Accounting Office Cost Accounting Standards Board United States Tax Court Proprietary receipts from the public Intrabudgetary transactions Total legislative branch The judiciary: Supreme Court of the United States.. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Customs Court Court of Claims Courts of appeals, district courts, and other judicial services. Federal Judicial Center Commission on Bankruptcy Laws ofthe United States Judiciary trust funds.... Proprietary receipts from the pubhc - --- 2,972 —11,727 —477 343,146 .— Total the judiciary Executive Office of the President: Compensation of the President The White House Office... Special projects Executive Residence Special Assistance to the President... Council of Economic Advisors Council of Environmental QuaUty and Office of Enviroimiental Quahty. Domestic Council.. National Aeronautics and Space Council— National Council on Mai'ine Resource and Engineering Development National Security Council Office of Consumer Aflairs Office of Emergency Preparedness Office of Intergovernmental Relations Office of Management and Budget Office of Science and Technology.... Office of Telecommunications PoUcy President's Advisory Coimcil on Executive Organization Special representative for trade negotiations MisceUaneous Total Executive Office of the President 3,386 592 2,054 1,876 123,934 536 1,362 —5,855 4,033 621 2,152 1,902 135,341 719 7 1,098 —4,049 127,874 141,824 250 3,721 2,497 852 8,065 53 11,676 1,850 1,817 737 503 252 250 7,582 791 1,176 371 1,234 1,378 946 466 402 2,171 693 9,140 154 14,786 2,124 2,216 582 611 54 36,356 47,127 1,188 638 937 1,418 20 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE T A B L E 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, 1971—Continned fiscal TREASURY years 1970 and [In thousands of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 1971 N E T EXPENDITURES-Continued F u n d s appropriated to the President: A p p a l a c h i a n regional d e v e l o p m e n t p r o g r a m s : P u b l i c enterprise funds Other... Disaster reUef... E m e r g e n c y fund for t h e P r e s i d e n t . . . E x p a n s i o n of defense p r o d u c t i o n Expenses of m a n a g e m e n t i m p r o v e m e n t . Foreign assistance: I n t e r n a t i o n a l security assistance: Defense D e p a r t m e n t AU other agencies Foreign m i l i t a r y credit s a l e s . . MiUtary credit sales t o Israel S u p p o r t i n g assistance Foreign m i l i t a r y sales f u n d . Military assistance a d v a n c e s P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b l i c : MiUtary assistance advances Other -. 1 T o t a l i n t e r n a t i o n a l security assistance I n t e r n a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t assistance: Multilateral assistance: I n t e r n a t i o n a l financial i n s t i t u t i o n s I n t e r n a t i o n a l organizations a n d programs Bilateral assistance: G r a n t s a n d other p r o g r a m s P u b U c enterprise funds: AlUance for Progress, d e v e l o p m e n t loans D e v e l o p m e n t loan f u n d . . . H o u s i n g I n v e s t m e n t g u a r a n t y fund O verseas P r i v a t e I n v e s t m e n t C orporation I n t e r - A m e r i c a n Social D e v e l o p m e n t I n s t i t u t e Intragovernmentalfunds P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e public 622 193,142 144.909 851 —13,959 119 36 235,281 124,992 267 —187,126 676 = 548,964 -604 92,616 466,123 -31,975 950,276 616,827 -6,942 122,100 303,287 460,000 94,908 969,832 -812,694 -15,686 -966,836 -36,194 1,196,919 1,468,981 223,892 99,724 201,124 128,799 = 311,820 342,868 286,228 476,963 —16,343 — 782 —6,061 -73,800 236,867 637,761 —15,633 —16,360 193 16,774 -96,063 T o t a l bilateral assistance 1,008,073 976,360 T o t a l International d e v e l o p m e n t assistance. 1,331,689 1,306,283 P r e s i d e n t ' s foreign assistance contingency fund T o t a l foreign assistance Office of E c o n o m i c O p p o r t u n i t y : Economic opportunity program P u b l i c enterprise funds Peace Corps MisceUaneous P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b l i c - T o t a l f u n d s a p p r o p r i a t e d to t h e P r e s i d e n t Agriculture D e p a r t m e n t : Agricultural Research Service Cooperative S t a t e Research Service E x t e n s i o n Service F a r m e r Cooperative Service Soil Conservation Service: C o n s e r v a t i o n operations Flood p r e v e n t i o n , w a t e r s h e d protection, a n d o t h e r . G r e a t Plains conservation p r o g r a m Econoniic Research Service Statistical R e p o r t i n g Service C o n s u m e r a n d M a r k e t i n g Service: C o n s u m e r protective, m a r k e t i n g , a n d regulatory programs P a y m e n t s t o States a n d possessions.. .: R e m o v a l of s u r p l u s agricultural commodities MUk m a r k e t orders assessment f u n d . . Other T o t a l C o n s u m e r a n d M a r k e t i n g Service 32,975 26,442 2,661,583 2,790,706 1,801,706 3,860 90,016 2,169 —346 1,490,852 4,896 88,783 2,372 —664 4,784,662 4,660,971 267,266 61,870 124,626 1,667 282,832 69,633 154,504 1,763 138,939 116,366 16,414 15,788 17,253 160,333 117,995 16,226 15,217 18,577 136,880 1,600 449,640 —943 36,970 158, 111 1,674 402,316 —1,902 39,402 624,046 599,600 21 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 4.- 'et receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 197 l~Continned [In thousands of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 N E T EXPENDITURES-Continued Agriculture Department—Continued Food and Nutrition Service: Special mUk program. ChUd nutrition programs Food stamp program. Total Food and Nutrition Service Foreign Agricultural Service Foreign Economic Development Service Commodity Exchange Authority.. Agricultural StabUization and Conservation Service: Expenses Sugar act program Rural environmental assistance program Cropland conversion program Cropland adjustment program Emergency conservation measures... Conservation reserve program (soil bank) Dairy and beekeeper indemnity programs Total Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service. _ Commodity Credit Corporation: Public enterprise funds: Price support and related programs Intragovernmental funds: Special activities.... Foreign assistance and special export programs Total Commodity Credit Corporation. „ Federal Crop Insurance Corporation: Administrative expenses Federal Crop Insurance Corporation fund Rural Electrification Administration.. Farmers Home Administration: Community development programs Salaries and expenses... Public enterprise funds: Direct loan account.... Rural housing insurance fund Emergency credit revolving fund.._ Agricultural credit insurance fund Other. Other _ Total Farmers Home Administration Rural Community Development Service Office of the Inspector General Packers and Stockyards Administration Officeof General Counsel. Officeof Information.... National Agricultural Library Officeof Management Services... General administration: Intragovernmental funds.. Salaries and expenses Forest Service: Intragovernmentalfunds Forest protection and utilization Forest roads and trails Forest Service permanent appropriations Other Proprietary receipts from the public Intrabudgetary transactions . Total Agriculture Department Commerce Department: General administration Business economics and statistics: Office of Business Economics Bureau of the Census Economic development assistance: Econoinic Development Administration: Public enterprise funds Other Regional action planning commissions ..^ 1971 83,800 299,131 576,810 90,917 519,937 1,567,767 959,740 2,178,620 24,862 2,167 26,380 1,244 2,671 152,604 92,976 182,618 2,276 77,372 8,304 38,620 126 158,260 85,853 167,120 164 75,735 12,254 891 164 554,895 500,441 3,719,800 2,697,414 85,204 921,250 299,295 702,525 4,726,254 3,699,234 11,932 9,300 20,835 12,027 —270 -62,142 32,307 70,534 29,331 92,937 -12,588 33,754 9)694 31,032 11,880 -20,383 —3,361 22,808 44,029 9,034 118 176,612 174,513 391 14,769 3,346 5,590 2,455 3,903 3,252 11 16,810 3,710 5,916 2,407 4,028 3,527 —63 5,206 —66 6,022 2,092 296,268 99,772 120,912 ' 36,544 -489,707 215 355,086 122,561 115,815 55,619 —443,868 —69 7,974,463 8,207,133 6,899 6,887 3,625 140,092 3,683 94,243 104 184,424 7,142 4,147 196,218 28,763 22 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [In t h o u s a n d s of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 N E T EXPENDITURES—Continued Commerce Department—Continued Promotion of industry and commerce: Domestic business activities International activities Participation in U.S. expositions Foreign direct investment regulation Minority business enterprise... National Industrial Pollution Control Council U.S. Travel Service 12,410 25,721 246 3,237 887 , Total promotion of industry and commerce Science and technology: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Public enterprise funds Intragovernmentalfunds Other... Patent Office.. National Bureau of Standards: Intragovernmentalfunds... Other Office of Telecommunications Office of State Technical Services Total science and technology Ocean shipping: Maritime Administration: Public enterprise funds Ship construction Ship operation subsidies.. Other . Total ocean shipping Proprietary receipts from the public Intrabudgetary transactions Total Commerce Department Defense Department: Military: Military personnel: Department of the Army Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force 1971 4,840 14,086 28,985 92 2,901 1,919 255 4,594 47,341 62,831 -289 —89 252,300 48,673 -690 344 266,208 66,379 —215 45,762 4,670 —113 49,053 2,279 2,233 ^350,702 374,792 39 89,323 205,732 '31,292 —7,932 139,233 268,021 38,091 326,386 437,414 —25,484 —6,644 '1,033,688 —36,316 —16,431 1,147,232 9,700,961 6,671,026 6,668,762 9,399,132 6,407,401 6,826,047 Total miUtary personnel '23,030,740 22,632,679 Retired military personnel 2,849,262 3,385,632 Operation and maintenance: Department of the Army Department of the Navy Department of the A h Force Defense agencies 7,879,151 6,552,548 6,995,222 1,182,001 7,443,038 6,493,059 6,748,699 1,256,666 21,608,922 20,941,363 6,206,121 7,944,649 8,362,161 70,907 4,357,073 7,299,878 7,130,907 69,899 21,583,728 18,867,768 1,666,477 2,084,248 2,937,137 479,416 1,568,893 2,404,606 2,809,298 620,221 7,166,277 7,303,018 457,834 333,272 365,760 11,277 502,176 309,976 270,601 12,404 1,168,142 1,095,165 Total operation and mamtenance Procurement: Department of the Army Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force Defense agencies Total procurement Research, development, test, and evaluation: Department of the Army Department of the N a v y . Department ofthe Ah: F o r c e . . . Defense agencies Total reseai'ch, development, test, and evaluation MUitary construction: Department of the A r m y . _ — . Department of the Navy Department of the Ah: Force Defense agencies..-—..-._..„ Total miUtary c o n s t r u c t i o n . . - . - - - . - . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - . Footnote at end of table; 23 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [ I n t h o u s a n d s of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 1971 N E T EXPENDITURES-Continued Defense Department—Continued Military— C ontinued FamUy housing: Homeowners assistance fund Other Total family housing CivU Defense Special foreign currency program Revolving and management funds: Public enterprise funds: Department of the Army Department of the Na-yy Department of the Air Force Intragovernment funds: Department of the Army Department of the Navy. Department of the Ak Force Defense agencies Total revolving and management funds. MisceUaneous trust revolving funds Miscellaneous trustfunds.. Proprietary receipts from the public. Intrabudgetary transactions Total mUitary .... CivU: Department of the Army: Cemeterial expenses Corps of Engineers: Water resources development Intragovernmentalfunds Proprietaiy receipts from the public Ryukyu Islands Miscellaneous accounts: Army—wildlife conservation, etc Navy—wUdlife conservation, etc Air Force—wildlife conservation, etc Soldiers' Home: U.S. Soldiers' Home revolving fund Other.... The Panama c3anal: Canal Zone Government Panama Canal Company. Proprietary receipts from the public Intrabudgetary transactions Total civU... Total Defense Department... Health, Education, and Welfare Department: Food and Drug Administration: Public enterprise funds Food and drug control Other Total Food and Drug Administration.... Environmental Health Service. Health Services and Mental Health Administration: Public enterprise funds .: Intragovernmentalfunds Mental health Health planning and regional programs Maternal and chUd welfare Medical facUities construction. Dh-ect care programs Other Total Health Services and Mental Health Administration Footnote at end of table. -- -.-. '.- 4,412 609,780 2,900 694,961 614,192 697,860 80,084 884 74,564 1,800 —15 -268 376 1 -2,376 —12 -113,292 -44,886 -422,262 -226,056 -145,614 167,833 16,570 -255,233 -806,403 -218,831 —4,647 6,934 —140,974 —6,806 —6,645 6,710 —119,967 —6,005 77,150,334 74,546,093 17,293 17,601 1,189,076 —4,944 -20,189 18.998 1,360,830 3,684 -32,240 12,683 187 34 68 223 19 61 —4 10,022 —5 10,598 43,768 —6,100 -19,187 -18,270 60,902 —939 -22,936 -24,167 1,210,740 1,376,205 78,361,074 76,922,297 —628 68,623 88 84,960 29 68,096 85,077 55,436 51,687 —3 -10,167 342,247 321,721 272,826 272,791 199,863 ' 106,043 1 8,089 360,353 431,514 196,608 262,570 233,949 119,806 '1,606,321 1.612,889 24 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T-4LBLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, dnd lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [ I n t h o u s a n d s of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 1971 N E T EXPENDITURES—Continued Health, Education, and Welfare Department—Continued National Institutes of Health: Public enterprise funds Intragovernmentalfunds Institute research and training activities Health manpower and dental health Construction grants Other Total National Institutes of Health Officeof Education: Public enterprise funds: Student loan insurance fund Higher education facUities loan fund Vocational and adult education School assistance in federaUy aflected areas Elementary and secondary education Higher education.... Emergency school assistance Other Total Office of Education... Social and RehabUitation Service: Grantsto States for public assistance RehabiUtation services and facilities Work incentives Special programs for aging Assistance to refugees in the United States Other.. Total Social and RehabiUtation Service Social Security Administration: Payment to social security trustfunds. Special benefits for disabled coal miners _ Federal old-age and sm'vivors insurance tiiist fund: Administrative expenses and construction Benefit payments Vocational rehabilitation services Payment to railroad retirement account Total Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund Federal disabiUty insurance trust fund: Administrative expenses and construction Benefit payments Vocational rehabilitation services Payment to railroad retirement account _ Total Federal disabUity insurance trust fund Federal hospital insurance trust fund: Administrative expenses and construction Benefit payments Total Federal hospital insurance trust fund Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund: Administrative expenses and construction Benefit payments.. Total Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund Other Total Social Secm-ity Administration Footnote at end of table. ^ 12,256 -2,042 971,259 173,376 139,075 '134,179 '1,428,103 2.830 -7,623 1,004,420 231,627 144,952 138,270 1,514,374 —852 20,164 286,686 656,372 1,461,723 1,021,430 '564,453 —2,257 17,127 411,178 527,042 1,801,908 1,190,201 51,239 484,087 '4,008,977 4,480,527 '7,445,349 '441,366 '86,618 27,319 80,141 '97,384 9,642,766 527.655 128,961 28,616 107.619 108,772 '8,178,176 10,644,367 '2,014,564 '10,381 2,584,047 319,310 474,006 26,266,282 1,239 678,818 551,922 31,101,018 1,859 613,026 27,320,345 32,267,825 149,030 2,777,988 16,487 10,439 189,887 3,381,423 21,242 13,240 2,953,943 3,605,792 148,669 4,804,242 149,485 5,442,971 4,952,911 5,592,456 217,009 1,979,287 247,637 2,034,999 2,196,296 2,282,635 '4 -77 '39,448,444 46,651,988 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 25 TABLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lendinq, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [ I n t h o u s a n d s of dollars] The expenditure account 19/u 1971 N E T EXPENDITURES—Continued Health, Education, and Welfare Department—Continued Special institutions: American Printing House for the BUnd National Technical Institute for the Deaf Model Secondary School for the Deaf GaUaudet College Howard University Officeof Child Development Departmental management: Intragovernmentalfunds Other Proprietary receipts from the public. Intrabudgetary transactions: Payments for health insurance for the aged: Federal hospital insurance trust fund Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund Payments for military service credits and special benefits for the aged: Federal old-age and sm'vivors insurance trust fund Federal disability insurance trust fund Federal hospital insurance trust fund Receipts transferred to railroad retirement account Total Health, Education, and Welfare Department Housing and Urban Development Department: Housing production and mortgage credit: Federal Housing Administration: Public enterprise funds: FHA revolving fund Housing for the elderly or handicapped fund College housing loans and other expenses. Low and moderate-income sponsor fund Total Federal Houshig Admhiistration Government National Mortgage Association: Public enterprise funds: Management and liquidathig functions Guarantees of mortgage-backed securities Special assistance functions Participation sales fund Total Government National Mortgage Association Housing management: Public enterprise funds: Low-rent public houstng program Other Housing assistance payments Other Community development planning and management: Public enterprise funds Comprehensive planning grants Community development training programs Other Total community development planning and management Community development: Public enterprise funds: Urban renewal programs. Rehabilitation loan fund Public facility loans Model cities programs Grants for neighborhood facilities Open space land programs Grants for basic water and sewer facilities Total community development Total Housing and Urban Development Department 1,517 4,161 2,386 8,081 38,920 3,822 5,373 38,394 —35,821 —11,122 50,326 —28,272 —617, 262 —928,151 —862,849 —1,245,282 -442,151 —16,000 -11,000 -589,257 —448,916 —16,000 —11,000 -626,266 52,139, 618 61,800,306 -147,363 —6,894 56,964 619 -157,295 —5,732 29,804 1,428 -96,674 -131,795 —12,666 —5,319 —786 61,094 13,013 13,909 -8,347 Total housing production and mortgage credit. Federal Insurance Administration: Public enterprise funds Other Research and Technology Fair housing and equal opportunity. Departmental management: Intragovernmentalfunds Other .Proprietary receipts from the public 1,404 2,976 681 5,153 32,725 .' —7,004 68,002 —103,678 —73,793 430,120 -3,148 40,534 1,186 666,571 1,395 176,272 54 -125 42,131 2,954 -2,168 49,718 3,232 44,960 60,782 1,049,122 -343 1,511 85,793 23,408 43,414 109,011 1,028,401 -2,631 4,438 328,177 22,630 39,198 120,580 1,311,915 1,640,693 -28,440 959 9,579 6,266 -12,466 2,188 35,649 8,597 —4,669 72,891 —23 2,597 86,090 —52,420 1,778,452 2,321,109 26 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [In thousands of dollars] The expenditure accoxmt 1970 1971 N E T EXPENDITURES-Continued Interior Department: PubUc land management: Bureau of Land Management Bm-eau of Indian Aflairs: PubUc enterprise funds Indian tribal funds. Education and Welfare Services Resources management Other. - Total Bureau of Indian Affahs Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Office of Territories. Total public land management 197,122 187,612 -621 66,089 183,940 57,405 66,049 -810 89,089 228,893 69,859 69,894 362, 861 456,925 116,650 65, 132 200,724 74,765 741,664 919,925 102,692 113,616 Mineral resources: Geological Survey Bureau of Mines: Public enterprise funds Other.. Office of Coal Research.. Oflice of OU and Gas Total mineral resom'ces 30,229 61,982 17,292 1,042 65,704 87, 224 17, 555 1,157 213,236 285,256 Fish and wildlife and parks: Bureau of Sport Fisheries and WUdlife National Park Service 114,618 138,818 128,218 160,214 Total fish and wildlife and parks 253,435 278,432 22,523 -2,344 142,128 97, 599 1,003 130,368 15,141 7,030 193,790 98,432 1,018 136,951 Water and power resources: Bureau of Reclamation: Public enterprise funds: Upper Colorado River Storage Project Other Construction and rehabilitation.. Other. Alaska Power Administration. BormevUle Power Administration Southeastern Power Administration Southwestern Power Administration Office of Salme Water Total water and power resom'ces Secretarial offices: Office of the Solicitor and Office of the Secretary Office of Water Resources Proprietary receipts from the pubhc Intrabudgetary transactions Total Interior Department Justice Department: Legal activities and general administration Federal Bureau of Investigation Immigration and NaturaUzation Service Federal Prison Systems: Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (net) Federal Prison commissary funds Other Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Proprietary receipts from the public Total Justice Department Footnote at end of table. 818 837 6,853 30,294 6,276 29,162 429,152 488,638 16,674 11,804 '-815,663 —31,235 19,324 11,999 -1,704,373 -83,607 '819,169 215,594 104,957 252,902 103,997 133,165 291,498 118,715 -1,493 -139 89,683 65,418 25,936 -1,286 104,503 233,332 37,604 -2,209 639,974 916,354 -418 166 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 27 - TABLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [ I n thousands of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 N E T EXPENDITURES-Continued Labor Department: Manpower Administration: Intragovernmentalfunds Manpower training services Federal unemployment benefits and allowances Salaries, expenses, and other Unemployment trust fmid: Unemployment insurance and employment services: Federal—State unemployment insurance: State unemployment benefits State administrative expenses Federal administrative expenses: D hect expenses, reimbursements and recoveries Interest on advances Interest on refunds RaUroad unemployment insurance: RaUroad unemployment benefit Administration expenses... Interest on borrowing from railroad retirement account 1971 —2,302 417,788 183,564 32,530 —3,566 1,126,979 422,481 38,144 2,792,794 642,639 6,229,210 782,886 10,766 4,379 242 11,822 1,571 317 92,955 6,475 4,876 95,096 7,339 3,926 Total unemployment trust fund 3,655,127 6,132,167 Total Manpower Administration. 4,186,696 7,716, 205 11,606 Labor-Management Services Administration Workplace Standards Administration: Salaries and expenses Federal workmen's compensation benefits Other Total Workplace Standards Administration. 41,998 81,481 448 123,927 16,968 = 62,404 95,496 397 148,297 Bureau of Labor Statistics Bureau of International Labor Affahs Office of the Solicitor Officeof the Secretary.. Proprietary receipts from the public. 23,235 1,730 6,663 6,022 —3,893 27,073 1,738 6,299 7,392 —1,417 : Total Labor Department 4,355,886 7,922,553 Post Office Department: Postal Fund 1,510,023 2,183,410 State Department: Adininistration of foreign affahs: Salaries and expenses. .. Acquisition, operation and mahitenance of buUdings abroad Intragovernmentalfunds. Payment to Foreign Service Rethement and Disability fund... Foreign service rethement and disabUity fund Other Total admhiistration offoreign affahs International organizations and conferences: Contributions to international organization Other International commissions Educational exchange Other Proprietary receipts from the public Intrabudgetary transactions: Foreign service retirement and disability fund: Receipts transferred to civil service retirement and disabiUty fund General fund contribution Other Total State Department 449-442—72- 225,549 16,116 —116 .._ 17,-213 3,012 217,902 j 19,555 ] —23 j 6,258 ! 23,648 | 3,632 j 261,773 269,772 ! 128,841 7.114 7,543 36.435 11,678 —5,066 140,668 6,226 9,704 42,070 10,181 —6,204 —135 -430 —61 —6,268 -430 447,754 467,667 ! ! ! ' t | 28 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [In thousands of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 1971 N E T EXPENDITURES-Continued Transportation Department: Office of the Secretary: Salaries and expenses Civil supersonic aircraft development Other : Coast Guard: Trust revolving funds Intragovernmentalfunds Other Federal Aviation Administration: Public enterprise funds Airport and ahway trust fund Facilities and e q u i p m e n t . . Grants-in-aid for airports . Operations Other Federal Highway Administration: Highway beautification Forest and publiclands highways Highway trust fund: Federal-aid h i g h w a y s . . . . Other National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Traffic and highway safety State and community highway safety programs . Federal Railroad Adrainistration: Alaska railroad High-speed ground transportation research and development Grants to National Railroad Passenger Corporation Other Urban Mass Transportation Admimstration: Urban mass transportation fund i Other Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. National Transportation Safety .Board. Proprietary receipts from the public Intrabudgetary transactions . Total Transportation D e p a r t m e n t . . Treasury Department: Office of the Secretary: Public enterprise fund Salaries and expenses Other Bureau of Accounts: Salaries and expenses Claims, judgments and relief acts Interest on uninvested funds Government losses in shipment Eisenhower CoUege grants Other Bureau of Customs: Salaries and expenses Other. Bmeau of Engraving and Printing: Intragovermnental funds Other . Bureau of the Mint: Salaries and expenses i Other Bureau of the Public Debt Internal Revenue Service: Salaries and expenses.. _ Revenue accounting and processing Compliance Interest on refunds of taxes Payments to Puerto Rico for taxes collected. Federaltax lien revolving fund Office of the Treasm'er: Salaries and expenses Check forgery insm'ance fund U.S.Secret Service Officeof the Comptroller of the Currency . . . 12,907 I l l , 348 7,690 18,150 270,696 12,128 —57 2,966 685,318 —52 864 616,266 10 106,854 83,155 829,425 55,668 —3,012 287,489 392,607 183,171 974,192 62,692 13,853 9,616 9,922 5,113 4,375,174 37,486 4,652,387 31,714 24,403 50,417 37,660 68,878 —254 11,185 2,747 24,969 24,325 6,805 5,660 104,603 1,517 8 5,426 —19,910 - 173,216 2,826 —3,876 6,292 —22,239 —621,176 6,414,457 7,214,742 —179 9,218 46 —180 10,282 1,393 45,240 62,677 6,226 167 1,880 45 47,727 109,463 5,558 329 . 986 35 121,360 64,038 150,864 67,170 —236 94 914 66 16, 111 5,900 64,215 15,746 3,452 69,589 25,302 212,'893 631,808 112,671 86,167 15 27,686 224,970 698,848 131,768 84,911 356 7,911 105 30,271 -5,051 8,697 —4 44,707 -2,162 29 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 1971—Continned and [In thousands of dollars] 1971 1970 T h e e x p e n d i t u r e account N E T EXPENDITURES-Continued Treasury Department—Continued I n t e r e s t on t h e p u b l i c d e b t (accrual basis): Publicissues Special issues 15,844,149 3,469,521 16,659,954 4,299,090 T o t a l interest on t h e p u b U c d e b t 19,303,670 20,969,044 P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b l i c -404,626 -423,827 Intrabudgetary transactions -867,525 -1,247,742 19,509,513 20,990,648 2,453,102 2,274,693 Total Treasury Department A t o m i c E n e r g y Commission E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n Agency: P u b l i c enterprise funds Other General Services A d m i n i s t r a t i o n : R e a l p r o p e r t y activities: Construction, pubUc buUdhigs projects Operating expenses, p u b l i c b u i l d i n g service R e p a i r a n d i m p r o v e m e n t of p u b l i c buildings Sites a n d expenses, pubUc buUding p r o j e c t s . . . Intragovernmentalfunds Other Personal p r o p e r t y activities: Intragovernmentalfunds Other Records activities: N a t i o n a l Archives t r u s t fund Other T r a n s p o r t a t i o n a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s activities P r o p e r t y m a n a g e m e n t a n d disposal activities: P u b l i c enterprise funds Intragovernmentalfunds Other General activities: P u b l i c enterprise funds Intragovernmentalfunds S u r p l u s real p r o p e r t y credit sales Other P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b l i c . I n t r a b u d g e t a r y transactions T o t a l General Services A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 350,324 ' N a t i o n a l Aeronautics a n d Space A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Veterans Administration: C o m p e n s a t i o n , pensions, a n d benefit p r o g r a m s Medical care P u b U c enterprise funds: Direct loan revolving fund L o a n g u a r a n t y revolving fund Other Benefits, refunds, a n d d i v i d e n d s : G o v e r n m e n t life insurance f u n d . . . . N a t i o n a l service life i n s m a n c e fund Other P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e pubUc: G o v e m m e n t life insurance f u n d . N a t i o n a l service life insurance fund Other I n t r a b u d g e t a r y transactions: P a y m e n t t o v e t e r a n s ' life Insurance funds: (Government life i n s u r a n c e fund N a t i o n a l service life insurance f u n d . Total Veterans Administration O t h e r i n d e p e n d e n t agencies: A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Conference of t h e U n i t e d States A m e r i c a n B a t t l e M o n u m e n t s Commission A r m s Control a n d D i s a r m a m e n t Agency C a b i n e t C o m m i t t e e on O p p o r t u n i t i e s for Spanish Speaking People C e n t r a l Intelligence Agency, construction Civil Aeronautics B o a r d : P a y m e n t s t o air carriers Salaries a n d expenses P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b l i c o o t nFRASER o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . DigitizedFfor . - —26 701,365 = 59,667 329,929 78,456 14,284 —3,635 '6,600 43,143 376,151 85,916 19,166 6,745 6,035 18,037 82,398 —24,451 87,895 23 24,234 7,623 263 27,145 4,897 -838 325 25,568 -153 —1,532 30,838 -8,129 —659 —43,964 1,665 -164,666 425,928 3,134 —496 —12,762 1,491 -116,378 —17,596 619,451 3,748,926 3,380,613 6,338,179 1,652,627 7,433,295 1,870,571 -13,161 —23,981 -80,891 -10,624 4,757 -76,181 81,392 593,069 379,868 85,294 627,471 429,133 -10,123 -463,091 -2,124 -9,269 -469,920 -2,274 —58 —3,324 —49 —3,037 8,448,391 9,879,166 254 2,432 10,641 476 (*) 291 2,877 9,968 586 (*) 36,546 11,184 —125 55,152 12,337 -106 30 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [ I n t h o u s a n d s of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 1971 230,817 41,185 2,761,606 2,941 —160,520 —27,474 44,815 —3,055 773,396 70,405 3, 234,459 —26,709 —161,282 —1,842 52,384 —904 -2,470 —230,817 -2,278 —773,396 2,647,028 3,164,233 98 2,902 16,000 118,562 11,627 —73,262 —3,447 78 23,619 —328,390 211 105 3,169 23,000 146,935 15,749 —136,266 —390 7 26,715 —184,020 206 — 257,687 280 3,933 8,770 ._ 17,910 19,921 700 216 744 —102,585 356 4,608 9,610 14 19,493 22,406 891 456 984 N E T EXPENDITURES—Continued Other Independent agencies—Continued CivU Service Commission: Payment to civU service rethement and disability fund. Government payments for annuitants, employees health benefits CivU service retiremer t and disabUity fund. Employees' health benefits fund Employees' life insurance fund... Retired employees health benefits fund Other.. Proprietary receipts from the public. Intrabudgetary transactions: CivU service retirement and disability fund: Receipts transferred to foreign service retirement and disability fund General fund contributions Total CivU Service Commission.. Commission of Fine Arts Cominission on Civil Rights. Corporation for Public Broadcasting District of Columbia, Federal payment. Equal Emplojmient Opportuity Commission Export-Import Bankof the United States Farm Credit Adininistration Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review Federal Communications Commission Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Field Committee for Development Planning in Alaska Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. fund Other... Federal Maritime Commission Federal Mediation and ConciUation Service Federal Metal and Nonmetallic Mine Safety Board of Review Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission Foreign Claims Settlement Commission... Historical and Memorial Coinmissions Indian Claims Commission Intergovernmental agencies: Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations _ Appalachian Regional Coinmission: Salaries, expenses, and other Intrabudgetary transactions Delaware River Basin Commission Interstate Coinmission on the Potomac River Basin Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Interstate Commerce Commission National Capital Planning Commission National CouncU on Indian Opportunity National Credit Union Administration National Foundation on Arts and Humanities National Labor Relations Board National Mediation Board National Science Foundation Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission President's Committee on Consumer Interests President's CouncU on Youth Opportunity Footnote at end of table. 647 1,901 —932 200 5 15,757 27,437 1,045 189 —266 14,829 37,612 2,237 462,611 _. 499 —237 663 1,799 —964 234 6 34,832 28,461 1,262 440 —6,698 28,869 40,458 2,368 621,758 22 (*) 615 31 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [In thousands of dollars] T h e expenditm'e a c c o u n t 1970 1971 N E T EXPENDITURES—Continued O t h e r i n d e p e n d e n t agencies—Continued Raihoad Retirement Board: P a y m e n t s for m i l i t a r y service credits Railroad rethement accounts: A d m i n i s t r a t i v e expenses Benefit p a y m e n t s , e t c I n t e r e s t o n refunds o f t a x e s , P a y m e n t to railroad r e t h e m e n t a c c o u n t P a y m e n t t o raih'oad u n e m p l o 3 m i e n t insm'ance account P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b U c Intrabudgetary transactions: Railroad retirement accounts: P a y m e n t for m i l i t a r y service credits P a y m e n t from r a i h o a d r e t h e m e n t s u p p l e m e n t a l a c c o u n t R e c e i p t s transferred t o railroad u n e m p l o y m e n t i n s m a n c e a c c o u n t . . Total Railroad Retirement B o a r d . Renegotiation Board Securities a n d E x c h a n g e C o m m i s s i o n Selective Service S y s t e m Small Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n : P u b l i c enterprise funds: Business loan a n d i n v e s t m e n t f u n d . Disaster loan fund Lease g u a r a n t e e s revolving fund Salaries a n d e x p e n s e s . Other P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b U c . 19,206 19, 969 16,261 1,586,403 9 18, 666 1,888, 666 66 1,395 9,791 -576 6,228 -2,396 -19,969 -1,395 -9,791 -19,206 '-5,'228" 1,600, 277 1,906,812 3,900 21,609 76,378 4,532 23,398 81,445 66,506 48,665 38,472 50,684 -310 20,322 -90 10,809 21 .... 125,904 109,160 Smithsonian Institution Subversive Activities Control B o a r d . . Tariff C o m m i s s i o n . . . T e m p o r a r y S t u d y Commissions 49,390 374 4,088 7,017 48,322 381 4,353 6,165 T e n n e s s e e Valley A u t h o r i t y : T e n n e s s e e Valley A u t h o r i t y fund P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b l i c . 211,006 -93 366,562 -54 T o t a l Tennessee Valley A u t h o r i t y . 210, 913 366,498 U.S. Information Agency: Informational media guarantee f u n d . . . Salaries a n d expenses C o n s t r u c t i o n of radio facUities Other.. P r o p r i e t a r y receipts from t h e p u b l i c . . . 10,153 8,311 9,915 -964 183,056 10,143 6,816 -448 197,413 198, 567 T o t a l S m a l l Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n . . Total U.S. Information Agency.. U . S . section of t h e U n i t e d States-Mexico C o m m i s s i o n for B o r d e r D e v e l o p ment and Friendship Water Resources C o u n c i l : P l a n n i n g expenses a n d o t h e r Intrabudgetary transactions T o t a l o t h e r i n d e p e n d e n t agencies. Undistributed intrabudgetary transactions: F e d e r a l e m p l o y e r c o n t r i b u t i o n s to r e t i r e m e n t a n d social insurance fmids: T h e judiciary: Judicial survivors a n n u i t y fund.. H e a l t h , E d u c a t i o n , a n d Welfare D e p a r t m e n t : F e d e r a l old-age a n d survivors i n s u r a n c e t r u s t fund F e d e r a l disability i n s m a n c e t r u s t fund F e d e r a l h o s p i t a l i n s u r a n c e t r u s t fund State D e p a r t m e n t : F o r e i g n service r e t i r e m e n t a n d disabUity fund O t h e r i n d e p e n d e n t agencies: CivU Service Cominission: Civil service r e t i r e m e n t a n d disabiUty f u n d . U.S. Tax Comt: T a x c o m t j u d g e s s u r v i v o r s a n n u i t y fund Subtotal F o o t n o t e a t e n d of t a b l e . -2 223 30 4,199 -671 6,991 -976 f 5,133,671 6, 606,374 -620 -559,000 -78,000 -91,000 -561,000 -79,000 -87, 000 -6,886 -7.418 — 1^708,826 — 1,876.821 -20 -2,444,362 -24 -2.610. 907 32 19 70 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned [ I n t h o u s a n d s of dollars] The expenditure account 1970 N E T EXPENDITURES-Continued Undistributed intrabudgetary transactions—Continued Interest credited to certam Government accounts: The judiciary: Judicial survivors annuity fund Defense Department: CivU: Soldiers' Home p erman ent fund , Health, Education, and Welfare Department: Federalold-age and survivors insurance trust fund Federal disability msurance trust fund Federal hospital insurance trust fund Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund.. Interior Department: Indian tribalfunds. Labor Department: Unemployment trust fund State Department: Foreign service retirement and disabUity fun d. _ Transportation Department: Highway trust fund Veterans Administration: Government life insmance fund National service life insurance fund Civil Service Commission: CivU service retirement and disability fund Railroad Retirement Board: Railroad retirement accounts Other Subtotal.. 1971 —207 —3,291 —3,294 —1,346,096 -221,485 —138,182 —11,536 —1,617, 222 -324,391 —183,027 . —17,268 -15,339 -10,450 —601,212 —636,509 — 2,319 . —242 —2,502 -115,410 -183,608 —31,347 —244,995 —31,421 —270,604 —987,284 —1,232,371 —214,678 -2,144 —251,267 -1,285 -3,935,525 -4,765,450 Total undistributed intrabudgetary transactions —6,379,877 —7,376,357 Total net expenditures (excluding net lending)... ••194,456,464 210,318,388 '-713,214 —21,926,528 The expenditure account surplus, or deficit ( - ) The loan account 1970 1971 N E T LENDING Funds appropriated to the President: Economic opportunity loans Defense production act Total funds appropriated to the President Agricultme Department: Commodity Credit Corporation: Storage facUity and short-term export sales credits Farmers Home Administration: Agriculture credit insurance Direct loans Emergency credit _ Rural housing insurance Self-help housing land development State rural rehabilitation Rural Electrification Administration Other Total Agricultme Department Commerce Department: Economic Development Administration: Economic development Maritime Administration: Federal ship mortgage insmance Other National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Total Commerce Department Footnote at end ol table _ —9,559 —831 —10,016 -627 —10,390 —10,643 50,476 -145,975 51,894 -20, 584 91,401 119,601 -67,496 20,885 18, 253 -182,806 114 126 -12,848 316,773 - 8 , 222 452,467 850 -48 332,100 57,614 61,141 •1,961 •6,925 -1,541 - 8 , 018 —439 769 49,398 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 33 TABLE 4.—Budget receipts, expenditures, and lending, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continned The loan account Defense Department: Military: Defense production guarantees CivU: Construction of power systems, Ryukyu Islands Total Defense Depai'tment Health, Education, and Welfare Department: Health Services and Mental Health Administration Office of Education: Higher education activities... : Studentloans Other _ Other Total Health, Education, and Welfare Department Housing and Urban Development Department: Federal Housing Administration: FederalHousing Administration fund CoUege housing loans Housing for the elderly or handicapped fund Low-rent public housing program Government National Mortgage Association: Special assistance functions Management and liquidating functions fund Participation sales fund. Housing management Community development: Urban renewal programs Rehabilitation loan fund Public facility loans Total Housing and Urban Development Department Interior Department: Bureauof Reclamation Other Total Interior DepartmentTransportation Department. Treasm'y Department General Services Administration.. Veterans Administration: Direct loan program. Loanguaranty program Govenmient life insurance fund National service life insurance Other..-. 1970 1971 —670 66 —236 —378 -906 -323 5,535 2,146 97,547 3,176 3,278 39,673 13, 291 8,842 2,052 110,106 66,005 —56,214 139,012 81,837 —1,208 152,622 73,146 48,102 —126 670,813 —79,369 359,783 —116,636 670 296 —2,117 —6,935 35,378 38,977 —26,783 44,135 36,855 824, 597 668,983 2, 959 —3,058 4,994 4 080 -100 _ Total Veterans Administration Other independent agencies: Loans to District of Columbia. Export-Import Bank of the United States Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Federal Savings and Loan Insmance Corporation Interstate Commerce Commission. National Capital Planning Commission. Small Business Administration: Business loan and investment fund Disaster loan fund Total loan account 9,073 2,854 -267 20 212 32,761 -216 — 1 8 389 26,427 72,805 2,786 92,016 10,337 -70,888 —91,684 —3,241 33,670 8,486 204,370 -123,668 90,350 292,321 57,606 -49,082 90,210 —834 —3 —88,357 46,648 73,178 54,126 61,268 162,260 2,131,321 1,106,640 1970 1971 TOTAL BUDGET Receipts (-[-) (The expenditure account) Expenditm'es ( - ) (The expenditure account) Netlending (-h), or ( - ) (Theloan account) Totaloutlays... Budget smplus (-h), or deficit ( - ) •Less than $600. ' Revised. 193,743,261 188,391,860 -194,466,464 -210,318,388 -2,131,321 -1,106,640 -196,687,786 -211,425,028 -2,844,536 -23,033,168 34 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 5.—Means of financing, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 [In thousands of dollars. On basis of "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Government," see "Bases of Tables"] Classffication (Assets and liabilities directlv related to the budget) 1970 Net transaction 1971 Closing balances Net transactions Closing balances LIABILITY ACCOUNTS Borrowing from the public: Federal securities: Piil^lio {Ipl^t spoiTrit*ip^ * As published in daily treasury statements. Agency securities: Defense Department: Family houshig mortgages. Homeowners assistance mortgages. Housing and Urban Development Department: Federal Housing Administration Government National Mortgage Association: Participation sales fund: Participation certificates Transportation Department: Coast Guard: Family housmg mortgages Treasury Department: Federal Farm Mortgage Corp. Uquidation fund Other independent agencies: Export-Import Bank of the United States: Agency securities... •.... Participation certfficates Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Federal Home Loan Bank Board revolving fund Home Owners' Loan Corporation fund Tennessee VaUey Authority 17,198,453 370,918,707 27,211,038 398,129.744 -86,186 —1,811 1,771,770 3,472 -91,874 —741 1,679,896 2,730 -60,044 516,863 -30,335 486,618 -1,280,000 7,320,000 —1,316,000 6,006,000 -131 2,829 —137 2,692 -2 105 -268,145 -321,154 400,000 1,492,799 1,000,000 -267,903 1,400,000 1,224,898 -217 5,634 -241 6,393 -6 268,345 242 996,000 -19 369,300 223 1,365,300 -20 85 Total agency securities -1,739,350 12,509,703 -346,970 12,162,732 Total Federal securities 16,459,103 383,428,410 26,864,067 410,292.477 10,061,867 97,723,154 7,416,646 105,139,699 Deduct: Federal securities beld as investments of Government accounts 1 Non-Interest bearing pubUc debt securities held by International Monetary Fund Total borrowing from the public Accrued interest payable on pubUc debt securities Deposit funds: Allocations of special drawing rights Other. MisceUaneous hability accounts (includes checks outstanding etc.) Total liability accounts See footnote a t end of table. 825,000 826,000 6.397.246 284,880,256 19,447,622 304,327,778 305,667 2,073,410 316,788 2,389,198 866,880 -710,038 866,880 3,821,017 716,900 222,625 1,683,780 4,043,642 -200,246 4,849,164 1,400,636 6,249,803 6,669,400 296,490,727 22,103,470 318,694,200 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 35 TABLE 5.—Means of financing, fiscal years 1910 and 1911—Continued Classification 1970 (Assets and liabilities directly related to the budget) Net transaction 1971 Closing balances Net transactions Closing balances ASSET ACCOUNTS (Deduct) Cash and monetary assets: Within general account of Treasmer of the United States: As published in the daily Treasmy statement.. Net transactions in transit as of June 30 Total as of June 30 With other Government officers: Special drawing rights: Total holdings Certfficates issued to Federal banks... .:.. Reserve 1,912,368 —165,965 9,016,896 274,906 894,824 -68,666 9.910,720 206,250 1,746,393 9,290,802 826,168 10,116,970 289,622 1,246,710 967,188 957,188 -400,000 -400,000 Balance Other With International Monetary Fund 657,188 -1,536,676 802,000 667,188 2,816,860 2,412,000 289,522 -207,931 -908,000 846,710 2,608,929 1,504,000 Total cash and monetary assets Miscellaneous asset accounts Total asset accounts 1,569,906 284,192 1,854,098 15,076,860 1,796,653 16,873,403 —241 -447,306 -447,546 15,076,609 1,349,249 16,426,868 Excess of UabiUties (-[•) or assets ( - ) -.. Add: Transactions not applied to cm'rent year's smplus or deficit +3,806,303 -960,768 Total budget financing [Financing of deficit (-i-) or disposition of smplus ( - ) ] . -f 2,844,635 » See tables 6 and 20. -400,000 -[-279,617,324 -|-22,551,016 -f 302,168,339 -960,768 -|-482,150 -|-482,150 4-278,656,656 -|-23,033,165 -|-302,650,489 36 19 7 1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 6.—Investments of Government accounts in Federal securities (net) fiscal years 1970 and 1971 Amounts represent public debt securities unless stated otherwise. Par value. In thousands of dollars. On basis of "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Goverrmient," see "Bases of Tables"] Agency Legislative branch: Library of Congress The judiciary:. Judicial survivors annuity fund Agriculture Department: Public debt securities Agency securities Commerce Department... Defense Department Health, Education, and Welfare Department: Federal old-age and smvivors insmance trust fund: Public debt securities Agency securities Federal disabUity insurance trust fund: Public debt secmities Agency securities Federal hospital insmance trust fund: Public debt securities Agency securities Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund Other Housing and Urban Development Department: Metropolitan development: New communities guarantee fund Federal Housing Administration: Federal Housing Administration fund: Public debt securities Agency securities. Community disposal operations fund: Public debt securities Agency securities Rental housing assistance fund: Public debt securities Government National Mortgage Association: ^ Participation sales fund: Public debt secmities Agency secmities Guarantees of mortgage-backed secmities: Public debt securities Management and liquidating functions fund: Agency securities Special assistance functions fund: Agency securities Federal Insmance Administration: National insmance development fund Footnote at end of table. 1970 1971 —2 _ —10 786 829 1,741 —6,291 7,674 62 -2,394 —5,738 9,161 235 3,953,285 1,308,828 —35,000 1,392,466 -50,000 1,277,901 -16,000 693,382 396,534 —20,000 244,010 -895 —344,564 488 2,225 133,932 -3,361 -6,951 136,383 34 34 471 -335,503 -33,796 221,846 -24,500 —2,136 —2,329 —6,008 —3,730 27,976 14,306 646 37 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 6.—Investments of Government accounts in Federal securities (net) fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Agency Interior Department: Public debt secmities Agency securities Labor Department: Unemployment trust fund: Public debt securities Agency securities. Other.. State Department: Foreign service retirement and disabUity fund. Other.. Transportation Department: Highway trust fund Other.. Department: Treasury Public debt secmities Agency securities General Services Administration Veterans Administration: Veterans reopened insurance fund Veterans special term insurance fund.. Government life insurance fund: Public debt secmities National service life insurance fund: Public debt securities. Agency securities Other.. Other independent agencies: Civil Service Commission: Civil Service retirement and disability fund: Public debt secm'ities.. Agency securities... Employees health benefits fund Employees life insurance fund Retired employees health benefits fund Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation: Public debt securities Agency securities... National Credit Union Adniinistration: National credit union share insurance fund Raihoad Retirement Board: Public debt securities Agency secmities Other Total public debt secmities Total agency securities. Grand Total 1971 552,535 -65, 000 -12 -1,646,983 -100, 000 -9 3,704 -20 1,437 100 , 089, 002 24 -3,400 -2,000 . -277 1,033,131 1 1, 379, 912 -342 34, 714 24,315 32, 577 26,158 -45,088 -38,525 161,492 -75,000 -326 . 152,745 -70,000 1, 792,567 -13,401 161,560 19,090 327, 659 2, 734,946 -36,000 52,750 172,621 7,206 179, 722 172,823 211,889 -16,000 317,530 -60,000 47,441 100,823 -110,000 20, 208 10,354,446 —292,589 10,061,867 7,718,459 -301,914 6,273 7,416,545 38 1 9 7 1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 6.—Investments of Government accounts in Federal securities (net) fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continued ]In thousands of dollars] Agency 1970 1971 MEMORANDUM Investments in securities of privately owned Government-sponsored enterprises: Included in the loan account: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (acquired securities)... Indian tribal funds MUk market orders assessment fund... Participation sales fund 12,830 -5,356 173 —12,830 _ —66,500 —66,600 —41,600 —20,000 —20,000 Total. Not applied to current year's surplus or deficit: CivU service retirement and disability fund Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund Federal hospital insurance trustfund I Federal disability insurance trust fund Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Participation sales fund Railroad rethement account Unemployment trust fund Veterans Ufe insurance trustfunds Total —20,000 —4,000 —17,705 —41,500 -66,600 —67,500 —20,000 -20,000 -367,705 -104,000 1 This association was created effective Sept. 30,1968, by an act approved Aug. 1,1968 (12 U.S.C. 1716(b)). It assumed the assets and liabilities of the management and Uquidating functions fund, the special assistance functions fund, and participation sales fund formerly of the Federal National Mortgage Association, and continues to operate the functions of these funds. TABLE 7.—Receipts hy departments and agencies, fiscal year 1971 [On basis of " C o m b i n e d S t a t e m e n t of R e c e i p t s , E x p e n d i t u r e s a n d Balances of t h e U n i t e d States G o v e r n m e n t " Intra budgetary D e p a r t m e n t or agency Legislative b r a n c h Thejudiciary F u n d s appropriated to the President: I n t e r n a t i o n a l secm'ity assistance I n t e r n a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t assistance Other. Agriculture D e p a r t m e n t Commerce Department. Defense D e p a r t m e n t : MiUtary Civil.... H e a l t h , E d u c a t i o n , a n d Welfare D e p a r t m e n t Housing and U r b a n D evelopment D epartment Interior D e p a r t m e n t Justice D e p a r t m e n t . . Labor Department State Department Transportation Department Treasmy Department. Atomic Energy Commission E n v i r o n m e n t a l Protection Agency General Services A d m i n i s t r a t i o n N a t i o n a l A e r o n a u t i c s a n d Space A d m i r u s t r a t i o n Veterans Adininistration. O t h e r i n d e p e n d e n t agencies Total Interfund, deducted by agency Interfund, not deducted b y agency L o a n account repayment T o t a l receipts offset against outlays B u d g e t receipts Proprietai'y receipts from the pubhc $3,726,990 27,874,340 $13,623,634 4,049,297 642,793 -111,790 -12,948,550 28,020,737 1,001,029,787 96,062,603 894,317 443,868,169 36,316,328 68,409,384 3,374,402 41,973, 923,900 674,852 17,960,392 18,567,876 3,674,448,195 43,044,745 6,106,895,636 133,499,994,853 —1,873,400 82 691,878 —4,947,577 3,025,506 2,950,664,843 119,956,608 55,176,024 28,272, 111 52,420,413 1,704,372,808 2,209,020 1,416,853 5,204,481 22,238,817 423,826,994 231,596 3,036 116,377,788 11,441,072 481,463,429 4,310,707 5,749,151 621,175,838 1, 247, 742, 364 3,086,383 808,757,268 302,104,581 3,359,473,215 34,703, 683 126, 636, 330 82, 636,822 6,109, 326,193 52, 420,413 1,801, 056, 678 2, 209,020 637, 931,027 20, 875,862 827, 022,818 1, 671, 623,089 231,596 3,036 161, 374,821 441,072 11< 654, 393 4, 207, 244,873 188,391,860,087 4, 624, 665,792 6,044,044, 233 7,376, 356, 500 248,853,422 18, 293,919, 947 $354,802 $174, 610, 047 8,018,324 59,079 15,431,068 6,005,000 24,166,935 3,210,313,000 83, 606,884 $14,106,756 4, 935,426 $228,320 886,129 196,076 3,293,863 . 2,868,921, 008 11,164,388 378, 746 i,'825,'674' 1,922, 698 fi3fi..^U.174 ^ 17, 596,461 9, 922, 230 . 183,608,163 ... 24, 970 29, 383 28, 761 27,371,189 1,001,029, 787 96, 062, 603 894,317 618,637, 295 59, 765, 720 Ui t—I o > > h-i X 00 CO O T A B L E 8.—Budget receipts and outlays monthly and total for fiscal year 1971 [In milUons of doUars. On basis of "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Government," see "Bases of Tables"] Receipts and outlays August July September October November December Januai'y February March April May June Total 1971 N E T RECEIPTS Individual income taxes. Corporation income taxes Social insurance taxes and contributions: Emplojnnent taxes and contributions Unemployment insurance Contributions for other insm'ance and rethement Excisetaxes Estate and gift taxes Customs Miscellaneous Total 6,281 838 7,219 484 2,745 185 4,494 587 264 1,439 293 218 356 250 1,309 224 223 382 12,609 16,172 9,449 4,278 o 6,110 669 7,181 524 6,209 4,484 10, 579 526 6,493 372 3,366 3,523 9,630 4,015 3,846 623 9,867 6,447 86, 230 26, 785 2,311 106 3,475 374 2,230 50 2,291 165 4,976 721 3,624 77 4,378 302 5,103 1,005 3,427 57 41,699 3,674 270 1,272 234 218 313 279 1,237 262 231 259 1,549 239 207 327 265 1,346 285 220 339 264 1,195 247 1,505 280 175 361 258 1,443 329 226 291 1,351 589 221 248 258 1,459 379 204 313 280 1,510 352 250 318 3,205 16, 614 3,735 2,591 3,858 18,725 11,493 14,134 15,429 15,773 15,130 13,205 21,024 13,190 22,508 188,392 32 10 4 42 11 3 22 12 4 35 15 4 32 11 3 28 10 4 30 13 5 29 12 4 29 12 4 38 15 5 384 142 47 > O Pi O i O S3 N E T OUTLAYS Legislative branch The judiciary Executive Office ofthe President ._ Funds appropriated to the President: International security assistance International development assistance Other Agriculture Department: Commodity Credit Corporation, foreign assistance and special export progi'ams Other Commerce Department Defense Department: Mihtary: Department of the Army Department of the Navy Department of the Air Force Defense agencies Civildefense Total military CivU 31 12 3 34 10 4' 93 104 210 50 108 208 61 96 197 59 112 187 -34 88 158 79 154 191 233 102 172 135 89 -167 249 138 148 125 138 170 76 101 122 334 75 178 1,459 1,305 1,776 2,428 221 101 657 374 72 -72 376 82 736 421 119 339 356 75 293 60 83 178 708 113 -170 360 92 -158 478 101 -66 337 -94 531 97 -253 520 166 3,819 4,741 1,188 1,772 2,025 2,316 455 1 1,917 1,680 2,028 429 5 1,872 1,841 1,941 496 10 1,975 1,705 2,033 423 5 1,792 1,751 1,878 424 2,003 1,952 2,074 1,837 1,713 1,786 434 1,684 1,698 1,823 608 7 1,931 1,934 1,975 462 7 2,001 1,760 1,840 429 10 1,771 1,695 1,844 496 2 2,523 2,297 2,239 525 6 23, 077 22,053 23, 776 5,566 75 6,570 6,059 ,160 6,139 5,851 6,521 5, 777 6,041 5,8 7,590 74,546 53 127 129 142 134 118 84 192 1,376 = W P3 5, 720 6,309 94 120 ;> d ?d K! Health, Education, and Welfare Department: Social and RehabUitation Service Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fmid Federal disability insurance trust fund Federal hospital insurance trust fimd Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund Other. Housing and Urban Development Department Interior Department Justice Department Labor Department: Unemployment trust fund Other... Post Office Department State Department Transportation Department: Highway trust fund Other Treasm'y Department: Interest on the pubUc debt Interest on refunds, etc Other Atomic Energy Commission. Environmental Protection Agency General Services Administration National Aeronautics and Space Administration Veterans Adininistration: Compensation, pensions, and benefit programs Government life insurance fund : National service life insurance fund Other Other independent agencies: Civil Service Commission Export-Import Bank of the United States... SmaU Business Adininistration TennesseeValley Authority Other Undistributed intrabudgetary transactions: Federal employer contributions to retirement funds Interest credited to certain accounts Total Smplus, or deficit (—) . 816 798 772 810 820 846 878 871 946 931 888 1,170 10,644 2,445 271 441 2,482 276 428 2,497 281 439 2,520 278 449 2,468 277 429 2,545 293 470 2,537 286 463 2,548 299 446 2,576 298 562 2,684 298 610 2,591 299 471 4,476 450 494 32,268 3,606 5,692 168 484 192 545 191 686 189 640 191 673 187 696 160 674 186 700 225 779 192 711 197 697 204 389 2,283 7,573 438 79 68 243 96 76 217 133 70 161 97 85 125 83 69 244 -111 64 338 -656 74 225 107 73 148 76 78 221 86 93 195 41 82 334 94 86 2,890 225 916 389 67 231 88 402 106 150 15 312 112 337 33 373 106 177 68 417 81 166 40 646 78 60 65 672 112 202 32 615 347 171 26 714 200 221 25 622 163 320 43 511 191 96 37 660 226 64 -6 6,132 1,790 2,183 468 330 167 398 207 524 198 506 216 448 189 422 200 327 216 280 196 314 255 303 211 315 196 487 344 4,652 2,595 1,763 12 -104 167 12 —19 1,762 12 77 172 38 48 1,760 12 46 188 39 67 1,764 13 -513 201 30 34 1,747 13 94 186 41 33 1,822 6 -129 194 39 43 1,805 6 -26 179 25 51 1,709 10 84 170 53 23 1,727 11 131 169 40 55 1,699 16 100 198 46 42 1,695 11 114 198 60 61 1,708 16 19 251 290 83 20,959 137 -106 2,275 701 501 268 282 282 302 266 318 262 295 333 252 274 245 3,381 515 10 65 140 529 5 48 181 537 7 59 115 573 6 64 131 632 5 42 148 644 7 59 95 644 6 52 63 644 6 54 90 676 8 67 210 684 6 54 137 679 6 48 141 675 10 57 128 7,433 82 661 1,579 250 —72 11 24 210 245 65 70 24 166 298 5 19 27 364 271 25 27 36 334 261 -20 10 36 177 210 -116 18 41 294 274 -55 23 15 211 248 -8 24 23 207 254 47 28 21 316 288 34 21 32 234 277 62 37 30 194 288 -153 43 57 311 3,164 -184 333 366 3,016 -202 -32 -213 -134 -220 -30 -222 -73 -199 -125 -207 -1,949 -215 -32 -214 -143 -239 -22 -237 -57 -216 -109 -226 -2,058 -2,611 —4,765 17,495 17,443 17,640 16,728 15,550 17,115 16,546 18,646 17,818 17,162 19,965 211,425 -2,323 1,281 -6,147 —121 -1,341 -1,417 -5,441 3,206 -3,961 2,543 -23,033 19,326 —6,718 -2,694 s rn rf:^ TABLE 9.—Budget receipts by sources and outlays hy major functions, fiscal years 1962-71 [In mUUons of doUars. O n basis of 1972 b u d g e t d o c u m e n t , released J a n . 29,1971] Receipts a n d o u t l a y s 1970 19711 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 45,571 20,523 47,588 21,579 48,697 23,493 48,792 25,461 55,446 30,073 61,526 33,971 68,726 28,665 87.249 36,678 90.412 32,829 86, 230 26.785 12,271 564 3,337 14,175 672 4,112 16,366 593 4,045 16,723 636 3,819 19,979 683 3,777 27,046 776 3,659 28,409 814 3,346 33,351 885 3,328 38.214 919 3,464 40.719 980 3,674 863 12 932 13 993 16 1,065 16 1,111 18 647 1,201 19 698 1,334 20 903 1,426 24 936 1,736 29 1,253 1,916 37 17,046 19,804 22,012 22,268 25,567 33,349 34,622 39,918 45,298 2,949 3,268 2,022 4.295 3,279 3,366 2,075 4,474 3,519 3,499 2,048 4,664 3,659 3.689 2,142 5,081 3,917 3,720 2,066 3.358 4,441 3,980 2,077 3,221 4,379 4,189 2,121 3,390 4.637 4,482 2,136 3,967 5,354 4,466 1,995 3,891 5,542 4,596 2,205 4,271 12, 534 13.194 13, 731 14, 570 13, 062 13, 719 14, 079 15,222 15, 705 16,614 2, 016 1,142 843 2,167 1,205 1,023 2,394 1,252 1,084 2,716 1,442 1,594 3,066 1, 767 1,875 2,978 1,901 2,108 3,051 2.038 2,491 3,491 2,319 2,908 3,644 2,430 3,424 3,735 2,591 3,858 99, 676 106, 660 112,662 16.833 130,856 149, 552 153, 671 187, 784 193,743 188,392 46,916 1,337 2,806 92 -53 48,143 1,406 2.758 24 -74 49,577 1,209 2,764 172 -130 45,973 1,125 2,625 136 -281 54,178 1,003 2,403 -62 -738 67,457 858 2,264 -17 -481 77,373 654 2,466 139 -116 77,872 789 2,450 260 -138 77,610 '•731 r 2,453 74,548 51,097 62,257 53,591 49,578 56,785 70.081 80,517 81,232 r 80. 295 RECEIPTS I n d i v i d u a l m c o m e taxes Corporation m c o m e t a x e s . . Social i n s u r a n c e taxes a n d c o n t r i b u t i o n s (trust f u n d s ) : E m p l o j n n e n t taxes a n d c o n t r i b u t i o n s Raihoad rethement Unemployment hismance C o n t r i b u t i o n s for other i n s u r a n c e a n d r e t h e m e n t : Supplementary medical insurance E m p l o y e e s ' r e t h e m e n t , employee c o n t r i b u t i o n s Other r e t h e m e n t contributions T o t a l social i n s m a n c e taxes a n d c o n t r i b u t i o n s H-i hj o SJ o m O H i g h w a y t r u s t fund Alcohol Tobacco Other T o t a l excise taxes E s t a t e a n d gift taxes Custoras d u t i e s . - . MisceUaneous receipts T o t a l b u d g e t receipts > O OUTLAYS N a t i o n a l defense: D e p a r t m e n t of Defense—mUitary 2 I n t e r n a t i o n a l s e c u r i t y assistance 2 A t o m i c energy 2 Defense-related activities D e d u c t i o n s for offsetting receipts 3 T o t a l n a t i o n a l defense. ^79 rll8 999 2,275 -141 -18 d I n t e r n a t i o n a 1 affairs a n d finance: C o n d u c t of foreign affahs E conomic a n d financial assistance Foreign information a n d exchange activities Foodfor Peace D e d u c t i o n s for offsetting receipts T o t a l i n t e r n a t i o n a l affahs a n d Space research a n d technology: Manned spaceflight Space science a n d a p p h c a t i o n Space t e c h n o l o g y . . A h c r a f t technology S u p p o r t i n g space a c t i v i t i e s . . D e d u c t i o n s for oflsetting receipts T o t a l space research a n d technology Agriculture and rural development: F a r m income stabihzation R u r a l h o u s i n g and public facilities... A g r i c u l t u r a l l a n d a n d w a t e r resources Research a n d other agricultural services. D e d u c t i o n s for oflsetting receipts finance 346 296 347 316 336 354 371 398 406 1.968 1,756 2.041 2,329 3,053 2.420 2,231 1,806 1,784 -165 3,057 •245 1,452 -542 4,490 4,647 3,638 4,210 3,649 761 484 58 262 -2 778 435 75 436 -1 796 440 89 452 -2 248 2,325 197 1,947 —226 2.040 -441 207 223 227 2,049 -191 1,852 -123 4,492 4.115 4,117 566 420 159 31 82 1,616 2.768 576 303 36 122 754 432 40 178 -1 (**) 201 (**) 4,170 1,267 4.340 253 1,204 -246 237 976 235 937 242 918 -217 '-232 -277 3,785 r 3,570 3,093 3,096 2,781 700 410 128 390 -3 669 344 168 390 -6 ' 2,209 '•656 '328 ••188 r374 1,886 660 270 212 365 -11 5,091 5,933 636 309 347 531 -44 3,167 3.679 4,376 6,943 3,381 tfl r 4,589 '579 r344 730 -41 3,661 327 346 814 -42 M Ul 6,221 r 6,201 5,097 2,256 643 71 372 160 -1.373 2,246 754 94 370 '122 -1,106 3,061 837 131 480 136 -1,958 4,721 4,247 4,642 5.000 3,143 291 368 363 —42 4,060 376 324 416 -36 134 326 326 441 -42 3.667 4,123 5.139 6.186 4.807 1,578 382 30 151 84 —539 1,718 422 25 180 94 -934 1,798 459 46 202 104 -637 1,867 509 69 215 119 -706 2,061 556 62 241 131 -1,016 2,168 618 73 285 136 -1.412 2,251 639 85 331 154 -1,758 Total natural resources.. 1,686 1,505 1.972 2,063 2,035 1,860 1,702 2,129 ' 2,480 2,676 Commerce and transportation: Air transportation Water t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . . . Ground transportation P o s t a l service A d v a n c e m e n t ofbusiness A r e a a n d regional d e v e l o p m e n t R e g u l a t i o n ofbusiness D e d u c t i o n s for offsetting receipts 781 654 2,817 797 278 132 72 —123 808 672 3,057 770 212 242 82 -99 835 658 3.686 578 218 638 91 -123 875 728 4,092 805 365 557 98 -156 879 708 4,043 888 310 315 99 -107 945 765 4,093 1,141 289 318 118 -115 951 844 4,367 1,080 396 472 98 -169 1,042 864 4.413 920 99 584 107 -167 1,223 902 4,632 1,510 ''487 590 120 '-154 2,223 1,041 6,070 2,183 708 717 182 -841 6,408 5,743 6,482 7,364 7,135 7,664 8,047 7,873 r 9,310 11,282 T o t a l agriculture a n d r u r a l d e v e l o p m e n t N a t u r a l resources: Water resources arid p o w e r . Land nianagement. Mineral resources R e c r e a t i o n a l resources O t h e r n a t u r a l resources progranis D e d u c t i o n s for offsetting receipts. T otal commerce a n d t r a n s p o r t a t i o n F o o t n o t e s a t end of t a b l e . 354 342 485 -42 330 353 570 -44 474 361 618 -42 318 343 64K -85 > > hj hj 12! 00 T A B L E 9.—Budget receipts hy sources and outlays by rnajor functions, fiscal years 1962-71—Continued [In miUions of doUars] Receipts and outlays 1963 1968 1969 1970 Pi OUTLAYS—Continued Community development and housing: Concentrated community development Community environment... Community facihties Community planning and administration Low and moderate income housing aids Maintenance of the housing mortgage market Deductions for offsetting receipts. Total community development and housing Education and manpower: Elementary and secondary education Higher education Vocational education... Manpower training Science education and basic research Other education aids. Other manpower a i d s . . . Deductions for offsetting receipts Total education and manpower Health: Development of health resources Providing or financirig medical services... Prevention and control of health problems Deductions for offsetting receipts.. Total health Income security: Retirement and social insurance Public assistance. Social and individual services Deductions for offsetting receipts Total income security hj 227 27 11 170 169 —16 173 36 24 198 -1,289 —22 240 51 29 37 -511 —31 51 331 46 32 81 -237 -16 302 365 38 16 391 1,545 —13 452 465 74 33 478 1,133 —19 648 486 106 37 948 1,863 -12 684 632 146 47 871 -406 -13 589 -880 -185 288 2,644 2,616 4,076 429 367 40 12 183 98 617 -4 527 419 41 64 206 98 380 -5 566 383 41 122 310 110 501 -5 645 414 132 342 309 158 541 -9 1,804 705 136 731 368 155 634 -11 2,439 1,159 250 940 415 264 678 -11 1,732 1,732 2,028 2,533 4,523 786 264 91 -3 949 318 128 -3 1,170 386 182 -1 1,039 476 215 -1 1,139 1,393 1,737 19,474 2,604 133 -7 21,249 2,909 176 -479 22,205 23,854 O Pi -•816 ••1,106 181 '69 '1,280 '-487 1,116 1,039 193 115 1,278 -305 -53 1,961 '2,985 3,382 2,595 1,393 265 1,263 449 334 729 -16 2,480 1,230 262 1,193 490 373 810 -13 '2,968 '1,381 289 '1,602 464 '429 '169 '-14 2,880 1,421 415 2,786 522 405 231 -11 6,135 7,012 6,825 '7,289 8,649 o 1,212 1,094 238 -1 1,556 4,866 301 -2 1,826 7,455 394 -3 1,918 9,315 465 -2 '2,097 '10,344 '561 '-6 2,585 13,769 259 w 1,730 2,543 6,721 9,672 11, 696 ' 12, 995 21,958 3,085 199 -409 22,282 3,119 249 -196 25,298 3,151 410 -109 27,068 3,180 692 -59 29,293 3,726 831 -16 32,240 4,272 888 —1 24,833 25,453 28,751 30,881 33,835 37,399 (**) O iO Pi Pi -2,121 t=l 14,491 pi '37,275 '5,186 '1,331 '-1 47,197 8,829 827 -1,131 Ul '43,790 56,722 > d Pi K! Veterans benefits and services: Income security Education, trairung, and rehabiUtation Housing Hospital and medical care Other veterans benefits and services Deductions for offsetting receipts Total interest 6,209 305 304 1,393 195 -609 4,997 478 210 1,472 218 -492 6,628 701 102 1,566 237 -493 '6,021 '1,015 '54 1,802 '260 -477 6,488 1,620 -168 2,038 294 -484 5,920 6,897 6,882 7,640 ' 8,677 9,787 11,346 77 12 -1,078 12,014 104 14 -846 13,391 120 13 -936 14,573 120 10 -959 16,588 120 7 -925 19,304 113 6 '-1,110 20,969 132 6 -1,488 9,810 10,357 11, 286 12, 588 13,744 15,791 '18,312 19,608 -204 131 63 21 733 416 110 323 70 139 -196 126 66 22 808 553 110 335 68 189 -226 142 76 23 844 565 107 366 61 190 -165 159 79 24 886 550 107 386 73 192 -162 167 87 25 968 617 116 426 84 218 -199 180 94 27 1,024 669 140 452 104 243 -272 192 110 31 1,094 567 146 634 162 268 -238 229 133 37 1,271 '596 '166 '666 226 272 '-259 256 146 46 1,414 608 990 960 241 339 -1,030 1,650 1,810 2,040 2,210 2,292 2,510 2,561 2,866 ' 3,336 — 1,069 -1,444 -1,159 -1,485 -1,256 -1,621 -1,329 -1,780 -1,447 -1,917 -1,661 - 2 , 275 -1,825 -2,674 -2,018 - 3 , 099 -2,444 -3,936 -2,611 - 4 , 765 106,813 111,311 118, 584 118,430 134,652 158,254 178,833 184,648 198,588 211,425 -511 4,646 77 44 1,231 185 -502 6,625 5,620 5,681 1,271 179 -497 5,722 9,120 -877 9,895 74 11 -766 10,666 88 11 -966 8,321 9,215 136 57 22 668 355 106 300 73 136 1,085 180 68 10 — 4,710 58 4,706 101 -109 1,147 176 -501 159 236 Total veterans benefits and services Interest: Interest on the public debt. Interest on refunds of receipts Interest on uninvested funds Deductions for offsetting receipts... 4,700 54 169 1,320 196 -518 4,476 (*) UX y^ General government: Legislative functions Judicial functions Executive direction and management Central fiscal operations General property and records management C entral personnel management Law enforcement and justice National Capital region Other general government Deductions for offsetting receipts Total general government... Undistributed intragovernmental transactions: Employer share, employee retirement Interest received by trustfunds Totaloutlays 3,970 % Ul R H-l t ft hi fel 1^. '•Revised. 1 Based on "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the U.S. Government.' 2 Entries net of offsetting receipts. 8 Excludes offsetting receipts which have been distributed by function above. *Less than $500,000. **Mhius less than $500,000. C7» F;^ TABLE 10.—Internal revenue collections hy tax sources, fiscal years 1936-71 ^ o [In thousands of doUars. As reported by Internal Revenue Service, see "Bases of Tables" and Note] Income and profits taxes Individual income taxes ^ Fiscal year Withheld by employers 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1961 1962 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959. - 1960 _ 1961 1962 1963 1964 1966 1966 1967 1968 -. 1969 1970 1971 - . 686,016 7,823,435 10, 264, 219 9,857, 689 9, 842,282 11, 533, 677 10, 055, 602 9,888,976 13,089, 770 17, 929,047 21,132, 276 22,077,113 21, 253,625 24,016,676 26, 727, 643 27,040,911 29, 001,375 31,674, 588 32,977,654 36,246,109 38,718, 702 39,268,881 36,840,394 42,811.381 60,620,874 67,300,546 70,182,175 77,416, 070 76,602,460 Other 674,416 1,091, 741 1, 286,312 1,028, 834 982,017 1,417, 655 3,262,800 6,943, 917 10,437, 570 8, 770,094 8,846, 947 9, 501, 016 9,464, 204 7,996,320 7, 264,332 9, 907, 539 11,345,060 11,403,942 10, 736, 678 10,396,480 11,321,966 12,302, 229 11, 527,648 11,733,369 13, 271,124 13,175,346 14,403,485 14, 268, 878 16,331,473 16,820,288 18, 486,170 18,849.721 20.951,499 27,258,231 26, 235,516 24, 262, 293 Total individual income taxes 674,416 1,091, 741 1, 286,312 1,028,834 982,017 1,417, 655 3, 262,800 6, 629, 932 18, 261,005 19,034,313 18, 704,536 19,343, 297 20, 997, 781 18,061,822 17,153,308 22,997,308 29, 274,107 32, 536, 217 32,813,691 31,650,106 35,337,642 39,029, 772 38, 668, 559 40, 734, 744 44, 945, 711 46,163,001 60,649,694 62, 987. 581 64,690;354 63,660.683 61,297, 552 69,370,595 78,252,045 97,440,406 103, 651,685 100,864, 743 Corporation income and profits taxes 3 763,032 1,088,101 1,342,718 1,156, 281 1,147, 592 2,053, 469 4, 744,083 9,668,956 14, 766, 796 16,027, 213 12, 553,602 9,676,459 10,174,410 11, 553,669 10,854,351 14,387, 569 21,466,910 21, 594,515 21, 646,322 18, 264, 720 21, 298, 522 21, 630, 663 20, 633.316 18,091, 609 22,179, 414 21, 764,940 21,296,711 22,336,134 24,300,863 26,131,334 30.834,243 34,917,825 29,896, 520 38,337, 646 35,036, 983 30,454, 376 Employment taxes Total income and profits taxes 2 1,427,448 2,179,842 2, 629,030 2,186,114 2,129, 609 3,471,124 8,006,884 16, 298,888 33,027,802 35,061, 526 31, 258,138 29,019, 766 31,172,191 29,605,491 28,007,659 37,384, 878 60, 741,017 54,130, 732 54, 360,014 49, 914,826 66,636,164 60, 660,425 69,101,874 68,826, 254 67,125.126 67. 917, 941 71,945,306 76,323, 714 78.891.218 79,792,016 92.131,795 104,288,420 108,148, 665 135,778,052 138, 688, 668 131, 319,118 Old-age and disabUity insurance taxes 2 207,339 602,918 529,836 605,350 687,328 895,336 1,131,646 1, 290,025 1,307,931 1, 237,825 1, 458, 934 1, 612,721 1,687,161 1,873,401 2,810, 749 3, 684,025 3,816, 252 4, 218,520 6, 339, 573 6,336,805 6,634, 467 7, 733, 223 8,004,355 10, 210, 550 11, 586, 283 11, 686, 231 13.484, 379 16,667, 783 16,846,073 19, 005,488 25,562,638 26,620,648 31,489,943 35, 692,198 37,902,403 Unemployment insurance taxes RaUroad retirement tax 48 287 68,119 149, 476 90,267 109, 427 101,167 122,048 106,123 100, 658 137,871 119, 617 170, 409 211,151 156,008 265, Oil 183,337 284, 758 186,489 178, 745 284, 258 379, 555 185,876 208, 508 660,113 226, 228 562, 734 548, 038 223,135 236, 952 579, 778 259, 616 620, 622 628, 969 273,182 283,882 605, 221 279,986 600,106 324, 656 634,323 330,034 616, 020 335,880 675, 282 324,020 525,369 341,108 606, 931 345, 356 570,812 457, 629 564,311 948, 464 671, 644 850,858 693,864 622,499 635,734 567,014 683,631 602,745 792,858 606,802 858,448 640,030 938,684 776,139 980, 851 972, 625 1,051,440 Total employment taxes 2 48 265, 745 742,660 740, 429 833, 521 925,856 1,185, 362 1, 498, 705 1, 738,372 1, 779,177 1, 700,828 2,024,365 2,381, 342 2,476,113 2,644, 575 3,627, 480 4,464, 264 4, 718,403 5,107, 623 6, 219, 665 7, 295, 784 7,580,622 8, 644,386 8,863,744 11,158, 589 12, 602,451 12, 708,171 15, 004, 486 17,002,604 17,104,306 20,266.133 26,958,241 28,085,898 33,068,657 37,449,188 39, 926, 368 Capital stock tax* Estate tax Gift tax pi fel h3 O Pi 94,943 137,499 139,349 127, 203 132, 739 166, 653 281,900 328, 795 380, 702 371, 999 352,121 1,597 1,723 6,138 266 % % (*) (0 (<) (*) h (*) (4) 218,781 281,636 382,175 332, 280 330, 886 365,194 340,323 414,531 473, 466 596,137 629, 601 708, 794 822, 380 735, 781 657, 441 638, 523 750, 591 784, 590 863, 344 848,492 1,063, 867 1, 253,071 1, 277,052 1, 236, 823 1,439, 259 1, 745,480 1, 796,227 1, 971, 614 2,110,992 2,464.332 2,646.968 2, 728,680 2.710,254 3,136,691 3,241,321 3, 362,641 160,069 23,912 34 699 28,436 29,185 51,864 92, 217 32, 965 37, 745 46,918 47, 232 70, 497 76, 966 60, 757 48, 785 91, 207 82, 556 106, 694 71, 778 87, 776 117,370 124,928 133,873 117,160 187,089 170, 912 238,960 216,843 306,312 291,201 446,954 285,826 371, 726 393,373 438,755 431, 642 O fel Ul fel o pi fel > Pi Kj O fel M fel •^ Pi fel ;> d Ul Pi Ki Excise taxes Tobacco taxes» Alcohol taxes * Fiscal year DistUled sphits 8 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 . 1943 1944 . 1946 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950. 1951 1952. 1953 1954 1965 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 . . 1968 1969 1970 1971 - : - . Footnotes at end of table. Beer« 244,681 222,431 277,455 274,049 269,348 260,066 259,704 1 283, 576 264,679 317,732 316, 741 428.642 366,161 574,698 456, 634 781,873 559,152 899,437 638,682 1,484,306 650,824 1, 746, 580 661, 418 1,685,369 697,097 1, 436, 233 686,368 1,397,954 667.411 1,421,900 665,009 1, 746,834 727, 604 1,689, 730 762,983 1,846,727 769, 774 1,873,630 737,233 1,870, 699 765, 441 2,023,334 760, 620 2,080,104 757, 597 2,054,184 767,206 2,098,496 796, 233 2, 255,761 795,427 2,276, 543 813,482 2,386,487 2,467, 521 825.412 2,636,696 887,660 2,710,603 905,730 2.767.400 887,319 2,966,967 940,622 3,086,313 969,570 3,345,601 1,003,364 '1,077,499 1 '3,463,259 3,479,332 1 1,104,240 Wines 8.968 6.991 6.892 6,395 8,060 11, 423 23,986 33,663 34,095 47,391 60, 844 57,196 60,962 65,782 72,601 67, 254 72,374 80, 636 78,678 81,824 86, 680 87,428 90.303 90.918 98,850 96,073 98,033 101,871 107,779 110,163 110,284 121,489 126,340 154,766 ' 160, 761 174,529 O t h e r , Including occup a t i o n a l taxes 29,484 36,750 32,673 38,126 33,882 63, 260 83,772 162,476 126,091 139, 487 67,917 70, 779 61,035 60,604 67, 291 67, 711 169,412 90,681 60, 928 53,183 46, 219 46,143 44,377 45,477 42,870 44,757 43,281 . 46,853 46, 564 46,147 49,376 46, 645 117.014 61,849 r 44,862 42,381 Total alcohol taxes 606,464 694,245 667,979 587,800 624,253 820,056 1.048. 517 1.423, 646 1. 618.775 2,309, 866 2, 526,165 2,474, 762 2,256,327 2,210,607 2, 219, 202 2,546,80S 2,649,120 2,780,925 2, 783,012 2, 742,840 2,920, 574 2,973,196 2,946,461 3,002,096 3,193,714 3,212,801 3,341,282 3,441,656 3,677.499 3,772,634 3,814,378 4,075,723 4,287,237 4,655,560 4,746,382 4,800,482 Cigarettes 425,505 476,046 493,454 504,056 633,069 616, 767 704,949 835, 260 904,046 836, 763 1,072,971 1,145, 268 1, 208, 204 1, 232,735 1, 242,851 1, 293,973 1, 474,072 1, 586, 782 1, 613,740 1, 504,197 1, 649,045 1,610,908 1,668, 208 1,738,050 1,863,662 1,923, 540 1,956.527 2, 010, 524 1,976,676 2,069,695 2,006,499 2, 023, 090 2, 066,159 2,082.106 2. 036.101 2,149, 627 Cigars 12.361 13.392 12,882 12,913 12,996 13, 614 14,482 23,172 30, 259 36,678 41, 454 48,364 46, 762 46, 590 42,170 44, 275 44,810 46, 326 45, 618 46,246 45,040 44,858 47, 247 51,101 60,117 49, 604 49,726 50.232 66.309 60,923 57,662 55, 736 64,937 54,220 66, 834 64, 776 Other 63,299 62,816 61,846 63,190 62,464 67,805 61, 551 65,425 54,178 68.714 51,094 44,146 45,325 43, 550 43,443 42,148 46,281 21,803 20, 871 20, 770 19, 412 18,283 18, 566 17,665 17, 825 17,974 19.483 18, 481 19, 561 17,976 9,796 1,043 1,181 1,259 1,277 2,282 Total tobacco taxes, etc. 601,166 662,264 568,182 580,169 608, 618 698,077 780,982 923,867 988,483 932,145 1,166, 519 1, 237,768 1,300, 280 1.321,875 1,328,464 1,380,396 1, 566,162 1, 654,911 1, 680,229 1,571. 213 1,613,497 1,674,050 1, 734,021 1,806,816 1,931,504 1,991,117 2,026.736 2, 079, 237 2,052,646 2,148.594 2,073,956 2,079,869 2,122,277 2,137,586 2, 094,212 2, 206, 586 Documents, other i n s t r u ments, and playing cards» 68,990 69,919 46,233 41,083 38,681 39,057 41, 702 46,155 60, 800 65,528 87,676 79,978 79,466 72,828 84, 648 93,107 84, 995 90,319 90, 000 112,049 114,927 107, 646 109, 452 133,817 139, 231 149,350 159,319 149,069 171,614 186,289 146,467 68,260 48,721 1,455 220 68 I »—I Ul »^ h-l o fel i^ O TABLE 10.—Internal revenue collections hy tax sources, fiscal years 1936-11 ^—Continueci [In thousands of doUars] 00 Excise t a x e s — C o n t i n u e d M a n u f a c t u r e r s excise taxes Fiscal year Gasoline 1936 1937 1938 2939-. 1940 1941._ 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1964 1965 1956 .1957 1958.1959 1960... 1961 1962 1963.. 1964 1965.. 1966 1967 1968.. 1969 1970 1971 FRASER - Digitized for 177,340 196, 533 203,648 207,019 226,187 343,021 369, 587 288,786 271, 217 405, 563 405, 695 433,676 478.638 503, 647 534, 270 588,647 734,715 890, 679 836,893 954,678 1,030,397 1,458, 217 1,636,629 1, 700, 253 2,015,863 2,370, 303 2, 412, 714 2, 497,316 2.618,370 2,687,136 2,824,189 2,932,894 3, 030,792 3,186.239 3,430,076 3, 647,678 Lubricating oUs 27,103 31,463 31, 665 30,497 31, 233 38,221 46, 432 43,318 52,473 92,865 74, 602 82,015 80,887 81, 760 70,072 77, 639 73, 746 73, 321 68,029 69,818 74,584 73, 601 69, 996 73, 685 81. 679 74, 296 73,012 74, 410 76,316 76, 095 90,776 92, 573 92,311 97,476 87,610 88,185 Passenger automobUes a n d motorcycles » 48,201 65, 265 43, 365 42, 723 59,351 81, 403 77,172 1,424 1,222 2, 558 25, 893 204,680 270,958 332,812 452.066 653,363 578,149 785, 716 867,482 1,047,813 1,376,372 1,144,233 1,170.003 1.039,272 1,331,292 1, 228. 629 1, 300. 440 1, 559, 510 1, 745,969 1, 887,691 1.492, 225 1,413,833 1,630,777 1,863,956 1,753, 327 1, 696,112 Radio Refriger- a n d teleAutomo- Parts and ators, vision re- Electric, bile Thes, accesBusiness gas, a n d E l e c t r i c a l ceiving trucks a n d store freezers, tubes, sories for energy oU a p air-con- sets a n d and maa n d tread autochines 10 ditioners, p h o n o - pliances 1° busses m o b i l e s ' rubber e t c . 11 graphs, p a r t s 10 7.000 9,031 6,697 6,008 7,866 10,747 18,361 4,230 3.247 20, 847 37.144 62,099 91.963 136, 797 123,630 121, 285 147, 445 210.032 149,914 134, 805 189, 434 199,298 206,104 215, 279 271, 938 236. 659 267, 200 303,144 350, 946 425,361 460, 069 468,910 447, 743 689,304 669,986 625, 290 7,110 10,086 7,989 7,935 10,630 13,084 28,088 20.478 31.551 49. 440 68,871 99, 932 122,951 120,138 88, 733 119,475 164,135 177. 924 134,759 136, 709 145, 797 157, 291 166, 720 166, 234 189,476 188.819 198. 077 224, 607 228, 762 252,874 196, 646 34, 640 76,226 81,387 84, 069 84, 078 32,208 40,819 31, 567 34,819 41, 555 51,054 64, 811 18,346 40, 334 75, 257 118,092 174, 927 159, 284 150,899 151,795 198,383 161, 328 180, 047 152. 567 164,316 177,872 251, 454 259,820 278,911 304, 466 279, 572 361. 662 398, 860 411, 483 440,467 481, 803 503, 753 489,139 631,527 614,795 693,377 6,972 6,461 3.760 10.120 15, 792 25,183 32,707 33,344 30, 012 44, 491 48, 515 50, 2.59 48, 992 57, 281 70,146 83.175 90, 658 93,894 99.370 98. 305 81, 719 74, 845 71,867 74,426 6,745 -461 10 -25 -1 -12 5,076 7,939 6,754 9,913 5.849 8,829 4,834 6. 958 6.080 9; 954 6,935 13, 279 19,144 Id, 246 5,561 6.966 3,402 2. 406 4, 753 1,637 9.229 13,385 37, 352 63,856 67, 267 58, 473 49,160 77,833 42,085 64, 316 128,187 96,319 118, 244 57. 970 159,383 87, 424 135,535 75.059 136,849 38,004 49,078 161,098 149,192 46, 894 146, 422 39. 379 152, 566 40, 593 169, 451 50,034 55. 920 148. 989 54, 638 173, 024 184. 220 61, 498 197, 595 62, 799 221,769 75,987 137 " - 3 , 761 - 2 , 650 1 4 - 1 , 3 2 9 436 597 31 -129 -30 -5 -10 129 17, 702 6,913 6,027 12,060 25, 492 65. 608 87, 858 80, 935 80, 406 121,996 89, 544 113,390 97, 415 50,859 71,064 75,196 61, 400 62.373 69, 276 64. 483 66. 435 68,171 77,576 80,983 5,367 -758 236 12 -94 -7 33, 575 35, 975 38,455 39,859 42.339 ^7,021 49, 978 48, 705 51,239 57,004 59,112 63,014 69, 701 79,347 85, 704 93,184 53.094 (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) ri3) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (13) (1») (13) (13) AU o t h e r 12 37,165 44,744 39,188 16. 323 11,957 12,609 57,406 54, 559 37,684 50,406 69, 365 113,052 128, 548 124.860 112, 966 140,706 122.059 134,613 122,488 93,883 110,171 123,374 127,004 135,728 152, 285 150, 826 154,129 163, 827 178.861 195.356 69, 773 36,941 45,706 51.367 53,427 61,897 Total manufacturers excise taxes 382,716 450,581 417,152 396,975 447,152 617, 373 771,898 504,746 503,462 782,511 922,671 1, 425,396 1, 649, 234 1, 771. 533 1,836,053 2, 383, 677 2,348, 943 2. 862, 788 2,689,133 2. 885,016 3, 456,013 3, 761, 925 3,974,135 3,958, 789 4, 735,129 4. 896.802 5,132, 949 5, 610, 309 6,020,543 6,418,145 6,613,869 6,478.347 6, 713,973 6,501.146 6,683, 061 6,695, 717 pi fel o Pi O fel W fel Ul o pi fel i> Pi Kj o fel Wfel t^ pi fel l> Ul d pi Kj Excise taxes— C o n t i n u e d Miscellaneous excise taxes RetaUers excise taxes i*" Flscalyear Jewelry 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1966 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Footnotes at end of table. 41,501 88,366 113, 373 184,220 223,342 236,615 217,899 210,688 190,820 210,239 220.339 234,659 209,266 142,366 152.340 156,604 156,134 156,382 165,699 168,498 176,023 181, 902 189,437 204,672 43,264 1,643 442 34 26 164 Furs 19,744 44,223 58,726 79,418 91,706 97,481 79,639 61,946 46,781 67,604 61,436 49,923 39,036 27,053 28,261 29,494 28, 544 29,909 30,207 29,226 31 163 29 287 30 016 31 390 3,179 204 287 10 1 ToUet preparations 18,922 32,677 44,790 86,616 95, 674 95, 542 91,852 93,969 94,995 106, 339 112,892 116,676 110,149 71,829 83, 776 92,868 98,158 107,968 120, 211 131, 743 144 594 158,361 176 857 195 833 40,898 1,218 131 -9 -1 -69 Luggage, handbags, wallets Gasoline (retaUers) tax) 8,343 73,861 81,423 84,588 80,632 82,607 77, 532 82,831 90,799 95,750 79,891 50,896 57.619 57,116 68.786 61,468 62,573 68,182 69,384 74,019 78,704 81,386 20,814 555 6 (•) (*) 82 4,753 T o t a l retaUers excise taxes 80,167 165,266 226,232 424,105 492,046 514, 227 469,923 449,211 409.128 457,013 476, 466 496,009 438,332 292,146 321.896 336,081 341, 621 356, 728 378,690 397, 649 421,163 443, 558 476,013 613,181 108,156 3,619 866 36 108 4,838 Toll telephone, telegraph, radio, and cable services i« 21,098 24, 570 23,977 24,094 26,368 27,331 48,231 91,174 141,275 208,018 234,393 252, 746 275,255 311, 380 312,339 354, 660 395,434 417,940 412,508 230,251 241, 543 266,186 279,375 292,412 312,055 343,894 350 566 364 618 379,608 458 057 907 917 1,101,853 1,105,478 1,316,378 1,469,662 1,624, 533 General telephone service 26,791 66,987 90,199 133, 569 145,689 164,944 193,521 224, 531 247, 281 290,320 310,337 357,933 359,473 290,198 315, 690 347,024 370,810 398,023 426,242 483,408 492 912 515, 987 630,688 620 880 (19) (10) (19) (19) • (1») (19) Transport a t i o n of persons 1' 21,379 87,132 153,683 234,182 226,750 244,003 246,323 251,389 228,738 237,617 275,174 287,408 247,416 200,465 214, 903 222,158 225.809 227; 044 255,459 264, 262 262 760 233 928 106,062 125 890 139,624 170,323 199,274 223,687 250,802 423,082 TransporAdmissions " t a t i o n of property ( i n c l u d m g General adcoal) missions Cabarets 82, 556 216,488 221,088 220,121 275, 701 317,203 337,030 321,193 381,342 388,589 419,604 395, 554 398.039 450,579 467,978 462,989 18143, 250 18 3,140 1,306 668 451 277 215 116 51 30 21, 585 15,773 18,186 19, 284 18,029 20, 265 68,620 107,633 138,054 178,563 300,589 343,191 392,873 385,101 385,844 371,244 346.492 330,816 312,831 271, 952 106,086 104,018 75,847 54,683 49,977 34,494 36, 679 39 169 42 789 47,053 51 968 45,668 358 76 -22 -35 -21 1,339 1,655 1,517 1,442 1,623 2,343 7,400 16,397 26,726 56,877 72,077 63,350 53,627 48,857 41,453 42,646 45.489 46,691 38, 312 39, 271 42,255 43,241 42, 919 46,117 49,605 33.603 35, 606 39, 794 41,026 43.623 36.736 3,041 1,074 33 -36 83 Ul Ul o fel ^;:^ ZO T A B L E 10.—Internal revenue collections hy tax sources, fiscal years 1936-71 ^—Continued [In thousands of doUars] Or O Excise t a x e s — C o n t i n u e d MisceUaneous excise t a x e s — C o n t i n u e d Fiscal year C l u b dues a n d initiation fees 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1967 1968 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1966" 1966 _ 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 "- - 6,091 6.288 6.551 6.217 6,336 6,583 6,792 6,620 9,182 14,160 18,899 23,299 26,499 27.790 28,740 30,120 33,692 36,829 31,978 41,963 47,171 54, 236 60,338 64,813 67,187 64,357 69, 452 71, 097 76.120 79,671 52,571 1.825 1.536 1,040 206 22 Sugar 30.669 65.414 68,145 74,835 68, 230 53,652 68,789 73, 294 56,732 59,152 71, 247 76,174 71,188 80,192 78,473 78,130 74,477 78,612 82,894 86,091 85,911 86,378 89,856 91,818 96, 636 99,903 95,411 97.109 102,932 104,203 102,270 108,191 113,309 113,666 Diesel a n d special motor fuels 20 7,138 15,091 17,969 22,692 24,464 39,454 46,061 52,628 71,869 88,856 105,178 113,012 128,079 162,188 159,326 182,147 201,918 224,657 257,712 266,388 Use tax on highway m o t o r vehicles weighing over 26,000 l b s . 20 27,163 33,117 32,632 38,333 45,675 79, 761 99, 481 100,199 102, 038 104,240 108,178 108,918 124,273 136,086 145,058 AU Other 21 44,656 46,964 49,410 46,900 43,171 45,143 131,461 192,460 193,017 188,700 172,249 75,176 88,035 . 89,799 98,732 79,210 82,430 88,708 86,889 85.166 84,981 89,132 79,316 43,879 38,688 43,767 37,661 38, 696 43,206 64,447 55, 236 60,083 138,269 149,309 115,616 159,876 T o t a l misceUaneous excise taxes 88,957 97,561 131,307 162,096 165,907 224,855 417,916 734,831 1,076,921 1,430,476 1,490,101 1, 651, 245 1,655,711 1,752,792 1.720.908 1,842,598 1,947,472 2,061,164 1,936, 527 1,492, 633 1,608,497 1,718,509 1,741,327 1,435,953 1,386,829 1,497, 526 1, 670, 258 1, 619, 656 1, 646,631 1,786, 056 1,603,364 1,732,062 1,858,843 2,147, 647 2,342, 222 2, 764,162 Unclassified T o t a l excise excise taxes 22 taxes 114,687 -31,209 66,237 -32,749 66,351 99,644 -80,943 101, 468 66, 251 106,387 -32,119 37,933 675,867 288,480 159,458 38, 059 408, 072 1,547,293 1,764,561 1,730,853 1,768,113 1,884,512 2,399,417 3,141,183 3,797,503 4,463,674 5,944,630 6, 684,178 7, 283,376 7,409,941 7,678,846 7,598,405 8,703,599 8,971,158 9,946,116 9,517,233 9, 210,582 10,004,195 10, 637,544 10,814,268 10,759,549 11,864,741 12,064,302 12,752,176 13, 409, 737 13,950,232 14,792,779 13,398,112 14,113, 748 14,320,396 15,542,787 16, 904, 264 16, 869, 923 Taxes n o t otherwise classified 23 71,637 2* 7,362 2* 5, 269 2415,482 2* 7,024 2< 6,444 Grand total Pi fel •nd O Pi 3,520, 208 4,653,196 6,658,766 5,181,574 5,340,452 7,370,108 13,047,869 22,371,386 40,121,760 43,800,388 40, 672,097 39,108,386 41,864,542 40,463,125 38,957,132 50,446, 686 65,009,586 69, 686, 535 69,919,991 66,288,692 76,112,649 80,171,971 79,978,476 79,797,973 91,774.803 94,401,086 99, 440, 839 105, 925,395 112. 260. 257 114.434.634 128, 879, 961 148,374,815 153, 636,838 187,919,560 195, 722, 096 191,899, 692 O fel t ^ W fel i o Pi fel H > Pi O fel fel Pi fel Pi *Less than $500. ' Revised 1 Forfigm-esfor 1863-1915, see 1929 Annual Report, p. 419; for 1916-28, see 1947 Annual Report, p. 310; and for 1929-35, see 1963 Report, p. 486. 2 Withheld hicome taxes and old-age insurance taxes on employees and employers have been deposited in Treasury without separation as to type of tax since December 1960; since December 1956, disabiUty insurance taxes, and since June 1965, hospital insurance taxes have been deposited in the same way. For the same periods, the old-age insurance and disabiUty insurance taxes on the seU-employed have been combined with "Income taxes other." The distribution of amounts of these taxes by type is based on estimates made by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with provisions of sec. 201(a) of the Social Secmity Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 401(a)). "Individual income taxes withheld" by employers, 1951-56, include amounts subsequently transferred to the Government of Guam, under the provisions of the act approved Aug. 1, 1950 (48 U.S.C. 1421h); since 1956 these amounts are excluded. 3 Beginnhig with 1952, includes the tax on business income of exempt organizations. Income tax on the Alaska Railroad was included untU repealed, effective with taxable years ending after June 30, 1952. * Repealed for years endhig after June 30,1945. 6 Beginning with 1954, includes taxes coUected in Puerto Rico upon products o^ Puerto Rican manufacture coming into the United States. Tobacco taxes "other" repealed effective Jan. 1,1966 (PubUc Law 89-44). 6 Through 1956. "Distilled spirits" included amounts collected by Customs on Imports of both distiUed spirits and beer. Begiiming with 1957, imported beer is included with "Beer." ' Includes stamp taxes on issues, transfers, and sales of bonds, capital stock, and simUar interest sales untU repealed effective June 22, 1965 (Public Law 89-44) and taxes on sUver buUion sales or transfers until repealed effective June 5, 1963 (Public Law 88-36). Tax on foreign insurance policies (1 cent or 4 cents per $1 of premium) payable by return on and after Jan. 1, 1966 (Public Law 89-44 and Treasury Decision 6868). Deeds of conveyance, $100 to $600s> 55 cents; each additional $500 or fraction thereof, 55 cents, repealed effective Jan. 1,1968 (Public Law 89-44). 8 Passenger automobUes, rate 10 percent through May 14, 1965; 7 percent for May 15, 1965-Dec. 31, 1965; 6 percent Jan. 1, 1966-Mar. 15, 1966 (Public Law 89-44). Under the Tax Adjustment Act of 1966, rate restored to 7 percent effective Mar. 16,1966 (Public Law 89-368). The rate was scheduled to drop to 2 percent on Apr. 1, 1968, but was continued at 7 percent to Apr. 30, 1968, by Joint Resolution (Public Law 90-285). Under the Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of June 28, 1968 (Public Law 90364) the rate was restored, retroactively, to 7 percent. Motorcycles, repealed effective Sept. 1,1955 (Public Law 379). » Parts and accessories for automobUes (except truck parts), repealed effective Jan. 1, 1966 (Public Law 89-44). 10 Repealed, effective June 22,1965 (Public Law 89-44). 11 Air conditioners, repealed, effective May 15,1965; refrigerators and freezers, repealed effective June 22,1965 (Public Law 89-44), 12 Includes manufacturers excise taxes on jewelry (1932, repealed by the Revenue Act of 1936), furs (1932, repealed effective June 30, 1938), and toUet preparations (1939, repealed effective Oct. 1, 1941): beginning 1942 includes manufacturers excise taxes on phonograph records, musical instruments, and luggage, repealed effective June 22,1968 (Public Law 89-44). The tax on phonograph records through 1941 was included in "Radio and television receiving sets and phonograph parts." See also footnote 21. 13 Repealed by Revenue Act of 1951. Collections for the years subsequent to 1952 are Included under "MisceUaneous excise taxes, All other." 14 Negative figure stems primarUy from floor stock credits taken on certain taxes repealed by the Excise Tax Reduction Act of 1965. 19 General and toU telephone and teletypewriter service reduced to 3 percent, effective Jan. 1, 1966. Private communications service, telegraph service, and wire equipment service, repealed, effective Jan. 1,1966 (PubUc Law 89-44). For general and toU telephone service and for teletypewriter exchange service, the rate ol tax on amounts paid on biUs first rendered on or after Apr. 1.1966, for services rendered after Jan. 31,1966, is increased from 3 percent to 10 percent ofthe amount paid (PubUc Law 89-368). For general and toU telephone service and for teletypewriter exchange service, the rate of tax was scheduled to be reduced from 10 percent to 1 percent on amounts paid on biUs first rendered on or after Apr. 1,1968. PubUc Law 90-285 continued the 10-perceiit rate to Apr. 30,1968; the Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of June 28, 1968 (Public Law 90-364) retroactively restored the 10-percent rate. 18 Rate of 10 percent repealed eflective Nov. 16, 1962, except on air transportation which was reduced to 5 percent. " Repealed effective noon Dec. 31,1965. 18 Repealed effective Aug. 1,1958 (26 U.S.C. 4292 note). 10 After fiscal 1966, included in "Toll telephone, telegraph, radio, and cable services." 20 Beginning with fiscal 1957, collections are applied in accordance with provisions of the Highway Revenue Act of 1956, as amended (23 U.S.C. 120 note). 21 Includes certain dehnquent taxes coUected under repealed laws and various other taxes not shown separately. 22 Includes undistributed depositary receipts and unapplied collections of excise taxes. 23 Consists of agricultural adjustment taxes. 24 Beginning with 1956, includes unidentified and excess collections, and profits from sale of acquhed property. UntU 1955, such amounts were included in "Miscellaneous excise taxes, AU other." For 1955-57, includes depositary receipts outstanding 6 months or more for which no tax accounts were identified. NOTE.—These figures are from Internal Revenue Service reports of collections. For years prior to 1955, they are not directly comparable to gross budget receipts from internal revenue; the differences in amounts occur because of differences in the time when payments are included in the respective reports. Through 1954, the payments were included in Internal Revenue Service collection reports after the returns to which they applied had been received in internal revenue offices. Begirming with 1955, tax payments are included in budget receipts when reported in the Account of the Treasurer of the United States. Under arrangements begun in 1950, for withheld income tax and old-age insurance taxes and later extended to railroad retirement taxes and many excises, these taxes are paid currently into Treasury depositaries and the depositary receipts, as evidence of such payments, are attached to quarterly returns to the Internal Revenue Service. Under this procedure, the payments are included in budget receipts in the month in which the depositary receipts are issued to taxpayers. Revised accounting procedures, effective July 1, 1954, extended this practice to Internal Revenue Service collection reports, so that these reports include depositary receipts in the month in which they are issued instead of the month in which tax returns supported by the receipts are received in the directors' offices. It is not possible to make a complete classification of excise taxes paid into depositaries until the returns are received. Accordingly, the item "Unclassified excise taxes" includes the amount of "undistributed depositary receipts," i.e., the amount of depositary receipts issued, less the amount of depositary receipts received with returns and distributed by classes of tax, and beginning Jan. 1, 1968, amounts of Federal tax deposit forms purchased and not yet applied to taxpayers' liabilitiesj Ul Ul O > fel CTI 52 1971 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 11.—Internal revenue collections and refunds hy States, fiscal year 1971 [In thousands of doUars] States, etc. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas.-_ Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland i Massachusetts Michigan. _ Minnesota _ Mississippi. Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico. New York.. North Carolina.. :.. North D a k o t a . . . Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina. __ South Dakota Tennessee.. Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington WestVirginia Wisconsin Wyoming--International 2 Undistributed: Federal tax deposits and depositary receipts 3 Transferred to Government of Guam Withheld taxes of Federal employees 4_ Gasoline, lubricating oil, and excess FICA credits 8 Unclassified.. Clearing account for excise taxes—aviation fuel and oil—Air Force and N a v y Total Individual income and employment 1,178, 270 169,007 810,127 643.736 13,834, 273 2, 309, 502 2,913,753 674, 267 3,473,644 2, 293,358 510,325 412,062 10,357,685 2, 904,363 1, 242,541 1,026, 376 1,168, 243 1,425, 794 399,814 4,163, 268 4, 224,700 7,722,903 2,723, 636 643, 203 3,759,892 247,710 892,829 331,025 381.737 6, 200,832 366, 902 20, 975, 335 2, 277,975 212,476 8,324, 237 1,199, 279 1,125,345 8,986,102 684, 007 865,481 203, 644 1,625,638 6,277,877 416,415 191,305 2,045,281 1,911,101 583,857 2,489, 730 133,839 1,368, 716 397,895 Excise taxes Estate and gift taxes 180, 243 15,884 131, 671 82,667 2,025, 799 199, 647 698, 271 426.054 592.055 524,759 74,022 49, 353 2,581,049 665,045 252,939 176,028 324, 595 264,080 64,435 456, 363 838,807 1, 641,460 616,629 88,400 796, 268 30,493 150,828 60,770 53, 648 1, 395,769 34,360 7,430,056 706,189 22,144 1, 749, 783 272, 502 158, 664 1,316,200 135,061 162,657 25,256 308,691 1,229,479 67,652 26,891 341,280 291,126 117,903 686,289 11,929 67,147 112, 626 3,952 6,586 37,195 1,312,109 193,466 264,705 27,910 163,385 231, 785 14,892 6,831 1,074,824 414, 231 30,623 36,251 1,187,850 74,306 8,754 346,509 299,673 2, 500,540 136,710 26, 908 437,368 3,966 82,162 14,188 15,932 516,809 8, 667 1,302,890 1,282,181 6,948 995, 670 337,349 36,301 1,067,155 12,444 22,886 6,848 65, 718 1,056, 640 15, 508 2,093 585,264 147,984 19,853 240, 612 19,358 97,141 22,976 653 45,810 13,047 457,727 29, 250 114,923 22,157 172,040 43,915 8,813 6,218 263, 085 60,001 41,919 38, 561 30,387 40,289 19,688 102, 580 159,774 120,537 60,709 16,104 81,079 8,594 24,036 16,995 13,570 143,462 11,173 694,660 49, 099 4,513 167,719 35, 696 24,678 209,332 25, 655 22,938 5,841 33.785 211,611 10,846 5,836 57,182 49, 604 11,903 60,925 6,242 16,357 111, 043 -19,323 . Total collections 1,494,115 189,496 994,095 676,535 17, 629,907 2,731, 766 3,881, 652 1,150, 389 4,401,124 3,093,816 608,051 473,463 14, 276, 643 3,943,639 1,568,022 1, 276,205 2,711,076 1,804,469 492,691 6,057,721 5,522,954 11, 985,441 3,627, 583 674, 615 5,074, 608 290,754 1,149,855 422,977 464,887 7, 256,872 421,102 30,302,941 4, 316,444 246,081 11, 237,410 1,844,825 1,343,988 11,578, 789 857,168 1,073,962 241,489 2,023,831 8, 775,407 510,421 226,123 3,029,008 2,399,815 733, 516 3,377,657 171,368 1, 649,361 -10,092 . -299,206 . -299,206 , 609,193 26,451 634,643 -202 . 8 140,791,111 30,454,375 HO, 869,923 3,784,283 Refunds of taxes 186, 610 34,489 142,896 87, 209 2, 626,741 185,100 345,100 64,361 488, 209 285,941 80,145 49,497 1,131,474 375, 670 161.790 141,290 173,027 224,189 63,440 447,758 623,919 1,305, 692 333,817 92,186 444,129 39,947 91,129 68,876 62, 210 692,615 69,960 2, 205,858 272, 554 26,459 923,521 169.643 170, 632 1,016, 551 85,883 125, 382 28,803 221, 684 786,108 79,300 29,022 293.791 308,360 90,238 322,960 20,260 95, 556 489,615 . -10,092 . See footnotes a t end of table. Corporation income taxes 634,643 2,498 -202 191,899,692 8 18,890,427 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 53 T A B L E 11.—Internal revenue collections and refunds by States, fiscal year 1971—Continued Individual income and employment taxes States, etc. Corporation income taxes Estate and gift taxes Excise taxes Total coUections Refunds not identifiable by State: North Atlantic Mid-Atlantic. Southeast.. Central Mid-West Southwest Western Refu-^ds of taxes 3,131 1,551 681 513 2,835 1,894 895 1 Includes the District of Columbia. 2 Collections from and refunds to U.S. taxpayers in Puerto Rico, Canal Zone, and in foreign countries. 3 Consists of amounts of Federal tax deposit forms pm-chased and not yet apphed to taxpayers' habilities and the amounts of depositary receipts issued, less the amounts of depositary receipts received with returns and distributed by State. 4 Net transactions in the clearing account on the central books of the Treasury for withheld income taxes from salaries of Federal employees. * Represents credits aUowable on inconie tax returns for certain gasoline and lubricating oil tax paynients and for excess social security payments under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). 8 Includes $38.4 biUion transferred to the Federal old-age and smvivors insurance trust fund, the Federal disability insurance trust fund, the raihoad rethement accounts, the Federal hospital insurance trust fund, and the unemployment trust fund for benefit payments within the States. 7 Includes $5.7 biUion gasoline and certain other highway user levies transferred to the highway trust fund for highway, construction in States, in accordance with the Highway Revenue Act of 1966, as amended (23 U.S.(3. 120 note). Also includes internal revenue coUections made by Customs. 8 Includes reversals due to Individual Master File cancelled checks and undelivered refund checks not obtainable by districts, Also inclusive of the reimbursement of $648 miUion to the general fund from the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund, the Federal disabihty insurance trust fund, the highway trust fund, and the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (42 U.S.C. 1101(b)(3)), which is the estimated aggreate of refunds due on taxes collected and transferred, g NOTE.—Receipts in the various States do not indicate the Federal tax burden of each since, in many instances, taxes are coUected in one State from residents of another State, For example, withholding taxes reported by employers located near State Unes may include substantial amounts withheld from salaries of employees who reside in neighboring States. Likewise payments of refunds within a State may not be apphcable to the coUections within that State since refunds are payable in the State of residence or principal place of business of the taxpayer which may not be the point at which coUections are made. Collections in full detail by tax source and region are shown in the "Annual Report of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue" and in lesser detail in the "Combined Statement of Receipts, Expenditures and Balances of the United States Government." T A B L E 12.—Deposits of earnings by the Federal Reserve hanks, fiscal years 1947-71 ^ 1947-1968 Boston $791,163,482.17 NewYork 3,907,329,282.64 Philadelphia... 856,489,479.19 Cleveland 1,257,231,382.54 Richmond 989,863,118.45 Atlanta.. 768,904,055.00 Chicago 2,586,772,620.23 St. Louis 567, 219,959. 77 Mmneapolis.... 306,817,482.60 KansasCity... 598,253,730.52 Dallas 572,422,108.50 SanFrancisco.. 1,879,220,003.77 1969 1970 • $137,265,595.37 679,318,676.37 137,452,016.24 204,006,197.15 193,230,279.64 135,808,935.41 444,416,901.57 88, 062,856. 34 48,513,473.72 98,647,787.90 109,B9S,436.62 384,902,922.87 $162,919,883.84 826,779,619.71 170,361,653.04 256,565,959.16 237,639,058.05 168,028,374.20 544,165,89L 49 109, 310, 732.16 59,401,493.66 118,790,416.77 13*?, 154,190.56 473,7.83,004.08 1971 Cimiulative through 1971 $172,432,855.18 $1,263,781,816.56 918,887,523.82 6,332,315,102.54 181,615,304.78 1,345,918,452.25 273,641,042.63 1,991,444,581.48 260,034,654.60 1,680,767,110.54 170,380,347.90 1,243,121,712.51 688,029,815.85 4,163,385,229.14 120, 915, 256. 34 885,508,804. 61 62,695,865.66 477,428,316.64 127,528,911.57 943,220,846.76 153,672,469.41 974,147,195.09 503,135,114.11 3,241,041,044.83 T o t a l . . . . 15,081,686,705.38 2,661,524,078.10 3,265,900,276.72 3,532,969,151.75 24,542,080,211.95 1 Through 1959, consists of approximately 90 percent of earnings of the Federal Reserve banks after payment of necessary expenses and statutory dividends, and after provisions for restoring the surplus of each bank to 100 percent of subscribed capital where it fell below that amount. Beginning in 1960, pursuant to a decision by the Board of Governors ofthe Federal Reserve System, consists of aU net earnhigs after dividends and after provisions for building up surplus to 100 percent of subscribed capital at those bariks where smplus is below that amount and also of the amounts by which surplus at the other banks exceed subscribed capital. Beginning in 1965, the sm-plus is maintained at the level of the paid-in capital instead of subscribed capital. 54 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 13.—Customs collections and payments by regions and districts, fiscal year 1971 I. Regions a n d districts B o s t o n region: D i s t r i c t offices: Boston Bridgeport Buffalo Ogdeiisbmg P o r t l a n d , Maine Providence St.Albans CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS Duties - -. -. T o t a l B o s t o n region $91,670,212 12,197.226 48,096,482 32,588,694 5,651,466 6,187,366 7,769,977 Miscellaneous Customs coUections $338, 742 60, 201 234,191 118, 529 374, 670 18,520 33,174 Internal Revenue $26,018, 883 9,387,748 9, 283, 955 41,640,061 63,161 1, 821,785 5, 654,931 Total $117, 927,837 21, 645,175 67, 614, 628 74,347, 284 6,089, 297 7,027,671 13,458,082 203,061, 423 1,178,027 93,870,624 298,109, 974 N e w Y o r k regional office 988,031,693 2,515, 934 177,822, 721 1,168,370,348 B a l t i m o r e region: D i s t r i c t offices: Baltimore Norfolk Philadelphia Washington 80,861, Oil 66,862,348 120,664,646 3, 702,962 440,473 665,513 655,870 43,182 29, 457, 201 4,334, 663 26,004,882 9, 761,431 110,758, 685 71, 862,524 147,325,398 13,507,675 272,090, 967 1,806,038 69,558,177 343,454,182 35,671,171 29,973,334 0 0 16,870,580 28,457,464 39,440,521 95, 471 205,998 0 274,321 78,416 277,305 89,472 2,110,043 15,042,622 54 99, 662 4, 842,150 9,804,123 2,415, 769 37,876,685 45, 221,954 54 373,983 21, 791,146 38,638,892 41,946,762 150, 413,070 1,020,983 34,314, 423 185,748, 476 8,025,634 83, 296,560 197, 279 1,080,102 2,196, 638 9, 660,767 10, 419, 551 94,036,419 91, 321,194 1, 277,381 12,934,381 7,461,663 58,042,219 26,642,390 2,746,472 179, 247 133, 913 403, 681 261,635 77,812 T o t a l B altimore region M i a m i region: D i s t r i c t offices: Charleston Miami P u e r t o Rico San J u a n Savannah Tampa Wilmington T o t a l M i a m i region N e w Orleans region: D i s t r i c t offices: Mobile N e w Orleans T o t a l N e w Orleans region. H o u s t o n region: D i s t r i c t offices: ElPaso Galveston... Houston Laredo PortArthm... .--. T o t a l H o u s t o n region L o s Angeles region: D i s t r i c t offices: LosAngeles... Nogales SanDiego T o t a l L o s Angeles region S a n Francisco region: D i s t r i c t offices: Anchorage G r e a t Falls Honolulu P o r t l a n d , Oreg S a n Francisco Seattle .-. T o t a l S a n Francisco region .-. 11,857,395 104,456, 970 3, 634, 678 503, 697 16,063,070 589,509 7,789 16,748,206 8,099,273 74,508,970 27,383,434 2,832,073 107,727,125 1,046,188 20, 798, 643 129,571, 956 280,397,298 20,256,875 14,606,057 960, 384 91,615 420,691 40,592, 018 35,702 245,882 321,939, 700 20, 384, 092 16, 272,530 316.260.230 1,462, 490 40,873,602 357,696, 322 2,655,005 5,004,821 14,097,553 32,310,605 117,821,650 68,371,357 103,392 39, 079 634,178 358, 270 628,878 581, 254 139. 475 3,400 2, 297. 216 1,634, 432 37,126,336 20,452,398 2,797,872 5, 047, 300 17, 028,947 34, 303,307 155,676,864 89, 406, 009 240,160,991 2, 345, 051 61,653, 257 304,159, 299. 55 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 13.- -Customs collections and payments hy regions and districts, fiscal year 1971—Continued Regions and districts Duties Chicago region: District offices: Chicago Cleveland Detroit Duluth Milwaukee Minneapolis Pembina St. Louis $112,371,353 42,945,689 90,029,226 7,823,464 7,885,868 7,929,051 5,653,262 14,667,553 Total Chicago region.. Total aU regions MisceUaneous Customs coUections $533,914 224,194 300,728 25,397 68,016 29, 299 27,789 31,038 289,295,466 1,230,374 2,657,362,159 13,881,466 Internal Revenue Service $44, 030, 378 62, 920,480 166,793,171 28,099 3,638,470 3,866,278 47,842 8, 016,818 289,341,636 800, 090, 278 Total $166,935,646 106, 090,363 257,123,125 7,876, 960 11,582,353 11,824,628 5,728,893 22,706,409 679,867,376 3, 471, 333,903 II. EXPENDITURES BY CUSTOMS Region Collections total Boston $298,109,974 NewYork. 1,168,370,348 Baltimore 343,454,182 Miami. 185,748,476 NewOrleans.... 104,455,970 Houston 129,571,956 LosAngeles 357,596,322 SanFrancisco-. 304,159,299 Chicago 679,867,376 Unassigned Payments Excess duty and similar Drawback refunds Total CoUections net Expenses (net obhgations) $1,312,837 $2,024,666 $3,337,403 $294,772,671 $16,061,381 10,143,678 10,516,232 20,669,910 1,147,710,438 38,127,047 2,596,203 5,915,811 8,512,014 334,942,168 10,058,791 718,042 5,853,877 6,571,919 179,176,657 9,598,181 318,832 589,932 908,764 103,547,206 4,957,140 3,667,907 3,175,156 6,843,063 122,728,893 15,594,026 2,250,578 1,314,160 3,664,738 354,031,684 15,357,454 2,116,615 1,574,251 3,690,866 300,468,433 16,482,467 3,667,907 9,655,241 13,323,148 566,544,228 15,104,567 -1,456,304 -1,456,304 -1,456,304 6,449,875 Grand total - - -. 3,471,333,903 25,336, 295 40,619,226 66,955,521 3,402,465,774 147,780,928 Cost to coUect $100 $5.44 3.32 3.00 6.35 4.79 12.71 4.33 6.48 2.66 4.34 56 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 14.—Summary of customs collections and expenditures, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 [On basis of Bureau of Customs accounts] SCHEDULE 1.—COLLECTIONS BY CUSTOMS 1970 Collections: Duties: Consumption entries Warehouse withdrawals MaU entries Passenger baggage entries Crew member baggage entries. Military baggage entries Informal entries Appraisement entries Vessel repair entries Otherduties.... 1971 Percentage increase, or decrease (—) $2,228,450,316 $2,403,533,260 216,860,252 205,976,493 22,740,472 23,028,802 5,469,566 6,059,032 1,183,207 1,104,815 436,406 552,819 16,380,258 13,707,985 255,746 225,656 1,490,067 1,827,205 1,059,994 1,346,093 Total duties... Miscellaneous: Violations of Customs laws Marine inspection and navigation services Testing, inspecting, and gradiiic Miscellaneous taxes Fees Unclaimed funds Recoveries AU other customs receipts Total misceUaneous. Internal revenue taxes Total collections 2,494,316,274 2,657,362,160 6,372,245 9, 286 74,168 7,586,465 158,758 133,731 16,894 31,637 6,045,387 343 78,980 7,182,147 1501822 374,973 25,431 23,382 13,383,174 792,507,301 3,300,206,749 13,881,465 800,090,278 3,471,333,903. 7.8 -5.0 1.3 10.8 -6.6 26.7 -16.3 -11.7 22.6 27.0 6.5 12.5 -96.3 6.5 -5.3 -4.9 180.3 50. 5 , -26.0 3.7 1.0 5.1 SCHEDULE 2.—SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF O P E R A T I N G FUNDS 1970 Source of funds: Appropriation realized—"Salaries and expenses. Bureau of Customs" Net transfers—nonexpenditure transactions Reimbursements from: Agricultme—quarantine program. Commerce—export control program .Transportation—air security program State—foreign customs assistance program. Reimbursable services—Acts of 1911 and 1936 AU other sources Total funds provided Application of funds by program: Processing of arriving persons and cargo Investigations—law enforcement Internal audit Executive dh-ections Total funds applied Withdrawn appropriation balance Refunds: Excessive duties and simUar refmids Drawback payments Total '.. 1971 Percentage increase, or decrease (—) $128,595,720 —59,672 $148,000,000 —160,126 15.08 168.34 2,804,900 1,834,500 5.47 —14.68 723,393 17,216,275 5,623,428 2,958,400 1,565,300 12,456,313 647,093 21,718,409 4,688,658 156,738,544 191,874,047 22.41 123,839,101 20,622,251 1,226,462 11,031,998 139,969.654 34,699,596 1,630,999 15,514,850 13.02 68. 26 32.98 40.63 156,719,812 191,815,099 22.39 18,732 58,948 214.69 23,989,947 40,088,887 64,078,834 25,336,295 40,619,226 65,955,521 5. 61 1.32 2.93 —10. 55 26.15 -16.62 57 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 15.—Postal receipts and expenditures, fiscal years 1926-71 P o s t a l revolving fund as r e p o r t e d t o t h e T r e a s u r y b y t h e P o s t Office D e p a r t m e n t Postal expenditures i Year Postal revenues Extraordinary expenditures as r e p o r t e d u n d e r act of J u n e 9,1930 Other S u r p l u s , or deficit ( - ) Advances Surplus from t h e revenue Treasury to p a i d i n t o t h e cover postal T r e a s u r y a deficiencies' $39,669,718 « $679,792,180 714,628,189 725,755,017 782,408.754 764,030.368 -$19,972,379 -31,606.201 -32,121,096 -85.461,176 -98,216,987 * $39,506.490 27.263.191 32,080.202 94.699.744 91,714.461 48.047,308 63,304,423 61,691.287 66.623.130 69,637,252 764,482,266 740,418,111 638,314,969 664,143,871 627,066,001 -146,066.190 -205.550.611 -112,374.892 -44,033,835 -65,807,951 145,643,613 202.876.341 117,380.192 62,003,296 63.970,405 666.343.356 726.201,110 728.634,051 745,955.075 766,948.627 68, 685,283 51. 587.336 42, 799, 687 48, 540.273 53.331.172 685,074.398 721.228, 506 729,645,920 736.106.665 754,401.694 -88,316.324 -46.614,732 -43.811.556 -38.691.863 -40.784.239 86.038,862 41,896.946 44,258.861 41,237,263 40,870,336 1941 1942 1943 1944 1946 812.827.736 859.817.491 966.227.289 1,112.877,174 1,314,240,132 58.837,470 73.916,128 122,343,916 126, 639, 650 116,198,782 778.108.078 800,040,400 830,191,463 942,345,968 1.028.902.402 -24.117.812 -14,139.037 13.691,909 43,891,666 169,138,948 30,064,048 18.308.869 14,620.875 8—28,999,996 649,769 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1,224,572.173 1,299,141,041 1,410,971,284 1,571,851,202 1,677,486,967 100,246,983 92,198,225 96,222,339 120,118,663 119.960,324 1,253,406,696 1,412,600,631 1, 691,583,096 2,029,203,465 2,102,988,758 -129,081.506 -205.657,716 -276.834,152 -677,470.926 -645.462,114 1951 1952 1953 1954 6 1955 9 1,776.816.354 1.947.316,280 2,091,714,112 2,263,389,229 2,336,667,658 104,895, 553 107,209,837 103,445,741 (7) (0 2,236,503, 513 2,659,650,634 2,638,680, 670 2,576,386, 760 2.692.966. 698 -564.582,711 -719,644,090 -650,412,299 -311,997,531 -356,299,040 624.169.406 740,000,000 660,121,483 621,999,804 285.261,181 1956 8. 1967 8 1968 8 1959 8 1960 8 2,419,211,749 2,547.689,618 2.583.459,773 3,061.110,753 3.334,343,038 (7) (7) (8) (9) (8) 2,882,291,063 3.066.126,065 3,257.452.203 3,834.997,671 3.821,959,408 -463,079.314 -617,636,447 -673.992.431 -773.886.918 -487,616,370 382.311,040 616.502.460 921,750,883 605.184,335 669,229,167 19618 1962 8 1963 8 1964 8 1965 8 3.482,961,182 3,609,260,097 3,869,713,783 4,393,616,717 4,662,663,166 (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) 4,347.945.979 4.343,436,402 4,640,048,550 4,971,215,682 6,467,205,453 -864,984.797 -734,176,305 -770.334,767 -577,698,965 -804,642,298 824,989.797 773.739.374 817,693,516 698,626,276 764,090,620 1966 6 1967 6 1968 6 1969 8 1970 6 19716 6,038,666,873 5,326,427,981 5,714,395,043 6,352,768,003 6,570,127.625 6.906,594,243 (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) (8) 6,926,862.604 6.467.613.482 6. 793.911.210 9,090,004,693 -888,195,731 -1,141,185,601 -1,079,616,167 -920.333.700 -1.510.023.453 -2.183,410,451 941.698,236 1,174,402,607 1,133.664,184 1,736.039,917 2,676,910,509 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 $659,819,801 683,121,989 693,633,921 696,947,678 705,484,098 1931 1932 1933 1934 1936 656,463,383 688,171,923 587,631,364 586,733,166 630,796,302 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 ' $1,000,000 188,102.679 12,000,000 160.672.098 241.787.174 310.213.451 624.297,262 692,614,046 1 F r o m 1927 t o d a t e i n c l u d e s salary d e d u c t i o n s p a i d t o a n d deposited for credit t o t h e r e t i r e m e n t f u n d . 2 O n basis of w a r r a n t s - i s s u e d a d j u s t e d t o basis of d a i l y T r e a s u r y s t a t e m e n t s t h r o u g h 1947. 8 A d v a n c e s t o t h e P o s t m a s t e r G e n e r a l t o m e e t e s t i m a t e d deficiencies in postal r e v e n u e s , r e d u c e d b y r e p a y m e n t s from p r i o r y e a r a d v a n c e s . E x c l u d e s allowances for offsets of e x t r a o r d i n a r y e x p e n d i t u r e s or t h e cost of free m a U i n g s . F i g u r e s are on basis of w a r r a n t s - i s s u e d adjusted t o basis of daily T r e a s u r y s t a t e m e n t s t h r o u g h 1953, a n d thereafter on basis of t h e c e n t r a l a c c o u n t s of t h e U . S . G o v e m m e n t m a i n t a i n e d b y t h e D e p a r t m e n t of t h e T r e a s u r y . * E x c l u d e s $10,472,289 transferred t o t h e civU service r e t h e m e n t a n d disabUity f u n d on a c c o u n t of salary deductions. 8 R e p a y m e n t of u n e x p e n d e d p o r t i o n of prior y e a r s ' a d v a n c e s . 8 T r a n s a c t i o n s for 1964-71 a r e on t h e basis of cash receipts a n d e x p e n d i t u r e s as r e p o r t e d b y t h e P o s t Office D e p a r t m e n t . R e p o r t s of t h e P o s t m a s t e r G e n e r a l are on a modified accrual b a s i s . 7 See l e t t e r of t h e P o s t m a s t e r G e n e r a l in exhibits in a n n u a l r e p o r t s prior t o 1968. 8 U n d e r t h e a c t of M a y 27,1958 (72 S t a t . 143), t h e P o s t m a s t e r G e n e r a l is n o longer r e q u i r e d t o certify t h e e s t i m a t e d a m o u n t s of postage t h a t w o u l d h a v e b e e n coUected on c e r t a i n free or r e d u c e d - r a t e m a i l i n g s . N O T E . — F o r figures from 1789-1926 see A n n u a l R e p o r t for 1946, p . 419. 58 19 7 1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 16.—Seigniorage on coin and silver hullion, J a n u a r y 1, 1 9 3 5 - J u n e 30, 1971 Total seigmorage Potential seigniorage on coin (sUver, on silver buUion, clad, and minor) and other metals and on sUver at cost in TreasurbuUion revalued er's account, end of fiscal year i Fiscal year Jan. 1, 1935-June 30, 1964, cumulative 1965 1966 1967 1968... 1969 1970 1971 Jan. 1, 1935-June 30, 1971, cumulative $2,408,931,105.43 2 $7^ 520,617.15 116,996,658.41 648,804,126.79 836,734,039.35 383.141,339.00 250,170,276.34 274,217,884.01 399,652,811.18 6,560,393.72 950,051,328.32 980,037.560.91 759,844,047.56 700,000,000.00 n.a. n.a. 6,318,648,240.51 1 Not cumulative, as coinage metals held by the Treasurer of the LTnited States change, the potential seigniorage changes. Potential seigniorage also changes depending on the denomination of the coins manufactmed. 2 Represents potential seigruorage as of June 30,1964. n.a. Not available. Federal Debt I.—Outstanding T A B L E 17.—Federal securities outstanding, fiscal years 1954-71 [Public debt securities on basis of daily Treasury statements; agency securities on basis of administrative accounts and reports] Fiscal year 1954 1955.. 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971... Public debt securities i $271,259,599,108 274,374,222,803 272,750,813,649 270,527,171,896 276,343,217,746 284,705,907,078 286,330,760,848 288,970,938,610 298,200.822,721 305,859,632,996 311,712,899,257 317,273,898,984 319,907,087,795 326,220.937,795 347,678,406,426 353,720,253,841 370,918,706,950 398,129,744,455 Agency securities 2 $963,466,000 1.559.271,536 1,753,850,700 2,893,571,362 3,967,532,514 6,040,084,860 6,769.552,937 6.477,251,272 7,927,356,819 8,123,100,192 8,631,287,094 9,335,416,039 13,376,757,266 18,455,326,671 24,399,459,289 14,249,052,696 12,509,702,556 12,162,732,155 Total Federal securities $272,223,065,108 275,933,494,339 274,504,664,349 273,420,743,258 280,310,750,260 289,745,991,938 293,100,313,785 295,448,189,882 306.128.179.540 313,982,733,188 320,344,186,351 326,609,315,023 333,283,845,061 344.676.264.466 371,977,865.715 367,969,306,537 383,428,409,605 410,292,476,610 1 Includes certain securities not subject to statutory limitation. For amounts subject to limitation, see table 21. 2 For content see table 24. 59 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 18.—Federal securities held by the public, fiscal years 1954-71 [On basis of "Monthly Statenient of Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Government"] Fiscal year 1954. 1955-. 1956 1957 1958. 1959 1960 1961 1962.. 1963 1964 1965.1966.. 1967 1968.. 1969. 1970 1971 Federal securities i $272,223,065,108 275,933,494,339 274,504,664,349 273,420,743,258 280,310,750,260 289,745,991,938 293,100,313,785 295,448,189,882 306,128,179,540 313,982,733,188 320,344,186,351 326,609,315,023 333,283,845,061 344,676,264,466 371,977,865,715 367,969,306,537 383,428,409,505 410,292,476,611 Held by the public Deduct Investments of Government accounts $46,312,717,525 47,750,891,975 50,536,857,948 52,931,326,786 53,329,411,492 52,763,955,039 53,685,505,130 54,290,602,525 54,917,698,638 56,345,474,329 59,209,859,460 61,540,352,558 64,783,929,484 73,819,395,745 79,139,566,850 87,661,296,652 ^ 97,723,153,576 4 105,139,699,043 Special notes 2 $1,411,000,000 1,567,000,000 1,742,000,000 1,068,000,000 618,000,000 1,979,250,000 2,238,000,000 2,553,652,200 2,837,304,400 3,175,956,600 3,581,261,000 3,455,000,000 3,809,500,000 3,328,000,000 2,209,000,000 825,000,000 825,000,000 825,000,000 Total $224,499,347,583 226,615,602,364 222,225,806,401 219,421,416,472 226,363,338,768 235,002,786,899 237,176,808,655 238,603,935,157 248,373,176,502 254,461,302,259 257,553,065,891 261,613,962,465 264,690,415,577 267,528,868,721 290,629,298,865 279,483,009,885 284,880,255,929 304,327,777,567 Per capita 3 $1,382.46 1,371.14 1,321.03 1,281.11 1,299.89 1,325.72 1,312.66 1,298.48 1,330.65 1,343.39 1,340.58 1,344.42 1,344.24 1,343.60 1,444.82 1,375.30 1,391.01 P1, 471.04 p Preliminary. 1 For content see table 17. 2 Represents noninterest-bearing public debt securities issued to the International Monetary Fund and international lending organizations. 3 Based on the Bureau of the Census estimated population. Through 1958 the estimated population is for the conterminous United States, exclusive of Alaska, Hawaii, and the outlying areas, such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. Beginning with 1959 the estimates include Alaska and, with 1960, Hawaii. 4 For content see table 20. 449_442_72- 60 19 71 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 19.—Principal of the public debt, fiscal years 1790-1971 [On basis of P u b l i c D e b t accomits from 1790 t h r o u g h 1915, a h d on basis of daily T r e a s m y s t a t e m e n t s from 1916 to d a t e , see " B a s e s of T a b l e s " a n d Note] Date December 31— 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796.. 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805... 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 Date T o t a l gross pubUc debt, $76,463,477 77,227,926 80,368,634 78,427,406 80,747,687 83,762,172 82,064,479 79,228,629 78,408,670 82,976,294 83,038,051 80,712,632 77,054,686 86,427,121 82,312,151 75,723,271 -- 69,218,399 65,196,318 67,023,192 63,173,218 48,006,688 46,209,738 J u n e 30 1863 1854 1855 1856 1867 1868 1859 I860 1861 1862 1863 1864.... 1865 1866 1867.. 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872. 1873 1874. 1875 1876 1877 1878. 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885.. 1886 1887 1888.. 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893... 1894.. 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 Interestbearing 1 • $59,642,412 42,044,517 35,418,001 31,805,180 28,503,377 44,743,256 58,333,166 64,683,256 90,423,292 365,356,045 707,834,255 1,360,026,914 2,217,709,407 2,322,116,330 2,238,954,794 2,191,326,130 2,151,495,065 2,035,881,095 1,920,696,750 1,800,794,100 1,696,483,950 1,724,930,760 1,708,676,300 1,696.685.450 1.697.888.500 1,780.735,650 1.887.716.110 1.709.993,100 1,626,567,750 1,449,810,400 1,324,229,150 1,212,563,860 1,182,150,950 1,132,014,100 1,007,692,360 936,522,600 815,853,990 711,313,110 610,529,120 585,029,330 585,037,100 635,041,890 . 716,202,060 847,363,890 847,366,130 847,367,470 1,046.048,750 1,023.478.860 987,141,040 Footnotes a t e n d of t a b l e ; D e c e m b e r 31— 1812 1813 1814 1816 1816 1817 1818.. 1819 1820 1821.. 1822 1823 1824 1825. 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830. 1831 1832 T o t a l gross public debt D e c e m b e r 31— $65,962,828 1833 81,487,846 1834 ,99,833.660 1835 127.334.934 1836 123,491,966 1837 103.466.634 1838 96,629,648 1839 91,016,666 1840 89,987,428 1841 I 93,646,677 1842 90,876,877- J u n e 30— 90,269,778 1843 83,788,433 1844 81,054,060 1845 73,987,357 1846 67,475,044' 1847 58.421.414 1848 48,665,407 1849 39,123,192 1850 24.322,235 1861 7,011,699 1852 Matured debt on w h i c h interest h a s ceased $162,249 199,248 170,498 168,901 197,998 170.168 165,225 160,576 159,125 230, 520 171, 970 366,629 2,129,425 4,435,865 1, 739,108 1,246,334 5,112,034 3, 569, 664 1,948,902 7,926, 647 61, 929,460 3,216,340 11,425, 670 3, 902,170 16, 648, 610 5, 594.070 37.015.380 7.621.205 6,723,616 16.260. 556 7.831,165 19, 665,965 4,100, 745 9,704,195 6,114,915 2,495,845 1,911,236 1,815,556 1,614, 705 2,785,875 2,094,060 1,861,240 1,721,590 1,636,890 1,346,880 1,262,680 1,218,300 1,176,320 1,415,620 " Date D e b t bearing n o interest . . . . . . . . $158,591,390 411,767,456 455, 437,271 458, 090,180 429,211,734 409,474,321 390.873. 992 388,503,491 397,002. 610 399,406,489 401,270,191 . 402.796.935 431,785, 640 436,174, 779 430,268,158 393,222.793 373.088.595 374,181,153 373,294,667 386,994,363 390,844,689 389,898,603 393,087,639 392,299,474 413,941,255 451, 678,029 445,613,311 431, 705,286 409,267, 919 393,662,736 380,403, 636 374,300,606 380,004,687 378,989,470 373,728, 570 378,081, 703 384,112,913 389,433,654 238,761,733 233,016,686 T o t a l gross public debt» $59,804,661 42,243,765 35,588,499 31,974,081 28,701,376 44,913,424 58.498.381 64.843.831 90. 682.417 524,177,955 1.119,773,681 1,815,830,814 2,677,929,012 2,765,763,929 2, 650,168,223 2, 683,446,456 2,546,110, 690 2,436,453,269 2,322,052,141 2,209,990,838 2,151,210,345 2,159,932,730 2,156,276,649 2,130,845, 778 2,107,769,903 2,159,418,315 2,298,912,643 2,090,908,872 2,019,286,728 1,856,915,644 1,721,958,918 1,625,307,444 1,678.651.169 1, 555.669,550 1,465,486,294 1,384,631,656 1,249,470 511 1,122,396,584 1,005,806,561 968,218,841 961,431,766 1,016,897,817 1,096,913,120 1,222,729,350 1.226,793.713 1,232,743,063 1,436,700, 704 1,263,416,913 1,221,672,245 T o t a l gross pubUc d e b t $4,760,082 37,733 37,513 336,958 3,308,124 10,434,221 3,673,344 6,250,876 13,694,481 20,201,226 32,742,922 23,461,653 16.925,303 15,550,203 38,826,635 47,044,862 63,061,859 63,462,774 68,304,796 66,199,342 Gross d e b t per capita 2 $2.32 1.69 1.30 1.10 .93 1.69 1.91 2.06 2.80 15.79 32.91 52.08 76.01 75.42 70.91 67.61 65.17 61.06 66.72 52.65 50.02 49.05 47.84 46.22 44.71 44.82 46.72 41.60 39.18 36.16 31.83 29.35 27.86 26.86 24.75 22.89 20.23 17.80 15.63 14.74 14.36 14.89 15.76 17.25 16.99 16.77 19.21 16.60 16.74 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 61 TABLE 19.—Principal of the puhlic debt, fiscal years 1790-1971—Continued June 30 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1926 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1936 1936 1937 1938 1939.... 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1946 1946.. 1947 1948 1949 1960 1961 1962 1963 1954 1966 1966 1957 1968 1959.... 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Interestr bearing 1 $931,070,340 914,541,410 895,157,440 895,168,340 895,169,140 894,834,280 897,603,990 913,317,490 913,317,490 915,353,190 963,776,770 965,706,610 967,963,310 969,769,090 971,562,690 2,712,649,477 12,197,507,642 25,236,947,172 24,062,500,285 23,738,900,085 22,710,338,105 22,007,043,612 20,981,242,042 20,210,906,915 19,383,770,860 18,262,664.666 17,317,694,182 16,638,941,379 15,921,892,350 16,619,688,640 19,161,273,640 22,167,643,120 26,480,487,870 27,645,241,089 32,988,790,135 36,800,109,418 36,675,925,880 39,885.969,732 42,376,495,928 48,387,399,539 71,968,418,098 135,380,305,795 199.643,366,301 256,356,615,818 268,110,872,218 255,113,412,039 250,063,348,379 260,761,636,723 256,209,353,372 262,851,766,497 266,862,861,128 263,946,017,740 268,909,766,654 271,741,267,607 269,883,068.041 268,485,662,677 274,697,660,009 281,833,362,429 283,241,182,756 285.671,608,619 294,442,000,790 301,963,730,701 307,366,561,636 313,112,816,994 315,431,054,919 322,286,962,388 344,400,507,282 361,729,445,327 369.026,622,033 396,289,177,046 Matured debt onwhich Debt bearing interest has no interest ceased $1,280,860 1,206,090 1,970,920 1,370,246 1,128,136 1,086,815 4,130,016 2,883,866 2,124,895 1,879,830 1,760,450 1,659,550 1,552,660 1,607,260 1,473,100 14,232,230 20,242,650 11,176,250 6,745,237 10,688,160 25,260,880 98,738,910 30,278,200 30,268,980 13,369,900 14,718,685 45,335,060 60,749,199 31,716,870 61,819,096 60,079,385 65,911,170 54,266,830 230,662,155 169,363,395 118,629,815 141,362,460 142.283,140 204,691,190 204,999,860 98,299,730 140,600,090 200,861,160 268,667,135 376,406,860 230,913,536 279,751,730 244,767,468 264,770,706 612,046,600 418,692,165 298,420,670 437,184,656 688,601,480 666,051,697 629,241,586 697,324,889 476,465,003 444,608,630 349,355,209 437,627,514 310,415,640 295,293,165 292,259,861 307,673,987 284,262,674 253,982,180 460,746,130 365,990,460 321,508,840 $246,680,157 243,669,413 239,130,666 236,828,610 246,235,695 251.267,098 276,066,398 232,114,027 231,497,584 236,751,917 228,301,285 225,681,685 218,729,630 219,997,718 262,109,877 248,836,878 237,476,173 236,382,738 230,075,945 227,862,g08 227,792,723 243,924,844 239,292,747 276,027,993 246,085,566 244,523,681 241,263,969 241,397,906 231,700,611 .229,873,756 265,649,619 316,118,270 618,386,714 824,989,381 620,389,964 606,974,499 447,451,975 411,279,639 386,443,919 369,044,137 356,727,288 1,176,284,445 1,259,180,760 2,066,904,457 934,820,095 2,942,057,634 1,949,146,403 1,763,966,680 1,883,228,274 1,858,164,718 1,823,625,492 1,826,623,328 1,912,647,799 2,044,363,816 2,201,693,911 1,512,367,636 1,048,332,847 2,396,089,647 2,644.969.463 2,949,974,782 3,321,194,417 3,696,486,756 4,061,044,657 3,868,822,129 4,168,358,890 3,650,722,733 2,923,916,963 1,530,062,384 1,527,194,456 1,619,058,670 Total gross public debt 3 Grossdebt per capita 2 $1,178,031,357 $14.88 1,159,406,913. 14.38 1,136,269,016 13.83 1,132.367,095 13.61 1.142,622,970 13.37 1,147,178.193 13.19 1,177,690,403 13.28 1.148,315,372 12.69 1,146,939,969 12.41 1,153,984,937 12.29 1,193,838,506 12.62 1,193,047,745 12.27 1,188,235,400 11.99 1,191,264,068 11.85 1,225,146,668 12.02 2,976,618,586 28.77 12,465,225,366 119.13 26,484,506,160 242.66 24,299,321,467 228.23 23,977,450,653 220.91 22,963,381,708 208.65 22,349,707,366 199.64 21,260,812,989 186.23 20,516,193,888 177.12 19,643,216,316 167.32 18,611,906,932 155.61 17,604,293,201 146.09 16,931,088,484 139.04 16,185,309,831 131.61 16,801,281,492 135.46 19,487,002,444 156.10 22,538,672,660 179.48 27,053,141,414 214.07 28,700,892,625 226.65 33,778,643,494 263.79 36,424,613,732 282.76 37,164,740,316 286.27 40,439,632,411 308.98 42,967,631,038 326.23 48,961,443,636 367.09 72,422,446.116 537.13 136,696,090.330 999.83 201,003,387,221 1,462.44 258,682,187,410 1,848.60 269,422,099,173 1,905.42 258,286,383,109 1,792.05 252,292,246,513 1,720.71 262,770,369,860 1,694.75 267,357,352,361 1,696.67 255,221,976,816 1,664.20 259,105,178,785 1,650.84 266,071,061,639 1,667.48 271,269,699,108 1,670.41 274,374,222,803 1,660.11 272,760,813,649 . 1,62L38 270,627,171,896 1,679.60 276,343,217,746 1,686.89 284,705,907.078 1,606.11 286,330,760,848 1,584.70 288,970,938,610 1,572.58 298,200,822,721 1,697.60 306,869,632,996 1,614.74 311,712,899,257 1,622.49 317,273,898,984 1,630.46 319,907,087.796 1,624.66 326,220,937,795 1,638.36 347,678,406,426 1,727.94 353,720,253.841 1,740.64 370,918,706,950 1,81L12 398,129,744,466 0 1,923.12 p Preliminary. 1 Exclusive of bonds issued to the Pacffic raUroads (acts of 1862,1864, and 1878), since statutory provision was made to secure the Treasury against both principal and interest, and the Navy pension fund, which was not a debt as principal and interest were the property ol the United States. The Statement of the Public Debt included the raUroad bonds from issuance and the Navy fund from Sept. 1, 1866, through June 30, 1890. 2 Based on the Bureau of the Census estimated population. Through 1958 the estimated population is for the conterminous Uruted States. Beginning with 1959 the estimates include Alaska, and with 1960, HawaU. 3 Includes certain securities not subject to statutory limitation. PubUc debt includes debt incurred to flnance expenditures of wholly owned Government corporations and other business-type activities in exchange for which secmities of the corporations and activities were issued tothe Treasury (see table 107). NOTE.—From 1790-1842, the fiscal year ended Dec. 31. DetaUed flgures for 1790-1862 are not available on a basis comparable with those of later years. For bases prior to 1916, see the 1963 Annual Report p. 497, Note. 62 19 711 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 20.—Investment holdings of Government accounts in Federal securities, J u n e 30, 1969-71 [Amounts represent public debt securities unless stated otherwise. Par value. In thousands of doUars. On basis of "Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the Uruted States Government," see "Bases of Tables"] Agency Legislative branch: Library of Congress: Library of Congress trust fund, investment account . United States Tax Court: Tax court judges survivors annuity fund The judiciary: Judicial survivors annuity fund Funds appropriated to the President: Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Agriculture Department: Farmers Home Administration, State rural rehabilitation funds Coinmodity Credit Corporation: Agency securities: Defense family housing mortgages Consumer and Marketing Service: Milk market orders assessment fund ... Commerce Department: Federal ship mortgage insurance fund, revolving fund... War risk insurance revolving fund Gifts and bequests. Defense Department: Army Department: Bequestof Maj. Gen. Fred C. Ainsworth... General gift fund Navy Department: Office of Naval Records and History fund U.S. Naval Academy museum fund U.S. Naval Academy general gift fund ... Navy general gift fund ... Air Force Department: General ght fund. Health, Education, and WeUare Department: Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund Agency securities. Federal disabiUty insurance trust fund . Agency secmities. Federal hospital insurance trust fund Agency secmities ... Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund Office of Education: Student loan insurance fund Public Health Service unconditional gift fund... Pubhc Health Service conditional gift fund St. Ehzabeths Hospital unconditional gift fund .. Patients'benefit fund, Public Health Service hospitals Housing and Urban Development Department: New communities guarantee fund Federal Housing Administration: Revolving fund Agency secmities Commuruty disposal operations fund Agency secmities Rental housing assistance fund . Govermnent National Mortgage Association: Participation sales fund . Agency securities : Guarantees of mortgage-backed securities fund . Management and Uquidating functions: Agency securities: Defense famUy housing inortgages .. Special assistance functions: Agency secm'ities ... Federal Insurance Administration: National insurance development fund Interior Department: Indian tribal funds .. Agency secuiities ... Preservation of birthplace of Abraham Lincoln Bequest of George C. Edgeter, rehef of indigent Anierican Indians... .. Funds contributed for the advancement of the Indian Race, Bmeau of Indian Affairs Footnotes at end of table. 1969 1970 1971 43 41 31 172 204 262 4,725 6,611 6,339 30,750 66,960 173 920 605 76,246 70,964 65,216 2,735 3,730 1,651 7,172 4,313 6 14,385 4,646 34 23,190 4,886 140 11 172 11 174 11 345 274 8 199 57 274 8 260 67 274 10 309 68 6 6 6 25,508,118 640,000 3,357,389 115,000 1,889,940 70,000 357,971 29,461,403 640,000 4,749,855 65,000 2,583,322 70,000 13,417 30,770,231 605,000 6,027,756 50,000 2,979,856 50,000 257,427 412 95 30 45 4 900 95 30 45 4 100 30 45 4 855,877 80,653 44 388 989,809 77,193 78 388 982,867 1212,676 112 2388 471 1,008,800 63,295 673,297 29,500 895,143 6,000 646 2,225 57,172 65,037 52,708 115,802 109,795 3io6,065 32,024 60.000 74.306 19,445 1,000 64 200,290 1,000 64 25,446 1,000 64 31 31 31 20 20 20 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 63 TABLE 20.—Investment holdings of Government accounts in Federal securities, June 30, 1969-71—Continued Agency 1969 Labor Department: Unemployment trust fund Agency secmities. Relief and rehabilitation, Workriien's Compensation Act within the District of Columbia State Depai'tment: Foreign service retirement and disability fund Conditional gift fund • Transportation Department: Highway trust fund Coast Guard general gift fund Coast Guard cadet fund Treasm'y Department: Exchange Stabilization F u n d . . Pershing HaU Memorial fund Office of the ComptroUer of the Cm'rency Agency secm'ities .-. Esther CatteU Schmitt gift fund. General Services Administration: National Archives ght fund.. •. . National Archives trust fund Veterans Admirustration: Veterans reopened insmance fund Veterans special life insmance fund National service Ufe insm'ance fund Agency secmities Government life insurance fund General post fuud, national homes Civil Service Commission: Civil service rethement and disabiUty fund Agency securities - Employees health benefits fund Employees'life insurance fund Retired employees health benefits fund. Federal Deposit Insmance Corporation. Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Federal Savings and Loan Insmance Corporation Agency secmities National Credit Union Administration: National credit union share insurance fund Railroad Retirement Board: Raihoad rethement holding account Raihoad rethement account .Agency secmities Raihoad retirement supplemental account Small Business Administration: • Lease and smety bond guarantees revolving fund Tennessee Valley Authority Total - Footnotes at end of table. . .- 1970 12,235,353 265,000 1971 12,787,888 200,000 11,140,905 100,000 103 91 82 47,320 50 51,024 30 52,4€1 130 2,601,737 10 24 3,634,868 10 26 22,800 211 14,246 2,000 414 12,400 211 21,246 1,390,182 211 23,376 414 414 1,625 677 1,374 652 1,232 452 121,708 242,557 5,753,653 480,000 841,831 1,756 156,422 266,872 5,915,145 405,000 796,743 1,430 188,999 293,030 6,067,890 335,000 758,218 1,430 19,724,923 510,000 106,600 638,193 1,824 4,153,287 21,517,490 510,000 93,199 799,753 20,914 4,480,946 24,252,436 475,000 145,949 972,274 28,120 4,660,668 2,116,030 159,550 2,288,853 159,650 2,600,742 143,550 2,254 4,219,020 210,000 5,228 1,923 4,524,438 160,000 17,671 3,401 4,619,845 50,000 21,609 610 1,170 16,000 2,120 87,661,297 97,723,154 105,139,699 1,512,736 10 . 6,273 64 19 7 1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 20.—Investment holdings of Government accounts in Federal securities, J u n e 30, 1969-71—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Agency 1969 1970 1971 MEMORANDUM Investments In secmities of privately owned Government-sponsored enterprises: Included in the loan account: Indian tribalfunds Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (acquired securities).. Milk market orders assessment fund Total Not apphed to current year's surplus or deficit: Civil service retirement and disabihty fund. Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund Federal hospital insurance trust fund Federal disabihty insurance trust fund Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Participation salesfund Raihoad rethement account Unemployment trust fund Veterans' life insmance trust funds Total ^ :. ' 6,355 ^. " 12,830 J 173 5,355 13,003 86,500" 86,500 41,500 20,000 4,000 17,705 61,500 86,500 67,500 20,000 . 20,000 . 471,705 173 20,000. 4,000 . 20,000 , 20,000 . 104,000 1 Represents defense family housing mortgages. Federal Housing Administration debentures, and participation certificates amounting to $6,848,762, $66,626,900, and $139,100,000, respectively. 2 Represents Federal Housing Adniinistration debentm'es. 3 Represents defense family housing mortgages and Federal Housing Administration debentures amounting to $103,499,932, and $2,565,200, respectively. 65 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 21.—Debt subject to statutory limitation, outstanding J u n e 30, 1940-71 [On basis of daUy Treasury statements] June 30 1940 1941 1942... 1943 1944.. 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 ._ 1954 1955....... 1956 1967 1958 1959 1960. 1961 1962 19631964 1966 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970. 1971 - Public debt subject to limitation i $37,690,052,720 43,123,336,151 69,586,197,977 136,369,140,696 206,454,185,760 268,237,605,076 268,455,970,443 257,401,895,876 251,468,110,567 252,000,437,177 256,632,630,395 254,537,402,501 258,461,032,792 265,469,663,620 270,708,863,230 273,870,706,735 272,287,327,974 270,081,184,136 276,912,219,021 284,287,454,940 285,925,122,549 288,621,647,080 297,767,548,338 305,491,889,669 311,351,181,709 316,990,533,998 319,640,673,677 325,958,925,138. 346,924,571,182 353,084,483,788 370,287,837,088 397,602,982,770 Debt of U.S. Government agencies and District of Columbia subject to limitation » Interestbearing Matured Total Debt subject to limitation 3 $5,497,556,555 $31,514,100 $5,529,070,655 $43,219,123,375 6,359,619,105 10,633,475 6,370,252,580 49,493,588,731 4,548,629,255 . 19,730,375 4,568,259,630 74,154,457,607 4,091,686,621 8,256,425 4,099,943,046 140,469,083,742 1,515,638,626 107,430,675 1,623,069,301 208,077,255,051 409,091,867 24,066,525 433,158,392 268,670,763,468 466,671,984 9,712,875 476,384,859 268,932,355,302 83,212,285 6,307,900 89,520,186 257,491,416,060 68.768,043 4,692,775 73,460,818 251,541, 571,385 23,862,383 3,413,025 27,275,408 252,027,712,585 17,077,809 2,425,225 19,503,034 256,652,133,429 27,364,069 1,863,100 29,227,169 254,566,629,670 44,092,646 1,472,700 45,565,346 258,506,598,138 50,881,686 1,191,075 52,072,761 265,521,736,381 80,415,386 1,026,000 81,441,386 270,790,304,616 43,257,786 ' 885,175 44,142,961 273,914,849,696 73,100,900 787,675 73,888,476 272,361,216,449 106,434,150 703,800 107,137,950 270,188,322,086 100,665,250 656,350 101,220,600 276,013,439,621 110,429,100 590,050 111,019,150 284,398,474,090 139,306,000 536,775 139,841,775 286,064,964,324 239,694,000 521,450 240,215,450 288,861,862,530 443,688,500 530,425 444,218,925 298,211,767,263 605,489,600 1,120,775 606,610,376 306,098,600,044 812,272,200 719,725 812,991,926 312,164,173,634 588,900,600 1,426,550 690,326,050 317,680,860,048 460,474,100 1,073,176 461,647,275 320,102,220,952 511,788,700 407,375 612,196,075 326,471,121,213 3,818,220,100 365,800 3,818,585,900 350,743,157,082 3,847,040,000 352,150 3,847,392,150 356,931,623,789 3,136,645,950 343,625 3,136,989,675 373,424,826,663 1,971,312,250 304,526 1,971,616,775 399,474,599,545 1 Includes debt incurred to finance expenditures of Government corporations and other agencies in ex. change for which securities of the corporations and activities were issued to the Treasury (see table 107) 2 Held outside the Treasury. 3 A su/niraary of legislation on debt limitation under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, from. Sept. 24,1917, through June 30,1967. is shown in table 32. Securities held outside the Treasury are included in the limitation beginning Apr. 3, 1945. In computing statutory debt limitation, savings bonds are carried at maturity value from their origin in 1935 until June 26. 1946; from, that date they are carried at current redemption value. TABLE 22.—Puhlic debt outstanding hy classification, June 30, 1961-71 O O [In miUions of doUars. On basis of daily Treasury statements, see "Bases of Tables"] Class — • 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 Interest-bearing: P u b U c issues: Marketable: Treasui-y bills: R e g u l a r weekly Tax anticipation Other Certfficates of i n d e b t e d n e s s (regular) T r e a s u r y notes Treasury bonds P a n a m a Canal bonds REAseries 4% Treasury bonds Treasury bonds Treasury notes: Foreign currency series Foreign series U . S . savings notes U.S. retirement plan bonds U . S . savings b o n d s Total nonmarketable issues... T o t a l p u b l i c issues 1969 1970 1971 o *:? *~^ T o t a l m a r k e t a b l e issues Nonmarketable: Certfficates of i n d e b t e d n e s s : Foreign c m r e n c y series Foreign series T r e a s m y certificates Depositary bonds Treasury bonds: Foreign c m r e n c y series Foreign series. I n v e s t m e n t series. 1968 • ' 26,914 1,503 8,307 13,338 56,257 80.830 32.225 1,802 8.009 13,547 65,464 75,025 37,729 39,730 9.501 22,169 52,145 81,964 187.148 196,072 203,508 175 860 117 ......... 138 ...- 5.830 19 4,727 25 43,659 42,922 45.827 49,432 11,010 10,005 67,284 88,461 52,549 102,481 12,008 1,652 50,649 101,897 12,708 6,610 49,108 97,418 206,489 208,695 209,127 225 465 2 103 330 240 18 103 778 95 59 n 604 .... 3.921 12 802 ... 3.546 i31,137 204 3.256 27 • ._ 47,514 53,481 53,481 . 240,629 240,629 25 20 26 9 _ - 74,396 1,758 86,677 71,073 91,079 78,946 78.805 93,489 62,956 104,807 53,989 210.672 226,592 226,107 232,599 245,473 t^ M § 4368 305 93 44 5431 275 48 45 6217 893 30 30 7390 287 6 28 s 150 961 785 25 9 899 2,126 i02,465 23 "589 174 2.692 144 2.589 114 2,516 84 2,459 54 2,387 24 2,347 c/3 fe] Q pi W ^ > Pi 75 250 181,216 2,374 19 765 5,457 23 4 26 183 152 160 338 1M6O 205 47i607 (*) 48,314 5 49,299 11 50,043 16 50,537 1 21 51,213 53,431 53,431 63,646 63.645 64.240 64.240 249, 503 257,153 260. 729 66,768 66, 768 264,463 2 g 3 ^ G ^ Q frj 68,356 15,008 23 i81,523 994 „ 203 27 51.712 21 15 i71,978 1,332 .„ 742 39 51,281 „„„ 505 33 51,711 8 „„ 619 47 53,003 55.183 55.183 55,459 55,459 68,282 68,282 58,833 58,833 60,103 60,103 68,032 68,032 264,311 266.131 284.874 284,940 292, 702 313, 505 "^ g ^ ^ 3 w ^ s^ ;> Ul Special issues: Civil service r e t h e m e n t fund: Certfficates Notes Bonds E m p l o y e e s h e a l t h benefit fund Employees" life i n s m a n c e fund E x c h a n g e Stabilization F u n d certfficates FRASER E x p o r t - I m p o r t B a n k ofWashington certfficates Digitized for d nd 170 1,608 8.604 210 1,236 9,899 80 1,056 11.263 73 986 12,432 70 1,002 13.465 41 2,626 12.480 4.101 11.426 5,457 10,169 108 292 232 560 833 82 722 8,192 9,115 11,033 7,847 60 60 . 15,083 6,509 46 56 1,242 Federal Deposit Insmance Corporation notes.. Federal disability insurance trust fund: Certfficates Notes: Bonds... Federal home loan banks: Certfficates Federal hospital insurance trust fund: Certfficates Notes : Federal Housing Administration notes: Apartment unit insurance fund Armed services housing mortgage insurance fund Experimental housing insurance fund : Housing insurance fund Housing investment insurance fund Mutual mortgage insurance fund National defense housing insurance fund Rental housing assistance fund Section-203 home improvement account '. .. Section 220 home improvement account Section 220 housing insm'ance fund Section 221 housing insurance fund Servicemen's mortgage insurance fund Title I housing insurance fund. Title I insurance fund. War housing insurance fund 1 Federal old-age and survivors insm-ance trust fund: Certfficates.... Notes Bonds. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation: Cei'tificates . Notes Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund: Certificates Notes Foreign service retirenient fund certfficates Government life insurance fund: Certificates 556 500 260 270 312 57 85 174 120 74 156 34 464 1,801 1 336 1,967 6 84 2,076 1 1,901 1,663 158 992 384 992 900 992 2,051 992 3,443 992 4 7'^3 '990 60 74 372 82 100 924 52 152 52 199 44 52 733 16 1,176 1,259 1,890 2,583 2,980 26 4 (*) (*) 15 1 (*) 1 1 (*) 15 1 1 (*) 2 1 14 (*) 1 2 (*) 10 (*) 14 1 10 (*) (*) (*) . 3 1 4 _.. 96 . 1 1 1 ..• (*) 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 14 8 2 1 9 8 10 1 11 6 141 1,032 14,088 2,820 11,584 .... 2 "1 23 15 2 1 23 10 • 441 1,387 14,372 1.080 267 13,737 14,221 598 14,201 • 138 182 98 332 287 223 3 32 37 38 39 40 42 32 447 42 "TS" "TS • • Notes...:^^"^'"^'^J^J^^''"J'"^J'J'"J"^'^"""JJ^'^'^''''^ Bonds Highway trust fund certfficates National service life insurance fund: Certfficates Notes.. Bonds Postal Savings System notes Railroad retirement account: , Certfficates Notes :.... Bonds.. RaUroad rethement holding account certfficates Footnotes at end of tables (*) 1 10 1 4 849 234 7 142 879 436 '7T 929 678 "'YV^^^""" . . . 955 609 933 265 860 238 1,168 4,591 1 7826,021 26 395 5,319 8 5,775 8 28 5,873 14 613 5,486 3,604 3,316 2,786 119 686 2,164 208 450 2,465 218 593 2,465 940 . . . . . 5,316 7,638 11,684 11,584 10,402 11,584 15,139 10,800 . 17,528 9,720 36 73 80 89 281 42 358. 47 13 51 257 52 142 175 205 ^ 2 2 S ^ 2 ^ 239 736 722 .734 978 667 1,513 592 2,602 519 3,635 606 6,138 .., 918 4,937 1,203 4,551 1,752 4,164 2,298 3,770 67 976 2,280 4 1,220 2,063 5 1,553 1,874 2 2,387 1,344 2 3,207 620 3 • ^ ^ ^^ i—i ^ y Q > tr" O ^^ 05 00 TABLE 22.—Puhlic debt outstanding hy classification, June 30, 1961-71—Continued _ . ^ Class Interest-bearing—Continued Special issues—Continued Railroad retirement supplementary account certificates. Unemployment trust fund certfficates Veterans'special term insurance fund certificates Veterans'reopened insurance fund Total special issues Total interest-bearing debt Matured debt on which interest has ceased Debt bearing no interest: Specialnotesof the United States: International Monetary Fund series International Development Association series Inter-American Development Bank series Special bonds of the United States: U.N. Children's Fund Series U.N. Special Fund Series U.N./FAO World Food Program Series Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Company tax and loss b o n d s . . U.S. savings stamps 20. Excess profits tax refund bonds U.S. notes (less gold reserve through 1967)21 Deposits for retirement of national bank and Federal Reserve banknotes Other debt bearing no interest. Total debt bearing no interest Total gross public debt 23 1961 1962 1963 1964 4,625 106 4,657 88 4,803 101 4,931 123 1966 6,799 149 3 1966 1967 1968 11 7,785 189 63 7,075 170 19 . 1969 15 8,807 214 87 1970 6 9,957 243 122 18 10,520 267 156 " 1971 ^ ^ o Pi 1-3 Q j^j 22 8,514 293 189 yq W g 45,043 44,939 44,801 46,627 48,650 51,120 56,155 59,626 66,790 76,323 82,784 c» 285,672 294,442 301,954 307,357 313,113 315,431 322,286 344,400 361,729 369,026 396,289 O 349 438 310 295 292 308 284 254 . 461 366 322 ^ 825 > ^ ^ 2,496 68 2,667 115 55 2,922 129 126 52 I 191 63 l 191 64 l 191 147 6 139 22101 116 59 3,289 142 160 3,167 138 150 8 56 2 75 2 l 54 191 110 68 l 55 167 91 23 3,614 3,328 64... 132. 38 l 1 66 166. 86 11 2,209 825 825 6.. l 57 166 82 11 l 4 69 323 80 249 l 9 62 323 78 234 l 15 58 323 76 231 g ^ ^ 2 g 19 ^ ^^ ua ^ H 323 g ^ 74 ^ 228 ^ 2,960 3,321 3,696 4,061 3,869 4,168 3,651 2,924 1,630 1,527 1,519 288,971 298,201 305,860 311,713 317,274 319,907 326,221 347,578 353,720 370,919 398,130 ^ • Less than $600,000. I DoUar equivalent of certfficates issued and payable in the amount of 46,500,000,000 ItaUan Ihe. a DoUar equivalent of certfficates issued and payable in the amount of 110,000,000 Swiss francs. 3 DoUar equivalent of certfficates issued and payable hi the amount of 130,000,000 Swiss francs. * DoUar equivalent of certfficates Issued and payable in the amount of 800,000,000 Deutsche marks and 727,000,000 Swiss francs. 5 DoUar equivalent of certificates issued and payable in the amount of 800,000,000 Deutsche marks, 885,000,000 Swiss francs, and 660,000,000 Austrian schiUings. 6 DoUar equivalent of certfficates issued and payable in the amount of 440,000,000 Swiss francs. 7 DoUar equivalent of certfficates issued and payable in the amount of 1,686,000,000 Swiss francs. s'DoUar equivalent of certfficates Issued and payable in the amount of 646,000,000 Swiss francs. 8 DoUar equivalent of certfficates issued and payable in the amount of 3,682,000,000 Swiss francs. 10 Includes $2,008,488,000 EmodoUar series. w DoUar equivalent of Treasury bonds issued and payable In the amount of 124,050,000,000 Italian Ihe, 647,000,000 Swiss francs, 800,000,000 Deutsche marks, 660,000,000 Austrian schUlings, and 1,600,000,000 Belgian francs. 12 DoUar equivalent of Treasury bonds issued and payable In the amount of 1,057,000,000 Swiss francs, 1,900,000,000 Deutsche marks, 1,300,000,000 Austrian schilUngs, and 1,600.000,000 Belgian francs. 13 Dollar equivalent of Treasury bonds issued and payable in the amount of 1,412,000,000 Swiss francs, 2,700,000,000 Deutsche marks, 2,600,000,000 Austrian schUlings, and 1,600,000,000 Belgian francs. 14 DoUar equivalent of Treasury bonds issued and payable in the amouut of 685,000,000 Swiss francs, 800,000,000 Deutsche marks, 1,960,000,000 Austrian schUlings, 1,600,000,000 Belgian francs, and 78,000,000,000 ItaUan lire. Ifi DoUar equivalent of Treasury notes issued and payable in the amount of 687,000,000 Swiss francs, 600,000,000 Deutsche marks, 660,000,000 Austrian schmings, and 78,000,000,000 Italian lire. 18 DoUar equivalent of Treasmy notes issued and payable in the amount of 1,217,000,000 Swiss francs, 700,000,000 Deutsche marks, 650,000,000 Austrian schiUings, 3,000,000,000 Belgian francs, and 78,000,000,000 Italian Ure. 17 DoUar equivalent of Treasury notes issued and payable in the amount of 1,627,000,000 Swiss francs, 6,300,000,000 Deutsche marks, 1,300,000,000 Austrian schiUings, and 140,600,000,000 Italian Ike. 18 DoUar equivalent of Treasury notes issued and payable in the amount of 2,331,000,000 Swiss francs, and 2,600,000,000 Deutsche marks. 18 DoUar equivalent of Treasury notes issued and payable in the amount of 369,000,000 Swiss francs, and 2,600,000,000 Deutsche marks. 20 On Oct. 1,1942, they replaced postal savings stamps which had been Postal Savings System's obligations. 21 Gold reserves requhements eliminated pmsuant to PubUc Law 90-269, approved Mar. 18,1968. 22 Includes $96,666,198 of old series currency which by authority of the Old Series Currency Adjustment Act, approved June 30,1961 (31 U.S.C. 912-916), was transferred to debt bearing no hiterest. 23 Includes certam securities not subject to statutory limitation. Includes public debt incurred to finance expenditures of whoUy owned Government corporations and other business-type activities in exchange for which securities of the corporations and activities were issued to the Treasury; see table 107. NOTE.—For comparable data for 1931-43, see the 1943 Annual Report, page 564; for 1944-54, see 1954 Annual Report, page 472; and for 1966-68, see 1965 Annual Report, page 657. Composition of the pubhc debt 1916-46, is shown in the 1947 Annual Report, p. 361. For reconcihation with pubhc debt accounts for 1971, see table 26. Ul % Ul "A o fel o o Pi O Pi o "^ Ul TABLE 23.—Securities issued hy Government agencies subject to statutory debt limitation, June 30, 1961-71 \^ a [Face amount, in thousands of doUars. On basis of daUy Treasury statements, see "Bases of Tables"] Issuing agency 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 25,389 194,716 328,062 499,018 333,623 133,402 1,636 62,420 23,406 75,393 47, 277 35, 299 92,551 5,691 89,942 79,354 4,780 1,673 186 26,647 66 23,353 12, 609 633 17,385 16,001 63,445 98,124 2 9,360 36,558 22,746 523 10,869 '27" 547 66,836 31,111 264 3,720 2,576 76,723 71,965 6 23,614 31,666 22,886 373 5,970 239,694 443,688 605,490 812,272 8,900 Pi 1968 1969 1970 1971 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 73,658 7,524 43,643 15,496 26,154 15, 523 14,753 16,641 10,405 16, 243 279,009 369, 715 1,695 291 49,173 43,652 29, 090 27,272 424, 616 288 40,670 24,228 388,770 286 34,165 21, 048 371, 374 264 29,803 17,848 19,672 12,191 16,416 223 4,339 19, 672 12,118 12, 709 163 3,788 19, 672 11,635 11,110 155 2,938 19,672 11,568 9,884 19,672 11,506 8,638 152 161 511,789 668,220 596,688 636,646 506,312 UNMATURED D E B T District of Columbia Armory Board stadium bonds Federal Housing Adininistration debentures: Mutual mortgage insurance fund •Cooperative management housing insurance fund General insurance fund: General insurance.. Armed services housing mortgage insurance fund.. Housing insurance fund National defense housing insurance fund S ection 203 home improvement account S ection 220 housing insurance fund Section 221 housing insurance fund Servicemen's mortgage hisurance fund Title I housing insurance fund War housing insurance fund Total unmatured debt 142,426 1,714 57,583 46,400 (*) 19,672 12,284 19,858 319 5,381 460,474 > o • ^ 1 ^ W Pi > Ul cj Pi K| MATURED D E B T i Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Federal Housing Administration Home Owners'Loan Corporation Total matured debt 2 Total 2 174 25 323 170 57 303 521 530 240,215 444,219 * Less than $500. 1 Funds are on deposit with the Treasmer of the United States for payment of these securities 161 669 291 1,121 606,610- 144 299 276 720 812,992 133 1,025 268 124 682 266 120 35 252 109 7 249 107 8 237 105 7 232 85 5 214 1,426 1,073 407 366 352 344 305 590,326 461,547 612,196 668,586 597,040 636,990 506, 617 2 Consists of principal only. ... -o « * -.n.c co -mco A IT. 4. A^A At -.nrn t^r, NOTE.—For figm'es for 1946-58 see 1958 Annual Report, p. 474; and for 1959-60 see 1969 Annual Report, pp. 70 and 71. For securities held by the Treasury, see table 107. Ul Ul h-l o fcO TABLE 24.—Interest-bearing securities issued hy Federal agencies, fiscal years 1954-71 [In t h o u s a n d s of dollars. O n basis of " M o n t h l y S t a t e m e n t of R e c e i p t s a n d E x p e n d i t m e s of t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s G o v e r n m e n t " ] Agriculture Department F i s c a l y e a r or m o n t h 1964 1956. 1966 1967 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1966 1966 .1967 1968 1969 1970 ....: 1971 1970-July. August September October November December 1971—January February March . AprU May June Total Commodity Credit Corporation 963,466 1, 569,272 1, 753,861 2, 893,671 3, 967,533 6, 040,085 6, 769,553 6, 477,251 7, 927,357 8, 123,100 . . . . 8, 631,287 9, 335,416 13, 376,757 18, 455,327 24, 399,469 14, 249,053 12, 609,703 12, 162,732 12, 471,433 12, 4 6 8 , 5 8 4 . . . 12, 481,050 12, 466,176 12, 459,843 12, 4 9 1 , 1 8 8 . . . 13, 504,015 12, 502,830 13, 020,868 12, 676,006 12, 716,868 12, 162,732 ..... ... Defeiise Department Housing and Urban Development D e p a r t m e n t Family housing Federal mortgages a n d Housing Adminstrahomeowners tion assistance mortgages 14,907 606,426 1,037,728 1,571,613 1,867,347 2,129,942 2,268,448 2,238,252 2,182,620 2,111,939 2,036,591 1,961,463 1,863,238 1,775,242 1,682,626 .1,767,946 1,761,644 1,746,358 1,742,420 1,736,470 1,728,587 1,719,746 1,712,513 1,705,526 1,699,776 1,692,388 1,682,626 Government National Mortgage Association» Participation sales fund 80, 416 . 43, 258 . 73, 101 . 106, 434 . 100, 666 . 110, 429 . 138, 841 . 219, 919 . 423, 946 . 586, 358 . 792, 771.. 570, 087 441, 357 492, 024 648, 427 576, 616, 853 618 513, 626 ( 611, 779 512, 055 ( 481,; 1,223 478,; ,394 476,3 i,134 476,^ ,182 476,: :,307 483,; 482,!,672 ( 487,',825 J 486, 618 Other 570,374 . 670, 374 570,374 803,786 797,366 797,359 26 5 300,000 . 2,110,000 . 4,830,000 . 7, 900,000 . 8,600,000 : 7,320,000 . 6,005,000 . 7,286,000 . 7, 285,000 . 7,286,000 . 7, 286,000 . 7,255,000 . 7,230,000 . 7,230,000 . 6,430,000 . 6,430,000 . 6, 075,000 . 6, 076,000 . 6; 006; 000 . O t h e r i n d e p e n d e n t agencies Pi Federal National Mortgage Association 3 ExportF a r m Credit Import Administration B a n k of t h e United B a n k s for Federal States cooperatives»Intermediate credit b a n k s 3 Secondary market operations 100,000 1,050,110 1,165,186 1,290,125 2,284,642 2,198,920 2,557,630 1, 960,612 1,698,902 1,797,494 3, 269, 379 4,079,103 6, 887,062 . . . . . . 300,000 620,000 826,786 022,263 386,006 163,616 670,533 472,098 892,799 624,896 890,074 886,488 883,876 882,168 881,982 881,967 881, 967 631,624 127,180 125,137 124,941 624,896 137,600 131,400 • 152,660 192,605 207,480 314,635 344,376 387,000 467,275 469,425 624,826 708,960 880,850 1,071,628 1,229,616 744,376 813,310 866,996 968,496 1,183,395 1,489,276 1,632,280 1,763,625 1,903,070 2,172,790 2,369,316 2,628,680 2, 892, 825 3,362,576 3,778,580 ;;;;;:;:;;;:;;:;::;;;;:; o Pi O h9 W 5 ^-^ jy. ^ o ?d fel h9 > Pi «! O ^ ^ fej H pi fel > Pi Other independent agencies—Continued Fiscal year or m o n t h Federal Home Loan Bank Board 1954 1955 1956. .1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966... 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1970—July August September. October November. December.. 1971—January February-. March April May June Memorandum Other Tennessee Valley Authority 692 597 536 481 457 414 349 340 319 306 291 279 277 263 5, 693 6,098 5,876 5.616 5,875 5,874 5.873 5.874 5,872 5,631 5,631 5,631 5,629 5,623 5.617 5,616 '"SO.'OOO* 145,000 145,000 180,000 225,000 285,000 417,200 525,000 727,655 996, 000 1,355,300 1,006,000 1,015,000 1,045,000 1,065,000 1,100,430 1,165,755 1,187,695 1,245,050 1,266,400 1,285,000 1,327,300 1,355,300 B a n k s for cooperatives 3 383 333 295 265 240 214 193 174 170 161 144 133 125 3,328 3,196 3.068 2, 934 2,777 2,912 2,899 2,888 2,876 2,865 2,853 2,842 2,830 2,816 2,800 2,788 2,777 NOTE.—Includes u m e d e e m e d m a t u r e d securities o u t s t a n d i n g o n w h i c h h a s ceased. interest I T h i s association w a s c r e a t e d effective S e p t . 30, 1968, b y a n a c t a p p r o v e d A u g . 1, 1968 (12 U . S . C . 1716b). I t a s s u m e d t h e assets a n d liabiUties of t h e p a r t i c i p a t i o n sales fund, t h e m a n a g e m e n t a n d l i q u i d a t i n g functions f u n d , a n d t h e special assistance functions fund formerly of t h e . F e d e r a l N a t i o n a l Mortgage Association a n d c o n t i n u e s to o p e r a t e these f u n d s . 1,410. 815 1, 528, 740 1,789,785 1,537,480 1,556,565 1,556,110 1,620,205 1,720,080 1,775,720 1,805,825 1,839,825 1,839,225 1,919,880 1,849,915 1,789,785 Federal home loan b a n k s 115,100 . 335,500 . 928,240 . 733,300 . 455,000 . 992,426 . 1,254,965 . 1,054,575 . 1,796,835 . 2,770,150 . 4,201,320 . 4,757,135 . 6,309,805 . 4,587,900 . 4,701,750. 5, 524,080 9, 913, 508 - Federal intermediate credit b a n k s 3 4,240,085 4, 942. 340 5,704,800 . 5,043,610 4,983,435 . 4,902,305 4,882,270 4,834,820 4,862,785 4,909,195 5,023,1905,143, 520 5,401,120 5,532,005 5,704,800 Federal land banks 1,007, 559 1,060, 742 1,321, 674 1, 551, 862 1,646,821 1,888,473 2,138,300 2, 358,413 2, 550, 719 2,725,204 2, 973, 526 3, 532,441 4,105,926 4,611,970 5, 319,421 5,719, 697 6.191, 803 Federal National Mortgage Association 2 D i s t r i c t of Columbia s t a d i u m fund 476 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 8,076,480 13,165,225 14,996,005 13,402,050 13,976,825 14,396,750 14,702,965 15,068,700 15,206,365 15,311,605 15,112,135 15,122,695 15,077,775 If;, 142,370 14, 996,005 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19.800 19,800 19,800 19,800 19, 800 19, 800 19. 800 19, 800 19,800 Ul H > \^ S H pi^ g U > l^l hrf fel ^ O M »^ 2 Effective S e p t . 30, 1968, F e d e r a l N a t i o n a l Mortgage Association w a s c o n v e r t e d t o p r i v a t e o w n e r s h i p p u r s u a n t to a n a c t a p p r o v e d A u g . 1, 1968 (12 U . S . C . 1716b). »Effective D e c . 31, 1968, b a n k s for cooperatives a n d F e d e r a l i n t e r m e d i a t e credit b a n k s w e r e c o n v e r t e d t o p r i v a t e o w n e r s h i p p u r s u a n t to an a c t a p p r o v e d O c t . 17, 1968 (12 U . S . C . 1061(a)(1)). CO 74 19 7'1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 25.—Maturity distrihution and average length of marketable interest-bearing puhlic debt,^ J v n e 80, 191,6-71 [Dollar a r a o u n t s in millions. O n basis of daUy T r e a s u r y s t a t e m e n t s ] Flscalyear Within 1 year 1 to 5 years 5 to 10 years $62,091 52,442 49,870 .52,302 42,448 60,860 70,944 76,017 63,291 51.152 64,910 76,697 73,050 81,678 . 79,182 84.855 89,905 91,202 92,272 99,792 100,951 105,837 118,220 110,921 111,293 117,284 $35,057 42,522 46,124 39,175 61,802 31,022 29.434 30,162 38,407 46,399 36,942 41,497 39.401 58,256 81,295 70.760 67,769 68.580 66.954 51,377 55,010 59,824 52,657 55,759 85,065 85,773 $32,847 18,932 10,464 15,067 15,926 16,012 13,321 13,018 27,113 42.755 40,363 26,673 45,705 28,075 14,173 18,391 18,655 20,522 22,580 33,053 28,922 21,006 33,538 37,610 17,428 26,037 $61,974 51,211 48,742 48,130 42,338 43,908 46,367 65,270 62,734 49,703 58.714 71,952 67,782 72,958 70,467 81,120 88,442 85,294 81,424 87,637 89,136 89.648 106,407 103,910 105,530 112,772 $24,763 21,851 21,630 32,562 61,292 46,526 47,814 36,161 29,866 39,107 34,401 40,669 42,557 58,304 72,844 58,400 57,041 58,026 65,453 56,198 60,933 71,424 64,470 62,770 89,615 89,074 $41,807 35,562 32,264 16,746 7,792 8,707 13,933 15,651 27,515 34,253 28,908 12,328 21,476 17,052 20,246 26,435 26,049 37,385 34,929 39,169 33,696 24,378 30,754 34,837 15,882 24,503 10 to 15 years 15 to 20 years 20 years a n d over Total Average length Years Months B y call classes (due or first becoraing callable) 1946 1947 1948.. 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953. 1954 1956 1956 1957 1958 1959. 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1966 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 .. $16,012 13,326 12.407 13,715 19,281 21,226 20,114 26,546 19,937 11,371 8,387 6,488 657 1,276 1,123 1.123 1,641 4,304 5,048 4,192 6,097 6,087 4,509 4,505 2,985 1,055 $21,227 27.076 ,41,481 34,888 25,853 8,797 6,594 .. 2,258 2.256 2,484 3,125 4,956 4,525 4,524 3,040 \ 1,125 1,121 5,180 6,720 10,395 10,255 $22,372 $189,606 14.405 168,702 160,346 155,147 ......... 155,310 137,917 140,407 1,592 147.335 1,606 150.354 3,530 155.206 4,351 154.953 4,349 155,705 5,604 166,675 6,485 178,027 5,588 183,845 8,893 187,148 13.157 196,072 1.3,975 203,508 15,111 206,489 17,241 208,695 17,023 209,127 16,797 210,672 12,487 2-i6,592 10,504 226,107 5,433 232,599 5,069 245,473 7 7 7 6 6 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 5 1 7 2 10 1 11 3 7 2 7 2 8 5 9 4 7 6 9 5 1 9 9 5 3 9 9 9 8 8 6 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 2 7 8 4 6 10 4 9 3 7 4 6 11 1 0 4 11 7 2 0 8 9 B y raaturity classes 2 1946 1947 1948 1949. 1950 ::. 1951 1952...: 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 ....:. 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 $8,707 $8,754 13,009 5,588 14,111 2,118 14,111 8,710 10.289 17,746 8,754 21,226 6,586 20,114 2,117 26,546 8,696 . 19,937 17,242 11,371 20,192 8,387 19,919 ,6,488 26,999 654 20,971 654 11,746 884 8,706 1,527 5,957 3,362 2,244 6,115 2,244 6,110 2,609 5,841 4,518 3,922 4,514 .3.912 6,078 2,330 6,063 2,311 5,745 4,780 3,802 4,653 $43,599 $189,606 41,481 168,702 41,481 160,346 34,888 155,147 25,853 155,310 8,797 137,917 6.594 140.407 1,592 147,335 1,606 150,854 3,530 1.55.206 4,351 154,953 4,349 155,705 7,208 166,675 8,088 178,027 7,658 183,845 10.960 187,148 15,221 196,072 14,444 203.508 16,328 206.489 17,241 208.695 17,023 209,127 16,797 210,672 16,553 226,592 16,217 226,107 11,0-18 232,599 10,670 245,473 . l l n c l u d e s p u b l i c d e b t incurred to finance expenditures of wholly owned G o v e r n m e n t corporations a n d other business-type activities in exchange for which securities of the corporations a n d activities were issued to t h e T r e a s u r y . 2 All issues are classified to final raaturity except partially tax-exempt b o n d s which h a v e been classified t o earliest call d a t e . T h e last of these bonds were called on A u g . 14, 1962, for r e d e m p t i o n on D e c . 15,1962. 75 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 26.—Summary of the public debt on an accounting basis, J u n e 30, 1971 Computed Amount out- Transactions in Amount outrate of standing on basis transit as of standing on interesti of daUy Treasury June 30,1971 basis of pubUc (percent) statement debt accounts Classification PUBLIC DEBT I N T E R E S T - B E A R I N G DEBT Public issues: Marketable: Treasury biUs: Regular weekly Regular monthly Treasmy notes Treasury bonds .. Subtotal. Nonmarketable: Certfficates of indebtedness: Foreign series Foreign currency series Treasm'y notes: Foreign series Foreign currency series Treasury bonds, foreign series Tresury bonds Treasury certificates Treasury certfficates Eurodollar U.S. savings bonds U.S. savings notes U.S. retirement plan bonds Depositary bonds Treasmy bonds, REA series Treasury bonds, investment series. 24.236 24.975 6.519 3.759 $66,158, 550,000 20,517,960,000 104,807,444,000 53,989,110,050 -$30,000 $66,158,520,000 -60,000 20,517,900,000 1,132,000 104,808, 576,000 -15,122,900 53,973,987,150 5.210 245,473,064,050 -14,080,900 245,458,983,150 4.236 5.448 2,126,017,399 899,145,299 6.343 4.892 4.250 3.500 3.499 5.717 4.479 4.946 4.171 2.000 2.000 2.750 5,456,552,931 765,142,101 23,929,534 250,000,000 457,252,245 2,008,488,000 53,002,763,127 618,618,643 46,628,417 22,833,000 7,602,000 2,346,670,000 - 15,852,544 -10,540,006 34,242 -15,000 2,126,017,399 899,145,299 5,456,552,931 765,142,101 23,929,534 250,000,000 457,252,245 2,008,488,000 53,018,615, 671 608.078,637 46,662, 660 -152,000 22,818,000 7,602,000 2,346,518,000 5,179,780 68,036,822,478 Subtotal. 4.608 68,031,642,698 Total public issues 5. 078 313,504,706,748 -8,901,120 313,495,805.628 5.589 4.340 4. 340 4.100 4.340 6. Oil 4.340 6. 612 4. 340 21,691,233,000 46,433,000 55,582,000 21,591,233,000 46,433,000 55,582,000 1,242.182,297 155,663,000 1,242,182,297 155,663,000 5,712,761,000 44,000,000 2,979,856,000 471,000 5,712,761,000 44,000,000 2,979,856,000 471,000 5.297 4.340 27,248,183,000 88,788,000 27,248,183,000 88,788,000 6.141 4.887 4.266 5.125 4.453 6. 024 6.125 257,427,000 52,461,000 758,218,000 3,634,868,000 6,067,890,000 3,827,159,000 3,401,000 3,634,868,000 6,067,890,000 3,827,159,000 3,401,000 6.125 5.000 6.672 4.583 21,609,000 8,514,256,000 188,999,000 293,030,000 21,609,000 8,514,256,000 188,999,000 293,030,000 Special issues: Civil service retirement fund... Employees health benefits fund Employees life insurance fund Exchange Stabilization Fund Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Federal disabiUty insurance trust fund Federal home loan banks Federal hospital insurance trust fuhd Federal Housing Administration fund Federal old-age and survivors insurance trustfund Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. Federal supplementary medical insurance trustfund. Foreign service retirement fund Government life insurance fund Highway trust fund National service life insurance fund R aihoad rethement account RaUroad retirement holding account Railroad rethement supplemental account Unemployment trust fund Veterans' reopened insurance fund Veterans' special life insurance fund ... 257,427,000 52,461,000 758,218,000 Subtotal. 5.375 82,784,470,297 82,784,470,297 Total interest-bearing debt. 5.141 396,289,177,045 —8,901,120 396,280,275,925 Matured debt on which interest has ceased.. 321, 508,840 -57,195,676 264,313,164 —93, 601 825,000, 000 693,964,969 —66,190,397 398,063,554,059 D E B T B E A R I N G NO I N T E R E S T International Monetary Fund Other Total gross pubUc debt. 825,000,000 . 694,058,570 ,129,744,456 1 On daily Treasury statement basis. 2 Included in debt outstanding at face amount, but the annual interest rate is computed on the discount value. 449-442—72- 76 197'1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY. OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 27.—Puhlic debt securities outstanding on an accounting hasis, J u n e 30, 1954-71 [On basis of daily Treasury statements and pubUc debt accounts] Fiscal year 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 PubUshed in daily Treasury statements $271,259,599,108 274.374,222,803 272,750,813,649 270,527,171,896 276,343,217,746 284,705,907,078 286,330,760,848 288,970,938,610 298,200,822,721 305,859,632,996 311,712,899,257 317,273,898,984 319,907,087,795 326,220,937,795 347,678,406,426 353,720,253,841 370,918,706,950 398,129,744,456 Transactions in transit as of June 30 —$37,518,610 -15,973,392 -22,425,470 -34,337,735 -52,446,379 -27,383,115 -63,068,909 -25,332,568 -63,942,420 -31,542,291 -35,361,310 -58,427,727 -55,857,853 -39,691,067 -45,074,958 -176,530,387 -70,702,459 -66,190,397 Total $271,222,080,498 274,358,249,410 272,728,388,179 270,492,834,161 276,290,771,367 284,678,523,963 286,267,691,939 388,945,606,042 298,136,880,301 305,828,090,706 311,677,537,947 317,215,471,256 319,851,229,943 326,181,246,728 347,633,331,468 353,543,723,454 370,848,004,491 398,063,554,059 TABLE 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971 [On basis of PubUc Debt accounts, see "Bases of Tables"] Description Date When redeemable or payable i Interest payment Average price date received (per $100) Amount issued Amount rethed Amount outstanding ^ INTEREST-BEARING DEBT Public Issues Marketable: Treasury bills: Series maturing and approximate yield to maturity (%):3e Regular weekly: Dec. 31, 1970. Apr. 1, 1971.. July 1, 1971... 7, 1971... July8,19716 8...||;^g^-- Jan. Apr.8, 1971.. Julyl5,1971fi6..{^;|3-_- Jan. 14, 1971.. July 8,1971... juiYi,im^K..{l-lll- Apr. 15, 1971. Jan. 21, 1971.. July22, 19716fl..{^•^^^-- Apr. 22, 1971. Jan. 28, 1971.. July29,1971fi^.{4•||6;; Apr. 29, 1971. Regular monthly: July 31, 1970.. July31,1971.....{6;380Nov. 2, 1970.. Regular weekly: Feb.4, 1971 _. Aug.5,1971fi«-.{|^J^:-_ May 6, 1971... Feb. 11, 1971. Aug. 12, 19718 6.{|^^^-861. May 13,1971.. 678.- Feb. 18, 1971. Aug. 19, 19716.. 351 May 20, 1971.. Feb.25, 1971. /3.591. Aug. 26, 1971' May 27, 1971.. -\4. 480.. Regular nionthly 1971.. Aug.31,1971....{^;g^6 Aug.31, Nov. 30, 1970.. Regular weekly: /3.467.. Mar. 4, 1971... Sept. 2, 1971 -14.342.. June 3. 1971... f3.358.- Mar. 11, 1971.. Sept. 9, 1971«. -14.511.. June 10, 1971.. 18, 1971.. Sept. 16, 19716 _|3.«e.. Mar. June 17, 1971.. /3.482.. Mar. 25, 1971.. Sept. 23, 1971.. -14.954.. June 24, 1971.. -{I Footnotes at end of table. $97,555 cash 99.110 cash 97.509 cash 99.064 cash 97.658 cash 98.979 cash 97.855 cash 99.047 cash 97.859 cash 99.023 cash July 15, 1971.. July 22, 1971.. July 29, 1971.. July 31, 1971.. Aug. 5, 1971.. Aug. 12, 1971. Aug. 19, 1971. Aug. 26, 1971. Aug.31, 1971. Sept. 2, 1971.. Sept. 9, 1971.. -J Sept. 16, 1971.. -jSept. 23, 1971.. Sold at a discount; payable at par on maturity. $1,402,020,000.00 \ 1,900,465,000.00 J 1,401,705,000.00 \ . . 2,000,285,000.00 / 1,407,895,000.00 \ 2,000,525,000.00 / 1,400,855,000.00 \ 2,001,015,000.00 / 1,400,440,000.00 \ 2,001,490,000.00 J 93.532 cash 95.368 cash 97.920 cash 99.023 cash 98.059 cash 99.024 cash 98.140 cash 98.900 cash 98.185cash 98.868 cash 1,202,410,000.00 "I 500,620,000.00 J" 1,405,305,000.00 \ 2,000,225,000.00 J 1,400,250,000.00 1 2,000,240,000.00 j ' 1,402,285,000.00 1 2,001,325,000.00 /" 1,402,070,000.00 1 2,100,870,000.00 / ' 93.515 cash 96.131 cash 98.247 cash 98.902 cash 98.302 cash 98.860 cash 98.273 cash 98.739 cash 98.240 cash 98.748 cash 1,203,530,000.00 500,780,000.00 1,401,135,000.00 2,101, 545,000.00 1,400,825,000.00 2,100,905,000.00 1,400,740,000.00 2,100,770,000.00 1,601,780,000.00 2,203,210,000.00 ... \ /" \ J\ /" \ (• \ /- $3,302,485,000.00 Ul 3,401, 990,000.00 3,408,420,000.00 3,401,870,000.00 3,401,930,000.00 n hH o 1,703,030,000.00 > 3,405, 530,000.00 > 3,400,490,000.00 fel 3,403,610,000.00 "^ 3,602,940,000.00 h-l 1,704,310,000.00 3, 502,680,000.00 3, 501,730,000.00 3,501, 510,000.00 3,804, 990,000.00 ^3 TABLE 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971—Continued Description INTEREST-BEARING Continued Public Date When redeemable or p a y a b l e i Interest payment date A v e r a g e price received (per $100) A m o u n t issued A m o u n t retired 00 Amount outstanding 2 DEBTPi fel Issues—Continued M arketable—C o n t i n u e d T r e a s m y biUs: Series m a t m i n g a n d a p p r o x i m a t e yield t o m a t m i t y (%) 3 e—Con. Regular monthly: [6.216.. S e p t . 30, 1970... ^Sept. 30, 1971. Sept. 30, 1 9 7 1 . - . . U . 9 4 9 . . D e c . 31, 1970 13.695.. A p r . 1, 1 9 7 1 . - - Regular weekly: Oct. 7, 1971 3 . 7 5 5 . . A p r . 8, 1971 Oct. 7, 1 9 7 1 . . Oct. 14, 1971 4 . 1 4 1 . . A p r . 15, 1971 O c t . 14, 1971. Oct. 21, 1971 3 . 9 6 0 . . A p r . 22, 1971 O c t . 21, 1971. Oct. 28, 1971 4 . 0 8 7 . . A p r . 29, 1971 O c t . 28, 1971. Regular monthly: /6.072., O c t . 31, 1970 If... 01 1Q71 Oct. 31, 1 9 7 1 . . \4.269., F e b . 1, 1971 . r ^ ^ ' '^^' ^ ^ ' ^ - • Regular weekly: N o v . 4, 1971.. N o v . 4, 1 9 7 1 . . . . . 4.182. M a y 6, 1971.. N o v . 11, 1971. N o v . 11, 1 9 7 1 . . . . 4.177. M a y 13, 1971 N o v . 18, 1971.. N o v . 18, 1 9 7 1 . . - 4.530. M a y 20, 1971 N o v . 26, 1971. N o v . 2 6 , 1 9 7 1 . . . . 4.677. M a y 27, 1971 Regular monthly: \^ 3Q ,07, r5.010 . . N o v . 3 0 , 1970 N o v . 30, 1971.. \3.691 . . M a r . 1, 1971 / ^ ° ^ ' "*"' •^'^^^Regular weekly: Dec. 2,1971.. Dec. 2, 1971 4.507. J u n e 3 , 1971 Dec. 9, 1971 4.720. J u n e 10, 1 0 7 1 . . . . . . D e c . 9 , 1 9 7 1 . . D e c . 16, 1971. Dec. 16, 1971 5.200. J u n e 17, 1971 D e c . 23, 1971. D e c . 23, 1 9 7 1 . . . . 5.133. J u n e 24, 1971 R e g u l a r m.onthly 4.886. D e c . 31,1970 \ ^ ^ ^ ^ i ^c^n•^ D e c . 31, 1971. .3.507. M a r . 31; 1971 J ^ ® ^ ' 3^' ^ ^ ^ 1 J a n . 3 1 , 1971 U 01 jnyo J a n . 31, 1972 (^;249 A p r . 30, 1971 r ^ ^ ' ^^' ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 j , , 09 1972 F e b . 2 9 , 1 9 7 2 . . . . { 3 ; 6 7 5 - F e b . 2 8 , 1971 J u n e 1, 1 9 7 1 . . r ®'^- ^^' ^ ^ ' ^ 1 ^ . „ 01 ,070 M a r . 3 1 , 1 9 7 2 . . . . { 3 ; g 7 - Mar. 31, 1971 J u n e 30, 1971 P ^ ^ " ^^' •^^7"'- o pi o 93.698 cash 96.247 cash 98.132 c a s h . . fel $3,302,885,000.00 fel .. .. .. .. 1,600, 600,000.00 1,600, 225,000.00 1,401,175,000.00 1,401,225,000.00 93.844 cash 96.775 cash 1,201,370,000.00 1 499,740,000.00 / " 1,701,110,000.00 97.886 cash 97.888 cash 97.710 c a s h . . . . . . . 97.673 cash 1,400,240,000.00 . . 1,400,040,000.00 . . 1,401,985,000.00 . . 1,400,165,000.00 . . 1,400, 240,000.00 1,400,040,000.00 1,401,985,000.00 1,400,165,000.00 94.921 c a s h . 97.191 c a s h . 1,200, 505,000.00 \ 501,330,000.00 / - 1,701,835, 000.00 97.722 c a s h . 97.614 c a s h . . . . . . . 97.371 cash 97.405 cash 1,394,930,000.00 1,400,480,000.00 1,400,390,000.00 1,603,345,000.00 . . . . 1,394,930, 000.00 1,400,480, 000.00 1,400,390, 000.00 1, 603,345, 000.00 95.046 cash 97.321 cash 95.693 cash 96.625 cash 96.264 cash 96.445 cash 96.354 cash 95.856 casb _ 1,201,185,000.00 1 500,365,000.00 J 1,199,455,000.00 1 500,250,000.00 j 1,201,075,000.00 ^ 500,105,000.00 , 1,200,285,000.00 ' 500,329,000.00 , 1,701, 550, 000.00 > zn 1,699,705, 000.00 Pi 98.102 97.907 97.998 97.934 Sold a t a discount; payable a t p a r on maturity. $1,202,480,000.00 1 500,550,000.00 \ . 1,599,855,000.00 ) cash cash cash cash 1,600,600,000.00 1,600,225,000.00 1,401,175,000.00 1,401,225,000.00 Ul fel o pi fel > pi o fel ... 1,701,180, 000.00 1,700, 605, 000.00 w fel pi fel Apr. 30, 1972.... 4.422.. May 31, 1972 4.790.. June 30, 1972 5.567.. Regular weekly: July 1, 1971 3.281.. July 1,19714.099.. Aug. 12, 1971 July8.19713.811.. Sept. 16, 1971 Total Treasury bills Treasm'y notes: ^ 5 ^ % Series B-1971 Apr. 30, 1971 May 31, 1971 June 30, 1971 Apr. 30, 1972 May 31, 1972 June 30, 1972 Feb. 26,1971 May 25, 1971 (0 (s) Apr. 6, 1971 (9) 95.504 cash 95.130 cash Sold at a dis94.340 cash count; payable at par on ^ 99.020 cash maturity 99.379 cash , 98.645 cash. ". 1,200,535,000.00 1,200,820,000.00 1,200,335,000.00 1,200,535,000.00 1,200,820,000.00 1,200,335,000.00 200,615,000.00 1,407,210,000.00 200,615,000.00 1,407,210,000.00 2,205,720,000.00 . . 2,205,720,000.00 86,676,420,000.00 86,676,420,000. 00 Nov. 15, 1966 Nov. 16, 1971 May 16-Nov. 15.. . Par Exchange at par. 8M% Series F-1971 (effective Feb. 15, 1970 rate 8.2745%). 7%% Seiies G-1971 (effecMay 15, 1970 tive rate 7.7860%). 4 ^ % Series A-1972 (effecFeb. 16, 1967 tive rate 4.8353%). Subtotal Aug. 16, 1971 Feb. 16-Aug. 16.. . Exchange at p a r . . . 2,267,370,000.00 ^ 10,976,898,000.00 May 15-Nov. 16.. - 99.95... 6,140,622,000.00 6,836,276,000.00 Feb. 15, 1972 Feb. 15-Aug. 16., ,. 99.626 Exchange at 99.625. _ 1,777,471,000.00 228,158,000.00 2,005,629,000.00 1,206,106,000.00 799,523,000.00 4M% Series B-1972 (effective May 15, 1967 rate 4.7494%). May 15, 1972 May 15-Nov. 16.. . Exchange at par... Exchange at 100.10. Exchange at 99.70. Exchange at 100.15. Exchange at 99.80. 3,606,342, QOO. 00 445,706,000.00 . 308,233,000.00 . 836,698,000.00 . 213,135,000.00 . 73^% Series C-1972 (effective Aug. 17, 1970 rate 7.5360%). Subtotal Feb. 15, 1972 Feb. 16-Aug. 16. 99.96 Exchange at 99.95. 3,190,197,000.00 . 189,890,000- 00 . 3,380,087,000.00 2,689,673,000.00 o QH% Series D-1972 (effective rate 6.2106%). 5% Series E-1972 6% Series F-1972....... 7M% Series A-1973 (effective rate 7.9346%). Nov. 16, 1970 May 16, 1972 99.76 2,037,270,000.00 2,037,270,000.00 X May 16, 1971 June 29, 1971 Oct. 1, 1969 Aug. 15, 1972 Nov. 15, 1972 May 15, 1973 May 15-Nov. 15. . Feb. 15-Aug. 16. .. May 15-Nov. 15. . do . Exchange at p a r . . Par Exchange at par... Exchange at 99.40. 3,451,504,000.00 2,285,454,000.00 1,160,451,000.00 4,683,247,000.00 3,451,504,000.00 2,286,454,000.00 5,843,698,000.00 6,843,698,000.00 Subtotal. 1.667.779.000.00 66,338,000.00 1,734,117,000.00 Nov. 15, 1971 Subtotal. $771,321,000.00 962,796,000.00 2,257,370,000.00 6,310,014,000.00 Ul hH 5,310,014,000.00 fel 690,414,000.00 hH Subtotal Footnotes at end of table. CO (X) O TABLE 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971—Continued Description Date When redeemable or payable i Interest pajmient Average price date received (per $100) Amount issued Amount outstanding 2 Amount retired INTEREST-BEARING D E B T Continued Pi fel o Public Issues—Continued Pi Marketable—Continued Treasury notes '—Continued 8>^% Series B-1973 (effective Feb. 16, 1970 rate 8.1356%). 5H% Series A-1974 (effective Nov. 16, 1967. rate 5.8073%). Aug. 15, 1973 Feb. 15-Aug. 15.. Exchange at par... $1,839,106,000.00.. Nov. 16, 1974 May 16-Nov. 15. Par Exchange at par... Exchange at 99.60. 1,506,510,000.00 2,474,568,000.00 3,230,953,000.00 Subtotal. 7,212,031,000.00 7o Series B-1974 (effective Aug. 16, 1968 Feb. 16-Aug. 16. . 99.62 Exchange at 99.62. 5,414,039,000.00 4,869,883,000.00 • Aug. 16, 1974 rate 5.7007%). Subtotal... - 7 ^ % Series C-1974.:... Aug. 16, 1970 7H% Series D-1974... Nov. 16, 1970 6 ^ % Series A-1976 (effective Feb. 15, 1968 rate 5.7371%). -- Subtotal. May 16, 1968 Feb. 15,1971 Feb. 15, 1969 May 16, 1976 Aug. 16, 1976 Feb. 15, 1976. May 16, 1969 May 16, 1976 Oct. 1, 1 9 6 9 . . . . . . . Aug. 16, 1976 ^ K fel 7,212,031,000.00 . • : : • , • ; - • t^ Q E fel ^ 3 ^ o M 10,283,922,000.00 3,140,968,000.00 4,607,325,000.00 2,171,294,000.00 507,225,000.00 1,107,439,000.00 929,137,000.00 433,348,000.00 5,148,443,000.00 5,148,443,000.00 ^ Exchange at par... do Exchange at 99.75. —=^ h9 6,759,985,000.00 7,679,625.000.00 3,738,768,000.00 6,759,985,000.00 pi 7,679,625,000.00 fel 3,738,768,000.00 > May 16-Nov. 16, . Exchange at par... Feb. 16-Aug. 15. . Exchange at 99.50. Exchange at 100.60. 2,697,016,000-00 1,682,965,000.00 2,510,767,000.00 2,697,016,000.00 d Pi K| 4,193,732,000-00 4,193,732,000.00 May 15-Nov. 16.. Feb. 16-Aug. 15. do 10,283,922,000.00 3,140,968,000.00 4,507,325,000.00 Ul Exchange at par... do.. do Exchange at 99.40. Exchange at 99.15. Exchange at 99.85. Exchange at 98.85. Feb. 15, 1974...... Feb. 15-Aug. 15. May 16, 1974.. May 15-Nov. 16. Feb. 15, 1975 Feb. 15-Aug. 15. Subtotal. 6% Series B-1976 514% Series C-1975 6M% Series A-1976 (effective rate 6.2947%). 6 ^ % Series B-1976-. 7^% Series C-1976 (effective rate 7.4783%). O $1,839,106,000.00 fel H^ \^ Ul 8% Series A-1977 (effective rate 8.0069%). 7M% Series B-1977 (effective rate 7.7970%). 6H% Series A-1978 13^% Series EO-1971 1}^% Series EA-1972 13^% Series EO-1972. 13^% Series EA-1973 13^% Series EO-1973 1^% Series EA-1974 1}6% Series EO-1974 13^% Series EA-1975 13^% Series EO-1975. l}^% Series EA-1976. Feb. 15, 1970 Feb. 16, 1977 Aug. 16, 1970- Aug. 16, 1977 Feb. 16, 1971 Oct. 1,1966. Apr. 1, 1967 Oct. 1, 1967 Apr. 1, 1968 Oct. 1, 1968 Apr. 1, 1969 Oct. 1, 1969 Apr. 1, 1970. Oct. 1, 1970 Apr. 1, 1971 Feb. 15,1978 Oct.l, 1971. Apr. 1, 1972 Oct. 1, 1972 Apr. 1, 1973 Oct. 1, 1973 Apr. 1, 1974.. Oct. 1, 1974 Apr. 1, 1976.... Oct. 1, 1976. Apr. 1, 1976 Feb. 16-Aug. 16.. Exchange at par... do.. Apr. 1-Oct. 1. . do. do do do do do do. do. do.... 2,263,386,000.00 Exchangeat p a r . . do do do do do do do do 8,387,640,000.00 71,827,000.00 . 33,951,000.00 33,217,000.00 . 33,760,000.00 29,764,000 00 . 33,883,000.00 . 41,702,000.00 . 7,945,000.00 . 30,654,000.00 . 3,499,000.00 . 8,387,640,000.00 71,827,000.00 33,951,000.00 33, 217,000.00 33, 750,000.00 29,764,000.00 33,883,000.00 41,702,000.00 7,945,000.00 30,654,000.00 3,499,000.00 . 112,617,039,000.00 .--. 104,808,676,000.00 1,154,257,500.00 1,651,369,000.00 Ul . hH 3,000.00 2,805,626,500.00 On Nov. 16, 1971. May and Nov. 15.. : 10 1,245,637,000.00 693.473 000.00 Exchangeat 98.90. 93,607,000-00 Exchangeat 99.10. 727.803 000.00 Exchange at 99.30 Subtotal. June 1, 1945 $7,808,463,000.00 > On Aug. 16,1971.. Feb. and Aug. 16., Exchange at par. Exchange at 102.. Subtotal. Sy8% of 1971 (effective rate May 15, 1962. • 3.9713%). 8 6,162,870,000.00 2,263,385,000.00 Total Treasury notes. Treasury bonds: ^ 4% of 1971 (effective rate Mar. 1, 1962 3.8499%). 8 23^% of 1967-72 6,162,870,000.00 Exchange at 99.76 - Onandafter Dec. 15, 1971; on June 16, June and Dec. 16.. Par 2,805,623, 500.00 . . - . . 2,760,420,000.00 1,'679,432,000.00 1,080,988,000.00 7,967,261,000.00 6,735,476,000-00 1,231,785,000.00 > > fel ^ X 1972.1' 12 2H% of 1967-72.. Nov. 15, 1945 4% of 1972 23^% of 1967-72 Nov. 15, 1962 Oct. 20, 1941. On or after Dec. 16, 1971; on Dec. 15, June and Dec. 15.. .do... 11,888,868,500.00 9,127,655,000.00 2,661,213,500.00 2,343,511,000.00 2,527,073,950.00 188,971,200.00 1,363,666,000.00 979,945,000.00 2,716,046,150-00 765,324,000.00 1972.11 12 Subtotal On Feb. 15, 1972.. Feb. and Aug. 15.. Exchange at p a r . . Onandafter Mai', and Sept. 16. Par ' Mar. 16, 1972; on Sept. 15, 1972.12 ... 1,950,721,150.00 Footnotes a t f»nd of table. 00 00 TABLE 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971—Continued " Description ' Date When redeemable or payable i Interest pajrment Average price date received (per $100) . - Amountissued Amount retired Amount outstanding 2 — ^ INTEREST-BEARING DEBT— Continued Public Issues—Continued fel ^ ^ Marketable—Continued Treasnry bonds f~Continued 4% of 1972 (effective rate Sept. 15, 1962. 4-0840%)-g • Subtotal On Aug. 15 1972.. Feb. and Aug. 15... Exchange at Exchange at Exchange at Exchange at - • 4 % of 1973 (effective rate Sept. 15, 1963. 41491%)g 98.80. 99.30. 99.40. 99.70. --- - '- $2,578,547,000-00 1,120,883,000-00 213,528,000.00 782,366,000-00 340,079.000-00 720,641,000.00 716,437,000.00 . ....... 3,893,834,000.00 Subtotal On Nov. 15,1973ii. May and Nov. 16... Exchange at Exchangeat Exchange at Exchange at Exchange at Exchangeat Exchangeat Exchange at - --- 4V^% of 1974 (effective rate Jan. 15, 1965^.... On Feb. 15, 1974". Feb. and Aug. 16.. Exchange at 41721%).g Exchange at Exchange at Exchangeat Exchange at 98.75. 98.90. 99.05. 99.1099.25 99.3099-45. 99-85. 232,162,000.00 334,055,000-00 769,304,000-00 574,915.000-00 343,825,000-00 296,850,500-00.1,302,758,000-00 503,341,000-00 ...... 4,357,210,500-00 99.06. 99.25. 99.35. 99.45. 99.50. .-..-.--.---. $1,600.00 •- • O fel ^ B ^ ^ $378,792,000-00 370,327,000-00 1,570,407,000-00 259.021,000-00 ....' 2,578,547,000-00 On Aug. 15,19731. Feb. and Aug. 15.. Exchange at 98.85. Exchange at 97.90Exchange at 98.55. Exchangeat 98.20Exchange at 99.60. Exchangeat 99.30. Subtotal 43^% of 1973 (effective rate July 22, 1964 42241%)g .. CO -^.i t-^ 140,326,000-00 399,959.000.00 493,462,000-00.. 146,917,000.00 415,742,000.00 : •• ••• --. 3,893,832,500.00 • ^ 5 H H > pi K^ O fel 3 ffl fel . 13,867,000.00 ^ ^ ^ 4, 343, 343,500.00 § -.. 3 ^ Exchange at 99.55. Exchange at 99.90. Exchange at 100.25Subtotal 333,760,000.00 . 461,289,000.00 . 738,918,500.00 . 3,130,373,600.00 4M% of 1974 (effective rate May 16, 1964 4.2306%). Subtotal On May 15, 1974 " . May and Nov. 15.. Exchange at par... Exchange at 100.25- 1,531,898,500.00 2,061,685,000.00 3,693,583,500.00 33^% of 1974 (effective rate Dec. 2, 1957 3.9517%).g On Nov. 15,1974 n. May and Nov. 15.. Par Exchange at 98.50. Exchange at 99 Exchange at 98.30. Exchange at 99.10. Exchangeat p a r . . 653,811,500.00 136,239,000.00 517,421,500.00 313,758,000.00 373,227,000.00 260,315,000.00 4,033,500-00 3,126,340,000.00 -.... 14,906,600.00 3,678,677,000.00 6,446,600.00 2,238,325,600.00 CO -. Subtotal.. 4K% of 1975-85 (effective rate 4.2631%).g 2,244,772,000.00 Apr. 5,1960 Onandafter May 16, 1975; onMayl5, May and Nov. 15.. Par Exchangeat 101.15Exchange at 99.95. 469,533,000.00 52,853,600.00 397,057,000.00 E x c h a n g e a t 99.25E x c h a n g e at 99.10. E x c h a n g e at 99.05. 106,792,000.00 75,642,000.00 116,733,000.00 1985.11 hj = > a ui ^^ O > tT" > Subtotal. 33^% of 1978-83.. _ May 1,1953 Onandafter Jmiel5,1978; 1983.11 on June 15, 1,217,610,500.00 Jmie and Dec. 16.. Par. Exchange at p a r . . Subtotal 4% of 1980 (efi^ective rate Jan. 23,1959 4.0454%) .s Subtotal Footnotes at end of table. . 1,211,733,500.00 — 71,664,600.00 1,534,419,500.00 20,745,000.00 2,590,948,500.00 1,188,769,176.00 417,314,825.00 1,606,084,000.00 OnFeb. 15,1980 n . Feb. and Aug. 16.. 99 99.50 Exchange at 99.... Exchange at 99.10. Exchange at 99.30. Exchange at 99.50. Exchange at 99.60. Exchange at 98.80. Exchange at 100.26Exchange at 100.50- 5,877,000.00 ^ hj g ^ X O 884,115,600.00. i3 102,000.00 . 196,465,000. 00 . 17,346,000. 00 . 2,113,000. 00 . i3 107,341,500.00 . 212,994,500. 00 . 420,040,000.00 . 562,596,500. 00 . 209,580,500.00 . 2,611,693,500.00 (X) 00 00 T A B L E 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding J u n e 30, 1 9 7 1 — C o n t i n u e d INTEREST-BEARING Continued When redeemable or p a y a b l e i Date Description Interest pajmient date Average price received (per $100) A m o m i t issued A m o u n t retired Amount outstanding 2 DEBT- Pi fel *n o Pi Public Issues—Continued Marketable—Continued Treasm-y b o n d s f—Continued 33^% of 1980 (effective r a t e 3.3816%) .g Subtotal • 334%) of 1986 (eflective r a t e 3.2222%). 4 ^ % of 1987-92 (effective r a t e 4.2340%) .g Subtotal - - June 3,1958.. O n May 15, 1985 n . M a y a n d N o v . 1 5 . . 100.60 A u g . 15, 1962. O n a n d after A u g . 15, 1987; on A u g . 15, 1992.11 - F e b . a n d A u g . 15.. 101.Exchange a t 99.60. E x c h a n g e at 99.75. E x c h a n g e a t 99.90. E x c h a n g e at 99.95. E x c h a n g e at 100.10E x c h a n g e a t 100.15Exchange a t 100.25E x c h a n g e at 100.30E x c h a n g e a t 100.35E x c h a n g e a t 100.40E x c h a n g e at 100.46E x c h a n g e at 100.80E x c h a n g e at 101.-E x c h a n g e a t 101.15E x c h a n g e a t 100.70- - 4% of 1988-93 (effective r a t e 4.0082%). J a n . 17, 1963.. 43/^%, of 1989-94 (effective r a t e 4.1905%). B A p r . 18, 1963. O n N o v . 15,1980 n . M a y a n d N o v . 1 5 . . E x c h a n g e a t p a r . . . E x c h a n g e a t 102.26E x c h a n g e a t 103.50- Oct. 3, 1960. O n a n d after F e b . 15, 1988; on F e b . 15, 1993.11 . . O n a n d after M a y 15, 1989; on M a y 16, 1994.11 F e b . a n d A u g . 15.. o fel $643,406,000.00 . 1,034, 722,000.00 . 237,815,000.00 . 1,915,943,000.00 $12, 220,500. 00 $1, 903, 722,600.00 1,134,867,600.00 80,198, 000.00 1,064, 669,600.00 359, 711, 500.00 118, 050, 000.00 150, 959, 000.00 188,007, 000.00 486,642, 000.00 195, 976, 000.00 685,356, 500.00 641, 227, 500.00 147, 686, 000.00 116,072, 500.00 281, 957, 000.00 143, 932, 000.00 139, 738, 000.00 5,410, 000.00 122, 199, 500.00 34, 928, 000.00 fel § o Pi fel . . . . . . . . . . . . . > Pi K! O fel w fel 3,817,852,500.00 14,141, 500.00 3, 803, 711,000.00 pi fel 250,000,000.00 3,068,000.00 246, 932,000.00 Ul > c\ Pi May a n d N o v . 15.. 100.56 Exchange a t 97.70. E x c h a n g e at 98 E x c h a n g e at 98.35. 300,000,000.00 125, 623,000.00 104, 739,000.00 317,182,000.00 Exchange at 98.65. Exchange at 99.10. Exchange at 99.40. Subtotal 1,660,466,000.00 3H% of 1990 (effective rate Feb. 14, 1958 3.4907%). g 9, 755,500.00 1, 650,710, 500.00 4, 917,411,500.00 268,316, 500.00 4,649,095,000.00 On Feb. 15,199511. Feb. and Aug. 15.. Par Exchange at pai'... . 821,474,500.00 1,923,642,500.00 2,745,117,000.00 1,556,104,500.00 1,189,012,500.00 On Nov. 15,1998 n. May and Nov. 15.. Exphange at par. _ Exchange at 98 Exchange at 99 Exchange at 100.25Exchange at 100.60- 2,523,039,000.00 494,804,500.00 692,076,500.00 419,613,000.00 333,406,000.00 On Feb. 15,1990 u. Feb. and Aug. 15.. Exchange at par... Exchange at 99 Exchange at 100.25Exchange at 101.25Exchange at 101.60Exch ange at 101.75- Subtotal. 3% of 1995..-. Feb. 15,1955 Subtotal 33^% of 1998 (eflective rate Oct. 3, 1960 3.5165%). g Subtotal Total Treasury bonds Total marketable issues. Noimiarketable: Certificates of indebtedness: ' 3.70% foreigii series Do... 4,462,839,000.00 76,319,937,150.00 ================================ .... . Anr. 8.1971 3.80% foreign series.. Apr. 26,1971 3.90% foreign series.. . Apr. 27,1971 Do May 3, 1971 Do May 4, 1971 On 2 days' notice; on July 7, 1971. On 2 days' notice; on July 8, 1971. On 2 days' notice; on July 15,197i; On 2 days' notice; on July 26, 1971. On 2 days' notice; on July 27, 1971: On 2 days' notice; on Aug. 3, 1971. On 2 days' notice; on Aug. 4, 1971, July 7, 1971 Par...- July8, 1971- do-. 271,017,399.32 do-. 250,000,000. 00 July 26, 1971 70,000,000.00 July 27, 1971 do.. 20,000,000.00 Aug. 3,1971 75,000,000. 00 Aug. 4, 1971 do.. 200,000,000.00 h^ ^ HH > -::i:---Zi: tr" 593,148,000.00 3, 869,691,000.00 . 22,345,950,000.00 53,973,987,150. 00 ^ 30,154,413,000.00 245,458,983,150.00 ^ 30,000,000.00 July 16, 1971 Ul > O =========================== , Apr. 7,1971 Apr. 15,1971 2,719,730,000.00 721,728,000.00 575,798,500.00 233,236,000.00 344,644,000.00 322,275,000.00 275,613,396,150. 00 5.424% foreign series. Footnotes at end of table. 489,896,000.00 131,877,000.00 91,149,000.00 30,000,000.00 ^ X 271,017,399.32 65,000,000. 00 250,000,000.00 6,000,000. 00 20,000,000.00 .. 75,000,000.00 60,000,000. 00 150,000,000. 00 00 00 TABLE 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971—Continued Description Date When redeemable or payable i Interest payment Average price date received (per $100) Amount issued Amount rethed ' Aniount outstanding 2 »-* cb -^j ^ INTEREST-BEARING D E B T Continued Public Issues—Continued Nonraarketable—Continued Certificates of indebtedness— Continued 3.90% foreign series Do Do Do Do Do 4.35% foreign series Do Do..-4.50% foreign series Do 4.35% foreign series 4.55% foreign series 4.95% foreign series Total certificates, pi fel >ii 2 3 May 7, 1971 On 2 days'notice; Aug. 6, 1971 on Aug. 6, 1971. On 2 days'notice; Aug. 10, 1971 on Aug. 10, 1971. do do do do : do do May 14, 1971 On 2 days'notice; Aug. 13, 1971 on Aug. 13, 1971. May 19, 1971 On 2 days'notice; Aug. 19,1971 onAug. 19,1971. May24,1971 . . On 2 days'notice; Aug. 24, 1971 onAug. 24,1971. May 26, 1971 On 2 days'notice; Aug. 26, 1971... onAug. 26,1971. -do do do June 1, 1 9 7 1 . . . . . . . On 2 days'notice; Sept. 1, 1971 on Sept. 1, 1971. June 10,1971 On 2 days'notice; Sept. 10, 1971 on Sept. 10, 1971. June 28,1971 On 2 days'notice; Sept. 28, 1971 on Sept. 28, 1971. foreign -.- May 10, 1971- Par.. do. $950,000,000.00 110,000,000.00 -.. 110,000,000.00 495,000,000.00 . 235,000,000.00 80,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 42,000,000.00 dodo. do do 235,000,000.00 575,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 42,000,000.00.. do... do 4.40% foreign currency series do. 4.26% foreign curi'ency sei'ies do 7.70% foreign currency series do 7.73% foreign currency series do July 6, 1971 July 22, 1971 58,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 do..^.. do 160,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 30,000,000.00- do do 140,000,000.00 ...... 35,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 • 100,000,000.00 280,000,000.00.... . do 100,000,000.00 280,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 do .. . 35,000,000.00 60,000,000.00.... -.. 3,846,017,399.32 — On 2 days'notice; - on July 6, 1971. On 2 days'notice; on July 22, 1971. On 2 das^s'notice; on Aug. 5, 1971. On 2 days'notice; on Aug. 6, 1971. On 2 days'notice; on Aug. 19, 1971. $60,000,000.00' 58,000,000.00 S P T I P S 6.75% foreign currency series. May 10, 1971 $1,010,000,000.00 • 409.5000 Swiss francs. do ' — • - — — 2,126,017,399.32 — • — — —•_ 54,945,054.95- '54,945,054.95 105,006,105.01 105,006,105.01 Aug. 6, 1971 do 52,503,052.50 Aug. 6, 1971 do. 26,862,026.86 Aug. 19,1971. do - 60,000,000.00 1,720,000,000.00 29,304,029.30 ,• 52,503,052. 50 • ..- 26,862,026.86 29,304,029.39 ^ ^ yq M S rn ^ o pi fel H > ^ >< 2 ^ ^ 2 S ^ -, I !J 2 g rn ^ 3 3 3.35% foreign currency sei'ies do.. 7.60% foreign currency series do.... 7.30% foreign curi'ency sei'ies do 7.23% foreign currency sei'ies do.... 6.90% foreign cmrency sei'ies do. 6.70% foreign cmrency series do 6.55% foreign curi'ency sei'ies do Total certificates, foreign currency series. Treasui'y notes: ^ 6.70% foreign series... 6.79% foreign series 6.84% foreign series 7.55% foreign series 7.46% foreign series 7.65% foreign series Do. .... 7.63% foreign series..-.: 7.25% foreign series Do 6.60% foreign series 6.50% foreign series 5.15% foreign series 4.75% foreign series 3.90% foreign series 3.65% foreign series 4.40% foreign sei'ies 5.35% foreign series 5.10% foreign series 5.95% foreign series 5.3.5% foreign series 5.85% foreign series 5.70% foreign series 6.00% foreign sei'ies Do 5.35% foreign series 5.50% foreign series Do 6.00% foreign series 6.20% foreign series 5.95% foreign series Footnotes at end of table. Mar. 26, 1970 Mar. 31, 1970 Apr. 9, 1970 Jmie 4, 1970 Apr.30,1970 June 11, 1970 June 18, 1970 June 25, 1970 Aug. 3, 1970 do Oct. 28, 1970 Nov. 2, 1970 Dec. 21, 1970 Jan. 18, 1971 Feb. 18, 1971 Mar. 25, 1971 Apr. 22, 1971 May 20, 1971 May 27, 1971 June 25, 1971 June 17, 1971 June 24, 1971 June 27, 1968 July 1, 1968 July 2, 1968 Sept. 9, 1968 Oct. 9, 1968 Nov. 22, 1968 Dec. 24, 1968 June 25, 1971 Dec. 27, 1968 - . . . On 2 days'notice; Sept. 10, 1971 on Sept. 10, 1971. On 2 days'notice; Sept. 13,1971 on Sept. 13, 1971. On 2 days'notice; Oct. 8, 1971.. on Oct. 8, 1971. On 2 days'notice; Oct. 29, 1971. on Oct. 29, 1971. On 2 days'notice; Dec. 9, 1971. on Dec. 9, 1971. On 2 days' notice; Jan. 5, 1972.. on Jan. 5, 1972. On 2 days' notice; Jan. 17, 1972 on Jan. 17, 1972. - do.... 262,515,262.52 262,515,262.52 24,420,024.42 24,420,024.42 31,746,03L75 31,746,031.75 41,514,041.51 41,514,04L51 do 106,227,106.23 106,227,106.23 do.... -... do 23,687,423.69 23,687,423.69 do 140,415,140.42 140,415,140.42 899,145,299.16 899,145,299.16 — 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 90,000,000.00 . . . 28,435,415.00 100,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 125,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 90,000,000.00 24,552,930.87 100,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 125,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 On July 22, 19711^. Jan. and July 2 2 . . P a r . . On July 29, 19711*. Jan. and July 29 do. On Aug. 26,19711^. Feb. and Aug. 26 do... do do do OnSept. 23,197114. Mai', and Sept. 23 do On Oct. 28, 19711^. Apr. and Oct. 28 do do do do OnNov. 18,19711*. May and Nov. 18 do On Dec. 23, 1971. . June and Dec. 23 do On Jan. 20, 1972... Jan. and July 20 do On Jan. 20, 1972 H. do do OnFeb. 2,1972H.. Feb. and Aug. 2 do OnFeb. 24,197214_ Feb. and Aug. 24 do do do do On Apr. 27,197214. Apr. and Oct. 27 do do do do On May 25, 1972 i4. May and Nov. 25 do On June 22,197214 _ June and Dec. 22 dO— do do do On June 26,197215. June and Dec. 26..--—do On July 20, 1972 i4. Jan. and J'uly 20 do do do do OnDec. 27,197214. June and Dec. 27 do On Jan. 2, 1973 i4.. Jan. and July 2 do do --do ----do OnMar. 9,1973 i4_. Mar. and Sept. 9 -do On Apr. 9, 1973 i4.. Apr. and Oct. 9 do— On May 22, 1973 i4. May and Nov. 22 do Oh June 25,197314. June and Dec. 2 5 - . - - d o On June 25,1973 is do 1 do On June 27,197314. June and Dec. 27 do ---- ------ 3,882,484.13 ^ h^ > i^ ^ X^ hn ^ g ^ .^ S h^ ^ ^ M hn X 00 00 (X) T A B L E 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding J u n e 30, 1971—Continued Description INTEREST-BEARING Continued Date When r e d e e m a b l e or p a y a b l e i Interest payment Average price date received (per $100) Amountissued A m o u n t retired Amoimt outstanding 2 DEBT- Pi fel Pablic Issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Continued T r e a s u r y n o t e s ^—Conthiued 6.00% foreign series. --6.45% foreign series 6.65% foreign series 6.66% foreign series •xj O Pi Dec. 31, 1968J u n e 25, 1971. do do. O n J u l y 2, 1973 i4-. J a n . a n d J u l y 2 O n J u n e 25,197415. J u n e a n d D e c . 25 . O n J u n e 25,197615. do . O n J u n e 25,197615. do Par do.. --do.. do.. 6, 460,435,415.00 T o t a l notes, foreign s e r i e s . 6.28% foreign currency July 3,1967.. series, is 3.90% foreign cm'rency serles. M a y 10, 19714.40% foreign c u r r e n c y series. 6,15% foreign currency series^ do J u n e l , 1971.. 6.73% foreign series.IS 6.25% foreign series. 16 3.05% foreign 4.43% foreign series.17 currency currency currency cun-ency A p r . 1, 1968.: O n J a n . 3, 1972 i4.. J a n . a n d J u l y 3 . . . 369.0000 D e u t s c h e marks. . O n 2 d a y s ' notice; M a y a n d N o v . 18.. 409.5000 Swiss on M a y 18, 1972. francs. . O n M a y 30, 1972... M a y a n d N o v . 30.. do. O n 2 d a y s ' notice; Mar. a n d Sept. 1 . . 410.7600 Swiss on Sept. 1, 1972. . O n Oct. 2, 1972 i4.. A p r . a n d Oct. 2 . . . 369.0000 D e u t s c h e marks. O n D e c . 22,19721*. J u n e a n d D e c . 2 2 . . do . O n F e b . 19,19731*. F e b . a n d A u g . 19.- 371.4985 D e u t s c h e . O n Oct. 2, 1973 i4.. A p r . a n d Oct. 2 . . . 373.0791 D e u t s c h e marks. 33^% T r e a s m y b o n d s . 3H% Treasmy bonds. 33^% T r e a s u r y b o n d s . Total T r e a s m y bonds-. $3,882,484.13 6,456, 552, 930.87 135,501,355.00 . 135, 501, 355.00 31,601,831.50 . 31,601, 831. 50 31,746,031.75 26,780,279.98 . 31,746, 031. 75 26,780, 279. 98 135,501,355.00 . 136,601, 355.00 135,601,356.00 . 135,501, 355.00 134,590,058.25 . 134,590, 058.26 134,019,834.92 - 134,019, 834, 92 765,142,101.40 766,142,101.40 J u n e 24,1968., A u g . 19, 1969., Oct. 2, 1969... T o t a l notes, foreign cur- , r e n c y series. Treasui'y b o n d s :^ 4.25% foreign series $100,000, 000.00 600,000, 000.00 600,000, 000.00 600,000, 000.00 $100,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 o •fel fel Ul fel o Pi fel > Pi O fel fel pi fel S e p t , 16,1964 O n N o v . 1,197118. M a y a n d N o v . 1 . . . . P a r . 23,929,534.26 , 23,929,634. 25 75,000,000.00 75,000,000.00 , 100,000,000.00 . 76,000,000.00 75,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 260,000,000.00 250,000,000.00 > Ul Dec. 23, 1969. J u l y 1, 1970... A p r . 1, 1971.. O n D e c . 23,197918. J u n e a n d D e c . 2 3 . . . do.. O n J u l y 1, 1980 is.. J a n . a n d J u l y 1 do.. . O n A p r . 1, 1981 i s . A p r . a n d Oct. 1 d Pi U.S. retirement plan bonds First day of each (compounded semimonth. annually): is' 3.75%. . Jan. 1963 to May 1966. 4.15% . June 1966 to Dec. 1969. . Jan. 1,1970 . Jan. 1, 1971 6:S::::::-::::::::::::::; Unclassified Total U.S. reth'ement planbonds. Depositary bonds:f 2%, Fhst Series.. Treasury bonds:' 2% REA Series. Treasury bonds, investment series :f 2K% Series B-1975-80 Various dates from July 1959. Vaiious dates from July 1, 1960. . Apr. 1,1951. do do.. do do- do do At option of U.S. June and Dec. 1.. . Par or owner upon 30 to 60 days' notice; 12 yrs., from issue date. do. 19, 237,178.74 3,889,588.24 16,347, 590. 50 24,996, 355.01 2,121, 696. 28 22,874, 658. 73 7,158,866.03 1,311,700.00 75,360.00 70,354.07 14,450.00 20,691.64 7,088, 501. 96 1,297, 250.00 54,658.36 62,779,439. 78 6,116,780. 23 46,662, 659.55 329, 966,000.00 22,818,000.00 352,784,000.00 % % hH Ul . Jan. and July 1 . . 53,174,000. 00 45,572,000.00 7,602,000. 00 t-» > hcJ. fel . Apr. 1,1975 exchangeable at any time at option of owner for marketable Treasury notes; payable on Apr. Apr. and Oct. 1........'Ido. Exchange at p a r . . iz; 451,397,500.00 . 14,879,956,500.00 . ^ X 1, 1980.1120 Subtotal Total Treasury bonds investment series Treasury cei'tificates: 3.621% certificates 3.521% certificates Not redeemable Indeterminate....:- Par until owner attains age 693^, except in case of death or disabihty. do do 15,331,354,000.00 . 15,331,354,000. 00 21 12,984,836,000. 00 . Apr. 1,' 1971 . A p r . 3,1971 . On demand; on July 1, 1971. . On demand; on July 3,1971. July 1,1971...... . P a r July 3, 1971- .......; do 2,346,518,000. 00 ' 2,195.22 . 2,195. 22 1,716,685.33 . 1,715,685.33 F o o t n o t e s a t find of ta.ble. oo CO CO O TABLE 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971—Continued Description Date When redeemable or payable i Average price Interest payment received (per $100) date Amount issued CO Amount retired Amount outstanding 2 >^ Public Issues—Continued 0 fet Nonmarketable—Continued Treasury certificates—Con. 3.865% certificates . Apr. 30,1971 1% certificates . June 15,1971 3.50% certificates . June 30,1971 . On demand; on July 31,1971. , On demand; on Dec. 15,1971. . On demand; on June 30, 1972. July 31, 1971 Par. Treasury certificates of indebtedness: 5K% Eurodollar Series A-1971. 6H% Eurodollar Series B-1971. Apr. 9,1971 J u n e l , 1971 . On demand; on July 9, 1971. . On demand; on Sept. 1,1971. Fhst day of each month. May to Dec. 1967.. After lyr.23 Jan. to May 1968.. do June to Dec. 1968. do..... Jan. to Dec. 1969.. do Jan. to June 1970.. do $1,023,76L06 . $1,023, 761.06 § fei uy fej 0 Pi fet do. 271,03L83 .. 271,031.83 June 30,1972 do 454,239,57L 93 . 454,239, 571. 93 457,252,245.37 . 457,252, 245.37 July 9,1971 Par.- 1,508,437,000.00 . 1, 508,437, 000. 00 Sept. 1,1971 500,051,000.00 . 500,051, 000. 00 2,008,488,000.00 .. 2,008,488, 000. 00 J> Pi 0 h^ Total Treasury certificatps of indebtedness U.S. savings notes, series and yield to maturity: 22 f S-1967, 4.74% S-1968, 4.74% (Jan. to May). S-1968, 5.00% (June to D e c ) . S-1969, 6.00% S-1970, 5.00% Unclassified - Dec. 15,1971- Total Treasury certificates Total U.S. savings notes fel 0 PO INTEREST-BEARING D E B T Continued After 43^ years 24_. . 8 1 . . . do. do. do do do do do 124, 248,420. 53 109, 744,156. 95 201,114, 255.19 385,070, 725.09 111, 183, 525. 43 101. 25 $57. 685, 081.17 48, 053,009. 51 79,406,815. 67 115,882, 237. 70 22, 255,402. 95 931,361.184.44 323,282, 547.00 (25) 66, 563. 339. 36 61. 691.147.44 121, 707.439. 52 269,188,487. 39 88, 928,122. 48 101. 25 608,078, 637.44 pi fel > 1 Ul K} U.S. savings bonds, series and Fhst day of each approximate yield to maturity month. (%).22i E-1941, 3.363% 27 E-1942, 3.433% 27 E-1943.. 3.506% 27 E-1944, 3.584% 27 E-1945, 3.656% 27 E-1946, 3.758% 27 E-1947., 3.830% 27 E-1948, 3.907% 27 E-1949, 4.030%, ^7 E-1950, 4.128%, 27 E-1961. 4.191% 27 E-1952, 3.610% (Jan. to Apr.). E-1952, 3.677% 27 (May to Dec). E-1953,3.762% 27 E-1954,3.868% 27 E-1955,3.978% 27 E-1966,4.142% 27 E-1957,4.230% (Jan.)..E-1957,4.368% 27 (Feb. to Dec). E-1958 4.484% 27 E-1959 4.670% (Jan. to May). May to Dec. 1941.. Jan. to Dec. 1942.. Jan. to Dec. 1943.. Jan. to Dec. 1944.. Jan. to Dec. 1945.. Jan. to Dec. 1946.. Jan. to Dec. 1947.. Jan. to Dec. 1948.. Jan. to Dec. 1949.. Jan. to Dec. 1950.. Jan. to Dec. 1951.. Jan. to Apr. 1952.. On demand at Sold at a disoption of owner; count; payable 10 years from at par on issue date but maturity. may be held for additional period.28 do... do... ---- 75 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do .do May to Dec. 1952.. On demand at option of owner; 9 years, 8 months from issue date but may be held for additional period.26 Jan. to Dec 1953.., do.... Jan. to D e c 1954.. -.-do.. do Jan. to Dec 1955.. do.... --.- — Jan. to Dec 1956.., do Jan. 1957 do.. do Feb. to Dec. 1957,. On demand at option of owner; 8 years, 11 months from issue date but may be held for additional period.28 Jan. to Dec 1958. do Jan. to May 1959. do— -. do 1,902, 469, 624. 72 8,390, 081,558.45 13,492, 628,841. 56 15,747, 334,249. 21 12,391, 704,148. 54 5,634, 692, 620.49 5,358, 380,859. 71 5,549, 500, 622. 71 5,495, 241, 734. 77 4,813, 044,948. 88 4.161, 786,440. 62 1,427, 742,777.44 2,927.900,295.36 937. 03 1, 706, 016, 7,526,828,666. 63 12,137, 554,837. 06 14,086, 554,464. 57 10, 928,426,175. 57 4,807, 965,479.39 4,432,760,823.19 4,612,099,882. 57 4,392, 986,621. 26 033.12 3, 796, 582, 3,279,890,519. 65 1,123, 687,633.32 2,289, 249,117. 21 196,452. 687. 69 863, 252.891. 82 1,355,074.004. 50 1, 660,779, 784. 64 1,463, 277, 972. 97 826, 727.141.10 925, 620. 036. 52 1,037. 400, 740.14 1,102, 255,113. 51 1, 016.462, 915. 76 881, 895. 920. 97 304, 055,144.12 638, 651,178.15 CO Ul o >,,, .do., .do.- 4,982,915,980. 34 5,080,868,843. 67 5,295,174,085.54 5,118,704,464.80 427,122,613. 25 4,396,880,317.51 3,825,450,477.13 3,840, 514,439.20 3,957,237,192.48 3,789, 415,426. 86 308,439,503. 06 3,209,472,257.34 1,157,465,503. 21 1,240,354,404. 47 1,337,936,893. 06 1,329,289,037. 94 118,683,110.19 1,187,408,060.17 > fel hH X 4,713,156,486. 09 3,334, 552,056.30 Y^ 1,378, 604,429. 79 1,895,147,618. 58 H f 1,323,200,722.72 571,946,895. 86 Footnotes a t end of table. CO CO TABLE 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971—Continued Description Date When redeemable or payable i Interest payment Average price date received (per $100) Amount issued Amount rethed Amount outstanding • INTEREST-BEARING D E B T Continued O id :-5 Public Issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Continued U.S. savings bonds, series and First day of each month. approximate yield to maturity (%o) .22 f—Continued E-1959, 4.572% 27 (June to June to Dec 1959.. On demand at option of owner; Dec). 7 years, 9 months from issue date but may be held for additional period.26 E-1960,4.644% 2? Jan. to Dec I960.. E-1961,4.746% 27 Jan. to Dec 1961.. . . . d o . E-1962,4.825% 2? Jan. to D e c 1962., E-1963,4.890% 27 Jan. to D e c 1963. . - d o . . . E-1964,4.473% 27. Jan. to Dec 1964.. E-1965,4.427% 27 (Jan. to Jan. to Nov. 1966.. Nov.). On demand at E-1965;4.fi00% rDec.')..., Dec 1965 option of owner; 7 years from issue date but may be held for additional period.26 E-1966,4.654% Jan. to Dec 1966.1 E-1967,4.826%... Jan. to Dec 1967 E-1968,4.960% (Jan. to Jan. to May 1968 May). 8... . . . d o . . E-1968,6.091% (June to June to Dec 1968. Dec). E-1969,5.200% (Jan. to Jan. to May 1969 May). 3 fel O Sold at a discount; payable 75 at par on maturity. - $2,524,221,932.07 $1,759,718,950.48 $764, 502,98L 59 CJ Ul fel o Pi fel do do......... do do do.... do.-. .do.. do.., do., do., do., do.. 4,437,836, 544. 49 4,509,878,064.97 4, 369, 968,395. 69 4,893,785,379. 02 4, 751, 583,037.42 4, 211, 556, 669. 93 2,994,806,958. 59 2,904,196,377. 22 2,729,205,179. 76 2,838, 721, 021. 27 2, 765, 551,985,58 2,451, 982,944. 37 1, 443, 029,585. 90 1, 605, 681,687. 75 1, 640, 763,215. 93 2,055, 064, 357. 75 1,986,031,051. 84 1,759, 573, 725. 56 .do.. 435,070,759. 79 246, 793, 867.01 188, 276,892. 78 > Pi ^1 o fej •S :-H :-H fel ^ pi fel do do do.... do do... 5,008,189,078. 60 4,958, 897, 731.42 2, 000, 349, 085. 66 2, 771, 512,084.16 2,702,679,378. 58 1,041,093,464. 56 2,236, 676,994. 44 2,256, 218,352. 84 959, 255, 621.10 -do 2, 704,456,694.47 1,421, 732,092. 46 1,282, 724,602. 01 do 1,882, 722,426. 99 931,990,364. 59 950, 732.062. 40 do-.. do..... do.... > Ul d Pi E-1969, 5.427% Dec). O n d e m a n d a t op- Sold a t a d i s c o u n t ; t i o n of owner; payable at par 5 yeai's 10 m o s . on m a t u r i t y . from issue d a t e b u t m a y b e held for a d d i t i o n a l period.26 E-1970,5.460% ( J a n . t o M a y ) . J a n . t o M a y 1970.. do, E-1970,5.500% ( J u n e t o D e c ) . J u n e t o D e c 1970. do, E-1971,6.500%-..J a n . t o J u n e 1971.. . . . . . d o . . . . . . Unclassified sales a n d redemptions. (June to June to Dec. 1 .do 2,532,620,519.03 1,195,582,228.43 1,336.938,290.60 do do -do 1,881, 065,051. 40 2,713,645,925. 75 2,195, 217,150.00 27,752,731.88 755,636,183.71 912,900,185.13 294,473,850. 00 251,378,758. 38 1,125,428,867. 69 1,800, 745,740. 62 1,900,743,300.00 26,373,973. 50 175,241,196,310. 82 129,328,841,139.94 45,912,355,170. 88 191,480, 500.00 149,036,500. 00 42,444,000.00 T o t a l Series E H-1952 3.573% 27.... J u n e to D e c 1952. O n d e m a n d a t Semiannually o p t i o n of owner; 9 years 8 m o n t h s from i s s u e date.28 H-1953,3.642% 27 J a n . t o D e c 1953.. do do... H-1954,3.733% 27 J a n . to D e c 1954.. do do H-1955,3.821% 27 J a n . t o D e c 1955.. do do H-1956,3.953% 27. J a n . t o D e c 1956.. do do H-1957,4.030% (Jan.) J a n . 1957. do do H-1957,4.244% 27 ( F e b . t o F e b . to D e c 1957. O n d e m a n d a t do Dec). o p t i o n of owner; 10 years from issue date.2s H-1958,4.349%27... J a n . t o D e c . 1958.. do ..: do. H-1959,4.430% ( J a n . t o May) J a n . t o M a y 1 9 5 9 . . do do H-1959, 4.486% 27 ( J u n e t o J u n e t o D e c . 1959. do do Dec). H-1960,4.522% 27 Jan. to D e c I960.. .do H-1961,4.584% 27.... •_ J a n . t o D e c . 1961.. H-1962,4.137% 27.. J a n . t o D e c . 1962.. -do— H-1963,4.262% 27 J a n . t o D e c 1963.. .do do— H-1964,4.394% 27.... J a n . t o D e c 1964.. .do. H-1965, 4.536% 27 ( J a n . to J a n . to N o v . 1965.. -do do Nov.). H-1965, 4.810% (Dec.) Dec. 1965.-.. .do., -.-doH-1966, 4.848%. J a n . t o D e c . 1966.. .do-, - H-1967, 4 . 9 8 2 % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J a n . t o D e c . 1 9 6 7 . . .do-., H-1968,5,0707o ( J a n . t o M a y ) . J a n . t o M a y 1968-. H-1968, 5.163% ( J m i e t o J u n e t o D e c . 1968.. .do.. Dec). H-1969,6.240% ( J a n . t o M a y ) . J a n : t o M a y 1969do.. .do- Par. Ul h^ > .do .do.. .do .do.. dodo.. 470,500,500.00 877,689,500.00 1,173,084,000.00 893,176,000.00 64,506,000.00 567,682,000.00 350,507,500. 00 652,152,500. 00 854,988,500. 00 607,549,000.00 40, 693,000. 00 352,305,500. 00 119,993,000. 00 226,637,000. 00 318,095,500.00 285,627,000.00 23,813,000. 00 215,376,500. 00 .do-, -do-, -do.. 890,252, 500. 00 356,319,500.00 362,413,000.00 573, 585,000. 00 209,384,000.00 195,823,000. 00 316, 667,500.00 146,935,500.00 166, 590,000. 00 1,006, 767, 500. 00 1,041, 579,000. 00 856,759,000.00 772,968,000. 00 671, 580, 500. 00 540, 209,000. 00 487,844,500. 00 452, 597,000.00 334,411,000.00 274,730,500. 00 212,900,500. 00 152, 247,500. 00 518,923,000.00 588,982,000.00 622,348,000. 00 498,237,500.00 458, 680,000.00 387,961,500. 00,, 45, 682, 000. 00 635, 272, 000. 00 525,961, 500. 00 198,966,000. 00 231,902, 000. 00 11,142,000.00 150, 763, 000. 00 102, 641, 000. 00 30, 513, 000.00 30,517, 000. 00 34, 540,000. 00 484, 509,000. 00 423,320, 600. 00 168,463, 000. 00 201, 385, 000. 00 .do.. 164, 594, 000. 00 17,347,000.00 147, 247. 000. 00 do do do do do - % hH O > > fel F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . CO CO CO T A B L E 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding J u n e 30, 1971—Continued Description Date When redeemable or p a y a b l e i Interest payment date Average price received (per $100) A m o u n t issued Amount rethed Amount outstanding Pi fel INTEREST-BEARING DEBTContinued o Public Issues—Continued Pi Nonmarketable—Continued U . S . savings b o n d s , series a n d F h s t d a y of each a p p r o x i m a t e yield to m a t u r i t y month. (%).22f—Continued H-1969, 6.445% ( J u n e t o J u n e t o Dec. 1969. On d e m a n d a t Semiannually Dec.). o p t i o n of owner; 10 years from issue date.28 .do., H-1970, 6,470% ( J a n . t o J a n . t o M a y 1970 do May). .do., H-1970, 6.600% ( J u n e t o J u n e t o D e c . 1970 do Dec). .do.. H-1971, 5.500% J a n . t o J u n e 1971 do Unclassified sales a n d re, demptions. H3 o fel Par.. $192,627,600.00 $12, 619, 600. 00 $180,008,000. 00 .do., 175, 374, 500. 00 6,182, 000. 00 169,192, 500. 00 .do., 212, 241, 600. 00 3, 629, 000. 00 208, 612,600. 00 .do.. 239, 602, 000. 00 16, 056,000. 00 305, 000. 00 2, 571, 000. 00 239, 297, 000. 00 13, 485,000. 00 13,375,145,500.00 6, 268, 885, 000. 00 7,106, 260, 500. 00 T o t a l U . S . savings b o n d s 188,616,341,810.82 136,697,726,139.94 53,018,616,670.88 T o t a l n o n m a r k e t a b l e issues 219,048,204,429.54 151, Oil, 381,951.30 68,036,822,478. 24 T o t a l p u b U c issues 494,661,600,579.54 181,165,794,951.30 313,495,805,628.24 June June June June June 30,1970. 30,1969. 30, 1971., 30,1968., 30,1967.. R e d e e m a b l e after 1 y e a r from issue d a t e a n d p a y a b l e on J u n e 30: 1977 J u n e 30-Dec. 3 1 - - , P a r 1976 do do 1978 -.-dodo 1976 do-do 1974 do do Pi K! Total SeriesH Special Issues:ii Civil service r e t i r e m e n t f u n d : Niotes* 7 % % Series 1977 63^%, Series 1976 63^% Series 1978. 6 ^ % Series 1976. 4 ^ % Series 1974 Ul fel o pi fel O fel w fel H Pi fel > .-- 2,951,729,000.00 , 2,909,257,000.00 , 6,835,123,000.00 , 1,628,319,000.00 1,758,171,000.00 2,951, 729, 000.00 2,909,257,000. 00 5,835,123, 000.00 1, 628, 319,000. 00 1, 768,171, 000. 00 Pi On demand; on June 30: 1972 Bonds: 43^^% Series 1972 Variousdates do from June 30, 1964. 41^% Series 1973 do --.. 1973 do 41^% Series 1974 do 1974 do 41^% Series 1975 do. 1975 do 41^% Series 1976 . do. ..-. 1976 do 41/^% Series 1977 ' .do 1977 do 4H%Seriesl978 ' do 1978 do 43/g% Series 1979 . do 1979 do 4H% Series 1980 -do. -1980 do.. 3>g% Series 1972June 30,1963 1972 3J^% Series 1973 do 1973 do 33^% Sei'ies 1974 do 1974 do 37^% Series 1975 do1975 do 3>g% Sei'ies 1976 do. 1976 do 3>^% Series 1977- .do 1977 do 3K% Series 1978 do 1978 do—3M% Series 1972 June 30,1962 1972 do 3M% Series 1973 do 1973 do 3M% Series 1974-' ' - ' do ' 1974 do 3 ^ % Series 1975 do 3 ^ % Series i 9 7 6 - - - ^ ] ] - ; ! ; ] ] ] - d o - - - - - - - . 1976.;.-...;---....Ido.--. 354% Series 1977 do 1977 do Employees health benefits fund: Certificates: 4.34% Series 1971 Variousdates July 1, 1971 July 1,1971 from June 4, 1971. Einployees life insurance fund: do. 375,160,000.00 375,160,000.00 do do do do do do do do 552,988,000.00 212,387,000.00 167,167,000.00 142,474,000.00 142,474,000.00 142,474,000.00 969,117,000.00 969,117,000.00 532,981,000.00 103,448,000.00 80,227,000.00 80,227,000.00 80,227,000.00 80,227,000.00 826,643,000.00 60,976,000.00 60,976,000.00 60,976,000.00. 60,976,000.00 60;976; 000. 00 746,416,000.00 552,988,000.00 212,387,000.00 167,167,000.00 142,474,000.00 142,474,000.00 142,474,000.00 969,117,000.00 969,117,000.00 532,981,000.00 103,448,000.00 80,227,000.00 80,227,000.00 80,227,000.00 80,227,000.00 826,643,000.00 60,976,000.00 60,976,000.00 60,976,000.00 60,976,000.00 60;976, 000. 00 746,416,000.00 do do do do .do -do do;..----do do 113,047,000.00 66,614,000.00 46,433,000.00 O p yi- i f l r* Q f" P Q ' 4.34% Series 1971 Exchange Stabilization Fund: Certificates: 4.10% Series 1971 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: ..-. From June 11, 1971 From June 1, 1971 do do.... do do do do .-- do— - 77,361,000.00 21,779,000.00 55,582,000.00 do - 1,243,496,754.22 1,314,457.31 1,242,182,296.91 Ul ^ > g co 1^ ^ > •nd ^ ^ 25 2 X O G I't i flC* fi t P S' 4.34% Series 1971 Footnotes at end of table. dO- - - do 155,663,000.00 155,663,000.00 CO CO T A B L E 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding J u n e 30, Description INTEREST-BEARING Continued Special Date I n t e r e s t paynnent date Average price received (per $100) A m o u n t issued Amount rethed Amount outstanding 2 id :-^ Bonds: 4i/g% of Series 1979. 4 H % Series 1980.. 33^% Series 1978.. 3 ^ % Series 1974., Series Series Series Series O fel insurance trust 1977 1976 1978 1975 1974 1975., 1976. 1977., 1974. 2 ^ % Sei'ies 1975... F e d e r a l h o m e loan b a n k s : Certificates: 4.34% Sei'ies 1971.. Pi fel o DEBT- Issues—Continued, Federal disability fund: Notes: 7 ^ % Series 63^%, Series 61/^% Series 5 ^ % Series 4M% Series 3M% 3K% 3M% 2^% When redeemable or p a y a b l e i 1971—Continued June June June June June 30, 1970. 30, 1969. 30,1971. 30,1968., 30,1967. Various dates from J u n e 30, 1964. do J u n e 30, 1963 , Various dates from J u n e 30, 1961. do do do Various dates from J u n e 30, 1959. do Various dates from J u n e 1, 1971. R e d e e m a b l e after 1 y e a r from d a t e of issue a n d p a y a b l e on J u n e 30: 1977 J m i e 30-Dec. 3 1 . 1976. .do-. 1978. -do.. 1975., .do-. 1974 -do-. O n d e m a n d ; on J u n e 30: 1979 -do- iri . . . - do .do., -do-. -. $1,394,466,000.00 1,151,608,000.00 1,284,249,000.00 583, 612, 000. 00 309,178, 000. 00 - $1,394,466,000.00 1,151,608,000.00 1,284,249,000.00 583,612,000.00 309,178,000.00 Ul fel O Pi fel > PO -do. 153, 632,000. 00 163,632,000.00 o 1980. 1978., 1974. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 125, 606,000. 00 153, 632,000. 00 20,738, 000. 00 125,606,000.00 153,632,000.00 20,738,000.00 1975. 19761977., 1974. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 20,738,000.00 153,632,000. 00 153,632,000. 00 132,894,000. 00 20,738,000.00 153,632,000.00 153,632,000.00 75,144,000. 00 Pi fel .do. .do. 132,894,000. 00 132,894,000.00 d do. 77, 000, 000. 00 $57, 750, 000. 00 fel 1-3 > Ul J u l y 1, 1971. J u l y 1,1971 Pi 33,000,000. 00 44,000, COO. 00 F e d e r a l hospital i n s u r a n c e t r u s t fund: Notes* 7 ^ % Series 1977 -. 634% Series 1976 6 H % Series 1978 5ys% Seiies 1975 Federal Housing Administration: R e n t a l housing assistance fund: Certificates: 4.34%. Series 1971 June June June June 30, 1970. 30, 1969 30, 1971 30,1968, J u n e 1, 1971 F e d e r a l old-age a n d s u r v i v o r s ins u r a n c e t r u s t fund: Niotes: 75^% Series 1977.. - . . J u n e 30,1970 634% Series 1976. J u n e 30, 1 9 6 9 . . . , 63^% Series 1978 J u n e 30, 1 9 7 1 . . . , 5 ^ % Series 1975 J u n e 30, 1 9 6 8 . . . . 4M% Series 1974 J u n e 30, 1 9 6 7 . . . . Borids: 434% Series 1978 434% 434% 3K% 334% 3H% 3^% 25^% Series Series Series Series Series Series Series 1979 1980 1977 1978 1975 1976 1972 Various dates from J u n e 30, 1964. J u n e 30, 1963 do J u n e 30, 1961 do Various dates from J u n e 30, 1959. do.... do 2 ^ % Series 1973 2 ^ % Series 1974 2 ^ % Series 1975 F e d e r a l Savings a n d L o a n I n s u r ance C o r p o r a t i o n : Certificates: 4.34% Series 1971 Variousdates from J u n e 1, 1971. R e d e e m a b l e after 1 year from issue d a t e ; p a y able o n J u n e 30: 1977 June 30-Dec 31. 1976 do... 1978 do 1975 do J u l y 1, 1971 R e d e e m a b l e after J u l y 1, 1971 do do do... do do do do 1973.. 1974.. 1975- -do-. :do.-do-. July 1,1971- - J u l y 1, 1971 - 6,1,033,296,000.00 3, 844,864,000.00 3,,468,850,000.00 2, 460,795,000.00 2, 720,279,000.00 do do. do. do do -do-do.-do-. do-l- -..--.. 95,413,000. 00 -. 1, 080,011,000.00 -1, 080,011,000.00 1, 080,011,000.00 658,444,000.00 160,077,000.00 1, 080,011,000.00 1, 133,000, 000. 00 133, 000, 000. 00 133, 000, 000. 00 919,934, 000. 00 , , 788, 000. 00 . 919,358,000.00 729,200,000. 00 931,182,000.00 400,116,000.00 471,000. 00 --. -.. 421,567,000.00 do do do do do do do .--do - 471,000.00 , do 1 year- from issue date; payable on June 30: 1977 June 30-Dec 31 1976 do. 1978 do 1975 do 1974 do On demand; on June 30: 1978 do 1979 1980 1977 1978 1975 1976 1972 919,358,000.00 729,200,000.00 -931,182,000.00 495,529,000. 00 do. do. do. do. 5,033,296,000.00 3,844,864,000.00 3,468,850,000.00 2,460,795,000.00 2,720.279,000.00 421,567,000.00 --.-.. 52,989, 000. 00 52, 989, 000. 00 52,989, 000. 00 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 658,444,000.00 160,077,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 1, 080, Oil, 000. 00 Ul h5 Ul o > > fel hH X 1, 080, Oil, 000. 00 1, 080, Oil, 000.00 919,934, 000. 00 88, 788,000. 00 F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . CO -4 CO QC TABLE 28.—Description of puhlic debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971—Continued Description Date When redeemable or p a y a b l e i Interest payment date Average price received (per $100) A m o u n t issued Amount rethed Amount outstanding 2 Pi fel INTEREST-BEARING Continued Special ^ o DEBT- Pi Issues—Continued F e d e r a l s u p p l e m e n t a r y m e d i c a l insurance trust fund: Notes: 7 ^ % Series 1977 - - - J u n e 30, 1970. 634% Series 1978 J u n e 30,1971. Foreign service r e t i r e m e n t f u n d : Notes: 7 ^ % Series 1977 J u n e 30, 1970. 634% Series 1976 J u n e 30,1969. 634% Series 1978 J u n e 30,1971. 4% Series 1972 A p r . 30, 1969. 4% Series 1973 do 4% -.4 % Series 1 9 7 5 - . . do Bonds: 4% 4% 4^^ 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Sei'ies Series Series Series Series Series Series Series 1976--.1977 1978 1979 1980 1981. 1982 1983 G o v e r n m e n t life i n s u r a n c e f u n d : Notes: 7 1 ^ % Series 1977 t % Series 1976. --53^% Series 1978 5M% Series 1975 dodo-. do-. do.. do.. do.. do.. do.. June June June June 30,1970. 30,1969. 30,1971. 30,1968. R e d e e m a b l e after 1 year from d a t e of issue a n d p a y a b l e on J u n e 30: 1977 1978 o fel J u n e 30-Dec. 31 Par-., .--do. $2,855,000. 00 254, 641, 000. 00 . $69, 000. 00 $2, 786, 000. 00 254, 641, 000. 00 w fel Ul 1977 1976 1978 1972 1973 1974 ... 1975.. O n d e m a n d ; on J u n e 30: 1976.1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 R e d e e m a b l e after 1 y e a r from issue d a t e a n d p a y a b l e on J u n e 30: 1977 1976 1978 1975-, -do-, -do-do-. -do-do-, -do-do- -do-do-do.. 6, 721,000. 00 5, 082, 000. 00 4, 454, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 . . . . . . . 6, 721, 000. 00 5, 082, 000. 00 4, 454,000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000.00 3, 017, 000.00, -do_, -do-do-do., -do-do-. .-do-, --do.. 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3. ni 7. nnn. nn 3, 017,' 000. 66 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 . . 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000. 00 3. ni7. nnn. nn 3, 6l7, 666.66 3, 017, 000. 00 3, 017, 000.00 3. 017, 000.00 3, 017, 000. 00 . . . . . fel o pi fel H > Pi ^. o fel pi fel > Ul cl Pi -do-do-do.. -do- .do. .do., .do., .do.. 29,964, 000. 00 32, 638, 000. 00 111,949,000.00 64,365, 000. 00 . . . . 29,964, 000. 00 32, 638, 000. 00 111, 949, 000.00 64,365, 000. 00 Bonds: 4K% 43^% 3M% 3M% 3^% 3^% 3^% Series Series Series Series Series Series Series 1978 1979 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 3 ^ % Series 1977 35^% Series 1978 33^% Series 1972 334% Series 1973 334% Series 1 9 7 4 . . . . 334% Series 1976 334% Series 1977 H i g h w a y trust fund: Certificates: 534% Series 1972 N a t i o n a l service life Notes* 734% Series 634% Series 5M% Series 534% Series Bonds: 4M% 3M% 3M% 3M% SH% Series Series Series Series Series J u n e 30,1967 do June 30,1960.... do do.. do Various dates from J u n e 30, 1964. .do do Various dates from F e b . 1, 1960. do do do do 1981 1972 1973 1974 1975 do...-, do..... do..... do..... do—. do..... do..-. do.... do.... do.... do.... do.... 25,556,000.00 2,912,000.00 670,000.00 670,000.00 670,000.00 73,770,000.00 5,971,000.00 25,556,000.00 2,912,000.00 670,000.00 670,000.00 670,000.00 73,770,000.00 5,971,000.00 1977. 1978. 1972.., .do., .do.. -do., -do., -do.. 23,807,000.00 48,214,000.00 73,100,000.00 23,807,000.00 48,214,000.00 73,100,000.00 1973. 1974.. 1976.. 1977.. .do., -do., .do., -do.- .do., .do., .do., .do.. 73,100,000.00 73,100,000.00 67,799,000.00 49,963,000.00 73,100,000.00 73,100,000.00 67,799,000.00 49,963,000.00 Ul > Ul J u n e 30,1971 i n s u r a n c e fund: 1977 1976 1978 1975 O n d e m a n d ; on J u n e 30: 1978 1979 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 June June June June 30, 30, 30, 30, 1970. 1969. 1971. 1968. J u n e 30, 1967. J u n e 30, 1960.. do do do 1972 ...-do— R e d e e m a b l e after 1 year from d a t e of issue a n d p a y a b l e on J u n e 30: 1977.--- - - - d o 1976 1978 .--do 1975 .--do O n d e m a n d ; on J u n e 30: 1981 --do 1972 1973 1974 --do 1975 do hH 3,634,868,000.00 O > > .— do do do do 669,007,000.00 306,419,000.00 1,091,044,000.00 332,597,000.00 .569,007,000.00 305, 419,000.00 1,091,044,000.00 33-2,597,000.00 hj fel "2^ h-( do do do --do do 225,452,000.00 7,873,000.00 7,873,000.00 7,873,000.00 386,873,000.00 225,452,000.00 7,873,000.00 7, 873,000.00 7,873,000.00 386, 873,000.00 X F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . CO CO o o pi fel ^ o Pi p ^ T A B L E 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding J u n e 30, 1 9 7 1 — C o n t i n u e d h3 hpf Description Date When redeemable or payable i Interest pajmient Average price date received (per $100) Amount issued Amount rethed Amount outstanding 2 ti ^"-^ CO INTEREST-BEARING DEBT— Continued O pi fel i-^ Special Issues—Continued National service life insurance fund— Continued Bonds— Continued 3 ^ % Series 1972.-----Variousdates from June 30, 1965. 354% SeHp.<! 1P7.*^ . . . .„ do 3 ^ % Series 1974 3 ^ % Series 1975 do 3 ^ % Series 1976.. do 3 ^ % Series 1977 do 35^% Series 1978 do 3 ^ % Sei'ies 1979 do..' 35^% Series 1980 3 ^ % Series 1978 June 30, 1963 334%, Series 1976 June 30, 1962. 33i% Series 314% Sei'ies 1976 . - . June 30, 1961 3% Series 1972 Feb. 1, 1960. 3% Series 1973 do 3% Series 1974 - > Pi ^ 1972.. 197.3 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979.... 1980 1978 1976 1977 1976 1972 1973 1974 June 30-Dec. 3 1 . . . - Par - do Ido do do -do. do do do do. -do do do do.. do do .- do... do do do do do do do do do.. do do do do. $6,946,000.00 -. 6.946.000.00 6,946,000.00 6,946,000.00 6,946,000.00 7,512,000.00 .95,560,000.00 393,819,000.00 393,819,000.00 298,259,000.00 43,724,000.00 386,307,000.00 343,149,000.00 379,000,000.00 379,000,000.00 379,000,000.00 --. -., ., $6,946,000.00 O fel 6,946,000.00 6,946,000.00 6,946,000.00 6,946,000.00 7.512.000.00 95,560,000.00 393,819.000.00 393,819.000.00 298,259,000.00 43,724,000.00 386,307,000.00 343,149,000.00 379,000,000.00 379,000,000.00 379,000,000.00 H ffi fel ^9 g ^ > Jij hi r^ ^ Raihoad retirement account: N^otes' 7M% Series 1977 634% Series 1976 634% Series 1978 6M% Series 1976 4 ^ % Series 1974 Bonds: 434% Series 1978 June June June June June 30,1970 30, 1969.... 30, 1971.... 30, 1968.... 30, 1967.... Various dates from June 30, 1964. do.. do Oct. 5,1963 434% Series 1979 43^% Series 1980 4%, Series 1978 Raih'oad retirenient holding account: Certificates: 634% Series 1972 June 30,1971 Raihoad rethement supplemental account: Certificates: 6H% Series 1972 do Unemployment trust fund: . Certificates: 5% Series 1972 do Veterans' reopened insurance fund: Certificates: 634% Series 1972 do Footnotes at end of table; Redeemable after 1 year from date of issue and payable on June 30: 1977 -. 1976 1978 1975 1974 . On demand; on June 30: 1978 1979 1980 1978 do do do , .do. 847,447,000.00 647,948,000.00 819,501,000.00 482,623,000.00 416,402,000.00 ...-do. .do.. 23,110,000.00 23,110,000.00 .do ..-do., 208,201,000.00 208,201,000.00 180,839,000.00 208,201,000.00 208,201,000.00 180,839,000.00 $7,113,000.00 847,447,000.00 647,948,000.00 819,601,000.00 482,623,000.00 409, 289,000.00 Ul hH 1972. .do.. .do.. 3,401,000.00 3,401,000.00 hH O > .do.. .do.. .do.. 21,609,000.00 21,609,000.00 .do.. .do.. .do.. 5.514,256,000.00 8,614,256,000.00 .do.. .do.. .do.. 4,653,000.00 4,653,000.00 > hj hj fel hH o to Pi fel ^ o Pi T A B L E 28.—Description of public debt issues outstanding J u n e 30, 1971—Continued Description Date When redeemable or p a y a b l e i Interest p a j n n e n t date Average price received (per $100) A m o u n t issued o fel A m o u n t retired Amount outstanding 2 W fel INTEREST-BEARING Continued DEBT- Ul fel o pi fel Special I s s u e s — C o n t i n u e d V e t e r a n s ' reopened insurance f u n d — C o n t i n u e d Notes: 7^% 7^% 7^% 754% 7^8% 7^% 63^% 634% 63^% 63^% 634% 634% 634% 634% 634% 634% 63^% Sei'ies Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Series Sei'ies Series Series Sei'ies 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976. 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 J u n e 30, 1970. do do do .do do J u n e 30, 1969. .do. do do do J u n e 30, 1971. .do do... do .. do -do R e d e e m a b l e after 1 year from issue d a t e a h d p a y a b l e on J u n e 30: 1972.1973 1974 -.-1975 1976 1977 1972 1973. 1974. -1975. 1976. 1973. 1974...1975.--1976---. 1977..-1978.... >^ > Pi J u n e 30-Dec. 3 1 . - . P a r . . do. do do dodo do do. do .do do do do. do do do do. do do do do.. do. do .do..-. .do .do..... do .do .do..... do $4,960,000.00 4,960,000.00 4,960,000.00 4,960,000.00 4,960,000.00 22,346,000.00 17,386,000.00 17,386,000.00 17,386,000.00 17,386,000.00 17,386,000.00 4,654,000.00 4,654,000.00 4,654,000.00 4,654,000.00 4,654,000.00 27,000,000.00 --. -... $4,960,000.00 4,960,000.00 4,960,000.00 4.960.000.00 4,960,000.00 22,346,000.00 17,386,000.00 17,386,000.00 17,386,000.00 17,386,000.00 17,386,000.00 4,654,000.00 4,654,000.00 4,654,000.00 4,654,000.00 4,654,000.00 27,000,000.00 o fel td Pi fel > Ul pi V e t e r a n s ' special life fund: Certificates: 5% Series 1972 insurance Notes: 5% Series 1973 5% Series 1974 5% Series 1976 6% Series 1976 6% Series 1977 6% Sei'ies 1978 4M%) Series 1972 4 ^ % Sei'ies 1973 4 M % Series 1974 4 ^ % , Series 1976 4 M % Series 1976 4 M % Series 1977 4 M % Series 1972 4 M % Sei'ies 1973 4 M % Series 1974 4 ^ % Series 1975 4 ^ % Sei'ies 1976 T o t a l special i s s u e s . . T o t a l interest-bearing debt outstanding J u n e 30, 1971. do do. do.. do do do . . J u n e 30,1970. do do.. do do. do J u n e 30. 1969. do. do.. do do. O n d e m a n d ; on J u n e 30: 1972 J u n e 30-Dec. 31 R e d e e m a b l e after 1 year from issue d a t e a n d p a y a b l e on J u n e 30: 1973 . do 1974 do 1975.... do 1976 do 1977 do 1978 1972 do. .do.. 1973 .do. 1974. .do. 1975., 1976., -do. 1977., .do. 1972. .do1973., .do. 1974., .do. 1976., .do. 1976. .do. Par. -do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. .do. 3. 740.000.00 3,737.000.00 3.737,000.00 3.737.000.00 3,737,000.00 3.737,000.00 41,861,000.00 3.473,000.00 3,473, 000. 00 3.473,000.00 3,473.000.00 3,473,000.00 38.124,000. 00 34,651,000.00 34,651,000.00 34,651.000.00 34,651.000.00 34,651.000.00 3, 740,000. 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 737,000. 00 3, 737,000.00 3, 737.000. 00 3, 737.000. 00 3. 737,000. 00 41, 861,000. 00 3,473, 000. 00 3.473, 000. 00 3.473, 000. 00 3,473, 000. 00 3,473, 000. 00 38,124, 000. 00 34, 651.000. 00 34, 651,000. 00 34, 65i;000. 00 34, 651,000. 00 34. 651,000. 00 83.226,489.754.22 $442.019.457.31 677.888.090.333.76 181.607.814.408.61 82. 784,470, 296. 91 396.280.275.925.15 tfl > Ul o > hj hj fel !^ O F o o t n o t e s at e n d of t a b l e . hH X o 00 O TABLE 28.—Description of puhlic debt issues outstanding June 30, 1971—Continued Title Amount outstanding MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED Old debt matured (issued'prior to Apr. 1, 1917) 29 b 234% postal savhigs bonds ^ First Liberty bonds, at various interest rates d Other Liberty bonds and Victory notes, at various interest rates » Treasury bonds, at various interest rates a Adjusted service bonds of 1945 » Treasmy notes, at various interest rates *. Treasury savings notes »_ Amount outstanding Title MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED—Con. so $i^ 378,240.26 so 134^ 600.00 30 483,300.00 4,195,400.00 81,338,650.00 823,800.00 51,261,700.00 267,000.00 Treasury notes, tax series « Certificates of indebtedness, at various interest rates ». Treasmy bills a. Treasmy savings certificates a U.S. savhigs bonds a Armed Forces leave bonds »_ Total matured debt on which interest has ceased - $70,350.00 206,300.00 73,995,000.00 30 66,500,00 45,634,274.05 4,458,050.00 264,313,164.31 -pi fel hd O Pi ^ O fel fej Title Amount outstanding fel o pi fel DEBT BEARING NO INTEREST Special note of the United States (the note is nonnegotiable, bears no interest, and is payable on demand): International Monetary Fund series (issued pursuant to the provisions of the Bretton Woods Agreeraents .A.ct, approved July 31, 1945 (22 U.S.C. 286e), and under the authority of and subject to the provisions of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended) Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Conipany Tax and Loss Bonds (issued pursuant to Sec. 832(e), Internal Revenue Code of 1954). These securities are exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal by any State or any possession of the United States or of any local taxing authority U.S. savings stamps (Public Debt Act of 1942 (31 U.S.C. 757c)) ----.. Excess profits tax refund bonds were issued under authority of and subject to the provisions of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, and sections 780 to 783, inclusive, of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, as amended. These bonds did not bear interest and were payable at the option of the owner after Jan. 1, 1946. The first series matured on Dec. 31, 1948, and the second series on Dec. 31, 1949: First Series Second Series Total excess profits tax refund bonds... > $825,000,000.00 19,403,470.47 49,385,264.16 Pi o fel t-3 345,750.89 252,398.79 598,149.68 Old demand notes (actsof July 17,1861 (12 Stat. 259); Aug. 5,1861 (12 Stat. 313); Feb. 12,1862 (12 Stat. 338)). (The $60,030,000 issued includes $60,000,000 authorized tobe outstanding and amounts issued on deposits including reissues.). 3052,917.50 Fractional currency (acts of July 17, 1862 (12 Stat. 592); Mar. 3, 1863 (12 Stat. 711); June 30, 1864 (13 Stat. 220)). (The $368,724,080 issued includes $50,000,000 authorized to be outstanding and amounts issued on deposits including reissues.) so3ii^965,093. 95 Legal tender notes (acts of Feb. 25, 1862 (12 Stat. 345); July 11, 1862 (12 Stat. 532); Mar. 3, 1863 (12 Stat. 719); May 31, 1878 (31 U.S.C. 404); Mar. 14, 1900 (31 U.S.C. 408); Mar. 4, 1907 (31 U.S.C. 403)). (Greatest amount ever authorized to be outstanding $450,000,000.) 30 322,539,016.00 Old series currency (31 U.S.C. 912-916) so314.788,307.00 SUver certificates (act of June 24,1967) ...":-. 3o 31 217,462,365.00 National bank notes, redemption account (act of July 14, 1890 (31 U.S.C. 408)) ---3o31 20,127,430. 50 Ul W fel Pi fel > Ul d Federal Reservebank notes, redeniption account (act of D e c 23, 1913 (12 U.S.C. 467)) so 31 53,945,481.00 Thrift and Treasury savhigs stanips Total debt bearing no interest - :... 30 3^697,474.00 1,518,964,969.26 SUMMARY Gross debt (including $31,944,117,331.79 to finance expenditures of Government corporations for which securities of such corporations are held by the Treasury). 398,063,554,058. 72 Debt of U.S. Government agencies... 506,616,775.00 Total gross pubhc debt and debt of U.S. Government agencies 398,570,170,833.72 Deduct debt not subject to statutory limitation 32 626,640,725.21 Add participation certificates (12 U.S.C. 1717(c)) 1,465,000,000.00 Total debt subject to limitation 32 399,408,630,108.51 1 Payable on date indicated except where otherwise noted. Where 2 dates are shown for Treasury bonds, first date is earliest call date and second date is maturity date. 2 ReconciUation by classification to the basis of daily Treasury statement is shown in table 26. 3 Treasm-y bills are shown at niaturity value and ai-e sold on a discount basis with competitive bids for each issue. The average sale price on these series gives an approximate yield on a bank discomit basis (360 days a year) as indicated opposite each issue of biUs. This yield differs slightly from the yield on a true discount basis (365 or 366 days a year) which is shown in the summary table 26. 4 In addition, $200,615,000 issued on Feb. 26, 1971. 8 In addition, $201,030,000 issued on May 25,1971. 9 In addition, $200,520,000 issued on Apr. 6, 1971. 7 Represents strip of additional amounts of outstanding Treasury biUs, $200,615,000 matming July 1, 1971. 8 Represents strip of additional amounts of outstanding Treasury biUs, $200,520,000 matm'ing each week from July 8, to Sept. 16, 1971. « Represents strip of additional amounts of outstanding Treasury bills, $201,030,000 maturing each week from July 1, to Aug. 12, 1971. 10 Of this amount $41,313,500 face amount was issued in exchange for Series F and G savings bonds maturing in the calendar years 1963 and 1964, and $93,000 face amount was issued for cash. 11 Redeemable at par and accrued interest to date of payment, at any time upon the death of the owner at the option of the duly constituted representative of the deceased owner's estate, provided entire proceeds of redemption are applied to payment of Federal estate taxes on such estate. 12 Not caUed for redemption on first call date. CaUable on succeeding interest payment dates. 13 Of this amount $33,834,500 face amount was issued in exchange for Series F and G savings bonds maturing in the calendar years 1963 and 1964, and $102,000 face amount was Issued for cash. 1* Redeemable prior to maturity in whole or in part as per agreement. 15 Redeemable prior to maturity upon proper advance notice in whicii case the interest rates would be adjusted downward to reflect the shorter lUe of the obhgation. 16 The principal doUar equivalent of this security increased as a result of the revaluation of the Deutsche mark on Oct. 26, 1969. The increase in the principal amount wiU be absorbed by the Exchange Stabilization Fund upon redemption. 17 The principal dollar equivalent of this security increased as a result of the revalu- ation of the Deutsche mark on Oct. 26.1969. The increase in principal doUar equivalent is offset by a corresponding decrease of interest cost over the remaining term of the secm'ity pursuant to revaluation clause as agreed upon with the Deutsche Bundesbank. 18 These bonds are subject to call by the United States for redemption prior to maturity. 18 Issued at par. Semiannual interest is added to principal. 20 May be exchanged at option of owner for marketable 134 percent 5-year Treasury notes, dated Apr. 1 and Oct. 1 immediately preceding the date of exchange. 21 Includes $316,389,000 of securities received by Federal National Mortgage Association in exchange for mortgages. 22 Ainounts issued and retired for Series E savings bonds and for savings notes include accrued discount; amounts outstanding are stated at current redemption value. Amounts issued, retired, and outstanding for Series H are stated at par value. 23 Redeemable after 1 year from issue date at option of owner. 24 At option of owner, savings notes may be held and wiU accrue interest for additional 10 years. 25 Unclassified redemptions of savings notes are included in unclassified redemptions of Series E savings bonds beginning May 1, 1968. 28 At option of owner, bonds dated May 1, 1941. through Apr. 1, 1952, may be held and wiU accrue interest for additional 30 years; bonds dated May 1,1952, through Jan. 1, 1957, may be held and will accrue interest for additional 20 years; bonds dated on and after Feb. 1,1957, may be held and will accrue interest for additional 10 years. 27 Represents a weighted average of the approximate yields of bonds of various issue dates within the yearly series if held to maturity or if held from issue date to end of applicable extension period, computed on the basis of bonds outstanding June 30, 1970. (For details of yields by issue dates, see Treasury Circulars No. 653 (Eighth Revision) for Series E and No. 905 (Fifth Revision) for Series H dated Dec. 12,1969.) 28 Bonds dated June 1, 1952, through Jan. 1, 1957, may be held and wiU earn interest for additional 20 years: bonds dated Feb. 1, 1957, through Nov. 1, 1965, may be held and will earn interest for additional 10 years. 29 For detailed information see 1956 Annual Report, page 435. 30 Not subject to the statutory debt limitation. 31 After deducting amounts officiaUy estimated to have been lost or irrevocably destroyed. 32 For statutory limit on the pubUc debt, see tables 31 and 32. Footnotes continued on following page. Ul Ul hH O > fel hj fel 1^ X o F o o t n o t e s continued from previous page. AUTHORIZING ACTS: (a) (b) (c) (d) Sept. 24, 1917, as a m e n d e d . Various. J u n e 25, 1910. A p r . 24, 1917. TAX S T A T U S : (e) T r e a s u r y bUls are n o t considered capital assets u n d e r t h e I n t e r n a l R e v e n u e C o d e of 1954. T h e difference b e t w e e n t h e price paid for t h e bills a n d t h e a m o u n t a c t u a l l y received u p o n t h e h sale or r e d e m p t i o n a t m a t u r i t y for Federal i n c o m e t a x p u r poses is t o b e treated as a n o r d i n a r y gain or loss for t h e taxable year in w h i c h t h e transaction occurs. (f) I n c o m e derived from these securities is subject to all taxes n o w or hereafter i m posed u n d e r t h e I n t e r n a l R e v e n u e Code of 1954. (g) A n y gain or loss derived from t h e exchange of t h e following securities wUl b e t a k e n m t o account for F e d e r a l income tax purposes u p o n t h e disposition or r e d e m p t i o n of t h e n e w securities. Effective date New security of exchange Security exchanged 334% B o n d s 1980 O c t . 3,1960 234% B o n d s 1962-67. 234% B o n d s 1963-08. 334% B o n d s 1990. O c t . 3,1960 ;2i4% B o n d s J u n e 16, 1964-69. 334% B o n d s 1 9 9 8 . . O c t . 3.1960 234% B o n d s D e c . 15, 1964-69. 334% B B oo nn dd ss 11980. 980.. ioi^o/lic^r^c^^ ^QP.'^ i(\ 334% 3 ^ % B o n d s 1990. S e p t , 15,1961 \ l 0 ^ ^ ^ n d s 1965-70. 3 ^ % B o n d s 1998 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ 1966-71. 4% Bonds 1971.. M a r . 1, 1QR9 }3% B o n d s 1964. ' \ 2 % % B o n d s 1965. 4% B o n d s 1980. M a r . 1,1962 2 ^ % B o n d s 1965. (234% B o n d s Sept. 15, 1967-72. 334% B o n d s 1990 \ ^... • 234% B o n d s J u n e 15, 1967-72. 334% B o n d s 1998. ] ^^^' 23^% B o n d s D e c . 16, 1967-72. \3V2% Certificates A-1963. 25^% N o t e s A-1963. 4% B o n d s 1972 (9-16-62) Sept. 15,1962 3>i% N o t e s E-1963. 334% Certificates B-1963. 3M% N o t e s D-1963. 4% N o t e s B-1963. 334% Certificates C-1963. 3J^% B o n d s 1971 M a r . 15,1963 33^% C e r t m c a t e s D-1963. 234% B o n d s 1963. , 3 % B o n d s 1964. [334% N o t e s B-1966. 33^% B o n d s 1974 M a r . 15,1963 1 3 | ^ % N o t e s B-1966. 13% B o n d s 1966. 1334% B o n d s 1966. O Effective date of exchange Security exchanged l3W7o N o t e s B-1966. 3 H % N o t e s B-1966. 33^% Certificates C-1963. J 33^% C e r t m c a t e s D-1963. 4% Bonds 1980 Mar. 15,1963 \ 234% B o n d s 1963. 3 % B o n d s 1964. 3 % B o n d s 1966. 1 3 ^ % B o n d s 1966. 33€% C e r t m c a t e s B-1964. 4M% N o t e s A-1964. 3M% N o t e s D-1964. 4% Bonds 1973 ) cp^f IR lofia {3M% B o n d s 1966. 4 ^ % Bonds 1989-94 { ^^^^' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ 4% N o t e s A-1966. 3 ^ % N o t e s B-1967. WAJo Notes A-1967. f4>§% N o t e s C-1964. 5% N o t e s B-1964. 3M% N o t e s E-1964. 43^% Bonds 1976-85 Jan. 29,1964 3M% N o t e s F-1964. 4 ^ % Notes A-1966. . 2 ^ % B o n d s 1965. f3J4% N o t e s C-1965. 3 ^ % N o t e s B-1966. 4H% Bonds 1973 ) y,., 04 1964 • 4% N o t e s A-1966. 414% Bonds 1987-92 . . , . . . . . . } ^^^^ ^4,1954 3 ^ % N o t e s B-1967. 3M% B o n d s 1966. 334% N o t e s B-1966. 4% N o t e s E-1965. 3 ^ % N o t e s B-1966. 4H% Bonds 1974 )j . ^ 19,1966 ( 3 K % N o t e s C-1966. 4 ^ % Bonds 1987-92 } *'^^3M% N o t e s A-1967. 33^% B o n d s 1966. i35^% B o n d s 1967. (h) T h e s e issues, being i n v e s t m e n t s of various G o v e r n m e n t funds a n d p a y a b l e oiUy for t h e account of such funds, h a v e n o present t a x liabiUty. N e w security Pi fel hj O Pi o fel fel § o pi fel H > Pi O fel W fel H9 pi fel MEMORANDUM RELATING TO OTHER SECURITIES; Securities of the United States payable on presentation: U.S. registered interest checks payable U.S. interest coupons due and outstanding Interest payable with and accrued discount added to principal of U.S. securities Total -. ;> d $8,309,623.28 100,033,690.20 Ul 3,860,214.57 Pi Kl 112,203,528.05 STATISTICAL T A B L E 29.—Securities issued in advance refunding D a t e of exchange a n d description of securities issued Amount issued (in millions) 107 APPENDIX operations Price per $100 face value Securities exchanged Effec- I n v e s ttive ment yield i yield 2 Percent J u n e 23, 1960: 3 ^ % n o t e . M a y 15, 1964-D 3 J ^ % b o i i d , M a y 15,1968.. Oct. 3, 1960: 334% b o n d , N o v . 15, 1980.. 3 3 4 % b o n d , F e b . 15, 1990 4. 334% b o n d , N o v . 16, 1998.. $3,893.3 2Y2% bond, N o v . 15, 1961 3 320.3 234% b o n d , N o v . 15, 1961 3.75 3.88 4.24 4.14 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.92 3.96 3.97 3.99 . . . . 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.30 3.38 3.62 3.62 3.57 3.63 3.76 3.75 3.75 fs 1,034. 7 2 ^ % b o n d . Mar. 16, 1 9 6 5 - 7 0 . . . . . . . 102.25 I 3 237.8 234% b o n d , Mar. 15, 1966-71 103.50 3.34 3.25 4.16 4.15 99.00 . . . 100.25 3.56 3.49 4.23 4.21 98.00 99.00 3.60 3.55 4.19 4.19 lOO.OO 102.00 4.00 3.75 4.11 4.10 100.25 101.25 101.50 101.75 3.98 3.43 3.42 3.40 4.20 4.21 4.21 4.19 100.00 100.25 100.50 3.50 3.49 3.48 4.19 4.19 4.17 334% ctf., F e b . 15, 1963-A. 254% note, F e b . 15, 1963-A 3M%) note, F e b . 15, 1963-E 33^%ctf., M a y 15, 1 9 6 3 - B . . 33^% note. M a y 15, 1963-D 4% n o t e , M a y 15, 1963-B 99.50 99.90 99.60 99.60 99.60 99.00 3.86 3.77 3.84 3.84 3.85 3.98 3.81 3.80 3.81 3.81 3.81 3.83 334% ctf., F e b . 15, 1963-A 2 ^ % note, F e b . 15,1963-A. 33i%, note, F e b . 15, 1963-E 3 M % ctf., M a y 15, 1963-B 334% n o t e . M a y 15, 1963-D 4% note, M a y 15, 1963-B 99.30 99.70 99.40 99.40 99.40 98.80 4.09 4.04 4.07 4.07 4.08 4.15 4.06 4.05 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.07 3 643.4 23^% b o n d , J u n e I 992.7 5?, b o n d , D e c s 1, 094.8 23^% b o n d , J u n e 31, 247. 7 234% b o n d , D e c . $100.00 100.00 Percent 15,1962-67 16, 1 9 6 3 - 6 8 . . . . . . 15, 1964-09 15, 1964^69 2, 342.6 Mar. 30, 1961: 3 H % b o n d , N o v . 15,1966.. 3 ^ % b o n d , N o v . 15,1967.. 2,437.6 31,131.3 3 1,295.5 31,176.7 234% b o n d , A u g . 15, 1963 254% n o t e , F e b . 15, 1963-A 2 ^ % b o n d , J u n e 15, 1959-62 234% b o n d , D e c 15, 1959-62 3,603.6 Sept. 29, 1961: 334% b o n d , N o v . 16,1980 4. 1,272.5 334%, b o n d , Mar. 16, 1990 *. I 3 721.7 23^% b o n d . Mar. 16,1965-70 -1 s 575.8 234% b o n d , Mar. 16, 1966-71 1,297.6 334% bond, N o v . 15, 1998 « 3 494.8 23^% b o n d . Mar. 15, 1965-70. 3 692.1 234% b o n d . Mar. 15, 1966-71 1,186.9 Mar. 9, 1962: 4 % b o n d , A u g . 15, 1971. 31.154.3 3 % b o i i d , F e b . 15, 1964.. 31.651.4 2 ^ % b o n d , F e b . 16,1965 2,805.7 4 % b o n d , F e b . 15, 1980 4 . . . 334% b o n d , F e b . 15, 1990 4. 3562.6 3 233. 2 3 344.6 3322.3 2 ^ % bond, 234%o b o n d , 234% b o n d , 234% b o n d , F e b . 15, 1965 J u n e 15, 1967-72 Sept. 15, 1967-72 D e c 15, 1967-72 900.1 334% b o n d , N o v . 15, 1998 4. 3 180.5 234% b o n d , J u n e 16, 1967-72., 3 419.5 234%obond, Sept. 15, 1967-72 3 333.4 234% b o n d , D e c . 15, 1967-72 933.4 Sept. 20, 1962: 3M% note, A u g . 15, 1967-A . 3 772.4 11,093.5 3981.4 3952.6 11,300.9 3180.9 5,281.7 4% b o n d , A u g . 15,1972.. 3370.3" 3 259.0 3402.0 3 448.7 3 719.7 3 378.8 2,678. 5 F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . 449-442—72 108 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 29.—Securities issued in advance refunding operations—Continued D a t e of exchange a n d description of secm'ities issued Amount issued (in millions) Securities exchanged Price per $100 face value 3 $960.0 3 205. 0 i 2,275.4 3 845.3 Percent 3.65 3.64 3.65 3.63 3M% ctf., A u g . 15, 1963-C. 334% ctf., N o v . 15, 1963-D. 23^% b o n d , A u g . 15,1963 3 % b o n d , F e b . 15,1964 $99. 50 99.70 99. 90 99. 90 Percent 3.76 3.71 3.65 3.65 334% ctf., A u g . 15,1963-C 334% ctf., N o v . 15, 1963-D 23^% b o n d , A u g . 16,1963 3 % b o n d , F e b . 16,1964 98. 90 99.10 99. 30 99.30 4.03 4.00 3.97 3.97 3.97 3.96 3.97 3.96 334% n o t e , N o v . 15, 1 9 6 5 - B . . . 3 ^ % n o t e , F e b . 15, 1906-B 3 % borid, A u g . 15, 1966 3 H % b o n d , .Nov. 15, 1966 98. 50 98.30 100.00 99.10 4.04 4.08 3.88 3.97 3.98 3.98 3.97 3.97 334% ctf., A u g , 15, 1963-C 2 3 ^ % b o n d , A u g . 15,1963.. 334% ctf., N o v . 15, 1963-D 3 % b o n d , F e b . 15,1964 334% n o t e , N o v . 16, 1965-B 354% note, F e b . 15,1966-B 3 % b o n d , A u g . 15, 1966 3 H % b o n d , N o v . 15, 1966. 99.10 99.50 99.30 99.50 99.00 98.80 100. 50 99. 60 4.07 4.04 4.06 4.04 4.08 4.11 3.96 4.03 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.03 4.04 4.04 4.03 4.03 99.35 98.40 99.05 4.01 4.23 4.08 4.02 4.02 4.02 334% ctf., M a y 16,1964-B 434% n o t e . M a y 16,1964-A 3 ^ % n o t e . M a y 15,1964-D 3 M % b o n d , M a y 15,19664 % note, A u g . 16.1966-A 3 ^ % n o t e , F e b . 15, 1967-B 35<% note, A u g . 15,1967-A 98. 85 97. 90 98.55 98.85 98.20 99. 60 99.30 4.14 4.26 4.18 4.16 4.22 4.07 4.12 4.15 4.14 4.14 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.14 334% ctf.. M a y 16, 1964-B.. 4 ^ % n o t e , M a y 15,1964-A 3 ^ % n o t e . M a y 15, 1964-D 3 ^ % b o n d , M a y 15,1966... 4% note, A u g . 16, 1966-A 3 ^ % n o t e , F e b . 15, 1967-B 3M% n o t e , A u g . 15, 1967-A 98. 65 97. 70 98.35 98.65 98.00 99.40 99.10 4.20 4.26 4.22 4.21 4.24 4.17 4.20 4.21 4.20 4.20 4.21 4.21 4.21 4.20 3M% note, A u g . 15, 1964-E 5% note, A u g . 15, 1964-B 3M% note, N o v . 15,1964-F 4 ^ % n o t e , N o v . 15, 1 9 6 4 - C . . . 2 H % b o n d , F e b . 15, 1965 4 ^ % n o t e . M a y 15, 1965-A. 99.05 98. 35 99.05 98.15 100.25 98.20 4.17 4.29 4.17 4.33 3.96 4.32 4.16 4.15 4.16 4.15 4.15 4.16 3 K % n o t e , A u g . 15, 1964-E. 5% note, A u g . 15, 1964-B 3 M % n o t e , N o v . 15, 1964-F. 4 K % note, N o v . 15, 1964-C 2 ^ % b o n d , F e b . 15,1965 ^ % % n o t e . M a y 15, 1965-A 99.96 99.26 99.95 99- 05 101.16 99-10 4.25 4.30 4.25 4.32 4.17 4.31 4.25 4. 25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 M a r . 16,1963: 3 ^ % n o t e , F e b . 15, 1967-B. Effec- I n v e s ttive ment yield 1 yield 2 4,286. 6 3 K % b o n d , N o v . 15, 19714 3 693.5 393.6 3 631. 8 3196. 0 1,514. 9 W s % b o n d , N o v . 15, 1974 4. 3136. 2 3 313.8 3 250. 3 3 373. 2 1,073.5 4 % b o n d , F e b . 15, 1980 4 3 17.3 349.1 3 2.1 3 24.4 3 195.6 3 420.0 3 209. 6 3 213. 0 1,131.0 S e p t . 18,1963: 3>g% b o n d , N o v . 15,1968. 8 619.5 3 M % ctf., M a y 15,1964-B 3 194.4 4 ^ % n o t e , M a y 1 6 , 1 9 6 4 - A . . . 3777.6 3 ^ % n o t e . M a y 15,1964-D 1,691.4 4 % b o n d , A u g . 15, 1973.. 3 600.0 3 213. 5 3 782.4 8 621.0 3340.1 3 720.6 37I6.4 3,893.9 434% b o n d . M a y 15, 1989-94 4 3 375.4 3126. 6 3 317. 2 3 114.5 3 104.7 3 91.1 3131. 9 260.4 J a n . 29, 1964: 4% b o n d , A u g . 15, 19704 3 695. 4 3164.5 3 276. 5 3 210.8 3655.4 3 22L 4 2,224. 0 4 M % b o n d . M a y 16,1975-85.. 3 238. 4 3105. 5 3.158.4 3116.6 352.8 3 76. 6 747.3 F o o t n o t e s a t end of t a b l e : 109 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 29.—Securities issued in advance refunding operations—Continued Amount issued (in millions) Date of exchange and description of securities issued July 24, 1964: $637.3 287.6 162.0 249. 7 3 400. 0 3 942.3 3 295.0 3178.9 3 578.2 4% bond, Oct. 1, 1.969 4.. Price per Effec- Invest$100 tive ment face yield i yield 2 vEilue Securities exchanged Percent 4.06 4.10 4.10 4.18 4.11 4.03 4.07 4.14 Percent 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.06 4.08 4.09 4.08 4.08 4.08 99.25 99.10 99.10 98.75 99.05 99.45 99.30 98.90 99.86 4.22 4.24 4.24 4.29 4.25 4.20 4.23 4.27 4.16 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.23 4.23 4.23 loO. 10 99.95 99.95 99.60 99.90 loo. 3o 100.16 99.75 loo. 70 4.24 4.25 4.25 4.28 4.26 4.23 4.24 4.27 4.22 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.25 4.26 4.26 2 ^ % bond, Feb. 16,1965 99.40 334% note, Nov. 16,1966-B 99.55 4%, note, Nov. 15,1965-E 99. lo 3 ^ % note, Feb. 15,1966-B 99.60 3^%note, Feb. 15,1966-C... 99.30 3M%) bond, May 16,1966 . . . . . . 99.50 3M%note,Aug. 16,1967-A.. 99.95 3 ^ % bond, Nov. 15,1967 loo. 30 4.13 4.10 4.21 4.09 4.16 4.12 4.06 3.93 4.16 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.18 4.17 2 ^ % bond, Feb. 1 6 , 1 9 6 5 . . . . . . . . . . 334% note, Nov. 15,1965-B........ 4%, note, Nov. 15,1965-E.......... 354% note, Feb. 15,1966-B.. 3j^%note, Feb. 16,1966-C-....-.. 3M% bond, May 16,1966 ...... 3M% note, Aug. 15,1967-A........ 3M% bond, Nov. 15,1967 99.35 99.50 99.05 99.55 99.25 99.45 99.90 100.25 4.21 4.19 4.26 4.19 4.22 4.20 4.16 4.09 4.23 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 4.24 .4.24 4.24 100.25 100.40 . 99.95 loO.46 100.15 '.. loO. 35 100.80 101.16 4.23 4.23 4.26 4.22 4.24 4.23 4.21 4.18 4.24 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 4.25 3M% note, Aug. 15,1964-E $99.70 6% note, Aug. 15, 1964-B 99.56 3;^% note, Nov. 15, 1964-F... 99.65 434% note, Nov. 15,1964-C 99.20 334% note. May 15, 1965-C . . . . 99.50 3 ^ % note, Feb. 15,1966-B 99.90 3 ^ % bond. May 15,1966 99.75 4%, note, Aug. 15,1966-A 99.35 354% note, Feb. 15,1967-B 100.30 3, 730. 9 434% bond, Nov. 16,1973 342. 7 3M% note, Aug. 15,1964-E 362. 7 5% note, Aug. 15, 1964-B 212.9 3H7o note, Nov. 15,1964r-F........ 232.4 4 ^ % note, Nov. 15, 1964-C ( 3 769. 5 334% note, May 15, 1965-C 31,302. 7 3 ^ % note, Feb. 15,1966-B........ 3300.8 3 ^ % bond. May 15,1966 3 334. 5 4% note, Aug. 16,1966-A 3 SOL 6 3 ^ % note, Feb. 1.5,1907-B 4,369.4 4M% bond, Aug. 16, 1987-92 4.... 196.0 196.9 145. 0 118.2 3 188.0 3146. 7 3 17.7 315L 0 3 34.9 3M% note, Aug. 15,1964-E 5% note, Aug. 15, 1964-B 3M% note, Nov. 15,1964-F 434% note, Nov. 16,1964-C 33^% note, May 16,1965-C 354% note, Feb. 16,1966-B 3 ^ % bond, May 15,1966 4% note, Aug. 15,1966-A 354% note, Feb. 16,1967-B 1,194.3 Jan. 19, 1966: 4% bond, Feb. 16, 1970 674.1 3 639.9 3175. 6 3 587.4 3379.3 3302.3 3902.2 3 723. 4 4,384.3 434% bond, Feb. 16,1974. 489.3 3 415. 7 3140. 4 3 332.8 3400.7 3 136.9 3 459.1 3 727.8 3,102.6 43<t% bond, Aug. 16,1987-92 « . . . 642.0 3 283. 0 3 144.9 3144.2 3 660.3 3126.1 3140. 0 3124. 0 254% bond, Feb. 15,1965 334% note, Nov. 16,1965-B 4%note, Nov. 16,1965-E.... 35^%, note, Feb. 16,1966-B,. 334% note, Feb. 15,1966-C 3M% bond. May 15,1966. 3H% note, Aug. 15,1967-A 3y8% bond, Nov. 15,1967 2,264. 6 1 The effective rate of interest on the new issue is the coupon rate adjusted for the amount paid by or Paid to the Treasury as discount or premium on the new secmity exchanged for eligible secmities originaUy issued at par. For eligible securities originaUy issued at prices other than par, the payment by or to the Treasury is applied to the price adjusted for the pro rata amortization of the original discount or premium to the date of the advance refunding. 2 Based on the mean of bid and asked prices of securities eligible for exchange (adjusted for payraents on account of purchase price of secm'ities issued) at noon on the day before announcement by the Treasury. 3 Quia or loss on exchange deferred in accordance with sec. 1037a of the Internal Revenue Code. 4 Additional issue. 110 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 30.—Description of agency securities and D.C. Armory Board Stadium honds subject to statutory limitation, June 30, 1971 [On basis of daily Treasm'y statements, see "Bases of Tables"] Securities Rate of interest Amount UNMATURED D E B T Percent District of Columbia Armory Board Stadium bonds of 1970-79 issued under the act of Sept. 7,1957, as amended (2 D.C. Code 1722-1727) 12 Federal I-Iousing Administration debentures issued under the act of June 27,1934, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701-1750g) s 4 Mutual mortgage insmance fund: Series A A . . Series A A . Series A A . . . SeriesAA Series AA SeriesAA SeriesAA : SeriesAA . . SeriesAA SeriesAA. SeriesAA Series A A . . SeriesAA Cooperative management housing insmance fund: Sei'ies NN Series N N Series N N Series N N Series NN Series N N Series NN General insmance fund: General insmance: SeriesMM Series MM SeriesMM SeriesMM. SeriesMM. Series MM SeriesMM . . SeriesMM. SeriesMM. Series MM SeriesMM . .. SeriesMM SeriesMM SeriesMM SeriesMM . SeriesMM. Armed services housing mortgage insmance fund: Series F F Series F F Series F F . . . . . Series F F Series F F Series F F Series F F Housing insmance fund: SeriesBB Series BB . . . SeriesBB Series BB SeriesBB. Series B B . _ . SeriesBB SeriesBB.. SeriesBB. . SeriesBB.. SeriesBB National defense housing insmance fund: Series GG Series GG Series GG Series GG Series GG . Series GG Series QQ . . . Footnotes at end of table. 4.20 $19,800,000. 00 2y2 166,350.00 98,300.00 74,300.00 246, 250.00 306, 250.00 640,100.00 164,600.00 570, 600.00 1,454,550.00 2,700, 000.00 1,538,360.00 1,886,950.00 670,400.00 2% 3 3^8 334 3M 3K 4 434 3 3M 35I 434 2^ 234 3 334 35I 334 35^ Ws 4 434 45^ 454 65^ 23^ 334 354 3y2 4 434 234 254 IU 3M 35^ 3K sys 4 434 2y2 3M sys 1,964, 550.00 1, 292, 200.00 893,700.00 635,250. 00 10, 581, 850.00 166,800.00 708,400.00 11, 679, 200.00 608, 300. 00 114,500. 00 15,850. 00 766,650.00 31,150.00 49,550. 00 2,302,800.00 3,603,450.00 77,350,560.00 67,177,300.00 171,503, 700. 00 16,005, 900.00 4, 916,000.00 12, 766. 200.00 2,492,850.00 174,050. 00 10, 000.00 10,600.00 36,700.00 10,000.00 12,600.00 11, 200.00 3,124,100. 00 1,489,800. 00 80,000.00 282,800.00 211,050.00 816,650.00 2,565,100.00 6,462,160. 00 3,707,150.00 4,082,350. 00 6, 992, 300.00 6, 675, 750. 00 1,976,400.00 4, 354,000.00 4,479, 300.00 50, 000.00 303, 750.00 9,050. Ou STATISTICAL APPENDIX 111 TABLE 30.—Description of agency securities and D.C. Armory Board Stadium bonds Subject to statutory limitation, June 30, 1971—Continued Rate of Interest Secmities Amount UNMATURED DEBT—Continued Federal Housing Administration debentmes issued under the act of June 27, 1934, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701-1750g) 3 4_Continued General Insmance fund—Continued Sec. 220 housing Insmrance fund: Series CC Series CC Series CC Series CC Sec. 221 houshig hismance fund: Series D D Series D D Series DD Series D D .Series DD Series DD Series D D . . Series DD Servicemen's mortgage Insurance fund: SeriesEE SeriesEE SeriesEE .SeriesEE . SeriesEE SeriesEE.. SeriesEE SeriesEE SeriesEE SeriesEE SeriesEE Title I housing Insmance fund: Series R SeriesT -.-War housing hisurance fund: SeriesH. Percent 314 3^ 334 3H $4,740,000.00 9,261,200.00 2,336,750.00 3,344,000.00 314 314 354 334 354 3% 4 434 16,700.00 1,650.00 1,125,060.00 8,800,760.00 1,392,050.00 62,350.00 61,150.00 67,050.00 254 234 3 314 314 354 334 354 334 4 414 25,660.00 192,650.00 151,760.00 766,300.00 189,300.00 526,360.00 1,776,800.00 644,400.00 949,400.00 937,660.00 2,478,000.00 254 3 37,250.00 113,660.00 234 608,350.00 Subtotal 486,612,250.00 Total umnatmed debt 606,312,250.00 MATURED D E B T » Commodity Credit Corporation, interest District of Columbia Armory Board, hiterest Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation: Principal Interest F ederai H ousing Administration: Principal Interest Home Owners' Loan Corporation: Prhiclpal Interest Reconstruction Finance Corporation, interest 11.25 336,021.00 .--. - Total matmed debt (principal and hiterest) Total. . 84,600.00 28,630.20 6,460.00 2,172.60 214,476.00 63,650.96 19.25 ..- 734,930.26 607,047,180.26 1 Issued on June 1, 1960, at a price to yield 4.1879 percent, but sale was not consummated until Aug. 2, 1960. Interest is payable semiannually on June 1 and Dec. 1. These bonds are redeemable on and after June 1, 1970, and matme on Dec. 1,1979. 2 The securities and the income derived therefrom, and gain from the sale or other disposition thereof or transfer as by inheritance or gift, are subject to taxation by the United States, but are exempt both as to principal and interest from all taxation, except estate and inheritance taxes, imposed by the District of Columbia. 3 Issued and payable on various dates. Interest is payable semiannually on Jan. 1 and July 1. All unmatmed debentures are redeemable on any interest day or days, on 3 months' notice. 4 Under the Public Debt Act of 1941 (31 U.S.C. 742a), income or gain derived from these securities is subject to all Federal taxes now or hereafter imposed. The securities are subject to surtaxes, estate, inheritance, or gift taxes whether Federal or State, but are exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed on the principal or interest thereof by any State, mmiicipality, or local taxing authority. Debentm'es issued on contracts entered into before Mar. 1,1941, are exempt from all taxation except surtaxes, estate, inheritance, and gift taxes. » Funds are on deposit with the Treasurer of the United States for payment of principal of $304,625 and interest of $430,405.26. NOTE.—For secmities held by the Treasmy see table 107. 112 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 31.—Debt subject to statutory limitation, June 30, 1971 [In millions of dollars] P A R T 1.—STATUS U N D E R LIMITATION, J U N E 30, 1971 The statutory debt limit established by the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended (31 U.S.C. 767b)i Amounts outstanding subject to statutory debt limitation: U.S. Government securities issued under the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended 397,503 Debt of U.S. Government agencies. 507 Participation certificates (12 U.S.C. 1717(c)). > 1,465 430,000 Total amount outstanding subject to statutory debt Umitation 399,475 Balance Issuable under Umitation 30,625 P A R T I I . - A P P L I C A T I O N OF STATUTORY LIMITATION, J U N E 30, 1971 Total outstanding Classification Public debt: Interest-bearing debt: Public issues—marketable: Treasmy bUls Treasmynotes Treasm-y bonds 86,677 104,807 53,989 Total marketable public issues Public Issues—nonmarketable: Certificates of indebtedness: Foreign series Foreign currency series Treasmy notes: Foreign series Foreign cmrency series Treasury bonds: Foreign series Treasmy bonds Treasury certificates Treasmy certtficates Eurodollar series U.S. savings bonds U.S. savings notes U.S. rethement plan bonds Depositary bonds Treasmy bonds, REA series Treasmy bonds, investment series Total nonmarketable public issues Special issues to Govemment agencies and trustfunds Total interest-bearhig debt Matured debt on which interest has ceased Footnotes a t end of table. 245,473 2,126 899 5,457 765 .- --. 24 250 457 2,008 63,003 619 47 23 8 2,347 68,032 82,784 396,289 322 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 113 TABLE 31.—Debt subject to statutory limitation, June 30, 1971—Continued [In miUions of dollars] P A R T I I . - A P P L I C A T I O N OF STATUTORY LIMITATION, JUNE 30, 1971—Continued Classification Total outstanding Debt bearing no interest: Special note of the United States: International Monetary Fund series Mortgage Guaranty Iiisui*ance Company tax and loss bonds U.S. savings stamps ,. Excess profits tax refund bonds U.S.notes... Deposits for retirement of national bank and Federal Reserve bank notes... Silver certificates Other debt bearing no interest Total debt bearing no interest Total public debt 2__ Debt of U.S. Government agencies: Interest-bearing debt Matured debt onwhich interest has ceased Total debt of U.S. Government agencies Total public debt and debt of U.S. Government agencies Deduct debt not subject to limitation Add participation certificates Total subject to limitation. 825 19 49 1 323 74 217 11 1,619 398,130 (*) 506 507 398,636 627 1,465 399,476 •Less than $500,000. 1 The foUowing table details amendments to the act. 2 Includes public debt incmred to finance expenditures of whoUy owned Government corporations and other activities in exchange for which securities of the corporations and activities were issued to the Treasury. See table 107. 114 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 32.—-Debt limitation under the Second Libei'ty Bond Act, as amended, 1917-71 Date and act History of legislation Amount of limitation Sept. 2A, 1917 40 Stat. 288 40 Stat. 290 Sec. 1 authorized issuance of bonds In the amount of. Sec. 5 authorized certificates of indebtedness outstanding $7,638,946,460 4,000,000,000 Apr. 4,1918 40 Stat. 502 40 Stat. 504 Amended sec. 1, increasing bond issuance authority to Amended sec. 6, increasing authority for certificates outstanding t o . . . 12,000,000,000 8,000,000,000 July 9, 1918 40 Stat. 844 Amended sec. 1, Increasing bond issuance authority to 20,000,000,000 Mar. S, 1919 40 Stat. 1311 40 Stat, 1309 Ainended sec. 5, increasing authority for certificates outstanding to Added sec. 18, authorizing issuance of notes in the amount of 10,000,000,000 7,000,000,000 Nov. 23, m i 42 Stat. 321 Amended sec 18, providing limit on notes outstanding June 17,1929 46 Stat. 19 Amended sec. 6, authorizing bills in addition to certificates of indebtedness outstanding Mar. S, 1931 46 Stat. 1506..... Amended sec. 1, increasing bond issuance authority to Jan. 30,1934 48 Stat. 343 Feb. 4,1936 49 Stat. 20 49 Stat. 21 May 26,1938 62 Stat. 447 July 20,1939 63 Stat. 1071 June 25,1940 64 Stat. 626 Feb. 19,1941 55 Stat. 7 Mar. 28,1942 66.Stat. 189 Apr. 11,1943 57 Stat. 63 June 9,1944 68 Stat. 272 Apr. 3,1946 69 Stat. 47 June 26,1946 60 Stat. 316 Aug. 28, 1964 68 Stat. 895 June 30,1966 69 Stat. 241 July 9, 1966 70 Stat. 619 Feb. 26,1968 72 Stat. 27 Sept. 2,1968 72 Stat. 1768 June so, 1969 73 Stat. 166 7,500,000,000 10,000,000,000 28,000,000,000 Amended sec. 18, increasing authority for notes outstanding to 10,000,000,000 Amended sec. 1, providing limit on bonds outstanding _ Added sec. 21, consolidating authority for certificates and bills (sec. 6) and authority for notes (sec. 18) outstandmg 25,000,000,000 20,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, consohdating authority for bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, and bills outstanding (bonds limited to $30 biUion).. 46,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, removing limitation on bonds without changing authorized total of bonds, notes, certificates of indebtedness, and bills outstanding 46,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, adding new authority for issuance of $4 billion National Defense Series obUgations outstanding 49,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, eliminating authority for $4 billion of National Defense Series obligations and increasing limitation to 65,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, Increasing limitation to 126,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, increasing limitation tp 210,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, increasing limitation to 260,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, including obligations guaranteed as to principal and Interest by the United States and Increasing limitation to 300,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, defining face amount of savings bonds to be current redemption value and decreasing limitation to 276,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation by $6 bUlion dming period beginning Aug.28, 1954, and ending June 30, 1956 281,000,000,000 Amended act of Aug. 28, 1964, extending increase In limitation untU June 30, 1966 281,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation by $3 biUion dming period beginning J u l y l , 1956, and ending June 30, 1957 278,000,000,000 Temporary increase terminated July 1,1957, and limitation reverted to. 276,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation by $5 billion during period beginning Feb. 26, 1968, and ending June 30, 1959 280,000,000,000 Araended sec. 21, increasing limitation to $283 billion, which, with temporary increase of Feb. 26, 1968, made limitation 288,000,000, 000 Amended sec. 21, increasing limitation to $286 billion, and increased sec. 21 limitation by $10 bUlion dming period beginnhig July 1,1959, and ending June 30,1960 296,000,000,000 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 115 TABLE 32.—Debt limitation under the Second Liherty Bond Act, as amended, 1917-71—Continued Date and act June SO, 1960 74 Stat. 290 June SO, 1961 76 Stat. 148 Mar. IS, 1962 76 Stat. 23 July 1,1962 76 Stat. 124 May 29, 1963 77 Stat. 50 Aug. 27, 1963 77 Stat. 131 Nov. 26, 1963 77 Stat. 342 June 29,1964 78 Stat. 225 June 24,1966 79 Stat. 172 June 24,1966 80 Stat. 221 Mar. 2,1967 81 Stat. 4 June SO, 1967 81 Stat. 99 April 7,1969 83 Stat. 7 June 30,1970 84 Stat. 368 Mar. 17,1971 85 Stat. 5 History of legislation Amount of limitation Increased sec. 21 liraitation by $8 billion during period beginning J u l y l , 1960, and ending June 30, 1961 $293,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 liraitation by $13 billion during period beginning J u l y l , 1961, and ending June 30, 1962 298,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation by $2 billion (in addition to temporary increase of $13 billion in act of June 30,1961) dming period beginning Mar. 13, 1962, and ending June 30, 1962 300,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation during the periods: (1) beginning July 1,1962, and ending Mar. 31,1963, to (2) beginning Apr. 1, 1963, and ending June 24, 1963, to (3) beginning June 25, 1963, and ending June 30, 1963, to 308,000,000,000 305,000,000,000 300,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation during the periods: (1) beginning May 29, 1963, and ending June 30,1963, to (2) beginning July 1, 1963, and ending Aug. 31, 1963, to.. 307,000,000,000 309,000,000.000 Increased sec. 21 limitation during the period beginning Sept. 1, 1963, and ending Nov. 30, 1963, to 309,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation during the periods: (1) beginning D e c 1, 1963, and ending June 29,1964, to (2) ending June 30,1964, to 315,000,000,000 309,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation during the period beginning June 29, 1964, and ending June 30, 1965, to 324,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation during the period beginning July 1, 1965, and ending June 30, 1966, to 328,000,000,000 Increased sec 21 limitation during the period beginning July 1, 1966, and ending June 30, 1967, to 330,000,000,000 Increased sec. 21 limitation during the period beginning Mar. 2, 1967, and ending June 30, 1967, to 336,000,000,000 Sec. 21 amended to increase limitation on aggregate outstanding at any time to 358,000,000,000 Sec. 21 amended also to increase the limitation temporarily, begimiing July 1,1968, and each July 1 thereafter for the period beginning July 1 and ending June 29 of each succeeding calendar year by $7 biUion, providing an operating limitation of... 365,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, increasing limitation to $365 billion, and increased sec. 21 limitation by $12 bUlion dming period beginning Apr. 7,1969, and ending June 30, 1970 377,000,000,000 Amended sec 21, increasing limitation to $380 bUlion, and increased sec. 21 limitation by $15 biUion during period beghining July 1,1970, and ending June 30,1971... 395,000,000,000 Amended sec. 21, increasing limitation to $400 billion, and increased sec. 21 limitation by $30 biUion during period beginning Mar. 17, 1971, and ending June 30,1972 -... 430,000,000,000 II. Operations o TABLE 33.—Public debt receipts and expenditures by classes, monthly for the fiscal year 1971 and totals for 1970 and 1971 [On basis of daUy Treasury stateraents, see "Bases of Tables"] Receipts (issues) July 1970 PubUc Issues: Marketable: Treasury bills: Regular weekly Tax anticipation Other Treasury notes August 1970 Septeraber 1970 October 1970 ^J Noveraber 1970 $15,532,560,000.00 $12,508,770,000.00 $12,814,165,000.00 $16,015,640,000.00 $12,942,400,000.00 4,777,360,000.00 400,000.00 2,514,710,000.00 425,000.00 1,702,660,000.00 1,705,090,000.00 1,703,260,000.00 -70,000.00 3,403,165,000.00 516,000.00 3,184,974,000.00 1,063,000.00 573,000.00 2,037,943,000.00 December 1970 $18,629,725,000.00 January 1971 $13,620,520,000.00 1.701,755,000.00 11,769,000.00 -.-- ..- Q ^ yq O ^ H^ Subtotal -- 22,013,096,000.00 Exchanges: Treasm*y bills: Regular weekly Other. -. Total marketable issues. Nonmarketable: Certificates of indebtedness: Foreign series... Foreign cmTency series Depositary bonds Treasmy notes: Foreign series.. Foreign currency series Treasm-y bonds: REA seriesTreasmy bonds 1981 GE CTF European Dollar U.S. savings notes U.S. reth'ement plan bonds MGIC tax and loss bonds 334% Treasury bonds 1%, Treasury certificates 14,518,488,000.00 =• 18,530,853,000.00 -- Treasury'no'tes] -".'-."-"!!."Subtotal 17,399,234,000.00 . 18,383,933,000.00 : 6, 582, 749,000.00 -3,"6i7,'666.'66''' -3,017,000.00 '6,"582,"749,"6o'6."6o -^3,017, 000. 00 5,582,749,000:00 22.010,079,000.00 22, 981, 983,000.00 1,416,017,399.-32 100,006,977.23 507,000.00 165,000,000.00 49,974,431.69 721,000.00 i3,'726,"o'66.'6o 13, 726, 000.00 13,620,620,000.00 - 2 , 691.000.00 18, 528, 162,000.00 7,023, 511,000.00 25, 407, 444,000.00 M t?=J Ui t=l •. -2,691,000.00 -2.'69i,'o'o'd.'6d''' '7,'623,'5ii.'6o'6.'do' 7,023,511,000.00 13,726,000.00 14, 532, 214,000.00 20,343,249.000.00 • 4, 956.000.00 4,'956.'d6o."66 4,956,000.00 20, 348, 205,000. 00 296,000.00 296,'ddd."dd 296,000.00 13, 620,816, 000.00 a ^ > Pi o •. 69,741,088.22. 300,000.000.00 11.324,944.10 116,141.16 -3,623.268.79 168,238.88 530,000,000.00 112,000.00 101,141,621.52 12,906,802.28 225,420.20 1,146,305.00 -.... 851,017,399.32 1,175,000,000.00 240,000,000.00 78.000.00 1.001,000.00 496,000.00 90,000,000.00 155.294,811.00 28.435,^15.00 100,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 30,248,737.70 2.760,387.65 539,081.56 3,771,829.65 2,113,617.92 956,500.00 .--2,750,098.45 3,334,318.21 3,305,00 .-- 3,846,831.58 301,519.38 186,500.00-. - 269,683.41 766,017,399.32 99,955,833.47 956,000.00 M H W H o ^ W j> ui CJ pi ^ Receipts (Issues) February 1971 Public Issues: Marketable: Treasury biUs: Regular weekly Tax anticipation Other Treasury notes Subtotal 16,427,210,000.00 : -- May 1971 18,809,152,000.00 21,412,561,000.00 June 1971 15,314,653,000.00 - Total, fiscal year 1971 Total.fiscal yeer 1970 19,275,000.00 2,164,000.00 6,669,015,000.00 16,064,196,000.00 19,275,000.00 2,164,000.00 6,669,015,000.00 Total marketable issues 32,491,406,000.00 Nonmarketable: Certificates of indebtedness: Foreign series 860,000,000.00 Foreign currency series 50,039,566.17 Depositary bonds 295,000.00 Treasury notes: Foreign series 50,000,000.00 Foreign currency series 30,023,040.94 Treasury bonds: REAseries -Treasury Bonds 1981 GE C T F EuropeanDollar U.S. savings notes .-363,029.95 U.S. retirement plan bonds -367,766.79 MGIC tax and loss bonds -.. 334% Treasury bonds. 1% Treasury certmcates -- . . . . . . . 18,828,427,000.00 965,000,000.00 249,709,639.95 3,045,000.00 125,000,000.00 .--- -2,827,248.36 846,686.32 367,488.00 - 19,998,259,000.00 216,771,208,000.00 165,399,726,000.00 19,614,000.00 --. 35,393,794,000.00 26,452,667,000.00 3,166,361,000.00 31,047,751,000.00 19,614,000.00 35,393,794,000.00 60,666,779,000.00 - 16,064,196,000.00 — AprU 1971 $14,728,015,000.00 $13,405,540,000.00 $19,712,540,000.00 $15,313,775,000.00 $14,306,415,000.00 $179,530,065,000.00 $130,929,520,000.00 ...2,000,796,000.00 ..9,293,960,000.00 14,548,473,000.00 1,699,195,000.00 3,403,045,000.00 1,700,465,000.00 40,000.00 3,401,930,000.00 20,420,635,000.00 16,257,677,000.00 -228,000.00 -444,000.00 838,000.00 2,289,914,000.00 7,626,918,000.00 3,664,056,000.00 Exchanges: Treasury biUs: Regular weekly Other Treasury notes Subtotal March 1971 - 21,414,725,000.00 1,186,017,399.32 208,000.00 - 150,000,000.00 -100,000,000.00 1,508,437,000.00 2,742,712.31 400,684.71 797,617.11 - _. 21,983,668,000.00 . , 20,017,873,000.00 ., 252,165,002,000.00 226,066,505,000.00 405,000,000.00 148,000.00 12,819,069,697.28 1,475,693,774.63 7,659,000.00 8,479,034,798.64 414,121,301.39 5,335,000.00 200,000,000.00 63,247,863.25 3,200,000,000,00 26,780,279.98 4,293,435,416.00 476,477,442.61 1,875,000,000.00 420,721,331.45 100,000,000.00 2,008,488,000.00 43,937,041.26 8,836,145.65 4,599,250.49 75,000,000.00 540,715.24 120,000.00 2,769,17L 61 643,999.08 88,261.97 .-- -.- - 500,051,000.00 2,223,314.01 514,305.02 1,053,273.41 271,031.83 - ^ >_^ 4,260,000,000.00 926,007,326.02 92,000.00 -... (/5 i^ > >^ 347,328,241.67 8,066,385.63 5,670,517.63 75,000,000.00 8,117,720.30 g tr* s^ C H^J t?d 12: tj {-} X T A B L E 33.-—Public debt receipts and expenditures by classes, monthly for thefiscal year 1971 and totals for 1970 and 1971—Continued Receipts (issues) Public Issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Continued 3.50% Treasury certificates 3.521% Treasmy certificates 3.865% Treasury certificates 4.201% Treasui'y certificates 4.830% Treasmy certificates 5.80% Treasui'y certificates 5.807% Treasury certificates 5.831% Treasury certificates 6.330% Treasury certificates 6.345% Treasury certificates 6.421% Treasury certificates..-6.45% Treasui'y certificates6.876% Treasury certificates 7.030% Treasury certificates 7.10% Treasm'y certificates 7.106% Treasury certificates 7.172% Treasury certificates 7.888% Treasury certificates 8.096% Treasury certificates.. U.S. savings bonds: Issueprice Accmed discountExchanges, Series H U.S. savings stamps Total nonmarketable issues.. Total public issues July 1970 September 1970 $1,187.76 October 1970 $2,878.64 $2,100.00 November 1970 ; December 1970 $665.25 $41,133,698.84 January 1971 $1,574,458.72 . 1,351,404.23 1,697.384.63 2,137.99 1,670,957.47 1,331,987.19 1,311,188.46 1,646,662.41 . . - . . . . : .. . .......... h-» cb ^ Pi H 2 2 g ^ ^ J5 -^ j M • ^ t=J Q pi fej H > Pi ^ 393,311,275.97 182,865,589.13 22,525,000.00 $388,070,586.61 159,857,671.73 18,142,000.00 351,415,735.80 156,615,808.06 17,856,500.00 *270,480.85 406,989,339.37 151,240,040.90 14,517,500.00 372,687,790.84 156,479,544.17 15,744,090.00 384,059,805.87 189,708,423.72 15,919,500.00 429,794,512.08 191,643,865.18 20,326.500.00 .- 2,274,374,453.76 1,078,310,640.12 1,171,693,552.35 1,676,479,124.20 1,752,647,884.47 978,429,059.41 1,599,653,816.99 ^ 24,284,453,453.76 24,060,293,640.12 15,703,907,552.35 20,204,641,124.20 27,160,091,884.47 21,326,634,059.41 15,220,469,816.99 W 332,624,000.00 316,054,000.00 67,367,000.00 121,779,000.00 12.983,000.00 4.321,727.12 100,202,000.00 324,726,000.00 53,342,000.00 6,226,000.00 16,771,712.76 91,677,000.00 343,583,000.00 58,404,000.00 30,295,000.00 89,667,564.79 179,178,000.00 831,246,000.00 67,641,000.00 79,685,000.00 266,924,101.26 175,873,000.00 494,170,000.00 102,800,000.00 101,719,000.00 682.569,200.87 242,001,000.00 465,436,000.00 298,500,000.00 320,099,000.00 206,000,000.00 310,898,000.00 203,500,000.00 360,048,000.00 545,800,000.00 522,096,000.00 546,300,000.00 238,863,000.00 472,300,000.00 ^ W w > ^ S 3 ^ 563,802,000.00 349,267,000.00 315,811,000.00 392,478,000.00 1,265,546,000.00 369,926,000.00 Special issues: CivU service retii'ement fund 553,011,000.00 Employees health benefit fund Employees life insurance f u n d . . . 60,011,000.00 Exchange Stabihzation Fund Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 74,374,000.00 Federal disabiUty insurance trust fund 329,972,000.00 Federal home loan banks 404,000,000.00 Federal hospital insurance trust fund 360,315,000.00 *Adjustment to prior month's figures. August 1970 : oo O H H Receipts (issues) Public Issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Continued 3.50% Treasury certificates 3.521%, Treasuiy certUicates 3.865% Treasui'y certificates 4.201%, Treasury certificates 4.830% Treasury cei'tificates 6.80% Treasury certificates 6.807% Treasury certificates 5.831% Treasury certificates 6.330% Treasury certificates 6.345%, Treasury certificates 6.421% Treasury cei'tificates 6.45% Treasury certificates 6.876% Treasury certificates 7.030% Treasury certUicates 7.10% Treasury certificates 7.106% Treasm-y certificates 7.172% Treasmy certificates 7.888% Treasui'y certificates 8.096% Treasury certmcates U.S. savings bonds: Issueprice. Accrued discount.. Exchanges, Sei'ies H U.S. savings stamps. Total nonmarketable issues. Total public issues Special issues: Civil service retirement fund Eraployees health benefit fund... Eraployees life insmance f u n d . . . Exchange Stabilization Fund Federal Deposit Insurance Coi-p. Federal disability insurance trust fund. Federal home loan banks Federal hospital insurance trust fund. February 1971 March 1971 $296.48 AprU 1971 $540.30 1,717,880.56 1,023,76L06 May 1971 $263.60 June 1971 Total, fiscal year 1971 $461,692,488.39 . $504,408,577.98 1,717,880.55 1,023,761.06 1,351,404.23 1,697,384.63 2,137.99 1,670,957.47 1,331,987.19 $1,634,630,236.97 .-. 1,621,009.93 1,311,188.46 1,646,662.41 ...--$431,130,172.39 171,264,712.39 21,692,000.00 613,491,662.93 176,846,996.02 22,813,500.00 463,389,766.06 184,105,334.60 20,626,600.00 461,626,198.85 164,942,667.27 19,234,000.00 485,929,987.79 170,470,499.14 22,066,000.00 -6,081,896,814.66 2,056,031,142.31 231,362,000.00 270,480.86 Total, fiscal year 1970 - 1,858,078.35 1,289,030.03 1,242,269.06 328,944.32 1,559,123.41 1,220,387.51 1,264,101.94 1,688,85L68 4,449,188,737.40 1,841,416,453.71 209,640,000.00 16,206,81L20 1,613,603,695.16 2,069,948,518.06 3,619,466,096.02 6,098,661,74L 65 5,276,200,179.57 29,199,458,76L 76 19,801,469,332.12 ""34,105,009,695.16 20,888,375,618.06 25,034,191,096.02 28,082,319,741.65 25,294,073,179. 57 281,364,460,761.75 246,867,974,332.12 366,826,000.00 109,916,000.00 96,623,000.00 800,615,369. 26 380, 266,000.00 344,665,000.00 128,904,000.00 74; 816,000.00 872,440,634.63 262,128,000.00 340,126,000.00 116,683,000.00 60,526,000.00 912,810,602.61 117,040,000.00 653,687,000.00 100,256,000.00 28,908,000.00 1,113,843,786. 64 168, 215,000.00 6,201,741,000.00 113,047,000.00 77,361,000.00 1,243,496,764.22 155,663,000.00 11,102,459,000.00 849,992,000.00 696,420,000.00 6,003,461,463.96 2,058,396,000.00 6,675,452,000.00 2, 519,998,000. 00 371,081,000.00 508,550,000.00 663,011,000.00 905,100,000.00 438,198,000.00 913,600,000.00 672,987,000.00 86,600,000.00 1,719,187,000.00 77,000,000.00 6,211,876,000.00 6,167,250,000.00 6,746,967,000.00 4,446,000,000.00 673,873,000.00 458,027,000.00 451,217,000.00 610,313,000.00 1,406,478,000.00 7,115,853,000.00 6,650,196,000.00 ui H^ >; n cQ H ^i^ bjj U > ^ »TJ W izi O tt 260,638,000.00 h-l CO TABLE 33.—Public debt receipts and expenditures hy classes, monthly for the fiscal year 1971 and totals for 1970 and 1971—Continued Receipts (issues) " July 1970 August 1970 September 1970 October 1970 November 1970 : Total special issues- Total other issues 4,822,608,000.00 ^-l CO •-» $3,297,053,000.00 $2,052,155,000.00 - -. $1,887,057,000.00 $4,000,000.00 $85,000.00 $140,000.00 2,565,320,000.00 2,987,806,000.00 , 763, 600,000.00 118,414,000.00 126,580,000.00 135,730,000.00 81,905,000.00 37,036,000.00 13, 574. 000.00 205,435,000.00 1,220,000.00 201,277,000.00 1,024,000.00 217,620,000.00 1,402,000.00 208,978,000.00 2,089,000.00 250, 551,000.00 3,313,000.00 520,975,000.00 458,700,000.00 446,500,000.00 446,619,000.00 198,541,000.00 2,604,000.00 15,436,000.00 558,140,000.00 433,000,000.00 100,865,000.00 1,128,000.00 28,363,000.00 137,7-28,000.00 120,634,000.00 207,784,000.00 2,600,000.00 29,574,000.00 8,262,000.00 152,643,000.00 Pi % o ^ 5 W ^ 1,358.000.00 872,000.00 78,000.00 1,384,000.00 1,040,000.00 90,000.00 12,958,000.00 8,272,000.00 733,000.00 14,546,000.00 10,124,000.00 835,000.00 706,933,000.00 36,726,000.00 82,091,000.00 424,547,000.00 329,017,000.00 69,733,000.00 1,978,000.00 1,682,000.00 1,127,000.00 1,055,000.00 8,068,000.00 1,742,000.00 1,392,000.00 1,085,000.00 1,126,000.00 970,000.00 7,187.000.00 2,076,000.00 o 5,275,176,200.87 ^ 6,878,129,000.00 4,298,164,727,12 4,125,706,712.76 5,888,594,564.79 8,238,813,101.26 g S U ^ H> W K| H {i{ fej 85,000,000.00 _ 60,000,000.00 85,000,000.00 Total public debt r e c e i p t s . . . . 29,192,061,453.76 January 1971 . Special Issues—Continued Federal Housing Administration fund.-Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund-. $2,121,717,000.00 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp 87,948,000.00 Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund-. 201,701,000.00 Foreign service retirement fund.. 1,822,000.00 Government life insurance fund Highway trust fund. 463,500,000.00 National service life insurance fund 2,600,000.00 Raih'oad retirement account 22,749,000.00 Railroad retirement holding account... 194,000.00 Railroad rethement supplemental account 1,810,000.00 Servicemen's group life insurance fundUnemployment trust fund.. 132,162,000.00 Veterans' reopened insurance fund 2,722,000.00 Veterans' special life insurance fund 2,000,000.00 Otherissues: Federal Reserve banks International Monetary Fund notesOther. December 1970 o - 100,000,000-00 60,000,000-00 -- 30,938,422.640.12 20, 24,330,347,836.96 33,048,686,449.26 29,565,447,160-67 100,000,000.00 K^ Pi W > 20,696,646,017.86 ,. • ^ S3 = 2 Receipts (issues) February 1971 Special Issues—Continued Federal Housing Administration fund Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund $3,040,295,000.00 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp 34,622,000.00 Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund -212,982,000.00 Foreign service retirenient fund-. 1,259,000.00 Government life insurance fundHighway trustfund.... 604,856,000.00 National service life insurance fund 78,262,000.00 Raihoad retirement account 222,999,000.00 Railroad retirement holding account 1,142,000.00 Railroad retirement supplemental account 14,292,000.00 Servicemen's group life insurance fund Unemployment trust fund 941,489,000.00 Veterans' reopened insurance fund -.. 1,611,000.00 Veterans' special life insurance fund 2,101,000.00 special issues. .- 8,363,559,369.26 March 1971 AprU 1971 May 1971 June 1971 yeaf 197^^^ 'year^i97lf^'^ $310,000.00 $310,000.00 $377,000.00 .$471,000.00 $5,693.000-00 3,689,789,000.00 3,109,656,000.00 4,221,247,000.00 6,390,000,000.00 37,125,695,000.00 4.5,21*2,000.00 80,813,000.00 84,514,000.00 88,788,000.00 935,136,000.00 800,529,000.00 204,761,000.00 997,000.00 218,586,000.00 1,725,000.00 208,240,000.00 2,270,000.00 428,100,000.00 453,069,000.00 523,000,000.00 460,938,000.00 5,501,000.00 111,949,000.00 4,109,042,000.00 2,789,610,000.00 25,226,000.00 127,385,000.00 9,445,501.000.00 1,880,339.000.00 25,342,000.00 29,964,000.00 8,284,350,000.00 143,326,000.00 1,128,000.00 55,421,000.00 155,383,000.00 1,091,044,000.00 1,697,193,000.00 1,305,658,000.00 2,954,028,000.00 741, *232,000. 00 2,697,564,000.00 902,000.00 126,000.00 1,222,000.00 4,035,000.00 12,443,000.00 5,465,000.00 8,560,000.00 1,183,000.00 12,046,000.00 27,644,000.00 113,003,000.00 70,287,000.00 65,585,000.00 --228,173,000.00 1,128,608,000.00 8,633,189.000.00 ---12,778,253,000.00 6,203,000.00 14,723,537,000.00 $36,526,133,000.00 1,643,000.00 1,705,000.00 1,966,000.00 56.603,000.00 81,902,000.00 77,612,000.00 1,755,000.00 2,126,000.00 1,465,000.00 65,462,000.00 88,745,000.00 77,200,000.00 8,200,031,634.63 7,503,221,602.61 9,665,147,786.54 33,734,832,754.22 106,993,985,453.96 92,245,008,000.00 Total other issues.... Total public debt receipts.... 42.468.569,064.41 2 X = = other issues: Federal Reserve banks-.. Intemational Monetary Fund notes Other. ^ R > H^ P75 J^ HH O ^ ^ ^ w •^ fej ^ 955.000,000.00 60,000,000-00 855,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 855,000,000.00 29,148,407,152.69 33,392,412,698.53 - 37.747,467,528.19 955,000,000-00 1,561,000.000-00 1,160,000,000.00 955,000,000.00 2,115,000,000.00 1,561,000.000.00 59,983,905,933.79 390,473,446.215.71 339,673,982,332.12 bO TABLE 33.—Public debt receipts and expenditures by classes, monthly for the fiscal year 1971 and totals for 1970 and 1971—Continued Expenditures (retirements) July 1970 August 1970 September 1970 October 1970 November 1970 December 1970 January 1971 ^ ^• cb EXPENDITURES Public issues: Marketable: Treasury bills: Regular weekly... Tax anticipation Other Certificates of indebtedness, regular Treasm'y notes Treasmy bonds Other Subtotal. Exchanges: Regular weekly Tax anticipation... Other Treasmynotes.. Treasury bonds. Subtotal Nonmarketable: Adjusted service bonds Armed forces leave bonds. Treasury notes: Foreign series Foreign cm'rency series Cei'tificates of indebtedness: Foreign series. Foreign currency series.. Depositary bonds Treasury bonds: Foreign series Investraent sei'ies REAseries Treasmy tax and savings notes. Excess profit tax U.S. savings notes.. ^ $14,934,108,000.00 $12,131,569,000.00 $12,478,881,000.00 $15,449,606,000.00 $12,415,345,000.00 10,972,000-00 6,104,000.00 1,769,726,000.00 2,867,000.00 597,000.00 1,714,341,000-00 1,689,383,000.00 1,614,602,000.00 46,460,000.00 2,964,572,000.00 $15,596,967,000-00 176,000-00 1,447,917,000-00 $13,563,251,000-00 123,000-00 95,651,000-00 p^ fej hd O Pi H 4,504,000.00 70,227,850.00 5,937.75 10,000.00 276,824,000.00 552,589,300.00 1,340.26 4,000.00 -1,943,000.00 89,168,050.00 900.00 114,371,000.00 61,929,850.00 1,976.00 682,601,000.00 55,080,950.00 959.00 5,000.00 52,114,000.00 55,197,000.00 4,302.75 12,843,000.00 46,380,400.00 1,480.50 g " ^ 2 16,734,168,787.75 14,656,480,640.26 16,840,428,950.00 16,665,235,826-00 16,018,196,909-00 17,152,380,302.76 13,718,254.880-50 ^ -2,292,000.00 — 1,010,000.00 2,047,620,000.00 3,636,006,000.00 -3,302,000.00 5,682,626,000.00 16,730,856,787.75 20,239,106,640. 26 9,700.00 25,175.00 3,600.00 18,900.00 2,792,114.06 69,615,650.94 300,000,000.00 891,017,399.32 99,791,134.83 2,175,000.00 80,000.00 767,000.00 600.00 134.69 11,268,820.38 49,968,624.35 910,000.00 38,000-00 687,000.00 750.00 17,771,16L07 6.632,000.00 4,376,000.00 -5,794,000.00 -162,000.00 7,022,663,000.00 -488,000.00 - 10,907,000.00 -6,956,000.00 7,022,175,000.00 -3,474,000.00 -1.083,000.00 15,861,335,950-00 15,659,279,826.00 23,040,371,909.00 17,148,906,302.75 13,717,171,880.50 4,200.00 16,975.00 2,750.00 19,726.00 2,300-00 17,725.00 4,725.00 20,900.00 1,350.00 24,975.00 100,867,871.65 801,634.65 156,964,899.46 31,518,585.24 100,799,313.89 50,000,000.00 30,243,108.06 635,000,000.00 1,126,017,399.32 290,000,000.00 646,000.000.00 131,000-00 222,000-00 497,000.00 1,171,017,399.32 100,006,977.23 303,000-00 70,000.00 850,000.00 1,550.00 ' 9.42 17,360,292.88 10,000.00 735,000.00 100.00 • 126,000.00 62,000.00 1,686,000.00 1,025.00 37.67 11,262,365.12 30,000,000.00 15,000.00 1,238,000.00 600.00 19,067,079.62 -3,474,000.00 -1,083.000.00 g ^ fi ^ fel > pi o ,fel 14,250,425.53 535.000.00 625.00 960.15 14,889,151.55 H ffi fej t^ Pi fel l> 2 d 3 ^ Expenditmes (retirements) February 1971 March 1971 April 1971 May 1971 June 1971 rfi. i I ^ *P I I CD Total, fiscal year 1971 Total, fiscal year 1970 EXPENDITURES Publicissues: Marketable: Treasmy bills: Regular weekly $13,618,620,000.00 $13,322,235,000.00 $16,899,094,000.00 $13,714,044,000.00 $14,260,055,000.00 $168,283,676,000-00 $117,042,018,000-00 Tax anticipation 85,000.00 2,612,434,000.00 4,257,133,000.00 25,000.00 2,616,889,000.00 11,067,136,000.00 12,796,161,000.00 Other 1,602,848,000.00 3,364,322,000.00 1,718,362,000.00 59,269,000.00 3,340,054,000.00 19,447,781,000-00 24,124,838,000-00 Certificates of indebtedness, regular 10,000.00 20,000.00 49,000-00 131,000.00 Treasury notes 781,442,000.00 119,808,000.00 49,242,000.00 1,658,782,000.00 71,623,000.00 3,722,111,000-00 2,116,711,500-00 Treasury bonds 36,771,560-00 276,813,700-00 88,841,550.00 76,034,300.00 54,349,400.00 1,461,373,900-00 2,967,773,350-00 Other 6,000-00 3,824.26 6,65L60 2,620,26 257-00 34,149.26 69,923.60 Subtotal Exchanges: Regular weekly Tax anticipation Other Treasury notes Treasmy bonds 16,838,671,660.00 19,685,626,624.25 23,012,678,20L 60 15,607,156,820.25 20,242,890,657.00 203,972,160,049.25 159,046,692,773.50 - W ^ S Ul 26,462,667,000.00 12,080,608,000.00 3,983,205,000.00 1,156,000.00 1,316,000.00 444,000.00 6,664,546,000.00 2,388,000.00 12,423,000.00 6,287,000.00 27,823,349,000.00 7,530,917,000.00 3,166,361,000.00 18,056,394,000.00 12,920,188,000.00 16,063,813,000.00 31,902,484,650.00 2,472,000.00 19,688,098,624.26 444,000.00 23,013,122,20L 50 6,666,934,000.00 22,174,090,820.26 18,710,000.00 20,261,600,667.00 35,364,266,000.00 239,326,426,049.26 60,694,610.000.00 219,641,302,773.50 8,225.00 17,950.00 2,050.00 26,550.00 6,300.00 22,126.00 6,450.00 20,950.00 6,500.00 21,800.00 - - 67,160.00 263,760-00 — 68,800.00 310,625.00 50,000,000.00 29,799,029.80 125,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 640,814,160.69 200,000,000.00 1,210.911,647.74 927,194,720.60 833.006,86L 24 1,182,666,062.62 455,000,000.00 49,974,431.69 209,000.00 726,000,000.00 701,017,399.32 3,089,000.00 2,381,000.00 1,485,000,000.00 399,706,039.69 1,000.00 3,630,000,000.00 26,862,026.86 26,000.00 11,654,069,697.28 726,308,234.66 10,070,000-00 7,806,017,399.32 653,873,482.04 8,004,500.00 110,000.00 25.00 6,000.00 160,000-00 2,400.00 327.84 12,495,268.17 23,000.00 150,000.00 225.00 193.21 11,905,469.11 27,000.00 36,000.00 300.00 30,000,000.00 384,000.00 7,053,000-00 8,100.00 1,699.14 166,874,463.46 30,000,000.00 249,000.00 6,235,000-00 29,825.00 2,022.47 110,624,550.99 ^ Q > lr" > hj Subtotal Total marketable issues Nonmarketable: A d j u s t e d service b o n d s . . . . A r m e d forces leave b o n d s T r e a s u r y notes: Foreign series Foreign c m r e n c y series • ^ 2 O X Opi*-f-j-fipofpo o f incipbf'GciTiPS^* Foreignseries .* Foreign cm'rency series. Depositary bonds Treasury bonds: Foreignseries. Investment series. REAseries Treasmy tax and savings notes Excess profit tax U.S. savings notes 63,000.00 200,000.00 36.16 12,365,062.82 14,002,996.60 10,246,39L60 to CO TABLE 33.—Public debt receipts and expenditures by classes, monthly for the fiscal year 1971 and totals for 1970 and 1971—Continued Expenditmes (rethements) July 1970 August 1970 September 1970 October 1970 Noveraber 1970 December 1970 January 1971 H|^ ^-^ CO EXPENDITURES—continued Public issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Continued U.S. rethement plan bonds 1% Treasmy certmcates... 3.50%, Treasmy certmcates 4.201% Treasury certmcates 4.830% Treasmy certificates 6.80% Treasury certificates... 6.807%, Treasmy certificates 6.831% Treasm-y certificates... 6.053% Treasury certmcates 6.065% Treasury certificates. 6.330% Treasmy certificates 6.346% Treasury certificates 6.421% Treasmy certificates 6.46% Treasury certmcates 6.876%, Treasmy certificates 7.030% Treasury certificates 7.10% Treasury certificates 7.106% Treasury certmcates ._ 7.172% Treasury certmcates 7.888% Treasury certmcates. 8.096% Treasmy certmcates U.S. savings bonds: Matured: Issue prices Accrued discount. SeriesH. Unmatured: Issueprice Accrued discount.. Exchanges: Series E, F, and J for Series H: issueprice... A p p m Art H ispnnnt Accrued discount. t-^ $131,062.81 $6i;286.14 11,144,323.85 36,207,46L67 $86,460.28 $94,662.81 10,620,238.93.. $1,873.30 142,797,68L49 $112,177.09 268,34L70 9,319,680.54 .1,621,009.93 $214,373.69 pi fel ^ O g ^ 2,137.99 1,670,957.47 1,331,987.19 2 ^ 1,311,188.46 1,646,662.41 1,289,030.03 . . . . ...j 108,577,313.60 81,204,663.31 30,100,000.00 156,687,670.26 118,503,17L 53 19,931,000.00 127,687,217.25 102,085,698.27 23,753,600.00 116,237,696.00 81,496,087.53 19,972,000.00 123,482,253.26 95,928, IOL 01 17,278,000.00 91,784,959.75 67,180,296.04 19,737,600.00 84,503,047.00 66,663,64L 79 14,895,500.00 269,369,263.61 16,309,256.59 373,888,936.79 23,152,040.77 249,755,60L 20 13,688,075.55 385,918,257.76 22,162,167.60 338,187,505.28 18,486,96L41 276,660,670.36 13,954,205.42 287,486,553.46 13,205,795.42 10,226,697.74 7 4.QQ AKfi Ofi 7,499,456.06 15,892,670.71 13,541,700.05 10,882,987.25 13,822,694.72 11 QfiA 9A8 IQ 11,964,248.19 10 7«n .'i'?? 55 10,780,637.33 70 nSR R^fl 79 70,038,830.72 10 575 198 9.9 10,373,128.22 10,772,254.66 7 74.8 fi89 9fi 7,748,682.26 fi 9,386,755.29 Q9.Q 9RQ Ofl 6,9-29,269.00 g ^ ^n g o ^ fej j^ > pi K| O ^ Q ffi fel ^ Pi g > 2 ^ Pi Expenditures (retireraents) February 1971 March 1971 AprU 1971 May 1971 June 1971 Total, fiscai year 1971 Total, fiscal year 1970 EXPENDITURES—Continued Public issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Continued U.S. retirement plan bonds 1% Treasm'y certmcates 3.50% Treasmy certmcates 4.201% Treasmy certmcates 4.830% Treasury certmcates 5.80% Treasmy certmcates 5.807% Treasmy certificates 6.831%, Treasmy certmcates 6.053% Treasury certmcates 6.065% Treasmy certmcates 6.330% Treasmy certmcates-6.345% Treasury certificates 6.421% Ti'easury certmcates 6.45% Tresamy certmcates 6.876% Treasmy certificates 7.030% Treasury certificates 7.10% Treasmy certmcates 7.106% Treasui'y certmcates 7.172% Treasmy certmcates 7.888% Treasmy certmcates 8.096% Treasmy certmcates U.S. Savings bonds: Matm'ed: Issue prices. Accrued discount. SeriesH. Unmatured: Issueprice Accrued discount Exchanges: Series E, F, and J for Series H: Issueprice... Accrued discount $174,69L11 $156,438.39 16,783,477.68 68,781,824.65 338,283.47 - $171,134.65 $99,717.40 77,909,674.72. 1,013,120.76 1,697,384.63 - - - $184,582.09 269,683.41 460,783,435.69 - -.. .-- $1,487,358.66 638,025.11 832,347,799.02 1,351,404.23 1,697,384.63 2,137.99 1,670,957.47 1,331,987.19 1,621,009.93 1,311,188.46 1,646,662.41 1,289,030.03 $1,831,507.54 10,550,026.61 852,451,444.00 1,202,195.29 1,830,326.04 1,858,078.35 1,242,269.06 326,949.42 1,561,118.31 1,220,387.61 1,264, IOL 94 1,588,851.58 122,036,35L 26 95,293,457.32 18,805,600.00 96,189,906.60 72,745,507.66 15,100,000.00 107,590,998.75 89,215,319.85 20,034,500.00 83,649,824.50 64,405,906.16 11,470,000.00 64,509,978.50 48,105,740.85 13,665,500.00 1,282,837,115.50 982,826,59L 32 224,743,000.00 1,433,544,204.50 1,026,895,786.75 331,291,000.00 256,338,203.96 15,054,67L12 291,627,406.34 18,660,917.48 259,639,678.54 14,179,389.73 250,819,080.04 14,038,567.85 228,145,147.77 12,310,625.81 3.465,816,204.99 194,101,574.75 3,639,752,073.95 201,957,738.33 13,017,739.04 9,968,022.43 13,494,137.41 9,408,318.79 14,183,003.96 11,093,004.27 11,435,99L21 8,321,24L40 9,038,734.73 6,347,268.02 145,695,366.76 107,471,995.69 113,573,280.01 80,954,776.14 ^ i^ > i-3 J^ ^ •-< 5 ^ ''^ ^ HH hj fel 2 o [-} X h-l TABLE 33.—Public debt receipts and expenditures by classes, monthly for the fiscal year 1971 and totals for 1970 and 1971—Continued (^ Expenditmes (rethements) ,_i July 1970 August 1970 September 1970 October 1970 November 1970 December 1970 January 1971 CO EXPENDITURES-Continued Public issues-Continued Nonmarketable—Continued U.S. savings bonds—Continued Unclassmed: Cash Exchanges: Series E, F , and Jfor SeriesH. U.S. savings staraps Subtotal Exchanges: Treasury bonds, investment series v^i $53,307,720.56 -$217,168,226.22 -$47,666,833.03 -$190,041,380.20 -$220,166, IIL 21 -$42,566,823.07 $69,101,622.13 ^ fel hj O Pi 4,798,847.20 3,188,288.37 -9,714,918.90 1,271,636.67 -6,466,737.38 856,426.20 -3,404,317.97 668,642.26 -8,461,822.94 471,198.66 -2,601,436.91 469,104.85 4,010,476.71 449,547.47 O ^ 1,676,199,66L 68 898,874,91L 92 1,247,828,258.99 1, 787, 230,47L 57 872,253,925.72 1,113,157,077.09 1,926,874,109.82 285,000.00 123,000.00 2,819,000.00 3,265,000.00 1,336,000.00 8,430,000.00 1,379,000.00 Total nonmarketable issues Total public issues Special issues: CivU service retireraent fund Employees health benefit fund Employees hfe insmance fund.... Exchange Stabilization Fund Federal Deposit Insmance Corp. Federal disability insmance trust fund Federal home loan banks Federal hospital insurance trust fund... Federal Housing Admirustration fund. Federal old-age and survivors insmance trust fund Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp ^ W g Q 1,676,484,56L 68 898,997,91L 92 1,260,647,258.99 1,790,496,47L 67 873,689,926.72 1,121,687,077.09 1,928,253,109.82 g 18,406,341,349.43 21,138,104,552.17 17,101,983,208.99 17,449,775,297.67 23,913,961,834.72 18,270,493,379.84 16,645,424,990.32 > 246,219,000.00 269,967,000.00 274,710,000.00 62,955,000.00 111,486,000.00 276,669,000.00 27,163,000.00 4,019,672.69 110,657,000.00 270,077,000.00 68,225,000.00 22,761,000.00 12,762,140.07 76,322,000. 00 276,310,000.00 67,027,000.00 13,760,000.00 129,640,636.66 176,178,000.00 264,943,000.00 76,912,000.00 99,407,000.00 228,203,224.69 176,873,000.00 K^ 73,941,000.00 96,374,000.00 26,921,000.00 4,321,727.12 108,779,000.00 268,166,000.00 400,000,000.00 271,100,000.00 426,600,000.00 382,639,000.00 140,600,000.00 279,632,000.00 268,500,000.00 283,818,000.00 432,600,000.00 292,126,000.00 670,300,000.00 282,369,000.00 313,800,000.00 464,960,000.00 472,142,000.00 336,196,000.00 499,966,000.00 487,212,000.00 476,462,000.00 426,228,000.00 4,000,000.00 86,000.00 2,446,879,000.00 2,468,786,000.00 2,647,083,000.00 2,491,672,000.00 2,686,272,000.00 2,623,361,000.00 2,482,468,000.00 80,181,000.00 87,948,000.00 118,414,000.00 204,676,000.00 102,634,000.00 64,905,000.00 9,036,000.00 o hrj i^ tri g i^ pi fej > co H Pi ^ Expenditures (retirements) February 1971 March 1971 AprU 1971 May 1971 June 1971 Total, fiscal year 1971 Total, fiscal year 1970 -$78,763,613.79 -$23,805,828.37 -$58,923,577.50 -$44,253,070.44 $75,612,316.49 -1,393,76L47 364,735.28 -88,956.20 389,607.80 -4,650,508.23 293,030.60 -523,232.61 244,734.06 6,680,007.25 253,234.66 -21,805,362.45 8,910,186.85 15,011,943.85 19,866,088.30 1,063,306,099.30 1,430,127,184.52 1,399,536,976.06 3,037,335,237.16 4,793,031,263.72 21,244,755,076.65 18,484,758,532.60 i^ 72,169,000.00 Jji 3 Q EXPENDITURES—continued Public Issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Contmued U.S. savings bonds—Continued Unclassmed: Cash Exchanges: Series E, F, and J for SeriesH. U.S. savings stamps Subtotal Exchanges: Treasury bonds, Investraent series 383,000.00 16,803,000.00 1,720,000.00 2,081,000.00 904,000.00 -$726,322,904.66 39,528,000.00 $114,897,366.44 : issues Total nonraarketable Ul X^ > 1,063,689,099.30 1,446,930,184.62 1,401,256,976.06 3,039,416,237.16 4,793,935,263.72 21,284,283,076.55 18,556,927,532.60 ^ Total pubhc issues... 32,966,173,649.30 21,035,028,708.77 24,414,379,176.56 25,213,507,057.41 25,055,535,920.72 260,610,709,125.80 238,198,230,306.10 •^ 268,762,000.00 102,734,000.00 81,997,000.00 712,221,72L 19 367,830,000.00 276,994,000.00 123,877,000.00 128,405,000.00 770,477,098.93 474,048,000.00 320,847,000.00 127,329,000.00 59,253,000.00 872,453,844.48 62,517,000.00 356,740,000.00 106,352,000.00 68,732,000.00 1,097,160,642.59 120,040,000.00 5,300,885,000.00 123,940,000.00 36,162,000.00 930,028,549.83 155,216,000.00 8,391,013,000.00 803,669,000.00 700,838,000.00 4,761,279,157.05 1,976,674,000.00 5,102,435,000.00 ^ t\ ^ ><| 296,999,000.00 787,360,000.00 300,696,000.00 277,000.000.00 282,310,000.00 1,630,200,000.00 380,880,000.00 95,600,000.00 1,613,361,000.00 90,000,000.00 4,933,975,000.00 6,322,260,000.00 4,354,501,000.00 4,299,000,000.00 687,667,000.00 620,338,000.00 559,069,000.00 536,331,000.00 1,352,769,000.00 6,719,319,000.00 5,956,814,000.00 310,000.00 310,000.00 377,000,00 Special issues: CivU service retheraent fund Employees health benefit fund... Employees life insmance fund.... Exchange Stabilization Fund Federal Deposit Insmance Corp. Federal disabUity insurance trustfund Federal home loan banks Federal hospital insurance trust fund Federal Housing Adrainistration fund.. Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp 140,000.00 250,638,000.00 2,566,489,000.00 6,222,000.00.. 2,666,401,000.00 2,611,976,000.00 2,648,384,000.00 3,186,068,000.00 7,268,639,000.00 35,816,867,000.00 32,572,848,000.00 13,574,000.00 39,622,000.00 40,212,000.00 80,813,000.00 84,614,000.00 926,629,000.00 793,724,000.00 h-l T A B L E 33.—Public debt receipts and expenditures by classes, monthly for thefiscal year 1971 and totals foi 1970 and 1971-—Continued Expenditmes (rethements) J u l y 1970 A u g u s t 1970 S e p t e m b e r 1970 October 1970 N o v e m b e r 1970 D e c e m b e r 1970 to 00 J a n u a r y 1971 CO EXPENDITURES—continued Special issues—Contmued Federal supplementary raedical insurance trust fund Foreign service retirement fund.. Government life insmance fund.. Highway trust fund National service life insurance trust fund Raihoad retirement account Railroad retirement holding account Raihoad rethement supplemental account Servicemen's group life insurance fund Unemployment trust fund Veterans' reopened insm'ance fund Veterans' special hfe insmance fund Otherissues: Federal Reserve B anks . International Monetary notes Other $183,831,000. 00 1,940,000. 00 6,969,000.00 488,720,000.00 $175,586.000. 00 1,942,000. 00 3,971,000. 00 496,057,000.00 $182,516,000. 00 1,897,000. 00 5,445, 000. 00 455,166,000.00 $215,855,000. 00 1,828,000.00 5,923,000.00 682,592,000.00 $197,833,000. 00 1,860,000.00 7,821,000. 00 325,073,000.00 $168,572,000. 00 2,169,000. 00 1,496,000.00 319,552,000.00 11,483,000.00 134,251,000.00 22,912,000.00 203,899,000.00 10,433,000.00 143,794,000.00 13,879,000.00 240,114,000.00 15,820,000.00 153,492,000. 00 11,771,000.00 161,987,000. 00 13,621,000.00 157,719,000. 00 6,100,000. 00 6,174,000. 00 fej 640,054,000. 00 u> fel 2,093,000.00 . . 596,000.00 4,471,000.00 366,884,000.00 4,548,000. 00 359,146,000. 00 4,659,000. 00 347,482,000. 00 4,663,000. 00 302,226,000. 00 4,931,000.00 380,208,000.00 o o fej W 491,416,000. 00 o pi fej 6,051,334,000.00 Total special issues Pi fej $157,070,000.00 1,904,000. 00 5,991,000. 00 326,000,000.00 6,466,852,000.00 5,122,486,727.12 6,368,550,572. 69 5,694,315,140.07 6,776,919,636.56 6,667,661, 224. 59 > ^ O Fund 85,000,000. 00 . 457,06L00 241,012.00 60,000,000. 00 . 398,788.00 334,293. 00 329,197. 75 463,030. 00 100,000,000. 00 182,394.50 85,457,061. 00 241,012.00 60,398, 788. 00 334, 293. 00 329,197. 75 463,030. 00 100,182, 394.50 23,643,132,410. 43 26,605,197,564.17 22, 284,868,724.11 22,808,660,163. 26 29,608,606,172. 54 24,046,876,045. 40 fej . Total other issues... Total pubhc debt expenditures 21,413, 268, 609. 41 Pi fej -817,622,591.55 § Excess of receipts, or expenditures (-) 5, 648, 929,043.33 4,333,225,075. 96 -2,222,796,444.64 1, 521,687, 673. 70 3,440,080, 276. 72 5, 518, 571,115. 27 »^ > Pi Kj Expenditmes (retirements) February 1971 March 1971 April 1971 May 1971 June 1971 ' Total, fiscal year 1971 Total, fiscal year 1970 EXPENDITURES—continued Special issues—Continued Federal supplementary medical insmance trust fund Foreign service retirement fund.. Government life insm-ance fund.. Highway trust fund National service life insurance trustfund Raihoad retirement account Railroad retirenient holding account RaUroad retirement supplemental account Servicemen's group Ufe insmance fund Unemployment trust fund. Veterans' reopened insurance fund Veterans' special life insurance fund Total special issues.-Other issues: Federal ReserveBanks International Monetary Fund notes Other -- $166,288,000.00 1,932,000.00 4,974,000.00 314,963,000.00 $224,981,000.00 1,490,000.00 6,443,000.00 348,637,000.00 $229,555,000.00 1,890,000.00 5,439,000.00 371,041,000.00 $166,611,000.00 1,993,000.00 5,428,000.00 329,597,000.00 $476,902,000.00 2,944,000.00 106,010,000.00 4,055,082,000.00 $2,645,600,000.00 23,789,000.00 165,910,000.00 8,412,370,000.00 $2,224,893,000.00 21,638,000.00 76,052,000.00 7,196,348,000.00 16,572,000.00 151,837,000.00 16,712,000.00 151,133,000.00 16,368,000.00 167,620,000.00 11,095,000.00 179,993,000.00 993,247,000.00 1,022,782,000.00 1,152,913,000.00 2,868,621,000.00 679,740,000.00 2,392,146,000.00 82,000.00 2,483,000.00 3,366,000.00 10,965,000.00 6,796,000.00 31,338,000.00 6,629,000.00 5,666,000.00 26,604,000.00 109,065,000.00 67,844,000.00 609,008,000.00 857,981,000.00 8,934,220,000.00 14,783,936,000.00 6,203,000.00 14,160,630,000.00 49,326,000.00 49,325,000.00 43,805,000.00 517,000.00 62,070,000.00 62,587,000.00 61,978,000.00 7,679,390,642.59 32,688,332,549.83 100,532,606,167.05 82,711,422,000.00 > 2,346,000.00 6,282,000.00 748,616,000.00 7,178,484,72L19 746,696,000.00 7,049,762,098.93 7,899,516,844.48 1,561,000,000.00 1,160,000,000.00 4,093,427.25 4,876,917.50 X 955,482,077.00 2,119,093,427.25 1,565,876,917.60 32,793,028,972.00 58,699,350,547.55 363,262,408,710.10 322,475,529,223.60 4,954,438,553.19 1,284,555,386.24 955,000,000.00 286,801.00 865,000,000.00 362,870.00 131,272.00 286,80L00 60,424,631.00 855,362,870.00 131,272.00 Total public debt expenditures 40,144,945,17L 49 28,145,215,438.70 33,169, 258,89L 04 Excess of receipts, or expenditures (-) 2,323,623,892.92 1,003,191,713.99 223,153,807.49 g iJ w g M O *> tT" •• fej 60,000,000.00 424,631.00 Total otherissues Ul ^ 1...482,077.00 955,000,000.00 27,211,037,505.61 17,198,453,108.52 CO 00 O TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971 [On basis of PubUc Debt accounts, see "Bases of Tables"] Outstanding June 30,1970 Issues Issues dm'ing year Redemptions durmg year Transferred to matmed debt Outstanding June 30,19711 Pi fej INTEREST-BEARING DEBT Public Issues Marketable: Treasury biUs, series maturing: 3 Regular weekly: July 2, 1970 July 9, 1970 July 16, 1970 July 23, 1970 July 30, 1970 Regular monthly: July 31, 1970 Regular weekly: Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. hj O Pi - 6, 1970 13, 1970 20, 1970 27, 1970 Regular monthly: Aug. 31, 1970. Regular weekly: Sept. 3,1970 Sept. 10, 1970 Sept. 17, 1970 Tax anticipation: Sept. 22, 1970 Regular weekly: Sept. 24, 1970 Regular monthly: Sept. 30, 1970 Regular weekly: Oct, 1,1970 Oct. 8, 1970: Oct. 15, 1970 Oct. 22, 1970 Oct. 29, 1970. Regular monthly: Oct. 31, 1970 Regular weekly: Nov. 6, 1970 ., $3,001,941,000.00 3,009,340,000.00 3,007,674,000.00 3,006,897,000.00 3,001,595,000.00 $3,001,903,000.00 3,009,298,000.00 3,007,614,000.00 3,006,762,000.00 3,001,473,000.00 $38,000.00 42,000.00 60,000.00 135,000.00 122,000.00 1,702,317,000.00 1,702,133,000.00 3,003,349,000.00 3,002,694,000.00 2,987,355,000.00 3,102,755,000.00 3,003,276,000.00 3,002,591,000.00 2,987,257,000.00 3,102,686,000.00 184,000.00 73,000.00 103,000.00... 98,000.00 69,000.00 2 " ^j H tS fel ^ o td M 1-9 Pi 1,701,192,000.00 1,701,059,000.00 133,000.00 3,102,590,000.00 3,104,310,000.00 3,105,940,000.00 3,102,470,000.00 3,104,260,000.00 3,105,920,000.00 120,000.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 1,758,200,000.00 1,758,200,000.00 -- Kj O ^ 1^ 3,103,440,000.00 3,103,410,000.00 30,000.00 fej 1,605,392,000.00 1,505,024,000.00 368,000.00 1,301,180, 000.00 $1, 806, 580, 000.00 1,304, 990, 000. 00 800, 530,000.00 1,300,850,000.00 803,330, 000. 00 1,302, 550,000. 00 801,740,000. 00 1,301, 230,000.00 801,110,000.00 3,107,390,000. 00 3,105,430,000.00 3,104,150,000. 00 3,104,170, 000. 00 3,102,250,000.00 370,000.00 90,000.00 30,000.00 120,000.00 90,000.00 1^ Pi P > 5S S 3 128,000.00 1,604,368,000.00 ..- 1,504,240,000.00 1,301,030,000.00 1,810,900,000.00 3, 111, 930,000.00 . - Nov. 12, 1970 Nov.lO, 1970 Nov. 27, 1970 Regular monthly: Nov. 30, 1970... Regular weekly: -.. Dec. 3, 1970 Dec. 10, 1970 Dec. 17, 1970. Dec. 24, 1970 Regular monthly: Dec.31, 1970 Regular weekly: Jan. 7-Feb. 18 1971 (Strip issue) s Jan. 7, 1971 Jan. 14,1971 Jan. 21, 1971 Jan. 28, 1971 Regular monthly: Jan. 31, 1971 Regular weekly: Feb.4, 1971. Feb. 11, 1971 Feb. 18, 1971 Feb. 25, 1971 Regular monthly: Feb. 28, 1971 Regular weekly: Mar. 4, 1971 Mar. 11, 1971 Mar. 18,1971... Tax anticipation: Mar. 22, 1971 ...... Regular weekly: Mar.25, 1971 Regular monthly: Mar. 31, 1971. Regular weekly: Apr. 1,1971 Apr.8, 1971 Apr. 15, 1971 Apr.22 1971.... Tax anticipation: Apr. 22, 1971 Regular weekly: Apr. 29, 1971 Regular monthly: Apr. 30, 1971 F o o t n o t e s a t end of table. 1,800,600,000. 00 1,803,300,000.00 1, 791,120,000.00 3,102,110, 000. 00 3,106,770, 000. 00 3,091,720.000. 00 170,000.00 60,000.00 180,000.00 1, 601,086,000.00 187,000.00 1,306,400,000.00 1,302,860,000.00 1,302,670,000.00 1,302,670,000.00 1,801, 625, 000.00 1, 804,690,000. 00 1,801, 380,000.00 1,805, 060,000. 00 3,107,880,000. 00 3,107,490,000. 00 3,103,955,000.00 3,107,140,000. 00 45,000.00 60,000.00 95,000.00 490,000.00 1,602,463,000.00 3,104,055,000.00 4,606,909,000.00 609,000.00 2,104,795,000.00 4 3,113,115,000.00 4 3,107, .10,000.00 4 3,101,440,000.00 4 3,100,956,000.00 2,104,795, 000.00 3,112,850,000. 00 3,106,730,000. 00 3,101,115,000. 00 3,100,440,000. 00 1,301,680,000.00 1,303,630,000.00 1,300,780,000.00 1,601,273,000.00 1, 502,444, 000. 00 1,603,366,000.00 4 3,129,360,000.00 4 3,105,270,000.00 4 3,099,095,000.00 3,303,285,000.00 3,129,240,000. 00 3,105,100,000. 00 3,098,725,000.00 3,302, 585,000.00 3,303,790,000.00 3,306,070,000.00 3,302,225,000.00 280,000.00 325,000.00 515,000.00 912,000.00. Ul ^ > g Ul 1,698, 727,000. 00 120,000.00 170,000.00 370,000.00 700,000.00 1,380,000.00 H9 ^ g fi > 3,303,090, 000.00 3,305, 575,000.00 3,301,840,000.00 700,000.00 495,000.00 385,000.00 hj fej ^ 2,516,570,000.00 2, 516,370,000.00 200,000.00 tt 3,304,795,000.00 3,304,370,000. 00 425,000.00 1,700,700,000.00 920,000.00 3,305,066,000.00 3,404,445, ooo: 00 3,407,690,000.00 3,403,470,000.00 3,304,625,000.00 3,403,825,000. 00 3,407,155,000.00 3,403,470,000. 00 540,000.00 620,000.00 635,000.00 4,261,986,000.00 4, 267,446,000. 00 4,640,000.00 3,402,660,000.00 3,402,020,000.00 630,000.00 600,210,000.00 1,698,630,000.00 1,730,000.00 1,700,107,000.00 1,701,620,000.00 1,200,160,000.00 "265,"5o5.'oo'"""''"";!'']']I h-^ CO CO TABLE 34.—Changes in puhlic debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding J u n e 30, 1970 Issues INTEREST-BEARING Issues d u r i n g year Redemptions during year Transferred t o m a t m e d debt Outstanding J u n e 30,19711 Pi fel DEBT-Continued >7i PubUc Issues—Continued Marketable—Continued T r e a s u r y bUls, series m a t u r i n g s — C o n t i n u e d Regular weekly: M a y 6, 1971 M a y 13, 1971 M a y 20, 1971 M a y 27-July 1, 1971 (Strip issue) s M a y 27, 1 9 7 1 . . . Regular monthly: M a y 31, 1 9 7 1 . . . Regular weekly: J u n e 3, 1971 J u n e 10,1971 J u n e 17, 1971. T a x anticipation: J u n e 22, 1971 Regular weekly: J u n e 2 4 - A u g . 12, 1971 (Strip issue) 7 J u n e 24,1971 Regular monthly: J u n e 30, 1971 Regular weekly: J u l y l , 1971 J u l y 8-Sept. 16,1971 ( S t r i p issue) 9_ J u l y 8, 1971-. J u l y 16, 1971 J u l y 22, 1971. J u l y 29, 1971 Regular monthly: J u l y 31, 1971 Regular weekly: A u g . 5, 1971 A u g . 12, 1971 Aug.lO, 1971.. A u g . 26, 1 9 7 1 . . Regular monthly: A u g . 31, 1971 o Pi 1^ $3,406,266,000.00 3,403,620,000.00 3,407,010,000.00 1,203,690,000.00 6 3,304,140,000.00 $200,615,000.00 665,000.00 2 ^ ,j M g 601,310,000.00 1,699,626,000. 00 1,956,000.00 ^ 3, 299, 765,000. 00 3, 299,680, 000.00 3, 299,990,000. 00 636,000.00 1,690,000.00 740,000.00 S td fej 2,615,135,000.00 2,513,830, 000.00 1,305,000.00 1,608,240,000.00 6 8 3,303,465,000.00 1,201,430,000.00 : $1,460,000.00 980,000.00 1,105,000.00 6 3,300,400,000.00 63,301,370,000.00 6 3,300,730,000.00 $1,200,170,000.00 _ $3,404,816,000.00 3,402,640,000.00 3,406,905, 000. 00 1,003, 076,000. 00 . 3,303, 575,000. 00 500,770,000.00 201,030,000. 00 . 3,301,472,000.00 1,667,701,000. 00 1,407,210,000.00 1,993,000.00 O feJ 34,499,000.00 6 8 3,302,485,000.00 2,205,720,000.00 810 3,401,990,000.00 810 3,408,420,000.00 8103,40I, 870,000.00 810 3,401,930,000.00 3,302,486,000.00 2, 206, 720, 000.00 3,401,990,000.00 3,408,420,000.00 3,401,870,000.00 3,401,930,000.00 1,703,030,000.00 1, 703, 030,000. 00 3,405,630,000.00 3,400,490,000.00 3,403,610,000.00 3,502,940,000.00 3,405, 530,000.00 3,400,490,000.00 3,403,610,000.00 3, 502, 940,000.00 1,704,310.000.00 1, 704,310,000. 00 8 10 8 10 10 10 > Pi Hcj 1^ W fel fej > Ul d Pi Kj Regular weekly: Sept. 2, 1971. Sept. 9, 1971 Sept. 16,1971 Sept. 23, 1971 Regular monthly: Sept.30, 1971 Regular weekly: Oct. 7, 1971 Oct. 14, 1971 Oct. 21, 1971 Oct. 28, 1971 Regular monthly: Oct. 31, 1971 Regular weekly: Nov. 4, 1971. Nov. 11, 1971.Nov. 18, 1971 Nov. 26, 1971 Regular monthly: Nov.30, 1971.. Regular weekly: Dec. 2, 1971 Dec. 9, 1971 Dec. 16, 1971 Dec. 23, 1971 Regular monthly: Dec.31, 1971 Jan. 31, 1972 Feb. 29, 1972 Mar. 31, 1972 Apr.30, 1972 May 31, 1972. June 30, 1972 10 3,502,680,000.00 10 3,601,730,000.00 10 3,501,510,000.00 — 3,804,990,000.00 _ 3,302,886,000.00 1,600,600,000.00 1,600,225,000.00 1,401,175,000.00 1,401,225,000.00 3,302,885,000.00 - 1,600,600,000.00 1,600,225,000.00 1,401,176,000.00 1,401,225,000.00 .: 1,701,110,000.00 1,701,110,000.00 1,400,240,000.00 1,400,040,000.00 1,401,985,000.00 1,400,165,000.00 Total Treasmy biUs Treasm-y notes: 5% Series A-1970. 6M% Series D-1970 6M% Series A-1971 63^% Series B-1971 5K% Series C-1971. 7M% Series D-1971.8% Series E-1971 8M% Series F-1971 7M% Series G-1971 4M% Series A-1972 Footnotes a t end of table. 3,502,680.000.00 3,601,730,000.00 3,601,610,000.00 3,804,990,000.00 -... 1,701,835,000.00 1,701,835,000.00 1,394,930,000.00 1,400,480,000.00 1,400,390,000.00 1,603,346,000.00 1,394,930,000.00 1,400,480,000.00 1,400,390,000.00 1,603,345,000.00 1,701,650,000.00 1,699,705,000.00 1,701,180,000.00 1,700,605,000.00 1,200,635,000.00 1,200,820,000.00 1,200,335,000.00 1,701,550,000.00 1,699,705,000.00 1,701,180,000.00 1,700,605,000.00 1,200,535,000.00 1,200,820,000.00 1,200,335,000.00 76,154,238,000.00 209,243,950,000.00 198,653,725,000.00 .- . -.. 7,676,486,000.00 2,329,388,000.00 4,265,031,000.00 1,734,117,000.00 2,508,556,000.00 2,923,633,000.00 4,176,493,000.00 2,254,620,000.00 10,714,243,000.00 2,005,629,000.00 1,400,240,000.00 1,400,040,000.00 1,401,985,000.00 1,400,165,000.00 --.. 2,850,000.00 262,655,000.00 7,671,266,000.00 2,329,388,000.00 4,249,461,000.00 771,321,000.00 2,493,908,000.00 2,917,413,000.00 4,174,367,000.00 6,140,622,000.00 1,206,106,000.00 68,043,000.00 Ul J^ > n Ul H9 pt \d HH >. hj ^ t=J ^ O H »^ 86,676,420,000.00 4,220,000.00 16,670,000.00 14,648,000.00 6,220,000.00 2,126,000.00 962,796,000.00 2,267,370,000.00 6,836,276,000.00 799,523,000.00 iTJ CO CO CO TABLE 34.—Changes in puhlic debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Issues Outstanding June 30,1970 Issues dm'ing year Rederaptions during year Transferred to matured debt Outstanding June 30, 19711 cb -^ , »-» INTEREST-BEARING DEBT-Continued Public Issues—Continued Marketable—Continued Treasury notes—Continued 4M% Sei'ies B-1972 7W7o Series C-1972 6H% Series D-1972 6% Series E-1972 6% Series F-1972 7M% Series A-1973 8H% Series B-1973 6M% Series A-1974 h%% Series B-1974 7M% Series C-1974.... 73^% Series D-1974.... 6M% Series A-1976. 6% Series B-1975 6:^% Series C-1976 6M% Series A-1976 63^% Series B-1976 73^% Series C-1976 8% Series A-1977 7M% Series B-1977 6M% Series A-1978 13^% Series EO-1970 1)^% Series EA-1971 1M% Series EO-1971 13^% Series EA-1972 13^% Series EO-1972 13^% Series EA-1973 iy2% Series EO-1973 IV2% Series EA-1974 l}4% Series EO-1974 13^% 13^% Series Series EA-1975 E 0-1976 13^% Series EA-1976 Total Treasmy notes $6,310,014,000.00 _-.. .... 6,868,201,000.00 1,845,649,000.00 3,981,078,000.00 10,283,922,000.00 6,148,443,000.00 6,759,985,000.00 3,738,758,000.00 2,697,016,000.00 1,682,961,000.00 6,168,470,000.00 113,131,000.00 36,435,000.00 71,827,000.00 33,951,000.00 33,217,000.00 33,750,000.00 29,764,000.00 33,883,000.00 41,702,000.00 2,480,000.00 93,600,733,000.00 $3,380,087,000.00 2,037,270,000.00 3,451,504,000.00 2,285,454,000.00 -24,503,000.00 -6,543,000.00 3.230,953,000.00 $690,414,000.00 3,140,968,000.00 4,507,325,000.00 7,679,626,000.00 . . 2,510,771,000.00 -5,600,000.00 2,263,385,000.00 8,387,640,000.00 113,117,000.00 36,422,000.00 $14,000.00 13,000.00 . 5,466,000.00 30,654,000.00 3,499,000.00 43,143,459,000.00 31,792,805,000.00 42,811,000.00 $6,310,014,000.00 2,689,673,000.00 2,037,270,000.00 3,451,504,000.00 2,285,454,000.00 6,843,698,000.00 1,839,106,000.00 7,212,031,000.00 10,283,922,000.00 3,140,968,000.00 4,607,325,000.00 6,148,443,000.00 6,759,986,000.00 7,679,625,000.00 3,738,758,000.00 2,697,016,000.00 4,193,732,000.00 5,162,870,000.00 2,263,385,000.00 8,387,640,000.00 71,827,000.00 33,961,000.00 33,217,000.00 33,750,000.00 29,764,000.00 33,883,000.00 41,702,000.00 7,945,000.00 30,654,000.00 3,499,000.00 104,808,676,000.00 W fel 5 O § *^ _ g ^ ^ \3 g ^ rn ^ o tj fej \^ > pi KJ O ^ ^ ffi feJ >^ Pi ^ > d2 3 Kj Treasury bonds: 23^% of 1966-71. 23^%of 1967-72 (dated June 1,1946).. 23^% of 1967-72 (dated Oct. 20,1941) 23^% of 1967-72 (dated Nov. 16, 1945) 4% of 1970 (dated June 20, 1963) 4% of 1971 3J^%of 1971. 4% of 1972 (dated Sept. 15,1962) 4% of 1972 (dated Nov. 16, 1962) 4% of 1973 43^%ofl973 4i^%of 1974 434% of 1974 3^%ofl974-. 4 ^ % of 1975-85 3K% of 1978-83 4% of 1980 33^% of 1980 3M%of 1985 43i% of 1987-92 4% of 1988-93 41^% of 1989-94 33^% of 1990 3% of 1995 33^% of 1998 1,219,682,000.00 1,237,560,500.00 1,951,142,850.00 2,573,878,000.00 4,129,236,500.00 2,805,618,500.00 2,760,415,000.00 2,578,547,000.00 2,343,509,500.00 3,893,827,500.00 4,345,792,000.00 3,127,364,500.00 3,582,640,500.00 . 2,239,243,500.00 1,213,514,600.00 1,546,401,500.00 2,594,609,500.00 1,904,892,000.00 1,079,860,000.00 3,811,994,500.00 248,207,500.00 1,554,709,500.00 4,778,552,500.00 1,316,748,500.00 4,109,459,000.00 1,203,133,000.00 6,775,600.00 421,700.00 12,664,500.00 4,108,274,000.00 -5,000.00 1,679,427,000.00 -- 16,449,000.00 1,231,785,000.00 1,950,721,150.00 2,561,213,600.00 20,962,500.00 2,805,623,500.00 1,080,988,000.00 2,678,547,000.00 979,945,000.00 3,893,832,500.00 4,343,343,600.00 3,126,340,000.00 3,578,677,000.00 2,238,325,500.00 1,211,733,500.00 1,534,419,500.00 2,590,948,500.00 1,903,722,500.00 1,054,669,500.00 3,803,711,000.00 246,932,000.00 1,650,710,500.00 4,649,095,000.00 1,189,012,500.00 3,869,691,000.00 1,363,564,500.00 -5,000.00 2,448,500.00 1,024,600.00 3,963,500.00 918,000.00 1,781,000.00 11,982,000.00 3,661,000.00 1,169,500.00 25,190,500.00 8,283,500.00.. 1,275,600.00 3,999,000.00 129,457,500.00 127,736,000.00 239,768,000.00 Ul ^ > 2 ui H^ t^ s^ p > Total Treasury bonds 62,947,206,850.00 8,935,808,200.00 37,411,600.00 63,973,987,150.00 ^ 245,458,983,150.00 feJ O = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ^ ^ = = = ^ ^ Total marketable issues Nonmarketable: Certificates of indebtedness: 3.30% foreign series 3.50% foreign series 3.64% foreign series 3.65% foreign series 3.70% foreign series 3.80% foreign series...3.85% foreign series 3.90% foreign series 4.05% foreign series 4.15% foreign series 4.20% foreign series 4.26% foreign series 4.36% foreign series 4.60% foreign series 4.56% foreign series Footnotes a t end of table. 232,602,177,850.00 : .-- - -- --- -- --- ----..- - - - ---..- -- 252,387,409,000.00 239,382,338,200.00 266,000,000.00 1,046,000.000.00 260,000,000.00 130,000,000.00 791,017,399.32 70,000,000.00 60,000.000.00 3,767,000,000.00 55,000,000.00 76,000.000.00 90,000,000.00 155,000,000.00 673.000,000.00 130,000,000.00 66,000,000.00 266,000,000.00 1,046,000,000.00 260,000,000.00 130,000,000.00 490,000,000.00 66,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 2,926,000.000.00 .55,000,000.00 76,000,000.00 90,000,000.00 155,000,000.00 160,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 y ^ 148,265,500.00 301,017,399.32 5,000,000.00 -- 832,000,000.00 --613,000,000.00 130,000,000.00 36,000,000.00 CO CO TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Issues during year Outstanding June 30,1970 Issues Redemptions during year Transferred to matured debt Outstanding June 30, 19711 INTEREST-BEARING DEBT-Continued pi fej Public Issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Continued Certificates of indebtedness—Continued 4.76% foreign series 4.80% foreign series 4,85% foreign series... 4-90% foreign series.. 4.95% foreign series 5.30% foreign series .: 6.424% foreign series 5.45% foreign series 6.65% foreign series 5.80% foreicn series 6.85% foreign series 5.95% foreign series 6.06% foreign series 6.20% foreign series... 6.35% foreign series... 6.40% foreign series.... 8.45% foreignseries 6.50% foreign series 6.55% foreignseries 6.65% foreign series.. 6.80% foreign series Total foreign series certificates Treasury notes: 3.65% foreign series 3.90% foreign series 4.40% foreign series 4.75% foreign series 5.10% foreign series 5.15% foreign series 5.35% foreign series 5.50% foreign series... 5.70% foreign series 6.86% foreign series 5.95% foreign series ^ o pi - -.-- -.. --.. $250,000,000.00 _ .-- - -. -. - -.. 271.017,399.32 20,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 250,000,000.00 961,017,399.32 $75,000,000.00 760,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 . 30.000,000.00 . 271,017.399.32 . 376,000,000.00 . 1,000,000,000.00 . 75,000,000.00 . 10,000,000.00 520,000,000.00 110,000,000.00 . 185,000,000.00 281,017,399.32 10,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 , 581,017,399.32 . 630,000,000.00 , 70,000,000.00 195,000,000.00 381,017.399.32 , 260,000,000.00 $75,000,000.00 760,000.000.00 100,000.000.00 30,000,000.00 331,017,399.32 376,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 76,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 520,000,000.00 110,000,000.00 185,000,000.00 281,017,399.32 10,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 310,000,000.00 610,000,000.00 195,000,000.00 281,017,399.32 12,819,069,597.28 11,664,069,697.28 o fej $60,000,000. 00 '25o,'oo6,'oo6.'6o w fej Ul fej o pi fej > pi o fej 2,126,017, 399. 32 w fej 10,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 125,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 . . . . . . . 200,000,000.00 . 600,000,000.00 . 125,000, 000.00 50,000, 000. 00 150,000, 000. 00 50,000, 000.00 100, 000, 000. 00 100,000, 000. 00 110,000, 000.00 8,000, 000.00 12,000, 000.00 200,000, 000. 00 600,000. 000. 00 pi fej > 5.97% foreign series 6.00% foreign series 6.20% foreign series 6.25% foreign series 6.40% foreign series 6.45% foreign series 6.50% foreign series6.55% foreign series6.60% foreign series 6.65% foreign series 6.70% foreign series 6.79% foreign series 6.84% foreign sei'ies 7.125% foreign series. 7.25% foreign series 7.35% foreign series. 7.46% foreign series 7.65% foreign series 7.60% foreign series 7.63% foreign series7.65% foreign series 7.80% foreign series 7.85% foreign series 7.95% foreign series 8.00% foreign series 8.10% foreign series- 20,000,000.00 117,000,000.00 -..-..- - - - -- .300,000,000.00 32,029,163.61 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 - 125,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 - -- 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 28,435,415.00 600,000,000.00 90,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 32,029,163.61 3,882,484.13 -.. 20,000,000.00 117,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 --- 600,000,000.00 24,552,930.87 600,000,000.00 90,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 .--- 100,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 125,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 - 50,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 - 200,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 ..- Ul T > 3 ui i-9 Pi^ s; tr< > Total foreign series notes Treasmy bonds: 4.25% foreign series.. Certificates of indebtedness: 3.35% foreign cmrency series 4.26% foreign currency series 4.40% foreign cm-rency series 6.55% foreign cmrency series 6.70% foreign cmrency series 6.76% foreign cmrency series 6.90% foreign cmrency series 7.23% foreign cmrency series 7.30% foreign cmrency series 7.60% foreign currency series 7.70% foreign cmrency series 7.73% foreign currency series 8.08% foreign cmrency series Footnotes at end of table. - - 2,374,029,163.61 .: - 4,293,435,415.00 53,929,534.25 J.. .99,791,134.83 612,224,902.47 102,642,618.67 204,961,938.48 140,415,140.42 23,687,423.69 204,926,463.87 106,227,106.23 41,614,041.61 31,746,03L75 24,420,024.42 26,862,026.86 29,304,029.30 1,210,911,647.74 6,456,652,930.87 30,000,000.00 23.929,534.25 — 249,709,639.95 50,039,566.17 99,955,833.47 262,516,262.52 62,503,052.60 105,006,105.01 140,416,140.42 23,687,423.69 54,945,054.95 106,227,106.23 41,614,041.51 31,746,03L76 24,420,024.42 26,862,026.86 29,304,029.30 149,981,408.92 99,791,134.83 hj *TJ § I< O U ^ CO CO (X) TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding Jime 30, 1970 Issues Issues dming year Transferred to matured debt Rederaptions dming year Outstandhlg June 30, 19711 INTEREST-BEARING DEBT—Continued Pi fej Public Issues—Continued hj O Pi Nonmarketable—Continued Certificates of indebtedness—Continued 8.10% foreign currency series 8.125% foreign currency series $49,968,624.35 . Total foreign currency series certificates Treasury notes: 3.05% foreign currency series 3.90% foreign currency series 4.40% foreign currency series 4.43% foreign currency iseries 6.15% foreign currency s e r i e s . . . . 6.28% foreiga currency series 5.73% foreign currency series . . 6.20% foreign currency sei'ies 6.25% foreign currency series . . 6.55% foreign currency series 6.70% foreign cm-rency series . 6.75% foreign currency series 6.89% foreign currency series 6.90% foreign currency series 7.23% foreign currency series 7.30% foreign currency series 7.55% foreign curuency series, 7.60% foreign currency series, 7.70% foreign currency series., 7.73% foreign currency series., 7.85% foreign currency series, 8.10% foreign currency series. 149, 759, 759.18 134,590,058.25 $26,862,026.86 $26,862,026.86 . 49,968,624.36 . 1, 475,693, 774. 53 726,308,234.65 . 61,524,872. 44 61, 994, 769. 45 30,023,040.94 30,248,737.70 O fej $899,146,299.16 . . 134,019,834.92 ... ... 26,780,279.98 135,501,355.00 135 501 355 00 69,515,650.94 i.^fi F,m :^F>F> n o 132,868,102. 41 22,426,708. 59 52, 251, 457. 24 100. 857. 871. 55 . 33^% Treasmy bonds 6.330% Treasmy certificates, matming July 1,1970.. 6.330% Treasmy certificates, matming July 3,1970. --- 133,550,110.32 52, 992,813.87 48,009,874.88 27, 790,643. 82 30, 243,108. 06 26,633,890. 44 134,690, 058. 26 31,501, 831.60 31,746, 031. 76 134,019, 834. 92 26,780, 279. 98 135,601, 355.00 136,501, 366.00 fel 135,501,355. 00 Pi fel 69,515,650.94 . . . . Total foreign cmrency series notes.. CO . . . . . . 1,215,859,379.29 76,000,000,00 2,071. 43 . 1,618,938.50 . 101,141,621. 52 39,542, 240.42 30,198,847.80 476,477,442.61 132,868, 102.41 22, 426, 708.59 52, 251, 457. 24 100,857, 87L65 101,141, 621.62 39,542, 240. 42 30,198, 847.80 133,550, 110.32 52,992, 813.87 48,009, 874.88 27, 790, 643.82 30,243, 108.06 25,533, 890.44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 927,194, 720. 60 . 176,000,000.00 . 2,071. 43 . 1,618,938. 60 . Kj O fel W fel y^ Pi fej > Ul 766,142,101.40 d 250,000,000.00 K^ Pi 6.876% T r e a s m y cei'tificates, m a t m i n g J u l y 31, 1970.. 6.421% T r e a s u r y cei'tificates, m a t u r i n g Oct. 1, 1970... 6.421% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g Oct. 3, 1970... 6.345% T r e a s m y certificat^.s, m a t m i n g O c t . 31, 1970. 1% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t m ' i n g D e c . 15, 1970. 6.807% Treasiury certificates, m a t m i n g J a n . 1, 1 9 7 1 . . 5.807% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g J a n . 3, 1 9 7 1 . . 6.831% T r e a s u r y c e r t i f i c a t e s , r a a t u r i n g J a n . 31, 1971.. 4.830% T r e a s u r y certificates, raaturing A p r . 1, 1971... 4.830% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g A p r . 3, 1971... 4.201% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t m i n g A p r . 30, 1971. 1% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t m i n g J u n e 16, 1971 3.50% T r e a s m y certificates, raaturing J u n e 30, 1971... 3.60% T r e a s m y certificates, m a t m i n g J u n e 30, 1971... 3.521% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t m ' i n g J u l y 1, 1971... 3.521% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g J u l y 3, 1971... 3.865% Treasm*y certificates, m a t m ' i n g J u l y 31, 1971.. 1% T r e a s m y certificates, m a t m i n g D e c . 15, 1971 3.50% T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t m i n g J u n e 30, 1972... 3.50% T r e a s m ' y certificates, m a t m i n g J u n e 30, 1972.. T o t a l T r e a s u r y certificates. 1,289,030.03 . 2,104. 21 1,644, 558. 20 1,311,188. 46 268,341. 70 . 782,178,792.97 785, 357,174. 63 T r e a s u r y certtficates of i n d e b t e d n e s s : 5 ^ % E u r o d o l l a r Series A-1971 6 H % EurodoUar Series B-1971 1,670, 957. 47 1,331,987.19 2,169.03 1,695, 215. 60 1, 351, 404. 23 269,683, 41 10,170,564.54 39,998, 441. 51 2,195. 22 1,715, 685. 33 1,023, 761.06 271,031.83 67,736,600. 03 386,502,971. 90 616,702,667. 21 1,289,030.03 2,104.21 1,644,558.20 1,311,188.46 268,341.70 2,137.99 1., 670,957. 47 1,331,987.19 2,169.03 1,695,215.60 1,351,404.23 269,683.41 792,349,357.51 39,998,441.51 .... 844,807,586.47 1,508,437,000.00 600,051,000.00 T o t a l T r e a s u r y certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s .. 2,195.22 1,715,685.33 1,023,761.06 271,031.83 67,736,600.03 386,502,971.90 457,252,245.37 1,608,437,000.00 500,061,000.00 2,008,488,000.00 2,008,488,000.00 U . S . savines b o n d s : n SeriesE-1941 SeriesE-1942 Series E-1943 SeriesE-1944 Series E-1945 Sei'ies E-1946 Series E-1947 Series E-1948Series E-1949 Series E-1950 Series E-1951. Series E-1952 ( J a n u a r y t o April) Series E-1952 (May t o D e c e m b e r ) Series E-1953 Series E-1954 Series E-1955 Series E-1956. Series E-1957 ( J a n u a r y ) F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . -- - 202,979,784.08 887,662,694.66 1,395,606,565.71 1,711,842,44L 32 1,509,573,474.52 851,992,917.97 953,880,377.62 1,068,956,932.77 1,130,566,952.42 1,042,405,54L04 902,625,543.47 311,333,129.60 654,033,519.62 1,186,097,157.02 1,272,617,932.75 1,376,387,008.49 1,368,952,638.46 122,161,180.00 10,477,663.62 43,447,555.76 65,662,78L 99 80.022,018.08 68,819,237.93 38,938,643.16 43,212,963.27 48,265,958.38 65,201,318.19 54,578,81L15 47,340,180.50 15,400,497.21 32,182,756.89 56,875,524.47 68,919,214.90 62,399,38L41 62,232,41L35 6,459,024.12 17,004,660.01 67,857,358.60 106,095,343.20 131,084,674.76 115,114,739.48 64,204,420.03 71,473,304.27 79,822,15L01 83,513,167.10 80,621,436.43 68,069,803.00 22,678,482.69 47,665,098.26 85,507,178.28 91,182,743.18 100,849,496.84 101,896, o n . 87 8,927,093.93 196,452,687.69 863,252,89L 82 1,356,074,004.50 1,660,779,784.64 1,463,277,972.97 826,727.14L 10 925,620,036.52 1,037,400,740.14 1,102,255,113.51 1,016,462,915.76 881,895,920.97 304,056,144.12 638,651,178.15 1,157,465,603.21 1,240,364,404.47 1,337,936,893.06 1,329,289,037.94 118,683,110.19 W H > |j O? H O ^ > ^ "^ fej *^ O H ^ CO CO •1^ O TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding J u n e 30, 1970 Issues INTEREST-BEARING Issues dm'ing year Redemptions d u r i n g year Outstanding J u n e 30, 19711 Transferred t o matured debt DEBT-Continued Pi fej hi PubUc Issues—Continued Nonmarketable—Continued U . S . savings b o n d s — C o n t i n u e d Series E-1957 ( F e b r u a r y to D e c e m b e r ) Series E - 1 9 5 8 . . . Series E-1959 ( J a n u a r y t o May) Seiies E-1959 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) SeriesE-1960 -.. Series E-1961 SeriesE-1962SeriesE-1963 Series E-1964 Series E-1965 ( J a n u a r y to N o v e m b e r ) Series E-1965 ( D e c e m b e r ) . . . Series E-1966 Series E-1967 Series E-1968 ( J a n u a r y t o May) -Series E-1968 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) Series E-1969 ( J a n u a r y t o M a y ) Series E-1969 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) Series E-1970 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series E-1970 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) Series E-1971Total SeriesE -. Ser: es.H-1962 Seri es H-1953 Seri es H-1954 Ser es H-1955 Seri es H-1956 Seri es H-1957 ( J a n u a r y ) Seri es H-1957 ( F e b r u a r y t o D e c e m b e r ) _ Seri es H-1958—Seri es H-1959 (.January t o M a y ) . Seri es H-1959 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) Seri es H - 1 9 6 0 . . . . o pi 25,554,010.11 $55, 386,990. 69 64, 397, 645.51 26, 717,578. 56 35, 520, 436. 74 67, 040, 595. 78 78, 057, 279.11 82, 394,333. 83 115, 779,873.06 94, 796,454. 30 84, 094, 674. 66 8, 819,818. 65 103, 148, 638. 40 103, 869,520. 34 42, 698,079.13 66, 269,050. 68 40, 883, 737.18 65, 765, 659. 73 147, 250,15L40 2,646, 488, 600. 75 2,195, 217,150.00 909,347. 02 44,166,677,717.21 6,964,831,457.80 $1,224,468,001. 90 1,424,887,292.93 592, 290, 22L 28 793,750,102.87 1,505,813,922.04 1,664,513,450.39 1,708,676,384.42 2,109,365,307.86 2,026,179,934.61 1,810,160,63L 39 194,253,244.27 -. 2,298,449,232.22 2,362,416,047.20 1,007,459,78L 93 1,371,776,215.87 1,038,699,193.05 1,545,845,839.16 - - - - '• 1,445,297,08L 25 •• 67,166,03L 25 - - 45, 728,000. 00 128,299,500.00 243,279,000.00 343,775,000.00 307.955,600.00 25,726,000.00 232,758,000.00 343,978,500.00 160,148,000.00 178,505,000.00 670,704,000.00 . . . . . . . . . . . $92,446,932.32 110,680,508.65 47,060,903.98 64,767,558.02 129,824,93L 92 136,889. 04L 75 150,307,502.32 . - . 170,080,823.17 134,945,336.97 134,681,580.49 14,796,170.14 164,920,876.18 210,067,214.70 90,902,239.96 146,310,664.64 128,850,867.83 274,673,208.28 467,118,364.96 912, 898,89L 38 294,473,850.00 89,383.63 $1,187,408,060.17 1,378,604,429.76 571,946,895.89 764,502, 98L 69 1,443,029,585.90 1,605,681,687.75 1,640,763,215.93 2,055,064,357.75 1, 986,031,05L 84 1,759,573,725.66 188,276,892.78 2,236.676,994.44 2,256,218,352.84 959, 255,62L 10 1,282,724,602.01 950,732,062.40 1,336,938,290.60 1,125,428,867.69 1,800,745,740.62 1,900,743,300-00 26,373,973.50 .- 5,219,154,004.13 45,912,355,170.88 3,284,000.00 8,306,500.00 17,742,000.00 25,679,500.00 22,328,500.00 1,913,000.00 17,381,500.00 27,311,000.00 13,212,500.00 11,915,000.00 61,781,000.00 42,444,000.00 119,993,000.00 225,537,000.00 318,095,600.00 285,627,000.00 23,813,000.00 215,376,500.00 316,667,500.00 146,935,600.00 166,690,000.00 518,923,000.00 .-- -- --. ---- o fej 1^ w fej Ul fej o pi fej H > Pi Kj o fej W fej Pi fel > Pi Kj SeriesH-1961 SeriesH-1962. SeriesH-1963 SeriesH-1964--Series H-1965 (January to November) Series H-1965 (December) SeriesH-1966.. SeriesH-1967-... Series H-1968 (January to May) Series H-1968 (June to December) Series H-1969 (January to May) Series H-1969 (June to December)... Series H-1970 (January to May) Series H-1970 (June to December)..Series H-1971. Unclassified sales and rederaptions - 636,337,600.00 655,639,500.00 627,684,600.00 484,667,600.00 410,213,000.00 36,362,000.00 612,611,000.00 446,637,000.00 177,471,000.00 211,624,600.00 164,261,000.00 186,897,500.00 '172,204,000.00 ''14,144,600.00 - -.. - 1,000.00 -1,000.00 500.00 47,365,600.00 33,291,600.00 29,447,000.00 26,888,600.00 22,250,600.00 1,822,000.00 28,002,000.00 23,216,500.00 9,018,500.00 10,239,500.00 7,014,000.00 6,961,600.00 6,182,000.00 3,629,000.00 -305,000.00 -1,361,000.00 .- 6,651,500.00 72,000.00 3,170,600.00 198,097,000.00 239,602,000.00 6,482,500.00 7,113,962,500.00 61,280,640,217.21 446,424,600.00 7,411,255,957.80 454,126,500.00 5,673,280,504.13 -.. 72,716,497.12 68,202,302.49 137,633,950.98 337,254,638.11 95,487,113.25 3,286,246.75 3,520,133.96 3,189,578.63 6,005,679.94 16,865,234.80 15,655,648.93 -3,286,145.50 9,673,291.72 9,700,733.68 21,832,191.40 84,921,385.52 22,214,639.70 -. 714,480,748.70 41,940,130.76 148,342,242.02 608,078,637.44 15,396,722.78 22,661,460.37 998,100.00 81,172.48 570,279.77 938,019.36 7,468,806.03 15,550.00 619,412.05 724,821.00 81,154.07 42,064.12 15,347,590.60 22,874,658.73 8,385,75L96 64,658.36 39 137 455 63 8,992,655.16 1,467,451.24 46,662,659. 55 25,244,000. 00 84,239,000. 00 86,665 000.00 ! Total Series H . Total U.S. savings bonds 588,982,000.00 522,348,000.00 498,237,500.00 458,680,000.00 387,961,500.00 34,540,000.00 484,609,000.00 423,320,500.00 168,453,000.00 201,385,000.00 147,247,000.00 180,008,000.00 169,192,500.00 208,612,500.00 239,297,000.00 13,485,000.00 - - — Ul 7,106,260,500.00 53,018,615.670.5 >g Ul U.S. savings notes: n Series S-1967 Series S-1968 (January to May) Series S-1968 (June to December) Series S-1969 Series S-1970 UnclassifiedTotal U.S. savings notes U.S. retireraent plan bonds: 12 3.75% 4.15% 5% Unclassified. - - - -.. -..- --- - Total U.S. retireraent plan bonds Depositary bonds: First Series Treasury bonds, RE.A. Series.. -. 14,655,000.00 .- 7 n.'iR nnn. nn - 66,563,339.36 61,691,147.44 121,707,439.62 269,188,487.39 88,928,122.48 10L25 ^ Q > f" > 2 'o S 2 M ^ 22,818,000.00 _ 7. fin2. nnn. oo Footnotes a t end of table. rf^ TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding June 30, 1970 Issues Issues dming year to Redemptions during year Transferred to matmed debt Outstanding June 30, 19711 INTEREST-BEARING DEBT—Contmued Pi fej hj PubUcIssues—Con tinued o Nonmarketable—Continued Treasury bonds, investment series: Pi H3 2K% Series B-1975-80 $2,386,520,000.00 Total nonmarketable Total public Issues 7*60,076,629,83L 82 $29,311,294,630.35 - $40,002,000.00 $2,346,518,000.00 o 21,350,101,983.93 68,036,822,47-8.24 fej 292, 677,807,68L 82 281,698,703,630.36 260,732,440,183.93 $148,265,600. 00 313,496,805,628.24 Special Issues Civil service retirement fund: 73^% certificates 7%% certificates 73^% certificates 7% certificates ^H% certificates 6% certificates 6J^% certificates ---. 5 ^ % certificates .-634% certificates 7H% notes. 63^% notes -63^% notes- — 6^% notes - - -. 43^% notes -.-. 4M% notes .---. 43^% bonds 33^% bonds -3K% bonds 23^% bonds.25.^% bondsEmployees health benefits fund: 6.83% certificates 5.81% certificates 6.08% certificates 4.83% certificates 4.34% certiflcates ... . .-....- 2,961,729.000.00 2,909,267,000.00 553,011,000.00 332,624,000.00 316,064,000.00 668,309,000.00 1.692,034,000.00 663,687,000.00 366,826,000.00 344,665,000.00 340,126,000.00 553,011,000.00 332,624,000.00 316,054.000.00 668,309,000.00 1,692,034,000.00 653,687,000.00 366,826,000.00 344,665,000.00 340,126,000.00 - . . . . . . . , 6,836,123,000.00 1,628,319,000.00 .----.-... 1,785,656,000.00 1,785,656,000.00 1,758,171,000.00 3,815,832,000.00 142,474,000.00 1,864,207,000.00 80,227,000.00 1,112,272,000.00 60,976,000.00 246,778,000.00 -. 246,778,000.00 807,666,000.00 807,666,000.00 68,404,000.00 63,342,000.00 67,641,000.00 102,800,000.00 113,047,000.00 58,404,000.00 . 53,342,000.00 67,641,000.00 . 102.800,000.00 . 66,614,000.00 w io pi fej > pi Kj 2,951.729,000.00 2,909,257,000.00 5,835,123,000.00 1,628,319,000. 00 o fej W fej 1,768,171,000.00 3,673,358,000.00 1,783,980,000.00 1,051,296,000.00 Pi fej > Ul d Pi Kj 46,433,000.00 4.20% certificates -.. 3.87% certificates3.62% certificates 3.50% certificates... Employees hfe insurance fund: 7.13% certificates 6.42% certificates --6.35% certificates 6.34% certificates 5.83% certificates 5.81% certificates -. 6.08% certificates 4.83% certificates 4.34% certificates 4.20% certificates 3.87% certificates 3.62% certificates 3.50% certificates ..Exchange Stabihzation Fund: 6.10% cei'tificates 6.60% certificates 5.55% certificates ..4.85% cei'tificates 4.60% certificates 4.10% certificates 3.95% cei'tificates 3.65% cei'tificates 3.30% certificates 3.25% certificates Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: 7.13% certificates 6.42% certificates 6.36% certificates 6.34% certificates 5.83% certificates 5.81% cei'tificates 5.08% certificates--.. 4.83% certUicates 4.34% certificates ---.. 4.20% certificates 3.87% certificates 3.52% certificates -3.50% certiflcates Footnotes a t end of table. - - - .- - --60,000,000.00 -... - - - - - - -... - -.. :.... - - -.. - - - -.. -.. - - - - --.. 73,941,000.00 - . - - -- - -.. - -,.-. 109,915,000.00 100,256,000.00 116,683,000.00 128,904,000.00 109,916,000.00 100,256,000.00 . 115.683,000.00 128,904,000.00 60,011,000.00 67,367,000.00 12,983,000.00 30,296,000.00 6,226,000.00 79,685,000.00 101,719,000.00 77,361,000.00 96,523,000.00 28,908,000.00 60,526,000.00 74,816,000.00 60,000,000.00 60,011,000.00 67,367,000.00 12,983,000.00 30,296,000.00 6,226,000.00 79,685,000.00 101,719,000.00 21,779,000.00 96,523,000.00 28,908,000.00 60,526,000.00 74,816,000.00 4,321,727.12 89,667,664.79 16,771,712.76 266,924,101.26 682,569,200.87 1,243,496,754.22 800,615,369.26 1,113,843,786.54 912,810,602.61 872,440,634.63 4,321,727.12 89,667,564.79 16,771,712.76 266,924, IOL26 682,569,200.87 1,314,457.31 800,615,369.26 1,113,843,786.64 912,810,602.61 872,440,634.63 74,374,000.00 121,779,000.00 100,202,000.00 179,178,000.00 91,677,000.00 175,873,000.00 242,001,000.00 155,663,000.00 380,266,000.00 158,215,000.00 117,040,000.00 262,128,000.00 -.--- --. ---- .-- 73,941,000.00 74,374,000.00 121,779,000.00 100,202,000.00 179,178,000.00 91,677,000.00 175,873,000.00 242,001,000.00 380,266,000.00 158,215,000.00 117,040,000.00 262,128,000.00 . - - 66,582,000.00 -- -1,242,182,296.91 - - ..-- Ui 1;^ ^ J^ Ui H Pt. > tr* > ^ J2 ^ ^ g tt ^ -165,663,000.00 h-l CO TABLE 34.—Changes in puhlic debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding June 30,1970 Issues Issues dming year Rederaptions dmhig year $329,972,000.00 465,436,000.00 320,099,000.00 670,946,000.00 1,195,897,000.00 572,987,000.00 371,081,000.00 563, Oil, 000.00 438,198,000.00 $329,972,000.00 465,436,000.00 320,099,000.00 670,946,000.00 1,195,897,000.00 672,987,000.00 371,081,000.00 663,011,000.00 438,198,000.00 Transferred to matmed debt Outstanding June 30, 19711 INTEREST-BEARING DEBT-Continued Special Issues—Continued Federal disability insmance trust fund: 73^% certificates. 7 ^ % certificates. 7H% certificates. 7% certificates. 63^% cei'tificates 6% certiflcates... ---53^% certificates 6^% certificates 53i% certificates 7 ^ % notes... 63^% notes... 63^% notes 5 ^ % notes.. 43^% notes 4M% notes 43^% bonds 33^% bonds --3M% bonds 2 ^ % bonds -... Federal home loan banks: 7.13% certiflcates 6.42% certificates6.35% certificates-6.34% certificates----6.83% certiflcates5.81% certiflcates 5.08% certiflcates -4.83% certiflcates 4.34% certiflcates 4.20% certiflcates 3.87% certiflcates 3.52% certiflcates 3.50% certiflcatesFederal hospital insurance trust fund: 73^% certiflcates 7 ^ % certiflca,tes -. --- -.- - - -- $1,394,466,000.00 1,151,608,000.00 683,612,000.00 4,486,000.00 309,178,000.00 279,238,000.00 153,632,000.00 -348,740,000.00 -. 209,900,000.00 - --- - - - . 1, 284, 249, ooo: 00 . . . . . . . . 199,000,000.00 . -.. --- - - -. . . . . . . . . . 4,486,000.00 1,862,000.00 . 404,000,000.00 298, 500,000.00 206,000,000.00 645,800,000.00 203, 500,000.00 646,300,000.00 472,300,000.00 77,000,000.00 508,550,000.00 86,600,000.00 913,600,000.00 905,100,000.00 199,000,000.00 404,000,000.00 298,600,000.00 206,000,000.00 645,800,000.00 203,500,000.00 646,300,000.00 472,300,000.00 33,000,000.00 508,550,000.00 86,600,000.00 913,600,000.00 905,100,000.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360,315,000.00 663,802,000.00 360,315,000.00 . 663,802,000.00 . $1,394,466,000.00 1,161,608,000.00 1,284, 249,000.00 583,612,000.00 309,178,000.00 279, 238,000.00 163,632, 000.00 348,740,000.00 208,038,000.00 44,000,000.00 7 3 ^ % certificates 7 % certificates 6 3 ^ % ccertificates 63^% •" • 6% certificates 6 3 ^ % certificates 6 H % certificates --5 3 ^ % certificates 7 H % notes 6 3 ^ % notes 6 3 ^ % notes 66^% notes 4 M % notes Federal Housing Administration: C o o p e r a t i v e m a n a g e m e n t housing i n s u r a n c e fund: 5.83% certificates R e n t a l h o u s i n ? assistance fund: 5.08% certificates 4.83% certUicates 4.34% certificates 3.87% certificates 3.52% certificates 3.50% certificates F e d e r a l old-age a n d s m v i v o r s ' i n s m a n c e t r u s t fund: 73^% certiflcates 7 ^ % certificates 7 3 i % certificates 7%, certificates . . -6 3 ^ % certiflcates 6% certificates 63^% certiflcates 6 ^ % certiflcates --63€% certiflcates 7 ^ % notes 63^% notes 6>g% n o t e s 55^% notes 43^% notes 4M%iiotes .. ... .. 4]^% bonds 33^%boiids ... 3M% bonds 25^% b o n d s . ---- - -- - -- - - -.- - 919,358,000.00 729,200,000.00 -. 495,529,000.00 439,235,000.00 - - 349,267,000.00 708,089,000.00 2,109,768,000.00 610,313,000.00 673,873,000.00 458,027,000.00 451,217,000.00 349,267,000.00 . 708,089,000.00 2,109,768,000.00 -" 610,313,000.00 673,873,000.00 468,027,000.00 451,217,000.00 919,358,000.00 729,200,000.00 931,182,000.00 400,116,000.00 931,182,000.00 - 95,413,000.00 439,235,000.00 -- 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 ^ 85,000.00 140.000.00 471,000.00 377,000.00 310,000.00 310,000.00 85,000.00 . 140,000.00 377,000.00 310,000.00 310,000.00 2,121,717,000.00 3.297,053,000.00 2,052,155,000.00 4,452,377,000.00 7,672,556,000.00 4,221,247,000.00 3,040,295,000.00 3.689,789,000.00 3,109,656,000.00 2,121,717,000.00 3,297,053,000.00 2.062,155,000.00 4,462,377,000.00 7,672,556,000.00 4,221,247,000.00 3,040,295,000.00 3,689,789,000.00 3,109,656,000.00 - 471,000.00 > •TJ hj t=J 2^ tJ 6,033,296.000.00 3,844,864,000.00 3,468,850,000.00 2,460,795,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 2,720,279,000.00 2,581,589,000.00 1,738,455,000.00... 1,240,088,000.00 6,239,978,000.00 Ul H > 2 ui i-9 Pt s^ p : 6,033,296,000.00 3,844,864,000.00 3,468,850,000.00 2,460,795,000.00 X 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 -- 2,720,279,000.00 2,581,589,000.00 1,738,455,000.00 1,240,088,000.00 4,159.967.000.00 F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . 4^ Or TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Issues INTEREST.BEARING Outstanding J u n e 30,1970 Issues d u r i n g year Redemptions d m i n g year Transferred t o matured debt Outstanding J u n e 30, 1971 i DEBT-Continued Pi fej yn Special I s s u e s — C o n t i n u e d Federal Savings a n d L o a n I n s u r a n c e C o r p o r a t i o n : 7.13% certiflcates6.42% certiflcates 6.35% certiflcates 6.34% certiflcates 6.83% certiflcates 6.81% certiflcates 5.08% certiflcates 4.83% certiflcates 4.34% certiflcates 4,20% certiflcates 3.87% certiflcates 3.52% certiflcates 3.60% certiflcates. F e d e r a l s u p p l e m e n t a r y medical insurance t r u s t f u n d : 73^% certiflcates 7 H certiflcates 73i% certificates 7% certificates ..63^% certiflcates 6% certiflcates 63^ certiflcates 6 ^ % certiflcates -53^% certificates 7^% notes... 63^% n o t e s . . . 63i% notes Foreign service r e t i r e m e n t fund: 73^2% c e r t i f i c a t e s . 75^% certificates 73€% certificates 7% certiflcates 63^% certiflcates 6% certiflcates 514% certificates 5 ^ % certificates 63€% certificates 75^% notes o $80,181,000.00 . . . ..... . $87,948, 000. 00 118,414,000.00 126,580, 000. 00 81, 905, 000. 00 135, 730. 000. 00 37,036,000. 00 13,574,000. 00 88,788,000.00 . 34,622, 000. 00 84,514, 000. 00 80,813,000. 00 45, 212.000. 00 201, 701,000. 00 205,435, 000. 00 201,277,000. 00 426, 598, 000. 00 655, 389, 000. 00 208, 240, 000. 00 212, 982, 000. 00 204, 761,000. 00 218, 586, 000. 00 2,855,000.00 . 10,562,000.00 . $80,181,000. 00 87,948,000.00 118.414,000.00 126,680,000.00 81,905,000.00 135,730,000.00 37,036,000.00 13,574,000.00 . . . . . . . . 34,622,001.00 84,514,000.00 80,813,000.00 45,212,000.00 . . . . 201,701,000.00 205,435,000.00 201, 277,000. 00 426,598, 000. 00 655,389,000. 00 208,240,000.00 212,982,000. 00 204, 761,000. 00 218,586,000.00 69,000.00 10,562,000.00 . . . . . . . . . . . 6,721,000.00 . t ^ O fej W $88, 788, 000. 00 1,822,000.00 1,220,000.00 1,024,000.00 3,491,000.00 6,964,000.00 2,270,000.00 1,259,000.00 997,000.00 1,725,000.00 fej Ul fej a Pi fej > Pi Kj o fej 2, 786,000. 00 '254,"64i,'oo5."o5 264,641,000.00 . 1,822, 000. 00 1, 220, 000. 00 1, 024, 000. 00 3,491, 000. 00 6, 964, 000. 00 2, 270, 000. 00 1, 259, 000. 00 997, 000. 00 1, 725, 000. 00 Pi . . . . W fej fej > Ul cl pi . . . . K! 6. 721,000. 00 63^% notes 63^% notes. 4% notes. 4% b o n d s . . . . Government life insurance fund: 53^% certificates 73€% notes 6% notes .--63^% notes. 53i% notes 43/g% notes 43^% bonds 3M% bonds 35^% bonds 33^% bonds . Highway trust fund: 6% certiflcates 53^% certificates 6M% certificates 5 ^ % certificates 63^% cei'tificates 53^% certificates 53^% certificates National service life insurance fund: 73-^% certificates 73^%) certificates 6M% certificates 53^% certificates 6M% certificates ^ 63l% certificates 43^% certificates 73^% notes 63^% notes 5M%) notes 53^% notes 43^%notes . . . 43^% bonds 3M% honds 3^g% bonds 3H% honds 33i% bonds 33^% bonds 3% bonds F o o t n o t e s a t end of table. . -- -... 6,082,000.00 16.086,000.00 24,136,000.00 29,964,000.00 32,638.000.00 64,366,000.00 77,986,000.00 28.468,000.00 76,460,000.00 77,992,000.00 408,880,000.00 2,601,737,000.00 669,007,000.00 305,419,000.00 . 332,597,000.00 544.480,000.00 225,452,000.00 418,365,000.00 932,386,000.00 298,259,000.00 430,031,000.00 343,149,000.00 1,616,000,000.00 4,464,000.00 3,017,000.00 16,436,000.00 111,949,000.00 16,436,000.00 - 77,986,000.00 670.000.00 71,818,000.00 468.700,000.00 2.436.734,000.00 433,000,000.00 604,856,000.00 428,100,000.00 453.069,000.00 4,632,042,000.00 3,060,437,000.00 2,435,734,000.00 433,000,000.00 604,856,000.00 428,100,000.00 453,069,000.00 997.174,000.00 2,600,000.00 8,262,000.00 1,128,000.00 2,600,000.00 120,634,000.00 78,262,000.00 1,128,000.00 2,600,000.00 8,262,000.00 1,128,000.00 2,600,000.00 120,634,000.00 78,262,000.00 1,128,000.00 1,091,044,000.00 544.480,000.00 7,873,000.00 6,946,000.00 379,000,000.00 6.082,000.00 4,454,000.00 12,068,000.00 29,964,000.00 32,638,000.00 111.949,000.00 64,365.000.00 28,468,000.00 76.780,000.00 77,992,000.00 337,062,000.00 3,634,868,000.00 669.007,000.00 305,419,000.00 1,091,044,000.00 332,597,000.00 CP ^ > H CQ H^ Q h> M > ^Tj ^ g 2; O ^ X 226,462,000. o5 410,492,000.00 925,440,000.00 298,259,000.00 430,031,000.00 343,149,000.00 1,137,000,000.00 h-i 00 TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Issues Outstanding June 30, 1970 . Issues dming year Redemptions durhig year Transferred to matured debt Outstanding June 30, 19711 - INTEREST-BEARING DEBT-Continued Special Issues—Continued Railroad retirement account: 75^% certificates.. 73^% certificates. 73^% certificates 73^% certiflcates 7% certiflcates 63^% certiflcates 6% certiflcates 6M% certiflcates 53^% certiflcates 5% certiflcates 7M% notes . 63^% notes 63^% notes 53^% notes 4M% notes 43^% bonds 4% bonds Railroad retirement holding account: 7K% certiflcates.. 7 ^ % certiflcates 73^% certiflcates 73^% certificates. 7% certificates... 63i% certmcates... 6% certUicates 5M% certificates 63^% certificates... 5% certUicates Railroad retirement supplemental account: 73<% certUicates 7 ^ % certUicates 73^% certificates.. 7ys% certificates 7% certificates...... 63^% cei'tificates 6% certUicates . . -... $847,447,000.00 647,948,000.00 .... 482,623,000.00 409,289,000.00 531,952,000.00 812,493,000.00 1,923,000.00 17,671,000.00 $173,292,000.00 100,865,000.00 2,100,000.00 28,363,000.00 137,728,000.00 730,154,000.00 540,279,000.00 222,999,000.00 143,326,000.00 55,421,000.00 $173,292,000.00 100,856,000.00 2,100,000.00 28,363,000.00 137,728,000.00 730,154,000.00 540,279,000.00 222,999,000.00 143,326,000.00 55,421,000.00 .......:... - $847,447,000.00 647,948,000.00 819,501,000.00 482,623,000.00 409,289,000.00 439,512,000.00 180,839,000.00 819,501,000.00 .. 92,440,000.00 631,654,000.00 ...... 1,552,000.00 872,000.00 78,000.00 1,384,000.00 4,035,000.00 2,352,000.00 1,142,000.00 902,000.00 126,000.00 1,923,000.00 1,552,000.00 872,000.00 78,000.00 1,384,000.00 634,000.00 2,352,000.00 1,142,000.00 902,000.00 126,000.00 14,768,000.00 8,272,000.00 733,000.00 14,546,000.00 27,644,000.00 23,005,000.00 17,671,000.00 14,768,000.00 8,272,000.00 733,000.00 14,546,000.00 6,035,000.00 23,005,000.00 : co M •"* pi fej ^ 3 *^ ^ S ^ o B • ^ rr, fej Q pi fel t^ > Pi KJ O " 3,401,000.00 ^j ^ 2 g ^ ^ ^ IM ^ 21,609,000.00 5M% certificates 5H% certificates 5% certificates Unemployment trust fund: 53^% certUicates 5H% certificates 534% cei'tificates 63^% certificates...5% certificates-Veterans' reopened insurance fund: 7^g% certificates 73^% certificates 7H% certificates 73<% certUicates 7% certificates 63^% certificates 6% certificates 53^% certificates 55^% cei'tificates 53^% certificates 75^% notes 63^% notes 63^% notes Veterans' special life insurance fund: 5% certificates 43^% certificates 4M% certiflcates 5% notes 4M% notes 4H% notes Total special issues Total interest-beai'ing debt 14,292,000.00 8,560,000.00 1,183,000.00 10,519,939,000.00 ..-: - 4,960,000.00 1 --...... 47,146,000.00 104,316,000.00 . 3,477,000.00 : 55,489,000.00 207,906,000.00 14,292,000.00 8,560,000.00 1,183,000.00 1,781,209,000.00 941,489,000.00 65,585,000.00 1,356,781,000.00 8,633,189,000.00 12,301,148,000.00 .941,489,000.00 65,585,000.00 1,356,781,000.00 118,933,000.00 2,722,000.00 1,978,000.00 1,682,000.00 2,182,000.00 16,143,000.00 1,966,000.00 1,611,000.00 1,643,000.00 1,705,000.00 4,960,000.00 2,722,000.00 1,978,000.00 1,682,000.00 2,182,000.00 -11,490,000.00 1,966,000.00 1,611,000.00 1,643,000.00 1,705,000.00 -17,386,000.00 50,270,000.00 10,262,000.00 14,545,000.00 3,392,000.00 60,546,000.00 -- 4,65.3,000.00 . 6,522,000.00 14,545,000.00 6,869,000.00 34,651,000.00 76,323,091,000.00 106,993,985,453.96 100,532,606,157.05 369,000,898,68L 82 388,692,689,084.31 361,265,046,340.98 8,514,256,000.00 148,265,500.00 3,740,000.00 CP t;3 3 H CP H Q > fe^ 60,546,000.00 55,489,000.00 173,255,000.00 > 2 2 g 47,146,000.00 86,930,000.00 50,270,000.00 82,784,470,296.91 ^ 396,280,275,925.15 X Footnotes a t end of table. CO Cn O T A B L E 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding June 30,1970 Issues _^__^__ __^ _ _ _ _ _ Issues during year ^ Transferred from interest-bearing debt Redemptions dming year Outstanding June 30.19711 »-* MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED Old debt—issued prior to Apr. 1,1917: 6% Five-twenties of 1865 G% compound interest notes 1864-66 3% loan of 1908-18.. 23^% postal savings bonds 2% consols of 1930 4% funded loan of 1907 4%loanofl925 3% Panama Canalloan 1961 AUother 13 1 Total old debt—Issued prior to Apr. 1,1917.. Liberty loan bonds: First Liberty loan: First 33^'s. First 4's. First 434's. Fhst-Second 43^'s $19,650.00 155,960.00 98,020.00 139,100.00 9,800.00 342,800.00 8,550.00 8,200.00 '735,380.26 $20.00 4,500.00 100.00 4, 620.00 1,517,460.26 ^ cb -:a $19,650.00 155,960.00 98,000.00 134,600.00 9,800.00 342,800.00 8,450.00 8,200.00 735,380.26 1, 512,840. 26 Pi fej hj g ^ ^ _ g ^ ^ M gj Ul fej ------ 266,100.00 85,200.00 149,700.00 2,050.00 . . . . . . ... . . ....... 1,400.00 350.00 8,000.00 254, 700.00 84,850.00 141,700.00 2,050.00 Sfej 1^ v> pi Kj Total 493,050.00 9,750.00 483,300 00 Second Liberty loan: Second 4's Second 434's_ 329,900.00 308,600.00 1,650.00 450.00 328,250.00 308,150.00 Total.. Third Liberty loan 43i's Fourth Libei'ty loan 434's Total Liberty loan bonds Victory notes: Victory 334's Victory 43^'s. Total V ictory notes . . 638,500.00 1,177,800.00 2,009,350.00 . . . . ... 4,318,700.00 700.00 388,450.00 . 389,150.00 ... . . . . . 0 fej H 2,100.00 636,400.00 fel 1,600.00 15,250.00 1,176, 200.00 1,994,100.00 H Pi fej 28,700.00 4,290,000.00 450.00 700.00 388,000.00 450.00 388, 700.00 > w d Pi Kj Treasury bonds: 33^% of 1940-43 33i% of 1941^3 33i%of 1941 3H% of 1943-47 334% Of 1943-45 334% of 1944-46 4%ofl944-54 23^% of 1945-47 23^% of 1945 33i% of 1940-56 3% of 1946^8 33^% of 1946-49 43^% of 1947-52 2% of 1947 2%of 1948-50 (datedMar. 16, 1941) 234% of 1948-51. l3i%of 1948 23^% of 1948 2%of 1948-50 (datedDec.8, 1939) 2%of 1949-51 (dated Jan. 15, 1942) 2% of 1949-51 (dated May 15, 1942) 2% of 1949-51 (dated July 15, 1942) 33^% of 1949-52... 23^% of 1949-53 13^% of 1950.... 2% of 1950-52 (dated Oct. 19, 1942) 23^% of 1950-52 2% of 1950-52 (dated Apr. 15, 1943) 23i% of 1951-53 2%ofl951-53 23i% of 1951-54 2%of 1951-55 3%ofl951-55 23^% of 1952-54 -.-2%of 1952-54 (dated June 26, 1944) 2% of 1952-54 (datedDec. 1, 1944) 23i% of 1952-552% of 1953-5623^% of 1954-56 2J^% of 1955-60 23^% of 1956-58 23^% of 1956-59 234% of 1956-59 -.. 23^% of 1957-69 23^% of 1958 --23^%ofl958 -Footnotes at end of table. -- .- -. - - - -- -- - - - - 8,350.00 26,800.00 8,150.00 31,500.00 92,100.00 172,100.00 61,700.00 87,150.00 2,500.00 53,400.00 39,400.00 152,950.00 150,100.00 350.00 2,000.00 6,150.00 48,500.00 4,050.00 1,500.00 150.00 14,000.00 2,000.00 17,200.00 50,650.00 227,000.00 16,300.00 59,700.00 187,500.00 48,800.00 376,000.00 70,700.00 13,550.00 404,950.00 10,800.00 350,000.00 939,500.00 13,800.00 59,850.00 --46,860.00 902,050.00 49,250.00 102,250.00 670,600.00 36,000.00 15,500.00 27,600.00 2,760.00 650.00 1,900.00 12,160.00 6,200.00 2,650.00 . 2,600.00 4,000.00 11,650.00 12,700.00 100.00 :.... . - -.. -2,100.00 4,000.00 50,500.00 -1,000.00 500.00 21,000.00 33,000.00 12,200.00 ---31,700.00 500.00 53,000.00 79,500.00 150,400.00 900.00 1,350.00 38,000.00 - 1,000.00 6,000.00 8,350.00 26,800.00 6,400.00 30,850.00 90,200.00 159,950.00 46,500.00 84,600.00 2,500.00 50,800.00 35,400.00 141,300.00 137,400.00 250.00 2,000.00 6,150.00 48,500.00 4,050.00 1,600.00 150.00 14,000.00 2,000.00 15,100.00 46,650.00 176,500.00 17,300.00 59,200.00 166,500.00 48,800.00 343,000.00 58,500.00 13,550.00 373,250.00 10,300.00 297,000.00 860,000.00 13,800.00 59,850.00 46,850.00 751,650.00 48,350.00 100,900.00 632,500.00 35,000.00 14,500.00 22,600.00 CP ^3 >; H m i^ "z^ 9 P ^ > {^ hd fel !zj O ^ X cn CR T A B L E 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding June 30,1970 Issues Issues during year tsD Transferred from interest-bearhig debt Redemptions during year Outstanding June 30,1971 * MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED—Con. Treasury bonds—Continued 23i% of 1958-63 234% of 1959-62 (dated June 1,1946) 231% of 1959-62 (dated Nov. 16, 1946) 2V^%ofl960.234% of 1960-65.. 234% of 1961 23^% of 1961.. 23^% of 1962-67 23^%ofl963-23^% of 1963-68 3% of 1964 :.-23^% of 1964r^9 (dated Apr. 15, 1943) 23^%of 1964-69 (dated Sept. 15, 1943) 25^% of 1965 23^% of 1965-70.. 334% of 1966 33^%ofl966 3% of 1966 23^% of 1966-71.. 3K%0fl967 3>g% of 1968 (dated June 23, 1960) 33^% of 1968 (dated Sept. 16, 1963) 334% of 1968 4% of 1969 (dated Aug. 15, 1962).-. 4%of 1969 (dated Oct. 1, 1967).. 4% of 1970 (dated Jan. 15, 1965) 4% of 1970 (dated June 20, 1963) -... 610,500.00 1,579,500.00 451,000.00 484,600.00 1,610,600.00 r 13,111,500.00 '1,347,000.00 Total Treasmy b o n d s . . . . . 85,776,850.00... 3% Adjusted service bonds of 1946 U.S. savings bonds: SeriesA-1935 Series B-1936. Series C-1937 Series C-1938 Series D-1939... $35,900.00 1,370,500.00 985,500.00 33,000.00 307,350.00 201,500.00 612,000.00 . . 955,500.00 269,000.00 3,432,500.00 213,000.00 10,170,600.00 10,339,600.00 338,500.00 31,334,000.00 162,500.00 67,000.00.... 314,600.00 879,200.00 - - - - -. $16,449,000.00 20,962,600.00 37,411,500.00 ' ' $6,900.00 240,000.00 164,500.00 1,000.00 34,000.00 78,500.00 99,500.00 176,900.00 25,500.00 1,188,000.00 63,000.00 3,255,000.00 6,905,000.00 65,000.00 21,096,000.00 23,000.00 26,500.00 112,000.00 103,500.00 663,600.00 279,000.00 118,500.00 697,000.00 5,842,600.00 44,600.00 $29,000.00 1,130,500.00 821,000.00 32,000.00 273,350.00 123,000.00 412,500.00 778,600.00 243,500.00 2,244,500.00 150,000.00 6,916,500.00 3,434,500.00 273,500.00 10,238,000.00 129,600.00 40,500.00 202,500.00 16,449,000.00 607,000.00 916,000.00 172,000.00 366,000.00 913,500.00 7,269,000.00 1,302,600.00 20,962,500.00 41,849,700.00 ' ' 55,400.00 81,338,650.00 ' ' 823.800.00 12,400.00 50,675.00 30,650.00 65,200.00 110,850.00 164,675.00 285,375.00 300,850.00 559,225.00 774.550.00 -. .- - -... . -. 177,075.00 336,050.00 331,500.00 614,425.00 885,400.00 h-i cb -t? Pi fej 15 £ g '^ ^ ^ 1^ W 5 ^ rn fej o pd fej 1^ > Pi KJ O ^ ^ 3 W H 2 fej M ^ Kj Series D-1940 Series D-1941 SeriesF-1941 Series F-1942 Series F-1943... Series F-1944.. SeriesF-1945 Series F-1946-.. Series F-1947 Series F-1948.... SeriesF-1949Series F-1950... SeriesF-1951 SeriesF-1952 Series F Unclassified Series G-1941 Sei'ies G-1942 Series G-1943.. Series G-1944 Seiies G-1945 Series G-1946 Series G-1947.. Series G-1948 Series G-1949 Series G-1950 Series G-1951 Series G-1952 Series G Unclassifled SeriesJ-1952 SeriesJ-1953 SeriesJ-1954 SeriesJ-1955 Sei'ies J-1956... Sei'ies J-1957 Series J Unclassified.. SeriesK-1952 Series E:-1953 Series £-1954 SeriesK-1955-. Series K-1956 Series K-1957 Series K Unclassified _ ... _ _ _ Total U.S. savings bonds Armed Forces leave bonds Fooitnotes eJt end of table. 1,693,900.00 1,827,500.00.. 288,100.00 1,038,600.00 1,567,900.00 1,314,849.05 882,625.00 485,925.00 412,750.00 199,625.00 .413,900.00 334,950.00 256,525.00. 56,925.00. "-5,900.00 275,800.00 1,215,400.00 2,216,900.00 2,792,900.00 2,604,300.00 2,274,200.00 2,781,000.00 2,418,700.00 2,769,400.00 2,701,900.00 2,305,000.00 880,000.00 14-41,600.00 462,725.00 1,120,225.00 1,956,300.00 3,207,225.00 4,390,450.00 1,658,600.00 H —40,075.00 296,000.00.. 332,500.00 630,500.00 804,500.00 1,148,000.00 334,500.00 H -8,000.00 54,599,974.05 _ 4,711,700.00 . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . 171,900.00 203,150.00 39,100.00 101,950.00 101,800.00 162,700.00 68,425.00 25,900.00 31,925.00 20,375.00 44,250.00 37,100.00 53,250.00 20,625.00 —125.00 31,700.00 151,100.00 284,600.00 345,100.00 256,600.00 271,300.00 381,000.00 250,500.00 424,400.00 405,300.00 376,200.00 155,000.00 76,000.00 95,250.00 193,075.00 400,950.00 835,575.00 1,135,300.00 543,125.00 -17,975.00 65,000.00 50,500.00 157,500.00 233,600.00 405,000.00 87,500.00 30,500.00 1,522,000.00 1,624,350.00 249,000.00 936,650.00 1,466,100.00 1,152,149.05 814,200.00 460,025.00 380,825.00 179,250.00 369,650.00 297,850.00 203,275.00 36,300.00 14-5,775.00 244,100.00 1,064,300.00 1,932,300.00 2,447,800.00 2,347,700.00 2,002,900.00 2,400,000.00 2,168,200.00 2,345,000.00 2,296,600.00 1,928,800.00 725,000.00 "-117,600.00 367,475.00 927,150.00 1,555,350.00 2,371,650.00 3,255,150.00 1,115,475.00 " —22,100.00 231,000.00 282,000.00 473,000.00 671,000.00 743,000.00 247,000.00 i* -38,500.00 .8,965,700.00 45,634,274.05 253,650.00 4,458,050.00 Ul »;;§ > [2 u^ i-9 Pt > ^4 > •TJ hj g 2^ O '"' X i_j Cn 00 Cn TABLE 34.—Changes in puhlic debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding June 30,1970 Issues during year Transferred from interest-bearing debt Redemptions during year Outstanding June 30,1971 i MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED—Con. Treasury notes: Regular series: 534% A-1924 43i%A-1925 43i% B-1925 43^% C-1925... 434%A-1926 434% B-1926.. 43^% A-1927 434% B-1927 33^% A-1930-32 33^% B-1930-32. 33^% C-1930-32. _ 3% A-1935... 23^% C-1936 334% A-1937.... 23^% B-1938 23^% D-1938.. 23^%A-1939-. 13^% B-1939... 13^% A-1940 13^% A-1943 1% C-1943 34% A-1945— 13^% B-1947.134% C-1947 13^% A-1948. 134% G-1951.. 13^% A-1954 13^% B-1954.... 134% B-1955 2% B-1956. 234%A-1957. 23^% A-1958. 33^% B-1969 33^% A-1960... 334% B-1960... 434% C-1960... 4% A-1961—._ - - -.. $6,200.00 1,000.00 6,600.00 6,700.00 2,600.00 600.00 2,200.00 9,500 00 12,700.00 9,300.00 6,550.00 3,000.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 . 1,400.00 10,200.00 100.00 150.00 3,000.00 300.00 100.00 7,000.00 27,000.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 28,000.00 29,000.00 1,000.00 13,000.00 1,000.00 28,000.00 64,000.00 . - . .- . . . . . . . . . .... .. ..: $2,000.00 5,000.00 . ..'. 3,000.00 $6,200.00 1,000.00 6,600.00 5,700.00 2,600.00 600.00 2,200.00 9,500.00 12,700.00 9,300.00 6,550.00 3,000.00 5,500.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 1,400.00 10,200.00 100.00 150.00 3,000.00 300.00 100.00 7,000.00 27,000.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 5,000.00 26,000.00 24,000.00 1,000.00 13,000.00 1,000.00 28,000.00 51,000.00 Pi fej *^ 2 H^ ^ M H ^ ^n ^ o ^ fej H > Pi KJ O ^ ^ H ffi feJ [3 g g g: JH ^ Kj3 3 ^ % B-1961.-. 3 ^ % A-1962... 4 % B-1962 334% C-1962 4% D-1962 4% E-1962 334% F-1962 334% G-1962 334% H - 1 9 6 2 . 23^% A-1963 4 % B-1963 43^% C-1963 3 H % D-1963. 434% A-1964 5% B-1964. 43^% C - 1 9 6 4 . . . 334% D-1964 334% E-1964 4 ^ % A-1965 33^% B-1965 3 K % C-1965 33^% D-1965 ( d a t e d A p r . 8,1964).. 4% E-1965 4 % A-1966. 33^% B - 1 9 6 6 . . . 33^% C-1966 , 4 % D-1966 4 % E-1966 334% A - 1 9 6 7 . . . 3 ^ % B-1967 4 % C-1967 434% D - 1 9 6 7 . . 43^% E-1967.. 43^%F-1967_ 53^% A - 1 9 6 8 . . 434% B-1968 43^% C - 1 9 6 8 . . . . 53^% D-1968 53^% A-1969 5 ^ % B-1969.... 6% C-1969 .' 5% A-1970 63^% B-1970 6 3 i % C-1970 634% A-1971 -63^% C-1971. 734% D-1971 8% E-1971 Fooitnotes at end of table. 16,000.00 4,000.00 50,000. 00 42,000.00 27,000. 00 19,000.00 6, 000. 00 3,000.00 8,000.00 34,000.00 167, 000. 00 268, 000.00 8,000.00 864, 000.00 1, 534,000.00 208,000. 00 16,000.00 49, 000.00 391,000. 00 26,000.00 26,000.00 10, 000. 00 27,000.00 91,000.00 20,000.00 9, 000.00 216,000.00 26,000. 00 61,000.00 32,000.00 54,000.00 136,000.00 22,000.00 25,000.00 131,000.00 52,000.00 16,000.00 61,000.00 295,000.00 385,000.00 1,421,000.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 000. 00 4,000.00 8, 000. 00 2,000. 00 47,000.00 65,000. 00 3,000. 00 183,000. 00 313,000. 00 43,000.00 1, 000.00 7, 000. 00 131, 000.00 5,000. 00 8,000.00 4, 000.00 10,000. 00 6,000.00 95,000.00 6, 000.00 8,000.00 20, 000.00 2,000.00 71,000.00 3,000. 00 13,000.00 46,000.00 52,000.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000.00 136,000.00 287,000.00 824,000.00 $4,220,000.00 . 2,112,000. 00 5,822,000. 00 2,369,000.00 . 6,145,000.00 . 16,670,000.00 14,648,000.00 6,220,000. 00 2,126,000. 00 . . . . 16,000. 00 3,000.00 46,000. 00 34,000. 00 27,000.00 19,000. 00 6,000. 00 3,000. 00 8,000.00 32,000. 00 120,000. 00 203,000.00 5,000. 00 681,000. 00 1,221,000. 00 165,000.00 15,000.00 42,000. 00 260,000. 00 21,000.00 18,000. 00 10,000.00 23,000. 00 81,000.00 15,000.00 9,000.00 121,000. 00 20,000.00 43,000. 00 12, 000.00 52,000.00 65,000. 00 19,000. 00 12,000.00 85,000. 00 Ul > o > > yn yn fej "^ s X 16, 000. 00 26, 000. 00 169,000. 00 98, 000.00 597,000. 00 4,220, 000. 00 257,000. 00 323,000.00 15, 570,000. 00 14,648,000.00 6,220,000. 00 2,126. 000. 00 CTI Cn TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding June 30, 1970 Issues Issues during year Transferred from interest-bearing debt O Redemptions during year Outstanding June 30,1971 i MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED—Con. Treasury Notes—Continued Regular series—Continued 13^% EA-1956 13^% EO-1958-... iWVo EA-1961 13^% EO-1961 13^% EA-1962.. 13^% EA-1963.-.. 13^% EO-1963 13^% EA-1964 13^% EO-1964 13^% EA-1965 13^% EO-1965 13^% EA-1966 13^% EO-1966.. 13^% EA-1967 13^% EO-1967 13^% EA-1968......:..:..............:.......... 13^% EO-1968.. : 13^% EA-1969.. 13^% EO-1969.-.. 13^% EA-1970 13^% EO-1970 13^% EA-1971.-. Tax series: A-1943. B-1943 A-1944 B-1944 A-1945 . Savings series: C-1946 C-1947 C-1948 C-1949 , C-1950 C-1951 D-1951 D-1952 $1,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 203,000.00 201,000.00 85,000.00 . . 200,000.00 427,000.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 202,000.00 400,000.00 607,000.00 216,000.00 1,000.00 77,000.00 - 4,550.00' 600.00 6,725.00 2,000.00 58,775.00 . . . 27,000.00 92,100.00 . . 67,200.00 9,600.00 5,800.00 700.00 1,500.00 7,500.00 ... $14,000.00 13,000.00 , ." . $2,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 72,000.00 200.00 500.00 1,600.00 1,000.00 2,400.00 1,900.00 600.00 $1,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 203,000.00 201,000.00 85,000.00 200,000.00 427,000.00 200,000.00 400,000.00 202,000.00 400,000.00 605,000.00 210,000.00 5,000.00 14,000.00 13,000.00 4,350.00 100.00 6,725.00 2,000.00 57,176.00 26,000.00 89,700.00 65,300.00 9,600.00 5,800.00 700.00 1,500 CO 7.000 GO •_» co ^1 Pi fej h:^ 2 ^ ^ ^ 2 ^ ^_3 3 H ^ ^n ^ >< M fej H^ > Pi KJ O ^ y^ W t=J ^ g ra ^ X^ hi Kj3 D-1953 A-1954 A-1955 B-1955 3,400.00 15,700.00 41,100.00 1,200.00 Total Treasmy notes.... Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s : T a x series: 43^% T-10 434% TM-1921 • 6% T J - 1 9 2 1 - . 6% TS-1921 6% T D - 1 9 2 1 53^% TS2-1921. 6 3 i % TM-1922 43^% TS2-1922 43^% TD-1922 . 434% TM-1923 3 3 ^ % TS-1923 43^% TM-1924 4% TM-1925 43^% TJ-1929 53^% T M - 1 9 3 0 . . . . . . . . . . 13^% TS-1932 : =. 334% TM-1933 '. 2% Fii'st-Matm*ed Mar. 15, 1933 434% T D - 2 - 1 9 3 3 Regular; 43^% IVA-1918 .. .. 5 3 i % G-1920 53^% H-1921 53^%A-1922 334%A-1933 _... >g% B-1944 3 ^ % E-1944 3 ^ % A-1945 3 i % C-1945 3^% K-1946.. 3 ^ % r-1947 ...-3 ^ % C-1948 13i%A-1950 . . - - 1 1 - -Vyi%C-1952 . -i 23^% B-1954 33^% A-1958 43^%A-1961 4 3 i % B-1961 .'. 19,259,150.00 42,811,000.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 11,000.00 3,700.00 1,000.00 I .. 500.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,000.00 500.00 11,000.00 11,000.00 53,000.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 15,000.00 26,000.00 10,000.00 3,400.00 15,700.00 41,100.00 1,200.00 10,471,100.00 61,599,050.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,100.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 11,000.00 3,700.00 1,000.00 - . 5,000.00 ..... 15,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 6,000.00 11,000.00 63,000.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 15,000.00 11,000.00 10.000.00 cP J^ > H ^ h9 KH ^ fi > ^n ^g Izj O ^ F o o i t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . Or Ol TABLE 34.—Changes in puhlic debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding June 30,1970 Issues Issues during year CO Transferred from interest-bearhig debt Redemptions during year ^ Outstanding June 30,19711 ____^^_ » - * MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CBIASED—Con. Certificates of indebtedness—Continued Regular—Continued 3% A-1962 334% B-1963 3 k % D-1963 334% B-1964 43€% A-1966 534% A-1967..... Total certificatesof indebtedness Treasm-y biUs, raatmity date: June6, 1940 Jan. 14, 1942 Feb. 3, 1943 July29, 1954 MaylO, 1956 ..Apr.24,1968 : ........................... May 16, 1969 Sept. 3, 1959 Jan. 14, 1'960 July 16, 1960 July21, 1960 July 28, 1960 Aug. 4, 1960 A u g . l l , 1960 -Jan. 16,1961 Jan. 26,1961 -July 27, 1961 Mar.l, 1962 --Apr.l6, 1964 Apr.30, 1966 -July 8, 1965 Sept. 16, 1965 Sept.30, 1965 -... Mar. 10, 1966.. Mar.24, 1966Apr. 28,1966 MaylO, 1966.. i_i co ^ $1,000.00 9,000.00 17,000.00 1,000.00 40,000.00 6,000.00 255,300.00 • --........... ---- -.. - - -.. -. -- 30,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 16,000.00 1,000.00 20,060.00 1,000.00 11,000.00 ..6,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 39,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 60,000.00 19,000.00 75,000.00 25,000.00 1,009.00 1,000.00 11,000.00 . 1 $25,000.00 4,000.00 49,000.00 . .. 30,000.00 .... ---- .. -- . --. 10,000.00 -- - - - 6,000.00 -- -.. 60,000.00 ..---.. 76,000.00 10,000.00 $1,000.00 9,000.00 17,000.00 1,000.00 16,000.00 1,000.00 206,300.00 4,000.00 1^,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 16,000.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 34,000.90 1,000.00 10,000.00 7,000.00 12,000.00 2,000.00 19,000.00 26,000.00 10,600.00 1,000.00 1.000.00 W fej J5 2 pi "^ ^ 2 ^ o M ^ hci n ^ fej H > Pi K^ O ^ _ H ffi ^=1 t2 2 ^ g; ^ ^ ZJ ^ May 26, 1966 June 16, 1966 June 23, 1966 July 31, 1966 ----Aug. 4, 1966 --Sept. 22, 1966 Oct. 13, 1966 Oct. 20, 1966 Nov. 3, 1966 Dec. 8, 1966 Dec. 15, 1966 Dec.31, 1966 Jan. 12, 1967 Jan.26, 1967 ..-Feb. 23, 1967 Mar. 30, 1967 : Mar. 31, 1967 Apr. 6, 1967..-. Apr. 13, 1967 Apr.20, 1967.... Apr.21, 1967.... Apr. 27, 1967 Apr. 30, 1967 May 4, 1967 May 11, 1967 May 18,1967 May25, 1967 June8,1967 Junel5,1967 June22,1967 June30,1967 July 6, 1967 July27, 1967 July 31, 1967 Aug. 10, 1967 Aug. 31, 1967 Sept. 28, 1967 Sept.30,1967 Oct. 13, 1967 Oct.26,1967 Oct.31,1967 Nov. 30, 1967 Dec. 28, 1967 Feb. 1, 1968 Feb.8, 1968 Feb. 29, 1968 Mar.28,1968...Mar.31,1968 --.. Fooitnotes a t end of table. -,. - -- - -.. . . ... . . . . . -- - -. ... :.. .-.. ... .. ... --- 60,000.00 2,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 7,000.00 16,000.00 3,000.00 60,000.00. 8,000.00 1,000.00 100,000.00 37,000.00 1,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 1,000,00 60,000.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 . 100,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 9,000.00. 26,000.00 20,000.00 21,000.00 24,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 63,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 842,000.00 81,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 70,000.00..--" 7,000.00 3,000.00 --- -.-- ..-- 2,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 7,000.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 18,000.00 . 4,000.00 100,000.00 6,000.00 ... 10,000.00 20,000.00 24,000.00 60,000.00 . 5,000.00 -.. 645,000.00 ....... 1,000.00 10,000.00... ..... . . 2,000.00 60,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 16,000.00 3,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 19,000.00 1,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 60,000.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 6,000.00 9,000.00 25,000.00 21,000.00 60,000.00 CP [-3 > ^ ^ H^ Pt \^ ft > yn hd g 25 O H ^* 63,000.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 197,000.00 81,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 ' 70,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 ^ CO c::> o TABLE 34.—Changes in public debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding J u n e 30, 1970 Issues Issues d u r i n g year Transferred from interest-bearing debt Redemptions d u r i n g year Outstanding J u n e 30, 1971 i Pi g MATURED DEBT ON W H I C H INTEREST HAS CEASED—Con. T r e a s u r y bUls, m a t m i t y d a t e — C o n t i n u e d A p r . 22, 1968 A p r . 30, 1968 M a y 9, 1968 M a y 23, 1968 M a y 31, 1968 -J u n e O , 1968 . 24, 1908 J u n e 27, 1968 J u n e 3 0 , 1968 J u l y 5, 1968.... J u l y 11. 196.S J u l y 31, 1968 A u g . 8, 1908 A u g . 15, 1968 A u g . 29, 1968 A u g . .31, 1 9 6 8 . . . . . . . Sept.5,1968. ...1 Sept. 12, 1968 Sept. 19, 1968 Sept. 26 1968 '. Sept. 30, 1968 Oct. 10. 1968 Oct. 24, V7v;i>. ^•±, 1968 luuo N o v . 21. 1968 N o v . 30, 1968 D e c . 5, 1968 D e c . 19, 1968 D e c . 26, 1 9 6 8 . . . . D e c . 31, 1968 J a n . 2, 1 9 6 9 . . . . J a n . 16. 1969 J a n . 30. 1969 J a n . 31. 1969 F e b . 6. 1969 F e b . 13, 1969 F e b . 20. 1969 F e b . 27, 1969 -.. ------ -.. - $300,000.00 40,000.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 288,000.00 50,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 11,000.00 501,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 6,000,00 209,000.00 78,000.00 . . 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 i i i , uuu. UU 60.000.00 148,000.00 27,000.00 65,000.00 4,000.00 34,000.00 16,000.00. 2,000.00 3,000.00 23,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 - --- $300,000.00 40,000.00 - - .- $10,000.00 3,000.00 - --.- -.. 288,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 51,000.00 3,000.00 11,000.00 501,000.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 207,000.00 28,000.00 2,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 ' 60,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 65,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 rn fej O pi feJ H > ^ KJ O ^ 12,000.00 i^,uuu.uu . 28,000.00 6,000.00 H H 5 2,000.00 5,000.00 137,000.00 17,000.00 2 3 ^ o w 23,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 .5,000.00 8,000.00 1^ i_j ffi ^J ^ 2 g ^ XH ^ Tu ^ Feb. 28. 1969 Mar. 6, 1969. Mar. 13, 1969 Mar. 20, 1969 Mar. 24, 1969 Mar. 27, 1969 Apr. 3. 1969 Apr. 10, 1969 Apr. 17. 1969A p r . 2 2 . 1969A p r . 24, 1969 A p r . 30, 1969 M a y 1, 1969 M a y 8. 1969 M a y 15, 1969. M a y 22, 1969 May29,1969 May31,1969 June5,1969 Junel9,1969 J u n e 23, 1969.. June26,1969 June30,1969 July3,1969 J u l y 10. 1969 J u l y 17, 1969 July24,1969 J u l y 31, 1969 A u g . 7, 1969 A u g . 14, 1969 A u g . 21, 1969 A u g . 28, 1969..... Sept. 4,1969 Sept. 11, 1969 Sept. 25, 1969 Sept. 30, 1969 Oct. 2. 1969 Oct. O; 1969 Oct. 16, 1969 Oct. 23, 1969 Oct. 30 1969 Oct. 31, 1969. N o v . 6. 1969 N o v . 13. 1969. N o v . 20'. 1969 N o v . 28, 1969 N o v . 30, 1969 -.. '. - ..- F o o i t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . - .. . 1 --- - .- 74,000.00 130,000.00 70.000.00 18,000.00 1.000.00 10,000.00 45.000.00 67,000.00 26,000.00 325,000.00 61,000.00 24,000.00 1,000.00 105,000.00 60,000.00 18,000.00 49,000.00 54,000.00 8,000.00 48.000.00 445,000.00 79,000.00 98,000.00 54,000.00... 123,000.00 108,000.00 42,000.00 45,000.00 73,000.00 --.. 34,000.00 ..106,000.00 230,000.00 492,000.00 56,000.00 1,049,000.00 35,000.00 49,000.00 1,222,000.00 . 36,000.00 27,000.00 34,000.00 86,000.00 73,000.00 54,000.00 . - - 67,000.00 124,000.00 141,000.00 10,000.00 110,00u.00 70,000.00 64,000.00 20,000.00 ... 18,000.00 1,000.00 10.000.00 45,000.00 20,000.00 304,000.00 10,000.00 9,000.00 - . -.- 76,000.00 40,000.00 9,000.00 44,000.00 - 19,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 395,000.00 4,000.00 12,000.00 28,000.00 121,000.00 16,000.00 25,000.00 45,000.00 73,000.00 29,000.00 70,000.00 30,000.00 446,000.00 46,000.00 1,015,000.00 23,000.00 36,000.00 1,186,000.00 34,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 82,000.00 24,000.00. 21,000.00 52,000.00 124,000.00 141,009.00 57,000.00 6,000.00 2L000.00 51,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 9,000.00 6,000.00 35,000.00 5,000.00 33,000.00 50,000.00 75,000.00 86.000.00 26,000.00 2,000.00 92,000.00 17,000.00 5,000.00 36,000.00 200,000.00 46,000.00 10,000.00 34,000.00 12,000.00 13,000.00 36,000.00 2,000.00 16,000.00 24,000.00 4,000.00 49,000.00 33,000.00 5,000.00 f/j t^ > H ^ ij JH ^2 "^ > P^ Hrf fel !zj ^ fej X ,__i TABLE 34.—Changes in puhlic debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding J u n e 30,1970 Issues Issues d u r i n g year fcO T r a n s f e r r e d from interest-bearing debt Redemptions d u r i n g year Outstanding J u n e 30,19711 • >-' MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED-Con. T r e a s m y bills, m a t u r i t y d a t e — C o n t i n u e d Dec. 4, 1969 Dec. 11, 1969. Dec. 18, 1969 Dec. 22, 1969 D e c . 2 6 , 1969 D e c . 3 1 , 1969 J a n . 2 , 1970 J a n . 8 , 1970 J a n . 15, 1970 J a n . 22, 1970 J a n . 2 9 , 1970 J a n . 3 1 , 1970 F e b . 5, 1970 F e b . 13, 1970 F e b . 19, 1970 F e b . 26, 1970 F e b . 28, 1970 Mar. 5, 1970 ... Mar. 12, 1970 Mar. 19, 1970 Mar. 23, 1970 Mar. 26, 1970 • Mai'.31, 1970 . . $20,000.00 49,000.00 2,093,000.00 30,000.00 23,000.00 129,000.00 125,000.00 251,000.00 201,000.00 264,000.00 125,000.00 194,000.00 162,000.00 212,000.00 164,000.00 484,000.00 191,000.00 690,000.00 858,000.00 466,000.00 3,539,000.00 356,000.00 519,000.00 . . $20,000.00 13,000.00 2,093,000.00 30,000.00 22,000.00 94,000.00 124,000.00 131,000.00 70,000.00 264,000.00 125,000.00 192,000.00 120,000.00 192,000.00 141,000.00 293,000.00 176,000.00 538,000.00 718,000.00 443,000.00 3,410,000.00 -321,000.00 505,000.00 Apr.2, 1970 Apr. 9, 1970 Apr. 16, 1970 Apr. 22, 1970 2,760,000.00 3,697,000.00 964,000.00 10,340,000.00 2,714,000.00 3,675,000.00 917,000.00 10,158,000.00 A p r . 23, 1970 Apr.30,1970 M a y 7, 1970 M a y 14, 1970 M a y 2 1 , 1970 M a y 28, 1970 M a y 3 1 , 1970 J u n e 4 , 1970 J u n e 11, 1970 J u n e 18, 1970 J u n e 2 2 , 1970 1,276,000.00 2,287,000.00 2,343,000.00 2,587,000.00 2,115,000.00 2,080,000.00 1,609,000.00 3,162,000.00 4,666,000.00 6,900,000.00 8,346,000.00 1,179,000.00 2,216,000.00 2,259,000.00 2,461,000.00 2,111,000.00 2,023,000.00 1,381,000.00 3,114,000.00 4,597,000.00 6,829,000.00 8,146,000.00 H-I cb -^ $36,000.00 . 1,000.00 35,000.00 1,000.00 120,000.00 131,000.00 . 2,000.00 42,000.00 20,000.00 23,000.00 191,000.00 15,000.00 52,000.00 140,000.00 23,000.00 129,000.00 35,000.00 14,000.00 pi fel h^ 2 ^ ^ _ 2 ^ ^q 3 H ^ ^n ^ fS hj fej y^ > pi KJ O ^ 46,000.00 S 22,000.00 ffi 47,000.00 t?=J 182,000.00 97,000.00 71,000.00 84,000.00 126,000.00 4,000.00 57,000.00 128,000.00 48,000.00 69,000.00 71,000.00 200.000.00 ^ Pi Sl > S 2 3 ^ June 25, 1970. June30, 1970 July 2, 1970 July 9, 1970 July 16. 1970 July 23. 1970 July 30, 1970 July 31. 1970 Aug. 6, 1970 Aug. 13, 1970 Aug. 20, 1970 Aug. 27. 1970 Aug. 31, 1970 Sept.3. 1970 Sept. 10, 1970 Sept. 17, 1970 Sept. 24. 1970 Sept. 30. 1970-..Oct. 1, 1970... Oct.8,1970.. Oct. 15, 1970. Oct. 22. 1970 Oct. 29. 1970 Oct.31. 1970 Nov. 12, 1970 Nov. 19, 1970 Nov. 27. 1970 Nov. 30, 1970. Dec. 3, 1970 Dec. 10. 1970 Dec. 17. 1970 Dec. 24. 1970. Dec. 31. 1970. Jan. 7, 1971 Jan. 14, 1971 Jan. 21,1971 Jan. 28, 1971 Jan.31. 1971 Feb.4, 1971 Feb. 11, 1971 Feb. 18. 1971 Feb. 25. 1971. Feb. 28, 1971 Mar. 4, 1971 Mar. 11, 1971... Mar. 18, 1971 Fooitnotes a t end of table. . . . 13,700,000.00 58,830,000.00 . . -- - .. .... . . ... . . ... ... ... . : . - -... ... : $38,000.00 42,000.00 60,000.00 135,000.00 122,000.00 184,000.00 73,000.00 103,000.00 98.000.00 69,000.00 133,000.00 120,000.00 50,000.00 20,000.00 30.000.00 368,000.00 370,000.00 90,000.00 30,000.00 120,000.00 90.000.00 128,000.00 170,000.00 60,000.00 180,000.00 187.000.00 45.000.00 60,000.00 96.000.00 490,000.00.. 609,000.00 265,000.00 280,000.00 325,000.00 515,000.00 912,000.00 120,000.00 170,000.00 370,000.00 700,000.00 1,380,000.00 700,000.00 495,000.00 385,000.00 13,668,000.00 58,699,000.00 • . ...-- : 32,000.00 131,000.00 38,000.00 42,000.00 60.000.00 135,000.00 122.000.00 184,000.00 73,000.00 103,000.00 98,000.00 69,000.00 133,000.00 120,000.00 60.000.00 20,000.00 30,000.00 368,000.00 370,000.00 90,000.00 30,000.00 120,000.00 90,000.00 128,000.00 170,000.00 60,000.00 180,000.00 187,000.00 45,000.00 60,000.00 96,000.00 490,000.00 609.000.00 265,000.00 280,000.00 325.000.00 515,000.00 912,000.00 120,000.00 170,000.00 370,000.00 700.000.00 1,380,000.00 700,000.00 495,000.00 385,000.00 CP J;^ > 3 ui t-5 Pt s^ p J> Hd hd M "^ O X CO TABLE 34.—Changes in puhlic debt issues, fiscal year 1971—Continued Outstanding June 30, 1970 Issues Issues during year Transferred from interest-bearing debt Redemptions during year Outstanding June 30,1971 i MATURED DEBT ON WHICH INTEREST HAS CEASED—Con. Treasury bills, maturity date—Continued Mar. 22, 1971 Mar. 25, 1971 Mar. 31, 1971 Apr. 1, 1971 Apr. 8, 1971 Apr. 15, 1971 Apr. 22, 1971 Apr. 29, 1971 Apr. 30, 1971 May 6, 1971 May 13, 1971 ..-May 20, 1971 May27, 1971 May 31, 1971 'June 3, 1971 June 10, 1971 June 17, 1971 June 22, 1971. June24, 1971 June 30, 1971 Total Treasui'y biUs - Treasury savings certificates: Issued Dec. 15, 1921 Issued Sept. 30, 1922 Issued Dec. 1, 1923 Total Treasmy savhigs certificates Total matmed debt on which interest has ceased ---- $200,000.00 425,000.00 920,000.00 540,000.00 620,000.00 635,000.00 4,540,000.00 630,000.00 1,730,000.00 1,450,000.00 980,000.00 1,106,000.00 665,000.00 1,955,000.00 635,000.00 1,690,000.00 740,000.00 1,305,000.00 1,993,000.00 34,499,000.00 --- 68,043,000.00 - - - - - --- --- --- - - . - ---.---- --.-.-...----...... ----- --- - $148,981,000.00 - 7,776.00 44,725.00 14,175.00 66,675.00 320,755,169.31 148,265,600.00 - ...... $200,000.00 425,000.00 920,000.00 540,000.00 620,000.00 535,000.00 4,540,000.00 630,000.00 1,730,000.00 1,450,000.00 980,000.00 1,105,000.00 665,000.00 1,955,000.00 635,000.00 1,690,000.00 740,000.00 1,305,000.00 1,993,000.00 34,499,000.00 ^ fej ^Tj O Pi H O ^ . H ffi EJ g ^ \A M ^ > ^' KJ O fej H W fel $143,029,000.00 73,995,000.00 176.00 7,600.00 44,725.00 14,175.00 g M > g 176.00 66,500.00 ^ 204,707,496.00 264,313,164.31 DEBT BEARING NO I N T E R E S T Mortgage Guaranty Insm-ance Company tax and loss bonds.. U.S. savings staraps Excess proflts tax refund bonds: Firstseries.. Second sei'ies Special note ofthe United States: International Monetary Fund U.S. notes Old demand notes National and Federal Reserve bank notes Fractional currency Old series currency,_. Silver certificates Thrift and Treasm-y savings stamps Total debt bearing no interest Total gross public debt 15 14, 715,958.09 57, 242,137. 41 . 7,856,873.25 346,039.87 . 253,838. 43 . 288.98 1,439.64 1,160,000,000.00 19,403,470. 47 49,385,264.16 750. 89 252, 398. 79 1,654,648.60 20.75 56,434.00 2,503,184.00 304. 25 825,000, 000. 00 322,639, 016. 00 52, 917. 50 74,072, 911. 50 1,965, 093. 95 4,788, 307. 00 217,462, 365. 00 3,697, 474. 00 1,164,687,512.38 1,172,073,193.37 1,618,964,969. 26 370,848,004,491.38 389,857,376,696.69 362,641,827,029.36 8,063,554,058. 72 825,000,000.00 322,539,016.00 52,917.50 75,727,560.00 1,965,114. 70 4,844,741.00 219,966,549.00 3,697,778.25 1,626,350,650.25 I" Revised. 1 Reconciliation by classes to the basis of the daily Treasury stateraent is shown in summary table 26. 2 Treasury biUs are shown at raaturity value. 3 Consists of a strip issued on Dec. 2,1970, of additional amounts of seven series of outstanding Treasury biUs dated from July 9 through Aug. 20, 1970, and maturing each week Jan. 7 through Feb. 18,1971. 4 $300,650,000 issued Dec. 2,1970 (see footnote 3). * Consists of a strip issued on Feb. 26, 1971, of additional amounts of six series of outstanding Treasury biUs dated frora Nov. 27 through Dec. 31, 1970, and maturing each week May 27 through July 1,1971. <* $200,616,000 issued Feb. 26,1971 (see footnote 5). 7 Consists of a strip issued on May 25,1971, of additional amounts of eight series of outstanding Treasury biUs dated from Dec. 24,1970, through Feb. 11,1971, and maturing each week June 24 through Aug. 12,1971. 8^$201,030,000 issued May 25, 1971 (see footnote 7). $4,687,512. 38 . . . . . . . . 1,160,000,000.00 9 Consists of a strip issued on Apr. 6, 1971, of additional amounts of 11 series of outstanding Treasury biUs dated from Jan. 7 through Mar. 18, 1971, and maturing each week July 8 through Sept. 16, 1971. 10 $200,620,000 issued Apr. 6, 1971 (see footnote 9). 11 Amounts issued and rethed for series E savhigs bonds and for savings notes include accrued discount; araounts outstanding are stated at current rederaption values. 12 Amounts issued, retired, and outstanding for rethement plan bonds are stated at par with semiannual interest added when due. 13 Consists of issues in which there have been no transactions since fiscal 1956, for amount of each issue outstanding (unchanged since June 30, 1956) see 1956 Annual Report, page 435. 14 Excess of unclassified redemptions over unclassified sales. 15 Includes public debt incurred to finance expenditures of whoUy owned Government corporations and other business-type activities in exchange for which their securities were issued to the Treasury (see table 107). Ul Ul Q > > *n hd fel I-H X Ol 166 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing puhlic debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971 [On basis of daily Treasmy statements, supplemented by special statements by the Bm-eau of the Public Debt on public debt transactions] Date Secmities Rate of interest 1 Araount issued 2 Amount raatured or called or redeeraed prior to matmity 3 1970 Percent July 1 Treasury certificates, matm'ing: July 1,1970 6.330 . $2,071.43 $2,104.21 , Oct. 1,1970 6.421 Treasury bonds, maturing July 1, 1980 76,000,000.00 . 33^ Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturhig: 6.60 70,000,000. 00 July 23, 1970... 6.80 Sept. 11, 1970 100,000,000.00 Treasury bills: Regular weekly: 3,001,941,000.00 Dated Jan. 2,1970 4 7.038 . 6.422 1,806,580,000. 00 . Matming Oct. 1, 1970 6.602 Matming Dec. 31, 1970 1,303,120,000.00 . Treasury certificates, maturing: 6.330 . July 3, 1970 1,618,938.50 6.421 1,644,568.20 . Oct. 3, 1970 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: 6.46 450,000,000.00 . Oct. 6, 1970 6.65 Oct. 7, 1970 10,000,000.00 . Treasury notes, foreign series, raaturing 6.40 Nov. 2, 1970 327,200.81 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: 6.40 271,017,399.32 July 8,1970 6.65 271,017,399. 32 . Oct. 8,1970 Treasury biUs: Regular monthly: 7.079 . Matming June 30, 1971 -30,000.00 . Adjustraents of issues Tax anticipation: 6.462 2,616,670,000.00 . Matming Mar. 22,1971 Regular weekly: 4 7. 043 . 3,009,340,000. 00 Dated Jan. 8,1970 1,800,630,000.00 . 6. 643 Matming Oct. 8, 1970.._ .. 1,311,120,000.00 . 6.657 Maturing Jan. 7, 1971 Treasury notes, foreign currency series, maturing: 6.20 , 30,040,439.06 July 9,1970. 7.30 30,198,847.80 . Oct. 8, 1971 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, 6.66 , 100, 000,000.00 matming Sept. 24, 1970 Treasury notes, foreign series, maturing 2,464,913. 26 6.40 . Nov. 2, 1970 Treasury bills: Regular weekly: 6.783 . Matming Sept. 10,1970. 10,000.00 . Adjustments of issues Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, matming: 6.66 100,000,000.00 . Oct. 14, 1970 6. 424 . 250,000,000.00 July 16, 1970 . "256,'6oo,"ooo."oo'. 6.424 Oct. 16, 1970 Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: 3,007,674,000.00 *6.900 . Dated Jan. 16,1970 1,803,340,000.00 . 6.647 Matming Oct. 16,1970 1,304,630,000.00 . 6.644 Maturing Jan. 14.1971 7.201 . Maturing Nov. 12,1970 100,000.00 Adjustments of issues Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: 100,000,000.00 6.65 Oct. 14,1970 20,000,000.00 , 6.40 Oct. 22, 1970 Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: 3,006,897,000.00 4 6.951 Dated Jan. 22, 1970.. 6.386 1,801,640,000.00 Maturing Oct. 22, 1970 6.442 1,299,830,000.00 Maturing Jan. 21,1971 Tax anticipation: 6.504 2,260,790,000.00 Maturing Apr. 22,1971 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign currency series, maturing: 99,791,134.83 July 23, 1970 6.76 100,006,977.23 , Jan. 22,1971 Footnotes a t end of table. 167 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 35.—Issue's, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Secmities 1970 J u l y 23 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 7 1 . . 24 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: Oct. 23.1970--.. Oct. 27, 1970. --.27 Oct. 27. 1970 Oct. 28. 1970. 28 Oct. 29, 1970 29 29 T r e a s u r y notes, foreign currency series, maturing: J u l y 29, 1970 -... O c t . 29. 1971 T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular weekly: D a t e d J a n . 29,1970 M a t u r i n g Oct. 29,1970 M a t m i n g J a n . 28,1971 Regular monthly: D a t e d J u l y 31.1969M a t u r i n g A p r . 30,1971.. M a t m i n g J u l y 31,1971 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g : J u l y 31.1970 --Oct. 31, 1970 J u n e 30,1971 U . S . savings b o n d s : s SeriesE-1941 --. Series E-1942 Series E-1943 SeriesE-1944. Series E-1945 SeriesE-1946 Series E-1947. Series E-1948 Series E-1949 Series E-1950 Series E - 1 9 5 1 . . . Series E-1952 ( J a n u a r y to April) Series E-1952 (May to Deceraber) Series E-1953 Series E-1954 Series E-1955 Series E - 1 9 5 6 . . Series E-1957 ( J a n u a r y ) Series E-1957 ( F e b r u a r y to Deceraber) Series E-1958 Series E-1959 ( J a n u a r y to May) Sei'ies E-1959 (June to December) SeriesE-1960 Series E-1961 SeriesE-1962 .-. SeriesE-1963 Sei'ies E-1964 Sei'ies E-1965 ( J a n u a r y t o N o v e m b e r ) Series E-1965 (December) Series E-1966 .-.. Series E-1967 Series E-1968 ( J a n u a r y t o May) Series E-1968 (June to D e c e m b e r ) Sei'ies E-1969 ( J a n u a r y to May) Sei'ies E-1969 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) Series E - 1 9 7 0 . . . Unclassified sales a n d r e d e m p t i o n s Sei'ies H-1962 Series H - 1 9 5 3 . . . . Sei'ies H - 1 9 5 4 . . SeriesH-1955 Series H-1956. Series H-1957 ( J a n u a r y ) Series H-1967 ( F e b r u a r y to D e c e m b e r ) Series H-1958 Series H-1959 ( J a n u a r y t o May) Series H-1959 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) — SeriesH-1960 SeriesH-1961.... SeriesH-1962 F o o i t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . R a t e of interest 1 Percent 3.60 A m o u n t issued 2 Araount matured or called or r e d e e m e d prior to m a t m i t y 3 $1,187.76 6.40 6.40 6.40 6.35 6.36 30,000,000.00 . 215,000,000.00 . 45,000,000.00 . 15,000,000.00 . 10,000,000.00 . 7.23 39,642,240.42 . $39,475,2n. 89 3,001,596,000.00 4 7.236 6.347 6.429 1,801,090,000.00 . 1,300,670,000.00 . 4 7.293 6.467 6.380 600,280,000.00 . 1,202,410,000,00 . 6.876 6.346 3.50 . 6 3. 340 8 3. 397 6 3.460 6 3. 521 6 3.675 6 3.661 6 3.719 6 3.780 6 3.883 6 3. 963 6 3.735 3.570 6 3.633 6 3.696 6 3.782 6 3.866 6 4.001 4.080 6 4. 217 6 4.308 4.370 6 4.380 6 4.433 6 4.506 6 4. 558 6 4.315 6 4.173 6 4.266 4.420 4.449 4.555 4.640 5.035 4.800 5.000 5.000 6 3.539 . 6 3.598 6 3.673 6 3.743 6 3.854 3.920 6 4.120 6 4.202 4.270 6 4.322 6 4.336 6 4.165 6 4.064 . 1,702,317,000.00 1,289,030.03 1,311,188.46 . "ii,'i44,'323.'85 679,374.06 4,454,628.32 4,701,58L24 8,839,366.99 4,670, 119. 22 3,768,331.81 4.672,242.28 4,997,071.65 5,610, 280.03 6,008; 268. 51 4,399 953.64 2,428;436.26 3,444, 518. 57 3,877, 102.16 4,120, 784.28 4,320,076.08 4,442, 443.41 588.63 4, 625,022.05 4,910,339. 65 2, 508,453.11 2,616, 189.06 5,172,864.64 6, 292,516.21 8,733,224.89 10,935, 503.81 9,928,732.85 9,379,317.91 464.39 9,440,452.81 10,045,426. 96 4,823,746.38 4,413,388. 52 4,475, 184. 59 6,874,340.18 369,449, 211.49 11,307,318.47 1,668.878.98 6,811.043.17 10,768,789.33 12,676,44L68 11,406.689.98 6,400,108.66 7,010,269.64 8.042,318.01 8,128,04L85 8,269,394.70 6,160,131.61 2,171,107.23 4,439,941.69 8,432,372.99 8,848,121.46 10,030,830.90 10,402,291.72 901,707.30 9,377,068.66 11, 577,494.61 4,984,372.39 6,865,823.83 13,421,539.73 14,146,731.96 16,374,255.58 13, 596,208. 55 13,673,079.61 11,999,508.62 1,238,996.79 18, 576, 553.48 20,280,629.70 10,080,704.12 16,775,287. 61 16,895,622. 57 49,483,616.31 72,196,125.00 63,209,842.76 540,000.00 1,494,500.00 2,638,000.00 3,969,000.00 3,395,500.00 206, 500.00 2,802,500.00 4,485,000.00 1, 582,000.00 2,350,000.00 8,756,000.00 5,639,000.00 6,178.500.00 168 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Secmities Rate of Aniount issued 2 interest i Percent 1970 July 31 U.S. savings bonds—Continued SeriesH-1963 64.145 . SeriesH-1964.. 64.235 . Series H-1965 (January to November).. 6 4.326 . 4.570 . Series H-1965 (December). 4.594 . SeriesH-1966 4.664 . SeriesH-1967 4.720 . Series H-1968 (January to May) 4.769 . Sei'ies H-1968 (June to December) 4.830 . Series H-1969 (January to May) 5.000 Series H-1969 (June to December) 5.000 Series H-1970 Unclassified sales and redemptions.. Treasury notes. Series F-1971.. SH Adjustraents of issues s Treasmy notes. Series G-1971 "iH' Adjustments of issues 3 Treasury notes, Series A-1973 7H Adjustments of issues 3 Treasury notes. Series B-1973 Adjustraents of issues 3 Treasury notes, Series A-1977 Adjustments of issues 3 U.S. savings notes:» 4.74 Series S-1967 4.74 Series S-1968 (January to May) 5.00 Series S-1968 (June to December) 5.00 Series S-1969 5.00 Series S-1970 Unclassified 3.99 U.S. retirement plan bonds 2.00 Depositary bonds, Fhst Series 2.00 Treasury bonds, REA Series Treasmy bonds. Investment Series B-197580 2H Redeemed in exchange for l}^% Treasury notes, Series EA-1975.. Treasmy notes. Series EA-1975 MisceUaneous Total July Treasm-y biUs: Regular weekly: Matming Oct. 22,1970 Aug. 3 Adjustments of issues Maturing Jan. 21,1971 Adjustments of issues Treasury notes, foreign series, matming: Aug.3,1970 Dec. 23,1971 Jan. 20,1972 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, matming Nov. 6,1970. '. Treasury bills: Regular weekly: DatedFeb. 6,1970 Matming Nov. 6,1970 Maturing Feb. 4,1971.... Maturing Oct. 22,1970 Adjustments of issues Maturing Oct. 29,1970. Adjustments of issues Tax anticipation: Maturing Apr. 22,1971 Adjustments of is.sues Certificates of indebtedness, foreign currency series, maturing: Aug. 6, 1970 Feb. 6,1971 Certificates of indebtedness, foreigii series, matming Nov. 10,1970 Fooitnotes ait end of table. $30,500.00 35,387,500.00 2,017,000.00 Araount matured or caUed or redeemed prior to maturity 3 $4,300,000.00 3,911,600.00 2,844,500.00 653,500.00 4,284, 500.00 3,134,500. 00 839,000. 00 1,838,000.00 592,000.00 1,366,500.00 150, 500. 00 -5,056,000.00 -686,000.00 516,000.00 . 2,793,000.00 . -208,000.00 . -5,201,000.00 198, 260.86 298, 236.89 366,724.96 2,455,833.39 18,928,794.00 -10,922,906.00 116,141.16 507,000.00 285,000.00 24,284,453,453.76 1,174, 682. 24 1,263,690.88 3,104,807.13 5,720,676.38 5,163. 75 (10) 131,062.81 2,175,000.00 767,000.00 285,000.00 58,746,300.00 18,459,624,788.62 6.385 6.442 90,000.00 280,000.00 . 6.25 7.25 7.25 200,000,000.00 . 100,000,000.00 . 6.45 10,000,000.00 . 47.393 6.414 6.495 6.386 6.347 300,000,000.00 1,810,900,000.00 . 1,299,650,000.00 3,003,349,000.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 , 6.504 • 400,000.00 8.125 6.75 49,974,431.69 . 6.45 60,000,000.00 . 49,968,624.36 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 169 TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-hearing puhlic debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Secmities 1970 Rate of Amount issued 2 interest 1 Amount matmed or called or redeemed prior to matmity 3 Percent Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: Aug. 13 Dated Feb. 13, 1970 47.151 $3,002,694,000.00 13 Maturing Nov. 12, 1970 6.511 $1,800,600,000.00 13, 1971... 6.681 1,302,530,000.00 13 Maturing Oct. 15, 1970.... 6.647 Adjustments of issues —10,000.00 13 Maturing Jan. 7, 1971 6.657 Adjustments of issues -100,000.00 15 Treasmy notes. Series D-1970 6H Redeemed in exchange for: 7M% Treasury notes. Series C-1974 1,282,386,000.00 7 ^ % Treasury notes. Series B-1977 755,076,000.00 Redeemable for cash 281,786,000.00 15 Treasury bonds of 1970 (6-20-63) 4.00 Redeemed in exchange for: 7M% Treasmy notes, Series C-1974 1,864,749,000.00 7 ^ % Treasury notes, Series B-1977. 1,490,607,000.00 Redeemable for cash 594,225,500.00 15 Treasury notes, Series C-1974 7H Issued in exchangre for: 6H% Treasury^notes, Series D-1970 1,282,386,000.00 4% Treasury bonds of 1970 (6-20-63) 1,864,749,000.00 ---15 Treasury notes, Series B-1977 7H Issued in exchange for: 6H% Treasury notes, Series D-1970 755,076,000.00 4% Treasury bonds of 1970 (6-20-63) 1,490,607,000.00 17 Treasury notes, Series D-1970 &% Redeemed in exchange for: 73^% Treasury notes. Series C-1972.. 10,140,000.00 17 Treasmy bonds of 1970 (6-20-63) 4.00 Redeemed in exchange for: 7J^% Treasury notes. Series C-1972 179,750,000.00 17 Treasury notes, Series C-1972 73^ -Issued in exchange for: 6^% Treasury notes. Series D-1970. 10,140,000.00 4% Treasury bonds of 1970 (6-20-63) 179,750,000.00 Issued for cash 3,170,952,000.00 17 Certiflcates of indebtedness, foreign series, raaturing Nov. 17, 1970 --.. 6.55 35,000,000.00 Treasury bills: Regular weekly: 20 Dated Feb. 19, 1970 46.863 2,987,355,000.00 20 Maturing Nov. 19, 1970 6.526 1,803,340,000.00... 20 Maturing Feb. 18,1971 6.587 1,297,710,000.00 Regular monthly: 20 Maturing Apr. 30, 1971 6.467 Adjustments of issues 100,000.00 24 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, raaturing: Nov. 24, 1970 6.55 60,000,000.00 25 Nov.26,1970 6.20 10,000,000.00 Treasury bUls: Regular weekly: 27 DatedFeb. 26, 1970.-.. 47.066 3,102,755,000.00 27 Maturing Nov. 27, 1970 6.197 1,791,220,000.00 27 Maturing Feb. 25, 1971 6.338 1,402,530,000.00: Regular raonthly: 31 • Dated Aug. 31, 1969 47.469 1,701,192,000.00 31 Maturing May 31, 1971 6.510 501,380,000.00 31 Maturing Aug. 31, 1971 6.396 1,203,610,000.00.. 31 Treasury certificates, raaturing June 30,1971... 3.50 35,207,461.57 31 U.S. savings bonds:« SeriesE-1941 63.340 396,474.84 2,688,912.40 SeriesE-1942 63.397 2,747,613.52 9,663,909.63 Series E-1943 63.46O 3,804,304.56 15,310,179.84 SeriesE-1944 6 3.521 6,631,648.64 18,687,862.87 Series E-1945 63.575 3,374,694.85 17,338,189.94 SeriesE-1946 63.66I 2,913,52L87 9,129,135.50 Series E-1947 63.719 3,260,359.68 10,070,634.78 Series E-1948 63.730 3,693,790.40 11,725,40L34 Sei'ies E-1949 63.883 4,246,276.36 12,288,234.19 Series E-1950 63.963 4,401,897.22 12,052,500.60 Series E-1951 63.735 3,456,071.41 9,445,543.67 Series E-1952 (January to AprU) 3.670 1,783, Oil. 38 3,103,313.21 Footnotes at end of table. 170 1971 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public dept securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Date Secm'ities R a t e of interest i A m o u n t issued 2 1970 Percent A u g . 31 U . S . Savings b o n d s — C o n t i n u e d $4,345,901.32 Series E-1952 (May to D e c e m b e r ) . . . . . . . . 6 3.633 4,812,405.21 Series E - 1 9 5 3 . . . 6 3.696 5,004,953.29 Sei'ies E-1954 . - 6 3.782 5,242,619.09 Series E - 1 9 5 5 . . -- 6 3.866 . . 6 4.001 5,056,189.07 Sei'ies E-1956 -33,221.82 Series E-1957 (Januai'y) 4.080 4,384,830.61 Series E-1957 ( F e b r u a r y t o D e c e m b e r ) . . . . . 6 4.217 4,805, 941.45 Series E-1958 ... 64.308 2,346,861.12 Series E-1959 ( J a n u a r y t o May) . .. 4.370 2,366,323.71 Series E-1959 (June to December) 6 4 380 8,016,154.30 SeriesE-1960 6 4.433 8,786,909.12 Series E-1961 ... 6 4.506 - - . 6 4. 558 5,181,219.47 SeriesE-1962 ... 64.315 7,970, 590.13 SeriesE-1963 .: 7, 564,884.20 Series E-1964 - - . 6 4.173 7, 259,105.70 Series E-1965 ( J a n u a r y to N o v e m b e r ) ... 6 4.266 -21.60 Series E-1965 (December) . . . . 4.420 7,987,494.81 Series E-1966 4.449 8,131,628.38 Series E-1967 ..- ... 4.555 4,038,177.15 Series E-1968 ( J a n u a r y to May) 4.640 3,827,943.26 Series E-1968 (.Tune to December) 5 035 3,690,135.92 Series E-1969 ( J a n u a r y to May) -4.800 5,601,253.02 Series E-1969 (June to December) 5.000 516,183,707.44 Series E-1970 5.000 7-135,947,910.74 Unclassified sales a n d r e d e m p t i o n s .-6 3.539 . Series H-1952 --- 6 3.598 . Series H-1953 Series H-1954 --- 6 3.673 SeriesH-1955... 6 3.743 Series H-1956 .-- 6 3.854 . Series H-1957 (January) 3.920 Series H-1957 ( F e b r u a r y t o D e c e r a b e r ) . . .-- 6 4.120 . Series H-1958 6 4.202 Series H-1959 ( J a n u a r y to M a y ) . . 4.270 . 6 4. 322 Series H-1959 ( J u n e to Deceraber) . . . 6 4.336 . SeriesH-1960 SeriesH-1961 6 4.166 SeriesH-1962 .. 6 4.064 . SeriesH-1963 6 4.145 SeriesH-1964 6 4.235 . Series H-1966 ( J a n u a r y to N o v e m b e r ) .. 6 4. .326 . Series H-1965 (December) 4.570 SeriesH-1966 4.594 . 4.664 Series H-1967 Series H-1968 ( J a n u a r y to M a y ) . 4.720 . Series H-1968 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) . 4.769 Series H-1969 ( J a n u a r y t o May) 4.830 . Series H-1969 ( J u n e t o D e c e r a b e r ) . . 4, 500. 00 6.000 Series H-1970 33,614,000. 00 .. 6.000 7-4,682,000. 00 Unclassified sales a n d r e d e m p t i o n s "7'H". 31 T r e a s m y notes. Series G-1971. A d j u s t r a e n t s of issues 8 14,022,000. 00 . 31 T r e a s u r y notes. Series A-1973 ... 7H A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 8 -32,000.00 . 31 T r e a s u r y n o t e s . Series A-1077 r.""'8.'00". A d j u s t m e n t s of issues s '5d,'6oo.'6ori 31 U . S . savings notes:» 240, 222.82 4.74 Series S-1967 Series S-1968 ( J a n u a r y to May) 4. 74 309,910.19 Series S-1968 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) . . . 5.00 412,494.34 Series S-1969 1,982,289.86 5.00 Series S-1970 20, 228,049. 76 6.00 Unclassified. - 2 6 , 796, 235. 76 168, 238. 88 3.99" 31 U . S . r e t i r e m e n t p l a n b o n d s 31 D e p o s i t a r y b o n d s . F i r s t Series 721, 000.00 .. .2.00 31 T r e a s u r y b o n d s , R E A Series 2.00 . 31 Treasm-y b o n d s , I n v e s t r a e n t Series B-1975-80 2H Redeeraed in exchange for 13^% T r e a s u r y notes. Series EA-1975 123,000.00 . 31 T r e a s u r y notes, Series EA-1975 .. ly 31 Miscellaneous Total August. Footnotes at end of table.. - 24,060,293,640.12 = Amount matured or caUed or redeeraed p r i o r to raatmity 3 $7,324,145.81 12,416,415.75 13.575. 229.15 14,416,269.22 14,937,702.46 1,233,896.28 13,703,607.87 16,606,506.74 7,081,709.32 9,831, 519. 5^ 18,888,933.14 19,952,052.33 23,534,759.73 19,877,038.01 21,354,648.42 18,270,463.44 1,995, 539. 58 26,096,006.36 29,402,411.37 14,650,271.76 24 375 060.48 23,758,105.55 62,216,771.71 126,209,025.00 7-233,771,463.87 194,000.00 760,500.00 1, 543,500.00 2,209,500.00 1,835,500.00 -399,500.00 2,167,000.00 3, 214,000.00 1, 578,500. 00 1,193, 000. 00 6, 213, 500. 00 3,940,500. 00 3,493,000. 00 3,352, 000. 00 2,613,000. 00 2,292,000.00 152,000. 00 2,741,500.00 2,556. 500. 00 992,000. 00 1,166,500.00 675,600. 00 706,000.00 476, 000. 00 6,862, 600.00 1,764,345.45 1,846,236.12 4,430, 685.39 9, 711,708.36 18,285. 76 (10) 61,286.14 910,000. 00 687,000. 00 123,000. 00 35,426.500. 00 21,187,978,476. 25 ==r 171 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Securities Date Rate of Araount issued 2 interest 1 Percent Treasury bills: Regular monthly: Matming Aug. 31,1971 Sept. 3 6.396 . Adjustments of issues j Regular weekly: Matming Nov. 27,1970 3 6.197 , . Adjustments of issues Maturing Feb. 25,1971 3 '0."338'. Adjustments of issues Dated Mar. 6,1970. 3 4 6.803 Matming Dec. 3,1970 3 6.342 Matming Mar. 4,1971 6.507 3 3 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series maturhig Oct. 27,1970. 6.40 Treasury notes, foreign currency series, maturing: 9 Sept. 9,1970 6.89 Dec. 9,1971 6.90 3.50 Treasury certificates, maturing June 30,1971.. 10 Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: Dated Mar. 12,1970 4-6.761 Matming Dec. 10.1970 6.366 Matming Mar. 11,1971.. 6.655 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, matming: Oct. 6,1970. 6.45 Sept. 15.1970-. 6.80 Oct. 6,1970 6.45 Dec. 15,1970 0.36 Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: Maturing Feb. 18.. 1971 6.587 . Adjustraents of issues Matming Nov. 27., 1970... 'e.'m'. Adjustments of issues Matm-mg Feb. 25,1971 '6.'338", Adjustments of issues Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, matm'ing Dec. 16,1970 6.35 Treasmy biUs: Regular weekly: 4 6.722 Dated, Mar. 19,1970 6.314 Matming Dec. 17,1970. 6.494 Maturing Mar. 18,1971 Tax anticipation: Maturing Sept. 22,1970 6.177 Certtficates of indebtedness, foreign series, matm-ing: Dec. 22,1970 6.95 Dec. 23,1970 6.95 Treasmy bills: Regular weekly: 4 6.441 Dated. Mar. 26,1970 Matm-ing Dec. 24,1970 5.9.55 Matming Mar. 26,1971 6.241 Matming Feb. 4,1971 6.495 Adjustments of issues Maturing Feb. 18,1971 6.587 Adjustments of issues , Maturing Nov. 19,1971 6.526 Adjustments of issues '. Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: 5.95 Dec. 28,1970 6.45 Sept. 30,1970 5.80 Dec. 30,1970 5.80 Dec. 30. 1970 Treasury biUs: Regular monthly: Dated Sept. 30,1969.. 47.500 Matming June 30,1971 6.237 Matming Sept. 30,1971 6.216 Treasmy certificates matming June 30,1971... 3.50 Fooitnotes a t end of table. Araount raatmed or caUed or redeeraed prior to matmity 3 1970 449-442—72 $10,000.00 , -70.000.00 . '-i80,"6oo.'6o'! 1,801,625.000.00 . 1,400,355.000.00 . 1,102.590.000.00 215,000.000. 00 101,141,621.52 . 2,878.64 . 1,804.690,000.00 1,404,690,000.00 100,867,871.55 3,104,310,000.00 200,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 27.500.000.00 . 10,000.00 . "-30,'oo5."oo'; ""'so.'ooo.'oo'; 7,500.000.00 . 1,801,380.000.00. 1,401,635,000.00 . 3,105,940,000.00 1,758,200,000.00 16,000,000.00 . 10,000,000.00 . 1,805,040.000.00 . 1,396.160,000.00 . 3,103,440,000.00 -10,000.00 . -10,000.00. -40,000.00 . 60.000,000.00 . '4o5."ooo.'oo5.'oo'. 20, 000,000.00 20,000,000.00 . 1,505,392,000.00 600,770,000.00 . 1,202,480,000.00 . 10.620,238.93 172 19 7'1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Securities 1970 Sept. 30 U.S. savings bonds:« SeriesE-1941. SeriesE-1942 Series E-1943 SeriesE-1944 Series E-1945 Series E-1946 Series E-1947 Series E-1948 Series E-1949 Series E-1950. Sei'ies E-1951 .Series E-1952 (January to April) Series E-1952 (May to December) Series E-1953 Series E-1954 Series E-1955 Series E-1956 Series E-1957 (January) Series E-1957 (February to December) Series E-1958 Series E-1959 (January to May) Series E-1959 (June to December) Series E-1960 Series E-1961 SeriesE-1962.. Series E-1963 . Series E-1964 Series E-1965 (January to November) Series E-1966 (December) Series E-1966 Series E-.1967 Series E-1968 (January to May) Series E-1988 (June to December) Series E-1969 (January to May) Series E-1969 (June to December) Series E-1970 (January to May) Series E-1970 (June to December) Unclassified sales and redemptions SeriesH-1952 SeriesH-1963 Series H-1954 Series H-1955 Series H-1956 Series H-1957 (Januai-y) Series H-1957 (February to December) Series H-1958 Series H-1959 (January to May) Series H-1959 (June to December) Series H-1960 SeriesH-1961.. SeriesH-1962 Series H-1963 SeriesH-1964 Series H-1965 (Januai-y to Noveraber) Series H-1965 (December) SeriesH-1966 SeriesH-1967 Series H-1968 (January to May) Series H-1968 (June to Deceraber) Series H-1969 (January to May) Series H-1969 (June to Deceraber) Series H-1970 (January to May) Series H-1970 (June to December) Unclassified sales and redemptions 30 Treasmy notes. Series F-1971 Adjustments of issues 8.. 30 Treasmy notes Series C-1972Adjustments of issues 8 30 Treasm-y notes, Series B-1973 . Adjustments of issues « 30 Treasmy notes. Series C-1974 Adjustments of issues 8 30 Treasury notes, of Series A-1977 Adjustments of issues 8 Footnotes a t end of table. Rate of interest 1 Amount issued 2 Araount raatured or caUed or redeeraed prior to maturity 3 Percent 63.340 .6 3.397 63.460 63.521 6 3.675 6 3. 661 63.719 6 3. 780 63.883 63.963 o 3. 735 3.670 3.633 6 3.696 63.782 63.866 64.0OI 4.080 6 4. 217 64.308 4.370 6 4.380 64.433 64.506 6 4.558 64.315 6 4.173 6 4.266 4.420 4.449 4:555 .. 4.640 5.035 4.800 5.000 5.000 5,500 63.539 8 3.598 6 3.673 63. 743 63.854 3.920 6 4.120 6 4.202 4. 270 64.322 6 4.336 64.I65 6 4.064 64.145 64.235 64.326 4.570 4.594 4.664 4.720 4.769 4.830 6.000 5.000 6.600 $347,083.63 2,806,225.01 8,272,667,58 3, 063, 205. 39 2,830,099.13 2,605,924. 04 3,129,817. 39 3,267, 742. 76 3,830, 951. 22 4,102,432. 24 3, 267,401. 60 1,671, 967.87 1,923. 202.44 5,291,170. 32 5,444, 719. 93 5,694, 051. 44 5,726,770.38 2, 605, 977. 64 4, 297, 009.11 4,598, 465. 77 2,182,145. 69 6,162, 700. 91 5,186,772.11 3,399,067. 40 9,607,893.73 7,458, 765. 00 6,883,246. 05 7,239,895. 88 -34,360.50 7,891,847. 94 8,007,274.15 4,058, 758.15 3,131,037. 29 3,501,618. 22 3, 766, 779.65 -8,297,472.41 223,178,197. 66 130,023,092. 05 600.00 1, 600. 00 -1,000.00 - 52,608,500. 00 81, 736,000. 00 7 -353,500.00 $2,1,12,497. 03 9,059,953. 53 13, 755,600. 46 17,620,373. 03 15,463,107.04 8, 406,384.10 9,549,404. 92 10,587,112. 49 11, 296, 678. 71 11,314,062.56 8,707,301.12 2,981,566.12 6, 602, 730. 24 11,524,337. 63 12,342,453. 28 13, 617, 696. 01 13,775,632.84 1,233,332. 48 11,500, 391. 38 10,378,966. 49 4,470, 251. 28 6, 213,087. 95 12,106,838.53 12,426,250. 28 14,586,642.20 13,157,110. 53 12,145,002. 06 10,857,488. 63 1, 111, 685. 66 15, 774,266. 64 17,591,894. 66 8,568, 247.02 14,197,656. 70 13,628,365. 69 33,158,456. 96 97,249,403.40 19,931. 25 7 -47,917,226.66 676,000.00 867,000.00 2,315,600.00 2,907,600.00 2,497,000.00 9,500.00 1,893,500.00 3,106,000.00 1,669,000.00 1,210,000.00 7,239,500.00 4,108,600.00 4,180,600.00 3,397,600.00 3,531,000.00 2,666,000.00 235,000.00 2,974,000.00 2,363,000.00 959, 000.00 780,600.00 600, 000. 00 807,000.00 559, 600.00 202, 000. 00 7 -5^ 839,600.00 8M ""'3,'536,'005."00""--"."--"'"-]" 7M ""i,"063,'600.'00"'-'---"---""--I".- 8J^ 7H 8.00 '-h',W5yooKbo'V.V.V.V.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~.'.'. '-5"205yoboyoo'V.V.V.V.V.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 329,"6oo."66'-.'.".'.'.":.".'.".".'.'.".'--I^ 173 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions o^ interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Secmities 1970 Rate of Amount issued 2 interest i Percent Sept.30 Treasury notes, of Series B-1977 Adjustraents of issues 8 30 U.S. savings notes: <> Series S-1967... Series S-1968 (January to May) Series S-1968 (June to Deceraber) Series S-1969 Series S-1970 Unclassified 30 U.S. rethement plan bonds.. 30 Depositary bonds, First Series 30 Treasmy bonds, REA Series 30 Treasmy bonds. Investment Series B-1975-80. Redeemed in exchange for 13^% Treasury notes. Series EA-1976 30 Treasmy notes. Series EA-1976 30 Miscellaneous 7H $18,582,000.00 . 4.74 4.74 5.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 Treasury notes. Series E O-1970 Redeemable for cash Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: Oct. 6,1970. Dec. 31,1970 Treasmy certificates, matming: Oct. 1, 1970 Jan. 1, 1971 Treasmy biUs: Regular weekly: Dated Apr. 2,1970 Matmhig Dec. 31,1970 Matming Apr. 1,1971 Treasury certificates, matming: Oct. 3,1970. Jan. 3,1971 Treasury notes, foreign currency series, raaturing: Oct. 6,1970 Jan. 5,1972 Treasury bills: Regular weekly: Matming Feb. 25,1971 Adjustments of issues Treasmy certiflcates, matming June 30,1971.. Certificate of indebtedness, foreign series matm'ing: Oct. 7,1970 Jan. 7,1971. Oct. 8, 1970. Jan. 8, 1971 Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: Dated Apr. 9,1970 Maturing Jan. 7,1971 Matming Apr. 8,1971 Regular raonthly: Matming May 31,1971. Adjustments of issues Regular weekly: Dated Apr. 16,1970 Matming Jan. 14,1971 Matming Apr. 15, 1971 Treasury notes, foreign currency series, maturing: Oct. 16,1970. Jan. 17, 1972. Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: Oct. 16,1970 Jan. 16,1971 Dec. 30,1970 Jan. 21,1971 Footnotes at end of table. 224,194.38 298,678.27 239,676.51 1,830,926.26 5,661, 609.86 4,651,817.00 226,420.20 112,000.00 2H 1>^ Total September Oct. Amount raatured or caUed or redeemed prior to raatmity 3 m 6.421 . 5.807 4 6.409 6.809 6.373 6.421 . 5.807 7.70 6.70 6.338 . '3" 50" 6.65 6.06 6.65 6.06 4 6.664 6.024 6.412 6.510 . 4 6.421 6.029 6.224 7.55 6.55 5.424 5.424 6.80 6.96 (10) 86,460.28 126,000.00 1,686,000.00 2,819,000.00 2,819,000.00 . 15,702,490,766.60 6.80 $970,587.23 1,004.921.22 2,402,487.12 6,879,104.55 6,265.00 '33,'94i,'600.'00 16,963,138,370.12 113,131,000.00 100,000,000.00 . ' " " 2 ; 137" 99". 1,800,936,000.00 1,400,685,000.00 200,000,000.00 2,104. 21 3,107,760,000.00 1,644,558.20 1, 670,957.47 . 22,414,789.14 22,426,708.59 . 180,000.00 . 2,100.00 . 10,000,000.00 271,017,399.32 1,802,095,000.00 1,402,035,000.00 10,000,000.00 271,017,399.32 3,106,620,000.00 -70,000.00 . 1,802,650,000.00 1,404,246,000.00 3,104,180,000.00 133,550,110. 32 132,868,102.41 . 260,000,000.00 250,000,000.00 . 30,000,000.00 . "60,'000,'ooo'00 174 1971 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing puhlic dept securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Date 1970 Secmities Treasmy biUs: Tax anticipation: Oct. 21 Matming June 22, 1971 Regular weekly: 22 Dated Apr. 23,1970 22 Matming Jan. 21,1971-. 22 Matming Apr. 22, 1971 22 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: Oct.22, 1970. Jan.22, 1971 23 Oct.23. 1970 Jan. 22, 1971 26 Jan. 26. 1971 .-.27 Oct. 27. 1970 Jan. 27, 1971 28 Oct. 28. 1970 Jan. 28, 1971 Jan. 28,1971.. 28 Treasmy notes, foreign series maturing: Nov. 2, 1970 Jan. 20, 1972 --. Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: 29 DatedApr. 30, 1970.29 Matming Jan. 28, 1971 29 Matming Apr. 29, 197129 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: Oct. 29, 1970 Jan. 29, 1971 30 Dec. 30, 1970 --30 Treasury bonds, foreign series, maturing Nov. 1, 1970.. 31 Treasury certificates, maturing: Oct. 31, 1970. Jan. 31, 1971.. 31 U.S. savings bonds: ^ SeriesE-1941 SeriesE-1942. Series E-1943 SeriesE-1944 -SeriesE-1946 SeriesE-1946. Series E-1947 -Series E-1948 Series E-1949 SeriesE-1960. Series E-1961. --Series E-1962 (January to April) Series E-1962 (May to December) Series E-1953. Series E-1954 Series E-1966 Series E-1956 Series E-1967 (January). .Series E-1957 (February to December) Series E-1958--Series E-1959 (January to May) Series E-1959 (June to December) Series E-1960 .Series E-1961 SeriesE-1962 -..SeriesE-1963.. Series E-1964 Series E-1965 (January to November) Series E-1966 (December). Series E-1966 Series E-1967 Series E-1968 (January to May) Series E-1968 (June to December) Series E-1969 (January to May) Series E-1969 (June to December) Series E-1970 (January to May) Fooitnotes a t end of table. Rate of interest ^ Amount matured or caUed or redeemed prior to maturity 3 Amount issued 2 Percent 5.970 4 6.431 5.943 6.129 6.40 5.96 6.40 6.96 6.95 6.40 5.86 6.35 6.86 5.86 6.40 6.60 4 6.727 6.830 6.117 6.35 5.85 5.80 $2,614,710,000.00 $3,104,290,000.00 1, 008, 730, 000.00 1,400,965,000.00 20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 46,000,000.00 45,000.000.00 15,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 16,000,000.00 801,634.65' 90,000,000.00 . 3,102,340,000.00 1,800,285,000.00 1,400,936,000.00 -.10,000,000.00 4. 26 10,000,000.00 226,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 6.345 5.831 1,331,987.19 63.353 63.433 63.506 63.534 63.666 63.753 63,330 63.907 64.030 64.128 64.191 3.610 6 3.677 6 3.762 63.868 63.973 64.142 4.230 6 4.363 64.434 4.670 6 4,572 64.644 64.745 64.325 64.390 64.473 6 4.427 4.600 4.654 4.826 4.960 6.091 6.200 5.427 6.460 417,113.22 2,865,243.68 6.414.884.83 2,660,965.44 3,488,631.11 2,650, IOL 87 2,892,019.88 3.061.620.94 3,632,632.13 3,685,061.02 3,233,836.88 1.444.494.98 1,693,243.72 4,119,357.13 4,396,708.81 4,516,411.92 4.602.089.95 -474. 00 4,488.908. 32 4,325,581. 59 2,009,349.42 2.349.210.99 6,122,128.27 6,762,064.90 4,854,655. 60 11,982,466.30 7,586,060. 65 7,485,248. 26 -290.32 8.448.080.84 8,212,083.46 4,093,567. 44 3, 735,132.01 3,966,425. 99 5,076,827. 00 40,659,015. 61 1,311,188.46 1.331,027.95 5,440.163.78 8,441,325. 60 10,832,531.10 9,423,387.08 6,429,123.60 6,070,017.51 6,785,328.06 6,981,146.14 6,907,481.04 6.549,668.68 1,990,197.72 4,372,394.04 7,629,731. 77 8,082,094.09 8,931.769.43 9,049,428.18 772,311.48 9,360,273. 51 16,137,604.91 6,610, 622.22 8,920.479.28 17,710,678. 67 18,091,005. 64 22,024,326. 70 19,701.095.83 19,420,731. 60 17,365,496. 73 1,788,139.66 24, 704,331. 33 27,826, 776. 49 13,470,550. 71 22,490,941. 90 20,982,633.66 49,310,655.56 107,314,706. 40 175 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing puhlic debt securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Date Securities 1970 Oct. 31 U . S . savings bonds«—Continued Series E-1970 (June to December) Unclassified sales and redemptions _ SeriesH-1952 Series H-1963. _. SeriesH-1954 SeriesH-1955 . Series H-1956.. Series H-1967 (January) Series H-1957 (February to December) Series H-1958 Series H-1959 (January to May) Series H-1959 (June to December) SeriesH-1960 SeriesH-1961 SeriesH-1962 SeriesH-1963 SeriesH-1964--. Series H-1965 (January to November) Series H-1965 (December) SeriesH-1966 SeriesH-1967 Series H-1968 (January to May) Series H-1968 (June to December) Series H-1969 (January to May) Series H-1969 (June to December) Series H-1970 (January to May) Series H-1970 (June to December).., Unclassified sales and redemptions Treasmynotes, Series G-1971.. Adjustments of issues 8__ 31 Treasury notes. Series C-1972 Adjustments of issues 8 Treasury notes, Series A-1973 Adjustments of issues 8 _ Treasmy notes. Series C-1974. Adjustments of issues 8 Treasury notes, Series A-1977 Adjustraents of issues 8 Treasury notes, Series B-1977 Adjustments of issues 8 31 U.S. savings notes:» Series S-1967-.. Series S-1968 (January to May) Series S-1968 (June to December) Series S-1969 Series S-1970 Unclassifled U.S. retirement plan bonds Depositary bonds, First Series Treasmy bonds, REA Series.. Treasury bonds, Investment Series B-1975-80. Redeemed in exchange for: 13^% Treasury notes. Series EA-1975 1J^% Treasury notes. Series EO-1975 , Treasury notes, Series EA-1976 Treasury notes. Series EO-1975 Miscellaneous Rate of Amount issued 2 interest 1 Percent 5.500 6 3.573 . 6 3.642 . 6 3.733 . 6 3.821 . 6 3. 953 . 4.030 . 6 4. 244 . 64.349 . 4.430 6 4.486 . 6 4.622 . 6 4.684 . 6 4.137 . 6 4. 262 . 6 4.394 . 6 4.636 . 4. 810 . 4.848 . 4. 982 . 6.070 6.153 . 6. 240 . 6.446 . 6.470 6.600 $416,990,78L16 7 -62,413,860.63 61,000.00 25,137,500.00 6,263,000.00 6.000.00 $63,923, 926.00 ' -189,749, 323.17 258, 000.00 816, 000.00 2,077, 600.00 2,870, 000.00 2,606, 600.00 532, 600.00 1,407, 000.00 2,634, 600.00 1,297, 500.00 879, 600.00 4,943, 500.00 3,650, 600.00 3,016, 000.00 2,849, 600. 00 2,489, 500. 00 2,218, 500.00 110, 000.00 2,633, 000.00 2,251, 500.00 965, 600.00 892, 600.00 641, 600.00 690, 600.00 376, 600.00 33, 600.00 7-3,534, 600.00 . . . 73^ 673,000.00 7H "TH' 8.00 'TH' 4.74 4.74 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 2H —3,750,000.00 —386,000.00 —987,000.00 -838,000.00 . 282,876.90 290,601.74 426,478.09 1,766,269.10 4,736,429.26 -3,646.822.60 301,619.38 78,000.00 1,667,681. 32 1,598,236.33 3,754,559. 72 12,149,980. 50 6,621. 76 (10) 94,662.81 131,000. 00 1,238.000.00 2,326,000.00 940,000.00 2,326,000.00 940,000.00 41,219.700. 00 Total October Treasury biUs: Regular monthly: Nov. 2 I Dated Oct. 31,1969 2 Matming July 31,1971. 2 Maturing Oct. 31,1971 2 Treasury notes, foreign series, maturing: Nov. 2,1970 Feb. 2, 1972 2 Treasury certificates, matming June 30.1971.. Footnotes at end of table. Amount matmed or caUed or redeemed prior to maturity 3 20,204,454,624.20 4 7.326 . 500,620,000.00 . 6.153 1,201,350,000.00 . 6.072 6.40 . 6.50 3.50 . 17,467,698,204.31 1,604,368,000.00 28,435,416.00 28,435,415.00 '"ii6,'676,'888.'89 176 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-hearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Securities Rate of Amount issued 2 interest i Amount matured or called or redeemed prior to matmity 3 1970 Percent Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: Nov. 3 Maturing Dec. 24,1970 6.955 . Adjustments of issues 3 Matming Mar. 26,1971 ""'6.'24i'. Adjustments of issues 3 Maturing Jan. 14,1971 ""6.'629'. Adjustments of issues 3 Maturing Jan. 21, 1971... ""6.'943'. Adjustments of issues 3 Maturing Apr. 22,1971 ""6.'i29'. Adjustments of issues 3 MatmingApr. 29.1971 ""e.'iir. Adjustments of issuPs Tax anticipation: 3 Matming June 22,1971 6.970 . Adj ustraents of issues.. Regular monthly: 3 Maturing Aug. 31,1971 6.396 , Adjustments of issues '6.'672". 6 Maturing Oct. 31, 1971 Adjustraents of Issues Regular weekly: 6 Dated May 7, 1970 4 6.865 . 5 Matm'ing Feb. 4,1971... 6.655 . 6. 772 6 Matming May 6,1971 5 Treasury notes, foreign series, raaturing Feb. 2,1972: 6.50 . 6 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, raatmhig: 6.45 Nov. 6,1970 5.66 Feb. 6,1971 6.45 10 Nov. 10, 1970 6.45 Feb. 10, 1971 6.45 Feb. 10,1971 12 Treasmy notes, foreign series, matming Feb. 2, 6.60 1972 Treasmy bills: Regular weekly: 12 Dated May 14,1970 4 6.801 12 Matmhig Feb. 11,1971 6.461 12 Maturing May 13,1971... 6.653 13 Matming Jan. 21,1971 6.943 Adjustments of issues 13 Matmhig Apr. 8,1971 6; 412 Adjustraents of issues 13 Maturing Apr. 29, 1971 "e.'iir Adjustments of issues Tax anticipation: 13 Matming June 22,1971.6.970 . Adjustraents of issues Regular monthly: 13 Matming Oct. 31,1971 6.072 Adjustments of issues '5." 6 6 " 16 Treasmy notes. Series A-1970 Redeemed in exchange for: 7H% Treasury notes, Series D-1974 7M% Treasmy notes, Series C-1976. Redeemable for cash. 15 Treasury notes. Series D-1974 TH Issued in exchange for 6% Treasmy notes, Series A-1970 16 Treasury notes, Series C-1976 73^ Issued in exchange for 5% Treasmy notes. Series A-1970 16 Treasury notes, Series D-1972 Issued for cash 17 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, matm'ing: 6.55 Nov. 17, 1970.. 6.30 Feb. 17, 1971 Footnotes at end of table. $20,000.00 . "'io.'ooo.'oo'' '—TQ',m'Q6'. "266,'666.'66'! "326.'666.'66'. '—26,"666.'66'' 400,000.00 —90,000.00 "io.'ooo.'oo" 1,829,720,000.00 1,402,410,000.00 $3,111,930,000.00 1,380,536.92 10,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 . "56,'666,'666.'66'. '56,"666,'666.'66 25,000,000.00 . 1,702,633.32 1,802,520,000.00 . 1,401,146,000.00 . 3,102,280,000.00 400,000.00 . -i6,'666.'66'! "16," 666.'66'! 25,000.00 . 'i6,'666.'66'! 4,610,721,000.00 2,511,931,000.00 652,833,000. 00 4,510,721,000.00 . 2,511,931,000.00 '2,'638,'695,'666.'66".' 35,000,000.00 " " 35^ m'i m'bb'. STATISTICAL APPENDIX 177 TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing puhlic debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Secmities Rate of Amount issued 2 interest * Percent Treasmy biUs: Regular weekly: Nov. 19 Dated May 21, 1970 4 6.723 19 Matm-ing Feb. 18, 1971 6.283 $1,801,255,000.00 1,403,485,000.00 19 Matmhig May 20, 1971 6.405 23 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: 40,000,000.00 Feb. 23,1971 5.30 300,000,000.00 Feb. 23,1971 5.30 24 Nov. 24,1970 6.55 125,000,000.00 Feb.24,1971 --.. 4.80 60,000,000.00 Feb. 24, 1971 -4.80 26 Nov.26,1970 -6.20 10,000,000.00 Feb. 25,1971 --4.80 25 Feb.25,1971 4.80 100,000,000.00 27 Dec. 30,1970 --. 6.80 Feb.26,1971 4.80 300,000 000.00 27 Treasmy certiflcates, matm-ing 666.25 June30,1971 3.60 Treasmy biUs: Regular weekly: 27 Dated May 28,1970 4 6.686 27 Matming Feb. 25,1971 4.769 1,900,566,000.00 1,400,440,000.00 27 Matming May 27,1971 4.866 Regular monthly: 1 30 Dated Nov. 30,1969 --. .47.392 600,780,000.00 30 Matming Aug. 31,1971. .1 6.084 1,200,486,000.00 30 Maturing Nov. 30,1971. 6.010 30 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, 120,000,000.00 matmingMar. 1,1971 4.80 30 Treasury certiflcates, maturing June 30,1971.. 3.60 30 U.S. savings bonds:^ 811,999.02 SeriesE-1941 -... . - . . 03.363 3,205,151.55 SeriesE-1942 .-- 63.433 3,620,622.90 Series E-1943. .63.506 4,798,499.88 SeriesE-1944 --.. -63.534 8,556,766.62 SeriesE-1946 63.666 2,769,856.18 SeriesE-1946 ----.. 63.753 2,799,134.88 Series E-1947 63.330 3,231,383.12 Series E-1948 63.997 3,637,433.64 Series E-1949 --.- 64.030 3,763,648.03 Series E-1950 ---. 64.123 3.180.832.88 Series E-1951 64.191 18.76 Series E-1952 (January to April) 3.610 1,783,689.20 SeriesE-1952 (May to December) 63.677 4,243,223.32 Series E-1953 63.762 4,421,979.80 Series E-1954 63.363 4,625,332.97 Series E-1955 - 63.973 4,466,460.30 Series E-1956 --- 6 4.142 Series E-1957 (January) 4.230 , 6,406,448.20 Series E-1957 (February to December) 6 4.368 5,268,495.08 Series E-1958 ---- 6 4.484 1,387.60 Series E-1959 (January to May) 4.670 2,059,486.99 Series E-1959 (June to December) 6 4.572 5,167, 904.52 SeriesE-1960 64.544 5,534,867.38 Series E-1961 64.746 6.346.193.89 SeriesE-1962 -64.325 13,961,903.63 SeriesE-1963 64.390 7,244,636.66 Series E-1964.-. 64.473 7, 078,478.10 Series E-1965 (January to November) 6 4.427 Series E-1965 (December) 4.600 7,967,149.64 Series E-1966 4.664 8,149,278.87 Series E-1967-.. --. 4.826 4,129,682.14 Series E-1968 (January to May) 4.960 3,976,335.48 Series E-1968 (June to December) 5.091 4,108,280.40 Series E-1969 (January to May) 5.200 6.191.880.90 Series E-1969 (June to December) 6.427 9,420,824.35 Series E-1970 (January to May) 6.460 Footnotes at end of table. Amount matured or caUed or redeeraed prior to matmity« 1970 $3,106,830,000.00 60,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 126,000,000.00 3,091,900,000.00 1,601,273,000.00 26,120,792.60 1,810,338.34 8,066, 531.88 12,884,262.18 16,060,977.10 13,163,659.84 7,216,667.24 8,216,044.23 9,209,857.02 9,742,683.06 9,619,985. 89 7,579,824.96 2,804,989.41 5,848,439.09 10,213,689.09 10,833,075.43 12,106,609.64 12,438,967.44 1,060,412.96 10,854,151.66 11,905,952.59 4,988,266.82 7,216,860.22 14,103,716.73 14,486,017.27 17,296,439.68 17, Oil, 662.66 14,939,386.64 13,465,467.02 1,418,130.71 20,065,358.37 23,431,476.19 10,600,247.70 17,698,838.00 16,209,746.62 36,286,271.01 61,451,067.30 178 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public dept securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Secmities Date Rate of Amount issued 2 interest 1 1970 Percent Nov. 30 U.S. savings bonds «—Continued $414,589,156.35 Series E-1970 (June to December) 5.600 7 -56,569,477.91 Unclassified sales and redemptions 6 3.573 . SeriesH-1962.. 6 3.642 Series H-1953 6 3.733 SeriesH-1954 6 3.821 Series H-1956. 6 3.953 SeriesH-1966 4.030 Series H-1957 (January).. 6 4.244 Series H-1967 (February to Deceraber) 6 4.349 Series H-1968 4.430 . Series H-1959 (January to May) 6 4.486 . Series H-1959 (June to Deceraber) 6 4.522 SeriesH-1960 6 4.584 SeriesH-1961 6 4.137 SeriesH-1962 6 4.262 . SeriesH-1963 6 4.394 . SeriesH-1964-... 6 4.536 . Series H-1966 (January to Noveraber) 4.810 . Series H-1965 (December) SeriesH-1966 4.848 . SeriesH-1967 4.982 . 6.070 . Series H-1968 (January to May).. 6.153 . Series H-1968 (June to December) __. 6.240 . Series H-1969 (January to May).. 2,500.00 6.445 Series H-1969 (June to December) 5.470 131,000.00 Series H-1970 (January to M a y ) . . . . . . 6.500 26,237,500.00 Series H-1970 (June to December) 7 -386,600.00 Unclassified sales and redemptions Treasury notes. Series C-1972 7y2 Adjustraents of issues s -152,000.00 . Treasmy notes, Series C-1974 'Th" '-678,'666.'66'; Adjustraents of issues 8___ Treasmynotes, Series C-1976 7M Adjustments of issues 8 1,000.00 . Treasury notes. Series B-1977... "TH" Adjustments of issues 8 100,000.00 . U.S. savings notes:» 4.74 343,689.63 Series S-1967 4.74 348,172.48 Series S-1968 (January to May) 6.00 617,847.00 Series S-1968 (June to December) 6.00 Series S-1969 1,893,489.89 6.00 Series S-1970 596,808.00 -939,619.26 Unclassified 4.00 U.S. rethement plan bonds 539,08L66 Depositary bonds, Fhst Series 1,001,000.00 2.00 Treasury bonds, REA Series. 2.00 Treasury bonds. Investment Series B-1976-80. 2H Redeemed in exchange for 1M% Treasury notes. Series EO-1976 30 Treasmynotes, Series EO-1976 13^ 1,336,000.00 . 30 Miscellaneous Total November.... Treasmy biUs: Regular weekly: Dec. 2 Matming Jan. 7, 1971-Feb. 18, 197112 3 Dated June 4,1970 3 Maturing Mar. 4,1971. 3 Maturing June 3,1971 4 Treasury certificates, matming: June 30, 1971 7 June 30, 1971 9 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, matming Mar. 9, 1971 Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: 9 Maturing Feb. 11,1971 Adjustments of issues. 9 Maturing Feb. 18, 1971 Adjustments of issues 9 Maturing Feb. 25, 1971 Adjustments of issues Footnotes at end of table. 27,160,091,884.47 4. 695 46.559 5.083 4.979 3. 50 3.50 4.90 '4.'759'. $109,667, 476.00 -229,313, 984.16 240, 000.03 682, 600.00 1,571, 000.00 2,220, 500.00 2,015, 500.00 209, 000.00 1,548, 000. 00 2,418, 000. 00 1,031, 000. 00 966, 600.00 4,495, 000.00 3,068, 600.00 2,788, 600.00 2,300, 000.00 1,857, 600.00 1,907, 000.00 63, 000. 00 2,351, 600.00 1,669, 000.00 611, 000.00 702, 500.00 000. 00 496, 000.00 639, 000.00 400, 500.00 77, 470, 000. 00 1,200,856.88 1,218,786.06 2,826,30L11 12,109,146.69 6,204.25 (10) 1,873.30 222,000.00 850,000.00 1,336,000.00 "45,'696,"666."66 24,011,961,842.65 2,104, 795,000. 00 . 1,903,435,000.00 . 1,398,610,000.00 663.09 20.13 30,000,000.00 . 5.461 . '5.'283'. Araount matmed or caUed or redeeraed prior to matmity 3 220,000.00 . "i6,'666.'66'! "56,'666.'66'! 3,107, 925,000. 00 179 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date 1970 Dec. 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 15 15 23 31 Secm'ities R a t e of hiterest ^ A m o u n t issued 2 Amount matured or called or redeemed prior to raatmity 3 Percent T r e a s u r y biUs—Continued Regular weekly—Continued M a t u r i n g May 13,1971 6.653 . -$220,000.00 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues M a t u r i n g M a y 27, 1971 ""4.'855'. 50,000.00 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 4 6.588 D a t e d J u n e 11, 1970 4.883 1,901,470,000.00 M a t u r i n g M a r . 11,1971 4.874 1,400,625,000.00 M a t u r i n g J u n e 10,1971 4.759 . . M a t u r i n g F e b . 25,1971 110,000.00 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues Regular monthly: 6.010 . M a t u r i n g N o v . 30, 1971 "26,'666.'66' A d j u s t r a e n t s of issues T r e a s u r y notes, foreign series, m a t u r i n g F e b . 2,1972. T r e a s m y certificates, m a t u r i n g : 3.50 663.94 J u n e 30,1971 1.00 D e c . 15,1970 1.00 '269,'683.'4i'. J u n e 15,1971 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: Dec. 15, 1970 6.35 4.80 27, 500,000.00 Mar. 15,1971 6.35 Dec. 16,1970 4.80 "7,'566,'666.'66' Mar. 16,1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: Dated June 18,1970.. 4". 776 ' "i,'966,'596,'666."66' M a t m i n g M a r . 18,1971 M a t u r i n g J u n e 17, 1971. 4.785 1,399, 975,000.00 T r e a s u r y notes, foreign series, m a t u r i n g : 7.85 Dec. 21,1970 100,000,000.00 5.15 F e b . 24, 1972. 3.50 T r e a s m y certificates, m a t m ' i n g J u n e 30,1971 1,746,205.48 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: D e c . 22,1970 6.95 15,000,000.00 Mar. 22, 1971 4.75 Dec. 23,1970 5.95 Dec. 30, 1970 5.80 6.05 J a n . 7, 1971 5.95 J a n . 22, 1971 5.85 J a n . 28,1971 5.85 J a n . 29,1971 5.65 F e b . 6, 1971 4.80 F e b . 25,1971 4.80 Mar. 15, 1971 10,000,000.00 4.75 Mar. 23,1971 T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular weekly: 46.763 D a t e d J u n e 25,1970 4.726 1,909,635,000.00 , Matm'ing Mar. 2 5 , 1 9 7 1 . . 4.765 1,403,800,000.00 Maturing June 24,1971.. ..Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series; maturing: 5.95 Dec. 28,1970. ..50,000,000.00 .. 4.75 Mar. 29,1971 3.50 34,290,730.63 .. T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 7 1 - . Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: 4.80 . F e b . 24,1971 4.80 F e b . 25,1971. 5.80 . D e c . 31,1970." 100,000,000.00 .. 4.85 Mar. 31,1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular monthly: 6.446 . D a t e d D e c . 31,1969 4.830 1,904,520,000.00 .. M a t u r i n g A p r . 1, 1971 4.836 1,402,050,000.00 .. M a t u r i n g J u l y 1,1971 4.949 500,550,000.00 .. Matm'ing Sept. 30, 1971 1,201,185,000.00 .. 4.886 M a t m i n g D e c . 31,1971 .-. 3.50 5,096,615.67 T r e a s m y certificates, m a t u r i n g J u n e 30, 1971. F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . $3,107,550,000.00 799,313.89 '268,'34i.'76 27, 500,000.00 "7,'666,'666.'66 3,104,050,000.00 100,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 10,000, 000.00 20,000, 000.00 10,000, 000.00 20,000, 000.00 15,000, 000.00 10,000, 000.00 10,000, 000.00 10,000, 000.00 16,000, 000.00 3,107,630,000.00 50,000,000.00 125,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 4,605, 518,000.00 9,319,680.54 180 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Secmities 1970 Dec. 31 U.S. savings bonds: 5 SeriesE-1941.. Series E-19421.Series E-1943 SeriesE-1944... Series E-1945 SeriesE-1946 Sreies E-1947 Series E-1948 Series E-1949 Series E-1950 Series E-1951 Series E-1952 (January to April) Series E-1952 (May to D ecember) Series E-1953 ' Series E-1954... Series E-1955 Series E-1966 Series E-1957 (.January) Series E-1957 (February to December) Series E-1958 Series E-1959 (January to May) Series E-1959 (June to December) SeriesE-1960 Series E-1961 Series E-1962... SeriesE-1963 Series E-1964 Series E-1965 (.January to November) Series E-1965 (December).. Series E-1966 Series E-1967 Series E-1968 (January to May) Series E-1968 (June to December) Sei'ies E-1969 (January to May) Series E-1969 (June to December) Series E-1970 (January to May) Series E-1970 (June to Deceniber) Unclassified sales and redemptions SeriesH-1952 Series H-1953 SeriesH-1954 SeriesH-1955 Series H-1956 Series H-1957 (January) Series H-1957 (February to December) Series H-1958.. ---Series H-1959 (January to May) Series H-1959 (June to Deceraber) .• SeriesH-1960 .-.. SeriesH-1961 SeriesH-1962.. SeriesH-1963 SeriesH-1964 Series H-1965 (January to November) Series H-1965 (December).. SeriesH-1966 SeriesH-1967. Series H-1968 (January to May) Series H-1968 (June to December).. Series H-1969 (January to May) Series H-1969 (June to December).. Series H-1970 (January to May) Series H-1970 (June to December).. Unclassified sales and redemptions. . Treasury notes, Series C-1972 Adjustments of issues 8 Treasury notes, Series D-1972. Adjustments of issues 8 Treasury notes, Series D-1974.. Adjustments of issues 8 Treasury notes. Series C-1976 Adjustments of issues 8 Footnotes at end of table. Rate of Araount issued 2 interest 1 Amount matmed or caUed or redeemed prior to raaturity 3 Percent 6 3,363 83.433 6 3.506 6 3.534 63.656 63.758 63.330 63,907 64.030 64.128 64.191 3.610 6 3.677 63.762 63.868 63.973 64.142 4. 230 6 4.368 64.434 4.570 6 4.572 64.644 64.746 6,4.325 64.390 64.473 6 4.427 4.600 4.654 4.826 4.960 5.091 5.200 6.427 5.460 5.500 83.573 8 3.642 63.733 63.321 63.953 4.030 6 4.244 64.349 4.430 6 4.436 64.522 64.534 64.137 64.262 64.394 6 4; 536 4.810 4.848 4.982 5.070 5.153 5.240 5.445 5.470 5.500 73^ $2,437,900.56 4,612,097. 00 4,578,550.88 12,616,218.21 10,090,071. 93 4,066,113.85 4,077,305. 71 4,951,208.62 6, 768,590. 25 6,122, 736. 32 4,307,261.86 -4,462.50 2,146,495.09 4,837,581.53 4,724,706. 94 5,179, 284. 92 5, 235,636. 78 3,085,545.00 6,992,822.36 3,753,314.04 2,429,090.04 5, 739,628.08 6,686,223.08 7,037,420.37 14,814,341. 95 8,281,030.35 3,806,615.40 4,537,050.36 9,309,435.76 9,224,033.43 3,281. 25 8,678,067.62 15, 581. 25 10,872,720. 53 1, 542, 993.75 515,291.475.00 7 _-145,438,237.88 145,433,237. 1,000.00 -1,000.00 21,000.00 500.00 31,094,500.00 7-2,737,000.00 12,366,000.00 -597,000.00 73^ 73^ -2,425,000.00 -1,049,000.00 $1,401,530. 92 5, 619,315.17 8,804,513. 84 10,496,323. 92 9,624,829.29 5,104, 981. 49 5,452, 975. 91 6, 416, 223. 60 6, 797,432. 65 6,409, 222. 39 5,075, 219. 71 1,683,912.15 3,744,081. 77 6,546,170.39 6,977, 247.17 7,818,673.49 7,961,634.75 656,043.88 7, 557,762. 51 8,983,420.75 3,768,464.85 5,312,838.41 10,636,636.74 10,873,151.44 12,622, 269.45 13,884,432.48 11,195,338.30 9,890,946.54 973,738.19 14,187, 620.73 17,304,772.98 8,336,467.54 13,340,089.34 12,154,059.49 27,618,097.47 38,858,365.65 110,013,881.25 7 -36,578,603.11 383,000.00 880,500.00 1,640,000.00 2,636,000.00 2,192,000.00 159,500.00 1,655,500.00 2,350,000.00 1,350,000.00 1,117,000.00 5, 509,500.00 3,462,000.00 3,102,000.00 2, 510,500.00 2,065,000.00 2,194, 500.00 53,500.00 2,892,000.00 1,999,000.00 956,000.00 828,000.00 810,000.00 451,000.00 732,000.00 107,000.00 7-8,499,000.00 181 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing puhlic debt securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Contiuied Secmities Date R a t e of A r a o u n t issued 2 interest 1 Percent 1970 Dec. 31 U . S . savings notes: 9 4.74 Series S-1967.. 4.74 Series S-1968 ( J a n u a r y to M a y ) . . 6.00 Series S-1968 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) 5.00 Series S-1969 6.00 Series S-1970 Unclassified. 4.00 U.S. retirement plan bonds 2.00 D e p o s i t a r y b o n d s . F h s t Series. 2.00 T r e a s u r y b o n d s . R E A Series 234 T r e a s m y b o n d s . I n v e s t m e n t Series B-1975-80. R e d e e m e d in exchange for 1};^% T r e a s m y notes. Series EO-1975 T r e a s u r y notes.'Series EO-1976 U'2 Miscellaneous Total December Amount matured or caUed or redeeraed prior to m a t u r i t y 3 $470, 742. 30 20.25 868,340.11 1,812, 614. 74 286,902.00 333, 210. 25 2,113,617. 92 496, 000. 00 $888.158. 68 896, 562. 71 2.070,153. 71 10,381. 517.18 14, 033. 26 112,177. 09 497,000. 00 735,000. 00 8, 430,000. 00 8,430, 000. 00 49,450,800. 00 21,325,677,559.41 18,203,495,322.24 1971 Jan. 1 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g : J a n . 1, 1 9 7 1 . . . A p r . 1. 1971 3 J a n . 3. 1971 A p r . 3, 1971 T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular w e e k l y : 7 D a t e d J u l y 9. 1970 7 M a t u r i n g A p r . 8.1971 7 Maturing July 8,1971.. 7 M a t m i n g A p r . i . 1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 7 M a t m i n g J u l y 1,1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 7 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series. m a t u r i n g F e b . 26.1971 7 T r e a s m y certificates, m a t u r i n g : J u n e 30, 1 9 7 1 . . . J u n e 30. 1971 8 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series. rapturing: J a n . 8, 1971 A p r . 8, 1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular w e e k l y : 14 D a t e d J u l y 16,1970.. 14 Matiu-ing A p r . 15, 1971 14 M a t u r i n g J u l y 16,1971 15 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreigii series, matm'ing: J a n . 15, 1971. A p r . 15, 1971 18 T r e a s m y notes, foreign series, m a t u r i n g : J a n . 18, 1971 F e b . 24, 1972 T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular w e e k l v : 18 M a t u r i n g J u n e 17.1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of i s s u e s . . . 19 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreigii series, m a t u r i n g , A p r . 19,1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular w e e k l y : 20 M a t u r i n g F e b . 18.1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 20 M a t m i n g Mar. 11,1971 Adj u s t m e n t s of issues 21 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreigii series, matm'ing: J a n . 21, 1971 Apr.21, 1971..-. ---- F o o t n o t e s a t end of table. 5.807 4.830 5.807 4.830 4 6.150 4.921 4.927 4.830 4.836 2,137.99 2,169.03 1,670.957.47 1,695,215.60 3,413,800,000.00 2,002,420,000.00 1,401,705,000.00 ""'-i46^o66'66".'.''.''.r.'.'."'.'."^^^II 90', m ' . O Q ' " IV." "'.'.'.'.'.'.'." y. 200,000,000.00 4.80 3.50 3.50 13L80 1,574,326.92 271,017,399.32 271,017,399.32 4 6.147 4.640 4.633 ' 2,003,445,000.00 1,407,895,000.00 3,407,695,000.00 - 5.42 5.424 250, 000, 000. 00 7.80 4.75 60,000.000.00 6.05 4.96 250,000,000.00 . 50,000,000.00 4.785 lb','QbQ'.bo''.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.i'. 4.25 5.283 4.883 5.95 4.25 65,000,000.00 "•""i26,'666."66'^]]"!]]]'^l'-'^I-'.' ~9b',m'm'V.['.y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.l 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 182 1971 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public dept securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Date Securities 1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: Dated July 23,1970.. Jan. M a t u r i n g A p r . 22.1971 M a t m i n g J u l y 22,1971 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign currency series, m a t m i n g : J a n . 22, 1971 J u l y 22,1971 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: J a n . 22. 1971 J a n . 27, 1971 A p r . 26,1971 J a n . 26, 1971 --. A p r . 26,1971 --.. A p r . 27, 1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: 27 M a t u r i n g J u l y 1, 1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues D a t e d J u l y 30,1970.. M a t u r i n g A p r . 29,1971 M a t u r i n g J u l y 29.1971 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: J a n . 28, 1971. A p r . 28, 1971 ..29 F e b . 10, 1971 ---... F e b . 10, 1971 Feb. 17,1971... F e b . 24.1971 Mar. 1 5 . 1 9 7 1 . . Mar. 16,1971 Mar. 22,1971 .Mar. 23,1971 --.-.. M a r . 29. 1971 A p r . 21,1971 -. A p r . 28, 1971 T r e a s u r y n o t e s , foreign c u r r e n c y series, maturing: J a n . 29,1971 -. May 30,1972... 31 T r e a s u r y certiQcates, m a t u r i n g : J a n . 31,1971. A p r . 30, 1971 U . S . savings b o n d s : « SeriesE-1941. SeriesE-1942 Sei'ies E - 1 9 4 3 . SeriesE-1944 SeriesE-1946 SeriesE-1946 Series E - 1 9 4 7 . Series E-1948 Series E-1949. Series E-1950 Series E - 1 9 5 1 . Series E-1952 ( J a n u a r y to April) Series E-1952 (May t o D e c e m b e r ) Series E-1953 ... Series E-1954. Series E-1955 Series E-1956 Series E-1957 ( J a n u a r y ) Series E-1957 ( F e b r u a r y t o D e c e m b e r ) . Sei'ies E-1958. Series E-1959 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series E-1959 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) SeriesE-1960 Series E-1961 Sei'ies E-1962 SeriesE-1963 Series E-1964. Series E-1966 (Januai'y to N o v e m b e r ) . . Series E-1966 ( D e c e m b e r ) Footnotes at end of table. R a t e of interest » A m o u n t issued 2 Amomit matured or called or redeemed prior to m a t u r i t y 3 Percent 4 6.024 4.214 4.243 6.76 4.40 5.95 6.86 4.25 6.95 4.20 4.20 $3,402,126,000.00 $2,002,185,000.00 . 1,400,856,000.00 . 100,006,977.23 99,955,833.47 30,000,000. 00 46,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 '36,'666,'666.'66', ' so'm',m'bb 20,000,000.00 . 4.836 -120,000.00 . 45.959 4.201 4.236 6.85 4.20 5.45 5.46 6.30 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.76 4.75 4.76 4.25 4.20 3,401,640,000. 00 2,001,705,000.00 1,400,440,000.00 . 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 10,000,000. 00 50,000, 000. 00 36,000, 000. 00 60,000,000. 00 12,500, 000. 00 7,600, 000.00 16,000,000.00 10,000, 000.00 5,000,000.00 30,000, 000.00 40,000,000.00 7.85 , 4.40 30,248, 737.70 . 5.831 . 4.201 1,351,404. 23 . 6 3.363 6 3.433 6 3.506 6 3.584 6 3.656 6 3. 758 6 3.830 6 3. 907 6 4.030 6 4.128 6 4.191 3.610 6 3.677 6 3. 762 6 3.868 6 3.978 6 4.142 4.230 6 4.368 6 4.484 4.570 6 4. 572 6 4.644 6 4. 746 6 4.825 6 4. 890 6 4.473 6 4.427 4.600 30,243,108.06 1,331,987.19 645,665.68 4,894,61L08 5,045,907.41 9,755,485. 78 5,128,361. 73 4.030.345.84 5,016, 732.84 5,405, 729.32 6,020,960.30 6,096, 562.98 5.176.746.85 2,606,469.04 3, 725,683.68 4,267,067.34 4,339,217.92 4,695,468. 74 4,788, 842.87 -42, 269. 52 4,991,126. 52 5, 245,837.14 2, 720,063.47 2, 730, 264.07 5, 551, 720.40 6,614, 705. 07 3, 902,060. 58 12,471, 248.39 9, 559,741.03 9,097,123.89 463.20 1, 582,042.62 5,467,683.21 8, 590,613.68 10,690,905.32 9,347,978. 63 5,154, 533. 25 5,813, 516.12 6,339,068.05 6,607,699.74 6,863,335.63 4,944,403.09 1,448,938. 73 3,508,946.34 6,620,151.47 7,027,266. 22 7,689,906. 58 7,388,196.63 591,877. 98 6,834,864. 62 8,274,884.28 3, 415,902.36 4,929,736.23 10,442,175.14 9,963,414.63 11,314, 207.63 12, 928, 088. 79 10, 604,118. 55 9,103,107.74 1.054,253.62 183 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debi securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Date Securities 1971 Rate of Amount issued 2 interest i Araount matmed or caUed or redeeraed prior to matmity 3 Percent Jan. 31 U.S. savings bonds5—Continued Series E-1966 Series E-1967. Series E-1968 (January to May) Series E-1968 (June to December) Series E-1969 (January to May) Series E-1969 (June to December) Series E-1970 (January to May) Series E-1970 (June to December) Unclassified sales and redemptions Series H-1952 Series H-1953 SeriesH-1954 SeriesH-1955 Series H-1956 Series H-1957 (January). Series H-1957 (February to December) Series H-1958 Series H-1959 (January to May) Series H-1959 (June to December) SeriesH-1960 SeriesH-1961 SeriesH-1962 SeriesH-1963 Series H-1964_ Series H-1965 (January to November) Series H-1965 (December) SeriesH-1966 Series H-1967 _. Series H-1968 (January to May) Series H-1968 (June to Deceraber) Series H-1969 (January to May) Series H-1969 (June to December) Series H-1970 (January to May) Series H-1971 (June to December) Unclassified sales and redemptions 31 Treasury notes, Series D-1974 Adjustments of issues 8 31 Treasmynotes, Series C-1976 Adjustments of issues 8 31 U.S. savings notes:» Series S-1967 Series S-1968 (January to May) Series S-1968 (June to December) Series S-1969 Series S-1970 Unclassified 31 U.S. retireraent plan bonds.. 31 Depositary bonds, Fhst Series «.. 31 Treasury bonds, REA Series 31 Treasmy bonds. Investment Series B-1975-80Redeemed in exchange for 13^ % Treasury notes. Series EO-1976 31 Treasmy notes. Series EO-1975 31 MisceUaneous , 8 3. 673 . 6 3.642 . 6 3.733 . 6 3.821 . 6 3.953 . 4.030 . 6 4.244 . 6 4.349 . 4.430 . 6 4.486 . 6 4. 522 . 6 4.684 . 6 4.137 . 6 4.262 . 6 4.394 . 6 4. 536 . 4.810 . 4.848 . 4.982 . 5.070 . 5.153 . 5.240 . 5.445 5.470 5.500 TH "n%' 4.74 4.74 5.00 6.00 5.00 4.01 2.00 2.00 2y^ 15,000.00 42,000.00 28,687,000.00 11,534,500.00 $12,923, 572. 52 15,018, 360.64 7,140, 321.08 12,160, 039.07 10,860, 620. 78 25,659, 733. 69 36,183, 258.40 136,707, 989.40 67,092, 997.84 206, 500.00 661, 000.00 1.309, 000.00 1,913, 000.00 1,603, 500.00 111, 000.00 1,572, 500.00 1,860, 600. 00 611, 000. 00 1,196, 500.00 3,854, 000.00 2,681, 000.00 2,406, 600.00 2,147, 600.00 1,742, 000.00 1,309, 000.00 449, 000.00 1,972, 600.00 1,839, 000.00 400, 000.00 881, 000.00 313, 000.00 662, 000.00 292, 000.00 278, 000.00 6,057, 000.00 -971,000.00 -112,000.00 . 175,729.94 282,740.68 351,103.91 996,239.68 1,097,174.34 -162,890.00 3,334,318.21 956,000.00 836,521.19 817,141.42 1,906,64L90 11,318,638.54 10,408.60 (10) 214,373. 69 303,000.00 535,000.00 1,379,000.00 13^ Total January Treasury bills: Regular monthly: Dated Jan. 31,1970 Feb. 1" Maturing Oct. 31,1971 Maturing Jan. 31,1972 Treasmy certificates, maturing, June 30,1971.. Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing May 3,1971 Treasmy bills: Regular weekly: Dated Aug. 6,1970 Maturing May 6,1971 Maturing Aug. 5, 1971 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign currency series, raaturing: Feb. 6,1971 Aug. 6,1971 Footnotes at end of table.- $9,240,211.05 9,764,356.71 4,693,168.66 4,265, 687.70 4,364,451.17 4,051,884.09 6, 672,291.20 445,068,429.31 - 3 1 ; 015,944.17 4.654 4.826 4.960 5.091 5.200 5.427 5.460 5.600 1,379,000.00 15,220,466,511.99 4.15 4 5.8«9 4 110 4.115 6.75 . 4.26 15,593,049,802.20 1,603,356,000.00 4 7.304 4.269 4.249 3.50 '46,'686,'666.'66 499,740,000.00 . 1,199,455,000.00 . i5,'783,'477.'58 75,000,000.00 . 3,430,045,000.00 2,003,855,000.00 . 1,405,305,000.00 . 49,974,43L69 50,039.666.17 184 197'1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing puhlic debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date 1971 Securities Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: Feb. 5 Maturing Apr. 29,1971 Adjustraents of issues 10 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: Feb. 10,1971. May 10, 1971 Treasury bills: Regular weekly: 11 Dated Aug. 13, 1970 11 Maturing May 13,1971 11 Maturing Aug. 12,1971 15 Treasury notes, Series C-1971 Redeemed in exchange for: 5Ji% Treasury notes. Series C-1975 63^% Treasury notes. Series A-1978 Redeemable for cash 15 Treasury notes. Series D-1971 Redeemed in exchange for: 6J^% Treasury notes, Series C-1975 63^% Treasury notes. Series A-1978 Redeemable for cash 15 Treasury bonds of 1966-71 Redeemed in exchange for: 5>g% Treasury notes. Series C-1975 634% Treasury notes, Series A-1978 15 Treasury notes. Series B-1971 Redeemed in exchange for: 5 ^ % Treasury notes. Series C-1975 634% Treasury notes, Series A-1978 15 Treasury notes. Series G-1971. Redeemed in exchange for: 5>|% Treasury notes. Series C-1975 63^% Treasui'y notes. Series A-1978 15 Treasury bonds of 1971 Redeemed in exchange for: 6J^% Treasury notes, Series C-1976 63€% Treasury notes, Series A-1978 15 Treasury notes, Series A-1972 Redeemed in exchange for: 5J^% Treasury notes, Series C-1976 634% Treasury notes, Series A-1978 15 Treasury notes. Series C-1972 Redeemed in exchange for: 6>8% Treasury notes. Series C-1976 6M% Treasmy notes. Series A-1978 15 Treasury bonds of 1972 Redeemed in exchange for: b%% Treasury notes. Series C-1975 634% Treasury notes, Series A-1978 15 Treasury notes, Series C-1975 Issued in exchange for: 5H% Treasury notes. Series C-1971 7H% Treasury notes. Series D-1971 23^% Treasury bonds of 1966-71 6H% Treasury notes, Series B-1971 Issued in exchange for: 7 ^ % Treasmynotes, Series G-1971 3ys% Treasmy bonds of 1971 4 ^ % Treasmynotes, Series A-1972 73^% Treasmy notes. Series C-1972. 4% Treasmy bonds of 1972 15 Treasury notes. Series A-1978 Issued in exchange for: 5H%) Treasury notes. Series C-1971 TH% Treasury notes, Series D-1971 23^% Treasury bonds of 1966-71.. 6H% Treasury notes. Series B-1971 TH% Treasui'y notes. Series G-1971 3J^% Treasury bonds of 1971 4M% Treasury notes. Series A-1972 73^% Treasury notes. Series C-1972. 4% Treasury bonds of 1972 16 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, matming Mar. 16,1971 Footnotes at end of table. Rate of interest i Araount matmed or called or redeeraed prior to maturity 3 Araount issued 2 Percent 4.201 . 6.45 3.85 $20,000.00 . $15,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 . 45.36O. 2,002,695,000.00 . 3.845 1,400,250,000.00 , 3.839 5% . 1, 064,662,000. 00 1, 092,039,000. 00 351,855, 000. 00 TH - 1,022, 555,000.00 1,324,865, 000.00 576,213,000. 00 23^ . 314,153, 000. 00 633, 930,000. 00 5H - 332,630,000.00 432, 379, 000. 00 TH - 2,434, 579,000. 00 2,479, 221,000. 00 3J^ . 4^ 3, 405,955,000.00 890,660,600.00 780,994, 600. 00 - 597,489,000.00 607,452,000. 00 — 73^ . 389,911,000.00 302,826,000. 00 4.00 - 634,014, 600.00 729,452, 600. 00 ^1/i . 1,064,662,000.00 . 1, 022, 555,000. 00 . 314,153, 000.00 . 332,630,000. 00 . 2,434,579,000.00 890, 660,500. 00 597,489,000.00 389, 911,000. 00 634,014,600.00 . . . . . 634 1,092,039, 000. 00 . 1,324, 866, 000.00 . 633, 930, 000.00 . 432, 379, 000.00 . 2, 479,221, 000.00 . 780, 994, 500. 00 . 607,452, 000. 00 . 302,826, 000.00 . 729,452, 500.00 . 3.54 250,000,000.00 . STATISTICAL APPENDIX 185 TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Securities R a t e of interest i A m o u n t issued 2 1971 Percent F e b . 18 T r e a s u r y notes, foreign series, m a t m i n g : F e b . 18,1971. 1.00 A p r . 27, 1972 3.90 $50,000,000.00 . T r e a s u r y notes, foreign cm'rency series, m a t u r ing: F e b . 18,1971 7.60 M a y 18, 1972 30,023,040.94 . 3.90 T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular weekly: 4 5.729 . D a t e d A u g . 20,1970 3.639 M a t m i n g May 20,1971.. 2,003,465,000.00 . M a t m i n g A u g . 19,1971 3.678 1,402,285,000.00 . Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: 6.30 F e b . 23,1971 5.30 F e b . 23,1971 M a y 24,1971 3.50 40,000,000.00 . M a y 24,1971 3.60 300,000,000. 00 . M a y 24,1971 3.60 36, 000,000.00 . T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular weekly: 4 6.430 . D a t e d A u g . 27,1970 3.497 M a t m i n g M a y 27,1971. 1,903,630,000.00 . Matm'ing A u g . 26,1971 3.591 1,402,040,000.00 . Matm'ing M a y 27,1971-July 1,197113 3.281 1,204,470,000.00 . Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, matm'ing: 4.80 . F e b . 26,1971 3.50 M a y 26,1971 100, 000,000.00 . U . S . savings b o n d s : 6 6 3.363 Series E - 1 9 4 1 . . 469,629.40 6 3.433 SeriesE-1942. 3,109,443.15 6 3.506 Series E-1943 4,116,904.33 6 3.584 7,517,783.66 SeriesE-1944 6 3.656 3.821.013.61 Series E-1945 6 3.758 3,217,637.15 SeriesE-1946 3,604,994.08 Series E-1947 - - - . 6 3.830 6 3.907 4,129,182.75 Series E-1948 6 4.030 4,703,417.11 Series E-1949 6 4.128 4,614,550. 51 Series E-1950. 6 4.191 4,161, 587.86 Series E-1951 3.610 1,981,438.49 Series E-1952 ( J a n u a r y t o April) -. 6 3.677 4,866,733.86 Series E-1952 (May to December) 6 3.762 5,337,029.25 Series E-1953 6 3.868 5,687,014.21 Series E-1954 6 3.978 6,003,936.65 Series E-1955 6 4.142 5,741,377.98 Series E-1956 4.230 . Series E-1957 ( J a n u a r y ) . 4, 432.65 6 4.368 Series E-1957 ( F e b r u a r y t o D e c e m b e r ) 6 4.484 5,358; 997.56 Series E-1958 4.570 2,644, 073.08 Series E-1959 ( J a n u a r y t o May) 6 4.572 Series E-1959 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) 2,664, 943.08 6 4.644 SeriesE-1960 5,336, 368.69 6 4.746 Series E-1961 --6,555, 155.74 6 4.825 SeriesE-1962 7,091, 479.86 6 4.890 SeriesE-1963 .6,392, 035.93 6 4.473 Series E-1964 7,580, 290.56 Series E-1965 ( J a n u a r y to N o v e m b e r ) , 6 4.427 7,286, 725.64 -56. 25 4.600 Series E-1965 (Deceraber) 299.85 4.654 Series E-1966 -832.06 8,250, 4.826 Series E-1967 i4.960 4,122, 641.94 Series E-1968 ( J a n u a r y t o May) 5.091 3,894, 937.97 Sei'ies E-1968 ( J u n e t o Deceraber) -5.200 3,864,,900.69 Series E-1969 ( J a n u a r y t o May) 4,221, 367.48 5.427 Series E-1969 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) 5.460 5,404, 645.41 Series E-1970 ( J a n u a r y to May) 5.500 413,825, 403.90 Series E-1970 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) 5.500 12,562, 893.75 Series E-1971 Unclassified sales a n d r e d e r a p t i o n s - 1 0 , 7 4 3 , 658.86 SeriesH-1952 - - . 6 3.573 . Series H-1953 --- 6 3.642 . 6 3.733 . SeriesH-1954 6 3.821 , SeriesH-1955 Series H-1956 - 63.953 . F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . Amount matured or called or redeemed prior to m a t m ' i t y 3 $50,000,000.00 29,799,029.80 3,399,780,000.00 40,000,000.00 300,000,000.00 3,303,285,000.00 100,000,000.00 1,857, 856. 88 7,349, 276. 38 11,477, 393.60 14,593, 104.76 12,741, 566. 68 7,397, 966.11 8,026, 548. 60 9,204, 718. 76 9,662, 622. 22 9,436, 037.47 046.82 2,624, 324.72 5,231, 694.22 9,869, 585.74 10,390, 325.63 11,746, 703.92 11,367, 051.04 1,170, 080. 32 9,970, 353. 24 11,581, 890. 46 4,924, 483.78 6,447, 896.81 13,487, 323.42 14,262, 856.36 15,442, 497.33 17, 542, 989.42 12,280, 452.82 10,617, 151.13 1,229, 738.12 13,776, 263.50 • 21,052,955.30 7,147, 677.94 11,192, 120.86 9,525, 935.12 19, 541, 507.34 28,447, 435.84 107,627, 436.30 356. 25 - 7 0 , 7 6 0 , 732.13 198, 000.00 683, 000.00 1,147, 500.00 1,763, 600.00 1,460, 600. 00 186 19 7a REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public dept securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date 1971 F e b . 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Secmities R a t e of interest i Amount matured or called or r e d e e m e d prior to m a t u r i t y 3 Percent U . S . savings b o n d s 6—Continued Series H-1957 ( J a n u a r y ) Series H-1967 ( F e b r u a r y to December) Series H-1968Series H-1969 ( J a n u a r y t o May) Series H-1959 ( J u n e to December) SeriesH-1960. .SeriesH-1961 ---SeriesH-1962 SeriesH-1963 SeriesH-1964 -. Series H--1965 ( J a n u a r y t o N o v e m b e r ) Series H-1966 (December) SeriesH-1966 SeriesH-1967 Series H-1968 ( J a n u a r y to M a y ) Series H-1968 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) Series H-1969 ( J a n u a r y t o M a y ) Series H-1969 ( J u n e t o Deceraber) - -. Series H-1970 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series H-1970 ( J u n e t o Deceraber) Series H-1971 Unclassified sales a n d r e d e m p t i o n s U . S . savings notes:!" Series S-1967 Series S-1968 ( J a n u a r y t o M a y ) -Series S-1968 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) Series S-1969 Series S-1970 Unclassified U . S . retireraent p l a n b o n d s D e p o s i t a r y b o n d s , F h s t Series T r e a s m y b o n d s , R E A Series -.T r e a s u r y b o n d s , I n v e s t r a e n t Series B-1975-80. R e d e e m e d i n exchange for: 13^% T r e a s u r y notes, Series EA-1975 13^% T r e a s m y notes, Series EO-1976 T r e a s m y notes. Series EA-1976 T r e a s m y notes. Series EO-1976 MisceUaneous 4.030 6 4.244 6 4.349 4.430 6 4.486 64.522 6 4.584 6 4.137 6 4.262 6 4.394 6 4.636 4.810 4.848 4.982 5.070 6.153 5.240 5.445 5.470 6.550 5.600 4.74 4.74 6.00 6.00 6.00 4.14 2.00 2.00 T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular monthly: D a t e d F e b . 2,1970 1" 1 M a t u r i n g N o v . 30, 1971 1 M a t u r i n g F e b . 29,1972 1 T r e a s m y certificates, raaturing, J u n e 30, 1971. 1 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: M a r . 1,1971 June 1,1971.... J u n e 1,1971 June 1,1971.-.. r e a s u r y biUs: Regular weekly: M a t m i n g M a y 20,1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of Issues M a t u r i n g M a y 27,1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues D a t e d S e p t . 3,1970 M a t u r i n g J u n e 3,1971 M a t m i n g Sept. 2,1971 M a t m i n g A u g . 26,1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues Certtficates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: Mar. 29,1971.. '. A p r . 26,1971 M a r . 9,1971 J u n e 9,1971 F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $230,600.00 17,227,000.00 23,738,500.00 246,600.00 235,196.25 319,626.98 429,900.45 1,062,313.60 949,868.27 -3,369,935. 60 -367,766.79 295,000.00 000.00 1,187, 600.00 2,449, 000.00 1,044, 000.0,0 966, 000.00 4,433, 600.00 5,724, 600.00 2,863, 000.00 2,443, 000.00 2,384, 500.00 2,237, 000.00 189, 000.00 2,393, 500.00 2,351, 000.00 866, 000.00 1,139, 500.00 678, 000.00 709, 000.00 781, 600.00 438, 000.00 2, 000. 00 7-9,372, 600.00 776,619.65 736,407.58 1,696,223.71 7,399,121.74 1,846,680.14 (10) 174,691.11 209,000.00 200,000.00 2H -25,000.00 408,000.00 m Total February Mar. A r a o u n t issued 2 -26,000.00 . 408,000.00 . 32,188,200.00 34,105,009,695.15 4 7.056 . 3.691 3.675 3.60 4.80 3.50 3.50 3.50 33,128,992,752.86 1,700,107,000.00 601,330,000.00 . 1,201,075,000.00 . 296.48 ""44,'5i8,'933.'i6 120,000,000. 00 150,000,000.00 . •280,000,000.00 . 140,000,000.00 . 60,000.00 . 3.497 '26,'66o.'66'." 4 5.687 . 3.345 1,901,790,000.00 . 3.467 1,401,135,000.00 3.691 30,000.00 . 4.75 4.20 4.90 3.30 3,303,790,000.00 45,000,000. 00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 . 187 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 35.—Issues, inaturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Securities Date 1971 M a r . 10 R a t e of interest ^ A m o u n t issued 2 Aniount matm'ed or called or redeeraed prior to raaturity 3, Percent Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing—Continued Mar. 31, 1971 J u n e 1, 1971 J u n e 10, 1971. Certificates of indebtedness, foreign currency series, m a t u r i n g , Sept. 10, 1 9 7 1 . . . T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: D a t e d Sept. 10, 1970 M a t u r i n g J u n e 10, 1971... M a t u r i n g Sept. 9, 1971 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g A p r . 3 0 , 1 9 7 1 . . . Ti'easury b o n d s of 1966-71 R e d e e m a b l e for cash Certiftcates of indebtedness, foreign series, m a t u r i n g , Mar. 16, 1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: D a t e d Sept. 17, 1970 M a t u r i n g J u n e 17, 1971 M a t u r i n g Sept. 16, 1971 T a x anticipation: M a t u r i n g Mar. 22, 1971 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, n i a t u r i n g J u n e 22, 1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: M a t u r i n g May 27, 1971-July 1, 1971 12 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues. D a t e d Sept. 24, 1970 M a t u r i n g J u n e 24, 1971 Maturing Sept. 23, 1971 T r e a s u r y notes, foreign series, m a t u r i n g : Mar. 25, 1971 A p r . 27, 1972 T r e a s u r y biUs: T a x anticipation: M a t u r i n g A p r . 22, 1971 Regular m o n t h l y : D a t e d Mar. 31, 1970 M a t u r i n g Deceraber 31, 1971 Maturing Mar. 31, 1972 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign sei'ies, m a t u r i n g , J u n e 30, 1971 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g , J u n e 30, 1971.. U . S . saving b o n d s : ^ SeriesE-1941 Sei'ies E-1942 Series E-1943 Series E-1944 Series E-1945 Series E-1946 Series E-1947 Series E-1948 Series E-1949 Series E-1950 Sei'ies E-1951 Sei'ies E-1952 (Januai-y to AprU) Series E-1952 (May to December) Series E-1953 Series E-1954 Series E-1955 -Sei'ies E-1966 Series E-1967 ( J a n u a r y ) Sei'ies E-1957 ( F e b r u a r y t o December) Series E - 1 9 6 8 . . . Series E-1959 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series E-1959 ( J u n e to December) -SeriesE-1960 Sei'ies E-1961 SeriesE-1962...SeriesE-1963 . Series E-1964 - Footnotes at end of table; 449-442—72- -13 $100,000,000.00 150,000,000.00 4.85 3.50 3.30 $35,000,000.00 3.35 249,709, 639.95 4 5. 594 , 3.307 3.358 4.201 2y2 3,306,070,000.00 1,900,745,000.00 1,400,825,000.00 338r283'47 270,'589,'666 .'66 250,000,000.00 4 5. 505 . 3.307 3.416 3,302, 225,000.00 1,900,745,000.00 1,400,750,000.00 6.452 2, 516, 570,000.00 3.30 200,000,000.00- —780,000.00 4 5.365 . 3.330 3,481 7.35 3.65 3,304,795,000.00 'i,'899,"665,'666."66' 1,600,555,000,00 125,000,000.00 . 3.671 4 6.407 3. 507 3.587 3.55 3.50 6 3.363 6 3.433 6 3.506 6 3.584 6 3.656 6 3.758 6 3.830 6 3.907 6 4.030 6 4.128 6 4.191 3.610 6 3.677 6 3. 762 6 3.868 6 3. 978 6 4.142 4.230 6 4.368 6 4.484 4.570 6 4.572 6 4. 644 6 4.746 6 4.825 8 4.890 6 4.473 125,000,000.00 2,000,795,000.00 1,701,620,000.00 500,365,000.00 . 1,200,275,000.00 . 130,000,000.00 24,262,891. 55 430, 268.19 3,238, 004.26 9,379, 895.13 3,605, 740.25 3,309, 660.82 2,935, 269.75 3,624, 391.02 3,728,302.28 4,348, 279.42 4,368, 062.88 3, 982, 576.47 1,877,446.04 2,193, 888.38 6,007, 737.31 6,187, 819. 77 6,601, 484.31 6,712, 304.35 2,961, 184.91 4,932, 628.07 5,290, 882.06 2,554,687.23 5,788,441.44 5,964, 708.17 7,110,044.39 8,103,865.68 6,778,656.85 7,056,409.43 1,378, 925.94 5,242, 433.88 8,408, 424.50 10,842, 546.99 9,301, 950.56 6,228, 203.34 6, 947, 172.27 6,820, 603.40 6,683, 851.11 6,237, 603.63 5,668, 303.26 1,840, 686.34 3, 948, 002.14 6,976, 231.69 7,458, 044.14 7,983, 589.37 8,362, 807.77 776, 227.68 7,776, 395.49 11,000, 513.35 4,673, 663.71 6,191, 870. 90 12,661, 960.72 13,231, 030.46 14,004, 162. 78 17,362, 094.10 12,811, 246.65 188 19 7'1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, J i d y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Secmities Date R a t e of A m o u n t issued 2 interest ^ Amount matured or called or redeemed p r i o r to m a t u r i t y 3 Percent 1971 Mar. 31 U.S. savings b o n d s s—Continued 6 4.427 $7,288,549. 79 Series E-1965 ( J a n u a r y to N o v e m b e r ) 4.600 129.61 Sei'ies E-1965 (December) 4.654 8,368,550.55 Series E - 1 9 6 6 . . . 4.826 8,331,146. 63 Series E-1967 ' 4.960 4,162,714. 53 Series E-1968 ( J a n u a r y to May) 5.091 3,594,674.35 Series E-1968 (Jmie to Deceniber) 5.200 3,829,936. 06 Series E-1969 ( J a n u a r y to May) 5.427 3,661,567.42 Series E-1969 ( J u n e to December) 6.460 5,001,332.03 Series E-1970 ( J a n u a r y to May) .-5.500 242, 913,457.04 Series E-1970 ( J u n e to December) 5.600 390,700,813.00 Series E - 1 9 7 1 . . 7 -141,229,750.82 Unclassified sales a n d r e d e m p t i o n s . 6 3.673 , SeriesH-1952 6 3.642 . Series H-1953 6 3. 733 . Sei'ies H-1954. 6 3.821 . SeriesH-1955.. 6 3.953 . SeriesH-1966 4.030 . Series H-1957 (January) 6 4.244 . Series H-1957 ( F e b r u a r y to December) 6 4.349 . Series H-1958 4.430 . Series H-1959 ( J a n u a r y to M a y ) . . 6 4.486 . Series H-1959 (Jmie to December) 6 4.522 . SeriesH-1960... 6 4.584 . SeriesH-1961 6 4.137 . SeriesH-1962 6 4.262 . SeriesH-1963 6 4.394 . SeriesH-1964 6 4.536 . Series H-1965 ( J a n u a r y t o N o v e m b e r ) 4.810 . Series H-1965 (December) 4.848 . SeriesH-1966.. 4.982 . SeriesH-1967 5.070 Series H-1968 ( J a n u a r y to May) 5.153 . Series H-1968 ( J u n e t o December) ' 5.240 . Series H-1969 ( J a n u a r y to May) 6.445 . Series H-1969 ( J u n e to December) 149,000. 00 6.470 Series H-1970 ( J a n u a r y to M a y ) . 6.500 1,621, 500. 00 Sei'ies H-1970 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) . 6.500 Series H-1971 40,353,000.00 6,433, 000.00 Unclassified sales a n d r e d e m p t i o n s T r e a s u r y n o t e s . Series B-1971 5K8 A d j u s t m e n t s of r e d e m p t i o n s 8 T r e a s u r y notes, Series G-1971 "7'H" A d j u s t m e n t s of r e d e m p t i o n s 8 T r e a s u r y notes. Series A-1972 ^H A d j u s t n i e n t s of r e d e n i p t i o n s 8 T r e a s u r y notes. Series C-1972 A d j u s t m e n t s of r e d e m p t i o n s 8 T r e a s m y notes. Series D-1972 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 8 -228,000.00 . T r e a s u r y notes. Series C-1975 "5%" -333,000.00 . A d j u s t n i e n t s of issues 8 "bH T r e a s u r y notes, Series A-1978 2,805,000. 00 . A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 8 ,. U . S . savings notes:« 4.74 252,273.36 Series S-1967 4.74 • Series S-1968 ( J a n u a r y to May) 322,577.08 5.00 Series S-1968 ( J u n e t o D e c e m b e r ) . . . 390,380.45 Series S-1969 6.00 1,009, 793. 73 Series S-1970.. 5.00 793,782.24 Unclassified .' ...58,44L50 846, 686.32 U.S. retirement plan bonds -.. 4.16 D e p o s i t a r y b o n d s . F i r s t Series 3, 046,000.00 2.00 T r e a s u r y b o n d s , R E A Series 2.00 T r e a s m ' y b o n d s . I n v e s t m e n t Series B-1975-802H R e d e e r a e d in exchange for 1J^% T r e a s u r y notes. Series EO-1976 31 Treasui'y notes. Series E O - 1 9 7 5 . - . 16.803.000.00 ... 31 Miscellaneous $20, 945, 460.86 2,485, 569.41 15,189, 838. 76 26,165,1,448.41 8,721 884. 94 13, 617;,112.21 10,476, 515.48 19, 964, 673.65 26,019, 983.39 132,390, 789.75 19,, 481.25 -27,674, 559.67 236, 500. 00 602, 000.00 1,320, 000.00 1,561, 500. 00 1,375, 500.00 31, 600.00 1,093, 000. 00 1, 688, 000.00 817, 500.00 789, 600.00 3,084, 000.00 4,007: 000.00 2,166; 000.00 2,173, 500. 00 1,883, 000. 00 1,637, 500.00 69, 000. 00 1, 997, 500.00 1,590, 000.00 754, 000. 00 693, 000. 00 770, 000.00 4T6, 000. 00 561, 500. 00 323, 500.00 22, 500.00 3,856, 000.00 - 1 , 4 7 4 , 000.00 '-3,'489,'666.'66 1, 666,000.00 "'646,'666.'66 m m T o t a l March F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e ; 20,888,008,030.06 809,110.33 808,668.11 1,756,786.26 6,793,162.23 3,836,368.67 (10) 155,438.39 3,089,000.00 110,000.00 16,803,000. 00 • 60,926,400.00 20,909,609,676.72 189 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Securities Amount raatured or caUed or redeeraed prior to raaturity 3 R a t e of A r a o u n t issued 2 interest ^ Percent T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: Apr. D a t e d Oct. 1, 1970 M a t u r i n g J u l y 1, 1971 Matm'ing S e p t . 3 0 , 1971 T r e a s u r y notes. Series EA-1971 R e d e e r a a b l e for c a s h . . .T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t m i n g : A p r . 1, 1971 -J u n e 30, 1971 J u l y l , 1971. A p r . 3,1971 J u l y 3,1971 T r e a s m y bills: Regular weekly: M a t u r i n g J u l y 8,1971-Sept. 16, 1971 ^4 M a t u r i n g Sept. 16,1971 A d j u s t r a e n t s of issues Regular monthly: M a t u r i n g Mar. 31, 1972 A d j u s t r a e n t s of issues Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: J u l y 7,1971 J u l y 7,1971 -. J u l y 7, 1971 J u l y 7,1971 A p r . 8 , 1971 J u l y 8, 1 9 7 1 . . . Treasm'y biUs: Regular weekly: D a t e d Oct. 8, 1970 M a t m i n g J u l y 8,1971 M a t m i n g Oct. 7,1971 T r e a s u r y Certificates EurodoUars: Series A-1971 T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular weekly: M a t m i n g Sept. 23,1971 Adj u s t m e n t s of issues D a t e d O c t . 15,1970 -..M a t u r i n g J u l y 15,1971 M a t u r i n g Oct. 14,1971 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: A p r . 15,1971 -. J u l y 16, 1971 A p r . 19, 1971 J u l y 7, 1971 19 J u l y 19, 1971 •Treasury bills: R e g u l a r weekly: D a t e d Oct. 22,1970 M a t m i n g J u l y 22,1971 M a t m i n g Oct. 21,1971 T a x anticipation: M a t m i n g A p r . 22,1971 T r e a s u r y notes, foreign series, m a t u r i n g : A p r . 22, 1971 M a y 25, 1972 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: A p r . 26,1971.--... July 26,1971... 27 A p r . 27,1971 J u l y 27,1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: D a t e d Oct. 29,1970 M a t u r i n g J u l y 29, 1971 . M a t m i n g Oct. 28,1971 F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . 4 5.484 3.622 3.695 13^ ... $1,900,465,000.00 . 1,599,856,000.00 . — --. $3,305,065,000.00 35,435,000. 00 4.830 . 3.50 3.521 4.830 . 3.521 3.811 3.416 2,169. 03 540.30 , 2,195.22 1,695,215.60 1,715,686.33 . 2,205,720,000.00 . -10,000.00 . 3.587 . 10,000.00 , 3.70 3.70 3.70 3.70 4.96 3.70 4 5.535 . 3.704 3.704 30,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 250,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 . . . . 271,017,399.32 '27i,'6i7,'399.'32'. 3,404, 445,000.00 2,000,285,000.00 . 1,600,600,000.00 . 1,508,437,000.00 . 3 482 ....*..... i,'225,'666'66'; 4 6.293 . 4.038 4.141 2,000,525,000.00 1,600,225,000.00 . 5.424 . 5.424 4.25 . 3.70 4.05 4 5.002 3.770 3.960 3,407,690, 000.00 250,000,000.00 250, 000, 000.00 . -^ 55,000,000.00 4.25 . 3.80 4.20 . 3.90 35,000,000.00 3,403,470,000. 00 2,001,005,000.00 1,401,175,000.00 . 4,261,985,000.00 4 6.174 7.95 4.40 "65,'666,'666."66 : 160,000,000.00 . 150,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 . ""26,'666,'666.'66 20,000,000.00 . 4 4.990 . 3.866 2,000,675,000.00 . 4.087 1.400.896,000.00 . 3,402,650,000.00 190 19 7'1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public dept securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Securities 1971 R a t e of interest i A m o u n t issued 2 A m o u n t raatured or caUed or r e d e e m e d prior to raaturity 3 Percent A p r . 30 30 30 30 30 T r e a s u r y biUs—Continued Regular m o n t h l y : D a t e d A p r . 30, 1970 M a t u r i n g J a n . 31,1972 .... M a t u r i n g A p r . 30, 1972 ...T r e a s u r y certificates m a t u r i n g : A p r . 30, 1 9 7 1 . . . . J u n e 30, 1971 J u l y 31, 1971 U . S . savings b o n d s : ^ SeriesE-1941 SeriesE-1942 Series E-1943 Series E-1944 Series E-1945 SeriesE-1946 Series E-1947 --. Sei'ies E-1948 Sei'ies E-1949 Series E-1950 Series E-1951 Series E-1952 ( J a n u a r y to April) Series E-1952 (May to Deceniber) Series E-1953 -Series E-1954 Series E-1955 ---Sei'ies E-1966 Series E-1957 (.January) Series E-1957 ( F e b r u a r y to D e c e n i b e r ) . Series E-1958 Sei'ies E-1969 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series E-1959 ( J u n e to December) SeriesE-1960... Series E-1961 SeriesE-1962 Series E-1963 Series E-1964 Series E-1965 ( J a n u a r y to N o v e m b e r ) . . Series E-1965 ( D e c e m b e r ) Series E-1966 Series E-1967 Sei'ies E-1968 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series E-1968 ( J u n e to Deceniber) Series E-1969 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series E-1969 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) Sei'ies E-1970 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series E-1970 ( J u n e td D e c e m b e r ) Series E - 1 9 7 1 . Unclassified sales a n d r e d e n i p t i o n s SeriesH-1952 Series H - 1 9 5 3 . - - . SeriesH-1954 SeriesH-1955 Series H-1956. Sei'ies H-1957 ( J a n u a r y ) Series H-1957 ( F e b r u a r y to D e c e m b e r ) . Series H-1968 Sei'ies H-1959 ( J a n u a r y t o May) Series H-1959 (June to December) SeriesH-1960 SeriesH-1961 SeriesH-1962 SeriesH-1963 SeriesH-1964 Sei'ies H-1965 ( J a n u a r y to N o v e m b e r ) _. Series H-1965 (December) SeriesH-1966 SeriesH-1967 --Series H-1968 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series H-1968 ( J u n e to D e c e m b e r ) Series H-1969 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series H-1969 (Jmie to D e c e m b e r ) Series H-1970 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series H-1970 ( J u n e to December) Series H - 1 9 7 1 . . Unclassifled sales a n d r e d e m p t i o n s F o o t n o t e s a t end of t a b l e . 4 6.712 4.403 4.422 4.201 . 3.50 . 3.865 6 3.363 6 3.433 6 3.606 6 3.684 6 3.656 0 3.758 6 3.830 6 3.907 6 4. 030 6 4.128 6 4.191 3. 610 6 3.677 6 3. 762 6 3. 868 6 3. 978 6 4.142 4.230 6 4. 368 6 4. 484 4.570 6 4.572 6 4.644 6 4. 746 6 4.825 6 4.890 6 4.473 6 4.427 4.600 4.654 4.826 4.960 5. 091 5.200 5.427 5.460 5. 600 5.500 6 3.573 63.642 63.733 63.821 6 3.963 4.030 64.244 64.349 4.430 . . . 64.486 64.522 64.584 64.137 64.262 6 4.394 64.536 4.810 4.848 4.982 5.070 5.163 5.240 5.445 5.470 6.500 5.500 $1,700,360,000.00 $500,100,000.00 1,200,355,000.00 --.. 1, 013,120. 76 77, 909, 674. 72 1,023,761.06 468, 996. 42 3,387, 430. 23 7,448,421. 26 3,178, 716. 73 4, 021,912. 26 3,046, 039.40 3,342, 014. 40 3,688.251. 23 4, 067,194.38 4, 042,898.98 4, 027,057.43 1, 710,306. 94 2, 014,149. 31 4,721,233.11 5, 074,842. 45 5,282, 636.96 5,456, 021. 56 12.08 5, 256,984.29 4,977, 966.07 2, 346,352.66 2,680,745.62 6,973,704.20 7,797,709.79 9,032,570.44 16,319,735.85 7,326,292.67 7,835,049.95 -72,909.71 8,937, 049,14 8,693,499. 36 4,415,160.78 3, 767,376. 55 4,314, 004.65 3,980,832. 00 6,338,494.58 26,741,878.15 473, 261,259.80 7-53^108 790.19 250,000.00 69,500.00 62,180,000.00 7-5,970,000.00 1, 797,253.29 7,864,304.94 12,314,172.16 14,922,536.44 12,448,920.80 7,255,325.13 7,942,021.32 8,527,422.53 9,126,947.41 8,495,488.78 8,079,376.11 2,747,717. 09 6, 029,109.99 9,161, 347.26 10,098,306.05 11,169,205.00 11,419,761.63 1,010,080.82 9,248,859.33 8,901,401. 03 3,739,595.81 5,241,902.13 10,360,719.02 11,382,586.12 11,395,044.62 14,476,890. 31 10,695,096.36 11,788,438.21 1,287,109.91 12,636,206.00 17,401,611.38 7,422,897.49 11,308,677.80 9,662,008.88 17,721,892.86 20,801,913.34 89,070,920.25 42,186,412.50 7-52,554,935.73 300,500.00 778,000.00 1,453,000.00 2,347,600.00 2,298,000.00 299,600.00 1,497,000.00 2,038,000.00 1,313,500.00 971,000.00 3,328,600.00 5,151,600.00 2,743,000.00 2,627,000.00 2,087,600.00 1,801,600.00 90,000.00 2,610,000.00 1,755,600.00 841,000.00 775,600.00 656,000.00 533,000.00 489,500.00 626,000.00 63,500.00 7-10,833,000.00 191 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-hearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Securities 1971 A p r . 30 U . S . savings notes: ^ Series S-1967 Series S-1968 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series S-1968 ( J u n e to December) Series S-1969 Sei'ies S-1970 Unclassified U.S. retirement plan b o n d s . D e p o s i t a r y bonds, F i r s t Series T r e a s u r y b o n d s , R E A Series Treasm-y b o n d s . I n v e s t m e n t Sei'ies B-1976-i R e d e e m e d in exchange for: i y % T r e a s m ' y notes. Series E O - 1 9 7 5 . . 13^% T r e a s m y notes, Series E A - 1 9 7 6 . . T r e a s u r y notes, Series EO-1976 T r e a s m y notes. Series EA-1976 Miscellaneous R a t e of interest ^ Percent 4.74 4.74 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.16 •2.00 2.00 2H 3 4 6 6 6 7 10 10 10 12 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: M a y 3,1971 A u g . 3,1971 A u g . 4, 1971 T r e a s m y biUs: Regular weekly: D a t e d N o v . 5, 1970 M a t u r i n g A u g . 5,1971 Matming Nov. 4,1971. Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: A u g . 6, 1971 Aug.6,1971 A u g . 6 , 1971 M a y l O , 1971 A u g . 10,1971 A u g . 10,1971 --A u g . 10,1971 .--A u g . 10, 1971 A u g . 10, 1971 -.-Certificates of indebtness, foreigii c m r e n c y series, m a t u r i n g : J u l y 22,1971 .... A u g . 6 , 1971 S e p t . 10,1971 J u n e l , 1971... J u l y 6, 1971 J u l y 22, 1971 A u g . 6, 1971 A u g . 6, 1971 .--A u g . 19, 1971... --Sept. 10, 1971 Sept. 13, 1971 O c t . 8 , 1971 O c t . 2 9 , 1971 D e c . 9,1971 J a n . 6,1972. J a n . 17, 1972 T r e a s u r y notes, foreign c m r e n c y series, m a t u r ing: J u n e l , 1971 J u l y 6, 1971 Aug.6,1971 A u g . 19, 1971 Sept. 13,1971 Oct.8,1971 : Oct. 29, 1971 Dec. 9,1971 --J a n . 6, 1972 -. J a n . 17,1972 M a y 18, 1972 M a y 30,1972 M a y 18,1972 M a y 30, 1972 T r e a s m ' y certificates, raaturing J u n e 30, 1971- F o o i t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . $711 432.00 718, 631.62 1,505, 182.12 5,267, 311.44 4,292, 710.99 $271,169.69 322, 557.46 413,281. 69 1,101,606.06 692, 094.52 -67,996.00 400,684.71 208,000.00 (10) 171, 134.66 2,381, 000.00 160, 000.00 1, 358,000.00 362,000.00 13^ 1,358,000.00 . 362,000.00 . 63, 025,600.00 T o t a l April May Amount matured or caUed or redeenied prior to m a t u r i t y 3 A r a o u n t issued 2 24,933,393,478.91 4.16 3.90 3.90 ) 4. 794 . ^ 3.864 4.182 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.85 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 4.40 4.26 3.35 8.10 6.75 4.40 4.26 7.70 7.73 3.35 7.60 7.30 7.23 6.90 6.70 6.55 8.10 6.75 7.70 7.73 7.60 7.30 7.23 6.90 6.70 6.55 3.90 4.40 3.90 4.40 3.50 24,384,343,016.62 75,000,000.00 76,000,000.00 . 200,000,000.00 . 3,406,265,000.00 2,000,225,000.00 . 1,400,240,000.00 . 1,010,000,000.00 . 80,000,000.00 . 100,000,000.00 . ""ii6,'666,'666.'66'. 235,000,000.00 675,000,000.00 1,000, 000,000. 00 60,000,000.00 60,000, 000.00 . . . . 99, 956,833. 47 50, 039,566.17 249,709,639. 95 26,862. 026.86 64,946, 064.96 106,006, 105.01 52,503, 052.60 26,862, 026.86 29, 304, 029.30 262,515, 262.62 24,420, 024.42 31,746, 031.75 41,614, 04L61 106,227, 106.23 23,687, 423.69 140,415, 140.42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.44 25,633, 52,261, 457.24 25,696, 086.74 27,790, 643.82 23,193, 784. 07 30,198, 847.80 39,642, 240.42 101,141,621.52 22,426, 708.69 132,868, 102.41 30, 023,040.94 30,248, 737.70 31, 601,831.60 . 31,746,03L76 263.60 , 192 19.71 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OP T H E TREASURY T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Date 1971 Securities Rate of Amount issued 2 interest 1 Amount matured or called or redeemed prior to matmity 3 Percent Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: May 13 Dated Nov. 12,1970. 44.539 $3,403,620,000.00 13 Matming Aug. 12, 1971 3.861 $2,000,240,000.00 13 Maturing Nov. 11, 1971 4.177 13 Maturing July 29, 1971 ' 3.957. 1,400,040,000.00 915,000.00 . . . . Adjustments of issues 13 Maturing Oct. 28, 1971 4.243. 330,000.00 Adjustments of issues Regular monthly: 13 Maturing Jan. 31, 1972 4.403 10,000.00 Adjustments of issues 13 MatmingApr. 30, 1972.. 4.422. Adjustments of issues 30,000.00 13 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: June30, 1971 3.55 130,000,000.00 July 7, 1971.. 3.70 40,000,000.00 Aug. 6, 1971... 3.90 80,000,000.00 Aug. 13, 1971 3.90 250,000,000.00 14 Aug. 13, 1971 3.90 42,000,000.00 15 Treasury notes, Series A-1971 534 .-Redeemed in exchange for: 5% Treasmy notes. Series E-1972 1,780,720,000.00 6M% Treasury notes. Series A-1974 1,859,378,000.00 Redeemable for cash 624,933,000.00 15 Treasury notes. Series E-1971 8.00 Redeenied in exchange for: 5% Treasury notes, Series E-1972.. 1,651,413,000.00 5K% Treasmy notes, Series A-1974 1,370,769,000.00 Redeemable for cash • 1,154,308,000.00 15 Treasmy notes. Series E-1972 5.00 Issued in exchange for: 534% Treasm-y notes, Series A-1971 1,780,720,000.00 8% Treasury notes, Series E-1971.. 1,661,413,000.00 15 Treasury notes. Series A-1974 5H Issued in exchange for: 534% Treasm'y notes. Series A-1971 1,859,378,000.00 ^ 8% Treasmy notes, Series E-1971 1,370,769,000.00 . Treasm'y biUs: Regular weekly: 18 Matming July 22, 1971.. 3.770 Adjustnients of issues 10,000.00 19 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, matming: July 7, 1971... 3.70 165,000,000.00 Aug.6, 1971 3.90 100,000,000.00 Aug. 10, 1971.... 3.90 100,000,000.00 Aug. 19, 1971 4.35 58,000,000.00 20 Treasmy notes, foreign series, matming: May 20, 1971 8.10 100,000,000.00 June 22, 19725.35 100,000,000.00 Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: 20 Dated Nov. 19, 1970— --. 44.367 3,407,010,000.00 20 Matming Aug. 19, 1971 4.351 2,001,225,000.00 20 Matming Nov. 18, 1971 4.530 1,401,745,000.00 21 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: Aug. 13, 1971 3.90 150,000,000.00 24 May 24, 1971 3.50 300,000,000.00 May24,1971 3.50 .40,000,000.00 May 24, 1971. 3.50 35,000,000.00 Aug. 24, 1971 4.35 300,000,000.00 .-. Aug. 24, 1971 4.35 35,000,000.00 Treasury biUs: Regular weekly: 26 Matm'ing June 24, 1971-Aug. 12, 1971 15.... 4.099 1,607,840,000.00 26 CertUicates of indebtedness, foreign series, raaturing: May 26, 1971 3.50 100,000,000.00 Aug. 26, 1971 4.50 30,000,000.00 Aug.26,1971 4.50 100,000,000.00 Footnotes at end of table. STATISTICAL APPENDIX 193 TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July~ 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Securities 1971 Rate of Amount issued 2 interest i Amount matured or called or redeemed prior to maturity 3 Treasury bills: Regular weekly: 44.027 ..: May 27 Dated Nov. 27, 1970.... $3, 504,755,000. 00 27 Maturing Aug. 26, 1971... 4.480 $2,100,800,000.00 . 27 Maturing Nov. 26, 1971 4. 577 1,400,165,000. 00 . 27 Treasury notes, foreign series, maturing: May 27,1971 7.60 100,000,000. 00 June 22, 1972 5.10 100,000,000.00 . 27 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, maturing: Aug. 10, 1971 3.90 . 80,000,000. 00 June 1,1971.. 3.50 . 30,000, 000. 00 31 U.S. savings bonds: s Sei'ies E-1941.. 6 3. 363 966,635.42 1, 200,032. 73 SeriesE-1942 6 3.433 3,564,200. 42 4,836, 953. 37 6 3. 506 Series E-1943... 4,018,282.90 7,953, 100.79 6 3.584 SeriesE-1944 5,273,955. 93 9,226,, 552. 82 6 3.656 9,677,488.00 Series E-1945.. 8, 202,540. 21 6 3. 758 3,019,209.42 SeriesE-1946 4, 703,629.40 6 3.830 3,051,021. 82 Series E-1947... 5,014, 854. 56 6 3.907 3, 559,276. 57 Series E-1948 5,631, 744.24 6 4.030 3,959,418.90 Series E-1949_ 5,798,249.64 6 4.128 3, 873,602. 27 Series E-1950_ 5,328, 555.86 6 4.191 3,756, 583. 96 4,979, 593.88 Series E-1951... 3.610 -34,779.11 1,668, 720. 02 Series E-1952 (January to April) 6 3.677 1,956,889. 55 , 153. 20 3, 213, Series E-1952 (May to December) 6 3. 762 4,686,715.29 t, 680. 21 6,082, Series E-1953. 6 3.868 4,900,685.62 Series E-1954 6, 508,297.47 6 3. 978 5,203, 248. 97 Series E-1955... 7,292, 456.40 6 4.142 5,067, 514.75 Series E-1956... 7, 557,050.23 4.230 . Series E-1957 (January) 604, 616.34 6 4. 368 ""e;" 624;" 436^98' Series E-1957 (February to December) 7,119,297.10 6 4.484 6,848,369. 53 Series E-1958 8,689,987. 93 4.570 -48,315. 51 Series E-1959 (January to May) 3, ' ', 075. 42 2,205,687.47 Sei'ies E-1959 (June to Deceniber) . 6 4. 572 5,142,514.62 6 4.644 5,600, 935. 35 SeriesE-1960.. 10,447,811.97 6 4. 746 6,073, 576.89 Sei'ies E-1961 11,610,580.41 6,809,015.83 6 4.825 SeriesE-1962.... 11,265,336.67 10,248,327.24 6 4.890 SeriesE-1963.. 15,487,186.09 6,679,634. 58 6 4. 473 Sei'ies E-1964. 11,044,387.19 6 4.427 Series E-1965 (January to November) 7.008.830.86 10,938,453.86 4.600 Series E-1965 (December) - 4 0 . 50 1,240,922. 78 4.654 Sei'ies E-1966. 8.069.444.87 12, 527,463.43 4.826 Series E-1967 8,096,997.77 15,963,104. 59 4.960 Series E-1968 (January to May) 4,103,365. 99 6,976,604.48 Series E-1968 (June to December) 5.091 3,902,868.99 10, 581,400.13 5.200 3,927,327.33 Series E-1969 (January to May) 9,186,181. 56 5.427 4,109,380.85 Series E-1969 (June to December). 16,764,986.11 5.460 5, 759,017. 22 Sei'ies E-1970 (January to May) 19,315,282.40 6,158,354. 95 Series E-1970 (June to December) 5.500 68, 552,071.80 Series E-1971 5.600 445, 537,152.40 67,794,806. 25 ^-7,621,963.65 Unclassified sales and redemptions 7 -48, 738,728. 05 6 3.573 . SeriesH-1952 156, 000.00 6 3. 642 . Series H-1953...... 427, 500. 00 8 3.733 . SeriesH-1954 827,500. 00 6 3.821 . SeriesH-1955.. 1,158,000. 00 6 3. 953 . Series H-1956 1,046,000.00 4.030 . Sei'ies H-1957 (January) 92,500. 00 6 4. 244 . Series H-1967 (February to Deceniber) 908, 500. 00 6 4. 349 . Series H-1958... 1,421,500. 00 4.430 . Series H-1959 (January to May) 639, 500. 00 6 4.486 . Series H-1959 (June to Deceniber) 600, 000.00 6 4. 622 . SeriesH-1960. 1,817,500.00 6 4. 584 . Sei'ies H-1961 3,216,000. 00 6 4.137 . SeriesH-1962. 1,600,000.00 6 4. 262 . Series H-1963 1,417,500. 00 6 4. 394 . SeriesH-1964.. 1,365,600.00 6 4.536 . Series H-1965 (January to November) 998, 000. 00 4.810 . Series H-1965 (December) 62,000. 00 4.848 . SeriesH-1966 . 1,350,600. 00 4. 982 . Series H-1967 1,184,000. 00 5.070 . Series H-1968 (January to May) 458, 000. 00 5.153 . Series H-1968 (June to Deceniber) 596, 000. 00 5.240 . Series H-1969 (January to May) 448, 000.00 5.445 . Series H-1969 (June to December) 380,000.00 Footnotes at end of table. 194 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 35.—Issues, rnaturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public dept securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Securities 1971 M a y 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 R a t e of interest i 1 Amount matured or called or r e d e e m e d prior to n i a t u r i t y 3 Percent U . S . savings b o n d s s - C o n t i n u e d Series H-1970 ( J a n u a r y to May) 5. 470 $64,000. 00 Series H-1970 ( J u n e t o Deceinber) 5.500 120,500.00 Sei'ies H-1971 5.500 44,842,500.00 Unclassified sales a n d r e d e n i p t i o n s . 7 _ 4, 216,500.00 T r e a s u r y notes Series B-1971 5M A d j u s t m e n t s of r e d e m p t i o n s 8 . . . . , ; Treasm-y notes, Series G-1971.. 7H A d j u s t r a e n t s of r e d e m p t i o n s s.. T r e a s u r y notes, Series A-1972 4^ A d j u s t m e n t s of r e d e m p t i o n s 8 T r e a s u r y notes Series C - 1 9 7 2 . . 73^ ..A d j u s t n i e n t s of r e d e m p t i o n s s.. : T r e a s u r y notes. Series G-1971 7H 838,000.00 . A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 8 T r e a s u r y notes, Series A-1973 . 7M 'i,'489," 666.'66'; A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 8 T r e a s u r y notes, Series C-1975 2,515,000.00 . A d j u s t m e n t s of issues 8 "s'.bb" T r e a s u r y notes. Series A-1977 -92,000.00 . A d j u s t m e n t s of issues « Treasm'y notes. Series A-1978 "'742,'666.'66'; Adj u s t r a e n t s of issues 8 U . S . savings notes: ^ 323, 262. 83 Series S-1967. 4.74 339,539. 92 Series S-1968 ( J a n u a r y t o May) 4. 74 481, 915.15 Series S-1968 ( J u n e to Deceniber) 5.00 1,087,025.14 Series S-1969 6.00 537, 772. 82 Series S-1970. 5.00 - 3 4 4 . 25 Unclassified 643,999. 08 U.S. retirement plan bonds 4.17 92, 000. 00 D e p o s i t a r y b o n d s , F i r s t Series 2. 00 T r e a s u r y b o n d s , R E A Series 2. 00 T r e a s u r y b o n d s , I n v e s t m e n t S eries B-1975-80_ 2% R e d e e m e d i n exchange for I3?l2% T r e a s u r y n o t e s . Series EA-1976 T r e a s u r y n o t e s . Series EA-1976 13^ 2,081,000.00 . Miscellaneous $433,500. 00 500,000. 00 48,000. 00 3,941,000. 00 7, 779,000. 00 -3;'623,"666.'66 2,048,000. 00 -2;" 666,'666.'66 "m" Total May J u n e 1 >i 1 1 1 A n i o u n t issued ^ Treasm-y bUls: Regular monthly: D a t e d M a y 31,1970. M a t u r i n g F e b . 29, 1972 M a t u r i n g M a y 31,1972 T r e a s u r y Certificates EurodoUar: Series B-1971 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign currency series, raaturing J m i e 1, 1971 T r e a s m y n o t e s , foreign c u r r e n c y s e r i e s , m a t u r i n g Sept. 1, 1972 _ Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: J u n e 1, 1971. J u n e 1, 1971 A u g . 10, 1 9 7 1 . . . . S e p t . 1, 1971 A u g . 10, 1971 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g , J u n e 30, 1971. T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular monthly: M a t m ' i n g J a n . 31, 1972. A d j u s t m e n t s of i s s u e s . M a t u r i n g A p r . 30, 1972 A d j u s t r a e n t s of i s s u e s . - F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . 28,082,231,479.68 4 7.051 . 4.688 4. 790 690,129. 83 686,804. 03 1,448, 270. 19 4,650,028. 20 4,430, 226. 86 (10) 99, 717. 40 1,000. 00 150,000. 00 2,081,000. 00 "69,'iei,'666.'66 26,275,083,384.90 1, 701,480,000. 00 500,105,000. 00 . 1, 200,890,000. 00 . 500,051,000.00 . 26,862,026. 86 8.10 5.15 3.50 3.50 3.90 4.35 3.90 3.50 26,780,279.98 . 280,000,000. 00 110,000,000. 00 60,000,000. 00 280,000,000.00 . 19, 757,630. 94 4.620 . 140,000.00 . '4." 767'. 'ii6,'666,'666.'66 '156'666.'66'; 195 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-hearing puhlic debt securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Date Securities R a t e of interest ^ A m o u n t issued 2 Amount matured or called or redeeraed prior to m a t u r i t y 3 Percent T r e a s u r y bills—Continued R e g u l a r weekly: M a t u r i n g A u g . 26, 1971 -. June 2 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues. Matm'ing N o v . 18, 1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues D a t e d Dec. 3, 1970 M a t u r i n g Sept. 2, 1971 M a t u r i n g D e c . 2, 1971 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreigii series, m a t m ' i n g A u g . 10, 1971 T r e a s u r y biUs: Regular weekly: Matm'ing A u g . 26, 1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues .Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, matm'ing: A u g . 10, 1971... J u n e 9, 1971 J u n e 22, 1971.. J u n e 24,1971, J u n e 10,1971 Sept. 10,1971 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular w e e k l y : D a t e d D e c . 10,1970 M a t u r i n g Sept. 9, 1971 Matm'ing D e c . 9,1971 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: J u n e 22,1971 J u l y 7,1971 J u l y 7,1971 A u g . 6,1971 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g : J u n e 15, 1971 D e c . 15,1971 Certiflcates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, raaturing A u g . 6,1971 Treasm'y notes, foreign series, m a t u r i n g : J u n e 17,1971 J u l y 20, 1972 T r e a s u r y bills: Regular weekly: D a t e d D e c . 17,1970 M a t m i n g Sept. 16, 1971 Maturing Dec. 16,1971... M a t u r i n g J u n e 24,1971-Aug. 12,1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues M a t u r i n g A u g . 19, 1971 A d j u s t r a e n t s of issues M a t u r i n g N o v . 18,1971 A d j u s t m e n t s of issues Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreigii series, raaturing: J u n e 24,1971 J u l y 7, 1971 J u l y 26,1971 A u g . 13,1971 --21 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 7 1 . . Treasm-y bills: T a x anticipation: Matm-ing J u n e 22, 1971 22 Footnotes a t e n d of t a b l e . 4.480 .. $20,000.00 "4.'7i3'.. 40,000.00 ^3.994 4.342 4.507 $3,501,015,000.00 2,101,575,000.00 1,394,930,000.00 3.90 95,000,000. 00 50,000.00 3.90 3.30 3. 30 4.56 3.30 . 4.55 50,000,000. 00 30,000,000. 00 134,000,000. 00 30,000,000.00 4 3. 932 . 4.511 2,100, 905,000. 00 4. 720 1,400,480,000. 00 3.30 . 3.70 3.70 3.90 1.00 LOO . - . 5.970 66,000,000. 00 110,000,000. 00 140,000,000. 00 10,000,000.00 271,031. 83 100,000,000.00 100,000, 000. 00 100,000, 000. 00 4 3. 896 . 4.988 2,100,770,000.00 . 5.200 1,400,390,000.00 . 4.099 400,000.00 . 4.351 100,000.00 . 4.530 200,000.00 . 4.55 4.05 3.80 3.90 3.50 3, 501, 985,000. 00 269,683.41 .. 3.90 7.125 5.85 " 3 5 ^ 666;" 666" 66 35, 000,000.00 3, 501,345,000. 00 30, 000,000.00 55,000,000.00 65, 000,000. 00 100,000,000. 00 1,745,205.48 2, 515,135. 000. 00 196 19 71 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Securities Date 1971 R a t e of interest i A m o u n t issued 2 A m o u n t raatured or called or redeeraed prior to m a t u r i t y 3 Percent J u n e 24 24 24 24 25 25 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 T r e a s u r y bills—Continued Regular weekly: D a t e d D e c . 24,1970 M a t u r i n g Sept. 23, 1971 M a t u r i n g Dec. 23, 1971 Treasm'y notes, foreign series, m a t u r i n g : J u n e 24, 1971 J u l y 20, 1972 Certificates of i n d e b t e d n e s s , foreign series, maturing: A u g . 6 , 1971 A u g . 10, 1971 A u g . 24, 1 9 7 1 . . . . T r e a s u r y notes, foreigii series, m a t u r i n g : J u n e 2 6 , 1972 J u n e 25, 1973 J u n e 2 5 , 1974 J u n e 25, 1976 J u n e 25, 1976 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, m a t u r i n g , Sept. 28, 1971... T r e a s u r y notes, Series F-1972 Issued for cash T r e a s u r y certificates, n i a t u r i n g J u n e 30, 1971.. T r e a s u r y bills: Regular monthly: D a t e d J u n e 30, 1970. M a t u r i n g Mar. 31, 1972 M a t u r i n g J u n e 30, 1972 Certificates of indebtedness, foreign series, m a t u r i n g A u g . 4, 1971 T r e a s u r y certificates, m a t u r i n g : J u i i e 3 0 , 1971 J u n e 3 0 , 1971 J u n e 3 0 , 1971 J u n e 3 0 , 1972 J u n e 3 0 , 1972 U . S . savings bonds:5 SeriesE-1941 Series E-1942 Series E-1943 Series E-194^1 Series E-1945 SeriesE-1946 Series E-1947 Series E-1948 Series E-1949 Sei'ies E-1950 Series E-1951 Series E-1952 ( J a n u a r y to April) Series E-1952 (May to Deceniber) .... Series E-1953 Series E-1954 Series E-1955. ..Series E-1956 --. Series E-1967 ( J a n u a r y ) Series E-1957 ( F e b r u a r y to D e c e m b e r ) Series E-1958 Series E-1959 ( J a n u a r y to May) Series E-1959 ( J u n e to December) Sei'ies E-1960. Sei'ies E-1961 Sei'ies E-1962 Sei'ies E-1963 Series E-1964 Series E-1965 ( J a n u a r y to N o v e m b e r ) Series E-1965 (December) Series E-1966 F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . 43.913 4.954 5.133 7.60 5.85 $3,705,110,000. 00 $2,203,210,000.00 1,603,345,000,00 . 100, 000, 000. 00 3.90 3.90 4.35 5.95 6.20 6.45 6.55 6.65 4. 95 6.00 100,000,000.00 840,000,000.00 1,000,000,000.00 160,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 600,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 '2,'285,'866,'666.'66''!""]'.!"".]]^]^]'.' 3.50 5,699,572.22 4 6.831 5.425 6.567 . 500,370,000.00 1,200,275,000.00 . . . 1,702,200,000.00 3.90 50,000,000.00 3.50 3.60 3.50 3.50 3.50 39,998,44L51 401,027,463.24 63.303 63.433 8 3. 506 63.534 63.656 63.758 63.830 83.907 4 4. 030 '64.123 6 4.191 3.610 8 3.677 63.762 63.368 63.973 64.142 4.230 6 4.368 64.434 4.670 8 4.572 64.644 64.746 64.825 64.390 64.473 8 4.427 4.600 4.654 8,138.76 67,736,600.03 386,502,97L 90 2,414,625. 93 4, 249, 667. 85 3,878,194.66 11, 624,371. 04 9, 248,370.19 3, 653, 026. 61 3,587,151. 25 4, 334,608. 28 5,062, 999. 86 4,168,150. 70 4,075, 264.17 -118,318.20 1,877,633.40 4,202,739. 24 4,142,28L34 4, 504,876. 60 4,430,540.47 -65,340.41 2,465,195. 73 6,136, 004.44 3,451,171. 90 2,036,195.61 4,788, 993. 36 5,634,018. 29 5, 824,912.18 9, 791, 906.46 7,305,166.82 2,871,189. 20 4, 294,415.42 8,166,323.43 1,016, 392. 68 3,489,096.18 5,405,991. 92 6,286,656.62 6, 920,770.66 3, 111, 586.47 3,617,410. 62 4,065,937. 35 4,196, 919. 92 3,787, 676. 69 3,664,614. 27 1,182,022.94 2,276,083.00 4,150,681. 67 4,496,033.37 4,863,361.76 4, 827,206.98 389,000.30 5,234,434.43 7, 698,619.10 3,196,123.24 4, 351,920.95 8,638,446.21 9,845,617.85 9,676,823. 07 13,631,385. 51 9,492,300. 71 9,467,284.62 1,032,965. 61 11,140. 516.08 197 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public debt securities, excluding special issues, July 1970-June 1971—Continued Date Securities 1971 June 30 U.S. savings bonds «-Continued Series E-1967 Series E-1968 (January to May) Series E-1968 (June to December). Series E-1969 (January to May) Series E-1969 (June to Deceraber) Series E-1970 (January to May).. Series E-1970 (June to Deceraber) Series E-1971 _ Unclassified sales and rederaptions SeriesH-1952 Series H-1953 SeriesH-1954. SeriesH-1955 Sei'ies H-1956 Series H-1957 (January) Series H-1957 (February to Deceraber). Series H-1958 Series H-1959 (January to May) Series H-1959 (June to December) SeriesH-1960 SeriesH-1961 SeriesH-1962 SeriesH-1963 SeriesH-1964 Series H-1965 (January to November)... Series H-1965 (December).. SeriesH-1966 SeriesH-1967 Series H-1968 (January to May)... Series H-1968 (June to December) Sei'ies H-1969 (January to May)... Series H-1969 (June to Deceraber) Series H-1970 (January to May) Series H-1970 (June to December). Series H-1971 Unclassified sales and rederaptions Treasury notes. Series B-1971 Adjustments of rederaptions 8 Treasury notes, Series G-1971. Adjustments of redemptions 8 Treasury notes, Series A-1972. Adjustments ofredemptions s Treasury notes, Series C-1972 Adjustments of rederaptions 8 Treasury notes, Series G-1971 Adjustments of issues 8 Treasury notes, Series C-1972 Adjustments of issues 8.. Treasury notes, Series E-1972 Adjustments of issues 8 30 Treasury notes. Series A-1973 Adjustments of issues 8_.. Treasury notes. Series A-1974 Adjustments of issues 8 .. Treasury notes, Series C-1974 Adjiisjtments of issues« Treasury notes. Series C-1975 Adjustments of issues 3 Treasury notes. Series A-1977 Adjustments of issues 8 Treasury notes, Series B-1977 Adjustments of issues 8_.. Treasmy notes, Series A-1973 Adjustments of issues 8 Footnotes at end of table. Rate of Amount issued 2 interest i Amount raatured or caUed or redeeraed prior to maturity 3 Percent 826 960 091 200 427 460 500 500 6 3. 573 . 8 3. 642 . 6 3. 733 . 6 3.821 . 8 3.953 . 4. 030 . 6 4. 244 . 8 4. 349 . 4. 430 . 6 4. 486 . 6 4.522 . 6 4. 584 . 6 4. 137 . 6 4. 262 . 6 4. 394 . 6 4. 536 . 4. 810 . 4. 848 . 4. 982 . 5. 070 . 5. 153 . 5. 240 . 5. 445 . 5. 470 5. 500 5. 500 $8,132,667.16 -463,238.73 8,025,654.89 -493, 529. 23 8, 594,858.37 -980,65L01 10,350,320. 02 431,009,375.80 30,792,394.04 108,000.00 164,000.00 40,071, 500.00 5,130,000.00 $13,670, 816. 01 6,003,312. 50 8,872, 214. 58 7, 753,340.45 13, 703,325.13 15, 787,468.28 47, 709,725.10 80,930, 756.25 82,401, 923. 74 240, 000. 00 495, 500.00 1,078, 000. 00 1,625, 500.00 1,496,000.00 95, 500.00 1,159,000.00 1,404, 500.00 644, 000. 00 663, 500.00 2,188, 000.00 3,664, 000.00 1,869, 000.00 1, 558,000.00 1,354, 600. 00 1, 279,500.00 4, 000.00 1,682, 000.00 1, 511,000.00 712, 500.00 499, 000.00 560, 500.00 314, 000. 00 471, 500. 00 512, 000.00 -112, 500. 00 7-71,500.00 7,000. 00 TH "'"82,'666.'66 "IH" -2;"45i;"666.'66 "TW '-i24,"666.'66 '"TH" 43,000.00 . "TW "5.'66' "TH" "IH" "TH" "i%'" '8.'6o" "T'H" "m" "4,"6i2,'666.'66'; 'i9,'37i,'666.'66'; ""'4i4'666.'66'" ""866,'666.'66'' 2;'666.'66'' -3,'2ii,"6o6.'6o".' ""3oi,'6o6.'66'' 92"6o6.'66~^ " " 9 3 4 ^ 666.'66"' 198 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 35.—Issues, maturities, and redemptions of interest-bearing public dept securities, excluding special issues, J u l y 1 9 7 0 - J u n e 1971—Continued Date Rate of Araount issued 2 interest 1 Securities 1971 Amount raatured or called or redeeraed prior to raaturity 3 Percent June 30 U.S. savings notes: ^ Series S-1967.... Series S-1968 (January to May) Series S-1968 (June to December) Series S-1969 Series S-1970 Unclassified. 30 U.S. retirement plan bonds 30 Depositary bonds, First Series 30 Treasury bonds, REA Series 30 Treasury bonds. Investment Series B-1975-80.. Redeemed in exchange for 1^% Treasury notes, Series EA-1976. 30 Treasury notes. Series EA-1976 30 Miscellaneous TotalJune Total fiscal year 1971 4.74 4.74 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.17 2.00 2.00 2H $584,838.68 581,194. 06 1, 225,281. 59 3, 951,154. 23 3, 903, 923. 04 (10) 184,582. 09 26,000. 00 36,000. 00 904,000. 00 904,000.00 . m ..-- - $401,427. 97 -44,373.10 765,045,25 850, 291. 97 250,354. 92 567.00 514, 305. 02 148,000. 00 '53,'773;"266.'66 26,293,019,906.16 24,972,639,679.07 .-. 281,259,591,030.41 260,657,315,315.56 1 For Treasury biUs, average rate on bank discount basis is shown; for savings bonds and savings notes, approximate yield to raaturity is shown. 2 Araounts shown for savings bonds of series E and savings notes represent issue price plus accrued discount. 3 Aniounts shown for savings bonds of series E and savings notes represent current redeniption value (issue price plus accrued discount). 4 Average interest rate for corabined original and additional issues. 5 At option of owner, series E bonds dated May 1,1941, through Apr. 1,1952, may be held and will accrue interest for additional 30 years; bonds dated May 1,1952, through Jan. 1,1957, may be held and will accrue interest for additional 20 years; bonds dated on or after Feb. 1, 1957, may be held and will accrue interest for additional 10 years. At option of owner, series H bonds dated June 1, 1952, through Jan. 1, 1957, may be held and will accrue interest for additional 20 years; bonds dated Feb. 1,1957, through Nov. 1, 1965, may be held and will accrue interest for additional 10 years. 6 Represents a weighted average of the approximate yield of bonds of various issue dates within the yearly series if held to maturity or if held from issue date to end of applicable extention period, computed on the basis of bonds outstandihg June 30, 1970. (See Treasm-y Circulars Nos. 653 (8th Revision) and 905 (5th Revision), as revised and amended, for details of yields by issue dates for series E and H savings bonds, respectively.) 7 Amounts transferred from miclassified sales or redemptions to sales or redemptions of designated series. 8 Adjustments of amounts originally reported on date of issue or exchange. fl Redeemable after 1 year from issue date. At option of owner, savings notes may be held and wiU accrue interest for additional 10 years. 10 Unclassified redemptions of savings notes are included in miclassified redemptions of series E savings bonds beginning May 1,1968. 11 Settlement made subsequent to last day of month in which biUs matured. 12 Represents an additional $300,685,000 on each of seven series of outstanding Treasury bills issued in a strip to mature each week from Jan. 7 to Feb. 18, 1971. 13 Represents an additional $200,615,000 on each of six series of outstanding Treasury bills issued in a strip to mature each week from May 27 to JiUy 1, 1971. 14 Represents an additional $200,520,000 on each of 11 series of outstanding Treasury bills issued in a strip to matm-e each week from July 8 to Sept. 16,1971. 15 Represents an additional $201,030,000 on each of eight series of outstanding Treasm'y bills issued in a strip to niatm'e each week from June 24 to Aug. 12, 1971. TABLE 36.—Allotments by investor classes on subscriptions for puhlic marketable securities, fiscal year 1971 [In millions of doUars. On basis of subscription and allotment reports] PART I . — T R E A S U R Y BILLS O T H E R T H A N R E G U L A R W E E K L Y S E R I E S A n i o u n t issued Date of financing D a t e of m a t u r i t y 1970 J u l y 8 . . . Mar. 22, 1971 J u l y 23. . A p r . 22, 1971 J u l y 3 1 . . / A p r . 30, 1 9 7 1 . . I J u l y 31, 1971 A u g . 31. I M a y 31, 1971 l A u g . 31,,1971 S e p t . 30 . / J u n e 30, 1971 \ S e p t . 30 , 1971 O c t . 21 . J u n e 22, 1971 O c t . 3 1 . . / J u l y 31, 1971 l O c t . 31, 1971 N o v . 30 . / A u g . 31,, 1971 I N o v . 30 ,1971 D e c . 31. . / S e p t . 30 , 1971 i D e c . 31, 1971 1971 J a n . 3 1 . . / O c t . 31, 1971 I J a n . 31, 1972 F e b 28 . f N o v . 30 , 1971 I F e b . 29, 1972 M a r . 30 . A p r . 22, 1971 M a r . 3 1 . . / D e c . 31, 1971 I M a r . 31, 1972 A p r . 30. . / J a n . 31, 1972 l A p r . 30, 1972 M a y 3 1 . . / F e b . 29, 1972 (May 31, 1972 J u n e 30. . nviar. 31, 1972 I J u n e 30, 1972 . Average rate (percent) A l l o t m e n t s b y hivestor classes 1-year series 6.462 . . . . 6,604 6.467 . . . . 1,202 6.380 6.510 ""i,'264'... 6.396 6.237 . . . . 1,202 . . . 6.216 6.970 6.163 6.072 """i,"26i'... 5.084 1,201 . . . 5.010 4.949 1,201 . . . 4.886 9-moiith series» Tax anticipation series Other series U . S . Governm e n t accounts a n d Federal Reserve b a n k s 2,517 . . . . 2,261 500 . . 501 . . -----2,111".'.'.'. 170 447 156 414 100 383 •"i62" 409 125 317 150 373 501 . . ------ 56i".! Commercial banks Corporations 2 2,483 . . . 2,256 49 69 160 216 224 260 2,510 . . . 167 304 160 339 211 211 Dealers a n d brokers AU other 3 20 17 11 15 5 22 252 41 159 454 163 446 1 17 10 38 11 12 152 358 188 419 119 560 33 6 9 638 15 105 19 101 5 19 113 18 88 10 45 11 26 10 21 11 6 34 119 393 123 385 1,180 162 414 10 360 226 435 124 229 37 157 26 58 12 5 45 173 38 51 21 61 153 Ul H3 > H V-H 0 ^ s fel I-H 4.269 4.249 3.691 3.675 3.671 3.507 . . . 3.587 4.403 4.422 4.688 4.790 5.425 5.567 200 377 205 427 500 . . 1,199 - - . 501".; 1,201 - 4 2, 001 500 . . 1,200 500 . . 1,200 . . . 500']! 1,201 . . . 1,200 . . 56.6'.'! 200 498 252 562 200 484 125 473 133 246 137 310 798 127 209 66 233 15 250 195 324 (*) 7 8 11 5 21 X See footnotes a t e n d of t a b l e . CO CO O O T A B L E 36.—Allotments hy investor classes on subscriptions for public marketable securities, fiscal year 1 9 7 1 - -Continued [In mUUons of doUars] PART I I . - S E C U R I T I E S O T H E R THAN T R E A S U R Y BILLS U.S. Govermnent In exaccounts change for and Fedother eral Reserve securities banks Amount issued Date of financing Description * Pi AUotments by investor classes Issue For cash Comraercial banks 6 Individuals 7 Insurance companies yn o State and local governments 8 Private Mutual Corpo- pension savings rations 2 and re- Pension thement banks and refunds thement funds AU Dealers other» and Other brokers funds Pi O y ^ 1970 Aug. 15 Aug. 17 Nov. 16 Nov. 16 1971 Feb. 15 W j7H7o note, Feb. 15,1974^C. \7H7o note, Aug. 15, 1977—B 73^% note, Feb. 15,1972—C / 7 ^ % note, May 15, 1974—D \7}^% note, Aug. 15,1976—C 4 6M% note, May 15, 1972—D /5J^% note, Aug. 15, 1975—C... \&H% note, Feb. 15,1978—A 16% note, Aug. 15, 1972—E. May 16 15^% note, Nov. 16, 1974—A 4 . . . June 29 6% note, Nov. 16,1972—F 3,179 3,141 2,264 190 4,511 2,612 150 479 190 838 811 2,038 . 7,680 8,386 3,432 3,231 2,286 . 2,319 2,722 1,457 1,046 1,929 967 1,664 2,481 1,033 1,593 166 74 666 292 94 119 38 29 13 44 24 2 22 43 37 10 4 3,586 3,122 1,351 1,257 2,071 235 431 138 246 19 77 116 22 36 2 34 90 13 26 3 *Less than $500,000. 1 Additional issue of biUs with original maturity of 1 year. 2 Exclusive of banks and insurance coraparues. 3 Includes individuals, insurance companies, mutual savings banks, private pension funds. State and local funds, savings and loan associations, nonprofit institutions, and investraents of foreign balances and international accounts in this country. Also includes certain Government deposit accounts and Govermnent-sponsored agencies. 4 Reopening of earUer issue. 8 Excludes 13^ percent Treasm'y EA and EO notes issued in exchange for nonmarketable 2 ^ percent Treasmy bonds, Investraent Series B-1975-80. 62 35 78 61 40 11 30 38 6 20 18 13 7 3 22 133 13 26 2 (*) 123 3 4 (*) 167 47 110 193 22 4 335 513 269 343 392 198 248 72 325 206 77 104 260 496 93 93 2 714 631 177 263 68 334 424 136 196 111 6 Includes trust corapanies and stock savings banks. 7 Includes partnerships and personal trust accounts. 8 Consists of trust, sinking, and investraent funds of State and local governments, and theh agencies. 8 Includes savings and loan associations, nonprofit institutions, and investraents of foreign balances and international accounts in this country. Also includes certain Government deposit accounts and Government-sponsored agencies. NOTE.—AUotments frora July 15, 1953, through May 15, 1969, will be found in the 1959 Annual Report, pp. 528-530. For succeeding fiscal years see corresponding tables in successive annual reports and for current figm'es see monthly Treasury Bulletin. Ul o pi > Pi y< o *^ y^ W > Ul d y< T A B L E 37.—Allotments of Treasury notes issued during fiscal year 1971, by Federal Reserve districts [In t h o u s a n d s ] 7 H percent Series C-1974 notes issued in 7 H percent Series B-1977 notes issued in exchange for i— exchange for i— 6 ^ percent Series D-1970 T r e a s u r y notes inaturing A u g . 15, 1970 Federal Reserve district 4 percent Treasury b o n d s of 1970 maturing A u g . 15. 1970 Total issued 6 H percent Series D-1970 T r e a s ui-y notes matming A u g . 15, 1970 4 percent Treasmy b o n d s of 1970 maturing A u g . 15, 1970 7K percent Series C-1972 notes 2 7H percent Series D-1974 notes 1 73^ percent Series C-1976 notes 1 6M percent Series D-1972 notes 3 Issued in exchange for 5 percent Series A-1970 Treasury Notes m a t u r i n g N o v . 15, 1970 Total issued > % Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richraond Atlanta Chicago St. L o u i s . . . Minneapolis Kansas City DaUas S a n Francisco Treasury $21,458 690, 685 32, 272 32,035 17, 401 89, 515 125, 303 78,181 17, 654 46, 204 57,194 58, 682 5,088 $34, 477 732, 620 51,061 119,683 68,080 103, 096 300,434 120, 398 61,187 104,129 73, 654 93, 341 5,442 $55, 935 1,423, 305 83, 333 151, 718 85, 481 192, 611 425, 737 198, 579 78, 841 150, 333 130, 848 152,023 10, 530 $18, 853 545, 483 3,485 8,904 4,795 23, 074 78, 209 29, 828 4,845 11, 820 3,716 18, 299 627 $31, 491 877, 777 17, 448 60, 553 14, 841 32, 032 189,547 48, 755 23,341 44,133 36, 206 133, 309 2,770 $50, 344 1, 423, 260 20, 933 69, 457 19, 636 55,106 267, 756 78, 583 28,186 55, 953 39, 922 151, 608 3,397 $138, 580 987, 997 125, 880 258, 728 137, 242 195,121 532, 209 162,449 91,376 206, 896 124, 670 410, 642 7,902 $137, 326 2,106, 743 102, 566 233, 218 135, 083 207, 849 642, 920 207, 359 123,857 233, 424 138, 911 217, 903 18,064 T o t a l aUotments E x c h a n g e d in c o n c u r r e n t offering. 1, 271, 672 751, 938 1, 867, 602 1, 612, 203 3,139, 274 2, 264,141 751, 938 1, 271, 672 1, 512, 203 1, 867, 602 2, 264,141 3,139,274 3, 379, 692 4, 505, 223 2, 510,634 2,037. 270 2,610,634 4,505,223 . . . . . T o t a l exchanged N o t s u b m i t t e d for exchange 2, 023, 610 305, 778 3, 379, 805 749,427 5,403, 415 1,055, 205 2,023, 610 305, 778 3, 379,805 749, 427 5,403,415 1,055,205 7,015,857 659,628 7,015,857 659,628 2,329, 388 4,129, 232 6, 458, 620 2, 329, 388 4,129, 232 6,458,620 7,675,486 7,675,485 .. T o t a l eligible for e x c h a n g e . . $44, 684 1, 597,016 45,029 90,171 22, 461 44,473 352,095 76, 947 30, 345 60,334 32, 471 109, 331 5,277 $154, 458 692, 260 78,437 178, 295 49,140 112, 654 254, 424 84, 617 97, 842 68,069 70, 619 294,174 2,281 I—l > Footnotes a t end of table. o to o T A B L E 37.—AUotments of Treasury notes issued during fiscal year 1971, by Federal Reserve districts—Continued [In t h o u s a n d s ] Pi 5J4 percent Series C-1975 notes issued in exchange for i— F e d e r a l Reserve district 4 percent 2 y percent 5 H percent TH peicent 5 H percent 7 H percent 4:H percent 73^ percent 3 % percent Treasury Treasury Series C-1971 Series D-1971 Series B-1971 Series G-1971 Treasury Series A-1972 Series C-1972 b o n d s of bonds of T r e a s u r y notes T r e a s u r y notes b o n d s of T r e a s u r y notes T r e a s u r y notes T r e a s u r y notes T r e a s u r y notes 1972 1966-71 maturing maturing maturing matuiing 1971 maturing maturing maturing maturing N o v . 15, 1971 N o v . 15, 1971 matm-ing F e b . 15, 1971 F e b . 15, 1971 F e b . 15, 1972 F e b . 15, 1972 F e b . 15, 1972 Mar. 15. 1971 N o v . 15, 1971 Boston New York P hiladelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis JMinneapolis Kansas City DaUas San Francisco Treasury hd O Pi Total issued y^ o $24, 914 351,150 2S,611 59, 785 41, 646 61,100 216, 230 74, 426 32, 542 77, 935 34, 988 65,180 1.263 $28, 428 348, 709 37, 855 87,518 49, 522 64,144 169, 494 51,141 44,506 64, 438 32, 606 47, 000 2,490 $4, 690 97, 117 12, 279 3,144 9, 824 9,635 39. 038 9,044 3,875 2,214 11,084 112,349 254 $6, 870 125,912 5,767 31,449 10, 182 11,263 68, 049 18, 206 7,336 13, 622 7, 268 19, 641 142 $2, 892 2, 291,060 14,884 27, 522 15, 837 12, 913 31,190 7, 477 762 5,732 11,348 5,090 496 $10, 576 420, 632 12, 387 33, 698 26, 222 27, 221 139,711 36, 862 23, 846 18, 621 22, 216 119,412 1,814 $4, 699 351,166 8,354 26, 056 10.145 19, 220 67,103 24, 962 8,683 14, 669 8,036 56.146 411 $3, 716 151, 262 10, 335 21,189 12, 765 10,057 21,148 8,151 3,292 6,677 4,656 133, 501 254 $7,774 302,628 23,046 63,870 25, 565 17,089 99,468 28,957 9,053 16,950 9,540 28,433 1,272 $94, 659 4,439,636 153,518 354, 231 201,708 232,642 851,431 259, 226 133,895 220, 858 141, 742 586, 752 8,396 Total allotments... E x c h a n g e d in c o n c u r r e n t offering 1, 069, 770 1, 027, 851 314, 547 325, 707 2, 427, 203 893, 218 599, 650 387,003 633, 645 7, 678, 594 1, 086,169 1, 320, 775 634, 519 441, 407 2, 480,046 786,173 606,150 303, 549 729, 716 Total exchanged... N o t s u b m i t t e d for exchange 2,155, 939 2, 348, 626 949, 066 767,114 4, 907, 249 1, 679, 391 1, 205,800 690, 552 1, 363,361 675,007 269, 641 967,003 6, 835, 516 1,081,024 799, 829 2, 684,140 980,146 13, 544, 923 Pi 2, 923, 633 1, 218, 707 1,734,117 10, 742, 765 2, 005, 629 3, 374, 692 2,343, 507 29,612,021 u>. d T o t a l eligible for exchange Footnotes at end of table. 352, 617 Ul O Pi > pi y< o 8, 388, 504 16,067,098 > 2, 760, 415 y< T A B L E 37.—Allotments of Treasury notes issued during fiscal year 1971 by Federal Reserve districts—Continued [In t h o u s a n d s ] 63^ percent Series A-1978 notes issued in exchange for i— Federal Reserve district 5 H percent TH percent Series C-1971 Series D-1971 T r e a s u r y notes Treasm-y notes maturing maturing F e b . 15, 1971 F e b . 15, 1971 Boston.... NewYork Philadelphia.. Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St.Louis Minneapolis.... KansasCity DaUas SanFrancisco Treasury 4 percent 73^ p e r c e n t 3 % percent 4M p e r c e n t 23^ percent 5 H percent 7H percent Treasury Treasmy Series A-1972 Series C-1972 Treasury Series B-1971 Seiies G-1971 b o n d s of T r e a s u r y notes T r e a s u r y notes T r e a s u r y notes b o n d s of T r e a s u r y notes b o n d s of 1972 matming maturing maturing 1971 maturing 1966-71 m aturing m a t u r i n g F e b . 15, 1972 F e b . 15, 1972 maturing N o v . 15, 1971 N o v . 16, 1971 F e b . 16, 1972 Mar. 15, 1971 N o v . 15, 1971 $10, 252 348, 637 9,762 36, 769 7,277 18,898 53, 289 23, 243 11, 202 11, 460 17, 494 53, 595 4,272 $17, 226 319,747 21,630 27,846 15, 538 27, 295 78, 660 20,462 15, 970 27,119 21,129 133, 641 3,453 $201,096 4,972, 861 189,408 264, 743 120,071 225,478 845, 321 257,241 171,627 228,887 240,306 638, 272 33,188 606,150 303, 549 729, 716 8, 388, 504 633, 645 7, 678, 594 $35,594 507,174 31,892 50,220 17,501 47,362 154,972 50,901 30,888 58,165 41,733 56,712 3,055 $47,693 683,609 37,675 65,839 33,491 68,619 178,494 85,257 30,112 55,649 67,679 53,086 13,572 $2,317 384,066 15,324 7,830 11,398 10,156 49,672 6,462 8,949 5,392 5,663 126,849 441 Total aUotments.... E x c h a n g e d in c o n c m r e n t offering. 1,086,169 1,320,775 634,519 441,407 1,069,770 1,027,851 314,547 325, 707 2,427, 203 893, 218 599, 650 387,003 Total exchanged...N o t s u b m i t t e d for exchange.... 2,155,939 2,348,626 949,066 767,114 4, 907, 249 1, 679, 391 1, 205, 800 690, 552 352,617 575,007 269,641 967,003 5,835, 516 1,081,024 799, 829 2, 684,140 980,146 2,005, 629 3, 374, 692 2,343, 507 T o t a l eligible for exchange 2,508, 556 2,923,633 . 1,218,707 $10,622 347, 051 29, 024 31,024 18, 268 17, 000 178,578 24, 902 17,120 31,023 42, 837 35, 500 3,224 2, 480,046 786,173 10,742, 765 2, 760,415 Ul $21, 329 87, 943 14, 253 13, 686 4,447 9,042 44, 507 9,718 26, 819 13, 746 19, 492 36, 587 1,980 $21, 734 213, 348 16, 933 18,139 9,274 16, 537 54, 676 21,142 13, 940 17,426 12, 584 23, 513 2,161 $34, 329 2,181, 286 12, 915 13, 395 2,877 10, 569 52, 473 15,154 16, 627 8,907 11, 695 118, 789 1,030 Total issued 1, 363, 361 16,067,098 I—l o > hj X 13, 544, 923 29, 612,021 Footnotes at end of table. to o00 to o T A B L E 37.—Allotments of Treasury notes issued during fiscal year 1971, by Federal Reserve districts—Continued [In t h o u s a n d s ] 5 percent Series E-1972 notes issued in exchange for i— F e d e r a l Reserve district b H percent 8 percent Series A-1971 Series E-1971 T r e a s u r y notes T r e a s u r y notes maturing maturing M a y 15, 1971 M a y 15, 1971 Total issued Pi b H percent Series A-1974 notes issued in exchange for i— b H percent 8 percent Series A-1971 Series E-1971 T r e a s u r y n o t e s T r e a s u r y notes maturing niaturing May 15, 1971 M a y 15, 1971 Total issued 6 percent Series F-1972 notes 3 hd O Pi o y ^ $19, 051 , 253, 830 21, 331 89, 289 28, 698 42,124 148, 071 41, 502 29, 218 41, 635 26. 275 37, 312 1,180 $41, 978 866, 091 65, 334 106, 657 57,814 50, 255 180, 247 81,846 43,448 62,129 31, 718 91, 756 2,765 $61, 029 2,119, 921 86, 665 195, 946 86, 512 92, 379 328, 318 123, 348 72, 665 93, 764 57, 993 129, 068 3,945 $27, 964 1,199, 414 41, 281 72, 349 27, 569 55, 933 171, 777 73, 231 35, 304 70, 690 . 47, 303 32, 421 4,447 $29,401 643, 981 42,555 50, 265 30, 794 69, 731 215, 014 68, 749 28, 046 75, 088 33, 282 61, 734 22, 741 Total allotments E x c h a n g e d in concurrent offering . 1,779,516 1, 859, 583 1, 672. 038 1, 371, 361 3, 451, 554 3, 230, 944 1, 859, 583 1, 779, 516 1, 371, 361 1, 672,038 3, 230, 944 3,451,554 T o t a l exchanged N o t s u b r a i t t e d for exchange 3, 639, 099 625, 932 3, 043,399 1,133, 091 6, 682, 498 1, 759, 023 3, 639, 099 625, 932 3, 043,399 1,133, 091 6,682,498 1,759,023 4, 265, 031 4,176, 490 8, 441, 521 4, 265, 031 B oston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City DaUas........ San Francisco Treasmy T o t a l eligible for e x c h a n g e . . $57, 365 1, 843, 395 83,836 122, 614 68, 363 125, 664 386, 791 141, 980 63,350 145,658 80,585 94,155 27,188 8,441,521 $111,550 655, 591 128, 376 136, 817 67, 397 156, 091 333,135 95, 710 237, 928 125,462 110,173 126, 582 463 W Ul O Pi > Pi O bj 2, 285, 275 1-3 M S ^ ^ti M 1 AU subscriptions were aUotted i n fuU. 2 Subscriptions for $200,000 or less were aUotted in fuU; other subscriptions were allotted 93^ percent w i t h a m i n i m u m a l l o t m e n t of $200,000 for each subscription. 3 Sold a t auction. Ul d Pi y< 205 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 38.—Statutory debt retirements, fiscal years 1918-71 [In thousands of doUars. On basis of par amounts and of daily Treasury statements through 1947, and on basis of Public Debt accounts thereafter, see "Bases of Tables"] Fiscal year 1918-35 1936-. 1937 19381939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953.. 1954 1955 1956 1957.. 1958 1959 I960.. 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966. 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Total Repayments of foreign debt Cumulative siiiking fund 6,349,836 403,238 103,815 65,116 48, 518 128,349 37,011 75,342 3,460 -1 . . . . . 746,636 7,498 1,816 839 651 241 . . . . . . . 1,679,132 Bonds Bonds Payments received Fran- from net and notes for loans chise tax earnhigs from receipts, Federal received Public Federal interfor Works Reserve mediate estate credit taxes Adminis- banks tration bariks 149,809 66,278 142 210 120 8,'695' 134 1,321 668 Coramodity Credit Corporation capital repayments Miscellaneous gifts, forfeitures, etc. Total 2,605 . 116,954 7,163,614 1 403,240 14 103, 971 139 65,465 ""iybbi'. 12 58,246 685 . 16 129,184 16 64,260 548 ""25,'364" 6 94, 722 315 18,393 4 3,463 3 2 2 2 4 4 (2) 1,634 45,509 3 209, 828 1, Oil, 636 178 . 7,758 3 81 261 ""48,'943' 51,709 3 690 394 . 1,232 300 . 851 285 . 526 387 . 387 231 . 231 462 . 763,089 139 . 139 8,028 762,627 . -67 . -57 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 41,000 1,000 8 58,000 58,000 6 73,100 712,336 _ 8,734,833 1, 579,605 66,278 18,246 149,809 9,825 73,100 12,336 _ 138,209 371,205 11,068, Oil 1 Includes $4,842,066.45 written off the debt Dec. 31,1920, for fractional currency estimated to have been lost or destroyed in chculation. 2 Beginning with 1947, bonds acquired through gifts, forfeitures, and estate taxes are redeeraed prior to raaturity from regular public debt receipts. 3 Represents payments frora net earnings, War Damage Corporation. 4 Represents Treasury notes of 1890 determined by the Secretary of the Treasury on Oct. 20, 1961, pursuant to the Old Series Currency Adjustment Act approved June 30,1961 (31 U.S.(5. 912-916) to have been destroyed or irretrievably lost and so will never be presented for redemption. 5 Represents $15,000,000 national bank notes, $1,000,000 Federal Reserve bank notes, and $15,000,000 silver certificates, all issued prior to July 1,1929; $18,000,000 Federal Reserve notes issued prior to the series of 1928; $9,000,000 gold certificates issued prior to Jan. 30,1934; all ofwhich have been determined pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 912-916 to have been destroyed or irretrievably lost. 6 Represents $24,000,000 U.S. notes, $1,000,000 Federal Reserve bank notes. $13,500,000 national bank notes, and $14,500,000 silver certificates, aU issued before July 1,1929; $6,000,000 gold certificates prior to 1934 series; $100,000 Treasmy notes of 1890; and $14,000,000 Federal Reserve notes (prior to series of 1928); aU of which were deterrained on Nov. 16, 1964, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 912-916, to have been destroyed or irretrievably lost. 7 Represents $142,000 U.S. notes, $63,000 Federal Reserve bank notes, $420,000 national bank notes, and $280,000 sUver certificates, aU issued before July 1,1929; $8,950,000 gold certificates prior to 1934 series; $31,000 Ti'easury notes of 1890; and $2,450,000 Federal Reserve notes (prior to series of 1928); all of which were determined on May 26,1966, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 912-916, to have been destroyed or irretrievably lost. 206 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 39.—Cumulative sinking fund, fiscal years 1921-71 [On basis of Public Debt accounts, see "Bases of Tables"] P A R T I . - A P P R O P R I A T I O N S A N D EXPENDITURES [In millions of dollars] Appropriations Fiscal y e a r 1921-46 1947 1948 1949.. 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 - - 11,73L9 587.6 603.5 619.6 619.7 619.8 619.8 619.8 619.8 619.8 623.8 633.3 633.3 633.3 633.3 657.1 680.8 680.8 680.8 680.8 680.8 680.8 680.8 680.8 680.8 680.8 Total D e d u c t c u m u l a t i v e expenditm-es 27,884.1 8,727.1 U n e x p e n d e d balance 19.166.9 D e b t retired 2 Available for e x p e n d i - Cost tm-e d u r i n g P a r a m o u n t year i (principal) 5,525.0 6,112. 6 6, 716.0 6.589.0 7,201. 2 7,819. 2 8.438.1 9,057.4 9, 676. 9 10,296. 7 10,920. 5 10, 791.2 11,424. 5 12,057. 9 12,69L3 13,348. 4 13, 029.3 13.710.1 14,391. 0 15,07L8 15,762. 7 16,433. 6 17,114.4 17.795.2 ••18,476.1 19,166.9 6, 214. 7 6,207.0 746.6 7.5 L8 .8 .6 .2 746.6 7.5 L8 .8 .6 .2 762.6 762.6 1,000. 0 1,000. 0 8, 734. 8 8, 727.1 . . . . . PART II.—TRANSACTIONS ON A C C O U N T OF T H E CUMULATIVE S I N K I N G F U N D F I S C A L Y E A R 1971 Unexpended balance July 1,1970 $18,476,066,488.13 Appropriation for 1971: Initial credit: (a) Under the Victory Liberty Loan Act (2J.^ percent of the aggregate amount of Liberty bonds and Victory notes outstanding on July 1, 1920, less an amount equal to the par amount of any obligation of foreign governments held by the United States on July 1, 1920).. $253,404,864. 87 (b) Under the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 {2\^ percent of the aggregate amount of expenditures from appropriations made or authorized under this act) 7,860,606.83 (c) Under the National Industrial Recovery Act {2\^ percent of the aggregate amount of expenditures from appropriations made or authorized under this act) 80,164,079.53 Total Initial credit Secondary credit (the interest which would have been payable during the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made on the bonds and notes purchased, redeemed, or paid out of the sinking fund during such year or in previous years) Total available 1971 Unexpended balance June 30,19712 341,429, 65L 23 339,419,534.24 680,849,085.47 19,156,906,673.60 19,166,906,673.60 »• Revised. 1 Represents appropriations authorized by Congress. There are no specific funds set aside for this account since any retirements of public debt charged to this account are made frora cash balances to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States. 2 Net discount on debt retired through June 30,1971, is $7.7 miUion. NOTE.—Comparable annual data for 1921 through 1946 are shown in the 1962 Annual Report, p . 726. 207 STATISTICAL APPENDIX III. U.S. savmgs bonds and notes T A B L E 40.—Sales and redemptions of Series E through K savings bonds by series, fiscal years 1941-71 and monthly 1971 12 [In millions of doUarsl A m o unt o u t s t a n ding 3 Rederaptions Fiscal y e a r or month Sales Accrued discount Sales plus accrued discount Total Original purchase price Matured Accrue d I n t e r e s t nondiscour It bearing interestbearing Series E a n d H 1941-55 1956 1967 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- . 79,203.6 6,259.9 4,613.0 4, 670.1 4, 606. 0 4, 307. 0 4,463.7 4,421. 5 4,518. 0 4,656.4 4, 543. 0 4, 650.1 4, 965.4 4,738. 9 4,649. 7 4,449. 2 6,081.9 9,183. 8 1,114.1 1.132.6 1,160. 7 1,174. 5 1,194. 2 1.253.7 1,331. 0 1,386. 5 1, 458.0 1,602.1 1, 541. 6 1,618. 6 1,730. 7 1, 787. 7 1,841.4 2,066.0 49,102. 2 4.730.1 6.176.2 5,187.1 6,106.8 6, 602. 2 4,626. 7 4.603.3 4,500. 5 4,736. 3 4,987. 4 5,304. 6 6,448. 7 5, 714.7 6,198. 2 6, 720. 6 6,416.1 88,387.4 6,374.0 5, 745. 6 5,830. 8 5,680.4 6, 501. 2 6, 717.4 5, 762. 5 5, 904. 5 6,114.4 6, 045.1 6,191.7 6,683.9 6,469. 6 6, 337. 6 6,290. 6 7,137. 9 Totalthrough J u n e 30, 1 9 7 1 . . . . 163,697.5 32, 467.1 186,064.5 1970—July August Septeraber October . . . . Noveraber Deceraber . . 1971—January February March April May June 46,969. 3 4,069.1 4.444.0 4,431.9 4, 309. 8 4,616. 3 3,906.8 3,872.7 3,768.6 3,981. 8 4.154.1 4, 407. 5 4,535. 7 4,738. 6 5,112. 2 6,484. 0 4,334.0 3,132. 9 660.9 732.2 755.3 797.0 886.9 720.8 730.6 742.0 754.5 833.3 897.1 912.9 976.1 1, 086.0 1,236. 6 1,082.2 39,285.1 40,929.1 41,498.6 42,142. 2 42,715.8 42,714.8 43,805.6 44,954.8 46.358.8 47.736.9 48,794.5 49,68L6 50,816.9 51,67L7 61,710.9 61,281.0 63,002.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133,061. 7 116,125.3 16,936.3 53,002. 8 393.3 388.1 351. 4 407.0 372. 7 384.1 429.8 431.1 613.6 463.4 461. 6 486.9 182.9 169.9 156.6 15L2 156.5 189.7 19L6 176.8 184.1 164.9 170.6 676.2 547.9 608.0 558.2 529.2 573.8 62L4 602.4 690.3 647.5 626.6 656.4 31,096.6 686. 3 268. 4 836.9 99.6 83.4 65.2 53.6 46.0 32.1 27.4 2L6 17.7 14.9 12.1 7.8 3.9 L2 31,933.3 686.0 35L8 65.2 63.6 46.0 32.1 27.4 2L6 17.7 14.9 12.1 7.8 3.9 L2 12, 634. 4 3.104.8 3, 773.5 3,360.6 2,137. 2 3,049. 3 1,188.0 1.109.9 770.7 426.3 357.6 418.3 472.3 266.0 140.0 27.0 8.2 12,298.8 2,940.6 3,606.0 3,234.6 2,063.4 2,921.2 1,128. 8 1,059.0 72L7 399.8 333.1 383.7 434.2 239.1 124.3 23.7 7.1 1,323. 2 33, 274.4 33,233.8 31,918.2 1,316.6 40.6 Ll 1.0 .3 .6 .7 .7 .6 .7 .7 .6 .6 v6 LO .8 .3 .5 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .5 1 2 47.6 46.6 46.3 46.7 45.0 44.3 43 7 43.0 42.4 41.7 41.2 40 6 m.3 556.7 473.8 469.0 435.1 372.4 425.0 535.2 427.0 469.7 43L0 379.6 441.6 446.8 38L1 376.8 348.8 30L9 342.0 420.9 342.3 377.6 344.0 30L3 350.4 109.8 92.7 92.3 86.3 70.6 83.0 114.3 84.7 92.1 87.0 78.2 91.2 51.300.4 51.374.5 61.413.6 61.536.7 61.693.5 51,842.2 61,928. 5 52.103.8 52.324.6 62,641.0 62,788.0 63,002.8 Series F , G, J, a n d K 1941-55... 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966... 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 . : n(*) . Total through J u n e 30 1971 . (*) 31,951.2 1970-July August -Septeraber October Noveraber. - . Deceraber 1971—January February March April ]\lay June Footnotes at end of table; 335.6 19,080. 3 164.2 16,667.6 168.5 13,123. 5 115.9 9,842.2 7,786.7 73.8 128.1 4, 829.0 69.1 3,708. 7 50.9 2,661.9 49.0 1,954.9 26.6 1,562.6 1,248.1 24.4 866.7 34.5 396.6 38.1 140.0 26.8 16.7 3.3 Ll 218.4 312.8 334.7 33L0 302.8 267.3 22L6 195.8 143.7 127.4 99.3 85.6 80.2 74.7 75.8 48.7 40.6 208 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 40.—Sales and redemptions of Series E through K savings honds hy series, fiscal years 1941-71 and monthly 1971 ^ 2—Continued [In millions of doUars] Redemptions ExAraount changes outAccrued of E standing disb o n d s for (interestcount H b o n d s bearing) Accrued discount Sales plus accrued discount 77,018.7 4,219.3 3,919.2 3,888.6 3,688.0 3,603.2 3,689.2 3,674.3 3,914.0 4,135.6 4,112.3 4,245.7 4,598.8 4,465.8 4,343.2 4,288.8 4,870.2 9,183.8 1.114.1 1.132.6 1.160.7 1.174.5 1.194.2 1,253.7 1,33L0 1.386.6 1.458.0 1.502.1 1,54L6 1.618.6 1.730.7 1,787.7 1,84L4 2,056.0 86,202.5 5,333.4 5,05L8 5,049.3 4,862.5 4,797.4 4,942.9 6,005.3 6,300.4 6,693.6 5,614.4 5,787.3 6,217.3 6,196.4 6,130.9 6,130.3 6,926.3 49,016.1 4,622.0 4,980.6 4,95L0 4,889.4 6,180.6 4,393.8 4,343.3 4,202.9 4,363.1 4,638.4 4,800.6 4,896.3 5,154.1 5,547.8 6,958.9 4,959.5 45,883.2 3,96L0 4,248.5 4,196.8 4,092.4 4,294.7 3,672.9 3,612.6 3,46L0 3,608.6 3,705.0 3,903.6 3,982.4 4,178.0 4,46L8 4,722.3 3,877.3 3,132.9 660.9 732.2 755.3 797.0 885.9 720.8 730.6 742.0 754.5 833.3 897.1 912.9 976.1 1,086.0 1,236.6 1,082.2 20L3 188.3 218.6 19L3 206.3 188.1 212.5 216.1 195.6 183.7 209.6 23L4 Total through J u n e 30, 1971. - . 142,674.9 32,467.1 175,141.9 126,797.2 109,86L0 16,936.3 2,442.6 45,902.1 182.9 159.9 166.6 16L2 156.6 189.7 19L6 17L3 176.8 184.1 164.9 170.6 561.3 537.1 497.1 542.3 518.9 561.3 60L5 682.6 664.6 621.6 605.0 633.0 494.8 42L3 423.2 395.8 335.8 391.6 496.9 395.9 434.3 402.7 352.6 414.7 385.0 326.6 33L0 309.5 265.3 308.6 382.6 311.2 342.2 315.8 274.2 323.5 109.8 94.7 92.3 86.3 70.5 83.0 114.3 84.7 92.1 87.0 78.2 9L2 22.6 18.1 17.9 14.5 15.7 15.9 20.3 21.6 22.8 20.6 19.2 22.1 44.210.7 44,308.4 44,364.4 44,496.4 44.663.8 44,817.6 44,90L9 46,066.9 46,274.4 45,472.6 45.705.9 45,902.1 2,098.7 3,031.2 3,529.5 4,075.0 4,675.5 5,259.1 5,989.0 6,694.7 7,192.6 7,546.4 7,716.1 7,829.0 7,858.2 7,766.3 7,606.1 7,114.2 7,100.6 Fiscal y e a r or raonth Sales Total Original purchase price Series E 1941-65 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960... 1961... 1962 1963 1964 1965.. 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1970—July. August. September October November... December 1971—January February March AprU May June 378.4 377.3 340.5 391.1 362.4 37L6 409.8 41L3 487.7 437.6 440.1 462.5 37,186.4 37,897.8 37,969.0 38,067.2 38,040.3 37,455.7 37,816.6 38,260.1 39,166.2 40,190.4 41,078.4 41,852.6 42,968.6 43,805.4 44,204.9 44,166.7 45,902.1 Series H 1952-55.. 1956 1957.. 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 1961.. 1962.. 19631. 1964.. 1965.. 1966.. 1967.. 1968.. 1969.. 1970.. 1971.. Total through J u n e 30, 1971.. 2,184.9 1,040.6 693.8 78L6 818.0 703.9 774.6 747.2 604.1 620.8 430.7 404.4 366.6 273.1 206.5 160.4 211.7 10,922.6 1970—July August.. September October Noveraber Deceraber 1971—January February March April May June F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . 14.9 10.8 10.9 16.9 10.2 12.6 20.0 19.8 25.7 25.9 21.6 23.4 . . . . . . . . . . 2,184.9 1,040.6 693.8 78L6 818.0 703.9 774.5 . 747.2 604.1 620.8 430.7 404.4 366.6 273.1 206.6 160.4 211.7 86.1 108.1 195.5 236.1 217.4 32L6 232.9 260.1 297.5 373.3 449.0 604.0 653.4 660.6 650.4 761.8 456.6 86.1 108.1 195.5 236.1 217.4 32L6 232.9 260.1 297.5 373.3 449.0 504.0 653.4 560.6 650.4 76L8 466.6 20L3 188.3 218.6 19L3 206.3 188.1 212.5 216.1 195.6 183.7 209.5 231.4 10,922.6 6,264.6 6,264.5 2,442.6 6L9 52.5 46.8 39.3 36.6 33.4 38.3 3L1 36.4 28.3 27.1 26.9 6L9 52.6 45.8 39.3 36.6 33.4 38.3 3L1 36.4 28.3 27.1 26.9 22.5 18.1. 17.9 14.5 15.7 15.9 20.3 2L6 22.8 20.6 19.2 22.1 7,100.6 7,089.8 7,066.2 7,049.1 7,040.3 7,029.7 7,024.6 7,026.6 7,036.9 7,050.1 7,068.3 7,082.0 7,100.6 209 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 40.—Sales and redemptions of Series E through K savings honds by series, fiscal years 1941-71 and monthly 1971 ^ 2—Continued [In mUlions of doUars] Amount outstanding » Redemptions Fisc al year or m o n t h Sales Accrued discount Sales plus accrued discount Original purchase Accrued discount price Total Interest bearing Matured noninterestbearing Series F 1941- 55 1956. 1957. 1958. 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965 1966. 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970. 1971. 4,957. 6 (*) (*) (*) (*) T^otal t h r o u g h J u n e 30, 1 9 7 1 . . . . 1970-- J u l y August Septeniber October November December 1971-- J a n u a r y February March AprU May June 826.9 87.7 67.5 47.1 35.7 27.8 15.4 10.6 5.0 L4 4, 957. 7 1,125.1 5,784. 5 87.7 67.5 47.1 35.7 27.8 15.4 10.6 6.0 L4 (*) 6,082. 8 2,800.0 665.3 709.3 487.9 285.2 483.5 212.3 177.9 167.4 67.3 8.6 3.4 2.7 2.1 L3 L4 .7 2,464.8 502.3 544.8 377.6 215.3 370.3 157. 9 132.5 124.3 49.9 6.4 2.6 2.0 L5 1.0 LO .5 6,076. 2 4, 954. 7 .1 .1 .1 .1 ." (*) (*) .1 .1 through J u n e 30,1971 (*) (*) .1 .1 .1 Series G 1941- 5 5 . . 1956. 1957. 1958 1959. 1960. 1961. 1962. 1963 1964. 1965. 1966 1967. 1968. 1969. 1970 1971 7.1 7.0 7.0 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.9 6.8 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.6 .1 (*) -.1 (*) 'i^ (*) (*) (*) (*) 23, 437. 9 23,437. 9 9, 743. 5 2,300. 5 2, 719. 5 2, 506. 5 1, 668. 6 2, 055. 9 843.9 805.4 496.6 196.8 3L5 16.0 10.4 6.9 6.1 4.8 3.2 9,743. 5 2, 300. 5 2, 719. 5 2, 506. 5 1,668. 6 2, 055.9 843.9 805.4 496.6 196.8 3L5 16.0 10.4 6.9 6.1 4.8 3.2 23,437. 9 23, 437. 9 23,416.0 23,416.0 107.6 157.1 166.8 155.3 131.0 lU.l 9L2 72.1 34.9 26.8 18.1 14.7 12.0 10.0 8.7 7.3 6.6 6.6 1,121.6 S' .2 .1 -.1 (*) 335.1 2,876.9 163.0 2,2^19.9 164. 6 ; 1, 598. 3 110.3 1,169.1 69.9 943.9 508.2 113.1 33L2 54.4 45.4 182.9 43.1 57.8 17.5 2.2 .9 .7 .5 .3 .4 .2 13,583.3 11,238. 5 8, 506. 3 5,992.1 4,327.4 2,297. 2 1,469.0 670.4 188.7 111.1 155.4 168.0 175.7 17L8 146.2 130.5 123.7 108.8 100.7 69.2 53.2 42.8 35.9 29.9 25.1 21.8 QTotal 1970—July August September.. October November.. December.. 1971—January February.. March AprU May June Footnotes at end of table. 21.8 .5 .3 (*) .3 .2 .2 .4 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 (*) .2 .2 .4 .2 .3 .3 .2 .3 . . . . . . . . 24.6 24.3 24.3 24.0 23.8 23.5 23.2 22.9 22.6 22.4 22.1 2L8 210 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 40.—Sales and redemptions of Series E through K savings bonds hy series, fiscal years 1941-71 and monthly 1971 ^2—Continued [In millions of dollars] Amount outstanding 3 Redemptions Fiscal year or m o n t h Sales Accrued discount Sales plus accrued discount Total Original purchase price Accrued di.scount Interest bearing 673.1 808.6 810.4 730.2 696.9 570.8 548.4 527.9 51L3 48L4 403.8 287.5 154.1 69.8 Matured noninterestbearing Series J 1952-55 1956... 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 i965 1966.... 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 696.8 183.2 92.4 (*) (*) "'"(*)"""' . ...... - -- - -- Total through J u n e 30, 1971 972.4 . 1970—July August September October November December 1971—January Februai-y March April . May Jane 10.0 1L9 16.9 18.1 17.8 18.2 16.7 16.8 16.6 16.3 14.9 12.1 7.8 3.9 LO 706.8 195.2 108.3 18.1 17.8 18.2 16.7 16.8 16.6 16.3 14.9 12.1 7.8 3.9 LO 33.7 69.6 106.5 98.4 5L2 144.2 39.1 37.2 33.2 46.2 87.6 124.4 136.0 96.0 55.4 9.7 3.2 33.2 58.4 102.6 92.8 47.3 129.2 34.4 3L7 27.4 37.1 65.4 90.8 98.6 68.7 40.1 7.0 2.3 .5 1.3 3.9 5.6 3.9 15.0 4.8 5.5 5.9 9.1 22.2 33.6 37.4 26.3 15.4 2.7 .9 198.1 1,170. 5 1,160. 9 966.9 194.0 .3 .5 .2 .2 .3 .3 .3 .3 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 -.. 4.8 8.8 14.0 17.1 22.5 12.8 9.6 9 6 12 5 12.1 11 9 11.7 11 4 11.1 10.8 10.6 10.3 10.1 9.8 9 6 (*)* Sei'ies K 1952-55 1956.... 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 2, 004. 2 403.1 176.0 (*) ( * • ) - 2,004. 2 403.1 176.0 (*) (*) .. - . - . . Total through J u n e 30 1971 . . 2,683.3 1970—July August September October November December Footnotes at end of table. 2, 583.3 57.2 79.5 238.2 257.7 132.2 365.8 92.7 89.4 73.5 116.0 229.8 274.4 323.2 162.0 77.2 ILl 1.0 2, 580. 7 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 57.2 79.5 238.2 257.7 132.2 365.8 92.7 89.4 73.5 116.0 229.8 274.4 323.2 162.0 77.2 11.1 LO . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 2,580.7 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 . . . . . 1, 947. 0 2,270. 6 2, 208. 5 1,950. 7 1,818. 6 1,452.8 1,360.1 1,270. 7 1,197. 2 1,081. 3 844.3 568.2 242.5 80.1 7.2 8.8 11.4 11.7 14.7 3.6 2 6 2 6 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 211 T A B L E 40.—Sales and redemptions of Series E through K savings honds hy series, fiscal years 1941-71 and monthly 1971^^—Continued [In mUlions of dollars] Fiscal year or nionth Sales Accrued discount Sales plus accrued discount Redemptions Total Am ount outstamding 3 Oi'iginal Accrued Interest Matured purchase discount bearing nonprice interestbearing Series K—Continued 1971—January February March AprU May June - 2.9 28 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 •Less than $50,000. 1 Sales and redemption figures include exchanges of niinor aniounts of matured Series E for Series G and K bonds from May 1951 through April 1957, and Series F and J for Series H bonds beginning January 1960; they exclude exchanges of Series E for Series H bonds. Redeniption figures for fiscal 1953-54 and fiscal years 1960-63 also include the maturing Series F and G savings bonds exchanged for marketable Treasury securities during special exchange offerings. The araounts involved were $416.6 niiUion in 1953, $.7 million in 1954, $745.4 miUion in 1960, $147.3 raillion in 1961, $320.1 niUlion in 1962, and $75.1 million in 1963. 2 Sales of Series E, F, and J bonds are included at issue price, and their rederaptions and araounts outstanding at current rederaption value. Series G, H, and K bonds are included at face value throughout. 3 Matured F, G, J, and K bonds outstanding are included in the interest-bearing debt until all bonds of the annual series have matured, and are then transferred to maturea debt on which interest has ceased. NOTE.—Series E and H are the only savings bonds now being sold. Series A-D, sold from Mar. 1, 1935 through Apr. 30, 1941, have all matured and are no longer reflected in these tables. Series F and G were sold from May 1, 1941, through Apr. 30, 1952. Series J and K were sold from May 1, 1952, through Apr. 30, 1957. Sales figures for Series F, G, J, and K after fiscal 1957, represent adjustnients. Details by raonths for Series E, F, and G bonds frora May 1941 wiU be found on p. 608 of the 1943 Annual Report, and in corresponding tables in subsequent reports. Monthly detail for Series H, J, and K bonds will be found in the 1952 Annual Report, pp. 629 and 630, and in corresponding tables in subsequent reports. I—^ TABLE 41.—Sales and redemptions of Series E and H savings bonds hy denominations, fiscal years 1941-71 and monthly 1971 to [In t h o u s a n d s of pieces. E s t i m a t e d on basis of daUy T r e a s u r y s t a t e m e n t s a n d reports from B u r e a u of t h e P u b h c D e b t ] Fiscal y e a r or m o n t h T o t a l , all denorainations 2 $25 1,696,608 90,053 90,160 89,431 85,882 85,607 86,495 86,479 89,627 96,609 99,560 103,500 114,433 117,279 118,184 117,026 121,544 10,552 9,855 9,071 10,676 9,390 9,785 10,433 9,396 11,704 10,103 9,625 11,021 1,155,275 56,719 56,327 54,908 52,895 52,972 53,453 53,010 54,629 59,230 60,928 63,430 71,506 75,925 78,508 78,043 76,103 6,967 6,213 5,703 6,929 5,842 6,069 6,756 5,712 7,182 6,286 5,776 6,668 267,768 .18,784 20,256 21,043 20,108 20,220 .20,434 20,901 21,903 23,442 23,947 24,704 26,476 25,823 25,106 24,675 28,034 2.233 2,294 2,129 2,371 2,218 2,359 2,278 2.234 2,740 2,267 2,251 2,659 1,229,060 89,953 93,175 93,452 88,647 90,748 85,077 83,804 892,320 60,014 60,612 59,880 56,036 56,796 54,280 52,958 182,015 18,503 18,165 19,467 - . 18,598 19,507 18,664 18,746 $50 3 $75 $100 <$200 $500 $1, 000 $5, 000 s 8 $10, 000 o Sales ' 1941-55 1956 1957 1958 -1959.1960 1961 1962 1983 1964 1965.-1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1970—July August September. October Noveniber December 1971—January February March AprU May June ------ .- - .- -.---- -- ---- 135 1,141 1,469 1,749 1,860 1,822 1,682 1,989 151 161 153 173 153 160 159 157 196 168 172 186 189,789 10,090 9,969 9,824 9,477 9,208 9,273 9,286 9,-623 10,324 10,409 10,714 11,411 10,769 10,192 10,072 12,073 908 - 948 881 964 947 969 969 981 1,226 1,035 1,088 1,177 929 851 893 798 774 789 813 928 1,006 982 1,010 1,068 987 869 878 1,159 87 89 94 96 120 108 112 114 28, 230 1,608 1,320 1,304 1,212 1,165 1,201 1,186 1,233 1, 220 1,087 1,101 1,131 987 871 868 1,122 88 79 67 80 77 76 90 106 121 116 122 111 27, 519 1,854 1, 396 1,413 1.340 1,230 1,299 1,237 1,270 1,214 1,033 1,042 1,064 906 796 796 1,050 88 71 56 69 65 63 87 109 117 119 123 103 106 48 29 33 35 27 31 30 25 22 18 17 15 11 8 7 12 3 1 (*) (*) .- -. yn o pi o Ul o pi > Pi o M t?^ y^ Pi Redemptions ^ 1941-55 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961.. 1962 48 21 12 14 16 11 15 16 16 16 14 13 14 12 11 6 3 1 109,032 9,925 10,590 10,433 10,394 10,634 9,197 9,150 3,061 537 633 639 675 725 616 653 12,605 1,255 1,354 1,320 1,301 1,351 1,076 1,077 11,839 1,281 1,485 1,464 1,461 1,667 1,139 1,126 4 5 9 11 9 15 10 10 > d Ul Pi 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1970—July August September October November December 1971—January February March AprU May June 83,469 87,242 90,012 94,720 98,349 105,057 114,396 118,696 102,145 9,823 8,657 8,890 8,270 7,270 8,658 9,246 8,120 9,039 8,289 7,274 8,611 19,022 .. 20, 034 20,744 21,948 22,627 23, 604 25, 308 25,789 22,659 2,137 1,877 1,937 1,794 1,538 1,856 2,176 1,894 2,027 1,885 1,615 1,921 63,018 55, 264 56, 736 59, 235 61,960 66, 953 73, 560 76,446 66,127 6, 34.8 5,640 5,824 5,436 4,851 6,780 5,721 5,140 5,814 5,292 4,708 5,572 •Less than 500 pieces. 1 Sales of Series H began on June 1, 1952, the denominations authorized were: $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000. 2 Totals include $10 denomhiation Series E bonds sold to Armed Forces only from June 1944-March 1950. Details by years will be found inthe 1952 Annual Report, pp. 631, 633; thereafter, monthly detail for each fiscal year appears in a footnote to the redemptions by denorainations table of successive annual reports. Details in thousands of pieces by months in fiscal year 1971 follow: Fiscal year ^ 1971 2 > < cn 2 2 O 2 ci s 1 2 i i 2 ^ 2 2 a 2 ^ 116 100 102 97 86 103 121 126 137 119 103 119 921 793 793 728 615 725 938 747 828 779 662 783 245 585 837 601 648 694 756 760 808 • 864 933 740 77 64 82 59 47 65 77 61 65 61 51 62 1,005 1,051 1,070 1,113 1,084 1,107 1,165 1,297 1,028 1,088 1,122 1,182 1,169 1,208 1,266 1,438 943 104 87 82 75 63 68 99 72 80 74 65 75 988 115 91 86 77 67 70 109 76 83 75 66 75 12 16 19 22 24 24 28 33 18 3 2 2 2 5 7 9 10 12 13 14 18 10 (*) (*) 3 Sales of $75 denomination Series E bonds began in May 1964. 4 Sales of $200 denoraination Series E bonds began in October 1945. 5 Sales of $10,000 denomination Series E bonds were authorized on May 1,1952. fl Includes sales of $100,000 denoraination Series E bonds which are purchasable only by trustees of eraployees' savings plans beginning April 1954, and personal trust accounts beginning January 1955. 7 See table 40, footnote 1. i hj 1 S 1 1,032 1,205 1,303 1,327 8,715 9,080 9,322 9,822 9,839 10, 276 10, 956 11,410 9,313 *) 1 21 bO CO 214 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 42.—Sales anct redemptions of U.S. savings notes, fiscal years 1967-71 and monthly 1971 [In miUions of dollars] Fiscal year or month 1967 1968..-. 1969 1970.. 1971 Total through June 30, 1971 1970-July August Septeniber October Noveinber December 1971 —January February March April. May June Sales Accrued discount ... discount L6 . 200.8 326. 2 322. 7 10.6 1L4 24.6 33.4 L5 20L1 337.5 347.3 43.9 861. 7 69.7 93L4 8.6 -6.4 10.3 Ll -.3 .7 -.1 -3.3 .1 2.7 2.8 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.1 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.2 1L3 -3.6 12.9 3.8 2.8 3.8 2.8 -.4 2.8 2.7 2.8 2.2 - (*) (*) (*) Redemptions Sales plus Total Sales price (*) (*) Accrued discount Amount outstanding (interestbearing) L6 202.5 604.9 74L6 618.6 .1 33.7 104.9 167.1 (*) L4 312.8 295.8 16.9 618.6 1L3 17.8 n.3 19.1 17.4 14.2 14.9 12.4 14.0 12.5 1L9 10.2 10.7 16.9 10.6 18.0 16.4 13.4 14.0 n.6 13.1 1L7 ILl 9.6 .6 .9 .7 Ll LO .9 .9 .8 .9 .8 .8 .7 74L6 720.2 72L9 706.6 692.0 681.6 669.4 666.7 645.6 636.8 626.6 618.6 .1 35.2 110.6 166.9 5.7 9.8 •Less than $60,000. NOTE.—U.S. savings notes were sold frora May 1, 1967 through June 30, 1970. Sales figures after fiscal 1970 represent adjustments. 215 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 43.—Sales of Series E and H savings bonds by States, fiscal years 1970, 1971 and cumulative ^ [In thousands of doUars, at issue price- On basis of reports received by the Treasury Departnient, with totals adjusted to basis of daily Treasury statements] Fiscal year 1970 States AI ab araa Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut D elaware District of Colum bia Florida Geoi'gia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Lomsiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missomi Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoraa Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South .Dakota Tennessee Texas. Utah Verraont Virginia • Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoraing. Canal Zone Puerto Rico Virgin Islands 37,281 2, 253 21,117 15, 749 275, 883 26, 693 67, 876 19,421 33, 436 75, 686 52, 861 13, 896 5,079 261,061 122, 679 63, 578 41, 862 44, 248 32,887 11, 949 78, 434 no, 485 240,185 50,088 13,001 118, 274 9, 517 36,090 6, 617 9, 868 179, 259 12,116 458, 241 47, 250 9, 203 261,171 42, 918 24, 557 396, 626 20, 609 22, 730 11, 539 41,347 136,043 20,024 5,027 80,101 48, 845 38,155 70, 374 4,012 3,191 3, 349 . ". - •. Total . M a y 1941Juiie 1971 43,662 2,956 27, 335 18, 780 316,498 33, 316 84, 361 20, 369 38,115 90, 871 55,185 15,102 5,814 305,628 132, 251 71, 976 49,436 50, 322 40,102 14, 371 89, 627 135, 863 289, 948 59, 542 16,682 132,835 10, 583 43, 918 7,613 11,800 215,085 13, 528 530, 706 57, 629 10, 340 293,690 47, 585 30, 518 470,999 23,958 25, 947 14,130 49, 579 183, 228 22, 715 6,796 96,156 53, 842 44,803 82, 931 4,672 3,394 3,174 -1-618,108 1, 433,448 277,212 695,112 808,309 10,305, 900 1, 111, 531 2, 390,898 466,100 1,530, 255 2,140,215 1, 646,933 541,420 329,848 11,825,610 4, 257,999 3,901,606 2, 293, 295 1,651, 591 1,398,291 544,408 2,071,358 4,198,168 8,608,024 2, 840,438 768,590 4,292,779 672,953 2,292,980 191,620 345,899 5, 822,986 379,429 16,922,207 1, 664, 921 671,439 9,487,107 1,799,240 1,318, 815 12,902,438 648,964 842,435 827,512 1, 622,879 6,140,786 605,806 186,957 2,532,134 2, 282,557 1, 510,311 3, 251,795 262,884 96,605 90,461 6,174 598 -1-602, 533 3-1-7,498,802 4,449,211 5,081, 896 363 Undistributed and adjustment to daily Treasury statement- Fiscal year 1971 163,597, 433 1 Figures include exchanges of minor amounts of Series F and J bonds exchanged into Series H bonds from January 1960 through October 1964 and Series J for H through October 1969; however, they exclude Series E bonds exchanged for Series H, which are reported in table 40, 2 Excludes data for period AprU 1947 through Deceniber 1956, when reports were not avaUable. In the Annual Reports for 1952-58 data for period May 1941 through March 1947 were included with "Other 3 Includes a sraall araount for other possessions. NOTE.—Sales by States of the various series of savings bonds were published in the Annual Report for 1943, pp. 614-621, and in the subsequent reports; and by months at intervals in the Treasury Bulletin, beginning with the issue of July 1946. Since April 30,1953, figures for sales of Series E and H bonds only have been available by States. 216 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 44.—Savings bonas outstandino, by series ana denomination, as of June 30, 1971 [In thousands of pieces] Denomination Series» Total $10 $25 $50 $75 $100 $200 . 525,325 513 285, 647 120, 715 5,471 80,845 8,960 . 6,468 ......... —(V)— 1 1 1 2 (*) 2 2 6 1 7 10 5 25 7 13 24 23 43 io" 13 29 2 E H A B -- c D F G J E.. T o t a l . . . . 531,924 613 285, 684 120, 721 5,471 80,898 8,950 $1, 000 $5,000 $10,000 $600 294 40 82 . 2 3 —(V)— 1 11 4 1 (*) . (*) (*) - 11, 594 11,548 . 2,571 3,521 (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 1 1 8 2 1 14,178 $100, 000 n n 15, 090 296 122 2 2 •Less than 500 pieces. i Currently only bonds of Series E and H are on sale. IVo—Interest TABLE 45.—Amount of interest-hearing puhlic debt outstanding, the computed annual interest charge, and the computed rate of interest, June 30, 1939-71, and at the end of each month during 1971 [On basis of daily Treasury statements, see "Bases of Tables"] End of fiscal year or month 1939 1940 1941 1942.... 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1966.. 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 - Footnotes at end of table. Interest-bearing debtl Computed annual interest charge 2 $39, 885,969,732.00 42, 376,495,928.00 48, 387,399,639.00 71, 968,418,098.00 135, 380,305,795.00 199, 543,355,30L00 256, 366, 616,818.00 268, 110,872,218.00 256, 113,412,039.00 260, 063,348,379.00 250, 761,636,723.00 266, 209,363,372.00 252, 861,765,497.00 266, 862,861,128.00 263, 946,017,740.00 268, 909,766,654.00 271, 741,267,607.00 269, 883,068,041.00 268, 485,662,677.00 274, 697,660,009.00 281, 833,362,429.00 283, 241,182,755.00 285, 671,608,619.00 294, 442,000,790.00 301, 963,730,701.00 307, 366,561,635.00 313, 112,816,994.00 315, 431,054,919.00 322, 285,962,387.89 344, 400,507,282.32 351." 729,446,327.01 $1,036,937,397.00 1,094,619,914.00 1,218,238,845.00 1,644,476,360.00 2,678,779,036.00 3,849,264,656.00 4,963,730,414.00 5,350,772,23L 00 6,374,409,074.00 6,455,476,79L 00 5,605,929,714.00 6, 612,676,516.00 6,739,616,990.00 6,981,367,116.00 6,430,991,316.00 6,298,069,299.00 6,387,225,600.00 6,949,699, 625.00 7,326,146,596.00 7,245,154,946.00 8,065,917,424.00 9,316,066,872.00 8,761,495,974.00 9,618,857,333.00 10,119,294,647.00 10,900,360,741.00 11,466,618,472.00 12,616,397, 677.00 12,952,924,175.84 16,403,812.018.91 17,086,631,003.48 Computed rate of interest 2 Percent 2.600 2.583 2.618 2.286 1.979 1.929 L936 1.996 2.107 2.182 2.236 2.200 2.270 2.329 2.438 2.342 2.351 2.576 2.730 2.638 2.867 3.297 3.072 3.239 3.360 3.560 3.678 3.988 4.039 4.499 4.891 217 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 45.—Amount.of interest-bearing public debt outstanding, the computed a n n u a l interest charge, and the computed rate of interest, J u n e SO, 1939-71, and at the end of each month during 1971—Continued Interest-bearing debt 1 1970 1971 1970—July August September October.. November December 1971—January February March AprU May June . Computed annual iriterest charge 2 $369,025,522,033.47 $20,338,884,039.56 396,289,177,045.23 20, 253,659, 628.67 374,621,724,698.61 20, 707, 984, 870. 56 378,905,316,883.48 21,122, 678, 527. 92 . 376,820,347,259.86 20,931,950,508.61 378,324,359,819.82 21,064,513,897.36 381,666,789,286.38 21, 210, 287, 688.03 . . . . . . . . . 387,251,844,989.23 21, 209, 805, 642.29 388,486,776,675.30 20, 936, 720,153.56 388,647,868,265.66 20,697,877,104. 89 389,776,536,154.70 20, 271, 979, 237.94 390,029,291,375.02 19, 959,178,106. 24 . . . . 394,922,196,613.75 20,063,849, 353.45 396,289,177,045.23 20, 253, 659, 628. 67 Computed rate of interest 2 Percent 5.557 5.141 5.576 5.622 6.601 5.616 5.603 6.520 6.459 5.366 5.236 5.149 6.112 6.141 1 Includes face araount of securities, except that current redemption value is used for savings bonds of Series C-F and J, U.S. savings notes, and rethement plan bonds. The face value of raatured savings bonds and savings notes outstanding Is Included until aU of the annual series have matured, when the entire amount is transferred to matured debt on which interest has ceased. 2 Comparable annual data 1916-38 are contained in 1962 annual report, p. 735. Current monthly figures are published in the Treaaury Bulletin. Comparable monthly data 1929-36 appear in 1936 annual report, p. 442, and from 1937 in later reports. Annual interest charge monthly 1916-29 appears in 1929 annual report, p. 509. NOTE.—The computed annual interest charge represents the amount of interest that would be paid if each interest-bearing issue outstanding at the end of the month or year should remain outstanding for a year at the appUcable annual rate of interest. The charge is computed for each issue by applying the appropriate annual interest rate to the amount outstanding on that date. Beginning Dec. 31, 1958, the computed average rate is based upon the rate of eflective yield for issues sold at preraiuras or discounts. Before that date the coraputed average rate was based upon the coupon rates of the securities. That rate did not materiaUy differ from the rate on the basis of effective yield. The "effective yield" raethod of computing the average interest rate on the pubhc debt raore accurately reflects the interest cost to the Treasury, and is believed to be in accord with the intent of Congress where legislation has required the use of the rate of effective yield for various purposes. to GO TABLE 46.—Computed annual interest rate and computed annual interest charge on the puhlic debt hy classes, June SO, 1960-71 [Dollar a m o u n t s in millions. O n basis of daUy T r e a s u r y s t a t e m e n t s , see " B a s e s of T a b l e s " ] M a r k e t a b l e issues Total pubhc debt E n d of fiscal y e a r or m o n t h Total 1 BiUs 2 Certificates N o m n a r k e t a b l e issues Notes Treasury bonds Total Savings bonds 3 Tax and savings notes 3 Other Special issues C o m p u t e d a n n u a l interest r a t e 1960 1961 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1967 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1966... 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971.. 1970—July August Septeraber October Noveniber December 1971—January February March April May June - 2.200 2.270 2.329 2.438 2.342 2.351 2.676 2.730 2.638 2.867 3.297 3.072 3.239 3.360 3.660 3.678 3.988 4.039 4.499 4.891 5.557 5.141 5.576 6.622 5.601 5.616 5.603 5.520 5.459 5.366 5.238 5.149 5.112 5.141 1.958 1.981 2.051 2.207 2.043 2.079 2.427 2.707 2.546 2.891 3.449 3.063 3.285 3.425 3.659 3.800 4.134 4.165 4.757 5.232 5.986 5.210 5.964 6.015 5.986 5.963 5.936 5.803 5.713 5.575 5.383 5.249 5.188 5.210 1.187 1. 569 1.711 2.254 .843 1. 539 2. 654 3.197 1. 033 3.316 3.815 2. 584 2. 926 3. 081 3.729 4.064 4.845 4.360 5.711 6.508 7.340 4.516 7.184 7.052 6.978 6.866 6.557 6.150 5.890 5.482 4.927 4.535 4.495 4.616 1.163 1.875 L875 2.319 1.928 1.173 2. 625 3.345 3.330 2.842 4. 721 3. 073 3. 377 3.283 4.851 5.250 L344 L399 1.560 L754 L838 L846 2.075 2.504 2.806 3.304 4.058 3.704 3.680 3.921 3.854 3. 842 4.321 4.764 5.294 5.668 6.420 6.519 6.420 6.531 6.531 6.537 6.704 6.704 6.704 6.607 6.606 6.607 6.531 6.519 2.322 2.327 2.317 2.342 2.440 2. 480 2.485 2.482 2.576 2.619 2.639 2.829 3.122 3.344 3.471 3.642 3.655 3.686 3.681 3.722 3.762 3.759 3.782 3.740 3.735 3. 741 3.741 3.742 3.742 3.751 3.757 3.759 3.758 3.759 2.569 2. 623 2.659 2.720 2.751 2.789 2.824 2.853 2.892 2.925 3.219 3.330 3.364 3.412 3.462 3.493 3.713 3.751 3.876 3.979 4.327 4.608 4.346 4.362 4.357 4.532 4.543 4.537 4.519 4.501 4.486 4.493 4.475 4.608 2. 748 2. 742 2. 745 2. 760 2. 793 2.821 2.848 2.880 2.925 2.961 3.293 3.408 3.449 3.482 3.617 3.537 3.744 3. 780 3. 816 3. 884 4.187 4.479 4.190 4.197 4. 203 4.423 4.432 4.438 4. 442 4.450 4.458 4.466 4.474 4.479 1. 383 1. 567 1. 785 2. 231 2.377 2. 359 4. 740 4. 740 4.905 4. 948 4. 946 4. 949 4. 949 4. 949 4. 949 4. 949 4. 948 4. 948 4. 947 4. 947 4. 946 4. 946 4. 946 Pi hd O Pi 2.407 2.717 2.714 2. 708 2.709 2.708 2.713 2.718 2.718 2.714 2.715 2.713 2.670 2.770 2.917 3.105 3.380 3.398 4.340 4.648 5.160 5.068 6.219 5.276 5.226 5.165 5.140 5.080 4.959 4.769 4.611 4.591 4.459 6.068 2.589 2.606 2.675 2.746 2.671 2.585 2.705 2.635 2.630 2.694 2.772 2.803 2.891 3.003 3.238 3. 372 3.693 3.854 4.133 4.555 5.235 5. 375 5.359 5.408 6.403 6.387 6.404 5.407 6.397 5.393 5.373 5.377 6.411 6.375 o Ul o pi > Pi y< o W y ^ Pi > Ul d Pi C o m p u t e d a n n u a l interest charge 1950 1951 1952 1963 1964 1955 1956 1957 1958 1969. 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1970—July. August September October November Deceraber 1971—January Febmary March AprU May June $5,613 5,740 5,981 6,431 6,298 6,387 6,950 7,325 7,245 8,066 9,316 8,761 9,519 10,119 10,900 11,467 12,516 12,953 15,404 17,087 20,339 20,254 20,708 21,123 20,932 21,065 21,210 21,210 20,937 20,698 20,272 19,959 20,084 20,254 $3,040 2,731 2,879 3,249 3,071 3,225 3,758 4,210 4,242 6,133 6,317 5,718 6,422 6,944 7,513 7,878 8,580 8,709 10,684 11,703 13,743 12,670 13,991 14,275 14,139 14,249 14,325 14,199 13,981 13,687 13,178 12,779 12,618 12,670 $160 213 293 442 184 299 649 743 231 1,046 1,249 937 1,212 1,433 1,855 2,135 _ . 2,595 2,490 3,573 4,302 5,380 3,823 5,632 5,560 5,425 5,538 5,355 6,230 5,013 4,748 4,267 3,870 3,908 3,823 • L e s s t h a n $600,000. 1 T o t a l Includes P a n a m a C a n a l b o n d s prior to 1961, a n d posta] savings b o n d s p r i o r t o 1966. 2 Included in debt o u t s t a n d i n g a t face amount, b u t t h e a n n u a l interest c h a r g e and, t h e a n n u a l i n t e r e s t r a t e a r e c o m p u t e d on t h e discount value. 3 T h e a n n u a l i n t e r e s t c h a r g e a n d a n n u a l i n t e r e s t r a t e on U n i t e d S t a t e s $214 178 533 368 355 162 428 685 1,096 962 833 410 457 728 80 295 $274 501 296 534 588 752 746 776 573 902 2,088 2,084 2,408 2,043 2,591 2,017 2,186 2,339 3,764 4,473 5,998 6,820 5,998 6,522 6, 522 6,520 8, 781 6, 782 6,782 8,878 6,879 6,878 6,882 6,820 $2,387 1,835 1,753 1,903 1,982 2,010 2,034 2,005 2,341 2,221 2,145 2,288 2,344 2,740 3,087 3,727 3,718 3,585 3,347 2,928 2,364 2, 026 2,362 2,193 2,192 2,191 2,189 2,188 2,186 2,041 2,032 2,031 2,028 2,026 $1,735 2,106 2,093 2,069 2.099 2,044 1,972 1,881 1,787 1,728 1,754 1,781 1,798 1,830 1,878 1,948 2,049 2,080 2,259 2,341 2,601 3,135 2, 639 2,856 2,650 2,751 798 787 2,761 2,775 2,793 2,897 3,023 3,135 $1,581 1,579 1,683 1,598 1,622 1,847 1,637 1,573 1,520 1,496 1,666 1,619 1,642 1,682 1,734 1,770 1,892 1,936 1,973 2,009 2,147 2,374 2,150 2,156 2,181 2,279 2,291 2,301 2,308 2,319 2,332 2,347 2,381 2,374 $117 123 118 99 121 45 .. (•) 10 25 37 31 37 36 38 35 34 34 33 32 32 31 31 31 $37 405 391 372 357 352 334 308 266 232 189 162 156 148 144 178 157 144 276 308 417 730 452 464 453 437 472 453 422 424 429 519 630 730 903 1,010 1,115 1,1-28 1,118 1,220 1,234 1,216 1,206 1,245 1,263 1,299 1,345 1,509 1,641 1,888 2,164 2.460 3,042 3,995 4,449 4,078 4,192 4,143 4,065 4,088 4, 223 4,194 4,255 4,301 4, 283 4,423 4,449 Ul y ^ xn y^ M o > t=j !^ savings bonds a n d U n i t e d S t a t e s s a v i n g s n o t e s a r e computed on t h e basis of t h e r a t e t o m a t u r i t y a p p l i e d a g a i n s t t h e a m o u n t o u t s t a n d i n g . N O T E . — F o r m e t h o d s of c o r a p u t i n g a n n u a l i n t e r e s t r a t e a n d charge see n o t e to t a b l e 45. See t a b l e 26 for a m o u n t s of p u b l i c d e b t o u t s t a n d i n g b y classification. F o r figures for 1939-49 see 1966 A n n u a l R e p o r t , pages 770-1. to 1—A CO 220 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 47.—Interest on the puhlic debt hy classes, fiscal years 1967-71 [In miUions of doUars, on an accrual basis. On basis of Public Debt accounts] Class of secmities 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 Public issues: Treasm'y bills L . Certificates of indebtedness Treasury notes.... Treasury bonds Total raarketable issues... Nonmarketable: Depositary bonds Foreign currency series: Certificates of indebtedness Treasmy notes Treasmy bonds. Foreignseries: Certificates of indebtedness Treasm'y notes Treasury bonds Treasury bonds, investraent series Treasmy bonds, REAseries U.S. savings bonds: Series E, F. and J ^ Series G, H, and K U.S. savings notes ^ U.S. retirement plan bonds Treasury certificates Treasmy bonds Other Total nonmarketable issues Total public issues Special issues: Certificates of indebtedness Treasury notes Treasmy bonds. Total special issues Total interest on public debt Other 2 Total Interest and charges... 3,105.3 293.1 2,199.3 3,656.6 3,360.9 4,196.4 37.4 3,08L0 4,190.9 3,612.3 3,150.0 6,582.8 4,943.4 5,113.5 2,626.2 6,640.3 2,161.4 9,254.3 9,99L7 11,537.3 13,302.5 13,745.1 .8 .6 .5 .5 24.7 10. 0 7.6 . .9 10.9 54.4 2L5 97.7 15.6 98.9 16.2 73.5 9.2 6.5 10.9 72.8 .5 47.2 20.3 5.3 70.2 .6 27.6 79.9 4.0 68.3 .4 45.2 99.2 2.7 68.7 .4 102.9 172.6 1.5 65.1 .2 1,641.4 322.7 1,728.1 330.4 .3 .9 L2 1, 783. 5 326.4 1, 844. 7 319.0 24.3 1.4 20.4 2, 059.5 338. 2 33.7 1.7 2L7 .7 2.4 (•) 2,110.3 11,364.6 551.8 338.5 1,133.8 2,024.1 13,388.7 2^3 13,39L0 n.3 Ll .4 L3 2.6 27.6 2,270.6 2,424.0 2,541.6 2,914.9 12,262. 3 13,96L 2 15,844.2 16,660.0 63L6 76L0 584.1 829.4 1,094.1 1,036.6 1,067.5 1,428.2 963.8 1,247.8 2,199.9 851.3 2,309.8 2,627.0 3,469.6 4,299.0 14,672.116,688.2 19,303.7 20,959.0 LO 14,573.0 16,688.2 19,303.7 20,959.0 •Less than $50,000. 1 Amounts represent discount treated as interest. 2 Charges for gold and foreign cmrency pmchases authorized by act of June 19,1962 (22 U.S.C. 286e-2(c)) and act of Oct. 23,1962 (76 Stat. 1168). V.—Prices and yields of securities TABLE 48.—Average yields of taxahle * long term Treasury honds hy months, Octoher 1941-June 1971 ^ [Averages of daUy figures. Percent per aimum compounded semiannuaUy] Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May 1941... 1942... 1943... 1944... 1945... 2.48 2.46 2.49 2.44 2.48 2.46 2.49 2.38 2.46 2.48 2.48 2.40 2.44 2.48 2.48 2.39 2.45 2.46 2.49 2.39 1946... 1947... 1948.. 1949.. 1950.. 2.21 2.21 2.45 2.42 2.20 2.12 2.21 2.46 2.39 2.24 2.09 2.19 2.44 2.38 2.27 2.08 2.19 2.44 2.38 2.30 2.19 2.19 2.42 2.38 2.31 1951.. 1952.. 1953.. 1954.. 1956.. 2.39 2.74 2.80 2.69 2.68 2.40 2.71 2.83 2.62 2.78 2.47 2.70 2.89 2.53 2.78 2.56 8 2.64 «2.97 2.48 2.82 1956.. 1967.. 1958.. 1959.. I960.. 2.88 3.34 3.24 3.91 4.37 2.85 3.22 3.28 3.92 4.22 2.93 3.26 3.25 3.92 4.08 1961.. 1962.. 1963.. 1964.. 1965.. 3.89 4.08 3.89 4.15 4.14 3.81 4.09 3.92 4.14 4.16 1966.. 1967.. 1968.. 1969-. 1970.. 4.43 4.40 5.18 6.74 6.86 1971.. 5.92 July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Average 2.43 2.45 2.49 2.35 2.46 2.45 2.49 2.34 2.47 2.46 2.48 2.36 2.46 2.48 2.47 2.37 3 2.34 2.45 2.48 2.48 2.35 2.34 2.47 2.48 2.48 2.33 2.47 2.49 2.49 2.48 2.33 2.16 2.22 2.41 2.38 2.33 2.18 2.26 2.44 2.27 2.34 2.23 2.24 2.45 2.24 2.33 2.28 2.24 2.45 2.22 2.36 2.26 2.27 2.45 2.22 2.38 2.25 2.36 2.44 2.20 2.38 2.24 2.39 2.44 2.19 2.39 2.19 2.25 2.44 2.31 2.32 2.63 2.57 3.11 2.54 2.81 2.65 2.61 3.13 2.55 2.82 2.63 2.61 3.02 2.47 2.91 2.57 2.70 3.02 2.48 2.95 2.56 2.71 2.98 2.52 2.92 2.61 2.74 2.83 2.54 2.87 2.66 2.71 2.86 2.57 2.89 2.70 2.75 2.79 2.59 2.91 2.57 2.68 2.94 2.55 2.84 ^ 3.07 3.32 3.12 4.01 4.18 2.97 3.40 3.14 4.08 4.16 2.93 3.58 3.20 4.09 3.98 3.00 3.60 3.36 4.11 3.86 3.17 3.63 3.60 4.10 3.79 3.21 3.66 3.75 4.26 3.84 3.20 3.73 3.76 4.11 3.91 3.30 3.57 3.70 4.12 3.93 3.40 3.30 3.80 4.27 3.88 3.08 3.47 3.43 4.08 4.02 h-l 3.78 4.01 3.93 4.18 4.15 3.80 3.89 3.97 4.20 4.15 3.73 3.88 3.97 4.16 4.14 3.88 3.90 4.00 4.13 4.14 3.90 4.02 4.01 4.13 4.15 4.00 3.98 3.99 4.14 4.19 4.02 3.94 4.04 4.16 4.26 3.98 3.89 4.07 4.16 4.28 3.98 3.87 4.11 4.12 4.34 4.06 3.87 4.14 4.14 4.43 3.90 3.95 4.00 4.15 4.21 4.61 4.47 5.16 6.86 6.44 4.63 4.45 5.39 6.05 6.39 4.55 4.51 5.28 5.84 6.63 4.57 4.76 5.40 5.85 6.94 4.63 4.86 5.23 6.05 6.99 4.75 4.86 5.09 6.07 6.57 4.80 4.95 5.04 6.02 6.75 4.79 4.99 5.09 6.32 6.63 4.70 5.19 5.24 6.27 6.59 4.74 5.44 5.36 6.62 6.24 4.65 6.36 5.66 6.81 6.97 4.65 4.86 5.26 6.12 6.58 5.84 5.71 5.76 5.96 6.94 1 Taxable bonds are those on which the interest Is subject to both the normal and surtax rates of the Federal Income tax. This average commenced Oct. 20,1941. 2 Prior to October 1941 yields were on partiaUy tax-exempt long-term bonds. For January 1930 through December 1946, see the 1956 Annual Report, page 492, and for January 1919 through December 1929, see the 1943 Annual Report, p. 662. 8 Beghining Oct. 20, 1941, through Mar. 31, 1952, yields are based on bonds neither due nor caUable for 16 years; beginning Apr. 1, 1962, through Mar. 31, 1953, on bonds neither due nor caUable for 12 years; beginnine Apr. 1,1953, on bonds neither due nor caUable for 10 years. June - .. 2.46 2.47 2.48 2.37 H § ^ ^H lz| O a . NOTE.—For bonds selling above par and caUable at par before maturity, the yields are computed on the basis of rederaption at first call date; whUe for bonds seUing below par, yields are coraputed to raaturity. Monthly averages are averages of daUy figures. Each daily figure is an unweighted average ofthe yields ofthe individual issues. Yields before 1953 are computed on the basis of the raean of closing bid and ask quotations in the over-the-counter raarket. Coraraencing AprU 1953, yields, as reported by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, are based on over-the-counter closing bid quotations. See Treasury Bulletin for current raonthly yields. bO bO to bO bO TABLE 49.—Prices and yields of marketable puhlic debt issues June SO, 1970, and June 30, 1971, and price range since first traded [Price deciraals are 32d's a n d + indicates a d d i t i o n a l 64th's] Pi J u n e 30,1970 P r i c e r a n g e since fii'st t r a d e d 2 J u n e 30, 1971 yn Issue 1 Price Bid Treasury bonds: 4 % A u g . 15, 1970 23^% Mar. 15, 1986-71 4 % A u g . 16, 1971 3 K % N o v . 15, 1971 4 % F e b . 16, 1972 2 ^ % J u n e 15, 1987-72 4 % A u g . 15, 1972 2M% Sept. 15, 1967-72 23^% D e c . 15, 1987-72 4 % A u g . 15, 1973 4 H % N o v . 16, 1973 . 4 H % F e b . 16, 1974 4M% M a y 15, 1974 3 ^ % N o v . 15, 1974 4M% M a y 15, 1975-85 4% F e b . 15, 1980 3 M % N o v . 15, 1980 3 M % J u n e 15, 1978-83 3 M % M a y 15, 1985 33^% F e b . 16, 1990 4 K % A u g . 15, 1987-92 4% F e b . 15, 1988-93 4 H % M a y 15, 1989-94 3 % F e b . 16, 1995. 3 K % N o v . 15, 1998. T r e a s u r y notes: 6 5 ^ % D , A u g . 15, 1 9 7 0 . . . . 6% A , N o v . 15, 1970 6 ^ % C , F e b . 15, 1971 7M% D , F e b . 15, 1971 6 M % A , M a y 15, 1971 8% E , M a y 15, 1971 i Ask 99.23 96.25 96.12 96.12 94.18 90.29 92.28 89.19 88.18 89.19 89.08 88.22 88.16 85.18 71.20 74.28 71.00 68.02 65.22 65.12 68.12 68.28 66.22 85.12 65.12 99.25 96.29 98.16 95.16 94.28 91.05 93.04 89.27 88.23 89.27 89.16 88.30 88.24 85.26 72.20 75.10 72.00 67.02 66.22 66.12 69.12 87.26 67.22 66.12 66.12 100.01 99.09 98.31 100.10 98.11 100.16 100.03 99.13 99. 03 100.14 98.15 100.20 Yield to caU or matm'ity 8 Percent 6.24 . 7.26 . 7.42 7.49 7.82 7.60 7.70 7.72 7.70 7.82 7.81 7.77 7.74 7.84 7.44 7.76 7.59 7.36 7.00 6.70 7.11 6.93 7.02 6.61 6.07 6.97 6.95 7.10 7.23 7.25 7.40 Price Bid Ask Yield t o caU or matm'ity 3 High Price o Low Date Price Date Percent 100. 00 99.17 99.08 98.27 97.17 95.19 94.27 95.00 94.16 93.30 93.18 91.20 79.00 82.06 78.22 73.00 72.12 72.22 74.22 72.20 73.08 72.20 72.20 100.04 99.21 99.12 96.31 97.21 95. 27 95.03 95.08 94.24 94.06 93.26 91.28 80.00 83.06 79. 22 74.00 73.12 73.22 75.22 73.20 74.08 73.20 73.20 3.94 5.14 5.24 5.95 6.31 6.35 6.26 8.58 6.67 8.68 6.75 6.69 6.58 6.78 8.68 6.64 6.26 6.94 6.46 6.34 6.36 4.98 5.43 100.14 107. 22 101. 27 100. 28 101. 20 106.16 101. 20 109.18 106.16 99.30 100. 01 99.28 101. 07 n o . 24 105. 28 103.18 97.24 111.28 101.04 106. 26 104.10 100.11 100. 23 101.12 95.14 100.15 102.09 100.29 101.03 103.09 101.15 Aug. Apr. Dec. Dec. Dec. Apr. Dec. Apr. Apr. Mar. Nov. Mar. Jan. Apr. May May May Aug. June Apr. Dec. Jan. Aug. June May 2,1983 16,1946 26,1962 26,1982 28,1962 16,1946 26.1962 6,1946 6,1948 22,1971 12,1964 22,1971 12,1964 22,1958 5,1961 12,1981 12.1981 4,1954 11,1958 21,1958 26.1982 16.1963 28,1963 18,1955 12,1981 92.18 79.20 91.30 90.25 91.02 79.12 89.24 78.24 79.06 85.31 85.24 84.28 84.22 82.14 66.30 71.04 66.24 62.02 61.08 59.20 83.00 62.18 81.26 59.20 59.20 Aug. Jan. Aug. Aug. Oct. Jan. Dec. Jan. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. May Dec. May May May May May May May May May July Apr. Jan. Jan. Apr. Nov. 31,1970 7,1967 21,1971 21,1971 7,1967 23,1970 98.21 96.13 96.15 99.19 95.30 99.24 July 9,1969 July 2,1989 July 9,1989 J a n . 29,1970 S e p t . 18,1969 S e p t . 30,1969 29,1966 6,1960 29,1966 29,1966 1,1989 6,1960 29,1969 6,1980 6,1960 29,1969 29,1989 29,1969 29,1969 29.1969 26.1970 29.1969 24.1970 28,1970 28,1970 26,1970 26,1970 28,1970 26,1970 28,1970 26,1970 Pi O w Ul o pi > pi K! o W t?=l 1^ Pi H > Ul Pi 8 K % F , A u g . 15, 1971 6 H % B , N o v . 16, 1971 7 ^ % G, N o v . 15, 1971 4 3 ^ % A , F e b . 15, 1972. Ty2% C, F e b . 15,1972 4 M % B , M a y 16, 1972 6 ^ % D , M a y 15, 1972 6% E , A u g . 15, 1972 6% F , N o v . 15, 1972 7 M % A , M a y 15, 1973 83/g% B , A u g . 15, 1973 7 ^ % C , F e b . 16, 1974 7 K % D , M a y 15, 1974 6 ^ % B , A u g . 15, 1974 6M% A , N o v . 15, 1974. 5M% A, F e b . 15, 1976 6% B , M a y 15, 1976 by^% C, A u g . 15, 1976 6 K % A , F e b . 15, 1976 6 H % B , M a y 15, 1978 734% C, A u g . 15, 1976 8% A, F e b . 15, 1977 734% B , A u g . 15, 1977 8 K % A , F e b . 15, 1978 13^% E O , O c t . 1, 1970 1 ) ^ % E A , A p r . 1, 1971 13^% E O , Oct. 1, 1971 13^% E A , A p r . 1, 1972 13^% E O , Oct. 1,1972 13^% E A , A p r . 1, 1973 13^% E O , Oct. 1, 1973 13^% E A , A p r . 1, 1974 13^% E O , Oct. 1, 1974 13^% E A , A p r . 1, 1975 1 ^ % E O , Oct. 1, 1976 13^% E A . A p r . 1, 1976 100.31 97.10 100.08 95.20 101.03 97.14 100.10 95.28 7.34 7.47 7.60 7.67 95.02 95.10 7.63 100.01 101.04 100.09 101.12 7.74 7.71 92.14 92.16 92.03 93.06 92.22 92.24 92.11 93.13 7.81 7.81 7.82 7.71 93.09 94.04 99.17 100.20 93.17 94.12 99.25 100.28 7.75 7.76 7.60 7.88 . 98.02 95.08 92.04 89.04 86.20 84.06 81.24 79.12 77.12 75.08 98.18 98.08 93.04 90.04 87.20 85.08 82.24 80.12 78.12 76.06 9.44 8.16 8.25 8.30 8.12 8.02 7.98 7.97 7.86 7.86 1 E x c l u d e s T r e a s u r y biUs, w h i c h are fuUy t a x a b l e . F o r description a n d a m o u n t of each issue o u t s t a n d i n g on J u n e 30,1971, see t a b l e 28; for information as of J u n e 30,1970, see 1970 Statistical A p p e n d i x , p . 77. 2 B e g i m u n g A p r i l 1953, prices are closing b i d q u o t a t i o n s . Prices for prior d a t e s are t h e m e a n of closing b i d a n d ask q u o t a t i o n s ; " w h e n i s s u e d " prices are i n c l u d e d i n price r a n g e . D a t e s of highs a n d lows i n case of recurrence are t h e l a t e s t d a t e s . Issues w i t h original raaturity of less t h a n 1 y e a r are excluded. 100.18 99.31 100. 26 99.12 100. 28 98.27 100.14 98. 20 99. 20 102.16 103. 06 102.14 101. 08 98.20 97.02 96.26 97.26 96. 20 98.14 98.22 102.10 104.18 103.16 96.16 100. 20 100. 03 100.30 99.16 101. 00 98.31 100.18 98.24 99.24 102.24 103.14 102. 22 101.16 98.28 97.10 97.02 98.02 96.28 98.22 98.30 102.18 104. 24 103.24 96.24 3.99 5.42 5.45 5.79 6.05 6.13 6.23 6.29 6.29 6.31 6.49 6.72 6.76 6.84 6.74 6.76 6.65 6.83 6.85 6.82 6.96 7.02 7.04 6.92 98. 24 96.14 94.06 9L24 89.16 87.12 85.10 83.12 81. 26 80.02 99.00 97.14 95.08 92.24 90.16 88.12 86.10 84.12 82.26 8L02 8.58 6.44 6.41 6.57 6.60 6.59 8.59 8.57 6.46 6.44 102.13 Nov. 23,1970 104. 02 Apr. 10,1967 103.12 Jau; 21,1971 101.18 Apr. 10,1967 103. 28 Feb. 19,1971 101.12 Mar. 11,1971 103. 23 Mar. 11,1971 100. 08 Apr. 30,1971 99. 29-F June 24,1971 107.24 Mar. 22,1971 109.12 Mar. 22,1971 109.13 Mar. 22,1971 108.12 Mar. 22,1971 103. 28 Mar. 22,1971 104. 20 Mar. 22,1971 104. 20 Mar. 22,1971 105. 22 Mar. 22,1971 105. 00 Mar. 22,1971 106. 28 Mar. 22,1971 107. 24 Mar. 22, 1971 111.28 Mar. 22,1971 114. 08 Mar. 22,1971 114. 00 Mar. 22,1971 106. 20 Mar. 22,1971 99.22 Aug. 31,1970 99.16 Feb. 26,1971 98.28 Mar. 31,1971 97.10 Mar. 31,1971 96.02 Mar. 31,1971 94.16 Mar. 31,1971 93.06 Mar. 31,1971 91.16 Mar. 31,1971 89.10 Mar. 31,1971 87.20 Mar. 31,1971 85.18 Mar. 31,1971 82.06 Apr. 30,1971 100. 03-195.03 99.20 92.24 100. 04 91.30 100.14 98.20 99.20 99.14 100.03+ 100.04 100.13+ 89.14 89.22 89.18 90.00 96.20 91.20 92.16 97.28 99.31 98.28 96.18 88.08 85.03 84.18 85.12 83.18 81.20 79.04 78.00 73.30 74.26 76.16 80.02 Jan Oct May Dec. Aug. Dec. June June June May Jan. Aug, Oct. Dec. Dec Dec. May June Jan. Jan. May May Aug. June Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. May Oct. June 29,1970 1.1969 25,1970 29.1969 17.1970 29.1969 30.1971 30,1971 30,1971 4.1970 29.1970 10,1970 23.1970 29,1969 29,1969 29.1969 18.1971 30,1971 30.1970 30,1970 4,1970 4,1970 17.1970 30.1971 29,1986 21,1968 17.1966 20.1967 30,1970 30,1970 30,1970 30,1970 30,1970 29,1970 30.1970 30.1971 Ul y ^ > Ul y^ I-H O > > yn X 3 Yields are c o m p u t e d to earhest caU d a t e w h e n prices are a b o v e p a r a n d to m a t u r i t y d a t e w h e n prices are a t par or b e l o w . N O T E . — P r i c e s a n d yields (based on closing b i d prices) o n J u n e 30, 1970 a n d 1971 are over-the-counter q u o t a t i o n s , as r e p o r t e d t o t h e T r e a s u r y D e p a r t m e n t b y t h e F e d e r a l R e s e r v e B a n k of N e w Y o r k . Yields are p e r c e n t per a n n u m c o m p o u n d e d s e m i a n n u a l l y except t h a t on securities h a v i n g o n l y one i n t e r e s t p a y m e n t , t h e y are c o m p u t e d o n a simple interest basis. bO bO 00 bO bO Pi o pi O JuneSO VI.—Ownership of Federal securities W TABLE 50.—Estimated ownership of Federal securities outstanding June 30, 1960-71 Ul [Par value.i In biUions of doUars] O Pi Total amount outstanding 2 Held by banks Total Commercial banks Federal Reserve banks Held by U.S. Government accounts Held by private nonbank hivestors Total Individuals 3 Insurance companies Mutual savings banks > Corpo- State, and MisceUarations * local govneous ernments * investors ^ I. PubUc debt issues I960.. 1961.. 1962.. 1963.. 1964.. 1965.. 1966.. 1967.. 1968.. 1969.. 1970.. 1971.. 286.3 289.0 298.2 305.9 3n.7 317.3 319.9 326.2 347.6 353.7 370.9 398.1 8L8 89.8 94.8 96.3 95.0 97.3 97.0 102.2 11L9 109.4 aio.s 126.5 55.3 62.5 65.1 64.3 60.2 68.2 54.8 55.5 59.7 65.3 '•62.6 6L0 26.5 27.3 29.7 32.0 34.8 39.1 42.2 46.7 52.2 54.1 57.7 65.5 53.1 53.7 54.3 65.6 68.6 6L1 64.3 7L8 78.1 84.8 95.2 102.9 151.4 145.5 149.2 153.9 158.2 158.9 158.7 152.2 159.5 159.5 '•165.5 168.7 Pi O y ^ W 69.7 64.6 65.7 66.0 68.8 70.9 73.1 70.9 74.8 77.9 82.5 78.0 12.0 1L4 1L3 10.9 10.8 10.6 9.6 8.6 8.1 7.7 6.8 6.6 6.6 6.3 6.2 6.0 6.8 5.6 5.0 4.1 3.9 3.3 2.9 2.9 19.5 18.5 18.2 18.7 18.9 15.3 14.2 n.o 13.0 12.6 ILl 10.1 18.8 19.3 20.1 2L4 22.5 24.1 24.5 23.6 24.6 25.2 24.6 2L4 24.8 25.4 27.7 30.9 3L4 32.6 32.3 34.0 35.1 32.9 '•37.6 49.8 y ^ Pi > Ul d Pi Kj II. Agency issues ^ I960., 1961.. 1962. 1963. 1964. 1965.. 1966. 1967.. 1968.. 1969.. 1970. 1971. 6.8 6.5 7.9 8.1 8.6 9.3 13.4 18.6 24 4 14.2 12.6 12.2 .8 LO L5 L8 2.2 2.6 3.6 6.4 6.5 3.0 2.2 2.0 .8 LO L6 L8 2.2 2.5 3.6 5.4 6.5 3.0 2.2 2.0 ^ Revised. 1 Except data including U.S. savhigs Donds I of Series E , F , J, a n d U . S . savings n o t e s . which are at current redemption value. 2 Secmities issued by the Treasury and Government agencies that are classified as debt under the new unified budget concept. For debt subject to limitation, see table 31. »Includes partnerships and personal trust accounts. * Exclusive of banks and insmance companies. .6 .6 .7 .7 .6 .5 .5 2.0 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.3 5.4 4.9 6.7 5.6 5.8 6.3 9.3 ILl 14.9 8.4 7.8 7.9 L8 LO L4 L4 L9 L9 2.3 2.9 4.0 1.2 L4 L3 3 3 4 4 4 4 6 8 9 8 8 7 .5 .4 .5 .5 .6 .6 .7 Ll L3 .8 .5 .5 L4 L2 LO .8 .8 .6 LO .6 Ll .4 .4 .2 Ll L6 L8 2.0 L7 2.3 3.0 3.6 4.7 3.8 3.8 3.4 .3 .5 .6 .5 .4 .6 L8 2.0 2.9 L4 LO L8 « Comprises t r u s t , sinking, a n d i n v e s t r a e n t funds of S t a t e a n d local g o v e r n m e n t s , Territories, a n d possessions, fl I n c l u d e s savings a n d loan associations, nonprofit associations, corporate pension trust funds, dealers and brokers, and investraents of foreign balances and international accounts in this coimtry. Also included are certain Government deposit accounts and Government-sponsored agencies. ^ See text of Federal Debt Management section (pages 10-26, 1971 Annual Report) for a discussion of issuing agencies and the changes in flscal 1971. rn i bO bO 226 19 7 1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 51.—Summary of Treasury survey of ownership [Par value. In H e l d b y private Investors covered In T r e a s u r y survey Total amount outstanding i U . S . Governraent accounts a n d Federal Reserve b a n k s Total private investors J u n e 30 J u n e 30 Classification J u n e 30 1970 N u m b e r of i n s t i t u t i o n s or funds 1971 1970 1971 1970 1971 Mutual savings banks 2 J u n e 30 J u n e 30 1970 1971 5,743 5,680 .. P u b l i c d e b t issues: Interestbearing p u b l i c d e b t securities: Marketable Nonmarketable 5 Special issues Coraraercial banks 2 1970 495 1971 490 .. ... ' 232,599 245,473 80,103 68,032 76,323 82,784 74, 889 2,071 76,124 83, 610 157,911 161,863 42,451 47, 231 2,848 2,884 44 14 2,056 68,032 65, 976 49 7 44 199 82,740 T o t a l interest-bearing p u b l i c d e b t securities.. 369,026 396, 289 152,884 188,406 216,142 227,883 42, 500 47, 276 2,862 2,870 Matured debt and debt 1,893 1,841 1,893 1,841 bearing n o i n t e r e s t . . . Total public debt securities G o v e r n m e n t agency issues: R e g u l a r issues P a r t i c i p a t i o n certificates 8 . _ . Total Government agency securities covered i n T r e a s u r y survey Nonsurveyed Government agency securities 370, 919 398,130 162,884 168,406 218,035 229,724 42, 500 47, 275 2,882 2,870 3,242 7,230 100 2,211 75 1,949 1,813 6,602 3,167 241 235 5,281 1,424 1,197 120 403 125 411 10, 726 10,472 523 536 35, 705 38,073 4,885 8,147 1,407 1,778 1,913 8,813 2,311 2,023 8,415 8,448 1,665 1,432 1,691 243 228 1,540 1,463 Total Government agency securities. . . . 12,509 12,163 2,553 2,251 9,955 9,911 T o t a l Federal securities 1,783 383,428'410. 292 155,437 170,657 227, 990 239, 635 M e r a o r a n d u m : Securities issued b y selected Government-sponsored agencies K . . 8 35,822 8 38,073 117 (*) 1 Securities issued by the Treasury and Government agencies that are classified as Federal debt under the unified budget concept. For debt subject to limitation, see table 31. 2 Excludes trust departraents. 8 Included with all other investors are those banks, insurance companies, savings and loan associations, corporations, and State and local goverrmient funds not reporting in the Treasury survey. Also included are certain Government deposit accounts and Government-sponsored agencies. 227 STATISTICAL APPENDIX of Federal securities, J u n e 30, 1970 and 1971 mUlions of dollars] Held by private investors covered in Treasury survey—Continued Insurance companies Life Fire, casualty, and marine June 30 June 30 1970 1971 1970 290 289 458 1971 452 Savings and loan associations Corporations June 30 June 30 1970 488 1971 487 1970 468 1971 468 State and local governnients General funds Pension and retireraent funds June 30 June 30 1970 316 1971 316 1970. 1971 187 AU other private investors 3 Meraorandura: Held by corporate pension trustfunds^ June 30 June 30 1970 [1971 186 1970 1971 36,401 39,049 3,238 3,056 2,631 2,612 3,564 3,197 3,639 3,255 9,804 8,422 3,432 2, 592 86,303 88,633 1,784 1,468 1 44 29 45 10 28 138 115 27 58 58 57,796 65,758 8 1 • 32 44 199 3,270 3,086 2,658 2,640 3,674 3,204 3,640 3,256 9,848 8,467 3,491 2,650 144,298 154,435 1,922 1,583 1,893 1.841 3,270 3,086 2,658 2,640 3,674 3,204 3,640 3,266 9,848 8,467 3,491 2,650 146,191 156,276 1,922 1,583 137 44 106 45 35 296 22 271 66 134 80 216 69 103 2 46 106 531 198 303 245 887 229 716 794 2,781 2,171 2,076 30 174 25 124 181 161 331 293 200 297 172 48 637 500 1,132 945 3,575 4,247 204 150 95 83 390 411 1,693 2,675 981 209 22,719 21,636 396 387 672 3,243 2,464 291 < Consists of corporate pension trust funds and profit sharing plans which Involve retireraent benefits. Quarterly data are presented in the Survey of Ownership section of the "Treasury Bulletin." * Series E U.S. savings bonds and U.S. savings notes are included at current redemption value, fi Export-Import Bank and Government National Mortgage Association issues. 7 Federal home loan banks, Federal land banks, beginning in 1989, the Federal National Mortgage Association, banks for cooperatives, and Federal intermediate credit banks, and begimung in 1970, the Farmers Home Admirustration. 8 Includes securities issued for use as collateral for short-terra borrowings. •Less than $1 milUon. 228 1(971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Account of the Treasurer of the United States TABLE 52.—Assets and liabilities in the account of the Treasurer of the United States, June 30, 1970 and 1971 [From records of the Treasmer's Office. The balances showh in this table give eflect to aU transactions through June 30, including those for which reports were received after that date. They may, therefore, differ from balances in daUy Treasmy statements dated June 30 which are pubUshed on the t h h d business day in July. See "Bases of Tables"] June 30,1970 June 30,1971 Increase or decrease (—) GOLD Assets: Gold $11,367,017,795.81 $10,332,133,694.60 -$1,034,884,101.21 Liabilities: Gold certificates, Series of 1934, outstanding Gold certificate fund—Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System International Monetary Fund gold deposit Gold balance 1,277,800.00 1,277,800.00 11,044,113,823.84 10,074,113,764.43 -970,000,069. 41 210,492,967.44 111,133,204.63 147,914,492.70 108,827,647.47 -62,678,474.74 -2,306.657.08 11,367,017,795.81 10,332,133,894.60 -1,034,884,101.21 111,133,204.63 3,043,904.00 13,924,465.00 100,195,612.00 108,827,647.47 3,044,650.00 44,286,268.70 149,792,469.00 -2,305,557.06 648.00 30,361,803.70 49,596,857.00 74,966,793.79 71,698,064.68 37,608,652.72 190,910,087.02 -37,467,14L 07 119,212,022.34 Total GENERAL ACCOUNT Assets: In Treasury offices: Gold balance (as above) SUverdollars Fractional coin Paper cmrency Coinage raetal: Silver... Other Unclassified collections, uncollected Items, exchanges, etc. (net) Subtotal Deposits: In Federal Reserve banks: Available funds In process of coUection In special depositaries. Treasury tax and loan accounts In national and other bank depositaries In foreign depositaries Funds in transit between depositaries Subtotal Total assets. Treasurer's accoimt Deduct net transactions In transit as of June 30. General account balance, as published in daUy Treasmy statements 105,611,668.69 113,726,030.70 8,214,462.01 480,472,602.69 648,096,695.61 167,623,092.92 1,004,735,249.80 364,921,404.19 1,274,384,418.36 419,322,676.56 269,649,188.58 64,401,272.36 6,929,180, llL 67 7,371,988,499.42 442,806,387.85 113,777,484.27 38,682,070.71 142,596,682.04 37,881,123.56 28,819,197.77 -800,947.16 -146,330,037.90 369,032,692.71 222,702,654.81 8,810,329,013.26 9,468,874,054.74 668,645,04L 49 9,290,801,616.94 274,906,835.42 10,116,989,760. 36 206,249,71L 46 826,168,134.41 -68,666,123.96 9,015,895,780.62 9,910,720,038.89 894,824,258.37 229 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 53.—Accountability of the Treasurer of the United States on an accounting hasis, June 30, 1954-71 [On basis of daUy Treasury statements and accounts of the Treasmer of the United States] PubUshed in daily Treasmy statements Fiscal year 1964. _. 1956 1966 1967 1958 1969 1960 19611962 1963 1964 1966.1966 1967--. 1968-1989-1970 1971 -. - - - - - - - 1 Transactions In transit as of June 30 $6,766,,466,061 6,216,, 666,047 6,646,,183,868 6,589,. 962,362 9,749,, 102,978 6,360,,391,763 8,004,,740,998 6,694,, 119, 964 10,430,, 393,649 12,116, 176,163 11,036, 731,209 12,610, 264,636 12,407, 377, 210 7,768, 994,625 6,694, 062,122 7,103, 638,020 9,016, 896,781 9,910, 720,039 Total -$27,889,624 61,116,376 263,384,166 68,617,897 48,349,862 41,300,160 161,277,138 76,497,633 73,817,403 264, 232,226 80,408,696 99,732,049 42,138,112 119,626,360. 90,630,717 440,870,370 274,905,835 206,249,711 $6,738,565,437 6,266,781,422 6,799,668,033 5,648,470,269 9,797,452,839 6,391,691,923 8,166,018,136 6,770,617,686 10,604,210,962 12,380,408,389 11,116,139,804 12,709,996,684 12,449,516,322 7,878,619,874 6,784,692,839 7,644,408,390 9,290,801,616 10,116,969,75 0 TABLE 54.—Location of gold, coin, and coinage metals held hy the Treasury, June 30, 1971 [In thousands of dollars. For basis of data, see headnote to table 58] Gold 12 U.S.mhits: Denver PhUadelphia U.S. assay oflOLces: NewYork* San Francisco BuUion depository, Fort Knox Treasmer of United States, Washington, D.C Custody accounts: Federal Reserve Bank of New York Other banks, etc., various locations Totalassets Deduct accounts payable to vendors Net assets, as in table 52 SUver doUars Fractional coin 3 Coinage metals 2 SUver Other 2,336,285 97 32 33 16,299 11,169 4,778 219 12,176 154,282 1,489,463 371,279 6,698,183 11 34 2,311 8,554 28,918 3,687 1,665 23, 237 2,946 s 636,819 13 10,332,150 16 10,332,134 6,596 .. 369 . 3,046 44,286 37,603 94 191,250 340 3,046 44,286 37,609 190,910 1 Includes $147,914,493 deposited with the United States by the International Monetary Fund. 2 Araounts in transit between Bureau of the Mint institutions are included in the balance of the shipping institution. 3 Includes coin hi transit to Federal Reserve banks. < Includes bullion depository at West Point, N.Y. « Physically located as foUows: At Bank of Canada, Ottawa, $49,977,284; at Bank of England, London. $46,236,638; at New York Assay Office $34,714,178; and hi Federal Reserve Bank's own vaults, $406,891,516. bO 00 o Pi yn o pi o TABLE 55.—Analysis of changes in tax and loan account balances, fiscal years 1960-71 >^ [In milUons of doUars. On basis of telegraphic reports] W Credits Fiscal year or month Proceeds from sales of securities» Savings Rethement Tax bonds and plan and anticisavings tax and loss pation notes 2 bonds 3 securities Other Balance Taxes Total Withheld Income credits excise (by special and corarrangeporate * ment)' Withdrawals End ofperiod Ul o During period pi High Low Average & y^ > Pi y< 1960 1981 1962. 1963 1964 1965. 1966 1967 1988.1989 1970 1971 1970-July August SeptemberOctober November.. December.- 7,784 7,613 5,898 2,963 2,679 2,787 2,725 2,699 2,760 2,635 2,704 2,783 2,673 2,599 2,573 2,844 223 208 206 209 201 214 (*) 2. 1 1 1 5 4 5 6 (*) (*) 2,340 . 7,368 7,643 9,538 10,408 13.043 6,954 4,645 . 1 . (*) (*) 2,410 . . 1 - 7,920 1,788 3,774 3,830 2,014 1,627 1,173 9,676 6,417 3,640 12,421 ....... 1,341 1 944 2,088 33,059 34,511 37,619 41,267 43,580 42,475 48,478 70,524 90,791 123,908 132,460 131,121 9,232 9,892 11,657 8,250 9,295 12,258 6,053 9,142 6,621 6,835 9,921 12,598 14,522 9,257 57,496 56,842 56,438 57,595 58,277 60,050 74,699 91,382 112.683 142,333 15L721 153,346 14,000 11,442 11,865 10,868 10,440 14,561 64,782 66,847 53,076 56,085 59,421 58,540 75,338 97,160 112,741 141,921 149,317 152,900 14,841 11,365 10,550 12,933 10,646 12,945 6,458 6,463 8,815 10,324 9,180 10,689 10,050 4,272 4,113 4,525 6,929 7,372 6,087 6,174 7,489 5,424 5,217 6,834 6,458 7,663 8,889 10,324 10,257 10,872 11,274 9,979 8,004 9,720 7,990 8,532 7,601 7,801 7,840 7,042 6,969 7,996 1,390 1,161 1,631 2,535 1,677 1,844 447 710 1,029 709 894 846 3,982 3,862 2,467 2,976 2,792 2,997 4,103 4,151 4,467 5,325 4,747 5,431 4,324 3,775 4.191 4,329 4,022 5,146 5,682 6,805 6,129 6,099 4,453 6,733 o y ^ W y^ Pi Ul d Pi y< 1971—January February March AprU May June . . . 270 233 273 285 264 258 (*) (*) (*) (*) 1 1 •Less than $600,000. 1 Special depositaries are perraitted to make payraent in the forra of a deposit credit for the purchase price of U.S. Governraent securities purchased by thera for theh own account, or for the account of theh customers who enter subscriptions through them, when this method of payment is permitted under the terms of the circulars inviting subscriptions to the issues. 2 U.S. savings notes first offered for sale as of May 1, 1967 and discontinued after June 30, 1970. 8 Retireraent plan bonds first offered for sale as of Jan. 1,1963; tax and loss bonds first Issued in March 1968. 1,000 1,190 499 1,508 1,599 2,250 8,901 11,198 12,788 12,287 10,608 14,795 10,172 12,622 13,541 14,082 12,471 17,304 8,474 14,429 16, 705 10,181 13, 995 15,869 8,632 6,725 3,561 7,462 6,938 7,372 8,532 8,183 6,705 7,462 8,117 7,382 2,989 5, 567 2,836 846 4,427 1,458 5,212 6,699 4,055 3,838 6,458 3,592 < Taxes eligible for credit consist of those deposited by taxpayers in the depositary banks, as foUows: Withheld income taxes beginnhig March 1948; taxes on eraployers and eraployees under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act beginning January 1950, and under the Railroad Retireraent Tax Act beginning July 1951; a nuraber of excise taxes beginning July 1963; esthnated corporation incorae taxes beginning April 1967; aU corporation incorae taxes due on or after Mar. 15,1968; and FUTA taxes beginning April 1970. 5 Under a special procedure begun in Mar. 1951, authorization was given dming certain periods for income tax payments, or a portion of them made by checks of $10,000 or raore drawn on a special depositary bank to be credited to the tax and loan account in that bank. This procedure was discontinued in April 1967. Ul y ^ > H-l Ul HH O > > yn t?d i^ X fco CO to 00 to Pi Stock and Circulation of Money in the United States TABLE 56.—Currency and coin outstanding, in the Treasury, in the Federal Reserve hanks and in circulation, hy kinds, June 30, 1971 [In thousands of dollars, except per capita figmes. Frora records of the Treasurer's Office, supplemented by reports from Treasury offices and Federal Reserve banks. The figmes shown in this table give effect to aU transactions through June 30, including those for which reports were received after that date. They may, therefore, differ from similar figures in other tables prepared on the basis of daily Treasmy statements. See "Stateraent of United States Currency and Coin" pubUshed monthly] hd O Pi O >^ y ^ AMOUNTS OUTSTANDING AND IN CIRCULATION Ul Cmrencies presently being issued » Total currency and coin U.S. notes 3 Federal Reserve notes 2 Total o Coin Total pi Fractional coin Standard silver doUars > Pi y< Amounts outstanding Less amounts held by: TheTreasmy The Federal Reserve banks 61, 914, 778 54,817,001 54,494,462 322, 539 6, 801,454 484, 720 6,316,734 197,123 3, 324, 464 149, 635 3,041, 809 148,740 3,041,666 895 243 47,331 282,535 3,046 (*) 44,286 282, 535 Amomits In chculation... 68, 393,190 61, 625, 656 51,304,156 321, 401 6, 471, 688 481, 676 5, 989,913 o C m r e n c i e s n o longer issued 3 Federal Reserve notes * Total Amounts outstanding Less amounts held by: TheTreasmy The Federal Reserve banks 298,324 Amounts in chculation 296,046 167 120 . . Federal Reserve b a n k notes National bank notes Gold certificates ^ SUver certificates Treasury notes of 1890 > Ul 847 53,946 20,127 3,801 217, 592 13 4 48 10 1 125 5 71 834 53, 894 20,116 3,676 217. 516 11 cj Pi Comparative totals of raoney in chculationselected dates Currency by denominations, and coin, in chculation Denoraination $1... $2 $6 $10. $20 $50 $100 $500 $1,000 $5,000. $10,000 Fractional parts.. Total currency. Total coin Federal Reserve notes 2 2,116,698 2, 927,647 9,108,976 19,122,676 6,061,117 12,508,611 208,462 243,191 . 2,700 . 4,190 . 145 136,603 126,780 11 4 (*) 59, 966 2 169,682 14 45, 573 27,916 21,204 13,780 27,149 238 293 70 130 (*) 61,304,156 Total currency and coin»• Revised. * Less than $600. ^ Excludes gold certificates. Series of 1934, which are issued orUy to Federal Reserve banks and do not appear in circulation. 2 Issued on and after July 1,1929. 'Excludes currencies written off pursuant to the acts approved June 30, 1969, and Currencies no longer issued U.S.notes 321,401 296,046 Total Date June May June June June June June June June June June (*) Jime June 51, 921,603 June 6,471,588 June 2,276,526 135,517 3,098,999 9,136, 900 19,143,884 6,074,897 12,595,616 208,691 243,484 2,770 4,320 Araount (in raiUions) 30,1971 31,1971 30,1970 30,1986 30,1960 30,1955 30,1950 30,1945 30,1940 30,1936 30,1930 30,1925 30,1920 30,1915 30,1910 7 58,383.2 57,403.0 64,351.0 39,719.8 32,064.6 30,229.3 27.156.3 26.746.4 7.847.5 6.667.1 4,622.0 4.816.2 6, 467.6 3.319.6 3.148.7 Per capita 8 282.06 277.62 '•266.39 204.14 177.47 182.90 179.03 191.14 69.40 43.76 36.74 4L66 5L36 33.01 34.07 > i 58, 393,190 June 24,1967. See table 69 footnote 1. * Issued before July 1,1929. 8 Issued before Series of 1934. « Based on Bureau of the (Census estiraates of population. 7 Highest araount to date. hj tei bO OO 00 to 00 CO TABLE 57.—Stock of money by kinds, selected years, June 30, 1935-71 pi tei i^j O Pi [In t h o u s a n d s of doUars, except percentage of gold to total stock of m o n e y . F o r basis of d a t a see h e a d n o t e t o table 56] . Kind of money 1936 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1966 1969 1970 1971 ___ H ^ BuUion and coin: Gold Silver biilUon (at monetary value)... Standard silver doUars Subsidiary coin Minorcoin tei 9,115,643 19,963,091 20,212,973 24,230,720 21,677,575 19,322,238 13,934,083 110,138,998 111,156,525 313,309 1,353,162 1,520,295 2,022,835 2,187,429 2,252,075 2 1,267,417 (2) (2) 545,642 547,078 493,943 492,583 490,347 487,773 484,720 484,720 484,720 312,416 402,261 825,798 1,001,574 1,296,140 1,552,106 2,375,327 4,538,237 4,703,397 133,040 173,909 303,539 378,483 449,625 559,148 853,388 1,086,133 1,174,345 110,184,219 (2) 484,720 6,056,090 1,260,644 Subtotal 10,420,050 22,439,501 23,356,548 28,126,175 26,101,115 24,173,340 18,914,934 16,247,087 17,618,986 Less: Gold, silver buiUon, and standard sUver doUars held as security for, or rederaption 16,986,673 Zfl H g ^ - of outstanding paper currencies 3.... 7,287,471 19,807,106 20,079,777 25,504,665 23,594,948 21,611,053 14,715,025 10,027,392 11,045,392 Total bulhon and coin (net) Subtotal Gold certifi'cates prior to Series of 1934 8 Silver certificates 8 Treasury notes of 1890 7 United States notes 8 Federal Reserve notes fi' Federal Reserve bank notes 10 National bank notes 11 ^ 6,910,281 ^ 6,320,236 17,821,133 18,106,600 23,022,852 21,028,137 19,059,416 13,670,235 10,027,392 11,045,392 10,076,392 Q hcj 3,294,639 2,632,395 .- raoney. 3,276,771 2,621,510 2,506.168 2,562,287 5,557,500 10,968,000 14,349,000 11,108,000 10,565,000 4,199,909 3,170,000 7,375,235 6,740,392 7,723,392 13,340 3,934 3,820 889,178 222,967 220,096 42 11 11 322,681 322,539 322,539 37,347,185 47,284,487 50,431,429 88,793 67,068 65,436 22,283 20,477 20,291 6,905,392 3,801 217,592 11 322,539 54,496,309 53,945 20,127 ffi hrj 8,529,778 20,112,025 33,608,688 35,313,803 39,538,411 39,787,595 46,038,735 54,651,875 65,250,610 62,018,716 Pi 11,662,357 22,744,420 36,885,360 37.935,313 42,044,579 42,349,882 .50,238,644 60,871,670 65,250,610 68,928,997 810,014 1,182 346,681 3,492,854 84,354 769,096 78.16 7,138,600 8,673,851 9,920,137 8,494,416 1,828,771 1,815,988 2,324,628 2,409,630 2,394,456 1,163 1,150 1,145 1,142 1,142 348,681 346,681 346,681 346,681 346,681 5,481,778 23,650,975 23,802,680 26,629,030 28,394,186 22,809 533,979 277,202 164,412 100,736 167,190 121,215 87,615 67,379 55,979 87.77 54.80 63.87 51.56 45.63 6,295,000 6,219,696 3,322,000 3,025,597 12,263,633 Total paper currency (net) Total stock of raoney Percentage of gold to total stock of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10,075,392 6,473,596 3,132,579 Currency: Gold certificates, and credits payable therein 4 Less: Araount included in coUateral held by Federal R e s e r v e a g e n t s f o r Federal Reserve n o t e s . . g W tei 27.74 3,287,000 16.66 17.10 14.77 H ^ W M ^ tP C\ 1 Excludes gold deposited with the United States by the International Monetary Fund. 2 Excludes buUion carried at monetary value but released for coinage use. 3 Comprises the security for: Gold certificates and credits payable therein (100 percent in gold); U.S. notes (gold to theextent of the reserve requhed by law (31 U.S.C. 408)); and sUver certificates and Treasury notes of 1890 (100 percent in sUver buUion or standard sUver doUars). Since enactment of the Old Series Currency Adjustraent Act (31 U.S.C. 912-916) on June 30, 1961, gold certificates prior to the Series of 1934> silver certificates issued before July 1,1929, and Treasury notes of 1890 have been payable frora the general fund. The requheraent for a gold reserve against U.S. notes was repealed by Public Law 90-269, approved Mar. 18, 1988. SUver certificates issued on and after July 1, 1929, became redeeraable frora the general fund on June 24, 1968 (31 U.S.C. 405a-3). The amount of security shown on this line for years after those dates has been reduced accordingly. 4 Consists of: Gold certificates outside of the Treasury (issues prior to Series of 1934 are included through 1981). and credits with the Treasurer of the United States payable to the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, in gold certificates. These obUgations are fuUy secured by gold in the Treasury. «Pursuant to the Old Series Currency Adjustment Act are redeeraable from the general fund of the Treasury and upon redemption wiU be retired. 8 SUver certificates were originally secured by shver buUion at raonetary value ($1.29-fper fine troy ounce) and standard sUver doUars held in the Treasury. They are now payable from the general fund (see footnote 3). 7 Treasury notes of 1890 have been in process of retheraent since March 1900 (31 U.S.C. 411) upon receipt by the Treasury. UntU June 30, 1961, secured by sUver and by gold reserve; thereafter redeemable from general fund. 8 U.S. notes were secured by a gold reserve (31 U.S.C. 408) untU this requhement was repealed by Public Law 90-269, approved Mar. 18, 1988. This reserve, which was also a reserve for Treasury notes of 1890 untU June 30, 1961, amounted to $166,039,431 for all dates in this table through 1967. The act of May 31,1878 (31 U.S.C. 404) required that the amount of U.S. notes then outstanding, $346,681,016, be kept in circulation. The Old Series Currency Adjustment Act provided that this amount should be reduced by such amounts of notes as the Secretary of the Treasury might determine to have been destroyed or irretrievably lost. To date, the Secretary has raade such determhiations with respect to $24,142,000 of the U.S. notes issued prior to July 1,1929. « Federal Reserve banks secure Federal Reserve notes by depositing like amounts of coUateral with Federal Reserve agents. The Federal Reserve Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 412), authorizes the use of the following assets for this purpose: (a) gold certfficates or gold certfficate credits; (b) certain discounted or purchased coramercial paper; (c) securities issued by the United States; andj(d) Special Drawing Rights certfficates issued by the Exchange StabUization Fund. Federal Reserve notes are obligations ofthe United States and are a first lien on all assets of the issuing Federal Reserve bank. Pursuant to the Old Series Currency Adjustment Act of 1961, funds were deposited by the Federal Reserve banks on July 28,1961, with the Treasurer of the United States for the redemption of aU series of Federal Reserve notes issued before the Series of 1928. The amount shown for 1971 includes $847,480 for such series. 10 Federal Reserve bank notes at issuance were secured by dhect obligations of the United States or commercial paper. Since terraination of theh issuance on June 12, 1945 (12 U.S.C. 446 note), the notes have been in process of retheraent, and lawful money has been deposited with the Treasurer of the United States for theh redemption. 11 National bank notes at issuance were secured by dhect obligations of the United States. Frora Dec. 23, 1916 (12 U.S.C. 441) these notes have been in process of rethement, and lawful money has been deposited with the Treasurer of the United States for their rederaption. NOTE.—Figures for years not shown appeared in the following annual reports: 18601947 In the 1947 report, page 482; 1948 and 1949 m the 1956 report, page 642; 1951-61 in the 1981 report, page 834; 1962-84 in the 1964 report, page 596; and 1966-68 in the 1968 report, page 224 of the Statistical Appendix. Ul % Ul H HH O > > tei to oo to 00 Pi tei hj O Pi T A B L E 58.-—Money in circulation hy kinds, selected years, J u n e 30, 1935-71 [In t h o u s a n d s of dollars. F o r basis of d a t a , see h e a d n o t e t o t a b l e 56] J u n e 30 Gold certfficates 1 Standard silver dollars Silver certificates i Treasury notesof 18901 Subsidiary coin Minor coin United States notes' Federal Reserve notes i Federal Reserve bank notes 1 National bank notes * O Total tei y^ W tei 1935 1940 1945 1950 1956 1960 1965 1969 1970 1971... 117,167 66,793 52,084 40,772 34,466 30,394 13,209 3,804 3,731 3,676 32,308 46,020 125,178 170,185 223,047 305,083 481,698 481,688 481,875 481,676 701,474 1,681,662 1,650,689 2,177,251 2,169,726 2,126,833 829,177 222,828 220,081 217,516 1,182 1,163 1,150 1,145 1,142 1,142 42 11 11 11 1 F o r description of s e c u r i t y r e q u i r e d t o b e held against t h e v a r i o u s k i n d s of p a p e r c u r r e n c y , a n d for r e t i r e m e n t provisions, see footnotes t o t a b l e 57. 295,773 384,187 788,283 964,709 1,202,209 1,484,033 2,355,380 4.260.860 4,519.799 4,790,952 125,125 168,977 291,996 360,886 432,612 549,367 824,585 1,047,364 1.126,617 1,198,961 285,417 247,887 322,587 320,781 319,064 318,436 301,978 294,478 296,784 321,401 3,222,913 5,163,284 22,867,459 22,760,285 25,617,775 27,093,693 34,823,233 44.547,642 47,626,751 51,304,990 81,470 22,373 527,001 273,788 162,573 99,987 68.333 56,885 55,272 53,894 704,263 165,155 120,012 86,488 66,810 65,652 22,167 20,467 20, 271 20,116 . 6,567,093 7,847,501 26,746,438 27,156,290 30,229,323 32,064,619 39,719,801 50,936,026 54,350,972 68, 393,190 N O T E . — F i g m ' e s for y e a r s n o t s h o w n a p p e a r e d in t h e following A n n u a l R e p o r t s : 18601947 i n t h e 1947 r e p o r t , page 485; 1948-49 i n t h e 1956 r e p o r t , page 543; 1951-61 i n t h e 1961 r e p o r t , p a g e 636; 1962-84, in t h e 1964 r e p o r t , page 598; a n d 1966-68 in t h e 1968 r e p o r t , p a g e 226 of t h e Statistical A p p e n d i x . Ul tei o Pi tei > Pi y< o tei 1^ W tei y^ Pi tei > Ul d Pi 237 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 59.—Paper currency issued and redeemed duringfiscal year 1971 and outstanding June 30, 1971, by classes and denominations [For basis of d a t a , see h e a d n o t e to table 58] O u t s t a n d i n g J u n e 30,19711 Issued d m i n g 1971 Redeemed d m i n g 1971 In Treasmy I n Federal Reserve b a n k s In chculatibn CLASS Gold certfficates—Series of 1934 U . S . notes 2 Federal Reserve n o t e s issued o n a n d after J u l y l , 1929.. Currencies n o longer issued :2 Federal Reserve notes—issued before J u l y l , 1929 Federal Reserve b a n k no.tes National bank notes... G o l d certfficates— issued before series of 1934 Silver certfficates T r e a s u r y notes of 1890. Total $8, 582,000 $8, 582,000 $895,031 $1,277,800 243,200 $321,400,785 16,532,326,000 12,468,410,662 148,740,125 3,041,565,860 61,304,155,643 36,705 834,035 13,445 . 1,491,007 163,641 3,813 10,262 48,160 786 53,893,608 20,116,393 19,460 2,604,453 126,160 . 4,653 71,000 3,675,659 217,516,196 10,534 16,540,908,000 12,481,206,928 149,792,469 3,043,206,796 61,921,602,753 1,473,396,000 1,398,019,752 112,946 1,844,617,415 3,551,926,485 4,508,062,030 480,720,700 665,671,600 14,069,000 17,697,000 170,000 140,000 2,334,341 513 13,660,175 28,934,910 72,089,080 12,912,550 19,706,400 45,500 70,000 10,000 30,000 344,362,405 5,800 268,771,820 775,019,430 1,096,218,740 270,849,600 280,810,000 2,113,000 3,446,000 100,000 310,000 1,200,000 2,276, 524,619 135, 516,903 3,098, 999,210 9,136, 900,320 19,143, 883,764 5,074, 896, 500 12,595, 615,950 208, 891,000 243, 484,000 2, 770,000 4, 320,000 3,043,206,.795- 61,921,602,753 DENOMINATION $1 $2 $5"'^""""""I"]"^^..._$10. $20 $50 $100 $500 $1,000-... $5,000 $10,000 $100,000.... Fractional parts Total 1,918,220,000 3,985,080,000 6,152,080,000 1,054,350,000 1,957,782,000 487 16,640,908,000 12,481,206,928 149,792,469 1 T h e Secretary of t h e T r e a s m ' y i s authorized to d e t e r m i n e , from t i m e to tirae, t h e a m o u n t s of certain currencies w h i c h , i n h i s j u d g m e n t , h a v e b e e n destroyed, are i r r e t r i e v a b l y lost or held i n coUections a n d so wiU n e v e r b e p r e s e n t e d for r e d e r a p t i o n , a n d to r e d u c e t h e o u t s t a n d i n g a r a o u n t thereof acco|:dingly. T h e t o t a l s of s u c h r e d u c t i o n s effected t h r o u g h J u n e 30,1971, w e r e : A u t h o r i z e d b y Old Series C m r e n c y A d j u s t m e n t A c t (31 U . S . C . 916c) a p p r o v e d J u n e 30, 1961: I s s u e d before J u l y 1,1929: U.S.notes $24,142,000 F e d e r a l R e s e r v e notes 34,460,000 Federal R e s e r v e b a n k notes 2,063,000 N a t i o n a l b a n k no tes 28,920,000 Gold certificates.. 16,600,000 Silver c e r t i f i c a t e s . . •. 29,780,000 T r e a s u r y n o t e s of 1890 1,131,000 G o l d cei'tificates. Series of 1928 .— 7,350,000 A u t h o r i z e d b y act a p p r o v e d J u n e 24, 1987 (31 U . S . C . 405a-2): SUver cei'tificates, issued after J u n e 3 0 , 1 9 2 9 . . . 200,000,000 Total 2 A r a o u n t s o u t s t a n d i n g are also i n c l u d e d i n t h e p u b l i c d e b t (see table 34, final p a g e ) . 344,436,000 238 1'9 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Trust and Other Funds TABLE 60.—Airport and airway trustfund, June 30, 1971 [This trust fund established in accordance with the provisions of section 208(a) of the Airport and Airway Revenue Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 1742(b))] L R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS) Curaulative through June 30, 1970 Receipts: Excise taxes: Any Uquid fuel other than gasoline Tires used on aircraft Tubes used on aircraft Gasoline: Commercial 4 cents tax Noncomraercial 4 cents tax Noncoraraercial 3 cents tax Transportation by an—seats, berths, etc. Use of international travel facUities. Transportation of property, cargo. Use of CivU aircraft Gross taxes Deduct—reimbursement to general f u n d refund of tax receipts: Commercial aviation Noncommercial gasoline CivU aircraft Total refunds of taxes Netreceipts Expenditures: Federal Aviation Administration: Operations Grants in aid for airports Facilities and equipment Research and development Aviation Lviation Advisory Commission—salaries and expenses Total expenditures , Transfers: From general fund accounts 1 Nettransfers Balance Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through June 30, 1971 $11,659,776.19 3,000,000.00 $11,659,776.19 3,000,000.00 1,400,000.00 14,098,282.92 9,286,212.19 452,900,758.67 25,993,710.37 27,441,764.26 18,718,800.27 1,400,000.00 14,098,282.92 9,286,212.19 452,900,758.57 25,993,710.37 27,441,764.26 18,718,800.27 564,499,304.77 664,499,304.77 800,000.00 850,000.00 26,729.61 800,000.00 850,000.00 26,729.61 1,676,729.61 1,676,729.61 562,822,575.16 662,822,675.16 77,930,813.69 61,483,696.38 121,676,963.52 26,239,696.83" 77,930,813.69 61,483,696.38 121,676,963.52 26,239,596.83 " 168,845.68 168,845.58 287,488,916.90 287,488,916.90 621,176,837.90 621,176,837.90 621,176,837.90 621,176,837.90 898,609,497.16 896,509,497.16 IL ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y Assets June 30, 1970 Undisbursed balance Totalassets . . Fiscal year 1971 increase or decrease (—) June 30, 1971 896,609,497.16 896,609,497.16 896,609,497.16 896,609,497.16 1 Unexpended balances of certain general fund accomits as of July 1, 1970, transferred to the trust fund pursuant to Airport and Airway Revenue Act of 1970, section 208(c). STATISTICAL APPENDIX 239 TABLE 61.—Civil service retirement and disability fund, June SO, 1971 [This trust fund was established in accordance with the provisions of the act of May 22,1920, as amended (6 U.S.C. 2267). For further detaUs see Annual Report of the Secretary for 1941, p. 1361 I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS IN F E D E R A L AND NON-FEDERAL SECURITIES) Cumulative through June 30,1970 Receipts: Deductions frora salaries, service credit payraents, and voluntary contributions of eraployees subject to retireraent act 1 Federal contributions 2 _ Payments by eraploying agencies 2. Interest and profits on investments Transfer from the ComptroUer of the Currency retireraent fund Totalreceipts Expenditures; Annuity payraents, refunds, etc Transfers to policemen's and firemen's relief fund, D . C , deductions and accrued interest thereon Fiscal year 1971 $19,999,044,460.30 $1,919,639,666.68 4,903,169,623.21 773,395,600.00 13,470,162,198.54 1,889,901,809.02 8,616,611,262.03 1,232,946,063.99 Curaulative through June 30,1971 $21,918,684,115.98 5,676,565,123.21 . 16,380,084, OO7.56 9,849,457,316.02 5,050,000.00 5,050,000.00 46,993,937,434.08 5,816,883,128.69 62,809,820,562.77 24,541,120,649.33 3,233,994,023.64 27,775,114,672.87 817,838.39 465,213.87 1,283,052.26 Total expenditures 24,541,938,487.72 3,234,459,237.41 27,776,397,725.13 Balance 22,451,998.946.36 2,581,423,89L 28 25,033,422,837.64 IL ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y Assets Investments in public debt securities: Special issues, civil service retirement fund series raaturing June 30: Treasury notes: 47^% of 1971 4 ^ % of 1974 6^% Of 1976 63^% of 1976 ..... 75^% of 1977... 6H%ofl978 Treasury bonds: 25^% of 1971 2J^%ofl971 3 ^ % of 1971 3%% of 1971 43^% of 1971 3 ^ % of 1972... 3J^%ofl972 4H%ofl972... 3M%ofl973 3 ^ % of 1973 43/8% of 1973 3 ^ % of 1974 3 ^ % of 1974. 43^% of 1974 2 ^ % Of 1975... 3M%0fl975. 3 ^ % of 1975 43^% of 1975. 2 ^ % Of 1976 3 ^ % of 1976. 3J^%of 1976 43^% Of 1976 3 ^ % of 1977 Footnotes a t end of table. June 30, 1970 Fiscal year 1971, increase, or decrease (—) $1,786,666,000. 00-$l, 785,656,000.00 1,758,171,000.00 1,628,319,000.00 2,909,257,000.00 2,951,729,000.00 6,836,123,000.00 615,627,000.00 69.913.000.00 60,976,000.00 80,227,000.00 142,474,000.00 60,976,000.00 532,981,000.00. 375,180,000.00. 60,976,000.00 103,448,000.00 552,988,000.00 60,976,000.00 80,227,000.00212,387,000.00 192,039,000.00 60,976,000.00 80,227,000.00.. 167,167,000.00 176,885,000.00 60,976,000.00 80,227,000.00 142,474,000.00 748,416,000.00 -616,627,000.00 -69,913,000.00 -60,976,000.00 -80,227,000.00 -142,474,000.00 -192,039,000.00 -176,866,000.00 June 30, 1971 $1,758,171,000.00 1,628,319,000.00 2,909,267,000.00 2,951,729,000.00 6,836,123,000.00 60,976,000.00 532,981,000.00 376,160,000.00 60,976,000.00 103,448,000.00 562,988,000.00 60,976,000.00 80,227,000.00 212,387,000.00 60,976,000.00 80,227,000.00 167,167,000.00 60,976,000.00 80,227,000.00 142,474,000.00 746,416,000.00 240 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 61.—Civil service retirement and disability fund, June 30, 1971—{Continued) IL ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E TREASURY—Continued Fiscal year 1971, increase, or decrease (—) J u n e 30, 1970 J u n e 30, 1971 I n v e s t r a e n t s in pubUc d e b t securities—Continued Special issues, civil service retireraent fund series m a t u r i n g J u n e 30:—Continued Treasury bonds:—Continued 3ys%otmT. 43^% of 1977 3 ^ % Of 1 9 7 8 . - , 43^% of 1 9 7 8 . - . 43^% of 1979 43^8% Of 1980. .- T o t a l special Issues P u b l i c Issues: T r e a s u r y bills T r e a s u r y notes: 5% Series A-1970 b H % Series A-1971 6 ^ % Series B-1971 , 5 H % Series C-1971 7M% Series C-1971 4M% Series A-1972 4 M % Series B-1972 6 ^ % Series B-1974 bH7o Series A-1974 bH7o Series A-1975 6 ^ % Series C-1976 6% Series B-1975 6 M % Series A-1976 63^% Series B-1976 73^% Series C-1976 TH% Series B-1977 8% Series A-1977.. 6M% Series A-1978 Treasury bonds: 4% of 1970 3 ^ % of 1971 4% of 1972 ( N o v . 15, 1982)-. 4 % o f l 9 7 2 ( S e p t . 15, 1962).. 4% of 1973 43^% of 1 9 7 3 . . . . 33^% of 1974 43^% of 1974... 4M%ofl974 4 M % of 1976-85 3 M % of 1978-83 33*^% of 1980 4% of 1980 3M%ofl986.. 4 K % of 1987-92 43^% of 1989-94 , 33^% of 1990 3 % of 1995 33k^%ofl998 T o t a l p u b l i c issues.. F e d e r a l N a t i o n a l Mortgage Association secondary m a r k e t operations d e b e n tures: 6M% of 1970 T o t a l n o n - F e d e r a l securities., F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . $80,227,000.00 142,474,000.00 826,643,000.00 142,474,000.00 969,117,000.00 989,117,000.00. 18,879,787,000.00 $80,227,000.00 142,474,000.00 826,643,000.00 142,474,000.00 969,117,000.00 969,117,000.00 $2,711,446,000.00 100,000,000.00 -100,000,000.00 146,400, 000. 00 19, 500, 000.00 26,000, 000.00 25,000, 000.00 94,300, 000.00 110,600, 000.00 99,000, 000.00.. 61,300, 000.00.. 162, 500, 000. 00 55,900, 000.00.. -146,400,000.00 -19,500,000.00 -25,000,000.00 -25,000,000.00 -94,300,000.00 -110,600,000.00 328,750,000.00., 10,000,000.00. 10,000,000.00. 76,800,000.00 42,250,000. 00 64,600, 000.00 6,100, 000.00 5,350, 000.00 28,700, 000.00.. 23,800, 000.00.. 33,600, 000.00.. 53,650, 000.00.. • 57,900, 000.00.. 129,060, 000.00.. 53,105, 000.00.. 16,800, 000.00.. 15, 700, 000.00.. 110,394, 000.00.. 85,900, 000.00.. 347,920, 000.00 10,760, 000.00., 98,600, 000.00., 55,205, 000.00., 83,269, 000.00.. 2,637,703,000.00 21,691,2 33,000.00 , , . . , 19, 500,000.00 "i3,'ooo,*doo."d6' 148, 900,000.00 73,800,000.00 23,350,000.00 320, 750,000.00 99,000, 000.00 61,300, 000.00 182,000, 000.00 55,900, 000.00 13,000, 000.00 328,760, 000.00 10,000, 000.00 10,000, 000.00 225,700, 000.00 73,800, 000.00 65,600, 000.00 320,760, 000.00 -54,600,000.00 . -6,100,000.00 . -5,350,000.00 . 11,060,000.00 23,600,000.00 20 000 000.00 -20,000,000.00 .. 20,000,000. 00 -20,000,000.00 .. 28,700, 000.00 23,800, 000.00 33,600, 000.00 53,650, 000.00 67,900, 000.00 129,060, 000.00 53,105, 000.00 16,800, 000.00 16,700, 000.00 no, 394, 000.00 85,900, 000.00 358,970, 000.00 10,760, 000.00 98,600, 000.00 66,206, 000.00 83,269, 000.00 2,861,203,000.00 241 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 61.—Civil service retirement and disability fund, June 30,1971—Continued IL ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E TREASURY—Continued Assets Investments in agency securities: Govemment National Mortgage Association participation certificates: Federal assets Uquidation trust: 6% of 1972. 63^% of 1972 6.20% of 1982 Federal assets finance trust: 6% of 1971.. 6.40% of 1987 6.06% of 1988... 6.45% of 1988... 63^% of 1978.... Total agency securities.. Total investments Undisbursed balance Totalassets June 30, 1970 Fiscal year 1971, increase, or decrease (—) $50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 $50,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 75,000,000.00 65,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 June 30, 1971 -$35,000,000.00 75,000,000.00 65,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 610,000,000.00 -36,000,000.00 475,000,000.00 22,047,490,000.00 404,508,948.36 22,451,998,946.36 2,679,946,000.00 -98,522,108.72 2,581,423,89 L 28 24,727,436,000.00 306,988,837.64 25,033,422.837.64 1 Basic corapensation deductions have been at the rate of 7 percent since the beginning of the first applicable pay period beginning after Dec. 31, 1969. Since 1968 District of Columbia and Governraent corporations' contributions have been included with contributions frora agency salary funds. 2 Beginning July 1, 1957, appropriations are not raade directly to the fund. Instead, in accordance with the act approved July 31, 1966 (6 U.S.C. 2264(a)), the eraploying agency contributes (frora appropriations or funds frora which the salaries are paid) araounts equal to the deductions frora eraployees' salaries. 242 1'97,1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 62.—Employees health henefits fund, Civil Service Commission, June 30, 1971 [On basis of reports frora the Civil Service Comniission. This trust revolving fund was established in accordance with the provisions of the act of Sept. 28,1969, as amended (6 U.S.C. 3007)] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S ( E X C L U D I N G INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS) Curaulative through June 30,1970 Receipts: Direct appropriations Employees'and annuitants'withholdings Agency contributions. Interest and profits on investraents. Totalreceipts Fiscal year 1971 $166,270,000.00 3,603,126,059.96 1,552,251,130.14 27,679,515.57 $59,772,000.00 714,783,644,16 280,996,116.16 6,953,196.39 $226,042,000.00 4,317,909,704.12 1,833,247,246.30 34,632,71L96 5,349,326,705.67 1,062,504,956.71 6,411,831,662.38 Expenditures: Subscription charges paid to carriers 5,082,838,377.63 Contingency reserve paid to carriers 127,924,866.71 Carrier refunds -253,289.40 Adrainistrative expenses 12,137,969.80 Interest on adrainistrative expenses paid by eraployees'life insurance fund i 43,626.79 Other2 -1,617,719.42 Total expenditures Balance Curaulative through June 30,1971 1,470,49L85 6,081,400,96L 29 165,305,87L 71 -253,289.40 13,608,46L65 14,807.26 43,625.79 -1,502,912.18 5,221,173,83L11 1,037,428,887.77 6,268,602,718.88 128,152,874.56 998,562,583.66 37,381,005.00 25,076,088.94 153,228,943.50 IL ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y Assets Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) June 30,1970 Investraents in public debt securities: Special issues, employees' health benefits fund series raaturing June 30: Certfficates of indebtedness: 4.34% of 1971 Total special issues. Public Issues: Treasury bills Treasury notes: 6%% Series B 1974... 6M% Series A 1974 6H% Series A 1976 6% Series B 1976... 6 ^ % Series A 1976 73^% Series C 1976 63^% Series A 1978 Treasury bonds: 3>^%ofl971 4% of 1971 4% of 1972 (dated Sept. 16,1962).. 4% of 1972 (dated Nov. 16,1962). 4% of 1973 43^% of 1973 3 ^ % of 1974. 43^% of 1974 4 ^ % of 1974... SH7o of 1978-83 33^^% of 1980. 4 ^ % of 1987-92 33^% of 1990 Z}^% of 1998 $250,000.00 423,000.00 June 30,1971 $48,433,000. 00 $46,433, 000.00 46,433,000.00 46,433,000.00 -250,000.00 , 9,596,000. 00 423,000.00 6,567,000.00 1,298,000.00 40,000,000.00 1,602,000.00 1,000,000.00 9,596.000.00 6,804, 000. 00 -5,804,000.00 3, 732, 000.00 . 4,410,600.00 . 3,792,600. 00 '-3,'792,'666.'66' 3,441, 500. 00 . 2,246, 000. 00 . 3,786, 600.00 , 9,923,600.00 , 1,481, 600.00 190, 000.00 , 738, 000. 00 3,000, 000.00 , 2,130, 500.00 . 3,960, 000.00 . 3,732,000.00 4,410,600.00 600.00 3,441, 500.00 2,246, 000.00 3,785, 600.00 9,923,500.00 1,481, 600.00 190, 000.00 738, 000.00 3,000,000.00 2,130, 600.00 3, 950, 000.00 1,298,000. 40,000,000. 1,602,000. 1, 000,000. '6,'567,'6o6."66" 00 00 . 00 . 00 . Total public issues... 93,198,500.00 6,317,000. 00 99,515,500. 00 Total investraents. Undisbursed balance 93,198,500.00 34,954,374.56 52,750,000. 00 -27,673,931. 06 145, 948, 500.00 7,280,443. 50 128,162,874.56 25,076,068.94 153,228,943.50 Totalassets 1 As provided in the act (6 U.S.C. 3008(a)). 2 Dift'erence between cost and face value of investraents. 243 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 63.—Retired employees health henefits fund, Civil Service Commission, J u n e 30, 1971 [On basis of reports frora the Civil Service Coramission. This trust revolving fund was established In accordance with the provisions of the act of Sept. 8,1980 (5 U.S.C. 3057)] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S ( E X C L U D I N G INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS) Cumulative through June 30,1970 Receipts: Direct appropriations (Governraent contribution). Annuitants withholdings Interest and profits on investraents i Totalreceipts Expenditures: Subscription charges paid to carrier Government contributions paid to annuitants 2... Administrative expenses Interest on loans Others Total expenditures. Balance Fiscal year 1971 Curaulative through June 30,1971 $114,376,000.00 87,518,285.89 2,436,824.07 $10,633,000.00 2,482,770.58 2,340,454.84 $125,009,000.00 90,001,056.47 4,777,278.91 204,331,109.96 15,456,225.42 219,787,335.38 117,922,847. 56 54,871,444.86 2,939,601.73 6,409.00. -1,919,442.47 7,056,252.28 6,559,311.19 317,20L83 '-3i8,"569.'82' 124,979,099.84 61,430,756.05 3,256,803. 56 6,409. 00 -2,238,012.29 173.820,860.68 13,614,195.48 187,435,056.16 30,510,249.28 1,842,029.94 32,352,279.22 II. ASSETS HELD BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Assets Investments in public debt securities: Publicissues: TreasurybUls. Treasury Notes: 4 ^ % Series A 1972 4 ^ % Series B 1972 55^% Series B 1974 5M% Series A-1975 73^% Series C 1976 TH% Series B-1977 63^% Series A-1978 Total investraents Undisbursed balance Totalassets June 30,1970 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) June 30, 1971 $2,143,000.00 -$2,143,000.00 . 4,433,000.00 5,000,000.00 9,238.000.00 100,000.00 20,914,000.00 9,596,249.28 30,510,249.28 -4,433,000.00 , 7,991,000.00 1,000,000.00 358,000.00 4,433,000.00 7,206,000.00 -5,363,970.06 1,842,029.94 $5,000,000.00 17,229,000.00 1,000,000.00 100,000.00 358,000.00 4,433,000.00 28,120,000.00 4,232,279.22 32,352,279.22 1 Includes $1,321,877.00 interest income on reserve held by carrier. 2 In accordance with 6 U.S.C. 3055(a), subject to specffied restrictions, a rethed eraployee who elects to obtain or retain a health benefits plan other than the uniform Government-wide health benefits plan directly witha carrier, shall be paid a Government contribution toward the cost of his plan which shall be equal m amount to the appropriate Government contribution. 3 Difference between cost and face value of investraents. 244 1'9'71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 64.—Employees^ life insurance fund, Civil Service Commission, June 30, 1971 [On basis of reports from the Civil Service Commission. This trust revolving fund was established in accordance with the provisions of the act of Aug. 17, 1954, as amended (6 U.S.C. 8714)] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS) Curaulative through June 30, 1970 Receipts: Employees' withholdings Government contributions Premiuras collected frora beneficial association members Interest and profits on investments Other Assets acquired from beneficial associations: U.S. securities Other Totalreceipts Expenditures: Premiuras paid to Insurance companies: For Federal employees generaUy. Less return of premiums paid i For beneficial association members Less retmn of premiuras paid 2 Adrainistrative expenses Other« Total expenditures Balance.... Footnotes at end of table. .: $1,861,688,204.93 875,100,904.67 Fiscal year 1971 Curaulative through June 30,1971 $279,037,683.27 $2,140,625,888.20 118,138,618.60 993,239,523.17 40,513,859.88 153,581,560.70 118,552.68 2,496,963.78 48,916,733.11 9,36L63 43,009,813.66 202,478,293.81 127,914.31 13,958,336.40 22,039,699.27 62,387.14 13,958,336.40 22,091,988.41 2,966,881,018.43 448,650,737.63 3,415,631,755.96 2,684,123,491.93 667,913,827. 26 74,280,925.78 14,322,647.39 4,108,492.77 -38,152,994.48 389,688,623.16 93,082,430.46 6,699,964.21 1,777,270.36 404,808.10 -13,708,773.66 3,073,712,115.09 650,996,257.71 80,980,889.99 16,099,917.75 4,513,300.87 -51,861,788.04 2,152,123,44L 36 288,124,92L 09 2,440,248,362.45 814,757,577.07 160,526,816.44 975,283,393.51 245 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 64.—Employees^ life insurance fund, Civil Service Commission, June 30, 1971—Continued n . ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E TREASURY Assets Investments In public debt securities: Special issues, employees' life msurance fund series maturing June 30: Certfficate of indebtedness: 7.13% of 1970 4.34% of 1971 Total special issues. Public Issues: TreasurybUls Treasury notes: 6% Series A-1970...5H% Series C-1971 4^% Series A-1972 m % Series B-1972 13*^% Series EA-1974 6^% Series B-1974 6^% Series A-1974 5^% Series A-1975-6% Series B-1975 6^% Series A-1976 6H% Series B-1976 73^% Series C-1976 8% Series A-1977... 73^4% Series B-1977 &H% Series A-1978 Treasury bonds: 23^% of 1966-71 3]47o of 1971. 4% of 1971 4% of 1972 (dated Sept. 16,1962).... 4% of 1972 (dated Nov. 15, 1962).... 4% of 1973 43^% of 1973 43^% of 1974 434% of 1974 37^% of 1974 4 ^ % of 1976-85 3H:% of 1978-83 33^% of 1980.. 4% of 1980 3H% of 1986 43^% of 1987-92... 4% of 1988-93 43^% of 1989-94 33^% of 1990 3% of 1996 33^% of 1998 2^% Investment Series B-1976-80. June 30,1970 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) $80,000,000.00 -$60,000,000.00 . 66, 682,000.00 $65,582,000.00 60,000,000.00 -4,418,000.00 65,682,000.00 3,230,000.00 - 3,230,000.00 . 513, 000.00 -513,000.00 . 150, 000.00 -150,000.00 . 21,924,000.00 -21,924,000.00 . 17,080,000.00 . 2,000,000.00 . 69,613,000.00 . 40,645,000.00 316,000.00 56,258,000.00 . 22,105,000.00 "i3,'oo6,"oo5."oo" 5,497,000.00 . 7,600,000.00 "i9,"750,"oo6.'oo' 20,330,000.00 4,013,000.00 1,798,000.00 18,974,000.00 40,629,000.00 66,136,000.00 3,864, 500.00 2,806, 500.00 15,000, 000.00 16,000, 000.00 17,391, 600.00 11,081, 000.00 19,322, 000.00 31,744, 500.00 43,361, 000.00 25, 596, 600.00 40,812, 000.00 13,087, 000.00 18,058, 500.00 47,321, 500.00 8,486, 500.00 53,791, 000.00 16,877, 500.00 33,783, 500.00 31,278; 000.00 135, 500.00 21,368, 500.00 179, 000.00 June 30, 1971 . . . . . . . . . . . . . -3,864,600.00 . -2,806,500.00 . -i7,'39i,"600."00". 2,350,000.00 1,000,000.00 10, 974,000.00 44,928,000.00 'i2,'748;" 000." 00' 3,000,000.00 17,080,000.00 2,000,000.00 69,613,000.00 40,961,000.00 66, 256,000.00 36,105,000.00 6,497,000.00 27,250,000.00 24,343,000.00 20,772,000.00 40,629,000.00 66,136,000.00 16,000,000.00 16,000,000.00 11,081, 000.00 19,322, 000.00 31,744, 500.00 43,381, 000.00 25,698, 600.00 42, 962, 000.00 14,087, 000.00 18,056, 500.00 47,321, 600.00 19,460, 600.00 98,719, 000.00 16,877, 600.00 48,531, 500.00 34,276, 000.00 135, 600.00 21,368, 500.00 179, 000.00 Total public issues 739,753,000.00 176,938,500.00 918,891,600.00 Total Investments. Undisbmsed balance 799,753,000.00 16,004,577.07 172,520,500.00 -11,994,683.66 972,273,600.00 3,009,893.61 Totalassets...- 814,767,677.07 160,525,816.44 976,283,393.61 1 Premiura payraents in excess of the $100 mUlion contingency reserve set by the Civil Service Coraraission, which are required to be returned to the fund by the insuring corapanies (6 U.S.C. 8712). 2 Retum of preraiura payraents in excess of annual claims paid, expenses, and other costs. 8 Difference between cost and face value of investments. 246 1.9 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 65.—Federal disability insurance trust fund, June 30, 1971 T h i s t r u s t fund w a s established i n accordance w i t h t h e provisions of t h e Social Security A c t a m e n d n i e n t s a p p r o v e d A u g . 1,1956 (42 U . S . C . 401(b))] L RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS IN F E D E R A L AND NON-FEDERAL SECURITIES) Curaulative through J u n e 30, 1970 Fiscal year 1971 Receipts: Appropriations! $21,192,901,120.48 $4,182,689,810. 42 -58,809,500.00 Less refund of m t e r n a l r e v e n u e collections. — 230,587,600.00 445,589, 648. 75 Deposits b y States 1,800,468,382.07 325,359,264. 55 I n t e r e s t a n d profits o n i n v e s t r a e n t s 2 1,006,743,642. 79 P a y r a e n t s frora r a i h o a d r e t i r e m e n t a c c o u n t . 26,831,000.00 . "V39,"385.'73' Other ( H E W ) . 749,214.82 Transfers from general fund 80,000,000.00 16,000,000.00 Totalreceipts Expenditures: Benefit p a j n n e n t s T o railroad r e t h e m e n t a c c o u n t A d r a i n i s t r a t i v e expenses: T o general fund Salaries a n d expenses • C o n s t r u c t i o n of buildings .-. Vocational rehabUitation—adrainistrative expenses. V o c a t i o n a l rehabUitation prograra p a y r a e n t . T o F e d e r a l s u p p l e r a e n t a r y m e d i c a l insurance t r u s t fund T o F e d e r a l old-age a n d s u r v i v o r s i n s u r a n c e trustfund F r o m Federal hospital hisurance trust fund. T o t a l expenditures Balance.. I n v e s t r a e n t s i n p u b l i c d e b t securities: Special issues. F e d e r a l disability i n s u r a n c e t r u s t fund series raaturing J u n e 30: Treasmy notes: 4K%ofl971 4 ^ % of 1974 5 ^ % of 1975 63^% of 1976 , 75^% of 1977 63^% of 1978 Treasury bonds: 2 ^ % of 1974 3 H % of 1974.. 2 ^ % of 1975.. 3 H % of 1975.. 3 H % of 1976.. 3 H % of 1977.. 3J^%ofl978.. 4H%ofl979.. 43^% of 1980.. T o t a l special issues F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . $25,375,590,930.90 -289,397,000.00 2,246,058,010.82 1,332,102,807. 34 26,831,000.00 788,600. 55 96,000,000.00 23,877,103,740.16 4,910,888,609.45 28,787,972,349. 61 17,455,210,339.42 186,314,000.00 3,381,422,899. 82 13,240,000.00 20,836,633, 239. 24 199,554, 000.00 59,372,164.55 474,620,081.45 4,638,435.96 8,968,543.65 172,738,100.00 475,728.10 68,340, 708. 20 647,358, 181. 45 5,114, 164.06 1,409,160.00 54,798,042.19 360,360.00 21,242,337.43 1,769 620.00 76,040 379. 62 3,813,782.00 7,125,97L00 10,939,763.00 839,392.00 632,576, 414.00 - 2 3 5 , 948.00 18,771,877,079.57 3,608,213,332.00 22,378,090,411.67 5,105,226,680.59 1,304,655,277.45 6,409,881,938.04 631,937,022.00 —235,948.00 . II. ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T Assets Curaulative through J u n e 30,1971 J u n e 30,1970 $4,486,000.00 309,178,000.00 683,612,000.00 1,151,608,000.00 , 1,394,466,000.00 OF T H E TREASURY Fiscal y e a r 1971 increase, or decrease (—) J u n e 30,1971 i, 000.00 1,284,249,000.00 $309,178,000.00 583,612,000.00 1,151,608,000.00 1,394,466,000.00 1,284,249,000.00 77,006,000.00 20,738,000.00 132,894,000.00 20,738,000.00 153,632,000.00 153,632,000.00 153,632,000.00 153,632,000.00 125,606,000.00 -1,862,000.00 76,144, 000.00 20,738, 000.00 132,894, 000.00 20,738, 000.00 163,632, 000.00 153,632, 000.00 153,632, 000.00 153,632, 000.00 125,606, 000.00 4,434,860,000.00 1,277,901,000.00 5,712,761,000.00 247 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 65.—Federal disability insurance trust fund, June SO, 1970—Continued IL ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E TREASURY—Continued June 30, 1970 Assets Public issues: Treasury notes: bH% series A-1976 6% series B-1975 73^% series 0-1976...: 7M% series B-1977 8% series A-1977 631% series A-1978 Treasury bonds: 4% of 1970 (dated June 20,1963).. 4% of 1972 (dated Nov. 15,1962).. 4% of 1972 (dated Sept. 16,1962). 4% of 1973. 3>^%ofl974 43^% of 1974 43^% of 1975-85 4% of 1980. -. 43^% of 1987-92... 4H% of 1989-94 33^% of 1990 33^% of 1998 - Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) June 30,1971 $10,000,000.00 3,750,000.00 26,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 14,000, 000.00 2,000, 000.00 2,000, 000.00 16,500, 000.00 5,000, 000.00 10,000, 000.00 20,795, 000.00 30,250, 000.00 80,800, 000.00 68,400, 000.00 10,600, 000.00 6,000, 000.00 Total public issues.. $10,000,000.00 3,750,000.00 26,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 $14,000,000.00 "'2,"ooo,'6o6."oo" -14,000,000.00 , -2,000,000.00 , 2,000,000.00 16,600, 000.00 5,000, 000.00 10,000, 000.00 20,795,,000.00 30,260, 000.00 80,800,; 000.00 68,400, 000.00 10,500, 000.00 6,000, 000.00 314,995,000.00 Investraents in non-Federal secm'ities: Federal National Mortgage Association, secondary raarket operations deben^ tures: 5M% of 1970 Total non-Federal securities Investments in agency securities: Government National Mortgage Association participation certificates: Federal assets Uquidation trust: 63^% of 1972... Federal assets finance trust: 6.30% of 1971 - 314,995,000.00 20,000,000.00 -20,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 -20,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 . 16,000,000.00 . . . . 60,000,000.00 -16,000,000.00 66,000,000.00 -15,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 . 4,834,855,000.00 270,371,680.59 1,242,901,000.00 61,764,277.45 6,077,758,000.00 332,125,938.04 . Subtotal Unamortized discount and preraium on investments (net) 6,105,226,680. 59 1,304,656,277.45 6,409,881,938.04 -1,630,488.26 77,182.91 -1,663,306.34 5,103,596,172.34 1,304,732,460.36 6,408,328,632.70 Total agency secm'ities.. Total investraents—par value.. Undisbursed balance* Totalassets - 1 Appropriations are equal to the amount of employment taxes collected as estiraated by the Secretary of the Treasury and adjusted in accordance with wage reports certified by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for distribution to this fund, the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund, and the Federal hospital insurance trust fund. 2 Through June 30,1967, includes amortization of premium and discount, net. 3 Includes $27,641;00 reimburseraent of interest frora Federal old-age and survivors Insurance trust fund. * Includes the foUowing balances in accounts as of June 30: 1970 1971 $331,490,711.97 Benefit payments $289,275,734.30 636,226.07 Vocational rehabilitation program payraents 1,095,926.29 248 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 66.—Federal hospital insurance trustfund, June 30, 1971 [This trust fund was established in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Act araendraents approved July 30,1966 (42 U.S.C. 1395(1))] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS IN F E D E R A L AND NON-FEDERAL SECURITIES) Cumulative througb June 30,1970 Receipts: Appropriations' $15,083,421,048.62 Less refund of intemal revenue collections. -146,750,000.00 Deposits by States 1,402,884,709.70 Interest and profits on Investments a 342,049,345.95 Transfers frora general fund 2,020,711,324.42 Payments from railroad retirement accounts. 178,059,000.00 Other 5,258,204.86 Totalreceipts Balance Footnotes at end of table. Cumulative through June 30,1971 $4,477,039,904.99 -64,934,600.00 485,873,488.01 181,365,684.08 873,849,000.00 65,945,000.00 355,432.02 $19,540,460,953.61 -211,684,500.00 1,888,758,197.71 623,414,910.03 2,894,660,324.42 244,004,000.00 5,313,636.88 18,865,633,633.55 . 6,019,193,889.10 24,884,827,522.65 Expenditures: Benefit payments 15,702,334,316.69 Interest paid to Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund Administrative expenses: To general fund 23,359,494.59 To Federal old-age and smvivors insurance tmstfund 66,174,994.00 To Federal disabiUty insmance trust fund 249,123.00 To Federal supplementary medical insmance trust fund Salaries and expenses 384,222,313.18 Constmction 616,878.15 Public health services 11,277,000.00 Total expenditures Fiscal year 1971 5,442,971,058.09 21,145,305,374.78 800,000.00 800,000.00 6,379,467.63 29,738,962.12 66,174,994.00 249,123.00 534,256.00 138,878,480.00 170,544.03 3,755,000.00 534,258.00 523,100,793.18 786,420.18 16,032,000.00 16,188,233,117.61 5,593,488,806.65 21,781,721,923.26 2,677,400,616.94 426,705,083.45 3,103,105,699.39 249 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 66.—Federal hospital insurance trust fund, June SO, 1970—Continued IL ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y Assets Investraents in public debt secmities: Special issues, Federal hospital insurance tmst fund series maturing June 30: Treasmynotes: 4 ^ % of 1973 4 ^ % of 1974 5H%of 1975 63^% of 1976 75^% of 1977 63/^% of 1978 Total special issues Investraents in agency securities: Government National Mortgage Association participation certfficates: Federal assets liquidation tmst: 6.20% 0 ^ 1982 Federal assets finance tmst: 6.30%of 1971 Total agency securities Total investments par value Undisbursed balance Totalassets June 30,1970 $24,056,000.00 415,179,000.00 495,629,000.00 729,200,000,00 919,358,000.00 2,583,322,000.00 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) -$24,056,000.00 -415,179,000.00 . -96,413,000.00 June 30,1971 931,182,000.00 $400,116,000.00 729,200,000.00 919,368,000.00 931,182,000.00 396,634,000.00 2,979,856,000.00 50,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 -20,000,000.00 . 70,000,000.00 -20,000,000.00 50,000,000.00 2,663,322,000.00 24,078,515.94 2,877,400,515.94 376,534,000.00 49,171,083.45 425,705,083.45 3,029,858,000.00 73,249,599. 39 3,103,105,699.39 1 Appropriations are equal to the amount of eraployraent taxes coUected as estiraated by the Secretary of the Treasmy and adjusted in accordance with wage reports certified by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for distribution to this fund, the Federal old-age and smvivors insurance trust fund, and the Federal disability insurance trust fund. 2 Through June 30,1967, includes amortization of premium and discount, net. 8 Includes: $3,953.00 reimburseraent of Interest from Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund. 250 L9'71 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 67.—Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund, J u n e 30, 1971 [This trust fund was established in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Act amendments approved July 30, 1965 (42 U.S.C. 1395(t))] L R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT Curaulative through June 30, 1970 Receipts: Premiuras transferred frora Federal old-age and smvivors insurance trust fund. Federal disabihty insmance trust fund, railroad retireraent account, and civil service retireraent and disabihty fund Preraiuras deposited by States Preraiura collections by Social Security Adrainistration Federal raatching contributions Intei'est on investments Miscellaneous income Totalreceipts Expenditures; Benefit payraents Interest paid to Federal hospital insurance trust fund Administrative expenses: Salaries and expenses Construction of buildings To general fund To CivU service To Federal disabUity insurance trust fund To Federal old-age and survivors insursance trust fund To Federal hospital insmance trust fund To PubUc Health Service Total expenditures. Balance TRANSACTIONS) Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through June 30,1971 $2,626,091,154. 85 258,222,888.28 $1,030,541,453.46 131,472,109.41 $3,656,632,608. 31 389,694,995.67 299,653,495.02 3,169,437,675.58 74,800,89L73 864,333.43 90,922,556.15 1,245,282,000.00 16,181,84L00 11,114,892.79 390,576,05L17 4,414,719,676.58 90,982,732.73 1,779,226.22 6,428,870,436.87 2,515,514,852.81 8,944,385,289.68 6,678,012,658.69 2,034,998,568.18 7,713,011,224.77 4,511,000.00 3,953.00 4,614,953.00 672,202,275.00 683,860.89 59,880.21 221,776.78 253,901,440.00 201,960.04 43,786.02 95,753.00 926,103,715.00 885,820.93 103,646.23 317,529.76 -3,813,782.00 -7,068,730.00 -10,882,512.00 4,950,000.00 -301,843.00 764,000.00 14,882,244.00 -301,643.00 6,714,000.00 6,371,689,913.46 2,282,639,085.24 8,654,328,978.69 57,180,523.42 232,875,787.67 290,056,310.99 14,862,244.00 II. ASSETS HELD BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Assets Investments in pubhc debt securities: Special issues, Federal suppleraentary raedical Insurance trust fund series, maturing June 30: Treasury notes: 6^%ofl976 7 ^ % of 1977. 63^% of 1978 Total investments Undisbursed balance Totalassets June 30,1970 Fiscal year 1971, increase, or decrease (—) June 30, 1971 $10,562,000.00 2,855,000.00 ,- -$10,562,000.00 -89,000.00 264,641,000.00 $2,786,000.00 254,641,000.00 13,417,000.00 43,763,523.42 244,010,000.00 -11,134,212.43 257,427,000.00 32,629,310.99 57,180,623.42 232,876,787.57 290,056,310.99 1 Includes $1,032,613.00 reimbursement of interest from Federal hospital insurance trust fund and $67,241.00 reimbmsement of interest from Federal disabihty insmance trust fund. STATISTICAL APPENDIX 251 T A B L E 68.—Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund, J u n e 30, 1971 [This t r u s t fund, t h e successor of t h e old-age reserve account, w a s established in accordance w i t h t h e provisions of t h e Social Security A c t a m e n d m e n t s (42 U . S . C . 401). F o r further details see A n n u a l R e p o r t s of t h e Secretary for 1940, p . 212 a n d 1950, p . 42] 1. R E C E I P T S A N D E X P E N D I T U R E S ( E X C L U D I N G I N V E S T M E N T T R A N S A C T I O N S I N FEDERAL AND NON-FEDERAL SECURITIES) Cumulative through June 30, 1970 Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through June 30, 1971 RiGCGints* Appropriations i $244,677,821,578. 64 $29,242,673,446. 32 $273, 920,495,024. 96 ' Less refund of i n t e r n a l r e v e n u e collections. --2,617,352,500.00 -393,870,000.00 -3,011,222,500.00 Deposits b y States. 17,654,522,000.79 3,066,427,309.96 20,720,949,310.75 I n t e r e s t a n d profits on i n v e s t m e n t s 2 13,337,937,660.13 1,617,460,318.88 14,955,397,978. 81 Transfers from general fund 3 995,082,400.00 448,916,000.00 1,443,998,400.00 P a y m e n t s frora railroad retireraent a c c o u n t . 35,393,000.00 35,393,000.00 Other 4 . . 23,051,866.00 396,693.16 23,448,559.16 T o t a l receipts Expenditures: Benefit p a y m e n t s . . C o n s t r u c t i o n of b u i l d i n g s . T o railroad r e t i r e m e n t account A d m i m s t r a t i v e expenses: Salaries a n d expenses 5 T o general f u n d . ..-. T o D e p a r t m e n t of H e a l t h , E d u c a t i o n , a n d Welfare -.. F r o r a F e d e r a l d i s a b i h t y insurance t r u s t fund F r o r a F e d e r a l hospital insurance t r u s t fund . Frora Federal suppleraentary raedical insurance t r u s t fund Vocational rehabilitation a d m i n i s t r a t i v e expenses T o t a l expenditures Balance.. 274,106,456,005. 56 33,982,003,768.12 308,088,459,773.68 231,329,743,779.62 52,806,266.18 5,137,997,000.00 31,101,018,451.66 2,025,562.86 613,026,000.00 262,430,762,231. 28 54,831,829.04 5,751,023,000.00 4,466,354,378.20 1,024,148,643.70 478,082,324.97 69,427,879.91 4,944,436.703.17 1,093,574,523.61 50,903,625.00 2,632,000.00 53,535,625.00 -513,177,474.00 -275,601.00 -513,453,075.00 -63,554,193.00 -63,554,193.00 -13,155,672.00 -13,155,672.00 3,545,617.42 1,915,858.11 5,461,475.53 241,475,609, 971.12 32,267,852,476. 51 273,743,462,447. 62 32,630,846,034.44 1,714,151,291.61 34,344,997,326.05 II. ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E Assets J u n e 30,1970 I n v e s t m e n t s in public d e b t securities: Special issues, Federal old-age a n d survivors insurance t r u s t fund series, m a t u r ing J u n e 30: T r e a s u r y notes: 43^% of 1971 4M%ofl974 5H%ofl975. 63^% of 1976 7H%ofl977 63/8% Of 1978Treasury bonds: 2M%ofl971 25^% of 1972 2^%ofl973.... 2H%0fl974 25^% of 1975 33/^% of 1975 334% of 1976 3>^%0fl977 3>g%ofl978 43/^7oOfl978 41/^% of 1979 43/^% Of 1980 T o t a l special Issues 449-442—72 17 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) $1,080,011,000.00 -$1,080,011,000.00 2,720,279,000.00 2,460,795,000.00 3,844,864,000.00 5,033,296,000.00 3,468,850,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 -1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 919,934,000.00 . . . . 160,077,000.00 . . . . 1,080,011,000.00 . . . . . . . . 1,080,011,000.00 658,444,000.00 421,567,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 .... 1,080,011,000.00 25,939,355,000.00 F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of table. TREASURY 1,308,828,000.00 J u n e 30,1971 . $2,720,279,000.00 2,460,795,000.00 3,844,864,000.00 5,033,296,000.00 3,468,850,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 919,934,000.00 160,077,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 658,444,000.00 421,567,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 1,080,011,000.00 27,248,183,000.00 252 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 68.—Federal old-age and survivors insurance trustfund, J u n e SO, 1971—Con. II. ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E Assets I n v e s t m e n t s in p a b l i c d e b t securities—Continued P u b l i c issues: T r e a s u r y bonds: 23^% of 1967-72 (dated Oct. 20, 1 9 4 1 ) . . . 4 % of 1 9 7 1 . . . 4% of 1973 3>^%ofl974 4>|%ofl974 434% of 1974 ---43^% Of 1975-85 .3 K % of 1978-83.. 4% of 1980 3>^%of 1980 3 K % o f 1985 434% of 1 9 8 7 - 9 2 . . . . 4 H % of 1989-94. 33^% of 1990 3 % of 1995 .33^% of 1998. T r e a s u r y notes: bH7o Series A-1975 6% Series B-1975.. -.-. 834% Series A-1976... 63^% Series A-1978 7>^% Series C-1976 8% Series A-1977.. 234% I n v e s t m e n t Series B-1976-80 T o t a l public issues I n v e s t m e n t s in n o n - F e d e r a l securities: F e d e r a l N a t i o n a l Mortgage Association secondary m a r k e t operations d e b e n tures: 5M%ofl970 T o t a l n o n - F e d e r a l securities F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of table. J u n e 30, 1970 TREASURY-Continued Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) J u n e 30, 1971 $250.00 100,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 24,500,000.00 . . : 61,934,000.00 6,352,000.00 78,023,000.00 60,200,000.00 153,100,000.00 449,450,000.00 25,700,000.00 . . . . 33,000,000.00 91,300,000.00 556,250,000.00 70,170,000.00 552,037,000.00 $260.00 100,000,000.00 38,000,000.00 24,500,000.00 61,934,000.00 6,352,000.00 78,023,000.00 60,200,000.00 153,100,000.00 449,450,000.00 25,700,000.00 33,000,000.00 91,300,000.00 556,250,000.00 70,170,000.00 552,037,000.00 7,000,000.00 17,450,000.00 5,000,000.00 22,180,000.00 90,500,000.00 15,000,000.00 1,064,902,000. 00 7,000,000.00 17,450,000.00 5,000,000.00 22,180,000.00 90,500,000.00 15,000,000.00 1,064, 902,000. 00 3,522,048,250.00 3,522,048,250.00 20,000,000. 00 20 000,000.00 -$20,000,000.00 . . . -20,000.000.00 - . . . STATISTICAL APPENDIX 253 T A B L E 68.—Federal old-age and survivors insurance trustfund, J u n e SO, 1971—Con. II. ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y - C o n t i n u e d June 30, 1970 Assets Investments in agency securities: Government National Mortgage Association: Federal assets liquidation trust: 53^% of 1972 6.20% of 1982 6.10% of 1987 Federal assets finance trust: 6% of 1971 6.40% of 1987 6.06% of 1988 6.45% of 1988 6.20% of 1988 Total agency securities Total investments, par value Undisbursed funds o Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) June 30, 1971 $50,000,000.00 . 100,000,000. 00 50,000,000. 00 $50,000,000. 00 100,000,000. 00 50,000,000. 00 35,000,000. 00 -$35,000,000.00 . 75,000,000.00 65,000,000. 00 35,000,000.00 . 230,000,000. 00 75,000,000. 00 65,000,000. 00 35,000,000. 00 230,000,000. 00 640,000,000. 00 -35,000,000. 00 605,000,000. 00 . 30,121,403,250.00 2, 509,442,784.44 1, 253,828,000. 00 460, 323,291. 61 31,375,231,250.00 2, 989, 786,076. 05 . Subtotal Unamortized discount and premium on investraents (net) 32,630,848,034. 44 1,714,151,291.61 34,344, 997,326. 05 Total assets . -14,490,737.79 341,395. 53 32, 616,355, 296. 65 1,714,492,687.14 -14,149,342.26 34,330,847,983. 79 1 Appropriations are equal to the araount of employment taxes collected as estiraated by the Secretary of the Treasury and adjusted in accordance with wage reports certified by the Secretary of Health. Education, and Welfare for distribution to this fund, the Federal disability insurance trust fund, and the Federal hospital insurance trust fund. 2 Through June 30,1967, includes araortlzatlon of preraium and discount, net. »In connection with payments of benefits to survivors of certain World War II veterans who died within 3 years after separation frora active service. 4 Incidental recoveries, and beginning with fiscal 1968, includes reimbursement of interest in the net amount of $15,012,939.00 transferred from the Federal disabihty insurance trust fund: beginning with fiscal 1966, $1,929,801.00 from the Federal hospital insurance trust fund; and beginning with fiscal 1967, $1,132,572.00 from the Federal supplementary medical insurance trust fund. » Paid directly from the trust fund beginning with fiscal 1947 under annual appropriation acts. «Includes the following balances in accounts as of June 30: 1970 1971 Benefit payments .$2,494,823,510.18 $2,956,494,905.47 Salaries and expenses 12,693,53L92 12,004,187.01 Construction of buildings 1,844,518.78 1,214,724.18 Vocational rehabiUtion program payment. 81,223. 56 52,259.39 254 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 69.—Foreign service retirement and disability fund, J u n e 30, 1971 [This trust fund was estabUshed in accordance with the provisions of the act of May 24,1924, and the act of Aug. 13,1946 (22 U.S.C 1062). For further details, see Annual Report of the Secretary for 1941, p. 138] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S ( E X C L U D I N G INVESTMENT Receipts: Deductions from salaries, service credit payments, and voluntary contributions of employees subject to retirement act.. Appropriations!.... Payments by employing agency i Receipts from civil service retirement and disabiUty fund -. Adjustnients in widow survivor benefits Interest and profits on investments Totalreceipts Expenditures: Annuity payments and refunds Balance.. TRANSACTIONS) Curaulative through June 30, 1971 Curaulative through June 30, 1970 Fiscal year 1971 $69,309,777.01 25,815,900.00 37,724,902. 08 $12,875,417.17 7,395,811.17 $82,185,194.78 25,815,900.00 45,120,713.25 19,712,221.48 34,175.00 28.828,894.18 2,190,348.84 3,600.00 2,501,632.16 21,902,570.32 37,775.00 31,328,428.34 181,423,870.35 24,966,709.34 206,390,579.69 128, 700,727.37 23,648,190.39 152,248,917.76 52,723,142.98 1,418,518.96 64,141,661.93 II. ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y Assets Investments in public debt secmities: Special issues, foreigii service retirenient fund series raatming June 30: Treasury notes: 4% of 1971 4% of 1972 4% of 1973.... 4% of 1974.... 4% of 1975 63/^% of 1978 75^% of 1977 63^% of 1978 Treasury bonds: 4%of 1976-. 4% of 1977 4% of 1978 -. --.4% of 1979 4% of 1980 4% of 1981 4% of 1982 4% of 1983 Total investraents Undisbursed balance. Totalassets June 30, 1970 $3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 5,082,000.00 6,721,000.00 Fiscal year 1971, increase, or decrease ( - ) -$3,017,000.00 4,454,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 51,024,000.00 1,699,142.98 52,723,142.98 June 30, 1971 $3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 5,082,000.00 6,721,000.00 4,454,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 3,017,000.00 1,437,000.00 -18,481.05 1,418,518.95 52,461,000.00 1,680,661.93 54,141,661.93 1 Beginnmg July 1, 1961, appropriations are not made directly to the fund. Instead, in accordance with the act approved Sept, 8, 1960 (22 U.S.C. 1071(a)), the employing agency contributes (from appropriations or funds from which the salaries are paid) amounts equal to the deductions from employees' salaries. STATISTICAL APPENDIX 255 TABLE 70.—Highway trustfund, June 30, 1971 [This trust fund was established in accordance with the provisions of section 209(a) of the Highway Revenue Act of 1958 (23 U.S.C. 120 note)] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS) Curaulative through June 30,1970 Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through June 30, 1971 Receipts: Gasoline 2 $35. 020,442, 357.07 Diesel and special motor fuels 1,833,559,786.14 Tii'es2 4,803,910.305.04 Treadmbber2 _ 296,555,001.04 Trucks, buses, and trailers 2 4,416,901,246.45 Truckuse 1,137,397,273.73 Iiinertubes2 284,253,418.49 Othertires 272,718,179.33 Parts and accessories for trucks, buses, etc 337,420,741.29 Lubricating oils -... 420,010,359.25 $3, 770,421,051. 71 294,207,514.20 576,445,734.19 30,391,885.08 692,459,037.10 148,029,971.06 22,909,460.10 85,173,443.65 72,030,194.87 422,594,184.94 492,040,554.12 Totaltaxes Transfer to land and water conservation fund 48,823,168,667.83 5,092,068,291.96 54,515,236,959.79 149,800,000.00 28,000,000.00 48,673, 368, 867.83 5, 664, 068,291. 96 54, 337,436,959. 79 1,253,379,941.14 82,887,186.27 1,336,067,127.41 301,706,504.03 103,007.84 97,416.90 66,850.55 -640.38 19,584,610.39 321,291,114.42 103,007.84 97,416.90 66,650.55 -640.38 Gross taxes Deduct—reiraburseraent to general f u n d refund of tax receipts: Gasoline used on farms. ..GasoUne for nonhighway purposes or local transit systems Gasoline, other Tires and tread rubber Trucks, buses, and trailers Floor stock taxes Lubricating oUs not used in highway raotor vehicles Total refunds of taxes Nettaxes Interest on investraent MisceUaneous interest Advances from general fund Less return of advance? to general fund... Reunbursement from general fund Netreceipts Expenditures: Highway program: Reimbursement to general fund Federal Aid Highway Act of 1950. Pentagon road network Right-of-way revolving fund... Balance Footnotes at end of table. 177,800,000.00 69,904,212.48 20,240,619.45 90,144,831.93 1,625,257,092.56 122,612,418.11 1,747,769,508.87 47,048,111,575.27 314,447, 970.58 5,641,555,875.85 183, 608,162.82 289,136.88 52,589,667.451.12 498,056,133.40 269,136.68 489.000,000.00 -489,000,000.00 15,097,772.00 47,377,657,317.85 5,725,433,175.35 53,103,090,493.20 501,018,663.13 44, 253,047,892.64 2,244,609.27 3,078,856.00 4,652,386,889.39 16.67 32,961,420.48 501,018,553.13 48,905,434,782.03 2,244,625.94 36,040,276.48 4,685,348,326.54 49,444,738,237.58 489,000,000.00 -489,000,000.00 15,097, 772.00 Total highway program 44,759,389,911.04 Services of Department of Labor (administration and enforceraent of labor standards) .368,225.00 Interest on advances from general fund 6,288,481.44 Total expenditures $38, 790,863,408. 78 2,127,787,300.34 5,380,356,039.23 326,946,886.12 5,109,360,283.55 1,285,427,244.79 307,162,878.59 272,718,179.33 368,225.00 6, 288,481.44 44, 766,046,617.48 4,685,348,326. 54 49,451, 394,944.02 2,611,610,700.37 1,040,084,848.81 3,651,695,549.18 256 197 1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 70.—Highway trustfund, J u n e 30, 1971—Continued IL ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E Assets Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) J u n e 30,1970 I n v e s t m e n t s in public d e b t securities: Special issues, T r e a s u r y certificates of indebtedness, h i g h w a y t r u s t fund series m a t u r i n g J u n e 30: 6% of 1971. 53/^% of 1972 TREASURY J u n e 30, 1971 $2,601,737,000.00 -$2,601,737,000.00 3,634,868,000.00 $3,634, 868, 000. 00 Total investments U n d i s b u r s e d balance 2,601,737,000.00 9,873,700.37 1,033,131,000.00 6,953,848.81 3, 634,868, COO. 00 18,827, 549.18 Totalassets 2,611,610,700.37 1,040,084,848.81 3, 651, 695, 549.18 1 A m o u n t s e q u i v a l e n t to specffied percentages of receipts from certain taxes on niotor fuels, vehicles, tires a n d t u b e s , a n d use of certain vehicles are a p p r o p r i a t e d a n d transfened- m o n t h l y from general fund receipts to the t r u s t fund on the basis of estimates b y the Secretary o f t h e T r e a s u r y , w i t h proper a d j u s t m e n t s to be m a d e in s u b s e q u e n t transfers as required b y section 209(c) of the H i g h w a y R e v e n u e Act of 1950, as a m e n d e d (23 U . S . C . 120 n o t e ) . See also t h e a n n u a l report to Congress on t h e financial condition a n d results of operations of the h i g h w a y t r u s t fund. 2 Includes floor stocks taxes. T A B L E 71.—Judicial survivors annuity fund, J u n e 30, 1971 [ T h i s fund w a s established in accordance w i t h t h e provisions of t h e act of A u g . 3, 1956 (28 U . S . C . 376(b)) I. R E C E I P T S A N D E X P E N D I T U R E S ( E X C L U D I N G I N V E S T M E N T Fiscal year 1971 Cmnulative through J u n e 30,1970 Receipts: D e d u c t i o n s from salaries a n d contributions I n t e r e s t a n d profits on i n v e s t m e n t s . . T o tal recei p ts Expenditures: A n n u i t y p a y m e n t s , refunds, etc Balance... I n v e s t m e n t s in p u b l i c d e b t securities: P u b l i c issues: T r e a s u r y notes: 53^% Series B-1971-. 55^% Series B-1974. 6% Series B-1975 73^% Series C-1976 TH% Series .B-1977 8% Series A-1977 6 k % Series A-1978 Treasury bonds: 4% of 1971 4% of 1972 (dated Sept. 15, 1962) 4 % o f 1973 43/^%ofl973 33^% Of 1974 434% of 1974 434% of 1975-85... 33^% of 1978-83 3>^%of 1980... 4% of 1980 434% of 1987-92.. 43^% of 1989-94 33^%ofl990 3 % of 1995 3>^%of 1998—--., Total investments Undisbursed balance $1,310, 950.14 242,183. 36 $11,814,773.68 1,432,819.57 11,694,259.75 1, 553,133.50 13, 247, 393. 25 6,192, 261. 31 704,415. 80 5,501,998.44 i, 717.64 T o t a l assets $146,000.00 660,000.00 . 293,000.00 . 40,000.00 . . 240,000.00 150,000.00 225,000.00 70,000.00 169,000.00 494,000.00 637,500.00 273,500.00 306,500.00 664,000.00 722,000.00 167,000.00 188,500.00 51,000.00 113,500.00 6, 896,677.17 6, 350. 736.1 TREASURY Fiscal year 1971, increase, or decrease (—) J u n e 30, 1970 - Cumulative through J u n e 30, 1971 $10,503,823.54 1,190,436.21 II. A S S E T S H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E Assets TRANSACTIONS) J u n e 30, 1971 -$146,000.00 , 155,000.00 184, 000.00 146,000.00 . . , . , . $660,000. 00 293, 000.00 40, 000. 00 155,000.00 184,000. 00 146,000.00 217, 500.00 272, 000. 00 240,000. 00 150,000.00 225, 000. 00 70, 000. 00 189, 000.00 494,000. 00 755,000. 00 545, 500.00 308,500.00 664, 000.00 722, 000.00 167, 000. 00 188,600.00 61,000.00 113, 500. 00 5,610,500.00 —8,501.56 828,500. 00 20, 217.64 6, 339, 000.00 11,716.08 5,501,998.44 848, 717.64 0, 350, 716. 08 . . . . . . . T A B L E 72.—Library of Congress trust funds, J u n e SO, 1971 [Established in accordance w i t h provisions of t h e act of Mar. 3, 1925. as a m e n d e d (2 U . S . C . 154-161). F o r further details see 1941 A n n u a l R e p o r t , p . 149] P e r m a n e n t loan a c c o u n t F u n d s on deposit w i t h T r e a s u r e r of t h e U n i t e d States Fiscal year 1971 J u n e 30, 1970 N a m e of donor: B a b i n e , Alexis V B e n j a m i n , William E Bowker, Richard R Carnegie C o r p o r a t i o n of N e w Y o r k Coolidge, E l i z a b e t h S Elson, L o u i s C , raeraorial fund F e i n b e r g , L e n o r e B . a n d Charles F u n d F r i e n d s of Music in t h e L i b r a r y of Congress Guggenheira, D a n i e l Hanks, Nyraphus Corridon.. H u n t i n g t o n , Archer M K o u s s e v i t z k y Music F o u n d a t i o n . I n c L o n g w o r t h , Nicholas, F o u n d a t i o n McKim F u n d MiUer, D a y t o n C N a t i o n a l L i b r a r y for t h e B l i n d , I n c PenneU, J o s e p h . P o r t e r , H e n r y K . , meraorial fund Roberts fund. Scala, N o r m a n P . , m e m o r i a l fund Sonneck meraorial fund S t e r n meraorial fund WhUtaU, G e r t r u d e C : Collection of S t r a d i v a r i i n s t r u r a e n t s a n d Tourte bows Poetry fund... General l i t e r a t u r e . A p p r e c i a t i o n a n d u n d e r s t a n d i n g of good literature WUbur, J a r a e s B D o n a t i o n s a n d i n v e s t r a e n t incorae E x p e n d i t u r e s frora i n v e s t m e n t i n c o r a e . Balances in t h e accounts J u n e 30, 1971 Curaulative through J u n e 30,1970 $8,818. 49 78, 221. 95 10,013. 78 120, 562. 74 558,395.81 12,857. 31 15.91 8,730. 89 115, 679. 06 3, 020. 46 246, 201. 29 137,561.19 11,983.52 $267. 38 3,323. 34 593. 72 3, 732. 32 32,177. 78 503. 40 40.00 383. 85 3,026.16 209. 10 10,423. 10 8,323. 98 427. 68 $9,085. 86 79,545. 29 10, 807. 50 124, 295. 06 590, 573. 69 13,160. 71 55.91 7,114. 74 119,305.22 3, 229. 56 258,624. 39 145,885.17 12,391.18 20,940. 73 25,484.87 352,919. 54 277, 768. 04 48,097. 41 13,675. 20 15, 422. 30 6,443. 89 821. 92 1,440.60 12,130. 02 11,620.00 2,508.16 3,689. 16 483. 52 1,101.94 21, 762. 65 26,905. 47 365,049. 56 289,388. 04 50,605. 57 17,364. 37 15,905. 82 7,545. 83 1,538,609.44 1,051,694 59 414,698. 20 134,624. 54 393, 279. 59 190, 281. 22 61, 514. 38 16, 587. 92 15, 731.18 1,113, 238. 97 151,212.46 . 206, 012. 40 97,898. 31 398,923.12 6,000.00 12, 232. 56 103,898.31 411,155. 68 3,941,996.16 3,601.401.96. 340,594.20. 209,923.15 4,151,919.31 $8,684. 74 83,083.31 14,843.15 93, 307. 98 804, 444. 26 12,585.03 1,000.00 9. 434. 09 90,654. 22 5, 227. 31 260, 577. 66 208,099.41 10,69L59 . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,884. 74 83,083. 31 14,843. 15 93,307. 98 804, 444. 26 12,585. 03 1, 000. 00 9,684. 09 90, 854. 22 5, 227. 31 260,577. 68 208,099. 41 10,691.59 20,548.18 36, 015. 00 303, 250. 46 290, 500. 00 62, 703. 75 92, 228. 85 12, 088.13 27,548. 58 . . . . . . . . 20,548.18 38,015. 00 303, 250. 46 290,500. 00 62,703. 75 92,228. 85 12,088.13 27,548. 58 $250. 00 1, 538,609. 44 . 414,698. 20 . 393, 279. 59 . 150,000. 00 305,813. 57 150,000. 00 . 305,813. 57 . 5,247,916. 50 .. 5,247,916.50 250. 00 5,248,166. 50 225O.OO 6,248,166.50 1 I n c l u d e s income from securities held as i n v e s t m e n t u n d e r deed of t r u s t d a t e d N o v . 17, 1936, a d m i n i s t e r e d b y designated trustees including t h e B a n k of N e w Y o r k . 2 R e p r e s e n t s u n a p p r o p r i a t e d receipts. I n c o m e from d o n a t e d securities, e t c . Interest at 4 percent paid b y U.S. Treasury Fiscal year 1971 Curaulative CumiUative through through J u n e 30, 1971 J u n e 30, 1970 $1, 785. 58 49,744. 50 8,024. 80 37,838. 36 131,904. 76 Fiscal y e a r 1971 Cumulative through J u n e 30. 1971 $1,785. 58 49, 744. 50 8,024. 80 37,838.36 131,904. 76 . . . . . Ul y ^ 318.22 32. 759. 36 318.22 32 759 36 522,499. 65 i $23,808. 50 546,308.15 757.02 50,803.31 412.50 757.02 50,803.31 412.50 85,487. 80 25,369.03 85,487. 80 25.369.03 4,429. 73 . 75. 00 . 4, 429. 73 75.00 > y ^ % I-H o ;> > "^ 3,382. 00 , 3, 382. 00 '2,'168." 26'! '2,'168.'26 X^ 107, 345. 09 107, 345. 09 . 1,065,104.97 959,519.55 . 75,585.42. I—( 23,808. 50 1,088, 913. 47 N O T E . — A b o v e t a b l e does n o t include $31,000 face a m o u n t U S T Securities representing b e q u e s t s to t h e " R o s e n w a l d Collection" a n d t h e " K a t i e a n d Walter L o u c h h e i m F u n d " d o n a t i o n s . Also does n o t include securities received from t h e b e q u e s t of t h e late L e o n o r a J a c k s o n M c K i m E s t a t e consisting of various stocks, notes a n d b o n d s listed b y t h e p r o b a t e c o u r t a t a n a p p r a i s e d or carrying v a l u e of $868,000.00. ts3 258 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY" OF THE TREASURY" T A B L E 73.—National service life insurance fund; J u n e 30, 1971 [This t r u s t fund w a s established in accordance w i t h t h e provisions o f t h e act of Oct. 8,1940 (38 U . S . C . 720). For further details, see A n n u a l R e p o r t of t h e Secretary for 1941, p . 143] I. R E C E I P T S A N D E X P E N D I T U R E S ( E X C L U D I N G I N V E S T M E N T T R A N S A C T I O N S I N FEDERAL AND NON-FEDERAL SECURITIES) Cumulative through J u n e 30, 1970 ReceiDt*^: P r e m i u m s a n d other receipts I n t e r e s t on i n v e s t r a e n t s . . , P a y m e n t s from general f u n d . Totalreceipts --.. Expenditures: Benefit p a y m e n t s , d i v i d e n d s , a n d r e f u n d s . . Balance. Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through J u n e 30, 1971 $13,700,297,588.43 4,573,560,703. 97 4,785,283, 976.86 $469, 920, 246. 87 270, 603, 698. 97 3, 037,403. 37 $14,170, 217,833. 30 4,844,164,402. 94 4, 788,301,380. 23 23,059,122,267.26 743,561,349.21 23,802, 883,616. 47 16,718,274,693.18 661,140,408. 39 17,379,415,101. 57 6,340,847,574.08 82,420,94.0. 82 6,423, 288,514. 90 IL ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y Assets I n v e s t m e n t s in p u b l i c d e b t securities: Special issues, national service life insurance fund series, raaturing J u n e 30: T r e a s u r y notes: 4 ^ % of 1971 53^% of 1975 634% Of 1976 ---73^%on977.. 5M%ofl978. T r e a s u r y bonds.3 % of 1971. 35^%ofl971. -. 334% of 1971. 3 % of 1972 3 ^ % of 1972 3M%ofl972 3 % of 1973 3 ^ % of 1973. 3M%ofl973 3 % of 1974.. 35^% of 1974 3M%ofl974 3H%ofl975. 3 ^ % of 1975 3K%ofl978334:% of 1976 36^% of 1976 334% of 1977 3 ^ % of 1977 3K%ofl978 3H%of 1978... 3 ^ % of 1979 3M%ofl980 43^% of 1981. T o t a l special Issues J u n e 30, 1970 $544,480,000.00 332,597,000.00 305,419,000.00 569,007,000.00 Fiscal y e a r 1971 increase, or decrease (—) -$544,480,000.00 1, 091,044,000. 00 379,000,000.00 6,946,000.00 7,873,000.00 379,000,000.00 6,946,000.00 7,873,000.00 379,000,000.00 6,948,000.00 7,873,000.00 379,000,000.00 6,946,000.00 7,873,000.00 6,946,000.00 386,873,000.00 343,149,000.00 43,724,000.00 6,946,000.00 386,307,000.00 7,512,000.00 298,259,000.00 95,660,000.00 393,819,000.00 393,819,000.00 225,452,000.00 5,916,146,000.00 J u n e 30, 1971 $332,597,000.00 305,419,000.00 569,007,000.00 1,091,044, 000. 00 -379,000,000.00 -6,946,000.00 -7,873,000.00 ,- .- ••- 152, 745,000. 00 379,000,000.00 6,946,000.00 7,873,000.00 379,000,000.00 6,948,000.00 7,873,000.00 379,000,000.00 6,946,000.00 7,873,000.00 6,946,000.00 388,873,000.00 343,149,000.00 43,724,000.00 6,946,000.00 386,307,000.00 7,512,000.00 298,259,000.00 95,560,000.00 393,819,000.00 393,819,000.00 225,452,000.00 6,067,890,000. 00 259 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 73.—National service life insurance fund, J u n e SO, 1971—Continued II. ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E TREASURY-Continued Assets June 30,1970 Investments in agency securities: Governraent National Mortgage Association participation certfficates: Federal assets liquidation trust: 5.20% of 1972 5.20% of 1977 Federal assets finance trust: 6% of 1971. 63^% of 1978 6.46% of 1988 6.20% of 1988 . Totalassets June 30, 1971 $25,000,000.00 75,000,000. 00 Total agency securities.. Total inv estmentsUndisbursed balance Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease ( - ) $25,000,000. 00 75,000,000.00 70,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 -$70,000,000.00 100,000,000. 00 35,000,000. 00 100,000,000. 00 405,000,000. 00 -70,000,000.00 335,000,000. 00 6,320,145,000. 00 20,702,574.08 82,745,000.00 -324,059.18 6,402,890,000.00 20,378,514. 90 6,340,847,574. ( 82,420,940. 82 6,423,268,614. 90 NOTE.—Policy loans outstanding, on basis of Information furnished by the Veteran amounted to $852,457,658.49, as of Juno 30.1970. Adrainistration, T A B L E 74.—Pershing H a l l Memorial fund, J u n e 30, 1971 [This special fund was estabUshed in accordance with the provisions of the act of June 28,1935, as amended (36 U.S.C. 491). For further details, see Annual Report of the Secretary for 1941, p . 155] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS) Cumulative through June 30,1970 Receipts: Appropriations Profits on investments. — Net increase in book value of bonds.. Interest earned Fiscalyear 1971 Cumulative through June 30.1971 $482,032.92 , 5,783. 21 12,000.35 196,538.88 $7,385.00 $482,032. 92 6,783. 21 12,000. 35 203,923. 88 896,355. 36 7,385.00 703,740. 36 288,829.70 .... 192,846.38 7,385.00 288. 629. 70 200,231. 38 Total expenditures.. 481,476.08 7,385. 00 Balance 214,879.28 . Totalreceipts.. Expenditures: Clairas and expenses National Treasurer, American Legion.. 488,861.08 214,879. 28 II. ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y June 30,1970 Investments in public debt securities: Public issues: Treasury bonds, 33^^% of 1990 Undisbursed balance Total assets 44,9-442—72- -18 $211,000.00 3,879.28 214,879.28 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) June 30,1971 $211,000.00 3,879.28 214,879.28 260 1,971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 75.—Railroad retirement account, June 30, 1971 [ T h i s t r u s t account w a s established in accordance w i t h t h e provisions of t h e act of J u n e 24,1937 (45 U . S . C . 2280(a)). F o r further detaUs, see A n n u a l R e p o r t of t h e Secretary for 1941, p . 148] I. RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT IN F E D E R A L AND NON-FEDERAL SECURITIES) Curaulative through J u n e 30, 1970 Totalreceipts... Total expenditmes.. Transfer from railroad retireraent s u p p l e m e n tal a c c o u n t Balance IL Curaulative through J u n e 30,1971 Fiscal year 1971 Receipts: T a x collections: Appropriated i $17,341,715,232. 91 Unappropriated... -370,550.42 Less refunds of taxes 2. -1,544,464.89 F i n e s a n d penalties 1,713.47 I n t e r e s t a n d profits on i n v e s t r a e n t s 2,716,979,039.68 P a y i n e n t s frora F e d e r a l old-age a n d survivors a n d F e d e r a l disabUity i n s u r a n c e 3 . . 5,324,311,000.00 P a y m e n t s to F e d e r a l h o s p i t a l i n s u r a n c e trustfund.. -174,896,000.00 R a i l r o a d u n e m p l o y r a e n t insurance account: I n t e r e s t on a d v a n c e s . . . . 82,754,642.01 R e p a y r a e n t of a d v a n c e s . . . 664,248,000.00 Expenditures: Benefit p a y m e n t s , e t c A d r a i n i s t r a t i v e expenses < P a y m e n t s t o r a i h o a d m i e m p l o y r a e n t insurance a c c o m i t . . F e d e r a l old-age a n d s m v i v o r s a n d F e d e r a l disabiUty m s u r a n c e t r u s t fimds: Payments Interest payments A d v a n c e s t o r a i h o a d u n e r a p l o y r a e n t ins u r a n c e account I n t e r e s t on refunds of taxes TRANSACTIONS $967,358,276.84 5,376,289.91 -229,403.13 245,756,887.53 $18,309,073,609. 75 5,005,739.49 -1,773,868.02 1,713.47 2,962,735,907.21 626,266,000.00 5,950,677,000.00 -63,255,000.00 -238,161,000.00 5,320,221.31 83,505,000.00 88,074,763.32' 747,761,000.00 25,953,198,512.76 1,870,098,252.46 27,823,294,786.22 20,084,677,192.84 193,905,712.54 [1,828,475,153.58 18,685,721.27 21,913,152,346.42 212,571,433.81 5,229,043.00 9,791,000.00 15,020,043.00 26,831,000.00 35,393,000.00 26,831,000.00 35,393,000.00 745,551,000.00 47,318.18 50,600,000.00 55,756.79 796,151,000.00 103,072. 97 21,091,834,284.66 1,907,587,83L 84 22,999,221,896.20 -23,713,883.28 25,416,643.73 1,701,760.45 4,837,848,384.92 -12,073,735.45 4,825,774,629.47 ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y Assets I n v e s t m e n t s In p u b l i c d e b t secmities: Special issues, railroad r e t h e m e n t series, m a t u r i n g J u n e 30: Treasury notes: 4 ^ % of 1974 5M%0fl975 63^% of 1976. TH%0fl9TT 6 ) ^ % of 1978Treasmy bonds: 4% of 1974 43^% of 1974.... 4% of 1975 43^% of 1975 4% of 1976 43^% of 1976 4 % of 1977 43/8% of 1977 4% of 1978 F o o t n o t e s a t e n d of t a b l e . Fiscal y e a r 1971 increase, or decrease (—) J u n e 30, 1970 $409,289,000.00 482,623,000.00 647,948,000.00 847,447,000.00 J u n e 30, 1971 , . . . $409, 289,000. 00 482,623,000. 00 647,948,000. 00 847,447,000.00 819,501,000.00 $819,501,000. 00 72,129,000.00 23,110,000.00 185,091,000.00 23,110,000.00 185,091,000.00 23,110,000.00 185,091,000.00 23,110,000.00 186,091,000.00 -72,129,000.00 -23,110,000.00 -185,091,000.00 -23,110,000.00 -185,091,000.00 -23,110,000.00 -185,091,000.00 -23,110,000.00 - 4 , 252,000. 00 . . . . . . . . 180,839,000. 00 261 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 75.—Railroad retirement account, June SO, 1971—Continued II. ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E TREASURY-Continued Assets June 30,1970 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) Investments in public debt securities:—Continued Special issues, raUroad retireraent series matming June 30:—Continued Treasmy bonds:—-Continued $23,110,000.00 , 43^% of 1978 208,201,000.00 . 43^% of 1979 208,201,000.00 . 43^% of 1980 Total special Issues Public issues: Treasury notes: 6%, Series B-1970 4^%, Series A-1972 434%, Series B-1972 bH% Series A-1975 6% Series A-1975 63^% Series A-1976 73^% of Series C-1976 734% Series B-1977... 6M% Series A-1978.. Treasmy bonds: 4% of 1970 3J^% of 1971 4% of 1971 4% of 1972 (dated Sept. 16,1962)., 4% of 1972 (dated Nov. 15,1962).. 3ys% of 1974.. 434% of 1975-85.. 33^% of 1980 4% of 1980 33^% of 1985 i H % Of 1987-92.. 4% of 1988-93.... 43^% of 1989-94.. 33^% of 1990 3% of 1996 3M% of 1998 Total public issues.. Federal National Mortgage Association secondary market operations debentmes: 6 ^ % of 1970 Total non-Federal securities. Investments in agency securities: Government National Mortgage Association participation certificates: Federal assets liquidation trust: 5.20% of 1977.. Federal assets finance trust: 6% of 1971.... 6.30% of 1971 Total agency securities.. Total investments Undisbursed balance. Totalassets 3,731,762,000.00 June 30,1971 $23,110,000.00 208, 201,000. 00 208,201,000. 00 $96,407,000. 00 32, 000,000. 00 18, 000,000.00 20, 000,000.00 , 14, 000,000.00 , 7, 000,000.00 51 000,000.00 67, 000,000. 00 -32,000,000.00 . -18,000,000.00 . 35, 000, 000. 00 46, 500; 000. 00 8, 500, 000.00 33, 500, 000.00 , 21, 000, 000. 00 158, 700, 000.00 47, 26i; 000. 00 6, 000, 000.00 , 125; 66O; 000.00 , 900, 000.00 000, 000.00 000; 000. 00 100, 000.00 925, 000.00 200, 000.00 550, 000.00 -35,000,000.00 , -46,500,000.00 , 32,000,000.00 35,000,000. 00 85,500,000.00 3, 827,159,000.00 20,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 51,000,000.00 89,000,000.00 35,000,000.00 85,500,000. 00 8,500,000.00 33,500,000.00 -21,000,000.00 156,700, 000. 00 47,261, 000. 00 6,000,000. 00 125,550, 000. 00 6, 900,000. 00 14,000,000. 00 6,000,000. 00 13,100,000.00 38, 925,000.00 3,200,000. 00 31,550, 000. 00 792,686,000.00 . . 792,686,000. 00 20,000,000. 00 -20,000,000.00 . . 20,000,000. 00 -20,000,000.00 . . 50,000,000. 00 50,000,000.00 . 70,000,000. 00 40,000,000.00 -70,000,000. 00 -40,000,000.00 160,000,000. 00 -110,000,000.00 50,000,000. 00 -34,593,000.00 22,519,264.65 -12,073,735.45 4,669,845,000.00 155,929,629.47 4,826,774,629.47 4,704,438,000.00 133,410,364.92 4,837,848,364.92 1 Includes the Governraent's contribution for creditable mihtary service under the act of Apr. 8, 1942, as aniended by the act of Aug. 1, 1956 (45 U.S.C. 228c-l(n)(p)). Effective July 1, 1951, appropriations of receipts are equal to the araount of taxes deposited in the Treasury (less refunds) under the Railroad Retireraent Tax Act (28 U.S.C. 3201-3233). 2 The result of reclassification, prior to 1967 was included in "Unappropriated." 3 Pursuant to act of June 24, 1937 (45 U.S.C. 228e(k)). * Beginmng Aug. 1, 1949, paid frora the trust fund under title IV, act of June 29. 1949 (45 U.S.C. 228 p ) and subsequent annual appropriations acts. 262 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 76.—Railroad retirement holding account, June SO, 1971 I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS) Cumulative through June 30, 1970 Appropriated tax coUections Interest and profits on investments Totalreceipts Expenditures: Beneflt payraents, etc, Balance Fiscal year 1971 Curaulative througb June 30, 1971 $1,914,000.00 17,000,00 1,931,000.00 $1,462,000.00 18,000.00 1,470,000.00 $3,366,000.00 35,000.00 3,401,000.00 1,931,000.00 1,470,000.00 3,401,000.00 IL ASSETS HELD BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Assets Investments in public debt securities: Special issues, railroad retireraent series, raaturing June 30: Treasury certfficates of indebtedness: 7^% of 1971 63'^% of 1972 Total investraents Undisbursea balance Totalassets.. June 30, 1970 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) June 30,1971 $1,923,000.00 -$1,923,000.00 3,401,000.00 1,923,000.00 8,000.00 1,931,000.00 $3,401,000.00 1,478,000.00 -8,000.00 1,470,000.00 3,401,000.00 3,401,000.00 TABLE 77.—Railroad retirement supplemental account, June SO, 1971 [The trust fund was established m accordance with the provisions ofthe act of Oct. 30,1966 (45 U.S.C. 228o (b))] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS) Cumulative through June 30, 1970 Receipts; Tax collections: Appropriated Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through June 30, 1971 $110,410,882.76 $89,660,842.83 $200,071,725.59 "2,'2"8'4, o'io.'o'i 2,'i3i,"995." 15 I J B S S r G f i i n d ^ of t"9tXPS Interest and profits on investments'..'.".'.'".".'.".'.".'." Totalreceipts Expenditures: Benefit payraents Interest on refunds of taxes Total expenditures Transfer to raUroad retheraent account Balance 4,'4i6,'6i6.'ii 112,696,603.68 91,792,838.02 204,488,34L 70 113,661,425.71 61,586,030.04 175,247,455.76 113,661,425.71 61,686,030.04 176,247,465.75 23,713,883.28 -25,415,643.73 -1,701,760.46 22,747.96L25 27,539,125.50 4,791,164.25 IL ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E TREASURY Assets Investments in public debt securities: Special issues, raUroad retirement series, maturing June 30: Treasury certificates of indebtedness: 7M%ofl971 63^% of 1972 Total investments Undisbursed balance Totalassets June 30,1970 Fiscal year 1971 mcrease, or June 30, 1971 decrease (—) $17,671,000.00 -$17,671,000.00 21,609,000.00 17,671,000.00 6,076,96L25 22,747,96L26 3,938,000.00 853,164.26 4,791,164.26 $21,609,000.00 21,609,000.00 6,930,125.50 27,639,126.60 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 263 TABLE 78.— Unemployment trustfund, June SO, 1971 [This tmstf und was established in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 904(a) of the Social Security Act of Aug. 14,1935 (42 U.S.C. 1104). Forfurther detaUs see Annual Report of the Secretary for 1941, p. 146] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS IN F E D E R A L AND NON-FEDERAL SECURITIES) Curaulative through J u n e 30,1970 Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through J u n e 30, 1971 STATE U N E M P L O Y M E N T ACCOUNTS Receipts: A p p r o p r i a t i o n s from general fund i Deposits b y States . . . . . . . . I n t e r e s t earned: CoUected Accrued $138,024, 733.38 . $2, 682,191, 684. 03 56,395, 209,473.67 $138,024, 733.38 58, 977,401,167.60 6,195, 539, 905. 97 26,824,813.32 699, 582,451.64 1, 065,099.47 6, 795,122,357.61 27,889, 912.79 Totalreceipts 62, 755,598, 926. 24 3,182,839,235.14 65, 938,438,161.38 Expenditures: W i t h d r a w a l s b y States A d v a n c e s to States 50, 324, 393,022.47 6, 229, 386, 955.69 66,663, 779,978.06 T o t a l expenditures 60, 324, 393, 022.47 6, 229, 386, 955.59 55, 553, 779, 978.06 21, 638,697. 90 219, 030. 71 Transfers: F r o r a E r a p l o y m e n t Secm'ity A d m i n i s t r a tion A c c o u n t (1958 Act) T o t h e railroad u n e m p l o y m e n t insurance account F r o r a F e d e r a l uneraplo3rraent account . Frora Federal extended corapensation account (reiraburseraent) T o F e d e r a l u n e m D l o v m e n t account F r o m Federal extended unemployraent account N e t transfers Balance. 21,657,728.61 107, 226, 931. 89 . 236, 785, 000.00 . 107,228, 931.89 236,765,000.00 46, 282,805.47 . 220,021,386.20 . 46,282,806.47 220, 021, 386.20 22, 561,814. 72 12,408, 644, 089. 05 157, 673, 940.05 167,673, 940.05 167,692, 970. 76 135,131,156.04 -1,888,854,749.69 10, 519, 789, 339.36 RAILROAD UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACCOUNTS BENEFIT P A Y M E N T S ACCOUNT Receints' Deposits by Railroad Retirement Board.... Advances frora the railroad retheraent account Frora the raihoad uneraployraent insm'ance administration fund Advance by the Secretary of Treasury Interest earned: Collected Accrued. Totalreceipts.. Expenditures: Benefit payraents To the raihoad uneraployment insurance administration fund Repayment of advances to raihoad retireraent account Repayment of advance to the Secretary of the Treasmy.. Repayment of advances from general fund for temporary uneraployraent corapensation benefits Payment of interest on advances from railroad retirement account. Total expenditmes Transfers: To the railroad unemployment insurance administration fund 3 Frora State uneraployraent funds Frora the railroad uneraplojmient insurance administration fund * . . Net transfers. Balance Footnotes at end of part I. 2,804,672,577.42 129,161, 763.46 2, 933,834,330.88 745,561,000.00 60,600,000.00 796,151,000.00 106,187,199.00 15,000,000.00 106,187,199.00 15,000,000.00 222,284,181.66 27,663.09 97,457.11 173.12 222,381,638.77 27,826.21 3,893, 722,61L 17 179,859,383.69 4,073,681,994.86 3,215,328,687.40 95,096,282.12 3,310,424,969.62 83,506,000.00 747,751,000.00 12,338,198.64 664,246,000.00 12,338,198.54 15,000,000.00 15,000,000.00 19,398,592.24 19,398,592.24 82,754,642.01 3,926,629.63 86,680,071.54 4,009,066,020.19 182,626,81L 66 4,191,692,831.84 3,464,997.48 107,226,931.89 15, 790,866. 93 119,552,79L34 4,209,382.32 , 3,464,997.48 107,226,931.89 831,089.66 16,621,946.69 831,089.66 120,383,881.00 -1,836,338.30 2,373,044.02 264 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 78.— Unemployment trustfund, June SO, 1971—Continued I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS IN F E D E R A L AND NON-FEDERAL SECURITIES)-Continued Cumulative through J u n e 30,1970 Fiscal y e a r 1971 Cumulative through J u n e 30, 1971 RAILROAD UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACCOUNTS-Continued ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE FUND Receipts: Deposits by RaUroad Retirement Board Adjusted for prior year (unexpended balance) Interest earned: CoUected Accrued Totalreceipts $103,885,509.82 7,237,031.36 . $7, 957, 583. 78 $111,843,093.60 7, 237,031. 36 2,434,860.84 20, 589.19 337, 329. 20 599. 23 2, 772,190.04 21,188.42 113, 577, 991. 21 8,295,612.21 121,873, 503.42 Expenditures: Administrative expenses. 94, 785,514. 03 7, 338,692. 72 102,104,106. 75 Transfers: Frora railroad uneraployment insurance account 3 To raihoad unemployment insurance account * 15, 790,856. 93 831,089.66 16,621, 946. 59 12, 326, 859.45 831,089.66 13,156, 949.11 6, 486, 617. 73 125,829.83 6, 612,447.56 Net transfersBalance 3,464, 997.48 . 3,464, 997.48 FEDERAL EXTENDED COMPENSATION ACCOUNT Receipts: Advances from general fund. Expenditures: Temporary extended unemployraent compensation payments , Repayment of advances from general fund.., Total expenditures Transfers: From employraent security administration account Reimburseraent to State accounts Net transfers- 5814,094,450.04 767, 067, 922.80 773,113, 621.67 814, 094,450. 04 -6,723.63 6, 723.53 767,061,199. 27 773,120, 345.10 1,640,181,544.37 . . . . 1, 640,181, 644.37 772,369,899.80 46,282,805.47 . . . . 772,369, 899. 80 46, 282,805.47 726,087,094.33 . . . 726 087 094. 33 Balance EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Receipts: Transfers (Federal unemployment taxes): Appropriated e ' Less refund of taxes. Advance from general (revolving )fund.. Less return of advances to general fund. Interest eamed: Collected. Accrued Totalreceipts Expenditures: Administrative expenses to Departraent of Labor Salaries and expenses. Bureau of Employment Security Grants to States for unemployment compensation and employment service administration.. Payments to general fund: Teraporary unemployment corapensation—1958 Reiraburseraent for adrainistrative expenses Interest on advances frora general (revolvhig) fund Interest on refund of taxes Total expenditures Footnotes at end of part I. 6,421,393, 686.24 53, 337, 036.87 2, 641,474, 940. 70 2, 541,474, 940. 70 981, 722, 475. 26 -7,973,453.45 147, 350, 721.00 -147,360,721.00 7,403,116,161.60 - 6 1 , 310,490. 32 2, 688, 825, 661.70 -2, 888,825,661. 70 24,118, 236.13 233,874.67 6, 394, 266.00 9,582.38 29,612. 502.13 243,457.05 6,392,408,760.17 979,152, 870.19 7, 371, 661, 630.30 4,677,650.00 772, 000.00 6,449,650.00 147, 716, 989. 98 23, 854, 615.17 171,571,605.15 4,771,377,577.41 759, 031, 361.40 5, 530,408,938.81 182,432,813.74 . 182,432,813. 74 69,096,744.39 11, 050, 396. 50 80,147,140.89 32,123,183.47 1,692,719.97 1,571,341.34 316,784.52 33,694,524.81 2,009,504.49 6,209,117,678. S 798,596,498. 93 6,005, 714,177.1 265 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 7 8 . — Unemployment t r u s t f u n d , J u n e SO, 1971—Continued I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS IN F E D E R A L AND N O N - F E D E R A L SECURITIES)—Continued Cumulative through June 30, 1970 Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through June 30,1971 EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT—Continued T^ p Q ri Q fAT* C " To State accounts To Federal unemployment account: Excess 8 . . Reduced tax credits: Alaska Michigan To Federal extended compensation account. To extended unemployment corapensation account Nettransfers Balance. $21,638,897.90 $19,030.71 $21,657, 728.61 205,982,488.97 -55,560,932.60 150,421,556.37 l,362,4n.44 15,381,202.36 772,389,899.80 1,362,41L44 . 15,381,202.36 . 772,369,899.80 . 197,277, 007.95 197,277, 007.96 1,016,734,700.47 141, 735,106. 06 1,158,469,806.53 166, 556, 380. 74 40,821,265.20 207,377,645.94 1, 697, 997.49 2,838.69 1, 597, 997.49 2,838.69 1,600,836.18 1,600,836.18 197,277,007.95 157,673, 940.06 197, 277,007.96 167, 673, 940.05 EXTENDED UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION ACCOUNT Receipts: Interest earned: CoUected Accrued Total receipts.. Transfers: Frora Eraployraent Secmity Adrainistration account To State account Net transfers. 39,603,067.90 39,603, 067.90 Balance 41,203,904.08 41, 203, 904.08 FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT ACCOUNT Receipts: Appropriations from general fund ^ Interest earned: Collected Accrued Total receipts.. Expenditures: To Bmeau of Employment Security, Departraent of Labor Transfers: To State unemployment accounts From State unemployment accounts From empl03mient security admiiustration account—reduced tax credits Frora empl05rraent security administration account—excess 7 To eraployraent security account 207,350,872.17 . 207,350, 872.17 166,634,046.89 1,178,791.17 30,431,461. 97 64,058.51 197, 065, 508.86 1,232,849.68 376,163,710.23 30,485,620.48 406, 649,230. 71 6,070,787.08 . 6,070,787.08 236,766,000.00 . 220,021,386.20 . 236,766,000.00 220,021,386.20 16,743,613.80 . 16, 743,613.80 206,982,488.97 . 205, 982,488. 97 66, 660, 932.60 65,560, 932.60 Net transfers.. 206,982,488.97 65,660,932.60 160,421,656.37 Balance 676,076,412.12 -26,076,412.12 660,000,000.00 Undistributed eamings: CoUected Accrued. Balance. 7L84 .11 -7L84 . -.11 . 7L96 -7L96 . SUMMARY OF BALANCES State uneraployraent accounts 12,408,644,089.06 -1,888,854,749.69 10,619,789,339.36 Railroad unemployment Insurance accounts: Benefit payments account 4,209,382.32 -1,836,338.30 2,373,044.02 Administrative expense fund 6,486,617.73 125,829.83 6,612,447.66 Federal extended compensation account .—.-_. _.... Employment security administration account. 166,666,380.74 40,821,266.20 207,377,646.94 Footnotes at end of part I; 266 l'9 7:l REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 78.— Unemployment trustfund, June SO, 1971—Continued L R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S (EXCLUDING I N V E S T M E N T TRANSACTIONS IN F E D E R A L AND N O N - F E D E R A L SECURITIES—Continued Cumulative through June 30,1970 Fiscal year 1971 • Cumulative through June 30, 1971 SUMMARY OF BALANCES—Continued Extended unemployment compensation account Federal unemployment account Undistributed earnings Total assets $576,075,412.12 71.95 $41,203,904.08 -25,075,412.12 -71.95, 13,160,971,963.91 -1,833,615,572. 95 $41, 203, 904. 08 550,000,000.00 11,327,356,380. 96 1 Amounts appropriated to the unemployment trust fund prior to enactment of the Employment Security Act of 1960 representing the excess of coUections from Federal unemplojinent tax over employment security expenses (42 U.S.C. 1101(b)). 2 Represents transfer of $20.30 to Alaska, $2,215.89 to California, $667.81 to Indiana, $457.19 to Michigan, $50.36 to Minnesota, $14,499.85 to New Jersey, $1,119.31 to Wisconsin. 3 Amount transferred pursuant to Public Law 88-133, approved Oct. 5. 1963 (77 Stat. 219). < Represents the excess In the adrainistrative expense funds transferred pmsuant to sec. 11(d) ofthe Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (45 U.S.C. 361(d)). 5 Includes $36,274,280.68 not repayable to general fund pmsuant to sec. 905(a) of the Social Security Act as amended. 9 Excludes unappropriated receipts of —$11,955,211.40. 7 Represents excess In the employment secmity adrainistration account transferred pmsuant to 42 U.S.C. 1102. II. ASSETS H E L D BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y (ACCRUAL BASIS) Assets Investments In pubhc debt securities: Special Issues, unemployment trust fund series, maturing June 30: Treasury certificates of indebtedness: 53^% of 1971 6% of 1972 Total special issues PubUc issues: Treasury notes: 5% Series A-1970 bH7o Series A-1971 4 ^ % Sei'ies A-1972 4M% Series B-1972.6^% Series B-1974 bH% Series A-1974 5 ^ % Series A-1975 5J^% Series C-1975 6% Series B-1975 6 ^ % Series A-1976 63^% Series B-1976 73^% Series C-1976 7M% Series B-1977 8% Series A-1977 6^% Sei'ies A-1978 Treasury bonds: 4% of 1970 (dated June 20,1963).. 4% of 1971. 3%%oimi. 4% of 1972 (dated Sept. 15,1962). 4% of 1972 (dated Nov. 15, 1982). 4% of 1973. 43^% of 1973. 33^% of 1974 43^% of 1974 4 ^ % of 1974 4 ^ % of 1975-85 3 ^ % of 1978-83 4% of 1980 3M%ofl980 334% of 1985 4.H7o of 1987-92. 4% of 1988-93 June 30,19 70 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) June 30,1971 $10, 519, 939,000. 00 -$10, 619, 939,000.00 , 8,614,256,000.00 $8,514,256,000. 00 10,519,939,000.00 5, 750,000.00 68, 200,000.00 7, 000,000.00 192, 000,000.00 . 31, 500,000. 00 000,000.00 , 000,000.00 . 000,000.00 , 700,000.00 134,250,000.00 3,000, 10, 000, 12, 000, 46, 500, 31, 500, 48, 000, 9,000, 16, 000, 127, 000, 2, 640, 32, 710, 53, 050, 106, 000, 53, 000, 14, 000, 106, 490, 17, 500, 000.00 000. 00 000. 00 000.00 000. 00 000.00 000. 00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 000.00 -2,006,683,000.00 8,514,256,000.00 -6,760,000.00 , -88,200,000.00 . -7,000,000.00 ''44,'9o6,'6oo.'o6' 354,300,000.00 36,650,000.00 1,700,000.00 5,750,000.00 3,000,000.00 ""66,'5o6,"o6d.'do' 192,000, 000.00 44,900, 000.00 354,300, 000.00 68,150, 000.00 1,700,000.00 3,000, 000.00 19,000, 000.00 1,000,000.00 37,450, 000.00 3,000,000.00 134,250,000.00 50, 500, 000.00 -3,000,000.00 •-12,'ooo,'6o6 .'65' '-3i,"566,'66o.'6o' 10,000,000.00 '46,"500,'000."00 48,000,000.00 9,000,000.00 16,000,000.00 127,000,000.00 2,640,000.00 32,710,000.00 53,050,000.00 106,000,000.00 63,000,000.00 14,000,000.00 106,490,000.00 17,600,000.00 267 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 78.— Unemployment trustfund, June 30, 1971—Continued II. ASSETS HELD BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (ACCRUAL BASIS)Continued Assets June 30,1970 Investments in public debt securities—Continued Public issues—Continued Treasury bonds—Continued 43^% of 1989-94 $174,300,000.00 33*^% of 1990 113,009,000.00 3>^%ofl998 43,200,000.00 2 ^ % Investment Series B-1975-80 745.000,000.00 Treasury bills raaturing: Nov. 6, 1970 10,660,000.00 Total pubUc issues Investraents in non-Federal securities: Federal National Mortgage Association secondary market operations debentures: bH% of 1970 Total non-Federal securities. Investments in agency securities: Government National Mortgage Association Federal assets Uquidation trust: 5.20% of 1972. Federal assets finance trust: 6% of 1971 6.30% of 1971 2,267,949,000.00 Fiscal year 1971 Increase, or decrease (—) $174,300,000.00 113,009,000.00 43,200,000.00 746,000,000.00 -$10,650,000.00 , 358,700,000.00 20,000,000.00 -20,000,000.00 . 20,000,000.00 -20,000,000.00 . 100,000,000.00 . 70, 000,000.00 30, 000, 000.00 June 30,1971 2,626,649,000.00 100,000,000.00 -70,000,000.00 . . —30 000 000.00 200, 000,000.00 -100,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 Total investraents, par value Unexpended balances: Tmst account Railroad unemployment insurance accounts: Benefit payments account Administrative expense fund Federal extended corapensation account Employraent security adrainistration account Accounts receivable 13,007,888,000.00 -1, 766, 983,000.00 11,240, 905,000.00 29,283,234.08 - 5 , 247,827. 79 24,035,406.29 400,312.60 272,184.15 548,717.88 -168,692,72 949,030.48 113,591.43 102,039,626.06 -63,086, 762.21 4,038. 30 38,952, 772.85 4,038.30 Subtotal Accmed interest on investments Unamortized discount Unamortized preraium Accrued mterest pmchased 13,139,883,265.89 28,285,721.56 -8,013,988.46 686,926.45 130,038.48 -1,834,923,416.54 1,132,351.42 -954,281.60 12,1,041.01 1,008,732.78 11,304,959,839.35 29,418,072.97 -8,968,270.06 807,967.46 1,138,771.24 13,160,971,963.91 -1,833,616,672.96 11,327,366,380.96 Total agency secmities.. Totalassets to TABLE 78.— Unemployment trustfund, June SO, 1971—Continued (X) I I L B A L A N C E O F U N E M P L O Y M E N T T R U S T F U N D B Y S T A T E S A N D O T H E R A C C O U N T S A S O F J U N E 30,1970, O P E R A T I O N S I N 1971, A N D B A L A N C E J U N E 30, 1971 Balance J u n e 30,1970 States a n d other accounts Balance J u n e 30, 1971 Operations in fiscal 1971 Deposits Earnhigs Transfers Withdrawals Pi yn Alabama... Alaska Arizona Arkansas... CalUomia Colorado Connecticut Delaware D i s t r i c t of C o l u m b i a Florida.. Georgia HawaU Idaho lUmois Indiana Iowa. Kansas.... Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan.. Minnesota Mississippi Missomi Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshhe N e w Jersey N e w Mexico.. NewYork N o r t h Carolina North Dakota.... Ohio Oklahoraa Oregon.. : - $134,537 802. 23 29,80o' 685. 58 116,668, 694. 33 49,164, 906. 51 1,298,467, 320. 50 84,882, 043.54 292,012, 523.15 23,898, 943. 39 75,411, 967. 57 268,198, 859.12 333,301, 703. 00 45,045, 209.13 44,378, 465. 05 448,453, 589.84 326,818, 533. 09 128,404, 007.39 93,683, 203.20 170,628, 772.41 152, 562, 052.45 41,660, 926. 97 221, 995, 324. 08 405,357, 893. 98 585,470, 022.16 115,760, 259. 23 83,005, 255. 63 273,289, 008.23 24,299, 914. 33 55,210, 337.33 38,777, 171.13 65,171, 175. 09 470, 745, 040. 57 41,543, 286.55 1,765,492, 409.66 403,336, 975.40 10,592, 283. 23 703,257, 013. 27 58,837, 722.49 124,948, 260.01 $22, 262, 722. 53 14, 932,104. 79 21, 711, 687. 91 16, 623, 790. 02 479, 620,421.43 19, 271, 529. 52 64, 431, 374. 63 9, 040, 000. 00 8, 974, 023. 32 39, 801, 252. 00 35, 782, 554. 30 13, 973, 729. 02 9, 677, 658.00 78, 268, 095. 95 45,463, 111. 72 15, 583, 926. 25 15, 66^, 291. 92 29, 975,000. 00 35, 375, 765.55 10,188,810. 00 23, 038,423. 75 119,173,488.82 128,112, 276. 92 43, 755, 000.00 8,405, 000. 00 39, 386, 653. 75 6, 951,475. 00 7, 513, 642.50 11,186, 000. 00 5,176,984.23 187, 325, 000. 00 7, 738, 314.00 343,164, 860. 33 45,625, 000. 00 6, 207,810. 74 92,118,341. 97 11, 793, 000.00 33, 766, 297. 09 i $327,733.00 $6,721,738.72 2 268,972.80 1,687,483.64 6,174,434.48 2,469,286.28 3 39 179^313.89 61,198,064.07 4,631,497.17 110,163,354.00 12,217,519.86 1,127,885.45 3,757,939.92 13,839,452.77 17,5 5 4 , 6 6 0 . 9 6 . 2,2 4 1 , 6 1 0 . 4 0 . . . 1310,847.00 2,330,820.16 20,110,695.51 1 687.81 16,651, 680. 68 6,281,587.69 12,114,123.50 4,241,031.34 8,883,816.80 7,437,497.58 1693,737.00 1,906,626,93 10,818,618.96 16,351,209.50 18,711,407.21 4 20,582,115.73 24,797,421.56 5 1,918,688.86 5,763,731.33 4,298,487.53 13,4 6 2 , 6 2 5 . 5 6 . . . . . 1,295,248.03 2,7 9 8 , 7 8 0 . 6 3 . 1224,388.00 1,973,992.04 2,791,663.79 6 13,808,487.63 21,077,370.64 2,048,30L30 126,079,259.07 85,501,217.92 21,211,669.53 622,423.64 • 35,322 278.56 2,7 8 5 , 2 0 3 . 5 2 . . 11,901,547.66 6,209,322.95 $40,200,000.00 14,758,000.00 21,572,618.45 23,245,000.00 883,018,177.15 15,005,000.00 230,942,252.95 12,760,000.00 17,695,000.00 48,872,000.00 38,176,500.00 21,725,000.00 11,869,000.00 221,850,000.00 73, 825, 000. 00 37,025,783.28 46,453,158.91 39,026,000.00 59,522,830.40 26,589,770.83 63,780,000.00 262,950,000.00 384,900,000.00 77,040,000.00 13,715,892.14 83,225,644.29 8,205,000.00 13,375,000.00 16,378,000.00 12,240,000.00 368,650,000.00 13,365,000.00 704,443,556.87 57,450,000.00 5,904,242.95 177,502,100.00 26,435,000.00 67,850,000.00 $123,649,998.48 31,931,246.81 122,982,198.27 44,912,982.81 995,446,942.74 93,780,070.23 147,882,518.69 21,306,828.84 70,448,930.81 272,967,563.89 348,462,418.26 39,535,648.55 44,828,790.21 324,972,381.30 316,108, 993.30 113,243,738.05 69,143,491.05 170,462,589.21 135,852,485.18 27,860,330.07 192,072,368.79 286,643,999.51 374,061,838.37 90,157,659.42 81,992,851.02 242,912,743.26 24,341,637.36 62,147,760.46 35,783,551.17 50,899,823.11 324,405,878.84 37,964,901.85 1,515,794,191.01 412,623,644.93 11,518,274.66 653,195,633.80 46,980,926.01 108,975,427.71 o Pi O "^ W Ul o Pi H > Pi o 1-3 W H9 Pi > d Ul Pi y< Pennsylvania... P u e r t o Rico Rhodelsland... South Carolina.. South D a k o t a . . . Termessee Texas.. Utah Vermont Vhginia. Washington West V h g i n i a Wisconsin Wyommg 861, 202, 297.44 87, 330, 811. 27 80, 985, 224.17 162, 923,815. 25 19,480, 238.36 207, 382, 712. 64 352,168, 220. 05 48, 880, 029. 33 25,867, 828. 79 214, 290, 083. 01 305,495,464.48 102, 793, 995.81 326,535, 348.23 18, 238, 659.50 vSubtotals RaUroad unemployraent insurance accounts: Benefits a n d refunds A d m i n i s t r a t i v e expense f u n d Federal u u e m p l o y m e n t a c c o u n t E m p l o y m e n t security a d m i n i s t r a t i o n account Federal extended compensation account 184, 582, 000.00 33, 222, 722. 94 18, 366, 069. 00 25, 650,000.00 2, 228, 000. 00 45, 900, 000. 00 24,433, 662.81 12, 676, 000. 00 4, 727, 813.02 11, 736, 593. 88 58,883, 721. 64 17, 211, 800. 00 53,333,186.02 2, 597, 797. 76 12,408,644,089.06 2,682,191,684.03 600,647,551.11 3,809,089. 72 6,214,433.58 675,075,412.12 64,616,855.69 129,161, 753.46 7, 957, 683. 78 97, 630.23 337,928.43 30,485,520.48 1,129,073,196.26 U n d i s t r i b u t e d earntngs S u b t o t a l aU a c c o u n t s B a l a n c e s of transfers to o t h e r agencies: Railroad unemployraent insurance accounts: Benefits a n d refunds A d r a i n i s t r a t i v e expense f u n d . . _ Federal extended corapensation account Employraent security administration account... 1 432,517.50 i'22,'050,'690.'00' 157, 692,970. 76 8 - 3 2 , 0 7 3 , 910.34 l o - 8 3 1 , 0 8 9 . 66 n -55,660,932.60 ' +55,580,932.60 6,403,848.38 -197,296,038.66 {.. 284, 000, 000. 00 43, 400,000.00 46, 900,000.00 31,487,600.00 2, 970,000.00 67,403, 568.76 80, 743, 842.66 14,160,000.00 13,427,494.95 22, 819,000.00 274, 016,000.00 17,450,000.00 106, 570, 022.01 2, 600,000.00 793, 234, 746.31 81,436, 310.24 59,012,958. 75 165,609,380.99 19,765, 947. 69 206,681,720.24 313,159,366.95 49,891,013.40 18,844,972.23 214, 339,077.00 123,797,301.05 108,044,881.14 289,518,741.08 19,219, 870. 37 5, 229, 386, 955. 59 10, 519, 789,339. 36 8 99, 570, 529. 53 7,180,000.00 1,424,013.64 6,498.856.13 550,000,000.00 888,833,921.17 168,424, 873.09 Ul I 41,203.904.08 Q 6,224,971,478.24 11,287,340,986.20 > 400,312.60 . 272,184.15 . -548, 717.88 158, 592. 72 949,030.48 113,591.43 102,039, 525.08 . 63,086, 752. 21 38, 952, 772.85 1,600,836.18 ( 1 3 1 1 5 7 ; 6 7 3 , m 0 5 '....'....'.... 71.95 71.95 . 13.058,259,932.10 13,160,971,953.91 3,848,384,217.63 3,848,384,217.63 1 A r a o u n t transferred from e x t e n d e d u n e m p l o j m i e n t c o m p e n s a t i o n a c c o u n t i n t o various States' accounts. 2 I n c l u d e s $268,952.50 transferred from e x t e n d e d u n e m p l o y m e n t c o m p e n s a t i o n acc o u n t a n d $20.30 transferred d u e to excess receipts i n p a y m e n t of 1958 A c t . 3 I n c l u d e s $39,177,098.00 transferred from e x t e n d e d u n e m p l o y m e n t c o m p e n s a t i o n a c c o u n t a n d $2,215.89 transferred d u e to excess receipts i n p a y m e n t of 1958 A c t . 4 I n c l u d e s $20,581,658.54 transferred from extended u n e m p l o y m e n t compensatioii a c c o u n t a n d $457.19 transferred d u e to excess receipts i n p a y m e n t of 1958 A c t . 8 I n c l u d e s $1,918,618.60 transferred frora e x t e n d e d u n e m p l o y m e n t c o n i p e n s a t i o n acc o u n t a n d $50.36 transferred d u e t o excess receipts in p a y m e n t of 1958 A c t . 6 I n c l u d e s $13,793,967.78 transferred from extended u n e m p l o y r a e n t compensatioii acc o u n t a n d $14,499.85 t r a n s f e r r e d d u e to excess receipts in p a y m e n t of 1958 A c t . 7 A m o u n t transferred d u e t o excess receipts i n p a y m e n t of 1958 A c t . 1 8,487, 295. 00 'i'2,"8i6,'943.'50' ... E x t e n d e d u n e m p l o y r a e n t corapensation a c c o u n t . T o t a l as s h o w n in p a r t s I a n d I I . . 42, 983,153.87 4, 282, 976.03 , 3, 744, 722.08 8, 523,165. 74 . 1, 027, 709. 23 . 10, 782, 576. 35 17,301,426.75 . 2,695, 984. 07 . 1, 244,307.87 11,131,400.11 , 11, 383,424.93 5,487,966.02 , 16, 220, 229. 84 983,413.11 . 638,573,314.81 638,673,314.81 -32,905,000.00 -32, 905,000.00 6, 287,668,105. 29 > te) O 11, 327,356,; 8 I n c l u d e s a d v a n c e s from R a i l r o a d R e t i r e m e n t B o a r d of $50,600,000.00 r e p a y m e n t of a d v a n c e s of $83,505,000.00 a n d transfer from r a i h o a d unemploj'^meiit a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a c c o u n t of $831,089.66. 8 I n c l u d e s p a y m e n t of interest on a d v a n c e s from R a i h o a d R e t i r e r a e n t B o a r d of $3,925,529.63. 10 $831,089.66 transferred to r a i h o a d u n e m p l o y m e n t h i s u r a n c e a c c o u n t in accordance w i t h section 11(d) of t h e R a i h o a d I n s u r a n c e A c t . 11 A m o u n t transferred from F e d e r a l U n e m p l o y m e n t A c c o u n t to t h e E m p l o y m e n t Security A d m i r u s t r a t i o n A c c o u n t u n d e r sectioii 902 of t h e Social Security A c t a n d P u b l i c L a w 91-373. 12 I n c l u d e s $197,277,007.95 transferred from t h e e m p l o y m e n t security a d m i n i s t r a t i o n account to the extended imemployraent compensation account. 13 A m o m i t transferred frora extended u n e m p l o y r a e n t c o r a p e n s a t i o n a c c o u n t to v a r i ous S t a t e s ' a c c o u n t s . CO 270 197,1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 79.— U.S. Government life insurance fund, June 30,1971 [This trust fund operates In accordance with the provisions ofthe act of June 7,1924, as araended (38 U.S.C. 766). For further details, see Annual Report of the Secretary for 1941, p . 142] I. R E C E I P T S AND E X P E N D I T U R E S ( E X C L U D I N G INVESTMENT Cumulative through June 30,1970 Receipts: Premiums and other receipts Interest and profits on investments Payments frora general fund 1 Totalreceipts Expenditures: Benefit payraents, dividends, and refunds.. Balance TRANSACTIONS) Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through JuneSO, 1971 $2,149,390,745.68 1,395,825,086.44 6,610.89 $9,268,975.64 31,420,627.36 48,979.65 $2,168,669,72L 32 1,427,245,613.80 54,690.54 3,646,221,443.01 40,738,482.66 " 3,685,959,926.66 2,742,791,683.67 82,053,050. 92 2,824,844,634. 59 802,429,859.34 -41,314,668.27 761,116,29L 07 IL ASSETS H E L D B Y T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E T R E A S U R Y Assets Investments In public debt securities: Special Issues, U.S. Governraent life insurance fund series, raaturing June 30: Treasury notes: 4 ^ % of 1971 53^% of 1976 6% of 1976 TH%ofl9TT 63^^% of 1978 Treasury bonds: 33<^%ofl971., 3 ^ % of 1971.. 33^% of 1972.. 3K%ofl972.. 33^% of 1973.. 3H% of 1973.. 33^% of 1974.. 35^% of 1974.. 35i%ofl975.. 33!^% of 1976.. 35^% of 1976.. 3)<^%ofl977.. 3 ^ % of 1977.. 3M%ofl978.. 4H%otl978.. 4M%ofl979.. Total special Issues. Total investraents. _ Undisbursed balance Total assets.. June 30, 1970 Fiscal year 1971 increase, or decrease (—) $77,986,000.00 64,365,000.00 . 32,638,000. 00 . 29,964,000.00 . -$77,986,000.00 . 71,818,000.00 670,000. 00 73,100,000.00 . 670,000.00 . 73,100,000.00 . 670,000.00 . 73,100,000.00 . 670,000.00 . 73,770,000.00 . 67,799,000.00 . 5,971,000.00 . 49,963,000.00 , 23,807,000.00 . 48,214,000.00 . 25,556,000.00 , 2,912,000.00 -71,818,000.00 . -670,000.00 . Ill, 949,000.00 June 30, 1971 $84,366,000. 00 32,838,000. 00 29,984,000.00 111, 949,000.00 73,100, 000.00 670,000.00 73,100,000.00 670,000.00 73,100,000.00 670,000. 00 73,770,000.00 67,799,000. 00 5, 971,000. 00 49,963,000.00 23,807,000.00 48,214,000. 00 25,656,000.00 2, 912,900.00 796,743,000.00 -38,526,000.00 758,218,000.00 796,743,000.00 6,686,859.34 -38,525,000.00 -2,789,668.27 758,218,000.00 2,897,29L07 802,429,869.34 -41,314,668.27 761,116,291.07 1 Included under premiums and other receipts prior to fiscal 1962. Negative araounts from adjustments of prior years' receipts. NOTE.—Policy loans outstanding on basis of information furnished by the Veterans Administration amounted to $77,168,849.96 as of June 30,1971. 271 STATISTICAL APPENDIX Customs Operations T A B L E 80.—Merchandise entries, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 Entries 1970 Consumption free Consumption dutiable Warehouse and rewarehouse Other formal Total formal entries Warehouse withdrawals Appraiseraent Drawback Outbound—immediate transportation; exportation, etc.. MaU Inforraal—dutiable. Passenger declarations—total Crew declarations—total MUitary declarations—total... Passenger declarations—dutiable Crew declarations—dutiable Military declarations—dutiable Other informal—dutiable T A B L E 81.- transportation and 1971 Percentage increase, or decrease (—) 648,258 2,119,320 75,298 2,862 564,349 2,104,149 82,688 1,208 2, 745,738 2,762,394 .24 376,283 791 20,172 272,610 701 19,879 -27.36 -n.38 -L45 903,778 2,928,674 748,590 6,418,719 1,454,905 1,901,182 653,284 128,847 64,413 2,379 924,765 3,203,191 749,667 7,090,494 1,398,137 1,687,948 686,836 93,104 64,517 2,697 2.32 9.37 .14 10.47 -3.90 -11.22 5,14 -27.74 .16 13.37 2.93 -.72 9.81 -67. 79 -Carriers and persons arriving i n the United States, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 i Type of entrant Carriers arriving: Vessels entering direct from foreign ports Vessels entering via U.S. ports 2_ , Vessels reporting only from foreign ports: Ferries.. Coramercial planes Commercial planes entering via U.S. ports 2 MiUtary planes , Private planes , Other ground vehicles Freight carrier vehicles Total carriers Persons arriving on: Vessels entering Vessels reporting only from foreign ports: Ferries. Commercial planes Coraraercial planes via U.S. ports MiUtary planes Private planes. Land border crossers Total persons 1970 1971 Percentage increase, or decrease (—) 48,063 (41,293) 57,495 200,912 (21,415) 46,608 97,883 62,088,494 3,222,313 60,904 (38,819) 82,664 177,998 (19,886) 40,626 89,776 63,453,428 3,208,093 66, 761, 768 67,083,389 2.01 722,618 1,152,141 10,820,010 155,675 1,692,338 263,988 . 210,873,398 766,240 1,722,151 11,701,617 193,942 1,565,359 237,185 215,894,253 6.04 49.47 8.15 24.68 -7.50 -10.16 2.38 . 225,680,188 232,080,727 2.84 . . . 6.91 -6.99 8.82 — 11.40 -7.14 -12.83 -8.28 2.20 —.44 1 Excludes Puerto Rico and the Vhgin Islands. 2 Not included in totals, aheady counted under entering vessels and coramercial planes from foreign ports. 272 1.9 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 82.—Aircraft and aircraft passengers entering the United States, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 1970 Boston region: District offices: Boston Bridgeport.. Buffalo Ogdensbm-g... Portland, Maine.. Providence St.Albans . Total Boston region 9,847 642 10,968 1,499 4,216 339 3,619 Percentage increase, or decrease (—) Aircraft passengers Aircraft Regions and districts 10,013 684 7,625 1,531 3,830 375 2,658 1970 1971 Aircraft Passengers 300,761 9,154 1,098,623 3,243 132,823 12,201 614,544 353,166 11,601 1,101,441 4,830 168,464 10,035 610,023 L69 -9.03 30. 48 2.13 -9.16 10.62 26.55 17.42 28. 73 .44 48.94 28.83 -17.75 - .74 31,130 26,616 2,169,349 2,259,559 -14.60 New York regional office 67,013 60,744 3,951,647 4,328,224 -9.35 9.63 Baltiraore region: District offices: Baltnnore Norfolk Philadelphia.. Washington, D.C 1,441 773 8,351 3,186 2,556 866 8,508 2,612 36,909 17,753 401,201 165,576 88,886 18,080 486,390 179,883 77.38 n.90 L88 -18.02 140. 82 L84 2L23 8.64 13,751 14,541 621,439 773,238 6.75 24.43 2,052 68,765 366 3,243 462 2,139 51,456 355 2,473 526 60,256 1,735,757 6,692 24,428 7,719 45,688 1,671,503 8,844 22,191 6,449 4.24 25.17 -3.01 23.74 13.85 -9.09 -3.70 32.18 -9.15 -29.41 74,888 10,928 62,722 56,949 11,125 53,820 1,824,850 300,482 766,485 1,753,675 288,229 761,267 23.95 L80 2.08 -3.90 -10.73 - .68 138,538 121,894 2,891,817 2,783,171 -12.01 -3.76 226 2,892 220 3,161 2,441 129,013 2,809 130,877 -2.65 9.30 6.88 L44 3,118 3,381 131,454 133,486 8.43 1.66 3,289 266 3,908 ,13,671 _ 3,308 315 3,686 15,618 2 39,911 807 164,981 229,297 44,636 310 147,475 209,347 3 0.68 18.42 -6.68 13.61 n.84 - 6 L 59 -10.61 -8.70 21,134 22,829 434,996 401,771 .02 -7.64 9,310 7,140 9,919 9,794 6,245 10,793 642,682 37,898 40,106 717,600 37,741 47,791 5.20 12.54 8.81 n.66 -.41 19.16 26,369 26,832 720,686 803,132 1.76 n.44 12,102 3,529 15,556 984 12,481 16,691 11,221 3,358 16,077 863 9,034 14,738 103,386 35,633 726,204 2,561 699,790 770,638 54,859 35,767 885,059 1,120 646,823 784,429 -7.28 -4.86 -3.08 -10.48 -27.62 -11.17 -46.94 .35 2L87 - 6 6 . 27 -7.60 1.80 61,223 54,291 2,338,112 2,407,847 -11.32 Total Baltiraore region. Miarai region: District offices: Charleston, S.C Miarai Savaimah Tarapa... Wibnington, N.C Subtotal Miami region St. Thoraas, V.I. SanJuan, P.R Total Miami region New Orleans region: District offices: Mobile New Orleans Total New Orleans region Houston region: District offices: ElPaso Galveston Houston... Laredo PortArthur Total Houston region Los Angeles region: District offices: LosAngeles Nogales SanDiego Total Los Angeles region San Francisco region: District offi.ces* Anchorage'. GreatFaUs Honolulu... Portland, Oreg SanFrancisco Seattle. Total San Francisco region . . . STATISTICAL 273 APPENDIX T A B L E 82.—Aircraft and aircraft passengers entering the United States, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continued Aircraft Regions and districts Chicago region: District offices: Chicago Cleveland Detroit Duluth MUwaukee Minneapolis Pembina St.Louis. Total Chicago region.... Grand total excluding St. Thomas and San Juan Grand total including St. Thomas andSanJuan Percentage increase, or decrease (—) Aircraft passengers 1970 1971 1970 1971 Aircraft Passengers 11,042 10,309 8,099 10,128 572 1,633 4,612 382 11,606 10,070 6,181 7,878 891 1,287 3,991 353 383,133 55,445 170,547 28,128 3,934 13,903 78,942 5,448 479,246 64,077 181,172 20,932 5,473 19,158 61,025 6,089 5.11 -2.32 -23.93 -22.22 55.77 -22.41 -13.46 -7.59 25.09 15.67 6.23 -25.58 39.12 37.80 -22.70 IL 40 46,777 42,217 739,478 837,151 -9.75 13.21 345,403 308,400 12,932,011 13,698,083 -10.71 5.92 409,053 373,345 13,998,978 14,727,679 -8.73 6.20 T A B L E 83.—Seizures for violations of customs laws, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 ^ 1971 1970 t o t a l Seizmes AutomobUes: Number.. Value Trucks: Nmnber.. Value..... Ahcraft: Nuraber Value Boats: Nuraber Value Narcotics: Number... Value Liquors: Number Gallons Value P r o h i b i t e d articles: Nuraber Value.... O t h e r seizures: Nuraber Value Grand total: Nuraber 2 Value Seizures b y Custoras - - Joint Seizures b y seizures b y other Custoras a n d other agencies agencies Total 2,676 $3,240,361 3,004 $3,602,680 384 $524,311 160 $253,241 3,548 $4,380,232 256 $345,679 333 $961,345 18 $27,933 32 $174,459 383 $1,163,737 16 $3,978,300 40 . $1,115,684 . 61 $24,041,005 53 . $28,887,893 6,008 $6,956,717 8,324 $9,411,589 7,930 17,474 $247,255 40 $1,115,684 1 $1,000 64 $28,888,693 26 $32,183 153 $459,315 8,503 $9,903,087 8,676 20,811 $245,166 28 34 $343 401 1,086 $7,237 9,106 21,931 $252,746 11,920 $360,739 14,050 $397,065 18 $3, 214 159 $4,969 14,225 $405,248 11,021 $10,837,607 11,633 $13,371,372 183 $125,280 113 $168,624 11,929 $13,666,156 36,879 $50,005,663 42,683 $57,992, 594 253 $713, 244 826 $1,068,745 43,762 $69,774,683 1 Includes Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 2 Excludes nmnber of carriers confiscated in connection with seizures of liquor, narcotics, etc. 274 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 84.—Investigative activities, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 Activity Drawback Classification Market value Srauggling, narcotics , Srauggling, aU other Undervaluation, false invoicing, etc Prohibited iraportations Navigation, ahcraft, and vehicle violations, OC&R Baggage declarations Custoras brokers, cartraen, and lightermen Petitions for relief Personnel Customs procedure Collection of duties and penalties , Cooperation with other agencies Neutrahty PiUerages and shortages Export control Federal tort claims MisceUaneous Dumping Countervailing duties , Percentage increase, or decrease (—) 1971 1970 797 100 946 680 219 1,020 14,221 2,058 1,882 475 688 713 732 2,010 3,286 Total 18,368 2,014 2,434 339 919 894 1,089 2,256 3,105 381 254 440 233 1,970 2,252 220 654 208 182 262 60 7 159 698 199 207 479 85 3 32,040 37,995 20.76 -54. 34 -7.35 29.16 -2.04 29.33 -28. 63 66.29 25. 39 46.04 12.24 -5.51 15. 49 -8.27 14.31 -27. 73 6.73 -4.33 27.78 82.8 2 4L87 -57.14 18.59 TABLE 85.—Principal commodities on which drawhack was paid, fiscal years 1970 and 19711 Coraraodity Alurainura. Animal and vegetable oils, fats, and greases. Automobiles, aircraft, and parts Burlap Cheraicals Chroraiura and alloys Citrus fruit juices C0al-tar products Copper and raanufactures. Cottoncloth Cotton manufactures Diesel engines Electrical raachinery FerroaUoying ores and raetals Fruits and preparations Glass and glass products Lead. Machinery, other than electric Magnesite Magnesiura Manganese ore Medical preparations , Nickel Paper and raanufactures Petroleura and products Pigraents, paints, and varnishes Quicksilver or mercury Rayon and other synthetic textUes. Steel mill products Sugar Tires and tubes, rubber and synthetic Tobacco and manufactures Tungsten ore Watch movements and parts Zinc ore and manufaciures Other Total 1 Includes Puerto Rico. 1970 . . 1971 $2, 648, 670 $2,704,296 201,560 183,325 565,094 455,232 39,700 61,794 4,714,332 3,672,982 4,810 5,350 5,303,893 2,471,997 3,372,416 2,530,036 233,422 374,036 126,462 107,438 6,847 28,530 104,773 129,350 135,706 153,338 78,428 115,923 85,640 77, 516 146,887 60,613 935,778 253,649 546,373 158,560 14,871 44,685 16,278 . 632 3,067 337,705 329,683 106,136 138,761 64,763 144,306 11,235,920 12,609,314 122,138 111,485 37,839 29,766 1,264,173 237,847 3,175,112 6,724,769 1,179,226 1,257,314 40,260 159,476 1,159,810 1,882,926 438, 512 248,095 643,164 643,058 232, 284 153.143 1,954,029 1,396,082 40,088,887 40,619, 226 Percentage increase, or decrease (—) 2.10 9.95 24.13 -35. 75 -22. 09 — 10.09 -53.39 33.30 -37. 69 17.71 -76.00 -19.00 -1L50 -32.35 10.48 190. 22 288.93 243.98 -66. 71 -100.00 -82.65 -2.41 30.74 -62.05 -10.18 9.58 -21.36 -81.19 11L80 6.62 296.12 62.35 -43.16 18.43 -34.07 39.97 L32 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 275 Engraving and Printing Operations TABLE 86.—New postage stamp issues delivered, fiscal year 1971 Number of Denoraina- staraps delivered tions (in thousands) Issues Coraraeraoratives: 150th Anniversary of Maine Statehood WUdlife Conservation (Buffalo)... Edgar Lee Masters Woman Suffrage. Tricentennial of Settlement of South Carolina Stone Mountain 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Fort Snelling Anti-Pollution 25th Anniversary of the Founding of United Nations.. 350tli Anniversary of the Landing of the PUgrims Disabled Veterans and Prisoners of War American Wool General Douglas MacArthur Blood Donors. Missouri Statehood WUdlife Conservation Antarctic Treaty Araerican Revolution Bicentennial Regular: 6^ sheet (Eisenhower) 60 and 1^ book (Eisenhower and Jefferson) 6^ and 20 vending book (Eisenhower and Wright) 60 coil (Eisenhower) 110 airmail sheet 110 airmaU and 20 book 110 airmail coil 160 (Ernie Pyle).. 80 sheet (Eisenhower) 80 book (Eisenhower) 80 and 10 vending book (Eisenhower and Jefferson) 80 coU (Eisenhower) 90 airmail sheet 210 airmail sheet Special: Christmas—Series 1970—Toys Christraas—Series 1970—Toys precancel Christmas—Sei'ies 1970—Nativity Christraas—Series 1970—Nativity precancel American Fl ag—Sheet Araerican Flag—CoU U.S. Postal Service 150 Aerograrames... Special delivery 449-442—72 19 -. $0. 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 08 08 08 08 131,470 142,185 137, 660 135,125 135,395 132,675 134,785 161,590 06 .06, . 01 06, .02 06 11 11, . 02 11 16 08 08 08, . 01 08 09 21 1,722,890 2,338,982 116,484 2,946,633 316,860 164,783 210,982 87,220 1,294,030 1,051,553 75,048 2,414,044 25,830 49,815 06 06 06 06 08 08 08 15 60 489,266 439,650 638,730 358,245 959,580 2,059,840 342,610 18,730 31,270 127, no 129,786 134,380 132,786 131,840 128,910 150,645 136,646 133,470 96,105 276 li97;i REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 87.—Deliveries of finished work by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 Nuraber of Pieces Class Currency: U.S. notes Specimens Federal Reserve notes Speciraens Total 1971 2,509,728,000 183 612,000 108 2,898,944,000 212 : . .. 2,509,728,183 2,509,728,183 MUitary payraent certificates Speciraens Total Bonds, notes, biUs, certificates and debentures: Bonds: Treasmy Treasury, special series Government National Mortgage Associationmortgage backed .-'. Consolidated Federal farm loan bonds (the 12 Federal land banks) ConsoUdated bonds of the Federal home loan banks Consolidated obligations of the Federal home loan banks Guaranty agreement—Small Business Administration.... Notes: Treasury Consolidated notes of the Federal home loan banks. Tennessee VaUey Authority Farmers Home Adrainistration insmed—insurance contract. Bills: Treasury.. Certificates: Participation—Federal National Mortgage Association Participation in Government National Mortgage Liquidation T r u s t . . . Mortgage backed in Government National Mortgage Association Certificates of indebtedness, Emodoll ar series Participation in Govermnent National Mortgage Association Participation in Small Business Obligations Trust. Export-Iraport Bankof the United States—Eximbank investment Debentures: Consolidated coUateral trust for: The 12 Federal intermediate credit banks The 13 banks for cooperatives Federal National Mortgage Association secondary Market operations Federal National Mortgage Association capital Federal Houshig Admimstration Obsolete stock authorized for destruction Total Face Value 1971 1970 2, 899, 456, 320 20,199,680, 000 82, 080, 000 1 824 16, 320, 000 1, 824 . 158, 720, 000 82, 081,824 16, 321, 824 158, 720, 000 154,350 200 . $51,200,000 20,148,480,000 189,700 1,732,425,000 14,244 16,973 1,840,000,000 370,019 267,244 3,671,000,000 4.62,124 203,692 8,440,500,000 25,705 255,000,000 10,005 1,967,360 2,251,495 87,786,500,000 107,099 26,000 210,253 22,500,000,000 6,100 7,587,500 6,900 3,574,000 299,860,000,000 7,400 501,000,000 16,450 9,685 1,150,000,000 5,627 11,018 101 1,000 4.00 _ 300 3,000,000 340,452 87,500 197,637 180,400 6,805,000,000 4,770,000,000 375,951 12,034 6,000 129,634 5,555,000,000 11,538,310 5,172 1.190,605 __ 517,200 8,467.919 423,869,942,200 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 277 TABLE 87.—Deliveries of finished work by the Bureau of Engraving and. Printing, fiscal years 1970 and 1971—Continued Class Stamps: Customs U.S. Internal Revenue Puerto Rican Internal Revenue Virgin Islands Intemal Revenue U.S. postage: Ordinary AirmaiL Commemoratives Special issues. Special delivery.. Postage due. Postal insurance booklets : 150 U.S. aerograrames U.S. savhigs Federal migratory bhd hunting stamps. Canal Zone postage Food coupons Food certificates Obsolete stock authorized for destruction by the: Internal Revenue Service Post Office Department Bmeau ofthe Public D e b t . . . Total Cards, certificates, etc., to office of issue Grand total Number of Pieces 1970 1971 1,426,400 2,644,205,837 186,622,500 102,700 6,148,200 2,556,611,645 288,970,000 18,791,484,200 24,008,734,624 972,401,200 1,638,672,400 1,771,304,256 2,428,141,256 4,471,975,000 4,782,688,120 56,645,400 49,405,000 118,760,000 146,200,000 317,700 316,500 18,731,515 72,643,500 3,093,000 471,240 8,677,000 8,448,800 963,942,775 2,000,584,097 1,089,200 4,050,000 _ $570,929 -.. 1,662,787,390 180,307,030 156,178,472 317,046,800 26,922,760 20,784,500 63,300 2,809,612 1,413,000 751,964 3,349,251,850 1,012,500 10,418,260 163,696,200 45,786,000 30,063,690,668 38,065,953,857 9,552,736 Face Value 1971 6,719,900,097 11,294,303 32,676,591,721 40,991,494,223 449,948,242,297 278 1971 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 88.—Statement of financial condition June 30, 1970 and 1971 June 30,1970 June 30,1971 ASSETS Cash with'the Treasmy Accounts receivable. Inventories: i Finished goods Work in process Rawmaterials Stores Prepaid expenses. ..: Total cmrent assets Fixed assets: 2 Plant machinery and equipment Motor vehicles Officemachines Fmniture and Dies, rolls, and plates Building appmtenances Fixed assets under construction -, fixtmes Subtotal Less accumulated depreciation Subtotal Excess fixed assets (written down to 16 percent and 6 percent of book value, 1970 and 1971, respectively) Total fixed assets $4,483,307 3,356,819 $3,569,257 6,334,281 1,664,866 4,688,484 1,259,524 1,381,437 138,763 1,650,123 3,760,751 1,722,641 1,615,964 128,641 16,973,200 17,781,658 23,163,898 163,862 344,339 641,477 3,955,961 3,933,169 2,161,926 25,844,982 163,862 363,847 555,153 3,955,961 4,439,887 308,830 34,244,631 19,390,980 14,853,651 35,632,322 20,931,072 14,701,250 3,844 117 14,867,495 14,701,367 Deferred charges Totalassets... LIABILITIES AND INVESTMENT OF THE U.S. LiabiUties: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities: PayroU.... Accrued leave-_. Constructive receipts 3 Other Trust and deposit liabiUties Advance from the Department of Agriculture ^ Otherliabilities Deferred credits Total liabilities « Footnotes a t end of table. 222,237 144,992 32,052,932 32,628,017 GOVERNMENT 681,252 1,029,527 1,672,650 2,074,513 2,072,402 338,879 153,951 1,211 3,402 2,131,186 2,278,487 584,156 447,576 203,819 1,000,000 1,649 9,546 6,898, 260 7,665,945 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 279 TABLE 88.—Statement of financial condition June SO, 1970 and 1971—Continued June 30,1970 LIABILITIES AND INVESTMENT OF THE U.S. June 30, 1971 GOVERNMENT—Continued Investraent ofthe U.S. Government: Appropriation from U.S. Treasmy Donated assets, net Subtotal Accuraulated deficit ( - ) 6. Total investraent ofthe U.S. Government.: Total UabUUies and investment of the U.S. Government $3, 250,000 22,000,930 $3, 250,000 22,000,930 25 250 930 -96, 258 25, 250,930 -288, 858 25,154, 672 24,982,072 32,052,932 32,628,017 _- 1 Finished goods and work in process inventories are valued at cost, including administrative and service overhead. Except for the distinctive paper which is valued at the acquisition cost, raw materials and stores inventories are valued at the average cost of the materials and supplies on hand. 2 Plant machinery and equipment, furnitm'e and fixtures, office machines, and motor vehicles acquhed on or before June 30, i960, are statea at appraised values. Additions since June 30, 1950, and all building appurtenances are valued at acqiusition cost. The act of Aug. 4, 1950 (31 U.S.C. 181a), which estabUshed he Bureau of Engraving and Printing fund, specifically excluded land and buildings valued at about 9 million from the assets of the fund. Also excluded are appropriated funds of about $7,184,000 expended r transferred to GSA for extraordinary expenses in connection with uncapitalized building repairs and air conditioning. As of June 30, 1971, fixed assets included $8,758,792 of fully depreciated items, principaUy plant machinery and equipment and building appurtenances. Dies, rolls, and plates were capitalized at July 1, 1961, on the basis of average unit costs of manufacture, reduced to recognize their estimated useful life. Since July 1,1951, aU costs of dies, rolls, and plates have been charged to operations in the year acquired. 3 The accrual for constructive receipts is the estimated value of work performed by contractors to special specification, which had not been delivered to or accepted by the Bureau as of June 30, 1970, and June 30, 1971. Contra entries are to raw materials, $192,884 and $331,377; stores, $17,343 and $79,716; and fixed assets under construction, $1,862,176 and $153,033, respectively. * Commencing with December 1970 the Department of Agricultme provided a revolving advance of $1 miUion to be applied against monthly deliveries of food coupon books to that agency. 8 Based on an opinion by the Office of the Geaeral Counsel, The Department of the Treasury that no liability exists on the part of the Bureau, no provision has been made for a contingent liabUity for a tort claim against the Government for $500 property damage and $20,000 parsonal injury alleged to have been suffered by a private citizen as a result of a traffic accident on Oct. 14, 1970, with a Bmeau vehicle. Also the Bmeau has undelivered orders of $10,868,631 of which $1,320,978 represents firm orders for goods and services which have not been received, and $9,347,653 is for unperformed contracts against which firm purchase orders have not been placed. Included in the latter amount is $7,794,509 for the reraaining 2 years of a 4-year contract entered into with the supplier of distinctive paper. 6 The act of Aug. 4.1950, provided that custoraer agencies raake payraent to the Bureau at prices deemed adequate to recover all costs incidental to performing work or services requisitioned. Any surplus accruing to the fund in any fiscal year is to be paid into the general fund of the Treasmy as misceUaneous receipts except that any surplus is applied first to restore any impairment of capital by reason of variations between prices charged and actual costs. 280 19 7,1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 89.—Statement of income and expense, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 Income and expense 1970 Operating revenue: Sales of engraving and printing Operating costs: Cost of sales: Directlabor Direct materials used Primecost Overhead costs: Salaries and indirect labor. Factory supplies Repah parts and supplies Employer's share personnel benefits Rents, communications and utilities Other services ' Depreciation and amortization Gains (—), or losses on disposal or retirement of fixed assets Minor equipment Transportation of things Sundry expense (net) Total overhead... Total costs'. - Less: Nonproduction costs: Shop costs capitalized Cost of miscellaneous services rendered other agencies Cost of production-... Net decrease in finished goods and work in process inventories from operations Costofsales Operating loss ( - ) Nonoperating revenue: Operation and maintenance of incinerator and space utiUzed by other agencies. Other dUect charges for misceUaneous services 1971 $44,709,973 $58,140,602 19,240,943 6,600,963 23,878,464 8,047,335 25,841,896 31,925,799 12,201,672 1,766,242 497,838 2,324,712 916,621 609,316 1,534,974 116,714 65,082 133,539 5,722 14,987,374 2,292,694 682,170 2,845,431 1,338,348 842,931 1,633,302 3,221 198,809 230,260 20,674 20,162,432 24,976,204 48,004,328 56,901,003 509,731 719,316 741,629 785,810 1,229,047 1,527,439 44,775,281 65,373,664 30,950 942,476 44,806,231 66,316,040 -96,258 -175,438 632,607 86,709 650,621 118,027 719,316 768,648 Nonoperating costs: Cost of raisceUaneous services rendered other agencies 719,316 Nonoperatmg loss (—) Net loss ( - ) for theyear 2 785,810 . _. -96,258 —17,162 -192,600 1 No araounts are included in the accounts of the fund for (1) interest on the investnient of the Government in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing fund, (2) depreciation on the Bureau's buildings excluded from the assets of the fund by the act of Aug. 4, 1950, and (3) certain costs of services perfornied by other agencies on behalf of the Bureau. 2 See table 88, footnote 6. STATISTICAL APPENDIX 281 TABLE 90.—Statement of source and application of funds, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 Funds provided and appUed 1970 1971 Funds provided: Sales of engraving and printing $44,709,973 Operation and maintenance of incinerator and space utiUzed by other agencies 632,607 Other direct charges for misceUaneous services 86,709 Total 45,429,289 Less cost of sales and services (excluding depreciation and other charges not requiring expenditme of ftmds: Fiscal 1970, $1,651,688; fiscal 1971, $1,636,523) -.-- 43,873,859 650,621 118,027 56,909,250 55,485,327 1,555,430 4,273 Sales of smplus equipment Advance from the Department of Agriculture i Decrease in working capital 1,443,923 14,061 1,000,000 1,155,821 Total funds provided Funds applied: Acquisition of fixed assets Acquisition of experimental equipment; and plant repairs and alterations to be charged to future operations Operating surplus retm'iied to Treasury—31 U.S.C. 181a (e) 2 Increasein working capital 1 Total funds appUed $56,140,802 2,715,524 2,457,984 2,622,531 1,401,878 53,727 39,266 _. 2,715,524 15,333 1,040,773 2,457,984 1 See table 88, footnote 4. 2 See table 88, footnote 6. International Claims TABLE 91.— Status of Class I I I awards of the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany, and Private Law 509 as of June 30, 1971 Description AWARDS 1 Principal of awards Less amounts paid by AUen Property and others Interest to Jan. 1, 1928, as specified in awards... Interest thereon to date of payment or, if unpaid, to June 30, 1971, at 5 percent per annura, as specified i n the Settlement of War Claims Actof 1928 Total due claimants Class III awards—over $100,000 Private Law 609, approved July 19,1940 $117,387,262.24 266,072.77 53,246,392.03 $160,000.00 64,000.00 81,626,247.28 178,192.02 261,892,818.78 402,192.02 76,955,283.40 53,245,392.03 79,187,843.72 101,053.06 64,000.00 171,761.75 209,388,519.15 336,814.81 40,165,896.07 2,338,403.66 68,946.94 6,430.27 42,604,299.63 65,377.21 1,046,874.08 1,684.01 PAYMENTS rincipal of awards Interest to Jan. 1, 1928 Interest at 5 percent from Jan. 1,1928, to date of payment Total payments 2 BALANCE D U E Principal of awards Accrued interestfrom Jan. 1,1928, through June 30,1971 Balance due claimants ..' Total reimbmsement for admiiustrative expenses 3._ 1 Excludes Class I awards (on account of death and personal injury) which have been paid in fuU and also Class II awards on which there remain balances totaUng $42,830.84. For details concerning all classes of awards, including claims of U.S. Governraent, see 1962 Aimual Report, pages 138 and 826. 2 Amounts shown are gross; deductions for adniinistrative expenses are shown below (see footnote 3). 3 Deductions of ]^^ of 1 percent are made frora each pajnnent to cover adrainistrative expenses. These amounts are covered into the Treasmy as misceUaneous receipts. NOTE.—On Feb. 27,1953, the Gerraan Govermnent agreed to pay $97,600,000 (U.S. doUars) over a period of 26 years in ftUl settlement of Gerraany's obUgations on account of Class III awards and the award under Private Law 609. Through June 30, 1971, $69,500,000 has been obligated for payment to awardholders. On Apr. 30,1970, an additional $32 milUon was received from the Government of (Germany and deposited into a special account on behaU of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Each year, on April 1, through 1978, $4 milUon wiU be transferred from the Deutsche Bundesbank account into the German deposit fund for distribution to awardholders. OO Pi yn TABLE 92.—Status of claims of American nationals against certain foreign governments as of June 30, 1971 Bulgaria Awards certified to the Treasury: Number of awards Araount of awards: Principal Interest Total. Deposits in claims funds.. Statutory deduction for admimstrative expenses Amounts avaUable for payraent on awards Pasmients on awards: Principal Interest Balances in clairas funds > Hungary Poland War claims fund o Yugoslavia Pi Italy o 235 1,302 612 7,363 1 8, 793 669 720 $4,820,586.46 $58,277,457.94 $30,139,417.78 $100,737,681.63 $340,509,577.34 $9,685,093.22 $2,866,277.91 1,914,158.19 22,186,408.58 24,737,706.20 51,051,825.01 2,866,279.97 969,111.20 w 6,734,744.66 10,463, 868.52 84, 877,123. ( 151,789,508.64 340,509,577.34 12,551,373.19 3,835,389.11 3,217,088.93 180,854.44 3,058,234.49 2,355,513.69 117,775.73 2,237,737.96 23,725,000.01 1,186, 274.33 22,538,725.68 22,000,000.00 2 300, 000.00 21,700,000.00 228,000,000.00 (3) 228,000,000.00 3,546,960.16 145,827.41 3,401,132.75 5,000,000.00 250,000.00 4,750,000.00 2,678,753.65 2,221,589.24 20,189,016.19 21,601,768.16 227,849,342.16 3,355,344.06 2,730,983.88 969,111.20 377,480.84 18,168. 72 2, 369, 710.49 , 231.84 150, 657.84 44, 788. 70 1, 049, 904.92 o 3 Statutory deductions of 5 percent made by the Foreign Claims Settlement Comraission prior to the funds being transferred to Treasury. W 1 Private Law 91-88. 2 PubUc Law 90-421, approved July 24, 1968, araended the International Clairas Settlement Act of 1949 to permit the 6-percent deduction to be made from the instaUment pasrments made under the claims agreeraents, rather than frora each payraent to awardees. Rumania Ul a pi > pi y< 1^ pi > Ul d Pi y< 283 STATISTICAL APPENDIX Internationai Financial Transactions T A B L E 9 3 . — U.S. net monetary gold transactions with foreign countries and international institutions, fiscal years 1945-71 (In millions of dollars at $35 per ounce. Negative figures represent net sales by the United States; positive figmes, net pmchases] 1945-66 Afghanistan Algeria Argentina Australia Austria... B a n k for I n t e r n a t i o n a l S e t t l e m e n t s Belgium Bolivia Brazil Bm'ma Cambodia .. Cameroon R e p u b U c . . . Canada C e n t r a l African R e p u b l i c Ceylon Chad Chile. Colombia Congo (Kjnshasa) Costa R i c a . . Cyprus Dahoraey _ Denmark Dominican Republic Ecuador ElSalvador Ethiopia Finland France.. . . Gabon... G e r m a n y , F e d e r a l R e p u b l i c of Ghana Greece Guinea . . Haiti Honduras Iceland , . . . Indonesia International Bank International Monetary F u n d i Iran... Iraq Ireland Israel.. Italy I v o r y Coast _ Jamaica Japan . Jordan.. Korea Kuwait Laos Lebanon Liberia. Malagasy Malaysia MaU . . . . Malta Mamitania... Mexico Morocco Nepal Netherlands N e w Zealand . Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay.. Peru PhUippines Portugal Fooftnotes a t end of table. .. .. ... -8.5 -15.8 829.9 -8.3.. -579.3.. -513.3 .. -697.2.. 18.8 . . 183.1 -24.8.. -15.9.. -2.1 948.3 -.8 -16.0 -.8 9.4 146.8 26.7 -5.8 -2.0. -.9 -in. 7. -19.8 -4.7 —24.6 . -LO. -2L7. -2,822.5 -.8 —656. 9 . -5.6. -136.8 -2.8 -.2 -LO -9.5. -113.5 18 8 1,063.4 -29.7 -43.8 -4.6 -24.5 . -243.1 —1.7 -2.5. -259.0. -.6. -4.8. -22.3. —L9 . -98.2 -2.4 -3.3. -.6 . -LO. -.9 10.9 . -17.3 1987 1968 1969 -L9 -.8 -39.7 -2.7 -160. 4 -5.1 -.6 -50.6 -20.0 n.7-. 1971 -.3 -3.7 - . 7 .. "-22."6 -30.0 ""'S'.'b". 199.5 . -L7 -.2 100.0 -.1 -.1 -.1 -7.5 - . 4 .. —2.4 . -L8 -.1 "'"-.1"" -.2 -277. 3 -.1 -.6 —1 0 -.2 -.1 -57. 6 . -.1 -.1 -.5 . ""-2.'6" -2.1 -.2 150.0 . -.1 -.6 -.1 -8.2 -.6 -13.4. -.1 -.1 -.7 . -.1 -4.9 -.5 -."9" -26.7 -2.6 220.0 -.1 705.0 . -.1 -.4 . 18.4 -.3 (*) -Ll 50.1 —15.0 -.2 -L3 -3.0 -60.0 -.2 -.2 -.1 25.0 . -L2 4.0 . -.4 -L8 -63. 2 . -45.4 -294. 0 -.2 ...^.-... -.3 (*) -.1 -L5 -.1 -.2 -4.0 -.1 (*) -.8 (*) ....... -4.0 -L2 . 2.5 - . 1 .. -8.0 -76. 0 . -.2 -8.8 -.5 -L8 -L5 -.7 -2.0 -3.2 -.2 -2.7 -.1 -.4 -.1 -.1 500.0 . -.8 -.8 -410. 7 -Ll -.2 -2.0 -3.4 -9.8 -L8 -.2 -L5 -2.2 -10.3 3L6 -197. 9 (*) - -110.0 -2.0 -22.5 59.6 -.1 43.2 . ""-8.'0 -.2 -2.0 . -8.2 -118. 8 -14.1 -8.5 -2.9 . -.1 -24.9 ......... " " - 9 4 . ' 5 " -.3 -.4 (*) 24.9 -.6 -.5 -.3 -14.7 -.1 2.5 -.1 -33.5 . -.1 -.1 -.9 -Ll -6.0 . -18.6 . -L8 -.1 -.1 -9.3 . - 7 3 6 . 3 .. 17.7 -.8 -20.0 .. 1970 -.2 -.1 -.6 '"-.'s'"' -2.8. - . 9 -. •"•25.'0'"" -38.4 -L3 82.7 - 4 L 6 -. -L4 -Ll . -.2 -.1 -.9 -L5 (*) . . . „ . - . -.2 -.9 -L2 -.7 -.1" -4.2 (*) (*) ......... ""-3."5" io.T" 16.6 -.4 33.8 -6.0 . (*)- 3 . 8 -.8 -35.0 -.2 -L8 -10.0 -.1 -4.2 -. 1 -25.0 -6.8 3.0 -75.0 -n.2 -2.1 -.7 -8.8 -.9 -7.3 -2.0 -LO -16.7 -6.3 284 19 7,1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF TPIE TREASURY TABLE 93.— U.S. net monetary gold transactions with foreign countries and international institutions, fiscal years 1945-71—Continued Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) Rwanda... SaudiArabia . . . Senegal Singapore Somalia.. South Africa... Southern Yemen Spain Sudan Surinam Sweden Switzerland Syria Togo Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Tmkey United Arab Republic. United Kingdom Upper Volta . . . Uruguay. Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Arab Republic Yugoslavia. _ AU other _ _ Total 1945-66 1967 1968 —.8 -.2 —64.2 -2.5 . -.1 -.2 -2.9 1,12L3 . -694.4. -10.8 '.'.'.'.' ... 1969 1970 -.1 -.7 -25.0 -.1 -.1 -26. 0 . -.1 -.1 -.2 -53.0 -.3 -16.7 .. -.1 . -.6 .1 -.9 -n.6 -.3 -Ll -.7 -L2 . -L3 6.0 1971 -L6 5.0 . -1.8 50.8 -2.4 227.'?'. -60.0 -872.7 -19.5 -.6 -Ll . -50.0 -9.4 -5.1 12.4 -155. 8 -374.6 —.9 -4.3 3.9 -385.9 . -.3 -.4 -5.8 -.6 -12.0 75.2 -.1 -.2 -1,697.4 -.1 -26.9 —160.3 -2.8 -.1 -3.4 -.3 -3.9 -3.1 -L5 -L7 -.4 -6,477.9 -232. 2 -2,337.6 470.8 735.7 -1,382.4 -25.0 .. -.4 -Ts" (•) -.7 3.0 - 16.0 .. -.1 -1.3 . -.1 -.6 -13.0 -.6 -.1 -16.2 . L2 . -176.0 -3.2 -.9 -4.8 -.8 16.1 —3.9 —.7 -5.8 -.5 -14.9 —118. 8 1 Includes U.S. gold subscription payments of $687.6 miUion in 1947, $343.8 miUion in 1959, $258.8 raiUion in 1965, and $386.0 milUon in 1970. Priorto 1961 includes gold pmchases by IMF on behaU of raeraber countries for their payments to IMF. From September 1966 through June 1969 and from October through December 1970 includes net deposits and sales of gold made by IMF In order to mitigate U.S. gold sales relating to members' quota Increases. • Less than $60,000. NOTE: Gold holdings of the United States Increased during the period from fiscal 1934 through fiscal 1944 from $7.9 bUUon to $21.2 bUlion, an increase of $13.3 biUion compared to the decline of $10.7 bUUon in the 1946-71 period. 285 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 94.— U.S. reserve assets, fiscal 1958-71 [In millions of dollars] E n d of fiscal year or 1958.. 1959 1980... 1961.. 1962.. 1963... 1984.. 1965.. 1986. 1987.. 1988 1969 1970 1971... 1970—July... August September October Noveniber Deceniber 1971—January.. February March AprU. May June. Total reserve assets raonth - -. 23,496 21,614 21,170 19,308 18,490 17,065 16,591 15,762 14,958 14,274 14,063 16,057 7 16,328 13,504 16,065 15,796 15,527 15,120 14,891 14,487 14,699 14,534 14,342 14,307 13,811 13,504 Gold stock 1 Total 2 21,412 19,748 19,363 17,803 16,527 15,830 15,623 814,049 13,529 13,169 10,681 11,153 11,889 10,507 11,934 11,817 11,494 11,495 11,478 11,072 11,040 11,039 10,963 10,925 10,568 10,507 Treasuiy 21,356 19,705 19,322 17,550 16,435 15,733 15,461 613,934 13,433 13,110 10,367 10,367 11,367 10,332 11,387 11,367 11,117 11,117 11,117 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,732 10,332 10,332 Special drawing rights 3 957 1,247 961 961 991 991 981 851 1,468 1,468 1,443 1,4.43 1,247 1,247 Reserve C o n v e r t i b l e position in foreign International currencies * Monetary Fund 5 186 554 128 182 546 722 738 2,479 3,355 7 1^ 132 322 716 695 1,098 811 640 629 491 327 256 257 318 322 2,084 1,768 1,807 1,519 1,409 1,109 786 61,167 707 367 903 1,549 2,350 1,428 2,454 2,323 1,944 ' 1,823 1,812 1,935 1,700 1,700 1,680 1,682 1,678 1,428 1 I n c l u d e s gold sold to t h e U n i t e d States b y t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o n e t a r y F u n d w i t h t h e right of r e p u r chase, a n d gold deposited b y t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o n e t a r y F u n d to m i t i g a t e t h e i m p a c t on t h e U . S . gold stock of foreign p m c h a s e s for t h e p u r p o s e of m a k i n g gold subscriptions to t h e F u n d u n d e r q u o t a increases. 2 Includes gold in E x c h a n g e Stabilization F u n d , w h i c h is n o t i n c l u d e d in T r e a s u r y gold figures showii in daily T r e a s m y s t a t e m e n t . 3 I n c l u d e s initial aUocation on J a n . 1, 1970, of $887 raillion a n d second allocation on J a n . 1, 1971, of $717 raiUion of special d r a w i n g rights ( S D R ) in t h e Special D r a w i n g A c c o u n t in t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o n e t a r y F u n d , plus or rainus transactions in S D R . 4 Includes holdings of Treasm-y a n d F e d e r a l Reserve Systera. 6 T h e U n i t e d States h a s t h e right t o p u r c h a s e foreign currencies e q u i v a l e n t to its reserve position in tlie F u n d a u t o m a t i c a l l y if needed. U n d e r a p p r o p r i a t e conditions t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s could p u r c h a s e additional a m o m i t s equal to t h e U . S . q u o t a , w h i c h a m o u n t e d to $6,700 million as of J u n e 30, 1971. 6 Reserve position includes, a n d gold stock excludes, $259 iiiiUion gold s u b s c r i p t i o n t o t h e F u n d in J m i e 1965 for a U . S . q u o t a increase which became effective on F e b . 23, 1968. I n figures p u b l i s h e d by t h e F u n d frora J u n e 1985 t h r o u g h J a n u a r y 1986, this gold subscription w a s included in t h e U . S . gold stock a n d excluded frora t h e reserve position. 7 Includes gain of $87 raillion resiUting frora r e v a l u a t i o n of t h e Gerraan m a r k in October 1969, of w h i c h $13 raiUion represents gain on G e r n i a n m a r k holdings a t t i m e of revaluation. to (X) o:> Pi o pi y^ o T A B L E 95.— U.S. liquid liabilities to foreigners, fiscal years 1958-71 [In mUllons of doUars] E n d of fiscal year or m o n t h 1968 1959.. 1980... 1961 1962... 1963 1964. 1985 1965 1967... 1968... 1989 1970 1971 Total liquid liabilities toaU foreigners U6,066 7 18,085 20,472 21,296 23,699 26,807 26,478 28,086 28,819 29,820 32,514 '39,033 '9 43,375 61,393 Liabilities t o foreigii countries Liabilities to I n t e r n a t i o n a l M o n e t a r y F u n d arising from gold transactions Total 200 200 500 800 800 800 800 800 983 1,033 1,030 1,028 1,010 648 Gold deposit i 183 233 230 228 210 148 Gold investment 2 B a n k s a n d other foreigners Official i n s t i t u t i o n s 3 Total 200 (8) 200 (}) 600 10,482 800 10,876 800 11, 869 800 13,915 800 14,168 800 14,456 800 14,425 800 14, 093 800 12,101 800 r 10, 232 800 - 915, 297 30, 840 400 Shortterm UabUities reported by banks in t h e United . States 931 987 511 038 205 377 102 201 661 802 733 \\\2 508 809 Marketable U.S. Government bonds and notes * Nonmarketable convertible U . S . Treasury bonds and notes (8) (8) 971 837 684 1,036 1,241 1,126 1,106 917 657 • 454 '360 379 Total (8) (8) 502 825 1,129 658 374 811 666 6 429 3,462 8,145 7,999 8,870 9, o n 9,655 11,200 12,373 13,703 18,713 r 27,058 '28,388 18,881 Shortterm UabUities reported by banks in t h e UrUted States 5,886 6,706 7,524 7,464 8,357 8,834 9,300 10, 732 11,883 13,155 18,100 26,606 ' 25, 852 18, 308 Marketable U.S. Government bonds and notes * (8) (8) 621 536 513 377 355 488 490 538 613 '452 636 573 LiabUities to n o n m o n e t a r y i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d regional organizations 5 Total (8) (8) 1,345 1,622 2,160 2,081 1,855 1,630 1,038 791 670 '715 '680 1,324 Shortterm UabUities reported by banks inthe United States 6 589 542 690 689 1,119 1,016 848 831 606 561 604 668 '629 1,181 Marketable U.S. Government bonds and notes* (75 O Pi Pi y< o (8) (8) 755 933 1,041 1,085 1,007 799 433 230 186 '47 '61 143 Ul d 1970-July August September October.. November December lo 1971—January. Febmary March April May.. June 43,495 43,986 44,201 44,261 44,509 f43, 291 I43 238 43', 680 44,065 46,481 47,663 61,815 61,393 210 1,010 1,010 2/10 587 587 579 566 666 569 559 569 648 648 648 187 187 179 166 166 159 159 169 148 148 148 800 800 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 16,585 16,607 17, 768 18,141 19, 957 20, 068 20,067 20,490 22, 321 24,841 27, 253 32, 091 30,640 15, 776 15, 798 16, 959 17,422 19, 239 19, 333 19, 333 19, 774 21, 600 24,120 26, 532 31, 347 26,809 ' Revised. 1 Represents UabiUty on gold deposited by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to mitigate the impact on the U.S. gold stock of foreign purchases for the purpose of making gold subscriptions to the IMF under quota increases. 2 U.S. Govemment obUgations at cost value and funds awaiting investment obtained from proceeds of sales of gold by the IMF to the Uruted States to acqmre income-earning assets. Upon termination of Investment, the same quantity of gold can be reacquhed by the IMF. 3 Includes Bank for International Settlements and European Fund. 4 Derived by applying reported transactions to benchmark data; breakdown of transactions by type of holder estimated 1960-63. Includes securities issued by corporations and other agencies ofthe U.S. Government, which are guaranteed by the United States. 5 PrincipaUy the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Inter-Am erican Developraent Bank. 6 Includes difference between cost value and face value ofsecurities in IMF gold investment account. LiabiUties data reported to the Treasury include the face value of these securities, but in this table the cost value of the securities is included under "Gold 380 380 380 290 289 306 295 287 292 292 292 292 379 42,9 429 429 429 429 429 429 429 429 429 429 452 3,452 25,142 25,528 25,083 24,719 23,186 21, 813 21, 768 21, 543 20,192 18, 955 18, 673 17, 838 18, 881 24,601 24, 964 24,518 24,152 22, 696 21,166 21,203 20, 931 19, 583 18, 357 17, 970 17, 269 18, 308 541 562 667 667 690 647 565 612 609 598 603 689 573 758 843 763 814 787 844 847 1,088 993 1,128 1,289 1,338 1,324 705 798 718 768 741 826 821 1,043 951 985 1,148 1,196 1,181 63 46 45 46 46 24 26 25 42 141 141 142 143 investment." The difference, which araounted to $16 milUon as of the end of June 1971 is included in this column. 7 Includes total foreign holdings of U.S. Government bonds and notes, for which breakdown by type of holder is not avaUable. 8 Not avaUable. 9 Includes $17 raiUion increase in doUar value of foreign currency UabiUties resulting from revaluation of the German mark in October 1969. 1" Data on the two lines shown for this date differ because of changes in reporting coverage. Figures on the first Une are coraparable in coverage to those shown for the preceding date; figures on the second line are coraparable to those shown for the foUowing date. Note.—Table is based on Department of the Treasury data and on data reported to the Department of the Treasury by banks and brokers in the United States. Table excludes IMF "holdings of dohars," and holdings of U.S. Treasmy letters of credit and nonnegotiable, noninterest-bearing special U.S. notes held by other international and regional orgaruzations. Ul > Ul o U X OO bO 00 QO TABLE 96.—International investment position of the United States at yearend t [MiUions of doUars] Western E m ' o p e Total Line 1 T y p e of i n v e s t m e n t 1969 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1989 1970P 1969 Japan 1970p 1969 1970p 1969 1970P 1,653 1,183 18, 984 Otherforeign countries International orgaruzations and unallocated^: 1969 1970p 1969 1970P 19, 643 23,179 25,971 16, 923 17,453 U . S . assets a b r o a d 67,236 .158,058 N o n l i q u i d assets U.S. Government L o n g - t e r r a credits: R e p a y a b l e in doUars 1 Other 2... F o r e i g n currencies a n d other shortt e r m assets -. P r i v a t e long-term Direct investments abroad. F o r e i g n securities: Foreign bonds F o r e i g n corporate stocks O t h e r clairas, r e p o r t e d b y U . S . b a n k s . O t h e r clairas, r e p o r t e d b y U . S . n o n b a n k i n g concerns ^ P r i v a t e , short-terra n o n h q u i d Claims reported b y U.S. banks Claims reported b y U . S . nonbanking concerns Liquid assets. Private Clainis r e p o r t e d b y U . S . b a n k s Clairas r e p o r t e d b y U . S . n o n b a n k i n g concerns U . S . m o n e t a r y reserve a s s e t s . Gold SDR C o n v e r t i b l e currencies Gold t r a n c h e position i n I M F Pi yn o Pi N e t i n t e r n a t i o n a l i n v e s t r a e n t position of t h e UnitedStates 2 1970p Canada Latin American RepubUcs and other Western Heinisphere 69,087166,574 138,480 149,714 30,731 32,197 -14,116 --18,945 22, 612 23, 762 41,336 41,428 34,386 36,981 6,552 7, 237 26, 306 28, 516 29, 586 31, 987 19,891 20,426 37,443 40,021 33,368 35,946 6,369 7,068 26,142 28,272 29,449 31,840 5,708 6,568 15,800 1,299 1,352 9,185 1,295 4,447 , 1,348 8,283 8,028 15 24 728 675 5,826 6,318 14, 579 6,981 1,053 6,821 951 10 19 599 99 547 5,121 672 5,594 689 7,976 4,415 33 16, 976 13,841 35 18,118 14, 683 2,188 13, 294 10, 069 21,982 6,239 2, 510 96, 301 71, 016 23,514 6,186 2,498 104, 693 78,090 249 26,829 21, 850 256 29, 589 24,471 5 32, 657 21,127 5 35, 073 22,801 30 2,136 1,244 30 2,347 1,491 11, 718 6, 953 3,050 13,160 6,437 2,867 607 2,816 466 535 2,583 471 6,917 3,406 208 7,873 3,180 112 265 265 337 115 930 114 1,330 1,059 141 1,319 1,675 219 958 1,324 ,775 216 . 850 3,584 11,448 8,569 4,139 12,824 9,584 1,290 2,331 1,089 1,549 2,404 1,092 999 696 348 1,107 849 483 141 ;,505 ;,316 139 4,046 3,782 761 3,340 2,705 916 3,836 3,081 373 1,576 1,111 428 1,689 1,146 2,879 19,578 3,240 16,860 1,242 1,312 348 366 189 635 755 465 543 2,614 1, 098 2,373 1,217 1,516 16, 964 11,859 2, 781 2,324 2,168 14,351 11,082 4 4,409 3 3,085 (*) (*) 1,407 1,018 1,035 183 169 184 244 137 147 14,183 1,113 328 779 310 1,018 478 1,035 601 182 116 168 108 164 99 244 no 137 77 147 88 - 1,156 785 14,487 2,780 11,072 . 851 . 2,780 629 1,935 , 6 489 628 540 434 60 1 65 8 134 60 «59 628 (*) (*) (*) • ^ Ul o 4 5,216 3 3,563 pi 1,653 Pi > O (*) (*) fel 3,893 (*) o 13, 858 y^ Pi Ul d 14,183 11,859 .- 13,858 11,072 851 2,324 1,935 Pi 26 U.S. liabUities to foreigners 0 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 Nonliquid liabilities to other than foreign official agencies U.S. Government ^ P r i v a t e , long-term Direct i n v e s t m e n t s i n t h e U n i t e d States .U . S . securities: C o r p o r a t e a n d other b o n d s C o r p o r a t e stocks O t h e r liabilities, r e p o r t e d b y U . S . banks O t h e r liabilities, r e p o r t e d b y U . S . n o n b a n k i n g concerns 4 P i i v a t e , short-term n o n l i q u i d , r e p o r t e d b y U . S . n o n b a n k i n g concerns 36 L i q u i d habilities t o p r i v a t e foreigners a n d liquid a n d noiUiquid liabiUties t o foreigii offic:al a g e n c i e s . . . 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 T o p r i v a t e foreigners T o foreign coraraercial b a n k s «. T o i n t e r n a t i o n a l a n d regional organizations.. T o other foreigners T o foreigii official agencies Nonhquid Reported by U.S. Government ^ Reported by U.S. banks Liquid 90,822 97,507 55,452 60,373 11,774 13,219 4,899 6,054 9,322 8,873 6,407 6,018 2,988 44,883 60,466 31,477 36,088 6,381 8,722 1,029 846 3,552 3,781 2,513 1,893 1,456 2,406 39,572 1,970 44, 758 1,938 27,633 1,806 31,629 33 6,049 22 8,451 34 852 32 669 47 3,262 25 3,408 354 1,925 86 1,468 1,458 1,832 11,818 13,209 8,510 9,515 2,834 3,112 233 181 228 137 4,800 18,141 6,878 18,689 3,770 12,106 5,214 12, 615 87 2,950 237 2,912 2 20 82 2,156 101 2, 244 122 759 163 717 739 180 1,161 181 8 527 8 413 8 697 8 232 8 557 3,828 4,981 3,093 4,112 178 187 11 29 336 420 210 233 2,905 3,738 2,006 2,853 279 249 143 145 243 350 234 341 1,001 8 54 8 173 8 655 6 385 ---. 2 > 45,939 47,041 23,976 24,285 5,413 6,497 3,870 5,208 5,770 5,092 3,894 4,123 1,512 1,141 Ul 28,887 23, 633 22,645 17,126 16,845 16,332 10,594 9,079 3,789 3,251 3,646 3,048 N.s.s. N.s.s. N.s.s. N.s.s. 4, 075 1,901 3, 545 1,204 N.s.s. N.s.s. N.s.s. N.s.s. 493 575 Q f> 663 4,591 17, 052 4,039 2,534 1,505 13,013 842 4,677 24, 396 3,764 3,069 6 1,507 7,130 1,270 1,270 17 1,498 13,691 645 845 538 1,624 1,129 1,129 2, 951 2,289 2,289 N.s.s. N.s.s. N.s.s. N.s.s. 118 2. 056 1, 695 155 2,186 1,547 46 N.s.s. N.s.s. 135 135 (8) (8) (8) (8) 1,695 1,547 (8) 20,632 6,860 (8) 13,046 pPrelimhiai'y. *Less than $500,000 ( ± ) . tincludes U.S. gold stock. N.s.s. .Not shown separately. 1 Also includes paid-in capital subscription to intemational financial institutions (other than IMF) and outstanding amounts of misceUaneous claims which have been settled through international agreements to be payable to the U.S. Governnient over periods in excess of 1 year. Excludes World War I debts that are not being serviced. 2 Includes indebtedness which the borrower may contractuaUy, or at its option, repay with its currency, with a thfrd country's currency, or by delivery of materials or transfer of services. 3 For the most part represents the estimated investment in shipphig companies registered primarUy to Panama and Liberia. 4 The long-tei'ra position data given here include estimates for real estate, insurance, estates and trusts. 6 In 1970 country detaU for Western Europe includes the European Economic Community, UlUted Kingdom, and Switzerland only, and for Latin America and O.W.H. includes only Baharaas and Bermuda. Remaining countries are not separately identified due to insignificant araounts and are included in other foreign countries. 83 (8*) (*) 10 2, 973 662 (8) N.S.S. (8) N.s.s. (8) N.s.s. N.s.s. N.s.s. 95 493 575 1,019 566 ;> ^ 135 (S) N.s.s. (S) 1,019 586 g g O 135 (S) 6 The regional breakdown for hability lines may not add to the world total since certain iteras cannot be showii sepai'ately and because of thi ass'omptions made regarding lines 33 and 44 (see footnote 8). 7 U.S. Government habilities are broken down into those to foreign official reserve agencies in Une 43 and those to others in Une 28, including foreign official agencies other than reserve agencies. U.S. Government notes held by the Canadian Governnient in connection with the 1964 Columbia River power rights arrangements are included in the entries for foreigii official reserve agencies. 8 In the regional breakdown, nonliquid UabUities to foreigii official agencies reported by U.S. banks are included with private long-term UabUities reported by U.S. banks, and, for summation pm-poses in the regional presentation, line 44 is assunied to be zero and any entries that would appear there are considered part of hne 33. 8 As reported by U.S. banks; ultimate ownership is not identified. SOURCE.—Department of Commerce, "Survey of Current Business," October 1971. 2 X to GO CO 290 197,1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 97.—Assets and liabilities of the Exchange Stabilization Fund as of June SO, 1970, and June 30, 1971 Assets and liabUities June 30, 1970 June 30,1971 Fiscal year 1971, increase or decrease (—) ASSETS Cash: Treasurer of the United States Federal Reserve Bank of New York, special account Iraprestfund Totalcash Special drawing rights.. Special account of the Secretary of the Treasury in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York—gold (schedule 1) Foreign exchange due frora foreign banks: Banque Nationale de Belgique BankofCanada Deutsche Bundesbank ..:.... Bank of England Banca d'ltaUa.... Sveriges Riksbank... Banque Nationale Suisse Bank for International Settlements Investments in U.S. Government secm'ities (schedule 2) Investraents in foreign securities (schedule 2) Accounts receivable Interest purchased Accrued Interest receivable—U.S. Government securities Accmed interest receivable—SD R holdings Accrued interest receivable—foreign Prepaid expense Deferred charges --Furruture and equipraent, less allowance for depreciation BuUdings, less aUowance for depreciation Land -Totalassets. $321,396,629.18 298,860,367.00 1,600.00 $277,096.26 -$321,119,532.92 264,860,367.00 1,500.00 -34,000,000.00 620,268,498.18 265,138,963.28 967,188,497.00 1,246,710,387.12 -356,119,532.92 289,521,890.12 522,042,903.20 174,854,324.61 -347,388,578.69 7,068.40 20,686.26 2,751,639.52 218,740,975.90 9,777,090.29 4,952.77 13,074.51 177,870,897.32 7,058.40 20,688.26 2,737,644.89 99,363.96 197,667.81 4,952.77 580.67 191,233,699. 76 -13,994.83 -218,641,611.94 -9,579,422.48 12,400,000.00 1,387,749,613.71 32,771,217. 69 31,787,398.66 112,833.16 112,513.88 20,166.75 1,376,349,613.71 -983,819.03 -319.27 20,165.76 -12,493.84 13,382,702.44 27,691.55 2,329,744.00 3,548,435.28 436.17 650,000.00 4,004,497.70 3,279,285.00 784,553.72 395.39 3,976,806.15 949,541.00 -2,763,881.58 -40.78 -660,000.00 167,207.47 60,000.00 100,000.00 215,623.45 37,400.00 100,000.00 48,415.98 -12,600.00 2,560,833,836.66 3,308,898,676.87 748,062,840.01 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Accounts payable Contractual obligations Special accounts Advance frora U.S. Treasurer (U.S. drawings on IMF) Special drawing rights certificates Deferred UabiUty—DM revaluation Special drawing rights aUocations Capital account Curaulative net incorae (schedule 3) Total UabiUties and capital 3,031,995.52 650,000.00 7,000,000.00 4,896,674.24 6,000,000.00 1,863,678.72 -650,000.00 -1,000,000.00 650,000,000.00 650,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 400,000,000.00 32,789,875.13 32,789,875.13 866,880,000.00 1,683,780,000.00 200,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 400,482,166.01 431,431,327.30 716,900,000.00 2,660,833,836.66 3,308,896,676. 67 748,062,840.01 30,949,181.29 STATISTICAL APPENDIX 291 TABLE 97.—Assets and liabilities of the Exchange Stabilization Fund as of June SO, 1970, and June SO, 1971—Continued SCHEDULE 1.—SPECIAL ACCOUNT OF T H E S E C R E T A R Y OF T H E T R E A S U R Y IN T H E F E D E R A L RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK—GOLD June 30, 1970 Gold accounts Ounces Federal Reserve Bank of New York U.S. Assay Office, New York June 30, 1971 DoUars Ounces 14,628,438.275 511,995,339.12 287,073.116 10,047,564.08 Totalgold. 14,915,511.391 522,042,903.20 DoUars 1,678,301.971 68,740,568.93 3,311,821.447 115,913,755.58 4,990,123.418 174,654,324.61 SCHEDULE 2.—INVESTMENTS HELD BY T H E EXCHANGE STABILIZATION F U N D , JUNE 30, 1971 Securities Face value Investraent in pubUc debt securities: PubUc issues: Treasury bonds: 2}4% of 1967-72 (dated Nov. 16,1945)... Treasury notes: 6%.raaturing Aug. 16,1972 Treasury biUs: Maturing AprU 30,1972 Total pubUc Issues Special issues. Exchange Stabilization Fund series: 4.10%,raaturingJuly 1,1971 Subtotal Unaraortized discount : Unaraortized premium Total - Foreign securities: RepubUc of Gerraany, Treasury bills Cost (in dollars) Accrued interest $10,000,000.00 $10,000,000.00 $10,245.90 73,000,000.00 73,016,869.38 443,648.41 65,000,000.00 62,119,095.83 148,000,000.00 145,134,955.21 453,892.31 1,242,182,296.91 1,390,182,296.91 -2,446,958.63 14,273.43 1,242,182,296.91 3,650,605.39 1,387,749,613.71 1,387,317,262.12 4,004,497.70 DM117,600,000.00 31,787,398.66 SCHEDULE 3.—INCOME AND E X P E N S E Jan. 31,1934, through- Classification June 30,1970 Incorae: Profits on transactions in: Gold and exchange (including profits frora handling charges on gold) --$141,841,860.10 Sale of silver to U.S. Treasury.... 3,473,382.29 SUver -102,736.27 Investments 1,389,608.84 MisceUaneous --175,379.29 Interest on: Investments ---. 181,908,354.05 Special drawing rights 127,012.00 Foreign balances 143,499,774.10 Totalincome Expense: Personnel compensation and benefits Travel Transp"ortation of things. Rent, communications, and utilities SuppUes and Other.... '.'. Total expense Curaulative net incorae. 449-44^2- -raaterials - --- ----- June 30,1971 $143,687,579.81 3,473,362.29 102,736.27 1,374,108.84 . 184,912.72 198,431,524.00 -681,897.00 164,788,216.10 472,498,086.94 611,460,64L 03 61,628,224.98 3,118,242.35 3,953,216.06 1,660,883.47 432,076.40 11,333,277.67 67,284,020.20 3,494,667.49 4,000,169.13 1,767,152.97 468,414.18 13,024,889.76 72,015,919.93 80,029,213.73 400,482,166.01 431,431,327.30 292 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY T A B L E 98.—Summary of receipts, withdrawals, and balances of foreign currencies acquired by the U.S. Government without direct payment of dollars, fiscal 1971 [In U.S. dollar equivalents] Balances held by the Department of the Treasury, July 1, 1970 Receipts: Sale of agricultural comniodities pursuant to: Title I, Public Law 480, Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended (7 U.S.C. 1704-1705). Coramodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 713a). Loans and other assistance: Title I, Public Law 480, loan repayments, including interest: Sec. 104(e) loans to private enterprises.. Sec. 104(f) loans to foreign governnients Sec. 612, Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U-.S.C. 2362) loan repayraents including interest Lend-lease and surplus property agreements (22 U.S.C. 412b and 50 App. U.S.C. 1841(b)(1), 1946 ed.) i BUateral agreements 5 percent and 10 percent counterpart funds (22 U.S.C. 1852 (b)) Interest on depositary balances AU other sources 1,609,683,572.62 225,921,231.44 192,574.58 28,831,809.95 124,255,126.54 144,569,344.74 380,088.38 1,520,911.87 24,727,429.40 2 42,216,138.89 Total collections Total avaUable Withdrawals: Sold for dollars, proceeds credited to:3 Miscellaneous receipts of the general fund Commodity Credit Corporation, Agriculture. Other fund accounts Total sold for dollars Requisitioned for use without reimbursenient to the Treasury pursuant to: Sec. 104, Pubhc Law 480, as aniended (7 U.S.C. 1704) Other authority. . Total requisitioned without reimbursement Total withdrawals Adjustment for rate differences . Balances held by the Department of the Treasury, June 30, 1971 Analysis of balances held by the Departnient of the Treasury, June 30, 1971: Proceeds for credit to misceUaneous receipts of the general fund Proceeds for credit to agency accounts: Coramodity Ciedit Corporation, Agriculture Information media guaranties fund, USIA Other For prograra allocations: Sec. 104, titlel, Public Law 480, as aniended. Total balances held by Ti'easury, June 30, 1971... Balances held by other executive agencies June 30,1971, for purpose of: Program uses under Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance A c t . . . Trust agreements with foreign countries Relief and rehabilitation American schools and hospitals Economic and technical assistance under Mutual Security Act Other Total balances held by other executive agencies Grand totaL... .- 592,414,653.77 2,262,078,226.39 103,928,960.97 214,799,942.28 2 39,073,768.87 357,802,670.12 274,100,120.14 22,573,347.97 296,673,488.11 : 654,476,138.23 54,603,783.99 1,862,206,872.15 755,415,899.57 562,229,390.86 9,652.49 -63,466,704.05 408,017,633.28 1,682,205,872.15 336,018,099.35 37,135,832.92 22,195,382.27 10,785,495.75 4,805,956.85 3,610,892.02 414,551,459.16 2,076,757,33L31 1 CoUections under lend-lease and surplus property agreements wiU continue to be made untU such agreements are satisfied, although the act originahy authorizing such action has been repealed. 2 Includes special letters of credit activity ainounting to $1,306,735.77. 8 Dollars acquired from the sale of foreigii currencies are derived frora charges against the dollar appropriations of the Federal agencies whicii use the currencies. These doUar proceeds are credited to either niisceUaneous receipts or other appropriate accounts on the books of the Treasury. NOTE.—For the purpose of providing a conimon denorainator, the currencies of 104 foreign countries are herein stated in U.S. dollar equivalents. It should not be assumed that doUars in amounts equal to the balances shown are actually available. The dollar equivalents are calculated at varying rates of exchange. Foreigii currencies deposited under certain provisions of Public Law 480 and the Mutual Security Act were converted at deposit rates provided for in the international agreements with the respective countries. Many of these currencies are available to agencies without reimbm'sement pursuant to legislative authority and, when disbursed to the foreigii governments, will generaUy be accepted by them at the deposit or collection rates. The dollar equivalents of currencies sold for dollars during the raonth were calculated at the end-ofthe-month raarket rates used to pay U.S. obhgations. The closing balances were converted at the June 30, 1971 .raarket rates. For additional data on foreign currency transactions, see part 5 of the "Combined Statement of Receipts, Expenditures and Balances of the Uruted States Government for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1971." The above figm'es exclude country-owned foreign cmrencies, generaUy caUed "counterpart funds." 293 STATISTICAL APPENDIX T A B L E 99.—Balances of foreign currencies acquired hy the U.S. Government without direct payment of dollars, J u n e 30, 1971 I n T r e a s u r y accounts Country Foreign currency Afghanistan . Argentina . Australia . Austria . Bahamas . Barbados Belgiura Berrauda Bolivia . BraziL.. . British H o n d u r a s . . Burma Cambodia Cameroon Canada Ceylon Chad.... Chile China. Colombia Congo, R e p u b U c of t h e . Costa Rica Cyprus I n agency accounts Currency . . . . . . Afghani -43,685,729.00 Peso -16,453.99 Dollar 2,564. 77 Schilling -66,356.52 Dollar - 6 3 6 . 31 Dollar -40,964.38 Franc -828,679.00 Dollar. -3,878.30 • -8,329,438.77 Peso.... Cruzeho..' -6,789,856.49 -215.47 DoUar 54,692,698.83 Kyat-. (see K h m e r Republic). CFA Franc--. 658,365.00 DoUar 11,643,596. 47 Rupee CFA Franc... Escudo... 8,926,987.09 N . T . D o l l a r . . . . 117,118,867.36 Peso Zaire -382,827. 21 . Colon.. . Pound C F A Franc Dahoraev Denmark . Krone Dominican Peso Republic. . Sucre Ecuador . Colon E l Salvador - Dollar Ethiopia . DoUar.... Fiji I s l a n d s Finland... . Markka . Franc France Germany, West.. . W.D. M a r k . . . . Gerraany, E a s t . . E D Mark Ghaiia --- Cedi . Drachma Greece Guateraala . Quetzal Franc Guinea . Dollar Guyana Honduras Lempira Hong Kong Dollar. Forint Hungary Krona Iceland Rupee India Indonesia. Rupiah Iran RiaL.. Pound Ireland Pound Israel Lira— Italy Ivory Coast.. CFA Franc... Dollar... Jamaica Yen Japan Jordan Dinar Shilling Kenya Khraer, Republic Cambodian Riel. of. Won K o r e a , South Kip Laos Lebanon Pound Pound Libya . Franc Malagasy Dollar equivalent -478,964.05 -3,679.62 2,885. 37 -2,263.31 - 6 4 0 . 69 -20,652.74 — 16,654.83 -3,917.08 - 7 0 1 , 1 3 L 21 -1,315,863.66 -130.36 11,599,702.82 656,742.03 1,964,169.46 622,888.15 2,927,97L43 -779,688.82 Foreign cmrency 43,685,729.00 16,463.99 13,907.46 64,163. 30 536. 31 42,604. 38 827,807.00 3,878. 30 17,392,742. 28 16,742,426.17 215.47 15,916,201.15 DoUar equivalent 478,964.05 3,679.52 16,709.32 2,676.84 640.59 21,484.81 16,679. 67 3,917.08 1,464,035.55 3,244,656.24 130. 35 3,375,662.42 3,574,342.00 12,950.62 6,013,686.39 53,436.00 74,012.91 63,328,992.14 6,130,137. 85 635,819.94 845,763.56 193. 61 6,164.89 1,333,224.80 310,858. 92 1,294,948.98 -107,463.64 -1,286.79 7,161,567.00 -14,328.49 -3,133.17 994.660. 69 188,957.79 1,286.79 26,194. 38 3,133.17 -20,677.16 -81,753.79 -2,758.42 - 8 1 , 7 6 3 . 79 5,099,856.00 30,120.00 106,763. 79 18,477.74 . 4,018.14 106,763.79 6,986,43L11 100.00 -194,526.74 -1,680.10 -18,504.28 -97,283.83 1,629,366. 69 32,042.65 . 888,318. 64 7,016,176. 40 30,260.00 1,324,298,514.60 -702.00 134.00 -141,74L87 67,000.00 7,598,628.10 5,882,262,899- 72 353,360,610.63 -1,244,908.00 - 3 7 2 . 63 -4,919,000.00 -15,178,146.00 -15,675,98L00 -59.56 6,871,640,914.80 -455,34L69 -253,195. 68 -7,081,380.42 111,120.11 241,876.00 39.98 7,472.88 -78,406.59 217,596.94 -1,982.28 1,680.10 -4,424.74 18,504. 28 -17,582.47 153,672.46 461,576.96 167,396. 36 2,584.09 851,292. 78 3,252,185.76 233,872.65 303,693.00 30,260.00 605. 46 5,372,407. 77 3, 563,428,785.60 -354.01 1,089.00 67.00 8,097.91 -23,584.34 141,741. 87 1,900.00 60,771.10 86,446.15 219,750.00 773,981,960.49 1,352,133,109. 32 927,456.40 246,006,040.83 -16,328.66 3,240,128.00 - 9 0 2 . 47 710.60 -1,406,428.56 39,219,550.82 -24,402.16 743,178,917.00 -56,797.03 16,703,256.00 -72.08 1,646.75 14,960,486.00 18,532,058.09 -1,276,466.92 4.55,341. 69 -35,787.38 346,678. 53 -128,752.37 7,295,250.22 4,489.70 2,987.96 87,705. 33 1,962.28 4,424. 74 27,773.80 47,420.78 -917,665,023.34 24,000,000.00 -10,774.76 123.66 41,030.00 -2,480,176.75 1,696,771,392.13 100,000.00 1,212,364, 336. 00 -3,325.64 10,774. 75 - 3 4 6 . 71 123. 67 148.66 . 3,188,417.39 10,123.10 605.46 14,456,100.47 649.17 4,048.96 23,684. 34 2,025.70 2,500.00 177,912,25L23 643,057.85 42,493.48 1,72L00 11,206,685.96 1,194,821.41 56,895.86 1,992.44 41,529.07 1,276,466.92 48,858.88 132,640.91 4,685,868.63 5,051,518.06 3, 325. 54 346. 71 294 19 7;i REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 99.—Balances of foreign currencies acquired hy the U.S. Government without direct payment of dollars, June SO, 1971—Continued Country Malawi Malaysia MaU Mexico. Morocco Nepal Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles. New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Norway. Pakistan Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Senegal Sierra Leone Somali.. South Africa Spain Sudan.. Surinam Sweden. Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic. Tanzarua Thailand ThaUand Trinidad Tunisia Turkey Uganda United Arab Republic. United Kingdom. Upper Volta Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam, South... Yugoslavia Zambia Currency Pound Dollar Franc... Peso Dirham.. Indian Rupee.. Rupee Guilder Florin DoUar Cordoba CFA F r a n c . . . Pound. Ki'one Rupee. Guarani Sol Peso.. Zloty Escudo CFA F r a n c . . . Leone ShiUing.. Rand. Peseta Pound.. Florin Ki'ona Franc Pound In Treasury accounts In agency accounts DoUar equivalent Foreign currency -2,200. 00 -6,363.41 -2,676. 74 -1,775.96 -68,888.38 34,807,299. 61 -4,698. 83 6,933, 726.03 -66,809.48 -4,341. 68 -15,823.16 - 4 , 934. 29 Foreign cmrency 2, 600. 00 6. 363.41 44,356,936. 00 58, 688. 38 40, 643, 605. 43 122, 532,048. 68 6,133. 87 57,825.10 2,43L00 DoUar equivalent 3,162. 26 1,775. 96 80,647.16 4, 698. 83 8,076,415.43 16,122,637. 98 697.85 16,108. 60 1,300. 70 4,341. 68 6, 637.30 4,934. 29 948.19 18, 321. 86 46, 895.80 181, 997,608. 20 380,923, 993. 91 474, 346. 61 2,418, 374. 32 40, 673,496. 00 176,482. 80 421,178, 407. 00 108.42 844.40 796. 09 8, 274,463. 00 331, 970. 64 149. 35 24, 050. 03 12, 621. 55 27, 293,347. 67 61, 639. 89 6, 605. 04 38, 250,863.44 3,023, 206. 30 10, 934. 69 375, 523. 95 1,690, 582. 33 6, 209. 81 1,626, 008. 72 130.11 400. 62 1, 127. 29 118, 885. 96 1,650, 934. 52 79.90 4, 659. 05 3, 089. 01 6,580, 900. 88 1,976.80 38,018,738.09 4, 223,607.46 280.40 1,828,068.12 77,338.32 1,017. 75 11,117,478.06 16,768,393.87 468,040.45 30,247,264. 38 613.24 2,509,482.01 1,061,171.30 64,740. 70 64,440,702. 74 Pound -122,649.35 -298,828. 05 122,649.35 8,639. 00 CFA F r a n c . . . 30.94 2,682,936.00 -623,125. 00 Peso -2,499. 49 8,526,986.00 -12,428.10 Bolivar 13,694.80 -2,774.13 -2,476,743,069. 75 -20,989,348.05 4,811,441,18L 98 Piastre 786,029,643.35 Dinar 48,717,574.05 62,401,978. 22 -41,192. 20 41,192. 20 Kwacha -58,18L 07 296,828.06 9,358.46 34,203. 62 3,056.87 40,774, 925.28 3,247,838.27 68,181. 07 Shilling. Baht Cambodian Riel. T & T DoUar. Dinar Lira.. ShiUing Pound Total. '7r64i bb"' 27'33'. -46,896.80 965,667,476.34 200, 007.45 -474,346. 61 -2,035,082.48 9,196, 526,055. 52 -176,407.40 -126,690,445.00 -6,605.04 200,864,871. 02 1, 587. 36 -10, 934. 68 -316,003.49 383,188,685. 65 - 6 , 207.16 -469,023. 36 -479. 81 - 8 , 274,463. 00 1,424, 952. 68 -149. 35 -6,464.03 -2,728. 60 -6,313,347.67 -679.43 -118,885.96 4,154,381. 00 -79. 90 -1,260.30 -868. 77 -1,617,63L 86 - 1 , 976. 80 -646,899.18 -17.75 8,182,089,47 4,602,681.47 -205. 697. 20 117,810,177.41 -280.40 -31,07L06 -8.95 15, 584,886. 62 309,944.88 -29,073. 81 212,041,392. 03 . 11,662,205,872.15 1414,561,459.16 1 For the purpose of providing a common denominator, the currencies of 104 foreigii countries are herein stated in U.S. doUar equivalents. It should not be assumed that doUars in amounts equal to the balances shown are actually avaUable. Indebtedness of Foreign Governments TABLE 100.- -Indebtedness of foreign governments to the United States arising from World War I as of June 30, 1971 Original Indebtedness Interest through J u n e 30, 1971 Curaulative payments Total • Total outstanding Principal Armema Austria 1 Belgium Cuba Czechoslovakia Estonia. Finland France Great Britain. Greece 3 Hungary 4 Italy Latvia Liberia Lithuania Nicaragua « Poland... Rumania Russia. Yugoslavia Total $11,959,917.49 26,843,148.66 419,837,630.37 10,000,000.00 185,071,023.07 16,486,012.87 8, 999,999. 97 4,089,689,588.18 4,802,181,841.56 34,319,843.67 i, 982, 555. 50 2,042,364,319.28 6,888,664.20 26,000.00 6,432,465.00 141,950.36 207,344,297.37 68,359,192.45 192,601,297.37 63,577,712.55 12,195,087,259. 92 $30, 979,050. 31 44,058. 93 352, 148, 720.47 2, 286, 751. 58 129, 410, 036. 45 24, 159, 900. 01 12, 080,070. 98 3, 776,688,247.14 7, 587,731, 958.11 4, 274, 984.19 3, 040, 928. 36 404, 602,220. 22 10, 207, 532. 91 10,471. 56 9, 474, 383. 52 28, 625. 48 308, 105, 944. 38 58, 522,143.18 514, 609,938. 95 34, 452, 777. 92 13,262,836,742. 63 $42, 938, 967.80 26, 887,207. 59 771, 986,350.84 12, 286, 751. 58 314, 481, 059. 52 40, 625,912.88 . 21, 080, 070. 93 7,866, 357,835.32 12,389, 913, 599. 67 38, 594,827.86 5, 023,481.86 2,446, 988, 539. 50 17, 096,197.11 36,471. 56 15, 906,848. 52 168, 575.84 515, 450,241. 76 126, 881,335. 63 707, 211,238.32 . 030,490.47 25,457,924,002. 56 1 T h e F e d e r a l R e p u b l i c of G e r m a n y h a s recognized liabUity for securities faUing d u e b e t w e e n Mar. 12, 1938, a n d M a y 8, 1945. 2 $8,480,090.26 h a s b e e n m a d e avaUable for e d u c a t i o n a l exchange p r o g r a m s w i t h F i n l a n d p m s u a n t t o 22 U . S . C . 2455(e). 3 I n c l u d e s $13,166,921 refunded b y t h e a g r e e m e n t of M a y 28, 1964. T h e a g r e e m e n t w a s ratified b y Congress N o v . 5,1966. 4 I n t e r e s t p a y r a e n t s from D e c . 15, 1932, to J u n e 15, 1937, w e r e p a i d in pengo $17.49 862, 688. 00 19,157, 630. 37 10,000,000. 00 19,829,914.17 1, 952,712. 55 $33,033,« ,642.87 2, 286,: ,75L58 304,;,178.09 1, 248,,432.07 2 12,r"" ,070.96 260,036,; ,302.82 1, 590, 672,,658.18 6 4,187,,607.69 r 482,,924.26 f ,560.88 63,365,5 762,,349.07 r 10,', 4 7 L 5 6 ,173.58 1,003,: 26,,625.48 ( 21,359,,000.18 C 7 292,,375.20 a 8 8, 750,, 3a1 L 8 8 636,,059.14 r 782,118,390.22 2,000,528.493.49 2 5,102, 999. 97 226,039, 588.18 434,181, 641. 56 1,255, 040. 40 73, 995. 60 37,464, 319.28 9, 200. 00 26, 000. 00 234, 783. 00 141, 950. 36 6 1,287, 297. 37 7 4,498, 832. 02 Unmatured principal Interest $42,938,950.31 26,024,539.59 719,795,077.60 $173,580,000.00 294,346,967.26 71,135,000.00 39,377,480.81 7,458,000.00 3,897,000.00 3,897,000.00 7,380,281,944.32 1,577,333,056.61 10,385, 059, 30L 93 2,022,000,000.00 33,152,179.77 19,709,803.27 4,486,562.10 919,705.00 2,346,138,859.34 993,400,000.00 16,334,648.04 3,152,400.00 Principal and interest d u e and unpaid $42,938,950.31 26,024,539.59 546,215,077.60 223,211,967.26 31,919,480.81 5,802,948,887.71 8, 343,059, 30L 93 13,442,376.50 3,546,857.10 1,352,736,659.34 13,182,248.04 11,739,194.94 14,668,89L94 2,929,897.00 492,803,944.20 122,090,328.41 698,460,924.44 95,441,718.78 98,982,000.00 27,185,000.00 30,115,000.00 395,821,944.20 94,925,328.41 698,460,924.44 65,326,718.78 22,696,277,118.84 5,029, 776, 86L 88 17,665,600,456.96 Ul J-3 > ^ Q2 H ^iJ s^ fi h> i^ yn H ^ O •"} i^ equivalent. 5 T h e hidebtedness of N i c a r a g u a w a s canceled p m s u a n t to t h e a g r e e m e n t of A p r . 14 1938. 6 Excludes c l a i m allowance of $1,813,428.89 d a t e d D e c . 15,1969. 7 E x c l u d e s p a y m e n t of $100,000 on J u n e 14,1940, as a token of good faith. 8 P r i n c i p a U y proceeds from liquidation of R u s s i a n assets in t h e UrUted States. CO to CO Pi TABLE 101.—Status of German World War I indebtedness as of June 30, 1971 Fimded indebtedness Interest through June 30, 1971 Total Curaulative payments Principal Total outstanding Unmatured principal Interest Principal and interest due and unpaid O Pi o "^ Agreements as of June 23, 1930, and May 26, 1932: Mh^ed claims (Reichsmarks). 11,632,000,000.00 Army costs (Reichsmarks)... 1,048,100,000.00 Total (Reichsmarks) U.S. doUar equivalent 3 y ^ 791,010,000.00 2,423, 010, 000. 00 720, 027, 676. 50 1, 788,127, 676. 50 2,680,100,000.00 1,611,037,676.50 .$1,059,107,665.84 Agreement of February 27, 1953, mixed claims (U.S. doUars)__.. 97,500,000. 00 . 4,191,137,676.50 81, 600,000. 00 50, 600,000. 00 5,610,000. 00 856,406. 26 2,335,800,000. 00 1,716,671,270.25 408,000,000. 00 1,927,800, 000. 00 1,716,671,270.25 132,200,000.00 6,466,406.25 4,052,471,270.25 408,000,000.00 2 3,644,471,270.25 $601,550,269.17 $1,660,657,935.01 « $31, 539,595.84 4 $2,048,213.85 $1,627,070,125.32 $184,546,400.00 $1,462,623,725.32 97,500, 000. 00 69, 500,000. 00 28,000,000,00 28,000,000.00 . M Ul o Pi ^ Kj 1 Agreement of Feb. 27, 1953, provided for canceUation of 24 bonds totaling 489,600,000 Reichsraarks and issuance of 26 doUars bonds totaUng $97,500,000. The doUar bonds matm'e seriaUy over 25 years beginning Apr. 1, 1953. All unmatm'ed bonds are of $4 miUion denomination. 2 Includes 4,027,811.95 Reichsmarks (1,529,049.45 on moratorium agreement (Army costs) and 2,498,662.50 interest on fmided agreement) deposited by German Government in the Konversionskasse fur Deutsche Auslandschulden and not paid to the United States in doUars as required by the debt and moratorium agreenient. 3 The unpaid portion of this indebtedness is converted at 40.33 cents to the Reichsmarks, which was the exchange rate at the time of default. The 1930 agreeraent provided for a conversion formula for payments relating to the tirae of payraent. These figures are estimates made solely for this statistical report. 4 Payments converted to U.S. doUars at rate applicable at the time of payment, i.e., 40.33 or 23.82 cents to the Reichsmark. o *^ W ^9 SJ > Ul d TABLE 102.—Outstanding indebtedness offoreign countries on U.S. Government credits (exclusive of indebtedness arising from'World War I) as of June SO, 1971, hy area, country and major program ^ [In raUlions of doUarsl Under ExportIraport Bank Act Area and country Western Europe: Austria Belgium Cypms Denmark Finland France Gerraany, Federal RepubUc of Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom • Yugoslavia European Atomic Energy CoraramUty European Steel and Coal Comraunity North Atlantic Treaty OrgarUzation (Maintenance Supply Services Agency) Western Europe—Regional Total Other Europe Fooitnotes a t end of table. 30.8 28.6 15.3 17.4 3.6 38.7 246.9 1.7 L8 44.2 317.5 11.6 534.7 69.0 10.5 28.1 . "2b.'8". '"2.'6". 76.0 12.0 72.0 1.6 15.1 18.0 42.2 23.4 . "0."7" 0.2 '17.'9" 0.8 . 0.1 . 5L6 6.6 3.2 2.6 . 16.0 4.8 . 36.4 Other credits 3.2 3.7 274.0 . L8 3L3 . (*) . L6 0.1 2.5 6.3 26 184.8 452.3 . 270.4 . 99.4 20L5 2, 900. 6 (*) 4i.'7" 46.3 . 1,456. 4 Total Western Europe Other Europe: Czechoslovakia Hungary Poland Rumania Soviet Union 14.4 . 33.3 Under Agricultural Trade Developraent Lend-lease, Comraodity Under and Assistance Act surplus Credit foreign property, and Corporation assistance Loans of foreign currencies other war export Long-term (and related) accounts 2 credits 3 doUar To foreign To private acts credits governments enterprises 0.1 . . . . 704.6 ..L3 4L2 L3 41.2 . Total 37.8 64.0 4.1 20.8 53.2 305.3 17.1 194.6 28.9 110.7 250.1 L7 17.0 67.2 550.8 1L6 4,158.0 57L0 62.2 46.3 CQ > Ul y^ O !^ 0.1 36 4 446.8 4.3 230.1 736.0 4.9 1.8 6.8 76.3 2,942.3 6, 596. 8 154.4 . 4.9 2.2 87.7 47.5 154.4 167.9 296.' 0.4 38.4 47.5 . to CO fcO CO oo TABLE 102.- -Outstanding indebtedness offoreign countries on U.S. Government credits (exclusive of indebtedness arising from World War I) as of June SO, 1971, hy area, country and major program ^—Continued CO -4 pi [In millions of dollars] yn Area and country Asia: Afghanistan Brunei _ Burma Ceylon China (Taiwan).... India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel. Japan Jordan Korea Kuwait Lebanon Malaysia... Nepal _. Pakistan Philippines R y u k y u (Islands).. SaudiArabia Syria ThaUand Turkey Vietnara Total Asia. Under ExportImport Bank Act Under Agricultural Trade Development Under Lend-lease, C o r a m o d i t y a n d Assistance A c t foreign surplus Credit L o a n s of foreign currencies property, and Corporation assistance other w a r export Long-term (and related) accounts 2 credits 3 T o foreign dollar T o private acts credits g o v e m m e n t s enterprises 13.4 9.0 . 88.4 243.0 96..3 244.3 7.3 . 108.2 392. 6 . 8.5 27.4 35.0 . 3.3 26.9 103.7 8.4 30.7 19.7 1,531.0 27.6 L9 , 30.1 22.2 216.0 2,927. 6 15L5 329.3 16.1 . 1L8 . 30.1 1,974. 6 8.9 . 28.1 49L8 196.3 96.3 . 2.3 . ILl 305. 0 . L7 . 14.6 . 0.4 1,45L1 38.3 6L6 . LO 60.4 919.7 25.8 . 7,076. 8 "as" 42.8 . 28.1 394.6 440.7 32.1 7.6 . 149.4 . 5.9 5.5 . 163.5 5.0 84.5 L2 116.1 L9 0.2 . 3.6 o pi H Other credits Total w 14.4 192.0 . "2Lb' 58.3 . (*) L7 . 50.8 , 0.1 5.3 . 3.3 . 412.1 8.6 ILO . 2.9 . 92.8 2, 897. 0 30.1 L3 133.8 . 32.1 6.2 . 9.6 0.2 . 0.6 . 13.6 '63.'8"; 1, 517. 2 39L9 128.3 O 24.0 54.4 9.0 46.2 76.8 483.9 5,644.1 734.2 687.8 14.9 950.0 680.9 27.4 58L1 35.0 14.7 4L5 3.7 2,115. 7 234.7 15.9 70.0 12.2 84.6 1,109. 6 25.8 13,714.1 Ul o pi H > o yri y^ pi Ul d Pi Kj Western Heraisphere: Antigua Argentina _ Baharaas Bolivia _ BrazU Canada. ChUe. Colombia.. Costa Rica Cuba Doniinican Republic Ecuador. _ ElSalvador Guateraala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Mexico Netherlands AntUles... Nicaragua Panaraa Paraguay Pern. Surinam Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay... Venezuela Western Heraisphere—Regional Western Heraisphere—Unspecified Total Western Heraisphere _.. __. _ 1.0 . 21L9 15.0 . 38. 2 507.2 34.9 . 307.6 58.2 13.2 36.3 . - 21.3 15.9 2.1 9.7 28.0 0.4 15.6 303.4 0.1 . 4.3 14.1 8.3 45.6 3.5 12.7 L3 124.7 1.0 128.5 0.7 112.0 1,005. 0 23.5 30.5 L9 554.6 805.0 53.5 24.6 9.5 0.2 0.6 144.1 88.6 52.0. 3L9 22.2 5.5 38.9 8.1 99.2 73.0 76.8 28.2 116.9 0.9 43.6 130.4 . 62.2. 17.4 . . 118.9 45.2 29.9 . . . (*) 0.2 3.0 0.1 0.1 . (*) 38.3... 2.2 L5 Ll 0.1 0.6 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 8.8 0.1 6.2 14.0 0.9 0.9 0.2 7.7 0.8 19.2 0.1 6.8 . 1,833.6 3,475.0 120.2 4.6 285.4 9.9 L6 2.3 LO 339.1 15.0 193.0 [, 664. 8 34.9 932.3 703.3 66.7 36.3 206.3 11L5 54.1 42.3 22.8 34.1 39.4 23.7 41L4 0.1 77.4 90.9 47.3 .178. 2 4.4 12.7 64.4 255.1 63.2 6.8 5,732.6 W H > H rn H H-l o ^ ^ w !^ X Footnotes a t end of table. to CO CO 00 o o CO Pi fej ^ o Pi y^ TABLE 102.—Outstanding indebtedness offoreign counti'ies on U.S. Government credits (exclusive of indebtedness arising from World War I) as of June SO, 1971, by area, country and major program ^—Continued [In millions of dollars] Under ExportImport Bank Act Area and country o *^ y ^ W Under Agricultural Trade Development Lend-lease, Coraraodity Under and Assistance Act smplus Credit foreign property, and Corporation assistance Loans of foreign currencies other war export Long-term (and related) To foreign To private dollar accounts 2 credits 3 acts credits governments enterprises Ul Other credits Total O Pi y-^ > Pi Africa: Algeria Angola. Caraeroon Congo (Kinshasa) Dahomey Ethiopia... Ghana ........ Guinea IvoryCoast Kenya Liberia Malagasy Republic Malawi Mali Morocco Mozambique Niger. Nigeria 5.2 . 6.0 . 4.4 (*) . 9.9 34.3 0.9 19.0 8.8 65.1 . 1.. .... . 23.5 6.0 . 7.0 17. 61. 1 0. 4 . . . . 47. 2 101. 1 7. 3 6. 8 5. 8 . . . . 6L 4 3. 4. 1. 2.: 43.1 L7 0.1 6.7 0.4 . 19.3 7.4 . L2 0.2 . 43.0 LO . 0.7 L5 29.4 4.2 2L9 15.0 3.6 7.3 2.5 . . . . . 17.3 . 26.6 . 0.1 . 15.0 6.1 22.2 68.5 29.8 6L7 178.1 30.6 30.5 2L9 136.3 3.6 4.7 L4 43L8 5.1 2.2 5L8 o fej pi fej > Ul d Pi Sierre Leone Soraalia South Africa Sudan.. Tanzania Tunisia Uganda ^ United Arab Republic. Zambia. Africa—Regional Total Africa Oceania: Australia New Guinea—Papua.. New Zealand.. Total Oceania.. Worldwide: .United Nations Worldwide—Unspecified * Total aU areas....... 10.7 ILO LO 23.4 8.1 . L7 4.5 27.9 . 158.6 9.4 72.4 . . 12.5 1L5 ... 1L8 27.9 272.6 9.4 509. 5 8.1 ILl 7.3 . "57''3" 46.8 . 7.3 '336.'2'; "u'h". '63'b'! 7.2 . "2.2'. 234.0 208.6 1,975. 6 17.3 396.8 18.7 45.4 18.7 , 45.4 . 460.9 480.9 •• 314.9 -16L7 5,832. 0 12,067.6 3,944. 0 162.1 2,241.3 1,323. 0 39L3 3,044.8 Ul I g Ul 76.2 153.2 1 Includes estimates for the U.S. doUar equivalent of receivables denomhiated hi other than doUars and/or payable at the option of the debtor in foreign currencies, goods or services. The total amount of such estimates approximates $6,119.3 million. 2 Data under lend-lease, surplus property and other war accounts include $3.1 milUon for surplus property credits which are not reported in the "Status of accounts under lend-lease and surplus property agreeraents" in table 103. Data exclude indebtedness shown in table 103 consisting of $21.7 miUion in net uncoUected short-term ^'cash" receivables, $50.6 mihion deferred interest, and $48.2 mUUon capitalized interest, but includes $192.1 miUion indebtedness arising from war account settleraents not reflected in table IO3. L8 0.5 _ o 29,006. 0 3 Includes credits of over 1 year maturity under GSM-3 and GSM-4 regulations. Total GSM-3 credits outstanding were $63.0 miUion and GSM-4 credits outstanding were $328.3 milUon. 4 Includes credits held by the Export-Import Bank with the guarantee of the Department of Defense amounting to $314.9 milUon, of which $301.9 mihion were extended under the foreign assistance (and related) acts. In addition, $140.2 mUlion of miUtary credits extended under the foreign assistance (and related) acts are outstanding in unspecified countries. * Less than $50,000. fel hH X CO O CO o to Pi fej ^ TABLE 103.—Status of accounts under lend-lease and surplus property agreements (World War II) as of June 30, 1971 O Pi f^ Credits Settleraent obligation a n d i n t e r e s t biUed (net) C o u n t r y , etc. S t a t u s of a r a o u n t s o u t s t a n d i n g Total outstanding CoUections U . S . dollars Foreign cuiTency (in U . S . doUar equivalent) O t h e r credits o fej Amounts past due i D u e over a period of y e a r s b y agreement y^ W fel Ul Australia Austria Belgium Burma Canada $44,061,710.80 10,691,496.95 116,627,909.60 6,708,049.14 388,766,007.77 $34,535,924.87 3,054,425.08 40,632,927.43 1,005,394. 68 388,765,007.77 . Chhia 186,182,90L 17 16,062,109.14 10,721,267.14 5,240,272.66 4,658,958.36 25,169,113.04 1,273,663,588.35 3 224,418,71L 99 596,730. 50 4,288,935. 24 3,899,623.26 18,494,098.22 898,807, 598. 84 3,856,006.31 41,703,906.52 Czechoslovakia Demnark Ethiopia... FhUand France G e r r a a n y , F e d e r a l R e p u b U c of Greece GreeiUand Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Italy Japan Korea Liberia 72,203,795.61 - 8,35L28 . 8,35L28 21,664,073.77 . "'4,'496,'553."29" 4,855,98L42 184,777,327.13 *198,174,37L24 43,651,271.09 . 85,083,233.78 3,027,267.45 46,952,256.96 64.00 . 64.00 164,764,977.14 268,135,73L 04 13,728,409.82 . 35,910,473.82 . 2,092, 937. 27 . 19,440,619.66 $8,662,268.75 6,980,284.86 12,196,412.53 6,560, 677.14 1, 591,795. 64 1.062.961.45 931,000. 00 23,820. 60 51,445,798. 03 218,765,344.92 . fel o $863, 517.18 . 556,807.01 . 61,340,822.18 142,077.32 . $2,657,747.36 . fi KOI 77n QA i 163, 591,661.18| 8,621,770.94 { 2 - s ] 584,435.73' 1,990,985.94 7,070,809.25 42,337.42 _ 635,814.60 697,805.34 3,706,073. 02 51,402,738. 29 274, 007,453.19 1,808,360.76 29,344,892. 63 1,158,763.08 {-- 18,054,49L97 359,428.13 . 6,943,404. 63 3,765,000. 00 7,829,287.39 . 1,818,002. 31 98,269,393.91 12,971,483.00 2, 524,307. 70 3, 641,571.44 756,928.82 . 3,977,576. 38 <!;«7 Am r^id i» iI $87,401,514.18 5,901,840.99 $2,557,747. 36 pi fej _76,190,147. 3 ' ^g^^ ^35 00 73 1,168,768.26 y< 3,706,073. 02 274,007,453.19 1,808,360. 76 Pi o fej W fej • 2-1,766.62) -L766.'62 y ^ 287,954. 38 904, 847.09 i,'79i,'579.'49"' 1,384,400.37 "6,'i65,'685."ib"; 6,165,685.10 5 36,782,316. 60 . '35,'b95i'7b2.'i2". 35,095,702.12 Pi fej "36"762"315^65 d 8,458,570.32 Ul Pi 1,659,788. 55 1,559,788.66 . 29,408,589.74 17,347,682.39 407,179.12 20,950,019. 42 17,347,682. 39 Lebanon Luxerabourg _ _ Middle East Netherlands New Zealand.. Norway Pakistan PhUippines Poland.. _ Saudi Arabia Southern Rhodesia Sweden __ ThaUand Turkey Union of South Africa United Kingdom. U.S.S.R Yugoslavia _ American R e p u b l i c . American Red Cross Federal agencies MUitary withdrawals MisceUaneous iteras United Nations ReUef and RehabUitation Adrainistration. Total 1,656,638. 01 . 120.00 50,377, 176,795, 846.11 4,935, 288.23 21,277, 848.08 40,308, 976.14 5,000, 000. 00 . 51,104, 063.91 21,427,, 119.60 1,415, 510. 78 2,115, 455.91 7,064, 989. 28 14,474, 333. 61 117,774, 297. 35 , 165,692, 953.23 351,943, 258.49 711, 429. 53 136,685, 117.19 2,023, 386. 90 243,114, 728. 62 187, 829.76 1,472, 077.38 7,228,762.26 120.00 . 11,142,266.72 103,219,746.41 2,176,363. 69 11,262,135.23 40,308,976.14 , 33,870, 721.38 21,427, 119.60 . 1,371, 93L89 . 240, 689.98 2,235, 736. 09 11,082, 482. 30 116,608, 622. 69 457,318, 057.09 197,330, 627.79 . 63, 376. 50 114,365, 404.88 2,023, 388.90 . 243,092, 796.09 649.00 1,136, 573.15 1,134,819. 50 . 28,383,412.29 . 644,920.86 . 1,680,637.90 , 2,005,855.29 10,385,744.17 . 2,988,158.91 1,824,653. 33 4,178,321. 72 2, no, 714.28 242,487.98 40,792,979.74 16,300. 00 11,921,129.75 5,986.80 6,847,698.36 5,985.80 . 6,847,598.36 . 43,579.09 50,112. 60 . 850,93L47 . 1,281,138.93 . 923,188. 68 . 154,635,335. 62 602,848,580.78 154,612,730.70 623,065. 20 8,687.83 3,154,183.21 7,244,399. 35 43,579. 09 87,668,944.91 494,399.35 6 502,846,580.78 66,943,785.79 8,687.83 ^ 6,750,000. 00 21,930.43 . 186,980.76 . 335,504.23 . 5,476,551,256.31 3,233,902,77L! Ul I o > 7,226,762.25 . 1 Principal and interest considered past due as of June 30, 1971, and items subject to negotiation. 2 Credit. Represents amounts coUected under advance payment agreeraents not appUed to outstandhlg indebtedness. 3 Reduced due to settleraent of a thhd party claira. 4 Agreement provides for repayment of 37,099,999.99 rupees. «Agreement dated Mar. 16, 1971, provides for payment_ of principal and Interest semiannuaUy on June 11 and Dec.ll of each year beginning June 11,1971, and June 11, 1986, respectively. 521,818. 61 39,234,823.16 . 46,192,886.41 2,114,003.78 8,435,074.96 fe" 669,063,878.23 334,687,998.79 8 1,248,896,607.31 232,671,057.34 1,016,325,549.97 6 Includes $84,881,702.21 principal and interest postponed pmsuant to agreement. 7 Represents amount which is postponed by agreement pending settlement of certahi claims. 8 Includes $368,368,525.06 due under smplus property agreements, $634,606,164.37 due under lend-lease settleraents, and $270,555,129.75 due under other lend-lease agreeraents. fej X NOTE.—No settleraent agreeraent for lend-lease has been reached with China, Greece, or the U.S.S.R. 00 O CO CO o Pi fej yn oPi y^ ofel Corporations and Otlier Business-Type Activities of the Federal Government TABLE 104.—Comparative statement of securities of Government corporations and other business-type activities held by the Treasury, June SO, 1961-71 [Face amount. In milUons of doUars. On basis of daUy Treasury statements, see "Bases of Tables"] Agency 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1987 1968 : Agency for International Development Commodity CredU Corporation Export-Iraport Bank of the Unitea States Federal Housing Adrainistration: General insurance fund. Special risk insurance fund FederaJ National Mortgage Association, secondary market operations.. Govemment National Mortgage Association: Management and liquidating functions Special assistance functions , Rmal Electrification Administration. Saint UCtiAXU Lawrence JJaTTiV>iiV/W Seaway k^W"»T»»J Development ..--UT WiWi.'.UUWXXM Corporation . ^ V i jy UX U U.1 U1^ . . . Secretaryof Agricultme, Farmers Home Admmistration: i^ireci; loan auuouui/ Rmal housing insurance fund Agricultmal credit insmance fund Secretary of Commerce, Maritime Administration: Federal ship mortgage Insurance fund.-., 1969 •- 1,107 11,534 1,698 1,062 12,990 1,830 807 13,604 1,476 735 13,990 830 712 13,111 613 1,323 1,172 993 1,843 1,544 1,395 3,484 3,657 3,828 121 123 123 ii-J. MUV ^U<J . _ . _ . . . _ uao o»o oyo 29 I----- 23 - 1970 - 1971 ^ 682 10,097 638 11,989 362 644 12,115 720 512 12,282 1,588 451 11,977 783 10 25 10 10 10 137 88 775 554 4,518 125 i.i,\J 988 906 4,770 129 J.iii7 1,028 1,399 5,045 133 iOU 1.002 1,002 2,130 5,328 6,328 2,802 2,802 5,746 5,746 oyo oyo 24 169 oyo 65 364 eys 698 656 656 263 sys 598 556 556 237 67 881 1,018 4,075 124 J-iJ^K. oyo 786 699 4,234 125 i.U\J _ oyo 38 81 86 175 153 6 10 6 7 2 133 133 XOO fej Q Pi fej H > 689 11,788 178 4 1,441 1,762 3,332 121 J.UJ. . . . ^/^s - y^ W fel 950 950 130 130 XOU pi K* O fel 2 W fel ^ ^ ^ ^ ff, rt vi ^ Secretary of Houshig and Urban Development: CoUege housing loans Low rent public housing fund i National flood insmance fund PubUc faciUty loans Urban renewal fund Secretary of the Interior: Bureau of Coraraercial Fisheries, Federal ship mortgage insurance fimd, fishing vessels Bureau of Mmes, hehum fund Smithsonian Institution: John F. Kennedy Center pai'king facUities Secretary of the Treasmy (Federal CivU Defense Act ol 1950) Teimessee Valley Authority U.S. Information Agency..-. Veterans Administration (veterans' dh-ect loan program) Vhgin Islands Corporation Defense Production Act of 1950, as araended: Export-Import Bankof Washington General Services Adrainistration Secretary of Agricultme Secretary of the Interior, Defense Minerals Exploration Administration SecretaryoftheTreasury D.C. Commissioners: Stadiura sinking fund, Armory Board, D.C... Total 988 32 1,227 32 60 165 80 260 _ (*) (*) 1,532 25 .. 113 360 (*) 1,746 1,983 2,305 2,066 1,366 161 410 195 675 254 575 203 400 170 400 220 400 260 800 2,450 40 1 310 800 2 22 64 94 110 140 207 15 20 20 (*) (*) 20 1,330 l 20 1,530 l 10 1,765 65 1,790 65 1,804 66 1,921 66 1,945 78 1,912 79 1,737 79 1,737 81 1,912 81 1,872 94 1,878 94 32 93 31 91 32 21 32 33 33 35 36 39 39 39 26,011 28,634 29,172 29,256 28,354 l l l 95 22 1,730 l ^ 1 This fmid is now borrowing through the Oflace of the Secretary pursuant to an act approved Aug. 1, 1988 (42 U.S.C. 1403). 41 100 22 1,730 ....... 50 21 1,730 l (*) 85 21 1,730 l (*) 1,400 950 5 ... l l 26,964 l 100 22 1,730 100 22 1,730 1 100 22 1,730 100 22 1,730 100 22 1,730 l 24,611 (*) (*) (*) 27,040 28,164 30,660 _J. 31,944 jji »^ >• y^ ^ hg M P LIJ ^ ^ >n *Less than $500,000. fej IZ* © X 00 o 306 19 7-1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 105.—Capital stock of Government agencies held hy the Treasury or other Government agencies June 30, 1970 and 1971, and changes during 1971 Class and issuing agent Capital stock of Government corporations: Held by the Secretary of the Treasiiry: Export-Import Bank of the United States. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Held by the Secretary of Agriculture, Coramodity Credit Corporation. Date of Amount owned authorizing act June 30,1970 Advances Repayments and other reductions Amount owned June 30,1971 June 16,1933, as amended. $1,000,000,000. 00 $1,000,000,000. 00 Feb. 16,1938. as amended. 60,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 Dec. 30, 1969June 16,1933, as araended. Totalcapital stock. $20,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 1,150,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 100,000,000.00 20,000,000.00. 1,170,000,000.00 307 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 106.—Borrowing authority and outstanding issues of Government corporations and other business-type activities whose securities are issued to the Secretary of the Treasury, June 30, 1971 [In millions of dollars. On basis of daily Treasury statements] Corporation or activity' Agency for International Development: Mutual defense program—econoraic assistance.. India eraergency food aid Commodity Credit Corporation Export-Import Bank of the United States Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal home loan banks Federal Housing Administration: 2 General insurance fund Special risk insurance fund Federal National Mortgage Association: Secondary market operations fund Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Government National Mortgage Association: Management and liquidating functions fund Special assistance functions fund Panama Canal Company. Rural Electrification Administration Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. Secretary of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration: Direct loan account Rural housing insurance fund '. Agricultural credit insurance fund Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: College housing loaas Low rent public housing fund National flood insurance fund.. National insurance development fund. Public facihty loans Urban renewal fund Secretary of the Interior: Bureau of Mines, helium fund. Post Oflace Department: Postal fund National Credit Union Adrainistration: National credit union share insurance fund Securities and Exchange Commission: Securities Investor Protection (Corporation fund Sraithsonian Institution: John F. Kermedy Center parking facilities.. Tennessee Valley Authority United States Information Agency, informational media guaranties fund Veterans Administration (veterans direct loan program) Defense Production Act of i960, as amended: General Services Administration Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of the Interior, Defense Minerals Exploration Admin Unallocated District of Columbia Commissioners, stadium sinking fund, Armory Board, District of Columbia Total. OutBorrowing standing Unused authority securities borrowing held by authority Treasury 431 20 14,600 6,000 3 000 4.000 137 431 20 11,977 783 2,523 5,217 3,000 4,000 137 . 8 2,250 760 2,260 760 - 950 7,678 10 . 6,768 136 950 . 2,602 6,746 130 698 4733 »678 656 237 177 341 2,450 40 1 1,326 1,460 249 250 290 200 3,776 1,600 250 260 . 600 1,000 209 310 800 5,076 10 1,013 207 10,000 . 10,000 100 . 100 1,000 . 1,000 20 «160 20 , 100 28 1,730 22 1,730 . 1,943 113 44 1,878 94 71,329 31,944 (*) 60 66 19 5 (*) 39,384 IExcludes authorizations to borrow from the pubUc; also excludes authorizations to expend from pubUc debt receipts for subscriptions to capital stock ofthe foUowing agencies: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, $6,350 million; International Monetary Fund, $2,326 million; International Finance Corporation, $35 mUUon; and a Government corporation, $999 milUou. In addition, the authorized credit to the United Kingdom, of which $2,901 miUion is outstanding has been excluded. 2 Funds may be borrowed as needed pursuant to an act approved Aug. 10,1965 (12 U.S.C. 1735d). 3 Represents unused portion^of authorization to expend from public debt receipts avaUable for loans to the secondary raarket operations fund without further action by Congress. 4 Represents araount due Treasury, net araount obligated, and unobligated balance, less unexpended fund balance. Funds may be borrowed as needed, but, except as may be authorized in appropriation acts, not for the original or any additional capital of the fund, as provided by an act approved Aug. 10,1966 (42 U.S.C. 1487(h)). 6 Represents amount due Treasury and net amount obligated less unexpended fund balance. Authority to borrow from the Treasury is indefinite in amount. Funds may be borrowed as needed to carry out provisions of an act approved Aug. 8,1961 (7 U.S.C. 1929(c)). o . * m « Represents amount of interim securities outstanding which raay be issued to the Secretary 01 the ireasury under specified conditions as provided by an act approved Aug. 6,1969 (16 U.S.C. 831n-4(c)). 7 Funds may be borrowed from the Secretary of the Treasury under certain conditions as provided by an act approved July 28,1968 (2 D.C. Code 1727). * Less than $600,000. 449-442—72- -21 308 1'9'71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 107.—Description of securities of Government corporations and other businesstype activities held hy the Treasury, June SO, 1971 [On basis of daily Treasury statements, see "Bases of Tables"] Title and authorizing act Agency for International Development: Act of Apr. 3,1948, as amended: Notes of Administrator (ECA) Actof June 16,1951: Notes of Director (MSA) Dateof issue Date payable i Rate of interest Percent Various dates June 30,1984 m Feb. 6,1952 Dec. 31, 1986 2 Commodity Credit Corporation, act of Mar. 8,1938, as amended: Advance Oct. 1,1970 Oct. 1,1971 Advances Variousdates. .do... Do do do Do do Do do do Do do do Do do do Do do. do Do do... do Total Variousdates .doApr. 25,1969 June 30, 1989-.-. Feb. 18,1971 do— do June 1, 1971 do Variousdates Apr. 25,1973 June 30,1974 Dec. 31,1975 June 30,1976 -do— June 30,1978 do do. Jan. 25, I966 Oct. 7, 1970 Jan. 18, 1971 Feb. 26,1970 Apr. 19, 1971-...- Jan. 25, I98I-. Oct. 7, 1985... Jan. 18, I986Feb. 26,1986.. Apr. 19, I986.. Subtotal Special risk insurance fund: Advance Do Do.Subtotal Total Federal Housing Administration Footnotes at end of table. 19,888,759. 35 4,213,330,983.00 85,000,000.00 98,000,000.00 34,000,000.00 41,000,000.00 246,000,000.00 333,000,000.00 b% 383,000,000.00 bys 6,643,905,819.36 None m m QH 11,977,236,802.36 Total. Federal Housing Administration, act of Aug. 10,1965, as amended: Greneral insurance fund: Advance... Do Do Do Do $430,744,268.97 450,633,028.32 Total Export-Import Bank ofthe United States, act of July 31,1946, as araended: Notes, Series 1971 Notes, Series 1971 and 1972 Note, Series 1973 Note, Series 1974 Note, Series 1976 Note, Series 1978 Do Note, Series 1978 Do Do - Principal amount bH bV, 53/s bH 23/« 3 sy?. m m m Tys &H Sbl, 493.20 13,350,696.36 4,000,000.00 6,060,000.00 9,166,640.00 27,4.09,722.47 30,680,839.41 583,629,287.89 66,817,157.69 42,000,000.00 783,465,738.92 10,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 20,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 59,000,000.00 137,000,000.00 Nov. 25.1970.... Nov. 25,1985.. Feb. 26,1971 Feb. 26,1986... Apr. 19, 1971 Apr. 19, 1986... 26,000,000.00 16,000,000.00 46,000,000.00 86,000,000.00 223,000,000.00 309 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 107.—Description of securities of Government corporations and other businesstype activities held hy the Treasury, June 30, 1971—Continued Date of issue Title and authorizing act Government National Mortgage Association, act of Aug. 2,1964, as amended: Management and liquidating functions: Advances July 1,1969 Do do Do do Do.. do Do Do do... Do do Do Do Do... Do .do -do Do... Do .do... Do -do...Do Do.... .do Do -do Date payable i Rate of interest Percent July 1,1971.... do July 1,1972.... Various dates. .- July 1,1972.... July 1,. 1973.... .do.. July 1,1976 do do -do do do do do. do. bys bH 6K bh bys 6 Tys TH Ty2 Tys Tys Subtotal. $67, 620,000.00 44, 670,000.00 344, 140,000.00 64, 610,000.00 30, 280,000.00 64, 430,000.00 60, 870,000.00 870,000.00 160,000.00 36, 700,000.00 10, 670,000.00 290,000.00 810,000.00 12, 090,000.00 8, 660,000.00 6, 620,000.00 177, 400,000.00 949,760,000.00 Special assistance functions: Advances Do Do Do DoDo Do- Variousdates... do do do do do July 1,1971.-. do Various dates.. July 1,1971... .do Various dates.. do Doi""i"-""""-"""ir"rr"do."-r-"^''juiy l,"i9'7'2'."-^ Do. do...- July 1,1973... Do Do Do Do. Do Do. Do Do Do-. Do DoDo. Do Do.Do DoDo Principal amount '. do -do do. do --do do do do do.. do do Various dates.. do.July 1,1973... do. July 1,1974... -do.. Various dates. J u l y l , 1974..Various dates- . July 1,1974... Various dates. July 1,1976... do do do do -.-. do .do -. sys 3K8 sys 4H m bVs byz b% 6 Ws QH QHs 6.5-8 7 TH TH TH TH THs bH TYs 2,680,000.00 10,240,000.00 4,260,000.00 22,814,000.00 66,690,000.00 221,330,000.00 72,080,000.00 166,140,000.00 130,650,000. 00 72,070,000.00 377,630,000.00 186,350,000.00 33,910,000.00 76,160,000.00 96,880,000.00 92,790,000.00 123,830,000.00 80,890,000.00 156,830,000.00 137,620,000.00 44,660,000.00 128,610,000.00 26,900,000.00 48,330,000.00 39,980,000.00 44,290,000.00 61,870,000.00 29,420,000.00 48,260,000.00 Subtotal 2,601,934,000.00 Total Government National Mortgage Association 3,661,694,000.00 Rural Electrification Administration, act of May 20,1936. as amended: Notes of Administrator Various dates. .- Various d a t e s . . . St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, act of May 13,1964, as aniended: Revenue bonds Various d a t e s . . . Various dates. Fooitnotes a»t end of table. 2 6,746,682,080.62 None 3130,176,050.63 310 1 9 7 1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 107.—Description of securities of Government corporations and other businesstype activities held hy the Treasury, J u n e SO, 1971—Continued Date of issue Title and authorizing act Secretary of Agriculture, Farmers Home Administration: Rural housing insurance fund, act of July 16,1949, as amended: Note. June 16,196I Notes Various dates Do Do. Subtotal -do do Date payable i Rate of interest Percent June 30,1993 Various dates._. sys do 4 43^ 4K 1 $15,000,000.00 120,717,972.64 220,000,000.00 136,000,000.00 66,000,000.00 565,717,972.64 Direct loan account, acts of July 8.1969; June 29, i960; and June 30,196I: Note June 30,1969 June 30,1974.... Do June 30, 1970--.. June 30, 1975 Do June 30,1971 June 30,1976 6H Subtotal 4,963,356.49 266,996,251. 85 328,000,000.00 597,959,607. 34 Agricultural credit insurance fund, act of Aug. 14,1946, as amended: Advances Various d a t e s . . . June 30,1973 Do. -do .do. Do. .do June 30,1976. do Do. .do.. do do do Dodo Do. do ........doSubtotal Total Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: CoUege housing loans, act of Apr. 2o, I960, asamended: Note, Series CH Jan. 1,197I Principal araount 5^ bys bH 6 m - 67,370,000.00 40,825,000.00 21,010,000.00 18,630,000.00 18,500,000.00 19,931,000.00 17,470,000.00 43,170,000.00 236,906,000.00 1,390,683,679.88 Jan. 1,1972 2H 2,450,000,000.00 Low rent pubUc housing fund, act of Sept. 1,1937, as amended: Note. Nov. 9, 1969.. On deraand. 4^ 40,000,000.00 National flood insurance fund, act of Aug. 1, 1968: Advance.... Apr. 27, 1970 Advances Various dates. Advance July 1, 1970 Do.... Aug. 21, 1970 Do Nov. 13, 1970 Do Feb. 8, 1971 Do....: May 17, 1971 July 1, 1971.. do July 1, 1972.. do do do THs sys TH Tys QH bys 4^ Subtotal.. Public facUity loans, act of Aug. 11, 1965: Note, Series P F . May 1, 1967 Do Apr. 11, 1968.... Do May 22, 1989 Do Mar. 5, 1970 Do Feb. 1, 1971 1,060,333.40 June 1, 1978. July 1, 1982.. July 1, 1983.. July 1, 1984.. July 1, 1985.. 3Mo 4 m by2 Subtotal., Urban renewal fund, act of July 16, 1949, as amended: Note, Series URA July 1,1969.. 170,500,000. 00 60,000,000. 00 40,000,000. 00 40, 000,000. 00 10,000,000. 00 310, 500,000. 00 On deraand. Total Secretary of Hou.sing and Urban Developraent Fooitnotes a t end of table. 15,644. 09 36.400.92 1,515. 54 90,138.84 563,518. 04 240, 699.41 112,618. 56 bys 800,000,000.00 3,601,560,333.40 311 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 107.—Description of securities of Government corporations and other businesstype activities held hy the Treasury, June 30, 1971—Continued Date of issue Title and authorizing act Secretary of the Interior: Bureau of Mines: Helium fund, act of Sept. Notes DoNote Notes Do Do Do-..Do DoDo Do Do— Do Do....Do Note Do Date payable i Rate of interest Percent / 13,1960: . Variousdates.. . Sept. 13,1985.... -— do..... do . Dec. 28, 1965... do - . . . Various dates... do do do do do do do do do.... do do. do do do do do do do do do do do do . Apr. 10, 1970... do . June 16, 1971... do 41^ 4H 4H 4K 4H 4^ Ws 6 bys bH bys bH bVs QH t0. 6K8 Smithsonian Institution: John F. Kennedy Center parking faciUties, act of Jan. 23,1964: Revenue bonds . Variousdates.. Dec. 31,2017-... do do Do -... Do do do Do do Dec. 31,2018.... Do do do Revenue bond . June 12,1969... do . Variousdates.. do Revenue bonds Do do. do Do _ . Variousdates... 5H bH bys bH bys 6 QH Q%_ Tennessee VaUey Authority, act of Aug. 6, 1969: Advances Variousdates.. Variousdates... Fooitnotes art end of table. 3,800,000.00 2,900,000.00 1,200,000.00 2,200,000.00 4,300,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,900,000.00 1,800,000.00 20,400,000.00 Total U.S. Information Agency: Informational media guaranties fund, act of Apr. 3, 1948, as araended: Note of Adrainistrator ( E C A ) . . . Do Do Do... Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Notes of Adramistrator (ECA)... . Do Note of Administrator ( E C A ) . . . . Do $20,600,000.00 9,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 10,500,000.00 8,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 11,700,000.00 3,600,000.00 4,200,000.00 10,400,000.00 13,100,000.00 8,700,000.00 4,800,000.00 69,600,000. 00 11,400,000.00 600,000.00 14,800,000.00 206,600,000.00 Total Total Principal amount Oct. 27, 1948 June 30,1986.... do do do do Jan. 24, 1949 do do do do..... do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Various dates.. . Variousdates... do do Aug. 12, 1969... . June 30, 1989 do do m 100,000,000.00 rys 1,410,000.00 1,306,000.00 2,272,610.67 775,000.00 75,000. 00 302,389.33 1,866,000.00 1,100,000.00 510,000.00 3,431,648.00 495,000.00 220,000.00 2,625,960.00 3,461,000.00 1,234,332.67 983,300.00 67,869.33 22i 114,000.00 2 2/8 2H 2H 2^8 3 sys SH sys 3^ SH sys 4 41^ m — 312 19 7*1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 107.—Description of securities of Government corporations and other businesstype activities held by the Treasury, June 30, 1971—Continued T i t l e a n d authorizing act Date payable i D a t e of issue Principal amount R a t e of interest Percent Veterans A d m i n i s t r a t i o n (veterans' direct loan p r o g r a m ) , a c t of A p r . 20, 1950, as a m e n d e d : Agreements.. . Do Do Do Agreeraent . Do. —. Do-. Do-.. --.. Do.. . Agreeraents. . Do DoDo Do...Do Agreeraent-... Agreemeii ts V a r i o u s d a t e s . . . Indefinite -dodo--.: .do do -do -do D e c . 31, 1956-.. do-M a r . 29, 1 9 5 7 . . . -do--J u n e 28, 1 9 5 7 . . . . . . . . . d o A p r . 7, 1 9 5 8 . . . . . - . . - d b Oct. 6, 1958 do Various d a t e s . . do do do do ...--do do -do do ...--do do - — -do F e b . 5, 1960 -do Variousdates.. do ---—. $88,342,741. 00 53,032,393. 00 102,845,334. 00 118,763,868. 00 49,736,333. 00 49,768,442. 00 49,838,707. 00 49, 571,200. 00 48,855,090. 00 99,889,310. 00 392,344,555. 00 n o , 000,000.00 20,703,541.07 109,387,32L00 99,909,137. 93 20,000,000. 00 267,090,023. 00 23^ 2H 2ys 3 sys SH 3K sys sys SH sys 4 m 4^ 43^ —. m bys Total- 1,730, 077,996. 00 Defense P r o d u c t i o n A c t of 1950, as aniended: General Services A d m i n i s t r a t i o n : N o t e of A d r a i n i s t r a t o r , Series D . . Sept. 4, 1967.... . Sept. 4, 1972 N o t e s of A d r a i n i s t r a t o r , Series D . Various d a t e s . . . V a r i o u s d a t e s . . . Do —. do. do N o t e of A d r a i n i s t r a t o r , Series D - Mar. 6 , 1 9 6 8 - . . . . Mar. 6, 1973 N o t e s of A d r a i n i s t r a t o r , Series D . Various d a t e s . ._ V a r i o u s d a t e s . _ Do do do.. Do do.. Do do do.. Do.-do -----do..... Dodo do..-Do do N o t e of A d n i i n i s t r a t o r , Seiies D . . N o v . 1, 1 9 6 9 . . . . . N o v . 1, 1974 Do... J a n . 25, 1 9 7 0 . . . . . J a n . 25, 1975 Do M a y 12, 1 9 7 0 . . . . M a y 12, 1975 N o t e s of A d r a i n i s t r a t o r , Series . D . J u n e 30, 1 9 7 0 . . . . J u n e 30, 1 9 7 5 . . . . Subtotal .-. S ecretary of A gricul t u r e : Note Do Do Do 1,877, 500, 000. 00 = J u l y l , 1 9 6 7 . . . .. J u l y l , 1968.--.. J u l y 1, 1989 . July 1,1970..... July July July July 1, 1 9 7 2 - - - . 1,1973 1, 1974 1,1975 Ws bH Qys Tys Subtotal Secretary of t h e Interior, Defense M[inerals E x p l o r a t i o n A d r a i n i s t r a t i o n : NoteJUly 1, 1987 Do --— J u l y 1, 1988 . J u l y 1,1977 - J u l y 1,1978 5 bys Subtotal D i s t r i c t of C o l u m b i a Comraissioners: Stadiura sinking fund. Armory Boai'd, D . C , act of Sept. 7, 1957, as araended: Note N o v . 30, 1970— . When funds a r e available. Do J u n e l , 1971 do T o t a l securities 4 15,089,567. 31 3,017,355. 93 74,711,546.17 1, 243,654. 35 94,082,123. 76 9,400,000.00 29,400,000.00 38, 800,000. 00 T o t a l Defense P r o d u c t i o n A c t of 1950, as a m e n d e d -. - Total 50,000,000. 00 87,000,000. 00 230,000,000. 00 87,000,000.00 254,000,000. 00 100,000, 000. 00 105,000,000. 00 270,000,000. 00 158,000,000. 00 320,000, 000. 00 29,000,000. 00 46, 000,000. 00 59, 500,000. 00 30,000,000. 00 52,000,000. 00 bH bHs by^ bH bH 6 63/8 QH 63/8 Qys 7 7H Tys THi 8 2, 010,362,123. 76 63^ 215, 800. 00 m 415,800. 00 631,600. 00 31- 944.117. .331. 79 1 Securities may be redeemed at any time. 2 An act approved Nov. 2,1965 (79 Stat. 1178), provided that after June 30,1964, the portion of borrowings from the Treasury equal to the unreimbursed realized losses recorded on the books of the corporation after June 30 of the fiscal year In which such losses are realized, shall not bear interest and interest shall not be accrued or paid thereon. 3 In accordance with an act approved Oct. 21,1970 (33 U.S.C. 985 (b)). the securi ties issued by this corporation to the Treasury shall bear no interest, and the unpaid interest that has accrued is terminated. * These securities were issued to the Treasury in exchange for advances by the Treasury from public debt receipts under congressional authorization for specified Government corporations and business-type activities to borrow from the Treasury; 313 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 108.—Summary statements of financial condition of Government corporations, other business-type activities, and regular governmental activities, June SO, 1971 [In thousands of doUars. On basis of reports received from activities] Revolving funds and business-type general and special funds Account Regular govemmental activities i ASSETS Cash In banks, on hand, andin transit Fund balances with the U.S. Treasury 2 Investments: Public debt securities (par value) Securities of Government enterprises Securities of Governraent-sponsored enterprises Other securities Unamortized premium, or discount Advances to contractors and agents: Govemment agencies Other Accounts and notes receivable: Government agencies Other (net) Inventories Allowance for losses Accmed interest receivable: On public debt securities On securities of Government enterprises Other Loans receivable: Government agencies Other: U.S. doUar loans Foreign currency loans Allowance for losses Acquired security or coUateral: Realestate Other _ AUowance for losses Land, stmctures, and equipment Accuraulated depreciation Foreign currencies Otherassets (net) .-- - ---. - Totalassets 299, 284 19,676,477 1, 669, 970 33,161,770 10, 875,078 585, 503 173 3,836,715 -95, 752 92,112,025 1, 668,000 38,395 3,070 -43,564 218, 887 397, 975 624,702 1,426, 341 1, 962,789 739, 686 18,316,525 -150,532 1,244,498 6,320, 958 1,506,049 -29,482 133,718 921,407 1,140,425 91,278 9,856 46, 557 27,200 49,065,659 5,616,708 .-421, 951 48,400 3,111,018 -23,477 963,809 ... 665,180 -508,321 20,124,647 -5,407,232 143,410 7,699,122 41,435,685 -5,292,845 1, 936, 916 9,422,727 136,824,689 189,486,847 938,586 2,780,007 164,295 2,749,017 1,029,615 883,615 89, 898 7, 851,445 328,761 29,611 657,086 4,695,498 544,013 296,063 187,576 3,083, 378 LIABILITIES Accounts payable: Govemment agencies Other Accmed UabiUties: Govemment agencies Other Advances from: Govermnent agencies Other Tmst and deposit liabiUties: Government agencies Other Bonds, debentmes, and notes payable: Government agencies.. Participation certificates Principal payraents for redemption of participation certiflcates. Other Other UabUities (including reserves) Total liabiUties Footnotes at end of table. 69,680 7,229,896 . —877,915 3,180, 669 8,881,444 4 25,613,843 27,200 2,692 92,172,610 111, 660, 696 314 19 7'1 REPORT OF T H E SECRETARY OF T H E TREASURY T A B L E 108.—Summary statements of financial condition of Government corporations and other business-type activities, and regular governmental activities, J u n e SO, 1971—Continued [In thousands of dollars. On basis of reports received from activities] Account Revolvhig funds and bushiess-type general and special funds Regular govemmental activities i N E T INVESTMENT U.S. Interest: Interest-bearing investment: Capitalstock Borrowings from the U.S. Treasury Other. Noninterest-bearing investment: Capitalstock Appropriations Capitalization of assets (net) Other Accumu^ted net income, or deficit Deposits of general and special fund revenues Total U.S. interest Tmst and private Interest: Principal of fund Accumulated net income, or deficit 100,000... 27,073, 861 2,418,028 ... 1,070,000 61,706,699 6,610,583 35,649,485 -21,894,394 -6,080,311 26,'400 109,505, 615 7,812,008 11,703,382 -60,232,865 -6,093,764 106,553, 931 73, 714,784 326 4, 766,488 65, 991, 903 -61,880,637 Total tmst and private Interest 4,756,814 Total UabiUties and investment 136, 824,689 4, 111, 367 189,486,847 1 Consists of activities reporting on an annual basis which are principaUy of a nonbusiness type. 2 Consist mainly of unexpended balances of general, special, and revolving fund accounts against which checks may be drawn to pay proper charges under these funds. The funds are considered assets of the agencies, but not of the U.S. Govemment since funds must be provided out of cash balances of the Treasurer of the United States and future receipts to take care of checks to be issued against the balances. Undeposited coUections and unconfirmed deposits are included In cash In banks, on hand, and in transit in these statements. 8 Includes foreign currency assets; representing loans and other receivables recoverable in foreign currencies in U.S. depositaries, aggregating $5,818 mlUion In dollar equivalent. These cmrencies, acquired without dollar payraents, were generated under various Govemment programs, principaUy the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1964, as araended, and the Mutual Security Acts, as amended. DoUar equivalents are computed for reporting purposes to provide a comraon denominator for the currencies of the many countries involved. Foreign currencies on hand and on deposit and loans under section 104(e) ofthe Agricultural Trade Developraent and Assistance Act of 1954, as araended, are stated at the rates as of June 30, 1971, at which the United States could purchase currencies on the market for regular operating purposes. Other loans are stated at the rates at which they are to be repaid or at rates in effect when the loans were extended. Currencies that are doUar denominated or guaranteed as to rate of exchange are stated at rates specified in the agreements. 4 Certain liabiUties shown above have been revised and wiU not agree with the UabUities of Government corporations and other business-type activities pubUshed in the Noveraber 1971 Treasury BuUetin. NOTE.—Business- and non-business-type activities report pursuant to Department Circular No. 966, issued Jan. 30,1966, and Supplement No. 1 (Revised), issued June 16,1966. Statements of financial condition of business-type activities by type of fund, departraent, and agency are published quarterly in the monthly Treasury Bulletin. 315 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 109.—Statement of loans outstanding of Governrrient corporations, other business-type activities, and regular governmental activities, June 30, 1971 [In thousands of doUars] U.S. doUar loans Type of loan and lending agency Total Loan account* Expenditure account To AID AGEICULTURE Loans to cooperative associations: Econoraic opportunity loan fund Farmers Horae Adrainistration: D hect loan account State rmal rehabUitation funds Rural Electrification Administration Crop, livestock, and coramodity loans: Coraraodity Credit Corporation Farmers Horae Adrainistration: Direct loan account Eraergency credit revolving fund Storage facUity and equipraent loans: Commodity Credit Corporation Farm raortgage loans: Farraers Horae Adrainistration: Agricultural credit insurance fund Dhect loan account Rmal housing insurance fund State rural rehabUitation funds Other loans: Consumer and Marketing Service: MUk market orders assessraent fund... Econoraic opportunity loan fund: Loans to aid farm or rural famUies Farmers Horae Administration: Dhect loan account State rural rehabUitation funds Watershed protection and other loans.. Total to aid agricultme 16,765 . 409,591 12 5,796,397 409,691 . 12 . 5,795,397 1,860,136 . 1,850,136 . 160 146, 429 160 . 146,429 . 139,322 139,322 . 185,168 3 235,331 3 728,433 2,964 186,158 . 8 235,331 . 3 728,433 . 2,964 . 597 697 . 49,379 49,379 . 3 730,020 3 730,020 653 . 1,366 . 653 1,366 10,290,713 ., 440,577 1,850,136 . To AID HOMEOWNERS Mortgage loans: Housing and Urban Development Department: Federal Housing Administration: Coramunity disposal operations fund Revolving fund Government National Mortgage Association: Manageraent and liquidating functions Special assistance functions Low rent public housing fund Interior Department: Bureau of Indian Affahs: Liquidation of Hoonah housing project Veterans Administration: Direct loans to veterans and reserves Loan guaranty revolving fund Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Federal Savings and Loan Insmance Corporation Other loans: Funds appropriated to the President: Appalachian housing fund Agriculture Department: Farmers Home Administration: Self help housing land developraent fund: Loans to public and private nonprofit organizations.. Veterans Administration: Dhect loans to veterans and reserves.. Loan guaranty revolving fund Total to aid homeowners.. Footnotes at end of table. 9,233 4 793,989 9,233 4 793,989 1, 647,019 3,443,511 53 3 1,647,019 3 3,443,511 53 138 138 1,252,530 16,161 31,252,530 16,161 168,026 168,026 1,007 . 1,007 . 241 241 . 51,056 51,267,154 51,066 . 31, 267,154 . 8,650,117 8, 649,110 1,007 . Foreign currency loans 2 316 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 109.—Statement ofloans outstanding of Government corporations, other business-type activities, and regular governmental activities, June 30, 1971—Continued [In thousands of doUars] Type of loan and lending agency Total U.S. doUar loans — Loan Expenditure account i account T O AID INDUSTRY Loans to railroads: Expansion of defense production: TreasuryDepartment Other purposes: Treasury Departraent: Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans in liquidation Interstate Coraraerce Commission Ship mortgage loans: Coramerce Department: Federal ship mortgage insurance fund Maritime Adrainistration Other loans: Expansion of defense production: Interior Departraent Treasury Departraent General Services Adrainistration Defense production guarantees: Ah Force Department... Army Departraent Navy Departraent Other purposes: Commerce Department: Economic Developraent Adrainistration: Econoraic developraent revolving fund National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Fish eries loan fund Interior Department: Geological Smvey. Transportation Depai'tment: Right-of-way revolving fund Urban mass transportation fund Treasmy Department: Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans in liquidation. General Services Administration: Reconstruction Finance Corporation liquidation fund Sraall Business Administration: B usiness loan and Investment fund Total to aid Industry 1,541 4,571 73,987. 4,571 73,987 20,611 42,933 20,511 . 42,933 . 2,542 . 4,919 12 4,919 . 12 . 953 461 3,084 953 . 481 . 3,084 . 261,079 261,079 . 9,546 9,546 . 2, 546 . 36,040 4,375 2, 542 . 2,546 . 36,040 . 4,375 . 45 . 337 337 . 51, 320, 893 51, 320,893 . 1, 790,374 1, 785, 287 To AID EDUCATION Health, Education, and Welfare Department: National Institutes of Health: Loans to Institutions: Health professions education fund Nurse training fund Other student loan programs Office of Education: Elementary and secondary educational activities Higher educational activities, loans to Institutions Higher educational activities, advances for reserve funds Higher education facUities loans fund Loans to students In institutions of higher education Student loan insurance fund Social and RehabUitation Service: Assistance to refugees in the United States Housing and Urban Developraent Departraent: CoUege housing loans Total to aid education. Footnotes a t end of table. 3 30,159 . 316,116 . 171, 205 . 3 30,159 . 315,116 . 171, 205 . 1,816 1, 816 . 18, 744 . 3 472, 641 ""'3l72,'54i 1,517,380 . 16, 554 24,309 18, 744 . 1, 617,380 . 16, 554 24,309 3 3, 242,494 3 3, 242, 494 5,619,126 3, 766, 622 1,752,604 . Foreign currency loans 2 317 STATISTICAL APPENDIX TABLE 109.—Statement of loans outstanding of Government corporations, other business-type activities, and regular governmental activities, June SO, 1971—Continued [In thousands of doUars] Type of loan and lending agency Total U.S. doUar loans •' Loan Expenditure account ^ account Foreign currency loans 2 To AID STATES, TERRITORIES, ETC. Comraerce Department: Economic Development Administration: E conomic developraent revolving fund Health, Education, and WeUare Department: Health Services and Mental Health Administration Housing and Urban Development Department: Urban renewal programs Low rent public housing fund Public facUity loans Revolving fund, liquidating programs Interior Department: Bureauof Reclamation Office of Territories: Alaska public works Loans for rehabiUtation in Guam General Services Adrahiistration: Public Works Administration (in liquidation) Loans to the District of Columbia Total to aid States, Territories, etc 133,167 133,167 12,134 12,134 245,638 89,337 3433,329 79,555 245,638 89,337 3433,829 5,1.19 146,314 146,314 529 25,887 529 25,887 35,465 414,309 1,541,727 35,465 414,309 1,616,162 74,435 . 74,435. FOREIGN LOANS Funds appropriated to the President: Liquidation of foreign mUitary sales fund Military assistance credits in Uquidation Agency for International Developraent: AUiance for Progress, development loans Common defense, economic, and triangular trade loans Development loans Development loan fund liquidation account Loans to domestic or foreign firms and United S tates firms in foreign countries Loans of predecessor agencies in liquidation Other loans Agriculture Department: Coinmodity Credit Corporation: Long term export sales credits Short term export sales credits Coramerce Department: Maritime Adininistration State Department: Loans to the United Nations Treasury Department: MisceUaneous loans and certain other assets: Lend-lease and surplus property Loans and other credits Receivables from foreign banking Institutions Atomic Energy Commission: Long term receivables . Export-Import Bank of the United States Total foreign loans 124,719 . 1,187 . 124,719 . 1,187 . 2, 397,622 . 2, 397, 622 . 59,942 . 5, 306,186 . 221, 642 . 59,942 3, 885, 914 5,308,186 . 221, 542 "'8i5,"2i3 2,260,120 . 488,970 270 2,260,120 . ,, 970 . 270 . 78, 950 . 78, 950 . 1,130,218 . 6 3,109,537 . 2,812 1,130,218 6 3,109, 537 . 68,144 . 6 5, 664, 727 "6"5,'664,"727'. 7 22,378, 965 162,366 670,342 59,046 923,314 552, 704 923, 314 . 552,704 . 7 6,156, 780 22,827 66,144 . 16, 222,184 5, 615,708 OTHER LOANS Housing and Urban Development Department: Housing for the elderly or handicapped Low and moderate income sponsor fund Low rent public housing fund RehabiUtation loan fund Revolving fund, Uquidating programs Footnotes at end of table. 3 515,475 2,178 408 125,941 4,630 3515,475 . . . . 2,178 408 125,941 4.630 - 318 19 7'1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY TABLE 109.—Statement of loans outstanding of Government corporations, other business-type activities, and regular governmental activities, June 30, 1971—Continued [In thousands of doUars] U.S. doUar loans Type of loan and lending agency Total Loan account ^ Expenditure account Foreign currency loans 2 OTHER LOANS—Continued Interior Department: Bureau of Indian Affahs: Revolving fund for loans Justice Department: Law E nforcement A ssistance A dministration State Department: Emergencies in the diplomatic and consular service General Services Administration: Liquidation of Vhgin Islands C orporation Surplus property credit sales and Uquidation activities Veterans Administration: Insurance appropriations policy loans National service lUe insurance fund Service-disabled veterans' insurance fund Soldiers' and saUors' civU relief U.S. Government Ufe Insurance fund Veterans' reopened insurance fund Veterans' special life insmance fund Vocational rehabiUtation revolving fund SmaU Business Administration: Disaster loan fund Total other loans Total loan and expenditme accounts« 27,683 27,663 . 44, 990 44, 990 . 1,135 1,135 . 2,353 2, 353 . 147,342 125,355 1,319 886,127 11,716 4 77,169 8,308 27,160 132 1,319 886,127 11,716 4 77,169 8,308 27,160 132 3 560, 727 2, 444, 777 s 52,690,234 21,986 . . . . . . . . . 3 560,727 ... 2, 372,134 32, 712,137 72,843 19, 978,097 5, 615, 708 INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES OF PRIVATELY OWNED GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED ENTERPRISES Agricultme Department: Consumer and Marketing Service: Milk market orders assessment fund 173 . 1 Includes trust funds. 2 The dollar equivalents of these loans are computed for reporting purposes at varying rates. If the loan agreeraents stipulate a dollar denominated figure, the loans outstanding are generaUy valued at the agreement rates of exchange. Loans executed in units offoreign currency are valued at the market rates (i.e., the rates of exchange at which the Treasury sells such currencies to Government agencies). 8 Participation certificates have been issued against certain of these loans under trust agreements by the Government National Mortgage Association, participation sales fund. 4 Includes $514 mlUion representing defaulted mortgage notes and defaulted Title I, Section 2 (12 U.S.C. 1703) notes reported as acquhed security or coUateral on the stateraent of financial condition of the Federal Housing Administration revolving fund. « Represents receivables of $4 miUion from Finland, $13 mlUion from Greece, $192 million from Japan, and $2,901 mUUon frora the United Kingdom. 9 Participation certificates amounting to $1,225 miUion, issued against certain of these loans, were outstanding as of June 30,1971. 7 Excludes Defense Department, Army, construction of power systeras, Ryukyu Islands loan account loans of $10 raillion. A statement of financial condition for this program was not received by the Departraent of the Treasury. 8 Excludes World War I funded and unfunded indebtedness of foreign governments, and certain other credits shown in table 102. 9 Does not include foreign cmrency loans. NOTE.—This table excludes Interagency loans. The Treasury Bulletin for November 1971 contained on pp. 123-188, statistical statements of financial condition by agencies as of June 30,1971. Statements of income and expense, and source and application of funds by agencies as of June 30,1971 were published in the Treasury Bulletin for Deceraber 1971. STATISTICAL APPENDIX 319 TABLE 110.—Dividends, interest, and similar earnings received hy the Treasury from Government corporations and other business-type activities, fiscal years 1970 and 1971 Agency and nature of eamings Agency for Intemational Development: D evelopraent loan fund liquidation account, eamings Mutual defense program—economic assistance, interest on borrowings Commerce Department: Economic Development Assistance, economic development revolving fund, interest on loans L National Bureau of Standards, working capital fund, eamings Coramodity Credit Corporation: Interest on capital stock Interest on borrowings Export-Import Bank of the United States: Regular activities: Dividends Interest on borrowings Farmers Home Administration: Rural housing direct loan account ,i interest on borrowings Rural housing insurance fund, interest on borrowings Direct loan account, interest on borrowings Agricultural credit insurance fund, interest on borrowings Federal Housing Admirustration: G eneral insurance fund, interest on borrowings Special risk insurance fund, interest on borrowings Federal Prison Industries, Inc., earnings General Services Administration: Autoraatic data processing fund Federal telecomraunications fund, eamings General supply fund, eamings Liquidation of Virgin Islands Corporation: Interest on appropriations and paid-in capital W iUiam Langer Jewel Bearing Plant revolving fund, eamings Working capital fund, earnings Govemment National Mortgage Association: Manageraent and Uquidating functions, interest on borrowings Special assistance functions, interest on borrowings Government Printing Office, earnings Health, Education, and Welfare Department: National Institutes of Health: Health professions education fund: Interest on appropriated funds Nurse training fund: Interest on appropriated funds Office of Education: Higher education facilities loans fund: Interest on appropriated funds and capital Interior Department: Bureau of Reclamation: Colorado River Dam fund, Boulder Canyon project, interest Upper Colorado River storage project, interest Office of Economic Opportunity: Economic opportunity loan fund, interest on appropriations Panama Canal Company, interest on net dhect investment of the Govemment Rural Electrification Administration, interest on borrowings St. Lawrence Seaway Development (jorp., interest on borrowings Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: CoUege housing loans, interest on borrowings Low rent public houshig fund, interest on borrowings National flood insmance fund, hiterest on borrowings Public facUity loans, interest on borrowings Urban renewal fund, interest on borrowhigs Small Business Adrainistration, interest on appropriations Tennessee VaUey Authority: Eamhigs Interest on borrowings Treasury Department: Bureau of Engraving and Printing, earnmgs Veterans Administration: Direct loans to veterans and reserves. Interest on borrowings Rental, maintenance, and repair of quarters, profits Defense Production Act of 1960, as amended: General Services Administration, interest on borrowings Secretary of Agriculture, interest on borrowings Total Amounts 1970 1971 $3,863,637.89 $13,622,326.90 12,930,38L 96 6,625,388.82 493,191.92 8,281,656.17 5,250,000.00 333,160,638.94 6,000,000.00 659,582,026.94 60,000,000.00 66,592,312.64 50,000,000.00 69,829,067.76 10,049,755.29 2,570,719.65 3,760,219.04 18,044,915.95 7,408,667.76 13,403,454.84 10,781,846.66 450,000.00 2,972,817.83 1,909,855.87 6,000,000.00 16,002.92 664,225.05 4,077,48L89 504,640.09 71,685.20 180,112.32 18,079.51 49,221,937.26 81,222,302.16 8,834,966.22 56,419,775.37 134,548,018.81 11,098,293.38 733,810.66 1,347,142.36 349,656.13 737,447.40 20,318,000.00 19,660,931.00 2,345,781.31 13,695,366.00 2,255,861.64 11,608,344.00 3,646,696.27 3,372,109.56 11,685,303.53 102,690,762.45 3,500,000.00 11,928,918.36 109,637,718.27 400,000.00 25,437,156.22 4,496,294.62 7, 413,023.33 16, 970,015.96 35,766,613.86 36,013,670.69 7,491,645.78 11,074.12 9,386,454.94 21,080,864.10 52,615,781.50 67,648,798.43 4,410,935.66 65,146,528.37 3,371,41L46 39,266.11 18,367,137.47 19,950.91 22,295,463.06 15,279.28 46,723,265.67 12,461,924.35 8,662,600.00 212,645.66 1,047,447,47L 47 1,426,441,168.67 1 This accouut was aboUshed as of the close of business June 30, 1970, and all its assets, liabilities, and authorizations were transferred to the mral housing insmance fund by an act approved Dec. 24,1969, (42 U.S.C.1487(m)). CO o TABLE 111.—Direct sales and repurchases of loans, fiscal years 1963-71 and monthly 1971 [In miUions of doUars] Fiscal year or month Export-Import Bank of the United States Total Repurchases 1963 1964 1966 1966 1967 --.. 1968 1969 1970 1971 ....1970—July.. August SeptemberOctober November D ecerab er 1971—January February March AprU May June -. -..--- - ...^ 1,275 . 1,150 938 . 596 . 954 1,070 1,337 2.115 2, 577 154 393 203 250 182 494 172 255 76 274 56 88 92 213 428 842 286 28 33 . 24 . 34 31 23 15 11 20 19 28 21 Repurchases Sales 336 436 124 63 153 91 379 406 . . . . . . . 41 . 4. 97 . 2. 2. 3 29 . 13 . 61 . Farraers Home Administration Sales 261 2 1, 668 2,034 137 372 188 196 150 374 77 202 63 235 13 27 1 This Association was created effective Sept. 30, 1968, by an act approved Aug. 1, 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1716b). It retained the assets and liabUities of the previously existing corporation accounted for under 12 U.S.C. 1720 and 1721 ana wiU continue to operate the functions authorized by these two sections. Excludes sales and purchases of the secondary market operations of the Federal National Mortgage Association which was Governraent National Mortgage Association i --. .- 50 174 406 569 269 27 32 23 33 30 22 14 9 15 17 27 21 Officeof Secretary 2 Repurchases Repm- 133 . 119 157 291 729 974 959 Housing and Urban Development Department 307 . 144 264 . 6 . Repurchases 34 . 104 . 33 . 11 . SmaU Business Administration Pi yn Veterans Administration o Pi Sales Repmchases 6. 31 . 120 . 2 2 15 (*) (*) 30 (*) Repurchases Sales 460 342 327 105 71 2 (•) 38 244 1 21 16 13 8 23 93 61 10 . . . . 41 24 17 12 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 converted to private ownership effective Sept. 30,1968, by an act approved Aug. 1,1968 (12 U.S.C. 1716b). 2 Includes college housing, housing for the elderly, and public facility loans. •Less than $500,000. O Ul fel o pi pi y< o W y ^ Pi pi STATISTICAL APPENDIX 321 Government Losses in Shipment TABLE 112.—Government losses in shipment revolving fund, June SO, 1971 [Established July 8, 1937, under authority of the Government Losses in Shipment Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 721-725)] SECTION I - S T A T U S OF F U N D Cumulative through June 30, 1970 Transactions Receipts: Appropriations-. Transferred from securities trust fund pursuant to: 40 U.S.C. 723 Transferred from the account "Unclaimed partial payments on U.S. savings bonds" pm'suant to: Public Law 85-354 Public Law 86-581 Public Law 87-576 Recoveries of payments for losses Repayments to the fund Totalreceipts Expenditures: Payment for losses.. Other payments (refunds, e t c . ) . . . Total expenditmes Balance in fund- - $2,017,000.00 Fiscal year 1971 Cumulative through June 30, 1971 $400,000.00 $2,417,000.00 91,803.13 91,803.13 50,000.00 100,000.00 626,000.00 494,138.65 3,924.32 60,000.00 100,000.00 525,000.00 495,843.68 3,924.32 1,707.03 3,281,864.10 401,707.03 3,683,571.13 3,281,438.14 92.57 331,178.58 3,612,614.72 92.57 3,281,528.71 331,178.58 3,612,707.29 335.39 70,528.45 70,863.84 NOTE.—This stateraent excludes contingent liabUities for pending claims against the fund as of June 30, 1971, totaUng $427,456.98. SECTION I I . - A G R E E M E N T S OF I N D E M N I T Y ISSUED BY T H E D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E TREASURY Agreements of indemnity * Issued through June 30, 1970 Issued during flscal year 1971 Totalissued Canceled through June 30,1971 In force as of June 30,1971 Nuraber - Amount 1,947 28 1,975 32 1,943 $4,760,037.29 397,019.22 6,147,056.51 1,056,192.03 4,090,864.48 1 The Govemment has not sustained any actual raonetary loss in connection with its liabUity under these agreements of indemnity. SECTION III.-CLAIMS MADE AND S E T T L E D Claims Received: Through June 30, 1970 During flscal year 1971 and processed by: Bureau of Accounts. Bureau of the Public Debt Total clairas received through June 30,1971.. Settled: Through June 30,1970 During flscal year 1971 and processed by: Bureau of Accounts: For payment out of the fund For credit in appropriate accounts Without payraent or credit. Bureau of the Public Debt: For payment out of the fund: U.S. savings bonds rederaption cases Total claims settled through June 30,1971 Unadjusted as of June 30,1971 Total Nuraber Araount 9,416 $10,602,787.62 227 485 581,602.36 316,078.61 10,128 11,500,468.49 9,348 10,538,661.37 5 57,900.04 139,812.23 6,180.48 166 6 444 273,278.54 9,967 161 11,015,832.66 484,636.83 10,128 11,600,468.49 322 19 71 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY Personnel TABLE 113.—Numher of employees in the departmental and field services of the Department of the Treasury quarterly from June 30, 1970, to June SO, 1971^ Organizational unit Office of the Secretary 2 Consolidated Federal Law Enforceraent Training Center ComptroUer of the Cmrency, Office of Customs, Bm'eau of Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Fiscal Service: Accounts, Bmeau of Public Debt, Bmeau of the Treasmer of the Uruted States, Office ofthe Internal Revenue Service Mint, Bmeauof the U.S. Savings Bonds Division U.S. Secret Service Total eraployees Increase, June 30, Sept. 30, Dec. 31, Mar. 31, June 30, or decrease 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 ( - ) since June 30, 1970 948 906 2, 021 11,157 3,269 35 2,172 11,509 3,281 38 2,148 11,502 3,387 38 2,146 12,627 3,484 47 2,162 13, 050 3,494 47 141 1,893 225 1,598 1,953 1,534 1,934 1,536 1,930 1,539 1,964 1,550 1,970 -48 17 935 68,630 1,772 497 1,741 947 64,088 1,794 483 2,000 962 947 64, 283 3 76,756 1,869 1,927 487 485 2,375 2,200 920 67,551 2,100 499 2,494 -15 921 328 2 753 92,521 90,683 91, 243 96,833 4,312 954 105,137 996 1 Actual number of employees on the last day of the month and any intermittent employees who worked at any time during the month. 2 Includes Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs. 3 Includes seasonal employees. O