The full text on this page is automatically extracted from the file linked above and may contain errors and inconsistencies. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis From the Boardroom 2 A Brief History of Our Nation 1s Paper Money 4 Highlights of 1995 19 Directors 26 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco is one of twelve regional Reserve Banks which , together with the Board of Governors in Washington , D.C. , comprise the nation 's central bank. As the nation's central bank, the Federal Reserve is responsible for making and carrying out our nation's monetary policy. It also is a bank regulatory agency, a provider of wholesale priced banking services , and the fiscal agent for the United States Treasury. The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco serves the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, which includes the nine western states - Alaska , Arizona , California , Hawaii , Idaho, Nevada , Oregon , Utah and Washington - Guam , American Samoa , and the Northern Mariana Islands. To serve this expansive region , the San Francisco Reserve Bank has five offices : the headquarters in San Francisco , and offices in Los Angeles , Portland , Salt Lake City, and Seattle. Each office provides financial services to the public and banking institutions in its locale. From left, James A. Vohs, Deputy Chairman; Patrick K. Barron, First Vice President; Robert T. Parry, President; and Judith M. Runstad, Chairman. 2 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis This Annual Report traces the history of U.S. currency, drawing its photos and graphics from our Bank's collection of currency, which dates from the Civil War era. Our Bank is fortunate to have such a collection, and in 1996, we will install a permanent historical exhibit in the lobby of our San Francisco headquarters to display many extremely rare and interesting notes. · The history of U.S. currency is a timely topic for this Report as the Reserve Banks begin supplying financial institutions with the newly designed Series 1996 Federal Reserve notes. This is the first major design change in U.S. currency since 1928. Prior to that time, as this Report shows, bills were redesigned frequently, often to commemorate historic events, scientific advances, and national figures. With the introduction of the Series 1996 notes by the U.S. Treasury, the United States will continue to honor the older series notes at full face value. However, as these older notes are returned to Reserve Banks during the normal course of business, we will replace them with the new series notes. In establishing the Federal Reserve System in 1913, Congress sought to accommodate fluctuations in the demand for cash by the public and the banking system. Distributing and replacing coin and currency is, in fact, one of the Reserve Banks' key responsibilities, and one that has grown dramatically. For example, the value of currency in circulation rose from $3 I .2 billion in I 955 to more than $416 billion in 1995. When commercial banks and other depository institutions need to replenish their supply of currency and coin , they place an order with a Reserve Bank or Branch in their area, and the face value of that cash is charged to their accounts at the Federal Reserve. When the need for currency and coin declines, banks return excess cash to their local Reserve Bank, which in turn credits their accounts. The Reserve Banks and the U.S. Treasury share responsibility for maintaining the quality of paper currency. Each day, millions of dollars deposited with Reserve Banks are carefully scrutinized. Currency in good condition is stored for later distribution . Worn or mutilated notes are removed from circulation and destroyed, and counterfeit notes are forwarded to the U.S. Secret Service. In addition to our role in supplying the nation's currency in circulation, the Reserve Banks play a key role in the formulation of monetary policy. It is in this regard , in particular, that we would like to thank our Twelfth District directors for their invaluable counsel during 1995. Their independent assessment of economic and financial conditions throughout our nine western states is critical to the formulation of sound policy. In addition , we send our sincere appreciation to those directors who completed their terms of service during 1995 : on the San Francisco Head Office Board, Carl J. Schmitt (Chairman , University Bank & Trust Company, Palo Alto , CA) and E. Kay Stepp (Principal and Owner, Executive Solutions , Portland , OR); on the Los Angeles Branch Board , Steven R. Sensenbach (President and CEO, Vineyard National Bank, Rancho Cucamonga , CA) ; on the Salt Lake City Branch Board , Daniel R. Nelson (Chairman and CEO, West One Bancorp , Boise, ID); on the Seattle Branch Board , Emilie A. Adams (President and CEO, Better Business Bureau Foundation , Seattle , WA) ; and, on the Federal Advisory Council , Twelfth District Member Edward M. Carson (Chairman of the Board (Retired) , First Interstate Bancorp , Los Angeles, CA) . J c~~»~~ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Judith M. Runstad Robert T. Parry Chairman President 3 A Brief History of Our 1 Nation s Paper Money By Karen Flamme n our society today, money's value is measured currency is issued in 1996. But the legacy of the by what it can buy - process is a rich heritage of United States currency its purchasing power - not by its material worth, but it hasn't always that gives us a fascinating, colorful, and reflective been so. American currency has spanned glimpse into the growth of our nation. centuries of evolution and numerous transfigurations to reach the size and shape that we carry in The Federal Reserve Bank has a special interest in this our wallets today. It has been an evolutionary process subject. As part of our role as the government's which often came about in times of crisis - central bank we are responsible for putting currency, Civil War or Great Depression - like the or to respond to as well as coin, into circulation. Indeed, the ware- demand as society struggled to put into place a housing, shipping, processing, and handling of monetary system that would function smoothly and currency are major functions of the regional Reserve inspire confidence. This development process is banks. ongoing and continues even now as redesigned 4 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Extremely rare series of 1880 note with Lyons-Roberts signatures and a small red scalloped seal. The head is of DeWitt Clinton , Governor of New York, Mayor of New York City, U.S. Senator. Seated figure is Christopher Columbus . Colonial and Continental Currency The Massachusetts Bay Colony issued the first paper some were printed from plates engraved by Paul money in the colonies in I 690 . Other colonies soon Revere to read "The United Colonies " and bore followed suit to meet the high demand for money pictures of colonial minutemen. fueled by trade between the colonies and the scarcity of coin (which was the common form of money up to Without solid backing and with rising inflation , the this date). Some of this early money was readily Continentals soon became worthless , thus the ex- accepted , but some was not redeemed in gold or silver pression " not worth a Continental. " Or, as George as promised and thus depreciated rapidly. These Washington put it , "A wagon load of currency will currencies , however, set a precedent for the first hardly purchase a wagon load of provisions. " national currency which was issued during the War for Independence. In I 777 after the Declaration of Independence was signed , the first notes bearing the words "The United To finance the Revolutionary War, the Continental States " were issued and signed by well-known revolu- Congress in I 775 authorized the limited issuance of tionary figures to give them credibility. paper currency. These notes, called Continentals , were denominated in dollars and backed by the The remnant of this experience was a deep distrust of "anticipation" of future tax revenues , with no backing paper money which was not issued again by the in silver or gold . They could be redeemed only upon federal authorities until the Civil War when the Federal the independence of the colonies. government first issued paper money. The Continental was significant , however, in that it marked the first Continentals were an interesting expression of the time that the worth of U.S. currency lay in its pur- new nation's sovereignty, as they did not feature chasing power and not in its intrinsic value. pictures of the crown or King of England . In fact , • -_- '. .·-~--~~t!f .: .. z:'.:,:1.f Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5 First Charter Original series note with Allison -Spinner signatures and a small red seal with rays. This was one of the most popular Gold Bank notes issued in California in the 18 70s . Free Banking Era In I 791 the Bank of the United States received a cat" referred to banks in mountainous and other charter to operate until 181 I, followed by the Second remote regions that were said to be more accessible to Bank of the United States from 181 6 to 1836. These wildcats than customers , making it difficult for people two banks, chartered by Congress rather than a state , to redeem these notes. The "broken" bank notes took performed several central bank functions. Although their name from the frequency with which some of the privately owned, they were authorized to issue paper banks failed , or went broke. bank notes and serve as the fiscal agent of the government. Both banks , however, were unpopular with those wanting easy credit agrarian interests - primarily the western , and in 1832 Andrew Jackson Civil War vetoed the recharter of the Second Bank. Once again the need to finance a war provided the Thus followed the "Free Banking Era" - a quarter impetus for a change in the monetary system. In century in which American banking was a hodge- 1861, to finance the Civil War, Congress authorized podge of state-chartered banks with no federal regula- Demand Notes - tion or uniformity in operating laws. State Bank notes the government since the Continentals. These Notes of various sizes, shapes, and designs were in circula- were printed in $5, $ I 0, and $20 denominations, tion. Some of them were relatively safe and exchanged redeemable in coins on demand, and green in color - for par value and others were relatively worthless as hence the name "greenbacks." A total of about $IO speculators and counterfeiters flourished. By 1860, million was issued , a relatively small series. These an estimated 8,000 different state banks were circu- notes, and all paper money issued since 186 I, are still lating "wildcat" or "broken" bank notes in denomina- valid and redeemable in current cash at face value. tions from I /2 cent to $20,000. The nickname "wild- While most early money is now in the hands of 6 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis the first issue of paper money by ·il!t·: .,.7'~.," nu rt /ku,.-&1-1-re, ~;'.I'll dJ/u:v1#r/iH~k /. This is a rare gold certificate . payable in gold coin . with the head of Abraham Lincoln . collectors or museums , it is important to note the even postage stamps. From 1862 to 18 76 the govern- record of currency stability which this represents. ment issued more than $368 million in Fractional Currency in three- to fifty-cent denominations. These In 1862, Congress discontinued issuing Demand "paper coins ," which were much smaller in size than Notes and issued Legal Tender Notes, also known as our present currency, were nicknamed "shinplasters, " United States Notes. These new notes - issued in as the hardships of war often forced troops to line denominations from $ I to $1 ,000 (later $5,000 and their worn-out boots with them. These fractional $ I 0,000) - notes are still redeemable today. were the first national currency used as legal tender for most public and private debts. The design of these notes incorporated a Treasury seal , Between 1861 and 1865 Confederate currency was fine-line engraving, intricate geometric lathe work being issued to millions of Southerners, gambling that patterns , and later incorporated various forms of a Confederate victory would ensure the currency distinctive cotton and linen papers with embedded red would be redeemable . In an effort to debase this and blue fibers . Confidence in the notes waned some- currency, the North printed counterfeit Confederate what when the Treasury stopped redeeming them in money and circulated it in the south. Inflation was coins during the Civil War to save gold and silver. soon rampant in both the north and south, but far However, redemption resumed in 1879 following worse in the Confederacy. As the end of the war the war. neared , Confederate citizens completely lost confidence in their currency and came to rely on barter or Coin hoarding and the need to use metals for war black-market greenbacks. In some cases Confederate purposes created a shortage of coin during the Civil soldiers were even paid in Northern greenbacks. By War and led to the circulation of small change substi- the end of the war, Confederate notes were totally tutes . In some cases these included tickets , bills, and worthless . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis --~1f,t~ . ' :·.}t-;_ 7 l :, ... h -- ~ ~~.,~aJ~m1£0 Issued from 191 9 to I 92 I , only in Ohio and Louisiana. At the left is Washington crossing the Delaware . At the right is Washington at prayer. This is one of four known specimens . National Bank Act Gold and Silver Certificates President Abraham Lincoln, urged by the Secretary of The economy was in turmoil in the late I 9th century. the Treasury, convinced Congress to pass the National The government, in a move to increase its reserve of Banking Act in 1863 which established a national precious metals , offered certificates in exchange for banking system and a uniform national currency to be deposits of silver and gold . issued by the new "national banks." The banks were required to purchase U.S. government securities as Gold certificates, colorful and vivid, were first issued in backing for their National Bank Notes. In 1865 a I 0- 1863 and put into general circulation in 1882. They percent tax was levied on State Bank notes eliminating are among the most attractive of all currency issues, the profit in issuing them and basically taxing them with the reverse a brilliant golden orange, symbolic of out of existence. the gold coin they represent. In I 933 , when the country faced a severe depression and a banking crisis , Although United States Notes were still widely the public began to demand gold. accepted as a medium of exchange, most paper currency circulating between the Civil War and World Runs developed on both Federal Reserve Banks (which War I consisted of National Bank Notes. They were had been established under the Federal Reserve Act in issued from 1863 through 1932. From 1863 to 1877 I 91 3) and commercial banks. In order to deal with National Bank Notes were printed by priv_ ate bank this crisis, only Federal Reserve Banks were permitted note companies under contract to the Federal govern- to hold gold. In 1934, Federal Reserve Banks were ment. The Federal government took over printing required to turn over all gold coin, bullion , and certifi- them in 1877. cates to the U.S. Treasury in return for a new type of gold certificate. These were never put into circulation and the last ones were printed in January I 935. In I 964, private citizens could once again hold gold ~.;,~ 8 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ ~tr- Above is an extremely rare silver certificate, series of 18 78, payable at New York. The head is of James Monroe. Federal Reserve System certificates issued before January 30, 1934, but they In I 9 I 3 a major change in paper currency occurred could no longer be redeemed in gold. This changed in with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act aimed at 197 4, and private U.S. citizens could once again hold resolving some long-standing money and banking gold legally. problems which had led to bank failures, business bankruptcies, and general economic contractions. The Silver certificates were first issued in exchange for Act created the Federal Reserve System as the nation's silver dollars in I 8 78. They offered many varieties of central bank to regulate the flow of money and credit design and subject matter including inventors , mili- for economic stability and growth . In I 914, Federal tary heroes , a Sioux Indian, and the famous Educa- Reserve Notes, which comprise more than 99 percent tional series of 1896. An 1886 $ I silver certificate is of today's paper money, were issued by Federal Re- also the only piece of U.S. paper currency to bear the serve Banks as direct obligations of the Federal Re- portrait of a woman - serve System.They replaced National Bank Notes as Martha Washington. the dominant form of paper money. For many years silver certificates were the major type of currency in circulation. However, in the early Federal Reserve Notes were issued in denominations I 960s when the price of silver jumped to over ranging from $ I to $ I 0,000. The $ I 00 note has been $ I .29 an ounce it was evident that further increases the largest denomination printed since 1946, and in would make it profitable for holders of silver coins to I 969 all notes greater than $ I 00 were retired because sell them in the open market. To avert this crisis, of declining demand. Congress eliminated silver certificates in 1963 , and empowered the Federal Reserve to issue $ I and $2 The design of Federal Reserve Notes has changed little Federal Reserve Notes for the first time. over the years. In 1929, the size of the notes was Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reduced; in 1955, the inscription "In God We Trust" 9 This is an extremely rare note known as a 11 Grand Watermelon 11 note because of the shape of the zeroes . It was redeemable in coin . and it has Rosecrans-Huston signatures and a large brown seal. The head is of General George Gordon Meade, commander of the Union troops at the battle of Gettysburg. was added; and in 1966, the Latin wording on the $ I 00 would have buildings or monuments on the Treasury seal was replaced by an English translation. back. Higher denominations had the denomination In 1929 , it was also decided that all currency would on the back. have a portrait on the front , and denominations under Did You Know? • During much of the I 7th and 18t h centuries , the Spanish Dollar coin served as the unoffi cial national currency of the American colonies . To make change the dollar was actually cut into eight pieces or "bits." Thus came the terms "pieces of eight " from these early times and "two bits " from our time. • More than half of a dollar bill is cons idered legal tender, and only the fro nt of a dolla r bill is va luable. If you could separate the front of a bi ll from the back, on ly the front half woul d be considered "money." • In 1955 a law was passed that all new designs for coin and currency would bear the inscription "In God We Trust." Those words had first appeared on a U.S. coin - the two -cent piece - in 1864. • Until 1929 currency measured 7.42 x 3. 13 inches. Since then it has remained at its present size of 6. 14 x 2.61 inches - an easier size to handle and store. Since that size requ ires less paper, it is also less expensive to produce. • By 1865 approximately one -third of all circulating currency was counterfeit, and the Depart ment of the Treasury established the United States Secret Service in an effort to control coun terfeiting. 10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis This bill is a series of I 918 Blue Seal note with Burke -Glass signatures and a small blue scalloped seal. The front shows the head of Salmon P Chase. The reverse design is the embarkation of the Pilgrims . A New Look for Currency In I 990 a new series of notes was introduced to some efficiencies in production and inventory. The improve security and stay ahead of counterfeiters and Federal Reserve District letter ('l," in the case of San advances in technology which make it easier to Francisco) is being retained, however, and will be reproduce currency. These notes include microprinting included in the serial number. and an embedded security strip. A more complete redesign is being introduced starting The Future of Currency with the issue of new $ I 00 bills early in 1996 and will continue as new designs for the lower denomina- Despite predictions of a "cashless society" relying on tions are introduced at intervals of about a year. The electronic payments , the public demand for currency most noticeable changes in the $ I 00 bill are that the continues to grow. Debit cards used for purchases portrait of Benjamin Franklin is larger and off center and transaction records could greatly reduce the need and the borders are simplified . This creates more for cash , but paper currency still has the advantage of space to incorporate a watermark in the paper to the privacy. right of the portrait depicting the same historical figure as the portrait. Other new or modified features include the use of a unique security thread which glows red when exposed to ultraviolet light, color-shifting ink, microprinting, and fine-1.ine printing. A universal Federal Reserve seal appears on the new note, rather than an individual seal for each Reserve Bank. This is expected to create Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 11 The lobby of the headquarters building in San Francisco will soon house one of the preeminent exhibitions of historical United State currency in existence. This Bank's collection is outstanding in terms of the diversity of notes and rarely seen denominations and series, long forgotten by the public. It contains more than I, 700 individual notes and is considered by numismatists to be irreplaceable. Many pieces in the collection date from the 1880s, with the oldest being an 1862 $IO Legal Tender note bearing the signatures of Treasury officials Chittenden and Spinner. The most valuable item in the collection is one of only two known, remaining$ I 0,000 gold certificates printed in 1882, signed by Treasury officials Teehee and Burke and marked with a small red seal. It is valued at over $200,000 by numismatists. Another item, a series 1890 Treasury/ Coin $ I ,000 note, with Rosecrans and Nebeker signatures and a small red seal, is one of only two known existing bills and is valued at $ I 50,000. Several items in the collection are the only remaining notes of their type in existence. This collection, interestingly enough, was rediscovered in the vaults below the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco in 1992. Long forgotten in the Bank's day-to-day operations, the currency had remained sequestered in a padlocked, steel currency cart for more than 40 years. It was when one of the nation's foremost experts on U.S. historical currency learned of the Bank's collection and asked to view it that the rediscovery process began. It is believed that at least parts of the collection were sent to the Bank long ago from the Treasury department as historical currency specimens. Other pieces were acquired during the 1950s when the Bank exchanged duplicate pieces in an effort to increase the collection and create a display - a project which never materialized at that time. The new exhibition is an addition to the existing "World of Economics" and will be of interest to the general public and educators as well as numismatists. It is designed to integrate both the economic and chronological history of the United States. 12 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 13 Bank Office 14 Robert T. Parry Douglas R. Shaw President and Chief Executive Officer Vice President and Counsel Patrick K. Barron W. Gordon Smith First Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Vice President and Director Jack H. Beebe D. Kerry Webb Senior Vice President and Director Vice President Elizabeth K. Christensen Sallie H. Weissinger Senior Vice President Vice President Sara K. Garrison Patricia A. Welch Senior Vice President Vice President Michael J. Murray James M. Barnes Senior Vice President Director Terry S. Schwakopf Kenneth R. Binning Senior Vice President Director Laurence Washtien Harold H. Blum Senior Vice President Director S. Jean Hinrichs Nancy Emerson General Auditor Director Robert D. Mulford Eliot E. Giuili Vice President and General Counsel Director Elizabeth R. Masten Donald R. Lieb Vice President and Secretary of the Board Director C. Kenneth Arnold John Y. C. Lin Vice President Director Barbara J. Contini Susan G. Porterfield Vice President Director Robert L. Fienberg Wayne L. Rickards Vice President and Director Director Frederick T. Furlong Kenneth M. Kinoshita Vice President Associate General Counsel William K. Ginter Paige Birdsall Vice President Assistant Vice President Reuven Glick Sylvia A. Cunningham Vice President Assistant Vice President John P. Judd Gail A. Garvey Vice President and Associate Director Assistant Vice President Ronald E. Mitchell, Jr. Elaine Geller Vice President Assistant Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis December 31, 1995) Todd Glissman Beatrice K. Ashburn Assistant Vice President Audit Officer John S. Hsiao Beverley-Ann Hawkins Assistant Vice President Automation Officer Peter K. C. Hsieh Michael E. Johnson Assistant Vice President Applications Officer Deborah S. Jackson-Duke Lelia M. Jones Assistant Vice President Assistant Vice President Ellsworth E. Lund, Jr. Craig B. Knudsen Assistant Vice President Financial Planning & Control Officer Elizabeth M. O'Shea Mark Levonian Assistant Vice President Research Officer Philip M. Ryan Bonnie Martina Assistant Vice President Examining Officer W. Starr Seegmiller Brian Motley Assistant Vice President Research Officer Susan A. Sutherland Gary P. Palmer Assistant Vice President Financial Analysis Officer James J. Tenge Glenn D. Rudebusch Assistant Vice President Research Officer Thomas R. Thaanum Virginia N. Salinas Assistant Vice President Audit Officer David M. Vandre Bharat Trehan Assistant Vice President Research Officer David W. Walker Elizabeth L. Wood Examining Officer Systems Officer Kelly K. Walsh Assistant Vice President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15 Branch Offi Los Angeles Branch Northern Region John F. Moore Gordon Werkema Executive Vice President Senior Vice President Sean J. Rodriguez Vice President Nancy Olmstead Director Portland Branch Raymond H. Laurence Vice President Darcy J. Coulter Assistant Vice President Mary E. Lee Assistant Vice President Robert C. Johnson Assistant Vice President Robert D. Long Assistant Vice President Rachel A. Romero Assistant Vice President Robin A. Rockwood Assistant Vice President Lisa Moraes Operations Officer Mary Rector Salt Lake City Branch Administrative Officer Roger W. Replogle Business Development and Electronic Product Support Officer Andrea P. Wolcott Vice President Jed W. Bodily Assistant Vice President Dale L. Vaughan Examining Officer Gerald R. Dalling Assistant Vice President Thomas P. McGrath Assistant Vice President Richard B. Hornsby Business Development Officer Seattle Branch Gale P. Ansell Assistant Vice President Jimmy F. Kamada Assistant Vice President (temporarily assigned to San Francisco) Kenneth L. Peterson Assistant Vice President Michael J. Stan Check Product Officer 16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ittee Executive Committee From left, Elizabeth K. Christensen , Senior Vice President; Patrick K. Barron , First Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (seated) ; Gordon R. G. Werkema , Senior Vice President; John F. Moore, Executive Vice President ; Jack H. Beebe, Senior Vice President and Director of Research ; Robert T. Parry, President and Chief Executive Officer (seated); and Terry S. Schwakopf, Senior Vice President. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 17 18 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis j/1;..,.,t';;, ;;,~:;,~ . ' )i' 5 uilding upon its growing reputation for tion Management; Personnel; Capital Budget and excellence in operations, outstanding Building; and Loan. This new structure is designed to: service to customers, and effectiveness • in the oversight of financial institutions, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco ensure in-depth review of strategic issues; • provide for greater involvement on took on major new leadership responsibilities in 1995 . the part of those with direct knowledge In particular, the District played a key role in the of the issues; and Federal Reserve System· s efforts to integrate its financial services activities on a more national basis. • promote increased informationsharing and team building among Bank management. Faced with continuing consolidation and restructuring of the financial services industry, as well as the push This new structure will optimize resources in fulfilling toward interstate branch banking, the System reorga- the District's leadership responsibilities and achieving nized its financial services management structure continuing gains in productivity, cost control, and along major product lines early in the year, awarding customer responsiveness . the Twelfth District responsibility for System-wide support functions , including accounting, automation, and customer electronic access. Check Services The District also played a major role in shaping the The Twelfth District's leadership was evident in a System's response to changing customer and con- number of initiatives in 1995. In addition to leading stituent needs in the retail payments, wholesale the development of a System-wide strategy for imple- payments, and fiscal services product areas, as mentation of digital image technology and image- well as in the areas of banking supervision and based check services, the District lent expertise to a community affairs. variety of projects aimed at enhancing the efficiency and quality of check services nationwide. To meet these leadership challenges and provide for a more flexible organization, the District reorganized its While making significant contributions to Federal management structure early in the year, replacing the Reserve System efforts, the District implemented a former Management Committee with a new policy- variety of products to appeal to new customers, and making framework that comprises seven key commit- operational initiatives that resulted in continued tees: Executive; District Steering; Operations; lnforma- improvement in productivity and unit costs. These Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19 efforts enabled the District to end the year in a posi - Cash Services tive cost recovery position. In 1995, Cash Services made significant progress toward increasing currency processing capabilities , Electronic Payments and Fiscal Agency reducing unsorted backlogs , and enhancing controls. Seven new currency processing machines went into The District's Automated Clearing House (ACH) production in 1995, bringing the District total to 18, continued a trend of outstanding cost recovery, three-quarters of the total planned. Along with the productivity, and unit cost management in 1995. new equipment have come significant increases in Several new projects were initiated to improve opera- processing capability and the ability to support the tions and expand the scope of the ACH. A concerted new I 996 series $ I 00 note. Total daily processing effort to convert Reserve Bank payments to the ACH increased nearly one-fourth over 1994. resulted in more than 50 percent of Twelfth District vendor payments being made through the ACH at the In the continuing effort to balance public policy end of 1995, compared to 26 percent at the end of interests with customer service, the District an- 1994. Another initiative gave customers the opportu- nounced a revised Cash Service Structure that offers nity to receive ACH advices by FED-Mail rather than in depository institutions a basic level of free service, paper form . At year-end, more than 190 customers while providing additional service for a fee. Cash and were enjoying this efficiency, and more are converting Business Development staff worked in concert to each week. solicit customer input in the development of the new structure, and to communicate these changes to To bring together expertise in the business of whole- customers. Bank staff also held seminars for over sale electronic payments, including securities and wire I ,500 customers to explain the 1996 series currency transfer, the District formed a new Wholesale Pay- release and counterfeit detection methods . ments department, which parallels the new Systemwide Wholesale Payments Product Office. Under the The District also assumed major national leadership leadership of this new department, cost recovery responsibilities in the cash area in 1995 by chairing exceeded targets, and funds transfer staff embarked on the System 's Advisory Group on Cash Services. The an ambitious key customer outreach program , visiting Advisory Group ensures regional needs and issues are 20 large customers in three states to share expertise factored into System policy-making in cash services. and expectations. In the District's Fiscal Services function , steep in- System Support Function Office creases in interest rates during the first quarter dramatically increased the demand for Treasury securities Beginning in January 1995, the Support Function and resulted in a rema rkably high volume of activity in Office (SFO) assumed a broad range of new System- the Treasury Direct and Customer Service units at all wide responsibilities . The office was structured into five offices. three major divisions dealing with accounting, auto- 20 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis mation , and customer electronic access. From this and seminars , and held 75 meetings with visiting base, the SFO oversees seven central business admin - officials from the United States and abroad , principally istration functions and 18 applications which share from Pacific Basin countries. In March , the department resources throughout the Federal Reserve System. co-hosted an academic conference on monetary policy in a changing financial environment with the Center A key accomplishment during the year was the suc- for Economic Policy Research at Stanford University. cessful migration of FED-Mail from pilot to full produc tion status. FED-Mail uses electronic-mail technology to deliver low-security data to customers. Banking Supervision and Regulation By year end I 995 , more than I , I 00 customers were using the new information delivery vehicle on a The Twelfth District continued to provide significant daily basis . support to the Federal Reserve System in such areas as capital markets , emerging issues , and programs to enhance the supervisory process. Additionally, inter- Economic Research national outreach efforts increased during the year and included various initiatives with China , Japan , Research focused during I 995 on a wide range of Malaysia , and the Philippines. The District also national , regional , and regulatory policy issues , hosted central bankers from Asia , Africa , and Europe; including monetary policy in the U.S. and monetary and provided technical assistance to Russia , Moldova, policy and exchange rates in East Asian countries . Poland , and Slovakia. Staff also examined longer-term issues , such as economic growth in the U.S. and abroad , NAFTA-like There were 59 state member banks in the District at trade agreements , and measures of international year end - financial integration . Research on labor markets dealt with assets between $ I 00 million and $ I billion . In with seniority and the duration of unemployment, as addition , the District supervised 2 14 holding compa- well as health insurance and worker mobility. Regional nies with assets totaling $46 I billion , 136 branches analysis addressed population flows between Califor- and agencies of foreign banks , 20 Edge and Agreement nia and the rest of the District. Staff also studied corporation offices , and 38 representative offices . 8 with assets exceeding $ I billion , and 2 I various regulatory initiatives , including the implications of bank mergers on competition and structure. Applications activity increased during the year from 270 in 1994 to 310 in 1995 , reflecting increases in both domestic and international applications and a The department published an increased number of continuation of expansion and consolidation trends. papers in academic journals , as well as in Bank publi cations. In addition , economic education and public programs continued to expand their reach , and Eco nomic Research staff delivered 74 speeches to outside organizations , made 48 presentations at conferences Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~~ -?, ~- \!ft~ .. i: ~., ~j (~ 21 Credit, Compliance, and Community Affairs recognized speakers discuss community reinvestment , rural community development , fair-lending issues, and The leadership of the Twelfth District in the area of successful public -private partnerships . community reinvestment is well recognized. In 1995 , Community Affairs sponsored 12 seminars through - As part of its continuing efforts to provide guidance out the District, providing information to more than on the formation of bank lending consortia , the 500 lenders on how to prepare for the new CRA department played a key role in the development of examination , which will focus on bank performance the California Economic Development Lending Initia - with the lending, service, and investment tests . tive , a statewide consortium of 34 banks and three corporations which pooled $50 million to provide At two other Community Affa irs-sponsored confer- financing to small businesses that currently do not ences , more than 600 bankers , non-profit representa - have access to capital. tives , and government officials heard nationally Summary Volume (in thousands) Custody Services Cash Services Currency notes paid into circulation Food stamp coupons processed Securities Services Other Treasury original issues Book-entry securities processed Payments Services Check Services Commercial checks collected Government checks processed Return items processed Electronic Payments Services Wire transfers processed Automated clearinghouse transactions processed Discounts and Advances Total discounts and advances* Number of financial institutions accommodated* * Whole number (not in thousands) 22 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1993 1994 1995 4,069 ,935 651 ,348 4,212,494 694 ,306 4,298 ,035 753 ,589 113 702 216 805 201 894 2,994 ,572 73 ,648 32,709 2,269 ,690 69 ,567 29 ,941 2,082 ,513 67 , 148 30 ,569 19,962 19 ,925 20,135 406,220 459,032 525 ,549 483 587 482 64 56 66 '.~: ' " . .- :':'·';'\~\ ~ :. . ·: \ ,/.Jt • ations From left, Gordon R. G. Werkema , Senior Vice President, Northern Region; Raymond H. Laurence, Vice President, Portland; John F. Moore, Executive Vice President, Los Angeles; and Andrea P. Wolcott, Vice President, Salt Lake City. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 23 Com arative I (Thousands of Dollars) December 3 I, 1995 1994 Gold certificate account .................................. . Special Drawing Rights certificate account.. .... . Other cash ...................................................... . I .036,000 977,000 37,312 I, I 02,000 904,000 33,059 Loans to depository institutions .................... .. I 02,800 33,295 Federal Agency obligations .............................. . 209,053 342,931 United States Government securities: Bills ................................................................. . Notes .............................................................. . Bonds .............................................................. . 14,533,374 11,985,485 3,497,600 16,726,325 13,592,343 4,054,557 Total United States Government securities ...... . Total loans and securities ................................ . 30,0 I 6,459 30,328,312 34,373,225 34.749,45 I Items in process of collection ......................... .. Bank premises ................................................. . 574,032 158,768 544,324 155,956 Other assets: Operating equipment ...................................... . Denominated in foreign currencies .................. . All other. ......................................................... . 2,934,776 47,063 692,406 3,207,077 38,263 1,073,067 Interdistrict Settlement Account. .................... . 5,350,875 (3,685,226) Total assets ..................................................... . 42, I 36,544 38,121,971 35,901,029 31,023,861 Deposits: Total depository institutions-reserve accounts Foreign ............................................................ . Other deposits ................................................ . Total deposits .................................................. . 4,187,535 19,608 55,335 4,262,478 4,938,398 20,515 80,318 5,039,23 I Deferred credit items ...................................... .. Other liabilities ............................................... . 532,712 357,015 639,717 394,728 Total liabilities ................................................. . 41,053,234 37,097,537 Capital paid in ................................................ .. Surplus ............................................................ . 541,655 541,655 512,217 512,217 Total liabilities and capital accounts ................ . 42, I 36,544 38,121,971 Assets Liabilities Federal Reserve Notes .................................... .. Capital Accounts 24 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis es (Thousands of Dollars) December 3 I, 1995 1994 Current Earnings Discounts and advances ................................. . United States Government securities .............. . Foreign currencies .... ... .. .............. ........... .......... . Income from services ... .. ............... ............ .... ... . All other. ........................................ ................. . 947 1,979,188 I 09,345 75,887 2,897 611 1,919,419 130,257 78,131 936 Total current earnings ... .............. ..................... . 2, 168,264 2,129,354 203,454 196,427 17,577 185 ,877 21 ,070 16,058 180,369 19,536 1,961,317 1,929,449 Additions to current net earnings Profit on prior period adjustments ................... . Profit on sales of United States Government securities (net) .................................... . Profit on foreign exchange transactions (net) ... . All other. .............. ...... .. .... .. .. ........................ .... Total additions ................................................ . 239 508,919 2,412 511,570 392,452 2 352,494 Deductions from current net earnings Loss on Sales of United States Government Securities (net) .................................... . Loss on foreign exchange transactions (net) .... . All other. ......................................................... . Total deductions ..... ................. .. ... ...... .. ..... .. .. ... 369,206 9,063 378 ,269 2, 177 13 2,190 Net additions ( +) or deductions (-) ................ . 133,30 I 350,304 Cost of Unreimbursed Treasury Services .......... . (5,778) (4,755) (22,440) (30, I 05) (21,315) (28, I 80) 2,036,294 31,794 2,225,503 30,255 1,975,063 2, I 77,906 29,438 512,217 541,655 17,342 494 ,875 512,217 Current Expenses Total current expenses ..................................... . Less: reimbursement for certain fiscal agency and other expenses .............................. . Net Expenses .................................................. . Cost of earnings credits ................................... . Current net earnings ....................................... . Profit and Loss Assessments by Board of Governors Board expenditures .............................. . Federal Reserve currency costs ............. . Net earnings before payments to the United States Treasury. ........................ . Dividends paid ................................................ . Payments to the United States Treasury (interest on Federal Reserve Notes) ............... . Transferred to surplus ...................................... . Surplus, January I ........................................... . Surplus, December 3 I ..................................... . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 25 Federal Reserve B 26 Chairman of the Board and Federal Reserve Agent Judith M. Runstad Partner Foster, Pepper & Shefelman Seattle, Washington Gary G. Michael Chairman and CEO Albertson s, Inc. Boise, Idaho Deputy Chairman James A. Vohs Chairman (Retired) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals Oakland, California Richard L. Mount Chairman, President and CEO Saratoga Bancorp Saratoga, California Gerry B. Cameron Chairman and CEO U.S. Bancorp Portland, Oregon Cynthia A. Parker Executive Di rector Anchorage Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. Anchorage, Alaska Krestine Corbin President and CEO Sierra Machinery, Inc. Sparks, Nevada Stanley T. Skinner Chairman and CEO Pacific Gas and Electric Co. San Francisco, California Warren K. K. Luke Vice Chairman, President & CEO Hawaii National Bank Honolulu, Hawaii Federal Advisory Council Member William E.B. Siart Chairman of the Board and CEO First Interstate Bancorp Los Angeles, California Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1 Chairman of the Board Anita E. Landecker Western Regional Vice President Local Initiatives Support Corporation Los Angeles, California David Lewis Moore President Western Growers Assn. Irvine, California Stephen G. Carpenter Chairman of the Board and CEO California United Bank, N.A. Encino, California William S. Randall President First Interstate Bancorp Los Angeles , California Anne L. Evans Chairman Evans Hotels San Diego, California Thomas L. Stevens, Jr. President Los Angeles TradeTechnical College Los Angeles, California Antonia Hernandez President and General Counsel Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) Los Angeles, California Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 27 Chairman of the Board Ross R. Runkel Professor of Law Willamette University Salem , Oregon Marvin R. O'Quinn Chief Operating Officer Providence Portland Medical Center Portland , Oregon Cecil W. Drinkward President and CEO Hoffman Corporation Portland , Oregon Carol A. Whipple Proprietor Rocking C Ranch Elkton , Oregon John D. Eskildsen President and CEO U.S. Bank of Oregon Portland , Oregon Thomas Cook Young Chairman , President and CEO Northwest National Bank Vancouver, Washington Elizabeth (Betsy) Johnson President TransWestern Aviation , Inc. Scappoose , Oregon 28 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ranch ors Chairman of the Board Gerald R. Sherratt President Southern Utah University Cedar City, Utah J. R. D. Cash Chairman, President and CEO Questar Corporation Salt Lake City, Utah Nancy Mortensen Vice President-Marketing Zions Cooperative Mercantile Institution Salt Lake City, Utah Richard E. Davis President and CEO Salt Lake Convention & Visitors Bureau Salt Lake City, Utah Roy C. Nelson President Bank of Utah Ogden, Utah Patrick McMurray Chairman, President and CEO First Security Bank of Idaho, N .A. Boise, Idaho Constance G. Hogland Executive Di rector Boise Neighborhood Housing Services, Inc. Boise, Idaho Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 29 Chairman of the Board George F. Russell, Jr. Chairman Frank Russell Company Tacoma, Washington John V Rindlaub Chairman and CEO Seafirst Bank Seattle, Washington Thomas E. Cleveland President Enterprise Bank Bellevue, Washington Helen M. Rockey President Brooks Sports, Inc. Bothell, Washington Tomio Moriguchi Chairman and CEO Uwajimaya, Inc. Seattle, Washington William R. Wiley Senior Vice President , Science and Technology Policy Battelle Memorial Institute Richland , Washington Constance Leigh Proctor Partner Alston , Courtnage , MacAulay & Proctor Seattle, Washington 30 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ouncil ss and Agriculture Chairman Bailey S. Barnard Former President Heller First Capital Corp. San Francisco , California Vice Chairman Karla S. Chambers Vice President Stahlbush Island Farms, Inc. Corvallis , Oregon Members Barry Baszi le President Baszile Metals Service Los Angeles, California Jerry D. Caulder Chairman, President and CEO Mycogen Corp. San Diego , California Nancy G. Learned President Learned-Mahn , Inc. Boise , Idaho Lawrence S. Okinaga Partner Carlsmith , Ball, Wichman Case & lchiki Honolulu, Hawaii Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Peter H. Parra Executive Director Employers Training Resource Bakersfield, California 1 Walter F. Payne, Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer Blue Diamond Growers Sacramento, California Leslie Tang Schilling President L.T.D.D., Inc. San Francisco, California Peter H. van Oppen President and Chief Executive Officer lnterpoint Redmond, Washington Bob L. Vice President California Farm Bureau Federation Sacramento , California Richard S. Walden President Farmers Investment Company Sahuarita, Arizona 31 San Fran P.O. Box San Francis Los Angele P.O. Box 20 Los Angele Portland P.O. Box 3 Portland, Salt Lake Ci P.O. Box 30 Salt Lake Ci Seattle Br P.O. Box 3 Seattle, This Report was written and produced by Karen Flamme. Highlights was written by Karen Flamme and Barbara Bennett. Design and illustrations were created by William Rosenthal. Color photography by Paul Schulz. ~ printed on recycled paper 32 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis