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The President's Foreword
The Year of Disinflation
The New Focus
Financial Statements


Federal Reserve :Bank
of Cleveland
East 6th and Superior
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 579-2000
Cincinnati :Branch
150 East 4th Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 721-4787
Pittsburgh :Branch
717 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(412) 261-7800
Columbus Regional
Check Processing Center
965 Kingsmill Parkway
Columbus, OH 43229
(614) 846-7050
The Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland's 1982 Annual Report
was prepared by the Research
Department, Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, P.O. Box 6387,
Cleveland, OH 44101.
On the cover: Abinful of new pennies awaits
processing before distribution to depository
institutions that we service. The Federal
Reserve Fourth District handles about
1,500,000,000 coins annually.
Facing page: This bronze eagle dominates the
lobby of the bank's Cincinnati Branch. Created
by Marshall M. Fredericks, the sculpture has a
wing span of four feet and weighs 400 pounds.

The President's Foreword


his past year has been a
very exciting and eventful
year at the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland. One very noteworthy event was the retirement
of Willis J. Winn, who so ably
served as this banks president for
nearly eleven years. His contributions to a variety of Federal
Reserve activities established
pathways for many System programs, both during his presidency
and afterward.
There is much for me to
accomplish as the new president
of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland. Being president of a
Federal Reserve Bank is indeed an
honor-and a tremendous challenge. Perhaps most challenging
to me has been my service on the
Federal Open Market Committee.
From the beginning of my presidency in May 1982 through February 1983, I was a voting member
of FOMC. (The president of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland serves on the FOMC for a
one-year term in rotation with the
president of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Chicago.) To participate
so closely in the monetary policymaking process of this nation
brought home the responsibility
that we all must shoulder in our
continued battle with inflation.
This past year brought substantial progress in reducing inflation
and expectations of future inflation. Prices rose less than in any
year in the past decade. Current
economic indicators-the housing
sector, retail sales, and industrial
production-suggest a gradual re-


covery from a recession that began
in 1981, a recovery that was anticipated in the second half of 1982.
While certainly there is .. a strong
opportunity·· for a noninflationary
business expansion, we know that
continued disinflation depends on
a concerted effort by the Federal
Reserve, the Congress, the administration, and the people of this
nation to quell inflationary forces.
The people of the Federal Reserve Fourth District were especially hard hit by the 1981-82
recession. The competitive positions of our automotive, steel,
and rubber industries have been
eroded by inflation, international
competition, and shifting economic activity. The result is a declining industrial base that in
turn has depressed economic
growth and curtailed employment.
Unemployment in this district
reached peak levels of 14 percent
and higher in 1982; indeed, several
counties in Ohio registered unemployment rates of over 20 percent
for the year. In the long run, the
capital-intensive industries that
predominate in the Fourth District should benefit most by the
disinflationary policies of the
Federal Reserve.
Implementing a disinflationary
policy has been greatly complicated by the ongoing deregulation
of financial markets. The Garn-St
Germain Depository Institutions
Act of 1982 further accelerated the
pace of financial market deregulation. Because of various new deposit accounts-specifically the
MMDAs and the Super-NOWsthere have been massive shifts of
funds among financial institutions. These shifts produced sharp
changes in the measured monetary aggregates-and led to a significant reorientation of monetary
policy in the third quarter of 1982.

Because of earlier deregulation
legislation, we at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland undertook a major operational reorganization this year. Our ultimate
goal was to add a new dimension
to the role of the Federal Reserve,
as mandated by the Depository
Institutions Deregulation and
Monetary Control Act of 1980. In
addition to continuing our roles
of regulating and supervising depository institutions, setting
monetary policy for the nation,
and providing payments services
such as check clearing, the Federal
Reserve has been presented with
the challenge of marketing its services. To move from a primarily
service orientation to a marketing
orientation, we are focusing our
efforts on proactive marketing of
products and services. We are
instilling a sense of marketing
values throughout our organization, knowing that day-to-day
functions in our operations
departments are integral to a successful marketing program. The
marketing efforts of this bank are
being spearheaded by a newly
formed department called Services
Management. This department is
divided into three units-market
research, product development,
and sales. Services Management
has the overall responsibility for
managing the delivery of services
from the bank and for selling
our products and services in
the marketplace.

The development of a marketing dimension for this bank was
achieved, in large measure,
through the assistance and insight
of our directors. The bank is
served by 23 directors who represent a variety of banking, business, and educational interests.
Three of our directors completed
their terms of service in 1982:
after serving six years on the
Cleveland board, John W. Alford
(Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer, The Park
National Bank); after serving
three years on the Pittsburgh
board, William D. McKain (President, Wheeling National Bank);
and after serving three years on
the Cincinnati board, Oliver W.
Birckhead (Chairman of the Board
and Chief Executive Officer, The
Central Trust Company, N.A.).
Our thanks to these directors in
particular and to all of our directors for their dedicated service.
The many changes at this bank
in the past year were made possible only through the diligence of
our capable officers and staff.
Without their dedication, the
accomplishments of this institution, the widespread changes that
we have implemented, and our unmistakable growth would never
have occurred.

Karen N. Horn
March 18, 1983

Karen N. Horn became president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Cleveland on May I, 1982.
Before joining the bank, Mrs. Horn was treasurer of the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania, located in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Horn received her doctorate in economics from Johns Hopkins University in 1971.
Having served as a senior economist at the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from 1969 to 1971, she then joined the first
National Bank of Boston as an economist and
later became a vice president there.




, .,..,,,.


Opposite page: The main entrance to the Pittsburgh Branch features an untitled sculpture by Pittsburgh artist Sylvester
Damianos. The original eight-story building (on the left) was
completed in 1931, and the ten-story addition was completed in
1955. In 1973-74 an underground two-story structure was constructed adjacent to the building to provide coin handling and
equipment facilities.

Top: High-speed check sorters can process 100,000 checks per hour.
Within a few hours of receipt of a check, the check sorters read
the magnetic ink coding printed on each check, transmit the dollar
amount and routing number to a central computer, and sort checks
for delivery to appropriate depository institutions. The fourth District offices receive, sort, and dispatch 4.2 million checks daily.
Lower left: U.S. savings bonds are issued through payroll deductions for participating corporations. Bonds are printed via
advanced computer technology at a rate of 10,000 per hour. The
bond operation for the federal Reserve fourth District is centralized at the Pittsburgh Branch, which is responsible for one-fourth
of the total bond issuance in the federal Reserve System.
Lower right: Computers are used to control the heating, cooling,
and ventilating systems of the Pittsburgh Branch.

The Year of Disinflation


his past year brought substantial progress in reducing both inflation and expectations of future inflation. Prices
rose less than in any year in the
past decade. Even more significant, the disinflation process has
broadened to encompass a steadily widening range of economic
activities and decisions, suggesting that last year·s progress
against inflation may be a precursor of more to come.
Progress in reducing inflation
was achieved, however, as the
recession that began in 1981 continued. Utilization of labor and
plant capacity fell to the lowest
levels of the postwar period. The
economic recovery that had been
expected in the second half of the
year failed to materialize. Product
demand , instead of strengthening,
continued to be weak. Uncertainty
about future inflation held interest rates at high levels atypical for
a recession, despite a substantial
quickening in the pace of moneysupply growth . Economic distress,
uncertainty about the future, and
the legacy of past inflation overwhelmed the stimulative effects of
the second phase of tax reductions
that began at mid -year.


The past year also witnessed
several very significant regulatory
developments. Most notably, the
Garn-St Germain Depository
Institutions Act of 1982 greatly
accelerated the pace of financial
market deregulation. Swept away
by year-end was a large part of
the regulatory framework constructed since the 1930s to constrain interest rates paid by depository institutions. Massive
shifts of funds among depository
institutions and their various
accounts produced sharp changes
in the measured monetary aggregates. These changes, together
with the unusual behavior of
velocity last year, greatly complicated the problems confronted by
economic policymakers, leading to
a significant reorientation of
monetary policy by 1982:IIIQ.
Both the sharp slowdown in the
rate of inflation and the wide
margins of excess capacity that
prevail throughout the economy
suggest that further progress
toward disinflation is possible.
What is uncertain is the attainment of monetary growth rates
and a federal budget structure
that would be consistent with
both economic recovery and continued disinflation. The historically large federal budget deficits
now projected to accompany economic recovery will collide with
the investment needs of a growing
economy. The inevitable demand
that the Federal Reserve absorb
the force of that collision by
monetizing deficits suggests that
both sustained recovery and disinflation are not yet assured. There

are limits to the share of national
savings that can be drained into
federal finance. These limits must
be respected if economic growth is
to be sustained. Similarly, there
are limits to money and credit
growth that must be respected if
recovery from the 1981-82 recession is to be consistent with continued disinflation. The experience
of monetary policymaking in 1982
demonstrates that it can be difficult to discern those limits.

I. Monetary Policy
in 1982


he Federal Open Market
Committee (FOMC)
charted a course for monetary
policy during 1982 amid three
major crosscurrents. The underlying direction of policy, of course,
continued to emphasize reducing
inflation over time by gradually
slowing growth of money and
credit. However, the FOMC first
had the problem of setting annual
targets for growth of its primary
M-1 target when the base period
level was itself below the target of
the previous year. (M-1 consists of
currency, demand deposits, travelers· checks, and other checkable
deposits.) Second, while M-1 was
advancing consistently with that
target, the problem arose of sub-

stantial unforeseen demands for
monetary assets in a weak economy. Third, regulatory actions
caused massive shifts in asset
holdings and large variations in
money growth rates that, while
not critical to policy objectives,
were difficult to quantify.

Early 1982:

Chart 1 M-1 and the 1982 Targets
Billions of dollars

"Catch Up"

Target setting in early 1982 was
influenced by below-target growth
in 1981. The base period level of
M-1 in the last quarter of 1981
had fallen below that year's
target, despite FOMC efforts to
encourage faster growth. Consequently, when presenting the 1982
target range for congressional
testimony at the beginning of the
year, the FOMC expressed a willingness to aim high in the 1982
target range. Focusing on 5 percent M-1 growth from the
1981:IVQ level (within a 2.5 percent to 5.5 percent range) meant
that, by 1982:IVQ, M-1 would
have achieved a level equivalent
to 4 percent growth from the 1981
target level. Although not a formal FOMC target, achieving the 4
percent "target-to-target" growth
path would have compensated for
the unintended 1981 shortfall.
In fact, most of the 1981 shortfall had been eliminated as the
level of M-1 moved substantially
above the target range late in 1981
and early in 1982 (see chart 1).
Reflecting this surge in M-1, the
FOMC's reserves targeting
resulted first in a moderate tightening in money market conditions
early in 1982 and then in an
offsetting easing through



Measured M-1
1982 target-to-target growth

- - - 1982 target range
SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.
NOTE: The actual levels of M-1 shown do not
incorporate benchmark revisions. as this
information was not available to the FOMC at
the time targeting decisions were made.


Chart 2 Velocity of Money Supplya
Percent change

Mea n plu s
two s ta ndard
devia tio ns

Mea n m in us
two sta ndard
deviatio ns












SO URCES: BoardofGove rno rsof the Fede ra l Reserve S yste m a nd U.S.De partme nt
of Commerce.
a . If velocity gro wth we re s ta ble, we would expec t it to fa ll within two standa rd
de viations of the mean grow th 95 percent of the time.

Mid-Year 1982: The
Policy Conundrum
A second problem facing the
FOMC was the potential inconsistency between money growth
targets and economic recovery
from recession. Economic activity
was expected to pick up in the
second half of 1982, assisted by
the second installment of tax cuts
at mid-year. As mid-year
approached, however, resumption
of economic growth became
increasingly uncertain . While
interest rates declined from their
levels earlier in the year, they
were still high by historical
standards, especially if some of
that decline reflected diminished
inflation expectations. There was
mounting evidence, moreover, of a
change in the linkage between
money and economic activity.


Observed money growth in the
face of relativel y high interest
rates seemed to be the result of
above-average growth in demands
for money relative to historical
experience, and not an early indicator of economic recovery. The
velocity of money, or the ratio of
GNP to money, usually declines in
periods of recession. Yet, the
decline in velocity showed no
signs of reversing in a cyclical
rebound ; indeed, by year-end this
country had experienced a fourquarter decline in velocity of
unprecedented proportions (see
chart 2). Thus, the policy conundrum: economic recovery did not

seem assured at levels of interest
rates that barely constrained
money growth to the target range.
The velocity decline in past
business cycles reflected especially
rapid growth of money relati ve to
national income and output near
the trough of a recession . Declining interest rates in a recession
encourage the accumulation of
liquid balances that is reflected in
declining velocity.
Further explanation of aboveaverage demand for monetary
assets in 1982 may perhaps be
found in the recent emergence of
NOW account balances as a significant portion of the M-1 aggregate. Even with an interest-rate
ceiling of only 5.25 percent, NOW
account balances probably were
more attractive instruments for
storing temporary savings and
accumulating liquid balances than
noninterest-bearing demand deposits had been in prior economic
downturns. In fact, NOW
accounts were the fastest growing
component of M-1 over the first
nine months of 1982 (see chart 3).
The FOMC recognized the possibility of above-average money
demand in its mid-year reconsideration of the 1982 annual target
range. Rather than continuing to
target 5 percent M-1 growth for
the year, the FOMC decided to
accept growth "around the top" of
the 1982 target range (5.5 percent);
indeed, the FOMC "would tolerate
for some period of time growth
somewhat above the target range
should unusual precautionary
demands for money and liquidity
be evident . .. _.. , Throughout the
I. See .. Record of Poli cy Actions of the

FOM C,-. Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 68,
no. 9 (September 1982), pp. 54 1-49.

summer and into September 1982,
M-1 continued to hover near a 4
percent target-to-target pa th,
while the System provided reserves through open-market operations to accommodate that
growth and began a series of reductions in the discount rate. By
October, interest rates had declined to the neighborhood of
their low levels in mid-1981, but
recovery was not yet in sight.

Year-End 1982:


A third problem confronting
the FOMC was the potential distortion of monetary aggregate
measures by regulatory actions
designed to improve the competitive climate in deposit markets.
Money growth in the final months
of 1982 was expected to be distorted by the maturing of the very
large volume of all-savers· certificates (ASCs) issued under special
legislation one year earlier. Temporary .. parking·· of the funds, or
their passage through M-1
accounts, seemed likely to inflate
the M-1 measure even if all ASC
funds ultimately were reinvested
in assets excluded from the M-1
aggregate. Any such bulge in M-1
growth could have been accommodated by temporarily raising
short-run M-1 target paths. However, this transitory event was
soon overshadowed by congressional passage of H.R. 6267, legislation that mandated regulatory
permission for ceiling-free deposit
accounts to be competitive with
money market mutual funds. The

result was a money market deposit account (MMDA), made
available December 14, and a
Super-NOW account, available
January 5, 1983. These new
accounts were expected to attract
a substantial volume of deposits
initially, at the expense of a variety of existing deposit instruments. A massive shift of funds
into the new accounts would distort the growth of M-1 and the
other monetary aggregates used
by the FOMC for policy guidance,
as well as the underlying behavior
of the aggregates as distinctions
among them became blurred.
For the last three months of
1982, at least, the FOMC agreed to
de-emphasize the M-1 policy
target, and place more emphasis
on the broader M-2 and M-3
aggregates. Uncertainty about the
sources of deposits that would be
attracted to the new accounts and
about redeployment of ASC balances was simply too great either
to adjust measured M-1 so that it
would be consistent with the
existing annual target, or to
adjust the target to be consistent
with incoming M-1 data. In fact, by
year-end measured M-1 had
strayed far above the 2.5 percent to
5.5 percent target range, reflecting
an unknown combination of an
underlying growth rate, transitory
movements of funds as portfolios
were being adjusted, and permanent portfolio shifts out of M-1 and
into MMDAs included in M-2.

Chart 3 NOW Accounts as a Percent
of M-1 Growth

Dec. March June
March June Sept.


SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System.


M-2 at first became a tentative
replacement for M-1 as the policy
target during this period of uncertainty about deposit flows (see
chart 4). M-2 is a broader measure
of liquid assets that includes M-1,
plus small time and savings deposits, noninstitutional money
market mutual funds , overnight
repurchase agreements and
Eurodollars, and the new MMDA.
The advantage of using M-2 as a
primary target was that it seemed
less likely to be distorted by maturing ASCs and the new MMDA.
On the other hand, M-2 was not
likely to be as dependable a policy
target as M-1 had been. A large
portion of M-2 is not reservable
and bears interest that can vary
directly with market rates. Policy
actions therefore might have difficulty controlling either supply or
demand for M-2 to achieve a targeted quantity. Moreover, the historical relationship between M-2
(before the new accounts) and
ultimate objectives of policy was
less dependable than for M-1. In
addition, even that relationship is
likely to have changed in recent
years as the bulk of M-2 shifted
from instruments with regulated
rates of return to those with
unregulated rates of return .
Detouring onto an M-2 target
path left the FOMC with several
issues to sort out at the beginning
of 1983. first, how reliable could
M-2 be as a guide to policy
implementation? Any chance that


M-2 would be relatively unaffected
by portfolio shifts into the new
unregulated accounts was soon
removed. The enormous success of
MMDAs appeared to be inflating
M-2 growth by attracting funds
from accounts included in the
broader M-3 aggregate and from
market instruments not included
in any of the monetary aggregates. (M-3 includes M-1 and M-2,
and adds large time deposits,
institutions· money market mutual fund balances, and other
assets.) As 1982 came to an end,
the FOMC found itself unable to
use its M-2 target path as a rigid
or unconditional basis for setting
weekly objectives for nonborrowed reserve provision through
open-market operations. Instead,
the committee elected temporarily
to accommodate, within a broad
range, the levels of M-2 that
resulted from portfolio shifts
occasioned by the new instruments. This decision disconnected
the mechanism linking money
growth relative to target with
money market conditions that
had been contained in the
reserves targeting procedure
adopted in October 1979.
Second, while a detour from
short-run M-1 and M-2 targeting
may have been unavoidable, the
length of the detour is not known.
Significant shifts in portfolio
composition in response to regulatory changes take time to complete. Resumption of either M-1 or
M-2 targeting must await evidence
that these portfolio shifts are
substantially complete or that
continuing distortions can
be quantified.

Finally, M-1, like M-2, will now
include a larger portion of deposits bearing explicit marketrelated rates of return. The reliability and controllability of
monetary targets will have to be
tested anew against alternative
means of setting weekly policy
objectives for nonborrowed
reserve provision through openmarket operations.

Chart 4

M-2 and the 1982 Targets

Billions of dollars

II. The Economy
in 1982


onetary policy
decisions in 1982 were
made against a background of
lamentably weak national and
world economic conditions. The
recession that began in mid-1981
did not end as expected, but
worsened. Financial market
strains became pronounced and
widespread. Uncertainty about
economic growth and inflation
became more deep-seated. Some
voices argued that inflation was
under control and that the FOMC
could take actions to assure a
strong recovery without immediate danger of re-igniting inflation. Others foresaw re-ignition of
inflation already looming because
money growth was too rapid.

Elusive Recovery
At the beginning of 1982, most
economic forecasters expected
that the ongoing recession would
end by the third quarter of the
year, when the second phase of
personal income tax cuts would
boost disposable income. As the
year proceeded, however, forecasters pushed the timing of the re-




Measured M-2


1982 target range

SOURCE: Board of Governors of the Federa l
Reserve System.
NOTE: These data do not reflect the most recent
revisions, which include new benchmarks,
seasonal adjustment factors, and definitional
changes instituted in 1983.

covery further and further into
the future until, at the end of 1982,
recovery was not expected to be
under way until 1983.
Expectations for a recovery by
mid-1982 were tied mainly to a
rebound in consumer spending
that would remove excess inventories through higher sales rather
than through lower production.
After all, consumers had strengthened their balance sheets considerably by the end of 1981; both
debts relative to assets and debt
repayments relative to disposable
personal income had fallen substantially from their peak 1979
values. Consumers had "room·· to
increase spending and acquire
new debt.


Chart 5 Total Employment:
United States and Ohio


Index 1967 = 100











SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics.
a. 1982 data for Ohio are based o n three q uarters.

Unfortunately, other factors
worked against this scenario. Business fixed investment expenditures in real terms peaked at the
end of 1981. Producers· demands
for capital equipment and then for
structures declined in 1982, more
than offsetting a slight improvement in demand for residential
structures as interest rates
declined. Demand for U.S. exports
fell dramaticall y. Simultaneous
recessions in many other nations
alone would have taken their toll
on U.S. exports. In addition, despite significant reductions in
their dollar prices, exports
declined because of continued
rapid appreciation of the U.S. dollar in foreign exchange markets.
Dollar appreciation in 1982 may
have reflected some flight to the
quality of the U.S. dollar as recession spread over the globe, as well
as the attractiveness of dollar


assets because of relatively high
U.S. interest rates and continued
evidence of firm disinflation policies in this country.
Production and employment
cutbacks in the investment and
export sectors dampened real disposable income growth. As a
result, consumer spending
remained depressed, perhaps
further dampened by uncertainty
about future income growth. In
response to declining sales, firms
curtailed production during the
year in an effort to correct persistently high inventory levels,
eventually leading to record low
rates of capacity utilization,
record high rates of unemployment, and reductions in capital
spending plans for the future .
The Fourth Federal Reserve
District experienced a decline in
economic activity that was more
severe than in the nation as a
whole, as has been typical of previous cyclical experience in this
district. Manufacturing activity,
especially in such durable goods
as steel, automobiles, and machine
tools, fell sharply as the markets
for such products were pinched
between slack demand and
increased imports. Employment
fell (see chart 5). The unemployment rate reached post-depression
highs and remained well above
the national average. State and
local governments experienced
fiscal difficulties as sales and wage
tax revenu es declined, while the
need to provide services to unemployed workers and their families

The Fourth Distri ct's agricultural sector was also in distress.
Low prices caused by bumper
crops and slack foreign demand
reduced farm revenues. High
interest rates raised operating
costs. Failing land prices reduced
the equity that farmers might use
as collateral for loans. Many
farmers were unable to service
their debts, and depository institutions had to decide whether to
extend additional credit to
farmers in difficulty.

Resilient Credit Markets
Demands for short-term business credit remained strong for
much of the year. Reduced sales
meant reduced cash flow for many
businesses, and unplanned inventory growth increased their need
to borrow. If the 1981-82 recession
had been similar to recessions of
the past, these short-term borrowing needs would have been less of

a problem. In the past, cyclical
reductions in long-term interest
rates created an incentive for corporations to fund their short-term
debts in long-term markets. But,
with long-term rates at relatively

The East 6th Street entrance to the bank's
Cleveland office is flanked by two powerful
stone statues. Integrity, the statue to the left
of the bronze-doored entrance, clutches her rolls
of office as if to swear to her worthiness of the
trust invested in her.


Each of the cast-iron window grilles in the
main lobby of the Cleveland office fea tu res a
seal of one of the twelve Federal Reserve cities.


high levels during much of 1982,
this incentive for refinancing was
weak. Only after relatively large
declines in rates in the final quarter did firms begin to fund shortterm debt. With sales low and
costs high, profits fell to a historic
low percentage of national
income. Business failures and
bankruptcies continued to rise.
Debt roll-over, servicing, and
repayment problems became severe.
It is not surprising that the problems of nonfinancial firms created
difficulties for the financial firms
that held their debts.
The resilience of U.S. financial
markets was tested by several
especially troublesome market
situations in 1982, including the
failures of a large bank and several securities firms. What is
reassuring is the localized impact
of these incidents. Problems in

particular markets did not mushroom into a wider loss of confidence that might have interfered
with routine functioning of deposit and loan markets or money
and capital markets.
The thrift industry continued
to struggle during much of the
year with the problem of financing low-yield, long-term assets in
a market environment of higher
interest rates. Mergers and consolidations were numerous, many
with the assistance of the federal
insurance agencies. Long-term
adjustment of portfolios and earnings was further complicated at
year-end by the introduction of
MMDAs to compete more directly
with money market mutual funds.
While this had the effect of draining balances from accounts with
regulated ceiling rates, raising the
average cost of funds to depository institutions in the short run,
it did provide an effective vehicle
for increasing deposit growth in
the industry.

The overnight market in repurchase agreements (RPs) has mushroomed in recent years as end-ofday demand deposit balances were
swept into RPs to assure a return
on idle funds. Within the RP
market, however, the failure of
several small securities firms in
1982 highlighted the untested legal
status of these arrange men ts
spawned by inflation-swollen
interest rates. Such failures
injected a note of prudent caution
into markets that had grown
quickly in an unregulated
Deteriorating economic conditions worldwide changed the economic outlook for developing
countries in the early 1980s.
Export markets for manufactured
goods weakened, commodity
prices fell, and annual interest
payments rose sharply as both the
amount of indebtedness and
interest rates rose. The bulk of
foreign lending was to a small
group of rapidly growing countries and was undertaken by a few
banks with experience in international lending. In mid-1982 over
60 percent of the $270 billion
owed to banks worldwide by
developing countries was owed by
just five countries-Argentina,
Brazil, Mexico, Chile, and South
Korea. At that time, U.S . claims
on developing countries totaled
about $100 billion, 60 percent of
which was held by the nine largest U.S. banks. While the problem
was in this sense localized, it was
increasingly evident that the
indebtedness of some borrowing
countries needed prompt and

forceful action by both governments and private institutions.
Fortunately, institutions designed
to cope with such problems were
in place. Programs have been
developed to coordinate the
efforts of debtors, commercial
banks, governments of the industrialized countries, and the International Monetary Fund.
Reduced world demand for petroleum, and for petroleum exploration and development, brought
to light losses on some large loans
in that industry, however, reflecting injudicious lending practices
in several U.S. banks. The failure
of one such bank caused potential
losses to a number of small depository institutions that held its
brokered certificates of deposit in
excess of insured amounts.
Credit market strains in 1982
might have been less severe had
long-term interest rates not
remained at relatively high levels.
In part, high interest rates reflect
unresolved issues of future federal
budgets. The federal deficit,
including agencies· borrowing,
rose to an unprecedented 52 percent of nonfinancial borrowing in
1982 (see chart 6). Extrapolation
of current federal tax and expenditure trends suggests that very
large deficits will remain even
after the recession is behind us.
Unless these trends are changed,
federal deficits will continue to

Chart 6 Government Borrowing and
Total Nonfinancial Borrowing



'76 '78 80 '82

U.S. Treasury
Federally sponsored agencies
and mortgage pools
SOURCES Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System and Office of Management
and Budget.

absorb a substantial portion of
private savings at full employment. The cost of financing private investment would therefore
be unusually high, as competing
private and public demands for
funds bid up interest rates. Anticipation of this result contributes
to current high long-term rates
through expectations of high
future real interest rates.
Another important reason for
high current long-term interest
rates is simply the uncertainty of
many investors that the long-run
inflation problem is being corrected . The possibility of inflationary monetization of large federal deficits undoubtedly
contributes to this uncertainty.


Amural entitled Steel Production decorates
the bank's main-office lobby. Painted by Cleveland artist Cora Millet Holden (1895-1938), the
mural shows the open-hearth process of
steel making.

III. Prospects for
Further Disinflation

Chart 7

Changes in Consumer Prices

December over December percent change


nflation declined dramatically in 1982. Measured by
the consumer price index (CPI),
the inflation rate was cut in half
from the year ending in December
1981 to the comparable period in
1982. What's more, the 1982 inflation rate was less than one-third
of the peak inflation rate of 1979
(see chart 7). The CPI tends to
overstate both the rise in the
inflation rate in the late 1970s and
the rate's decline over the last
_three years. While the CPI is
probably the most widely known
measure of inflation, problems in
its construction give an exaggerated reading of changes in inflation prior to the introduction of a
revised index in 1983. Yet, other
less volatile measures of inflation
indicate that the inflation rate in
1982 declined to about half the
peak values of a few years earlier.
Some of this apparent inflation
improvement may be transitory.
Special supply or demand factors
in specific markets such as energy
or food and business cycle impacts
can heavily affect the rate of inflation in the short run of a year
or so. A downward trend of annual
inflation rates over a number of
years is required for disinflation to
bring eventual price stability to
the U.S. economy.
Permanent inflation reduction
may have been overstated in 1982
because of recession. Whether following a rising or falling long-run
trend, inflation rates tend to show
cyclical variations as demands for
output alternately press closer to

'73 74 75 7677 78 79 80 '81 82
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of
Labor Statistics.

and then fall away from the shortrun capacity limitations of the
economy. The moderating effects
of the 1981-82 recession were reinforced by particularly favorable
prices of imports caused by almost
50 percent appreciation of the U.S.
dollar in foreign exchange markets
since 1980. Dollar appreciation is
likely to be reversed, at least in
part, as world trade recovers, as
U.S. interest rates decline with disinflation, and as nervousness in
the international money and capital markets diminishes. Upward
pressure on the U.S. inflation rate
will follow.


Evidence is encouraging, nonetheless, that the upward trend of
inflation, lasting almost 20 years,
need not resume as economic recovery begins and economic
expansion proceeds. The inflation
process is frequently described as a
wage-price spiral. Workers, seeing
the potential for price increases to
erode real wage rates, arrive at
multi-year contracts with wage
increases specified in advance.
Even when demand for output
declines and unemployment rises,
such contractual arrangements
prevent costs of production from
rising any less rapidly in the short
run. They become an effective
floor from which the inflation rate
rises as demand and production
resume greater capacity utilization. This self-perpetuating inflation tendency is removed to the
extent workers recognize that
inflation is declining and accept
more moderate contractual
increases in wage rates. It is
encouraging that in 1982 average
negotiated wage and benefit decisions in all industries over the
duration of labor contracts apparently responded to the recent
moderation in inflation by rising
at the lowest rate in 15 years.
Increases in wage rates and
labor costs can be consistent with
stable costs and prices if they are
offset by sufficient improvements
in labor productivity. The postwar
slowdown in productivity growth
in the United States remains a
basic problem that obscures the
outlook for continued disinflation,
as discussed in some detail in our
1981 Annual Report. Productivity
growth improved significantly in


the last half of 1982, as output per
hour in the nonfarm business sector reversed its 1981 decline. Some
of this improvement was a cyclical
adjustment by businesses through
successive cutbacks in labor inputs
as the recession dragged on. Continued favorable productivity
growth is likely in the early stages
of recovery, reflecting typical cyclical experience.
Looking beyond these transitory factors, the long-term outlook
for productivity growth promises
no easy permanent improvement
that would provide a source of
further disinflation without a
parallel moderation in labor costs.
No substantial change in technology or the capital stock or the
output mix of the American economy is evident that would suggest
an immediate improvement in the
long-term outlook for productivity
growth. For this reason, recent
rapid productivity growth rates
cannot be expected to persist long
enough to provide an independent
contribution to inflation rates as
low as or lower than in late 1982.
Rather, it is the other way around:
persistent gains in productivity
could be reinforced by a lower rate
of inflation through improved
saving and investment perfor-

mance. Unfortunately, such productivity gains are seriously jeopardized as long as there is no
change in the trend toward large
future federal deficits.
The federal budget problem
beclouds any vision of the economic future. The problem is the
size of projected deficits for future
years and their impact on attitudes, decisions, and markets now
and into the future. The problem
is structural rather than cyclical.
Even if steady progress could be
made toward full employment and
continued disinflation, the current
tax and expenditure programs of
the federal government do not
appear likely to result in any significant reduction in federal
budget deficits. Moreover, the size
of these projected structural deficits may be inconsistent with
achieving steady progress toward
full employment, sustained
growth, and disinflation.
Economic decisionmakers labor
under the weight of enormous
uncertainty about how the budget
problem might be corrected.
Spending and saving decisions
today and for the future must
reflect the possibility of tax
increases of unknown size and
incidence. Investment, employment, and spending decisions must
reflect the possibility of program
reductions of unknown impact.
Whether, or when, the budget
problem might be corrected is also
in doubt. If economic recovery
proceeds and federal budget deficits do not recede, continuing
massive annual issues of Treasury
debt would be marketed in competition with growing corporate and
household demands to finance the
building of factories, machinery,
and houses required for a growing

economy. Unrelenting competition
for the limited pool of private saving at full employment would
require high enough interest rates
to squeeze out private borrowers
until the Treasury·s needs were
met. Even with implacable central
bank control of money required to
maintain disinflation, real interest
rates would have to be high
enough to ration savings net of
the deficit among private borrowers, preventing the investment
required for sustained economic
growth. High long-term interest
rates today may reflect expectations of this impact of future federal deficits.
Financial markets may set high
long-term interest rates today for
another reason. Uncertainty about
the resolution of the federal budget
problem may lead to apprehension
that, in a democratic society, a
central bank may be unable to
with stand pressures to hold down
interest rates artificially in the
short run. The attempt to hold
rates down by excessive purchases
of Treasury debt would inflate the
supply of money and credit.
Expectations of a consequent rekindling of inflation may prevent
interest rates from falling today.
Capital accumulation, technological improvement, and productivity growth suffer when the
capital markets are the arena in
which the public sector competes
with the private sector for real resources at full employment. The
central bank, whether implacable
foe or unwilling source of inflation,
is powerless to prevent private
borrowers from being ··crowded
out"" of the capital markets by
large structural budget deficits.

Continued disinflation is neither
easy nor assured, and ultimately
depends on Federal Reserve policy
as the economic expansion proceeds. Recent rapid growth of the
monetary aggregates does not preclude further reductions in inflation and, in fact, may be entirely
consistent with that goal. The
introduction of new ceiling-free
accounts, a cyclical buildup in precautionary balances, and some
shifting of portfolios in reaction to
lower expected inflation rates have
temporarily distorted measured
growth rates of money and credit.
Because of the uncertain impact of
these distortions, the Federal
Reserve must temporarily rely
more heavily on judgment than on
rigid monetary targets to maintain
a policy that promotes an economic recovery consistent with
lower inflation. In time, however,
the detour must end if progress
against inflation is to be extended
and sustained.

Detail of high-speed currency processor, a
machine that can process up to 67,000 pieces of
currency per hour. Approximately 90 percent of
the currency deposited with the federal Reserve
Rank of Cleveland is processed through highspeed equipment.


The New Focus
Reserve·s public goals for the
payments mechanism will continue to:


n the past year this bank has
experienced a tremendous
number of changes-in focus , in
function, and in personnel. Stemming in part from the retirement
of some key individuals, these
changes also reflect the new focus
and resultant functions thrust on
the Federal Reserve System by
the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control
Act of 1980. This legislation mandated that the Federal Reserve
price the services that it provides
to depository institutions. Along
with pricing services, Federal Reserve Banks have begun to expand access to those priced services and compete in the
marketplace with suppliers of
similar services. At the same time,
the Federal Reserve continues its
role in the marketplace of supplying services to all users, regardless
of size.

Public vs. Private
The objectives of the Federal
Reserve·s participation in this
nation 's payments mechanism
remain focused on the balancing
of public and private interests. At
times the public goals of the Federal Reserve conflict with the private efficiency goals imposed by
the marketplace. Yet, the Federal


• ensure efficiency, protection, security, and reliability
of the nation's payments system as a whole,
• establish the Federal Reserve as a supplier of essential
facilities for transportation,
communication, clearing, and
settlement of payment items,
• offer an alternative for
private-sector payment services to all depository
i nsti tut ions.
In addition to these public goals, a
major private goal guiding the
Reserve Banks is to assure that
the price attached to a unit of service covers the cost, including a
profit, of that unit of service.
The fundamental reality facing
the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland in 1983 is that the ultimate test of success in priced services depends on our abi lity to
balance the private and the public
goals of the payments mechanism.
One thing is certain: from this
balancing between public and private sectors will emerge a new
focus and new business practices
for this bank.

Marketing in 1982
In mid-1982 a major management decision was made to focus
the banks marketing efforts on
sales to satisfy market needs.
Using a matrix management
approach to aid in the transition
to a market -driven organization,
we are optimizing existing products, maintaining quality services,
enhancing processing flows, minimizing costs, and improving ser-

vice availability. Our marketing
goals are to strengthen our competitive position, develop a marketing image, increase market
penetration, and establish excellence in all product lines. The
marketing effort will emphasize
the benefits of Federal Reserve
services and products.
Named Services Management,
the marketing tool of this bank
has three prongs-sales, market
research, and product development. Market research will define
customer needs through customer
contact, market trends, technological developments, and knowledge
of existing services. Product development will translate market
needs into deliverable services
and products at competitive
prices. Sales will develop strategy,
sell existing products and services,
introduce new products/services,
and handle support activities such
as advertisement and marketing
brochures. Our sales staff is
currently implementing a depository institutions calling and support program, focusing on key
features and benefits of Federal
Reserve services.
We improved many of our services in 1982, in addition to establishing some new products and
services. These improvements
support the Federal Reserve·s public goals of ensuring an efficient,
reliable payments mechanism
while also supplying essential
pay men ts services to all users.

Cash. Our efforts in cash
services illustrate cost-effective
improvements to the payments
mechanism that have had positive
effects on the cost of industry services to depository institutions.
When the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland began pricing its
armored transportation services,
it became evident that the cost of
our service was not competitive
with comparable contract rates
offered by private carriers operating within the district. As a result
of competitive bidding, our rates
could be lowered, resulting in
reduced prices for essentially the
same level of service to depository

institutions. Our reduced rates
have stimulated many of the private contract carriers to effect
price reductions to depository
institutions throughout the district. In 1982 we restructured our
service boundaries to include several endpoints in the Philadelphia
and Richmond Federal Reserve
Districts that could more effectively be serviced at lesser rates
from our Pittsburgh Branch.

The fourth District is the only district in the
federal Reserve System that wraps coin for its
depository institutions. In 1982, we centralized
our coin-wrapping operations at the Pittsburgh
Branch, allowing us to pass on the cost savings
to depository institutions that use this service.


Located in the data-processing department at the
main off ice, the IBM system console in the foreground is one of the centers that supports all
functions for on-line users throughout the district. This equipment can handle 50,000 transactions daily, including IMS, Fed wire, and about
1,250 Fourth District batch jobs. The hardware
in the background is microfiche-processing
equipment, which photographically compresses
over 200 pages of computer output to the size of
a postcard.


Check Collection. We
have improved the availability
schedules in check collection services, allowing depository institutions to increase earnings and/ or
service potential to premium customers. Many of our new services
and products are designed to
improve the flow of payments to
depository institutions and the
Treasury. The check magnetic ink
character recognition (MICR) line
capture, for example, allows depository institutions to receive
check information on magnetic
tape processed by the federal Reserve for entry into cash management and/or on-line MICR
processing systems. This product
replaces a manual reconcilement
system with a more timely automated system. By removing pro-

cessing constrai nts through the
MICR line system , depository
institutions can offer more efficient and -timely services.

Coupon Collection. The
availability schedules of our coupon collection services have also
been improved. We have
expanded our customer deposit
services to provide several mixed
deposit options at any fourth
District office. These options
reduce the need for sorting by
depositing institutions and minimize the number of handlings in
coupon transactions. More effective routing of transactions and

reductions in the number of
incorrectly sorted transactions
improve the efficiency of the
payments mechanism.

ACH. The automated clearinghouse (ACH) allows paper
transactions to be replaced with
more efficient electronic transactions. The ACH is becoming
increasingly efficient in moving
transactions from originator to
receiver. The volume of transactions is growing to the level where
economies of scale in processing
could force the price of ACH transactions below the price of comparable paper transactions. In 1982
we expanded the number of
Fourth District automated endpoints by implementing data links
and developing corporate trade
payment software for both the
Federal Reserve System and the
National Automated Clearinghouse Association. The corporate
trade payment program should
become operative nationwide in
late 1983 and should inject significant volume into the ACH payments stream.
Safekeeping. We have
established a new safekeeping
service-definitive safekeeping of
customer and trust securities. We
also have expanded our reserve
city bank securities safekeeping
program. In offering an alternative supplier, our involvement in
the safekeeping market should
benefit the payments system and
the public through increased price
and service competition.

On-line Communications. In 1982 the Federal Reserve System completed the first
implementation phase of a wire
communications system known as
FRCS-80. In the latter half of the
year, we added several new user
applications and improved service
in the on-line portion of the network, such as currency and coin
ordering and original issues tenders. These applications allow the
substitution of automated systems
for manual procedures between
the Federal Reserve and customer
institutions, resulting in cost savings and productivity improvements to customers who install
on-line terminals. We also anticipate service improvements as communications technology expands
to allow more effective utilization
of the FRCS-80 network.

Treasury Services. In
1982 we implemented automated
systems to improve the flow of
payments between the Treasury
and the Federal Reserve Banks,
namely public debt reporting via
magnetic tape and the automated
issuance of Treasury checks.
These systems should result in
more efficient Treasury services
at reduced costs to depository
institutions and to the public.



o complement our new
marketing program, the
bank"s operating, support, and
overhead services were realigned
in late 1982 to develop and maintain cost-effective, high-quality
services to meet the needs of depository institutions, the Treasury,
and the general public. For efficiency we have consolidated certain operations for the entire
Fourth District at one office. The
off-line wire transfer operations of
the Cleveland and Pittsburgh offices were consolidated at the
Cleveland office, for example,
while the coin-wrapping functions
were consolidated at the Pittsburgh Branch. The operational
reorganization at this bank will
capitalize on the strengths of our
staff while increasing our participation in the financial community
and in activities of the Federal
Reserve System. The realignment
of the staff reflects our efforts to
improve the operations and hence
the quality of services of this bank.

William H. Hendricks
was named first vice president on
October 1, 1982. Formerly a senior
vice president, Hendricks succeeded Walter MacDonald as
chief operating officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
and its branches. Having joined
the bank in 1958 as an assistant
economist, Hendricks was most
recently responsible for computer
operations, programming, fiscal
services, budget, securities,
accounting, and data reporting.

Harold J. Swart was
named senior vice president of the
Pittsburgh Branch on January 1,
1982. Having begun his banking
career at the main office in 1963,
Swart was promoted to assistant
general auditor in 1968. Before
joining the Pittsburgh Branch in
1981, Swart was vice president in
charge of cash, fiscal, securities,
and check collection.
Four senior officers were promoted to the level of senior vice
president as of November 15, 1982:

Randolph G. Coleman
became senior vice president
responsible for bank services
operations, which includes cash,
fiscal, securities, check, automated
clearinghouse, and funds and
securities transfer. He also is
responsible for the Columbus
regional check processing center
(RCPC). Before joining the bank
in 1979 as vice president in charge
of computer operations, Coleman
had worked at Society National
Bank of Cleveland for 20 years.

Donald G. Vincel was promoted to senior vice president in
charge of services management
and automation. Vince! joined the
bank as a management trainee in
1962 and was named assistant vice
president in the planning and
data processing departments in
1972. In 1975 he became officer in
charge of check collection, ACH
operations, and the Columbus


Lee S. Adams was named
senior vice president and general
counsel, responsible for the legal
and the supervision and regulation departments. Having joined
the bank in 1981 as vice president
and general counsel, Adams previously was a senior counsel at
the Board of Governors. He also
served as a lecturer at Catholic
University School of Law and as
assistant dean and adjunct professor of law at Georgetown University Law Center.
Thomas E. Ormiston,
Jr., was named senior vice president in charge of administrative
support and correspondence
administration. Ormiston formerly was the vice president
responsible for accounting, budget
and operations review, and data
services. He will continue to assist
accounting in developing an
improved budget and control system. Having joined the bank in
1950 as a research assistant,
Ormiston has served as manager
in data processing, assistant cashier in cash, and assistant vice
president in accounting.

In addition to the reorganization of responsibilities among
senior-level staff, five other people
were named vice presidents, effective January 1, 1983:

Andrew J. Bazar is vice
president in charge of automation
services, which includes data processing, communications, and
data systems support. Bazar
joined the bank in 1967 as an analyst programmer and was promoted to assistant vice president
in 1979.
Creighton R. Fricek is
vice president in charge of check,
automated clearinghouse, and
funds transfer at the main office.
After joining the data systems
support department in 1977,
Fricek became an assistant vice
president in 1981. Prior to joining
the bank, Fricek was manager of
time-sharing services at Chi Corp.
in Cleveland.
John J. Ritchey is vice
president and associate general
counsel. He joined the bank in
1979 as assistant to counsel and
was promoted to assistant general
counsel in 1981. Ritchey previously was an assistant attorney
general for the state of Ohio and a
staff attorney with the Community Law Office in Columbus, Ohio.

Samuel D. Smith is vice
president in charge of fiscal,
securities, and cash. Smith previously was assistant vice president of product development and
planning at the Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta, where he worked
for the past twelve years.
Charles F. is
vice president in charge of the
Columbus RCPC. Having joined
the bank's Cincinnati Branch in
1970 as a management trainee,
Williams became manager of the
Cincinnati Branch's data systems
support department in 1972. In
1976 he was promoted to assistant
vice president and assigned to the
Columbus RCPC.
Robert F. Ware accepted a
major transfer of responsibilities,
being named vice president of
finance services. This is a functional group that includes
accounting, billing, budget,
expense, and data services. Ware
was vice president and economist
in the research department, in
charge of research administration,
discount window, bank structure,
and Community Reinvestment
Act activities.



ast, we wish to recognize the contributions of
four men who retired from this
bank in 1982. We are grateful for
their many years of dedicated service, not only to this institution
but to the System and its
Willis J. Winn retired on
April 30, 1982, after nearly eleven
years as president of this bank.
Much of his public-service career
was associated with the Federal
Reserve System: before joining
the Federal Reserve Bank of
Cleveland, Winn served as a
director and chairman of the
board of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Philadelphia. Formerly
dean of the Wharton School of
Business, Winn was a professor
of finance as well as vice provost
of the University of Pennsylvania.
He was active in civic activities in
both Cleveland and Philadelphia.
Upon retiring from the bank,
Winn and his wife Lois moved to
a new home on his grandfather's
farm in Missouri.
Walter H. MacDonald,
first vice president, retired on
September 1, 1982. MacDonald
began his career with the bank in
1937 at the Cincinnati Branch.
After serving in World War II, he
returned to the bank, working
first in Cincinnati and then at the
main office. He was named to the
position of first vice president in
1966. MacDonald served with six
of this bank's seven presidents in
various capacities and with three
presidents as first vice president.

Harry W. Huning, vice
president of bank supervision and
regulation, retired on September
1, 1982, after 28 years with the
Federal Reserve. He joined the
bank in 1954 as an assistant trust
examiner in the bank examination department. After serving for
a short time with the examination
staff at the Board of Governors,
he returned to the Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland. In 1964 Huning was promoted to vice president of bank supervision and regulation, a post that he held until
his retirement.
George E. Booth, Jr., vice
president, retired on January 30,
1982, following a career of 33
years with the Cleveland Federal
Reserve Bank. He served as counsel in the legal department, and in
1964 he was named vice president
and cashier in charge of cash
operations. More recently, Booth
was vice president in charge of
vault custodies, correspondence
administration, and special
studies. He also edited the bank's
circular and operating letters and
assisted the bank's president and
first vice president in many of
their System-related activities.

We appreciate the contributions
that these men have made to this
institution; we wish them every
success in their future endeavors.








Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland Directors
Through December 31, 1982

Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent
J.L. Jackson
Executive Vice President and President-Coal Unit
Diamond Shamrock Corp., Lexington, KY

Deputy Chairman
W.H. Knoell
President and Chief Executive Officer
Cyclops Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA

John W. Alford
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
The Park National Bank. Newark. OH

J. David Barnes
Chairman of the Board
Mellon Bank, N.A., Pittsburgh, PA

Raymond D. Campbell
The Oberlin Savings Bank Company, Oberlin, OH

Directors, Cleveland office: I. to r., John W. Kessler, Chairman
J.L. Jackson, Richard D. Hannan, and E. Mandell de Windt.

John W. Kessler
John W. Kessler Company, Columbus, OH

E. Mandell de Windt
Chairman of the Board
Eaton Corporation, Cleveland, OH

Richard D. Hannan
Chairman of the Board and President
Mercury Instruments, Inc., Cincinnati, OH

John D. Anderson
Senior Partner
The Andersons, Maumee, OH

Member, Federal Advisory Council,
Fourth District
John G. McCoy
Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Banc One Corporation, Columbus, OH


Directors, Cleveland office: Standing, I. to r., J. David Barnes,
John W. Alford, Raymond D. Campbell, and John D. Anderson.
Seated, Deputy Chairman William H. Knoell.

Cincinnati Branch
Clifford R. Meyer
President and Chief Operating Officer
Cincinnati Milacron Inc., Cincinnati, OH
Oliver W. Birckhead
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
The Central Trust Company, NA, Cincinnati, OH
O.T. Dorton
Citizens National Bank, Paintsville, KY
Sherrill Cleland
Marietta College, Marietta, OH
Richard J. Fitton
President and Chief Executive Officer
First National Bank of Southwestern Ohio, Hamilton, OH
Sister Grace Marie Hiltz
Sisters of Charity Health Care Systems, Inc.
Cincinnati, OH


Directors, Cincinnati Branch: I. to r., O.T. Dorton, Richard J. Fitton, Sister Grace Marie Hiltz, Sherrill Cleland, and Don Ross. Not
present, Chairman Clifford R. Meyer and Oliver W. Birckhead.

Pittsburgh Branch
Don Ross
Dunreath Farm, Lexington, KY

Milton G. Hulme, Jr.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Mine Safety Appliances Company, Pittsburgh, PA
William D. McKain
Wheeling National Bank, Wheeling, WV
Ernest L. Lake
The National Bank of North East, North East, PA
Robert C. Milsom
Pittsburgh National Bank, Pittsburgh, PA
James S. Pasman, Jr.
Vice Chairman
Aluminum Company of America, Pittsburgh, PA
Robert S. Kaplan
Dean, Graduate School of Industrial Administration
Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Directors, Pittsburgh Branch: I. to r., William D. McKain, Ernest
L. Lake, Robert S. Kaplan, James S. Pasman, Jr., and Robert C.
Milsom. Not present, Chairman Milton G. Hulme, Jr., and Quentin
C. McKenna.

Quentin C. McKenna
President and Chief Executive Officer
Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, PA



Above: Aguard watches closed-circuit TV
monitors of strategic locations in the Cincinnati Branch.
Upper right: Armed guards patrol the federal
Reserve Rank buildings twenty-four hours per
day, m en days per week.
Lower right: Officers of the Cincinnati Branch
discuss bank operations in their territory.