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AUDITOR'S REPORT FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OP MINNEAPOLIS FOR TEE YEAR 1917. January 7th,1918, To the Directors of Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Gentlemen: I respectfully submit herewith the Auditor!s Annual Report for the year ending December 31, 1917, A monthly audit is made of all departments as far as possible, and continuous audit is made ox several accounts, particularly the cash and s ecurities in the Reserve Vault and the Collateral to Government Deposits. All Liberty Loan Bonds and War Savings Stamps are also checked in and out and records kept. Admittance to the Reserve Vault may be had only when an officer of the bank and the Auditor,or his assistant, are present, an officer holding the key to the grill door and the Auditor the combination. Admittance to any chest in the Reserve Vault is possible only when three are present. The Governor, Assistant to the Governor and the Cashier hold the upper combination and the Assistant Cashiers the lower, transactions in and out being checked by the Auditing Department. Yours fery truly, 0 HH-B X Y Auditor. IH SS Z P*»a» 1. 2. 2. 2. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. / 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16* 17. 18. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2a. 26 Monthly report of proofs and verifications. Proof Bills Discounted Messers. Proof Bills Bosgfct in open market. Proof 0. S. loads and Securities. Proof Municipal Warrants Bank Balances - Other Federal Beserve Banks. Bank Balances * Member Banks Government Deposits, Capital Stock. Earnings for December. Expenses for Decentoer. Expenses - Agents Department. transit Department Disbursements and Service charges for December. Liberty X>oan subscriptions and allotments. Liberty Loan and War savings Expense. U. S. freas. Certificates of Indebtedness issued. Average earning assets and rates for December. Average earning assets and rates by Months* Gross earnings by Months. Profit and Loss Account. Salary Statistics - Liberty Loan and Bank. Statement of Furniture and Fixture Account, Statement of Gold Holdings of Baxik and Agent. Cash Becord - Bank. Cash Becord - Agents. Federal Be serve Motes issued for year 1917. Federal Beserve Botes received from Comptroller. Acceptances held at close of business December 31f 1917 Bediscounts Member Banks by Sown and States. Statement of Besoorces. Statement of Liabilities. HOHTHI.T REPORT OF PROOFS AID VERIFICATION BT THE AUDIT DEPARTPWT. FEDERAL RESERVE B A M OF HIHHSAPOLXS. Deoonber, 191?. Data of preceding proof 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/14 11/8? 11/30 Continuous 11/JO 11/0 11/15 11/S ii/a? 11/8 a/as 7 Weekly milf 11/30 11/30 11/30 11/30 11/30 ii/a? 11/30 1 1 /3 ? n/a? 11/3? 1 1 /1 4 11/33 11/30 Date of proof thla south Bills discountad for mefflbers Maasbar bank collateral notes loo apt maom bought Bill of lading drafts United States securities Aooruad interest U*8.securities Premium account U.S*securities Municipal obligation® Bestnre Cash Tellers1 cash Ch3ok3 and other cash items Due from non-mambar banks Due from member banks-deferrad debit Du© from depositary banks-Fiscal Agt# Capital Account Due to member banks-deferrad oredtt Ho,of accounts of member banks not reconciled during month Accounts with F.R,banks reconciled (indicate whether daily,weekly ot monthly) Suspense and difference accounts Earned Discounta and Interest: Bills discounted for members Acceptances bought United States securities Municipal warrants Unearned Discount and interest 5 Bills discounted members Acceptances bought Municipal warrants Cashier*e oheoks Expanse oheoks Ssrvios charges Fadef&l Reserve Agent *s Department: Federal Reserve lotes Gold and lawful money held Rediscounts and acceptances held Fiscal Agents Accounts; Collateral held as security for U.S.Deposlts Uberty Bonds & Int*Ctfe*reed* for exohange and conversion Miscellaneous accounts; Liberty Loan Cashier*s checks War Savings 9 * Pay roll checks 13/a? 13/a? 13/3? 13/37 Continuous l ;i/3 S 13/38 U,U? Continuous 13/10 13/10 13/10 13/36 13/38 13/34 13/18 0 Weekly Daily 13/38 13/36 13/38 13/38 13/36 13/38 13/36 1 3 /1 8 1 3 /1 8 13/37 Continuous Continuous 13/3? 1 3 /6 13/18 ia/ia 13/18 M « r teile ooXXatoraX loans " * radlsooaats OB hand tfeaber bar.k rediacoonU soat for oollaotlon (iMing wtfl-id) Total # 1,198,630* 6,387,0m* 14 1.127.688.33 8,713,660.47 JL2TL. Bally avarago aaoimt of rediscounts from aaafcers Arorago rats of discounts 1916 7,370,500. 4.£23$ 1,268,400. 4.804$ A0cmpfur0Ba vaufzsD as of iegmkr 2 7 , X9X7. Aoosptanoes on hand Out for ooliaatIon (tain* wrtfi.4) 36X000. 7.678.031.71 8,03*.431.71 ....m Sally average amount of aoeefta&os* AT«rag« vat* u n u i *ft«p paying oonltsloa t. 4,703,X00* 3.168 2,154,300. Z.9&6% {felted iitafcaa loads and Neurit les on Band and Bold In Washington ** oXoae of business 9eo« 31,19X7- Continuous Audit* gar Value. 0*3.$reae*Cert# of Indebtedness dated lor* 30,due June 26tlil8 fteg* Z$ Consol* - loss 1900-1930 Hog* Bjl H a i M Canal Loan 1506-1936-38 Bog* and oottpon 3$ U.i.Loans 1898-19X8 Hog* 3$ Bua^aa Canal I4a& X9X1-1961 Coupon 3jf Cm year 0*$*freasa*y notea Coupon 3J( Byconversion Bonds X9X6-X946 Coupon B$ U.3*0on^rslon Bonds 1917-1947 Bog* 41 Coupon 4> 0*a»Boads 000* 3£3,030. 16,260. X,X99,X80* 300< X,340,000* 3,200* 111,600* 3,200,540. 4^ Liberty Bonds parehasod sad bdlng soXd to employees oa aerathly payment plan (Paid to dato #11,480*00) ........E7.930.. Total * * . * * 3,228,490. 3*11? average amount of ii.J.iiacuritles Average rate earned ■JUHUL M IL 3,833,400. 2*360 3,013,300* 2*897$ Warrants of States and Munlalpallties Bold at Clo89 of Business December 31, 19X7 - Paid Jan. 2, 19X8* -■JfiBft— Treaa* Warrant of Oily of laft Claire,fls* Sally average aaount of warraats Average rata earned aftor paying ooa&lsslon lte*JfeSft.te, Al. 3% Jan*2,1918 # 13,380* --MIL. 133,300* 2*9X8 _J 2 U L 1,£31,300. 2.748$ m u m m »im wmw* aid "bus to » om m wemm L eb^ive bauks A$ 0X031 OF B3S2SS33 DECMBM 31, 191? AED B10BCBM 31, 1916. federal Heserre Bank of...... . Boston Itw York Philadelphia Cleveland Hlohmond Atlanta Chicago St* Loult Kansas City Balias San Franciseo Deferred Due froa 1917 _ Due froa Bus to 1917__ 1,021,741.17 5,460,688.79 855,921.03 63,293.17 3,820.87 1,822.38 3,363,388.38 151,402.54 143,062*34 34,734.57 183,182*95 355,628.92 1,540,599.88 3,103.46 1,056.83 522.47 2,296.93 202,687.66 5,927.58 45,760.39 12,830.46 49,957*42 151,864.84 1,006,288.58 511,730.78 610,092.38 66,911.55 9V548*99 5,243,485.13 187,152.41 186,150.81 7,032.71 449,376.67 88,145*80 237,022.56 188,921.31 268,168.72 22,425.39 5,619*35 1,407,580.37 134,753.07 183,469.88 11,318.06 5,894*18 11,283,058.19 1,964,552.53 2,220,372.00 1,378,625.07 8,449,634.85 2,074,525.79 2,553,318.69 1,793,837.89 14,247,610*72 3,598,997.07 10,524,160.64 4,347,156.58 the balances due at have been oheoked and found oorreot. balances Bat to ^tateiaexits of dm to other ifeder&l Beserre Basics have been forwarded and will bo up until verified* followed Accounts with other federal Besenre Basks are reconciled once a week tad copy of reconcilement forwarded to the different ban*®. Accounts of Member and Eon-aaabor Banks wore verified as of Deoenfeer 31, 1917 sad found to be 1b control with balances In General Ledger. Daily statements are rendered and reconcilement asked for and received from eadh Back at &e olose of business each month. m 9o m 27,662 29,201 29t985 29,198 29,893 lyftwifny February Itaelt April 2fey Jxms 149380K U tS13 IS,050 15,382 17,621 19,129 July August oapt. October Kovo&b&r Airarag# Balaooe 1916 Avmmm 1917 35,786M 37*442 38,888 42,196 43,696 4%li0 34,40514- mam bmk mumm m mims omm m business vm m IHyaw.f 19,605a 20,406 21,490 22,773 26,801 29,670 « m? jaM, l t8199598*a2 191S69669#84 1# Bale, 23f97atd99«a? itfMMtMB 3f0X$td08«d& s. sb* viao* tat* Balance a© shovs Qm&ml M & s m * • # • 3t6O4t30 4»m«fi@0»40 1,466*009.09 2,37MIQ»0t a«mft8oa#i^ 2#766f640#87 409476t91S#31 29,534,961*87 Ok JanuGry Bf 19X7 tb® deposits war© redaood §1,700,219,92 th«mgh the traneftofiag of 52 mBGOmZn Banin to tb» ®iioago distrtot* fhls acooxmte for tlwi lose la deposit* for Hie etat# of Wiaoonsin over the $&®t 1W&» $hl& nakes a gain in ro*orvo* ffcr 1917 of $129*9M?3«3* « m & m % gain of A laargn p ut of tM* gain in m m m m i* tam$at about lay th§ fact that Hamfcor Banks ar© now r«<|ulr®4 to m m ff their total reaorroa with tho Podaral Boaorvo 3on&* *S&jm3Li ilfawfflftxy Fobroary laroi* April ’Jay Stm Iffi SHE.♦.»■>» Off PBI!1?SB &SASBS BY MOKIZHS..^L916 ** 1917 ..1917.._ .... J isii 2,35834 mm It4l2 mm 981 m 3,069 457 3,660 8,827 618 748 ^tOy August SGptofi&ar October Ifovesnbor Bmnfetr Bally asronkg# for tii® yoar 1916 Dally averag© for tho yoar 1917 1917 „ 6,503M 4t397 3,018 69U 3 10,483 7,728 704*000. 4,946,000* UM. 77m 968 3*066 1*031 039 860 total capital efcocfc at the close of business Daeeralioy 31# 1917 #2*612*450*00 B%Mk im&mm proved md verified wit& gomiral Xa%»r* FAMtm mm s of c&i>mL stem mr> m tm m m * ie# of Banka State Michigan H&t mXWBmm&Wm i a t n j i j i i jhl ^» jffk 33 m Stock Hold M*# paid to m&* m i 3mm 30-16* fca i m » i ? 139,700* 11,154.17 ia,uo.u 23,304*32 130,359.62 240*993*3® 1,042,030* Total DiT* paid to SMU 31.1917. A 116 322,100* 20*813*07 24,665.49 45*473*88 t* Bakota 162 260,230* 20*172*88 22,686.78 42,838*43 s* Dakota 128 227,100* 18,687*12 19,440,43 36,012*53 Wisconsin as 12X.2S0* *22*196*01 I0.74S.71 352,940*72 773 2.612.450. 820,066.06 423*595*9® Totals * w n F ^ y 'w Mvideiida paid to iyieoo&slii tanks tfkioh wire tiMefswed to the Chicago District are iacludod In the .ibove figures and amount to #13*332*89* fit® total capital itode at the dose of business Dooeober 31t 1918 m e £2*608*900, and tlm total number of stockholder© 760* On Jamary Bt 1917# 52 fieofltwim tank** with capital stoofc sootmting to #229*400*, were transferred to the CMoa^o District leading a iota of 708 stockholders with capital stock holdings m m m U m to |2*3?9*500* fhie sa&ns a gain for the | W 1917 of 65 stockholders and $232,950* in capital stock, or a not gain over December & * 1916 of 13 stockholders and #3,580* in capital stock* She aiost icfcioeoble gain in m l w of ©tocMiOldors is the State of Montana with a not gain of 41, and the state of Minnesota shows a not fain of $137*700* in capital stools* ■MMtWB Of i m 8B8B8AL BE3®?S M M Of fob q b m o m of m ? ToKal AOwtti SJJBfflNp Jan^ L M 7 ‘ aW arlcd Jg P** ¥ ll JJULi.... baxtfrti Bill* $t MiXIs &i*0 otmt»& • Mackare 41f243,6B AeoeptceuMMi bou^s is* ©pas* aark®t 38*368*tl 3 H f;575*S4 and Fed. Res. Banks m 9m * m I^O&tBKliitt}1 U« s. Ban&s sm& $*•**»? notos, 69,266.49 103*98 Hemielp&i i^sarimts' 4,479.62 34#26?*0$ 45,902.63 23,538.51 •Zramt&r ~ t#t earning &9m Daficicmt m m r m pamltl®* (iiujlu&ijag 1st | 1*296*J#S 4#4C7.90 Sundry profits 2f98S*22 9.435.95 Stetol fir ?ot&l Oiuoa 3agul*mf u w $0t&l Bawxiis^i . . * • « • jjj Coat of FfBc^ia^r (p^r* ®8®SB WSNt WSSB§ SJEtolUdjti^r &&* wassaee* fa«w»««ni &ts*! 1*369.62 3a*<m*a0 1#573#8S 4,765.01 60*67 8,541.47 SOt&l 6M»» Cost of ftamitara and eqalpnotttt l^urnltui’S Hi ?IxttU^s Machiaas Othar Total oo«t of fooroltaire andequipraamt. * * • * # » * * . * . JUi 2,810.80 X4.69I.06 66.Q6S.2S Mrldanfl* ocaniad also, sad of lost illvldond period to oad of Beosobar 291? - $220,068*08 CURHI1T EXPENSES OF THE FEDERAL RS8HRVE BANK OF MI1IEAFOLIS FOR THE MOHTH OF DECEMBER 1917. Total for Month I. Total since Same Period .. -.2 I M . _.. EXPENSES OF OPERATION. Assessments a/o expanses F.R.Board 905.38 (monthly proportion) Federal Adviaory Council (fees and traveling expenses) 0 Governors•conferences (including: 163.41 traveling expanses) F.R.Agents1 conferences (including traveling expenses) 4,150.08 Slaxiaa: Bank offioers 4,515.49 Clerical staff Special offioers and watchmen 115. All other 350. directors* fees Per diem allowance 70. Travelioi expenses 147.S3 Officers1 and clerks1 traveling expenses Legal fees 135 471.67 Rent Taxes and fire insurance 10.40 Telephone 406.80 83.89 Telegraph Postil* 1*794.69 Expressage 599.53 Insurance and pram luma on 530.49 fidelity bonds 1,958.53 Printing and stationery Repairs and alterations 838.61 All other expenses*n.s.including exchange paid .1,393,.80.. Total expenses of operation Liberty Loan Campaign adjustment 10#190,14 634.66 417,39 36*634.93 39*376.59 1*668.80 815.90 3*740. ©40. 1*506.36 1*311.30 78. 3*100. 990. 1*485.86 361.87 1*500 5*680.04 74.44 1*030.89 898.50 6*551.63 5*030,36 1*144.55 1*500. 6*955.04 0 568.30 399.10 8*156.55 533.94 3,069.71 7*474.63 1*367.33 1*731.39 6*197*93 719,47 .. 134*334.03 II. IOT1 ISSUES. 43,381.30 1*354.53 III. DEPRECIATION CHARGES. Total currant expenses 1*391.56 113.90 37,101.38 31*935.78 , ... Furniture and equipment 743.50 150. 18*388.16 Cost of Federal Reserve Currency issued by bank during month (including expressage* insurance*etc) 3, 893,33 Mls o eU aneous charges a/o not® issues (including taxes on Federal Reserve B **% note circul 154.69 ation 8*963.07 400i 4.800, 35,535.1? 173,631.55 105*355.30 gamm m - of (&k&uded in cui*m& <mpmxtto) ?Wlffl ‘TlWiiliWTn 80*50 Mtft Aft ■®0WrtWN0ft fyfyyffl^ ^| ^fTfflf'T^ SSMB #PR|W(f'fP--lFTw m m trn i#4?&*n mo*oo »Pw P f P P l r II^MMi < m n ^ m & 'm w n & k MM* ^mwllssg 3?tal«*»***««*«»#»»+*****•«*** b^ SMw&t I$8Mlfll sg *!^ M-©si*7a p*Pf.j|P'VW'w* " 8 smjffiis aPAaKHRf, m m & hbssrvh a m as u m m zo tis BmPfim M.ft^ lTTTtlTlm fojp of 1917# Stotal £or Total aiaoo Jim.3Umy M^ o e 83*799*00 1 SECTSES Ofr (0SBI9101# Sal&ria*t Clerical staff iwBXl# fix"© iRffttfliXlOO M U rpSi© » Bostag!* ppfltotyffim oa fl&illtjf bo&dte BptoSiteB ^ sfc&fciotiisx^f 4|;1 0thd2* $Xp@ElSd8t a6ofoo 3,000*00 6*00 SQ#00 5*00 1*150*00 48*00 Jfc |*|rtfjtfc MHMi tfwJiii 65*00 656*00 -U6*1Q 4 *180 ,7 ? 69.65 m^m 4*948*09 41*361*13 315.00 3*100*00 5*5860*89 44*461*13 mrrto* c&harge#* assaaxsr basic** 3*330*80 32*021*16 Sarvio© aharg«sf ot&ar Fed# Bsaarra Bank## a#10S*14 £0y54£*B4 6*438.94 53*363*40 »*l* *•>**mpw $9$ftl fiaQWMraHS Of Op®P&tiCfltt ix# m ^ m o m i m m m m * FttnR&tan •qta^pmat tDofc&l dis'bursajsonis m » wmim m m m * ^ofeal sorrlo® €&w®M mrvlm m w m * paid othwr F«d* M m r m 3saHti 603*73 4*832*21 2.772.71 4 PWPM mww** •» p 9 60*800*69 k U L JL i .I,I,.k SL i J U U Fiuf i m i . ■uubaorlp tloiia 67,780,450* Allotments Slid OB Allotaant* B&laaoa due from subscribers 49,509,050. 4a.S0Q.lBl. 8,669* P*llaoi»«nt »ab«crHmr». Qaltooua State Bank, Mlanoapolta, linn# Waltsr Mallory, St.Baal, Minn* W. p# Xroasaln, MlsnaapolU, H ub * Iftnoan 3tat« Bank, Kraalia, Moat* First 3tata 3asfc, Bovbella, I*D* Coulaa 3tata Bank, J3oulea, S.2. tfortuna itata Ban*, fortana, f*X>* S. A* Randolph, Soraaton, &.I>* Int3ratate Bask* Saatiaal Butta , $#i>* Undarwood dtata Baafc, tftidarwood, I.D* L. f* Barsa, Saalt St#* laria, Oa&ada Z$ Sapfid 3aba«srl»ti®&a laid 160. 3* 60. 1* 100. 2* i* 400* 50* 2,300* *4. 1,200* 2* 100. 60* 1* 2,600* 60* 30* 1,600. 600* 10* Balanoa .ml 147* 49* 96* 392* 2,400* 1,176. 98* 49* 2,460* 1,470* if,Ck ... ... 8,869# Bonds rood* from Traaaasy Dajartment Xtelivarad to stibsorifears 3arr@ndarod for oonrarsion to *% 32,174,300. 29,142,600* 2,315,700. Ixitarla Certa* rood, from £raaa.i)ept# DaliTurad to sabseribars Sarrandarad for oouvaraioa 62,869,900* 49,600,000* 10,233.500* aSQCMB LOAff. Sabaoriptiona 140,601,060* Allotaaata 131,763,950* Paid cm Allotaants .............. Balanoa d m froa aabaorlbara 19,104,946* Bonds recatrad froa Sraaaauy Department Dallv^rad to subscribers Surronderod for ooavaraIon to 4^ 63t600,000* 41,916,900* 10,233,600* z t w L jm £x£*a«t for Postag® Printing A Stationary Publicity Salaries ft1•$'!»«# £ fimvtliag £xf-»n«t» S$»ij«#iit fspr*Mag* Foatag« Printing A Stmtiensry miititjr R*nt Salari»8 f»l§l>fton» 4 T«l»gr&jh Trawling X*$»&s*t Mi8C3ll%-.«oua 100*00 1,26^*16 fdtal tftj-ftfit* JUMQwrvd Iron .JmwuaJtelt Vouch&re #tSll ____ 4,740.28 13,ff4*4© 5,131.12 1,564*00 17,514.42 221.96 934.52 10.5$ 1,531.10 1,372.81 45,436.80 41,340.79 4,Go6*01 18,870.29 47,«U.72 js is m JAIL623.69 1,016.16 31.93 318*10 233.90 3,511.03 1,122.64 15,540.64 13,069.69 325.54 885*66 313.33 5,426.17 16,243.12 337.06 1,352*19 367*a# 2,579.09 1,136.35 3,365,93 9,958.47 53,783.01 Xdvmevd to Co&ftitt*** • • . Liberty tmn Ixf«A«t, For® 34 ___ u m m Iff, m l n IAR 8AVf^Qg Sai-ariaa 139.1$ 329.16 329.16 m b. (o* W>. Allot. t« tm B®# ♦ tt 1 Q W to • t® It©* S&tMl dofe« Allots# *»* an%* scon 5d 04 8.000*000, gg0,000* 99 m, qrfiA AIKI #«V|WV« io £0*000* i 10 # II it 7 496,000. smooo, IT -*000* 80*000* lfOt§00* 126,000* 180*000 3 S«rpt I f 178*000* 1 #0 W _ is m tm 0©t« 18 1*101*000* 180*000. 70S,000* i*t 08*000. O0t 14 840*000* 600*000* Mm m its, liO*000* filiml® I 1*0§&*00O* Si T m 4*891*000* s © 888*000 & 1 *040*000 fyt 1 *176*000 38 @40*000 If 180*000 7 4,413,000* iff 8*878*000* 18f • 188*000 10 000 0 * , 8*000*000* 1 » *000 . 182 f *twvv« 1 1,660,000* 800*000* 4 11 1.463 *VW« * 000 * 1 1, ♦ 41 3,450,000* §*§41*000* 1,000,000* 8*808*000* tm I*4 f*v*O*O00* T, 73 8*000*000* 7*000*000* 000* 8,* ^ . * w ^ * 8,025,000* 8* 000* 000* 1 . 000# 10t 1 f 14 83 6,200,000* 3,700,000* 1 i §§0.000# £2 8 S i 20 8*400*000# 2,800,000* 000* 46 4 478*000* * 1 4,600,000* 1.140 i 4 8*000*000* 14,S96,^w* 24 If * * * * # * * ♦ ' * * - * # * * * * - * • * * # * * * • * ♦ # * * # * * SRt&S&XllNHMI & H |p?#'S|>0 * * * * * * * * • * * * * * • • « * * * • * • • * • * • * • • • • 1236 4 AVEB&OH mOW? 07 EACH CUSS OF KAHSIBO ASSETS im.n BY THE WTiHir. BESB8SB m y OF JQHHEirQlIS S m tim S AHD BATES OF EAEH'TIGE (LESS COHHiSGIOBS) IHT.KBOR FOB 5ES i&jrm OP SStJUUBR 1917, Atoxi^i during As? i&Kft39>l Bills Disootm'fcod «* SsasbiBPW 6«223t70Q* 30.926*53 4*414 A00fif>t&tt£i6fl 9*600*200* aa*366*m 3*476 0* s* Boaaa aaA somiritl©» 3 ,,m tsoo. f9m *m S.33& 25*400* 102*92 4 *m 4*356*600. 10*417,38 2*616 atT.R3fl.lflO* 76*345*96 3*681 ^cmioli&l VasvttKli Eddleoomtft for other M m l B o s o m Bonlca w ( | W 4 W VI AVERAGE HOLD!SOS Or EARSIHO AS3ETTS ST U08THS. Bills Disoountad Janu ary Fabruary MarolJ April 1Jay Juno July Aug. 8«pt. Oot» tov, Dao. __ & from. Warrants Total 6.435.500 8,786,000 5.833.500 S ,387,300 4.149.900 1,371,800 744,600 1,410,700 3.238.900 3.483.600 8.740.600 a.flSiijjgft, 3.101.300 3.396.100 3,665,500 5.188.300 5,306,200 5,131,000 3,639,900 3,364,600 3,649,700 4,363,800 3.851.100 5.314.300 550,500 539,100 330,600 176,700 173,900 26,300 7,370,500 4,703,100 3.833,400 153,500 16,060,500 1,363,400 3,154,300 3,016,300 1,351,300 7,689,400 1,309,200 3.318.400 1.511.400 5,002,500 8,704,900 10,301*700 13.370.300 13,433,SOD 8,319,100 13.687.300 Avarago 1917 Average 1916 B?S.Bonds Acosptanoas 1,400 11,500 35,400 11.833.300 13.167.600 10.331.000 13,375,100 14.634.500 13.533.000 14.576.300 17.045.600 19.303.500 16.168.300 35.314.300 35**00 AVERAGE RATi; OP EARSISB8 87 liOSTHS OS ABOVS IW2STED TOHDS. Bills Disoountad for Aooaptanoea U.S.Bonds & Traas. sia®bar© 4 *494 $ 4.363 4*611 3*933 4*130 3 .0 3 7 M&f 4* 158 4.047 4.305 4.46 5 4.483 4*358 3*339 3*386 3*187 3*303 3 .0 6 1 3 .6 0 8 3 .9 3 8 AVCr&g© 1917 -..... .................................. 3*583$ 3*794 3*845$ 3.153 3*557 3*378 ....................... 3.079 3*307 3.4M- — 3.034$ 3.163 3*305 3*548 3*698 3 *-749 3*705 3a533 3*60 0 0 3.311 4*887 4*773 4.771 3.979 3*301 3* SIS 3*831 3*974 3*935 3*683 3*493 3 •539 3.409 3*170 3 .0 8 7 $ 3*931 3*934 3*700 3*678 4*33 3,15 2156 - 3.91 3*50 4 .0 0 8*33 3*33 3*75 3*79 Armm® 1916 Total Botes January February March April June July Aug. Stpt. Dot. Bor* Dec. Warrants J&mber hank Jan. Pali. Mar. Apr. l&y June Jaly Aug. Sept. Oot. Hot * Deo. AooeptU.3*B©nde asusse - .4 motes.. Warrants Sundry ....Xr&fLtft..._ Xotal 6,906.19 7,4X7.12 6,918.52 8,554.49 17,984.40 22,301.49 37,659.72 45,747*35 45,762.64 30,791.24 40,069.83 41.243.85 15,519.41 15,225*30 15,591.46 13,404.23 11,933*80 4,379.74 1,935.99 3,507.85 8,414*58 6,492.01 23,757*40 _ 28.368*91 6,804*45 5,692*49 5,788*22 10,143*05 10,181*64 10,141*34 7,819*06 7,281.98 8,093*96 10,111.21 8,750.48 7.128*28 1,396.71 1,185*70 796*47 391*80 400.34 54* 0 0 4*26 47*82 99*60 - 10t*M_ 1,495.11 1,789.75 2,999*35 1,578.24 2,683*87 3,075*80 1,997*09 3,288.84 7,958*64 11,246*08 11,158*20 JL6.745.17 32,110*87 31,310*36 31,094.02 34,081*81 43,184*05 39,952*37 49,421.86 60,826*02 70,234.08 58,683*36 83,835.51 93.569*13 2otal 311,376.84 148,530.68 97,936.16 4,479*62 66,016*14 628,338*44 Avorage monthly earnings for year ** » expenses ** ** ” net profits per taontfe ” H » anoant of dividends per month for year .m y .. .....___ 19,842*39 ££,361*53 ............ 37,893*07 10,515*90 12,225*28 Average monthly earn Inge last half of year »» w expenses ** ** ** ** M net profits per month last half of year 26,430*84 69,432.50 ....UJUdft...JM t t a l L 16,781*41 50,651*38 Average cost per monthIbr Fad. lies* Kotes Hate per oent earned on oapltal stook for year 3,531*77 822.17 18*12 5*16 m a n y a n Loaa Aooomre i 9i 7 y»d»r»I aw.rr. Bufc o* mnnMnoif. Oroaa Earnings for 1917, From X>iaoouat8~-l§M8feer8 and Federal Beaarve Banka frm Aooeptanoea fro® Hal tad «Hataa Neurit lea froai iamnti froai Interest oa fraaafera Bought and **>ld Fro® Penalties Dafloient Seaorvea Fro» 3undry Prof1ta -froa aanrloa Cfeargaa f 311,375.84 148,880*68 97,986.16 4,479*62 48,982*88 4,467*80 9,488*98 6ll29.86 , c Total.... ........ *............... ........ ............. . Expense of Operation of bank propar f Coat of Federal Eeaarra Ourraaogr issued (including express, insurance, etc.) Miaeellaneous charges &/o note iaauaa Depreeiati'n on furniture and equipment (§400* par jaoatti) . $ 628,888*44 128,088*73 42,881*80 1,884*82 4.800*00 total...... ......................... *.... .............................. Bit parsings for T w ....... ......... . 484,716*89 Profit and Loss January 1, 1917 ••....... ........ ........... * ... M M hJf, Total .......... *.... ....... ................... .......... . #499,288*16 Laaa the following ltema oharged offi Difference of aooouat Balaaoe of ftiraitttre and fIxturas Depreciation on Vault Reduction of Boada to Haricot Value Eeeerred for aferaaion on Oold 18*87 82,864*28 4,000.00 18,000*00 ATalUbl* for SlTldmda &MRUNL .#441, 1TB.64 BlTtdands p.lli Oat* p»14 Jan. 30. 1917. parlod oororad July 1, 1916, to Jon* 30. 1916, 148,821*01 Data paid 3e*emfeer 29, 1917, period covered J&ly 1, 1916, to .December 31, 1917, 220,088*08 18*13 1sterast paid oa stoak surrendered Paid Federal aaaerva Bank: Chicago to adjast book value of wiaoonain banka traaferred Balance Profit aad Loss January 1, 1918 ............. | 78,187*18 1*? Month Suabar of Salaries __________________ ft&gEMBI May June JUlJ Aug. Sapt. Oat. Sw. °so* Average ? & * ■ * _________ Salarla, 10 332.64 30 3,110,06 SO 3,689.76 41 3,357.74 30 3,588,14 51 3,530.40 S3 4,530.87 .. - 5 2 ______________ §A,gaa«ii___________ Totals . . 1 . . 314 36,150.53 90.00 70.33 73.80 81.90 86.37 60.03 88.88 83.38 Bonus paid in Dscambcr ino ludad in abovs figures fi,§85,i5 Avar&g# number of d a r k ® 191? 39 k m x m ® monthly salary of clerks, 191? 163,38 9niQJ&l&MJ3k Mo No.of ploytss Jan, Fab. Mar. Apr. lay June Jtely Aug, Sept« Oct, Sov, mo. 54 55 55 54 SO 58 8? 73 73 85 85 m Totals 803 Officcr© S&X&rias Oltrks Salaxi#® total Salaries 3,791.66 3,791.86 3,791.66 3,875,00 3,875.00 3*875*00 3,300,00 3,875.00 3,875.00 3,135,00 3,876.34 4*1M*M 3,640.84 3,734.59 3,734.98 3,746.83 3,817.89 3,658.49 8,094,93 4,344.94 4,519,67 5,870,09 5,110.99 7,470.55 6,43S,S0 6,516.35 6,516.64 6,631.83 6,693,89 6, 533,§9 9,394.93 7,219,94 7,394.67 8,995,09 8,987.33 11.620.61 37,101.38 55,734.78 93,836.16 Racovarad frots fran* sit dtp t. 1,819,17 1,870,41 1,773,50 1*793,6? 1,840,63 1,630.84 3,684.36 1,861.53 1,698,01 1,757.34 0,135.59 33,799,00 Avtragt mlary officers lv?*r,4W» 108.48 108.48 m*i! 111.58 113.84 138.73 98.90 103.70 105.83 105.73 115,60 Bonus paid in JUly and U#ot®bir amounting to $5,311,13 included in above tabla. Avarag* nwatbtr of officers and d a r k ® 191? 6? Avarag© »onthly salary of off icers and d a r k ® 1917 $115*60 suvmn or fdbkiwrs ash iquimiT ( iscuraiso vault ) ..MWHB..iQMt coats im mmcuno* sires opnire furnifcurs ml iaiinwt fatal Purchased proper For bank For transit 4a- Balatiea Aa as&aial.,-^ Charged off ILJUU $t2#X9a>oi pmttmnt Vault Total /.***•**■«**** • *..*.« 39,318.25 32,364*25 | 79,318*25 ^ J U SEs B. I 36,564.25 x# ■Itaftgga$ 89*901. oou> mtmnm or t o bahk asb t o vfeDflitL Hismvi aqsr 01*031 Of BU3ZSS88 2K0SKBSR 31, lflf AS eOMPlBIO fO CLOSS OF DBIIIS^ Bank 191$ Bank 1917 (Jol* eoia Oaii Cartilicatsa Starling gold aeaeaat Soli *aiti«®aist fund Geld :rtd#a$tla& fuiid * #6$9fOQO* Sold fioia 8.371.000. 3 .100.000. 19,4-6,000* ?0#,000* 0ol4 eartificataa 7,S3t,OQO* o Oold 33tt2aE:8nt fund 7,064,000* $3T,424,®00 Gold r»d«vUon fund „.J£»2Q£|i.I X5,S3t#OO0 Ai®at 191$ Agont 19X7 Gold eoin 0ol4 Oold fund &old r»dM$tlon fynd Qvrtittmtm 31,191* 3,000,000# Oold coin 3,000,000. 10,102,000* Gold ft#rttll«ata» 1®,230,000. 18,500,000* Gold sottltalttt fund 4,S$OtOOO* LQQO^ If.f10.000 O ld fund.,. lfOQ4,.C*X\ ................... Grand total • •i *• « « $ 70,334,000 . . " * . * . * . • . . . >4M#OQO 3**313*000 ATtragS HaXanea in Gold Sattloaont Fuad of tek during 19X7 «•*«••*$ ##44t,O00 Averts Salavat in Ooid Sattloaant Fund of Agaat during 1 17 * • . • 7#83$,000 fh# Xarg* gain in Oold Holdings aa rapraaantad -hf balanoa i& Oold SottXoaoat. Fund *a« built i»| i» !■art by th® ahlpsont to mib»tremaury at Chicago of I 15,100,000 im Oold oariiflottos tr m this ba»k* Transfars for th# CMrornMat as wall m aaad of v*ult roam, wot* th® sain oatttoa for'-our afeippini> Our gala la gold eeia Mid eartiftoatan ©tar 191* ia $ #,100,000 leaking a total withdrawal of $ 21,700,000 la gold ®oia and dortlfiftatttf froa our own district banks. icma with othar districts, fha additional gain in gold r®pra##«t« thi M t ol traaaatV Attantioa it also drawn to tfca fait -that unfit not#a of thia bank to thf m ount ol $ 9,000,000 woro charged against our Oold Haaaftpiion Funa at faahing* ton during 1917* All goXd aartlfiaataa ropraaaating funda hold at faahisgtoa for, tha FtdfsraX Easartw lanka and th# Ftdoral Eatanr® Agaata* art in tha ©wttody of tha fr^^i»ry Bapart^ i&ftfit aad so varifiaation la em&9 by tha Auditors @f tha Fodaral Raaarva Banka* CAfff? HBCOBD FjSDEEiII* HBSEB7E B&iSC OW MXH3®U?01*XS m m m m si* m ? Co®i>artoata^ Gold Ptito D IS SilW & 2,000,000# 4*775*000# 1*190*008* 100*000* 45,000# 1,180,000* 430,000. 1,195,000. 1,240*000* 1,535,000. 6,440,000* 6,775*000, 1,190,000. 975*000* 554*000* 354*000* 248*950* 33*300# Bd®# Hot#» S i l w Osrtifioat*® 285.315* 984 5,000# fetal Cash 272*470# 0*091*38 180*050# 21*940* 28*605* 189*361* 45.25 576,650.36 652,471.25 Bafcl & otls«r F#B#3Se notos 830 *000* 010 000 2t000t000. 5*9*6*000# 354*000# 100,000. 45,000* 1*180*000# 430*000# 1 *195 *000* 1,340,000, 1,£85,000, 15,734,000. gotala .^pi^j3P~r.-r 00Id Coin Gold 0art# 3earor Sold €$rt* Order Totals ,. 030,000# 010,000* 14 10 17 BO 22 23 24 m u 27 Sotsls Federal Hold Cart. -Jfcfc*— * IfotQg Gold Go*t* 6*440*000. 6,775*000# 1,190,000. 9EU0O0# . 209*000* 145,000. &9m 9m . 7,080,770* 1,190,000. 1*4£0*865. B3M®4* 179*105 169*381# £,136.61 18*734*000* 16,963,121*61 OontJUmoiis iKidit Is Seopt on all cash In Bosarre ?smlt* th» Mditiz® Ifcpartaaant Holding the coKfolnaUon to tfoa grill door m the f e s r a tealt ©ad all out are ohmlm&t ffae pacing ®ad raceiirlng tollom oaoh m s vortfiod In and m Tmm&mr 15th* flim & L BB3ERYB V0XB3 HELD BT AOW? J & !* Jtt.* * J&lg. m i I $601 660M z SOM @0 3 1,040 1,04011 lt840II 5 620M 910M 1,260 7 8 3,270 1.280 760 m 1.500M 29320M XfS40M 910M 520M 7,09011 1 9 M 1. 4 5f00031 X9000M 6,00011 S 1,240 29862 4,102 9 1*00011 1,000 30 1,00GM 1,000 E jusasL. 3fooaii 6,24011 3y8621i ftodisoomit bold to secure notes At Ag«nt« orodit with J?ed* Bes. Board At Agouti orodit in aedoaptlon Jftmd Total Gold held Total fed. Bosorro notas bold Total F$d« Hoserra notea destroyed total * • • • • • • » • lotes rooel'rad froa Controller to 12/3l/l7 Excess with igoat 13,10EIC 18,893,062.19 18,600,000.00 1,307,950.00 13,102,000.00 7,090*000.00 66,777,562.19 797,562*19 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES ISSUE FOR YEAR 1917, 5's | New Used Total 9,700,000, 3,000,000. 50*s $ New Used $11,700,000. Total 700,000 80,000 £780,000 100*8 10*8 New Used 14,480,000. 0 14,480,000, New Used 13,960,000. 1,000,000. 13,960,000. 30*s New 1, 170,000. Used 140,000. 1,310,000 Total New 39, 010,000. Used 3, 330,000. 43,330,000 During the Year 1917, a total of $39,010,000 in new Federal Reserve Notes was issued, or double the combined issue of 1815 and 1916* Approximately $10,000,000 of our note issue has been destroyed at Washington, There was a very material change in the denominations of notes issued during the year, 50$ more 10fs being issued than 5*s,and 34$ more 30*s than 5*s. The percentage of 50's and 100*8 issued was also much greater than in former years. Total cost of all notes issued during the year charged to expense, was $43,735,83. Had the percentage of notes issued during 1917 remained the same as previous years, our note cost would have been at least $10,000 greater. The notes of larger denomination were used in part to replace gold reserve held by country banks and sent us upon request. Total cost of all Federal Reserve Notes issued since opening of bank $73,303,15, Under the present arrangement with the Federal Reserve Board, our order for notes to be held in reserve at Washington and in the Sub-Treasury at Chicago, is automatically maintained at $50,000,000, The table below indicates where our surplus notes are held and the various denominations: Held in Sub-Treasury at Chicago. 5 *s |5,S00,000 10fs $1,960,000 30*s $1,840,000 50*s $800,000 100*s Total $800,000 $10,000,000 Held at Washington (Prepared) or in Transit. 5's $5,480,000 10's 3,380,000 S0'3 3,530,000 50's 1,300,000 100's Total 1,300,000 14,080,000 Being Printed at Washington. 5's $8,530,000 10*8 10,330,000 30's 6,480,000 50's 300,000 100's Total 400,000 35.930,000 $50,000,000 o s laoord of fadoral I j g i m Iotaa raoalyad trm tha CoaptrolXar of tha CurransT alnoe cpwilng cf Bank, Araottnta laanad, Ralaauad and Daatroyad aa if SjBgfeir 31, 19iy. laealvai fp©a liSIS*. Comptroller Sattaraad ta Agont l&nfe Isanad to Raieeuad to ftftwV {*!«•> iw9*y B a tu m i fcf Agent for Baatractioa wa nmi $ 19,700,000. 5,937,005. 18,300,000. 2,882,000. 8,055,000. 1,500,000. w 24,240,000. 8,470,000. 21,920,000. 775,000. 1,698,000. 2,320,000. 20 30,240,000, 1,895,000. 18,400,000. 1,855,000. 640,000. 1,840,000. m 1,400,000. 140,000. 880,000. 130,000. 10,000. 520,000. 180.000. 10.000. §10.006. 5,288,000. 5,410,000. 7,090,000. m 8.400,000. 67,980,000. 10,632,000. 60,890,000. Oor unfit notaa raturned to Traatmrar of ilia Unitad Stataa Our unfit notae retumad to .UOIflrOiiw ___ _ s 1 ,809,005 . 1,005,560. 20 •tt#5to* 6f¥,045. m 374,000. 335,430. 0* 8,900. m ISO. m 8,484,685. total notes daatroyad to ,,„ inn.. 2,039,425. fatal aetaa in circulation ^if.1917 ■*..Cm h ,.immeiml. 5.569.565. la,980,485. m 3.223.565. IB,696,435. m 1,349,420. 17,050.580. 18,900. ati#ioo* 5 90 ICO iul>*^4T..l4ifcSU 9,884,050. 51,005,950. ^ o ,V. STATKKSHT OF ACCEPTAICES HELD AT CLOSE OF BB8XSE38 DECEMBER 31,1917, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Hame & Address Hew York American Exchange Bank Bank of Hen York Chase national Bank Irving Hational Bank Mechanics & Metals Hatl Bk. national Bank of Commerce national Park Importers & Traders latl Bk, Citizens national Bank International Banking Corp. Chsaical national Bank Merchants national Bank Bankers Trust Co* Broadway Trust Co, Columbia Trust Co. Equitable Trust Co. Farmers Loan & Trust Co. Guaranty Trust Co. J.P.Morgan & Co Hauaberg & Co. lew Tork Trust Co. B.Altman 4 Co. American Trading Co, Henry Peabody & Co. Goldman Sachs & Co. Boston First national Bank national Union Bank Second national Bank national Shawmstt Bank Webster & Atlas national AKsr.Trust Co. Commonwealth Trust Co. J . P . Morris & Co. Minneapolis northwestern national Bank Am*t in dorsed by banks 330,000 16,376.01 75.000.00 80.000.00 34,700.00 37,600. 13.000.00 17,484.50 40,799.04 100,000.00 100,000.00 33.000.00 18,137.36 Am* t Hot in dorsed by banks. 17,736.10 86,600.00 45,195.33 117.350.33 188,670.31 996.530.33 1,748.69 Total amt Liable as Ind. on accept ances of other Banks & Tr.Comp Janies BSSSSmtmmSmmm 319,098. 455,000. 11,850. 5,398.35 6,511.34 50,000.00 7,300.00 575.46 8,308.33 93,965.43 383,847.13 313,174.54 563,940.00 16,376.01 4,033.00 27,450,00 3,836.51 7,594.16 3,013.55 1,709,068.65 30.000.00 138.800.00 109,118.60 314.435.00 135,000,00 70.000.00 346,000.00 79,378.30 583,179,43 Rama & Address Amft In dorsed by banks Am*t not indorsed by banks Philadelphia Corn Exchange Hat.Bank Cincinatti,Ohio Fifth-Third Hat.Bank 17,314.30 19,058. Fall River,Mass. Fall River Hat1.Bank Fitchburg, Mass. Safety Fund Hatl Bank 15,000. 39,473.91 Worcester,Mass. Worcester Bank & Trust Co. Merchants national Bank 348,000.00 SI,530.04 Providence, R.I. Merchants national Bank 348*000.00 Grand Total Total amt liable as ind.on acceptances of other banks 4 tr.companies 1,481,038.86 103,713. 5,685,638.90 1,385,087.93 m ii mom o wmiamma m sm.a u w m m m s i, in r A ® A M U t SSBI .t'OP S 'IJ b o u d b shb n m JM flM I SU S^ W$3f&% HbSS<B*S *» i* m ' IJ B J f l M .190.00 « «M M a. jiftttK f JP w lPft v « *§ w l» m it ft * m «t jHfc A . _ A ^ wEMMWHfc m #» Swcsw® i m ftl y|ff% VintlmaX ^pJmHp* JpBflKpflHHtipit tt IMSMl m m m m m ft^t^t *3. €||rw»W W (Ff^t ^l* p T ,« a u » u cm « M U U M U T4 mP^P'ljfc'W —W« -. t iP HtfH ^W W IF tttfB M i IM V M t W P® *” IM»Mft l§ * f£ M fe m t»«* fM * B ,S 4 »«M M * * «M ■ J 3■ Sw wSmiv • «!#§«£» X ?^7 ^ *§#?iM& m 'jh&a iMt w^WWW(BNP U f407.*l * ,* * «* 13^31^7 u,rr2,<n u §m m t l 1 I.M §*$1^*7? u^mm *»«§#«$• MUUK m$m*m $9« § f « it m jm m u^mm m1^iUULJMk mm S 8 JH W B *JfM W U tr e iyjfiijtt —If P§^0INm^® w w e^Fip F ^p ^p p ^F f%$g% sii$14imi& w it « w «M *M » 2S*i7S>#§© M ^*W~lflff*fffi jpSPW^iPw*" »,»* • * • IU J N J I iRWMLtfiNN& JMKWf Fir«t ITAti9&B& f .ram i* nlm «,m * g # J^HR wVi. Ifnitgm mmmmMmK Mft$¥9$Sl£ttW PBtSHNtil l#S79tS47,S7 $&&X8&mii 2&u«ax 17Sf0Ht*00 fMfci & MMNl# 8&tX« ySwwS m jm m V9H M » U*$§faS$ ***“■Wf fppw T IhilMiiiAl s5tm ,o i • klfin vIiiw NpiIkm ^ifiM iMp J BPWK#^pW*®>fct X,79fi#9 i flsst S M & 4 M & u jm m uln u n S7^ft2.70 86ft'«IW .<MPM I BtIFl W ^^I pSj lW •S.MS7.S7 iiJ W iS S $w*m*m t $r M” W PJ1$ ’■ {•^M !W Pw I0 | !H «H x r #0aT.60 M ^^S eW Ml wV'^w9m0mw 2 - - name of : gown Tfaiaa of Bank... Northfield Owatonna Plainview Rush City Hnshmore St* Charles St* Cloud n St* James St* Paul *# Horthfield national national Fanners First national it » « « Merchants national Cltlsexui national Capital national First National Hatl*Bk* of Cornerce natl* Exchange Bank Peeples Baak Stoolcyards national First national H n tv So * St* Paul Starhuclc thief River Falls Waseoa Wells Wllliaar Worthington total Asgdunt mmmmaSSSSSSSrnmm n n tt » Citizens national Worthington national 15,000.00 50,915*33 2,292*50 5,000*00 17,145*11 27,543*05 15,455.00 61,874*53 22,944*09 981,211*21 439,290*00 7®,000*00 220,511*47 500,000*00 15,000*00 15,750*49 16,944*08 51,544*97 50,000*00 12,324*70 20,389*44 5,457,200.49 imomit Rediscounted 16,098*94 5,000*00 5,568*53 15,455*00 61,549*64 21,594*76 1,525,569*68 / ^000*000*00 378,290*00 75,000*00 187,290*84 523,522*91 15,000*00 15,730*49 123,872*00 100,000.00 12,324*70 6,380,736.81 .. imfcrose Anamoose Bottineau Bowsesi Carrington Bast Fairriew forge Garrison Jamestown « Marlon Marfflarth. Medina Minot n Hew Salem Header Rode Lake Ryder Sentinel Butte Streeter Tolley fowner turtle Lake Tan Hook Willis t^L Wyndmare First national inaaoose national First national « « n Merchant s national ____ m First national Citizens national James Hiver national First Sational n tt Second National Etoion national First national First national 5,354*42 32,994*89 22,244*87 36,224.17 8,209*77 9,195.75 08,911.26 17*744*62 15,000*00 97,337.10 8,612.01 14,903.81 57,710*14 68,095*49 70,000*00 21,638.09 ,785*55 m 10,408*92 14,308*06 6,912*49 10,805*66 15,778*87 6,614*02 5,150*0o 42,831*11 5,046*00 9,052.51 22,244*87 36,224*17 8,209*77 7,354*05 60,622.70 9,146*56 30,000*00 97,337*10 2,600*57 10,343*69 7,980.83 104,774*52 85,175*00 16,717*99 17,574*44 2,500*00 14,508*06 6,912*49 10,805*16 15,778*37 6,614*02 16,831.11 5,046*00 O 728,864*57 603,954*28 name of fown name of SssSLm . Arlington Cartilage Chamberlain Elicton Fairfax Gregory Heola Hot %rfags Howard Kenaebe© Lake Preston XiSQffion Madison n mtohell w n Mobridge Scotland Sioux Falls « M Wessington Springs First national » Brule national First national « Gregory national First national Peoples national Howard * First national Farmers National First Ha&icnal n Lalce Co* national First national Mitchell » Western w First national C o m Belt national Security national Sioux Falls national ” Savings Bank First national Sotal Amount 15,618*13 20,357*87 30,950*89 8,502*63 25,947*39 32,026*67 9,603*51 15,422*44 5,758*76 3,150*00 8,914*42 8,90^*79 46,586*55 25,445*00 61,572*80 99,826*46 198,112.72 7,538*77 9,sH*S5 70,000.00 42,017*30 50,000.00 36,979*63 832,806*58 imount Rediscounted 18,069*87 30,950*89 25,947*39 10,490*85 5,758*76 3,150*00 8,912*42 8,902*79 27,879*28 25.445.00 76,572*80 99,826*46 278.230.00 3,849*31 9,361*85 35,017*30 23,688*00 692,254*97 gQKfim Ba&er Big Sandy i* Billings Broadview Browning Carlyle Ciit Bank Denton Forsyte n Balata o|r««r Geraldine Ox^at falls &4U.Q08' WiWiam Hinsdale Hysham iM im * Joplin Laurel kewistown Missoula UnflT’ qm First national » Farmers Rational Merchants national First national w » American national m a t national » It « n 11,085.19 44,371*98 5,000.00 103,264.94 8,946*69 13,177.3? 6f997*73 34,713.06 6,204.72 15,773*79 27,816.67 14,811.75 9,976*64 17,890*16 19,431.25 102,820*33 Oaamercial Batl* Conrad frust & S*gs. Bk* Hlngham State Sasic 5,279*55 15,976*45 First national 1,323*09 9,900.17 10,804*47 10,039*82 Citizens national 60,262*78 First national 31,197*10 3,146*80 8,615*67 103,264*94 13,177*37 5,939*12 9,344*17 5,776*53 11.805.00 14,811*75 16,676*50 18,406*31 20,000*00 3JS5f767*66 5,279*55 10.604.00 9,900*17 10,804*47 10,039*82 30,000*00 mi if 4m ©jf §*?#§*§? Fiapat St&t* tSU^ A 4ft ” JPM&98I&* n « ■*® * flM» *F 'Wir M| tMLu jSBPplyvSi%*AI8r $#46$«ft$ 5*152*78 7,906*4* *.?,$**#!§ ld#042*51 4» , 114.42 Ft*** Battiaaal ^ itttii iwwjfc# JrJJrW ^Qijpimi ■ #» WiufisM WBwMnRPB Tellowstoao Vfcl*Blc*& tr# m §m m iftliWllflflBKII $BB%S.686B2» m $m * m jnWFPW 4IWKMHHn& * §w m If 10*842*27 tt H> fM fc« M ^n 4T 11,749,2# S*162.T« s*no*s* fi*W5.n 5S*188#f8 « #u o * n 10*UB.T* $42,406*79 ltf£22M&. fypl ^ty#y yup®* s»»*038s* m m S 2 *0 M ^ 40*^00^0 SUM M S UgW4l nnt kttwl Xsft W t A « ASg«r (to. 8,000.00 «JU B U P «i j| Matt JtVlS£&w£#1rT ttM ffc#W %£14fc Tw^ww<^9 wjygi^yQj Sm «l«lvt M m iU H ii M lt Una Qlftliw iwttt fir** HftHfmft| SSISsSMl ffiw'tt.iiw*!. n r*t Hfctioaal m jm m iy O r tfi f t f t t ffefli| N j&Nbt jfe(am H N T*ICKMH> 4fi^00&.d6 ^P irip wW W ^-w -w m ^m m X «,«M «M 11,505.14 n ,s9e«*» IB2,e4X*e4 FLfltm Pgj\gg3 i&lMWPt IfWkf **— <* ArllBglttl U U g rwmty^B* B. 3Bhhmmhm^ i§|p WJ»®Hd• XtKt** Mm»* Ytvft* Ife&m il * t* >» ** S&tjLfllMfcl First Sfttiwi& m * WtiUa# m a»« 4*,627**8 m jm m m jm m 12*846* & 54,1*7*87 10f*«S7*W U*6$9«0Q JtVAXAJV* #T|pNPMHrP St* it* 'lN M l» H lS*« 4ff.M0.fflf 23f0 ***U JtNKSjSEi o###rity SfetLaml Mam* Jfetleml .*am 6S*&69»U I I ,£ u u i 49,006*70 QAftwtft ja 9/1 s n m m of resources FEDERAL m s m n BAM Of MlVI1AF: LIS ___ S llIt Bleeoaistid Member* Keetber Bank Coilateral Sotos Aeeepteaee* Bought Redleeouitt® lor olher Fed. Ret* la»k* U* S . Banda awrs$d » tee Munielp&l Yamnt* Bill of U d iB s Dr^fte Preatiuii* or 0 . S. B.-nde Internet escrued II. 3* Band* & frea§*Hotee U# S* Certificates of Indebtedness £x | 9&s « Currant 0ott of tfaiesuod Fad* Re*. Otlier deferred eh*rge« Furnitoire and equipment Overdrafts Member B*afc» Dltfe»re«M»nte Transit Aeeont Sspeiiee liberty Loan S*peii*e far Saving® Du® fro® othar Fm* Re«* 8eitk*»eolleeted fundi, Ch9Q%® m i oth^r e*eh items Due fro® other Fed* Bee* Bmnke-uneol 1 ect@ i fund*, Defirrai Debite { fraaslt Aeemutt ) latl Bazik mot# a and m tee of cither Fed* Res* Bamke redeeptlo» Gold Settl@»ent Fund Due fro*. freae* U. S* Redemption Fund ( F.R* notee ) ®o!d Bullion and. coin Sold with Federal Reserve Agent ©aid eertlfle-itti ' including C.H.Ctfe# ) Silver * e e Legal tender notee * * Silver Cols Sterling Oold Aearm d ( Ba&k .f,l«gl«nd ) fatal Reeource* 1 , 551 , 902*75 4,988,121*33 1,$87,990*00 1,340,000*00' 35,380.00 960,7§a*32 3,448,340*00 700,000*00 569,164.72 17,$41.63 500*00 333,200*00 a ,iff,9 t « *$ i ■36,3^7*S5 15,601*73 112 , 686*71 57,896.56 13,915*43 2,127*12 66,06S*f§ 16,395*18 1#3§0*00 59,274*19 2,972*41 44,461*13 S3,ft7*73 329*16 1S.37 Blfftr^RC# lasaunt federal Reserve no tee m hand Xutil*to3 Fed* Ree* aotee forwarded for lickels a&4 cent* 7,022, 33§*7B 1,059,992.00 11,283,053*19 599,179*46 1,964,552*53 3 , 061 , 947 . 4a 3,$}S,9?7*0f C65,17::*30 540,005*5$ 2,641,779.14 163,361*00 1,420,865.00 171 , 000.00 16*61 • ia,ioo*oo 2,374,585*00 19,486,5®0*GO ' 878,225.00 6*688*960*00 32,909,950.00 8 , 270 , 770*00 231 , 924*00 179 , 105.00 2,120*00 0,100,000*00 7*064,000.00 30,000*00 906,437*00 114,181,528*94 37,545,351*6$ 5*47 7,§39,150*00 73,882*00 105,535*00 1,130.00 Dec.31.1317 Dec.30.1916 # 2,6X2,450*00 7,700.00 49,363.56 Capitol paid la Oapl tal-sjuspenee Aooount Profit & Lost Bisootmt earned on B/D other f.H. Banks « « * B/J> Jisahers * * * * * * Acceptance* bought transfers Bought & Sold, lot Charges Interest earned on warrants ** *» » u.3.3eouritles ** « » Bixi of Lading drafts Sundry profits 10,417.32 231,667.31 72*476.74 35,117.68 254*60 49,184.97 6,585.07 4,610.36 Discount m U.d.Bonds {Unearned discount - %/t> othor f*a.Banks ** * - B/D Members * * * * * Aooeptanoee bought ** intersat - gaalolpal warrants Service charges, not Difference aooount 5,682*59 24,593.15 62,861.94 16,814.80 6*21 50,590*69 U*S*9oveniaa«it Deposits £Kbt to asnbor banks ~ Reserve aooount " ** other f*H.Banks-CoXX eoted funds CashJsr’s checks Expense cheoks federal Reserve Bank and exchange drafts Bus to non*aogber hanks * " f*H.Barfes-unoolleoted funds ** * Member Banks - ** « Liberty Loan Suspense aooount Withhold for fedora1 incoae tax federal Boservo notes outstanding 2,608,900*00 800.00 1,572.69 39,343.46 40,675*75 16,397.39 40,998.46 21,169*95 22,584*74 11,218*41 22,814*81 2,787*76 8.97 8,716,529.47 686,487.51 39,347,899.01 29,477,242.00 8,449,634.85 4,847,186*56 27,626*37 8,284.61 3,862.10 2,895.64 5,421*96 68,610.00 2,069,429*73 1,092,716.30 163,096*52 176*28 61,006,950.00 Total Liabilities * .114,181,528*94 37,545,359.68 total reserve oarrled 85.9 57*9