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SUPPLEMENT TO THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 1942 and 1943 8H-1464 3M 3-43 LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT TO T H E ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE Comptroller of the Currency 1942 and 1943 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1945 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Document No. 3136 Comptroller of the Currency C O N T E N T S TABLES No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national hanks, by States, for the year ended December 31, 1941 2. Earnings/expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended December 31, 1941 3. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by States* for the year ended December 31, 1942 4. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended December 31, 1942 5. Dates of reports of condition of national banks, 1914 to 1943 6. Assets and liabilities of national banks at the date of each call from December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943, inclusive, by States and Territories 7. Assets and liabilities of active national banks, by States, December 31, 1941 8. Assets and liabilities of active national banks, by States, December 31, 1942 9. Assets and liabilities of active national banks, bv States, December 31, 1943 10. Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, by States, December 31, 1941 11. Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, by States, December 31, 1942 12. Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, by Statesy December 31, 1943—. 13. Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, by States, December 31, 1941 14. Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, by States, December 31, 1942 15. Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, by States, December 31, 1943 16. Assets and liabilities of active private banks, by States, December 31, 1941_ 17. Assets and liabilities of active private banks, by States, December 31, 1942 18. Assets and liabilities of active private banks, by States, December 31, 1943 19. Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by States and Territories, December 31, 1941 20. Assets and liabilities of all active banks, 1936 to 1943 21. Assets and liabilities of all active national banks, 1936 to 194&__ 22. Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national^ 1936 to 1943 23. Assets and liabilities of all banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call from December 31,1941, to December Sl r 1943. 24. Assets and liabilities of non-national banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call from December 31 r 1941, t<y December 31, 1943 25. Number of banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, interest and dividends, and ratios, all banks in the District of Columbia,, years ended December 31, 1929-43 26. Loans and securities and losses charged off on loans and securities by all banks in the District of Columbia, years ended December" 31, 1929-43 J1 Fog» 2 iff 16 18 19 72 82 90 9S 10g 116 124 129 133? 137 142 im 159 169 161 162 16$ 16& 165 16$ TABLE NO. 3.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec.81,194%— [ Continued [In thousands of dollars] Gross earnings Location Maine New Hampshire.. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New Y o r k . . . ; New Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia... North CarolinaSöüth Carolina.. Glorgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Number of banks 1 Interest and discount on loans Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc. 40 49 27 584 21 111 Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank balances) Trust department Service charges on deposit accounts 190 68 48 1,384 111 1,158 164 224 86 2,066 179 592 136 168 77 2,491 63 784 29 52 28 2,167 13 116 Rent received Other current earnings 35 52 40 124 12 52 1,803 1,700 1,650 19,803 1,647 5,151 1,504 891 587 10,455 736 2,529 315 31,754 16,702 703 2,959 3,311 3,719 2,405 422 224 685 14 63 55,203 13,411 39,482 490 3,253 2,826 59rÜ76 10,402 41,435 276 4,287 1,842 2,927 353 834 13 76 58 3,434 9 372 5,979 914 2,046 21 171 5,700 1,808 2,472 23 267 371 6,718 2,071 5,153 11 5,6 149 148 7 1,417 114,665 117,318 4,261 ¡,830 9,462 10,641 14,637 6,505 130 77 44 22 51 53 66 24 29 444 50 95 70 9,299 4,339 2,766 2,123 7,756 4,682 5,265 1,347 4,850 28,082 2,307 5,232 8,827 3,253 1,364 816 611 1,545 3,329 2,206 781 3,190 9,072 1,174 2,352 2,977 232 134 537 ~578 280 505 339 613 902 456 157 510 2,532 291 335 497 523 195 61 801 750 784 175 900 3,901 279 337 797 ~ÏÏ2~ 106 13 26 53 70 58 12 111 291 97 26 361 601 405 257 385 1,225 343 96 812 153 94 108 483 400 302 33 181 712 79 109 303 399 285 Total earnings from current operations to Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri - . Total Middle Western States North Dakota. South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma . - . . Total Western States - . - Total Pacific States 97 3 340 107 15 31 1,614 336 6,376 786 244 1,032 142 485 1,794 763 3,763 1.233 751 837 2,818 923 5,447 1,049 995 965 379 508 796 211 182 318 102 50 612 11,015 242 124 338 78 98 186 103 84 17,897 7,155 32,108 10,009 5,372 11,182 4,637 8,108 10, 212 5,070 32,629 7,404 6,394 6,500 1,823 5,012 529~ 299 3.417 732 338 2,231 302 480 1,253 96,468 75,044 8,328 45 37 133 180 41 26 78 22 207 1,250 1,738 5.206 4,991 1,145 1,194 4.207 1,405 8,896 439 468 1,934 1,659 893 377 1,853 308 3,773 357 226 304 226 201 41 249 87 416 ¡0,032 11,704 2,107. 26 96 19 13 6 5 10,700 5,540 73, 721 1,939 1,460 929 1,984 3,550 3,448 28,477 862 605 448 334 577 217 3,484 117 61 33 174 53 34 521 615 96,273 37,724 4,663 456,067 291,162 26,025 Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) 199 1,161 746 83 210 10 27 Total possessions (nonmember banks) 1,399 822 320 457,466 35,934 18. 548 186,437 215,148 1,399 291.984 48, 275 24.300 108,505 110,082 822 26,345 2,301 1,784 10, 731 11,209 320 1,336 5,834 208 Total United States and possessions New York City (central Reserve city)— Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities. Country banks (member banks) Possessions (nonmember banks) 10,142 32,670 5,117 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) . 7,995 86,875 ^ Washington.. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona 3,494 j 1,155 5,123 8 622 606 13,084 2,011 27 14 216 142 18 19 387 34 173 135 235 670 712 144 163 701 140 927 135 118 891 713 265 69 430 126 1,248 119 128 48 44 42 24 39 19 80 1,030 3,827 3,995 543 291 4,500 13 30 26 31 1,017 709 5, 556 311 180 71 174 556 384 5,139 151 217 130 265 10 31 57 8 1,062 10,3 5,360 8,018 6,842 33,320 44,161 52,419 5 44 48 50 5,937 3,428 317 1,976 212 4 33,322 5,248 5,795 13, 248 9,029 2 44, 211 3,113 610 17,405 23,033 50 52,488 5,172 3,942 20,310 22,995 i Number of banks as of end of year but figures of earnings» expenses, etcM include those of first 6 months for banks which were inactive at close of year. 13,910 5,322 407 4,473 3,660 48 T A M Ä NO. 1 EARNING T*pe*TET, and dividends of national banks for (he year mtki />E<\ St> M4ΗContinued [In thousands of dollars) Maine New Hampshire Vérmont Massachusetts... Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey . . Pennsylvania Delaware^ Maryland. District of Columbia. Virginia West Virginia . North Carolina. South Carolina. Louisiana. Texas. Arkansas. Kentucky. Tennessee, Total Southern States. Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan.. Wisconsin.. Minnesota. Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States... North DakotaSouth Dakota.. Nebraska Montana Wyoming Colorado..... New Mexico . Oklahoma Total Western StatesWashington.. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) Total possessions (nonmember banks) Total United States and possessions New York City (central Reserve city). Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities. Country banks (member banks) Possessions (nonmember banks) .... 4,118 1,727 8,765 2,481 1,931 3,153 1,291 2,152 25,618 408 578 1,609 1,662 455 348 1,259 308 2,592 9,219 2,165 1,260 11,619 503 318 192 349 16,406 1,098 533 1,753 454 478 866 418 462 6,062 164 192 505 657 149 106 341 95 865 3,074 482 380 2,624 144 76 51 91 3,848 5,445 2,294 16,024 4,860 2,952 4,061 1,149 2,976 39,761 335 371 1,325 1,123 407 272 1,530 331 2,267 7,961 3,672 2,292 24,883 534 367 237 603 32,588 4,046 1,823 10,883 3,158 1,956 3,014 988 2,266 240 100 335 87 113 17Ü 51 «3 4,770 2,455 6,939 3,044 2,135 2, 555 897 1,115 28,134 316 337 1,124 1,020 341 199 1,066 269 1,728 6,400 2,513 1,534 16,460 432 262 188 458 21,847 1,159 18 36 63 81 20 15 67 9 68 377 56 12 258 10 17 2 3 358 23,910 248 251 519 521 197 195 785 204 991 3,911 1,877 19.227 463 363 279 217 23,928 108,395 26,571 162,869 112,753 66 15 51 34 267 46 374 236 16 4 19 21 349 65 444 291 5,565 98,708 3 46 5 424 21 491 6,967 25,263 2.700 11,020 17,790 57,638 4,859 16,687 2,793 10,882 4,971 16, 513 1,631 5,432 3,280 11,007 44,991 154,442 487 1,680 591 2,029 2,136 6,451 1,748 5,841 629 2,011 320 1,336 1, 573 5,770 398 1,449 3,130 10,486 11,012 37,053 3,250 12, 316 1,691 7,510 18,919 84,522 630 2,396 525 1,790 264 1,192 653 2,181 25,932 111, 907 9,964 1,629 3,615 407 27,238 4, 716 4,844 527 3,409 719 6,583 1,446 2,575 273 4,261 544 62,489 10,261 782 168 898 98 2,819 427 2,646 510 697 378 551 171 2,097 492 670 256 5,027 810 16,187 3, 310 4, 689 692 3,150 197 37, 712 6,750 1,007 121 794 42 504 27 794 61 48,650 7,890 755 1,559 381 330 1,009 590 3,913 11,901 2,161 2,200 3,033 279 1,226 2,807 772 994 609 1,327 282 100 100 1,759 1,543 209 11,610 23,128 5,101 64 39 84 37 37 37 2,158 754 139 356 304 232 175 77 57 '24 53 30 578 383 210 88 39 16 324 672 170 3,824 2,383 930 325 1,236 80 179 369 96 1,861 7,039 887 22 106 35 21 41 31 12 5 18 13 115 39 2,433 8,924 1,173 4,324 2,336 22,691 6,039 5,524 4,376 755 4,055 50,100 355 209 3,478 1,402 687 278 1,663 399 1,976 10,447 2,333 841 16,537 284 135 62 228 20,420 14,288 5,951 49,929 10,883 8,933 10,959 3,330 8,316 112,589 1,137 1,107 6,297 4,048 1,384 829 3,760 1,069 7,003 26,634 7,022 3,991 54,249 1,291 929 566 1,022 69,070 77 2Ü, 52464,444 179, 293 639,875 283,074 43,608 48,154 79,951 14,959 186,672 469,746 270 60 142 26 5 7 37 1 3 35 177 32 85 244 1,431 779 24 23 51 830 4 72 11 20 5 4 4 24 50 3 108, 74426,636163,313 113,044 5,573 99,199 7720, 563 64,571 179,608641,648284,015 43,658 9,695 843 22,322 12,521 12 3,012 8,122 24,976 70,241 38,552 7,825 267 1,835 4,359 365 11,030 6,788 90 3,684 993 4,648 11,664 36,468 19,235 3,776 35,969 5,991 73,154 48,652 1,099 35,204 6 6,799 28, 243 71,003 251,477 111, 60815,478 58,372 19,372 56,363 44,792 4,109 57,985 59 9,720 23,431 71,650 281,689 113,679 16,529 349 65 444 291 315 1,773 941 50 8 491 39 127 48,157 12,159 3,193 17,447 15,355 3 t Number at end of period. « Number of full-time and part-time employees at end of period. 8 465 3,258 278 1,466 2 1,443 6,340 293 1,063 2 370 586 362 1,241 125 288 208 1,213 4 3, 54415,455 1 47 136 1 52 149 10 200 589 226 480 98 205 41 145 2 167 387 55 144 236 1,202 14 1.122 3,437 112 1,184 158 595 1,872 7,744 48 208 41 159 44 174 6 350 2, 28110,414 39 127 315 1,773 941 32 5 79, 98314,964 13,892 1,847 10,299 1,554 27,963 4,965 27,797 6,593 32 5 90 1,031 186, 762 470,777 35,723 74,275 18,822 38,057 65,853 177,461 66,274 179,953 90 1,031 GO d hd H H O S W O ^ o o S §3 s 50 O O d W td » Q H Ol T A B L E NO. -Continued 3.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec.81,194%—[Continued o> [In thousands of dollars] On bonds, stocks, On loans and other securities Location Other losses and depreciation Total On common stock Cash Stock dividends dividends 541 10,505 309,805 5. 21 68.23 29,992 1,351 12, 269 154 1, 430 677 993 246 357 5 2 31,612 2,608 13,133 162 1, 610 711 /28, 351 111,044 452, 503 5,298 33,083 21,954 7.35 6.25 3.15 3.96 7.21 6.12 66.85 70.05 68.25 63.73 66.15 74.48 2,260 45,873 1, 603 49,736 1,352,233 5.82 67.77 53 60 120 5 6 80 23 25 147 685 112 38 114 2,177 751 628 512 l,-937 987 975 276 1,073 7,321 781 1,291 1,867 53,680 24, 543 15,043 10.964 35,960 33,433 34,945 8,463 32,694 160,468 14,468 31,968 47,887 7.59 7.25 8.40 8.98 8.83 10.45 8.53 7.10 7.98 8.14 10.64 6.93 7.80 69.68 70.07 71.17 70.81 69.22 68.02 65.68 80.34 73.05 69.26 69.72 68.37 69.13 1,468 20,576 504.516 85 56 44 764 42 217 1,033 895 446 8,995 561 2,001 849 569 503 11,031 783 % 410 59 43 29 231 10 168 387 342 173 6,966 477 1,079 23 31 3 50 24 ! 410 Total New England States.. 5,123 5,407 2,193 1,208 13,931 l(j, 145 540 9,424 8,278 1,901 9,829 30 196 122 22,511 4,556 14,725 144 4,088 617 4,649 1,592 4, 521 24 115 267 1.940 1,731 5,240 22 119 205 37,378 9.780 34,315 220 4,518 1,211 53. 567 6.942 14,239 210 2,385 1,344 627 1,011 507 3 78 34 20,356 46,641 11,168 9,257 87,422 78,687 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky, Tennessee Total Southern States.. Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan 613 288 66 63 358 235 527 75 152 2,413 90 373 636 724 328 133 79 294 2,354 426 220 722 1,778 316 886 967 404 416 116 85 360 428 291 59 412 2,012 131 272 446 284 284 81 24 298 285 174 96 297 856 46 202 280 2,025 1.316 396 251 X, 310 3,302 1,418 450 1,583 7,059 583 1.733 2,329 4.076 1,779 1,264 985 3,174 3,494 2,980 601 2,609 13,065 1,539 2,214 3,733 32 35 9 28 26 8 119 52 92 264 25 79 157 2,092 656 499 479 1,905 899 833 199 834 6,372 644 1,174 1, 596 5,889 9,227 5,432 3,207 23,755 41,513 926 18,182 766 403 3,596 347 1.553 1,038 9,406 2,605 2,054 571 1,544 511 372 111 2,296 237 4,745 2,123 16,842 3,700 9,543 3,828 33,087 7,183 ExNet profits penses before dividends to gross earnto capital ings funds Percent 73.94 72.63 74.15 64.97 71.00 75.02 81 123 47 1,374 24 544 Total Eastern States Capital funds 1 Percent 4.65 3.85 4.90 5.36 4.56 5.55 633 554 199 2,878 333 810 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware.. Maryland.. District of Columbia... Total dividends 18,271 14,790 10,256 205,911 17,167 43,410 234 162 156 3,979 162 430 . ? 469 416 205 7,247 511 1,657 .. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island— Connecticut On banking house, furniture and fixtures Net profits before On predividends ferred stock m Ratios Dividends Losses and depreciation 554 151 227 387 3,396 1,149 11,500 1,919 635 327 557 2,130 4,585 1,627 12,284 4,436 144,634 56,213 320,617 80,665 8.23 69.53 6.60 6.81 10.32 8.90 71.71 75.30 67.91 77.50 G g a h3 H O to tel hj O S CO o o o g § F G w o o sw H O 329 594 221 706 1,659 1,807 328 1,983 524 719 268 413 352 581 60 162 2,8(54 3,701 877 3,264 6,069 7,258 2,453 5,052 284 69 29 70 1,355 2,614 609 2,363 3,112 176 454 983 4,751 2,859 1,092 3,416 58,689 79,120 26,425 60,498 6,962 20,379 6,604 4,171 38,116 74,473 1,771 24,905 8,374 35,050 826,861 9.01 71.19 120 73 343 412 333 58 300 288 728 158 93 2,665 339 163 130 412 91 406 140 136 342 543 106 85 201 76 682 49 61 204 149 40 6 118 33 62 467 363 3,554 1,443 642 279 1,031 488 1,878 670 744 2,743 2,605 742 550 2,729 581 5,125 22 18 22 35 7 8 45 9 34 256 200 1,148 1,019 504 266 966 247 2,301 116 41 52 125 39 26 1,107 58 157 394 259 1,222 1,179 550 300 2,118 314 2,492 6,012 6,877 29,856 29,592 8,655 6,189 29,638 4,426 53,105 11.14 10.82 9.19 8.80 8.57 8.89 9.21 13.13 9.65 68.24 69.32 69.59 68.82 74.26 70.80 73.34 68.38 67.59 2,655 4,457 2,311 722 10,145 16,489 200 6,907 1,721 8,828 174,350 9.46 69.60 541 216 9,777 66 48 20 215 606 500 4,186 310 278 36 68 628 285 4,887 82 71 29 106 191 101 4,377 6 5 9 234 1,966 1,102 23,227 464 402 94 623 5,056 2,889 31,022 827 527 472 399 54 4 1,987 26 9 21 18 138 372 306 34 1,819 563 15,765 229 336 204 278 400 1,894 585 17,890 627 651 204 712 45,700 25,887 325,090 7,670 8,047 3,267 5,032 11.06 11.16 9.54 10.78 6.55 14.45 7.93 72.43 70.45 69.15 70.41 69.27 70.28 73.31 Total Pacific States. 10,883 5,984 6,088 4,923 27,878 41,192 2.114 19,194 1,255 22, 563 420,693 9.79 69.70 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 51,868 92,095 33,796 23,488 201,247 268,499 7,811 124,485 14,962 147, 258 3,588,458 7.48 69.33 Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) 66 2 13 2 83 94 50 50 955 9.84 65.53 55 36 52 4 147 683 268 268 7,213 9.47 64.75 1 1 3 5 19 5 2 3 10 239 7.95 78.26 Total possessions (nonmember banks) 121 39 66 9 235 796 5 320 3 328 8,407 9.47 65.33 o 51,989 92,134 33,862 23,497 201,482 269,295 7,816' 124,805 14,965 147,586 3,596,865 7.49 69.32 o 6,263 2,728 19,643 23,234 121 18,488 6,971 29,202 37,434 39 3,516 743 13,328 16,209 66 992 1,852 8,426 12,218 9 29,259 12,294 70,599 89,095 235 45,016 25,763 106,862 90,858 796 4 64 3,569 4,174 5 27,546 9,425 49,856 37,658 320 7,918 7,044 3 27,550 9,489 61,343 48,876 328 584,067 229,371 1,335,853 1,439,167 8,407 7.71 11.23 8.00 6.31 9.47 64.56 65.47 69.26 71.25 65.33 Wisconsin -Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri... Total Middle Western States. North DakotaSouth Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas... Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico— Oklahoma Total Western States.. Washington. Oregon California Idaho Utah NevadaArizona Total United States and New York City (central Reserve city) Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities. .Country banks (member banks)... Possessions (nonmember banks)... 10.34 9.17 9.28 8.35 76.15 71.50 67.84 72.09 i Represents aggregate book value of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserves and retirement fund for preferred stock. Figures are averages of amounts from reports of condition for 5 call dates from Dec. 31,1940, to Dec. 31,1941, inclusive. GQ d a ! g » H? s S TJ1 o o o §3 E w d § a a TABLE NO. 2.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1941 00 [In thousands of dollars,] District District District District District District District District District No. 9 No. 4 No. 5 No. 8 No. 3 No. 6 No. 7 No. 2 No. 1 Gross earnings: Interest and discount on loans Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc. Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank balances) Trust department Service charges on deposit accounts Rent received Other current earnings Total earnings from current operations. Expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers Employees other than officers Number of officers K. Number of employees other than officers * Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on time and savings deposits.... Interest and discount on borrrowed money. Real estate taxes -. Other taxes Other expenses Total current expenses Net current earnings - Recoveries, profits on securities sold, etc.: Recoveries on loans Recoveries on bonds, stocks, and other securities Profits on securities sold All other Total.— Total net earnings, recoveries, etc Losses and depreciation: On loans On bonds, stocks, and other securities.... Grand total District No. 10 NonDistrict District No. 12 member No. 11 457,466 d •d £ K 30,606 66,193 33,211 30,817 24,179 27,921 52,189 19,149 17,007 28,533 30,063 96,199 1,399 36,241 809 67,223 3,181 29,933 693 25,779 850 11,939 1,012 12,441 2,607 49,591 4,731 10,091 1,611 9,389 3,153 11,136 1,343 9,686 1,384 37,713 4,651 822 320 291,984 26,345 702 2,836 3,170 3,483 2,390 3,443 6,823 7,221 8,172 5,761 332 1,655 2,139 4,230 532 138 2,304 2,711 4,895 464 18 1,357 2,318 2,046 294 162 1,542 2,788 3,635 312 464 7,778 6,520 8,076 1,266 19 517 1,388 1,604 520 32 1,102 1,556 1,664 657 3 1,309 3,572 3,586 268 7 737 2,766 4,195 340 613 5,360 8,012 6,833 1,058 4 2 50 69 48 5,937 33,322 44,211 52,488 13,910 925,663 GO M 60,237 168,017 72,725 67,958 43.163 51,408 130,615 34,899 34,560 49, 750 49,178 160,439 2,714 7,266 10,768 17,945 31,778 8,280 7,457 9,951 2,188 7,633 10.488 2,066 5,409 6,628 1,497 6,107 8,601 1,482 14,269 25, 795 2,882 4,681 5,397 1,4$2 5,186 5,623 1,574 8,362 7,846 2,689 7,700 7,428 2,261 16,380 32,566 8,842 349 444 65 108,744 163,313 26,686 21,882 291 118,044 § W M ^ O s 1,584 7,88,4 19,654 6,950 7,876 4,994 6,571 17,512 4,890 4,878 6,105 506 5,277 3 1,684 3,262 12,094 962 11,009 24 4,788 10,379 36,834 955 10,7387 457 10,092 2 1,348 6,642 12,210 356 6,277 1 680 3,452 7,398 292 4,672 11 1,392 3,682 11,007 543 13,282 4 2,240 8,961 27,512 245 3,785 1 689 2,561 7,113 283 3,870 2 638 1,830 7,308 317 3,431 12 962 3,480 10, 258 1,719 5,548 11,647 6,612 291 2,358 10 2,103 4,246 9,995 34,131 358 23,917 8 491 2,281 10,401 25,917 39 127 315 5,573 99,199 77 20,563 64,571 179,608 111,820 1,773 641,648 48,619 m 284,015 40,860 113,719 48,022 48,872 30,201 35,764 92,606 24,472 24,740 34,668 19,377 54,298 24,703 19^086 12,962 15,644 38,009~ 10,427 9,820 15,082 2,355 10,448 2,409 2,852 1,397 1,135 6,290 1,117 2,227 2,789 2,703 7,886 50 43,658 2,039 4,835 666 15,289 21,477 2,964 2,966 6.240 1,132 4,044 4,996 823 3,443 2,773 517 1,957 4,032 731 7,404 18,205 3,623 2,159 2,416 685 1,780 1,546 833 3,663 2,650 806 W 1,861 1,006 2,423 8,920 1,173 3 32 5 48,157 79,983 14,964 9,895 29,272 50,178 104,476 12,747 37,450 12.715 31,801 8,130 21,092 7,855 23,499 35,522 73,531 6,377 16,804 6,386 16,206 9,908 24,990 6.557 - 20,402 21,604, 69,021 90 1.031 186,762 470,777 5,099 5,269 9,522 26,381 9,614 10,274 1,863 7,227 1,303 5,902 1,892 4,028 4,457 13,926 1,284 3,840 1,198 2,680 2,232 4,416 121 39 51,989 92,134 2,521 : . 2,182 10,883 5,970 GO O o o K §3 E o »==1 K O 2,102 1,112 13,682 5,903 2,996 44,802 3,789 5,280 28,957 3,461 1,244 13,795 1,335 976 9,516 1,591 1,302 8.813 2,980 2,778 24,141 973 524 6,621 1,273 878 6,029 2,108 590 9,346 2,193 893 7,789 6,088 4,915 27,856 66 9 235 33,86^ 23,497 201,482 15,690 59,674 8,493 18,006 11,576 14,686 49,390 10,183 10,177 15,644 13,815 41,165 796 269,295 485 1,240 789 748 214 448 951 210 154 189 269 2,114 5 7,816 9,308 441 10,234 31,133 1,291 33,664 10,173 212 11,174 6,670 887 8,305 5,742 222 6,178 5,243 395 6,086 15,484 6,208 22,643 4,548 746 5,504 3,898 640 4,692 6,344 1,978 8,511 6,768 687, 7,724 19,174 1,255 22,543 320 3 328 124,805 14,965 147,586 Number of banks 1 Loans Securities Capital stock (par value). Capital funds. 304 580 579 499 871,601 2,046,795 758,612 702,078 749,603 4,560,149 1,031,599 1,083,570 117,180 323,595 130,137 132,848 301,975 815,072 335,975 315, 743 337 494,843 521,556 68,883 155,390 263 535 319 610,500 1,490,300 470, 295 546,152 2,769,454 455,485 55,201 82,618 216,335 167,165 500,202 121, 533 364 407,003 394,054 53,959 112,317 650 589,480 494,024 77,647 173,091 207 480 559,138 1,894,207 456, 349 1,726,608 76,409 184,842 169,515 420,480 6 25,102 32,184 3,800 8,407 5,123 10,919,954 14,820,787 1,523,454 3,596,865 Ratios to gross earnings: Interest and discount on loans Interest and dividends on securities Service charges All other current earnings Total gross earnings.. Percent Percent 50.81 39.40 40.01 26.96 4.30 5.26 16.29 16.97 100.00 100.00 Percent 54.31 24.20 5.42 16.07 100.00 Percent 39.96 37.97 4.99 17.08 100.00 Percent 49.21 27.17 4.50 19.12 100.00 Percent 57.35 22.39 7.18 13.08 100.00 Percent 61.13 19.70 5.62 13.55 100.00 Percent 59.96 23.51 4.99 11.54 100.00 Percent 51.55 30.29 1.84 16.32 100.00 Percent 49.42 31.54 4.78 14.26 100.00 30.73 14.91 24.06 69.70 29.52 18.09 17.72 65.33 29.99 10.72 28.61 69.32 On banking house, furniture and fixtures. Other losses and depreciation Total. Net profits before dividends. Dividends: On preferred stock. On common stock: Cash dividends.. Stock dividends. Total dividends. Salaries, wages and fees Interest on deposits... All other current expenses. Total current expenses.. Net current earnings Ratios to loans: Interest and discount on loans Recoveries on loans Losses on loans Ratios to securities: Interest and dividends on securities.. Recoveries on securities Profits on securities sold Losses on securities Ratios to capital stock (par value) : Net current earnings Net profits before dividends Cash dividends Ratios to capital funds: Net current earnings Net profits before dividends Cash dividends.. Percent 45.67 41.16 2.94 10.23 100.00 Percent 45.35 37.93 3.99 12.73 100.00 Percent 56.02 27.66 5.37 10.95 100.00 Percent 54.87 28.91 3.98 12.24 100.00 30.78 8.76 28.29 67.83 30.17 6.55 30.96 67.68 25.25 14.76 26.02 66.03 27.34 14.85 29.73 71.92 28.71 14.54 26.72 69.97 29.18 9.09 31.30 69.57 31.09 10.17 29.64 70.90 29^58" 10.84 29.70 70.12 32.09 11.20 28.29 71.58 33.2F ~ 31.35 6.90 4.80 29.57 33.25 69.40 69.68 32.17 32.32 33.97 28.08 30.03 30.43 29.10 29.88 28.42 30.32 30.60 30.30 34.67 30.68 3.51 .27 .59 3.23 .51 .47 4.38 .32 1.27 4.39 .41 .27 4.89 .28 -.26 4. 57 .19 .31 3.50 .42 .30 4.07 .24 .27 4.18 .55 .29 4.84 .47 .38 5.38 .48 .45 5.08 .42 .57 5.57 .20 .48 4.19 .40 .48 2.17 .27 .65 .70 1.47 .34 .47 .58 2.90 . .29 . .60 1.00 2.38 .37 .46 .67 2.29 .66 .53 1.13 2.28 .36 .74 .74 1.79 .27 .66 .50 2.22 .47 .53 .84 2.38 .45 .39 .68 2.25 .74 .54 .89 2.12 .22 .41 .48 2.18 .14 .52 .35 2.55 .01 .10 .12 1.97 .32 .54 .62 16.54 13.39 8.36 16.78 18.44 10.00 18.98 6.53 8.42 14.37 13.55 5.58 18.82 16.81 8.65 18.94 17.78 6.89 17.57 22.83 7.60 18.89 18.45 8.62 18.20 18.86 7.51 19.42 20.15 8.41 19.69 18.08 9.21 26.30 22.27 11.52 24.76 20.95 8.55 18.64 17.68 8.71 6.42 5.20 3.24 6.66 7.32 3.97 7.35 2.53 3.26 8.34 7.45 3.83 9.36 8.79 3.40 7.60 9.87 3.29 8.58 8.38 3.91 8.74 9.06 3.61 8.71 9.04 3.77 8.88 8.15 4.15 11.56 9.79 5.06 11.19 9.47 3.87 7.90 7.49 3.69 6.04 ! 5.70 I 2.35 1! 1 Number at end of year. Remainingfiguresinclude earnings, expenses, etc., of those banks which reported for the first half of the year only. NOTE.—'Thefiguresof loans, securities, capital stock, and capital funds are averages of the amounts reported for each call date in the current year and the final call date in the pre* ceding year, W d G g H H H O W «hj s o CO o O 0 S 1 50 0 1 G « A <o T A B L E NO. 3.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec.81,194%—[Continued [In thousands of dollars] rji Earnings from current operations Number of banks 1 Location Maine New Hampshire. _ Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut. . Total New England States New York.. New Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware.. Maryland. District of Columbia ._ Total Eastern States. West Virginia North Carolina. South Carolina Georgia Florida. Alabama Mississippi. Louisiana.. , Texas.. Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee.. Total Southern States Interest and dividends on securities Interest and discount on loans d G Servicecharges and other fees on banks' loans Service, charges on deposit accounts Other service charges, commissions, fees, and collection and exchange charges Trust department Other current earnings Total earnings from current operations 35 52 40 124 12 52 1,716 1,007 620 13,682 1,036 3,358 1,613 1.517 1.619 19,134 1,526 4,473 4 8 15 251 3 25 162 255 101 1,952 215 637 50 54 27 854 24 123 218 80 42 1,430 107 1,200 162 215 109 4,748 96 886 3,925 3,136 2,533 42,051 3,007 10,702 315 21,419 29,882 306 3,322 1,132 3,077 6, 216 65,354 418 222 676 14 63 9 71,767 12,319 44,811 302 5,486 2,229 53. 354 12.829 35,681 470 2, 977 2,682 1,155 78 319 1 7 19 5,600 1,918 2,684 22 272 408 2,096 367 909 13 105 70 5,536 1,058 2,010 18 274 12,092 2,019 5,668 19 484 310 151,600 30, 588 92.082 845 9,529 5,992 1,402 13), 914 107,993 1,579 10,904 3, 560 9,094 20,592 290,636 130 77 44 22 50 53 66 24 30 439 51 94 69 4,283 1,693 1,156 910 2,097 4,032 3,112 862 3,722 11,511 1,467 2,944 4,214 8,344 3.720 2,343 1,952 6,695 4.178 4.866 1,254 4,654 25, 457 2,008 4,664 7,931 52 68 37 6 12 16 37 1 24 88 10 32 58 710 296 487 374 628 930 573 176 510 2, 674 362 398 593 284 84 231 411 988 (532 544 318 443 1,428 358 88 1,134 619 144 112 112 412 424 323 35 189 783 82 110 287 737 544 209 87 872 1,027 964 203 1,250 4,197 338 359 1,015 15,029 6,549 4,575 3,852 11,704 11,239 10,419 2.849 10, 792 46,138 4,625 8,595 15,232 1,149 42,003 78,066 441 8, 711 <). 943 3,632 11,802 151,598 19 i g H H § W H O CQ O O o g 3 G t* »S o O a w § o Ohio. - Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri - - Total Middle Western States North Dakota _ South Dakota Nebraska Kansas... Montana Wyoming. Colorado New Mexico.. Oklahoma - . , - 12,410 6,333 40,871 10,346 7,502 7,666 2,366 5,938 16,719 6,333 32,695 9,686 5,212 10,787 4,361 8,001 226 69 927 218 94 134 29 39 1,874 791 4,056 1,270 697 1,037 592 631 531 268 2,564 653 386 2,131 317 530 1,705 316 6,073 749 259 1,079 137 557 3,105 1,058 6,212 1,209 1,024 1,250 434 574 36,570 15,168 93,398 24,131 15,174 24,084 8,236 16,270 1,247 93,432 93,794 1,736 10,948 7,380 10,875 14,866 233,031 1,172 1,583 5,015 4,786 1,105 1,080 3,985 1,290 7,871 50 53 23 39 12 2 50 24 52 98 230 666 756 127 158 659 136 1,004 397 235 346 234 226 82 210 56 470 IST 20 204 170 14 25 349 25 233 43 37 133 179 41 26 78 22 206 — - 507 532 2,580 2,086 895 428. 2,267 389 3,799 206 ~ 215 895 777 285 104 495 147 1,323 2^460 2,868 9,729 8,848 2,664 1,879 8,015 2,067 14,752 765 13,483 27,887 305 3,834 2,256 1,070 4,447 53,282 - 43 25 95 16 13 6 5 5,294 4,357 33,313 994 738 559 390 10,220 5,134 72, 275 1,745 1,386 903 1,933 83 37 1,009 10 9 13 97 1,246 768 5,896 308 184 78 174 566 215 1,747 103 58 25 61 482 313 4,270 21 33 80 30 764 504 6,483 169 266 163 295 18,655 11,328 124,993 3,350 2,674 1,821 2,980 203 45,645 93,596 1,258 8,654 2, 775 5,229 8,644 165,801 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 5,081 352,896 431, 218 5,625 46,373 24,046 32,977 66, 567 959, 702 4 1 1 83 1,313 14 152 980 38 1 9 46 1 80 259 31 4 78 44 2 406 2,643 86 Total Western States Washington Oregon California. Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona.. ----- - - - - - — Total Pacific States Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank). Total possessions (nonmember banks) Total United States and possessions New York City (central Reserve city) Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities Country banks (member banks) Possessions (nonmember banks).— 241 124 339 75 98 185 102 83 - 6 1,410 1,170 1 56 370 4 124 3,135 5,087 354,306 432,3S8 5,626 46,429 24,416 32,981 66,691 962,837 8 9 240 4,824 6 59,183 30,770 133,501 129,442 1,410 35,984 19,654 180,820 194,760 1,170 872 523 2,446 1,78* 1 2,994 633 18,230 24, 516 56 1,533 1,144 9,237 12,132 370 4,834 5,464 13,376 9,303 4 10,387 4,409 25,931 25,840 124 115,787 62,597 383, 541 397,777 3,135 i dumber of banks as of en4 of year but earnings, etc.»figuresinclude those of first 6 months for banks which were inactive at close of year; TABLE NO. 5.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dee. 81, 1942—Continued [In thousands of dollars] fcO Recoveries and profits Current operating expenses •o © >> 03 w Salaries and wages Employees other than officers Officers Location « I •is ^ •P m • < a i o s <S Maine New Hampshire.. Vermont Massachusetts— Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England S t a t e s New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of ColumbiaTotal Eastern States Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina.. South Carolina.. Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States. 508 499 347 4,424 378 1,559 7,715 S Sill -¡Is <S S g§ II ö >> S ©S • Oo ¡la 'S »as t I! •S ss H II § I S . II bß bßS §O lia S2 s i s « pi £ 130 737 70 292 410 394 254 5,313 366 1,413 51 41 40 248 39 107 658 312 520 2,159 184 1,047 318 285 260 4,164 344 890 57 91 27 1,195 30 402 670 681 403 8,683 695 2,157 2,841 2,409 1,937 29,065 2,179 8,431 1,084 727 596 12,986 828 2,271 1,532 12,385 8,150 526 4,8 6,261 1,802 13,289 46,862 18,492 161 So a<o 8> S 578 499 340 8,191 509 2,268 142 s 245 149 148 584 1,1 128 130 61 1,301 85 182 114 106 78 1,853 63 800 1,8 3,014 1,115 8,736 1,204 2,345 13 l70 147 1,015 544 1,030 4 135 77 14,228 12,615 2,805 192 90 66 24 139 323 230 62 307 932 88 456 306 637 327 90 40 152 160 613 113 416 2,519 154 259 254 113 33 61 136 103 228 112 134 829 172 164 193 3,215 5,875 2,532 14,938 3,751 9,452 120 934 776 2,379 941 2,411 47 236 128 29,447 5,140 14,166 91 1,265 1,414 16,206 3,521 8,859 73 880 ~729 371 1,018 10 81 52 M72 3,699 11,786 120 1,077 619 30 15,172 2,361 9,929 64 765 740 3,656 1,021 2,557 24 121 150 32,270 103,114 5,670 22,013 14,783 63,702 542 113 5,790 1,547 4,945 1,194 48,486 8,575 28,380 303 3,739 1,047 ~~8^561 " M 0 6 1,002 1,155 4,432 7,100 33 25 215 1,443 440 199 29,971 6,142 51,523 30,434 2,261 24,173 41 29,031 7,529 55,577 200,106 90,530 18,483 2,242 " 1,717 725 1.043 578 759 526 686 1,590 2,127 1,497 2.044 1,— 1,803 490 1,522 2,210 5,— 7,924 613 738 1,198 1,409 1,711 2,— 137 62 27 18 73 61 47 32 62 289 49 65 65 2,393 942 440 225 691 547 1,072 320 785 1,941 374 808 1,518 1,745 640 447 418 1,479 987 813 264 1, 6,779 2,213 333 212 120 90 329 438 269 58 491 1,353 148 163 423 19,223 987 12,05é 18,800 4,427 1,880 876 719 588 1,403 1,385 1.216 436 1,166 7.468 748 1,171 1,629 20,685 546 267 183 144 297 313 304 113 210 1,991 221 381 379 25,763 13 2,457 1,299 921 802 2,910 2,641 2,098 615 2,228 9,733 1,053 1,614 2,903 31,274 114,005 3,841 1,475 1,142 1,025 2,692 3,135 3,094 634 2,161 10,647 1,149 2,405 4,193 37,593 2,872 7,839 14,494 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan. WisconsinMinnesota.. Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States. North Dakota. South DakotaNebraska Kansas. Montana Wyoming Colorado New M e x i c o . . . Oklahoma Total Western States. Washington. Oregon California Idaho Utah.. Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) Total possessions (nonmember banks) United States and 6,021 2,53C 17,518 5,488 3,225 4,385 1,256 3,320 4,190 1,767 10,725 3,575 2,058 3,092 1,032 2,342 269 107 358 95 122 186 53 75 4,195 2,078 6,573 2,692 2,009 2,471 871 1,010 26,699 5,881 43,743 28,782 1,265 21,899 411 577 1,660 1,743 456 361 1,286 317 2,637 143 187 478 62C 135 105 331 89 827 361 414 1,487 1,301 453 305 1,623 372 2,462 323 356 1,194 1,125 357 217 1,146 29(1 1,882 17 37 73 86 20 15 62 12 70 251 250 506 485 189 174 739 209 860 9,448 2,915 8,778 6,890 392 3,663 2,344 1,399 11,868 527 330 206 369 483 373 2,474 135 75 48 88 4,320 2,714 27,629 595 439 303 711 2,779 1,747 15,042 491 290 213 529 64 14 267 8 17 3 5 1,967 1,400 18,095 375 350 291 227 3,676 36,711 21,091 378 22,705 • • 111, 561 - = = = = = 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 _____1 = 4,180 2,092 9,976 1,578 1,018 2,266 634 1,907 1,132 408 1,518 484 386 351 196 293 7,305 2,840 18,515 4,851 2,796 4,765 1,669 3,473 27,460 11,853 63,700 17,754 11,512 17,665 6,017 12,280 9,110 3,315 29,698 6,377 3,662 6,419 2,219 3,990 919 363 3,545 1,004 529 1,281 75 610 89X 475 4,001 506 541 327 109 642 1,563 681 3,954 606 712 1,169 321 784 475 187 1,489 304 1,044 1,000 45 250 3,848 1,706 12,989 2,420 2,826 3,777 550 2,286 23, 651 4,768 46,214 168,241 64,790 8,326 7,492 9,790 4,794 30,402 2Ü 246 1,018 1,109 323 2*0 816 257 1,681 55 49 281 272 74 75 187 48 527 509 589 2,214 1,848 587 338 1,652 378 3,027 1,837 2,164 7,240 6,844 2,102 1,478 6,365 1,593 11,264 623 704 2,489 2,004 562 401 1,650 474 3,488 78 24 1,207 187 129 12 326 15 175 14 14 256 129 94 12 142 23 247 182 95 509 595 494 135 429 303 1,264 ÏÏ3 33 118 238 25 8 79 18 159 387 166 2,090 1,149 742 167 976 359 1,845 5,893 1,568 11,142 40,887 12,395 2,153 931 4,006 791 7,881 1,747 1,129 11,995 247 289 251 365 529 290 3,039 88 69 8 98 3,385 1,712 18,455 620 598 280 682 14,356 8,658 91,349 2,460 2,092 1,342 2,457 4,299 2,670 33,644 890 582 479 523 48 60 1,319 470 563 11 34 150 254 2,237 18 37 12 4 696 307 4,005 140 60 9 75 190 139 1,808 50 21 13 18 ÏÔ84 760 9,369 678 681 45 131 16,023 4,121 2,712 5,292 == 2,239 12,748 = • 25,732 122,714 43,087 1 = = = = = 33 1 45 6 34 6 46 8 9 67 7 91 24,280 183,588 695,034 267,803 36,170 30,474 40,659 25,266 75,389 40,398 12,167 40,559 22,038 72,755 276,558 106,983 73,040 300,309 97,468 360 2,219 916 7,394 2,932 13,084 12,752 8 6,828 2,969 10,082 10,586 9 7,077 2,988 13,056 17,471 67 36 42 11 63 285 53 551 302 6 432 239 53 286 1,860 783 16 4 19 20 23 4 1 11 74 12 376 72 629 353 13 491 285 65 360 2,219 916 25,567 179,532 114,923 5,822 89,867 64 99,944 831 373 5,834 18,457 72 275 103 1,128 4,303 13 • 1,562 3,571 32,062 52,181 491 16 293 9,578 4,606 37,050 60,327 376 23,667 11,918 81,864 61,454 629 11,947 6,463 49,248 46,912 353 3 45 12,405 7,430 42,510 37,314 285 * Number of full-time and part-time employees at end of period. 14,276 121,495 40,592 3 7 99, «59 = 30,465 89,376 31 64 = = = = 8 5,809 59 15 2,505 := 36,162 25,495 178,903 114,570 67 111, 937 New York City (central Reserve city)... Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities Country banks (member b a n k s ) . . . Possessions (nonmember b a n k s ) . . . » Number at end of period. 1,065 539 1,712 43i 45c 832 39i 443 17,043 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Total 4,358 1,79É 9,241 2,566 1,956 3,24C 1,33* 2,2u2 24,215 183,228 692,815 266,887 2,620 764 9,186 11,645 65 m 14,283 121,586 516 873 6,004 6,883 7 21,815 9,762 42,226 47,692 91 TABLE NO. 3.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 81, 194%—[Continued [In thousands of dollars] GO Losses Location Maine New HampshireVermont Massachusetts.. _ Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England Ì New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland.. District of Columbia. Total Eastern States. On securities 454 273 141 2, 212 Alabama... Mississippi Louisiana Texas. Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee 160 172 91 6 3,355 205 552 4,25.S 4,641 17, 735 2,872 13,970 152 2, 372 271 7,8Ü3 i, 839 6,812 59 163 37,372 16,883 112 169 41 04 852 69 354 1, 549 3, 597 1,774 5,956 20 125 250 7,489 6,100 4,123 On common stock On preferred stock Cash dividends Stock dividends Capital funds I Net profits before dividends to capital funds Expenses to gross earnings 18,188 14,924 10,267 209,616 17,346 44,183 Percent 5.04 4.39 4.06 5.22 3.98 5.13 Percent 72.38 76.82 76.47 69.12 72.46 78.78 190 10,105 314, 524 5.05 71.70 28,352 1,359 11,988 154 1,424 694 9)7 702 456 9 20 29,834 2,973 12,881 165 1, 514 724 747,211 113, 588 449,090 5, 259 33, 312 22, 355 6.11 5.28 3.69 2.80 9.13 5.71 68.02 71.97 69.18 64.14 60.76 82.53 2,026 43,971 2,094 48,091 1,370,815 5.30 68.85 3,653 1,267 1,020 964 2,125 3,019 2,840 491 1, 712 10, 576 1,191 1,987 3,530 29 32 5 27 24 6 116 39 86 224 25 68 143 2,001 671 507 337 1,580 962 801 181 858 113 24 66 5 8 75 34,375 824 916 655 417 10, 938 691 2,266 54 41 28 189 10 150 412 281 166 7,059 436 1,089 10,448 15,883 472 9,443 29, 230 6,485 26, 738 231 2,660 633 45,674 5,995 16, 549 147 3, 042 1,277 575 912 437 2 70 65,977 72,684 17,712 Total dividends •d 476 323 246 7,319 479 1,262 820 474 377 6,419 536 1,822 533 196 84 48 643 300 544 103 551 2,076 94 310 618 — Total Southern States- 197 Total losses and chargeons Net profits before dividends d Ratios Dividends char^e-oifs On loans All ether 2t>2 Virginia West Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia Floridi. and 6,118571 1,036 1,621 17,244 1 1,019 922 30 9 2,272 2,143 727 578 369 1,612 1,043 918 220 1,963 7,264 626 1,113 1,764 55,093 25,152 15,481 11,451 36,645 36,820 36, 505 8,601 33,879 165,011 15,039 32, 541 48,888 6.63 5.04 6.59 8.42 5.80 8.20 7.78 5.71 5.05 6.41 7.92 6.11 7.22 74.44 77.48 75.04 73.39 77.00 72.11 70.30 77.75 79.98 76.92 75.16 72.02 72.47 >,340 521,106 6.60 75.20 m H § « hd O GO O O o .81 tr £ » o ^ a' d td w w o H 75.09 78.14 68.20 73.57 75.87 73.35 73.06 75.48 859,182 8.02 72.20 6,433 7,164 31,066 30,644 8,874 6,368 30,811 4,700 55, 404 12.30 8.72 8.31 7.86 9.96 7.08 6.68 10.79 7.68 74.67 75.45 74.42 77.35 78.90 78.66 79.41 77.07 76.36 6,892 181,464 8.03 76.74 1,874 2,084 17,038 343 322 557 244 48,097 27,899 328,015 8,337 8,141 3,520 4,939 8.60 8.84 8.17 13.06 11.74 12.70 7.01 76.96 76.43 73.08 73.43 78.23 73.70 82.45 22,462 428,948 8.45 74.01 136,478 3,676,039 6.60 72.19 1,003 7,593 12.16 7.48 70.20 70. 37 5 247 4.45 86.05 326 8,843 7.93 70.78 8,944 136.804 3,684,882 6.60 72.19 3,104 5,837 3 602,504 25,850 244,163 9,453 55, 629 1,368,273 45,546 1,461,099 326 8.843 6.52 9.68 7.31 5.46 7.93 65.11 64.79 72.11 75.50 70.78 604 286 2,479 388 295 586 158 443 758 510 1,028 761 413 745 236 3U3 3,311 1,625 11,993 2,188 1,704 3,135 667 1,674 9,647 3,396 30,694 6,609 4,784 7,061 2,102 4,602 482 155 211 373 40 61 24 62 3,505 1,187 11,533 2,172 1, 276 2,697 591 2,401 780 95 330 201 132 126 103 51 4,767 1,437 12,074 2,746 1,448 2,884 718 2,514 148,891 58,049 339,160 83,575 56, 504 83,038 27, 768 62,197 16,304 5,239 4,754 26,297 68,895 1,408 25,362 1,818 28,588 40 34 1,497 300 161. 56 323 90 351 58 67 318 239 233 56 180 209 563 121 144 181 206 26 5 64 27 164 219 245 . 1,996 745 420 117 567 326 1,078 791 625 2,583 2,408 884 451 2,059 507 4,255 6 11 20 34 4 9 20 8 32 232 188 1,164 1,045 477 241 871 217 1,864 14 37 80 52 37 4 143 26 56 252 236 1,264 1,131 518 254 1,034 251 1,952 2,852 1,923 938 5, 713 14, 563 144 6,299 449 308 529 3,360 360 192 18 32 628 346 7,032 70 54 16 86 313 90 5,816 49 61 43 190 1,249 965 16,208 479 307 77 308 4,134 2,465 26,805 1,089 956 447 346 59 3 1,707 15 2 1,702 579 15,269 308 312 144 223 113 1,502 62 20 8 413 4,799 8,232 6,562 19,593 36, 242 1,807 18,537 2,118 Total United States (exclusive of possessions).. 73,074 43,018 29,648 145,740 242,642 6,681 120,856 8.941 Alaska (nonmem ber banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) 10 169 31 85 3 7 44 261 122 568 11 2 3 Total possessions (nonmember banks). 179 116 11 306 701 2 321 3 Total United States and possessions ..... 73,253 43,134 29, 659 146,046 243,343 6,683 121,177 15,044 5,695 20,822 31,513 179 5,570 1,871 16,211 19,366 116 2,325 607 12,213 14,503 11 22.939 8,173 49,246 65,382 306 39,274 23,627 99,963 79,778 701 4 53 2,970 3,654 2 25,846 9,400 49, 555 36,055 321 Total Middle Western States. M 6.48 5. 85 9.05 7.91 8.47 8.50 7.57 7.40 1,949 829 8,486 1,039 996 1,804 273 928 Ohio,. Indiana Illinois Michigan _. g Wisconsin.. S Minnesota. 0» Iowa § Missouri... North Dakota. South Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas.. Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States. Washington.. Oregon California Idaho.. Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States New York City (central Reserve city). Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities Country banks (member banks) Possessions (nonmember banks) 1 21 53 268 53 268 i Represents aggregate book value of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserves for dividends payable in common stock, reserves for other undeclared dividends, retirement account for preferred stock, and reserves for contingencies, etc. Figures are averages of amounts from reports of condition for 4 call dates from Dec, 31,1941, to Dec. 31, 1942, inclusive. TABLE NO. 4.—Earnings, expenses, AND dividends of national banks, 62/ Federal Reserve districts, / o r ifce YEAR e n d e d D e c . [In thousands of dollars] District District District District District District No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 2 No. 3 No. 1 Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on securities Interest and discount on loans Service charges and other fees on banks' loans.. Service charges on deposit accounts Other service charges, commissions, fees, and collection and exchange charges. __ Trust department Other current earnings District District District No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 District No. 10 NonDistrict District member No. 11 No. 12 banks Grand Total n U1 £ 20,775 28,795 81,646 63,994 32,468 30,186 29,365 28,220 15,511 21,630 15,913 25,080 63,055 51,950 12,313 17,643 10,807 16,192 13,060 26,759 12,348 27,256 45,635 93,513 1,410 1,170 354,306 432,388 299 3,161 1,222 7,130 236 2,442 335 2,842 187 2,523 91 3,043 1,288 6,791 142 1,534 270 1,688 193 3,645 104 2,925 1,258 8,649 1 56 5,626 46,429 1,113 2,940 5,963 2,358 6,505 13,539 733 1,619 4,501 883 2,412 5,409 1,180 1,440 2,319 3,094 1,490 4,606 3,815 7,410 9,133 1,952 586 1,902 3,117 1,156 2,164 1,417 1,376 3,887 1,621 815 4,511 2,763 5,228 8,633 370 4 124 24,416 32,981 66,691 Total earnings from current operations. Current operating expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers Employees other than officers... . . . Number of officers 1 Number of employees other than officers Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount and advisory committees Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) Interest and discount on borrowed money - -Taxes, including income taxes. Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture and fixtures Other current operating expenses 63,046 176,394 72,185 69,466 44,790 53,317 143,442 36,072 35,394 50,337 49,580 165,679 3,135 962,837 7,426 11,859 1,472 7,778 18,064 33,818 8,091 19,176 7,478 10,615 2,052 7,028 7,967 11,536 1,971 7,485 5,664 7,313 1,478 5,247 6,335 9,446 1,432 6,957 14,890 28,445 2,821 17,818 4,847 5,931 1,868 4,629 5,295 6,076 1,490 4,500 8,625 8,675 2,528 6,572 7,959 8,499 2,188 6,815 17,011 36,690 8,669 21,076 376 629 72 858 111,937 179,532 25,667 114,928 O ^ 505 1,006 964 489 370 306 596 250 298 334 313 378 13 5,822 K 4,577 10,132 8,980 8,429 5,587 4,317 12,322 3,317 3,714 3,154 2,152 22,695 491 89,867 4 6,092 30 17,017 11 7,379 7,979 1 4,649 8 5,847 14,074 1 4,290 3 3,281 1 5,709 4 7,342 1 16,000 285 64 99,944 1,705 12,815 4,515 37,038 1,890 11,659 2,188 12,593 1,007 8,073 1,645 11,539 2,687 28,343 913 7,374 605 7,056 1,431 10,543 1,508 10,478 4,121 25,717 65 360 24,280 183,588 Total current operating expenses 44,983 121,620 48,976 51,181 32,664 39,443 101,357 26,923 26,328 38,472 38,255 122,613 2,219 695,034 18,063 54,774 23,209 18,285 12,126 13,874 42,085 9,149 9,066 11,865 11,325 43,066 916 267,803 o 1,763 1.854 2,869 1,061 9,441 8,937 9,789 1,517 4,183 3,487 1,657 803 4,248 2,147 2,662 836 1,955 1,018 1,388 653 1,582 1,268 1,587 759 5,192 4,784 5,929 2,854 1,012 1,715 1,377 839 1,635 563 2,054 1,210 1,944 1,023 3,363 649 715 957 2,629 861 2,492 2,712 5,288 2,234 8 9 67 7 36,170 30,474 40,659 14,283 S 7,547 29,684 10,130 9,893 5,014 5,196 18,759 4,943 5,462 6,979 5,162 12,726 91 121,586 4,147 4,543 1,490 19,853 9,174 4,416 10,319 6,706 6,153 6,794 1.529 1,750 3,819 1,121 1,089 3,019 2,596 1,552 10,225 3,217 2,753 3,132 1,037 592 2,288 1,078 1,090 2,996 1,625 666 1,691 2,161 1,535 4,791 8,231 6,562 179 116 11 73,253 43,134 29,659 Net earnings from current operations Recoveries and profits: Recoveries on securities Profits on securities sold or redeemed Recoveries on loans All other Total recoveries and profits Losses and charge-offs: On securities On loans All other — __ K a § 8 O O O t* § g d s «1 Total losses and charge-offs Net profits before dividends Dividends: On preferred s t o c k . . . On common s t o c k Cash dividendsStock dividendS- 10,180 33,443 23,178 10,073 6,029 7,167 16,195 4,761 4,456 5,287 5,387 19,584 306 146,046 15,430 51,015 10,161 18,105 11, 111 11,903 44,649 9,331 10,072 13,557 11,100 36,208 701 243,343 419 1,248 567 656 192 412 190 108 155 228 1,807 9,330 190 29,503 1,201 9,825 6,652 1,029 5,540 219 4,973 1,090 15,750 612 4,600 192 3,867 323 5,845 6,464 945 18,507 2,118 321 121,177 8,944 31,952 11,031 8,337 5,951 6,475 17,061 4,982 4,2 6,383 7,637 22,432 326 136,804 475 ; 202 578,272 l,92f,726 669,978 2,34$,047 77,337 18&-753 174,275 428T728 22,327 61,878 3,800 8.844 5,087 11,105,924 19,659,838 1,511,123 3,684,882 Percent Pe&mt 44.97 2|.55 37.32 5.22 . 1.79 15.92 10.79 Percent 36.80 44.91 4.82 13.47 10$. 00 Ì00.00 100.00 32;64 1$. 70 27^67 32.47 15.66 22.65 30.88 9.33 31.98 Total dividends.. Number of banks 1 Loans Securities Capital stock (par value). O i l i t a l funds Ratios to gross earnings: ; Interest and dividends on securities Interest and discounfon loans Service charges on deposit accounts All other current earnings Total gross earnings.. Salaries, wages and fees Interest on time deposits... All other current expenses . Total current expenses.. Percent |2.95 Percent 46.29 5.01 16.36 4.04 13.39 Percent 44.98 41.82 3.38 9.82 Percent 42.27 40.63 4.09 13.01 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 28.7$ 12.13 32.77 |9.80 12.47 31.39 7.26 32.70 71.35 Net current earnings Ratios to loans: Interest and discount on loans Recoveries on loans Losses on loans Ratios to securities: Interest and dividends on securities.. Recoveries on securities Profits on securities sold Losses on securities Ratios to capital stock (par value): Net current earnings Net profits before dividends Cash dividends Ratios to capital funds: Net current earnings Net profits before dividends Cash dividends I Number at end of year. 574 - 304 88$ 172 2,132,069 1,134,649 5,512,460 110,409 320,191 306,451 572 495 718,871 691,230 1,286,804 1,416,933 128,066 131,408 330,169 322,741 29.98 5.75 33.22 68.95 26.40 12.44 29.01 337 481,512 772,619 6&458 158,890 263 533 596,005 1,569,330 832,048 3,695,834 83,555 214,433 173,818 521,734 Percent 29.84 47.04 5.71 17.41 Percent 43.96 36.22 4.73 15.09 100.00 100.00 30.17 8.10 35.71 30.63 8.59 31.44 318 471,456 664,566 -55,455 126,015 360 410,928 559,800 53,594 116,896 Percent Percent < 34.14 30.53 48.91 45.75 4.25 4.77 12.70 18.95 100.00 100.00 648 615,026 703,222 77,664 179,822 Percent 25.95 53.16 7.24 13.65 Percent 24.91 54.97 5.90 14.22 100.00 100.00 30.57 9.19 34.87 32.97 10.49 30.93 35.03 6.27 35.13 33.83 4.34 g M H3 H O S hd O % GD O O o g 67.85 73.68 ?2.93 73.98 70.66 74.63 74.39 76.43 77.16 74.01 70.78 72.19 27.07 26.02 29.34 25.37 25.61 23.57 22.84 25.99 29.22 27.81 4.35 .55 .26 4.71 .45 .37 4.85 .27 5.24 .30 .52 3.89 .37 .39 1.94 .11 .12 .20 2.28 .01 .01 .29 1.80 .18 .16 .37 o d g 28.65 31.05 32.15 26.32 3.24 .32 .51 3.00 .46 .43 4.20 4.08 .39 .22 4.49 .29 .23 4.21 .27 .44 3.31 .38 .20 3.74 .29 .22 3.94 .50 .26 1.83 .16 .16 .37 1.48 .17 .16 2.52 .33 .27 .80 2.07 .30 .15 .48 2.01 .25 .13 .49 1.91 .19 .15 1.71 .14 .13 .28 1.85 .15 .26 .47 1.93 .29 .10 .41 .15 .43 1.84 .11 .14 .25 15.52 13.25 8.37 17.11 15.93 9.60 18.12 7.93 8.11 13.91 13.78 5.56 17.71 16.23 8.37 16.60 14.25 6.44 19.63 20.82 7.67 16.50 16.83 8.64 16.92 18.79 7.42 15.28 17.46 7.73 14.64 14.35 8.65 23.83 20.03 11.24 24.11 18.45 8.50 17.72 16.10 8.46 5.89 5.04 3.18 6.55 6.10 3.68 7.03 3.08 3.15 5.67 5.61 2.26 7.63 6.99 3.61 7.98 6.85 3.10 8.07 8.56 3.15 7.26 7.40 3.80 7.76 8.62 3.40 6.60 7.54 3.34 6.50 6.37 3.84 10.05 8.45 4.74 10.36 7.93 3.65 7.27 6.60 3.47 Remaining figures include earnings, expenses, etc., of those banks which reported for the first half of the year only. NOTE.—The figures of loans, securities, capital stock, and capital funds are averages of the amounts reported for each call date in the current year and the final call date in the preceding year. CD d hj H 5d O E ïd o a G 18 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY TABLE NO. 5.—Dates of reports of condition of national banks, 1914 to 1943 [For dates of previous calls see report for 1920, vol. 2, table No. 42, p. 150] Year 1914.. 19151916.. 19171918L_ 191919201921. > ... 19221923[ 19241925) 19261927.. } 19281 1929> 19301931i 19321933[ 19341935193619371 1938! 1939L19401941. t 1942t 1943- Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June 13 28 21 4 4 7 5 4 4 10 31 28 23 28 3 6 12 27 27 25 5 4 4 31 7 29 26 4 4 1 1 1 10 12 4 5 30 23 30 20 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 00 29 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 . 30 July Aug. Sept. 31 12 2 12 11 12 8 6 15 14 28 24 29 30 28 Oct. Nov. Dec. 31 10 17 20 1 17 15 10 10 3 4 25 17 2 24 18 1 31 31 27 31 31 31 29 31 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 NOTES of Act of Feb. 25,1863, provided for reports of condition on the first of each quarter, before commencement Act of June 3, 1864—First Monday of January, April, July, and October, before commencement of business, on form prescribed by Comptroller (in addition to reports on first Tuesday of each month showing condition at commencement of business in respect to certain items; i. e., lo$ns, specie, deposits, and circulation). Act of Mar. 3,1869, not less than 5 reports per year, on form prescribed by Comptroller, at close of business on any past date by him specified. Act of Dec. 28,1922, minimum number of calls reduced from 5 to 3 per year. Act of Feb. 25,1927, authorized a vice president or an assistant cashier designated by the board of directors to verify reports of condition in absence of president and cashiér. Act of June 16, 1933, requires each national bank to furnish and publish not less than 3 reports each year of affiliates other than member banks, as of dates identical with those for which the Comptroller shall during such year require reports of condition of the bank. The report ofeach affiliate shall contain such information as in the judgment of the Comptroller shall be necessary to disclose fully the relations between the affiliate and the bank and to enable the Comptroller to inform himself'as to the effect of such relations upon the affairs of the bank. Sec. 21 (a) of the Banking Act of 1933 provided, in part, that after June 16, 1934, it would be unlawful tor any private bank not under State supervision to continue the} transaction of business unless it submitted a o periodic examination by the Comptroller of the Currency of the Federal Reserve bank of the district, s n d made and published periodic reports of condition the same as required of national banks under section 5 211, U. S. R . S. Sec. 21 (a) of the Banking Act of 1933, however, was amended by section 303 of the Bankng Act of 1935, approved Aug. 23,1935, under the provisions of which private banks are no longer required to submit to examination by the Comptroller or Federal Reserve bank, noir are they required to make to thé Comptroller and publish periodic reports of condition. : (ilive calls fo^jreports of condition of private banks were made by the Comptroller, the first one for June 30,1934, and the last one for June 29, 1935.) TABLE No. 6 A S S E T S AND L I A B I L I T I E S OF NATIONAL B A N K S A T T H E D A T E O F E A C H C A L L F R O M D E C E M B E R 31. 1941 T O D E C E M B E R 31. 1943, I N C L U S I V E B Y S T A T E S AND T E R R I T O R I E S 19 20 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31 y 1941, to Dec. 31, ALABAMA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 June 30, Oct. 18, 1943 1943 Dec. 31. 1943 66 banks 66 banks 66 banks 66 banks 66 banks 66 banks 66 banks -ASSETS Loana and discounts _.. Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate . Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets . Total assets 112,213 «4 110,774 , 100,125 52 m 92,378 50 84,245 48 99;080 277 97,680 72- 45,975 53,173 86,288 176,211 9,654 9,771 8,748 14,654 38,022 7,676 38,651 7,443 38,605 8,784 43,419 7,264 45,282 8,463 46,490 7,862 46,459 6,369 1,128 44,775 9,783 1,233 49,599 8, 573 1,169 53,706 10,149 1,174 71,295 11,527 1,188 67,682 12,276 1,150 65,206 13,838 1,236 73,916 12, 786 102,825 104,205 87,700 102, 746 89,968 104, 719 99,76$ 6,780 6,752 6,767 6,672 6,599 6,600 6,461 2,714 2. 509 2,411 2,184 1,866 1,748 534 1,200 868 1,168 916 860 309 825 881 544 621 394 290 842 51$ 460 1,184 501 996 469 1,110 610 1,151 709 1,018 777 927 787 1,347 385,334 395, 748 407,872 532,645 558,502 630,167 632,867 168,980 175. 708 194,424 254.306 288,617 297,695 326,786 76,943 377 11,765 77,049 351 10,976 79,849 339 10, 574 84,606 16 36,141 90,118 15 38,747 94,085 10 96,443 97,861 1053,631 33,377 53,536 36,072 55,952 35,352 46, 215 48,368 67,050 47,920 48,429 45, 286 52, 775 56,591 52,035; 2,907 1,751 357,869 ..369,660 277,688 286,404 80.271 88,256 3,348 498, 885 407,107 . 86,788 4,302 518,148 425,942 92,206 3,125 589,419 492,892 96,527 5,232' 692,14a 491,897 100,240 220,893 1 j 267,030 } 280,342 17,115 J 1 17,089' LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks , Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid i Other liabilities Total liabilities 2,474 m 267, m 80,193 847, 885 546 621 394 290 842 513 466 ! 453 406 293 237 269 300 377 223 471 179 473 304 480 201 641 218 611 169 708 272 349,403 359,508 371,464 495,203 519,534 591,310 593,939 3,628 14,780 18,418 11,032 4,642 3,625 14,790 18,415 11,127 4,407 3,409 14,801 18,210 12,046 4,269 3,404 14,802 18,206 12,217 4,816 3,104 14,802 17,906 12,708 5.467 3,104 14,602 17,706 12,904 5,228 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 3,832 14,790 18,622 10,690 4,410i 2,148 2,459 2,917 3,729 2,776 3,090' 35,931 36,240 36,408 37,442 38,968 38,857 38.928- 385,334 395, 748 407,872 532,645> 558,502 630,167 632,867 2,209> 21 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943—Continued ALASKA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1943 1943 1942 4 banks 4 banks 4 banks 4 banks 4 banks 4 banks 4 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts. __ U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligatitns guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions.. Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks -- -Reserve with approved national banking associations Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises Other assets.. ... Total assets. 2,362 6 2,257 1 2,119 1,510 7 1,538 11 1,499 2,031 2,128 4,198 5,852 16 16 16 16 4 174 457 2 173 447 2 168 442 3 146 415 3 132 413 2 138 387 136 372 4,638 1,573 7,744 2,317 8,788 2,688 8,743 2,327 9,615 2,673 609 686 608 699 861 154 161 151 152 147 1 82 18 162 19 1 1 5 6 l 1,666 25 | 8,767 1.396 32 1 (0 () 1,535 1,853 5,134 4,098 154 2 38 154 1 20 11,379 11,053 11,933 17,383 20,207 22,910 24,476 6,307 5,572 6,520 9,734 11,397 13,563 14,737 3,013 10 554 2,613 5 1,133 2,713 15 1,075 3,497 5 2,184 4,088 5 3,028 4,728 5 2,465 4,754 5 2,815 231 82 416 141 360 47 643 47 489 20 611 43 695 39 219 10,416 7,888 8,088 178 10,058 7,890 2,668 181 10,911 8,188 2,778 239 16,849 12,797 8,552 1 137 19,164 15,021 4,148 8 387 21,802 17,069 4,788 1 308 28,858 18,694 4,759 15 10,416 10,058 10,911 16,350 19,172 21,803 23,368 300 550 63 50 300 550 95 50 300 550 119 53 300 550 . 83 100 300 550 68 117 300 550 140 117 300 550 123 135 963 995 1,022 1,033 1,035 1,107 1,108 11,379 11,053 11,933 17,383 20,207 22,910 24,476 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Papital stock—Common; stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities accounts and capital »Included with "Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection." SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 22 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943— Continued ARIZONA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30 1943 1942 1942 Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts : U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection... Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 37,794 61 34,666 76 29,630 49 32,692 49 30,875 74 33,63: 36.257 68 7,101 7, i 17,036 43,976 64,136 5,477 5,296 3,996 2,671 9,855 1,773 2,048 1,533 1,538 1,099 2,662 925 4,556 915 4,5 756 2,831 684 1,154 123 9,291 3,107 123 11,512 2,420 124 12,647 3,046 124 16,472 3,830 124 20,168 3,521 124 17,803 4,280 124 18,470 4,620 16,113 19,345 21,242 26,464 27,064 23,218 23,334 1,400 1,390 1,373 1,336 1,302 1,307 1,282 213 192 197 157 131 127 113 19 33 36 44 43 44 44 233 82 206 100 216 102 274 138 375 138 528 136 489 204 84,835 86,018 93,455 133,708 163,290 175,482 179,218 47,186 50,922 55,236 84,296 105,137 102,695 110, 249 16,116 26 264 16,104 26 298 16,809 26 312 19,472 26 5,479 22,331 26 7,065 24,103 26 25,114 25,954 26 14,833 11,501 2,085 9,741 1,888 11,745 2,243 13,859 3,206 17,608 3, r ~ 12,440 3,074 16,842 2.732 1,988 79,166 69,858 16, S08 1,182 80,161 68,892 16, »69 1,349 87,720 70,749 16,971 128,199 108,577 19,622 2,279 157,532 135,057 22,475 2,206 169, 658 145,/" 24,282 2.733 173,369 147,283 26,086 90,618 78,829 13, 546 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilitiesTotal liabilities— 637 593 502 340 256 256 231 159 26 252 7 262 1 210 291 52 373 35 411 25 79,988 81,013 88,501 128,758 158,131 170,322 174,036 700 1,725 700 1,725 2,425 1,699 745 700 1,725 2,425 1,703 636 700 1,725 2,425 1,706 671 700 1,725 2,425 1,707 766 700 1,725 2,425 1,707 810 700 1,725 2,425 1,716 826 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock.. Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. Total capital accounts Total liabilities counts. and capital i. 2, 425 1,699 619 104 136 190 148 261 218 215 4,847 5,005 4,954 4,950 5,159 5,160 5,182 84,835 86,018 ac93,455 133,708 163,290 175,482 179,218 23 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of ea^h call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943— Continued ARKANSAS I In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1942 1942 1943 1943 50 banks 50 banks 50 banks 51 banks 51 banks 51 banks 51 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve b a n k . . Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets Total assets 41,944 44 38,221 99 35,565 46 36,287 49 32,431 39 20,761 27,068 38,411 74,098 5,539 5,955 5,560 6,105 98,132 1 J 112,981 \ 123,038 11,038 1 1 9,951 18,721 2,726 18,991 3,094 18,825 3, 531 18,202 3,416 17,884 3, 321 17,697 2,707 17,756 2,871 491 23,435 4,106 454 24,195 3,170 474 24,170 4,285 470 33,588 4,877 464 34,839 4,528 462 35,876 4,974 471 37,460 5,034 61,489 63, 303 55, 345 69,626 57, 378 57,919 59,449 1,799 1,800 1,803 1,794 1,772 1,777 1,844 299 293 238 188 181 143 136 56 55 59 58 58 58 55 325 154 111 184 115 149 131 153 133 156 142 166 163 171 181,689 186,993 188, 576 249,042 262,354 286,033 288,167 83,393 88,532 92,032 133,495 140,480 143,840 156,616 27,769 36 2,966 27,273 31 3,105 28,027 31 2,368 29,652 26 6,280 29,830 21 12,250 30,175 21 31,262 31,565 21 17,284 17,558 33,147 18,705 33,202 18,991 30,790 20,960 41,263 22, 721 39,665 23,044 39,698 22,117 42,123 1,670 166,689 188,801 28,288 826 171,674 148,960 27,714 935 178,174 144,780 28,444 1,534 288,210 208,281 29.979 994 245,961 215,426 80,586 1,172 269,212 288,878 80,889 1,769 271,496 289,210 82,285 181 186 178 157 143 146 139 86 117 154 5 145 118 110 111 202 131 225 1 101 115 166,923 172,019 173,615 233,588 246,437 269,584 271,850 590 155 5,578 6,828 5,109 2,641 552 155 5,605 6,812 5,168 2,768 552 155 5,605 6,812 5,286 2,569 544 155 5,684 6,888 5,515 2,727 483 155 5,745 6,888 5,748 2,932 480 155 5,798 6,488 5,748 3,450 380 155 5,948 6,488 5,859 3,106 40,989 85 39,790 35 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: • Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 693 726 794 829 854 818 869 14,766 14,974 14,961 15,454 15,917 16,449 16,31* 181,689 186,993 188,576 249,042 262,354 286,033 288,167 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 24 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1943—'Continued CALIFORNIA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 banks banks June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, 1943 1942 1942 95 banks 95 banks 94 banks Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 banks 93 banks 1,272,485 1,390,582 1,333,882 1,560,132 ,536,383 , 485,482 1,390, Loans and discounts .. 1,356 1, m 1,426 1,594 1,305 Overdrafts .. I,319 U . S. Government securities, direct 2, 734,056 908,930 , 098,019 ,942, :*,432,191 obligations 878,346 3,484,548 Obligations guaranteed b y U. S. Gov140,753 150,427 121,961 118, 143,312 ernment . 170,975 Obligations of States and political sub274,6f»9 283, 258 281,370 267,064 246,854 246,229 268, d ; visions .. . 66,873 75,614 67, 751 74, 81,671 69, 80,119 Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of 9,543 10, 10,888 10,692 8,765 II, Oil Federal Reserve b a n k . . . 789, 482 787, 545 842,610 568,151 580.956 597,126 694, Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . 60,415 62,175 56, 33,234 49,221 65,086 50,258 Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash 496,470 493,627 569, 519 432,527 374.156 350,379 594, items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and 53,013 53, 701 60, 346 58, 51,667 61,517 fixtures 61, 526 Real estate owned other than bank 4,739 10,314 11,080 3, 542 10, 255 premises 8, Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or 25,081 26, 746 25, 562 25,115 27, 296 27, 27, 459 other real estate ... Customers' liability on acceptances 1,643 2,796 2, (102 2,268 1,953 2,655 1,247 outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not 11,086 13,148 9,032 13,503 9, 696 9,662 collect ed. 8,570 4,015 3,750 10,017 4,405 4,452 5,394 3,960 Other assets Total assets 4,124,863 4,026, 785 4,140,884 5, 260, 723 5,964, 786 6,694,903 , 858,627 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits... Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected- but not earned. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. i, 585,254 1, 558, 316 1,698,316 ,430, 2, 793, 724 2,991,659 3, 282, 208 , 413, 747 ,555, 2,022 81,359 180, 1, 736,153 1,858,040 1, 959, 749 . 374 374i 376 337, 731 836,301 481,362 1,405,188 2,021 117,251 370,535 225,877 59,957 8,766,088 2,158,215 1,607, 307, 224, 340,883 202,696 343, 263, 53,738 53,880 124, 666,210 8,792,908 ,899, 188,769 ,207, 609,144 379.371 256,831 279,650 247, 580 398, 273 227,383 100,390 103,021 131,199 604,574 6,816,625 6,480,550 754,689 4,859,647 4,416,441 1,956,978 2,064,109 50 84 3,344 3,548 2,714 2,613 3,440 11,290 9,881 8,017 4,539 4,846 4,355 7, 5,094 10,958 7,499 16,322 7,804 15,881 10,686 7,912 5,597 2,022 3,794,226 3,699,192 3,816,711 4,931,065 5,630,183 6,349,037 ,513,494 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus •Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 27,269 114,817 142,086 113,490 40,885 25,499 114,841 140,840 113,894 37,332 19,375 114, 755 184,180 120,143 34,176 36,027 30,812 19,308 114,837 184,145 122,375 39,959 18,175 114,832 188,007 123,750 40,142 18,144 114,684 132,828 123,716 49,771 18,144 114,684 182,828 140,156 31,802 33,179 37,704 39,551 40,347 329,658 334,603 345,866 345,133 5,260,723 5,964,786 6,694,903 6,858,627 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY Assets and liabilities 25 of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, ¿0 Dec. 31, 1943— Continued COLORADO [Iii thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1942 1943 1943 78 banks 78 banks 78 banks 78 banks 78 banks 78 banks 77 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts . U. 8. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. 8. Government-. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debenture?... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank , Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . : Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 100,184 29 92,588 43 79,283 26 83,650 20 64,287 43 76,045 72 52,439 56,824 84,702 162,374 226,095 13,960 13,606 12,056 12, 258 11,968 12,412 10,580 11,496 10,548 10,635 10,829 10,686 10, 522 9,445 11,382 8,692 11,145 8,470 11,062 708 56,765 6,070 714 60.614 6,459 715 67,388 6,851 720 82,361 6,900 719 82,929 7,645 731 85,100 8,607 736 90,601 7,450 119,662 109,078 115,083 127,118 115,071 131,595 116,534 2,883 2,944 2,894 2,799 2,721 2,695 2,618 107 107 104 96 76 74 70 369 218 445 249 349 183 387 253 455 462 631 371 541 397 376,386 365,715 391,098 500.144 533,298 628,771 615,782 194,066 180,689 202,630 279,847 303,228 332,711 358,098 70,711 66 2,085 69,564 63 1,903 70,262 47 2,103 76,683 16 10,925 81. 287 17 19.107 88,458 11 60,439 92,519 14,548 59,359 1$, 879 60,016 18,077 62,678 16,817 78, 724 21.651 70,014 20,992 89,014 17,465 74,988 3,963 2,353 3, 717 4,897 5,083 3,724 4,696 162 150 138 94 75 71 67 594 57 464 41 572 30 696 46 741 18 652 76 880 67 345,96^ 335,122 360,254 468,760 501,221 596,148 583,002 771 10,808 625 10,838 622 10,891 556 10,951 454 10,992 356 11,036 321 11,006 9,634 6,467 9,773 6,670 9,911 6,707 10,063 7,009 10,314 7,414 10,605 7,743 10,955 7,622 1 303,013 74,482 30 J 290,500 1 12,291 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits > Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States' and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities b 34,217 3U, 798 334,467359,514 467,909500,887595,349581,988 270,876261,426285,839887,842415,790 603,685486,278 73,922 73,041 73,675 80,067 84,597 91,664 95,710 352 15 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock ^ Common stock Total capital Hock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts.. Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 11,579 11,468 11,618 11,507 11,446 11,392 11,827 2,743 2,687 2,713 2,805 2,903 2,883 2,876 30,423 30,593 30,844 31,384 32,077 32,623 32,780 376*386 : 3 ^ , 715 391,09$ 500,144 533,^98 • 628,.7|1 6*15^2 26 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943— Continued CONNECTICUT [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, 1942 1942 1943 1943 Dec. 31, 1943 52 banks 52 banks 52 banks 52 banks 51 banks 51 banks 51 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations _ Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures.. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding.. Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets.. . Total assets 110,544 22 111,150 18 103,929 10 89,985 7 118,934 126,506 347,606 235, 567 It). 547 14,932 12,950 9,488 26, 728 16, 755 3*4,907 17,010 34,355 16,196 29,477 14, 548 33,843 12, 744 31,892 12,921 24,073 12, 711 1,421 55,469 13,120 1,4i5 54,899 11,652 1,395 51,750 14, 765 1,418 64,078 12,892 1,290 66,127 14, 791 1,287 63,880 14,998 1,293 71,182 15, 537 106,314 95,925 88,180 98,662 91,749 79,158 107,644 10,489 10,448 10,324 10.091 9,838 9. 859 9,698 772 733 669 641 548 554 424 20 13 13 79.937 18 78, 341 18 79, 241 18 321, 725 Ì J 404, 249 } 411,558 8,469 1 [ 5,738 22 22 21 64 83 3 13 505 211 477,917 473 201 480,374 538 110 482,801 600 155 567,629 676 180 641,948 719 237 705,435 776 133 732, 760 276, 794 269,318 279,684 336,829 378,114 360,279 440,482" 95, 907 95 4, 731 93,857 95 5,766 93,267 95 5,656 100,139 35 28,626 108,450 35 51,429 114,721 35 125,951 118,087 35 70, 579 21,491 23, j 91 22,083 23,809 23,981 22, 213 22, 513 20,942 25,581 20,318 25,824 17,488 20,674 23, 721 9, 725 431,934 334,475 97,459 19, 589 434,517 339,354 95,163 11,863 436,759 341,938 94,821 11,762 520,846 418,722 102,124 9,439 593,366 482,827 110,539 13,474 657,772 541,115 116,657 11,234 684,812 564,606 120,306 10 30 J9 207 2, 006 500 30 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits . Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 83 3 620 .536 395 350 376 348 1,031 368 434,061 982 78 436,310 1,100 317 438,725 1,086 360 522,894 1,161 335 597,218 1,205 99 659,952 1,390 357 686,937 2,716 1,097 17,563 21, S76 15,485 4,800 2,633 1,097 17,493 tutts I r 2,627 1,097 17,50$ ti, tst 15,703 4,807 2,592 1,097 17.526 21, tl5 16,044 4,900 2,404 1,097 17,496 20,997 16,320 4,843 2,401 1,097 17,496 20,994 16,353 5,563 2,401 1,047 17,540 20,991 16,692 5,387 2,195 43,856 2,233 44,064 2,334 44,076 2,576 44,735 2,570 44,730 2,573 45,483 2,750 45,823 477,917 480,374 482,801 567,629 641,948 705,435 732,760 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock... Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts 30 64 654 15,645 4,963 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY Assets and liabilities 27 of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943— Continued DELAWARE [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1943 1943 1942 14 banks 14 banks 14 banks 14 banks 13 banks 13 banks 13 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions -, Other bonds, notes, and debentures.^. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash itepas in process i f collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not , collected Other assets 9,233 1 8,841 737 716 343 1.120 3,4§3 1,102 3,453 186 2,458 649 5,902 7,773 5,836 1 9,479 11,202 182 192 1,217 3,394 1, 3,084 703 2,618 611 2,204 184 2,075 192 2,670 740 191 3,230 723 129 3,045 795 120 2,877 737 4,700 3,586 4,401 718 743 746 734 539 539 148 144 138 126 91 73 35,901 27,650 30,738 28,106 30,042 II, 167 12,785 15,490 13,737 14,310 7,881 100 476 7,865 100 521 7,961 8,335 8,467 1,037 971 220 576 297 549 331 437 127 347 147 476 227 22,344 14,276 8,068 202 25,458 17,392 23,726 15,385 8,341 154 25,528 17,050 8,473 9,392 1 3.119 14,350 2,923 15 32 Total assets. LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities . Total liabilities.. 11,95^ Ilk 529 267 »1,480 18, 181 145 SO, 565 12,480 8,r 8,066 1,9 30 21,536 20,581 22,396 45 10 1,627 1,682 2,635 624 42 10 1,630 1,682 2,™ 706 40 10 1,632 1,682 2,639 47 34 17 25,516 23,762 25,573 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class BfrPeferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 36 34 34 1,646 1,682 2,644 630 1,444 1,478 2,045 580 1,444 1,478 2,056 707 299 296 307 266 241 228 5,240 5,320 5,254 5,222 4,344 4,469 25,901 27,650 30,738 28,106 30,042 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 28 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31 „ 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31. 1942 1943 1943 1942 1943 ß bankp 9 banks 9 banks 9 banks 9 banks Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations ... Obligations guaranteed b y U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. Interest, commissions, rent, and other - income earned or accrued 1 ut not collected Other assets Total assets 68,745 21 67,878 23 63,896 36 55,854 22 51,178 25 66,319 70,556 89,311 184,078 235,597 17,232 15,312 9,578 5,978 4,758 1,213 9,442 1,417 9,854 1,434 10,605 1,371 11,584 946 9,868 336 7,285 318 7,707 674 87,168 8,736 678 98,217 8,551 679 95,878 9,332 582 64,261 9,293 535 62,955 10,055 527 67,835 9,768 527 70,020 8,202; 53,367 50,059 49,263 56,730 44,941 43,631 48,206 7,013 7,086 7,079 6,965 6,917 6,897 6,657 519 434 428 366 136 98 74. 4 4 4 4 5 151 378 220 355 146 435 187 366 187 370 412 525 251 341 320,982 330,650 338,104 397,641 428,473 466,864 461,780 197,046 207,064 214,800 257,234 277,834 268,417 290,172 51,708 100 1,347 51,499 100 1,677 52, 705 100 1,244 55,048 25 15,387 58,126 25 24,669 60,203 25 64,477 61,951 25 41,408 50 42,431 52 43,193 44 40,508 59 39,184 54 38,395 74 43,853 73 37,545 5,229 .4*26Q 7,048 5,819 6,148 6,446 49,640 15 1 279,895 51, 512 22 J 263,669« 1 4,274 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations *. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, ¡etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected bui not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 297,911 307,846's/ilol 878,985404,922443,197 487,629 245,658266,796J961,463818,762 846,696882,894875,569 62,268 62,040 68,066 55,228 58.226 60,803 62,051 4 4 4 4 5 150 125 97 60 39 42 45 342 310 258 320 43$ 666 421 503 470 357 231 573 300 298,717 308,552 315,713 374,973 405,697 443,827 438,538 900 7,700 750 7,700 750 7,700 750 7,700 600 7,700 600 7,700 600 7,700 7,485 5,517 7,735 5,160 7,750f 5,427 7,760 5,808 8,065 5,742 8.065 6.066 8,140 6,146 2m CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits , Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock 1 Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 8,600 8,460 8,450 8,450 8,800 8,800 8,300 : 663 753 764 650 669 606 656 22,265 22,098 22,39Ì 22,668 22,776 23,037 23,242 320,982 330,650 338,104 397,641 428,473 • 466,864 461,780 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY Assets and liabilities 29 of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 194-1, to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued FLORIDA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 53 batiks 53 banks 53 banks 53 banks 54 banks 55 banks 55 banks Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and d e b e n t u r e s — Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding .. Interest, commissions, rent, and other in come earned or accrued but not ' collected...Other assets Total assets 111, 581 14 101,021 25 93,516 .12 91,234 10 80,937 17 87,624 98,663 133,229 232,285 357,792 31,578 30,433 24,932 15,046 16,591 29,203 9,185 29,818 9,311 29,113 8,867 28,318 7,273 29,510 7,727 30,409 7,379 31,108 6,309 1,001 54,093 12,931 1,020 60,208 10,842 1,015 58,731 12,098 1,294 78,744 12,930 1,201 96,987 16,752 1,249 95,929 16,699 1,266 98,974 17,274 119,747 149,220 116,414 136,643 143,616 124,265 137,471 7,860 7,890 8,584 11,972 11,790 12,048 11,827 1,057 1,061 969 900 548 485 408 1,151 1,141 221 126 100 90 76 108,500 31 J 428,895 110,348 12 f 405,653 1 14,883 5 3 793 490 921 513 750 355 917 372 1,172 577 1,477 668 1,438 553 468,311 502,087 488,811 618,064 765,317 828,154 837,600 218,485 233,903 243,284 307,937 403,046 405,444 438,082 55,410 66 12,983 53,579 65 15,245 54,674 63 15,546 59,784 63 40,163 69,443 54 53,782 75,759 54 124,671 81,972 54 72,161 53,580 87,137 59,533 99,201 45,588 86,967 58,170 107,218 54,435 136,779 50,085 112,422 70,460 120,191 4,743 43s, m 370,900 61,504 4,443 465,969 406,299 59,670 2,749 448,871 887,765 61,106 3,905 577,240 509,077 68,163 4,884 722,423 641,366 81,057 5,564 778,999 686,659 87,840 8,916 791,886 698,054 98,782 32 16 3 5 580 533 492 464 367 367 530 363 576 175 651 345 493 238 748 252 1,017 122 433,894 467,285 450,380 578,435 723,790 784,524 793,584 159 15,255 15*444 13,459 3,405 170 15,255 15,425 13,684 3,566 170 18,455 18,625 13,907 3,669 165 18,530 18,695 14,336 4,284 165 18,630 18,795 15,663 4,421 150 19,055 19,205 16,896 4,776 150 19,155 19,805 17,568 4,581 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate. Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 9,019 14 341 1,117 290 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stòck.. Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities counts. and capital i. 2,109 2,127 2,230 2,314 2,648 2,753 2,562 34,417 34,802! 38,4311 39,629 41,527 43.630 44.016 468,311 502,087 488,811 618,064 765,317 828,154 837,600 ac- 30 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943— Continued GEORGIA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 51 banks 51 banks 50 banks 50 banks 47 banks 47 banks 47 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S . Government securities, direct obligations ... Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures.._ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve b a n k . Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . _. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected . Other assets Total assets 192,184 148 177,494 103 159,211 122 156,940 175 122,154 177 298,902 1 | 315,698 } 355,740 16,452 1 11,004 195,783 296 167,470 182 53,215 63,668 92,219 190,896 22,225 20,641 14,810 14,033 23,041 9,521 20,874 10,023 22,214 10,186 21,790 11,883 23,826 12,156 25,987 12,249 24,217 12,879 1.195 60,578 8,554 1,180 69,258 6.552 1,184 69,208 8,172 1,172 98,906 8,131 1,097 85,797 9,691 1,097 90,183 9,634 1,090 101,245 9,513 109,474 109,485 106,147 133,606 116,531 124,966 122,802 8,672 8,668 8,555 8,425 8,034 8,003 7,886 476 475 452 337 242 229 168 79 8 23 37 20 85 29 419 417 507 444 409 480 723 567 952 404 1,211 658 1,231 363 490,198 489,380 493,392 647,621 696,435 826,121 775,777 202,729 212,321 237,063 306,539 353,337 380,383 379,189 68,201 220 29,438 65,812 181 28,823 66,459 182 16,849 69,567 111 57,872 75,658 71 65,381 80,979 72 152,691 84, 703 73 84,429 27,277 115,571 19,977 119,398 28,536 101,779 28,752 136,925 33,946 123,962 31,231 138,364 40,936 137,846 5,975 449,411 378,408 71,003 1,620 448,132 380, 133 67,999 1,955 452,823 384,768 68,056 6,529 606,295 535,554 70,741 3,561 655,916 579,192 76,724 1,567 785,287 703,115 82,172 8,692 735,868 649.062 86,806 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits.. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions ... Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities. 5 5 5 4 5 5 79 8 23 37 20 85 29 1,863 1,749 1,518 1,082 824 861 826 408 2,159 763 1,723 592 1,852 538 2,937 757 1,962 1,096 749 821 484 453,925 452,380 456,813 610,893 659,484 788,083 738,028 707 25 16,476 17,208 10,944 4,970 700 25 16,483 17,208 10,969 5,643 700 25 16,458 17,183 11,104 5,267 683 25 16,458 17,166 11,287 5,305 680 25 16,236 16.941 11,484 5,537 670 25 16,236 16,931 12,313 5,621 644 25 16,291 16,960 12,610 5,009 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock. Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts.... Total liabilities and capital accounts. 3,151 3,180 3,025 2,970 2,989 3,173 3,170 36,273 37,000 36,579 36,728 36,951 38,038 37,749 490,198 489,380 493,392 647,621 696,435 826,121 775,777 31 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each callt from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943—Continued T H E T E R R I T O R Y O F HAW AH [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations ol States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures_ Corporate stocks Reserve with approved national banking associations Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures •Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets... Total assets. Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 194a 1 bank 1 bank June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1942 1943 1943 1 bank 1 bank 1 bank 1 bank 23,178 17 20,820 40 18,914 31 15,234 14 14,649 8 29,765 39,347 43,294 61,033 66,471 2,521 5,537 5,515 15,012 14,494 4,128 3,141 5 4,349 3,044 4,620 3, 4,971 3, 303 4, 3,202 4,753 3,212 (0 0) 8,113 18,777 11,402 ¡6,333 9,573 40,902 10,645 23,832 10,792 14,416 4,022 8,031 5,568 1, 1,871 5, 319 11,704 14,470 64 94,122 1,588 1,590 11 10 10,202 433 1,8 230 304 13,673 305 40 557 68 91,731 99,580 120,135 1,593 165,469 159,309 28,542 31,004 39,214 50,717 51,120 53,675 26,068 924 16,424 27,108 1,141 21,280 31,061 1,470 27,418 43,544 1,821 49,299 52,156 1,842 37,137 58,227 1,865 22,496 7,254 3, — 7,713 1.628 9,681 1,371 11,843 1,834 12,952 809 12,178 1,148 1,513 56,993 27, ISO 1,439 91,313 62,924 28,389 2,040 112,255 79,531 32,724 2,151 161,209 115,630 45,579 1,365 157,381 103,298 54,083 1,062 150,651 90,449 27 11 10 9 26 18 15 4 5 158 500 153 58 197 275 1,538 27 1,648 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .... Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subDeposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits ..'._.. 1. Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 84, m 60,202 68 82 522 187 61 84,318 91,950 112,520 161,880 157,623 151,128 3,350 2,050 379 1,634 3,350 2,085 561 1.« 3,350 2,085 196 1,! 3,350 2,125 354 3,350 2,150 I, J 2, C 3,350 2,200 551 2,< 7,413 7,630 7,615 7,713 7,846 8,181 91,731 99,580 120,135 169,593 165,469 159,309 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 1 Included with "Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection." 624566—45 3 1 bank 32 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81 % 1941, to Dec. 1948— Continued IDAHO [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 19 banks 19 banks 19 banks 16 banks 16 banks 16 banks 16 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations— Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Oblirations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balar ces with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets. Total assets 34,502 59 31,712 70 28,928 50 28,841 50 24,337 ' 39 23,655 25,972 29,603 61,845 85,738 7,357 6,109 5,509 6,550 f 111,897 } 108,233 7,024 J 1 7,082 3,522 999 3,053 937 3,708 990 4,020 723 3,387 813 3,659 509 3,673 585 198 11.879 2,780 205 13,799 2,231 204 12,932 2,810 199 18,234 3,379 203 17,717 3,292 203 23,695 3,620 203 25,874 4,202 20,782 20,618 23,753 33,368 24,495 29,053 29,754 1, 518 1,516 1,502 1,493 1,399 1,393 1,364 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 282 5 231 3 147 14 162 24 78 8 201 21 274 107, 539 106, 460 110,140 158,879 168,547 199,979 212,414 52,444 53,552 55,695 93,600 98,157 120,792 128,275 26,697 138 864 26,297 38 1,076 26,035 44 1,789 30,242 46 4,884 32,831 13 8,645 35,582 13 16,425 38,078 12 13,273 14,522 3,189 13,142 3,167 14,033 3,131 16,002 4,015 14,325 4,363 11,001 5,693 15,969 5,642 949 98,803 71,718 27,085 764 98,036 71, m 26,585 830 101,557 75,253 26,304 1,109 149,898 119,390 30,508 1,104 159,438 126,389 33,019 1,275 190,781 154,979 35,802 1,629 202 878 163,221 39,657 29,361 43 27,424 60 ] LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations T i m e deposits of individual«?, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) I Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 99 87 68 39 25 24 16 209 78 135 105 241 38 190 89 167 39 119 23 302 53- 99,189 88, 363 101,904 150,216 159,669 190,947 203,249 590 3,340 S, 930 2,633 1,010 422 3,358 3,780 2,633 963 372 3,358 3,730 2,714 1,053 370 3,240 3,610 2,670 1,231 267 3,243 3,610 2,788 1,349 265 3,245 3,510 2,788 1,474 255 3,755 m o 2,811 1,475 777 721 739 1,152 1,231 1,260 869 8,350 8,097 8,236 8,663 8,878 9,032 9,165 107,539 106,460 110,140 158,879 168,547 199,979 212,414 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts.- SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY Assets and liabilities 33 of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1948—Continued ILLINOIS [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 338 banks 338 banks June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, 1942 1942 1943 1943 339 banks 339 banks 340 banks 343 banks Dec. 31, 1943 345^ banks5 ASSETS 1,119,509 1,107,058 1,062,156 963,456 892,751 1,110,814 1,101,933 Loans and discounts 2,247 751 493 604 490 Overdrafts . 736 333 U. S. Government securities, direct 1,389, 1,507,530 1,871,349 2,916,780 3,408,765 obligations (3,691,995; J4,092,919 Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Gov125,772 109,290 95,946 91,506 93,777 ernment I 87, m Obligations of States and political sub163,277 197,280 158,485 166,845 203,300 163,654 167,421 divisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... 128,206 121,357 126,259 129,219 121,591 116,883 112,002 Corporate stocks, including stock of 23,794 24,719 25,345 22,033 19,853 Federal Reserve b a n k . . 20,537 22,008 Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . 999,555 1,072,439 957,498 944,168 845,555 867,156 918,855 65,014 44,164 63,087 63,639 66,397 65,788 Currency and coin 66,905 Balances with other banks, and cash 711,900 654,511 603,831 646,266 595,581 648,607 622,563 items in process of collection.. Bank premises owned, furniture and 30,806 31,255 30», 191 31,098 29,668 29,495 fixtures 29,287 Real estate owned other than bank 2,624 2,177 2,377 1,731 1,454 412 premises 345 Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or 1,131 1,197 1,130 1,055 991 692 other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances 1,531 1,417 2,170 1,568 2,166 outstanding 3,218 1,971 Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not 9.184 7,454 7,987 10,109 11,252 collected 13,603 13,006 5, 7,013 6,307 Other assets 6,316 7,002 8,408 6,843 Total assets 4,778,750 4,892,072 5,014,760 5,995,375 6,300,593 7,142,922 ), 843,392 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, part2,294,415 2, 111, 571 2,465,412 2,899,361 Ì, 319,909 nerships, and corporations 3,603,738 Time deposits of individuals, partner696,213 668,769 677,706 697,522 745,027 790,850 840,684 ships, and corporations 594 531 525 233 220 215 Postal savings deposits 205 138,594 280,458 193,754 665,586 511,733 1,231,811 728,396 Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdi293,702 264,616 309, 754 237,892 287,321 269,724 245,885 visions.. 965,179 1,170,671 978,886 1,076,269 1,005,042 1,095,249 962,618 Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' 38,199 30,121 45,291 36,931 44,199 checks, etc.) 52,214 4,426,896 4,588,541 4,656,164 5,622,141 5,918,464 Total deposits. 749,074 6,433,740 8,710,817 3,841,820 ~ 956,439 4,906,617 5,148,980 5,937,852 5,569,847 Demand deposits 716,079 691, 721 699,725 715,524 764,484 811,222 868, 893 Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money 75 25 70 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding1,797 2, 1,444 1,742 2,274 3,370 2,122 Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned 3,585 2,509 3,610 3,346 2,610 2,: 2,251 Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid 10,489 12,752 10,224 12,834 15,955 13,958 18,524 3,f~~ Other liabilities 4,758 4,785 6,078 3,492 7,651 6,532 Total liabilities 4,445,852 4,558,423 4,675,961 5,644,081 5,939,616 6,774,501 6,463,169 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus.. Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock 5,965 156 127,495 133,616 135,219 32,188 5,617 146 127,626 133,389 135, r ~ 31, 548 5,497 146 127,734 133,877 136,546 35,874 5, ' 146 127,933 133,287 143,580 40,065 4,334 128 128,557 183,019 145,278 47,144 4,057 123 129,041 133,221 146,228 51, 528 3,031 123 162,083 165,287 149,029 32,114 31,875 32,729 33,002 34,362 35,536 37,444 33,843 Total capital accounts 332,898 333,649 338,799 351,294 360,977 368,421 380,223 Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 4,778, 750 4,892,072 5,014,760 5,995,375 3,300,593,7,142,922,6,843,392 34 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 811 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued INDIANA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 124 banks 124 banks June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 124 banks 124 banks 124 banks 125 banks 125 banks ASSETS L o a n s and discounts Overdrafts U . S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions . Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and fixtures R e a l estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected.. Other assets Total assets 168,579 22 163,073 84 150,886 28 134,064 30 128,623 25 156,144 167,421 210,700 356,351 469,701 38, 558 43, 781 35,384 36,000 J 557,038 ] ^ 610,816 41,743 J 1 47,547 37,252 29,056 40, 664 32, 564 40,082 34,634 45, 503 34, 335 51,479 32, 742 53,030 31,632 52,060 30,669 1, 368 94, 582 19,909 1, 377 95, 989 16,369 1, 378 102, 370 19,986 1,421 131, 727 20,176 1,421 132, 549 22,123 1, 456 133, 596 23, 539 1,493 144, 708 24,000 156,270 152, 933 160,348 161, 516 149, 305 171, 374 175,671 10,267 10,259 10,164 9,763 9,490 9,850 9,503 327 270 240 192 117 85 59 154,905 40 144,379 26 16 16 49 10 8 8 25 81 32 132 15 17 883 600 1,026 498 902 474 1,105 531 1, 351 612 1,818 740 1,602 669 713,835 726, 349 767,673 932, 795 1,041,423 1,192, 904 1, 189,449 324,771 329,214 359,401 479, 447 534,109 562, 178 619,605 158,803 977 19,948 152, 782 1,144 26,976 152, 773 1,140 24,869 154, 780 406 56,938 167, 763 320 80,651 189, 263 324 186, 762 198,129 315 105, 519 53,710 88,914 59, 341 89,258 70,124 89, 964 69,602 102,313 88,970 95.654 77, 386 96,059 81, 368 100,877 7,694 654,817 484,892 169,925 8, 316 667,081 508,117 168,914 9,346 707,617 ö 44, no 168,877 8,459 871,945 709,690 162,255 25 81 32 132 15 17 614 581 492 355 336 319 303 830 511 744 182 859 432 893 414 1,008 340 1,184 85 1,274 376 656,772 668,563 709,481 873,639 3,176 830 20, 593 24,599 17,460 9,721 3,156 830 20,611 24,597 17, 500 10,349 3,156 830 20,611 24,597 17,825 10,188 3,071 830 20,738 24,689 19,201 9,308 18 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations T i m e deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits.. Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid. Other liabilities Total liabilities... J 16,825 11,134 15,000 978,601 1,126,972 /, 122,688 808,889 981,141 917,912 175,212 195,881 204,726 980,417 1,128,575 1,124,608 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus. Undivided profits. Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts.. Total liabilities and capital accounts. _ 3,268 590 20,824 24,682 19,639 12,307 3,159 590 21,487 25,286 20,484 14,104 2,840 • 590 22,209 25,689 22,431 12, 365 5,283 5,340 5,582 6,008 4,378 4,505 4,406 57,063 57, 786 58,192 59,156 61,006 64,329 64,841 713,835 726,349 767,673 932,795 1,041,423 1,192,904 1,189,449 35 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943— Continued IOWA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 103 banks 103 banks 103 banks 113,781 42 114,467 77 101,028 53 93,154 53 39,546 50,959 73,827 139,504 18,522 19,212 13,496 14,415 33,085 9,736 35,184 11,317 36,824 11,621 38,269 11,104 40,594 11,898 42,500 9,965 41,726 9,739 646 44,780 6,853 670 50,268 5,570 668 48,796 6,762 676 61,263 6,830 688 68,045 8,010 703 68,733 7,012 709 69,551 7,702 77,985 76,417 79,169 95,226 87,126 76,985 76,674 3,903 3,908 3,855 3,815 3,759 3,846 3,689 127 123 96 64 31 27 11 1,481 1,466 1,438 1,390 1,348 1,332 1,298 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, 1942 1942 1943 102 banks 102 banks Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 102 banks 101 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k Currency and coin. Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected.. Other assets Total assets 77,174 75 82,724 156 79,785 78 201,951 1 J 245,233 !> 270,439 13,625 1 11,920 6 18 463 183 563 360 444 235 482 308 531 656 813 885 601 155 351,133 370,561 378,312 466,553 515,517 566,120 548,889 141,170 145,928 150,360 196,418 225,311 227,532 247,147 65,633 84 2,622 64,943 81 3,257 65,894 77 5,477 67,703 62 24,709 72,550 49 31,109 75,582 48 71,546 78,700 50 41,245 30,826 79,886 42,24C 83,892 39,506 86,261 38,809 106,691 46,997 107,336 49,525 108,684 46,273 100,521 - 3,019 323, 240 257,495 65,746 1,901 842,242 277,199 65,043 2,096 349,671 283,678 65,998 3,141 437,583 868,888 68,645 2,438 485,790 411,416 74,375 2,317 585,284 457,828 77,406 3,764 517,700 487,176 80,524 465 441 417 255 200 186 171 189 63 247 56 216 129 266 56 296 30 405 56 442 75 323,957 342,986 350,433 438,110 486,322 535,881 518,406 743 77 11,610 12,430 9,093 3,991 712 77 11,643 12,432 9,317 4,105 705 77 11,649 12,431 9,616 4,112 642 67 11,673 12,382 9,860 3,987 583 53 11,757 12,398 10, 242 4,529 553 53 12,037 12,643 10,303 5,055 535 53 12,190 12,778 11,066 4,474 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, part nerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits. Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities... Total liabilities 6 18 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock.. Common stock Total capital stock. Surplus Undivided profits. Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities accounts and capital 1,662 1,721 1,720 2,214 2,031 2,238 2,165 27,176 27,575 27,879 28,443 29,195 30, 239 30,483 351,133 370,561 378,312 466, 553 515, 517 566,120 548,889 36 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, I94I, to Dec. 31, 1943—Continued KANSAS [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 180 banks 180 banks 123,181 56 117,654 86 89, 318 63 113,864 63 84,595 71 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, 1942 1942 1943 180 banks 179 banks Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 178 banks 178 banks 177 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed b y U. S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures.. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 90,402 91 82,693 71 42,857 44,444 81,950 141,986 235,016 ) f 291,236 21,696 23,620 17,135 16,601 15,077 J 1 21,059 3,286 20,880 3,817 21,299 4, 731 20,481 4,981 19,688 5,885 18,276 5,945 18,480 6,912 721 44,403 4,964 732 44,191 4,328 729 54,260 5,995 743 71,049 6, 253 752 75, 721 7,990 756 83, 797 7,429 777 94, 774 7,158 82, 793 84, 780 99,494 125,163 129,063 137,377 126,345 5, 219 5,160 5,036 4,908 4,759 4, 728 4,578 183 168 160 105 59 55 37 159 150 148 144 148 144 154 210 159 272 194 185 193 263 280 361 627 471 315 482 611 350,952 350, 476 380,696 506,884 579,812 633, 735 651,707 168,027 169, 933 191,710 273,036 323,691 341,152 362,656 36,436 154 11,832 35,871 177 12,099 36,468 139 10,092 38,424 121 32, 794 39,160 115 37,493 40, 706 59 83,453 41,912 49 53,435 56,694 44,046 52,154 46,065 53, 507 54,171 62, 543 63,194 62,104 79, 464 53,212 76, 704 72,876 81,435 2,902 320,091 282,526 37,565 2,938 319,237 282, 399 36,838 3,021 349,108 311,609 37, 499 4,611 474,723 435,247 39,476 4,395 546,422 506,102 40,820 3,911 599,197 557,379 41,818 4,969 617,382 574,107 48,225 279 267 247 181 165 157 130 307 171 368 115 433 201 516 168 695 169 868 51 808 140 320,868 319,987 349,989 475, 588 547,451 600,273 618,410 865 110 13,885 14,860 9,095 5,102 828 110 13,917 14,855 9,206 5,3G7 798 110 13,917 14, 825 9, 304 5,425 767 110 13,913 14,790 9,835 5, 553 569 110 14,061 14,740 10,248 6,104 539 110 14,081 14,730 10, 334 7,040 495 109 14, 340 14,944 11,125 5, 772 > 283,949 17,399 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations T i m e deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Interest, discount, rent, and other income collectod but not earned . . . Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 20 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits 1 Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities accounts and capital 1,027 1,061 1,153 1,118 1,269 1,358 1,456 30,084 30,489 30, 707 31, 296 32, 361 33,462 33,297 350,952 350,476 380,696 506,884 579,812 633, 735 051, 707 37 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1948— Continued KENTUCKY [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 95 banks 94 banks 94 banks 94 banks 94 banlçs 94 banks 94 banks ASSETS 129,811 38 121,239 105 111, 948 74 98,868 53 60,869 72,736 100,087 186,162 16,328 15, 718 4,741 5,573 12,995 16,425 12,292 17,275 12,761 18,567 13,105 17,380 16,310 16,118 15,724 13,157 15,088 13,562 1,084 56,578 8,124 1,079 57,482 6,486 1,064 55,526 7,627 1,130 69,256 9,097 1,095 63,525 10,007 1,086 69,502 9,747 1,069 71,071 9,690 86,874 72,318 64,816 95.810 76,711 78,175 95,527 4,155 4,164 4,126 4,075 4,021 4,011 3,926 382 284 268 256 198 165 113 20 21 59 22 2 2 430 193 544 220 397 221 511 227 636 240 929 200 773 236 394,306 381,963 382,282 501, 505 519,391 564,059 586,825 181,943 169,062 168,467 250,687 262,663 279,922 322,167 65,143 258 9,373 62,324 224 11,128 62,361 227 13,105 61,724 173 30,658 63,623 108 33,822 65,447 17 79,144 66,892 17 40,904 12,651 88,145 14,919 88,341 11,778 82,938 13,570 106,204 12,570 97,177 15,653 80, 278 16,731 100,246 3,332 860,846 294, 400 66,445 2,431 848,429 285,099 68,880 9,751 848,627 285,844 68,288 4,512 467,528 404,888 62,645 14,445 484,408 418,189 66,219 7,871 528,83b 460,458 67,879 3,903 650,860 481,548 69,812 434 389 351 263 206 20 203 459 272 477 80 543 244 541 261 771 321 796 110 958 355 362,110 349,375 349,765 468,643 485,706 529,522 552,476 Capital stock: 1,422 Class A preferred stock... 1,330 Class B preferred stock 535 525 Common stock 11,248 11,229 Total capital stock. 18, '205' 18,084 Surplus ... 14,194 • 14,135 Undivided profits 3,651 4,101 Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock 1,205 1,209 1,324 525 11,229 18,078 14,267 3,872 1, 250 525 11,232 18,007 14,951 3,635 1,177 31 11, 774 12,982 15,095 4,170 1,137 31 11,774 12,942 15,247 4,859 1,087 25 11,855 IS, 967 15,539 4,457 Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises • Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets... 82,948 90 97,103 113 94,934 74 243,828 J i 274,081 Y 274,145 3,662 j 1 6,681 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions ... Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned. . . . Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid .... Other liabilities Total liabilities 100 75 50 100 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Total capital accounts Total liabilities accounts. and capital 1,300 1,269 1,438 1, 489 1,386 32,196 32,588 32,517 32,862 33,685 34,537 34,349 394,306 381,963 382,282 501,505 519,391 564,059 586,825 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 38 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, I94I, to Dec. 81, 1948—Continued LOUISIANA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1943 1942 1943 29 banks 29 banks 29 banks 30 banks 30 banks 30 banks 30 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts. _ U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed b y U. S. Government... Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures. __ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve b a n k Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and fixtures..Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate. — Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets. Total assets. 138,004 191 129,828 510 115,196 593 117,677 684 85,628 905 84,817 93,011 123,117 245,802 314,983 25,580 26,145 16.505 10,990 16,830 33,949 4,022 32,255 5,141 31,302 4,688 32,189 4,860 29,837 32,160 4.844 32,776 5,174 1,345 63,814 7,651 1,350 68,190 6,597 1,348 82,273 7,750 1,473 100,271 8,816 1,432 96,880 10,547 1,429 99,312 10,223 1,424 113,384 11,035 109,520 103,894 87.506 114,469 105,062 113,072 99,397 10,371 10,375 10,254 10,050 1,026 964 874 737 116,670 591 385,190 121,183 419 331,259 15,724 9.845 481 458 409 22 22 22 1,720 920 1,547 1,517 1,055 1,570 2,454 873 902 844 1,072 830 1,037 1,159 1,112 1,016 1,340 1,204 1,420 1,161 482,985 481,723 484,790 651,220 680,804 778,814 746,106 213,747 204,701 233,126 302,851 332,811 343,535 368,575 66,887 104 12,023 63,704 104 13,382 65,378 105 9,087 71,124 105 46,921 77,420 71 81,883 52 102,628 85,620 52 54,441 33,389 116,761 36,648 120,742 33,710 102,828 34,450 153,528 40,807 146,829 41,821 163,214 41,800 149,379 3,488 4,324 376,333 70,066 376,806 66,799 2,840 447,074 379,383 67,691 4,262 613,241 540,797 72,444 3,360 641,201 560,634 80,567 4, 737,169 662,127 85,042 5,325 705,192 615,790 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits cf banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits — Demand deposits Tiiw deposi e . Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and ouist n l ' n ^ . Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities — Total liabilities . 4.4.6,399443,605 39,903 95 1,346 2,094 1,752 1,422 1,803 2, m 449 399 359 290 251 271 247 533 1,005 449,732 670 928 447,791 824 855 450,864 854 1,007 616,814 1,235 874 645,364 1,270 776 742,390 1,217' 1,160 709,983 2,852 10,972 13,824 11,366 5,457 2,819 11,478 14,297 11,446 5,732 2,809 11,488 14,297 12,968 4,274 14,828 2,538 12,290 13,420 3, r ~ 2,530 12,293 14,823 13,533 4,721 2,524 12,293 14,817 13,560 5,852 2,524 12,293 14,817 13,751 5,022 2,606 33,253! 2,457 33, ! 2,387 33,926 2,198 34,406 2,363 35,440 2,195 36,424 2,533 36,123 482,9851 481,723 680,8041 778,8141 746,106 2,167 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stockSurplus. Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred s t o c k . . Total capital accounts Total liabilities counts. and capital i. ac484,790 651,220 39 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued MAINE [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 35 banks 35 banks 35 banks 35 banks 35 banks 35 banks 35 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts . . Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions— Other bonds, notes, and debentures. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank ... Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected.. Other assets ... Total assets 42,052 1 40,105 2 36,452 1 32,782 27,149 1 33,636 39,126 44,689 69,779 10,959 8,361 6,651 5,554 95,511 1 f 112,522 } 114,245 4,656 I 4,427 2,327 13,830 3,348 13,604 3,577 13,516 2,538 12,198 2,913 11,371 2,344 11,196 1,817 10,639 521 16,786 3,783 523 16,326 3,126 512 21,393 4,070 518 19,622 4,403 675 22,541 5,077 512 19,765 4,491 511 24,212 4,911 19,871 18,455 20,348 24,845 20,865 20,109 20,558 1,373 1,370 1,356 1,346 1,324 1,297 1,252 152 144 131 122 172 74 124 447 447 438 403 341 392 331 74 140 76 191 66 123 75 127 113 133 140 159 147 143 145,952 145,204 153,323 174,312 192,842 202,436 207,414 51,634 51,990 59,048 74,551 85,396 84,099 94,589 59,841 97 432 58,335 97 515 58,089 99 1,215 59,578 73 2,892 63,177 51 6,254 64,776 16 17,855 66,272 16 9,305 5,680 8,008 7,172 7,264 7,239 7,737 9,103 7,837 10,619 6,964 9,261 6,151 8,808 7,720 1,955 127,6/f7 67,880 60,267 1,286 126,659 67,895 58,764 1.257 184, 684 76,222 58,462 1,625 155,659 95, 651 60,008 1,638 174,099 110,626 63,473 1,380 183,538 118,462 60,076 1,745 188,455 121,775 66,680 75 100 50 45 52 27 39 39 34 117 163 146 44 117 151 135 167 141 166 123 7 184 194 127,977 126,969 135,104 155,988 174,445 183, 707 188,867 794 325 6,857 7,976 6,170 3,014 774 325 6,862 7,961 6,175 3,336 773 325 6,862 7,960 6,252 3,182 700 325 6,867 7,892 6,454 3,065 557 325 6,897 7,779 6,708 554 285 6,922 7,761 6,786 3,429 364 235 6,972 7,621 6,979 3,149 815 763 825 913 871 753 798 17/975 18,235 18,219 18,324 18,397 18,729 18,547 145,952 145,204 153,323 174,312 192,842 202,436 207,414 27,711 1 25,818 2 J LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations Postal savings deposits.. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks.. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid 1... Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock.. Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts.- 3,039 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 40 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, I94.I, to Dec. 31, 1943—Continued MARYLAND [In thousands of dollars) Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1942 1943 63 banks 63 banks 63 banks 63 banks 63 banks 63 banks 63 banks Loans and discounts Overdrafts U . S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed b y U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and fixtures.. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectl y representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets. 85,151 82 79,965 134 75,168 144 65,297 122 57,762 23 185,132 193,769 223,234 300,286 374,985 39,319 37,399 7,981 5,542 6,497 5,222 15,072 5,658 14,922 5,653 15,204 5,761 13,995 6,188 13,747 5,420 12,544 5,618 11,789 830 84,312 10,123 826 76,536 8,148 837 78,905 11,283 815 88,448 10,921 826 80,608 11,494 813 82,942 10,500 824 90,303 10,815 72,770 54,892 56,843 64,165 59,420 56,228 4,829 4,839 4,774 333 298 4J 4,881 656 577 4,! 424 85,274 85 458,518 70,992 10 419,649 5,495 14 14 16 16 15 15 14 149 122 325 118 34 92 158 1,081 329 505,120 1,178 426 479,538 466 482,211 713 361 561,837 864 618,027 1,200 510 719,313 1,157 556 684,745 219,322 200, 271 231,196 274,611 298,554 301,791 341,457 94,652 136 31,460 91,180 136 32,777 91,633 132 10,973 94,449 38 44,020 99,219 18 63,418 104,271 19 167,082 107,627 19 84,614 28,455 94,426 35,390 84,543 32,432 79,778 26,050 85,001 34,237 84,236 27,389 79,680 24,791 85,414 2,693 471,144 871,080 100,114 1,485 445,782 1,809 447,958 351,043 96,910 2,529 626,698 426,071 100,627 2,179 681,861 476,875 104,986 1,710 681,942 571,950 109,992 2,401 646,828 582,717 118,606 300 380 325 118 92 158 175 114 97 92 391 320 449,164 228 581 527,739 1,312 397 583,691 1,618 54 684,103 1,944 594 649,491 11,916 5,938 1,964 50 11,395 18,409 11,955 5, ( 1,944 50 11,395 18,889 12,025 6,021 1,884 50 11,395 18,829 12,091 6,273 1,884 50 11,395 18,829 12,132 6,743 1,842 50 11,395 18,287 14,735 • 5,162 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations T i m e deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U . S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions... Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.). Total deposits Demand deposits Tim e deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. _ Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities. 149 164 233 551 472,241 848, r ; 97,888 25 122 177 172 37 446,315 CAPITAI ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts 2,004 32,879 1,951 33,223 2,015 33,047 2,663 34,098 2,643 34,336 3,006 35,210 2,070 35,254 Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 505,120 479,538 482,211 561,837 618.027 719,313 684,745 2,026 50 11, r 18,439 11,904 5, 532 1,1 50 11,375 18,418 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY and liabilities 41 of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948—"Continued (In thousands of dollars] MASSACHUSETTS Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 124 banks 124 banks Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of State? and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection... Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank promises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collectedOther assets.. Total assets June 30, Dec. 31, June 30 1943 1942 1942 124 banks 124 banks 39,408 49,637 21,934 45,141 10,118 420,496 54,532 9,253 9,507 379,4771 358,051' 49,616| 50,775 8,457 378,006 48,799 209,811 188,801 187,890 206,061 33,183] 32,567 32,278 28,765 2,421 2,020 1.724 1,645 411,310 49,523 589,153 1,016,406 49,999 38, " 32,726 57,034| 54,089 51,289 51,533 57,538 34,938 53,958 10,621 343,835 137,039 10,577 409,031 105,983 10,568 353,812 65,631 231,029 171,557 176,148 3,073 2,952 173 179 150 8,349 8,478 7,830 2,: , 5,372 I 3,1501 3,018 1,358 547,641 153 368,962 I jl,727,501 fl,492,132 1 41,,309r 48,767 43,696 48,602 373,0541 57,708 3,135 124 banks 568,261. 672,210 29 33,528 124 banks 522,042 100 681,609] 79 33,564 124 banks 569,041 95 682,948 67 33,163 Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 168] 4,000 887 1201 152 152 107 5,874 4.725 4,210 4,934 4,6601 6.562 5,636 10,842 1,979,142 1,999,884 2,064,147 2,464,921 2,709,777 3,041,336 2,840,838 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits.. Deposits of U . S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and outstanding----Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 1,062,317 1,083,942 1,151,661 1,267,270 1,517,934] 1,443,644 1,536,829 220,265 157 13,575 217,784 138 23,322 222,085] 237,482 107 150| 23,584 276,444 262,341 103 258,219 279,883 103 665,178 286,933 *fit102 341,018 83,556 345,453 95,149 334,315 91,562] 323,471 95,259 334,678 94,372 322,758 116.126 101,119 313,229 22,680 21,287 20,689 24,414 19,041 16,422 24,960 1,750, m 1,771,072 1,881,554 2,286,654 2, 476,416 2,807,206 2,601,910 2,313,158 2,525,508 2,212,862 1,629,489 1,552,595 1,608,866 1,996,910 ^88,757 218,477 222,688 288,744 264,054 m,794 4,035 535 5001 540 600 740 9,273] 9,239 5,271 6,773 5,4551 5,249 3,431 2,348 1, 1,387 1,341 1,086 2,763! 5,904 5,660| 5,015 3,479] 3,675 3,104 2,1571 7,415 5,631 6,020 7,179 7,153 2,671 5,476 1,771,360 1,790,078 1,854,509 2,253,683 2,496,146 2,825,793 2,625,599 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock. _ Surplus Undivided profits— ----Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock — Total capital accounts. 3,674 550 69,085 78,309 87,754 31,925 3,561 5501 69,096 73,2W 87,9141 32,131 3,461 550 69,148 73,159 88,080 32,718 3,416 550 69,163' 78.129 88,256 33,732 550 69,280 78,118 88,613 35,545 3,177 400 69,385 72,962 89,162 37,071 3,177 400 69,385 72,962 99,099 28,073 14,794 207,782 16,5541 209,806 15,681 209,638 16,121 211,238 16.3551 213,631 16,3481 215, 543 15,105 215,239 Total liabilities and capital ac1,999,884 2,064,147 2,464,921 12,709,777 ¡3,041,336, 2,840,838 counts. i. 1,979,142 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 42 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, ¿0 Dec. 81, 1948— Continued MICHIGAN [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, 1942 1942 Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 78 banks 78 banks 76 banks 75 banks 75 banks 75 banks 75 banks 251,700 251,989 247,667 236,459 242,391 265,366 Loans and discounts 184 171 106 55 70 76 101 Overdrafts U . S. Government securities, direct 1,284,519 306,900 381,594 522,606 792,564 ,062,988 obligations 1,393,039 Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Gov64,627 132,355 113, 914 76,625 73,472 ernment Obligations of States and political sub47,044 46. 550 53,745 45,267 46,464 47,112 52,481 divisions 84,245 66,622 64,750 70.. 714 69,106 69,029 82,509 Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of 2,364 2,403 2,347 2,383 2,288 2,375 2,309 Federal Reserve bank 168,576 202,812 216,522 326,176 282,904 259,429 297,599 Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . 31,153 26,179 29,483 20,708 31,502 30,745 26,616 Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash 259,616 196,719 213,069 255,170 225,517 197,426 231,063 items in proc ess of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and 10,108 10,288 10,197 9,961 10,261 10,186 10,329 fixtures Real estate owned other than bank 111 72 174 235 154 230 premises 185 Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or 165 169 280 128 167 154 other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances 223 65 outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not 3,645 4,756 2,85' 2,586 2,759 3,247 2,299 collected 1,362 1,057 1,174 997 1.016 Other assets 2,300,049 1,277,467 1,316, 555 1,458,689 1,858,796 2,051,939 2,277,1 Total assets. LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, part645,092 675,992 794,627 1,011,147 1,182,855 1,148,694 1,278,886 nerships, and corporations T i m e deposits of individuals, partner305,382 294,118 300,386 335,757 381,140 407,478 432,782 ships, and corporations 40 45 75 72 55 46 Postal savings deposits 77 231,075 24,331 32,035 156,909 157,783 Deposits of U. S. GovernmentDeposits of States and political sub91,455 97,717 81.098 97,677 76,799 divisions 97,372 95.388 124,947 121.809 132,536 155,532 144,521 137,196 144,302 Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' 18,454 11,279 9,519 7,441 15,871 12,371 checks, etc.) 9,459 1,190, 444 1,228,839 1,371,076 1,769,448 1,959,015 2,180,416 2,203.256 Total deposits 878.457 1,573,438 1,765,888 1,768,001 928.810 Demand deposits 1.065,157 1,427,655 311,987 300,029 305,919 341,793 385,577 412,415 437,368 Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other 200 liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and out223 standing 65 Interest, discount, rent, and other in1,458 1,197 1,876 1,796 come collected but not earned 1,543 1,390 Interest, taxes, and other expenses ac3,816 1,891 4,242 1, 2,175 crued and unpaid 2,860 2,011 901 825 107 881 115 871 925 Other liabilities Total liabilities. 1,194,834 1,232,633 1,375,694 1,774,047 1,964,401 2,186,454 2,209,170 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: 11,644 12,790 12,153 11,852 11,830 Class A preferred stock 11,928 12,138 95 160 135 95 95 Class B preferred stock 95 105 26,179 26,05" 26,441 26,012 26,017 Common stock 25,993 26,031 37, 918 39,007 38,729 37,959 37.942 Total capital stock 38,016 38,274 28,790 25.710 26,534 27,651 27,809 Surplus 27,216 26,316 16,283 12,578 14,918 11.711 17,180 Undivided profits 13,045 12,182 Reserves and retirement account for 7,888 6,472 6,205 preferred stock 6,081 6,223 7,010 7,701 90,879 82,633 84,749 90,632 Total capital accounts 83,922 82,995 87,538 Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 1,277,467 1,316,555 1,458,1 1,858,796 2,051,939 2,277,086 2,300,049 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY Assets and liabilities 43 of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. Si, 1941, to Dec. SI, 194S— Continued MINNESOTA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1942 1943 1943 1942 Apr. 4, 1942 186 banks 186 banks 186 banks 185 banks 185 banks 185 banks 185 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 330,235 134 318,675 179 280,796 97 254,615 113 218,245 135 199,421 198,454 290,714 558, 703,592 38,691 34,100 23,777 21,870 28,755 42,006 24,208 43,513 21,771 40,043 22,088 38,290 23,823 39,537 25,278 37,147 25,061 37,199 24,614 2,127 120,224 11,590 2,138 110,834 10,302 2,143 128,301 12,021 2,132 197, 742 11,296 2,196 167,873 13,437 2,201 181,109 13,238 2,226 188,268 12,388 172,047 190,855 184,150 195,165 184,607 190,402 182,383 8,127 8,146 7,792 7,636 7,590 7,296 6 5 17 5,271 5,271 5,169 4,990 4,990 4,940 4,615 117 284 165 60 212 220 47 1,935 2,199 2,352 573 1,894 167 2,092 254 3, 561 206 3,178 155 958,338 947,452 247,811 243 902,547 237,81» 9$ 817,529' 30,62T 7 1,640 1,319,226 1,399,324 1,616,284 1,548,442 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 385,933 552,065 590,611 623,148 694,075 201,625 358 2,288 196,852 314 12,722 197,478 313 6,561 210,865 273 101,307 222,763 161 120,870 239,136 160 277,975 251,277 154 141,618 74,549 191,250 81,183 199,173 103,493 208,034 95,222 256,613 111, 702 247,243 81,380 287,318 91,807 255,995 10,233 867,748 659,844 208,404 7, 717 857,947 654,462 203,485 8,091 11,293 11,159 15,097 11, 909,908 1,227,688 1,805,259 1,520,276 1,450,02$ 705,625 1,010,388 1,077,115 1,275,101 1,195,157 204, m 217,250 228,144 245,175 254,866 117 284 387,445 3,937 2,394 2,645 2,265 1,243 876,841 865,347 1,965 44 34,447 86,456 28. 225 12, 357 1,915 40 34,481 S6.4S6 28,419 12,158 165 60 212 220 47 3,330 2,487 2,000 1,833 1,727 2,489 782 2, i 3,037 3,340 568 3,684 434 916,6 1,233,646 1,310,906 1, 526, 237 1,455,915 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock. Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities counts. and capital i. 1,885 40 34, 511 36, 4M 28,513 12, 527 1,813 40 34,543, 86, 896 28,895 14,408 1, 751 40 34,590 86, 881 31, 284 14, 743 1,< 40 34, 712 86, 44<> 32, 277 14,947 1,692 40 34, 749 36,481 34,612 14,287 4,459 5,092 5,495 5,881 6,000 6,377 7,147 81,497 82,105 82,9711 85,5801 88,418 90,047 92,527 958,338 947,452 acI, 640,1,319, 226,1,399,324 1,616, 284 1, 548,442 I i 1 i 44 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943—Continued MISSISSIPPI [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1942 1942 1943 1943 24 banks 24 banks 24 banks 24 banks 23 banks 23 banks 22 banks Loans and discounts Overdrafts U . S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government— Obligations of Statesand political subdivisions Other bonds, notes and d e b e n t u r e s — Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets. 24,671 215 23,216 150 22,036 123 19,362 13 14,699 36 8,442 10,612 12.999 36,442 54,326 710 706 670 742 17,174 633 17,306 603 17,462 594 17,311 608 15,901 529 16,124 464 14,306 441 401 10,023 3,459 402 11,432 2,816 393 9,918 3,406 385 16,668 3,818 343 15,493 3,530 339 16,267 3,629 300 18,886 3,695 27,929 30,605 29,300 32,539 34,892 31,206 1,610 1,581 1,460 223 199 148 13 126 135. 551 14 134 140,262 177 156,009 1,' 1,703 1,697 489 450 38,006 17,674 64,351 [369 17,316 50 65,020 792 11 151 96,083 129 100,17 99,202 41,317 40,426 42, 333 63,644 63,808 69, 781 25,579 272 1,703 23, 555 270 2,097 23,837 266 1,807 24,874 206 9,350 23,956 17 11,540 24, 393 18 21,592 24, 348 19 13,150 9,926 8, 111 13.853 10, 786 13,755 8,016 15,246 12,449 19, 349 11,922 17, 670 12,690 20,125 14,619 546 87, m 6i, 234 26,220 368 91,865 67,006 24,859 350 90,364 65,74I 24,623 950 126,719 99,961 26,758 647 131,309 105,436 25, 873 647 146, 791 120,480 26,311 802 145,055 117,941 27,114 8 128 If,3,756 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government — Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 23 21 18 15 94 74 87, 645 141 17 91.5441 152 26 90. 560 78 47 126,859 156 25 131,4941 200 1 146,996 114 53 145,226 1,256 75 3.035 4,866 3,164 425 1, 251 75 3,035 4,861 3,161 610 1,251 75 3,035 1,239 75 3,035 4,849 3,427 413 1,232 75 2,935 4, m 3,376 618 1,232 75 2,935 4,242 3,379 807 1,039 50 2,960 4,049 3,616 370 483 8,438 501 i, 633 508 8,642 503 532 8,768 585 9,013 495 8,530 16,083 100,177 99,202 135,551 140,262 156,009 153,756 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits. Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 4,861 3,181 592 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 45 -Assess and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, i —Continued MISSOURI [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1942 1943 84 banks 84 banks 84 banks 83 banks 83 banks 82 banks 82 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations . Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions . Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank_ Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected — Other assets Total assets. 276,503 55 274,477 89 240,432 78 230,011 53 222,396 69 245,216 77 238,770 60 167,629 206,970 267,722 427,843 35,268 21,183 20,701 562,621 . 661,985 15,821 595,333 49,455 30,408 23,036 29,597 23,892 30,179 25,019 33,924 24,506 31,859 23,752 30,738 20,208 29,165 19,442 8,536 158,656 10,371 6,726 152,961 8,655 7,886 142,950 10,223 7,715 175, f " 9,252 6,742 164,553 11,339 6,793 173,691 11,793 7,919 180,950 11,087 212,884 213,267 211,836 209,676 182,033 197,262 203,121 4,714 4,676 4,651 4,301 4,187 4,137 4,044 1,864 1,794 1,640 1,570 1,475 1,350 1,305 442 441 402 378 341 335 326 394 687 329 491 845 367 1,038 703 1,119 685 995 720 1,549 542 1,791 667 1,728 550 946,688 961,304 966,245 1,147,992 1,229, 770 1,356,888 1,316,616 1, 339 586 22,449 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations... Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 426,081 437,430 531, 543 571,214 586,063 604,016 107,535 627 9,883 105, 656 517 26,272 106,916 488 8,009 108,683 152 35,714 114,223 141 69,881 119,458 141 175,982 122,792 142 94,165 45,576 307,364 38, 570 291,895 34,236 309, 505 41,847 355,746 38, 632 362,724 33,855 367, 45,604 370,254 6,655 883,063 772, U7 110,616 3,575 892,566 784,2U 108,822 9,623 5,021 10,779 4,495 5,761 901,079 1,083,808 1,162,576 1,287,809 1,247,752 791,527 972,160 1,046,927 1,164,515 1,119,929 109,552 111,148 115,649 128,294 127,823 3, 920 516 845 367 587 530 489 337 307 267 292 624 635 874 194 918 967 945 1,252 1,519 343 1,371 535 363 418 903,816 1,085, 518 1.165,675 1,290,783 1,250,317 885, 327 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus. Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 2,009 26,466 28,475 18,001 13,487 1,977 26, 480 28,457 18,144 14, 269 1,652 1,754 1,895 2,083 2,170 2,881 61, 361 62,522 62,429 62,474 64,095 66,105 66,299 946,688 961, 304 1,936 26,481 28,417 18,523 13, 735 1,783 26,016 27,799 19,306 13,474 1,702 26,066 27,768 19,870 14,374 966,245 1,147,992 1,229,770 26,060 27,719 21,275 14,941 1,609 26,170 27,779 21,891 13,748 1,316,616 46 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 194U to Dec. 81, 1948—[Continued MONTANA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 41 banks 41 banks 41 banks 41 banks 41 banks 41 banks 41 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts . Overdrafts TJ. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k — Currency and coin. _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets Total assets... 28,041 16 25,278 33 18,977 25 24,204 15 18,070 19 19,846 75 24,717 21,979 31,517 61,507 3,842 3,626 2,259 2,211 70,457 I } 2,355 J 89,332 4,149 2,887 4,359 2,893 3,968 2,742 3,879 2,517 3,494 2,375 3,277 2,454 3,180 2,404 207 15,144 2,565 211 14.922 2,083 211 14,926 2,391 211 24,436 2,446 216 22,313 2,427 216 24,639 2,503 217 27,116 2,439 24,751 22,990 22,140 26,537 21,990 30,937 26,505 1,931 1,970 1,970 1,922 1,900 1,902 1,838 6 6 5 9 4 5 6 10 11 11 9 9 9 7 203 222 245 37 219 35 210 60 268 10 350 9 284 9 108,691 100,643 101,396 150,173 145,907 175,554 178,639 57,923 53,182 52,035 86,605 82,454 98,557 104,271 22,289 30 197 21,358 15 177 21,326 29 229 23,010 29 5,547 22,809 28 6,398 24,092 20 17,305 25,592 15 9,543 8,041 8,818 7,057 10,262 7,193 12,391 11,609 14,127 9,165 11, 617 12,478 15, 398 12,703 1,603 99,626 76,825 22,801 1,232 91,889 69,991 21,848 1,247 92.821 70,496 21,825 1,598 140,789 117,801 28,488 1,438 186,419 118,290 28,129 1,601 165,670 141,898 24,272 1,798 168,745 142,988 25,762 98 81 67 42 30 29 24 113 11 123 1 158 1 124 12 144 2 216 9 183 11 99,848 92,044 92,547 140,969 136,595 165,924 168,963 159 4,322 4,481 2,490 1,607 120 4,357 4,477 2,525 1,348 117 4,360 4,477 2,526 1,607 114 4,360 4,474 2,602 1,844 104 4,361 4,465 2,686 1,872 104 4,361 4,465 2,699 2,187 104 4,365 4,469 2,954 1,931 20,083 17 J 1 92,254 2,280 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate. . . Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities... Total liabilities 8,96a 2 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 265 249 239 284 279 279 322 8,843 8,599 8,849 9,204 9,312 9,630 9,676 108,691 100,643 101,396 150,173 145,907 175,554 178,639 47 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941y to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued NEBRASKA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 133 banks 133 banks: 133 banks! 133 banks 132 banks¡131 banks: 129 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Hank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 130,443 120,659 • 50 89 102,397 52 122,559 62 86,408 66 96,996 146 94,202 73 51,052 66,738 92,302 172,478 12,979 9,647 7,756 6,896 16,591 9,585 16,277 8,932 16,610 9,515 20,044 11,847 25,928 9,826 27,711 9,431 28,581 9,462 754 49, 704 4,039 759 50,955 3,426 765 59,037 4,533 . 770 81,063 4,884 774 95,258 5,457 784 91,920 6,068 814 101,450 5,496 62, 734 70,180 89,724 107,329 112,233 121,880 106,816 5,149 5,180 5,099 5,021 4,908 4,805 4,667 160 121 92 69 31 23 19 5 5 5 5 5 5 623 368 626 115 541 245 764 967 808 1,248 1,103 408 965 816 344,231 353, 709 388,673 534, 758 613,005 691,968 673,440 164,257 159,600 184, 795 270,235 308,128 326,610 353,509 41,972 101 3,895 41,001 85 6,189 41,719 81 5,029 45,439 55 25, 573 49,958 27 31, 541 52,957 25 84,823 55, 574 25 43,746 25,641 73,800 28,080 84,352 28, 228 94,144 29,922 127,744 31,323 154, 355 27,194 161, 855 31,809 149,454 2,742 312,408 270,033 42,375 2,813 322,120 280,720 41,400 2,759 356,755 314,656 42,099 3,249 502,217 456,427 45,790 3,800 579,132 528,872 50,260 3,638 657,102 603,846 53,256 3,984 638,101 582,234 55,867 569 39 260,792 1 f 314,170 } 330,688 9,263 J [ 5,904 { LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U . S . Government. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 50 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 258 228 205 143 109 102 89 359 184 374 48 447 134 432 122 639 104 690 68 632 132, 313,778 322,814 357,546 502,969 579,989 657,967 638,984 696 654 13, 727 • 13,788 14,423 14,44% 9,888 9,8G0 3,658 3,485 647 13,793 14,440 10,180 3,629 632 13,808 14,440 10,440 3,841 590 13,825 14,415 10, 739 4,494 548 13,842 14,390 10, 794 5,277 356 14,479 14, 835 11,749 4,606 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock. Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 624566—45 4 • 2,685 2,907 2,878 3,068 3,368 3, 540 3,266 30,453 30,8£5 31,127 31, 789 33,016 34,001 34,456 344, 231 353, 709 388,673 534, 758 613,005 691,968 673,440 48 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to December 81, 1948—Continued NEVADA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 1943 1942 1942 6 banks 6 banks 6 banks 6 banks 6 banks 6 banks 6 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed b y IT. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures.._ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected— Other assets. Total assets. 16,095 52 16,008 28 13,768 42 12,940 20 10,912 12,277 16,766 29,095 45,134 3,074 2,243 1,844 1,842 3,179 566 3,152 516 3,499 515 3,311 400 3,199 422 3,204 371 3,392 344 63 4,746 1,548 76 6,175 1,427 75 8,962 1,907 75 7,271 2,226 76 8,319 2,022 76 9,409 i,r~ 76 10,354 1,819 11,359 10,214 16,540 8,100 11,737 8,138 770 789 823 810 809 821 42 6 5 5 11, e 13,442 35 13,283 20 16,222 54 51,140 52,592 1,834 2 170 73 160 119 178 119 195 523 227 199 257 78 52,748 53,306 62,404 76,157 83,212 92,585 93,046 24,521 24,732 31,966 40,844 42,082 46,179 47,579 16,515 1 309 16,109 1 313 17,061 1 347 19,718 20,919 21,882 23,259 451 5,267 10,088 5,638 5,254 1,148 5,841 1,504 6,644 1,029 1,691 7,851 960 6,744 1,316 8,518 1,304 594 48,342 450 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities— — 31, — 16,743 48,950 32,513 16,437 7, 1,073 57,616 40,127 17,489 71,640 51, 495 20,145 913 77, i 56,946 21,046 870 87,079 65,019 22,060 1,299 87,597 64,160 23,437 125 107 86 45 36 34 107 796 163 595 110 1,045 162 645 214 1,144 301 1,207 1,120 49,370 49,815 58,857 72,492 79,386 88.621 88,915 1,360 1,360 1 1,171 1,381 29 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred s t o c k — Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. 12 948 960 1,149 1,216 1,360 1,360 1,150 926 1,360 1,360 1,151 984 1,360 1,360 1,155 1,100 1,360 1,171 1,244 1,360 1,360 1,174 1,547 53 55 52 50 51 52 50 .„V 3,378 3,491 3,547 3,665 3,826 3,964 4,131 Total liabilities and capital accounts 52,748 53,306 62,404 76,157 83,212 92,585 93,046 Total capital accounts 49 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1948— Continued NEW HAMPSHIRE [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 52 banks 52 banks 52 banks 52 banks 52 banks 52 banks 52 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts... Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U, S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures. . . Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets. 36,956 2 36,687 5 35,416 2 30,954 3 27,977 2 27,564 3 17,580 20,044 21,969 37,409 3,405 3,091 2,092 1,923 53,698 1 } 2,268 J 73,802 3,422 8,960 4,113 8,600 3,906 8,768 4,043 8,389 4,328 7,449 4,691 6,579 4,199 6,202 387 12,536 3,471 385 11,661 2,785 386 13,304 3,971 375 15,322 3,480 377 16,009 4,245 374 16,805 4,059 374 16,015 3, 328 16,267 13,615 16,951 18,921 15,408 17,207 17,812 1,980 1,986 1,967 1,923 1,887 1,874 1,810 42 112 36 41 36 29 36 151 73 148 139 133 133 127 4 57 3 70 2 53 69 4 6 65 14 83 17 66 105,220 103,230 108,971 122,995 133, £88 153, 317 148,463 26,913 3 \[f 70,087 1,474 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. . . . Deposits of banks . Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) t Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. Interest, disccunt, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 50,785 49, 392 54,334 63, 335 68, 967 74, 224 77, 515 22,500 118 1,506 22,376 114 1, 425 22,943 121 1,645 23, 224 110 4, 505 24,9C4 58 7,912 26,143 50 18,910 26,453 59 10,144 7,193 5,779 7,990 4,939 7,300 5,740 8,021 6,262 7,825 6,030 9,233 5,971 9,172 6,871 2,350 90,231 66,848 28,888 1,588 87,824 64,584 28,240 1,651 98,784 69,920 28,814 2,147 107,604 88,511 24,098 2,521 118,217 92,257 25,960 2,934 187,474 110,436 27,038 2,396 132,610 105,275 27,335 100 20 330 50 100 110 120 92 25 26 20 15 12 12 30 101 100 9 124 101 112 87 110 96 94 4 81 106 90,474 88,288 94,035 107,923 118, 548 137, 704 132,909 534 300 5,302 6,186 5,147 2,782 528 300 5,302 6,180 5,134 2,970 528 300 5,302 6,180 5,358 2,694 522 300 5,302 6,124 5,418 2,758 521 300 5,302 6,128 5,509 2,853 437 300 5,315 6,052 5,531 3,170 437 300 5,315 6,052 5,787 2,769 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock.. Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 681 708 754 772 855 860 946 14,746 14,942 14,936 15,072 15,340 15,613 15,554 105,220 103,230 108,971 122,995 133,888 153,317 148,463 50 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81 y 1948— Continued NEW J E R S E Y [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 224 banks 224 banks June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1942 1942 1943 1943 223 banks 222 banks 222 banks 222 banks 222 banks 230,592 40 220,540 32 ASSETS 302,174 295,618 282,546 248,163 226,845 Loans and discounts .' 27 83 19 25 89 Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct 286,153 314,983 370,605 559,755 740,711 obligations. Obligations guaranteed b y U. S. 58,672 31,584 68,299 28,465 27,680 Government .. Obligations of States and political 61,595 60,047 61,915 60,751 59,585 subdivisions 56,074 65,112 66,174 60,869 68,712 Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of 3,434 3,403 3,344 3,223 3,129 Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . 133,765 120,720 123,378 153,125 152,527 23,829 26,845 24,996 28,161 26,656 Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash 171,974 142,496 153,970 177,470 149,462 items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and 24,294 23,056 24,272 23,994 23,449 fixtures Real estate owned other than bank 7,206 6,176 5,496 7,714 8,265 premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other 2,464 2,205 2,128 2,430 2,565 real estate Customers' liability on acceptances 34 42 75 57 outstanding 106 Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not 2,066 2,255 2,676 2,228 1,928 collected. 1,016 1,137 976 909 995 Other assets 1,159,586 1,124,443 1,156,766 1,351,964 1,478,692 Total assets j 871,256 1 } 920,484 i 23,461 1 60,595 58,765 60,244 51,720 3,102 160,571 27,901 3,099 163,610 27,559 134,637 159,732 22,960 22,441 4,943 4,319 2,096 1,974 28 40 2,602 3,112 1,284 1,172 1,630,600 1,614,311 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 439,278 415,114 453,602 552,709 629,600 644,170 693,679 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 432,617 424,629 432,488 453,817 492,791 521,957 537,686 32,336 88,908 102,275 217,494 116,092 25,995 Deposits of U. S. Government 27,673 Deposits of States and political sub109,879 102,400 102,371 106,170 103,260 96,067 107,839 divisions 18,869 16,684 16,932 16,456 17,013 19,695 17,264 Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' 14,316 14,194 8,416 16,591 12,738 19,552 checks, etc.) 14,420 Total deposits 1,043,562 1,007,664 1,039,804 1,234,879 1,859,884 1,508,882 1,491,861 602,911 575,718 600,895 773,640 859,804 978,816 946,058 Demand deposits. Time deposits 440,651 481,951 439,409 461,239 500,080 530,566 545,808 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other 60 90 100 liabilities for borrowed money. 15 230 Acceptances executed by or for account 34 75 42 of reporting banks and outstanding.. 57 106 .28 40 Interest, discount, rent, and other 1,963 1,573 901 844 2,021 1,155 944 income collected but not earned .. Interest, taxes, and other expenses 992 920 889 1,090 1,401 accrued and unpaid 786 1,499 372 474 349 445 234 605 510 Other liabilities 1,046,949 1,011,103 1.042,866 1,237,490 1,361,904 1,511,587 1,494,981 Total liabilities — CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock:. Class A preferred stock.. Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities accounts and capital 17.581 2.899 36,724 57,204 32,003 13,558 17,012 2,799 36,966 56,777 32,359 14,029 16,834 2,799 37,091 66,724 32,782 13,890 15,914 2,720 37,515 56,149 33,482 14.360 14,479 2,670 37,847 54,996 34,943 15,733 13,938 2,370 38,216 54,524 35,484 17,511 13,737 2,350 38,455 54,542 37,046 15,986 9,872 112,637) 10,175 113,340; 10,504 113,900 10,483 114,4741 11,116 116,788 11,494 119,013 11,756 119,330 ! 1 1 1,159,586 1,124,443 1,156,766 1,351,96411,478,692 1,630,600 1,614,311 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY and liabilities 51 of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued NEW MEXICO [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, 1942 1942 1942 1943 Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts OverdraftsU. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premisesCustomers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets- Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporation Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 21,626 10 20,094 30 18,950 13 18,372 10 16,291 16 11,707 12,747 15,371 30,537 43,356 2,994 2,434 1,962 2,260 1,695 2,953 722 2,832 545 2, 3,224 503 113 7,600 1,716 116 7,425 1,400 117 8,382 2,009 117 12,454 2,104 3,368 1,13S • k 120 13,858 2,677 13,669 2,713 18,145 16,803 18,038 31,042 26,371 28,039 798 757 740 717 82 84 73 50 40 10 68,459 65,321 69,171 101,471 109,672 121,482 32,423 32,029 34,714 55,393 61,759 68,101 11,625 57 709 11,485 13 708 11,920 13,112 971 5,578 12 14,017 12 5,< 14,821 12 11,834 13,041 5,093 11,635 3,971 11,697 4,361 13,640 6,772 15,714 6,607 13,078 7,238 904 68,, 62, i 11,808 710 60,651 48,932 11,619 744 64,419 52,371 12,048 2,111 96,618 88,888 13,280 834 104,683 90,498 14,186 1,193 116,277 101,836 14,941 50 40 10 38 12 18,070 33 53,213 3,488 1,346 121 701 7 63,917 60,601 64,438 96,667 104,651 116,289 1,856 2,125 1,724 154 1,856 2,126 1,724 339 1,856 2,125 1,743 235 243 2,125 1,792 243 1,! 2,125 1,861 304 236 U 2,125 i.r~ 684 731 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 532 470 4,542 4,720 4,733 4,804 5,021 718 5,193 68,459 65,321 >9,171 101,471 109,672 121,482 52 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81 r 1941> to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued N E W YORK [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18. Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 422 banks 419 banks 419 banks 418 banks 415 banks 411 banks 409 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts... U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Coprorate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin. Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets Total assets 1,902,164 1,950,644 1,911,096 1.808,974 1,692,203 2,169,824 1,823,398 645 513 617 612 447 660 485 820,323 800,688 623,618 585.290 J5,226,823 ] >7,503,531 622,301 J 1 657,899 440,294 424,450 440,059 415,647 367,621 388,643 368,855 332,029 327,207 276,036 2,602,730 2,740,096 3,226,483 5,264,109 5,847,379 319,782 254,170 301,479 256,947 79,416 80,661 77,811 40,823 41,768 80,771 65,511 2,185,680 2,328,286 2,043,879 1,869,772 1,559,818 1,534,949 1,630,077 58,517 48,733 64,966 57,552 51.948 61,915 60,944 648,677 278,531 485,193 632.311 602,087 532,005 688,057 105,966 105,209 104, 452 102,684 101,063 99, 746 98,675 11,482 11,314 10,894 9.582 7,944 7,328 6,592 1,908 1.903 1,864 1.824 1,689 1,691 1, 744 17,317 12,150 12,402 10.025 11,578 15,110 11,760 16,451 22,124 19, 552 15,463 18,202 17,491 20,82& 15,401 15,641 4,158 3,473 4,959 6,160 4,331 9,332,666 9,248,382 9,331,061 11,140,443 11,200,504 12,572,869 11,831,632 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government.. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding nterest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 5.054,235 5,074,489 5,134,960 5,362,915 6,070,320 5, 774,272 6,265,357 753,304 728,297 740,013 427,442 502, 786 448,112 1,966,640 1,310,616 2,852,312 1,468,87» 777,883 829,066 868,029 908,61ft 258,092 263,076 256,568 227,480 247,358 247,005 255,336 1,738,402 1,658,761 1,649,320 1,655,005 1,564,140 1,587,111 1,576,711 186,820 95,155 135, 764 157, 709 189,633 169,816 301,946 8,418,295 8,822,564 8,864,787 10,147,682 10,211,188 11,498,545 10,776,845 7,681,581 7,565,845 7,600,814 9,841,722 9,868,445 10,609,081 9,846,54$ 786,714 756,719 764,42$ 805,910 847,688 889,464 980,803 835 4,571 705 135 1.065 25,225 2,045 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 20,826 13,883 13,630 11.031 13.125 16, 2t'2 14,351 7,327 7,123 6,083 4,371 3,426 3.632 3,260 14,195 20,462 12,403 12,274 21,382 11,342 24,885 130,862 141,420 188,009 209,413 174,562 210, 563 190,103 8,589,497 8,501,974 8,587,369 10,384,866 10,424,703 11,774,729 11,011,499 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: 12,137 12,150 10,475 10,285 13, 235 10,931 11,371 Class A preferred stock 2,706 2,365 3,109 2,921 2,299 3,328 3,248 Class B preferred stock Common stock. _._'___ 258,229 258,205 258, 292 258,845 259,038 258,763 259,281 Total capital stock 274,792 278,590 278, 551 278,187 272,675 271,608 271,865 341,047 341,429 341,788 342,813 353,801 375, 763 418,287 Surplus Undivided profits 97, 760 102. 213 101,819 112,005 120,531 120,904 106,698 Reserves and retirement account for 28,794 23,283 29,870 29,570 26, 534 27,622 29,176 preferred stock Total capital accounts 743,169 746,408 743,692 755,577 775,801 798,140 820,133 Total liabilities and capital accounts 9,332,666 9,248,382 9,331,061 11,140.443 11,200,504 12,572,86911,831,632 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 53 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948—Continued N O R T H CAROLINA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 1943 1942 1942 44 banks 44 banks 44 banks 44 banks 44 banks 44 banks 44 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding... Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected... Other assets Total assets. 57,326 18 57,215 4 52,275 10 19.188 21,753 29,732 5,190 4,285 3,590 11,694 874 11,894 823 42b 18,734 6,202 59,853 2, 520 45,914 8 86,087 41,481 13] 47,159 79 106,269! 132,853 44,141 6 132,435 4,733 4,556 12,430 774 3,327 13,592 846 14,420 813 14,122 1,029 14,216 93a 429 19,896 4,346 431 21,673 5,7351 428 28,7 6,178 j 440 29,046 6,660 439 30,333 8,252 443 32,973 7,255 53,940 55,284 02,6231 51, 58,052 59,570 2,661 2,631 2,631 2,639 2,581 192 158 2, 1491 496 309 301 j r 6 7 150 150 1501 150 150 150 150 91 75 95| 191 163 161 182,935 177,979| 185,335 221 2631 251,264 255 189 258,776 302 224 295,788 301 76 299,905 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 96,677 91,379 102,331 148,7601 153,956! 165,359 181,626 33,460 42 3,183 32,315 36 2,942 32,479 36 2,788 34,490 24 11,256 36, 228 11 13,574 37,936 11 33,385 40,112 5 18,740 11,488 19,136 11, 929 19,626 12. 502 15,479 14,286 21,199 15,225 18,334 16, 746 20,044 17,196 19,862 3,456 4,766 4,615 5,155 4,976 150 150 150 2,932 3, 166,918 161,718 169,071 284,781241,943278,686282,517 131,687 127,443 134,865198,656204,211 288,837240,586 35,331 34,270 84,206 36,125 87,782 89,799 41,981 150 150 i 321 310 150 150 294 297 215 15 279,310 92 283,322 338 348 2341 84 167,7241 256' 0! 162,473 2441 52 169,838 220 10 6,435 165 10 6,525 6,700 5,646 2,164 165 10 6,525 153 10 6,537 128 10 6,562 122 10 6,568 122 10 6,568 5,708 2,034 5,924 2,149 6,293 2,154 6,377 2,422 6,768 2,093 1,055 937 958 979 1,022 16,583 226 2391 74 235,554 242,671 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock — Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 6,665 5,552 1,976 1,0181 15,211 182,935 6,700 6r700 6,700 6,700 6,700 299,905 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 54 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943—Continued NORTH DAKOTA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, 1942 1942 1943 Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 45 banks 45 banks 44 banks 43 banks 43 banks 42 banks 42 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts . Overdrafts U . S. Government securities, direct obligations .. Obligations guaranteed b y U. S. Government Obligations of States and political sub divisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. B a n k premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding ... Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets. 33,011 17 31,480 34 20,143 22 30,708 21 20,634 19 9,364 10,718 16,713 34,708 48,168 3,487 2,992 2,763 2,216 2,272 2,745 1,413 3,103 1,333 2,784 1, r * 2,842 1,679 2, ( 163 7,369 1,253 202 7,107 1,113 165 8,099 1,171 12,536 11,729 1,636 1,640 6 1 207 73,270 21,487 127 67,522 1,604 2,406 1,463 161 10,609 1,328 230 12,065 1,490 165 14,928 1,741 14,993 20,255 15,629 24,162 1,646 1,546 1.526 1,513 247 191 42 173 87 137 71,737 70,664 106,308 106,619 135,939 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. T i m e deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions — Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities. 33,560 60,858 60,011 77,713 19,607 33 203 19,376 30 272 19,189 33 244 20,873 27 4,814 22,077 18 5,225 23,685 10 12,429 3,621 4,061 3,940 4,170 4,059 6,325 8,113 4,229 7,167 9,549 19,814 654 65,193 45,599 19,594 570 68,1 44,607 19,873 1,107 99,398 78,357 21,041 746 99,473 77,230 22,248 1,122 128,494 104,654 23, r - 38,314 60 103 92 45 32 127 41 118 4 168 11 191 14 67,000 65,407 64,216 99,622 99,710 128,750 22: 3,025 8,252 2,039 209 3,034 8,243 2,108 730 206 3,012 8,218 2,140 809 203 2,990 8,193 2,190 943 3,061 3,229 2,246 1,018 150 3,054 3,204 2,274 1,284 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 210 249 281 360 416 427 6,270 6,330 6,448 6,686 1,909 7,189 73,270 71,737 70,664 106,308 106,619 135,939 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY Assets and liabilities 55 of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 811 1941, to Dec. 31, 1948—Continued OHIO [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 242 banks 241 banks June 30, Dec. 31, ¡June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 241 banks 241 banks 240 banks 241 banks 241 banks ASSETS 453,463 449,429 418,597 379,325 343,775 452,070 405,814 Loans and discounts 69 126 63 99 64 79 69 Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct 242,654 282,622 390,764 708,174 1,017,233 ll,216,634 , 1,178,632 obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. 62,297 87,091 65,124 64,534 J 53,519 80,248 Government Obligations of States and political 102,993 108,102 110,756 116,491 118,546 114,996 113,759 subdivisions 66,005 65,996 66,646 58,666 52,542 49,255 48,410 Other bonds, notes, and debentures. Corporate stocks, including stock of 4,813 4,965 4,967 4,895 4,997 4,789 4,791 Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . 235,497 237, 776 251,653 273,023 308, 111 284,331 319,065 34,204 34,243 39,046 36,027 38,222 37,359 28,786 Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash 316,315 287,066 300,347 292,027 273,752 278,405 291,681 items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and 31,310 31,329 31,170 30,646 30,020 29,925 27,399 fixtures Real estate owned other than bank 914 1,314 469 391 1,017 356 1,185 premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises 1,399 1,364 1,461 1,426 1,437 1,347 1,295 or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances 656 482 279 255 277 158 ' 12 outstandingInterest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not 1,641 1,883 2,099 2,772 1,771 3,748 3,015 collected 789 1,003 1,059 831 876 1,273 951 Other assets 1,582,250 1,583,079 1,679,020 1,965,542 2,258,150 2,475,720 2,486,227 Total assets LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits.. Deposits of U. S. Government— Deposits of States and political sub- 757,781 753,701 851,677 1,042,762 1,188,892 1,178,909 1,311,127 384,245 525 5,261 373,795 533 5,144 380,731 525 9,774 400,137 339 62,647 431,586 272 137,989 454,440 271 344,279 477,739 272 184,063 94,313 110,911 103,926 103,040 137,144 132,853 135,930 169,538 173,093 164,475 182,435 180,149 179,764 184,402 Deposits of banks. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' 21,374 12,726 14,289 checks, etc.) 18,694 18,487 22,696 28,904 Total deposits 1,430,367 1,429,90S 1,626,897 1,809,847 2,097,406 2,318,212 2,822,487 Demand deposits 1,024,238 1,034,278 1,122,961 1,888,779 1,622,822 1,815,988 1,801,537 Time deposits 406,124 896,680 402,486 421,068 474,584 497,279 620,900 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and out659 482 279 255 277 112 standing 158 Interest, discount, rent, and other in982 943 814 622 552 come collected but not earned 606 551 Interest, taxes, and other expenses 1,952 2,556 1,974 accrued and unpaid 2,616 3,193 2,843 3,125 1,167 1,140 Other liabilities 1,283 1,201 1,648 1,194 976 Total liabilities 1,435,117 1,435,167 1,530,305 1,813,741 2,103,078 2,318,174 2,327,137 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: 12,171 Class A preferred stock 11,659 10,439 11,495 10,933 9,831 9,986 562 Class B preferred stock.. 558 415 483 428 295 415 60,558 60,608 61,864 Common stock.. 60,858 61,645 62,777 62,107 78,291 72,825 72,718 Total capital stock 72,886 78,006 72,903 72,508 45,086 45,594 49,558 46,007 47,216 52,681 Surplus... 50,142 16,861 17,720 20,261 17,852 19,257 20,673 Undivided profits 21,781 Reserves and retirement account for 11,895 11,773 12,322 12,535 preferred stock. 12,020 13,115| 12,833 Total capital accounts . . . i 1 147,133 147,912 148,715 151,801 155,072 157,5461 159,090 Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 1,582,250 1,583,07911,679,020 1,965,542 2,258,150 2,475,720^2,486,227 56 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948—Continued OKLAHOMA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1943 1942 1943 207 banks 207 banks 207 banks 206 banks 202 banks 200 banks 200 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts— U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets, 146,542 161 163,079 89 161,103 113 148,280 71 146,292 79 137,308 80 53,635 58,638 82,146 J 62,468 17,194 14,463 12,372 11, 742 i 310,870 275,483 1 } 364,547 I 12,873 11,543 J 63,152 3,986 60,712 4,224 57,636 4,963 59,700 5,083 55,195 5,129 54,450 4, 214 56,576 4,991 1,266 70,310 7,133 1,288 72,380 5,842 1,287 79,646 7,934 1,288 91,082 8,362 1,302 106,166 10,964 1,303 119,465 9,762 1,389 117,785 10,092 140,315 147, 520 156, 318 173,181 184,510 200,326 1.72,781 8,436 8,354 8,229 8,011 7,726 7,668 7,442 59 62 54 40 59 30 26 141,432 75 72 53 49 2,020 1,940 1,895 1,845 105 145 52 139 190 60 36 388 426 529,645 403 448 535,748 381 446 559,864 456 746 670,689 623 427 798,645 824 349 911, 596 738 383 839,334 241, 598 254,493 278,885 337,672 435,157 481,279 437,714 58,355 277 11,669 56,611 260 13, 281 56,405 266 9,113 52,885 237 34, 223 52,480 183 50,124 53,170 154 117,757 53,215 149 66,070 59,010 89,969 63,367 86, 595 65,886 87,075 66,675 104, 348 77,657 116,100 67,701 122,921 81,610 119,113 13,048 473,926 409,077 64,849 4,765 479,372 417,310 62,062 5,474 503,104 441,505 61,599 16,564 612,604 555,191 57,413 7,354 739,055 682,071 56,984 7,564 850,546 792,377 58,169 19,724 777,595 719,373 58,222 105 145 52 139 190 60 36 334 328 290 211 183 250 197 739 247 475, 351 552 176 480, 573 664 165 504, 275 938 236 614,133 914 178 740,520 954 173 851,983 1,162 231 779,221 1,070 12 23,139 24,221 16, 624 10, 502! 1,050 12 23,152 24,214 17,018 10,960i 1,020 12 23,182: 24,214 17,161 11,084 1,006 960 960 885 23,182 24,188 17,586 11,481 23,106 24,066 18,981 11,631 23,056 24,016 19,048 13,035 23, 243 24,128 19,475 12,759 2,947 54,294 2,983; 55,175» 3,13Cl 55,589i 3,301 56,556i 3,447 58,125» 3,514 59,613; 3,751 60,113 535,7481 559,864r 670,689i 911,596; 839,334 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 5 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 529,645i 798.645 57 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1943—<Continued OREGON [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 Dec. 31, 1943 26 banks 26 banks 26 banks 25 banks 26 banks 26 banks 25 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts. U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by IT. S. Government ... Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding . Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 121,426 173 112,814 256 102,679 250 101,031 495 77,885 230 119,781 130,171 169,619 316,049 433,488 ) J 521,454 24,028 17,703 13,413 7,525 8,650 I 1 17,593 5,813 14,803 5,943 13,864 6,579 14,231 4,215 13,003 3,621 14,540 4,846 20,809 4,059 598 57,341 7,475 645 63,933 6,181 676 68,691 8,841 674 102,530 10,326 695 94,277 12,563 713 110,044 13,393 799 112,170 13,154 68,743 71,402 69,097 78,441 77,488 84,811 76,810 6,782 6,804 6,776 6,674 6,617 6,608 6,518 80 63 59 59 32 28 26 112 114 193 128 58 27 30 803 327 431,075 1,062 309 432,203 765 381 461,883 1,164 1,378 644.920 1,580 794 731,044 1,672 1,027 881,355 2,212 775 863,569 201,453 194,759 225,487 338,966 392,515 429,644 440,871 115,466 66 7,174 110,762 30 10,271 115,885 21 11,307 136,716 19 32,487 156,512 19 46,826 171,782 19 147,736 184,334 15 80,962 43,823 27,197 54,395 27,840 47,033 27,787 65, 787 32,627 55,372 35,306 45,634 40,436 70,709 32,851 6,948 402,127 280,779 121,348 4,865 402,922 286,600 116, m 4,778 432,298 310,886 121,412 7,770 614,372 472,334 142,038 11,697 698,247 636,683 162,664 12,286 847,537 669,973 177,564 15,719 825,461 634,932 190,529 6 6 6 105,767 286 > 537,593 98,365 320 6,068 / 63 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations— Postal savings deposits — Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding... Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities. Total liabilities 113 123 193 128 58 27 30 682 520 362 197 159 171 143 723 224 403,875 885 277 404,733 797 264 433,920 914 346 615,957 1,348 574 700,386 1,853 465 850,053 1,814 881 828,329 104 10 8,816 8,930 11,052 3,928 102 10 10,318 10,430 11,079 3,549 102 10 10,318 10,430 12,082 2,914 102 10 10,268 10,380 12,606 3,451 82 10 10,363 10,465 12,717 4,773 82 10 10,363 10,455 13,324 4,815 42 10 11,803 11,855 14,800 5,686 3,290 27,200 2,412 27,470 2,537 27,963 2,526 28,963 2,713 30,658 2,708 31,302 2,899 35,240 431,075 432,203 461,883 644,920 731,044 881,355 863,569 CAHTAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock. Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities accounts and capital 58 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948—Continued PENNSYLVANIA [In thousands of dollars J Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 685 banks 683 banks June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1942 1943 1943 681 banks 676 banks 671 banks 670 banks 667 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts 919,612 909,178 866,916 767,396 696,909 719,950 697,874 64 Overdrafts 52 33 29 76 45 68 U . S. Government securities, direct 1,004,644 1,085,783 1,201,873 1,753,858 2,241,813 1 obligations J2,493,091 \2,728,366 Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Gov152,070 130,424 105,066 93,238 90,817 J ernment __ \ 79,574 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 137,991 140,859 138,045 140,198 125,443 123,877 120,365 Other bonds, notes, and debentures. __ 332,487 321,319 320,983 290,707 275,161 264,156 257,984 Corporate stocks, including stock of 18,512 18,891 17,659 16,818 15,492 14.804 Federal Reserve bank 15,042 Reserve with Federal Reserve b a n k . . . 702,765 665,974 681,847 635,927 633,691 597,940 597,477 76,385 62,843 Currency and coin 72,034 77,347 79,800 72,491 72,896 Balances with other banks, and cash 522,736 469,672 431,009 479,594 435,483 441,261 424,182 items in process of collection B a n k premises owned, furniture and 72,276 fixtures 71,661 69,391 67. 914 72,280 68,077 65,109 Real estate owned other than bank 18,776 12.421 premises 20,283 10,921 21,162 15,435 9,387 Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate 1,719 1,692 1,1899 1,126 1.028 1,082 1, 015 Customers' liability on acceptances 4,548 outstanding 2,088 3.687 4,005 3,166 2,506 2,478 Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not 5,402 5,815 5,768 collected 5,347 7,74£ 6,470 7,355 5,527 6,804 5,041 Other assets 5,079 5,992 5,402 9,140 Total assets 3,978,267 3,913,782 3,943,118 4,349,105 4,689,961 5,065, 71£ 4,853,037 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 1,600,889 1, 575,063 1, 712,640 1,953, 721 2,273,581 2,225,044 2,345,882 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 1,027,374 970, 626 966,270 959,328 988,357 1,019,28£ 1,038,399 Postal savings deposits. 3,117 2,758 2,507 1,916 1,388 944 > 661 Deposits of U. S. Government 63,772 77,740 33,775 238,545 235,063 643,165 329,938 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 165,562 220, 746 196,151 166,801 163,749 148,977 135,459 625,262 576,103 543, 566 535,147 528,928 522,969 485,255 Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) __ 24,972 22,123 19,357 26,067 24,857 29,387 39,673 Total deposits. 8,510,948 8,445,159 8,474,266 8,880,815 4,217,188 4,589,774 4,875,267 Demand deposits 8,405,728 2,405,877 2,445,728 2,878,161 8,180,248 8,628,895 8,291,298 Time deposits 1,105,220 1,089,782 1,028,548 1,007,164 1,086, m 1,065,879 1,088,969 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other 750 2,145 275 2,115 liabilities for borrowed money 40 242 125 Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate 14 14 14 14 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. 5,467 4,689 2,550 4,078 2,753 6,059 2,872 Interest, discount, rent, and other 2,542 2,411 2,205 1,530 income collected but not earned 1, 705 1,446 1,396 Interest, taxes, and other expenses 6,148 7,038 8,468 9,786 9. 316 7,423 8,959 accrued and unpaid 4,225 3,132 4,059 850 6,087 1,043 4,191 Other l i a b i l i t i e s . . - . . Total liabilities 3,530, 506 3,463,070 3,494,128 3,900,209 4, 235,713 4,604, 588 4,392,824 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock 11,739 11,446 8.862 12, 252 10,256 9,215 8,432 1.232 1,177 Class B preferred stock. 1, 227 1,227 922 922 1,024 Common stock 149,028 14S, 684 148, 664 148,194 148,014 148.454 148,453 Total capital stock 161,650 161,287 159,677 158, 9M 158. i-88 157,807 162,512 Surplus 195, 680 195,069 194, 625 195,983 i99, 251 199,899 205, 553 68,874 75. 240 Undivided profits 64,802 65, 254 65,860 69,760 60, 547 Reserves and retirement account for 27,093 27, 750 preferred stock 29,022 2S, 739 28, 276 27,870 27,376 Total capital accounts 447, 761 | 450,712 448,990 448,896 454, 248 461,127 460,213 Total liabilities and capital 1 accounts 3,978,267-3,913,782 3,943,118 4,349,105 4,689,961 5,065, 715 4,853,037 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 59 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948—Continued RHODE ISLAND [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1943 1941 1942 1943 1942 12 banks 12 banks 12 banks 12 banks 12 banks 12 banks 11 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts. U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank.. Currency and coin --r~ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures— Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets.. Total assets. 59,182 3 61,915 3 52,868 3 41,382 3 37,910 3 27,828 30,805 51,689 91,037 11.8,871 4,604 3,753 3,591 3,162 9,148 2,712 7,717 3,603 7,809 3,863 8,300 3,167 7, 525 2,954 6,141 2,936 5,909 3,268 5,680 566 22,878 4,962 567 21,342 4,032 567 565 26,823 27,462 5,253 ' 5,061 499 22,334 5,094 628 27, 750 5,291 457 26,952 5,039 28,310 19,487 19,861 28,007 19,049 18,4S9 17,640 676 666 663 662 642 639 849 191 177 162 145 75 72 72 507 507 507 107 447 462 73 90 52 10 32 20 48 203 47 188 98 227 53 285 39 394 50 467 76 434 42 160, 459 155,042 174,482 209,019 223,643 250,185 229,353 108,979 104, 593 116,972 136,102 147,363 141,706 147,885 15,760 104 1,271 15,476 79 1,280 15,571 79 7,562 15,989 54 20,029 16,929 54 25,345 17,667 54 57,336 14,850 50 31,737 7,914 7,242 6,714 7,803 5,455 9,399 6,711 10,287 3,732 10,480 6,592 6,878 6,283 9,544 1,222 142,492 126,586 15,956 1,180 187,125 121,486 15,689 1,280 156,818 140,897 15,921 1,751 190,928 174,629 16,294 1,351 205,254 188,020 17,284 1,246 281,479 218,481 18,048 1,230 211, 579 196,852 15,227 48 37,248 5 J 150,183 31,407 4 J 131,991 1 5,470 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Fostal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government.. Deposits of States and political subdivisions deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _ Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid 0 ther liab ilities Total liabilities- 114 90 52 10 32 20 191 245 168 122 130 118 86 165 246 168 37 256 398 313 183 410 144 447 80 501 135 143,208 137,665 157,192 191,551 205,970 232,144 212,349 340 7,126 7,466 7,594 1,945 329 7,131 7,460 7,605 2,051 329 7,081 7,410 7,635 1,999 295 7,109 7,404 7,657 2,138 206 7,198 7,404 7,683 2,351 201 7,203 7,404 7,689 2,704 201 6,703 6,904 7,589 2,359 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock. Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock-.Total capital accounts. Total liabilities counts. and capital i. 246 261 246 269 235 244 152 17,251 17,377 17,290 17,468 17,673 18,041 17,004 160,459 155,042 174,482 ac209,019 223,643 250,185 229,353 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 60 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81 r 1941, to Dec. 81, —Continued SOUTH CAROLINA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures. _. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. -Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other i tec me earned or accrued but not c llected Other assets Total assets 54,624 19 51,669 13 46,715 9 47,598 15 37,663 62 16,798 19, 525 32,694 75,574 3,271 3,396 3,056 2,978 91,810 1 f 118,251 > 121,790 4,748 1 1 5,622 8,878 2,220 9,124 2,242 8,832 2,145 9,050 2,229 9,209 2,069 9,165 1,708 8,817 1,865 295 14,474 6,780 299 15, 315 5,206 301 15,409 6,696 303 24,481 6,804 3G2 25,014 7,085 304 28,369 7,631 304 27,907 7,183 53,499 49,453 49,660 58,577 52,544 56,402 53,165 1,885 1,887 1,863 1,855 1,834 1,845 1,808 54 54 51 37 27 25 18 51 29 29 26 467 CO 134 59 606 61 605 55 449 686 EI 115 612 129 687 160 2,332 163, 513 158,878 167,964 230,304 233,671 271,175 274,157 89, 210 85,717 94,454 134,017 143,621 154, 513 165,229 20,318 12 2,852 20,166 13 3,801 20,702 13 4,322 21,381 12 13,722 23, 771 6 11,324 25,206 7 29,993 25,256 7 19,081 23,361 13,734 20,317 15,342 22, 576 11,429 30,003 16,011 26,769 13,236 26,403 17,348 31,266 16,827 2,220 151,707 180,927 20,780 1,536 146,892 126,849 20,548 2,192 155,688 184,490 21,198 2,893 218,089 196,208 21,886 1,648 220,875 196,092 24,288 4,091 257,561 281,869 25,692 3,027 260,698 284,257 26,486 134 42,959 101 46,57219 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 70 33 34 29 471 60 193 172 161 109 90 95 88 318 95 320 30 323 232 144 264 359 118 367 624 404 154 152,383 147,447 156,438 218,585 221,413 258, 707 261,473 894 4,701 5,595 3,510 1,294 892 4,703 5,595 3,526 1, 528 887 4,703 6<590 3,601 1,529 884 4,706 6,590 3,728 1,507 884 4,706 5,590 3,900 1,793 884 4,706 5.590 3,951 1,902 884. 4,706 5,590 4,158 1,775 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities accounts and capital 731 782 806 894 975 1,025 1,161 11,130 11,431 11,526 11,719 12,258 12,468 12,684 163,513 158,878 167,964 230,304 233,671 271,175 274,157 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 61 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948—*Continued SOUTH DAKOTA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, Apr. 4, 1942 1941 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1913 1943 37 banks 37 banks 37 banks 37 banks 37 banks 37 banks 36 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts ... Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 34,568 35 33,205 41 28,383 28 29,421 28 23,126 42 9,683 10,994 18,918 42,488 3,257 2,967 1,849 2,740 56,941 1 f 73,781 \ 76,086 4,024 J 1 3,334 5,401 676 5,228 865 5,281 1,043 4,894 1,232 5,122 812 5,136 717 5,132 746 170 8,677 1,677 175 8,710 1,410 177 9,966 1,816 179 14,367 1,891 182 15,441 1,974 184 16,880 2,340 187 18,377 2,080 15,093 15,280 16,722 21,023 18,240 21,416 14,447 1,526 1,628 1,638 1, 573 1,530 1,517 1,446 285 77 315 75 285 80 267 111 313 137 382 104 327 123 81,168 80,893 86,186 120, 214 127,884 149,158 142,760 36,754 36,945 40,643 62, 203 67,863 77,341 79,440 17,114 16 513 16, 708 15 548 16, 706 17 624 17,948 2 8,380 18,640 2 7, 559 19,908 2 20,149 20,854 13,178 5,550 13,205 5,576 14,143 5,818 15,632 7,539 16,825 8,120 14,047 8,666 15,239 7,457 668 78,798 56,157 17,686 450 78,44.7 56,218 17,284 625 78,576 61,882 17,194 776 112,480 94,195 18,285 818 119,827 100,869 18,958 711 140,824 120,448 20,876 816 184,849 118,140 21,209 37 24,328 68 22,742 38 43 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.)... Total deposits Demand deposits. Time deposits Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 10,541 39 39 38 38 38 37 111 89 88 45 34 32 28 182 35 207 11 201 136 235 13 260 6 293 4 311 31 74,160 73, 793 79,039 112,811 120,165 141,190 134,756 355 5 3,222 8,582 2,175 923 336 5 3,241 8,582 2,181 991 336 5 3,241 8,582 2,251 926 314 5 3, 259 8,578 2,344 1,019 297 5 3, 276 8,578 2,444 1,170 293 5 3,280 8,578 2,495 1, 321 293 5 3,355 8,658 2,643 1,173 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock. Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 328 346 388 462 527 574 535 7,008 7,100 7,147 7,403 7, 719 7,968 8,004 81,168 80,893 86,186 120,214 127,884 149,158 142,760 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 62 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, * 1941, Co Dec. 31, 1943—Continued TENNESSEE fin thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31. 1943 1942 1943 1942 1943 70 banks 70 banks 70 banks 69 banks 69 banks 69 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets. Total assets 221,447 109 205,640 206 180,310 214 194,370 145 139,693 222 197,209 386 179,539 128 73,077 88,462 122,643 265,985 377,627 23,331 22,654 16,150 19,586 23,477 40,437 13,954 40,265 15,141 41,475 15,538 53,027 14,118 58,216 13,274 61,455 10, 59,600 9,705 2,566 82,313 12,127 2,565 84,604 9,733 2,563 81,'— 11,172 2,463 119,051 12,913 2,351 118,513 13,715 2, 116,940 14,663 2,200 129,361 15,829 175,440 184,368 151,773 169,148 143,429 153,838 151,186 10, 748 11,154 11,051 10,942 10,753 10,733 10,475 1,107 954 679 537 475 1,295 1,< 214 213 176 190 145 148 32 535 954 613 762 554 859 740 .658,731 667,614 637,295 864,404 216,210 214,688 231,174 316,104 113,935 133 20,716 110,884 114 24,219 112,618 111 16,079 116,815 73 70,257 124,575 58 68,337 46,089 206,130 55,1 206,605 51,1 168,999 52,342 248,924 4,< 608,176 485,806 122,871 4,271 616,607 497,786 118,821 5,223 586,018 465,917 120,096 7,855 812,870 688,785 128,585 190 145 148 32 858 772 937 336 1,243 285 610,534 4,719 100 18,152 22,971 15,332 7,978 430,098 411,009 19,043 71 81 115 250 1,521 802 1,359 529 904,009 1,001,326 990,769 372,779 403,372 131,766 58 150,394 137,394 58 83,308 62,586 221,945 53,504 229,863 58,325 244,286 6,936 850, 476 719,778 180,708 8,072 946,436 806,515 189,921 9,145 985,888 790,221 145,667 115 250 597 539 551 532 1,112 270 1,234 273 1,509 225 1,786 346 1,606 289 619,144 588,315 814,506 853,012 949,234 938,565 4,709 100 18,152 22,961 15,861 7,469 4,705 100 18,152 22,957 16,010 7,713 4,603 100 18,110 22,813 16,663 7,774 4,526 100 18,145 22,771 17,947 7,382 4,474 4,178 ~l8~247 22,721 18,025 8,222 "i8,"247 22,425 19,239 7,520 66 1,172 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government— Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid. Other liabilities Total liabilities 6 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock.. Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 1,922 2,179 2,300 2,648 2,897 3,124 3,020 48,203 48,470 48,980 49,898 50,997 52,092 52,204 658,737 667,614 637,295 864,404 904,009 1,001,326 990,769 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 63 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 194U to Dec. 311 1943— Continued TEXAS [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1941 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 444 banks 443 banks 442 banks 439 banks 439 banks 438 banks 439 banks ASSETS 578,501 561,224 515,150 520,028 477,029 553,271 576,556 Loans and discounts 1,035 955 975 1,735 1,355 1,329 1,266 Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct 276,348 303,629 400,729 794,755 ,128,764 [1,347,007 obligations.. -1,441,451 Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Gov57,744 75,084 51,722 53,239 50,454 ernment [ 56,480 Obligations of States and political sub97,220 95,824 92,887 divisions - 112,543 111,541 104,800 103,754 19,855 19,027 18,328 20,154 21,339 16,420 17,154 Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of 4,360 4,916 5,011 4,406 4,343 4,963 4,366 Federal Reserve bank 299,919 431,612 415,335 437,097 461,713 Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... 277,114 277 46, 227 47,550 33,064 39,749 47,743 29, 530 37,098 Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash 569,387 528,667 540,929 685,848 612,209 656,658 634,196 items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and 34,326 35,047 35,032 35,322 35,i 313 35,015 34,782 fixtures— Real estate owned other than bank 3,958 2,825 3,349 1,881 3,459 1,566 1,253 premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or 3,289 3,682 3,341 3,280 3,278 4,147 3, other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances 1,318 799 580 368 514 718 outstanding interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not 549 557 1,025 1,355 745 821 1,542 collected. 1,253 1,724 1,081 1,497 1,593 987 1,3 Other assets 1,975,022 1,937,043 2,021,476 2,696,768 2,920,272 3,296,422 3,281,853 Total assets LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, part1,000,060 1,012,588 1,120,211 1,449,087 1,715,614 1,848,961 1,910,289 nerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, part179, 170,703 170,630 176,003 185,011 189,371 199,558 nerships, and corporations— 1, 1,092 1,021 528 520 520 1,156 Postal savings deposits 51, 56,490 183,513 192,383 446,040 244,064 56,172 Deposits of TJ. S. GovernmentDeposits of States and political sub153, 169,685 137, 535 156, 516 140,118 108,950 156,264 divisions 367, 337,968 342,044 493,418 480,163 494,027 508,689 Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' 65,741 53, 25,934 21,1927,624 18,259 80,580 checks, etc.)... — 3,099,964 , 766,581 , 849,19i ,525,299 2,741,441 3,113, Total deposits ,571,655 ,654,801 ,882,455 2,587,048 2,908,037 2,877,695 Demand deposits 200,948 194, 876 194,898 192,844 204,393 210,766 222,269 Time deposits. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other 108 120 52 180 7 25 liabilities for borrowed money. Mortgages or other liens on bank 1 1 premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and out1,318 799 718 326 514 standing 580 Interest, discount, rent, and other in842 709 come collected but not earned 483 428 386 Interest, taxes, and other expenses 2,997 3,319 2,960 3,516 4,131 4,272 accrued and unpaid 1,353 694 631 1,307 1,168 1,103 1,073 Other liabilities 1,812,392 1,771,730 1,855,401 2,530, 742 2,747,708 3,119,621 , 106,304 Total liabilities— CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock.. Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. Total capital accounts 7,188 6 65,615 72, f " 55,042 26,609 6,480 6 66,687 78,178 55,546 28,988 8,170 162,630 165,313 6,445 73,1 56,142 28,716 6,120 6 66,702 72,828 57,074 27,492 5,985 6 67,564 78,555 58,292 31,146 5,i 6 67,654 78,488 58,776 34,933 5,719 6 68,287 74,012 62,372 28,295 8,128 166,075 8,632 166,026 9,571 172,564 9,604 176,801 10,870 175,549 Total liabilities and capital accounts 1,975,022 1,937,043 2,021,476 2,696,768 2,920,272 3,296,422 3,281,853 624566—45 5 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 64 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943—Continued UTAH [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 13 banks! 13 banks 13 banks! 13 banks112 banks112 banks112 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts . Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 31,494 73 28,694 84 28,497 58 24,902! 41 22,405> 98 13,809 16,868 20,824 64,745 84,902 8,927 8,051 7,533 7,455 7,381 4,251 1,133 4,096 986 4,420 1,258 5,007 2,305 4,525 1,887 6,097 1,577 5,337 1,740 206 16,561 1,090 209 16,723 823 208 18,085 1,051 207 30,391 1,801 207 27,113 2,177 208 28,268 2,137 213 34,058 2,745 25,822 25,301 26,275 31,333 23,109 23,407 20,812 1,561 1,554 1,540 1,542 1,543 1,557 1,537 40 46 34 33 23 21 21 1,000 1,000 975 950 925 925 890 9 19 5 47 3 22 16 74 12 119 3 46 6 13 105,995 104,487 110,783 170,802 176,426 195,721 201,466 44,260 42,812 50,013 77,171 90,456 98,251 98,692 22,207 42 701 22,245 42 942 22,688 25 776 26,069 25 9,661 30,405 20 8,578 32,819 20 18,782 34,832 20 10,951 9,275 20,445 10,853 18,944 8,809 19,557 15,066 33,002 11,468 25,428 9,556 25,788 15,356 30,618 670 97,600 75, m 22,896 390 96,228 78,789 22,489 550 102,418 79,548 22,870 759 161,758 185,581 26,172 896 167,251 186,776 80,475 1,157 186,878 151,689 84,684 1,332 191,801 155,104 86,697 136 115 101 67 48 48 33 159 76 177 46 261 43 233 92 248 41 305 62 403 48 97,971 96,566 102,823 162,145 167,588 186,788 192,285 90 3,535 8,625 2,712 1,088 88 3,537 8,625 2,712 1,048 88 3,537 8,625 2,724 1,118 82 3,543 8,625 2,737 1,306 36 3,489 8,525 2,887 1,408 36 3,489 8,525 2,912 1,419 36 3,489 8,525 2,954 1,704 28,840 72 28,370 110 }J- 102,563 I I 98,185 7,429 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.)— Total deposits Demand deposits. Time deposits Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid. Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock.. Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and accounts capital 599 536 493 989 1,018 1,077 998 8,024 7,921 7,960 8,657 8,838 8,933 9,181 105,995 104,487 110,783 170,802 176,426 195,721 201,466 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 65 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued VERMONT [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30 1943 1942 1942 1942 Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 194a 1943 40 banks 40 banks 40 banks 40 banks 39 banks 39 banks 39 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debenturesCorporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank._. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises. ... Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets Total assets. 31,816 3 31,457 11 30,751 5 27,389 4 25,835 3 9,861 10,392 11,735 22,004 28,054 2,211 2,034 1,1 3,451 1,207 2,742 6,476 3,145 6,329 3,419 6,398 2,683 6,559 3,353 6,274 2,812 6,128 2,234 6,232 298 6,611 1,745 303 6,114 1,256 300 6.738 1,665 295 8,100 1,714 290 9,368 1,841 10,002 1, 288 9,460 1,746 10,071 8,121 9,900 12,436 11,286 10,928 10,652 1,078 1,130 1,149 1,152 1,140 1,162 1,143 250 255 175 130 118 112 44 118 44 126 37 124 142 43 74,079 84,204 88,989 96,776 96,422 235 25,307 37,918 24,858 4 1,107 15 123 82 73,367 70,708 23,966 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, e t c . ) — Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money A cceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 21,886 25,234 32,970 35,704 37,934 39,739 34,484 16 763 15 34,245 15 35,290 15 913 37,034 15 1,506 38,130 4 3,850 39,217 4 1,853 2,039 714 1,851 914 1,943 788 2,495 1,021 1,941 1,049 3,876 977 2,872 1,037 62,879 27,907 84,972 60,070 25,784 765 68,480 28,882 84,648 937 78, 641 87,865 86,776 1,049 78,298 40,801 87,497 1,190 85,961 47,405 88,556 920 85,642 46,968 89,679 75 15 152 121 104 128 121 30 85 75 84,886 5 159 72 106 63,209 60,401 63,799 73,882 78,559 86,258 85,923 528 100 4,253 503 100 4,304 4,907 2,748 1,903 496 100 4,304 4,900 2,790 1,834 476 100 4,305 428 100 4,282 4,810 2,992 V 100 4,219 4,712 3,000 2,042 393 100 4,219 4,712 3,122 1,865 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock. _ » Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock 4,881 2,741 1,732 4,881 2,919 1,799 804 749 756 723 Total capital accounts 10,158 10, 307 10,280 10,322 Total liabilities and capital accounts. i. 73,367 70,708 74,079 84,204 760 10,430 764 800 10,518 10,499 96,776 96,422 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURPvENCY 66 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1943—Continued VIRGINIA [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1941 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 Loans and discounts Overdrafts .. U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures.. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank.. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets. 130 banks 130 banks 130 banks 130 banks 130 banks 130 banks 130 banks 187,042 30 187,439 45 176,943 36 160,961 146 144,238 149, 503 149,193 41 92,572 102,028 141,638 250,444 27,190 24,920 16,418 15,2u6 341,071 422,125 15,860 12, 730 17,159 13, 559 18,131 14,297 19,557 13, 241 18,215 22,405 14,009 21, 13, 21,648 13, 319 2,125 81, 396 14,047 2,014 80,900 12,006 1,9951 82,351 14, 496 1,948 101,422 15, 762 1,812 92. 349 18,035 1, 89, 19, 1, 786 94, 433 17,400 116,646 111,935 119,495 124,171 119,619 122, 101,492 9,567 9,597 9,523 9,475 1,837 1, 1,500 1,123 787 723 625 1,011 1,011 1,010 987 967 941 10 24 14 18 71 331 35 f f 394, 682 1 15, 254 9,236 501 9871 1,163 563, 380 566,068 458 1,082 599, 257 545 1,158 716,203 642 1.232 784,935 943 1,1 853, 520 832 1,115 822,015 216,378 225,034 253,123 308,319 361,335 367,844 362,846 153, 650 388 5,478 153,418 346 6, 287 155, 2641 157,578 164,477 3091 21 79 5, ! 44,065] 65,444 169,347 20 128, 621 172,077 20 80,458 35, 504 86,463 34, 687 84,494 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations— Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks... Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 8,938 506,799 845,099 161,700 43,267 77, 512 39,890j 96, T 38, 419, 86,445j 4,921 6,902 11,! 509,1871 542,361 658,188 S47,971 379,494 489,838 162,867\ 168,855 161,2161 9,830 725,971 550,473 175,498 10,250i 792,943 612,270 180,673 15, 233 760,952 577,155 183,797 225 150 25 240 24 14 18 200 25, 7801 91,081 j 37,658 92,660 7 33 10| 643 673 601 450 449 438 416 992| 602 81 631 510,966 544, 205 911 643 660,417 835 553 727,982 1,092 133 794,645 1,230 595 763,451 23,855 24,438 20,854 10,138 24,100 24,538 21,629 8, 759 3,445 3,638 58,564 617 682 508,948 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock.. Class B preferred stock Common stock.. Total capital stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts. Total liabilities counts. and capital i. 957 . 13 23,650 24, 6ê0 18,749 7, r 797 13 23,759 U,r18,928 8,497 782 13 23,759 24,554 19,4101 7,847| 703 13| 23,764 24,480 19,741 8,138 3,232] 3,108 55,102 3,241 3,427 ac- 614 23,749 24,868 20,359 8,842 822,015 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 67 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948—^Continued VIRGIN ISLANDS OF T H E UNITED STATES [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government. Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Reserve with approved national banking associations. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures.... Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets... Total assets . Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, 1942 1943 1942 1942 1943 1 bank 1 bank 0) 1 bank 1 bank 1 bank 1 bank 682 733 726 658 258 258 290 12 172 12 172 12 172 12 172 145 878 290 602 363 556 229 199 346 12 11 11 3 3 227 0) 84 1,014 12 3 2,097 2,296 1,480 12 2 10 2,562 3,063 3,630 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. of individuals, partTime depositsi < nerships, and corporations Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 393 533 644 814 1,045 1,081 32 1,130 6 1,160 43 1,325 232 1,413 161 320 344 9 428 7 392 21 703 41 5 1,887 661 1,176 7 2,( 81A 1,215 2 2,284 1,007 1,277 12 2,796 1,831 1,465 4 3,367 1,784 1,583 2,051 2,312 2,812 3,397 118 32 150 21 17 118 32 150 21 15 115 35 150 21 16 115 35 150 21 16 46 Total liabilities. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock.. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 1 118 32 150 21 15 58 57 64 64 244 245 250 251 2,097 2,296 2,562 3,063 Included with "Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection." SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 68 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1948—Continued WASHINGTON [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 43 banks 43 banks 43 banks 43 banks 43 banks 41 banks 41 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government .. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures— Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 234,883 147 224,035 247 204,398 342 205,982 284 172,749 295 138,635 173,294 242,607 406,028 20,314 20,837 23,074 33,340 601,170 1 J 753,653 [ 764,020 11,886 1 6,994 23,448 9,943 27,109 7,847 25,531 9,619 39,189 6,659 38,384 8,256 39,956 6,326 42,196 7,269 1,728 91,303 15,320 1,733 107,132 12,263 1,633 106,972 15,680 1,590 147,370 18,607 1,592 146,211 20,221 1,625 165,764 19,558 1,622 167,359 21,675 141,953 131,771 120,140 147,316 128,385 153,493 148,998 7,787 7,874 7,990 7,968 7,764 7,676 7,436 370 353 272 90 35 50 31 211,381 424 200,737 485 4 3 5 3 3 3 2 272 162 361 113 243 83 44 895 301 1,215 374 1,195 306 1,552 180 1,937 157 2,878 225 2,473 149 687,303 716,249 760,125 1,016,271 1,139,288 1,373,462 1,361,123 350,829 360,682 410,226 591,823 644,275 703,241 764,691 150,637 77 4,840 147,045 68 5,656 153,757 65 6,673 186,696 45 34,091 211,698 21 60,246 234,030 20 217,147 250,609 19 121,574 49,341 72,849 74,812 70,006 70,595 62,329 65,880 77,623 80,658 76,358 64,330 84,521 70,483 82,273 7,084 685,657 488,485 m, m 6,693 664,962 516,559 148,408 5,035 708,680 558,567 155,118 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnert ships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses ac\ crued and unpaid Other liabilities.— Total liabilities 7,540 10.831 13, 215 13,680 968,698 1,084,087 1,816,504 1,803,829 775,671 871,040 1,079,895 1,047,720 188,027 218,047 286,609 255,609 274 163 370 159 246 98 53 1,538 1,352 1,067 565 442 453 388 1,310 1,227 1,704 516 1,454 604 1,753 506 2,098 742 2,763 500 2,680 873 640,006 668,697 712,175 1,740 12 20,298 22,050 11,944 8,050 1,699 12 20,308 22,019 12.241 7,794 1,699 12 20,358 22,069 12,307 8,190 966,681 1,087,615 1,320,318 1,307,323 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock. Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 1,639 12 20,461 22,112 12,456 8,996 1,639 12 20,461 22,112 12,742 9,893 1,205 12 20,736 21,958 13,996 10,516 1,205 12 20,736 21,953 14.609 10,731 5,253 5,498 5,384 6,026 6,926 6,679 6,507 47,297 47,552 47,950 49,590 51,673 53,144 53,800 687,303 716,249 760,125 1,016,271 1,139,288 1,373,462 1,361,123 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 69 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81,'1948— Continued WEST VIRGINIA [In thousands of dollars! Dec. 31, Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1941 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets. 53,615 12 57,979 19 51,153 12 124,858 ] 152,517 9,253 147,330 72,639 13 70,818 37 68,215 15 58,280 23 29,900 13,080 35,326 11,980 46,759 10,264 82,228 10,677 9,039 7,691 9,505 7,357 9,534 7,651 9,333 7,214 9,856 6,637 10,020 5,— 9,515 6,361 1,072 26,854 7,930 1,023 24,105 6,942 1,003 27,769 7,901 934 34,847 7,764 785 35,401 766 36,008 9,200 771 36,881 8,604 55,400 54,174 57,225 59,184 57,856 57,088 4,983 4, 4,971 4,876 4,802 4,803 4,653 1,415 1,301 1,208 946 694 413 334 54 53 52 47 44 34 31 348 91 529 361 57 346 67 230,491 228,040 242,972 276,778 314,980 336,233 332,070 101,302 104,904 116,431 127,778 161,219 164,367 163,286 62,832 357 3,157 61,583 358 3,334 61,785 337 3,663 61,415 227 65,448 139 69,090 70 36,071 70,463 70 22,428 15,469 16,355 14,668 15,712 15,314 16,878 17,405 19,941 16,772 22,960 17,296 19,643 20,857 22,334 204,982 140,688 64,844 1,805 202, r~189,288 68,081 2,794 217,202 158,937 63,265 5,507 250,884 188.168 62,721 3,243 288,678 222,097 66,576 2,829 809,366 289,196 70,170 5,698 805,186 288, 603 71,533 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporationsPostal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid* Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 18,611 100 176 157 129 93 94 281 154 344 45 328 136 219 180 201 116 232 22 217 119 205,593 202,910 217,795 251,376 289,084 309,722 305,662 718 60 10,627 11,405 9,064 3,362 661 60 10,641 9,131 3,600 650 60 10,646 11,356 9,209 3,553 643 60 10,601 11,804 9,616 3,508 393 60 10,851 11,804 9,718 3,789 374 60 10,857 11,291 9,780 4,380 352 60 10,869 11,281 10,474 3,547 1,037 1,0 974 1,085 1,0 90 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 1,067 11,862 1,106 25,130 26,408 228,040 332,070 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 70 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. Sly 1941, to Dec. 31, 194S— Continued. WISCONSIN [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1941 Apr. 4, 1942 June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 98 banks 98 banks 98 banks 98 banks 98 banks 98 banks 97 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected ... Other assets Total assets 140,478 44 141,830 33 135,390 23 119,472 35 112,268 55 197,019 223,370 251,217 357,309 37, 111 34,483 31,427 28,918 519,340 1 J 627,146 \ 677,284 37,956 1 34,219 24,054 39,665 23,383 31,848 22,393 28,976 22,791 26,571 1,680 81,826 12,502 1,668 102,628 10,396 1,674 99,265 13,137 1,675 101,752 11,546 1,661 111, 261 12,571 1,642 117,993 12,984 1,672 120,694 11,852 142,396 138,683 135,338 156,507 129,099 133,352 136,980 10,504 10,451 10,384 10,172 9,977 9,878 9,672 519 440 329 107 12 9 12 41 41 41 35 15 15 15 11 42 25 18 42 78 35 1,093 1,419 1,472 1,378 1,019 1,618 1,180 1,378 1,451 1,434 2,263 1,566 1,876 1,197 690,362 722,146 732,256 839,466 984,292 1,120,731 1,099,756 292,853 287,498 303,555 398,336 444, 567 467,370 506,050 203,506 211 3,580 195,390 198 8,635 198,973 200 8,735 216,679 112 23, 532 234,154 85 78,130 250,389 84 193,514 260,516 80 108,856 38,837 85,425 77,392 91,289 65,308 89,496 38,748 96,848 55,277 103,768 40,804 95,063 48,415 99,357 8,721 633,133 427,998 205,135 3,737 664,139 467,136 197,003 7,402 673,669 473,076 200,593 11 42 25 18 42 78 35 714 674 628 487 444 410 383 949 286 1,157 203 1,108 257 1,159 265 1,410 225 1,939 202 1,494 261 635,093 666,215 675,687 781,218 1,377 35 25,226 26,638 15,015 7,433 1,048 35 25,325 26,408 15,316 7,995 1,043 35 25,328 26,406 15,914 7,893 1,034 35 25,332 26,401 16,712 8,245 118,256 47 22,017 • 21,542 25,133 23,822 109,548 34 21,086 23,718 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities * Total liabilities 5,034 5,511 7,572 10,741 779, 289 921,492 1,054,796 1,034,015 561, 234 686,030 803,237 772,358 218,055 235,462 251,559 261,657 550 500 923,613 1,057,975 1,036,688 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities accounts. and capital 983 35 25,373 26,391 17,206 9,899 965 35 25,401 26,401 17,889 11,377 922 35 25,511 26,468 20,776 9,044 6,183 6,212 6,356 6,890 7,183 7,089 6,780 55,269 55,931 56,569 58,248 60,679 62,756 63,068 690,362 722,146 732,256 839,466 984,292 1,120,731 1,099,756 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 71 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948— Continued WYOMING [In thousands of dollars] June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1942 1943 1942 1943 1943 Dec. 31, Apr. 4, 1942 1941 26 banks 26 banks 26 banks 26 banks 26 banks 26 banks 26 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises. Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected .. Other assets Total assets. 20,152 16 18,918 36 17, 542 33 13,942 15 15,507 20 9,836 10,021 13,191 24, 752 31,945 1,810 1,680 1,430 1,121 [ 1,321 J 3,482 630 3,516 627 3,330 658 3,166 725 2,895 758 2,962 920 2,798 1,001 150 7,854 1,963 151 7,038 1,297 151 7, 584 2,099 143 10,439 2,039 145 9,800 2,114 144 10,271 2,070 144 12,518 2,403 21,782 19,284 17,441 29,697 20,674 30, 223 27,746 856 860 844 806 783 780 747 8 8 8 7 7 7 4 45 22 53 20 51 19 39 25 47 29 48 38 53 27 68,606 63, 509 64,381 86,916 86,045 101,869 104,341 29,820 28,017 29,344 43,844 44,829 54,413 55,597 14,952 23 529 14,243 23 437 14,027 23 494 14,778 23 1,749 14, 751 22 3, 413 15,406 22 7,542 16,261 22 4,385 8, 231 8,013 7,467 6,347 7,859 5,703 9,145 10,079 8,600 6,904 8,118 8, 636 10,964 9,304 524 62,092 46,208 15,889 483 57,017 41,797 15,220 404 57,854 42,868 14,986 668 80,286 64,591 15,695 804 79,828 68,661 15,662 840 94,977 78,647 16,830 920 97,453 80,328 17,125 150 136 117 79 56 48 44 9 53 26 3 18 47 20 34 22 31 36 8 38 40 62,304 57,182 58,036 80,419 79,432 95,069 97, 575 147 100 2,276 2,528 2,161 1,325 143 100 2,279 2,522 2,167 1,350 141 100 2,281 2,522 2,174 1,343 141 100 2,281 2,522 2,223 1,438 140 100 2, 282 2,522 2,277 1,509 136 100 2,286 2,522 2,282 1,694 136 100 2,286 2,522 2,349 1,544 14,945 25 ] 39,436 14,269 18 f 41,385 1 1,228 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Interest, discount, rent, and other income collecced but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and accounts capital 293 288 306 314 305 302 351 6,302 6,327 6,345 6,497 6,613 6,800 6,766 68,606 63,509 64,381 86,916 86,045 101,869 104,341 TABLE NO. 7.—. and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. SI, 1941 <1 fcO ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Number (includof banks ing rediscounts and overdrafts) Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts. Rhode Island Connecticut . ... Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia .. _ _ Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama. Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas . Kentucky Tennessee— Total Southern States . 35 52 40 124 12 52 42,053 36,958 31,819 683,015 59,185 110,566 315 Currency and coin Balances with other banks1 61,273 33,754 21,588 531,143 43,427 180,385 3,783 3,471 1,745 137,039 4,962 13,120 36,657 28,803 16,682 574,864 51,188 161,783 Investments InvestReal . ments and Bank estate other assets premises owned indirectly owned, other representfurniture than ing bank and bank premises or fixtures premises other real estate 1,373 1,980 1,078 33,163 676 10,489 152 42 235 3,135 191 772 447 151 15 173 507 22 Interest, commisCussions, rent, tomers' liability and other income on acceptances out- earned or standing accrued but not collected 8,349 73 64 74 4 123 2,889 203 505 Other assets 140 57 82 5,372 47 211 Total assets 145,952 105,220 73,367 1,979,142 160,459 477,917 963,596 871,570 164,120 869,977 48,759 4,527 1,315 8,486 3,798 5,909 2,942,057 422 1,902,809 302,201 224 919,664 685 9,393 14 85,233 63 68,766 9 4,368,458 486,645 1,646,083 8,655 245,575 94,880 58,517 26,656 76,385 649 10,123 8,736 2,834,357 305,739 1,225,501 7,158 157,082 140,535 105,966 24,272 72,276 718 4,868 7,013 11,482 8,265 21,162 148 666 519 1,908 2,565 1,719 15 14 17,317 106 4,548 149 4 16,451 2,228 5,402 8 1,081 151 15,401 909 5,527 32 329 378 9,332,666 1,159,586 3,978,267 26,776 505,120 320,982 1,417 3,288,066 6,850,296 181,066 4,670,372 215,113 42,242 6,221 22,124 25,321 22,576 15,323,397 187,072 72,652 57,344 54,643 192,332 111,595 112,277 24,886 138,195 579,536 41,988 129,849 221,556 150,477 60,782 37,372 31,462 109,197 158,591 102,455 27,360 149,713 470,578 48,238 107,701 153,365 14,047 7,930 6,202 6,780 8,554 12,931 9,783 3,459 7,651 33,064 4,106 8,124 12,127 198,042 82,254 78,587 67,973 170,052 173,840 147,600 37,952 173,334 846,501 84,924 143,452 257,753 9,399 4,983 2,520 1,885 8,672 7,860 6,780 1,695 10,371 34,326 1,799 4,155 10,748 1,837 1,415 496 54 476 1,057 2,714 569 1,026 3,958 299 382 1,295 1,011 54 8 7 3,939 56 20 214 190 501 60 95 59 419 793 460 11 873 549 125 430 535 987 361 161 606 417 490 1,184 151 902 1,253 154 193 954 563,380 230,491 182,935 163,513 490,198 468,311 385,334 96,083 482,985 1,975,022 181,689 394,306 658,737 1,155 1,923,925 1,607,291 134,758 2,462,264 105,193 15,578 7,653 3,599 4,910 7,813 6,272,984 130 77 44 22 51 53 66 24 29 444 50 95 70 i, 151 1,200 150 51 79 3 881 920 1,318 Ohio.— Indiana Illinois Michigan.. Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri - Total Middle Western States. North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas. Montana... Wyoming Colorado. New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California.. Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska The Territory of H a w a i i . " — " — — " I " — Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and possessions... 453,532 242 168,601 124 338 1,121,756 251,806 78 140,522 98 330,369 186 113,823 103 276, 558 84 503,708 262,378 1,832,403 557,172 299,529 306,453 101,535 279,064 36,027 19,909 63,087 26,179 12,502 11,590 6,853 10,371 551,812 250,852 ,711,455 428,192 224,222 292,271 122,765 371,540 31,310 10,267 31, 255 9,961 10, 504 8,127 3,903 4, 714 1,314 327 2,624 230 519 6 127 1,864 1,461 18 1,197 167 41 5, 271 1,481 442 1,253 2,856,967 7,011 10,078 4,142,242 186,518 3,953,109 110,041 45 37 133 180 41 26 78 22 207 33,028 34,603 130,493 123,237 28,057 20,168 100,213 21,636 163,168 17,172 19,187 90,961 89,619 35,802 15,908 90,099 18,489 139,233 1,253 1,677 4,039 4,964 2,565 1,963 6,070 1,716 7,133 19,905 23,770 112,438 127,196 39,895 29,636 176,427 25,745 210,625 1,636 1,526 5,149 5,219 1,931 856 2,883 798 8,436 769 654,603 516,470 31,380 765,637 28,434 194,068 167,813 1,397,235 35,731 28,326 17,794 16,522 15,320 7,475 50,258 2,780 1,090 1,548 3,107 233,256 126,084 1,000,678 32,661 42,383 16,105 25,404 7,787 6,782 61,517 1,518 1,561 770 1,400 370 80 11,080 4 40 9 213 208 2,038,339 1,857,489 81,578 1,476,571 81,335 11,796 28,485 5,117 11,725,496 15,845,358 779,420 14,197,930 588,875 81,692 54,036 2,368 23,195 733 2,148 39,560 442 1,535 5,319 227 5,134 11,704 661 154 1,538 12 26,296 42,150 7,081 17,499 1,704 5,123 11,751,792 15,887,508 786,501 14,215,429 590,579 43 26 96 19 13 6 5 i Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. 160 183 6 8 107 9 81,697 656 1,53Ì 11 117 1,709 17,093 207 285 623 216 13,055 11,298,823 5 388 155 2.341 1,566 2,001,408 8,570 2 9 170 301 327 ¡,960 282 19 73 687,303 431,075 4,124,863 107,539 105,995 52,748 84,835 10,682 5,044 5,594,358 272 112 2,655 1,000 3 19 54,036 1,582.250 713; 835 4,778,750 1,277,467 690,362 958,338 351,133 946,688 50 105 159 10 27,459 789 600 5,988 1,174 1,419 2,199 183 703 63 77 368 159 222 22 218 11 426 43 72 1,641 883 7,454 2,586 1,093 1,935 463 1,038 40,112 73,270 81,168 344,231 350,952 108,691 68,606 376,386 68,459 529,645 64,145 55,963 43,433,027 27 186 15 10, 202 4 11,379 91,731 2,097 27 201 10,244 105,207 40,139 64,346 66,207 43,538,234 Ul d hj K « H) O W H S 3 0G O ^ o o £ 3o t-1 f M W o ^ a d w SÖ a o CO TABLE NO. 7.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, £ 1941—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Location 10 9,273 114 64 3,014 2,782 1,732 31,925 1,945 4,800 815 681 804 14,794 246 2,195 770 9,451 4, 515 3,635 6,452 121,144 124,891 46,198 19,535 20,826 106 6,059 149 4 7, 327 2,021 2,542 3 164 150 11,342 130,862 786 474 6,148 4,059 11 42 233 551 342 310 274,792 57, 204 162, 512 1,682 13,439 8,600 341,047 32,003 195,680 2,635 11,904 7,485 97,760 13, 558 60,547 624 5,532 5,517 29,570 9,872 29,022 299 2,004 663 27,144 12, 207 18,862 136, 298 518, 229 590,754 183, 538 71,430 7 617 281 234 318. 408 530 377 94 533 2,997 86 459 937 682 154 84 95 2,159 363 223 74 1,005 1,353 117 272 336 24, 620 11,405 6,665 5,595 17,208 15,444 18, 622 4,366 13,824 72,809 6,323 13,205 22, 971 18,749 9,064 5,552 3, 510 10,944 13,459 10,690 3,164 11,366 55,042 5,109 14,135 15,332 7,831 3,362 1,976 1,294 4,970 3,405 4,410 425 5,457 26,609 2,641 3,651 7,978 3,232 1,067 1,018 731 3,151 2,109 2,209 483 2,606 8,170 693 1,205 1,922 7,871 6,917 233,057 176,116 74,009 28,596 Total New England States.. 2, 111, 521 452,836 41,109 2,605,466 786,714 186,820 7,444,761 440,651 14,420 588,491 2,380,756 1,105,220 24,972 267 8,299 12,914 2,693 100,114 368,337 5,229 52,258 240,424 8,418,295 1,043, 562 3,510,948 21,480 471,144 297,911 835 11,035, 683 2,493, 256 234,401 13,763,340 1,585 _ _ Total Southern States 20 10 750 8,938 5,510 2,932 2,220 5,975 4,743 2,474 546 3,488 53,403 1,670 3,332 4,963 506,799 204,982 166,918 151, 707 449,411 432,404 347,452 87,454 446,399 1,805,773 166, 539 360,845 608,176 200 4,625,022 1,009,643 100,194 5,734,859 422 161,700 64,344 35,331 20,780 71,003 61,504 80,193 26,220 70,066 200,948 28,238 66,445 122,871 Surplus 6,170 5,147 2,741 87, 754 7,594 15,485 740 336,161 135,128 128, 655 128, 707 372,433 366,157 264,785 60,688 372,845 1,551,422 136,631 291,068 480,342 Capital stock 2 Reserves and retireUndivided ment profits account for preferred stock 7,976 6,136 4,881 73,309 7,466 21,376 127,647 90,231 62,879 1,750,283 142,492 431,934 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana _ Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Interest, taxes, and Other other expenses liabilities accrued and unpaid 163 101 98 5,476 246 368 1,955 2,350 897 24,960 1,222 9, 725 Total Eastern States Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned 117 92 73 2,157 165 1,031 60,267 23,388 34,972 220,794 15,956 97,459 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding 50 30 159 3,431 191 654 65,425 64,493 27,010 1,504,529 125,314 324,750 M assachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Time deposits Other (includdeing 1 postal posits savings) MortBills gages payable, or other rediscounts, liens on and other bank Total liabil- premises deposits and on ities for other borreal rowed estate money GO d •d 14 108 100 10 5 150 70 79 3 885 1 1,346 1,318 6 190 643 176 338 193 1,863 580 466 23 449 842 181 434 889 12 4,048 7,077 B S » H 3 W « s g CO o ^ o 0 § §1 £ w o o 3 g Si o HL 1,005,539 477,198 3,672,618 868,938 419,277 649, 111 254,476 765,792 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri.... 406,124 169,925 716,079 311,987 205,135 208,404 65,745 110,616 18,694 7,694 38,199 9,519 8,721 10,233 3,019 6.655 1,430,357 654,817 4,426,896 1,190,444 633,133 867,748 323,240 Total Western States. Washington . Oregon California Idaho Utah.. Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States 66,669 73,793 312,408 320,091 99,626 62,092 344,798 63,852 473,926 Total possessions Total United - States and 1,167 511 3,060 825 286 2,645 63 635 73,291 24,599 133,616 39,007 26,638 36,456 12,430 28,475 45,086 17,460 135,219 25,710 15,015 28,225 9,093 18,001 16,861 9,721 32,188 11,711 7,433 12,357 3,991 13,487 11,895 5,283 31,875 6,205 6.183 4,459 1,662 1,398 3,002 12,785 19,116 9,192 374,512 293,809 107,749 68,960 127 182 359 307 113 4 739 iT 35 184 171 11 53 57 3 247 3,252 3,582 14,423 14,860 4,481 2,523 11,579 2,125 24,221 2,039 2,175 9,860 9,095 2,490 50 105 m 111 258 279 98 150 162 8 334 60 155 1,503 2,434 802 1,538 682 11,290 99 136 125 637 1,310 723 7,912 209 159 107 159 81,046 55,802 30,334 11,037 1,227 224 5,597 78 76 796 22,050 8,930 142,086 3,930 3,625 960 2,425 11,944 11,052 113,490 2,633 2,712 1,149 1,699 8,050 3,928 40,885 1,010 1,088 1,216 619 5,253 3,290 34,176 777 599 53 • 104 8,024 184,006 144,679 56,796 44,252 62,497 167,685 1,511,994 1,386,051 498,624 243,810 §F 300 3,350 150 550 2,050 21 63 379 15 50 1,634 58 O 3,800 2,621 457 1,742 62,570 167.777 1,515,794 1,388,672 499,081 245,552 306,654 27,184 1,817,255 152,222 476,351 121,348 273,831 2,098,258 1,607,868 70,769 27,085 74,534 22,396 31,005 16,743 60,870 16,308 7,084 6,948 59,957 949 670 594 1,988 635,657 402,127 3,766,083 98,803 97,600 48,342 79,166 274 113 1,344 3,085,618 1,963,970 78,190 5,127,778 3,731 14,507 10, 579 47,531 52,594 352 1,001 3,778 7,114 55,480 656 3,083 27,130 1,176 219 1,513 5 10,416 84,123 1,837 27 63,250 31,389 1,737 96,376 27 19 47,558 52,613 30,517,460 8,451,763 585,549 39,554,772 3,778 67 g W 9,634 1,724 16,624 1,483.417 569 20 g 210 328 2,685 1,027 265 293 2,743 539 2,947 19,814 17,136 42,375 37.565 22,801 15,889 73,922 11,803 64.849 39 GO 0 769~ 923 3,485 5,102 1,607 1,325 6,467 154 10,502 46,025 55,489 267,291 279,624 75,222 45,679 266,913 51,145 396,029 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 30,454,210 8,420,374 583,812 39,458,396 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States. 1,952 830 10,489 1,689 949 2,394 189 624 11 117 Total Middle Western States. 8,112,949 2,194,015 102,734 10,409,698 North Dakota. South Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico.... Oklahoma 418 614 3,610 1,876 714 3,937 465 587 1,797 73 92 2,161 1 Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). 2 See classification on pp. 80 and 81. H O g S n GO O O o g g O C5 W § O M C* TABLE NO. 7.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, 1941—Continued *<f O [In thousands of dollars] GQ d hj •rJ Loans and discounts Commercial and industrial loans Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 13,859 12,787 7,851 385,975 25,280 36,172 ... -.. Total New England States. - New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West VirginiaNorth Carolina South Carolina Georgia.. Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States — Other loans for the purLoans to pose of purAgricul- Open-mar- brokers and chasing or carrying tural loans ket paper dealers in securities stocks, bonds, and other securities 1,231 906 2,416 1,422 19 1,018 6,010 5,696 745 69,104 12,510 9,016 Real-estate loans On farm land 22,290 275 126 505 1,230 1,254 10,338 1,605 9,291 575 596 1,691 682 102 532 149 272 On residen- On other tial proper- properties ties 6,088 5,720 8,892 37,011 4,327 21,338 2,633 1,311 1,192 25,869 682 4,612 Loans to banks 50 56 3 375 150 30 All other loans 10,952 8,382 7,772 129,882 14,232 28,409 Overdrafts 1 2 3 67 3 22 481,924 7,012 103,081 23,112 24,223 4,178 83,376 36,299 664 199,629 98 1,165,515 73,984 346,427 3,091 31,904 30,752 16,427 4,827 17,708 481 3,240 10 39,909 14,723 52,223 44 5,485 390 138,218 1,217 6,243 7,412 3,442 20,125 1,075 3,727 13 86,122 98,262 167,404 1,914 13,094 13,969 34,148 17,507 60,328 596 3,433 6,011 8,652 463 418 76,179 5,390 37,548 501 5,006 1,491 329,582 82,822 210,851 1,690 18,797 15,691 645 27 52 1 82 21 1,651,673 42,693 112,774 146,559 126,116 35,794 380,765 122,023 9,408 659,433 828 54,205 18,482 23,552 23,365 88,955 60,125 43,184 7,304 73,153 272,957 12,146 45,871 94,549 9,626 1,145 1,439 2,982 13,039 2,685 10,542 2,005 6,922 106,763 7,585 7,487 35,987 3,476 1,150 225 275 127 3,190 4,576 4,213 1,879 2,410 1,021 7,010 827 1,361 597 1,322 18,911 682 3,388 5,246 7,360 1,911 1,033 596 1,862 1,326 2,146 1,382 1,827 8,154 1,690 5,914 3,632 30,552 17,821 2,808 3,494 7,618 8,747 6,610 2,754 6,651 17,917 2,269 13,182 9,742 11,230 6,351 2,044 2,982 4,284 8,078 6,434 1,784 5,925 15,398 2,026 3,218 6,148 69 5 65 2,641 3,773 1,368 12,996 2,356 1,387 6 620 460 1,853 1,848 870 294 951 8,721 660 765 2,963 5 1,233 271 2 163 146 64,921 23,889 23,130 19,449 66,720 24,567 36,490 8,546 37,379 125,636 13,516 36,827 60,678 33 13 18 19 148 14 64 215 191 1,035 44 38 109 817,848 208,207 36,153 21,398 48,867 38,833 130,165 75,902 2,863 541,748 1,941 754 2 716 188 B g H « H H O B o w H 00 O N O O g 3 g » O o w w o Hi Ohio. Indiana Illinois MichiganWisconsin.. MinnesotaIowa.. Missouri.... Total Middle Western StatesNorth Dakota . South Dakota.. Nebraska Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico.. Oklahoma Total Western States. Washington _ Oregon California Idaho — Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States _ Total possessions Total United States and possessions. 99 117,475 29,967 139,253 58,244 26,649 113,521 19,793 54,778 69 22 2,247 106 44 134 42 55 1,313 559,680 2,719 17 35 50 56 16 16 29 10 89 H H O 17 6,362 7,551 24,123 23,833 5,310 3,427 12,850 3,582 33,504 385 120,542 318 S 56,445 38,017 276,620 4,946 6,353 3,761 10,962 147 173 1,319 59 73 54 61 m 8 397,104 1,886 479,517 14,641 2,478,136 7,790 33 1,390 112 10 172,338 58,680 711,121 102,108 68,370 125,917 33,493 117,093 17,124 10,286 44,008 3,540 3,669 41,845 30,005 39,433 10,742 15,331 25,730 4,283 4,149 5,618 6,874 23,959 6,286 371 38,074 3,340 63 1,470 467 2,813 11,627 2,146 55,929 6,259 2,053 7,179 857 8,112 15,132 5,614 11,783 2,597 3,296 5,661 7,626 3,588 82,467 38,297 74,550 52,781 25,370 24,902 10,990 17,034 19,875 7,887 18,451 18,548 6,692 4,082 3,676 9,594 1,389,120 189,910 96,686 52,884 94,162 55,297 326,391 88,805 5,987 5,730 35,006 28,012 4,539 3,169 29,959 6,249 79,279 16,711 14,417 55,715 53,227 13,041 8,544 37,499 5,808 29,684 540 673 2,632 4,942 2,604 362 4,005 351 5,339 389 629 2 6 659 104 741 2,360 1,038 225 531 2,146 386 1,586 473 796 4,317 4,596 303 656 1,767 378 3,238 2,197 3,552 3,289 5,256 1,483 2,764 8,048 3,958 7,202 637 1,104 2,548 1,462 534 693 3,137 914 3,024 197,930 234,646 21,448 1,891 9,117 16,524 37,749 14,053 112,395 50,707 446,945 6,996 10.568 2,606 8,269 24,047 18,000 66,618 11,129 3,571 1,496 10,843 4,134 2,299 16,510 845 380 60 769 826 502 6,351 13 404 9 3,518 447 28,047 425 492 258 530 3,794 1,122 64,769 896 712 230 317 20,637 6,872 531,243 7,134 6,360 5,903 5,908 9,087 3,460 123,021 2,118 2,654 1,908 187 638,486 135,704 24,997 8,105 33,717 71,840 584,057 142,435 5,176,981 818,172 395,139 253,949 336,202 222,466 1,542,503 865 6,557 221 13 617 4 260 5 273 74 1,061 7,705 274 206 13 397 "èiô" 167 40 4 64 186 114 8 37T 6,371 38 6 17 7,643 634 260 5 13 347 9,040 1,535 10 6,786 23 5,184,624 818,806 395,399 253,954 336,215 222,813 1,551,543 481,052 14,651 2,484,922 7,813 CD d •d F M g a W M o o o g §F s sa 0^ a 1 a o HÎ M <1 TABLE NO. 7.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, M 1941—Continued 00 lln thousands of dollars] Investments Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government U. S. Govern- ReconFederal strucHome ment Farm tion Owners' Mortdirect FiLoan obligagage nance Corpotions CorpoCorpo- ration ration ration Location Maine— New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut - Total New England States. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware— Maryland District of Columbia - Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia... North CarolinaSouth Carolina.. Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana — Other Government corporations and agencies Other bonds, notes, and debentures Obliga- U. S. Government corporations and agentions of Other domestic corporations cies not guaranteed States by United States and political subdiOther visions (includFederal Governing inter- ment All Rail- Public Induswarrants) Federal land mediate corpoother banks credit rations roads utilities trials banks and agencies 2,327 3,422 2,742 32,726 2,712 26,728 171 186 62 1,908 103 1,485 20 136 25 20 2,897 805 3,780 2,871 1,910 17,064 1,920 5,851 33,636 17,580 9,861 373,054 27,828 118,934 1,405 1,041 741 29,646 2,187 4,232 6,489 1,266 979 9,605 967 6,327 1,369 454 361 6,038 139 1,696 644 130 12,419 1,311 5,126 580,893 39,252 25,633 9,223 21,326 70,657 3,915 9,438 33,396 22,522 2,295 7,620 42 1,030 809 33,842 2,463 800 30,712 128,728 3,877 24,592 4,450 125,801 2 1,595 5,190 144 1,059 4,876 6,716 1,231 1,471 2,602,730 241,939 286,153 10,218 1,004,644 39,694 313 3,119 3,842 185,132 4,494 66,319 394,574 43,387 78,203 231 32,530 10,671 76,908 106,902 9,000 5,694 11,436 22,737 159 34 2,368 579 2,027 40 440,294 60,047 137,991 1,120 5,222 1,213 4,148,097 300,500 559,596 94,691 143,193 645,887 34,318 37.635 5,964 1,919 672 968 8,437 9,653 2,144 219 8,020 13,255 4,697 2,342 1,138 5,617 14,387 4,235 330 12,491 2,493 4,996 440 574 4,627 2,962 2,522 93 3,873 15,860 9,039 11,694 8,878 23,041 29,203 38,022 17,174 33,949 947 598 479 130 191 2,056 531 23 11 10 92,572 29,900 19,188 16,798 53,215 87,624 45,975 8,442 84,817 5,478 1,468 1,736 591 3,544 4,576 753 68 1,196 530 1,085 1,161 771 380 5,828 2,535 2,007 14,424 2,033 3,887 2,001 1,502 1,516 7,742 983 1,903 30,714 15,647 44,056 117,622 15,338 15,169 86,945 78,661 582 994 3,349 3,626 1,015 1,189 44,061 286,965 152,148 216,398 524 207 40 93 2,286 1,426 140 11 308 3,707 2,340 225 545 2,712 2,422 2,223 319 828 2,357 1,607 60 24 729 845 745 103 566 3,350 2,274 39 44 1, 111 1,075 2,119 29 769 Stocks of Federal Reserve banks Forand eignother public doand mestic private corporations 553 387 144 .,928 106 666 1,341 1,454 817 4,355 536 3,784 521 387 296 10,588 564 1,419 9,442 13,775 27,681 19,287 3,140 1,838 7» 104 21,106 236 42 581 622 350 144 80,364 3,433 18,869 186 830 673 37,431 44,700 104,355 1,286 286 31 288 1,225 432 1,772 103 631 549 379 2,124 1,072 426 295 1,194 1,001 1,128 401 1,345 11 106 158 146 45 529 Total Southern States. } Ohio Indiana ^ Illinois ei Michigan... Wisconsin-. Minnesota.. & Iowa Missouri... Total Middle States. Western North Dakota.. South Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington. Oregon California - . _ Idaho. Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States 3,060 756 4,334 1,489 5,317 425 3,709 3,547 1,742 246 384 881 380 217 437 457 4,916 491 1,084 2,566 23,921 16,675 23,808 9,307 3,414 18,043 17,233 7,819 19,750 12,292 9,017 9,205 1,929 6,531 12,469 6,886 15,540 4,624 12,862 2,164 1,317 3,349 15,594 5,429 31,070 7,533 11,338 4,193 1,795 2,915 1,335 1,417 5,592 216 1,975 2,422 707 1,372 5,749 2,446 4,199 2,263 3,510 1,661 384 709 4,957 1,368 25,345 2,347 1,680 2,127 646 8,536 43,224 83,776 59,211 79,867 15,036 20,921 47,006 170 62 190 304 50 10 136 15 467 413 304 2,036 393 803 131 4,117 35 883 205 66 935 223 376 194 1,883 28 427 358 139 2,458 395 411 149 1,643 29 955 69 9 348 78 97 37 387 38 88 24 358 230 631 57 1,009 49 264 163 170 754 721 207 150 708 113 1,266 2,291 1,404 9,115 4,337 6,537 1,063 2,710 4,252 2,201 880 4,163 1,098 416 13,797 245 364 83 14 843~ 99 9,071 44 46 128 41 ïT 2,455 4,100 47 1,698 598 10,969 198 206 63 123 42 137 8 961 53 7,052 58 4 5 19 30 1,326 995~ 1,941 1,825 20 4,621 16,147 379 62 419 193 20 208 331 I O F g 8,570 6,049 21,112 16,017 6,794 8,152 13,855 72 o 201,286 442 O 1,822 1,166 1,925 42 502 2,982 2,398 832 2,786 2,584 10,781 8,292 10,486 8,324 3,778 20,769 2,967 446 1,077 2,226 2,556 2,916 245 15,681 22,836 1,395 521 1,246 2,385 1,036 15,605 16,375 517 2,091 857 4,358 479,539 42,143 44,840 2,745 5,401 16,591 21,059 4,149 3,482 12,412 2,953 63,152 110 72 2,560 837 519 52 795 411 952 15,297 131,944 6,308 4,915 6,855 12,822 245 1,361 60 1,484 23,448 17,593 267,064 3,522 '4,251 3,179 1,773 1,857 65 10,888 164 300 101 27,742 320,830 13.375 13,223 1,804 2,655 6,698 28,636 2,543 10,366 9,214 5,695 294 2,351 428 10,190 898 956 6,991 112,543 18,721 12,995 40,437 2,308 208 2,451 848 1,897 869,586 62,376 109,251 28,178 41, 615 371,556 242,654 156,144 1,389,803 306,900 197,019 199,421 39,546 167,629 28,738 11,979 48,933 24,769 5,576 12,927 4,952 12,856 37,526 9,924 27,369 49,670 24,204 12,136 6,638 16,119 10,228 5,447 12,625 46,696 2,997 6,247 2,867 12,810 10, 599 11,208 36,845 11,220 4,334 7,381 4,065 7,670 102,993 37,252 163,277 46,464 24,054 42,006 33,085 30,408 2,699,116 150,730 183,586 99,917 93,322 9,364 9,683 51,052 42,857 24,717 9,836 52,439 11,707 53,635 800 1,171 3,653 9,631 1,505 407 6,472 925 3,041 1,091 1,126 4,505 4,355 884 564 2,610 713 8,013 1,320 600 3,443 2,784 971 427 1,242 718 2,951 276 360 1,378 4,926 482 412 3,636 638 3,189 265,290 27,605 23,861 14,456 138,635 119,781 878,346 23,655 13,809 10,912 7,101 4,555 5,086 18,517 744 1,346 50 1,256 6,316 3,534 110,358 4,435 4,426 1,482 1,880 4,528 8,553 29,278 1,933 1,794 1,482 857 1,192,239 31,554 132,431 48,425 276,348 20,761 60,869 73,077 Texas Arkansas.-. Kentucky. Tennessee . 700 826 610 155 10,272 Total United States (ex9,755,221 612,017 1,034,358 294,890 342,495 2,020,413 110,840 111,066 109,660 458,285 279,102 352,529 73,415 89,339 clusive of possessions) îô" 221~ 42~ ëT U5~ 174 16 1,499 Alaska 651 1,015 1,475 4,128 100 2,066 355 29,765 The Territory of Hawaii Virzin Islands of the United 54 92 26 4 8 258 States 715 42 69 7 73,457 89,408 201,293 31,522 363 2,066 120 4,302 1,222 1,722 CD d H 8 H H O W H O S CD O O O w d 2 5 Total United States and 9,786,743 612,380 1,036,424 294,890 342,615 2,024,715 110,840 111,066 109,660 459,507 280,824 353,244 possessions. Total possessions 2 _ g M O H 442 M ÇO and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, TABLE N O . 7 . — . 1941—Continued 00 [In thousands of dollars] Time deposits Demand deposits Capital stock Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Common stock Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England S t a t e s — New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland... District of ColumbiaTotal Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama --Mississippi Louisiana Texas --Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States... Ohio Indiana. Preferred stock Unimpaired Par value IndiBanks Banks viduals, in and U. S. in partner- Governpolitical United foreign ships, and ment coun* subStates corporatries divisions tions 1,119 834 628 4,224 340 3,813 6,857 5,302 4,253 69,085 7,126 17,563 51,634 6,857 50,785 5,302 23,966 4,253 69,099 1,062,317 108,979 7,126 276,794 17,563 432 1,206 613 13,575 1,221 4,231 10,958 110,186 110,200 1,574,475 21,278 16,563 20,480 13,484 55 2,076 900 258,229 36, 724 149,028 1,627 11,363 7,700 5,054,235 439,278 1,600,889 11,955 219,322 197,046 53,558 464,671 466, 227 7,522,725 548,363 216,378 23,650 101,302 10,627 96,677 0,435 89,210 4,701 202,729 16.476 218,485 15,255 14, 790 168, 41,317 3,035 213,747 10,972 65,615 1,000,060 83,393 5, 578 181,943 11,248 216,210 18,152 2,852 28,138 12,833 11,265 1,353 11,473 51,093 2,966 9,373 20,116 206,534 206,534 2,830,431 161,530 12,733 4,006 60,558 20,593 60,558 20,593 757,781 324,771 494,259 2,185,633 284,703 2,138,547 81,432 22,640 368,699 21,200 429,486 25,002 5,259 36, 734 4 895 7,129 117,995 7,210 67,894 46,847 6,080 291 407 380 167 5,003 815 4 2,405 19,4SI 265 606 4,247 1,282 514 322 70 1,115 875 1,558 15 120 937 168 378 3,956 3,562 2,206 7,242 8,701 40,211 11,310 5,684 340 779 510 5,984 24 525 15,392 50 2,072) 5,962 9,000 432,529 1,197,478 3,054 851,657 78,396 25,314 27,086 2,004 600 2,000 3,417 107 986 100 9,920 "1/779 200 1,733 158 435 437 105 573 346,484 55 130,843 1,587 400 1,843 201 188 464 4,909 4,773 3,413 615 4,710 978 4, 3,416 2,231 18,129 3,826 11,517 15,583 163,003 79,859 5,590 39,296 1,995 73,095 6 2,379 1,224 19 2,673 707 1,142 12 1,520 216 877 622 654 1,236 36 258 733 144,262 57,531 28,247 19,391 14 62,429 279 52,631 284 72,255 22,023 63,721 154,559 23,647 53,226 97,735 78,921 53,660 25 348 10 100 1,312 2, 3,273 12 158 181 229 513 171 62 130 294 84 76 51 147 302 46 177 153 ~8M81 15,841 18,814 13,664 114, 442 85,983 51, 8,09b 115,453 365,390 32,979 87,767 202,174 30, 133, 17, 11, 41, 304 122 312 272 42 952 1,804 2,779 ' 9, 290 2,879 9,821 26 154 470 7,783 2,964 65,819 306 3,114 1,446 58,349 21,628 33,668 21,016 211,044 162 14,347 90,450 22 2,669 "616 695,623 422,586 875,366 7,738 117 88,847 246 48,387 7,961 5,431 704 324,337 7,080 23,186 States Banks Banks and in Postal politiin foreign sav- cal sub- United counings i States tries divisions 97 418 166 157 154 595 93 149 58 1,050 33 421 57 79 420 1,607 2, " " 5,261 18,853 Deposits Christmas Certi- accumulated for savings Open ficates payment acand of counts of similar deposit personal accounts loans 1,113 644 319 3 ! 1,380 1,751 5,376 7,071 1,727 83,284 7,872 20,539 5,178 2,807 9TO ~23,650 10,627 778 6,435 230 4,701 894 16,476 732 15,255 189 14, 790 3,832 3,035 1,331 10,972 2,852 65,615 7,194 5,578 745 11,248 1,957 18,152 4,819 26,523 O 4,401 49 35 3,562 Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri Total M i d d l e W e s t e r n States. North Dakota. South Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming. Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington. Oregon California Idaho... Utah Nevada Arizona Total P a c i f i c States Total U n i t e d States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska The Territory" of" Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States T o t a l possessions Total United States and possessions 1 6,121 12,950 1,412 2,009 820 2,009 127,495 26,057 25,226 34,447 11,610 26,466 127,495 2,294,415 26,057 645,092 25,226 292,853 34,447 387,445 11,610 141,170 26,466 405,423 138,374 23,081 3,580 1,463 2,622 8,383 42, C 332,452 332,452 5, 248,950 201,617 3,025 3,222 13,727 13,885 4,322 2,276 10, 1,856 23,139 38,314 36, 754 164,257 168,027 57,923 29,820 194,1 32,423 241, r 203 488 3,670 11,307 197 424 2, 609 11, 227 360 696 975 159 247 771 269 1,082 274,793 76,795 38,259 72,027 30,799 44, 957,207 122,785 84,451 186,887 79,885 307,083 9,922 1,981,160 3,462 12, 722 25,605 56, 618 9,081 7, 647 14,263 13,036 56,069 4,046 5,525 73,759 43,672 8,021 7,788 56,451 5,077 87,09i 615,055 296,342 189,532 163,686 48,961 235 92,069 7,829 1,185 134 1,289 55,194 5,874 12,480 31,429 15,018 ll,i 11,300 1,882,972 184,1 1,019 300 394 218 55 152 17,820 1,872 791 1,083 74 2,266 814 1,325 211 1,183 84 2,127 22, 543 3, 427 29,914 (,341 256 702 802 834 765 507 621 108 1,965 16 10 112 78 17 35 148 11 16 10 14 174 6 185 42 1,720 33 41 326 679 30 128 66 157 67: 159 456 36 76 462 584 285 5 2,941 15 25 41 374 20 225 2,860 16 2,876 6,560 434 2,167 2,137 25 772 1,311 35,186 76,260 963,182 30,252 18, 503 291,432 48 224,321 59.579 20,298 8,816 114,817 3,340 3,535 948 1,725 20,298 350,829 8,816 201,453 114,817 1,585,254 3,340 52,444 3,535 44,260 948 24,521 1,725 47,186 4,340 6,874 112,251 764 701 209 264 49,283 38, 767 182,977 14, 522 9,275 5,227 11,376 70,404 26,252 209,114 3,039 20,298 1,048 1,878 1,495 143,869 485 108,801 8,662 1,329,765 23,963 21,528 15,828 166 15,234 5,971 5,354 34,939 2,733 679 605 882 30,527 153,479 153,479 2,305,947 125,403 311,427 332,033 5," 298 1 13 51,163 10,808 168,412 1,343,582 1,345,152 20,445,710 1,088,443 2,232,509 ,356,435 331,113 7,185,971 463,754 5,337 64,442 37,338 20,337 200,246 42, e 20,043 5,004 6,452 577 58 366 5,056 7,021 187,558 238 42 101 27 125 26 950 460 6,351 150 147 100 41 8,371 192,824 8,199 36,34; 300 300 6,307 504 231 72 2,957 56 60 3,350 3,350 28,542 16,424 7,116 3.398 21,680 4,385 924 118 32 32 32 227 4 1,081 118 3,682 16,960 7,574 3,474 25,718 35,242 143 977 840 3,074 1 46 6,277 4,633 13,991 12,244 3,397 1,539 2,411 2,012 13,075 1,752 114 27,269 590 90 12 700 3,6 18,909 [<4,303 r'578 2,522 27 13,042 11, 759 27,053 23,106 18,104 12,871 67,346 9,452 41, 4,786 76,2 7,125 994 309 5, 209 1,525 1,35" 350,626 93,339 W d =• ""I H 2 H H O § n O 1,750 --"I 1,750 5,312 10 GD 0 ^ O O §tr* g & O 138 O <3 » w 231 4,441 hd BS o 168,530 1,347,264 1,348,834 20,480,952 1,105,403 2,240,083 6,359,909 331,113 7,211,689 468,195 Includes U. S. Treasurer's time deposits—open account. 64,442 20,340 200,246 37,331 350,857 93,350 5,313 00 00 TABLE NO. 8.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, 194% bO ASSETS [In thousands of dollars) Securities guarU. S. anteed Loans Govern- by U . S . Num- and dis- ment se- Governcounts, curities, ber of ment direct banks including as to inoverdrafts obligaterest tions and principal Location Maine— New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. Total Eastern States. - — — 1,824 2,205 1,126 7 16 10,025 42 118 4 17,491 2,255 5,768 6 713 187 4,331 11,140,443 995 1,351,964 5,041 4,349,105 30,738 18 361 561,837 397,641 5,178 12,277 26,420 11,112 17,831,728 518 375 295 10,118 565 1,418 4,403 3,480 1,714 54,532 5,061 12,892 44,467 34,243 20,536 630,307 55,469 162,740 1,346 1,1 1,152 33,183 662 10,091 122 41 255 2,421 145 641 403 168 507 20 10 315 791,645 1,472,202 71,577 76,846 103,177 13,289 82,082 947,762 48,357 3,625 1,237 332,029 60,869 290,707 3,084 13,995 11,584 80,771 3,223 16,818J 191 815 582 250,444 '82,228 86,087 75,574 190,896 232,285 176,211 36,442 245,802 794,755 74,098 186,162 265,985 15,206 10,677 3,327 2,978 14,033 15,046 14,654 742 10,990 51,722 6,105 5,573 19,586 19,557 9,333 13,592 9, Q50 21,790 28,318 43,419 17,311 32,189 103,754 18,202 13,105 53,027 130 77 44 22 50 53 66 24 30 439 51 94 69 161,107 58,303 45,922 47,613 157,115 91,244 92,428 19,375 118,361 520,983 36,336 98,921 194,515 712,268 102,400 170,372 4, 229,122 208,076 32,109 9,523 4,876 2,631 1,855 8,425 11,972 6,672 1,688 10,050 35,047 1,794 4,075 10,942 1,123 946 192 37 337 900 2,184 369 737 2,825 188 256 954 Ì948 934 428 303 1,172 1,294 1,174 385 1,473 4,406 470 1,110 2,463 225,593 94,031 91,421 83,058 232,512 215,387 174,041 54,674 214,740 1,117,460 103,214 165,066 288,199 126 916 3,341 58 22 71 V 150 26 37 1,055 32 545 67 221 91 723 917 610 13 988 821 131 511 tel H § 1,321 3,623,080 12,198 8,389 6,559 53,958 7,525 14,548 578,032 Total 5,082 2,538 4,043 2,683 34,938 3,167 29,477 718,695 Other 4,878 5,554 1,923 1,451 49,999 3,162 9,488 1,402 2,954,102 8,071,565 ¡3 174,312 122,995 84,204 44 887 2,464,921 209,019 567,629 155 32,782 69,779 30,957 37,409 27,393 22,004 569,136 1,016,406 41,385 91,037 89,992 235,567 2,502,083 330,595 1,115,521 7,319 152,613 120,991 m ci 75 4 118 4,000 285 600 35 52 40 124 12 52 ~418 222 676 14 63 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware— Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi.. Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee. Corporate Obligastocks, tions of Other States bonds, including and po- notes, litical and de- stocks of subdi- bentures Federal Reserve visions banks Investments Cusand Bank Real Balances prem- estate tomers' Income other earned with ises owned assets in- liability or acCurother on acdirectly owned, other rency crued banks, inceptreprefurnithan and cluding ances but not senting ture bank coin colreserve outbank and prembalances 1 fixtures premises standing lected or other real estate 127 1.158 358 263 686 567 372 1,151 126 1.159 1,724 153 227 740 716,203 276,778 251,264 230,304 647,621 618,064 532,645 135,551 651,220 5,696,768 249,042 501,505 864,404 w tel hj O W H QQ O O O g § £ o 0 1tel o H Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 170,639 382,647 110,187 17,560 148,366 3,059,396 109,550 379,451 708,174 134,094 356,351 963,949 2,916,780 236,514 792, 564 119,507 357,309 254,728 558, 93,207 139,504 230,064 427,843 62,297 36,000 91,506 76,625 28,918 21,870 14,415 20, 701 116,491 45,503 166,845 53,745 22,791 38,290 38,269 33,924 58,666 34,335 129,219 70,714 26, 571 23,823 11,104 24,506 4, 1,421 22,033 2,— 1, 675 2,132 676 7,715 30,646 9,763 30,191 10,197 10,172 7,792 3,815 4,301 914 192 1,731 174 107 8 64 1,570 49 1,055 128 35 4, 1,390 378 1,247 2,411,514 6,257,294 352, 332 515,858 378,938 42,835 187,727 4,223,333 106,877 4,760 9,424 2,216 2,740 6,896 16,601 1,121 12, 258 2,260 11,742 2,842 4,894 20,044 20,481 3,879 3,166 10, 3,224 59,700 1,679 1,232 11,847 4,981 2,517 725 10,522 503 5,1 58,045 128,916 241 124 339 75 98 185 102 83 Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma 1,149 1,642,223 2,6 ... Total Western States. 37 133 179 41 26 78 22 206 765 Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States.. Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 583,325 206,266 101,526 1,392,365 28,891 24,943 13,810 32,741 203 1,800,542 2,863,853 335,077 4,332 6, 4,215 74,777 723 2,305 400 4,556 1,590 674 10,472 199 207 75 124 93,635 13,341 5,081 10,183,351 22,195,181 1,548,901 2,017,376 1,437,294 AldiSks The Territory of H a w a i L ^ Virgin Islands of the United States 2,211 1,517 15,248 4,198 61,033 16 15,012 12 146 4,971 161 179 770 743 211 143 720 117 1,2 9,252 1,328 1,891 4,884 6,253 2,446 2,039 6,900 2,104 8, 362 565,050 293, 243 ., 590,434 581, 346 258.259 392,907 156,489 385, 605 35,390 188, 392 196,212 50,973 40,136 209,479 43,496 264, 263 1, 546 1,573 5,021 4,' 1,922 806 2,799 717 8,011 36,207 1,059,205 27,303 96,492 1,943,903 2,317 9,573 172 8,430 44,819 105 9 7 96 73 40 1,336 90 59 8,716 1 33 42 157 78,493 9,098 193,757 721,246 15,462,721 578, 656 415 3,303 11,048 5,583 2,020 1, 158 32 1,568 2,044 38 139 173 267 764 263 210 39 387 4 456 182 2,563 2,520 2,777,557 113 128 1,643 1,552 1,164 9,662 14 16 195 274 180 1,016,271 1,378 644,920 4,452 5,260,723 162 158,879 74 170,802 523 76,157 133,708 27, 745 1,884 12,877 6,907 7,461,460 51, 340 23,285 74,604 42,188 54,590,939 144 9 2,020 26,746 950 2 44 161 1,648 304 801 193,760 1,965,542 932, 795 5,995,375 1,858,796 839,466 1,319,226 466,553 1,147,992 31,165 11,644 14,525,745 111 967 280 60 25 253 16 746 51,340 i Excludes reciprocal demand balances with banks in the United States, reported separately following the classification of demand deposits. 23,294 74,926 106,308 120,214 534,758 506,884 150,173 86,916 500,144 101,471 670,689 162 13,673 17,383 169,593 13,838 190,039 3,063 18 322 5,087 8,684 8,371,369 1, 531 6,316 997 1,378 469 308 18 Total possessions Total United States and possessions 6,497 56,026 54,780,978 TABLE NO. 8.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, 00 1942—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Demand Time deposits 1 deposits Location 94,026 81,364 36,928 1,972,496 172,878 406,960 - - 60,008 24,093 35,776 238,744 16,294 102,124 1,625 2,147 937 24,414 1,751 11,762 155,659 107,604 73,641 2, 235,654 190,923 520,846 Total New England States. _ _ 2,764,652 477,039 42,636 Maine New Hampshire Massachusetts Khode Island Connecticut __ - New York New Jersey _ Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland . ... District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama . Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Bills pay- Mortgages Acceptor other ances exeable, reliens on cuted by or discounts, Other bank for account Total and other depos- deposits 1 premises of reportliabilities its 2 and on ing banks for borother real and outrowed estate standing money __ _. . .. __ Total Southern States. 100 207 3, 284, 327 807 805,910 157,709 10,147,632 9,184,013 461, 239 16, 591 1,234,879 757,049 ____.. 2,848,304 1,007,154 24,857 3,880,315 8,066 25,458 17,190 202 100, 627 526, 698 423, 542 2,529 55,223 373,985 311,714 7,048 135 15 2,115 13, 541,812 2,438, 219 208,936 16,188,967 2,265 658,188 11,859 250,884 5,507 234,781 4,766 218,039 2,893 606,295 6,529 577,240 3,905 493,835 3,348 126,719 950 613, 241 4,262 65, 741 2, 525,299 233,210 1, 534 467, 528 4, 512 812,370 7,855 225 7,817, 629 282 477,974 182, 656 193,890 193,310 529,025 505,172 403, 759 99,011 536, 535 - 2,266, 714 201,697 400,371 680,930 168, 355 62,721 36,125 21,836 70,741 68,163 86,728 26, 758 72,444 192,844 29,979 62,645 123, 585 6,671,044 1,022,924 123,661 5,271 10 500 10 14 24 167 87 92 7,179 183 360 5,183 7,892 6,124 4,881 73,129 7,404 21, 215 6,454 5,418 2,919 88, 256 7,657 16,044 3,065 2,758 1,799 33,732 2,138 4,900 913 772 723 16,121 269 2,576 2,255 8,068 120,645 126,748 48, 392 21, 374 118 4 4,371 1,155 1,705 2 114 60 12,274 209,413 510 889 6,087 7,423 47 9 581 228 503 421 273,137 56,149 159,677 1, 682 13, 389 8,450 342,813 112,005 33, 482 14,360 195,983 65,860 2.644 630 12,025 6,021 7,760 5,808 27,622 10,483 27,376 266 2,663 650 13,745 7,407 21, 244 217,141 512,484 594,707 204,684 69,060 4 . 1 1,422 326 32 5 135 112 58 3,479 313 1,086 Reserves and reUntirement divided Surplus profits account for preferred stock 5,281 394 7 27 20 91 1,600 122 395 Capital stock 3 11,031 42 2,550 150 29 37 50 Income Expenses collect- accrued Other liabilied but and ties not earned unpaid 2,390 ~450~ 93 310 109 1,082 464 293 15 290 483 157 263 597 911 219 239 144 538 493 480 78 854 3,319 110 541 1,234 643 180 74 264 2,937 238 201 47 1,007 1,307 111 261 273 24,480 11, 304 6,700 5,590 17,166 18, 695 18, 210 4,349 14,828 72,828 6,383 13, 007 22,813 19, 741 9,616 5,924 3,728 11, 287 14, 336 12,046 3.427 13,420 57, 074 5, 515 14,951 16, 663 8,138 3, 50S 2,149 1, 507 5,305 4,284 4,269 413 3,960 27,492 2,727 3,635 7,774 3,427 974 937 894 2,970 2, 314 2,917 503 2,198 8,632 829 1,269 2,648 4,606 9,160 7,543 236,353 187, 728 75,161 30,512 OhioIndiana IllinoisMichigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 1,370,292 701,231 4,861.326 1,415,284 556,200 999,095 365, 747 962,537 421, 162, 715, 341, 218, 217, 68, 111, 18,487 8,459 45,291 12,371 5,034 11,293 3,141 9,623 1,809,847 871,945 5,622,141 1,769,448 779,289 1,227,638 437,533 1,083,308 Total Middle Western States 11,231,712 2,255,738 113,699 13,601,149 North Dakota South Dakota NebraskaKansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico—. Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona 21,041 18,285 45,790 39,476 23,488 15,695 80,067 13,230 57,413 1,107 776 3,249 4,611 1,598 668 4,897 2,111 16,564 112,480 502,217 474, 723 140,789 80,286 467,909 96,618 612,604 2,236,958 314,485 35,581 2,587,024 768,131 464,564 142, 3,082,618 1,692, 118,281 30, 134,822 26, 50,422 20, 106,716 19, 1,974 893 12,834 2,175 1,159 2,864 266 945 1,140 414 4,785 881 265 597 56 73,006 24,639 133,287 38,016 26,401 36,396 12, 382 27, 799 47,216 19,201 143.580 27,216 16, 712 28,895 9,860 19, 306 19,257 9,308 40,065 13,045 8,245 14,408 3,987 13,474 12,322 6,008 34,362 6,472 6,890 5,881 2,214 1,895 2,249 i, 595 23,110 8,827 371,926 311,986 121,789 76,044 168 235 432 516 124 20 11 13 122 168 38 139 45 45 143 181 42 79 94 6 211 3,193 3,578 14,440 14,790 4,474 2,522 11, 507 2,125 24,188 2,190 2,344 10,440 9,835 2,602 2,223 10,063 1,792 17,586 943 1,019 3,841 5,553 1,844 1,438 7,009 203 11,481 360 462 3,068 1,118 284 314 2,805 684 3,301 182 846 3,130 646 80,817 59,075 33,331 12,396 159 128 1,865 565 197 5,152 39 67 45 340 1,753 914 9,747 190 233 162 210 506 346 14,473 89 92 645 9 22,112 10,380 134,145 3,610 3,625 1,360 2,425 12,456 12,606 122,375 2,670 2,737 1,155 1,706 3,451 59,959 1,231 1,306 1,100 671 6,026 2,526 33,179 1,152 989 50 148 13,209 16,160 177,657 155,705 56,714 44,070 75,036 258,385 1,499,882 1,435,949 540,071 253,456 18 70 50 70 40 7,540 7,770 124,669 1,109 759 1,073 1,861 614,372 [, 899,806 149,898 161,753 71,640 128,199 4,725, 554 2,119,031 144,781 6,989,366 22 2,152 6,405 Total United States (exclusive of possessions). 41,171,732 8,627,436 669,294 50,468,462 3,516 25,999 30,114 Total Pacific States. Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States- 77,250 93,419 453,178 430,636 115, 703 63,923 382,945 81,277 538,627 239 622 355 2,509 1,543 487 2,487 255 337 158 32 1,742 70 Total possessions Total United States and pos- 22 12 34 46 4 12,558 113,479 1,319 3,552 45,579 1,465 239 2,151 16,349 161,209 2,796 158 3 1 500 13 300 3,350 150 127,356 50,596 2,402 180,354 161 514 3,800 41,299,088 8,678,032 671,696 50,648,816 3,516 26,008 30,118 550 2,125 21 83 354 16 100 1,884 64 453 2,048 75,197 258,899 1,503,682 1,438,645 540,524 255,504 i Excludes reciproca balances with banks in the United States. »Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). 3 See classification on pp. 88 and 89. CO d hd B g a % H O W H O s GQ O N Q O g § f B Sd o § o H OO Ox TABLE NO. 8.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, 00 1942—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New York... New Jersey.. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia ... — - Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia... Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas — — - Commercial and industrial loans (including openmarket paper) Loans secured by agricultural commodities covered di- Other agrectly or indirectly ricultural loans by purchase agreements of Commodity Credit Corporation 14,374 15,318 6,321 361,018 20,767 31, 799 85 77 14,635 449,597 15.056 1,101,845 55,755 324,520 2,362 25,171 22,386 10,399 141 1,911 1,532,039 13,747 52,889 13,651 20,538 24,789 80,114 5i, 588 43,866 4,988 68,150 223,226 1,878 16 2,035 2,945 16,597 466 7,842 1,322 2,242 106,354 Real-estate loans Other loans for the purLoans to pose of purbrokers chasing or Loans to All other and deal- carrying loans banks Secured Secured Secured by resiers in stocks, farm dential by other securities bonds, and byland properties properties other securities 824 973 1,083 9,057 764 7,910 683 546 1,710 703 112 478 6,366 5.259 8, 770 34,525 3,946 21,844 1,620 1,241 1, 225 23,192 830 4,979 13,667 20, 611 4,232 80, 710 33,087 223.763 1,030 3,981 80 934 455 80,573 4,454 32,052 397 4,719 1,405 8,401 3,202 18,296 932 3,436 7 83,649 98,963 170,021 1,837 13,152 15,162 31,026 17,042 51,431 483 2,962 4,182 32,410 230,243 123,600 34,274 382,784 107,126 1,050 1,046 4,354 2,344 3,230 1,475 4,414 57,817 1,114 23 618 412 1,191 1,539 438 70 737 1,660 4,270 1,901 2,869 1,010 5,068 1,002 1,524 679 1, 285 19,136 6,312 1,701 909 433 1.671 1,353 1.672 1,144 1,479 7,523 33, 213 15,632 2,794 2,638 6,536 6,421 6.042 2,396 7,495 16,251 9.072 6,178 1,378 2,420 3,016 5,959 5.073 1,543 5,257 12,626 1,135 655 2,234 1,286 20 1,197 1,296 125 223 13,089 147 Overdrafts 1,414 7,341 6.627 5,969 110,122 14,796 21,695 3 4 95 3 7 1,496 166,550 112 249,116 64,200 152,133 1,316 12,263 12,257 447 25 29 5,949 491,285 645 416 149 48 5 323 132 43,698 18, 268 13, 723 11,905 37,977 20,413 22,643 5.740 26,295 75,303 146 23 8 15 175 10 50 13 684 955 68 173 122 Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee 8,963 40,106 119,249 3,556 634 3, 515 5,630 6,892 7,322 224 945 2,165 557 3,025 4,468 1,477 5,292 3,427 2,181 12,456 8,674 1,880 2,935 5,383 22 180 406 11,797 26,403 39,761 49 53 145 752,117 149,402 104,923 11,136 46,794 34,393 122, 729 62,720 1, 757 353,926 2,326 154,416 50,326 635,376 102,327 60,455 114,648 22,825 102,076 3,746 3,677 13,087 1,773 142 12,187 11,831 15,781 11,427 7,045 28,035 2,398 2,824 15,267 21, 543 21,098 7,487 275 25, 514 3,123 316 904 262 1,779 10,635 1,682 34,991 5,146 1,838 5,542 931 6,565 14.070 5,193 10,816 2,385 2,989 4,877 6,462 3. 525 85,537 38,365 76,920 55,424 27,016 24,843 11,253 28,125 15,520 7, 235 16,730 17,551 5,295 4,283 3,135 6,660 190 8 32 294 76,297 20,258 121,955 46,332 18,581 72,040 14,912 44,108 126 30 493 55 35 113 53 53 1,242,449 62,224 109,637 39,660 67,330 50,317 347,483 76,409 564 414,483 958 3,806 3,720 26,387 24,889 4,157 2,366 25,598 4,720 61,135 17,180 8,058 29,142 38,891 10,030 1,115 10,182 2,161 29,183 3,184 8,361 36,507 25,861 5,298 6,021 23,812 4,363 16,346 499 180 354 2,484 892 186 170 1,777 192 1,221 348 800 3, 580 4,019 263 541 1,481 414 2,943 2,376 3,161 4,636 3,630 1,177 1,443 8,101 3,466 7,703 433 979 2,052 2,090 559 639 2,769 724 2,776 3 3,201 3,988 17,220 12,875 2,532 1,647 9,683 2,332 24,483 21 28 62 63 15 15 20 10 79 156,778 145, 942 129, 753 1,800 7,456 14,389 35,693 13,021 219 77,961 313 104,185 47,613 434,925 5,766 7,730 2,302 7,208 26,485 12,187 7,576 4,020 671 836 223 5,046 12 255 5,762 7,523 5,197 55,221 5,604 2,307 1, 513 6,087 3,906 293 23,700 252 551 214 324 3,170 819 53,103 819 685 233 501 21,274 7,583 543,831 7,732 7,219 6,197 7,553 7,131 3,141 102,911 1,796 2,045 1,432 187 31,472 23,975 164,362 2,840 3,439 1,877 5,070 284 495 1,580 50 41 42 49 609,729 56,701 83,452 6,372 29,240 59,330 601,389 118,643 233,035 2,541 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 4,742,709 443,072 466,702 302,878 295,031 196,935 1,570,788 411,006 10,095 1,737,240 6,895 Àlâskâ The Territory of Hawaii..... " " — — — — — — ' 444 2,816 192 255 62 756 6,000 265 106 984 107 197 4,837 54 7 14 317 7,021 1,197 5,088 21 d w w a 197,252 1,577,809 412,203 10,095 1,742,328 6,916 o Total Southern States . Ohio.— Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri. Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma ... Total Western States Washington Oregon... California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States— Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and possessions . 242 7 342 2 3,452 4,746,161 534 524 1 344 443,072 467,046 7 302,878 295,038 16 24 17 193 1 5 Ì1Ò" 110 U1 d hj hi F M S M H § W m Tj o GG O N O o g § t-> sw o ^ o 00 M TABLE NO. 8.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, 00 00 1942—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Common stock Location Maine New HampshireVermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey..Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia.. Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia... North CarolinaSouth CarolinaGeorgia Florida Alabama.. Mississippi Louisiana. Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee- Total Southern States.. Preferred stock Unimpaired Memorandum Demand deposits Capital stock Par value Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U. S. Government States and political subdivisions Banks in United Banks States for(exclud- ineign ing recounciprocal tries bank balances) Reciprocal bank Individbalances uals, part- U. S. with Govbanks nerships, ernand cor- ment in the United porations States 394 1,987 661 22, 202 4,248 33,363 5 1,604 2,275 179 11,897 100 3,586 150 o o 61, 422 18,187 471, 702 2,295 5, 362,915 1,965,640 85.913 552, 709 237,895 1,953, 721 1,037 15,490 43,070 274, 611 15,387 257,234 205, 278 1,317,346 332,834 101, 922 16,472 33 133,438 516, 290 »,960 326 337 862 24,446 80. 553 240 38, 794 7, 662 1,138 46,166 777, 883 453, 817 959, 328 7,961 94. 449 55, 048 1,000 2,995 650 8,416, 680 2, 348,942 465,469 1,969, 792 340,929 64,484 2, 348, 486 8,746 7,909 2,179 94,913 6, 710 21, 658 7,828 5,915 1,016 310,472 9,849 20,942 10, 373 110, 272 110,279 1, 911,057 331,114 142,115 356,022 14,292 18,634 11,483 36 1,994 750 258,845 37, 515 148,194 1,646 11, 395 7,700 259,536 37,952 148,218 1,646 11, 395 7,700 47,189 465,295 466,447 716 703 163 884 708 165 3.409 1,314 2,538 6,126 699 1,775 4,703 23, 764 10, 601 6,537 4,706 16, 458 18, 530 14,801 3, 035 12, 290 66,702 5,684 11, 232 18,110 23,764 10,601 6,537 4,706 16,458 18, 530 14,801 3,035 12,290 66,702 5,684 11,232 18,110 308,319 127, 778 148,760 134,017 306, 539 307,937 254,306 63, 644 302,851 1,449,087 133, 495 250,687 316,104 23,903 212,450 212,450 4,103,524 259 35 16 315 314 ~2,~2Ì9 2,906 556,519 498,955 1,506,276 5,770 4, 028 5,490 101,1 1,916 950 5,595 1,979 500 969,013 12,290 O 4, 556 ~M)97 390 339 76 285 75 318 102 261 1,150 6,471 895 461 28 105 560 836 14, 234 136 165 153 595 3,439 2,758 X045 350 1,250 50 700 695 750 1,650 550 750 9,024 242 5,785 2,901 15, 812 8.079 6,219 512 10, 671 18,152 2, 253 5,003 17. 235 tel hj O § 16, 318 2,892 4,205 763 275,744 19,979 27,531 W 347 5 109 200 24, 344 74, 551 63, 335 32,970 1,267, 270 136.102 336, 829 M »•3 H O 357 112 316 346 1 855 15, 324 290 410 6,867 5,302 4,305 69,170 7,109 17, 526 I g 73 110 15 107 54 35 24,097 238 6,867 5,302 4,305 69,163 7,109 17, 526 Postal savings States Banks and Banks in forpolitin ical United eign subdi- States countries visions 300 150 700 50 1,095 59, 578 23, 224 35,290 237,482 15,989 100,139 1,025 822 576 3,966 295 3,689 QQ § Time deposits 2,136 31,003 8,482 w o 2,550 s w o o s w H O Ni 11,361 3,901 0,354 12,023 1,069 1,853 709 1,783 61,645 20,738 127,933 25,993 25,332 34,543 11,673 26,016 61,645 20,738 127,933 25,993 25,332 34,543 11,673 26,016 1,042,762 479,447 2,899,361 1,011,147 398,336 552,065 196,418 531,543 Total Middle Western States. 38,053 7,111,079 1,119,632 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri North Dakota.. South DakotaNebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico. Oklahoma 86,956 176,460 1,467 69,553 96,491 47 222,848 1,064,925 11,301 1,302 153,501 93,525 95,889 189 38,254 252,458 1,080 93,010 106,690 38,775 355,349 """369" 40,562 11,925 3,028 25, 782 3,238 4, 728 10,600 1,592 20,999 683,483 2,301,763 81,892 2,192,126 333,873 333,873 . 203 319 632 877 114 241 556 243 1,006 2,990 3,259 13,808 13,913 4,360 2,281 10,951 1,882 23,182 2,990 3,259 13,808 13,913 4,360 2,281 10,951 1,882 23,182 60,858 62,203 270,235 273,036 86,605 43,844 279,847 55,393 337,672 4,814 8,355 25,348 32,174 5,547 1,644 10,625 5,478 33,923 3,503 15,322 29,878 62,466 11,947 8,581 16,613 13,640 65,056 8,075 7,539 127,717 62,960 11,604 9,854 75,822 6,766 101,976 . 4,191 76,626 76,626 1,469,693 127,908 227,006 412,313 38 1,651 112 19,308 370 82 20,461 10,268 114,837 3,240 3,543 1,360 1,725 591,823 338,966 2,430,693 93,600 77,171 40,844 84,296 33,591 32,187 175,661 4,784 9,661 351 5,479 65,830 61,054 217,805 16,002 15,066 7,836 13,760 75,663 32,119 248,269 3,895 32,924 1,391 2,796 1,224 238 10,190 700 20,461 10,268 114,837 3,240 3,543 1,360 1,725 . 22,223 155,434 155,434 3,657,393 261,714 397,353 397,057 15,755 400,137 154,780 697,522 335, 757 216,679 210,865 67, 703 108,683 825 845 1,000 339 406 220 55 112 273 62 152 16,084 49 15,044 4,152 494 2,212 34 1,285 4,508 5,775 43 729 770 3,075 1 28 7,710 1,619 39,354 14,929 103 3Ì0. 44 77 444 564 204 38 H 105 300 100 300 27 2 55 121 29 23 16 12 237 H § 1,619 27 234 5 225 2,864 6 2,372 1,245 2,695 1,100 W S £ 78 294 2,858 6,247 119 66 3,557 544 11,080 20,873 17,948 45,439 38,424 23,010 14,778 76,683 13,112 52,885 24,843 303,152 1,675 522 3,365 5,771 500 300 5,000 100 385 13,014 186,696 5,049 136,716 39,286 1,555,761 30,242 263 26,069 1,449 19,718 386 19,472 92 45 50 19 4,733 436 125,895 46 25 27 26 99 736 270 3,927 120 78 300 25 12,037 59,539 1,974,674 6,000 597 130,804 5,456 1,500 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 145,932 1,353,950 1,355,109 26,669,426 4,745,829 2,414,381 6,943,223 398,873 348,964 8,259,153 35,565 7,247 267,935 53,486 4,050 3,497 43,544 50 Total Western States.. WashingtonOregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Al^skà The Territory of Hawaii."-"ZIIIIII Virgin Islands of the United States 62,647 55,693 662,891 155,809 23,532 100,482 23,864 34,714 Total possessions Total United States and 300 3,350 300 3,350 9,734 50,717 2,134 49,299 643 11,629 47 1,834 115 35 35 814 232 271 2 115 3,685 3,685 61,265 51,665 12,543 1,883 38 146,047 1,357,635 1,358,794 26,730,691 4,797,494 2,426,924 6,945,106 398,873 342 25 225 620 100 5 1,821 48,366 50 349,306 8,307,519 35,615 tì 2 S 1,500 GQ O a o ¡3 § »g 214 121 18 1 O ^ 335 18 1 O 9,073 268,270 53,504 4,051 sa M m o «i 1,325 342 W 1,826 00 ç© TABLE NO. 9.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, ASSETS 1943 CD O [In thousands of dollars] w d •d E B H H3 § W Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut hj O W H CO o o 0 ÉS New York New Jersey .. Pennsylvania. DelawareMaryland. District of Columbia Virginia. West Virginia North Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia Florida.. Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States §1 F a w o o d W § o K| Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin.. MinnesotaIowa Missouri... Total Middle Western States North DakotaSouth Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States. WashingtonOregon California.... Idaho. TJtah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States.... Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 405,883 1,178,632 241 557,038 144,405 12£ 345 1,102,266 3,691,995 263,775 1,284,519 75 627,146 97 109,582 185 817, 527 237,912 101 245,233 79,863 82 595,333 238,830 53,519 47,547 87,077 64,627 34.219 30,627 11,920 22,449 113, 759 52,06C 167,421 45, 267 21,086 37,199 41,726 29,165 48,4101 4,791 30,669> 1,4931 112,002: 22,008I 64,750• 2,4031 23,718 1,672! 24,614 2,2261 9,739 7091 19,442 7,919' 1,251 2,582,516 8,997,423 351,985 507,683 333, 344 1,295 8; 848i 165 15 4,615 1,298 326 112Ì 3,015 1,602! 17 1,971 13,006. 3,645 1,876. 35! 47 3,178 18 601 367 1,728 2,167 8,570 2,567 28,651 89 951 6691 6,843 903 1,197 155 155 550 2,486,227 1,189,449 6,843,392 2,300,049 1,099,756 1,548,442 548,889 1,316,616 11,423 17,332,820 19,537 22,780 94,275 82,764 20,100 14,287 74,512 18,225 141,507 74,351 73, 781 314,170 291,236 92,254 41,385 290,500 55,445 310,870 2,440 3,334 5,904 17, 399 2,280 1,228 12,291 1,521 12,873 2,182 5,132 28,581 18,480 3,180 2,798 8, 470 3,507 56, 576 1,470 746 9,462 6,912 2,404 1,001 11,062 1,338 4,991 167 187 814 777 217 144 736 121 1,389 1,655 2,080 5,496 7,158 2,439 2,403 7,450 2,519 10,092 33,938 32,824 208,266 221,119 53,621 40,264 207,135 44,632 290,566 1,375 1,446 4,667 4,578 1,838 747 2,618 668 7,442 19 37 6 4 70 68 26 1,845 36 247 327 965 482 284 53 541 8 738 750 487,987 1,543,992 59,270 128,906 39,386 4,552 41,292 1,132,365 25,379 230 2,006 130 3,645 2,462 3,471,602 41 201,222 753,653 25 98,685 521,454 93 1,335,187 3,432,191 16 27,484 111, 897 12 28,480 98,185 6 13,303 52,592 5 36,325 78,829 6,994 6,068 143,312 7,082 7,429 1,834 13,546 42,196 20,809 281,370 3,673 5, 337 3,392 684 7,269 4,059 80,119 585 1,740 344 1,154 1,622 '799 8,765 203 213 76 124 21,675 316,357 13,154 188,980 65,086 1,412,129 4,202 55,628 2,745 54,870 .1,819 18,492 4,620 41,804 7,436 6,518 51,667 1,364 1,537 821 1,282 31 26 3,542 1 21 5 113 2 44 30 1,247 2,473 2,212 13,503 21 6 289 489 149 1,361,123 863,569 775 5,394 6,858,627 212,414 274 201,466 13 93,046 78 179,218 204 198 1,740,686 5,048,801 186,265 357,461 95,270 11,802 113,301 2,088,260 70,625 3,739 26,052 18,993 6,887 9,769,463 5,040 10,116,273 32,450,770 1,614,001 1,928,627 1,239,869 149,061 790,411 15,226,619 545,472 33,989 47,275 26,070 101,257 56,818 64,326,512 1 Total possessions 6 43,221 202,446 4,159,826 100,998 3561 591 345i 72! 121 7 11 1,305 42 36 129 177 41 26 77 22 200 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United ~ ites Total United States and possessions 37,359' 610,746i 27,399» 24,0001 320,3791 9,503! 66,905 1,541,418: 29,287 31,153 528,662! 10,108ì 9,672! 11,852: 257,674 7,296» 12,388 370,651 3,689' 7,702 146,225 4,044 11,087 384,071 4 1 9,234 90,377 4 12,295 563 1,870 17,259 101,481 4 12,303 25,115 890 1 44 137,537 142,760 673,440 651,707 178,639 104,341 615,782 128,062 839,334 372 3,100 109 345 1,063 10 1 117 18 3 4,103 4,560 3, 581 17,558 46,076 1,998 1 137 407 44 205,405 5,046:10,133,532!32,552,251 :1,626,304:1,933,187 1,243,450 149,061 807,969 15,272,695 547,470 33,990 i Excludes reciprocal demand balances with banks in the United States. 2,673 14,540 147 1,841 1,321 86 123 816 611 9 27 397 10 383 136 4,424 1,428 15,268 10,476 34,537 154 7 5 20 47,275 389 26,207 101,664 6 35 24,476 176,826 56,862i64,531,917 CO Cj *V S g m % H H O W fef O w H m O o o g § tr» g W o o s Sd fei o H CD TABLE NO. 9.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, 1943—Continued CD to LIABILITIES 03 [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire— Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States - AcceptBills pay- Mortgages ances exeable, redisor other cuted by or counts, and liens on other lia- bank prem- for account bilities for ises and of reporting banks and borrowed on other money real estate outstanding Demand deposits 1 Time deposits Total deposits1 121,775 105,275 45,963 2,313,153 196,352 564, 506 66,680 27,335 39,679 288,757 15,227 120, 306 188,455 132,610 85,642 2,601,910 211, 579 684,812 4,035 557,984 3,347,024 100 5,249 48 30 3,905,008 4,135 9,846, 542 946,053 3, 291, 298 16, 693 532,717 375,569 930,303 10,776,845 545,808 1,491,861 1,083,969 4, 375, 267 8,556 25, 249 113,606 646,323 62,051 437,620 2,045 230 125 275 380 14 15,008,872 2,744,293 17,753,165 3,055 24 577,155 233,603 240, 536 234,257 649,062 698,054 491,897 117,941 615,790 2,877,695 239,210 481, 548 790,221 183,797 71, 533 41.981 26; 436 86,806 93,782 100,249 27,114 89,402 222,269 32,285 69,312 145,667 760,952 305,136 282, 517 260,693 735,868 791,836 592,146 145,055 705,192 3,099,964 271,495 550,860 935,888 240 100 8,246,969 1,190,633 9,437,602 440 10 34 12 121 1,086 86 348 184 81 85 5,904 501 1,390 Other liabilities Capital stock 2 Surplus 194 106 75 7,415 135 357 7,621 6,052 4,712 72,962 6,904 20,994 6,979 5,787 3,122 99,099 7,589 16,692 Reserves and reUntirement divided account profits for preferred stock 3,149 2,769 1,865 28,073 2,359 5,387 798 946 800 15,105 ?52 2,750 •d B K M ^ O W a* o 3 5,327 1,687 8,145 8,282 119,245 139,268 43,602 20,551 GO 14,351 40 2,872 3,260 844 1,396 1 92 45 24,885 1,401 8,959 1 1,944 573 190,103 605 4,191 53 594 300 271,865 54,542 157,807 1,478 13,287 8,300 418,287 37,046 205,553 2,226 14,735 8,140 106, 698 15,986 69,760 522 5,162 6,146 23,283 11,756 27,093 200 2,070 656 O 17,421 5,638 37,763 195,846 507,279 685,987 204,274 65,058 18 250 416 90 297 88 826 341 300 4 247 386 139 203 532 1,230 217 266 404 821 1,117 708 114 1,217 4,272 101 958 1,606 595 119 92 154 484 290 272 53 1,160 1,168 115 355 289 24,538 11, 281 6,700 5,590 16,960 19,305 17,706 4,049 14,817 74,012 6,483 12,967 22,425 21,629 10,474 6,768 4,158 12,610 17,568 12,904 3,616 13,751 62,372 5,859 15,539 19,239 8,759 3,547 2,093 1,775 5,009 4,581 5,228 370 5,022 28,295 3,106 4,457 7,520 3,638 1,106 1,022 1,161 3,170 2,562 3,090 495 2,533 10,870 869 1,386 3,020 3,775 3,869 13,031 5,146 236,833 206,487 79,762 34,922 158 150 134 29 513 2,167 514 100 InExcome penses collected accrued and but not earned unpaid Q O ä §3ti g W o o d w w H o Mi Ohio. Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri _• . 1,801,537 917,912 5, 569,847 1,765,888 772,358 1,195,157 437,176 1,119,929 Total Middle Western S t a t e s - 13, 579,804 North Dakota. South Dakota. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States.. Washington. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States 520,900 204,726 863,893 437,368 261,657 254,866 80,524 127,823 2,322,437 1,122,638 6,433, 740 2,203,256 1,034,015 1,450,023 517,700 1,247, 752 500 2,751,757 16, 331, 561 500 Total possessions Total United States and pos- 35 47 18 367 551 303 2,251 1,197 383 1,727 171 292 2,843 1,274 18, 524 3,816 1,494 3,684 442 1,371 1,194 376 6,532 901 261 434 75 535 72,903 25,639 165,237 37,918 26,468 36,481 12, 778 27,779 52,681 22,431 149,029 28, 790 20, 776 34,612 11,066 21,891 20,673 12,365 32,114 16,283 9,044 14,287 4,474 13,748 12,833 4,406 33,843 7,888 6,780 7,147 2,165 2,881 2,718 6,875 33,448 10,308 405,203 341,276 122,988 77,943 89 212 311 632 808 183 38 880 36 27 28 89 130 24 44 67 5 197 1,162 7 31 132 140 11 40 67 13 231 3,196 3,653 14,835 14,944 4,469 2,522 11, 327 2,125 24,128 2,497 2,643 11, 749 11,125 2,954 2,349 10,955 2,011 19,475 1,161 1,173 4,606 5,772 1,931 1,544 7,622 206 12,759 440 535 3,266 1,456 322 351 2,876 826 3,751 130 611 4,226 672 81,199 65,758 36,774 13,823 8 388 143 4,355 16 33 29 231 2,680 1,814 15,881 302 403 169 411 873 881 10,686 53 48 1,120 25 21,953 11,855 132,828 4,010 3,525 1,360 2,425 14,609 14,800 140,156 2,811 2,954 1,174 1,716 10,731 5,686 31,802 1,475 1,704 1,547 826 6^507 2,899 40, 347 869 998 50 215 8 Ul 177,956 178,220 53, 771 51,885 1, 527,715 1,616, 996 541,171 264,182 104,002 113,140 582,234 574,107 142,983 80, 328 486,278 107,247 719,373 25,906 21,209 55,867 43,225 25,762 17,125 95,710 15,629 58,222 129,908 134,349 638,101 617,332 168, 745 97,453 581,988 122,876 777,595 2,909,692 358,655 3,268,347 1,047,720 634,932 4,416,441 163,221 155,104 64,160 147,283 255,609 190,529 2,064,109 39,657 36,697 23,437 26,086 1,303, 329 825,461 6,480,550 202,878 191, 801 87, 597 173, 369 53~ 30 2,022 6,628,861 2,636,124 9,264,985 2,105 5,195 21,660 13,686 31,476 23,875 118, 273 233,940 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 49, 721, 222 10,239,446 59,960,668 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States 112 17 2,122 25 25 8,155 37 37 61 5 18,594 105,461 2,227 4,759 62,989 1,483 23^353~ 168,450 3,710 20 146 5 1 195 1 15~ 122 9 30(T 3,350 150 550~ 2,200 23 123~ 285 16 135 2,199 47 126, 282 69,231 195,513 166 6 196 146 3,800 2,773 424 2,381 31,642 23,881 118,469 234,086 1,531,515 1,619,769 541,595 266,563 49,847,504 10,308,677 60,156,181 1 Excludes reciprocal balances with banks in the United States. 2 See classification on pp. 96 and 97. 8,155 61 n OQ K M W tei o o o K 3 g B o O CI w w tei o K to CC TABLE NO. 7.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, CD 1941—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New York. New Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland. District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia. North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama... Mississippi. Louisiana... Texas Arkansas. Kentucky... Tennessee Total Southern States Loans secured Commer- by agricultural commodities cial and Loans to industrial covered directly or indirectly Other agri- brokers and loans (incultural by purchase cluding dealers in loans agreements of opensecurities Commodity market Credit Corpopaper) ration Other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying stocks, bonds, and other securities Real-estate loans Secured by farm land Secured by Secured by residential other propproperties erties Loans to banks 1,079 652 2,563 1,273 27 1,119 43 224 35 22,544 288 160 944 902 12,697 664 5,764 473 578 1,876 608 124 464 4,988 4,845 8,827 31,090 3,383 20,104 1,794 1,238 1,179 21,535 598 4,375 34,856 6,713 23,294 21,955 4,123 73,237 30,719 1,059,435 48,339 304,178 1,680 23,583 19,129 9,758 23 1,290 1 378 250 13,908 2,775 11,215 365 1,274 5 318,371 1, 527 11,715 40 2,954 521 96,079 6,937 27,695 159 14,533 1,671 7,384 2,955 16,642 835 3,344 24 81,830 93,191 157,383 1,463 11,714 14,342 28,112 14,512 45,316 342 2,808 4,425 1,456,344 11,700 29,542 147,074 31,184 359,923 95,515 15,280 45,613 9,325 18, 658 20,615 74,008 52,097 39,672 3,710 66,756 223,197 7,573 36,412 99,440 2,445 11 2,588 7,008 31,219 627 13,681 2,443 5,286 132,721 8,846 749 8,858 7,257 825 1,083 1,243 2,792 2,715 3,673 1,127 4,200 58,649 3,782 6,991 7,100 832 407 1,733 2,396 1,089 401 3,584 3,700 541 845 3,131 4,728 2,175 3,800 1,108 14,428 13,914 2,044 756 4,033 41,130 1,220 5,189 9,523 6, 518 1,626 774 454 1,273 879 1,566 987 1,465 7,961 1,368 4,816 3,269 31,794 14,252 2,846 2,502 5,579 6,321 8,169 1,936 6,829 16,181 2,027 10,244 7,482 8,537 5,447 1,142 2,156 2,550 5,923 7,229 1,107 3,919 12,469 1,558 2,654 4,598 827 100 5 1,000 167 12 410 156 697,076 216,482 101,437 19,822 104,048 32,956 116,162 59,289 2,946 9,150 12,605 4,413 326,188 16, Oil 29,282 34,411 397,649 381 64 60 1,517 30 1,607 11,232 " 4, 048 191 78 All other loans, including overdrafts Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan... <» Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. g Iowa.. S Missouri... Total Middle Western StatesNorth DakotaSouth DakotaNebraska Kansas. Montana Wyoming Colorado. New M e x i c o Oklahoma Total Western StatesWashington. Oregon California Idaho. Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska. The Territory of Hawaii. Virgin Islands of the United States- Total possessions Total United States and possessions.. 110 78,608 20.146 95,484 35, 712 15, 749 54,776 11,258 44, 360 4,889 356,093 98 4 762 155,526 54, 360 728,243 131,167 54,790 112,562 26,133 115,956 1,108 2,285 5,980 414 235 3, 756 2,024 4,326 9,132 5, 505 26,354 2,348 3,166 14,818 19,245 19,238 23,561 303 86,922 5,729 178 2,962 401 3,137 25,934 9,310 54,784 6,270 2,808 6,930 1,974 10,666 13,497 5,229 10, 591 2,217 2,546 4,430 5,670 4,586 85,102 41,424 78,092 64,275 24,871 30, 672 10, 607 31,099 13,317 5,839 15,054 15,643 5,229 3,101 2,551 5,352 1,378, 737 20,128 99,806 123,193 118,676 48, 766 366,142 66,086 3,100 3,395 23,833 25,291 4,364 1,681 23.610 3,937 66,132 7,645 2,705 7,197 10, 725 6,525 1, 363 5,591 2,204 17,409 3, 295 9,098 33,024 22,599 5,803 5,747 22,813 4,984 18,419 613 231 526 5,641 1,566 157 322 1,346 429 1,526 312 692 2,760 3,513 315 523 1,505 480 3,007 2,080 3,070 4,617 4,070 1,039 2,819 8, 354 3,766 14,340 385 844 2,114 830 240 565 2,299 623 1,661 155,343 61, 364 125, 782 2,800 11, 744 13,107 44,155 9, 561 114, 725 50,706 476,256 6,927 8,212 2.214 10,053 14, 308 8,068 16, 440 1,973 1,623 1,489 773 10,611 4 193 6,381 8,203 5,640 56,901 5,789 2,882 1,889 7, 566 5,259 1,141 19,254 137 2,275 286 296 3,559 739 37,415 594 524 250 258 21, 762 6, 548 524,059 8,079 7,989 5, 654 7,392 6,035 2,136 76, 039 1,228 1, 568 1,212 121 25, 882 22,934 118,212 2,753 3, 214 1, 798 4,258 669, 093 48, 793 88,870 13,070 28,648 43,339 581, 483 88,339 179,051 4,754,242 393,323 452,150 517,307 432,145 173,475 1, 541,102 349, 509 238 57 610 4,877 205 1 295 432,146 173,770 488 3,868 148 591 4 4,504 595 4,758,746 393,323 452,745 188 1,433 566 1 _ 517,307 10 3,905 10 71 1 82 2,489 2,450 14,891 12,666 1,657 1,267 8,428 1,802 18,399 64,049 W 0 g g H H H O W H HJ O S QQ O O O g 1,478, 216 §tr" 73 580 102 256 5,114 47 O 5,692 755 5,417 1,546, 794 350,264 24,804 ~ 24,804 1,483,633 W tì O Hi co Ol TABLE NO. 9.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, CO Oi 1948—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Common stock Location Preferred stock 649 737 493 3, 577 2D! 3,448 3VT assachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Mar viand District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee - - Total Southern States . .. Unimpaired 6,972 5,315 4, 219 69, 385 6, 703 17,546 IndividU.S. uals, partnerships, Government and corPar value porations 6,972 5,315 4,219 69, 387 6, 703 17, 540 94,589 77,515 39, 739 1, 530.829 147,885 440, 482 9,246 9,835 1,097 339,050 31,010 08, 741 400, 779 Banks in United Banks CertiStates States fied and in and (excludpolitical ing recip- foreign cashiers' coun- checks, subdivirocal tries sions bank etc.1 balances) 8,486 9,006 2, 570 100,880 6, 283 20, 328 7,700 6,523 1,037 290,812 9,058 23, 721 147,553 344,851 GQ d Time deposits Demand deposits Capital stock 9 16, 302 286 IndividS. uals, part- U. nerships, Governand corporations ment •d hd States Banks Banks and in in Postal political foreign United subsavings counStates divitries sions 322 166 302 239 11 348 1,745 2,396 920 22,080 1,230 11, 234 66,272 26,453 39,217 286,933 14,850 118,087 59 309 156 1,368 127 1,838 16 59 4 102 50 35 40,205 266 1, 375 674 661 13,170 3, 567 37,506 6 902 1,689 58 6,283 346 9,105 110,140 110,142 2, 337,039 551,812 3,857 259, 281 38,455 148,453 1,444 11,395 7,700 259,838 38,472 148,453 1,444 11,395 7,700 6,205. 357 1,404,001 111,595 693, 079 328,818 2,345,882 98S 14,930 82,892 341,457 41,408 290,172 242,100 1,213,791 358, 681 301,940 908, 616 104, 272 10,942 537,080 13 19, 552 97,953 472,001 6,911 39,073 1,038,399 215 102 452 8,550 2,401 194 23,889 81,884 107,627 0,440 73 37,097 373 61,951 4,278 4.497 1,120 1,722 19 25 40. 551 466, 728 467, 302 9,951,483 2,030, 302 408, 455 1,822,227 300,172 370, 233 2,662,829 11,617 705 55,151 11,441 876 354 37 120 243 1,640 410 857 150 55 4,049 8,791 91,784 21,980 19,825 16,707 137, 579 117, 512 51,395 14, 619 140, 227 503, 711 41,973 100,191 240, 237 438 412 132 884 669 150 3,104 1,089 2,524 5, 725 535 1,112 4,178 24,100 10,869 6, 568 4,706 16,291 19,155 14, 602 2,960 12, 293 68,287 5,948 11,855 18,247 24,100 10,869 6, 568 4,706 16,291 19,155 14,602 2,960 12, 293 68, 287 5,948 11,855 18, 247 302,840 103, 280 181,026 105, 229 379,189 438.082 320, 780 71,992 308, 575 1,910, 289 150,616 322,107 403,372 73, 788 22, U19 17, 276 18, 382 82.099 67,421 52,163 10,405 52,924 238, 246 16,831 38,962 80,040 33, 504 20,620 10,833 30,912 40,879 65,084 50,091 20,123 39, 587 140, 748 22,021 10, 325 57,427 20,952 215,881 215,881 5, 250,055 771,156 500,154 1,503, 740 16, 597 172,077 70,463 40,112 25, 256 84, 703 81,972 97,861 24,348 85, 620 199,558 31, 565 66,892 137,394 6,670 409 1,464 699 1,730 4,740 1,468 2,745 1,517 5,818 453 1,942 3,268 20 70 5 7 73 54 10 19 52 520 21 17 58 4,154 237 363 354 57 5,376 500 2 2,213 15, 516 96 406 898 8, 566 153, 298 1,117.821 32,923 926 30,172 24 1,039 230 3,152 4,121 15,233 5,098 4,970 3,027 8,692 8,916 5,232 802 5,325 80,580 1,769 3,903 9,145 H3 O W tel hd O W H os O 115 200 12,584 16,087 9,354 34 1,892 600 E g « H 2,550 O o g 3, 336 75 2,550 §t" 1 s » o tel o d w w tel teS o H 477,739 198,129 840,684 432, 782 260, 516 251, 277 78, 700 122, 792 105 2,258 3,472 1,106 50 907 1,749 3,648 272 315 205 40 80 154 50 142 39,754 25 19, 532 2,833 457 1,814 24 1,223 3,030 3,999 18, 444 156, 778 2,662,619 13, 295 1, 258 65,662 8,923 1,067 816 3,984 4, 969 1,798 920 4,696 1,424 19,724 25. 761 20. 854 55, 574 41, 912 25, 592 16, 261 92, 519 15, 509 53, 215 2 25 227 1,034 27 117 300 102 1, 355 10 2 25 49 15 22 5 12 149 78 328 33 59 123 499 144 55 Ï, 16Ì 8 171 5 226 2,742 6 2,342 39, 398 347,197 3,189 289 2,425 5, 555 80,279 32, 322 211, 232 5,537 30,568 1,304 2,298 1,309 13, 680 250, 609 329 15, 719 184, 334 12,126 131,199 1,959,749 1,629 38,078 1, 332 34,832 1, 299 23, 259 2,733 419 25,954 4,191 1,648 19, 716 1,462 1,795 151 19 15 376 12 20 105 4, 332 80, 243 685 200 2,525 105 50 363, 540 14,183 167, 591 2, 516,815 28,963 Total United States (exclu127,492 1,400,223 1,400,804 33,184, 313 5,814,818 2,678,747 6,691,842 423, 999 927, 503 9,859,093 sive of possessions) 93,844 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan. _ WisconsinMinnesota. Iowa Missouri. __ Total Middle Western States. North DakotaSouth DakotaNebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States. WashingtonOregon California Idaho Utah.. Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States. Total possessions Total United States possessions. __ 1 and 10,126 3,430 3,154 11, 739 957 1,732 588 1,609 62, 777 22, 209 162, 083 26,179 25, 511 34,749 12,190 26,170 62,777 22,209 162, 083 26,179 25, 511 34, 749 12,190 26,175 1,311,127 619, 605 3,603, 738 1, 278, 886 506, 050 694, 075 247, !47 604, 016 33, 335 371,868 371,873 8,864, 644 1,621, 642 105 298 356 604 104 236 321 236 885 3, 091 3, 355 14,479 14, 340 4, 365 2,286 11,006 1,889 23, 243 3,091 3, 355 14, 479 14,340 4,365 2,286 11,006 1,889 23, 243 83, 590 79, 440 353. 509 362,656 104, 271 55, 597 358,098 73, 652 437,714 6, 227 10, 516 43,519 52,401 8,941 4,268 33,917 6,805 64,715 3, 493 14, 911 31, 776 72,817 15, 275 10, 465 17, 321 17, 389 80, 449 9,625 7. 457 149,446 81. 264 12, 698 9,078 72, 209 7,977 116,771 3,145 78,054 78,054 1,908, 527 231, 309 263, 896 466, 525 1, 217 52 18,144 255 36 700 20,736 11,803 114,684 3,755 3,489 1, 360 1,725 20, 736 11,803 114, 684 3,755 3,489 1,360 1, 725 764, 691 440,871 3, 282, 208 128, 275 98, 692 47, 579 110,249 117, 383 79, 314 461, 646 11,811 9,156 5,487 14,833 70, 378 66, 377 318,030 15, 969 15, 356 8.491 16, 751 20,404 157, 552 157, 552 4,872, 565 699,630 511,352 183, 958 103, 261 724, 924 229, 969 108,806 140, 711 39,496 90, 517 96,176 81, 343 226, 353 94, 884 47. 958 89, 993 46. 249 44, 381 180, 372 96, 787 949, 480 142,130 98, 600 253.115 100, 520 369, 955 727, 337 2,190, 959 1,000 91 13,138 1, 565 203 2,166 281 37 37 28,904 16,825 52, 214 18, 454 10, 741 15,097 3; 764 10,779 . hj hj F m g M H H O fcd m TJ o 1,500 o 84, 798 3, 580 1,500 3,912 239, 583 38,964 4,050 110 56 26 3 166 26 3 5,782 239,749 38,990 4,053 14, 737 54,765 1,022 2,815 33, 675 194 695 14,465 998 39 1,209 1 308 1,347 12 4,754 61,014 1,398 5 1,865 112 3,688 3,688 70, 524 36, 684 16,158 1,249 1,667 67,166 1,870 w H GG O ^ O 468 300 3, 350 38 Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to Federal Reserve banks (transit account). d 27 91 300 3,350 38 93,844 CD 26 112 127,604 1,403, 911 1,404,492 33,254,837 5,851, 502 2, 694, 905 6, 693,091 423,999 929,170 9,926, 259 607 554 714 1 18 15 §F E Sd o ^ o d fd Sd M o K} CO TABLE NO. 1 0 . — . and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1941 1 CD 00 ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States.. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana _ Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois... Loans and discounts Number (including of banks rediscounts and overdrafts) 31 12 33 72 14 75 Investments 47,066 9,485 37,891 253,248 79,047 15u, 000 37,882 7,655 22,666 288,415 129,272 151,000 576,737 636,890 Banks Balances premises owned, Currency with furniture other and coin and fixbanks 2 tures 4,717 379 1,278 19,242 7,127 16,744 27,056 2,780 7,482 187,124 53,307 140,653 49,487 1,814 229 1,455 12, 708 11,483 11, 539 Investments Real and other estate assets inowned directly other representing than bank prembank or other premises ises real estate 2,053 457 2,089 4,754 821 3,370 285 6 87 2,273 4, 040 176 Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected 77 87 811 4 41 1,031 624 142 Other assets Total assets 595 39 191 921 232 393 121,545 21,030 73,180 769,803 287,364 474,021 2,371 1,746,943 418,402 39,228 13,544 7,467 902 1,915 296 134 375 28 112 13 3, 273, 708 6, 308,638 511,433 346,478 753,432 1,103, 557 105, 579 65,003 164, 370 136,406 63,638 75,883 124,091 4,868,753 33,964 286,318 57,872 709,415 3.715 80, 668 12,4G4 159,004 5,619 68,850 164,116 32,870 63, 761 2,190 8,543 8, 511 37,826 20,293 66,122 954 1,269 1,832 22, 561 1,394 11, 704 663 202 2,133 27,868 466 213 32,581 3,105 4, 624 318 823 370 21,468 14,881,610 2,753 1, 239,074 10,560 2, 781,260 78 259,168 2,740 485,870 226 227,062 958 4, 650,910 8,257, 215 237, 725 6,173,008 279,991 128,296 38,657 28, 596 41,821 37,825 19,874,044 110,325 59, 551 216,310 34,822 100,168 56,662 69, 755 77, 633 99,051 113,181 67,035 114,355 95, 332 7,799 3,431 6,461 647 5,010 2,276 1, 727 2,854 2,622 4,294 1,247 4,727 4,465 1,346 2,280 1,070 334 3,070 635 1,258 747 703 858 278 2,222 1,848 1,060 1,025 19 17 366 385 25 3,440 26 55 2 106 300 1(X,, 682 1,214,180 47,560 16, 649 29,096 8,694 11,986 9,385 3,839 2,371 237 78,776 ' 44,178 172,200 19,159 39,353 36, 493 32,494 54, 511 62, 593 66, 717 28,114 68, 540 41, 779 184 103 184 128 239 120 152 182 117 391 167 309 227 169,795 71,312 177,202 21,508 115,349 44,177 46,647 59,535 60,448 109,289 36,503 127,594 86,737 2,503 1,126,096 744,907 437 361 492 607,147 193,761 364,373 662, 744 176, 301 642,634 9,714 6,389 16,148 3,884 7,924 6, 723 4.930 7.931 8,936 9,240 3,272 7,979 7,612 49,857 18,074 28,094 536, 266 181,115 542,653 49 8 176 319 125 1,235 12 248 81 143 87 130 54 18 170 89 851 559 1.385 268 736 782 371 772 2,079 910 400 6.386 764 379,985 188,850 593,446 80,634 271,930 148,197 157,710 204,095 240.002 304,569 136,867 332,087 239,102 6,769 1,657 2,711 16,263 3,277,474 1,821 502 987 167 2,426 222 2,690 4,916 504 2,845 1,903,825 583,012 1,598,850 1,416 217 Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa. Missouri _ — 362 466 490 644 533 - Total Middle Western States. . . North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana. Wyoming _ . _ Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma . Total Western States Washington Oregon _ California Idaho - - Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) 8 The territory of Hawaii • Philippines 3 Puerto Rico American Samoa 6 . Total possessions Total United States and possessions . 3,685 314,123 212,908 128,344 262, 534 381,978 343,792 184,522 73,177 112,134 376,308 2,465,168 2,571,612 31,682 13,941 6,288 20,873 16,958 316,841 157,301 72,983 186,358 398,018 14,925 7.997 3,339 4,978 11, 730 1,219 2,313 630 895 3, 594 1,359 1,587 16 894 901 185,767 2,391,535 92,745 24,246 8,067 251 927 109 240 48 956 1,368 1,361 344 244 1,719 1,026,263 582,039 285,361 588,958 1,192,413 662 7,618 13,301 7,760,721 41 13 8 3 143 4 30 79 96 676 9 5 83 8 40 53,603 60,337 99,041 243,340 92,690 27,262 79,627 19,809 81,997 27 115 125 285 475 71 32 66 20 183 33,337 29,044 47,444 110.250 33,192 10,302 26,399 6,180 31,682 7,714 11,421 18,231 52,006 25, 772 3,692 15,802 3,403 20,048 1,090 1,314 1,818 4,341 1,955 636 2,194 700 1,972 10,502 17,467 30,284 72,390 30,609 12,263 34,115 9,317 27.631 623 783 1,069 2,888 883 349 841 186 609 262 206 90 423 124 15 114 14 11 4 10 1 363 3 1,372 327,830 158,089 16,020 244,578 8,231 1,259 382 291 1,026 757,706 92 46 ^124 31 ' 47 6 7 36,335 12,620 667,712 10,943 46,977 1,786 11,509 21,703 13,845 633,926 7,659 28,645 1,250 11,736 2.596 1,199 22,350 786 1,925 193 1,321 28,017 12,901 352,420 9,784 42,691 1,174 10,421 1,119 338 23,777 302 797 61 293 100 104 10,848 24 76 6 297 17 5 151 4 243 37 31 1,579 6 23 318 46 1,484 43 248 2 112 90.242 41,089 1,717,221 29,545 121,602 4,478 35,713 353 787,882 718,764 30,370 457,408 26,687 11,455 421 2,974 1,676 % 253 2,039,890 620,051 10,899,111 494,442 195,449 61,763 34,791 56,032 — 9,108 9,934,623 13,087,477 B g a H § w tel hj o w H GG O ^ O O §3 130 497 139" 14,136 242 13,827 40,154 1 18^087 18,075 97,213 215,440 109,094 599 250 627 335 68,499 458,508 s 62,013 35,418 56,367 141, 538 35,915,286 >*i o 34,991 16,275 7,908 194 1,603 1,586 9,948 25,681 9,442 126 6,390 429 19,448 36,218 7,753 205 261 70 1,991 2.719 1,112 700 2,965 537 250 54 195,570 63,972 48, 386 70,443 6,153 4,273 668,437 10,969,554 500,595 199,722 10,130,193 13,151,449 73,039 35,456,778 hj 3 56 67 135 4,945 1,851 29,837 117,558 41,306 73 9,162 2,974 1 13 52 8 7 18 8 12 1 4,604 79 1 Uì d * 71 . t* o d 1 Includes loan and trust companies and stock savings banks. 2 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. * June 30,1941. 4 Includes trust companies and other financial institutions without deposits. « Branches of 2 American national banks. • Classifications of loans, investments, and deposits are estimates based on returns for June 30,1941. i Includes branch of an American national bank. »Includes figures as of June 30, 1941, for 2 American national banks having branches in Puerto Rico. NOTE.—Estimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not obtainable direct from State banking departments. w Ä tei 2zS o H CO co TABLE NO. 1 0 . — a n d liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1941—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars) Demand deposits Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 47,858 4, 731 13, 591 496,886 95,893 288,925 56,446 12,988 46,659 159,965 143,083 127,882 65 353 12,807 3,039 3, 578 947,884 547,023 20,791 Total deposits 105,253 17,784 60,603 609,658 242,015 420,385 205 79 Capital stock 2 487 187 71 2 42 1,889 1,110 1,223 117 17 170 489 341 638 8,346 1,227 8,011 36,893 13, 375 22,190 Reserves and retirement account for preUnSurplus divided ferred profits stock and capital notes and debentures 2,803 3,408 643 3 1,043 1,153 1,515 3 38,860 12,004 3 26,058 2, 278 17,213 7,079 1,269 235 1,682 9,011 727 4,820 26,322 17,744 44,462 9,135 29,973 840 4,064 1,459 150 254 28 688 28 918 1,659 4,337 1,772 90,042 11,690,008 1,398,849 303,198 13,392,055 610, 641 487,678 12,653 1,110,972 1,589,460 722,278 19, 771 2,331,509 181,284 7,160 222,029 33, 585 312,575 2,208 434, 272 119,489 122,359 1,807 197,643 73,477 5,031 899 1,083 22 "268" 34, 566 466 300 10,765 3,386 3,033 214 931 422 20, 254 951 6,495 327 551 584 66, 537 2,317 5,012 592 521 504, 738 67,961 130,893 9,975 21,925 10,624 638,023 165,157 30,199 12, 788 237,353 35,341 18,905 6,236 17, 271 6,286 11,966 3,878 Total Eastern States- 14,506,327 2,835,356 346,797 17,688,480 7,013 35,381 18,751 29,162 75,465 746,116 953,717 ¡9,736 9,933 954 1,417 2,296 94 1,806 51 1,779 76 93 623 50 103 203 249 220 27 368 218 595 168 1,446 49 544 243 109 418 257 722 273 6,302 637 19,405 13,042 17,891 3,985 15,807 7,648 8,018 10,831 10, 274 19,143 7,053 22,461 13,345 11,970 9,271 18,082 2,975 10,582 6,205 4,113 7,066 7,530 9,150 3, 219 13,914 6,249 4,070 3,240 5,914 1,196 4,363 1,615 2,768 723 2,232 4,279 2,064 4,217 3,305 2,913 1,340 4,682 355 1,597 833 702 860 1,682 1,633 828 1,644 1,037 4,460 11,763 168,903 110,326 39,986 20,106 Total New England States New York.. New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia 1,515,6 188,410 97,947 430,983 54,796 165,325 94,778 105,270 133,880 168,369 235,071 101,746 213,424 143, 587 145,467 60,846 104,844 16,843 68,648 35, 537 35,955 48,982 47,919 31,161 20,874 66,831 68,645 3,899 2,633 5,080 291 2,474 1,143 528 1,019 1,234 2,985 710 1,810 1,011 337,776 161,426 540,907 71,930 236,447 131,458 141,753 183,881 217,522 269,217 123,330 282,065 213,243 Total Southern States. 2,133,586 752,552 24,817 2,910,955 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina. South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama... MississippiLouisiana— Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee - Time deposits Other de(including postal posits 1 savings) AcceptBills pay- Mortgages ances exe: Interest, Interest, able, recuted by or other discount, taxes, discounts, liens on or for acrent, and and other Other and other ¡bank prem- count of other inexpenses liabilliabilities ises and on reporting come col- accrued ties for borbanks and other real lected but and rowed outstandestate not earned unpaid money ing 290 218 120 66 47 25 7 35 55 176 1,226 35 1,658 249 166 18 455 8,056 87, 735 m cl •d •d t-1 M S H H H G W H •d O W H CQ O O c S hi H W o f F a Sd o Si o Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri - Total Middle Western States.. 23,864 5,109 17,053 14,768 6,986 3,298 6,517 8,515 1,726,999 525,056 1,468,304 929,969 517,552 254, 111 535,863 1,077,113 19 2,586 4,428,166 2,520,691 3,238 214 1 406 12 86,110 7,034,967 35,862 37,515 65,445 167,221 65,102 16,699 48,771 14,642 56,964 12,308 15,539 20, i29 44,813 18,641 7,201 21,269 3,380 14,231 536 440 477 1,528 901 198 1,113 123 1,335 48,706 53,494 86,051 213,562 84,644 24,098 71,153 18,145 72,530 508,221 157,511 6,651 672,383 45,868 20,900 659,572 20,093 64,341 2,578 18,537 34,016 16,048 843,573 6,472 43,819 1,357 14,151 638 219 13,533 178 851 46 520 80,522 37,167 1,516,678 26, 743 109,011 3,981 33,208 831,889 959,436 15,985 1,807,310 448 Total United States (exclusive of posses23,356,073 7,772,569 501,151 31,629,793 sions) 13,205 North Dakota South Dakota ,. Nebraska. . . Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma . __ Total Western States . Washington Oregon California Idaho. Utah Nevada Arizona. Total Pacific States... Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii Philippines Puerto Rico American Samoa. _ ._ _ 679,649 189,763 397,994 459,306 267,629 133,991 185,844 206,515 1,023,486 330,184 1,053,257 455,895 242,937 116,822 343, 502 862,083 10,337 14,135 45,190 80,067 49,534 294 6,035 3,755 37,413 57,594 39,623 242 163 36 284 3,829 5,175 10 16,535 17,926 82,887 141,490 94,332 546 199,557 144,662 9,497 9 12 21 1 246 2,429 507 851 3,651 382 234 241 1,529 3,718 501 2,081 1,226 209 171 54 1,076 8,193 476 4,582 1,576 545 423 673 4,386 92,492 30, 783 43,988 48,267 37,152 15,007 24,123 55,976 47,863 15,109 32,801 24,696 11,879 8,455 15,627 27,246 16,494 7,303 22,279 9,811 7,405 4,904 8,357 18,049 5,256 3,267 23,628 6,634 6,903 2,044 4,000 4,206 777 9,824 9,036 20,854 347,788 183,676 94,602 55,938 35 10 36 169 70 34 66 78 40 12 1 58 72 8 557 7 37 14 32 31 210 25 24 12 2 95 2,927 3,642 7,768 14, 543 3,877 1,324 3,236 885 4, 618 495 1,360 1,623 4,244 1,179 272 1,415 41 1,609 174 299 444 422 449 198 378 276 204 498 792 445 42,820 25,091 12,238 2,844 377 30 3,670 6 47 137 5 2,361 127 32 50,099 20 87 4 4,280 1,999 62,527 1,275 5,880 275 1,072 2,678 1,158 42, 758 910 3,882 105 1,160 1,627 606 24,200 439 1,981 110 145 494 92 11,063 152 606 5 16 50,369 77, 308 52,651 29,108 12,428 § 50,496 160,668 1,472,977 1,413,196 431,992 198,993 5 167 336 27 3 37 471 84 592 3 448 3,417 12 108 2 96 3,417 4,142 2,709 42,151 42,930 a H H o w a s W H GO o a o o S F 377 144 68 23,813 6,254 8 671 336 427 118 5,420 22,890 3,486 25 5,131 13,850 1,010 8 1,680 1,257 605 10 1,896 5,581 529 2 30,287 32,492 20,335 3,979 8,126 51,915 190,955 1,505,469 1,433,531 435,971 207,119 6 3,479 1,851 137 824 2 1, 774 81 5 123 1,169 122 353,716 5,336 961 1,857 1,419 Total United States 23,555,630 7,917,231 510,648 31,983,509 and possessions 18,541 43,112 44,787 Total possessions V2Ö9~ 1,488 3,050 9,661 2,374 1,220 2,810 453 2,826 GO d hd hj agF 377 1 Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). 2 Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 106 and 107.) 3 Includes guaranty funds. 6 o a o ci w id a o Kl TABLE NO. 10.—Assets and liabilities of active Stale commercial banks, Dec. 81, 1941—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Location Maine New HampshireVermont Massachusetts Rhode Island... Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland.District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina Georgia Florida. Alabama.. Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky. Tennessee.. Total Southern States — Commercial and industrial loans Agricultural loans 14, 216 1,703 4,421 68,713 17,992 43, 729 15 882 490 112 455 Openmarket paper 846 96 315 43,808 5,081 11,033 Loans to brokers and dealers in securities Other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying stocks, bonds, and other securities 139 1,802 3,357 15 264 408 5,305 1,244 4,088 Real-estate loans On farm land On other On resiproperdential ties properties 1,454 63 6,171 521 463 1,018 9,831 4, 287 16,899 58,716 31, 257 47,152 6,016 1,661 5,017 20,160 13, 920 9,257 Loans to banks 84 220 "66" All other loans 11,775 1,659 3, 773 61,925 8,960 32,929 140, 774 2,850 61,179 3,775 12,847 168,142 56,031 370 121,021 1,883,810 64,473 270,305 21,035 34,002 10, 390 15,313 700 2,315 667 2,736 81,067 7,087 21,343 3,380 2,555 379 306,328 3,120 26,873 3,586 889 416 166, 291 9,545 44,280 3,418 6,940 1,448 6,907 2, 392 6,322 43 ~Ï70, 270 128, 625 150,711 9,254 29,244 25, 758 97,119 34,173 47,043 5,315 8,368 10,989 23,404 6 55 40 521,076 97,276 183,575 15,901 45,977 27,011 2, 284,015 21,731 115,811 341,212 230, 712 24,052 513,862 203,007 23, 505 890,816 35, 927 14,992 62,986 3,955 30,815 11,176 10, 225 8,602 16,813 25,884 6,467 30,762 17,201 3,196 1,668 4,278 3,367 12,124 2,447 8,908 12,553 3,199 39,697 9,354 8,933 4,599 1,893 8,076 153 547 398 47 792 244 398 2,348 3,752 548 430 262 2,107 11 376 491 189 277 485 41 10 201 108 1,740 3,564 6,922 561 2,6o4 1,491 354 1,799 862 843 474 2,175 2,276 9,455 3,582 9,820 1,289 5,569 1,853 3,113 6,311 5,058 2,462 1,804 18,845 9,102 29,707 17,988 13,534 3,877 19,305 7,138 7,365 5,369 8,601 9,451 4,622 20,268 9,921 7,921 5,148 275,805 119,562 23,795 4,988 25,715 78,263 157,146 11, 601 161 13 104 741 5,694 3,575 2,118 2,652 4,598 3,030 1,346 7,334 3,731 370 59,489 1,108 76,738 22,173 57,713 7,522 38,077 15,598 14,172 20,708 20, 520 27,227 10,040 34,924 33,789 379,201 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin.. MinnesotaIowa Missouri Total Middle Western States. North Dakota. South Dakota.. NebraskaMontana Wyoming Colorado New MexicoOklahoma Total Western States . Washington. Oregon California Idaho Utah.. Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Al&skä Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of HawaiiPhilippines Puerto Rico.. American Samoa Total possessions Total United States and i All real-estate loans, a Includes amounts reported as overdrafts. 11,912 1,684 10,796 7,274 5,667 557 1,330 6,681 25,913 17,753 12,885 14,528 23,413 15,585 42,312 18,375 175,285 59,737 54,582 100,067 48,524 22,323 33,516 57,967 41,870 11,236 8,532 21,721 18,471 4,116 7,490 24,433 131 20 5 69 90 78 49 50 163,715 42,283 67,124 85,326 36,761 25,925 39,718 80,149 54 42 65 43 48 65 82 115 45,901 170,764 552,001 137,869 492 541,001 514 589 1,271 3,671 8,267 554 344 456 119 1,018 630 1,568 1,169 8,478 3,360 1,598 2,220 476 1,056 194 487 357 1,880 614 461 582 273 262 3 19 51 218 2 18 138 372 850 1,233 98 788 61 83 4 1,780 2,923 6,002 18,691 3,363 1,289 5,197 1,074 10,981 13 19 46 99 19 13 9 2 31 5,133 366 3,641 16,289 20,555 5,110 295 51,300 251 772 90 7,315 309 805 6 1 4,793 287 165 18,127 116 486 6 251 1,246 789 22,418 387 1,922 83 352 9,039 2,811 272,893 833 11,702 293 4,972 2,744 1,056 91,759 687 5,503 348 932 10 25 154 9,564 3,599 94,617 2,277 7,570 174 1,322 32 10 643 13 72 1 4 4,986 19,438 27,197 302,543 103,029 189 119,123 775 377,221 338,254 326,255 1,714,249 564,535 25,959 2,102,462 4,809 1 1,315 1,939 16 14,825 1,623 11,678 8,677 2,609 578 941 714 300 335 3,382 2 960 2 8,233 2 51,001 2 10,660 29 30 71 13 1 136 24 19 152,042 29,379 131,127 62,280 52,147 13,786 35,282 142,148 15,745 23,005 38,229 17,753 21,201 44,102 96,000 47,331 13,131 8,581 30, 522 4,606 6,134 1,807 6,523 1,871 7,349 41 10,506 456 452 618,191 303,366 73,175 21,894 816 1,464 4,143 14,881 3,289 873 7,198 2,022 3,219 29,214 21,143 30,955 54,591 19,200 5,406 9,620 2,017 14,839 80 12 657 1,962 1,554 220 325 136 187 37,905 186,985 6,887 1,682 134,242 1,345 10,399 301 1,776 5,748 2,392 20,751 4,976 8,332 580 1,840 156,632 44,619 9,351 3,513,322 679,113 288,444 789 7,810 30,784 19,319 44 iöö 9,054" 6,027 232" 2,858 21 333 6 4 186 60 11,533 QQ S "TJ S g M H HI O W tel S 3 GO O O O g §F »S o 58,746 15,181 3,255 84 180 16,464 24,497 2,233 635 74,265 30 3,572,068 694,294 291,699 377,305 338,434 342,719 1,738,746 566,768 26,594 2,176,727 4,839 o d w «o g H O co TABLE NO. 10.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 81, 1941- -Continued [In thousands of dollars] Investments Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government TJ. S. Government direct obligations Location Maine New Hampshire— Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut — Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia— West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama.. Mississippi Louisiana Other bonds, notes, and debentures Obligations of Recon- Home Federal struc- Own- Farm tion ers' MortFiLoan gage nance Corpo- CorpoCorpo- ration ration ration Other and Gov- political ernsubdiviment sions (incorporations cludihg warand rants) agencies 17,599 2,218 9.183 204,000 81,936 91,942 837 398 629 5,440 5,851 4,346 2,295 586 863 4,831 4,983 6,753 477 594 2,895 96 1,361 491 256 264 4,046 2,215 3,138 2,378 657 2,288 23,471 5,233 18, 658 406,878 17, 501 20,311 6,403 10,410 52,685 U. S. Government corporations and agencies, not guaranteed by United States Federal land banks 56 1,951 71 63 3,037 2,390 5,479 62 1,134 1,247 584 503 718 6,371 2,313 13,913 407 2,794 2,378 369 702 655 1,546 702 13,141 371 1,092 897 1,327 1,146 1,159 1,067 3,595 196 942 483 179 439 1,450 720,821 14,013 7,265 38,422 9,304 8,881 14,687 12,501 40,892 33,925 315 245 72 32 20 Railroads Public Indusutilitrials ties "Ï, 277 732 625 754 4,521 622 3,978 10,611 5,687 4,177 1,744 217 83 4,588 2,470 2,261 2, 316 2,114 28,847 29,596 11,363 1,039 6,343 2,196 61,468 235, 416 149,848 166,035 45,307 580 Other domestic corporations 2,322 876 1, 518 12,010 5, 648 6. 473 950 5,168,553 644,109 352,614 174,466 176,959 38,360 23,156 84,991 7,061 17,863 15,277 14,982 9,713 22,564 Other GovFederneral inter- ment mecorpodiate rations credit and banks agencies 267 255, 209 22,288 47, 672 5,827 17,190 4,428 — W d hj hi 1,061 ~ï,~846 2,131 46 5,048 140 16 45 105 68 317 2, 516 1,715 1,373 418 1,681 411 965 66 225 1,557 676 143 566 907 297 279 17 145 2,658 1,308 915 120 1,128 55 340 164 119 All other Stocks of Federal Reserve banks Forand eignpublic other doand private mestic corporations B g H Stocks of foreign corporations H H O M há O rd H GQ O hj 940 207 1,240 375 1,481 1,010 264 1,682 2,065 831 2,483 2,417 1,077 1,257 9,486 13,041 5,833 33, 111 78 7 64 10 210 4,243 8,335 42, 248 2,840 7,319 760 1,147 468 22,562 2,020 16, 576 435 889 265 54,782 42,747 189,342 6,340 1,716 1,820 3 1,429 1,011 553 48 395 111 154 469 538 280 129 26 5 141 85 152 48 43 4,440 1,680 192 2 372 2,064 274 485 252 1,378 O O g hj H W O F »F W O ^ Cl S S H £ O Texas Arkansas.. Kentucky. Tennessee . 1,471 838 1,538 1,033 327,806 415,529 105,641 255,851 190, 591 68,974 37,593 55,696 194,147 2,635 2,821 2,142 1,345 1,083 262 2,65u 557 20,034 38,845 33, 795 3,600 64,343 15,134 6,423 777 2,172 16,874 36,532 6,526 15,608 18,484 6,165 3,552 5,273 13,552 Total Middle Western States.. 1,324,022 143,118 105,692 Total Southern States. Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin.. MinnesotaIowa Missouri... North Dakota. South DakotaNebraska Kansas. Montana Wyoming Colorado New M e x i c o Oklahoma 741 2,093 590 868 28,694 10,923 10, 257 17,998 25,270 13,802 10,328 8,101 5,503 4,846 4,329 3,373 4,869 9,001 13, 984 5, 719 16, 375 5,187 4,659 1,068 2,210 21,120 50,350 223~ 229 457 2,084 1,453 189 847 240 431 170 255 508 65 2 38 1,253 259 311 271 383 247, 762 3,976 4,200 9,140 12,340 84,405 19, 315 153,861 73, 586 40,959 19,069 29, 635 54,124 8,246 1,433 792 723 1,123 663 1,698 6, 738 1,741 241 3,465 826 46 1,074 703 6,165 1, 569 912 258 341 3,964 16, 754 5, 656 39, 736 10,123 16,165 3,005 3,045 1U, 728 70,322 474,954 21,416 7, 538 14,986 105, 212 252 451 1,404 3,424 719 370 843 166 546 554 86 280 2,351 868 39 66 64 142 1,583 4,972 3,241 15, 546 4,024 1,050 4,656 862 12, 656 4,461 4,868 11, 641 26, 297 15,999 1,746 6,438 1,847 6,064 51 72 161 726 889 65 202 30 106 79,361 2,302 6,153 8,175 4,450 48, 590 1,407 12,412 6, 596 410,493 3,935 17,403 849 6,846 242 22 10, 745 31 587 4 100 430 585 4,622 145 1,939 2 1,125 513 367 4,007 359 822 15 109 420 24 10,439 99 300 46 9 1,306 51 164 91 5,979 4,819 140, 722 2,716 5,682 325 2,840 458,534 11,731 8,848 6,192 11,373 163,083 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 7, 765,154 838,795 532,463 270,856 287, 316 1, 707,895 Total Western StatesWashington. Oregon California... Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of HawaiiPhilippines Puerto Rico..^ American Samoa. 27,197 10,031 41,461 15,150 50~ 249 325 290 245 3 92 99 54 52 18 207 75 2,676 88 1,000 2,120 6,978 1,261 16,314 5 3, 232 2,807 5,437 3,899 4,290 976 1,122 4, 516 4,942 1,221 9,018 2,248 3,724 545 566 880 6,441 2,987 1,596 1,392 794 79 273 28, 518 2 8 86,829 26,279 23,144 42,080 10 96 62 161 220 245 33 419 10 5 97 99 91 127 212 56 463 63 40 200 44 61 .33 260 22 47 22 365 145 26 96 66 20 463 9u 1,846 230 425 166 2,411 149 590 116 1,300 264 7,216 9,958 9, 374 7,104 31, 525 7, 008 12, 854 791 2,393 4,611 16,365 5,247 33, 359 8,176 13,105 1,428 2,841 6,308 75,660 2 205 3 190 185 164 93 527 45 981 6 6 10 52 35 33 86 164 11 429 13 5 207 503 2,197 1, 251 1,155 828 701 809 7,014 95 87 5 2,434 13 135 393 283 16,024 46 209 38 172 464 531 8,476 69 521 5 24 363 319 7,341 32 284 94 59 2,895 106 142 7 45 177 215 2,988 38 9 66 83 11 4,419 19 353 5 50 1,844 7,109 2, 674 17,165 10,090 8, 339 3,348 3,493 4,940 1 76,358 89,778 90,885 401,177 273,661 283,679 -96,458 79,681 286, 596 6,725 1 1,431 155 268 3,018 20,794 1,183 5,766 181 4 6 30,942 4 85 79 372 8,962 10,052 1,916 47 183 20,930 47 Total United States and possessions 7,796,096 838,799 532,548 271,228 287,499 1, 728,825 76,4u5 1 All other bonds, notes, and debentures. 372 1 20~ 26 51 351 16 26 10 183 Total possessions. 1,219 260 100 2,321 289 89,778 833 642 44 7 6 833 693 3,279 1 868 268 99 1,260 33 78 1,133 640 607 30 2 1,136 2,823 1,211 1,402 32 91, 718 401,870 276,940 284,815 99,281 80,892 287,998 6,757 2,380 893 TABLE N O . 1 0 . — . and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 81, 1941—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Capital Time deposits Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Location Capital notes and debentures Maine.. New Hampshire.. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland. District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia. West VirginiaNorth Carolina. South Carolina.. Georgia. Florida Alabama. Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Individuals, U. S. Pre- Common partnerGovferred stock ernships, stock and cor- ment porations 3,635 325 5,721 5,225 1,105 2,473 4,711 902 2,290 31,668 12,270 19,717 36,179 3,730 11,461 411,863 82,200 243,494 239 11,931 92 1,375 18,484 71,558 788,927 14,114 43,622 72 4,190 474 100 200 48,358 1,842 25 330 1,407 48 10 1,832 5,522 2,719 31 455 1,986 3,797 1,420 1,309 3,161 2,490 21,267 477 States and political subdivisions Banks in United States 8,915 879 1,730 25, 556 10,866 22,037 2,287 122 161 47,303 2,585 22,019 Deposits accuCertifi- mucates lated of de- for payposit ment of personal loans Banks in foreign countries States ChristBanks and Banks in mas Postal forpoin savsaveign Open litical United counings ings 1 subdiacStates and tries visions simi- counts lar accounts 54,433 12,287 45,386 154,179 140,044 118,104 409 96 349 2,277 632 1,359 238 60 1,296 66 2,287 211 216 66 829 1,550 460 5,246 383 524,433 5,122 4,036 3,332 436,610 7,995,098 594,270 37,734 498,360 19,038 113,991 1,321,348 35,177 9,903 646 172, 592 17,635 241,743 18,035 9,950 721 118,882 411,750 2,314,144 374,746 23,063 216 69,964 24 83, 762 149,149 3,214 4,832 32, 871 111 19,815 2,738 12 6 858, 871 468,815 577,367 29,512 67,028 20,247 2,149 41,804 891 1,128 24 625,823 10,348,023 667,887 590,129 2,525,179 375,109 2, 111, 855 15,478 11,200 15,147 3,624 14,400 7,193 6,032 6,986 8,844 17,311 5,744 19,300 10,855 130,122 75,563 218, 630 44,982 119,647 78,481 74,849 98,465 106,022 192,020 78,287 164,700 114,624 2,516 3,004 6,124 219 3,444 352 2,669 498 2,466 2,914 29 5,021 3,181 142,114 1,496,392 32,437 74,477 276,450 150 37,193 8,481 153, 558 992 25,660 2,418 14,902 11,639 26, 278 9,507 9,757 18,928 8,863 77 328,176 131 16 452 77 251 10 232 400 131 637 600 391 251 20 74 301 5,590 1,182 2,846 482 13 4,612 9,910 11 2,414 4,576 2,386 349, 550 2,292 3,959 3,736 56,469 55 670 599 3,002 338 1,389 6,002 66,243 21, 536 9,406 415,039 6,443 5,675 13,885 2,599 13.810 1,044 5,413 15,135 11,206 10,226 5,745 19.811 20,938 12,558 316 6,740 548,864 131,930 110, 262 116, 521 53,357 73,913 13,491 49,943 31,100 29,318 32,820 34,112 13, 219 14,342 44,008 42,720 2,103 2,735 570 183 164 19 139 20 10 65 85 49 27 146 45 30,483 1,522 1,517 716 358 226 2 3, 212 942 181 1,079 160 148 123 3 507 6 71 12 87 40,302 119,682 451 5,400 5,311 27,174 320 2,120 47 1,966 110 1,796 76,962 125,921 1,796 41 1,458 75 63 102 1,051 610 3,440 60 363 245 202 503 1,853 192 569 197 221 5,969 67 1,845 490 484 2,008 87 2 418 2,640 43 341 1,072 1,413 457 3,715 24 2,244 281 564 231 202 165 73 162 812 4,375 1,506 15,466 10,343 63 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan. Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri 21,475 7,502 2,057 8,724 1,137 340 10,547 120 2,957 2,075 1,313 Total Middle Western States. 43,852 14,395 North Dakota. South Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming. Colorado New Mexico... Oklahoma Total Western States... Washington.. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States.. 577 421 258 26 70,677 23,281 41,931 37,720 28,308 13,870 22,048 51,706 844,516 255,441 850,908 360,709 209,637 95,095 270,930 540,299 17,901 3,721 3,212 2,220 1,506 246 718 14,442 67,742 61,632 39,236 74,330 19,722 19,145 59,932 65,268 92,812 9,390 159,461 18,536 12,072 2,336 11,922 241,883 289,541 3,427,535 43,966 407,007 548,412 150 1,814 79 22 25 77 2,693 9,803 8,079 42,872 9,906 2,382 5,033 2,455 10,523 479 608 612 3,871 6,511 500 2,291 26 1,238 16,136 2,324 3,221 7,228 13,294 3,563 939 2,675 702 4,569 32,627 27,016 56,604 118,664 48,606 13,795 41,422 12,084 44,950 2,933 38,515 395,768 2,571 93,746 57ÌT 187 870 14,140 123 562 100 28 3,709 1,812 47,517 1,152 5,218 247 1,072 39,431 18,094 507,911 15,229 40,772 1,889 14,360 337 47 9,867 54 113 3 5,171 2,600 28,445 4,472 14,471 683 4,042 159 105,887 338 8,981 3 97 ¡0,727 637,686 10,449 59,884 116,393 116 1,372 2,190 282 .,249 198 385 561 183 14,391 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama).. The Territory of Hawaii. Philippines Puerto Rico American Samoa Total possessions. Total United States and pos- 100 100 150 150 5,420 22,740 3,386 25 32, 242 35,874 40,133 27,300 14,357 41,739 61,178 73,442 45,051 18,714 808 2,215 859 60 334 1,690 1,903 2,054 494 782 660 409 39 126 300 6,438 520 3,546 56 192 1,246 2,090,779 339,074 26,583 4,864 440 100 191 145,724 358,251 437,802 221,184 66,622 109,976 157,530 4,745 6,121 6,599 20,859 13,651 5,690 18,650 2,539 7,069 7,287 7,876 13,322 22,839 3,779 1,242 2,167 798 5,707 85,923 •5,017 30,541 14,271 770,855 5,189 40,361 1,240 13,782 2,967 1,424 16,978 1,258 2,923 99 326 876,239 25,975 194 17,094,331 771,424 1,497,199 3,608,773 384,346 6,238,093 633,361 173 1,490 575 5,257 701 6,958 »,956 15 206 3,755 35,436 ""7,"797 1,652 305 26,628 40, 777 21,743 4,365 13,182 35,797 17,986 35,884 2,268 9,634 806 942 16,590 90 183 111 242 127,337 9,397 40,775 7,413 14,635 27,586 84,768 Total United (exclusive of possessions) 101,294 143,405 515 1 7,462 7,477 19,706 22 5,669 2,916 2,810 4,542 6 407 2,644 1,812 99 1,191 828 352 122 686 11,234 4,345 36,078 7,734 21 89 42 334 399 25 16 29 210 1,361 24 49 610 127 108 9 113 45 92 25 208 122 1,024 2,611 743 1 280 10,184 61 20 16,690 m o 104 13 131 5 o o g 10,582 16,907 111 459 27 85 61 1,225 11 155 102 402 16 28,209 11 43 194 33 627 28,681 19,906 465,021 231 211 5 35 22,886 144,545 162,130 77 494 101,394 143,555 1,260,520 17,221,668 780,821 1,537,974 3,616,186 398,981 6, 326,362 660,947 85,262 1 Includes U. S. Treasurer's time deposits-open account.. 214 529 250 132 1,465 407 924 214 424 12 270 92 "il 104 20,765 465,125 777 3,811 22,316 58 26,904 58 23,274 171,449 162,188 m d TJ TJ £ g m ¡2! H 3 S § g A o >3 o a 0 îzj o H O TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 81, 1942 1 ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Location Loans Num- and disber counts, of includbanks ing overdrafts Securities U.S. Gov- guaranby ernment teed U. S. securities, Governdirect ment as obliga- to intertions est and principal 38,810 Maine 47,577 31 16,939 10,949 New Bampshire 3 . 4 21 35,448 15, 519 Vermont 33 213,245 377,185 Massachusetts 70 68,598 146,532 Rhode Island 14 117,036 202,556 Connecticut75 Total New England 490,076 800,318 States 244 New York 295 ,190,893 7,998,364 570,919 316,895 New Jersey 134 642,995 1,047,087 Pennsylvania. 148,735 51,837 Delaware 243,326 113,274 Maryland 112 86,912 62,648 District of Columbia 13 4,378,542 10,095,343 Total Eastern States.. Virginia 121,792 145,638 185 62,841 57,455 West Virginia 103 260,672 146,664 North Carolina 183 21,495 19,043 South Carolina 125 84,264 102,144 Georgia— 241 49,878 30,977 Florida 119 42,341 56,983 Alabama 150 61,737 43,907 Mississippi 178 47,902 71,283 Louisiana 114 105,958 80,179 Texas 391 32,345 42,210 Arkansas 164 100,054 133,399 Kentucky 307 70,445 68,708 Tennessee 962,703 1,097,611 Total Southern States. 2,486 Ohio 511,656 849,985 431 Indiana 161,396 247,307 361 299,873 665,950 Illinois 487 263,525 473,284 Michigan 361 191,224 211,894 Wisconsin 461 109,218 107,725 Minnesota. 488 Corporate stocks, ObligaOther includCurtions of bonds, rency ing States notes, and stocks and poli- and detical sub- bentures of Fed- coin eral divisions Reserve banks 1,967 1,962 1,583 9,759 17,601 12,679 2,725 2,658 2,007 18,367 4,886 28,642 45,551 587,117 47,501 72,531 6,866 12,073 6,180 732,268 8,388 4,236 31,861 914 5,121 3,391 3,631 3,107 3,461 4,395 5,049 6,244 2,058 81,856 79, 755 18,326 76,166 42,399 16,920 5,533 59,285 409,729 57,689 91,122 12,676 11,316 531 583,063 13,844 6,999 42,057 9,706 8,661 14,917 12,421 42,795 36,891 25,830 11,492 10,437 21,012 257,062 90,258 21,181 137,369 80,014 41,674 19,338 Balances with other banks, including reserve balances 2 Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank prem- 33,263 4,671 8,586 207,895 46,659 128,413 1,849 388 1,430 12,613 11,087 11,391 1,441 1,251 1,455 3,469 684 2,778 429,487 38,758 87,041 31,950 50,566 380,227 86,941 97,336 4,154,351 167,245 273,942 32,061 63,756 17,760 30,630 690,452 61,219 236,210 62,092 59,381 3,393 65,403 2,216 3,490 13,996 4,245 13,106 150,021 8,508 22,171 961 75,217 8,409 6,093 8,712 725,072 175,392 210,036 5,409,386 279,658 136,902 7,851 12,625 1,712 10,710 64,185 3,470 5,447 1,099 7,121 257,110 6,538 14,058 1,602 19,913 52,789 635 1,083 248 4,117 140,806 4,978 4,270 1,627 8,714 88,556 2,303 1,264 139 7,704 90,303 1,716 1,610 445 5,805 116,785 2,785 990 182 9,926 131,751 2,551 1,372 1,241 9,030 175,859 4,148 5,771 2,418 11,746 89,533 1,183 839 100 3,947 139,078 4,395 8,305 542 8,784 126,063 4,391 3,513 2,138 7,712 61,147 13,493 115,229 1,609,720 46,944 5,668 47,780 579,997 27,477 67,808 8,304 2,921 19,606 231,027 22,974 2,154 25,370 522,081 11,487 125,832 1,499 33,636 370,683 15,833 36,480 7.973 522 14,610 191,819 50,131 3,114 94 6,897 107,790 8,822 11,078 29,530 13,918 53,248 797 899 975 i9,367 903 1,930 799 211 2,505 541 918 588 778 465 169 1,980 1,360 13,177 6,973 2,436 1,655 647 1,445 422 9,993 5,732 7,456 30,029 15,412 18,419 2,140 3,572 1,195 7,522 12,354 5,167 5,757 545 1,277 18, 727 6,929 17,331 Investments and other assets indirectly represening bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or ac- Other crued but not collected 674 92 50 2,341 4,150 228 36 ,190 710 191 7,443 16,481 1,245 12,857 662 48 2,100 33,393 875 911 19 1,264 1,533 12,519 135 268 12, S 1,293 20 460 393 26 2,927 18 72 263 5, S 1,537 446 622 148 1,434 1,417 124 90 77 1 2,219 419 49 216 813 241 538 146,707 48,716 76,258 903,424 337,107 545,369 2,276 2,057,581 17,182,435 3,087 1,432,956 8,592 3,042,714 220 310,595 2,988 582,807 659 259,814 33,158 22,811,321 462,324 711 216,488 661 786,354 2,230 110,488 204 364,034 549 200,949 707 217,049 319 283,434 512 309,680 325 417,538 685 187,354 467 426,142 12,651 308,490 658 20,679 4,290,324 2,101 2,273,376 736,951 671 2,733 1,874,230 1,404 1,320,767 730,974 1,195 369,579 17,612 43,705 361 133 1,538 13 310 112 164 94 167 63 20 197 130 3,302 2,257 266 2,861 1,214 133 226 Total 180,069 510,764 14,413 40, 720 31,480 55,013 11,211 38,865 Total Middle Western States... 3,654 2,113,332 3,246,978 Iowa Missouri 542 523 244,367 332,073 251, 563 492,181 4,987 11,485 666 3,065 894 717 12 75 50 1,121 754,172 189 2,093 1,534,012 41,496 179, 372 2, 747,141 5,837 379 8,128 10, 747 9, 594,061 310 28,328 13,961 17,512 294,232 476,327 362,123 90,660 17,309 115 125 273 460 69 3u 63 19 182 42,970 32,684 55,851 119,774 32,176 8,972 24,319 5,185 33,464 17,769 16,190 26,634 70, 735 38,538 5,685 24,923 8,411 18,368 640 584 1,478 4,726 2,501 340 1,422 253 986 1,250 4,647 3,180 15, 597 3,423 749 3,956 823 12,051 617 582 1,304 1, 214 1,302 401 2,623 140 76 20 50 22 354 146 25 104 44 2vJ 1,241 1,372 1,989 5, 277 1,999 974 2,749 963 2,367 24, 749 30,486 56,313 119,903 48,001 16, 227 45, 239 15,482 42,525 553 755 974 2,629 800 335 616 181 573 126 106 43 204 78 2 39 11 13 323 3 Total Western States- 1,336 355,395 227, 253 12,930 45,676 8,259 785 18,931 398,925 7,416 622 338 35,949 9,977 583,967 lu, 739 38, 709 1,797 10,945 39,064 21,254 725,594 10,648 49,199 3,594 13,701 796 359 26, 307 406 4,449 21 603 7,638 4,399 125,170 2,359 6,807 323 2, 562 1,371 1,404 42, 702 310 1,150 51 680 82 11 4,007 22 272 5 51 3,013 1, 617 24,253 852 2,615 385 1,913 35, 636 20,181 422, 506 16,427 61,809 2,891 15,948 1,102 330 23,170 279 764 71 281 71 81 8,607 22 54 34 274 173 3 240 1,347 431 53,426 North Dakota South Dakota. __ __ Nebraska Kansas . Montana Wyoming Colorado.. New Mexico Oklahoma Washington Oregon. CaliforniaIdaho Utah Nevada Arizona 88 46 5 120 30 46 6 7 Total Pacific S t a t e s - 343 692,083 9,143 4,450 34,648 863,054 32,941 575,398 25,997 149, 258 47,668 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 9, Oil 8,992,131 16,330,557 1,199, 778 1.570,671 1,291, 310 267, 566 608,782 11,170,057 489,433 150, 696 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American Samoa 13 62 8 8 12 »1 3,653 585 23,908 38,167 2 53,687 13,980 484 563 661 Total possessions10 36 66,315 76,343 1,224 9 3 750 9,042 1,861 7 35, 264 11,056 403 274 62 2,120 1,939 676 268 125 905 37, 752 57,626 4,395 979 125 Total United States and possessions 9,047 9,058,446 16,406,900 1, 201,002 1,582,914 1,297,020 268,471 646,534 11,227,683 493,828 151, 675 53, 551 1,265 155 9,602 2,641 4,436 4 5 12, 243 5, 710 7 26 49 102 571 12 98 443 3 65 90,014 87, 526 147,895 341,399 129, 111 33,810 106,520 31,499 110, 515 300 1,369 1,078,199 44 37 1, 752 9 10 19 124,848 67 59,697 47 18,541 2,008,096 42,165 98 166, 518 441 9,190 8 47,055 78 1,347 L, 871 19, 280 2,457,569 17,614 59, 525 87, 509 42,289,055 15 3,741 8,573 10,018 15, 173 247 8,192 53 12 5 2 132 2 87 35 25 17, 614 31 169 47 29,296 173 67,657 8 26,429 40, 377 141,228 151,840 1,149 225 97,181 361,023 59, 750 184, 690 42,650,078 1 Includes loan and trust companies and stock savings banks. 2 Excludes reciprocal demand balances with banks in the United States, reported separately following the classification of demand deposits. 3 June 30, 1942. * Includes 9 guaranty savings banks. 5 Includes trust companies and other financial institutions without deposits. • Branches of 2 American national banks. ' Includes currency and coin of 5 trust companies, s Includes 2 American national banks having branches in Puerto Rico. 9 Figures taken from bank directory. Excludes figures for Guam and the Philippines because of the war. NOTE.—Estimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not obtainable direct from State banking departments. co d •d S g M H H O td a s £d H CD O a O O g §F s Sd o a o d w $a H 2zS O H O co TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands o" dollarsl Demand deposits i Location Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States England New York. New Jersey __ Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Other deposits 2 Total deposits1 58,235 37,511 46,799 170,462 149,128 137,663 1,315 79 262 14,060 3,466 4,086 130,543 42,223 63,949 802,691 291,425 491,191 131 60 150 18 1,198,956 599,798 23,268 1,822,022 341 14,078,854 1,296,403 327,970 15,703,227 504,678 12,620 1,305,285 787,987 653,844 19,805 2,595,742 1,922,093 273,711 8,809 233,481 31,421 530,816 2,347 400,768 127,701 230,311 151,721 2,787 75,803 4,075 664 344 17,574,904 2,689,850 374,338 20,639,092 5,083 1,059 250 5 149,746 59,661 107,791 17,628 67,732 37,866 37,640 46,873 47,457 29,922 20,487 62,767 67,664 5,194 2,687 6,638 373 3,197 1,664 895 1,152 1,445 3,313 1,032 1,795 1,255 418,528 189,280 731,902 101,486 327,395 183,812 200,412 262,187 287,137 381,766 173,421 374,756 282,191 Total Southern States. __ 3,130,399 753,234 30,640 3,914,273 .. _ _ AcceptMortgages ances exeor other cuted by Income Exliens on or for acpenses Other colbank count of accrued liabililected premises reporting but not and ties and on banks and unpaid earned other real outstandestate ing 70,993 4,633 16,888 618,169 138,831 349,442 263,588 126,932 617,473 83,485 256,466 144,282 161,877 214,162 238, 235 348,531 151,902 310,194 213,272 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama _ Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Ui cj 83 2,007 1,250 1,372 131 32 77 733 313 501 8,223 1,202 7,374 36.106 13,370 22.107 3.423 3,044 1.424 4 39,029 « 26,246 18,291 2,841 1,796 1,597 12,628 2,182 6,932 1,289 359 1,751 9,333 708 4,667 1,140 4,809 1,787 88,382 91,457 27,976 18,107 7,184 2,073 1,911 157 549 241 21,671 900 6,871 354 549 568 54,244 2,040 4,101 407 287 424 503,511 66,716 127,956 10,026 21,604 10,597 644,023 181,362 31,031 13,877 240,989 36,803 19,214 6,341 18,542 6,408 12,043 4,359 47,884 10,235 26,691 385 4,036 1,271 15,652 12,115 30,913 61,503 740,410 965,842 249,150 90,502 12 1,129 291 1, 518 93 559 58 118 324 195 176 26 309 277 627 146 1,149 59 . 444 136 243 310 251 692 335 7,431 506 19,679 12,948 17,836 3,999 15,891 7,656 7,830 10,834 10,228 «.18,895 7,012 22,380 13,390 12,749 9,586 19,360 3,151 10,910 6,527 4,369 7,827 7,763 9,774 3,556 14,401 6,905 4,392 3,151 6,576 1,255 4,992 1,729 3,307 907 2,425 4,704 2,071 4,452 3,370 3,337 1,018 4,818 409 2,600 918 649 731 1,507 1,415 864 1,911 1,249 5,073 12,329 168,578 116,878 43,331 21,426 29 97 269 1,273 3 628 340 140 18 1,542 21 15,233 135 268 1,038 16 46 47 262 I 8 11 57 253 2 2 6 3 1 4 39 1,616 68 1,315 36 1,178 66 66 52 168 100 12 244 561 1,515 17 1,422 5,482 587 Capital stock 8 Reserves and retirement account for UnSurplus divided preferred profits stock and capital notes and debentures 1,293 65 i g tel H H3 O § * O W g o o o g §3Ir 1 S S) O o 3 «o «i Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota _ Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States 27,149 6,494 14,523 15,337 8,269 4,147 7,748 10,048 2,093,185 677,364 1,741,999 1,220,605 665,771 337,406 699,538 1,414,282 2,964 6,058,739 2,697,696 93,715 8,850,150 3,430 69,832 63,156 113,848 262,632 100,387 22,970 72,910 25,873 86,163 14,018 16,500 20,104 46,234 19,440 7,405 23,521 3,686 12,591 850 567 662 1,882 1,079 258 949 183 2,087 84,700 80,223 134,614 310,748 120,906 30,633 97,380 29,742 100,841 817,771 163,499 8,517 989,787 75,376 36,451 919,908 31,646 99,879 6,360 28,371 39,096 18,816 895,306 7,265 51,399 2,024 15,338 933 315 21,004 354 2,318 195 786 115,405 55,582 1,836,218 39,265 153,596 8,579 44,495 1,197,991 1,029,244 25,905 2,253,140 Total United States (exclusive of possessions)— 29,978,760 7,933,321 556,383 38,468,464 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii. Puerto Rico American Samoa 41 1 44 378 2 711,642 201,554 410,848 523,125 298,881 147,499 193,141 211,006 1,354,394 469,316 1,316,628 682,143 358,621 185,760 498,649 1,193, 228 1 9 10 124 90 116 1 15 75 421 7,042 3,178 24,611 8,160 6,687 1,799 4,011 4,571 196,273 103,957 60,059 7,737 689 3,158 2,009 395 198 29 5,319 90,512 30,526 43,415 48,555 36,438 15,127 24, 254 56,283 5,969 . 9,148 19,534 345,110 2,900 3,641 7,560 14,192 3,796 1,301 3,331 895 4,677 1,453 1,863 3,439 10,605 2,524 1,276 3,200 487 3,029 644 1,481 1,685 4,652 1,243 323 1,508 83 1,607 222 285 540 455 512 238 587 286 210 51,237 15,940 33,367 26,628 13,485 9,438 17,888 28,290 63 26 22 18 38 295 11 14 111 6 62 348 530 577 42,293 27,876 13,226 3,335 246 17 2,321 1 31 3 3 127 7 3,215 167 6 97 58 33 22,881 78 98 83 3 4,084 2,017 60,377 1,225 5,767 275 1,072 2,594 1,214 45,057 946 4,151 125 1,233 1,792 726 23,975 492 2,029 114 137 542 101 12,496 158 679 5 15 1,556 2,622 3,619 23,234 74,817 55,320 29,265 13,996 20,593 27,676 54,092 118,964 1,459,590 1,453,646 466,905 207,425 23 6 14 89 34 18 101 227 227 1,556 50 9 5 46 85 7 302 OD d hJ B K tei W ö s aÖD o o o g § 10,596 1,104 18,107 36,249 70,574 75,366 582 6,381 3,954 54,183 56,282 479 240 91 1,735 7,729 20 24,728 40,294 126,492 139,377 1,081 4 1,734 1 1 82 200,878 121,279 9,815 331,972 1,738 84 Total United States and possessions 30,179,638 8,054,600 566,198 38,800,436 12,334 Total possessions 17,777 8,426 24,828 11,436 7,687 5,269 8,268 20,266 3,883 395 2,204 944 206 191 65 1,260 1,838 341 ¿88 2,051 303 142 104 702 1,104 20,593 27,760 684 373 492 149 6 164 3 82 402 4,487 11 5,490 3,447 25 5,148 1,504 25 1,684 636 6 2,001 409 1 170 4,985 9,646 7,050 2,818 2,560 54,262 123,949 1,469,236 1,460,696 469,723 209,985 1 Excludes reciprocal balances with banks in the United States. 2 Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account), a Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 114 and 115.) ' Includes guaranty fund. B O ^ O d § tei o K! TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Location Maine New HampshireVermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States.. New York. New Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of ColumbiaTotal Eastern StatesVirginia. . West V i r g i n i a North Carolina.. South Carolina.. Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky. Tennessee Total Southern States. Loans secured by agricultural Commercial commodities and indus- covered directly Other agriculor indirectly trial loans tural by purchase (including loans open-market agreements of Commodity paper) Credit Corporation 9,432 1,319 2,527 80,495 10,825 28,814 102 918 46 931 327 111 374 Real-estate loans Other loans Loans to for the purbrokers pose of purchasing or and carrying Secured Secured Secured dealers stocks, bonds, by farm by resi- by other in dential and other land securities properties properties securities 91 1 2,706 19 75 2,285 17 357 4,866 1,178 4,834 1,174 125 5,720 538 451 941 9,108 9,671 17, 224 56,360 28,427 44,345 5,951 3,660 4,609 19,665 13,349 9,881 Loans to banks All other loans 48 2,101 4,067 48,155 8,233 27,755 139,412 205 2,707 2,892 13, 537 8,949 165,135 57,115 53 100,006 1,680,835 58,853 218,763 11,681 26,178 8,778 10,703 584,496 2,318 29,655 3,626 478 170,124 10,133 25,206 3,264 5,495 1, 501 6,192 1,168 6,826 2,150 5,761 22 184,223 140, 802 142,612 9,288 29,912 23, 550 86,125 33,756 43,466 5,200 8,624 9,703 15,677 256 885 6,358 515 2,004 579 1,845 443,675 69,315 174,131 15,164 34,015 18,722 2,005,088 12,773 11,301 620,9 215, 723 22,119 530,387 186,874 15, 725 755,022 30,687 11,403 58,015 3,492 30,310 7,428 10, 580 12, 557 15,028 17,470 4,895 20,163 15,370 779 134 4,254 2,729 9,030 85 5,611 7,004 1,717 27,214 10,072 897 1,212 2,968 1,302 3,405 2,173 6,476 1,930 4,344 16,326 2,813 26,957 5,761 7,623 6,831 685 1,645 56 169 329 90 162 564 72 1 103 116 1,465 3,864 5,993 787 2,595 1,330 508 861 466 1,196 414 3,128 2,375 7,713 3,329 9,941 1,049 4,725 1,774 2,464 4,638 3,880 1,905 1, 556 17, 237 8,445 31,638 16,961 12, 574 3,513 19,991 5,263 6,574 4,712 7,446 7,192 3,830 16,491 10,425 8,330 4,735 8,266 535 4,830 2,936 1,822 1, 841 2,940 4,129 1,292 6,466 2,907 10 131 4 61,199 15,026 42,126 4,662 23,967 9,897 10,180 13,416 12,970 19, 540 4,508 27, 736 22,413 4,821 24,982 68,656 146,610 51,029 652 267,640 237,3 70,738 430 26 42 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan. Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Iowa. Missouri Total Middle Western States. North Dakota. South Dakota.. Nebraska Montana Wyoming Colorado New MexicoOklahoma Total Western States. WashingtonOregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions). Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of HawaiiPuerto Rico American Samoa Total possessions 1 All real-estate loans. 2 158 25 52 77 40 50 84 178 119,304 433 377,548 664 201 432 215 1,524 475 403 768 165 249 69 1,085 1,593 3,869 9,768 1,941 809 3,760 801 5,736 12 18 31 78 21 7 12 1 35 140 29,362 215 8 4,886 2,539 54,213 824 5,203 223 764 58 6 610 18 102 4 9 2,230 3,475 12,696 1,070 207 10,315 36,083 14,907 12,182 14,987 25,339 13,476 18,280 31,274 72,939 28,163 5,544 102 8,716 749 1,050 15 425 1,782 10,615 1,503 8,445 5,822 4,136 507 1,834 7,496 23,412 16, 523 11,110 12,980 22,681 13,565 38,391 15,189 174,602 61,992 53,481 102,886 57,885 22,712 33,611 66,286 34,459 10,668 7,328 18, 751 14,532 4,642 6,423 22,501 531,713 80,983 216,640 18,383 40,358 153,851 573,455 411 832 1,745 10,134 3,174 557 4,648 1,059 2,512 35,002 13,175 23,434 47,154 16,827 923 3,429 5 13,559 5,108 13,961 21,926 35,990 5,904 4,306 7,971 2,451 9,249 2 27 116 322 657 852 87 809 68 122 394 1,175 2,963 6,869 489 241 466 83 936 661 1,382 1,298 7,432 2,493 1,639 2,411 552 1,064 25,072 153,508 106,866 192 3,060 13,616 18,932 4,432 8,275 970 116,833 2,155 7,894 244 2,672 7,431 370 1,257 3,224 367 1 72 2,242 1,571 15,657 2,867 5,939 381 1,417 14 9 4,955 607 85 12,503 57 621 3 201 1,141 598 19,801 400 1,783 50 202 8,627 3,221 275,817 755 11,293 640 4,884 2,660 608 82,295 439 5,375 251 724 23,975 305,237 92,352 68,652 807 291,166 1,739,756 511,106 17,037 1,598,230 5,613 gF 328 404 2,518 569 2 2,899 2 8,973 2 4 3 w 20 125 45 132 139,043 12,722 30,074 5,110 14,077 3,077,726 330,929 456,497 652,334 311,737 10 10,527 15,173 Total United States and possessions . 40 15 251 35 11 118,221 28,172 43,469 54,432 30,085 15,443 30,161 57,565 69 12 130,164 23,937 129,237 53,242 42,313 10,444 24,381 117,995 3,205 7,324 25,710 3,205 7,324 3,103,436 334,134 463,821 Includes amounts reported as overdrafts. 3 78 219 300 652,334 312,037 11,131 28 43 26 34 4 1,228 10,072 1,641 1,232 12,844 732 14,961 7 292,398 1,752,600 511,838 17,037 1,613,191 5,620 GO d ^ s g H H H O W M O Sm o a o o S o a o d w w a a CO TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Capital Location Capital notes Preand ferred deben- stock tures Maine New HampshireVermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States.. New York New Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of ColumbiaTotal Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia... North CarolinaSouth Carolina.. Georgia Florida.. Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky.. Tennessee Total Southern States- 41,904 72 4,007 447 55,086 3,592 13,662 493,682 112,384 287,558 3,755 7 481 46,958 13,273 19,929 10,236 884 2,442 33,013 10,600 21,261 16,408 71,974 965,964 84,403 78,436 311 175 70,451 22 1,733 3,518 20 10 1,237 4,573 States and political subdivisions 4,743 902 2,240 32,080 12,270 19,739 46,430 184 Individuals, U. S. Common partnerstock ships and Government corporations 3,480 300 5,134 4,026 1,100 2,368 24,865 29,254 15,846 2,512 156 43Ï 1,779 3,624 1,252 1,184 2,756 2,330 19,542 Memorandum Demand deposits Time deposits RecipBanks in rocal United IndividBanks bank States uals, U. S. in balances (excludpartnerGovwith ing re- foreign ships and erncounbanks ciprocal corporament tries in the bank tions United. balances) States 1,916 150 303 44,203 2,428 20,694 31 313 146 1,641 560 29 57,169 37,436 45,990 169,630 148,480 136,389 459 2,261 595,094 550 250 300 States and Banks Banks in Postal politsavings ical United foreign subdi- States countries visions 155 5 11 139 279 34 661 70 736 414 348 1,103 344 3,332 478 32,692 3,845 24,414 1,894 801 88,016 386 1,990 98 42 5 767 767 137 436,742 8,676,932 2,641,137 37,462 610,724 87,463 112,110 1,563,472 163,645 9,954 189,903 34,357 17,286 303,716 38,714 9,975 146,333 3,282 374,419 1,982,968 403,398 72,537 17,046 217 96,127 98,791 58 7,065 2,156 29,372 28,944 45,466 1,168,928 4,102 500,447 30,352 627,030 400 29,428 6,197 126,824 1,565 75,786 6,000 623,529 11,491,0! 579,526 2,131,993 403,707 88,082 2,528,443 6,000 457 63,646 90,537 200 555 591 778 15 193 179 62 237 549 177 2,339 139 1,277 40 295 166 200 103 5 93 176 5,760 16,139 11,215 15,324 3,659 14,524 7,225 6,051 7,190 8,966 17,658 5,828 19,624 11,060 2,968,598 186,786 95,761 328,639 71,509 196,486 120,046 117,268 163,600 159,782 288,499 120,360 232,809 168,137 14,710 9,115 28,395 706 12,727 3,377 14,361 3,600 10,052 13,059 916 22,629 14,861 23,390 11,764 80,986 9,767 17,812 18,075 16,484 30,387 36,632 33,243 19,248 31,227 20,966 38,344 10,292 179,453 1,503 29,441 2,784 13,764 16,575 31,603 13,664 11,372 23,529 9,308 358 144,463 2,249,682 148,508 349,981 381,632 596 166 66 6 4,268 17,267 58 5,513 57 1,069 498 1,226 668 704 2,029 581 141,846 58,722 100,454 17,136 65,762 35,481 37,157 46,466 45,189 27,359 19,887 62,170 66,517 33,938 724,146 410 1 34 12 60 129 97 6,511 55 1,820 338 500 2,166 126 4 269 2,283 74 375 814 4,310 3,683 15,335 2,400 1,250 4ÖÖ 121 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan.. Wisconsin.. MinnesotaIowa Missouri. __ 2,"662 76,244 67,784 42,440 84,991 23,809 21,043 65,842 77,890 92,545 12, 111 155,251 23,443 12,812 3,131 14,781 293,703 782 1,864 1,143 79,130 17,173 79,834 23,023 19,496 11,186 17,645 89, 751 39,912 13,768 291,430 4,651,904 337,238 460,043 607,777 1,777 174 ,036 154 367 500 155 30 2,387 3,321 7,219 13,156 3,543 934 2,831 740 4,647 61,717 48,928 102,003 199,455 74,544 19,257 64,725 22,264 70,164 4,250 2,301 1,916 8,633 3, 717 257 1,163 574 2,425 3,527 11,279 48,557 11,771 2,700 4,971 3,008 11,985 338 648 947 5,987 10,355 746 2,051 27 1,589 2,440 38,778 663,057 25,236 106,780 22,688 3,583 1,859 48,621 1,111 5,193 247 1,072 66,684 32,807 730,825 26,593 69,678 4,737 23,815 1,065 201 39,635 657 1,154 8 173 7,140 3,306 23,929 3,974 14,520 1,615 4,178 383 108 117,530 422 14,523 125 80 61,686 955,139 42,893 58,662 133,091 7,719 989 Total Middle Western States. North DakotaSouth DakotaNebraska 300 "Î39 13,819 15,349 20,034 46,010 18,489 7,245 23,245 3,659 12,425 965 160,275 300 220 1,589 34,360 5,199 38,921 18,570 867,567 7,258 51,190 2,014 15,326 23 104 231 11,339 48 7 16,368 8,206 11,216 1,000,846 103 3,123 134,607 1,231,860 20,976,826 3,606,876 1,633,428 3,346,875 414,755 184,529 7,664,252 501 158 474 11,756 114 100 1,133 11,998 5,490 3,447 25 .... Total United States and pos- 1,100 235 418 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii . Puerto Rico American S a m o a i — Total possessions 48,067 2,655,448 1,377 1,766 20 840 649 184 25 2,201 WashingtonOregon California Idaho— Utah Nevada Arizona Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 78 278 1, luO 19,798 134 4,609 2,638 2,387 4,283 59 452 305 1,075 — 24 576 63 330 167 104 97 162 396 166 167 "10 Montana Wyoming Colorado New MexicoOklahoma Total Pacific States 10,035 85 690,137 199,487 406,115 518,450 295,683 142,636 192,891 210,049 10,657 113 7,806 373 8,131 48 43 20,896 188 1,059 46 27 568 139 65 1 108 320 167 Total Western States. 641 70.167 1, 23,472 372,248 41,631 1,038,527 38,520 550,623 28,634 302,504 14,138 150,400 22,390 400,303 52,478 731,606 19,704 7,054 1,784 9,646 17,187 12,608 57,126 45,778 150 22, 274 891 13,927 133,062 37,242 11,901 11,348 219 23,468 43 317 43 104 29 420 770 38 618 2,530 1,329 38 1,783 "Ì5 6,312 3,954 53,437 19,834 479 3,956 3,150 165 84,016 93,123 134,607 1,241,506 21,109,888 3,644,118 1,656,896 3,350,831 417,905 1 Classification of deposits estimated. 10,411 14 151 150 184,694 7,748,268 Til hj hj tr» m S a 44 H 124 40 H o 200 g s a U2 o ^ o o 102 10 12 12,260 11,786 16,509 6,481 130,660 118,901 767 §F £ & 494 252 36,402 O 36,654 12,260 7,090 167,314 118,901 767 w m o Kl Ol TABLE NO. 12.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 81, 1948 1 ASSETS GÖ [In thousands of dollars] Loans disNum- and counts, ber of includbanks ing overdrafts Location 31 <21 33 69 14 73 Maine New Hampshire3 Vermont Massachusetts-. Rhode Island ConnecticutTotal New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Securities guaranteed by U.S. Government as to interest and principal Corporate Obligastocks, tions of Other CurStates bonds, including rency notes stocks of and and political and de- Federal coin subdi- bentures Reserve banks visions 82,697 19,972 25,759 605,890 207,305 331,866 1,188 1,316 1,058 7,783 15,980 9,726 2,836 2,292 1,814 11,442 1,276 26,288 448,135 1,273,489 37,051 45,948 34,660 14,873 36,927 193,106 59,022 109,547 9,294 4,886 6,754 29,256 15,927 17,059 - Total Southern States.- 183 103 182 123 245 119 150 179 117 391 160 300 225 2,477 Balances with other banks, including reserve balances Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures 1,329 3,079 1,232 6,009 11,954 4,579 2,071 6,137 31, 588 375 515 5,580 1,358 1,318 8,459 21,590 5 193,367 11,906 7,692 48,685 10,376 19,391 130,516 11,063 28,182 56,643 4,572,663 501,989 132,924 53,082 154, 272 22,943 115,003 32, 875 47,415 65,572 44,673 122, 642 38,374 94,888 69,670 7,024 3,791 31,161 829 5,480 3,385 7,759 3,162 2,561 5,045 4,878 4,231 994,333 2,069,243 81,118 430,486 624,260 11,032 4,160 11,258 983 4,546 992 1,837 751 1,221 1,682 1,672 7,311 1,974 1,812 268,100 49,419 153,816 228,738 1,761 1,001 1,482 245 1,444 106 599 169 773 2,315 103 486 1,998 12,482 137,441 1,674,711 Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding 355 1,059 931 874 2,062 553 1,950 40 1,420 4,075 215 38 592 7,429 6,105 630 9,042 528 11,219 689 46 2,100 15,137 213 140 59 268,529 68,122 23,624 15,549 7,768 3,310 6,185 616 5.106 2,109 1,644 2, 831 2,430 3,934 1.107 4,242 4,180 633 1,266 533 180 1,426 340 595 455 233 270 99 997 850 45,462 7,877 107" 730 19 3 364 324 630 "58" 3,306 51 230 5,142 Income earned or accrued Other but not collected 33 1,725 395 31 157 576 159 576 3,042 1,894 136 18,640 8,820 39,404 576 551 131 37,149 81,899 16,123 48,296 3,132 3,426 940 134 358 28 112 13 Total Eastern States Virginia. West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate 801 Total assets 173,745 53,850 85,783 1,086,170 384,465 663,055 2,447,068 33,845 25,528,509 487 198 2,086 20 418 199 229 97 295 78 26 298 215 729 709 2,648 311 891 676 436 715 331 465 500 2,796 575 4,646 11,782 « •3 H O 18,820,333 1, 735,441 3,555,716 385,470 731,609 299,940 57,081 W d hj •d t-> a g W a •d o w H 00 o ^ a o § g td o a o d td ft) si O *! 5,362,557 Ohio Indiana. Illinois Michigan. Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota. South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States. Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada. Arizona.Total Pacific States.. Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 525,405 1,474,511 449,429 137,502 295,366 1,042,650 867,617 241,282 410,245 185,039 215,488 96,432 443,413 201, 276 776,436 337,146 54,530 13,373 74, 702 31, 940 13, 741 5,122 8,844 31,670 91,478 22,608 117,883 80,809 42,594 18,143 33,691 53,406 70,674 22,860 119, 238 40, 673 44, 734 8,642 10,893 31,618 4,983 497 1,809 1,682 502 138 396 28,117 619,311 53, 232 221,690 21,172 26, 536 5 538,889 362,261 34,667 201,370 16,718 104,207 7,884 245,001 16,270 483,955 20,250 26,068 7,402 10,557 15,370 7,686 2,857 4,765 11,041 4,310 1,113 1,041 210 595 190 444 2,826 1,328 349 353 131 1,181 39 866 163 154 17 70 3,866 401 3,595 1,564 181 249 55 1,635 3,630 2,019,448 5,679,789 233,922 460,612 349,332 38,124 196,729 2, 776,684 85, 746 10, 729 4,410 447 11,546 429 358 483 356 461 487 542 514 115 126 275 449 69 30 63 19 184 27,144 24,280 40,287 82,322 25,780 8,426 25, 559 5,425 27,904 92,037 47,236 82,562 170,840 70, 644 13,383 61,001 18,616 49,621 1,060 619 1,607 5.339 2,394 436 787 392 816 5,571 4,812 3,456 15,381 3,073 722 4,461 763 11,291 703 574 1,437 1,741 1,394 325 2,148 124 278 20 54 28 398 151 25 100 39 23 1,758 1,637 2,443 7,466 2,199 678 2,545 1,195 2,723 53,544 34,201 77, 369 158, 516 52, 545 17, 592 52, 223 14,504 54, 722 507 703 907 2,359 753 313 590 175 537 79 42 6 89 28 1 9 7 10 1,330 267,127 605,940 13,450 49,530 8,724 838 22,644 515, 216 6,844 271 88 46 6 115 31 45 4 7 31, 790 81,890 9,508 46, 211 544,818 1,220, 228 10,951 23,970 39, 520 91,185 2,227 6,412 9,303 27,560 830 411 28,600 727 4,767 17 562 10,306 4,142 119,909 2,117 5,733 269 2,317 1, 329 1,006 42, 531 245 730 19 616 90 54 3,811 22 254 7 49 3,803 1,918 27, 205 855 2,851 422 1,691 48, 287 20,036 5 492,052 18,904 59, 582 2,734 16, 296 1, 044 473 21,970 265 679 116 271 55 37 4,631 19 74 7 4 336 648,117 1,497,456 35,914 144,793 46,476 4,287 38, 745 657,891 24,818 4,827 346 237,729 680,940 10,909,447 468, 548 99,255 40,006 8,952 8,949,823 24,808,974 903,444 1,399,469 1,161,387 Alaska.. Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of H a w a i i Puerto Rico American Samoa 13 72 8 8 13 1 3,427 228 22, 511 33,875 23 103,985 88,534 736 557 268 Total possessions » . . . 37 60,064 206,415 825 Total United States and possessions 13,160 8,989 9,009,887 25,015,389 432 1,159 1,492,559 1,139 82 53 2,959 3 12 21 52 266 33,447 53 84 7 60 179,569 84,115 2,543,401 58,128 205,696 12, 249 58,750 1,139 3,130 33,969 3,141,908 18,571 79,877 234 4,406 837 18 238, 489 716,583 10,969,532 472,954 100,092 40,024 760 186 11 101 60,085 6,196 904,269 1,417,571 1,167,583 5 35,643 18,102 1 Includes loan and trust companies and stock savings banks. 2 Excludes reciprocal demand balances with banks in the United States. 3 June 30,1943. * Includes 8 guaranty savings banks, c Includes gross reciprocal bank balances. 21 379 18 672 182, 513 114,198 210,153 445,334 159,162 41,912 149,983 41,245 148,059 150 628 178 4,485 4 5 9,570 11,877,088 5 268 68 2,064 2,005 1 7,704 10,398 2,931,172 899,531 2,234,704 1,679, 781 925,578 459,809 966,043 1,780,470 1 2 1 375 8,838 904 30, 267 19, 554 522 88 52 15 8 1,322 1,135 2,013 1,504 929 418 112 2,137 38 25 43 508 15 11 404 3 112 3,174 5,792 10,621 15, 764 292 1,702 72 71 63 31 75 42,356 8,517 55,667 30,803 49,348 192,087 226,415 1,581 268 106,615 500,234 40 58 168 2 18,571 92,219 49,849,689 80,145 198.843 50,349,923 Includes trust companies and other financial institutions without deposits. ' Branches of 2 American national banks. 8 Includes 2 American national banks having branches in Puerto Rico. 9 Excludes figures for Guam and The Philippines because of the war. 6 NOTE.—E stimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not obtain able direct from State banking departments. zu d •d F « g H H H O W H hj O W H GO O a O O §3 t* S Sd o a o d w sd a o TABLE NO. 12.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 81, 1943—Continued 00 LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits1 Location Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut T o t a l New States England New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia _ Total Eastern States . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee _ Total Southern States Bills payable, rediscounts and Time de- Total de- other liabilposits 1 posits ities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and on other real estate 89,993 6,255 22,352 a 786,392 164,922 451,546 67,845 41,261 51,304 196,482 173,808 156,406 157,838 47,516 73,656 3 982,874 338,730 607,952 120 7 1,521,460 687,106 2,208,566 120 7 15,608,600 1,585,890 17,194,490 1,013,819 590,846 1,604,665 2,388,855 712,172 3,101,027 347,375 313,531 33,844 676,053 517,611 158,442 270,067 190,587 79,480 34,275 406 41 20,033,003 3,160,674 23,193,677 34,722 336,237 173,480 732,412 112,461 372,863 219,034 208,014 288,235 303,364 502,914 191,152 409,588 285,890 157,613 67,254 121,259 19,334 78,151 51,435 41,416 52,681 53,218 33,413 20,799 61,409 76,182 493,850 240, 734 853,671 131,795 451,014 270,469 249,430 340,916 356,582 536,327 211,951 470,997 362,072 4,135,644 834,164 4,969,808 Reserves and retirement account for Undivid- preferred ed profits stock and capital notes and debentures Capital stock 2 Surplus 3,715 3,225 1,704 * 39,665 4 27,156 18,926 2,634 1,568 2,013 14,081 2,463 7,666 21 131 38 601 2 598 287 94 106 2,733 1,470 1,586 51 19 146 682 328 777 7,901 1,202 6,823 35,149 13,370 22,228 1,454 320 1,333 10,350 60 3,699 639 1,002 6,026 2,003 86,673 94,391 30,425 17,216 691,186 35,897 246,103 20,075 20,874 12,310 187,019 12,544 42,628 6,338 7,202 4,387 75,099 10,935 26,969 324 4,340 1,163 973 19.676 213 140 59 5,819 1,464 1,295 139 363 234 37,705 1,673 7,141 743 841 669 69,455 1,637 4,086 342 489 433 505,609 66,0u7 125,313 10,075 21,447 10,677 973 20,088 9,314 48,772 76,442 T39,128 1,026,445 260,118 118,830 6 82 1,183 47 1,313 39 1,333 77 53 53 132 102 10 220 430 1,305 434 1,957 104 642 125 152 317 338 237 25 461 339 499 179 1, 613 52 476 124 164 629 486 562 322 3,113 432 20,215 12,933 17,923 4,114 16,202 7,338 7,711 11,358 10,450 19,220 7,029 22, 210 13,364 12, 742 10,074 20,545 3,534 12,402 6,971 5,346 8,903 8,192 11,140 4,011 15,440 7,570 5,465 3,311 7,828 1,367 5,444 2,108 3,702 903 2,776 5,290 2,395 5,182 3,893 3,852 975 5,738 444 2,803 1,028 663 942 1,430 1,553 879 2,155 1,638 801 4,992 6,436 8,651 170,067 126,870 49,664 24,100 630 213 126 13 47 60 Acceptances executed by Income Expenses or for acaccrued Other licount of re- collected but not and un- abilities porting paid earned banks and outstanding 1 4 30 69 602 1 2 1,161 7 58 25 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan. Wisconsin... Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming ColoradoNew Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Azriona Total Pacific States 1,868,515 605,152 31,610,486 890,306 488,099 246,821 691,308 1,414,790 886,692 231,933 486,001 684,491 368,744 178,502 215,302 239,978 2,745,207 837,085 3 2,096,487 1,353 252 338 1,025 232 96 44 456 6,221 627 3,665 1,259 495 217 81 1,946 5,110 1,066 3,358 2,139 267 158 54 5,094 88,237 30,165 42,998 48,086 36,577 15,218 25,139 56,585 56,798 17,909 37,927 29,973 15,699 10,672 20,106 32,659 20,176 9,065 24,305 13,237 9,311 6,197 9,884 21,268 7,916 3,286 25,481 9,194 6,091 1,928 4,108 5,314 3,796 14,511 17.246 343,005 221,743 113,443 63,318 11 3 12 47 12 9 5 18 9 93 66 106 8 353 8 29 57 19 41 387 29 10 97 1 107 5,058 3,666 7,724 14,470 3,796 1,280 3,398 975 4,857 1,792 2,117 4,205 11,557 2,767 1,367 3,520 517 3,386 1,962 1,778 1,801 5,562 1,421 387 1,698 44 1,861 1,495 326 541 704 711 296 680 337 242 5 212 572 748 45,224 31,228 16,514 5,332 1,324 199 12 1,537 1 24 5 187 13 5,038 157 7 120 93 14 7,239 33 122 11 8 4,220 2,467 59,763 1,265 5,670 450 1,072 3,211 1,670 50,709 1.033 5,009 136 1,513 1,749 951 24,340 581 1,797 139 197 691 367 14,347 203 700 1,324 1,778 5,522 7,520 74,907 63,281 29,754 16,314 23,377 21,094 81,839 112,610 1,459,004 1,563,958 145 71 63 1,574,797 856,843 425,323 906,610 1,654,768 2,310 17 70 7,805,477 3,291,643 11,097,120 2,386 520 133,380 88,082 173,717 362,883 128,057 30,404 105,689 35,028 124,824 38,7.11 18,195 22,103 49,606 22,257 8,151 34,450 4,335 12,687 172,091 106,277 195,820 412,489 150,314 38,555 140,139 39,363 137,511 1,182,064 210,495 1,392,559 165 165 50,411 169,219 118,808 24,707 78,621 53,914 U,336,485 1,042,619 3 2,379,104 9,353 55,012 45,659 63,363 192,217 128,854 2,800 11,501 8,701 18,661 55,834 37,173 1,729,594 1,211,914 2,941,508 Total United States (exclusive of possessions). . 36,407,242 9,395,996 45,803,238 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama). The Territory of Hawaii Puerto R i c o . . . American Samoa 154 76 21,659 44,682 103,794 121,846 743 7,277 4,601 72,904 94,941 766 28,936 49,283 176,698 216,787 1,509 292,724 180,489 38,554 987 499,918 245,110 685 405 554 214 5,490 3,548 25 5,288 2,178 25 1,886 395 19 2,276 400 3 9,748 7,896 2,854 2,893 114,010 1,468,752 1,571,854 502,772 248,003 1,714 20 1 71 251 173 9 65 197 1,129 473,213 1,714 20 72 424 1,400 Total United States and possessions 36.699,966 9,576,485 46,276,451 40,268 1,007 21,166 82,263 Total possessions i Excludes reciprocal balances with banks in the United States. » Includes capital notés and debentures. (See classification on pp. 122 and 123.) 3 Includes gross reciprocal bank balances. < Includes guaranty fund. 23,377 6 w d g g a öl H H o w tel hd o s CO o o o g §3 E tö o a o d w » tel o H co TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island.. Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia. Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Loans secured Other loans Real-estate loans by agricultural for the purcommodities Commercial covered pose of purLoans to directly and industrial or indirectly Other agricul- brokers and chasing or loans (includ- by purchase tural loans carrying dealers in Secured by Secured by ing open-mar- agreements of stocks, bonds Secured by securities other propresidential ket paper) and other Commodity farm land properties erties securities Credit Corporation 9,543 1,043 2,475 62,520 14,305 26,078 298 ~ Ì3 8 6 1,139 30 1,128 406 142 767 17 291 2,551 101 390 12,594 1,120 3,478 981 223 5,074 492 446 903 8,512 8,824 21,153 54,111 24,979 43,077 5,606 3,332 3,598 17,029 12,853 8,103 155 " 30 All other Loans to loans, includbanks ing overdrafts 115,964 325 3,612 20,234 8,119 160,656 50,521 1,673,575 67,796 235,759 11,983 24,256 7,422 12,586 758,879 5,980 42,420 3,346 785 646 298,067 10,732 24,504 2,629 10,456 1,621 5,574 1,153 6,205 1,981 5,350 31 183,748 142,571 132,597 9,380 26,906 21,044 76,431 32,893 38,288 4,905 9,218 9,969 30,852 424 122 528 8,744 455 2,110 502 1,730 2,020,791 13,660 13,541 812,056 348,009 20,294 516,246 171,704 30,852 33,821 8,290 60,531 3,647 34,271 9,121 8,822 10,849 11,941 18,366 5,295 21,384 13,880 648 43 7,658 7,042 18,772 409 10,797 11,011 3,840 40,257 13,429 514 3,233 3,784 1,263 5,196 1,489 8,423 2,495 5,602 18,173 2,678 29,221 7,389 9,260 7,635 1,565 334 2,331 47 141 384 327 707 703 66 30 138 157 2,481 6,172 9,370 689 4,884 2,308 1,967 2,766 1,288 2,961 1,077 4,645 3,626 6,903 3,017 9,698 1,129 5,449 1,823 2,519 4,252 3,505 2,414 1,739 15,631 8,741 31,537 16,267 12,577 3,958 22,042 5,234 6,438 5,102 7,208 8,985 3,610 14,660 10,126 7,996 4,046 7,836 544 3,813 2,982 1,717 1,548 2,747 2,509 1,013 5,283 2,457 240,218 117,653 102,608 44,234 66,820 147,744 44,491 10 162 "60 216 7 94 549 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin.. MinnesotaIowa Missouri 130,100 16,988 137,220 42,788 41,763 8,284 21,475 124,003 Total Middle Western States. North DakotaSouth Dakota.. Nebraska. Montana Wyoming Colorado New MexicoOklahoma Total Western States.. Washington. Oregon California. _ _ Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of HawaiiPuerto Rico American Samoa. 53,626 50 15,850 1,122 311 522,621 19,936 220,979 74,054 2,450 869 1,964 10,783 3,466 657 6,698 1,092 3,292 17,351 3,653 13, 770 10,049 551 1,607 157 6,055 4,884 15, 267 22,913 32,561 6,506 4,332 7,659 2,397 10,695 31, 271 1,009 107,214 States 285 359 22,537 21,648 10,074 14, 261 22,348 13,220 35, 791 17, 234 163,460 51,268 51,059 96,556 61,828 25,647 32,809 74,565 33,461 8,211 6,361 15, 518 12,409 2,969 5,804 17,443 58 50 4 70 195 23 12 1, 237 85,836 22,429 35,295 49,850 22,023 12,139 23,197 49,063 157,113 557,192 102,176 1,649 299,832 28 199 447 1,345 787 115 815 54 204 1,228 2,996 6,303 541 263 419 130 1,134 763 1,409 1,567 7,395 2,357 1,571 3, 370 542 1,273 107 335 191 1,304 404 397 973 150 206 42 1,117 1,319 3,295 8.572 1,670 539 4,008 903 5,045 3,994 13,412 20,247 4,067 26,468 154 17,525 107 693 2 141 1,315 653 16,325 515 2,051 92 248 10,041 2,489 263,785 594 12,952 525 4,390 1,906 1,014 68,494 403 4,684 319 546 4,538 2,319 41,291 736 5,099 434 837 294, 776 77, 366 162 55, 254 450, 325 33, 298 1,314,965 127 134,609 5,515 34,149 5,556 19,531 21,199 3,065,474 217,098 482,103 902,844 499,898 286,957 2 !, 392 728 14 1,783 8,948 13,782 22 Total possessions 6,816 385 2,710 23,542 1,794 12,869 5,836 4,901 844 5,161 2,625 1,461 15,873 4,252 7,601 493 1,844 5,900 302 1,170 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) United 11, 224 14,959 24,843 14,267 18,995 31,383 73,655 31, 653 7,720 1,049 115,569 Total Pacific States Total 1,561 105 1,791 1,014 266 1,923 2,987 10,289 355 1,445 235 442 14 5,233 271 5,656 34 2,366 226 1,767 9,158 1 1,061 7,943 1,864 447 462 22,752 and 3,088,226 13,518 217,540 487,759 902,844 504,020 288,754 1,707,729 451,234 33,298 1,328,483 GO d hi B g H H H O W *M O w H GQ O ^ O O O t-1 B S) o ^ a d w PÖ H o Hi to TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Capital Capital notes and debentures Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 3,158 300 4,480 2,969 1,100 2,314 New York New Jersey _ Pennsylvania Delaware. Maryland District of Columbia 41,207 72 3,597 277 45,153 Total Eastern States Total Southern States 1,693 188 1,302 - 20 10 964 4,177 Common stock 4,743 902 2,343 32,180 12,270 19,914 Individuals, part- U. S. nerships; Governand corment porations Time deposits Banks in United Banks Certi- IndividStates States anduals, part- U. S. and po- (excludin for- fied cash- nerships, Govlitical eign ing reiers' corernsubdivi- ciprocal coun- checks, and porament sions bank bal- tries etc.1 tions ances) 69,512 4,075 18,494 587,886 129,096 347,360 6,215 319 1,196 99,161 19,063 53,239 10,815 909 2,018 36,025 10,527 23,338 2,415 871 341 2 47,576 2,716 22,559 72,352 1,156,423 179,193 83,632 76,478 States Banks Postal and po- Banks in forin savlitical United eign ings subdi- States counvisions tries 48 331 30 501 39 668 370 309 95 142 1,982 413 1,036 81 303 14,983 3,371 5,050 67,078 41,221 50,565 195,659 173,199 156,128 13 21 300 119 24,824 683,850 719 348,325 1,739,215 455,733 466,694 1,331,307 20,222 78,369 227 16,595 587,296 100,382 82,297 683,497 27,664 3,806 9,327 31,843 4,194 28,689 29,645 156,598 10 3,633 1,814 6 79,134 12 2,276 11,119 162 528 15 42 344 525 313 150 440,159 10,054,770 2,543,863 775,969 39,649 122,437 111, 059 1.870,695 307,817 230,853 10,003 65,351 383,647 17,537 71,987 165,356 10,250 21,123 65,318 628,657 13,481,290 3,132,578 547,969 1,894,128 455,982 521,056 2,869,675 14,321 Total New England States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia _ _ Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana _ _ _ Texas Arkansas Kentucky __ Tennessee Preferred stock Demand deposits 24,243 26,358 14,254 3,449 2; 468 155 411 927 3,689 1,094 1,020 2,669 2,266 18,148 240,368 124,229 419,994 95,196 274,613 174,832 158,408 215,668 214,546 427,746 148,543 314,778 227,631 30,880 21,699 58,984 3,522 35,400 14,862 16,452 11,938 16,597 18,876 6,894 37,538 25,812 21,486 14,740 84,225 11,459 21,410 23,304 19,922 38,108 40,854 34,947 24,160 31,558 22,093 37,564 9,237 162,330 1,894 38,988 3,917 12,131 21,190 29,147 17,443 10,617 23,482 8,884 147,742 3,036,552 299,454 388,266 376,824 16,766 11,240 15,455 3,771 14,900 6,927 6,784 7,649 9,346 18,256 6,009 19,541 11,098 761 149 910 93 1 164 141 4 30 433 266 1 10 101 18 2 31,597 211,860 3,010 378 26,517 1,105 1,971 15 1,759 25 7 64,854 213,383 7 12,210 545 5,846 3,575 6,879 390 2,452 2,119 1,100 1,331 2,056 3,761 934 2,202 1,470 149,711 66,644 115,221 18,843 77,168 49, 111 41,151 51,941 49,643 30,993 20,311 60,739 74,667 631 3 2,457 407 2,847 23 400 402 609 464 170 361 10 116 141 60 103 288 53 33 15 56 6,627 138 1,822 452 316 2,135 65 34,115 806,143 8,045 1,870 15,294 223 43 34 415 2,334 55 216 719 180 299 1,398 29 328 5 140 230 25 10 37 131 2,812 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan.. Wisconsin.. Minnesota. Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western StatesNorth Dakota.. South DakotaNebraska Kansas... Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico... Oklahoma Total Western StatesWashington.. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of HawaiiPuerto Rico American Samoa Total possessionsTotal United States and sions 17,185 6,407 1,058 649 5,858 934 1,335 2,498 1,806 1,027 70,403 1,425,131 477,094 23,758 41,940 1,245, 714 685, 784 38,438 397,092 29, 384 203,136 14,284 533,772 23,333 884,664 53,060 .33,940 14,465 294,600 5,852,387 442 264 148 24 55 909 485 143 220,183 149, 70, 41, 11, 52, 115, 73,554 71,766 48,165 89, 278 26,163 23,560 80,696 96,629 94,591 11,419 2 148,409 24,448 12,867 2,991 13,756 304,444 >,634 509,811 612,925 174 854 131 477 397 135 31 4,592 3,402 7,402 13,616 3,610 803 3,001 840 4,826 97,705 71,199 155,608 280,436 94,765 25,093 87,082 29,703 99,410 3,545 3,101 5,954 14,697 6,930 1,020 6,817 1,043 27,466 12,424 10,023 56,938 14,820 3,214 6,450 3,793 14,569 3,710 692 1,013 8,527 10,278 738 3,973 29 1,787 2,223 42,092 462 11,222 114 100 30 1,090 11,466 941,001 49, 593 149,697 10,747 103,014 3,735 46,837 2,324 48,541 1,035, 651 38,138 1,151 90,353 5,108 6,328 420 28,771 1,072 5,761 1,767 111,817 1,301 7,405 265 2,567 7,861 4,360 40,031 5,059 13,579 1,940 4,913 489 143 2 115,478 665 15,458 62,351 1,349,092 130,883 77,743 132,399 841,568 230,039 478,976 680,197 366,113 175,023 215,151 238,749 2,942 127,778 3,225,816 774 677 453 44, 282 6,453 17, 597 19,805 10, 775 5,707 10, 205 12,954 954 666 1,119 2,285 1,264 339 1,367 460 2,572 19,663 17,258 22,047 49,455 21,521 8,021 34,211 4,311 12,554 11,026 189,041 410 31 9,227 20 50,376 1,273 776 24,356 24,281 1,017,417 476 9,348 2,059 63,166 168 2,800 18,647 9,756 29,721 1,186,110 166 85,269 125,941 1,247,794 25,816,745 4,491,335 1,757,118 3,123,501 470,023 748,520 8,960,635 5,490 3,548 25 20,669 16,405 62,067 78,225 445 22 28,170 25,252 7,357 9,748 177,811 60,801 685 646 14,971 19,373 287 973 2,526 34,631 4,145 5,702 43,990 63 6,922 2,313 2,050 3,225 14 840 702 1,638 14 706 439 115 6 95 1,746 949 59,417 3,715 31 17 300 355 113 3 280 52 23,358 50 30 5 200 106 10 20,683 303 4 348 13,363 11,533 hj ^ B H H O ft) a 3 GO 132 ..... 60 13,848 11,621 3,671 176,078 232,247 O a a o §F F a ft) 509 31 519 64,734 205 9,634 114,472 559 65,253 205 23,358 d a 7,258 4,601 71,876 29,971 766 85,269 125,941 1,257,542 25,994,556 4,552,136 1,791,749 3,127,646 475,725 758,154 9,075,107 m g 19,046 912 14 58 397 115 35 322 49 497 8,766 1 Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). Includes gross reciprocal bank balances. 2 1,210 73 4 24 202 231 187 63 65 69 135 107 92 201 241,331 232,452 o a a d ft) w a a Hi to 00 TABLE NO. i4.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued to ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Number (including of banks rediscounts and overdrafts) Location Vermont M assachusctts Rhode Island C onnecticut Total New England States.... New York Now Jersey ® Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland - Total Eastern States Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Total Middle Western States- d T! hj Total assets Other assets 149,738 218,898 63,189 2,386,871 194,971 859, 695 134 15, 552 3,873,362 36,323 1,248 3,323 16,968 767 345 139 40 6,266,660 353,573 678, 206 53,902 255,445 11,020 41,033 18,120 7,607,786 1,864 398 5 784 13 19 •1,358 609 201 1 136,579 23,624 5,884 74,317 2,267 2,174 609 202 240,404 2 83,033 3,501 27,650 68,974 31,219 973, 111 61,327 340, 516 102,404 122,585 22,496 1,203,747 119,018 403,472 1,339 1,028 509 410,900 2,141 7,754 14,216 17,273 2,153 78,583 9,752 69,431 942 2,000 771 19,470 1,068 6,083 3,036 6,824 2,242 93,350 1,546 24,913 3,739 355 1, 502,797 1,973,722 23,671 191,408 30,334 131,911 3,833 134 24 7 2 11 3,013, 078 121,746 92,895 13,472 36,916 2,454,311 171,898 494,601 37,067 173,370 53, 639 2,606 2,136 30 1,401 377, 522 22,113 53,682 2, 335 37,364 69,166 5, 297 8,830 740 1, 552 237, 756 26,539 20, 630 258 4,663 7,897 1,359 1,764 178 3, 278,107 3,331,247 59,812 493, 016 85,585 289,846 3 4 4 1 55, 298 10,751 2,143 21,685 64,947 7,989 2,403 46,387 3,604 324 86 130 8,250 4,067 1,145 4, 307 1,022 82 83 449 12 89,877 121,726 4,144 17,769 1,636 49 85 = 31,380 2,395 45,800 840 393 6 4,742 205 255 1 99 23 15 362 16 Total Pacific States 3 33,775 46,640 399 4,947 256 122 15 378 2 86,534 Total United States 548 4,904,556 5,473,335 88,026 707,140 117,811 424,146 17,042 42,154 33,876 11,808,086 1 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. 2 June 30,1941. s Includes business of 9 guaranty banks. 4 Includes cash items. 5 Includes 2 "associations" which possess the characteristics of both a savings bank S S a H 57 214 11 7,710 34 7,526 94 32 43 8 191 9 72 2 1 Washington Oregon Investments w Investments Interest, Real Bank and other Customers' commissions, estate assets inBalances premises owned liability rent, and with owned, directly Currency on acceptother income other furniture representing ances out- other and coin than earned or banks i bank premand standing bank accrued but fixtures premises ises or other not collected real estate and a building and loan association, in that all of the deposits are invested in bonds and mortgages and each depositor has the privilege of making a mortgage loan. NOTE.—Estimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not obtainable direct from State banking departments, H o w a hj o w H w o a o o g TJ 1-3 § F g w o a o d w w o TABLE NO. 13.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1941—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Time Dedeposits Other mand (including dedepostal posits 1 posits savings) Total deposits 130,592 195,800 56,738 2,139,163 179,995 766,185 130,592 195,800 56,934 2,139,163 179,995 766,185 125 196 3,468,473 3,468, 669 125 2,617 1,096 195 5, 554, 581 306,796 624,641 45,983 227,329 151 5, 554,581 309,475 625,737 45,983 227,675 3,908 6,759,330 213 6,763,451 4 1,375 4 125,857 19,146 5,234 68,641 1,383 218,878 Maine 196 Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States.. 238 90 84 1,104 298 121 113 303 3,164 671 1,937 3,915 5,001 1,086 d Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for capital notes and debentures 210,081 215,317 185 2148,199 2 12,440 54,120 7,608 6,851 440 93,340 3 671 29,399 240,342 138,309 12,793 516,907 33,422 46,248 1,250 2 13,895 155,436 1,922 1,094 99 13,151 22,643 7,424 3,639 6,549 220 250 817 1,328 2,642 7,756 328 1,486 6,309 19 6,818 288 200 11 328 10,275 459 1,288 21 165 30 7,634 12,208 564 611,722 171,702 40,475 18 125,861 20, 539 5,238 68,641 451 90 887 1,100 48 190 110 6,735 2,555 437 4,000 988 220 48 1,402 557 220 3 84 18 220,279 541 1,125 1,210 13,727 2,658 864 77,408 3,254 77,408 3,254 11 5 970 54 25 2 4,315 2 103 292 74 12 11 Total Pacific States. 80,662 80,662 16 1,024 25 4,418 366 23 Total United States- 5,487 10,527,343 9,677 20,666 6,800 870,209 313,035 54,155 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware. Maryland Total Eastern States Ohio Indiana. Wisconsin Minnesota __ ... Total Middle Western States Washington Oregon 62 564 hd hd B g a H § W a hj o a CQ O a O 0 g §1 F S Sd o ^ o 231 10,533,061 358 125 i Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). Ui AcceptInterest, Bills payInterest, ances exetaxes, abl e, redis- Mortgages Capital discount, cuted by or other and counts, Other notes or for ac- rent, and liens on other and other bank and Surplus other in- expenses liabilicount of premliabilities debenties come col- accrued reporting ises and for bortures lected but banks and on other and rowed real estate outstand- not earned unpaid money ing Includes guaranty funds. 3 Includes reserves. 2 ' d w w a o H bO Oi TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fcO o fin thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States Commercial and industrial loans 218 218 Nev York.. New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Total Middle Western States. 1 Openmarket paper 414 64 2 6,651 66 6,651 414 30 5 5 30 35 76 All real-estate loans. * Includes loans on other properties. 5,760 6,182 On residential properties On other properties i 26,165 i 63,008 21,172 1948,608 41,766 i 335,497 2,048 1,436, 216 8,982 i 3,010,003 113 107,290 483 2 91,642 207 2 13,211 522 12,549 Loans to banks 1,485 5,966 1,543 24,503 5,552 5,019 6,934 14,070 All other loans 44,068 41 17,722 41 3,075 191 770 24 6,083 1,325 3,234,695 i 25,743 5,966 1,870 121,664 1,535 194 29,555 447 33 21 31,792 10,143 172 2,492 46 139 172 2,538 55,243 1,729 30,056 397 16 2 30,686 1,033 1,342 297 4 Total Pacific States 1 On farm land 139 WashingtonOregon Total United States Real-estate loans 422 41 Total Eastern States Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Agricultural loans Other loans for the purLoans to pose of purchasing or brokers carrying and dealers stocks, in securibonds, and ties other securities 357 243 6,651 30 490 413 31,719 1,342 10,458 4,757,873 43,845 301 41 84,568 Overdrafts TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued thousands of dollars] fin Investments Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government U. S. Government Recondirect struc- Home obligation Owners' tions Finance Loan Corpo- Corporation ration Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States 56,963 26,121 16,688 797, 508 46, 282 217,187 England 220 5,050 60 495 6,290 4,037 1,477 6,987 628 4,643 6,019 7,387 Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Other bonds, notes, and debentures Obligations of U. S. Government corporaStates Other tions and agencies, not and poGovguaranteed by United litical ernStates subdiment corpo- visions rations (includOther ing war- Federal Federal and Governinterrants) agenment corland mediate porations cies banks credit and banks agencies 452 6,061 526 210 1,447 3,131 202 3,247 203 235 1,971 2,623 16,152 27,141 11,827 8,481 86,903 37,008 1,410 8,644 303 4,163 51, 528 45,876 4,835 11,475 588 3,932 66, 706 20,372 1,676 12,655 50 2, 311 37,064 11,897 916 4,783 144 2,656 20,396 229,426 35,176 59,782 1,629 1,911 327,924 34, 585 5,172 451 17, 484 275 92 8 48 171 245 2, 264 21 239 119 3.747 90 12 5,624 1,435 1,241 9,322 57,692 375 2,728 4,126 102 17,622 Ohio Indiana Wisconsin . Minnesota Total Middle Western States Washington Oregon Total Pacific States Total United States 27, 737 693 3,428 13 ' 5,756 396 444 28,133 693 3,428 13 6,200 37448,971 68,055 i 97,268 1 56,445 28,992 438,649 Public Indusutilities trials 160 99 1,478 43 1,003 123 256, 705 223,140 3,612 25 818 1,159, 749 Railroads 11,428 16,655 18,846 22,084 414 3 1,916 37 166,323 110, 355 83 11,917 19,368 47,777 52, 762 4,468 8,206 849 60,190 636 12, 554 New York 1,834,883 New Jersey 75, 244 Pennsylvania 185,160 Delaware 3,658 Maryland .. 104,452 Total Eastern States... 2, 203, 397 Other domestic corporations 225 2,098 50 125 1,745 4,068 3,595 3, 770 11,273 34, 538 133,075 903 53,198 278 4,678 59,057 117,861 3, 261 6,852 37 347 28,358 9,692 637 1,058 11,387 37,364 26 8 174 5 37,577 5,073 280 89 2,163 6,981 248 1,243 242 16,417 7,60¿* 7,229 2,604 2,111 2,034 2,111 2,604 15 3,131 550,163 435,441 2,034 71,932 439 44,495 136,157 83,467 14 22,993 25,169 2,979 75,937 61, 213 9,786 19, 783 29, 564 12,953 2,993 274,437 202, 585 185 8,467 40 169 5,280 3, 770 3,937 7, 728 480 2,695 19,698 7,765 = = = = = 3,089 3,389 15,959 1,565 56,297 19, 549 36,316 10 30 169~ All other Stocks of Federal Reserve banks For- and other eign- domestic public corpoand private rations 15~ 1,992 121 7,294 769 2,499 833 10 23 4,425 2,499 866 439 763 2,940 38~ 763 38 49,187 1 171,556 Stocks of foreign corporations TABLE NO. 13.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 81, 1941- -Continued to 00 [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits m Time deposits d * Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations IndiStates Banks Banks viduals, U. S. and in in partner- Governpolitical United foreign ships, and ment subdicouncorporavisions States tries tions Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont M assachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 158 Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland 2,617 4 786 Ohio -Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Total Middle Western States__ 2 36 36 .. _ 790 19 3,458,351 19 4 363 1,229 54 5,208 285 2,505 28 9,644 343 406 21 66 26 3 102 3 .82 171 397 12,283 3 319 1,096 6, 746,299 17 4 478 94 124,933 18,585 5,140 68,637 158 103 365 110 401 12 20 4 311 67 7 . 21 478 94 217, 295 261 475 437 378 7 77,408 3,164 __ 1,119 514 94 10,502,517 29 25 90 280 876 22,364 409 732 §F f tel W o a 25 90 80,572 3,760 GQ O a O O g 28 295 tel H H O si tel •d o ^ 9,085 829 1,831 22 516 4 H g 21 63 1,096 Total Pacific States Total United States 130,229 194,571 56, 269 2,133,955 179,647 763,680 5, 545,496 305, 580 622,807 45,879 226, 537 195 2,812 Total Eastern States Washington Oregon 158 2 Savings States Banks Banks in and Deposits Christmas Postal political in foreign accumusavings CertifOpen United savings subdicountries lated for icates of payment of acand States visions deposit counts similar personal accounts loans 165 o d w w » o H TABLE NO. i4.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec.31,1942—Continued ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Location New Hampshire * Vermont M assachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey 4 Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Total Eastern States. Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Total Middle Western States Washington Oregon Total Pacific States. _ Number of banks 32 2 34 8 191 9 72 Loans and discounts, including overdrafts 25,467 60,248 29,108 939,899 55,327' 324,635 Securities guarU. S . Obligaanteed GovernU. S. tions of ment se- by States Governcurities, and ment direct political as to obligasubdiinterest tions visions and principal Other bonds, notes and debentures Corporate stocks Currency and coin Investments and BalCusother Bank Real ances tomers' Income prem- estate assets in- liabil- earned with ises owned directly ity on or acother crued Other reprebanks, owned, other but assets senting acceptthan includ- furniances not bank ture bank ing outcolpremand premreserve standlected ises or fixtures ises baling other ances real estate 11,036 36,962 192 16,970 6,263,588 351,312 690, 708 56, 798 264, 248 7,626,654 697 560 168 4,181 138,680 32,458 54,295 1.343 1, 250 228,026 182,190 45,371 206,998 33.153 38,115 505,827 45,667 318,807 3,083 18,814 2,108 26,972 47 1,913 1,189 29,142 52,094 395,648 66,088 191,066 5,072 20,938 10,841 17,063 737 231 1,410 4,489 84,148 233,787 34,384 2,620 22,596 431 6,170 66,201 1,531 2,981 918 14,663 458 1,174 56,097 312,134 2,149 17,439 6,575 32,319 37,364 179 8 162 5 37,718 3 4 4 1 52,155 9,865 2,008 25,541 43,733 8,184 1,140 24,653 105 89 311 5,247 4,920 1,312 1,206 7,225 20,314 1, 233 300 11,977 652 10 14 4,241 10,035 4,525 284 91 ' 1,383 3,179 133 971 82 83 617 768 253 1 12 89,569 77,710 5,752 14,663 33,824 676 4,749 19,122 1,753 1,022 603 13 616 3,909 472 4,381 261 68 18 86 2,360 15,308 456 1,014 81,790 132 2,888,616 2,304,676 104,540 24 115,538 254,995 7 88,805 5,813 2 12,968 151,839 11 30,447 176 3.136,374 2,821,863 2,360 32,584 1,144 3,234 28,714 64,720 41,395 1,029 42,424 8,158 1,099 1,779 23,765 160,912 33,895 30,719 2,416 33,135 3,930,179 456,772 124,673 346 1,434,684 1,500,958 2 1 3 15,005 3,411 33,266 34,737 2,652 248,810 35,926 101,381 5,547 378 5,925 8,588 8,588 261 770 48 62 18 1,543 7 139,319 25,837 6,555 80,122 2,258 560 175 251,833 9 9 332 19 351 3 ' 93,785 4,354 98,139 _____ 3 17,484 37,983 32,153 11,906,805 108,208 Total United States537~ 4,693,762 4,442,955 313,334 1,005,011 163,067 81,224 580,063 114,876" 316,685 2 Excludes 9 guaranty savings banks. 3 Includes cash items. NOTE.—Estimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been i June 30, 1942. used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not * Includes 2 "associations" which possess the characteristics of both a savings bank and obtainable direct from State banking departments. a building and loan association, in that all of the deposits are invested in bonds and mortgages and each depositor has the privilege of making a mortgage loan. s H H O 110 1,664 4,979 1,206 56,401 1,566 15,974 4,005 12,956 662 37,934 124 9,039 B H 156,216 192,199 62,358 2,418,474 196,774 904,158 1,004 1,526 757 19,060 1,068 5,299 1,381 7,581 704 3,960 8,709 11,560 Total assets 62 193 24 6,954 24 7,748 11,244 10,128 2,556 75,381 9,759 51,844 72,841 44,270 19,598 961,844 64,621 337,784 m d •Ë 3 n m o N o o g §F* B O a o d ta w ö o H fcO o TABLE NO. i4.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued CO o LIABILITIES W [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire... . . . Vermont. Massachusetts... Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. _. Demand Time dedeposits posits Other deposits 1 Bills payable, rediscounts, and Total de- other liaposits bilities for borrowed money 388 135,728 J 71,641 56, 560 2,170,170 182,287 800,019 135,977 171,641 56,560 2,170, 558 182, 287 800, (»19 637 3, 516, 405 3,517,042 2,947 C 5, f>74,424 302,830 037,394 48,317 234,805 2,953 0, 797, 750 2 1,757 11 1,770 249 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Reserves and retireIncome ExCapital ment acUncollect- penses Other notes ed but accrued liabili- and de- Surplus divided count for capital profits not benand un- ties notes and earned paid tures debentures 30 234 76 30 61 954 285 832 2 J.0,650 1J8 2 13, 440 79 200 225 "3,"692" 2147,095 3,630 2 12,172 433 55,491 1,529 310 1,300 6,014 28 67 6,186 232 81 436 5, 574,424 305,850 637,447 48,317 235,241 10, 333 871 1,066 8 764 576 6,801,279 95 6,499 13,042 552 128,836 20,845 5,862 73,871 20 128,839 22,622 5,873 73,871 409 101 3 661 890 51 46 88 229,414 21 231,205 513 758 978 87, 275 4,094 87, 275 4,094 9 3 484 39 Total Pacific States 91,369 91,369 12 Total United States 5,360 10,634, 938 597 10.640.895 8,324 New York New Jersey.. Pennsylvania Delaware. Maryland.. . Total Eastern States . Ohio.. Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Total Middle Western States. Washington Oregon 93 47 1 3ft 1 Certified and cashiers' chëcks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and on other real estate d 405 Includes guaranty funds. 3 Includes reserves. 2 4,524 552 201 824 1.013 4,845 8,438 6,185 607 92,112 3 852 33,800 13,034 239,048 141,994 19,917 503,904 150,873 34, 279 46, 756 1, 253 1,350 105 2 14, 005 14,218 17,868 9,500 4,038 7,018 20 600,294 166,449 38,444 7,030 2,620 2 478 4,000 935 194 48 1,990 555 300 14 215 14,128 3,167 1,084 25 2 4,825 2 124 347 80 820 14 523 25 4,949 427 834 20,337 6,079 858,419 312,037 60,279 •d F H g H % H H O W R' •t) O w H CG o a o o g •d H td o F F M W o a o d » a o H TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Commercial and industrial loans (including open-market paper) Location New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 4,026 4,026 Total New England States New York New Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland _ - Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota _ Total Middle Western States.. Washington Oregon . __ 1 344 1 344 22 Total Eastern States Real-estate loans Loans secured by agriOther loans cultural comfor the purmodities covLoans to pose of purered directly Other chasing or and brokers or indirectly agriculSecured by carrying in Secured by Secured by by purchase tural loans dealers bonds, farm land residential other propstocks, securities agreements erties properties and other of Commodsecurities ity Credit Corporation 6,466 45 1 67 1, 326 3,097,379 33,613 20,649 5,993 1, 756 1 25,527 5, 635 1,113 190 6,938 44 164 21 179 602 2,162 44 44 164 21 179 2,808 53,925 317 10 2 30^261 1,126 1,277 327 31,387 1,277 4,573, 521 48,294 5,067 165 22 246~ 18 15,867 1 Overdrafts 33,017 17,746 997 . All real-estate loans. * Includes loans on other properties. 1 1,390,830 1 2,887,580 97,473 89 2 87, 449 511 2 12, 733 201 12,144 525 All other loans 1,161 5,040 2,088 17, 551 3,364 3,813 6,466 997 Total Pacific States Total United States 1 24,306 1 55,208 1 27,020 1 922, 348 41,126 1 320,822 Loans to banks 18 1,036 190 845 34 868 = = = = = 2,973 25,269 189 18 14 25,490 = = = = = 141 3 _ 144 18 61,624 CO TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Location Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Ohio Indiana Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Total Middle Western States. Banks in United 3,516,209 U. S. Government Postal States and political subdivisions Banks in United States 196 196 5, 574,424 302, 659 637, 394 48,233 234.654 84 151 2,947 6, 797, 364 351 2 1,154 505 128,836 20,835 5,852 73,871 10 1,156 505 229, 394 10 2,947 93 116 35 35 87, 275 3,982 Washington. Oregon Total Pacific States.. Total United States. Banks in Individuals, partnerforeign ships, and countries corporations 135, 728 171,641 56,560 2,170,170 182.091 800,019 637 Total New England States.. Total Eastern States.. States and political subdivisions 249 Maine New Hampshire.. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey. Pennsylvania.. Delaware Maryland U. S. Government Time deposits 4,103 505 93 91, 257 112 10,634,224 157 Banks in foreign countries TABLE NO. 15.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 81, 1948 ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Loans U.S. GovNum- and dis- ernment counts, securities, ber of including direct obligabanks overdrafts tions Location 32 2 34 8 191 9 72 Maine New Hampshire1 Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States England New York New Jersey 4 . Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Total Eastern States... Ohio Indiana. Wisconsin Minnesota Total Middle Western States Washington Oregon Total Pacific States Total United States Securities guaranteed by U.S. Government as to interest and principal Obligations of States and political subdivisions CorpoOther rate bonds, stocks, Curnotes, including rency and and stocks of deben- Federal coin tures Reserve banks 98,566 22,647 74,337 54,423 27,058 27,187 888,364 1,240,608 92, 512 53,946 462,321 295,123 1,277 5,724 518 2,734 3,356 7,471 3,380 29,888 11,099 28,256 566 2,683 25,408 228,542 91 33,422 6,859 89,823 346 1,341,690 1,995,402 21,080 47,403 412,614 119,179 132 2,784,743 3,133,698 24 146,371 104,896 7 381,221 80,672 2 13,315 11,868 11 207,677 25,502 4,696 2,432 4,942 394 929 72,650 148,443 26, 592 47,836 34,383 213,191 1,305 31,851 461 30, 376 37,358 230 •5 160 1 13,393 135, 391 471,697 37, 754 176 3,007,681 3,882,282 d Income earned or accrued Other but not assets collected 98 15,191 4, 225, 753 32,329 1,228 3,282 4,814 215 866 223 6,888,159 372, 790 769,587 63,827 295,106 6,118 8, 389,469 §F 3 157,611 30, 339 7,845 92,978 s w 631 152 288, 773 391 20 5 114,496 5, 365 5 119,861 23, 262 178,895 26,894 40,786 3,259 45,502 3,104 2,538 65 1,194 425,099 22,621 26, 573 4,078 23, 243 61,711 130,176 4, 679 11, 701 9,982 10,274 725 66 1,261 4,239 6,940 885 1,658 52,403 501,614 78, 358 156,456 9,483 36,839 188 631 148 1 55 42 252 3,561 4,591 948 1,166 5,892 20,195 1,629 270 13, 781 672 10 17 8,263 364 109 210 11,830 5,263 1,403 5, 362 871 81 79 500 20 114 12 91,681 107,239 3,910 12, 597 35,875 699 8,946 23,858 1,531 134 2 1 30,678 2,844 62,849 1,786 4,914 255 9,099 3 627 11 5,679 434 209 45 12 3 33,522 64,635 5,169 9,102 6,113 209 57 638 • 10 44 54 13 1,319 1,520 M 2! H H O W a 174, 206 203,366 66,767 2,586,529 211,521 983,364 628 2,621 Total assets 53 87 24 6,327 75 8,625 1,107 4,023 705 26,367 225 8,359 57,122 13,591 2,697 33,829 38,383 200,560 929,288 W Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding 967 1,470 746 17,787 1,043 4,881 53,025 8,296 • 1,839 28,521 537 4,474,574 6,049,558 Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate 11,284 9,242 3,026 83,032 9,540 62,771 3 4 4 1 1 June 30,1943. * Excludes 8 guaranty savings banks. 8 Includes cash items. 4 Includes 2 "associations" which possess the characteristics of both a savings bank and a building and loan association, in that all of the deposits are invested in bonds and 2,944 1,465 13,885 820 1,089 500 54,977 312,383 15,830 1,427 30,454 5 6,667 Bank Real Balances premestate ises with owned owned, other other banks in- furnithan ture cluding bank and reserve premfixbalances tures ises 411 o w H OD o a o o g o a o d w w a 21,466 13,023,856 o H mortgages and each depositor has the privilege of making a mortgage loan. NOTE.—Estimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not obtainable direct from State banking departments. co 157,632 85,249 710,480 106,992 197,433 14,262 37,979 00 TABLE NO. 15.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1943—Continued CO rfa* LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New HampshireVermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New York New Jersey PennsylvaniaDelaware Maryland Total Eastern States. Ohio Indiana Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Total Middle Western StatesWashington . Oregon Total Pacific StatesTotal United StatesIncludes guaranty funds. Demand deposits Time deposits Total deposits 176 152,570 181,827 60,217 2,335,042 195,604 877,851 152,882 181,827 60,475 2,335,371 195,604 878,027 1,075 3,803,111 3,804,186 3,687 7 522 6,173,503 328,162 711,194 54,483 262,564 6,173, 503 331,849 711,201 54,483 263,086 4,216 7,529,906 7,534,122 146,581 24,680 7,029 86,154 146,710 26,983 7,053 86,154 264,444 266,900 106,818 5,054 106,818 5,054 312 258 329 129 2,303 24 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money AcceptMortgages ances or other Income ExCapital executed liens on colpenses Other notes by or for lected accrued bank liabiland Surplus premises account of but and ities debenreporting and on not unpaid tures other real banks and earned outstanding estate 216 54 270 34 56 300 121 68 205 4,175 1,632 1,639 414 3,752 1 11,136 113,633 222 1 148,851 1 13,276 61,975 9,653 6,210 849 92,815 855 40,927 4,166 249,093 151,309 524,422 36,182 52,014 1,465 1 14,830 154,287 356 7,840 5,936 296 339 12,166 939 1,325 15 6,622 15,329 552 8,913 434 150 3 994 90 8,420 2,655 1 585 6,000 945 171 52 719 587 1,102 17,660 1,887 1 5,350 1 153 426 552 65 155 789 49 111,872 10 7,747 11,709,333 7,575 308 Undivided profits 25,109 4,873 1,258 107 16,235 171,887 5,503 519 901,169 325,602 Reserves and retirement account for capital notes and debentures TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Location Maine New Hampshire.. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. Loans secured by agricultural comOther loans Commercial modities for the purand industrial covered Loans to pose of purloans (indirectly or Other agricul- brokers and chasing or cluding open- indirectly dealers in carrying tural loans market by purchase securities stocks, bonds, paper) agreements of and other Commodity securities Credit Corporation 275 1,308,707 72 484 188 462 1 2,783,947 87,624 2 79, 588 2 11,613 11,644 1,206 2,974,416 Secured by other properties 5,243 5,243 17,095 12,792 29,887 53 10 148 684 1,705 36 22,609 5,161 1,669 1 28,514 53 10 148 2,425 57,953 6,723 230 17,711 1,331 12,694 1,505 19,042 14,199 4,142 4,360,118 56,052 Total Pacific States- 1 All real-estate loans. 1 21,740 1 51,129 1 25,414 1873,930 44,284 1 292,210 2,260 Washington . Oregon Total United States . Secured by residential properties 275 Total Eastern States. Total Middle Western States... Secured by farm land 2,260 New York New Jersey PennsylvaniaDelaware. Maryland Ohio Indiana Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Real-estate loans 2,339 10 62 148 5,479 1,118 126 2 Includes loans on other properties. Loans to banks TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued 00 O fin thousands of dollars] GO d Time deposits Demand deposits g Individand uals, part- U. S. Gov- States political nerships, ernment subdiviand corposions rations Location Maine New Hampshire Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 258 - 258 Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware _ Maryland - - Ohio Indiana "Wisconsin. Minnesota Total Middle Western States... w 176 210 176 3,802,376 735 •d c td H Cfl 164 249 7,529,457 315 79 77 62 146,581 24,670 7,024 86,154 5 79 139 264,429 5 84 1 6 3,961 6 48 1,439 24 4 251 472 1,511 255 472 _ Total Pacific States Total United States 1 5,730 902 472 79 g a H H O 6,173,503 327,844 711,194 54,395 262,521 358 Total Eastern States Washington Oregon _ 3,603 641 Postal savings 525 329 - u. s. Government States and poli- Banks in Banks in foreign tical sub- United divisions States countries 152,570 181,827 59,692 2,335,042 195,394 877,851 312 - Banks in United States IndividCertified Banks in partand cash- uals, foreign iers' nerships, checks, and corpocountries 1 etc. rations 564 184 a 134 88 43 134 10 10 106,803 4,937 15 117 111, 740 132 11,708,002 Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). 1,055 276 o a 3 g o F tr» »a o a o d td w a o Kj TABLE NO. 16.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 1941 1 ASSETS GO [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Number (including of banks rediscounts and overdrafts) Location 55 218 40,642 5,964 64,935 9,919 978 40,413 5,112 119 267 19 342 46,606 74,854 1,672 45,525 386 361 94 59 409 2,007 1,905 724 1,147 111 150 1,297 2,800 27 3,912 1,871 261 4,097 94 132 52 51,824 77,054 2,054 50,254 495 921 Pennsylvania 3 20 South Carolina Ohio —- Balances with other 235 New York - Indiana Currency and coin Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures 367 Connecticut- Total Eastern States Investments d Interest, Investcommisments and Heal Customers' sions, rent other assets estate liability and other indirectly owned on acceptincome representother than ing bank ances out- earned or bank standing accrued premises premises but not or other collected real estate hd g Other 1 2 3 H H H O 1,296 400 6,844 2,060 34 8,904 26 221 153,914 24,964 510 178,878 1,528 28 4,256 6,114 10,370 Total Middle Western States. Kansas Total 16 34 8,904 26 522 192,088 Total United States Excludes private banks which do not report to State banking departments. Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. Includes figures for 1 branch of a New York bank. NOTE.—Estimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not obtainable direct from State banking departments. td M •d O n GO o ^ o o §F g 5d o ^ o d td Sd a o H CO M TABLE NO. 16.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 1941—Continued CO 00 LIABILITIES m cl * hJ F m g [In thousands of dollars] Location Connecticut New York... Pennsylvania Total Eastern States South CarolinaOhio Indiana. . Total Middle Western States Kansas Total United States 1 2 Time De- deposits Other (includmand deposing itsi deposits postal savings) AcceptMortgages Bills ances or other % executed payable, % liens on rediscounts, by or for bank and other Total of premises account deposits liabilities reporting and on for banks and other real borrowed outestate money standing Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Other Undivided liabili- Capital stock Surplus profits ties Reserves H H H O W M hj O W H ui O 591 320 2 913 48 100 125, 764 12,902 3,883 6,825 999 350 130,646 20,077 100 1 9 56 7,636 2,215 49 4 138,666 10,708 1,349 150,723 101 65 9,851 53 794 94 179 1,067 1,921 4,528 1,690 1,054 11 10 3,622 5,592 8 283 216 213 228 128 77 2 1 O 6,449 2,744 21 9,214 8 499 441 205 3 & 10 5 13,866 1,551 161,918 138 6,298 11,956 374 1,121 1 146,501 2 125 16 92 61 4 1 2,925 11,494 127 2 2,339 3 13 990 128 65 128 16 1,118 5,264 11,494 400 1 149 165 9,851 53 65 61 Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). Includes surplus. o S o ftr* H ta o ^ o cl w w a O TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] GQ d •d •d g Loans and discounts Location Connecticut Commercial and industrial loans __ New York Pennsylvania Total Eastern States 5 60 Total Middle Western States » All real-estate loans. On farm land 25,363 65 On residential properties On other properties Loans to banks All other loans Overdrafts 1191 64 197 16 472 96 753 2,520 412 16 4,904 197 488 96 3, 273 428 1 2 6 923 4 54 1,338 558 54 1,896 5,946 215 5,579 52 4,426 478 6,161 5,631 2 Ohio. Indiana Total United States Openmarket paper Real-estate loans 112 23,505 1,858 South Carolina Kansas Agricultural loans Other loans for the purLoans to pose of purbrokers chasing or and carrying dealers in stocks, bonds, securities and other securities 286 455 1 234 1 669 317 286 455 1 234 986 .. 522 6,162 j 5,631 4, 905 433 1,665 156 6,157 H h3 O w a •d o w H œ o a o o g •d H £d 1 25,761 1 S m 432 o F s w o a o d td w w o wî CO CO TABLE NO. 16.—Assets and liabilities af active private banks, Dec. 81, 1941—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Investments Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Location U. S. Government Recondirect strucobligation tions Finance Corporation Obligations of U. S. Government corporations and agencies, not guarStates Other anteed by United States poHome Federal Gov- and litical Own- Farm ernsubdiviers' Mort- ment sions Other (inLoan gage corpo- cluding Federal GovernCorpo- Corpo- rations warrants) Federal interme- ment corration ration land diate and porations banks credit agencies and banks agencies Connecticut New York Pennsylvania Total'Eastern States. Total Middle Western States.. Other domestic corporations Railroads Public Indusutilities trials All other Stocks of Stocks of For- domestic foreign eign- corporacorpotions public rations and private 79 115 41 32,704 4,675 7,968 216 3,077 303 401 102 4,056 136 3,430 575 5,178 29 715 2 508 41 245 1,034 632 833 737 724 413 93 432 132 4,310 1,024 129 37,379 8,184 3,380 503 4,192 4,005 5,207 717 549 1,279 1,465 1,461 506 564 5,334 129 South Carolina Ohio Indiana Other bonds, notes, and debentures 63 29 2 327 661 18 7 52 46 18 66 14 9 238 251 5 6 21 13 14 17 19 16 3 39 2 9 988 25 98 84 23 489 5 6 34 31 35 42 2 9 38,367 8,209 3,478 587 4,215 4,672 5,212 555 1,313 1,496 1,496 656 566 5,386 Kansas Total United States 717 129 TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Time deposits ~ Demand deposits Location Connecticut New York. PennsylvaniaTotal Eastern StatesSouth Carolina Ohio Indiana Total Middle Western sas Total United States—. Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations States and political subdivisions United States 9,188 73 463 17,766 3,249 92,277 536 21,015 U. S. Government Banks States Banks poPostal and Deposits in accumuChristmas Open savings litical foreign subCertifisavings countries Savings cates of lated for acdivisions and similar deposit ofpayment personal accounts counts 591 • 726 24,836 310 10 653 4,852 1,125 995 5,505 2,120 27 Banks in United States 2,102 665 2 182 101 2,767 184 101 Banks in foreign countries 94 68 1,700 3,756 221 772 943 509 5,456 993 1,452 26 721 544 26 1 99,051 21, 015 24,836 7,267 3,489 28 2,767 210 101 O a O d w § a TABLE NO. 17.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 31, 1942 1 ASSETS to [In thousands of dollars] W d Securities guaranU. S. teed by GovernLoans U. S. ment Numand Governber of discounts, securities, ment banks including direct as to overdrafts obligainterest tions and principal Location Connecticut New York Pennsylvania • _ 3 Total Eastern States South Carolina Ohio Indiana - - - Total Middle States . . . . Western Kansas Total United States Obligations of States and political subdivisions InvestBank ments Real Balances premestate and other with ises assets owned other other indirectly banks, owned, furnirepresentthan including ture bank reserve and prem- premises balances2 fixtures or other ises real estate Other bonds, notes and debentures Corporate stocks 78 50 67 354 153 267 Currency and coin •d Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding 3 314 86 5 15 37, 593 6,109 63.966 6,348 513 35u 6,694 502 8,976 2,681 4,328 951 649 1,487 32, 703 7,237 116 262 19 301 27 4,021 1,203 20 43,702 70,314 863 7,196 11.657 5, 279 2,136 39,940 378 320 27 5, 224 1 953 83 30 2 46 660 12 14 1,553 1,618 1,450 1,766 129 87 213 252 51 100 4 130 193 1,898 4,206 26 3,171 3, 216 216 465 151 4 323 7 2, 579 1 51 48,140 73,616 1,079 7,744 11,916 5, 335 Income earned or accrued Other but assets not collected F Total assets 2 H H O 54 1,423 269 33 108 168 159,982 27,632 302 276 187,614 28 13 1,815 48 38 33 41 10 28 5,515 8, 333 6,104 86 74 38 13,848 6 3 47,064 620 16 689 27 5,224 302 381 204, 716 1 Excludes private banks which do not report to State banking departments. 2 Excludes reciprocal demand balances with banks in the United States, reported separately following the classification of demand deposits. »Includes figures for 1 branch of a New York bank. NOTE.—Estimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not obtainable direct from State banking departments. i-t a w a •d o » H CD o a o o Pi nd » O F F M SJ o a o d »w a o Hj TABLE NO. 17.—Assets and liabilities of active 'private banks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued LIABILITIES Ui [In thousands of dollarsj d «Ci Demand Time Other dede- deposits posits 2 posits 1 Location Bills payable, rediscounts, and other Total deposits1 liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and on other real estate 709 352 2 1,063 40 98 132,173 16,379 3,971 6,830 532 490 136,676 23,699 2,716 2 9 49 4,579 1,282 34 3 57 6 2,975 1 128 * 2. 299 11,589 148,552 10,801 1,022 160,375 2,718 58 5,861 37 63 129 11,589 1,267 102 ' 2,972 6,767 1,892 1,028 Total Middle Western States 9,739 2,920 Connecticut New York Pennsylvania Total Eastern States South Carolina Ohio Indiana _ - _ Kansas Total United States _ / Reserves H 3 221 5,274 400 3 15 1,343 149 18 1,492 46 4,874 7,809 1 273 216 219 233 146 73 3 1 24 12,683 1 489 452 219 4 10 5 6, 394 12,046 1 14,175* •d * f ö g H 10 14 1 160,268 1 1,369 1,048 175,491 2, 758 Excludes reciprocal balances with banks in the United States. Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to.reserve agents (transit account). 1 2 Acceptances executed Income Expenses Other by or for Undiaccrued liabili- Capital account of collected but not and stock Surplus vided reporting ties profits earned unpaid banks and outstanding 156 5,861 37 63 131 3 Includes surplus, undivided profits and reserves. 4 Includes surplus. t-3 O W H ^ O W H GQ O O o s § 283 1,496 t-1 g o ^ o d w w M o KÎ CO TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Location Loans secured by agricultural Commer- commodities cial and covered diindustrial rectly or in- Other agriloans (incultural directly by cluding loans purchase open-mar- agreements ket paper) of Corn- Real-estate loans Loans to brokers and dealers in securities Credit Corporation ConnecticutNew York Pennsylvania.. Total Eastern States- Other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying stocks, bonds, and other securities by Secured Secured by Secured by other farm land residential properties properties Total Middle Western States- All other loans Overdrafts 83 22,808 1,961 74 24,769 77 6,156 6,205 674 1 165 11 470 800 2,608 281 101 8,207 166 481 101 3,408 281 18 743 South Carolina Ohio Indiana.. Loans to banks 937 278 326 118 174 616 165 326 118 174 781 504 53 1, 215 25,178 125 270 951 1,160 172 5,428 504 Kansas Total United States... 6,205 8,207 444 TABLE NO. 11.—Assets and liabilities of activeStatecommercialbanks, Dec. 31, 1942—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Location Connecticut. New York Pennsylvania . Total Eastern States- Individuals, partnerships, and corporations States U.S. and Govern- political ment subdivisions 03 Memorandum Demand deposits d Time deposits Reciprocal IndividBanks in bank balUnited uals, ances Banks in States partner(excluding foreign with banks ships, and in the reciprocal countries corporaUnited bank tions States balances) U.S. Government Postal savings •d £ States Banks and poli- Banks tical in United in foreign subdiviStates countries sions 352 709 100,041 13,877 295 113,918 295 78 1,002 23,528 2,550 3,926 6,475 310 9,731 23,528 2,550 10,401 310 1,134 133 102 Ohio.. . Indiana. 2,717 5,659 255 1,108 1,868 1,028 8,376 1,363 2,896 24 13, 751 334 Total United States.. 124,138 295 2,576 9,731 23,528 2, 550 H H O Sd » •d O 8,526 1,205 South Carolina Total Middle Western States. S tel 24 90 S 02 O o o g 3 Éd O O d td 5d tel « o H tf*l . O TABLE NO. 18.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 1948 ] ASSETS W [In thousands of dollars] Securi- ObligaU. S. ties guar- tions Loans of Other Governanteed Num- and dis- ment States bonds, Corpose- by U. S. and ber counts, porate curities, Govern- litical notes, of. includand stocks direct ment as banks ing over- obligasubdebento inter- dividrafts tures tions est and principal sions Location Connecticut New York Pennsylvania s Total Eastern States South Carolina Ohio. Indiana Total Middle States Western Kansas Total United States Currency and coin Income earned or acOther crued assets but not collected hj V t"1 H g Total assets 69 384 153 265 11,802 429 7,912 3,502 5,061 324 144 1,713 30,972 8,784 115 250 17 248 27 1 3,408 1,302 12,231 11,414 5,385 1,857 39, 756 365 265 28 4,710 166 29 2 42 867 110 75 344 216 50 88 3 134 341 2,030 4,184 43 34 14 23 1 25 6,437 10,859 6,722 185 560 138 3 475 6,214 77 37 26 17,296 H § 8 5 3 16 72,827 403 12,957 11,646 5,438 2,451 47,226 598 451 216,282 f F H ft) 332 5 15 47,418 5,127 57,668 8,072 15 203 20 52,545 65, 740 218 1 819 33 11 13 1,443 1,416 2,268 4,454 24 2,859 56, 546 1 1,701 371 35 289 74 165,219 30,064 406 363 195,283 28 595 1,986 28 4,710 406 1 Excludes private banks which do not report to State banking departments. 2 Excludes reciprocal demand balances with banks in the United States. 3 Includes figures for 1 branch of a New York bank. 1 NOTE.—Estimated amounts, based on figures available from other sources, have been used in this table in instances where the various items of assets and liabilities were not obtainable direct from State banking departments. W SI . 48 323 62 H 2! H H O 65 3 49 d InvestReal ments Balances Bank prem- estate and other Customwith ises owned assets in- ers' liaother owned, other directly bility on banks, than represent- acceptincluding furniture bank ing bank ances outreserve and prem- premises standing balises or other ances 2 fixtures real estate O ft) H Cß O ^ O o g O o d w w a o K| TABLE NO. 18.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 1943 —Continued LIABILITIES Ui d [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits1 Location Total Eastern States Surplus Undivided profits Reserves g w H HI O 465 1,354 26 96 4,090 7,991 141,405 25,997 3,198 3 9 44 3,823 1,315 32 3 81 3 _ 155, 321 12,081 167,402 3,201 53 5,138 35 84 . 1,465 80 1, 545 3,688 8,870 2,105 1,449 5,793 10,319 1 1 253 206 224 241 165 86 1 6 12,558 3,554 16,112 2 459 465 251 7 o g 10 5 16,180 186,414 151 6.460 12, 224 383 2,017 §F Total Middle Western States... Total United States Capital stock 889 Ohio Indiana Kansas g 137,315 18,006 Connecticut New York Pennsylvania South Carolina AcceptBills pay- Mortgages ances exable, redisor other ecuted by Income Expenses counts, and liens on or for acTime Total other accrued Other liabank prem- count of collected deposits deposits1 itiesliabilnot and un- bilities for ises and on reporting but earned paid borrowed other real banks and money estate outstanding 2 223 5 142 2,975 3 2,393 11,754 147 5,368 11,754 1 Excludes reciprocal balances with banks in the United States. 2 Includes surplus, undivided profits and reserves. 3 Includes surplus and undivided profits. 3,227 149 5,138 35 84 91 1,846 164 91 2,010 41 400 1 1 170,234 • 2 w tì Hd O W H ZP O O S S) o ^ o Cl S) w M O H M TABLE NO. 18.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 31, 1943 —Continued 00 [In thousands of dollars] CO d hj hd Loans and discounts Location Connecticut Loans secured Real-estate loans by agriculOther loans tural comfor the purCommercial modities covLoans to bro- pose of purand indus- ered directly chasing or Other agricul- kers and trial loans or indirectly dealers in carrying Secured by (including by purchase tural loans Secured by by securities stocks, bonds, Secured residential other properopen-market agreements of farm land and other properties paper) ties Commodity securities Credit Corporation 88 New York.. Pennsylvania Total Eastern States 1 3 69 8,272 71 9,588 576 146 13 451 95 28,841 1 72 8,343 10,164 146 464 95 Total Middle Western States... 3 All other loans, including overdrafts 50 26,895 1,946 13 — Loans to banks 185 South Carolina Ohio Indiana S 1,250 1,397 1,772 1,250 3,169 11 792 233 25 2ÒÌ 37 170 1603 496 35 840 219 233 25 201 37 170 1,099 35 1,059 29,162 26 286 10,201 319 1,748 141 Kansas.._ Total United States 1 All real-estate loans. 8,343 1,250 5,070 g fei H H O O w H œ o ^ o O g §3r» ir1 M sa o ^ o d w to « « o Kl TABLE NO. 18.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 19J+8 - -Continued [In thousands of dollars] Location Connecticut New York Pennsylvania Total Eastern States Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Banks in United States and States (exU. S. Gov- political cluding ernment subdireciprocal visions bank balances) Banks in foreign countries 886 101,160 15,170 116,330 03 d S Time deposits Demand deposits Certified and cashiers' checks, etc.1 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U. S. Govern*ment Postal Savings States and Banks in Banks in political United foreign subdiviStates countries sions 3 465 357 180 747 9,885 1,135 24,420 1,670 597 4,045 7,770 176 45 45 357 927 11,020 24,420 2,267 11,815 176 90 South Carolina 1,296 168 1 80 Ohio-.. Indiana 3,396 7,593 20 282 1,237 10 20 2,075 1,449 30 10,989 20 1,519 30 3,524 30 377 2,614 2,301 15,884 206 Total Middle Western States... Kansas Total United States 1 129,502 11,020 24,420 i Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). 90 ! g w H % w M 5 w H GO O a O o g a §F »6 o a o d w w « Î2J 9 CO TABLE NO. and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 81, 1941 {includes National, State com," mercial, savings, and private banks) 1 19.— ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New York. New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland -- District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia. West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida. Alabama.. Mississippi Louisiana Texas ArkansasKentucky Tennessee Loans and discounts (including rediscounts and overdrafts) Investments 98 107 81 387 35 202 116,769 115,417 100,929 1,909,374 199,559 601,449 201,559 163,994 66,750 2,023,305 291,717 735,092 9,839 4,878 3,532 167,181 14,230 37,673 77,929 48,856 26,317 840,571 114,247 372,085 4,129 4,209 3,304 65, 341 13,227 28,123 910 3,043,497 3,482,417 237,333 1,480,005 Number of banks Location - » — Total Southern States - — Interest, Investcommisments and Real Bank sions, rent, other asestate premises . Customers' and other sets indiBalances owned owned, income rectly rep- liability on with other furniture other banks 2 resenting acceptances earned or than and fixoutstanding accrued but bank prembank tures not colpremises ises or other lected real estate Currency and coin 9,388 5,847 23,841 8,563,658 150,382 12,615 287,083 55,097 108. 256 1,360 6,598 2,351 32, 393 5,318 15,194 678 216 2,133 52,029 572 6,821 236,941 63,226 137,371 4,394 23,988 14,355 2,573 11,263,689 18, 513,612 480, 275 11,381,921 581,075 460, 745 55,932 314 180 228 151 290 173 218 206 146 835 217 404 297 356,867 143,964 234.546 77,089 307,681 155,772 158,924 84,421 198,643 688,825 78,491 257,443 308,293 229,253 104,960 209,572 50,715 148,550 195,084 134,949 81,871 212,306 537,295 76,352 176, 241 195,144 23,761 14,319 22.350 10,723 16,478 19,654 14,713 11,390 16,587 42,304 7,378 16,103 19,739 308,367 141,805 294,897 103,204 270,220 230,502 217,355 115, 585 272,385 959,682 151,959 257,807 353,085 17,198 8,414 8,981 2,532 13,682 10,136 8,507 4,549 12,993 38,620 3,046 8,882 15, 213 3,183 3,695 1,566 416 3,546 1,692 3,972 1,316 1,729 4,816 577 2,604 3,143 2,071 1,079 27 3,659 3,050,959 2,352,292 235,499 3,676,853 152, 753 32,255 14,422 17 1,517 1,585 25 3,440 3,965 56 126 514 198 4 85,355 6, 581 13,375 326 2,043 521 54,058 30, 634,850 4,429 2, 752, 233 16,721 7,462,697 339,846 110 3,109 1,246,435 548,044 604 59,624 108,201 79,031 42,984,105 7 8 366 820 185 1,330 71 667 874 603 98 1,003 603 143 600 624 1,838 920 1,546 874 1,153 1,272 1,555 923 2,981 2,163 554 6,579 1,718 943,365 419,341 776,381 245,675 762,128 616, 508 543,044 300,178 722,987 2,279, 591 318, 556 726,393 897,839 5,256 7,621 24,076 9, 551,986 1,566 51 134 5 881 920 1,318 V tr1 K g fei H 8,436. 884 68 118,333 13,196,342 1,169,976 3,254,160 151,301 583,315 158,518 Total assets 417,235 345,148 209,736 5,135,816 642, 794 1,812,929 339,367 8,121,045 62,439 614,170 . 145,134 1,993, 710 3,648 90,161 14,963 353,450 15, 524 209,385 8,230,237 770,425 1, 771,955 87,868 258,555 144,649 Other assets 792 310 284 14,003 313 8,139 826 157 3,841 2,446 5,147 198 857 382 1,082 44 186 22 IP <1 151 4 213 3,920 912 647 5,241 7,323 4,566 101,239 2,558 29,455 Oi O H O W a hd O to H Zfl O o o g H 50 O •H F K O O Cl 50 § O H Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraksa Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma » Total Western States Washington Oregon.. California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii Philippines Puerto Rico.: American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and pos- 694 504 830 440 568 677 647 617 1,117,984 375,018 1,486,129 565,929 355,573 480,398 376, 357 658, 536 1, 232,123 447,815 2,475,037 900,964 486,454 426,017 213,669 655,372 89, 599 38,457 91,181 57,861 26, 529 18,008 27,726 27, 329 1,097,625 438,834 2, 254,108 745,033 382, 668 369,561 309,123 769, 558 61,477 19,088 43, 241 24,886 18, 584 11,915 8,881 16, 444 12, 630 4,629 4,995 1,449 2,837 636 1,022 5,458 4,066 533 2,184 1,526 1,647 6,645 2,375 1,343 1,748 27 11 117 645 4,676 1,105 10,144 3, 513 1,202 2,175 511 1,994 4,977 5,415,924 6,837.451 376,690 6, 366, 510 204, 516 33,656 20,319 3, 371 25, 320 160 162 418 656 112 58 144 42 390 66,365 63,647 177,937 233,488 61, 249 30,470 126,612 27,816 194,850 24,886 30,608 109,192 141,625 61,574 19,600 105,901 21,892 159,281 2,343 2,991 5,857 9,312 4,52U 2,599 8, 264 2,416 9,105 30,407 41, 237 142, 722 199,591 70,504 41,899 210,542 35,062 238, 256 2,259 2,309 6,218 8,110 2,814 1,205 3, 724 984 9,045 268 206 250 606 130 23 221 23 70 4 53 1 522 13 50 105 248 298 631 219 346 45 448 5 392 93 156 464 835 231 27 301 19 466 126,873 141,505 443, 272 594,308 201,381 95,868 456,013 88, 268 611,642 2,142 982,434 674,559 47,407 1,010,220 36,668 1,797 666 155 2,632 2,592 2,759,130 137 73 220 50 60 12 12 302,745 136,614 2,229,163 45,504 78,544 18,062 49,364 261,571 182,498 2,031,161 43,390 56,971 19,044 28,258 18,309 8,680 72,608 3,566 3,015 1,741 4, 428 266,015 139,190 1,353,098 42,445 85,074 17,279 35,825 9,161 7,121 85, 294 1,820 2, 358 831 1,693 569 207 21,928 28 116 15 510 21 20 27, 610 4 1,243 3 20 272 112 5,629 1,294 850 10,149 2 9 176 256 621 373 5,444 325 267 75 J 94 860,578 475,665 5,842,084 137,084 227,597 57,226 120,548 564 2,859,996 2,622,893 112,347 1,938,926 108, 278 23,373 28,921 6,013 12,736 7,299 7,720,782 14,825 26,616,499 34,483, 224 1,489, 551 25,854, 435 1, 201,623 702, 208 132,875 83,807 162,357 17 2 9 18 12 1 1 7,313 1,851 53,032 117,558 41,306 73 733 6,752 11, 524 429 31,152 36, 218 7,753 205 661 415 70 3,529 2,719 1,112 73 74.551 16, 275 7,908 194 442 3,138 1,586 15,267 25,681 9,442 126 227 700 2,965 537 27 130 497 74 3 242 67 135 12 3 60 221,866 106,122 55,467 87,942 7,857 4,278 250 14,885 26,838,365 34,589,346 1, 545,018 25,942,377 1, 209,480 706,486 133,125 1 72 823 3,626,910 1,326,585 6,377,600 2,303,730 1,278,285 1,318,016 940,091 2,139,101 26,561 19,310,318 GO d hd hj F H g m H H o w H m O W H GO O O o g Ì g 250 163,400 90.889,979 15 177 14,136 10,444 13,827 40,154 1 4 29,466 18,075 188,944 215,440 109,094 599 2,097 654 536 78, 743 563, 715 84,461 162,893 * Includes also loan and trust companies and stock savings banks, but excludes private banks which do not report to State banking departments. Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. 2 5,907 1,106 8,833 2,542 2,780 2,544 427 2,422 242,143 91,453,694 tr» S S« O ^ O d w w H o K| CTI T A B L E NO. 19.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 81, 1941 mercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued {includes National, State comOi fco LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States England New York New Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware. Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina.. South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Total Southern States. m AcceptBills pay- Mortages ances or other, cutedexeable, reby discounts, liens on or for bank and other account liabilities premises of reportand on for borbanks other real ing rowed and outestate money standing Demand deposits Time deposits (in- Other cluding deposits1 postal savings) Total deposits 113,283 69,224 40,797 2,001,415 221,207 614,266 247,305 232,176 138,369 2,519,922 339,034 991,846 2,904 2,415 1,250 37,767 4,261 13,305 363,492 303,815 180,416 4,559,104 564,502 1,619,417 865 150 312 61,902 7,590,746 1,631 10,369 491,017 27,495,577 27,135 2,464,009 45,093 6,488,271 7,427 289,492 5,052 1,133,091 7,036 495,554 5,966 899 1,834 63,028 572 8,574 3,060,192 4,468,652 19,260,533 1,201,749 3,984,214 194,198 681,107 362,783 7,744,027 1,235,125 2,458,964 87,867 446,932 125,735 25,684,584 12,098,650 582,760 524,571 233,075 559,638 184,297 537,758 460,935 370,055 194,568 541,214 1,786,493 238,377 504,492 307,167 125,190 140,175 37,717 139,651 97,041 116,148 75,202 117,985 232,109 49,112 133,276 191,516 12,837 8,143 8,012 2,690 8,449 5,886 3,002 1,565 4,722 56,388 2,380 5,142 5,974 6,759,402 1,762,289 125,190 205 128 9,364 937 Capital stock 2 Surplus 188 94 199 4,046 2,379 2,552 401 231 571 9,129 1,258 2,945 17,408 7,363 16,807 110,202 20,841 43,691 19,659 21,507 4,079 274,813 46,092 86,834 9,458 14,535 216,312 123 30 163 4,577 768 841 6,502 72,376 8,646,881 1,648 47 2,334 1, 733 3,814 26,447 973 14,771 3 o 210,921 50,072 97,665 26,431 62,762 7,688 6,288 2,122 55,723 224,099 1,270,173 2,167,687 584,992 202,956 30,719 18,335 23,634 6,485 21,526 19,664 14,803 10,230 18,896 64,192 8,328 28,049 21,581 11,901 6,602 7,890 2,551 9,333 5,020 7,178 1,148 7,689 30,888 4,705 7,868 11,283 6,145 2,407 5,700 1,086 4,748 2,942 2,911 1,343 4,288 9,803 1,521 2,849 2,959 286,442 114,056 48,702 366 1,781 15,133 12,331 1,346 1,318 13,425 10,276 3,687 137,269 4,894 41,370 418,356 28,268 96,995 7,009 24,969 9,395 5,706 1,567 70 134 5 885 120 80 47 25 7 143 55 753 and retirement account for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures 452,984 1,571 550 1,317 411 1,031 580 480 297 782 3,217 113 827 1,155 200 1,277 322 1,530 144 2,703 606 332 492 1,262 2,075 390 6,574 973 18,680 44,025 24,447 24,556 9,980 33,015 23,092 26,640 15,197 24,098 91,952 13,376 35,666 36,316 F M S M Undivided profits 1,507,471 95,624 479,281 22,790 43,070 19,451 38,475 2,025 12,847 338 1,112 926 198 4 218 * Interest, dis- Intercount, est, taxrent, es, and other Other and other expens- liabiliincome es acties crued collected and unbut not paid earned % H W H hj O O a o §F g so o o Cl w w M o K| 2,030,950 813,285 4,725,875 1,324,833 662,218 765,933 597,978 1,627,875 1,213,320 379,888 1,114,073 771,293 477,998 411,036 251,589 317,131 Total Middle Western 12,548,947 States 4,936,328 Ohio Indiana Illinois— Michigan. Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri — 42,569 12,831 55,252 24,287 15,707 13,531 9,536 15,170 12 2,133 27 11 117 1 664 3,411 1,121 4,461 5,527 1,096 4,171 706 2,116 6,121 1,421 12,570 2,915 1,158 2,565 243 1,700 10, 255 987 7,642 2,401 879 3,258 736 5,021 167,166 55,598 177,604 87,274 63,900 51,463 36, 553 84,451 99,897 35,352 168,020 50,406 27,331 40,680 24,720 45,247 34,471 17,321 54,467 21,522 14,886 18,663 12,348 31,536 17,710 8,771 55,503 12,839 13,089 6,587 5,662 5,604 3,238 21 3,779 22,609 28,693 31,179 724,009 491,653 205,214 125,765 60 3 39 50 105 138 121 294 448 168 184 228 8 412 167 194 360 365 185 17 1,151 11 776 55 67 215 381 36 77 69 5 342 6,179 7,224 22,191 29,413 8,358 3,847 14,815 3,010 28,839 3,248 3,663 12,910 18,761 4,864 3,381 12,444 2,177 19,450 1,264 2,283 5,108 9,346 2,786 1,597 7,882 195 12, 111 384 627 3,129 1,449 714 491 3,121 815 3,151 42 155 2,001 3, 226 1,247 123, 876 80,898 42, 572 13,881 6 274 113 6,761 1,915 712 14,960 105 183 125 649 1,458 733 10, 273 209 267 109 255 2,324 310 55,696 98 163 796 30 26,355 10,929 204,613 5,205 9,505 1,235 3,497 18,937 12,313 156,248 3,543 6,594 1,254 2,859 9,969 4,608 65,085 1,449 3,069 1,326 764 5,759 3,393 45,239 929 1,205 58 120 18,649 13,304 59,417 261, 339 201,748 86, 270 56,703 95,935 122, 735 349,157 2, 998, 069 3, 681,412 1,244,025 498,079 3,286,839 1,206,004 5,895,200 2,120,413 1,155,923 1,190,500 859,103 1,960,176 19 2,586 188,883 17,674,158 214 1 406 12 826 32,122 33,175 62,504 82,378 41,442 23,090 95,191 15,183 79,080 1,366 1,108 3,219 4,430 2,504 722 5,076 1,027 14,383 115,375 127,287 398,459 533,654 184,270 86,190 415, 951 81,997 546,456 Total Western States... 1,991,639 464,165 33,835 2,489,639 522, 219 294, 731 2,757,830 90,862 138,875 33,583 79,407 263,646 140,650 2,451,441 33, 557 66,215 18,100 30,459 7,722 7,167 73,490 1,127 1,521 640 2,508 793,587 442,548 5,282,761 125,546 206,611 52,323 112,374 3,917,507 3,004,068 94,175 7,015,750 448 6 7,148 Total United States (exclusive of possessions). 53.962,271 26,734,152 1,086,745 81,783,168 17, 257 609 99, 533 North. Dakota. South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana t Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma .. Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States 81,887 93,004 332,736 446,846 140,324 62,378 315,684 65,787 452,993 382 36 1,797 3,829 5,175 10 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii Philippines Puerto Rico ^ American Samoa. _ Virgin Islands of the United States 17,451 14,135 100,670 80,067 49,534 294 656 1,176 5 1,837 Total possessions 262,807 176,051 11,234 9,118 3,755 64,543 57,594 39,623 242 26,951 17,926 167,010 141,490 94,332 546 606 491 84 352 1,593 448 5 191 1,169 122 144 150 23,813 6,254 8 971 886 490 168 8,770 22,890 3,486 25 7,181 13,850 1,010 8 2,059 1,257 605 10 3,530 5,581 529 2 6 3,479 1,851 27 137 824 20 1,774 81 1 5 10 150 450,092 5,336 988 1,876 1,492 30,379 36, 292 Total United States and possessions 54,225,078 26,910,203 1,097,979 82,233,260 22,593 . .. i Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). 9 609 2 100,521 15 58 4,436 9,868 97,811 124,227 379,536 3,034,361 3,704,368 1,248,461 507,947 21* 22,956 Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 158 and 159). GO d s g H H H O W H hd O S GO O a O O §F £ » O a O d w w a o Kj Cn CO T A B L E N O . 19.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 31, 1941 (includes National, State commercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued Or [In thousands of dollars] m cj hj hd Loans and discounts Location Maine New HampshireVermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New York. New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia.. Total Eastern States.. Virginia West Virginia. _ North .Carolina. South Carolina. Georgia Florida. Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States. Commercial and industrial loans 28,075 14,490 12,490 444,688 43,272 80,013 Agricultural loans 2,127 921 3, 362 1,912 133 1,473 Open market paper 6,856 5,792 1,060 112,912 24,242 20,049 Other loans for the purpose of Loans to purchasing brokers and dealers in or carrying stocks, securities bonds, and other securities 272 "25," 647 290 390 Real-estate loans On farm land 2,307 1,230 2,076 15,643 2,849 13, 379 2,029 659 13, 622 1,203 987 1, 550 On residential properties 42,084 73,015 46,963 1,044,335 77, 350 404,178 On other properties 8,649 2,972 8, 257 46,029 21, 536 13,869 Loans to banks All other loans S g M Overdrafts H H O 134 56 3 595 150 96 24, 212 16,007 13,088 216, 310 28,744 66,421 100 6 31 !, 028 9,928 170,911 26,887 37,484 20,050 1, 687,925 101, 312 1,034 364, 782 156 3,072,830 138,457 618, 590 24,126 65,906 41,142 31, 745 5, 527 20,083 1,148 5,981 10 126,922 21,810 73, 781 3,424 8,040 769 450,125 4, 337 33,168 3, 616 1,352 834 246,896 14, 976 82, 307 3, 919 11,330 2,380 14, 352 5,003 27, 712 3, 674 10, 571 56 3,266,411 334,177 410,229 24, 379 54,887 39, 727 131, 267 65, 750 107,467 5, 911 29, 523 17,000 32,056 47 809 40 2 854,486 180, 289 397, 716 17, 615 70,857 42, 702 3,147 52 93 16 106 29 3,961,051 64,494 234, 746 493,432 361,808 61, 368 4,129,810 356,918 32,954 1, 563, 665 3,443 90,132 33,474 86, 538 27,320 119, 770 71,301 53,409 15,906 89,966 298,841 18,613 76,633 111, 750 12,822 2,813 5, 717 6, 351 25,163 5, i32 19,450 14, 558 10,121 146,460 16,939 16,420 45,825 8,075 3,043 8,301 428 674 3,588 4,623 792 2,885 4,171 3, 716 16, 748 2,904 1,817 268 2,727 471 2,229 2, 339 1,059 571 1,436 8,762 670 966 3,071 5,953 5,443 9, 332 1,583 9,664 2, 318 1, 715 2,396 2,184 19, 754 1,156 5, 563 7,522 16,815 5,493 10,853 1,887 7,431 3,179 5, 259 7,693 6,885 10, 616 3, 494 24, 759 12, 734 60,259 35,809 16,342 7,371 26.923 1.5,885 13,975 8,123 15, 252 27, 368 6,891 33,450 19,663 19,151 11,499 13,645 3,729 9, 978 11,653 8, 552 4,436 10, 523 18,428 3, 372 10, 552 9,879 132 33 226 13 820 188 375 1,233 297 2 501 151 1,093,653 327,771 59,948 74,583 117,098 287,311 135,397 3,971 52 27 22 42 232 24 220 317 259 1,265 82 100 327 921,872 W H ^ O W H 3D O O 50 O F F H 50 O ^ O CL W W W O H Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa.. Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico... Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada.. Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii Philippines Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the U. S Total possessions.. Total United States and possessions 324,380 88,484 842,248 164,388 120,517 139,703 68,775 259,241 32.869 33,918 82,237 21,293 24.870 85,947 126,005 86,764 23,873 23,913 56,252 8,889 10,283 7,425 13,397 25,830 13,635 412 48,580 3,796 515 1,470 699 5,671 23,539 3,830 66,725 13,533 7,720 7,736 2,187 14,793 41,045 26,093 24,668 17,125 26,755 21,246 49,938 21,963 284,164 104,317 129,132 152,848 75,764 68,889 44,506 75,001 61,745 20,712 26,983 40/269 25,357 8,198 11,166 34,027 528 20 615 69 257 118 49 149 312,083 73,255 206,377 143,570 63,443 139,467 59,511 134,927 123 64 2,312 149 92 199 124 170 2,007,736 493,903 169,862 74,778 140,063 228,833 934,621 228,457 1,805 1,132,633 3,233 6,803 7,194 39,149 42,893 7,828 4,042 37,157 8,271 82,498 45,925 35,560 86,670 107,818 32,241 13,950 47,119 7,825 44,523 620 685 3,289 6,904 4,158 582 4,330 487 5,526 410 962 8 6 663 1,062 2,067 7,988 12,863 857 1,000 2,223 497 4,256 2,827 5,120 4,458 13,734 4,843 4,362 10,268 4,434 8,258 831 1,591 2,905 3,342 1,148 1,154 3,719 1,187 3,286 3 23 115 404 208 122 879 2,732 1,888 1,458 629 2,934 447 1,669 21 8,142 10,474 30,125 42,525 8,673 4,716 18,047 4,656 44,485 30 54 96 155 35 29 38 12 120 26,581 2,257 12,758 32,813 58,304 19,163 680 171,843 569 5,437 1,927 87,187 1,283 2,634 313 669 60,362 10,716 804,136 7,967 18,062 6,196 10,880 11,831 5,858 214,780 2,805 8,157 2,256 1,119 10 25 162 66,306 41,620 371,237 7,223 13,923 3,935 12,284 179 183 1,962 72 145 55 65 235,835 421,631 114 GO d * hd F m g H H H o w a hd o w H m 119,282 52,389 581,187 8,341 20,967 2,907 10,045 29,795 20,392 87,369 16,105 11,903 2,076 12,683 4,906 2,389 23,825 1,154 1,185 60 829 832" 503 11,144 13 590 9 3,805 612 46,174 541 978 264 781 795,118 180,323 34,348 13, 091 53,155 99,450 918,319 246,806 197 516,528 2,661 8,716,421 1,498,050 696,396 636,831 679,851 559,612 8,016,290 1,088,053 40,641 4,671,323 13,031 §tr1 865 789 14,367 30, 784 19,319 44 221 13 100 617 9,054 6,027 2,594 33 289 14,825 1,623 19,383 8,677 2,609 1,968 941 714 S Sd 300 335 74 274 112 10 3,759 960 14,604 51,001 10,660 29 38 36 76 13 13 1 136 24 19 66,389 15,815 3,515 89 193 16,811 33,537 3,768 645 81,051 53 8, 782,810 1,513,865 699,911 636,920 680,044 576,423 8,049,827 1,091,821 41,286 4,752,374 13,084 1 1,575 1,939 4 17 o a og o o d 5d a H o H Cn Oi T A B L E N O . 19.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 81, 1941 (includes National, State com> mercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Investments Obligations guaranteed by ü . S. Government Location Maine .. New HampshireVermont M assachusetts— Rhode Island. Connecticut Total New England States U. S. GovReconernment direct ob- struction ligations Finance Corporation 108,198 45,919 34, 732 1,374,562 156,046 428,063 2,462 6,489 1,430 35,581 14,328 12,615 2,147, 520 72,905 845, 547 New York 8,602,856 46,490 New Jersey. 647,474 83, 564 Pennsylvania 1,748,636 5,567 Delaware.. 66,148 17,950 Maryland.. 381,500 5,203 District of Columbia 110,812 Total Eastern States._ 11,557,426 1,004,321 Virginia. 130,932 West Virginia 53,056 North Carolina 104,179 South Carolina 23,859 Georgia 71,078 Florida 102,901 Alabama 60,957 Mississippi 18,155 Louisiana. 107,381 303,545 Texas.. 30,792 Arkansas 102,330 Kentucky. 1 88,227 Tennessee Total Southern States. 1,197,392 9,001 4,309 6,151 1,030 9,571 10,900 2,728 722 8,738 14,694 2,642 4,193 7,731 82,410 Other Home Federal Farm GovernOwners' Mortment Loan corpogage rations Corpo- Corporation and ration Other bonds, notes, and debentures Obliga- U. S. Government cortions of porations and agencies, Other domestic corporations States not guaranteed by and politUnited States ical subdivisions Other Federal Govern(incluFederal inter- ment cording All Public Induswarrants) land mediate porations Railroads utilities trials other banks credit and banks 10,261 8,839 2,470 19,079 11,969 20,467 2,801 6,992 1,481 9,143 1,682 5,354 2,389 4,147 597 16,700 5,497 10,887 9,173 12,285 5,879 116,387 8,581 58,055 73,085 27,453 40,217 210,360 698,736 244,046 263,975 1,191,469 70,510 15,143 21,602 159,761 137,6*53 37,284 42,564 312,961 6,646 602 14,448 5,336 53, 652 7,685 17,891 7,990 15,099 1,964 2,107 3,273 982,296 306,724 344,740 1,698,637 19,626 7,010 16,255 1,545 8,411 16,765 4,604 1,032 13,146 31,271 5,364 12,508 10,559 148,096 7,024 2,170 14,877 962 4,636 5,473 2,080 1,214 1,692 6,778 556 5,001 985 3,652 6,063 4,035 770 5,569 3,445 2,701 532 5,323 10,931 2,991 1,546 7,859 53,448 55,417 29.873 16,304 50,116 18,245 31,922 43,890 50,523 58,066 67.874 141,237 29,644 23,252 58,435 619,381 139 25 23 3,666 1,513 1,307 17,530 27,004 22,593 25,241 7,901 3,842 195,397 135,390 19,485 27,088 60,101 60,826 3,844 3,197 1,642 12,330 5,445 4,164 4,582 387 472 10,462 1,250 2,226 11,754 6,673 318,948 283,450 30,622 19,379 64,791 100,032 3,128 2,604 11,802 2,819 78 6,564 5,075 2,537 73,943 11,279 17,784 94 347 5,624 109,071 463 1,004 118 4, 019 174 1,548 20 7,755 1,231 2,748 7,326 88,900 110,5 1,886 1,178 1,165 219 506 2,301 603 55 31 2,478 463 2,959 913 14,757 1,071 i,846 1,085 1,161 771 380 1,897 2 1,860 2,419 12,492 2,655 253 5,088 233 2,302 1,471 245 79 625 2,184 353 773 3,365 19,626 374,208 189,851 203,802 88,203 7,939 70,902 58,070 27,690 290,263 210,443 193,148 21,368 839 18,372 23,169 4,388 2,116 41,097 21,129 11,844 612 3,255 3,384 . 2,079 798,097 506,046 442,951 121,077 6,223 4,055 1,598 963 4,393 2,833 3,188 385 1,053 2,658 932 5,107 2,873 3,914 2,283 203 590 1,636 1,142 1,024 120 711 3,523 846 6,180 1,719 6,008 3,582 954 164 2,239 1,130 2,459 193 888 5,742 , 591 6,120 3,696 2,715 1,297 584 365 1,620 543 1,926 572 1,169 2,332 362 1,684 1,145 36,261 23,891 33,766 16,314 Stocks of Federal Reserve banks Forand eignpublic other domesand private tic corporations 6,288 9,446 2,979 6,420 4,062 23,120 6,327 17,423 3,118 76,371 33,154 43,609 Stocks of foreign corporations 78 7 66 43 212 2 52,315 180,002 42,281 207, 736 5,160 20, 543 47,506 96,151 1,308 4,304 2,528 5,921 615 1,953 336,60 8 829 508 26 16 247 243 572 432 235 644 532 4,675 3,840 2,892 2,495 669 3,258 1,275 1,613 653 2,723 7,592 579 2,084 4,686 34,359 »,790 4 Ohio 193,260 58, 253 317,138 120,050 66, 254 70, 397 62, 720 84, 532 16,570 5,226 21, 561 3,690 1,599 1,740 3,924 9,294 4,657 486 19,146 23,662 46 1,395 521 2,465 972,604 63,604 52, 378 830 446 1,658 7,277 1, 350 451 3, 702 702 3.331 4,328 10,373 19,832 36,605 8,173 4, 532 17,068 3,815 75,808 160 321 2,885 1,127 764 55 887 510 1,006 22,631 19, 747 180, 534 7,715 7,439 4,119 114,980 4,580 6, 365 1,484 3,005 8,469 8,920 33,285 2,292 2,616 1,497 5, 348 6,879 23, 261 344 1,661 60 1, 575 35,183 22,856 407, 786 6,238 9, 933 3,504 4,613 2,072 74 12,194 215 464 141,972 58,045 39,128 490,113 15,388 74,158 16,667 42,977 68,154 30,614 17,952 11,911 29,671 20,595 13,853 18,128 51, 542 7,445 13, 367 7,736 21,811 693,095 267,618 1,645,654 497,491 266,444 254,498 95, 242 361, 776 62,826 . 15,678 113,276 39,903 12,007 13,704 7,124 29,730 4,081,818 294,248 13,825 14, 551 62,693 69,154 40, 716 11,582 58,877 13, 554 851 1, 243 3,814 10,-357 2,394 472 6,674 955 3,147 1,314 1,355 4,962 6,439 2,337 753 3,457 953 8,444 1, 572 1,051 4,847 6,208 1, 690 797 2,085 884 3,497 344,651 29,907 30,014 178, 784 126, 773 1,288,839 27, 590 31, 212 11, 761 13,947 4,797 5,108 29,262 775 1,933 54 1, 356 Total Pacific S t a t e s . . . 1,678, 906 43,285 Indiana Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri... Total Middle Western States North Dakota.. South Dakota.. Nebraska.. Kansas* Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico... Oklahoma T.:tal Western States. . Washington. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona 24,597 17,026 53,220 16,407 9,005 8,449 6, 275 28, 790 292,104 154,477 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 21,007,713 1,527,076 1,667,567 622,778 663,018 4,171,6 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii Philippines Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States 50,559 1,183 5,766 181 Total possessions 62,464 4,517 355 ..... 2,145 372 174 100 13,090 10,052 1,916 47 25,232 47 Ï83 17, 944 1,429 2,349 1,198 8,322 610 155 26,930 14,287 47,065 11,632 25,805 5,118 3,710 7,960 38,959 10,940 64,429 15, 709 24,443 5,621 4,636 9,223 5,813 4,505 11,029 4,115' 6,265 6,338 1,829 5,888' 13,190 3,669 13,217 4, 511 7,234 2,206 950 1,589 12,231 4,374 26,941 3,739 2,497 2,206 919 37,054 10 205,439 142, 507 173,960 45,782 46,566 89,961 18 121 44 381 164 261 48 816 13 43 151 64 558 274 692 90 ,269 49 264 185 217 776 ,086 352 176 804 179 1,891 3,411 5,061 1,901 268 10,040 96 13 5 85 1,819 609 15, 388 217 559 68 173 12,4 18,833 73 ¡9, 700 709,636 215,024 218,773 664,824 7,296 41,773 13,488 59,486 22,415 25, 367 20, 677 4, 974 17, 259 603 489 2,200 486 1,330 176 5,098 41 700 828 205 301 128 1,096 443 621 227 2, 302 38 432 455 238 2,549 522 623 205 2,106 29 965 7,6 1,907 11, 312 5, £ 4, 938 2,108 32,171 425 628 231 380 3, 673 947 22, 273 314 885 1,326 1,097 25 7,055 75 135 20 331 3,240 418 16,412 76 330 128 41 580 2, 514 6,995 153 142 144 53 15,679 ,738 40,881 28, 218 20,645 10, 581 2,201 880 11,177 95 197,690 205, 331 16 3,459 1,745 2\, 770 204, 231 1,410,9 Ui d hJ g H H O g S 30 43 64 1,473 15 157 1,657 44 "3,"855 ì, 5Ì9 """99 1,260 78 1,133 645 607 30 2 1,915 5,001 2,865 1,280 1,409 32 2,151 372 Total United States and possessions 21,070,177 1,527,443 1,669,718 623,150 663,321 4,196,861 197,737 205,331 205,064 1,412,853 994,701 711,487 217,889 220,053 666,233 7,328 1,851 O § E 60, o' N o d § H 54 367 GC o 221 258 a Cl 115 833 g H O Kj Oi <1 T A B L E N O . 19.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 81, 1941 (includes National, State commercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued Oi [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Capital Location Maine..- . . . — New HampshireVermont .. — Massachusetts... Rhode Island.. . Connecticut Total New England States New York . New Jersey Pennsylvania—... Delaware Maryland. - District of Columbia.. Total Eastern States. Virginia.-. W'eit Virgiria — North CaroliEa. South Carolina. . Georgia Florida Alabama M ississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States. Capital Prenotes ferred and stock debentures 1,086 00 Common stock Individuals, partnerand corporations CO d •d Time deposits Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations States Banks Banks and in U. S. in Govern- political United foreign subdicounment States visions tries Savings Deposits accumuCertifi- lated for cates of payment deposit of personal loans States Banks and Banks in Postal politChristin savforeign mas ical United counOpen ings i savings subdi- States tries acand visions counts similar accounts 4,754 1,159 0,349 9, 449 1,445 6, 286 87,813 11,568 54, 515 6, 204 35, 585 6, 543 100, 753 1,474,180 191,179 19,396 520,879 37, 405 909 1, 206 854 25,506 1,313 5,606 14, 291 7,950 3,493 10S, 840 18, 738 42,576 243,011 10,248 228,486 5,553 135,323 865 371,640 21,249 2,499,178 334,038 9,665 312 972,544 45, 205 1,522 740 • 687 6,168 3,120 146 31 484 2,903 66 2,903 5,001 29,442 181,869 2,364,151 35, 394 195, S 443,176 21, 583 4,412, 580 14, 249 6,819 644.913 3, 784, 512 677, 574 7,100,643 174, 584 227 1,190,981 41,972 213,053 733,628 6,361 2,030,392 83,129 4,943 3,643 425,646 47,375 123, 599 115,415 56 44, 473 29,155 5,113 1,197" 4,242 1,470 9,303 7, 786 19, 735 37 2,670 5,046 149, 795 44, 577 i, 845 535, 804 13,808 145,359 172,898 260,783 110,888 102,160 32,882 112,372 83, 731 101, 573 54,843 97,833 167, 778 37,989 97,234 140,455 11,349 10,448 17, 298 3,308 18.520 2,022 9, 712 18,551 13,437 28, 355 9,571 31,328 36.521 14,337 516 8, 473 158 1,952 1,203 464 315 390 7,673 49 2,138 2, 735 1,083 354 226 149 433 104 86 116 232 351 73 323 198 3,185 1,400,521 210,420 40,403 3,728 11,617 18,207 3,915 43,622 41,069 564 50. 707 30,386 72 55 4, 190 2,1 4; 1,100 697, 764 13,132,422 1,021,112 940, 255 74,458 44, 711 265, 358 2,931,425 99, 747 184,547 11, 530 1,065 461,260 28,998 48,645 315,928 17,650 2,068 48,922 125,493 1,095, 758 17,965,837 1,217,348 , 084,924 4, 731,827 684,648 11,002, 206 28 1,842 25 330 1,407 48 10 1,832 4,869 778 2,949 925 732 644 5,818 5,128 4,272 7,194 2,054 5,118 7,309 5,522 47,790 243,829 139, 782 10, 021 319, 769 19,816 82,926 1,192,080 161,680 11,322 346,643 30,548 330,834 29, 007 7,694 5,811 8,207 3,071 31, 582 13,185 13,934 1,851 13,939 54,007 2,995 14,394 23,297 349,048 4,327,549 193,967 39,128 21,827 21, 582 8, 725 30,876 22, 448 20, 822 346, 500 176,865 315,307 134,918 322, 376 2%, 966 47, 926 26,077 63, 752 31,652 43,684 62,104 45,412 33,200 64,545 164,208 30,966 36.760 58.761 122, 374 24, 322 172, 372 14,656 140,102 88,401 66, 596 19, 735 141, 731 374,897 42,736 106,695 211,037 709.047 1,525,654 77 14 279 284 1,230 1,301 2,012 108,618 667 1,594 178 7,087 1,868 3,386 549 418 176 389 554 1,140 253 1,292 872 496 1,203 105 401 14, 780 11,208 2,769 5,256 991 12,784 390,948 5,314 5,954 130, 229 676 1,273 5, 384 519 2,613 6,602 2,000 3,924 113 1,057 112 124 2,924 7,915 3,132 338 1,084 184 481 1,353 210 441 3, 301 276 251 566 1,739 1,317 4,582 72 1, 461 1,079 1,125 2,507 1,428 605 455 954 - 65,306 123,928 10, 725 1,252 64,090 43,110 420 2,206 3,032 3,628 560 12,049 358 2,252 870 651 7,011 902 6 2,823 22,121 308 1,007 5,319 2,695 971 4,037 94 3,359 1,156 2,122 246 322 1,102 241 540 4,' 55,677 21,653 F H g H H H O W H •d O W H GO O trj O o & 5,358 5,358 = "~~63 ::::: 63 Ì3 î F F M0 S O O d sa so w 3 o Hi Ohio.. Indiana—Illinois Michigan. _ « Wisconsin. g Minnesota. Iowa g Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota. South DakotaNebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico..Oklahoma Total Western States. Washington. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States... 22,575 13,0731 131,518 1,604,00Î 44,090 584,754] 7,502 4,006 2,057 6,121 169,426 3,145,323 23.4971 63,777 1,005,801 53,534 502,4901 8,834 1,532 48,317 482, 540 1,137 2,009 33,658 412,100 2, ! 945,722 2,957 3,322] 78,172 45,062 56,455 5771 421 2581 116 1,372 2531 360 978] 2.224 357 632 1,332 452 1,131 7,719 622,492 8,682,731 5,349 6,443' 20,955] 27,1891 7,: 3,2151 13,483 2,5581 27, 708 70,941 63,7701 220,861 286,692 106,529 43,615 235,488 44,507 286,548 114, 785 1,358,951 1,066,050 295,661 973,306 734,144 4i5,856 298,945 158,9371 249,599 426 62,067! 67,866 82,494] 20, 231 54, 219 92,607 88,460 56,742 24,7631 1,258 9,340 1,853 369 5,543 3,215 3,260 3,2341 12,422| 1,054 8551 2,322 1,017 946 1,801 21,3661 2,790 9601 U 618 823 1,0501 2,107 261 U 298 181 342] 4521 2,480 2,551 35,124 8,606 72 10,837 242 24,578 7,219 2,168 3,395 1 , r ~ 7,064 3,4261 123 33 732 1,315 245,604 1,078,400 2.529,666 12,546 4,192,498 524,686 49,601 1,729 41,526 12,686 78,800 27,802 23,162 22,591 141,586 25,301 5,090 1,709 3,340 22,825 6,155 22,525 33,684 99.490 18,987 10,029 19,296 15.491 66, 592] 4,525 6,133 74,37l! 47,5431 14,532 8,288 58,742 5,103 88,331 32,823 292, 249 307, 568 214,2061 2,943,633 135,852 Total possessions Total United States and possessions ~971 100 150 8,770 22,740 3,386 25 118 32 35,924 312,085 2,614, C 14,406 6,958 63,978 40,777 35,884 6771 6,956 16,424] 13,564 12,509 27,313 35,083 7,176 2,781 4, 5781 2,810 18, 782 256 702 913 1,293 792 592 650 108 3,190 16 10 118 143 38 35 209 16 10 14 174 38 32 212 42 ,731 54 130 368 1,013 429 153 82 186 746 60 117 1,81 66 eoi 582 1251 142 1,072 225 711 3931 3,071 21 14 3,054 2,911 310, 244] 124,596 8,496 589 2, 269 3,161 7,615 8,938 6,778 51,917 3,991 3,602 704 1,208 448,426! 18,285 2,615,799 77,138 26,357 647 206 151 305 5,050 4,365 13,182 942 806 8, 214 3,755 48, 308 35, 797 16,590 242 2271 1,081 48,349 14,635 113,987 1,721 " 14," 913 21, 743 9,6341 111 37,805,431 1,887,345 3, 780,168 1 Includes U. S. Treasurer's time deposits—open account, 481 17, 787 17, r " 1 33,652 43,965 31,755 18, 561 85,996) 11,991 48,657] 3, 731,819j 9,986,31 740, 295 23,933, 848 1,100, S 32 162,579 371,311 55 8,2691 1, 285) 134 1,: 251,818 126, 236 2,100,620 29,152 61,889 4 17,0b8 176 29,016 71, 332 26,411 315,001 3,3771 29, 2791 1,051 1,9751 596 1,752 114 1871 870 41,409 713 190 562 40 700 2,215 44,918 255,815 89,343] , 116,668 141,321 96, 523 189,223 91,807 548,966 576 3,820 13,121 276 446 2,110 686 11,522 Total United States (exclusive of posses108,094 311,817 2,578,158 37,642,852 sions).. Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) The Territory of Hawaii— . Philippines Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United 146,884 116,542 314,029 151,125 57,981 91,172] 90,731 109,936| 754, 1 11 5,964 66,019| 8,602 203,406 25,196 150,090 59,233 496, 113 255, 735 62,635 1371 757i 1,1941 862 13,194 17,986 90 494 32,027 494 104 24,047,835 1,132,911 150,584 668, 547 41 hj H H O W O W H Ui 7,1951 1,011 5701 23,041 150! 278 105 4l' 194 CD d 1,750 o o 1,750 7,171 10 915 3,811 22,316 O o F F H td c 58 » 931 M 255,804 7,172 a 01 tO TABLE NO. 20.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks, 1986 to 1948 Number of banks [For figures covering each year 1834 to 1935, inclusive, see reports for 1931 and 1941] O [In thousands of dollars] Ui S. GovLoans and U. Other ernment discounts, obligations, bonds, including direct and stocks, and overdrafts guaranteed securities Cash Balances with other banks 1 Other assets d Total assets Capital 2 Surplus and net undivided profits 3 Total deposits Bills payable and Other rediscounts, liabilities etc. •d S g H H JUNE 3Q 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942--1943.. —. — — 15,803 15, 580 15,341 15,146 15,017 14,919 14,815 14, 661 20, 839, 159 22, 698, 176 21, 311, 161 21, 516, 279 22, 557, 670 25, 543, 438 25, 178, 305 22. 324, 053 17, 358,200 16, 968,486 16, 774. 262 18, 790,831 19, 710, 503 23, 577,061 30, 363,023 57, 963,058 10, 501,333 10, 305,653 9, 571,216 9, 594,937 9, 364.406 9, 152,671 8, 653,089 7, 921,874 1,018, 951 958, 317 1,044, 251 1,042, 408 1,148, 589 1,408, 306 1,446, 780 1, 606, 564 14,103,430 14,670,297 16,426,417 19,584,188 24, 535, 268 25,471,008 * 24,236, 259 « 25, 210, 347 3, 367,168 3, 323,828 3, 150,400 3, 072, 677 2, 897,193 2, 676, 235 2, 382, 535 2, 226, 510 67, 188,241 68, 924, 757 68, 277,707 73, 601, 320 80, 213,629 87, 828, 719 92, 259,991 117, 252,406 3,421, 226 3,250,650 3, 204,751 3,160,096 3,091, 793 3, 055,005 2,998,686 2, 979, 447 4,549,867 58,339,815 4,985,781 59,822,370 4,977, 218 59. 379, 550 5,134,112 64, 576, 694 5, 233,334 71,153,458 5, 469, 514 78,549, 329 4 83,029, 575 5,523, 532 5,811,248 * 107,784,099 47,376 55,857 42,476 26, 724 26,969 22, 559 20,736 31, 657 829, 957 810, 099 673, 712 703, 694 708, 075 732, 312 687, 462 645, 955 15,704 15,463 15,265 15,096 14,956 14,885 14, 722 14,621 21, 618, 127 22, 364, 140 21, 535, 406 22, 374, 700 23, 967, 476 26, 838, 365 24, 001, 146 23, 674, 539 17, 497,059 16, 660,068 18, 002,042 19, 447, 464 21. 028, 798 25, 553,809 46, 059, 111 66, 259, 384 10, 700, 905 9, 828.984 9, 664, 255 9, 348,161 9. 499, 776 9, 035.537 8, 312, 249 7, 466,862 1,025, 586 907, 871 (5) 1,196, 539 1,407, 364 1,545, 018 1,463, 836 1,612, 252 15,871, 668 15,065,962 18, 373,644 22,197,935 26, 846.418 25,942, 377 * 27, 371, 581 4 26,999,933 3, 402,165 3, 271,994 3, 258, 252 3, 010, 45S 2, 822, 070 2, 538, 588 2, 334,654 2, 109,008 70, 115, 510 68, 099, 019 70, 833, 599 77, 575, 257 85, 571, 902 91, 453, 694 109, 542, 577 128, 121,978 3, 293,014 3, 223,110 3,192, 493 3,125, 524 3,070,519 3, 034, 361 2,985, 391 3,011, 600 4,849, 310 4, 949,834 5, 016, 435 5,169,647 5, 339,039 5, 460,776 5,619,637 6,034,091 57,247 50,816 36,612 25, 551 25,060 22, 593 18,638 51,650 760, 925 765, 356 680, 298 688, 492 729, 399 702, 704 653, 273 688, 511 DEC. 31 1936 1937 1938.. 1939 1940. 1941 1942 1943 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. Includes capital notes and debentures in banks other than national. ' Includes reserve accounts. 4 Excludes reciprocal interbank demand balances with banks in the U. S., which at prior dates were reported ' • Not called for separately. Included with "Balances with other banks". 1 2 61,155,014 59,109,903 61,907,761 68, 566,043 76,407,885 82, 233, 260 « 100, 265,638 4 118,336, 126 H O W H *d O W H GO O ^ o o g sa o F s w o o d w sa H o T A B L E N O . 21.—Assets and liabilities of all active national banks, 1936 to 1948 IFor figures covering each year 1863 to 1935, inclusive, see reports for 1931 and 1941] GO [In thousands of dollars] Number of banks IT. S. GovLoans and Other ernment discounts, obligations, bonds, including direct and stocks, and overdrafts guaranteed securities Cash Balances with other banks 1 Other assets d Total assets Capital Surplus and net undivided profits 2 Total deposits Bills payable and Other redisliabilities counts, etc. H JUNE 30 1936 193 7 1938 193 9 1940 194 1 194 2 1943 5,374 5,299 5,248 5,209 5,170 5,136 5,107 5,066 7, 763,342 8,812,895 8,3.34,624 8, 573,703 9,179,227 10,922,483 10,901,795 9,190,143 8,447,364 8, 219,195 7,987, 716 8, 769, 729 9, 111, 226 11,135,952 14,928,992 30,190,402 4,035, 261 3,903,092 3,656, 560 3, 783,157 3, 794,049 3,818,842 3, 714, 396 3,538,176 531,694 444, 598 528, 305 530, 580 582, 303 709,458 728, 309 806, 546 7,849, 732 7, 933, 271 8, 922, 250 10,544, 226 13, 294,801 13,812,200 3 13, 588, 254 3 14, 420,845 1,069, 363 1,015, 755 948,105 979,183 923,474 915, 700 857,219 826,240 29,696,756 30,328,806 30, 377, 560 33,180, 578 36,885,080 41, 314, 635 44, 718,965 58,972,352 1,691,375 1, 582,131 1,572,900 1,562,956 1, 534,649 1, 523, 383 1,507,670 1,498,008 1,474,353 1,630,034 1, 700,919 1,826,556 1,941, 792 2,074,758 2,171,822 2,327,397 26, 200,453 26, 765,913 26,815,894 29,469,469 33,074, 407 37,351, 303 3 40,659,117 3 54, 769,361 3,720 9,216 9,586 3,540 2,910 2,005 2,014 4,231 326,855 341,512 278, 261 318,057 331, 322 363,186 378,342 373,355 H O w H 5 § GO O ^ DEC. 31 193 6 193 7 193 8 193 9 1940 194 1 194 2 1943 S S a 5,331 5,266 5, 230 5,193 5,150 5,123 5,087 5,046 8, 271, 210 8,813,547 8,489,120 9,043,632 10,027, 773 11,751,792 10, 200, 798 10,133,532 8,685, 554 8,072,882 8, 705,959 9,073,935 9, 752, 605 12,073,052 23,825, 351 34,178,555 4,094,490 3, 69U, 122 3, 753, 234 3, 737,641 3,915,435 3,814,456 3,657,437 3,325, 698 518, 503 422,49U 555, 304 615, 698 718, 799 786, 501 733,499 807,969 8, 462, 578 8,128,003 9,151,105 11,887,915 14, 401, 268 14, 215,429 3 15, 516, 771 3 15, 272, 695 1, 032,327 977,186 1,011,455 960,436 918,082 897,004 847,122 813,468 31, 064, 662 30,104, 230 31, 666,177 35, 319, 257 39, 733,962 43, 538, 234 54, 780,978 64,531,917 1, 598,815 1, 577,831 1,570,622 1,532,903 1, 527, 237 1,515,794 1,503, 682 1,531, 515 1 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. 2 Includes reserve accounts. 3 Excludes reciprocal interbank demand balances with banks in the United States, which at prior dates were reported "gross." 1,572,195 1,666,367 1, 757, 522 1, 872,215 2,009,161 2,133,305 2,234,673 2,427,927 27,608,397 26,540,694 28,050,676 31, 612,992 35,852,424 39, 554, 772 3 50,648,816 3 60,156,181 3,495 10,839 5,608 2,882 3,127 3,778 3,516 8,155 281,760 308,499 281, 749 298, 265 342,013 330,585 390, 291 408,139 O O 6 §F O a O d 60 a Ö o H o> T A B L E N O . 22.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, 1986 to 1948 O to [For figures covering each year 1834 to 1935, inclusive, see reports for 1931 and 1941] m d [In thousands of dollars] Number of banks U. S. GovOther Loans and ernment bonds, discounts, obligations, including direct and stocks, and overdrafts guaranteed securities Cash Balances with other Other assets Total assets banks 1 Capital stock Surplus Capital notes and and net undivided debenprofits 2 tures Total deposits Bills payable and rediscounts, etc. Other liabilities H H 1936 193 7 1938 1939 1940. 194 1 1942 194 3 10,429 10,281 10,093 9,937 9,847 9,783 9, 708 9,595 13,075,817 13,885,281 12, 976. 537 12,942, 576 13,378,443 14, 620, 955 14, 276, 510 13,133, 910 8,910,836 8, 749,291 8, 786, 546 10,021,102 10, 599, 277 12,441,109 15,434,031 27, 772,656 6,466,072 6,402, 561 5, 914,656 5,811, 780 5, 570, 357 5, 333,829 4, 938, 693 4, 383,698 6, 253, 698 487, 257 6, 737,026 513, 719 515, 946 7, 504,167 511,828 9,039,952 566, 286 11, 240, 467 698, 848 11, 658,808 718,471 310, 648,005 800,018 310, 789, 502 2,297,805 2,308,073 2,202, 295 2,093, 494 1,973, 719 1, 760, 535 .1, 525, 316 1.400,270 37, 491, 485 38, 595, 951 37, 900,147 40,420, 742 43. 328, 549 46, 514,084 47, 541,026 58, 280,054 1,485,132 1,483, 555 1,467, 766 1,446,666 1,428,973 1,416,939 1,386.845 1,386, 748 10, 373 10,197 10,035 9,903 9,806 9, 762 9, 635 9, 575 13.346,917 13, 550, 593 13,046, 286 13, 331,068 13, 939, 703 15,086, 573 13, 800, 348 13, 541,007 8,811,505 8, 587, 186 9,296,083 10, 373, 529 11,276, 193 13,480,757 22,233, 760 32,080,829 6,606.415 6,138,862 5,911,021 5, 610,520 5,584,341 5,221,081 4,654,812 4,141,164 7,409,090 507,083 6, 937,959 485, 381 (<) 8,667, 235 580,841 10,310,020 688, 565 12,445, 150 758, 517 11, 726,948 730,337 11,854,810 804, 283 3 11, 727,238 2,369,838 2,294,808 2,246, 797 2,050,022 1,903,988 1,641, 584 1,487,532 1,295, 540 39,050,848 37, 994, 789 39,167,422 42. 256,000 45,837,940 47,915,460 54, 761, 599 63, 590,061 1,489,354 1,471, 533 1,459,015 1, 450, 873 1,420,148 1,410, 373 1, 382, 507 1, 389,943 244, 719 184,964 164,085 150,474 128,171 114,683 104,171 94,691 3,075,514 32,139, 362 3,355, 747 33,056,457 3, 276, 299 32, 583,656 3,307, 556 35,107,225 3,291, 542 38,079,051 3, 394, 756 41,198,026 3,351, 710 3 42,370,458 3,483,851 "53,014,738 43,656 46,641 32,890 23,184 24,059 20, 554 18,722 27, 426 503,102 468, 587 395,451 385,637 376, 753 369,126 309,120 272,600 H C W H Ti O W H W O DEC. 31 193 6 193 7 1938 193 9 194 0 194 1 194 2 194 3 204,845 173, 746 162,856 141,748 123,134 108,194 99, 202 90,142 i Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. 3 Ex°clud e es^ * Not called for separately. demand balances with banks in the United States, which at prior dates were reported 4 'gross.'' Included with "Balances with other banks." 3,277,115 33,546,617 3,283,467 32, 569, 209 3,258,913 33, 857,085 3, 297,432 36,953,051 3, 329, 878 40, 555,461 3, 327,471 42,678,488 3, 384, 964 349,616,822 3,606,164 58,179,945 53,752 39, 977 31,004 22,669 21, 933 18,815 15, 122 43,495 479,165 456,857 398, 519 390, 227 387, 386 372,119 262,982 280, 372 o O s? M T) H Sd o F F H Sd O ^ o d w w M o SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 163 TABLE NO. 23.—Assets and liabilities of all banks in District of Columbia at date of each call from Dec. 81, 1941, to Dec. 81, 1948 [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, Apr. 4, June 3C, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1943 1943 1943 1942 1942 1942 1941 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks 22 banks ASSETS 144,620 141,393 135, 205 118,493 108,237 106,987 106,759 Loans and discounts 30 23 33 43 Overdrafts 29 31 31 U. S. Government securities, direct obliga[406,76S 110,812 119,384 144,977 270,990 356, 218 tions •430,031 Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Govern[ 9,491 25,539 22,498 16,370 12,158 10,192 ment Obligations of States and political subdivi1,402 758 1,902 2,136 2,107 sions 2,120 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 18,106 18,642 19,832 20,296 17,419 14,847 Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal 1,954 1,482 1,937 1,958 Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and ap123,082 133,977 132,152 103, 238 104,204 105,1 proved reserve agencies 14,355 14,361 15,728 15,386 16,413 16,695 Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items 86,303 79,097 80,049 92,970 72,475 71,580 in process of collection 15,524 15,578 15, 533 15,374 15, 240 15,131 Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. 1,341 962 2,351 2,201 526 1,563 Real estate owned other than bank premises. Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real es2,104 1,900 2,133 2,129 2,100 2,100 tate Customers' liability on acceptances out4 ing.. Interest, commissions, rent, and other in521 585 535 604 come earned or accrued but not collected-. 604 1,017 Other assets 703 1,025 723 Total assets.. 548,044 554,626 568,871 657,455 707, 741 767,716 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 315,928 323, 791 337, 217 403, 567 433,666 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 125,063 125, 299 127,786 130,834 134,837 112 Postal savings deposits 112 27 112 37 2,313 Deposits of U. S. Government 2,068 1,945 18,669 37,976 57 Deposits of States and political subdivisions.. 56 50 65 60 Deposits of banks 45,291 45,946 42,379 41, 289 40,147 Other deposits (certified and cashiers' cheeks, 6,443 9,835 5, 237 etc.) 7,036 7, Total deposits...^ 495,554 502,755 515,982 604,296 654,886 Demand deposits 869,819 876,814 887,714 478,270 519,897 181t026 184,989 Time deposits 125,785 125,941 128,218 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding 4 Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned 572 511 301 270 Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued 926 and unpaid 691 1,027 Other liabilities ___ 796 1,057 927 558 641 Total liabilities. 419, 512 138, 111 27 103, 267 80 45,640 7,795 714,432 576,200 138,232 281 877 517 497,852 504, 519 ! 518,407 606, 517 656,279 716,107 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Capital notes and debentures Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. . 474 1,100 17,650 19,224 19,451 9,395 449 925 17,675 19,049 19, 746 9,121 447 925 17, 675 19,047 19,780 9, 521 447 925 17,675 19,047 19,803 10,167 437 750 17,700 18,887 20,228 10, 545 437 750 17,750 18,937 20,262 10,659 2,122 2,191 2,116 1,921 1,802 1,751 50,192 50,107 50,464 50,938 51,462 51,609 548,044 554,626 568, 871 657,455 707,741 767,716 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORTS OF COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY 164 TABLE and liabilities of non-national banks in District of Columbia at date of each call from Dec. 31, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1943 N O . 24.—Assets [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, Apr. 4, June 30, Dec. 31, June 30, Oct. 18, Dec. 31, 1941 1942 1942 1942 1943 1943 1943 13 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts. Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. GovernmentObligations of States and political subdivisions. — Other bonds, notes, and debentures.. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and approved reserve agencies Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises. Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate. Interest, commissions, rent, and other income earned or accrued but not collected . . . Other assets. Total assets 13 banks 13 banks 13 banks 13 banks 13 banks 13 banks 75,875 8 73,515 8 71,309 7 62,639 9 44,493 8,307 48,828 7,186 55,666 6,792 86,912 120,621 I i CA 1QA /143,099 5,434 >10U, loo I 5,217 6,180 894 8,664 703 8,788 702 9,227 531 8,712 57,059 8 456 7, 551 57,347 8 422 7,562 55,247 8 390 7,553 1,280 1,280 1,258 961 947 942 940 35,914 5,619 35, 760 5,810 36, 274 6,396 38,977 6,093 41,249 6,358 38,048 6,927 43,502 5,747 32,936 8,511 1,832 29,038 8,492 1,767 30,786 8,454 1,135 36,240 8,409 975 27,534 8,323 826 27,949 8,234 428 27,022 8,159 131 2,133 2,129 2,104 2,100 2,100 1,900 2,100 370 226 359 313 389 268 417 659 449 353 457 492 464 361 227,062 223,976 230, 767 259,814 279, 268 300,852 299,940 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 118,882 116, 727 122,417 146,333 155,832 151,095 165,356 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 73,355 73,800 75,081 75,786 76, 711 77,908 79,134 Postal savings deposits 12 12 12 12 2 2 2 Deposits of U. S. Government.. 721 636 3,282 13,307 38,790 21,467 701 Deposits of States and political subdivisions.. 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 Deposits of banks 1,871 2,860 2,753 2,105 1,826 1, 752 1,787 Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, 977 1,336 2,787 1,804 etc.) 1,807 1,647 2,276 Total deposits 197,643 194,910 201,424 230,311 249,414 271,235 270,067 124,166 121,018 126,261 154,508 172,701 193,306 190,587 Demand deposits Time deposits 73,477 73,892 75,163 75,80S 76,713 77,929 79,480 Interest, discount, rent, and other income collected but not earned 422 241 231 234 386 319 239 Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued 584 433 560 568 669 and unpaid 557 520 424 Other liabilities 486 238 391 380 286 433 Total liabilities 199,135 195, 967 202,694 231, 544 250,582 272,280 271,403 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Capital notes and debentures Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus. Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts 474 200 9,950 10,624 11,966 3,878 449 175 9,975 10,599 12,011 3,961 447 175 9,975 10,597 12,030 4,094 447 175 9,975 10,597 12,043 4,359 437 150 10,000 10,587 12,163 4,803 437 150 10,050 10,637 12,197 4,593 277 150 10,250 10,677 12,310 4,387 1,459 1,438 1,352 1,271 1,133 1,145 1,163 27,927 28,009 28,073 28,270 28,686 28,572 28,537 227,062 223,976 230,767 259,814 279,268 300,852 299,940 T A B L E NO. 25.—Number of banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, interest and dividends, and ratios, all banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 81, 1929-48 [In thousands of dollars. Figures for previous years published in report for 1940, p. 200] Capital i Number of banks 1929 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934 1935. 1936 1937. 1938. 1939. 1940 1941. 1942. 1943. Capital Preferred notes stock and (par debentures value) 300 1,340 1,790 1,536 1,419 1,303 1,295 999 604 454 400 1,575 1,650 1,650 1,554 1,355 1,208 1,288 1,130 969 794 Common stock (par value) 24,868 24,008 23,328 23,072 19,216 18,345 18,235 18,243 18,250 18,060 17,300 17,338 17,490 17,669 17, 768 Ratios Interest and dividends Total 24,868 24/008 23,328 23,072 19,516 21,260 21,675 21,429 21.223 20,718 19,803 19,625 19.224 19,092 18,962 Capital funds (1 2) 52, 733 52,638 52,056 50,082 41,119 39,849 40,843 42,263 44,365 45,481 46,966 48,191 49, 499 50,425 51,447 Net profits before dividends On capital On prenotes ferred and stock debentures On common stock Cash 2,797 2,755 2,648 2, 278 1,006 901 996 1,033 1,194 1,245 1,379 1,416 1,442 1,439 1,432 W d hj •ti Stock 50 300 25 125 Interest on capital Cash divnotes and iienis debenon pretures to ferred capital stock to notes preferred and decapital bentures 2.31 4.30 3.78 3.31 3.15 3.09 2.80 3. 97 2.42 4. 25 2.16 4.12 4.12 3.80 3.69 3.89 4.35 3.72 2.39 3.90 Cash dividends 01 common stock to common capital 11.25 11. 43 11.35 9.87 5.21 4.91 5.43 5. 94 6.54 6.91 7.97 8.17 8. 24 8.14 8.03 Net profits before dividends Total interest and cash dividends capto capital To cap- Toital funds ital funds 5.30 5.23 5.09 4.55 2.45 2.42 2.79 2.86 2.93 2.94 3.12 3.11 3.05 2.95 2.88 17.59 12.43 6.49 3 5.23 * 11.20 3 1.96 11.54 17.47 13.93 11.97 17.45 15.22 17.03 12. 76 13.02 8.29 5.67 2.91 3 2.43 3 5.32 31.04 6.12 8.86 6.69 5. 45 7.36 6.20 6.63 4.83 4.80 1 Figures for capital and capital funds are averages of amounts from reports of condition for all calls made in each year and the last call made in the preceding year; i. e., from December to December, inclusive. 2 Represents aggregate of capital, surplus, undivided profits, and reserves. 3 Deficit. S g a H H O W a •ti o w H GQ O a o o g § F g » O a S § o Ol T A B L E NO. 26.—Loans and securities and losses charged off on loans and securities by all banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 81, 1929-43 [In thousands of dollars. Figures for previous years published in report for 1940, p. 2021 Loans and U. S. discounts (including Government seovercurities 1 drafts) i 1929 1930 1932 1933 1934 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 193, 502 177,620 159,495 137,691 100,653 88, 108 84, 381 89,801 99,976 100, 398 105,291 119, 322 137,280 134,961 110,148 26,606 33,019 46,367 57,981 65,385 77,442 88,389 96,882 113.687 111,677 110,696 110,616 122,609 180,682 373,962 Other bonds and securities 1 34,844 35,487 44,657 43,299 31,668 27, 756 27,618 27,823 26,433 23,565 23,377 24,518 23,367 23,133 19,638 Total bonds and securities 1 61,450 68,506 91,024 101,280 97,053 105,198 116,007 124, 705 140, 120 135, 242 134,073 135,134 145,976 203,815 393,600 Total loans and secuiitiesi 254,952 246,126 250,519 238, 971 197,706 193,306 200,388 214, 506 240,096 235,640 239,364 254,456 283,256 338, 776 503, 748 m a Percentage of losses charged off— Losses Losses charged off charged off On loans and On loans and on loans On securion securi- discounts to securities and disties to total to total loans ties total loans counts securities and disand securicounts ties 663 7.56 1,338 1,209 2,255 2,847 1, 142 94(5 347 416 257 371 267 225 237 149 233 1,120 I, 178 2, 145 930 496 845 811 892 1,045 732 . 827 466 770 a> 0> 0.34 .43 .84 .88 2.24 3.23 1.35 J. 05 .35 .41 .24 .31 .19 .17 .22 0.24 .34 1.23 1.16 2.21 .88 .43 .68 .58 . 66 .78 .54 .57 .23 .20 0.32 .40 .98 1.00 2.23 1.95 .82 .83 .48 .56 .54 .43 .39 .20 .20 I g H H H O W H •d o td H œ o o o g ta 1 Figures for loans and securities are averages of amounts from reports of condition for all calls made in each year and the last call made in the preceding year; i. c., December to December, inclusive. o F m w o o d w Sd H « O INDEX Page All banks (see also Banks; Mutual savings banks; National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks): Assets and liabilities of: December 31, 1941, by States 150-159 Principal items of, June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 160 Assets and liabilities of banks: A.11 banks * December 31, 1941, by States 150-159 Principal items of, June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 160 National banks: Call dates, December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943, summary by States 19-71 December 31, 1941, by States 72-81 December 31, 1942, by States 82-89 December 31, 1943, by States 90-97 Principal items of, June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 161 State banks (see also District of Columbia): All banks combined: Principal items of, June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 162 Mutual savings: December 31, 1941, by States 124-128 December 31, 1942, by States 12&-132 December 31, 1943, by States 1 133-136 Private: December 31, 1941, by States 137-141 December 31, 1942, by States 142-145 December 31, 1943, by States 146-149 State commercial: December 31, 1941, by States 98-107 December 31, 1942, by States 108-115 December 31, 1943, by States 116-123 Banks (see also All banks; Assets and liabilities of banks; Mutual savings banks; National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks): All banks: Number of: December 31, 1941, by States 150-151 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 160 National banks: Number of: Call dates, December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943, by States 20-71 December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, by States.. 72-73, 82-83, 90-91 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 161 State and private banks: Number of: December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, by States 98-146 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 162 Borrowings. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Capital accounts. (See Assets and liabilities of banks; Earnings, expenses and dividends of national banks: Ratios.) Capital stock of banks: A.11 banks* December 31, 1941, by States 152-153, 158-159 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 160 National banks* Call dates, December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943, by States. _ 20-71 80-81, 8&-89, 96-97 December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, by States June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 161 State and private banks: December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, by States 98-147 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 162 167 168 INDEX Cash in banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Page Commercial banks. (See National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks.) Condition of banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Demand deposits. (See Deposits.) Deposits (see also Assets and liabilities of banks): All active banks, June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 160 Demand and time: In all active banks, by States, December 31, 1941 158-159 In mutual savings banks, by States, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943 128, 132, 136 In national banks, bv States, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943 I 80-81,88-89,96-97 In private banks, by States, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943 141, 145, 149 In State commercial banks, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943 106-107, 114-115, 122-123 Postal savings: In all banks, by States, December 31, 1941 158-159 In each class of banks, by States, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943 72-149 United States Government: In all banks, by States, December 31, 1941 158-159 In each class of banks, by States, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943 72-149 In national banks, call dates December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943 20-71 District of Columbia: Assets and-liabilities of banks in: All banks, call dates December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943__ 163 National banks, call dates December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943 28 Non-national banks, call dates December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943 164 Losses charged off on loans and securities bv all banks in, years ended December 3 1 , 1 9 2 9 - 4 3 A 166 Ratios, dividends and net profits to capital and capital funds, all banks in, years ended December 31, 1929-43 165 Dividends. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks: By Federal Reserve districts: Year ended December 31, 1941 8-9 Year ended December 31, 1942 16-17 By States: Year ended December 31, 1941 2-7 Year ended December 31, 1942 10-15 Ratios to loans, securities and capital accounts, years ended December 31,1941 and 1942 9, 17 Salaries and wages of officers and employees: Years ended December 31, 1941 and 1942 4-5, 8, 12-13, 16 Employees. (See Officers and employees of national banks.) Expenses. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Government bonds. (See Investments; United States Government securities.) Interbank deposits. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Interest. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Investments of banks: All banks* December 31, 1941, by States 150-151, 156-157 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 160 National banks: Call dates from December 31,1941, to December 31,1943 20-71 December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, by States 72-91 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 161 Losses charged off on, years ended December 31, 1941 and 1942 6-7, 8, 14-15, 16 State and private banks: December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, by States 98-146 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 162 INDEX 169 Liabilities. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Pag© Loans and discounts of banks: All banks: December 31, 1941, classification of, by States 154-155 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 160 National banks: Call dates December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943 20-71 December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, classification of, by States. 76-77, 86-87, 94^95 Interest and discount earned on, years ended December 31, 1941 and 1942, by States 2-3, 10-11 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 161 Losses charged off on, years ended December 31, 1941 and 1942, by States 6-7, 14-15 Real estate loans, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, by States. 76-77, 86-87, 94-95 State and private banks: December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, classification of, by States. 98-148 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 162 Losses. (See Earnings, expenses and dividends of national banks.) Municipal bonds. (See Investments of banks..) Mutual savings banks: Assets and liabilities of: December 31, 1941, by States 124r-128 December 31, 1942, by States 129-132 December 31, 1943, by States 133-136 National banks: Assets and liabilities of: Call dates, December 31,1941, to December 31,1943, summary by States 19-71 December 31, 1941, by States 72-81 December 31, 1942, by States 82-89 December 31, 1943, by States 90-97 Principal items of, June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 161 Capital stock. (See Capital stock of banks.) Dates of reports of condition of, 1914-43 18 Deposits. (See Deposits.) Dividends. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Earnings and expenses. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Investments. (See Investments of banks.) Loans and discounts. (See Loans and discounts of banks.) Number of: Call dates, December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943, by States.. 20-71 72-73, 82-83, 90-91 December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943, by States June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 161 Officers and employees, number and salaries of, years ended December 31, 1941 and 1942 4-5, 8, 12-13, 16 United States Government securities owned by. (See United States Government securities.) Officers and employees of national banks: Number and salaries of, by States and Federal Reserve districts, year ended December 31, 1941 4-5, 8 Number and salaries of, by States and Federal Reserve districts, year ended December 31, 1942 12-13, 16 Possessions: Assets and liabilities of banks in: All banks, December 31, 1941 150-159 National banks, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943 72-97 State banks, December 31, 1941, 1942, and 1943 98-123 Postal savings. (See Deposits.) Private banks: Assets and liabilities of: December 31, 1941, by States 137-141 December 31, 1942, by States 142-145 December 31, 1943, by States 146-149 Public funds. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Real estate held by banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) 170 INDEX Real estate loans. (See Loans and discounts of banks.) T&gB Reserve with Federal Reserve banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Salaries and wages of officers and employees of national banks. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks.) Savings banks. (See Mutual saving banks.) Securities. (See Investments of banks; United States Government securities.) State commercial banks: . Assets and liabilities of: December 31, 1941, bv States 98-107 December 31, 1942, bv States 108-115 December 31, 1943, by States 116-123 Stock savings banks. (See.State commercial banks.) Taxes. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Time deposits. (See Deposits.) Trust companies. (See State commercial banks.) United States Government deposits. (See Deposits.) United States Government securities: .A.11 banks * December 31, 1941, bv States 156-157 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 160 National banks: Call dates, December 31, 1941, to December 31, 1943, by States. 20-71 December 31, 1941, by States 78-79 December 31, 1942, bv States 82-83 December 31, 1943, bv States 90-91 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 161 State and private banks: December 31, 1941, bv States 104-105, 127, 140 December 31, 1942, bv States 108-109, 129, 142 December 31, 1943, bv States 116-117, 133, 146 June 30 and December 31, 1936-43 162