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NINETY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Comptroller of the Currency 1959 WASHINGTON : 1960 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Document No. 3216 Comptroller of the Currency For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Washington 26» D.O» - Price $1.75 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Washington, D.C., May 18, 1960. In accordance with the provisions of section 333 of the United States Revised Statutes, I have the honor to submit the following report covering the activities of the Bureau of the Comptroller of the Currency for the year 1959. Respectfully, SIRS: RAY M. GIDNEY, Comptroller of the Currency. THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY STATUS OF NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM On December 31, 1959, total assets of the 4,549 banks supervised by the Comptroller of the Currency were $133.3 billion. Their relative position was slightly increased to 46.9 percent of the banking assets in the commercial and savings banks of the Nation, and 54.3 percent of the commercial banking assets. Commercial banks numbering 8,917 which are supervised by the respective State banking authorities held assets of $112.1 billion, and 518 State-chartered and supervised mutual savings banks had assets of $38.9 billion. For all commercial and mutual savings banks, assets were $284.4 billion, an increase of $6.5 billion for the year as shown in the following table. All operating banks—continental United States and other areas [Dollars in millions} Type of bank Members of both the Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Number National banks State commercial banks... Mutual savings banks ___ Total Total assets Members of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation only Number Total assets Not members of Federal Reserve or Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Number Total assets 1 4,546 2 1,684 $133,151 72,545 31 » 6,882 »265 $174 37,553 31,712 4 351 <250 $1,992 7,200 6,233 205,727 7,150 69,439 601 9,192 13 Recapitulation Number National banks __ State commercial banks Mutual savings banks .. Head offices . Branches Total banking offices. 1 _ Branches Total assets Increase for 1959 4,549 8,917 518 4,798 4,694 447 $133,325 112,090 38,943 $3,821 1,493 1,164 13,984 9,939 9,939 284,358 6,478 23,923 1 Supervised by Comptroller of the Currency. (Includes 7 nonnational banks in the District of Columbia, 4 member and 3 nonmember insured banks with 30 branches.) a Supervised by State banking departments and the Federal Reserve System. (Includes 1 member nondeposit trust company.) • Supervised by State banking departments and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. * Supervised by State banking departments only. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Growth of Financial Institutions Commercial bank assets increased $5.3 billion during 1959 as compared to $16.1 billion in 1958 and $5.4 billion in 1957. During the past decade the average annual growth of commercial bank assets was $8.7 billion per year. The growth of financial institutions during the past 10-year period was at a rapid rate, with the most rapid growth occurring in those organizations which have been in a position to offer more attractive savings interest rates because of their favorable tax status and lower liquidity requirements. Relative growth by classes during the past 10-year period is presented in the following table. Financial institutions [Total assets] [Dollars in millions] Dec. 31, 1949 Commercial banks Mutual savings banks Savings and loan associations Federal and State chartered credit unions. $158,550 21,493 14,622 827 Dec. 31, 1959 $245,415 38,943 63,472 *4,347 Percentage of increase 54.8 81.2 334.1 425.6 i Data as of Dec. 31, 1958. Status of National Banks During 1959 the number of operating national banks changed from 4,585 at the close of 1958 to 4,542, a net reduction of 43 banks. This may be compared with reductions of 42 such banks in 1958, 32 in 1957, 41 in 1956, 96 in 1955, and 68 in 1954. Although the number of banks in the national banking system has continued to decrease, the upward trend in total assets prevails. Their total assets were $132.6 billion at the end of 1959, a gain of $3.8 billion, or nearly 3 percent, over the total of $128.8 billion at the close of 1958. In 1959 the national system absorbed 48 State banks by means of consolidation, mergers, takeovers, and conversions, and through like routes 29 national banks went into the State banking systems. The net result of these changes was $877.8 million of assets entering the national banking system, with the remainder of the $3.8 billion expansion in the total assets accruing through normal growth. With the exception of a few banks, which are receiving appropriate supervisory attention, the national banking system continues in excellent condition in the light of competence of management, soundness of assets, adequacy of capital funds and reserves, and capacity to earn, which are the basic factors that are considered in making the determination. Deposits Deposits in the national banking system continued their upward trend from $117 billion at the end of 1958 to $119.6 billion at the close of 1959, a gain of $2.6 billion, or 2.2 percent, during the year. Of the gain $1.2 billion, or 46.1 percent, occurred in time deposits. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 3 The total deposits of national banks and the average effective rate of interest paid on time and savings deposits are set forth below for the years 1955 through 1959. [Dollars in millions] Dec. 31, 1955 Total deposits Demand Time and savings# Total #Interest paid Average rate (percent) __. Dec. 31, 1956 Dec. 31, 1957 Dec. 31, 1958 Dec. 31, 1959 $76,894.6 27,323.4 $79,027.5 28,467.3 $77,881.0 31,555.3 $81,351.8 35,734.3 $82,703.1 36,934.6 104,218.0 374.0 107,494. 8 437.0 109,436.3 636.0 117,086.1 762.3 119,637. 7 866.7 2.02 2.13 2.35 1.54 1.37 Loans Gross loans and discounts of the national banking system at the end of 1959 were nearly $61.2 billion, an increase of $7.3 billion over the $53.9 billion reported at the end of 1958. After deducting bad debt and other valuation reserves of $1.2 billion, net loans at the end of 1959 were $60 billion as compared to $52.8 billion at the close of 1958, or a gain of $7.2 billion or 13.57 percent. The major segment of the composite portfolio, although decreased very slightly during the year, continues to be the $22.3 billion of loans to commercial and industrial type borrowers, or 36.4 percent of gross loans. The value of the Nation's new construction activity rose spectacularly in 1959 to an aggregate of $54 billion, a gain of about $5 billion, or 10.2 percent, over the total of $49 billion reported for 1958. Practically all of that gain was accounted for in private activity of this kind, which reached a total of $38.3 billion in 1959, whereas in 1958 it amounted to $33.5 billion. During 1959 permanent nonfarm dwelling units started totaled 1,379,000, up 170,000 units, or 14 percent, from the 1,209,000 units constructed in 1958. The rise continued in the mortgage debt on nonfarm one to fourfamily properties. A national total of $131.2 billion was reached by year end 1959, a gain of $13.5 billion over the $117.7 billion of such loans at the close of 1958. Conventional loans at $11.1 billion continue to account for the largest segment of the $28.2 billion of mortgage loans held by commercial banks at the end of 1959. The farm mortgage debt rose from $11.2 billion at the end of 1958 to $12.2 billion at the close of 1959, a gain of $1 billion, or about 9 percent. Each national bank is limited by law for investment in real estate mortgage loans, with the principal exceptions of FHA insured loans made under section 203 of the National Housing Act, as amended, and loans insured or guaranteed to the extent of at least 20 percent by the Veterans' Administration, to an aggregate amount not in excess of 60 percent of its time and savings deposits, or 100 percent of its capital and surplus, whichever is the greater. The exception pertaining to section 203 FHA loans is a part of Public Law 86-372, approved September 23, 1959, and it enlarged the conventional real estate mortgage lending capacity of the national banking system to the extent of the holdings of such loans. 4 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY At the close of 1959 FHA insured loans on residential properties totaled $3.9 billion. The $9.4 billion of real estate mortgage loans which are subject to the aggregate limitation equal 25.4 percent of the $36.9 billion of time and savings deposits held by the national banking system. The system has a conventional real estate mortgage loan capacity of $22.2 billion, based upon 60 percent of time and savings deposits. Thus 58.0 percent of that capacity remained available at the close of 1959. National banks held loans secured by real estate at the end of the years 1958 and 1959 as follows: [In millions of dollars] Type Conventional—residence. ____ Conventional—other properties . ^onv6Titionftl—farm Insured—Federal Housing Administration _ _ Insured or guaranteed—Veterans' Administration Total Dec. 31, 1958 Dec. 31, 1959 Dollar increase, decrease — 4,790 2,904 562 3,470 1,988 5,459 3,326 604 3,917 1,864 669 422 42 447 -124 13,714 15,170 1,456 Although 1958 closed as the first year since 1943 to show a reduction in the Nation's installment debt, the marked gain of $5.4 billion in 1959 matched the record year of 1955 and raised the total at the close of 1959 to $39.5 billion. The Nation's consumer debt (installment debt plus noninstalhnent debt in the form of single payment loans for the purchase of consumer goods, charge accounts, and debt incurred to pay for services rendered) also rose to a new high of $52 billion, up $6.4 billion from the $45.6 billion total at the close of 1958. Automobile loans continued to constitute the largest single segment of installment credit and stood at $16.6 billion at the year end, showing a gain of $2.4 billion in 1959. Every other type oi installment and noninstallment consumer debt also increased during the year. National bank holdings of consumer loans at the close of 1959 totaled $13.5 billion and amounted to 22 percent of the composite loan portfolio. Of the total installment type debt so held, automobile loans amounted to $4.5 billion, a gain of $715.3 million over the prior year end, and constituted 47 percent of aggregate holdings of installment consumer paper. The same percentage relationship prevailed at the close of 1958. Annual reports for several recent years have included data on delinquencies and policies governing the terms under which installment type loans are made to finance purchases of new and used automobiles. This information, tabulated from reports of examination of national banks made each year, has been regarded as indicative of lending policies and practices even though the banks were not examined as of a common date. Only minor changes have occurred since the study began on September 1, 1955, and sound credit standards continue to prevail. Generally and with few exceptions the terms of installment loans made by national banks to finance the purchase of new automobiles are held within the bounds of 25 percent or larger downpayment, with maturities ranging from REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 5 24 to 36 months. On used automobiles of recent manufacture (1 to 4 years), one-third or more downpayment is usually required, with maturities of 18 to 24 months. Delinquencies continue to represent only a minor proportion of outstandings. In the field of credit, recently developed forms of lending and financial services have been gaining in popularity. One is "check credit," the granting of a revolving line of credit to a borrower, who may draw against it by writing a check or checks up to the open amount of the credit. The borrower is to make monthly payments over a predetermined period of time, which include a charge of an agreed percentage of the outstanding loan balance plus a charge for each check drawn. This type of service permits the borrower to have at his disposal a certain amount of credit which he may use in accordance with his needs. "Charge account credit" is a service which may be provided through a bank's discounting of retail merchants' sales slips, of invoices which are drawn in the form of a bill of exchange and signed by the purchaser, as obligor. The purchaser, whose credit for this purpose has been previously passed upon by the bank, is billed monthly for the unpaid total of his sales slips discounted by the bank. Under this service the merchant receives immediate credit for his sales, and the customer may receive a single bill each month for his purchases at a number of stores. The discount received on the obligations so acquired compensates the bank for its services in providing credit, bookkeeping, and the billing of customers. "Inplant" or "at work" financial service for employees in offices, plants and stores offers a convenient means whereby the employees may cooperate with each other and with their employers to arrange for forwarding applications for loans to a bank or banks, for salary allotments to make deposits or payments on personal, consumer, home improvement, and other types of loans, and for other services. Several plans of this kind are in use, all designed so that the employer's personnel may assist other employees in obtaining these financial services from a commercial bank without having to leave the premises where employed. Loan application forms are obtainable from the employer, to be filled out and mailed or delivered by other method to the bank for processing there for credit of the proceeds to the individual's account. Many national banks now offer their installment credit borrowers "credit life insurance," which would extinguish the borrower's obligation to the bank if he were to die before completion of all of his installment payments. In this connection we have taken the position that a bank has an insurable interest in the lives of its borrowers to the extent of the amount of the unpaid balance of their loans. Another service which is growing in popularity provides for the sale of registered checks or money orders to the public under an arrangement with retail merchants or others. Suitable agreements cover the procedure and operation of the plan, the duties of parties, the division of the fees charged for the checks sold, and matters of liability for loss of funds, provision for stopping payment of checks, and reimbursement for checks not used by customers. For national banks, the Comptroller of the Currency has taken the position that 6 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY In States where the seller is not required to be licensed or an agent of the bank, the seller should be the agent of its customer rather than of the bank, and the customer should be informed of this relationship. The bank should not be obligated to honor any check before it has received funds for that check from the seller. In States which have enacted legislation which requires the seller of registered checks to be licensed or to be an agent of the bank, a national bank may appoint the seller as its agent for the purpose of selling registered checks or money orders. Liquidity Measured on the basis of the $59.2 billion aggregate of ca,sh, balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection, and obligations of the United States held in relation to total deposits of $119.6 billion at the year end, the national banking system was 49.5 percent liquid compared to 53.5 percent at the close of 1958. Such assets equaled 71.6 percent of demand deposits compared to 77 percent at the close of 1958. The following tables show the liquidity of the national banking system over the past 10 years as measured in terms of cash assets and obligations of the United States less borrowings as related to total deposits. Basic liquidity of the national banking system [In millions of dollars] Cash and balances with other banks 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959. 23,813. 4 26,012 2 26,399.4 26, 545. 5 25,721 9 25,763 4 27.082.5 26,865.1 26.864 8 27,464 2 _ _ _ _ U.S. Gov- Bills payernment able and obligations rediscounts 35.691.6 35,156. 3 35,936 4 35,588 8 39,507. 0 33,690. 8 31,680.1 31,338.1 35,824 8 31, 761.0 76.6 15.5 75.9 14 9 11.1 107. 8 18.7 38 3 43.0 340.4 Net 59,428.4 61,153. 0 62,259.9 62,119. 4 65.217.8 59,346. 4 58,743.9 58,164. 9 62.646. 6 58,884. 8 Deposits 89,529. 6 94.431.6 99.257. 8 100,947. 2 106,145. 8 104,218 0 107. 494. 8 109.436. 3 117,086. 1 119,637.7 Percent of coverage 66.38 64.76 62 73 61. 54 61.44 56.94 54.65 53.15 53.50 49.22 Short term liquidity of the national banking system [In millions of dollars] Treasury bills 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 _ _ 2,414.0 4,496 1 4.486 1 2.575.9 2.906 1 2,014 5 2,8^8.1 2,491 8 3,122. 6 3,006.1 Treasury Cash and certificates balances of indebt- with other edness banks 1,095.9 4,156. 4 3,073 1 5,810.9 2,993 0 1,265 5 1.051.0 2,478 7 3,633 1 1,202. 3 23,813.4 26,012. 2 26.399. 4 26, 545. 5 25, 721.9 25, 763 4 27,082 5 26,865.1 26,864 8 27, 464.2 Total Deposits 27.323.3 34,664. 7 33.958 6 34,932 3 31,621.0 29,043 4 30,941. 6 31,835. 6 33,620. 5 31, 672. 6 89,529.6 94.431.6 99,257 8 100,947. 2 106.145.8 104, 218.0 107,494 8 109,436 3 117,086. 1 119,637. 7 Percent of coverage 30.52 36.71 34.21 34.60 29.79 27.87 28.78 29.09 28 71 26.47 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 7 There are numerous formulas for computing bank liquidity and many views as to the proper relationship of the several kinds of liquid assets to the various types of deposit accounts, and deposit turnover or velocity of activity. Many formulas have been studied by the Comptroller's staff. Thus far none has been found to be universally reliable in determining the exact relationship that should be maintained in every bank. It has been observed that country banks having about equal proportions of demand and time deposits, exclusive of hypothecated deposits and accounts representing accumulated payments on loans, seldom borrow if the total of their cash, amounts due from banks, and 1-year bond maturities equals 25 percent of their total deposits so adjusted. It has been observed further that this percentage ranges down to 20 percent, decreasing proportionately as the volume of time deposits approaches 100 percent of total deposits, and upward proportionately to 30 percent as the volume of demand deposits approaches 100 percent of deposit liabilities. In converting these observations into test computations, the total of cash, its equivalent, and U.S. Government obligations is augmented by other liquid assets such as open market commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, and brokers' call loans that may readily be converted to cash without regard to the condition of the money market and without disrupting the local economy as might be the case should loans to the bank's regular customers be called to meet a need for cash. On the other hand, the bank's borrowings, if any, are deducted from its liquid assets of the types described above. Obviously the problem of practical liquidity is complex and its solution generally involves both short and long-range planning of asset composition, with a loan and investment maturity pattern shaped to fit the bank's needs as related to the character of its deposits and their activity. It is emphasized that this type of computation is only a test that has been helpful in determining whether further analysis into liquidity factors should be made in reviewing reports of examination. Investment Accounts The year 1959 revealed a net decline of $4.1 billion in the U.S; Government holdings of national banks. The funds realized from this source were used in the $7.2 billion expansion of loans. The total of all other bonds remained practically unchanged. Maturities are concentrated on the short side as may be seen by reference to the tables below. The practice of taking bond profits in one year and losses in another because of income tax considerations continues to be favored by banks 8 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY and in 1959 a net loss of $440.4 million was absorbed. For comparative purposes data is provided below showing bond losses and recoveries for the past 6 years. Recapitulation by maturities (U.S. bonds as of Dec. 31,1959; municipal and other bonds as of most recent examination r e p o r t s unadjusted) [In millions of dollars] General obligation U.S. bonds municipal bonds Up to 1 year Over 1, not over 5 years. _ Over 5, not over 10 years. Over 10 years Total Special revenue municipal authority and corporate bonds Total *8,209 16,460 5,579 1,476 999 2,703 2,401 1,300 1,102 554 491 10,097 20,265 8,534 3,267 31,724 2 7,403 3 3,036 * 42,163 1 Includes $402 million of nonmarketable U.S. bonds. 2 Includes $1,556 million of general obligations of States and $642 million of housing authority obligations. »Includes $1,231 million of special revenue municipal authority obligations and $1,045 million of Federal corporation (not guaranteed) bonds. * Actually $42,351 million on Dec. 31,1959. Maturity position of U.S. bonds [In millions of dollars] U.S. bonds Dec. 3lf 1955 Dec. 31, 1956 Dec. 31, 1957 Dec. 31, 1958 Dec. 31, 1959 Up to 1 year Over 1, not over 5 years. Over 5, not over 10 years. Over 10 years Total 4,940 14,042 11,951 2,754 7,220 15,143 6,321 2,992 7,965 15,959 4,710 2,702 8,718 17,949 6,632 2,522 8,209 16,460 5,579 1,476 33,687 31,676 31,336 35,821 31,724 Results of bond activity [In millions of dollars] Year 1954. 1955 1956. 1957 1958. 1959 _ Profits 244.9 35.9 11.4 31.1 353.1 24.8 Recoveries 9.3 15.8 13.0 5.8 12.4 18.3 Losses 49.5 152.8 239.0 151.2 67.5 483.5 Net profit 204.7 298.0 Net loss 101.1 214.6 114.3 440.4 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 9 Capital Structure As of December 31, 1959, the 4,542 national banks had capital, surplus, undivided profits and reserves of $10.3 billion and their reserves for bad debts and other valuation reserves on loans totaled $1.2 billion, making an aggregate of capital funds and reserves of $11.5 billion. The combined capital structures increased $779 million during 1959 compared to a $667 million increase in 1958. Of this, $131 million represented proceeds from the sale of additional common stock by 262 national banks. In addition, the shareholders of 484 national banks, with the approval of the Comptroller, authorized the payment of stock dividends having a par value of $113 million. During the 10-year period from January 1, 1950, to December 31, 1959, 1,901 national banks strengthened their capital structures $1,463 million through the sale of additional common stock. The combined capital structures of national banks represent 9.6 percent of their deposit liability and 8.6 percent of total assets. Gross assets at the year-end, without deduction of reserves for bad debts and valuation reserves, were $133.8 billion. After deducting $64.8 billion, representing cash or its equivalent, U.S. Government obligations, and loans or portions of loans guaranteed or insured by Federal Government agencies, the remaining $69 billion of the national banking system's resources was placed in loans, municipal and corporate bonds, and other assets. To support each $6 invested in these types of assets there is held $1 of capital funds and reserves ($5.78 at the close of 1958, $5.80 at the close of 1957, and $5.88 at the close of 1956). Reports of examination by national bank examiners indicate that the volume of assets containing substantial and unwarranted degrees of risk is very moderate when measured against the protection afforded by the proprietary funds of national banks. Earnings and Net Additions to Reserves The national banks paid a total of $2,888 million in salaries and wages, taxes, and interest on deposits in 1959. Salaries and wages amounted to $1,372 million, of which $899 million went to 258,746 employees, $449 million was paid to 47,825 officers, and fees to directors accounted for $24 million. National banks paid $482 million in Federal income taxes, $24 million in State income taxes, and $143 million in various local taxes, for a total tax payment of $649 million. Interest on savings and other time deposits of $867 million approximated 2.35 percent on total time deposits of $36.9 billion outstanding at the year end, compared to $762 million interest paid in 1958 on year-end time money of $35.7 billion, which approximated 2.13 percent. The sources and disposition of the income dollar of all national banks in 1959 is shown by the following illustration. NATIONAL BANKS — 1959 SOURCE AND DISPOSITION OF THE INCOME DOLLAR (In millions of dollars and percent of one dollar) DISPOSITION SOURCE O Interest on other bonds $291.2 — 6% 1-3 O o Interest on loans $3,187.4 — 62% H O Interest on U.S. obligations $923.6 — 18% Total earnings from current operations Total source $5,183.1 5,183.1 * Reserve for bad debts (tax free) Valuation reserve — Loans Valuation reserve — Bonds Retained earn'mss Expenses, dividends and net losses Total disposition $122.7 13.8 -92.3 377.5 421.7 4,761.4 5,183.1 11 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Net earnings from current operations in 1959 rose 18 percent above the 1958 figure of $1,568.7 million to $1,844.8 million. Gross income rose to $5,183.1 million, $644.2 million above 1958 results, and outpaced the greater cost of doing business which was noted particularly in wages and higher rates of interest paid on an enlarged volume of time money. Actual losses on loans, bonds, and other assets, recoveries on assets previously charged off, and bond profits, resulted in a net reduction in profits of $493.8 million. This was due to net losses on the sale of securities amounting to $440.4 million, and $53.4 million of losses on various other types of assets. Income taxes of $506.5 million amounted to 41.2 percent on taxable income of $1,228.3 million. The latter figure consists of net operating income of $1,844.8 million, less the above-mentioned $493.8 million of net losses, less $122.7 million net increase in initially tax-free bad debt reserves. After the payment of taxes net profits before dividends for all national banks in 1959 wrere $800.3 million, compared to $889.1 million in 1958, a decline of 10 percent. The figure given is exclusive of $44.3 million of both taxable and initially nontaxable earnings transferred to effect a net increase in bad debt and valuation reserves. The sum of such net profits and net additions to reserves is equivalent to 8.2 percent of year-end capital accounts, down from 11.4 percent the preceding year. Cash dividends of $422.9 million (4.1 percent of year-end capital accounts) were paid to shareholders, as compared with $393 million in 1958. Net earnings retained, including net additions to reserves, amounted to $121.7 million, compared with $709.3 million retained in 1958. Set forth below is a 5-year schedule of earnings, expenses, dividends, etc., per $100 (1) of assets and (2) capital funds. Earnings, expenses, etc., of national banks for the years ended Dec. 81, 1955, 1956 1957, 1958 and 1959 [In dollars.* Indicates amounts in millions] *Total assets at close of year •Total capital accounts at close of year *Oross earnings Per $100 of assets Per $100 of capital funds •Gross expenses. Per $100 of assets. _ Per $100 of capital funds *Net earnings from operations Per $100 of assets .__ Per $100 of capital funds *Net asset losses or recoveries (including l bond profits, etc.) Per $100 of assets Per $100 of capital funds *Taxes (income)._ Per $100 of assets Per $100 of capital funds •Net profits before dividends Per $100 of assets.. Per $100 of capital funds •Cash dividends Per $100 of assets _ Per $100 of capital funds •Retained earnings Per $100 of assets Per $100 of capital funds 1 1955 1956 1957 1958 113,750 7,936 3,437 3.02 43.31 2,105 1.85 26.53 1,332 1.17 16.78 117,702 8,472 3,833 3.26 45.24 2,336 1.99 27. 57 1,497 1.27 17.67 120, 523 9,093 4,284 3.55 47.11 2,707 2.25 29.77 1,577 1.31 17.34 128,797 9,669 4,539 3.52 46.94 2,970 2.30 30.71 1,569 1.22 16.23 132,636 10.302 5,183 3.91 50.31 3,338 2.52 32.40 1,845 1.39 17.91 -275 -.23 -3.25 432 .37 5.10 79C .67 -180 -.15 -1.98 545 .45 5.99 852 .71 9.37 364 .30 4.00 2 488 .40 5.37 +224 +.17 +2.31 -494 -.37 -4.80 506 .38 4.91 845 .64 8.20 423 .32 4.11 2 422 .32 4.10 -154 -.14 -1.94 446 .39 5.62 732 .64 9.22 310 .27 3.90 2 422 .37 5.32 3.89 .39 5.43 690 .54 7.14 1,103 .85 11.40 393 .30 4.06 2 71C .55 7.34 1959 Exclusive of transfers to and from reserve for bad debts and other valuation reserves on loans and securities but including net losses charged to these reserves. 2 Includes funds transferred to reserve for bad debts and valuation reserves less the amount of assets charged off against such reserve accounts. Includes $89 million in 1955, $143 million in 1956, $121 million in 1957, $213 million in 1958, and $44 million in 1959 transferred to effect a net increase in reserves for bad debts and valuation reserves. (Taxes would have absorbed a portion of these amounts had the transfers not been made.) 12 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Bad Debt Reserves Bad debt reserve accounts aggregated $1,137, 094, 000 at the close of 1959 in the 2,884 national banks which were then using the reserve method of accounting for income tax purposes. Those national banks held loans aggregating $57,762,698,000 (94 percent of loans totaling $61,163,850,000 owned by all national banks at the end of the year) and the bad debt reserves equalled 1.97 percent of such loans. There was a net increase of $122,743,000 in bad debt reserve accounts during the year in those national banks which had such accounts on December 31, 1959. The net increase was accomplished by transfers and recoveries credited to these reserve accounts in the respective total amounts of $153,699,000 and $44,349,000, less losses of $68,391,000 and withdrawals of $6,914,000. Branch Banking A record number of applications for de novo branches was filed with the Comptroller by national banks during 1959. The applications numbered 691, representing a 40 percent increase as compared to the number received during 1958, and exceeding by 159 applications the previous record of 532 received in 1955. The following represents the disposition of the 691 branch applications received during 1959: Number Approved (primary approvals of applications for permission to establish branches) Rejected Withdrawn __ In process of investigation and study ._ _ Total Percentage 419 124 44 104 61 0 18.0 6.0 15.0 691 100.0 In 1959, certificates of authorization for the establishment and operation of 456 branches were issued, including 12 which had not yet opened for business on December 31, 1959. Seven branches which were authorized in 1958 did not open for business until 1959. This resulted in 451 branches opening for business during 1959. During this same period of time changes took place in existing branches, and at year-end there were 4,798 branches, including four seasonal agencies, being operated by 811 of the total 4,542 active national banks, and seven nonnational banks in the District of Columbia, reconciled as follows. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Alabama Alaska. Arizona „ Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia.. Georgia Hawaii. Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts... Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New HampshireNew Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina_ North D a k o t a . . Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Wisconsin Virgin Islands Total _ Branches in operation Dec. 31,1953 Branches opened for business during 1959 Existing branches Branches in discontinued operation or consoliDec. 31,1959 dated during 1959 50 11 104 8 1,077 76 1 55 40 24 66 124 7 53 83 35 57 167 174 2 6 17 21 19 21 208 19 385 86 1 264 8 142 375 47 87 23 102 37 16 106 222 16 1 4.401 62 15 109 12 1,143 87 3 1 1 14 6 39 14 OCOi State 13 3 2 14 1 1 10 14 451 2 3 »59 45 25 66 155 4 8 63 85 39 63 192 183 6 20 1 1 20 1 220 25 418 92 1 286 10 152 434 48 88 23 116 38 17 113 236 16 1 4,798 1 Includes 30 branches in operation by 6 nonnational banks in the District of Columbia under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency. 2 Established prior to enactment of McFadden Act, Feb. 25,1927. The increased number of branch offices established during 1959 is largely attributable to the increasing population in suburban areas, requiring new or additional banking services. Traffic congestion and parking problems continued to prompt applicant banks to provide drive-in facilities, and 127 of the 451 branches opened for business during 1959 provided for this type of service. Branch offices were established in 61 communities without previous banking service. 551461—GO——2 14 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Branches opened for business during 1959 were distributed among areas with various population density, and established by banks of various sizes, as follows: In In In In In suburban areas of large cities cities with population less than 5,000 cities with population from 5,000 to 25,000 cities with population from 25,000 to 50,000 cities with population over 50,000 28 101 131 38 153 Total 451 By banks with less than $10MM total resources By banks with total resources of $10MM to $25MM By banks with total resources over $25MM 68 49 334 Total 451 In addition to reflecting the number of all banking units in relation to population and total banking resources, the following tabulation briefly summarizes the current status of branch banking statutes of States, the District of Columbia, and possessions of the United States. Number State of all banks Number of all branches Total banking units as of Dec. 31, 1959 Total N u m b e r of all banking banking resources units in relation to (in millions population: of dollars) 1 per— States permitting statewide branch banking: Alaska _ Arizona California Connecticut Delaware . v District of Columbia Hawaii Idaho _ Louisiana _ Jviaine ^Maryland _ __ Nevada S North Carolina Oregon Rhode Island / South Carolina Utah Vermont Washington ______ _ Total____ States permitting branch banking within limited areas: Alabama Arkansas * Georgia _ _ __ . Indiana __ _ Iowa * 1 Kansas Kentucky Massachusetts See footnotes at end of table. 18 9 115 73 20 12 11 32 187 54 140 7 192 53 9 145 49 57 87 18 145 1,515 184 52 59 73 80 159 119 213 34 448 179 88 128 65 32 262 36 154 1,630 257 72 71 84 112 346 173 353 41 640 232 97 273 114 89 349 5,300 8,200 9,100 9,5C0 6,4C0 12,0CO 8,0C0 6,0C0 9,3C0 5,5C0 8,7C0 7, CCO 7,200 7,700 9,1C0 7, CCO 4,200 8,2C0 197 1,285 26,066 2,597 754 1,607 729 695 3,199 716 2,564 445 3,118 2,203 €84 1,113 1,037 435 2,686 1,270 3,853 5,123 8,4C0 52,730 71 40 79 272 172 15 129 350 308 276 480 722 843 608 487 518 10,500 6,3C0 8,100 6,500 3,4C0 3,6C0 6,5C0 9,6C0 2,222 1,367 3,154 5,033 3,358 2,510 2,533 5,989 237 236 401 450 671 593 358 168 8, eco REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Number State of all banks Number of all branches 15 Number of Total Total banking all banking banking units in resources units as of Dec. 31, relation to (in millions population: of dollars) 1959 1 per— States permitting branch banking within limited areas—Continued Michigan Mississippi Missouri L Nebraska 1 .. __ New Jersey New Mexico _ New York North Dakota 1 Ohio Oklahoma 1 ____ _ Pe nns y 1 van ia South Dakota /Tennessee. "Virginia Wisconsin Total States prohibiting branch banking, or with no laws regarding branch banking: Colorado __ _ Florida Illinois _ ._ Minnesota Montana New Hampshire 2 Texis v West Virginia Wyoming 2 Total Total United States Possessions: Canal Zone Guam3 383 193 623 426 258 52 415 156 588 388 722 173 297 309 555 531 128 7 1 391 45 1,286 27 595 14 732 53 190 237 152 914 321 630 427 649 97 1,701 183 1,183 402 1,454 226 487 546 707 8,800 6,900 6,800 3,400 9,300 9,200 9,800 3,500 8,300 5,700 7,900 3,100 7,300 7,400 5,700 9,222 1,446 6,590 1,792 7,608 750 47,901 840 12,147 2,852 15,519 790 3,536 3,526 4,842 8,652 5,517 14,169 7,300 145,527 181 293 955 687 116 75 988 183 53 1 182 293 955 693 116 77 996 183 53 9,400 16,700 10,800 5,000 6,000 7,800 9,700 10,800 6,100 2,098 5,213 18, 550 4,479 »74 455 12,884 1,415 442 6 2 8 3,531 17 3,548 9,500 46,410 13,453 9,387 22,840 7,800 244,667 10 1 2 104 1 114 1 3 20,600 21,000 8,000 22 27 665 3 31 13 105 118 16,500 748 13,466 9,492 22,958 7,900 245,415 3 Puerto Rico * American Samoa Virgin Islands „_ Total possessions _ _ __ _ Total—United States and possessions 1 State laws permit offices with limited powers only. State laws silent regarding branch banking. 3 Figures represent foreign branches of banks in United States. 4 Figures include foreign branches of banks in United States. 2 NOTE.—Above figures do not include 518 mutual savings banks operating 447 branches with total resource s of $38,943 million. Applications To Organize National Banks Seventy-nine applications to organize new national banks were received during 1959. Preliminary approval was granted to 21 applications, 17 were disapproved, 8 were withdrawn or abandoned, and 33 continue under investigation and study. The 21 approved cases 16 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY have resulted in, or are expected to result in, the organization of new national banks in the following 10 States: Number of approvals State California Colorado Florida Georgia ^ Hawaii Idaho Illinois Kentucky _ Louisiana Maryland Missouri Ohio _ . Oklahoma Oregon Texas Virginia Washington Wisconsin Number of banks opened 2 : . _ . 5 1 1 . , . 2 1 _ ____ _ . . . - 1 2 _5 1 Approvals total capital structure Banks opened total capital structure Thousands Thousands $2 250 1 2 1 1 1 3,636 300 2,800 600 500 500 1 500 2,900 900 2 1 121 2 23 400 300 750 1,500 1,300 1 2 3 1 7 $400 1,310 300 15,886 500 3,500 1,100 350 11,710 » Approvals include 12 which actually opened for business in 1959. The remaining 9 had not completed organization. 2 Includes 11 that were originally approved in 1957 and 1958, but did not open for business until 1959. Information pertaining to the following factors, plus any peculiar to a particular case, are studied prior to acting upon applications for new charters. A. Management 1. Character, experience and financial responsibility of the proposed management. 2. Purposes of the organizers. 3. Proposed salaries of principal officers. 4. Personal history of each organizer, proposed director, and proposed officer. a. Previous and current borrowing record. b. Years of banking experience. c. Occupational background. d. Personality, character, and general standing in the community. e. Financial statement. B. Ownership 1. Concentrated or reasonably well distributed. 2. Consideration of principal shareholders other than organizers, proposed directors, and proposed officers. C. Capital 1. Adequacy of capital structure in relation to estimated deposits and assets. 2. Legality. 3. Adequacy in relation to competitive banks. 4. Relationship of capital funds to proposed fixed asset investment. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 17 D. Earnings 1. Earnings prospects. 2. Availability of banking business to support the proposed bank. 3. Three-year projection of earnings and expenses. E. Convenience and needs 1. Economy and banking history of community. 2. Population and size of area to be served. 3. Future growth prospects of area. 4. Location of proposed bank in relation to— a. Existing banking facilities. b. Financial needs of immediate trade area to be served. (Is area reasonably well or inadequately served by existing banks and branches). c. Would the bank require approval of branches in order to to achieve desired growth. 5. Major type of loaning demands proposed bank expects to serve. F. Other 1. Recommendations of National Bank Examiner, District Chief National Bank Examiner, Assistant Chief National Bank Examiner, Chief National Bank Examiner, four deputy comptrollers. 2. Recommendations from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 3. Pending applications for establishment of branches or new banks in same area. 4. Protests against establishment of proposed bank. 5. Favorable comments made by parties outside the organizing group. 6. Sampling of local opinion regarding proposed bank. Bank Consolidations, Mergers, and Sales During 1959, the Comptroller approved 86 consolidations, mergers, or cash absorptions as compared to 83 during 1958. In 1959, 78 national banks absorbed 46 national and 39 State banks. In addition, one District of Columbia nonnational bank was purchased by a District of Columbia nonnational bank. Twenty-seven national banks and 58 State banks were absorbed by other State banks as compared to 68 such absorptions the previous year. The following schedule contains details of the absorptions which occurred during 1959. 18 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Consolidations, mergers, purchases—1959 National banks consolidated or merged with and into 33 national banks State banks consolidated or merged with and into 33 national banks National banks purchased by 7 national banks _ State banks purchased by 5 national banks District of Columbia nonnational bank purchased by District of Columbia nonnational bank .. _ Approved by Comptroller of Currency National banks consolidated or merged with and into 25 State banks National banks purchased by 2 State banks _ _ State banks merged, consolidated or purchased by other State banks 85 171 394 43 19 47 _ 1,307 _ 296 2 2,083 ___ Approved by State banking departments 2,381 Total banks absorbed .. 3,688 Conversions Num- Resources ber (in millions of dollars) State banks converted into national banks.. National banks converted into State banks. Capital structure Cin millions of dollars) 9 2 354.82 3.49 49.0—converted into 9 national banks. 0.5—converted into 2 State banks. 11 358.31 49.51. i Reserves included in capital structure. The shareholders of 73 national and State banks consolidated with 66 national banks received cash and book value stock from the 66 continuing banks aggregating $122,766,154 or $15,129,552 in excess of the aggregate book value of assets which those banks contributed to the consolidations. The excess amounted, on the average, to 1.39 percent of the aggregate deposits acquired by the continuing banks. On an estimated fair value assumption basis, the shareholders of the 73 absorbed banks contributed assets having an estimated fair value, in excess of liability to creditors, of $104,171,069 and received cash and fair value stock of the continuing banks aggregating $117,129,583 or $12,958,514 in excess of the aggregate fair value of assets which those banks contributed to the mergers or consolidations. The difference is accounted for through an estimated or fair appraisal value of fixed assets (bank premises, furniture, and fixtures), bond appreciation or depreciation, allowances for pension fund adjustments, excess reserves for taxes, etc., and amounted on the average to approximately 1.19 percent of the aggregate deposits acquired by the continuing banks. The shareholders of 7 national banks and 5 State banks, which were purchased by 12 national banks, and the shareholders of 1 District of Columbia nonnational bank, which was purchased by a District of Columbia nonnational bank, received $10,841,799 in cash or $1,957,340 in excess of the selling banks' aggregate capital structures. This amounted, on the average, to 1.97 percent of the selling banks' deposits. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 19 In the 10-year period from January 1, 1950, to December 31, 1959, the Comptroller's office approved the acquisition by national banks of 397 national banks and 416 State banks through consolidation, merger, or sale. After approval by their respective State banking departments, State-chartered banks absorbed 254 national banks. In addition, 432 State-chartered banks consolidated or merged with or were purchased by other State-chartered institutions. The following table shows the number of banks which have been absorbed since 1950 and their total resources. Data on consolidations, mergers, purchases, and sales, and conversions—1950 to Dec. 81,1959 Number of banks 161 84 152 397 141 77 198 416 1 1 2 4 817 158 96 432 686 1,503 Total resources (in millions of dollars) Type National banks consolidated with and into other national banks.. _ National banks merged with other national banks. National banks purchased by other national banks Total... _ _. - S tate-chartered banks consolidated with and into national banks State-chartered banks merged with national banks State-chartered banks purchased by national banks 3,780 1,870 1,443 7,093 3,041 922 1,341 _ Total... 5,304 District of Columbia nonnational bank consolidated with and into District of Columbia national bank . __ _ __ District of Columbia national bank purchased by District of Columbia nonnational bank __ District of Columbia nonnational banks purchased by District of Columbia nonnational banks _ Total __.. Approved by Comptroller of the Currency Total for absorbed banks _ 75 86 216 12,613 National banks consolidated or merged with State-chartered banks National banks purchased by State-chartered banks.. _ _ _ __ _ State-chartered banks, merged, consolidated, or purchased by other State-chartered banks Approved by State banking departments 55 __ 9,299 911 7,297 17,507 30,120 CONVERSIONS—1950 TO D E C . 31,1959 National banks converted into State-chartered banks_. State-chartered banks converted into national banks.. 182 904 Fiduciary Activities of National Banks As of December 31, 1959, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System had authorized 1,736 national banks or 38.2 percent of all national banks to exercise either full, limited, or specific trust powers. Twenty-four national banks had specific powers only and four others had combinations of specific and limited powers. In addition three nonnational banks located in the District of Columbia were exercising trust powers. Some 243 national banks were not exercising their trust powers or 14.0 percent of the number having trust powers. Of this group 19 were granted powers during the year 1959, and it is presumed that these 19 will become active. 20 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY During the year 1959, 42 national banks were added to the list of those with trust powers and 4 received supplemental powers. The trust powers of 28 national banks were absorbed through consolidation or merger, and the specific trust powers of 2 national banks expired and were surrendered. There is no uniform system for carrying values of trust department assets among corporate fiduciaries. Essentially there are two systems employed which are cost for assets purchased with appraised values for assets received in kind and unit value. Unit value systems carry bonds at $1 per $1,000 and stock at $1 per share or sometimes par value is used. A combination of both systems is usually found in any trust department and figures taken from trust ledgers have little meaning in relation to the actual value of the property held. The unit value system has the advantage of permitting assets to be set up immediately at a permanent carrying figure for audit purposes but usually requires the keeping of another set of books for tax purposes. The trust figures as to dollar value which appear in this report and its appendix, except for figures on employee welfare and pension benefit plans for which national banks are trustees, are valuable primarily for comparative purposes from year to year. It is believed that to require national banks to furnish market values as of any given date would place a substantial and unjustified burden upon the banks and would be subject to other objections. Of the total liabilities for accounts held by trust departments as of December 31,1959,39.5percentwereinlivingtrustsandcourtaccounts, and 60.0 percent in agency type accounts, and 0.5 percent in all other liabilities. Figures compiled for trust departments with total assets of $75 million and over show 79.15 percent of the total assets is held by 6.77 percent of the number of active trust departments. Gross earnings for 1959 were $182,016,000 which is an increase of $40,543,000 over the previous year and an all time high. At the end of 1959 there were 204 common trust funds operated under section 17(c) of Regulation F in 154 national banks. These funds showed a total ledger value of $684,122,301. Three nonnational banks in the District of Columbia operated four such funds with total ledger value of $13,034,410. Tables Nos. 22 and 23 of the appendix show for the second time the market value of securities held in employee benefit accounts for which national banks are trustees. Most of the valuations were made during the year 1959, but a few 1958 and 1960 valuations have been used. Agency accounts held by banks which are not the trustee of any such plan are not included in the agency figure. The figures submitted cover 744 national banks and 3 nonnational banks. The increase since the previous report is 29.9 percent and 52.3 percent in number of plans and market value where the bank is trustee and has investment authority. For plans where the bank is trustee with no investment authority the increase is 9.3 and 36.1 percent respectively. Litigation In June 1959, the Commercial State Bank of Eoseville, Mich., and the State Bank of Fraser, Mich., brought suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking a declaratory judgment and REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 21 an injunction preventing the Comptroller from issuing a certificate of approval for the establishment and operation by the Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit, Mich., of a branch bank in Clinton Township, Macomb County, Mich., on grounds that the branch could not legally be established. At the time the suit was brought the Comptroller had not yet given consideration to the application, and consequently had reached no decision as to whether the branch could be legally established nor as to whether he should approve or disapprove it. Nevertheless, plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction was granted. On appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia this decision was affirmed. In July 1959, the First National Bank of Charleroi, Pa., brought suit against the Comptroller in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking a declaratory judgment and an injunction preventing the Comptroller from permitting the use of the name "First National Bank of Pittsburgh, Charleroi Office/' by a branch of a national bank to be located in Pittsburgh. Subsequently, the name of the proposed bank in Pittsburgh was changed to "Pittsburgh National Bank/' and the suit was voluntarily dismissed. In August 1959, the Broad Street Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa., brought an action in the U.S. District Court in Philadelphia, Pa., for an injunction against the Comptroller and the Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia,, Pa., seeking to prevent the establishment by the bank of a branch in Ridley Township, Delaware County, Pa. The Comptroller hM approved the application. Upon motion by the Comptroller aiid the Philadelphia National Bank, this case was dismissed. Subsequently, the case was renewed against the Comptroller in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, but later was voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiff. In August 1959, the Bank of Livonia, Livonia, Mich., brought suit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia seeking an injunction preventing the Comptroller from issuing a certificate of approval for the establishment and operation by the National Bank of Detroit, Mich., of a branch in Plymouth Township, Wayne County, Mich., on the grounds that the branch could not legally be established. At the time the suit was brought the Comptroller had not yet given consideration to the application, and consequently had reached no decision as to whether the branch could be legally established nor as to whether he should approve or disapprove it. A motion to dismiss filed on behalf of the Comptroller was denied and plaintiff's motion for a preliminary injunction was granted. The Comptroller has appealed the order granting the motion for a preliminary injunction to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. In September 1959, the Community National Bank of Pontiac, Mich., brought suit in the U.S. District Court in Detroit, Mich., against the Comptroller to require the Comptroller to revoke his certificate of authority and approval for the establishment and operation of a branch of the Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit, Mich., in Bloomfield Township, Oakland County, Mich. Pursuant to the authority granted by the Comptroller the branch had been established and was operating. In March 1960, a motion to dismiss on the ground that the Comptroller could not be sued in Michigan was denied without prejudice. The case is presently awaiting trial. 22 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Legislation Enacted Public Law 86-114, approved July 28, 1959, made several important changes in the law relating to reserves required to be maintained by member banks of the Federal Reserve System, and by holding company affiliates. (1) It permits the counting of currency and coin as reserves as authorized by regulation of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System; (2) it requires the elimination by the end of 3 years of the classification "central reserve city/' and provides that the reserve requirements against demand deposits for banks in reserve cities and central reserve cities shall be a minimum of 10 per centum of the aggregate amount of demand deposits, and a maximum of 22 per centum; (3) it amends R.S. 5144 (12 U.S.C. 61) to provide that where there is more than one holding company affiliate with respect to the same bank or group of banks the reserve required by R.S. 5144 (12 U.S.C. 61) need be established and maintained by only one holding company affiliate, to be designated by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Public Law 86-137, approved August 6, 1959, amended paragraph 7 of R.S. 5136 (12 U.S.C. 24), to permit national banks to deal in or underwrite bonds, notes, and other obligations issued by the Tennessee Valley Authority in total amounts not exceeding at any one time 10 percent of their capital and surplus. Public Law 86-147, approved August 7, 1959, amended paragraph 7 of R.S. 5136 (12 U.S.C. 24), to permit national banks to deal in or underwrite obligations issued by the Inter-American Development Bank which are at the time eligible for purchase by a national bank for its own account, in total amounts not exceeding at any one time 10 percent of their capital and surplus. Public Law 86-230, approved September 8, 1959, repealed various obsolete provisions of the national banking laws and amended other provisions to clarify and eliminate ambiguities. It also added new authority relating to (1) change of location of national banks; (2) liabilities of national banks to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; (3) length of time within which national banks must furnish condition reports; (4) declaration of dividends of national banks; (5) receipt of deposits by corporations not examined and regulated; and (6) use of the word "national" in the title of national banks. Public Law 86-251, approved September 9, 1959, authorized the appointment of an additional Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, thus raising to four the number of authorized Deputy Comptrollers; and it also increased the amount of the bonds required of the Comptroller and the Deputy Comptrollers. This act also enlarged the borrowing authority of national banks from sources other than the Federal Reserve banks, from a limit of 100 percent of capital to a new limit of 100 percent of capital plus 50 percent of surplus. In addition, the act made a number of changes in the lending authority of national banks. 1. It increased from 10 percent to 25 percent of capital and surplus the amount which a national bank may lend to a single borrower where the loan is secured by refrigerated or frozen readily marketable staples with a market value at least 15 percent higher than the amount REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 23 of the loan in excess of the 10 percent limit. Such staples must be fully covered by insurance. 2. It increased from 10 percent to 25 percent the amount of paper which a national bank may discount for a dealer in dairy cattle when the paper is secured by the dairy cattle being sold. 3. It eliminated the requirement that obligations secured by Government bonds or notes must be "in the form of notes" in order to qualify under exception 8 to R.S. 5200. 4. It added to R.S. 5200 a new exception 13 designed to deal exclusively with installment consumer paper, whether negotiable or nonnegotiable. The new exception provides for a limitation of 15 percent of capital and surplus in addition to the basic 10 percent limit, but contains a proviso to the effect that if the bank's files or the knowledge of its officers of the financial condition of each maker of such obligations is reasonably adequate, and if certification is made by a designated officer that the responsibility of each such maker has been evaluated and the bank is relying primarily upon him for the payment of such obligations, the limitations of the section as to the obligations of each such maker shall be the sole applicable loan limitation. Such certification is required to be in writing and must be retained as part of the records of the bank until payment in full. Under this proviso, obligations with respect to which the responsibility of the makers have been evaluated need not be included in the dealer's line of credit for purposes of the applicability of the loan limitation to him. 5. It liberalized the restrictions on loans secured by leaseholds by providing that a loan may be made by a national bank secured by a leasehold which does not expire for at least 10 years beyond the maturity date of the loan. 6. It increased to 75 percent the percentage of the appraised value of real estate which may be loaned by a national bank upon real estate security but with a requirement that such a loan must be fully amortized so that the periodic installments will be sufficient to pay the entire amount of the principal and interest by the maturity of the loan. 7. It provided that the limitations and restrictions relating to the percentage of appraised value which may be loaned upon real estate security shall not apply to loans which are fully guaranteed or insured by a State, or by a State authority for the payment of the obligations of which the faith and credit of the State is pledged, if under the terms of the guaranty or insurance agreement the bank will be assured of repayment in accordance with the terms of the loan. 8. It added authority for national banks to make loans to finance the construction of industrial or commercial buildings through loans having maturities not to exceed 18 months where there is a valid and binding agreement entered into by a financially responsible lender to advance the full amount of the bank's loan upon the completion of the buildings. Such loans are to be classed as ordinary commercial loans and not regarded as real estate loans. The aggregate limit on construction loans was increased from 50 percent of capital and surplus to 100 percent of capital and surplus. 9. It added a new provision permitting national banks to make working capital loans to manufacturing or industrial enterprises 24 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY secured by liens on the physical properties of the enterprise, including plant real estate, without such loans being regarded as real estate loans, where the banks look for repayment out of the operations of the borrowers' businesses, relying primarily on their general credit standings and forecasts of operations. Public Law 86-372, approved September 23, 1959, the Housing Act of 1959, amended section 203 of the National Housing Act to provide that loans secured by mortgages insured under that section should not be taken into account in determining the amount of real estate loans which a national bank may make in relation to its capital and surplus or its time and savings deposits. In other words, loans insured under section 203 need not be included for the purposes of the aggregate limit on real estate loans which may be made by a national bank. This act also amended R.S. 5136, which prescribes limitations and restrictions on the purchasing, dealing in, and underwriting of investment securities by national banks, to eliminate from an exception to its provisions, the 18-month maturity limitation on obligations secured by an agreement between a local public agency as defined in the Housing Act of 1949, and the Housing and Home Finance Administrator in which the local public agency agrees to borrow from the Administrator, and the Administrator agrees to lend to the local public agency moneys in an aggregate amount which (together with any other moneys irrevocably committed to the payment of interest on such obligations) will suffice to pay, when due, the interest on and all installments (including the final installment) of the principal of such obligations, which moneys under the terms of said agreement are required to be used for such payments. Examinations Conducted The National Bank Act requires that each national bank be examined at least twice each year in order that the Comptroller may be kept currently informed of its condition and require such corrections as are deemed necessary with a view to maintaining each bank in sound condition. However, the Comptroller is authorized to waive an examination with respect to any particular bank not more frequently than once in a 2-year period. In addition to the regular examinations, special examinations are conducted of banks the condition of which is regarded as unsatisfactory. Also, the District Code authorizes the Comptroller to examine each nonnational bank and trust company in the District of Columbia. During the year ended December 31, 1959, 6,607 examinations of banks, 6,427 examinations of branches, 1,543 examinations of trust departments and trust branches, and 85 examinations of affiliates were conducted. Fifty-six foreign branches located in 19 countries were also examined. Two State banks were examined in connection with consolidations and mergers with, or purchase by, national banks, and nine State banks were examined in connection with conversions REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 25 to national banks. Investigations were conducted in connection with applications for 76 new charters and 674 new branches. Organization and Staff An amendment to section 4, title 12 of the United States Code, effective September 9, 1959, provided for the appointment of an additional Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, and on September 15, 1959, Mr. Chapman C. Fleming, Assistant Chief National Bank Examiner in the Washington office, was appointed to this position. Mr. John R. Thomas, a national bank examiner from the New York district, succeeded Mr. Fleming as Assistant Chief National Bank Examiner. The total personnel of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency on December 31, 1959, consisted of 1,146 persons, 196 of whom were employed in the Washington office, including 32 in the Federal Reserve Issue and Redemption Division, the operating expense of which is borne by the Federal Reserve banks. The total number employed in the Washington office increased by one during the year. The total number in the field service increased by one during the year 1959. More than 85 percent of the field personnel consisted of the national bank examining staff and, during the year, 18 national bank examiners left the service by resignation, retirement, and due to deaths, and 1 was promoted to Assistant Chief National Bank Examiner in the Washington office. Also during the year, 15 assistant examiners were promoted to examiner and a former examiner was reappointed, resulting in a net decrease of 3 examiners. Of the staff of assistant examiners, 88 left the service during the year by resignation, retirement, promotion to examiner, etc., and 89 assistant examiners were added to the staff, a net increase of 1. There were 258 examiners and 573 assistant examiners in the service at the year-end. The educational program for national bank examiners and assistants, mentioned in previous reports, continued during the year, and at the year-end 357 examiners and assistants had completed the courses given in the interagency school established jointly in 1952 by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Courses at the Graduate Schools of Banking, at Rutgers University, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Washington, the University of Louisiana, and Southern Methodist University, had been completed by 75 examining staff members at the year-end and 24 were still enrolled in courses at these schools. Extension courses given by the American Institute of Banking had been completed by 310 members of the examining staff at the year-end and 213 were still enrolled in these courses. The following table which has appeared in previous reports is again included to show how the work of the entire staff of 1,146 employees is organized and their services utilized. 26 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Division Assistant examiners, asExecutive sistant counsel, or super- administrative visory assistants, auditors, secretaries, typists, clerks Total I. EXECUTIVE ORGANIZATION (Policy and general supervision, all located in Washington, D.C.) Comptroller of the Currency Deputy ComptrollersChief National Bank Examiner 12 14 U 13 II. FIELD ORGANIZATION (Located in 12 Federal Reserve districts) District Chief National Bank Examiners Policy and supervision, subject to executive staff in group I, above, of all field activities. National Bank Examiners _ Perform examination of 4,549 banks, 4,798 branch offices, and make investigations of new branch and charter applications, etc. Assistant National Bank Examiners Assist National Bank Examiners. 12 131 246 246 258 III. 573 573 692 950 l 2 3 i 22 30 1 2 3 4 18 22 WASHINGTON STAFF ORGANIZATION (a) Examining Division._ _. Assistant Chief National Bank Examiners. Receive and analyze all reports of examination of national and District banks, and investigation reports on new branches and charters. Make recommendations to executive staff in group I, above, as to dispositions of cases, and prepare letters to banks, district chiefs, and others. Confer with bankers, executive and staff representatives of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and District Chief National Bank Examiners, regarding banking and supervisory matters. One Assistant Chief also serves as head of the Personnel and Administrative Division, and one also serves as head of the field organization educational programs. (6) Organization Division _ _ Supervises activities of all national and District banks as to corporate and organization matters; i.e., new charters, branches, consolidations, mergers, purchase and assumption cases, sale of new capital stock, stock dividends, articles of association, etc. Final decisions made by executive staff in group I, above, after review with recommendations by Assistant Chief National Bank Examiners, and usually with the benefit of facts and recommendations furnished by District Chief National Bank Examiners and National Bank Examiners. (c) Legal Division— _ ___ __. Serves as counsel for the Comptroller of the Currency. Considers all legal matters arising in the organization, operation, merging, and discontinuance of national and District banks. Prepares opinions, rulings, and correspondence on legal questions. Assists on all legislative matters. Exercises general supervision over conduct of litigation. (d) Personnel and Administrative Division ___ Performs functions relating to recruitment, transfer, promotion, separation, retirement, time and leave. Supervises and includes personnel in mail and files section, supply and duplicating section, stenographic pool, and messenger pool. (e) Reports and Precedents Division Maintains all legal and policy precedents: receives reports of examination of all national and District banks from District Chief National Bank Examiners for binding, recording, and distribution. Supervises and places orders for printing work that pertains to Examining Division and the field organization. (/) Statistical Division „_ Compiles data indicative of bank ing trends for the information of the Comptroller and his staff, Congress, other banking agencies, bankers, economists, and others through examination and tabulation of data incorporated in call reports of condition and reports oi earnings and dividends of national and District banks. See footnotes at end of table. f «3 1*4 2 3 4 6 24 25 1234 12322 24 27 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assistant examiners, asExecutive sistant counsel, or super- administrative Total visory assistants, auditors, secretaries, typists, clerks Division III. WASHINGTON STAFF ORGANIZATION—Continued (g) Auditor for the Comptroller Accountable to the Comptroller of the Currency only. Maintains audits for the Comptroller of all acounts covering funds under control of the Disbursing Office including detailed audits of all collections and disbursements of funds: prepares and submits periodic audit reports to Comptroller; tabulates information and statistics on special subjects. (70 Disbursing Division Receiv es all checks in payment of fees for examinations and makes deposits to the Comptroller's Treasury account. Maintains accounts covering funds of Examining Division and of Federal Reserve Issue and Redemption Division and makes all disbursements from these accounts covering payrolls, travel vouchers, and miscellaneous expenses. Makes all purchases of equipment and supplies from Examining Division funds. (i) Federal Reserve Issue and Redemption Division All expenses of this division paid by Federal Reserve banks. Handles the issuance and redemption of Federal Reserve currency as provided under the Federal Reserve Act. Maintains detailed records of all shipments of original currency issues and of unfit currency notes destroyed. Grand total 1 7 __ 2 Typists. » Clerical. Secretarial. 8 Accountants. Money counters. ___ 4 Administrative. 5 2 123 79 11 2 1 2 3 6 24 26 2 1 2 3 8 30 32 23 160 183 287 859 1,146 Attorney. 6 Messengers. Expenses of the Bureau A summary statement of the operating expenses of the Bureau for the year ended December 31, 1959, follows: Bank supervision Salaries __. Per diem Transportation _ Supplies __ _.. Printing, books, and periodicals Rent_... _ _ _ Furniture and fixtures Communications. _ Fixed charges Maintenance Treasurer's Federal Reserve note audit expense Employer's F.I.C.A. and Insurance Fund contributions. Employer's civil service retirement contributions Miscellaneous Total Currency issue and redemption Total $7,526, 583.91 1,618.450.42 582,444.33 25, 539. 48 71,907.88 152,633. 20 24,863. 78 77,819.85 0 0 0 25,100. 92 482,306.40 35,006.37 $154,354. 77 0 0 1,016.03 309.24 0 0 638.00 15,996.90 324. 94 11,688.00 485. 85 10,034.04 6,959. 77 $7,680,938.68 1,618,450. 42 582,444. 33 26,555. 51 72.217.12 152,633. 20 24,863. 78 78,457. 85 15,996. 90 324. 94 11,688.00 25,586. 77 492,340. 44 41,966.14 10,622,656.54 201,807. 54 10,824,464.08 Funds used in payment of the bank supervision costs are derived from assessments against the banks supervised. The cost of operating the division which handles the currency issue and redemption functions is paid by the Federal Keserve banks. A comparison of the assets and liabilities of the banks in the national banking system as of December 31, 1958, March 12, June 10, October 6, and December 31, 1959, reported pursuant to calls for condition statements by the Comptroller of the Currency, is shown in the Digitized forfollowing FRASER table. oo Assets and liabilities of national banks on dates indicated [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31,1958 (4,585 banks) Mar. 12, 1959 (4,569 banks) June 10, 1959 (4,559 banks) Oct. 6, 1959 (4,550 banks) Dec. 31,1959 (4,542 banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts, including overdrafts U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stocks of Federal Reserve banks _ _ _ _ _ __. -. _ Total loans and securities Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection... _ _._ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances _ Other assets _ _ Total assets _ _ 52,796,224 35, 821,327 3,433 8,845,522 1,836,523 281,419 53,217.140 34,787,430 3,045 9,005,281 1,769, 676 288,263 55, 815,846 33,147,723 4,604 9,071,985 1, 650,551 291, 561 58, 453, 887 31, 429, 322 21, 408 9,204,383 1, 596,997 297,045 59,961,989 31,723, 878 37,092 9,036,149 1, 553, 557 302,179 99,584,448 99,070,835 99,982,270 101,008,042 102,614,844 26,864,820 1,326,352 33,575 127,075 321,852 538,844 24,198, 819 1,365,748 35,941 125, 461 272,213 511,462 23,834, 503 1,399,868 38,935 130, 657 261,640 606,918 24.828,861 1,451,092 41,906 134,684 281,660 593,599 27,464,245 1,476.979 45,113 142,737 291,947 600,248 128,796,966 125, 580, 479 126,254,791 128,334, 844 132,636,113 61,785,222 32,614,707 2,574, 937 8,426,763 9,809,186 1,875,313 59,483, Oil 33,229,040 1, 632,249 8,168,870 8,585,962 1,618,181 58,917,809 33,779,747 1, 764, 845 8,072,361 8, 522,813 1,601,688 59,274,141 34,289,639 2.874,947 7,749. 004 8,735,201 1,681,835 62,496,399 34,385,356 2,945,079 8,469,237 9,460,445 1,881,161 117,086,128 112,717,313 112,659,263 114,604,767 119,637,677 81,851,799 85,784,829 76,442,827 86,274,486 75,776,926 86,882,887 77,701,516 86,903,252 82,70S, 114 86,984,668 43,035 1,626 330,616 1,666,760 917,898 1,549 281,528 1,802,034 1,419,817 1,566 270,010 1,863,497 1,363,830 3,140 292,696 1,766,889 340,362 3,424 307,511 2,045,022 119,128,165 115,720,322 116,214,153 118,031,322 122,333,996 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations._ Deposits of U.S. Government and postal savings* Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks _ _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) _ _. _. _ Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances outstanding Other liabilities _ Total liabilities , g CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 2, 951,279 4, 718, 459 1,711, 435 287,628 Capital stock (see memoranda below). Surplus OK Undivided profits £2 Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock 2 Total capital accounts ^ Total liabilities and capital accounts __ [ I 3, 054.457 4,821, 012 1, 712,065 272, 623 3,078, 875 4, 857, 509 1, 843, 558 260, 696 3,136, 757 4,963, 740 1,948, 004 255,021 3,169,742 5,062,084 1,814, 637 255,654 9, 668,801 9, 860,157 10,040, 638 10,303, 522 10,302,117 128, 796, 966 125, 580, 479 126,254, 791 128, 334, 844 132, 636,113 2,947, 787 3,492 3, 051,015 3,442 3,075, 784 3,091 3,133,666 3,091 2,951,279 3,054,457 3,078, 875 3,136,757 3,169,742 3,692 3,642 3,291 3,291 3,291 15, 977, 013 16,488,034 16 936,993 17,092,993 16, 568,144 # MEMORANDA Par value of capital stock: Common stock Preferred stock Total. _ _. — ___ Retirable value of preferred capital stock Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold with agreement to repurchase) O O 1 to 30 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TRENDS IN BANKING The following table shows the changes that have occurred in recent years in the relationships of the major asset and liability accounts of national banks to the aggregate of assets and liabilities. Distribution of assets and liabilities of national banks, Dec. 31, 1956-59 1956 1957 1958 1959 Percent 26.91 5.97 .17 1.36 Percent 26.00 6.22 .18 1.60 Percent 27.81 6.87 .18 1.47 Percent 23.95 6.81 .19 1.21 34.41 34.00 36.33 32.16 40.99 13.27 9.74 .93 .03 .63 41.90 12.77 9.53 .98 .03 .79 40.99 12.21 8.65 1.03 .03 .76 45.21 12.23 8.48 1.11 .03 .78 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 50.62 22.32 2.00 6.34 8.37 1.68 48.72 24.18 2.00 6.53 7.87 1.50 47.97 25.32 1.99 6.54 7.62 1.46 47.12 25.92 2. 21 6.39 7.13 1.43 91.33 90.80 90.90 90.20 67.14 24.19 1.47 64.62 26.18 1.65 63.16 27.74 1.59 62.35 27.85 2.03 2.24 3.52 1.44 2.33 3.67 1.55 2.29 3.67 1.55 2.39 3.82 1.56 ASSETS Securities: U S Government direct and guaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions Stock of Federal Reserve banks Other bonds and securities Total securities Loans and discounts - Cash and balances with other banks, excluding reserves Reserve with Reserve banks Bank premises, furniture, and fixtures Other real estate owned __ All other assets _ Total assets .- - _ LIABILITIES Deposits: Demand of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time of individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government -- - _ _ _ _ States and political subdivisions Banks Other deposits (including postal savings) Total deposits Demand deposits* Time deposits Other liabilities Capital funds: Capital stock Surplus _ Undivided profits and reserves _ __ ,._ Total capital funds Total liabilities and capital funds - __ _ _ 7.20 7.55 7.51 7.77 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS OF NATIONAL BANKS FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1959 Summaries of the earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the years ended December 31, 1958 and 1959, are shown in the following table. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 31 Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for years ended Dec. 81, 1958 and 1959 [In millions of dollars] 1959 Number of banks 1 Capital stock (par2 value) 2 Capital accounts -.- - - - Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on— U S Government obligations . _ _ Other securities Interest and discount on loans Service charges on deposit accountsOther current earningsTotal ..... . . __ _ ___ Current operating expenses: Salaries, wages, and fees - . .- - . _ - _ Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) _ Taxes other than on net income - . . - . . _._ -Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture, and fixturesOther current operating expenses _._ Total - Net earnings from current operationsRecoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries . ..... -_ Transfers from valuation reserves . . . Profits on securities sold or redeemed _ - __ On loans: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves - _ All other _ Total Losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and chargeoffsTransfers to valuation reserves. _ On loans: Losses and chargeoffs _____ Transfers to valuation reserves.-. _ All other ___ Total Profits before income taxes Taxes on net income: Federal State._ Total See footnotes at end of table. __ _ _ - 1958 Change since 1958 4,542 3,066.6 10,003.9 4,585 2,875.1 9,412. 6 -43 +191.5 +591.3 923.6 291.2 3,187.4 294.8 486.1 839.1 267.6 2,739. 2 269.6 423.4 +84.5 +23.6 +448.2 +25.2 +62.7 5,183.1 4,538.9 +644. 2 1,371. 8 866.7 143.4 104.7 851.6 1, 263 9 762.3 125.9 91.2 726.9 +107 9 +104.4 +17.5 +13.5 +124.7 3,338. 2 2,970. 2 +368.0 1,844. 8 1, 568.7 +276.1 15.7 69.7 24.8 5.5 33.1 353.1 —328 3 9.4 23.7 27.3 11.3 27.6 30.6 -1.9 -3.9 -3.3 170.5 461.1 -290. 6 361.6 96.7 54.8 159.7 +306. 8 -63.0 11.1 184.3 54.9 11.6 157.7 66.6 -.5 +26.6 -11.7 +10.2 +36.6 708.5 450.4 +258.1 1,306.8 1,579.4 -272.6 482.5 24.0 658.6 31.7 -176.1 -7.7 506.5 690.3 -183. 8 32 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for years ended Dec. SI, 1958 and 1959—Continued [In millions of dollars] 1959 Net profits before dividends. _ Cash dividends declared: On preferred stock On common stock__ -.. _ Total Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities--. On loans-Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above) : On securities..On loans.. _.Stock dividends (increases in capital stock) _._ Ratios: Expenses to gross earnings .._ Net profits before dividends to capital accounts Cash dividends to capital stock _ Cash dividends to capital accounts _ _ 1958 Change since 1958 800.3 889.1 -88.8 .2 422.7 .2 392.8 .0 +29.9 422.9 393.0 +29.9 2.6 45.4 6.9 38.9 -4.3 +6.5 121.9 69.4 113.4 12.6 76.8 108.5 +109.3 -7.4 +4.9 Percent 64.41 8.00 13.79 4.23 Percent 65.44 9.45 13.67 4.18 Percent -1.03 —1.45 +.12 +.05 1 Number at end of period. Remaining figures include earnings, expenses, etc., of those banks which were in operation a part of the year but were inactive at the close of the year. 2 Figures are averages of amounts reported for the June and December call dates in the current year and the December call date in the previous year. NOTE.—Figures are rounded to the nearest 10th of a million and may not equal totals. STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM The authorized capital stock of the 4,539 national banks in existence on December 31, 1959, consisted of common capital stock aggregating $3,167,696,778, a net increase during the year of $208,837,549, and preferred capital stock of $3,090,670, a net decrease during the year of $401,000. These figures include one bank recently chartered but not yet open for business and two banks which resulted from the conversions of two State banks into national banks at the close of business on December 31, 1959. The figures exclude six banks which furnished reports of condition in response to the call, although two of them had converted into State banks, three had merged or consolidated with other national banks, and one had merged or consolidated with a State bank, all effective as of the close of business on December 31, 1959. In addition to 57 applications with proposed common capital stock of $25,928,000 carried over from the previous year, 94 applications were received to organize national banks and to convert State banks 33 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY into national banking associations with proposed capital stock of $27,260,000. Of these applications, 44 with proposed common capital stock of $13,135,000 were approved; 25 with proposed common capital stock of $5,370,000 were rejected; and the remainder had been abandoned or were still pending on December 31. From the applications carried over from the previous year and those approved during 1959, 33 national banking associations with common capital stock of $21,225,000 were authorized to commence business. Of the charters issued, nine with common capital stock of $14,685,000 resulted from the conversions of State banks. Changes in the number and capital stock of national banks during the year ended December 31, 1959, are shown in the following summary. Organization, capital stock changes, and national banks closed as reported during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959 Number of banks Increases: Banks newly chartered: Primary organizations Reorganizations Conversions of State banks _ Capital stock—Common: 262 cases by statutory sale ._ 484 cases by statutory stock dividend. 28 cases by statutory consolidation 26 cases by statutory merger Total increases.. 24 Total decreases_ Common Preferred $6,540,000 14,685,000 45,816,570 113,416,504 22,018,225 14,798,250 33 Decreases: Banks ceasing operations: Voluntary liquidations: Succeeded by national banks _ Succeeded by State banks Statutory consolidations Statutory mergers Conversions into State banks Merged or consolidated with State banks (Public Law 706) Receivership _. Capital stock: Preferred: 2 cases by retirement Common: 2 cases by statutory reduction 2 cases by statutory consolidation. 5 cases by statutory merger Net change Charters in force Dec. 31,1958, and authorized capital stock Charters in force Dec. 31,1959, and authorized capital stock Capital stock 217, 274,549 1,400,000 75,000 126,000 5,705,000 $401,000 210,000 211,000 710,000 75 8,437,000 401,000 -42 4,581 208,837,549 2,958,859, 229 -401,000 3,491,670 4,539 3,167,696,778 3,090,670 34 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY NATIONAL BANK NOTES OUTSTANDING There were, as of December 31, 1959, $56,749,403 of national bank notes outstanding. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OP ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS The total assets of all classes of active banks in the United States and possessions on December 31, 1959, amounted to $284,358 million, an increase of $6,478 million since December 31, 1958. The total deposits at the end of 1959 amounted to $255,497 million, an increase of $4,165 million over 1958. Included in [the latter aggregate are deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations of $214,343 million, an increase of $4,667 million in the year. Deposits of the U.S. Government, including postal savings deposits, were $5,372 million, an increase of $706 million; deposits of States and political subdivisions amounting to $14,749 million showed an increase of $27 million, and deposits of banks of $17,104 million were $1,100 million less than in 1958. Loans and discounts amounted to $136,410 million in December 1959 after deducting reserves of $2,402 million for possible future losses. The net loans were $14,123 million over the amount reported as of the end of 1958. Commercial and industrial loans of $40,490 million were $281 million less than the 1958 figure; real estate loans of $53,137 million were up $4,351 million, and all other loans of $45,205 million increased $10,287 million. The banks held obligations of the U.S. Government, direct and guaranteed of $65,882 million in December 1959, a decrease of $8,053 million in the year. Obligations of States and political subdivisions held amounted to $17,715 million, an increase of $404 million, and other securities held amounted to $8,416 million, a decrease of $663 million. The total of all securities held at the end of 1959 was $92,013 million, and represented 32 percent of the banks' total assets. At the end of the previous year the ratio was 36 percent. Cash and balances with other banks, including reserve balances, in 1959 were $50,362 million, an increase of $215 million since the previous year end. Total capital accounts were $22,973 million, compared to $21,822 million at the end of 1958, an increase of 5 percent. A statement of the assets and liabilities of all classes of active banks at the end of December 1958 and 1959 follows. 35 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY and liabilities of all banks in the United States and possessions, 1958 and 1959 [In millions of dollars] Number of banks Dee. 31, Dec. 31, 1959 1958 Change since 1958 13,984 14,034 -50 53,137 48,786 +4,351 825 7,132 723 +102 +7,132 ASSETS Real estate loans Loans to financial institutions: Domestic commercial and foreign banks Other... _ Loans to brokers and dealers in securities and other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities Loans to farmers directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation. _ Other loans to farmers. _ Commercial and industrial loans (including open-market paper) Other loans to individuals _ .__ All other loans (including overdrafts) Total gross loans Less valuation reserves Net loans _ _ U.S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed... _. Obligations of States and political subdivisions.. _. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stocks of Federal Reserve banks.. Total securities.. _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises __. Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding __. Other assets Total assets +179 4,877 200 4,830 814 4,179 -614 +651 40, 490 24, 509 2, 812 40, 771 21,034 3,470 -281 +3,475 -658 138,812 2,402 124, 475 2,188 +14, 337 +214 136, 410 122, 287 +14,123 65, 882 17, 715 7,015 1,401 73, 935 17, 311 7,661 1, 18 -8,053 +404 -646 -17 92, 013 100, 325 -8,312 3,170 3, 452 -282 47,192 2,884 83 46, 695 2, 578 66 +497 +306 +17 218 776 1,612 204 868 1,405 +14 -92 +207 284, 358 277, 880 +6, 478 116,460 97, 883 5,372 14, 749 17,104 3,929 115, 664 94,012 4,666 14, 722 18,204 4,064 +796 +3, 871 +706 +27 -1,100 -135 255,497 251, 332 +4,165 152, 652 102, 845 150, 902 100, 430 +1, 750 +2, 415 LIABILITIES D e m a n d deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.. U.S. Government and postal savings deposits _. Deposits of States and political subdivisions. _. Deposits of banks Other deposits ^certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits D e m a n d deposits. _ _ T i m e deposits __ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money _ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. _ _ _ Other liabilities.. __ Total liabilities 649~ +553 829 4,410 907 3,723 -78 +687 261,385 256,058 +5,327 5,933 56 17 11,760 4,469 5,491 58 19 11, 207 4,258 +442 -2 -2 +553 +211 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Common stock. _ Capital notes and debentures Preferred stock Surplus _ Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures Total capital accounts.. _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 738 789 -51 22, 973 21,822 +1,151 284,358 277,880 +6, 478 * Previously included in commercial and industrial loans and all other loans. NOTE.—Figures for nonnational banks obtained from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 36 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY REPORTS FROM BANKS National banks in the continental United States, Hawaii, and the Virgin Islands of the United States were, in accordance with the provisions of section 5211 of the Revised Statutes, called upon to submit four reports of condition during the year ended December 31, 1959. Reports were required as of March 12, June 10, October 6, and December 31. Summaries from all condition reports, by States, are published in pamphlet form. National banks were also required by statute to obtain reports, unless waived by the Comptroller, of their affiliates and holding company affiliates other than member banks as of the four dates for which condition reports of the banks were obtained and to submit such reports to the Comptroller. Under the general powers conferred upon him by law, the Comptroller obtained from each national bank during the period indicated semiannual reports of earnings, expenses, and dividends; also reports of condition of foreign branches as of December 31, 1959. National banking associations authorized to act in a fiduciary capacity were called upon to submit reports of their trust departments as of the close of business on December 31, 1959. In accordance with the code of law for the District of Columbia, banks other than national in the District were required to make to the Comptroller condition reports and reports of earnings, expenses, and dividends identical with those obtained from national banks during the year. Detailed figures from reports of condition and earnings and dividends will be found in the appendix of this report. AFFILIATES AND HOLDING COMPANY AFFILIATES OF NATIONAL BANKS The Federal statute requires each national bank to obtain and submit to the Comptroller periodically reports of its affiliates, as defined in sections 2 (b) and (c) of the Banking Act of 1933, as amended. However, section 21 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, provides in part that the Comptroller may waive the requirement for the submission of the report of an affiliate if in his judgment such a report is not necessary to disclose fully the relations between an affiliate and a bank and the effect thereof upon the affairs of the bank. Pursuant to this latter section the Comptroller's waiver of requirement for reports of affiliates provides principally that reports of affiliates (other than holding company affiliates) need not be submitted and published in a newspaper unless the affiliate is indebted to the national bank or the bank owns obligations of the affiliate and the aggregate of such indebtedness and/or investment is carried as an asset on the bank's books at a value in excess of $5,000, or 1 percent of the bank's capital and surplus, whichever is the greater. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 37 At the end of December 1959, 386 member national banks in the United States submitted 429 reports of affiliates. Included in these figures are 198 banks in 27 States which are members of 24 holding company groups. The number of banks in each holding company group varied from 1 to 58. The actual number of reporting affiliates and holding company affiliates was 255. In addition there was one nonnational bank in the District of Columbia which is a member of the Federal Reserve System that reported one affiliate to the Comptroller pursuant to the provisions of the code of law for the District of Columbia. ISSUE AND REDEMPTION OF NOTES There were 826 shipments of new Federal Reserve notes (556,270,000 notes—aggregate value $6,547 million) made to the Federal Reserve agents and the Federal Reserve branch banks. In addition, there were 28 deliveries of such notes (5,181,000 notes—aggregate value $115 million) made to the Treasurer of the United States. There was a total of 4,817 lots of unfit Federal Reserve notes and Federal Reserve bank notes (494,783,363 notes—-aggregate value $5,926,895,109) received for verification and certification for destruction. There were 33 lots of national bank notes (117,060 notes—-aggregate value $1,959,654) received for verification and certification for destruction. There was a total of 261,627 badly damaged Federal Reserve notes, Federal Reserve bank notes and national bank notes (aggregate value $4,751,670) presented, by the Treasurer of the United States, for identification approval. APPENDIX 39 CONTENTS TABLES No. 1. Comptrollers and Deputy Comptrollers of the Currency since 1863 No. 2. Total number of national banks organized, consolidated and merged under act Nov. 7, 1918, as amended, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, converted into and merged or consolidated with State banks under Public Law 706 (12 U.S.C. 214) and in existence on Dec. 31, 1959 No. 3. National banks chartered during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959__ No. 4. National banks chartered which were conversions of State banks during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 No. 5. National banks reported in voluntary liquidation during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, the names of succeeding banks in cases of succession, with date of liquidation and capital stock No. 6. National banks merged or consolidated with and into State banks under the provisions of Public Law 706 (12 U.S.C. 214), approved Aug. 17, 1950, and the laws of the States where the banks are located, during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, with the effective date and the capital stock No. 7. National banks converted into State banks under the provisions of Public Law 706 (12 U.S.C. 214), approved Aug. 17, 1950, and the laws of the States where the banks are located, during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, with the effective date and the capital stock No. 8. Purchases of State banks by national banks reported during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, with title, location, and capital stock of the State banks and effective dates of purchase No. 9. Consolidations of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, under sees. 1, 2, and 3 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended No. 10. Mergers of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, under sees. 4 and 5 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended No. 11. Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 No. 12. Number of branches of national banks closed during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 No. 13. Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, by size of banks, according to deposits, Dec. 31, 1958, and 1959 No. 14. Number of national banks in United States and possessions with surplus fund equal to or exceeding common capital stock, and the number with surplus fund less than common capital stock, 1942 to 1959 No. 15. Dates of reports of condition of national banks, 1914-59 No. 16. Assets and liabilities of national banks on Mar. 12, June 10, Oct. 6, and Dec. 31, 1959 No. 17. Fiduciary activities of national banks as of Dec. 31, 1959 No. 18. Fiduciary activities of national banks by Federal Reserve districts as of Dec. 31, 1959 No. 19. Classification of investments under administration by the active national bank trust departments, Dec, 31, 1959 No. 20. Fiduciary activities of national banks by States as of Dec. 31, 1959 No. 21 General comparative figures of fiduciary activities No. 22. National banks administering employee benefit trusts and agencies during 1959, by Federal Reserve districts No. 23. National banks administering employee benefit trusts and agencies during 1959, by States 41 Page 43 44 45 47 47 48 49 49 49 53 56 61 63 64 65 67 121 123 124 124 127 128 128 42 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Page No. 24. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by States, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 No. 25. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 No. 26. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 No. 27. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, years ended Dec. 31, 1957-59 No. 28. Number of national banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, dividends, and ratios, years ended Dec. 31, 1930-59 No. 29. Total loans of national banks, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years 1940-59 No. 30. Total securities of national banks, losses and recoveries on securities, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities, by calendar years 1940-59 , No. 31. Foreign branches of American national banks, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 32. Consolidated statement of assets and liabilities of foreign branches of national banks, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 33. Assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia by classes, Dec 31, 1959 No. 34. Assets and liabilities of all banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 No. 35. Assets and liabilities of nonnational banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 No. 36. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 31, 1959 and 1958 No. 37. Number of banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, interest and dividends, and ratios, all banks, in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 31, 1930-59 No. 38. Total loans of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years 1940-59 No. 39. Total securities of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on securities, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities, by calendar years 1940-59 , No. 40. Fiduciary activities of banks in the District of Columbia, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 41. Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by classes, Dec. 31, 1959 , No. 42. Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by States and territories, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 43. Assets and liabilities of active national banks, by States and territories, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 44. Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national by States and territories, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 45. Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, by States and territories, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 46. Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, by States and territories, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 47. Assets and liabilities of active private banks, by States and territories, Dec. 31, 1959 No. 48. Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in all active banks, by States, Dec. 31, 1959_ No. 49. Officials of State banking departments and number of each class of active banks in December 1959 „ No. 50. Assets and liabilities of all active banks, Dec. 31, 1936, to 1959— No. 51. Assets and liabilities of all active national banks, Dec. 31, 1936, to 1959 .. No. 52. Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 31, 1936 to 1959 No. 53. Bank suspensions since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years ended Dec. 31, 1934 to 1959 130 138 142 145 147 148 148 149 150 151 153 154 155 157 158 160 161 162 164 172 180 188 196 201 205 207 210 211 212 213 KEPOET OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 43 TABLE N O . 1.—Comptrollers and Deputy Comptrollers of the Currency, dates of appointment and resignation, and States whence appointed No. Name Date of appointment Date of resignation State COMPTROLLERS OF THE CURRENCY McCulloch, Hugh.... Clarke, Freeman Hulburd, Hiland R Knox, John Jay Cannon, Henry W Trenholm, William L Lacey, Edward S Hepburn, A. Barton Eckels, James H __ Dawes, Charles G TCidgely, William Barret.. Murray, Lawrence O Williams, John Skelton... Crissinger, D. R Dawes, Henry M Mclntosh, Joseph W Pole. John W . ____ O'Connor, J. F. T Delano, Preston... Gidney, Ray M__ May Mar. Feb. Apr. May Apr. May Aug. Apr. Jan. Oct. Apr. Feb. Mar. May Dec. Nov. May Oct. Apr. 9,1863 Mar. 8,1865 21,1865 July 24,1866 1,1867 Apr. 3,1872 25,1872 Apr. 30,1884 12,1884 Mar. 1,1886 20,1886 Apr. 30,1889 1,1889 June 30,1892 2,1892 Apr. 25,1893 26,1893 Dec. 31,1897 1,1898 Sept. 30,1901 1,1901 Mar. 28,1908 27,1908 Apr. 27,19131 2,1914 Mar. 2,1921 17,1921 Apr. 30,1923 1,1923 Dec. 17,1924 20,1924 Nov. 20,1928 21,1928 Sept. 20,1932 11,1933 Apr. 16,1938 24,1938 Feb. 15,1953 16,1953 Indiana. New York. Ohio. Minnesota. Do. South Carolina. Michigan. New York. Illinois. Do. Do. New York. Virginia. Ohio. Illinois. Do. Ohio. California. Massachusetts. Ohio. DEPUTY COMPTROLLERS OF THE CURRENCY Howard, Samuel T Hulburd, Hiland R___ Knox, John Jay. Langworthy, John S._. Snyder, V. P Abrahams, J. D Nixon, R. M Tucker, Oliver P Coffin, George M Murray, Lawrence O Kane, Thomas P Fowler, Willis J Mclntosh, Joseph W... Collins, Charles W Stearns, E. W.._ Await, F. G Gough, E. H Proctor, John L_ Lyons, Gibbs Prentiss, William J r . Diggs, Marshall R Oppegard, G. J Upl^am, C. B_ Mulroney, A. J McCandless, R. B Sedlacek, L. H Robertson, J. L Hudspeth, J. W Jennings, L. A Taylor, W. M . . . Garwood, G. W Fleming, Chapman C. 1 Term expired. 2 Died Mar. 2,1923. May 9,1863 Aug. 1,1865 Mar. 12,1867 Aug. 8,1872 Jan. 5,1886 Jan. 27,1887 Aug. 11,1890 Apr. 7,1893 Mar. 12,1896 Sept. 1,1898 June 29,1899 July 1,1908 May 21,1923 July 1,1923 Jan. 6,1925 July 1,1927 July 6.1927 Dec. 1.1928 Jan. 24,1933 Feb. 24,1936 Jan. 16,1938 do Oct. 1,1938 May 1,1939 July 7,1941 Sept. 1,1941 Oct. 1,1944 Jan. 1.1949 Sept. 1.1950 Mar. 1.1951 Feb. 18.1952 Sept. 15,1959 Aug. 1,1865 Jan. 31,1867 Apr. 24,1872 Jan. 3,1886 Jan. 3,1887 May 25,1890 Mar. 16,1893 Mar. 11,1896 Aug. 31,1898 June 27,1899 Mar. 2,19232 Feb. 14,1927 Dec. 19,1924 June 30,1927 Nov. 30,1928 Feb. 15,1936 Oct. 16,1941 Jan. 23,1933 Jan. 15,1938 .do Sept. 30,1938 do Dec. 31,1948 Aug. 31,1941 Mar. 1,1951 Sept. 30,1944 Feb. 17,1952 Aug. 31,1950 New York. Ohio. Minnesota. New York. Do. Virginia. Indiana. Kentucky. South Carolina. New York. District of Columbia. Indiana. Illinois. Do. Virginia. Maryland. Indiana. Washington. Georgia. California. Texas. California. Iowa. Do. Do. Nebraska. Do. Texas. New York. Virginia. Colorado. Ohio. 44 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 2.—Total number of national banks organized, consolidated, and merged under act Nov. 7, 1918, as amended, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, converted into and merged or consolidated with State banks under Public Law 706 {12 U.S.C. 214), and in existence Dec. SI, 1959 Organized Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont.. Massachusetts F»hode Island Connecticut Total NewEngland States. New York _ New Jersey Pennsylvania _ Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States. _ « _ _ _ _. .. Total Middle Western States North Dakota >_ South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Public Law 706 (12 U.S.C. 214) ConMergsolidaers tions under under sees. 4 sees. 1, and 5 2, and 3 6 1 81 85 3 3 376 67 125 30 3 9 4 861 54 999 Insolvent In liquidation 13 79 5 17 22 29 Con- Merged verted or conto solidated State with banks State banks In existence 28 4 4 51 32 4 28 2 7 207 58 68 13 103 4 24 9 72 463 21 242 106 24 50 248 2 8 36 8 4 32 3 7 59 211 1 17 437 36 84 3 14 130 7 13 164 473 3 51 2,908 236 43 425 1,150 106 944 253 19 2 28 74 1 129 38 44 43 42 42 67 58 49 86 41 45 62 419 1,284 30 144 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana . _. . __ Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin _ Minnesota . Iowa Missouri _ 127 Consolidated and mercred under act Nov. 7, 1918, as amended 193 155 126 191 191 181 11 7 8 8 2 4 82 114 1,224 150 249 5 3 43 1 10 215 7 3,324 128 702 32 3 1 1 149 466 18 67 4 5 4 4 3 77 39 25 52 106 69 16 16 141 39 37 34 53 570 55 110 36 94 3 2 1 1 8 567 1,353 12 7 1,249 329 3 1 223 1 4 27 42 466 55 87 75 3 112 13 17 11 9 8 4 3 98 227 77 54 116 204 298 11 1 58 148 2 2 1 98 77 4,021 105 7 946 1,680 6 8 1,269 259 3 100 220 405 12 1 93 83 118 81 198 6 76 1% 3 76 26 84 36 453 1,268 440 936 324 276 495 550 447 196 63 221 88 746 12 76 12 55 25 84 2,645 42 604 5 204 295 155 115 192 242 2 3 124 395 75 98 179 38 1 33 123 169 41 25 77 27 197 1 730 45 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 2.— Total number of national banks organized, consolidated, and merged under act Nov. 7, 1918, as amended, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, converted into and merged or consolidated with State banks under Public Law 706 (12 U.S.C. 214), and in existence Dec. 31, 1959—Continued Organ- Location ized Washington Oregon California Idaho.. Utah Nevada . Arizona Alaska Hawaii _. _- Consolidated and merged under act Nov. 7, 1918, as amended . Total Pacific States... Consolidations under sees. 1, 2, and 3 Mergers under sees. 4 and 5 230 149 530 111 38 17 31 8 6 18 2 2 2 13 1,120 46 Puerto Pico Virgin Islands of the United States 1 Total possessions__ 2 Total United States and possessions 19 Public Law 706 (12 U.S.C. 214) Insolvent 4 1 1 51 31 65 35 6 4 6 134 102 383 65 19 8 21 1 4 198 737 1 17 In liquidation Con- Merged verted or conto solidated State with banks State banks 1 1 In existence 1 12 1 1 1 25 11 37 10 7 3 3 16 104 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 611 14,881 84 2 2,812 3 6, 652 25 158 4,539 1 Includes 456 organized under act Feb. 25, 1863; 9,401 under act June 3,1864, as amended; 10 under Gold Currency Act of July 12, 1870; and 5,014 under act Mar. 14,1900. 23 Exclusive of those restored to solvency. Includes 208 passed into liquidation upon expiration of corporate existence. TABLE NO. 3.—National banks chartered during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959 Charter No. Title and location of bank Capital stock COLORADO 14862 Lakeside National Bank, Lakeside $250,000 FLORIDA 14857 14865 14869 Ormond Beach National Bank, Ormond Beach.. Inter City National Bank of Braderton Peoples National Bank of North Miami Beach i_ 440,000 400,000 600,000 1, 440,000 Total (3 banks) GEORGIA 14877 Citizens National Bank of Sandy Springs 125,000 _. IDAHO 14859 Pocatello National Bank, Pocatello... ILLINOIS 14854 American National Bank of Granite City. INDIANA 14874 First National Bank, Valparaiso i_ See footnote at end of table. 551461—60 4 250,000 __ _ 46 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 3.—National banks chartered during the year ended ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued Charter No. Title a n d location of bank 14888 Northwest Des Moines National Bank, Des Moines i Capital stock IOWA _ _ _ $150,000 LOUISIANA 14849 Lakeside National Bank of Lake Charles _ 500,000 MARYLAND 14856 14864 Potomac National Bank, Potomac National Bank of Bethesda-Chevy Chase, Bethcsda Total (2 banks) _ _. _ ___ _ 250 000 600,000 850,000 MASSACHUSETTS 14850 Worcester County National Bank, Worcester 1 _ 3.250.000 MICHIGAN 14881 First National Bank of Big Rapids» 200,000 MISSOURI 14872 14875 14876 Broadway National Bank of Kansas City T,eawood National Bank of Kansas City Fulton National Bank, Fulton.. Total (3 banks) _ _ _ _ __ 350.000 250 000 200,000 800, 000 N E W YORK" 14853 First National City Trust Company, New York i _ _ 10. 000,000 OHIO 14879 The Geauga County National Bank of Chardon.. _ 200,000 OREGON 14860 250.000 First National Bank of Roseburg._ PENNSYLVANIA 14880 Peoples National Bank of Hanover i 150,000 _, TEXAS 14851 14855 14858 I486! 14863 14867 14870 14871 14878 National Bank of Odessa Northwest National Bank of Dallas ._ Gulf Coast National Bank of Almeda ^irst National Bank of Kerrville l T^e First National Bank of Anthony i Medical CenterBank National Bank, Houston First National of Kermit Gateway National Bank of Beaumont Northgate National Bank of El Paso . _ _ __ _ __ _ — _ _ _ Total (9 banks) 200 000 200 000 100.000 150 000 75,000 400 000 100,000 250.000 200,000 1, 675,000 WASHINGTON 14852 14866 Walla Walla National Bank, Walla Walla Spokane National Bank, Spokane Total (2 banks) _ 200, 000 500,000 _ 700,000 WISCONSIN 14873 Citizens National Bank of Lake Geneva Total United States (33 banks) * Conversion of State-chartered bank. _ 175,000 _ 21,225,000 EEPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 47 TABLE N O . 4.—National banks chartered which were conversions of State banks during the year ended Dec. SI, 1959 Charter No. Title and location of bank 14850 Worcester County National Bank, Worcester. First National City Trust Company, New York. First National Bank of Kerrville.... The First National Bank of Anthony. Northwest Des Moines National Bank, Des Moines. Peoples National Bank of North Miami Beach. First National Bank, Valparaiso.-. Peoples National Bank of Hanover. First National Bank of Big Rapids. 14853 14861 14863 14868 14869 14874 14880 14881 Approximate surplus and undivided profits Effective date of charter Authorized capital Mass Jan. 12 $3,250,000 $7,054,797 $138,826,069 N.Y, Jan. 30 10,000,000 24,595,373 163,574,107 Texas —do May 29 June 13 150,000 75,000 253,255 112,963 7,759,557 2,148,804 Iowa Aug. 18 150,000 288,706 6,425,572 Fla Sept. 1 600,000 151,393 7,540,441 Oct. 10 Dec. 31 110,000 150,000 200,000 806,303 644,361 348,400 13,109,462 9,831,117 5,603,318 14,685,000 34,257,551 354,818,447 State Ind Pa Mich. Total (9 banks) Approximate assets TABLE N O . 5.—National banks reported in voluntary liquidation during the year ended Dec. SI, 1959, the names of succeeding banks in cases of succession, with dale of liquidation and capital stock Title and location of bank The Home National Bank of Union City, Pa. (8879), absorbed by the Union Bank, Erie, Pa _. _ Long Beach National Bank, Long Beach, Calif.' (14609), absorbed by The United States National Bank of San Diego, Calif Puget Sound National Bank oi Midway, Kent, Wash. (14730), absorbed by The Puget Sound National Bank of Tacoma, Wash First National Bank of Manchester, Conn.* (14640), absorbed by Hartford National Bank and Trust Company, Hartford, Conn Kennewick First National Bank, Kennewick, Wash. (14782), absorbed by Seattle-First National Bank, Seattle, Wash The First National Bank of Stoutland, Mo. (11467), absorbed by Pulaski County Bank, Richland. Mo The Goshen National Bank of Bethesda, Ohio (14261), absorbed by The First National Bank of Barnesville, Ohio The First National Bank of Charlotte, Mich. (1758), absorbed by Michigan National Bank, Lansing, Mich The Clear Spring National Bank, Clear Spring, Md. (9699), absorbed by The Second National Bank of Hagerstown, Md ___ Date of liquidation Jan. 31,1959 Capital stock $50,000 Apr. 17,1959 375,000 Apr. 30,1959 100,000 May 22,1959 500,000 May 29,1959 200,000 July 13,1959 25,000 Sept. 30,1959 75,000 Nov. 28,1959 100,000 Nov. 30,1959 50,000 1,475,000 Total (9 banks).. NONNATIONAL BANK IN DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The City Bank of Washington, D.C.,3 absorbed by American Security and Trust Company, Washington, D.C 1 With 1 local branch. 2 With 1 branch in Colchester. 3 With 6 local branches. May 29,1959 $520,000 48 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 6.—National banks merged or consolidated with and into State banks under the provisions of Public Law 706 (12 U.S.C 214) > approved Aug. 17, 1950', and the laws of the States where the banks are located, during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, with the effective date and the capital stock Title and location of bank The Bethel National Bank, Bethel, Conn. (10289), merged with and into The Fairfield County Trust Company, Stamford, Conn Adirondack National Bank and Trust Company of Saranac Lake, N.Y. (5072), merged with and into The Northern New York Trust Company, Watertown, N.Y. The First National Bank and Trust Company of Milford, Del. C2340), merged with and into Wilmington Trust Company, Wilmington, Del... The First National Bank of Seaford, Del.1 (795), merged with and into Bank of Delaware, Wilmington, Del _ Monroe County National Bank of East Stroudsburg, Pa. (5578), merged with and into Stroudsburg Security Trust Company, Stroudsburg, Pa., and under the title'' M onroe S ecurity B ank and Trust C ompany'' The Citizens National Bank of Petersburg, VsJ (13792), merged with and into State-Planters Bank of Commerce and Trusts, Richmond, Va The Towson National Bank, Towson, Md.3 (3588), merged with and into Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Baltimore, Md City National Bank & Trust Company of Danbury, Conn.* (1132), merged with and into City Trust Company, Bridgeport, Conn The First National Bank and Trust Company of Ridge ".eld, Conn.« (5309), merged with and into The Fairfield County Trust Company, Stamford, Com The First National Bank of Newcomerstown, Ohio (5262), merged with and into The Reeves Banking and Trust Company, Dover, Ohio, and under the title "The Reeves Banking & Trust Company" The First National Bank of Dagsboro, Del. (8972), merged with and into The President, Directors and Company of the Farmers Bank of the State of Delaware, Dover, Del The Citizens and Manufacturers National Bank of Waterbury, Conn. (2494), merged with and into The Colonial Trust Company, Waterbury and under the title "The Colonial Bank and Trust Company" The First National Bank of Wolcott, N.Y. (5928), merged with and into Security Trust Company of Rochester, N.Y First National Bank of Roaring Spring, Pa. (12304), merged with and into The Altoona Trust Company, Altoona, Pa Danbury National Bank, Danbury, Conn. (943), merged with and into The Fairfield County Trust Company, Stamford, Conn., The Peoples National Bank of Laurel, Del. (6726), merged with and into The P esident, Directors and Company of the Farmers Bank of the State of Delaware, Dover, Del The National City Bank of Troy, N.Y.* (7612), merged with and into State Bank of Albany, Albany, N.Y The First National Bank of Westfield, Mass. (190), merged with and into Valley Bank and Trust Company, Springfield, Mass Ilion National Bank and Trust Company, Ilion, N.Y. (1670), merged with and into Marine Midland Trust Company of the Mohawk Valley, Utica, N.Y.. The First National Bank of Martinsburg, Pa. (7974), merged with and into Hollidaysburg Trust Company, HolMaysburg, Pa The First National Bank of Tustin, Calif. (10134), merged with and into First Western Bank and Trust Company, San Francisco, Calif. First National Bank of Raleigh, N.C.' (14780),, merged r "with """ and into American Commercial Bank, Charlotte, N.C The Citizens National Bank of Durham, N.C.8 (7698), merged with and into Durham Bank & Trust Company, Durham The Housatonic National Bank of Stockbridge, Mass. (1170), merged with and into The Berkshire Trust Company, Pittsfield, Mass., and under the title "Berkshire Housatorric Trust Company" The First National Bank of Beilefonte, Pa. (459), mergei with and into Bellefonte Trust Company, Bellefonte, and under the title "First Bellefonte Bank and Trust Company" T o t a l (25 b a n k s ) . i With 1 local branch. a With 3 local branches. 3 With 1 local branch and 1 in Timonium. « With 1 local branch. » With 1 branch in Redding. 6 With 1 branch each in Cohoes, Latham, Ticonderoga, and Port Henry. 7 With 2 local branches. 8 With 3 local branches and 1 in Roxboro. Capital stock Effective date Jan. 2,1959 $140,000 .—.do 250,000 Jan. 30,1959 250,000 do- _. 150,000 Jan. 23,1959 150,000 Mar. 4,1959 500,000 Mar. 6,1959 300,000 Mar. 30,1959 350,000 May 8,1959 240,000 May 29,1959 75,000 ._—do 100,000 June 30,1959 800,000 June 15,1959 150,000 June 19,1959 50,000 Aug. 7,1959 300,000 Aug. 14,1959 100,000 Sept. 25,1959 600,000 Sept. 18,1959 150,000 Sept. 30,1959 200,000 Sept. 11,1959 75,000 Oct. 30,1959 ._—do 50,000 200,000 Oct. 31,1959 250,000 Nov. 13,1959 75,000 Dec. 31,1959 200,000 5,705,000 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 49 TABLE N O . 7.—National banks converted into State banks under the provisions of Public Law 706 (12 U.S.C. 214), approved Aug. 17, 1950, and the laws of the States where the banks are located, during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959, with the effective date and the capital slock Title and location of bank Effective date First National Bank in Armour, S. Dak. (13549), converted into First State Bank, Armour ___ The Farmers National Bank of Owenton, Ky. (2968), converted into Farmers Bank, Owenton Dec. 31,1959 do Capital stock $66,000 60,000 Total (2 banks). 126,000 TABLE N O . 8.—Purchases of State banks by national banks reported during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, with title, location, and capital stock of the State banks, and effective dates of purchase Effective date Title and location of bank The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, Wash. (4375), purchased The Ritzville State Bank, Ritzville, Wash _ _ First Security Bank of Utah, National Association, Ogden, Utah (2597), purchased The Fillmore State Bank, Fillmore, Utah The First National Bank and Trust Company of Kalamazoo, Mich. (191), purchased Centreville State Bank, Centreville, Mich _ Michigan National Bank, Lansing, Mich. (14032), purchased The Eaton County State Bank of Charlotte, Mich The First National Bank and Trust Company of Crawfordsville, Ind. (571), purchased The Farmers State Bank, Wingate, Ind Total (5 banks).. _ Capital stock Apr. 17,1959 $25,000 Apr. 30,1959 75,000 Aug. 31,1959 50,000 Nov. 28,1959 200,000 do— 25,000 375,000 _ TABLE N O . 9.—Consolidations of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959, under sees. 1, 2, and 3 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended Capital stock The Black River National Bank of Lowville, N.Y. (2426), with and The Watertown National Bank, Watertown, N.Y. (2657), which had consolidated Jan. 23, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (2657). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had Citizens State Bank, Milford, Ind., with and First National Bank of Warsaw, Ind. (14382), which had consolidated Jan. 31, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (14382). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The Ridgefield National Bank, Ridgefield, N.J. (12037), with and National Community Bank of Rutherford, N.J. (5005), which had consolidated Feb. 27,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (5005). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The Berrien Springs State Bank, Berrien Springs, Mich., with and First National Bank of Niles, Mich. (13753), which had consolidated Feb. 28,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (13753). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had Undivided profits Total $100,000 $165,000 $141,693 $5,101,971 650,000 650,000 431,813 25,128,456 800,000 35,000 800,000 45,000 546,506 114,003 30,238,427 2,409,283 225,000 225,000 167,904 8,312,140 285,000 285,000 241,907 10,721,423 550,000 550,000 442,137 23,539,555 2,000,000 2,000,000 492,235 76,997,298 3,031,250 2,750,000 253,122 100,536,853 100,000 112,500 27,752 2,965,095 375,000 625,000 82,660 17,762,506 465,000 747,500 110,413 20,727,601 50 REPOBT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 9.—Consolidations of national banks, or national and State banks, daring the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, under sees. 1, 2, and 3 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended—Continued Capital stock The Western National Bank of York, Pa.* (2303), with. The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Red Lion, Pa. (6708], with and The York County National Bank, York, Pa. (694), which had _ consolidated Feb. 28, 1959, under charter of the lastnamed bank (694), and title "National Bank of York County." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had _ Central Bank of Mobile, Ala., with _ First Commercial Bank, Chickasaw, Ala., with and The American National Bank & Trust Company, Mobile, Ala. (13414), which had consolidated Mar. 23,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (13414). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had _ _ The Oxford Bank, Ne wcomerstown, Ohio, with and The National Bank of Dover, Ohio (4293), which had . ..._ _ consolidated Mar. 28,1959, under charter and title of the latter bunk (4293). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had —* The First National Bank of WhitesviUe, N.Y. (7850), with..* ._.. and rtie Citizens National Bank of Wellsville, N.Y. (4988), which had_ .._. consolidated Mir. 31,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (4988). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had _ _ _ West Hudson National Bank of Harrison, NJ.2 (13537), with and The First National Bank of Jersey City, N J . (374), which had Consolidated Apr. 3, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (374). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had _ Bethlehem National Bank, Bethlehem, Pa.s (14007), with and The First National Bank and Trust Company of Bethlehem, Pa. (138), which had consolidated Apr. 10, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bunk (138). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had Bank of Morven, N.O., with _. . and The First National Bank of Wadesboro, N.C. (4947), which had _ _ consolidated Apr. 15,1959, under charter of the latter bank (4947), and title "The First National Bank of Alison County, Wadesboro." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The First National Bank of Garrettsville, Ohio (2034), with .._„_. and The Kent National Bank, Kent, Ohio (652), which had .. * consolidated May 29,1959, under charter of the latter bank (652), and title "The Portage County National Bank of Kent." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had _ The Easton Trust Company, Easton, Pa.*, with. .. and The Easton National Bank, Easton, Pa. (1233), which had _ consolidated May 29,1959, under charter of the latter bank (1233), and title "Easton National Bank and Trust Company." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had Randolph Trust Company, Randolph, Mass.5, w i t h . . . and South Shore National Bank of Quincy, Mass. (14798), which had _ _ consolidated May 29,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (14798). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had See footnotes at end of table. Undivided profits Total $600,000 $1,200,000 $526,875 225,000 900,000 246,632 15,781,849 1,000,000 1,600,000 494,884 28,073,700 2,227,500 200,0G0 112,500 3,700,000 60,000 15,000 746,883 63,706 44,787 66,844,227 4,621,442 2,677,854 1,000,000 1,000,000 569,237 40,089,989 1,500,000 60,000 1,500,000 60,000 627,730 43,070 47,389,285 1,947,706 400,000 400,000 285,135 12, 555,856 472,000 528,000 248,205 14,503,561 25,000 150,000 37,059 1,806,873 360,000 360,000 221,871 11,327,641 453,750 600,000 100,180 13,134,515 522,000 404,500 194,916 20,963,813 4,000,000 4,000,000 1,705,523 180,244,694 4,725,000 4,725,000 1, 200,648,941 300,000 700,000 601,242 18,228,900 1,100,000 2,100,000 143,009 45,940,117 1,512,500 25,600 1,025,000 14,400 406,751 33,591 64,169,017 605,591 100,000 300,000 117,577 5,101,465 5,707,055 $22,988,577 112,800 400,000 78,368 200,000 200,000 280,527 5,924,795 400,000 800,000 387,042 17,251,014 560,000 300,000 1,040,000 1,400,000 667,569 524,286 23,175,809 26,497,345 700,000 1,000,000 562,851 27,186,650 1,174,000 200,000 2,400,000 160,000 913,136 140,747 53,683,996 6,234,031 1,250,000 2,500,000 324,653 41,624,631 1,450,000 2,800,000 315,401 47,825,683 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY 51 TABLE N O . 9.—Consolidations of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959, under sees. 1, 2, and 3 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended—Continued Capital stock The Union National Bank of Frenchtown, N.J. (1459), with and The Hunterdon County National Bank of Flemington, N.J. (892), which had consolidated June 12,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (892). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The Lincoln National Bank, Lincoln, Pa. (3198), with.. and The Farmers National Bank of Ephrata, Pa. (4923), w^hich had consolidated July 11, 1959, under charter and litle of the latter bank (4923). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had _. Fidelity Bank & Trust Company, Indianapolis, Ind. 6 , with and American Fletcher National Bank and T n st Company, Indianapolis, Ind. (13759), which h a d . . . consolidated July 31, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank 03759). The consolidated I a u l at date of consolidation had The First National Bank of Jackson Center, Ohio (8536), with _ _.. and The Citizens National Bank of Sidney, Ohio (7862), which had _._ consolidated July 31,1959, under charter of the latter bank (7862), and title " T h e Citizens Bauihn an National Bank of Sidney." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The First Sa1 ints Bank and Trust Company, Ravenna, Ohio, with and The First National Bank of Mantua, Ohio (5370), which h a d . . — consolidated July 31, U'50, under charier of the latter bank and title" The First National Bank and Trust Company of Ravenna." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had Fidelity Trust Company, Pittsburgh, Pa, 7 with and Peoples First National Bank & Trust Company, Pitts* ureh, Pa. (252), which had consolidated Sept. 11,1959, under charter of the latter bank (252), and title "Pittsburgh National Bank." The consolidated hank at date of consolidation had. The Brilliant Bank and Savings Company, Brilliant, Ohio, with and The First National Bank and Company in Steubem ille, Ohio (2160), which had _ consolidated Sept. 12,1959, under charter and title of the latter hank (2160). The consolidated Lank at date of consolidation had _ The Moores Hill State Bank, Moores Hill, Ind., with.. and The Peoples National Bank of Lawrencet un, Ind. (2612), which had _ consolidated Sept. 29,1959, under charter and title of the latter hank (2612). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had ._ , The State S a i n i s hank, Bridgman, Mich.,* vith and Farmers and Merchants National Bank in Benton IIart or, Mich. (13833), which had consolidated Sept. 30, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (13£33). The consolidated bank at dat e of consolidation had The York National Bank of Saco, Maine 9 (1528), with.. and The Canal National Bank of Portland, Maine (941), which had consolidated Oct. 31.1959, under charter of the latter bank (941), and title "Canal National Bank." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had_. Central Bank and Trust Company of Great Neck, N. Y.,J° with.. _ and The Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, West llempstead, N.Y. (7703), which had.. consolidated Nov. 10, 1^59, under charter and title of the latter bank (7703). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had See footnotes at end of table. Undivided profits Total assets $100,000 $260,000 $27,448 $4,784,440 540,000 1,200,000 244,765 23,820,258 660,000 60,000 1,440, CCO 200,0C0 280,554 58,261 28,613,040 2,893,925 125,000 375,000 145,142 7,390,165 185,000 575,000 203,403 10,284,091 2,568,750 3,000,000 1,177,163 195.584,491 5,000,000 15,000,000 3,534,214 338,613,174 6,798,120 18,201,880 5,280,127 511,488, 625 100,000 150,000 38,312 2,784,625 250,000 600,000 159,768 7,148,728 460,000 640,000 197,565 9,933,353 300,000 1,200,000 301,919 22, 689,614 100,000 200,000 282,261 4,942,368 450.000 5,078,030 1.550,000 29,921,970 358,878 3,356,920 27,424,698 340,663,107 16,720,000 28,680,000 3,964,999 633,561,186 30,261,400 50, 738,600 6,721,919 973,946,317 50,000 215.000 34, 795 2,092,054 1,375,000 2,000,000 593,594 52,020,801 1,475,000 25,000 2, 215,000 50.000 558,728 27,922 54,132,524 910,244 100,000 200,000 411,082 8,135,055 112, 500 100,000 262, 500 100,000 439,004 119,053 9,045,299 4,029,245 750,000 366,000 605,456 25,165,565 890,000 250,000 460,000 250,000 684. 508 111, 151 29,194,810 6,683,787 1,400,000 1,400,000 465,815 39,925,675 2,000,000 1,300,000 575,133 45,125,567 2,379,450 1,535,030 267,000 52,964,990 8,314,165 8,315,835 1, 710,781 383,922,987 7, 5,172,261 10,003,570 436,887,977 52 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 9.—Consolidations of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended Dec. SI, 1959, under sees. 1, 2, and 3 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended—Continued Capital stock Hill Top Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa., with.. and Western Pennsylv ania National Bank, McKeesport, Pa. (2222), which had consolidated Nov. 14,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (2222). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The Essex County National Bank of Willsboro, N.Y. (11971), with and The Lake Champlain National Bank of Westport, N.Y. (9405), which had consolidated Nov. 20,1059, under charter of the latter bank (9405), and title," Essex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro." The consolidated ban* at date of consolidation had The Croatian National Bank, Croghan, N.Y. (10948), with and The Watertown National Bank, Watertown, N.Y. (2657), which had consolidated Nov. 30,1959, under charter and title of the latter batik (2657). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The Farmers National Bank of Beaver Falls, Pa. 11 (4894), with and The Union National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa. (705), which had consolidated Dec. 4, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (705). The consolidated bank at • date of consolidation had The National Ulster County Bank of Kingston, N.Y. (13322), with and The Stateof New York National Bank, Kingston, N.Y. (955), which had consolidated Dec. 31,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (955). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had Bank of Amherst, Va.,12 with and The Lynchburg National Bank and Trust Company, Lynchbura:, Va. (1522), which had consolidated Dec. 31, 1959, under charter and title of the latter banx. (1522). The consolidated bank: at date of consolidation had The First National Bank of Mount Airy, Md. (7160), with _ and Farmers and Mechanics-Citizens National Bank of Frederick, Md. (1267), which had consolidated Dec. 31, 1959, under charter and title of the latter ban* (1267). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had __. $200,000 Surplus $750,000 Undivided profits $186,466 Total $6, 705, 336 5, 550,000 6,450,000 3, 512, 625 189, 012, 531 5,870,000 7,630,000 3,149,091 25,000 125,000 127,318 3,106,089 25,000 170,000 70, 354 2, 738, 626 190,000 190, 000 162, 672 5,844, 715 50,000 150,000 126,146 3,922, 729 800,000 800,000 729, 529 31, 675,313 920,000 920,000 815,675 35, 598,042 600,000 600,000 355, 385 17,965, 844 2,850,000 10,000,000 1,227,347 123,004,252 3,279,000 10, 721,000 1, 662, 738 141,103, 960 250,000 250,000 88, 761 3, 635,986 450,000 750,000 363,001 14,288, 069 700,000 129,000 1,000, 000 100,000 451, 761 62,208 17, 924, 055 4,332, 590 1,000,000 1, 500,000 589,483 35,027,015 1,200,000 1, 600,000 328,001 39,459,093 175,000 300,000 92,133 5,258, 619 750,000 2,250,000 990, 272 39,071, 735 1,375,000 2,125,000 1,057,405 44,330, 354 195, 717,867 1 With 1 local branch and 1 each in Hellam and Manchester Township. 2 With 1 branch in Kearney. 3 With 1 local branch. < With 1 local branch and 1 in Palmer Township. « With 1 branch in Holnrook. 6 With 11 local branches and 1 each in Oaklandon, Lawrence, Southport, Pike Township, and Speedway. 7 With 9 local branches, and 1 each in Verona, Bloomfield, Butler, Castle Shannon, Qreentree, Monroesville, and Wil insourg. s With 1 branch in Stevensville. 9 With 1 branch in Old Orchard Beach. i° With 1 branch each in East tiills, New Hyde Park, Port Washington, and Lynbrook. u With 1 local branch and 1 in Koppel. 12 With 1 branch in Madison Heights. REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 53 TABLE NO. 10.—Mergers of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959, under sees. 4 o,nd 5 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended Capital stock First National Bank in St. Clairsville, Ohio (13922), with and The Bridgeport National Bank, Bridgeport, Ohio (14050), which had merged Jan. 2,1959, under charter of the latter bank (14050), and title "Belmont County National Bank, St. Clairsville." The merged bank at date of merger had First National Bank in McFarland, Calif. (14629), with Tulare County National Bank of Visalia, Calif. (14624), with _ and Security-First National Bank, Los Angeles, Calif. (2491), which had merged Jan. 30, 1959, under charter of the lastnamed bank (2491), and title "Security First National Bank." The merged bank at date of merger had The First National Bank of Wrightsville, Pa. (246), with and The York National Bank and Trust Company, York, Pa. (604) which had merged Jan. 27, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (604). The merged bank at date of merger had Savings Bank and Trust Company, Richmond, Va., with and First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond, Va. (1111), which had merged Jan. 30, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (1111). The merged bank at date of merger had.. _.. Bank of Greene, Incorporated, Standardsville, Va., with and The Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville, Va. (2594), which had merged Feb. 5, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (2594). The merged bank at date of merger had __. The North American Bank Company, Cleveland, Ohio,* with and Central National Bank of Cleveland, Ohio (4318), which had merged Feb. 28, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (4318). The merged bank at date of merger had _. The Farmers National Bank of Hudson, N.Y. 2 (990), with and The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, N.Y. (1301), which had merged Mar. 6, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (1301). The merged bank at date of merger had Baker State Bank, Baker, Oreg., with. and The First National Bank of Oregon, Portland, Oreg. (1553), which had merged Mar. 14, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (1553). The merged bank at date of merger had The First National Bank of Baker, Oreg. (2865), with. and The United States National Bank of Portland, Oreg. (4514), which had merged Mar. 14, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (4514). The merged bank at date of merger had The Ridgedale Bank & Trust Company, Chattanooga, Term.3, with and The Hamilton National Bank of Chattanooga, Tenn. (7848), which had merged May 15, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (7848). The merged bank at date of merger had Pioneer Dime Bank, Carbondale, Pa., with and Northeastern Pennsylvania National Bank and Trust Company, Scran ton, Pa. (77), which had-... merged May 22, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (77). The merged bank at date of merger had See footnotes at end of table. Surplus Undivided profits Total assets $100,000 $300,000 $152,363 $10,973,344 200,000 300,000 107,001 7,199,536 200,000 300,000 53,574 18,092,091 100,000 80,300 46,693 2,643,408 150,000 350,000 134,682 13, 542, 506 73,500,000 73, 500,000 75, 225,168 3,414,675,149 73,902, 500 76,909,500 73,086,842 3,430,861,062 150,000 300,000 76,244 3,586,099 1,335,000 2,900,000 1,101,289 51,221,605 1,485,000 3,200,000 1,177,407 54,807,578 400,000 600,000 715,385 11,609,874 5,400,000 8,600,000 3,399,601 238,964,676 6,000,000 9,000,000 4,114,987 250, 574, 550 60,000 100,000 5*, 626 2,618,068 1, 778,960 3,351,040 1,885,669 74,687,482 1,868,960 3,451,040 1,913,295 77,305,550 600,000 600,000 419,161 20,677,076 16,400,000 21,600,000 2, 554,175 566,490,936 17,360,000 22,640,000 2,173,335 585,918,763 300,000 300,000 225,934 10,820,913 5, 562,975 10,437,025 3,652, 766 276,901,062 5,922,975 50,000 10,437,025 100,000 4,118,700 134,621 287,636,663 4,075,338 20,000,000 30,000,000 19,925,355 940,800,853 20,100,000 200,000 30,050,000 600,000 20,059,976 237, 599 944,876,191 12,885,549 22,000,000 22,000,000 22,042,121 876,133,800 22,540,000 22,540,000 21,964,621 888,362,822 350,000 70,000 316,053 11,894,271 3,000,000 6,000,000 1,921,321 159,428,220 3,500,000 4 150,000 6,500,000 105,454 1,657,374 118,130 170,992,734 5,004,212 5,454,000 5,546,000 3,440,320 158,265,320 5,562,000 5,638,000 3,613,903 162,924,208 54 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 10.—Mergers of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959, under sees. 4 and 5 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended—Continued Capital stock First National Bank in Tarentum, Pa. 6 (13940), with, and The Union National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa. (705), which had merged May 29,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (705). The merged bank at date of merger had Pikes ville-Peoples Bank, Pikesville, Md., with _ and Fidelity-Baltimore National Bank, Balitmore, Md. (13745), which had merged May 29,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (13745). The merged bank at date of merger had The First National Bank of Ayer, Mass. (3073), with. The Townsend National Bank, Townsend, Mass. (805), w i t h . . . First National Bank in Pepperell (P.O. East Pepperell), Mass. (13933), with and Union National Bank of Lowell, Mass. (6077), which had _ merged May 29, 1959, under charter and title of the last-named bank (6077). The merged bank at date of merger had County National Bank and Trust Company of Santa Barbara, Calif.e (2456), with and Crocker-Anglo National Bank, San Francisco, Calif. (1741), which had merged May 29,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (1741). The merged bank at date of merger had First Jeannette Bank and Trust Company, Jeannette, Pa., with _ and Peoples First National Bank & Trust Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. (252). which had. merged June 33, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (252). The merged bank at date of merger had The Tuscaloosa Bank, Tuscaloosa, Ala., with and The City National Bank of Tuscaloosa, Ala. (6173), which had merged July 11, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (6173). The merged bank at date of merger had _ National Central Bank of Baltimore, M d ; (11207), with and The First National Bank of Baltimore, Md. (1413), which had merged July 17, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (1413). The merged bank at date of merger had The First National Bank of Orange Cove, Calif. (11616), with and Security First National Bank, Los Angeles, Calif. (2491), which h a d . . . merged Aug. 14,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (2491). The merged bank at date of merger had The Peoples National Bank of Stewartstown, Pa. (6444), with and National Bank of York County, York, Pa. (694), which had merged Aug. 28,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (694). The merged bank at date of merger had The Romeo Savings Bank, Romeo, Mich., with and Community National Bank of Pontiac, Mich. (13739), which had merged Aug. 31,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (13739). The merged bank at date of merger had The Depositors National Bank of Durham, N.C.s (13657), with and Security National Bank of Greensboro, N.C. (13761), which had merged Sept. 5, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (13761). The merged bank at date of merger had See footnotes at end of table. Surplus Undivided profits Total assets $300,000 $400,000 $205,084 $11,056,433 2,850,000 10,000,000 1,084,876 115,902,099 2,850,000 300,000 10,000,000 300,000 617,596 131,452 126,841,630 10,441,712 4,097,500 12,902,500 2,524,949 293,440,419 4,367,500 100,000 13,632,500 200,000 2,286,401 202,895 303,341,164 5,094,105 1,620,285 75,000 125,000 52,626 50,000 90,000 31,670 1,936,792 1,320,000 2,180,000 1,136,643 60,597,382 1,651,250 3,041,250 863,334 69,240,564 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,046,840 49,127,336 50,416,250 50,416,250 16,172,181 1,711,758,302 51,966,250 51,966,250 16,072,521 1,760,885,638 200,000 500,000 304,552 10,179,152 16,320,000 28,680,000 4,148,824 627,282,825 16,720,000 160,000 28,680,000 40,000 4,148,824 10,390 635,694, 596 2,312,229 750,000 1, 594,105 204,892 22,711,454 1,650,000 894,105 215,282 24,945,387 600,000 600,000 565,268 26,401,622 5,000,000 15,000,000 6,340,856 336,197,085 5,450,000 16, 550,000 5,867,089 359,759,214 100,000 200,000 93,807 4,752,290 73,902,500 76,097,500 80,851,979 3,480,519,871 81,430,250 88,569,750 61,245,786 3,485,272,162 75,000 300,000 67,977 4,908,006 2,227,500 3,772,500 998,088 67,819,655 2,377,500 300,000 4,072,500 172,208 991,065 101,556 72,727,662 5,333,384 2,750,000 2,750,000 986,757 107,336,698 2,900,000 2,900,000 1,065,521 112,670,082 500,000 600,000 208,424 12,498,560 2,500,000 7,500,000 1,376,664 136,364,761 2,875,000 8,225,000 1,564,948 148,689,170 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CtTRRENCY 55 TABLE N O . 10.—Mergers of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959, under sees. 4 and 5 of the act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended—Continued Capital stock Security State Bank, Everett, Wash., with and "National Bank of Washington, Tacoma, Wash.," Tacoma, Wash. (3417), which had merged Sept. 18,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (3417). The merged bank at date of merger had The First National Bank of Monterey, Calif.»(7058), with The First National Bank of Pacific Grove, Calif. (13375), with The Bank of Carmel, Calif., with and Crocker-Anglo National Bank, San Francisco, Calif. (1741), which had merged Sept. 25,1959, under charter and title of the last-named bank (1741). The merged bank at date of merger had The Manufacturers National Bank of Ilion, N.Y. (9109), with and The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica, N.Y. (1392), which had merged Oct. 9,1959, under charter of the latter bank (1392), and title "The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York." The merged bank at date of merger had _ The First National Bank of Kinsman, Ohio (13836), with and The Mahoning National Bank of Youngstown, Ohio (2350), which had merged Oct. 31, 19E9, under charter and title of the latter bank (2350). The merged bank at date of merger had "The Centerville State Bank of Centerville, Ind.," Centerville, Ind., with and The Second National Bank of Richmond, Ind. (1988), which had merged Nov. 4, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (1988). The merged bank at date of merger had First National Bank of Vernon, Calif. (11362), w i t h . . . Bank of Whittier, Calif.," with and Citizens National Bank, Los Angeles, Calif. (5927), which h a d . . _ _ merged Nov. 30,1959, under charter and title of the last-named bank (5927). The merged bank at date of merger had National Bank of Wilson, N . C . " (13626), with Durham Industrial Bank, Durham, N.C., with and First Union National Bank of North Carolina, Charlotte, N.C. (9164), which had_.__ merged Dec. 11, 1959, under charter and title of the last-named bank (9164). The merged bank at date of merger had The Waterville State Savings Bank Company, Waterville, Ohio, with and The National Bank of Toledo, Ohio (14586), which had _ _ __ merged Dec. 28, 1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (14586). The merged bank at date of merger had The First National Bank of Ashland, Va.« (11978), with and First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond, Va. (1111), which had merged Dec. 31,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (1111). The merged bank at date of merger had The Romulus State Bank, Romulus, Mich., with and Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit, Mich. (13738), which had merged Dec. 31,1959, under charter and title of the latter bank (13738). The merged bank at date of merger had 1 With 2 local branches. 2 With 1 branch each in Copake, and Philinont. 3 With 1 local branch and 1 in East Ridge. * Includes $100,000 preferred capital stock. s With 1 branch in Lower Burrcll Township, e With 1 local branch and 1 in Montecito. Surplus Undivided profits Total assets $100,000 $50,000 $54,226 $3,284,931 5,525,063 5,624,937 3,000,095 191,240,565 5,600,063 5,699,937 2,904,321 194,368,335 200,000 350,000 200,688 11,956,813 100,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 115,213 514,060 5,559,203 12,422,427 51,966,250 51,966,250 17,927,243 1,752,731,404 53,066,250 53,066,250 17,707,203 1,782,669,847 200,000 200,000 412,237 6,797,770 1,963,820 6,000,000 1, 666,259 115,876,713 2,128,820 6,500,000 1,813,496 122,674,483 125,000 125,000 145,256 3,795,052 2,455,000 3,620,000 853,991 84,862,621 2,605,000 3,720,000 999,247 88,657,672 25,000 50,000 38,492 1,785,905 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,220,949 45,651, 671 1,400,000 500,000 375,000 1,400,000 500,000 302,748 534,440 147,864 123,027 47,359,268 6,099,446 12,716,576 12,600,000 19,400,000 7,655,592 567,658,320 13,325,000 400,000 100,000 20,675,000 600,000 150,000 7,604,231 329, 779 132,844 585,557,371 15, 519,739 2,294,365 2, 515,000 7,485,000 1,915,787 146,150,345 2,975,000 8,025,000 2,628,410 163,372,031 50,000 100,000 91,696 2,689,964 3,000,000 3,000,000 717,180 110,997,193 3,162, 500 3,162,500 649,335 113,738,816 131,250 257,750 165,270 6,945,014 6,000,000 9,000,000 4,913,893 265,674,193 6,192,500 200,000 9,307,500 200,000 4,938,163 163,733 272,031,465 6,645,822 12, 628,500 28,071,500 13,994,874 843,727,352 12,728,500 28,271,500 14,158,607 849,935,442 i With 1 local branch. s With 1 local branch. »10 With 1 branch in Seaside. With 1 local branch and 1 in La Habra. " With 2 local branches. 12 With 1 branch in Montpelier. 56 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 11.—Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 Charter No. Title and location of bank Branches authorized under act of Feb. 25, 1927, as amended Local ALABAMA 3185 14569 14414 1595 13414 13097 1853 6173 The First National Bank of Birmingham Birmingham Trust National Bank, Birmingham State National Bank of Decatur.. The First National Bank of Mobile _ The American National Bank & Trust Company of Mobile.. The Merchants National Bank of Mobile The First National Bank of Tuskaloosa, Tuscaloosa The City National Bank of Tuscaloosa 12072 14691 14651 14747 The First National Bank of AnchorageCity National Bank of Anchorage National Bank of Alaska in AnchorageAlaska National Bank of Fairbanks 3728 14324 First National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix.. The Valley National Bank of Phoenix 14818 14461 14016 American National Bank of North Little RockFirst National Bank of Magnolia National Bank of Commerce of Pine Bluff The Simmons National Bank of Pine Bluff 14695 14670 14632 5927 2491 8181 3050 10391 13044 1741 2158 12640 City National Bank of Beverly Hills Community National Bank of Buttonwillow National City Bank of Long Beach Citizens National Bank, Los Angeles Security First National Bank, Los Angeles_.__ __ The First National Bank of Orange The First National Trust and Savings Bank of San Diego The United States National Bank of San Diego Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco. Crocker-Anglo National Bank, San Francisco The First National Bank of San Jose First National Bank in San Rafael 335 1338 2 227 1193 4 14627 14588 The Connecticut National Bank, Bridgeport.. Hartford National Bank and Trust Company, Hartford. _ The First New Haven National Bank, New Haven The Second National Bank of New Haven _ The First National Bank of New Milford _ The National Bank & Trust Company of FairfieldCounty. Stamford. First National Bank of Thompsonville First National Bank of Windsor Locks _ ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA CONNECTICUT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA * 2038 The First National Bank of Washington . GEORGIA 14785 2338 13068 13472 The Augusta Citizens and Southern National Bank, Augusta.. The First National Bank of Columbus The Citizens and Southern National Bank, Savannah The Liberty National Bank & Trust Company of Savannah... HAWAII 5550 Bishop National Bank of Hawaii, Honolulu 19 branches also authorized for 3 nonnational banks in the District of Columbia. Other than local Total REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 57 TABLE N O . 11.—Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued Charter No. Branches authorized under act of Feb. 25, 1927, as amended Title and location of bank Local INDIANA 571 206 14468 13759 984 14519 11148 377 2612 2234 7260 1988 13987 13938 47 14382 The First National Bank and Trust Company of Crawfordsville.— The First National Bank of Elkhart Gary National Bank, Gary.. American Fletcher National Bank and Trust Company, Indianapolis._ The Indiana National Bank of Indianapolis First National Bank, Kokomo Purdue National Bank of Lafayette First National Bank and Trust Company of La Port The Peoples National Bank of Lawrenceburg The Merchants National Bank of Muncie The First National Bank of Odon _ Tho Second National Bank of Richmond The National Bank and Trust Company of Pouth Bend __ The Merchants National Bank of Terre Haute __ Terre Haute First National Bank, Terre Haute _ First National Bank of Warsaw _ _ 13321 14868 2574 5778 Central National Bank and Trust Company of Des Moines... Northwest Des Moines National Bank, Des Moines The First National Bank of Mason City The First National Bank of Oelwein IOVA KANSAS 3782 The First National Bank of Manhattan KENTUCKY 5900 2409 6028 14840 10254 109 14320 14076 1790 The Citizens National Bank of Bowling Green The Farmer's National Bank of Danville The First-Hardin National Bank of Elizabethtown Citizens Union National Bank & Trust Company, Lexington.. Second National Bank of London The First National Bank of Louisville _._ .._ Liberty National Bank and Trust Company of Louisville..^.. The National Bank and Trust Company of Paris Madison National Bank of Richmond _ 14621 14849 Gulf National Bank at Lake Charles Lakeside National Bank of Lake Charles 494 4128 941 The Bath National Bank, Bath First Portland National Bank, PortlandCanal National Bank, Portland LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND 1413 13745 5880 1267 4049 4364 742 The First National Bank of Baltimore _ Fidelity-Baltimore National Bank, Baltimore The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Cambridge Farmers and Mechanics-Citizens National Bank of Frederick. The Second National Bank of Hagerstown The Citizens National Bank of Laurel _ _ Carroll County National Bank of Westminster 13733 475 615 13222 7452 614 1939 4774 6077 14798 7297 14850 The First National Bank of Athol The Merchants National Bank of Boston _ Rockland-Atlas National Bank of Boston The Buzzards Bay National Bank, Buzzards Bay The Danvers National Bank, Danvers _ Middlesex County National Bank, Everett _._ Holyoke National Bank, Holyoke The First National Bank of Ipswich Union National Bank of Lowell _ South Shore National Bank of Quincy _ The Wellesley National Bank, Wellesley Worcester County National Bank, Worcester MASSACHUSETTS _. Other than local Total 58 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 11.—Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. SI, 1959—Continued Branches authorized under act of Feb. 25, 1927, as amended Title ancflocation of bank Charter No. Local MICHIGAN Farmers and Merchants National Bank in Benton Harbor—.. 13738 Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit.***..,....——«....-*.,^ »»*»...***..— 13671 National Bank of Detroit....— 191 The First National Bank and Trust Company of Kalamazoo.. „-— 14032 Michigan National Bank, Lansing 12971 First National Bank in Mount Clomens fc.fc.—..* 13753 First National Bank of Niles 13739 Community National Bank of Pontiac MISSISSIPPI 3765 14487 10523 The First National Bank of Greenville Gulf National Bank of Gulfport First National Bank of Jackson 9236 Traders National Bank of Kansas City 7038 First National Bank of Nevada, Reno, Nevada -— NEVADA NEW JERSEY 9498 14162 2076 892 374 4147 1191 8779 9339 1452 5005 13848 6278 3716 The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Bridgeton.. The United National Bank of Cliffside Park The National Union Bank of Dover The Hunterdon County National Bank of Flemington The First National Bank of Jersey City _ The People's National Bank of Keyport The Burlington County National Bank of Medford _. The First National Bank of Milford Montclair National Bank and Trust Company, Montclair. The National State Bank of Newark National Community Bank of Rutherford Belmar-Wall National Bank, West Belmar The Marine National Bank of Wildwood _ The Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of Woodbury. 14786 12485 7043 7720 First National Bank in Alamogordo Albuquerque National Bank, Albuquerque. The First National Bank of Artesia __ The First National Bank of Las Cruces 1301 1253 4914 12746 12997 6587 8453 955 13956 5271 1461 14853 12892 14763 1342 721 1392 The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany The Ballston Spa National Bank, Ballston Spa_._^ The Matteawan National Bank of Beacon . . _ Northern Westchester National Bank, Chappaqua The Franklin National Bank of Long Island, Franklin Square Security National Bank of Long Island, Huntington Chautauqua National Bank of Jamestown The State of New York National Bank, Kingston _ County National Bank, Middletown ^ The First National Bank of Mount Vernon ^ _.._,. The First National City Bank of New York First National City Trust Company, New York Lafayette National Bank of Brooklyn in New York _ _ The Eastern National Bank of Smithtown _, The Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Syracuse The Manufacturers National Bank of Troy ^ _ The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Central New York, NEW MEXICO NEW YORK The Watertown National Bank, Watertown The Citizens National Bank of Wellsville The Meadow Brook National Bank of Nassau County, West Hempstead. 10525 National Bank of Westchestor, White Plains 0405 Essex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro.. 13882 First National Bank in Yonkers-..——..._* 2657 4988 7703 Other than local Total REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 59 TABLE NO. 11.—Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued Charter No. Branches authorized under act of Feb. 25, 1927, as amended Title and location of bank Local NORTH CAROLINA 14697 The University National Bank of Chapel Hill 9164 First Union National Bank of North Carolina, Charlotte.. __. 7698 The Citizens National Bank of Durham 13761 Security National Bank of Greensboro 14676 First National Bank of Jacksonville 14433 Commercial National Bank of Kinston __. 6744 The First National Bank of Lincolnton ___ 10610 Southern National Bank of Lumberton 4947 The First National Bank of Anson County, Wadesboro._. 14147 The First National Bank of Winston-Salem OHIO 14579 3721 911 3654 14724 4318 7621 5065 12196 4293 652 13767 6594 5370 14050 7862 2160 14586 2350 164 First National Bank of Akron _ First National City Bank of Alliance.... ___ The First National Bank of Barnesville... The Farmers' National Bank of Canfield The Southern Ohio National Bank of Cincinnati _ Central National Bank of Cleveland The City National Bank & Trust Company of Columbus The Ohio National Bank of Columbus _ The Peoples National Bank of Delphos _ The National Bank of Dover _ The Portage County National Bank of Kent First National Bank and Trust Company of Lima The New Carlisle National Bank, New Carlisle The First National Bank and Trust Company of Kavenna Belmont County National Bank, St. Clairsville The Citizens Baughman National Bank of Sidney The First National Bank and Trust Company in Steubenville The National Bank of Toledo _ The Mahoning National Bank of Youngstown The First National Bank of Zanesville 12093 5171 The Farmers National Bank of Elk City _ The First National Bank and Trust Company of Tulsa.. 1553 4514 14860 The First National Bank of Oregon, Portland.. The United States National Bank of Portland. First National Bank of Roseburg 247 138 14251 12967 573 5019 1233 10775 4923 8854 249 187 3893 2222 5801 562 14542 The First National Bank of Altoona The First National Bank and Trust Company of Bethlehem The Bridgeville National Bank, Bridgeville The Dale National Bank, Dale . ..___._ The Doylestown National Bank and Trust Company, Doylestown. _. DuBois Deposit National Bank, DuBois _ Easton National Bank and Trust Company, Easton. The Elverson National Bank, Elverson The Farmers National Bank of Ephrata. The Citizens National Bank of Evans City The First National Bank of Mercer County, Greenville, Pa._. First National Bank and Trust Company of Hanover The First National Bank of Hazloton... Western Pennsylvania National Ban*, McKeesport The Second National Bank of Meyersdale First National Bank of Lawrence County at New Castle Cumberland County National Bank and Trust Company, New Cumberland _ The National Bank of North East The Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia _ Pittsburgh National Bank, Pittsburgh.. _ The Union National Bank of Pittsburgh ___ __. The First National Bank of Sayre „.-.——.. — .——.. — _.._..-. _._ __. OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA 9149 539 252 705 5666 Other than local Total 60 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 11.—Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued Branches authorized under act of Feb. 25, 1927, as amended Charter No. Title and location of bank Local PENNSYLVANI A.—continue d 77 2018 1237 2337 5034 14082 694 2303 604 Northeastern Pennsylvania National Bank and Trust Company, Scranton. _ The National Bank and Trust Company of Spring City The First National Bank of Sunbury. _. The Citizens National Bank and Trust Company of Towanda _. Gallatin N ational Bank, Uniontown. Citizens National Bank in Windber _ National Bank of York County, York The Western National Bank of York The York National Bank and Trust Company, York RHODE ISLAND 1492 The Newport National Bank, Newport. SOUTH CAROLINA 2044 10537 The South Carolina National Bank of Charleston.. The Peoples National Bank of Conway 3341 14611 7848 12031 14657 13539 2049 335 13681 3032 The First National Bank of Athens ._. American National Bank and Trust Company of Chattanooga.. The Hamilton National Bank of Chattanooga First National Bank in Harriman The Kingsport National Bank, Kiagsport The Hamilton National Bank of Knoxville ... Park National Bank of Knoxville The First National Bank of Memphis _ National Bank of Commerce in Memphis First American National Bank of Nashville The First National Bank of Savannah TENNESSEE 2597 First Security Bank of Utah, National Association, Ogden 1197 The Merchants National Bank of Burlington VERMONT VIRGINIA 11978 2594 6778 11694 1522 10194 12477 1111 1635 The First National Bank of Ashland The Peoples National Bank of Charlottesville The Merchants' National Bank of Hampton _ ___ The National Bank of Harrisonburg The Lynchburg National Bank and Trust Company, Lynchburg The Seaboard Citizens National Bank of Norfolk The First National Bank of Quantico First and Merchants National Bank of Richmond The Shenandoah Valley National Bank of Winchester 13351 4375 13230 14394 11280 4668 3417 12292 The First American National Bank of Port Townsend. The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle. The Pacific National Bank of Seattle.— _ Peoples National Bank of Washington in Seattle. Seattle-First National Bank, Seattle _ The Old National Bank of Spokane National Bank of Washington, Tacoma, Washington ._ The Puget Sound National Bank of Tacoma. _ WASHINGTON Total (251 banks). 161 Other than local Total 61 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 12.—Number of domestic branches of national banks closed during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 Branches closed Charter No. Title and location of bank 14609 2491 3050 10391 13044 Long Beach National Bank, Long Beach Security First National Bank, Los Angeles The First National Trust and Savings Bank of San Diego The StatesNational NationalTrust Bankand of San DiegoAssociation, San FranBankUnited of America Savings cisco Local Other than local Total CALIFORNIA 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONNECTICUT 1132 943 14640 5309 City National Bank & Trust Company of Danbury Danbury National Bank, Danbury First National Bank of Manchester __ The First National Bank and Trust Company of Ridgefield 1 1 DELAWARE 795 The First National Bank of Seaford 1 ., 2 2 1 1 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1 INDIANA 13759 American Fletcher National Bank and Trust Company, Indianapolis. KENTUCKY 14320 Liberty National Bank and Trust Company of Louisville MARYLAND 3588 The Towson National Bank, Towson 1 1 2 MASSACHUSETTS 475 The Merchants National Bank of Boston 1 MICHIGAN 14641 191 Peoples National Bank & Trust Company of Bay City The First National Bank and Trust Company of Kalamazoo 12425 3716 The Union Center National Bank, Union ___ The Farmers and Mechanics National Bank of Woodbury 1461 7612 10525 The First National City Bank of New York The National City Bank of Troy National Bank of Westchester, White Plains 7698 14780 14147 The Citizens National Bank of Durham First National Bank of Raleigh__ The First National Bank of Winston-Salem _ 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 NEW JERSEY NEW YORK _ 1 4 1 1 4 1 NORTH CAROLINA 3 __ 1 2 2 4 2 2 OHIO First National Bank of Cambridge The Liberty National Bank of Fremont . . First National Bank and Trust Company of Lima The First National Bank of Waverly i 6 branches of a nonnational bank in the District of Columbia discontinued. 6566 13997 13767 5635 551461—60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 62 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 12.—Number of domestic branches of national banks closed during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued Branches closed Charter No. Title and location of bank Local Other than local Total OREGON 14860 First National Bank of Roseburg 1 1 SOUTH CAROLINA 2044 The South Carolina National Bank of Charleston 2 2 VIRGINIA 13792 The Citizens National Bank of Petersburg Total (31 banks) _ _ 3 3 31 17 48 TABLE N O . 13.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, by size of banks, according to deposits, Dee. 81, 1958 and 1959 [In thousands of dollars] Loans and securities Number of banks Total Loans U.S. and disGoverncounts, ment obincluding ligations— redis- direct and counts guaranand overteed drafts Other bonds and securities Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve Deposits Real estate assets Total assets Capital stock Surplus, profits and reserves Total Demand Time banks 1958 Banks with deposits of— Less t h a n $500,000 $500,000 t o $750,000 $750,000 to $1,000,000 $1,000,000 to $2,000,000 $2,000,000 t o $5,000,000 $5,000,000 t o $10,000,000 $10,000,000 t o $25,000,000... $25,000,000 to $50,000,000... $50,000,000 to $100,000,000.. $100,000,000 to $500,000,000.. $500,000,000 or more Total 2,423 1,840 15 4,659 396 12, 694 22,713 1,411 8,608 42 22,967 20,997 62 48, 717 4, 753 331,378 316,274 541 722,358 74, 706 1,507 4,475,787 2,035,419 1,855,122 585,246 936,810 1,087 6, 710, 526 3,085, 562 2,688,154 771 10,275,106 4,743,251 4,178,086 1, 353, 769 261 7, 783,487 3,645, 557 3,194,661 943,269 136 8,048,622 3,983,955 3,112, 522 952,145 137 24,394,926 13,423,288 . 8,620,047 2,351, 591 26 37,097,547 21, 509,730 11,828,449 3, 759,368 2,441 7,721 13,678 195,885 1,096,121 1, 588,515 2, 456,472 1,835, 512 2,051,3f.5 7,804,300 9,812,820 48 235 402 8,015 58,813 100,099 179, 407 139. 436 129,957 417, 713 452,877 410 622 7,148 2,458 1,547 30,699 2,823 5,197 62,894 70,691 927,081 26, 703 132,067 372,173 5,636,484 179,345 496,638 8,410,205 275,065 675,592 12,938,037 212,991 455,689 9, 791,073 229,496 477, 545 10, 270, 746 712,396 1, 581,059 32,801,364 47,921,235 1,178,436 2, 579,858 6,108 5,390 718 3,901 22,699 26,600 54,664 39,595 15,069 826,438 575,101 251,337 5,109,428 3,350,678 1, 758, 750 7,680,911 4,819,924 2,860,987 11,867,728 7,526,335 4,341,393 9,017,834 5,849,927 3,167,907 9,441, 587 6,494,498 2,947,089 30,039,958 23,116,333 6,923,625 43,014,872 29,551,319 13,463, 553 4,585 99, 581,448 52, 796,224 35,824, 760 10,963,464 26,864,820 1,487,002 128, 796.. 966 2,951,279 6, 717, 522 117,086,128 81,351,799 35,734,329 1959 Banks with deposits of— Less than $500,000 $500,000 t o $750,000. $750,000 to $1,000,000..$1,000,000 to $2,000,000 $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 $10,000,000 t o $25,000,000. ._ $25,000,000 t o $50,000,000. ._ $50,000,000 t o $100,000,000.. $100,000,000 to $500,000,000.- $500,000,000 or more Total 4 692 2 428 14 11,921 42 22.457 69 56,357 26, 728 518 714,323 331,116 1,437 4,317,629 2,033, 532 1,093 6, 756,675 3,238,619 790 10, 583,050 5,238,304 279 8,463,185 4,293,684 137 8,397, 761 4, 565, 279 136 25,065,915 15,132,666 27 38,232,800 25,087, 712 3 029 2 028 236 1,476 7,812 9,060 5,304 24,325 14, 979 308, 354 74,853 177,215 1, 725,122 558,975 1,005, 696 2, 592, 580 925,476 1, 533, 443 3,977,813 1, 366,933 2, 377, 558 3,177. 611 991,890 1, 925,871 2,847,639 984,843 2,130, 690 7,627, 562 2,305,687 7,980,864 9, 468,876 3,676,212 10,307,088 206 173 667 7,708 62, 609 106, 624 189,934 160. 577 149,957 450,234 536,140 7 932 830 1,153 2,504 1,198 30,453 3,163 72,040 6,430 900,069 26,821 71,378 5, 391,896 129,902 309,004 8,409,081 187,398 503,867 13,179,839 287,407 699, 056 10, 588, 667 240, 769 506, 027 10, 725, 666 251,062 525,640 33,691,616 783,035 1, 694, 589 49,638,854 1,258,157 2, 752, 727 5,896 5,167 729 4,472 22,082 26, 554 62,164 46,308 15,856 797,663 540,879 256, 784 4,863, 710 3,130,651 1, 733,059 7,645,866 4, 756,536 2,889,330 12,031,165 7,474,877 4, 556, 288 9,687,899 6,293,146 3,394,753 9, 759,005 6, 710,652 3,048,353 30, 529, 779 23,175,859 7,353,920 44,227,976 30, 546,957 13,681,019 4,542 102,614,844 59,961,989 31, 760, 970 10,891,885 27,464, 245 1,664,829 132,636,113 3,169, 742 7,132, 375 119,637,677 82,703,114 36,934,563 64 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 14.—Number of national banks in United States and possessions with surplus fund equal to or exceeding common capital stock, and the number with surplus fund less than common capital stock 1942 to 1959 Number of banks Banks with surplus Banks with surplus equal to or exceeding less than common common capital stock capital stock Number June 30,1942— Dec. 31,1942.... June 30,1943— Dec. 31,1943—. June 30,1944... Dec. 30,1944.... June 30,1945— Dec. 31,1945—. June 29,1946... Dec. 31,1946—. June 30,1947— Dec. 31,1947—. June 30,1948— Dec. 31,1948—. June 30,1949... Dec. 31,1949.... June 30,1950— Dec. 30,1950— June 30,1951 Dec. 31,1951—. June 30, 1952... Dec. 31,1952.... June 30,1953... Dec. 31,1953— June 30,1954— Dec. 31,1954—. June 30, 1955— Dec. 31, 1955—. June 30, 1956— Dec. 31,1956— Juno 6, 1957 Dec. 31, 1957.... June 23,1958... Dec. 31,1958—. June 10, 1959... Dec. 31, 1959— 5,107 5,087 5,066 5,046 5,042 5,031 5,021 5,023 5.018 5,013 5,018 5,011 5,004 4,997 4,993 4,981 4,977 4,965 4,953 4,946 4,932 4,916 4,881 4,864 4,842 4,796 4,751 4,700 4,675 4,659 4,654 4,627 4,606 4,585 4,559 4,542 2,115 2,205 2,275 2,434 2,576 2,749 2,946 3,180 3,318 3,531 3,637 3,773 3,820 3,963 4,003 4,132 4,148 4,236 4,242 4,324 4,327 4,398 4.368 4,406 4,400 4,417 4,378 4,363 4,330 4,337 4,316 4,316 4,299 4,308 4,276 4,263 Percent 41.41 43.35 44.91 48.24 51.09 54.64 58.67 63.31 66.12 70.44 72.48 75.29 76.34 79.31 80.17 82.96 83.34 85.32 85.65 87.42 87.73 89.46 89.49 90.58 90.87 92.10 92.15 92.83 92.62 93.09 92.74 93.28 93.33 93.96 93.79 93.86 Number 2,992 2,882 2,791 2,612 2,466 2,282 2,075 1,843 1,700 1,482 1,381 1,238 1,184 1,034 990 849 829 729 711 622 605 518 513 458 442 379 373 337 345 322 338 311 307 277 283 279 Percent 58.59 56.65 55.09 51.76 48.91 45.36 41.33 36.69 33.88 29.56 27.52 24.71 23.66 20.69 19.83 17.04 16.66 14.68 14.35 12.58 12.27 10.54 10.51 9.42 9.13 7.90 7.85 7.17 7.38 6.91 7.26 6.72 6.67 6.04 6.21 6.14 65 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 15.—Dates of reports of condition of national banks, 1914 to 1959 [For dates of previous calls see report for 1920, vol. 2, table No. 42, p. 150] Year 1914 1915 1916 1917__ 1918 ._ . 1919 1920 1921 _ 1922 1923._._ . ___ 1924 1925 __ 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 ._ . 1931 1932 _ 1933_ _ _ 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 „ 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 ___ 1945 1946 _ 1947 1948..-. 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Jan. Feb. 13 Mar. Apr. 4 4 7 5 4 4 28 21 May June 1 1 1 10 12 4 28 10 5 3 31 6 12 23 28 27 27 25 5 4 4 31 7 29 26 4 4 13 20 12 11 24 9 31 20 15 11 10 14 4 12 30 23 30 20 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 6 23 10 July Aug. 31 Sept. Oct. 12 2 12 11 31 Nov. 10 17 20 1 17 15 12 8 6 15 14 10 28 10 3 4 24 29 30 25 17 1 28 2 24 18 30 6 1 4 10 5 30 7 5 26 11 24 6 Dec. 31 31 27 31 31 31 29 31 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 NOTES Act of Feb. 25, 1863, provided for reports of condition on the 1st of eacn quarter, before commencement of bUvSiness. Act of June 3, 1864—1st Monday of January, April, July, and October, before commencement of business, on form prescribed by Comptroller (in addition to reports on 1st Tuesday of each month showing condition at commencement of business in respect to certain items; i.e., loans, specie, deposits, and circulation) . Act of Mar. 3,1869, not less than 5 reports per year, on form prescribed by Comptroller, at close of business on any past date by him specified. Act of Dec. 28,1922, minimum number of calls reduced from 5 to 3 per year. Act of Feb. 25,1927, authorized a vice president or an assistant cashier designated by the board of directors to verify reports of condition in absence of president and cashier. Act of June 16, 1933, requires each national bank to famish and publish not less than 3 reports each year of affiliates other than member banks, as of dates identical with those for which the Comptroller shall during such year require reports of condition of the bank. The report of each affiliate shall contain such information as in the judgment of the Comptroller shall be necessary to disclose fully the relations between tne affiliate and the bank and to enable the Comptroller to inform himself as to the effect of such relations upon the affairs of the bank. Sec. 21(a) of the Banking Act of 1933 provided, in part, that after June 16,1934, it would be unlawful for any private bank not under state supervision to continue the transaction of business unless it submitted to periodic examination by the Comptroller of the Currency or the Federal Reserve bank of the district, and made and published periodic reports of condition the same as required of national banks under sec. 5211, U.S.R.S. Sec. 21(a) of the Banking Act of 1933, however, was amended by sec. 303 of the Banking Act of 1935, approved Aug. 23,1935, under the provisions of which private banks are no longer required to submit to examination by the Comptroller or Federal Reserve bank, nor are they required to make to the Comptroller and publish periodic reports of condition. (5 calls for reports of condition of private banks were made by the Comptroller, the first one for June 30,1934, and the last one for June 29,1935.) TABLE NO. 16 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF NATIONAL BANKS ON MARCH 12, JUNE 10, OCTOBER 6, AND DECEMBER 31, 1959, BY STATES AND TERRITORIES 67 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 69 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959 ALABAMA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 69 banks 69 banks 69 banks Dec. 31, 1959 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets __ Total assets. 596,076 390,060 640,635 380,793 667,513 355,724 674,643 363,245 139,803 24, 574 137, 473 24, 678 141,419 20,642 142, 547 21,179 2,682 136, 939 29,463 2,745 131, 783 30, 517 2,762 137,777 27,421 2,835 132,169 30,502 169, 944 15, 658 466 161, 524 16, 243 640 178, 521 17,382 497 192,297 17, 921 738 2,692 212 4,756 3,052 140 3,448 184 5,223 3,450 236 4,698 1, 558, 513 1, 586, 460 1, 513,325 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities _ 772,996 782,934 775,764 802,411 356,132 10 17,085 123, 736 91,060 367,706 10 20,058 127, 610 83, 953 12,963 1,895,234 1,020,019 8:5,215 370,979 10 31,086 120,790 99,331 12,103 /, 410,068 1,088,640 876,428 369,463 10 31,106 131, 511 92,812 1,442,020 1,067,814 874,706 7,700 5,750 9,000 2,500 212 15,379 152 14,809 184 16,280 236 18,693 1,396, 514 1,415,945 1, 435, 527 1, 463, 449 35,170 54,051 21, 689 5,901 36, 720 54,293 22,968 6,133 37,920 54,060 25,332 5,874 55,885 23,174 5,157 12,204 1,878,223 1,008, HO 864,288 14, 707 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. 116,811 120,114 122,986 123,011 1, 513,325 1.536,059 1, 558, 513 1,586,460 217,094 208,881 219,065 219,427 MEMOEANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 70 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued ALASKA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures __ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank ___ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin _ __ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ _ — Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 7 banks 7 banks 7 banks 7 banks 53,378 51,579 61,397 50,781 66,900 50,484 67,236 47,831 6,692 4,492 6,794 2,539 6,901 2,789 7,000 2,787 41 14,445 6,976 203 9,861 4,826 178 14,423 4,562 181 8,014 4,369 6,072 2,438 200 11,663 2,524 316 14,857 2,723 218 11,646 2, 587 243 320 315 196 367 210 164 146,829 151,386 164,533 152,345 62,512 66,365 74,166 64,910 34,994 10 20,685 17,231 1,714 1,199 35,600 10 21,430 15, 760 1,453 1,553 U2,171 88,412 58, 759 10 22,015 18,867 1,859 1,595 164,741 10 22,235 16,279 1,765 1,498 143,225 85,711 57,514 891 910 138,985 143,040 155, 632 144,135 3,200 2,720 1,498 426 3,200 2,720 2,013 413 3,200 2,720 2,568 413 3,200 3,070 1,410 530 287 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations-_ _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations __ Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of U.S. GovernmentDeposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ Demand deposits __. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money __. Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate _ _ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _ Other liabilities _ Total liabilities.-- 188,846 84,626 58,719 640 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus. _ Undivided profits--. Reserves Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts 7,844 8,346 8,901 8,210 146,829 151,386 164,533 152,345 36,246 37,238 38,717 39,036 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 71 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued ARIZONA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank.. Currency and coin... Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate-. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding _. Other assets.. _-. Total assets.. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 3 banks 3 banks 3 banks 3 banks 506,371 175,892 11 46.156 15,898 516,251 160,652 11 48,349 17,638 526,346 154,404 7 46,453 12,098 569,702 133,807 14 41,084 17,266 1,483 25.157 13,541 1,517 61,943 13,384 1,596 57,283 12,775 1,603 82,733 13,438 71,556 17,307 2 75,634 17,757 78,323 17,593 32 86,125 18,091 5,160 85 6,332 5,160 94 7,674 5,160 329 7,967 5,160 123 8,103 884,951 926,094 920,366 977,258 466,150 469,483 456,783 227,668 242,679 27 11,342 89,400 22,310 14,457 849,698 582,418 252,326 27 14,691 82,212 18,076 11,834 835,949 558,812 277,137 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.. ___ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. _ Postal savings deposits ___ Deposits of U.S. Government _ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate—_ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities. _ .__ 27 9,121 76,139 18,436 14,149 811,690 559,238 256,675 27 12,591 93,706 28,808 14,610 895,686 613,923 281,768 5,000 85 16,217 94 18,364 329 18,351 123 18,510 827,992 868,156 859,629 914,319 17,480 31,170 8,299 10 17,724 31,926 8,278 10 18,667 18,667 33,258 11,001 13 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus ___ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts.— _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 8,926 11 56,959 57,938 60,737 62,939 884,951 926,094 920,366 977,258 143,433 144,340 144,196 144,450 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes.. _ 72 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued ARKANSAS [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts). U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures __. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank. _ Currency and coin _ _ _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate.. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding— Other assets... Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 55 banks 55 banks 55 banks 55 banks 223,646 166,362 235,551 152,799 253,338 146,069 250,147 169,005 73,087 6,787 72,481 5,639 71,580 6,334 72,770 8,940 1,200 53,562 10,845 1,216 55,673 10,557 1,228 56,823 1,234 60,194 10,854 78,929 8,547 582 75,599 8,828 584 95,979 9,118 582 105,638 8,722 440 40 40 1,433 46 46 1,977 1,768 625,020 620,430 652,966 689,758 339,449 330,846 331,823 361,667 124,103 24 7,237 39,892 52,326 4,036 567,067 441,027 126,00 126,269 24 7,547 39,383 53,736 3,727 561,532 438,391 128,141 131,184 24 9,893 50,602 64,335 4,404 592,265 459, S41 132,924 135,856 29 12,139 43,000 72,599 4,321 629,611 492,183 137,478 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government-. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money._ _ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate... _ ___ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities _ Total liabilities. 545 200 4,402 4,442 4,748 5,413 571,669 565,974 597,558 635,024 17,255 22,753 11,694 1,649 17,430 23,313 12,239 1,474 17,495 23,583 12,845 1,485 17,545 23,835 11,882 1,472 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 53,351 54,456 55,408 54,734 625,020 620,430 : = 652,966 689,758 43,132 42,853 45,516 48,683 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 73 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued CALIFORNIA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 44 banks 42 banks } banks 37 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) 8,672,681 9,307,591 9,811,033 U.S. Government securities, direct obligations._ 4,302,498 4,438,807 3,607,940 Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government 600 544 636 1,180,557 1,182,347 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 1,260,647 205,571 245,448 188,047 Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve 65,556 65,720 66,833 bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _. 1,548, 948 1,498,922 1,570,616 142,629 135,249 128,139 Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of 1,112,003 1,245,006 1,110,614 collection 212,870 188,402 196,571 Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures 2,779 2,452 3,618 Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing 42,002 45,422 45,093 bank premises or other real estate 95,948 101,500 103,562 Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding 111,963 78,361 101,059 Other assets _ _ Total assets. _ ___ 17, 893,366 18,267,456 18,265,962 10,012,189 3,743,749 937 1,146,997 181,973 68,577 1,558,091 1,591,935 219,808 1,972 48,971 97,260 108,914 18,914,609 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ___ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government _ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks ___ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) 7,062,441 7,096,123 7,309,113 6,763,341 6,885,121 6,956,915 202 202 202 186.584 180,355 313,944 1,280,543 1,072,879 1,202,705 672,834 652,827 575,998 292.585 312, 681 277,856 Total deposits _ _. 16,174,552 16,413,992 16,506,907 Demand deposits 8,314,548 8,362,746 8,619,224 7,860,004 8,051,246 Time deposits 7,887,683 Bills payable, rediscounts, and otner liabilities for 84,250 173,763 borrowed money 120,813 Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities _ Total liabilities.-- 7,600,019 6,958,719 202 292,789 1,395,018 605,463 423,193 17. 275,403 9,308,468 7,966,935 1,038 99, 334 452,201 104,368 466,420 1,212 105,301 379,267 99,680 376,691 16,810,337 17,158,543 17,113,500 17,752,812 332,951 529,754 213,640 6,684 334,954 533,758 233,507 6,694 349,934 555,322 240,317 351,019 561,768 242,222 6,788 1,083,029 1,108,913 1,152,462 1,161,797 17,893,366 18,267,456 18,265,962 18,914, 609 2,664,948 2,784,377 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus.._ _ Undivided profits Reserves. _ Total capita- accounts ___ Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 2,755,762 74 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by Slates, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued COLORADO [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 76 banks 76 banks 77 banks 77 banks 1959 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets . 616,084 405,293 652,681 370,387 659,786 390,866 691,606 359,641 57,141 6,809 56,638 8,082 57,599 5,740 58,536 5,279 2,438 141,750 16,657 2,440 129,348 17,415 2,460 139,218 16,241 2,478 117,479 16,150 185,343 11,484 351 168,976 12,110 371 180,064 12,919 710 187,352 12, 632 774 5,699 1,141 5,436 5,687 5,045 5,397 6,023 6,578 1,449,536 1,429,281 1,477,313 1,464,204 755,307 747,559 775,409 780,875 348,159 10 20,640 81,009 94,306 15,049 1,814,480 944,519 869,961 350,121 10 21,870 78,290 82,296 13,139 1,298,285 920,658 872,627 354,261 10 34,239 75,963 93,427 11,148 1,344,457 969,988 874,474 351,366 10 32,833 70,336 97,408 13,211 1,846,089 976,264 869,775 18,050 18,550 13,100 474 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate _ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities_ Total liabilities... 5 12,733 12,359 12,237 11,064 1,345,268 1,324,199 1,369,799 1,357,582 34,730 45,757 21,740 2,041 34,805 45,796 22,495 1,986 35,055 46,061 24,361 2,037 35,265 46,499 23,782 1,076 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts _ 104,268 105,082 107,514 106,622 1,449,536 1,429,281 1,477,313 1,464,204 187,340 190,040 184,435 165,354 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ _ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY 75 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued CONNECTICUT [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 29 banks 26 banks 24 banks 24 banks 12 122,235 9,419 555,267 267,043 12 110,407 8,183 577,130 234,639 12 98,510 5,468 568,947 253,516 12 97,555 8,310 3,648 78,229 25,956 3,559 86,571 29,339 3,470 3,468 85,946 26,151 105,102 18,068 867 94,073 18,579 857 121,750 18,701 395 129,269 18,654 2,185 330 56 4,625 330 128 5,337 330 4 5,259 330 2 5,166 1,191,442 1,179,685 1,183,476 1,199,511 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations... Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Keserve bank _ Keserve with Federal Reserve bank _. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets. Total assets . 529,523 293,372 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _-_ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits... Time deposits.... Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding __ Other liabilities _. Total liabilities 676,484 654,140 669,030 701,008 270,556 264,781 251,433 247,108 18,892 39,291 27,477 34,786 20,812 39,644 26,285 38,122 43,402 27,694 794,891 278,095 1,040,465 773,693 266,872 1,068,079 814,538 253,541 35,349 41,159 23,864 35,010 1,088,498 834,785 248,718 9,550 28,250 5,300 150 203 203 203 203 56 16,288 1,093,583 128 15,178 4 16,907 2 23,252 1,084,224 1,090,493 1,107,105 32,318 45,438 16,598 1,107 31,268 44,073 16,894 748 31,268 44,223 16,264 651 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts— Total liabilities and capital accounts 33,408 46,412 16, 561 1,478 97,859 95,461 92,983 92,406 1,191,442 1,179,685 1,183,476 1,199,511 108,571 97,208 102,650 97,381 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes.. 76 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued DELAWARE [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 5 banks 4 banks 3 banks 3 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U S Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures -Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets _ _ 6,676 5,460 4,932 3,768 3,487 2,725 3,568 2,848 799 382 662 292 414 282 408 292 43 1,552 314 32 1,027 251 20 730 225 20 721 200 875 281 715 241 615 163 515 152 9 14 1 16,391 11,934 8,662 8,724 6,754 5,010 3,895 3,837 7,462 5,201 3,753 3,887 104 100 62 72 32 62 30 49 201 14,621 7,156 7,465 145 10,490 6,286 6,204 70 7,812 4,059 3,753 39 7,842 3,955 3,887 50 100 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government _ _ __ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits __ __ __ Demand deposits Time deposits _ _. __ _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities _ ___ Total liabilities-__ _ 50 11 17 1 14,682 10,607 7,813 7,892 375 1,050 254 30 275 800 237 15 175 500 170 4 175 525 128 4 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock,. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves _ Total capital accounts _ _ 1,709 1,327 849 832 _ 16,391 11,934 8,662 8,724 Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 638 646 186 286 Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 77 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (includingjbverdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Keserve bank _ __. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin___ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate ___ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ _ Total assets. 360,528 311,861 377,469 305,502 384,428 292,389 388,955 290,250 14,196 27,830 12,902 25, 758 10,803 25,020 8,410 1,565 101, 226 15,051 1,565 95,003 15,491 1,606 91,714 15,179 1,606 89,815 14,104 71,948 16,137 137 78,050 16,396 150 74,429 16,540 123 81,253 16,538 120 2,306 2,752 923,783 933,110 2 2,558 915,529 918,041 577,280 567,822 563,603 575,320 192,176 591 18,865 93 47,092 15,285 189,857 762 20,638 70 51,874 12,196 843,219 642,950 200,269 179,251 532 27,405 40 52,382 13,855 837,068 648,152 188,916 175,628 532 25,587 131 41,311 9,950 828,459 643,102 185,857 17,150 5,000 3,000 7,890 6,484 2 6,764 20,286 859,272 866,853 848,834 851, 745 18,542 33,608 9,895 2,466 18,743 33,808 11,319 2,387 1,970 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits __ Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _. Other liabilities Total liabilities. 851,882 648,741 202,641 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 18, 743 33,958 10,522 3,472 18, 743 33,958 10,469 3,126 66,296 64,511 66,257 923,783 933,110 915,529 918,041 44,211 59,199 57,615 56,725 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 551461—60 78 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1959—Continued FLORIDA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 103 banks 104 banks Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 106 banks 106 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts). U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank ___ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets 1,142,368 1,026,257 14 213,726 34,464 1,184,303 984,874 21 219,512 31,599 1,215,814 910,703 27 218,002 30,316 1,268,841 940,972 5,228 270,825 50,043 5,290 252,442 45,898 5,424 257,460 43,116 5,717 226,882 49,326 488,174 43,936 1,757 12,193 451,805 44,730 1,811 8,559 408,534 45,416 2,798 9,288 558,496 45,954 2,960 8,961 85 13,489 215 15,537 466 13,519 451 15,224 3,302,559 3,246,596 3,160,883 3,362,659 1,673,609 1,647,974 1, 579,637 1,621,081 656,972 56 50,479 238,497 265,146 25,658 660,656 61 59,493 321,481 355,865 29,143 3,047,780 2,331,830 715,950 208,941 29,934 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of TJ. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities. __ _ 640,512 653,382 61 61 32,232 37,084 325,386 289,378 314,432 278,632 28,419 27,869 3, 014,651 2,934,380 2,298,082 2,205,266 716,569 729,114 2,816, US 2,102,260 714,185 30,950 45,025 67,490 31 31 60 60 90 37,779 248 42,505 466 43,324 451 39,505 3,083,501 3,022,189 2,927,785 3,125, 246 37,450 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock. Total capital stock _ _ _ Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. 200 78,852 79,052 95,503 28,953 15,550 200 79,844 80,044 32, 531 15, 346 200 81,487 81,687 99,870 35, 574 15,967 200 84,347 84,547 109,403 28,025 15,438 219,058 224,407 233,098 237,413 3,302,559 3,246,596 3,160,883 3,362,659 734,791 723,535 670,270 723,230 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes. _ EEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 79 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued GEORGIA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 51 banks 51 banks 51 banks 52 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank__ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ _ Total assets.. 716.936 353,859 761,166 326,975 804, 850 318,907 314, 628 81,120 22,432, 85,165 20, 015 86, 533 16,108 78, 629 14, 518 2,784 158,255 19, 509 3,340 155, 288 19, 053 3,418 149, 760 17, 643 3,424 151,094 17,327 218, 929 22, 757 1,013 188, 927 23, 662 1,193 204, 933 24, 829 1,480 254, 664 24, 580 1,873 453 4,639 5,636 5,922 1,453 12 4,896 1,602,233 1,590,420 1,634, 836 1,695,296 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 819,757 801,276 275, 558 756 20,008 102,411 200,489 9, 537 284,316 737 42,944 121,349 235,209 19, 498 1,487,122 1,150,995 286,127 756 24,289 122,091 180, 543 9,634 1, 422, 272 1,127,501 294,771 288, 727 756 36,474 109, 518 202,901 9,692 1,456,728 1,158,449 298,279 1, 52S, 810 1,280,406 298,404 16,700 12, 800 20,300 11,060 20 25,497 25,167 25, 638 12 29,315 1,479,319 1,460,239 1, 502, 666 1, 564,217 34,032 58, 730 18,114 12, 038 36, 663, 62, 852 18,904 11, 762 36,763 63,064 21,915 10, 428 63, 847 19,012 11,332 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock,. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves... Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. 122,914 130,181 132,170 1,602,233 1, 590,420 1, 634, 836 1, 695,296 218,870 218,122 215,471 226,994 131,079 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 80 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1969—Continued HAWAII [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures _ _. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank.. _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin _ ._ _.. Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 lbank lbank lbank lbank 121,178 55,917 128,252 71,842 139,573 68,180 145,296 60,952 14,497 2,273 15,016 2,273 18,204 2,273 17,947 2,361 23,154 450 17,960 5,110 450 15,109 5,141 450 17,926 5,106 8,326 5,592 14,657 6,033 13,448 34,257 5,715 78 129 1,357 311 1,294 57 1,538 163 1,611 270,257 291,862 241,492 Total assets . LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations __ _._ __ _ _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations __ _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits __ Demand deposits Time deposits... Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate __ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _ Other liabilities-_ Total liabilities. 90,504 94,032 110,642 76,518 10 14,740 35,079 4,811 2,207 220,07b 114, HO 105,964 79,972 10 15,468 43,285 5,856 5,384 240,479 124,546 115,988 81,342 10 15,606 46,873 5,726 3,335 246,924 126,840 120,084 81,201 10 16,915 45,307 11,258 2,130 267,463 149,591 117,872 129 2,056 311 2,441 57 3,367 163 4,507 222,259 243,231 250,348 272,133 6,000 9,000 2,057 2.176 6,000 9,000 2,791 2,176 6,000 9,000 2,733 2,176 6,000 9,000 2,553 2,176 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus. _ Undivided profits Reserves . Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 19,233 19,967 19,909 19,729 241,492 263,198 270,257 291,862 72,257 80,960 83,144 77,242 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 81 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued IDAHO [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts). U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank.. _ __. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin __ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures _. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding _. Other assets Total assets . Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 9 banks 10 banks 10 banks 10 banks 234,438 148,894 230,564 154,931 33,072 75 230,114 150,388 7 31,597 75 31,587 75 737 37,305 5,886 747 38,395 6,156 753 37,485 5,741 32,361 451 768 40,021 5,921 23,909 7,116 121 26,007 7,743 11 28,299 214,857 174,746 31 7,789 20 40,158 7,899 16 30 29 28 "425" 395 1,112 498,182 491,695 495,505 514,230 231,271 224,972 237,293 229,955 169,716 11 4,198 49,780 1,906 3,887 460, 769 289, 661 171,108 171,674 11 5,785 44,593 1,950 3,036 452,021 278,955 172,692 11 7,594 37,235 2,025 3,685 460,635 286,451 174,084 176,041 11 6,924 60,368 2,704 4,088 480,091 302,903 177,188 327 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits . .__ Demand deposits. _ Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money _. Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities.. Total liabilities . 2,000 173,066 4,000 4,024 3,750 3,014 466,793 459,909 464,285 483,105 12,025 12,545 4,719 2,100 12,275 12,620 5,514 1,377 12,375 12,580 5,724 541 12,375 12,617 5,410 723 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus. Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 31,389 31,786 31,220 31,125 498,182 491,695 495,505 514,230 100,941 100,382 94,975 108,449 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 82 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued ILLINOIS [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 394 banks 395 banks 395 banks 395 banks 4,659,519 4,250,535 79 798,786 224,558 4,853,834 3,924,180 85 887,798 227,118 5,187,948 3,776,072 63 872,834 224,032 5,409,573 3,675,313 63 881,316 224,306 24,068 1,245,209 108,507 24,147 1,279,249 108,646 24,403 1,323,168 106,724 25,402 1,169,379 108,901 1,090,832 50,173 2,146 1,085,745 51,282 2,327 1,110,827 51,865 2,595 1,342,199 52,386 3,259 13,421 49,749 3,841 15,117 58,961 4,082 12,703 57,072 4,463 10,055 55,011 12,521,265 12,522,330 12,754,388 12,961,626 6,301,456 6,096,627 5,978,661 6,411,604 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _._ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank. _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection.-Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate.._ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding __. Other assets Total assets _ LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S.Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits— Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding __. Other liabilities Total liabilities __„_ __ 2,896,267 2,930,851 2,983,831 3,043,159 1,004 1,004 1,004 959 145,733 172,774 299,301 319,367 577,494 589,692 745,803 648,302 1,157,642 1,147,592 1,192,779 1,202,711 109,002 117,893 121,081 134,475 11,188,598 11,056,433 11,322,460 11,760,577 8,103,927 7,936,132 8,173,291 8,559,303 3,201,274 3,084,671 3,120,301 3,149,169 27,000 181,650 293,256 247,966 550 129 124 376 14,114 14,103 15,256 10,732 148,707 142,586 146,632 130,522 11,531,123 11,513,776 11,727,491 11,929,381 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock.. Surplus.. Undivided profits _ __ _ ,. Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock._. Total capital accounts... Total liabilities and capital accounts 1,500 355,876 357,376 435,869 138,440 58,457 1,500 357,466 358,966 436,847 154,885 57,856 1,500 359,405 360,905 443,706 168,711 53,575 1,500 360,990 362,490 477,098 138,941 53,716 990,142 1,008,554 1,026,897 1,032,245 12,521,265 12,522,330 12,754,388 12,961,626 1,149,227 1,280,591 1,384,534 1,225,404 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 83 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued INDIANA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts)— U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank___ ___ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets.. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 123 banks 123 banks 123 banks 124 banks 1, C52,335 958,631 10 159,232 32,158 1,100,981 897,860 10 160,920 29, 695 1,183,485 932,014 8 155, 779 30,827 1,228,582 975,209 12 152,297 30, 827 4,907 233,923 50,149 4,951 236,696 50,499 5,133 254,741 50,139 5,315 252,236 53, 577 262,278 30,391 416 254, 664 31,119 407 284,841 33,428 447 375,436 34,752 548 341 9,407 341 10 9,425 384 14 10,540 77 10 11,054 2,794,178 2,777,578 2, 941, 780 3,119,932 1,362,172 1,324,440 1, 403, 697 1, 519, 667 740,895 1,361 36,055 254, 510 109, 665 40,346 2,545,004 1,762,070 742,046 1,361 37,204 246,148 123,093 41,188 8,515,480 1,731,628 767,273 1,261 60, 550 265,174 133, 457 42,006 2,673,418 1,861,523 811,895 768,197 1,261 66, 604 311, 373 130,783 58,095 2, 855, 980 2,044,067 811,913 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations_ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Postal savings deposits __ Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits.. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other realestate.. Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Other liabilities Total liabilities. __ _ 783,852 5,200 35 14,850 5,750 18 158 28,054 35 10 29,083 14 32,132 10 34,221 2, 578,293 2, 559,458 2,711,332 2,890,369 25 57,388 57,418 106,423 43, 435 8,614 25 57,388 67,418 107,644 45,290 7,773 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock._ _ Common stock. _ Total capital stock-. _ Surplus. __ _ _ _ _ Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock._. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 25 59,864 59,889 111, 243 51,327 7,989 215,885 218,120 230,448 2,794,178 2,777,578 2,941,780 212,173 197,694 209,377 25 60, 474 60,499 115, 618 44, 535 8,911 229, 563 :, 119,932 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes. 206,832 84 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued IOWA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures _ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin .__ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection -Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate. _ _ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets.. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 97 banks 97 banks 98 banks 98 banks 401,371 301,410 424,628 275,500 435,926 271,243 443,188 258,645 88,267 15,499 89,084 13,444 90,091 13,456 86,336 14,026 1,630 88,538 14,149 1,646 85,692 14,035 1,686 94,746 14,197 1,710 83,082 14,452 142,035 6,723 951 138,225 6,954 852 151,459 7,190 776 161, 723 7,453 815 1,356 139 2,761 1,357 329 2,999 1,507 60 3,270 1,615 253 2,598 1,064,829 1,054,745 1,085,607 1,075,896 519,627 502,458 499,979 517,435 53 16,237 70,907 111,819 13,215 968,624 729,771 238,753 240,833 53 17,193 73,830 113,195 10,564 958,126 715,259 242,867 245,542 53 21,521 85,201 124,489 10,498 987,283 740,250 247,033 241,014 53 23,895 60,148 132,153 12,104 986,802 744,410 242,392 10,150 9,150 9,415 450 50 50 32 52 139 5,848 329 5,666 5,654 385 5,302 984,711 973,321 1,002,444 992,991 19,398 35,224 22,666 2,830 19,573 35,279 20,423 35,865 24,253 2,622 20,845 36,691 22,653 2,716 80,118 81,424 83,163 82,905 1,064,829 1,054,745 1,085,607 1,075,896 78,906 76,516 77,641 71,691 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations-Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Postal savings deposits Deposits of u. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. Demand deposits Time deposits __ _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money _-_ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities _ Total liabilities. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus. __ Undivided profits Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 2,686 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 85 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued KANSAS [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 169 banks 169 banks 169 banks 169 banks 452,528 414,070 37 124,433 27,652 463,817 37 125,005 24,813 476,114 399,932 17 122,151 26,160 485,644 393,753 17 124,214 27,131 2,356 119,361 15, 268 2,393 118,717 16,284 2,518 110,913 14,178 2,539 118, 513 14,970 129,273 13,831 757 117,890 14,037 775 139,492 14,059 720 165,218 14,016 474 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed b y U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank __ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets,. 170 170 154 264 2,942 3,043 3,538 3,035 1,302, 678 1,275,942 1,309,946 1,349,788 673,823 665,509 689,132 665,264 192,320 39 24,984 200,678 81,167 1,181, .. 968, 289 218,459 199,578 48 20,960 172,717 80,745 6,932 ',146,489 920,688 225,856 205,902 35 27,837 167,997 85,753 7,130 1,188,786 950,101 288,685 205,802 37 31,691 215,752 101,275 8,324 1,228,145 994,722 288,428 7,083 12, 504 5,985 3,478 51 73 107 9,014 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 8,746 9,063 1,197,578 1,168,129 30,130 48,692 24,311 1,967 30,556 49,662 26,021 1,574 7,815 1,239,524 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts.,. 31,981 50,638 26,740 1,695 31,981 51,281 24,937 2,065 105,100 107,813 111,054 110,264 1,302,678 1,275,942 1,309,946 1,349,788 286,499 280,224 278,761 288,456 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 86 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued KENTUCKY [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) TJ. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank__ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets.... ___ Total assets. M a r . 12, 1959 June 10, Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 88 banks 88 banks 88 banks 88 banks 1959 53,217 17, 634 348, 390 296,026 4 53, 385 15, 706 367, 684 272,358 4 51,696 376, 721 295,927 4 50, 757 15,156 1,823 84,045 17, 553 1,829 83, 347 18, 066 1,846 80,193 15, 673 1,898 83,223 18, 722 85,215 8,273 49 81, 762 8,455 114 85,895 8,718 146 123, 713 8,886 139 182 46 2,285 182 56 2,455 553 41 2,288 800 52 2,349 912,936 19, 777 901, 794 978, 347 537,073 532,905 519,141 576, 648 178,155 15 12,225 49, 245 35, 746 6,392 181,684 15 13,171 185, 397 15 20, 362 48,311 52, 776 5,405 888,914 692,083 196.831 326,436 316,174 LIABILITIES D e m a n d deposits of individuals, partnerships, a n d corporations T i m e deposits of individuals, partnerships, a n d corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U . S. Government Deposits of States a n d political subdivisions Deposits of b a n k s Other deposits (certified a n d cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for boiTOwed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities. 191, 704 184,985 15 19,871 47, 446 32,246 6,555 810,259 615,355 194,904 6,700 6,495 1,410 46 7,226 56 6,829 41 7,016 832,823 828,183 818,726 896,035 23,375 37,331 17,047 2,360 23,500 37, 631 18, 667 1,796 23,500 37,993 19,523 2,052 23,500 40,229 16,500 2,083 818,851 629,989 188,862 33, 658 7,501 8U, 803 52 7,C CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus. __ _ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 80,113 81, 594 83,068 82, 312 912,936 19, 777 901,794 978,347 102,018 101,308 96,644 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 87 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1959—Continued LOUISIANA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 42 banks 42 banks 42 banks 42 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts)... U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Eeserve 738,062 587,719 bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets. 125, 545 15,930 740,034 610,729 190 126,453 12,282 774,014 576,250 190 128,060 15, 639 818, 511 543,465 190 127,195 15,807 3,683 190,400 26, 553 3,694 184,131 28,233 3,771 181,156 23,806 3,792 168,475 24,942 242,146 20,305 379 219, 522 21,259 276 229, 538 22,137 240 306,992 22,468 151 1,920 2,350 8,193 1,920 1,627 8,614 1,920 1,991 8,352 1,920 2,002 8, 954 1,963,185 1,958,964 1,967,064 2,044,864 970,417 951, 587 938,039 984,837 354, 746 51 18,963 215,230 199,401 34,478 1,793, 286 1,427,M 365,792 362,867 51 22, 061 231,633 190,179 16, 745 1,775,123 1,399,795 375,328 369, 704 51 33,665 200,241 188, 523 24,385 1,754,608 1,374,015 S80,593 372,709 51 33,828 221,335 233,683 12,933 1,859,376 1,480,375 379,001 6,800 17,000 42, 650 6,050 2,595 14, 510 1,758 15, 784 2,686 13,396 2,224 24, 654 1,817,191 1,809,665 1,813,340 1, 892,316 38,858 82,028 24,687 421 39,158 82, 033 27,649 459 40, 358 83, 591 29,284 491 40,358 84,634 26, 754 802 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 12 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 145,994 149,299 153, 724 152,548 1,963,185 1, 958,964 1,967,064 2,044,864 358,896 396,284 436,440 368,245 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 88 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued MAINE [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 29 banks 29 banks 29 banks 28 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations _. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank ___ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. Other assets _ _ Total assets . 155,759 90,153 14 14,882 166,041 85,573 9 18,340 8,184 171,672 92,804 9 17,127 8,237 170,985 88,329 9 14,968 7,455 734 25,238 7,150 736 25,143 7,905 742 24,992 6,891 743 23,466 6,727 22,900 23,118 5,539 145 5,961 128 29,503 6,165 143 5,566 247 250 234 261 148 1,227 1,581 1,441 1,179 332,509 342,548 363,951 349,820 145,518 154,925 158,808 157,537 119,695 7 4,857 11,215 8,726 4,098 294, 116 172,969 121,147 121,420 7 4,980 10,323 7,685 4,620 124,148 7 7,353 20,802 8,796 5,490 S25,404 199,882 125,522 122, 700 7 7,195 13,940 6,777 4,046 SI 2,202 188,097 124,105 1,600 100 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.-_ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations __„. Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of U.S. Government- __ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ _. Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money _ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate ___ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities I Total liabilities. __ 2,800 SOS, 96G 181,114 2,475 4,108 4,283 4,455 5,339 301,024 310,718 331,459 317,641 11,650 12,826 6,024 11,650 12,878 6,457 845 11,675 13,065 6,815 12,025 12,778 6,523 853 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock... Surplus Undivided profits _ Reserves Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 937 31,485 31,830 32,492 32,179 332, 509 342,548 363,951 349,820 24,638 24, 779 25,245 23,950 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes __ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 89 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued MARYLAND [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations.. Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government. _ Obligations of States and political subdivisions.. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Keserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank.. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, Dec. 31, 1959 52 banks 53 banks 53 banks 52 banks 344,315 329, Oil 387,367 390, 780 322,276 393,453 321,918 75,984 21,242 79, 372 22,085 77,002 18, 663 75, 710 17,848 1,875 103, 075 17,893 1,917 100,185 20,189 1,982 100, 772 18,125 1,989 100,033 18,030 105,440 11,617 374 109,153 12,056 113,042 12, 488 373 122,041 12, 523 412 353 201 3,543 353 289 4,920 353 162 3,759 356 127 3,882 1,014,923 1,067,186 1,059,777 1,068,278 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 512,847 529,525 517,034 553,934 235,201 243,049 247,808 248,179 21,368 84,232 59,466 3,723 916,837 674,579 242, 258 24,827 92,031 63, 778 5,096 958,306 706,122 252,184 84,919 73,421 4,881 966,361 710 048 256, SIS 8,620 17,050 400 300 201 7,6 289 7,332 162 7,279 9,393 933,327 982,977 974,202 983,513 18,138 44,363 13,448 5,647 18, 708 45,243 14, 656 5,602 19,346 46,891 14,810 4,528 19,296 47,286 13,695 4,488 85,575 84,765 1,014,923 1,067,186 1,059, 777 1,068,278 •9,471 188,653 171,207 154,075 31,102 71,662 61,823 6,993 973, 693 717,007 127 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 81, 596 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 90 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1959—Continued MASSACHUSETTS [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ Currency and coin_._ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ Total assets . Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 108 banks 105 banks 104 banks 103 banks 1,870,006 853,412 1,170 214,747 32,115 1,956,195 806,228 1,170 233, 708 26,245 1,959,274 831,099 718 232, 774 23,192 1,981,459 908,083 728 184,232 24,261 10,165 413,188 48,898 10, 538 344,995 56, 536 10,936 440,462 56, 792 11,433 434,185 46,255 297,962 38, 787 326 335,342 39, 302 375 352,096 39,423 301 425,873 691 29, 315 17, 515 837 35, 543 19,495 28,911 16, 301 1,242 22, 728 15,152 3,828,297 3,866,509 3,993,172 4,095,374 2,204,985 2,231,161 2,246,234 2,311,858 479,918 465,089 39,438 305 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. _ _ _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.. Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks.. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ Demand deposits.. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 948 59,079 170,016 365,830 62,059 3,342,835 2,816,657 526,178 467,248 949 861 61,128 118, 583 171,142 169, 710 378,813 431,865 61,496 68,150 3,369,778 3,502,651 2,859,886 2,990,877 511, 774 509,892 449,045 861 123,008 262, 589 396,850 50,151 3,594,362 3,109,081 485,281 23, 550 16,500 26,275 470 30, 797 62,300 36, 203 68, 355 29, 798 50,991 3,459,482 3,490,836 3,609,715 23,436 89, 788 3,708,056 87,488 203,644 61,504 16,179 87,795 204,640 65,472 17,766 88,724 217,101 60,348 17,284 88,850 223,928 57,394 17,146 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus. _ Undivided profits. Reserves _ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 368,815 3,828,297 . . , = 278,463 375,673 3,866,509 287,703 383,457 o QQO -179 291,318 387,318 4,095,374 289,757 EEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY 91 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued MICHIGAN [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations __. Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions __. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures-— Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate __. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets.. Total assets . Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 75 banks 75 banks 75 banks 74 banks 1,705,475 1,355,811 15 384,866 12,840 1, 778,147 1,293,128 15 412,355 12, 549 1,862,665 1,235,368 8 427,461 14,140 1,904,663 1,251,918 8 433,589 12,832 7,789 344,346 62,416 7,806 405,166 69,130 7,832 392,413 61,667 7,871 334, 702 340,211 38,035 1,057 318,401 39,438 1,025 310,506 40,826 1,175 396,360 42,147 924 6,472 242 18, 733 6,588 89 19,807 6,791 452 8,176 778 20,488 4,278,308 4,363,644 4,380,003 4,474, 512 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. _ ___ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ___ Postal savings deposits , Deposits of U.S. Government __. Deposits of States and political subdivisions._. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits _ _. Time deposits __. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate ___ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 1,891,927 1,911,201 1,854, 778 2,053,677 1,374,846 29 63,957 307,035 166,433 29,241 8,833,468 2,350,791 1,482,677 1,397,322 30 72,495 267,762 178,676 32,100 8,859,586 2,358,999 1,505,587 1,419,885 30 151,981 250, 594 188,957 34,449 3,900,674 2,401,001 1,499,673 1,424,174 30 132,268 252,031 181, 709 34,979 4,078,868 2,589,352 1,489,516 62,100 117,600 80, 750 1,700 27 26 242 74,606 74,986 452 77,887 778 72, 738 3,970,443 4,052,287 4,059,763 4,154,084 89,546 160, 735 52,295 5,289 89,571 160,861 56,237 4,688 89,981 161,267 63,845 5,147 90,151 163,225 61,147 5,905 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus _ _. Undivided profits Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. 307,865 311,357 320,240 320,428 4,278,308 4,363,644 4,380,003 4,474,512 406,277 494,740 494,722 371,258 MEMOKANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes. _ 92 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued MINNESOTA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 179 banks 179 banks 179 banks 179 banks 1,225,931 730,637 1 187,503 60,400 1,313,110 693,731 8 192,060 47,989 1,398,221 672,950 113 189,089 53,790 1,391,386 650,608 121 189,550 48,021 5,210 271,989 26,057 5,250 244,326 26,908 5,285 254,334 25,163 5,308 235,213 23,466 327,294 25,609 1,357 344,674 26,284 1,460 343,135 27,214 2,011 399,202 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) _ U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank.. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B ank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate — Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ _ Total assets _ 27,811 1,159 6,494 13,204 741 14,295 6,638 877 14, 639 7,269 1,089 15,217 2, 882,611 2,917,330 2,993,459 2,995,420 1,259,931 1,241,606 1,255,654 1,286,219 757,917 68 31,487 152,514 337,575 22,271 2,561,768 1,790,262 771,501 760,195 68 39, 726 338,179 24,324 2,591,091 1,816,535 774,556 771,618 68 71,389 132,434 367,822 26,487 2,625,472 1,889,994 785,478 769,498 68 83,897 158,080 361,502 31, 312 2,690,576 1,907, 765 782, 811 45,200 46,275 80,950 18,325 95 95 67 67 922 42,743 741 44,456 877 45,451 1,089 46,038 2,650,723 2, 682,658 2,752, 817 2,756,095 72,621 101,020 9,358 73,106 101,338 51,123 9,105 73,731 101,915 56,209 8,787 74,286 102,402 53,924 8,713 231,888 234,672 240,642 239, 325 2,882,611 2,917,330 2,993,459 2,995,420 466,466 464,773 478,725 470,455 6,497 922 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks _ _. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. Demand deposits Time deposits ___ _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate.__ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Other liabilities Total liabilities _ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus.. Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 93 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued MISSISSIPPI [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 27 banks 27 banks 27 banks 27 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _ __ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets 134,882 101,852 142,578 99,507 146,895 97,116 149,971 101,701 41,757 3,741 42,364 3,565 44,332 3,694 44,625 3,779 752 31,013 7,689 771 30,446 7,423 47,190 4,777 9 755 23,017 7,847 41, 572 4,845 12 812 33,575 8,472 60,278 4,873 66 500 500 500 989 903 921 500 12 907 375,151 367,465 383,758 409,571 171,664 168,995 175,234 183,877 79,940 82,328 85,342 85,829 6,621 51,931 34,953 974 7,683 45,975 29,086 893 334,960 245,365 89,595 8,035 46,297 30 810 987 346,705 257,904 88,801 8,789 55,462 42,737 1,594 378,288 290,825 87,963 2,000 5,150 2,639 3,256 3,196 14 2,695 348, 722 340,216 355,051 380,997 7,143 17,979 1,033 274 26,429 7,143 18,029 1,888 189 7,293 18,489 2,608 317 7,774 20 296 298 206 27,249 28,707 28,574 375,151 367,465 383.758 409,571 69,066 70,110 77,756 74,239 46,601 4,995 64 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations __ _ Postal savings deposits __ Deposits of U.S. Government. __ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank" premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _ Other liabilities. Total liabilities 846,083 257,196 88,887 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus __ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes.. 551461—60 7 94 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued year MISSOURI [In thousands of dollars] M a r . 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 75 banks 75 banks 75 banks 77 banks 920,316 621,812 13 126,312 18,272 941,93S 574,832 13 136,008 15,991 990,636 521,459 9 134, 501 15,460 1,017,689 592,141 22 135,018 14,831 4,133 222,937 18,934 4,135 222,054 20,482 4,148 229,283 20,035 4,213 227,470 20,085 293,924 13,462 1,120 279,044 13,651 1,377 321,287 13,848 1,239 389,330 15,117 1,150 1,125 1,900 7,777 1,171 962 8,182 1,378 1,805 7,607 1,055 409 8,277 2,252,037 2,219,840 2,262,695 2,426,807 1,193,088 1,164,122 1,158,025 1,226,037 338,509 28 24,048 87,429 388,243 12,906 2,044, 251 1,678,108 366, US 350,310 28 27,828 72,647 375,284 13,613 2,003,852 1,624,469 356,999 28 54,847 56,981 401,450 13, 282 2,041,612 1,667,104 374,508 354,442 28 56,301 115, 616 458,352 15,386 2,226,162 1,854,909 371,253 11,700 21,545 20,250 1,917 18,940 979 16,686 1,810 17,499 409 17,743 2,076,808 2,043,042 2,081,171 2,244,327 58,153 76,709 36,242 4,125 58,153 76,459 38,054 4,132 59,003 76,723 41,857 3,941 59,503 78,358 40,406 4,213 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations. Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government._____ Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding.__ Other assets Total assets . LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits __. Deposits of U.S. Government. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities I ___ _.___ Total liabilities. 379, S6S 13 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus _. Undivided profits _ Reserves _ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts _ 175,229 176,798 181,524 182,480 2,252,037 2,219,840 2,262,695 2,426,807 262,870 264,195 269,934 276,373 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 95 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued MONTANA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations. Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Keserve bank Eeserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets.. Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, Dec. 31, 1959 41 banks 41 banks 41 banks 41 banks 159,332 138,655 175,352 124,197 182,556 126,724 178,461 134,960 23,166 11,917 24,779 10,129 25,283 10,297 26,637 10,509 584 35,048 5,000 587 33,558 4,973 32,649 4,484 598 28,799 4,750 36,436 5,621 219 34,300 5,897 110 40,641 6,272 221 45,312 6,301 49 16 11 1,679 15 1,143 297 16 2,0 "l~923 417,185 415,588 431,787 216,088 208,906 222,967 217,269 112,136 113,762 116,290 119,114 5,944 6,130 37,697 12,990 3,233 S82,718 263, S29 119,389 8,263 30,922 14,097 3,231 395,770 274,958 120,812 8,524 38,034 15,047 3,962 100 400 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding __ _ __ Other liabilities _. Total liabilities 12,216 2,915 387,847 269,865 117,982 70 401,950 277,007 124,943 1,410 25 15 5,490 11 7,147 5 8,501 7,964 393,352 389,976 404,746 411,349 9,558 9,906 4,181 188 10,031 5,784 9,708 10,156 9,858 10,297 6,762 188 297 23,833 25,612 27,041 27,214 417,185 415,588 431,787 438,563 67,501 67,660 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus. __ _ Undivided profits Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. _ MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes.. _ 78,643 96 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued NEBRASKA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank. _ Currency and coin _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. _ _ __ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures.. Real estate owned other than bank premises. _ Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets— Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 123 banks 123 banks 123 banks 123 banks 483,262 338,676 492,689 319,365 529,107 301,882 516,172 303,177 88,723 13,496 87,229 11,779 86,872 10,897 86,315 2,001 122,099 11,678 2,049 113,865 12,513 2,058 114,239 10,871 2,124 117,390 10,135 144,078 8,628 72 144,625 8,600 157,087 8,621 110 171,589 8,564 110 1,000 47 3,527 1,009 9 4,087 1,000 16 4,289 1,185 4,213 1,217,287 1,197,893 1,227,049 1,230,143 126,062 133,912 29 29 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Postal savings deposits __ Deposits of U. S. Government _ Deposits of States and political subdivisions _ Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ Demand deposits _ Time deposits. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money — _ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate~_ — Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities _ Total liabilities.. 705,079 120,706 29 24,149 91,086 145,199 8,675 1,094,928 972,650 122,278 690,062 30,161 18,620 83,762 76,340 139,913 152,113 8,109 7,480 1,062,784 1,098,828 985,511 968,851 127,228 184,972 134,449 29 33,197 79,471 153,834 10,423 1,101,465 965,809 185,656 17,350 27,445 19,200 47 8,083 8,906 16 8,359 8,052 1,120,403 1,099,094 1,125,898 1,129,536 26,900 38,749 25,966 5,269 27,263 39,951 26,882 4,703 27,278 40,312 28,478 41,953 26,678 96,884 98,799 101,151 100,607 1,217,287 1,197,893 1,227,049 1,230,143 192,402 200,171 197,264 192,484 20,019 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits _ Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 4,681 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 97 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by Statesf at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued NEVADA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) __ U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Eeserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. __. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 3 banks 3 banks 3 banks 3 banks 113,646 90,255 37,895 9,219 123, 505 87, 769 33, 776 8,050 331 20, 742 3,583 332 22, 773 4,284 22,420 4,084 10,430 4,476 10 11, 290 4,506 13,471 4,760 217 209 1,297 133,843 96,567 139,900 82,779 32, 972 8,404 33,211 8,259 332 26,466 4,465 8,911 4,985 155 195 187 1,416 1,546 318,473 311,196 292,101 298,129 117,827 125,344 135,150 133,042 99,204 102, 845 105,675 5,683 42, 762 1,371 2,723 277,087 168,422 108,665 7,682 45, 298 1,875 3,772 296,622 181,008 115,614 7,093 39,155 894 5,073 290,982 178,710 117,222 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations..Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits __ Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL 5,059 48,057 1,465 3,208 272,482 164,661 107,821 3,460 4,516 4,666 3,632 275,942 281,603 301,288 294, 564 5,475 5,575 5,058 51 5,475 5,575 5,425 51 5,475 5,575 6,084 51 6,475 5,575 5,524 58 ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus _. Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts. _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 16,159 16,526 17,185 16,632 292,101 298,129 318,473 311,196 57,683 60,998 61,923 58,442 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes. _ 98 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued NEW HAMPSHIRE [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin. Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets __ Total assets . Mar. 12, June 10, Oct. 6, Dec. 31, 1959 1959 1959 1959 51 banks 51 banks 51 banks 51 banks 130,916 72,954 18 16,330 3,467 139,992 69,894 18 17,493 3,352 141,786 80,604 10 20,429 3,109 144,634 78,084 10 16,334 2,721 651 21,828 6,702 653 23,399 7,705 656 24, 508 7,591 25,467 6,567 26,005 3,919 321 28,494 4,339 210 33, 229 4,441 293 36,056 4,502 195 56 55 48 52 540 265 221 446 283,707 295,869 316,925 315,736 151,487 161,477 175,048 169,185 53,400 10 6,370 17,262 10, 519 247,674 198,271 54,408 55,560 10 7,581 15,491 11,328 8,610 260,057 208,150 56,907 58, 607 10 10,004 16, 910 12,006 9,312 281,897 222,229 57,816 10 10,645 23, 714 10,213 3,633 275,216 216,595 58,621 3,400 2,750 975 350 2,575 2,869 9,408 253,059 265,382 285,741 284,974 6,469 15,330 7,089 1,760 6,469 15,380 7,577 1,061 6,469 15,390 7,948 1,377 6,469 16,059 6,942 1,292 LIABILITIES D e m a n d deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations : T i m e deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus _ _. Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts __. 30,648 30,487 31,184 30,762 283,707 295,869 316,925 315, 736 24,277 25,472 26,933 26,371 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes __. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 99 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued NEW JERSEY [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 166 banks 165 banks 164 banks 164 banks 1,628,857 1,161,959 449 506,920 85,482 1,698,470 1,149,261 424 514,390 81,973 1,784,848 1,162,582 293 521,858 94,030 1,821,600 1,170,647 305 536,072 92,293 7,715 280,317 76,431 7,795 297,416 81,144 7,678 308,492 77,310 294,700 74,376 213,903 52,077 237,167 53,084 875 265,789 53,647 1,118 304,126 53,719 1,126 79 13,929 599 56 14,892 596 78 15,762 801 96 15,997 4,029,622 4,137,546 4,294,081 4,373,311 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets 7,453 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities.. Total liabilities. 1,634,635 1,686,101 1,747, 538 1,861, 565 1,616,810 1,652,123 1,689,201 1,678,744 50, 588 275,165 37, 785 62,634 3,677,617 2,026,910 1,650,707 54,856 251,828 39,813 60,899 3,745,620 2,060,685 1,684,935 85,203 281,994 38,215 77,143 3,919,294 2,200,052 1,719,242 89,375 269,013 40,574 50,545 3,989,816 2,282,168 1,707,648 27,119 57, 864 30,444 1,625 79 39,836 56 42,646 78 45,362 83,880 3,744,651 3,846,186 3,995,178 4,075,417 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stockTotal capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts 588 89,044 89,632 139, 572 47, 963 7,804 237 90,635 141,068 52,236 7,421 237 91,462 91,699 144,805 54, 518 7,881 237 93,157 93,394 147,499 48,182 8,819 284,971 291,360 298,903 297,894 4,029, 622 4,137, 546 4,294,081 4,373,311 274,869 315,174 311,380 281,608 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ 100 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued NEW MEXICO [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) __. U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures _ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank ___ _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection __. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 27 banks 27 banks 27 banks 27 banks 184,944 173,765 193,206 167,545 19,915 2,720 19,611 2,569 197,993 158,728 20,924 2,797 623 39,651 8,023 623 42,275 7,456 39,434 8,249 635 46,734 7,998 58,902 6,391 48 48,007 6,461 224 55,802 6,356 75,521 6,059 100 100 100 100 795 853 "940 495,845 488,872 492,199 520,743 253,966 196,437 162,091 20,817 2,922 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations-Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.. __. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits __ Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities.-_ 252,802 253,797 265,542 91,895 11 14,582 81,314 14,944 5,040 461,752 854,280 107,522 11 12,933 77,384 14,859 3,985 454,818 345,221 109,092 97,310 11 19,982 76,107 17,373 6,064 482,889 869,125 118,264 1,100 800 95,763 11 16,228 68,164 13,932 4,537 452,482 840,744 111,688 4,500 1,385 4,714 4,656 5,278 7,687 467,566 459,769 462,210 491,461 9,925 10,830 4,558 2,966 10,075 10,980 5,170 2,878 10,100 11,050 5,664 3,175 10,100 11,050 4,353 3,779 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus. __ _ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 28,279 29,103 29,989 29,282 495,845 488,872 492,199 520,743 113,420 115,279 117,330 114,768 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 101 and liabilities of national banks, by Statesy at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued NEW YORK [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations... Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 256 banks 255 banks 252 banks 249 banks 5, 692,367 2,725,715 152 1,038,177 133,437 5,907,231 2,569,559 1,094 979,587 135, 254 6,149, 574 2,337,058 1,087 1,004,328 131,251 6,418,536 2, 281,414 1,060 918,948 125,501 36,136 ], 164,695 98,376 36, 217 1,106,093 103, 552 36,654 1, 203,832 98,811 36,743 1,203,333 94,767 849,871 110,535 1,863 865, 569 107,839 2,215 875,364 118,815 2,414 1,229,422 128, 783 2,533 3,775 79,878 98,667 3,824 77,064 121,651 4,158 96,604 132,253 4,650 70,344 125,634 12,033,644 12,016,749 12,192,203 12,641,668 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 5, 513,241 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,824,185 Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government 160,868 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 547,015 Deposits of banks 1,089,008 Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) 274,320 10,408,637 Total deposits 7,121,877 Demcmd deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for 8,287,260 borrowed money. __ 143,908 Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate 97 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting 82,606 banks and outstanding __. 289,839 Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL 10,925,087 5,407,132 5,349,359 5,855,233 2,882,009 2,879,037 2,875,428 151,497 539, 674 1,089, 535 325,617 ""261,604 273,941 450, 545 1,088, 598 377,721 10,921,466 7,768,770 10,895,464 7,074,198 8,321,271 111,914 10,411,217 7,187,529 8,228,688 247,899 120 3,152,696 103,679 97 80,456 304,108 102,161 297,381 108 80,020 399,770 10,892,039 11,058,778 11,505,043 229 366,169 866,898 570,060 183,497 13,470 368,630 868,859 571,373 186,185 10,208 ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock _ _ Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock.. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital arcounts. 229 365,461 365,690 568,797 159,893 14,177 229 366,102 866,831 570,781 173, 575 14,023 229 1,108,557 1,124,710 1,133,425 1,136,625 12,033,644 12,016,749 12,192,203 12, 641,668 1,332,397 1,260,192 1,267,773 1, 204,285 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ 102 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued NORTH CAROLINA [In thousands of dollars] M a r . 12, 1959 J u n e 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 43 b a n k s 43 banks 42 b a n k s 39 b a n k s ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets. 181,846 324,571 159,418 336,788 169,456 341,995 169,867 50,226 14,899 48,119 12,477 48,338 14,371 51,629 13,567 1,533 56,984 18,057 1,564 55,023 17,145 1,584 54,400 19,541 1,572 60,345 18,704 82,355 9,767 61 79,731 10,126 58 90,938 10,431 104,449 10,249 36 430 479 2,257 2,109 26 2,401 419 1 2,376 718,238 710,820 748,792 775,209 395,459 391,923 419,860 439,001 138,836 140,748 141,087 135,587 12,572 58,357 17,459 16,076 638, 759 474,378 164,381 16,624 51,457 17,079 14,293 632,124 467,837 164,287 26, 546 54,861 20,307 8,751 671,412 510,940 160,472 33,161 48,447 24,163 13,968 694, S27 545,397 148,930 5,550 3,215 10,775 10,358 10,727 1 15,923 655,084 645,697 682,165 710,801 15,895 35,290 10,410 1,559 16,508 35,544 11,563 1,508 16,583 36,069 12,453 1,522 16,243 36,448 10,285 1,432 LIABILITIES D e m a n d deposits of individuals, partnerships, a n d corporations T i m e deposits of individuals, partnerships, a n d corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U . S . Government Deposits of States a n d political subdivisions Deposits of b a n k s Other deposits (certified a n d cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, a n d other liabilities for borrowed m o n e y Mortgages or other liens on b a n k premises a n d other real estate Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting b a n k s a n d outstanding.__ __ Other liabilities. _ Total liabilities . 550 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock,. Surplus _ Undivided profits Reserves _ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts i3,154 65,123 66,627 64,408 718,238 710,820 748,792 775,209 120,476 117,935 122,239 111,663 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ EEPOBT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 103 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued NORTH DAKOTA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, Dec. 31, 1959 38 banks 38 banks 38 banks 38 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection B ank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets. Total assets. 134,065 138,433 5 23,029 16, 776 147,223 125,411 23,726 14,580 152,246 128, 576 5 25,599 13,688 149,189 124,555 5 26,834 13,416 539 30, 727 3,839 541 29,142 3,638 552 30,966 3,729 565 30,175 3,609 28,424 4,185 305 20,273 4,244 304 30,302 5,093 375 28,598 5,155 250 251 250 284 250 1,885 2,386 1,783 382,462 371,724 393,164 ~"l,~795 384,430 186,975 180,676 199,875 193,118 117,959 6 5,474 29,184 10,262 3,194 853,05A 231,101 121,953 120,679 6 5,425 22,005 9,831 2,302 SJfi, 92A 215,502 125,422 122,620 122,920 6,436 17,067 12,848 2,777 361,629 285,612 126,017 8,167 15,314 10,902 2,810 853,287 227,589 125,698 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States epo t and political subdivisions D i t off banks b k Deposits Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities. 500 1,200 250 539 5,023 5,090 5,464 5,488 358, 577 347,214 367,343 359,264 7,210 10, 765 5,231 7,240 10,805 5,811 654 7,890 10,515 6,847 569 10,926 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus.._ __ Undivided profits Reserves.. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 679 8,015 5,651 574 23,885 24,510 25,821 25,166 382,462 371, 724 393,164 384,430 55,885 56,189 55,321 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 00, O 104 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued OHIO [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions.__ Other bonds, notes, and debentures... _ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank , _ _._ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _.. Currency and coin ___ _ _„_. Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding _.. Other assets =.._ __ _ _ Total assets. Mar. 12, June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, Dec. 31, 1959 227 banks 225 banks 223 banks 222 banks 2,439,507 1,851,760 308 368,777 2,540,782 1,780,822 420 385,014 100,675 2,656,702 1,708,729 262 400,827 87,275 2,719,426 1,767,963 260 407,056 71,254 11,946 535,101 , 91,038 12,064 503,705 94,169 12,116 543,322 85,745 12,232 548,189 88,562 468,522 69,897 618 468,398 70,838 697 483,130 71,037 727 596,391 71,886 607 3,328 276 19,486 3,361 118 19,775 3,645 167 20,971 3,605 188 20,235 5,953,192 5,980,838 6,074,655 6,307,854 2,715,192 2,687,456 2,642,065 2,885,097 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _._ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, .and corporations _ _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits....^ Demand deposits Time deposits ._ . Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate _ _ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding __. Other liabilities Total liabilities.-_ . 1,831,610 1,878,877 165 160 148,335 91,834 487,347 455,241 254,558 243,506 72,088 71, 573 5,876,071 5,381,385 5,483,430 3,458,101 3,451885 8,522,969 1,917,970 1,926,500 1,960,461 1,826,863 190 77,639 445,165 240,583 70,439 1,903,217 160 164,364 436,472 259,707 61,016 5,710,088 8,738,416 1,976,617 607 21,435 32,764 16,313 27 25 23 276 73,955 118 78, 074 5,471,764 5,492,366 167 78,675 5,578,608 5,809,735 157,679 241,206 158,036 242,662 84,349 3,425 159,192 244,605 88,618 3,632 160,080 249,656 84,843 3,540 188 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus. __ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts _ _a _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 3,557 481,428 488,472 496,047 498,119 5,953,192 5,980,838 6,074,655 6,307,854 934,193 1,000,930 970,766 949,312 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 105 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued OKLAHOMA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 197 banks 197 banks 197 banks 197 banks 786,040 599,177 23 162,118 30,714 814,960 578, 527 23 162,414 29,289 822,891 541,431 23 166,102 23,221 878,722 577,519 17 170,242 23,559 3,997 191,450 25,032 4,016 160,958 24,778 4,045 192, 662 23,490 4,211 168,549 25,432 302,898 27, 545 374 285,252 27, 523 284, 660 28,736 559 399,240 28,498 6,985 520 5,320 6,956 897 6,053 6,733 1,206 4,469 1,661 4,097 2,142,193 2,102,054 2,100,228 2,289,029 1,186,114 1,121,501 1,111,144 1,260,636 309. 564 97 34,497 174,964 192, 748 15,624 1,918,608 1,596,919 316,689 321,065 97 33,343 164, 561 195,630 13,749 1,849,94.6 1,521,614 828,882 328,431 91 51,619 157,296 199,241 16, 111 1,868,983 1,527,995 885,938 330,587 91 54,935 182,032 209,099 20,926 2,058,806 1,721,928 836,378 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) -.. U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government-__ Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank ___ Eeserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection __. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets __ Total assets LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations-: Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ ___ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. GovernmentDeposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money _. Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by <or for account of reporting banks and outstanding ___ Other liabilities _ Total liabilities _ _.. 25,800 44,614 26,240 22,135 1,206 11,149 1,661 11,389 50 5 520 12,064 897 12,486 1,952,080 1,907,993 1,902, 533 2,093,496 53,457 78,326 52,705 5,625 53,858 78,851 56,025 5,327 54,433 79,175 58,840 5,247 55,308 80,122 55,638 4,465 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capita] stock: Common stock _ _._ Surplus ___ _. Undivided profits. _____ Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. ___ 190,113 194,061 197,695 195,533 2,142,193 2,102,054 2,100,228 2,289,029 MEMOKANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 390,605 384,437 106 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued OREGON [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) _ U.S. Government securities, direct obligations.. Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government._. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank. ___ _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ Total assets . Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 11 banks 11 banks 11 banks 11 banks 778,615 539,729 838,917 480,946 174,171 15,193 885,589 472,654 173,458 14,461 886,271 463,173 10 172,198 10,861 2,919 182,442 13,486 2,972 171,028 13,463 2,974 180, 709 13,045 2,974 170, 654 13,454 124,716 26, 753 125,016 27, 594 653 119,916 28,666 155,259 29,090 745 58 52 8,402 58 155 9,503 8,033 305 9,196 1,866,845 1,858,224 1,886,544 1,921,192 798,795 820,585 855,468 818,770 169,478 11,786 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government-. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits... Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities . 644, 728 638,471 668,130 14 14 14 13,384 11,690 26,969 156,265 125,161 93,104 29,444 27,481 26,723 34,428 33, 693 28,452 1,670,801 1,668,352 1,698,860 984,989 1,002,181 990,007 678,413 680,794 677,223 14 21,477 157,409 26, 746 37,141 1,788,780 1,081,138 707,647 20,000 8,200 161 248 284 230 52 35,557 155 40,691 98 41, 529 305 34,929 1,726,571 1,712,646 1,740,771 1,774,294 42,940 54,360 42,957 17 44,090 54,960 46,528 44,090 55,025 46,657 1 44,090 55,075 47,733 50 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus _. Undivided profits Reserves. Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 140,274 145,578 145,773 146,898 1,866,845 1,858,224 1,886,544 1,921,192 479, 586 451,591 427,023 429,456 MEMOBANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 107 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec, 31, 1959—Continued PENNSYLVANIA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 480 banks 478 banks 474 banks 473 banks 3,773,029 2,305,471 37 736,330 144,746 3,902,895 2, 289,150 45 755,004 142,718 4, 221,877 2,214,967 308 803,164 149, 698 4,302, 584 2,173,316 314 789,449 140,213 22,367 784, 224 134,472 22,436 762, 993 152,121 23,771 784,227 136,741 23,860 821,193 136,135 590,683 106, 552 2,427 584,066 108, 589 2,610 610, 220 112, 742 2,284 733,891 113,205 2,512 3,242 7,981 28,087 3,712 10,980 31,668 3,568 3,661 5,433 29,609 8,639, 648 8, 768, 987 9,101,320 9,275,375 3,958,394 3,954, 925 3,937,670 4,201,006 2,777,251 2,838,199 682 682 102, 655 120, 070 335,330 302, 254 382, 713 406,437 79,409 78,462 7,636,434 7, 701,029 4, 782,183 4, 789,489 2,854, %51 2,911,540 2,963,205 660 203,458 373,139 2,963,617 664 209,198 304,332 426,894 89,375 8,195,086 5,168,461 3,026,625 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations... Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government_._ Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets „ LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 443,489 81,819 8,003,440 4,964,136 3,039,304 14, 875 68, 945 36,100 140 133 150 148 8,401 93,680 11, 799 9,505 95,169 5,761 116,629 7, 753, 530 7,870, 766 8,144,364 8,323,474 5,850 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock... Total capital accounts 50 229,433 229, 483 511,346 132, 738 12, 551 886,118 Total liabilities and capital accounts 50 231,428 231,478 513,343 142, 437 10,963 50 246,164 246,214 543, 235 155, 994 11, 513 50 247,230 247,280 547,158 146,395 11,068 951,901 898, 221 956,956 8, 768, 987 9,101, 320 I, 275,375 974,934 1,104,794 1,044,717 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ __. 939, 012 108 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued RHODE ISLAND [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate ... Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding _. Other assets Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 4 banks 4 banks 4 banks 4 banks 272,992 147,563 12 46,200 3,163 275,983 136,952 12 49,925 3,507 289,099 129,639 12 50,076 2,147 291,657 127,766 37 46,671 1,857 1,289 31,444 9,559 1,289 34,405 9,753 1,303 38,372 8,488 1,298 39,139 8,540 18,721 7,860 13G 17,189 7,858 109 19,369 7,796 126 24,921 7,823 79 4,689 2,016 3,300 2,585 1,822 1,971 2,330 2,392 545,644 542,867 550,220 554,510 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. __ _ Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States p t t e and political subdivisions D i t off banks Deposits b k _ _ _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money.__ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate _ _ ___ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities __ Total liabilities... 198,163 201,342 196,276 210,561 236,506 24 5,379 21, 531 3,760 8,777 474,U0 836,647 237,498 241,006 24 5,896 19,480 3,875 7,955 479,578 287,646 241,982 244,492 24 242,552 24 10,235 20,938 4,756 2,849 491,915 248,694 243,221 15,000 10,500 10,550 4,689 8,663 3,300 5,885 1,822 7,208 2,331 15,398 502,492 499,263 505,495 509,644 13,180 25,292 4,632 48 13,180 25,293 5,089 42 13,490 25,436 5,747 52 13,490 25,456 5,910 10 9,302 23,473 4,133 8,215 485,915 240,688 245,232 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 43,152 44,866 545,644 554,510 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ 40,675 36,209 28,519 30,189 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 109 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued SOUTH CAROLINA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 25 banks 25 banks 25 banks 25 banks 266,610 182,465 280,067 173,520 281, 329 180,272 284,081 186,276 36,085 10, 780 41, 524 9,108 41, 572 9,050 1,187 52,200 16, 014 37,495 8,262 1,202 53,445 16, 580 1,223 50, 756 15,375 1,234 52,252 14,890 8,526 182 70,308 8.953 209 72,367 9,144 270 89,206 10,179 2,840 2,972 7 1 3,647 2,512 643,287 653,021 665,023 691, 650 378,238 380,488 399, 419 404, 909 92,092 2 15,187 61,055 16,141 13, 506 576,221 470, 711 105,610 93,115 2 15, 550 63, 529 15,859 12, 558 581,101 474,469 106,682 96, 716 90,962 21,401 62,143 15,355 494,350 110,853 20, 596 80,675 16, 464 17,265 630,871 525,387 105,484 10,200 13, 750 8,930 9,407 595,351, 604,258 1 10,152 615,356 641, 574 12,810 26, 740 7,223 1,163 13,025 27,030 7,590 1,118 13,250 27, 510 7,993 914 13,375 27,800 7,927 974 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits— Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _. Other liabilities __ ___ Total liabilities 10, 703 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus _ __ Undivided profits __. Reserves ___ Total capital accounts.. Total liabilities and capital accounts 47,936 48,763 49, 667 50,076 643,287 653,021 665,023 691, 650 119,029 115,004 108,045 130,729 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ 551461—60 8 110 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued SOUTH DAKOTA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank ___ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection ___ __. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets... __ _ Total assets . Mar. 12, June 10, Oct. 6, Dec. 31, 1959 1959 1959 1959 34 banks 34 banks 34 banks 34 banks 160,486 134,543 180,068 120,921 181,404 124,878 180,382 127,737 23,042 10,942 23,317 9,340 23,201 9,163 22,948 8,245 663 29,942 4,015 33,002 4,242 735 32,933 3,972 784 25,214 4,141 27,250 5,849 32,643 5,826 152 28,276 5,975 194 28,182 4,521 348 238 400 400 400 1,987 2,102 2,036 399,340 407,163 417,409 406,332 196,123 189,167 202, 451 198,365 113,428 115,993 118,176 119,180 6,239 6,223 49,881 8,911 3,713 873,888 248,261 125,627 7,732 40,898 10,788 2,625 882,670 254,740 127,980 7,759 35,930 10,222 2,556 874,012 247,097 126,915 2,130 1,875 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits _. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 8,129 4,440 867,045 248, 839 123,706 1,800 4,945 5,124 5,813 5,862 373,790 381,142 390,358 379,874 7,023 11,920 6,044 563 7,223 12,645 5,620 533 7,256 13,122 6,123 550 7,531 13,457 4,928 542 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves __ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 25, 550 26,021 27,051 26,458 399,340 407,163 417, 409 406,332 75,636 73,082 72,514 70,108 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes __ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 111 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued TENNESSEE [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection.-Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets.. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 75 banks 75 banks 75 banks 75 banks 956,385 557,022 82 136, 774 23, 797 980, 792 543,058 82 139,842 22, 632 1,053,913 518, 595 74 144,307 21, 514 1,095,420 544,198 74 142,135 21,807 4,132 197, 569 37,947 4,471 195, 435 37,448 4,478 196, 742 34, 542 4,538 190,380 39,821 276,172 24,293 185 269, 772 24, 540 210 294, 377 24, 662 499 387,379 24,197 547 6,060 5,440 45 5,766 73 5,931 12 117 5,682 2,225,858 2,224,093 !, 299, 707 2,456, 307 951,781 949, 774 967,397 1,026,921 567,087 164 24, 704 156,144 306, 687 16,219 2,022,786 1,4%8,305 594,481 582, 352 164 32,903 168, 526 276, 596 14,933 2,025,248 1,409,957 615,291 586,430 161 44,143 154, 612 333, 525 14, 360 2,100,628 1, 478, 743 621,885 593,359 162 48,172 146, 772 406,490 16,868 2,238, 744 1,617,911 620,833 5,950 2,215 755 16,400 53 48 47 39 6,060 23,167 45 23,956 73 23,418 117 27, 289 2, 058,016 2,051, 512 2,124,921 2,282, 589 49, 755 84,588 29, 617 3,882 52,030 28,494 3,869 52, 330 88, 376 30,195 3,885 52,405 89,450 27, 699 4,164 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 167,842 172,581 174, 786 173, 718 2,225,858 2,224,093 2,299, 707 2,456,307 258,873 274,696 280,421 274,653 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 112 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued TEXAS [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations.. __. Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank __. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate. _ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets __ _ Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 458 banks 461 banks 465 banks 466 banks 3,814,416 2,243,173 523,500 137,195 3,923,739 2,163,959 50 524,711 122,243 4,024,706 2,054,117 17,471 559,450 117,449 4,134,286 2,132,220 32,761 570,868 119,726 18,680 856,965 103,649 18,947 790,810 106 056 19,293 832,553 103,017 19,611 821,540 104,814 1,381,188 164,035 6,918 1,359,148 169,708 7,298 1,392,387 170,317 8,405 1,780,715 171,387 8,608 8,495 26,845 24,344, 8,440 9,761 30,105 8,410 19,467 30,028 8,902 74,638 31,573 9,309,403 9,234,975 9,357,070 10,011,949 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate _ _ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities ___. Total liabilities..- 4,877,423 4,788,989 4,853,378 5,107,517 1,470,545 1,143 101,364 762,610 1,122,456 106,932 8, 442,478 6,671,981 1,508,777 888 112,811 714,434 1,115,048 80,281 8,321,228 6,502,852 1,818,876 1,453,908 1,143 181,755 609,765 1,136,282 87,813 8,824,044 6,601,724 1,469,880 1,143 189,046 748,306 1,376,320 141,283 9,038,495 7,283,425 1,722,820 1,750,070 1,770,492 22,622 60,373 136 161,260 50,088 337 75,963 71,398 157 27,145 59,711 10,060 70,205 144 19,493 64,334 8,552,108 8,462,002 8,569,275 9,231,281 278,626 343,345 110,688 24,636 282,567 347,574 119, 584 23,248 285,190 353,345 126,973 22,287 296,731 351,276 106,607 26,054 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus _ Undivided profits _ Reserves _ _ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 757,295 772,973 787,795 780,668 9,309,403 9,234,975 9,357,070 10,011,949 1,453,757 1,401,552 1,481,866 1,421,529 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 113 and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1959—Continued UTAH [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 7 banks 7 banks 7 banks 7 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions.. _. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank__ _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate .__ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding _. Other assets Total assets . 235,181 112,262 257,063 99,789 242,928 95,871 255,842 88,123 36,646 3,426 3,475 38,276 3,430 38,647 3,292 848 45,359 4,889 36,998 4,337 873 48,227 4,242 882 48,386 4,996 27,066 1,279 27 31,871 1,326 27 29,847 1,334 37, 563 1,376 43 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 1,331 422 ""355" 559 474,314 478,453 471,446 485,709 190,485 191,296 196,204 199,722 168,338 603 5,257 43,802 14,317 3,706 426,508 24O, 715 185, 793 169,144 603 7,528 40,281 14,548 3,370 426,770 2Jfi, I46 186,624 169,596 543 9,390 32,190 17,331 3,879 429,183 243,325 185,808 168,455 543 8,379 49,685 13,280 4,217 444,281 260,140 184, Hi 5,000 10,000 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations--_ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ___ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities. 8,216 6,942 7,328 6,712 439,724 443,712 436,461 450,993 10,075 17,510 5,743 1,262 10,075 17,510 6,534 622 10,075 17,550 6,798 10,075 17,660 6,421 560 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts - Total liabilities and capital accounts 34,590 34,741 34,985 34,716 474,314 478,453 471,446 485, 709 20,191 23,524 27,943 MEMOKANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes. 114 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued VERMONT [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, June 10, Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 32 banks 32 banks 32 banks 32 banks 1959 Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets.. 1959 109,532 57,136 7 12, 269 3,255 116,325 53,737 7 13,664 3,296 117,606 57,532 2 14,712 3,430 118, 548 56,351 2 13,162 3,008 422 15,142 3,470 424 14,737 3,665 427 16,478 3,409 427 14,483 3,509 11, 614 2,455 97 12,925 2,653 90 15,975 2,751 104 13,862 749 773 560 610 573 216, 557 222,731 233,748 2,879 85 227, 522 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.__ ___ _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits_.. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate ___ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabiities. 60,518 65,734 70,849 120,317 3 2,343 5,852 1,224 2,593 192,850 71,646 121,204 121,207 3 2,591 4,507 1,479 3,017 198,588 76,613 121,925 123,085 3 3,355 7,009 1,658 3,701 209,660 86,001 123,659 121,893 3 3,022 8,480 1,573 2,612 203,951 81,087 122,864 1,025 907 1,050 118 2,969 2,853 2,570 3,434 196,844 202,298 213,280 207, 503 800 6,025 6,825 7,237 4,328 1,323 800 6,100 6,900 7,287 4,940 1,306 800 6,100 6,900 7,323 4,854 1,391 800 6,100 6f900 7,730 4,010 1,379 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock _ Total capital stock Surplus. _ Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock... Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts _ 19,713 20,433 20,468 20,019 216, 557 222,731 233,748 227, 522 9,631 9,962 11,459 10,181 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 115 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued VIRGINIA [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets. Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 130 banks 130 banks 130 banks 130 banks 827,356 522,957 23 132,446 36,819 878,190 488,121 23 127,444 30,600 895,029 487,808 30 126,198 32,211 913,541 490,456 110 124,826 35,864 3,702 144,913 36,041 3,731 149, 742 35, 579 3,965 161.486 33,666 4,034 153,068 33,354 172,944 25,132 942 174, 557 25, 558 959 180,910 25, 638 923 237, 619 25,302 995 1,626 235 3,919 1,622 191 4,417 1,622 294 3,646 1,639 167 4,291 1,909,055 1,920, 734 1,953,426 2, 025,266 855, 792 845,193 872, 733 861,727 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 599,194 110 41, 621 112,669 91,404 21,273 1,722,068 1,060,390 661,673 11,136 607,957 624,293 111 107 40,254 57,410 128,395 91,858 94, 571 105,161 23,107 18,862 1,739,588 1,770, m 1,069,150 1,093,758 670,438 676,666 5,725 620, 770 107 56,024 129, 322 141, 605 24, 706 1,834,261 1,159, 351 674,910 1,250 1,950 91 63 235 16,488 1, 749,990 191 13, 773 294 14,830 167 24, 034 1, 759,340 1, 786,861 1,860, 503 44,093 79,660 31,314 3,998 44,368 81,615 31, 733 3,678 44,928 82,998 34, 754 3,885 45,223 85,015 30,915 3,610 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total lia bilities and capital accounts 159,065 161,394 166, 565 164, 763 1,909,055 1,920, 734 1,953,426 2,025,266 312,393 312,078 309,626 309, 738 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ 116 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec, 31, 1959—Continued VIRGIN ISLANDS OF THE UNITED STATES [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government _. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank... Currency and coin ___ _-_ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures.-Real estate owned other than bank premises... Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ _ Total assets . Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 lbank lbank lbank lbank 5,045 6,011 5,202 5,613 5,787 5,900 6,102 6,185 1,029 2 1,031 2 1,025 2 1,519 2 15 1,076 612 15 1,054 543 15 1,058 447 15 1,029 504 1,382 48 41 2,456 46 41 170 136 47 125 15,711 15,325 15,752 18,024 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ___ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits. Deposits of U.S. Government _. _ Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits , Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. _ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities _. Total liabilities. 4,377 4,078 4,015 5,698 5,998 6,265 6,202 121 4,423 44 109 14,772 7,175 7,597 142 3,860 61 219 14, S58 6,444 7,914 152 4,176 74 65 UJ47 6,575 8,174 161 6,809 66 52 16,970 7,888 9,087 171 141 186 295 14,943 14,499 14,933 17,265 250 250 141 127 250 250 198 128 250 250 177 142 250 250 171 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus.. Undivided profits. _ Reserves _. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 768 759 15,711 15,325 5,316 4,516 18,024 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ _ 5,008 7, 111 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 117 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued WASHINGTON [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets _ Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 26 banks 24 banks 25 banks 25 banks 1,106,701 651,551 1, 273,909 581,986 1,263,575 565,884 182, 626 33,977 1,188, 714 614,813 198 184,890 29, 912 180, 713 25,854 177,063 17,728 4,096 234,409 29, 785 4,086 239, 772 29, 679 4,415 240,455 26,175 4,447 274,481 27,055 213, 418 36,440 730 229,145 37, 539 719 235,450 37, 710 1,039 247,055 37,924 1,157 480 407 10, 742 480 1,837 12,129 488 1,172 10, 643 490 732 13,690 2, 505,362 2, 573,913 2,620,009 2, 631,281 1,276, 675 1.279,484 1,299, 512 1,324, 777 727, 433 10 31, 526 143,102 78,917 22,871 2,280,534 1,540,230 734,330 9 33, 513 183, 685 78,020 22, 617 2,331,658 1,584,712 746,946 755,215 9 58, 617 153,108 75, 597 25,583 2,372,641, 1,603,879 768,762 769,677 9 51,899 171, 652 75, 662 17, 772 2,411,448 1,628,607 782,841 5,950 15,000 21, 500 446 36,124 1,837 41,315 1,258 37,215 805 30, 598 2, 323,070 2, 389,818 2,432,622 2,442,859 56,400 80,125 44,264 1,503 56,100 80, 200 46,358 1,437 61,700 85, 575 38, 707 1,405 62, 750 85, 575 38, 738 1,359 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities. Total liabilities 16 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 182,292 184, 095 187, 387 188,422 2, 505, 362 2, 573, 913 2,620, 009 2, 631,281 423,336 443,256 452,941 454,956 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ _ 118 REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued WEST VIRGINIA [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. .31, 1959 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) _ U.S. Government securities, direct obligations. Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ _ _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding.— Other assets _ Total assets. 238,066 270,324 248,177 273,738 258,455 260,498 262,154 264,602 36,933 8,443 37,813 7,304 38,265 8,024 38,903 8,614 1,516 58,660 16, 740 1,520 61, 551 18,204 1,553 56,364 15,815 1,562 58, 579 16,431 60,433 7,587 131 58,714 8,018 64,427 8,826 219 80, 715 8,658 367 2,400 142 367 367 417 1,509 ~1~492 742,370 701,600 "~2," 135" 717,683 714,322 333,264 335,204 333,422 341,662 199,493 171 9,708 47, 701 28, 472 7,902 626,711 425,417 201,294 203,671 171 10, 883 45, 533 29, 724 7,658 632,844 427,486 205,358 209,072 161 15,157 46,816 27,643 6,401 638,672 428,503 210,169 211,459 161 15,043 54, 510 36,446 8,162 667,443 454,826 212,617 12,315 1,750 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporationsTime deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. _ Demand deposits Time deposits... Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _ Other liabilities..__ _ ___ _._. Total liabilities.-. 2,300 143 3,918 4,041 5,950 633,379 649,077 644,463 673, 536 17,621 32,910 14,424 3,266 17,621 32,960 15,363 2,662 17,621 34,095 15,383 2,760 17,696 34,690 13,515 2,933 701,600 717,683 714,322 742,370 123,657 136,161 123,489 122,505 4,3 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus. Undivided profits. Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. 68,221 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes BEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 119 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued WISCONSIN [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 97 banks 97 banks 97 banks 98 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations— Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government-__ Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ _ Total assets _ 761,461 718,920 5 104,099 39,863 790,351 670,909 11 106, 767 37,940 824,715 664,031 640,116 113,469 36, 758 119,247 36,420 3,393 154,132 24,427 3,400 180,804 27,136 3,404 166,464 25,016 3,509 169,461 24,493 219,225 18,416 1,128 185,957 18,884 1,280 188,275 19,220 1,304 267,183 19,366 1,515 110 78 7,857 110 65 7,884 301 147 8,214 2,053.114 2,031,498 2,051,318 173 7,627 2,160,404 904,319 904,230 914,018 1,003,318 664,819 953 30,977 73,035 141, 569 18,546 678, 479 953 53,856 69,024 146, 756 17, 598 1,880,684 1,191,271 681, 359 878 56,131 84,084 146, 793 11,419 1,983,982 1,295,128 689,413 688,854 4,050 207 111 173 31, 535 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 957 30,915 113,960 154,923 22,409 1,881,178 1,213,763 667,415 1,834,1%9 1,155,245 678,884 11, 950 38,920 116 116 78 21, 564 65 18,949 111 147 22,814 1,914,886 1,892,179 1,907,806 2,016,008 50 38,224 38, %74 74,845 20,502 4,607 50 38,274 38,32k 74,980 22,314 3,701 50 38,394 38,444 75,085 26,350 3,633 50 39,369 39,419 77,605 23, 733 3,639 139,319 143, 512 144, 396 2,053,114 2,031,498 2,051,318 2,160,404 162,831 194, 928 167,453 156,030 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock—_ Total capital stock. Surplus. _ Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts _ MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 120 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued WYOMING [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. __ _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. Other assets _ _ _ Total assets. Mar. 12, June 10, Oct. 6, 1959 1959 1959 25 banks 25 banks 25 banks 111, 269 104,416 118,713 97,284 118,575 94,853 120,451 102,553 14,521 5,641 14,864 5,580 16,069 5,044 15,964 4,795 448 23,935 4,466 451 21,536 4,479 459 24, 534 4,680 485 22, 519 4,493 27,980 3,561 90 29,970 3,678 179 32,210 3,724 175 38, 561 3,583 222 922 1,106 1,456 1,522 Dec. 31, 25 banks 297,249 297,840 301, 779 315,148 138, 748 137, 694 142,614 148,001 78,302 18 4,769 34,335 11,601 1,824 269,597 183,769 85,828 79, 672 18 4,832 31,057 11,094 2,010 266,877 179,391 86,986 79,558 18 6,194 29,065 14,183 1,789 278, W 186,474 80,332 18 6,269 37,734 14, 527 1,548 288,429 200,689 87,790 2,925 6,083 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations-. _ _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government- _ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits ___ ___ _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money ___ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities _. Total liabilities. 86,947 700 2,370 35 35 3,119 3,487 3,770 3,702 275.641 275,947 279,596 292,866 3,703 10,642 6,276 987 3,703 10,692 6,700 798 3,703 10,692 6,950 838 4,203 11,217 5,853 1,009 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits.Reserves _ _ Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 21,608 21,893 22,183 22,282 297,249 297,840 301,779 315,148 63,478 60,760 58,046 57,183 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes.. _ TABLE N O . 17.—-Fiduciary activities of national banks as of Dec. 81', 1959 B a n k s w i t h capital stock of— $25,001 to $50,000 $25,000 $100,001 to $200,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $200,001 to $500,000 $500,001 a n d over Total Number of national banks with trust powers but not administering trusts Number of national banks with trust powers administering trusts 6 32 68 69 56 12 243 5 28 159 344 412 545 1,493 Total number of national banks authorized to exercise trust powers - 11 60 227 413 468 557 i 1, 736 Total assets of national banks with trust powers but not administering tr'TPtS Total assets of national banks with trust powers administering trusts- $10,785,912 $103, 814,380 $341,023,248 $568,220, 540 $851,075, 553 $1,467,145,730 $3,342,065,363 9,810,601 94, 200, 837 983,400, 882 3,048,206, 740 7,012,194, 482 99,812,461,260 110,960,274,802 20, 596, 513 198,015,217 1,324,424,130 3, 616,427,280 7,863,270.035 101,279, 606,990 114,302,340,165 84,204 6,775 41,355 2, 735, 676 231,018 367,399 5,162 47,946,046 2,124,826 4, 758,169 4,342, 757 256,448,191 8,352,485 24,028, 838 30,124,122 953,010,462 22,206,036 72.259,227 104,020, 731 38, 538, 464, 511 690,417,132 1,250,294, 683 14, 545, 613, 509 39,798,689,090 723,338,272 1,351, 749, 671 14, 684,106,281 132,334 3,339,255 59,171, 798 318, 953, 636 1,151,496, 456 55,024, 789,835 56, 557,883,314 108,905 2, 730, 814 47,338,022 240,817,040 847,804,107 21,195,821, 097 22,334,619,985 23,429 603, 967 4,474 11,498, 674 335,102 75,918, 705 2,217,891 285,936,050 17,756,299 33, 546,377, 666 282,591,072 33,920,335,062 302,928,267 132,334 3,339,255 59,171, 798 318, 953, 636 1,151,496,456 55,024,789.835 56,557,883,314 46,000 1,162,000 8,233, 707 238,243,092 274,362, 543 32, 572,243,150 33,094,290,492 Total assets of national banks authorized to exercise trust powers TRUST DEPARTMENT ASSETS Investments __ Time deposits Demand deposits. Other assets Total -. _ _ . __ . - TRUST DEPARTMENT LIABILITIES Trusts Other liabilities: Agency, escrow custodian and corporate accounts Miscellaneous-' . Total Total volume of bond issues outstanding for which banks are acting as trustee -1 Includes 24 banks which have been granted only certain specificfiduciarypowers. § o o 3 I 1 TABLE N O . 17.—Fiduciary activities of national Ibanks as of Dec. 31, 1959—Continued to Banks with capital stock of— $25,001 to $50,000 $25,000 $200,001 to $500,000 $100,001 to $200,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $500,001 a n d over Total TRUST DEPARTMENT LIABILITIES—Continued Number of national banks administering personal accounts: Trusts Agency, escrow and custodian accounts Number of national banks administering corporate accounts: Bond or debenture issues Paying agencies _ - Depositories and other miscellaneous corporate accounts Number of national banks acting as transfer agent - . Number of national banks acting as registrar Number of personal accounts being administered: Trusts Agency, escrow and custodian accounts Total . . . __ — Number of corporate accounts being administered: Bond or debenture issues ____ __ Paying agencies Depositories and other miscellaneous corporate accountsTotal 5 26 6 154 50 330 164 401 276 537 509 1,453 1,005 1 4 2 2 32 14 14 4 4 108 24 23 7 12 170 87 51 31 43 407 343 233 280 261 722 470 323 322 320 16 176 13 2,636 441 11,314 1.438 30,163 6,003 259, 628 98,082 303,933 105,977 16 189 3,077 12, 752 36,166 357, 710 409,910 2 4 3 3 52 31 36 611 166 34 604 390 147 8,866 26,655 9,561 10,139 27, 245 9,781 2 10 119 811 1,141 45,082 47,165 4 11 42 3,948 4,005 4 13 66 3,973 4,056 3,204 13, 587 37,415 410,713 465,136 Number of accounts for which national banks are acting as transfer agent Number of accounts for which national banks are acting as registrar Total number of accounts being administered 18 199 O l TABLE NO. 18.—Fiduciary activities of national banks by Federal Reserve districts as of Dec. 31, 1959 Federal Eeserve districts Number with authority but not exercising fiduciary powers Number of banks exercising fiduciary powers Boston New York.___ Philadelphia.. Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis.. Kansas City.. Dallas... San Francisco 135 158 184 104 139 125 236 112 51 107 103 41 Total... 1,493 Total banking Total number assets of banks authorized authorized to to exercise exercise fiduciary powers fiduciary powers 163 $6,071,677,914 177 14,966, 742,678 189 4,879,557,295 114 9,338,487, 207 161 5,359,377,504 150 8,478,775,013 269 18,145,794,786 136 4,017,572,081 65 2,899,678,442 141 5,873, 735, 453 125 8, 678,866,877 46 25, 592,074,915 243 11,736 114,302,340,165 Trust department liabilities Trusts Trusts Agency, escrow, and custodian accounts Corporate trust bond issue accounts All other accounts $4,126, 243,984 6,239, 706,326 1,472,076,440 8,366,617,545 2,435,569,038 3,637,600,902 15,682,004,203 675,152,768 2,594,358,155 3,071,567,866 1,693,471,939 6,563, 514,148 22,334,619,985 33,920,335,062 56,557,883,314 Total number of accounts 302,928,267 Common trust funds Bond and debenture issues outstanding where bank Number of Ledger acts as trustee value of funds 16,659 20,776 28,201 35,248 20,518 18,088 81,180 7,885 9,843 14, 708 12,752 38,075 6,243 10,036 2,603 7,004 6,171 6,763 23,174 1,573 6,535 14,804 2,892 18,179 551 636 1,141 417 1,021 2,068 1,745 450 795 487 562 1,190 6,888 583 2,744 999 4,608 12,290 2,036 405 5,848 4,522 2,974 24,358 38,251 32,023 46,137 28,105 30,480 118,712 13,239 17,233 36,155 20,653 59,790 $813,309,063 11,313,599,020 508,172,669 3,861,338,733 919,623,600 1,676,506, 683 7,291,178,347 732,264,384 444,004,349 1,271,326,344 1,233,522,953 3,029, 444,347 Total... 303,933 105,977 10,139 45,087 465,136 33,094, 290,492 1 2 234 Includes 24 banks which have been granted only certain specific fiduciary powers. Includes 30 funds operated under sec. 17(b) of Regulation F of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, with assets of $1,065,934. Total liabilities $2,602,648, 738 $10,748,466 3,130,067,112 42,775,660 674,801,276 4,196,973 3, 756,624,989 28,500,021 1,389, 545, 729 9,245,004 12,840,950 2,253,379,878 74,285,046 11,986,084,957 328,238,718 5,584,010 2,085,091,275 4,347,432 2,084,983,225 32,091,316 459,993,403 45,712,897 3,168, 875, 762 32,600,492 Boston New York Philadelphia.. Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis. _ Kansas City. _ Dallas San Francisco. 1 All other liabilities $1, 512,846, 780 3,066,863.554 793,078,191 4,581,492,535 1,036,778,305 1,371,380,074 3,621,634,200 341,330,040 504,919,448 954,493,325 1,187, 765. 639 3,362,037; 894 Number of accounts being administered Federal Reserve districts Agency, escrow, custodian, and corporate accounts Trust department gross earnings for year ended Dec. 31, 1959 $58, 755,206 41,228,550 40,927,903 153,387,633 55,898,172 44,957,308 46,588,223 7,002,541 16,105,458 50,669,682 31,228,388 138,439,171 $12,661,000 32,963,000 5,360,000 19,834,000 7,873,000 10,121,000 35,910,000 3,000,000 5, 760,000 8,196,000 8,399,000 31,939,000 685,188,235 182,016,000 to TABLE NO. 19.—Classification of investments under administration by the active national bank trust departments, Dec. 81, 1959 Trust department investments classified according to capital stock of banks administering trusts Percent Bonds Stocks Percent Real-estate mortgages Percent Real estate Percent Miscellaneous Percent Banks with Banks with Banks with Banks with Banks with Banks with $54,431 capital stock of $25,000— 1,054,174 capital stock of $25,001 to $50,000 16,723,737 capital stock of $50,001 to $100,000 94,405,662 capital stock of $100,001 to $200,000— 299,601,139 capital stock of $200,001 to $500,000— 24,548,006,584 capital stock of $500,001 and over 64.64 $28,973 38.54 1.082,863 34.88 20,502,694 36.81 104,828,006 31.44 459,530,030 63.70 9,902,051,247 34.41 39.58 $53,420 42.76 4,002,757 40.88 26,748,399 48.22 73,466,350 25.69 1,547,109,822 $800 1.95 461,131 8.35 4,239,990 10.43 22,100,989 7.71 68,006,367 4.01 1,274,145,969 0.95 16.86 $84,088 8.84 2,476,868 8.62 8,365,135 7.13 52,406,576 3.31 1,267,150,889 $84,204 2,735,676 3.07 47,946,046 5.17 256,445,191 3.26 953,010,462 5.50 3.29 38,538,464,511 Total 24,959,845,727 62.72 10,488,023,813 26.35 1,651,380,748 4.15 1,368,955,246 3.44 1,330,483,556 3.34 39,798,689,090 Location Alabama Alaska _ Arizona __. Arkansas California Colorado— _. Connecticut Delaware.. District of Columbia.. Florida Georgia.. _. Hawaii Idaho Illinois.__. Indiana IowaKentucky.. LouisianaMaine 4 112 88 35 28 51 18 22 Total Number with aunumber Total banking thority authorized assets of banks but not to exercise authorized to exercising fiduciary exercise fiduciary powers fiduciary powers powers 4 2 23 13 30 14 1 3 42 23 1 4 129 96 51 36 55 20 23 1,327,932,961 125,094, 804 967,780,672 542,497,248 18,486,688,122 1,198, 974,233 1,167,359, 686 3,173, 223 868, 980, 913 2,478,642,176 1, 566,168, 968 291,860,181 489,568,635 10,202,461,627 3,005,842,844 911,399,969 904,276,367 839,373,321 1,866, 111, 534 323,388,667 g s a o TABLE N O . 20.—Fiduciary activities of national banks by States as of Dec. 81, 1959 Number of banks exercising fiduciary powers to Total investments Trust department liabilities Trusts 282, 926,335 3, 211,004 0) Agency, escrow, custodian, and corporate accounts 295, 242,490 368,405 0) 68,013,332 2,484,198,579 282,777,908 565, 709, 515 (2) 3133,900, 789 519, 299,975 302, 942, 221 22,999,430 2,296,824,305 391, 766,997 570,327,583 (2) 3 213,106, 516 831, 284,312 435,456,497 17,867,606 2,067,354,146 565,424,063 102,787,806 91,682,115 81,325,772 93,920,269 89, 557, 581 1,678,423 9,650,750,895 573,323,954 78,935,077 114,478,255 29,823,126 442,972,562 116,580,855 All other liabilities 3,715,835 9,360 (9 548, 593 24,825,148 10,054,104 3,744,218 (2) 3 947,958 4,748,930 1,498,193 66,031 6,885,100 1,036,766 982,313 1, 239,278 568,768 Total liabilities 581,884,660 3,588,769 0) 91,561,355 4,805,848,032 684,599,009 1,139,781,316 (2) »347,955,263 1,355,333, 217 739,896,911 19,612,060 11,771,799,736 1,145,633,117 182,329,851 207,197,136 112,131,211 538,132,109 206,707, 204 i Maryland Massachusetts. _. Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri _... Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina.. North Dakota... Ohio Oklahoma Oregon-. J. Pennsylvania Rhode Island.... South Carolina.. South Dakota... Tennessee Texas Utah.. Vermont Virginia. Washington West Virginia... Wisconsin Wyoming Total 15 63 22 21 16 24 8 10 2 21 96 7 98 23 5 45 22 2 171 2 11 7 26 97 2 16 67 13 23 31 12 3 14 4 5 2 8 2 7 1 10 13 3 9 3 2 4 6 1 6 1,493 243 4 2 5 17 1 2 5 7 6 2 18 880,108,109 77 3,941,388,021 26 4,053,912,076 26 2,093, 214,980 18 362,585,179 32 2,079, 530,894 10 249,494,963 17 793,786,898 3 311,196, 718 31 264,053,925 109 3,897,808,734 10 393,957,523 107 11,668,069,933 26 703,878,632 125,121, 736 7 49 5,037,690,336 28 1,542,989,173 3 1,880,266,101 177 7,868,405, 261 2 528, 561, 647 628, 277, 203 15 9 273,052,902 31 2, 218,483,657 114 8, 214,320,083 467, 797,345 3 180,755,474 18 72 1, 751,958, 652 13 2, 571,822,337 553,879,960 30 37 947,120,926 14 251,274,636 *1,736 114,302,340,165 195, 569,484 699, 746,423 723, 111, 326 446,797,327 23,827,010 284,828,933 8,421,902 120,152,940 < 413,232,000 49,036,268 459,267,759 41,179,356 2, 610, 724,826 99,697, 284 17,830,701 1,472,531,724 162,493,440 295,921,336 1,803,909,377 1,398, 526, 598 2,050,132,417 3,022,941 794,068,862 9,443,246 350,959,004 4 483,479,883 25,190, 682 1,137,665,029 30,516,597 2,322,879,892 49,507,149 13,493, 781 1,353,879,984 531,485,095 2, 599,285 6,508,890 8,318,342 3,780,749 150,925 3, 223,744 274, 739 647,852 * 3,275,387 264,269 4,993,789 403,635 38,129,553 403,534 102,198 17,735,966 17,593,678 3,752, 290,383 0) 2,666,836, 111 13,360,350 0) 6,432,486,844 («) 114,048,092 21, 517,887 304,842,940 1,146,323,994 74,352,923 10,499,816 351, 556,463 447,583,784 1,202,489 120,813 4,768,072 45,358,786 189,603,504 32,138, 516 661,167,475 1,639, 266, 564 Q O g ^ « 210,596,985 407,098,462 443, 528,705 95,020,487 241,311, 526 16,692,805 « 160,331,745 736,001,288 386, 524, 746 21, 567,338 316,467,912 28,611,381 • 371, 201,110 1,146,361,021 834,478,017 117,491,175 563,370,524 45,390,497 ft O £* t"1 M W 56,557,883,314 O 22,334,619,985 C1) 33,920,335,062 0) « 272,380 3, 261, 271 4,424, 566 903,350 5,591,086 86,311 302,928,267 494,090,105 2, 510,164,690 2,129,956, 266 2,500,710,493 27,000,876 1,082,121, 539 18,139,887 471,759,796 4 899,987,270 74,491,219 1,601,926,577 72,099,588 4,971,734,271 149,607,967 31,426,680 2, 844,147,674 711,572,213 M 2 2 o S ^ o hrj ^ (£ g See footnotes at end of table. d 3 to Ox TABLE N O . 20.—Fiduciary activities of national banks by States as of Dec. 31, 1959—Continued O Number of accounts being administered Location Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas ,__ California Colorado Connecticut Delaware.. District, of Columbia. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine-.. Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Trusts Agency, escrow, and custodian accounts 3,131 62 Corporate trust bond issue accounts 1,046 3 0) 405 10 0) 0) 1,598 24,170 5,316 5,835 (2) 3 1,500 6,134 3,857 991 61,682 9,665 1,947 1,758 2,792 2,000 1,474 2,678 7,719 6,229 7,729 677 3,965 207 1,694 4 6,998 614 6,925 724 15,014 3,392 784 11, 542 1,552 175 14,212 2,272 2,767 (2) 3 800 2,180 1,140 1, 374 346 305 41 38 14,654 2,921 690 4,399 352 1,497 470 1,108 2,892 3,073 5,727 74 1,868 549 1,845 * 2,149 157 2,828 636 6,949 350 74 4,025 1,946 29 1,202 4,922 1,058 (0 48,198 (5) 0 3 39 196 137 105 75 155 63 45 135 98 364 13 132 22 129 4 87 7 91 3 482 206 47 657 157 All other accounts Total number of accounts Bond and debenture issues outstanding where bank acts as trustee 5,845 81 266,234,046 906,760 1 1,263 0) t2) 460 1,909 437 393 3 85 515 1,183 14 10, 768 407 45 87 175 1,471 150 167 475 883 362 45 2,323 8 54 4 616 20 616 104 6,366 61 16 1,912 3,010 0) 1,273 C) Trust department gross earnings for year ended Dec. 31, 1959 1,832,000 30,000 (9 3,607 40, 637 8,330 9,036 (2) 3 2,424 9,025 6,317 273, 671,888 2, 798,930,255 252, 592. 536 86, 785,320 (2) 3 245, 654,010 566,843,653 546, 583,306 400,000 24,886,000 2,924,000 4, 579,000 (2) 3 1,255,000 3,828,000 2,398,000 1,072 786 3,722 9, 85ft 798 10,460 1,467 28, 811 4,009 921 18,136 6,665 12, 856, 500 6,269, 601,862 593, 812, 975 18,196,376 123,822,149 13, 675,950 134, 797, 954 122,857,635 208, 272,867 593,023,891 312,821, 749 327,239,947 2,253,250 424,454,479 17,155, 551 238,333,865 * 74,222,181 2,016,867 172,133,066 484,800 11,181.395,010 174,323,384 97,033,601 922, 679, 720 603,371,390 135,000 24,263,000 3, 604, 000 901,000 799,000 848,000 806,000 646,000 1,416,000 6, 632,000 5,902,000 5,287,000 126,000 2, 703,000 57,000 992,000 i 3,875, 000 288,000 4,821,000 305,000 28,317,000 721,000 174,000 7,603,000 1,186,000 55, 451 (•) 3,403,633, 776 (s) 13,341 2,748 6,349 3,394 5,123 2,157 3,998 11, 221 10,283 14,182 4 (0 (0 o 0) 16,335,000 (5) W fel o F F W d South Carolina. South Dakota.. Tenne Texas Utah ____ Vermont Virginia, Washington.. West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming 1,992 734 4,502 12,108 (0 Total... 668 122 1,407 2,706 0) 6 2,118 8,063 5,854 3,058 4,343 608 6 757 2,905 1,777 349 2,310 2,188 303.933 105, 977 26 7 347 482 (0 6 29 78 90 23 417 11 10,139 304 15 1,516 4,288 2,990 878 7,772 19, 584 6 172 365 429 17 292 10 6 3,076 11,411 8,150 3,447 7,362 2,817 C1) 45,087 465,136 53,050,360 985,000 226,432,080 1,231,690,153 6 10,299,200 231,606,178 142,528,651 6, 716,801 106, 594,300 1, 715,200 33,094,290,492 697,000 179,000 2,100,000 8,172,000 0) 6 1,195,000 3,229,000 3,013,000 601,000 1,835,000 121,000 O 182,016,000 O 1 Included withfiguresfor the State of Nevada. 2 Included withfiguresfor the District of Columbia. 3 Includesfiguresfor 1 bank in Delaware. * Includesfiguresfor 2 banks in Arizona, 2 banks in Oregon and 2 banks in Utah. 5 6 Included withfiguresfor the State of Vermont. Includesfiguresfor 2 banks in Rhode Island. 7 Includes 24 banks which have been granted only certain specificfiduciarypowers. O O TABLE N O . 21.—General comparative figures of fiduciary activities Number of banks ex- Aggregate trust department ercising liabilities trust powers Dec. 31— 1928 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1,585 1,512 1,513 1,513 1,503 1,480 1,486 1,476 1,477 1,493 $3,297,310,000 36,136,628,000 39,665, 972,000 43,150, 202,000 47,938,669,000 37,187, 831,000 39, 000,150, 658 42, 578, 976, 765 46, 781, 622,956 56, 557, 883,314 Number of accounts Common trust funds Outstanding bonds and debentures $7, 978,389,000 14, 550, 564,000 16,051,953,000 17, 625,838, 000 19,485, 675,000 17, 358, 441, 000 19,200, 708,415 22,044,165,180 24, 752, 735, 531 33,094, 290, 492 Gross trust department earnings $16,165,000 75,130,000 80, 627,000 85, 990,000 100, 761, 000 103,033,000 116, 845,000 129,433, 000 141, 473,000 182,016, 000 1-3 o Number Amount (2) (2) 60 71 88 105 130 165 218 234 $187,392, 016 213, 929,020 276, 970, 954 320, 954, 835 382, 397,189 432,822,133 518, 734, 862 685,188, 235 Trusts i 53,853 171, 589 184,125 194, 231 207,157 214,383 231, 991 248,048 270, 789 303, 933 Corporate Agency, trust, bond and deetc. benture issues (2) 78,171 72, 725 77.473 82,032 74, 832 79,327 82, 916 87, 593 105, 977 9,923 (2) 7,217 7,611 8,011 8,056 8,381 8,839 9,619 10,139 Other accounts F F H (2) (2) 33,893 37,370 38, 396 34, 543 35,103 36,860 37, 910 45,087 3 1 Includes agency accounts in 1928. 2 Thesefigureswere not developed at the time. to TABLE N O . 22.—National banks administering employee benefit trusts and agencies during 1959 by Federal Reserve districts Number of banks Federal Reserve districts Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland__ Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis TVTinnfiapnlis Kansas City Dallas. San Francisco. _ ._ . _ . Total for national banks Nonnational banks located in the District of Columbia Total With investment responsibility Investments directed by others Held as agent only Number of fully insured plans with no bank investment responsibility N u m b e r of plans Market value Number of plans Market value Number of plans 47 68 90 61 62 68 133 42 32 57 51 33 343 687 225 1,143 306 587 1,935 155 530 384 309 544 $122, 791,853 754,887,273 45,319,103 1,664,384,569 40, 761,151 144, 707,423 2,173,488,103 26,092,481 141,188,041 77, 111, 649 81, 965.143 308,894,139 136 208 194 360 206 158 556 51 80 134 195 800 $16, 571, 233 376, 269,483 33, 884,252 191,100,471 52,149, 989 38,493, 817 273,071, 524 19,691, 781 15, 637,350 29,083, 206 119,078, 064 232, 628, 257 47 112 35 48 33 35 279 15 20 29 55 49 $61,887,970 101,047,838 262, 670, 743 1,006,036,168 55,977, 660 227, 759, 246 371,173,800 88,013,803 3,261,025 34, 521,988 20,189,903 49,025,115 97 93 64 441 91 210 270 36 130 141 24 200 744 3 7,148 21 5, 581, 590, 928 6,924,469 3,078 15 1,397, 659,427 3, 751, 251 757 21 2, 281, 565, 259 124, 553,652 1,797 90 747 7,169 5, 588, 515,397 3,093 1, 401,410, 678 778 2,406,118,911 1,887 Amount to oo O o i TABLE N O . 23.—National banks administering employee benefit trusts and agencies during 1959 by States Location Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado _ . ._ Delaware _ _ Florida __ Number of banks 13 2 2 9 12 12 10 o 24 With investment responsibility Number of plans 161 Investments directed by others Market value Number of plans Market value 34 3,343,916 0) 586, 266 206,175,985 1,988, 277 5, 942,192 0 21, 717, 874 54,034,355 0) 0) 18 379 62 122 o 103 1,848,097 261,510,091 16,941,036 64,010,003 o 36, 686, 741 8 673 27 19 o 43 Held as agent only Number of plans 7 0) 19 10 20 o4 Amount 7, 289, 579 0) 2,262,432 38, 569,469 21,139,915 7,047,883 o 9,450,667 Number of fully insured plans with no bank investment responsibility 20 (0 127 20 42 0 45 d S3 Georgia Hawaii _ Idaho. Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Massachusetts Maryland Michigan Minnesota Mississippi. Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah.. Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming District of Columbia .__ - 31,677,657 0 940 1,367,396,938 57,222, 781 9,931,033 3,198,623 1,410,216 9,572,235 2,522,230 35,268,838 6,282,301 705,795,226 139,576,228 829, 514 34,874, 782 249,414 4,411,181 3 12,889,494 587,430 10,817,719 1,104,960 744,011,589 4,238,837 392,550 297,680,529 22,380,104 4 11,174, 293 1,407,612, 213 339 35 33 18 41 24 163 16 528 484 11 170 5 63 350 9 101 20 617 53 31 793 55 __ __ * _ __„ _.. J 515 49 9 155 291 ; _ 8 47 98 75 22 145 _ Total for national banks Nonnational banks located in the District of Columbia. Total.. 1 Included with figures for t h e State of Oregon. 2 Included with figures for t h e State of N e v a d a . 3 Includes figures for 2 banks in Arizona a n d 2 banks in U t a h . 184 0 744 3 747 7,148 21 8, 111, 413 961,621 24,838, 711 77, 577,320 (2) 8 24,438,669 15,059,923 23,320,260 965, 768 41,935,300 139, 796 6,102,909 5, 581, 590,928 6,924,469 5, 588, 515,397 4 5 6 (0 51 0 146 96 28 12 13 28 11 100 65 223 46 3 33 8 30 3 33 3 79 12 157 16 17 192 24 320 29 7 24 184 88 62 75 20 79 6 15 3,078 15 6, 802,920 0 157,077, 986 24, 732,951 2, 788.976 3, 406, 792 8,093, 844 10, 590, 696 48,328 12,967, 424 11,971,072 55, 737,597 14, 564,423 64, 650 10,368,240 288,193 7, 250, 753 3 6, 592, 752 125,424 15,209, 785 205,706 360,336,938 2,093,153 610,449 111, 295,421 12,109, 269 4 5,632,502 110,065, 613 11 0 221 18 3 0 1 8 0 31 2 20 20 0 22 0 1 31 1 34 I 77 1 0 19 3 15, 330, 760 0 47 0 59 44 14 29 3 47 4 40 18 113 87 11 55 5 44 1,797 90 1,887 0) 146,327 4,549,678 114,103,558 (2) 8 1, 556,025 18,790,137 14,227,017 2,921,530 33,758,821 445, 780 8,534,912 1,397, 659,427 3, 751,251 757 21 198,090. 743 8,182,432 458, 505 0 35,413 191,206,641 0 31,336, 567 25,999,089 131, 789,908 3, 261,025 0 79,939, 761 0 634,626 3 244, 539 63,154 257,158,389 12,842 91, 575. 594 4,930 0 9,363,238 3, 682, 264 4 3,682, 593 1,008,824,019 (5) 126,866 0 19,978,559 19,464,809 (2) 8 26,231,169 11,029,162 6,528,514 7,294 32, 744,296 0 18,817, 613 2, 281, 565,259 124,553,652 1,401,410,678 778 2, 406,118,911 (8) 7,839,275 53 3 0 11 54 85 6 24 1 18 0 21 Includes figures for 2 banks in Alaska and 2 banks in Idaho. Included with figures for the State of Vermont. Includes figures for 1 bank in Rhode Island. 36 5 32 2 70 21 27 366 8 < 17 123 O O 15 7 46 22 6 11 13 50 3 51 4 22 d to CO CO TABLE NO. 24.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 o [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Earnings from current operations Location Maine.. . New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland- __ _ _ District of Columbia-. Total Eastern States Number of banksi - - _. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Virginia __ ._ _ West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina -Georgia Florida - - - -Alabama Mississippi Louisiana __ _ Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee.Total Southern States Interest and dividends on securities U.S. Government obligations Other securities 28 51 32 103 4 24 $2, 656 2,092 1,604 25,325 4,053 7,371 $637 579 414 6,178 1,234 2,378 Interest and discount on loans Other service Service charges, Service charges Trust and other charges on commissions, fees, and col- departdeposit fees on lection and ment accounts banks' exchange loans charges $10,362 7,998 7,130 106, 826 15,304 32, 392 $113 72 77 1,587 185 598 $878 1,397 634 10, 515 1,371 3,533 $246 274 134 6,997 436 1,208 $646 288 128 6,632 1,067 4,579 Other current earnings Total earnings from current operations $275 256 215 6,920 979 1,331 $15,813 12,956 10,336 170,980 24, 629 53,390 242 43,101 11, 420 180, 012 2,632 18,328 9,295 13,340 9,976 288,104 249 164 473 3 52 5 70, 769 31,388 63,556 114 8,638 8,007 31, 698 15, 829 25, 767 29 2,277 973 316, 788 97, 901 218, 438 287 20,568 18, 515 6,755 929 2,441 1 260 284 22, 512 12,104 12,650 13 2,072 2,141 8,064 1,904 3,587 2 530 517 28,317 4,821 16,335 1,416 1,255 23, 546 3,136 8,015 5 1,246 431 508,449 168,012 350, 789 451 37,007 32,123 946 182,472 76, 573 672,497 10, 670 51,492 14, 604 52,144 36,379 1,096,831 130 77 39 25 52 106 69 27 42 466 55 88 75 13,852 7,492 5,053 5,370 10,415 26,862 10, 575 2,829 16, 586 60,612 4,589 8,243 14,956 4,680 1,153 1,426 1,275 2,582 6,614 4,398 1,292 3,844 19,294 2,222 2,072 4,812 51, 510 15, 957 20,684 17,106 46, 762 71,261 39,127 8,820 42.341 224, 814 14, 307 20, 770 58,763 604 198 525 41 537 2,329 620 18 483 3,118. 49 367 524 4,409 1,050 2,475 2,460 5,293 8,744 4,020 1,218 4,234 14,957 1,529 1,676 3,879 1,239 381 890 942 2,418 2,457 1,220 682 1,450 4,673 697 257 1,819 3,229 601 721 697 2,398 3,828 1,832 126 806 8,172 400 848 2,100 1,634 905 639 360 1,946 4,499 1,611 964 2,739 17, 967 670 844 2,198 81,157 27, 737 32,413 28,251 72,351 126, 594 63, 403 15, 949 72,483 353, 607 24,463 35,077 89,051 1,251 187,434 55,664 632, 222 9,413 55,944 19,125 25, 758 36, 976 1,022, 536 8 O F o Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 140,463 222 124 395 74 98 179 98 77 52,499 25,823 106, 683 36,350 18, 882 19, 529 8,237 16,956 13, 778 4,839 29,606 11,584 4,040 6,915 2,507 3,789 66, 510 254,125 105, 252 42,193 75,120 23, 389 49, 749 1,584 782 3,901 1,834 655 1,134 180 340 12, 240 5,440 16, 938 8,565 3,288 6,959 2,292 2,703 3,016 1,390 7,285 2,594 965 3,796 929 580 7,603 3,604 24,263 5,902 1,835 5,287 901 2,703 7,763 3,602 10,632 3,247 2,043 3,057 914 1,548 238,946 111, 99C 453,433 175,32* 73,901 121, 797 39,349 78,368 1,267 284,959 77,058 756, 801 10,410 58,425 20, 555 52,098 32,806 1,293,112 38 34 123 169 41 25 77 27 197 3,998 3,980 8,800 11,943 4,075 2,810 11,420 4,761 16,187 1,148 925 2,443 3,728 1,033 587 1,821 576 4,871 8,893 11,071 29,008 27,388 11,006 7,420 37,202 13,060 50,634 148 149 88 186 245 225 559 396 331 1,091 1,220 2,556 3,509 1,421 877 4,423 1.639 4,864 743 853 721 622 561 420 794 640 959 174 179 992 799 57 121 2.924 305 1,186 376 285 1,285 1,792 741 326 1,158 467 3,958 16, 571 18, 662 45, 893 49,967 19,139 12, 786 60,301 21,844 82,990 731 67,974 17,132 195, 682 2,327 21,600 6,313 6,737 10, 388 328,153 25 11 37 10 7 3 3 7 1 17,137 12, 306 110,293 4,786 2,955 2,336 4,491 1,351 1,858 5,854 4,562 36,947 955 1,201 1,123 1,853 278 510 71,764 49,346 549,006 13, 917 14,126 7,776 31,533 4,744 7,669 1,642 929 19,120 280 795 299 2,192 462 392 11,070 7,225 61,605 1,947 1,379 650 3,854 745 481 2,705 1,367 13,602 495 482 402 1,220 511 207 3,013 2,060 24,886 135 373 523 919 30 2,419 1,284 18,422 459 165 316 1,636 108 246 115, 604 79,079 833, 881 22, 974 21,476 13,425 47, 698 8,229 11, 363 104 157, 513 53,283 749, 881 26, 111 88,956 20, 991 31, 939 25,055 1,153, 729 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States 4,541 1 923, 453 158 291,130 44 3,187,095 303 61, 563 17 294, 745 13 90, 883 66 182,016 151, 580 3 5,182,465 604 Total United States and possessions___ 4,542 923, 611 291,174 3,187,398 61, 580 294, 758 90,949 182,016 151, 583 5,183,069 3 11 175 4,353 35,156 48,121 368, 659 471, 675 17,999 175, 459 152, 215 1, 474, 725 1, 384, 999 3,121 1,899 34,073 22, 487 4,753 2,236 129, 738 158,031 4,240 4,049 38, 586 44,074 25,683 20, 975 87, 735 47,623 19, 726 6,369 67, 906 57, 582 286,137 249, 983 2,316, 842 2,330,107 Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii Total Pacific States New York City (central Reserve city) Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities Country banks 14,119 115,420 143,636 1 Number of banks as of end of year, but figures of earnings, expenses, etc., include those banks which were in operation a part of the year but were inactive at the close of the year. o O o 3 o TABLE NO. 24.—Earnings^ expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued [Dollarfiguresin thousands] CO to Current operating expenses Salaries and wages Location Amount Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts. __ Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia- Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia. _ _ North Carolina. South Carolina.Georgia Florida Alabama M ississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Employees other than officers Officers $1, 595 1,688 1,035 13, 972 1,603 5,778 Number i 207 245 147 1,356 180 505 Amount $2,908 2,264 1,588 33,532 3,900 12,412 Number 2 Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount and advisory committees 964 785 528 9,837 1,334 3,465 $146 172 132 736 97 296 Interest Interest on time and deposits discount (includon ing borsavings rowed deposits) money $3,015 1,436 3,161 9,293 6,526 5,892 Taxes other than on net income Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture and fixtures $56 52 29 715 211 382 $427 296 145 4,110 991 1,166 $503 408 275 3,628 533 1,177 Total Other current current operat- operating ing expenses expenses $2,679 3,043 1,674 29,324 3,572 11,004 $11,329 9,359 8,039 95,310 17,433 38,107 Net earnings from current operations $4,484 3,597 2,297 75,670 7,196 15,283 25, 671 2,640 56,604 16,913 1,579 29,323 1,445 7,135 6,524 51,296 179,577 108, 527 33, 511 14,615 29,372 60 3,254 3,116 3,010 1,543 3,475 8 388 263 85, 717 32, 235 57, 839 46 6,749 6,286 22,171 9,360 17, 456 12 2,137 1,723 1,540 1,378 2,944 14 271 230 84, 258 36, 577 62, 245 102 5,636 4,461 6,021 842 2,107 312 292 7,662 5,385 10, 911 8 1,367 1,180 8,805 5,057 8,504 17 629 868 86,060 27, 235 49, 970 50 6,265 4,424 313, 574 123,324 223,892 298 24,483 20, 857 194,875 44,688 126,897 153 12, 524 11,266 83,928 8,687 52, 859 6,377 193, 279 9,575 26, 513 23,880 174,004 706,428 390,403 8,107 2,945 3,867 2,986 6,585 1,018 369 442 356 669 1,230 690 209 605 3,906 392 587 914 630 327 163 163 373 684 329 161 381 1,906 283 336 359 15, 796 4,126 3,658 2,157 7,607 17, 723 9,564 2,176 9,503 350 111 161 149 811 2,652 13, 029 50,488 3,804 5,488 13, 958 4,227 1,304 1,974 1,942 4,155 7,507 3,568 878 3,941 15,495 1,339 1,932 4,660 43, 372 3,228 4,103 16, 307 1,813 252 40 890 4,201 74 159 438 2,277 631 624 363 2,990 3,017 630 553 3,997 17, 768 628 1,304 3,026 2,058 742 832 770 1,724 4,021 1,143 367 1,354 8,704 700 688 1,698 11, 937 4,311 5,781 5,618 15,814 22, 220 11,097 3,599 11,205 57,387 4,486 5,904 13, 931 54, 005 17, 251 21,023 17,784 49,470 84,122 40,395 11,374 47,017 220,610 16,410 22,155 57, 769 27,152 10,486 11,390 10,467 22,881 42,472 23,008 4,575 25,466 132,997 8,053 12,922 31,282 165, 788 52, 922 6,095 139, 320 9,449 37, 808 24, 801 173, 290 659,385 363,151 11, 236 6,408 1,826 6,658 36, 784 3,207 4,173 8,052 102,834 11,387 188,872 12, 850 4,058 5,937 5,578 13, 566 23,408 10, 972 Ohio Indiana Illinois „ _ ... Michigan.. Wisconsin Minnesota _ ._,._. ^ Iowa Missouri __ Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado" New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon.. California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States Total United States and possessions... New York City (central Reserve city) Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities Country banks.. ._ 19,354 10,690 35,035 11,690 7,392 11,913 5,130 7,155 1,901 1,137 3,200 969 728 1,349 591 728 39,682 20,877 75,035 34,421 12,443 21,290 5,895 13,713 11,078 6,368 19,783 9,163 4,143 6,445 1,999 4,170 1,253 665 2,049 565 435 653 271 435 40,389 14,013 63,694 31,536 15,085 18, 288 5,756 7,597 992 267 5,817 1,680 675 2,165 329 626 11,851 4,509 10,324 5,995 1,163 1,681 968 1,318 5,048 2,613 5,899 2,617 1,705 2,077 709 1,259 36,811 19,264 65,115 28,620 11,418 22,007 7,159 13,150 155,380 72,898 262,968 117,124 50,316 80,074 26,217 45,253 83,566 39,092 190,465 58,204 23,585 41, 723 13,132 33,115 108,359 10,603 223,356 63,149 6,326 196,358 12, 551 37,809 21,927 2,236 2,407 7,096 7,012 3,049 1,947 10,755 4,011 11,830 814 871 2,349 2,331 978 563 3,243 1,306 3,724 95 84 409 464 88 99 418 88 451 3,179 3,152 2,491 5,158 2,779 2,159 9,310 2,593 8,413 72 800 354 76 95 350 84 1,048 203,544 810,230 482,882 376~ 479 921 1,241 494 325 1,080 730 2,450 2,546 3,041 8,586 8,356 3,367 1,656 10,804 3,463 14,334 10,521 11,819 27,839 30,993 12,898 8,056 39,611 14,030 49,962 6,050 6,843 18,054 18,974 6,241 4,730 20,690 7,814 33,028 6,856 8,096 56,153 205,729 122,424 115 15 26 2,265 1,468 21,685 312 161 363 653 141 244 3,016 1,522 11,680 606 249 251 1,353 316 471 17,261 10,055 102,601 3,006 3,288 1,505 9,378 1,630 2,080 76,487 53,289 563,486 14,647 13,346 8,475 32, 579 5,987 8,156 39,117 25,790 270,395 8,327 8,130 4,950 15,119 2,242 3,207 268,994 6,515 27,292 19,464 150,804 776,452 377,277 23,788 2 866, 508 193 42,437 143,413 4 104,692 9 809,091 3,337,801 70 448 1,844,664 156 258,746 23,790 866,701 42,437 143,417 104,701 809,161 3,338, 249 1,844,820 11,169 9,671 114,677 123,229 171 239 3,849 19,531 31,961 24,413 394,339 415,988 4,763 5,317 23,706 8,651 3,559 5,418 69,904 64,536 2,943 1,401 37,453 62,904 154,812 49,058 121, 231 31,163 342,117 1,460, 578 386,823 1,601,628 131,325 128,752 856,264 728,479 1,798 2,303 6,487 7,069 2,027 1,489 6,189 2,303 10,284 225~ 295 704 894 241 169 689 250 1,265 39,949 4,732 50,343 16,179 2,196 39,234 2,902 10,841 8,056 57,767 2,396 1,490 1,259 4,654 986 890 1,181 1,001 6,372 244 176 160 478 77 82 23,415 14,403 153,772 3,448 3,124 2,259 9,622 1,945 1,841 6,360 3,941 39,662 1,094 985 690 2,962 438 555 232 132 589 55 89 19 48 24 27 18,871 17,488 209,942 4,770 4,841 2,819 6,756 930 2,577 586 165 5,450 54 104 88,339 9,771 213,829 56,687 1,215 449,080 45 47,820 5 898,792 125 258,709 37 449,125 47,825 898,917 13, 762 12, 512 167, 287 255,564 790 770 15, 736 30,529 48, 595 40,768 421,923 387,631 2T 268 281 1,049 1,339 1,018 286 705 758 1,152 1 Number at end of period. 2 Number of full-time employees at end of period. CO CO TABLE NO. 24.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued CO [In thousands of dollars] Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits * On loans On securities • Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont M assachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut TransTransProfits Recov- fers from on secu- Recov- fers from valuarities eries valuaeries tion sold or tion reserves redeemed reserves - 9 417 3 70 7,868 28 921 37 35 23 34 7 1,296 2 114 170 68 11 252 8 67 47 24 10 1,590 All other 195 295 119 74 2,185 97 341 Total recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves and profits Losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to va uation reserves 2 On loans On securities Losses and chargecffs 581 697 105 13,261 107 1,666 1,308 1,186 310 17,798 2,666 3,798 Total losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves Transfers to valuation reserves Losses and chargeoffs Transfers to valuation reserves 91 74 59 65 18 143 34 78 331 352 184 6,565 301 1,784 252 174 32 3, 567 272 1,784 2,041 1,851 544 32,103 3,273 7,744 4,030 300 All other O o Total New England States. _. 527 8,861 1,476 576 1,866 3,111 16,417 27,066 4,495 397 9,517 6,081 47, 556 o New York . _ _ _ New Jersey Pennsylvania -_ _ Delaware Maryland _. __ . _ _. District of Columbia 104 210 423 12, 768 722 2, 726 5,079 564 1,877 391 283 599 1 66 8 368 325 5,135 1,513 4,672 1 422 118 94, 502 16,890 47,166 4 4,665 1,015 E 141 44 43,478 9,998 15,181 2 3,678 564 42, 642 4,229 9,039 6 29,126 2,551 7,453 4 438 86 2,856 867 17, 675 131 325 288 649 3 67 17 7,308 172 1,103 13 3,542 595 675 1 80 25 __. 750 16,347 4,918 1,349 8,589 7,705 39, 658 72,901 21, 529 1,348 56,603 11,861 164,242 . ._ 157 204 3 2,373 31 159 __ - -- 1,490 1,682 241 55 3,083 81 149 33 4 36 305 561 59 64 1,905 92 74 45 64 43 371 2 43 92 691 14 96 598 25 192 223 162 125 256 235 308 465 206 60 108 1,616 202 60 114 3,186 689 869 254 2,590 1,604 1,809 189 2,068 6,978 699 494 4,285 5,762 1,853 1,211 1,336 10,671 10, 222 6,229 419 3,222 13,346 1,884 956 8,531 2,723 326 604 2,029 21 6 22 8 180 39 3 14 349 137 47 13 174 289 252 34 302 997 100 110 806 555 53 18 139 2,922 3,062 151 1,547 485 139 146 84 12 40 402 907 84 93 2,083 99 141 76 1,817 759 855 987 1,907 4,939 2,975 929 1,564 12,837 893 842 3,837 303 146 138 130 881 879 1,139 189 658 4,224 589 214 1,675 10,744 3,230 2,892 2,465 14,054 16,495 11,268 1,760 8,459 35, 552 3,616 3,700 14,604 _ _ 2,686 9,639 3,610 3,408 2,454 3,917 25, 714 65,642 12, 585 4,306 35,141 11,165 128,839 Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee -- -- - - - Total Southern States 432 93 131 1-3 W Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin __ _ Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota.. South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming. Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma __ _ __ 104 702 1,258 446 5,804 311 315 334 181 771 588 124 762 58 29 361 74 49 5,019 175 1,906 1,678 92 61 14 78 505 1,742 1,183 899 254 471 196 481 13,209 8,076 31,181 3,955 1,062 1,414 677 3,855 19,481 13,320 62,231 8,901 9,096 7,109 3,373 7,198 5,074 3,414 16, 555 5.439 235 66 300 3,371 381 215 383 765 35 620 90 76 6,080 4,072 15,617 3,038 2,544 2,716 1,152 1,016 1,800 2,089 4,425 1,851 178 678 449 635 32,816 23,110 99,211 19,994 12,088 11,189 5,364 12,296 28, 399 9,420 2,045 9,023 5,731 63,429 130,709 34,454 2,565 36,235 12,105 216,068 92 7 52 101 269 299 25 191 124 474 33 385 30 70 17 54 87 1 67 162 694 176 42 42 346 26 172 288 396 2,175 706 1,424 100 2,208 525 1,633 1,143 536 2,397 2,553 874 716 3,541 1,283 5,636 2 38 684 32 124 175 128 63 13 592 51 302 84 77 45 77 74 334 452 54 220 73 794 594 1,396 1,495 1,281 620 365 1,748 1,193 1,916 101 63 1,106 722 307 87 993 341 658 1,885 2,072 6,032 4,996 2,699 1,222 6,502 2,974 9,081 1,441 2,588 1,480 1,542 677 1,727 9,455 18,679 1,675 2,123 10,608 4,378 37,463 1,498 1 27 447 33 783 240 549 2,870 32 17 7 158 4 18 21 12 328 6 g 81 949 245 2,059 3 35 59 1,670 50 5 3,236 840 7,027 41 60 444 4,037 123 24 9,488 1,523 16, 547 5,977 4,282 2,802 6,002 12 1 2,007 6,403 13,504 47 3 154 33 2,268 429 30,085 144 326 162 1,759 676 300 1,326 484 6,3C3 56 41 43 887 121 19 15.136 8,842 66, 593 6,210 4,649 3,014 8,648 918 320 48 3,594 2,502 587 11 187 108 1,774 5,791 1,995 19,024 422 361 8,811 57 58 46 28 25 3 1 025 199 _ Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii 774 75 925 378 2,207 960 2 69 1 960 106 446 2 5 109 1,526 3,848 3,895 447 1,041 5,075 15,832 46, 634 21,916 351 36,149 9,280 114,330 15, 741 69,682 24,799 9,367 23,650 27,266 2 170, 505 2 361, 631 96, 654 11,090 184, 253 20 54, 870 1 708, 498 21 Total United States and possessions. 15,741 69,682 24, 799 9,367 23,650 27,268 170, 507 361,631 96, 654 11,090 184,273 54, 871 708, 519 12, 585 17,265 22,641 17,191 2,949 5,204 10,232 6,414 551 1,422 7,394 6,929 816 10,900 5,005 4,237 431 10,215 12,385 26, 700 26,236 65,364 52,207 26,162 45, 955 130, 797 158,717 1,885 14,196 69, 723 10,850 1 39 859 10,191 30,902 9,878 68,383 75,110 2,541 2,439 22.873 27,018 61,491 72, 507 292,635 281,886 Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States New York City (central Reserve city) Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities Country banks 1,969 9,954 3,818 hi O S3 a o 1 Not including recoveries credited to valuation reserves. 2 Not including losses charged to valuation reserves. 00 TABLE N O . 24.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959—Continued [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Cash dividends declared Taxes on net income Profits before income taxes Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont.. M assachusetts Rhode Island. Connecticut Total New England States New York. New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia _ __ __ . Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North CarolinaSouth Carolina Georgia Florida . Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas _ Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee ___ _ Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois __ _ _ Federal Net profits before dividends State $42 Percent 6.31 4.06 5.81 9.11 7.62 7.03 Percent 71.64 72.24 77.78 55.74 70.78 71.37 48,389 42 26,224 26,266 593,918 8.15 62.33 77, 559 22,320 63,549 116 4,829 5,298 9 31 2 51,803 10, 867 34,443 24 3,360 3,006 51,812 10, 898 34,445 24 3,360 3,006 1, 111, 270 288,872 909,439 2,067 83,608 65,386 6.98 7.73 6.99 5.61 5.78 8.10 61.67 73.40 63.83 66.08 66.16 64.93 173,671 42 103, 503 103, 545 2,460, 642 7.06 64.41 6,228 2,097 2,491 2,269 5,303 6,753 4,733 1 016 3,892 33,153 1,889 2,664 5,808 160,249 67,959 63,567 48,037 127,920 224, 971 119,650 27,153 147,899 760,419 53,521 80,802 170,200 8.20 6.21 8.55 9.01 5.58 7.58 7.12 7.89 8.44 7.79 7.33 8.16 7.86 66.54 62.19 64.86 62.95 68.38 66.45 63.71 71.31 64.87 62.39 67.08 63.16 64.87 10 6,228 2,097 2,491 2,269 5,303 6,743 4,733 1,016 3,892 33,153 1,889 2,664 5,808 78,286 78,296 2,052,347 7.68 64.49 1 68 17,449 6,858 35,072 17,449 6,859 35,140 476, 704 220,338 1,009,196 8 22 6.37 7.62 65.03 65.09 57.99 3,559 140 447 $67 77,388 24, 786 4,213 129,499 30,349 87,184 153 8,297 10,337 45,781 8,029 23,635 36 3,468 5,039 6,159 265,819 85,988 6,160 19,594 7,945 9,367 8,256 11,417 27,581 13,549 3,004 19,075 104,423 5,136 9,716 20,963 260,026 6,456 3,728 3,640 3,785 4,276 10,530 4,345 862 6,586 45,175 1,211 3,121 7,577 101,292 63,959 24,058 122,435 24, 769 10,017 45, 522 1,122 Expenses to gross earnings $31,744 30, 550 19,928 372, 724 43,939 95,033 $2,003 1,240 1,157 33,957 3,349 6,683 685 Net profits before dividends to capital accounts $1,073 882 596 16,891 2,272 4,552 $1,021 1,203 634 19,312 541 2,075 292 145 Capital accounts i $1,073 882 554 16,891 2,272 4,552 $3,024 2,443 1,858 56,828 4,030 9,205 1 On com- Total cash On preferred stock mon stock dividends declared Ra tios 13,138 4,217 5,435 4,326 7,141 17,051 8,519 2,142 12,489 59,248 3,925 6,595 13,386 157,612 39,190 14,041 76,913 10 o o B I o l Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri . Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas ._ Montana Wyoming _ __ __ _ Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States.. Washington _ __ . . . Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska _ Hawaii __ -. Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States Total United States and possessions _ New York City (central Reserve city) Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities. _ Country banks 12, 744 5,764 9,639 2 555 6,447 12, 744 5,766 9,639 2,555 6,447 311, 714 140, 565 234,835 81,189 176,994 96, 528 96, 599 1,385 1,310 3,686 3,227 1,531 887 4,296 1,003 6,348 1,385 1,310 3,686 3,227 1,531 887 4,296 1,003 6,348 54, 738 23,673 23,673 627,830 15, 9C2 10, 097 118, 979 977 2,422 1,900 7.270 955 1,665 8,021 6,568 71,234 1,480 1,849 1,306 3,034 252 720 8,021 6,568 71,234 1,480 1,849 1,306 3,034 252 720 184, 111 144, 543 1,119,221 31,230 34,534 16,399 59, 297 7,987 19,493 8,382 160,167 94,464 94,464 1,616,815 9.91 67.30 482,427 62 24,008 800,236 75 165 422,678 25 422,843 25 10,003,087 765 8.00 9.80 64.41 74.17 1,306,808 482,489 24,008 800,311 165 422, 703 422,868 10,003,852 8.00 64.41 96,534 82,481 628,993 498,800 37,388 31,087 239,831 174,183 4,321 54,825 51,394 377,309 316, 783 68 36,246 24,586 206,903 154,968 36,246 24,654 206,903 155,065 758,437 641,330 4,362,106 4,241,979 7.23 8.01 8.65 7.47 54.10 48.50 63.04 68.74 42,165 12, 559 31,948 8,445 24,674 13, 706 3,922 12,274 3,252 8,693 195 1,817 417 28,459 8,442 17,857 5,193 15,564 330,243 122,155 2,429 205, 659 4,453 5,167 14,197 14, 684 4,966 3,608 16,396 5,365 25, 580 1,645 2,001 5,618 5,187 1,804 1,684 8,401 2,388 9,248 118 169 752 2,690 2,997 8,579 9,497 3,162 1,924 7,332 2,977 15, 580 94,416 37,976 1, 702 27,217 17, 788 210,829 2,158 3,541 2,380 10,508 1,447 2,911 11,315 6,227 85,495 930 1,027 480 3,027 483 1,246 278, 779 110,230 1,306, 671 137 663 1,464 6,355 251 92 211 9 11,853 7,834 2 71 97 9.13 6.01 7.60 6.40 8.79 66.80 68.09 65.74 66.63 57.74 2,651, 535 7.76 62.66 24,462 25, 717 98,357 107,238 26,003 21, 723 104, 873 28,531 190,926 11.00 11.65 8.72 8.86 12.16 8.86 6.99 10.43 8.16 63.49 63.33 60.66 62.03 67.39 63.01 65.69 64.23 60.20 8.72 62.69 8.64 6.99 10 63 3.13 7.01 11.59 12.26 11.96 8.54 66.16 67.39 67.57 63.75 62.14 63.13 68.30 72.75 71.78 o w H O *4 i Represents aggregate book value of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserves, and retirement fund for preferred stock. Figures are averages of amounts reported for the June and December call dates in the current year and the December call date in the previous year. 00 TABLE N O . 25.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 [Dollar figures in thousands] District No. 1 Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on: i U.S. Government obligations_ Other securities Interest and discount on loans Service charges and other fees on banks' loans Service charges on deposit accountsOther service charges, commissions, fees, and collection and exchange charges Trust department Other current earnings Total earnings from current operations Current operating expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers Employees other than officers. Number of officers 2 Number of employees other than officers2 Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) Interest and discount on borrowed money Taxes other than on net income.. Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture and fixtures. Other current operating expenses. Total current operating expenses. Net earnings from current operations District No. 2i District No. 3 District No. 4 District No. 5 District No. 6 District No. 7 District No. 8 District No. 9 District No. 10 District No. 11 District No. 12 Total $40,958 10,798 170,157 $95,761 44,751 399,763 $41,371 17,421 144,496 $87, 530 26,464 250,634 $47,881 11,722 143,270 $74,208 20,645 232,975 $179,531 48,135 457,009 $36,400 11,088 105,170 $35, 705 11,094 114,814 $61,579 15,120 179,320 $65,174 20,653 239,909 2,189 17,169 7,890 32,917 1,207 9,630 3,212 18,839 1,899 14,542 4,168 24,616 7,005 33,883 1,099 7,697 1,810 11,657 1,844 18,626 3,146 16,226 26, 111 88,956 61,580 294, 758 9,107 12,661 9,540 9,713 32,963 26,116 2,478 5,360 4,994 4,742 19,834 12,436 4,483 7,873 5,136 8,751 10,121 12,306 12,336 35,910 18,977 2,780 3,000 3,701 6,261 5,760 4,890 4,160 8,196 9,724 5,147 8,399 18,708 20,991 31,939 25,055 90,949 182,016 151,583 272,579 649,874 226,957 423,691 236,806 387,790 792,786 170,935 191,991 298,569 24,011 52,846 8,496 46,189 114,010 4,224 20,202 38,074 2,670 34,403 69,891 3,503 24,066 41,205 2,811 36,054 69,065 3,842 62,224 140,365 5,623 18,154 27,132 2,172 20,162 31,035 2,371 35,827 47,306 4,132 39,494 54,159 4,210 88,339 213,829 9,771 449.125 898,917 47,825 15,832 30,203 11,976 19,920 13,222 21,974 38,659 8,979 9,822 14, 798 16,674 56,687 258,746 1,506 2,458 2,926 2,035 1,754 2,085 3,128 1,534 1,126 1,970 2,053 1,215 23,790 26,242 115,672 44,393 69, 586 35,632 54,916 120,678 21,002 30,623 32,429 46,534 268,994 866,701 1,391 6,803 6,728 11,958 1,075 6,454 2,255 18,412 3,972 12,407 8,618 20, 588 828 4,970 2,352 3,631 3,117 5,674 4,213 18,832 6,515 27,292 42,437 143,417 6,107 47,957 166,863 12,927 109,723 6,170 35,350 9,098 61,149 1,373 6,396 5,859 38,043 9,642 69,294 12,105 121,820 3,313 29.315 3,823 33,523 6,987 51,036 9,206 61,147 19,464 150,804 104, 701 809,361 419,665 154,644 266,829 154,328 257,435 489,526 106,248 126,275 184,346 235,638 776,452 3,338,249 105, 716 230,209 72,313 156,862 82,478 130,355 303,260 64,687 65,716 114,223 141,724 377,277 1,844,820 $157, 513 $923,611 53,283 291,174 749,881 3,187,398 377,362 1,153,729 5,183,069 OO Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves and profits: On securities: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves Profits on securities sold or redeemed On loans: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves Allother 527 314 342 132 377 2,080 6,511 2,080 338 1,333 181 1,526 15,741 8,651 13,700 1,758 6,769 2,694 2,469 21,680 1,850 1,220 1,871 3,172 3,848 69,682 1,443 4,076 553 1,502 649 1,210 6,845 1,222 598 1,747 1,059 3,895 24,799 565 537 613 768 349 1,008 934 275 746 1,130 1,995 447 9,367 1,866 3,051 7,438 5,528 210 971 6,028 1,629 486 946 1,147 1,191 3,739 3,821 286 927 178 778 536 1,710 695 1,641 1,041 5,075 23,650 27,268 Total recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves and profits. 16,103 31,593 4,447 16,828 5,501 9,105 43,530 6,640 3,858 8,327 8,743 15,832 170,507 Losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and chargeoffs Transfer to valuation reserves. On loans: Losses and chargeoffs Transfers to valuation reserves. Allother 25,854 4,493 52,084 3,725 23,819 22,736 92,400 24,939 14,960 4,022 10,879 560 17,172 3,474 15,534 3,404 46,634 21,916 361,631 96,654 543 45,707 6,347 583 11,287 4,221 14,320 3,782 4.50 5,088 1,233 33,824 3,521 396 9,210 5,888 14,151 82 606 5,746 2,895 1,533 15,160 4,181 1,266 25,206 8,186 424 3,659 2,689 1,248 5,614 1,260 1,513 7,936 4,231 2,177 13,511 4,460 351 36,149 9,280 11,090 184,273 54,871 Total losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves . 114,330 708,519 45, 841 108,406 23,480 62,646 24,873 58,219 151,997 25,754 19, 561 34,326 39,086 Profits before income taxes 75,978 153,396 53,280 111,044 63,106 81,241 194,793 45, 573 50,013 88,224 111,381 Taxes on net income: Federal State 24,682 4,075 51,495 6,297 18,193 1 34,542 25, 825 437 28,39Q 685 71, 504 183 15,483 322 18,805 2,116 35, 522 1,498 47,818 12 Total taxes on net income 278,779 1,306,808 110, 230 8,382 482,489 24,008 28,757 57, 792 18,194 34, 542 26, 262 29,075 71, 687 15,805 20, 921 37,020 47, 830 118,612 506,497 Net profits before dividends 47, 221 95,604 35, 086 76, 502 36,844 52,166 123,106 29, 768 29,092 51, 204 63, 551 160,167 800,311 Cash dividends declared: On preferred stock On common stock 42 24,964 40 60,900 35, 974 19, 280 10 23, 791 71 59,175 13,602 14,883 20,686 34, 596 94,464 165 422,703 25,006 60, 940 2 20,388 20,390 35,974 19, 280 23, 801 59, 246 13,602 14,883 20, 686 34, 596 94,464 422,868 Total cash dividends declared.. See footnotes at end of table. CO CO TABLE N O . 25.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended Dec. SI, 1959—Con. [Dollarfiguresin thousands] District No. 1 Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities. On loans Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities On loans Number of banks 2 Loans, gross Securities C apital stock (par value) Capital accounts District No. 2i District No. 3 District No. 4 District No. 5 District No. 6 District No. 7 District No. 8 District No. 9 District No. 10 District No. 11 District No. 12 Total $150 1,514 $419 5,810 $8 1,506 $790 6,706 $346 1,035 $36 2,422 $78 11,130 $22 1,087 $1 1,055 $14 3,124 $159 3,856 $580 6,128 $2,603 45,373 7,470 4,839 3,498 9,074 89 3,181 40, 955 4,917 4,645 2,739 7,314 7,791 16, 548 9,731 6,748 1,516 22 1,935 3,941 4,190 1,721 7,660 28,944 11,844 121,895 69,417 240 350 435 385 321 335 579 320 346 619 508 104 4,542 $3,063, 807 $7, 659, 610 $2,582,909 $4, 837,357 $2,497,060 $3, 944, 664 $8,816, 870 $1,917,513,974, $1, 781 781 $3,,109,845 $4,315,137 $ , , $12,790,262 $57,309,815 1,881,135 5,117,033 2,192,540 3,970,900 2,215,798 3,426,539 8,443,568 1,722,516 1,635,407 2,773,349 3,099,549 8,057, 500 44,t, 535,834 148,566 439,466 139,925 281,425 126,630 219,544 527,695 105,294 105, 564 181,007 493,941 3, 297, 575 3,066,632 570,381 1,347,691 526,954 978,787 483,493 709,951 1,628,956 "" 341,843 610,079 806,516 1,616,815 10,003, " ~S,852 Ratios: To gross earnings: Interest and dividends on Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percentr Percent Percent 28.72 25.90 26.90 18.99 25.17 24.46 27.78 21.62 securities 25.69 18.27 23.44 24.38 22.7 4 59.16 57.65 63.67 61.53 62.42 60.08 61.51 60.50 Interest and discount on loans. 60.06 65.00 61.49 63.58 59.80 Service charges on deposit 4.24 4.45 6.14 4.27 5.07 6.35 6.30 4.50 7.71 5.69 accounts 6.07 6.24 4.30 9.49 8.19 6.19 9.11 9.36 6.19 12.29 11.80 9.02 All other current earnings 9.38 9.75 8.01 9.38 Total gross earnings Salaries, wages, and fees Interest on time deposits All other current expenses Total current expenses Net current earnings 100. 00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100. 00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 28.75 9.63 22.84 25.03 17.80 21.75 26.97 19.56 21.61 25.10 16.42 21.46 28.30 15.05 21.82 27.65 14.16 24.58 25.95 15.22 20.58 27.39 12.29 22.48 27.25 15.95 22.57 28. £0 10.86 22.38 25.36 12.33 24.75 26.30 23.31 17.69 26.47 16.72 21.22 61.22 64.58 68.14 62.98 65.17 66.39 61.75 62.16 65.77 61.74 62.44 67.30 64.41 38.78 35.42 31.86 37.02 34.83 33.61 38.25 37.84 34.23 38.26 37.56 32.70 35.59 To gross loans: Interest and discount on loans ._ To securities: Interest and dividends on securities To capital stock (par value): Net current earnings Net profits before dividends „ Cash dividends To capital accounts: Net current earnings Net profits before dividends. . Cash dividends o 5.55 5.22 5.59 5.40 5.74 5.91 5.18 5.48 5.81 5.77 5.56 5.86 5.56 2.75 2.75 2.68 2.87 2.69 2.77 2.70 2.76 2.86 2.77 2.77 2.62 2.73 71.16 31.78 16.83 52.38 21.75 13.87 51.68 25.07 14.57 55.74 27.18 12.78 65.13 29.10 15.23 59.38 23.76 10.84 57.47 23.33 11.23 61.43 28.27 12.92 62.25 27.56 14.10 63.10 28.29 11.43 47.63 21.36 11.63 76.38 32.43 19.12 60.16 26.10 13.79 18.53 8.28 4.38 17.08 7.09 4.52 13.72 6.66 3.87 16.03 7.82 3.68 17.06 7.62 3.99 18.36 7.35 3.35 18.62 7.56 3.64 16.92 7.78 3.56 19.22 8.51 4.35 18.72 8.39 3.39 17.57 7.88 4.29 23.33 9.91 5.84 18.44 8.00 4.23 » Includes 1 member bank in the Virgin Islands of the United States. 2 Number at end of year. Kemaining figures include earnings, expenses, etc., of those banks which were in operation a part of the year but were inactive at the close of the year. NOTE.—The figures of loans, securities, capital stock, and capital accounts are averages of amounts reported for the June and December call dates in the current year and the December call date in the previous year. TABLE NO. 26.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 TOTAL UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS [Dollarfiguresin thousands] B a n k s openiting throughout entire year with deposits on Dec. 31, 1959, of— Less than $500,000 to $500,000 $750,000 Number of banks Total deposits . __ Capital stock (par value) Capital accounts Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on: U.S. Government obligations._ Other securities Interest and discount on loans Service charges and other fees on banks' loans Service charges on deposit accounts. Other service charges, commissions, fees, and collection and exchange charges Trust department Other current earnings Total earnings from current operations _ $750,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $25,000,000 $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $500,000,000 to to to to to or more to to to $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $25,000,000 $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $500,000,000 509 1,429 1,089 789 279 137 134 27 Total 4,512 11 42 66 $4, 549 305 815 $26,554 1,198 3,702 $59, 514 2,388 8,318 42 2 166 239 41 795 645 139 1,707 8,692 2,053 20,642 49,634 14,570 123,759 74,192 23,778 194,294 113,443 34,885 303,657 90,232 25,283 241,358 81,301 24,842 249, 751 217,523 60,708 778,146 281,843 102,665 1,260,530 917,786 288,966 3,174,805 2 8 5 64 3 143 98 1,840 732 11,958 1,895 22,525 4,221 39,527 3,563 29,216 4,126 26,324 13,863 65,849 32,812 95,345 61,320 292,799 12 40 86 3 14 31 965 28 529 4,288 397 3,653 6,271 1,917 5,815 10,577 7,259 11,325 7,340 10,605 12,933 6,562 12,841 13,369 20,851 56,839 44,894 33,602 72,293 57,805 90,594 162,179 150,371 235 1,198 2,754 34,847 208,991 330,687 524,894 420,530 419,116 1,258,673 1,936,895 5,138,820 84 21 362 102 693 212 7,441 3,498 34,781 25,954 43,626 48,242 58,077 86,985 41,616 73,565 38,144 74,831 101,076 237, 532 119,125 337,697 445,025 888,639 3 28 60 669 4,011 4,521 4,795 2,559 1,953 3,468 1,525 23,592 10 $784, 774 $4,838,500 $7,618,215 $12,018,435 $9,687,899 127,687 287,297 240,769 24,371 185,998 746,796 494,610 688,949 985,568 94,021 3 $9, 759,005 $30, 278,153 $44,227,976 $119,303,574 251,062 769,785 1,258,157 3,149,017 776,702 2,431,322 4,010,884 10,241,687 Current operating expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers Employees other than officers. _ Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) Interest and discount on borrowed money Taxes other than on net income Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture, and fixtures Other current operating expenses... 93 327 5,396 36,784 62,180 99,539 74,755 67,866 171,627 345,202 863,779 1 7 4 40 3 84 74 999 414 5,958 645 9,283 1,113 14,169 1,672 11,887 2,716 12,367 14,274 37,347 21, 418 50,482 42,334 142,623 3 43 22 213 49 446 755 5,112 5,676 30,710 9,113 51,206 15,042 86,835 11,508 72,854 10,308 73, 625 25,290 221,432 26,283 256,893 104,049 799,369 Total current operating expenses. 172 864 1,874 23,944 144,288 228,816 366,555 290,416 281,810 812,046 1,158,625 3,309,410 O 8 I d 2 Net earnings from current operations... Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries _ _ __ Transfers from valuation reserves-- - . Profits on securities sold or redeemed _ On loans: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves AllotherTotal recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profitsLosses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and chargeoffs _ _ Transfers to valuation reserves. On loans: Losses and chargeoffs Transfers to valuation reserves. Allother Total losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves. . 63 334 880 10,903 12 64,703 101,871 171 481 1,264 539 1,735 6,626 4,913 15,741 163 602 2,882 2,931 4,263 17,601 40,156 68,598 158,339 130,114 137,306 446,627 778,270 1,829,410 2 2 71 592 997 1,520 1,124 1,111 5,711 13,558 24,688 5 38 94 634 2,109 1,539 1,884 482 403 759 1,293 9,240 1 5 15 13 30 153 436 764 638 1,128 1,698 2,218 975 2,483 1,262 2,413 3,112 6,730 15,468 10,853 23,634 26,761 6 45 124 900 4,235 5,385 11, 466 8,534 11,187 40,539 86,241 168,662 4 42 646 1 7,309 367 16,906 873 29,939 2,004 32,151 1,563 30, 572 4,546 108,225 26,310 132, 708 59,614 358, 502 95,278 60 12 8 120 19 14 937 567 288 3,093 4,511 2,076 1,847 9,314 3,814 2,656 16,874 6,192 509 13,832 3,910 232 15,910 4,008 1,275 37,136 15,817 124 85.688 17,983 10,859 183,870 54,112 6 7 2 15 84 195 2,439 17, 356 32, 754 57, 665 51,965 55. 268 188,763 296,117 702,621 Profits before income taxes 54 295 809 9,364 51, 582 74, 502 112,140 86, 683 93, 225 298,403 568,394 1,295,451 Taxes on net income: Federal State 13 1 72 2 205 11 2,320 98 13,975 694 24, 398 1,036 42, 267 1,768 34, 290 911 31,310 1,071 112,342 4,637 214,025 13,279 478, 217 23, 508 Total taxes on net income _._ 14 74 216 2,418 14,669 25,434 44,035 35,201 35,381 116,979 227,304 501,725 Net profits before dividends 40 221 593 6,946 36,913 49,068 68,105 51, 482 57, 844 181,424 341,090 793, 726 Cash dividends declared: On preferred stock _ On common stock 16 91 229 2,591 11 14,458 20,882 17 31, 586 52 25, 510 28,397 68 98, 111 196,710 148 418, 581 16 91 229 2,591 14,469 20,882 31, 603 25, 562 28, 397 98,179 196,710 418. 729 Total cash dividends declared O s 8 B $ o 3 a 4 CO TABLE NO. 26.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1959—-Continued TOTAL UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Banks operating throughout entire year with deposits on Less than $500,000 Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities On loans __ Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities On loans Average per bank: Gross earnings from current operations Current operating expenses Net earnings from current operations Net profits before dividends Per $100 of deposits: Net earnings from current operations _ Net profits before dividends Per $100 of capital accounts: Net earnings from current operations _ _ -_ Net profits before dividends.-Cash dividends Number of officers at end of period Number of employees other than officers at end of period Dec. 31, 1959, o f - $500,000 $750,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $25,000,000 $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $500,000,000 to to to to to to to to to or more $750,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $25,000,000 $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $500,000,000 3 Total 9 251 5 2,014 49 3,635 204 5,050 277 3,251 421 3,731 1, 550 5,718 97 21,682 2,603 45,344 3 1 17 329 158 3,254 882 6,376 2,154 9,638 2,780 6,491 6,505 6,643 36, 272 16,316 72,146 20, 257 120,897 69,325 22 16 29 21 41 28 68 47 146 101 304 210 665 464 1,507 1,041 3,059 2,057 9,393 6,060 71, 737 42,912 1,139 734 6 4 8 5 13 9 21 14 45 26 94 45 201 86 466 185 1 002 422 3 333 1,354 28 825 12,633 405 176 1.53 .67 3 W 1.38 .88 1.26 .83 1.48 1.00 1.39 .89 1.34 .76 1.34 .64 1.32 .57 1.34 .53 1.41 .59 1.48 .60 1.76 .77 7.73 4.91 1.96 9.02 5.97 2.46 10.58 7.13 2.75 11.60 7.39 2.76 13.08 7.46 2.93 14.79 7.12 3.03 16.07 6.91 3.21 17 42 6.89 342 17.68 7.45 3 66 18.37 7.46 4.04 19.40 8 50 4.90 17.86 7. 75 4.09 25 104 202 1,445 5,548 5,780 6,645 4,197 3.571 8,922 11,109 47,548 13 63 144 1,578 9,685 16, 234 27, 937 22,917 23,090 68, 465 86,388 256,514 d NOTE.—The deposits, capital stock, and capital accounts shown in this table are as of end of period. Capital accounts represents the aggregate book value of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserves and retirement fund for preferred stock. o o S3 3 Q 145 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 27.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, years ended Dec. 31, 1957-59 [Dollar figures in thousands] 1957 Number of banks ' Capital stock, par2 value Capital accounts 1958 4,627 4,585 4,542 $2, 716,931 8, 769,839 $2, 875,117 9,412, 557 $3,066, 632 10, 003,852 Percent to total Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on; $782,135 U.S. Government obligations 225.367 Other securities Interest and discount on loans __ 2, 631,136 Service charges and other fees on 45,186 banks'loans Service charges on deposit accounts.._ 244,066 Other service charges, commissions, fees, and collection and exchange 79, 710 charges.-129,433 Trust department— 146,753 Other current earnings Total earnings from current 4,283,786 operations Current operating expenses: Salaries and wages: 386,237 Officers 782,470 Employees other than officers Number of officers * Number of employees other than officers1 _ Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees 20,728 Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) 635,777 Interest and discount on borrowed money 27,871 Taxes other than on net income 116,309 Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture, and fixtures 79,470 658,367 Other current operating expenses Total current operating expenses Net earnings from current operations Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries __ Transfers from valuation reserves. Profits on securities sold or redeemed „ ,,,. On loans: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves. Allother.— _ Total recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits See footnotes at end of table. 1959 2,707, 229 Amount 18.26 $839,145 5.26 267,583 61.42 2,739,235 Percent to total Amount 18.49 $923, 611 5.89 291,174 60.35 3,187,398 Percent to total 17.82 5.62 61.49 1.05 5.70 50,945 269,606 1.12 5.94 61, 580 294,758 1.19 5.69 1.86 3.02 3.43 80,185 141,473 150, 771 1.77 3.12 3.32 90,949 182, 016 151, 583 1.76 3.51 2.92 100.00 5,183,069 100.00 100.00 4, 538,943 14.27 28.90 413,130 828, 643 13.91 27.90 449,125 898,917 45,254 47,825 242,812 — 258,746 13.45 26.93 .77 22,108 .74 23,790 .71 23.48 762,319 25.67 866,701 25.96 1.03 4.30 12,835 125,872 .43 4.24 42,437 143,417 1.27 4.30 2.93 24.32 91,187 714,101 3.07 24.04 104,701 809,161 3.14 24.24 100.00 3,338,249 100.00 100.00 1,844,820 1,576,557 4,218 14,266 4.60 15.57 5,526 33,078 1.20 7.17 15,741 69,682 31,085 33.94 353,072 76.58 24,799 9.23 40.87 14.55 9,484 15,129 17,422 10.35 16.52 19.02 11,273 27,554 30,566 2.44 5.98 9,367 23,650 27,268 5.49 13.87 15.99 91,604 100.00 461,069 100.00 170,507 100.00 146 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 27.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, yeais ended Dec. 31, 1957-59—Continued [Dollar figures in thousonds] 1958 1957 Amount Percent to total Losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and chargeoffs _ $119,005 Transfers to valuation reserves 37, 937 On loans: Losses and chargeoffs 11, 715 Transfers to valuation reserves 177, 226 Allother — 47,187 Total losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves Profits before income taxes Taxes on net income: Federal State-- - - __ - Total taxes on net income 393,070 Amount 1959 Percent to total Amount 30.28 9.65 $54,845 159, 713 12.18 35.46 $361,631 96,654 51.04 13.64 2.98 45.09 12.00 11, 583 157, 673 66,612 2.57 35.00 14.79 11, 090 184, 273 54, 871 1.57 26.01 7.74 450,426 100.00 708, 519 100. 00 100.00 1, 275,091 1,579,391 1,306,808 522, 705 22, 529 658, 615 31, 656 482,489 24, 008 545, 234 690, 271 506,497 Net profits before dividends 729, 857 889,120 800,311 Cash dividends declared: On preferred stock On common stock 171 363, 699 169 392,822 165 422, 703 363, 870 392,991 422, 868 1,588 29, 525 6,876 38,932 2,603 45,373 32,147 62, 722 12,610 76, 795 121,895 69,417 64, 738 108,506 113,417 Total cash dividends declared Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities __ On loans Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities On loans Stock dividends (increases in capital stock) Ratios to gross earnings: Salaries, wages, and fees Interest on time deposits All other current expenses Total current expenses Net current earnings Ratio of cash dividends to capital stock (par value) Ratio of cash dividends to capital accounts_ Percent 27.77 14.84 20.59 Percent to tctal Percent 27.85 16.79 20.80 Percent 26.47 16.72 21.22 63.20 65.44 64.41 36.80 34.56 35.59 13.41 4.15 13.67 4.18 13.79 4.23 i Number at end of period. Remaining figures include earnings, expenses, etc., oi those banks which were in operation a part of the year but were inactive at the close of the year. * Figures are averages of amounts reported for the June and December call dates in the year indicated and the December call date in the previous year. NOTE.—Earnings and dividends figures for 1869 to 1937 were published for the years ended August 31 or June 30 and appear in the table beginning on page 96 of the Comptroller's Annual Report for 1937. Similar figures for 1938 through 1941 appear in table 26 on page 136 of the 1941 report. Calendar year figures are available, beginning with the year 1917, and are published in the Comptroller's reports as follows: 1938, p. 100; 1940, p. 17; 1942, p. 34; 1943, p. 30; 1946, p. 98; 1949, p. 100; 1951, p. 118; 1954, p. 142; and 1957, p. 152. TABLE NO. 28.—Number of national banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, dividends, and ratios, years ended Dec. 31, 1930-59 [Dollar figures in thousands. Figures for previous years published in report for 1938, p . 115] Capital stock (par value)1 Number of banks Preferred Total Common Ratios Cash dividends Capital accounts 1 Net profits before dividends On preferred stock On common stock Cash dividends on preferred stock to preferred capital Cash dividends on Total cash common dividends to capital stock to accounts common capital Net profits before dividends To capital stock To capital accounts O w o Percent 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 _. $7,038 6,373 6,016 3 5,159 3 5,467 5,392 5,331 5,266 5,230 5,193 5,150 5,123 5,087 5,046 5,031 5,023 5,013 5,011 4,997 4,981 4,965 4,946 4,916 4,864 4,796 4,700 4,659 4,627 4,585 4,542 $92,469 349,470 510,511 447,501 305,842 267,495 241,075 204,244 182,056 156,739 135,713 110,597 80,672 53,202 32,529 25,128 20,979 16,079 12,032 6,862 5,512 4,797 4,167 3,944 3,786 3,332 3,225 1 $1,724,028 1,680,780 1.597.037 1,507,834 1,359,573 1,280,813 1,259,027 1,285,946 1,310,243 1,320,446 1,328,071 1,341,398 1,354,384 1,372,457 L, 440,519 L, 536,212 1,646,631 1,736,676 L, 779,362 L, 863,373 L, 949,898 2,046,018 1,171,026 1,258,234 1,381,429 >, 456,454 >, 558, 111 J, 713,145 >,871,785 1,063,407 $1,724,028 1,680,780 1.597.037 1,600,303 1,709,043 1,791,324 1,706,528 L, 591,788 L, 577,738 L, 561,521 L, 532,315 1,523,454 L, 511,123 L, 508,170 L, 551,116 1,616,884 L, 699,833 1,769,205 1,804,490 : ,884,352 ]L, 965,977 S, 058,050 1,177,888 1,263,746 >,386,226 5,460,621 J, 562,055 5,716,931 1,875,117 ,066,632 i > $3,919,950 3,753,412 3,323,536 2,981,678 2,982,008 3,084,092 3,143,029 3,206,194 3,281,819 3,380,749 3,463,862 3,596,865 3,684,882 3,860,443 4,114,972 4,467,718 4,893,038 5,293,267 5,545,993 5,811,044 6,152,799 6,506,378 6,875,134 7,235,820 7,739,553 7,924,719 8,220,620 8,769,839 9,412,557 10,003,852 Averages of amounts from reports of condition made in each year. 2 Deficit. 3 Licensed banks, i.e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. $158,411 2 54,550 2 164,737 2 286,116 2 153,451 158,491 313,826 228,021 198,649 251,576 241,465 269,295 243,343 350,457 411,844 490,133 494,898 452,983 423,757 474,881 537,610 506,695 561,481 573,287 741,065 643,149 647,141 729,857 889,120 800,311 $558 10,103 18,862 18,166 11,532 9,378 8,911 8,175 7,816 6,683 6,158 5,296 4,131 2,427 1,372 1,304 1,100 712 615 400 332 264 203 177 171 169 165 $211,272 193,196 135,381 71,106 80,915 94,377 101,850 110,231 113,347 122,267 125,174 124,805 121,177 125,357 139,012 151,525 167,702 182,147 192,603 203,644 228,792 247,230 258,663 274,884 299,841 309,532 329,777 363,699 392,822 422,703 0.60 2.89 3.69 4.06 3.77 3.51 3.70 4.00 4.29 4.26 4.54 4.79 5.12 4.56 4.22 5.19 5.24 4.43 5.11 5.83 6.02 5.50 4.87 4.49 4.52 5.07 5.12 Percent 12.25 11.49 8.48 4.72 5.95 7.37 8.09 8.57 8.65 9.26 9.43 9.30 8.95 9.13 9.65 9.86 10.18 10.49 10.82 10.93 11.73 12.08 11.91 12.17 12.59 12.60 12.89 13.41 13.68 13.80 Percent 5.39 5.15 4.07 2.40 3.05 3.67 3.82 3.80 3.74 3.88 3.85 3.69 3.47 3.41 3.51 3.48 3.48 3.47 3.50 3.52 3.73 3.81 3.77 3.80 3.88 3.91 4.01 4.15 4.18 4.23 Percent 9.19 2 3.25 » 10.32 2 17.88 2 8.98 8.85 18.39 14.32 12.59 16.11 15.76 17.68 16.10 23.24 26.55 30.31 29.11 25.60 23.48 25.20 27.35 24.62 25.78 25.32 31.06 26.14 25.26 26.86 30.92 26.10 Percent 4.04 2 1.45 2 4.96 2 9.60 2 5.15 5.14 9.98 7.11 6.05 7.44 6.97 7.49 6.60 9.08 10.01 10.97 10.11 8.56 7.64 8.17 8.74 7.79 8.17 7.92 9.58 8.12 7.87 8.32 9.45 8.00 ft O o ft o ft 148 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 29.—Total loans of national banks, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years, 1940-59 [Dollar figures in thousands] Year 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Total loans end of year - -- - _ _ _ _ . . _ _ Average for 1940-59 Net losses Losses and Recoveries or recoverchargeoffs ies (+) $10,027,773 11, 751, 792 10,200,798 10,133, 532 11,497,802 13, 948,042 17,309, 767 21, 480, 457 23, 818, 513 23, 928,293 29,277,480 32,423, 777 36,119, 673 37, 944,146 39,827, 678 43, 559, 726 48,248,332 50, 502,277 52, 796,224 59,961,989 $58,249 51,989 43,134 43,101 41,039 29, 652 44, 520 73, 542 i 50, 482 i 59, 482 i 45, 970 i 53, 940 i 52,322 168,533 i 67,198 i 68,951 i 78, 355 i 74,437 i 88,378 180,507 $36,751 43,658 40,659 52,900 50,348 37,392 41,313 43, 629 2 31,133 2 26,283 2 31, 525 2 31,832 2 32, 996 2 36,332 2 41, 524 2 39, 473 2 37,349 2 39,009 2 50,205 2 54, 740 $21,498 8,331 2,475 + 9 , 799 +9,309 +7,740 3,207 29, 913 19,349 33,199 14,445 22,108 19, 32b 32,201 25, 674 29,478 41,006 35,428 38,173 25, 767 29,237, 903 58, 689 39,953 18, 736 Ratio of losses (or recoveries + ) to loans Percent 0.21 .07 .02 +.10 +.08 +.06 .02 .14 .08 .14 .05 .07 .05 .08 .06 .07 .08 .07 .07 .04 .06 1 Excludes transfers to valuation reserves. 2 Excludes transfers from valuation reserves. NOTE.—For prior figures beginning with the year 1928 see Annual Report for 1947, p . 100 TABLE NO. 30.—Total securities of national banks, losses and recoveries on securities and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities, by calendar years, 1940S9 [Dollar figures in thousands] Year 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Average for 1940-59 Total securities Losses and Recoveries chargeoffs e n d of y e a r Net losses or recoveries (+) $13,668,040 15,887,508 27,482, 788 37,504,253 47,022,329 55, 611, 609 46, 642, 816 44,009,966 40,228, 353 44,207, 750 43,022, 623 43,043, 617 44,292,285 44,210,233 48,932,258 42,857,330 40, 503,392 40,981, 709 46,788,224 42,652,855 $107,960 92,134 73,253 66,008 67,574 74, 627 74,620 69, 785 i 55,369 i 23, 595 i 26,825 i 57, 546 i 76, 524 i 119,124 i 49,469 i 152,858 i 238,997 i 151,152 i 67,455 i 483, 526 $40,993 48,157 36,170 59, 652 50,302 54,153 33, 816 25, 571 2 25, 264 2 7, 516 2 11, 509 2 6, 712 2 9,259 2 8,325 2 9,286 215, 758 2 13,027 2 5,806 2 12,402 2 18,344 $66,967 43,977 37,083 6,356 17,272 20,474 40,804 44,214 30,105 16,079 15,316 50,834 67,265 110, 799 40,183 137,100 225,970 145,346 55,053 465,182 Percent 0.49 .28 .13 .02 .04 .04 .09 .10 .07 .04 .04 .12 .15 .25 .08 .32 .56 .35 .12 1.09 40,477,497 106, 420 24,601 81, 819 .20 1 Excludes transfers to valuation reserves. 2 Excludes transfers from valuation reserves. NOTE.—For prior figures beginning with the year 1928 see Annual Report for 1947, p. 100. Ratio of losses (or recoveries + ) to securities REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 149 TABLE N O . 31.—Foreign branches of American national banks, Dec. 31, 1959 l BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, N.Y.—Continued ASSOCIATION, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.: England: London. London (West End). Guam: Agana. Japan: Kobe. Osaka. Tokyo. Yokohama. Philippines: Manila. Thailand: Bangkok. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON, MASS.: Argentina: Avellaneda. Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires (Alsina). Buenos Aires (Constitucion). Buenos Aires (Once). Rosario. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro. Santos. Sao Paulo. Cuba: Cienfuegos. Havana. Havana (Avenida de Italia). Havana (Avenida Maximo Gomez). Sancti Spiritus. Santiago de Cuba. FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, N.Y.: Argentina: Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires (Belgrano). Buenos Aires (Flores). Buenos Aires (Plaza Once). Cordoba. Rosario. Bahamas: Nassau. Brazil: Belo Horizonte. Curitiba. Porto Alegre. Recife. Rio de Janeiro. Salvador. Santos. Sao Paulo (Avenida Ipiranga). Sao Paulo (Praca Antonio Prado). Canal Zone: Balboa. Cristobal. Chile: Santiago. Valparaiso. Columbia: Barranquilla. Bogota. Cali. Medellin. Cuba: Caibarien. Cardenas. Havana. C uba—Continued Havana (Ave Rancho Boyeros). Havana (Cuatro Caminos). Havana (Galiano). Havana (La Lonja). Havana (23d Street Vedado Branch). Manzanillo. Matanzas. Santiago de Cuba. Egypt: Cairo. England: London. London (Berkley Square Branch) France: Paris. Hong Kong: Hong Kong. India: Bombay. Calcutta. Japan: Nagoya. Osaka. Tokyo. Yokohama. Lebanon: Beirut. Malaya: Kuala Lumpur. Mexico: Mexico City (Isabella Catolica). Mexico City (Parque San Martin). Mexico City (Republica). Panama: Panama City. Panama City (La Exposicion). Paraguay: Asuncion. Peru: Lima. Philippines: Cebu City. Clark Field. Manila. Manila (Port Area Branch). Puerto Rico; Arecibo. Bayamon. Caguas. Mayaguez. Mayaguez (Plaza de Colon). Ponce. San Juan. San Juan (Hato Rey). San Juan (Santurce). Saudi Arabia: Jeddah. Singapore: Singapore (Raffles Quay). Singapore (Orchard Road). Uruguay: Montevideo. Montevideo (Pocitos). Venezuela: Caracas. Caracas (Miranda). Maracaibo. Valencia. i Excludes banking facilities at military establishments. NOTE.—Consolidated statement of the assets and liabilities of the above-named branches as of Dec. 31. 1959, appears in the following table. 150 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 32.—Consolidated statement of assets and liabilities of foreign branches of national banks, Dec. 31, 1959 l [Dollar figures in thousands] Number of branches 101 ASSETS Loans and discounts, including overdrafts Securities Currency and coin Balances with other banks and cash items in process of collection Due from head office and branches Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Customers' liability on account of acceptances Other assets Total assets $841, 823 75, 007 32, 208 234, 986 179, 344 18, 513 144, 965 17, 139 1, 543, 985 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of U.S. Government State and municipal deposits Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) 632, 284 309, 314 147, 273 31, 114 204, 578 20, 654 Total deposits 1, 345, 217 Due to head office and branches 3, 806 Bills payable and rediscounts 12, 432 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting branches and outstanding 146,088 Other liabilities 36, 411 Total liabilities 1, 543, 954 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Undivided profits, including reserve accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts i Excludes figures for banking facilities at military establishments. NOTE.—For location of foreign branches see preceding table. 31 1, 543, 985 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 151 TABLE N O . 33.—-Assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia, by classes, Dec. 31, 1959 [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Total all banks Number of banks 12 National banks Non-national t a n k s 5 7 ASSETS Loans and discounts: Real estate loans: Secured by farm land Secured by residential properties: Insured by Federal Housing Administration Insured or guaranteed by Veterans' Administration _. Not insured or guaranteed by FHA or VA Secured by other properties Loans tofinancialinstitutions: Domestic commercial and foreign banks Other _ Loans to brokers and dealers in securities Other loans for purchasing or carrying securities Loans to farmers directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation Other loans to farmers (excluding loans on real estate) Commercial and industrial loans (including open market paper). Other loans to individuals for personal expenditures: Passenger automobile installment loans Other retail consumer installment loans Pesidential repair and modernization installment loans Other installment loans for personal expenditures Single-payment loans for personal expenditures_. _ All other loans Overdrafts ___ _._ Total gross loans _- Less valuation reserves Net loans Securities: U.S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed: Direct obligations: Treasury bills _. _ Treasury certificates of indebtedness . Treasury notes U.S. nonmarketable bonds (savings, investment series A-1965, B-l975-80, and depositary bonds) Other bonds maturing in 5 years or less Other bonds maturing in 5 to 10 years Other bonds maturing in 10 to 20 years Bonds maturing after 20 years Total Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government (Federal Housing Administration debentures) Total __ _ Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Total securities __ _ Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection: Cash items in process of collection, including exchanges for clearing house _ Demand balances with banks in the United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks) _ . Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Currency and coin Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and approved reserve agencies _ Total cash, balances with other banks, etc $347 $265 $82 14, 554 39, 922 83, 610 60, 758 7,007 25, 641 44, 738 39,285 7,547 14, 281 38, 872 21,473 1,520 89, 556 6 594 3,142 1,520 58, 944 3 153 1,836 30, 612 3 441 1,306 345 241 203.366 345 20 118, 464 221 84, 902 43, 972 17.170 18, 993 40, 544 73, 806 22 815 262 19, 089 5,183 9,453 10, 640 37, 559 13,170 162 24,883 11, T87 9,540 29, 804 36, 247 9, 645 100 721, 517 9,091 396, 474 7,519 325,043 1,572 712, 426 388, 955 323,471 9,186 29,229 94 972 1,548 13,857 51 502 7,638 15, 372 43 47C 17, 019 222,487 107,013 7,664 855 8,731 137,115 71, 903 4,906 688 8,288 85,372 35,110 2,758 167 488, 425 290,250 198,175 488, 425 38, 627 16, 948 2,385 290, 250 25,020 8,410 1,606 198,175 13,607 8,538 779 546,385 325,286 221,099 98,181 56,380 41, 801 34, 574 204 1,220 24 890 23, 781 63 1,029 14 104 10,793 141 191 10, 786 155, 601 89,815 65, 786 314, 670 185,172 129, 498 152 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 33.—Assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia, by classes, Dec. 31, 1959—Continued [Dollar figures in thousands] Totafall banks Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures __ _, Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Other assets __ _ . . . . Total assets National banks Non-national banks $23, 768 155 $16, 538 120 $7,230 35 4,418 5,510 1,970 4,418 3,540 1,607,332 918,041 689,291 991,780 25,674 140 58,222 5,580 575,320 16,640 131 36,864 4,197 416,460 9,034 9 21,358 1,383 LIABILITIES Demand deposits: Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government _ . ______ States and political subdivisions Banks in United States . . . Banks in foreign countries Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit, and travelers' checks sold for cash Total demand deposits Time deposits: Individuals, partnerships, and corporations ._ U.S. Government Postal savings. __ States and political subdivisions Banks in United States _ Banks in foreign countries Total time deposits Total deposits. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. Other liabilities Total liabilities... 16, 517 9,950 6,567 1,097, 913 643,102 454,811 342,606 17, 671 532 175, 628 8,947 532 166, 978 8,724 1,250 250 1,000 362,059 185,357 176, 702 1, 459, 972 828, 459 631, 513 3,000 33, 565 3,000 20,286 13,279 1,496, 537 851, 745 644, 792 30,093 58,208 17,300 5,194 18, 743 33,958 10,469 3,126 11,350 24,250 6,831 2,068 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock* Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves _ . . _ __ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 110,795 66,296 44,499 1,607,332 918,041 689,291 110,683 56, 725 53, 958 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold with agreement to repurchase) REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 153 TABLE NO. 34.—Assets and liabilities of all banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during the year ended Dec. 31, 1959 [In thousands of dollars] Mar. 12, Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations— Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures __ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and approved reserve agencies -.. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets _ -Total assets. 1959 J u n e 10, 1959 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 13 banks 12 banks 12 banks 12 banks 651,664 542,270 7 40,548 23,002 681,894 514, 511 7 40,646 21,261 704,048 498,149 712,426 488,425 38,758 19,396 38, 627 16, 948 2,332 2,332 2,380 2,385 185, 573 26,021 176,359 27,338 170, 749 26, 003 155, 601 24,890 114,161 22,683 137 127,050 23,274 188 121, 369 23, 657 158 134,179 23, 768 155 4,418 4,418 6,061 4,418 2 5,908 4,418 5,288 1, 618,104 1, 625, 339 1, 614,995 1, 607,332 995,820 982,737 5,510 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. — Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks. _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money.-_ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. _ Other liabilities Total liabilities. 365,994 591 32, 779 104 69, 324 24, 380 1,488,992 1,102,335 386,657 762 35,252 81 73, 784 19,108 1,474,055 1,091, 111 382,944 968,028 991, 780 353,871 532 47,273 51 75,210 21,182 1,466,147 1,092,895 373,252 342,606 532 43, 345 140 65, 052 16, 517 1,459,972 1,097,913 362,059 25,900 21,000 "33," 565 3,000 17, 756 16,149 2 17,136 1, 506, 748 1, 516,104 1, 504,285 1,496, 537 30,212 59,858 16,436 4,850 29,893 57,608 17,314 4,420 30,093 58,108 30, 093 58,208 17, 300 5,194 111, 356 109,235 110, 710 110, 795 1,618,104 1,625,339 1,614,995 1,607, 332 104,636 120,536 114,958 110, 683 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus.. _ Undivided profits Reserves .Total capital accounts _. _ Total liabilities and capital accounts. 5,541 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes. __ 154 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 35.—Assets and liabilities of nonnational banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during the year ended Dec. 81, 1959 [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U.S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and approved reserve agencies Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Other assets Total assets . Mar. 12, 1959 June 10, 99 Oct. 6, 1959 Dec. 31, 1959 8 banks 7 banks 7 banks 7 banks 291,136 230,409 7 11, 720 8,806 304,425 209,009 7 12,816 319, 620 205, 760 323,471 198,175 13,000 8,593 13, 607 8, 538 767 767 84, 347 10, 970 81, 356 11, 847 79, 035 10, 824 65, 786 10, 786 42, 213 6,546 49,000 6, 878 46,940 7,117 35 52, 926 7,230 35 4,418 2,982 4,418 3,309 4,418 3,350 4,418 3,540 694,321 692,229 699,466 689,291 418, 540 414,915 404,425 416,460 173,818 172,474 174, 620 166,978 13, 914 11 22, 232 9,095 637,610 453,594 184,016 14, 614 11 21, 910 6,912 630,836 448,161 182, 675 19,868 11 22,828 7,327 629, 079 444,743 184,336 17, 758 9 23, 741 6,567 631, 513 454,811 176,702 8,750 9,665 16,000 10, 372 13,279 647,476 649,251 655, 451 644, 792 11,670 26, 250 6,541 2,384 11,150 23,800 5,995 2,033 11, 350 24,150 6,446 11, 350 24,250 6,831 2,068 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U.S. Government. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities borrowed money Other liabilities for Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts-._ 46,845 42,978 44,015 44,499 694,321 692, 229 699,466 689,291 10, 425 61, 337 57, 343 53,958 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ _ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 155 TABLE NO. 36.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 31, 1959 and 1958 [Dollar figures in thousands] Years ended Dec. 31 National banks Total 1959 Number of banks l 1959 1958 Total earnings from current operations.. Total current operating expenses 12,099 1,970 31,682 347 3,982 8,007 973 18, 515 284 2,141 7,405 1.022 17,070 165 1,928 5,821 576 17,555 250 2,365 4,694 948 14,612 182 2,054 1,225 3,410 1,207 1,204 3,017 1, 473 517 1,255 431 455 995 744 708 2,155 776 749 2,022 729 62,329 55, 774 32,123 29, 784 30,206 25,990 5,577 11,844 3,116 6,286 263 1,723 3,097 6,129 252 1,691 2, 774 6,471 234 1,769 2,480 5,715 237 1,689 Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves Profits on securities sold or redeemed On loans: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves Allother from $412 $230 $202 $184 $210 8,115 158 2,145 4,461 292 1,180 4,221 116 1,094 4,253 281 1,089 3,894 42 1,051 1,139 8,874 868 4,424 773 4,153 468 5,697 366 4,721 19, 785 21,217 18, 479 20,857 42,074 Net earnings from current operations 20,255 17,510 79 107 1,963 906 53 63 590 380 364 106 36 63 546 43 380 258 2,882 1,037 699 1,845 1,367 889 363 341 803 548 363 122 512 873 172 1, 22'* 2, 756 325 118 53 820 203 114 187 755 119 403 2,553 2,874 5,403 1,015 1,417 1,859 11, 266 Total losses, chargeoffs, and transfers to valuation reserves 7,511 25 valuation Losses, chargeofTs, and transfers to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and chargeoffs Transfers to valuation reserves On loans: Losses and chargeoffs Transfers to valuation reserves Allother $11,937 46,980 13,828 1,549 36,070 534 4,506 Current operating expenses: Salaries and wages: 5,890 Officers 12, 757 Employees other than officers 497 Number of officers i Number of employees other than officers i Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees $414 Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) -_. 8,714 573 Interest and discount on borrowed money 2,269 Taxes other than on net income Recurring depreciation on banking house, furni1,336 ture, and fixtures 10,121 Other current operating expenses 1958 $30,092 $30,637 $18,742 $18,700 $11,350 110,795 110,950 66,296 63,970 44,499 Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on: U.S. Government obligations Other securities Interest and discount on loans Service charges and other fees on banks' loans Service charges on deposit accounts Other service charges, commissions, fees, and collection and exchange charges Trust department Other current earnings See footnotes at end of table. 1959 13 Capital stock, par2 value 2_ Capital accounts Total recoveries, transfers reserves, and profits 1958 Nonnational banks 107 1,057 156 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 36.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 31, 1959 and 1958—Continued [Dollar figures in thousands] Years ended Dec. {n Total 1959 Profits before income taxes.. -. _ - - National banks 1958 1959 1958 $18,166 $14,989 $10,337 1958 1959 Nonnational banks $9,619 $7,829 $5,370 9,008 8,527 5,039 4,787 3,969 3,740 9,158 6,462 5,298 4,832 3,860 1,630 - ___ -_ 5,090 4,839 3,006 2,899 2,084 1,940 Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities On loans.._ -. Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities - On loans -_ 79 72 46 42 33 30 255 230 117 91 Taxes on net income: Federal... _ _ Net profits before dividends __ _ Cash dividends. Ratios to gross earnings: Salaries, wages, and fees-, Interest on time deposits All other current expenses _ _ _ __ _ Total current expenses Net current earnings _ Ratio of cash dividends to capital stock (par value) Ratio of cash dividends to capital accounts 1 2 8 321 8 138 Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 31.97 31.22 - 30.58 29.98 31.66 32.34 13.98 14.55 14.08 13.89 14.17 14.98 22.94 22.08 24.94 21.06 20.60 23.78 67.50 68.60 64.93 66.43 70.24 71.10 32.50 31.40 35.07 33.57 29.76 28.90 17.01 4.63 15. 79 4.36 16.22 4.60 15.50 4.53 18.30 4.67 16.25 4.13 Number at end of period. Figures are averages of amounts reported for the June and December call dates in the year indicated and the December call date in the previous year. TABLE NO, 37.—Number of banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, interest and dividends, and ratios, all banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 31, 1930-59 [Dollar figures in thousands. Figures for previous years published in report for 1940, p . 200] Capital i Number of Capital banks notes and debentures 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938. 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 39 39 34 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 17 17 17 16 13 12 $300 1,340 1,790 1, 536 1,419 1,303 1,295 999 604 454 400 123 Preferred stock (par value) $1, 575 1,650 1,650 1,554 1,355 1,208 1,288 1,130 969 794 317 34 Common stock (par value) Total $24,008 23,328 23,072 19,216 18,345 18,235 18,243 18,250 18,060 17,300 17,338 17,490 17,669 17,768 17,616 17,833 19, 783 20,750 20,933 21,017 21,467 22,333 22,833 23,000 24,610 27,440 30,213 31,307 30,637 29,919 $24,008 23,328 23,072 19,516 21,260 21,675 21,429 21,223 20,718 19,803 19,625 19,224 19,092 18,962 18,056 17,867 19,783 20,750 20,933 21,017 21,467 22,333 22,833 23,000 24,610 27,440 30,213 31,307 30,637 29,919 Capital accounts 1 $52,638 52,066 50,062 41,119 39,849 40,843 42,263 44,365 45,481 46,966 48,191 49,499 50,425 51,447 52,301 55,255 61,601 65,468 67,653 69,635 73,451 78,295 81,881 85,707 90,209 96,050 107,318 112,236 110,950 110,021 1 Averages of amounts from reports of condition made in each year. 2 Deficit. Ratios Interest and cash dividends Net profits before dividends $2,983 1,514 2 1,218 2 2,186 2 416 2,501 3,744 2,966 2,480 3,455 2,986 3,283 2,436 2,468 3,573 5,485 5,438 4,991 3,589 5,083 6,361 5,800 6,446 7,143 6,773 7,388 7,708 7,013 6,462 9,158 On capital notes and debentures $31 77 58 47 41 40 28 24 11 17 6 On preferred stock $34 68 68 59 50 47 56 42 38 31 16 1 Interest on capital notes On com- and demon bentures stock to capital notes and debentures $2,755 2,648 2,278 1,006 901 996 1,083 1,194 1,248 1,379 1,416 1,442 1,439 1,432 1,557 1,610 1,902 2,198 2,412 2 653 2,912 3 014 3 068 3,166 3.553 3; 941 4,449 4,635 4,839 5,090 Percent 2.31 4.30 3.78 3.31 3.15 3.09 2.80 3.97 2.42 4.25 4.88 Cash dividends on preferred stock to preferred capital Percent 2.16 4.12 4.12 3.80 3.69 3.89 4.35 3.72 3.92 3.90 5.05 2.94 Net profits before dividends Cash dividends Total on com- interest To and cash mon capital To stock to dividends accommon to capital capital counts capital accounts stock Percent 11.48 11.35 9.87 5.24 4.91 5.46 5.94 6.54 6.91 7.97 8.17 8.24 8.14 8.06 8.84 9.03 9.61 10.59 11.52 12.62 13.57 13.50 13.44 13.77 14.44 14.36 14.73 14.80 15.79 17.01 Percent 5.23 4.09 4.55 2.45 2.42 2.79 2.86 2.93 2.94 3.12 3.11 3.05 2.95 2.88 3.02 2.92 3.09 3.36 3.57 3.81 3.96 3.85 3.75 3.69 3.94 4.10 4.15 4.13 4.36 4.63 Percent Percent 12.43 5.67 6.49 2.91 2 5.28 2 2.43 2 11.20 2 5.32 2 1.96 2 1.04 11.54 6.12 17.47 8.86 13.98 6.69 11.97 5.45 17.45 7.36 15. 22 6.20 17.08 6.63 12.76 4.83 13.02 4.80 19.79 6.83 30.70 9.93 27.49 8.83 24.05 7.62 17.15 5.31 24.19 7.30 29.63 8.66 25.97 7.41 28.23 7.87 31.06 8.33 27.52 7.51 26.92 7.69 25.51 7.18 22.40 6.25 21.09 5.82 30.61 8.32 d o O o o O F F 01 158 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 38.—Total loans of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years 1940 59 ALL BANKS [Dollar figures in thousands] Year 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 A Total loans end of year _ _ . . . . _ _ _ . erases for 1940-59 Losses and chargeoffs Recoveries $128,221 144,649 118, 524 106, 789 110,479 125,302 175,340 242,755 270,963 285,399 347,853 372,607 420,060 446,861 501,630 579,680 631,394 650,210 670,206 712,426 $371 332 225 237 600 195 184 303 1395 1574 1382 1475 1393 1579 1335 1360 1423 1477 1427 1443 $193 277 351 297 434 300 483 529 2 211 2 304 2 539 2 315 2 253 2 406 2 162 2 243 2 173 2 212 2 140 2 132 352,067 386 298 N e t losses Ratio of losses or recoveries (or recoveries + ) to loans $178 55 +126 +60 166 +105 +299 +226 184 270 Percent 0.14 .04 +.11 +.06 .15 +.08 +.17 +.09 .07 .09 +157 +.05 160 140 173 173 117 250 265 287 311 .04 .03 .04 .03 .02 .04 .04 .04 .04 88 .02 NATIONAL BANKS 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946. 1947 1948 1949 _ 1950 1951 _. 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 .. 1957 1958 1959... . -, Averages for 1940-59 See footnotes at end of table. $60,059 68,766 55, 876 51, 534 55,181 67, 807 96, 720 131, 989 145,299 145,982 183,547 199,131 226, 337 245,151 300,865 347,098 378, 746 396,165 376, 878 388,955 $178 122 112 133 110 66 62 133 1264 261 1 166 '298 279 288 139 206 241 252 170 238 $119 143 147 113 141 112 211 230 2 100 2 93 2 180 2 191 2 102 2 289 2 75 2 123 2 103 2 134 2 67 '63 196,104 186 137 $59 +21 +35 20 +31 +46 +149 +97 164 168 +14 107 177 +1 0.10 +.03 +.06 .04 +.06 +.07 +.15 +.07 . 11 .11 +.C1 .05 .08 64 83 138 118 103 175 .02 .02 .04 .03 .03 .04 49 .02 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 159 TABLE NO. 38.— Total loans of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years 1940-59— Continued NONNATIONAL BANKS [Dollar figures in thousands] Year 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945.. 1946 1947 . 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 . . 1958 1959 . Total loans end of year . . . . . . . - Averages for 1940-59 1 Losses and chargeoffs Recoveries $74 $68,162 75, 883 62, 648 55,255 55,298 57,495 78,620 110, 766 125,664 139,417 164, 306 173,476 193, 723 201, 710 200, 765 232, 582 252,648 254,045 293,328 323, 471 $193 210 113 104 490 129 122 170 131 313 216 177 114 196 154 182 225 257 205 134 204 184 293 188 272 299 2 111 2 211 2 359 2 124 2 151 2 117 2 87 2 120 2 70 2 78 2 73 2 69 155,963 200 161 ?m Net losses Ratio of losses (or recovor recoveries eries + ) to (+) loans Percent +59 +150 +129 20 102 +143 53 +37 174 0.17 .10 +.15 +.14 .36 +.10 +.19 +.12 .02 .07 +.09 .03 +.02 .09 109 34 112 147 184 136 .05 .01 .04 .06 .06 .04 39 .03 $119 76 +91 +80 197 2 Excludes transfers to valuation reserves. Excludes transfers from valuation reserves. NOTE.—For prior figures beginning with year 1928 see Annual Report for 1947, p. 109. 160 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 39.—Total securities of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on securities, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities, by calendar years 1940-59 ALL BANKS [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Total securities e n d of year Year Losses and chargeoffs Recoveries Ratio of losses Net losses or (or recoveries recoveries (+) + ) to securities Percent 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 $136,389 158,518 306,889 433, 694 549, 977 719,103 621, 710 547,104 509,545 534, 759 575, 500 601,232 570,881 548, 393 575,323 543,452 521,085 514, 639 594,931 546, 385 - - _ - - - - - - - - - - _.- . Averages for 1940-59 505,475 $732 827 466 770 639 299 205 347 201 126 169 757 711 634 164 509 i 1,224 1518 1889 $351 359 262 590 459 278 125 83 2 88 22 22 28 2 71 234 21 21 i 1, 375 578 $381 468 204 180 180 21 80 264 113 124 167 757 703 563 130 508 1,224 517 889 1,375 0.28 .30 .07 .04 .03 .002 .01 .05 .02 .02 .03 .13 .12 .10 .02 .09 .23 .10 .15 .25 136 442 .09 $285 242 199 469 250 173 76 16 2 80 21 $248 375 72 172 0.30 .40 .04 .06 +19 9 21 150 +36 +.01 .002 .01 .05 +.01 23 100 540 425 198 151 167 332 203 341 564 .01 .03 .14 .12 .06 .04 .05 .10 .06 .10 .17 202 .06 NATIONAL BANKS 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 . --_ . .- . .-. . Averages for 1940-59 See footnotes at end of table. $533 617 271 641 231 182 97 166 144 1 24 $81,589 94,880 203, 593 276, 495 341, 778 440, 209 372,566 327, 705 308, 248 345, 537 379,010 388,279 361, 695 351,994 378, 648 354,373 348,086 331,406 350,090 325,286 100 1540 1432 1265 •151 1167 1332 1204 1341 1 564 318,073 295 27 2 67 (2) 21 93 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 161 TABLE N O . 39.—Total securities of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on securities, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities, by calendar years 1940-59—Continued NONNATIONAL BANKS [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Total securities end of year Year Ratio of losses Net losses or (or recoveries recoveries(+) +) to securities Recoveries Losses and chargeoffs Percent 19401941 1942_ 1943 1944 .1945 1946 .. 1947 1948 .. 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953. 1954 1955 . - 1956 1957 .1958 1959 . . . . . - . . - Averages for 1940-59 $54,800 63,638 103,296 157,199 208,199 278,894 249,144 219,399 201,297 189,222 196, 490 212, 953 209,186 196,399 196, 675 189,079 172,999 183, 233 244,841 221,099 $199 210 195 129 408 117 108 181 157 i 102 i 69 217 279 369 i 13 342 892 314 i 548 811 187,402 283 $66 117 63 121 209 105 49 67 28 21 22 $133 93 132 8 199 12 59 114 149 101 67 217 278 365 21 24 2 34 2 1 43 0.24 .15 .13 .01 .10 .004 .02 .05 .07 .05 .03 .10 .13 .19 +21 +.01 341 892 314 548 811 .18 .52 .17 .22 .37 240 .13 i Excludes transfers to valuation reserves. 2 Excludes transfers from valuation reserves. NOTE.—For prior figures beginning with year 1928 see Annual Report for 1947, p. 110. TABLE N O . 40.—Fiduciary activities of banks in the District of Columbia, Dec. 81, 1959 Total Number of banks exercising fiduciary powers Number with authority but not exercising fiduciary powers National banks Nonnational banks 6 3 3 Total number authorized to exercise fiduciary powers 6 3 3 Total banking assets of banks authorized to exercise fiduciary powers _ $1, 444,361,306 $868, 980,913 $575,380,393 350,709,309 573,300, 527 4,267,795 133,900,185 213,106, 516 947, 958 216,809,124 360,194,011 3,319,837 928,277,631 347,954, 659 580,322, 972 4,441 2,191 57 246 1,499 800 39 85 2,942 1,391 18 161 Trust department liabilities: Trusts Agency, escrow, custodian, and corporate accounts— All other liabilities Total liabilities Number of accounts being administered: Trusts Agency, escrow, and custodian Corporate trust bond issue accounts All other accounts 1 -.. Total number of accounts 6,935 2,423 4,512 Bond and debenture issues outstanding where bank acts as trustee $275,350,010 $245, 654,010 $29, 696,000 Trust department gross earnings for year ended Dec. 31, 1959 3,410,000 1, 255,000 2,155, 000 1 Corporate paying agency, depository, registrar, transfer agency, etc. TABLE N O . 41.—Assets liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by classes, Dec. SI, 1959 to [Dollar figures in thousands] Total all banks Number of banks _ National banks All banks other than national Banks other than national State commercial l Mutual savings Private 13,984 4,542 9,442 8,855 518 $1,642,259 42,806, 865 8, 688,226 $603,625 11,239,977 3,326,184 $1,038,634 31,566,888 5,362,042 $982,105 9,075,871 2,909,088 $54,626 22,486,254 2,451,117 825,053 7,132,089 3,018,146 338,248 3,911,316 1,160,372 486,805 3,220, 773 1, 857, 774 486,606 3,214, 505 1,852,235 1,858, 845 200,135 4,829,923 40,489, 547 24, 508,912 2,812,342 790,877 62,599 2,368,284 22,309,563 13,469,652 1,583,153 1,067,968 137, 536 2,461,639 18,179,984 11,039,260 1,229,189 1,050,453 137,182 2,452,515 18,012,691 10, 789,877 1,205, 232 1,716 94, 726 238,955 18, 716 10,068 354 7,408 72, 567 10,428 5,241 138,812,342 2,402,660 61,163,850 1,201,861 77,648,492 1,200, 799 52,168,360 973,344 25,353, 557 227,394 126,575 61 136,409, 682 59,961, 989 76,447,693 51,195,016 25,126,163 126,514 •= K 65, 881, 700 17, 714, 739 7,014, 757 1,401,177 31, 760,970 9,036,149 1,553,557 302,179 34,120,730 8,678,590 5,461,200 1,098,998 27,182,135 1,423,493 276,851 6.864,410 721,940 4,034,559 813,973 74,185 49,223 3,148 8,174 a 92,012,373 42,652,855 49,359,518 36,789,906 12,434, 882 134,730 3,169, 565 1,521,334 1,648,231 1,511,826 133, 784 2,621 47,192,451 2,883,967 83,395 25,942,911 1,476,979 45,113 21,249,540 1,406,988 38,282 20,462,279 1,161,526 26,041 695,625 243,622 12,162 91,636 1,840 79 217,555 776,351 1,612,392 142,737 291,947 600,248 74,818 484,404 1,012,144 74,818 467,801 710,284 296, 622 16,603 5,238 284.357, 731 132,636,113 151,721,618 112,399,497 38,942,860 379,261 ASSETS Loans and discounts: Keal estate loans: Secured by farm land (including improvements). Secured by residential properties (other than farm) Secured by other properties Loans to financial institutions: Domestic commercial and foreign banks Other Loans to brokers and dealers in securities Other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying stocks, bonds, and other securities Loans to farmers directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation Other loans to farmers (excluding loans on real estate) Commercial and industrial loans (including open market paper) Otner loans to individuals for personal expenditures All other loans (including overdrafts) Total gross loans _ Less valuation reserves.._ Net loans Securities: U.S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stocks of Federal Reserve banks.Total securities Currency and coin Balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets _ 7,907,427 $1,903 4,763 1,837 199 6,268 5,539 7,447 i o E 3 O LIABILITIES Demand deposits: Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government _ _ _ ______ States and political subdivisions Banks in the United States _ -_ _ Banks in foreign countries Certified and cashiers'checks, etc __ _ _ _-___ Total demand deposits Time deposits: Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government __ _ Postal savings States and political subdivisions _ _ Banks in the United States Banks in foreign countries Total time deposits Total deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. __ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Total liabilities 116,459,580 5,073,359 11,531, 111 13,953,587 1. 705,175 3,929,398 62,496,399 2, 741,888 6,637,065 8,345,649 600,952 1,881,161 53,963,181 2,331,471 4,894,046 5, 607,938 1,104,223 2,048,237 53, 741,496 2,327,465 4,889.354 5, 592,011 1,080, 725 2,004,853 22,092 3,742 1,638 318 5,170 199, 593 264 3,054 15,609 23,498 38,214 152,652, 210 82,703,114 69,949,096 69,635,904 32,960 280,232 97,883,390 279.092 19,923 3,217,499 177,871 1,266, 795 34,385,356 194,149 9,042 1,832,172 41,631 472,213 63,498,034 84,943 10,881 1.385,327 136, 240 794,582 28, 541,480 84, 592 10 881 1,371, 236 133,347 788, 732 34,934, 465 349 22,089 2 13,071 1,843 1,020 1,050 5,850 102, 844, 570 36,934,563 65,910,007 30,930, 268 34, 949, 728 30,011 255, 496, 780 119, 637, 677 135,859,103 100, 566,172 34,982,688 310,243 648,852 828,614 4,410,334 340,362 307,511 2,048,446 308,490 521,103 2, 361, 888 291,670 501,437 1, 760,425 9,590 591, 542 7,230 19,666 9,921 261,384,580 122,333,996 139,050, 584 103,119, 704 35, 583,820 347,060 5,932, 536 56, 214 16, 820 11.760,363 4 468 702 3,166,651 2, 765, 885 56, 214 13, 729 6, 698,279 2 654 065 2, 758, 519 56, 214 13, 729 4, 316.151 1 893 591 Total liabilities and capital accounts w o o o El CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Common stock Capital notes and debentures Preferred stock Surplus. _______ _ __ Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures Total capital accounts a __ __ 3,091 5, 062,084 1 814,637 7,366 2,360,732 759 193 21,396 1 281 738, 516 255, 654 482,862 241,589 239,115 2,158 22,973,151 10,302,117 12,671,034 9, 279, 793 3, 359,040 32, 201 284,357, 731 132,636,113 151, 721, 618 112,399,497 38, 942,860 379,281 o d ftl 1 Includes stock savings b a n k s . o CO TABLE N O . 42.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 81, 1959 {including national, State commercial, savings, and private banks) ASSETS [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Other assets Total assets ^ <-s THE Investments and Real CusBank estate other tomers' premises owned liabilowned, other ity on furniture than acceptand bank ances fixtures prem- bank outises prem- standing ises or other REPO] Location Balances with other banks, U.S. Gov- ObligaCorporate Loans and ernment tions of Other stocks, including Population Num- discounts, obligaStates bonds, including Currency reserve (approxi- ber of including tions, and polit- notes, stocks of and coin balances mate) banks overdirect and ical sub- and de- Federal and cash drafts guaran- divisions bentures Reserve items in process teed banks of collection estate 956,000 Maine 599,000 New Hampshire 374,000 Vermont 4,997,000 Massachusetts 884,000 Rhode Island 2,451,000 Connecticut Total New Eng10,261,000 land States 16,655,000 New York 6,021,000 New Jersey 11,437,000 Pennsylvania 461,000 Delaware _. « _ 3,079,000 Maryland District of Colum849,000 Total Eastern 38,502,000 States.. 4,053,000 Virginia.. _ . 1,973,000 West Virginia 4,580,000 North Carolina 2,440,000 South Carolina 3,880,000 Georgia 4,905,000 Florida _ 3,221,000 Alabama. __ _ 2,208,000 Mississippi 3,209,000 Louisiana 9,647,000 Texas 1,748,000 Arkansas 3,153,000 Kentucky 3,532,000 Tennessee Total Southern States.. 48,549,000 86 108 63 354 17 144 $569,313 575,525 340,530 6,525,473 817,844 2,809,298 $305,687 253,127 116,597 3,142,814 321,217 1,113,731 772 11,637,983 5,253,173 543 40,190,319 11,131,699 279 4,098,725 2,266,384 729 8,313,097 3,869,245 22 403,759 243,921 147 1,381,727 911,161 12 712,426 488,425 $78,506 33,852 7,020 380,226 95,575 309,644 $26,349 35,442 3,068 252,780 27,682 134,975 $19,298 $101,794 81,394 9,670 7,079 46,553 101,538 1,250,187 19,333 125,542 65,267 475,453 $14,316 13,589 6,603 103,280 14,572 55,931 825,611 904,823 3,402,545 2,430,173 933,870 372,895 1,278,741 928,293 82,974 36,173 136,390 181,927 480,296 477,572 37,679 84,142 12,185 6,767 222,185 2,080,923 387,079 11,072,487 131,643 1,063,431 239,045 2,677,057 11,050 118,571 51,152 446,495 208,291 607,882 106,749 195,284 12,062 32,137 9,978 8,596 1,667 7,287 16,948 2,385 289,780 23,768 155 $47,606 29,419 29,425 381,880 74,045 263,236 38,630 1,732 55,100,053 18,910,835 309 1,603,500 883,533 183 512,146 496,955 192 1,354,020 623,928 145 429,487 304,724 401 1,434,736 730,236 293 1,990,219 1,574,863 237 903,892 564,296 193 372,830 517,060 882,408 187 1,207,188 988 5,299,240 2,867,896 487,539 236 350,806 358 1,002,976 772,683 297 1,560,549 804,971 5,871,886 3,967,673 221,634 58,384 85,571 12,879 259,014 100,680 30,446 89,641 153,852 47,361 352,192 45,798 206,650 41,033 18,124 195,577 21,878 269,389 783,992 205,725 141,950 28,068 98,428 34,210 241,499 42,642 4,019 18,302,552 11,230,129 3,099,389 687,228 24,890 620,730 5,830 2,966 4,138 1,392 4,950 6,656 3,110 1,441 4,395 23,196 1,564 3,229 5,345 844,859 15,667,821 64,807 629,206 32,682 251,093 636,508 73,053 29,324 210,307 49,751 674,325 90,269 1,040,185 45,935 422,100 33,964 282,288 55,081 707,957 165,303 3,182,182 24,930 315,036 548,785 48,005 767,191 65,220 977,882 44,987 15,440 40,666 13,881 44,074 76,156 24,308 20,404 34,306 224,577 14,223 18,224 37,934 68,212 778,324 9,667,163 609,180 $843 1,510 $843 52 333 1,188 1,815 146 256 330 3,163 3,983 772 909 19,386 1,186 521 829 601 2,704 4,634 1,039 442 614 4,484 10,183 1,064 10,753 1,136 449 $25,892 2,790 14 28,696 535,048 164 7,922 5 270 4,418 28,003 4,954 1,739 1,665 543,409 167 1,586 541 45 793 236 12 3,223 9,440 2,089 75,662 768 420 1,822 54 849 686 93 461 26,815 38,607 81,144 11,235 § hj H W O £j 75,054 21,731,497 711,332 ~70~ na± QJ5 40,275 9', 054' 546 60,813 17,671,629 3,512 926,170 55,311 3,204,695 £d 5,510 27 2,068 9,559 3,802 $2,771 $1,167,326 1,098 1,034,678 918 559,314 43,684 12,212,732 4,329 1,503,331 22,254 5,254,116 1,607,335 876,753 103,429,290 8,193 3,526,381 3,066 1,415,058 21,830 3,117,917 3,197 1,113,027 9,502 3,153,604 21,869 5,213,193 5,622 2,222,023 3,037 1,445,720 10,722 3,199,250 35,988 12,884,436 2,200 1,367,138 4,594 2,532,496 7,557 3,535,877 137,377 ^726^120 2 ^ j g H O d 3 2 S S 3 ^ Ohio. Indiana-. Illinois Michigan _. Wisconsin Minnesota __ Iowa Missouri. _ _ Total Middle Western States. North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California __ Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska .. Hawaii Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Canal Zone (Panama) Guam Puerto Rico 3 American Samoa... Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions. Total United States and possessions . . 9,824,000 4,694,000 10,350,000 8,059,000 4,065,000 3, 442,000 2,835,000 4,273,000 47,542,000 647,000 692,000 1,473,000 2,162,000 696,000 322,000 1,703,000 895,000 2, 297,000 2,056,813 897,659 3,350,901 1,296,599 784,787 809, 561 561,866 1,434,330 132,325 49,663 86,942 101,465 42,712 43,078 20,501 46,148 915 1,104 5,496 1,942 1,967 1,625 974 1,692 5,832 819 18,877 8,469 4,665 7,435 3,393 2,813 441 32 11,283 1,045 195 1,148 253 1,132 39,809 12,177,944 14,405 5,094, 719 79,562 18,550,152 33,974 9,222,129 22,143 4,868,435 19,712 4,815,571 4,251 3,358,293 19,533 6,589,496 826,030 11,192,516 101,216 8,294 104,505 8,941 374,833 17,899 470,459 31,417 145,014 10,581 84,337 6,260 415,244 25,706 159,460 13,100 669,369 36,443 522,834 7,906 7,623 11,254 20,937 11,004 4,661 17,120 10,172 31,488 15,715 298 294 141 743 446 254 1,034 594 762 52,303 15,529 589 933 2,409 3,029 1,070 571 3,119 689 4,379 233,389 64,676,739 839,891 2,236 789,676 2,397 5,055 1,792,096 3,943 2,509,976 874,202 2,998 442,475 1,582 10,084 2,097,797 749,702 1,603 5,207 2,851,632 17, 230 1,151 8 59,133 353 8,544 187 7,107 444 3,386,092 1,742,335 5,580,768 2,668, 400 1,561,036 1,177,534 869,266 793,924 801,830 250,627 1,343,185 905,020 303,640 306,986 288,701 443,754 111,504 51,561 353,529 27,413 74,809 161,503 33,178 76,247 21,664 6,422 42,638 14,229 4,828 7,512 2,929 22,191 4,923 27,383,168 18,779,355 156 320,472 259,951 173 289,965 308,252 426 503,249 748,654 593 747,877 928,183 116 269,265 353,251 53 152,661 164,024 181 528,247 994,122 52 235,398 288,238 388 1,089,246 757,258 4,643,743 889,744 122,413 85,677 45,386 112,336 270,521 58,608 22,212 88,033 35,430 219,611 52,960 20,946 15,080 32,481 21,938 5,913 7,367 4,893 29,149 590 454 955 383 559 688 671 623 5,434,698 1,984,957 7,506,628 4,030,526 1,998,818 2,232,070 1,521,684 2,673,787 186,021 95,135 170,343 133,047 68,835 47,407 51,297 73,945 887,000 862,000 783,000 878,000 673,000 895,000 285,000 1,267,000 192,000 671,000 2,138 5,133,921 91 1,658,838 54 1,028,077 115 13,520,650 32 313,796 49 504,609 7 206, 302 9 719,032 18 84,127 11 359,023 3,804,392 937, 814 212,461 194,163 1,630,687 44,898 67,336 37, 546 58,435 9,303 45,022 190,727 57,780 15,431 230,559 1,768 5,802 8, 513 22,348 4,032 5,241 16,788 4,973 3,059 76,494 928 1,517 467 1,871 181 2,002 158,641 2,524,437 583,236 34,774 366, 561 19,186 187,678 4,354,828 110,725 8,927 189,363 12,094 49,625 7,341 219,987 18,734 24,797 5,816 115,460 20, 310 122,165 43,759 33,716 294,543 9,760 6,016 7,847 23,544 3,050 13,833 4,566 781,037 577,328 5,462,192 201,756 239,675 124,957 202,633 64,373 163,157 23, 506,000 386 18, 394,454 7,817,108 2, 299, 851 351,474 91,492 314, 860 6,014, 582 436,068 6,359 10, 2, 1, 14, 179, 247,000 13, 970 135, 952,131 65,794,992 17, 678,294 6, 901,669 1,399,931 3,144, 899 47,147,442 2,876,420 40,000 50,000 2, 352,000 21,000 24,000 2,487,000 10 1 1,475 10,641 432,247 274 78,448 2,075 3 14 12,914 457,551 6,185 86, 708 (0 (2) 34,926 23,081 1,131 1,519 7 23,088 115 1,246 36,445 7,721 125 7,059 76, 927 82, 819 217, 554 1,661 862 35,105 12, 947,447 15, 540 3,395,557 10,508 2,249,263 144.240 26,066,466 695,027 i;694 2,020 1,037,140 444,802 l,8fO 11,006 1,285,242 196,621 189 729,306 3,922 105,270 190,979 36,099,424 1,661 732 305 103,248 123 1,227 282 39, 593 192 13 251 7,215 4 73 462 1 642 17,361 14,431 26,711 57 21,732 26, 787 665,232 2,688 1,040 24,666 3.715 45,009 64 7,547 41 576 5,175 1 642 63,735 30, 775 747,214 181, 734,000 13,984 136,409,682 65,881, 700 17,714,739 7,014, 757 1,401,177 3.169, 565 47,192,451 2, 883,967 83,395 217,555 fel •-d o 8 W O 775,709 1,548,657 283,610, 517 1,656 1,109 20,775 86 21 2 branches of a national bank and 2 branches of a State member bank in New York. Branch of a national bank in California. 3 Asset and liability items include data for branches of a national bank and a State member bank in New York. 1,276 921 2,214 422 164 157 422 309 474 292 434 1,186 386 27 3 776,351 1,612,392 284,357, 731 O5 TABLE N O . 42.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 31, 1959 {including national. State commercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Demand deposits Time deposits Total deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Capital stock i Surplus 351,775 256,338 144,429 4,487,329 488,108 1,730,951 684,609 649,559 359,885 6,282,065 848, Oil 2,976,633 1,036,384 905,897 504,314 10,769,394 1,336,119 4,707,584 469 2,020 297 1,540 7,458,930 11,800,762 19,259,692 4,915 30,213 406,548 276,142 1,106,008 32,667,108 29,626,775 62,293,883 3,955,952 4,288,736 8,244,688 9,006,540 6,714,204 15,720,744 519,937 297,741 817,678 1,660,451 1,244,433 2,904,884 1,097,914 362,060 1,459,974 253,492 2,725 49,040 200 1,701 3,000 579,470 164 8,259 5 270 1,583,929 159,027 225,169 13,058 41,548 33,566 1,332,882 168,075 393,412 15,977 49,749 30,093 3,645,708 348,844 991,343 65,968 133,267 58,208 48,907,902 42,533,949 91,441,851 310,158 588,168 2,056,297 1,990,188 5,243,338 1,954,301 850 253 2,119,408 813,120 2,128,876 3,478,558 1,449,615 1,021,832 2,272,104 9,280,283 970 426 1,813,670 2,209,397 1,242,185 409 258 668,626 197,504 706,000 1,263,513 567,850 314,440 648,437 2,384,377 279,241 489,704 1,011,702 3,196,486 1 259 511 2,788,034 1,010,624 2,834,876 4,742,071 2,017,465 1,336,272 2,920,541 11,664,660 1,249,667 2,303,374 3,221,099 3,815 793 1,927 170 11,395 39,131 2,854 24 8,552 50,188 35 325 16,975 167 45 796 236 14 2,311 76,988 212 461 44,292 14,068 73,063 12, 547 48,474 60,114 22,763 9,407 33,219 90,521 7,188 19,673 41,666 81,985 35,201 64,757 28,838 76,288 141,475 55,629 26,441 70,419 376,654 33,208 57,184 78,727 142,354 67,797 145,789 44,111 116,563 164,144 78,867 69,901 118,037 433,814 43,165 99,875 118,613 30,361,843 10,182,837 40,544,680 136,184 82,816 476,995 1,126,806 1,643,030 589 27,408 2,791 14 1,586 15,369 17,852 6,960 239,451 36,007 90,909 22,155 9,407 12,878 138,413 24,640 68,649 52,637 55,048 18,658 653,110 87,479 239,076 Reserves and retirement Undivided account for profits preferred stock and capital notes and debentures ^ Q £j ^ O *z H 3,490 6,549 2,819 49, £04 281 25,190 O O g G H 560,146 87,833 O 1,095,349 90,245 257,979 12,796 63,889 17,300 180,202 40,778 25,733 438 9,387 5,194 F M W ^ O " 1,537,558 261,732 HH 51,770 31,482 33,947 14,628 44,517 46,670 38,126 2,215 42,159 154,069 29, 736 47,060 51,201 5,512 6 206 8,814 2,109 21,446 18,792 6,083 H 4,012 37,542 4,139 4,793 7,135 3 *< 587, 580 128,029 36,822 37,905 13,388 333,912 16,014 122,105 1,446 9 d g 2 g g Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri __ _ 6,810,311 3,163,665 11,712,552 _ . 4,601,785 2,585,980 2,582,506 2,114,680 4,657,132 4,245,564 1,495,681 5,157,509 3,804,319 1,897,827 1,772,619 936,997 1,321,832 11,055,875 4,659,346 16,870,061 8,406,104 4,483,807 4,355,125 3,051,677 5,978,964 1,342 245 43,404 1,870 947 18,955 4,365 10,809 441 32 12,032 1,045 195 1,148 385 1,172 165,669 55,569 179,760 142,014 46,436 57,850 11,972 64,404 289,172 98,436 489,562 209,932 94,435 109, 777 72,893 167,903 490,577 179,975 625,080 308,274 161,874 165,207 111, 529 200,895 168,132 89,007 225,207 131,911 72,182 87,217 94,843 151,288 6,736 12,109 105,046 20,979 8,559 20,292 10,629 14,061 38,228,611 20,632,348 58,860,959 81,937 16,450 723,674 1,532,110 2,243,411 1,019,787 198,411 465,411 482,880 1,392,289 1, 762,225 557,260 281,131 1,359,415 522,565 2,101,164 301,006 241,069 206,673 517,843 248,453 124,140 559, 726 172,146 469,630 766,417 723,949 1, 598,962 2,280,068 805. 713 405,271 1,919,141 694, 711 2,570, 794 614 125 24, -199 5,229 1,410 700 2,988 1,385 22, 544 1,661 7,200 7,084 13,023 11,699 11,409 4,188 21,065 9,495 15,105 18, 235 15,043 44,619 60,408 19,998 6,023 54. 717 15,465 70,070 23, 798 24,389 61,808 94,350 21,392 15,587 63,419 16,454 95,491 17,977 16,595 43, 665 54,457 13,738 9,276 33,138 6,935 70,658 5,650 2,491 5,520 3,765 642 1,430 3,329 5,257 5,309 8,924,340 2,840, 686 11,765,026 59,494 1,661 100,268 304,578 416,688 266,439 33,293 1,814,045 1,179,094 12,949, 775 413,863 563,822 235,904 803,688 110,053 365, 720 1,290,828 861,369 10, 872, 861 231,683 389,951 177,489 368, 621 73,458 293 754 3,104.873 2,040,463 23,822,636 645, 546 953, 773 413,393 1,172,309 183,511 659,474 805 305 106,569 70,943 53,281 509,694 17,803 21,349 9,061 27, 527 4,397 21,343 122,140 63, 674 773,316 17,784 35.311 9,629 43,477 4,475 25,070 50,632 51,841 338,435 7,676 11,989 6,073 15,175 2,286 9,326 7,505 428 11,648 1,068 582 108 958 990 3,851 18,435,964 14, 560,014 Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota __ Nebraska Kansas ._ Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma ._ _ __ _ _ . Total Western States Washington Oregon . California. . __ Idaho Utah Nevada _ Arizona Alaska Hawaii. _ _ _ . _ Total Pacific States Total United sessions) States _ 123 157 862 32,995,978 31,532 108,664 612,405 735,398 1,094,876 493,433 27,138 152,317,590 102,550, 596 254, 868,186 624, 220 827,972 4,376,187 5,965,222 11,747,351 4,464,943 736,436 642 127 734 32, 779 27 480 39, 854 100 394 12, 737 25 250 3,499 17 243 1,895 97 88 50 30,200 100 8 (exclusive of pos- Canal Zone (Panama) Guam Puerto Rico __ American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and possessions * Includes capital notes and debentures. 1,000 25 38,659 39,221 473,968 5,050 14,136 5, 538 25, 648 962 9,223 - - 16,988 14,735 287,228 1,364 14,305 4,617 11,318 261,966 1,058 15,015 21, 605 26,053 519,194 2,422 29,320 334,620 293,974 628,594 24, 632 642 34,147 40,348 13,012 3,759 2,080 152, 652,210 102,844,570 255,496, 780 648,852 828, 614 4,410,334 6,005, 570 11,760,363 4,468, 702 738, 516 (See classification on pp. 170 and 171.) 24,632 o d 3 TABLE N O . 42.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 31, 1959 {including national, State commercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued [In thousands of dollars] 00 Loans and discounts Real estate loans Location Secured by farm land (including improvements) Secured by residential properties (other than farm) Secured To domestic by comother proper- mercial and foreign banks Other Loans for purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers insecurities Other Loans to farmers Directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation Other loans to farmers ^excluding loans on real estate) CommerOther cial and All loans to indusother individtrial loans uals for loans (in(includ- personal cluding ing open expendi- overtures market drafts) paper) 7,907 3,029 3,107 73,764 17,392 41,045 S3 H Total gross loans valuation 5,923 3,883 3,496 85,993 13,125 29,302 Net loans 1,080 223 49, 721 745 10,517 3,106 1,493 3,906 20, 597 1,119 12, 787 145 920 8,165 3,558 720 257,985 33,459 47,105 11,759 105,945 3,778 60,298 16,729 39,891 10,803 1, 363,239 966 169,961 6,765 339,896 10,542 350,992 62,954 43,008 145 50,800 2,079,230 1,528, 574 146,244 11, 779, 705 141, 722 11,637,983 ,988,052 1,895,972 55,936 16,698,995 2, 290, 460 540,214 1, 82,091 300 122,676 15,417 1,917,204 342,993 65, 483 84,849 2,459,085 564,012 14, 579 432, 544 8,670 25,334 10,638 115,069 29, 450 76,295 21,046 28,126 535,486 125, 733 5,500 6,594 89,556 1,520 347 138,087 60,758 495,875 26,339 124,344 2,949 20,807 3,143 876 "143 108, 506 12,467,293 3,435,465 965,012 40,942,656 899,992 65,386 4,181,001 690,612 17,991 93,113 2, 660, 565 1,802,410 181,175 8,482,302 407,390 84,842 119, 513 6,251 4,608 304, 635 20,016 1,399, 738 21,127 240,967 194, 485 23,077 721, 517 241 752,337 40,190,319 82,276 4,098,725 169,205 8,313,097 3,631 403,759 18,011 1,381, 727 9,091 712,426 195,313 21, 863,926 3, 413,406 562,113 2,734,457 2,079,856 673,457 1,430 14,396 2,280 12, 450 13, 697 25,838 8,206 44, 785 42,206 12,305 9,165 10, 706 235, 774 170 51,466 8,186 15,983 21, 426 75 71 516 1 194 2,371 83 24,728 8,665 1,065 1,318 13,260 38.739 33,674 41,187 40,679 26, 814 331,167 49,602 75,762 54,739 459,139 39,257 808,159 6,687,489 5,352,133 Maine I New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts _ Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States 271,680 8,581 6,642 329,457 168,074 17,802 9,669 3,440,622 438,000 2,076 9,057 1, 792, 700 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total S o u t h e r n States Loans to financial institutions 53, 776 95,965 34,190 596,882 65,441 166,602 "16 53,827 6, 440,533 1,012,856 138 112,264 45,540 77, 492 34,499 74,603 17b, 998 48, 709 34,478 98,633 206,658 40,132 66,779 74,363 2,781 400 2,202 30 4,478 916 4,615 645 2,156 5,601 22 1,773 5.361 295, 711 14,381 62,837 99,531 486,262 2,000, 056 1,091,148 30,980 991, 693 48, 764 13, 401 41,974 13,069 47,339 26,420 29,496 34,652 26,004 47,400 28,128 73,613 56,002 354,446 151,289 123,361 49,242 187, 900 226,807 113, 531 49,160 136, 519 248,487 55,020 156,160 148,134 60,237 9,713 77,334 14,846 95, 526 110, 412 43,283 14, 493 33,095 3,347 14,050 16, 282 4,277 41,087 3,140 13,056 23,907 103, 511 74,108 59,368 778, 571 101,810 411,206 575,236 579,408 344,026 6,611,466 830,969 2,838,600 569,313 575,525 340,530 6,525,473 817,844 S o O o 245, 586 16,347,643 6,756,500 1,260,917 56,134,6041,034,551 55,100,053 389, 587 534,894 41,594 6,164 93,944 177, 781 461,185 28,112 469,371 13,741 150,372 136,063 479,050 434,983 31,919 689,963 665, 797 33,904 299,433 304,057 24,389 190,284 131,084 14,682 253,608 74,553 492,201 2,461, 504 1,328,321 170, 579 148,108 133,191 6,483 250,063 287,420 14,364 573,609 503, 749 27, 531 1,623,049 522,395 1,382,923 436,746 1,453,888 2,023,380 925,476 529, 779 1,224, 502 5,397,017 493,470 1,018,875 1, 589, 670 488,015 18,621,170 19,549 10,249 28,903 7,259 19,152 33,161 21,584 12, 719 17,314 97,777 5,931 15,899 29,121 1,603,500 512,146 1,354,020 429,487 1,434,736 1,990,219 517,060 1,207,188 5,299,240 487,539 1,002,976 1, 560, 549 318,618 18,302, 552 O Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States___ North Dakota.. South Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington.. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii 110,880 1, 424,332 413,347 4,780 301,370 146,805 165,618 552, 560 15,377 2,715 98,187 38,414 71,965 958,972 302, 670 33,296 732,174 277,832 226,925 69,550 57,032 1, 219,186 290,437 294,673 22, 843 43,021 13,477 85,982 581,107 162,241 1,745 121,707 23,989 11,664 66,324 647,637 117,306 1,765 112, 520 5,662 8,768 75,068 260, 591 74,503 1,727 780 49,238 45,229 64,539 523,138 160, 587 1,591 215,923 29,075 4,680 5,557 11, 766 717 92 8,201 19,211 13,843 601,340 6,167, 5231,649, 580 46,672 1,925,792 64,067 1, 768, 768 7,913,332 6,120,345 3', 513 22,664 57, 691 61,803 44,328 89,855 79, 357 33,546 105, 882 30, 694 73,337 104,295 576,493 13,335 6,385 14,129 28, 444 5,172 2,758 9,955 75 16,154 27, 773 33,868 16,841 12,807 71, 793 2,827 26,070 61,695 '~l~075 276,956 9,250 546,347 2,318 8,543 33,890 37, 524 6,516 2,003 78,853 9,392 72,806 1,001 12, 580 1,200 5 5,' 4,123 10,352 251, 845 34, 749 484,127 134,441 738 103, 663 21,176 72,522 17, 523 256,006 43, 586 130,382 4,322,377 864,004 156, 500 641,289 14, 347 2,r"" 6,496 140,489 40, 819 7,: 28,387 46,289 32,250 9,699 16,202 "~1~725 4,071 177,378 25, 294 13,240 25,442 295 118 138, 402 45,958 5,952 4,708 530,079 1,511 725 8,122 5, 497 1,194 1,025 7,799 4,609 39,465 6,823 3,515 69, 849 1,040 6,584 861 846 91 22, 714 6,450 4,011 25,344 35.613 4,221 654 3,136 162 8,875 113,436 1,358,609 1,363,260 126,647 132,566 430,095 519, 797 24,335 361,146 3,186,386 1,366,690 178, 723 97,970 855,892 1,144,903 70,877 115,875 471,943 384, 791 82,456 249,388 564,135 40,427 435,877 518,046 252,153 264, 726 18,671 180,341 39,217 794,119 640,301 66, 797 109,246 298,045 268, 503 72,106 36, 301 159, 536 30,815 121, 518 46,242 52, 641 172, 416 230, 211 70,442 42, 456 5, 533, 764 99,066 5,434,698 2,020,057 35,100 1,984,957 7, 706,130 199, 502 7, 506,628 4,097, 551 67,025 4,030, 526 2,045,405 46,587 1,998,818 2,260,906 28,836 2,232,070 1, 543,482 21, 798 1, 521,684 2, 707,903 34,116 2,673, 787 581,353 27,915,198 532,030 27,383,168 60,483 54,690 125,619 190, 980 100,833 34,414 268,815 83,200 275, 774 2,039 3,364 6,724 5,220 3,632 372 9,649 3,108 34,689 317, 562 762,275 938,684 361, 514 166,341 1, 010,372 296,352 1,104,663 6,945 259,951 9,310 308,252 748, 654 13, 621 928.183 10, 501 353,251 8,263 164,024 2,317 994,122 16,250 288,238 8,114 15,417 1,089,246 88,466 1,162,867 1,416,668 1,194,808 68, 797 5,224,659 90,738 2,890 798 590 2,319 19 100, 666 412,895 5,133,921 490, 695 333,005 73,096 15,130 1,683,977 25,139 1, 658,838 50, 452 363, 776 216, 352 8,133 1,028,077 9,851 1,036,210 461,929 4, 438, 596 2,375,497 204, 660 13,745,410 224, 760 13, 520, 650 4,983 313, 796 64, 754 51, 861 318, 779 2,338 73,885 6,852 504,609 130, 712 112,458 33,988 511, 461 7,343 1,439 206,302 42.195 8,256 207, 741 891 64,002 6,415 719,032 725,447 9,420 194,130 98,074 197,374 3,108 84,127 25,324 394 87,235 285 22,046 2,262 361,285 359,023 7,463 73.196 5,110 57,114 T o t a l Pacific 6,650 783,160 5,823,378 3,451, 733 257,381 18, 677, 545 283,091 18,394,454 States 190,234 5, 689, 2991,233, 783 158,963 863,240 107,401 112, 323 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 1, 631,271 42, 737, 830 8, 677, 729818, 520 7,118, 019 3,018,146 1, 857,471 200, 015 4, 819,340 40,267, 74024,404,093 2,802, 707 138,352, 881 2,400,750 135,952,131 1,475 29 Canal Zone (Panama).... 1,475 245 1,201 1 10,641 2 2,743 Guam 10, 641 5, 901 1,994 432,247 434,137 1,019 96, 370 60,253 1,890 6,533 14,070 1,374 120 10, 572 215, 758 Puerto Rico 9,166 10, 902 274 104 274 36 126 American Samoa Virgin Islands of the 12,914 12,934 549 20 2,177 2,001 United States 6,788 1,331 O 8 o 1,910 1,374 120 10, 583 221, 807 104, 819 459,461 457, 551 69,035 10,497 6,533 14,070 Total possessions... 10, 988 Total United States and pos1, 642,259 42, 806,865 8, 688,226 825,053 7,132,089 3,018,146 1, 858,845 200,135 4, 829,923 40,489, 54724, 508,912 2, 812,342 138,812,342 2,402, 660 136,409,682 O 5 sessions TABLE NO. 42.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions. Dec. 31.1959 {including national, State commercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Location Common stock Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island _ Connecticut Total New England States... _ New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina. Georgia Florida Alabama _ _ Mississippi Louisiana. Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee- Capital notes Preand ferred deben- stock tures Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government 100 75 1,071 200 289,81$ 202, 441 116,714 3,435, 639 419, 768 1,463,447 12,937 11,331 5,628 159,832 18, 930 69,138 5,927,825 22,055 9,332 11,807 138, 213 24, 640 68 649 274, 696 46.852 7,705 1, 931, 811 54, 557 Ohio Indiana Illinois 288.897 98,167 487, 562 10,441 10,683 2,107 403,451 10, 829 49, 475 10 32,157 1,466 63 486, 986 33, 696 Certified and cashiers' checks, etc.i Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government Postal savings States and political subdivisions 6,201 4,164 3,946 75,272 7,203 46,247 680,131 648.400 357, 047 6,238,221 845, 219 2, 971, 935 1,040 315 87 4,970 949 1,473 7 10 3 872 146 30 3,390 814 2,724 18,167 1,672 2,306 889 1,068 29,073 1,159 19, 675 230,677 128, 382 240 49,192 664 81, 518 12, 666 17, 987 54 951,864 25 9,350 589,594 143,033 11, 740, 953 8,834 3,674. 342 1,352,079 1,702,815 28, 282,395 494 100,224 4,236,236 82,873 32, 641 142, 508 6, 616,667 695, 633 9,933 284,390 9,846 17,135 1,218,843 100, 254 1,466 342, 606 16, 517 5, 581 58,222 33,457 3,043 5,011 685 7,532 17,672 3,820 37,020,278 1,839,237 2,045,824 4, 621,170 1, 392, 261 1,989,132 40, 981,137 1,065 1,483,381 656,273 1, 535,400 643, 993 1,503,319 2 559,000 1,096,189 694,681 1,484.842 6, 778, 453 764. 538 1,413,396 1, 509,070 60, 580 27,193 77,212 25. 743 66.855 79,147 37,946 21,649 44,602 207, 805 18, 996 46.095 58, 697 167, 506 100,297 160,052 96,995 233,579 398,466 203,119 205,968 423,606 661,607 89,748 126, 537 200,399 201.112 52, 727 308, 225 27, 273 293, 819 390, 661 95,002 93,297 290,089 1, 433, 630 89,126 213, 522 417,352 1,979 22.122,535 772, 520 3,067,879 175 25 2,000 g, 475.190 2,426, 741 9, 042, 780 292,416 93,533 419, 723 563, 748 433,301 698,325 650 110 32 50 100 244 Banks in foreign countries 1,085,658 385,654 397,412 34,631 142,329 140 22 50 Total Southern States 1,124, 827 32,370 27,719 16,034 380,978 29,912 102.581 Banks in United States 277, 796 646 2,959 160 55 80, 920 35, 201 64, 735 28, 788 76, 288 140, 825 55, 629 26,331 70. 387 376, 654 33, 208 57,134 78, 727 States and political subdivisions 23, 597,087 1,255,127 3, 241,479 145,228 7,410, 589 327, 757 432,390 33,137 1 346,953 52 314 991,780 25, 674 1,446 1, 285,384 157, 411 393,252 15 977 49, 694 30,093 Time deposits Demand deposits Capital 994 17 532 Banks Banks in in United foreign States countries 41 20 24 185 19,650 25 1,250 67,400 1,543 392,040 129,340 1,145,151 407,024 620,056 168, 452 683, 552 1,153, 488 559, 537 309,059 633,236 2,032, 257 276,196 458,356 966, 509 20,361 486 7,395 5,716 5,763 7,960 2,419 1,204 3,368 15,054 458 3,389 1,673 1,411 297 3,273 6 1,207 1,557 47 63 2,206 38,047 13,763 38,426 19,116 31,093 45, 678 16,898 6,234 21,381 179,081 8,018 14,057 21, 673 401 1.160 450 20 219 74,850 1,393 36,062 20, 955 14,387 98, 798 5,087 387 8,989 326,031 1,952 27,870 42,161 412 58 1,840 2,375 1,091 1,710 760 3,790 743 4,875 185 69 1,090 3, 905,835 39,609 453, 465 9, 412, 873 75, 246 10,048 658, 922 18,998 6,750 367, 570 136,582 1,319, 880 8,685 725 43, 678 102, 702 72, 783 188,166 4,085,838 1, 427, 632 4,918, 530 2,617 4,404 11, 551 155,987 60,352 203,419 280 1,887 750 22,260 3,675 93 211 5,606 461 3 7,584 19, 707 842 1,406 999 962, 489 1,700 5,000 50 207,067 91,944 108,900 72 458 167, 258 391 647 275 2.865 2.100 230 435 370 Total Middle Western States.. 1. 522, 253 1, 657 8,200 Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri,. __ North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas . Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma.__ Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah . Nevada Arizona A laska Hawaii Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions)... Canal Zone (Panama) Guam Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions.- 18.235 15, 043 44, 619 60,408 19,998 5,923 54, 717 15, 465 70,070 304, 478 70,943 53, 281 508, 519 17,803 21, 249 9,061 27, 527 4,397 21,343 734,123 5, 892,188 39,854 100 100 1,175 100 1,275 422,911 184,157 239,179 213, 227 344, 681 222,496 182,000 352,860 150, 810 823,180 11,533 2,427 12,205 3, 758 80, 511 35,320 43,900 32,625 39,282 29,511,027 1,384,377 64 1,031 241 195 522 129,149 16,839 30, 595 1,001 50,853 1,268 398 21 15 2,146 4,000 50 19,916,456 28, 722 5,300 648,195 6, 765 26,910 6 28 27 5 45 888 600 3,099, 529 3, 555, 378 83,011 595, 289 12,142 10,190 45,138 44, 781 15 534 6,473 41 524 22, 766 58,097 62, 727 60,439 118,476 367,802 68, 251 44,387 89 752 88,443 233, 974 14,464 12, 231 156,924 113, 540 31 896 15,093 130 207 17, 768 215,110 34 226 4,787 4,189 14,147 15, 523 7,242 2,294 22, 716 8,067 27, 748 232, 717 224,170 205,267 456,105 235, 753 114,318 524,985 144,608 462,058 411 1,268 Ml 2,927 291 1,112 1,164 2,482 3,859 34 61 2 23 10 312 101 67, 844 15, 597 1,231 58, 743 12, 407 8,687 33, 562 24, 699 2,724 6,718,996 256,645 1,134,251 707, 233 502 106, 713 2, 599,981 13,655 556 225,494 1,000 1,473, 571 934, 495 10,627,186 314, 377 405, 606 185, 567 641,047 81 807 278, 613 51,420 26,027 363,133 7,902 12,819 7, 754 15,019 13 190 25, 575 192,135 148, 796 810,106 79,188 95, 823 33, 548 103,733 11 039 44, 737 69, 218 28,094 489, 276 6,479 42,032 1,377 19, 512 2 366 9,857 6,315 1, 886 139,207 21,386 39, 796 520,867 5,917 7, 539 7,658 18, 249 1, 651 4,754 1,277,507 819,257 9, 570,475 230,496 350,974 150,682 333,243 46,897 214, 749 5,026 264 39, 467 1,146 1, 566 2,030 1,575 11,374 9,193 1,116 9 14 41,061 221 1,007,912 11 30 36,808 553 24, 777 27 27, 776 27 15.160 496 67,906 470 773 17,844 100 1,310 14,942, 269 522,839 1,519,105 668, 211 155,723 627,817 12,994,280 71,641 1, 222, 546 19,237 250,952 38 204 3 6,128 2,184 1,358 7 6,700 236,942 50 6,000 56, 214 16,820 116,242,930 5,053,414 11,456,182 13,944,813 1, 704,802 3, 915,449 97,645,680 265, 498 19, 873 3,176,270 176,499 1, 266, 776 8,307 6,331 195,053 391 8.360 3,146 8.094 140 165 5,030 61, 806 732 8,680 93 394 6,568 205 7,361 1 216, 650 19, 945 74, 929 8,774 208 373 156 228 13,387 8 1,482 7,519 217,394 1,058 170 10,257 13,949 237, 710 3,135 925 9, 534 50 2, 874 33,662 4,693 46 19 13, 594 50 41,229 1,372 19 1,326 56, 214 16,820 116,459, 580 5,073,359 11,531,111 13,953, 587 1, 705,175 3,929,398 97,883,390 279,092 19, 923 3,217,499 177, 871 1, 266, 795 Includes dividend checks, letters of credit, and travelers' checks sold for cash. 1,781 2,159 1,256 1,114 3,840 3,668,057 1,877,350 1, 740, 506 934,672 1,263,871 371,257 395,831 1,057,566 1, 220, 579 434 337 212,884 1,075 012 385, 521 1, 566,009 40,348 Total United States and possessions - . 5,932, 536 1 100 201,518 95,868 101,626 57, 764 121,929 3, 662, 816 2,086,208 1,832, 736 1, 660, 254 3,324,302 TABLE N O . 43.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, 1959 ASSETS [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts-._ Rhode Island Connecticut Loans and Num- discounts, ber of including overbanks drafts U.S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 28 51 32 103 4 24 $170,985 144,634 118,548 1,981,459 291,657 568, 947 78,094 56,353 908,811 127,803 253,528 $14,968 16,334 13,162 184,232 46,671 97,555 242 3,276,230 1,512,927 372,922 249 164 473 3 52 5 6,418,536 2,282,474 1,821,600 1,170,952 4,302, 584 2,173,630 3,568 2,848 393,453 321,918 388,955 290,250 918,948 536,072 789,449 408 75,710 25,020 6,242,072 2,345,607 490, 566 264,602 169,867 186,276 314,628 940,972 363,245 101,701 543,655 2,164,981 169,005 295,931 544,272 124,826 38,903 51,629 41,572 78,629 208,941 142, 547 44,625 127,195 570,868 72,770 50,757 142,135 1,251 11,398, 509 3, 549,701 1,695,397 _-_ _ Total New England StatesNew York New Jersey.. Pennsylvania Delaware-. Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States 13,328,696 130 77 39 25 52 106 69 27 42 466 55 88 75 - 913,541 262,154 341,995 284,081 1,268,841 674,643 149,971 818,511 4,134,286 250,147 376,721 1,095,420 ObligaOther tions of States bonds, and po- notes and litical debensubtures divisions $7,455 2,721 3,008 24,261 1,857 8,310 Balances with other banks including including Currency reserve stocks of and coin balances and cash Federal items in Reserve process of banks collection Corporate Investments and other Customassets in- ers' liadirectly bility on represent- accepting bank ances outpremises standing or other real estate H O Other $1,179 446 433 15,152 2,392 5,166 Total assets $6,165 4,502 2,879 39,438 7,823 18,654 $143 195 85 305 79 2,185 $148 52 773 1,242 330 $22,728 2,330 2 1,282,170 79,461 2,992 2,545 25,060 24,768 6,742,473 2,432,755 1,555,084 1,236 222,074 171,068 128, 783 53,719 113,205 152 12,523 16,538 2,533 1,126 2,512 4,650 801 3,661 70,344 96 5,433 125,634 15,997 29,609 368 120 356 127 3,882 1,970 12,641,668 4,373,311 9,275,375 8,724 1,068,278 918,041 4,981,043 324,920 6,659 9,468 76,000 177,092 28,285,397 390,687 33,354 139,294 16,431 164,794 18,704 141,458 14,890 405,758 17,327 785,378 49,326 324,466 30,502 93,853 8,472 475,467 24,942 104,814 2,602,255 165,832 10,854 206,936 18,722 577, 759 39,821 25,302 8,658 10,249 10,179 24, 580 45,954 17,921 4,873 22,468 171,387 8,722 1,6 417 419 167 1,453 8,961 3,450 500 1,920 8,902 46 800 12 12 451 236 12 2,002 74,638 24,197 995 243 36 398 1,873 2,960 738 66 151 8,908 440 139 547 52 117 4,291 1,492 2,376 2,512 4,896 15,224 4,698 907 8,954 31,573 1,768 2,349 5,682 2,025,266 742,370 775,209 691,650 1,695,296 3,362,659 1,586,460 409,571 2,044,864 10,011,949 689,758 978,347 2,456,307 383,376 17,494 28,519 77,688 86,722 27,469,706 $743 668 427 11,433 1,298 3,468 $6,727 6,567 3,509 46,255 8,540 26,151 47,612 18,037 97,749 125,501 92,293 140,213 292 17,848 8,410 36,743 7,453 23,860 20 1,989 1,606 94,767 74,376 136,135 200 18,030 14,104 384,557 71,671 337,612 35,864 8,614 13, 567 9,050 14,518 29,934 21,179 3,779 15,807 119, 726 8,940 15,156 21,807 4,034 1,562 1,572 1,234 3,424 5,717 2,835 812 3,792 19, 611 1,234 1,898 4,538 317,941 52,263 388,159 $52,969 61,523 28,345 860,058 64,060 215,215 Real Bank estate premises owned owned, other furniture than bank and fixtures premises 6,473,937 $349,820 315,736 227,522 4,095,374 554,510 1,199, 511 O O o 3 Q Ohio Indiana _ _. Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota. _ South Dakota.. to Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico... Oklahoma Total Western States. 2, 719, 426 1, 768, 223 407,056 1,228, 582 152,297 975,221 5, 409, 573 3,675,376 881,316 1,904,663 1,251,926 433, 589 119,247 870,988 640,116 1,391,386 650, 729 189, 550 443,188 258,645 1,017,689 135,018 592,163 71, 254 30,827 224,306 12,832 36, 420 48,021 14,026 14,831 12,232 5,315 25,402 7,871 3,509 5,308 1,710 4,213 88,562 1,144, 580 627,672 53, 577 108,901 2, 511, 578 731,062 60,056 436,644 24, 493 634,415 23,466 244,805 14, 452 616,800 20,085 71,886 34, 752 52 386 42^ 147 19.366 27,811 7,453 15,117 607 548 3,259 924 1,515 1,159 815 1,150 3,605 77 4,463 8,176 306 7.269 1,615 1,055 1,267 14, 985,495 9,812,399 2,404, 409 393, 592 6,947, 556 222 124 395 74 452, 517 65, 560 270,918 9,977 26, 566 149,189 180,382 516,172 485,644 178,461 120,451 691, 606 196,437 878, 722 124, 560 127,737 303,177 393, 770 134,960 102, 553 359, 641 162, 091 577, 536 26,834 22.948 86, 315 124,214 26,637 15,964 58,536 20, 817 170,242 13,416 8,245 9,169 27,131 10,509 4,795 5,279 2,922 23, 559 565 784 2,124 2,539 598 485 2,478 635 4,211 3,609 4,141 10,135 14,970 4,750 4,493 16,150 7,998 25, 432 58,773 53,490 288, 979 283, 731 74, 111 61,080 304,831 122,255 567, 789 5,155 5,975 8,564 14,016 6,301 3,583 12.632 6,059 28,498 284 194 110 474 297 222 774 489 250 400 1,185 264 16 731 3,397,064 2, 286, 025 552, 507 105,025 14,419 91,678 1.815,039 90, 783 1, 263, 575 565,884 177,063 472,654 885,589 169,478 10,012,189 3, 744,686 1,146,997 154,931 230, 564 32,361 88,123 255,842 38,647 82, 779 33,211 139,900 41,084 133,821 569. 702 47,831 67,236 7,000 60,952 145,296 17,947 17,728 11,786 181,973 451 3,292 8,259 17,266 2,787 2,361 4,447 2 974 68, 577 768 882 332 1,603 181 450 27,055 13,454 133,236 5,921 4,996 4,465 13,438 4,369 5,106 521, 536 325,913 3,150,026 80,179 85,949 35, 377 168,858 19,660 52,183 245,903 80,214 212,040 4, 439, 681 34 123 169 41 25 77 27 197 Washington. Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii Total Pacific States.. 104 13, 569,893 5,351,661 1, 663, 788 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States 4,541 59,955,887 31, 754, 785 , 034,630 1, 553, 555 Total United States and possessions 4,542 59,961, 989 31, 760, 970 , 036,149 1, 553, 557 1 6,102 6,185 1,519 2 188 10 10,055 778 173 1,089 253 409 20.235 11,054 55,011 20,488 7,627 15.217 2,598 8,277 6,307,854 3,119,932 12,961,626 4,474, 512 2,160,404 2,995,420 1,075,896 2,426,807 12,955 140, 507 35, 522, 451 384,430 406,332 1,230,143 1,349, 788 438, 563 315,148 1,464,204 520, 743 2,289,029 5,699 100 6,594 1,661 1,795 2,036 4,213 3,035 1,923 1,522 6,578 940 4,097 3,532 14,508 1,661 26,139 37,924 29,090 219,808 7,899 1,376 4,985 18,091 2,587 5,715 1,157 745 1,972 16 43 155 9 243 78 490 8 48, 971 28 6,000 187 5,160 287 732 13,690 2,631,281 1,921,192 305 9,196 97,260 108, 914 18,914,609 514,230 1,112 485, 709 559 311,196 1,546 977, 258 8,103 123 152,345 164 291,862 ~163~ 1,611 327,475 4,418 61,131 98, 583 144,895 302,164 1, 520, 830 25,939,426 1, 476,933 45, 072 142, 737 3,485 46 41 302,179 1,521,334 25,942,911 1,476,979 45,113 15 504 291, 947 600,123 132,618, 089 125 142, 737 26,199, 682 18,024 291,947 600,248 132,636,113 CO TABLE N O . 43.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec, 31, 1959—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Location Maine.. New Hampshire Vermont _ Massachusetts. Rhode Island... ___ _ _ _ Connecticut.. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ Total New England States New York New Jersey... _ Pennsylvania Delaware „ Maryland,. District of Columbia Total Eastern States _ _ _______ Virginia West Virginia. _ _ _ _ North Carolina South Carolina_ Georgia __ _ _____ Florida Alabama _ _ Mississippi _ Louisiana Texas _ _ Arkansas. __ _ ____ Kentucky Tennessee __ _ _ _ Total Southern States Time deposits Total deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, a n d other liabilities for borrowed money 188,097 216,595 81,087 3,109,081 248,694 834,785 124,105 58,621 122,864 485,281 243,221 248,713 312,202 275,216 203,951 3,594,362 491,915 1,083,498 100 350 118 470 150 4,678,339 1,282,805 5,961,144 7,768,770 2,282,168 5,168,461 3,955 717,007 643,102 3,152,696 1, 707,648 3,026,625 3,887 256,686 185,357 16, 583,463 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Capital stock i Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock 23,436 2,331 2 5,339 9,408 3,434 89,788 15,398 23,455 12,025 6,469 6,900 88,850 13,490 31,268 12,778 16,059 7,730 223,928 25,456 44,223 6,523 6,942 4,010 57,394 5,910 16,264 853 1,292 1,379 17,146 10 651 1,188 25,769 146,822 159,002 330,174 97,043 21,331 10,921,466 3,989,816 8,195,086 7,842 973,693 828,459 103,679 1,625 5,850 50 300 3,000 80,020 96 5,761 399,878 83,880 116,777 127 9,393 20,286 368,859 93,394 247,280 175 19,296 18,743 571,373 147,499 547,158 525 47,286 33,958 186,185 48,182 146,395 128 13,695 10,469 10,208 8,819 11,068 4 4,488 3,126 8,332,899 24,916,362 114,504 86,004 630,214 747,747 1,347,799 405,054 37,713 1,159,351 454,826 545,397 525,387 1,230,406 2,331,830 1,067,314 290,325 1,480,375 7,283,425 492,133 692,083 1, 617,911 674,910 212,617 148,930 105,484 293,404 715,950 374, 706 87,963 379,001 1,750,070 137,478 196,831 620,833 1,834,261 667,443 694,327 630,871 1,523,810 3,047,780 1,442,020 378,288 1,859,376 9,033,495 629,611 888,914 2,238,744 1,950 143 550 167 11,060 37,450 2,500 6,050 50,088 12 451 236 14 2,224 75,963 16,400 52 117 24,125 5,950 15,923 10,703 29,335 39,565 18,693 2,695 24,666 71,735 5,413 7,069 27,328 45,223 17,696 16,243 13,375 36,888 84,547 38,795 7,774 40,358 296,731 17,545 23,500 52,405 85,015 34,690 36,448 27,800 63,847 109,403 55,885 20,296 84,634 351,276 23,835 40,229 89,450 30,915 13,515 10,285 7,927 19,012 28,025 23,174 298 26,754 106,607 11,882 16,500 27,699 3,610 2,933 1,432 974 11,332 15 438 5,157 206 802 26,054 1,472 2,083 4,164 19,170,763 5,698,177 24,868,940 126,191 79,237 283,200 691,080 1,022,808 322,593 75,657 1 M 3 W 8 0 o o W O O ! Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States Total United States and possessions 1 See classification on pp. 178 and 179. 5, 710,033 2, 855,980 11, 760, 577 4, 078, 868 1,983, 982 2, 690, 576 986,802 2, 226,162 27,000 1,700 207 18, 325 450 188 10 10, 732 778 173 1,089 385 409 98, 907 34, 379 131,072 72, 738 31,646 46,105 5,354 17, 756 160,080 60,499 362,490 90,151 39, 419 74,286 20,845 59, 503 249, 656 115,618 477,098 163,225 77, 605 102,402 36, 691 78,358 84,843 44, 535 138, 941 61,147 23, 733 53, 924 22,653 40,406 3,540 8,911 53, 716 5,905 3,639 8,713 2,716 4,213 9, 564, 630 32, 292, 980 48, 289 13, 764 437,957 867, 273 1, 300, 653 470,182 91,353 o 8,015 7,531 28, 478 31, 981 9,858 4,203 35, 265 10,100 55, 308 10, 926 13, 457 41,953 51, 281 10,297 11,217 46, 499 11, 050 80,122 5,651 4,928 26, 678 24, 937 6,762 5,853 23, 782 4,353 55, 638 574 542 3,498 2,065 297 1,009 1,076 3,779 4,465 s i 3, 733, 416 1, 976, 617 811,913 2,044,067 8, 559, 303 3, 201, 274 2, 589, 352 1, 489, 516 688, 854 1,295,128 782, 811 1, 907, 765 242,392 744,410 371, 253 1,854, 909 22, 728,350 607 353, 237 374,012 1,101, 465 1, 228,145 401, 950 288, 429 1, 346,039 482, 389 2,058, 306 20, 019 3,478 1,410 700 474 1,385 22,135 1,661 5,488 5,862 8,052 7,901 7,989 3,737 11,069 7,687 11, 394 5, 980,130 1, 653, 842 7, 633, 972 50,140 1,661 69,179 190, 739 276, 802 158, 582 17, 305 1, 628, 607 1,031,133 9, 308, 468 302, 903 260,140 173, 710 613, 923 85, 711 149, 591 2, 411, 448 782,841 707, 647 1, 738, 780 7, 966, 935 17, 275, 403 480,091 177,188 444, 281 184.141 290, 932 117; 222 895, 686 281, 763 143, 225 57, 514 267, 463 117, 872 805 305 99, 680 30,606 35,159 377, 729 3,014 6,712 3,632 18, 510 910 4,507 62, 750 44,090 351, 019 12, 375 10,075 5,475 18, 667 3,200 6,000 85, 575 55,075 561, 768 12, 617 17,660 5,575 33, 258 3,070 9,000 38, 738 47, 733 242, 222 5,410 6,421 5,524 11,001 1,410 2,553 1,359 6,788 723 560 58 13 530 2,176 227, 539 247,097 965, 809 994, 722 277,007 200, 639 976, 264 369,125 1, 721, 928 125, 698 126, 915 135, 656 233,423 124, 943 87, 793 369, 775 113, 264 336, 378 539 50 123 163 13, 554,186 10, 393,123 23, 947, 309 50 101, 076 480, 779 513, 651 783, 598 361,012 12,207 82, 695, 231 36,925, 476 119, 620, 707 16, 970 9,087 7,883 82, 703,114 36, 934, 563 119,637,677 340, 362 307, 511 2, 048,151 295 3,169, 492 250 5,061, 834 250 1,814, 466 171 340, 362 307, 511 2,048, 446 3,169,742 5,062,084 1,814, £37 255, 566 88 2 5,654 3 o Ox TABLE N O . 43.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, 1959—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Real estate loans Secured Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut— by farm land (including improvements) _ New York New Jersey Pennsylvania DelawareMaryland District of Columbia _. Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia _ Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Secured by other properties Other and foreign banks Other 22,540 286 8,230 1,902 1,079 1,406 8,039 359 3,821 All other loans (including overdrafts) Total gross loans 59,834 7,365 51,013 3,054 19,885 8,387 7,870 1,034,802 84,455 873 164,276 2,868 43,576 53,102 32,007 468,688 41,559 190,464 3,934 1,839 1,600 59,368 9,305 27,630 173,611 147,022 120,101 2,032,623 294,776 582,092 Less valua- Net loans tion reserves 2,626 2,388 1,553 51,164 3,119 13,145 170,985 144,634 118,548 1,981,459 291,657 568,947 202,467 8,588 230,700 32,191 16,606 145 30,417 1,414,265 829,396 103,676 3,350,225 73,995 3,276,230 219,365 168,329 323,771 103 40,072 39,285 94,621 300 11,229 466,811 27,436 27,833 35,746 13,875 30,704 259 3,323 3,153 13,821 1,836 345 56,067 3,002,355 1,274,170 501,311 412,226 14,115 901,945 75,678 1,625,954 365 264 313 103,042 106,593 8,924 81,924 118,464 20 231,977 38,573 116,689 88 6,433 13,332 6,604,619 1,862,535 4,386,235 3,568 397,156 396,474 186,083 40,935 83,651 1,520 371,821 65,639 223.292 23 32,975 58,944 6,418,536 1,821,600 4,302,584 3,568 393,453 388,955 790,925 107,670 752,694 528,556 95,982 743 155,117 5, 265,856 2,862,757 2,031 300 295 10,366 1,592 7,651 2,323 11,256 12,628 3,858 602 9,793 40,934 2,590 7,276 23,171 7,925 7,732 9,252 3,718 38,205 32,248 10,513 1,533 8,179 208,927 1,016 4,200 18,088 41 510 5,311 38,946 5,919 15,875 12,025 76,955 95,051 41,621 5,569 83,635 278,537 7,886 26,433 92,870 33 13,281 1,784 298 415 28,128 3,265 9,793 4,529 9,447 16,232 21,589 6,820 11,824 212,852 19, 111 30,530 22,345 24,184 781,322 134,040 351,536 15,971 396,465 4,756,874 3,108,091 13,349 7,272 9,379 115,758 23,416 33,293 17,319 464,455 26,403 11,298 62,730 666 10,738 265 825,024 609,433 986,271 1,746 71, 235 77,386 22,641 4,372 5,191 2,668 7,820 7,142 8,813 3,625 4,566 31,036 8,448 16,435 12,588 197, 277 75,862 19,104 17,454 54,628 110,511 69,242 11,978 57,548 168,036 20,825 47,490 62,852 63,513 21,307 18,205 23,091 36,405 100,766 32,855 12,817 53,020 148,660 19,495 26,709 46,029 135,345 912,807 603,772 To brokers and dealers in securities Other loans to individuals for personal expenditures 920 34,515 23,848 39,566 126,232 116,425 123,869 112.100 2, 571,095 To domestic commercial Commercial and indusDirectly Other trial guaran- loans to loans teed by farmers (includthe ing open (exComcluding market modity loans on paper) Credit real Corpo- estate) ration 6,105 3,554 122 178,902 16,563 25,454 2,976 1,181 7,733 2,627 1,535 1,267 _. Total New England States.._ _. Secured by residential properties (other than farm) Loans and discounts Loans for pur- Loans to farmers Loans to finan- chasing or carrycial institutions ing securities 16 7,652 3,055 800 4,350 2,156 5,376 55 1,080 145 139 2 2 115 236,078 54,307 129,884 121,956 323,373 467,333 256,451 58,092 388,726 2,031928 93,376 103,341 492,029 285,748 90,846 125,441 89,031 254,035 422,554 221,736 46, 649 141,845 919, 245 76,505 113,364 321,092 407,092 13,650,587 31,906 2,353 7,481 11,838 22,626 23,453 20,460 5,579 66,003 157,444 2,367 6,540 18,869 924,600 267,855 348,172 288,635 837,807 1,288,718 691,603 153,264 827,328 4, 216,256 253,403 383,126 1,116,559 376,919 11,597,326 3,703 7,519 O o 321,891 13,328,696 11,059 5,701 6,177 4,554 9,609 19,877 16,960 3,293 8,817 81,970 3,256 6,405 21,139 913,541 262,154 341,995 284,081 828,198 1,268,841 674,643 149,971 818,511 4,134,286 250,147 376,721 1,095,420 198,817 11,398,509 o d 3 o Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States.__ North Dakota South Dakota... Nebraska ___ Kansas _ Montana Wyoming __ Colorado Now Mexico Oklahoma Total W e s t e r n States Washington Oregon California. Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii Total Pacific States. Total United States (exclusive of possessions)—. Virgin Islands of the United States Total United States and possessions , 47,496 21,508 34,392 10, 681 12,175 12,254 10, 651 8,254 682,576 158,799 4,660 168, 591 73,962 32,727 309,251 76,909 2,715 90,105 38,243 10,793 592,152 201,422 27,161 514,157 212,133 133,171 509,047 125, 590 176, 559 12,175 16,612 225,615 47,753 5,031 745 87,904 12, 673 293,274 62,860 5,541 8,070 1,762 109,053 79,063 23,834 857 3,498 650 26,667 42,888 1,591 110,887 21,412 26,289 143,921 157,411 2, 834,899 740, 055 39, 2841,283, 923 376,996 3,187 1,965 6,777 10, 460 1,937 1,685 5,706 1,781 16,255 37,139 41, 733 28,002 36,689 39,736 24,467 71,409 20,947 56,334 49, 753 356,456 236,191 14,706 548, 379 5,294,046 3,368,214 1,672 684 8,204 11,102 1,120 314 1,877 157 4,573 24,121 43,269 174,077 113,238 26,832 22,412 117,675 17, 546 75,145 35,278 40,289 145,215 149, 572 36,842 34,490 208,177 71, 592 364, 689 40,320 37,796 92,620 104,148 60,946 27,039 156,895 57, 547 922 2, 573 5,099 2,365 1,307 268 5.551 i;867 33,472 153,199 187,256 525,733 491,803 182,422 122,318 702,312 202,450 891,401 4,010 6,874 9,561 6,159 3,961 1,867 10,706 6,013 12,679 149,189 180,382 516,172 485,644 178,461 120,451 691,606 196,437 878,722 614,315 1,086,144 775,979 53,424 3,458,894 61,830 3,397,064 12,517 1,200 5 4,002 4,112 10,352 1,231 439 7,724 2,252 109 779 5,721 3,984 7,632 6,460 229,937 33,187 29,871 29,703 18,049 1,817 29,420 2 2,416 2,800 6,328 2,509 34,923 192 4,400 334 846 28 11,131 102 490 673 101,120 16, 566 243, 543 78,114 41,198 14,327 201,640 57,314 90,407 3, 236,084 569,863 149,664 440, 567 9,143 88,851 5,766 1,433 72,913 20,754 14,944 2,757 36,670 19, 711 8,322 379 3,584 145,154 11,911 1, 725 18,198 9, 412 19,875 115 91 51,624 18,349 2,510 2,067 131,611 4,096,354 48,340| 739, 764' 747,880 66,211 2,773,329 53,903 2,719,426 35,826 321,696 321,715 19.067 1,249,808 21,226 1,228,582 181, 767 2, 554, 592 950,121 158', 470 5, 564, 483 154,910 5,409,573 19,169 503,025 515,917 51, 811 1,940, 619 35,956 1,904,663 19,641 231,830 192,891 57,997 894,313 23,325 870,988 81,190 488,425 311,552 34,257 1,410,176 18,790 1,391,386 85,714 109,471 97,305 11,327 451,467 8,279 443,188 242,424 20,891 1,029,940 12,251 1,017, 689 52,975 357,409 2,078 7,866 30, 609 33, 441 4.127 1,785 71, 395 7,146 71, 490 7,176 75 10,642 21,523 "i,"884 15, 750 8,266 9,074 53, 747 157 15,771 51,716 "1,075 193,665 2,323 1,980 4,945 33 58 1,938 2,430 794, 571 152,062 632,740 55,40^ 60,691 603, 539 11,236,066 3,325,455 338,248 3,911,316 1,160,372 790,877 86 3,911 729 3,625 11,239,977 3,326,184 338,248 3,911,316 1,160,372 705 ~~34 1,331 328,640 14,985,495 63,964 445,220 299, 039 13, 927 1,286,645 23,070 1,263,575 43,964 334,281 885,589 892,255 8,017 6,666 375,127 3,366,160 1,710,268 180,983 10,183,466 171,277 10,012,189 31,174 42,817 52,066 230,564 234,112 1,963 3,548 13,733 255,842 73,075 47,970 258,705 2,863 5,743 4,422 20,681 46,950 140, 545 139,900 645 276 87, 400 158,889 140,313 569,702 574,435 4,733 5,488 61 67,236 20,785 19, 511 2,804 70,040 162 3,744 145,296 29,562 21,947 1,062 146,358 5,419 4,491,470 2,524,762 221,978 13,786,561 S3 O 216,668 13, 569,893 62, 599 2,368,282 22,308, 655 13,469,199 1, 583,12061,157,728 1,201,841 59,955,887 908 790,87' 420,031 15,314,135 453 33 6,122 20 6,102 62, 599 2,368,284 22,309,563 13,469,652 1,583,153 61,163,850 1,201,861 59,961,989 1 00 TABLE N O . 43.— and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, 1959—Continued [In thousands of dollars\ Capital IndividCom- Preferred uals, partstock nerships, mon and corstock porations Location Maine .New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut States, Banks Banks States, Banks Certified Individin in forPostal and politU.S. and polit- Banks in in forand uals, part- U.S. Govern- ical sub- United eign cashiers' nerships, Govern- savings ical sub- United eign States coundivisions States and corment divisions coun- checks, ment tries etc. 1 porations tries 30,497 919 59 4,046 3,633 2,612 50,151 2,849 35,010 122,700 57,816 121,893 449,045 242,552 247,108 907 315 54 4,393 310 1,453 7 10 3 861 24 491 480 914 11,187 335 142 31,485 98,301 1,241,114 7,432 905 13,549 601,643 298,976 40,405 145 392,671 25,567 2,875,428 1,678,744 2,963,617 3,887 248,179 175,628 11,542 2,872 3,633 664 399 4,197 377,721 50,545 89,375 39 6,993 9,950 4,260 8,947 532 597,979 937,717 1,132,965 329,284 534,623 7,945,483 31,254 1,196 158,015 41,293 14,747 30,165 15,768 39,852 52,100 29,127 7,625 32,855 174,168 11,723 19,727 46,581 90,180 137,899 53,837 36,418 38, 935 23,303 71,276 16,169 116,450 234,765 274,350 350,540 128, 847 91,761 55,352 41,877 217,867 224,299 493,842 1,347,416 41, 958 72,464 37, 527 52,776 121,501 403,834 24,706 8,162 13,968 17,265 19,498 29,143 14,707 1,594 12,933 141,283 4,321 5,405 16,868 620,770 211,459 135,587 90,962 284,316 660,656 369,463 85,829 372,709 1,469,880 135,856 185,397 593,359 14, 731 296 2,996 4,828 3,092 7,393 1,979 1,164 973 14,878 416 635 1,591 107 161 39,142 673 9,512 9,399 4,899 47,131 2,664 110 3,468 254,464 1,042 10,784 25,271 160 28 835 295 360 709 590 860 100 4,705 135 400 50 408,559 9,177 6,750 157,537 169,185 66,368 2,311,858 210,561 701,008 6,288 10,330 2,968 118,615 9,925 33,896 13,449 23,234 7,566 251,402 20,603 41,017 6,767 10,213 1,573 346,558 3,837 23,795 800 3,616,517 182,022 357,271 392,743 368,630 93,157 247,230 175 19,296 18,743 229 237 50 5,855,233 1,861,565 4,201,006 3,837 553,934 575,320 262,399 86,503 205,565 30 26,842 16,640 372,798 243,005 254,277 49 67,457 131 Total Eastern States 747,231 516 13,050,895 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina.. ____ South Carolina Georgia _ _ _ _ _ Florida Alabama Mississippi _ __ _ Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee _ _ 45,223 17,696 16,243 13,375 36,888 84,347 38,795 7,774 40,358 296,731 17,545 23,500 52,405 861,727 341,662 439,001 404,909 819,757 1,621,081 802,411 183,877 984,837 5,107,517 361,667 576,648 1,026,921 Total New England States. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware _ Maryland.. __ District of "Columbia __ Total Southern States 12,025 6,469 6,100 88,850 13,490 31,268 800 158,202 690,880 8, Time deposits Demand deposits 200 200 13,532,015 61,382 36,864 515,731 1,741,922 3,033,521 10 3,546 25 84 4,616 461 7,584 19,199 2,206 37,721 309,853 5,216,243 54,972 737 61 10 51 1,143 29 15 162 2,476 19,650 o o 155 19,650 g 77,747 26,008 50,055 14,671 24 56 173,308 4,205 42 145 10 8,600 E 250 14, 793 182,158 o d ft) 1,700 5,000 160,080 Ohio 60, 474 Indiana 360, 990 Illinois 90,151 Michigan. _ _ _ 39, 369 Wisconsin Minnesota -74, 286 20 845 Iowa 59, 503 Missouri. _ ___ Total Middle Western States. 865, 698 North Dakota __ _ 8,015 7,531 South Dakota Nebraska _ _ __ _ 28,478 31,981 Kansas 9,858 Montana _ _ 4,203 Wyoming 35, 265 Colorado __ __ _ _ 10,100 New Mexico 55, 308 Oklahoma.. ._ Total Western States 190, 739 Washington 62, 750 44,090 Oregon _ __ 351, 019 C alifornia 12, 375 Idaho -_ 10, 075 Utah 5,475 Nevada _ _ _ _ . 18, 667 Arizona 3,200 Alaska __ __ ._ 6,000 Hawaii__ __ __ Total Pacific States 513, 651 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 3,166, 401 Virgin Islands of the United States 250 Total United States and 3,166, 651 possessions 50 2,885,097 1, 519, 667 6,411,604 2,053, 677 1. 003, 318 1,286,219 517 435 1, 226,037 1, 575 16,903,054 25 1,500 1,391 3,985 11, 383 1,353 2,112 1,244 1 099 2,954 160 1,261 959 30 878 68 53 28 71, 704 38, 345 123, 013 63,121 4,117 11 980 226 11, 729 2,100 72,162 358, 786 9,185,060 25, 521 3,437 324, 235 4,317 34 122,920 119,180 134,449 205,802 119,114 80, 332 351, 366 97, 310 330, 587 388 1 176 141 2,909 148 1,098 460 954 2,912 6 91 n 2 359 6 559 1 037 24 672 5 681 6 342 17 939 14 944 2,000 25 226 2,810 2 556 10, 423 8 324 3,962 1 548 13,211 6 064 20, 926 45 788 877, 306 1, 741, 871 2, 775,171 22, 010 50 22,060 7,779 6 583 33, 056 28, 782 8,376 5,171 32, 373 19, 028 52, 023 12, 955 29, 371 78, 434 191, 080 32, 353 31, 392 52, 397 61,163 180, 032 10, 843 10,222 153, 796 101, 272 15,047 14, 527 97, 204 17, 328 208, 085 4, 419,132 193,171 669,177 628, 324 502 69, 824 1, 561,060 10,186 202 81, 533 861 1, 324, 777 818, 770 7, 600, 019 229, 955 199 722 133, 042 489, 269 64, 910 110, 642 46, 893 21, 213 258,031 5,788 6,874 5,113 11. 031 10, 921 9,654 170, 593 127, 313 661,170 60,368 36, 047 29, 588 76, 205 6,617 17, 217 5,785 62, 787 1,886 24,810 251, 059 114, 996 2,704 13,280 894 5,741 17,067 1,765 8,558 1,390 17, 772 37,141 423,193 4,088 4 217 5,073 14, 610 1,498 2,130 769, 677 677, 223 6, 958, 719 176,041 168, 455 105, 675 256, 675 36, 528 81,201 5,006 264 34, 758 1,136 1,505 1,980 1,560 11,314 7,261 9 14 202 11 543 1, 059 30 096 733, 848 390 50 11, 842 27 10 10 13 638 9,567 17, 501 9,662 28, 090 375, 518 1,185,118 382,924 129, 798 509, 722 9,230,194 64, 784 826 843, 461 12, 282 241, 576 9,042 1,829, 352 2,820 41, 585 46 472,194 19 38 204 62,492, 719 2, 741, 727 6,633,076 8, 345, 648 600,952 1, 881,109 1 3,989 161 52 3,680 34, 379,154 194,149 6,202 29 37 18 10 3 o 6,700 227, 566 I o1 tr 6,000 1, 310 i O 3,091 62, 496, 399 2, 741, 888 6, 637, 065 8,345, 649 600, 952 1,881,161 * Includes dividend checks, letters of credit, and travelers' checks sold for cash. 2,012 1 903 217 768,197 3,043,159 1, 424,174 681, 359 769 498 241 014 354,442 5,314 725 38,951 10, 627 2,328 12, 205 193,118 198 365 690,062 665 264 217,269 148 001 780,875 265, 542 1, 260, 636 10, 971,106 3,091 145 125 750 838 338 21 61,016 58, 095 134,475 34, 979 11, 419 31 312 12 104 15, 386 254, 248 364, 768 129, 933 273, 028 525, 289 1,141,000 188, 910 170,244 79, 967 144, 077 349, 276 146,100 59 922 132 153 454, 240 103, 887 162, 973 62, 619 307, 984 130,915 54, 019 82, 653 22 796 53, 347 34, 385, 356 194,149 9,042 1,832,172 41, 631 472,213 d TABLE NO. 44.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. SI, 1959 {includes State commercial, mutual savings, and private banks) ASSETS [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Location Loans and Num- discounts, ber of including banks overdrafts Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 57 31 251 13 120 Total New England States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee $32,638 13,085 16,263 197,648 27,374 165,681 $71,051 31,131 4,012 355,965 93, 718 301,334 3, 740, 246 452,689 Balances with other Corpobanks rate including stocks, including Currency Teserv© stocks of and coin balances Federal and cash Reserve items in banks process of collection $25,606 34,774 2,641 241,347 26,384 131,507 $12, 571 3,103 3,570 55,283 10,793 39,116 $48,825 19,871 18,208 390,129 61,482 260,238 Real Bank estate premises owned owned," furniture than and bank fixtures premises $8,151 9,087 3,724 63,842 6,749 37,277 Investments and other Customassets in- ers' liadireetly ^OUiCy '033. Other assets represent- accepting bank ances outpremises standing or other real estate $700 1,315 248 2,858 67 1,798 $695 415 573 256 857,211 462,259 124,436 798,753 128,830 294 33, 771,783 8, 849, 225 2,483, 597 2,304,672 115 2,277,125 1,095,432 397,798 280,602 256 4,010,513 1,695,615 489,292 788,080 82,682 19 241,073 35,765 400,191 95 589,243 106,217 118,542 988,274 8,538 7 323,471 13,610 198,175 440,829 30,226 60,282 12,165 4,778 779 292,312 8, 639,732 57,267 464,605 102,910 1,121, 973 10,850 117,335 33,122 224,421 10,786 118,712 479,099 53,030 82,079 11,910 19,614 7,230 6,063 541 4,775 772 541 35 5,533 263 7,092 1,136 93 4,418 786 41,771,357 12,668, 763 3,526,279 3,583,116 549,059 507,247 10,686,778 652,962 12,727 18,535 191 278 793 203 831 1,674 301 376 463 2,327 328 281 1,275 3,315 1,322 1,246 27 615 598 352 41 1,303 538 8 49 674 9,321 10,088 96,808 46,668 207,385 48,069 75,223 143,251 64,103 150,952 142,194 213,124 69,180 47,671 99,364 22,520 4,265 87,113 21,396 32,843 15,864 19,854 14,345 6,071 85,999 19,128 19,054 20,835 1,796 1,404 2,566 158 1,526 939 275 629 603 3,585 330 1,331 807 31,4f 3 16,251 54,349 14,434 32,424 40,943 15,433 25,492 30,139 60,489 14,076 29, 283 25,399 238, 519 111, 799 471,714 268,567 254,807 97,634 188,435 232,490 579,927 149,204 341,849 189,432 19,685 6,782 30,417 3,702 19,494 30,202 6,387 15,531 11,838 53,190 5,501 9,338 13,737 2,768 6,904,043 4,680,428 1,403,992 369,287 15,949 390,165 3,193,226 225,804 179 106 153 120 349 187 168 166 145 522 181 270 222 Southern Obligations of Other States bonds, and po- notes and litical debensubtures divisions 1,939 $3,164 460 12 3,636 $1, 592 652 485 28, 532 1,937 17,088 Total $817, 506 718,942 331, 792 8,117,358 948,821 4,054,605 50, 286 14,989,024 O 3 W o g O f 464, 704 585,698 58, 323,247 68 24, 278 4, 681, 235 2,489 31,204 8,396,304 3,512 917,396 5 143 51,429 2,136,417 689, 294 3,540 3 Total Eastern States Total States $398,328 $217,349 430,891 175,033 221,982 60,244 4, 544,014 2,234,003 526,187 193,414 2,240,351 860,203 530 8,361,753 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia U.S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 689, 959 249,992 ^,012,025 145,406 606,538 721,378 229,249 367,089 388, 677 L, 164,954 237,392 626,255 465,129 392,967 232,353 454,061 118,448 415,608 633,891 201,051 271,129 338,753 702,915 181,801 476, 752 467,409 699,661 75,143, 893 41 344 3,902 1,574 19,454 685 4,606 6,645 924 2,130 1,768 4,415 432 2,245 1,875 1, 501,115 672, 688 2,342, 708 421,377 1,458,308 1,850, 534 635, 563 1,036,149 1,154,386 2,872,487 677,380 1, 554,149 1,079, 570 3,456 50,655 17,256,414 1,585 33 342 87 1,024 M 9 Ohio _ Indiana... Illinois.. Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri _ Total Middle Western States.__ 368 330 560 309 461 509 573 546 3,656 12,397,673 North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States 40,250 20,734 129,223 14,581 38,389 113,482 19,152 61,416 9,432 1,107 17,236 6,358 1,319 2,204 1,219 17,978 97,459 41, 558 61,442 72,991 44,342 23,941 36,845 53,860 912,233 269,987 839,323 565,537 348,143 175,146 317,061 817, 530 34, 556 59,318 23,346 15,267 13,048 31,031 308 556 2,237 1,018 452 466 159 542 2,227 742 14,414 293 4,359 166 1,778 1,758 253 22 1,228 267 22 59 8,966,956 2,239,334 437,227 56,853 432,438 4,244, 960 251,916 5,738 25, 737 2,574 39,544 12, 701 5,911 5,350 11,429 1,118 2,088 1,971 5,590 24 149 285 490 472 86 641 54 168 4,685 4,800 7,764 16,447 5,831 1,767 9,556 5,102 11,011 42,443 51,015 85,854 186,728 70,903 23,257 110,413 37,205 101, 580 2,751 1,648 2,690 6,921 4,703 1,078 4,488 4,113 2,990 14 100 31 269 149 32 260 105 74 42 34 1 122 11 60,439 14,911 723 19,574 3,351 24, 551 13,486 14,516 4,495 1,653 11,256 2,022 25 465 441 361 842 908 1,075 60 3,506 663 1,110 455,461 383,344 561,953 1,160,188 435,639 127,327 633,593 228,959 562,603 1,034 2,722 8,966 4, 549,067 119 176 242 406 121 2 413 66 396 661 699 1,850 1,312 35,326 582 1,461 314 2,903 25 2,311 764,276 328,071 7,151,857 180, 797 551,431 133,606 307,984 44,276 437,444 6,687 46,084 9,899,742 1,407 1, 736, 857 1, 518,367 385,307 85, 702 2,369 66,963 709,398 31,382 66 43 78 22 42 4 6 11 10 215,153 395,263 104, 674 142,488 3, 508,461 1,717,506 46,825 83,232 151, 552 248,767 42,178 66,402 68,812 149,330 16, 542 16,891 102,205 213,727 35,398 24, 685 483,690 12,537 28,689 4,335 17,351 2,303 27,075 40,052 3,645 48, 586 1,317 2,510 254 5,082 1,245 2,880 526 85 7,917 160 635 135 268 1,552 7,719 5,732 54,442 3,006 7,098 2,876 5,296 1,447 15,204 61,700 40,648 1,204,802 30,546 103,414 14,248 51,129 5,137 63,277 5,835 4,626 74, 735 1,861 4,640 2,862 5,453 463 8,118 282 4, 824, 561 2,465,447 636,063 105, 571 11,278 102,820 1, 574,901 108,593 1,941 15, 796 9,429 75, 996,244 34, 040,207 8, 643, 664 5,438,114 1,097,767 1,624,069 21,208,016 1,399,487 37, 747 74, 817 13 251 7,215 4 73 462 1 642 17,361 14,431 26,711 57 535 1 642 0)2 () Total possessions-_. 10 1 110,762 127, 870 232,482 442, 539 174, 790 43, 573 302, 516 91,801 210, 524 1,475 10,641 432,247 274 2 6,812 13 451,449 1,656 1,109 20,775 86 1,227 282 39, 593 192 78,448 2,075 34,926 23,081 5 100 536 230 18 80, 523 34,926 23,086 1,231 24,162 41, 524 7,501 1,131 Total United States and possessions.__ 9.442 76.447. 693 34.120.730 8. 678. 590 5. 461. 200 1. 098. 998 1.648.231 21.249. ^40 1.406.988 2 branches of a national bank and 2 branches of a State member bank in New York. Branch of a national bank in California. 3 Asset and liability items include data for branches of a national bank and a State member bank in New York. NOTE.—Figures obtained from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1 2 5,870,090 1,974,787 5,588,526 4,747,617 2,708,031 1,820,151 2,282,397 4,162,689 92,882 29,154,288 58,843 22,438 26,021 146,307 31, 971 6,248 29,497 14,613 49,369 Total Pacific States. Canal Zone (Panama) Guam Puerto Rico 3 American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States 394,774 98,330 461,869 471,431 184,393 117,436 202,365 308, 736 1, 617,869 767,114 1,905,392 1,416,474 920,920 526,805 610, 621 1,201, 761 195,912 162,228 200,072 354,107 134,305 50,108 168,606 73,307 179, 722 118 139 303 424 75 28 104 25 191 Washington, __ Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 2, 715,272 756,375 2,097,055 2,125,863 1,127, 830 840,684 1,078,496 1, 656,098 38. 282 10,162 325 2,544 5,988 1,947 157 74. 818 o 8 o 483, 762 948, 534 150,992,428 21,732 26,787 665,232 2,688 o d 5,050 12, 751 63, 610 729,190 i 484.404 1.012.144 151. 721. 618 00 TABLE NO. 44.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 31, 1959 {includes State commercial, mutual savings, and private banks)—Continued 00 LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire... Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia_._ North Carolina.. South Carolina. _ Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Demand deposits Time deposits Total deposits 163,678 39,743 63,342 1,378,248 239,414 896,166 560,504 590,938 237,021 5,796, 784 604,790 2,727,920 724,182 630,681 300,363 7,175,032 844,204 3,624,086 1,670 179 1,070 2,780,591 10,517,957 13,298,548 3,727 24,898,338 26,474,079 51,372,417 1,673,784 2,581,088 4,254,872 3,838,079 3,687,579 7,525,658 293,854 809,836 515,982 987,747 1,931,191 943,444 454,812 176,703 631,515 149,813 1,100 43,190 150 1,401 32,324,439 34,201,050 66,525,489 195,654 502,164 794,950 395,427 574,011 287,733 898,470 146, 728 382,301 731,507 791,729 478,293 121,587 591,486 567,275 196, 641 519,696 92,020 412,596 547,563 193,144 226,477 269,436 634,307 141,763 292,873 390,869 1,362,225 592,068 2,093,707 379,753 1,311,066 1,694,291 575,445 957,984 1,061,165 2,631,165 620,056 1,414,460 982,355 1,865 650 1,377 170 335 1,681 354 24 2,502 100 35 325 575 11,191,080 4,484,660 15,675,740 439 Other liabilities Capital stock i Surplus 10,030 8,444 3,526 149,663 20,609 67,454 10,130 2,938 5,978 49,563 11,150 37,381 4,444 259,726 117,140 775,834 463,103 66,502 499,450 68 2,498 5 143 1,184,051 75,147 108,392 13,058 32,155 13,280 964,023 74,681 146,132 15,802 30,453 11,350 3,074,335 201,345 444,185 65,443 85,981 24,250 909,164 42,063 111,584 12,668 50,194 6,831 169,994 31,959 14,665 434 4,899 2,068 1,426,083 1,242,441 3,895,539 1,132,504 224,019 160 344 20,167 8,118 57,140 1,844 19,139 20,549 4,070 6,712 8,553 18,786 1,775 12,604 14,338 36,762 17,505 48, 514 15,463 39,400 56,928 16,834 18,667 30.061 79,923 15, 663 33,684 26,322 57,339 33,107 109,341 16,311 52,716 54, 741 22,982 49,605 33,403 82,538 19,330 59, 646 29,163 20,855 17,967 23,662 6,701 25,505 18,645 14,952 1,917 15,405 47,462 17,854 30,560 23,502 1,902 3,273 7,382 1,135 10,114 3,354 926 1,240 3,210 11,488 2,667 2,710 2,971 3,579 193,795 435,726 620,222 264,987 52,372 3,972 460 12 1,585 33 345 87 1,025 39,859 Reserves and retirement Undivided account for preferred profits stock and capital notes and debentures 10,928 429,182 62,023 194,853 30,299 30,963 9,378 276,518 10,104 105,841 2,637 5,257 1,440 32,358 271 24,539 d O S3 O o o o t1 w Ohio Indiana. Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri _ _ ______ ______ __ __ _ _. _.. _ . __ . _. __ __ ___ Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana - _. - - - 240,921 64,357 147,982 145,049 84, 269 62,805 74, 838 122, 537 83,289 44,472 86,266 70, 764 48.449 33, 293 72,190 110,882 3,196 3,198 51,330 15,074 4,920 11, 579 7,913 9,848 2, 686 285, 717 664,837 942, 758 549, 605 107,058 409 1,712 1,222 4, 971 3,798 3,420 451 9,996 1,808 3,711 10,220 7,512 16,141 28, 427 10,140 1,820 19,452 5.365 14, 762 12, 872 10, 932 19, 855 43,069 11,095 4,370 16,920 5,404 15,369 12 326 11,C67 16,987 29,520 6,976 3,423 9,356 2,582 15,020 5 076 1,949 2,022 1 700 245 421 2, 253 1 478 844 9,354 31,089 113,839 139, 886 107,857 15,988 8,193 9,191 158,675 5,428 11,274 3,586 8,860 1,197 15,343 36, 565 8,599 211, 548 5,167 17,651 4,054 10, 219 1, 405 16,070 11,894 4,108 96,213 2,266 5 568 549 4,174 876 6,773 6,146 428 4,860 345 22 50 945 460 1,675 5,345,842 1,803,366 5,109,484 4,327, 236 2, 499, 825 1, 664, 549 2, 064.875 3, 752,802 735 245 16, 404 170 740 630 3,915 10,809 253 22 1,300 267 22 59 15, 500, 261 11,067, 718 26,567,979 33,648 237,872 235. 783 426,480 767, 503 280, 253 80.492 383,151 153,440 379,236 175,308 114,154 71,017 284,420 123, 510 36,350 189,951 58,882 133, 252 413,180 349,937 497,497 1,051,923 403, 763 116,842 573,102 212,322 512,488 75 125 4,480 1,751 1,186, 844 4,131,054 507, 987 153, 722 2, 905, 926 54, 495 205, 810 60,267 86,858 15, 941 175, 882 693, 425 301, 683 6, 547,233 165,455 509,492 122,461 276,623 40,286 392,011 4,166,891 2,514 157 699 8,053 4,062 96, 239 2,036 7,424 1,906 7,138 52 4,716 9,048, 669 31,482 7,588 131, 626 221, 747 311,278 132,421 14,931 65,625,120 135, 247,479 2S3,858 520,461 2,328,036 2, 795, 730 6,685,517 2, 650,477 480,870 642 127 734 32, 779 27 185 39,854 100 144 12,737 25 3,499 17 72 1,895 97 30, 200 100 6,889 1,000 25 4,617 11,318 261, 966 1,058 5,928 21, 605 26,053 549,194 2,422 12, 350 24, 632 284,387 611, 624 24,632 642 33, 852 40,098 12,762 3, 588 1,992 65,910,007 135, 859,103 308,490 521,103 2,361, 888 2,835,828 6,698, 279 2, 654.065 482,862 Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 186 and 187.) 129,092 37,937 127,072 119,781 55,016 35,491 52,048 108,400 2,268,947 683, 768 1,956,235 2,314,803 1,208,973 989,808 694, 605 950, 579 Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma __. __ Total Western States — 2,944,210 185,438 Washington 147,961 Oregon -3,641,307 California Idaho - - _ - 110,960 303, 682 Utah 62,194 Nevada _ _ 189, 765 Arizona 24,342 Alaska Hawaii _ _ _ _ 216,129 4,881.778 Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of posses69,622,359 sions). 16,088 Canal Zone fPanama) 14, 735 Guam 287, 228 Puerto Rico 1,364 American Samoa 6,422 Virgin Islands of the United States 326, 737 Total possessions 69, 949, 096 Total United States and possessions 1 763 66, 762 21,190 18, 688 69, 276 14, 790 11,745 6, 618 46, 648 3,076,895 1,119,598 3,153,249 2,012,433 1,290, 852 674, 741 1,370,270 2.802, 223 Ed o o •-3 Ed O Ed O d Ed Ed O and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 81, 1959 {includes State commercial, mutual savings, and private banks)—Continued TABLE N O . 44.— [In thousands of dollars] Loaas and discounts Loans to financial institutions Real estate loans Secured Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida _ Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee _ Total Southern States by farm land (including improvements) Secured by residential properties (other than farm) 5,605 237,165 305,609 5,461 128,508 10,069 7,042 3,314,390 321,575 541 7,790 1,668,831 Secured by other properties To domestic commercial and foreign banks Other Loans for purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers insecurities 40,427 2,060 4 613 24,811 481,124 42,025 133,309 598 79,083 16,896 21,651 223 27,181 1,816 2,287 Other Loans to farmers CommerOther cial and loans to Other indusDirectly individtrial guaran- loans to uals for loans teed by farmers (ex(includ- personal the cluding ing open- expendiComtures modity loans on market paper) real Credit estate) Corporation 1,204 414 2,500 12,558 760 8,966 4,394 724 8,342 2,933 59,935 21,006 27,361 309,883 60,251 220, 742 42,568 8,429,480 733,035 34,338,037 26,813 2,318,466 64,486 4,096,067 6,163 403,822 13,583 1,002,582 9,745 325,043 67,727 8,361,753 566,254 33,771,783 41,341 2,277,125 85,554 4,010,513 400,191 3,631 988,274 14,308 323,471 1,572 90,469 11,081,787 3,893,743 249,146 153,509 86,935 39,637 335,744 339,487 47,032 28,416 180,948 155,677 243,243 222,630 82,321 42,982 132,192 84,435 103,475 111, 763 429,576 409,076 56,686 54,732 174,056 146,722 182,657 81,580 853,825 42,484,017 712,660 41,771,357 9,688 8,490 3,811 254,540 249,992 4,548 20,631 1,034,751 22,726 1,012,025 148, 111 145,406 1,903 2,705 616,081 606,538 9,293 9,543 734,662 13,284 721,378 10,451 233,873 229,249 3,929 4,624 376,515 367,089 9,103 9,426 397,174 388,677 8,550 8,497 13,135 1,180,761 15,807 1,164,954 240,067 237,392 4,116 2,675 635, 749 626,255 9,494 7,r 473, 111 465,129 7,982 111,096 83,213 19,292,831 2,622,481 454,443 1,981,763 1,551,300 4,030 157,169 48, 751 21,291 26,123 750 688 75,427 24,233 3,794 9,029 100 61,459 25,444 36,783 104,257 59,287 1,907 1,024 31,788 11,408 2,821 10,401 30 2,794 133,272 38,198 1,423 39,519 18,571 3,654 19,278 116,296 76,232 15,361 116 419 15,854 44,289 20,683 1,662 265 7,484 37,182 21,661 31,027 8,924 645 45,613 78,971 21,438 9,754 43 57,998 80,451 16,364 153 17,174 225 34,195 20,637 19,680 6,495 550 22 40,070 1,263 57,178 108,670 5,780 36,404 27,434 43,414 736 85,282 6,661 50 577,475 4,525 5,965 16,586 4,488 6,580 9,958 1,792 7,632 2,527 26,847 5, 582 11,783 3,338 687 129 75 69 514 1 79 2,371 50 11,447 6,881 767 903 23,338 4,921 33,091 8,731 29,292 17,442 19,598 33,859 14,990 118,315 30,491 45,232 32,394 107,603 23,286 411,694 1,930,615 2,244,042 6,796 210,371 52,799 2 Net loans 699,178 664,965 20,383 52,439 9,464,938 2,161,295 3,876 398,681 278,386 900,465 17,435 1,034,611 119,148 4,295 84,578 201,593 12,203 134,374 112,561 221 84,900 617 ..... 487,376 Less valuation 3,297 430,891 1,495 221,982 1,943 34,829 4,544,014 526,187 10,006 16,157 2,240,351 460,129 12,464 93,640 2,949 6,986 1,307 350,917 1,087,249 Total gross loans 401,625 432,386 223,925 4,578,843 536,193 2,256,508 46,111 9,285 20,006 328,437 85,506 175,620 1,954 120,292 36,508 5,976,078 810,389 r 3,971 2,071,095 445,593 1,616,231 1,429,161 29,533 15, 873, 174,664 4,119 1, 307, 771 57,037 54,655 22,119 1,472,814 240,241 3,350 209,252 37,650 29,347 8,670 9,972 113,323 25,311 85,661 5,500 17,388 464,251 43,320 17,723 21,473 3,441 60,701 30,612 26,402 All other loans (including overdrafts) 3,973 1,190 1,507 14,396 8,087 13,415 8,662 7,023,844 119,801 6,904,043 o o g O 3 Ohio Indiana 63,384 50, 457 35,158 46, 351 73,807 54,070 64,417 56, 285 ._ Illinois Michigan. _ __ Wisconsin Minnesota _. __ __ Iowa Missouri __ Total MiddleWestern States._. 443,929 North Dakota . ., .. 10,148 4,420 South Dakota 7,352 Nebraska 17, 984 Kansas 3,235 Montana . 1,073 Wyoming 2,189 Colorado _ _ . _ . 1,732 New Mexico 6,409 Oklahoma Total Western States — .. 54, 542 4,610 Washington Oregon _ _ _ 3,196 California __ 39, 975 1,510 Idaho 4,637 Utah 119 Nevada 487 Arizona 204 Alaska. _ . 3,885 Hawaii Total Pacific States- 58,623 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) , 027, 732 Canal Zone (Panama) Guam Puerto Rico American Samoa _ Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions— Total United States and possessions _. 741, 75 243,30S 366,82C 710,139 355,492 354,363 181,528 379,217 254,548 51,580 101,248 164,847 114,488 54,446 50, 669 117, 699 3,332, 624 909, 525 20, 552 20,070 16,326 53,166 39,621 9,079 34,473 9,747 17, 003 2,779 5,512 6,250 18, US 8, 575 3,733 18,046 10,299 9,979 120 6,135 l,00( 13( 7,388 120 2,670 132,779 8,082 218,017 118,114 33,803 3,467 22, 571 105, 036 72,843 173 65, 699 10,668 11,316 121 870 7,663 132,891 4,584 93,754 26,409 8,446 3,594 5,270 18,940 2,357 3,577 6,821 684 34 6,263 16, 781 12,844 641,869 169, 351 293, 888 49,361 1,220,389 2, 619,286 2, 752,131 240 677 3,281 4,083 2,389 218 7,458 2,246 1,316 63 1,486 11 618, 845 108,399 631, 794 352,867 240,113 75,710 154, 848 436, 710 615,380 198,082 416, 569 628, 986 191,900 124,325 179,012 397,877 60,436 5,268 20,253 19, 066 24,459 6,170 7,344 18,326 2, 760,435 770,249 2,141, 647 2,156,932 1,151, 092 850, 730 1,092,015 1,677,963 161,322 12, 601,063 45,163 13,874 44, 592 31,069 23,262 10,046 13, 519 21,865 2, 715,272 756,375 2,097,055 2,125,863 1,127,830 840,684 1,078,496 1,656, 098 203,390 12,397, 673 4,302 42, 676 65,977 123,968 155,265 45,274 13, 889 41,861 13,269 46,373 10,964 12, 352 27,201 80,639 33, 600 7,966 80, 522 29, 074 48,206 20.163 16,894 32,999 86, 832 39,887 7,375 111, 920 25, 653 77,106 1,117 791 1,625 2,855 2, 325 104 4,098 1,241 1,217 113,697 130,306 236, 542 446,881 179,092 44,023 308,060 93,902 213,262 2,935 2,43e 4,060 4,342 4,302 450 5,544 2,101 2,738 110, 762 127,870 232, 482 442. 539 174,790 43, 573 302, 516 91,801 210, 524 548, 552 280 286 398 3,245 1,085 246 2,078 625 1,351 4,778 3,327 17,140 24, 511 3,101 340 1,259 220,037 83,291 2,790 21,908 1, 562 9,594 58, 763 330, 524 418, 829 15,373 1, 765, 765 28,908 1,736,857 240, 584 54,366 1, 086, 293 9,938 67, 576 9, 619 32,224 5,567 86, 778 56,327 15,208 294,141 5,204 20,065 12, 539 4,291 3,828 27, 609 65 2, 543 2,388 200,722 730 13,443 1,377 7,096 3 2,198 144 12 50,317 495 1,006 34, 926 848 2,184 527 2,788 308 590 1,614 19 663 63 11,583 9,132 45,475 29, 495 6,488 86,802 1,072,436 21, 937 20,687 57, 637 20, 255 21, 514 3,834 35,241 10,674 4,539 333 43,634 1,366 33,966 29, 654 665,229 21,819 64, 488 17,052 57, 061 2,535 35,167 1,203 1,834 23, 677 375 1,600 615 3,932 123 2,044 397,332 143, 955 3, 561,944 84, 667 252, 756 67,196 151, 012 17,195 214,927 2,069 1,467 53,483 1,435 3,989 794 1,682 304 1,200 395,263 142,488 3, 508,461 83,232 248,767 66,402 149,330 16,891 213, 727 1, 592, 945 439,212 230, 500 51, 999 51, 632 5, 319 159, 571 1,331, 908 926, 971 35, 403 4, 890, 984 66,423 4,824, 561 6,836 6,901 852 6 1, 501, 764 5,352,274 480,272 3,206, 703 1, 857, 774 1,066, 594 10, 902 1,994 60, 253 2 877 602 10, 902 65,124 9,768 9,166 o o o 3 1 137, 416 2,451, 058 17,959, 085 10, 934, 894 1,219, 587 77,195,153 1,198, 909 75, 996,244 245 5,901 96, 370 126 29 2 9,019 36 1,475 10,641 434,137 274 6,533 14, 070 1,374 120 1 10, 572 8 1, 201 2,743 215, 758 104 1,093 1,724 516 6,812 6,533 14, 070 1,374 120 10, 581 220,899 104, 366 9,602 453,339 , 038, 634 1, 566, 888 , 362, 042 486, 805 , 220, 773 , 857, 774 , 067,968 65,096 96, 740 179,379 78, 801 96,234 168,198 408, 575 127,366 1,890 1,475 10,641 432.247 274 6,812 1,890 451,449 137, 536 2, 461, 639 8,179, 984 11, 039, 260 1, 229,189 77,648,492 1, 200, 799 76, 447, 693 OO TABLE N O . 44.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 31, 1959 (includes State commercial, mutual savings, and private banks)—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island . Connecticut Total New England States... ,_ New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama -Mississippi Louisiana Texas _- __ Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Time deposits Demand deposits Capital Capital PreCom- notes and mon ferred stock deben- stock tures 10,030 2,863 5,707 49,363 11,150 37,381 100 75 271 200 116.494 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Government 132,279 33,256 50,346 1,123,781 209,207 762,439 6,649 1,001 2,660 41,217 9,005 35,242 18,921 4,485 8,468 129,576 9,309 61, 564 U.S. States and Certified political Banks in Banks in and subUnited cashiers' foreign divisions States countries checks, etc.i 3,674 470 534 56,893 6,992 25,680 1,660 547 4 2,155 531 1,334 25,121 4 354 11,237 94,243 2,211 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 557,431 590,584 235,154 5, 789,176 602, 667 2, 724,827 U.S. Government 133 33 577 639 20 11 122 30 163 646 2,311,308 95,774 232,323 44, 732 10,499,839 1,402 916, 754 46,852 64,254 7,705 146,022 15,802 30,398 11,350 417 2,722 110 17, 741,854 1,379,914 3,209, 583 428, 553 793,019 416,460 992,728 58,725 122,192 33,107 25,472 9,034 712,860 142,649 143,135 34,582 74,872 9 3,072, 699 1,053,103 1,325,094 25,406,967 42,468 349 49,679 2, 557,492 7,074 302, 962 53,133 3,653,050 9,846 9,894 280, 503 38,872 1,067 10,142 970,664 1,384 21, 358 6,567 166, 978 21,915 171 1,378 685 3,272 8,725 1,184,580 54, 557 3,304 23,969,383 1,241,258 1,108,107 3,488,205 1,062,977 1,454, 509 33,035,654 55 35, 697 17, 505 48,492 15, 413 39 400 56,478 16,834 18, 557 30,029 79,923 15, 663 33,634 26,322 1,065 433,947 1,779 22 50 450 110 32 50 621,654 314, 611 1,096,399 239,084 683, 562 937, 919 293, 778 510,804 500,005 1, 670, 936 402,871 836, 748 482,149 19,287 12,446 47,047 9,975 27,003 27,047 8,819 14,024 11, 747 33,637 7,273 26.368 12,116 77,326 46,460 121,117 25,719 117,129 124,116 74,272 150,616 205,739 167, 765 47,790 89,010 78,898 63,213 16,309 284,922 11,104 59,054 40,121 3,241 51.420 65, 790 86, 214 16,662 160, 746 13, 518 8, 590, 520 256, 789 1, 325,957 872,314 129 68 127 990 3 508 63 1,888 Postal savings 330 17 Banks Banks States in and in political United foreign subStates coundivisions tries 41 20 24 40 2,8y9 334 1,810 6,980 1,337 2,164 879 15. 524 1,004 25 152,930 113,711 23,184 216 31, 463 608 12, 666 12 13,782 778, 556 25 750 25 1,000 36,146 347 13,341 5,601 24,458 1,851 11, 595 16, 535 2,191 4,640 8,448 37, 798 3,697 8,652 4,805 524,381 195, 565 484, 469 77,490 399,236 492,832 190,074 223,230 260, 527 562,377 140,340 272, 959 373,150 5,630 190 4,399 888 2,671 567 440 40 2,395 176 42 2,754 82 1,304 136 3,273 6 470 1,496 37 143, 612 4,196, 630 20,274 234,025 114, 547 350 17 421 5 57 35,708 720 26, 550 11, 556 9,488 51, 667 2,423 277 5,521 71, 567 910 17,086 16,890 252 30 1,005 2,080 731 1,001 170 2,930 643 170 50 69 690 7,572 250,363 9,821 780, 331 00 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 128,817 37,693 126, 572 116,916 _ _ 52, 575 34, 614 51, 613 __. 107, 755 Total Middle Western States.. 656, 555 North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Miontana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma - Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii -- Total Pacific States Total possessions.. Total United States a n d possessions 1 682 145 40 34 153 173 142 494 84,283 22,007 80,406 66,02S 12, 722 18, 615 775 39,124 135 1,762 15 46 600 236, 503 10, 731,396 3,201 1,863 323, 960 2,448 4,850 1,977 1,633 3,724 7,199 3,280 746 9,505 2,003 6,822 109, 797 104,990 70,818 250,303 116,639 33,986 173,619 47,298 131,471 23 92 3 27 18 143 14 704 1,528 947 301 10 65,485 9,038 194 34, 071 6,726 2,345 15,623 9,755 724 100 36, 889 1, 038, 921 3,469 354 143, 961 139 507,830 142,034 2, 611, 756 54,455 182, 519 45,007 76, 568 10,369 133, 548 20 4,709 10 61 50 15 60 1,932 17 486 57 10,965 274,064 30 23,170 15,210 10, 275 5,498 39,816 80 723 6,002 794 3,614 2,655 97,674 1,829 3,322 2,585 3,639 153 2,624 25,925 118,095 3, 764.086 6,857 532 379, 085 6,955 9,376 71,349 10, 831 1,346, 918 134, 914 794, 582 275 129,443 30, 914 111, 739 70, 603 41, 849 18, 973 34, 968 68, 582 198,980 160,273 173,036 234, 001 104,190 93,079 153,305 240, 794 113,322 6,649 178,880 52,252 37,923 3,584 18, 657 368, 940 3,371 391 647 2, 590,093 907,074 2,631,176 1,609,139 1, 082,890 546, 517 1,142,819 2,098,265 1,657 6,625 12, 607,973 507,071 10,849 10, 220 7,512 16 141 28, 427 10,140 1,720 19, 452 5,365 14, 762 113 739 8,193 9,191 157, 500 5,428 11,174 3,586 8,860 1 197 15,343 220,472 100 100 1,175 100 1,275 13, 729 1,357, 658 780, 207 4,363 3 607 12,082 15,999 7,158 1 302 9,151 3,738 6,074 49, 772 31,068 40,042 176, 722 35,898 12,995 37,355 27,280 53, 942 3,621 2,009 3,128 12, 268 16, 849 566 33,003 440 7,025 2, 299,864 63, 474 465, 074 78, 909 148, 794 115, 725 3, 027,167 84, 422 205,884 52, 525 151, 778 16,897 167,971 4,527 4,814 105,102 2,114 5,945 2,641 3,988 2,269 15,921 21, 542 21, 483 148, 936 18,820 59, 776 3,960 27, 528 4,422 27, 520 6, 431 3,284 238,217 3,775 28, 752 483 2,445 601 1,299 3, 971,163 147,321 333,987 285,287 53, 750,211 2,311, 687 4, 823,106 178,139 197,466 367, 504 555,315 217,068 64,883 294,137 119, 979 305,373 8,307 6,331 195, 053 391 39,854 100 8,360 3,146 8,094 140 5,030 61, 806 732 144 2,888 44 3,372 212,970 19, 784 70,940 53,963,181 2,331,471 4, 894, 046 2,765,885 56,214 13, 729 4,727 906 99 1,746 530 24, 211 3 387 Includes dividend checks, letters of credit, and travelers' checks sold for cash. 41,686 14,688 53, 691 45,532 23,901 12, 588 20, 521 23,896 5, 599,165 1,103, 850 2, 034,340 63,266, 526 165 40,098 1,226 419 168 428 47 12 15 886 175 500 2,865 2,050 230 435 370 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) _ 2,725,787 56,214 Canal Zone (Panama) Guam Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States 2,182, 621 659,435 1,875,371 2,243, 883 1,195,991 971,008 693, 658 909,429 100 244 8,680 93 208 8,773 373 156 228 13, 387 8 1,482 7,519 217,394 1,058 118 4,055 13,897 231, 508 5, 607,938 1,104,223 2, 048,237 63, 498, 034 7 5 24 2 5 19 10 3,135 925 9,534 50 2,874 33, 662 13,594 50 38, 409 430 60 250 4,000 4 5 9,376 50 100 1,326 1,873 1,326 84,943 10, 881 1,385, 327 136, 240 794, 582 TABLE NO. 45.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 81, 1959l 00 00 ASSETS [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Location Loans and Num- discounts, ber of including overbanks drafts Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut $181,882 78,338 120,815 857,966 228,209 _. Total New England States Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee - - 45, 796 501.635 100,282 337,913 $17,343 5,990 15,780 134,447 21, 767 130, 731 2,105,819 1,124,123 $5,238 5,224 1,916 17, 786 9,158 11,017 Balances with other Corporate stocks, including including Currency reserve stocks of and coin balances Federal and cash Reserve items in banks process of collection $1,494 3,734 1,033 4,337 2,755 8,979 326,058 50,339 22,332 242, 573 58,603 107,191 4,861 36,040 8,538 114,830 11,285 34,156 4.055 4,777 779 614 23,357,625 457,806 179 106 153 120 311 187 168 166 145 513 181 270 222 „ $104, 568 Obligations of Other States bonds, and po- notes, and litical debensubtures divisions 164 17, 569,182 5, 502,965 2,011,246 94 1,436,049 832,260 357,928 244 3,017, 506 1,364. 597 414,813 17 220,013 358,104 21.478 435,476 653,313 98,599 198,175 323, 471 13,610 192 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland..,District of Columbia U.S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 8,553,486 2,917,674 392,967 232,353 454,061 118,448 414,936 46,668 207,385 48,069 75,144 143,251 64,103 150,952 142,194 209,051 69,180 47,671 99,364 22,520 4,265 87,113 21,396 32,562 15,864 19,854 14,345 6,071 84,413 19,128 19,054 20,835 6,882,937 4,667,117 1,399,840 367,420 249,992 012,025 145,406 601,237 721,378 229,249 367,089 388,677 149,149 237,392 626,255 465,129 201,051 271,129 338,753 690,276 181,801 476,752 $9,998 1.617 3,058 33, 742 8,174 27,083 $38, 556 8,017 15,196 305,047 53,401 215,057 83,672 Real Bank estate premises owned other owned, than furniture bank and fixtures premises $5,372 1,862 2,556 26,355 3,559 19,943 $285 210 134 252 38 215 Investments and other Customassets in- ers' liadirectly bility on Other represent- acceptassets ing bank ances outpremises standing or other real estate 415 573 256 $1,195 86 388 8,635 1,329 3,673 $366,626 139,007 207,087 1,893,939 429,388 1,393,232 15,306 4,429, 279 635,274 59,647 1,134 218,222 8,139,929 50,535 430, 760 95,217 1,091.270 10,676 111,266 30,768 210,103 10,786 118, 712 336,623 40,787 70,419 10,025 16,178 7,230 743 461 4,426 575 375 35 5,533 263 7,092 1,136 93 4,418 448,101 68 2,489 5 143 382,104 34,972,051 15, 546 3,234,545 21,505 6,230,681 3,502 745,696 9,893 1,495,758 3,540 689,294 416,204 10,102,040 450,806 436,090 47,368,025 3,636 181,262 6,615 18,535 3,516 330 1,331 807 31, 453 16,251 54,349 14, 434 31,768 40,943 15, 433 25,492 30,139 59,575 14,076 29,283 25,399 238,519 111, 799 471,714 68,849 264,695 254,807 97,634 188,435 232,490 571. 557 149,204 341,849 189,432 19,685 6.782 30,417 3,702 19,283 30,202 6,387 15, 531 11,838 52,602 5,501 9,338 13,737 191 278 793 203 791 1,674 301 376 463 2,299 328 281 1,275 3,315 1,322 1,246 27 615 598 352 41 1,303 538 8 49 674 15,845 388,595 3,180,984 225,005 9,253 10,088 1,796 1,404 2,566 158 1,491 939 275 $3,164 460 12 41 344 3,902 1,574 19,454 685 4,428 6,645 924 2,130 1,768 4,397 432 2,245 1,875 3,456 50,459 1,585 33 342 87 1,024 Total Southern 2, 721 Total assets 1,501,115 672,688 2,342,708 421,377 1,446,983 1,850,534 635,563 1,036,149 1,154,386 2,828,397 677,380 1, 554,149 1,079,570 17,200,999 3 3 o E d Ohio .Indiana Flinois Michiean c?i Wisconsin - - - £2 Minnesota i£t Iowa - - . g Missouri 1 Total Middle Westo ern States North Dakota K South Dakota . 09 Nebraska. Kansas Montana... Wyoming Colorado . New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States. Washington . Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii Total Pacific States. Total United States (exclusive of possessions).. _-_ Canal Zone (Panama) Guam Puerto Rico 4 American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions... 366 321 560 309 457 508 565 546 2,700,911 722,653 2,097,055 2,125,863 1,115,365 627,251 1,072,088 1,656,098 3,632 12,117,284 5,839,514 1,905,406 5, 588, 526 4, 747,617 2,681,414 1,483,362 2,270,390 4,162,689 2,574 91,365 28,678,918 455,461 383,344 561,953 1,160,188 435, 639 127,327 633,593 228,959 562.603 36,963 19,062 129,223 14, 581 37,264 58,357 19,145 61,416 8,776 1,079 17, 236 6,358 1,264 237 1,219 17,978 97,195 40,954 61,442 72,991 44,114 23, 384 36,656 53,860 911,219 265, 391 839,323 565, 537 346,142 169,468 315,356 817, 530 60,143 14,406 34,556 59,318 23,220 14,421 13, 007 31,031 304 430 2,237 1,018 439 427 159 542 2,227 742 14,414 293 4,359 166 1,778 1,758 253 22 1.228 267 22 8,885,085 2,210,495 59 376,011 54,147 430, 596 4,229,966 250.102 5,556 25,737 118 139 303 424 75 28 104 25 191 110,762 127,870 232,482 442, 539 174, 790 43,573 302.516 91,801 210,524 195,912 162,228 200,072 354,107 134,305 50,108 168,606 73,307 179,722 58, 843 22, 438 26,021 146,307 31,971 6.248 29,497 14,613 49,369 39, 544 12,701 5,911 5,350 11,429 1,118 2,088 1,971 5,590 24 149 285 490 472 86 641 54 168 4,685 4,800 7,764 16,447 5,831 1,767 9,556 5,102 11,011 42,443 51,015 85, 854 186, 728 70,903 23,257 110,413 37,205 101, 580 2,751 1,648 2,690 6,921 4,703 1,078 4,488 4,113 2,990 14 100 31 269 149 32 260 105 74 42 34 1 122 11 2,022 25 465 441 361 842 908 1,075 60 3,506 663 1,110 1,407 1,736,857 1,518,367 385,307 85, 702 2,369 66,963 709,398 31,382 1,034 2,722 8,966 4,549,067 62 42 78 22 42 4 112,142 95,672 1,717, 506 46,825 151, 552 42,178 68, 812 16,542 102. 205 32,856 24,291 483,690 12, 537 28,689 4,335 17,351 2,303 27,075 1,023 237 48, 586 1,317 2,510 254 5,082 1,245 2,880 293 85 7,917 160 635 135 268 51,288 39 277 1,204, 802 30, 546 103,414 14 248 51,129 5,137 63,277 4,232 4,264 74,735 1,861 4,640 2 862 5,453 463 8,118 99 169 242 406 121 2 413 66 396 771 821 1,552 6,787 5 489 54, 442 3,006 7,098 2,876 5,296 1,447 15,204 661 6 11 10 144,653 111, 776 3, 508,461 83,232 248,767 66,402 149,330 16,891 213,727 277 4,543,239 2,353,434 633,127 63,134 11,045 101, 645 1, 563,118 106,628 1,914 275,620 1,487,675 20,420,780 1,154,026 8,843 50,743,761 27,101,612 7,872,501 1,400,412 10 1 1,475 10,641 432,247 274 1 6,618 12 451,255 (3) 78,448 2,075 34,926 23,081 1,131 100 80,523 34,926 23,081 1,231 1,656 1,109 20,775 86 1,227 282 39,593 192 13 251 7,215 4 525 24,151 205 41,499 17 7,500 Total United States and possessions 276, 851 1, 511,826 20,462,279 1,161,526 8,855 51,195,016 27,182,135 7,907,427 1,423, 493 1 Includes stock savings banks. 2 2 branches of a national bank and 2 branches of a State member bank in New York, s Branch of a national bank in California. < Asset and liability items include data for branches of a national bank and a State member bank in New York, 723 19,497 3,136 24,551 13,486 14,480 3,307 1,652 11,256 394,040 94,959 461,869 471,431 182,486 94,877 202,097 308,736 1,607,986 742, 572 1,905 392 1, 416,474 912,259 491,408 607,233 1,201, 761 699 2,311 354,805 282,081 7,151,857 180,797 551,431 133,606 307,984 44,276 437,444 15,796 6,687 44,514 9,444,281 25, 506 74,817 467,159 73 462 1 642 17,361 14,431 26,711 57 21,732 26,787 665,232 2,688 5,024 63,584 12,489 728,928 10,162 325 2,544 1,947 157 5,988 35,326 582 1,461 314 2,903 535 1 642 26, 041 74,818 467,801 25 646,700 111, 670,569 710,284 112,399,497 TABLE NO. 45.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1959—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Location Maine New HampshireVermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut.- 162, 736 84,296 123,868 277,689 134,187 341,843 326,396 123,998 187,204 1,655,248 373,305 1,234,477 250 100 175 650 100 2,776,009 1,124, 619 3,900, 628 - - — _ Total Eastern States Virginia.. _ West Virginia North Carolina. — South Carolina Georgia... Florida......... Alabama Mississippi——— Louisiana.,.. Texas —.. Arkansas Kentucky _ Tennessee — .Total Southern States Total deposits 163,660 39, 702 63,336 1,377,559 239,118 892,634 .-. Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland _ District of Columbia Time deposits Bills payAcceptable, rediscounts, executed and other by or for liabilities account of for borreporting rowed banks and money outstanding Other liabilities Capital stock i Surplus and retirement Undivided account for profits preferred stock and capital notes and debentures 3,972 460 12 7,639 1,023 2,189 62, 218 15,062 41,466 10,130 2,938 5,978 49, 563 11,150 37,331 12,045 5,916 6,289 79,298 23, 748 56,975 37,036 5,559 20,925 963 630 575 5,954 104 1,946 1,275 4,444 129, 597 117,090 184,271 81,802 10,172 24,680,301 5, 748,460 30,428, 761 1, 654, 671 1,285, 611 2,940,282 3,832,881 1, 681,484 5, 514, 365 141,965 515, 982 657, 947 419.964 1,359, 586 939, 622 176, 703 454,812 631, 515 136,313 1,100 42, 790 150 970 479, 784 68 2,498 5 143 770,622 58,520 91,234 13,037 16,308 13,280 959,023 74,681 146,132 15, 802 30,453 11,350 1, 596, 496 112, 380 317,043 46,260 64,496 24,250 574,497 41,686 106,157 12.414 19,003 6,831 26, 555 5,828 10,462 81 4,799 2.068 32,078,269 181,323 482, 498 963,001 1,237,441 2,160,925 760,588 49,793 36, 762 17,505 48, 514 15,463 38, 672 56,928 16,834 18, 667 30,061 78,625 15,663 33,684 26,322 57,339 33,107 109,341 160 344 20,167 8,118 57,140 1,844 19,031 20, 549 4,070 6,712 8,553 18, 751 1,775 12,604 14,338 20,855 17,967 23,662 6,701 25,323 18,645 14,952 1,917 15,405 47,200 17,854 30,560 23, 502 1,902 3,273 7,382 1,135 10,028 3,354 926 1,240 3,210 11,049 2,667 2,710 2,971 3,579 193, 652 433, 700 617, 732 264, 543 51,847 794,950 395,427 1, 574,011 287, 733 889, 766 1,146,728 382,301 731,507 791,729 1,963, 722 478,293 1,121, 587 11,149,240 9,454,187 41,532,456 567, 275 196, 641 519,696 92,020 411,820 547,563 193,144 226,477 269,436 627,173 141,763 292,873 1,362,225 592,068 2,093,707 379, 753 1,301, 586 1,694,291 575, 445 957,984 1,061,165 2, 590,895 620,056 1,414,460 982,355 1,865 650 1,377 170 298 1,681 354 24 2,502 100 35 325 575 4,476, 750 15, 625,990 9,956 1,585 33 345 87 1,025 16,311 52,012 54, 741 22,982 49,605 33,403 80, 752 19, 330 59,646 29,163 9,203 4,402 4,677 o H O H O H o 3 a Ohio . Indiana Illinois Michigan £* Wisconsin 2 Minnesota ^ Iowa f2 Missouri _ - 1 Total Middle Western States © North Dakota Dakota I1 South 'Nebraska _ rfk. Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado _ New Mexico Oklahoma _ __ _ __ Total Western States W ashington Oregon California Idaho Utah. _ Nevada Arizona Alaska . Hawaii . __ _ . __ Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Canal Zone (Panama) - __ Guam Puerto Rico .. - American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States _ _ Total possessions Total United States and possessions 129,092 37,862 127,072 119. 781 55,016 35,491 51,833 108,400 238,646 59,107 147,982 145,049 82,385 43, 805 74, 612 122, 537 83,070 43,699 86,266 70,764 48,275 32,568 71,959 110,882 3,096 2,343 51,330 15,074 4,912 7,776 7,835 9,848 2,686 283,232 664, 547 914,123 547,483 102,214 409 1,712 1,222 4,971 3,798 3,420 451 9,996 1,808 3,711 10,220 7,512 16,141 28,427 10,140 1,820 19,452 5, 365 14, 762 12,872 10, 932 19, 855 43, 069 11, 095 4,370 16, 920 5,404 15,369 12,326 11,667 16,987 29, 520 6,976 3,423 9,356 2,582 15,020 5,076 1,949 2,022 1,700 245 421 2,253 1,478 844 9,354 31,089 113,839 139,886 107,857 15,988 699 3,527 2,975 96,239 2,036 7,424 1,906 7,138 52 4,716 8,193 9,191 158,675 5,428 11,274 3,586 8,860 1,197 15, 343 12,855 7,483 211, 548 5,167 17, 651 4,054 10, 219 1,405 16,070 8,143 3,240 96,213 2,266 5,568 549 4,174 876 6,773 858 368 4,860 345 22 50 945 460 1,675 7,588 126,013 221, 747 286,452 127,802 9,583 500, 795 1, 726, 584 2, 788, 364 4, 303, 389 1,890,075 239, 597 642 127 734 32, 779 27 174 39,854 100 144 12, 737 25 3,499 1,895 97 5,318, 277 1, 741,177 5,109,484 4, 327,236 2,475,445 1,352,946 2,053,618 3, 752,802 735 245 16,404 170 740 630 3,915 10,809 253 22 1,300 267 22 59 15, 479, 702 10, 651,283 26,130,985 33,648 175, 308 114,154 71,017 284,420 123, 510 36,350 189,951 58, 882 133,252 413,180 349,937 497,497 1,051,923 403, 763 116,842 573,102 212, 322 512,488 75 125 4,480 1,751 2,944,210 1,186,844 4,131,054 185,397 147, 961 3,641, 307 110,960 303, 682 62,194 189, 765 24,342 216,129 135,832 110,863 2,905,926 54,495 205,810 60, 267 86,858 15, 944 175, 882 321, 229 258, 824 6, 547, 233 165, 455 509, 492 122,461 276, 623 40, 286 392,011 157 4,881, 737 3, 751,877 8,633,614 31,482 30,645, 560 99,954, 727 267,038 237,872~ 235, 783 426,480 767, 503 280,253 80, 492 383,151 153,440 379,236 69,309,167 16,988 14, 735 287,228 1,364 6,422 326, 737 „>_ 69, 635,904 2,514 30,200 100 6,889 1,000 25 4,617 11, 318 261,966 1,058 5,749 21, 605 26,053 549,194 2,422 12,171 284, 708 611,445 24, 632 642 33,841 40, 098 12, 762 3,516 1,992 30,930,268 100, 566,172 291, 670 501,437 1, 760,425 2,828,462 4, 316,151 1,893, 591 241,589 i Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 194 and 195.) 763 66,345 20,951 48, 688 69,276 14, 619 10,087 6,618 46, 648 2,241,451 631,848 1,956,235 2, 314,803 1,184, 593 678, 641 693,133 950, 579 3,076,826 1,109,329 3,153,249 2,012,433 1,290,852 674,305 1, 360,485 2,802,223 24, 632 o o g TABLE NO. 45.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1959—Continued [In thousands of dollars] CO to Loans and Discounts Real estate loans Secured by farm land (including improvements) Location Maine _ New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New land States _ Eng- New York New Jersey Pennsylvania DelawareMaryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States. Virginia— West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia ___ Florida. _ Alabama—_ Mississippi-, Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee __ Total Southern States. Secured by residential properties (other than farm) Loans to financial institutions To domestic Secured commerby cial other and properforeign ties banks 4,272 1,911 6,587 1,200 287 2,381 52,262 46,981 50,867 107,415 37,339 189,175 19,764 12,195 14,088 69,602 30,635 44,973 138 16,638 484,039 191,257 1,954 Other Loans for purchasing or carrying securities To brokers and dealers in securities 2,060 4 598 79,083 16,896 21,651 223 27,181 459 2,287 120,292 613 Other Loans to farmers Directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation 1,086 335 327 11,407 372 6,747 Commercial and Other indusloans to trial farmers loans (ex(includcluding ing openloans on market real paper) estate) 4,388 541 6,919 2,933 93 3,852 45,890 6,417 19,116 328,132 84,193 172,826 51,792 9,857 22, 772 236,391 54,241 193,751 18,726 656,574 568,804 30,763 20,274 22,186 1,396,102 440,140 445,394 1,610,398 1,423,622 3,950 528,368 114,311 57,037 54,655 21,023 524,199 191,824 3,350 209,227 37,650 25,311 9,303 72,142 29,177 8,670 16,174 176,352 60,622 ~5,~566 43,320 17,723 30,612 82 3,441 60,701 21,473 449,174 12,424 93,576 2,949 6,986 1,307 617 52,433 9,314,531 3,876 278,386 16,991 1,033,529 4,295 84,397 12,203 134,324 221 84,900 72,718 2,757,864 857,547 454,244 1,975,905 1,545,761 566,416 687 26,123 9,029 36,783 10,401 38,594 19,278 20,683 31,027 21,438 16,077 19,680 57,178 43,414 349,705 1,085,079 750 100 1,907 30 1,423 116 265 645 157,169 75,427 104,257 31,788 132,192 116,296 44,289 37,182 78,971 79,361 34,195 108,670 85,282 486,284 21,291 3,794 61,459 2,821 18,561 15,361 129 "75 513 1 79 2,371 50 11,265 6,881 767 903 8^924 9,754 16,774 225 22 1,263 50 6,495 36,404 6,796 209,961 6,661 52,799 107,555 23,103 All All other loans to other individloans uals for (inpersonal cluding expendi- overtures drafts) Total gross loans 2,706 327 1,105 8,829 8,087 12,582 184,971 78,568 122,602 873,989 232,602 650,225 33,636 2,142,957 valua- Net loans tion reserves 3,089 230 1,787 16,023 4,393 11,616 181,882 78,338 120,815 857,966 228,209 638,609 37,138 2,105,819 721,930 17,959,792 26,772 1,474,545 63,059 3,091,866 361,507 6,163 665,044 12,633 325,043 9,745 390,610 17,569,182 38,496 1,436,049 74,360 3,017, 506 3,403 358,104 11,731 653,313 1,572 323,471 90,019 10,930,067 3,786,267 840,302 23,877,797 520,172 23,357,625 153,509 39,637 339,487 28,416 154,923 222,630 42,982 132,192 103,475 424,394 54,732 146,722 81,580 698,449 9,688 254,540 3,811 20,631 1,034,751 148,111 1,903 610,772 8,975 734,662 10,451 233,873 3,929 376,515 9,103 397,174 8,550 12,456 1,164,956 240,067 4,116 635,749 7,824 473,111 8,662 23,338 4,921 33,091 8,731 28,826 17,442 19,598 33,859 14,990 116,551 30,491 45,232 249,146 86,935 335,744 47,032 179,621 243,243 82,321 84,435 111, 763 403,567 56,686 174,056 182,657 409,464 1,924,679 2,237,206 110,099 7,002,730 8,490 4,548 22,726 2,705 9,535 13,284 4,624 9,426 8,497 15,807 2,675 9,494 7,f" 119,793 6,882,937 g 3 o o I Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan. „ Wisconsin. _ Minnesota. Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North DakotaSouth Dakota.. Nebraska _. Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado! New Mexico, _. Oklahoma Total Western States. Washington.. Oregon California.... Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Alaska Hawaii Total Pacific States.. Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 59,640 47,992 35,158 46,351 732,938 217,574 366,820 710,139 344.289 172,031 181,133 379,217 618,845 107,827 631, 794 352,867 240,113 75, 710 154,174 436, 710 60,436 2,745,529 44,618 13, 567 5,240 736,220 20,253 2,141,647 44, 592 19,066 2,156,932 31,069 23,261 24,439 1,138,626 6,633 6,170 633,884 7,322 1, 085, 607 13,519 18,326 1,677,963 21,865 132,779 8,082 218,017 118,114 33,803 3,467 22, 571 105,036 72,843 132,8911 171 4,304 65, 699 93, 754 10, 668 26,409 11,316 8,446 121 3,594 870 5,270 7,633 18,940 419,494 3,104,141 887, 562 641,869 169, 351 293,608 10,148 4,420 7,352 17,984 3,235 1,073 2,189 1,732 6,409 20,552 20,070 16,326 53,166 39, 621 9,079 34,473 9,747 17,003 2,779 5,512 6,250 18.118 8,575 3, 733 18,046 10.299 9,979 240 677 3,281 4,082 2,389 218 7,458 2,246 1,316 280 286 398 3,245 1, 085 246 2,078 625 1,351 42,676 65,91""" 123, 968 155,265 45, 274 13,889 41, 861 13, 269 46,373 10,964 12,352 27,201 80,639 33,600 7,966 80,522 29,074 48, 206 20,163 16,894 32, 999 86,832 39,887 7,375 111,920 25, 653 77,106 1,117 791 1,625 2,855 2,325 104 4,098 1,241 1,217 54, 542 220,037 83,291 58, 763 548, 552 330, 524 418,829 15,373 2,788 308 590 1,614 19 9,132 45, 475 29,495 6,488 80,802 1,072,436 21, 937 20, 687 57,637 20, 255 21, 514 3,834 35,241 10, 674 4,539 333 43. 634 1,366 32,646 29,497 665, 229 21,81P 64,488 17, 052 57,061 2, 535 35,167 5,319 159, 571 1,331.908 925,494 36,346 64,024 56, 285 34,549 4,093 13,850 3,196 27,163 11,852 39,975 1,086,293 294,141 5,204 1, 510 9,938 4,637 67,576 20,065 119 9,619 12,539 487 32,224 4,291 204 5, 567 3,828 3,885 86, 778 27,609 58,106 1, 359, 707 393,379 7,388 120 63 1,486 11 2,790 21,908 1, 562 9, 594 65 2,543 2.388 200,722 730 13,443 1,377 7,096 3 2,198 144 12 50, 317 5 852 495 1,006 34,926 848 2,184 527 230,500 51,999 67836 6,901 63 11, 583 51,632 10,902 1,994 60,253 2,757 602 Total possessions 10,902 65,004 9,768 9,166 6,533 14,070 1,374 6,533 14,070 1,374 613, 789 197,153 416,569 191, 798 124,235 178,504 397, 877 49,190 1, 215, 602 2, 618,040 2, 748,911 161, 252 12,316,408 6 "r,63 971, 203 9,010,867 2,899,320 480,073 3,200, 435 1,852, 2351,049,079 Canal Zone (Panama) Guam Puerto Rico _ American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States Total United States and possessions 65,096| 96,019 179,379 78,801 96,234 168,198 16,611 404,509 12,844 127,366 2,357 3,576 6,821 684 34 120 253, 7951 48,282 101,248 ~6,~ 135 164,847 113, 456 1,000 37, 746 3 50,489 130 117,699 199,124 12,117,284 2,935 2,436 4,060 4,342 4,302 450 5,544 2,101 2,738 110,762 127,870 232,482 442,539 174, 790 1,765,765 28,908 1,736,857 842 1,834 23,677 375 1,600 615 3,932 123 2,044 146,622 113, 239 3, 561, 944 84, 667 252,756 67,196 151,012 17.195 214,927 144,653 1, 1,463 111,776 53,483 3, 508,461 1, 435 83,232 3,989 248,767 794 66,402 1, 682 149,330 304 16,891 1,200 213, 727 35,042 4, 609,558 66,319 43,573 302, 516 91,801 210, 524 120 245 5,901 96,370 126 29 2 9,019 36 1 10, 572 1,201 2,743 215, 758 104 1,475 10,641 434,137 274 1,093 1,724 442 6,618 10, 581 220,899 104,366 9,528 453,14i O s a o § 4, 543,239 137,062 2,441,934 17, 791, 792 10,685, 5111,195, 704 51, 715, 215 971,454 50, 743, 761 982,105 9,075,871 2,909,088 486,606 3,214, 505 1,852, 235 1,050,453 137,182 2, 452, 51518,012, 691 10, 789,877 1,205,232 52,168,360 2,700,911 722, 653 2,097,055 2,125, 863 1,115,365 627,251 1,072,088 1, C56,098 1,475 10,641 432,247 274 a 6,618 1,890 451,255 973,344 51,195,016 h-1 CO CO TABLE NO, 45.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1959—Continued CO [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Capital IndividCapital uals, partU.S. Common notes Prehi p , and ferred Governstock ment deben- stock and cortures porations Location Maine NewlHampshire VermontM assachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut , Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware. Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi. Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee,. Total Southern States 100 75 271 200 10.030 2,863 5,707 49,363 11,150 37,331 116,444 911,754 64,254 146,022 15,802 30,398 11,350 46,852 7,705 1,179,580 54,557 35,697 17,505 48,492 15,413 38,672 56,478 16,834 18,557 30,029 78,625 15,663 33,634 26,322 431,921 132,279 33,223 50,346 1,123,781 209,207 759,686 States and political subdivisions 6,643 995 2,659 40,532 8,983 35,000 18,921 4,485 8,468 129,575 9,308 61,564 646 2,308,522 94,812 232,321 417 2,722 110 17,602,175 1,363,223 3,204,848 428,553 791,080 416,460 990,675 58,574 121,831 33,107 25,377 9,034 712,853 142,382 143,097 34,582 74,863 9 23,806,339 1,238,598 1,107,786 55 3,304 1,065 ""22 50 450 110 32 50 1,779 621,654 314,611 1,096,399 239,084 674,894 937,919 293,778 510,804 500,005 1,641,127 402,871 836,748 482,149 19,287 12,446 47,047 9,975 27,003 27,047 8,819 14,024 11,747 33382 7,273 26,368 12,116 8,552,043 256,534 77,326 46,460 121,117 25,719 117,128 124,116 74,272 150,616 205,739 165,798 47,790 89,010 78898 Time deposits Certified IndividBanks in Banks in and uals, partUnited foreign cashiers' nerships, States countries checks, and corporations etc.i 3,674 470 534 56,893 6,992 25,680 94,243 1,660 547 4 2,143 529 1,329 25,118 4,081 10,700 161,643 83,976 122,855 270,246 132,064 340,821 2,211 43,900 1, 111, 605 U.S. Government 102 28 577 639 20 11 122 30 1,366 163 3,057,605 1,029,605 1,287,388 4,688,248 42,468 349 47,675 1,268,368 302,962 7,074 53,069 1,647,021 9,846 9,894 128,638 38,554 8,681 402,888 1,067 21,358 1,384 6,567 166,978 21,915 171 1,378 685 3,272 8,725 3,472,793 .1,039,479 1,413,274 63,213 16,309 284,922 11,104 59,054 40,121 3,241 51,420 65,790 85,699 16,662 160,746 13,518 871,799 129 68 127 990 3 508 63 States Banks Banks Postal and in in sav- political United foreign ings subdiStates countries visions 991 320 975 6,815 1,337 972 11,410 50 25 772,706 25 750 17 152,930 112,661 17,038 9 31,407 598 12,642 13,782 227.799 113,273 330 8,302,141 36,146 347 13,341 5,601 24,458 1,851 11,560 16,535 2,191 4,640 8,448 37,208 3,697 8,652 4,805 524,381 195,565 484,469 77,490 398,460 492,832 190,074 223,230 260,527 556,169 140,340 272,959 373,150 5,630 190 4,399 888 2,671 567 440 40 2,395 174 42 2,754 82 1,304 136 3,273 6 470 1,496 37 142,987 4,189,646 20,272 1,000 350 17 421 5 57 35,708 720 26,550 11,556 9,488 51,667 2,423 277 5,521 70,643 910 17,086 16,890 252 30 1,005 2,080 731 1,001 170 2,930 643 170 50 69 690 7,572 249,439 9,821 774,481 198,980 129,443 2,590,093 100 175 128,817 Ohio 158,281 30,826 899,071 244 Indiana ._ 37,618 173,036 111, 739 2,631,176 126,572 500 Illinois 234,001 70,603 1,609,139 116,916 2,865 Michigan 104,190 41,849 1,082,890 52, 575 391 2,050 Wisconsin 93,079 18,973 546, 517 34,614 230 647 Minnesota 152,896 34,968 1,133,444 51,398 435 Iowa_ _ _____ 240,794 68, 582 2,098,265 370 275 107,755 Missouri Total Middle Western States. 656,265 1,657 6,625 12,590,595 506,983 1,355,257 178,139 49,772 North Dakota _ 4,363 10,220 197,466 South Dakota.._ 31,068 7,512 3,607 Nebraska 367, 504 16,141 40,042 12,082 28,427 555,315 176,722 15,999 Kansas 10 140 217,068 35,898 7,158 Montana 64,883 12,995 1,720 1,302 100 Wyoming _ _ __ _ 294,137 37,355 9,151 19,452 Colorado __ 119, 979 27,280 5,365 3,738 New Mexico 305,373 53,942 6,074 14,762 Oklahoma Total Western 63,474 465,074 2,299,864 113,739 States 100 21,542 148, 794 Washington 8,193 4,486 21,483 115, 725 4,814 9,191 Oregon _ 3,027,167 148, 936 105,102 157, 500 1,175 California 84,422 18,820 2,114 5,428 Idaho. _ 205,884 5,945 59,776 11,174 100 Utah 52,525 2,641 3,960 3,586 Nevada151, 778 3,988 27, 528 8,860 Arizona 16,897 2,269 4,422 1 197 Alaska 167,971 15,921 27, 520 15,343 Hawaii. Total Pacific 333,987 147,280 3,971,163 1,275 220,472 States Total United States (exclusive of possessions)... 2, 718,421 56,214 13,729 53, 528, 526 2,307,681 4,818,414 Canal Zone (Panama) __ 8,360 8,307 5,030 3,146 6,331 Guam 61,806 8,094 195,053 39,854 Puerto Rico.. _ 732 140 391 100 American Samoa Virgin Islands of the 3,372 44 2,888 144 United States 212,970 Total possessions- 40,098 70,940 19,784 Total United States and possessions 2, 758, 519 56,214 13,729 53,741,496 2,327,465 4,889,354 i Includes dividend checks, letters of credit, and travelers' checks sold for cash. 113,322 6,649 178,880 52,252 37,923 3,584 18,657 368,940 3,371 780,207 10,849 4,727 906 99 1,746 682 145 40 34 153 173 142 494 82,047 21,525 80,406 66,028 12,658 18,615 775 39,124 135 1,750 15 46 600 235,811 10,318,068 2,888 1,863 321,178 2,436 4,850 3 27 100 23 92 430 60 250 4,000 109, 797 104,990 70,818 250,303 116,639 33,986 173,619 47,298 131,471 18 143 14 704 1,528 947 301 10 65,485 9,038 194 34,071 6,726 2,345 15, 623 9,755 724 36,889 1,038,921 3,469 354 143,961 139 135,705 99,843 2, 611,756 54,455 182, 519 45,007 76, 568 10,369 133, 548 20 4,709 10 61 50 15 60 1,932 17 486 57 10,920 274,064 30 23,170 15,210 10,275 5,498 39,816 50 100 6,002 794 3,614 2,655 97, 674 1,829 3,322 2,585 3,639 153 2,624 25,925 118,095 3,349, 770 6,857 532 379,040 6,302 9,376 70,998 10,831 1,332,827 132,021 788,732 78,909 285,287 1,226 110 168 428 43 12 15 886 1,977 1,633 3,724 7,199 3,280 746 9,505 2,003 6,822 3,621 2,009 3,128 12,268 16,849 566 33,003 440 7,025 6,431 3,284 238,217 3,775 28, 752 483 2,445 601 1,299 2,157,361 608,318 1,875,371 2,243,883 1,171,679 659,841 692,186 909,429 41, 617 14, 502 53, 691 45, 532 23, 901 12,152 20, 520 23,896 530 24,211 3 387 5,583,238 1,080,352 1,990,956 28,310,151 165 8,680 93 208 8,773 373 156 228 13,387 8 1,482 7,519 217,394 1,058 118 3,876 231,329 13,897 5,592,011 1,080,725 2,004,853 28, 541,480 7 5 24 2 5 19 10 3,135 925 9,534 50 2,874 33,662 13,594 50 38,409 4 5 9,376 50 100 1,326 1,873 1,326 84, 592 10,881 1,371,236 133,347 788,732 TABLE NO. 46.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1959 CO ASSETS [Dollar figures in thousands] U.S. ObligaLoans anc Govern- tions of Other States Num- discounts, ment obbonds, ber of including ligations, and po- notes, and direct and litical banks overdebenguaransubdrafts tures teed divisions Location Maine _ _ _ New Hampshire Vermont __ Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States 32 33 6 186 8 71 $216,446 $112, 781 352, 553 141,104 14,448 101,167 3, 686,048 1,732,368 297, 978 93,132 1, 599, 694 521,487 336 6,253,886 $15,295 7,095 483 63,201 5,607 34,950 $65,813 25,907 2,096 338,179 84,560 290,264 126,631 Balances with other Corpobanks, rate including stocks, including Currency reserve stocks of and coin balances and cash Federal items in Reserve process of banks collection $24,112 31,040 1,608 237,010 23,629 122, 513 $2, 573 1,486 512 21, 541 2,619 11,886 $10,269 11,854 3,012 85,082 8,081 44, 562 Real Bank estate premises owned owned, other furniture than and bank fixtures premises $2,779 7,225 1,168 37, 487 3,190 17,248 $415 1,105 114 2,606 29 1,583 Investments and other Customassets in- ers' liadirectly bility or Other represent- accept- assets ing bank ances outpremises standing or other real estate $397 566 97 19,897 608 13,408 Total assets $450,880 579,935 124, 705 6, 223,419 519, 433 2,657, 595 806,819 439,912 40,617 162,860 69,097 5,852 34,973 10,555, 967 _ . 128 16,112,165 3,299,238 21 841,076 263,172 7 988, 546 325,112 2 42,087 21,060 334, 961 7 153,767 428,821 2,061,117 39, 870 221,999 73, 539 680,654 77,821 14, 287 82, 502 7,618 317,996 18, 941 26,074 8,110 1 73,814 6,732 7,383 174 2,354 424,898 33,845 29, 463 6,069 14,318 141, 653 12,243 11, 595 1,885 3,436 5,320 80 338 197 166 198 570 23 063 592 8,732 1,446, 690 9,690 2,152,394 10 171, 700 41, 536 640,659 Total Eastern States.- 165 18, 318, 835 4, 062,349 564,135 3,124, 093 258, 538 27, 475,035 New York __ New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland OhioIndiana Wisconsin Minnesota . _ 2,615,320 371,122 90, 457 508, 593 170,812 6,101 3,287 1,668 1,125 55,125 656 28 55 1,967 264 475 228 557 1,014 3,671 2,001 5,678 296 479 126 846 4 126 13 39 _ _ _ .. . . . 2 4 4 1 Total Middle Western States 11 271, 926 74, 728 28,238 61,205 2,706 1,524 12,364 1,747 182 1,515 456,135 4 1 5 250, 610 30, 712 103,011 9,002 2, 542 394 39,029 3,408 233 932 243 10,412 1,371 1,603 362 1,079 491 409, 471 45,990 281, 322 112,013 2,936 42,437 233 1,175 11,783 1,965 20 7 27 1,570 455,461 Washington Oregon _ Total Pacific States... 14, 361 31, 667 12, 465 213,433 9,883 20, 787 8,661 35, 397 734 3,038 1,907 22, 559 77 214 36 1,188 —r- Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States 517 25,125,969 Total United States and possessions 518 25,126,163 1 6,864,410 194 721,940 4,034,554 813,973 5 6,864,410 721,940 4,034,559 813,973 133,773 695,600 243,621 11 25 1 133,784 695,625 243,622 12,162 296,596 38,942,598 26 12,162 30, 576 62 153 26, 617 336, 789 262 296,622 38,942,860 TABLE NO. 46.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 81, 1959—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England StatesNew York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware _Maryland Total Eastern States _ _ ___ _ _ Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Washington Oregon.. Total deposits 18 41 6 689 296 801 397, 768 506, 642 113,153 5, 519, 095 470, 603 2, 385, 538 397,786 506,683 113.159 5, 519, 784 470,899 2, 386,339 119 1,570 4 420 1,851 9,392, 799 9,394, 650 2,452 2,546 19,113 361 20, 715, 321 1, 314, 590 2,000,161 151,889 571, 605 6,707 3,822 20, 712, 775 1, 295, 477 1, 999,800 151,889 567, 783 25,842 24, 727, 724 24, 753, 566 _ Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States. Total United States and possessions i Includes guaranty fund. Other liabilities Surplus l Undivided profits Reserves 27,814 33,073 4,639 349,884 38,275 137, 453 21,096 26, 561 4,701 239,482 4,545 84,916 130,096 591,138 381, 301 56,330 431 403,712 16, 627 17,149 21 15,847 1, 461, 669 88,965 125,457 19,183 21,485 334,251 377 5,427 254 31,191 141,932 26,131 4,200 353 100 7,138 453,356 1, 716, 759 371, 500 172, 716 2,275 4,850 1,884 19,000 219 583 174 725 100 810 8 3,803 339 2,391 7,421 1,337 87, 445 5.547 25, 955 O 1,674 4,627 865 26, 404 167 22, 593 436 27,496 50,969 24, 380 311,167 27, 565 55, 690 24, 380 311, 603 417 220 171 1,658 5,226 414,012 419,238 2,466 28,009 1,701 4,721 41 372,155 42,859 372,196 42, 859 4,526 1,087 23, 710 1,116 3,751 868 5,288 60 69 4,721 Total Middle Western States... Bills pay- Acceptances able, redis- executed by or for counts, and other liabili- account of reporting ties for banks and borrowed outstanding money Time deposits Demand deposits 41 415,014 415,055 5,613 24,826 4,619 5,348 32,960 34,949, 549 179 34,982, 509 179 9,590 591, 531 11 2,360, 732 759,121 72 239,115 32,960 34,949, 728 34,982,688 9,590 591, 542 2,360, 732 759,193 239,115 o IT* CO TABLE NO. 46.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 81, 1959—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Real estate loans Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island C onnecticut Total New England States New York New Jersev Pennsylvania Delaware M! aryland Total Eastern States Secured by farm land (including improvements) Secured by residential properties (other than farm) Loans for purLoans to financial institutions 1 chasing or carrying securities To doSecured mestic by commerother cial properand ties foreign banks Other To brokers and dealers insecurities Other Loans to farmers Directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation Other loans to farmers (excluding loans on real estate) Commercial and industrial loans (including openmarket paper) All Other loans to other individloans uals for (inpersonal cluding expendi- overtures drafts) 1,267 863 402 5,567 1,647 7,719 129,605 6 85, 626 800 181 50 76, 619 3,915 2,512 114 22,386 86,657 105, 546 9,361 18, 511,291 192,456 18,318,835 6 183 1,423 19,866 5,491, 537 619,073 6,128 7,347 14,477,869 1,630,955 169 779,403 60,353 852 947, 561 48,001 669 41,181 170 1,214 287,899 25,039 999 40 10,251 16,533,913 1,764,518 1,039 6 35 8,818 25,093 11,203 182,332 753 3,208 1,032 16, 700 280 63 350 1,591 544 102 90 Total Middle Western States.. _ 23,992 227, 446 21, 693 280 63 350 2,327 I a o 8,143 11,149 4,589 73,492 6,010 26,222 118 79 2,173 1,151 388 2,219 Less valua- Net loans tion reserves 221 2,868 890 305 1,313 2,122 184,903 20,663 1,333 258,628 3,550 76,498 77, 641 10,723 3,482 5,842 3, 206, 975 411, 522 254 284, 236 11,390 5,405 1, 479,154 88, 277 3,744 2,415 109 17, 724 Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Total gross loans 216,446 352,553 101,167 3,686,048 297,978 1, 599,694 801 216,654 353,818 101,323 3, 704,854 303, 591 1,604,235 208 1,265 156 18,806 5,613 4,541 8,900 6,284,475 30,589 6,253,886 8,370 16,287,791 175,626 41 843,921 2,845 999, 726 11,180 42,315 228 950 337, 538 2,577 16,112,165 841,076 988, 546 42,087 334,961 20 14,906 31, 953 12,466 216,846 545 286 1 3,413 14,361 31,667 12,465 213,433 20 276,171 4,245 271, 926 1 __ __ 517 206,035 27,203 42,477 3,356 1,320 157 361 250,710 30,716 100 4 250,610 30, 712 Total Pacific States- 517 233,238 45,833 1,477 361 281,426 104 281,322 18,642 25,353,363 227,394 25,125,969 Washington Oregon Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States 54,626 22,486,134 2,451,117 Total United States and possessions.„ 54, 626 22,486,254 2,451,117 7,447 1,716 94,726 238,955 120 74 7,447 1,716 94,726 238,955 194 194 18, 716 25,353,557 227,394 o 25,126,163 i Not reported separately. O o 3 W i H W TABLE NO. 46.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1959—Continued [In thousands of dollars! Demand deposits Individuals, partU.S. nerships, Governand corpoment rations Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont- __ > _. Massachusetts Rhode Island OoTmeeti^nt __ _ 46 79 239~ 16,691 Total New England States New York New Jersey. Pennsylvania Delaware _ Maryland _ Total Eastern States OhioIndiana. _ Wisconsin Minnesota. - _ _ _ _ Banks in foreign countries 1 1 962 2 2,052 151 361 7 267 ===== ===== Certified IndividuU.S. and als, partcashiers' nerships, Governchecks, and corpoment etc.* rations _ _« 395,788 506,608 112,299 5,518,930 470,603 2,383,467 31 5 1,908 14 835 165 41 20 14 1,192 879 808 9,387,695 36 4,114 954 248 2,004 6,146 56 24 207 10 6,226 224 12 95 9 318 1.461 283 318 3,713 24,721,274 3,144 80 1,353 69 144 25,260 50,262 24.312 311,167 309 4 2,236 386 64 411,001 313 2,686 1,353 649 7 41 372,125 42,191 45 12 30~ 623 41 414,316 45 653 22.092 3,742 1,638 318 5,170 34,934,286 179 349 13,071 1,843 22,092 3,742 1,638 318 5,170 34,934,465 349 13,071 1,843 Includes dividend checks, letters of credit, and travelers' checks sold for cash. ====== 2,659 80 Banks in United States 12 2 5 3 273 513 1,939 _ _ Total United States and possessions States and political subdivisions 18,869 3,144 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Virgin Islands of the United States Postal savings 20,712,775 1,289,124 1,999,734 151,865 567,776 Total Pacific States __ 1 6 6 1 685 22 242 Banks in United States 436 Total Middle Western States Washington Oregon 33 States and political subdivisions Time deposits Banks in foreign countries TABLE N O . 47.—Assets and liabilities of active private banksf Dec. 81, 1959 ASSETS [Dollar figures in thousands] ber of banks Location Connecticut Obligations of discounts, obligations, States including direct and and politoverdrafts guaranteed ical subdivisions U.S. GovNum- Loans and ernment _ New York Pennsylvania Total Eastern States Georgia Texas Total Southern States Indiana Iowa Total Middle Western States Total United States _ Balances with other Other bonds, Cornotes, porate and stocks deben- Currency and coin tures Bank Real banks, in- prem- estate cluding reises owned serve bal- o w n e d , other ances and furnithan cash items bank ture in process and premof collec- fixtures ises tion 2 $2,048 $803 $53 $15 $147 $619 $86 2 5 90 436 4,461 47 022 5,906 $43 530 940 982 235 8 003 52 276 310 74 905 1,240 823 65 7 94,897 52,928 44,470 1,217 8,055 586 76,145 888 11 38 9 5,301 15,805 672 12,639 79 4,073 281 1,586 35 69 656 914 3,872 8,370 211 588 40 28 47 21,106 13,311 4,152 1,867 104 1,570 12,242 799 68 5 8 2,055 6,408 3,755 3,388 333 268 4 7 129 189 925 1,705 26 41 13 8,463 7,143 601 11 69 126, 514 74,185 49,223 3,148 8,174 318 2,630 67 2,621 91,636 1,840 Investments Customand other ers' liaassets in- bility on directly accept- Other assets representances ing bank outpremises standing or other real estate 8 $7 $3,778 $16 603 5 024 9 287 604 13,229 16,603 5,033 300,833 178 18 11,325 44,090 196 55,415 1 1 7,228 12,007 $11 79 Total assets 16,603 2 19,235 5,238 379,261 to o s TABLE N O . 47.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 1959—Continued "d LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Demand deposits OnrmfictioTit New York Pennsylvania Total Eastern States Qeorgia Texas Total Southern States Indiana. « Iowa Total Middle Western States Total United States.__ ___ Time deposits Total deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities Capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Eeserves 2,731 539 3,270 33 50 425 215,491 4,837 12,844 6,295 228,335 11,132 6,793 400 19,666 9,717 9 5,000 16,170 1,685 416 1,507 3 220,328 19,139 239,467 7,193 19,666 9,726 5,000 17,855 416 1,510 8,704 33,136 776 7,134 9,480 40,270 37 108 35 728 1,298 704 1,786 182 262 86 439 41,840 7,910 49, 750 37 143 2,026 2,490 444 525 5,548 9,785 951 1,472 6,499 11,257 19 75 215 400 226 190 231 45 78 15,333 2,423 17, 756 280,232 30,011 310,243 7,230 19,666 1 19 290 626 421 123 d 9,921 7,366 21,396 1,281 2,158 g 3 TABLE NO. 47.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 1959—Continued wfel [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Loans to financial institutions Heal estate loans Location Secured by farm land (including improvements) Secured by residential properties (other than farm) 4 502 Connecticut New York Pennsylvania Total Eastern States. Georgia Texas - Total SouthernStates. To doSecured mestic by comother merpropercial ties and foreign banks Other Loans for purchasing or carrying securities Loans to farmers To brokers and dealers insecurities Directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation Other 59 199 5,833 25 5,539 9,956 64 199 5,858 5,539 10,020 244 1,054 416 244 1,054 416 925 287 1,212 1,080 1,090 380 712 10 400 48 2,170 1,092 410 48 50 393 642 395 90 180 Indiana,. Iowa Total Middle Western States Total United States. 443 1,037 270 4,763 1,837 199 6,268 5,539 10,068 Other loans to farmers (excluding loans on real estate) Commercial and industrial loans (including open market paper) Other All loans to other individloans uals for (inpersonal cluding expendi- overtures drafts) § Total gross loans Less valua- Net loans tion reserves o 10 672 769 32 2,048 444 64,781 282 1,411 519 2,735 1,427 90,454 4,475 18 14 90,436 4,461 444 2,048 65,063 1,930 4,162 94,929 32 94,897 1 182 183 466 1,764 754 5,182 1,327 5,509 318 679 5,309 15,805 8 5,301 15,805 2,230 5,936 6,836 997 21,114 8 21,106 1 170 658 4,066 222 674 385 508 28 22 2,076 6,408 21 2,055 6,408 171 4,724 896 893 50 8,484 21 8,463 354 7,408 72, 567 10,428 5,241 126,575 61 126,514 H W a d to 8 to o TABLE N O . 47.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 1959—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Time deposits Demand deposits Location Connecticut — New York Pennsylvania „ 2,707 — Total Eastern States Georgia Texas Individuals, partU.S. nerships Governand corpoment rations _ - - ~ - 139,440 4,735 _ ._ 144,175 - _-. 8,668 29,809 Total Southern States.* Indiana Iowa - „. - »- Total Middle Western States Total United States 38,477 4,859 9 375 1 States and political subdivisions Banks Banks Certified Individuin in and als, partU.S. United foreign cashiers' nerships, GovernStates countries checks, and corpoment etc.* rations 539 States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries 15,094 23,498 37,458 64 5,944 6,295 1,050 5,850 38 15,094 23,498 37,522 12,239 1,050 5,850 255 1 1,967 515 35 590 776 6,208 2 924 255 1,968 515 625 6,984 2 924 8 639 409 42 1 855 1,472 1,050 5,850 1 38 14,234 8 1,048 199,593 264 3,054 15,609 i Includes dividend checks, letters of credit, and travelers' checks sold for cash. 24 Postal savings 23,498 43 2,327 38,214 22,089 8 i 96 96 2 1,020 O d w I o 4 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 205 TABLE N O . 48.—Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, and corporations in all active banks, Dec. 81, 1959 Population (approximate) Location Deposits oi individuals , partnerships, and corporations (in thousands) Per capita Total Total Demand 956,000 599,000 374,000 4,997,000 884,000 2,451,000 $969,947 850,841 473,761 9,673,860 1,264,987 4,435,382 $289,816 202,441 116,714 3,435,639 419,768 1,463,447 Total New England States— 10,261,000 17,668,778 5,927,825 11,740,953 1,721.94 577.71 1,144.23 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware ___ ... Maryland District of Columbia. 16,655,000 6,021,000 11,437,000 461,000 3,079,000 849,000 51,879,482 7,477,715 14,027,256 716,780 2,565,796 1,334,386 23,597,087 28,282,395 3,241,479 4,236,236 7,410,589 6,616,667 432,390 284,390 1,346,953 1,218,843 991,780 342,606 3,114.95 1,241.94 1,226.48 1,554.84 833.32 1,571.71 1,416.82 1,698.13 538.36 703.58 647.95 578.53 937.94 616.90 437.46 395.86 403.54 1,168.17 38,502,000 78,001,415 37,020,278 40,981,137 2,025.91 4,053,000 1,973,000 4,580,000 2,440,000 3,880,000 4,905,000 3,221,000 2,208,000 3,209,000 9,647,000 1,748,000 3,153,000 3,532,000 2,628,532 1,063,297 2,155,456 812,445 2,186,871 3,712,488 1,655,726 1,003,740 2,118,078 8,810,710 1,040,734 1,871,752 2,475,579 1,483,381 656,273 1,535,400 643,993 1,503,319 2,559,000 1,096,189 694,681 1,484,842 6,778,453 764,538 1,413,396 1,509,070 1,145,151 407,024 620,056 168,452 683,552 1,153,488 559,537 309,059 633,236 2,032,257 276,196 458,356 966,509 648.54 538.92 470.62 332.97 563.63 756.88 514.04 454.59 660.04 913.31 595.39 593.64 700.90 366.00 332.63 335.24 263.93 387.45 521.71 340.33 314.62 462.71 702.65 437.38 448.27 427.26 48,549,000 31,535,408 22,122,535 9,412,873 649.56 455.68 193.88 9,824,000 4,694,000 10,350,000 8,059,000 4,065,000 3,442,000 2,835,000 4,273,000 9,561,028 3,854,373 13,961,310 7,330,873 3,963,558 3,573,242 2,594,926 4,588,173 5,475,190 2,426,741 9,042,780 3,662,816 2,086,208 1,832,736 1,660,254 3,324,302 4,085,838 1,427,632 4,918,530 3,668,057 1,877,350 1,740,506 934,672 1,263,871 973.23 821.13 1,348.92 909.65 975.04 1,038.13 915.32 1,073.76 557.33 516.99 873. 70 454.50 513.21 532.46 585.63 777.98 415.90 304.14 475.22 455.15 461.83 505.67 329.69 295.78 47,542,000 49,427,483 29,511,027 19,916,456 1,039.66 620.74 418.92 Maine _ New Hampshire VermontMassachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut _ Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia _ North Carolina South Carolina Georgia .".I Florida Alabama... Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee -. Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin. Minnesota Iowa Missouri... _. Total Middle Western States.- Time $680,131 $1,014.59 648,400 1,420.44 357,047 1,266.74 6,238,221 1,935.93 845,219 1,430.98 2,971,935 1,809.62 Demand Time $303.16 $711.43 337.97 1,082.47 312.07 954.67 687.54 1,248.39 474.85 956.13 597.08 1,212.54 961.52 1,064.39 282.54 206.29 135.38 69.04 176.18 235.17 173. 71 139.97 197.33 210.66 158.01 145.37 273.64 206 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 48.—Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, _ and corporations in all active banks, Dec. SI, 1959—Continued Population (approximate) Location Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations (in thousands) Total North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma „„ 647,000 692,000 1,473,000 2,162,000 696,000 322,000 1,703,000 895,000 2,297,000 Total Western States- 10,887,000 $603,974 620,001 1,262,833 1,676,684 670,090 327,202 1,599,997 530,129 2,028,067 Demand Per capita Time Total Demand $371,257 395,831 1,057,566 1,220,579 434,337 212,884 1,075,012 385,521 1,566,009 $232,717 224,170 205,267 456,105 235,753 114,318 524,985 144,608 462,058 $933.50 895.96 857.32 775.52 962.77 1,016.16 939.52 592.32 882.92 $573.81 572.01 717.97 564.56 624.05 661.13 631.25 430.75 681.76 $359.69 323.95 139.35 210.96 338.72 355.03 308.27 161. 57 201.16 Time 9,318,977 6,718,996 2,599,981 855.97 617.16 238.81 2,862,000 1,783,000 14,878,000 673,000 _ __ 895,000 285,000 1,267,000 ____ 192,000 671,000 ___ _ 2,751,078 1,753,752 20,197,661 544,873 756,580 336,249 974,290 128,704 493,362 1,473,571 934,495 10,627,186 314,377 405,606 185,567 641,047 81,807 278,613 1,277,507 819,257 9,570,475 230,496 350,974 150,682 333,243 46,897 214,749 961.24 983.60 1,357.55 809.62 845.34 1,179.82 768.97 670.33 735.26 514.87 524.12 714.29 467.13 453.19 651.11 505.96 426.08 415.22 446.37 459.48 643.26 342.49 392.15 528.71 263.01 244.25 320.04 Total Pacific States. 23,506,000 27,936,549 14,942,269 12,994,280 1,188.49 635.68 552.81 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 179,247,000 213,888,610 116,242,930 97,645,680 Washington Oregon _ _ _ _ California Idaho __ Utah Nevada Arizona _ _ . _ Alaska.! Hawaii'" _ Canal Zone (Panama) Guam _ _ _ Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States 40,000 50,000 2,352,000 21,000 9,789 13,850 412,447 1,449 8,307 6,331 195,053 391 1,193.26 648.51 544.75 1,482 7,519 217,394 1,058 244.73 277.00 175.36 69.00 207.68 126.62 82.93 18.62 37.05 150.38 92.43 50.38 24,000 16,825 6,568 10,257 701.04 273.67 427.37 2,487,000 454,360 216,650 237,710 182.69 87.11 95.58 Total United States 181,734,000 214,342,970 116,459,580 97,883,390 and possessions 1,179.43 640.82 538.61 Total possessions TABLE NO. 49.—Officials of State banking departments and number of each class of active banks in December 1959 State commerciall Sg Names of officials Location 8 Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Titles Carleton L. Bradbury Harrison S. King _. .__..._ Alexander H. Miller _ Edward A. Counihan III.. Carroll Tilman _ Henry H. Pierce, Jr.. _ State Bank Commissioner. _ _ Bank Commissioner _ and_ Insurance_ _ _ _ Commissioner of Banking Commissioner of Banks Bank Commissioner __ do Total New England States. New York _ G. Russell Clark._ New Jersey _._ Charles R. Howell Robert L. Myers, Jr Pennsylvania Randolph Hughes Delaware John D. Hospelhorn Maryland. District of Columbia Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida... Alabama Mississippi.. Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky _ _ Tenrj essee Logan R. Ritchie Donald L. Taylor. Ben R. Roberts C. V. Pierce A. P. Persons RayE. Green __ John C. Curry R. D. Morrow, Sr J. W. Jeansonne J. M. Falkner Dick Simpson Hugh A. Rogers M. A. Bryan Total Southern States. See footnotes at end of table. Superintendent of Banks — — Commissioner of Banking and Insurance_ Secretary of Banking State Bank Commissioner Acting Bank Commissioner __. Commissioner of Banking.. .do Commissioner of B a n k s Chief Bank Examiner .__ Superintendent of Banks State Commissioner of Banking Superintendent of Banks State Comptroller State Bank Commissioner Commissioner, Department of Banking._State Bank Commissioner Commissioner, Department of Banking... __ Superintendent of Banks Mutual savings Insured Total numNonber inMembers Nonof banks Federal members sured Reserve Federal System Reserve System Private Insured NonMembers NoninFederal members sured Reserve Federal System Reserve System Noninsured 22 1 10 14 19 24 38 3 29 6 4 1 5 1 8 22 33 6 8 7 13 178 1 58 2 530 40 127 25 89 247 2 294 115 256 19 95 7 113 53 75 2 11 4 41 38 162 14 76 3 10 3 7 1 1 128 21 7 2 6 1 786 258 334 22 164 1 179 106 153 120 349 187 168 166 145 522 181 270 222 70 35 4 6 13 11 23 8 11 111 20 20 8 109 69 148 107 292 171 145 156 133 390 156 240 207 2 1 12 5 10 7 2,768 340 2,323 58 58 57 31 251 13 120 6 1 2 1 7 6 5 10 2 5 7 38 Q 47 to TABLE NO. 49.—Officials of State banking departments and number of each class of active banks in December 1959—Continued Mutual savings State commercial» Names of officials Location Insured Total number Members Nonof banks Federal members Titles Reserve System Raymond H. Willett Joseph McCord _ Conrad F. Becker Alonzo L. Wilson — Paul McGettigan I. C. Rasmussen Joe H. Gronstal G. H. Bates IllinoisMichigan.. Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa • Missouri Superintendent of Banks ___ Director, Department of Financial Institutions, do Commissioner, State Banking Department. Commissioner of Banks do Superintendent of Banking Commissioner of Finance Total Middle Western States. North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma - 368 330 151 102 214 2 217 1 3 560 309 129 145 425 162 6 2 461 509 573 546 60 30 71 97 392 468 463 433 3,656 785 2,774 Members NonFederal members Reserve Federal System Reserve System G. H. Russ, Jr Gordon H. Maxam Edwin N. Van Home J. A. O'Leary R. E. Towle Norris E. Hartwell Frank E. Goldy F. F. Weddington Carl B. Sebring Superintendent of Banks Director of Banking State Bank Commissioner Superintendent of Banks State Examiner State Bank Commissioner Superintendent of Banks Joseph C. McMurray J. F. M. Slade William J Murphy R. U. Spaulding Seth H. Young Grant L. Robison D. 0. Saunders Supervisor of Banking Superintendent of Banks do Commissioner of Finance Bank Commissioner Superintendent of Banks do ___ Noninsured 1 2 3 5 10 31 2 1 1 1 74 3 7 1 _ Total Western States. Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Insured Noninsued 118 139 303 424 75 28 104 25 191 26 17 46 45 14 18 8 26 113 113 248 370 29 14 65 17 159 1,407 202 1,128 77 66 43 78 22 42 4 6 9 6 23 8 13 2 1 51 34 50 14 26 2 4 2 2 5 38 8 1 21 6 CO Ohio Indiana Federal Reserve System Private 1 1 Noninsured 4 8 12 Alaska Hawaii . A. H. Romick „ James 0. Davis, Jr Commissioner of Commerce Supervising Bank Examiner Total Pacific States. Total United States (exclusive of possessions). Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States. 11 10 5 5 282 62 192 23 9,429 1,687 6,878 279 7 3 1 1 5 3 265 249 68 W Secretary of the Treasury _ 10 1 2 Total possessions.._ 13 Total United States and possessions. 9,442 1 Includes stock savings banks. 2 Includes 1 private bank. * Includes 1 trust company which is a member of the Federal Reserve System. 6 5 1,687 7 5 6,885 284 O 1 1 3 265 250 68 o I I o 0 12! 9 O CO to I—I o TABLE N O . 50.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks, Dec. 81, 1986 to 1959 [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Other Loans and U.S. Govbonds, Number discounts, ernment of banks including obligations, stocks, overdrafts direct and and guaranteed securities Cash Balances with other banks * $1,025, 586 $15, 871, 668 907,871 15,065,962 18, 373, 644 22,197,935 26,846,418 1,196, 539 1,407,364 25, 942,377 1, 545,018 27,371, 581 1,463,836 26, 999, 933 1, 612,252 29,175, 791 1, 801,370 33, 589, 693 2,025,088 32, 995, 748 2,221, 793 36,167,173 2,392,970 37, 490,369 2,145,156 34,490,538 2,185,256 38,892, 739 2,343,064 42, 826,197 2,890,421 42,825,197 2,938, 679 43,301,133 2, 690,476 42,097,116 2, 657,128 45,105,892 2,873,239 46,382,257 3,454,476 46,006,103 3, 532, 901 46, 695,132 3,451,865 47,192,451 3,169, 565 1 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. 2 Includes capital notes and debentures in banks other than national. 8 Includes reserve accounts. < Not called for separately. Included with "Balances with other banks." Backfigures—See reference in heading of table 46, p. 190, in 1953 annual report, to 1936 1937. 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944. 1945 1946. 1947. 1948 1949. 1950. 1951. 1952. 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957. 1958. 15, 704 15,463 15,265 15,096 14,956 14,885 14, 722 14, 621 14, 579 14, 598 14, 633 14, 755 14, 735 14, 705 14, 666 14,636 14, 596 14, 538 14,388 14,265 14,188 14,103 14,034 13,984 $21,613,328 $17,497,059 $10, 700,905 22, 342,879 16, 660,068 21, 535,406 18,002,042 9, 664,255 22, 374, 700 19,447,464 9,348,161 23,967,476 21,028, 798 9, 499, 776 26, 838,365 25, 553,809 9, 035, 537 24, 001,146 46,059, 111 8,312,249 7, 466,862 23, 674, 539 66,259,384 26,101, 639 86,414, 755 7, 596,205 8, 611, 660 30, 466, 867 101,904,073 35,822, 868 87,093, 517 9, 543,221 43,231,136 81, 636,938 10, 760,398 48,452, 743 74,462, 553 11,470, 848 49,828,162 78, 753, 673 12, 682, 551 60, 711,146 73,188,217 14, 816, 545 68,000, 966 71, 595,087 15, 991,176 75,928,803 73,010, 835 17,449,091 80, 920,155 72,872,466 18,452. 644 86,058,272 78,004,064 20, 519,756 100, 575,185 70, 309, 691 20, 754,037 110, 632,011 66, 795,281 20, 556, 588 115, 759, 782 66,066,124 23,051,813 122,287,478 73, 935,092 136,409, 682 65,881, 700 26,130, 673 r<) Other assets $3,402,165 3,271,994 3,258,252 3,010,458 2, 822,070 2, 538, 588 2,334, 654 2,109, 008 1,857,424 1, 753, 694 1, 729,215 1,835, 487 2,053, 761 2,102,933 2,288, 962 2, 558, 776 2, 677, 998 2,895, 929 3, 348,420 3,486,967 4,144, 714 4, 770, 796 5,120, 701 5, 573, 660 Total assets Capital 2 $70,110, 711 $3,293,014 68,077, 758 3,223,110 70,833, 599 3,192, 493 77, 575,257 3,125, 524 85, 571,902 3,070, 519 91,453, 694 3,034,361 109, 542, 577 2, 985, 391 128,121, 978 3,011, 600 152,947,184 3,052, 950 178, 351,075 3,187,368 169,406,362 3,299, 469 176,024,102 3, 342, 600 176,075,430 3,423,195 3, 548, 731 180,043,113 192,240, 673 3, 670,249 203, 862, 623 3,840,006 214,830, 603 4,016, 796 221,132, 803 4,173, 707 232, 684, 756 4,428,194 243,105,011 4, 706, 970 251,965,327 5,007, 583 259,187, 519 5, 308,140 277,880,159 5, 568,057 284,357, 731 6,005, 570 Bills payable and Other redis- liabilities counts, etc. Surplus and undivided profits 3 Total deposits $4,849, 310 4,949,834 5,016, 435 5,169, 647 5,339,039 5,460, 776 5, 619,637 6,034,091 6, 640,166 7,424,243 8,138,479 8, 654, 798 9,130, 608 9,616,859 10,245, 616 10,866,262 11,437,192 12,035, 657 12,936,050 13, 503,336 14,342,869 15,228,280 16,253, 667 16,967, 581 $61,155,014 $57,247 59,109,903 50,816 61, 907, 761 36, 612 68, 566,043 25, 551 76,407,885 25,060 82,233,260 22, 593 100,265, 638 18,638 118,336,126 51,650 142,310,824 125,624 166, 530,093 227,150 156,801,396 48,403 162, 728, 682 74, 614 162,041,389 64,320 165,244,044 27,195 176,120,158 94,607 186, 603, 665 44,008 196,431,356 196,234 201, 978,297 66, 803 212,030,341 32, 915 221,391, 573 174,195 228, 578,958 88,202 234,178,092 97,990 251,331, 512 96, 544 255,496, 780 648,852 o O $756,126 744,095 688, 492 729, 399 702, 704 653,273 688, 511 817,620 982,221 1,118, 615 1,223,408 1, 415, 918 1, 606,284 2,110,043 2, 508, 682 2, 749,025 2,878,339 3,257,256 3,328,937 3,947,715 4,375,017 4, 630,379 5,238,948 reports containingfiguressince 1834. (Comparable figures for years prior to 1936 covered June 30 only.) NOTE.—[Reciprocal interbank demand balances with banks in the United States are reported net beginning with the year 1942. a TABLE NO. 51.—Assets and liabilities of all active national banks, Dec. 31, 1936 to 1959 [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Other Loans and U.S. Govbonds, Number discounts, ernment of banks including obligations, stocks, and overdrafts direct and guaranteed securities 1936. 1937. 1938_ 1939. 1940. 1941. 1942. 1943. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1948. 1949. 1950. 1951. 1952. 1953. 1954. 1955. 19561957. 1958. 1959. 1 2 5,331 5,266 5,230 5,193 5,150 5,123 5,087 5,046 5,031 5,023 5,013 5,011 4,997 4,981 4,965 4,946 4,916 4,864 4,796 4,700 4,659 4,627 4,585 4,542 $8,271,210 8,813,547 8,489,120 9,043,632 10,027,773 11,751,792 10, 200,798 10,133, 532 11,497,802 13,948,042 17,309,767 21,480,457 23,818,513 23,928,293 29, 277,480 32,423,777 36,119, 673 37,944,146 39,827,678 43,559,726 48, 248,332 50,502,277 52,796, 224 59,961,989 $8, 685,554 $4,094,490 8,072,882 3,690,122 3,753,234 8,705,959 9,073,935 3,737, 641 9,752,605 3,915,435 12,073,052 3,814,456 23,825,351 3,657,437 34,178,555 3,325,698 43,478,789 3,543, 540 51,467,706 4,143,903 41,843,532 4,799,284 38,825,435 5,184,531 34,980,263 5,248,090 38,270,523 5,937,227 35,691,560 7,331,063 35,156,343 7,887,274 35,936,442 8,355,843 35,588,763 8,621,470 39,506,999 9,425,259 33, 690,806 9,166,524 31,680,085 8,823,307 31,338,076 9,643,633 35,824,760 10,963,464 31,760,970 10,891,885 Cash $518,503 422,490 555,304 615,698 718,799 786,501 733,499 807,969 904,500 1,008,644 1,094,721 1,168,042 1,040,763 1,059,663 1,147,069 1,418,564 1,446,134 1, 292,254 1, 279,171 1,388,250 1, 706,507 1,734,533 1,675,827 1,521,334 Balances with other banks * Other $8,462,578 8,128,003 9,151,105 11,887,915 14,401, 268 14, 215,429 15, 516,771 15, 272, 695 16, 732,749 19,170,145 18,972,446 20,907,548 21,983,506 19,985,295 22,666,366 24,593,594 24,953,269 25, 253,264 24,442,726 24,375,190 25,375,990 25,130,601 25,188,993 25,942,911 $1,032,327 977,186 1,011,455 960,436 918,082 897,004 847,122 813,468 792,479 797, 316 830,513 880,987 1,063,917 1,058,178 1,126,555 1, 259,008 1,321,382 1,416,802 1, 668,736 1, 569,791 1,867,761 2,173,520 2,347,698 2,557,024 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. Includes reserve accounts. Backfigures.—Seereference in heading of table 47, p. 191, in 1953 annual report, to reports containingfiguressince 1863. Total Capital $31,064,662 $1,598,815 30,104, 230 1,577,831 1,570,622 31,666,177 1,532,903 35,319,257 39,733,962 1, 527, 237 1,515,794 43,538,234 1,503,682 54,780,978 1,531,515 64,531,917 1, 566,905 76,949,859 1, 658,839 90,535,756 84,850, 263 1, 756, 621 88,447,000 1,779,766 88,135,052 1,828,759 90,239,179 1,916,340 97, 240,093 2,001,650 102,738,560 2,105,345 108,132,743 2,224,852 110,116,699 2,301,757 116,150,569 2,485,844 113,750,287 2,472, 624 117, 701,982 2, 638,108 120,522,640 2,806, 213 128,796,966 2,951,279 132, 636,113 3,169,742 Surplus and undivided profits2 $1,572,195 1, 666,367 1,757,522 1,872,215 2,009,161 2,133,305 2,234, 673 2,427,927 2, 707,960 2,996, 898 3,393,178 3,641,558 3,842,129 4,018,001 4,327,339 4, 564, 773 4, 834,369 5,107,759 5,618,398 5,463,305 5,834,024 6, 287,004 6,717,522 7,132,375 Total deposits $27,608,397 26,540, 694 28,050,676 31, 612,992 35, 852,424 39, 554,772 50,648,816 60,156,181 72,128, 937 85, 242,947 79,049,839 82, 275,356 81,648,016 83,344,318 89,529,632 94,431,561 99,257,776 100,947, 233 106,145,813 104,217,989 107,494, 823 109,436,311 117,086,128 119,637,677 Bills payable and Other redis- liabilities counts, etc. $3,495 10,839 5,608 2,882 3,127 3,778 3,516 8,155 54,180 77,969 20,047 45,135 41,330 7,562 76,644 15,484 75,921 14,851 11,098 107,796 18, 654 38,324 43,035 340,362 $281,760 308,499 281,749 298, 265 342,013 330,585 390,291 408,139 491,877 559,103 630,578 705,185 774,818 952,958 1,304,828 1,621,397 1,739,825 1,745,099 1,889,416 1,488,573 1, 716,373 1,954,788 1,999,002 2,355,957 NOTE.—Reciprocal interbank demand balances with banks in the United States are reported net beginning with the year 1942. 3 1 O d to to TABLE NO. 52.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 31, 1936 to 1959 [Dollarfiguresin thousands] Num- ber of banks 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 10,373 10,197 10,035 9,903 9,806 9,762 9,635 9,575 9,548 9,575 9,620 9,744 9,738 9,724 9,701 9,690 9,680 9,674 9, 592 9,565 9,529 9,476 9,449 9,442 Other Loans and U.S. Govdiscounts, ernment bonds, including obligations, stocks, and overdrafts direct and guaranteed securities Cash $8,811,505 8, 587,186 9,296,083 10,373, 529 11,276,193 13, 480,757 22,233,760 32,080, 829 42,935,966 50,436,367 45,249,985 42,811, 503 39,482,290 40,483,150 37,496,657 36,438,744 37,074,393 37,283,703 38,497,065 36, 618, 885 35,115,196 34, 728, 048 38,110,332 34,120,730 $507,083 485,381 (3) 580, 841 688, 565 758, 517 730,337 804,283 896,870 1,016,444 1,127,072 1,224,928 1,104,393 1,125, 593 1,195,995 1,471,857 1,492, 545 1,398,222 1,377,957 1,484,989 1,747,969 1,798,368 1,776,038 1,648,231 $13,342,118 13, 529,332 13.046,286 13,331,068 13,939,703 15,086, 573 13,800.348 13, 541,007 14,603, 837 16, 518,825 18,513,101 21,750,679 24,634,230 25,899,869 31,433, 666 35, 577,189 39,809,130 42,976,009 46,230, 594 57,015,459 62,383, 679 65,257, 505 69,491,254 76,447,693 1 2 $6,606,415 6,138,862 5,911,021 5,610,520 5, 584,341 5,221,081 4,654,812 4,141,164 4,052, 665 4,467,757 4,743,937 5, 575, 867 6,222,758 6,745,324 7,485,482 8,103,902 9,093,248 9, 831,174 11,094,497 11, 587, 513 11,733,281 13,408,180 15,426,427 15,238,788 Balances with other banks* $7,409,090 6,937,959 8,667,235 10,310,020 12,445,150 11,726,948 11,854,810 11,727,238 12,443,042 14,419, 548 14,023,302 15,259. 625 15, 506, 863 14,505,243 16,226,373 18,232, 603 17, 871,928 18,047, 869 17,654,390 20,730,702 21,006,267 20,875, 502 21, 506,139 21,249,540 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. Includes reserve accounts. 3 Not called for separately. Included with "Balances with other banks." Other assets $2,369,838 2,294,808 2,246,797 2,050,022 1,903,988 1, 641, 584 1, 487, 532 1,295,540 1,064,945 956,378 898,702 954,500 989,844 1,044,755 1,162,407 1,299,768 1,356, 616 1,479,127 1,679,684 1,917,176 2,276,953 2,597,276 2,773,003 3,016,636 Total assets $39,046,049 37,973,528 39,167,422 42,256,000 45,837,940 47,915, 460 54,761, 599 63,590, 061 75,997,325 87,815,319 84, 556,099 87,577,102 87,940, 378 89,803,934 95,000, 580 101,124,063 106,697,860 111, 016,104 116, 534,187 129,354,724 134,263,345 138,664,879 149,083,193 151,721,618 Capital stock $1,489,354 1,471,533 1,459,015 1, 450,873 1,420,148 1,410,373 1,382, 507 1,389,943 1, 403,725 1,456, 449 1,475,054 1, 500.807 1, 546,005 1, 583,954 1,621,492 1,695,205 1,745,470 1,828,615 1,896, 592 2,183,182 2,319,177 2,452, 897 2, 559,089 2,779,614 Capital notes and debentures $204,845 173,746 162,856 141,748 123,134 108,194 99,202 90,142 82,320 72,080 67,794 62,027 48,431 48,437 47,107 39,456 46,474 43,335 45,758 51,164 50,298 49,030 57,689 56,214 Surplus and undivided profits 2 Total deposits $3,277,115 3,283,467 3,258,913 3,297,432 3,329,878 3,327,471 3,384,964 3,606,164 3,932,206 4,427,345 4,745,301 5,013,240 5,288,479 5, 598,858 5,918,277 6,301,489 6,602,823 6,927,898 7,317, 652 8,040,031 8, 508, 845 8,941,276 9, 536,145 9,835,206 $33,546,617 32, 569,209 33,857,085 36,953,051 40, 555,461 42,678,488 49,616,822 58,179,945 70,181, 887 81,287,146 77,751, 557 80,453,326 80,393,373 81,899,726 86, 590, 526 92,172,104 97,173,580 101,031,064 105, 884, 528 117,173, 584 121,084,135 124,741, 781 134,245,384 135,859,103 Bills payable and redis- counts, etc. $53,752 39,977 31,004 22,669 21,933 18,815 15,122 43,495 71,444 149,181 28,356 29,479 22,990 19, 633 17,963 28,524 120,313 51,952 21, 817 66,399 69, 548 59,666 53,509 308,490 Other liabilities 2 S o •==1 $474,366 435,596 398,549 390,227 387,386 372,119 262,982 280,372 325,743 423,118 488,037 518,223 641,100 653,326 805,215 887,285 1,009,200 1,133,240 1,367, 840 1, 840,364 2,231,342 2,420,229 2,631,377 2,882,991 Backfigures.—Seereference in heading of table 48, p. 192, in 1953 annual report, to reports containing figures since 1834. (Comparable figures for years prior to 1936 covered June 30 only.) NOTE.—Reciprocal interbank demand balances with banks in the United States are reported net beginning with the year 1942. o o o § d TABLE NO. 53.—Bank suspensions since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years endeaI Dec. 31 , 1934 to 1959 Capital stock in thousands of dollars) * Number Year ended Dec. 31— Member banks Total __ Member banks Nonmember banks All All banks 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 19491950 _ 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Nonmember banks Deposits (in thousands of dollars) National 57 34 44 58 56 42 22 8 9 4 1 1 4 1 3 1 4 1 4 State 2 1 3 2 Insured Noninsured 8 22 40 47 47 25 18 3 6 2 1 48 8 3 6 7 10 3 1 3 1 1 4 1 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 8 3 24 1 3 1 1 32 375 1 2 1 1 1 26 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 3 8 232 1 1 45 109 banks National 3,822 1,518 1,961 3,435 2,467 5,309 1,587 496 327 708 32 25 405 88 685 25 220 82 360 671 25 3,600 650 Insured Noninsured 416 633 1,678 2,004 2,052 1,204 1,452 118 272 58 32 3,381 480 195 75 365 285 53 18 55 125 125 120 52 750 45 140 550 303 210 100 120 15 24,057 200 75 280 250 25 3,170 21 Includes capital notes and debentures, if any, outstanding at date of suspension. 3 Included 2 private banks without capital. 4 Includes 1 private bank for which capital and deposit figures are not available. Includes 3 private banks for which capital figures are not available. State 37 550 25 65 250 35 75 100 4,531 11,021 20 20 18 110 5,335 All banks 36,939 10,101 11,323 16,169 13, 837 34,980 5,944 3,723 1,702 6,300 405 Member banks National 42 5,399 524 3,825 36 1,323 257 3,141 State 1,708 211 24,629 5,059 Nonmember banks Insured 1,912 3,763 10,207 10,156 11, 721 6,589 5,341 503 1,375 1,241 405 Noninsured 34,985 939 592 480 1,869 2,439 346 79 327 167 167 2,443 42 3,113 1,414 44,802 2,880 6,498 11,823 12,869 6,287 2,048 2,443 42 3,113 135 390 1,950 235,809 19,478 4,606 6,520 10,451 1,368 1,163 42,551 47,189 1,279 24, 934 930 1,892 4,703 2,787 2,048 91,786 8 w 600 1,255 2,132 54,283 NOTE.—Figures for banks other than national furnished by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and represent associations closed to the public, either temporarily or permanently, by supervisory authorities or directors of the banks on account of financial difficulties. In the case of national bank suspensions these represent actual failures for which receivers were appointed. to f—*• CO INDEX Page Affiliates of national banks, number reporting as of December 31, 1959___ 36-37 All banks (see also Banks; Mutual savings banks; National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks): Assets and liabilities of: Comparison of, December 31, 1958 and 1959 34-35 December 31, 1959, by classes of banks in each State 164-204 December 31, 1959, summary by classes of banks 162-163 December 31, 1936-59 210 Distribution of, December 31, 1959 1 Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in, December 31, 1959, by States 205-206 Suspensions. (See Suspensions of banks.) Assets and liabilities of banks: All banks: Comparison of, December 31, 1958 and 1959 34-35 December 31, 1959, by States 164-171 December 31, 1959, summary by classes of banks 162-163 December 31, 1936-59 210 National banks: Call dates in 1959, summary and by States 28-29, 67-120 December 31, 1959, by States 172-179 December 31, 1936-59 211 Principal items of, according to size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1958 and 1959 63 State banks (see also District of Columbia): All banks combined: December 31, 1959, summary and by States 162-163, 180-187 December 31, 1936-59 212 Mutual savings: December 31, 1959, summary and by States 162-163, 196-200 Private: December 31, 1959, summary and by States 162-163, 201-204 State commercial: December 31, 1959, summary and by States 162-163, 188-195 Bank currency. (See Federal Reserve notes; National bank circulation.) Bank examinations. (See Examinations conducted.) Banks (see also All banks; Assets and liabilities of banks; Mutual savings banks; National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks): All banks: Distribution of, December 31, 1959 1 Insured and uninsured, December 31, 1959 1 Member banks of Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1959-_ 1 Number of: December 31, 1959, by States 164-165 December 31, 1936-59 210 Suspensions. (See Suspensions of banks.) Insured commercial banks: Number of, December 31, 1959, by classes. 1 215 216 INDEX Banks—Continued National banks: Branches. (See Branches.) Page "Calls" for reports of condition of, dates, 1914-59 65 Examination of. (See Examinations conducted.) Failures. (See Suspensions of banks.) Number of: Call dates in 1959 28 Call dates in 1959, by States 67-120 December 31, 1959, by States 172-173 December 31, 1936-59 211 Nonmember banks of Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1959 1 With surplus fund equal to or exceeding common capital stock 1942-59 64 With surplus fund less than common capital stock 1942-59- _ 64 Number of banking units in relation to population at the end of 1959- _ 14-15 Number of banks which have been absorbed since 1950 19 Number of national and State commercial banking units in operation in United States and possessions at end of 1959 14-15 State and private banks: Number of: December 31, 1959, by States 180-181, 188-189, 196, 201 December 31, 1936-59 212 Supervisors of, name and title of in each State, December 31, 1959 207-209 Suspensions. (See Suspensions of banks.) Uninsured, December 31, 1959 1 Bank suspensions. (See Suspensions of banks.) Borrowings. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Branches: National banks: Domestic: Number and class of, closed in year 1959 61-62 Number authorized and closed in year 1959, by States 13, 5660, 61-62 Number of branches operated in United States and possessions, as of December 31, 1959 13 Foreign: Location and summary of assets and liabilities of, December 31, 1959 149, 150 Number in operation December 31, 1959 150 Limited banking facilities authorized by several States 14^15 Statements relative to 12-15 "Calls" for reports of condition of national banks, dates 1914-59 65 Capital accounts. (See Assets and liabilities of banks; Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks: Ratios.) Capital stock of banks: All banks: December 31, 1959, by States 166-167, 170-171 December 31, 1936-59 210 INDEX 217 Cepital stock of banks—Continued National banks: Page By size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1958 and 1959 63 Call dates in 1959, by States 67-120 Chartered in each State, in year 1959 45-46 December 31, 1959, by States 174-175, 178-179 December 31, 1936-59 211 Incident to consolidations with State and national banks, in year 1959 48, 49-52 Increase during 1959 and since 1950 9, 32-33 Liquidated banks, in year 1959 32-33, 47 Preferred stock: Retirable value of, on call dates in 1959 29 Total outstanding, December 31, 1959 32-33 State and private banks: December 31, 1959, by classes of banks and by States 163, 186-187, 194-195, 202 December 31, 1936-59 212 Cash in banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Charters of national banks. (See Organization of national banks.) Circulation. (See Federal Reserve notes; National bank circulation.) Closed banks. (See Consolidations and mergers of banks; Liquidation of national banks; Suspensions of banks.) Commercial banks. (See National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks.) Comptroller of the Currency, Office of: Comptrollers, names of, since organization of the Bureau and periods of service 43 Deputy Comptrollers, names of, since organization of the Bureau and periods of service 43 Examinations conducted 24r-25 Expenses of, in year 1959 27 Issue and redemption of notes 37 Legislation enacted providing for appointment of fourth Deputy Comptroller 22 Organization and staff 25-27 Personnel 25-27 Condition of banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Consolidations and mergers of banks: Number and total resources, National and State-wise, 1950-59 19 Under act November 7, 1918, as amended: Consolidations under sections 1, 2, and 3: List of, in year 1959 49-52 Number of in each State 44-45 Mergers under sections 4 and 5: List of, in year 1959 53-55 Number of in each State 44-45 Statements relative to 17-19, 32-33 Under Public Law 706, August 17, 1950: List of, in year 1959 48 Number of in each State 44-45 Statements relative to 17-19, 32-33 218 INDEX Conversions of banks: Page Number and total resources, National and State-wise, 1950-59 19 Under Public Law 706, August 17, 1950: List of, in year 1959 49 Number of in each State 44-45 Statements relative to 17-19, 32-33 Demand deposits. (See Deposits.) Deposits (see also Assets and liabilities of banks): All active banks, December 31, 1936-59 210 Demand and time in all active banks, by classes in each State, December 31, 1959 170-171, 178-179, 194-195, 200, 204 Interest rate paid on time and savings, by national banks, years 1955-59 3 Per capita demand and time of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in all active banks, December 31, 1959, by States 205-206 Postal savings: In all banks, December 31, 1959, by States 170-171 In each class of banks, December 31, 1959, by States.- 178-179, 194-195 In national banks, call dates in 1959, by States 67-120 Size of national banks, according to, December 31, 1958 and 1959 63 Suspended banks. (See Suspensions of banks.) United States Government: In all banks, December 31, 1959, by States 170-171 In each class of banks, December 31, 1959, by States 178179, 194-195, 200, 204 In national banks, call dates in 1959, by States 67-120 District of Columbia: Assets and liabilities of all banks in, by classes: Call dates in 1959 77, 153, 154 December 31, 1959 151-152 Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks in: Losses charged off on loans and securities: Years 1940-59 158-159, 160-161 Years 1958 and 1959, by classes of banks 155-156 Ratios: Years 1940-59 158-159, 160-161 Years 1958 and 1959, by classes of banks 156 Years 1958 and 1959, by classes of banks 155-156 Fiduciary activities of banks in, December 31, 1959 161 Reports required from banking associations in, year 1959 36 Dividends. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks: According to size of banks (deposits), year 1959 142-144 By Federal Reserve districts, year 1959 138-141 By States, year 1959 130-137 Losses charged off on loans and securities: Years 1940-59 148 Year 1959, according to size of banks (deposits) 143-144 Ratios: Dividends to capital stock and capital funds, years 1930-59 147 Net profits before dividends to capital stock and capital funds, years 1930-59 147 INDEX 219 Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks—Continued Ratios—Continued Net earnings from current operations and net profits before Page dividends per $100 of deposits, year 1959 144 Net earnings from current operations, net profits before dividends, and cash dividends per $100 of capital funds, year 1959 144 Salaries and wages of officers and employees: By size of banks (deposits), year 1959 142 Years 1957-59 145 Summary, years 1957-59 145-146 Trend in, since 1955 11 Employees. (See Comptroller of the Currency, Office of; Officers and employees of national banks.) Examinations conducted: Number in year 1959 24-25 Examiners and assistant examiners: Changes in number, in year 1959 25 Expenses. (See Comptroller of the Currency, Office of; Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Failures of banks. (See Suspensions of banks.) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (see also Suspensions of banks): Classification of insured and uninsured banks, December 31, 1959 1 Federal Reserve notes: Issue and redemption of, in year 1959 37 Fiduciary activities of national banks: By Federal Reserve districts, December 31, 1959 123 Classification of investments under administration segregated according to capital of banks, December 31, 1959 124 Comparative figures of activities, 1951-59 127 December 31, 1959, by States 124-127 December 31, 1959, segregated according to capital groups 121-122 National banks administering employee benefit trusts and agencies during 1959, by Federal Reserve districts and by States 128-129 Statement relative to 19-20 Foreign branches of national banks, location, and summary of assets and liabilities of, December 31, 1959 149,150 Government bonds. (See Investments; United States Government securities.) Holding company affiliates of national banks: Number of, December 31, 1959 36-37 Insolvent banks. (See Suspensions of banks.) Insured banks. (See Suspensions of banks; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.) Interbank deposits. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Interest. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Investments of banks: All banks: December 31, 1959, by States 164r-165 December 31,1959, by classes of banks 162 December 31, 1936-59 210 National banks: By size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1958 and 1959 63 Call dates in 1959, summary and by States 28, 67-120 December 31, 1959, by States 172-173 December 31, 1936-59 211 220 INDEX Investments of banks—Continued National banks—Continued Losses charged off on: According to size of banks (deposits), year 1959 Year 1959, by States and Federal Reserve districts Page 143-144 134-135, 139-140 Years 1940-59 148 Summary classification by maturities in 1959 8 State and private banks: December 31, 1959, by classes of banks and by States 162, 180-181, 188-189, 196, 201 Legislation enacted: Public Law 86-114, approved July 28, 1959, relating to reserves required to be maintained by member banks of the Federal Reserve System, and by holding company affiliates 22 Public Law 86-137, approved August 6, 1959, to permit national banks to deal in or underwrite bonds, notes, and other obligations issued by Tennessee Valley Authority 22 Public Law 86-147, approved August 7, 1959, to permit national banks to deal in or underwrite obligations issued by the Inter-American Development Bank 22 Public Law 86-230, approved September 8, 1959, repealed various obsolete provisions of the National banking laws; amended other provisions; and, added new authority relating to several requirements of national banks 22 Public Law 86-251, approved September 9, 1959, authorized the appointment of an additional Deputy Comptroller; increased the amount of the bonds required of the Comptroller and Deputy Comptrollers; enlarged the borrowing authority of national banks from sources other than the Federal Reserve banks; and, provided a number of changes in the lending authority of national banks 22 Public Law 86-372, approved September 23, 1959, provided for the exclusion of loans secured by mortgages insured under Section 203 of the National Housing Act in determining the amount of real estate loans which a national bank may make in relation to its capital and surplus or its time and savings deposits. Also, amended R.S. 5136 relating to obligations secured by an agreement between a local public agency as defined in the National Housing Act of 1949 and the Housing and Home Finance Administrator 24 Liabilities. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Liquidation of national banks (see also Suspensions of banks): Capital, date, and title of banks, in year 1959, with names of succeeding banks in cases of succession 47 Number of banks, in each State, since beginning of system 44r-45 Summary, in year 1959 32-33 Litigation involving Comptroller of Currency, pertaining to national banks 20-21 Loans and discounts of banks: All banks: December 31, 1959, classification of, by States 168-169 December 31, 1959, classification of, by classes of banks 162 December 31, 1936-59 210 Consumer debt, comments relative to 4r-5 INDEX 221 Loans and discounts of banks—Continued National banks: Page By size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1958 and 1959 63 Call dates in 1959, summary and by States 28, 67-120 December 31, 1959, classification of, by States 176-177 December 31, 1936-59 211 Interest and discount earned on: According to size of banks (deposits), year 1959__ 142 Year 1959, by States and Federal Reserve districts. __ 130-131, 138 Years 1957-59 145 Losses charged off on: According to size of banks (deposits), year 1959 143-144 Year 1959, by States and Federal Reserve districts 134-135, 139-140 Years 1940-59 148 Real estate loans of: December 31, 1959, by States 176-177 Statement relative to 3 Reserve for bad debt losses on 12 State and private banks: December 31, 1959, classification of, by States 184-185, 192-193, 198, 203 Losses. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Mergers. (See Consolidations and mergers of banks.) Municipal bonds. (See Investments of banks.) Mutual savings banks: Assets and liabilities of: December 31, 1959, by States 196-200 Insured, December 31, 1959 1, 207-209 Uninsured, December 31, 1959 1,207-209 National bank circulation: Outstanding, December 31, 1959 34 National bank examiners. (See Examiners and assistant examiners.) National banks: Affiliates of, number, December 31, 1959 36-37 Assets and liabilities of: Call dates in 1959, by States 67-120 December 31, 1959, by States 172-179 Principal items of, according to size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1958 and 1959 63 Principal items of, December 31, 1936-59 211 Branches. (See Branches.) By size of banks, on basis of deposits, December 31, 1958 and 1959_. 63 "Calls" for reports of condition of, dates, 1914-59 65 Capital stock. (See Capital stock of banks.) Charters granted in year 1959 45-46 Consolidations. (See Consolidations and mergers of banks.) Conversions to State banks, in year 1959, list of 49 Deposits. (See Deposits.) Dividends. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Earnings and expenses. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Failures of. (See Suspensions of banks.) Fiduciary activities. (See Fiduciary activities of national banks; District of Columbia.) 222 INDEX National banks—Continued Page Holding company affiliates of, number, December 31, 1959 36-37 Insolvent. (See Suspensions of banks.) Investments. (See Investments of banks.) Legislation enacted affecting. (See Legislation enacted.) Liqudation of, in year 1959 32-33,47 Loans and discounts. (See Loans and discounts of banks.) Number of: Call dates in year 1959, by States 67-120 Chartered and closed: Since February 25, 1863 4^-45 December 31, 1936-59 211 In existence December 31, 1959, by States 44r-45 With surplus fund equal to or exceeding common capital stock 1942-59 64 With surplus fund less than common capital stock 1942-59 64 Officers and employees, number and salaries of: By size of banks (deposits), year 1959 142, 144 Year 1959, by States and Federal Reserve districts 132-133, 138 Years 1957-59 145 Purchases by other national banks, 1959 18 Purchases by State banks, 1959 18 Reports required from in year 1959 36 State banks purchased by, in year 1959, list of 49 Status of 1-12 Trust functions. (See Fiduciary activities of national banks.) United States Government securities owned by. (See United States Government securities.) Officers and employees of national banks: Number and salaries of: By size of banks (deposits), year 1959 142, 144 Year 1959, by States and Federal Reserve districts 132-133, 138 Years 1957-59 145 Organization of national banks: Charters granted, in year 1959, list of, by States 45-46 Charters granted which were conversions of State banks, in year 1959- _ 18, 47 Charters granted which were conversions of State banks, 1950-59____ 19 Number of, by States, from February 25, 1863, to December 31,1959- _ 44-45 Summary, in year 1959 15-17, 32-33 Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, in all active banks: December 31, 1959, by States 205-206 Personnel. (See Comptroller of the Currency, Office of.) Population, United States, December 31, 1959, by States-. 164-165 Possessions: Assets and liabilities of banks in: All banks, December 31, 1959 164-171 Banks other than national, December 31, 1959 180-187 National banks, call dates in 1959 116 National banks, December 31, 1959 172-179 Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks in, year 1959 130-137 Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporatious, of all banks in, December 31, 1959 206 Postal savings. (See Deposits.) INDEX 223 Private banks: Page Assets and liabilities of: December 31, 1959, by States 201-204 Suspensions. (See Suspensions of banks.) Profits. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Public funds. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Real estate held by banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Real estate loans. (See Loans and discounts of banks.) Reports from national banks in year 1959 . 36 Reserves for bad debt losses on loans: Maintained by national banks December 31, 1959 12 Reserve with Federal Reserve banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Salaries and wages of officers and employees of national banks. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Savings banks. (See Mutual savings banks.) Securities. (See Investments of banks; United States Government securities.) State bank suspensions. (See Suspensions of banks.) State banking officials: Name and title of, in each State, December 31, 1959 207-209 State banks purchased by national banks during the year 1959, list of 49 State commercial banks: Assets and liabilities of, December 31, 1959, by States 188-195 Insured, December 31, 1959 1,207-209 Member banks of Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1959-. 1, 207-209 Nonmember banks of the Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1959 1, 207-209 Suspensions. (See Suspensions of banks.) Uninsured, December 31, 1959 1,207-209 Stock savings banks. (See State commercial banks.) Supervisors of State banks, name and title of, in each State, December 31, 1959 207-209 Suspensions of banks: All banks: Number, capital, and deposits of suspended banks: Since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years 1934-59 213 National banks: Number, capital, and deposits of: Since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years 1934-59 213 Number of, by States, since beginning of system 44-45 State banks: Number, capital, and deposits of: Since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years 1934-59 213 Taxes. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Time deposits. (See Deposits.) Titles of national banks. (See Consolidations and mergers of banks; Organization of national banks.) Trends in banking 30 Trust companies. (See State commercial banks.) Trust powers of national banks. (See Fiduciary activities of national banks.) United States Government deposits. (See Deposits.) 224 INDEX United States Government securities: All banks: December 31, 1959, by States ] 64-165 December 31, 1959, by classes of banks 162 December 31, 1936-59 210 National banks: By size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1958 and 1959 63 Call dates in 1959, by States 67-120 December 31, 1959, by States 172-173 December 31, 1936-59 211 State and private banks: December 31, 1959, by States 180-181, 188-189, 196, 201 December 31, 1936-59 212 Voluntary liquidation of national banks. (See Liquidation of national banks.) U.S. 60VERNMENT I