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EIGHTY-NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Comptroller of the Currency 1951 WASHINGTON : 1952 TREASURY DEPARTMENT Document No. 3179 Comptroller of the Currency For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. — 'Price $1.25 (cloth) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Washington, D. C, June 24, 1952. In accordance with the provisions of section 333 of the United States Revised Statutes, I have the honor to submit the following report covering the activities of the Bureau of the Comptroller of the Currency for the year 1951. Respectfully, SIRS: PRESTON DELANO, Comptroller oj the Currency. THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. HI ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY During 1951, the national banking system adjusted its operations to the degree necessary to accomodate the changing needs and direction of the national economy. The inflationary pressures that developed during the previous year abated in 1951, although an enormous volume of capital was invested in further expansion of our productive capacity, to a considerable extent designed for defense production. The level of wholesale prices receded, while the retail level—the cost of living—rose slightly, and probably would have risen further if the American people had not chosen to save an unprecedented volume of their income. The shift of emphasis in national-bank activities from investment in Federal Government securities to the furnishing of credit for American industry and commerce continued through the year, although at a less rapid rate. At the end of the year, the 4,946 national banks had total resources of $103 billion, which was slightly more than 50 percent of all banking resources in the hands of the Nation's 14,636 commercial and savings banks. Total deposits increased almost $5 billion (from $89.5 billion to $94.4 billion). The greater part of this rise was due to an increase of more than $3 billion—over 10 percent—in the volume of loans (from $29.3 billion to $32.4 billion), as contrasted with an increase of $5.3 billion, or 22 percent, in 1950. Over 70 percent of this increase took place in commercial and industrial loans, which rose more than 17 percent (from $13.4 billion to $15.7 billion), while real-estate loans increased moderately and consumer loans remained steady at $4.4 billion. Although the total volume of Federal Go vernment obligations held by national banks at the end of 1951 was only slightly less than at the end of the previous year ($35.2 billion as compared with $35.7 billion), the relative importance of this item in the balance sheet and income statement of the system continued to diminish. In addition, there was a noteworthy change in the maturity pattern of national-bank holdings of Government securities. Their total marketable bonds decreased from $21.0 billion to $18.5 billion and note holdings from $10.0 billion to $6.7 billion, while the aggregate of shorter-maturity obligations (bills and certificates) registered an increase of almost 150 percent (from $3.5 billion to $8.7 billion). The capital structure of the national banking system continued its steady rise, increasing during the year from $6.3 bilJion to $6.7 billion. The negligible amount of national bank preferred stock still 2 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY outstanding was further reduced, and at the year's end totalled only $13 million, retirable value. Reserves against loans rose from $388 million to $470 million, and now constitute about lji percent of the gross loans of the system. Needless to say, such reserves are notdistributed uniformly in proportion to the volume of loans in each bank. The total. capital structure of the system, combined with $470 million of reserves for bad debts, aggregated $7.1 billion at the end of 1951. When considered in relation to approximately $103 billion of assets, less $65 billion of assets represented by cash or its equivalent, United States Government securities, and loans guaranteed or insured by Federal Government agencies, the national banking system held $1 of capital funds and reserves for bad debts to protect the risk involved in each $5.36 of its remaining loans, municipal and corporate bonds, and other assets. The generally excellent condition of national banks is disclosed by the fact that only $320 million of assets (largely loans), or an amount less than the reserve for bad debts alone, were classified as "substandard" or "doubtful" by national bank examiners during their second round of examinations in 1951. Loans subject to less important elements of credit weakness were "especially mentioned" in examination reports in the somewhat increased amount of $805 million, or 11.2 percent of capital structure and reserves, but normally only a small percentage of such loans retrogress to a point necessitating substandard, doubtful, or loss classifications. * * * * * * * During the year 1951, 23 State banks were absorbed into the national banking system; 10 by consolidation, 11 under contracts providing for the purchase of assets and assumption of liabilities, and 2 by conversion. National banks absorbed into State banking systems during the year numbered 22; 11 by consolidation and 11 under purchaseand-assumption contracts. Nine national banks were absorbed by other national banks, and two were placed in voluntary liquidation with no designated successor bank. The trend toward mergers is continuing and perhaps increasing, but equilibrium seems to be maintained with respect to the absorption of State banks into national banks and vice versa. In studying the individual cases involving consolidation or take-over under purchaseand-assumption agreements, and the reasons for the accelerated trend in this direction, motivating factors appear to be higher operating costs, lower profits from operations, difficulties incident to raising additional capital funds, and the desire on the part of shareholders to obtain for their stock an amount approximating its book value, which frequently is not obtainable on the open market. Another major factor influencing the increased trend toward mergers is the inability or neglect to attract or train adequate operating personnel for the higher executive levels. Still another influence appears to be the desire of some of the banks to grow in size and thus acquire increased prestige in their communities. Applications for charters for new national banks numbered 30 during the year, 15 of which were approved. In connection with applications for new charters a variety of factors must be considered in each case, and their importance and impact vary greatly in diflerent REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 6 communities. As an example, a small and economically poor community might not be able to provide support for even one bank because of the inadequate volume of deposits and profitable credit outlets, whereas a thriving and expanding community possessing considerable wealth, although no larger in population, might need and could amply support more than one bank. It is therefore the Comptroller's policy to weigh all pertinent information developed in relation to each individual application with a view to determining whether the needs of the community, and the prospects of successful operation of the proposed bank under the management selected, are such as to warrant favorable action. We recognize the desirability of competition wherever possible, since we believe that sound and healthy competition between banks redounds to the public welfare through increased adequacy of credit facilities, fair rates of interest, and the prevention of undue concentration of monetary and economic power. Hence, in considering applications for new banking offices in communities having only one bank, we give considerable weight to this factor. In communities where competition already exists, the factor is given somewhat less weight, for excessive competition can result in such a weakening of existing banking institutions as to bring consequences so injurious to the welfare of the community as to outweigh any benefits to be anticipated from increasing the intensity of competition in such cases. On December 31, 1951, 356 national banks were operating a total of 2,259 domestic branches and 8 seasonal agencies. A number of applications to establish new branches were pending at the beginning of 1951, and 218 applications were received during the year. Certificates authorizing the establishment of 153 new branches were issued during 1951, and 54 applications were rejected. The remaining applications either were still pending at the end of the year, or had been abandoned. The foregoing summarization of the salient changes in the national banking structure during the year offers an appropriate occasion to comment upon the adequacy of banking facilities in general throughout the country. Despite the fact that the number of commercial banks today is only half the number a generation ago, it is believed that as a result of shifts of population to urban areas, improved transportation facilities, and more efficient banking methods, there are very few people in this country who do not have reasonably convenient access to banking facilities. It is true that there are proportionately more bankless communities in States which prohibit branch banking than in those States in which branch systems are permissible. In this matter the Congress and the State Legislatures are confronted with the same problem as is encountered by bank supervisors-—that is, they must decide between the relative advantages of encouraging independent local "unit" banks, or permitting operation of the generally more economical branches of a larger bank. It is obviously impossible to preserve the full ad vantages of both arrangements, so a choice often must be made between allowing a branch to be established (where legally permissible) or deciding that some small town must do without its own banking facilities. However, it should be emphasized that this problem 4 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY is not a major one; almost all citizens find adequate banking facilities reasonably accessible to them. * * * * * * * During the difficult period of the early 1930s, the sale of preferred stock, chiefly to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, served a valuable purpose in strengthening the capital structure of the country V banking system. Prior to the Banking Act of 1933, national banks were not empowered to issue preferred stock. Nevertheless, by June 1935, more than 2,000 national banks (one-third of all national banks) had outstanding over $500 million of preferred stock, which constituted 17 percent of the total capital structure of the system. Today, only 42 banks have preferred stock outstanding, and the aggregate amount of such preferred stock is only a minor fraction of 1 percent of the capital structure of the system. As these figures indicate, preferred stock has been considered, and has functioned, almost entirely as an emergency method of nationalbank financing. Within recent years, however, it has been suggested with increasing frequency, in some quarters, that banks should be authorized to issue preferred stock even in times like the present, when no financial stringency exists. Accordingly, it is deemed appropriate to comment at some length on this subject, even though the topic was covered briefly in the Comptroller's Annual Report for 1949. During the year 1951 the shareholders of 190 national banks located throughout the country acted to consummate programs involving the sale of new common stock yielding over $150 million for addition to capital and surplus accounts. Apart from 11 banks that entered the system during 1951, the total capital structures of 4,935 national banks increased more than $400 million to a total of $6,667 million at the year end. Slightly more than 36 percent of this increase in capital structure was achieved through the sale of new common stock. Moreover, these same banks added $88 million to their reserves for bad debts, so the over-all strengthening of capital structures and reserves during 1951 amounted to more than $500 million. In the course of the year, 293 national banks declared and paid dividends payable in common stock aggregating $55 million, the motives being, in the vast majority of instances, (1) to achieve a sounder relationship between the capital account and gross capital structure, and (2) to reduce the book value per share, and hence the , market value, to a more moderate level, thereby fostering a broader market, and, to the extent permitted by dividend yield, a somewhat narrower spread between market price and book value. It is almost always true that the stock of a bank having a book value of several hundred dollars per share and upwards has a relatively narrow market, and is not likely to command as advantageous a market price in /relation to book value, as stock with a lower book value. Many of the dividends paid in common stock during 1951 were for the express purpose of reducing book values, thereby facilitating the sale of new common stock at prices better calculated to attract the shareholders and broaden the market for the shares. The success achieved by 190 national banks in marketing new common stock issues is at partial variance with the arguments of those who contend that the only answer to a need for additional bank REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 5 capital rests in the sale of preferred stock. However, recognition must be given to the fact that should the Comptroller decide to approve the sale of preferred stock by national banks, many of the present problems relating to inadequate bank capitalization could be solved with greater ease than is currently possible through the medium of common stock. The issuance of preferred stock with a fixed dividend rate normally would not dilute the earnings value of the existing common stock, nor would the factor of book value dilution in the common stock arise through the frequent necessity of marketing new common stock issues at prices below current book value. The net earnings before dividends of some banks have receded to some extent in relation to invested capital, and their managements are unwilling to further impair the earnings return by selling additional common stock, even though they would welcome a stronger capitalization in relation to business volume. This problem has received and will continue to receive serious study. It is never feasible to attempt to arrive at an irrevocable decision on a two-sided problem of this character, but up to the present the Comptroller has been unwilling to authorize the issuance of preferred stock by national banks except as an emergency measure. While a change in this policy admittedly would solve, in part, some present recapitalization problems, it is believed that certain other problems would ensue through the issuance of preferred stock. The Comptroller's main responsibility is to the depositors of national banks, but he also has a definite responsibility to the shareholders. The common stockholders would receive the advantage of nondiluted and possibly enhanced earnings through the issuance of preferred stock. As an offset to this, the increased weight of risk of an enlarged volume of business predicated on the newly acquired preferred capital would rest in the first instance on the common shareholders. The new preferred capital would justify an enlarged volume of risk assets, or more fully justify the existing volume of such assets, from the standpoint of depositor protection, but it must not be overlooked that the full weight of the increased risk would bear first on the common stockholders. Over a period of time this would inevitably result in the common stock of banks losing some and perhaps much of its present high standing as a sound investment. The sale of preferred stock would tend to become the general rule in bank recapitalization programs, and the sale of common stock much more difficult. \ If preferred stock were to be approved as a medium of normal bank capitalization, it is obvious the Comptroller would have to establish sqund policies relative to the proportion of preferred stock that could be issued by a bank in relation to its common capital stock or its ov&r-all capital structure. Certainly it would be undesirable for a bank to have a capital structure top-heavy with nonvoting (except under certain conditions) preferred stock controlled by a thin layer of common stock. It is true the Comptroller could control this situation in initial instances, but if a bank issued preferred stock in reasonable proportion to its common stock and then by reason of growth or asset losses found it necessary again to raise additional capital, and this proved possible only through the issuance of more preferred stock, the Comptroller might be forced to choose between foregoing the additional capital protection needed by the bank's 6 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY depositors, or permitting the bank's capital structure to become topheavy with preferred stock. Naturally, in such a situation the additional preferred capital would be approved, with the result that the amounts of preferred stock issued by particular banks, over a period of time, would be dictated more by exigencies than by the sound policies initially established by the Comptroller. One additional point is worthy of mention. If banks were to use the avenue of preferred stock for normal capital increases, it is easy to imagine the problems that would arise when some of those banks required emergency recapitalization. The two classes of stock already outstanding could very well necessitate adding a third class of stock outranking both the existing common and preferred stocks. While it can be argued, with some justification, that achieving adequate capitalization now, assuming this is possible through the medium of preferred stock, should reduce the number of possible future emergency recapitalization cases, it is disturbing to contemplate the complications that would ensue from three classes of stock with an almost infinite number of possible variations in preferences as to dividends, retirement, voting rights, voluntary and involuntary liquidation, and many others, which would give rise to conflicts of interest between the several classes of shareholders. The decision in this matter must be based in part on the nature and the degree of urgency of the situation giving rise to the problem. In this instance, the basic cause is the existence of banks that are undercapitalized to an extent that requires correction through sale of additional capital stock. A recent review of the reports of examination of all 4,946 national banks discloses that fewer than 300 are definitely undercapitalized when capital structure is studied in relation to (1) volume and character of assets involving some risk element, (2) volume of assets with credit weaknesses that axe unwarranted or greater than normal, (3) ability and general policies of management, (4) past record of losses, (5) earning capacity, record of earnings retention in the past, and prospects for future retention of earnings, and (6) economic stability of the area in which the bank is located. In other words, about 5 percent of all national banks—for the most part relatively small institutions—are considered definitely undercapitalized. To be sure, there are additional national banks, falling within what might be termed a border-line category, which could use additional capital to advantage, a fact recognized oy both the bankers concerned and the Comptroller's office, but the scope of definite undercapitalization is restricted, fortunately, to a small percentage of national banks. That this is so reflects great credit on the directors and managers of the 726 national banks which recognized the need for additional capital and consummated 860 capital increase programs during the 6^-year period ending December 31, 1951. While it is not intended to minimize the importance of definite undercapitalization, because 300 undercapitalized banks are 300 too many, it is nevertheless true that the record of corrections effected during recent years through the sale of common stock is persuasive evidence that such situations can be dealt with successfully without recourse to the issuance of preferred stock. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY During 1951, a joint committee of Congress began an extensive study of the role of monetary policy and public debt management in achieving price stability and high-level employment. Participation in this study provided the occasion for reexamination of the manner in which our Bureau can contribute to the achievement of these objectives. The Employment Act of 1946 declares it to be the policy of the Federal Government to utilize all its functions and resources to promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power. In the formulation of its own policies and procedures, our Bureau has always borne in mind that it was created, and its functions assigned, for the purpose of advancing the general economic welfare of the people of the United States. One aspect of this problem which has confronted the Bureau in recent years is whether bank examination should serve as an active direct tool in governmental programs intended to level off the peaks and valleys of economic cycles. It is our firm conviction that use of bank examination in this manner would pervert its true function and ultimately would be more harmful than beneficial. Experience has demonstrated that comments, criticisms, and suggestions in the course of examinations, in examination reports, and in our communications to banks are perhaps the most effective influence our office can bring to bear in keeping banks on a desirable course or persuading them to abandon unsound policies. These beneficial effects of the examination process would be lost, to a considerable extent, if bankers' confidence in the trustworthiness of reports of examination were shaken, as it would be when they learned that examiners were forming their judgments not on the basis of existing conditions and facts, but rather with the deliberate purpose of affecting future conditions by encouraging banks to adopt generous or restrictive credit policies in accordance with the current economic program of the Federal Government. It has been our conviction that the Bureau can make its greatest contribution to the general welfare, as well as to " maximum employment, production, and purchasing power," by concentrating its efforts upon the maintenance of a system of sound and well-managed banks, adequate in number, location, and resources to satisfy the Nation's \needs for the services they perform. This attitude has been reexamined, during the past 5 years, in the light of the Congressional declaration of policy in the Employment Act of 1946, and our decision ha& been that the underlying purpose of that act and its declaration of p>olicy would be best served by this office through a continuation of otir traditional approach. In other words, our efforts are directed towatd the improvement and maintenance of a great and powerful machine in good condition, but we believe that, over the long run and iiithe broadest sense, we would injure rather than advance the generau welfare if we attempted to dictate also the details of the operation of this machine. 8 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY It is desirable to mention one current-day banking problem which is far from serious in its scope at the present time but which may become more important in the future. During recent years many banks have established employee pension fund trusts. In some instances, the bank's trust department acts as trustee under a pension fund agreement; in others, pension fund management and administration are in the hands of individual trustees who are appointed, usually on an annual basis, by the bank's board of directors. Kegardless of the method employed, for all practical purposes the pension fund management ordinarily rests in the hands of the bank's board of directors. The Comptroller's office is a strong advocate of retirement-pension plans for bank officers and employees, but some dark spots are beginning to develop. A few instances have arisen involving what might be regarded as an unwise use of the funds held in employee pension trusts, and as such funds continue to grow, this pattern may widen and become more serious. For example, in one or two cases an institution has sold its banking house (which is not suitable for any other use) to its pension fund on a contract basis. Such a pension fund, over a period of years, will end up with a banking house as its major asset, the basic value depending almost entirely on the continued use of the building by the bank—and the continued existence of the bank. Pension-trust funds are being used in more than a few instances to purchase the bank's own stock as an investment. The bank directors in most cases indirectly control the pension trust and hence—through stock of the bank held in such trusts—will see the day arrive when they can perpetuate themselves in office through directing the vote of the stock. Such a development would be patently undesirable. Furthermore, when such banks need to raise additional capital, a large block of shares held in a pension trust without funds to purchase its proportionate part of the new issue would make it difficult to carry out successfully the recapitalization program. It is believed that bank management must, in every instance, eliminate all selfish motives from the investment policies of employee pension funds. The basic criterion should be the interest and welfare of the officers and employees who properly expect to benefit upon retirement from the income derived from investments made by the trustees. Certainly, the purchase of parking lots for the use of the bank, or the purchase of special-purpose bank buildings, has no place in a sound pension-trust investment program. Likewise, for the reasons already stated, investment of pension funds in the bank's own stock is almost never justifiable. Up to the present, occurrences of this type have been comparatively rare, but if it becomes necessary the Comptroller will recommend appropriate corrective legislation. * * * * * * * Several legislative proposals directly relating to the national banking system were introduced into Congress during 1951, although none REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 9 was enacted into law. Among these was S. 2128, providing for merger of national banks, or State and national banks, with the approval of the Comptroller, under an arrangement whereby cash "payoff" would be available only to dissenting shareholders of the absorbed bank, which is ordinarily the smaller. Another bill, S. 2252, was designed to achieve more equitable operation of the "two-way-street" law enacted in 1950, which provided for conversion of national banks into, and consolidation of national banks with, State banks, under State charter. During the second session of the Eighty-second Congress, a bill has been introduced (S. 2938) which would eliminate the provision of section 5155 of the Revised Statutes (12 U. S. C. 36) that a national bank may not establish a branch beyond the limits of the place in which it is located unless it has a capital stock of at least $500,000 (except that lesser minimums are applicable in certain States witH population of less than one million). The proposed legislation is in accord with our experience that the specified minimum capital requirement is excessive in some cases, and prevents the establishment of needed banking facilities. The Comptroller's office is in sympathy with the objectives of the above-mentioned bills, and recommends their enactment. Also introduced during 1951 was H. R. 3175, which is identical with other bills introduced into Congress during recent years for the purpose of clarifying, and modifying in minor respects, section 5219 of the Revised Statutes (12 U. S. C. 548), relating to taxation of national banks by the several States. We do not make any recommendation regarding this proposal, since its subject-matter does not relate directly to the functions of our Bureau. In the Comptroller's Annual Report for the year 1949, it was recommended that the Bureau's functions with respect to building associations and credit unions organized under provisions of the District of Columbia Code be transferred to the Home Loan Bank Board and the Federal Security Agency, respectively. With respect to building associations, this suggestion was effectuated by the enactment of Public Law 148, Eighty-second Congress, and it is hoped that reorganization plans now under consideration will result in the recommended transfer of supervisory powers with respect to District of Columbia credit unions. The centralization of Federal governmental authority over these groups of institutions may be expected to result in greater efficiency and uniformity of administration. A comparison of the assets and liabilities of the banks in the National Banking System as of December 30, 1950, April 9, June 30, October 10, and December 31, 1951, reported pursuant to calls for condition statements by the Comptroller of the Currency, is shown in the following table. Assets and liabilities of national banks on dates indicated [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 30, 1950 (4,965 banks) Apr. 9, 1951 (4,959 banks) June 30, 1951 (4,953 banks) Oct. 10, 1951 (4,947 banks) Dec. 31, 1951 (4,946 banks) # C ASSETS 71,070,286 30,584,236 33,051,114 2,660 4,968,271 2,434,656 178,597 71,219,584 31,361,151 33,847,660 8,898 5,168,196 2,380,837 179,671 72,946,413 32,423,777 35,146,687 9,656 5,333,230 2,373,149 180,895 75,467,394 23,813,435 636,825 14,352 22,016,341 653,565 15,131 22,253,141 661,211 15,348 23,420,448 678,864 16,405 26,012,158 683,826 16,796 57,365 116,300 172,862 128,851 60,288 158,681 153,384 143,754 61,958 122,207 163, 111 162,251 64,328 122,297 148,419 132,142 97,240,093 94,271,430 94,658,761 97,529,316 102,738,560 td 52,051,784 19,010,542 1,910,944 5, 707,194 9,135,365 1,713,803 48,671,446 18,998,878 4,219,771 5,609,334 7,759,253 1,143,094 48,785,259 19,212,936 3,916,515 6,040,298 7,626,529 1,255,277 51,578,292 19,571,450 2,738,544 5,413,462 8,859,019 1,115,190 54,855,841 19,825,659 2,243,626 5,924,592 9,789,974 1,791,869 .. U H M 89,529,632 86,401,776 86,836,814 89,275,957 94,431,561 § 69,332,926 20,196,706 66,096,570 20,305,206 66,254,189 20,582,625 68,292,377 20,983,580 73,156,288 @ 21,275,273 £ Loans and discounts, including overdrafts.." U. S. Government securities, direct obligations. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debenturesCorporate stocks, including stocks of Federal Reserve banks 29,277,480 35,687,933 3,627 4,687,048 2,468,442 175,573 30,341,130 33,182,052 2,360 4,930,776 2,436,304 177,664 Total loans and securities Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances Income accrued but not yet collected Other assets 72,300,108 Total assets ^ ^ 3 " j g H S & ^ 64,642 t3 172,708 g 172,489 w 148,547 fcH LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of U. S. Government and postal savings Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits ." _ ^ g Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises'and other real estate Acceptances outstanding „._-" _ _ ""__ ""iSCQnie collected but not yejt-Sarned '. ExpenseraeSSl«4aat!ranpaid ^.LI IIIIIIIZZIIZZZZZIIZZIIIIIIIZZI__ZIZZZ Other liabilities 76,644 359 134,631 177,839 303,002 688,997 160,202 359 181,013 177,202 327,687 590,083 32,890 335 137,765 168,112 308,512 654,307 148,910 321 133,467 180,351 393,871 739,501 15,484 366 187,650 180,894 375,326 877,161 90,911,104 87,838,322 88,138,735 90,872,378 96,068,442 Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock (see memoranda below) Surplus Undivided profits R eserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDA Par value of capital stock: Class A preferred stock... Class B preferred stock _ _ Common stock Total Retirable value of preferred capital stock: Class A preferred stock ... Class B preferred stock Total Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold with agreement to repurchase) hi O 2,001,650 2,925,104 1,124,223 278,012 2,031,452 2,948,622 1,183,453 269,581 2,067,155 2,994,486 1,193,499 264,886 2,082,617 3,017,550 1,286,764 270,007 2,105,345 3,083,495 1,212,538 268,740 6,328,989 6,433,108 6,520,026 6,656,938 6,670,118 97,240,093 94,271,430 94,658, 761 97,529,316 102,738,560 14,364 738 1,986,548 13,015 738 2,017,699 11,800 647 2,054,708 11,444 618 2,070,555 7,955 591 2,096,799 2,001,650 2,031,452 2,067,155 2,082,617 2,105,345 19,233 1,013 17, 507 1,013 16,292 922 15,714 893 12,225 866 20,246 18,520 17,214 16,607 13,091 10,304,151 12,406,061 12,490,829 11,923,588 11,616,494 W o 12 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TRENDS IN BANKING The following table shows the changes that have occurred in recent years in the relationships of the major asset and liability accounts of national banks to the aggregate of assets and liabilities. Distribution of assets and liabilities of national banks, Dec. 31, 1948-51 1948 1949 1950 1951 ASSETS Securities: U. S. Government, direct and guaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions Stock of Federal Reserve banks Other bonds and securities Percent 36. 70 4.82 .15 2.57 Percent 34.22 5.19 .15 2.34 48.99 44.24 41.90 27.03 10.94 15.18 .65 .01 .55 26.52 11.40 11.92 .66 .01 .50 30.11 12.74 11. 75 .66 .01 .49 31. 56 12.84 12.48 .66 .02 .54 100.00 Total assets Percent 42.41 4.15 .15 2.28 45.64 Total securities Loans and discounts Cash and balances with other banks, excluding reservesReserve with Reserve banks Bank premises, furniture and fixtures . Other real estate owned All other assets Percent 39.69 3.62 .14 2.19 100.00 100.00 100.00 53. 33 21.36 1.70 5.94 8.90 1.41 52.47 21.01 2.25 6.01 9.17 1.45 53.53 19. 55 1.96 5.87 9.39 1.77 53.39 19.30 2.18 5.77 9.53 1.75 LIABILITIES Deposits: Demand of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .. Time of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U. S. Government States and political subdivisions Banks Other deposits (including postal savings) Total deposits 92.64 92.36 92.07 91. 92 Demand deposits Time deposits 70 28 22.36 .93 70.14 22.22 1.06 71. SO 20.77 1.42 71.21 20.71 1.59 2.07 2.85 1.51 2.12 2.93 1.53 2.06 3.01 1.44 2.05 3.00 1.44 Other liabilities _. Capital funds: Capital stock Surplus Undivided profits and reserves Total capital funds Total liabilities and capital funds . 6.43 6.58 6.51 6.49 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 FIDUCIARY ACTIVITIES OF NATIONAL BANKS As of December 31, 1951, 1,773 national banks have been granted trust powers, either limited or full, for the administration of fiduciary accounts. Two hundred and sixty-one of these banks are not acting under any of their granted fiduciary powers. During the year end^d December 31, 1951, 1,645 examinations were made of trust departments, including 1,582 trust examinations in unit or independent banks, and 63 trust examinations in branches. / While carrying values for trust assets have not been standardized throughout the country, there have been relatively few changes of system within individual organizations. Trust department jassets totaled $36,137,000,000 as of December 31, 1951, comparfed to $9,557,000,000 as of June 30, 1941. Because of the relatively few changes of system, these figures are sufficiently comparable although REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 13 they do not reflect total current market values. Present-day totals also include a substantial amount of agency and custodianship assets which are under the supervision and administration of the trust department. Gross trust department income of national banks totaled $74,741,000 during 1951 compared to $32,714,000 in the year ended June 30,1941. Many banks make no record of expense or estimation of allocated overhead and no tabulation can be accomplished for net earnings of trust departments throughout the country. Losses to the national banks through trust department operations have been almost negligible. EARNINGS, EXPENSES, AND DIVIDENDS OF NATIONAL BANKS FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1951 The net profits of national banks before dividends for the calendar year 1951 were $507,000,000, which amounted to 7.79 percent of average capital funds. Net profits for the previous year were $538,000,000 or 9 percent of average capital funds. Net earnings from operations of $975,000,000 showed an increase of $119,000,000 over the previous year. However, after adding to net earnings from operations profits on securities sold of $40,000,000 and recoveries on loans and investments, etc. (including adjustments in valuation reserves) of $56,000,000, and deducting losses and chargeoffs (including current additions to valuation reserves) of $231,000,000 and taxes on net income of $333,000,000, the net profits of the banks before dividends for the year 1951 were $31,000,000 less than for the year 1950. Gross earnings were $2,454,000,000, an increase of nearly $262,000,000 over the gross earnings for the year 1950. The principal items of operating earnings in 1951 were $1,341,000,000 from interest and discount on loans, an increase of $237,000,000 over 1950, and $569,000,000 from interest on United States Government obligations, a decrease of $21,700,000. Other principal items of operating earnings were $148,000,000 from interest and dividends on securities other than United States Government obligations, an increase of nearly $16,000,000 over the previous year, and $129,000,000 from service charges on deposit accounts, an increase of $9,000,000. Operating expenses, excluding taxes on net income, were $1,479,000,000 as against $1,337,000,000 in 1950. Principal operating expenses were $746,000,000 for salaries and wages of officers and employees and fees paid to directors, an increase of $82,000,000 over 1950, and $218,000,000 expended for interest on time and savings deposits, an increase of $28,000,000. Cash dividends declared on common and preferred stock in 1951 totaled $248,000,000 in comparison with $230,000,000 in the previous year\ The rate of cash dividends was 3.81 percent of the average capital funds during the year. The cash dividends in 1951 were 48.91 percent of the net profits available for the year. The remaining 51.09 percent of net profits, or $259,000,000, was retained by the banks in their capital funds. 210061—52 2 14 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Interest and dividends on securities represented 29 percent of gross earnings for the year, with the banks in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District showing the lowest ratio at 21 percent, while the seventh district showed 37 percent for the highest ratio. Interest and discount on loans accounted for 55 percent of the banks' earnings, varying from 47 percent in the seventh district to 62 percent in the twelfth district. Salaries, wages, and fees took over 30 percent of gross earnings, ranging from 29 percent in the fourth district to 32 percent in the ninth district. Current operating earnings before income taxes were more than 40 percent of gross earnings, ranging from 37.6 percent in the twelfth district to 42.6 percent in the tenth district. The rate of interest and dividends received on the average securities held during the year was 1.70 percent, and varied from 1.64 percent at the banks in the second district to 1.91 percent in the third district. On the average loans and discounts the rate of interest and discount varied from 3.55 percent in the second district to 4.94 percent in the twelfth district. The national average was 4.36 percent. Current operating earnings before income taxes were 15 percent on the average total capital accounts, varying from 11 percent in the third district to 20 percent in the twelfth district. Net profits after income taxes but before dividends were, as noted above, 7.79 percent on the average capital accounts, ranging from 6.05 percent in the second district to 10.6 percent in the twelfth district. Summaries of the earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the years ended December 31, 1950, and 1951, are shown in the following table. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for years ended Dec. 31, 1950 and 1951 [In millions of dollars] 1950 Change since 1950 Number of banks *Capital stock (par value) 2Capital accounts 2 4,946 2,058.1 6,506.4 4,965 1,966.0 6,152.8 -19 +92.1 +353.6 Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on— U. S. Government obligations Other securities Interest and discount on loans Service charges on deposit accounts Other current earnings 568.8 148.2 1,340.7 129. 2 267.4 590.5 132.3 1,103.4 119.6 246.9 -21.7 +15.9 +237.3 +9.6 +20.5 2,4.54.4 2,192.7 745.7 218.6 77.0 37.1 401.0 663.8 190.4 74.4 33.6 374.8 +8U9 +2/8.2 +-2.6 rh3.5 +26.2 1,337.1 +142. 3 Total Current operating expenses: Salaries, wages, and fees Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) Taxes other than on net income — Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture and fixtures. Other current operating expenses Total Net earnings from current operations See footnotes a t end of table. 1, 479.4 _ 975.0 15 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for years ended Dec. 81, 1950 and 1951—Continued 1951 Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries _ Transfers from valuation reserves ._ Profits on securities sold or redeemed On loans: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves Allother Change since 1950 5.6 __ _. Total —4.1 -21.9 -21.3 12.1 12.1 19.0 _ 29.0 61.0 15.4 13.3 25.4 -3.3 -1.2 -6.4 95.6 _. 9.7 7.1 39.7 Total Losses, charge-ofls, and transfer to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and charge-offs Transfers to valuation reserves On loans: Losses and charge-offs ___ Transfers to valuation reserves Allother 153.7 -58.1 51.2 17.2 24.0 41.4 +27.2 -24.2 9.6 125.6 27.5 11.0 109.3 30.7 -1.4 +16.3 -3.2 231.0 Profits before income taxes Cash dividends declared: On preferred stock.. On common stock.. Total Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities . _ . ._ . On loans _ Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities On loans _ . . Stock dividends (increases in capital stock) Ratios: Expenses to gross earnings .. Net profits before dividends to capital accounts Cash dividends to capital stock _ Cash dividends to capital accounts 242.0 13.5 +75.4 +2.0 255.5 +77.4 506.7 _ +46.5 332.9 _ +14.7 793.1 317.4 15.5 Net profits before dividends 216.3 839.6 -- _. Taxes on net income: Federal State Total 1950 537.6 -30.9 .6 247.2 .7 228.8 229.5 +18.4 +18.3 247.8 -.1 1.1 1.8 19.7 13.0 +6.7 2.8 33.6 47.1 +3.6 +10.7 +9.7 6.4 44.3 56.8 Percent 60.28 7.79 12.04 3.81 Percent 60.98 8.74 11.67 3.73 -.7 Percent -.70 -.95 +.37 +.08 1 Number at end of period. Remaining figures include earnings, expenses, etc., of those banks which were in operation a part of the year but were inactive at the close of the year. 2 Figures are averages of amounts reported for the June and December call dates in the current year and the December call date in the previous year. NOTE.—Figures are rounded to the nearest tenth of a million and may not equal totals. 16 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE NATIONAL BANKING SYSTEM The authorized capital stock of the 4,947 national banks in existence on December 31, 1951, including 1 inactive bank, consisted of common capital stock aggregating $2,097,307,062, a net increase during the year of $109,952,025, and preferred capital stock aggregating $12,052,774, a net decrease during the year of $3,360,881. In addition to 13 applications with proposed common capital stock of $1,700,000 carried over from the previous year, 32 applications were received to organize national banks and to convert State banks into national banking associations with proposed common capital stock of $5,465,000. Of these applications, 17 with proposed common capital stock of $2,640,000 were approved; 6 with proposed common capital stock of $1,000,000 were rejected, and the remainder had been abandoned or were still pending on December 31. From the applications carried over from the previous year and those approved during 1951,11 national banking associations with common capital stock of $1,750,000 were authorized to commence business. Of the charters issued, 2 with common capital stock of $350,000 resulted from the conversions of State banks. During the year, 10 State banks were consolidated with 10 national banks under authority of the act of November 7, 1918, as amended, resulting in the consolidated national banks having common capital stock of $26,350,000. Approximately $234,226,000 of assets were brought into the national banking system by reason of the 10 State banks being consolidated with national banks. In addition, national banks reported the purchases of 11 State banks, with capital stock and debentures of $983,750 and assets of approximately $37,641,000. During the year, 22 national banks with common capital stock of $8,999,500, 3 of which also had $198,950 of preferred capital stock, went into voluntary liquidation in the manner provided by sections 5220 and 5221 of the United States Revised Statutes. Of these banks, 9 with common capital stock of $1,975,000, 1 of which also had $98,950 of preferred capital stock, and assets of $112,522,613, were succeeded by other national banks; 11 with common capital stock of $6,899,500, 1 of which also had. $75,000 of preferred capital stock, and assets of $230,995,853, were succeeded by State banks, and 2 with common capital stock of $125,000, 1 of which also had $25,000 of preferred capital stock, and assets of $2,939,578, paid their depositors and quit business. Also, during the year, 11 national banks with common capital stock of $16,697,500, 1 of which also had $25,000 of preferred capital stock, and assets of approximately $703,300,000/ were merged or consolidated with State banks under the provisions of Public Law 706 and the laws of the States where the banks were located. Changes in the number and capital stock of national banks during the year ended December 31, 1951, are shown in the following siimmary. 17 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Organization, capital stock changes, and national banks closed as reported during the year ended Dec. 81, 1951 Number of banks Increases: Banks newly chartered: Primary organizations __ ___ Reorganizations Conversions of State banks Capital stock: 190 cases by statutory sale __> 293 cases by statutory stock dividend 26 cases by stock dividend under articles of association __ _ __ __ __ 10 cases by statutory consolidation Total increases _ _. Decreases: Banks ceasing operations: Voluntary liquidations: Succeeded by national banks Succeeded by State banks No successors ___ Statutory consolidations Merged or consolidated with State banks (Public Law 706)_— _ _ Receiverships Capital stock: 48 cases by retirement . _ 1 case by statutory reduction ._ Total decreases 9 2 Capital stock Common Preferred $1,400,000 350,000 74,673,025 54,837,280 2,006,120 4,125,000 11 137,391,425 9 11 2 1,975,000 6,899,500 125,000 $98,950 75,000 25,000 11 16,697, 500 25,000 1,742,400 3,136,931 33 27,439,400 3,360,881 Net change Charters in force Dec. 31,1950, and authorized capital stock- —22 4,969 109,952,025 1,987,355,037- —3,360,881 15,413,655 Charters in force Dec. 31, 1951 and authorized capital stock- 4,947 2,097,307,062 12,052,774 BRANCHES On December 31, 195i, 356 national banks were operating a total of 2,259 branches and 8 seasonal offices. In 9 of the States, namely, California, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington, there were 203 national banks operating 1,679 branches, which was 74 percent of the number of all branches at the end of the year. During the year ended December 31, 1951, 153 branches were brought into the national banking system. Of the 153 branches, 59 were authorized to operate in places other than the city in which the parent bank is located. During the same period 47 branches, 2 of which were not in operation at the beginning of the year, were discontinued, 6 through action of the boards of directors of the parent banks, 19 through voluntary liquidation of the parent banks, and 22 through the merger or consolidation of the parent banks with State banks under the provisions of Public Law 706 and the laws of the States where the parent banks were located. Of the 153 branches authorized, 152 were operating on December 31, 195L Seven branches authorized in 1950 did not begin operations until 1951. There was a net gain in the system of 114 operating branches in the year. 18 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY NATIONAL BANK NOTES OUTSTANDING There were as of December 31, 1951, $80,211,173 of national bank notes outstanding. DISTRIBUTION OF ALL BANKS On December 31, 1951, there were 14,636 commercial and savings banks in the United States and possessions with deposits of $186,603,665,000. Of these banks, 13,657, or 93 percent, with 96 percent of the deposits, were insured banks. The 4,939 national banks, members of the Federal Reserve System, represented 34 percent of all banks and held 50 percent of the total deposits. The 529 mutual savings banks, of which 202 were insured, held $20,915,329,000 of deposits. Classification of all banks, Dec. 81, 1951 Banks Deposits Change in 12 months (percent of grand total) Change in 12 months (percent of grand total) Number of banks Insured banks: National State m e m b e r Commercial Mutual savings Nonmember— State commercial l Mutual savings Total insured banks Uninsured banks: Nonmember— State commercial and private 2 _ Mutual savings Total uninsured banks Total all banks 1 2 Percent of grand total 4,939 33.74 50.47 -0.22 1,898 3 12.97 .02 -.07 0 46,823,953 18,613 25.09 .01 +.22 0 6,618 199 45.22 1.36 +.38 +.06 22,175,074 15,349,424 11.88 8.23 +.28 +.11 13,657 93.31 +.31 178,539,986 95.68 +.39 652 327 4.46 2.23 -.25 -.06 1.35 2.97 -.12 -.27 979 6.69 -.31 8,063,679 4.32 -.39 14,636 100.00 186,603,665 100.00 Amount (000 omitted) -0.06 $94,172,922 2,516,387 5,547,292 Percent of grand total Includes 5 nonmember insured national banks. Includes 2 nonmember uninsured national banks. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF ALL BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS The total assets of all classes of active banks in the United States and possessions on December 31, 1951, amounted to $203,863,000,000, an increase of $11,622,000,000 since December 30, 1950. The total deposits at the end of 1951 amounted to $186,604,000,000, an increase of $10,484,000,000 over 1950. Included in the latter aggregate are deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations of $154,478,000,000, an increase of $7,961,000,000 in the year. Deposits of the United States Government, including postal savings deposits, were $3,728,000,000, an increase of $659,000,000 or 21 percent; deposits of States and political subdivisions smounting to $10,102,000,000 showed an increase of $556,000,000, or 6 percent, and deposits of banks of $15,104,000,000 were $1,054,000,000, or 8 percent, more than in 1950. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 19 Loans and discounts amounted to $68,001,000,000 in December 1951 after deducting reserves of $997,000,000 for possible future losses. The net loans were $7,290,000,000, or 12 percent, over the amount reported as of the end of 1950. Commercial and industrial loans of $26,040,000,000 were 18 percent more than the 1950 figure; consumer loans to individuals, including single-payment loans of $3,000 and over, of $10,597,000,000 increased 3 percent; real estate loans of $24,648,000,000 were up 12 percent, and all other loans of $7,713,000,000 increased 4 percent. The banks held obligations of the United States Government, direct and guaranteed, of $71,595,000,000 in December 1951, a decrease of $1,593,000,000, or 2 percent in the year. Obligations of States and political subdivisions held amounted to $9,393,000,000, an increase of $1,144,000,000, and other securities held amounted to $6,598,000,000, an increase of $30,000,000. The total of all securities held at the end of 1951 was $87,586,000,000, and represented 43 percent of the banks7 total assets. At the end of the previous year the ratio was 46 percent. Cash and balances with other banks, including reserve balances, in 1951 were $45,717,000,000, an increase of 11 percent since 1950. Total capital accounts were $14,706,000,000, compared to $13,916,000,000 at the end of 1950. The total of surplus, profits, and capital reserves of $10,866,000,000 increased $620,000,000, or 6 percent, in the year. A statement of the assets and liabilities of all classes of active banks at the end of December 1950 and 1951 follows: and liabilities of all banks in the United States and possessions, 1950 and 1951 [In millions of dollars] Dec. 31, 1951 Number of banks Dec. 30, 1950 Change since 1950 14, 636 14, 666 24, 648 26, 040 21, 925 22,068 + 2 , 723 + 3 , 972 10, 597 10, 243 +354 2,585 5,128 2,881 4,521 -296 +607 68, 998 997 61, 638 927 +7, 360 +70 68, 001 60, 711 +7, 290 71, 595 9,393 5,989 609 73,188 8,249 6,011 557 - 1 , 593 +1,144 -22 87, 586 88,005 -419 -30 ASSETS Loans on real estate Commercial and industrial loans (including open-market paper) Consumer loans to individuals, including single-payment loans of $3,000 and over Loans to brokers and dealers in securities and other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying securities Other loans Total gross loans Less valuation reserves Net loans U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stocks of Federal Reserve banks Total securities Currency and coin Balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or otfoer real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Other assets Total assets _ +52 2,891 2,343 +548 42,826 1,331 37 38,893 1,241 33 +3, 933 +90 +4 105 349 737 103 235 677 +2 +114 +60 203,863 192, 241 +11,622 20 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of all banks in the United States and possessions, 1950 and 1951—Continued [In millions of dollars] Dec. 31, 1951 Dec. 30, 1950 Change since 1950 LIABILITIES 97,006 57,472 3,728 10,102 15,104 3,192 Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits __. . Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. __ Other liabilities 91,314 55, 203 3,069 9,546 • 14,050 2,938 +5,692 +2,269 +659 +556 +1,054 +254 186, 604 Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. __ U. S. Government and postal savings deposits Deposits of States and political subdivisions '. Deposits of banks _ _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) 176,120 +10, 484 126,680 59,9U 118,1H 57.326 +7, 886 +2,598 44 95 -51 378 2,131 270 1,840 +108 +291 .__. 189,157 178, 325 +10, 832 Capital notes and debentures Preferred stock _ Common stock Surplus... Undivided profits._ ... Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures 40 51 3,749 7,262 3,027 47 62 3,561 6,854 2,809 -7 -11 +188 +408 +218 Total liabilities __•. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Total capital accounts - Total liabilities and capital accounts 577 583 14, 706 13, 916 +790 192. 241 +11, 622 -6 NOTE.—Figures for nonnational banks obtained from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. REPORTS FROM BANKS National banks in the continental United States, Alaska, the Territory of Hawaii, and the Virgin Islands of the United States were, in accordance with the provisions of section 5211 of the Revised Statutes, called upon to submit four reports of condition during the year ended December 31, 1951. Reports were required as of April 9, June 30, October 10, and December 31. Summaries from all condition reports, by States, are published in pamphlet form. National banks were also required by statute to obtain reports of their affiliates and holding company affiliates other than member banks as of the four dates for which condition reports of the banks were obtained and to submit such reports to the Comptroller. Under the general powers conferred upon him by law, the Comptroller obtained from each national bank during the period indicated semiannual reports of earnings, expenses, and dividends; also reports of condition of foreign branches as of December 31, 1951. National banking associations authorized to act in a fiduciary capacity were called upon to submit reports of their trust departments as of the close of business on December 31, 1951. In accordance with section 298 of the code of law for the District of Columbia, banks other than national in the District were required to make to the Comptroller condition reports and reports of earnings, REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 21 expenses, and dividends identical with those obtained from national banks during the year. Credit unions in the District of Columbia under the supervision of the Comptroller were required to submit reports of their assets and liabilities as of December 31, 1951, and reports of receipts and disbursements for the year ended December 31, 1951. Detailed figures from reports of condition and earnings and dividends will be found in the appendix of this report. Under Public Law 148, Eighty-second Congress, chapter 404, first session, approved September 15, 1951, 65 Stat., 323, the code of law for the District of Columbia was amended, transferring from the Comptroller to the Home Loan Bank Board all subsequent supervision and regulation of District of Columbia building and loan associations. AFFILIATES AND HOLDING COMPANY AFFILIATES OF NATIONAL BANKS The Federal statute requires each national bank to obtain and submit to the Comptroller periodically reports of its affiliates, as defined in sections 2 (b) and (c) of the Banking Act of 1933, as amended, unless waived by the Comptroller. At the end of December 1951, 871 of the national banks reported 12,222 affiliates and holding company affiliates, of which 10,505 were duplications reported by 238 banks. The actual number of affiliates, or 1,717, included 23 holding company affiliates which controlled 197 active national banks. The number of banks in each holding company group varied from 1 to 48. At the end of 1950 there were 23 holding company affiliates which controlled 196 national banks, varying in number from 1 to 48 associations. Under the waiver of requirement for reports of affiliates, it was necessary for only 364 banks to submit and publish 413 reports of affiliates and holding company affiliates. Of the latter number 180 were duplications of reports submitted by 180. banks. LIQUIDATION OF INSOLVENT NATIONAL BANKS During the year ended December 31, 1951, no national banks were placed in receivership. No liquidations of insolvent national banks were completed during the year, leaving a total of two receiverships in process of liquidation as of December 31, 1951, both of which were involved in litigation. ISSUE AND REDEMPTION OF NOTES One thousand five hundred and forty-four shipments of Federal Reserve currency were made from Washington, D. C , during the year ended December 31, 1951, to Federal Reserve agents and Federal Reserve branch banks, aggregating $7,947,940,000, and, in addition, 27 deliveries were made to the Treasurer of the United States aggregating $124,800,000. Four thousand and forty-four lots of unfit Federal Reserve currency were received for verification and certification for destruction consisting of 790,223,312 notes aggregating $9,875,015,380. 22 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY There were received 49 lots of national bank notes for verification and certification for retirement and destruction consisting of 303,381 notes aggregating $4,730,419. One hundred seventy nine thousand and seven hundred fragments or charred Federal Reserve and national bank notes aggregating $3,495,272 were presented by the Treasurer of the United States for identification and approval. EXAMINATION OF NATIONAL BANKS The National Bank Act requires that each national bank be examined at least twice each year in order that the Comptroller may be kept currently informed of its condition and require such corrections as are deemed necessary with a view to maintaining each bank in sound condition. In addition to the regular examinations, special examinations are conducted of banks the condition of which is regarded as unsatisfactory. During the year ended December 31, 1951, 9,377 examinations of banks, 4,194 examinations of branches, including 27 foreign branches, 1,645 examinations of trust departments, and 29 examinations of affiliates were conducted. Ten State banks were examined in connection with conversions to or consolidations with national banks. Investigations were also conducted in connection with applications for 21 new charters and 158 new branches. ORGANIZATION AND STAFF On December 31, 1951 the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency had in its employ 1,126 persons. Of these, 205 were assigned to the Washington Office, including 33 in the Federal Reserve Issue and Redemption Division, which is an expense of the Federal Reserve banks. The total personnel in the Washington Office was increased by 12 during the year. Twenty-one national bank examiners and 84 assistant national bank examiners left the service during the year. In the same period 21 assistants were commissioned national bank examiners and 115 new assistants were appointed, leaving a total of 258 examiners and 543 assistant examiners in the service at the end of the year. The 258 examiners have an average term of service, including service as assistants, in excess of 19 years. There were 120 clerks employed in the 12 Federal Reserve districts at the end of the year. During the year 1951, 8 assistant national bank examiners were placed on military furlough. The total field force during the year decreased by one person. On March 1, 1951, Mr. W. W. Taylor, a career employee who had served the office in various bank examining positions for approximately 26 years, was appointed Third Deputy Comptroller to fill the vacancy created through the retirement of Mr. R. B. McCandless, Second Deputy Comptroller, and the promotion of Mr. L. A. Jennings from Third Deputy Comptroller to Second Deputy Comptroller. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 23 EXPENSES OF THE BUREAU The following is a summary of the operating expenses of the Bureau for the year ended December 31, 1951: Bank supervi- Currency issue and redempsion tion Salaries - Per diem Transportation Supplies, printing, books and periodicals Rent Furniture and fixtures . Communications. Miscellaneous Total Total $5, 517,146.72 1,089,434.96 323, 992.77 99, 318.22 122,610. 51 19, 736. 72 20, 801. 74 24. 915.19 $113,470.47 0 0 1, 517.14 0 0 194. 79 3,153.16 $5,630,617.19 1,089, 434. 96 323, 992. 77 100, 835.36 122,610. 51 19, 736. 72 20,996. 53 28,068.35 7, 217, 956.83 118, 335. 56 7,336, 292.39 Funds used in payment of the bank supervision costs are derived primarily from assessments against the banks supervised. The cost of operating the Division which handles the currency issue and redemption functions is paid by the Federal Reserve Banks. APPENDIX 25 CONTENTS TABLES No. 1. Comptrollers and Deputy Comptrollers of the Currency since 1863_ No. 2. Total number of national banks organized, consolidated under act November 7, 1918, as amended, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, converted into and merged or consolidated with State banks under Public Law 706, and in existence on December 31, 1951 No. 3. National banks chartered during the year ended December 31, 1951 No. 4. National banks chartered which were conversions of State banks during the year ended December 31, 1951 No. 5. National banks reported in voluntary liquidation during the year ended December 31, 1951, the names of succeeding banks in cases of succession, with date of liquidation and capital stock, _ No. 6. National banks merged or consolidated with and into State banks under the provisions of Public Law 706, approved Aug. 17, 1950, and the laws of the States where the banks are located, during the year ended December 31, 1951, with the effective date and the capital stock No. 7. Consolidations of national banks, or national and State banks, during the year ended December 31, 1951, under act November 7, 1918, as amended No. 8. Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended December 31, 1951 No. 9. Number and class of domestic branches of national banks closed during the year ended December 31, 1951 No. 10. Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, by size of banks, according to deposits, December 31, 1950 and 1951__ No. 11. Number of national banks in United States and possessions with surplus fund equal to or exceeding common capital stock, and the number with surplus fund less than common capital stock 1942 to 1951 No. 12. Dates of reports of condition of national banks, 1914 to 1951 No. 13. Assets and liabilities of national banks on April 9, June 30, October 10, and December 31, 1951 No. 14. Fiduciary activities of national banks as of December 31, 1951 __ No. 15. Fiduciary activities of national banks by Federal Reserve districts as of December 31, 1951 No. 16. Classification of investments in living and court trust accounts under administration by the active national bank trust departments, December 31, 1951 No. 17. Fiduciary activities of national banks by States as of December 31, 1951 No. 18. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by States, for the year ended December 31, 1951 No. 19. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended December 31, 1951 No. 20. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, for the year ended December 31, 1951 No. 21. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, years ended December 31, 1949-51 No. 22. Number of national banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, dividends and ratios, years ended December 31, 1929-51 27 Page 30 31 33 33 34 35 36 37 40 41 42 43 45 99 100 101 102 104 112 115 118 120 28 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Page No. 23. Total loans of national banks, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years 1932-51 121 No. 24. Total securities of national banks, losses and recoveries on securities, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities. by calendar years 1932-51 122 No. 25. Foreign branches of American national banks, December 31, 1951 _ 123 No. 26. Consolidated statement of assets and liabilities of foreign branches of national banks, December 31, 1951 124 No. 27. Assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia, by classes, December 31, 1951 125 No. 28. Assets and liabilities of all banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during year ended December 31, 1951 127 No. 29. Assets and liabilities of nonnational banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during year ended December 31, 1951 128 No. 30. Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks in the District of Columbia, years ended December 31, 1951 and 1950 129 No. 31. Number of banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, interest and dividends, and ratios, all banks, in the District of Columbia, years ended December 31, 1929-51 131 No. 32. Total loans of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years 1932-51 132 No. 33. Total securities of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on securities, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities, by calendar years 1932-51 133 No. 34. Summary of assets and liabilities December 31, 1951, and receipts and disbursements in year ended December 31, 1951, of the 17 District of Columbia credit unions, chartered under the D. C. Code . 134 No. 35. Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by classes, December 31, 1951 135 No. 36. Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by States and Territories, December 31, 1951 137 No. 37. Assets and liabilities of active national banks, by States and Territories, December 31, 1951 146 No. 38. Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, by States and Territories, December 31, 1951 154 No. 39. Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, by States and Territories, December 31, 1951 ,. 162 No. 40. Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, by States, December 31, 1951 170 No. 41. Assets and liabilities of active private banks, by States, December 31, 1951 174 No. 42. Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in all active banks, by States, December 31, 1951 _ 178 No. 43. Officials of State banking departments and number of each class of active banks in December 1951 180 No. 44. Assets and liabilities of all active banks, 1940 to 1951 182 No. 45. Assets and liabilities of all active national banks, 1940 to 1951 __ 183 No. 46. Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, 1940 to 1951 184 No. 47. Summary of status, progress, and results of liquidation of all national banks, placed in charge of receivers from the date of the first national bank failure, April 14, 1865, to December 31, 1951 1 185 No. 48. Number and deposits of national and District of Columbia nonnational banks placed in receivership, period April 14, 1865 to December 31, 1951, by groups according to percentages of dividends paid to December 31, 1951 |. 188 No. 49. Liquidation statement, 2 receiverships in liquidation during year ended December 31, 1951 189 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 29 Page No. 50. Liquidation statement, 2 active receiverships as of December 31, 1951 No. 51. National banks in charge of receivers during year ended December 31, 1951, dates of organization, appointment of receivers, and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets and total liabilities at date of failure, capital stock, and stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data indicating the progress and results of liquidation to December 31, 1951 No. 52. Bank suspensions since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years ended December 31, 1934 to 1951 210061—52 189 190 192 30 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 1.—Comptrollers and Deputy Comptrollers of the Currency, dates of appointment and resignation, and States whence appointed No. Name Date of appointment Date of resignation State COMPTROLLERS OF THE CURRENCY McCulloch, Hugh Clarke, Freeman Hulburd, Hiland R Knox, John Jay Cannon, Henry W__ Trenholm, William L_._. Lacey, Edward S _ Hepburn, A. Barton Eckels, James H Dawes, Charles G Ridgely, William Barret. Murray, Lawrence O Williams, John Skelton.. Crissinger, D. R Dawes, Henry M Mclntosh, Joseph W Pole, John W O'Connor, J. F. T Delano, Preston.. May Mar. Feb. Apr. May Apr. May Aug. Apr. Jan. Oct. Apr. Feb. Mar. May Dec. Nov. May Oct. 9,1863 21,1865 1,1867 25,1872 12,1884 20,1886 1,1889 2,1892 26,1893 1,1898 1,1901 28,1908 2,1914 17,1921 1,1923 20,1924 21,1928 11,1933 24,1938 Mar. 8,1865 July 24,1866 Apr. 3,1872 Apr. 30,1884 Mar. 1,1886 Apr. 30,1889 June 30,1892 Apr. 25.1893 Dec. 31,1897 Sept. 30,1901 Mar. 28,1908 Apr. 27.1913 Mar. 2,1921 Apr. 30,1923 Dec. 17,1924 Nov. 20,1928 Sept. 20,1932 Apr. 16,1938 Indiana. New York. Ohio. Minnesota. Do. South Carolina. Michigan. New York. Illinois. Do. Do. New York. Virginia. Ohio. Illinois. Do. Ohio. California. Massachusetts. DEPUTY COMPTROLLERS OF THE CURRENCY Howard, Samuel T_._ Hulburd, Hiland R__. Knox, John Jay Langworthy, John S__ Snyder, V. P Abrahams, J. D Nixon, R. M Tucker, Oliver P Coffin, George M Murray, Lawrence O. Kane, Thomas P Fowler, Willis J Mclntosh, Joseph W__ Collins, Charles W.___ Stearns, E. W Await, F. G Gough, E. H Proctor, John L _. Lyons, Gibbs Prentiss, William, Jr.. Diggs, Marshall R Oppegard, G. J_ Upham, C. B.__ Mulroney, A. J McCandless, R. B . Sedlacek, L. H Robertson, J. L Hudspeth, J. W.___ Jennings, L. A Taylor, W. M i Term expired. May 9,1863 Aug. 1,1865 Mar. 12,1867 Aug. 8,1872 Jan. 5,1886 Jan. 27,1887 Aug. 11,1890 Apr. 7.1893 Mar. 12,1896 Sept. 1,1898 June 29,1899 July 1,1908 May 21,1923 July 1,1923 Jan. 6,1925 July 1,1927 July 6,1927 Dec. 1,1928 ^, ^~-v, Jan. 24,1933 Feb. 24,1936 Jan. 16,1938 do Oct. 1,1938 May 1,1939 July 7,1941 Sept. 1,1941 Oct. 1,1944 Jan. 1,1949 Sept. 1,1950 Mar. 1,1951 Aug. 1,1865 New York. Jan. 31,1867 Ohio. Apr. 24,1872 Minnesota. Jan. 3,1886 New York. Jan. 3,1887 Do. May 25,1890 Virginia. Mar. 16,1893 Indiana. Mar. 11,1896 Kentucky. Aug. 31,1898 South Carolina. June 27,1899 New York. Mar. 2,1923 D istrict of C olumbia. Feb. 14,1927 Indiana. Dec. 19,1924 Illinois. June 30,1927 Do. Nov. 30,1928 Virginia. Feb. 15,1936 Maryland. Oct. 16,1941 Indiana. Jan. 23,1933 Washington. Jan. 15,1938 Georgia. do California. Sept. 30,1938 Texas. do California. Dec. 31,1948 Iowa. Aug. 31.1941 Do. Mar. 1,1951 Do. Sept. 30,1944 Nebraska. Nebraska. Aug. 31,1950 Texas. New York. Virginia. 2 Died Mar. 2, 1923. 31 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 2.—Total number of national banks organized, consolidated under act Nov. 7, 1918, as amended, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, converted into and merged or consolidated with State banks under Public Law 706, and in existence on Dec. 31, 1951 Public Law 706 ConsoliOrgan- dated under Insolized act Nov. vent 7, 1918 Location Maine New Hampshire _. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States 127 80 85 371 67 124 854 . . _ ._ Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona . _ _ Total Pacific States 77 22 28 203 56 64 1 32 51 38 115 6 48 41 72 450 57 21 48* 428 133 402 17 61 12 1 2 4 129 59 211 1 17 7 132 424 1,053 1 251 190 152 123 187 148 179 79 108 1,184 147 247 210 17 11 5 6 8 2 2 5 3 35 1 9 7 28 38 44 43 42 42 45 16 16 140 39 37 36 73 67 57 49 86 41 62 34 53 566 55 108 93 133 74 46 25 51 63 70 24 36 443 52 93 74 3.205 111 566 1,344 1,184 696 438 920 319 273 490 546 294 25 12 17 10 9 4 10 112 98 227 77 54 116 204 58 320 203 290 154 115 189 241 147 239 125 386 78 95 178 97 79 3,976 94 946 1,659 1, 277 259 219 404 447 193 61 218 86 743 3 12 1 4 3 12 100 93 83 76 76 12 55 25 84 116 79 197 193 75 25 83 35 449 40 35 123 174 39 24 77 26 198 2,630 38 604 1,252 736 225 148 522 110 38 17 31 17 2 12 4 1 1 51 30 64 35 6 4 6 122 96 353 62 17 7 21 35 20 93 13 11 5 3 1,091 37 196 678 180 991 417 1,282 30 141 32 _. - Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan . -. Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma 13 5 17 28 2 7 2,893 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina _ South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi _ ._ ._ . Louisiana Texas . Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States 5 2 1 25 3 5 In liqui- Convert- Merged In exor condation ed to solidat- istence State ed with bank State bank 3 1 290 4 2 2 372 202 619 12 59 9 2 10 1,273 32 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 2.—Total number of national banks organized, consolidated under act Nov. 7, 1918, as amended, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, converted into and merged or consolidated with State banks under Public Law 706, and in existence on Dec. 81, 1951—Continued. Public Law 706 Location ConsoliOrgan- dated under ized act Nov. 7, 1918 In liqui- Convert- Merged In exor condation ed to solidat- istence State ed with bank State bank 6 6 1 1 1 1 4 1 5 1 14 1 6 7 14,663 454 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and possessions Insolvent 1 *2,808 3 6,442 1 1 11 4,947 I Includes 456 organized under act of Feb. 25,1863; 9,401 under act of June 3,1864, as amended; 10 undei Gold Currency act of July 12,1870; and 4;796 under act of Mar. 14,1900. * Exclusive of those restored to solvency. * Includes 208 passed into liquidation upon expiration of corporate existence. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 33 TABLE NO. 3.—National banks chartered during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 Charter No. Capital stock (common) Title CALIFORNIA 14656 Fontana National Bank, Fontana _. CONNECTICUT 14663 First National Bank in Westport _ $200,000 150,000 _.. FLORIDA 14654 North Dade National Bank of North Miami. 200,000 _ ILLINOIS 14661 14662 The Steel City National Bank of Chicago First National Bank of Morton Grove Total (2 banks) 14659 200,000 150,000 __. _. 350,000 . KENTUCKY 100,000 First National Bank of Buechel MISSOURI 14658 First National Bank of Doniphan 14653 14657 50,000 The First National Bank of Gatlinburg The Kingsport National Bank, Kingsport __ TENNESSEE 50,000 150,000 200,000 Total (2 banks) 14655 14660 TEXAS 200,000 Conroe National Bank, Conroe VIRGINIA 300,000 First National Bank of Arlington Total United States (11 banks) 1,750,000 TABLE N O . 4.—National banks chartered which were conversions of State banks during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 Charter No. 14657 14661 Effective date of charter Authorized capital Approximate surplus and undivided profits The Kingsport National Bank, Kingsport Tennessee.. June 29 The Steel City National Bank of Illinois Nov. 15 Chicago $150,000 $128,095 200,000 124,264 6,552,914 350,000 252,359 10,559,915 Title and location Total (2 banks). State Approximate assets $4,007,001 34 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 5.—National banks reported in voluntary liquidation during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951, the names of succeeding banks in cases of succession, with date of liquidation and capital stock Title and location of bank The Second National Bank of St. Clairsville, Ohio (4993) The First National Bank of Parlier, Calif. (10124), absorbed by Central Valley Bank of California, Richmond, Calif Flushing National Bank in New York, Flushing, New York, N. Y. (13296), absorbed by Bankers Trust Company, New York The Monson National Bank, Monson, Mass. (503), absorbed by Springfield Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Springfield, Mass The Caldwell National Bank, Caldwell, N. J. (7131), absorbed by The National Newark and Essex Banking Company of Newark, N. J The First National Bank of Wilton, N. Dak. (11712), suceeded by First State Bank of Wilton The National Bank and Trust Company of Erie, Pa. (14219), absorbed by The First National Bank of Erie The Union National Bank at McKeesport, Pa. (13967), absorbed by Peoples Union Bank, McKeesport The First National Bank of Belleville, N . J. (8382), absorbed by Fidelity Union Trust Company, Newark, N. J The First National Bank of Kingston, Pa. (12921), absorbed by The Second National Bank of Wilkes-Barre, Pa The First National Bank of Lynden, Wash. (11808), absorbed by The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, Wash The First National Bank of Oakmont, Pa. (7642), absorbed by Mellon National Bank and Trust Company, Pittsburgh, Pa The Second National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio 3 (32), absorbed by The First National Bank of Cincinnati The First National Bank of Primrose, Nebr. (13244) The Parnassus National Bank, New Kensington, Pa. (7363), absorbed by Mellon National Bank and Trust Company, Pittsburgh, Pa The First National Bank of Osceola, Osceola Mills, Pa. (6501), absorbed by The County National Bank at Clearfield, Pa The Union National Bank of Ventura, Calif. (12996), absorbed by SecurityFirst National Bank of Los Angeles, Calif The Stock Yards National Bank of Kansas City, Mo. (10413), absorbed by Commerce Trust Company, Kansas City Rhode Island Hospital National Bank of Providence, R. 1. 5 (13901), absorbed by Rhode Island Hospital Trust Company, Providence The Central National Bank of Wilmington, Del. (3395), absorbed by Security Trust Company, Wilmington The Braintree National Bank, Braintree, Mass. • (11347), absorbed by Norfolk County Trust Company, Brookline, Mass The First National Bank of Hydro, Okla. (9944), absorbed by Bank of Hydro. Total (22 banks).. Date of liquidation Capital stock (common) Dec. 30,1950 Dec. 16,1950 50,000 Dec. 16,1950 500,000 Dec. 20,1950 50,000 Dec. 15,1950 1 223, 950 Dec. 30,1950 35,000 Jan. 31,1951 300,000 Feb. 27,1951 Mar. 30,1951 $100,000 200,000 2 264, 500 Apr. 2,1951 100,000 June 2,1951 50,000 June 15,1951 75,000 July 3,1951 Aug. 4,1951 1,000,000 * 50,000 Aug. 27,1951 75, 000 Sept. 29,1951 50,000 Oct. 1,1951 Oct. 1,1951 400,000 Oct. 31,1951 5,000,000 Nov. 9,1951 350,000 Nov. 9,1951 Nov. 5,1951 100,000 25,000 200,000 9,198,450 1 Includes $48,950 preferred A and $50,000 preferred B capital stock. Includes $75,000 preferred capital stock. 3 With 7 branches in Cincinnati. * Includes $25,000 preferred capital stock. 8 With 5 branches in Providence, 2 at Newport and 1 each at Pawtucket, Woonsocket, Cranston and East Providence. 8 With 1 branch in Braintree. 2 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 35 TABLE N O . 6.—National banks merged or consolidated with and into State banks under the provisions of Public Law 706, approved Aug. 17, 1950, and the laws of the States where the banks are located, during the year ended Dec. 81, 1951, with the effective date and the capital stock Title and location of bank The First National Bank of Cutchogue, N. Y. (12551), merged into North Fork Bank and Trust Company, Mattituck, N. Y._ The National Safety Bank and Trust Company, New York, N. Y.1 (13260), merged with and into Chemical Bank & Trust Company, New York Niagara County National Bank and Trust Company, Lockport, N. Y.2 (639), merged with and into The Marine Trust Company of Buffalo, N. Y ... The Commercial National Bank and Trust Company of New York, N. Y. (13250), merged with and into Bankers Trust 3 Company, New York Suburban National Bank of Silver Spring, Md. (9830), merged with and into Prince Georges Bank and Trust Company, Hyattsville, Md., and under the title Suburban Trust Company The First National Bank of Nutley, N. J. (11409), merged with and into Bank of Nutley Corn Exchange National Bank and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa.4 (542), merged with and into Girard Trust Company, Philadelphia, and under the title Girard Trust Corn Exchange Bank The First National Bank of Chestertown, Md. (13798), merged with and into Kent County Savings Bank, Chestertown ___ The Killington National Bank of Rutland, Vt. (2905), merged with and into Rutland Trust Company, Rutland, and under the title Killington Bank and Trust Company, Rutland . The Dumont National Bank, Dumont, N. J. (11361), merged with and into Tenafly Trust Company, Tenafly, and under the title County Trust Company, Tenafly___ The Northeast National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.6 (13175), merged with and into The Pennsylvania Company for Banking and Trusts, Philadelphia 1 2 3 With 3 branches in New York, With 1 branch each in Middleport, Wilson and Barker. With 1 branch in Silver Spring and 1 each in Takoma Park and Bethesda. * With 11 branches in Philadelphia. »Includes $25,000 B preferred capital stock. • With 2 branches in Philadelphia. Effective date Capital stock (common) Jan. 26,1951 $35,000 Mar. 19,1951 2,000,000 Apr. 27,1951 500,000 May 25,1951 7,000,000 May 31,1951 800,000 June 11,1951 100,000 June 15,1951 5,687, 500 June 16,1951 50,000 June 30,1951 150,000 June 30,1951 5 100,000 Nov. 9,1951 300,000 36 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 7.—Consolidations of national banks, or national and State banks during the year ended Dec. 81, 1951, under act Nov. 7, 1918, as amended Capital stock Union Trust Company, Providence, R. I.,1 with and The Providence National Bank, Providence, R. I. (No. 1302), which had consolidated Jan. 8, 1951, under charter of the latter bank (No. 1302) and title "The Providence Union National Bank and Trust Company". The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The Seville State Bank, Seville, Ohio, with and The Old Phoenix National Bank of Medina, Ohio (No. 4842) which had consolidated Apr. 21,1951, under the charter and title of the latter bank (No. 4842). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had Franklin Bank and Trust Company, Evansville, Ind., with _ and Old National Bank in Evansville, Ind. (No. 12444), which had consolidated May 1,1951, under the charter and title of the latter bank (No. 12444). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had. _ United States Trust Company of Paterson, N. J., with— and First National Bank and Trust Company of Paterson, N. J. (No. 329), which had consolidated Aug. 31,1951, under the charter and title of the latter bank (No. 329). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had . The Ninth Bank and Trust Company, Philadelphia, Pa.,* with .1 ..... and The Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. (No. 539), which had consolidated Sept. 21,1951, under the charter and title of the latter bank (No. 539). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had West New Brighton Bank, West New Brighton, New York, N. Y., with.... and Staten Island National Bank & Trust Company of New York, Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York, N. Y. (No. 6198), which had consolidated Oct. 31,1951, under the charter and title of the latter bank (No. 6198). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had-. _ Stockgrowers State Bank, Lander, Wyo., with. and The First National Bank of Lander, Wyo. (No. 4720), which had consolidated Dec. 8, 1951, under the charter and the title of the latter bank (No. 4720). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had__ The Northwestern Loan and Trust Company, Kenosha, Wis., with and The First National Bank of Kenosha, Wis. (No. 212), which had consolidated Dec. 31,1951, under the charter and title of the latter bank (No. 212). The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had The Savings Bank of Williamsport, Md., with and The Washington County National Bank of Williamsport, Md. (No. 1551), which had consolidated Dec. 31, 1951, under the charter of the latter bank (No. 1551) and title "Washington County National Savings Bank of Williamsport." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had.. Union Trust Company of Jamestown, N. Y., with and The National Chautauqua County Bank of Jamestown, N. Y. (No. 8453), which had consolidated Dec. 28, 1951, under the charter of the latter bank (No. 8453) and title "Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company of Jamestown." The consolidated bank at date of consolidation had.. Surplus $1,000,000 $2,230,000 $572,590 $93,516,394 2,000,000 3,250,000 1,532, 705 75,133,066 3,250,000 25,000 4, 750,000 50,000 2,585,295 55,417 168,649,459 1,232,989 500,000 500,000 274,848 14,769,095 550,000 550,000 305, 266 15,998,013 150,000 115,000 70,865 6,670,464 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,083,309 61, 590,288 1,200,000 600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,019,174 799, 562 66,418,896 44,305,465 3,000,000 3,000,000 3, 933, 935 147,065,690 3,750,000 3,750,000 5,033,497 191,371,155 1,650,000 1,375,000 425,000 54,471,794 14,000,000 36,000,000 13,736,719 767,545,054 14,660,000 38,365,000 14,161,719 818,486,848 100,000 300,000 503,941 11,047,727 500,000 285,000 834,052 20,885,936 750,000 30,000 400,000 44,000 1,372,993 27,257 31,918,988 1,467,473 50,000 50,000 70,984 3,867,918 5, 296,533 Undivided profits 75,000 75,000 83,383 60,000 75,000 87,868 600,000 1,200,000 1,004,361 44, 748,273 1,000,000 40,000 1,275,000 25,000 752,411 13,076 45,218,687 945,718 75,000 75,000 13,450 1,599, ^79 115,000 500,000 100,000 500,000 26,525 416,909 2,545,264 20! 212,150 500,000 500,000 604,641 1(5,383,945 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,021,549 36,596,094 1 With 2 branches in Providence and 1 each in Arctic, East Greenwich, and Woonsocket. 2 With 4 branches in Philadelphia. Total REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 37 TABLE NO. 8.—Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 Branches authorized under act of Feb. 25,1927, as amended Charter No. Title and location Local 14569 Birmingham Trust National Bank, Birmingham.. 3728 14324 First National Bank cf Arizona, Phoenix.. The Valley National Bank of Phoenix ARIZONA CALIFORNIA 14609 Long Beach National Bank, Long Beach 5927 Citizens National Trust & Savings Bank of Los Angeles 2491 Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles 7279 The First National Bank of San Mateo County at Redwood City.— 10931 The American National Bank of San Bernardino 9174 The Anglo California National Bank of San Francisco 13044 Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Fran2158 cisco The First National Bank of San Jose. 335 1184 1249 2 4 The First National Bank and Trust Company of Bridgeport The New Britain National Bank, New Britain The First National Bank & Trust Company of New Canaan The First National Bank and Trust Company of New Haven The First-Stamford National Bank and Trust Company, Stamford. 1069 The National Metropolitan Bank of Washington CONNECTICUT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA _ GEORGIA 9617 The Fulton National Bank of Atlanta 5550 Bishop National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII IDAHO 14444 First Security Bank of Idaho, National Association, Boise 206 2188 12444 13818 7725 984 2234 The First National Bank of Elkhart The Citizens National Bank of Evansville Old National Bank in Evansville Fort Wayne National Bank, Fort Wayne Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Fort Wayne. The Indiana National Bank of Indianapolis The Merchants National Bank of Muncie 12961 The Peoples National Bank of Paducah.. 4154 13655 The First National Bank of Lake Charles.. The Ouachita National Bank in Monroe. _. INDIANA KENTUCKY LOUISIANA Other than local Total 38 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 8.—Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued Branches authorized under act of Feb. 25,1927, as amended Charter No. Title and location Local 3941 941 13745 1413 The First National Bank of Bar Harbor.. The Canal National Bank of Portland... Baltimore National Bank, Baltimore... The First National Bank of Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS 2504 2108 7279 The Brockton National Bank, Brockton The Union Market National Bank of Watertown. The Wellesley National Bank, Wellesley MICHIGAN 13738 13820 191 14032 12953 1918 The Manufacturers National Bank of Detroit The American National Bank of Kalamazoo The First National Bank and Trust Company of Kalamazoo.. Michigan National Bank, Lansing First National Bank in Plymouth Second National Bank and Trust Company of Saginaw NEVADA 7038 First National Bank of Nevada, Reno, Nevada NEW JERSEY 12660 12205 329 The First National Bank of Bloomingdale Passaic-Clifton National Bank and Trust Company, Clifton. First National Bank and Trust Company of Paterson 12485 13814 14543 Albuquerque National Bank, Albuquerque. First National Bank in Albuquerque Santa Fe National Bank, Santa Fe_._ 980 8453 13074 13955 13334 8194 12963 1392 13319 13882 The First National Bank of Glens Falls , Chautauqua National Bank & Trust Company of Jamestown._. The National City Bank of Long Beach First National Bank of New Rochelle The Bayside National Bank of New York The Richmond County National Bank of Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York Staten Island National Bank & Trust Company of New York, Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York The Fort Neck National Bank of Seaford The Oneida National Bank and Trust Company of Utica... Central National Bank of Yonkers First National Bank in Yonkers _ 14291 13761 14527 National Bank of Commerce of Qastonia.. Security National Bank of Greensboro First National Bank of Whiteville NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA Other than local Total 39 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 8.—Number of domestic branches of national banks authorized during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued Branches authorized under act of Feb. 25,1927, as amended Charter No. Title and location Local Other than local 94 59 Total OHIO 3721 14501 24 4318 786 2604 13920 11831 4842 14565 7781 2350 Alliance First National Bank, Alliance.. The Canton National Bank, Canton The First National Bank of Cincinnati-. Central National Bank of Cleveland The National City Bank of Cleveland. The Winters National Bank and Trust Company of Dayt< The Mansfield Savings Trust National Bank, Mansfield.. The National City Bank of Marion The Old Phoenix National Bank of Medina First National Bank of Middletown The Security Central National Bank of Portsmouth The Mahoning National Bank of Youngstown 12526 355 13998 12 13781 3987 2634 4938 312 539 6301 77 13196 104 2303 The Cheltenham National Bank, Cheltenham The Delaware County National Bank, Chester The County National Bank at Clearfield The First National Bank of Erie United States National Bank in Johnstown The Conestoga National Bank of Lancaster The Fulton National Bank of Lancaster . First National Bank of Meadville The First National Bank of Media The Philadelphia National Bank, Philadelphia Mellon National Bank and Trust Company, Pittsburgh. The First National Bank of Scranton Upper Darby National Bank, Upper Darby The Second National Bank of Wilkes-Barre The Western National Bank of York PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND 1302 The Providence Union National Bank and Trust Company, Providence ,___ SOUTH CAROLINA 2044 13720 1935 The South Carolina National Bank of Charleston.... The First National Bank of South Carolina of Columbia.. The First National Bank of Greenville 13349 3032 Union Planters National Bank & Trust Company of Memphis. First American National Bank of Nashv ille TENNESSEE 1716 4635 The Citizens National Bank of Alexandria._ The First National Bank of Newport News.. WASHINGTON 6074 4375 14394 11280 12292 12246 First National Bank in Port Angeles The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle Peoples National Bank of Washington in Seattle. Seattle-First National Bank, Seattle The Puget Sound National Bank of Tacoma The West Side National Bank of Yakima Total (105 banks). 153 40 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 9.—Number and class of branches of national banks closed during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 Branches closed Charter No. Title and location Branches under act Feb. 25, 1927, as State bank amended branches in operaManner of closing tion Feb. Additional 25, 1927, offices Branches which were Total which be- authorized converted came since Feb. or consolidated branches 25, 1927 Feb. 25, 1927 CALIFORNIA 5927 Citizens National Trust & Sav- Board of directors ings of Los Angeles. 9830 Suburban National Bank of Silver Spring. 11347 The Braintree National Bank, Braintree. 14641 Peoples National Bank of Bay Board of directors. City. 12978 The First National Bank of Stone Harbor. Shareholders _. MASSACHUSETTS .do- NEW JERSEY ,-do. NEW YORK Niagara County National Bank and Trust Company, Lockport. 13260 The National Safety Bank and Trust Company of New York. Shareholders. .do. OHIO 32 The Second National Bank of Cincinnati. PENNSYLVANIA 542 Corn Exchange National Bank and Trust Company, Philadelphia. 13175 The Northeast National Bank of Philadelphia. _do_. .do.. RHODE ISLAND 12901 Rhode Island Hospital National Bank of Providence. Total (11 banks) 42 47 TABLE N O . 10.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, by size of banks, according to deposits, Dec. 31, 1950 and 1951 [In thousands of dollars] Deposits Loans and securities Cash, balances with other banks, U. S. Govincluding ernment reserve Other obligawith t i o n s - bonds and Federal securities direct and Reserve guaranteed banks Real estate assets 4,698 1,093 28,618 5,101 65,518 10,462 562,403 91,108 2, 538,397 494,953 2,920,037 643,112 4,090,596 824, 411 3,026,203 598, 599 2,815,651 497,735 7,912, 781 1, 259, 273 11,726,568 2,905,216 6,375 22,809 47,568 361,004 1,469,011 1,601, 574 2,172,979 1,814,636 1,949,762 6,364,762 8,002.955 18, 586 iO8 83,224 424 177,976 1,253 1, 448,380 9,219 44, 542 6,324,527 52, 595 7,147, 231 79,505 9,746,358 66, 219 7, 540,113 7,384,867 67,089 177.985 23,150,837 209,603 34, 217,994 4,965 72,300,103 29,277, 480 35,691, 560 7,331,063 23.813,435 Number of banks Total Loans and discounts, including rediscounts and overdrafts Total assets Capital stock Surplus, profits and reserves Total Demand Time 1950 Banks with deposits of— $500,000 and under $500,001 to $750,000 $750,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,001 to $2,000,000 $2,000,001 to $5,000.000 $5,000,001 to $10,000,000 $10,000,001 to $25,000,000 $25,000,001 to $50,000,000 $50,000,001 to $100,000,000 $100,000,001 to $500,000,000 $500,000,001 and over Total 12,089 6,298 40 59,921 26, 202 115 129,002 53,022 181 423,676 864 1,077.187 1,786 4,805,491 1,772,141 945 5, 484,027 1.920,878 604 7, 474,918 2,559,911 207 5,639, 594 2,014,702 97 5,347,484 2,034,098 108 16,511,099 7,339,045 18 25, 759,291 11,127, 507 _ 16,151 1,198 1,201 14,261 73,370 3,998 5,727 56,677 159, 257 7,322 11,087 116, 211 43,544 87,315 1,314,630 949, 475 150, 597 336,346 5,824,444 4,034,919 147,112 346,298 6,630,817 4,526,458 197, 559 424,730 9,080,855 6,248,153 141,995 304,394 7,052,684 5,186,612 135, 235 278,879 6,922, 298 5,526,885 424,678 910,197 21,623,358 18,173,177 748,412 1,621,165 30,831,768 24, 500,098 1,890 16,693 43,046 365,155 1,789,525 2,104,359 2,832,702 1,866,072 1,395,413 3,450,181 6,331,670 708, 542 97,240,093 2,001,650 4,327,339 89, 529,632 69,332, 926 20,196, 706 1961 Banks with deposits of— $500,000 and under $500,001 to $750,000 $750,001 to $1,000,000 $1,000,001 to $2,000,000 $2,000,001 to $5,000.000 $5,000,001 to $10,000,000 $10,000,001 to $25,000,000 $25,000,001 to $50,000,000 $50,000,001 to $100,000,000 $100,000,001 to $500,000,000 $500,000,001 and over Total - 32 9,314 107 54,191 152 107, 905 809 985,655 1,763 4,679, 584 980 5, 529,827 655 7, 946, 474 218 5, 909, 446 100 5,450,012 110 16,837, 279 20 27,957,707 4,748 24,082 44, 530 397,469 1,754,029 1,993, 434 2,847,279 2, 211,623 2,132,841 7,449,698 13,564,044 3,600 966 25,344 4,765 54, 404 8,971 506,653 81, 533 2,419,439 506,116 2,877, 461 658, 932 4,162,394 936,801 3,039, 940 657,883 2,796,051 521,120 8,109,895 1, 277,686 11,161,162 3, 232, 501 5,835 23,856 41,890 361,088 1,585,768 1, 764, 960 2, 524, 563 2,024, 572 2,056,717 6,753,627 8,869, 282 4,946 75,467,394 32,423,777 35,156,343 7,887,274 26,012,158 15, 251 84 78, 503 407 151,031 1,152 8,768 1,356,441 45, 581 6,315,803 7,359, 633 56,646 92, 415 10, 582,738 71,995 8,025,101 68,455 7, 597,637 199,173 23,891,894 220,588 37,364, 528 992 1,055 3,727 5,404 5.839 9,696 40,361 83,199 148,133 344, 799 149, 969 363, 452 213, 409 461, 275 152, 568 322,829 141,225 285,515 426,362 932,181 822,760 1,755,368 13,187 69,186 135,222 1,228,853 5,808,105 6,822,801 9,857,961 7,499,452 7,117, 220 22,310, 571 33, 569,003 11,400 54,557 97,751 888, 211 4,067, 285 4,689, 224 6,807,328 5, 544, 510 5,641, 962 18,672,739 26,681,321 1,787 14,629 37,471 340,642 1,740,820 2,133, 577 3,050,633 1,954,942 1,475, 258 3,637,832 6,887,682 765, 264 102,738,560 2,105,345 4,564,773 94, 431, 561 73,156, 288 21, 275, 273 42 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 11.—Number of national banks in United States and possessions with surplus fund equal to or exceeding common capital stock, and the number with surplus fund less than common capital stock 194.2 to 1951 Wntnhnr •l^N H i l l Ut? IT of Banks with surplus equal to or exceeding common capital stock Banks with surplus less than common capital stock banks Number June 30,1942. Dec. 31,1942. June 30,1943. Dec. 31, 1943. June 30,1944. Dec. 30, 1944. June 30,1945. Dec. 31,1945. June 29,1946. Dec. 31, 1946. June 30,1947. Dec. 31,1947. June 30,1948. Dec. 31,1948. June 30,1949. Dec. 31, 1949. June 30,1950. Dec. 30, 1950. June 30, 1951. Dec. 31,1951. 5.107 5,087 5,066 5,046 5,042 5,031 5.021 5,023 5.018 5,013 5,018 5, 011 5,004 4,997 4.993 4,981 4,977 4,965 4,953 4,946 2,115 2,205 2,275 2,434 2,576 2,749 2,946 3,180 3,318 3,531 3,637 3,773 3,820 3.963 4,003 4.132 4.148 4,236 4,242 4,324 Percent 41.41 43.35 44.91 48.24 51.09 54.64 58.67 as. 3i 66.12 70.44 72,48 75.29 76.34 79.31 80.17 82,96 83.34 85.32 85.65 87.42 Number 2,992 2,882 2,791 2,612 2,466 2, 282 2,075 1,843 1,700 1,482 1,381 1,238 1,184 1, 034 990 849 829 729 711 622 Percent 58.59 56.65 55.09 51.76 48.91 45.36 41.33 36.69 33.88 29.56 27.52 24.71 23.66 20.69 19.83 17.04 16.66 14.68 14.35 12.58 43 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 12.—Dates of reports of condition of national banks, 1914 to 1951 [For dates of previous calls see report for 1920, vol. 2, table No. 42, p. 150] Year 1914 1915 . 1916 1917 . 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 . . 1927—J 1928 1929 . 1930 1931 1932 . 1933 1934 1935. 1936 1937 - . 1938 1939 1940... 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. 4 4 7 5 4 4 13 28 21 May June 1 1 1 10 12 4 28 5 10 3 31 6 12 23 28 27 27 25 5 4 4 31 7 29 26 4 4 13 20 12 11 24 9 30 23 30 20 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 30 30 July Aug. Sept. Oct. 12 2 12 11 Nov. 31 10 17 20 1 17 15 31 12 8 6 15 14 10 28 10 3 4 24 29 30 25 17 1 28 2 24 18 30 6 1 4 10 Dec. 31 31 27 31 31 31 29 31 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 30 31 31 31 31 31 30 31 NOTES Act of Feb. 25,1863, provided for reports of condition on the first of each quarter, before commencement of business. Act of June 3, 1864—First Monday of January, April, July, and October, before commencement of business, on form prescribed by Comptroller (in addition to reports on first Tuesday of each month showing condition at commencement of business in respect to certain items; i. e., loans, specie, deposits, and circulation). Act of Mar. 3, 1869, not less than 5 reports per year, on form prescribed by Comptroller, at close of business on any past date by him specified. Act of Dec. 28, 1922, minimum number of calls reduced from 5 to 3 per year. Act of Feb. 25,1927, authorized a vice president or an assistant cashier designated by the board of directors to verify reports of condition in absence of president and cashier. Act of June 16,1933, requires each national bank to furnish and publish not less than 3 reports each year of affiliates other than member banks, as of dates identical with those for which the Comptroller shall during such year require reports of condition of the bank. The report of each affiliate shall contain such information as in the judgement of the Comptroller shall be necessary to disclose fully the relations between the affiliate and the bank and to enable the Comptroller to inform himself as to the effect of such relations upon the affairs of the bank. Sec. 21 (a) of the Banking Act of 1933 provided, in part, that after June 16,1934, it would be unlawful for any private bank not under State supervision to continue the transaction of business unless it submitted to periodic examination by the Comptroller of the Currency or the Federal Reserve bank of the district, and made and published periodic reports of condition the same as required of national banks under section 5211, U. S R. S. Sec. 21 (a) of the Banking Act of 1933, however, was amended by section 303 of the Banking Act of 1935, approved Aug. 23,1935, under the provisions of which private banks are no longer required to submit to examination by the Comptroller or Federal Reserve bank, nor are they required to make to the Comptroller and publish periodic reports of condition. (5 calls for reports of condition of private banks were made by the Comptroller, the first one for June 30,1934, and the last one for June 29,1935.) TABLE NO. 13 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF NATIONAL BANKS ON APRIL 9, JUNE 30, OCTOBER 10, AND DECEMBER 31, 1951 BY STATES AND TERRITORIES 45 210061—52 4 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY 47 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951 ALABAMA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 J u n e 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 70 banks 70 b a n k s 70 b a n k s 70 b a n k s ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets. 330,460 330,271 10 76,460 16,594 320,149 322,381 10 80,005 17,089 320,020 359,886 2 85,231 15,171 316,219 367,854 2 89,242 18,481 1,548 138,646 19,992 1,559 134,103 16, 753 1,569 136,765 23, 215 1,593 151,606 24,266 118,827 7,063 368 111, 187 7,051 348 128, 782 7,129 366 145,470 7,636 355 1,787 1,231 1,555 591 1,069 1,567 1,602 539 993 1,333 1,877 527 1,306 1,703 1,047 1,045,410 1,015,464 1,082,878 1,127,307 574,175 558,071 625,346 627,215 190, 246 10 37,129 88, 717 72,058 4,863 967,198 77S, 511 19S, 687 192, 653 10 31,363 84,348 64,064 7,685 9S8,194 741,978 196,216 195,415 10 25,409 70,335 79,563 6,823 1,002,901 #0S, 691 199,210 LIABIIITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions-._. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits _. . Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid... Other liabilities Total liabilities.... 196,992 10 19,377 102, 657 92, 203 7,856 1,046, S10 845,009 201, S01 175 125 125 125 125 2,640 2,361 3,209 345 1,271 2,293 3,102 667 1,314 2,548 3,927 368 2,516 2,634 3,790 758 975,878 945,652 1,011,358 1,056,133 21,440 29,762 14,381 3,949 21,440 30,177 14,111 4,084 21,590 30,338 15, 566 4,026 21,590 31, 724 13, 757 4,103 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 69,532 69,812 71, 520 71,174 1,045,410 1,015,464 1,082,878 1,127,307 150,179 146, 420 148,324 151,641 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 48 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued ALASKA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts)—U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions _ Other bonds, notes, and debentures Reserve with approved national banking associations. _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures _ Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets 15,156 31,375 ' 15,065 32,525 15,142 35,477 835 127 9,775 4,391 974 128 14,145 3,666 1,513 56 21.668 5,934 1,663 296 16,217 5,276 2,065 291 27 5 50 2,852 352 21 6 97 3,216 366 49 3 430 2,857 458 7 58,450 _. 13,981 26,903 68,772 80,825 77,475 28,347 33,115 41,881 37,806 9,557 5 11,485 5,250 243 514 65,401 38,991 16,410 10,558 5 15,496 5,495 336 624 65,629 44,676 20,953 12,536 5 16,646 4,941 605 731 77,345 54,772 22,573 12,474 5 17,087 5,636 300 652 73,960 50,545 23,415 54 7 58 1 3 89 2 3 102 1 55,462 65,688 77,439 74,066 825 1,100 732 331 825 1,100 784 375 825 1,100 1,088 373 1,125 1.215 636 433 82 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government __ Deposits of States and political subdivisions— Deposits of banks _ _ _. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits __ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for • borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid _ _. Other liabilities . Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus , _ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts _ _ _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 2,988 3,084 3,386 3,409 58,450 68;772 80,825 77,475 15,645 18,606 20,007 20,439 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 49 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued ARIZONA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 3 banks 3 banks 3 banks 3 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures-_--_ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank •-_-• : ., Total assets_ 11 16,033 9,555 167,894 108,578 24 16,531 8,558 177,883 87,965 30 15,425 8,944 178,957 107,679 35 15,903 8,035 411 38,096 6,755 411 37,392 6,723 538 38,349 8,774 551 36,409 9,890 34,971 4,281 807 1,117 552 24,870 4,607 861 1,325 723 28,098 4,846 830 1,262 1,013 46,132 5,147 803 1,308 383,609 _._^' Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection.— -, Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets 167,818 378,497 373,957 411,518 237,709 223,498 225,508 253,212 72,464 10 7,987 30,824 4,840 5,607 859, Ul 286,842 72,599 73,249 10 7,860 37,678 5,076 4,347 851,718 278,284 78,484 72,584 10 6,384 31,737 4,691 4,655 845,569 272,050 78,619 75,837 10 4,721 37,198 6,367 5,882 888,227 806,855 76,872 3,230 1,516 778 3,069 1,536 103 3,249 2,143 741 3,094 2,110 281 364,965 356, 426 351,702 388,712 700 5,325 6,025 7,670 3,946 1,003 700 7,075 7,775 10,170 3,115 1,011 103,202 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . Postal savings deposits... _. _ Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks .._ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits....... :.„ Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money ^ . Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities _ Total liabilities. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts 700 7,075 7,775 10,170 3,305 1,005 7,475 7,475 12,200 3,131 22,071 22,255 22,806 378,497 18,644 Total liabilities and capital accounts 373,957 411, 518 68,474 59,116 64,369 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes — 61,209 50 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued ARKANSAS [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10, Dec. 31, 52 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations... Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin _ • Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets.._ June 30, 52 banks 52 banks 52 banks 1951 1951 1951 115,844 158,462 122,097 152,293 125,919 157,002 118,334 176,118 37,784 7,189 7,017 6,813 41,936 8,141 723 53,721 7,704 727 54, 552 6,245 735 56,632 8,613 744 60,664 9,172 62,498 2,282 5 59, 652 2,274 5 71,492 2,363 84,024 2,346 4 63 293 191 101 1 211 221 342 206 446,648 Total assets . 43 222 171 444,099 469,406 502,145 270,499 265, 263 281,845 302,454 56,905 29 9,179 33, 674 39,766 2,728 412,780 855,108 57,672 57,376 29 7,117 39, 214 38,028 2,992 410,019 851, 590 58,429 57,488 39 5,641 43,039 44, 243 2,086 484,881 876,116 58,265 59,060 39 5,978 41,918 54,070 3,660 467,179 407,247 59,982 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits ._ Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.K Total deposits Demand deposits _ Time deposits.... Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money ... Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and outstanding.. Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities. Total liabilities.. 50 910 800 7 835 820 231 1 975 841 7 875 616 239 414,497 411,905 436, 255 468,909 150 10,105 150 10,155 10,805 13,412 7,060 1,417 150 10,155 10, SOS 150 10,330 10, 480 13, 679 7, 564 1,513 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock... _ Common stock. Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. Total capital accounts.. Total liabilities and capital accounts. 10,255 13,062 7,461 1,373 13,419 8,003 1,424 32,151 32,194 33,151 33,236 446, 648 444,099 469,406 502,145 24,709 26,012 26,019 28,542 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ _ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 51 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued CALIFORNIA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 J u n e 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 93 banks 94 b a n k s 93 b a n k s 93 banks 4, 588,192 3, 273,348 627 619,052 278, 732 4,729,907 3,448,211 842 609, 927 289,480 4,857,616 3, 539,395 6,127 612,984 290,154 5,043,926 3, 793,940 7,040 603, 297 320, 225 23,606 1, 297,089 '86, 675 23,881 1, 281, 501 82, 557 24,057 1,343,952 96,852 24,154 1,277,680 107,035 664,858 79,592 1,390 693,225 81,153 1,556 738, 213 82,389 1,177 899,453 82, 293 1,638 25, 770 21,422 27,417 12,219 25,448 16,841 31,962 16,054 25, 288 19,925 27, 278 8,527 25,146 21,001 32,453 17,293 10,999,989 11,332, 545 11, 673,934 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets _. Total assets 12, 256, 574 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and 4, 676,367 corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor3,763, 258 porations 235 Postal savings deposits 292, 255 Deposits of U. S. Government 815,325 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 366,905 Deposits of banks. 199, 702 Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits , 10,114,047 5,842,068 Demand deposits.. 4,271,979 Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for bor1,500 rowed money ... Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting 24,393 banks and outstanding __ 27,919 Income collected but not earned 75,959 Expenses accrued and unpaid 94,320 Other liabilities. Total liabilities 4, 695,454 5,202,827 5,469,069 3,873,489 236 380, 201 934,831 373,044 202, 266 10,459,521 6,062,624 4,396,897 3,981,128 237 219,794 691,691 409,943 192,481 10,698,101 6,215,423 4,482,678 4,074,143 237 169,680 918, 204 449, 273 245,806 11,326,412 6, 747,198 4,579,214 19,103 23,995 56,879 79,672 21, 756 26, 258 81, 797 113,625 24,162 26,258 69,359 103, 563 10,338,138 10,639,170 10, 977, 587 11,549, 754 625 238,188 238,813 266,967 143,487 12,584 625 243, 748 244,373 270, 723 166, 252 12,027 247,498 274, 281 162,184 12,384 600 246,923 247,523 286,462 162,418 10,417 661,851 693,375 696,347 706,820 10,999,989 11,332, 545 11,673,934 12,256,574 1,607,066 1, 741,423 36,050 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock _ Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock_ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes. _ 1, 558, 587 1,687,196 52 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued COLORADO [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, Oct. 10, Dec. 31, 1951 1951 1951 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks 77 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank.. Currency and coin... _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection . Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other t han bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets 263,837 282,628 416,535 300,476 392,984 26,859 14,253 25,828 14,240 27,466 13,267 27,335 13,816 1,291 129,241 13,188 1,295 128,263 11,311 1,304 138,025 14, 243 1,314 138,012 13,097 119,219 2,670 72 1,403 494 116,293 2,715 78 1,628 532 146, 271 2,962 77 1,538 341 141, 523 2,995 90 1,617 438 957,392 955,589 1,044,657 1,033,697 571,092 571,925 620,134 632,156 158,996 10 35,927 54,841 67,148 7,120 895,134 784,047 161,087 160,853 10 35,193 54,588 61,965 7,483 892,017 722,449 169,568 171,166 10 37,696 54,365 88,975 7,341 979,687 799, 741 179,946 175,895 10 22,617 46,840 80,168 10,464 968,150 782,901 185,249 25 705 2,342 80 500 681 2,773 62 261 707 81 411 726 3,320 124 898,286 896,033 983,605 972, 731 16,155 26,926 12,169 3,856 Total assets. 264,563 384,139 16,230 27,018 12,473 3,835 16,230 27,196 13,669 3,957 16,230 27,738 13,119 3,879 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ., Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits... Demand deposits Time deposits __ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid... Other liabilities ._ Total liabilitiesCAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus.._ Undivided profits. Reserves... Total capital accounts... Total liabilities and capital accounts _ 59,106 _. 59, 556 61,052 60,966 957,392 955,589 1,044,657 1,033 697 108,905 117,669 128,613 117,309 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 53 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued CONNECTICUT [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Total assets _. Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 47 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts). U. S. Government securities, direct obligations.. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank. Currency and coin _. Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection ._ _._ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets June 30, 1951 47 banks 47 banks 48 banks 245, 878 325,394 12 75,280 20,403 247, 222 323, 495 12 80,801 21, 504 249, 765 324, 540 12 85.351 21,864 246,602 354,898 12 82, 527 20,105 1,407 99,355 20,628 1,423 94,390 15, 058 1,432 92,831 22,695 1,442 95,345 25, 403 87, 648 9,202 417 95,148 9, 669 190 80, 941 9,990 211 140, 630 10, 204 211 123 780 667 91 114 1,041 539 97 161 819 509 2 159 1,031 580 887, 289 890, 697 891, 218 979,151 523, 478 533, 741 534, 080 616, 531 172, 255 15 42, 760 31, 884 19, 707 29,350 819, 449 645, 074 174,875 173, 872 15 41, 453 32, 800 17,197 24,189 828, 267 647,872 175, 895 178,124 15 34,336 36,666 20,828 17,805 821, 854 641, 781 180,123 177,032 15 21, 815 34, 844 23. 579 36,002 909, 818 780. 697 179,121 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations __. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. _ _ __ Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers'checks, etc.). Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 500 1.100 100 123 1,800 2,415 900 114 1, 758 2,767 876 161 1,817 3,227 440 159 1,975 3,477 935 826, 487 Total liabilities 1,800 829. 282 828, 599 916, 464 21, 546 24, 458 11, 814 2,984 21.983 24,837 11,393 3,202 21,983 24, 842 12,523 3,271 22,133 25,113 11, 902 3.539 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits _ ^Reserves ._. Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts 60,802 61, 415 62. 619 62, 687 887,289 890, 697 891, 218 979,151 85, 698 92,145 95, 624 91, 665 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for othei- purposes 54 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued DELAWARE [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 13 banks 13 banks 13 banks 11 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... _ _ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank__.._ _ _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection.. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets _ Total assets _ _ 15,299 17,901 15,194 19, 794 16,381 20,553 11,585 13, 585 1,594 1,370 1,825 1,391 2,251 1,416 1,463 1,221 148 4,786 1,027 148 5,202 881 148 5,934 1,221 117 3,916 949 3,587 581 5 3 28 3,378 618 3 11 54 3,905 659 3 3 54 2,366 508 4 4 40 46,329 48,499 52,528 35,758 22,867 22,929 24, 755 18,387 12, 789 12,957 13,185 11,484 603 361 219 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions... Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. _ _ Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid.. Other liabilities Total liabilities 928 2,859 521 422 40, S86 27,534 12,852 8 1 637 4,867 641 517 42,548 29,521 . 13,027 6,664 731 531 46,469 S3,220 is, 249 5 8 1 35 472 SO, 923 19, S51 11, 572 1 33 40,395 42, 589 46, 477 30,957 1,710 3,206 941 77 1,710 3,211 904 85 1,710 3,212 1,027 102 1,260 2, 659 797 85 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts. .. . Total liabilities and capital accounts 5,934 5,910 6,051 4,801 46,329 48,499 52, 528 35, 758 2,225 2,673 2,674 I, 111 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 55 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 9 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank._ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises . Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets June 30, 1951 9 banks 9 banks 9 banks 198, 849 325, 413 193, 875 344, 995 199,131 359, 792 3.401 20,116 3,396 17,392 6,547 18, 282 6,701 20, 786 982 116,335 13, 785 982 117,326 11, 728 1,000 117, 443 13, 849 1,000 125,166 17, 729 62, 597 7,541 707 362 682 53, 508 7,868 545 366 360 67, 677 8,007 544 353 443 76, 641 8,145 531 408 349 749. 225 Total assets. 195, 576 327,141 737, 733 773, 015 816,379 511,121 508, 504 529, 723 569, 635 1,025 25, 775 129 46, 044 12,030 692,373 590, 082 102, 291 102, 680 1, 025 21, 585 115 57, 593 13, 609 726,330 620, 025 106, 305 99, 531 1,025 17, 662 136 58,828 23,058 769, 875 662, 702 107,173 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 99,863 1,025 27,529 153 44, 853 18, 886 70S. 430 600, 292 103,138 2,000 400 494 1,944 703 12 455 2,523 600 457 2,753 818 440 3,018 790 708, 571 696,363 730,358 774,123 12, 450 20,300 6,708 1,196 12, 450 20,300 7,477 1,143 12, 700 20, 650 7,966 1,341 12, 700 20,650 7,676 1,230 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 40,654 41,370 42, 657 42, 256 749, 225 737, 733 773,015 816,379 54, 529 54, 604 53,112 48, 570 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 56 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued FLORIDA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 63 banks 63 banks 63 banks 63 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts). U. S. Government securities, direct obligations. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. _. Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets.. _.. 318,840 683,156 7 77,236 16,188 315,224 662,050 355,854 642,657 82,309 17,485 313,175 638,297 7 86,370 17,698 2,121 185,792 26,063 2,124 169,962 22,338 2, 218 167,456 26, 255 2, 213 171, 580 31,439 220,575 14,786 317 186,844 16,347 613 197,245 17,050 451 247,676 17,623 426 431 2,746 945 29 39 2,099 1,449 115 4 2,852 896 1,479,425 1,469,838 1,582,220 862,344 916,304 135 11 2,449 1,550,375 90,182 18. 696 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations..Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities..... 910,539 206,449 66 34, 273 151,960 134,998 13,575 1,451,860 1,241,628 210, SS2 200 208,799 66 32,769 213, 744 66 25,991 126, 743 132,064 125,071 15, 758 11,098 1, S80,064 /, S65,057 1,16S, 892 1,14S, 098 216,172 221,959 217, 279 66 24,000 150, 462 149, 781 18,983 1,476, 875 1,251,187 225, 688 200 750 300 2,770 4,353 565 39 2,982 5,677 278 4 3,069 5,049 834 1,459,639 1,387,952 1,374, 783 1,486,131 29,875 40,670 13,204 6,987 29,875 41,118 13,448 7,032 30,425 41, 726 15,811 7,093 31,375 44,477 13,195 7,042 11 2,757 4,523 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus _ _ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 90,736 91,473 95,055 1,550,375 1,479,425 1,469,838 1,582, 220 330,916 318,071 334,814 ?*54,072 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes __ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 57 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued GEORGIA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 51 banks 51 banks 51 banks 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 51 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations.._ Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve 430,861 250, 597 421, 206 259, 238 399,077 323, 414 396, 991 360, 036 16,173 50, 866 15, 278 52, 925 15. 262 49, 995 15, 200 bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other t h a n bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued b u t not collected Other assets 1,551 140, 212 16,231 1.473 135, 231 12,174 1, 542 147, 679 19, 519 1,542 152,367 19, 214 123, 759 10, 407 458 11 1,400 1,090 151, 046 10, 993 374 40 1,668 1,072 152, 559 11, 549 364 196,239 12,290 208 1,525 1,025 1,854 747 1,041.430 1,060,659 1,126,440 1, 206,683 573,134 577,183 617, 933 635, 750 145,982 230 46, 710 66,981 133, 297 3,855 970,189 821, 281 148, 958 147, 970 430 41,174 89,301 128,334 4,028 988,420 887,824 151, 096 Total assets. LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits ._ Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. ... Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected b u t not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities . 147, 808 430 31, 266 79,322 169,180 4.384 1,050,828 896, 809 158,514 147,352 888 29, 871 107, 267 193,120 16, 709 1,130, 957 976, 622 154, S35 350 550 300 11 4.383 3,256 92 40 4,273 3,258 926 4,582 4.064 168 4,531 4,011 ' 878 978, 281 997, 467 1,059, 437 1,140,377 21,173 28,562 9,480 7,788 21,173 28.638 7,862 8,633 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves __ _ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 19, 948 27, 431 8, 265 7,505 19, 973 27, 462 7,993 7,764 63,149 63,192 67,003 66,306 1, 041. 430 1,060, 659 1,126, 440 1, 206,683 139,352 149,129 151, 705 150, 574 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for othef purposes 58 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII (In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 lbank 1 bank lbank lbank ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks Reserve with approved national banking associations.. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets. _ ___ 84,909 88, 975 56, 790 89, 951 54, 691 8,119 2,672 1 15, 961 11,145 8,266 2,671 1 14,178 12,978 8,245 2,491 1 11,958 14, 722 8,092 2,491 1 11,938 15, 269 5,455 2,413 43 13 541 409 6, 543 2,431 31 10 441 676 4,367 2,553 31 11 470 385 8,391 2,528 19 26 449 194,363 191,318 190,999 194,134 49,566 51,316 55,355 59, 569 86,954 10 25,671 14, 522 1,465 2,254 180, 442 91,695 88, 747 84, 646 10 23,615 14, 796 1,061 2,458 177,902 90,828 87,074 83,362 10 21, 276 13, 268 1,577 1,600 176, 448 90,241 86,207 10 20,917 12,896 2,138 1,689 179,917 94, 761 85,156 792 30 11 91 728 120 26 95 781 251 181,439 178,823 177,398 181,070 4,000 5,000 1,748 2,176 Total assets. 54, 793 4,000 5,000 1,319 2,176 4,000 5,000 2,025 2,576 4,000 6,000 888 2,176 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions _. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities.... _ Total liabilities.. 13 80 618 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves.. Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 12,924 12,495 13,601 194,363 191,318 190, 999 69,234 62,630 62,501 13,064 194,1 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 56, 958 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 59 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued IDAHO [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 13 banks 13 banks 13 banks 127,661 129,458 8 7,216 557 130,390 124,827 8 7,036 556 130,461 143, 726 489 7,249 1,045 126,896 159, 075 413 34,268 4,855 413 34, 248 4,556 420 40, 928 5,225 421 38, 575 5,535 24,879 3,070 36 10 303 23,109 3,149 24 6 134 27,490 3,226 24 12 339 29,806 3,104 24 45 144 332, 734 Total assets Oct. 10, 1951 13 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets June 30, 1951 328,456 360, 634 373,065 184, 286 177,174 210,038 210, 203 76,038 1,011 8,566 37, 628 3,627 2,363 SIS, 569 285,777 77, 792 77,405 1,011 7,496 40,847 82,152 1,011 6,467 31, 799 4,111 2,476 254,198 8S, 856 85,373 11 4,536 44,941 4,420 2,888 852,817 266,2U 86,078 499 7,798 1,143 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities. 1,992 508,621 229,512 79,109 SS8,054 503 898 73 481 1,232 2,500 537 1,025 36 527 1,337 161 315,043 310,414 342,152 354,342 6,800 6,800 7,182 3,913 587 6,800 6,800 7,795 3,575 553 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 5 6,800 6,805 6, 965 3,315 606 6,800 6,800 7,182 3,450 610 17, 691 18,042 18, 482 18,723 332, 734 328,456 360,634 373,065 79,892 81,388 79,143 80,253 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for othor purposes _ 60 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued ILLINOIS [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 384 banks 384 banks 2, 675,085 3,923,194 14 436,016 247,637 2, 734, 997 4,075,071 13 430, 651 2, 896,004 4,006,156 107 435,462 237, 926 2, 995, 538 4,173, 746 7 447,106 242, 058 15,060 1,497, 612 82,328 15, 246 1,477, 572 73,841 15, 279 1, 576, 446 92, 878 15,607 1, 607,314 97, 605 741, 598 33,655 202 856, 903 33, 884 222 879, 048 33,994 1, 053, 222 34,169 794 4,886 18,634 7,461 807 4,432 18, 800 22,541 4,384 17, 410 6,358 1,053 5,758 19, 697 6,838 9,684,176 Total assets. Oct. 10, 1951 384 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures. _ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate __ Customers' liability on acceptances outstandingIncome earned or accrued but not collected.. Other assets.._ June 30, 1951 9, 993, 928 10, 202, 780 10, 700,057 4, 940,396 5,159, 614 5,325,100 5, 811, 461 1, 964, 764 81 541,888 478,324 2, 016, 893 82 493, 541 580, 713 74, 432 8,996, 577 6,919, 679 2, 076, 898 75, 916 9,309, 453 7,177,247 2,132, 206 2,026, 070 110 319, 665 547,175 1, 203, 264 70,143 9, 491, 527 7,339, 619 2,151,908 2, 075, 241 630 258,099 496, 638 1, 253, 782 87, 596 9, 983, 447 7, 774,667 2,208, 880 5,400 150 6,100 6,323 13,358 29, 487 9,399 4,728 13,481 24, 217 8,397 5,606 14,279 35,359 5,444 6,901 13, 933 33,487 9,948 9,060, 544 9,360,426 9, 558,315 10,047,781 1,534 15 212, 968 214,517 280, 975 75, 610 52,530 1,519 15 213,418 214,952 287,126 79,590 51,834 1,519 15 213, 458 214,992 288, 550 89,056 51, 867 1,519 15 230, 023 231, 557 283,006 86,649 51, 064 633,502 Dec. 31, 1951 339 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _.-._ Postal savings deposits _ _ Deposits of U. S. Government ----Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits . Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate.. Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned.. Expenses accrued and unpaid.._ _ Other liabilities... Total liabilities- 65 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock 644,465 652, 276 9, 684,176 9, 993, 928 10, 202, 780 10, 700,057 1,189, 847 1,190, 756 Total capital accounts... Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ _ 1,011,958 972, 793 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY 61 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued INDIANA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 125 banks 125 banks 125 banks 465,345 857,275 22 79,356 40,827 476,343 857,468 22 80,241 40,011 486,817 870,109 22 83,256 40,496 491,840 896,275 22 83,639 38,766 2,533 224,073 34, 553 2,550 226, 578 29, 512 2,618 238,118 38,923 2,643 232,581 45,040 178, 489 12, 29745 219, 228 12, 939 47 209, 568 13,329 50 278,036 13,389 93 2,667 1,505 2,715 1,401 6 14 2,607 1,384 25 79 2,937 1,625 1,898,993 Total assets.. Oct. 10, 1951 125 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government — Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets __. June 30, 1951 1,949,061 1,987,317 2,086,990 949,029 982,079 1,026,343 1,119,246 437,414 344 447,670 346 63, 554 212,127 91,720 29,658 1,827,154 1,875,813 451, 841 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. _ -Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits :. Demand deposits.. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilties. 77,490 200,082 86,282 27,877 1,778,518 1,SS7,9U 440,574 400 200 3,075 3,226 3,071 3,628 1,074 1,785,902 55 32,710 82,765 51,256 24,015 5,055 463,233 457,020 354 346 48,012 38,256 177,328 180, 586 127,100 124, 546 22,754 33,752 1,859,-607 1,959,269 1,898,991 1,491,813 467,956 460,616 200 14 3,463 3,978 79 3,550 4,475 1,178 1,835,127 1,867,860 1,968, 551 55 32,910 82,965 52,097 23,629 5,243 55 33,700 88,756 53,237 27,345 5,120 55 33,700 88 755 54,376 24,824 5,484 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock— Common stock... Total capital stock Surplus.. —— Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts. 113,091 113,934 119,457 118,439 1,898,993 1,949,061 1,987,317 2,086,990 122,868 126,380 125,764 114,982 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes - 210061—52- 62 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued IOWA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 97 banks 97 banks 97 banks 97 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection— _ __ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises. Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets 233,123 302,413 239,165 295,699 251,767 280,730 70,352 19,338 70,868 19,193 72,528 19,095 71,485 17,788 1,055 102,993 11,747 1,068 106,336 10,474 1,086 108,343 12,836 1,097 103,959 12,378 110,117 3,697 22 99,047 3,924 29 109,699 4,134 29 113,029 4,219 23 1,236 1,047 431 1,230 1,056 594 1,220 1,157 530 1,194 1,174 618 860,076 849,355 865,521 859,461 412,748 412, 702 433,389 437,575 144,558 51 27,098 99,955 118,442 5,654 808,506 661.291 147,215 146,302 51 22,194 103,677 106,444 5,747 797,117 648,1S9 148,978 147,759 51 22,740 95,806 104,214 6,884 810,84S 660, SS2 150,511 149,091 52 16,696 77,519 112,003 11,013 804,849 659,992 161,857 724 1,104 688 1,040 46 796 1,420 7 207 810.343 798,891 813,066 807,314 14,028 21,130 11,699 2,876 Total assets. 231,697 306,344 14,353 21,596 11,500 3,015 14,398 21.806 13, 111 3,140 14,448 22,415 12,365 2,919 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ Demand deposits ._ Time deposits... Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid . Other liabilities Total liabilities- 100 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits. Total capital accounts ._ Total liabilities and capital accounts 49,733 50,464 52,455 52,147 860,076 849,355 865,521 859,461 61,537 61,809 71,842 54,898 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY 63 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued KANSAS [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 174 banks 174 banks 174 banks 174 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations _. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _._ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets _ 277,558 332, 956 96 65.112 25,263 268, 990 335,991 103 64,457 25,898 271,840 367, 526 103 61, 732 21, 999 281.040 390,177 95 64,393 21, 558 1.449 124, 766 11,370 1,279 131, 752 10, 266 1,292 133, 028 12,189 1,303 152,189 12, 540 124, 567 4,588 64 113, 218 4,761 63 150,076 4,862 74 177,114 4,695 117 93 948 860 93 866 732 839 130 1,011 606 969,690 958. 469 1,026,539 565, 544 558,138 633, 841 652,513 80,472 41 32,373 148,159 71,467 10,344 908,400 823.674 84,726 82, 249 41 27, 208 150, 701 70, 767 7,145 896,2$ 809, 745 86,504 86, 711 41 24,320 123,990 85,962 6.820 961, 685 870,171 91, 514 88,924 41 20,387 167, 731 104,866 8,171 1,042, 633 948, 986 93, 647 50 977 1,839 163 215 985 1,836 1,077 2,367 50 988 2,206 211 911, 429 899, 578 965, 217 1,046, 088 20,045 22,483 14,312 1,421 20,120 22, 735 14, 472 1,564 20,120 23,046 16, 650 1,506 20,120 23,912 15, 229 1,619 1,106, 968 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits. _. Reserves.. Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 58, 261 58, 891 61,322 60,880 969, 690 958, 469 1,026, 539 1,106,968 173,392 172,038 185, 225 196, 595 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 64 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1951—Continued KENTUCKY [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 92 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions _. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank __ _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection-. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises._ Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _.. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets June 30, 1951 92 banks 92 banks 93 banks 197, 508 262, 741 4 22,947 13,617 199,236 4 23,674 13,021 202,142 295, 633 4 23,197 12,399 1,115 81. 219 12,889 1,120 78.855 11,154 1,154 82,880 16,057 1,170 89,483 16.956 67,642 4.938 66,130 4,973 5 68,076 4,917 189 126,679 4,890 210 41 141 722 314 41 506 759 429 40 159 850 344 665,706 Total assets.. 196,501 262,107 4 22,886 15,268 660,272 677,871 774,156 415,597 405,553 426, 294 493,011 105,561 16 22,391 34,902 33,528 3,550 615, 545 509, 063 106, 482 105,944 16 19,819 39, 889 33,978 4,215 609,4U 498,550 110,864 106,908 16 12,309 40,590 32,900 5,701 624,718 511,874 112, 844 106,467 16 14,344 45, 759 55, 870 5,918 721, 385 609, 004 112,381 41 716 374 . LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _.. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government.. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks _ _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities. 250 1006 1,136 314 410 310 55 141 993 1,297 506 1.018 1,705 490 159 1,014 1.530 724 496 618, 251 612, 751 628, 747 724,867 14,375 14,475 9,213 1,474 8,508 1,540 14, 580 23,107 9,925 1,512 15,080 23,871 8,767 1,571 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves.-. Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 47,521 49,124 49.289 660, 272 677,871 774, U56 65.031 64,365 67,075 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 61, 473 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 65 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued LOUISIANA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 36 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) -. U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions _. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets _ . June 30, 1951 36 banks 36 banks 36 banks 321,277 503,082 321,687 535,647 333,877 561,378 74,541 9,452 2,158 75,546 10,242 2,178 74,895 9,370 2,179 73,971 9,385 2,194 180,522 17,001 168,822 13,814 178,491 217,950 20,139 142, 556 10, 588 299 164, 910 10,443 274 167,409 10,565 274 229,058 11,045 148 570 5,848 2,565 2,104 3,019 2,987 1,721 565 4,654 2,226 1,837 576 5,696 3,234 1,245 1,282,234 Total assets.. 504,677 1,278,878 1,329,835 1,469,896 657,530 655,102 687,927 760,955 181, 579 44 28,682 179,436 143,469 11,318 1,199,6S0 1,016,109 183,521 181,661 44 22,967 170,378 174,907 8,105 1,U5,989 1,062,299 183,690 185,193 44 179, 234 218, 275 16,103 1,382,833 1,192,658 190,175 1,234 3,066 294 3,518 1,178 4,151 579 6,484 1,215 3,916 213 8,920 1,187 4,973 874 1,213,168 1,209,056 1,257,817 1,398, 787 19,338 34,582 14,361 785 19,588 35,037 14,190 1,007 19,588 35,185 16,426 819 19,588 36,346 14, 550 625 72,018 71,109 1,282,234 1,278,878 1,329,835 1,469,896 270,875 262,664 282,224 287,158 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations—. Postal savings deposits. _.. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks.Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits .. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding L_. Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities.. Total liabilities- 180,334 44 33,087 168,153 152,273 10,287 1,201,708 1,019, 461 182,247 23,029 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock-. Surplus. Undivided profits. Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 69,066 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 66 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued MAINE [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 32 banks 32 banks 32 banks 32 banks ASSETS 81,027 86,522 30 13,124 11,746 82,713 89,115 30 12,122 11,394 84,900 88,421 30 11,531 11,360 634 23,036 5,185 612 23,300 5,287 617 24,567 6,740 621 24,038 6,957 20,381 1,201 70 18,175 1,279 72 20,701 1,330 82 25,593 1,322 265 169 219 256 219 182 274 170 223 265 235 270 241,831 250,078 255, 609 111, 415 115,590 121,426 126,938 78,325 6 7,515 6,921 5,981 977 211,140 182,690 78,450 78,277 6 6,375 6,927 5,719 3,004 215,898 1S7,475 78,428 79,870 6 4,638 9,602 6,830 1,718 224,090 144,078 80,017 79,814 6 3,966 10,279 5,829 2,861 229,698 149,774 79,919 450 452 365 196 500 473 391 384 519 427 230 516 441 373 212, 603 Total assets 78,494 84,977 11 10,571 11,758 236,971 Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ __ _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets 217,646 225, 266 231,023 9,090 9,328 4,968 982 9,090 9,456 4,726 913 9,240 9,464 5,203 905 9,240 9,612 4,713 1,021 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits. _ Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. _ Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits _ Reserves _...-. _ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 24,368 24,185 24,812 24,586 236,971 241,831 250,078 255,609 17,717 17,228 18,396 17,436 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 67 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1951—Continued MARYLAND [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 61 banks 59 banks 59 banks 59 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ _ _ _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets 183, 592 337, 663 8 19,490 14, 791 191, 669 355. 051 3 22, 781 14, 557 198,601 339, 414 3 27,863 24, 479 1,266 93, 939 13,403 1,222 97, 804 10, 419 1,233 106, 548 15, 289 1,234 101,357 15, 651 82,595 5,382 61 80,116 5,066 56 81, 708 5,264 56 108,620 5,320 34 529 323 1,303 1,197 546 270 874 563 538 377 1,199 670 535 98 951 1,368 777,109 752, 480 796, 943 825,528 400, 007 393, 613 416, 404 452, 053 160,395 5 34,356 62,396 58, 530 3,009 718,698 553,864. 164.834 152, 925 154, 807 154, 795 31, 543 58, 691 56, 958 2,572 696.302 537,421 158,881 26,199 61.806 76,841 2.959 739,016 578.085 160,931 21,088 54,841 81, 974 2,993 767,744 607,134 160, 610 500 200 323 641 725 30 270 701 728 461 377 713 830 32 739 893 715 721,017 698, 462 741, 4(?8 770,389 15,020 27,348 10,116 3,608 Total assets 190,473 349,525 13 18,937 18,163 14, 220 26,634 9,339 3,825 14, 220 26, 939 10, 075 4,241 14, 220 27,334 9,432 4,153 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.— Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions.. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money.Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 600 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 56,092 54, 018 55,475 55,139 777,109 752,480 796, 943 825, 528 121, 711 122, 643 121, 991 114, 781 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 68 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1951—Continued MASSACHUSETTS [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 116 banks 116 banks 116 banks 115 banks 1,225,605 1,110,941 44 143,411 67,846 1,205,093 1,061,214 44 144,354 65,290 1,200,061 1,101,488 44 151,788 62,677 1,201,243 1,183,473 59 120,942 61,408 6,158 456,021 47,513 6,163 463,491 34,041 6,169 451,024 51,352 6,623 481,794 57,808 258,185 26,278 65 249,838 26,568 16 265,358 26,927 13 379,333 26,882 16 36,454 6,476 8,108 395 34,924 6,121 8,563 429 25,616 6,011 3,837 425 29,988 6,408 7,142 3,393,444 3,306,115 3,352,794 3,563,544 1,939,265 1,898,989 1,953,778 2,069,462 446,409 69 155, 254 153,503 299,431 45,429 3,039,360 2,585,587 453,773 445,088 442,750 70 70 99, 727 133,013 157,967 166,467 327,640 280,026 42,377 45,212 2,966,527 3,026,647 2,515,647 2,571,039 450,880 455,608 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government ... Obligations of States and political subdivisions .. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding.. Income earned or accrued but not collected ... Other assets.. ... Total assets LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations __ _ _ ... Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations-. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks.. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding. Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid.. Other liabilities Total liabilities.... 434,126 1,570 84,467 208,340 344,867 67,499 3,210,331 2,768,107 452,224 10,135 1,000 1,000 400 46,198 6,927 12,204 9,436 40,557 6,532 11,058 11,092 27,177 6,414 13,105 4,612 31,808 6,303 12,682 14,115 3,124,260 3,036, 766 3,078,955 3,275,639 104 73,922 74,026 129,809 45,675 19,674 104 73,982 74,086 130,053 46,626 18,584 53 74,188 74, HI 130,082 49,603 19,913 53 78,851 78,904 140,578 49,365 19,058 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock. „___ Total capital stockSurplus. _ Undivided profits _ Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts... Total liabilities and capital accounts 269,184 269,349 273,839 3,393,444 3,306,115 3,352,794 3,56a, 544 241,262 243,208 238,822 210,018 287,905 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 69 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued MICHIGAN [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 78 banks 78 banks 78 banks 78 banks 813,202 1,417,938 19 132,346 96,380 845,108 1,460,269 34 140,169 91,037 879,436 1,445,058 __ 34 143,388 78,124 896,092 1,452,651 t£j 27 149,567 57,539 4,111 414,963 46,665 4,148 420,006 36,356 4,162 420,408 54,958 4,197 372,776 55,677 236,634 14, 576 72 302,625 14,997 76 252,965 15,326 70 317,452 15,774 1,163 *67 L 1 3 1,290 3,813 1,264 57 5,361 4,699 6,092 3,381 1,317 247 6,705 3,477 3,188,317 3,326,206 3,304,705 3,333,556 1,527,938 1,686,423 1,659,840 1,754,043 889,163 40 161,784 142,935 179,006 20,411 3,053,179 2,153,977 901,590 40 132,623 140,616 185,683 25,154 8,139,749 2,227,504 912,245 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Eeserve bank. __. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets _ LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits _. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks. _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers/ checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid ._ Other liabilities . 859,895 873,441 40 40 270,363 303,848 127,206 138,246 154,605 148,884 26,575 23,490 8,002,341 8,188,653 2,133,727 2,256,737 881,916 54,600 57 12,385 12,615 3,479 13 13,964 16,538 2,704 247 14,078 13,951 2,353 3,030,585 Total liabilities.. 67 11,819 13,270 3,167,189 3,140,998 3,170,378 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus.._ Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts. __ 1,000 43,195 44,195 81,931 25,548 6,058 1,000 44,195 45,195 82,156 25,876 5,790 1,000 44,445 45, JUS 82,796 29,531 5,935 1,000 44,945 45,945 83,779 26,984 6,470 _ 157,732 159,017 163,707 163,178 Total liabilities and capital accounts 3,188,317 3,326,206 3,304,705 1,333,556 379,995 356,046 356,482 254,903 MEMORANDUM Assets ptedged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 70 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1951—Continued MINNESOTA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government _. Deposits of States and political subdivisions.... Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits _ _ Time deposits _. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid __ Other liabilities Dec. 31, 1951 178 banks 178 banks 178 banks 772, 737 652,917 751,381 651.503 758, 285 658,937 757, 425 729,195 108,999 72,133 106,191 71, 613 107,073 68,073 105,669 66,321 3,298 235,451 20,218 3,302 244,410 18,599 3.312 245,805 21,868 3,345 275,448 22,794 250,283 7,977 503 260,455 8,436 503 328,581 8,802 509 336,686 9,319 501 3,951 816 4,734 1,240 3,963 691 4,620 1.416 817 4,624 1,397 3,619 820 4.809 1,499 2,135, 257 Total assets.. Oct. 10, 1951 178 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations.. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government.. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets.. June 30, 1951 2,127,083 2, 212,043 2.317,450 942,305 919,311 1,031,474 1,113,743 474,589 475,103 471,417 48 49 49 49. 854 96, 477 73, 530 123, 211 175, 592 133,106 275, 485 344, 500 285, 218 23,649 18, 742 19,450 if, 955,892 1, 964,126 2,048. 641 1,478,192 1,489,286 1,564,759 477,200 474,890 478, 882 481, 737 59 48,088 128, 484 350, 697 25,204 2,148,012 1, 662,128 485,889 500 18,150 691 8,744 8,646 1,882 817 8,763 10,869 1,737 820 9,046 11,573 1,941 1,993,457 Total liabilities.. 816 8,824 8,608 1,667 1, 984,089 2,066,327 2,171,392 1,105 25 37,271 38,401 71, 775 20,358 11,266 1,075 25 37,338 88,488 72,119 20,869 11.568 1,075 25 37,338 88,488 72,166 23,124 11,988 1,075 25 37,531 88,681 73,472 21,958 11,997 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock. Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock. Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 141,800 142,994 145, 716 146,058 2,135, 257 2,127,083 2, 212,043 2,317,450 377,394 353,835 332,015 327,364 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 71 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued MISSISSIPPI [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 24 banks 24 banks 24 banks 58,099 75,127 59,314 72, 714 62,649 71,589 61,766 78,978 30,915 1,332 31, 654 1,282 31,178 1,266 31, 953 1,336 390 24,120 5,012 390 25,045 4,061 398 25, 922 5,674 398 26,288 6,043 30,471 2,136 3 35 229 31,217 2,148 2 39 177 34,802 2,192 6 32 217 42,555 2,146 36 40 180 227,869 228,043 235,925 251, 719 112,908 112,545 120,230 132,796 44,613 45,232 45,368 45,729 6,620 29,911 17,597 1,497 213, U6 167,831 45,315 5,042 33,833 15,019 1,371 213,072 167,128 45,9U 5,887 29,805 17,523 1,454 220,267 174,187 46,080 4,614 29,545 21,794 2,124 236,602 190,161 46,441 243 318 239 343 112 28 241 437 15 259 426 119 213,749 Total assets.. Oct. 10, 1951 24 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) IT. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank_ _ _. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection._. . ... Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets ---. June 30, 1951 213,802 220,979 237,421 138 4,445 4,583 8,405 860 272 138 4,445 4,683 8,707 704 247 138 4,445 4,583 8,722 1,397 244 138 4,445 4,583 9,199 218 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions pst D i t ts f banks bnk Deposits of b a n ss r deposits ( (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Other d e i Total deposits — Demand deposits _ .-_ .. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money._ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate -Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities -. Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock _ Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits— Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts __ . Total liabilities and capital accounts 14,120 14,241 14,946 14, 298 227,869 228,043 235,925 251,719 48,464 48,361 MEMORANDUM Assets- pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 51,190 72 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued MISSOURI [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 79 banks 79 banks 79 banks 79 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank.. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding.. Income earned or accrued but not collected _. Other assets Total assets Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ._ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations— Postal savings deposits . Deposits of IT. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks. _. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 648,295 568,428 22 64,138 36,276 635,089 561,356 36 63,889 35,060 641,054 633,810 569 71,634 34,961 667,621 675,353 102 • 71,635 36,458 3,072 252,667 17,536 3,078 254,518 15,951 3,125 265,427 18,809 3,229 293,243 20,775 229,137 9,532 227,121 9,712 239 306,054 9,836 241 305,834 10,009 141 300 1,597 2,479 1,005 295 530 2.608 901 291 1,468 2,545 1,167 287 1,240 3,003 890 1,834, 732 1,810,383 1,990, 991 2,089,820 1,074,812 1,129,746 237,261 41 52,920 55, 789 433,452 10,403 1,864,678 1,619,468 245,210 239,674 546 43,822 79,426 455,812 13, 745 1,962,771 1,714,673 248,098 968, 613 231, 292 43 84,775 68,350 349,896 12,141 1,715,110 1,476,648 238,462 233,140 43 71,479 61, 661 323,424 11,137 1,687,752 1,446,669 241,083 400 250 1,715 1,698 4,273 573 564 1,592 3,673 1,599 1,747 1,606 4,796 1,365 1,810 4,762 1,246 1,724, 769 1,695,580 1,874,043 1,971,954 38, 223 43,309 25,520 2,911 Total liabilities.. 1,400 40,563 46,465 24,652 3,123 40,808 47,196 25,201 3,743 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits Reserves... Total capital accounts 42,008 48, 573 23.806 3,479 109,963 114,803 116,948 117,866 , 1,834,732 1,810,383 1,990,991 2,089,82ft Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ 215,597 204,609 202,141 202,573 Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 73 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued MONTANA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 39 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets •_.. June 30, 1951 39 banks 39 banks 39 banks 72,390 119,757 76,065 128,025 73,867 147,348 8,252 5,498 8,667 5,801 9,733 6,269 9,640 7,127 313 34,719 4,680 315 33,382 4,252 315 37,166 5,048 316 40,612 5,327 27,428 2,738 5 594 77 32,680 2,819 5 626 84 44, 728 2,892 5 696 111 40,571 2,862 283,387 Total assets . 70,841 128,242 280,778 311,053 328,417 178,457 174,024 206,475 216,977 49,192 49,047 49, 502 7,021 20, 591 10,468 3,560 4,855 24,281 10,888 2,890 652 95 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 3,586 22,137 16,151 2,567 312,407 261,209 51,198 49, 856 4,470 14,722 16,259 3,623 295,051 245,290 49,761 75 75 75 5 739 433 16 5 741 642 25 5 802 1,159 35 1,018 1,140 71 270,557 267,473 297,127 314,636 219, 907 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts 60 5,115 5,175 5,280 2,052 323 60 5,115 5,175 5,300 2,515 315 10 5,185 5,195 5,314 3,150 267 5,195 5,195 5,695 2,577 314 12,830 13,305 13,926 13,781 283,387 280,778 311,053 328,417 45,438 46,422 46,842 47,992 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 74 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued NEBRASKA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 124 banks 124 banks Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 123 banks 123 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations _. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures _ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin _ _ _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets 276,980 357,423 3 62,072 18,332 315,475 361,710 3 64,391 18,276 327,667 368,851 3 66,472 18,148 1,279 139,670 9,907 1,284 134,886 8,528 1,303 147,468 10,377 1,315 150,835 10,718 131,047 5,498 21 1,339 550 132,329 5,650 21 1,314 412 151,698 5,949 14 1,358 480 153,840 5,832 9 1,476 359 1,022,174 Total assets 287,761 365,565 3 60,717 18,817 19,234 1,078,502 1,105,525 591,735 584,790 645,446 668,414 105,780 23 34,420 58,532 157,335 6,275 108,169 23 26,656 54,989 151,238 8,040 988,905 825,654 108,251 109,898 23 20.025 46,285 178,862 6,443 1,006,982 896,977 110,005 110,596 23 16,857 59,730 169,675 8,082 1,088,877 922,657 110,720 5,738 685 1,492 155 2,058 664 1,561 265 5,658 708 2,040 152 6,429 715 1,955 350 962,170 938,453 1,015,540 1,042,826 25 20,795 20,820 21,303 13,279 4,602 25 20,845 20,870 21,516 13,721 4,674 21,020 21,020 21,817 15,332 4,793 21,245 21,245 22,316 14,306 4,832 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits. Deposits of TJ. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. Demand deposits Time deposits _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money. _ _ Income collected but not earned. _ .Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 954,100 848,289 105,861 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock. Common stock... Total capital stock.- Surplus _ Undivided profits. Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 60,004 60,781 62,962 1,022,174 999,234 1,078,502 1,105,525 135,936 131,037 140,206 136,325 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 75 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued NEVADA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 J u n e 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks 5 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts)-. U. S. Government securities, direct obligations _. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin... _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection._ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets 49,570 63,635 49, 715 74, 605 49,568 80,728 6,654 3,191 6,559 3,190 6,350 3,985 6,296 4,144 166 15,018 3,282 166 15,036 3,322 166 17,470 3,048 166 17,441 3,206 8,234 1,475 46 427 274 9,263 1,581 43 459 231 13,086 1,689 36 456 231 6,947 1,714 33 450 182 152,526 Total assets . 47,981 65,778 153,055 170,837 170,875 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporationsTime deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of U. S. Government. _. _ _ Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits... Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned __. Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 70,960 70,041 87,011 83,892 47,493 48,929 50,287 51,768 4,884 15,321 1,368 1,505 141, 581 91,048 50,483 4,176 15,915 1,337 1,871 14%, 269 90,885 51,4S4 4,016 14,995 1,184 1,921 159,414 106,859 52,555 3,925 16.741 1,240 2,003 159,569 105,486 54,088 311 785 422 306 611 302 346 780 484 330 907 294 143,049 143,488 161,024 161,100 1,885 3,650 3,902 40 1,885 3,650 3,992 40 1,885 3,650 4,238 40 1,885 3,650 4,200 40 9,477 9, 567 9,813 9,775 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus -. Undivided profits _. Reserves Total capital accounts _ _ Total liabilities and capital accouuts. 152,526 153,055 170,837 170,875 25,358 26,555 26,266 26,794 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 76 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued NEW HAMPSHIRE [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 51 banks June 30, 1951 51 banks Oct. 10, Dec. 31, 51 banks 51 banks 1951 1951 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations _. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government-.. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin.._ ._-. Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets 79,293 62,993 41 10,638 5,140 77,306 71,230 41 11,151 4,926 75,309 73,376 41 9,517 4,723 450 22,293 6,629 448 20,467 4,996 450 25,188 7,576 452 26,296 7,436 22, 504 1,875 20 22,475 1,869 19 24,336 1,939 23 31, 232 1,833 23 55 4 140 56 1 141 52 5 159 52 4 154 210,909 208, 577 224,382 230,448 113,433 112,360 125,494 128,747 41,708 20 8,339 12,888 6,553 5.042 187,983 145,433 42,550 41,949 20 6,649 10,930 6,897 6,377 185,182 142,417 42,765 43,296 20 6,243 42,169 20 5,415 16,498 8,897 6,129 207,875 164,877 42,998 1,195 171 153 21 1,470 159 203 145 315 165 181 28 50 160 251 151 189, 523 187,159 202,254 208,487 11 6,024 6,035 8,818 5,465 1,068 Total assets.. 76,378 65,476 41 9,872 5,172 11 6,024 6,035 8,956 5,362 1,065 21,386 21,418 22,128 21,961 210,909 208, 577 224,382 230,448 14,356 16,339 14,368 13,106 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations.. _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks.. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned. Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities ._ Total liabilities 12,812 7,950 5,750 201,565 157,626 43,939 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts L.. Total liabilities and capital accounts _ _ 7 6,053 6,060 8,981 5,982 1,105 7 6,053 6,060 9,092 5,652 1,157 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY 77 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued NEW JERSEY [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 204 banks 203 banks 202 banks 202 banks 728,242 1,110,243 323 193,369 91,858 759,097 1,085,338 322 195, 540 89, 090 780,163 1,155,379 323 204,151 90,193 800, 255 1,156,378 323 213,384 86,385 4,415 246,375 51,349 4,411 243,048 36, 617 4,244 278,951 56,467 4,334 264, 875 64,697 24, 265 328 171,975 24,563 354 173,908 26,339 410 224, 734 25, 725 131 1,319 53 4,012 2,796 1,278 38 5,237 2,188 428 40 4,115 2,460 41 5,673 2,162 2,627,436 2,620,096 2, 777, 571 2, 849, 478 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank __.. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures_._ Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected _._ Other assets __ Total assets _ LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ _ Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities. 1,102, 986 1,131, 730 1, 217,388 1, 282, 205 1,009,075 1,021, 545 1,069,161 1, 059, 996 83,827 168, 739 31,023 32, 521 2,428,171 1,400,297 1,027,874 56,609 151,458 31,374 37,777 2,480,493 1,889,846 1,041,147 50, 799 165, 444 36, 881 30,953 2,570,626 1,479,377 1,091,249 45, 441 180, 402 42,344 41, 797 2,652,186 1,573,718 1, 078,467 10,385 800 8,450 74 6,242 5,973 583 38 6,026 5,458 1,055 40 6,565 7,492 843 41 6,329 6,515 1,660 2,451,428 2, 443, 870 2, 594,016 2, 666, 730 2,658 90 55,131 57,879 78,169 30,934 9,026 1,583 90 55, 801 57,474 79,074 30,660 9,018 1,545 65 56, 756 58,366 80,122 35, 682 9,385 1,295 65 56, 881 68,241 82,146 32, 615 9,746 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock Class B preferred stock Common stock Total capital stockSurplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 183,555 182, 748 2,627,436 2,620,096 2,777, 571 2,849,478 172,602 179,254 199,973 174,707 176,008 176, 226 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes __ 2,10061—52- 78 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec, 81, 1951—Continued NEW MEXICO [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 26 banks 26 banks 26 banks 26 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government __ Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate . Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets _ _._ __ 89,227 89,048 88,207 99,239 81,046 111, 504 7,892 8,104 825 8,111 1,183 8,157 1,217 428 31,001 4,856 437 33,752 4,268 438 33, 704 6,016 428 32,907 5,882 32,166 1,754 166 40,539 2,080 193 45,402 2,412 152 64,192 2,378 91 118 235 343 223 251 97 105 261 109 100 221 56 264,900 Total assets. 89,872 95,245 269,044 285,339 308,179 149, 738 144,988 157,606 177,546 31,895 11 12,451 38,647 8,954 2,679 244, 875 209,975 32,974 11 18,199 43,657 9,313 3,061 252,208 216, 754 85,449 36,035 11 19,106 41,893 9,876 3,225 2 67, 752 229,126 88,626 38,122 11 11,264 47,733 12, 574 3,567 290,817 250,504 40,318 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits .._ Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid _ Other liabilities 34,400 14 402 145 190 14 398 238 196 14 352 176 196 248,803 Total liabilities 3,678 444 134 172 252,954 268, 598 291,555 6,440 5,863 1,201 2,593 6,440 5,879 1,079 2,692 6,440 5,903 1,788 2,610 6,440 5,970 792 3,422 16,097 16,090 16, 741 16,624 264,900 269,044 285,339 308,179 63,171 62, 782 67,798 69,901 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus. __ _ Undivided profits. __ Reserves Total capital accounts ._. ._ Total liabilities and capital accounts MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 79 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 811 1951—Continued NEW YORK (In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. ,10 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 374 banks 372 banks 372 banks 372 banks 4,719,898 4,475,484 734 926,105 505,023 4,805,332 4,235,275 751 944,477 519,120 4,968,212 4,068, 535 732 1,030,303 522, 583 5,331,549 4,245,827 845 1,102,639 531,109 42,625 2,430, 528 103,728 42,787 2,315, 731 73,583 42,848 2,358,177 114,101 43,027 2,218,849 120,730 87,386 458 1,021,511 87,602 487 777,460 88,523 445 1,396,504 88,917 521 24,809 64,630 1,855 50,735 24.769 68.770 21,088 66, 511 1,733 71,925 26,960 74,489 14,289,325 14,192,785 14,110,790 15,255, 624 7,602,162 7,429,963 7, 537,341 8,186,086 1, 651,051 1,614,113 1, 595,231 1, 622, 569 814,155 509, 779 382,715 370,871 1, 786,929 1, 900,198 307,410 356,168 12,521,857 12,884,043 12,220,880 10,648,972 10,550,868 10,^81,342 1,872,885 1,883,680 1,839,488 418,312 336,171 2,054,064 598,409 18,215,611 11,836,880 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. 8. Government securities, direct obligations _.. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin _ ... Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection.__ _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets _ * . Total assets 1,727 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporationsTime deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations -. Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks -Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits.... Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate .Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities... 836,271 306,313 1,854,061 271,999 48,780 27 68, 584 25,173 58,334 450,241 8,510 10 56, 704 23,750 63, 523 515,865 13,172, 996 13,052,405 7,275 10 53,589 25, 727 75,901 580,548 12,963,880 1,878,731 2,245 10 74,927 25,796 72,987 708,176 14,099,752 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Class A preferred stock __. Class B preferred stock.. Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred s t o c k — Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 2,045 408 333,788 886,241 550,209 211,710 18,169 1,955 317 351,513 858,785 562,487 207,497 16,611 1,792 313 351,945 864,050 563,383 212,383 17,094 1,763 286 353,320 855,869 566,528 218,322 15, 653 1,116,329 1,140,380 1,146,910 1,155,872 14,289,325 14,192,785 14,110,790 15,255,624 1,566,171 1,554,392 1,310,959 1,159,398 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 80 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued NORTH CAROLINA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 46 banks 46 banks 46 banks 46 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts).— U. S. Government securities, direct obligations _. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank_. I. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate . Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected.— Other assets ... 175,182 167, 997 8 28, 575 7,353 177, 732 189, 450 8 31,008 11, 259 824 55, 720 11, 721 839 57, 518 8,625 849 64,319 16,355 854 69. 484 15, 408 62, 976 4,796 32 74, 472 4,914 13 92,651 5,193 24 89,056 5,209 66 23 202 459 424 56 241 426 349 381 522 336 489 588 376 498, 242 Total assets.. 26, 644 5,158 179, 658 142, 584 8 27, 621 5,771 503, 095 559. 745 590, 987 296,176 340, 552 368,161 80, 740 1 18, 807 40,890 20, 077 7,775 4G4,475 372,008 92, 467 81, 8S9 1 16. 709 43. 823 26. 213 10,357 519,644 426, 999 92, 545 83,765 1 12,124 47, 718 30, 240 8,310 550, 819 454, 314 96, 005 241 1,349 1,180 229 381 1,518 1.272 59 489 1,557 1,807 370 522, 774 554, 542 9,625 18.657 6,860 1,829 9,625 19,137 5,823 1,860 180,998 148, 265 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 80, 998 1 20,523 36, 760 18, 847 8,012 459, 740 871,074 200 202 1,427 1,043 29 462. 641 467, 474 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 9,575 17,860 6,362 1,804 9, 575 18,402 5,831 1,813 35, 601 35,621 36, 971 36, 445 498,242 503,095 559, 745 590, 987 82,197 87,146 87,108 88,953 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 81 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued NORTH DAKOTA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 40 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) XL S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures _. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank. _ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets - June 30, 1951 40 banks 40 banks 40 banks 67,801 116,739 7 77,700 115,880 7 9,136 5,287 76,349 127,963 7 9,788 5,803 302 26,738 3,042 304 26,551 3,266 311 29,705 3,660 319 30, 566 3,724 21,144 1,364 24 18,898 1,374 21 28,152 1,340 18 727 29,907 1,405 21 25 727 251,867 Total assets. 5,161 66,580 114,101 7 8,845 5,102 245,804 273,859 284, 796 144,085 140,589 167,717 176,395 65,036 6 5,038 11,907 8,275 1,647 235,994 170,807 65,687 64,335 6 3,993 11,391 7,705 1,962 229,981 164,990 64,991 4,153 10,297 9,193 1,968 257,174 192,698 64,476 3,631 9,445 11,083 2,045 268,291 201,800 66,491 49 682 85 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _. Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, a n d other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed b y or for account of reporting banks and outstanding ___. Income collected b u t not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 300 61 470 11 602 1,062 78 231,325 258,802 270,033 4,180 5,950 3,484 865 4,330 6,027 3,833 4,605 6,129 3,111 918 426 791 15 429 876 39 237, 526 4,180 5,897 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus.._ _ Undivided profits.. Reserves 875 14,479 Total liabilities and capital accounts. 15,057 14, 763 245, 804 Total capital accounts 273, 859 284,796 23,425 24,430 25,327 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 26,210 82 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued OHIO [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 240 banks 240 banks 239 banks 239 banks 1,144,567 1,595,789 16 204,544 72,235 1,156,338 1, 607, 228 16 211,132 70,173 1,172 668 1,697.650 16 219,068 67,444 1, 215, 787 1, 736, 712 16 220,548 67,349 6,077 482,648 57,668 6,308 474,361 48,525 6,364 505,987 67.567 6,412 509, 268 73-141 333,142 31,024 2 379,973 31. 245 5 348,104 32.568 470 377 33,115 855 932 5,411 2.974 854 502 5,713 3,141 854 587 5,695 2,810 855 467 6,087 2,198 3,937,884 3,995,514 4,127.393 4,342,333 1,939.781 1,999, 637 2,136, 896 2,338,100 959, 212 175 216,830 296,828 195, 026 42,682 3,650. 581 2, 615, 457 1,085, 077 992,466 971, 738 175 175 137, 864 201,129 313, 629 288,116 218,643 193, 261 39, 853 55, 930 8,709,986 8, 839, 526 2,657,181 2. 75A, 862 1, 052,805 1,084,664 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) TJ. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin ... Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection . Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises — Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets Total assets. LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations -. Postal savings deposits _ Deposits of TJ. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money... Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 12,375 5,425 2,550 50 932 7,133 11, 555 3,232 502 6,915 12, 258 3,164 587 7,183 13,091 3,576 467 7,529 13,076 3,324 3, 738. 250 3,866, 513 4,080,523 3,685, 761 Total liabilities.. 1,007,649 185 112,426 279, 744 242, 775 75,198 4. 056, 077 2,957.,112 1,098,965 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock _„ Common stock _ _ Total capital stock Surplus _ _ Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock.. Total capital accounts , Total liabilities and capital accounts 2,500 83,433 85,983 116,173 42,328 2,500 86,598 89.098 121,683 41, 205 5,278 2,500 89.033 91,583 119,865 44,028 5,454 89,536 89,536 124, 796 42,810 4,668 252,123 257, 264 260,880 261,810 3,937,884 3, 995,514 4,127,393 4,342,33% 691,562 682,472 691, 646 636,364 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 83 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued OKLAHOMA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 199 banks 199 banks 199 banks 198 banks 424,113 483,959 19 93,660 22,841 429,465 492,953 19 95,002 22,150 425,048 534,497 19 98,617 24,811 429,161 563,155 2,365 191,590 17,633 2,502 194,595 15,494 2,138 190,449 18,846 2,211 191,975 20,673 199,150 7,228 211,098 7,207 60 239,882 7,355 155 345,400 7,278 340 3,818 29 1,490 1,139 4,345 252 1,524 1,131 5,158 15 1,584 1,147 456 1,641 765 1,449,097 1,477,797 1,549,721 1,698,579 881,851 900,331 967,997 1,057,208 96,113 96 46,706 168,963 133,379 11,688 1,338,796 1,219,161 119,685 102,528 96 43,803 160,738 142,213 13,926 1,363,635 1,237,388 126,2^7 109,213 96 37,281 132,532 173,222 11,977 1,432,318 1,299,259 133,059 111,829 96 30,041 155,542 203,374 22,890 1,580,980 1,446,749 184,231 543 670 29 936 3,884 187 252 1,016 4,019 729 15 984 5,031 359 456 1,123 5,260 865 1,344,375 1,370,321 1,438,707 1,588,684 31,393 37,167 31,151 5,011 32,413 38,672 31,168 5,223 32,488 38,783 34,636 5,107 32,488 41,691 30,537 5,179 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) -. U. 8. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. 8. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions— Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with" Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection-. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets Total assets _ _ *•• 19 105,850 23,617 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits _.. Deposits of U. S. Government-. Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks __ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money __ _ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities _._. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits. _ Reserves _ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 104,722 107,476 111,014 109,895 1,449,097 1,477,797 1,549,721 1,698,579 273,920 277,373 298,258 275,316 MEMORANDUM Asserts pledged or assigned to secure liabilities'and for other purposes 84 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1951—Continued OREGON [In t housands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Total assets. Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 20 banks Loans and discount s (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures._ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _.. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding-Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets _ _. June 30, 1951 20 banks 20 banks 20 banks 1951 475,982 410,386 494,377 398,326 521,215 402,081 511,622 454,714 94,643 14,160 97,856 11,370 95, 583 12,133 98,224 13,656 1,677 174,081 12,436 1,677 160,689 11,757 1,694 186,433 13,737 1,694 183,525 15,702 97,185 14,812 3 422 2,968 836 92,091 14,904 3 452 4,215 939 107,264 15,045 14 543 3,009 771 104,068 15,047 14 403 4,093 961 1,288,656 1,359, 522 1,403, 723 1, 299, 591 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ _ Postal savings deposits. Deposits of IT. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money _ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate __. _ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned.. Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 703,952 695,871 323,028 15 38,736 90,579 33, 701 18,807 1,208, 818 878,858 829,960 329,040 15 32,762 83,255 37,087 16,850 ,194,880 858, 676 SS6,204 200 771,535 752,516 337,807 15 23,236 65,544 45,231 18,984 1,262,852 917,498 844,859 350,709 15 19,708 120,992 40,874 22, 726 1,807,540 948,670 858,970 300 20 20 20 3,973 4,963 1,537 645 3,998 4,059 3,729 622 4,353 5,633 4,147 4,248 4,139 3,407 1,220,091 1,207, 631 1,277,127 1,319,984 21,770 34,117 23,392 221 Total liabilities.. 20 21,770 34,197 24,827 231 22,120 34,352 25,699 224 22,620 33, 920 26, 939 260 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus _--_ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts - 79,500 81,025 82,395 83,739 1,299,591 1,288,656 1,359,522 1,403,723 261,333 257,594 246,971 MEMOKANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 273,184 85 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81> 1951—Continued PENNSYLVANIA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 622 banks 620 banks 619 banks 2,339,881 3,004,694 183 372,605 2,296,390 2,782,726 183 369,071 383,356 2,355,427 2,826,565 390,946 359,597 2,448,314 2,750,582 56 468,336 321,289 19,371 978,646 118,899 19,085 903,782 91,559 19,355 919,521 130,339 18,852 899,237 143,573 532,719 62,244 1,109 572,479 59,765 1,104 546,908 60,892 1,214 759,211 60,729 1,171 6.125 6,158 10,125 7,714 6,165 3,857 10,248 7,336 7,344 2,597 10,001 6,473 7,259 3,426 11,006 5,857 7,847,276 Total assets Oct. 10, 1951 624 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations.— Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures.._ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ Currency and coin __ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets June 30, 1951 7,507,106 7,637,226 7,898,898 3,932,303 3, 759,453 3,830, 779 4,133,045 1,910,937 734 383,682 255,309 486,868 60,704 7,080,587 5, OSS, 645 1,996,892 1,897,807 736 312,932 252,476 452,889 60,318 6,7S6,611 4,758,061 1,988,550 1,940,901 730 219,759 270,602 518,167 51,374 6,882,818 4,808,041 2,029,271 1,926,281 755 178,817 243,533 551,915 70,888 7,105,284 6,105,712 1,999,522 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits.. _ Deposits of U. S. Government __ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks _ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ _ Demand depositsTime deposits. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _ _ _ _. Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid.. Other liabilities Total liabilities. 24,665 2,210 11,650 3,340 7,225 11,614 21,185 6,372 4, 20,384 8,236 2,615 10,441 25,509 11,108 3,469 10, 552 29,231 8,206 7,101,598 6,781,361 6,893,635 7,160,032 50 207,303 207,853 407,408 116,525 12,305 50 207,078 207,128 412,766 106, 712 12,260 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts 50 211,130 211,180 408,725 111,555 14,218 50 206,093 206,148 402,403 104,905 12,294 745,678 725,745 743,591 738,866 7,847,276 7,507,106 7,637,226 7,898,898 1,017,450 951,047 933,761 873,168 •• Total liabilities and capital accounts - —L-: MEMORANDUM Assets F»ledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ 86 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued RHODE ISLAND [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 7 banks 7 banks 7 banks 6 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guranteed by U. S. GovernmentObligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures... Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures. Real estate owned other than bank premises. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. _. Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets _ 134,298 151,766 133,583 142,178 75,101 86,627 5,809 7,137 6,627 655 38, 298 6,573 8,672 6,034 651 40,013 8,458 3,984 2,774 352 22,408 5,468 21,823 3,813 3 376 571 218 22,397 18,461 3,926 16 136 14,692 3,920 6 260 327 75 370,025 373,045 362,928 215,994 214,298 217,194 219, 301 109,796 59, 598 150 59,341 153 17, 521 31,361 10, 606 6,589 842,765 282,555 60,210 60,160 152 11,451 28, 217 832,590 271.515 61,075 61,180 406 4,585 13,143 3,875 6,168 199,158 187,071 62,082 376 784 1,512 103 582 730 1,793 201 753 1,843 79 293 323 1,264 140 343,041 Total assets- 136,474 147,211 346,071 335,504 201,173 9,570 11,560 5,514 340 9,570 11,570 5,489 345 9,570 11,583 5,925 346 4,570 8,615 1,587 26, 984 26, 974 27, 424 14,821 370,025 373,045 362,928 215,994 30, 214 30,013 30,796 17,605 6,721 655 38,229 8,122 3,888 16 582 658 150 239 561 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations. _ _ _ _ _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ r Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions. _. Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities. 26,994 14,439 5,657 340,116 279, 834 60,282 8,459 4,850 150 239 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits.._ Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 49 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 87 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued SOUTH CAROLINA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 25 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations... Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection _ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected _. Other assets _. _ June 30, 25 banks 25 banks 25 banks 135, 222 170,225 135,860 186,068 136,445 203,339 17,918 9,660 18,339 9,822 19,319 10,727 18,779 11,457 574 55,847 11,842 582 53, 542 8,652 592 62,750 15,193 602 59,614 14,455 47,757 3,338 58 52, 256 3,363 58 71, 594 3,489 82,812 3,470 66 51 133 378 316 42 43 403 322 425 312 461 241 446,103 Total assets. 135,987 162,244 452,828 506, 385 531, 779 280,678 288,722 327,054 333,804 51, 570 7 16,037 49, 238 14, 756 6,032 418,318 365,464 52,864 51,884 7 14, 521 13, 528 6,805 H449 4H,44 370,644 53,805 53,409 7 23,129 44,700 20,167 8,480 476,946 417,085 59,861 51, 574 7 19,881 66,993 21, 736 8,221 602,216 133 669 1,497 349 653 1,622 683 681 1,877 738 2,146 813 420,966 427,407 479,888 505,913 13 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations p tl i Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits ._ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities _ Total liabilities MM 68,047 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus -._ Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 7,987 11,088 4,791 1,271 8,037 11, 413 4,625 1,346 8,137 11,613 5,403 1,344 8,137 12,027 4,403 1,299 25,137 25,421 26,497 25,866 446,103 452,828 506,385 531,779 68,275 75,777 85,840 85,775 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes - REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec, 81, 1951—Continued SOUTH DAKOTA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 35 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations.._ Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions _. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collected __. Other assets.. _ June 30, 1951 35 banks 35 banks 35 banks 87,585 95.220 4 11,461 6,281 91,061 106,628 4 11,625 6,923 11,152 5,539 91,601 111,250 4 11,744 5,887 312 30,185 3,632 312 29,074 3,519 338 32,234 4,126 348 33,555 4,107 26,914 1,810 1 731 462 25,315 1,843 1 788 35,053 1,979 3 813 594 32,372 2,080 3 758 457 265,972 Total assets.. 84,675 261,889 289,524 294,166 159,416 154,589 184,304 185,300 48,161 3 6,529 24,688 8,738 2,161 249,696 199,758 49,9S8 48,309 49,211 3 5,351 21,838 9,516 1,669 271,892 220,904 60,988 50,194 3 4,798 24,141 10,583 1,636 276, 655 224, 679 51,976 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ _ _ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits. ___Deposits of U. S. Government. _ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits. Time deposits.. Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money.. _ Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate _ Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid.. Other liabilities _ 5,407 26,870 8,092 1,814 245,084 194,979 60,105 50 26 578 1,072 26 651 1,275 3 25 728 1,481 251,324 247,028 273,897 278,978 3,943 Total liabilities 200 27 577 1,020 4 4,243 3,468 778 14,648 2,874 875 4,243 7,019 3,437 928 4,593 7,031 2,663 901 14,861 15,627 15,188 265,972 261,889 289,524 294,166 39,507 39,251 39,572 40,450 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits Reserves Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts ___. , MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 89 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued TENNESSEE [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 73 banks 74 banks 74 banks 74 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank.__ Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection __. ___ Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises _ Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _. Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. Income earned or accrued but not collected__. Other assets 522, 229 461,339 6 81,182 550,465 506,866 6 83,444 17,938 604,655 505,030 6 83,870 18,201 2,526 192,294 24,566 2,565 189,912 21,377 2,717 199,346 27,674 2,704 199,600 28, 538 176,205 14,415 135 211,862 15,055 130 206,821 16,053 128 248,439 16,136 114 45 227 1,288 1,144 35 120 1,693 34 157 1,397 700 29 204 1,800 712 1,504,510 Total assets. 563,627 434,218 6 79,564 14,250 1,527,380 1,613,746 1,710,038 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations __. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits _. Deposits of U. S. Government. ____ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks _~_ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 726,972 745,303 790,033 813,901 278,955 169 39,555 114,080 230,954 11,019 1,401,704 1,108,106 293, 598 283,356 170 32,713 132,495 216,839 12,014 1,422,890 1,125,103 297,787 289,305 170 25,956 125,244 260,895 9,647 1,501,250 1,197,627 SOS, 62S 292,767 169 22,242 114,842 339,930 15,070 1,598,921 1,292,021 306,900 28 1,600 227 4,502 3,592 371 120 4,272 3,694 493 157 4,449 4,483 500 204 4,365 4,436 749 1,410,424 1,431,469 1,512,439 1,608,675 100 31,601 31,701 48,877 17,025 3,704 100 31,601 31,701 49,173 16, 785 3,704 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock ._ Common stock ^.._ Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits.. . Reserves and retirement account for*preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts _ 100 28,726 28,826 44,763 17,026 3,471 100 30,401 SO, 501 46,827 15,341 3,242 94,086 95,911 101,307 101,363 1,504,510 1,527,380 1,613,746 1,710,038 173,694 185,447 188,259 184,596 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _ 90 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1951—Continued TEXAS [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 442 banks 443 banks 443 banks 443 banks 2,082,303 1,693,141 3 231,174 63,651 2,064,429 1,706,576 3 234,386 62,507 2,082,564 1,831,160 3 246,844 63,223 2,204,177 1,970,072 3 251,630 61,350 8,648 815,356 74,973 8,948 812,540 64,491 9,003 813,102 87,553 9,164 856,463 88,583 896,372 55,714 5,700 975,721 54,636 5,977 1,105,871 56,298 6,930 1,396,911 57,261 7,303 8,165 12,343 5,030 3,218 9,049 2,462 5,425 3,135 11,060 8,463 5,141 3,829 10,862 27,970 5,821 4,266 5,955,791 6,010,285 6,331,044 6,951,836 3,678,012 3,958,578 4,172,224 459,114 400 132, 293 415,816 879,872 52,816 473,175 420 114,244 464,951 1,145,371 130,922 6,501,807 5,911, UO 590,167 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts).. U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures.__ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding. Income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets Total assets LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and 3,674,367 corporations .._ Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 437,824 400 Postal savings deposits 174, 548 Deposits of U. S. Government 490,515 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 713,244 Deposits of banks 55,833 Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits ___ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 453,245 400 160,704 458,967 787,889 57,900 5,546,781 5,597,117 5,012,828 5,085,778 58$, 90S 561,889 5,885,987 562,95% 2,286 1,057 2,462 4,633 17,177 1,759 8,490 4,833 20,995 944 28,871 4,988 20,717 1,892 5, 582,191 Total liabilities.. 1,010 12,578 4,821 16,442 609 5,625,434 5,935,208 6,557,775 200 139, 578 189,778 148,311 68,265 17,246 1U, 785 200 145,520 U5,720 154,456 67,266 18,344 155,031 76,894 18,191 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock... _ _ Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 200 144,585 200 147,830 U8,0S0 158,837 65,702 21,492 373,600 384,851 395,836 394,061 5,955,791 6,010,285 6,331,044 6,951,835 874,063 855,297 853,708 908,911 MEMOBANDTJM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes.._ _ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 91 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued UTAH [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 11 banks 11 banks 11 banks 11 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations.— Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions ._. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furnitures and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Income earned or accrued but not collected. Other assets -. Total assets 122,729 107,542 4 8,302 747 121,338 103,735 3 7,998 748 117,038 117,967 3 11,399 1,685 117,774 132,167 333 9,798 1,348 341 47,695 3,211 341 45,942 2,952 341 55, 264 3,579 342 58,851 3,853 25,401 2,722 26 27,798 2,854 30,025 2,887 26 28,205 2,681 24 780 59 971 735 51 133 725 55 512 725 87 187 320,530 314, 654 341,506 356,375 163,791 165,691 182,676 182, 521 68,074 1,020 9,595 29,999 24,375 1,968 298,822 229,150 69,672 69,787 1,020 6,800 24,767 24,369 2,091 294,525 223,085 71,440 70,970 1,020 5,320 23,263 32,721 1,784 317,754 243,931 73,823 73,605 1,020 5,005 35,362 34,099 3,861 335,473 258,765 76,708 2,000 1,065 1,370 228 1,027 1,393 293 3,000 1,127 1,239 418 1,104 1,440 504 303, 485 297,238 323, 538 338, 521 5,200 5,756 4,837 1,252 5,200 5,767 5,196 1,253 5,200 5,767 5,747 1,254 5,200 5,829 5,656 1,169 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits -.. Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits ..- Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus _-_ Undivided profits--. Reserves -. Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts 17,045 17,416 17,968 17,854 320, 530 314,654 341, 506 356,375 15,851 15,418 15,441 10,669 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 92 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued VERMONT [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 39 banks 38 banks 38 banks 38 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank.. Currency and coin _ Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection . Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate ... Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets . Total assets _ 55,042 47,353 27 6,664 4,343 55,079 44,562 18 7,498 4,226 54,699 49,616 18 7,395 4,714 54,292 50,282 18 6,522 4,834 12,683 2,613 317 13,160 2,345 317 15,013 3,103 318 15,631 3,027 10,875 1,552 34 11,234 1,542 32 12,521 1,622 27 15,443 1,571 23 23 124 87 23 146 84 23 127 92 23 132 141,746 140,266 149,287 152,215 53,561 52,056 58,887 60,947 63,126 3 2,450 3,835 1,087 1,018 125,080 65,023 3 1,487 5,153 1,013 1,920 6S, 712 64,245 3 1,601 3,476 1,027 2,368 124, 776 69,950 64,826 65,509 3 1,753 5,520 1,215 1,743 186,690 70,614 66,076 945 475 146 337 126 434 204 422 70 482 158 394 428 235 392 126,983 125,962 134,590 137,745 4,853 5,132 3,671 1,107 4,703 5,004 3,471 1,126 4,703 5,008 3,849 1,137 4,703 5,064 3,624 1,079 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ... Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits — _ Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions _ Deposits of banks... Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits. Demand deposits -. -. Time deposits. Bills, payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities. er liabiliti Total liabilities.. 61, S68 1SS, 486 67,878 65,608 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus Undivided profits. Reserves Total capital accounts . Total liabilities and capital accounts 14,763 14,304 14,697 14,470 141,746 140,266 149,287 152,215 6,864 5,664 5,694 6,663 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 93 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec, 81, 1951—Continued VIRGINIA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 132 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations ... Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government. _ _ Obligations of States and political subdivisions.... Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection. — Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding... Income earned or accrued but not collected _ Other assets Total assets June 30, 1951 132 banks 132 banks 133 banks 434,916 404,860 21 42,676 21,885 433,231 423,377 17 44, 597 20, 538 432,001 470,974 17 49,065 24,246 444,455 485, 537 17 51,134 26,084 2,128 133,217 26,504 2,132 136,798 21,151 2,144 157,847 30,171 2,183 146,195 31,499 125,260 12,060 135 127,198 12,145 176 158,862 12,397 209 174,312 12,254 310 684 161 1,012 1,383 684 364 1,146 1,220 694 295 987 1,578 702 305 1,330 1,607 1, 206,902 1, 224,774 1,341, 487 1,377,924 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _ Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid ^ Other liabilities Total liabilities 573, 593 578, 794 661,416 657, 569 312,114 120 53,158 73,869 80,876 12,704 1,106,434 761,486 313,676 120 47,626 80,793 85,463 16,774 1,128,246 775,596 347,850 322,172 120 40,610 75,532 121,945 16,359 1,238,154 878,759 359,895 322,963 120 36,370 93,615 141,458 21,544 1,278,689 912,892 860,747 800 1,300 161 2,000 3,732 364 2,081 3,319 969 295 2,183 4,091 50 307 2,194 4,452 1,113, 215 1,131,279 1, 244, 773 1,281,830 28,676 41,142 18,879 4,990 28,721 41,499 18,329 4,946 28,731 42, 239 20,756 4,988 29,281 42,871 18,967 4,975 340 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits __•_. Reserves Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 93,687 93, 495 '6,714 96,094 1, 206,902 1, 224, 774 1,341,487 1,377,924 188, 504 188,278 191,724 201,822 MEMORANDUM A.ssets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for otfher purposes 1.0061—52 94 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. SI, 1951—Continued VIRGIN ISLANDS OF THE UNITED STATES [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 lbank lbank lbank 1 bank ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts). U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Reserve with approved national banking associations _. Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets .. 1,446 2,667 1,506 2,684 1,582 2,683 459 341 480 230 244 350 460 371 20 14 6 18 28 11 34 5 31 11 3 14 75 10 40 4 5,084 Total assets 1,458 2,768 4,901 4,843 5,225 1,564 1,322 1,328 1,442 2,009 2,056 2,114 2,199 228 817 23 21 4,662 2,584 2,078 235 822 17 14 4,466 2,343 2,123 241 684 20 17 4,404 2,229 2,175 240 823 19 39 4,762 2,490 2,272 7 11 12 7 16 8 8 13 8 9 27 9 4,692 4,497 4,433 4,807 100 50 150 100 47 95 100 50 160 100 45 109 100 50 150 100 53 107 100 50 160 100 46 122 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of TJ. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned . . . Expenses accrued and unpaid _ Other liabilities. Total liabilities CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts... Total liabilities and capital accounts _ 392 404 410 418 5,084 4,901 4,843 5,225 320 320 320 320 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes _. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 95 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued WASHINGTON [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 35 banks 35 banks 35 banks 630,268 505,277 666,640 544,913 688,227 551,433 665,206 575,235 173,319 34, 549 155,113 33,436 145,399 26,465 144,626 25, 594 2,204 233,038 24,087 2,224 237, 950 25,151 2,241 257, 059 28,317 2,319 251,833 31,845 171, 555 15,077 420 193,643 16,417 324 195,809 17,728 435 224,692 18, 499 351 569 296 3,445 1,166 475 378 3,826 1,162 475 239 3,868 679 475 140 3,479 943 1, 795, 270 Total assets . Oct. 10, 1951 36 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations.. _ Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government _•__. Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank * Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets _ _ June 30, 1951 1,881,652 1,918,374 1,945,237 977,114 961,237 1,072,230 1,112,109 419,899 9 67,824 120,675 71,110 17,720 1,674,851 1,249,490 484,861 423,932 9 80,654 202,781 75,220 18,020 1,761,858 1,832,209 432, 538 9 53,052 120,104 98,002 17,924 1,798,859 1,855,604 488,255 442, 845 9 35,685 119,141 94,994 17,031 1,821,814 1,878,252 448,562 2,300 496 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding _._-_. Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 4%9,644 110 104 304 4,289 4,897 642 461 3,978 4,258 619 305 4,563 6,645 791 191 4,551 5,357 1, 771,769 1, 806,261 1,832, 734 31,910 42, 596 22,745 12,632 32,450 42,383 24, 595 12,685 32,450 44,960 22,245 12,848 Total liabilities 92 729 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits Reserves __. Total capital accounts. Total liabilities and capital accounts. 31,460 42,129 22,126 12,662 108, 377 109,883 112,113 112, 503 1, 795, 270 1,881,652 1,918,374 1,945, 237 319,248 400,040 349,158 311,018 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 96 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued WEST VIRGINIA [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 74 banks 74 banks 74 banks 145,322 236,792 150,449 234,086 147,498 248,166 149,062 245,955 17,173 9,593 17,363 9,438 18,066 9,285 21,891 9,694 1,032 57,818 13,919 1,031 58,902 11,353 1,061 61,275 16,260 1,042 69,372 14,999 52,417 4,969 32 61,324 4,914 26 64,265 4,994 18 78,500 4,865 31 2 161 554 193 493 148 508 539,784 Total assets. 1951 74 banks Loans and discounts (including overdrafts)-. U. 8. Government securities, direct obligations... Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government :__. Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _ Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets June 30, 549,572 571,544 221 487 596,119 278,863 283,517 301,539 287,551 129,958 35 19,316 34,952 23,601 6,928 493,658 862,081 181,572 130,479 35 15,115 41,304 25,711 7,170 508,831 871,278 182,058 133,579 35 11,618 40,025 30,086 6,299 628,181 888,127 135,051 130,091 185 12,954 67,696 36,176 13,812 1,625 1,425 2,000 1,400 14 361 1,072 128 14 331 1,098 371 14 363 1,149 117 14 382 1,384 496,853 506,570 526,824 551, 914 12,935 21,096 6,963 1,937 12,985 21,394 6,586 2,037 12,985 21,582 8,153 2,000 12,985 22,053 6,887 2,280 1951 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government _ _ Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money _ 1 Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate. _ Income collected but not earned.. Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 548,465 416,782 181, 783 269 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves _ Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 42,931 43,002 44, 720 44,205 539,784 549,572 571,544 596,119 80,050 78,643 79,803 107,256 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 97 Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued WISCONSIN [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 95 banks 95 banks 95 banks 95 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank _ Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection.. Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate _, _ Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected .. Other assets. ._ 59,404 374, 210 697,634 62 59,963 58,850 385, 958 710, 707 68 61, 573 59, 406 400, 618 714,499 13 62,692 58,141 1,898 177,244 18,583 1,907 179,455 17, 569 1,971 172, 802 22,391 2,137 190,472 22,809 161,986 9,247 3 170,035 9,220 6 170, 761 9,257 17 210,352 9,224 20 1 104 2,779 2,740 81 3,022 2,475 43 2,632 2,506 41 3,197 2,777 1,553,339 Total assets.. 377, 259 682,494 49 1, 574,489 1,600,092 1, 676, 992 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations _ Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions „-_. Deposits of banks _._ Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits ._ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money _ Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned. Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities.. 678,000 714,278 760,351 465,998 44 98, 560 80,942 107,994 19,188 1,450,726 976,884 478,892 468,149 544 81,391 78,971 108,075 20,112 1,471,520 995,495 476,025 476,370 844 59, 719 59,437 123,863 12, 914 1,498,498 1,009,867 488,681 104 1,819 4,227 490 81 1,750 3,919 670 43 1,855 5,358 451 41 1,822 3,769 623 1,457,366 1,477,940 1,501,205 1,579,497 50 28, 605 28,665 36,847 28,436 4,949 50 28, 605 28,666 42, 761 21,467 4,612 834,279 480, 760 847 43, 568 56,895 129,020 27,873 1,578,242 1,085,709 487,588 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock Total capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 50 28, 580 28,680 34, 519 27, 995 4,829 50 28, 605 28, 665 34, 793 28, 075 5,026 95, 973 96, 549 1, 553,339 1,574,489 1,600,092 1, 676,992 184, 596 181,162 180,462 181, 888 97,495 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 98 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks, by States, at date of each call during year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued WYOMING [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 24 banks 24 banks 24 banks 24 banks ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts)— U. S. Government securities, direct obligations. Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions. Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collectionBank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Income earned or accrued but not collectedOther assets 55,117 73,603 56,852 77,084 56,667 93,213 7,115 2,235 7,615 2,257 7,387 2,113 7,616 2,468 227 20,825 3,445 227 21,647 3,176 232 25, 919 3,974 251 23,213 4,156 19,568 1,351 22,355 1,393 33,694 1,455 153 66 168 70 168 67 36,654 1,420 25 183 72 183,943 Total assets . 54,429 74,529 187,628 208,945 225,938 106, 712 109, 522 125, 731 133,273 29,647 17 4,190 20,727 8,549 2,149 171,991 W, 925 50,066 31,042 17 3,801 21,845 7,597 1,680 175,504 144,029 SI, 475' 33,798 18 3,221 19,675 11,885 1,874 196,202 161, 976 84,226 35,905 18 2,650 26,126 13,493 2,239 21S, 704 177, S51 86,858 500 431 500 429 311 36 500 461 445 5 416 54 173,213 176,780 197,613 214,643 2,485 5,095 2,725 425 2,485 5,140 2, 751 472 2,485 5,265 3,148 434 2,510 5,515 2,730 540 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities . CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus Undivided profits Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 10,730 10,848 11,332 11, 295 183,943 187,628 208,945 225,938 34,754 34,553 34,297 37,350 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes TABLE N O . 14.—Fiduciary activities of national banks as of Dec. 31,1951 Banks with capital of $25,000 Number of national banks with trust powers but not administering trusts Number of national banks with trust powers administering trusts.. Total number of national banks authorized to exercise trust powers. $50,001 to $100,000 25,001 to $50,000 $100,001 to $200,000 $200,001 to $500,000 $500,000 a n d over Total 49 41 86 251 66 447 37 410 16 356 261 1,512 14 90 337 513 447 372 1, 773 $10,413,362 14,769, 890 $136, 652, 800 120, 967, 888 $427, 526,352 1,354,326,978 $575,186, 649 3, 762, 631, 946 $585, 924, 699 7, 545,431, 780 $1,817,362, 778 69,730,738,773 $3, 553,066, 640 82, 528, 867, 255 25,183, 252 257, 620, 688 1, 781, 853,330 4,337, 818, 595 8,131,356,479 71, 548,101, 551 86,081, 933,895 $179, 833 3,246 36, 624 $3, 833, 287 251, 944 732, 535 7,355 $56,448, 943 2, 294,008 6,144, 509 2, 712, 939 $291,339, 748 8, 338, 865 28, 780, 271 13,621,225 $1, 096,397,385 $18, 539, 743,774 373, 531,147 17,030,352 709, 759, 549 70,184,346 133, 721, 773 14, 781, 534, 614 $19,987, 942, 970 401,449, 562 815, 637, 834 14,931, 597, 906 219, 703 4, 825,121 67, 600,399 342, 080,109 1,317,333,856 34, 404,569,084 36,136, 628, 272 $2, 928 216, 775 $836,301 3, 960, 633 28,187 $15, 955, 560 42, 220,454 9,424,385 $93,140,819 172, 870, 621 76, 068, 669 $584, 246,169 415,024, 940 318,062, 747 $5, 619, 677,077 3, 016,005,487 25, 768,886, 520 $6,313,858,854 3, 650, 298, 910 26,172,470, 508 219, 703 Total assets of national banks with trust powers but not administering trusts Total assets of national banks with trust powers administering trusts... Total assets of national banks authorized to exercise trust powers. 7 7 4, 825,121 67, 600,399 342, 080,109 1,317,333, 856 34,404, 569,084 36,136,628,272 $46, 500 2 7 $251, 275 24 37 $9, 948, 023 171 231 $122, 372, 524 363 425 $351,924, 860 $14,066,020,480 377 347 382 340 $14, 550, 563, 662 1,284 1,422 2 2 7 57 47 208 161 281 190 320 290 868 697 2 24 86 361 1,011 3,293 4,570 11,639 13,108 20, 425 65,663 51,407 84,440 87,149 5 235 2,135 5,992 69, 804 78,171 26 11 452 11 4,539 99 18,344 567 39, 525 980 186, 874 15, 719 249, 760 17,387 o 3 TRUST ASSETS Investments _ _ _ Time deposits. Demand deposits . Other assets. Total _ _ . ._ TRUST LIABILITIES Private trusts Court trusts Other liabilities Total . Total volume of bond issues outstanding for which banks are acting as trustee.. _ Number of national banks administering private trusts Number of national banks administering court trusts Number of national banks administering agency, custodian, escrow, safekeeping, etc., trusts Number of national banks administering corporate trusts Number of living trusts being administered Number of court trusts being administered Number of agency, custodian, escrow, safekeeping, etc., trusts being administered Total number of individual trusts being administered Number of corporate trusts being administered Total number of trusts being administered _ _ Average volume of individual trust assets in each bank Average volume of trust assets in each individual trust. _. Average gross earnings per trust for year ended Dec. 31,1951 Average gross earnings per trust department reporting trust earnings for year ended Dec. 31,1951 37 463 4,638 18, 911 40, 505 202, 593 267,147 $31,386 $8,450 $33 $117, 686 $10, 675 $75 $269,324 $14, 893 $105 $765, 280 $18, 648 $118 $3, 213, 009 $33,329 $142 $96, 642, 048 $184,106 $327 $995 $2,052 $5,293 $14, 502 $186,495 o o o si 1 $23, 899, 886 $144, 685 $280 $203 B $51,368 CO TABLE N O . 15.—Fiduciary activities of national banks by Federal Reserve districts as of Dec. 31, 1951 Number Number with of banks authority Federal Reserve exercising but not districts fiduciary exercising fiduciary powers powers Total number authorized to exercise fiduciary powers Capital of banks authorized to exercise fiduciary powers Number of individual trusts Total banking assets of banks authorized to Agency, exercise Living Court custodian, Total fiduciary escrow, trusts trusts safekeeping, powers etc. Assets of individual trusts Number Trust deof corpartment Bond issues porate gross outstanding trusts earnings where bank being for year adminis- acts as trustee ended Dec. tered 31, 1951 o w 3 Boston New York.. Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. L o u i s Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas . San Francisco Total _. .. _ 160 224 221 101 133 100 197 98 45 102 76 55 31 25 8 14 17 20 37 24 20 35 23 7 1, 512 261 $111,909,167 372,888, 799 98,072,850 156,020,000 67,928,000 94,760,500 271, 755, 000 60,821,500 38,855,000 77,380,000 117,695,000 314,020,000 $4,891,906,544 16,387,710,069 4,068,176,292 6,604,176,321 3,879,239.164 5,371.300,421 12.985,926.397 3,101,693,197 2.312,288,878 1525,412, 704 5,572,496,853 16.381,607,055 4,485 5,109 6,454 8,940 5,063 4,675 27,574 2,000 2,420 3,854 3,934 9,932 6.371 9,117 16,474 10.247 7,732 4,431 11,088 3,111 3,417 2.519 1,342 11,300 4.635 15, 706 1,483 4,643 3,249 5,417 13,909 851 4,400 12,924 2,634 8,320 15.491 29,932 24,411 23,830 16,044 14,523 52,571 5,962 10,237 19,297 7,910 29,552 $1, 739,597, 658 13,141, 526,940 588, 649, 582 3,128,354, 440 1, 007, 941, 6£2 1. 414, 775,312 8, 736, 564, 959 273,023,283 1.479, 767,045 1,343,066,460 655.381,088 2. 627,979,853 459 615 421 2,140 431 1,168 7,295 1,747 378 829 728 1.176 $343,151,909 5,743. 776,187 86.001,490 1.073,094.213 494. 692,543 583,980,815 3,599,732,298 221, 746,461 152,371,947 696,746,582 535,819,230 1,019,449,987 $5,260,000 13,577,000 2,672,000 8,597,000 3,603,000 3,807,000 14,699,000 1,386,000 2,552,000 2,737,000 2, 954,000 13, 286,000 1,773 1, 782,105,816 86,081,933,895 84,449 87,149 78,171 249,760 36,136,628; 272 17.387 14,550.563,662 75,130,000 191 249 229 115 150 120 234 122 65 137 99 62 1 o o o d 3 o TABLE NO. 16.—Classification of investments in living and court trust accounts under administration by the active national bank trust departments. Dec. 81, 1951 Trust investments classified according capital of banks administering trusts Banks with Banks with Banks with Banks with Banks with Banks with Total capital of $25,000 capital of $25,001 to $50,000 capital of $50,001 to $100,000.—capital of $100,001 to $200,000 capital of $200,001 to $500,000 capital of $500,001 and over .- _ __- to Bonds Percent Stocks Percent Real-estate mortgages Percent Real estate Percent Miscellaneous Percent Total investments $125,867 1, 965, 250 26,866, 276 123, 225, 298 328, 501,174 12, 426,128, 890 $5,736 69.99 774. 501 51.27 17,376, 832 47.59 42.30 104, 998, 987 29.96 362,836,585 67.03 4,180, 919,157 3.19 20.21 30.78 30.04 33.09 22.55 $42, 229 258,164 4, 273, 213 29, 230, 957 294, 547, 976 497. 765, 402 23.48 6.73 7.57 10.03 26.87 2.68 $4, 550 809, 766 6, 691, 284 23, 943, 990 73, 771, 433 570,189, 056 2.53 21.12 11.86 8.22 6.73 3.08 $1,451 25,606 1, 241,338 9, 940, 516 36, 740, 217 864, 741, 269 0.81 $179,833 .67 3,833, 287 2.20 56, 448,943 3.41 291,339, 748 3.35 1, 096,397,385 4.66 18,539, 743, 774 12, 906, 812, 755 64.57 4, 666,911, 798 23.35 826,117, 941 4.13 675,410,079 3.38 91% 690,397 4.57 19, 987, 942, 970 TABLE N O . 17.—Fiduciary activities of national banks by States as of Dec. 31, 1951 Location Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California ... Colorado _ Connecticut Delaware District of ColumbiaFlorida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois _ _ Indiana Iowa. Kansas Kentucky Louisiana _._ Maine Maryland Massachusetts., Michigan Minnesota ______ Mississippi Missouri. Montana Nebraska Nevada ; _ New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Number Total Capital of Number with aunumber banks auof banks thority authorized thorized to exercising but not fiduciary exercising to exercise exercise fidupowers fiduciary fiduciary ciary powers powers powers 80 30 26 43 15 23 13 69 18 20 13 28 8 10 2 22 107 4 151 23 3 43 19 31 3 2 18 22 29 34 6 7 26 18 1 3 107 90 44 32 52 17 25 18 85 22 26 16 35 10 17 3 32 122 7 163 24 6 48 27 7 $17,495,000 950,000 7,400,000 7,825,000 238,010,000 11,590,000 20,683,000 925,000 12,000,000 23,850,000 18,512,500 4,000,000 5,850,000 195,480,000 31,735,000 11,340,000 11,625,000 11,750,000 17,800,000 8,550,000 10,200,000 75,645,000 34,420,000 27,930,000 3,878,000 37,775,000 3,075,000 13,805,000 1,725,000 4,691,667 49,309, 550 4,250,000 331, 543,749 6,875,000 1,700,000 65,275,000 21,750,000 21,185,000 Number of individual trusts Total banking assets of banks auAgency, thorized to Court custodian, exercise fidu- Living trusts escrow, Total ciary powers trusts safekeeping etc., trusts $930,379,898 1,406 63, 779,841 0) 406,136,829 0) 369,521,877 278 11,794,655,258 5,627 800,769,796 967 941,211,413 1,511 25,659,306 18 782,945,197 889 1,208,388,717 1,295 1,079,032,437 687 194,133,904 311,495,093 166 8,424,053,624 24,122 1,177,280,996 1,636 430 702,579,223 581 676,293,127 335 618,501,095 452 1,329,466,388 379 232,867,741 562 620,484,171 3,446,995,410 2,161 2,724,661,811 1,310 1,719,085,224 2,046 214,633,929 212 1,870,136,712 1,663 186,090,041 66 703,470,341 398 159, 758,722 2 370 191,982,472 242 2,426,851,528 1,206 171 200,196,917 14,303,941,661 4,038 447,872,979 385 84,525,339 135 3,382,251,001 3,093 1,163,182,118 397 1,333,027,826 1,381 1,160 606 0) (0 • 709 8,483 1,051 3,231 117 164 1,141 1,085 312 5,592 2,973 545 310, 1,398 599 581 543 2,216 1,339 2,695 214 382 46 343 2 657 273 2,913 143 6,900 1,692 199 3,000 184 642 (0 0) Trust Number department of corBond issues gross earnporate ings for outstanding Assets of indi- trusts where bank vidual trusts being acts as trustee year ended Dec. 31, adminis1951 tered 3,172 $352,339,374 0) 0) 0) <0 58 6,342 1,045 1,241 20,452 2,288 3,259 7,030 2 137 557 1,610 1,198 774 3,634 2,546 500 22 9,902 39,616 5,876 1,267 378 1,353 3,306 4,197 173 1,906 2,816 1,765 264 1,224 1,526 421 6,540 2,163 4,267 1,618 4,237 8,978 465 39 3,658 1,613 41 153 1,246 2 1,987 2 165 1,192 116 631 1,397 5,516 685 371 14,090 25,028 103 2,180 27 361 2,987 5,004 5,585 340 2,363 26,699,057 2,018,584,300 229,708,793 575,982,205 1,604,500 214,130,467 369,083,342 217,091,685 8,045,783 6,956,096,570 253,236,216 59,759,476 132,846,246 37,651,208 318,458,727 84,935,337 151,097,309 1,032,212,780 1,334,461,617 1,448,434,177 12,885,551 460,228,917 3,821,722 237,028,277 2 78,304,799 32,275,261 505,809,111 15,602,929 12,670,441,541 56,250,532 10,804,830 1,325,196,839 319,128,863 196, 560,303 481 $153,721,591 937 156 157 120,492,996 950,590,809 91,942,051 52,047,987 29 154 305 112,951,346 211,569,959 90,820,603 151,000 10,704,000 673,000 2,063,000 13,000 647,000 1,036,000 918,000 27 1,421 253 2,082,000 3,170,830,962 90,316,298 9,672,448 78,845,625 9,662,575 103,427,319 57,059,472 96,165,397 231,459,446 293,631,837 68,163,096 988,300 104, 591,845 2,142,525 136,220, 540 2 4,446,280 1,585,379 45,482,303 36, 522,879 5,700,729,922 91,978,762 80,976,203 316,906, 549 320, 571,479 9, 586,400 56,000 10,899,000 1,047,000 377,000 343,000 251,000 384,000 311,000 387,000 2,772,000 2,058,000 2,368,000 74,000 1,160,000 26,000 346,000 2 481,000 139,000 1, 726,000 153,000 11,856,000 387,000 57,000 3,647,000 444,000 737,000 70 203 110 28 182 374 312 19 419 16 119 2 27 12 115 41 534 129 35 1,558 140 118 ([) $873,000 0) Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin dming -- 205 3 10 5 24 73 3 18 63 18 20 24 12 TotaL.._. 1,512 169,245,350 3,870,000 6,600,000 3,175,000 28,136, 500 113,545,000 4,000,000 3,227,500 24,683,000 30,900,000 8,345,000 12,065,000 1,910,000 1,773 1,782,105,816 86,081,933,895 1 Included withfiguresfor the State of Nevada. Includes figures for 2 banks in Alaska and 2 banks in Arizona. 2 6,445,809,665 197,283,927 460, 501,074 194,981,838 1,547,009,874 5,284,605,803 240,501,353 114,385,166 1,171,743,412 1,878,118,229 418,282,232 693,593,965 186,817,395 11,759 21, 745 252 209 1,271 499 103 233 1,200 1,250 3,757 1,293 158 190 198 344 1,383 3,558 2,230 1,016 598 1,338 771 1,927 145 269 84,440 87,149 2,773 258 252 55 717 2,607 323 53 1,723 1,128 203 1,019 385 36,277 2,261,904,220 67,591, 537 719 . 91,753,223 2,022 • 10,529,702 391 272, 583,898 3,167 627,794,169 7,657 37,929,102 671 16,069,962 595 450,377,701 6,664 288, 555,566 4,374 50,721,351 2,139 195,972,513 3,717 18,046,684 799 78,171 249,760 36,136,628,272 837,625,316 1,773,700 84,955,441 68,600 35,846,655 535,089,063 3,002,000 776,475 104,473,331 49,742,498 4,236,516 44,450,521 340,363 7,103,000 235,000 300,000 47,000 950,000 2,859,000 108,000 83,000 1,586,000 1,200,000 331,000 719,000 45,000 17,387 14,550,563,662 75,130,000 946 4 96 10 614 669 92 6 131 213 19 242 28 W O o 3 Ed O f g Ed d Ed Ed o TABLE NO. 18.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 [In thousands of dollars] Earnings from current operations Location Maine. New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut _ 51 38 115 6 48 .__ Total New England States New York _ New Jersey _ Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland _-_ District of Columbia.-. Interest and dividends on securities U.S. Government obligations 1,714 1,229 886 18,514 2,252 5,424 Other securities 472 339 213 4,062 195 1,503 Interest and discount on loans 4,048 3,999 3,124 45,521 4,743 11,520 Service charges and other fees on banks' loans 10 13 19 476 5 94 Other service charges, comService missions, Trust charges fees, and departon deposit collection accounts and exchange ment charges 414 692 303 4,598 416 1,714 101 143 76 2,664 59 403 311 139 83 2,772 235 2,063 Other current earnings 212 302 144 6,756 275 1,107 Total earnings from current operations 7,282 6,856 4,848 85,363 8,180 23,828 290 30,019 6,784 72,955 617 8,137 3,446 5,603 8,796 136,357 372 202 619 11 68,931 20,325 51,790 337 5,719 5,785 27,142 5,520 18,018 70 734 480 168,004 35,720 97,428 725 7,574 7,623 3,537 238 892 5 28 42 12,540 4,766 6,536 37 770 1,128 5,559 907 2,694 17 230 191 11,856 1,726 7,103 13 387 647 26,611 2,247 7,886 13 646 461 324,180 71,449 192,347 1,217 16,088 16,357 1,272 __ _. 152,887 51,964 317,074 4,742 25,777 21,732 37,864 621,638 133 74 46 25 51 63 70 24 36 443 52 93 74 7,783 4,266 2,842 2,874 4,712 10,901 5,603 1,373 8,775 30, 561 2,789 4, 464 8,118 1,585 538 586 525 1,239 2,193 1,821 681 1,829 7,101 1,102 929 2,210 21,129 8,322 8,523 6,453 19, 249 14,505 17,153 3,085 14, 234 97,787 6,287 10,102 26,262 141 139 103 11 215 72 118 8 26 907 25 147 134 1,802 663 1,054 978 2,016 3,188 1,561 445 1,855 6,247 799 845 1,393 574 215 552 763 2,030 1,224 1,013 512 1,081 3,787 639 167 1,591 1,586 331 387 300 918 1,036 873 74 384 2,859 151 251 950 1,051 700 641 279 1,171 2,514 1,418 202 2,082 526 574 1,515 35,651 15,174 14,688 12,183 31,550 35,633 29,560 6,380 30, 266 158,512 12,318 17,479 42,173 95,061 22,339 2,046 22,846 14,148 10,100 21,936 441, 567 _. Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina. Georgia. _ Florida _ Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Number of banks l __. - Total Southern States 1,184 253,091 Ohio : Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin . Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States . 239 125 386 78 95 178 97 79 26, 923 14, 471 67,637 22, 732 11,976 11,808 5,353 9,577 4,826 2,182 14,055 3,866 2,283 3,422 1,451 2,502 50,054 22,343 99,169 40, 596 15,084 33, 217 10, 769 24,176 462 244 1.996 666 165 308 35 196 4,586 2,307 9,883 3,316 1,677 3,291 1,270 1,361 . 1,513 686 2,625 1,567 585 2,524 557 434 3,647 1,047 10,899 2,058 719 2,368 377 1,160 5,502 2,271 10,257 2, 249 1,812 2,246 738 1,084 97, 513 45, 551 216, 521 77,050 34,301 59,184 20,550 40,490 .___ 1,277 170,477 34, 587 295,408 4,072 27, 691 10,491 22, 275 26,159 591,160 642 59 596 286 3,646 40 7,639 255 57 North Dakota 8,550 255 47 55 667 589 343 4,878 35 South Dakota Nebraska 24,820 1,281 346 45 1,596 581 1,314 13,632 123 Kansas „ 24,152 1,298 343 121 1,637 440 1,442 13,001 174 Montana 8,060 435 26 103 654 276 310 3,973 39 Wyoming 5,603 253 45 58 401 194 207 3,132 24 Colorado 24,296 894 673 76 1,904 385 852 13,044 77 New Mexico 8,383 285 153 173 427 205 170 5,366 26 Oklahoma 40,489 2,593 444 83 2,432 751 2,264 23,061 198 10,360 773 36,238 7,188 736 151,992 7,549 2,134 83, 733 4,017 Total Western States 436 4,613 3,874 32,624 9,326 35 54,853 1,534 1,200 1,246 Washington Oregon 39,339 1,187 737 237 2,862 819 7,677 1,943 23,877 20 California 369,347 14,423 10, 704 5,263 23,829 6,057 58,427 18. 236 232,408 93 Idaho 10,946 342 56 105 755 188 2,561 207 6, 732 13 Utah 9,303 389 108 205 604 177 1,806 185 5,829 11 Nevada 4,744 230 159 82 248 68 1,168 195 2,594 5 Arizona 14,875 1,186 302 344 1,010 320 1,537 452 9,724 3 82,502 25,092 6,672 33,921 8,875 313,788 180 13, 266 503,407 19,291 Total Pacific States 18,922 128,732 1,336,049 567,184 147,954 4,939 2,446,121 121, 595 75,110 50, 575 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 12 78 2,445 72 601 86 1,053 523 5 20 Alaska (nonmember banks) 5,592 162 209 368 3,556 1,058 239 1 The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) 1 2 84 200 47 1 66 Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank)... 86 448 4,693 20 1,628 251 8,237 235 876 7 Total possessions (nonmember banks) 129,180 19,008 1,340, 742 568,812 148,205 2,454,358 121,830 51,451 4,946 75,130 Total United States and possessions 2,594 5,713 116,631 49,560 22,280 234,980 24,212 3,193 5 10, 797 121,771 9,286 6,781 57,614 907 1,626 660 10 36,964 7,933 New York City (central Reserve city) _ 1,042,595 48,664 34,868 10,148 53,317 20,246 211 219,883 57,215 598,254 Chicago (central Reserve city) 1,046,775 20,159 41,938 563,550 5,273 68,076 26,476 4,713 260, 777 60,526 Other Reserve cities 8,237 235 20 876 4,693 86 448 1,628 251 7 Country banks (member banks) Possessions (nonmember banks) i Number of banks as of end of year, butfiguresof earnings ,expenses ,etc, include those banks which were in operation a part of the year but were inactive at the close of the year. 2,098 1,716 6,025 5,870 2,283 1,313 6,468 1,604 8.861 TABLE NO. 18.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Current operating expenses Fees paid to directors Interest and mem- on time bers of deposits Employees other executive, (including than officers discount savings and advisory 2 Amount Number committees Salaries and wages Location Officers Amount Maine New Hampshire . _ Vermont Massachusetts _ Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States.. New York _ New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia.. Total Eastern States 937 943 571 8,219 683 2,929 168 186 130 1,015 64 384 1,294 1,169 812 17, 701 1,359 5,399 574 551 373 7,276 337 2,298 93 97 77 430 69 148 901 588 1,020 3,942 809 1,827 Taxes other than on net income Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture Other current operating expenses Total current operating expenses 1,317 1,366 876 15, 949 1,323 4,480 4,861 4,530 3,533 50,519 4,592 16,042 Net earnings from current operations fixtures 9 13 2 97 8 36 252 187 79 2, 592 212 655 58 167 96 1,589 129 568 2,421 2,326 1,315 34,844 3,588 7,786 14, 282 ._ 1,947 27, 734 11,409 914 9,087 165 3,977 2,607 25,311 84,077 52, 280 26, 966 7,704 18,835 171 1,682 1,759 . Virginia . . West Virginia North Carolina _ South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama. Mississippi - - __ _ _ Louisiana Texas Arkansas - Kentucky . Tennessee _ Total Southern States.. Ohio - .. Indiana Illinois Michigan Number i Interest and discount on borrowed money 2,967 1,186 2,948 37 270 190 72, 044 14, 262 35, 250 165 2,711 3,497 24,467 6,017 13, 215 65 1,162 1,273 1,263 846 1,892 21 175 122 . 17,125 9,039 18,447 152 1,496 668 1,377 113 347 36 21 6,967 2,857 6,463 30 754 570 3,000 1,730 3,433 29 261 319 57, 737 12. 272 27, 977 174 2,631 2,617 186,479 48,823 112, 644 742 9,746 9,573 137, 701 22. 626 79, 703 475 6,342 6,784 57,117 7,598 127, 929 46,199 4,319 46, 927 1,894 17,641 8,772 103,408 368,007 253,631 4,168 1,818 1,897 1,459 3,362 3,769 3,360 952 3,156 20,031 1,848 2,322 4,356 737 309 275 232 462 555 485 149 371 2,895 292 461 659 5 ; 873 2,384 2,625 2,381 6,337 7,185 5,238 1,202 6,199 26,303 1,965 2,910 7,610 2,621 984 1,117 1,070 2,661 3,092 2,213 530 2,523 10, 776 892 1,432 3,388 313 161 88 66 190 168 154 71 190 863 136 183 174 4,032 1,496 880 458 1,329 1,826 1,828 406 1,913 4,601 486 998 3,522 43 30 20 5 85 43 6 1 5 68 8 26 137 1,186 385 340 119 1,546 939 291 291 1,811 8,967 390 697 1,838 698 359 324 231 541 1,052 490 95 552 2,510 188 342 671 5,116 2,331 2,639 2,280 7,373 6,746 5,130 1,207 5,339 27, 514 2,098 2,811 7,006 21,429 8,964 8,813 6,999 20,763 21, 728 16, 497 4.225 19,165 90, 857 7,119 10, 289 25,314 14, 222 6,210 5,875 5,184 10, 787 13,905 13,063 2,155 11,101 67,655 5,199 7,190 16, 859 52,498 7,882 78,212 33, 299 2,757 23,775 477 18, 800 8,053 77, 590 262,162 179,405 9,660 4,981 20,276 6,500 1,426 772 2,397 671 17,324 8,468 40,183 17,325 7,019 3,542 14,815 6,659 665 297 974 291 8,812 4,153 20, 049 7,221 123 15 452 336 6,670 2,473 6,512 2,292 1,588 771 2,390 972 15, 657 7,720 35, 662 12, 016 60,499 28, 878 126,498 46,953 37,014 16, 673 90,023 30,097 Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon... California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) Total possessions (nonmember banks) Total United States and possessions New York City (central Reserve city). Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities Country banks (member banks) 3,896 7,041 3,000 4,221 542 1,066 467 598 7,761 12,355 3,358 7,943 3,125 4,905 1,443 3,285 231 299 135 199 3,789 4,920 1,485 2,108 27 228 25 79 597 762 442 743 608 858 283 646 6,147 10,140 3,489 6,889 23, 056 36, 603 12, 217 22, 828 11, 245 22, 581 8,333 17, 662 59, 575 7,939 114, 717 44, 793 3,091 52,537 1,285 20, 491 8,116 97, 720 357, 532 233, 628 994 1, 262 3, 576 3,831 997 837 2,848 1,065 5,675 176 221 562 721 164 143 454 175 980 1,208 1,425 4,082 3,595 1,446 940 4,365 1, 696 6, 650 581 674 1,814 1,611 645 361 1,861 731 2,849 42 30 202 220 33 55 211 40 191 636 515 840 839 359 383 2,180 453 1,469 7 9 130 7 3 8 27 19 55 145 136 806 721 513 165 310 304 553 132 159 358 274 165 185 261 165 837 1,247 1,606 4.645 4,379 1,507 793 3,751 1,561 6,952 4,411 5,142 14, 639 13, 866 5,023 3,366 13, 953 5,303 22,382 3,228 3,408 10,181 10, 286 3,037 2,237 10,343 3,080 18,107 21, 085 3,596 25, 407 11,127 1,024 7,674 265 3, 653 2,536 26, 441 88, 085 63,907 6,307 4,478 29,387 1,482 903 511 1, 665 832 738 3,969 206 121 79 218 13, 063 9,247 75, 874 1,967 1,759 939 3,694 4, 765 3,425 24, 723 809 748 366 1,511 158 53 504 40 45 8 26 4, 454 4,403 65,104 1,372 1,149 647 613 27 81 1,162 15 32 6 907 559 9,945 171 122 185 313 1,204 870 4, 053 247 158 75 280 9.409 5,836 41, 609 1,685 1,601 575 3,222 35, 529 25, 527 227, 638 6,979 5,769 2 940 9.819 19,324 13, 812 141, 709 3,967 3,534 1,804 5,056 44, 733 6,163 106, 543 36, 347 834 77, 742 1,323 12, 202 6, 887 63,937 314, 201 189, 206 249, 290 35,125 480, 542 183,174 12, 939 217, 742 5,409 76, 764 36, 971 394, 407 1, 474, 064 972, 057 281 36 660 195 4 84 36 50 404 1,519 926 718 63 1,201 387 13 767 157 118 717 3,691 1,901 29 4 44 22 1 33 1 2 19 129 71 1.028 103 1,905 604 18 884 194 170 1,140 5,339 2, 898 250,318 35,228 482,447 183, 778 12, 957 218, 626 5,409 76, 958 37,141 395, 547 1,479. 403 974, 955 15,909 8,111 88,159 137, 111 1,028 1,139 591 9,973 23,422 103 54, 783 22,364 220,052 183,343 1.905 17. 249 7, 273 79, 252 79, 400 604 320 153 2,256 10, 210 18 6,988 9,522 101, 446 99, 786 884 1,114 401 3,003 891 4,900 3,764 33, 799 34,301 194 1,117 681 13, 847 21,326 170 40,310 19,097 158, 986 176, 014 1,140 125, 441 64,093 621, 548 662, 982 5,339 109, 539 .57, 678 421. 047 383, 793 2,898 1 Number at end of period. 2 Number of full-time and part-time employees at end of period. TABLE NO. 18.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves * Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits i On securities On loans Location Transfers Recovfrom eries valuation reserves Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Losses Transfers Losses Transfers to to and and charge- valuation charge- valuation reserves offs reserves offs New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware _ _ Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States _ _ _ Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin 64 58 59 661 17 150 1 16 4 1,851 110 9 60 89 15 490 33 67 244 277 100 4,456 238 400 258 131 44 2,330 27 234 12 200 48 68 45 18 574 76 79 86 35 95 46 138 5 11 881 860 1,009 1,991 754 5,715 3,024 1,067 283 133 580 2 30 937 96 2,018 4,975 1,031 19,136 4 64 66 1,203 633 1,037 11 90 130 3,283 2 426 4,046 480 1,686 2 34 334 14,727 2,375 24,883 19 258 530 4,085 1,577 3,836 4 268 540 1,299 174 4,037 1,028 ... Total New England States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina. South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas _ _ Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee All other On loans On securities 220 _ _ _ _. ... Profits on Transfers securities Recovfrom sold or eries valuation redeemed reserves Total recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, arid profits 3,051 25,276 3,104 3,751 6,582 42,792 10,310 41 32 22 29 289 191 32 5 64 51 223 38 290 1,251 147 65 81 47 62 14 182 122 70 111 91 122 197 126 161 2,289 37 57 275 773 430 379 134 387 463 717 245 839 5,388 311 341 1,532 738 176 232 389 682 522 850 213 313 3,104 369 372 1,429 51 69 4 47 2 47 833 40 All other Total losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves 662 642 295 11,872 733 1,717 250 163 195 7,117 520 987 107 53 10 1,518 181 399 330 9,232 2,268 15,921 653 197 755 9 35 12 21,605 2,804 20,450 26 295 533 990 706 3,535 8 111 91 28,632 5,458 32,613 47 714 1,176 5,515 1,661 45,713 5,441 68,640 268 7 2 27 469 430 27 110 68 84 80 28 5 25 121 488 58 64 2,140 244 115 48 709 135 473 236 1,028 502 1,928 354 269 7,971 235 408 2,070 436 202 102 77 375 219 591 137 953 3,090 118 265 852 2,235 600 837 734 2,110 1,389 3,857 762 2,068 16,735 993 1,270 4,467 769 5 66 52 11 55 16 463 56 29 71 53 14 27 742 185 85 68 18 162 238 137 24 325 946 57 101 349 914 1,011 2,695 2,727 752 3,840 11,939 9,389 1,433 3,500 16,318 7,417 38,057 181 32 843 116 91 943 707 6 541 299 3,572 710 912 452 160 727 180 96 338 92 2,037 82 3 178 799 1,911 592 103 1,781 2,325 9,797 1,686 1,157 2,359 1,524 7,910 5,164 584 1,733 844 1,497 774 214 240 100 661 141 61 4,801 1,260 14,435 1,738 2,315 771 1,52& 1,848 614 190 9,904 5,254 26,351 8,431 3.364 43 146 41 4 149 2 47 386 25 Minnesota Iowa Missouri. _ -Total Middle Western States... North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington _ Oregon California _ Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona _ _. _ Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank).__ Total possessions (nonmember banks) Total United States and posessions New York City (central Reserve city) _ Chicago (central Reserve city) Other Reserve cities Country banks (member banks).__ _ _ Possessions (nonmember banks) 1 2 245 382 175 39 321 184 301 445 36 133 49 63 13 221 97 169 1,283 762 830 858 733 1,397 630 525 78 149 1,056 966 1,180 753 233 304 3 40£ 2,010 3,660 2,017 1,788 6,840 2,229 2,677 4,070 19,621 20,529 5,908 1,955 27,751 6,239 62,382 22 22 97 58 41 15 69 9 91 27 26 83 271 200 51 166 161 528 22 157 118 530 513 776 146 687 364 858 216 74 551 577 177 154 833 35 650 118 48 190 35 667 90 20 40 86 76 16 52 246 124 128 47 18 35 93 382 156 50 237 177 616 334 347 697 496 199 89 1,140 266 1,272 102 51 607 472 79 49 335 201 481 788 555 2,138 1,962 1,278 342 2,545 679 3,066 424 1,513 253 788 4,149 3,267 1,105 1,764 4,840 2,377 13,353 185 298 3,013 17 45 2 45 89 71 867 21 70 3 57 28 2,019 674 1,173 309 173 11 217 930 2.621 29 442 625 9,476 113 145 12 143 1,169 86 12 162 27 59 2,429 1,390 16,931 37 73 86 539 338 212 2,581 72 193 24 164 5,802 2,288 22,016 445 498 121 920 66 30 83 93 382 4 175 5 21 859 13 17 533 13 2 150 97 65 312 31 27 127 239 2,430 33 27 7 14 576 15 3,605 1,178 2,705 2,877 10, 956 4,576 2,099 346 21,485 3,584 32,090 5,614 7,058 39.700 11,760 12,129 18,911 95,172 51, 095 17,127 9,556 125,339 27,326 230,443 3 19 11 33 2 35 33 107 74 251 19 346 72 437 93 17 150 48 308 1 1 4 5 83 471 96 35 50 257 126 564 12 3 1 23 365 5,614 7,058 39,723 12,125 12,129 18,994 95, 643 51,191 17,162 9,606 125,596 27,452 231,007 154 552 2,087 2,821 821 417 5,101 719 4,402 3,320 26,152 5,826 23 567 577 3,463 7,153 365 3,047 1,807 5,134 2,141 3,440 1,333 7,798 6,340 83 12,431 8,006 49, 735 25,000 471 2,222 5,087 21,571 22.215 96 915 1,147 11,623 3,442 35 152 400 877 8,127 50 17,476 10,660 62,983 34,220 257 235 849 13,266 12,976 126 21,000 18,143 110,320 80,980 564 Not including recoveries credited to valuation reserves. Not including losses charged to valuation reserves. 31 15 40 24 216 TABLE N O . 18.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks for the year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Taxes on net income Profits before income taxes Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont M assachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut _ __ _ __ . _ . . 702 524 343 9,967 737 2,066 Total cash dividends declared 702 524 343 9,971 737 2,066 Capital accounts 1 Net profits before dividends to capital accounts N Expenses to gross earnings 24,221 21,454 14,426 274, 222 21, 533 61,327 Percent 5.71 6.74 5.59 6.06 6.88 6.62 Percent 66.75 66.07 72.88 59.18 56.14 67.32 _ _ _ . _ - _ __ _ - ---__ - —. 2,395 25, 795 4 14,339 14,343 417,183 6.18 61.66 51,647 6,282 26,232 133 1,644 2,870 5,408 66, 741 13, 261 45, 741 314 4,242 3,268 177 124 2 42,307 4,481 23,204 167 2,198 1,645 42,484 4,605 23,206 167 2,198 1,645 1,136,322 177,425 733,448 5,515 54,750 41,253 5.87 7.47 6.24 5.69 7.75 7.92 57.52 68.33 58.56 60.97 60.58 58.53 88,808 5,408 133, 567 303 74,002 74,305 2,148, 713 6.22 59.20 12,760 6,040 5,417 4,584 9 064 12,979 9,923 1,638 9,872 56,308 4,517 6,261 13,924 5,095 2,293 2,232 2,004 4 137 5,092 3,655 376 3,810 23,432 1,496 2,091 5,491 479 3,379 1,365 1,142 1,120 2 743 2,243 2,506 428 1,850 15,432 1,122 1,491 3,549 93, 501 42,956 35,011 25,178 63 449 91,858 69,630 14,001 69,139 377,801 32,177 47,618 96, 506 8.20 8.72 9.10 9.69 7.77 8.59 8.31 9.01 8.77 8.70 9.39 8.76 8.74 60.11 59.07 60.00 57.45 65.81 60.98 55.81 66.22 63.32 57.32 57.79 58.86 60.02 153,287 __ 13,884 227,783 _ Total Southern States Ohio Indiana 40 1,974 144 237 1 383 1 445 807 16,619 1,482 4,059 On common stock 42,074 -_ _ 620 516 273 8,835 1,467 2,173 On preferred stock 123, 796 19, 543 71,973 447 5,886 6,138 Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee State 2,003 1,961 1,120 27,428 3,093 6,469 Total New England States New York _ New Jersey Pen TI syl van i a Delaware Maryland District of Columbia _ Federal Ratios Cash dividends declared Net profits before dividends 61,204 618 28,891 13,744 11,821 4,802 139 4 3,379 1,365 1,142 1,120 2 743 2,243 2,506 423 1,850 15,417 1,117 1,491 3,545 91,465 29 38,341 38,370 1,058,825 8.64 59.37 17,070 8,942 64 2 7,553 3,048 7,617 3,050 255,132 114, 225 6.69 7.83 62.04 63.40 7,665 3,747 3,185 2,441 4 927 7,887 5,789 1,262 6,062 32,876 3,021 4,170 8,433 5 15 5 Illinois Michigan Wisconsin __ _ _ Minnesota Iowa - - -Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska ___ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas Montana Wyoming _ _ _ ___ Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma... Total Western States 69 38 2 39 436 50,442 13,823 5,855 11,425 4,950 9,068 19,324 6,176 2,607 4,971 1,440 3,990 19,393 6,214 2,609 5,010 1,440 3,990 634, 727 158,914 96,088 142,855 50,311 112, 652 1,725 121, 575 214 49,109 49,323 1, 564, 904 7.77 60.48 55 66 2 527 1,453 1,646 5,791 5,559 1,434 1,229 4,751 1,603 9,018 683 647 2,163 1,741 723 348 1,895 584 3,614 683 647 2,164 1,741 725 348 1,895 584 3,614 14, 441 14, 746 60, 793 58, 947 13, 405 10,833 59, 218 16,056 106, 624 10.06 11.16 9.53 9.43 10.70 11.34 8.02 9.98 8.46 57.74 60.14 58.98 57.41 62.32 60.07 57.43 63.26 55.28 '__ 974 32,484 3 12,398 Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona _ Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) Total possessions (nonmember banks) _ Total United States and possessions New York City (central Reserve city) Chicago (central Reserve city).._ _ _. Other Reserve cities Country banks (member banks) Possessions (nonmember banks) 12, 401 355, 063 9.15 57.95 923 3,066 174 69 114 9,211 7,360 76, 532 2,113 1,769 936 2,156 35 3,749 2,765 49, 062 859 727 404 937 3,749 2,765 49, 086 859 727 404 972 109, 638 81,136 688, 840 18, 080 17,361 9,478 21,032 8.40 9.07 11.11 11.69 10.19 9.88 10.25 64.77 64.89 61.63 63.76 62.01 61.97 66.01 4,346 100,077 59 58, 503 58, 562 945, 565 10.58 62.41 15, 466 504, 963 612 246, 692 247,304 6, 490, 253 7.78 60.26 133 400 133 400 3,144 12, 578 12.79 10.26 62.13 66 01 64.50 73,469 23,352 9,038 20,456 7,085 14,832 23,027 9,529 3,153 7,772 2,135 5,328 30 1,259 190,867 _ _ 67, 567 2,597 2,971 8,573 8,837 2,535 2,041 8,485 2,765 15, 899 1,089 1,259 2,782 3,278 1,101 812 3,408 1,162 6,354 54, 703 21, 245 13,964 12,149 129,169 3,635 3,181 1,695 4,279 4,753 3,866 49, 571 1,348 1,343 759 2,009 168,072 63,649 836, 786 316,357 708 2,030 306 740 326 -'! 1 24 402 1, 290 Z 7.95 8.70 6.09 8.00 9.84 8.05 58.42 60.94 67.22 61.85 59.45 56.38 67 27 40 3 5 8 403 9.93 2,805 1,073 1, 732 3 538 541 16,125 10.74 64.82 839, 591 317,430 15, 466 506, 695 615 247, 230 247,845 6, 506,378 7.79 60.28 100, 970 47,541 360, 462 327,813 2,805 44,432 14,637 146,433 110,855 1,073 4,439 6,542 4,485 52,099 32, 904 207, 487 212, 473 1,732 68 111 433 36,377 13. 910 115, 902 80, 503 538 36,377 13, 978 116,013 80, 936 541 904, 651 429,785 2, 575,452 2, 580,365 16,125 5.76 7.66 8.06 8.23 10.74 53.38 52.63 59.62 63.34 64.82 3 i Represents aggregate book value of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserves, and retirement fund for preferred stock. Figures are averages of amounts reported for Dec. 31,1950, June 30,1951, and Dec. 31,1951. TABLE NO. 19.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 [In thousands of dollars] District District District District District District District District District No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on: U. S. Government obligations Other securities Interest and discount on loans Service charges and other fees on banks' loans Service charges on deposit accounts Other service charges, commissions, fees and collection and exchange charges Trust department-_ . _- . Other current earnings. Total earnings from current operations. District District NonGrand No. 11 No. 12 member total 28,695 6,379 69,811 84,991 31,730 198,758 35,050 11,472 68,853 51,820 13,206 92,322 28,995 4,399 59,044 35,005 8,531 80,172 112,779 21,800 171,359 21,017 5,758 50,940 20,171 4,742 49,754 33,480 7,199 77,898 32,679 7,646 103,350 82,502 25,092 313,788 586 7,657 3,785 16, 578 398 5,530 1,012 7,179 456 6,357 476 9,511 2,948 17,053 523 3,482 577 5,783 574 8,847 915 6,834 6,672 33,921 86 448 19,008 129,180 3,352 5,260 8,483 6,335 13, 577 28,484 1,821 2,672 4,338 2,706 8,597 10,166 2,519 3,603 3,719 6,244 3,807 7,881 5,443 14,699 16,074 2,351 1,386 2,731 4,167 2,552 3,532 2,576 2,737 7,097 4,186 2,954 9,799 8,875 13,266 19,291 876 20 235 51,451 75,130 121,830 130, 223 384,238 130,134 187,008 109,092 151,627 362,155 88,188 91, 278 140, 408 168,363 503,407 8,237 2, 454,358 13, 596 26,228 1,855 33, 529 84,384 3,890 13,343 23,340 2,378 18, 284 34,090 2,631 12,641 19,338 1,988 16, 453 28,976 2,339 34,086 72,634 4,114 10,768 15,331 1,677 11,515 17,563 1,838 18,991 24,028 3,146 21,351 28,087 S, 106 44,733 106, 543 6,163 1,028 1,905 103 250,318 482,447 35,228 10, 763 29,617 9,386 13,004 8,167 12,364 27,474 6,914 7,331 10,253 11,554 36,347 604 183,778 Current Operating Expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers Employees other than officers Number of officers 1 -_ Number1of employees other than officers _._ Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) _ Interest and discount on borrowed moneyTaxes other than on net income Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture and fixtures Other current operating expenses. ._. Total current operating expenses District No. 10 568,812 1,628 148, 205 251 4,693 1,340,742 877 1,851 1,853 1,134 907 857 1,536 716 484 954 936 834 18 12,957 8,380 156 3,827 25,086 1,486 9,190 13,543 306 4,317 16,261 185 9,996 8,926 154 3,320 9,529 176 5,845 33,286 843 11,015 5,847 211 2,802 7,441 247 1,753 6,715 254 3,115 4,986 68 9,382 77, 742 1,323 12,202 884 194 218,626 5,409 76,958 2,451 24, 203 4,382 68,351 2,475 19, 794 3,248 28,004 2,174 17, 437 3,031 28,376 4,452 59,898 1,405 14,868 1,461 15,821 2,268 24,345 2,737 29,373 6,887 63,937 170 1,140 37,141 395, 547 79, 718 228,259 78, 971 111, 202 64,897 93, 243 217, 750 51,948 56,285 80,670 96,920 314, 201 5,339 1,479,403 _ 50, 505 155,979 51,163 75,806 44,195 58,384 144,405 36,240 34,993 59,738 71,443 189,206 2,898 974,955 Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves Profits on securities sold or redeemed. 218 861 833 400 1,053 5,944 491 1,687 1,495 306 422 18,302 120 175 485 209 742 864 1,375 1,588 5,551 290 103 527 738 105 423 254 569 468 53 1,088 576 15 3,605 23 6,614 7,058 39,723 Net earnings from current operations._ 437 On loans: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves Allother Total recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves and profits Losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and charge-offs Transfers to valuation reserves On loans: Losses and charge-offs Transfers to valuation reserves.______ Allother Total losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves Profits before income taxes Taxes on net income: Federal _ _ State Total taxes on net income Net profits before dividends Cash dividends declared: On preferred stock On common stock Total cash dividends declared Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above) : On securities.™On loans.— Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities On loans Stock dividends (increases in capital stock) 1 995 1,988 736 1,702 3,288 4,352 1,008 44 1,181 672 722 917 730 128 843 620 204 673 1,047 2,216 3,324 352 120 588 759 118 347 1,356 200 727 1,341 396 2,346 1,178 2,705 2,877 365 83 12,125 12,129 18,994 5,631 16,739 5,906 21,341 2,481 3,312 15,101 1,980 2,504 3,529 5,692 10,956 471 95,643 2,892 1,013 5,544 1,522 3,362 402 3,235 5,383 2,333 304 3,178 126 15,086 3,225 2,747 779 1,450 1,064 3,412 355 3,280 855 4,576 2,099 96 35 51,191 17,162 323 8,997 2,145 812 23,911 1, 505 617 7,171 2,363 474 19, 054 2,387 239 2,366 1,001 736 5,718 2,067 19, 880 3,897 766 586 1,812 . 2,222 1,093 1,397 1,543 4,577 2,145 2,242 8,146 3,742 346 21, 485 3,584 50 257 126 125, 596 27, 452 15,370 872 9,606 33,294 13,915 30,533 6,243 11, 825 42,960 7,321 6,595 12, 032 18, 265 32,090 564 231, 007 40, 766 139, 424 43,154 66, 614 40,433 49,871 116, 546 30,899 30,902 51, 235 58,870 168,072 2,805 839, 591 13,461 2,345 56,639 5,458 13,196 27, 742 16,018 139 19,352 479 39, 497 14 10,977 303 11,929 1,396 19, 514 977 24,383 9 63,649 4,346 1,073 317,430 15, 466 15,806 62,097 13,196 27, 742 16,157 19,831 39, 511 11, 280 13,325 20,491 24,392 67,995 1,073 332,896 24,960 77,327 29, 958 38,872 24, 276 30,040 77, 035 19, 619 17, 577 30, 744 34,478 100,077 1,732 506,695 4 13,922 272 45, 967 31 14,679 64 18,372 10, 717 9 11, 506 110 30,291 6 7,989 41 7,643 1 11,063 15 16, 040 59 58,503 615 247, 230 13,926 46,239 14, 710 18,436 10, 717 11,515 30,401 7,995 7,684 11,064 16, 055 58, 562 3 538 541 23 443 902 8,407 431 2 686 531 591 17 3,032 14 344 19 450 884 84 1,066 37 2,805 37 1,098 19,707 19 2,394 428 6,809 216 1,27.6 1,644 1,772 338 1,123 10 1,674 864 3,166 1,021 1,259 12 945 151 2,191 31 5,702 1,621 16,003 20 6,355 44,334 438 4,608 1,859 5,322 1,388 2,825 19,532 4,998 1,665 3,829 5,963 4,080 300 56,807 247, 845 See footnote at end of table. CO TABLE N O . 19.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] District District District District District District District District District District District District NonNo. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 member No. 8 No. 5 No. 6 No. 2 No. 3 * No. 4 No. 1 No. 7 Number of banks i__ ___• Loans L_: Securities Capital stock (par value) Capital accounts t Grand total 481 7 4,946 345 623 286 568 547 455 339 180 492,067 2, 204,075 1,260,503 1,684, 6714,371, 798 1,169, 589 1,037, 403 1, 613,336 2, 208,174 6,354,878 101, 823 30,761,831 !, 233,846 326 2, 430,890 3,732,661 1,954;. 458 2, 532; 828 8,138, 579 1, 516,107 1,468, 288 2,461,909 2,319,919 6,379,343 107, 554 42, 233, i ,138, 579 . ., . . 5,042 2,058,050 58, 533 109,107 148,059 318,081 ~"~ 126,920 193,178 84,803 110, 552 316, 285 „ .„ 205, 236 349,087 397,348 945, 565 16,125 6,506,378 452, 528 615,375 288,839 352,032 971, 932 Ratios: Percent To gross earnings: Interest and dividends on securities, 26.93 Interest and discount on loans 53.61 Service charges on deposit accounts.. 5.88 All other current earnings 13.58 i Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 23.95 21.37 22.81 29.22 28.97 27.29 61.38 54.63 62.33 56.98 55.48 54.51 4.06 5.26 5.44 6.30 6.74 6.34 10.61 10.89 9.25 9.56 14.77 11.86 Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 37.16 35.75 28.71 34.77 30.61 47.32 52.91 52.88 49.37 54.12 6.27 4.71 4.25 3.84 5.83 12.14 7.09 12.02 10.81 9.44 Total gross earnings 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 • Salaries, wages and fees Interest on time deposits All other current expenses 31.25 6.44 23.53 31.17 6.53 21.71 29.61 10.41 20.66 28.61 8.70 22.15 30.15 8.18 21.16 30.53 6.28 24.68 29.89 9.19 21.05 30.41 6.63 21.87 32.39 8.15 21.12 31.32 4.78 21.35 29. 92 2.96 24.69 30.22 15.44 16.75 35.83 10.73 18.26 30.39 8.91 20.98 61.22 59.41 60.68 59.46 59.49 61.49 60.13 58.91 61.66 57.45 57.57 62.41 60.28 38.78 40.59 39.32 40.54 40.51 38.51 39.87 41.09 38.34 42.55 42.43 37.59 39.72 Total current expenses Net current earnings To loans: Interest and discount on loans. To securities: Interest and dividends on securities To capital stock (par value): Net current earnings Net profits before dividends Cash dividends To capital accounts: Net current earnings Net profits before dividends Cash dividends 4.18 3.55 4.61 4.19 4.68 4.76 3.92 4.36 4.80 4.83 4.68 1.70 1.64 1.91 1.74 1.71 1.72 1.65 1.77 1.70 1.65 1.74 42.10 20.80 11. 61 39.38 19.53 11.68 40.31 23.60 11.59 39.24 20.12 9.54 52.11 28.63 12.64 52.81 27.17 10.42 45.66 24.36 9.61 50.70 27.45 11.19 59.78 30.03 13.13 54.75 28.18 10.14 48.25 23.29 10.84 12.49 6.17 3.44 12.20 6.05 3.62 11.31 6.62 3.25 12.32 6.32 3.00 15.30 8.40 3.71 16.58 8.53 3.27 14.86 • 7.93 3.13 15.81 8.56 3.49 17.05 8.56 3.74 17.11 8.81 3.17 17.98 8.68 4.04 4.94 ft) o F ftl O 4.61 4.36 1.75 1.70 59.48 31.46 18.41 57.48 34.35 10.73 47. 37 24.62 12.04 20.01 10.58 6.19 17.97 10.74 3.36 14.98 7.79 3.81 w o d 3 O i Number at end of year. Remainingfiguresinclude earnings, expenses, etc., of those banks which were in operation a part of the year but were inactive at the close of the year. NOTE.—Thefiguresof loans, securities, capital stock, and capital accounts are averages of amounts, reported for Dec. 31,1950, June 30, and Dec. 31,1951. TABLE N O . 20.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 TOTAL UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS [In thousands of dollars] Banks operating throughout entire year with deposits on Dec. 31,1951, o— f $500,000 and under Number of banks Total deposits . Capital stock (par value) C apital accounts _ Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on: U. S. Government obligations Other securities Interest and discount on loans Service charges and other fees on banks' loans Service charges on deposit accounts Other service charges, commissions, fees, and collection and exchange charges Trust department Other current earnings Total earnings from current operations.. Current operating expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers Employees other than officers Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) Interest and discount on borrowed money Taxes other than on net income Recurring depreciation ^>n banking house, furniture and fixtures Other current operating expenses Total current operating expenses- $500,001 to $750,000 31 12, 746 892 1,882 104 67, 233 3,377 8,518 25 358 445 113 1,658 1,024 213 2,704 9,311 1,835 23, 367 42,783 10,178 96, 791 49, 797 12,199 105,229 70, 018 16, 616 142, 532 120 258 128 2,271 607 10, 361 1,100 13,473 77 137 47 117 1,433 22 912 5,101 588 4,389 4,461 39, 279 1,028 406 8,249 4,173 711 2,868 2,445 2,332 1,095 785 1,626 3,590 41 1,172 17, 730 115 5,474 20,115 155 81 397 3 132 27,814 186 8,952 17, 295 195 6,503 12, 806 340 5,893 38 400 84 729 710 6,020 3,534 25,978 4,044 31,654 46,020 3,709 36, 387 1, 579 2,860 24,666 107,614 123,100 174,904 127, 373 157 $750,001 $1,000,001 $2,000,001 $5,000,001 $10,000,001 $25,000,001 $50,000,001 $100,000,001 $500,000,001 to to to to to to to to $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $25,000,000 $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $500,000,000 and over 151 979 806 1,761 655 218 134, 438 1,223, 592 5,801,205 6,815, 694 9,857, 961 7,499, 452 149, 769 5,789 39, 661 147,783 213,409 152, 568 513,066 674,684 475, 397 15,427 122,469 492, 396 52 164 331 Total 4,935 20 33, 569,003 94,409,115 822,760 2,103, 595 2, 578,128 6, 667, 250 100 7,117,220 141,225 426,740 110 22, 310, 571 426, 362 1, 358, 543 49, 308 11, 609 101, 647 43,172 9,228 91, 720 123, 820 24, 398 297,133 175, 785 61, 305 470, 918 565, 531 147, 719 1, 334,057 1,224 19, 900 1,412 13, 631 1,306 10, 763 3,498 24, 633 9,661 32, 917 18,956 128, 350 5,122 1,458 6,013 6, 567 5,660 10,374 4,348 5,198 10, 392 4,355 6,019 10, 343 11,587 23, 597 27, 714 12, 550 32, 212 51,062 51,291 74, 754 121, 370 170, 798 194,391 272, 891 197, 545 176,906 536, 380 846,410 2,442,028 29, 330 22, 585 27, 576 30, 817 33, 312 50, 590 21, 782 40,407 18,188 36,188 48,470 117, 295 60, 335 176,874 249,083 479, 556 33, 750 1,032 18,818 84,473 3,296 23, 336 218,154 5,363 76,673 3.301 33, 338 8,258 98, 343 7,639 114,156 37,023 393,110 110,839 327, 592 470,991 1,471,849 12, 887 TABLE NO. 20.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, for the year ended Dec. 81, 1951—Continued TOTAL U N I T E D STATES AND POSSESSIONS [In thousands of dollars] Banks operating throughout entire year with deposits on'Dec. 31,1951, of— $500,000 and under Net earnings from current operations Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries _ Transfers from valuation reserves Profits on securities sold or redeemed— On loans: Recoveries Transfers from valuation reserves Allother _ .. Total recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves and profits _ Losses, charge-offs and transfers to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and charge-offs Transfers to valuation reserves On loans: Losses and charge-offs Transfers to valuation reserves Allother _._ Total losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves Profits before income taxes Taxes on net income: Federal State Total taxes on net income $500,001 $750,001 $1,000,001 $2,000,001 $5,000,001 $10,000,001 $25,000,001 $50,000,001 $100,000,001 $500,000,001 to to to to to to to to to $750,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $10,000,000 $25,000,000 $50,000,000 $100,000,000 $500,000,000 and over Total 890 1,601 14,613 63,184 71,291 97,987 70,172 66,067 208. 788 375,419 970,179 2 2 56 3 5 13 102 356 133 620 725 76 872 1,518 201 1,282 514 173 983 237 653 1,567 1,106 2,699 3,989 1,072 3,097 30,159 5,588 7,032 39,595 16 79 98 1 11 33 635 31 247 1 672 334 931 1 176 338 1,225 1,588 431 1,564 948 213 1,505 800 639 987 3,225 1,088 5,355 1,818 9,038 6,911 12,055 12,112 18,770 20 97 146 1,071 4,046 4,412 6,584 4,336 4,883 17,462 52,095 95,152 3 23 45 1 317 40 2,577 369 3,936 766 7,035 1,251 4,925 435 4,529 559 12, 241 5,045 15,338 8,696 50,969 17,162 36 1 3 128 14 45 139 54 36 1,084 643 452 2,348 3,896 1,955 1,729 5,953 2,876 1,386 9,125 3,568 1,009 7,361 2,595 525 7,424 2,274 831 24,146 8,244 391 66,663 4,998 9,606 125, 280 27,046 167 43 210 275 2,536 11,145 15,260 22,365 16,325 15,311 50,507 96,086 230,063 144 777 1,472 13,148 56,085 60,443 82, 206 58,183 55,639 175, 743 331,428 835, 268 28 1 156 9 291 20 2,690 199 13, 578 672 18,348 804 29,308 1,201 22,300 626 22,418 624 75,415 3,192 131,102 8,026 315,634 15,374 29 165 311 2,889 14, 250 19,152 30,509 22,926 23,042 78,607 139,128 331, 008 Net profits before dividends.. 1,161 10, 259 41,835 41,291 51, 697 35,257 395 5 3,547 79 14,107 14, 815 122 19,937 395 3,552 14,186 14,881 20,059 14, 562 20 1,329 27 48 952 51 2,103 3,751 54 2,947 4,073 127 3,635 6,855 120 2,023 7,573 24 199 126 73 42 417 267 150 79 584 322 162 151 351 667 10 Average per bank: Gross earnings from current operations.... Current operating expenses. Net earnings from current operations Net profits before dividends _. Per $100 of deposits: Net earnings from current o p e r a t i o n s Net profits before dividends Per $100 of capital accounts: Net earnings from current operations... Net profits before dividends __ Cash dividends Number of officers at end of period.__T Number of employees other than officers at end of period 504,260 42 14, 520 225 Total cash dividends declaredMemoranda items: Eecoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities. _ On loans Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities On loans Stock dividends (increases in capital stock). 612 1 224 115 Cash dividends declared: On preferred stock On common stock. 32, 597 $1.31 .90 $1.32 .91' $1.19 $1.19 .84 $1.09 .72 $1.05 .61 $0.99 .52 $0.94 .47 8.87 6.11 2.71 10.45 7.18 2.64 10.38 7.53 2.56 11.93 8.38 2.90 12.83 8.50 2.88 13.90 .805 2.90 14.52 7.66 2.97 14. 76 355 2,264 6,279 4,898 4,868 2,721 2,077 28 140 285 2,437 11,154 13,686 21,394 16, 655 15,035 7.42 3.06 15.48 7.64 2.91 NOTE .—The deposits, capital stock, and capital accounts shown in this table are as of end of period. Capital accounts represents the aggregate book value of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserves and retirement fund for preferred stock. O g 118 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 21.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, years ended Dec. SI, 1949-51 [In thousands of dollars] 1949 Number of banks l Capital stock, par value 3 C apital accounts 2 _ _ 1950 4,981 4,965 4,946 1,884,352 5,811,044 1,965,977 6,152, 799 2,058,050 6,506,378 Amount Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on: U . S . Government obligations _ _ Other securities — Interest and discount on loans Service charges and other fees on banks' loans Service charges on deposit accounts Other service charges, commissions, fees, and collection and exchange charges Trust department. Other current earnings Percent Amount to total 582,205 117,682 969,085 29.04 590, 533 5.87 132,330 48.34 1,103,360 Total current operating expenses Net earnings from current operations Percent Percent to total Amount to total 568,812 26.93 6.04 148,205 50.32 1,340,742 23.18 6.04 54.63 14,275 109,533 .71 5.46 17,787 119,604 .81 5.45 19,008 129,180 .77 5.26 42,310 60,345 109,371 2.11 3.01 5.46 46,069 70,092 112,938 2.10 3.20 5.15 51,451 75,130 121,830 2.10 3.06 4.96 100.00 2,454,358 100.00 Total earnings from current operations. _. 2,004,806 Current operating expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers _ Employees other than officers Number of officers * Number of employees other than officers *_. Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees.. Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) Interest and discount on borrowed money. _ Taxes other than on net income Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture, and fixtures Other current operating expenses. __. 1951 211,750 83,270 162,002 100.00 2,192, 713 16.96 31.12 230,331 421, 741 34,454 172,609 17.23 31.54 250,318 482,447 35,228 183,778 16.92 32.61 10,820 .87 11,775 184,024 1,687 65, 717 14.74 .13 5.26 190,374 1,747 74,416 14.24 .13 5.57 218,626 5,409 76, 958 14.78 .36 5.20 30, 666 355, 226 2.46 28.46 33, 619 373,065 2.51 27.90 37,141 395, 547 2.51 26.74 100.00 12, 957 1,248,324 100.00 1,337,068 100.00 1,479,403 756,482 855, 645 974,955 Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries. Transfers from valuation reserves Profits on securities sold or redeemed... On loans: Recoveries __ _ Transfers from valuation reserves Allother 6,136 15,445 40,232 5.22 13.14 34.24 9,670 28,999 60,951 6.29 18.86 39.65 5,614 7,058 39,723 5.87 7.38 41.53 13,451 11,463 30,771 11.45 9.76 26.19 15,401 13,333 25,378 10.02 8.67 16.51 12,125 12,129 18,994 12.68 12.68 19.86 Total recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits _._ 117,498 100.00 153,732 100.00 95,643 100.00 Losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves* On securities: Losses and charge-offs Transfers to valuation reserves On loans: Losses and charge-offs _ Transfers to valuation reserves Allother _ 21,257 18,310 10.36 8.93 24,010 41.360 11.10 19.12 51,191 17,162 22.16 7.43 14,496 122,122 28,932 7.07 59.54 14.10 10,909 109,258 30,740 5.05 50.52 14.21 9,606 125, 596 27,452 4.16 54.37 11.88 Total losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves. 205,117 100.00 216,277 100.00 231,007 100.00 See footnotes at end of table. 119 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 21.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks, years ended Dec. 31, 1949-51—Continued [In thousands of dollars] 1950 1949 1951 Amount Percent to total Amount Profits before income taxes 668,863 793,100 839,591 Taxes on net income: Federal State. 182,979 11,003 241,949 13, 541 317,430 15,466 193,982 Cash dividends declaredOn prepared stock On common stock __ Total cash dividends declared Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities On loans Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities On loans _.. Stock dividends (increases in capital stock). Ratios to gross earnings: Salaries, wages, and fees Interest on time deposits All other current expenses Total current expenses Net current earnings Ratio of cash dividends to capital stock (par value) Ratio of cash dividends to capital accounts 255,490 332,896 474,881 Net profits before dividends.. 537.610 506,695 1,100 203,644 712 228,792 615 247,230 204,744 229, 504 247,845 1,380 12,832 1,839 316,124 1,098 19,707 2,338 44,986 86,964 2,815 3 35,061 47,069 i iI i Total taxes on net income Percent Percent to total Amount to total 6,355 44,334 5o, 807 Percent 30.48 9.18 22.61 Percent 30.28 8.68 22.02 Percent 30.39 8.91 20.98 62.27 60.98 60.28 37.73 39.02 39.72 10.87 3.52 11.67 3.73 12.04 3.81 1 Number at end of period. Remaining figures include earnings, expenses, etc., of those banks which were in operation a part of the year but were inactive at the close of the year. 2 Figures are averages of amounts reported for the June and December call dates in the year indicated and the December call date in the previous year. 3 Revised. NOTE.—Earnings and dividends figures for 1869 to 1937 were published for the years ended August 31 or June 30 and appear in the table beginning on page 96 of the Comptroller's Annual Report for 1937. Similar figures for 1938 through 1941 appear in Table 26 on page 136 of the 1941 report. Calendar year figures are available, beginning with the year 1917, and are published in the Comptroller's reports as follows: 1938, p. 100; 1940, p. 17; 1942, p. 34; 1943, p. 30; 1946, p. 98, and 1949, p. 101. TABLE N O . 22.—Number of national banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, dividends, and ratios years ended Dec. 31, 1929-51 [In thousands of dollars. Figures for previous years published in report for 1938, p . 115] Cash dividends Capital stock (par value)* Number of banks Preferred Common 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951... ._. _. _.. 7,408 7,038 6,373 6,016 3 5,159 3 5,467 5,392 5,331 5,266 5,230 5,193 5,150 5,123 5,087 5,046 5,031 5,023 5,013 5,011 4,997 4,981 4,965 4,946 92,469 349,470 510,511 447,501 305,842 267,495 241,075 204,244 182,056 156,739 135, 713 110,597 80,672 53,202 32,529 25,128 20,979 16,079 12,032 1,650,574 1,724,028 1,680,780 1,597,037 1,507,834 1,359,573 1,280,813 1,259,027 1,285,946 1,310,243 1,320,446 1,328,071 1,341,398 1,354,384 1,372,457 1,440,519 1,536,212 1,646,631 1, 736,676 1, 779,362 1,863,373 1,949,898 2,046,018 Total 1,650,574 1,724,028 1,680,780 1,597,037 1,600,303 1,709,043 1,791,324 1,706,528 1,591,788 1,577,738 1, 561,521 1,532,315 1, 523,454 1,511,123 1,508,170 1, 551,116 1, 616,884 1,699,833 1,769,205 1,804,490 1,884,352 1,965,977 2,058,050 Capital accounts1 Ratios Net Cash divi- Cash diviNet profit before diviprofits dends on dends on Total cash dends before On On preferred common dividends dividends preferred common stock to stock to to capital stock stock preferred common accounts To capital To capital capital capital accounts stock 3,754,398 291,944 3,919,950 158,411 3,753,412 2 54,550 3,323,536 2 164,737 2,981,678 a 286,116 2,982,008 2 153,451 3,084,092 158,491 3,143,029 313,826 3,206,194 228,021 3,281,819 198,649 3,380, 749 251,576 3,463,862 241,465 3,596,865 269,295 3,684,882 243,343 3,860,443 350,457 4,114,972 411,844 4,467, 718 490,133 4,893,038 494,898 5,293,267 452,983 5,545,993 423,757 5,811,044 474,881 6,152, 799 537,610 6,506,378 506,695 558 10,103 18,862 18,166 11,532 9,378 8,911 8,175 7,816 6,683 6,158 5,296 4,131 2,427 1,372 1,304 1,100 712 615 226,662 211,272 193,196 135,381 71,106 80,915 94,377 101,850 110,231 113,347 122,267 125,174 124,805 121,177 125,357 139,012 151, 525 167,702 182,147 192,603 203,644 228,792 247,230 fcO o Percent .60 2.89 3.69 4.06 3.77 3.51 3.70 4.00 4.29 4.26 4.54 4.79 5.12 4.56 4.22 5.19 5.24 4.43 5.11 Percent 13.73 12.25 11.49 8.48 4.72 5.95 7.37 8.09 8.57 8.65 9.26 9.43 9.30 8.95 9.13 9.65 9.86 10.18 10.49 10.82 10.93 11.73 12.08 Percent 6.04 5.39 5.15 4.07 2.40 3.05 3.67 3.82 3.80 3.74 3.88 3.85 3.69 3.47 3.41 3.51 3.48 3.48 3.47 3.50 3.52 3.73 3.81 Percent 17.69 9.19 3 10.32 3 17.88 38.98 8.85 18.39 14.32 12.59 16.11 15.76 17.68 16.10 23.24 26.55 30.31 29.11 25.60 23.48 25.20 27.35 24.62 Percent 7.78 4.04 2 1.45 2 4.96 2 9.60 2 5.15 5.14 9.98 7.11 6.05 7.44 6.97 7.49 6.60 9.08 10.01 10.97 10.11 8.56 7.64 8.17 8.74 7.79 s W o o o 1 Averages of amounts from reports of condition made in each year. » Deficit. 3 Licensed banks, i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. 3 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 121 TABLE NO. 23.— Total loans of national banks, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years 1932-51 fin thousands of dollars] Ratio of Net losses losses (or reTotal loans Losses and recover- coveries + ) end of year charge-offs Recoveries ories (+) to loans Year 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1940 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 _ - - - . - - - _.- Average for 1932-51 - - - - 9,847,724 8,104,209 7,491,967 7,508,784 8,271,210 8,813,547 8,489,120 9,043,632 10,027,773 11,751,792 10,200,798 10,133,532 11,497,802 13,948,042 17,309,767 21,480,457 23,818,513 23,928,293 29,277.480 32,423,777 261,567 305,234 299,189 160,121 154,614 71,844 80,290 67,171 58,249 51,989 43,134 43,101 41,039 29,652 44, 520 73,542 1 50,482 1 59,482 13 45,970 1 53,940 14,681,411 99,756 1 Excludes transfers to valuation reserves. 2 Excludes transfers from valuation reserves. 3 Revised. 17,490 18,851 32,045 47,375 69,658 50,342 32,152 39,927 36,751 43,658 40.659 52,900 50,348 37,392 41,313 43,629 2 31,133 2 26,283 2 3 31, 525 2 31,832 38,763 244,077 286,383 267,144 112,746 84,956 21,502 48,138 27,244 21,498 8,331 2,475 +9,799 +9,309 +7,740 3,207 29,913 19,349 33,199 314,445 22,108 60,993 Percent 2.48 3.53 3.57 1.50 1.03 .24 .57 .30 .21 .07 .02 +.10 +.08 +.06 .02 .14 .08 .14 .05 .07 .43 122 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 24.—Total securities of national banks, losses and recoveries on securities, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities, by calendar years 1982-51 [In thousands of dollars] 1932 1933 1934 1935 .. 1936 1937 1938 . 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 __ 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 __ . ._ 1950 1951 Ratio of Net losses losses (or or recover- recoveries ies ( + ) + ) to securities Total securities end of Losses and charge-offs year Recoveries 7,583,436 7,870,772 10,455,932 11,477,536 12,780,044 11,763,004 -. . . - - 12,459,193 12,811, 576 13,668,040 15,887,508 . 27,482,788 37,504,253 . . ._.. 47,022,329 55,611,609 46,642,816 44,009,966 40,228,353 _-_ 44,207,750 43,022,623 43,043,617 _ . . . . 184,797 244,924 206,740 116,309 91, 764 92,343 115,281 109,378 107,960 92,134 73,253 66,008 67,574 74,627 74,620 69,785 2 55,369 2 23, 595 2 26,825 2 57, 546 29,393 i 51,050 1120,096 1180,545 120,534 33,777 33,453 33,631 40,993 48,157 36,170 59,652 50,302 54,153 33,816 25,571 3 25,264 3 7,516 3 11,509 3 6,712 155,404 193,874 86,644 +64,236 +28,770 58,566 81,828 75,747 66,967 43,977 37,083 6,356 17,272 20,474 40,804 44,214 30,105 16,079 15,316 50,834 27, 276,657 97, 542 50,115 47,427 Year Average for 1932-51 * Includes profits on securities sold. 8 Excludes transfers to valuation reserves. * Excludes transfers from valuation reserves. Percent 2.05 2.46 .83 +.56 +.23 .50 .66 .59 .49 .28 .13 .02 .04 .04 .09 .10 .07 .04 .04 .12 .17 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 123 TABLE N O . 25.—Foreign branches of American national banks, Dec. SI, 1951 BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, N. Y.—Con. ASSOCIATION, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.: England: London. Guam: Agana. Japan: Kobe. Tokyo. Yokohama. Philippines: Manila. Thailand: Bangkok. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOSTON, MASS.: Argentina: Avellaneda. Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires (Alsina). Buenos Aires (Constitution). Buenos Aires (Once). Kosario. Brazil: Rio de Janeiro. Santos. Sao Paulo. Cuba: Cienfuegos. Havana. Havana (Avenida de Italia). Havana (Avenida Maximo Gomez). Sancti Spiritus. Santiago de Cuba. CHASE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW YORK, N. Y.: Canal Zone: Balboa. Cristobal. Cuba: Havana. Havana (Vedado). Marianao. England: London (Berkeley Square). London (Bush House, Aldwych). London (Lombard). Germany: Frankfurt am Main. Heidelberg. Stuttgart. Japan: Osaka. Tokyo. Panama: Colon. David. Panama City. Puerto Rico: San Juan. Santurce. NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, N. Y.: Brazil: Recife (Pernambuco). Porto Alegre. Rio de Janeiro. Salvador. Santos. Sao Paulo. Canal Zone: Balboa. Cristobal. Chile: Santiago. Valparaiso. Columbia: Barranquilla. Bogota. Medellin. Cuba: Caibarien. Cardenas. Havana. Havana (Cuatro Caminos). Havana (Galiano). Havana (La Lonja). Havana (Twenty-third Street Branch). Manzanillo. Matanzas. Santiago de Cuba. England: London. London (West End). Hong Kong: Hong Kong. India: Bombay. Calcutta. Japan: Nagoya. Osaka. Tokyo. Yokohama. Mexico: Mexico City. Mexico City (La Catolica). Panama: Panama City. Peru: Lima. Philippines: Cebu. Clark Field. Manila. Manila (Port Area Branch). Puerto Rico: Arecibo. Bayamoh. Caguas. Mayaguez. Ponce. San Juan. Singapore: Uru Singapore. guay: y Mont ontevideo. Venezuela: Caracas. Argentina: Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires (Flores). Buenos Aires (Plaza Once). Rosario. NOTE.—Consolidated statement of the assets and liabilities of the above named branches as of Dec. 31, 1951, appears in the following table. 124 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 26.—Consolidated statement of assets and liabilities of foreign branches of national banks, Dec. 31, 1951 [In thousands of dollars] Number of branches 94 ASSETS Loans and discounts, including overdrafts Securities Currency and coin Balances with other banks and cash items in process of collection Due from home office and branches Real estate, furniture and fixtures Customers' liability on account of acceptances Other assets. Total assets____I 660, 043 80,424 61, 233 281, 234 776, 597 10, 333 33, 874 20, 683 1,924,421 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Deposits of U. S. Government State and municipal deposits Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits 1, 136, 070 268, 792 113, 793 24, 310 94, 885 38, 256 1, 676, 106 Due to home office and branches . Bills payable and rediscounts Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting branches and outstanding Other liabilities total liabilities 152, 148 30, 839 34, 217 28,396 1, 921, 706 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Undivided profits, including reserve accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts NOTE.—For location of foreign branches see preceding table. 2, 715 1, 924, 421 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 125 TABLE NO. 27.—Assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia by classest Dec. 31, 1951 [In thousands of dollars] Total all banks Number of banks National banks Nonnational banks 19 9 10 136, 409 89,148 47, 261 108 3,262 8 1,503 100 1,759 3,991 3,258 733 192 90,867 32. 212 63,283 127 44, 719 16,246 25,926 65 46,148 15,966 37,357 31,147 25 14,053 132 15, 798 4,374 85 15,349 25 9,679 47 375, 681 3,074 201,192 2,061 174, 489 1,013 372, 607 199,131 173,476 136,188 58.121 129,193 109, 529 35, 956 77,922 26,659 22,165 51,271 24,820 150,265 39,940 4,986 6,946 10,679 94,358 24,977 2,352 4,019 14,141 55,907 14,963 2,634 2,927 550, 459 359. 792 190, 667 550,466 14. 910 33,935 1,921 359, 792 6,701 20,786 1,000 190, 674 8,209 13,149 921 601,232 388, 279 212, 953 65, 697 42,343 23,354 a% 493 10 69 30, 492 34,249 29,244 10 20 12,763 ASSETS Loans and discounts: Commercial and industrial loans, including open-market paper.. Loans to farmers directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation Other loans to farmers Loans to brokers and dealers in securities Other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying stocks, bonds, and other securities Real-estate loans: Secured by farm land (including improvements) Secured by residential properties (other than farm) Secured by other properties Consumer loans to individuals . . _ _ Other loans to individuals: Single-payment loans of $3,000 and over Loans to banks All other loans _.. Overdrafts Total gross loans Less valuation reserves - - - Net loans Securities: U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed: Direct obligations: Treasury bills Treasury certificates of indebtedness Treasury notes . - . ___ United States nonmarketable bonds (savings, investment series A-1965, B-l975-80, and depositary bonds). Other bonds maturing in 5 years or less Other bonds maturing in 5 to 10 years Other bonds maturing in 10 to 20 years Bonds maturing after 20 years Total Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government (Federal Housing Administration debentures) Total Obligations of States and political subdivisions___• Other bonds, notes, and debentures _ Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Total securities .-- __._ Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection: Cash items in process of collection, including exchanges for clearing house Demand balances with banks in the United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks) Other balances with banks in United States Balances with banks in foreign countries Currency and coin Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and approved reserve agencies Total cash, balances with other banks, etc Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises _ _ Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding _ Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets . 7 49 17,729 192, 752 125,166 67, 586 352, 513 219,536 132,977 17,016 715 8,145 531 8,871 184 1,200 1,200 9 1,220 1,022 408 349 812 673 1,347,525 Total assets 210061—52 7 816,379 531.146 126 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 27.—Assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia by classes, Dec. 31, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Total all banks National banks Nonnational LIABILITIES Demand deposits: Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U. S. Government States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries.-_L Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to Federal Reserve bank and agents (transit account) 895, 566 17,403 205 67,803 4,977 569,635 11, 545 136 53,748 4,580 325,931 5,858 69 14,055 397 Total liabilities. 207, 330 16,386 1,025 421 99,531 6,117 1,025 107, 799 10,269 16, 500 500 "167666 107,173 134,489 1,258,416 769,875 488,541 440 3,018 790 1,506 2,284 675 774,123 493,606 22,500 40,430 13, 974 2,892 Total deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money.. Mortgages or other liens on bank premises and other real estate Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities 354,052 1,267, 729 Total time deposits _ 7,742 662, 702 241,662 Time deposits: Individuals, partnerships, and corporations. U. S. Government.. Postal savings States and political subdivisions Banks in United States Banks in foreign countries — 23,058 1,016, 754 Total demand deposits.: 12,700 20,650 7,676 1,230 9,800 19, 780 6,298 1,662 30,800 421 600 1,946 5,302 1,465 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock.. Surplus.. surplus Un profits.. Undivided Reserves.. Total capital accounts _ Total liabilities and capital accounts 79, 796 42, 256 37,540 1,347, 525 816,379 531,146 92, 612 48, 570 44,042 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold with agreement to repurchase) REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 127 TABLE N O . 28.—Assets and liabilities of all banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 [In thousands of dollars] A p r i l . 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 19 banks 19 banks 19 banks 19 b a n k s ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U.S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and approved reserve agencies Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures.--Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding Income earned or accrued but not collected Other assets 368, 432 492,500 7 13,180 32,149 371, 849 493, 026 7 13, 576 29,577 362, 649 531, 504 7 17,181 30, 803 372, 607 550, 459 7 14, 910 33, 935 1,903 1,921 1,921 194, 723 20, 980 189, 034 24, 470 192, 752 30, 492 95, 953 16,337 836 86, 399 16, 653 738 102, 017 16, 747 774 129, 269 17,016 715 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,200 1,161 1,665 1,132 916 1,023 1,240 1,220 1,022 1, 234, 056 Total assets. 1,903 183, 880 24, 803 1, 232, 729 1, 280, 620 1,347, 525 803,120 805, 867 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks -.. Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits Demand deposits.. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Income collected but not earned Expenses accrued and unpaid Other liabilities Total liabilities 207,164 1,230 43,180 711 66,154 26, 212 1,147, 771 920, 671 227,100 2,000 841, 738 206.314 210, 636 1,230 1,230 41, 568 33,361 599 456 73,168 85,881 16,282 18,115 1, 145, 028 1,191, 417 913, 628 955, 694 231, 400 235, 723 1,400 895, 566 207,330 1,025 33, 789 626 89, 280 30, 800 1,258, 416 1, 016, 754 241,662 1,000 600 2,033 4,938 1,132 1,946 5,302 1,465 12 2,030 3,734 1,106 1,924 4,602 1,184 1,156, 641 1,154,150 1, 200, 520 1, 267, 729 22, 250 40, 070 12,188 2,907 22, 250 40,070 13,328 2,931 22, 500 40,420 14,176 3,004 22, 500 40, 430 13, 974 2.892 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stock. Surplus Undivided profits. Reserves... Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 77, 415 78, 579 1, 234, 056 1, 232, 729 1, 280, 620 80,100 1.347,525 79, 796 93, 009 91, 817 92,612 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes 90, 111 128 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 29.—Assets and liabilities of nonnational banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during the year ended Dec. 31, 1951 [In thousands of dollars] Apr. 9, 1951 June 30, 1951 Oct. 10, 1951 Dec. 31, 1951 10 banks 10 banks 10 banks 10 banks 172,856 165,359 7 9,779 12,033 173,000 167,613 7 10,180 12,185 168,774 186,509 7 10,634 12,521 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including overdrafts) U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Obligations guaranteed by U. S. Government Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and approved reserve agencies Currency and coin Balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Income earned or accrued but not collected.. Other assets 173,476 190,667 7 8,209 13,149 921 921 921 77,397 9,252 71,591 10,621 67,586 12,763 33,356 8,796 129 32,891 8,785 193 34,340 8,740 230 52,628 8,871 184 1,250 799 983 1,250 766 556 1,250 670 797 1,200 812 673 484,831 Total assets.. 921 67,545 11,018 494,996 507,605 531,146 291,999 297,363 312,015 325,931 107,301 205 15,651 558 21,301 7,326 444,341 320, 379 123, 962 107,448 205 . 15,793 470 27,124 4,252 452,655 323,546 129,109 107,956 205 11,776 341 28,288 4,506 465,087 335,669 129,418 107,799 16,127 490 30,452 7,742 488,541 354,052 134,489 1,536 1,790 403 1,000 1,469 2,079 584 1,000 1,576 2,185 314 600 1,506 2,284 675 448,070 457, 787 470,162 493,606 9,800 19. 770 5,480 1.711 9,800 19,770 5,851 1,788 9,800 19,770 6,210 1,663 9,800 19,780 6.298 1,662 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Postal savings deposits Deposits of U. S. Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Deposits of banks Other deposits (certified and cashiers' checks, etc.) Total deposits _ Demand deposits Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Income collected but not earned ._ Expenses accrued and unpaid.. Other liabilities Total liabilities... CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital stock: Common stockSurplus Undivided profits Reserves _ Total capital accounts Total liabilities and capital accounts 36,761 37,443 37,540 484,831 507, 605 531,146 38,705 44,042 MEMORANDUM Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purpose? 35,582 38,405 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE 129 CURRENCY TABLE N O . 30.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 31, 1951 and 1950 [In thousands of dollars] Years ended Dec. 31National banks Total Nonnational banks 1951 1951 1950 1951 19 22,333 78,295 Number of banks » Capital stock, par value 2 . Capital accounts 2 1950 19 21,467 73,451 9 12,533 41, 253 11,750 37,849 10 9,800 37,042 10 9,717 35,602 5,785 480 7,623 42 1,128 5,398 435 6,488 24 1,031 2,863 613 7,550 118 1,409 2,735 480 6,658 147 1,307 191 647 461 184 525 441 666 1,266 936 560 1,309 889 16,357 14,526 15,421 14,085 Earnings from current operations: Interest and dividends on: U. S. Government obligations 8,648 8.133 1,093 Other securities 915 15,173 13,146 Interest and discount on loans. _ 160 Service charges and other fees on banks' loans 171 2, 537 2,338 Service charges on deposit accounts i Other service charges, commissions, fees, and col857 744 lection and exchange charges 1,834 Trust department _ _ .... 1,913 1,397 Other current earnings _ . 1,330 Total earnings from current operations. 31,778 Current operating expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers Employees other than officers Number of officers *._ Number of employees other than officers 1 Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on time deposits (including savings deposits) Interest and discount on borrowed money Taxes other than on net income Recurring depreciation on banking house, furniture and fixtures Other current operating expenses Total current operating expenses _ Net earnings from current operations 3,356 7,507 883 2,861 28,611 3,078 6,634 361 2,652 1,759 3,497 190 1,273 1,606 3,016 185 1,203 1,597 4,010 198 1,588 1950 1,472 3,618 176 237 210 122 106 115 104 1,581 34 1,323 1,455 6 1,296 668 21 570 680 2 570 913 13 753 775 4 726 657 5,168 543 4,982 319 2,617 240 2,530 338 2,551 303 2,452 19,863 18.204 9,573 8,750 10,290 9,454 11,915 10,407 6,784 5,776 5,131 4,631 Recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves, and profits: On securities: Recoveries. Transfers from valuation reserves Profits on securities sold or redeemed On loans: Recoveries.. Transfers from valuation reserves All other 76 2 13 155 66 179 30 539 401 13 511 334 133 2 207 49 30 205 268 11 304 Total recoveries, transfers from valuation reserves and profits.. 824 1,095 530 396 294 699 540 100 217 6 69 6 130 2 13 101 Losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves: On securities: Losses and charge-offs.Transfers to valuation reserves On loans: Losses and charge-offs Transfers to valuation reserves Allother 13 786 485 18 793 698 12 533 91 4 429 161 1 253 394 14 364 537 Total losses, charge-offs, and transfers to valuation reserves.._ 2,047 1,684 1,176 694 871 990 757 6 * Number at end of period. 2 Figures are averages of amounts reported for the June and December call dates in the year indicated and the December call date in the previous year. 130 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 30.—Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 31, 1951 and 1950—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Years ended Dec. 31 Nonnational banks National banks Total 1951 Profits before income taxes -.. Taxes on net income: Federal Net profits before dividends^. Cash dividends . _ Memoranda items: Recoveries credited to valuation reserves (not included in recoveries above): On securities On loans Losses charged to valuation reserves (not included in losses above): On securities On loans _ __ Stock dividends (increases in capital stock).. Ratios to gross earnings: Salaries, wages, and fees Interest on time deposits All other current expenses. Total current expenses Net current earnings. Ratio of cash dividends to capital stock (par value)... Ratio of cash dividends to capital accounts 1951 1950 1951 10,692 . .. _ 1950 9,818 6,138 5,478 4,554 4,340 4,892 5,800 3,457 6,361 2,870 3,268 1,936 3,542 2,022 2,532 1,521 2,819 3,014 2,912 1,645 1,552 1,369 1,360 136 138 61 47 75 91 462 364 50 286 162 176 202 50 1950 Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 34.93 34.68 36.88 32.55 37.11 32.88 5.50 4.98 5.09 4.68 5.92 4.09 24.74 22.60 23.86 23.01 23.70 21.56 62.51 63.63 58.53 60.24 66.73 67.12 37.49 36.37 41.47 39.76 33.27 32.88 13.50 3.85 13.57 3.96 13.13 3.99 13.21 4.10 13.97 3.70 14.00 3.82 TABLE N O . 31.- -Number of banks, capital stock, capital funds, net profits, interest and dividends, and ratios, all banks in the District of Columbia, years ended Dec. 31, 1929-51 [In thousands of dollars. Figures for previous years published in report for 1940, p.200] Interest and cash dividends Capital i Number of banks 1929 1930 1931 -. 1932 1933 ._ 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 . 1940-. 1941.. 1942 1943 1944... 1945 1946.-L 1947 1948..________ 1949.. 1950... 1951 1 2 41 39 39 34 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 20 19 19 19 19 19 Capital notes and debentures 300 1,340 1,790 1,536 1,419 1,303 1,295 999 604 454 400 123 Preferred stock (par value) 1,575 1,650 ]L,554 L,355 L,208 :L,288 L,130 969 794 317 34 Common stock (par value) 24,868 24,008 23,328 23,072 19,216 18,345 18,235 18,243 18,250 18,060 17,300 17,338 17,490 17,669 17,768 17,616 17,833 19,783 20, 750 20,933 21,017 21,467 22,333 Total 24,868 24,008 23,328 23,072 19, 516 21,260 21,675 21,429 21,223 20,718 19,803 19,625 19,224 19,092 18,962 18,056 17,867 19, 783 20,750 20,933 21,017 21,467 22,333 Capital accounts i 52,733 52,638 52,066 50,062 41,119 39, 849 40,843 42,263 44,365 45,481 46,966 48,191 49,499 50,425 51,447 52,301 55,255 61, 601 65,468 67, 653 69,635 73,451 78,295 Net profits before dividends 4,374 2,983 1,514 2 1,218 2 2,186 2 416 2,501 3,744 2,966 2,480 3,455 2,986 3,283 2,436 2,468 3, 573 5,485 5,438 4,991 3,589 5,083 6,361 5,800 On capital notes and debentures 31 77 58 47 41 40 28 24 11 17 6 On preferred stock 34 68 68 59 50 47 56 42 38 31 16 1 On common stock 2,797 2,755 2,648 2,278 1,006 901 996 1,083 1,194 1,248 1,379 1,416 1,442 1,439 1,432 1,557 1,610 1,902 2,198 2,412 2,653 2,912 3 014 Ratios Interest on capital notes and debentures to capital notes and debentures 2.31 4.30 3.78 3.31 3.15 3.09 2.80 3.97 2.42 4.25 4.88 Cash dividends on preferred stock to preferred capital 2.16 4.12 4.12 3.80 3.69 3.89 4.35 3.72 3.92 3.90 5.05 2.94 on common stock to common capital Total interest and cash dividends to capital accounts 11.25 11.48 11.35 9.87 5.24 4.91 5.46 5.94 6.54 6.91 7.97 8.17 8.24 8.14 8.06 8.84 9.03 9.61 10.59 11,52 12.62 13.57 13.50 5.30 5.23 4.09 4.55 2.45 2.42 2.79 2.86 2.93 2.94 3.12 3.11 3.05 2.95 2.88 3.02 2.92 3.09 3.36 3.57 3.81 3.96 3.85 Cash dividends Net profits before dividends To capital stock 17.59 12.43 6.49 2 5.28 2 11.20 2 1.96 11.54 17.47 13.98 11.97 17.45 15.22 17.08 12.76 13.02 19.79 30.70 27.49 24. 05 17.15 24.19 29.63 25.97 To capital accounts 8.29 5.67 2.91 2 2.43 2 5. 32 2 1.04 6.12 8.86 6; 69 5.45 7.36 6.20 6.63 4.83 4.80 6.83 9.93 8.83 7.62 5.31 7.30 8.66 7.41 o o a o W O § Averages of amounts from reports of condition made in each year. Deficit. CO 132 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 32.— Total loans of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on loans, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to loans, by calendar years 1982-51 ALL BANKS [In thousands of dollars] Year 1932._ 1933._ 1934-. 1935.. 1936.. 1937.193819391940.1941-. 1942-1943.1944._ 1945-. 1946-. 1947._ 1948.. 1949.. 1950-. 1951.Averagefor 1932-51. Total loans end of year 127,102 89,108 84,365 86,825 95,234 103,831 99,813 112,470 128,221 144, 649 118, 524 106,789 110,479 125,302 175,340 242,755 270,963 285,399 347,853 372,607 161,381 Losses and charge-offs Recoveries 1,209 2,255 2,847 1,142 946 347 416 257 225 237 600 195 184 303 1 395 *574 1 382 1475 75 123 137 346 398 372 201 137 193 277 351 297 434 300 483 529 2 211 2 304 2 539 2 315 685 301 371 332 of losses Net losses Ratio recov(or or recoveries eries + ) to ( loans 1,134 2,132 2,710 796 548 +25 215 120 178 55 +126 +60 166 +105 +299 +226 184 270 +157 160 384 Percent .89 2.39 3.21 .92 .58 +.02 .22 .11 .14 .04 ' +.11 +.06 .15 +.08 +.17 +.09 .07 .09 +.05 .04 .24 NATIONAL BANKS 63,796 42,739 41,412 39,674 42,958 49,180 44,810 51,608 60,059 68,766 55, 876 51,534 55,181 67,807 96,720 131.989 145,299 145,982 183,547 199,131 1932. 1933.. 1934. 1935.. 1936.. 1937,. 1938:. 1939. 1940.. 1941.. 1942-. 1943-. 1944-. 1945.. 1946-. 1947.. 1948-. 1949.. 1950-. 1951.. Average for 1932-51. 722 1,055 1,312 572 406 176 215 167 178 122 112 133 110 66 62 133 1 264 1261 i 166 1298 81,903 327 56 80 31 156 150 225 103 59 119 143 147 113 141 112 211 230 2 100 2 93 2 180 2 191 132 I 666 975 1,281 416 256 +49 112 108 59 +21 +35 20 +31 +46 +149 +97 164 168 +14 107 195 I 19 43 106 190 248 147 98 78 74 134 204 184 293 188 272 299 2 111 2 211 2 359 2 124 468 1,157 1,429 380 292 24 103 12 119 76 1.04 2.28 3.09 1.05 .60 +.10 .25 .21 .10 +.03 +.06 .04 +.06 +.07 +.15 +.07 .11 .11 +.01 .05 .24 NONNATIONAL BANKS 1932.-1933.-1934.._ 1935..1936.-1937._. 1938... 1939..1940.-1941.__ 1942.__ 1943... 1944.._ 1945.-1946... 1947..1948.-. 1949..1950.-. 1951.-_ Average for 1932-51- 63,306 46,369 42,953 47,151 52,276 54,651 55,003 60,862 68,162 75,883 62,648 55,255 55,298 57,495 78,620 110,766 125,664 139,417 164,306 173,476 79,478 1 Excludes transfers to valuation reserves. 2 Excludes transfers from valuation reserves. 487 1,200 1,535 570 540 171 201 90 193 210 113 104 490 129 122 170 1131 1313 *216 U77 358 +91 +80 197 +59 +150 +129 20 102 +143 53 189 I .74 2.50 3.33 .81 .56 .04 .19 .02 .17 .10 +.15 +.14 .36 +.10 +.19 +.12 .02 .07 +.09 .03 .24 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 133 TABLE N O . 33.—Total securities of banks in the District of Columbia, losses and recoveries on securities, and ratio of net losses or recoveries to securities, by calendar years 1982-51 ALL BANKS [In thousands of dollars] Total securities end of year Year 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 _ _ . _ .. _ _ Average for 1932-51 102,081 99,160 109,832 122,028 134,533 135,867 138,533 134,137 136,389 158,518 306.889 433,694 549,977 719,103 621, 710 547,104 509,545 534,759 575,500 601,232 333,530 Losses and charge-offs Recoveries 1,178 2,145 930 496 845 811 892 1,045 732 827 466 770 639 299 205 347 2 201 2 126 2 169 2 757 256 1459 1 1,221 1 1,374 538 297 426 493 351 359 262 590 459 278 125 83 3 88 3 2 3 2 Ratio of losses Net losses or (or recoveries recoveries (+) +) to securities 922 1,686 +291 +878 307 514 466 552 381 468 204 180 180 21 80 264 113 124 167 757 383 311 149 1339 1720 1821 398 211 334 394 285 242 199 469 250 173 76 16 3 80 3 1 694 198 610 +81 +479 211 296 • 228 489 248 375 72 172 +19 9 21 150 +36 23 100 540 Percent .90 1.70 +.26 +.72 .23 .38 .34 .41 .28 .30 .07 .04 .03 .002 .01 .05 .02 .02 .03 .13 .09 NATIONAL BANKS 1932 -- - - --1933 1934 1935 - 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 -1944 1945 _ . 1946 . . . 1947 1948 . 1949 1950 . . ....... 1951 Average for 1932-51 ..__ 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 --, --.- - .-_ - . . ... - . Average for 1932-51 1 2 3 _ .- 63,950 64,625 67,263 73,276 77,706 83,437 81,286 81,270 81,589 94,880 203, 593 276,495 341, 778 440,209 372,566 327, 7055 308,248 345,537 379,010 388,279 347 949 639 342 609 507 562 883 533 617 271 641 231 182 97 166 2 44 2 24 2 100 2540 207,635 414 NONNATIONAL BANKS 38,131 34,535 42,569 48, 752 56,827 52,430 57,247 52,867 54,800 63,638 103,296 157,199 208,199 278,894 249,144 219,399 201,297 189,222 196,490 212,953 831 1,196 291 154 236 304 330 162 199 210 195 129 408 117 108 181 2 157 2 102 2 69 2 217 125,895 280 Includes profits on securities sold. Excludes transfers to valuation reserves. Excludes transfers from valuation reserves. 258 - 156 107 1120 1501 1553 140 86 92 99 66 117 63 121 209 105 49 67 38 31 32 724 1,076 +210 +399 96 218 238 63 133 93 132 8 199 12 59 114 149 101 67 217 125 155 .31 .94 +.12 +.65 .27 35 .28 .60 30 .40 . 04 06 +.01 002 '05 .01 .03 .14 .08 ' - -1.90 3.12 +.49 +.82 .17 42 .42 .12 .24 15 .13 .01 .10 .004 .02 .05 .07 .05 03 .10 .12 134 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 34.—Summary of assets and liabilities Dec. 31, 1961, and receipts and disbursements in year ended Dec. 31, 1951, of the 17 credit unions in the District of Columbia, chartered under the D. C. Code Amount ASSETS Loans Building association investments U. S. Government securitiesOther bonds and securities Deposits in banks Cash on hand Furniture and fixtures Other assets _ Total assets. Amount LIABILITIES $1,949,071 208,301 265,471 41,825 408,302 136,574 1,410 1,580 Shares paid in. Surplus fund Net undivided profits Reserve fund for bad debts Bills payable... _._ Other liabilities.. _ _ Total liabilities $2,647,367 34,627 132,522 184,002 3,500 10,516 3,012, 534 3,012,534 R E C E I P T S AND DISBURSEMENTS IN YEAR E N D E D D E C . 31, 1951 Receipts Amount CAPITAL RECEIPTS Loans repaid Payments on shares Building association shares redeemed.. U. S. Government securities sold Bills payable Fees-. Fines Recoveries on loans to reserve fund Depreciation on furniture and fixtures. Other receipts Total capital receipts. Interest on loans Building association dividends . Other income Total earnings _ Transferred to reserve fund for bad debts.Transferred to surplus Cash on hand at beginning of period.. Deposits in banks at beginning of period Grand total- Disbursements CAPITAL DISBURSEMENTS $2,719,905 1,221,780 26,110 5/000 1,392,393 1,156 483 6,489 649 16,373 Loans made _______ Shares withdrawn Building association shares purchased. U. S. Government securities purchased -__ Other bonds and securities purchased-_ Bills payable. . Loans charged against reserve fund Other disbursements .__ Total capital disbursements 5,390,338 179,446 4,554 7,627 191,627 24,838 1,899 41,195 $2, 739,325 779,266 98,881 3,189 41,825 1,389,393 12,381 15,430 5,079,690 EXPENSES Salaries General expenses Interest on borrowed money Dividends Depreciation on furniture and fixtures Total expenses Transferred to reserve fund for bad debts Transferred to surplus Cash on hand at end of period Deposits in banks at end of period 53,785 18,067 621 78,302 609 151,384 24,838 1,899 136, 574 408,302 152,790 Grand total 5,802,687 NOTE.—Number of borrowing members, 7,855; nonborrowing, 9,988. Amount 5,802,687 TABLE NO. 35.— and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by classes, Dec. 31, 1951 [In thousands of dollars] Total all banks Number of banks ._ National banks Banks other than national All banks other than national State com- Mutual Private mercial i savings 4,946 9,690 26,039,862 15,689, 255 113,130 289, 745 3,140,054 1, 577, 040 1, 580,806 704,652 1,004,499 501, 474 10,350,607 176,615 1, 563,014 876,154 503,025 10, 272,855 176, 496 1, 556, 284 868,332 492, 544 384, 754 5,908, 217 1, 248,132 5,802,445 65, 272 899, 745 666,652 13,956, 580 2,483,489 4,794,079 84, 245 649,308 618,139 5,353,910 1,208,128 4,694,174 84,245 636,122 14,636 9,075 529 ASSETS Loans and discounts: Commercial and industrial loans (including open-market paper) _ Loans to farmers directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation... Other loans to farmers Loans to brokers and dealers in securities * Other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying stocks, bonds, and other securities Real estate loans: Secured by fapm land (including improvements).. _ .__ _ Secured by residential properties (other than farm) Secured by other properties Other loans to individuals Loans to banks „ .'__ __ ___ ___ All other loans (including overdrafts) ., Total gross loans Less valuation reserves _._- Net loans Securities: U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including stocks of Federal Reserve banks Total securities Currency and com Balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures _ ._.. Real estate owned other than bank premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding ., .. _ Other assets _.. Total assets See footnotes at end of table. 1,051,406 19,864, 797 3, 731,621 10,596, 524 149, 517 1,549,053 26,743 2,757 51,009 119 5,307 7,822 7?724 46,953 8, 594,994 1,273,693 88,362 1,560 7,676 1,668 11, 543 1,423 7,944 5,242 36,103,768 25, 961, 229 10,042,869 526, 579 345,149 181,147 99,670 283 35, 577,189 25,616,080 0,861,722 99,387 71,595,087 35,156,343 36,438, 744 26,523,265 9,392, 508 5,333, 230 4,059, 278 3,856,327 5,989,483 2,373,149 3,616,334 1,409,849 180,895 609,185 428,290 192,050 9,818,837 146,930 2.204,582 227,278 96,642 56,021 1,903 8,962 68,997,884 32,894,116 470,339 996,918 68,000,966 32,423, 777 87,586,263 43,043,617 44, 542,646 31,981,491 12,397,627 163,528 2,890,421 42,826,197 1,330,901 36,668 104,674 348,969 737,564 1,418, 564 24, 593, 594 1, 471,857 1,343,493 18, 232,603 17,380,281 527,379 647,075 14,535 19,872 40,032 40,032 158,449 176, 261 243,872 416,528 124,173 762,035 118,825 4,783 4,191 90,287 871 554 169,652 17,812 3,004 77,305,612 23,438,817 379,634 16,796 64,642 172, 708 321,036 203,862,623 102,738,560 101,124,063 TABLE N O . 35.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by classes, Dec. 31, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] 00 O Brnks other thsn national Totsl all banks National banks All banks other than State comnational l mercial Mutual savings Private LIABILITIES Demand deposits: Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U. S. Government States and political subdivisions Banks in the United States Banks in foreign countries... Certified and cashiers' checks, etc _ _ -... Total time deposits Total deposits 1... ... ._ 41, 899, 764 1, 417,802 3, 526,098 4,317, 225 657, 832 1,382,042 13,646 3,033 1,588 25 7,875 236,372 291 6,012 15,423 28,769 9,917 126, 680,002 Total demand deposits. _ Time deposits: Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government Postal savings States and political subdivisions Banks in the United States Banks in foreign countries. _ 42,149, 782 1,421,126 3, 533, 698 4,332, 673 686,601 1, 399, 834 73,156, 288 53, 523, 714 53, 200, 763 26,167 296, 784 57,471, 885 263,556 28,071 1, 608,835 151,439 399, 877 19, 825, 659 37, 646, 226 218, 767 44, .789 18,068 10. 003 644,176 964, 659 134,102 17,337 161, 029 238,848 16, 738,978 44,728 18,068 636,160 132,453 161, 029 20, 880,137 61 27,111 7,360 1,604 656 45 97,005, 623 3, 435,982 8, 493, 631 13,139,402 1, 413, 661 3,191, 703 _ Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding Other liabilities . 54, 855, 841 2,014,856 4, 959, 933 8, 806, 729 727,060 1, 791,869 59, 923, 663 21, 275, 273 38, 648,390 17, 731,416 20,889,162 27, 812 186, 603,665 94, 431, 561 92,172,104 70,932,179 20,915,329 324, 596 44,008 377, 348 2,131,334 15, 484 187, 650 1, 433, 747 28,524 189, 698 697, 587 24,735 170, 719 578, 958 1,523 115,027 2,266 18, 979 3,602 189,156,355 96, 068, 442 93, 087, 913 71, 706, 591 21,031,879 349,443 39,456 51,098 3, 749, 452 7, 261,640 3, 027,369 577, 253 8,546 2,096, 799 3,083,495 1, 212, 538 268, 740 39,456 42, 552 1, 652, 653 4,178,145 1, 814, 831 308, 513 39, 456 42, 552 1, 647, 604 2, 532,854 1,115, 271 221,284 1, 625,873 698,374 82, 691 5,049 19,418 1,186 4,538 14, 706, 268 6,670,118 8,036,150 5, 599,021 2,406,938 30,191 203, 862, 623 102,738,560 101,124,063 77,305,612 23,438,817 379,634 Total liabilities.. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital notes and debentures Preferred stock Common stock _ Surplus Undivided profits . .... Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures. Total capital accounts... _ Total liabilities and capital accounts __ _ _ 1 Includes stock savings banks. 2 Book value included with "Reserves"- retirable value amounts to $5,700,000. TABLE NO. 36.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 31, 1951 (includes national, State commercial, savings, and private banks) ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts.. Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina. South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Balances Corpowith other rate U. S. Gov- Obligabanks, instocks, Other ernment tions of bonds, includ- Currency cluding States Population Num- Loans and obligareserve ing and po- notes, stocks (approxi- ber discounts, tions, and balances of including and delitical coin mate) and cash banks overdrafts direct and subdivi- bentures of Fedguaranitems in eral teed sions process of Reserve collection banks 57,683 9,469 27,794 26,404 10,817 1,946 406,865 135,979 50,128 19,243 201,179 57,600 Real estate Bank premises owned owned, other furniture than bank and fixtures premises Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate 508 312 332 951 23 1,152 420 52 162 1,506 250 58 2,448 33,270 Customers' liability on accept- Other ances assets outstanding Total 957,000 567,000 397,000 4,834,000 785,000 2,035,000 95 109 76 368 22 184 260,244 337,988 248, 789 253,254 202, 768 110,237 3,262,319 3,514,921 486,247 423,633 1,059,731 1,513,082 21,709 13,319 14,886 177,862 19,669 151,332 9,575,000 854 5,457,484 6,215, 729 398, 777 754,466 250,641 236,420 2,123, 574 112,369 3,278 16,508,199 1,986,387 2,516,327 423,504 4,798,843 741,277 24,476 231,823 73,950 1,085,331 14,910 550,466 , 704,706 123,197 267,546 15,970 950,538 49,568 72, 711 108,641 4,311 33,935 1,921 390,887 10,391,779 935,092 128,878 247,033 10, 795 129,777 47,666 433,952 30,492 322,021 302,058 60,021 110,904 4,501 17,707 17,016 3,101 435 5,401 209 248 715 5,335 227,817 313,614 593 168 18,983 15,604 5,269 1,558 656 8 561 155 19,898 2,242 1,200 52,227,722 6,220,715 13,806, 549 699,082 2,411,250 1,347, 525 3,264,504 3,138,077 200,836 855,751 14, 796,007 512,207 10,109 23,949 233,417 392,853 76, 712,843 544,763 255,195 545,407 230,858 593,653 21,938 8,406 16,076 5,044 20,778 25, 534 10,101 7,559 446 191 185 139 533 1,243 467 15,461,000 5,010,000 10,828,000 322,000 2,391,000 756,000 749 20,270,642 341 1,853,198 967 4,262,168 38 216,699 169 618,830 19 372, 607 34, 768,000 2,283 27, 594,144 3,374,000 2, 095,000 4,281,000 2,215,000 3,625,000 2,921,000 3,142,000 2,215,000 315 181 225 149 386 208 226 202 811,999 300,803 707, 783 210,272 741,192 561,045 424, 890 819, 580 455,000 308,847 643,405 990,932 487, 816 298,985 87,297 47,089 171,933 47,271 79,500 132,363 112, 897 127,325 40, 594 15,192 76,744 19,485 18,723 22, 794 20, 719 6,151 3,301 2,315 2,654 805 2,871 2,510 1,875 743 18,678 10,065 6,435 112,309 24,160 64,773 59,130 65,014 25,945 46,160 55,255 36,290 27,837 103,947 75,737 53,095 148,424 505,510 386, 510 234, 561 5,323 4,119 3,171 56,537 29,350 2,086 630 317 38 350 240 674 2 1 32,062 1,043 164 310 507 40 5 356 1,306 79 1,635 896 711 23,424 2,591 16,982 817,604 660,741 404,561 8,961,596 1,189,280 3,600,913 15,634, 695 4,531 2,652 8,484 1,086 5,566 5,775 4,222 742 2,395,975 1,117,962 2,291,512 849,830 2,152, 736 2,366,929 1,487, 767 940.333 TABLE NO. 36—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 81, 1951 (includes national, State commercial, savings, and private banks—Continued ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] _.. Total Southern States Ohio.... Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri ... _ Total Middle Western States North Dakota.South Dakota Nebraska Kansas 505,282 166 909 2,713,854 220,691 230 586,278 383 844,596 298 752,140 2,443,921 340,558 690, 522 Population Number (approxiof mate) banks Location Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Loans and discounts, including overdrafts U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 2,750,000 7,882,000 1,985,000 3,061,000 3,366,000 42,912,000 7,956,000 4,079,000 9,014,000 6,598,000 3,625,000 3,122,000 2,795,000 4,080,000 41,269,000 679,000 726,000 1,410,000 2,014,000 CorpoBalances rate with other Bank Obligastocks, Other includbanks, in- premises tions of bonds, Currency cluding States ing owned, and notes, reserve and postocks coin and de- of Fedbalances furniture litical and and cash fixtures subdivi- bentures eral items in sions Reserve process of banks collection Real estate owned other than bank prem- Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate Customers' liability on accept- Other Total assets outstanding 157,577 339,316 69,421 43,655 128,711 12,564 82,245 11,844 31,598 22,476 2,876 11,615 915 2,110 4,161 42,457 128, 615 20,185 41,263 46,566 651,282 2, 736,313 277,448 530,526 605,921 14,153 73,454 4,839 9,953 22,321 174 9,016 23 289 500 987 11,036 114 49 39 5,746 28,399 8,864, 774 9, 618,253 1, 544,355 381,129 38, 751 625,206 8,161,319 240,156 13,466 16,562 3,610,853 478,556 1,675,152 152,320 5, 911, 041 744,305 2,683,401 390,347 1,463,512 167,267 1,144,139 171,014 854,036 186,317 1,628,210 193,818 230,306 63,999 355,804 108,082 89,707 123,771 34,861 85,541 11,650 3,700 22,071 7,385 3,033 3,468 1,748 19,852 172,802 83,325 143,487 120,262 57,301 41,755 43,085 66,527 1,867,809 831,618 3,529,558 1,210,412 717,128 769,908 537,064 1,401,302 58,126 22,097 48,859 41,507 19,039 14,780 10,625 25,252 120 131 516 434 111 723 42 2,991 11,400 335 6,834 1,349 870 3,721 2,682 576 4,972 14,330,958 18,970,344 2,483,944 1,092,071 72,907 728, 544 10,864,799 240,285 5,068 27,767 11,851 110,303 48,938,841 1,817 2,956 7,103 7,726 18 6 45 150 23 958 1,319 2,207 2,074 640,336 566,561 1,551,687 1,966,004 3,878 485 895 435 557 681 661 599 150 169 416 607 2,770,628 941,690 3,944,129 1,845,679 986,590 1,170,364 901,012 1,770,866 152,651 175,471 459,878 565,229 319,848 232,206 564,052 664,092 32,877 22,674 81,261 136,883 15,226 7,863 21,030 24,875 334 442 1,786 1,634 7,527 7,820 16,354 24,211 109,080 115,781 397,956 538,625 183 549 5,261 11,678 857 2,492 3,541 2,150,499 8,589,462 946,895 1,938,918 2,369,520 37,480 56,887 29, 598,338 674 21,510 129 6,833 6,370 36,633 441 15,900 147 8,289 849 8,050 50 2,715 3,191 10,373 9,234,434 3,781,329 14,749, 607 6,425,199 3,512,994 3,452,542 2,574,237 5,208,499 15 "5O5' Montana Wyoming _ _ Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States. _ Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah._ Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States... Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska.Canal Zone (Panama) Guam . _ The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and possessions 1 8 32 38 98 234 364 41,674 22,022 16 969 115, 933 3 875 4,361 2,212 7,523 71 172,895 3,498 26,969 654 000 302,000 1,421,000 765,000 2, 215,000 110 52 157 51 385 163,134 82,843 436,852 116, 738 536,077 279,823 129, 616 527,288 153, 578 663,800 19,879 10,727 34,445 11,411 130,324 15,141 3,184 15,621 1,384 25,235 560 310 1,586 473 2,277 9,683 5,679 19,779 10,233 28,004 154,133 89,796 360,762 129,322 622,882 3,562 2,030 4,637 3,219 8,624 10,186,000 2,097 2,688,873 3,534,303 480,481 129,559 9,402 129, 290 2,518,337 2,412,000 1,561,000 10,780,000 629 000 740,000 160,000 801,000 121 71 201 42 54 8 13 859,272 587,223 6,523,012 174,748 240,926 62,629 224,074 778,582 539,735 5,274,046 202,860 247,229 100,667 170,178 168,532 113,005 813,225 13,496 29,068 6,937 28,535 46,727 13,719 388,097 1,732 3,353 4,272 11,726 2,654 1,751 29,240 482 679 188 640 40,020 20,526 149,273 7,929 8,512 4,593 14, 717 543,912 324,321 2,970,840 98 817 163,167 33,397 111, 584 17,083,000 510 8,671,884 7,313,297 1,172,798 469,626 35,634 245,570 4,246,038 155,793,000 14,594 67,608,117 71,342,915 9,344,859 5,964,928 608,171 2,820,781 42,710,074 1,319, 586 50,790 3,785 1,781 2,965 9 11 1 28,751 1,066 2,361 191,309 167,728 52 115,440 78,406 1,068 18,897 26,971 4,670 16,920 26,000 1 1,582 2,683 2,983,000 42 392,849 252,172 119,000 45,000 49,000 475,000 2, 250,000 19,000 20 0) (2) 47,649 24,555 1,014 29,366 671 18 54,242 31,171 120 1,028 17 11 5,733 4,515 1 371 1,014 8,107 3,543 844 27,893 28,799 83 535 116,123 11,315 158,776,000 14,636 68,000,966 71,595,087 9,392,508 5,989,483 609,185 2,890,421 42,826,197 1,330,901 4 branches of 2 American national banks. 2 branches of an American national bank. 1,216 291 4,309 378 3,081 647,162 324, 516 1,405,386 427,164 2,027,224 985 6,754 550 15,833 9,556,041 419 65 1,784 32 76 38 1,084 542 20 25, 471 g 857 146 403 27, 795 225 5,375 5,452 60,990 256 535 747 2,489 2,468,203 1,623,189 16,379,706 504,235 698,763 215,680 572,846 28,569 75,844 22,462,622 36,404 104,449 345,137 697,959 202,903,380 30 203 31 264 65 160 225 26 3,806 3,832 354 15,496 16,012 1,474 6,217 8 123,172 24,578 19,246 420,966 364, 724 1,332 44 10 69,640 124 6,100 9 70 456 2 5,225 39,605 a o o o o 959, 243 o f a 36,668 104,674 348,969 737,564 203,862,623 o 1 CO CO TABLE N O . 36.- - Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 31, 1951 {includes national, State commercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Location Maine New Hamsphire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut _ _ Total Southern States _ _ . _ _ 729,512 583.007 363,387 7, 994, 525 1,080.164 3, 264, 974 3,188 7, 628,833 14, 015, 569 4,758 29, 780, 732 3,030, 852 8,138, 556 439,946 1,373, 536 1, 016, 754 16, 682,187 2, 726,146 4,303, 993 183,926 838.989 241, 662 46, 462, 919 5, 756, 998 12, 442,549 623, 872 2, 212, 525 1, 258. 416 10. 556 43, 780,376 New York New Jersey _ _ _.. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States 441,198 400,326 247, 755 4,138, 062 578, 754 1. 822, 738 6,386, 736 _ _ ... Total deposits 288.314 182,681 115, 632 3,856,463 501,410 1, 442, 236 _ . .. Total New England States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia _ Florida Alabama Mississippi ._ Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Time deposits Bills pay- Acceptances able, reexecuted discounts, by or for and other account of liabilities reporting for banks and borrowed outmoney standing 24, 976, 903 68, 757, 279 15,836 1, 537, 285 757, 424 1, 680,330 702,253 1, 664, 631 1,808,296 1,108,028 743,963 1, 727,311 7, 291, 202 776,019 1, 558, 822 1, 724,194 672,516 262.669 433,112 94,522 325, 860 402. 675 269, 924 135, 464 295,464 737,696 104,024 238,935 480,234 2,209,801 1,020,093 2,113, 442 796, 775 1, 990,491 2, 210, 971 1,377, 952 879,427 2, 022, 775 8,028, 898 880,043 1, 797, 757 2, 204,428 840 2,500 304 155 12 23,079, 758 4, 453,095 27,532.853 4,997 50 1,520 3,830 200 650 600 219 317 650 Other liabilities Capital stock i Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures 38,505 36,118 11,032 420,720 58,296 166,323 26,209 26,507 9,573 288,103 13, 780 94.147 2,991 5,390 8,106 33, 489 6,473 7,053 Surplus 3,532 1.999 1,803 70.435 13,068 19,738 16,855 7,670 10,659 117, 252 16,420 46,994 35,128 110, 575 215, 850 730,994 458,319 63,502 243,448 168 5,322 8 155 1, 077,898 35, 859 86,985 4,513 13, 111 8,713 910, 758 111,943 325,802 12,129 36, 391 22,500 2. 499, 295 224, 616 732, 519 48,508 87,053 40,430 915,373 68,799 183, 975 8,964 52,424 13, 974 107,475 22,332 25,567 888 8,941 2,892 249,101 1, 227, 079 1, 419, 523 3, 632, 421 1, 243, 509 168. 095 312 183 549 16,814 4, 927 32,344 4,649 21,539 12,143 8,444 2,980 9,186 36,925 2,211 9,453 14,479 54,061 26,993 31,890 16,488 43,791 48,514 29,771 17,201 32.949 186,067 20,638 39, 743 49,604 74,005 43,961 81,040 21,221 58,108 64,909 43,165 37,322 52,279 193,920 24,178 63,307 66,630 30, 751 15,129 22,694 8,675 23,337 20.650 21,130 1,469 22,186 87, 515 16, 734 23,695 28,162 9,391 4,359 9,291 1,982 15, 246 9,069 4,789 . 1,205 2,154 26,837 3,091 4,625 5,656 42,817 176,094 597, 710 824,045 322,127 97,695 w 1 33,884 1,079 164 507 40 5 356 2,516 79 8,970 29,300 o o a Ohio Indiana Illinois.. Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 56,374 16,862 100,148 52, 051 9,877 25,237 4,389 29.587 176,853 64,670 299,359 112, 256 68,496 60,162 49, 574 117, 286 280,525 98,352 367, 782 156,368 91, 671 111, 851 69, 761 119, 826 96, 502 50,086 135,816 69,168 47,168 39,221 44,798 73, 438 13, 756 9,163 85,045 18,109 9,178 17,864 11, 445 9.853 969 13,270 294,525 948, 656 1, 296,136 556,197 174, 413 11,170 10,116 32,1S7 37,728 10,275 3, 949 24,624 9,235 40,608 11,775 12, 662 34,31/ 47,675 11,453 8,269 36,205 8,074 50,166 9,679 8,884 21,481 31,746 6,156 4,322 18, 413 1,222 38,427 4,283 2,029 6,146 3,178 779 948 4,823 4,370 5,903 . Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions).Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam... The Territory of Hawaii,.Puerto Rico American Samoa _. Virgin Islands of the Un ited States Total possessions Total United States and possessions 620 40 3 13, 277, 457 45, 654, 675 160,320 95,019 150, 284 188,605 101,751 52,433 262, 706 56,385 171,161 601,051 530, 371 1, 446, 780 1,840,601 615,325 305,865 1, 313, 510 403,335 1,882, 274 7,700, 448 _ 8, 609,130 3, 542. 027 13, 753, 798 6, 016,806 3, 286, 257 3,197,358 2,394,120 4, 855,179 440.731 435, 352 1, 296, 496 1,651, 996 513,574 253.432 1,050,804 346,950 1,711,113 Total Western States 2, 990, 629 978, 934 3,389,471 2,308,094 1, 278, 483 1,036, 761 549, 959 745,126 32,377, 218 Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona 100 6 674 129 7,656 441 147 849 50 3,324 5, 618, 501 2, 563, 093 10,364,327 3, 708, 712 2,007, 774 2,160, 597 1,844,161 4,110, 053 . 1, 238,664 8, 939,112 1, 557,177 1,077,797 8,840,753 358,999 460,280 135,165 424,879 747, 425 436, 231 6, 332, 547 116,678 193,303 66,857 108,063 2,304,602 1, 514,028 15,173,300 475,677 653,583 202,022 532,942 197 630 31, 598 12,855,050 8,001,104 20,856,154 126,179, 586 59, 576,056 185, 755,642 82,393 22,304 12,335 202,183 177,976 735 2,490 34,008 2,271 6,674 182,143 119, 789 450 2,272 116, 401 24, 575 19 009 384,326 297,765 1,185 4,762 500,416 347,60/ 126,680,002 59, 923,663 6,859 471 15 806 14 526 9 70 456 2,378 2,499 3,902 4,605 3,175 1,163 6,996 844 8,864 8,676 550 34,426 179,892 220,596 140,330 32, 459 225 13. 395 12,878 231, 043 2,634 4, 675 1, 9)1 6,606 39,630 26.629 331,819 9,667 12,386 2,688 10,535 66,260 39,379 378, 958 10,677 15,737 4,348 17, 519 29,418 29,135 216, 5-44 4,846 10,795 4,671 4,562 32,650 273,142 433,354 532,878 299,971 14, 701 510 16,444 734 1,587 40 457 34, 473 373, 516 2,115,841 3. 794, 985 7, 237,0/0 3,020, 453 570, 637 2,023 2,055 1,547 983 321 8,451 26 3,806 163 3 237 2, 593 12, 419 3 45 11,327 31,471 50 150 13, 951 8,399 65 100 3,773 1,521 29 46 4,649 862 848,023 8,772 3,832 15,493 45, 021 24, 570 6,916 6,616 186,603,665 44,008 377,348 2,131,334 3,840,006 7,261,640 3,027,369 577, 253 i Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 144 and 145.) 200 35,236 122 TABLE N O . 36.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. 31, 1951 {includes national, State commercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Loans to farmers directly industrial guaranOther loans (in- teed by loans to cluding the Com- farmers modity openCredit market paper) Corporation Commercial and Location Maine... New Hampshire Vermont.— Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 69, 615 36, 672 20, 462 985,158 114, 272 199, 710 Total New England States 245 18 7,300 2,629 10.830 6,023 1,017 5.807 Other Real-estate loans loans for the purpose of Loans to purchasSecured Secured brokers ing or by resi- Secured and carrying by farm land (in- dential by other dealers in stocks, cluding properties propersecurities bonds, improve- (other ties and ments) than farm) other securities 183 10 23,301 2,121 2,030 1,406 3,192 26, 618 1,902 8,408 Other loans to individuals 4,968 2,908 15,985 8,718 2,194 7,349 113,319 19, 407 167,046 9,305 108,007 16,821 1, 548. 585 299, 655 208, 028 36,790 615, 664 66,165 41,620 26,972 26, 476 356, 935 55, 693 157,380 Loans to banks 32 13 5,714 420 1, 425, 889 263 33,606 43, 556 42,122 2, 760, 649 665,076 6,179 8, 818, 015 399,075 1, 901, 556 70,181 ..141, 754 136, 409 291 219 527 244 380 65,318 1, 259,151 9,600 7,215 44,089 56, 667 2,675 3,420 4,652 11,187 3,262 108 327, 488 15, 399 57,166 2,723 47, 255 3,991 40,424 8,351 52,172 7,683 19,358 192 6, 751, 810 1,179. 477 1, 581, 780 377, 704 913,692 124, 906 801, 746 1,092,193 241, 621 42, 082 11, 062 75,364 129, 581 52,068 196,825 32, 212 94, 430 90, 867 124, 628 Total Eastern States. 11, 466, 990 1,661 146, 300 1, 321,044 454, 022 128,180 9,120, 751 1, 641, 346 3, 027, 323 7,612 7, 485 20, 499 3,990 14, 312 20, 079 5,103 28, 908 10,738 23,027 6,516 22, 714 9,079 15,379 15, 786 12,182 29,355 11, 954 48, 458 32,181 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee 234,150 54, 284 301, 946 75,163 307, 246 - 226, 672 151,061 88,007 248,149 1, 415, 073 64,505 __. 188,199 395, 577 Total Southern States 3, 750, 032 196 26,603 5, 557 3,035 2,538 27, 323 2,573 580 1,235 31,189 6,502 19, 092 7,164 29, 856 19, 032 31, 545 24, 542 19, 585 274, 743 34, 309 50,031 40,801 57 4,723 611 4. 415 2,070 4,103 1,537 2,950 11, 217 1,393 1,491 3,177 4,730 73.153 1,326 9,254 17, 707 61, 547 588, 391 40, 643 192, 058 1,314 7,590 9,606 266,277 195, 766 101,458 69, 970 31, 279 105,180 75, 834 59, 395 25, 799 53, 917 147, 905 28. 993 90,582 85, 268 1,071, 346 448,143 48, 586 26, 920 41,143 13, 547 31, 407 35, 570 18,364 13, 668 87, 795 12, 557 36,129 35, 599 240, 464 92, 765 226, 728 60,378 203. 664 160, 964 124, 901 55, 443 114,107 617, 747 60,587 152, 686 225,001 435, 271 2, 335,435 All other loans (in> Less Total eluding gross loans valuation overreserves drafts) 4,061 2,457 2,672 43, 552 6,868 11, 338 262, 780 249, 405 204, 458 3, 304, 259 428, 885 1, 073, 247 70, 948 5, 523, 034 Net loans 2, 536 616 1,690 41.940 5,252 13, 516 260, 244 248, 789 202. 768 3, 262, 319 423, 633 1, 059, 731 65, 550 5, 457, 484 450 25 507, 810 20, 656,192 22, 447 1, 878, 608 90,091 4, 338,168 1,916 217, 350 20, 475 623, 985 14,185 375, 681 385, 550 20, 270, 642 25, 410 1, 853,198 76, 000 4, 262,168 651 216, 699 5,155 618, 830 3,074 372, 607 125, 443 656, 924 28,089,984 495,840 27, 594,144 340 923 329 650 3 141 54 29, 658 4,467 9,863 6,579 19, 207 15, 854 17, 215 5,117 19, 682 57, 013 4,095 15, 852 20, 282 5,161 224,884 727 1,624 495 215 820, 351 304, 676 719, 032 212, 817 749, 231 565, 649 432, 838 239, 742 512,155 2, 741, 974 222, 295 593, 403 856, 882 8,971,045 8,352 3,873 11, 249 2,545 8. 039 4,604 7,948 3,653 6,873 28,120 1,604 7,125 12, 286 811, 999 300, 803 707, 783 210, 272 741,192 561,045 424, 890 236, 089 505, 282 2, 713,854 220, 691 586, 278 844, 596 106,271 8,864,774 to 898,403 241,094 2,340,810 481,114 326,190 355, 736 169,927 690,715 Ohio Indiana Illinois . Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri -._ Total Middle Western States. ___ North Dakota _ South Dakota Nebraska Kansas __. Montana Wyoming _ __ _ . Colorado New Mexico . Oklahoma Total Western States. 4,299 3,679 4,973 2,330 600 15,178 12,845 5,136 71,075 74,967 207,553 60,703 70,611 147,052 313,291 154,478 39,233 1,501 94, 677 10, 787 957 2,493 899 9,636 72,903 9,604 83,846 19,336 9,144 10,350 5,252 24,862 85,194 50,569 39, 717 40,195 57,165 51,365 61,479 39,760 812, 627 298,240 458,156 647,454 299, 664 306, 707 163,925 390, 620 149, 741 53,543 102,134 115,055 71, 221 52,917 38, 492 77,906 606,632 209, 225 548,637 455,756 142,077 202,755 132,820 .351,376 822 5 438 5,503,989 49,040 1,099,730 160,183 235,297 425,444 3,377,393 661,009 2,649, 278 1,518 1,305 984 600 6,807 3,357 754 431 2,554 1,867 2,917 3,434 4,368 10,432 19,970 2,413 1,602 5,244 1,955 10,856 22,860 29, 464 28,555 60,524 30,378 16,873 49, 421 17,846 37,238 4,525 5,091 10, 743 12, 204 5 334 5,144 18,845 5,645 20,566 21, 623 25,298 59, 256 91,191 34,040 13,500 91,033 26, 810 120,670 15, 696 23,740 124,586 137,644 30,340 18, 509 122, 630 37,421 235, 588 51,077 18,849 12,134 34, 751 26, 274 2,102 7,143 1,403 7,980 33,476 69,930 199,022 199,439 34,910 24,982 135,244 24, 256 89,063 746,154 161, 713 810,322 5,202 20, 271 60,274 293,159 88,097 483, 421 1,266 251 24,319 34 1 096 159 2,862 2,937 29,341 299 1,920 292 283 14,876 10,622 85, 462 3,590 6 996 953 2,127 243,386 165,692 2, 500, 752 48,096 69,404 25, 238 63,932 59, 572 30,432 311,086 10,193 15 656 5,981 2,371 154, 523 125, 288 954,935 30,014 48,601 14,199 51,088 27,125 37,934 124, 626 3,116, 500 435,291 1,378, 648 337, 719 219, 603 2, 279,349 42,969 64,623 9,471 59, 226 6,966 1,020 602 5,220 1 526 124 31,795 31,464 266,190 32,820 27 831 6,246 45,501 Total Pacific States.. 3,012, 960 15, 458 441,847 Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona _ Total United States (exclusive of pos25,906,014 sessions) Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam The Territory of Hawaii.__ Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions 12, 781 950 1 172 39, 675 79,054 133,848 I 1,171 289,682 3,120,196 1, 580,800 63 5,613 14, 213 19.858 7 8,644 3,995 21,139 191 2,142 2,212 30 91, 376 24,164 9 12, 353 5,955 3,784 87 1,136 15,387 36, 617 52 6 6 18' 63 983,138 1,046,923 19, 739, 798 3, 709,157 10,539,181 122 785 152 6 21,361 4, 483 124, 999 22, 464 57, 343 289,745 3,140,054 1,580,806 1,004,499 1,051,406 19,864, 797 3, 731, 621 10, 596, 524 2,809,086 953,499 4,009,012 1,866 831 1,004,096 1,183, 715 909, 798 1, 786,802 359,958 14,522,839 38,458 11,809 64,883 21,152 17,506 13,351 8,786 15,936 2, 770,628 941,690 3,944,129 1 845 679 986,590 1,170,364 901,012 1, 770,866 191,881 14,330,958 216 995 1,526 13,177 6,572 1,486 364 7,027 1,375 14,326 154, 670 178,871 465, 594 568,376 165 929 83,508 440,320 118,578 540, 725 2,019 3,400 5,716 3,147 2 795 665 3,468 1,840 4,648 152,651 175,471 459,878 565,229 163,134 82,843 436,852 116, 738 536,077 1,110 46,848 2, 716,571 27,698 2, 688,873 16,846 4,575 148, 647 3,537 5 779 470 499 869,811 591,884 6,610,149 176, 772 243,432 62,860 225,310 10,539 4,661 87,137 2,024 2 506 231 1,236 859,272 587, 223 6, 523,012 174, 748 240,926 62,629 224,074 180,353 8, 780, 218 108,334 8,671,884 330 556 8 9,466 10 9,476 148,887 1,539,915 68,603,691 630 630 44 27 14 3,830 5,220 29, 292 1,066 2,361 191, 515 168,325 52 3 280 23 2 14 216 Total United States 26,039,862 and possessions 5 552 2,168 89 47 67 50 68,157 11,072 128,071 34,101 26,378 39,115 10,801 42, 263 394,193 541 1,582 9,138 995,574 67,608,117 149,517 1,549,053 63,997,884 206 597 28,751 1,066 2,361 191,309 167, 728 52 1,582 1,344 392,849 996,918 68,000,966 TABLE NO. 36.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, Dec. SI,1951 (includes national, State commercial, savings, and private banks)—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Capital Capital notes and debentures Location 125 7 1,944 912 Maine.New Hampshire. Vermont -... Massachusetts... Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States Preferred stock 50 Demand deposits Common stock Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government States and political subdivisions 16,730 7,663 8,715 116,340 16,420 46,944 238,169 142,686 97,752 2,986,030 420,246 1,203,717 7,205 5,005 2,724 97,049 12,917 53,573 27,916 18,540 10,749 271,295 41,203 73,593 212,812 5,088,600 Banks in United States Time deposits Certified Banks and in cashiers' foreign checks, countries etc 1 Individuals, partnerships, and corporations U.S. Government 438,552 399,443 245,866 4,116,260 577,217 1,819,030 543 135 8,995 488 1,545 20 3 1,747 555 55 7,596,368 12,204 2,386 8,668 9,995 1,707 357,488 10,100 50,479 28,682 1,867 46 6,354 6,455 2,700 115,919 15,077 60,828 438,437 30,597 207,333 Postal savings States and political subdivisions Banks Banks in in foreign United counStates tries 2,142 320 1,695 8,008 408 2,022 3,000 England New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware. _ Maryland District of Columbia.. 3,038 34,107 8,814 13,597 1,153 155 656 Total Eastern States . . . 34,262 Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina _ South CarolinaGeorgia Florida... Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas. Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee.. Total Southern States.. 867,837 21, 779,513 98,346 2,500,496 324,649 6, 779,600 12,129 380,327 35,580 1,087,017 22,500 '895,566 178,473 443,296 990,684 77,844 244,524 16,090 30,335 17,403 825,843 300,031 276,234 22,036 121,391 205 24,220 1,361,041 33,422,519 1,376,880 1,545,740 1,154 3, 597,422 1,166, 284 1,420,986 16,105, 518 51,850 79,879 2,687, 557 5,202 71,963 639 115,040 4,178,472 3,695 708,219 14,939 16,441 380 5,052 164,682 12,929 8,260 120,383 1,481 828,317 30,800 67,803 4,977 207,330 16,386 243 9 1,244 197 200 153 505 245 123 297 31,152 34,689 20,586 39,621 23,712 21,546 9,044 27,606 110,409 9,084 36,158 26,387 79,828 115,702 162,113 205,005 49,464 265,327 31,180 239, 515 157,844 93,241 66,641 255,373 1,173,236 68,143 203,651 348,108 4,167 593,246 16,832,955 420,860 2,282,268 3,156,728 117 100 126,528 115,105 129,526 95,269 181,026 228,457 141,108 123, 549 290,359 48 116 31, 594 23,559 21,101 9,386 21, 701 24,560 9,227 5,481 21,088 150,563 5,751 12,651 17,827 32,458 354,489 273 ~7,~347 68 2,600 374 7,204 14,428 3,000 18 1,025 85,773 2,088 254,814 127,129 606,897 18,034 260,007 1,408 356,540 5,804 87,437 5,908 315,337 6,372 389,047 6,168 265,164 3,502 133,833 1,209 285,086 2,600 606,658 16,578 102,442 249 229,121 4,918 459, 704 3,301 2,363 536 6,625 12 1,371 2,909 32 618 235 726 415 655 850 759 357 1,085 4,324 150 77 1,710 4,570,842 1,188,320 1,676,075 24,171,876 52,907 1,143,019 26,870 538,144 31, 773 1,222,340 16,378 545,832 43,742 1,182,700 48,271 1,371,123 29,762 842,532 15,947 539,248 32, 742 1,125,681 185,772 5,348,868 20,485 613,213 39,238 1,190,612 49,359 1,169,643 14,595 81,083 125, 513 318,223 32,949 438 853 119,928 18,364 •""500 2,069 325 421 16,500 4,097,273 76,051 1,045 468 438 175 21 224 15,174 252,632 11,961 335,223 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 670 325 55 1,534 4,740 1,810 1,100 1,277 405 4,545 11,246 53 113 13 9 474 1 452 263 1,670 16 - Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota. _ _ Nebraska Kansas _ _ _ Montana Wyoming _ Colorado New Mexico _ _ Oklahoma _ _ Total Western States... Washington Oregon California Idaho _ _ Utah Nevada Arizona — Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 4,578,911 1,991 267 7, 992,849 2,964, 256 1,635,404 1, 533,166 1,435,835 2,880, 713 932, 865 25,012,401 209,816 57,294 318, 459 164,333 59, 207 56,169 35,976 87,316 2,816,933 972,160 3,199,859 2, 279,842 1, 268,218 1,025,189 546, 576 731, 750 1,849 5,190 6,109 2,325 4,822 110 2,608 1,732 412 524 671 137 913 323 211 629 170,604 232 182, 312 25,404 4,090 10,960 564 10, 775 831 828 520 386 440 179 497, 334 12,840, 527 24, 745 3,820 404, 941 3,424 348 3,395 2,958 10,560 13,081 5,216 3,031 14,570 4,470 26,989 111, 957 91, 524 150,132 183, 536 101,169 51, 980 248,017 52,120 148,494 677 1,037 34 3,714 72 385 2,564 3.763 3,925 7 10 28 64 4 23 10 342 111 47, 679 2,448 88 1,268 496 45 12,103 160 17,657 974 335,448 326, 587 486,874 298, 245 107,177 182,823 211,304 255,335 364,137 141,071 1,404,676 215,697 154,337 349,940 130,159 852,493 7,184 252 40,577 6,040 1,127 3,788 988,570 2, 203, 793 3, 612, 510 62,610 3,642 123,005 46,622 120,892 60,141 50,522 34, 711 30,887 30, 554 179 11,108 10,003 32,154 37, 675 10,250 3,706 24,624 9,199 40,603 353,879 367,694 1, 007,231 1,191,385 420, 596 197,593 849,671 254,165 1, 277, 725 5,005 6,001 20,938 24,091 7,247 2,757 23,787 13,308 28,955 64,020 46,926 86,276 308, 989 48, 626 35. 613 ol, 103 61,975 171, 811 14,432 11, 773 171,487 114,450 31,889 14,438 101,604 13,032 205,285 391 179,322 5,919,939 132,089 885,339 678,390 421 84,270 1,138,929 16,171 599 81,944 1,021 39,574 26,590 323,993 9,667 12,198 2,688 10,535 1, 266,944 863,607 7, 216, 883 282,306 325,638 106, 905 341,337 32,953 21,863 191, 828 4,640 5,384 2,676 5,574 139, 227 125, 935 587, 910 60.406 69, 269 21, 415 63,461 92, 871 40,248 465, 510 7,597 53,788 1,285 5,008 5,714 1, 525 89, 430 741, 570 425, 710 5, 713, 534 115,927 189, 728 64,542 107,013 5,323 47 27, 525 649 2,047 1,647 925 15 !5 250 11 1,030 61,645 25 27 9,654 523,375 51 428 668 100 490 805 6,218 40 70 1,615 19,468 24, 619 289,192 4,050 6,200 2,884 7,884 264,918 1,067, 623 666,307 98,285 354,297 7,358,024 38,163 1,346 534,303 7,623 61,645 25,413 1, 543, 229 151,438 399,872 20 53 25 243 56 39 7,826 78 110 173 7,936 39,456 425,245 10,403, 620 11,327 31,471 50 59,698 8,237 4 214 138,789 112, 770 439 12,136 13, 865 3 562 30, 527 13, 598 264 8,225 1,406 5 4 279 26,355 25, 957 2,808 11,956 100 50 1,442 240 756 69 1 44,921 325,589 74,192 65, 572 16,188 22,969 2,271 5,671 177, 702 57, 626 450 806 10 28 928 71 280 2,898 13,685 4 39 17,905 268,888 12 21 1,766 1,072 125 601 2,036 1,003 2,768 60,002 67 1 5 10,449 2,658 65,606 1 5 28,071 1,608, 835 151, 439 399, 877 51,098 3, 749,452 97,005,623 3,435, 982 8,493,631 13,139,402 1,413,661 3,191, 703 57, 471, 885 263,556 * Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). 2 23 10 9,252 2,199 970 126 13 100 39, 456 4 50,998 3, 704,531 96, 680,034 3,361,790 8,428,059 13,123, 214 1,412,691 3,173, 798 57, 202, 997 253,107 2,023 Total possessions-.. 240 36 5 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States— Total United States and possessions.,. 176,054 63,163 297, 562 107, 516 65,016 59,046 48,297 116, 211 and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, 1951 TABLE N O . 37.— ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Number of banks 32 51 38 115 6 48 Location Loans and discounts, including overdrafts 84,900 75,309 54, 292 1, 201, 243 75,101 246,602 Maine New Hampshire..Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States ObligaU. S. tions of GovernStates ment and securities, political direct and subdiguaranteed visions 88,451 73, 417 50,300 1,183, 532 86.627 354, 910 11,531 9,517 6,522 120, 942 3,984 82, 527 Other bonds, notes, and debentures 11,360 4,723 4,834 61,408 2,774 20,105 orporate stocks, including stocks of Federal Reserve banks 621 452 318 6,623 352 1,442 Currency and coin 6,957 7,436 3,027 57, 808 5,468 25,403 Balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures 49,631 57,528 31, 074 861,127 37,100 235, 975 1,322 1,833 1,571 26,882 3,920 10, 204 66 23 23 16 6 211 Real estate owned other than bank Investments and other indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate 52 23 425 260 159 Other assets 505 158 231 13, 550 402 1,611 Total 255,609 230, 448 152, 215 3, 563, 544 215,994 979,151 England 290 1, 737, 447 1, 837, 237 235,023 9,808 106, 099 1, 272, 435 45, 732 345 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of C o l u m b i a . . . . . — . 372 202 619 11 59 5,331, 549 4, 246, 672 1,102,639 800, 255 1,156, 701 213,384 2, 448,314 2, 750, 638 468,336 11, 585 13, 585 1,463 198,601 339, 417 27,863 199,131 359, 792 6,701 531,109 86,385 321, 289 1,221 24,479 20, 786 43, 027 4,334 18, 852 117 1,234 1,000 120, 730 3,615,353 64, 697 489, 609 143, 573 1, 658, 448 6,282 949 15,651 209, 977 17,729 201, 807 88, 917 25,725 60,729 508 5,320 8,145 521 131 1,171 4 34 531 1,733 381 7,259 Total Eastern States. _ 1,272 8, 989,435 8, 866, 805 985, 269 68, 564 363,329 189,344 2,392 9,908 133 74 46 25 51 63 70 24 36 443 52 93 74 444, 455 485, 554 149, 062 245, 955 177, 732 189, 458 136, 445 203,339 396, 991 360, 036 355, 854 642,664 316, 219 367, 856 61, 766 78, 978 333, 877 561,378 2, 204,177 1, 970, 075 118,334 176,118 202,142 295,637 604, 655 505,036 26, 084 9,694 11, 259 11,457 15, 200 18, 696 18, 481 1,336 9,385 61,350 8,141 12,399 18,201 2,183 1,042 854 31, 499 14, 999 15, 408 14, 455 19, 214 31, 439 24, 266 310 31 66 66 208 426 355 36 148 7,303 4 210 114 576 10, 862 114 40 29 221, 683 26,403 9,277 13,003 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Customers' liability on acceptances outstanding . Total Southern States.. 1,184 51.134 21,891 31, 008 18, 779 49, 995 90,182 89, 242 31, 953 73, 971 251,630 41, 936 23,197 83,370 5, 501, 709 6, 082, 084 858, 788 105, 204 602 1,542 2,213 1,593 398 2,194 9,164 744 1,170 2,704 6,181,476 9,172 16,956 28,538 447, 008 2, 253,374 144, 688 216,162 448, 039 12,254 4, 865 5,209 3,470 12,290 17,623 7,636 2,146 11, 045 57, 261 2,346 4,890 16,136 320,711 5,412,397 157,171 6,043 20,139 88,583 320, 147, 158, 142, 348, 419, 297, 507 872 540 426 606 256 076 767 30, 407 16, 457 5, 396, 961 71,925 41 3,426 101,449 7,835 16,863 44 2,319 757 15, 255, 624 2, 849, 478 7, 898, 898 35, 758 825, 528 816,379 75,490 129, 267 27, 681, 665 159 204 2,937 708 964 702 2,601 3,748 2,750 220 4, 479 10, 087 548 1,194 2,512 1,377, 924 596,119 590, 987 531, 779 1, 206, 683 1, 582, 220 1,127,307 251, 719 1, 469, 896 6, 951, 836 502,145 774,156 1, 710, 038 36,133 33,450 18,672,809 535 702 305 38 115 527 4 1,306 27, 970 Ohio Indiana IllinoisMichigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri. ._. _ ._ Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma .._ _ Total Western States.. Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona -.. Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions). 220, 548 83,639 447,106 149, 567 62, 692 105, 669 71, 485 71, 635 67, 349 38, 766 242, 058 57. 539 58,141 66, 321 17, 788 36, 458 6,412 2,643 15,607 4,197 2,137 3,345 1,097 3,229 979, 645 73,141 510, 617 45,040 97,605 2, 660, 536 690, 228 55, 677 400, 824 22,809 612,134 22, 794 216, 988 12, 378 599, 077 20, 775 33,115 13. 389 34,169 15, 774 9,224 9,319 4,219 10,009 1 93 339 58 20 501 23 141 3,619 1,194 287 1,277 7, 676, 688 10, 659, 348 1, 212,341 584, 420 38, 667 350, 219 6, 670, 049 129, 218 1,176 8,350 40 35 123 174 39 24 77 26 198 127, 970 111, 254 368, 854 390, 272 147, 348 93, 213 392, 984 111, 504 563,174 9, 788 11, 744 66, 472 64, 393 9,640 7,616 27, 335 8,157 1C5, 850 5,803 5.887 18,148 21, 558 7,127 2,468 13, 816 1,217 23, 617 319 348 1, 315 1,303 316 251 1,314 428 2,211 3,724 4,107 10, 718 12, 540 5,327 4.156 13, 097 5,882 20, 673 58, 718 65, 927 304, 675 329, 303 81.183 59, 867 279. 535 97, 099 .537, 375 1,340 2,080 5.832 4,695 2,862 1,420 2,995 2,378 7,278 18 3 9 117 130 25 90 91 340 100 6,038 736 1, 717,874 2, 306, 573 310, 995 99, 641 7,805 80, 224 1, 813. 682 30, 880 693 6,268 35 20 93 13 11 5 3 575, 235 665, 206 454, 714 511, 622 5, 043, 926 3, 800, 980 159, 574 126, 896 132, 500 117, 774 80, 728 49, 568 107, 714 178, 957 144, 626 98, 224 603. 297 7,798 9,798 6,296 15,903 25, 594 13, 656 320, 225 1,143 1,348 4,144 8,035 2.319 1,694 24,154 421 342 166 551 476, 525 31, 845 287, 593 15, 702 107, 035 2,177,133 68, 381 5,535 87, 056 3,853 24, 388 3,206 82, 541 9,890 18, 499 15, 047 82, 293 3,104 2,681 1,714 5,147 351 14 1,638 24 24 33 803 475 140 403 21,001 1, 945, 237 4,422 1, 403, 723 5,054 49, 746 12, 256, 574 373, 065 189 356, 375 274 170, 875 632 411, 518 1,977 180 6, 693, 949 5, 311, 445 885, 942 374,145 29, 647 177, 066 3, 203, 617 128, 485 2,887 26, 346 21, 544 62, 294 16, 917. 367 180, 894 1, 397, 648 24, 553, 656 680, 830 16, 770 64, 642 172, 682 320,173 102, 461, 726 458 2,528 7 19 26 82 737 44 5, 225 26 863 276, 834 239 125 386 78 95 178 97 79 1, 215, 787 1, 736, 728 491. 840 896, 297 2, 995, 538 4,173, 753 896, 092 1, 452, 678 400, 618 714, 512 757, 425 729,195 251, 767 280,730 667, 621 675, 455 76, 349 91,601 327, 667 281,040 73, 867 56, 667 300, 476 81,046 429,161 4,939 32, 317,102 35,063, 492 5, 323, 475 2, 370, 362 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States 5 1 1 1,582 2,683 Total possessions 7 106, 675 92, 851 Total United States and possessions 15,142 89, 951 35, 477 54, 691 1,663 8,092 296 2,491 1 5,276 15, 269 371 535 2,787 1 20, 916 39, 938 2,996 683, 826 16, 796 8,652 67, 531 27, 406, 659 456 767 1,215 1,835 1,617 747 255 2,055 277 2,406 284, 796 294,166 1,105, 525 1,106, 968 328, 417 225 938 1, 033,' 697 308,179 1, 698, 579 456 11,174 6, 386, 265 725 26 180, 895 1, 418, 564 24, 593, 594 25,146 1,240 4, 342,333 8,285 2, 086, 990 4,562 26,535 10, 700, 057 10,182 3, 333, 556 1, 676, 992 5,974 6,308 2, 317, 450 859, 461 1,792 3, 893 2, 089, 820 467 79 5, 758 247 41 820 10 9,755 4,946 32, 423, 777 35,156, 343 5. 333, 230 2, 373,149 19, 074 20, 329 855 25 1,053 1,317 64, 642 172, 708 77. 475 194,134 321, 036 102, 738, 560 TABLE N O . 37.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 31, 1951—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut _ Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware . Maryland __ District of Columbia. Time deposits Total deposits 149,774 164,877 70,614 2, 758,107 137,071 730,697 79,919 42,998 66,076 452,224 62,032 179,121 3,210,331 199,153 909,818 4,011,140 882,420 4,893, 560 229,693 207,875 19,305, 497 . _ Total Southern States 912,892 416, 732 454, 314 444,169 976, 622 1, 251,187 845,009 190,161 1,192, 658 5, 911,140 407, 247 609,004 1, 292,021 14, 903,156 58,047 154,335 225,688 201,301 46,441 190,175 590,167 59, 932 112,381 306,900 9,240 6,060 4,703 78,904 4,570 22,133 Surplus Undivided profits 9,612 9,092 5,064 140, 578 8,615 25,113 and retirement account for preferred stock 4,713 5,652 3,624 49,365 1,587 11,902 1,021 1,157 1,079 19,058 49 3,539 "ioo 31,808 293 159 1,330 562 1,055 33,100 1,727 6,387 550 32,260 44,161 125,610 198,074 76,843 25,903 74,927 41 3,469 14,504 47,989 34 2,347 4,248 355,369 58,241 207,128 1,260 14,220 12,700 566,528 82,146 412, 766 2,659 27,334 20,650 218,322 32,615 106,712 797 9,432 7,676 15,653 9,746 12,260 85 4,153 1,230 375, 554 ===== 18,967 6,887 5,823 4,403 7,862 13,195 13, 757 218 14, 550 65, 702 7,564 8,767 16, 785 184,480 43,127 50 3,340 "200 5,236,075 24, 541, 572 360, 747 131, 733 96,005 Capital stock i 2,245 11,336,880 1,878, 731 1, 573, 718 1, 078,467 5,105, 712 1,999, 522 19,351 11, 572 607,134 160, 610 662,702 107,173 Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina... Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana. _. Texas... Arkansas. Kentucky lessee Demand deposits Bills payAcceptable, redis- ances execounts, and cuted by or for acOther other count of liabilities liabilities reporting for borrowed banks and money outstanding 1,273,639 548,465 550,319 502,216 1,130, 957 1,476,875 1,046,310 236,602 1, 382,833 6, 501,307 467,179 721,385 1,593,921 2, 533,852 17,437,008 5,785 78,535 876, 091 648, 918 1,112,083 340 1,400 307 8,920 28,871 159 204 7,544 2,049 3,734 3,697 9,420 8,952 7,307 819 7,034 27, 597 1,730 3,268 9,550 29,281 12,985 9,625 8,137 21,173 31,375 21,590 4,533 19,588 14S, 030 10,480 15, 080 31, 701 42,871 22,053 19,137 12,027 28, 638 44,477 31, 724 9,199 36,346 153,837 13,679 23,871 49,173 41,470 92,701 I 363,628 492,032 I "489" 300 55 2,095 4 2,516 4,975 2,280 1,860 1,299 8,633 7,042 4,103 298 625 21,492 1,513 1,571 3,704 59,395 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota __ Nebraska Kansas _ __ Montana Wyoming _ _ Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma __ Total Western States Washington Oregon. _ _ California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona - _ ___ __ ___ 4,056,077 1,959,269 9,983,447 3,139,749 1,573,242 2,148,012 804,849 1,962,771 6,061,423 25,627,416 201,800 224,679 922,657 948,986 261,209 177,351 782,901 250,504 1,446,749 __ _ 1,098,965 467,956 2,208,880 912,245 487,533 485,889 151, 857 248,098 66,491 51,976 110, 720 93,647 51,198 36,353 185,249 40,313 134,231 268,291 276,655 1,033,377 1,042,633 312,407 213,704 968,150 290,817 1,580,980 5,216,836 ______ .. 2,957,112 1,491,313 7,774,567 2,227,504 1,085,709 1,662,123 652,992 1,714,673 19, 565,993 __ 770,178 5,987,014 1,373,252 948,570 6, 747,198 266,244 258,765 105,486 306,355 448,562 358,970 4, 579,214 86,073 76,708 54,083 76, 872 10,005,870 5,680,482 73,008,492 21,164,430 94,172,922 50,545 94,761 2,490 23,415 85,156 2,272 Total possessions Total United States and possessions __ .._ 147, 796 110,843 21,275,273 94,431,561 42,810 24,824 86,649 26,984 21,467 21,958 12,365 23,806 4,668 5,484 51,064 6,470 4,612 11,997 2,919 3,479 9,920 159,904 524,535 733,178 260,863 90,693 1,742 2,323 3,020 3,405 2,229 939 4,170 724 7,248 4,605 4,593 21,245 20,120 5,195 2,510 16,230 6,440 32,488 6,129 7,031 22,316 23,912 5,695 5,515 27,738 5,970 41,691 3,111 2,663 14,306 15,229 2,577 2,730 13,119 792 30,537 918 901 4,832 1,619 314 540 3,879 3,422 5,179 456 25,800 113,426 145,997 85,064 21,604 10,729 11,814 199,180 2,025 3,048 1,531 5,485 32,450 22,620 247, 523 6,800 5,200 1,885 7,475 44,960 33,920 286,462 7,795 5,829 3,650 12,200 22,245 26,939 162,418 3,575 5,656 4,200 3,131 12,848 260 10,417 553 1,169 40 6,429 50 411 14 6,904 24,983 233,812 323,953 394,816 228,164 25,287 187,624 1,432,469 2,100,070 3,076,180 1,210,968 266,009 26 15,484 106 1,127 45 1,125 4,000 150 1,215 6,000 100 636 888 46 433 2,176 122 26 258,639 73,156,288 124,796 54,376 283,006 83,779 42, 761 73,472 22,415 48,573 191 630 24,162 150 73,960 179,917 4,762 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States 89,536 33,755 231,557 45,945 28,655 38,631 14,448 42,008 467 79 6,901 247 41 820 100 15,686,352 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 23,929 9,203 57,433 30,382 6,214 22,560 2,365 7,818 456 1,821,814 1,307,540 11,326,412 352,317 335,473 159, 569 383,227 Total Pacific States 1 1,365 50 15,484 1,278 5,275 7,315 1,570 2,731 187,650 1,433,747 2,105,345 3,083,495 1,212,538 268, 740 See classification on pp. 152 and 153. CO TABLE N O . 37.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. SI, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Loans to farmers directly industrial guaranloans (in- teed b y t h e Comcluding modity openCredit market Corpopaper) ration Commercial and Location Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States 32,658 30,854 10,764 789,423 32,287 99,269 England Loans to Other brokers loans to and dealfarmers ers in securities 4,408 2,261 4,654 4,202 46 2,135 12,567 Other loans for the purpose of purchasing or carrying stocks, bonds, and other securities 1,385 1,719 12,351 1,139 3,489 Real estate loans Secured Secured by resiby farm dential Secured land (in proper- by other eluding ties (other properties improve- than farm) ments) Other loans to Loans to individuals banks 1,736 1,446 3,192 1,515 163 1,240 17,676 15,555 13,704 106,298 20,392 58,838 6,341 3,710 4,054 53,937 6,024 13,831 19,536 19,035 15,750 210, 287 15,828 65,811 20 13 5,049 17,706 13,024 20,981 9,292 232,463 87,897 346,247 5,082 New York.... New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia- 3, 349, 534 192,029 1, 335, 319 2,442 68, 972 89,148 75 84 375 34 136 41,231 8,291 46,822 1,002 4,676 517, 722 1,071 9, 330 18,828 6,302 38,169 1,244 7,411 127 379,096 343,343 500,866 4,913 32,821 44,719 81,955 43, 715 129, 798 686 13, 373 16,246 708,158 195,368 357,692 946 24,624 41,724 44,670 4,278 1,503 95,715 7,983 29, 538 81 33,725 3,258 Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi.. Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee 5,037,444 704 102,030 533, 904 170,300 285, 773 1, 328, 512 45,410 140, 472 29, 934 85, 340 60, 684 197,291 173,167 130,275 25,400 199,148 1, 254,837 42,474 63,132 351,973 146 1,754 6,585 1,403 3,152 413 993 18,036960 174 827 19,000 2; 472 5,036 2,287 9,865 7,488 15,941 3,564 8,116 2,714 8,487 16,666 3,412 890 3,749 178, 793 13,656 21, 785 17,728 1,277 586 3,041 1,703 4,020 383 2,757 10, 795 1,154 755 3,113 2, 754,127 30, 579 306, 305 31, 338 Total Southern States... 995, 255 """249" 3,826 1,803 72,081 1,305, 758 65, 774 481 1,781 16,023 14, 246 3, 730 3,001 1,912 4,392 2,244 5,375 1,877 3,004 19,859 4,001 10, 586 7,759 100,013 50,607 12,038 12,697 30,228 28,674 37,455 7,248 23,261 104, 625 12,138 32,483 34,337 136,081 81,986 485,804 28, 361 11,939 7,311 10,504 13,231 19,493 12,805 4,084 18, 378 68, 782 6,446 11,732 21, 775 114,254 49, 562 54,807 38, 557 117,008 98,707 93, 951 16, 636 63,196 454, 983 36,261 58, 797 145,052 234,841 1,341,771 290 ~450" 830 60 1,458 495 215 329 640 4,121 All other loans Total (including over- gross loans drafts) 2,616 1,652 1,034 30,027 63 6,484 86,050 75, 908 54,884 1,225, 656 76,038 251, 385 41,876 1, 769, 921 Less valuation reserves 1,150 599 592 24, 413 937 4,783 Net loans 84,900 75,309 54,292 1, 201,243 75,101 246, 602 32,474 1, 737, 447 97,605 9,900 46,908 9 1,161 2,061 5, 331, 549 800,255 2,448,314 11,585 198,601 199,131 9,147,079 157, 644 8, 989,435 23, 028 1,612 151,259 2,901 180,136 4,337 138,104 14, 685 401,489 10,186 358,823 16,154 322, 755 62, 868 2,373 337,942 14,437 51, 537 2,228,661 119,044 1,473 205,061 3,796 613, 991 15, 350 4,234 2,197 2,404 1,659 4,498 192,170 5,429,154 11, 969 810,155 47,023 2,495,222 246 11, 594 9,296 199, 762 4,459 201,192 265,163 161,869 5, 568,822 6,536 1,102 4,065 24, 484 710 2,919 9,336 444,455 149,062 177,732 136,445 396,991 355,854 316,219 61, 766 333,877 2, 204,177 118,334 202,142 604,655 67,113 5, 501,709 Ohio Indiana.. Illinois Michigan Wisconsin . Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas. _ _. Montana Wyoming . Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma... 30,210 20,472 110,299 8, 520 10,986 48,875 68,684 54,935 13,286 1,453 70,368 10,426 479 2,491 375 6,597 12, 759 6,227 73,028 6,835 3,097 9,011 1,518 14, 785 18,192 352,981 105,475 127, 260 12, 593 18, 717 111, 052 94, 665 15,907 15, 019 90, 447 28, 984 219,560 ___ 3,133 1, 276 2,534 574 10 6,356 2,560 1, 749 3, 787, 543 __ 470,473 170, 272 1,937, 491 313,156 193, 424 322, 707 75,849 304,171 16, 577 4,909 6,273 13,254 6 431 419 4,282 1,141 4,885 12, 272 26,134 119, 664 81,888 13, 083 15, 582 97,839 15,318 54,034 606, 944 58,171 311,611 204, 534 1, 850, 779 30,858 34,861 6,948 47, 658 2,057 274 218 2,105 608 2,487, 249 33,393 14,318 19, 519 6,609 7,553 9, 865 ' 8 869 5,446 283,317 141, 025 292, 797 258, 824 102,388 155, 591 46 059 122,892 3 6 3 50 39,982 7,068 88, 524 20, 772 16, 053 35,924 5,310 24, 374 1, 232,988 498,018 3, 049, 753 907, 607 409,366 766, 055 255,577 672, 415 17, 201 6,178 54, 215 11,515 8,748 8,630 3,810 4,794 1, 215, 787 491,840 2, 995, 538 896,092 400, 618 757,425 251, 767 667,621 892 238,007 7, 791, 779 115,091 7, 676,688 208 859 1,184 11,984 4,184 559 300 6,467 995 13,233 77, 676 94,004 331,596 282, 738 74,934 57,123 302,465 81, 981 432,990 1,327 2,403 3,929 1,698 1,067 456 1,989 935 3,829 76,349 91, 601 327, 667 281,040 73,867 56,667 300,476 81,046 429,161 866 39, 765 1, 735,507 17,633 1,717,874 16,187 3,991 120,808 3,178 4,584 233 311, 674,845 515, 624 5,106,223 128,452 118,951 49, 719 179,847 9,639 4,002 62.297 1,556 1,177 151 890 665,206 511,622 5,043,926 126,896 117, 774 49,568 178,957 149. 292 6, 773, 661 79, 712 6,693,949 280, 576 106, 711 387,006 228, 765 56, 207 148, 541 36, 552 115, 917 427 5 398 292,689 1,360, 275 65,432 29,191 67, 789 53,126 19,166 26,688 9,798 21, 499 Western __. Total Western States .__ Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona . . _ Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) . . 15,668, 562 105,572 1, 402,893 1, 254 906 386 5,933 2,283 159 350 705 1,517 2,092 1,389 1,686 4,757 7,247 870 912 3,718 1, 237 7,363 14,984 19,847 18, 563 23, 312 14,979 11, 403 32, 220 12, 494 29,049 3,319 3,166 8.529 5,657 2,172 3,258 14, 546 3,886 17,389 14, 777 17,970 43,975 47,963 20, 774 9,880 51, 250 16, 409 83, 923 435.814 4,743 14,331 29,179 176,851 61,922 306, 921 1,244 236 13,695 20 814 124 24,624 26,362 231, 577 20,810 9,634 4 113 39, 453 159 2,353 2,527 16,947 105 1,702 290 249 138, 429 10, 267 133,801 8,100 60,968 1, 840, 505 41,129 2,501 29,543 1,310 21, 601 770 49,529 1,369 31,476 25,122 201, 578 8,521 5,021 4,449 1,160 136, 597 110, 677 760, 247 19, 225 30,874 11,315 39,835 5,386 356,573 16,168 24,173 85,285 2, 254, 537 277,327 1,108, 770 8,901 113,130 1, 571,409 704,652 493,126 383, 395 5.858,306 1, 240,449 5, 792, 496 65, 272 5 536 1,957 991 1 1,236 4,912 44, 214 2,225 5,306 8,901 895,972 32, 786, 769 33 3,737 3,362 6,307 15, 664 90,101 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States 5 108 15,369 216 18 6 122 785 152 280 3 20, 693 5,631 8,348 1,359 49, 911 7,683 9,949 3,773 107,347 Total United States and possessions . . 15,689, 255 113,130 1.577,040 469,667 32,317,102 522 150 15,142 89,951 672 106,675 1,582 Total possessions. 23 8,319 330 328 5,613 704,652 501,474 384, 754 5, 908, 217 1, 248,132 5,802,445 65, 272 899, 745 32,894,116 1,582 470,339 32,423, 777 C7I TABLE NO. 37.—Assets and liabilities of active national banks, Dec. 81, 1951—Continued to | In thousands of dollars] Capital stock . IndividU.S. Common uals, part- Governnerships, stock and corment porations States and political subdivisions Banks in United States 9,240 6,053 4,703 78,851 4,570 22,133 126,938 128,747 60,947 2,069,462 109,796 616, 531 3,949 4,872 1,621 76,077 4,360 20.272 10,197 16,232 5,093 203,254 12,872 34,313 5,827 8,897 1,210 313,601 3,844 23,553 28,214 31 26 2,861 6,129 1,743 67,499 6,168 36,002 60 125,550 3,112, 421 111, 151 281,961 356,932 28,273 120,402- 353,320 56,881 207,078 1,260 14,220 12,700 8,186,086 1,282, 205 4,133,045 18,387 452,053 569,635 375, 531 40,545 175,409 351 15, 713 11,545 298,283 1,353, 877 524,694 167, 025 41,964 182 175,107 539,190 12,073 141 54,421 81, 708 246 136 53,748 4,580 598,409 41,797 70,888 472 2,993 23,058 645,459 14,641,411 619,094 695,113 2,070,487 541, 775 737,617 4, 874,656 20,284 11,920 9,457 13, 976 24,411 17,922 16,006 3,912 22,532 97,697 5,735 12,789 19,022 72,417 140,976 67,499 35,950 38,157 30,229 66,637 21,531 106,640 193,071 148, 677 147,079 102,358 91,200 29,535 21,794 174, 793 211,071 368,460 1,128,044 41,478 53,920 41,476 55,810 105,608 338,304 102 200 . 150 100 657, 569 29,281 287, 551 12,985 368,161 9,625 333,804 8,137 635,750 21,173 916,304 31,375 627,215 21,590 132,796 4,445 760,955 19,588 147,830 4,172,224 302,454 10,330 493,011 15,080 813,901 31,601 116 21,544 13,812 8,310 8,221 16,709 18,983 7,856 2,124 16,103 130,922 3,660 5,918 15,070 588 363,040 10, 501,695 23,852 269,232 Preferred stock _ _ 7 53 -_ Total New England States. _ New York _ .._ New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Vriginia . . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia . Florida Alabama _ __ Mississippi Louisiana Texas.. . Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee - __ Time deposits 2,049 1,360 50 Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Demand deposits 3,459 _ . Total Southern States 138 275,663 1,363,735 2,468,979 Banks in foreign countries 2 41 2,222 374 7,204 13,793 Certified Individand uals, partcashiers' nerships, checks, and coretc. i porations 79,814 42,169 65,509 434,126 61,180 177,032 U.S. Government States Banks Banks in and Postal political in savings subdi- United foreign countries visions States 17 543 132 8,390 225 1,543 6 20 3 1,570 406 15 859,830 10,850 2,020 6,663 57 3,000 1,622,569 1,059,996 1,926,281 11,484 154,795 99,531 42,781 4,896 3,408 10 5,375 6,117 1,480 198 652 174,013 755 1,025 37,888 13,377 68,426 78 420 62,587 1,780 120,189 2,350 322,963 16,086 1,034 130,091 2,667 83,765 5,905 51,574 5,460 147,352 6,078 217,279 196,992 3,371 702 45,729 497 185,193 473,175 16,547 243 59,060 106, 467 1,555 292, 767 3,220 2,312,407 63,365 120 185 1 7 888 66 10 82 266 427 5,086 271 531 5 52 20 380 226 11 205 8 480 629 21,198 197 9,561 356 627 1,785 299 10 4,441 96,491 440 4,283 9,234 3,534 150 60 1,510 1,965 148,922 7,193 44 420 39 16 169 3,000 500 174,513 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota . Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota _ South Dakota Nebraska Kansas ... Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California ._ Idaho . . Utah Nevada _ _ . _ Arizona... _. . Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Virgin Islands of the United States . Total possessions Total United States and possessions. 1 55 1,534 1,000 50 1,100 3,739 89,536 33,700 230,023 44,945 28,605 37,531 14, 448 42,008 2,338,100 1,119, 246 5, 811,461 1, 754,043 834,279 1,113, 743 437, 575 1,129, 746 520, 796 14, 538,193 1, 007,649 463,233 2,075, 241 901,590 480,760 481, 737 149,091 239, 674 1,841 3,627 6,098 1,753 4,801 104 2,570 1,582 185 88,744 354 74 630 126,391 40 8,583 847 742 59 3,810 52 144 546 6,106 546 668 520 279 383 179 1,411 75,198 33, 752 87,596 25,154 27,873 25,204 11,913 13, 745 52,820 300,435 5, 798, 975 22,376 2,713 234,594 2, 765 348 2,045 1 636 8,082 8,171 2,567 2,239 10,464 3,567 22,890 65,686 50 194 110, 596 88,924 50,989 85,905 175,895 38,122 111,829 649 1,026 34 3,698 15 385 2,114 2,030 3,923 !8 10 11 96 150 753 65 961 189 45 7,218 150 17,509 208 191,000 238,252 126,239 177,254 370, 247 1, 216,266 180,076 132,033 127, 510 56,153 346, 730 124,674 77,375 112,003 454, 211 73,320 3,977 193 36,996 5,328 1,127 3,788 671, 202 1, 202, 056 2, 801, 287 110,585 34,629 252,001 130,870 38, 767 47,984 14,126 42, 240 6 3 23 41 190 4,605 4,593 21, 245 20,120 5,195 2, 510 16,230 6,440 32,488 600 2,982 3,772 16,823 16,689 3, 571 2,265 20,503 9,234 26,118 9,295 23 388 59,665 166,770 21,948 26,081 39,622 47, 583 138,033 11,083 10 583 169,669 104,843 16,146 13,493 80,087 12, 574 202,152 113,426 600 176,395 185 300 668,414 652, 513 216, 977 133, 273 632,156 177, 546 1,057, 208 3,899,782 101, 957 532,385 620,630 421 61,661 728,140 13,874 27,040 916 32,450 22,620 246,923 6,800 5,200 1,885 7,475 1,112,109 752,516 5,469,069 210, 203 182, 521 83,892 253,212 30,372 19,661 144,890 3,887 2,972 2,278 3,796 119,136 112,843 503,015 44,941 35,362 16,073 37,098 89, 726 39,323 312, 917 4,380 34,049 1,240 4,889 4,878 1,501 71,501 442,845 350,709 4,074,143 85,373 73,605 51,768 75,837 5,313 47 24,790 649 2,033 1,647 925 9 5 15 8,149 237 415,189 11 1,020 668 10 100 390 50 3,525 40 50 61,330 1,478 17,0*1 22, 726 245,806 2,833 3,861 2,003 5,882 323,353 8,063, 522 207,856 868,468 486, 524 79,358 300,142 5,154,280 35, 404 1,302 424, 111 4,055 61,330 726, 499 1, 789,489 19, 728, 288 208,456 9, 98S 961, 519 17,336 238,843 8,446 2,091,624 54,757,024 1,986, 923 4,943,718 8,804,839 100 1,125 4,000 50 37,806 59,569 1,442 7,837 19,856 240 3,950 11,509 756 300 1,577 13 100 5,175 ! 98,817 27,933 10, 215 1,890 8,546 2,096.799 54,855,841 2,014,856 ! 4, 959, 933 8,806, 729 4 69 2 23 5 12 874 561 652 1,689 39 12,474 82,698 2,199 9,250 1,061 5 10 1,686 1,387 67 1 5 561 2,380 97,371 | 10,311 15 3,140 1 5 10,003 964, 659 17,337 238.848 727,060 1,791,869 19,825, 659 218,767 Includes dividend checks, letters ol credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to Federal Reserve banks (transit account). Ox GO TABLE]JNO. 38.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 81, 1951 {includes State commercial, mutual savings, and private banks) ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Balances Corpowith other U.S. Obligabanks, inrate Loans Govern- tions of Other cluding Num- and dis- ment ob- States bonds, stocks, reserve counts, ligations, and po- notes, including Currency balances ber of stocks of and coin and de- Federal banks including direct and litical and cash overdrafts guaran- subdivi- bentures Reserve items in sions teed process of banks collection Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut : Total New England States. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi,.. Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee - Total Southern States 63 58 38 253 16 136 175,344 173,480 148, 476 2,061, 076 348, 532 813,129 249, 537 179,837 59,937 2,331,389 399, 620 1,158,172 564 3, 720, 037 4,378,492 10,178 3,802 8,364 56,920 15, 685 68,805 46,323 23,071 5.983 345,457 47,354 181,074 8,848 25,952 1,628 129,356 18,891 56,158 163,754 649, 262 11,721 2,629 3,408 54,501 18, 692 39,370 InvestCusReal ments and tomers' Bank other estate premises owned, assets liability owned, indirectly on acOther furniture other represent- ceptthan assets and fix- bank ing bank ances outtures premises premises or other standing real estate 4,001 54,316 18,209 22,021 375, 734 111,324 269, 535 1, 29,655 9,949 19,146 851,139 442 289 309 935 17 941 155 139 1,081 250 56 1 2,074 783 5 1,130 738 480 9,874 2,189 15,371 2,863 Total assets 561,995 430, 293 252,346 5,398.052 973,286 2, 621, 762 240,833 130,321 66, 637 2,933 1,681 29,782 10, 237, 734 883,748 1,173, 597 210,120 181,161 272,941 629,249 23,013 71,490 46,087 84,162 8,209 13,149 80,170 11,636 30,716 5,752 3,077 921 270,157 64,181 103,460 9,846 32,015 12,763 6, 776, 426 213,141 445,483 34, 296 924,938 50,175 123,495 3,993 223,975 12,387 120, 214 8,871 2,580 304 4,230 205 214 184 3,602 212 8,345 656 26 1,200 155, 892 212,165 127 11,148 1,843 19,695 1,514 8 57 17, 579 1,485 '36, 972,098 3,371,237 5,907,651 663,324 1, 585, 722 531,146 1,011 18, 604, 709 16, 824,184 1,444,118 2,152,808 132, 272 492,422 8,614, 531 322, 863 7,717 14,041 157,927 263, 586 49,031,178 14, 510 5,498 65,485 8,028 3, 523 4,098 2,238 4,815 3,179 20,895 3,703 19,199 4,275 1,118 1,273 1,800 203 1,329 297 282 345 682 2,451 171 940 1,457 27,631 15, 490 49, 606 11,490 9,684 3,541 10, 867 1,574 8,488 7,911 2,465 5,413 3,108 16,193 2,493 5,063 6,185 136 160 119 73 325 817 112 224 1,384 630 317 23,816 12,024 21, 794 22,318 40,032 11,013 24,307 18,028 224, 256 • 107,323 386, 867 88,432 245,047 149, 626 89,434 165, 718 204, 274 482,939 132, 760 314,364 157,882 26 ,713 19 79 386 1,018,051 521,843 1,700, 525 318,051 946,053 784,709 360,460 688,614 680,603 1,637,626 444,750 1,164, 762 659,482 159,446 12,348 304,495 82, 985 4,189 10,925, 529 377 14,939, 093 12, 261, 527 139 1,052, 943 1,359, 626 348 1, 813, 854 2,048, 205 27 205,114 218, 238 110 420, 229 745, 914 10 173. 476 190, 674 182 107 179 124 335 145 156 178 130 466 178 290 224 367, 544 151, 741 530,051 73, 827 344, 201 205,191 108, 671 174,323 171,405 509, 677 102,357 384,136 239, 941 2,694 3,363,065 334,026 209,045 506,950 105, 508 283,369 348, 268 119, 960 220,007 190,762 473, 846 164,440 394, 885 185,103 3, 536,169 36,163 25,198 140, 925 28,492 29, 505 42,181 23,655 95,372 83,606 87, 686 27, 485 20,458 44,841 685, 567 2, 748, 922 10 24 345 1,594 1,944 7,520 384 2,965 2,027 1,472 522 782 1,591 309 1,298 1,029 3,559 1,347 23,437 350 125 147 2 411 174 18 40 5 352 79 50 429 OhioIndiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 420 360 509 357 462 503 564 520 Total Middle Western States 162,957 25, 233 113, 746 50,543 .31, 566 57, 450 17,073 49,083 5,238 1,057 6,464 3,188 896 123 651 16,623 99, 661 38, 285 45,882 64,585 34, 492 18,961 30, 707 45, 752 888,164 321,001 869,022 520,184 316,304 157, 774 320, 076 802, 225 25,011 8,708 14, 690 25, 733 9,815 5,461 6,406 15, 243 119 38 177 376 91 222 19 2,850 10, 545 310 5,781 32 870 102 1,488 289 207 50 612 194 106 29 50 1,951 13, 225 2,271 10, 098 5,718 2,315 1,742 923 6,480 6, 654,270 8,310,996 1, 271,603 3,199 42, 772 21, 532,182 Total Western States . Total Pacific StatesTotal United States (exclusive of possessions)... Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American Samoa Total possessions Total United States and possessions 507, 651 34,240 378,325 4,194, 750 111,067 3,892 19,417 110 134 293 433 71 28 80 25 187 North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona 258,008 68,681 297,199 240, 780 104,575 65,345 114,832 122,183 1, 554,841 1,874,125 778,855 449.850 948, 591 1, 737, 288 949,587 1,230, 723 585,972 749,000 412,939 414,944 649.245 573,306 1,103, 245 952, 755 76,302 83,870 132, 211 284,189 89,267 26,176 136,376 35,692 106, 916 191,878 120,952 195,198 273,820 132,475 36,403 134,304 42,074 100,626 23,089 10,930 14, 789 72,490 10,239 3,111 7,110 3,254 24,474 9,423 1,976 2,882 3,317 8,014 716 1,805 167 1,618 15 94 471 331 244 59 272 45 66 3,803 3,713 5,636 11, 671 4,356 1,523 6,682 4,351 7,331 50,362 49,854 93, 281 209,322 72,950 29,929 81, 227 32, 223 85,507 477 876 1,271 3,031 700 610 1,642 841 1,346 3 36 33 32 13 8 143 24 23 1,361 970,999 3,695 355,540 272,395 446,162 859,036 318, 746 98, 578 371,689 118,985 328,645 4,659 3,169, 776 953 398 6,794 11, 244 67 261 115 225 512 522,966 219,466 4,123,132 131,170 342,388 44,805 161,328 7,025 5,545,255 375 2 1, 227, 730 169,486 29,918 1,597 49,066 704, 655 10, 794 292 486 194, 066 203,347 75,601 85,021 1, 479,086 1,473,066 43,286 47,852 114, 729 123,152 19,939 13,061 62,464 45,117 23,906 14, 781 209,928 5,698 19, 270 641 12,632 21,133 63 67,872 589 2,005 128 3,691 335 57 5,086 61 337 22 89 8,175 4,824 42,238 2,394 4,659 1,387 4,827 67, 387 36,728 793, 707 30, 436 76, 111 9,009 29,043 3,523 1,922 33, 640 771 1,680 498 2,376 68 51 146 8 52 5 281 67 20 325 8 132 330 1, 977.935 2,001,852 286,856 95,481 5,987 68,504 1, 042,421 44,410 611 623 427, 277 1, 423,133 18,156, 418 638, 756 19, 634 39,807 10,292 671 18 33,913 9 70 23 86 51 108 29 43 3 10 9,655 35, 291,015 36, 279, 423 4,021,384 3, 594, 566 15,313 3,785 118 2,669 8 11 1 13,609 1,066 2,361 101,358 167, 728 52 60,749 78,406 1,068 10, 805 26,971 2,179 16,920 1,013 35 286,174 159,321 37,894 21, 768 1,013 15 (0 (2) 9,690 35,577,189 36, 438, 744 4,059, 278 3,616,334 1 4 branches of 2 American national banks. 2 branches of an American national bank. Note.—Figures obtained from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 2 191 104 372 457 469 36 2,254 101 675 15 24 62 2,831 3,543 844 12,624 28,799 83 31,171 120 570 17 11 3,205 4,515 1 48, 724 76,185 428,290 1,471,857 18, 232, 603 71 4, 892,101 1, 694,339 4,049, 550 3,091, 643 1,836,002 1,135,092 1, 714,776 3,118,679 94 6 13, 550 172, 455 377, 786 100,441,654 184 31 65 160 3,806 8,319 238 225 3,806 647, 075 19,872 40,032 272 15,496 16,012 737 6,217 8 45,697 24,578 19, 246 226,832 364, 724 1,332 38, 742 682,409 176,261 416,528 101,124,063 TABLE N O . 38.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 31, 1951 (includes State commercial, mutual savings and private banks)—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Location Maine New Hampshire.. Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States. New York. _ New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland...; .... District of Columbia. Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia... North CarolinaSouth Carolina.. Georgia Florida Alabama Louisiana.. Texas Arkansas.. Kentucky. Tennessee. Total Southern States Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money Demand deposits Time deposits Total deposits 138,540 17,804 45,018 1,008,356 361,279 357,328 181,679 3,685,838 516,672 1,643,617 499,819 375,132 226,697 4, 784,194 881,011 2,355,156 ~I,~420" 6,746,413 364,339 711,539 2,788 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding 1 2,076 786 5 Other liabilities 2,202 1,437 748 37,335 11,341 13,351 Capital stock » 7.615 1,610 5,956 11,850 24,861 Surplus Reserves and retirement acUndivided count for preferred profits stock and capital notes and debentures 27,026 5,968 280,142 49,681 141,210 21,496 20,855 5,949 238,738 12,193 82,245 1,970 4,233 7,027 14,431 6,424 3,514 9,122,009 4,208 2,868 66,414 90,240 532,920 381,476 37,599 18,443,852 1,457,134 3,032,844 420,595 766,402 354,052 14,803,456 33,247,308 1,647,679 3,104,813 2,304,471 5,337,315 592,949 172,354 678,379 1,444,781 134,489 488,541 8,311 168,521 490 200 450 600 1,853 8 57 270,929 21,355 38,996 4,479 10,764 4,465 555,389 53,702 118,674 10,869 22,171 9,800 1,932,767 142,470 319,753 45,849 59,719 19,780 697,051 36,184 77,263 8,167 42,992 91,822 12,586 13,307 803 4,788 1,662 24,474,879 19,740,828 44,215,707 10,051 170,566 350,988 770,605 2,520,338 867,955 936,162 471,628 1,563,123 294,559 859,534 734,096 331,642 642,825 639,942 1,527,591 412,864 1,076,372 605,507 500 1,100 304 557,109 263,019 553,802 534,653 1,380,062 368,772 949,818 432,173 311,769 130,936 337,107 36,475 171,525 176,987 68,623 89,023 105,289 147,529 44,092 126,554 173,334 9,270 2,878 28,610 952 12,119 3,191 1,137 2,161 2.152 9,328 481 6,185 4,929 24,780 14,008 22,265 8,351 22,618 17,139 8,181 12,618 13,361 38,037 10,158 24,663 17,903 31,134 21,908 61,903 9,194 29,470 20,432 11,441 28,123 15,933 35,083 10,499 39,436 17,457 11,784 8,242 16,871 4,272 15,475 7,455 7,373 1,251 7,636 21,813 9,170 14,928 11,377 124,968 — 4,416 2,079 7,431 683 6,613 2,027 686 907 1,529 5,345 1,578 3,054 1,952 8,176,602 1,919,243 10,095,845 83,393 j 234,082 332,013 137,647 38,300 2,375,596 624,393 340,692 1,226,016 258,084 219 17 127 18 40 5 352 650 79 50 429 100 12 24 345 2,902 1,347 Ohio India Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa ' Missouri , . 2,661,389 1,071,780 2,589,760 1,481,208 922,065 498,474 1,191,169 2,395,380 - Total Middle Western States North Dakota. South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma 12,811,225 ___-_ 4, 553,053 1,582, 758 3,770,351 2,877,057 1,713,015 1,049,346 1,589,271 2,892,408 7,216,034 20,027,259 _ Total Pacific States.. Total United States (exclusive of possessions) ._ _ _ Total possessions Total United States and possessions. ... 468, 486 2, 952, 098 183,925 129, 227 2,093, 555 92, 755 201, 515 29,679 118, 524 _ _ 332, 760 253, 716 413, 403 797,968 302, 918 92,161 345, 360 112, 518 301, 294 298, 863 77, 261 1, 753,333 30,605 116, 595 12, 774 31,191 2,320, 622 5,169,802 238. 931 210, 673 373, 839 703,010 252, 365 76,081 267,903 96, 446 264,364 53,171, 094 38, 411, 626 91, 582 720, 155, 729 43,976 84,776 72,589 48,910 38,379 47,346 71,253 53,692 25,262 49,167 42,184 25,701 17,263 32,433 49,632 9,088 3,679 33,981 11,639 4,566 5,867 8,526 6,374 3,350 134,621 424,121 562,958 295,334 83,720 636 176 882 1,200 946 224 2,826 120 1,616 6,565 5,523 10, 942 17, 608 5,080 1,439 8,394 2,795 8,120 5,646 5,631 12,001 23,763 5,758 2,754 8,467 2,104 8, 4/5 6,568 6,221 7,175 16, 517 3,579 1,592 5,294 430 7,890 3,365 1.128 1,314 1,559 465 408 944 948 724 94 8,626 66,466 74, 599 55, 266 10, 855 2,666 1,064 31,863 609 1,627 380 1,121 7,180 4,009 84,296 2,867 7,^86 803 3,060 21,300 5,459 92,496 2,882 9,908 698 5.319 7,173 2,196 54,126 1,271 5,139 471 1,431 1,853 250 6,027 181 418 39,330 109,401 138,062 71,807 9,186 185, 892 683,372 1, 694, 915 4,160, 890 898~ 840~ 430 421 15 395 9 70 526 1,772 7,436 19, 752 _f 31, 848 22, 304 12,335 107, 422 177. 976 735 10, 593 2,271 6,674 96, 987 119, 789 450 42,441 24,575 19,009 204,409 297, 765 1,185 352, 620 236, 764 589,384 8,772 3,806 14, 215 39, 746 17, 255 53, 523, 714 38,648, 390 92,172,104 28, 524 189, 698 697,587 1, 734,661 4,178,145 i Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 160 and 161.) 87,317 30,915 67,802 66,311 39,841 21,531 35,126 75,278 225 6 819 32,445 7,659 42,715 21,669 3,663 2,677 2,024 21, 769 7,667 200 207 50 755 194 106 29 50 1,959 6 570 40 3 482, 788 206,488 3,846,888 123,360 318,110 42,453 149, 715 2, 849,180 Total Western States 93, 829 43,043 39, 564 94, 958 50,553 16,080 77, 457 16,072 36,930 2, 483, 612 _. _ Washington Oregon.._ California Idaho Utah. -.-_ Nevada Arizona. Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam The Territory of Hawaii.... Puerto Rico... American Samoa 1,891,664 510,978 1,180, 591 1,395,849 790,950 550,872 398,102 497,028 321 8,451 3,806 3 237 1,466 12,449 3 7,327 31, 471 50 7,951 8,399 65 1, 809, 485 457 304,628 911 550 2,885 1,521 29 2,473 862 5,346 1, 814, 831 3,885 308, 513 TABLE N O . 38.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 31, 1951 {includes State commercial, mutual savings, and private banks)—Continued 00 [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Loans to Commer- farmers cial and directly industrial guaranOther loans (in- teed b y loans to cluding the Com- farmers modity openCredit market Corpopaper) ration Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut... Total New States New York. New Jersey Pennsylvania-. Delaware Maryland District of Columbia 36,957 5,818 ... 195, 735 81,985 100,441 147 18 2,892 368 6,176 1,821 971 3,672 England Other loans for the Loans to purpose brokers of purand chasing dealers or carin securying rities stocks, bonds, and other securities 120 10,734 2,025 700 Real-estate loans Secured Secured Secured by farm by residential land (in- properties by other cluding proper(other Improveties than ments) farm) 1,132 21 1,473 14,267 763 4,919 95,643 3,232 151,491 1,462 12, 793 94,303 7,203 1,442, 287 2,031 187,636 6,109 556,826 13,066 5,595 12,767 245,718 30,766 52,334 32,830 2, 528,186 360,246 Other loans to individuals 22,084 7,937 10,726 146,648 39,865 91,569 430,634 _.. Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia.. North Carolina. South Carolina.. Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana.. Texas _. Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States... 165 15,900 13,579 22,575 5,468,481 207,046 566,237 67, 739 72, 782 47,261 216 135 152 210 244 24,087 1,309 9,845 2,418 6,511 100 741,429 6,144 34, 759 2,675 374 1,759 231, 773 7,416 27,628 2,642 13,530 733 21,596 6, 372, 714 1,097, 522 570,349 81,191 2,049 591,327 111,823 14,003 10,376 6,439 70,451 38,695 164,004 11,947 15,966 65 46,148 6,429,546 957 44,270 787,140 283, 722 56,099 93,678 24,350 216,606 14,479 109, 955 53, 505 20,786 62,607 49,001 160,236 22,031 125,067 43,604 50 2,405 2,622 1,545 9,287 1,613 406 408 12,189 4,030 14,056 4,877 19,991 11,544 15,604 20, 978 10,895 95,950 20,653 28,246 23,073 1,145 57 3,446 25 1,374 367 83 1,154 193 422 239 736 64 1,027 6,082 12,383 1,276 5,825 3,413 1,691 5,918 981 7,379 845 7,473 1,684 14,662 7,008 20,026 4,604 18,322 6,835 10,004 13,909 9,178 9,496 7,953 37, 872 24,422 95, 753 50,851 57, 932 18,582 74, 952 47,160 21, 940 18, 551 30,656 43,280 16,855 58,099 50,931 20,225 14,981 33,832 3,043 18,176 16,077 5,559 9,584 15,608 19,013 6,111 24,397 13,824 126,210 43,203 171,921 21,821 86,656 62,257 30, 950 38,807 50,911 162, 764 24,326 995,905 30,968 9,305 55,977 184, 291 585,542 200,430 993,664 1,065 3,764 7,803 282,086 All other Loans loans (into banks cluding overdrafts) 665 *420" 318,829 1,097 873,622 182,336 444,054 41,136 104,957 52,706 79, 958 7,814, 993 1,355,573 1,698,811 Total gross loans 1,445 176,730 173,497 805 149,574 1,638 "13,525 2, 078,603 352,847 6,805 821,862 4,854 29,072 3, 753,113 Less valuation reserves Net loans 1,386 175,344 17 173,480 148,476 1,098 17, 527 2,061,076 348,532 4,315 813,129 8,733 33,076 3, 720,037 25 315,640 15, 227,038 10,478 1,068, 453 43,068 1,842,946 1,670 205, 756 11,179 424,223 174,489 9,726 287,945 14, 939,093 15, 510 1,052, 943 29,092 1,813,854 642 205,114 3,994 420, 229 1,013 173,476 80,033 391, 761 18,942, 905 338,196 18,604, 709 ~ — 4,118 367, 544 1,676 151, 741 8,845 530,051 73,827 886 344, 201 3,541 205,191 1,635 108,671 1,412 174,323 2,551 171,405 2,808 509,677 3,636 102,357 894 384,136 4,206 239,941 2,950 50 93 ~667' "i66" 10 3 101 79,949 1,040 6,630 2,855 6,962 2,242 4, 522 5,668 1,061 2,744 5,245 5,476 2,622 12,056 4,932 63,015 371, 662 153,417 74, 713 347, 742 206,826 110,083 176,874 174,213 513,313 103, 251 388,342 242,891 3,402,223 39,158 3,363,065 Ohio Indiana Illinois . _ Michigan Wisconsin -- Minnesota Iowa . -«_ Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota _ Nebraska Kansas ___ _ Montana Wyoming _ _ Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States_•__ Washington Oregon California ._ Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska _. Canal Zone (Panama). Guam The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American Samoa Total possessions Total United States and possessions 427,930 70,822 403,319 167, 958 132, 766 33,029 94,078 386, 544 1,166 2,403 2,439 1,756 590 8,822 10, 285 3,387 40,865 54,495 97,254 52,183 59,625 98,177 244,607 99,543 25, 947 48 24,309 361 478 2 524 3,039 60,144 3,377 10, 818 12,501 6,047 1,339 3,734 10,077 51,801 36,251 20,198 33,586 49,612 41,500 52,610 34,314 529,310 157,215 165,359 388,630 197,276 151,116 117,866 267,728 1, 716,446 54, 708 108,037 319,872 1,974, 500 30, 848 746, 749 3,103 5,023 13, 534 42, 979 14, 433 3,490 32,183 8,437 16, 028 34,500 13, 940 5,861 21, 497 19, 843 1,683 2,861 262 3,095 21, 204 43, 796 79, 358 117, 551 21. 827 9; 400 37,405 8,938 35, 029 139, 210 103, 542 26,108 15, 069 428. 570 12. I l l 29, 762 2,523 11, 568 4,909 746 384 3,115 918 525, 711 10, 072 51 78 214 874 1,074 595 81 1,849 350 825 2,045 2,682 5,675 12, 723 1,543 690 1,526 718 3,493 374, 508 459 5,940 31.095 7,171 5,102 34, 613 12.010 1$ 197 2,133 6,048 22 15 10,624 14 282 509 410 12. 394 194 218 2 34 4,609 2,522 24, 494 1,089 5,686 183 758 85, 274 10, 957 13, 761 39, 341 861, 963 10, 237, 452 176, 552 1, 548, 787 876,148 490, 012 7,673 950 1,172 24, 306 79, 054 14 63 14, 213 113,155 63 10, 350, 607 16 211 1 18C 7,876 9,617 9,992 37,212 15, 399 5,470 17, 201 5,352 8,189 84,309 24,352 34,345 61,929 52,055 26,229 28,694 56,407 28,175 4,004 39, 547 13,329 10,325 3,191 5,491 17,889 1, 576,098 455,481 959,259 959,224 594,730 417,660 654,221 1,114,387 21,257 5,631 10,668 9,637 8,758 4,721 4,976 11,142 1,103, 245 121, 951 6,731,060 76, 790 6,654,270 g 692 997 1,787 1,449 1,728 209 1,479 905 819 76,302 83,870 132,211 284,189 89,267 26,176 136,376 35, 692 106,916 H 8 136 342 1,193 2,388 927 64 560 380 1,093 76,994 84, 867 133, 998 285,638 90,995 26,385 137, 855 36, 597 107, 735 244 7,083 981,064 10,065 970,999 g 659 584 27,839 359 1,195 237 188 194, 966 76,260 1, 503, 926 48,320 124, 481 13,141 45,463 900 659 24,840 468 1,329 80 346 194,066 75,601 1, 479,086 47,852 123,152 13,061 45,117 H W O £ £j E2 *° 31, 061 2, 006, 557 28, 622 1, 977, 935 § 326,056 102, 514 161,631 226, 991 85,870 54, 214 96,268 235,459 395 368,320* 1,289,003 626 40 86 41 64 1,206 1,925 2,214 6,547 3,162 1,886 4,299 1,759 3,177 6,846 7,328 15, 281 43,228 13, 266 3,620 39, 783 10,401 36, 747 116, 308 26,175 176,500 104, 957 31, 891 660, 247 6,967 39, 861 3,637 14,403 28, 096 5, 310 109, 508 1,672 10,635 1,532 1,211 17, 926 14, 611 194, 688 10, 789 17, 727 2,884 11,253 157, 964 269, 878 575 663, 528 13, 881, 492 2, 468, 708 4, 746, 685 83,615 228 8 565 10 643, 943 35, 816, 922 525, 907 1, 554, 841 449,850 948,591 949, 587 585,972 412,939 649,245 630 11 27 14 93 5,220 13, 628 1,066 2 361 101, 414 168,325 52 47, 394 630 5,365 286, 846 672 666, 652 13, 956, 580 2, 483, 489 4, 794, 079 84, 245 3,732 1,770 6 12, 820 191 906 2,212 30 47,162 24,164 9 7,047 5,955 422 87 1 136 9,080 36, 617 52 14, 227 6 13, 013 3,124 75, 088 14, 781 176, 615 1, 563, 014 876,154 503,025 2 649,308" 36,103, 768 0 (^ H hri H O '*" fcri 35, 291, 015 13,609 19 1,066 2,361 56 101,358 167,728 597 52 6 ^ gj g 0 H 3 a H i^ 286,174 K| 526, 579 35, 577,189 Ol CO TABLE NO. 38.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, Dec. 81, 1951 {includes State commercial, mutual savings, and private banks)—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Capital Capital notes Preand ferred deben- stock tures Location Maine New Hanpshire Vermont _. _ Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 125 . 1,944 859 50 Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia 2,978 34,107 ._ 155 Total Eastern States. 34,262 Virginia West VirginiaNorth Carolina South Carolina Florida.. _ Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas... Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee 123 10 49 _ _ _. 10 10 95 ._ Total Southern States 297 6,765 12,237 1,103 656 20,761 1,154 Individuals, U.S. Common partner- Governstock ships, and ment corporations 7,490 1,610 4,012 37,489 11,850 24,811 111,231 13,939 36,805 916,568 310,450 587,186 87,262 3,256 133 1,103 20,972 8,557 33,301 States and political subdivisions Banks in United States 17,719 2,308 5,656 68,041 28,331 39,280 2,841 1,098 497 43,887 6,256 26,926 161,335 468 1,836 20 1,976,179 67,322 81,505 2,324 615,153 37,299 69,115 15,739 14,622 5,858 527,560 2,243,545 29,999 133,006 169,029 101,127 5,052 21,895 38,675 66,970 14,055 69 641,590 457 2,866 715,582 18,781,108 757,786 850,627 2,500,355 3 505 145 485,450 250,593 854,179 212,028 546,950 454,819 215,317 406,452 364,726 1,176,644 310, 759 697,601 355,742 10,582 19,232 25,232 6,610 15,210 5,790 5,540 5,132 5,074 12,712 3,349 23,369 7,365 54,111 47,606 91,369 28,632 74,386 79,780 38,750 94,014 115,566 125,238 38,350 74,226 56,505 64,029 13,514 235,098 9,649 46,444 10,765 2,041 44,847 44,302 45,192 14,223 147,841 9,804 3,579 230,206 6,331,260 145,197 918,533 687,749 243 9 1,106 197 IndividStates Banks Certified uals, and U . S . Postal and in partnercashiers' ships, and Govern- savings political foreign checks, ment subdivicountries corporaetc1 sions tions 514,517 13,593,427 41,465 1,218,291 117,571 2,646,555 10,869 361,940 21,360 634,964 9,800 325,931 23,626 13,885 22,148 8*241 22,569 16,896 8,172 11, 502 13,154 37,942 10,155 24,158 17,758 117 100 Time deposits Demand deposits 3,493 326 957 48,420 8,909 24,826 358,738 357,274 180,357 3,682,134 516,037 1,641,998 86,931 481 2,060 54 1,268 2,922 137 1,491 Banks in United States 3 605 263 2 177 149 40 366 7,932 223 290 43,195 19,572 51,502 18,286 1,649 421 124,033 240 201 Banks in foreign countries 51 86 86 6,736,538 1,354 1,235 397 822,577 14,482,949 38,082 1,627,561 44,152 2,252,191 153,198 15,969 673,522 9,936 107,799 7,742 9,069 306 287 370 2,885 10,269 646,545 938.458 19,297,220 23,186 308 134,625 124,779 160,710 10,050 9,747 12,791 1,165 4,992 5,«577 1,371 3,357 4,985 19,641 2,091 6,733 2,757 283,934 129,916 272,775 35,863 167,985 171,768 68,172 88,104 99,893 133,483 43,382 122,654 166,937 1,948 374 3,137 3 912 90 131 507 2,103 31 6 3,363 81 2,243 351 6,624 5 483 2,843 22 424 18 136 5 55 23,406 286 53,856 394 1,498 1,916 168 55 1,784 13,203 568 515 6,061 238 9 715 210 647 370 130 357 1,085 790 4 85,257 1,784,866 12,686 13,209 103,710 4,768 171 7,347 27 378 635 48 8,606 18 305 144,210 500 16,000 17 200 4 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States. Washington Oregon California Idaho. Utah Nevada \rizona Total Pacific States... Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American SamoaTotal possessions Total United States and possessions 474 325 1,452 263 1,670 16 3,740 1,760 670 1,277 405 4,545 7,507 53 113 13 9 86,518 29,463 67, 539 62, 571 36,411 21 515 33,849 74,203 2, 240,811 872,021 2,181,388 1, 210, 213 801,125 419 423 998, 260 1, 750,967 99,231 22,665 66,458 33,463 20,440 8 185 21,850 45,076 144, 448 149,333 116,627 166, 212 51,024 58,149 133,929 182,015 125,885 14,832 188, 410 35,621 26,827 3 210 18,156 398, 282 3,207 59 3,581 712 317,368 1,001,737 811, 223 1,809, 284 508, 927 1,124, 618 1,378, 252 787,458 543 452 397,485 492,076 8 1,563 11 572 21 6 38 150 227 170 41 97 66 264 159 83 81,860 158 55,921 16,821 3,348 7,150 420 4,669 285 160 2, 231 47,807 12,870 33, 296 34,987 22, 649 9,507 18,974 16,809 9,790 107 57 50 7,041,552 2,369 1,107 170, 347 659 177,484 182,394 338,817 538 872 203,619 64,320 217 515 76, 619 220, 517 2,023 2,229 4,115 7 402 3,676 492 3,284 4,074 2,837 54, 725 23,538 26,611 142, 219 26,678 9,532 21, 481 14,392 33, 778 3,349 1,190 1,818 9 607 15 743 945 21 517 458 3,133 1,350 1,322 2,478 4,910 2,649 792 4,106 903 4,099 46, 271 41,330 39, 536 94,612 50,180 16,075 72,122 13,998 36,665 28 11 1 7 5 23 4 5 47, 529 1,695 23 307 30/ 5 36 5 179 196,899 6,503 5,410 10, 909 17 555 5,055 1,196 8,394 2,759 8,115 450 1,733 2 331 15 4,885 10 148 100 391 65,896 2,020,157 30,132 352,954 57,760 22,609 410, 789 2,297 391 54,904 105 7,124 3 970 77,070 2,867 6,998 803 3,060 154,835 111 091 1,747,814 72,103 143,117 23,013 88,125 2,581 2 202 46, 938 753 2,412 398 1,778 20,091 13,092 84,895 15, 465 33,907 5,342 26,363 3,145 925 152. 593 3,217 19, 739 45 119 836 24 17, 929 298, 725 75,001 1,639,391 30,554 116,123 12,774 31,176 10 6 2,735 13 100 755 2,693 14 10 22 1,505 108,186 51 428 137 2,437 1,893 43, 386 1,217 2,339 881 2,002 2,340,098 57,062 199,155 179, 783 18,927 54,155 2, 203, 744 2,759 44 110,192 3,568 315 686,192 1, 384, 309 37,474, 709 44,651 15, 425 581, 710 134,102 161,029 10 495 2,271 5,671 95,004 57,626 450 2 16 80 11 125 591 2,036 1,003 1,381 60,002 171, 517 138 2,643 62,466 686,601 1,399,834 37,646, 226 44,789 18,068 644,176 134,102 161,029 20 53 25 243 56 39 7,226 78 110 173 7,336 39, 456 412,069 10,474, 208 101,892 42, 552 1,612, 907 41, 923,010 1,374,867 3, 484,341 4,318,375 898 1 7,327 31, 471 50 4,279 14,846 25, 957 1,231 11,956 245 10 28 276 71 280 1,209 13,685 4 39, 746 39,456 21 892 8,237 4 214 79,220 112, 770 439 4 299 13,865 3 562 10,671 13, 598 264 226,772 46,259 49, 357 14,298 409 15, 525 4 275 1 106 5 42, 552 1,652,653 42,149, 782 1, 421,126 3,533,698 4,332,673 126 16 57 15 * Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). 315 20 TABLE N O . 39.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1951 to ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] U.S. Number of banks Location Loans Governand disment counts, obligaincluding tions, overdirect drafts and guaranteed Maine . New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts... Rhode Island Connecticut 105,034 37,612 77,409 479,973 224,362 323,182 Total New England States 9,478 2,748 8,088 53,695 15,592 65,723 6,296 5,030 4,441 48,907 12,922 16,293 1,298 3,540 725 3,398 4,783 4,521 9,407 1,341 2,768 37,081 16,169 28,611 45,532 7,591 19,410 295,624 100,612 219,168 2,752 456 846 14,201 8,279 11,987 127 101 74 32 12 234 155 139 1,081 250 56 1 2,074 221 1,247,572 1,400,968 155,324 18,265 95,377 687,937 38, 521 580 1,681 6, 752, 706 1,052,083 1, 546,649 199,040 470,176 190,674 743,321 201,493 257,000 21,810 42,189 8,209 264,305 58,867 197, 513 10, 725 26,218 13,149 70, 978 11,221 6,227,905 415,674 3,928 3,077 921 201,472 58,935 96, 706 9,701 30,429 12,763 120,069 208,458 120,214 139,081 30,011 40,849 3,573 10,949 8,871 508 263 4,155 55 149 184 3,602 212 8,345 656 26 1,200 138,080 127 1,843 8 57 ... 111"".'.."./. Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Other assets 937 81 185 4,364 1,976 1,095 570,777 118,968 410,006 7,989,304 233,334 5,314 14,041 182 107 179 124 300 145 156 178 130 455 178 290 224 367,544 151,741 530,051 73,827 341, 747 205,191 108,671 174,323 171,405 496,250 102,357 384,136 239,941 334,026 209,045 506,950 105, 508 282,806 348,268 119,960 220,007 190, 762 456,952 164,440 394,885 185,103 36,163 25,198 140,925 28,492 29,501 42,181 23,655 95,372 83,606 83,509 27,485 20,458 44,841 14,510 5,498 65,485 8,028 3,513 4,098 2,238 4,815 3,179 19, 718 3,703 19,199 4,275 1,118 1,273 1,800 203 1,301 297 282 345 682 2,398 171 940 1,457 27,631 15,490 49,606 11,490 26,557 23,816 12,024 21, 794 22,318 38, 752 11,013 24,307 18,028 224,256 107,323 386,867 88,432 242,336 149,626 89,434 165, 718 204,274 469, 747 132,760 314,364 157,882 9,684 3,541 10,867 1,574 1,3 630 317 7,911 2,465 5,413 3,108 15,978 2,493 5,063 6,185 136 160 119 73 295 817 112 224 26 1,352 19 79 386 2,648 3,347,184 3,518,712 681,386 158,259 12,267 2,733,019 82,668 302,826 350 125 147 2 411 174 10 3,559 Total 279,738 99,824 151,944 1, 516,568 659,286 1,044,255 3,751,615 2,863 8,459,969 792,443 1,557,518 186,119 325, 710 173,476 244 116 333 25 101 10 Total Eastern States Texas Other bonds, notes, and debentures 829 11,495,235 10,211,328 1,274,022 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland. District of Columbia Virginia. West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana 98,722 41,324 37,858 576,138 273,546 373,380 Obligations of States and political subdivisions Investments Balances and with other CusCorporate other Real tomers' stocks, Bank banks inestate liability indiincludcluding Curowned owned, onacrectly ing reserve other rency furniceptreprestocks of and coin balances than ture and senting Federal and cash fixtures bank bank outReserve items in premises premises standing banks process of or other collection real estate 82,467 8,827 13,826 1,512 5,599 1,485 23,084,394 2,630,156 4,650,231 557,196 1,123,037 531,146 140,115 113,716 32,576,160 18 40 5 352 1,594 1,944 7,520 384 2,924 2,027 1,472 522 79 782 50 1,576 429 309 1,298 24 1,029 345 1,347 23,381 ===== 1,018,051 521,843 1,700,525 318,051 939,721 784,709 360,460 688,614 680,603 1,586,835 444,750 1,164,762 659,482 10,868,406 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri .._ Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions). -. Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American Samoa Total possessions Total United States and 413 349 509 349 458 502 557 520 144,913 23,372 113,746 50,417 31,429 28,206 17,073 49,083 5,129 1,041 6,464 3,188 859 123 651 16,623 93, 769 37,426 45,882 64,210 34,225 18,517 30,536 45,752 868,513 312,994 869,022 518,474 314,430 152,505 317,860 802,225 24,794 8,498 14,690 25,685 9,754 5,161 6,352 15,243 119 37 177 347 91 63 19 2,850 10,545 310 5,781 32 870 102 1,488 289 207 50 612 194 106 29 50 1,951 12,389 4,613,301 2,262 1,629,534 10,098 4,049,550 5,715 3,083,399 2,309 1,819,883 1,711 945,541 923 1,703,371 6,480 3,118,679 8,110,602 1,253,114 3,199 41,887 20,963,258 3,657 6,402,502 458,239 34,078 370,317 4,156,023 110,177 3,703 19, 417 110 134 293 433 71 28 80 25 187 76,302 83,870 132,211 284,189 89,267 26,176 136,376 35,692 106,916 191,878 120,952 195,198 273,820 132,475 36,403 134,304 42,074 100,626 23,089 10,930 14,789 72,490 10,239 3,111 7,110 3,254 24,474 9,423 1,976 2,882 3,317 8,014 716 1,805 167 1,618 15 94 471 331 244 59 272 45 66 3,803 3,713 5,636 11,671 4,356 1,523 6,682 4,351 7,331 50,362 49,854 93,281 209,322 72,950 29,929 81,227 32,223 85,507 477 876 1,271 3,031 700 610 1,642 841 1,346 3 36 33 32 13 8 143 24 23 1,361 970,999 1,227, 730 169,486 29,918 1,597 49,066 704,655 10, 794 292 486 94 82 50 108 29 43 3 10 95,903 62,688 1,479,086 47,852 123,152 13,061 45,117 102,364 79,067 1,473,066 43,286 114,729 19,939 62,464 22,168 14,764 209,928 5,698 19,270 641 12,632 2,796 63 67,872 589 2,005 128 3,691 210 57 5,086 61 337 22 89 7,070 4,651 42,238 2,394 4,659 1,387 4,827 59,599 35,565 793,707 30,436 76, 111 9,009 29,043 2,718 1,892 33,640 771 1,680 498 2,376 68 51 146 8 52 5 281 67 20 325 8 132 6 325 1,866,859 1,894,915 285,101 77,144 5,862 67,226 1,033,470 43,575 611 623 191,037 1, 294,818 17,304,408 39,807 9,041 25,330,351 26,364,255 3,818,433 1,388, 226 519,069 14,298 2,782 3,543 844 12,624 28,799 83 9,980 671 18 33,913 31,171 120 561 17 11 3,205 4,515 1 48, 675 75,873 8,310 192,050 1,343,493 17,380,281 527,379 13,164 1,066 2,361 101,358 167,728 52 15,002 3,785 118 2,524 60,749 78,406 1,068 10,805 26,971 2,179 16,920 1,013 34 285,729 159,010 37,894 21,623 1,013 9,075 25,616,080 26,523,265 3,856,327 1,409, 849 191 104 372 457 469 36 2,254 101 675 355, 540 272,395 446,162 859,036 318,746 98,578 371,689 118,985 328,645 4,659 3,169,776 325 325 6,794 11,244 67 261 115 512 225 293, 294 199,143 4,123,132 131,170 342,388 44,805 161,328 7,025 5,295,260 15 375 2 24 62 71 9 70 184 31 65 160 3,806 237 225 3,806 14, 535 40,032 12,849 154,643 205,130 76,624,475 22 14 (2) (3) 8 11 1 1 Includes stock savings banks. 2 4 branches of 2 American national banks. : 2 branches of an American national bank. 256,329 67,700 297,199 240,547 103,659 51,049 114,448 122,183 1,418,745 1, 777,849 749,207 426,637 948,591 1,737,288 945, 797 1,228,793 740,591 581, 560 355,030 333,045 569,089 644,882 952,755 1,103,245 272 15,496 16,012 737 6,217 8 44,425 24,578 19,246 226,832 364,724 1,332 38,742 681,137 158,449 243,872 77,305,612 OS 00 TABLE NO. 39.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 31, 1951—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Time deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding 1 2,076 786 5 Location Maine _ New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut-. Demand deposits _ 138,354 17,804 44,358 1, 097, 974 364.222 709,566 117, 205 71,022 92,299 274,288 235,783 252,181 136,657 1,372,262 600,005 961. 747 2,715 2,372, 278 1,042, 778 3,415, 056 Total New England States 255, 559 "420 Other liabilities 1,533 415 402 14. 719 8,555 7,479 Capital stock i 7,615 1,6105,956 38,348 11,850 Surplus 7,470 4,917 4,600 47,686 23,416 34,666 Reserves and retirement Undivided account for preferred profits stock and capital notes and debentures 5,878 3,648 3,251 24,741 8,400 12,420 1,683 408 1,077 14,021 6,274 2,682 . , Total Southern States 2,868 33,103 90,215 122,755 58,338 26,145 2, 610,808 20,841,185 994,411 2,441, 732 1,155, 910 4,179, 921 82, 558 503,153 272,828 1,034,377 134,489 488,541 6,045 149,542 127 1,853 8 57 200,310 17,123 35,653 4,322 8,532 4,465 552,539 53,702 118,674 10, 869 22,171 9,800 947,843 71,146 230,149 29,982 39,884 19, 780 362,440 36,000 71,638 8,015 13,228 6,298 24,490 10,326 11,853 647 4,788 1,662 24, 237, 905 Total Eastern States 3,135 18, 230,377 1, 447,321 3,024,011 420,595 761,549 354,052 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania— Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas... Kentucky Tennessee Total deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money 5, 251, 004 29, 488, 909 7,335 151,587 270,405 767, 755 1,338, 784 497, 619 53,766 9,270 2,878 28,610 952 12,089 3.191 1,137 2,161 2,152 9,300 481 6,185 24,780 14, 008 22,265 8,351 22,370 17,139 8,181 12, 618 13,361 36, 826 10,158 24,663 17,903 31,134 21,908 61,903 9,194 28.886 20,432 11, 441 28,123 15,933 32, 505 10,499 39, 436 17, 457 11,784 8,242 16, 871 4,272 15,370 7,455 7,373 1,251 7,636 21,604 9,170 14,928 11,377 4,416 2,079 7,431 683 6,519 2.027 686 907 1,529 5,036 1,578 3,054 1,952 83,335 232,623 328,851 137,333 37,897 624,393 340, 692 1, 226,016 258, 084 682,830 557,109 263,019 553,802 534,653 1,336,361 368, 772 949, 818 432,173 8,127, 722 311,769 130, 936 337,107 36, 475 171,433 176,987 68,623 490 200 600 936,162 471, 628 1.563,123 294,559 854,263 734,096 331,642 642,825 639,942 1, 481,135 412,864 1,076,372 605,507 500 1,100 304 100 12 24 345 1,916,396 10,044,118 2,902 1,347 105, 289 144, 774 44, 092 126, 554 173,334 219 17 650 18 40 5 352 79 50 429 Ohio Indiana •Illinois Michigan... Wisconsin.. Minnesota.. Iowa...--.Missouri... Total Middle Western States. North Dakota.. South Dakota.. Nebraska _. Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico.... Oklahoma 2, 657, 093 1,056,203 2,589, 760 1,477,898 922,041 498,270 1,181,961 2,395,380 12, 778, 606 1,639, 791 467, 325 1,180, 591 1,391,420 776,151 376, 374 396, 384 497.028 4, 296, 884 1, 523,528 3, 770,351 2, 869.318 1, 698,192 874,644 1,578,345 2,892,408 570 40 3 6 207 50 755 194 106 29 50 1,959 29,717 7,615 42,715 21, 657 3,643 2,459 2,024 21, 769 87,172 30, 679 67,802 66,197 39, 841 21, £31 34, 931 75, 278 138, 644 39,941 84, 776 72,405 47/788 24,379 47, 209 71, 253 53,109 24, 781 49,167 41,999 25,551 16,632 32,312 49,632 6,998 2,900 33,981 11.629 4,562 5,867 8,500 6,374 6, 725, 064 19,503, 670 819 3,350 131,569 423, 431 526,395 293,183 80,811 636 176 882 1,200 946 224 2,826 120 1,616 6,565 5,523 10,942 17,608 5,080 1,439 8,394 2,795 8,120 5, 646 5,631 12,C01 23, 763 5,758 2,754 8,467 2,104 8,475 6,568 6,221 7,175 16,517 3,579 1,592 5,294 430 7,890 3,365 1,128 1,314 1,559 465 408 944 948 724 94 8,626 66,466 74,599 55, 266 10,855 6 7,180 4,009 84,296 2,867 7,186 803 3,060 7.990 4. 947 92,496 2,882 9,908 698 5? 319 3,917 1,879 54,126 1,271 5,139 471 1,431 603 250 6,027 181 418 225 1,160 915 31,863 609 1,627 380 1,121 7,667 37,675 109,401 124,240 68, 234 7,936 166,913 564,743 1,689,891 1,109,973 217,410 57 3 237 1,466 12,449 3 873 815 863 539 7,327 31,471 50 7,951 8,399 65 2,885 1,521 29 2,473 862 39, 721 17, 230 5,298 3,874 1, 729, 612 2,532, 854 1,115,271 221,284 200 Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions) _ Alaska Canal Zone (Pans ma) The Territory of Hawaii. Guam. Puerto Rico American Samoa Total possessions. 1 93,829 43,043 39,564 94,958 50,553 16,080 77, 457 16,072 36,930 332, 760 253,716 413,403 797,968 302,918 92,161 345,360 112,518 301,294 526 2,483, 612 468, 486 2,952,098 1,772 183,891 129,221 2,093,555 92, 755 201,515 29,679 118, 524 88, f 47 57,922 1, 753,333 30,605 116,595 12, 774 31,191 272,438 187,143 3,846,888 123,360 318,110 42,453 149,715 2,849,140 2,090,967 4,940,107 52,849,263 17,494,695 70,343,958 30, 728 22,304 12,335 107, 422 177,976 735 10,550 2,271 6,674 96,987 119,789 450 41,278 24, 575 19,009 204,409 297, 765 1,185 351,500 236, 721 588,221 8,772 3,806 14, 215 53, 200, 763 17, 731,416 70,932,179 Total Western States.. Washington. Oregon California... Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona 238,931 210,673 373,839 703,010 252,365 76,081 267,903 96,446 264,364 24,735 170, 719 578,958 Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 168 and 169.) 420 421 15 395 9 70 7,436 15,963 321 8,451 3,806 2, 515,624 457 TABLE NO. 39.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. SI, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] :Loans and discounts Commercial and industrial loans (including openmarket paper) Location New York New Jersey -_ __. "Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia England 147 18 2,871 295 4,963 1,821 971 3,665 Other Real-estate loans loans for the purLoans to pose of Secured Secured by brokers purchasby resiing or Secured and farm dential by dealers carrying land propstocks, (includother in erties propsecurities bonds ing (other and erties imthan other provefarm) securities ments) 120 10,734 2,025 700 1,097 21 955 13,290 225 4,345 3,081 1,462 7,218 1,067 1,868 2,678 29,063 22,916 37, 899 86, 422 74, 771 108,101 11,952 5,595 7,971 42,304 25, 779 16,806 All other Other loans loans to Loans individ- to banks (including uals overdrafts) 20, 669 3,270 8,613 123,332 33,845 86, 034 12 665 420 _- Total Southern States.- 165 14, 586 13,579 19,933 17,374 359,172 110, 407 275, 763 1,097 216 135 152 210 244 24,080 1,309 9,793 2,418 6,511 100 733,661 6,144 34, 759 2,675 374 1,759 224,049 7,404 27,628 2,642 13, 530 733 13,829 1,994 13,359 6,078 10, 982 65 760, 224 334,327 359, 924 52,071 93, 614 46,148 163, 719 56, 401 90,387 10,152 26, 411 15, 966 853,868 181, 295 442, 237 41,106 95,810 52, 706 79, 958 6, 383,854 ._ 425,291 5,426,170 207,046 564,821 67, 739 70,817 47,261 Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina _ Georgia _ Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tenne-ssee Other loans to farmers 36,072 3,776 8,912 195, 591 80,943 99,997 Maine. _ New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut.. Total New States Loans to farmers directly guaranteed by the Commodity Credit Corporation 957 44,211 779,372 275,986 46,307 1,646,308 363,036 1,667, 022 93,678 24,350 216,606 14,479 109, 556 53, 505 20,786 62,607 49,001 156,489 22,031 125,067 43,604 50 2,405 2,622 1,545 9,269 1,613 406 408 12,189 4,030 14,056 4,877 19, 565 11,544 15,604 20, 978 10,895 93,369 20,653 28,246 23,073 1,145 57 3,446 25 1,374 367 83 1,154 193 368 239 736 64 1,027 6,082 12,383 1,276 5,825 3,413 1,691 5,918 981 7,379 845 7,473 1,684 14, 662 7,008 20,026 4,604 18,079 6,835 10,004 13,909 9,178 9,201 7,953 37,872 24,422 95, 753 50,851 57,932 18, 582 74,348 47,160 21,940 18, 551 30,656 42,039 16,855 58,099 50,931 20, 225 14, 981 33, 832 3,043 18,059 16, 077 5,559 9,584 15, 608 18, 650 6,111 24,397 13,824 126, 210 43,203 171,921 21, 821 86,026 62, 257 30,950 38, 807 50,911 157, 900 24,326 93, 889 79,949 30,950 279,079 9,251 55,977 183,753 583,697 199,950 988,170 991, 759 1,065 3,764 7,803 Total gross loans 1,318 294 1,638 11, 727 6,805 4,763 106,402 37,629 78,169 486,953 227, 232 327, 527 26,545 1, 263,912 Less valuation reserves Net loans 1,368 17 • 760 6,980 2,870 4,345 105,034 37, 612 77, 409 479,973 224,362 323,182 16,340 1, 247, 572 25 309, 413 8, 589,187 10, 451 806, 506 42,963 1, 586, 073 1,670 186, 761 11,101 329,394 9,726 174, 489 129, 218 8, 459, 969 792, 443 14,063 28,555 1, 557, 518 186,119 642 325, 710 3,684 173, 476 1,013 80, 033 385,324 11, 672, 410 177,175 11,495, 235 50 93 667 166 10 3 101 1,040 371, 662 153,417 538,896 74, 713 345, 288 206,826 110,083 176,874 174,213 499,886 103, 251 388,342 242,891 4,118 1,676 8,845 886 3,541 1,635 1,412 2,551 2,808 3,636 894 4,206 2,950 367, 544 151, 741 530,051 73,827 341, 747 205,191 108,671 174,323 171,405 496,250 102,357 384,136 239, 941 62, 716 3*, 386,342 39,158 3,347,184 6,630 2,855 6,962 2,242 4,487 5,668 1,061 2,744 5,245 5,212 2,622 12, 056 4,932 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri 407,978 69,061 403,319 167,503 132, 766 33,029 93,872 386, 544 __ Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota _ Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming. Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma 60,131 3,287 10,818 12,501 6,047 1,339 3,734 10,077 54,708 107, 934 __ _ __ Total Pacific States. _ 1, 694,072 30, 747 744,399 34,500 13,940 5,861 21,497 19,843 1,683 2,861 262 3,095 21, 204 43, 796 79,358 117,551 21, 827 9,400 37,405 8,938 35,029 139, 210 103,542 26,108 15,069 428, 570 12, 111 29, 762 2,523 11,568 __ 4,909 746 384 3,115 918 525, 711 10,072 Total United States (exclusive of possessions). 10,159, 897 Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico . __ American Samoa 25,947 48 24,309 361 478 2 524 3,039 3,103 5,023 13,534 42, 979 14, 433 3,490 32,183 8,437 16,028 Total Western States - _ _ Washington Oregon California. Idaho _ Utah Nevada Arizona 40, 679 1,166 53,832 2,353 97,254 2,439 1,756 . 51,690 59, 625 590 98,177 8,822 243, 599 10, 234 99,543 3,387 _ _ Total possessions 436, 043 141, 522 165,359 387,379 193,305 91, 501 117, 522 267, 728 297,493 1, 800,359 83,928 22, 799 34,345 61, 588 51, 693 17, 955 28, 632 56,407 24,909 4,002 39, 547 13, 291 10,325 3,191 4,882 17,889 1,439,170 432, 236 959, 259 955,434 590,318 334,974 649, 858 1,114,387 20,425 5,599 10,668 9,637 8,758 1,929 4,976 11,142 1. 418, 745 426,637 948, 591 945, 797 581, 560 333,045 644,882 1,103, 245 118,036 6,475, 636 73,134 6,402, 502 8 136 342 1,193 2,388 927 64 560 380 1,093 76,994 84,867 133,998 285, 638 90,995 26,385 137, 855 36, 597 107, 735 692 997 1,787 1,449 1,728 209 1,479 905 819 76,302 83,870 132, 211 284,189 89, 267 26,176 136,376 35, 692 106,916 244 7,083 981,064 10, 065 970, 999 659 584 27,839 359 1,195 237 188 96,786 63,347 1, 503, 926 48,320 124,481 13,141 45,463 883 659 24,840 468 1,329 80 346 95,903 62,688 1,479,086 47,852 123,152 13,061 45,117 31,061 1,895,464 28,605 1,866, 859 310, 698 101, 590 161,631 226,082 85, 836 54,116 94, 503 235, 459 395 357,347 1, 269, 915 626 40 86 41 64 51 78 214 874 1,074 595 81 1,849 350 825 2,045 2,682 5,675 12, 723 1,543 690 1,526 718 3,493 7,876 9,617 9,992 37, 212 15,399 5,470 17, 201 5,352 8,189 1,206 1,925 2,214 6,547 3,162 1,886 4,299 1,759 3,177 6,846 7,328 15, 281 43, 228 13, 266 3,620 39,783 10,401 36, 747 374,508 459 5,940 31,095 116,308 26,175 176, 500 7,171 5,102 34, 613 12,010 18,197 2,133 6,048 22 15 10,624 14 282 509 410 12,394 194 218 2 34 4,261 2,522 24,494 1,089 5,686 183 758 27, 578 20,448 660,247 6,967 39, 861 3,637 14, 403 8,079 3,872 109, 508 1,672 10, 635 1,532 1,211 17,490 14, 579 194,688 10, 789 17, 727 2,884 11,253 85, 274 10,957 13, 761 38, 993 773,141 136, 509 269, 410 575 176, 433 1, 542,057 868,326 479, 531 615,015 5, 278, 985 1,193,424 4, 646, 780 83, 615 16 211 1 180 14 6 3,569 1,693 12, 820 191 906 2,212 30 47,162 24,164 9 7,047 5,955 6 13,013 3,124 74, 925 14, 704 868,332 492, 544 7 476 950 1,172 24,306 79,054 63 14, 213 6 112, 958 63 14, 227 176, 496 1. 556, 284 Total United States and possessions 10, 272, 855 47,296 33,742 20,198 33,283 49,567 26,801 52,292 34,314 8 565 10 630, 765 25, 674, 828 630 3 27 14 93 5,220 13,183 1,066 2,361 101,414 168,325 52 47,394 630 5,357 286,401 , 208,128 4, 694,174 84,245 2 618,139 5,353, 910 422 87 1,136 9,080 36, 617 52 228 636,122 25, 961, 229 344,477 25,330,351 19 56 597 672 13,164 1,066 2.361 101,358 167, 728 52 285, 729 345,149 25, 616,080 TABLE NO. 39.—Assets and liabilities of active State commercial banks, Dec. 81, 1951—Continued 00 [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Capital IndividStates Capital uals, part- U.S. and notes Preand ferred Common nerships, Govern- political stock ment subdiviand cordeben- stock sions tures porations Location MaineNew Hampshire . Vermont Massachusetts... Bhode Island Connecticut Total NewStates 125 1,944 859 50 England New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia.. Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina. South Carolina.. Georgia. Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas.. Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States.... 2,978 34.107 155 34,262 6,765 12, 237 1,103 656 20,761 7,490 1,610 4,012 37,489 11,850 24, 786 111, 231 13,939 36,252 916, 568 310, 450 585, 829 3,131 133 1,071 20,590 8,531 33,109 87,237 1, 974, 269 66,565 297 161, 247 1,836 20 2,324 612,821 457 2,866 712, 732 18, 606, 332 849,190 2, 485, 740 617, 776 228, 747 755, 576 10,582 19, 232 25, 232 6,610 15, 210 5,790 5,540 5,132 5,074 12,490 3,349 23,369 7,365 6, 285, 920 54,111 47,606 91,369 28,632 74,386 79,780 38,750 94,014 115, 566 122, 630 38,350 74,226 56,505 64,029 13, 514 235,098 9,649 46, 444 10,765 2,041 44,847 44,302 44,926 14,223 147, 841 144, 975 915,925 687,483 86,368 1, 034, 480 1,348 1,235 397 171 7,347 27 378 635 9,804 8,606 States Banks Banks in and in foreign Postal political subdivi- United counStates tries 475 48,420 8,836 24,402 115,227 70,968 91,442 270, 584 235,174 251,085 3.432 326 952 81,505 3,579 243 9 1,106 197 2,841 1,098 497 43,887 6,256 26, 926 527, 257 2, 228,930 29,999 132, 448 100, 551 169,029 5,052 21, 895 38, 675 66,970 14, 055 69 3 505 145 117 100 17, 719 2,308 5,586 68,041 28,313 39,280 IndividBanks Certified uals, part- U.S. and in Govforeign cashiers' nerships, ernand corcountries checks, porations ment etc.* 511, 667 13, 436,352 613, 261 41, 465 1, 209, 530 37, 235 117, 571 2, 638, 713 361, 940 15, 739 10, 869 633,866 14, 591 21,360 325, 931 5,858 9,800 23, 626 13,885 22,148 8,241 22, 321 16,896 8,172 11,502 13,154 36, 731 10,155 24,158 17,758 1,154 123 Banks in United States Time deposits 3 605 263 2 811, 756 2, 290, 561 9,014 306 978, 824 37, 652 287 43,960 1,103, 966 370 63,514 15,969 6,212 268,271 2,885 7,742 107, 799 10,269 177 149 40 366 290 "is' 923, 291 4,812,935 23,131 283,934 129, 916 272, 775 35,863 167, 893 171, 768 68,172 88,104 99,893 130, 972 43,382 122, 654 166, 937 1,948 374 3,137 3 912 90 131 507 2,103 31 6 3,363 81 2,243 351 6,624 5 483 2,843 22 1, 782, 263 12,686 10,050 9,747 12, 791 1,165 4,975 5,577 1,371 3,357 4,985 19, 214 2,091 6,733 2,757 84, 813 1,503 54 823 2.922 111 1,054 6,467 31 117 43,093 123, 930 144,210 80 15,201 51,166 201 18,174 500 1,649 421 I6~666 129, 704 124, 216 160, 710 424 18 136 5 55 23,406 286 53,856 394 1,498 1,916 168 55 1,784 12,959 568 515 6,061 238 9 715 210 647 370 130 357 1,085 790 13,209 103,466 4, 768 17 200 Ohio . Indiana... ._ _ Illinois Michigan. ._ Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas __ Montana Wyoming ._ Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma. Total Western States- ._ Washington .. _ _ Oregon California. Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona ._ Total Pacific States Total United States (exclusive of possessions). _ Alaska Canal Zone (Panama) Guam The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American Samoa _ Total possessions Total United States and possessions 474 1,452 263 1,670 16 325 3.740 1,760 670 1,277 405 4,545 7.507 86,373 29,227 67,539 62, 457 36, 411 21, 515 33, 654 74,203 2, 237, 819 859, 393 2,181,388 1, 207, 352 801,106 419,423 989, 619 1, 750, 967 99,224 22,623 66,458 33,463 20,435 8,185 21,850 45, 076 144,258 147,263 116, 627 165, 786 51,024 58,149 133, 363 182,015 125,885 14, 274 188, 410 35, 621 26,827 3,210 18,156 398, 282 3,207 59 3,581 712 411,379 10, 447, 067 317, 314 998, 485 810, 665 1, 558, 994 465,274 1,124, 618 1,373, 823 772, 662 368, 954 395, 767 492, 076 8 1,563 11 572 21 6 38 150 227 170 41 97 66 264 159 83 80,477 158 55,921 16,821 3,345 7,150 420 4,669 85 160 2,231 46,700 12, 591 33,296 34,964 22,649 9,303 18,973 16, 809 50 w 9,790 195, 285 6, 552,168 2, 369 1,107 168, 961 459 O 28 11 1 7 5 23 4 5 47,529 1,695 23 307 307 5 107 57 36 5 53 113 13 179 6,503 5,410 10,909 17, 555 5,055 1,196 8,394 2 759 8,115 177, 484 182,394 338,817 538,872 203, 619 64,320 217, 515 76 619 220, 517 2,023 2,229 4,115 7,402 3,676 492 3,284 4 074 2,837 54,725 23,538 26, 611 142, 219 26, 678 9,532 2J, 481 14 392 33,V78 3,349 1,190 1,818 9,607 15, 743 945 21, 517 458 3,133 1,350 1,322 2,478 4,910 2,649 792 4,106 903 4,099 46, 271 41,330 39,536 94, 612 50,180 16,075 72,122 13, 998 36, 665 450 1,733 2 331 15 4,885 10 148 100 391 65,896 2,020,157 30,132 352, 954 57,760 22, 609 410, 789 2,297 391 54,904 105 7,124 3,970 77,070 2,867 6,998 803 3,060 154,835 111,091 1 747 814 72,103 143,117 23,013 88,125 2, 551 2,201 46 938 753 2,412 398 1,778 20,088 13,087 84, 895 15,465 33,907 5,342 26,363 3,145 925 152, 593 3,217 19, 739 45 119 836 24 17, 929 88,434 56,417 1, 639,391 30, 554 116,123 12,774 31,176 10 6 2,735 13 22 1,505 108,186 51 428 2,693 137 2,436 1,893 43,386 1, 217 2,339 881 2,002 101,892 2, 340, 098 57,031 199,147 179, 783 18,927 54,154 1,974,869 2,759 44 110,192 2,788 315 # § 657, 423 1,366, 520 16, 567, 504 44,590 15, 425 573, 694 132,453 161,029 £ 2 16 80 11 125 591 2,036 1,003 1,381 60,002 62,466 9 20 53 25 243 56 39 7,226 78 110 173 7,336 39, 456 42, 552 1, 607,883- 41, 673,843 1,371,593 3, 476, 948 4,302, 936 4,249 13,865 3 562 10, 671 13, 598 264 4,068 1,097 5 7,327 31,471 50 21,041 8,237 4 214 79, 220 112,770 439 4 279 14,846 25,957 1,231 11,956 39,721 225,921 46,209 49,150 14,289 873 39,456 42, 552 1,647,604 41,899, 764 1,417,802 3,526,098 4,317, 225 1 16 57 14. 10 — 3 _ O Q 315 td O 75 t"1 ft 20 15 245 10 28 273 71 280 1,209 13,685 4 10, 452 2,271 5,671 95,004 57,626 450 409 15, 522 171,474 138 2,643 657,832 1,382,042 16,738,978 44,728 18,068 126 o s —-— ^ q 636,160 132,453 161,029 i Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). O TABLE N O . 40.— and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1951 ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Balances with other Corporate banks, stocks, including Currency including stocks of and coin reserve balances Federal and cash Reserve items in banks process of collection Loans and discounts, including overdrafts U. S. Government obligations, direct and guaranteed Obligations of States and political subdivisions _ _ . _ . . 32 70,310 34 135,868 71,067 7 188 1,581,103 124,170 8 72 489,176 150,815 138,513 22,079 1,755,251 126,074 784,251 700 1,054 276 3,225 93 3,082 40,027 18,041 1,542 296,550 34,432 164,781 7,550 22,412 903 125,958 14,108 51,615 2,314 1,288 640 17,420 2,523 10,646 Total New England States.- 341 2,471,694 2,976,983 8,430 555,373 222,546 130 6,417,037 23 260,500 7 251,090 2 18,995 9 94,519 5,454,006 307,543 490,622 19,198 275,738 92,015 8,627 14,682 1,203 3,898 909,289 122,294 431,345 60,765 57,944 759 415 1,447 1,824 171 7,042,141 6,547,107 120,425 1,581,637 Number of banks Location Maine New TTfrTnpshirft Vermont _ _ Massachusetts Rhode Island CoTinftfitifiiit New York New Jersey _ _ Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland . __ __ _ . __ ...... Total M i d d l e States Washington Oregon Western . 8,784 10,618 2,611 80,110 10, 712 49,964 1,249 1,830 754 15,454 1,670 7,029 34,831 162,799 27,986 2,300 68,319 5,246 5,929 145 1,586 486,689 29,809 24,435 3,426 15,517 74,005 4,285 9,119 420 1,438 _ _ Total Pacific States Total United States Customers' liability on Other accept- assets ances outstanding 315 188 235 903 5 654 2,048 41 19 150 65 2,323 4,445 81,225 559,876 89,267 3 4 4 1 Total Eastern States Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Other bonds, notes, and debentures Investments and other Real Bank estate assets inpremises owned directly owned, repreother furniture senting than and bank bank fixtures premises premises or other real estate 133,928 18,577 4,412 79,894 95,090 24,397 8,409 59,914 1,011 97 916 14,296 17,997 1,857 137 29,244 109 16 37 5,795 333 267 444 18, 702 4,564 1,874 5,269 205 171 61 300 159 12 236,811 187,810 16,320 49,235 162 6,839 30,409 737 160 4 1 98,163 12,913 100,983 5,954 1,738 17 18,337 125 1,105 173 7,788 1,163 805 30 5 111, 076 106,937 1,755 18,337 125 1,278 8,951 835 529 9,861, 722 9,818,837 146,930 2,204,582 227,278 124,173 762,035 118,825 193 282,257 657 330,469 295 100,402 5,510 3,881,484 213 314,000 14,274 1,575,472 21,142 6,484,084 126,766 13,630,933 2,321 741,081 5,863 1,234,551 2 106,128 11,980 462,685 ===== 1 Total assets 146,932 16,175,378 832~ 273,669 8 50,021 6 16,119 31 189,551 529,360 628 73 229,672 20,323 701 4,783 877 249,995 169,652 23,438,817 TABLE NO. 40.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1951—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 186 660 382 117 600 Delaware Maryland _ __ _ __ ___ 244,260 286,306 90,040 3, 411, 932 281,006 1,391, 584 5, 703,183 5, 705,128 3,667 9,813 223 12,190,467 653,268 1,136, 291 89,796 405, 551 12,194,134 663,081 1,136, 514 89,796 410,404 4,853 18, 556 Total Middle Western States _ 14, 475,373 14,493, 929 1,534 3,864 24 204 Total Eastern States Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Washington Oregon 244,074 286,306 89,380 3,411, 550 280,889 1,390,984 1,945 Total New England States. New York New Jersey Time deposits Total deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money 250,109 41,545 14, 799 174,498 480, 951 34 6 210,316 19,339 Surplus * Undivided profits Reserves and retirement account for capital notes and debentures 1,000 21,423 22,109 1.368 232, 456 26.265 106,361 1,073 33,309 409, 982 323,138 334,582 184 5,625 152 29,764 63,306 2,260 1,400 156 450 971, 770 71,324 87, 691 15, 867 19,835 3 11,454 67,141 4,232 3,321 157 2,232 hi O 73 450 15.618 17,207 2,698 213,997 3,793 69,825 287 3,825 2 5. 950 410 150 832 l W O 77, 083 1,166, 487 370,307 67,122 2,717 25 20 218 16, 915 3,545 1,122 14,000 304 271 150 631 2,090 771 4 486, 577 2,980 35, 582 1,356 2,865 a 210,350 19,345 1,506 149 13,310 512 3,256 317 1,250 w i Total Pacific States 40 229, 655 229, 695 Total United States 26,167 20, 889,162 20, 915,329 J Includes guaranty fund. 2 Includes book value of capital notes and debentures—retirable value amounts to $5, 700, 000. Other liabilities 669 1,022 346 22, 616 2,786 5,870 251.643 45,409 14, 823 174, 702 5,626 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding 1,655 1,523 13, 822 3, 573 1,250 115,027 1, 625, 873 698,374 82,691 TABLE NO. 40.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. 31, 1951—Continued to [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Commercial and industrial loans (including openmarket paper) Location Loans to farmers directly guaranOther teed by the Com- loans to farmers modity Credit Corporation 21 73 1 213 - 885 2,042 786 144 1,042 310 Total New England States. 5,209 Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut _. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware -Maryland Total Middle States 12 109 13 90 1,114 Other loans t o individuals Loans to banks All other loans (including overdrafts) 1,415 4,667 2,113 23,316 6,020 5,214 15,450 2,168, 753 249,803 42, 745 2,518 7,767 5,612,436 236,022 55 229,619 539 18,380 361 70,390 965 933, 788 24,790 20,964 224 12,284 19,453 1,041 505 30 9,147 2,069 27 9,687 6,166,847 992,050 30,176 290 1,459 362 8,274 14, 558 283 34 98 3,252 3,252 2,642 4 Secured by other properties 4,796 203,414 4,987 35,492 1,310 12 - Secured by residential properties (other than farm) 3 35 1,965 __ Secured b y farm land (including improvements) 151 66,580 128,575 5,575 56,404 6,136 1, 355,865 163 112,865 3,425 448,464 - 1,965 Real-estate loans 518 977 538 574 4 Total Eastern States Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota Other loans for the purLoans to pose of brokers purchasand ing or dealers in carrying securities stocks, bonds, and other securities 127 511 Total gross loans 70,328 135,868 71,405 1, 591,650 125, 615 493, 564 Less valuation reserves 18 Net loans 338 10,547 1,445 4,388 70,310 135,868 71,067 1,581,103 124,170 489,176 2,488,430 16, 736 2,471,694 158,480 1,447 537 78 6, 575, 517 261,947 251, 627 18,995 94,829 310 6,417,037 260,500 251,090 18,995 94,519 2,174 7, 202,915 160, 774 7,042,141 134, 742 18, 591 4,412 82,686 814 14 2,792 133,928 18,577 4,412 79,894 240,431 3,620 236,811 98,180 12,913 17 98,163 12,913 1,798 82 4,391 2,333 45 14, 699 92, 714 14,272 3,971 59, 615 21,468 170,572 10,385 14, 973 348 77,379 11,443 20,017 1,438 436 32 348 19, 524 45 88,822 21,455 468 111, 093 17 111, 076 46,953 8, 594,994 1,273, 693 88,362 7,944 10, 042,869 181,147 9,861,722 Western 19,569 109 103 Washington Oregon Total Pacific States Total United States 26,743 1,423 2,757 TABLE NO. 40.—Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, Dec. SI, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] to Time deposits Demand deposits s ^ Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Location I to Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island _ __ 32 382 26 192 70 5 18 73 408 553 757 88 547 124 8,761 1,891 64 223 1 558 1,651 430 1,098 31 2,209 433 2,658 19 7 24 5 3,110 36 933 30 1 31 3 5 3,033 1,588 553 Total New England States.. ______ I- Total Eastern States Ohio Indiana Wisconsin "Minnesota __ - -- Total Middle Western States. __ Washington Oregon ^_» Total Pacific States Total United States U.S. Government 5,701,606 9,983 _ _ CoTinfictiftut _-- Individuals, partnerships, and corporations 243,511 286,306 88,915 3,411,550 280,863 1,390,461 125 ._ New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland States Certified U.S. and and Banks in Banks in Govern- political United foreign cashiers' subdiviment States countries checks, sions etc.i 13,646 61 6 Postal savings States and Banks in Banks in foreign political United subdiviStates countries sions o o 557 445 20 26 437 86 6 1,465 106 55 2 4,371 36 112 58 160 3,724 12,190,352 648,737 1,136,255 89,684 405,251 559 5,805 14,470,279 55 4,521 518 933 1,094 224 1,371 200 204 248,538 41,545 14,796 174,498 1,522 479,377 1,374 1 210,291 18,584 25 25 1 8 25 20,880,137 3 200 25 755 228,875 7,875 o 300 780 61 7,360 1,604 i Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). GO TABLE N O . and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 31, 1951 41.—. ASSETS [In thousands of dollars] Number of banks Location ObligaU.S. Other tions of Loans and Governbonds, CorStates and notes, porate discounts, ment obpolitical ligations, including and overdrafts direct and subdivi- deben- stocks sions guaranteed tures 113 403 130 366 825 61,832 3,519 55 207 49,671 394 8,859 1,191 65,351 262 24 56 80 563 16,894 4 4,177 10 1,177 28 53 389 1,280 2,711 13,192 102 215 15,881 17,457 4,181 1,187 81 1,669 15,903 317 2.168 4,636 3,790 4,363 1,186 5,251 1,930 4,217 668 884 233 384 47 4 126 97 526 375 171 949 3,443 1,710 2,216 12 39 48 54 26 14, 957 12,584 2,169 177 1,169 8,318 85 1 98,942 445 96,331 311 56,021 1,758 145 8,962 4,142 49 86 99,387 96,642 56,021 1,903 8,962 4,191 New York Pennsylvania 3 8 11 62,087 5,246 54,815 10,934 48,412 1,259 67, 333 65,749 35 11 46 2,454 13,427 4 7 8 7 Total Southern States _- _ _ Total Middle Western States. Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska Total United possessions States and _ _ Customers' liability on Other accept- assets ances outstanding 30 361 541 Ohio Indiana . Michigan Iowa Investments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate 53 8,433 426 771 . Real estate owned, other than bank premises 3 391 2 Georgia Texas Bank premises owned, furniture and fixtures 22 Connecticut Total Eastern States Currency and coin Balances with other banks, including reserve balances and cash items in process of collection o Total assets 2 2,035 17,812 2,932 6 256, 771 22,869 17,812 2,938 279, 640 6,332 50,791 391 41 15 56 29 4 1 3 5,131 14, 784 8,244 11, 405 153 29 8 39, 564 89,975 312 862 9 553 1 17,812 3,004 378,362 1,272 90,287 871 554 17,812 3,004 379,634 57,123 i TABLE N O . 41.—. and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 81, 1951—Continued LIABILITIES [In thousands of dollars] Demand deposits Location Connecticut Other liabilities Capital stock Surplus Undivided profits Reserves 1,373 -- - . . _.. ___ Total United States (exclusive of possessions) -_ Alaska Total United States and possessions,.. 452 1,825 2 25 183 2,181 12, 270 211,989 20, 880 2,266 18,979 3,478 22 2,850 13,154 1,913 29 4,026 54 218, 418 Ohio Indiana _ _ Michigan Iowa _ _ Total Middle Western States Total deposits Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks and outstanding 209,808 8,610 New York Pennsylvania Total Eastern States Georgia Texas -Total Southern States. Time deposits Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money 14,451 232, 869 2,266 18,979 3,500 2,850 15, 067 29 4.080 5,179 43, 701 92 2,755 5,271 46,456 30 28 248 1,211 584 2,578 105 209 94 309 48, 880 2,847 51, 727 58 1,459 3,162 314 403 2,762 11, 713 3,310 9,208 1, 764 2,108 4,429 1,718 4,526 13, 821 7,739 10, 926 11 19 12 145 236 114 195 170 490 184 137 279 210 185 121 g 10 26 26, 993 10, 019 37, 012 42 690 981 795 44 295, 664 1,120 27, 769 43 323, 433 1,163 2,266 18, 979 3,602 5,024 25 19,393 25 1,138 48 4,527 11 296, 784 27, 812 324, 596 2,266 18,979 3,602 5,049 19,418 1,186 4,538 O O W O TABLE NO. 41.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. 31, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Loans to farmers Commer- directly cial and guaranteed Other industrial loans (in- the Com- loans to cluding modity farmers open-mar- Credit ket paper) Corporation Location 134 . . Georgia Texas _ _ 3 52 7,768 7,724 43,727 .. Total Eastern States 4 42,311 1,416 Connecticut New York Pennsylvania Other Real-estate loans loans for the Loans to purpose of Other brokers purchasing Secured by Secured by loans to and or carrying farm land residential Secured individdealers in stocks, (including properties by other uals securities bonds, and improve- (other than properties farm) other ments) securities 55 7,768 7,724 Loans to banks Allother loans (including overdrafts) Total gross loans Less valuation reserves Net loans 6 399 3,747 18 426 2,581 4.146 54 36 321 9 771 105 54 1,784 15 472 301 1,312 4,158 105 62,334 5,246 247~ 62,087 5,246 105 1,838 487 1,613 4,263 67,580 247 67,333 243 295 538 54 261 604 1,241 117 363 630 4,864 35 264 2,454 13,427 771 2,454 13,427 18 3,007 1,845 480 5,494 299 15,881 _ 428 1,716 455 206 50 114 176 303 318 553 1,421 1,251 344 91 94 341 62 806 641 909 1,765 14 2 38 609 2,186 4.654 3,790 4.363 18 18 51 186 554 493 1,008 2,168 4,636 3,790 4,363 Total Middle Western States. 2,805 101 2,241 911 3,569 588 4,115 663 14,993 36 14,957 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) Alaska 50,812 197 119 5,307 7,822 7,724 1,560 7,513 163 1,591 77 11,543 5,234 8 99,225 445 283 98,942 445 Total United States and possessions 51,009 119 5,307 7,822 7,724 1,560 7,676 1,668 11,543 5,242 99,670 283 99,387 Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Michigan... Iowa 15,881 I TABLE NO. 41.—Assets and liabilities of active private banks, Dec. SI, 1951—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Time deposits Demand deposits Individuals, partnerships, and corporations Location Connecticut r U. S. Government States and Banks in Banks in political United foreign subStates countries divisions 156,951 7,842 States Individuand als, part- U. S. Postal Banks in Banks in nerships, Govern- savings political United foreign suband corpo- ment States countries divisions rations 16 ===== 1 . . 28,769 9,170 192 2,036 11,970 - 100 300 45 Total Eastern States 14,615 28,769 9,362 14,006 400 45 Georgia. Texas Total Southern States 244 164,793 1 302 576 878 5,162 40,178 New York Pennsylvania 222 2,608 266 17 427 92 2,511 45,340 222 2,608 266 444 2,603 533 13 55 23 1 1,752 2,108 4,429 1,718 92 10,007 12 244 -:—i Ohio Indiana Michigan Iowa . - 2,559 9,970 2,861 8,641 18 190 1,137 426 566 .-. 12 ===== 24,031 18 2,319 533 Total United States (exclusive of posessions) Alaska 235,521 851 241 50 5,805 207 15,414 9 28,769 9,914 3 27,068 43 656 45 Total United States and possessions _ 236,372 291 6,012 15,423 28,769 9,917 27, 111 656 45 Total Middle Western States * Includes dividend checks, letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account). o 452 14,615 1,357 - Certified and cashiers' checks, etc.* o o I 178 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 42.—Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in all active banks, Dec. 31, 1951 Location •opulation (approximate) Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations (in thou- Per capita Total Demand $676, 721 542,129 7,102,290 997,463 3,022,747 $238,169 142,686 97,752 2,986,030 420,246 1,203, 717 $438, 552 $707.13 399,443 956.14 245,866 865. 54 4,116,260 1,469. 24 577,217 1,270.65 1,819,030 1,485.38 $248.87 251. 65 246. 23 617. 72 535. 34 591. 51 9,575,000 12,684,968 5,088,600 7, 596,368 1,324.80 531.45 793.35 15,461,000 37,885,031 21,779,513 16,105,518 2,450.36 1,408.67 New York.. 5,010,000 5,188,053 2,500,496 2,687,557 1,035. 54 499.10 New Jersey 10,828,000 10,958,072 6, 779,600 4,178,472 1012.01 626.12 Pennsylvania 322,000 545,009 380,327 164,682 1,692.57 1,181.14 Delaware 2,391,000 1,915,334 1,087,017 828,317 801.06 454.63 Maryland 756,000 1,102,896 895, 566 207,330 1,458.86 1,184.61 District of Columbia. _. 1,041.69 536.44 385.89 511.43 346.43 274.25 Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States Total E a s t e r n States.. Virginia West Virginia... North Carolina . South Carolina.. Georgia... _ Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan. _ Wisconsin _. Minnesota _ Iowa Missouri... 957,000 567,000 397,000 4,834,000 785,000 2,035,000 Total Western States Demand Time $458.26 704.49 619.31 851. 52 735.31 893.87 24,171,876 1,656. 53 961.30 695.23 1,749,916 798,151 1,578,880 633,269 1,498,037 1,760,170 1,107,696 673,081 1,410,767 5,955,526 715,655 1,419,733 1,629,347 1,143,019 538,144 1,222,340 545,832 1,182,700 1,371,123 842, 532 539,248 1,125,681 5,348,868 613, 213 1,190, 612 1,169,643 606,897 260,007 356, 540 87,437 315,337 389,047 265,164 133,833 285,086 606,658 102,442 229,121 459,704 518. 65 380.98 368.81 285.90 413. 25 602. 59 352.54 303. 87 513.01 755. 59 360.53 463.81 484.06 338. 77 256.87 285.53 246.43 326. 26 469.40 268.15 243.45 409.34 678. 62 308.92 388.96 347.49 179.88 124.11 83.28 39.47 86.99 133.19 84.39 60.42 103. 67 76.97 51.61 74.85 136. 57 42,912,000 20,930, 228 16,832,955 4,097,273 487. 75 392. 27 95.48 4, 578, 911 2,816,933 929, 59 972,160 1,991,267 726. 51 7, 992,849 3,199,859 1,241. 70 2, 964, 256 2, 279,842 794.80 1, 635,404 1,268, 218 801.00 1, 533,166 1,025,189 819.46 1,435,835 709.27 546, 576 2,880, 713 885.41 731, 750 575. 53 488.18 886.71 449.27 451.15 491.08 513. 72 706.06 354.06 238.33 354.99 345.53 349.85 328.38 195. 55 179.35 7, 956,000 7,395,844 4,079,000 2,963,427 9,014,000 11,192, 708 6, 598,000 5, 244,098 3,625,000 2,903, 622 3,122,000 2, 558,355 2,795.000 1,982,411 4,080,000 3,612,463 Total Middle Western States. 41,269,000 37,852,928 North DakotaSouth Dakota.. Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico... Oklahoma Total 3,374,000 2,095,000 4,281,000 2,215,000 3,625,000 2,921,000 3,142,000 2,215,000 2,750,000 7,882,000 1,985,000 3,061,000 3,366,000 34,768,000 57, 594,395 33,422,519 Time 25,012,401 12,840, 527 917.22 606.08 311.14 679,000 726,000 1,410,000 2,014,000 654,000 302,000 1,421,000 765,000 2,215,000 465,836 459, 218 1,157,363 1,374,921 521,765 249, 573 1,097,688 306,285 1,426, 219 353,879 367,694 1,007,231 1,191,385 420,596 197,593 849,671 254,165 1,277,725 111,957 91, 524 150,132 183,536 101,169 51,980 248,017 52,120 148,494 686.06 632.53 820.81 682.68 797.81 826.40 772.48 400.37 643.89 521.18 506.46 714.35 591. 55 643.12 654.28 597.94 332.24 576.85 164.88 126.07 106.47 91.13 154.69 172.12 174. 54 68.13 67.04 10,186,000 7,058,868 5,919,939 1,138,929 13.00 581.19 111.81 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 179 TABLE NO. 42.—Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in all active banks, Dec. 81, 1951—Continued Location Population (approximate) Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations (in thousands) Per capita Total Demand 2,412,000 1,561,000 10,780,000 629,000 740,000 160,000 801,000 2,008,514 1,289,317 12,930,417 398,233 515,366 171,447 448,350 1,266,944 863,607 7,216,883 282,306 325,638 106,905 341,337 741,570 425,710 5, 713,534 115,927 189,728 64,542 107,013 832.72 525.27 825.96 553.24 1,199.48 669.47 633.12 » 448.82 696.44 440.05 1,071. 54 668.15 559. 74 426.14 307.45 272.72 530.01 184.30 256.39 403.39 133.60 T o t a l Pacific States _. 17,083,000 17,761,644 10,403,620 7,358,024 1,039.73 609.01 430.72 Total United States (exclusive of possessions) 155,793,000 153,883,031 96,680,034 57,202,997 987.74 620.57 367.17 59, 698 8,237 4,214 138, 789 112,770 439 22,969 2,271 5,671 177,702 57,626 450 694.68 233.51 201.73 666.30 75.73 46.79 501. 66 183.04 86.00 292.19 50.12 23.11 193.02 50.47 115. 73 374.11 25.61 23.68 Washington Oregon California Idaho. Utah Nevada Arizona.. Time Total Demand Time Alaska. _ __ _ Canal Zone (Panama) _. Guam The Territory of Hawaii. Puerto Rico American Samoa Virgin Islands of the United States __. 119,000 45,000 49,000 475.000 2,250,000 19,000 26,000 3,641 1,442 2,199 140.04 55.46 84.58 Total possessions. 2,983,000 594,477 325, 589 268.888 199. 29 109.15 90.14 Total United States and possessions 158,776,000 154,477,508 97,005,623 57,471,885 972.93 610.96 361.97 82,667 10,508 9,885 316,491 170,396 889 TABLE NO. 43.—Officials of State banking departments and number of each class of active banks in December 1951 State commerciall Names of officials Location Total number of banks Titles Bank Commissioner Maine New Hampshire Vermont . Massachusetts... _. Rhode Island Connecticut. Total New England States Homer E. Robinson ... Clyde M. Davis Alexander H. Miller Timothy J. Donovan Alexander Chmielewski Lynbrook K. Elmore Commissioner of Banking and Insurance Commissioner of Banks Bank Commissioner do New York New Jersey... W. A. Lyon Warren N. Gaffney.. . . . L. M. Camnbell Randolph Hughes .. W H. Kirkwood, Jr Superintendent of Banks Commissioner of Banking and Insurance. _ Secretary of Banking State Bank Commissioner Bank Commissioner Logan R. Ritchie Commissioner of Banking William W. Jones W Royden Watkins A. P. Persons C. M. Gay Joe H. Williams C. T. Johnson . J S Brock J. M. Falkner Edward I. McKinley, Jr. H. H. Carter H. B. Clarke. Commissioner of Banks Chief Bank Examiner Superintendent of Banks Comptroller, State of Florida.. Superintendent of Banks State Comptroller . _ State Bank Commissioner Commissioner, Department of Banking... State Bank Commissioner . . . . . . Commissioner, Department of Banking Superintendent of Banks.... Pen n syl van ift Delaware . Maryland District of Columbia 63 58 38 253 16 136 do Georgia Florida _ Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee . . Insured NonNonNon- NonNonMemMemmembers insured insured bers" members insured bers Federal Federal Federal Federal Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve System System System System 6 1 1 25 2 15 16 6 29 33 3 31 9 17 1 7 3 16 7 25 34 7 3 4 188 5 68 320 do Total Southern States _ . 50 118 53 21 377 139 348 27 110 10 164 70 106 4 16 6 74 42 219 20 83 4 6 4 8 1 2 130 23 7 6 366 442 21 166 5 182 107 179 124 335 145 156 178 130 466 178 290 224 71 35 8 15 11 23 7 11 138 16 21 10 111 68 170 102 271 130 133 167 118 289 156 247 207 4 1 28 6 22 7 2,694 373 2,169 106 2 2 2 3 1,011 John TT, TTofFman South Caroling Insured 564 Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina Private Mutual savings 7 4 1 15 14 4 3 8 11 35 11 46 Missouri Superintendent of Banks . . _ _ - . _ _ . . _ Director, Dept. of Financial Institutions.. Auditor of Public Accounts Commissioner, State Banting Department Commissioner of Banks _ _do Superintendent of Banking Commissioner of Finance . __. Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma--. Total States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States. Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico American Samoa Frank A. Boyle Total possessions Total United States and possessions Supervisor of Banking Superintendent of Banks do Commissioner of Finance Bank Commissioner Superintendent of Banks do ___ _ __ _ . _. Secretary, Territorial Banking Board Bank Examiner . Treasurer 3 4 13 13 8 17 48 24 2 830 2,698 130 3 110 134 293 433 71 28 80 25 187 2 27 16 41 45 15 16 8 25 103 107 228 253 26 13 54 17 151 5 195 952 214 86 51 108 29 43 3 10 16 10 26 10 19 1 2 63 38 71 18 24 2 7 3 2 11 1 330 Ray D. Carrell A. A. Rogers __ Maurice C Sparling E F. Haworth Louis S. Leatham Grant L. Robison D 0 Saunders State Examiner Superintendent of Banks Director of Banking State Bank Commissioner Superintendent of Banks. State Examiner State Bank Commissioner . . _ _ State Bank Examiner Bank Commissioner 230 2 234 370 183 381 457 446 397 1,361 J A Graham Verne W. Abeel J. Floyd McLain Elmer T. Beck W A Brown Norris E Hartwell Frank E Goldy Alfred W. Kaune - _ 0. B. Mothersead Western North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska _ Kansas _ Montana 180 112 126 153 69 28 63 99 3,695 Total Middle Western States 420 360 509 357 462 503 564 520 84 223 18 15 8 11 1 1 1 7 13 7 4 1 35 9 25 6,611 567 toco Thurman R. Hazard . . Joseph McCord . Benjamin O. Cooper Maurice C. Eveland _ Guerdon M. Matthews Arthur W Hoese N P Black Harry G. Schaffner Ohio Indiana. niinois Michigan Wisconsin 1 I inn eso ta V 9,690 1,898 1 1 1 I 4 6 1 s .. 7 2 25 49 139 10 11 4 1 1 5 1 :. 1 ... 3 199 327 85 1 Includes stock savings banks. 2 Includes 1 private bank. OO TABLE N O . 44.—Assets and liabilities of all active banks, 1940 to 1951 00 Amounts in thousands of dollars. For prior figures, revised for certain years and made comparable to those in this table, references should be made as follows: Years 1834 to 1913, inclusive, Comptroller's Annual Report for 1931; figures 1914 to 1919, inclusive, report for 1936, and figures 1920 to 1939, inclusive, report for 1939.] Loans and U. S. Gov- Other bonds, Number discounts, ernment of banks including obligations, stocks, and direct and overdrafts guaranteed Cash securities Balances with other banksi Other assets Total assets Capital a Surplus and net undivided profits 3 Total deposits Bills payable and Other rediscounts, liabilities etc. o JUNE 30 15,017 14,919 14,815 14,661 14, 598 14, 587 14,626 14, 755 , 14 759 14,697 14,689 14,655 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 DEC. 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944... 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1 2 3 22, 557,670 25, 543,438 25,178,305 22,324,053 25,504,338 28,092,140 31,693,492 38,578, 709 45,379,380 47,366,715 52,310,789 64, 218,091 19,710,503 23,577,061 30,363,023 57,963,058 76,129,877 94,240,445 96,497,087 83,116,152 77,160,671 75,198,579 77, 609,287 68,958,920 9.364,406 9,152,671 8,653,089 7,921,874 7,586, 714 8,032, 440 9,224,930 10,084, 577 11, 251,553 11,974, 509 13, 705,999 15, 252,839 1,148,589 1,408,306 1,446,780 1,606,564 1,623,191 1,649,487 1,729,034 1,986,836 2, 264,740 2,226,836 1,970,576 2,033, 517 24, 535, 268 25,471,008 24, 236. 259 25, 210,347 26, 705,352 29, 246,407 31, 732,067 31, 729,911 32,899,617 32,893,809 32. 283,621 36,370,058 2,897,193 2,676, 235 2,382,535 2,226, 510 2,010.193 1,766,060 1,825,654 1,752, 214 2,025,527 2,010, 207 2,156,638 2,419, 216 80,213,629 87,828, 719 92, 259, 991 117, 252,406 139,559,665 163,026,979 172, 702,264 167,248,399 170,981,488 171,670,655 180,036,910 189. 252,641 3,091,793 3, 055,005 2,998,686 2,979,447 3,036,893 5, 233,334, 5,469,514 5, 523,532 5,811, 248 6,318,608 3,118,116 7,033,855 3, 250,986 7,925,817 3,319,580 8,450,652 3,398,415 8,917,480 3, 526,159 9,395,544 3.629,971 10,023,295 3, 773, 755 10, 543, 747 71,153,458 78,549,329 83,029. 575 107, 784,099 129,367,247 151,932,691 160,349,405 154,191,122 157,176, 754 157,239,224 164,554,941 172,679, 420 22,559 20,736 31,657 87,116 81,075 93,966 63,339 68,681 35,306 46,135 78,258 708,075 732,312 687,462 645, 955 749,801 861, 242 1,082,090 1, 223,706 1,420,158 1,474,422 1, 782,568 2,177,461 14,956 14,885 14, 722 14, 621 14,579 14, 598 14,633 14, 755 14, 735 14, 705 14,666 14, 636 23,967,476 26,838,365 24,001,146 23,674, 539 26,101,639 30.466,867 35.822,868 43,231,136 48,452, 743 49,828,162 60, 711,146 68,000, 966 21,028, 798 25, 553,809 46,059, 111 66,259,384 86,414, 755 101,904,073 87,093, 517 81,636,938 74,462,553 78, 753,673 73,188, 217 71, 595,087 9, 499, 776 9,035, 537 8,312, 249 7,466,862 7, 596, 205 8, 611,660 9, 543, 221 10, 760,398 11, 470,848 12,682,551 14,816, 545 15,991,176 1,407,364 1, 545,018 1,463,836 1, 612, 252 1,801,370 2,025,088 2,221, 793 2,392,970 2,145,156 2,185, 256 2,343,064 2,890,421 26,846,418 25, 942,377 27,371,581 26, 999,933 29,175,791 33, 589,693 32,995, 748 36,167,173 37,490,369 34,490,538 38,892, 739 42,826,197 2,822,070 2,538,588 2,334,654 2,109,008 1,857,424 1, 753,694 1, 729,215 1,835,487 2,053, 761 2,102,933 2,288,962 2, 558,776 85, 571,902 91,453,694 109, 542,577 128,121,978 152,947,184 178,351,075 169,406,362 176,024,102 176,075,430 180,043,113 192,240,673 203,862, 623 3,070,519 3,034,361 2, 985,391 3,011, 600 3,052,950 3,187,368 3,299,469 3,342,600 3,423,195 3, 548,731 3,670, 249 3,840,006 76,407,885 82,233, 260 100, 265, 638 118,336,126 142,310,824 166, 530,093 156,801,396 162, 728, 682 162, 041,389 165, 244,044 176,120,158 186, 603,665 25,060 22, 593 18,638 51, 650 125,624 227,150 48,403 74,614 64,320 27,195 94,607 44,008 729,399 702, 704 653, 273 688, 511 817,620 982,221 1,118, 615 1, 223,408 1,415,918 1,606,284 2,110,043 2,508,682 31 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. Includes capital notes and debentures in banks other than national. Includes reserve accounts. 5,339,039 5,460, 776 5,619, 637 6,034,091 6, 640,166 7,424, 243 8,138,479 8, 654, 798 9,130, 608 9,616,859 10,245,616 10,866,262 NOTE.—Reciprocal interbank demand balances with banks in the United States are reported net beginning with the year 1942. O O 1 O TABLE N O . 45.—Assets and liabilities of all active national banks, 1940 to 1951 [Amounts in thousands of dollars. For prior figures, revised for certain years and made comparable to those in this table, references should be made as follows: Years 1863 to 1913, inclusive, Comptroller's Annual Report for 1931; figures 1914 to 1919, inclusive, report for 1936, and figures 1920 to 1939, inclusive, report for 1939.] Number of banks 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1 2 JUNE 30 - DEC. 31 Loans and discounts, including overdrafts U. S. GovOther ernment bonds, obligations, stocks, and direct and guaranteed securities Cash Balances with other banksi Other assets 5,170 9,179,227 5,136 10,922,483 5,107 10,901, 795 5,066 9,190,143 5,042 11,229,680 5,021 12,389,133 5,018 14,498,441 5,018 18,810,006 5,004 22,303,042 4,993 22,578,120 4,977 24,671,880 4,953 30, 584,236 9, 111, 226 11,135,952 14,928,992 30,190,402 38, 790,869 47,255,463 47,472,876 39, 425,605 36,231,407 35, 597,498 37,651,246 33,053, 774 3,794,049 3,818,842 3, 714,396 3,538,176 3,497,654 3, 764,438 4,543,865 4,953,052 5,309,818 5, 532,295 6, 593,423 7, 581,524 582,303 13,294,801 709,458 13,812,200 728,309 13,588,254 806,546 14,420,845 820, 570 15,239,164 821,290 16, 791,661 805, 575 17,856,276 988,288 18,407,260 1,120,314 19,345,184 1,093,053 19,283,128 959, 569 19,002,603 985,074 21,268,067 5,150 10,027, 773 5,123 11, 751, 792 5,087 10,200, 798 5,046 10,133, 532 5,031 11,497,802 5,023 13, 948,042 5,013 17,309,767 5,011 21,480,457 4,997 23,818, 513 4,981 23,928,293 4,965 29,277,480 4,946 32, 423, 777 9, 752,605 12,073,052 23,825,351 34,178, 555 43,478,789 51,467, 706 41,843,532 38,825,435 34,980,263 38,270,523 35,691,560 35,156,343 3,915,435 3,814/456 3,657,437 3,325,698 3,543,540 4,143,903 4, 799,284 5,184,531 5,248,090 5,937,227 7,331,063 7,887,274 718, 799 786, 501 733,499 807,969 904, 500 1,008,644 1,094, 721 1,168,042 1,040, 763 1,059,663 1,147,069 1, 418, 564 Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. Includes reserve accounts. 923,474 915, 700 857,219 826,240 823,008 772,848 816,021 829,049 1,031,347 1,015,356 1,057,891 1,186,086 14,401,268 918,082 14,215, 429 897,004 15,516, 771 847,122 15,272,695 813, 468 16, 732, 749 792,479 19,170,145 797,316 18,972,446 830, 513 20,907, 548 880,987 21,983, 506 1,063,917 19,985,295 1,058,178 22,666,366 1,126,555 24,593, 594 1,259,008 Total assets Capital Surplus and net undivided profits 2 Total deposits Bills payable and Other rediscounts, liabilities etc. 36,885,080 1,534,649 41,314,635 1,523,383 44, 718, 965 1,507,670 58,972,352 1,498,008 70,400,945 1,553,578 81,794,833 1,624,184 85, 993,054 1,683,489 83,413,260 1,770,871 85,341,112 1,804,803 85,099,450 1,907,958 89,936,612 1,979,941 94,658,761 2,067,155 1,941,792 2,074, 758 2,171,822 2,327,397 2, 557,031 2,848,369 3,190,088 3, 537,809 3, 740,965 3,919,945 4,215,126 4,452,871 33,074,407 37,351,303 40, 659,117 54,769,361 65,833,253 76,825, 537 80,494,758 77,397,149 78,999,988 78,451,468 82,659,791 86,836,814 331,322 2,910 363,186 2,005 378,342 2,014 373,355 4,231 450,878 6,205 491, 534 5,209 600,278 24,441 679,571 27,860 752,485 42,871 805,956 14,123 24,783 1,056,971 32,890 1,269,031 1, 527,237 1,515. 794 1, 503,682 1,531,515 1, 566,905 1,658,839 1, 756,621 1, 779, 766 1,828,759 1,916,340 2,001,650 2,105,345 2,009,161 2,133,305 2,234,673 2,427,927 2,707,960 2,996,898 3,393,178 3,641,558 3,842,129 4,018,001 4,327,339 4, 564, 773 35,852,424 39, 554, 772 50,648,816 60,156,181 72,128,937 85,242,947 79,049,839 82,275,356 81,648,016 83,344,318 89,529,632 94,431,561 342,013 3,127 330,585 3,778 390,291 3,516 408,139 8,155 491,877 54,180 559,103 77,969 630,578 20,047 705,185 45,135 774,818 41,330 952,958 7,562 76,644 1,304,828 15,484 1,621,397 39, 733,962 43,538,234 54,780,978 64,531,917 76,949,859 90,535, 756 84,850,263 88,447,000 88,135,052 90,239,179 97,240,093 102,738, 560 NOTE.—Reciprocal interbank demand balances with banks in the United States are reported net beginning with the year 1942. hi O S o o I TABLE N O . 46.-—Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, 1940 to 1951 [Amounts in thousands of dollars. For prior figures, revised for certain years and made comparable to those in this table, references should be made as follows: Years 1834 to 1913, inclusive, Comptroller's Annual Report for 1931; figures 1914 to 1919, inclusive, report for 1936, and figures 1920 to 1939, inclusive, report for 1939.] Number of banks JUXE 128,171 114,683 104,171 94,691 86,569 78,762 72,493 3,291,542 3,394, 756 3,351,710 3,483,851 3, 761,577 4,185,486 4,735,729 38,079,051 41,198,026 42,370,458 53,014,738 63,533,994 75,107,154 79,854,647 24,059 20,554 18, 722 27,426 80,911 75,866 69,525 376,753 369,126 309,120 272,600 298,923 369, 708 481,812 1,548, 709 1,533,860 59, 752 1,570,773 47,428 1,603,256 46,774 1,664,697 41,903 4,912,843 5,176,515 5.475,599 5.808,169 6,090,876 76, 793,973 78,176,766 78,787,756 81,895,150 85,842, 606 35,479 25,810 21,183 21,352 45,368 544,135 667,673 668,466 725,597 908,430 1,420,148 1,410,373 1,382,507 1,389,943 1,403, 725 1,456,449 1, 475,054 1,500,807 1,546,005 1,583,954 1,621,492 1, 695,205 3,329,878 3,327,471 3,384, 964 3,606,164 3,932,206 4, 427,345 4, 745,301 5,013,240 5, 288,479 5, 598,858 5,918, 277 6,301,489 40,555,461 42,678,488 49,616,822 58,179,945 70,181,887 81,287,146 77,751,557 80,453,326 80,393,373 81,899.726 86,590,526 92,172,104 21,933 18,815 15,122 43,495 71,444 149,181 28,356 29,479 22,990 19, 633 17,963 28,524 387,386 372,119 262,982 280,372 325, 743 423,118 488,037 518, 223 641,100 653,326 805, 215 887.285 Cash Balances with other banks * 566,286 698,848 718,471 800,018 802,621 828,197 923,459 11,240,467 11,658,808 10, 648,005 10,789, 502 11,466,188 12,454, 746 13,875, 791 1,973,719 1, 760,535 1,525,316 1,400, 270 1,187.185 993, 212 1,009,633 43,328,549 46,514,084 47,541,026 58, 280,054 69,158,720 81,232,146 86, 709,210 1,428,973 1,416,939 1,386,845 1,386,748 1,396,746 1,415,170 1,495,004 998,548 1,144,426 1,133, 783 1,011,007 1,048,443 13,322,651 13,554,433 13,610, 681 13,281,018 15,101,991 923,165 994,180 994,851 1,098, 747 1,233,130 83,835,139 85,640,376 86,571, 205 90,100, 298 94, 593,880 688,565 758,517 730,337 804,283 896,870 1,016,444 1,127,072 1,224,928 1,104,393 1,125,593 1,195,995 1,471,857 12,445,150 11, 726,948 11,854, 810 11, 727, 238 12,443,042 14,419,548 14,023,302 15,259,625 15, 506,863 14,505,243 16, 226,373 18, 232, 603 1,903,988 45,837,940 1,641,584 47,915,460 1.487,532 54, 761,599 1, 295,540 63,590,061 1,064,945 75,997,325 956,378 87,815,319 898,702 84, 556,099 954,500 87,577,102 989,844 87,940,378 1,044,755 89,803,934 1,162,407 95,000,580 1, 299, 768 101,124,063 Other assets Total assets Capital stock Total deposits Bills payable a n d rediscounts, etc. Other liabilities 30 9,847 9,783 9,708 9,595 9,556 9,566 9.608 13,378,443 14,620,955 14, 276,510 13,133,910 14, 274,658 15,703,007 17,195,051 10,599,277 12,441,109 15,434,031 27, 772, 656 37,339,008 46,984,982 49,024,211 5,570,357 5,333,829 4,938,693 4,383,698 4,089,060 4,268,002 4,681,065 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 9,737 9,755 9,704 9,712 9,702 19, 768,703 23,076,338 24,788, 595 27,638,909 33,633,855 43,690,547 40r929,264 39,601,081 39,958,041 35,905,146 5,131,525 5,941, 735 6,442, 214 7,112,576 7,671,315 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947... 1948 1949 1950 1951 9,806 9,762 9,635 9,57: 9 548 9,575 9,620 9,744 9,738 9,724 9,701 9,690 13,939,703 15,086,573 13,800,348 13,541,007 14,603,837 16,518,825 18,513,101 21,750,679 24,634,230 25,899,869 31,433,666 35,577,189 11,276,193 13,480, 757 22, 233, 760 32,080,829 42,935,966 50,436,367 45, 249,985 42,811, 503 39,482, 290 40,483,150 37, 496,657 36,438,744 5,584,341 5,221,081 4,654,812 4,141,164 4,052,665 4,467,757 4, 743,937 5,575,867 6,222, 758 6, 745,324 7,485,482 8,103,902 2 Surplus a n d net undivided profits 2 Other bonds, stocks, and securities 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946. 1 Capital notes and debentures Loans and U. S. Government discounts, including obligations, direct and overdrafts guaranteed - . Includes reserve balances and cash items in process of collection. Includes reserve accounts. 123,134 108,194 99,202 90,142 82,320 72,080 67,794 62,027 48,431 48,437 47,107 39,456 NOTE.—Reciprocal interbank demand balances with banks in the United States are reported net beginning with the year 1942. i o E O TABLE NO. 47.—Summary of status, progress, and results of liquidation of all national banks * placed in charge of receivers from the date of the first national bank failure, Apr. 14, 1865, to Dec. 81, 1951 National and District of Columbia nonnational banks Completely liquidated and finally closed Number of receiverships _ Total assets taken charge of by receivers Disposition of assets: Collections from assets (including earnings collected from 1,155 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1933, and for accounting purposes, dividends paid secured creditors of all trusts finally closed Oct. 1, 1924, to Oct. 31, 1929) Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) Losses on assets compounded or sold under order of court - . _Book value of assets returned to shareholders' agents . _ _ . Book value of remaining assets. Total Collections: I Collections from assets as above Collections from stock assessments. _ Earnings collected: interest, premiums, rents, etc. (Unavailable as separate item for 1,155 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1933).. Offsets allowed and settled (against assets). ... Unpaid balance Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans Total See footnotes at end of table. 3 2,820 In process of liquidation 2 Total s 2,820 District of Columbia nonnational banks2 Completely In process liquidated and finally of liquidation closed National banks Total U5 *15 $3, 732,192, 422 $12,377, 410 $3, 744, 569, 832 $27,143,017 $27.143,017 Completely liquidated and finally closed « 2,805 In process of liquidation 2 Total o s 2, 807 $3, 705,049, 405 $12,377,410 $3, 717, 426, 815 3 W o o 18, 624, 923 2,089, 895 2,193, 872,263 251, 608, 507 a 269, 965 2, 202,142, 228 309, 485 251, 917, 992 6, 401, 713 6, 401, 713 1, 216, 768, 758 3, 594,239 26, 486 26, 486 42, 745, 804 9 54,073 2, 212, 497,186 253, 698, 402 8,269, 965 309, 485 2, 220, 767,151 18, 624. 923 254, 007, 887 2, 089, 895 1, 223,170, 471 3, 594, 239 1, 226, 764, 710 42, 772, 290 257, 794 42, 772, 290 » 54,073 203, 72] 3, 732,192, 422 12,377, 410 3, 744, 569, 832 27,143, 017 27,143, 017 203,721 3, 705,049, 405 12,377,410 2, 212, 497,186 179, 266, 883 8, 269, 965 503, 777 2, 220, 767,151 18, 624, 923 179, 770, 660 619, 261 18, 624, 923 619, 261 2,193, 872, 263 178, 647, 622 162,526,189 253, 698, 402 1,197, 797 309, 485 163, 723, 986 254,007,887 1,429,275 2, 089, 895 161,096, 914 251, 608,507 10, 281,024 2,818,503,333 233,649 233,649 2,808,222,309 1,429,275 2,089, 895 22, 763,354 o 42,745,804 257, 794 3, 717,426,815 8,269 965 2, 202,142, 228 503, 777 179,151, 399 1,197, 797 309,485 162, 294, 711 251, 917, 992 2, 785, 458, 955 10,281,024 2, 795, 739, 979 233, 649 22,763,354 1 1, 220,362, 997 233, 649 ! TABLE N O . 47.—Summary of status, progress, and results of liquidation of all national banks1 placed in charge of receivers from the date of • * — the first national bank failure, Apr. 14, 1865, to Dec. 81, 1951—Continued g^ National and District of Columbia nonnational banks Completely liquidated and finally closed Disposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors (including dividends paid to secured creditors for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31,1929) Dividends paid by receivers to secured creditors (unavailable as separate item for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31,1929) Distributions by conservators to unsecured creditors Distributions by conservators to secured creditors. __ Payments to secured and preferred creditors (including disbursements for the protection of assets for 597 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1926) Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) _ _. Disbursements for the protection of assets (unavailable as separate item for 597 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1926) Payments of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses Payments of conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses. Amounts returned to shareholders in cash Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers Total. In process of liquidation $1,412, 893,997 $3, 567,759 Total District of Columbia nonnational banks 2 Completely In process liquidated and finally of liquidation closed 1, 416, 461, 756 $10, 893,071 Total National banks Completely liquidated and finally closed In process of liquidation Total $10,893,071 $1,402,000,926 Q 3 $3, 567, 759 $1,405, 568,685 34,624,491 34,624,491 35,202 35, 202 34, 589, 289 34, 589,289 209,124,039 209,124,039 2, 838,102 2,838,102 206, 285,937 206,285,937 1, 372,006 1,372,006 10, 750 10, 750 1,361, 256 1,361, 256 705,913,675 254,007,887 4, 901, 281 2, 089, 895 4,901,281 2, 089, 895 696,080,190 251, 608, 507 o 700,981, 471 253,698, 402 4,932, 204 309,485 4,932, 204 309, 485 o 701,012,394 251, 917,992 7,998,429 71, 541 8,069,970 18, 839 18,839 7,979, 590 71,541 8,051,131 169, 554, 582 640, 707 170,195, 289 1, 767, 254 1, 767, 254 167, 787,328 640, 707 168, 428,035 10, 970, 725 6,983,320 45, 597 11,016,322 6,983,320 201,010 7,950 201,010 7,950 10, 769,715 6,975,370 45, 597 10, 815,312 6,975,370 6 20,847 713, 731 734, 578 • 20,847 713, 731 734, 578 2, 808, 222,309 10, 281,024 2,818, 503,333 2, 785,458,955 10,281,024 2,795, 739,979 22, 763,354 22, 763,354 d Capital stock at date of failure United States bonds held at failure to secure circulating notes United States bonds held to secure circulation, sold and circulation redeemed Circulation outstanding at date of failure._ Assessments upon shareholders Deposits at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure Additional liabilities established subsequent to date of failure Claims proved (both secured and unsecured) Average percent dividends paid to claims proved Average percent total payments to creditors to total liabilities established.. Average percent total costs of liquidation to total collections including offsets allowed 1 2 3 4 * 401,112, 595 1, 800,000 7 402, 912, 595 » 2,352,920 176,392,631 2, 352,920 » 398, 759,675 1, 800,000 176,392,631 176, 392,631 9 400, 559,675 176,392,631 1,912,920 19,147,196 176,392,631 170, 552, 785 326,360,887 2,355, 227,677 800,000 4,165, 850 5,194,938 5,194,938 505, 877,007 4, 406,189 809, 871 17, 850,201 809, 871 17, 850, 201 96,053,072 2,105, 296, 286 78.13 77.18 77.18 78.10 98.05 78.13 99.02 87.64 82.57 82.57 87.65 99.02 87.68 6.68 6.71 8.73 8.73 6.70 176,392,631 170, 552, 785 328, 273,807 2, 374,374,873 800,000 4,165, 850 511,071,945 4,406,189 515,478,134 96,862,943 2,123,146,487 324, 751 3,638, 730 97,187, 694 2,126,785, 217 78.09 98.05 87.61 6.71 176,392,631 170, 552, 785 329,073, 807 1, 912, 920 2,378, 540, 723 19,147,196 Including District of Columbianonnational banks and building and loan associations. Including building and loan associations. Does not include 159 banks restored to solvency. Does not include 1 bank restored to solvency. « Does not include 158 banks restored to solvency. ! 176,392,631 170, 552, 785 327,160, 887 2,359,393, 527 510,283,196 96, 377, 823 *24, 751 3,638,730 2,108,935,016 o o 6.70 6 Cash and uncollected assets on hand at date of termination of supervision of liquidation by Comptroller of the Currency (Poultney National Bank, Poultney, Vermont). 7 Includes $23,100,000 capital stock of 159 banks restored to solvency. s Includes $50,000 capital stock of 1 bank restored to solvency. 9 Including $23,050,000 capital stock of 158 banks restored to solvency. o o f § 00 TABLE N O . 48.—Number and deposits of national and District of Columbia nonnational banks l placed in receivership, period Apr. 14, 1865, to Dec. Sly 1951, by groups, according to percentages of dividends paid to Dec. SI, 1951 Liquidation banks Periods and bank groups Dividends paid, 100 Dividends paid, 75 Dividends paid, 50 Dividends paid, 25 Dividends paid, less than 25 percent to 49.9 percent percent and over to 99.9 percent to 74.9 percent Number of banks Deposits Number of banks Deposits Number of Deposits banks. Receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed or restored to solvency, 1865 to 1951 (2,979 banks): Apr. 14,1865, to Oct. 31,1930—data for individual annual report years unavailable; deposits prior to 1880 un163 $64, 572, 547 211 available for 84 banks (974 banks).. 208 $77,296,606 L, 1, 994,080 22 Nov. 1 1930, to Oct. 31, 1931 6 16 5,323,140 33 Nov. ]L, 1931, to Oct. 31, 1932 11 15,873,316 16 5, 549,989 4,412,925 21 Nov.]L, 1932, to Oct. 31, 1933 8 13 5,826, 514 4,431,721 17 Nov. L, 1933, to Oct. 31, 1934 8 18 8,517,835 5,083,636 34 Nov. L, 1934, to Oct. 31, 1935 28 29 11,801,668 56 Nov. L, 1935, to Oct. 31,1936 40 14,723,916 46 12,246,387 85 Nov. L, 1936, to Oct. 31, 1937 86 50, 715,003 80 38,690,969 _.. *76 33,477,651 106 Nov. L, 1937, to Oct. 31, 1938. 110 54,346, 379 42 Nov. L, 1938, to Oct. 31, 1939 26 20,910,457 61 58,631,031 38 Nov. L, 1939, to Oct. 31,1940 19 17,397, 983 36 43,639,246 18,147,843 6 42 Nov. L, 1940, to Oct. 31, 1941 39 68,673,118 57 26 Nov. L, 1941, to Dec. 31, 1942... 46 248,608,395 14 77,234,820 8 Jan. 1 1943, to Dec. 31, 1943 8 75,837, 758 6 16,260,257 5 Jan. 1 1944, to Dec. 31, 1944 1 4,613,782 3 412, 269, 316 1, 796, 607 0 Jan. 1 1945, to Dec. 31, 1945_ 2 2,390, 914 1 0 0 Jan. 1 1946, to Dec. 31,1946 2 616,710 0 0 1 Jan. 1 1947, to Dec. 31, 1947 1 26, 966,990 0 1, 204,158 1 Jan. 1 1948, to Dec. 31, 1948 1 421,461 1 0 1 Jan. 1 1949, to Dec. 31, 1949 1 2,015, 717 0 5,058,728 0 Jan. 1 1950, to Dec. 31, 1950 0 0 2 0 0 Jan. 1 1951, to Dec. 31, 1951 0 0 0 Total 1931-1951 (2,005 banks) 342 700, 992,417 526 674, 718,003 538 Active receiverships as of Dec. 31,1951 (2 1 4,165,850 banks)—. _0 0 0 550 i 778,289.023 690 743.456,400 749 Grand total (2,981 banks) 1 Including building and loan associations. 8 Deposits for banks restored to solvency unavailable. ' Exclusive of 1 receivership finally closed during year ended Oct. 31,1937, butreopened as a receivership during the year ended Dec. 31,1944, and again closed during the year ended Dec. 31,1948. 4 Exclusive of 1 receivership finally closed during year ended Oct. 31,1933, but reopened as a receivership and again closed during the year ended Oct. 31,1938. « Exclusive of 1 receivership finally closed during the year ended Oct. 31,1928, but re- $66,952, 690 8,334,115 14,038, 797 9,692,212 10, 532, 532 13,854,445 18,483,929 38,027,988 56, 203,459 32,056,684 43, 319,262 76,497,725 72, 320,682 39,828,007 28, 787,475 0 0 183,818 305,253 2, 299, 269 0 0 464, 765, 652 Number of banks Deposits Number of banks Deposits 156 $45,465,025 159 $30,828,899 29, 27 15 8 30 43 3 51 48 21 15 7 10 14 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 318 18 10 12 13 31 29 38 24 9 4 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199 8,497,657 10,027,603 6,902,413 1,451,334 9,062,628 12, 556,918 19, 594, 780 16,991,046 10,103,204 9,332,899 10, 540, 731 52,025, 720 24,606,118 141,119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 191,834,170 5, 589,946 2,250,071 3,095,192 1,657,228 4,319,951 4,452,292 7,420,214 6,158,246 2,269,805 8,005,471 8,201,086 1, 584,920 1,944,442 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56, 948,864 Total banks Number of banks Deposits $285,115,767 91 29, 738, 938 97 47, 739, 776 69 29,929,256 64 26, 590,650 152 44,122, 328 214 62,463,442 340 154,448,954 364 167,176,781 159 123,971,181 112 121,694,861 102 182,060, 503 104 451,774,537 30 158,476, 582 10 445,811,692 4 4,187, 521 2 616, 710 2 27,150,808 3 1,930,872 2 4,314,9S6 2 5,058, 728 0 0 1,923 2,089, 259,106 897 Restored Total to sol- all vency banks banks 2 Num- Number of ber of banks banks 77 974 8 25 9 28 11 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82 99 122 78 92 163 215 340 364 159 112 102 104 30 10 4 2 2 3 2 2 0 2,005 1 2 2 0 0 0 4,165,850 0 0 474 237,299,195 359 1 87,777,763 2,822 12,378,540,723 531,718, 342 159 1 2,981 opened as a receivership during the year ended Oct. 31,1940, and again closed during the year ended Oct. 31,1941. fi Exclusive of 1 receivership finally closed during the year ended Oct. 31, 1928, but reopened as a receivership during the year ended Oct. 31,1940, and again closed during the year ended Oct. 31,1941. 7 Exclusive of 1 receivership finally closed during the year ended Oct. 31, 1936, but reopened as a receivership during the year ended Oct. 31,1937, and again closed during the year ended Oct. 31, 1938. (Data relative to reopening andL5second final closing ineluded in report for year ended Oct. 31,1941.) REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 189 49.—Liquidation statement, 2 receiverships in liquidation during year ended Dec. 81, 1951 Number of banks 2 TABLE NO. Collections: Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers at beginning of period $303,496 Collections from assets 245, 155 Earnings collected 229, 755 Total 778,406 Disposition of collections: Disbursements for the protection of assets Payments of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers at end of period____ Total 2, 321 62, 354 713, 731 778,406 TABLE NO. 50.—Liquidation statement, 2 active receiverships as of Dec. 81, 19512 Number of banks Total assets taken charge of by receivers Disposition of assets: Collections from assets__ Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) Losses on assets compounded or sold under order of court Book value remaining assets Total -. Collections: Collections from assets Collections from stock assessments Earnings collected Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) Total Disposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors Payments to secured and preferred creditors, other than through dividends Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) Disbursements for the protection of assets Payments of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses Payments of conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers Total $12, 377, 410 8, 269, 965 309, 485 3, 594, 239 203, 721 12,377,410 8, 269, 965 503, 777 1, 197, 797 309, 485 10,281,024 3, 567, 759 4, 932, 204 309, 485 71, 541 640, 707 45, 597 713, 731 10, 2S1,O24 Capital stock at date of failure Amount of assessment upon shareholders Deposits at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure. _ Additional liabilities established subsequent to date of failure Claims proved (both secured and unsecured) 1, 800, 000 800, 000 4, 165, 850 4, 406, 189 324, 751 3, 638, 730 Average percent dividends paid to claims proved Average percent total payments to creditors to total liabilities established Average percent total cost of liquidation to total collections including offsets allowed 98. 05 210061—52 13 99.02 6. 68 190 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 51.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Dec. 81, amounts of total assets and total liabilities at date of failure, capital stock and stock earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Organization Name and location of banks Charter No. Date LOTJISIANA 2934 Commercial National Bank, Shir e v e p o r t i_. 3600 Nov. 18,1886 1287 -_ _ May 20,1865 NETiV YORK 2697 Salt Springs National Bank, Syi*acuse2 Grand total (2.receivershii)S) Total active (2 receivershi ps) . . Total finally closed (0 receiverships).. Total failures 1951 (0 recerFerships) Total activity 1951 (2 recei verships) . ._ _ _ Progress of liquidation to date of this report Assets and assessments Book value of assets at date of failure Additional assets received since date of faUure Assessments upon shareholders Total assets and stock assessments Cash collections, from assets Cash collections from stock assessments $4,979,086 6,365,136 $639,813 393,375 $800,000 $5,618,899 7,558,511 $3,673,090 4,596,875 $503,777 11,344,222 1,033,188 800,000 13,177,410 8,269,965 503,777 11,344,222 2934 2697 1,033,188 800,000 13,177,410 8,269,965 503,777 245,156 245,155 245,156 Disposition of proceeds of liquidation Secured and preferred liabUities paid Cash advanced except through in protection dividends, On unsecured of assets including offsets claims allowed Dividends paid by receivers On secured claims Conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses Receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses $3,567,759 — $3,504,561 1,737,128 $56,653 il4,888 $45,597 $224,814 415,893 3,567,759 2934 2697 5,241,689 71,541 45,597 640,707 3,567,759 5,241,689 71,541 45,597 640,707 2,321 62,354 » Receiver appointed to levy and collect stock assessment covering deficiency in value of assets sold or to complete unfinished liquidation. 191 REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 1951, dates of organization, appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress and results of liquidation to Dec. 31, 1951 Liabilities Failure Capital stock at date of Date receiver appointed Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure Deposits at date of failure Additional liabilities established to date of report Total liabilities established to date of report Feb. 21,1936 $3,261,929 800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 Jan. 22,1934 1,144,260 4,406,189 4,406,189 $242,632 $4,165,850 4,165,850 4,165,850 $3,504,561 2934 82,118 324,750 324,750 5,392,228 8,896,789 8,896,789 2697 *1 $1,000,000 »1 Progress of liquidation to date of this report—Continued Receivership earnings, cash collections from interest, premium, rent, etc. Offsets allowed and settled Total collections from all sources, including offsets allowed Losses on assets compounded or sold under order of court Book value of uncollected assets Book value of remaining uncollected stock assessments $712,293 485,504 $23,139 286,346 $4,408,522 5,872,502 $1,907,483 1,686,756 $15,187 188,534 $296,223 1,197,797 309,485 10,281,024 3,594, 239 203,721 296,223 1,197,797 309,485 10,281,024 3,594,239 203,721 2934 2697 296,223 229,755 474,910 1 Disposition of proceeds of liquidation— C ontinued Cash in hands of Comptroller and receivers Amounts returned to shareholders in cash Amounts of claims proved $622,494 91,237 $3,638,730 713,731 3,638,730 713,731 3,638,730 410,235 2 3 Formerly in conservatorship. Decrease. Dividend (percent) 97.5 Interest dividend (percent) Date finally closed 2934 2697 TABLE N O . 52.—Bank suspensions since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years ended Bee. 81, 1984 to 1951 Capital stock (in thousands of dollars) Number Year ended Dec. 31— 1934 1935 1936 1937_ 1938 1939. 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950. 1951 National 57 34 44 58 56 42 22 8 9 4 1 1 4 1 3 1 4 1 4 Member banks Nonmember banks Member banks All banks Insured State 2 1 3 2 Noninsured 8 22 40 47 47 25 18 3 6 2 48 8 3 6 7 10 3 1 3 21 All banks 3,822 1,518 1,961 3,435 2,467 5,309 1,587 496 327 708 32 Nonmember banks Insured Noninsured 98 21,907 1 21 6 219 120 Includes capital notes and debentures, if any, outstanding at date of suspension. 2 Located in the State of Indiana. 3 Private bank located in the State of Georgia. * Comprises 2 private banks (without capital) in the State of Georgia having total deposits of $190,000; and 2 banks in the State of Texas—a commercial bank with capital of $50,000 and total deposits of $1,007,000 and a private bank with capital of $75,000 and total deposits of $1,246,000. • Private bank located in the State of Georgia. to National 42 5,399 524 3,825 36 1,323 257 3,141 State Nonmember banks Insured 34,985 939 592 480 1,869 2,439 346 79 327 O 167 g 2,443 42 3,113 2,443 42 3,113 5,152 147,188 3,381 480 195 75 365 285 53 18 55 36,939 10,101 11,323 16,169 13,837 34,980 5,944 3,723 1,702 6,300 405 2,540 4,296 9,919 1,708 211 24,629 5,059 19,606 26,548 1,912 3,763 10,207 10,156 11,721 6,589 5,341 '503 1,375 1,241 405 Noninsured 120 650 125 344 Member banks All banks 125 671 25 3,600 416 633 1,678 2,004 2,052 1,204 1,452 118 272 58 32 31 «4 »1 «3 25 405 88 685 25 220 82 360 State CO Deposits (in thousands of dollars) 167 1 4 1 3 Total _ _- National l 53,213 47,821 • Comprises a commercial bank in the State of Kansas, and 2 private banks in the State of Michigan. NOTE.—Figures for banks other than national furnished by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and represent associations closed to the public, either temporarily or permanently, by supervisory authorities or directors of the banks on account of financial difficulties. In the case of national bank suspensions these represent actual failures for which receivers were appointed. o INDEX Page Affiliates of national banks 21 All banks (see also Banks; Mutual savings banks; National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks): Assets and liabilities of: Comparison of, December 31, 1950 and 1951 . 18-20 December 31, 1951, by classes of banks in each State 137-177 December 31, 1951, summary by classes of banks 135-136 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 182 Distribution of, December 31, 1951 18 Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in, December 31, 1951, by States 178-179 Suspensions. (See Failures of banks.) Assessments: Upon shareholders of insolvent national banks 187, 189-191 Assets and liabilities of banks: All banks: Comparison of, December 31, 1950 and 1951 18-20 December 31, 1951, by States 137-145 December 31, 1951, summary by classes of banks 135-136 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 182 National banks: Call dates in 1951, summary and by States 10-11, 45-98 December 31, 1951, by States . 146-153 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 183 Percentage distribution of, December 31, 1948-51 12 Principal items of, according to size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1950 and 1951 . 41 State banks (see also District of Columbia): All banks combined: December 31, 1951, summary and by States. _ 135-136, 154-161 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 184 Mutual savings: December 31, 1951, summary and by States._ 135-136, 170-173 Private: December 31,1951, summary and by States. . 135-136, 174-177 State commercial: December 31, 1951, summary and by States. 135-136, 162-169 Bank currency. (Se'e Federal Reserve notes; National bank circulation.) Bank examinations. (See Examination of national banks.) Banks (see also All banks; Assets and liabilities of banks; Mutual savings banks; National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks): All banks: Distribution of, December 31, 1951 18 Insured and uninsured, December 31, 1951. 18 Member banks of Federal Reserve System, December 31,1951.18 193 194 INDEX Banks—Continued All banks—Continued Number of: Page December 31, 1951, by States 137-139 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 182 Suspensions. (See Failures of banks.) Insured commercial banks: Number of, December 31,1951, by classes _ 18 National banks: Branches. (See Branches of national banks.) "Calls" for reports of condition of, dates, 1914-51 43 Examination of. (See Examination of national banks.) Failures. (See Failures of banks.) Number of: Call dates in 1951 10-11 Call dates in 1951, by States 45-98 December 31, 1951, by States . 146-147 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 183 Nonmember banks of Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1951 — 18 With surplus fund equal to or exceeding common capital stock 1942-51 42 With surplus fund less than common capital stock 1942-51 _ 42 State and private banks: Number of: December 31, 1951, by States 154-155, 162-163, 170, 174 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 184 Supervisors of, name and title of in each State, December 31, 1951 180-181 Suspensions. (See Failures of banks.) Uninsured, December 31, 1951 18 Bank suspensions. (See Failures of banks.) Borrowings. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Branches of national banks: Domestic: Number and class of, closed in year ended December 31, 1951. _ 40 Number authorized and closed in year ended December 31, 1951, and number in existence December 31, 1951 17 Number authorized in year ended December 31, 1951, by States. 37-39 Foreign: Location and summary of assets and liabilities of, December 31, 1951 123, 124 Number in operation December 31, 1951 124 Building and loan associations. (See District of Columbia.) "Calls" for reports of condition of national banks, dates of 1914-51 43 Capital accounts. (See Assets and liabilities of banks; Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks: Ratios.) Capital stock of banks: All banks: December 31, 1951, by States 140-141, 144-145 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 182 INDEX 195 Capital stock of banks—Continued National banks: Page By size of banks (deposits) December 31, 1950 and 1951 41 Call dates in 1951, by States 45-98 Chartered in each State, in year ended December 31, 1951 33 December 31, 1951, by States 148-149, 152-153 Failed banks in charge of receivers, in year ended December 31, 1951 187, 189-191 Incident to consolidations with State and national banks, in year ended December 31, 1951 35,36 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 183 Liquidated banks, in year ended December 31, 1951 16-17, 34, 189 Preferred stock: Retirable value of, on call dates in 1951 11 Total outstanding, December 31, 1951 16-17 State and private banks: December 31, 1951, by classes of banks and by States 136, 160-161, 168-169, 171, 175 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 184 Cash in banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Charters of national banks. (See Organization of national banks.) Circulation. (See Federal Reserve notes; National bank circulation.) Claims proved. (See Failures of banks; National banks.) Closed banks. (See Consolidations of banks; Failures of banks; Liquidation of national banks.) Commercial banks. (See National banks; Private banks; State commercial banks.) Comptroller of the Currency, Office of: Comptrollers, names of, since organization of the Bureau and periods of service. 30 Deputy Comptrollers, names of, since organization of the Bureau and periods of service. 30 Examination of national banks 22 Expenses of, calendar year 1951 23 Issue and redemption of notes 21-22 Liquidation of insolvent national banks 21 Organization and staff 22 Personnel 22 Condition of banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Consolidations of banks: Under act November 7, 1918, as amended: Changes in capital, surplus, undivided profits, and total assets of national banks incident to, in year ended December 31, 1951.. 36 Changes in title of national banks incident to, in year ended December 31, 1951 36 List of, in year ended December 31, 1951 36 Number of in each State 31-32 Under Public Law 706, August 17, 1950: List of, in year ended December 31, 1951 35 Number of in each State 31-32 196 INDEX Credit unions of the District of Columbia. (See District of Columbia.) Demand deposits. (See Deposits.) Deposits (see also Assets and liabilities of banks): Page All active banks, June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 182 Demand and time in all active banks, by classes in each State, December 31, 1951 144-145, 152-153, 168-169, 173,177 Insured commercial banks, December 31, 1951 18 National banks, at date of failure 187-191 Per capita demand and time of individuals, partnerships, and corporations in all active banks, December 31,1951, by States 178-179 Postal savings: In all banks, December 31, 1951, by States _-__ 144-145 In each class of banks, December 31, 1951, by States,- _ 152-153, 168-169 In national banks, call dates in 1951, by States 45-98 Size of national banks, according to, December 31,1950 and 1951 41 Suspended banks. (See Failures of banks.) Uninsured banks, December 31, 1951 18 United States Government: In all banks, December 31, 1951, by States 144-145 In each class of banks, December 31, 1951, by States 152-153, 168-169, 173, 177 In national banks, call dates in 1951, by States 45-98 District of Columbia: Assets and liabilities of all banks in, by classes: Call dates in 1951 55, 127, 128 December 31, 1951 125-126 Building and loan associations in: Supervision transferred to Home Loan Bank Board 21 Credit unions of: Reports requhed from in year ended December 31, 1951 21 Summary of assets and liabilities of, December 31, 1951 134 Summary of receipts and disbursements of, year ended December 31, 1951 134 Earnings, expenses, and dividends of banks in: Losses charged off on loans and securities: Years ended December 31, 1932-51 132, 133 Years ended December 31, 1950 and 1951, by classes of banks 129-130 Ratios: Years ended December 31, 1932-51 132, 133 Years ended December 31, 1950 and 1951, by classes of banks 130 Years ended December 31, 1950 and 1951, by classes of banks.> 129-130 Receiverships of nonnational banks in 185-187 Reports required from banking associations in, in year ended December 31, 1951 20-21 Dividends. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks; Failures of banks.) Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks: According to size of banks (deposits), year ended December 31,1951. 115-117 By Federal Reserve districts, year ended December 31, 1951 112-114 By States, year ended December 31, 1951 104-111 INDEX 197 Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks—Continued Losses charged off on loans and securities: Page Years ended December 31, 1932-51 121, 122 Year ended December 31, 1951, according to size of banks (deposits) 116-117 Ratios: Dividends to capital stock and capital funds, years ended December 31, 1929-51 120 Net profits before dividends to capital stock and capital funds, years ended December 31, 1929-51 120 Net earnings from current operations and net profits before dividends per $100 of deposits, year ended December 31, 1951__ 117 Net earnings from current operations, net profits before dividends, and cash dividends per $100 of capital funds, year ended December 31, 1951 117 Salaries and wages of officers and employees: By size of banks (deposits), calendar year 1951 115 Years ended December 31, 1949-51 118 Summary, years ended December 31, 1949-51 118-119 Employees. (See Comptroller of the Currency, Office of; Officers and employees of national banks.) Examination of national banks: Number of bank examinations during year ended December 31, 1951 22 Examiners and assistant examiners: Changes in number, during the calendar year 1951-___ 22 Expenses. (See Comptroller of the Currency, Office of; Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks; Failures of banks; National banks.) Failures of banks: All banks: Number, capital, and deposits of suspended banks: Since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years ended December 31, 1934-51 192 National banks: Assessments against stockholders 187, 189-191 Banks in charge of receivers in year ended December 31, 1951- 185-191 Capital at date of failure_.187, 189-191, 192 Circulation outstanding at date of failure 187, 189-191 Closed and active receiverships to December 31, 1951 185-191 Costs of liquidation of receiverships terminated 187 Deposits at date of failure of banks in charge of receivers in year ended December 31, 1951 187-191 Dividends paid to creditors during year ended December 31, 1951, and total dividends to December 31, 1951 185-191 Number, capital, and deposits: Since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years ended December 31, 1934-51 192 Number of, by States, since beginning of system 31-32 Receipts and disbursements of Division of Insolvent National Banks to December 31, 1951 185-187, 189 Receivership liquidation to December 31, 1951 185-191 Receiverships terminated, 1865-1951 185-191 198 INDEX Failures of banks—Continued State banks: Page In District of Columbia to December 31, 1951 _ 185-187 Number, capital, and deposits of: Since inauguration of Federal deposit insurance, years ended December 31, 1934r-51 192 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (see also Failures of banks): Classification of insured and uninsured banks, December 31, 1951 18 Federal Reserve notes: Issue and redemption of, in year ended December 31, 1951_ _._ 21-22 Fiduciary activities of national banks: By Federal Reserve districts, December 31, 1951 100 Classification of investments in living and court trust accounts under administration segregated according to capital of banks, December 31, 1951 101 December 31, 1951, by States 102-103 December 31, 1951, segregated according to capital* groups 99 Foreign branches of national banks, location, and summary of assets and liabilities of, December 31, 1951 123, 124 Government bonds. (See Investments; United States Government securities.) Holding company affiliates of national banks, number of, December 31, 1951 21 Insolvent banks. (See Failures of banks.) Insured banks. (See Failures of banks; Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.) Interbank deposits. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Interest. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Investments of banks: All banks: December 31, 1951, by States 137-139 December 31, 1951, by classes of banks 135 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 182 National banks: By size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1950 and 1951 41 Call dates in 1951, summary and by States 10, 45-98 December 31, 1951, by States 146-147 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 183 Losses charged off on: According to size of banks (deposits), year ended December 31, 1951 116-117 Year ended December 31, 1951, by States and Federal Reserve districts 108-109, 113 Years ended December 31, 1932-51 122 State and private banks: December 31, 1951, by classes of banks and by States 135, 154-155,162-163,170, 174 Liabilities. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Liquidation of national banks (see also Failures of banks): Capital, date, and title of banks, in year ended December 31, 1951, with names of succeeding banks in cases of succession 34 Number of banks, in each State, since beginning of system 31-32 Summary, in year ended December 31, 1951 16-17 INDEX 199 Loans and discounts of banks: All banks: Page December 31, 1951, classification of, by States 142-143 December 31, 1951, classification of, by classes of banks 135 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 182 National banks: By size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1950 and 1951 41 Call dates in 1951, summary and by States 10, 45-98 December 31, 1951, classification of, by States 150-151 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 183 Interest and discount earned on: According to size of banks (deposits), year ended December 31, 1951 115 Year ended December 31, 1951, by States and Federal Reserve districts 104-105, 112 Years ended December 31, 1949-51 118 Losses charged off on: According to size of banks (deposits), year ended December 31, 1951 116, 117 Year ended December 31, 1951, by States and Federal Reserve districts 108-109, 113 Years ended December 31, 1932-51 121 Real estate loans of, December 31, 1951, by States 150-151 States and private banks: December 31, 1951, classification of, by States 158-159, 166-167, 172, 176 Losses. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks; Failures of banks.) Mergers. (See Consolidations of banks.) Municipal bonds. (See Investments of banks.) Mutual savings banks: Assets and liabilities of: December 31, 1951, by States 170-173 Insured, December 31, 1951 18 Uninsured, December 31, 1951 18 National bank circulation: Outstanding at date of failure, and lawful money deposited to secure circulation of national banks in charge of receivers in year ended December 31, 1951 187 Outstanding December 31, 1951 18 National Bank Examiners. (See Examiners and assistant examiners.) National banks: Affiliates of, number, December 31, 1951 21 Assets and liabilities of: Call dates in 1951, by States 45-98 December 31, 1951, by States 146-153 Principal items of, according to size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1950 and 1951 41 Principal items of, June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 183 Branches. (See Branches of national banks.) By size of banks, on basis of deposits, December 31, 1950 and 1951 __ 41 "Calls" for reports of condition of, dates, 1914-51 43 Capital stock. (See Capital stock of banks.) 200 INDEX National banks—Continued Page Charters granted, in year ended December 31, 1951 33 Consolidations. (See Consolidations of banks.) Conversions of State banks to, in year ended December 31, 1951, list of_ 33 Deposits. (See Deposits.) Dividends. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks; Failures of banks.) Earnings and expenses. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Failures of. (See Failures of banks.) Fiduciary activities. (See Fiduciary activities of national banks.) Holding company affiliates of, number, December 31, 1951 21 Insolvent. (See Failures of banks.) Investments. (See Investments of banks.) Liquidation of, in year ended December 31, 1951 16-17, 21, 34 Loans and discounts. (See Loans and discounts of banks.) Number of: Call dates in year 1951, by States. 45-98 Chartered and closed: Since February 25, 1863 31-32 In existence December 31, 1951, by States 31-32 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 183 With surplus fund equal to or exceeding common capital stock 1942-51 .___ 42 With surplus fund less than common capital stock 1942-51 42 Officers and employees, number and salaries of: By size of banks (deposits), calendar year 1951 115—117 Year ended December 31, 1951, by States and Federal Reserve districts 106-107, 112 Years ended December 31, 1949-51 118 Reports required from, in year ended December 31, 1951 20 Trust functions. (See Fiduciary activities of national banks.) United States Government securities owned by. (See United States Government securities.) Officers and employees of national banks: Number and salaries of: By size of banks (deposits), calendar year 1951 115-117 Year ended December 31, 1951, by States and Federal Reserve districts 106-107, 112 Years ended December 31, 1949-51 118 Organization of national banks: Charters granted, which were conversions of State banks in year ended December 31, 1951 33 Charters granted, in year ended December 31, 1951, list of, by States- _ 33 Number of, by States, from February 25,1863, to December 31,1951 __ 31-32 Summary, in year ended December 31, 1951 16-17 Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, in all active banks, December 31, 1951, by States 178-179 Personnel. (See Comptroller of the Currency, Office of.) Population, United States, December 31, 1951, by States 137-139 INDEX 201 Possessions: Assets and liabilities of banks in: Page All banks, December 31, 1951 137-145 Banks other than national, December 31, 1951 154-169, 174-177 National banks, call dates in 1951 48, 58,94 National banks, December 31, 1951 146-153 Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks in, year ended December 31, 1951 104r-lll Per capita demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations, of all banks in, December 31, 1951 179 Postal savings. (See Deposits.) Private banks: Assets and liabilities of: December 31, 1951, by States 174-177 Suspensions. (See Failures of banks.) Profits. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Public funds. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Real estate held by banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Real estate loans. (See Loans and discounts of banks.) Receivers of national banks. (See Failures of banks.) Reports from national banks in year ended December 31, 1951 20 Reserve with Federal Reserve banks. (See Assets and liabilities of banks.) Salaries and wages of officers and employees of national banks. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Savings banks. (See Mutual savings banks.) Securities. (See Investments of banks; United States Government securities.) State bank failures. (See Failures of banks.) State banking officials: Name and title of, in each State, December 31, 1951 180-181 State commercial banks: Assets and liabilities of, December 31, 1951, by States 162-169 Insured, December 31, 1951 18,180-181 Member banks of the Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1951__ 18, 180-181 Nonmember banks of the Federal Reserve System, December 31, 1951 _ 18, 180-181 Suspensions. (See Failures of banks.) Uninsured, December 31, 1951 18, 180-181 Stock savings banks. (See State commercial banks.) Supervisors of State banks, name and title of, in each State, December 31, 1951 180-181 Suspensions. (See Failures of banks.) Taxes. (See Earnings, expenses, and dividends of national banks.) Time deposits. (See Deposits.) Titles of national banks. (See Consolidations of banks; Organization of national banks.) Trends in banking, 1948-51 12 Trust companies. (See State commercial banks.) Trust powers of national banks. (See Fiduciary activities of national banks.) United States Government deposits. (See Deposits.) 202 INDEX United States Government securities: All banks: Page December 31, 1951, by States 137-139 December 31, 1951, by classes of banks 135 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 182 National banks: By size of banks (deposits), December 31, 1950 and 1951 41 Call dates in 1951, by States _, 45-98 December 31, 1951, by States 146-147 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 183 State and private banks: December 31, 1951, by States 154-155, 162-163, 170,174 June 30 and December 31, 1940-51 184 Voluntary liquidation of national banks. (See Liquidation of national banks.) o