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SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE Comptroller of the Currency COVERING THE YEAR ENDED r sale b y t h e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of Digitized forF o FRASER OCTOBER 31, 1937 J. F. T. O'CONNOR Comptroller of the Currency UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1938 Documents, Washington, D. C. - - - - - - - - - - - - P r i c e $ 1.50 (cloth) TREASURY DEPARTMENT Document No. 3091 Comptroller of the Currency CONTENTS Introduction*. Submission of the report Active national banks All active banks Insolvent banks Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation National charters issued Retirement system for national-bank examiners, etc Legal Division Suggestions for legislation Major personnel changes Assay Commission Summary of activities of the Bureau, 1933-37 National banks in the trust field: Statement relative to Fiduciary activities of, during year ended June 30, 1937, segregated according to capital Fiduciary activities of, during year ended June 30, 1937, segregated according to population of places in which banks were located Fiduciary activities of, by Federal Reserve districts, June 30, 1937 Classification of investments in living and court trust accounts under administration by the active national-bank trust departments, on June 30, 1937, segregated according to capital of banks and population of places in which banks were located Classification of investments in living and court trust accounts under administration by the active national-bank branches with trust departments, on June 30, 1937, segregated according to population of places in which branches were located Fiduciary activities of national-bank branches with trust departments during year ended June 30, 1937, segregated according to population of places in which branches were located . National bank failures: Statement relative to Annual liquidation costs incident to, 1933 to 1937 Real estate auction sales incident to Receiverships, year ended October 31, 1937 Receiverships, 1865-1937 Number and deposits of, grouped according to percentage of dividends paid, 1865-1937 Active receiverships as of October 31, 1937 Receiverships terminated, year ended October 31, 1937 Receiverships terminated, 1865-1937 Total liquidation operations, year ended October 31, 1937 Summary showing progress and results of liquidation of all national banks placed in charge of receivers from 1865 to October 31, 1937. _ Capital, date of appointment of receiver, and percent of dividends paid by insolvent national banks, etc., the affairs of which were closed or restored to solvency during year ended October 31, 1937-Unlicensed national banks: Summary relative to administration of banks which were unlicensed March 16, 1933 Organization and liquidation of national banks, year ended October 31, 1937, and since establishment of system Branches of national banks: Statement relative to Number and kind of branches on February 25, 1927, and number and manner of acquisition of additional branches, by years to close of October 31, 1937 in Page 1 1 6 7 12 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 25 27 28 32 33 34 34 37 38 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 49 50 52 62 66 68 69 IV CONTENTS Branches of national banks—Continued. Page Number and kind of branches authorized and closed during year ended October 31, 1937 69 Number and manner of acquisition of domestic branches during year ended October 31, 1937, by States 70 Number and class of domestic branches closed during year ended October 31, 1937, by States 71 National bank circulation: Statement relative to 72 Statement of capital stock of national banks, national bank notes, and Federal Reserve bank notes (old series) outstanding, etc., July 1, 1937 73 Redemption of national and Federal Reserve bank circulation, year ended June 30, 1937 74 Condition of national banks at date of each call during year ended October 31, 1937 74 Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, June 30, 1937, by States 76 National bank liabilities on account of bills payable and rediscounts at date of each call during year ended October 31, 1937 78 Loans and discounts of national banks: Classification of, June 29,1935, June 30,1936 and 1937 79 Classification of, by Reserve cities and States, June 30, 1937 80 Comparative statement of, as of June 29, 1935, June 30, 1936 and 1937, in central Reserve and other Reserve cities, all Reserve cities and elsewhere 84 Comparative changes in demand and time deposits, loans and discounts, United States Government and other bonds and securities owned, and the amount of reserve of national banks with Federal Reserve banks since June 30, 1933 84 United States Government securities and securities guaranteed by United States as to interest and principal, reported by national banks: Classification of, by Reserve cities and States, June 30, 1937 85 Investments of national banks: Comparison of, June 29, 1935, June 30, 1936 e>nd 1937 90 United States Government, domestic and foreign bonds, securities, etc., held by national banks: Classification of, by Reserve cities and States, June 30, 1937 91 Earnings and dividends of national banks: By years, 1869 to 1937 96 By Reserve cities and States, year ended June 30, 1937 108 By Federal Reserve districts, year ended June 30, 1937 _. 120 By size of banks according to deposits, year ended December 31,1936-_ 123 National bank investments in United States Government and other bonds and securities, etc., loans and discounts, and losses charged off on account of bonds and securities owned and loans and discounts, years ended June 30, 1918 to 1937 126 Number of national banks, capital, surplus, capital funds, net addition to profits, dividends and ratios, 1869 to 1937 127 National banks classified according to capital stock, December 31, 1936: Number, loans and discounts, investments, cash and exchange, total assets, capital, surplus, profits and reserves for contingencies, and total deposits of 129 Federal Reserve banks: Assets and liabilities of the 12 Federal Reserve banks combined, as of the last weekly statement date in October 1935-37 129 Principal assets and liabilities of the 12 Federal Reserve banks combined, on the last weekly statement date in each month, from January 1935 to October 1937 130 New York Clearing House: Statement relative to transactions of, year ended September 30, 1937. 130 Clearing house associations in the 12 Federal Reserve bank cities and elsewhere: Statement relative to transactions of, year ended September 30, 1937. 131 CONTENTS All active banks: Summary of reports of condition of, by classes of banks, December 31, 1936 Summary of reports of condition of, by classes of banks, June 30,1937— Assets and liabilities of, by States, June 30, 1937 Assets and liabilities of, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Principal items of assets and liabilities of, in the continental United States, as compared with similar data for member banks of the Federal Reserve System, June 30, 1937 Per capita demand and time and savings deposits, by States, June 30, 1937 Savings deposits and depositors, according to classes of banks, by States, June 30, 1937— National banks, assets and liabilities of, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Banks other than national: Statement relative to List of officials of State banking departments and number of each class of banks under their supervision in June 1937 Assets and liabilities of, June 30, 1933 to 1937 State (commercial), assets and liabilities of, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Mutual savings: Assets and liabilities of, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Number of banks, number of savings depositors, amount of savings deposits, and average amount due each depositor, by States, June 30, 1936 and 1937 Number of banks, number of savings depositors, amount of savings deposits, and average amount due each depositor, June 30, 1914 to 1937 .... Private: Assets and liabilities of, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Statement relative to Banks in the District of Columbia: Assets and liabilities of, by classes, June 30, 1937 Assets and liabilities of all banks in, at date of each call during year ended October 31, 1937 Assets and liabilities of all banks in, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Assets and liabilities of national banks in, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Assets and liabilities of loan and trust companies in, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Assets and liabilities of savings and State banks in, June 30, 1933 to 1937 Earnings and dividends of, other than national, 6-month periods ended December 31, 1936, and June 30, 1937, and comparison of, in years ended June 30, 1936 and 1937 Building and loan associations in the District of Columbia: Statement relative to Number of, loans, installments on shares, and total assets, June 30, 1914 to 1937 District of Columbia credit unions, list of, Oct. 31, 1937 Export-import bank of Washington: Assets and liabilities of, at date of each call in year ended October 31, 1937 Savings, building and loan associations in the United States: Number, membership, and total assets, by States, at close of 1936 Mortgage loan investments of, by States, at close of 1936 Number, membership, total assets, and mortgage loans of, on or about December 31, 1914 to 1936 Failures of building and loan associations, 1920 to 1936 Money in the United States: Stock of, years ended June 30, 1914 to 1937 Imports and exports of merchandise, gold and silver, calendar years 1914 to 1936, and from January 1 to September 30, 1937 Governmental corporations and credit agencies of the United States, consolidated statement of assets and liabilities of, September 30, 1937 V Past 131 133 136 v 1441 145 145 147 152 153 154 156 157 158 159 160 161 161 162 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 172 173 174 177 178 178 178 179 180 VI CONTENTS Reconstruction Finance Corporation: Page Statement of condition of, June 30, 1937 182 Loans made by, to aid in the reorganization or liquidation of closed banks and trust companies from February 2, 1932, to June 30, 1937, by States.. 187 Loans on and purchases of preferred stock, and purchases of capital notes or debentures, of banks and trust companies, disbursed by, from March 9, 1933 to June 30, 1937, by States 189 Farm Credit Administration: Consolidated statement of condition of, June 30, 1937 191 Banks for cooperatives, consolidated statement of condition of, June 30, 1937 192 Federal land banks, consolidated statement of condition of, June 30, 1937 193 Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, statement of condition of, June 30, 1937 194 Federal intermediate credit banks, consolidated statement of condition of, June 30, 1937 194 Joint-stock land banks, statement relative to, as of June 30, 1937 195 Federal Home Loan Bank System: Consolidated statement of assets and liabilities of, September 30, 1937. 196 Home Owners' Loan Corporation, summary of operations of, from date of organization to close of business September 30, 1937 19b Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Assets and liabilities of, June 30, 1937 „ 199 Assets and liabilities of operating insured commercial banks, by classes, June 30, 1937 201 Pacific National Agricultural Credit Corporation, statement of assets and liabilities of, at date of each call in year ended October 31, 1937 202 United States Postal Savings System: Statistics relative to activities of, years ended June 30, 1936 and 1937. 202 School savings banking: Statistics relative to, in each State, in school years 1935-36 and 1936-37, and summary each school year since 1919-20 207 Expenses of the Currency Bureau: Summary of, in the fiscal year ended June 30> 1937 208 APPENDIX TABLES No. 1. Comptrollers and Deputy Comptrollers of the Currency since 1863. No. 2. Names and compensation of officers and clerks in the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, October 31, 1937 .__. No. 3. Number of national banks organized since February 25, 1863, number passed out of the system, and number in existence October 31, 1937 No. 4. National banks reported in liquidation from November 1, 1936, to October 31, 1937, the names where known, of succeeding banks in cases of succession, with date of liquidation and capital No. 5. Capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, and total assets of banks consolidated under act of November 7, 1918, as amended February 25, 1927, and June 16, 1933, in the year ended October 31, 1937, as shown by their last reports prior to consolidation,. No. 6. National banks, consolidated in year ended October 31, 1937, under act of November 7, 1918, as amended June 16, 1933, together with their capital, surplus, undivided profits, and total assets, as of date of consolidation.— No. 7. State banks and national banks consolidated in year ended October 31, 1937, under act of February 25, 1927, as amended June 16, 1933, their consolidated capital, surplus, undivided profits, and total assets, as of date of consolidation No. 8. Number and capital of State banks converted into national banking associations in each State and Territory from 1863 to October 31, 1937 Page 211 211 213 213 216 217 218 219 CONTENTS VII Page No. 9. Conversions of State banks and primary organizations as national banks from March 14, 1900, to October 31, 1937 No. 10. Number of national banks increasing their capital, together with the amount of increase monthly for years ended October 31, since 1932 No. 11. Number and authorized capital of national banks chartered and the number and capital stock of banks closed in each year ended October 31, since 1913, with the yearly increase or decrease No. 12. Total number of national banks organized, consolidated under act of November 7, 1918, as amended June 16, 1933, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, and in existence on October 31, 1937. No. 13. Changes of corporate title of national banks, year ended October 31, 1937 No. 14. Changes of corporate title incident to consolidations of national banks and of State banks with national banks, year ended October 31, 1937 No. 15. National banks chartered during year ended October 31, 1937__ No. 16. National banks for which increase of capital has been authorized, under act of March 9, 1933, as amended, by the issuance of preferred stock which was purchased by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation unless otherwise noted, together with the amount of increase, and the rate of dividends, etc., during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 17. National banks chartered which are conversions of State banks during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 18. National banks by States and geographical divisions, organized, failed, and reported in voluntary liquidation during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 19. Number and classification of national banks chartered monthly during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 20. Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock, December 31, 1936 No. 21. National bank notes redeemed and outstanding, by denominations and amounts, on October 31, each year, 1933 to 1937 No. 22. National bank notes received monthly by Comptroller of the Currency from Currency Redemption Division for redemption on retirement account, during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 23. Vault account of currency received and destroyed during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 24. Amount of currency received for redemption, by months, from July 1, 1936, to June 30, 1937, and counted into the cash of the Currency Redemption Division No. 25. Amount of currency received by the Currency Redemption Division for redemption in year ended June 30, 1937, from principal cities No. 26. Cost of redemption of national bank notes during year ended June 30, 1937 1 No. 27. Classification of Federal Reserve currency redemptions, amount redeemed, number of notes, cost of redemption per 1,000 notes, and amount* assessed upon Federal Reserve banks, year ended June 30, 1937 No. 28. Taxes assessed on national bank circulation, years ended June 30, 1864-1936; cost of redemption, 1874--1937; and assessments for cost of plates, etc., 1883-1935 No. 29. Federal Reserve notes outstanding according to weekly statements (amount issued by Federal Reserve agents to Federal Reserve banks less notes redeemed), and collateral security therefor, November 4, 1936, to October 27, 1937 No, 30. Federal Reserve notes, segregated by series, printed, shipped, and canceled, issued to banks, retired, and destroyed since organization of the banks, with balance in vaults and amount outstanding October 31, 1937 No. 31. Aggregate amount of Federal Reserve bank notes, old series, printed, issued, canceled, and redeemed by denominations, since inauguration of Federal Reserve System, and amount outstanding October 31, 1937 I 219 220 221 221 223 223 224 225 226 227 229 229 238 239 239 239 239 240 240 241 242 243 246 VIII CONTENTS Page No. 31A. Aggregate amount of Federal Reserve bank notes, series 1929, printed, shipped, and on hand; issued, retired, and outstanding; received for destruction by denominations, during the period March 10, 1933 (date of first shipment), to October 31, 1937, under terms of sec. 18, Federal Reserve Act, as amended March 9, 1933 247 No. 32. National banks in charge of receivers during year ended October 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of United States to redeem circulation to October 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure 248 No. 32A. District of Columbia State chartered banks and banks incorporated under laws of District of Columbia, under supervision of Comptroller of the Currency, in charge of receivers, during year ended October 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure 280 No. 33. National banks in charge of receivers during year ended October 31, 1937, dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and earnings, together with disposition of such collections, and various other data indicating the progress or results of liquidation to October 31, 1937 282 No. 33A. District of Columbia State chartered banks and banks incorporated under laws of District of Columbia, under supervision of Comptroller of the Currency, in charge of receivers during year ended October 31, 1937; dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and earnings, together with disposition of such collections, and various other data indicating the progress or results of liquidation to October 31, 1937 422 No. 34. National banks restored to solvency after having been placed in charge of receivers, from date of first national bank failure in 1865 to October 31, 1937 426 No. 35. National banks restored to solvency which subsequently became insolvent, from date of first national bank failure in 1865 to October 31, 1937 1__> 428 No. 36. Dividends paid to creditors of insolvent national banks under supervision of Comptroller of the Currency, including distribution by conservators as reported by receivers, during year ended September 30, 1937 429 No. 37. National banks placed in charge of receivers, the affairs of which have been closed, by years, from April 14, 1865, to October 31, 1937, with amounts of total nominal assets, capital stock, circulation outstanding, and total deposits at date of failure, together with various data indicating the results of liquidation, for those receiverships closed through liquidation 451 No. 38. National banks placed in charge of receivers, the affairs of which have been closed, by States, from April 14, 1865, to October 31, 1937, with amounts of total nominal assets, capital stock, circulation outstanding, and total deposits at date of failure, together with various data indicating the results of liquidation, for those receiverships closed through liquidation 456 No. 39. Dates of reports of condition of national banks, 1914 to 1937 460 No. 40. Condition of foreign branches of National City Bank and Chase National Bank, of New York, N. Y., First National Bank of Boston, Mass., and Bank of America National Trust & Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif., on June 30, 1937 461 CONTENTS IX Page No. 41. Assets and liabilities of national banks in central reserve cities of New York and Chicago, other reserve cities and country banks, June 30, 1937 No. 42. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection reported by national banks, June 30, 1937 No. 43. Demand deposits of national banks, June 30, 1937 No. 44. Time deposits of national banks, June 30, 1937 No. 45. Bills payable and rediscounts of national banks, June 30, 1937 No. 46. Reserve computation of national banks, June 30, 1937 No. 47. Total assets and liabilities of national banks, June 1933-37 No. 48. Assets and liabilities of national banks, according to reserve cities and States, at date of each call during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 49. Assets and liabilities of national banks in each Federal Reserve district June 30,1937 No. 50. Earnings and dividends of national banks, six months ended December 31, 1936 No. 51. Earnings and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, six months ended December 31, 1936 No. 52. Earnings and dividends of national banks, six months ended June 30, 1937 No. 53. Earnings and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve districts, six months ended June 30, 1937 No. 54. Earnings and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, year ended December 31, 1936, by geographical sections No. 55. Earnings and dividends of nonmember national banks, by size of banks, year ended December 31, 1936 No. 56. Earnings and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, year ended December 31, 1936, summary covering the entire country No. 57. Earnings and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, year ended December 31, 1936, by Federal Reserve districts No. 58. Assets and liabilities of savings and State banks in District of Columbia at date of each call during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 59. Assets and liabilities of loan and trust companies in District of Columbia at date of each call during year ended October 31, 1937 No. 60. Principal items of assets and liabilities of savings and State banks in District of Columbia, June 30, 1914 to 1937 No. 61. Principal items of assets and liabilities of loan and trust companies in District of Columbia, June 30, 1914 to 1937 No. 62. Individual statements of assets and liabilities of the 27 building and loan associations in District of Columbia, June 30, 1937 No. 63. Summary of assets and liabilities December 31, 1936, and receipts and disbursements in six months ended December 31, 1936, of the 27 building and loan associations in District of Columbia. _ No. 64. Summary of assets and liabilities June 30, 1937, and receipts and disbursements in six months ended June 30, 1937, of the 27 building and loan associations in District of Columbia No. 65. Individual statements of assets and liabilities of the 25 District of Columbia credit unions, .Tune 30, 1937 No. 66. Summary of assets and liabilities December 31, 1936, and receipts and disbursements in six months ended December 31, 1936, of the 25 District of Columbia credit unions No. 67. Summary of assets and liabilities June 30, 1937, and receipts and disbursements in six months ended June 30, 1937, of the 25 District of Columbia credit unions No. 68. Assets and liabilities of active State (commercial) banks, December 31, 1936 No. 69. Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, December 31, 1936 No. 70. Assets and liabilities of active private banks, December 31, 1936— No. 71. Assets and liabilities of active State (commercial), mutual savings, and private banks, December 31, 1936 No. 72. Assets and liabilities of active national banks, December 31. 1936— 467 469 474 478 482 484 488 495 610 612 624 627 640 643 656 658 661 691 692 693 693 694 696 697 698 699 699 700 706 709 711 718 X CONTENTS Page No. 73. Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, December 31, 1936 No. 74. Assets and liabilities of active State (commercial) banks, June 30, 1937 No. 75. Assets and liabilities of active mutual savings banks, June 30, 1937 No. 76. Assets and liabilities of active private banks, June 30, 1937 No. 77. Assets and liabilities of active State (commercial), mutual savings, and private banks, June 30, 1937 No. 78. Assets and liabilities of active national banks, June 30, 1937 No. 79. Assets and liabilities of all active State and private banks, June 30, 1914 to 1937 No. 80. Assets and liabilities of all active national banks, June 30, 1914 to 1937 No. 81. Assets and liabilities of all active banks, June 30, 1914 to 1937-. No. 82. Statement of transactions of New York Clearing House, years ended September 30, 1854-1937 No. 83. Exchanges, balances, percentages of balances to exchanges, and percentages of funds used in settlement of balances by the New York Clearing House, each year, 1914 to 1937 No. 84. Exchanges of clearing houses of the United States, years ended September 30, 1914 to 1937 No. 85. Comparative statement of exchanges of clearing houses of the United States, years ended September 30, 1937 and 1936 No. 86. Comparative statement of transactions of clearing house associations in the 12 Federal Reserve bank cities and in other cities with transactions of $1,000,000,000 and over, years ended September 30, 1937 and 1936 No. 87. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended December 31, 1932_ No. 88. Bank suspensions, by States, January 1 to March 4, 1933 No. 89. Bank suspensions, by States, March 13, 14, and 15, 1933 No. 90. Bank suspensions, by States, March 16 to June 30, 1933 No. 91. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended June 30, 1933 No. 92. Bank suspensions, by States, year ended June 30, 1933 No. 93. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended December 31, 1933_ No. 94. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended June 30, 1934 No. 95. Bank suspensions, by States, year ended June 30, 1934 No. 96. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended December 31, 1934_ No. 97. Bank suspensions, bj^ States, six months ended June 30, 1935 No. 98. Bank suspensions, b}^ States, year ended June 30, 1935 No. 99. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended December 31, 1935. No. 100. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended June 30, 1936 No. 101. Bank suspensions, by States, year ended June 30, 1936 No. 102. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended December 31, 1936 No. 103. Bank suspensions, by States, six months ended June 30, 1937 No. 104. Bank suspensions, by States, year ended June 30, 1937 No. 105. Bank suspensions, 1864 to 1937 Table " O." Statements of assets and liabilities of the individual national banks at close of business December 31, 1937, arranged alphabetically by States, Territories, and towns. (Omitted from this report and published as a separate table.) 724 730 738 743 747 756 764 765 766 767 767 768 768 772 773 775 777 779 780 782 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Washington, D. C, January 8, 1938. SIR: AS required in section 333 of the United States Revised Statutes, as amended, I have the honor to submit the following report covering the activities of the Bureau of the Comptroller of the Currency for the year ended October 31, 1937. This is the seventyfifth annual report made to Congress by the Comptroller of the Currency. ACTIVE NATIONAL BANKS As required in section 5211 of the Kevised Statutes, national banks were called upon to submit three reports of condition during the current annual report year. The figures for deposits and assets on each of these three call dates are as follows: Number of banks Dec. 31, 1936 Mar. 31, 1937 June 30,1937 _ 5,331 5,311 5,299 Total deposits Total assets $27, 608, 397,000 26,515,110,000 26,765,913,000 $31,070,441,000 30,049,172,000 30, 337,071,000 On June 30,1937, the 5,299 active banks reported Joans and discounts, including overdrafts, of $8,812,895,000; United States Government obligations direct and fully guaranteed of $8,219,195,000; other bonds and securities of $3,903,092,000; cash, balances with other banks, cash items in process of collection, and reserve with Federal Reserve banks of $8,377,869,000; total assets of $30,337,071,000, deposits of $26,765,913,000; bills payable and rediscounts of $8,530,000, capital stock of $1,582,131,000; and surplus, profits, and reserves of $1,630,034,000. A comparison of the principal items of assets and liabilities for June 30 this year with those for June 30, 1936, the corresponding call last year, shows an increase of $1,049,553,000, or 13.52 percent, in loans and discounts, their ratio to total deposits having increased from 29.61 to 32.91 percent; and, due primarily to an increase of 100 percent in the required reserves under section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act, the reserve carried with Federal Reserve banks increased 17.95 percent, or from $3,520,901,000 to $4,152,889,000. These increases in loans and reserves totaling $1,681,541,000 were balanced in part by decreases of $360,338,000 in bonds and securities, $87,096,000 in cash, and $548,449,000 in balances with other banks, including cash items in process of collection. The reduction in investments was made up of a decrease of $170,458,000 in direct obligations of the United States Government, $57,711,000 in obliga 2 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY tions guaranteed by the United States Government as to interest and principal, $76,015,000 in obligations of States, counties, and municipalities; and $56,154,000 in other bonds and securities. The total deposits on June 30, 1937, had increased $565,460,000, or 2.16 percent, during the year. The June 30 deposits consisted of demand and time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations of $12,430,183,000 and $7,469,842,000, respectively; United States Government deposits of $379,331,000; State, county, and municipal deposits of $2,203,466,000; postal savings of $88,542,000; deposits of other banks of $3,790,587,000; and certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers' checks outstanding, etc., of $403,962,000. The time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations included time certificates of deposit of $591,423,000; time deposits, open accounts of $305,715,000; and deposits evidenced by savings passbooks of $6,511,352,000, comprising 15,794,219 accounts. The book value of capital stock was $1,582,131,000 and represented a par value of $1,587,726,000. The latter figure consisted of class A preferred stock of $281,012,000, class B preferred stock of $17,965,000, and common stock of $1,288,749,000. Surplus funds of $1,073,154,000, undivided profits of $389,233,000, reserves for contingencies of $155,623,000, and preferred stock retirement fund of $12,024,000, making a total of $1,630,034,000, increased $155,681,000 in the year. Reports showing earnings and dividends are rendered semiannually to the Comptroller by all national banks, and their consolidated returns covering the year ended June 30, 1937, showed net profits before dividends of $286,561,000, which was an increase of $44,907,000, or 18.58 percent, over the amount reported for the year ended June 30, 1936. The three years ended June 30, 1935, 1936, and 1937 are the only years since 1931 that the consolidated returns showed the banks have operated at a profit. The profits for the year ended June 30, 1937, were $234,020,000, or 445.40 percent, over 1931. Dividends declared on common and preferred stock in the year ended June 30, 1937, totaled $153,475,000, in comparison with $125,604,000 in 1936. The dividends were 9.67 percent of common and preferred capital and 4.78 percent of capital funds. The gross earnings from current operations aggregated $847,197,000, and the expenses $577,851,000, resulting in net earnings from current operations of $269,346,000, an increase of $22,992,000, or 9.33 percent, in the year. Recoveries on assets previously charged off of $279,583,000, including profits on securities sold of $124,858,000, decreased $19,358,000, or 6.48 percent. Losses and depreciation charged off were $262,368,000, a reduction of $41,273,000, or 13.59 percent. During the year, preferred stock of an aggregate par value of $130,213,325 was retired by 1,320 national banks. One hundred and eighty such banks retired preferred stock in full and 1,140 completed partial retirements. Coincident with these retirements of preferred stock, the common capital of national banks, exclusive of newly organized banks, was increased $35,367,245 and new or additional preferred stock in the aggregate sum of $2,047,250 was issued. As of October 31, 1937, there was outstanding in 1,846 national banks preferred stock aggregating $290,603,830 par value. Authority to exercise fiduciary powers was held by 1,913 national banks, of which 1,551 were administering 135,772 individual trusts, with assets aggregating $9,656,397,140 and 15,983 corporate trustee KEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY National banks, net additions to profits, 1912-87 Net additions to profits Years ended June 30— 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919_ . 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 _ _ _ _ _ $149,057,000 160, 980,000 149, 270,000 127,095, 000 157, 544,000 194, 321,000 212,332,000 240, 366,000 282,083,000 216,106,000 183, 670,000 203,488,000 195,706,000 Years ended June 30— Net additions to profits 1925 1926 1927 . . _ 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 $223,935,000 249,167,000 252,319,000 270,158,000 301,804,000 246,261,000 52,541,000 1139,780,000 1218,384,000 1303,546,000 71,372,000 241,654,000 286,561,000 i Deficit. NATIONAL BANKS NET ADDITIONS TO PROFITS 1912- 1937 Years Ended June- 30™ MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS 350 3 50 300 300 250 2 50 200 2 00 100 50 0 • 50 • 1 50 •Illl •I. till Illl uu ------ -100 I 00 1932 1933 150 1 tO (Vj Ov O N <O Ov O Cty (Vj o^ o j ^«f* Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov 1 | | | 0 50 - ! 00 I - 150 50 - 1 50 -200 - 200 -250 - 2 50 -300 - 3 00 -350 - 3 50 • for the six months The d e f i c i t for the fiscal year 1932 was the firs't ever reported for a similar period 4 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY ships, with note and bond issues outstanding in the amount of $10,570,032,665. Compared with June 30, 1936, these figures represent an increase of 2,930 in the number and $91,745,854 in the volume of individual trust assets under administration, while corporate trusteeships decreased 1,014 in number and $597,536,477 in volume of note and bond issues outstanding. Gross earnings from trust department operations increased $3,520,000, or 11.63 percent, over 1936. a Section 304 of the Banking Act of 1935, amending section 22 of the Banking Act of 1933, provided for the termination of the double liability of shareholders of national banks on July 1, 1937. Section 315 of the same act amended section 5199 of the Revised Statutes to provide among other things that a national bank shall, before the declaration of a dividend on its shares of common stock, carry not less than one-tenth part of its net profits of the preceding half year to its surplus fund until the same shall equal the amount of its common capital. Prior to the Banking Act of 1935 the maximum surplus required of a national bank was but 20 percent. It is interesting to note that at the date of the first call following the enactment of the Banking Act of 1935, namely November 1, 1935, of the total of 5,409 active national banks, 912 without preferred stock had surplus funds equal to or in excess of their common capital. The capital and surplus of these 912 banks was $252,618,000 and $428,258,000, respectively. On June 30, 1937, however, the date of the last bank call, this class of banks had increased 262 in number, or to 1,174, with common capital of $457,357,000 and surplus of $664,067,000. In 1935, 425 of the banks had surplus exceeding their capital stock compared to 481 banks in 1937. In addition, there were 187 banks on November 1, 1935, which had both common and preferred stock outstanding of $80,713,000 whose surplus funds of $35,813,000 equaled or exceeded their common capital of $29,687,000. As of June 30,1937, this latter class of banks had increased 37 in number, or to 224, with surplus totaling $41,794,000 and common capital $33,144,000. Since June 30, 1937, reports thus far received show that in 13 States 15 additional banks, with fcommon stock only, have transferred $371,000 to surplus in connection with dividends declared* making their total surplus $2,660,000, or the same as their capital stock. The statement following shows the number, capital and surplus of all national banks on November 1, 1935, and June 30, 1937, and like information with respect to banks with surplus equal to or exceeding their common capital as of the same dates: REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 5 Nvmber, capital and surplus of all ?iational banks on Nov. 1, 1935, and June 30t 1937, and like information with respect to banks with surplus equal to or exceeding their common capital as of the same dates [Amounts in thousands of dollars) Capital stock, par value Number of banks June 30, 1937 Nov. 1, 1935... .- —- - - Increase Banks with common stock only, having surplus the same as common capital: June 30, 1937 -_. Nov. 1, 1935.__ — Increase - ,~ Banks with common stock only, having surplus in excess of common capital: June 30, 1937 Nov. 1,1935 Increase Total banks with common stock only, having surplus equal to or in excess of common capital: June 30, 1937 Nov. 1, 1935___ Increase Banks with both preferred and common stock, having surplus the same as common capital: June 30, 1937 Nov. 1,1935__ Decrease Banks with both preferred stock and common stock, having surplus in excess of common capital: June30,1937 _ Nov. 1, 1935__,. Increase Total banks with both preferred and common stock, having surplus equal to or in excess of common capital: J u n e 30, 1937 N o v . 1, 1935_._.-- Increase Banks with common and preferred stock or common stock only, having surplus less than common capital: June 30, 1937 Nov. 1, 1935._ Surplus Total Preferred Common 5,299 5, 409 $1,587,726 1, 782,313 $298,977 524, 727 $1,288,749 1,257,586 $1,073,154 865,955 i 110 194,587 225, 750 31,163 207,199 693 487 285,094 98, 728 285,094 98,728 285,094 98,728 206 186, 3G6 186,366 186,366 481 425 172,203 153,890 172,263 153, 890 378,973 329, 530 56 18,373 18, 373 49, 443 1,174 912 457,357 252, 618 457,357 252, 618 664,067 428,258 262 204,739 204, 739 235,809 106 102 27,749 38, 537 13,860 22,462 13,889 16,075 13,889 16,075 +4 10,788 8,602 2,186 2,186 118 85 50,803 42,176 31,548 28,564 19, 255 13, 612 27,905 19,738 33 8,627 2,984 5,643 8,167 224 187 78,552 80,713 45,408 51,026 33,144 29,687 41,794 35.813 37 2,161 5,618 3,457 5,981 3,901 4,310 1,051,817 1,448,982 798, 248 975,281 367,293 401,884 2 253, 569 3 473,701 i The decrease in the number of banks is due to liquidations, consolidations, etc. * 1,626 banks. »1,953 banks. One of the important questions before the Comptroller's Office has been the proper appraisal of assets in going banks. It was unfair to appraise assets at the existing cash market basis, and even where there were established market quotations, they could easily have been broken by forced liquidation. The Comptroller, therefore, instructed all national bank examiners to appraise assets on a "recovery basis/' 6 REPOKT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY taking into consideration their intrinsic and potential values. The Comptroller's instructions are quoted in full in his annual report for the year ended October 31, 1934. For the first time, a survey was made of the classifications of loans in the 1934 reports of examiners. This survey showed that in the 5,275 banks examined, the total amount of loans was $7,740,596,000. The examiners placed 2.88 percent of these loans in the loss column, 4.19 percent in the doubtful column, and 27.05 percent in the slow column. A compilation from the reports on 5,312 national banks made during 1937 shows total loans of $8,426,931,749, of which .65 percent were placed in the loss column, 1.14 percent in the doubtful column, and 10.68 percent in the slow column. ALL ACTIVE BANKS Continued improvement is also shown in the condition of all classes of active banks in the country as reflected in their consolidated returns as of June 30, 1937. On that date there were 15,580 national, State, and private banks in the United States and possessions with loans and investments of $49,972,315,000, which amount exceeded by $1,273,623,000, or 2.62 percent, the figures reported as of June 30, 1936, when there were 15,803 banks. Cash, balances with other banks, and reserve with reserve agents of $15,628,614,000 increased in the year $506,233,000, or 3.35 percent, and the total assets amounting to $68,941,069,000 increased $1,742,488,000, or 2.59 percent. The total deposits in 1937 were $59,822,370,000 and showed a rise of $1,482,555,000, or 2.54 percent in the year. Although the total of capital stock, capital notes and debentures of $3,250,650,000 showed a reduction of $351,109,000, or 4.99 percent, due primarily to a decrease of 223 in the number of banks and the retirement of preferred stock and capital notes and debentures, the combined total of surplus, profits, and reserves of $4,985,781,000 had increased $435,914,000, or 9.58 percent. The ratio of loans and discounts, including overdrafts, to total deposits on June 30, 1937, was 37.94 percent compared to 35.72 percent on June 30, 1936. It will be interesting to note the investments and total assets of all classes of banks in the country from June 30, 1929, to June 30, 1937, as shown in the following table: Investments and total assets of all active banks, June 30, 1929 to 1987 [Amounts in thousands of dollars] United States Government securities June 30 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 _ - Number of banks Total assets 25,330 $72,172,505 24,079 74,020,124 22,071 70, 209,149 19,163 57,245,131 14,624 51,301,908 15,894 56,159,925 16,053 60,393,057 15,803 67,198, 581 15,580 68,941,069 Amount $4,022,879 3,846,938 5, 717,642 6, 455,583 7,795,999 11, 663,267 14,284,052 17, 358, 200 16,968,486 Other bonds and securities Percent to Amount total assets 5.58 $13,325,859 5.20 14,097,790 8.14 14,342,511 11.28 1], 767, 658 15.20 10,134,664 20.77 9, 626,227 23.65 9,933,103 25.83 10,501,333 24.61 10,305,653 Total all bonds and securities Percent to Amount total assets 18.46 $17,348,738 19.04 17,944,728 20.43 20.060,153 20.55 18,223,241 19.75 17,930,663 17.14 21,289,494 16.45 24,217,155 15.63 27,859,533 14.95 27,274,139 Percent to total assets 24.04 24.24 28.57 31.83 34.95 37.91 40.10 41.46 39.58 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 7 INSOLVENT BANKS With active national banks restored to a sound condition, and with only four national bank failures during the year ended October 31 , the major problem before the Comptroller's Office has been the liquidation of insolvent national banks and the payment of dividends to depositors. In order to expedite this work, there was established on January 15, 1937, a Termination Section of the Insolvent Bank Division for the primary purpose of devising ways and means to terminate receiverships and to actively consummate such plans. The chief methods used have been the disposition of remaining assets through bulk sales, termination loans, and through the transfer of assets to shareholders' agents. By these methods, funds are made available for distribution to creditors in the form of a final dividend, and the immediate termination of the receivership ensues. During the year ended October 31, 1937, 341 national bank receiverships, including 2 District of Columbia State bank receiverships under the supervision of the Comptroller's office, were liquidated and finally closed. This is the greatest number of closings ever effected during a Comptroller's report year. These banks had deposits at failure of $154,754,207, of which $113,600,000, or 73.41 percent, was returned to depositors. The total cost of liquidation in these trusts was 6.83 percent of the collections from assets and stock assessments, including offsets allowed. Remaining in process of liquidation on October 31, were 882 national and District of Columbia State bank receiverships. Their total deposits at date of failure were $1,689,372,000, of which approximately $1,227,000,000, or 72.63 percent, had been returned to depositors. Receivers have estimated that additional payments of $237,527,000, or 14.05 percent, will be made, bringing the total estimated recoveries to depositors in all the remaining receiverships up to 86.65 percent. As of October 31, 1937, the total commitments granted by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the receivers of insolvent national banks amounted to # $494,495,500, of which $389,399,367 was actually loaned. Of this amount commitments aggregating $13,669,500 had been granted to 27 receivers during the year ending October 31, 1937. During that year the balance due to the Corporation by all receivers of insolvent national banks declined from $21,913,601.76 to $8,900,734.80 and the number of borrowing receiverships declined from 315 to 101. In accordance with President Roosevelt's expressed desire for the Government to withdraw from business as soon as privately owned agencies were able to take over the functions of the Government lending agencies, various State and national banks located in the vicinity of closed national banks have taken over Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans, or made original loans, in the approximate amount of 64K million dollars. Of this total commitment, approximately 60 million dollars has been actually advanced, of which nearly 54 million dollars had been repaid on October 31, 1937. The amount repaid includes loans to 53 receiverships which have been paid in full, and the balance unpaid is owing by 42 trusts. In order to reduce expenses in the receiverships, the practice was adopted of combining several receiverships under one receiver when 27021—38 2 8 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY the assets were reduced to the point where the work involved did not require the receiver's full time. In accordance with this plan, the 882 receiverships remaining on October 31 were being administered by 367 receivers, or an average of 2.4 receiverships per receiver. In order to handle more effectively the real estate owned by and mortgaged to 1,173 insolvent national banks, then under active reINSOLVENT NATIONAL BANKS RECEIVERSHIPS CLOSED YEARS ENDED OCTOBER 31,1912-1937 NUMBER Or BANKS NUMBER OF BANKS 360 560 320 520 280 2 80 240 240 200 200 160 160 120 120 80 80 40 40 12 © 10 15 l£ 15 14 6 ..•.III 17 31 46 76 105 67 99 122 70 92 163 215 341 ceivership, and to issue appropriate instructions with regard to the management and disposition thereof, the Real Estate Activities Section of the Insolvent Bank Division was established on January 22, 1937. The section has obtained from 622 receivers reports covering approximately 10,000 assets secured by liens on real estate, which reports were carefully analyzed as a basis for issuing appropriate in REPOBT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CUKBENCY 9 structions to the receivers. Personal calls were made on receivers of approximately 200 banks, for the purpose of investigating the real estate owned, and assets secured by liens on real estate, and auction sales of real estate in 96 trusts were attended. In some cases, these sales were conducted by highly specialized auctioneers, and in other cases the receivers were authorized to utilize the services of local auctioneers. An analysis of the results obtained discloses that with few exceptions the sales were highly successful. Among the outstanding auction sales were those, held in Chattanooga, Tenn.? and Benton Harbor, Mich., covering the real-estate holdings of the First National Bank and Chattanooga National Bank of Chattanooga, Tenn,, and the American National Bank and Trust Co., Benton Harbor, including the real estate of the Commercial National Bank and Trust Co. of St. Joseph, Mich. The sale in Chattanooga covered 186 parcels for which the receivers realized $512,305. This sale was attended by approximately 4,000 persons. Due to the interest shown in the sale of the Chattanooga properties, the receivers immediately found purchasers for the deferred payment notes and realized therefor face value and accrued interest to date of sale. At the sale conducted at Benton Harbor the receivers sold 20 parcels for a total of $198,185, the total bids representing approximately 99 percent of the receivers' estimated values of the properties. Immediately following announcements in local newspapers to the effect that the real-estate holdings rof the national bank receiverships would be sold at auction, letters w ere received from local real-estate agents and creditors of the banks objecting to this method of disposing of the real estate; however, without exception, after the sale these same parties appeared to be more than satisfied with the results obtained for the reason that the offers received were usually commensurate with the values of the properties, and for the further reason that considerable interest was developed in real estate in general. It should also be borne io mind that real estate owned by closed national banks must be classified as "distressed real estate/' and usually retards the recovery in the real-estate market. Considerable real estate has also been disposed of through the efforts of receivers and members of local real-estate boards. Since the establishment of the real estate section, receivers have been authorized to accept offers for 7,923 parcels of real estate, which should enable them to realize approximately $31,000,000. Bank buildings are often one-purpose properties, but in spite of this, receivers have been authorized to accept offers obtained for 194 such properties. Preparations are now being made to obtain information from receivers as to the number and amounts of deferred payment notes or contracts acquired in connection with sales of real estate in order to negotiate intelligently for the sale of these assets. Inquiry discloses that large insurance companies are interested in the purchase of these deferred-payment notes and mortgages, and it is hoped that the outcome of further negotiations will lead to an early liquidation of same, which will make possible the rapid termination of additional receiverships. In the year ended October 31, 1937, receivers and trustees for waiving creditors of national banks, unlicensed incident to the banking holiday, released and made available to creditors $42,077,776 of the remaining unsecured liabilities. The total of such liabilities released 10 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY since the banking holiday is $1,562,739,935, or 81.28 percent, compared to 79.09 percent as of October 31, 1936. During the year four national banks have failed, with deposits at closing of $4,294,296. Of these deposits 79.79 percent, or $3,030,000, were insured, and 99.08 percent of the depositors were fully protected, by insurance, offset, security, or preferment. National-bank suspensions, actual failures, for which receivers were appointed Years ended October Number of banks 31— 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 . 1926 Deposits 8 5 21 12 13 7 2 1 6 38 32 51 127 95 91 $3,665,576 5,995,997 7,516,182 8,203,765 1,997,020 4,327,166 1,543,397 283,684 3,154,793 13,084,637 8,982,862 17,358,274 48,816,366 39,836, 690 30,616,232 Years ended October 31— 1927 1928 1929 1930 . 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 .. Total Number of banks 111 52 71 88 357 322 396 1 4 Deposits $46,113,688 19,798,224 46,448,301 49,707,145 361,976,551 250,494,710 255,049,262 41,950 5,398,802 4 » 3,984,583 1,915 1,234,395,857 »Preliminaryfiguresubject to revision. From March 16, 1933, to October 22, 1937, 12 national banks failed. The following statement shows the causes to which these failures were attributed. Causes of failures in 12 actual national bank failures Mar. 16', 1988, to Oct. 22, 1987 Bank Date of suspension Cause of failure Apr. 22,1933 Lack of confidence of public due to unethical banking practices on part of directors. Kingfisher, Okla., First National Bank July 20,1933 Shortage due to speculations. West, Tex., National Bank of West Oct. 30,1933 Embezzlement by officers. Lima, Mont., First National Bank L.._ July 19,1934 Excessive investment in real estate. Herndon, Va., National Bank of Herndon * Jan. 10,1935 Embezzlement by cashier. Pender, Nebr., First National Bank 1 June 29,1935 Unethical banking practices on part of cashier. Sardinia, Ohio, Farmers National Bank 1 July 25,1935 Embezzlement on part of president Bradford, Pa., Commercial National Bank i Sept. 30,1935 Embezzlement by officers. Centerville, S. Dak., The First National Bank 1 Dec. 19,1936 Do. New York, N. Y., The Fort Greene National Bank Aug. 14,1937 Unwise and unethical banking practices. in New York.* Campbellsville, Ky., The Taylor National Bank i_. June 30,1937 Unethical banking practices. Nescopeck, Pa.f The Nescopeck National Bank *.-. Oct. 21,1937 Embezzlement by assistant cashier. Rushville, Ind., American National Bank * F. D. I. C. receivership banks. 11 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY NATIONAL BANK SUSPENSIONS NUMBER Of BANKS ACTUAL FAILURES, YEARS ENDED OCTOBER 51. 1912-1937, fOR WHICH RECEIVERS WERE APPOINTED NUMBER OP BANKS 4501 450 400 400 350 350 500 500 250 250 200 200 150 t50 100 100 50 I 6 50 32 51 127 9 5 91 III 52 71 6 4 3 5 7 322 3 Dates of receivers' appointments and dates of suspensions of banks are not necessarily the same. Banks are not considered as actual failures where the depositors were paid In full and the banks placed in voluntary liquidation and It later became necessary to appoint receivers to collect stock assessments or for other purposes. During 1933, 393 suspensions occurred before or during the banking holiday, while only three occurred during the remainder of the year. In addition receivers were appointed to complete the liquidation of 292 banks which suspended before or during the banking holiday and which later were reorganized with partial payments to depositors. In the 9 banks which were suspended during 1934, 1935 and 1936, all deposit accounts up to $5,000 were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. TES 12 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The following tables indicate the number of failures in all classes of banks from 1927 to 1937, inclusive. Suspensions of State and private banks for the calendar years 1927-37 Number of banks Calendar year 578 441 595 1,189 1,884 1,173 2,894 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. Total deposits $153,782,000 105,903,000 189,029,000 666, 650,000 1,251,061,000 488, 541,000 1,975, 536,000 Number of banks Calendar year l Total deposits 1934 1935 — 1936 1937 (10 months). $36,897,000 4,702,000 10,799,000 10,232,000 Total 8,929 4,893,132,000 i The abovefiguresrepresent suspensions as compiled by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Suspensions of national banks for the calendar years 1927-87 Calendar year 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 Number of banks Total deposits Calendar year 84 57 63 148 380 269 358 $37,637,000 31,555,000 34, 382, 000 132,016,000 365. 350,000 201,987,000 215, 708, 000 1934 1935 1936 . 1937 (10 months) __ Total Number Total deposits of banks _. 1 4 1 3 $42,000 5,399,000 524,000 3,771,000 1,368 1,028,371,000 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of which the Comptroller of the Currency is a director, was organized in the summer of 1933, and insurance up to $2,500 for each depositor became effective on January 1, 1934. This limit was increased to $5,000 on July 1, 1934. As of June 30, 1937, there were 13,941 banks, with deposits of $48,802,185,000 insured by the Corporation. It was estimated that $21,400,000,000, or 44 percent, of their deposits were insured. Of their more than 50 million depositors, over 98 percent were fully covered by insurance, security or preferment. During the year ended October 31, 1937, 55 bank failures occurred in the United States. Of these banks, 47, with deposits of $14,438,000, were insured. Four of these 47 insured banks, with deposits of $4,294,000, were national banks; 2, with deposits of $1,707,000, were State banks which were members of the Federal Keserve System; and 41, with deposits of $8,437,000, were State nonmember banks. In these 47 insured banks, 95.2 percent of the deposits were covered by insurance, offset, security or preferment, and 99.7 percent of the depositors were covered in full. The total assessments paid to the Corporation by all insured banks for the year 1937, amounted to $38,811,953, of which the national banks paid 54.83 percent. It will be interesting to note the deposits in the various classes of insured banks, as shown in the following table. 13 EEPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Statement showing the total number of active banks and Postal Savings depositories in the United States, by classes, as of June 80> 1987, and the percentage that the number of each class bears to the total; also like comparison with respect to the deposits on the same date ALL BANKS Banks Number National banks (including domestic branches). State member banks (including domestic branches) Nonmember insured banks (including domestic branches): State commercial' _ Mutual savings .... Nonmember uninsured banks (including domestic branches): State commercial and private * Mutual savings _ Postal savings depositories Total Deposits Percent Percent (000 to to grand Amount grand omitted) total total fi,293 1,064 22.38 4.50 $26,715,556 14,774,490 43.73 24.19 7,528 56 31.83 .24 1,002,293 10.33 1.64 1,131 508 8,068 4.78 2.15 34.12 1,809,076 9,211,109 1, 267,627 2.96 15.08 2.07 23,648 100.00 61,089,997 100.00 BANKS INSURED W I T H T H E F E D E R A L DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Banks Number National banks (including domestic branches)._ State member banks (including domestic branches) Nonmemberl State banks (including domestic branches) Mutual savings banks (including domestic branches) Total . Deposits Percent to Pertotal cent to inall sured banks banks Percent Perto total cent to all banks, total including inPostal sured Savings banks depositories Amount (000 omitted) 22.38 $26,715,556 54.74 43.73 4.50 14,774,490 30.28 24.19 54.00 31.83 6,309,846 12.93 10.33 56 .40 .24 1,002, 293 2.05 1.64 13,941 100. 00 58.95 48,802,185 100.00 79.89 5,293 37.97 1,064 7.63 7,528 BANKS N O T INSURED BY T H E F E D E R A L DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Banks Number State commercial and private (including domestic branches) a Mutual savings (including domestic branches) Postal savings depositories Total 1 8 Includes 3 nonmember insured national banks. Includes 3 nonmember uninsured national banks. Deposits Percent to Pertotal cent to uninall sured banks banks Amount (000 omitted) PerPercent to cent to total total uninall sured banks banks 1,131 608 8,068 11.65 5.23 83.12 4.78 2.15 34.12 $1,809,076 9,211,109 1,267,627 14.72 74.96 10.32 2.96 15.08 2.07 9,707 100.00 41.05 12,287,812 100.00 20.11 14 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The total resources of the Corporation each year since its establishment are as follows: December 31, 1934. December 31, 1935 December 31, 1936 June 30, 1937 $333, 283, 352 337, 209,795 353, 171, 605 368, 521, 360 NATIONAL CHARTERS ISSUED During the annual report year, only eight primary charters were issued for national banks, in keeping with the policy of avoiding the recurrence of the over-banked condition which has been regarded as a contributing factor to the banking collapse of March 1933. RETIREMENT SYSTEM The retirement system for national bank examiners, assistant examiners and clerks, authorized by Congress and placed into effect on June 1, 1936, covered 734 persons on October 31, 1937. Up to that time 6 death benefits, amounting to $4,278.87, had been paid, and one retirement had occurred. The present assets of the system are as follows: Treasurer's account U. S. Government bonds Unamortized premiums paid Accrued interest purchased Expenses paid $38, 371. 77 665, 000. 00 1, 946. 74 437. 50 300. 00 Total $706, 056. 01 While the system has hardly been in operation for sufficient time to furnish a basis for reliable conclusions as to its future operations, the evaluation indicates that it is operating on a conservative basis, with liabilities approximately as anticipated. LEGAL DIVISION The Legal Division of the office of the Comptroller of the Currency is called upon for a great variety of services to national banks in connection with both going and insolvent institutions. It is called upon to advise upon prospective banking legislation, and to interpret the provisions of the national banking laws. It also advises upon matters of capital changes of national banks and determines questions in connection with consolidations, conversions, voluntary liquidations, and reorganizations. A large portion of the work of the Legal Division still consists of services in connection with the liquidation of insolvent national banks in receivership. Although each receiver in the field has local counsel, the Legal Division of this office, by reason of its personnel being trained specialists in the legal problems arising incident to such liquidation, supervises all important litigation growing out of the receivership work. In addition, the Legal Division is constantly advising the receivers, and through the receivers, their attorneys, upon various legal problems and questions concerning the rights and liabilities of the receivers, even where litigation is not involved. All appellate cases are actively supervised by this division, the pleadings and record are examined, citations of authorities are given, EEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 15 and in many instances the briefs are entirely revised or rewritten in this office. Where necessary, attorneys from the office participate in the field in the argument of these cases. All cases reaching the Supreme Court of the United States incident to the receivership work, are (except in occasional instances), participated in or handled entirely by the attorneys of this division. As of October 31, 1937, there had been appointed 755 general attorneys and 836 special attorneys to represent receivers in the field. In the various receiverships throughout the country, approximately 10,000 cases are now pending. During the year ending October 31, 1937, the Legal Division prepared and argued six cases in the Supreme Court, winning four and losing two. Three additional cases in the Supreme Court were prepared and argued by local attorneys for the receivers, and of these two were lost and the decision in one was in favor of the receiver. Petitions to the Supreme Court for writs of certiorari to review decisions which had been rendered in favor of the receivers in the circuit courts of appeal were filed by the private litigants in 17 cases. The Supreme Court denied certiorari in 12 of the cases (thereby permitting the decisions to stand in favor of the receivers), and granted the writs for review in 5 of them. Petitions for writs of certiorari were filed by receivers in 16 cases to review decisions rendered adversely to the receivers by the circuit courts of appeal. Eight petitions were granted and eight denied. Sixty-four cases were decided by the United States circuit courts of appeal during the year. Forty-one of these cases were decided in favor of the receivers, and 23 were decided against the receivers. Two of the cases reaching the Supreme Court may be especially noted. Barbour v. Thomas^ 86 Fed. (2d) 510, certiorari denied, 57 Sup. Ct. 513, decided in favor of the receiver, sustained a stock assessment of a face value of approximately $25,000,000. The case established important principles of law relating to holding companies and the real as distinguished from the record ownership of stock. Me» chanics Universal Joint Company y. Culhane, 299 U. S. 51, decided in favor of the receiver, passed upon important questions of law concerning the rights and duties of officers and directors of national banks* SUGGESTIONS FOR LEGISLATION Since the national banks are functioning successfully under the existing laws governing them, the only recommendation made for additional banking legislation other than suggestions made in earlier reports which have not been acted upon, is with reference to loans to executive officers. Section 12 of the Banking Act of 1933, approved June 16, 1933, prohibited executive officers of banks which are members of the Federal Reserve System from becoming indebted to their banks. Officers who were indebted at the time were given 2 years in which to pay their obligations. This section was amended by House Joint Resolution 320, approved June 14, 1935, to extend the time in which executive officers could pay their indebtedness to June 16, 1938. The Banking Act of 1935 permitted an executive officer, with the prior approval of a majority of the entire board of directors of the bank, to become indebted to the bank in an amount not to exceed $2,500. On June 30, 1933, 4,404 national banks held direct loans of 16 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY their executive officers in the sum of $93,743,000, and indirect loans in the amount of $43,487,000. On June 30, 1937, these direct liabilities had been reduced 69.83 percent and amounted to $28,281,000, while the indirect obligations were reduced 62.11 percent and amounted to $16,477,000, and 1,283 of these banks showed no liabilities of their executive officers. It would seem that the officers had in good faith made an effort to pay their obligations and to comply with the express will of the Congress. In view of this fact, it is recommended that an additional year be given to the executive officers to pay the balance of their indebtedness. This will give a total of 6 years, and it would seem that further extension could not be justified. MAJOR PERSONNEL CHANGES On October 15, 1937, the office of the chief national bank examiner of the fifth Federal Reserve district, located in the city of Washington, was consolidated with the examination division of the office and the duties of the district chief examiner were assumed by the chief national bank examiner attached to this office. Mr. I. I. Chorpening, the chief examiner for the fifth district, was transferred to the examining force of the second Federal Reserve district. This change eliminated a duplication of offices in Washington and effected a material reduction in operating expenses. Owing to the substantial decrease in the number of active receivers requiring attention from the Legal Division, a considerable reduction will be made in its personnel, in the interest of economy of administration. A similar decrease in personnel will be effected in the Insolvent Bank Division in view of the rapid termination of receiverships and the small number of new receiverships which have been added. ASSAY COMMISSION The annual Assay Commission, appointed by the President to test the weight and fineness of certain coins reserved by the several mints during the year, met at the United States Mint at Philadelphia on February 10. The Comptroller of the Currency, as an ex officio member of the committee, was in attendance. The proceedings of the Commission may be obtained from the Director of the Mint. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES OF THE BUREAU 1933-37 During the 12-year period from 1921 through 1932, 10,664 banks of all classes^with deposits of $4,665,531,000, failed in the United States. The banking situation became increasingly alarming. Fear spread among depositors, heavy withdrawals occurred throughout the country, and the complete collapse of the banking structure appeared imminent. Prompt and courageous steps were necessary to avoid such a catastrophe, and on March 6, 1933, the President issued a proclamation temporarily closing all banks in the nation until a program could be developed for dealing with the situation. On March 9, Congress passed, without a dissenting vote, the Emergency Banking Act to provide relief in the national emergency in banking. The following summary indicates the steps which have been taken and the progress which has been made in restoring the national banking structure to its present sound status. The summary covers the period from March 16, 1933, the end of the banking holiday, to October 31, 1937. 1. The first problem confronting the office was the disposition of 1,417 national banks with unsecured liabilities of $1,922,698,738, which were denied licenses to open at the conclusion of the banking holiday. By February 6, 1935, all of these banks had been disposed of, 1,114 having been reorganized under various plans, 290 having been placed in receivership following disapproval of reorganization plans, and 13 having gone into voluntary liquidation. A total of $1,562,739,935, or 81.28 percent, has been made available to the depositors and creditors of these banks. ^ 2. To assist in strengthening the capital structure of going banks, the President appointed a committee on October 23, 1933, of which the Comptroller was a member, to pass upon the purchase by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, of preferred stock of State and national banks. Since this time, 2,263 national banks have issued preferred stock aggregating $564,245,550, of which $498,977,944 was purchased by the Keconstruction Finance Corporation, and $65,267,606 was purchased locally. By October 31, 1937, 408 banks had retired in full, preferred stock aggregating $182,685,400, and^ 1,267 banks had effected partial retirements and decreases amounting to $90,956,320, leaving a total of $290,603,830 outstanding. Coincident with these retirements of preferred stock, common capital of national banking associations, exclusive of newly organized banks, was increased by $80,422,435. 3. To expedite the liquidation of all receivership banks and the payment of dividends to depositors, a Deposit Liquidation Board, of which the Comptroller was a member, was appointed by the President on October 15, 1933. Under the supervision of this committee, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation made loans to receivers of na* tional banks in the total amount of $389,399,367, of which $380,498,632 had been repaid by October 31, 1937. Going banks took over some of these receivership loans from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and also made original loans to receivers, the total of 17 18 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY all such loans by going banks amounting to $59,403,686, of which $53,952,233 had been repaid by October 31, 1937. 4. To facilitate the work of liquidation, a reorganization of the work of the Insolvent Bank Division was made in January 1937, and several special units were established to handle various phases of liquidation. 5. More receiverships were terminated during the year ended October 31, 1937, than in any previous annual report year, the total number of terminations being 341. 6. During the period from March 16, 1933, to October 31, 1937, 815 receiverships were terminated. Total disbursements to their depositors and other creditors amounted to $315,943,544, or 79.35 INSOLVENT NATIONAL BANKS Disposition of Collection Dollar (Including Offsets Allowed) in Closed Receivership Banks the Liquidation of Which Has Been Completed 815 Receiverships Liquidated and Closed Period March 16.1953 to October 5!, I93r percent of total liabilities established. This may be compared with the termination of 729 receiverships during the 21-year period from 1912 through 1932, an average of 35 a year. 7. The total cost of liquidation in all receiverships terminated during the period covered in this summary was 7.13 percent. In other words, the depositors received over 92 % cents out of every dollar collected. ^ 8. Public auction sales for the disposition of real estate held by receivers were introduced, where practicable, in connection with the termination of some of the receiverships. In 132 receiverships, 5,571 property items with estimated liquidation value of $5,000,000 were disposed of in this manner. In addition, private sales of 2,329 receivership property items were made, resulting in total sales, private and auction, of approximately $31,000,000. 9. The policy has been adopted of consolidating several receiverships under one receiver when the assets have been reduced to the 19 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY point where a receiver's full time is not required. As of October 31, 1937, there were 367 receivers with an average of 2.4 receiverships per receiver, and with as many as 10 receiverships under 1 receiver. This has involved little or no increase in the average salaries of receivers and has made possible corresponding economical consolidations of receivers' staffs of clerks and assistants. 10. For a period of 22K months, from September 30, 1935, to August 14, 1937, only one national bank failure occurred, a record which had not been equalled for nearly 66 years. Only 12 national banks have failed since the conclusion of the banking holiday, and 9 of these were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Three banks failed prior to January 1, 1934, before insurance became effective. 11. A new high record for deposits of national banks was reached on December 31, 1935, when 5,392 banks reported deposits of $24,847,733,000. The deposits continued to show an increase on each successive call date until December 31, 1936, when total deposits of $27,608,397,000 were reported by 5,331 national banks. This is the highest figure ever reported in the history of the national banking system. At the date of the last call, on June 30, 1937, deposits of $26,765,913,000 were reported by 5,299 banks, exceeding by $9,991 r 798,000, or 59.57 percent, the deposits of $16,774,115,000 reported by 4,902 banks on June 30, 1933, the first call following the banking holiday. National banks, total deposits and number of national banks, 1912-87 Number of banks June30— 1912 1913 1914 1915-_ 1916 1917 1918. 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923. _ 1924 . ... 7,372 7,473 7,525 7,605 7,579 7,604 7,705 7,785 8,030 8,154 8,249 8,241 8,085 Deposits $8,064,193,000 8,143,929,000 8, 563,751,000 8,821, 241,000 10,963,030,000 12, 798,915,000 14,047,849,000 15,941,926,000 17,166,570,000 15,148, 519,000 16,328,820,000 16,906, 549,000 18,357,293,000 June 30— 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Number of banks 8,072 7,978 7,796 7,691 7,536 7,252 6,805 6,150 4,902 5,422 5,431 5,374 5,299 Deposits $19,921,796,000 20,655,044,000 21,790,572,000 22, 657, 271,000 21, 598, 088,000 23,268,884,000 22,198,240,000 17,460,913,000 16, 774,115,000 19,932,660,000 22, 518,246,000 26,200,453,000 26,765,913,000 12. Loans and discounts, including overdrafts, of national banks on June 30, 1937, were $8,812,895,000, exceeding by $693,123,000, or 8.54 percent, thefigurereported on June 30, 1933. 13. The highest figure ever reported for total assets of national banks was on December 31, 1936, when they amounted to $31,070,441,000, surpassing by 1.57 percent the previous high record of December 31, 1928, when there were 2,304 more banks in operation. The assets reported on June 30, 1937, were $30,337,071,000, or an increase of 45.43 percent since June 30, 1933. 14. In the 4-year period from June 30, 1933, to June 30,1937, loans and investments of national banks increased 35.14 percent; cash and exchange, including reserve with Federal Reserve banks, increased 103.40 percent; capital stock increased 4.39 percent; and surplus, profits and reserves increased 21.56 percent. 20 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 15. The highest figure ever shown for net profits before dividends was that of $313,826,000, taken from the consolidated returns of all national banks for the year ended December 31, 1936. The net profits of $286,561,000 for the year ended June 30, 1937, represented an increase of $504,945,000 over the year ended June 30, 1933, when the consolidated returns showed a deficit of $218,384,000. NATIONAL BANKS TOTAL DEPOSITS AND NUMBER OF NATIONAL BANKS 1912 — 1937 A* of June BILLIONS 3,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 J,000 16. It is believed that a new high record for deposits of all classes of banks in the country was reached on December 31, 1936, when the 15,704 active associations reported $61,155,014,000. This is the first date for which the Comptroller's Office received returns of all classes of banks at the end of the calendar year, so comparable figures for former calendar years are not available in this office. The highest figure recorded for a June call, however, was $59,847,195,000 reported by 24,079 banks in 1930. On June 30, 1937, the total deposits of the 15,580 active banks were $59,822,370,000. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 21 17. In the 4 years from June 30, 1933, to June 30, 1937, the ratios of increases in the principal items of assets and liabilities of all banks were as follows: Loans and investments, 23.94 percent; cash, balances with other banks and.reserve with reserve agents, 101.28 percent; total assets, 34.38 percent; total deposits, 44.03 percent; capital stock, including capital notes and debentures, 12.11 percent, and surplus, profits and reserves, 11.15 percent. 18. The development of trust activities in national banks is emphasized by comparing the figures for 1937 with those for 1933. This reflects an increase during the 4-year period of 40,615, or 36.54 percent, in the number of trusts being administered; an increase of $3,344,~ 739,387, or 52.99 percent, in the volume of individual trust assets under administration, and an increase of $151,605,728, or 1.46 percent, in the volume of note and bond issues outstanding for which national banks were acting as trustees. Growth in earnings from trust department operations has kept pace with the increased volume of trusts under administration as revealed by the fact that during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1937, gross earnings aggregating $33,779,000 were reported as against $21,461,000 in 1933, representing an increase of $12,318,000, or 57.40 percent 19. Primary charters were issued for only 73 national banks during the period from March 6, 1933, to October 31, 1937. This may be compared with the figure of 387 primary charters issued during the 5 years from November 1927 through October 31, 1932. 20. In August of 1937, the Comptroller requested a list of all assistant national bank examiners who had been in the service 10 years or more. There were 28 such assistant examiners located in 9 of the 12 Federal Eeserve districts. On September 1, the Comptroller wrote to each of the chief examiners in charge of these Federal Reserve districts, setting forth his previously expressed policy of filling vacancies on the examining staff by promotioD from the ranks of assistant examiners, calling their attention to the assistants who had been in the service 10 years or more, and requesting a statement of their views and recommendations regarding each of these assistants. As the result of this investigation some of the assistants were immediately given an examination and appointed examiners and a large percentage of the others will be promoted as vacancies occur. Since the present Comptroller took office in May 1933, 89 assistant examiners have been promoted to the position of national bank examiner. Of these men, 79 were assistant examiners at the time the Comptroller took office. 21. Since the banking holiday of 1933, the Legal Division of the office (in cooperation with its field attorneys) has handled approximately 50,000 cases in the various trial and appellate courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States. They involved practically every phase of national bank receivership operations and have clarified and settled and virtually restated the maze of legal principles governing the subject. These decisions constitute, in the aggregate, a distinct and important contribution to the great body of the law relating to bank liquidation. 22. OD February 15, 1936, regulations governing the purchase of investment securities and further defining the term "Investment securities" as used in section 5136 of the Revised Statutes, as amended by the Banking Act of 1935, were promulgated and sent to all member 22 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY banks. The principal difference between these regulations and those previously issued by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency was the raising of the standard of eligible investment securities and the prohibiting of investing in speculative issues. 23. In 1935 the Comptroller formulated a code of ethics for bankers designed to establish professional standards for those engaged in banking. The suggested code was enthusiastically received and a number of State bankers' associations published copies of it and distributed them to their members. 24. The retirement system for national bank examiners, assistant examiners, and clerks on the examining force, recommended by the Comptroller and authorized by the Seventy-fourth Congress, was placed in effect on June 1, 1936. On October 31, 1937, its benefits covered 734 employees. 25. Under the provisions of the Banking Act of 1933, the Comptroller of the Currency was named as a member of the Board of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. As there were over 8,000 State banks which had to be examined before the insurance became effective on January 1, 1934, and as the other two members of the Board did not take office until September 11, 1933, it was necessary for the Comptroller to lay the foundation for the organization of the Corporation. This preliminary work included building up a force of competent examiners; correspondence with the governors of the various States relative to possible legislative or constitutional changes or amendments necessary within the States to enable nonmember banks therein to take advantage of Federal Deposit Insurance, and relative to the banking situation in the several States; and the drawing up of a preliminary chart covering the activities of the Corporation, On January 1, 1934, 13,423 banks were insured. On June 30, 1937, 13,941 banks with deposits of $48,802,185,000 were insured, 44 percent of their deposits, and over 98 percent of their depositors, being covered in full. From January 1, 1934, to October 31,1937, 184 banks, with deposits of $72,366,000, failed in the United States, of which 117, with total deposits of $34,110,000, were insured. Nine of these 117 banks, with deposits of $9,736,000, were national banks; 2, with deposits of $1,707,000, were State banks which were members of the Federal Reserve System; and 106, with deposits of $22,667,000, were State nonmember banks. Approximately 89.6 percent of the deposits in these 117 insured banks were covered by insurance, offset, security or preferment, and over 99 percent of the depositors were covered in full. 26. In June 1936 the Examination Division inaugurated the publication of a periodical entitled "Bulletin of the Comptroller of the Currency," for distribution among all field examiners. This periodical contains excerpts from letters and other official data constituting the administrative "rulings" of the Office. It is published in such form as to provide convenient and ready reference by the examiner in the field, and has been valuable in maintaining throughout the country a uniform application of the laws and regulations relative to the operation of national banks. 27. During 1936 the Bureau issued a compilation of Federal Laws Affecting National Banks as of January 1, 1936, and also published Volume V of the Digest of Decisions Relating to National Banks. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 23 28. The Comptroller is required by law to include in his annual report to Congress recommendations for any amendment to the laws relative to banking by which the system may be improved. Following is a summary of all such recommendations made by the present Comptroller: A. In the reports for the years ended October 31, 1933 and 1934, recommendations were made for various corrective and clarifying legislation, with particular reference to the Banking Act of 1933. These recommendations were favorably acted upon by Congress and are now a part of the laws relating to national banks. The points covered were as follows: (1) The provisions of law requiring the publication of reports of affiliates were modified and the requirement that a holding company affiliate obtain a voting permit in order to vote its shares of stock in a bank in favor of the voluntary liquidation thereof was eliminated. (2) 'The conflict between the provisions of law requiring that Federal officials obtain interest on deposits of public funds and the provision prohibiting the payment of interest on demand deposits by banks to such Federal officials was eliminated. (3) Power was given to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to define the term "executive officer/' and the time limit within which loans by banks to their executive officers made prior to June 16,1933, may be renewed was extended to June 16, 1938. (4) National banks were authorized to deal in securities and stocks to the extent of purchasing and selling certain securities and stocks without recourse solely for the account of their customers. (5) The provisions of law dealing with consolidation were amended to provide for effective passage of fiduciary powers of the constituent banks to the consolidated bank, for accountability to dissenting stockholders for the proceeds of the sale of stock in excess of the appraised value thereof, and to meet the situation where one appraiser refuses to agree with the other two appraisers. (6) The denial of the right to vote shares of its own stock held by a national bank as sole trustee was modified so that now only the matter of the election of directors is so affected. (7) The right of the bank to deduct dividends on preferred stock owned by Reconstruction Finance Corporation from its gross income in computing its net income for tax purposes placed banks that had issued preferred stock to Reconstruction Finance Corporation on a parity with banks that had issued capital notes or debentures to Reconstruction Finance Corporation. (8) Provision was made whereby the so-called double liability attaching to the ownership of common stock of national banks could be terminated. (9) Provision was made that prior to the payment of cash dividends upon the shares of common stock of a national bank, a transfer of a percentage of the net earnings of the bank for the preceding 6-months period to its surplus account should be made until such time as its surplus account equaled the amount of its common capital. (10) The conflict between the provision of law permitting national banks to deal in, underwrite, and purchase for their own accounts obligations of the United States and certain other specified obligations, on the one hand, and prohibiting any corporation engaged in the business of issuing, underwriting, selling, or distributing stocks, 27021—38 3 24 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY bonds, debentures, notes, or other securities, from engaging at the same time to any extent whatever in the business of receiving deposits subject to check, on the other hand, was eliminated. (11) Provisions were made in the laws relating to insured banks (a) that authorized Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to make loans secured by, or to purchase, the assets of an open or closed insured bank in order to reduce a risk or avert a threatened loss to that Corporation; (b) that empowered the Board of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to pass upon the granting of insurance to State nonmember banks; and (c) that required insured State nonmember banks to make reports of condition to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and to publish such reports in the manner prescribed by that Corporation. B. The following recommendations contained in the annual report for the year ended October 31, 1935, were enacted into law: (1) Provision for extending the time limit within which the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation may make loans secured by, or may purchase, the assets of an open or closed insured bank in order to reduce a risk or avert a threatened loss to the Corporation. (2) Provision for extending the corporate existence of trust companies in the District of Columbia. C. Bills have been introduced and are now before the Congress for consideration in connection with the following recommendations made in the annual report for 1935: (1) Revision of the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia relating to building and loan associations. (2) Provision for the transfer of jurisdiction of the credit unions chartered under the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia from the Comptroller of the Currency to the Farm Credit Administration, which has jurisdiction over the Federally chartered credit unions. D. No action has been taken upon the following recommendations made in the 1935 annual report: (1) Amendment of the provision relating to the payment of cash dividends by national banks upon their shares of common stock. (2) Amendment of the provision relating to the capital requirements for the conversion of a State bank into the national banking system. E. No additional recommendations for legislation were made in the 1936 report. F. The Banking Act of 1933 prohibited member banks from making loans to their executive officers, and set a limit of time within which outstanding loans were to be repaid. In 1935, this time limit was extended to June 16, 1938. The only recommendation for legislation made in the present report is that the time be extended for another year, in view of the substantial reductions made in the amount of these outstanding obligations. 29. In accordance with the order issued by Hon. Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, on March 11, 1935, calling for redemption United States Panama Canal and Consolidated bonds which had the circulating privilege, and due to the expiration of the circulating privilege on certain other United States bonds, national bank notes amounting to $612,962,150 have been retired. There is at present outstanding $251,115,885 in such notes. 30. At the request of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, this Bureau issued $5,879,660,000 in Federal Reserve notes March 16, 1933, to October 31, 1937. Digitized forfrom FRASER NATIONAL BANKS IN THE TRUST FIELD The administration of trusts in the national banking system during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1937 reflected continued development of this important activit3r. The statistics reveal that 1,913 national banks had authority to exercise trust powers, with a combined capital of $1,301,368,385, and banking assets of $26,205,955,724, representing 36.10 percent of the number, 81.96 percent of the par value of capital, and 86.38 percent of the assets of all banks in the national banking system. Trust departments had been established by 1,551 of these banks and 135,772 individual trusts were being administered with assets aggregating $9,656,397,140. Seven hundred and seventy-two of these banks were also administering 15,983 corporate trusts and acting as trustees for note and bond issues amounting to $10,570,032,665. Compared with 1936 these figures represent an increase of 2,930 in the number of individual trusts being administered; an increase of $91,745,854 in the volume of individual trust assets under administration; a decrease of 1,014 in the number of corporate trusts, with a reduction of $597,536,477 in the volume of note and bond issues outstanding under which national banks had been named to act as trustees. Segregation of the number of fiduciary accounts in national banks revealed that 70,665 or 46.57 percent were those created under private or liviDg trust agreements; 65,107 or 42.90 percent were trusts being administered under the jurisdiction of the courts and the remaining 15,983 or 10.53 percent were trusteeships under corporate bond or note-issue indentures. Private trust assets comprised $7,788,959,078, or 80.66 percent, of the total assets under administration, while the remaining $1,867,438,062 or 19.34 percent belonged to court trusts. An analysis of the $8,135,313,923 of invested trust funds belonging to private and court trusts under administration revealed that 48.95 percent were in bonds; 31.41 percent in stocks; 7.14 percent in real estate mortgages; 7.32 percent in real estate; and 5.18 percent consisted of miscellaneous assets. The development of trust activities in national banks is emphasized by comparing the record in 1937 with that of 1933 which reflects an increase during the 4-year period of 40,615, or 36.54 percent in the number of trusts being administered; an increase of $3,344,739,387, or 52.99 percent in the volume of individual trust assets under administration and an increase of $151,605,728, or 1.46 percent in the volume of note and bond issues outstanding for which national banks were acting as trustees. * Growth in earnings from trust department operations has kept pace with the increased volume of trusts under administration, as revealed by the fact that during the fiscal year ended June 30,1937 gross earnings aggregating $33,779,000 were reported as against $30,259,000 in 1936 and $21,461,000 in 1933, representing a gain of $3,520,000 or 11.63 percent over 1936 and an increase of $12,318,000 or 57.40 percent over 1933. 25 26 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Two hundred and ninet3^-nine national banks were acting as trustees under 1,213 insurance trust agreements involving $55,705,783 in proceeds from insurance policies, while 702 national banks had been named to act as trustees under 16,259 insurance trust agreements not yet matured or operative supported by insurance policies with a face value aggregating $639,827,330. Four hundred and one of the banks spent $244,465 during the year for trust advertising; 37 banks employed full-time trust solicitors, and 71 banks utilized the services of part-time trust solicitors. The advertising value of including the words "Trust Company" in the title of a national bank having authority to exercise fiduciary powers is being recognized, as evidenced by the increasing number of such institutions availing themselves of this privilege, 279 banks having already obtained permission from this office to amend their titles in this respect. Two hundred and forty-three banks were acting as transfer agents for 2,458 accounts involving $2,185,212,186, and 369 banks were acting as registrars of stocks and bonds for 4,044 accounts involving $4,477,638,034. An analysis of the new trust accounts placed on the books of the national banks between June 30, 1936 and June 30, 1937, developed that 283 banks were named trustees for 1,089 bond and note issues aggregating $887,908,901; 873 banks were named to act as individual trustees under 6,250 agreements involving $345,634,961; 781 banks were named to act under 2,901 executorships involving $204,857,152; 572 banks were named as administrators under 1,677 appointments involving $24,092,583; 546 banks were named under 2,666 guardianships involving $12,528,417; 17 banks were named to act as assignees in 45 instances involving $2,268,823; 28 banks were named to act in 82 receiverships involving $1,377,635; 140 banks were named to act as committee of estates of lunatics in 400 cases involving $2,657,290, while 412 banks were named to act 6,546 times in miscellaneous fiduciary capacities other than those enumerated above, involving $658,717,018. One hundred and five banks were named to act as registrars of stocks and bonds in 348 cases involving $444,840,088, while 77 banks were named to act as transfer agents in 362 instances involving $100,221,679. National-bank branches numbering 345 on June 30, 1937, were actively engaged in administering 12,843 trusts, with individual trust assets aggregating $688,756,609, and were acting as trustees for outstanding note and bond issues amounting to $262,558,097. The following tables show in detail the activities of national banks in the trust field; segregated: First, according to capital of the banks; second, according to the population of places in which the banks were located; third, according to Federal Reserve districts and fourth, analysis of the type of investments held in trust, with a supplemental table showing the extent to which national-bank branches were furnishing trust service to the communities in which they were located. Fiduciary activities of national banks during year ended June 30, 1937, segregated according to capital Banks with capita] of $25,000 Banks with capital over $25,000 to $50,000 Number of national banks with trust powers but not administering t r u s t s . . . Number of national banks with trust powers administering trusts..Total number of rational banks authorized to exercise fiduciary powers 39 148 Total assets of banking departments of national banks authorized to exercise fiduciary powers _. $19,795,078 $122, 570,050 Investments Deposits in savings banksDeposits in own bank Deposits in other b a n k s . . _ Other assets TRUST ASSETS TotalPrivate trusts. Court trusts.. . LIABILITIES TotalTotal volume of bond issues outstanding for which banks are acting as trustee. Number of national banks administering private trusts— Number of national banks administering court trusts Number of national banks administering corporate trustsNumber of living trusts being administered Total number of individual trusts being administered. Number of court trusts being administered Number of corporate trusts being administered Total number of trusts being administered Average volume of individual trust assets in each bank__._ Average volume of trust assets in each individual trust Number of national banks administering insurance trustsNumber of insurance trusts being administered Average volume of insurance trust assets in each bank Average volume of insurance trust assets in each trust Banks with capital over $50,000 to $100,000 Banks with capital over $100,000 to $200,000 127 255 67 471 43 432 16 315 362 1,551 382 538 475 331 1,913 Banks with capital over $500,000 Total [, 695, 697 $1, 493, 651, 457 $2, 595,073, 456 $21, 340,169,986 $26,205, 955, 724 $233, 740 1,115 34, 432 591 6,801 $2, 916, 754 129, 682 367, 419 23, 220 28, 033 $33, 008, 045 838,560 3, 063, 763 96, 221 1,125, 284 $189, 258, 685 2. 201, 221 11, 707, 475 855, 220 6, 032, 802 276, 679 3, 465,108 38,131, 873 210, 055, 403 $75, 050 201, 629 $413, 832 3,051, 276 $14, 649, 409 23,482, 464 $112, 030, 461 98, 024, 942 276, 679 3, 465,108 38,131, 873 210,055, 403 $99, 700 7 9 1 $802, 600 33 54 $11, 717, 273 182 231 41 $21,283 $6,917 Banks with capital over $200,000 to $500,000 M 8, 811, 594, 340 9, 653, 397,140 $354, 719, 244 $7, 307,071, 082 $7, 788, 959. 078 238,154, 493 1, 504, 523, 258 1,867,438,062 592, 873, 737 8,811,594,340 9, 656, 397,140 , 187, 730 $177, 462,984 $10, 313, 702, 378$10, 570,032, 665 381 385 301 1,289 439 298 403 1,434 191 247 772 80 343 1,206 2,557 5,371 11,211 11,200 16, 447 52, 792 34, 525 70, 665 65,107 423 3,763 189 16, 582 27, 647 1, 373 87, 317 13, 718 135, 772 15, 983 432 $53, 309 $8,192 1 3 $15,106 $50, 353 3.952 $149,537 $10,133 17, 275 $445,978 $12,668 36 45 $35, 552 $28, 441 29, 020 $1,372,393 $21, 444 88 169 $91, 646 $47, 721 101,035 $27, 973.315 $100, 915 16,8 990 $274,850 $46, 641 151. 755 56, 225,917 $71.122 299 1,213 $186, 307 $45, 924 $5,877 $5,877 H o o $529, 936, 766 $7, 379, 959, 933 5,467,966 16, 713, 262 24,049,131 463,372,453 2, 531. 517 7, 895, 847 30, 888, 357 945, 652, 845 592, 873, 737 n d o fcO Fiduciary activities of national banks during year ended June SO, 1937, segregated according to capital—Continued to 00 Banks with capital of $25,000 Number of national banks holding insurance trust agreements not operative. Number of insurance trust agreements not operative Face value of policies held under above agreements Average number of insurance trust agreements not operative held by each bank Average volume of insurance policies held by each bank under trust agreements not operative ___ _ Average volume of insurance policies per trust held under agreements not operative Average gross earnings per trust for fiscal year ended June 30, 1937 Average gross earnings per trust department reporting trust earnings for fiscal year ended June 30, 1937 Number of banks reporting amounts spent annually for trust advertising- _: Average amount spent annually by each reporting bank for trust advertising. Number of banks employing full-time trust solicitors Number of banks employing part-time trust solicitors _ Banks with capital over $25,000 to $50,000 5 11 $280, 386 Banks with capital over $50,000 to $100,000 Banks with capital over $100,000 to $200,000 Banks with capital over $200,000 to $500,000 Total 3 35 307 $2,080,794 146 551 $15,358, 632 243 2,272 $75,357,499 273 13,118 $546, 750,019 2 $125 Banks with capital over $500,000 $56,077 $59,451 $105,196 $310,113 $25, 489 $52 $6,778 $66 $27,874 $95 $33,168 $445 4 $24 $1,136 36 $75 $3,870 98 $139 3 32 $6,004 118 $325 48 $2, 002, 747 $41,679 $295 $96, 652 145 $1, 308 34 21 702 16, 259 $639,827, 330 23 $911, 435 $39,352 $225 $23,952 401 $610 37 71 Fiduciary activities of national banks during year ended June 30, 1937, segregated according to population of places in which banks were located Places with population less than 1,000 Number of national banks with trust powers but not administering trusts Number of national banks with trust powers administering trusts Total number of national banks authorized to exercisefiduciarypowers.. Total assets of banking departments of national banks authorized to exercise fiduciary powers _ ._. TRUST ASSETS Investments Deposits in savings banks Deposits in own bank >- -- _. -_ .. 24 34 1,000 to 2,499 67 121 2,500C o 4,999 67 207 5,000 to 9,999 83 259 10,000 to 24,999 68 338 25,000 to 49,999 22 198 58 188 274 342 406 220 $75,545,507 $226,136,767 $457, 677, 261 $800,085, 482 $1, 554,032, 250 $1, 276,190,112 $2, 609,378 $33,243 327,096 $15, 201, 509 177,844 1,823,366 $38, 539,840 463,422 2,808,031 $68,879,810 809,509 5,488,962 $233,811. 274 3,959,856 12, 025,035 $241,148,187 1,843,512 14,328,432 w Q O O H W Deposits in other banks. Other assets Total. Private trusts.. Court-trusts— TotalTotal volume of bond issues outstanding for which banks are acting as trustee. _ Number of national banks administering private trusts _ __ Number of national banks administering court trusts.. Number of national banks administering corporate trusts. Number of living trusts being administered _ __ Number of court trusts being administered _ Total number of individual trusts being administered. Number of corporate trusts being administered Total numbers of trusts being administered Average volume of individual trust assets in each bank... _ Average volume of trust assets in each individual trust Number of national banks administering insurance trusts. Number of insurance trusts being administered Average volume of insurance trust assets in each bank __ Average volume of insurance trust assets in each trust Number of national banks holding insurance trust agreements not operative. _ Number of insurance trust agreements not operative ... _. Face value of policies held under above agreements Average number of insurance trust agreements not operative held by each bank. Average volume of insurance policies held by each bank under trust agreement not operative Average volume of insurance policies per trust held under agreements not operative Average gross earnings per trust for fiscal year ended June 30,1937 Average gross earnings per trust department reporting trust earnings for fiscal year ended June 30, 1937 Number of banks reporting amounts spent annually for trust advertising Average amount spent annually by each reporting bank for trust advertisingNumber of banks employing full-time trust solicitors _. Number of banks employing part-time trust solicitors _ 10,056 13,772 63,665 166,540 314,980 854,167 246,798 3,389, 789 1,062, 434 5, 200, 524 90,163 17,379,951 2,993, 545 17, 432,924 42,980, 440 78,814,868 256,059,123 274,790,245 $1,359,776 1,633, 769 $7, 806,651 9,626, 273 $14,126, 022 28,854,418 $31,709, 543 47,105, 325 $124,213, 745 131, 845,378 $165, 637, 765 109,152,480 s 2,993, 545 17, 432,924 42,980,440 78,814,868 256,059,123 274, 790, 245 1, 287,450 25 30 $3, 221,355 80 107 24 $17,444, 324 155 192 60 $20,448, 506 195 240 103 $50,291,117 287 317 161 $71, 798,883 179 185 119 276 272 575 1,647 1,742 4,283 2,968 6,640 4,944 9,872 4,288 6,350 M 548 15 2, 222 6,025 253 9,608 274 14,816 728 10, 638 H 563 $88, 045 $5,463 6,278 $207, 635 $7,134 12 14 $36,164 $30,998 38 103 $2, 528, 245 9,882 $304, 305 3 15 $220, 285 5 2,285 $144, 074 $7,846 3 4 $18, 562 $13,922 18 46 $834,937 2 $9,381, 206 5 15, 544 $757, 571 $17, 283 33 58 $40,970 $23,310 138 947 $21, 027, 248 7 11, 328 $1, 387, 830 $25,831 39 82 $36,827 $17, 515 118 961 $30,122, 372 8 $73,428 $46,385 $66, 533 $137,959 $152,371 $255, 274 $14,686 $67 $18,151 $45 $24, 546 $23,871 $47 $22, 204 $107 $31,345 $110 $1,221 5 $54 $1,007 18 $78 $1,427 35 $1,996 42 $122 1 16 5,299 83 $202 1 12 $6,614 56 $282 1 5 19 21 $26, 742 $24,196 a o 3g I 3 1-3 w Q d j O l to CO Fiduciary activities of national banks during year ended June SO, 1937, segregated according to population of places in which banks were locatedPlaces with population 50,000 to 10 Number of national banks with trust powers but not administering trusts 139 Number of national banks with trust powers administering trusts Total number of national banks authorized to exercisefiduciarypowers.. 149 Total assets of banking departments of national banks authorized to exercise $1, 483,251,143 fiduciary powers _ . 100,000 to 249,999 - _ i Total - .. _ - 517,748,027 LIABILITIES Private trusts Court trusts ... Total Total volume of bond issues outstanding for which banks are acting as trustee.. Number of national banks administering private trusts Number of national banks administering court trusts. Number of national banks administering corporate trusts Number of living trusts being administered. Number of court trusts being administered Total number of individual trusts being administered Number of corporate trusts being administered Total numbers of trusts being administered. _ Average volume of individual trust assets in each bank. Average volume of trust assets in each individual trust. Number of national banks administering insurance trusts Number of insurance trusts being administered Average volume of insurance trust assets in each bank _. Average volume of insurance trust assets in each trust Number of national banks holding insurance trust agreements not operative.. $456,107,097 2,159, 345 19,141, 735 1,712,313 38, 627, 537 $298,891,456 218,856,571 517,748,027 $195,653, 924 127 130 1,000,000 or over 500,000 to 250,000 to 7 112 41 119 83 27 $2,460,276, 329 !, 464,172, 640 $4,478,000, 798 47 Total 362 1,551 $26, 205,955, 724 $980,924, 682 $4,116,323,114 1, 632, 484 4, 228, 648 325,843, 639 45, 669,131 3,155,816 2, 249, 536 370, 251,835 218, 642, 397 $8,135, 313,923 25, 351,806 500, 594, 673 11, 402, 616 983, 734,122 1, 251, 714, 394 4, 817, 206,888 9, 656, 397,140 $657,929,071 $1,142, 286, 773 $1,037, 020, 325 $4,307,977,951 214, 694,069 509, 228,937 341,878,201 254, 562, 641 $7, 788, 959, 078 1,867,438,062 $805,816, 269 $1,175, 952, 763 1,136, 260 8,907, 683 41, 393,836 31, 745, 410 2, 206,662 290,193 65, 732,157 263, 475, 453 912,491, 712 912, 491, 712 1,484,164,974 1,484,164, 974 $252,044,196 108 104 84 4,817, 206,888 9, 656,397,140 $967, 980,623 $8, 511, 623,802 37 23 37 20 21 27 $10, 570,032, 665 1,289 1,434 772 1, 251, 714,3 1 1,913 $9, 930, 587,435 TRUST ASSETS Investments Deposits in savings banks Deposits in own bank Deposits in other banks Other assets 00 o Continued 8,700 7,355 9,308 6,113 7,095 4,596 23, 806 8,312 707665 65,107 16, 630 913 16,055 1,215 15, 421 2,091 11, 691 2,555 135, 772 15,983 17,543 $3, 724,806 $31,133 59 156 $134,973 $51,048 107 17,270 $8,147, 247 $56,835 58 218 $114,013 $30, 334 • 94 17, 512 $18, 786,898 $96,243 46 220 $168, 766 $35,287 63 14,246 $54,422, 365 $107,066 14 173 $667, 293 $54,001 22 32,118 7,186 39,304 $117,492,851 $149,985 16 267 $1, 264, 890 $75, 799 33 151, 755 $6, 225,917 $71,122 299 1,213 $186, 307 $45,924 702 B w o d Number of insurance trust agreements not operative Face value of policies held under above agreements Average number of insurance trust agreements not operative held by each bank. Average volume of insurance policies held by each bank under trust agreement not operative _ _. Average volume of insurance policies per trust held under agreements not operative Average gross earnings per trust for fiscal year ended June 30, 1937 . Average gross earnings per trust department reporting trust earnings for fiscal year ended June 30,1937 Number of banks reporting amounts spent annually for trust advertising Average amount spent annually by each reporting bank for trust advertising.. Number of banks employing full-time trust solicitors .. Number of banks employing part-time trust solicitors 1,952 >6,789,310 18 2,875 $106,026,149 31 3,924 $150,034,142 62 2,426 $93,207,926 110 2,617 $159, 655, 510 79 16,259 .9, 827, 330 702 $624,199 $1,127,938 $2, 381, 494 $4, 236, 724 $4,838,046 $911,435 $34, 216 $109 $36, 879 $176 $38, 235 $234 $38, 420 $310 $61,007 $430 $39,352 $14,872 47 $413 $28,375 46 $715 4 9 $53, 828 39 $1,393 13 2 $200, 563 11 $4, 259 $433,020 19 $2, 615 10 1 $23,952 401 $610 37 71 $225 g n O W o o I o Q CO 00 Fiduciary activities of national banks by Federal Reserve districts as of June 80, 1937 Number banks exercising fiduciary powers Federal Reserve districts Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta .„ Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco. _ Total.— , _ _ ._ _._ -_. - _ J_ -. . . _ — Total Total banking Capital of number author- banks author- assets of banks ized to ized to exercise authorized to exercise fidufiduciary exercise ciary powers fiduciary powers powers to Individual trusts Living trusts Court trusts Total Number of corAssets of indi- porate trusts vidual trusts being administered 183 274 241 111 122 87 167 84 48 110 60 64 29 30 14 21 25 24 51 33 42 52 30 11 212 304 255 132 147 111 218 117 90 162 90 75 $109 907,415 312, 726,883 105,818,877 100, 740,800 55,147,040 74,123,050 187, 951,195 40, 705,175 40, 675,000 48, 774,800 56, 781, 250 168,016,900 $2,031,921,753 6, 584,187, 653 1,985,428,110 1,811,904, 755 1, 045, 650,899 1,193,041, 559 4,008,633,600 872,861,171 767,360, 504 1,113,726,455 1, 033, 964, 509 3, 757,274, 756 4,001 6,618 8,782 4,787 3,084 3,650 21, 209 1,350 2,206 3,111 1,412 10,455 4,365 7,947 17, 576 6,868 4,287 2,501 7,137 2,098 3,610 1,833 587 6,298 8,366 14, 565 26, 358 11, 655 7,371 6,151 28,346 3,448 5,816 4,944 1,999 16, 753 $608,685, S82 1,100, 892, 762 378,452,074 726, 746,148 280, 790,180 464,050, 400 3, 859, 532,495 97,817, {)68 466, 076, 01 389, 769,905 139,181, ]L18 1,144, 402,007 472 1,281 565 1,516 521 772 6, 340 725 483 767 351 2,190 1,551 362 1,913 1, 301, 368, 385 26,205,955, 724 70,665 65,107 135, 772 9,656,397,140 15,983 Bond issues outstanding where banks act as trustee Federal Reserve districts Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta -Chicago St. Louis _ Minneapolis -Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total Number with authority but not exercising powers Number of banks administering insurance trusts Number of Volume of asinsurance sets of insurtrusts being ance trusts adminis- under administration tered Number of banks holding insurance trust agreements not operative Trust deFace value of partment Number of insurance poli- gross earninsurance cies held under trust agree- trust agree- ings for fiscal year ended ments not ments not operative June 30, operative 1937 $355,022, 281 5, 389, 383,009 111 877,845 287,086; 058 197,057,071 229,477, 257 3 094 240 574 85,468,102 100,383,130 93,444,779 85 308 475 541,284,084 33 31 43 29 28 20 34 11 11 21 19 19 87 144 137 125 71 99 191 27 26 97 44 165 $3,458,135 8, 837,463 9,194,736 6,470, 552 2,250,359 3,197,302 11,326,266 1,043,695 1,332,137 3,640,861 1,102,242 3,852,035 80 117 117 61 53 35 66 23 19 46 40 45 1,363 1,659 1,426 1,461 980 936 1,902 255 982 1,618 600 3,077 $53, 801, 247 94,485, 057 56,008,049 64,075,122 33,499,383 34,366, 751 90,194,131 11, 535,957 42,053,227 51,008, 277 19,942,705 88,857,424 $2,452,000 8,322,000 1,456,000 2,070,000 1,114,000 1, 218,000 8,869,000 463,000 1,090,000 1,280,000 531,000 4,914,000 10,570,032,665 299 1,213 55,705,783 702 16,259 639,827,330 33,779,000 H Q O O E O d § a Classification of investments in living and court trust accounts under administration by the active national-bank trust departments, segregated according to capital of banks and 'population of places in which national banks were located on June SO', 1937 Trust investments classified according to capital of banks administering trusts Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks Banks with with with with with with capital capital capital capital capital capital of $25,000.. over $25,000 to $50,000. _. over $50,000 to $100,000.. over $100,000 to $200,000. over $200,000 to $500,000. over $500,000__ Total Trust investments classified according to population of places in which banks administering trusts were located Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places with with with with with with with with with with with population population population population population population population population population population population loss than 1,000 of 1,000 to 2,499 of 2,500 to 4,999 cf 5,000 to 9,999 of 10,000 to 24.999... of 25,000 to 49,999... of 50,000 to 99,999— of 100,000 to 249,999. of 250,000 to 499,999. of 500,000 to 999,999. of 1,000,000 or over. Total Bonds Percent Stocks Percent Real-estate mortgages Percent Real estate Percent Miscellaneous Percent Total investments $117,195 1,172,431 12,466,849 63, 269, 273 197,154,082 3,708,102, 778 50.14 40.20 37.77 33.43 37.20 50.25 $18,839 966,915 8,623,556 51, 724,186 161,183,402 2,332,678,067 8.06 33.15 26.13 27.33 30.42 31.61 $10, 305 431,385 4, 654, 314 36, 289, 066 76,830, 522 462, 255, 631 4.41 14.79 14.10 19.17 14.50 6.26 $76,419 265, 667 5,353,904 31,010,696 54,165, 003 504, 872,963 32.69 9.11 16.22 16.39 10.22 6.84 $10,982 80, 356 1,909,422 6, 965, 464 40, 603, 757 372, 050,494 4.70 2.75 5.78 3.68 7.66 5.04 $233, 740 2,916, 754 33,008,045 189, 258,685 529,936, 766 7,379,959,933 3,982, 282, 608 48.95 2,555,194,965 31.41 580,471, 223 7.14 595, 744,652 7.32 421,620,475 5.18 8,135,313,923 Bonds Percent Stocks Percent Real-estate mortgages Percent Real estate Percent Miscellaneous Percent Total investments $725, 761 5,452, 369 13,953, 024 24, 022, 226 .75,818,128 88, 926, 897 168, 544,048 288,138,878 648, 379, 660 381,026,435 2, 287, 295,182 27.81 35.87 36.20 34.88 32.43 36.88 36.95 35.76 55.14 38.85 55.57 $645,814 5,011, 363 9, 772, 776 15, 494,482 76,819, 657 74, 332,695 139,745,323 313, 536, 659 296, 986, 802 394, 648,952 1, 228, 200, 442 24.75 32.97 25.36 22.49 32.86 30.82 30.64 38.91 25.25 40.23 29.84 $796,851 3, 326, 781 9, 659,975 18,808, 339 40, 439, 680 29,024, 530 61, 798,818 64,094, 890 88,900, 242 63,991,059 199, 630,058 30.54 21.88 25.06 27.31 17.30 12.04 13.55 7.95 7.56 6.52 4.85 $301,004 1,034.625 3, 752, 401 7,990, 230 26,834, 746 34, 214, 412 55,065, 510 88,963, 320 98, 601, 821 77, 301,092 201, 685, 491 11.54 6.81 9.74 11.60 11.47 14.19 12.07 11.04 8.39 7.88 4.90 $139,948 5.36 376, 371 2.47 1, 401, 664 3.64 2, 564. 533 3.72 13,899, 063 5.94 14, 649. 653 6.07 30,953, 398 6.79 51, 082, 522 6.34 43,084, 238 3.66 63,957,144 6.52 199,511,941 4.84 $2,609, 378 15, 201, 509 38. 539, 840 68,879,810 233,811,274 241,148,187 456,107,097 805,816, 269 1,175,952,763 980, 924, 682 4,116,323,114 3,982,282, 608 48.95 2, 555,194, 965 31.41 580,471, 223 7.14 595, 744, 652 7.32 421, 620,475 5.18 8,135, 313, 923 — 3 8 I W O Q l CO 00 Classification of investments in living and court trust accounts under administration oy the active national-bank branches with trust departments, segregated according to population of places in which branches were located on June 30, 1937 Trust investments classified according to population of places in which branches were located Bonds Percent Stocks Percent $100 178,050 413, 537 960, 514 2,868, 561 8,961,439 28,162, 233 18, 234,425 13, 685, 580 19, 609,120 135, 203,049 0.56 22.71 21.11 26.17 31.66 22.24 41.70 37.51 29.99 49.00 35.59 211,153 735, 555 457,550 2, 291, 658 22, 273, 277 21, 370, 507 15, 391, 696 19, 855,801 11, 404, 640 106, 477, 537 0.55 26.93 37.56 12.47 25.30 55.28 31.65 31.67 43. 52 28.50 28.02 $42,427 5.41 5.77 112,985 189,852 5.17 542,910 5.99 1, 779, 217 4.42 4,188,478 6.20 2,424,875 4.99 1,105,815 2.42 2, 043,135 5.10 41,096, 406 10.81 228, 276, 608 35.81 200, 469,473 31.44 53, 526,100 Real-estate mortgages Percent Real estate Percent Miscellaneous Percent Total investments 95.44 37.79 23.99 46.11 30.26 15.00 13.98 18.47 13.94 11.30 22.16 $616 56,033 226, 699 370, 040 615,155 1, 231, 547 4, 367,094 3, 578,843 4, 624, 385 2, 441, 470 12, 976,887 3.45 7.16 11.57 10.08 6.79 3.06 6.47 7.36 10.13 6. 10 3.42 $17,866 783,954 1,958, 599 3,670,704 9, 059,605 40, 287, 757 67,529,981 48, 607,067 45, 634,818 40, 020, 784 379, 938, 55S 19.57 30, 488, 769 CO fed Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places Places with with with with with with with with with with with population population population population population population population population population population population of less tnan 1,000 of 1,OUO to 2,499 of 2,500 to 4,999 of 5,000 to 9t999 of 10,000 to 24,999.._. of 25,000 to 49,999 of 50,000 to 99,999.— of 100,000 to 249,999.. of 250,000 to 499>999_. of 500,000 to 999,999.. of 1,000,000 or o v e r . . Total. 8.40 $17,051 296,291 469,823 1, 692, 748 2, 741, 321 6,042, 277 9, 441, 669 8,977, 228 6, 363, 237 4, 522, 419 84,184, 679 124, 748, 743 4.78 637, 509, 6 Fiduciary activities of national-bank branches with trust departments during year ended June 30, 1937, segregated according to population of places in which branches were located Places with population of less than 1,000 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 4,999 5,000 to 9,999 10,000 to 24,999 25,000 to 49,999 50,000 to 100,000 to 249,999 250,000 to 499,999 500,000 to 999,999 1,000,000 or over Total IS H p H O 2 Number of national-bank branches with active trust 22 51 45 40 24 16 17 18 46 345 departments _ Total assets of banking departments of branches ad$12, 944, 634 $41, 599,886 $63, 734, 590 $97,832,414 $134,420,305 $105, 535,464 $220, 526, 369 $177,658,064 $174,015,908 $1,029,143, 319 $806,949,076 $2,864, 360,029 ministering trusts TRUST ASSETS Investments Deposits in savings banks.. Deposits in own bank Deposits in other banks Other assets TotaL 3 9,328 $783,954 32, 282 304,742 28,056 1,125,903 $17,866 4,925 ., 958, 599$3,670, 704 $9,059,605 $40, 287, 757 $76, 529,981 $48,607,067 $45,634,818 78, 662 3,504 86,432 110, 214 1,215 29,982 19,281 2,490,464 475,020 852,128 1, 311, 553 3, 376, 549 2, 525, 557 3,160,849 3,724 20,169 303, 394 727,993 1,034, 392 3,610 344, 587 55,148 263,434 2,438,444 4,897,401 10, 445, 587 43,974,928 70,893, 745 52,117, 782 49, 258, 505 $40,020, 784 $379, i, 938. 558 $637, 509,693 32, 562 1,115, 515 1,509, 649 2, 360,962 24, 527, 247 41, 394,399 1,004, 786 1,028, 679 7, 314,189 1,939,815 2, 636,029 44, 354,123 409, 222,135 688, 756, 609 LIABILITIES Private trusts Court trusts _ Total... Total volume of bond issues outstanding for which branch banks are acting as trustee Number of branches administering private trusts Number of branches administering court trusts Number of branches administering corporate trusts _ Total number of individual trusts being administered. Number of corporate trusts being administered Total number of trust being administered Average volume of individual trust assets in each branch Average volume of trust assets in each individual trust _ Number of branches administering insurance trusts.. Number of insurance trusts being administered Average volume of insurance trust assets in each branch Average volume of insurance trust assets in each trust Number of branches holding insurance trust agreements not operative Number of insurance trust agreements not operative Face value of insurance policies held under above agreements Average n u m b e r of insurance trust agreements not operative held by each branch . $9, 222 18,834 $469, 781 $1,097,416 $2, 559,089 656,122 1, 341,028 2, 338,312 2,438,444 28,056 1,125,903 4,897,401 $32,400 $39,027, 694 $260, 544, 672 5,326,429 148, 677, 463 $433, 960,187 254, 796,422 43,974,928 70, 893, 745 52,117, 782 49,258, 505 44,354,123 409, 222,135 688,756, 609 $509,100 $13, 724, 990 $9, 249,939 $7,128,815 $19, 242,139 $28,169,175 $184, 501, 539 $262, 558,097 10,445, 587 7 6 1 9 135 6 6 1 6 41 1,244 750 1,068 4,872 11, 538 14 5 9 467 809 1,815 2 8 21 55 89 94 174 860 1,305 830 1,870 1,333 844 1,242 5,732 12,843 1 2 4 54 137 317 1 1 1 115 13 24 20 9 14 24 13 14 2 7 20 7 3 6 14 22 1 5 $4, 231,301 $17, 775,881- $34, 508, 208 $40,069, 564 $33, 667, 359 6, 214, 286 26,199,047 36, 385, 537 12,048, 218 15, 591,146 o a o 3 g 5 55 138 319 475 $1, 275 $25,020 $47,813 $108,831 $261,140 $1,832,289 $3, 375,893 $3,257,361 $2,897, 559 $2, 464,118 $8,896,133 $1,996, 396 $5, 611 $20,850 $17, 799 $15,449 $22, 367 $54, 357 $39,060 $41,895 $65, 678 $41, 530 $83,995 $59, 695 1 2 2 4 3 11 5 39 Pi 1 2 2 10 12 27 9 18 9 57 147 o $1, 327 $12, 504 $11,568 $31,085 $26, 813 $68, 346 $50,850 $167,814 $561, 311 $832, 715 $174, 981 $1, 327 $12, 504 $11,568 $12, 434 $0, 703 $27, 845 $28, 250 $46, 615 $62, 368 $73,045 $46, 424 1 10 13 17 22 9 13 7 6 1 8 106 21 38 53 133 49 204 190 276 99 447 1,510 $855, 539 $1,158, 436 $2,943, 302 $1,712,310 $5,083, 935 $5,440. 210 $8, 786,048 $2, 766, 431 $22, 769S 082 $51, 779, 974 6 5 16 27 46 56 14 $264, 681 2 3 3 99 3 g O 00 Fiduciary activities of national-bank branches with trust departments during year ended June SO, 1937, segregated according to population of places in which branches were located—Continued Places with population of less than 1,000 Average volume of insurance policies held by each branch under trust agreements not operative. . Average volume of insurance polk ies per trust held under trust agreements not operative Average gross earnings per trust for fiscal year ended June 30, 1937 Average gross trust earnings per branch reporting trust earnings for fiscal year ended June 30, 1937 Number of branches reporting amounts spent annually for trust advertising Average amount spent annually by each reporting branch for trust advertising Number of branches employing full-time trust solicitors -- - . Number of branches employing part-time trust solicitors _ 1,000 to 2,499 2,500 to 4,999 5,000 to 9,999 10,000 to 24,999 25,000 to 49,999 100,000 to 249,999 50,000 to 99,999 250,000 to 499,999 500,000 to 999,999 1,000,000 or over Total $26,468 $65,811 $68,143 $133, 786 $190,257 $391,072 $777,173 $1,464,341 $2,766,431 $2,846,135 $488,490 $12,604 $22, 514 $21,857 $22,130 $34,945 $24,921 $28,633 $31,834 $27,944 $50,938 $34,291 $587 $363 $264 $204 $227 $246 $177 $236 $249 $146 $325 $260 $140 $476 $729 $1,443 $2,695 $8,493 $17,432 $19, 625 $15,011 $12,129 $42, 285 $10,102 1 3 1 2 7 $200 $270 $325 $314 $280 1 1 2 1 CO 1 2 1 6 w o F 3 a3 NATIONAL BANK FAILURES1 During the year ended October 31, 1937, there were but 4 actual failures of national banks. In addition to such 4 failures, receivers were, however, appointed for 7 other banks, making a total of 11 appointments of receivers for insolvent national banks during the year ended October 31, 1937. Of these total appointments, 7 were for the purpose only of completing unfinished business or enforcing stock assessments against shareholders of banks, the collection of which was necessary because of unsatisfied indebtedness of such institutions. The liquidation of 341 receiverships was completed and the affairs of such receiverships finally closed during the year ended October 31, 1937. These 341 receiverships disposed of during the current year represent the largest number of terminations of receiverships in a like period during the history of the office of the Comptroller of the Currency. It is also found as a result of these receivership terminations in 1937, together with other final closings and additional banks placed in receivership period 1934fo>1936, that the largest number of active national bank receiverships in the history of the Comptroller's Office, of 1,568 as of July 19, 1934, had been reduced as of October 31, 1937, to 882. In reporting upon the progress and results of liquidation of iDsolvent national banks for the year ended October 31, 1937, it has been possible to furnish data with respect to earnings of receivership banks during such period of liquidation, as derived from the accruals and collections of interest, premiums, rents, etc. As will be noted from these figures of earnings contrasted with expense of liquidation reported upon in detail in following paragraphs for various groups of banks in liquidation, the earnings of national bank receiverships approximate or exceed the amount of expenses incurred, contrary to the view often held that expenses of liquidation result in additional losses to depositors and creditors. In view of the approximately equal proportion of earnings to expenses resulting from the liquidation of insolvent national banks, it should be noted that depositors' equities in the assets of failed national banks are not materially reduced because of receivership operations. Total costs incurred during the year ended October 31, 1937, in the liquidation of insolvent national banks, as reported by receivers are found to have been equivalent to 8.81 percent of total collections from all sources including offsets allowed. Such percentage of cost for the current year will be noted to represent a material decrease from the comparable percentage cost for the previous year of 10.27 percent. This decrease in percentage of annual liquidation cost is particularly gratifying in view of the increased average liquidation age of receiverships in process of liquidation during the period, combined with the well understood fact that the percentage of costs to collections is comparatively low during the early years of liquidation, but progresi Including District of Columbia State banks and building and loan associations. 37 38 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY sively increases from date of failure to date of final closing. Also a considerable proportion of liquidation expense for the current year consisted of interest payments to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and lending banks upon loans to receivers for dividend payment purposes. Such total interest payments by receivers to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and lending banks, from the inception of such loans to October 31, 1937, as indicated by the records of this office, aggregated $11,436,363, of which approximately $1,031,254 was paid during the current year. Comparable data by years from 1933 to date as to total collections, total liquidation expense, interest payments, etc., are as follows: Annual liquidation costs—national bank receiverships Total collecNumber of tions from all sources, inYear ended October 31 . receiverships ad- cluding offministered sets allowed 1,325 1,649 1,582 1,427 1,223 L933 1934 1935 L936 1937 Total 1,771 Interest pay- Total expense of liquidation ceivers $357,910,227 $11, 507,389 509, 709,399 23, 744, 028 361, 513, 764 27,872,955 185,513, 628 19, 052, 765 156, 829. 985 13, 823,379 1, 571,477, 003 to Receivership Percentage R.ments F. C. and earnings, cost of lending interest, banks liquidaon dividend premiums tion rent, etc. loans to re- 96, 000, 516 (22) () 3.22 4.66 7.71 10.27 8.81 i $470,107 334,766 5, 608,104 3,992,132 1, 031, 254 $24, 370,858 17,149, 515 12,109,220 6.11 11,436,363 53,629,593 * Including $19,374 of interest paid in 1932, from date of inception of Reconstruction Finance Corporation dividend loan activity. ' Data unavailable as separate figure. The decrease in percentage cost of liquidation expense during the current year is principally the result of the existing policy of this office in consolidating groups of receiverships under individual receivers, where the remaining asset values in such receiverships plus the additional efficiency and economies to be obtained thereby are found to warrant such consolidations. The effect of these consolidations of receiverships is well evidenced by the fact that a total of 833 receivers in charge of active national bank receiverships as of June 30, 1934, had been reduced to a total of but 367 as of October 31, 1937, with little or no increase in the average salary of individual receivers. This reduction in number of receivers in charge of active receiverships, together with corresponding economical consolidations in the field staff of receivers' clerks and assistants, resulted in the administration of an average of 2.4 receiverships per individual receiver as of October 31, 1937. Every effort has been made by this office during the year ended October 31, 1937, to expedite the distribution of dividends to depositors and creditors of insolvent national banks and to complete the liquidation of insolvent national banks where remaining asset values in such banks have not warranted the further continuance of receivership operations. In addition to dividend payments resulting from the normal process of liquidation, Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans to receivers of insolvent national banks have been obtained to further expedite distributions to depositors. Reconstruction Finance Corporation commitments so obtained by receivers of insolvent national banks during the year ended October 31, 1937, as indicated REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 39 by the records of this office amounted to $13,669,500, while cash advances or actual loans under existing commitments aggregated $11,020,643. Total loan commitments obtained by receivers of insolvent national banks from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation from the date of its organization to October 31, 1937, as indicated by the records of this office amounted to $494,495,500, while total cash advances drawn against such commitments aggregated $389,399,367. Total Reconstruction Finance Corporation commitments outstanding and unpaid advances to receivers of insolvent national banks as of October 31,1937, were according to the records of this office $6,231,276 and $8,900,735, respectively. This unpaid balance of loans represents a reduction in such item during the current year of $13,012,867. Receivers7 dividend loans from the Reconstruction Finance Corporation have been obtained at various interest rates ranging from 5 percent per annum as of January 30, 1932, to 3 percent as of October 31, 1937. In addition to Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans to receivers, additional loans have been secured by receivers from commercial or lending banks to facilitate dividend payments to depositors. Lending bank loan commitments so obtained by receivers of insolvent national banks during the year ended October 31, 1937, as indicated by the records of this office amounted to $12,761,460, while cash advances or actual loans obtained under existing commitments aggregated $13,834,290. Total loan commitments obtained by receivers of insolvent national banks from commercial or lending banks to October 31, 1937, as indicated by the records of this office amounted to $64,495,660, while cash advances or actual loans obtained under such commitments aggregated $59,403,686. Total lending bank commitments outstanding and unpaid advances to receivers of insolvent national banks as of October 31, 1937, were according to the records of this office $1,773,284, and $5,451,453, respectively. This unpaid balance of loans represents a reduction in such item during the current year of $22,849,300. Receivers' dividend loans from commercial or lending banks have been obtained at interest rates of from 2% to 3 percent per annum, depending generally upon the size of loans obtained. The continuation during the current year of liquidation procedure, first adopted in 1935, involving the disposal at public auction of real estate properties held by receivers has considerably facilitated the completion of liquidation and final closings of receiverships. This form of liquidaton has been found very desirable in partially overcoming the constant problem of an advantageous disposal of the realestate properties and equities of insolvent national banks. In addition to this disposition of property through public sale there has been, however, as a result of the reorganization of such activity by this office, a corresponding and very considerable increase in the volume of real-estate items disposed of through private sales negotiated by receivers and local real estate agents assisting in such activity. Under the arrangement for disposition of real property assets of receiverships at public auction, sales are periodically held in desirable key localities following extensive display and other types of effective advertising. These real-estate auctions provide for the sale of realestate properties held by numerous receiverships in the immediate and adjacent territories, subject, however, to formal approval and 40 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY acceptance by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Such real-estate sales have now been held in numerous instances in several States both in the North and South with very gratifying results as to liquidation obtained, and it is planned to continue such liquidation procedure wherever existing circumstances indicate the desirability of such action. Figures relative to real-estate auction sales held and reported upon by receivers to October 31, 1937, are as follows: Real-estate auction sales State Number Number Receivers' estimated of banks of items liquidation involved sold values Alabama Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Louisiana Michigan Minnesota Mississippi New York North Carolina Pennsylvania... South Carolina. Tennessee Texas Virginia _ Wisconsin Total.—. 132 1,200 724 185 37 46 863 128 9 855 6 503 2 226 234 282 126 145 $600, 766 307,871 146,489 108, 460 157, 393 436,935 489,461 32,850 782, 835 88,000 477,005 5,571 Liens as- Proceeds Total ac- sumed ceptable additioninto immediately bids rebids re- realized in ceived ceived cash $32,934 84,882 5,098 12, 554 2,693 13,194 25,841 1,430 101,435 228,998 745, 797 278,454 128,835 299,150 $500,159 234,414 99, 394 62, 040 99,885 363,009 400, 723 22, 761 455, 539 63,800 300,836 300 161,205 551,437 208,367 97,947 117,521 147,619 $428,980 120,010 75,466 56, 350 69, 555 289,845 23?, 915 22, 761 380, 068 42, 333 222, 220 300 144,500 382,478 137,528 77,603 53,012 5,309, 299 3,739,337 607,109 2,735,924 135, 496 1,713 5,981 19, 227 17,012 Relative to the length of time required to complete liquidation of insolvent national banks a compilation has been made covering those insolvent national banks liquidated and finally closed during the year ended October 31, 1937, and for those receiverships finally closed during the 16-year period 1921 to October 31, 1937. From data compiled it has been found that insolvent national banks liquidated and finally closed during the year ended October 31, 1937, exclusive of those banks for which receivers were appointed for the purpose only of completing unfinished business or enforcing stock assessments, required an average period of 5 years and 2 months, with a minimum period of 2 years and 3 months, for liquidation. With reference to insolvent national banks, the affairs of which were finally closed during the 16-year period, 1921 to 1937, exclusive of those banks restored to solvency and banks for which receivers were appointed for the purpose only of completing unfinished business or enforcing stock assessments, the average period of liquidation is found to have been 5 years. In following paragraphs will be found tables reflecting the progress and results of liquidation to date for various groups of insolvent national banks; those which have been completely liquidated from the date of the first national-bank failure in 1865 to date, those still in process of liquidation as of October 31, 1937, etc. These tables are supported by various schedules appearing in the appendix of the report furnishing in detail for each insolvent national bank in liquidation during the current year data as to progress and results of the receiver's administration thereof. It will be noted that the following paragraphs and tables combine data as to the liquidation of insolvent REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 41 national banks with that of insolvent District of Columbia State banks, but in such manner that figures for each group may be obtained separately if desired. This method of reporting upon these groups of banks is believed desirable by reason of the fact that liquidation of both national and District of Columbia State banks is uniformly administered under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency and normally combined in press and other releases of information by this office as to the progress and results of such liquidation. Receiverships, year ended October 31, 1937 Of the 11 national banks for which receivers were appointed during the past year, none was restored to solvency, leaving the entire 11 banks to be administered by receivers. Of the 11 national banks so administered by receivers, 7 were placed in receivership for the purpose of completing unfinished business or enforcing stock assessments against shareholders because of unsatisfied indebtedness of such banks. There were, therefore, but 4 actual failures of national banks during the year ended October 31, 1937. The capital of these 11 insolvent national banks for which receivers were appointed was $1,987,150. Stock assessments levied by the Comptroller of the Currency to October 31, 1937, against shareholders of the 11 banks administered by receivers, with capital of $1,987,150, amounted to $1,232,500, while the assets of such banks, including assets acquired subsequent to their failure, totaled $6,912,637. Collections from these assets, including earnings, offsets allowed, and collections from stock assessments as reported by receivers to September 30, 1937, amounted to $2,555,502, or 31.37 percent of such assets and stock assessments. Total earnings collected by receivers from the assets of these banks, amounting to $45,615, were $32,864 in excess of total expenses incurred. These collections and the disposition thereof were as follows: Liquidation statement, 11 administered receiverships, year en ied Oct. 31, 1937 National bank receiverships, 11 Collections: Collections from assets --Collections from stock assessments ., _ Earnings collected Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) _ Total - - _. - Disposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors Dividends paid by receivers to secured creditors __ Payments to secured and preferred creditors other than through dividends Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) Disbursements for the protection of assets Payments of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers Total District of Columbia State bank receiverships, 0 Total, all receiverships, 11 $2,229,312 256, 200 45, 615 24,375 $2,229,312 256,200 45, 615 24, 375 2,555,502 2, 555, 502 196, 724 196, 724 2,130, 461 24,375 5,020 12, 751 186,171 2,130, 461 24,375 5, 020 12, 751 186,171 2, 555, 502 2, 555, 502 42 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENGY In addition to the above record, it is found that total claims proved, both secured and unsecured, as reported by receivers, aggregated $4,610,792. Total deposits of these banks at date of failure amounted to $4,025,004, while borrowed money consisting of bills payable, rediscounts, etc., totaled $4,566,402. Receiverships 1865-1937 From the date of the first failure of a national bank in the year 1865 to October 31, 1937, 2,950 national banks and 16 State banks or loan associations located in the District of Columbia have been placed in charge of receivers. Of this number, 157 have been restored to solvency and either reopened, sold to other institutions, or placed in voluntary liquidation. In addition to the 157 banks restored to solvency, 1 bank was eliminated as a receivership through revocation of the receiver's commission as of the date of issuance, leaving 2,808 receiverships to be administered by receivers. Of these receiverships so administered, 882 are still in process of liquidation and 1,926 have been completely liquidated and the affairs thereof finally closed. The capital of these 2,966 insolvent national banks at date of failure, exclusive of the 1 bank eliminated through revocation of the receiver's commission, was $400,900,595. The capital of the 157 banks that have been restored to solvency was $22,950,000. The capital of the 882 banks that are still in process of liquidation was $199,358,175, and the capital of the 1,926 banks that have been completely liquidated was $178,592,420. The aggregate book value of the assets of the 2,808 administered receiverships, including assets acquired after suspension, was $3,694,230,852, in addition to which there have been levied against shareholders assessments aggregating $327,961,187. Total collections from assets, including earnings, offsets allowed and collections from stock assessments as reported by receivers to September 30, 1937, amounted to $2,537,512,381 or 63.09 percent of the total of such assets and stock assessments. These collections and the disposition thereof were as follows: Liquidation statement, 2,808 administered receiverships, 1865 to Oct. 31, 1987 District of National bank Columbia Total all re* receiverships, State bank re- ceiverships, 2,793 ceiverships, 2,808 15 Collections: Collections from assets (including income earnings for 1,155 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31,1933, and for accounting purposes, dividends paid secured creditors of all trusts finally closed Oct. 1,1924 to Oct. 31, 1929) Collections from stcck assessments Earnings collected (unavailable as separate item for 1,155 banks finally closed to Oct. 31, 1933) Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) Unpaid balance Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans Unpaid balance bank loans Total _ ^ $2,007, 047,140 160, 030, 277 $14, 440,655 $2,021,487,795 515,836 160, 546,113 118, 627, 019 233, 664,916 1, 239, 359 1, 947,179 119,866, 378 235, 612, 095 9, 258, 301 5,117, 702 109,000 15,000 9, 367, 301 5,132, 702 2, 533, 745. 355 18,267, 029 2, 552,012,384 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 43 Liquidation statement, 2,808 administered receiverships, 1865 to Oct. 31, 1937—Con. District of National bank Columbia Total all rereceiverships, State bank re- ceiverships, ceiverships, 2,793 15 Disposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors (including dividends paid to secured creditors of 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1929) $1,124, 323, 225 Dividends paid by receivers to secured creditors (unavailable as separate item for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1929) 31, 284,129 Distributions by conservators to unsecured creditors 206,360,170 Distributions by conservators to secured creditors 1,106,993 Payments to secured and preferred creditors (including disbursements for the protection of assets for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31,1929, and for accounting purposes, dividends paid secured creditors of all trusts finally closed Oct. 1, 1924 to Oct. 31, 1929) 686,442, 862 Disbursements for the protection of assets (unavailable as separate item for 815 banks completely liquidated 56, 087,890 to Oct. 31, 1929) 233, 664, 916 Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) 131, 354, 687 Payment of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses. _ Payment of conservators' salaries, legal and other ex11,194, 386 penses 5, 532, 360 Amount returned to shareholders in cash 46, 393, 737 Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers Total 2, 533, 745, 355 $4, 935, 540 $1,129, 258,765 33,729 2,836,958 10,803 31, 317,858 209,197,128 1,117,796 4, 747,139 691,190,001 176,369 1,947,179 1,270,865 56,264,259 235, 612,095 132, 625,552 206,908 7,950 2,093, 589 11,401,294 5, 540, 310 48,487, 326 18, 267,029 2,552,012,384 In addition to the above record of distribution, there have been returned to shareholders through their duly elected agents assets of a book value of $30,213,323. Total claims proved, both secured and unsecured, as reported by receivers aggregated $2,104,927,419. The outstandng circulation of these 2,808 receiverships at date of failure was $170,762,785, secured by United States bonds on deposit with the Treasurer of the United States of the par value of $180,725,531, while total deposits at date of failure amounted to $2,369,826,369. From the above it will be noted that the average percentage of all dividends paid on the aggregate of secured and unsecured claims, proved against the 2,808 administered receiverships, was 65.13 percent. If payments to secured and preferred creditors other than dividends, offsets allowed, and other disbursements as indicated above, were included with dividends paid in this calculation, such total disbursements to creditors would amount to 75.79 percent of claims proved plus other liabilities established. Expenses incident to the administration of the 2,808 administered receiverships, consisting of receivers7 and conservators7 salaries, legal and other expenses, of $144,026,846, plus unrecovered disbursements for the protection of assets in 1,926 receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed, of $3,777,276, amounted to 3.67 percent of the book value of assets and stock assessments administered, or 5.82 percent of collections from assets and stock assessments, including offsets allowed. The assessments against shareholders averaged 86.77 percent of their holdings and total collections from such assessments as were levied amounted to 48.95 percent of the amount assessed. Additional data with respect to the percentages of dividends paid in receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed or restored to solvency period 1865 to 1930, and by years 1931 to 1937, inclusive, and in receiverships still in process of liquidation as of October 31, 1937, have been compiled by dividend percentage groups, as follows: Number and deposits of National and District of Columbia State Banks * placed in receivership period Apr. 14* 1865, to Oct. 81, 1937, by groups according to percentages of dividends paid to Sept. 80, 1937 Liquidation banks Dividends paid, 100 Dividends paid, 75 percent and over to 99.9 percent Periods and bank groups Number of banks Deposits Number of banks Deposits Dividends paid, 50 to 74.9 percent Number of banks Deposits Dividends paid, 25 Dividends paid, less than 25 percent to 49.9 percent Number of banks Deposits Number of banks Deposits Total banks Number of banks Deposits Restored Total to sol- all vency banks banks 2 Num- Number of ber of banks banks W Receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed or restored to solvency (2,084 banks) Apr. 14,1865, to Oct. 31,1930 (data for individual annual report years unavailable; deposits prior to 1880 unavailable—84 banks) (974 banks) Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1,1930, to Oct. 31, 1931 1, 1931, to Oct. 31, 1932 1, 1932, to Oct. 31, 1933 1, 1933, to Oct. 31, 1934 1, 1934, to Oct. 31, 1935 1, 1935, to Oct. 31, 1936 1, 1936, to Oct. 31, 1937 _. Total 1931-37 (1,110 banks).__ Active receiverships as of Oct. 31, 1937 (882 banks) Grand total (2,966 banks) a o K 162 $66,481,388 210 $66,952, 690 154 $45, 636, 713 232 $35,031, 617 898 $285,115, 767 76 974 1,994,080 15, 873, 316 4,412,925 4,431, 721 4,833,636 14, 723, 916 50, 715,003 16 17 13 18 29 46 80 5,323,140 5, 549,989 5,826, 514 8, 517,835 11,801,668 12,246,387 38, 690,969 23 32 22 17 34 57 85 8,990, 205 14,038,797 9, 692, 212 10, 532, 532 13,854,445 18,483,929 38,027,988 29 27 15 8 31 44 52 7,995, 493 10,027, 603 6,902,413 1,451,334 9,312,628 12,556,918 19,900,033 17 10 12 13 31 29 38 5,436,020 2, 250, 071 3,095,192 1,657, 228 4,319,951 4,452, 292 7,420,214 91 97 69 64 152 214 341 29, 738, 938 47, 739, 776 29, 929, 256 26, 590, 650 44,122, 328 62,463,442 154, 754, 207 8 25 39 99 122 78 92 163 215 341 183 96,984,597 219 87,956,502 270 113,620,108 206 68,146,422 150 28,630,968 1,028 395, 338, 597 3 82 1,110 50 41, 618, 718 237 453, 704,899 307 859, 765,128 192 280,195,923 96 54,087,337 882 1, 689,372,005 373 209,616,674 618 608,142,789 787 1,040,337,926 552 393,979,058 478 117, 749, 922 2,808 2,369, 826,369 3 158 2,966 140 $71,013,359 6 11 7 8 27 38 86 i Including building and loan associations. * Deposits for banks restored to solvency unavailable. Including 1 bank eliminated as an insolvent national bank through revocation of receiver's commission as of the date of issuance. 3 28 11 1 882 3 o o cj g Q 45 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Active receiverships as of October SI, 19S7 The 882 national banks that were, as of October 31, 1937, still in charge of receivers and in process of liquidation had assets, including assets acquired subsequent to their failure, aggregating $2,491,260,360. The capital of these banks was $199,368,175, and assessments levied by the Comptroller of the Currency to October 31, 1937, against shareholders amounted to $192,563,525. The collections from these assets, including earnings, offsets allowed and collections from stock assessments, as reported by receivers to September 30, 1937, amounted to $1,730,417,025, «or 64.48 percent of such assets and stock assessments. Total earnings collected by receivers from the assets of these banks amounting to $103,702,602, were $12,382,702, or 13.56 percent in excess of total expenses incurred. These collections and the disposition thereof were as follows: Liquidation statement, 882 active receiverships as of Oct. 31, 1937 National bank receiverships, Collections: Collections from assets... _. $1,373, 226,817 91,428,876 Collections from stock assessments '_. 102, 595,806 Earnings collected 147, 052, 015 Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) Unpaid balance Reconstruction Finance Corporation 9, 258, 301 loans 5,117,702 Unpaid balance bank loans Total Disposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors Dividends paid by receivers to secured creditors Distributions by conservators to unsecured creditors Distributions by conservators to secured creditors Payments to secured and preferred creditors, other than through dividends Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) Disbursements for the protection of assets. Payment of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses. Payment of conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses Amount returned to shareholders in cash Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers Total... District of Columbia State bank receiverships, 13 Total all receiverships, $12,815, 414 $1,386, 042, 231 314,414 91,743,290 103, 702, 602 1,106, 796 148,928,902 1,876, 887 109,000 15,000 9, 367, 301 5,132, 702 1, 728, 679, 517 16, 237, 511 1, 744, 917,028 711,829, 792 14, 8^0, 005 185, 728, 204 960, 561 4, 607. 512 33, 729 2,432, 249 10,803 716,437, 304 14, 893, 734 188, 160, 453 971, 364 479, 541, 793 147,052, 015 52,311,182 79, 567, 624 3,623, 666 1,876,887 175,801 1,187, 533 483,165, 459 148,928,902 52, 486,983 80, 755,157 195, 742 10, 369, 001 65, 603 46,393, 737 2,093,589 10, 564, 743 65, 603 48,487, 326 1,728, 679, 517 16, 237, 511 1, 744,917,028 In addition to the above record, it is found that total claims proved, both secured and unsecured, as reported by receivers, aggregated $1,431,139,516. The outstanding circulation of the 882 receiverships at date of failure was $94,408,822, secured by United States bonds on deposit with the Treasurer of the United States of the par value of $100,186,650. Total deposits of these banks at date of failure amounted to $1,689,372,005, borrowed money consisting of bills payable, rediscounts, etc., $335,350,750, and additional liabilities established to date, $38,566,715. From the above it will be noted that the average percentage of all dividends paid on the aggregate of secured and unsecured claims, proved against the 882 receiverships still in process of liquidation as of October 31, 1937, was 64.32 percent. If payments to secured and preferred creditors other than dividends, and offsets allowed, were 46 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY included with dividends paid in this calculation, such total disbursements to creditors would amount to 75.25 percent of total liabilities established to date. Expenses incident to the administration of the 882 active receiverships, consisting of receivers7 and conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses, amounted to $91,319,900, or 3.40 percent of the book value of assets and stock assessments administered, or 5.28 percent of collections from assets and stock assessments, including offsets allowed. The assessments against shareholders averaged 96.59 percent of their holdings and total collections from such assessments as were levied amounted to 47.64 percent of the amount assessed. Receiverships terminated, year ended October 31, 1937 During the year ended October 31, 1937, 341 receiverships were liquidated and finally closed. These 341 receiverships had assets, including assets acquired subsequent to their failure, aggregating $250,162,101. The capital of these 341 banks was $27,450,000, and assessments levied by the Comptroller of the Currency against shareholders amounted to $25,945,000. The collections from these assets, including earnings, offsets allowed, and collections from stock assessments as indicated by receivers' final reports, amounted to $177,686,544, or 64.35 percent of such assets and stock assessments. Total earnings collected by receivers from the assets of these banks amounted to $8,815,869, or 72.61 percent of total expenses incurred. These collections and the disposition thereof were as follows: Liquidation statement, 841 administered receiverships finally closed, year ended Oct. 81, 1987 National bank receiverships, 339 Collections: Collections from assets _ Collections from stock assessments Earnings collected . . _ _ ._ Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) Total Disposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors Dividends paid by receivers to secured creditors.. Distributions by conservators to unsecured creditors. Payments to secured and preferred creditors other than through dividends Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) Disbursements for the protection of assets Payment of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses Payment of conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses. Amount returned to shareholders in cash _ Total District of Columbia State bank receiverships, 2 Total all receiverships, 341 $138, 590, 897 13, 791, 773 8, 683,306 14, 591, 050 $1, 625, 241 201, 422 132, 563 70, 292 $140, 216,138 13,993,195 8, 815,869 14, 661,342 175,657, 026 2,029, 518 177, 686, 544 78, 301,151 4, 971, 780 18, 717, 361 328, 028 404, 709 78,629,179 4, 671, 780 19,122, 070 46, 436, 900 14, 591, 050 1, 056, 598 10,366,515 623, 528 592,143 1,123,473 70, 292 568 83,332 11,166 7,950 47,560,373 14, 661, 342 1, 057,166 10, 449, 847 634, 694 600, 093 175, 657,026 2,029, 518 177, 686, 544 In addition to the above record of distribution, there were returned to shareholders through their duly elected agents assets of a book value of $7,580,789. Total claims proved, both secured and unsecured, as indicated by receivers' final reports, aggregated $145,840,455. The outstanding circulation of these 341 closed receiverships at date REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 47 of failure was $11,360,701, secured by United States bonds on deposit with the Treasurer of the United States of a par value of $11,506,560. Total deposits of these banks at date of failure amounted to $154,754,207, borrowed money consisting of bills payable, rediscounts, etc., $41,278,219, and additional liabilities established to date of final closing $5,065,597. From the above it will be noted that the average percentage of all dividends paid on the aggregate of secured and unsecured claims proved against the 341 receiverships that were finally closed during the year ended October 31, 1937, was 70.44 percent. If payments to secured and preferred creditors other than dividends, and offsets allowed, were included with dividends paid in this calculation, such total disbursements to creditors would amount to 82.02 percent of total liabilities established to date of final closing. Expenses incident to the administration of the 341 trusts, consisting of receivers' and conservators' salaries, unrecovered disbursements for the protection of assets, legal and other expenses, amounted to $12,141,707, or 4.40 percent of the book value of the assets and stock assessments administered, or 6.83 percent of collections from assets and stock assessments, including earnings and offsets allowed. The assessments against shareholders averaged 94.52 percent of their holdings and total collections from such assessments as were levied amounted to 53.93 percent of the amount assessed. Receiverships terminated 1865-1937 From the date of the first failure of a national bank in 1865 to the close of business October 31, 1937, 2,083 receiverships, including 3 District of Columbia State banks, have been administered and the trusts closed or the affairs thereof restored to solvency. Included in this number are 1 District of Columbia State and 156 national banks restored to solvency, none in 1937, and 341 banks the affairs of which were finally closed during the year 1937. In addition to these 2,083 administered receiverships disposed of, 1 receivership was eliminated without administration through revocation of the receiver's commission as of the date of issuance thereof. The 1,926 national banks administered by receivers had assets, including assets acquired subsequent to their failure, aggregating $1,202,970,492. The capital of these 1,926 banks was $178,582,420, and assessments levied by the Comptroller of the Currency against shareholders amounted to $135,397,662. The collections from these assets including earnings, offsets allowed, and collections from stock assessments as indicated by receivers' final reports, amounted to $807,095,356, or 60.30 percent of such assets and stock assessments. These collections and the disposition thereof were as follows: 48 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Liquidation statement, 1,926 administered receiverships finally closed, 1865 to Oct. 81, 1937 National bank receiverships, 1924 Collections: Collections from assets (including earnings for 1,155 banks finally closed to Oct. 31, 1933, and for accounting purposes, dividends paid secured creditors of all trusts finally closed Oct. 1,1924, to Oct. 31,1929) Collections from stock assessments Earnings collected (unavailable as separate item for 1,155 banks finally closed to Oct. 31, 1933) Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) ___ Total _ Disposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors (including dividends paid secured creditors of 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1929) Dividends paid by receivers to secured creditors (unavailable as separate item for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1929) Distributions by conservators to unsecured creditors Distributions by conservators to secured creditors Payments to secured and preferred creditors (including disbursements for the protection of assets for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1929, and for accounting purposes, dividends paid secured creditors of all trusts finally closed Oct. 1, 1924, to Oct. 31, 19?9) Disbursements for the protection of assets (unavailable as separate item for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1929) -.. A Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) Payment of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses... Payment of conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses _ ___ A-mount returned to shareholders in cash Total District of Columbia State bank receiverships, 2 Total all receiverships, 1,926 $633,820, 323 68,601,401 $1, 625,241 201,422 $635,445, 564 68,802,823 16,031,213 86,612,901 132, 563 70, 292 16,163, 776 86,683,193 805,065,838 2, 029, 518 807,095,356 412,493,433 328,028 412,821,461 16,424,124 20,631,966 146,432 404,709 16,424,124 21,036,675 146,432 206,901,069 1,123,473 208,024, 542 3,776, 708 86,612,901 51,787,063 568 70,292 83,332 3,777,276 86,683,193 51,870,395 825,385 5,466,757 11,166 7,950 836, 551 5,474,707 805,065,838 2,029, 518 807,095,356 In addition to the above record of distribution, there were returned to shareholders through their duly elected agents, assets of a book value of $30,213,323. Total claims proved, both secured and unsecured, as indicated by receivers' final reports aggregated $673,787,903. The outstanding circulation of these 1,926 closed receiverships at date of failure was $76,353,963, secured by United States bonds on deposit with the Treasurer of the United States of a par value of $80,538,881, while total deposits at date of failure amounted to $680,454,364. From the above it will be noted that the average percentage of all dividends paid on the aggregate of secured and unsecured claims proved against the 1,926 receiverships that have been finally closed, but not including the 157 restored to solvency which paid 100 percent was 66.85 percent. If payments to secured and preferred creditors other than dividends, offsets, and other disbursements as indicated above, were included with the dividends paid in this calculation, such total disbursements to creditors would amount to 76.94 percent of claims proved plus other liabilities established. Expenses incident to the administration of the 1,926 closed trusts, consisting of receivers' and conservators' salaries, unrecovered disbursements for the protection of assets, legal and other expenses, amounted to $56,484,222, or 4.22 percent of the book value of the assets and stock assessments administered, or 7 percent of collections 49 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY from assets and stock assessments, including earnings and offsets allowed. The assessments against shareholders averaged 75.82 percent of their holdings and total collections from such assessments as were levied amounted to 50.82 percent of the amount assessed. Total liquidation operations, year ended October 81, 1937 Total receipts and disbursements of receivership funds incident to liquidation operations for the current year in all receiverships, as reported by receivers to September 30, 1937, were as follows: Liquidation statement, summary for year ended Oct. SI,. 1937 • National bank receiverships Collections: Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers at beginning of period Collections from assets -. Collections from stock assessments— Earnings collected Offsets allowed and settled (against assets) Total _ Disposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors Dividends paid by receivers to secured creditors Distributions by conservators to unsecured creditors Distributions by conservators to secured creditors Payments to secured and preferred creditors, other than through dividends Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) Disbursements for the protection of assets Payment of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses-.. Payment of conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses. Amount returned to shareholders in cash Decrease in unpaid balance Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans Decrease in unpaid balance bank loans Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers Total ._. District of Columbia State bank receiverships i Total all receiverships $47,050,230 118, 543, 282 11, 798, 247 18, 559,414 3,887,989 2,981,659 310,973 282,295 466,126 $47,341,179 121, 524,941 12,109,220 18,841, 709 4,354,115 199,839,162 4,332,002 204,171,164 56,633, 934 2, 500,971 2 546,427 a 25,725,683 176, 603 2 1,419 31 a 58,000 56,810,537 2,499,552 2 546,396 a 25,783,633 45,012, 584 3,887,989 16,430,431 13, 642,990 2174, 696 613,764 846,382 466,126 80, 547 355, 418 2 333 7,950 45,858,966 4,354,115 16, 510,978 13,998,408 2175,029 621, 714 365,108 17,273,322 23, 896,196 46,393, 737 2,093,589 17, 638,430 23, 896,196 48,487,326 199,839,162 4, 332,002 204,171,164 * Including building and loan associations. a Credit adjustment in accordance with revised figures submitted by receivers. It will be noted from the above that total liquidation costs for the current year amounted to 8.81 percent of total collections from all sources including offsets allowed. Data as to the progress and results of liquidation in 2,966 insolvent national banks placed in receivership from April 14, 1865, to October 31, 1937, including (158) receiverships disposed of otherwise than thru liquidation, are summarized in the following table: Table showing summary of status, 'progress, and results of liquidation of all national banks placed in charge of receivers from the date of the first national bank failure, Apr. 14, 1865, to Oct. 31, 1937 l National and District of2 Columbia State banks Closed receiverships, 1,926 » Total assets taken charge of by receivers Disposition of assets: Collections from assets (including earnings collected from 1,155 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1933, and for accounting purposes, dividends paid secured creditors of all trusts finally closed Oct. 1, 1924 to Oct. 31, 1929).._ Offsets allowed and settled (against assets).._ Losses on assets compounded or sold under order of court Book value of assets returned to shareholders' agents .Book value remaining assets Total . Collections: Collections from assets as above __. Collections from stock assessments Earnings collected: Interest, premiums, rents, etc. (unavailable as separate item for 1,155 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1933) Offsets allowed and settled (against assets)... Unpaid balance Reconstruction Finance Corporation loans Unpaid balance bank loans. TotalDisposition of collections: Dividends paid by receivers to unsecured creditors (including dividends paid to secured creditors for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31,1929)._ Active receiverships, 882 Total receiverships, 2,808 3 $1, 202,970,492 $2,491,260,360 $3, 694, 230,852 District of Columbia State banks» Closed receiverships, 2* Active receiverships, 13 Total receiverships, 15* National banks Closed receiverships, 1,924« Active receiv- Total receiverships, erships, 869 2,793« $3, 341,378 $23,802, 221 $27,143, 599 $1,199,629,114 $2,467, 458,139 $3, 667, 087, 253 o n w tei 635, 445,564 86, 683,193 1, 386, 042, 231 148,928,902 2,021,487, 795 235, 612, 095 1,625, 241 70, 292 12, 815,414 1,876,887 14, 440, 655 1,947,179 633,820, 323 86, 612,901 1, 373, 226, 817 147, 052, 015 2, 007, 047,140 233, 664,916 450,628,412 269,844,206 720,472,618 1, 619, 359 974, 632 2,593, 991 449,009, 053 268, 869, 574 717,878,627 30, 213,323 686,445, 021 26,486 8,135, 288 26,486 8,135, 288 30,186,837 686,445,021 678,309, 733 30,186,837 678,309, 733 1, 202, 970, 492 2, 491, 260,360 3, 694, 230,852 3,341,378 23,802, 221 27,143, 599 1,199,629,114 2, 467, 458,139 3,667, 087, 253 635,445,564 68,802,823 1,388, 042, 231 91, 743, 290 2,021,487, 795 160, 546,113 1, 625, 241 201,422 12,815,414 314,414 14,440,655 515, 836 633,820, 323 68, 601, 401 1, 373, 226,817 91,428,876 2, 007, 047,140 160, 030, 277 16,163, 776 86, 683,193 103,702,602 148,928,902 119,866,378 235,612, 095 132, 563 70, 292 1,106, 796 1,876,887 1, 239, 359 1,947,179 16, 031, 213 86, 612, 901 102, 595,806 147, 052, 015 118,627, 019 233, 664,916 9,367,301 5,132, 702 9, 367,301 5,132, 702 109, 000 15, 000 109,000 15, 000 9, 258,301 5,117, 702 9,258,301 5,117, 702 1,741,917,028 2,552, 012, 384 2, 029, 518 16, 237, 511 18, 267, 029 805, 065,838 1, 728,679,517 2, 533, 745,355 716,437,304 1,129,258,765 328,028 4,607,512 4,935,540 412,493,433 30, 213,323 807,095,356 412,821,461 711,829,792 1,124,323,225 o od H W O w a 3 a Dividends paid by receivers to secured creditors (unavailable as separate item for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1929) Distributions by conservators to unsecured creditors Distributions by conservators to secured creditors Payments to secured and preferred creditors (including disbursements for the protection of assets for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31. 1929) Disbursements for the protection of assets (unavailable as separate item for 815 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1929) Offsets allowed and settled (against liabilities) Payment of receivers' salaries, legal and other expenses Payment of Conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses __ Amount returned to shareholders in cash Cash balances in hands of Comptroller and receivers Total. Capital stock at date of failure United States bonds held at failure to secure circulating notes United States bonds held to secure circulation, sold and circulation redeemed Circulation outstanding at date of failure Amount of assessments upon shareholders Total deposts at date of failure Borrowed money: Bills payable, rediscounts, etc., at date of failure (unavailable for 1,086 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31, 1932) Additional liabilities established subsequent to date of failure (unavailable for 1,086 banks completely liquidated to Oct. 31,1932).__ Claims proved (both secured and unsecured)... 16,424,124 14,893,734 31,317,858 21,036,675 188,160,453 209,197,128 146.432 971,364 1,117,796 208,024,542 483,165,459 691,190,001 3. 777,276 86, 683,193 52,486,983 148,928,902 51,870,395 836, 551 5,474,707 48,487,326 48,487,326 807,095,356 1,744,917,028 2,552,012,384 33,729 33, 729 16,42,4,124 14,860,005 31,284,129 2,432,249 2, 836,958 20,631,966 185, 728,204 206,360,170 10,803 10,803 146,432 960, 561 1,106,993 1,123,473 3, 623, 666 4, 747,139 206,901,069 479,541,793 686,442,862 56,264, 259 235,612,095 568 70,292 175, 801 1,876,887 176,369 1,947,179 3, 776,708 86,612,901 52,311,182 147,052,015 56,087,890 233,664, 916 80,755,157 132,625, 552 83,332 1,187, 533 1, 270,865 51,787,063 79, 567,624 131,354,687 10,564,743 65,603 11,401,294 5, 540,310 11,166 7,950 195, 742 206,908 7,950 825,385 5,466,757 10,369,001 65,603 11,194,386 5,532,360 2,093, 589 2,093, 589 46,393, 737 46,393,737 1, 728,679,517 2, 533,745,355 404,709 2,029, 518 16, 237, 511 18, 267.029 805,065, 838 6 400,900,595 ' 1,150,000 1,202,920 7 2, 352,920 199,368,175 8 200,382,420 198,165,255 8 398,547,675 80,538,881 100,186,650 180, 725, 531 80,538,881 100,186,650 180,725,531 80, 538,881 135,397,662 680,454,364 100,186, 650 94,408,822 192,563. 525 1,689,372,005 180, 725,531 170, 762, 785 327.961,187 2,369,826,369 1,000,000 740,341 80, 538,881 76,353, 963 134,397, 662 679, 70*4,023 87, 797,012 335,350,750 423,147, 762 1,141,189 3,956,289 5,097,478 86,655,823 331,394,461 418,050,284 13,006,211 673, 787,903 38,566,715 1,431,139,516 51, 572, 926 2,104,927,419 17,086 678,461 164, 628 16, 724,196 181, 714 17,402, 657 12,989,125 673,109,442 38,402,087 1,414,415,320 51, 391,212 2,087, 524, 762 812,920 1, 812,920 18, 912, 780 19, 653,121 180, 725,531 100,186,650 170, 762, 785 94,408,822 326,148,267 191, 750, 605 1,670,459,225 2,350,173,248 w o 12 Including District of Columbia State banks and building and loan associations. Including building and loan associations. * Does not include 157 banks restored to solvency and 1 bank in connection with which receiver's commission was revoked as of date of issuance. *8 Does not include 1 bank restored to solvency. Does not include 156 banks restored to solvency and 1 bank in connection with which receiver's commission was revoked as of date of issuance. 67 Includes $22,950,000 capital stock of 157 banks restored to solvency. Includes $50,000 capital stock of 1 bank restored to solvency. 8 Includes $22,900,000 capital stock of 156 banks restored to solvency. ft hri 6 201,532,420 76,353, 963 hrj Q CJ* Data as to results of liquidation in 339 insolvent national banks completely liquidated and finally closed and 2 District of Columbia State banks during the year ended October 31, 1937, are given in the following table: National bank receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed during the year ended Oct. 81, 1937 Location Title Adams, Nebr 6 Adrian, Mo Allegan, Mich Altus, Okla Amarillo, Tex 3 .. Anoka, Minn Arcadia, Ind 6 Arcanum, Ohio Date receiver appointed Date finally closed or restored to solvency Capital Total assets and stock assessment Total deposits at date of failure $142,416 43,671 581,948 447, 432 10, 773 615, 068 173, 740 260,502 Total liabilities established to date of final closing Total dividends and distributions paid l Total payments to secured and preferred creditors except through dividends, including offsets allowed Percent dividends paid to total claims proved (secured and unsecured) 8 Percent total payments including offsets allowed to total liabilities established to date of final closing First National Bank National Bank of Adrian First National Bank do National Bank of Commerce Anoka National Bank First National Bank First-Farmers National Bank. Arlington, Oreg.1* Arlington National Bank... Artesia, Calif 5 First National Bank _. Arthur, 111.61 do. Ashland, Nebr.e » National Bank of Ashland.. Astoria National Bank Astoria, Oreg Georgia National Bank Athens, Ga First National Bank Auburn, Nebr Auburn, Wash .do. Auburndale, Fla .do.. Augusta, I1L_ .-3 Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J. Avon Park, Fla .do. Bagley, Iowa __ Bardwell, Ky Bartow, Fla._ Polk County National Bank Sept. Jan. Feb. Sept. Sept. Jan. July June 12.1933 21,1932 18,1927 26,1930 5,1933 27,1931 3,1928 21.1934 Dec. Sept. June Feb. May Oct. Mar. Sept. 31.1936 30.1937 14,1937 15,1937 29,1937 19,1937 19,1937 25,1937 $50,000 25,000 135,015 50,000 1,320,125 60,000 771,933 785,495 150,000 829,520 50, 000 293, 758 25,000 598, 559 100,000 Jan. July Dec. July Feb. Apr, Oct. Oct. May Dec. Feb. Feb. July Mar. June 19,1933 18,1932 13,1933 16,1934 24,1928 17,1926 13,1931 28,1930 15,1929 23,1930 27,1933 18,1929 3,1931 4,1932 28,1929 Nov. July Aug. Sept. Dec. June Feb. Mar. Jan. Sept. July Mar. Dec. Nov. Sept. 27.1936 27.1937 24,1937 13,1937 9,1936 30,1937 26,1937 31,1937 28,1937 16 1937 27,1937 20,1937 11,1936 30.1936 24.1937 25, 000 50,000 50,000 60.000 200,000 400,000 50,000 75,000 50, 000 60,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 200,000 196,147 122, 776 79,155 91, 820 50, 255 » 112 659, 508 473,969 119.841 55.38 400,948 254,947 360,695 232, 408 198, 374 195,195 51, 699 s 109.84 398,021 237, 267 200,932 221,109 56,718 ^ 111. 54 64.5 3, 011,062 2, 242, 061 2, 514, 859 1,135,914 745,328 3,801,996 1,418,519 2, 480, 259 1,103,954 1,376.347 4 100 66.74 501,154 239,051 330,031 133,741 132,419 66.81 1, 045, 702 745,494 241,693 809,025 379,040 15 544, 275 364,331 289,053 42,876 106,996 497,120 340,068 174,499 65.1 69,847 50,068 36.81 86,000 31, 657 68 712,678 30.2 468,879 157,343 95,915 345, 432 282,942 55.85 156,643 36,208 66,797 376,247 64. 282,000 125.842 229, 720 25.5 2,301,105 1,046, 039 1, 575,017 197,922 1,017,175 105.4 79.07 107.6 108.59 74.81 100 80.65 76.73 41.14 71.85 36.77 54.01 65.76 74.72 77.15 Beggs, Okla 3 Belmont, Ohio Belvidere, N. J Bishopville, S. C July 9,1931 Dec. 1,1932 Oct. 19,1931 Jan. 12,1932 Dec. 15,1936 Feb. 15,1937 Sept. 21,1937 M a r . 23,1937 25,000 25,000 100,000 75,000 226, 796 134,380 75, 262 2,262,822 1,841,833 590,976 332,987 80.96 56.38 75.26 103. 78 First National Bank Belmont National Bank Belvidere National Bank Bishopville National Bank.. $200,774 77,109 733,347 591, 500 490,160 640,860 213, 620 360, 241 $130,380 16,326 241,333 216, 548 106, 506 305, 240 147, 673 281,163 170,985 45,798 27,081 9,280 1,906, 509 1,281,055 305,187 164,062 $70,531 33,953 191,782 346, 250 319,146 126, 297 50,822 103, 765 92,635 5,987 153,865 152,679 100.3 32.2 46.39 88 22.442 59.72 90.9 U12.6 62.67 34.274 « 73.68 »108.24 100.06 65.03 59.06 95.15 85.10 67.34 92.92 106.8 Or to First National Bank... Boonville National Bank First National Bank Boulder National Bank Brasher Falls National Bank Citizens National Bank First National Bank Peoples National Bank First National Bank do. .do.. Burgettstown National Bank. First National Bank Burnham, P a 6 6 Citizens National Bank Caldwell, Ohio Noble County National do.6 Bank in. Cambridge City, First National Bank & Trust Co. Id6 * Ind. First National Bank Campbell, Mo Capac, Mich .do.. -do.. Carterville, 1113 3 .do.. Carthage, Mo. 1 ..doOaruthersville, Mo Castle Rock, Colo. 6 ... First National Bank of Douglas County at. Central City, Nebr. 615 Central City National Bank. Chaffee, Mo 3 First National Bank do. Chardon, Ohio 6 Cherry Tree, Pa. .do.. Cherry Valley, N . Y.6 National Central Bank_ Chicago, 111 .3 Broadway National Bank of Chicago. First National Bank Chillicothe, Mo Ross County National Bank Chillicothe, Ohio National Bank of Clayville Clayville, N. Y.66 First National Bank Clearfield, Iowa _ Security National Bank Clinton. Okla.o First National Bank Clinton, S. C Clymer National Bank Clymer, Pa Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. First Exchange National Bank. First National Bank Colony, Ivans do Columbia City. Ind... Columbia Heights, Columbia National Bank... Minn. First National Bank Colville, Wash 3 do Connellsville, Pa. .. Corinth National Bank Corinth, N. Y Montezuma Valley National Cortez, Colo.s Bank. Blissfield, Mich Boonville, M615 o. .. Boswell, Ind. _I6 Boulder, Colo.« Brasher Falls, N. Y.«. Brazil, I n d 6 615 Brighton, Mich.615 Bronson, Mich. 3 Brookfield, Mo." Brookhaven, Miss Brunswick, Mo Burgettstown, Pa See footnotes at end of table. July 3,1931 June 21,1932 Oct. 3,1933 Mar. 28,1934 Aug. Oct. Oct. 3,1933 2,1933 9,1933 May 9,1934 Jan. 22,1931 Jan. 13,1931 Oct. 16,1931 May 14,1925 Oct. 30,1937 Sept. 30,1937 M a y 24,1937 Sept. 30,1937 June 24,1937 July 24,1937 Apr. 28,1937 Dec. 31,1936 Sept. 7,1937 Apr. 28,1937 Oct. 20,1937 Aug. 13,1937 60,000 884,113 200,000 1, 477,066 25,000 313, 330 50,000 689,904 25,000 351,853 100,000 796,143 35,000 247, 434 50, 000 403,059 100,000 333,088 100, 000 1, 382,048 50,000 402, 361 100,000 2,122,407 716, 564 593,860 940, 863 673, 628 204, 380 137, 083 521, 280 433, 370 352, 543 187,185 501, 591 421, 683 169, 415 142, 638 293,114 210, 912 130, 468 121, 516 912, 728 1,078, 646 303,117 209, 239 724, 366 1,801, 015 346,224 488,883 144, 445 292, 913 66,052 413,389 144, 604 203,071 99, 736 388, 431 31, 739 1,247,396 133, 847 59.47 328, 897 5 80.43 73, 413 110.7 186, 521 >° 89.1 198,159 8 41 92, 668 5 101.22 37, 221 109. 6 107, 566 55 109.8 38, 882 109.61 370, 584 54.42 68,086 11.48 137,147 75.53 67.01 86.91 106. 59 92 74.94 100.89 107.32 105.97 106. 25 70.37 32.93 76.88 61,965 59.75 109,200 u2 103.48 107,602 « 105.05 73.63 102.94 103.43 Dec. 21,1933 —.do-; N o v . 30,1936 Sept. 30.1937 Sept. 29,1937 25,000 60, 000 60,000 262,876 889.050 594,825 138, 644 666,974 443, 549 180, 801 687, 805 454,310 71,147 598, 887 362, 311 Oct. July 27,1937 50,000 349,986 189,445 235,108 170,676 78, 269 Nov. 24,1930 Dec. 19,1930 Oct. 10,1931 IVIar. 23 1936 Dec. IS, 1930 Dec. 18,1933 Apr. 30,1937 Oct. 29,1937 Aug. 30,1937 Sept. 25,1937 Jan. 18,1937 Sept. 24,1937 40,000 25,000 50, 000 100,000 50, 000 50,000 250,843 596,947 475, 722 360, 273 671,952 436,488 109, 663 421, 434 287,441 159,144 467, 534 352, 575 72, 603 486, 491 286, 334 20,667 43,347 132, 842 53,168 268, 034 190,163 54, 655 168,679 100,471 21, 240 135.987 105, 635 Nov. Dec. 11,1931 Dec. 22,1931 Oct. 13,1933 Oct. 24,1933 Sept. 7,1932 July June Nov. Feb. Sept. Dec. 320,902 50,000 50,000 416,817 100, 000 50, 000 100, 000 1, 588, 667 50,000 1,103,864 200,000 200,000 223, 737 272, 825 50, 223 1,091, 573 970, 406 6,461 June 22,1931 July 14,1932 Dec. 19,1933 Sept. 5,1933 June 28,1934 Jan. 27,1931 Aug. 22,1930 Jan. 19,1929 Oct. 30,1937 N o v . 6,1936 Sept. 24,1937 N o v . 30,1936 Oct. 14,1937 Aug. 24,1937 Feb. 27,1937 Jan. 29,1937 Aug. 14.1931 Mar. 31,1927 June 21,1932 Apr. 30,1937 N o v . 28, 1936 M a r . 25,1937 202.157 25,000 100,000 1,354,058 25, 000 376,096 8,1931 12,1931 20,1932 18,1933 Oct. 27,1937 Oct. 30,1937 M a y 8.1937 Apr. 30,1937 280,963 739, 880 651, 861 918, 724 60,000 238, 851 55, 858 200,000 638,151 35, 000 1, 761, 286 1,555,411 1,565, 303 1, 268,136 361, 508 138,120 30, 000 186, 777 487, 743 Jan. Oct. Feb. Jan. Aug. 10,1934 3,1933 1,1933 31,1937 19,1937 30,1936 24,1937 23,1937 15,1936 5 109.9 105.88 16 14.86 53.15 5 102.969 75. 62 8 105. 53 47.33 45.35 66.17 102.4 83.05 103.3 175, 745 172, 648 43, 201 457, 453 717,129 58, 442 * 107.981 68, 303 82.8 86. 018 55. 53 263, 609 158,564 i° 88.01 6,461 104. 67 88.32 86.02 66.06 90.23 1C0 997,861 790, 465 100, 000 1, 234, 618 150,000 1. 788, 545 1,054, 436 I,375, 506 249,241 25,000 ' 308, 537 161, 831 136,813 103, 600 25, 000 213, 822 525, 261 400, 854 50, 000 647, 661 304, 436 269,679 100,000 670, 620 700, 323 75, 000 676, 769 959, 581 100, 000 1,254,387 It 018, 391 1,029, 363 201, 204 929,051 92, 347 30,926 147,229 236,100 359, 650 628,179 25.11 279,894 438, 408 99. 485 137,411 82.6 52, 923 37.27 325, 653 72.8 78, 245 M05 96, 121 60.09 314,384 i° 88. 2 48.21 99.41 91.92 61.28 90.02 103. 25 65.08 91.57 141, 047 83,147 1,010. 834 1,137, 713 306, 430 212, 519 25, 331 684,157 87, 754 59, 809 174,582 181,563 27.35 71.145 71.5 60.36 75.5 87.89 256, 577 10 58. 36 20, 361 23. 616 106,487 87.02 217, 276 95.51 72.65 31.91 87.81 98.31 449. 850 199; 044 212, 597 255,718 850, 604 844, 498 National bank receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed during the year ended Oct. 81, 1987 l—Continued Location Craig. Nebr . Crescent City, Ili.«__. Cresco. lowa'e 15 _ Crofton, Nebr.2 Crystal Lake, Iowa 6_ Dahlgren, 111." Del Rio, Tex.s 6 Dickson, Tenn. Dothan, Ala Dougherty. Iowa Driggs. Idaho Dublin, Ga Dunbar, P a . . . _. Earlville. 111."" Eaton, Colo.6 15 Eaton Rapids, Mich, sis Eagan, S. Dak. 2 Elgin, 111 Elkin, N. C Emmetsburg, Iowa Title first National Bunk.. .do.. .do .do.. Farmers National Bank., do.. First National Bank Citizens National Bank.. Houston National Bank.. First National Bank First National Bank in... First National Bank do. Earlville National Bank. First National Bank . . . . -do..... .do.. Home National Bank Elkin National Bank National Bank of Emmetsburg. Enosburg Falls, VtA First National Bank -. Eudora, Ark doEufaula, Ala6 Commercial National Bank. Eutaw, Ala. , First National Bank Fairfax, S. Dak Farmers National Bank Fairfax, Okla First National Bank Fairfax, S. Dak.3l3 The Farmers National Bank. Fairfield, Idaho Security National Bank Fairmont, N . C.6 First National Bank Fair view W. Va.. do __ _ Farmer, S. Dak.* do _ Date receiver appointed Total liabilities established to date of final closing Total dividends and distributions paid Total payments to secured and preferred creditors except through dividends, including offsets allowed Percent dividends paid to total claims proved (secured and unsecured) Percent total payments including offsets allowed to total liabilities established to date of final closing 87.64 87.85 106. 37 70.15 93.65 93.83 100 81 70.01 57.23 84. 53 63.05 85.49 100.92 106. 56 106.29 Date finally closed or restored to solvency Capital Total assets and stock assessment Total deposits at date of failure 30, 1937 27, 1937 21,1937 31, 1937 30,1937 24,1937 27,1937 18,1937 11,1937 30,1937 23,1937 13,1937 31, 1937 19,1937 8,1937 20,1937 $25,000 $217,335 25. 000 205, 919 50,000 502, 930 25,000 285, 816 25, 000 171,006 25, 000 185, 392 846, 362 100,000 465, 437 50,000 150,000 1, 435, 446 25, 000 285, 665 25,000 231, 441 200,000 2,194,476 50,000 523, 521 50, 000 317, 330 50,000 465, 701 50,000 664, 015 $94, 349 98, 891 275, 507 97, 201 78, 759 125,158 $159, 120 131, 607 361, 358 171,129 124, 981 135, 306 425,179 349, 353 732,935 232.890 154, 013 1, 567, 532 367,164 221, 784 345, 665 526, 730 $71,414 79, 764 238, 458 39,032 59,134 103, 510 422, 815 181, 810 190, 042 78,009 38, 244 176, 251 280,006 160, 424 198. 898 387,979 $68,041 78.8 35, 857 83.7 145,936 s 111.4 81, 024 34.7 57,908 88. 533 23, 449 92.17 2, 364 100 73.83 101. 192 41.07 323, 100 41.9 55, 280 54.9 92,938 20.95 812.106 85. 5 33, 894 72, 725 s 108. 246 169. 465 M15.4 171,892 7 109.162 Dec. May Sept. May Oct. Jan. Mar. 3,1933 15.1931 14, 1931 3, 1932 24, 1928 7,1927 27,1933 26, 1934 5, 1934 Mar Aug Aug. Aug. June May Feb. May Sept. Mar. Sept. May Mar. May Mar. Apr. Oct. Jan. Jan. Mar. 10,1932 20,1932 26,1932 15,1929 Mar. Oct. Mar. Nov. 11,1937 30,1937 31,1937 28,1936 25, 000 207,896 155, 517 96, 540 150, 000 2, 289, 622 1, 290, 646 1, 553, 229 50,000 679, 855 455, 625 577, 724 60,000 853,478 702,317 701,118 8,189 756, 830 186, 997 412, 643 59,602 789, 317 141,476 67,869 8.83 99.32 41.41 65.425 43.52 99.54 56.86 68.42 Feb. 26,1934 Sept. 12,1931 Oct. 27.1931 Aug. 23,1933 Feb. 1.1934 Apr. 12, 1932 Aug. .26,1931 Mar. 19.1932 Aug. 23.1933 Oct. 13, 1931 Jan. 11,1932 June May Feb. May Jan. Aug. June May June June Dec. 30,1937 25,1937 26,1937 28,1937 30,1937 20,1937 19,1937 13,1937 30,1937 22,1937 29,1936 25,000 40,000 150, 000 100, 000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 40, 000 30,000 25,000 527,198 63, 746 102, 023 228,301 6,586 153, 598 33. 567 69,870 31, 720 283,157 17,074 195,962 1ft 92.47 124,363 56.6 87.052 77.5 184,538 8 107.09 4,631 21.179 89,421 73 86, 486 33 29,558 5 111.81 94.33 79.78 94.18 103. 24 36.07 82.41 71.05 105.65 97.92 101.82 70.36 Jan. Sept. Oct. June May Nov. Dec. Nov. Oct. 30. 1033 27. 1933 30.1933 1, 1932 23.1934 1, 1933 12,1933 869,371 324, 586 721,834 688, 293 108, 646 344, 331 236, 577 164, 512 296,139 391,043 131, 882 287, 888 501.020 190,940 84, 525 893, 686 366, 597 169, 332 255, 432 415, 795 634, 276 163, 379 139, 309 217, 581 266,849 120,105 81, 797 39, 433 285,431 39, 117 766, 656 235, 777 200, 756 399, 846 31,099 294,888 168, 965 94,102 213,110 295.891 67, 097 176, 965 18,131 30,138 8 96 101.45 44.1 Farmer City, 111.1* - John Weedman National Bank. Faulkton, S. Dak First National Bank do Flandreau, nD a k A . do Fleming, Ky Floyd, Iowa - ._—do Floydada, Tex Floyd County National Bank. Foosland, 111 14 First National Bank Fort Gaines, Ga. do. .do.. Fort Mill, S. C Fowler, Ind .doFowler, Kans .do.. .do.. Fredericktown, Obio_ Freeport, 111.6 *« 15 .doUnion National Bank Fremont.^Nebr. First National Bank in Fresno, Calif Galion, Ohio __. Citizens National Bank Garden City, Kans.6_ First National Bank First National Bank of Gardner, 111 3 American National Bank Gillespie, 111. Mills County National Glenwood, Iowa Bank. Rubey National Bank Golden, Colo.6 Goldsboro, N. 6C National Bank of First National Bank Goldsboro, Pa. Gormania, W. Va.63 .do. Graettinger, Iowa,. Greeley, Nebr. .do.. Greenfield, 111 do Greensboro, Ala .do..National Bank in... ureensburg, Kans 3 First Grundy Center, Iowa First National Bank Gulfport, Miss.3 .do Hamilton, 111 .do.. Hampshire, 111.6 is do First National Bank i n . - . Harrison, Ark.3 First National Bank Hartwell, Ga. Hatton, N. Dak.3 .do Hawkeye, Iowa 6 .do.. Hendricks, Minn. 3 .do Hiawatha, Kans Hicksville, Ohio«««_._ .do Highland, Kans 3 .doHodgenville, Ky. ».__ Farmers National Bank... 6 Holland, Minn. 6 First National Bank Holly Grove, Ark. .do Holton, Kans _do.. Hopedale National Bank.. Hopedale, 111 Hopewell National Bank.. Hopewell, P a . See footnotes at end of table. Feb. 19,1932 M a r . 13,1937 75,000 710, 795 354, 993 377, 876 340, 008 57,445 «107.02 105.17 Dec. Nov. Sept. Jan. July 8,1932 3,1932 15,1933 9,1931 17,1931 June Apr. June Jan. May 30,1937 30,1937 19,1937 29,1937 28,1937 25, 000 40, 000 25,000 25, 000 50,000 288, 734 529. 368 199, 255 260, 285 456, 527 137, 536 263,834 94, 298 170. 653 281,128 212,141 349, 666 137, 720 184,112 369, 632 79, 231 197, 674 92, 777 102, 573 55,166 94,811 103, 375 50,856 31, 318 123, 841 65.7 80.19 « 109.4 66.88 18.15 82.04 86.1 104. 36 72.72 48.42 _ Feb. Dec. Oct. June Jan. Dec. Oct. Feb. July Aug. July June Sept. Dec. 19,1932 19,1932 1,1931 2,1931 10,1933 30,1931 9,1933 13,1933 7,1930 4,1930 21,1933 28,1932 22,1932 27,1932 Sept. July Sept. July Mar. Amr. Ocf. Sept. July Sept. Mar. Oct. May July 10,1937 24,1937 24,1937 27,1937 13,1937 31,1937 21,1937 24,1937 30,1937 21,1937 31,1937 14,1937 29,1937 22,1937 25,000 50,000 40,000 75,000 25,000 25, 000 300,000 150, 000 400, 000 100, 000 50.000 25, 000 50, 000 65,000 184, 850 217,323 403, 047 539, 814 205,944 255, 501 3, 437, 834 1, 093,413 4. 709,497 1, 556, 017 683, 606 260,486 214, 234 511, 609 121,462 43,728 214,181 296,451 79,143 173, 275 2,462, 095 525. 264 3,348, 725 906. 948 425, 628 130, 878 108, 664 121, 700 100, 728 49, 917 310,611 72,104 350,799 196,104 124,117 43, 215 197, 757 119.834 2, 539, 002 2, 260, 968 619, 090 410, 762 3,838, 776 2, 465, 339 627, 293 1,371,6"" 148, 561 588, 486 187, 866 77,412 165, 811 9,542 365, 630 168, 639 10, 986 53, 797 113,481 65,146 53, 557 57, 258 380, 596 240, 806 1,264, 349 435,150 275,645 56, 753 42, 236 110,286 98.4 s 118.17 33.18 68.23 58.4 83.6 ' 105. 288 * 112.133 i° 95.918 63.69 44.15 59.36 5.97 64.9 98.31 102.9 59.75 74.47 77.97 89.54 g JS 2 S ^ o Sept. Dec. Nov. Oct. Oct. Dec. Jan. Julv Oct. Apr. Aug. Mar. Jan. Jan. Mar. Sept. Nov. Apr. Jan. Sept. Apr. Oct. Dec. Feb. May Feb. Dec. 21,1933 J u n e 30,1937 30.1930 N o v . 27,1936 3,1933 M a y 25,1937 11,1932 F e b . 27,1937 30.1933 Jan. 30,1937 30,1929 Dec. 31,1936 10,1933 Dec. 23.1936 21,1931 M a v 18,1937 12,1932 M a r . 13,1937 11,1934 M a y 8,1937 9,1932 J a n . 18,1937 4,1932 Aug. 21,1937 12,1934 F e b . 19,1937 10,1935 Sept. 29,1937 8,1932 Aug. 30,1937 16,1933 Nov. 25,1936 3,1933 Oct. 29,1937 11,1934 Dec. 31,1936 28,1932 Aug. 31,1937 13,1933 Aug. 25,1937 26,1932 Nov. 30.1936 10,1934 Oct. 19, 1937 8,1933 J u n e 30,1937 27,1934 Aug. 31,1937 23,1931 . . . . . d o 2,1932 Aug. 13,1937 3,1931 J a n . 18,1937 50, 000 100, 000 25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 55, 000 100,000 40,000 50, 000 400, 000 50,000 25, 000 25, 000 75,000 25. 000 25, 000 25, 000 55. 000 50, 000 25,000 U 0,000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 50, 000 25,000 1, 330, 203 678, 377 284, 516 65, 005 259, 526 409,416 639, 746 580, 572 373, 525 50, 000 3, 388, 398 326,680 318, 268 25,000 395, 281 53. 087 171, 043 120, 808 560, 839 360,317 242, 876 222. 488 144, 086 115,045 772, 328 278, 944 297, 201 673,445 329, 045 ,200, 996 562, 665 162.341 24, 097 41,465 61, 916 79,431 44.049 135, 881 158, 001 8 102.44 44.44 91.01 28.805 11 103.6 23.98 65. 223 8 69.78 50.461 11.028 90.63 5 110 71, 564 95.817 45. 534 f 108.2 9. 509 51.16 5 112. 7 8 107. 95 5 106.184 8 106. 6 100 37.32 99.5 100 100.7 69.7 92.04 86.69 101.47 44.26 68.42 48.38 87.57 50.46 47.65 92.55 H # O f* t"1 SI W _ S ^ 107.87 3 277, 219 92, 944 251,187 455, 666 168, 085 147, 880 197, 228 185, 383 100, 312 68, 602 331, 989 178, 681 96, 520 • 40,370 30, 597 403, 898 132,748 222, 415 1, 097, 092 371. 385 217, 825 71, 633 149, 340 314,089 478, 502 327,943 280,149 54, 821 2, 343, 749 224, 388 216, 250 8, V 177,4 17, 566 102, 328 61, 725 404,651 249, 612 136,7"" 55,157 84, 322 69, 221 500. 790 166, 210 222, 483 542, 208 96, 507 176, 393 20, 634 89. 624 59, 582 283, 330 22, 802 87, 323 27, 663 239, 610 143, 988 190, 503 6,261 101, 293 7,999 69, 312 5,809 160,871 143, 369 79, 535 40,137 34, 487 28. 264 129,465 101,805 218, 649 877,182 63, 691 42, 776 71. 694 9,567 37,884 11, 646 88,107 117, 860 63, 666 15,049 51, 985 39, 766 153,498 63,693 3,286 104.03 105.2 97.16 77.45 72.08 71.42 31.23 76.28 hj Hi hi Eg CJ O M H 71.55 97.49 100 /-s 104.75 28.38 61.53 104.6 104.68 JH § 2 g y 100.53 102.57 98.28 56.5 99.57 99.68 n H 2 Si ^ Cm National bank receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937 l—Continued Location Title Houston, Tex.3 Howell, Hubbard, Iowa 615 Hull, Iowa e Humboldt, Iowa 6 Humphrey, Nebr Iowa Falls, Iowa Isanti, Minn Ishpeming, Mich.e * Jackson, Minn Jackson, Miss 3 Jackson, Minn. Jasper, Fla Jayton, Tex Jefferson, Tex.3 Jenkintown, 613 Pa_ Jewell, Iowa _ 615 Kanawha, Iowa Kansas, Ohio 613 Kelso, Wash Kingfisher, Okla.9 Kinston, N. C —.do Kirkwood, 111.3 Ladonia, Tex La Grande, Oreg.3 Public National Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank .do. .do,. _do. _do_. Miners National Bank. . . . Brown National Bank First National Bank Jackson National Bank First National Bank First National Bank Commercial National Bank in. Citizens National Bank First National Bank of Jewell Junction. First National Bank, .do.. _do_. National Bank of First National Bank.. .do- United States National Bank. La Harpe, Kans.6 First National Bank La Junta, Colo. Lake City, Iowa 615 do Lake Geneva, Wis. . Farmers National Bank 6 Date receiver appointed Capital $800, 000 $4, 585, 082 Dec. 13,1932 Oct. 22,1937 June Oct. Dec. Oct. Jan. Dec. Oct. Jan. Oct. Feb. Nov. May June Jan. 18.1934 30,1933 20.1933 24. 1933 30.1930 27.1932 16.1931 17.1934 3.1932 16,1931 16.1933 13,1930 8,1932 16, 1934 July May Aug. Jan. Feb. Dec. Feb. Aug. Feb. July July Feb. Nov. Dec. 20,1937 21, 1937 20,1937 30,1937 23, 1937 5, 1936 15,1937 26,1937 26, 1937 27,1937 13,1937 27,1937 11,1936 23,1936 June 27,1931 Nov. 3,1933 July 31. 1937 Sept. 25,1937 Oct. 7,1933 Sept. 13,1933 Dec. 29. 1931 July 27,1933 May 1.1931 .do. Sept. 16, 1936 Dec. 26.1930 May 23, 1932 Apr. Mar. June Sept. Oct. Sept. June May Aug. Sept. June Oct. Jan. June 25,1937 Dec. 9,1936 Aug. 31,1937 June 15,1937 30,1933 18,1934 22,1931 5,1934 Total assets and stock assessment Date finally closed or restored to solvency 13,1937 13,1937 30,1937 24,1937 28,1937 16,1937 30,1937 25,1937 25, 1937 Total deposits at date of failure Total liabilities established to date of final closing Or O Total payments to secured and preferred creditors except through dividends, including offsets allowed Percent dividends paid to total claims proved (secured and unsecured) $184,312 $1, 334, 247 Total dividends and distributions paid Percent total payments including offsets allowed to total liabilities established to date of final closing 6.041 49.09 410,125 100, 000 736, 768 400, 663 500, 583 175, 011 50,000 432, 295 174, 929 287, 538 106, 512 35,000 280, 533 122, 902 162,917 632,447 50.000 1,157,155 724, 744 940. 620 35, 000 442,418 264, 580 336, 399 178, 881 50, 000 434, 945 278, 645 295,112 122,937 25,000 297,992 200, 036 236,449 100,000 2, 768,167 2,147, 928 2. 362, 540 1,921, 804 86,856 299, 008 218, 488 40,000 143, 272 200,000 2, 993, 596 1, 957, 807 2, 235, 700 1, 342, 204 18,319 167,068 80, 000 38, 511 68, 409 297,474 30,000 195, 042 161,344 28, 975 285,908 40,000 194, 930 117, 600 10, 631 113, 008 25, 000 11, 373 129, 052 110.42 128, 998 112. 25 90 44, 905 323, 266 » 102. 65 76.6 119, 492 66. 73 23,001 67.79 54,745 561, 864 7 107. 25 79.75 113,191 79.13 614, 079 49.8 18, 709 44.08 46, 679 20.63 71. 894 771 5 112.98 107.7 105. 72 92.94 101.6 84.95 68.41 75.15 105.18 91.56 87.50 97.13 59 54.63 100.24 $3, 265 $3,093,362 981, 238 289, 332 384, 791 149, 525 533, 787 199,879 83.476 144, 618 18.85 149, 418 65, 623 5 108. 84 43.62 105.68 275, 752 50,000 25, 000 110,376 100, 000 755.984 25, 000 295,175 125,000 1,155, 990 120. 000 1,300.051 50,000 95,008 100. 000 696,198 100. 000 100, 000 102, 397 44, 886 432, 657 232, 482 623. 322 714. 382 159.005 55,128 454, 779 234, 331 917,342 934,347 12,133 287, 659 50, 000 97, 575 49, 066 207,143 115, 530 134.088 138, 254 69,507 «110.25 11, 337 « 112. 7 66.4 141,461 92.7 107,119 17.95 307, 841 18.04 303,414 12,133 99,975 5 95.99 105.05 109. 56 76.65 95.01 48.17 47.27 100 38.88 95.99 104, 258 399, 554 341, 631 500, 849 38, 436 193, 349 183, 928 351, 767 90.6 61,460 186, 639 i° 94. 65 59. 585 36, 045 184, 682 5 112.073 95.81 95.10 64.38 107.1 150, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50,000 50,000 50, 000 176,561 571,594 538, 570 705, 222 256, 384 67, 603 298,033 321, 573 350, 660 11,884 47, 995 First National Bank City National Bank First National Bank First-Lake County National Bank. Little Rock, Iowa 6 First National Bank do. Littleton, Colo Lodi, Ohio Peoples National Bank Logan, Ohio F i r s t - R e m p e l National Bank. Los Angeles, Calif.* 15_ Wilshire National Bank Louisburg, N. C.13 First National Bank Lumberton, Miss .do. Fourth National Bank , Macon, Ga 6 Malvern, Ark.6 First National Bank Mancos, Colo. .do. M'anilla, Iowa .do., .do., Maquoketa, Iowa .do.. Marathon, Iowa 6 .do., Mareeline, Mo .do., Martinsviile, 111 .do. Maryville, Tenn 3 Masontown National Bank. Mason town, Pa. First National Bank . Mazon, 111." do McLeansboro, 111 .do. McLoud, Okla6 Meadow, Tex. _do_. .do., Mechanicville, N. Y__ .do.. Medford, Wis.3 Farmers & Merchants NaMerced, Calif tional Bank, Milbank, S. Dak.3 do. Millen, G a J » First National Bank Minneapolis National Bank. Minneapolis, Kans Monroe National Bank Monroe, N. Y First National Bank Monroeton. Pa.66 Montour, Iowa _do_. 3 Montour Falls, N. Y. _ Montour National Bank Morris National Bank Morris, Minn. 6 First National Bank Morrisonville, 111 Motley, Minn .do. M o u n 6t E p h r a i m, Mount Ephraim National Bank. N. J. Mount Morris, Pa Farmers & Merchants National Bank. Mount Olive, 111.3 3 First National Bank Mount Vernou, Ind. ^ Old-First National Bank.... 6 First National Bank New Berlin, Pa. New London, Iowa 6 .. New London National Bank Third National Bank New London, Ohio ,. Newport Beach, Calif- First National Bank., See footnotes at end of table. Lakeland, Fla Lansing, Mich.3 Letcher, S. Dak.2 Libertyville, 111.««___. May Dec. Sept. Dec. 15,1929 22,1936 27,1932 5,1933 Aug. June Jan. Aug. 31,1937 29.1937 12,1937 28,1937 100, 000 2, 656, 204 1, 907, 478 2,192, 816 4,028, 651 500, 000 4, 302, 467 107, 674 170,393 25, 000 63, 288 100, 000 1, 238, 394 987, 864 1, 010, 242 Oct. 31,1933 Jan. 12,1933 Dec. 8,1931 Apr. 16,1931 Oct. Aug. Mar. Sept. 26,1937 25,1937 27,1937 25,1937 238, 646 25, 000 25, 000 451, 294 50,000 685,333 100, 000 1,255,371 Jan. Dec. Feb. Nov. Oct. Oct. Jan. June Oct. Nov. Oct. Jan. Oct. Oct. Aug. Nov. Oct. July Nov. Sept. 22.1931 9,1933 26,1928 15,1934 9,1933 30,1933 28.1932 31.1933 13.1931 11,1930 13,1933 24.1932 8.1932 4.1930 15,1932 2.1933 9.1931 9,1933 23,1926 Nov. Sept. Nov. Sept. Oct. Apr. July Feb. June Aug. Sept. May Sept. May Feb. Aug. Apr. Aug. Dec. Feb. 23.1936 29.1937 30.1936 27.1937 30,1937 30,1937 31,1937 24,1937 8,1937 30,1937 23,1937 29,1937 25,1937 28,1937 24,1937 20,1937 30,1937 24,1937 11,1936 25,1937 Dec. June Feb. July Nov. Nov. May Jan. June Dec. Oct. 11.1933 26.1934 9,1929 18.]932 8.1933 16.1933 1,1936 2.1934 29.1931 16.1932 13.1933 do July 17,1937 Dec. 11,1936 Oct. 27,1937 July 31,1937 Sept. 29,1937 Jan. 25.1937 Jan. 30,1937 July 13; 1937 Nov. 28,1936 Mar. 31,1937 75,000 25, 000 60,000 50, 000 25, 000 30,000 25, 000 25,000 50, 000 25, 000 25, 000 Feb. 21,1927 Sept. 28,1937 25, 000 423, 070 Aug. Sept. Nov. Oct. July Feb. Feb. May Mar. Sept. Jan. June 70,000 100,000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 25, 000 321,186 101, 529 336,162 213, 285 587, 770 279, 209 22,1934 12,1932 16,1935 3,1933 30,1933 20,1931 17,1932 8,1937 24, 193/ 31,1937 27,1937 30, 1937 11.1937 647, 293 i"36.11 633, 380 4. 913 196, 724 2, 097, 771 6.9 58, 514 3,485 164, 083 1104.1 878, 600 49, 434 74,631 119,593 215, 703 58. 43. 57. 103. 4 31 58 21 79.8 75.61 88. 415 68.82 86.49 80.43 90.12 69.3 143, 857 235, 038 356, 039 225, 889 5 112 200, 000 829, 559 231, 314 . 50,000 228,621 440,009 160, 448 74,320 «108. 504 409, 315 44.17 50, 000 128, 234 163, 017 305, 253 557,159 500, 000 10, 789, 809 7, 690, 486 9, 447, 423 5, 741, 683 2, 899, 485 1086.57 158,142 25, 000 100,817 46, 980 1092 1 128, 777 217, 708 70 452, 824 50, 000 228, 502 603, 258 127,616 284,808 90.7 183, 731 25,000 134, 265 35, 306 156, 792 283,924 59. 427 693, 049 50, 000 290, 441 212, 861 523,112 974,651 79.75 109,316 25, 000 74, 446 228, 375 53, 039 44, 708 31.57 279, 038 25, 000 70, 098 55, 605 248, 829 345, 075 47.56 319.291 25,000 134, 220 36, 407 298, 702 387, 822 56.74 727, 293 302, 596 100, 000 191, 309 573, 249 946, 412 50 834 400 100, 000 100, 000 83, 372 113,799 38,663 5 111.87 74, 687 237, 518 50,000 34.07 599, 394 50, 000 155, 020 156,100 430, 325 713, 210 69.6 98, 069 25,000 47, 607 29,546 95, 325 150, 340 37.05 51,116 25, 000 11,345 17, 076 37,185 96, 063 72.66 50, 000 1, 452, 756 1, 299, 051 1, 332, 065 878, 556 120,411 15.6 107, 009 50,000 16,462 427 107,000 166,897 50.15 100,000 1, 796,168 1,128,135 1, 469, 784 516, 710 434, 975 103.85 101.4 71.16 91.4 93.46 91.8 92.29 72.62 89.42 45.05 53.44 67.91 47.96 107. 23 51.91 78.67 55.6 74.99 15. 78 64.75 199, 691 152, 306 887, 226 638, 006 252,163 331, 391 25, 517 281,510 388, 587 165. 785 298,153 104, 041 325,113 466, 999 769, 937 148,124 361,000 536, 739 899, 636 78, 675 215, 720 364,105 477, 095 66,139 90, 074 614,174 496. 780 190, 542 238, 575 23, 822 230,867 264, 859 103, 266 189, 546 9,317 40, 537 222,390 333. 216 173, 898 157,193 23, 794 77, 970 97,411 24, 077 109, 046 310, 068 342,411 202, 650 46, 779 36, 221 95, 463 203, 530 58, 509 334, 655 86, 204 74,042 205, 282 92, 802 422. 998 197, 349 201, 862 112, 275 230, 628 137, 992 444, 203 216, 886 37,960 525,118 425, 243 185, 009 156,591 148, 303 219,705 76,411 144, 953 29, 068 14.35 54, 349 43.08 112,877 87.37 112,801 99. 317 15, 239 «107. £3 92,490 517 «102. 09: 73.89 121, 774 50.7 72, 386 31 33, 933 74.72 47, 383 68.7 18.196 85. 027 32, 794 8 103.12 65.2 47, 245 84.17 40, 318 58.65 77,100 58.04 104.5 54.59 99.16 99.3 104. 66 102. 04 86.52 64.11 56.17 82.53 72.84 54.62 85.03 102. 51 76.64 84.41 75.29 Oi National bank receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937 l—Continued Location Title Newport News, Va.s. New Richland, Minn.6 Noble, 111 North Bend, Nebr... Northboro, Iowa North Rose, N. Y Oakland, Calif.6*5____ Oak Park, 111 Ozark, Ark.._. _ Paducah, Tex Painesville, Ohio 3 Parma, Idaho Perry, Okla.s Pharr, Tex ._ Pico, Calif.6i3 Pierre, S. Dak Pikeville, Ky.s Schmelz National Bank First National Bank ._ do. _do_. _do_. _do_. Central National Bank First National Bank .do. Security National Bank Painesville National Bank. Parma National Bank First National Bank. do. National Bank of Pico National Bank of Commerce. Day and Night National Bank. First National Bank of Bay Point. Bozeman Waters First National Bank. First National Bank in Farmers-Merchants National Bank. National Black River Bank Citizens National Bank First National Bank do .do., .do.. .do_. _do_. .do- Port Chicago, Calif.. Poseyville, Ind Poultney, Vt Princeton, Wis.oi5__. Proctorsville, Vt.^ Prosperity, S. C Ransom, 111.615 Rector, Ark Republic, Pa Richwood, Ohio Ridge Farm, Ill.ei5 Ridgway, 111." Ridgeway, Mo Date receiver appointed Oct. Oct. Nov. Feb. Sept. Oct. May Apr. Jan. Nov. Nov. Sept. Apr. Nov. Jan. Feb. Dec. 27.1932 10.1933 14.1931 9, 1933 16.1932 29.1931 8.1933 1,1931 13.1932 2,1931 21,1932 12.1932 9.1934 12,1931 16.1934 11,1925 12.1933 Date finally closed or restored to solvency Aug. Sept. May May Mar. Sept. Feb. June June Oct. May June Apr. Aug. May Nov. Mar. Capital Total assets and stock assessment Total deposits at date of failure Total liabilities established to date of final closing Total dividends and distributions paid Total payments to secured and preferred creditors except through dividends, including offsets allowed Or 00 Percent dividends paid to total claims proved (secured and unsecured) $400, 000 $401, 533 $379,851 27,1937 $400, 000 94.6 25,000 191,964 $124,111 141, 221 111,510 30,1937 $22, 275 93.9 25,000 250, 825 187,181 28,1937 151, 753 87,778 58.07 50, 000 278,181 173, 450 24,1937 145, 369 126,199 46,778 100 25, 000 235, 211 158, 559 13,1937 111,127 45, 798 51, 545 41.43 50, 000 625, 643 493,391 23,1937 421,713 198, 259 51.18 105, 845 1,1937 1, 200, 000 26, 755, 579 19, 807, 968 20,029, 411 14,889,919 6,036,639 r " 106.74 630, 040 411,772 23,1937 100, 000 203, 978 395, 788 35, 372 55.55 166,846 112,136 17,1937 25,000 90, 211 30, 690 61,007 61.9 682, 670 523,391 21,1937 50, 000 70,591 386,856 159, 258 17. 333 616, 901 199, 111 22,1937 150, 000 116, 940 28,846 58. 731 185, 336 124, 725 18,1937 25, 000 49, 299 58,858 73.1 83, 048 625, 090 483, 222 16,1937 50, 000 301,159 411,123 198, 720 7107. 5 325, 777 199,161 20,1937 50, 000 161, 265 40, 756 73, 249 33 274, 073 172, 346 19,1937 50,000 125, 389 55, 531 123, 466 6 114.93 100, 000 1, 344, 804 1, 073, 294 1, 084, 580 382, 790 30.1936 339, 858 51. 333 192, 654 78, 981 100, 000 26.1937 66, 223 11,172 83.847 Percent total payments Including offsets allowed to total liabilities established to date of final closing 94.6 94.73 67.63 99.73 61.39 61.76 104. 48 58.13 81.77 43.92 73.21 86.72 103.44 57.24 103.85 66.63 Mar. 18,1932 Oct. 21,1937 25, 000 199,210 112, 675 147, 782 28, 960 72,108 38.35 68.38 Jan. 20,1932 Feb. 27,1937 50, 000 633.649 425, 207 528, 290 376, 705 130,472 93.83 96.01 June 20,1930 Jan. 15,1934 Apr. Feb. 24,1937 10,1937 1-00, 000 1,169. 950 40,000 388,731 764,122 307, 918 853, 035 314,226 559,383 320,451 145, 479 78.71 18,075 7108.26 82.63 107. 73 Dec. 5,1933 Oct. 22,1931 Nov. 1,1933 Dec. 3,1930 Feb. 13,1931 Apr. 17,1931 Oct. 10,1933 Feb. 4,1933 Dec. 23,1930 Feb. July Dec. July Mar. May Apr. Oct. Mar. 12,1937 23,1937 31.1936 28.1937 31,1937 11,1937 30,1937 28,1937 31,1937 247,848 167, 497 116, 742 193, 204 151, 829 357, 035 36, 623 73,144 87,181 259, 482 224,117 140, 741 252, 462 153, 936 398, 637 86,652 83, 732 107, 509 244,911 149,449 122,891 26, 316 73,958 121, 668 45,889 74,896 68,479 50, 000 50, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 40, 000 50, 000 25, 000 60, 000 322, 478 485, 319 191, 224 300,883 322.650 522,316 203, 627 152,906 274,373 28, 648 56,952 27,033 69,422 26, 684 89, 581 42, 581 14,694 26, 769 7106.2 89 5 108.44 12.23 56.68 36. 497 8114.6 5108. 45 86.77 105. 42 92.09 106. 52 37.92 65.37 52.99 102. 09 106.9 88.69 Rook Rapids, Iowa L y o n C o u n t y National Bank. Rock Springs, T e x . " . . First National Bank Rockwell, Iowa do. Rolla, Mo National Bank of Rolla Rosalia, Wash.a« Whitman County National Bank. Rosedale, Ind. 61313 Rosedale National Bank Russiaville, Ind. First National Bank Sabetha, Kans „___ National Bank of Sabetha— St. Augustine, Fla First National Bank St. Cloud, Minn do. Smith National Bank St. Edward, Nebr First National Bank St. Francis, Kans American Exchange NaSt. Louis, Mo. 6 * 5 tional Bank. St. Louis, Mo Vandeventer National Bank St. Marys, Kans First National Bank Central National Bank & St. Petersburg, Fla Trust Co. First National Bank Citizens National Bank Salmon, Idaho First National Bank Samson, Ala .do. Sandersville, Ga 8 San Gabriel, Calif. .. _do_. Scappoose, Oreg Citizens National Bank Sedalia, Mo do _. Sedalia National Bank First National Bank Selma, N. C Seven Valleys, Pa. 8 _. Seven Valleys National Bank. First National Bank Seward, Pa National Bank of Seymour.. Seymour, Iowa Shawneetown, 111.6 »_ National Bank of Shawneetown. First National Bank Sheffield, Iowa .do. Sidell, 111.615 Siloam Springs, Ark.. Hutchings-First National Bank. First National Bank Silverton, Tex.6 Sioux Rapids, Iowa_. First National Bank in First National Bank __.. Smithville, Tex South Glens Falls, do . N. Y. Spencer National Bank Spencer, Ind Spokane, Wash.3 City National Bank Springfield, Oreg_____ First National Bank. Springfield National Bank. Springfield, Pa „._ Springvale, Maine 6 1 5 . Springvale National B a n k Spur, Tex City National Bank Steelville. Mo First National Bank Steward, 111."» do... See footnotes at end of table. 1, 329, 274 1, 065, 798 1,139,103 702,171 71. 92 76.19 82, 553 192,929 666, 563 309,814 46,143 88,461 191, 257 245, 494 44, 360 5 113.5 33,456 55. 33 181, 711 37. 93 94,879 5 115.39 109. 62 63.19 55. 95 109. 86 July 31,1937 Sept. 28,1937 Sept. 21,1937 Feb. 11,1937 June 28,1937 Dec. 29,1936 Apr. 30,1937 Mar. 17,1937 135, 676 30, 750 5 110.4 132, 709 153, 288 25, 000 211, 393 40,904 5 107.76 71, 795 107, 671 85, 834 25, 000 179, 873 234, 418 170, 746 604, 882 503, 713 54.25 60, 000 790, 920 421,837 1, 036, 487 29. 07 130, 000 2, 804, 497 1, 649, 312 2, 338, 624 578, 525 746,146 250, 000 2, 916, 213 1, 889, 085 2, 509, 408 30 90, 902 163,144 244,166 50,000 479, 019 337, 791 52. 54 143, 023 92, 001 25, 000 352, 655 228, 479 280, 661 76. 17 843, 413 7103. 96 300,000 2, 578, 709 1, 783, 653 2,127, 346 1, 330, 897 108.5 104.6 66.98 62.41 52.79 75.21 83.74 102. 21 Jan. 11,1932 Jan. 12,1933 Apr. 21,1931 Aug. 21,1937 Oct. 30,1937 Sept. 28,1937 250, 000 2,139, 628 1,196, 262 1,526,478 239, 998 50, 000 169,323 396, 468 300, 000 3,915,881 2, 602, 558 2, 802, 585 513, 870 91, 400 946, 435 95. 75 62. 45 52.39 96.75 80.1 67.88 9.1930 25,1932 8.1930 14.1929 27,1934 18,1932 6.1931 15,1932 16,1925 23,1934 10.1930 30.1931 21,1934 Oct. 30,1937 Aug. 31,1937 Apr. 14.1937 July 21.1937 Aug. 30; 1937 Feb. 15,1937 Sept. 13,1937 Aug. 25,1937 June 11,1937 June 30,1937 600, 000 7, 877, 541 4, 336,700 5,487,816 1,832, 708 1,980, 040 232,189 100, 000 269, 979 381, 689 543,171 820, 470 34, 569 149. 463 60, 837 100, 000 84, 378 380, 766 434, 850 74, 810 50, 000 183, 973 231, 649 592, 020 357, 732 131,921 206, 963 50, 000 239,918 456,145 144, 399 19,188 52, 477 105, 379 25, 000 208, 087 861, 015 337, 494 100, 000 2, 592, 597 1, 925,817 2,126, 952 330, 026 193, 825 546, 026 100, 000 472, 862 834, 285 60, 258 276,198 90, 564 30, 000 199,987 345, 579 248,946 154, 967 46,325 25, 000 209,439 316, 262 176, 581 75,217 30, 205 25, 000 157,319 258, 576 167, 762 66, 997 45, 097 25, 000 152,991 242,173 276, 273 200, 208 25, 000 93,068 197, 473 367, 840 51. 4 82. 54 39. 7 18. 9 87. 9 18 1 48 3 93. 95 33. 3 76 55 51.71 54. 43 111 25 69.48 92.45 63.83 59. 51 94.73 49.63 56.34 95.94 54.61 80.82 59.7 66.82 106 15 June 11.1932 Sept. 27,1933 Nov. 2,1931 Mar. 25.1937 Sept. 30,1937 Sept. 21,1937 40, 000 25. 000 50, 000 396,439 225,619 643, 928 250,030 106,115 364, 474 300,010 143, 091 494, 976 206, 850 101. 527 32, 020 June 5,1933 Aug. 1,1932 Oct. 7,1931 May 24,1932 Apr. Sept. July Feb. 30,000 50, 000 50, 000 25, 000 304, 661 313, 337 87, 518 155. 510 238', 999 428, 557 201, 236 215, 610 257, 503 464,825 48,140 63,999 198, 285 309, 945 88,745 92, 622 28,427 98, 646 July 30,1932 Nov. 20,1930 Oct. 22,1932 Sept. 22.1932 Nov. 6>1933 Oct. 7,1930 Jan. 30.1933 Nov. 1,1933 Oct. 23,1937 Jan. 8,1937 Dec. 5,1936 Sept. 23?1937 July 19,1937 Aug. 31,1937 July 30,1937 Oct. 16,1937 277, 237 749, 282 50, 000 588, 424 880, 906 192, 419 250, 536 200, 000 50, 536 557, 263 84,126 105,118 25, 000 148,879 90, 298 21, 750 233, 417 122, 056 50, 000 85, 505 100, 000 2, 489, 919 2, 000, 038 2, 085,423 2, 099,148 451, 469 40, 923 324, 985 40, 000 184,464 335,978 153, 295 252, 683 25, 000 209,308 247,955 81,416 131, 319 50,000 78, 511 214,146 Oct. 20,1931 Feb. 27,1937 75,000 Dec. Mar. June Apr. 28,1932 30,1931 8,1932 25,1934 Feb. Apr. Oct. Aug. 35, 000 25, 000 50, 000 50,000 Oct. Dec. Jan. July June Mar. Nov. Dec. 3,1933 30,1932 18.1932 25,1929 24,1925 3,1933 3,1932 5,1933 June May Jan. Mar. Mar. Oct. Nov. Feb. May Jan. Jan. Dec. Sept. 12,1937 27,1937 7,1937 27,1937 May 18,1937 Feb. 25,1937 Dec. 8,1936 16,1937 22,1937 30-1937 l i ; 1937 170, 1.73 246, 714 831, 247 520, 819 571, 375 36, 726 1.77,137 505, 612 234,170 962, 963 101, 003 956, 072 7 89 712 69,487 48,181 5 109 15 202,150 88 28.45 52.45 86.75 84 93 49.34 76. 802 22, 521 8102. 25 41,900 26.3 119,374 7 106 9 121. 083 15 8 49. 478 8 75 25 56, 409 108 93 92.11 104.i32 47.31 68.02 72.64 88.04 87.9 63.53 76.80 101.45 52.15 106.38 49.86 80. 25 104. 95 C7! CO National bank receiverships completely liquidated and finally closed during the year ended Oct. 81., 1937 l—Continued Location Title Stewartville, Minn Stone Lake, Wis.« Sulphur, Okla Tarpon Springs, FlaA Taylorville, 111 Thomasville, Ga_ Tilden, Nebr. Tulsa, Okla.s Turkey, Tex Twin Falls, Idaho Unionville, Mo. Valparaiso, Ind.15 Vancouver, Wash.e Venice, Calif Versailles, Mo Viborg, S. Dak Wabash, Ind.3 is Waco, Tex.3 Wahoo, Nebr Wanette, Okla Washington, D. C.««. Washington, D. C.s__. Washington, Ga.3 Watseka, 111 Waynesboro, Miss Waynesburg, Pa8 Waynoka, Okla. Webster, N. Y.«» West Alexander, PaA. Westbrook, Minn West Hollywood, CaliL First National Bank. .do_. Park National Bank First National Bank of Commerce. First National Bank .do. .do.. Producers National Bank... First National Bank Twin Falls National Bank... National Bank of Unionville. Valparaiso National Bank... United States National Bank. First National Bank First National Bank in First National Bank Wabash National Bank Liberty National Bank Saunders County National Bank. First National Bank... Chevy Chase Savings Bank. Continental Trust Co Citizens National Bank First National Bank .do. Citizens National Bank First National Bank Webster National Bank Citizens National Bank First National Bank West Hollywood First National Bank. Date receiver appointed Date finally closed or Capital restored to solvency Total as- Total desets and posits at stock as- date of sessment failure $604,164 116, 751 209, 936 490,948 Total liabilities established to date of final closing $482,193 67,607 157,280 233,820 Total payments to secured and preTotal ferred divicreditors dends except and through distributions dividends) including paid offsets allowed $353,024 19, 348 74, 562 58,337 Percent dividends paid to total claims proved (secured and unsecured) $54,144 io 82.8 68.8 41, 072 83.3 66,994 67 141,961 15,1931 12,1933 14,1932 26,1933 Feb. July Sept. Aug. 27,1937 20,1937 16,1937 13,1937 $50,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 Oct. 18.1929 July 27,1932 Nov. 17.1931 July 27.1932 Oct. 22.1931 Dec. 2,1931 Aug. 13.1932 Jan. 20,1932 Feb. 5,1934 Dec. 23,1931 Oct. 16,1931 Oct. 1.1931 Feb. 2,1934 June 3.1932 Apr. 22.1930 Aug. May Apr. Dec. Dec. Sept. June Sept. Sept. June Sept. June Sept. Feb. June 21,1937 18,1937 28,1937 31,1936 17,1936 18,1937 18,1937 8,1937 29,1937 18,1937 30,1937 26,1937 22,1937 20,1937 30,1937 200,000 100,000 50,000 250,000 25,000 150, 000 40,000 150,000 100, 000 50,000 30,000 40,000 200,000 300,000 50,000 Mar. Nov. Feb. Aug. June July Aug. Sept. Nov. July Sept. June Dec. Jan. Oct. July Sept. Oct. Dec. June Aug. July Feb. Oct. 80,977 125,166 27.48 418, 576 272,906 318,401 25,000 29,1936 732, 737 854, 220 734,575 170,436 M08 100,000 1, 038,155 23,1937 1, 023,329 5,766 1, 044,396 30,1937 1,000, 000 3,303, 223 14.7 2,165 4,232 14, 726 16,1937 75,000 142,085 162,947 56.7 334,288 43, 705 22,1937 464, 981 288, 539 50,000 25.4 105,32a 197,758 23,1937 462, 294 576, 955 697,592 25,000 3,367 26,1936 500,000 6,193,051 4,080, 072 4, 087, 604 4, 074,166 26,1937 106, 019 147,378 35,076 113, 530 8 105. 7 208, 604 25, 000 7,1937 397, 243 364, 344 419. 916 77, 762 5 106.8 555, 208 50,000 22,1937 302, 242 324,900 309, 753 37,310 12106. 77 399,304 25,000 15,1937 316, 254 359, 649 228,106 75, 396 80.4 428, 853 30,000 29,1937 182,866 227, 067 115,559 94.6 101,949 383, 759 75 000 Oct. Dec. Nov. Oct. 24,1930 15,1933 28,1933 12,1936 29,1931 6,1932 17,1927 12.1933 15,1933 16,1934 4,1931 28,1932 $470, 719 39, 704 156,072 123,161 1,896, 762 1, 023,437 1, 335, 520 847,673 135, 245 315, 747 607, 538 208,857 116,476 208, 730 376, 818 181, 547 281,400 417,131 1,020,537 136, 270 41,461 213, 078 308,850 ~~~79,~8l9" 241,348 660,631 120,921 85,298 90, 295 206, 449 713, 076 549,869 653, 645 1,110,814 743,483 1,344,753 1, 023,579 1, 039,099 125, 282 223,113 261, 494 369, 791 97,698 228,482 261, 200 367,342 152,522 292, 267 345,142 485,520 22, 657 30,165 125,360 184,140 300,000 300,000 188,128 469, 076 1,123,336 993, 519 467, 569 97, 745 36, 782 108, 212 76, 051 111,267 26,871 208,762 204,094 46,457 41, 210 76,954 7,874 96.39 59.15 68.15 68.206 "~37~9~ 92.87 •111.2 io 90.31 59.25 44.8 56.72 «109.978 61.38 374, 941 25.38 Percent total payments including offsets allowed to total liabilities established to date of final closing 84.44 89.37 90 85.67 98.48 73.78 73.42 93.4 56.03 61.87 92.76 106.39 91.19 65.68 53.18 66.49 101.2 61.38 50.12 49.25 105.73 97.98 43.43 61.82 52.53 99.75 100.8 105.28 106.82 84.39 95.79 First National Bank, .doFarmers National Bank..... First National Bank Citizens National Bank First National Bank .do. Peoples National Bank of Winston. Woodlynne National Bank. Woodlynne, N. J Woodstock, Minn.e... First National Bank. Worthington, W.3 Va.. do Youngsville, Pa. West Salem, 1116 Whiting, Iowa Wilkinson, Ind Willoughby, Ohio 3.... Wilmington, Ohio Wilsonville, Ill.« Windsor, Mo. 8 .. Winston-Salem, N. C . 1425 2510 1402 2075 1529 2568 2786 1615 1551 2481 1544 2715 Total. 1 Nov. Oct. Sept. June Mar. Nov. Mar. June 18,1930 31,1933 19.1930 29.1932 9,1931 15.1933 28.1934 29.1931 Apr. Oct. Sept. July Jan. June June Jan. 30,1937 30,1937 24,1937 31,1937 29,1937 17,1937 18,1937 30,1937 Apr. Oct. Mar. Feb. 11,1931 26,1933 31,1931 1,1934 May July Aug. May 25,1937 31,1937 25,1937 18,1937 25, 000 361, 782 25, 000 353,177 25, 000 263,068 100,000 1, 269, 845 100,000 922, 397 25,000 154,341 50,000 366, 053 150,000 1, 685,177 223, 941 167, 747 141,893 430, 768 161, 441 274, 062 119, 578 245, 354 55,903 156,448 50,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 296,912 257, 208 170,227 1, 305,975 661, 567 566, 471 71,122 91,610 140, 759 222, 598 906,141 1,170,610 303, 683 106, 929 199, 048 61, 746 92,459 141,179 101,858 380, 751 55, 452 100,712 158,843 81, 630 47, 082 110, 819 36,983 91, 675 105,420 40, 970 987, 506 134,458 27, 732 94,487 380,792 42.43 92.1 77.5 85. 262 72.32 86.65 79. 083 17.535 62.02 95.87 83.95 8fi.29 77.88 90.8 87.61 46. 10 87,484 38 61, 521 >104 71.32 42,924 69.538 18, 749 55.69 101.5 77.24 90.25 27,450,000 276,107,101 154,754,207 201,098,023 102,723,029 62, 221, 715 Including District of Columbia State banks (2 banks). 23 Final closing effected through "Termination loan" obtained from Reconstruction Finance Corporation (5 banks). Receiver appointed to levy and collect stock assessment covering deficiency in value of assets sold, or to complete unfinished liquidation (40 banks). 4 86 percent paid by purchasing company upon proved claims and 100 percent upon unproved claims, and 14 percent paid by receiver upon proved claims (1 1 ank). s 100 percent principal and interest in full paid to creditors (43 banks). «7 Formerly in conservatorship. Including dividends paid through or by purchasing bank. Principal and interest paid in full to creditors (15 banks). * Interest partially paid (17 banks). * Licensed bank declared insolvent and immediately placed in receivership (1 bank). ° Including dividends paid through or by purchasing bank (13 banks). 1 Dividends paid through or by purchasing bank (1 bank). 2 Including dividends paid through or by purchasing bank. Interest partially paid (5 banks). s Receiver elected by shareholders to continue liquidation after payment of principal and interest in full to creditors (11 banks). * Interest on non-interest-bearing claims 6.74 percent. Interest on interest-bearing claims 6.51 percent (1 bank). s Shareholders' agent elected to continue liquidation after payment of principal and interest in full to creditors (45 banks). 8 Licensed bank closed through revocation of license with appointment of conservator, subsequently declared insolvent and placed in receivership (I bank). n o W 8 o p w o d o UNLICENSED NATIONAL BANKS Administration of unlicensed national banks, March 16, 1933, to October 31, 1937 The last conservatorship under the supervision of this office, incident to the banking holiday of March 1933, was terminated on February 6, 1935, and there have been no unlicensed national banks, as such, to be reorganized or otherwise disposed of since that date. However, in the year ended October 31, 1937, unsecured liabilities of these banks released and made available to creditors amounted to $42,077,776, or 2.19 percent, of the total of such liabilities outstanding on March 16, 1933. • The summaries and tables following have reference to the administration of all unlicensed banks in charge of the Comptroller since March 16, 1933. As indicated in previous reports, there were 1,417 national banks, including 10 nonnational banks in the District of Columbia, placed on a restricted basis as of March 16, 1933, the close of the banking holiday, 312 of which were reorganized or otherwise eliminated without the appointment of conservators. These 1,417 banks had total assets as of December 31, 1932, for the nonconservator banks, and as shown by conservators' first reports of condition, in the sum of $2,687,402,137, capital of $198,457,820, borrowed money of $212,627,465, and total deposits of $1,971,960,022. Their total unsecured liabilities were $1,922,698,738, of which $1,562,739,935, or 81.28 percent, has been made available to creditors in the period from March 16, 1933, to October 31, 1937. The reports showing the administration of the 1,417 banks have been segregated into five major groups: First, banks licensed after capital corrections; second, banks reorganized by waiver or rehabilitation; third, banks reorganized by Spokane sale; fourth, banks placed in voluntary liquidation; and fifth, banks placed in receivership, plans for reorganization having been disapproved. The first group, comprising 292 banks which were licensed after capital corrections, had unsecured liabilities at the holiday of $305,638,919, all of which had been released to creditors prior to July 11, 1933. In the second group are 565 banks, with unsecured liabilities of $594,604,830, which were reorganized by waiver or rehabilitation. These banks have made available to creditors $507,325,348, or 85.32 percent, of the liabilities mentioned. Included in this group are 17 associations, absorbed by other national banks, which have released 82.13 percent of their unsecured liabilities; 18, absorbed by State banks, which have released 91.83 percent; 282, reopened under new charters, which have released 79.60 percent; and the remainder, or 248 banks, reopened under their old charters, have released 91.41 percent. 62 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 63 The third group consists of 257 banks, with unsecured liabilities of $882,901,854, which were reorganized under the so-called Spokane sale plan. These associations have made available to creditors $662,491,370, or 75.04 percent, of such liabilities. Twenty-one of the banks were absorbed by other associations, releasing 85.56 percent, while the remaining 236, which were reopened under new charters, have released 74.79 percent of their unsecured liabilities. The fourth group is made up of 13 banks, with unsecured liabilities totaling $1,343,597, which were placed in voluntary liquidation, having made available for release 100 percent of such liabilities. The fifth and last group comprises 290 banks which were placed in receivership following disapproval of plans submitted for reorganization. These banks at the close of the holiday had unsecured liabilities of $138,209,538, of which amount $85,940,701, or 62.18 percent, has been made available by receivers for release to creditors. The table following shows a summary of unlicensed national banks and nonnational banks in the District of Columbia on March 16, 1933, and unsecured liabilities released to October 31, 1937, grouped in accordance with final disposition. Summary of unlicensed national banks and nonnational banks in the District of Columbia on Mar. 16, 1933, and unsecured liabilities released tp Oct. 31, 1937, grouped in accordance with final disposition NATIONAL BANKS AND NONNATIONAL BANKS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Groups of banks Banks licensed after capital corrections Banks reorganized by waiver or rehabilitation: Banks absorbed by another national bank. Banks absorbed by a State bank Banks reopened under new charter Banks reopened under old charter Banks reorganized by Spokane sale: Banks absorbed by another bank Banks reopened under new charter Banks placed in voluntary liquidation Placed in receivership, plans for reorganization having been disapproved Total Total assets Total deposits Capital as Dec. 31, as of Dec. 31, as of Dec. 31, Num- Capital at of 1932, or as 1932, or as 1932, or as ber of date of or- reported reported in in reported in banks ganization conservators' conservators' conservators' first reports first reports first reports Total borrowed money as of Dec. 31, Unsecured 1932, or as liabilities reported in conservators' first reports Unsecured liabilities released Percent of unsecured liabilities released 292 $18,947,300 $28,614,800 $395,468,355 $306,821,531 $14,981,975 $305,638,919 $305, 638,919 100.00 17 18 282 248 710,000 875,000 22,308,000 14, 772,000 1,390,000 1,335,000 39,512, 500 21,893, 000 14,056,815 14, 509, 635 440, 244,005 361,671, 765 9,431,290 10.174, 715 299,457,744 275,308,142 1,998, 784 1,311,671 46,856,330 27,243, 742 9, 431,187 10,174, 715 299,493, 920 275, 505,008 7, 745, 490 9, 343,157 238,398, 918 251,837, 783 82.13 91.83 79.60 91.41 21 236 13 1,905,000 27, 710,020 380, 000 2,300,000 79,965,020 525,000 29,368,727 1,190,471,908 2, 725,441 21,934,162 895,105,083 1,343,597 2, 548, 592 81,455,922 430,618 20,070,016 862. 831,838 1, 343, 597 17,172,309 645,319,061 1, 343, 597 85.56 74.79 100. 00 290 13,238,000 22,922, 500 23$, 835,486 152,383,758 35,799,831 138, 209, 538 85,940,701 62.18 1,417 100,845,320 198,457,820 2,687,402,137 1,971,960,022 212,627,465 1,922,698, 738 1, 562, 739,935 81,28 NATIONAL BANKS Banks licensed after capital corrections Banks reorganized by waiver or rehabilitation: Banks absorbed by another national bank Banks absorbed by a State bank.. _. Banks reopened under new charter Banks reopened under old charter Banks reorganized by Spokane sale: Banks absorbed by another bank Banks reopened under new charter Banks placed in voluntary liquidation Banks placed in receivership, plans for reorganization hav ing been disapproved Total _ _ 292 18,947,300 28,614,800 395,468,355 306,821, 531 14,981,975 305, 638,919 305,638,919 100.00 16 18 282 248 610,000 875,000 22,308,000 14,772,000 990,000 1,335,000 39, 512, 500 21,893, 000 10,141,429 14> 509,63 5 440,244,005 361,671,765 7,108,070 10,174,715 299,457, 744 275,308,142 1,013,363 1,311,671 46,856,330 27,243, 742 7,107,967 10,174,715 299,493, 920 275, 505,008 6,623,286 9,343,157 238,398, 918 251,837, 783 93.18 91.83 79.60 91.41 20 230 13 1,855,000 27,355,020 380,000 2, 200,000 79,425,020 525,000 21,180,684 889,247,893 1,343, 597 2,489, 704 79, 643,033 430,618 19,335,872 856,828,876 1,343,597 16, 438,165 640, 781, 976 1,343,597 85.01 74.79 100.00 288 13,038,000 22, 722, 500 233,686,104 148,824,874 34,711,546 132,514,223 82,825, 591 62.50 1,407 100,140,320 197,217, 820 2, 668,647,346 1,959,467, 250 208,681,982 1,907, 943,097 1, 553, 231, 392 81.41 28,369,729 1,181,830,883 2, 725,441 OS NONNATIONAL BANKS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Banks reorganized by waiver or rehabilitation: Banks absorbed by another bank Banks reorganized by Spokane sale: Banks absorbed by another bank Banks reopened under new charter . Banks placed in receivership, plans for reorganization having been disapproved Total. 100,000 400,000 50,000 355,000 100,000 540,000 3,915,386 2, 323, 220 8, 641,025 753,478 5,857,190 985, 421 2,323, 220 1,122, 204 48.30 58,888 1,812, 889 734,144 6,002, 962 734,144 4, 537,085 100.00 75.58 200,000 200,000 5,199,382 3, 558,884 1,088,285 5, 695, 315 3,115,110 54.70 705,000 1, 240,000 18, 754, 791 12,492,772 3, 945,483 14, 755, 641 9, 508, 543 64.44 d o w H O hrj O O IT1 W o d 3 o ORGANIZATION AND LIQUIDATION OF NATIONAL BANKS At the close of the current year, October 31, 1937, there were in existence 5,290 national banking associations having authorized common capital stock amounting to $1,297,129,756. These figures included suspended banks and banks that had ceased business but had not gone into voluntary liquidation, and so remained technically in existence. During the year ended October 31, 1937, there was a reduction of 82 in the number of national banks, or a fraction over 1 percent, and a net increase of $28,706,020 in the amount of authorized common capital stock, or a fraction over 2 percent of the total at the beginning of the year. During this same period, there was a net decrease of $62,316,265.24 in the amount of outstanding preferred capital stock issued by national banks under the provisions of the act of March 9, 1933, so that the total amount outstanding at the close of the period was $289,604,020.01. The net result was a reduction of $33,610,245.24 in the aggregate capital stock of all national banks for the year ended October 31, 1937. During the current year, there was an aggregate increase of $35,199,395 in the common capital stock of 790 national banks. Of this number 37 banks effected an increase of $5,086,100 by stock dividends pursuant to the provisions of section 5142, U. S. R. S. Coincident with retirement of preferred capital stock 673 banks effected an increase in their common capital stock of $22,407,545 by stock dividends declared by their respective boards of directors pursuant to the requirements of their articles of association; 62 banks issued an aggregate of $6,669,050 of additional common capital stock for cash; and 18 banks effected an aggregate increase of $1,036,700 through conversion of preferred capital stock to common capital stock. Also, during the period under review, 19 banks issued preferred capital stock aggregating $1,917,250 of which $1,308,250 was sold to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the remainder, $609,000, to other purchasers, usually shareholders of the issuing banks. Covering the entire period since the inception of the national banking system, February 25, 1863, to and including October 31, 1937, 14,394 national banking associations have been authorized to begin business. Of these banks 5,907 have gone into voluntary liquidation in the manner provided by sections 5220 and 5221, U. S. R. S., paid their depositors and quit business or merged with other national and State banks; and 404 have consolidated with other national banking associations under authority of the act of November 7,1918. Exclusive of banks which failed but subsequently were restored to solvency, loss to the national banking system since its inception through receiverships has been 2,793. Thus, the number of receiverships has been about 19 percent of the total number of banks organized. During the year ended October 31, 1937, 98 national banks with aggregate common capital stock of $8,188,500, among which were 37 with preferred capital stock aggregating $2,861,040, went into voluntary liquidation in the manner provided by sections 5220 and 5221, 66 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 67 U. S. R. S. Of these banks 8 with common capital stock of $300,000 and aggregate assets of $2,607,896, including 2 with preferred capital stock aggregating $40,000, paid their depositors and quit business; 59 with common capital stock of $4,208,500 and aggregate assets of $76,275,206, including 24 with preferred capital stock aggregating $1,154,840, were succeeded by other national banks; 31 with common capital stock of $3,680,000 and aggregate assets of $94,996,089, including 11 with preferred capital stock aggregating $1,666,200, were succeeded by State banks. The last-mentioned group included 2 banks with capital stock of $500,000 or more with an aggregate of $2,100,000 common capital stock, $1,399,900 preferred capital stock, and assets of $73,107,668. November 2, 1914, marked the beginning of the operation of the Federal Reserve System. At that date, there were in existence 7,578 national banks with aggregate common capital stock of $1,072,492,175 as compared with the total common capital stock of $1,297,129,756 for the 5,290 national banks in existence October 31, 1937. In addition, 2,265 national banks as permitted by the act of March 9, 1933, have issued preferred capital stock, 1,817 of which had an aggregate of $289,604,020.01 outstanding at the close of the current year. Since 1914, there has been a net decrease of 2,288 in the number of national banks in existence but a net increase of $224,637,581 in the amount of common capital stock, and, in addition, a net increase of $289,604,020.01 in capital through the issuance of preferred capital stock during the last 4K 3^ears. During this 23-year period, 3,742 new national banks have been chartered, with aggregate common capital stock of $560,041,600 and preferred capital stock of $55,199,300, while 6,030 associations have been closed voluntarily or otherwise. During the year ended October 31, 1937, in addition to applications carried over from the previous year, 52 applications were received to organize national banks and to convert State banks into national banking associations, with proposed capital stock aggregating $8,600,000. Of these applications, 33 with proposed capital stock aggregating $5,775,000 were approved; 7 with proposed capital stock aggregating $800,000 were rejected; and the remainder are still pending or have been abandoned. During the year 10 of the applications approved were for the organization of new national banking associations which would not acquire all or a part of the business of some other bank. From the applications carried over from the previous year and the 33 applications approved during the current year, 29 national banking associations with common capital stock aggregating $5,225,000, 4 of which also had $130,000 preferred capital stock, were authorized to commence business. Of these 29 banks, 1 was located in the Eastern States, 9 in the Southern States, 13 in the Middle Western States, 5 in the Western States, and 1 in the Pacific States. It further appears that of the 29 charters issued within the year ended October 31, 1937, 18 with common capital stock aggregating $4,455,000 and assets aggregating $93,112,719 were the result of conversions of State banks; 1 with common capital stock of $10,000 and preferred capital stock of $40,000 was a reorganization of a State bank; 2 with common capital stock of $35,000 and preferred capital stock of $65,000 were organized for the purpose of acquiring the business of 2 liquidating national banks; and 8 with common capital stock of $750,000 did not acquire the business of any other 68 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY banking institution as of date of charter. The business of 39 State banks with aggregate capital stock of $2,551,300 and aggregate assets of approximately $37,774,249 were purchased by national banks. During the year ended October 31, 1937, 17 national banks and 1 State bank were consolidated into 9 national banking associations, under authority of the act of November 7, 1918, as amended February 25, 1927, the common capital stock of the consolidated banks being $2,382,125 and the preferred capital stock being $453,000. In two of these consolidations there were increases in the capital stock while in five there were reductions in the capital stock, the net result being a reduction in the common capital stock of $277,875 and an increase of $106,000 in the preferred capital stock. Additional assets of approximately $1,297,419 were brought into the national system by reason of the State bank which was consolidated with a national bank. BRANCHES On February 25, 1927, the date of the passage of the McFadden Act, 118 national banking associations had in operation 372 branches as compared with 192 national banking associations with 1,546 branches as of October 31, 1937. Covering the entire period from February 25, 1927, to and including October 31, 1937, 2,013 branches have been added to the system. Of these branches 1,190 were de novo branches, 313 were branches of State banks which converted into national associations, and 510 were branches brought into the system by the consolidation of State banks with national banks. During this same period, 839 branches were relinquished, 564 went out of the system through liquidation of the parent institutions, and 275 through consolidations or for other reasons. The net result of these operations was a gain for the system of 1,174 branches since February 25, 1927. During the year ended October 31, 1937, there was a net gain of 86 in the number of authorized branches, 110 de novo branches being established, 96 of which were authorized under the Banking Act of 1933 to operate in places other than the city in which the parent bank is located. Nine branches were discontinued by leason of liquidation of the parent bank, while 15 were discontinued through action of the board of directors or shareholders of the parent bank. There follows a summary of branch-banking operations in the national system during the period discussed in the foregoing: 69 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Table showing number and kind of branches on Feb. 25, 1927, and number and manner of acquisition of additional branches of national banks by years to close oj Oct. 31, 1937 6 478 Total 104 62 82 5 95 162 510 207 127 103 89 86 50 102 106 49 13 6 14 58 64 152 75 96 372 527 173 173 92 145 264 164 113 171 81 110 952 445 2,385 1 8 60 18 35 30 30 26 22 25 14 15 308 256 275 15 17 241 24 10 14 7 Number of banks with branches 20 86 32 2 87 Number of branches Involuntary liquidations Total Other than local city branches Local city branches Under act Feb. 25, 1927, as amended In existence Lapsed or consolidated 165 296 8 2 1 Closed Voluntary liquidations On Feb 25,1927 Period ended Oct. 31, 1927 Year ended Oct. 31, 1928 Year ended Oct. 31, 1929. Year ended Oct. 31, 1930 Year ended Oct 31 1931 Year ended Oct. 31, 1932 Year ended Oct 31 1933 Year ended Oct 31, 1934 Year ended Oct. 31, 1935 Year ended Oct 31 1936 Year ended Oct 31 1937 Consolidations of State banks Conversions of State banks Authorized 372 899 992 1061 L, 086 L, 184 L, 314 L, 211 ,264 L,393 4p,n 1,546 118 158 161 157 154 151 147 152 179 177 190 192 1,546 192 Table showing number and kind of branches authorized and closed during the year ended Oct. 31, 1987 Author- Closed during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937 In op- In exized Total eration istence during in exOct. year Feb. istence 31, ended 25, By Oct. 31. By 1936 Oct. 31, share- direc- Lapsed Insol1927 1937 vent 1937 holders tors Classes _ (a Statutory^ "| Additional offices, c branches Millspaugh Act _, flocal Cbranches lother"thinfott;i""":::" Total _ 165 /\ 363 298 74 202 3 5 385 337 14 96 1 6 1 8 4 1 1,460 110 10 12 1 372 2 1 1 363 296 74 2 384 427 1,546 NOTE.—Branches classified according to the paragraphs of sec. 5155, U. S. R. S., under which they are authorized as a, b, and c. 70 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Table showing number and manner of acquisition of domestic branches of national banks during the year ended Oct. 81, 1937 Branches authorized during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937 Charter No. Under act Feb. 25, 1927, as amended Title and location Local 3728 14324 First National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix Other than local 1 The Valley National Bank of Phoenix ARKANSAS 7138 The State National Bank of Texarkana CALIFORNIA 2491 9174 13044 Security-First National Bank of Los Angeles The Anglo California National Bank cf San Francisco Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco. INDIANA 13729 The Merchants National Bank of Indianapolis. Marion National Bank, Marion... KENTUCKY 109 The First National Bank of Louisville MARYLAND 1413 The First National Bank of Baltimore 614 6077 Middlesex County National Bank of Everett. Un'ion Old Lowell National Bank, Lowell MASSACHUSETTS 13671 4446 National Bank of Detroit First National Trust and Savings Bank of Port Huron.._ NEVADA 7038 First National Bank in Reno » NEW JERSEY 1188 The First National Bank of Morristown NEW YORK 1301 149 2370 13260 1354 11292 The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany.. First National Bank & Trust Company of Elmira__ The Chase National Bank of the City of New York The National Safety Bank and Trust Company of New York The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich The Port Washington National Bank and Trust Company, Port Washington OHIO 4318 5065 Central National Bank of Cleveland The Ohio National Bank of Columbus.. 1553 4514 The First National Bank of Portland The United States National Bank of Portland. PENNSYLVANIA The Erie National Bank of Philadelphia. The First National Bank of York 1 Title changed to "First National Bank of Nevada, Reno, Nevada." 13032 197 35 Total 71 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Table showing number and manner of acquisition of domestic branches of national banks during the year ended Oct. 81, 1987—Continued Branches authorized during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937 Charter No. Under act Feb. 25, 1927, as amended Title and location Total Other than local Local SOUTH DAKOTA 4631 2 a 3 4 2 4 1 5 4 2 7 1 5 14 96 110 The First National Bank of Lead WASHINGTON 11280 4375 14394 4668 3417 Seattle-First National Bank, Seattle The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle Peoples National Bank of Washington in Seattle.. The Old National Bank and Union Trust Company of Spokane National Bank of Washington, Tacoma _ _ Total (34 banks) _ Table showing number and class of domestic branches of national banks closed during the year ended Oct. 81, 1987 Branches closed Charter No. Title and location Manner of closing Branches under act State of Feb. 25, 1927, bank as amended branches in operation Addi25. Total tional Branches Feb. 1927, offices authorwhich which ized were conbecame since verted branches Feb. 25, or conFeb. 25, 1927 solidated 1927 CALIFORNIA Voluntary liquidation. 5 5 Board of directors 1 1 Voluntary liquidation. 1 Board of directors 1 13044 The Seaboard National Bank of Los Angeles. Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco. 10504 The Franklin National Bank of Washington. 5550 Bishop National Bank of Hawaii at Honolulu. 1668 The Idaho First National Bank . . do , of Boise. 7725 Lincoln National Bank and Trust Company of Fort Wayne. 200 The First National Bank of Boston. 12545 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HAWAII IDAHO 1 INDIANA Shareholders 1 MASSACHUSETTS 27021—38 do 1 1 72 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Table showing number and class of domestic branches of national banks closed during the year ended Oct. 81, 1987—Continued Branches closed Charter No. Title and location 3513 The City National Bank of Lansing. 374 The First National Bank of Jersey City. 1262 2370 The New York State National Bank, Albany. The Chase National Bank of the City of New York. 1553 The First National Bank of Portland. 355 The Delaware County National Bank of Chester. Manner of closing Branches under act State of Feb. 25, 1927, bank as amended branches in operation AddiFeb. 25, Total tional Branches 1927, offices authorwhich which ized conbecame since were verted branches Feb. 25, or conFeb. 25. 1927 solidated 1927 MICHIGAN Receiver 1 Board of directors 2 Voluntary liquidation- 2 2 Board of directors 3 .3 do 2 2 do 1 do 2 NEW JERSEY 2 NEW YORK OREGON PENNSYLVANIA WISCONSIN First Wisconsin National Bank of Milwaukee. 22 Total (14 banks) — NATIONAL-BANK 2 2 24 CIRCULATION With the expiration of the 3-year privilege, provided by the act of July 22, 1932, authorizing national banks to deposit as security eligible for circulating notes United States bonds bearing interest at a rate not exceeding 3% percent per annum, and the call for redemption of the 2-percent consols and Panama Canal 2-percent bonds on July 1 and August 1, 1935, respectively, the privilege of issuing circulation by such banks was discontinued. A detailed reference to the history and development of the nationalbank note was made on pages 817 to 842 of the Comptroller's annual report for 1935, and nothing further on the subject is referred to in this report, except the amount of national-bank notes of each denomination still outstanding on July 1, 1937, and reference to the amount d cost of national-bank notes retired in the year ended June 30, 1937. 73 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Statement of capital stock of national banks, national-bank notes, and Federal Reserve bank notes (old series) outstanding, etc. Authorized capital stock of national banks, common Paid-in capital stock of national banks, common July 1, 1937 J u n e 1, 1937 $1,290,820,821 1, 290, 790, 821 $1, 289, 812, 406 1, 289, 772, 406 Increase or decrease since above date Increase of authorized capital stock, common Decrease ^fflnt-hnriwi ^apitftl st<">fk, commnn Increase of paid-in capital stock, common Decrease of paid-in capital stock, common $1, 255, 924, 926 1, 255, 924, 926 Increase or decrease since above date $1, 008,415 $34, 895, 895 1, 018,415 34, 865, 895 $301, 511, 042 $303, 509, 372 $493, 251,922 301, 511, 042 303, 509, 372 493, 251,922 _ Authorized capital stock of national banks, preferred, par value Paid-in capital stock of national banks, preferred, par value - J u l y 1,1936 __ Increase or decrease since above date Increase of authorized capital stock, preferred, par valua. Decrease of authorized capital stock, preferred, par value Increase of paid-in capital stock, preferred, par value Decrease of paid-in capital stock, preferred, par value-- _ Increase or decrease since above date $1,998,330 $191, 740,880 1,998, 330 191, 740,880 National-bank notes outstanding, old and new series, secured by United States bonds National-bank notes outstanding, old and new series, secured by lawful monev 2 i $600, 000 i $600, 000 271,564,454 277, 484, 675 371,121, 815 Total national-bank notes outstanding, old and new series 272,164, 454 278, 084, 675 371,721,815 » $600, 000 Increase or decrease since above date Increase secured by United States bonds Decrease secured "by United States bonds Increase secured by lawful money Decrease secured by lawful money . Decreases since dates indicated above.- above date _ _ Ni?t increase Net decrease Federal Reserve bank notes outstanding secured by lawful money, old series _. Increase or decrease since $2, 279,181 > $5,920,221 $99, 557, 361 5,920, 221 99, 557, 361 $2, 279,181 $2, 307, 460 28, 279 i Secured by $500,000 United States 2-percent consols, 1930, deposited with United States Treasurer. Includes proceeds for called bonds redeemed by Secretary of the Treasury. 3 74 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Statement of capital stock of national hanks, national-bank notes, and Federal Reserve bank notes (old series) outstanding, etc.—Continued National-bank notes of each denomination outstanding Old series One dollar ._ _ _ Two dollars Five dollars Ten dollars Twenty dollars Fifty dollars _ . One hundred dollars Five hundred dollars One thousand dollars Fractional parts . _ . ._ . . _ _ .. Total Less notes redeemed but not assorted by denominations. Total New series Federal Reserve bank notes of each denomination outstanding, old series $340,194 162, 020 9, 536, 235 14, 325, 900 11, 249, 470 2, 074, 250 2, 787,900 86, 500 21, 000 62,128 $16, 729,870 73, 086, 470 103, 636, 780 18,154, 250 20, 754,800 40, 645, 597 232, 362, 642 843, 785 2, 279,181 40, 645, 597 231, 518, 857 2, 279,181 $1, 562, 343 374 366 237, 892 49,950 46, 230 8,400 472 REDEMPTION OF NATIONAL AND FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CIRCULATION During the year ended June 30, 1937, national-bank notes, Federal Reserve notes, and Federal Reserve bank notes, new series, aggregating $1,651,758,231 were redeemed in the United States Treasury at a total expense of $129,111.89. Redemptions included Federal Reserve notes amounting to $1,537,384,340; Federal Reserve bank notes received from all sources, $14,800,100; and national-bank notes of $99,573,791, all of which were redeemed on retirement account. National-bank notes were redeemed at an average cost of 76 cents per $1,000; Federal Reserve notes received from sources other than the Federal Reserve banks, $1 per 1,000 notes; canceled and other Federal Reserve notes received direct from Federal Reserve banks and branches, 39 cents per 1,000 notes redeemed; and redemption on account of Federal Reserve bank notes at the rate of $1.54 per 1,000 notes. Statements showing the amount of national-bank notes, Federal Reserve notes, and Federal Reserve bank notes received monthly for redemption in the year ended June 30, 1937, the source from which received, the rate per $1,000 of national-bank notes redeemed, and the rate per 1,000 notes of Federal Reserve and Federal Reserve bank notes redeemed, are published in the appendix of this report. CONDITION OF NATIONAL BANKS AT DATE OF EACH CALL DURING THE YEAR Under authority of section 5211, United States Revised Statutes, national banks were called upon to. submit three reports of condition during the year ended October 31, 1937, as of various dates specified by the Comptroller. Summaries of assets and liabilities of reporting banks on the date of each call during the year are shown in the following statement: 75 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of national banks on dates indicated [In thousands of dollarsl Dec. 31, 1936 (5,331 banks) Mar. 31, 1937 (5,311 banks) 8,267,328 3,882 7,300,159 8,469,204 5,368 6,813,206 8,807,782 5,113 6,902, 521 1,385,395 4,094,490 78, 717 033,095 176, 506 3,828, 463 518, 503 4,634,115 1,352,019 4,082,065 101,869 636,352 175,104 3,918,035 483,510 3, 876, 071 7,166 1,316,674 3,903,092 96,441 635, 670 162, 409 4,152,889 444, 598 3,780,382 8,215 5,779 273 134,637 7,014 368 121,821 8,265 229 112,791 31,070,441 30,049,172 30,337,071 June 30, 1987 (5,299 banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) Overdrafts .-. U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities guaranteed by U. S. Government as to interest and principal _ _ Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc Customers' liability account of acceptances Banking house, furniture and fixtures Other real estate owned Reserve with Federal Reserve banks Cash in vault _ Balances with other banks and cash items in process of collection Cash items not in process of collection _ Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement _ Securities borrowed Other assets Total . LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals* partnerships, and corporations State, county, and municipal deposits U. S. Government and postal savings deposits Deposits of other banks __Certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers' checks outstanding, etc Total deposits Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments „ Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments.. Agreements to repurchase U. S. Government or other securities sold. Bills payable _.. _ Rediscounts Obligations on industrial advances transferred to the Federal Reserve banks. Acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement Acceptances executed for customers Acceptances executed by other banks for account of reporting banks Securities borrowed Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Dividends declared but not yet payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared. Other liabilities — Capital stock (see memorandum below) Surplus Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies Preferred stock retirement fund Total. Memorandum: Par value of capital stock: Class A preferred stock. Class B preferred stock. Common stock Total Loans and investments pledged to secure liabilities: U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks, and securities Loans and discounts (excluding rediscounts) Total 12, 691,606 12,132, 545 7,281,494 7,401,394 2,057,872 2,119,798 378,020 658,230 4,450,048 4, 111, 092 469,147 372,261 27,608,897 26,515,110 2,388,301 2,136,482 25,220,096 24,878,628 835 2,588 62 12,430,183 7,469,842 2,203,466 467,873 3,790,587 751 12,155 112 403,962 86,765,918 2,246,824 24,519,089 ~ 676 7,968 562 10 10 10 5,779 83,126 11,504 273 47,636 7,014 104,243 14,210 368 59,767 8,265 99, 794 13,616 229 51,221 28,642 110, 579 1,5S8,815 1,046,582 368, 525 146,467 10,621 19,442 118,587 1,586,072 1,059,257 385,445 157,929 8,700 27, 703 148,949 1,582,131 1,073,154 389,233 155,623 12,024 31,070,441 30,049,172 30,337,071 315,771 19,310 1,269,930 281,012 17,965 1,288,749 1,587,726 1,605,011 285,826 18,653 1,287,222 1,591,701 2,129,484 614, 369 24,780 1,948,458 601,497 24,891 2,768,633 2,574,846 732,246 1,308,843 465,873 163,794 3,630 463,089 1,317,797 534,252 154,933 11,508 527,465 1,365,989 515,425 151,281 9,506 76,344 17,903 76,015 17,252 76,266 16,977 2,768,633 2,574,846 • '' - —i 2,063,195 574,946 24,768 Pledged: Against U . S . Government and postal savings deposits Against State, county, and municipal deposits Against deposits of trust department Against other deposits Against borrowings With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers For other purposesTotal Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, June 30, 1937 O) [In thousands of dollars] Loans and Num- discounts, ber of including banks overdrafts Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 40 52 42 128 12 54 Total New England States. 328 1,861 2,451 1,355 43,739 997 13,885 3,008 2,619 1,284 31,034 2,843 7,334 142,677 28,259 81,719 16,473 62, 592 9,810 1, 535, 698 328, 648 19, 567 110,435 70,664 320, 687 843,436 797,049 64,288 48,122 473,421 Bills Capital Deposits payable (common and of other 1 and preredisbanks counts ferred) 1 609 147 100 125 40 9,707 6,165 5,389 76, 747 7,555 21,679 Surplus 4,873 4,804 2,491 84,958 7,322 12,830 Undivided profits, including reserves 3,558 2,971 1,854 35, 392 1,800 5,691 7,136 6,116 1,687 205,841 13,672 18,958 1,164,285 505,955 253,410 1,022 127,242 117,278 51,266 1,876,189 2,454,888 136,860 40,124 1, 637,472 6,228,098 3, 317,765 821, 747 1,201,310 402,454 45,830 16, 364 167,609 875,924 346,088 404, 525 18,465 240,283 797, 275 1,480,458 113, 792 49, 246 710,085 3,175,033 1,215,878 1,100,417 393,570 1,143 23,928 10,818 421 8,793 9,419 7,684 3,798 376 6,149 338,203 163, 590 4,828 100,817 150,584 96,984 61, 781 58, 414 7,135 5,308 195,100 85,984 103,446 47,027 48,927 24,288 47,508 2,884 991 954 20 80 288, 683 63,439 168,308 1,891 13, 949 9,212 297,341 23,686 180, 395 2,523 10, 094 5,482 99,404 14,907 89,265 869 6,919 4,822 4,929 545, 482 519, 521 216,186 55 25,198 12, 795 7,321 4,612 17, 954 15,603 20,360 5,195 14, 238 79, 277 6, 369 14, 495 25,074 14,474 5,507 3,546 1,750 8,530 7,019 7,848 1,678 7,775 37,099 3,057 11,253 9,683 7,605 3,965 2,625 1,229 6,574 3,032 4,612 947 4,066 24,975 2,689 4,043 7,501 119, 219 73,863 3,030, 720 132 79 43 20 55 53 68 25 30 457 50 100 72 139,638 62, 239 39, 544 26, 782 127, 705 53, 541 70,036 19,245 77, 038 357, 583 28, 247 Time deposits (except deposits of other banks) 71,851 22,148 34,411 264,073 19,046 94,426 1,472 1,184 Demand deposits (except deposits of other banks) 45, 243 38,646 16,409 838,683 60,149 165,155 Total Eastern States Total Southern States Total assets 69,814 29,974 26,245 519,939 39,539 111, 538 450 232 702 16 63 —_ Balances with other banks, including reserve and cash items in process of collection 39,265 30,109 23, 652 587,402 46,839 116,169 New York. ._ New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland __. District of Columbia.... Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia.. Florida.. Alabama Mississippi Louisiana. Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Investments Real estate, furniture inCash vault and fixtures 132, 644 1,233,231 4, 598,192 128,232 52,970 31, 503 28, 729 65,865 135,590 75, 596 27,616 120,517 394,721 40,596 81,825 123,205 2,253,808 310,909 116,291 2,668,708 10,836, 286 12,877 8,296 8,834 4,593 3,773 3,269 1,610 2,277 10, 511 5,050 8,242 6,898 11, 315 5,075 1,916 2,757 9,062 4,816 40,627 21,775 2,431 2,166 5,816 5,205 13,297 6,382 1,306,965 131,152 388,296 97,903 172,197 43,095 109,076 30, 768 83,636 23,857 289,308 79,482 291, 720 86,414 222, 281 58, 791 71,639 19,915 318, 399 104,017 464,609 1,281,957 109,993 36, 282 262,338 69, 784 401,562 123, 968 77,698 1,238,885 4,002,402 5,142, 554 2,480,119 1,696,423 153,207 79,888 59,416 56, 300 145, 587 174,425 104, 393 35,983 152, 321 749,142 55,368 110,831 173, 774 ?, 050,635 149,449 60,504 27, 647 13,870 66,497 46,833 63,882 23,545 64,953 178, 259 27,656 73,918 104,826 36,976 8,932 8,083 5,528 41,963 44,102 19,606 4,109 72,084 208,116 14, 509 46, 388 78,917 901,839 589,313 125 185 303 45 361 65 390 10 1,810 248,491 Ohio —_ - Indiana Illinois M ichigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western StatesNorth Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona ___ Total Pacific States Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) . ._ _. Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) Total (nonmember banks) Total United States 248 126 310 83 105 196 113 86 313, 376 109,427 726,343 153,852 106, 591 202,846 73,397 177,977 491,310 223,716 1, 318,768 412,533 259,891 302,639 100,446 242, 760 34, 776 13,104 43,366 11,007 13,153 15, 590 4,931 8,908 24,154 13,838 39,391 18,437 9,803 8,816 5,438 7,210 284,425 128,928 921,901 230,892 131, 334 218,023 70, 748 215,655 1,152,130 490, 233 3,077, 393 829, 339 524,145 751, 756 255, 702 653, 914 550, 052 253,089 1, 696,115 456,191 226, 208 344, 387 125, 645 316, 764 105, 261 58,167 522,074 69, 384 56, 265 119,031 44, 298 179,438 110 6 1,267- 1,863,809 3, 352,063 57 47 136 186 44 26 78 22 214 14,634 18,493 73,551 62,811 13,451 15,351 61,323 12,984 111, 646 24,563 22,744 97,954 88,482 38,196 15,050 109,499 16, 779 135, 798 144,835 127,087 2, 201,906 2,239 2,155 6,724 7,472 2,563 985 3,965 1,064 9,806 990 1,242 3,520 3,955 2,016 1,458 5,351 1,210 5,370 11,716 14,294 85,920 96, 710 26,939 14,463 110, 510 14, 768 170,908 7, 734, 612 54, 458 59, 332 268, 590 259, 792 83, 419 47,379 291, 425 46,824 434, 436 3,968, 451 1,875, 303 1,153, 918 24, 409 32, 938 140,194 153, 111 45, 400 24,024 150,181 32,119 246, 987 20,837 16,445 44,986 38, 410 24,027 14, 344 71,152 8,635 70,167 2,688 3,450 56, 962 41, 629 5,083 3,767 43, 590 2,595 73, 205 810 384,244 549,065 36,973 25,112 546, 228 1, 545,655 849, 363 309, 003 232, 969 54 29 105 20 13 5 6 122,792 66,926 1,195,098 11,912 21, 244 6, 213 16,852 144,641 123,148 1,139,871 20,917 29, 501 13, 089 22,493 8,652 6,567 88, 249 1,132 1,351 652 1,516 7,035 5,112 29,603 1,206 843 939 1,648 103,235 62, 521 567, 790 12, 399 23,688 8,571 17,247 387,429 266, 232 3, 039, 704 47, 637 76, 720 29, 625 59,915 199,893 105, 761 139, 306 87, 951 1,121, 985 1, 442, 432 29,144 13,073 36, 987 19, 742 15, 757 10, 266 40,126 12, 520 43,875 17, 688 188,488 1,448 12, 011 1,388 2,175 232 1, 441,037 1, 493,660 108,119 46,386 795, 451 3,907,262 1, 583,198 1,691, 745 267, 073 4 2,073 2,056 198 640 2,021 7,100 4,307 2,064 85 1 13,793 22,600 1,587 3,076 6,391 48,277 19,834 21,250 1,350 20 44 74,801 23,680 151, 030 34, 341 32,092 39,413 13, 297 27, 522 32, 733 12, 760 68,382 16,490 9,956 22,211 5,907 13, 322 20,357 8, 549 44, 336 12,140 9, 461 8,776 3, 739 11,700 230 396,176 181, 761 119,058 4 72 5 5 10 13 19 5 4,216 4,391 14, 621 15,254 4,738 2, 616 11, 622 1,985 24,873 1,525 1,109 6,413 6,167 2,099 1,464 7,768 1,071 11,455 635 721 4,739 4,776 1,925 1,020 6,262 371 6,686 133 84, 316 39, 071 27,135 21,826 8,635 136, 472 2,649 3,798 760 2,509 6,907 5,881 77, 649 667 1,664 256 1,228 7,233 4,831 51,836 583 2,228 916 984 176, 649 94, 252 68,611 275 307 57 3,350 1,728 681 50 406 406 1 552 637 18 186 260 1,669 465 994 8 150 17 23 6 16,418 25, 293 1,803 3,902 8,672 57.046 24, 606 24,308 1,443 3,775 2,052 761 8,530 1,582,131 1,073,154 556,880 5,299 8,812,895 12,122, 287 798,079 444, 598 7,933,271 30, 337,071 14, 783,092 7, 788,272 4,194, 549 i Includes certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding. 364, 269 132, 428 577,946 235,986 187, 271 211,739 62, 381 103, 283 78 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY LIABILITIES OF NATIONAL BANKS ON ACCOUNT OF BILLS PAYABLE AND REDISCOUNTS Liabilities of national banking associations for money borrowed on account of bills payable and rediscounts at the date of each call in the year ended October 31, 1937, are shown in the following statements: Total borrowings of national banks on account of bills payable and rediscounts at date of each call since June 80, 1936', according to geographical location [In thousands of dollars] Middle Southern Western States States New England States Eastern States Dec. 31, 1936: Bills payable Rediscounts 1,198 1,330 29 57 Total 1,198 1,359 57 4,847 5,853 37 4,847 Mar. 31,1937: Bills payable Rediscounts Total June 30,1937: Bills payable Rediscounts „ — -. , Total Western States Pacific States Total 3 2,588 62 33 3 2,650 465 33 825 5 105 32 60 5 12,155 112 5,890 498 830 137 65 12,267 1,022 4,727 202 1,577 233 230 27 106 385 21 7,968 562 1,022 4,929 1,810 230 133 406 8,530 33 Total borrowings of national banks on account of bills payable and rediscounts at date of each call in the year ended Oct. 31, 1937, according to central and other Reserve cities and country banks [In thousands of dollars] Central Reserve cities Dec. 31,1936: Bills payable Rediscounts ._ Total Other Reserve cities Country banks Total 15 2,588 47 2,588 62 15 2,635 2,650 Mar. 31,1937: Bills payable Rediscounts 500 2,560 15 9,095 97 12,155 112 Total 500 2,575 9,192 12, 267 150 15 7,818 547 7,968 562 165 8,365 8,530 June 30,1937: Bills payable Rediscounts Total . . - REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 79 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS OF NATIONAL BANKS The following statement shows a classification of loans and discounts reported by national banks as of June 29, 1935, and June 30, 1936 and 1937: Classification of loans and discounts as of June 29,1985, June SO, 1936 and 19S7 [In thousands of dollars] June 29, 1935 Amount Acceptances of other banks, payable in United $56,982 States Notes, bills, acceptances, and other instruments evidencing loans payable in foreign 10,076 countries 180, 548 Commercial paper bought in open market „--Loans to banks and trust companies: 21,991 On securities _. _ 60,194 All other Loans secured by U. S. Government and other 2,251, 274 securities (exclusive of loans to banks) Real-estate loans, mortgages, deeds of trust, and other liens on real estate: On farm land- . . _. 216,112 On other real estate 1,081,056 All other loans, including reporting banks' own acceptances purchased or discounted. __ 3,486,993 Total Total loans eligible for rediscount with Federal Reserve banks, including paper under rediscount . __ ._ Agricultural loans and loans on farm land, whether secured or unsecured * 7,365,226 1,416, 482 Percent June 30,1936 Amount Percent June 30,1937 Amount Percent 0.77 $54,383 0.70 $78,064 0.88 .14 2.45 10, 547 211, 700 .14 2.73 8,890 271,822 .10 3.09 .30 .82 15,607 33,870 43,321 30,461 .49 .35 30.57 2,265, 757 .20 .44 29.20 2, 298, 715 26.10 2.93 14.68 210, 341 1,160,128 2.71 14.95 215,188 1, 292, 082 2.44 14.67 47.34 3, 796,816 48.93 4, 569, 239 51.88 100.00 7,759,149 100.00 8,807, 782 100.00 1,449,635 1,899,328 581, 632 613,803 * Not called for separately prior to 1936. For definition of agricultural loans see footnote 1 to following table. Loans and discounts of national banks, June SO, 1937 [In thousands of dollars] Acceptances of other banks payable in United States Location Notes, bills, acceptances, and other instruments evidencing loans, payable in foreign countries Commercial paper bought in open market Loans to banks On securities All other Real estate loans, Loans on securities, exclu- mortgages, deeds of trust and other sive of loans to banks liens on real estate To bro- To brokers kers and and dealers dealers in New elseYork where City To others On farm land Memoranda Reporting banks' own accept- All other ances loans purOn other chased real estate or discounted 2 Total Loans eligible for rediscount with Federal Reserve banks, including paper under rediscount Agricultural loans and loans on farm land, whether secured or unsecured » CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES _ 54,803 3,200 494 1,054 1,412 2,859 23,188 576 4,108 401,368 1,172 500 19,200 39,650 321,690 118,705 131 321 21,304 12,283 28,062 5,768 692, 749 1,568,509 379, 266 565, 354 281,908 132,961 131 2,258 Total central Reserve cities 58,003 1,548 4,271 23,764 5,280 401,868 58,850 440,395 452 33, 587 33,830 1,072, 015 2,133,863 414,869 2,389 10, 225 485 2 28, 781 100 4,482 524 22,061 868 1 10, 440 3,790 650 1,780 539 706 36, 957 1,599 63 13,815 2,270 789 5,806 1,103 1,465 3,926 2,540 3,186 1,844. 5,735 5,758 835 2,252 876 5,042 20, 741 1,188 72,637 2,676 551 50,535 38, 541 9,137 15, 222 7,710 2,170 11,048 6,123 4,260 4,020 9,342 21, 451 746 4,848 943 10, 739 225, 407 7,325 1,070 147,625 34, 929 15, 367 24, 088 12,12S 4, 254 34, 247 33, 886 12,149 13,946 31,538 59,401 6,790 21, 569 6,401 30, 651 87,880 2,966 667 74,653 15, 468 7,779 8,805 4,985 1,960 12,049 12,908 5,538 3,940 13,958 13,456 3,159 9, 732 2,225 10,501 New York Chicago _ ffl Q O o OTHER RESERVE CITIES Boston _ Brooklyn and Bronx Buffalo Philadelphia Pittsburgh Baltimore Washington Richmond Charlotte Atlanta.. _ Savannah Jacksonville. B irmingham New Orleans Dallas... El Paso Fort Worth Galveston Houston 1,253 120 23 315 155 49 . 91 197 44 107 5 1,461 11 20 200 335 265 85 821 397 233 780 107 8 15,351 32 41 8,636 2,907 863 420 480 261 2,002 847 1,212 486 1,098 1,788 4 123 699 404 7 200 207 1,429 106 111 202 54 38 31 4 44 78 158 228 22 88 672 1,620 203 285 63 169 4,975 1 30 4 437, 651 11, 734 1,684 239, 358 82, 439 28,063 47,480 21,451 8,743 52, 409 45,610 22, 716 20, 495 49, 685 90,199 8,778 29,505 8,552 47,907 1 262 4 45 113 208 745 37 97 705 1,755 1,922 2,098 107 440 w o a San Antonio Waco Little Rock Louisville Memphis Nashville Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Toledo. __ Indianapolis Chicago Peoria Detroit Grand Rapids Milwaukee Minneapolis St. Paul Cedar Rapids Des Moines Dubuque. Sioux City Kansas City, Mo St. Joseph St. Louis Lincoln Omaha Kansas City, Kans Topeka Wichita Helena Denver Pueblo Oklahoma City Tulsa Seattle Spokane Portland Los Angeles San Francisco Ogden Salt Lake City Total other Reserve cities Total all Reserve cities 410 8 18 13 10 202 20 2 29 212 928 36 3 165 922 2,758 416 55 3,099 1 065 100 260 5,119 880 375 25 2,378 100 2,303 3,124 1 639 503 425 1,954 805 1,601 3 595 275 40 1,662 5,626 4,047 2 025 820 1,385 525 800 1 382 169 1 593 112 50 1,615 4,155 1 950 2,405 1,150 3 722 150 210 15 24 2,458 90 119 260 1,470 40 74 462 718 65 68 20 544 40 568 773 832 1,569 2,093 3,418 132 600 179 300 3,980 1,435 2,953 3 9 32 87 20 15 79 24 1,040 19 11 259 49 52 3,338 9 68 99 2 34 565 40 23 65 619 79, 574 426 183 144 3,462 9 276 1,343 472 133 767 14 678 1,884 264 57 413 634 1 682 33 338 146 950 286 979 3,438 8,224 103 313 1 687 1,214 2 325 7,601 5,820 11, 762 18,383 25, 549 9,546 200 4,731 10,636 1,678 20, 680 1,154 8,931 16,374 4,708 2,348 5,334 307 532 13, 671 1,961 33,157 1,770 6,184 436 400 2,140 105 7,241 157 1,218 5,646 9,198 558 8,419 49,869 109, 530 611 2,102 3,300 25 444 254 105 60 501 179 6 29 33 78 54 42 576 35 187 369 442 30 49 776 153 253 182 1,580 729 509 5,053 3,035 1,432 3,496 19, 597 8,672 148 1,032 6,283 1,053 14, 533 1,050 3,321 2,273 1,475 451 2,299 164 547 2,848 520 7,796 193 1,320 648 149 419 406 3,780 186 190 235 135 597 15, 099 55, 672 106 74 1,590 1,885 4,765 487 5,625 136, 554 299, 426 2,399 1,825 52 2 176 931 37 172 102 114 418 7,312 12,150 3,187 3,206 25,307 29,344 25,883 15,034 36,889 17,531 359 21,400 12,833 5,547 52,478 1,218 33,144 61, 216 45,430 1,822 12,235 180 4,314 33,416 3,106 31, 666 7,053 22, 324 2,517 2,650 5,206 484 22, 500 368 23,127 25,290 61, 481 4,409 39,011 112, 602 288, 486 4,667 5,106 1?, 462 5,499 6,997 47,097 40,995 41,387 39,317 90,828 35,994 807 30, 746 33,262 10, 537 95, 665 3,856 50,848 82,092 55,356 8,391 21,605 726 7,271 58,229 10,192 80, 972 9,913 32,321 4,378 4,311 9,776 758 36,154 638 26,897 35, 223 81,054 7,825 57, 589 320,172 782, 294 8,036 9,655 6,791 1,776 1,243 13,678 9,941 5,742 6,104 22,466 5,593 130 8,757 7,819 3,228 21, 509 909 12,637 24,193 14,113 1,565 3,851 259 3,336 22, 578 5,347 20, 206 3,682 12, 547 853 1,885 5,428 400 12, 245 300 3,440 7,300 27,820 2,909 18,156 34,360 85, 297 2,394 2,255 447 241 1,273 966 4,784 30,158 91,977 1,005 1,190 774 486 281 86 822 285 6 125 141 67 2 203 177 54 68 969 35 636 8,930 712 40 487 5,318 521 386 842 272 3,679 17, 278 5,451 110,346 16, 919 13,800 688, 572 81,432 646,822 34,837 1,838, 947 3, 557,584 737,671 166, 984 75,281 6,999 114, 617 40,683 19,080 425, 474 138,424 1,128, 967 81,884 680, 409 68, 667 2, 910, 962 5, 691,447 1,152, 540 169, 373 23, 606 1 By "Agricultural loans" is meant loans made for agricultural purposes, including the production of agricultural products, the marketing or the carrying of agricultural products by the growers thereof and the breeding, raising, fattening, or marketing of livestock. 00 COUNTRY BANKS to 146 9 Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 31 606 1 398 Total New England States 2,190 • 61 91 64 1 1 Loans to banks Commercial paper bought in open market On securities 4,352 3 498 210 22,496 10, 206 9,197 49,959 17 10,646 _. 13, 305 10,356 «, _ _ 216 19 34, 418 92~ 1,051 1,269 100 339 326 3,678 864 286 479 1,078 __ _ __ _. >..., 196 22 61 109 1,540 1 45 61 Real estate loans, Loans on securities, exclu- mortgages, deeds of trust and other sive of loans to banks liens on real estate All other 75 10 44 568 631 6 1 20 81 _ 1,014 90 33 10 129 125 57 17 56 To others On farm land 888 1,097 343 8,078 7,578 3,499 37,839 14,189 36,363 501 561 1,297 659 185 527 own accept* All other ances loans purOn other chased real estate or discounted 6,675 4,711 6,162 30,576 4,314 19,852 Total 39,263 30,106 23,646 149, 679 46,837 116,155 8,250 6,007 4,520 31,162 16,898 14,209 680 165,517 405, 686 81,046 9,135 27 293,191 240,257 475,431 7,683 33, 713 56, 745 43,058 62,449 1,095 6,274 23,099 7,863 31,259 1,379 4,876 169,621 68,476 27, 977 12,043 10,327 11,375 9,218 8,754 13,591 4,508 7,050 62,333 14,848 2,942 3,638 3,098 5,444 1,757 9,867 3,544 2,843 54,430 680 75 90 3,527 107, 546 3,730 72,290 2,943 3,705 21 428 651 538 50 69, 527 53,076 118,061 2,022 5,763 7,213 2,673 16, 289 966 3,279 72,180 74,938 130, 539 1,281 9,305 26 129, 730 91, 691 193,040 3,414 15,047 1, 667 248,449 30, 420 288,243 53 432,922 1,050,275 156 20 431 333 103 1,504 98 157 23, 788 13,168 5,578 2,761 4,338 5,877 4,574 3,115 3,378 11,200 6,811 1,447 1,209 574 1,327 883 1,921 2,332 1,376 7,837 22,542 16, 702 2,959 2,251 2,501 4,233 5.629 3,559 3,507 9,646 6,183 478 58 100 113 103 692 130 112 416 442 6,669 3 135 590 Loans eli- Agriculgible for tural rediscount loans and with loans on Federal farm Reserve land, banks, including whether secured paper unseunder re- orcured discount 18,858 13,074 12,478 57,099 15, 553 48,455 444 127 5,480 132 1,016 Memoranda Report- n Jbanks' ?, To bro- To brokers kers and and dealers dealers in New elseYork where City 111 Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi J Louisiana. Texas ,.,_,.,_, 00 [In thousands of dollars] Notes, bills, acceptances, Acceptand ances other of other instrubanks ments evipayable dencing loans, in United payable States in foreign countries Location New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland _ Loans and discounts of national banks, June 80, 1987—Continued 14 640 98 63,244 29, 524 20, 395 20,277 20, 669 13, 707 33.870 9,618 18,044 118,059 118,162 62,224 30, 796 26,777 29,492 30,818 49, 519 19,219 27,245 149.118 1,289 1,065 3,322 1,834 290 1,335 Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee — Total Southern States Ohio... _ Indiana _ __ Illinois._ Michigan . ._ _ Wisconsin Minnesota.. _ Iowa Missouri _ Total Middle Western States. North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana ... Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma _ Total Western States. __ Washington Oregon - . .. California Idaho Utah . . Nevada Arizona _ Total Pacific States Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) Total (nonmember banks) Total country banks Total United States 2 269 1,850 • 3 12 7 3 80 92 13 153 3,501 2,710 5 30 15 76 265 229 96 64 321 425 2,682 7,447 6,857 1,823 4,496 2,151 2, 637 7,319 5,696 15,834 47> 3,214 234 4,202 94, 763 34,187 89,181 48 777 65 114 78 198 108 36 204 97 115 520 118 604 128 128 98 68 23 29,475 9,736 19, 908 12,955 12,479 8,496 2,216 3,118 11, 602 4,397 8,099 1,328 2,563 4,424 4,926 2,247 32,631 22, 948 14,804 13, 686 10,288 7,206 3,695 4,506 1,424 416 1,687 98,383 39, 586 109,764 10 1,172 1,208 792 2,929 883 1,456 2,751 698 2,999 918 721 2,865 3,242 351 478 1,390 432 2,357 1,513 1,561 1,034 2,701 1,023 1.044 2,295 1, 505 2,704 16 14,888 12, 754 15, 380 7 15 93 25 3,002 379 8,991 746 166 815 1,650 1,942 630 7,925 528 690 229 512 4,309 818 21,634 1,340 436 2,031 2,127 140 15, 749 12,456 32, 695 2,076 4,876 12,054 3,512 4,960 5,683 3,140 2,164 38,465 1,477 1,920 1,511 3,078 1,401 193 1,035 516 1,448 16 12,579 16 7 7 7 987 36 1 1 1,049 5 10 32 65 122 8 8 60 1 2 2 2 1 15 2,576 186 1,136 805 35 16 737 296 1 41 145 1 187 5,491 _ 169 21,197 51,850 60,184 6,180 10,461 11,874 6,533 10,321 6,489 754 421, 636 666, 601 195,691 124,754 6 4 6 69, 785 35, 795 60,427 22, 525 25,205 39,173 21,116 16,234 146,367 78,658 116, 973 54,287 55, 701 65,279 35, 367 28, 523 27,618 17,400 34,365 8,316 14,822 24,377 14,383 8,984 22,239 10,566 25,565 3,149 5,922 16,050 15,177 7,601 16 290,260 581,155 150,265 106,269 1 27 9,524 13,019 24,994 32,208 9,002 12,157 16,970 9,817 39,890 14,620 18,461 31,267 44, 290 12, 670 15,338 24, 503 12, 969 49,436 6,107 8,820 16,482 19, 976 5,585 8,659 11,318 5 461 23,318 4,198 5,820 19,206 19,959 4,305 8,372 9,848 4,030 19,333 28 167,581 223,654 105,726 95,071 21,928 7,250 51,188 8,481 2,167 3,112 11,788 33,805 9,278 91,150 11,900 3,495 6,203 16,839 8,837 2,967 19,167 6,246 920 1,000 6,302 105,914 172,670 44,439 1,345 2,070 8 3 2,559 13,772 357 311 552 78 3 4,215 16,394 443 31 31 537 19 - 6,199 3,049 19,416 4,785 1,891 950 3,992 40,282 290 2 4 7,397 3 78 159 459 2 4 7,419 171 4,120 587,197 133, 304 611,673 1, 565 1, 588,045 3,116,335 746,788 444,430 30,461 432,884 149,667 1, 716,164 215,188 1,292,082 70,232 4,499,007 8,807, 782 1,899,328 613,803 1 1 13,659 28,469 32,101 2,783 1,891 ] 57,205 2,638 78, 064 8,890 271,822 43, 321 11, 381 7,410 11,243 93 3,424 oo CO 84 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The percentage of loans and discounts of national banks inTthe central Reserve cities of New York and Chicago to the total loans and discounts of all national banks on June 30, 1937, together with similar information in relation to banks in other Reserve cities, etc., is shown in the following statement, compared with like information as of June 29,1935 and June 30,1936: [In thousands of dollars] Loans Banks i n - June 29,1935 Amount New York. Do. Chicago Other Reserve eities All Reserve cities States (exclusive of Reserve cities)... Total United States. _ Percent June 30,1936 Amount June 30,1937 Percent Amount Percent 1,208,186 16.40 1,279,797 16.49 1,568, 509 17.81 } 1, 623,393 2,850,645 22.04 38.71 1, 739,295 3,102,104 22.42 39.98 2,133,863 3, 557,584 24.23 40.39 4,474,038 2,891,188 60. 75 39.25 4,841,399 2,917, 750 62.40 37.60 5,691,447 3,116, 335 64.62 35.38 7,365, 226 100.00 7, 759,149 100.00 8,807,782 | 100.00 i COMPARATIVE CHANGES IN DEMAND AND TIME DEPOSITS, LOANS AND DISCOUNTS, UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND OTHER BONDS AND SECURITIES OWNED, AND THE AMOUNT OF RESERVE OF NATIONAL BANKS WITH FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS SINCE JUNE 30, 1933 The amount and percentage of increase or reduction of demand and time deposits, loans and discounts, United States Government and other bonds and securities owned, and reserve of national banks with Federal Reserve banks on June 30, of each of the last 5 years are shown in the following statement: [In thousands of dollars] Percent increase Percent increase Percent increase Percent increase June 30, June 30, (+) June 29, (+) June 30, (+) June 30, (+) or de1937 or deor deor de1936 1933 1934 1935 (5,299 crease (5,374 crease (4,902 (5,422 crease (5,431 crease (-) banks) (-) banks) banks) 1 banks) 1 ( - ) banks) (-) since since since since June June June June Demand deposits 2. Time deposits 3._ Loans and discounts U. S. Government and other bonds, stocks, etc., owned Reserve with Federal Reserve banks 1 2 8 30, 30, 29, 30, 1933 1934 1935 1936 7,884,226 9,265,844 +17.52 11,273,912 +21. 67 13,452,356 +19.32 14,403, 761 +7.07 6,169,643 6, 791,156 +10.07 7,136,142 +5.08 7, 533, 922 +5. 57 7, 788, 272 +3.38 8,116,972 7,694, 749 - 5 . 2 0 7, 365,226 - 4 . 2 8 7, 759,149 +5.35 8,807, 782 +13.51 7,371,631 9,348, 533 +26.82 10, 716, 386 +14. 63 12,482,625 +16. 48 12,122, 287 - 2 . 8 9 1,412,127 2,497, 400 +76.85 3,092,178 +23.82 3, 520,901 +13.86 4,152,889 +17. 95 Licensed banks, i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. Exclusive of U. S. Government deposits, deposits of banks, and certified and cashiers' checks, etc. Exclusive of deposits of banks. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND SECURITIES GUARANTEED BY UNITED STATES AS TO INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL, REPORTED BY NATIONAL BANKS IN RESERVE CITIES AND STATES The following statement shows a classification of United States Government securities and securities guaranteed by the United States as to interest and principal, reported by national banks according to Reserve cities and States, June 30, 1937: U. S. Government securities and securities guaranteed by United States as to interest and principal, reported by national banks, June 30, 1987 [In thousands of dollars] fcrj O H O U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed H H Obligations guaranteed by the U. S. Government as to interest and principal Direct obligations of the U. S. Government a o Location Treasury bonds maturing on or before Dec. 31, 1949 Treasury bonds maturing after Dec. 31, 1949 Other United States bonds Treasury notes Treasury bills Total ReconFederal Home Owners' struction Farm Finance Mortgage Loan Corpora- Corpora- Corporation tion tion Total O F Total CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES New York Chicago Total central Reserve cities __. 56, 722 75, 750 4, 500 6,327 205, 399 4,904 266, 621 86,981 1,333,055 832,731 1,812,184 132, 472 10, 827 210, 303 353,602 2,165, 786 267. 333 6 955 768 191, 084 314, 563 107,211 62, 289 28,778 2,913 22 795 4,871 28,014 13, 541 2,000 3,656 209 3,426 377 112 38, 345 738 601 9,824 2,296 1,226 3,174 588 7,384 1,316 9,082 586 112 42, 675 1,751 701 11,405 2,305 2,398 3,174 588 9,644 1,319 276,415 7,541 880 233,759 316,314 107, 912 73,694 31, 083 5,311 25,969 5,459 37, 658 14,860 171, 220 84,291 153, 367 399,504 73 505,926 238,082 235,921 * 1,066,434 23, 800 745, 750 255, 511 552,871 73 744,008 259,721 44,072 565 398 76,729 54,610 3,361 16, 549 12,024 573 6, 938 207 9,776 8.615 52, 614 5 046 365 80,196 47,892 1,358 24, 721 819 1, 506 2,095 361 6,851 15 65,695 60 60 3,975 15 104, 937 1 344 5 31,159 212, 061 102, 432 20, 781 14,438 811 13, 739 4,288 11,387 936 O OTHER RESERVE CITIES Boston Brooklyn and Bronx Buffalo Philadelphia Pittsburgh _ Baltimore Washington _ Richmond Charlotte \tl?nta Pavpnnah Jacksonville Birmingham _ __ _. _ ,. - W „ 23 23 15 3,000 178 1,497 4,330 1,013 100 1,581 9 1,172 2,260 9 V. S. Government securities and securities guaranteed by United States as to interest and principal, reported by national hanks, June 30, 1987— 00 O Continued [In thousands of dollars] U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed Obligations guaranteed by the XJ. S. Government as to interest and principal Direct obligations of the U. S. Government Location Treasury bonds maturing on or before Dec. 31, 1949 Treasury bonds maturing after Dec. 31. 1949 Other United States bonds Treasury notes Treasury bills Total ReconFederal Home struction Farm Owners' Finance Mortgage Loan Corpora- Corpora- Corporation tion tion Total Total OTHER RESERVE CITIES—continued New Orleans... Dallas... El Paso Fort Worth Galveston Houston San Antonio Waco Little Rock Louisville Memphis Nashville Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Toledo Indianapolis.. _ Chicago Peoria Detroit Grand Rapids. Milwaukee Minneapolis... St. Paul Cedar Rapids.. Des Moines 19,449 56 674 524 356 4,876 663 1,061 428 2,080 4,978 494 8,055 14, 545 3,514 131 6,036 7,709 1,696 106 1,029 23,883 7,238 1,734 21, 579 23,767 1,002 4,960 3,291 27,149 1,649 448 576 8,815 1,085 1,294 10,697 15,451 2,349 809 49,881 9,166 472 47, 786 3,657 55,920 23,109 17, 530 110 2,002 336 2 219 334 15 15 15 17 60 14 103 19, 394 13, 784 9, 231 7,874 2,441 36,180 24, 011 2,679 534 4,775 20,831 3,664 10, 496 49,960 31,611 412 8,175 8,030 14,462 152, 805 942 37,747 41,007 25, 203 2,806 8,645 6,725 '"§," 661 150 746 2,196 """947' "I," 296" 599 614 17, 416 3,300 3.000 995 60,444 44, 355 10,907 17,027 6,103 68, 357 27,107 4,188 1,561 15, 700 29,125 5,452 30, 531 79, 956 38, 770 1,352 64,094 25, 723 17,578 218,022 4,720 98,011 91,016 50,031 2,930 13,479 400 "13" 120 94 275 871 511 671 1 172 139 101 2,476 34 333 1,539 3,906 617 647 1,552 228 44 1,370 354 777 3,310 1,037 1,252 299 1,020 9,684 6,675 832 2,436 821 9,141 2,040 1,398 1,556 1,206 4,661 832 2,748 9,722 9,208 149 1,371 4,578 4,204 35, 446 1,922 1,200 2,903 1,059 934 1,274 10,195 7,346 833 2,608 960 9,242 4,916 1,432 1,889 2,758 8,567 1,449 3,395 11,274 9,436 149 1,415 6,068 4,652 35, 721 2,699 4,510 4,811 2,311 1,233 2,294 70,639 51, 701 11,740 19, 635 7,063 77,599 32, 023 5,620 3,450 18,458 37,692 6,901 33,926 91,230 48,206 1,501 65,509 31,791 22,230 253, 743 7,419 102, 521 95,827 52,342 4,163 15,773 Bubuqtte Sioux City Kansas City, Mo St. Joseph to St. Louis 3 Lincoln to Omaha t l T Kansas City, Kans I Topeka " Wichita Helena Denver Pueblo Oklahoma City. Tulsa Seattle Spokane Portland Los Angeles San Francisco Ogden Salt Lake City * 2,420 505 5,640 199 32,668 524 4,495 758 1,027 1 518 22, 047 2,696 4,068 3,438 24, 376 1,491 30, 542 47, 783 179, 205 439 2,444 1, 517 1,629 4, 296 1, 495 12, 442 10. 316 3,456 150 665 1,559 1,054 13, 381 2,238 7,148 4, 262 15, 920 725 20, 223 127,343 169, 796 1,594 4,946 15 186 318 115 3, 048 116 744 21 47 35 23 15 38 94 15 3 1 7 15 486 2,990 39,923 1. 495 35, 259 3,245 17, 298 3, 379 6,010 14, 040 1,743 11,793 2,133 437 10, 708 17,196 3,348 14,103 30,438 79,067 82J 4,464 150 6,592 200 6,209 100 500 2,500 500 472 2, 900 600 1,000 6,476 1,995 796 1,094 4,438 5,460 56,769 3,504 89. 626 14, 301 26,493 4,308 7, 749 15, 635 3, 338 49, 736 7,567 11,691 18, 974 60, 407 6,167 65,868 212, 040 430, 064 3, 657 12, 963 501 4,500 251 200 50 2,500 40 250 405 633 1,569 1, 276 942 1 244 1, 861 345 590 2,744 266 2,400 467 1, 636 1,581 3,589 841 8,004 11,466 49, 365 667 697 650 1,490 4,025 1,099 11,183 2 1,333 732 508 2,286 170 2,864 15 10,168 2,485 4,033 593 7,478 46, 382 48,347 1,034 915 1, 055 2,123 6,095 2,375 16,625 1,246 3,445 1,077 1,098 5,030 636 5,314 482 11,804 6, 566 7,662 1,434 15,732 57, 848 97, 712 1, 701 1, 612 5,493 7, 583 62, 864 5,879 106,251 15, 547 29,938 5,385 8,847 20, 665 3,974 55,050 8,049 23 495 25,540 68,069 7,601 81,600 269,888 527,776 5. 358 14, 575 Total other Reserve cities 713,016 968, 508 6,393 1, 356, 393 144,099 3,188, 409 12,065 129,311 335,199 476, 575 3, 664,984 Total all Reserve cities... 968, 527 1, 521, 379 6. 466 2,100, 401 403, 820 5, 000, 593 144, 537 140,138 545, 502 830,177 5, 830, 770 674 1,729 742 786 1,827 1, 534 1,200 9,018 1,353 1, 263 6,655 3.527 10, 097 10,747 2,095 2,049 8,782 5,061 11,407 40,088 13, 875 11,853 94,985 27, 282 71, 250 COUNTRY BANKS Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut. Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Total Eastern States __ 7,164 2,675 3,478 27,484 1,486 7,657 12,995 6,306 4,479 32, 939 4,751 23, 709 125 127 126 519 7 108 8,383 2, 672 1.671 24,266 14, 336 19,719 50 995 1,641 8,650 29,341 11,780 9,804 86, 203 22, 221 59,843 300 49, 944 85,179 1,012 71, 047 12,010 219,192 410 7,818 31,913 40,141 259,333 53,602 24,170 79, 961 720 2,650 86, 585 104, 717 127,282 1,204 14,123 1,174 2,008 2,934 20 396 58,800 44, 027 49, 383 299 5,077 1,216 1,635 484 201,377 176,557 260,044 2,243 22, 246 708 950 450 10 100 9, 830 5, 625 14,903 106 1, 365 30, 738 35, 811 39,339 408 2,784 41, 276 42, 386 54.692 524 4,249 242,653 218.943 314, 736 2,767 26,495 161,103 333,911 6,532 157, 586 3,335 662, 467 2,218 31,829 109, 080 143,127 805, 594 110 OO U. S. Government securities and securities guaranteed by United States as to interest and principal, reported by national banks, June 80, 1937- Continued [In thousands of dollars] U. S. Government oblig ations, direct and fully guaranteed Obligations guaranteed b y the U. S. Government as to interest and principal Direct obligations of the U. S. Government Location Treasury bonds maturing on or before Dec. 31, 1949 Treasury bonds maturing after Dec. 31, 1949 Other United States bonds Treasury notes Treasury bills Total Home Federal ReconOwners' Farm struction Loan Finance Mortgage Corpora- Corpora- Corporation tion tion Total Total COUNTRY BANKS—continued Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida . Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee _ __ _ . _ _ . _ _ Total Southern States__ .__ Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri. _ __ _ _ _ Total Middle Western States _ _ 4,441 2,503 1,297 1,706 688 5,955 3,066 247 1,122 6,433 643 2,137 968 9,779 6,172 2,883 4,267 1,113 17,465 6,299 1,561 2,678 6,196 2,590 3,836 4,942 14,720 8,675 4,180 5,973 1,801 23, 620 9,365 1,808 3,800 12,959 3,233 5,973 5,910 61,263 32, 296 13, 334 22,411 8,425 67,303 27,580 10, 375 21,605 78,100 16,852 29,190 33,129 1,030 31,206 69, 781 102, 017 421,863 350 575 478 550 358 135 150 218 8,358 7,908 15,106 3,908 4,510 4,521 2,574 2.163 18,158 12, 281 20,959 13, 297 12, 578 6,383 2,957 2,765 26,866 20, 764 36, 543 17, 755 17,446 11,039 5,681 5,146 119, 667 84,318 147,997 65,857 78,077 69,410 25,738 20,057 2,814 49,048 89,378 141,240 611,121 46,543 23,621 9,154 16,438 6,624 43, 683 18, 215 8,567 17,805 65,141 13,619 23, 217 27, 219 500 4,212 319,846 1 338 2,197 4,074 237 2,200 2,465 189 565 92, 801 63, 554 111,454 48,102 60, 631 58,371 20, 057 14,911 13, 265 469,881 6,688 5,404 1,671 1,009 1,995 13,238 2,917 444 1,078 11,920 2,059 4,223 1,402 28,207 10, 233 4,517 10,041 2,333 8,318 6,295 4,204 7,399 24,989 5,718 11, 245 21,905 555 362 31 951 188 433 311 156 106 1 172 742 360 286 9,843 7,322 2,935 4,387 2,108 21,045 8,692 3,763 8,723 25,811 4,885 7,389 3,626 1,250 300 54,048 145,404 5,653 110,529 27 833 12,088 19,829 10, 884 10,515 10,857 3,337 3,331 43,051 25, 239 39, 080 15, 626 31, 798 18,834 7,788 4,578 860 725 2,072 375 602 1,720 1, 513 1,217 19 719 23, 305 46, 399 20,980 15,516 24,495 7,230 5,220 98,674 185,994 9,084 162,864 50 649 499 1,249 215 200 330 00 00 North Dakota.. South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana _ _ Wvoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma . . _ . _ _ . Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada _. Arizona » _ ._ . __ Total Pacific States Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank). Total (nonmember banks) Total country banks. Total United States _ 2,492 1,549 3,352 4,443 4, 825 3,005 4,599 2,318 5,822 3,114 1,881 4,143 5,398 5,309 2 304 7,204 1,764 8,104 627 397 1,165 2,052 804 76 441 132 1,435 5, 604 6,622 5,906 7, 475 9,421 3 382 3, 033 2,645 3,273 10 59 15 1,579 249 597 225 3,192 60 11,847 10, 508 14, 581 20,947 20,608 9, 364 15, 502 10,051 18, 694 235 25 100 295 350 32, 405 39, 221 7,129 47, 361 5,986 6,439 2,544 11. 232 3,103 343 1,866 2,342 7,461 1,549 13,161 6,469 195 3,027 6,089 316 183 662 90 87 8 8 5,000 916 7,056 3,630 22 1,202 1,707 27, 869 37,951 1, 267 19, 533 499 950 611 7, 230 126 199 796" 1,082 122 1,200 165 2,262 1,252 4,243 3,694 1,271 523 1, 575 738 2, 537 1,675 1,486 2,697 3,458 1,385 578 2, 056 1,485 3,741 4,172 2,763 7,040 7,447 3,006 1,101 3,691 2,223 6,443 16,019 13,271 21, 621 28, 394 23,614 10,465 19,193 12, 274 25,137 132,102 1,230 18, 095 18, 561 37,886 169,988 19,303 5,192 32,310 13,292 560 6,103 10, 942 550 375 1,510 891 3,316 795 242 1,127 714 1,870 651 2,082 1,444 181 1, 527 2,752 3,380 1. 542 5,948 2,614 423 2,679 3,466 22, 683 6,734 38,258 15,903 983 8, 782 14,408 87, 702 950 8, 595 10, 507 20,052 107,754 1,319 51 1 612 51 1 1,931 102 1,233 11,311 228 60 25 1,232 9,380 126 1, 322 1,449 7,967 1,370 664 2,034 12,772 425, 492 835,627 30, 677 570, 242 ?9, 890 1,901,928 8, 652 147,961 329,884 486,497 2,388, 425 1,394,019 2, 357,006 37,143 2, 670, 643 443, 710 6, 902, 521 153,189 288, 099 875, 386 1, 316, 674 8,219,195 10, 738 2 w o Q ! OO O 90 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY INVESTMENTS OF NATIONAL BANKS The following tables disclose a summary of the investments of national banks in United States Government and other bonds and securities as of June 29, 1935, and June 30, 1936 and 1937, and a detailed classification, by Reserve cities and States, of bonds and securities other than United States Government held on June 30, 1937, [In thousands of dollars] J u n e 29, 1935 Number of banks Obligations of— Home Owners' Loan Corporation guaranteed by U. S. Government as to interest only Federal land banks _ Federal intermediate credit banks _._ _ Joint stock land banks 2 States, counties, and municipalities Territorial and insular possessions of the United States Bonds, notes, and debentures (not including stock) of other domestic corporations: Railroads _ _. Public utilities _ Real estate corporations _ Other domestic corporations Stock of Federal Reserve bank _ _ Stock of other domestic corporations: Real estate corporations—. Banks and banking corporations Other domestic corporations Foreign securities: Obligations of foreign central governments _ „ Obligations of foreign provincial, State, and municipal governments Other foreign securities Total miscellaneous bonds and securities U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities guaranteed by U. S. Government as to interest and principal Total bonds and securities of all classes 5,431 J u n e 30, 1936 5,374 0) J u n e 30, 1937 5,299 0) 4,423 119,330 83,487 16, 839 1,386, 230 13,118 162,258 81,284 14,438 1, 527, 644 10,977 125,494 73, 545 14,124 1,451,629 13, 589 593,211 536,496 36,628 366,671 90, 095 665, 059 653,650 36, 728 461, 751 79,377 673,942 638, 563 30,172 466, 023 79,680 35,150 25,925 80,656 34,879 25,405 108, 605 32, 307 26,765 113,294 65,167 90,395 92,365 39,012 50,941 42,662 40,149 39,533 32, 067 3,543,379 6, 077, 724 4, 035,261 7,072, 979 3, 903,092 6, 902, 521 1,095,283 1,374,385 1,316,674 10,716,386 12,482,625 12,122,287 1 Called for redemption July 1,1935. 2 Including school, irrigation, drainage, and reclamation districts, and instrumentalities of one or more States. XJ. S. Government, domestic^ and foreign bonds, securities, etc., held by national banks June SO, 1937 EH rities eous b securit s O o d otal all bond I CQ 03 d otal miscell O o ther foreign s urities o 1 d' bligations of cial, State, governments ft 8 anks and ban S_l CQ 11 |-2 oreign nd mi o ions 1 PA .2 eal-estate cor orporat ions 5 o o 1 03 M bligations of toreign central govei nents GO CD Foreign securities a M d "c3 1 d Stock of other domestic corporations ock of Feder o I eal-estate cor "d ublic utilities cr*-2 d .2 ailroads F9 erritorial an< insular* possessions of the nited S tates c$ 5 1 and mu nicipal- © & int-stock Ian banks credit .2 •S inte a Bonds, notes, and debentures (not including stock) of other domestic corporations Obligations of— ederal Location Miscellaneous bonds, stocks, securities, etc. ederal land b . S. Govern ent ob' igations direct and fully guar anteed [In thousands of dollars] EH CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES IVTPW Y o r k _ «. Chicago __ Total central Reserve cities___ 1,333,055 3,107 18,123 832, 731 15, 450 7,562 82 182.166 1,000 128, 488 69, 535 1,288 10-5 8,734 11,700 80, 240 2,165,786 18, 557 25, 685 82 262, 406 1,105 137, 222 81, 235 4, 001 76,. 160 19702.r 276, 415 7 541 880 233, 759 316,314 107 912 73, 694 31 083 5 311 25, 969 5,459 250 3,236 50 79 30 2, 604 539 103 110 1,164 352 427 17, 303 63, 974 33,147 4, 669 5,114 58, 677 14, 03f492 9, 480 822 1,042 17,483 4, 989 1, 073 1, 500 17, 795 73,454 33, 969 5, 711 5,114 601,054 1,934,109 994, 698 161, 967 763.021 2, 928. 807 OTITEB RESERVE CITIES Buffalo Philadelphia Pittsburgh Washington Richmond Charlotte Atlanta Savannah „ _.„—_ - — 251 70 126 2,268 179 81 120 5 27,865 2,875 220 27,048 10.816 2 886 1, 545 3, 017 1,304 6,923 1, 546 506 247 21 200 2 6, 623 6,326 1,670 1, 940 409 393 28, 210 28, 571 13. 264 9, 888 891 162 2,928 2, 902 1, 401 857 145 867 822 3,467 758 448 15 3, 979 3, 429 1,074 o1 337 570 16,091 2, 275 1, 695 11,509 aio 292 3Q3 440 23 1, 734 1,346 217 60 152 310 8 958 234 7 i Including school, irrigation, drainage, and reclamation districts, and instrumentalities of X or more States. 107 1,886 100 I, 598 650 827 3 83 4 o 3 78 1 5,629 1, 573 1,880 4,396 60 214 17 198 14 2, 035 3,022 3,470 3,925 1,584 569 185 572 11 72 29 23 34 237 718 126 89 104 17 78 147 181 4 99 68. 489 8.326 l', 424 119, 945 51, 683 4 862 12. 290 7,877 1,551 9,894 9, 553 344, 904 15,867 2,304 353, 704 367,997 112, 774 85,984 38, 960 6, 862 35, 863 15,012 U. 8. Government, domestic, and foreign bonds, securitiest etc.) held by national banks June 80t 1937—Continued to [In thousands of dollars] Miscellaneous bonds, stocks, securities, etc. Bonds, notes, and debentures (not including stock) of other domestic corporations Obligations of- Stock of other domestic corporations Foreign securities Location 11 33 3 ~C3 „ CD OTHER RESERVE CITIES—continued Jacksonville Birmingham New Orleans Dallas.___ El Paso Fort Worth Galveston Houston San Antonio Waco Little Rock Louisville Memphis Nashville Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Toledo Indianapolis Chicago . ___. „ „ 37, 658 14,860 70, 039 51, 701 11, 740 19, 635 7,063 77, 599 32,023 5,620 3, 450 18, 458 37, 692 6,901 33, 926 91, 230 48, 206 1,501 65, 509 31,791 584 502 805 261 ~~25 306 "271 116 51 711 1,941 301 1, 976 33 226 75 513 47 4,289 5,971 10,903 5,202 848 5, 205 2,031 4,036 4,750 1,286 2,964 1, 713 11, 585 7, 516 5, 797 6,326 10,470 483 14,1 9,743 10 39 109 1,656 144 1,055 472 12 609 318 289 162 8 386 1,458 278 211 1,348 6,950 1,494 20 705 2,650 242 332 94 774 2,025 573 1, 050 1,038 649 50 574 399 1,063 3,216 166 26 '""Is 276 2,260 '"""IB 26 237 452 18 1,288 273 5, 215 82 1,222 397 172 1,845 2,821 10 432 404 1,943 276 127 53 2,747 333 1, 280 1,563 7, 684 1,941 83 1,250 3,030 185 1 84 674 'l,"020 211 55 43 257 300 289 410 737 2,450 414 30 15 364 22 193 141 752 262 311 807 893 46 238 171 605 20! 5 490 102 19 184 57 is: 2 356 5 2 81 43 52 1, 111 346 352 363 42 168 49 146 66 261 38 228 505 176 1,566 147 160 381 79 27 4 9 326 78 10,927 7,628 15, 616 11,906 958 9,172 3,758 15, 895 5,750 1,966 3,813 10,044 15, 439 11, 565 12, 596 34,221 29,426 848 20, 779 19,321 48, 585 22,488 86, 255 63, 607 12, 698 28,807 10,821 93,494 37, 773 7,586 7, 263 28, 502 53,131 18, 466 46, 522 125,451 77, 632 2,349 86,288 51,112 Peoria Detroit Grand Rapids M^ilwpukee Minneapolis St Paul Cedar Rapids Des IVloines Dubuque Sioux City Kansas City Mo St Toseuh St Louis Lincoln Omaha Kansas Citv, Kans Topeka Wichita Helena Denver Pueblo Oklahoma City Tulsa Seattle Spokane Portland Los Angeles San Francisco . _ , -_. Salt Lake Citv 22,230 253, 743 7,419 102 521 95, 827 52, 342 4,163 15 773 5,493 7,583 62, 864 5 879 106, 251 15,547 29 938 5, 385 8, 847 20 665 3,974 55, 050 8,049 23, 495 25, 540 68,069 7,601 81, 600 269,8S8 527, 776 5 358 14 575 512 20 10, 245 40 16 507 967 680 345 328 246 524 357 119 100 282 1,352 2, 760 206 312 31 15 35 10f> 111 2 930 60 266 1,952 10 1,337 173 564 63 506 471 353 29 159 25 839 3, 289 2, 246 570 460 119 3,219 7,633 1,092 1 427 9,960 3,105 7,725 5 423 368 639 7, 191 1 032 7,692 877 11,148 983 2,775 856 576 6,299 91 17,841 6,135 13, 224 3,062 13. 712 49,058 117,441 723 2, 538 50 25 68 96 129 160 85 27 8 50 792 5 1,255 592 14 409 161 1,958 855 1,491 1,010 74 10 60 50 2 827 4 271 619 636 7 355 146 712 2,600 1 362 92 1 915 1,199 1,135 431 1,000 30 1,106 30 39 41 33 45 9 145 572 396 449 62 25 212 18 152 109 139 63 50 1,184 348 336 696 8 300 1 300 251 60 227 5 2,794 1,949 580 703 2,152 374 902 3 100 70 5 673 648 246 1,753 139 284 36 115 30 10 50 5 81 133 116 57 135 155 22 140 2,652 2, 351 318 15 1,259 27 255 45 93 162 298 197 360 273 353 304 487 1,953 471 5, 319 4,389 501 17 2, 029 209 97 55 151 5, 617 3,949 359 20 2,893 3, 336 5,405 3,711 4,026 1,848 727 9,480 10, 375 2,656 iO, 674 3,900 14, 251 321 39 213 225 550 413 164 102 21 306 70 18 7 199 103 250 47 316 619 187 20 10 81 277 109 7 1 698 35 2 1,058 16 2, 134 31 5 4 19 361 36 169 2 48 2 27 16 5 • 35 28 60 355 38 35 53 12 55 52 4 1 15 20 231 801 4,405 5 209 19 63 143 520 44 625 4,181 5,298 1 1,362 52 2 80 2 2 1 50 6 26 23 24 65 287 571 138 9 10 172 7 1 166 50 279 711 649 1 5 6,465 23,641 1,301 18 234 18, 072 9, 414 7, 923 9 171 1 013 1,789 12, 870 2 308 19 932 2,359 17 707 1, 672 2,902 4 299 1 103 15, 732 797 20, 995 10, 388 27,135 4,108 28,580 74, 445 185, 944 2 644 5, 429 28, 695 277,384 8,720 120 755 113,899 61,756 12,086 24 944 6 506 9, 372 75, 734 8 187 126 183 17, 906 47 645 7 057 11,749 24 964 5 077 70,782 8 846 44,490 35,928 95, 204 11 709 110,180 344.333 713,720 8 002 20,004 Total other Reserve cities 3, 664, 984 .35,711 38, 916 3,757 505, 904 3, 335 125, 425 115, 683 15,345 105, 514 27, 477 22, 268 5, 836 25, 709 22, 204 10, 737 12, 073 1, 075, 894 4, 740, 878 Total all Reserve cities 5, 830, 770 54, 268 64, 601 3,839 763,310 4, 440 262, 647 196,918 19,346 181, 674 46, 502 23, 768 23, 631 99, 163 56,173 16, 448 17,187 1, 838, 915 7, 669, 685 COUNTEY BANKS Maine Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut __ Total New England States.._ New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Total Eastern States 40, 088 13 875 11,853 94, 985 27, 282 71, 250 441 274 25 111 271 2,353 25 256 423 1,351 9 237 259, 333 3, 858 1,672 353 242, 653 3.734 218, 943 4,804 314, 736 11,488 109 2,767 26, 495 1,926 102 5 449 125 693 470 72 1,536 12 15 20 805, 594 22, 061 1,246 2,146 63 6,758 13,499 1,596 1 936 56 4,291 5 599 1,587 27 3,711 5,146 10, 469 1,439 20,432 26, 669 1, 905 57 3,043 4,561 12, 389 66 10,490 8,271 314 4,352 438 25 2 338 328 234 2 2,581 307 11, 545 1,499 161 1,284 446 163 3,494 1, 035 21 697 272 16 81 5 58 14 46 705 989 383 152 294 347 115 178 95 455 142 250 582 1,663 940 1.024 56 67 13 92 293 861 1,125 281 29,882 1,708 48, 725 63,745 972 25, 594 3,980 1,001 11 29, 726 16 099 14, 392 SO, 050 12, 257 40,288 69,814 29 974 26,245 175, 035 39, 539 111,538 220 1, 427 4, 329 3, 058 2,288 192,812 452, 145 129 64, 546 63. 991 1,137 34,442 3,500 1, 623 395 227 597 44. 808 48,793 646 22, 908 2,691 2, 787 797 130, 460 131, 634 1,741 83, 247 6,484 447 1,145 26 2,138 2,533 133 103 1,406 3 34 190 5,963 6,273 327 132 4,898 33 21 927 4, 076 2,770 2,048 1,313 3, 201 1, 646 1,074 4,430 9,537 5,962 5,348 85 390 110 20 259 541 422 85 259. 955 183, 511 444, 021 8,051 24, 321 502, 608 402, 454 758, 757 10,818 50, 816 176,714 1,739 247,915 253, 224 3, 759 146, 901 13,135 4,893 1,822 6, 775 17, 805 10,910 8,814 919,859 1, 725, 453 76,063 46,793 49.693 '934 3,231 U. S. Government, domestic, and foreign bonds, securities, etc., held by national banks June 80, 1937—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Miscellaneous bonds, stocks, securities, etc. Bonds, notes, and debentures (not including stock) of other domestic corporations Obligations of— Stock of other domestic corporations Foreign securities Location ta O o COUNTRY BANKS—continued Virginia West Virginia.... North Carolina.. South Carolina. _ Georgia __ Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States. Ohio Indiana... Illinois.... Michigan.. 61, 263 2,178 32. 296 1,267 l'S, 334 405 493 22, 411 269 8, 425 67, 303 1,381 27, 580 506 10, 375 581 21, 605 42 78,100 2,491 16, 852 762 29,190 1,094 654 33,129 139 71 165 115 916 32 101 178 148 1,227 421. 863 12,123 1,314 2,244 119, 667 10, 094 84,318 4,715 147, 997 5,343 65,857 765 432 1,055 1,600 245 11,523 5, 950 9,975 5,153 3,011 10, 391 17, 834 13, 933 10,895 50, 024 10,475 10, 377 12,432 16 169 303 537 226 34 38 3,168 3,222 149 206 845 1,730 1,398 670 254 1,185 1,191 2,916 1,000 3,601 2,886 150 81 970 1,675 1,865 471 172 1,454 1,240 4,006 1,009 555 535 10 131 823 72 5 165 55 650 232 171,973 1, 476 17,934 19, 580 3,241 49,170 11,233 37, 336 22, 546 904 19,149 19, 708 525 12,347 12,757 616 14,804 16, 444 91 12,694 224 115 391 225 3,722 967 545 4,194 265 88 190 138 250 792 440 I, 1 519 1, 698 209 539 259 145 2, 442 1. 586 233 1,603 534 3,284 455 V 422 526 149 32 5 17 338 89 3 231 35 26 52 5 ~~48 5: 16 22, 551 6,452 1,745 14, 243 1,647 729 7,794 14, 734 1,215 610 8,936 87 47 100 44 504 32 37 59 57; 951 697 667 103 37 89 58 185 127 105 366 120 238 306 552 534 2 65 293 228 47 45 124 344 350 190 3,098 2,774 167 127 2 8 31 193 13 20 49 39 173 78 900 1,632 1,422 522 766 976 266 1,475 1,463 1,148 648 331 28,009 20,674 11,307 6,318 6,565 19, 702 25, 528 17, 241 12, 657 61, 835 16, 481 24,133 18,479 89, 272 52, 970 24, 641 28,729 14,990 87,005 53,108 27,616 34, 262 139,935 33,333 53, 323 51, 608 573 268, 929 690,792 119,689 53,110 96, 266 60,572 239,356 137, 428 244, 263 126,429 103 39 97 68 556 387 348 Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa__ Missouri __ __ _ _ _„ Total Middle Western StatesNorth Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma __ -_ Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Ari7ona __ Total Pacific States 78, 077 69,410 25, 738 20, 057 586 1, 947 662 1,624 12 370 14 171 320 363 939 32 611,121 25, 736 1,295 4.986 45 110 16,019 13, 271 21, 621 28, 394 23,614 10, 465 19,193 12,274 25,137 366 160 1,616 1,346 521 128 644 535 680 493 45 40 20 60 169, 988 5, 996 22, 683 6, 734 38,258 15. 906 983 8,782 14, 408 305 211 479 85 107, 754 Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) • Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank)___ 11,311 Total (nonmember banks) . . 12,772 1 233 43 25 58 46 11 12,782 30 630 11,999 6,279 121 11,855 15, 985 40 7 054 6 231 180 2,619 2,270 177 1,144 1,101 476 15, 973 239 7 331 17 2, 250 120 1,253 675 703 306 251 24 1 9 49 5 4 1 12 181,975 2.654 79, 670 87,190 1,807 72, 514 6,136 361 118 172 167 306 440 183 122 220 91 508 5 7 1 105 7,430 2,209 302 585 170 1,209 124 1,049 1,193 193 249 16 44 137 180 281 295 76 25 2,111 7, 980 8,083 2.053 105 103 276 357 334 78 312 68 165 144 24 264 79 270 18 339 15 141 37 10 71 24 445 53 78 7 195 1,798 1, 294 2 430 463 56 532 59 5 20 90 280 148 142 28 497 1, 225 648 3 61,059 57, 574 21, 800 12, 599 139.136 126,984 47, 538 32, 656 482, 669 1, 093, 790 61 8,544 9,473 10,782 16, 318 9, 505 4,585 10,678 4, 505 30, 243 24- 563 22, 744 32, 403 44, 712 33,119 15 050 29,871 16, 779 55,380 779 104,633 274, 621 147 16 125 10 15. 045 6.234 43,560 5,011 512 4, 307 8,085 37, 728 12, 968 81,818 20, 917 • 1,495 13, 089 22, 493 310 82, 754 190, 508 48 823 2,056 11,289 22 600 20 71 44 29 10 66 34 78 190 834 1,010 752 519 898 512 1,217 81 721 826 673 803 649 1,099 431 1, 352 94 468 46 87 1 10 23 4 99 95 59 4 871 6,475 5.487 11,705 4,629 2 653 4,823 2,881 26,182 813 344 69, 706 542 6,544 6,395 279 256 5 65 54 118 19 2,008 207 3 481 285 34 454 617 2,074 206 5,398 391 48 581 530 44 199 173 2.384 7,206 5.114 29 005 3.431 354 2.434 2.509 59 220 22 3 32 14 1,452 2, 604 190 50, 053 457 7,086 9,228 22 143 79 350 162 2 14 3,3C9 1,804 2,431 26 226 47 33 129 49 41 142 15 409 637 3,421 2,283 2,642 281 192 63 12, 521 25, 293 2,873 573 228 22 3,016 573 9 1 018 545 1,059 469 1, 014 470 1,479 547 829 370 5 13 36 300 1,702 197 2,902 376 26 358 1,156 303 76 635 99 22 30 101 768 6,717 1,266 4 1 2 39 145 12 2 43 45 23 10 15 20 25 52 3 10 151 86 14 237 16 2 28 12 50 — Total country banks 2, 388, 425 71, 220 8, 944 10, 285 Total United States 8, 219,195 125,494 73, 545 14,124 1,451, 629 13, 589 673,942 638, 563 30,172 466, 023 79. 680 32, 307 26, 765 113, 294 92, 365 39, 533 32, 067 3,903, 092 12, 122,287 683, 319 9,149 411,295 441,645 10, 826 284, 349 33,178 8, 539 3,134 s o o K hd H b W 14,131 36,192 23. 085 14, 880 2, 064,177 4, 452, 602 Ct a CO EARNINGS AND DIVIDENDS OF NATIONAL BANKS CO The following statements show the earnings and dividends of national banks, 1869 to 1937; the capital, surplus, earnings, and expenses, etc., of national banks in reserve cities, States, and Federal Reserve districts in the year ended June 30, 1937; arid a summary of earnings and dividends of national banks, grouped by size of banks according to deposits, for the year ended December 31, 1936. (In the appendix of this report are published tables showing the capital, surplus, earnings, and expenses, etc., of national banks according to reserve cities, States, and Federal Reserve districts in the 6-month periods ended December 31, 1936, and June 30, 1937, together with abstracts of reports of earnings and dividends of national banks, grouped by size of banks according to deposits, geographically, and by Federal Reserve districts, for the year ended December 31, 1936.) Earnings and dividends of national banks, 1869-1937 W [In thousands of dollars] o o 6 months ended Aug. 31, 1869 Number of active banks Capital stock par value Surplus Total capital and surplus - -.. -- - Capital funds l Net addition to profits .. Dividends -Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplus. _ Dividends on common stock to capital funds... __ Net addition to profits to common capital Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus Net addition to profits to capital funds __ Year ended Aug. 31— 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1,619 1,612 1,723 1,853 1,968 1,983 2,076 2,091 2,078 422, 659 82, 219 427,236 91,690 450,331 98, 322 470,543 105,182 490,110 116,847 491,004 126, 239 501, 569 133,169 500, 394 131,897 481,045 124, 714 504, 878 518,926 548,653 575, 725 606, 957 617, 243 634,^738 632, 291 605, 759 548, 691 29,221 21, 768 561,788 55,811 42, 559 594,188 54,558 44, 330 625, 959 58, 076 46, 687 662, 264 65, 048 49, 649 675, 576 59,581 48, 459 686, 898 57, 936 49, 069 678, 900 43, 638 47, 376 656, 267 34, 867 43,921 Percent 5.15 4.31 3.97 6.91 5.79 6.33 Percent 9.96 8.20 7.58 13.06 10.76 9.93 Percent 9.84 8.08 7.46 12.12 9.94 9.18 Percent 9.92 8.11 7.46 12.34 10.09 9.28 Percent 10.13 8.18 7.50 13.27 10.72 9.82 Percent 9.87 7.85 7.17 12.13 9.65 8.82 Percent 9.78 7.73 7.14 11.55 9.13 8.43 Percent 9.47 7.49 6.98 8.72 6.90 6.43 Percent 9.13 7.25 6.69 7.25 5.76 5.31 W o a o Year ended Aug. 31— 1878 Number of active banks. Capital stock,, par value Surplus Total capital and surplus „ Capital funds ' Net addition to profits _ Dividends tio u i v i d e i ^ s mi ' o n m w stock to common cari r J I > \ i i iil^'>-i c» ,n J • ^t f K i » o 1 " " K n n n i t .[ and surplus ^ M \ l "N et ad * K> i " o f i u i u I T n o i c ,> l._ V t ad utio i > p ( K-> to oo \v ,p ( pitdl and surplus Net id ijiofi 't_j i_f !Jl_k!l_r lLJLJ_l ^ ''•'" _ ------- -- — 1 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 2,625 522, 516 145, 763 668, 279 2,689 526,274 146, 524 2,809 539,109 153,643 692, 752 3,014 571, 649 172, 348 743,997 760,415 55,166 42, 413 Percent 7.87 6.12 5.58 10.23 7.96 7.25 806, 292 64, 507 44,153 Percent 7.72 5.93 2,056 2, 048 2,076 470, 393 118,179 588? 572 455, 245 114,321 569,566 455, 909 118,102 574,011 2,115 460,228 126, 680 586,908 477,185 131,079 608, 264 2,417 500, 298 138,332 638, 630 629, 055 30, 608 36, 941 Percent 7.85 6.28 5.87 6.51 5.20 A. 87 615, 369 31, 552 34, 943 Percent 7.68 6.14 5.68 6. 93 5. 5L 5. IS 624,455 45.186 36; 411 Percent 7.99 6.3 A 5.83 9.91 7.87 7.24 641, 592 53, 623 38, 378 Percent 8.34 6.54 5.98 11.65 9.14 8.36 660, 393 53, 322 40, 792 Percent 8.55 6.71 6.18 11.17 8.77 8.07 738, 877 52, 363 54. 007 41, 255 40, 679 Percent Percent 8.13 7.90 6.37 6.17 5.75 5. 58 10.79 10.02 8.46 7.84 7. 6A 7.09 2, 239 672,7 725, 028 43, 625 40, 656 Percent 7.73 6.04 5. 61 8 29 6.48 6. 02 5.48 11.28 8,67 8. 00 Year ended Aug. 311893 Number of active banks.. Capital stock, par value.. Surplus ---. Total capital and surplus.. Capital funds i Gross earnings Expenses Net earnings Losses and premiums... Net addition to profits. Dividends Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplus.. Dividends on common stock to capital funds Net addition to profits to common capital Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus __ Net addition to profits to capital funds Net addition to profits to net earnings..Expenses to gross earnings -.. .Footnotes at ond of table, p. 107. 3,120 588, 384 183,106 771, 490 841, 787 129,148 45, 301 83, 847 18,487 65, 360 46, 532 Percent 7.91 5.53 11.11 8.47 7.76 77.95 85.08 3,239 605, 852 1GG. 912 802, 764 3, 484 642, 074 212, 615 854, 689 3, 652 672, 904 227, 199 900,103 3,759 684, 678 238, 240 922, 918 3,807 685, 787 249,138 934, 925 1894 3,770 671,091 245, 728 916,819 875, 297 934,543 987, 551 1,011,145 1, 028, 870 1,001,388 139, 725 135, 324 144,614 151,334 148, 559 151,695 51, 266 59, 683 49, 755 55, 035 58, 682 60, 909 93, 348 80,042 85, 569 96, 299 89, 877 90,786 21, 292 38, 087 15, 951 20,535 23, 219 22,035 72,056 41,955 69, 618 75, 764 66, 658 68, 751 51,159 45, 333 46, 618 50,795 50, 401 49, 633 Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 7.97 7.69 7.86 7.65 7.24 6.76 5.99 5.81 5.31 5. 64 6.46 4-94 5.47 5. 33 4.82 4.98 5.14 4.53 11.22 10.03 11. 49 9. 74 11.26 6.25 7.35 8.67 8.43 7.22 8.42 4.58 6.68 7.95 7.71 6. 59 7.67 4.19 75.73 81.36 77.19 74.17 78. 68 62.42 40.15 36.77 35.45 S9.50 36.37 42.71 1895 1897 3,715 658, 224 247, 782 906,006 3,689 651,145 248, 368 i9, 513 987, 228 135,459 59,990 75, 469 28, 602 46, 867 45, 970 Percent 6.9S 5.07 4.66 7.12 6.17 4.75 62.10 982, 997 142,443 61,006 81,437 31,695 49, 742 45, 526 Percent 6.99 5.06 4.63 7.64 5.53 5.06 61.08 42.83 3,610 632,153 246,404 878, 557 962,420 13.7,728 61,153 76, 575 32, 301 44, 274 42, 394 Percent 6.71 4.83 4-40 7.00 5.04 4.60 57.82 44-40 CO Earnings and dividends of national banks, 1869-1937—Continued CO 00 [In thousands of dollars] Year ended Aug. 31— 1898 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 10 months ended June 30, 1907 , Number of active banks.. 3,582 3,583 3,732 4,165 4,535 4,939 5,331 5,668 6,053 6,429 Capital stock, par value.. Surplus 622, 017 247, 935 604,865 248,146 621, 536 256, 249 645, 719 274,194 701, 991 325, 525 743, 506 359, 054 767, 378 389, 647 791, 567 413, 436 826,130 448, 858 883, 691 534, 795 877, 785 919,913 1, 027, 516 1,102, 560 1,157, 025 1, 205, 003 1, 274, £ Total capital and surplus.. 1,418,488 869, 952 853,011 Capital funds 1 Gross earnings Expenses Net earnings Losses and premiums.~ Net addition to profitsDividends. 954, 989 143,394 62,182 81, 212 31,179 50, 033 44, 292 947,187 1, 013, 084 1, 062, 459 1,184, 368 1, 285, 690 1,349,016 1, 406, 858 1, 491, 293 1, 604,104 314, 701 279, 312 249, 411 248, 585 156, 520 193, 650 188, 267 221, 278 234, 584 131, 544 120, 448 68, 498 77, 667 103, 050 112, 206 72, 714 93,122 85, 235 183,157 158,864 88, 022 120, 936 110,600 136, 043 141, 462 146, 361 136, 379 33, 675 28, 746 30,922 30, 470 31,337 33, 659 31, 580 33, 425 29, 462 54, 347 81, 854 106, 581 152, 235 127, 527 109, 882 105, 909 87, 277 112, 936 46, 692 51, 700 99, 728 89, 265 73,138 48, 033 63, 566 75, 589 68,199 Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplusDividends on common stock to capital funds Net addition to profits to common capital Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus Net addition to profits to capital funds Net addition to profits to net earnings Expenses to gross earnings.— Percent 7.12 5.09 4.64 8.04 5.75 5.24 61.61 43.86 Percent 7.72 4-47 4.93 8.98 6.37 5.74 61.74 43.76 Percent 7.73 5.47 4-74 14.04 9.94 8.61 72.17 87.55 Percent 8.01 5.62 4.87 Perce 7.70 74.01 41.25 9. 5. 15. 10. 78. Perd 8. 5. Pero 9. 414. 77. 41. Percent 9.24 6.07 5.20 18.38 8.79 7.53 77.66 45.14 Percent 10.81 7.00 5.99 15. 44 10.00 8.55 80.27 Percent 11.29 7.03 6.22 17.23 10.73 9.49 83.12 41.80 o W o o o H W 3 O Year ended June 30— 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 Number of active banks 6,824 6,926 7,145 7,277 7,473 7,525 7,605 7,579 7,604 Capital stock, par value 919,101 564,045 937,004 590,838 989, 567 644,857 1,019, 633 671, 947 1, 033, 571 693,990 1,056, 920 720, 607 1,058,192 723,338 1,068, 519 722,089 1,066,049 731,389 1,082, 779 762,367 1,483,146 1,527, 842 1,634, 424 1, 691, 580 1,727, 561 1, 777, 527 1, 781, 530 1, 790, 608 1, 797,438 1,845,146 1,667,803 332,454 150, 551 181,903 50, 568 131, 335 97,336 1,744,075 348, 674 177,035 171, 639 40, 453 131,186 92,993' 1,850,970 402, 666 209,784 192, 882 38, 714 154,168 105,899 1,933,134 428,973 232,062 196,911 39.926 156; 985 114, 685 1,984,398 450,043 258, 730 191,313 42, 255 1493 057 120., 301 2,045, 668 499, 252 284, 516 214, 736 53, 756 160, 980 119,906 2,049, 714 515, 624 301,424 214, 200 64,930 149, 270 120,947 2,105,363 527, 985 322, 450 205, 535 78, 440 127,095 113, 639 2,103, 288 590, 642 370,902 219, 740 62,196 157, 544 114, 725 2,198,553 667,406 410, 753 256, 653 62, 332 194,321 125, 538 Percent 10.59 Percent 9.92 Percent 10.70 Percent 11.64 Percent 11.34 Percent 11.43 Percent 10.64 Percent 10.76 Percent 11.59 6.56 5.84 14.29 6.09 5.33 14.00 5.72 15.58 Percent 11.25 6.78 5.93 15.40 6.06 14.42 6.75 5.86 15.23 6.79 5.90 14.11 6.85 5.40 11.89 5.45 14.78 6.80 5.71 17.95 7.87 72.20 45.28 8.59 7.52 76.48 50.77 8.33 79.93 52.10 9.28 8.12 79.72 54.10 9.06 7.87 74.97 8.38 7.28 69.69 58.46 61.84 61.07 8.76 7.49 71.70 62.80 10.53 8.84 75.71 61.54 Surplus _ Total capital and s u r p l u s . . . •_ Capital funds 1 __ _ Gross earnings __ Expenses.. Net earnings Losses and premiums Net addition to profits Dividends... „ Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital._. Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplus Dividends on common stock to capital funds Net addition to profits to common capital Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus Net addition to profits to capital funds Net addition to profits to net earnings Expenses to gross earnings Footnotes at end of table, p . 107. 7,372 7.51 77.91 57.49 7.10 6.04 O W H O H W O O H W Q d CO Earnings and dividends of national banks, 1869-1937—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Year ended June 30— Number of active banks.Capital stock, par value Surplus Total capital and surplus Capital funds * 7,705 7,785 8,030 8,154 8,249 L, 118, 603 872, 226 ]L, 224,166 1 273,880 1 026, 256 1,307,216 L, 048, 806 1, 907, 694 t, 990,829 ;I, 2 300,136 2, 356, 022 2, 249, 793 ;2, 363,478 5I, 622, 075 2, 796, 29T I, 848,456 _ _ —_ Amount Gross earnings: Interest and discount—. . . Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank balances) _ . . Other current earnings _ _ ._ Total earnings from current operations -_ Expenses: Salaries and wages Interest and discount on borrowed money -_ Interest on deposits _ Taxes Other expenses '. Total current expenses Net earnings . . __ Recoveries on charged-off assets _ Total net earnings, recoveries, etc „ _ Losses charged oft: On loans > __ On bonds, stocks, and other securities \ 1922 1, 098, 556 809,138 ._. _ 1921 1920 1919 1918 Percent to total 986, 384 210, 550 Percent Percent Amount Percent to total Amount to total Amount to total Amount 92.84 1,011,619 91.21 2.13 28,898 2.61 45, 762 6.03 68, 599 744,141 93.26 845,592 18,323 2.30 19,406 35, 426 4.44 92.00 1.80 955, 451 16, 715 89.62 1.67 1.79 6.1S 1,105, 832 I 21,630 J ' 1 21,472 52, 985 141 15, 888 79, 234 1.49 7.42 100.00 1, 067, 268 100.00 198, 404 47, 685 294, 076 79, 376 113,449 27.06 6.51 40.12 10.83 15.48 732,990 100.00 797, 890 100.00 910, 760 100.00 1,109,116 100.00 1, 201, 910 114,130 20, 380 242,893 51,951 80, 831 22.37 4.00 47.61 10.18 15.84 139,656 53, 504 260, 335 65, 052 92, 233 22.87 8.76 42.62 10.65 15.10 175, 452 82, 720 287,637 79, 484 111, 097 23.83 11.23 39.06 10.79 15.09 202, 726 119, 396 291, 828 87, 398 128, 558 510,185 100.00 610, 780 100.00 736, 390 100.00 829,906 24.43 14.39 35.16 10. 63 15.49 100.00 287, 705 16,107 299, 980 21, 066 372, 726 23,912 372, 013 23, 978 334, 278 41, 782 303, 812 321, 046 396, 638 395,991 376, 060 33, 964 44,350 37. IS 48.48 1 35, 440 27,819 43.93 34.48 31, 284 61,790 | Percent to total 27.31 53.94 1 76, 210 76,179 42.37 42.35 135, 208 33, 444 g 8 o o g o 70.28 17.38 Other losses Total Net addition to profits Dividends on common stock Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplus Dividends on common stock to capital funds Net addition to profits to common capital Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus Net addition to profits to capital funds Net addition to profits to net earnings Expenses to gross earnings Footnotes at end of table, p. 107. 13,166 14- 89 17, 421 21.59 21, 481 18.75 27. 496 15.28 23, 738 91, 480 100. 00 80, 680 100. 00 114, 555 100. 00 179,885 100.00 192, 390 212, 332 129, 778 282, 083 147, 793 240 368 135, 588 Percent 11.81 6.80 5 77 19.33 11 13 9'44 73.80 63 94 Percent 12.12 6.81 5 7 If 21.49 12 07 10.17 80.13 67 06 183, 670 165,884 216, 106 158,158 Percent 12 07 6.69 6 64 23 04 12 76 10.76 75.68 66 39 n.u 100.00 Percent 12 42 6.88 5 66 16.96 9 40 7.78 58.09 69 05 Percent 12. 69 7.04 5 82 14-05 7.80 6.45 54. 95 68.68 t O W O § o o d Earnings and dividends of national banks, 1869-1987—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Year ended June 30— 1925 1924 N u m b e r of active banks . Capital stock, par value Surplus Total capital and surplus _._ 8,241 8,085 8,072 7,978 1, 334, 011 1,080, 578 1, 369, 435 1,118,928 1,412, 872 1,198,899 1,474,173 1, 256,945 2;399, 507 2, 414, 589 2, 488, 363 2, 611, 771 2, 731,118 !, 875, 712 2,916,245 2,970,074 3, 089, 358 3, 239, 539 Percent Amount Percent to total Amount 939,552 89.53 965, 876 89.89 976, 458 16, 536 1.57 16, 396 1.52 17, 986 11,296 82,024 7,222 1.08 5,059 7.82 /1 80,006 1, 049,408 100. 00 1, 074, 559 Amount Total earnings from current operations Expenses: Salaries and wages Interest on deposits of other banks Interest on other demand deposits.. Interest on other time deposits Interest and discount on borrowed money Taxes _ Other expenses _ _ Total current expenses Net earnings _ 1927 1, 328, 891 1, 070, 616 Capital funds ' Gross earnings: Interest and discount on loans Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities Interest on balances with other banks Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank balances) Trust department _ Other current earnings __. 1926 202,117 27. U 210, 315 320,031 43. 45 338, 345 25,685 67,412 121,337 3.49 9.15 16.47 26, 537 66, 348 124, 499 736, 582 100. 00 766, 044 312,826 308, 515 12, 573 5,951 111, 129 100. 00 1,124,097 .67 Percent to total Percent 65.27 22.92 2.26 1.45 13, 762 14, 653 1.23 10, 811 8,255 .69 71,822 103,714 8.70 100. 00 1,192, 218 100. 00 1,190, 383 1.16 .91 1, 046,992 87.82 18, 604 1.56 1.12 .53 218,073 27. SO 229, 864 373,991 46.82 387, 948 4 8.66 16.25 13, 707 65, 798 127,145 19, 361 68, 568 135,925 100. 00 798, 714 1.72 8.24 15.92 100.00 7.46 325, 383 Percent Amount to total Amount to total '2 776,951 272.886 26,878 17,273 1.60 O C 841, 666 350, 552 243, 246 53,944 122, 719 [3 231,679 2.30 18, 342 8.15 70, 337 16.15 142,107 27.31 100. 00 882,374 308,009 100.00 27.57 6.11 13.91 26.26 2.08 7.97 16.10 100.00 o w o cj Q l to p! to M gj Recoveries on charged-off assets: On loans On bonds, stocks, and other securities All other „ _ __ I _ Total recoveries Profits on securities sold 39, 686 44,005 51,100 34, 495 39, 686 44,005 - Net addition to profits Dividends or common stock -_- - __ _ -} — - Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital _ Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplus Dividends on common stock to capital funds Net addition to profits to common capital Net addition to profits3 to common capital and surplus Net addition to profit' to capital funds Net addition to profits to net earnings Expenses to gross earnings _ ___. -- 75.07 13. 64 11.29 102, 814 24, 642 19, 848 69.80 16. 73 160, 438 too. oo 147, 304 100. 00 _ i____ 365, 069 120, 438 21, 890 18,110 - 18,883 8,884 5,572 56.64 26. 65 16.71 33, 339 100. 00 52, 660 343, 010 IS. 47 195, 706 163, 683 203, 488 179,176 - | { I 0) 363, 926 Total net earnings, recoveries, etc _ 34, 495 (*) Losses and depreciation: 1 On loans -- On bonds stocks and other securities On banking house, furniture and fixtures Other losses and depreciation Total 51,100 Percent 13.48 7.47 6. 23 15.31 8.48 7. 08 65.05 70.19 394,557 95, 552 25, 301 20, 281 67.70 17. 93 14.37 141,134 100.00 223, 935 165, 033 Percent 12.27 6 78 5.61 14 67 8.11 6.71 63. 43 71.29 93, 605 23, 783 28, 002 145, 390 394,008 64.38 16.36 19.26 /1 100. 00 249,167 173, 753 Percent 12.05 6.63 5.56 16.35 9.00 7.54 68.82 71.05 O 86, 512 27, 579 14,410 13,188 61 06 19.46 10.17 9. SI 141, 689 100. 00 252, 319 180, 753 Percent 12.30 6.65 5.62 17.64 9.54 8.07 71.08 70.60 Percent 12. 26 6.62 5 58 17.12 9.24 7.79 81.92 74.1S o o Footnotes at end of table, p. 107. o d Earnings and dividends of national banks, 1869-1937—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Year ended June 30— 1928 Number of active banks Capital stock, par value Surplus Total capital and surplus. Capital funds J Total earnings from current operations Expenses: Salaries and wages _ Interest on deposits of other banks Interest on other demand deposits Interest on other time deposits Interest and discount on borrowed money Taxes Other expenses Total current expenses _ _._ Net earnings _ _ _. -. _ __ .- _ 1930 7,691 7,536 7.252 6,805 6,150 1, 627, 375 1, 479. 052 1, 743, 974 1, 591, 339 1. 687, 663 1, 493, 876 1, 568. 983 1, 259, 425 3,013,551 3,106.427 3,335,313 3, 181,539 2, 828, 408 W 3, 570. 988 3. 674, 763 3,976, 148 3, 755, 730 3, 279, 848 Percent to total Amount to total Percent Percent o o 615, 357 298. 841 14,645 12. 699 57.77 28.06 1.37 1.19 § § 18,172 22, 366 83, 092 1.71 2.10 7.80 Percent to total Amount Percent to total Amount 817, 231 311:338 26. 601 15, 324 68.59 24.28 2.07 1.42 894,032 320,416 22,862 18. 965 64.85 23. 06 1.65 1.36 903, 858 299, 042 23,140 19,124 65.23 21.58 1.67 1.38 701. 889 320. 076 28. 346 15, 937 13, 437 1.05 1.26 6.38 12, 439 20, 583 100.103 .90 1.48 7.20 13, 535 22, 765 104,144 1.64 7.52 15. 262 26, 688 90, 224 16. 165 81, 982 1, 285, 078 262, 57, 129, 265, 18, 68, 155, 1932 1931 1,593,856 1, 419, 695 Amount Gross earnings: Interest and discount on loans ._. Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities Interest on balances with other banks _ __ Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc._ Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank balances) _ Trust department _ _ Other current earnings _ __* 1929 100. GO 1,389,400 609 282 005 998 612 750 405 5. .98 13.47 27.78 1.94 7.18 16.28 957, 661 100. 00 327, 417 271,805 46, 462 126, 742 281.012 35, 548 65, 967 159, 346 986, 882 402, 518 100.00 27.54 4.71 12.84 28. 48 3.60 6.68 16.15 100. 00 1, 385, 608 276, 089 42,119 128, 719 287,184 27, 671 66,123 171,161 999, 066 386, 542 100. OC 27.63 4.22 12.88 28. 75 2.77 6.62 17.13 100. 00 1, 258, 422 275, 593 46, 115 106, 268 288,074 9,018 64,140 158, 816 948, 024 310, 398 GO. 54 25.44 2.25 1.27 LSI 2.12 7.17 100. 00 1,065,172 29.07 4.86 ii. n 30.39 .95 6.77 16.75 wo. 00 100. 00 1-3 W 239, 200 25, 820 66, 772 230, 439 21, 504 48, 080 139, 783 31.00 3.85 8.65 29.86 2.79 6.23 18.12 o d 771, 598 100.00 a < 293, 574 Recoveries, profits on securities sold, etc.: Recoveries on loans., Recoveries on bonds, stocks, and other securities. . Profits on securities sold All other Total... Total net earnings, recoveries, etc Losses and depreciation: On loans On bonds, stocks, and other securities On banking house, furniture and fixtures Other losses and depreciation ._ Total __._ Net addition to profits Dividends on common stock Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplus Dividends on common stock to capital funds Net addition to profits to common capital Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus.. __ Net addition to profits to capital funds _ Net addition to profits to net earnings Expenses to gross earnings _ 19, 519 7, 329 59, 328 9,621 20.38 7.65 61.93 10.04 95, 797 100. 00 423, 214 92,106 29,191 18, 150 13, 609 153, 056 18. 149 7,828 35, 085 9, 666 25. 66 11.07 49. 60 13.67 70, 728 100. 00 473, 246 60.18 19. 07 ii. m 8.89 100.00 270.158 205 358 21.38 9.81 56.89 11.92 73, 354 100. 00 459 896 86, 815 43, 458 25,132 16. 037 50.64 25. 85 14.66 9.35 171, 442 100. 00 301,804 222 672 103.817 61,371 28, 803 19, 644 4.8. 69 28. 78 13. 43 9.19 213.635 100. 00 19.89 10.92 58.77 10. 92 85, 654 100. 00 186, 119, 18, 18, Percent 13 59 7.11 5 96 14 12 7 38 6 19 68 71 72.10 16, 753 9, 521 24, 869 16, 051 Si. 98 14.17 37.01 23. 89 67,194 100. 00 360, 768 804 294 448 905 54.40 34. 73 5.37 5.50 343, 511 100. 00 259, 478 201, 848 17,693 21, 529 Percent. 12 5® 6.64 5 63 3 11 1 65 1 {0 1 6 93 75.33 51.84 40.33 8.53 4 SO W 139. 780 169 155 Percent to 78 5.98 5 16 5 g Qi 5 4 94 0 4 26 5 47 61 Number of active banks _ Capital, par value: Class A preferred Class B preferred Common Total Surplus. Total capital and surplus Canital funds * Footnotes at end of table, p. 107. _ _ _ __ 1934 1935 8 g 33 § 72.44 o Year ended J u n e 30— 1932 O H O 100.00 500, 518 5 52, 541 211 301 Percent 13.68 7 17 6.06 18 55 9.72 8.21 74.98 71.03 74. 52 16, 606 9,350 50, 342 9, 356 396 052 246,261 237 029 Percent 12.88 6 81 5.75 16.95 8.96 7.57 82.51 __ 15,680 7,195 41. 733 8, 746 1936 8 1937 4,902 5,422 5, 431 5,374 5,299 51,193 2,600 1, 463, 412 401,989 10, 081 1,326,722 503, 914 21, 208 1, 288, 848 423, 228 20, 261 1, 254, 762 281,012 17, 965 1, 288, 749 1, 517, 205 940, 598 1, 738, 792 854, 057 1, 813, 970 831, 846 1, 698, 251 973, 393 1, 587. 726 1, 073,154 2, 457, 803 2, 592,849 2, 645, 816 2, 671, 644 2, 6C0,880 2, 856, 554 3,001, 033 3, 086, 418 3, 165,728 3, 212,165 o d O Earnings and dividends of national banks, 1869-1937—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Year ended June 30— 1933 Amount Gross earnings: Interest and discount on loans Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities Interest on balances with other banks Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc _ Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank balances) Trust department --Service charges on deposit accounts Rent received Other current earnings-. ---Total earnings from current operations. Expenses: Salaries and wages: 8 Officers -Employees other than officers _ Number of officers 8_ _ 8 Number of employees other than officers Interest on deposits of other banks. _ Interest on other demand deposits Interest on other time deposits _. Interest and discount on borrowed money Real-estate tixes Other taxes Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Other expenses Total current expenses.. Net earnings — Recoveries, profits on securities sold, etc.: Recoveries on loans Recoveries on bonds, stocks, and other securities Profits on securities sold Allother Total Total net earnings, recoveries, etc _ _ 1934 Percent Percent to total Amount to total 1935 1936 Amount 346,995 323,491 1,409 19,438 43.20 40.28 .18 2.42 342, 673 313, 661 913 21,324 42.94 39.30 .11 2.67 356,732 331, 666 846 23,179 42.11 89.15 .10 2.73 8,324 26,479 22, 685 54, 313 1.04 3.30 2.82 6.76 5,517 30, 222 26,139 7 23, 242 34, 391 .69 8.79 1.00 100. GO 803,134 100.00 «, 082 100.00 8,477 33, 779 29, 353 50,125 13, 040 847,197 202, 214 86.30 209, 217 87.82 '8. 87 1,943 10, 321 166,103 4,151 .35 1,875 8,009 155, 632 612 41,992 214,450 24,804 92,885 1,550 5,544 132,058 321 7 10, 708 34,290 53. 68 82.14 1.21 1.60 388,064 291, 901 1, 551 17, 936 12, 538 21,401 14, 006 1.42 2.43 1.59 14. I l l 23; 616 16, 317 53, 030 882,362 100. 00 806, 526 204,513 '0.71 18, 521 46, 715 189, 087 17,181 41, 020 2.78 7.01 2.58 6.16 148, 973 '2.37 128, 705 23.10 135, 866 24.1 666,010 100. 00 557, 043 100.00 553, 203 100. 00 216,352 17,129 51,515 9,915 78, 559 294,911 86.19 .19 1.75 2.0°2 6.58 .75 43, 606 249, 483 21.81 65.57 12.62 100. 00 1937 Percent to total 473, 696 283, 568 10, 657 14,099 52, 337 6 26, 304 93,580 15,467 135, 351 384,834 19.43 69.14 11.43 100. 00 .11 Percent Amount to total 7 2,089 150,718 551, 728 1.00 23.94 .06 8.15 27.70 100.00 5.92 1.54 100.00 93, 247 135,363 U, 798 96,865 1,377 4,788 124, 918 280 21, 304 33,159 16.14 23.43 4,661 158, 754 577,851 .80 27.47 100.00 249, 931 246,354 269,346 32, 341 156, 645 9,246 198" 232 64,082 21.44 16.31 / 143,138 79.02 \ » 78, 808 74.24 12,913 4.67 4- oZ 100. 00 298,941 100. 00 64, 243 73, 208 124, 858 17, 274 279, 583 448,163 545,295 548,929 .83 21.62 .05 3.68 5.74 26.18 44. 66 6.18 100.00 Losses and depreciation: On loans On bonds, stocks, and other securities On hanking house furniture and fixtures Other losses and depreciation Total Met addition to profits Dividends: On preferred stock On common stock Total 5 - 231, 420 236, 557 15 916 29, 402 45.08 46.09 3.10 5.73 513,295 100.00 5 218, 384 22 !«99,124 ___ „ . _ Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital _ Dividends on common sto^k to common canital and surplus. Dividends on preferred stock to preferred capital Dividends on preferred and common stock to preferred and common capital . Dividends on preferred and common stork to capital funds Dividends on preferred and common stock to preferred and common capital and surplus Net addition to profits t<> nnrnmnn capital Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus Net addition to profits to common and preferred canitnl Net addition to Profits to common and preferred capital and surplus Net addition to profits to capital funds Net addition to profits to net earnings Expenses to gross earnings 379, 294 241, 789 29. 833 37,464 55.10 35.13 4-33 5.44 188, 237 136, 743 22. 313 29. 498 49.96 36.29 5.92 7.83 154,964 93. 339 24,387 30,951 51.04 so. 74 8.03 10.19 111,000 94,069 26.434 30, 865 42.81 85. 85 10.08 11.76 688, 380 100.00 376, 791 100.00 303, 641 100.00 262,368 100.00 303, 546 11 99,146 3,430 72, 418 u 75, 848 Percent 6.77 4.12 .01 6.53 3. 47 4.03 14.92 *9.08 5 14.39 *8.89 6 7 64 5 100.94 75.48 5 241, 654 71, 372 16,176 87, 241 13 103, 417 Percent 5.46 3.32 .83 4.36 2.53 2 9% «22.88 »13. 92 5 17. 46 55 11.71 10 11 «121. 67 69. 07 286, 561 20, 432 105 172 o 14,496 * 138, 979 l 125, 604 H O 153,475 Percent 6.77 4.11 3 08 5.70 3 35 Percent 8 38 4.72 4 61 7.40 3 97 Percent 10. 78 5.88 4. 85 9.67 4-78 3.91 5.54 A 70 19.26 10. 85 U. 23 9 05 7 63 98. 09 69 13 5.77 22.24 12.13 18.05 10.77 8.92 106. 39 68. 21 8.98 2 70 2.31 28 56 68.88 - H o o I o o 1 Represents aggregate of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits and reserves. In the years 1889-1933, inclusive, the amount of capital stock included in capital funds consists of the par valuo thereof, whereas subsequent to 1933 only the book value of capital stock is included in capital funds. 2 Includes $9,659,000 interest on investments and interest on balances with other banks, which was not reported separately by several banks. Report forms used prior to July 1, 1926,3 called for all interest items to be shown in one amount. Includes $10,300,000 interest on demand and time deposits and borrowed money, which was not reported separately by several banks. Report forms used prior to July 1, 1926, called for all interest items to be shown in one amount. 5 6 ? *9 Included with "Other current earnings." Deficit. Revised figures. 6 months ended June 30, 1936, when first called for separately. Amounts paid to officers, as distinguished from employees other than officers, and the number of officer^ and employees were first called for separately in the 6-month period ended June 30,1936. Figures showing the number of officers and employees represent the number of salaried officers and the number of full-time and part-time employees other than officers on the pay roll at the end of the period. 9 6 months ended June 30, 1936, Such profits in period from July 1, 1932, to Dec. 31, 1935, were not called for separately but were included with recoveries on bonds, stocks, and other securities. n 1? *° Includes stock dividends of $50,000. Includes stock dividends of $710,000. Includes stock dividends of $2,243,000. w Includes stock dividends of $7,342,000. » Includes stock dividends of $30,141,000. NOTE.—Gross earnings, expenses, and losses were not called for separately prior to 1888. Recoveries were not called for separately prior to 1918. The number of banks, capital, surplus, and capital funds used in this table are as of end of period. Earning and dividend reports were not required prior to 1869. H a 3 o Earnings and dividends of national banks for the year ended June 30, 1937 O 00 [In thousands of dollars] Par value of capital stock Number of Class A Class pre- B prebanks Location M!aine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Boston _ _ __ Rhode Inland Connecticut ferred stock ferred stock 2,157 906 812 7, 234 475 Grross earnings Interest Inter- and divest and onidends bonds, disstocks, count and on other loans securities Surplus Total capital and surplus 9,707 6,165 5,389 31, 434 45,313 7, 555 21,679 4,873 4,804 2,491 15, 966 68, 992 7,322 12,830 14,580 10,969 7,880 47, 400 114, 305 14 877 34, 509 1, 767 1, 440 1,233 6, 676 10,920 1,446 5,114 2,439 1,201 1,013 5,878 6, 602 1,099 2,939 Common stock Total Foreign department Total Inter- Collec- (except Servest on ice Other earninterest tion ings bal- charges, charges Rent curTrust for- depart- on defrom rerent ances commis- on eign curposit ceived earnment with sions, loans, rent acings operaother counts banks fees, etc. investments, tions and bank balances) 18 998 32 19 109 134 57 873 731 132 400 118 159 78 1,047 1,548 50 705 46 197 988 15 70 4,695 3,095 2,493 15, 240 23,124 2, 846 10,185 745 1,071 2, 555 2,436 3,705 1,373 61, 678 580 15 2,329 351 491 173 103 6 28 42 53 6 5 4,896 17 60 387 41 664 34 6,821 878 1,100 457 190 13 18 168 284 1,647 154 1,890 1,166 1,000 402 22 25 84 • 85 224 1,737 67 6,290 2.357 3,314 642 650 16 89 293 222 302 38,311 1,404 5 4, 710 103,084 229 29, 238 409 60,443 176 22, 324 65 13,741 6 944 65 3,784 4,594 9 5,184 154 4,171 5,431 10, 607 6,699 15, 677 5,976 283,051 24 26 3 1 3 240 134 146 37 8 2 425 114 47 28 425 177 290 49 265 4 71 156 26 11 480 3,842 1,097 7,075 5,259 4,477 23,630 45,313 7, 075 16, 740 32S 15,431 2, 242 109,569 127, 242 117,278 244, 520 28, 596 21,171 434 4,583 9 232 679 16 7 16 58 5 9 23, 037 1 236 300 24,455 15, 458 2,349 170 178 1,929 900 1, 562 54,159 2 625 205, 984 38,025 94, 299 32, 341 22, 700 1.740 4, 700 6, 350 7,650 81, 779 3 861 206,284 65, 595 110, 494 34,990 22 870 1,928 6, 699 7 250 9,212 35, 247 524 261, 570 23, 686 105, 993 40. 782 33, 620 2, 523 4,234 5, 860 5.482 117,026 4 385 467,854 89, 281 216,487 75, 772 56,490 • 4,451 10, 933 13,110 14, 694 15, 993 612 34,512 11,297 26,017 8,106 2, 785 437 1,761 905 2,177 17, 371 512 41, 598 12,924 28,000 11,949 9,885 441 1,737 3,092 2,225 32 Total Eastern States.. 1,472 71, 574 8,815 470, 573 550,962 519,521 1,070.483 104, 602 129, 734 1,888 2. 589 1,210 225 13 60 10 5 25,198 12 795 6,046 1 275 4,612 7,266 3, 526 1,562 374 1,153 3,762 1,740 825 215 1,352 23, 297 10,146 4,826 1 050 3,255 _ _ Total New England States.._ 1 New York Brooklyn and Bronx New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pittsburgh X)elaware Maryland BaltimoreWashington, D. C Virginia 2 West Virginia., North Carolina Charlotte South Carolina ._ 132 79 40 3 20 100 570 3,115 737 300. 10 70 14.474 5 507 2,821 725 1,750 39, 672 18 3H2 8,867 2 000 6,362 689 20 37 185 77 37 375 981 56 844 55 44 29 174 336 13 94 40 52 42 122 6 12 54 1 2 20 3 38 19 52 2 2 2 9 10 555 545 136 58 73 139 100 14 2 21 12,844 6,364 3,023 764 2,435 Georgia s Florida Jacksonville Alabama i Mississippi Louisiana New Orleans Texas 5 Dallas Fort Worth Galveston Houston San Antonio Waco Arkansas Little Rock._ _ Kentucky Louisville Tennessee Memphis Nashville 55 50 3 68 25 27 3 426 5 3 4 9 7 3 47 3 97 3 66 3 3 Total Middle Western States 25 5, 790 2, 345 1,142 2, 400 5,592 900 1, 463 2,625 125 5, 775 1,740 450 884 192 1,527 1,090 3,305 16 255 35 500 100 3, 800 16, 841 8, 565 6 000 11,945 2. 725 4,896 5,800 30, 516 14,250 3,200 1,650 9,475 3,400 850 4,238 800 9,109 2,250 8,069 5,500 4,300 17,954 9, 603 6 000 20,360 5,195 6,038 8,200 36,124 15,150 4,663 1,650 15, 250 5,140 1,300 5,377 992 10, 671 3,840 11,474 5, 500 8,100 8,530 4,899 2 120 7', 848 1,678 2,725 5, 050 18, 367 6,475 1, 465 1,155 7,245 1, 850 542 2,602 455 6, 523 4,730 3, 633 4, 500 1,550 26,484 14, 502 8 120 28, 208 6, 873 8, 763 13,250 54.491 21, 625 6,128 2.805 22, 495 6,990 1,842 7,979 1,447 17,191 8, 570 15.107 10,000 9,650 5,058 1,579 869 3.689 1,074 1.670 2,009 11,479 4,005 1,466 458 2, 453 954 276 1,367 275 2,911 1.441 2, 735 1, 830 1,813 1,942 2,031 1 098 2,447 1,003 1,006 2, 350 4,843 1,773 692 334 2,267 945 210 1,049 276 1,844 1,032 1,770 1,201 684 2 9 5 4 1 1 7 1 1 2 1 1 6 4 40 4 721 398 140 317 259 184 298 889 166 37 41 112 41 25 227 91 57 44 152 394 121 149 57 8 14 1 3 2 315 83 122 317 20 34 209 98 14! 55 36 119 47 3 21 8 60 31 100 128 52 375 489 94 293 98 187 80 1,076 166 121 21 244 71 48 144 39 117 150 134 119 105 801 302 216 654 155 195 499 1,033 353 341 66 1,015 492 33 140 41 264 49 207 260 177 67 46 12 120 29 39 7 224 44 3 2 40 8 4 19 12 14 28 29 305 22 9,281 4,937 2 556 7,990 2, 639 3,316 5,509 19, 657 6, 648 2,716 958 6,265 2 559 601 2,968 743 5,273 2,782 5,167 4,243 2,974 47, 785 3,769 196, 953 248,507 119, 219 367.726 63, 292 38, 028 146 5,536 248 2, 684 5, 268 8,660 41 4 3 123 3 280 15,497 543 41. 561 7,900 7,620 12, 898 5,250 22,054 57, 601 7,900 9,300 17, 505 6,175 27, 707 22, 428 5,760 4. 545 6,860 5,900 12, 733 80. 029 13, 660 13, 845 24, 365 12. 075 40, 440 11,113 1,527 1,706 3,905 958 5, 586 10, 692 1,237 1,838 4,014 2.212 6, 958 50 1 4 16 19 17 426 18 118 263 32 603 135 16 927 4 2 1, 238 152 138 205 54 276 259 492 111 957 1, 450 462 456 551 257 870 213 19 206 124 2 149 26 244 3, 444 4, 725 9, 570 3,649 15, 418 79, 400 115,150 51,135 166,285 15, 418 21,969 13 2,056 619 7, 395 768 3, 530 210 51,978 4,158 3, 250 18, 671 19, 296 13,955 11,900 6,750 8,387 1,200 4,754 5,250 1 100 13, 800 4,950 3,260 34,341 32, 092 16, 359 14, 879 8,175 11,949 1,348 5, 979 6,643 1 100 13,800 2.404 2,110 16, 490 9,956 7,161 8, 865 6,185 5,150 757 2,408 4,477 912 5,525 7,354 5, 370 50, 831 42,048 23, 520 23, 744 14, 360 17, 099 2,105 8,387 11,120 2 012 19, 325 1,112 417 5, 886 4, 505 3, 346 2,919 1.963 2, 859 287 1,578 2, 054 301 2, 578 1,252 521 8,598 6,875 3,925 2,890 1,503 2,316 272 985 1,411 238 3,123 24 2 366 29 396 351 874 769 312 288 17 89 37 16 237 21 47 90 605 128 116 895 7 153 5 20 419 4 164 648 64 786 719 300 217 79 461 65 223 149 42 106 89 185 819 950 368 170 412 340 39 151 59 44 275 52 14 ISO 276 226 48 18 174 9 31 16 5 10 3, 590 1 321 17, 379 13,848 9,231 7, 960 4,308 6, 591 fi94 3,079 4,158 650 6,514 396, 213 181,761 577,974 70,016 82, 829 238 7, 297 1,016 12,111 7, 385 11,477 1,982 Total Southern States, 1,184 Ohio • Cincinnati. _._„__ _ Columbus Indiana __ Indianapolis Illinois.Chicago, central Reserve CIT v banks Chicago, other Reserve city banks Peoria Michigan "_ Wisconsin 8 Minnesota Minneapolis _ St. Paul Iowa ' Sioux City Missouri Kansas City St Joseph St. Louis 1,088 1,038 9 1,680 4,117 925 5,532 490 121 9 35, 750 38 3 83 105 1S9 4 3 109 4 69 7 4 6 742 50 15,200 12, 761 2,186 2,979 825 3, 524 148 1,210 1,393 470 35 218 1,207 104, 469 Footnotes at end of table, p. 111. 600 38 15 2,580 289,164 I 14 9 72 fi 2 2 10 95 35 4 46 12 3 1, 350 125,212 194,351 Earnings and dividends of national banks for the year ended June 80, 1987—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Par value of capital stock Gross earnings Foreign Location North Dakota South Dakota -- Nebraska ._ Lincoln Omaha _ __ 10 Kansas Topeka Wichita Montana l l Wyoming12 Colorado Denver New Mexico Oklahoma _ _ Oklahoma City Tulsa Total Western States. Number of Class A banks preferred stock r~ 1 225 1, 992 1, 104 290 1 794 1 760 Class B preferred stock 5 2 1 525 1,109 3,133 669 2 611 4 243 474 1,450 2 099 1,464 2 908 4,860 1 071 6, 055 1,800 3,600 5 754 5,500 10,177 2 309 8 561 15 917 1 674 3 850 6 837 4,080 8 870 10, 520 3 056 17, 080 9,150 10,114 984 2,039 375 1 214 2 905 ' 175 400 835 974 1 640 1 607 814 4 238 1, 516 1,718 716 672 1,026 459 1 059 1 501 '305 243 1 046 424 1 193 1 940 376 2 258 1,655 924 16 2 16 9 2 24 4 11 316 197 245 16 153 205 12 48 164 60 153 123 53 355 55 37 537 67, 756 84, 378 39, 071 123, 449 22, 146 15, 797 96 2,192 12 6, 595 13, 000 8,424 11, 085 32, 000 73, 700 1 718 751 1, 850 8,826 13, 000 8,635 14, 422 42, 850 79, 200 2 649 1 398 2,400 1 3,163 3, 744 5,881 7,119 18, 740 51, 790 667 646 1,018 11, 989 16, 744 14, 516 21, 541 61, 590 130, 990 3 316 2 044 3,418 2,187 3,480 3,153 5,115 14, 958 35, 234 655 659 448 1,442 2,488 3,766 2,665 9,913 20, 658 595 247 448 19 17 36 46 14 22 4 4 2 161 351 217 254 949 837 72 21 25 810 16, 085 51 3 29 97 3 5 20 10 3 2,219 201 3,337 10, 850 5,500 931 647 10 71° 4 229 4,391 7,044 1 640 5 950 11 674 1200 2 400 4 738 2, 616 S 962 5,660 1 985 11 025 7,350 6,514 93 548 427 1 461 1 470 356 581 920 2,064 550 i Surplus Total Interest on Collection balances charges, commiswith other sions, banks fees, etc. 2 954 2,384 5,910 1 350 4 008 9 777 1 200 2 307 4 165 2,089 4' 501 4.190 1 629 10 432 6,380 4, 450 50 15 47 127 3 6 179 3 4 44 26 73 5 22 205 5 4 Washington 13 Seattle Oregon 14 California _Los Angeles San Francisco Idaho 5 Utah 1 Salt Lake City... Common stock Total capital and surplus Interest divInter- and est and onidends bonds, disstocks, count and on other loans securities 148 137 25 100 12 50 4 I departTotal ment Serv(except Other earnice ings interest Trust charges curon for- depart- on de- Kent rent from recureign ment posit ceived earn- rent loans, acings operainvestcounts tions ments, and bank balances) 20 17 4 8 165 32 20 37 18 21 90 289 11 55 71 50 90 152 282 51 234 458 58 102 116 130 345 247 105 404 138 223 139 107 153 70 593 444 114 194 214 65 315 157 132 378 92 666 107 85 31 8 98 39 5 7 48 8 36 128 9 74 47 42 2 105 2,216 3,780 987 3,518 5,588 690 1, 031 2, 457 1,687 3, 788 4.504 1,502 7,786 3,578 3, 671 9 908 3,135 3, 833 772 48, 888 8 63 41 2 57 511 119 255 294 335 1,825 2,005 11 32 219 220 447 293 1,151 1,651 116 52 9 77 297 151 566 576 1,684 2,964 103 23 46 34 30 45 213 127 1,008 11 15 45 4, 486 7, 055 8, 565 9, 499 30, 678 64.890 1,567 1,053 1,100 2 3 4 Nevada . .. Arizona ,., Total Pacific States... Alaska (nonmember banks). The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank). Virgin Islands of the United States (nonraember bank). T o t a l (nonmember banks)-.. Total central Reserve cities. Total all other Reserve cities Total country banks, including nonmember banks Total United S t a t e s . . 5 6 74 1, 234 232 25, 543 22 686 1, 275 760 2,509 256 1,228 1,016 3,737 342 986 429 614 15 7 22 109 8 21 40 132 151, 084 176, 649 94, 252 270,901- 67, 217 43, 265 186 3,018 690 4, 912 4, 398 4 275 275 307 582 127 67 47 1 3,350 3, 350 1,728 5, 078 708 752 149 11 2 1 125 25 150 17 167 28 23 24 1 6 125 3, 650 3, 775 2,052 5, 827 803 842 220 12 2 285, 384 321, 434 312, 705 634, 139 49, 930 63. 567 51 4,385 5,515 14, 216 4, 248 448 740 .545 275 370, 585 916 860 138 574 123,153 270 8,208 2 585 12.118 5, 043 151, 675 13, 717 554, 625 720, 017 389, 864 1, 109, 881 168, 228 144,946 525 10, 586 5, 299 281,012 17,965 1, 288, 749 1,587,726 1,073, 154 2, 660, 880 356, 732 331, 666 846 23, 179 18 36, 050 238 93, 287 1 2 Includes 2 banks in Reserve city of Buffalo. 3 Includes 2 banks in Reserve city of Richmond. 4 Includes 2 banks in each Reserve city of Atlanta and Savannah. 8 Includes 1 bank in Reserve city of Birmingham. 8 Includes 2 banks in Reserve city of El Paso. 7 Includes 2 banks in Reserve city of Cleveland and 1 in Reserve city of Toledo. 8 Includes 2 banks in each Reserve city of Detroit and Grand Rapids. 9 Includes 2 banks in Reserve city of Milwaukee. 10Includes 1 bank in each Reserve city of Cedar Rapids and Dubuque and 2 in Reserve 1! Includes 2 banks in Reserve city of Kansas City. 377 7, 445 8,477 33, 779 105 201 21 2,099 6, 716 ' 1, 565 131, 967 6 18 19 286 26 39 1 1,686 2 78 22 2,050 32 2, 658 57 9,820 4,920 155, 062 10 985 18, 561 4,302 318 756 15, 710 21, 744 3, 818 373, 379 29, 353 50, 125 13, 040 847,397 city of Des Moines. Includes 1 bank in Reserve city of Helena. « Includes 1 bank in Reserve city of Pueblo. 13 Includes 2 banks in Reserve city of Spokane. H 15 Includes 2 banks in Reserve city of Portland. Includes 1 bank in Reserve city of Ogden. NOTE.—The number of banks, capital and surplus shown in this table fire for active banks on June 30, 1937. The remaining figures, however, include the returns of 5,331 banks in the 6 months ended Dec. 31, 1936. (See also semiannual statements published in appendix oi this report.) j O H O O O O r Q 9 a Earnings and dividends of national banks for the year ended June 80, 1937—Continued Maine.. New Hampshire Vermont. . Massachusetts Boston Rhode Island. _ _ . . Connecticut Total New England States___ New York Brooklyn and Bronx New York.. __ ._ New Jersey Pennsylvania. Philadelphia... Pittsburgh. -_ 1, 542 1,273 772 603 437 863 101 41 19 Total net e Total All other Recoveries on bonds, s and other security Recoveries on loans Net earnings Total current expenses 44 17 50 340 799 87 295 3, 066 1,639 1,870 1,031 781 1,451 5,347 9,717 7,911 17, 505 832 1,794 3,288 6,178 200 93 8,293 33 1,739 2,107 11,214 40,926 20,752 4,620 4, 955 9, 622 1,632 20, 829 4.1, 581 84 2 21 35 7 111 222 2 435 16 373 162 244 245 77 9,099 167 2,621 6, 846 17,887 1,382 2,101 216 1,168 433 824 46 1 5 13 21 2 3 1,118 33 2,951 1,304 1,435 163 323 11 68 7 64 89 979 22 3,310 629 2,766 1.473 1,019 41 168 264 281 6,687 438 23, 967 5, 641 8, 301 3,880 1, 955 122 531 723 868 28, 164 1, 120 65, 587 22, 063 43,836 12, 768 8,801 598 2,839 2, 550 3,754 10,147 284 37, 497 7,175 16,607 9,556 4,940 346 945 2,044 1,430 42, 744 98 7,559 10,952 53,113 192,080 too 8,850 4,215 2,128 1,948 163 Other expenses 886 528 436 2,990 3, 323 364 1,095 45, 629 29, 481 248 Other taxes 496 308 167 914 2,081 311 678 725 618 Real estate taxes 1,427 213 839 178 670 128 4, 37C 1,103 9, 594 1,708 962 70 2,890 1,220 383 11 165 306 808 134 32 11 46 19 33 6,182 Interest and discoun t on borrowed money 3,268 2, 256 1,823 10. 870 13, 530 1,884 7,295 469 1,508 687 _ __ 452 time 20 26 6 23 587 604 360 2, 906 4,321 606 1,830 9,884 7,032 443 'd 178 153 180 302 890 127 277 6, 894 1,527 72 298 .s 59 78 32 542 609 19 400 27 13 5 49 83 5 18 3, 463 219 13,170 2, 910 4,672 2,300 s 7 7 1 12 46 36 40 167 56 40 84 4,522 258 22, 869 3, 950 6,060 3. 653 2,267 86 356 621 987 15 3 la 1,371 481 623 2,792 1,128 305 1,593 385 509 452 365 09s 275 2,224 1. 663 4,278 2,934 455 329 1,691 1,128 4,811 1,561 172 37 805 9,305 900 3,177 6,307 2,228 1, 725 176 802 71 109 452 194 350 39 125 670 d Interest on other deposits 1 147 158 135 459 261 72 295 469 429 307 1,856 2,139 320 1,374 Delaware Maryland Baltimore _ Washington, D. C Total Eastern States.. 27, 880 Virginia West Virginia _ North Carolina i other than officers d a3 Interest on other dei deposits Amount Officers Employees Amount Location Fees paid to director members of execi discount, and ad\ committees Interest on deposits of other banks Salaries and wages Profits on securities so Recoveries, profits on securities sold, etc. Expenses s, etc. lln thousands of dollars] 43 76 2 562 1,595 4 5 3 40 60 11 2,921 1.263 '466 I 5 3 1 1 171 146 63 140 107 2,038 1,100 569 3,147 143 15,894 2,046 1, 693 941 769 9 140 114 194 2,787 67 24,736 2, 715 3. 199 108 2,104 45 442 132 251 90,971 25, 090 36, 586 606 514 75 173 247 3,994 2,149 895 740 14,213 7, 539 300 527 17 16, 447 2,437 59,514 5, 761 524 11, 049 11,078 1,024 16,994 2,602 556 4,207 2,121 17 5,011 147 219 18 736 37 1.355 4, 538 4.173j 119 '9621 48 1,455 i 51,869 5,537 119, 082 1.4051 '516 255 293 • 2.477 1,431 154 380 38 24, 360 811 97,011 18,224 33, 601 13, 763 9,951 565 2,300 6, 582 2,885 210, 053 6,471 3,580 1,275 Charlotte South Carolina Georgia Florida Jacksonville Alabama Mississippi 97 18 114 345 286 1 033 217 696 284 59 804 997 112 345 104 366 601 87 3,685 1,590 106 681 88 268 123 SO 749 109 58 271 63 15 179 439 102 23 776 862 320 68 685 263 357 63 266 51 ______ Louisiana New Orleans Texas Dallas _ Forth Worth Galveston Houston San Antonio Waco Arkansas Little Rock Kentucky Louisville Tennessee Memphis Nashville _ Total Southern States. 16,196 5,170 Ohio Cincinnati Columbus Indiana Indianapolis Illinois _ Chicago, central Reserve city banks . . . Chicago, other Reserve city banks_ Peoria Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Minneapolis. _ St. Paul Iowa__ Sioux City Missouri.. _. _ Kansas City St. Joseph St. Louis Total Middle Western States _ 68 81 333 275 1,427 1,204 844 671 492 873 933 1,169 331 285 485 888 1,187 870 2,280 2,125 654 937 447 819 138 81 645 1,095 813 383 65 88 290 330 117 108 521 505 551 468 583 492 446 618 411 356 1 10 57 30 16 35 21 23 32 132 21 6 4 9 5 2 22 11 40 7 32 11 7 17, 599 14, 168 695 2 1 12 4 56 16 13 41 39 70 85 223 975 394 218 1,030 417 444 551 1,291 271 201 223 282 251 52 478 33 1,096 354 1,115 431 412 131 917 15,477 213 3 70 158 110 43 4,942 423 477 1,794 474 2,387 9 393 1,439 63 293 84 303 222 747 86 348 278 626 815 2,843 9, 573 31, 227 28 60 330 396 233 74 187 114 17 81 27 15 298 971 257 3,441 2,633 1,619 1,744 922 1,217 199 570 869 171 1,118 2,887 924 12, 215 10, 355 7,212 5,865 3,094 4,401 565 2,164 2,714 561 4,301 2 11 8 2 4 7 1 6 4 1 11 45 58 32 8 25 20 82 217 16 7 23 48 22 9 3 3 103 384 67 27 170 77 127 228 805 412 49 20 226 69 21 129 26 265 156 193 288 118 201 417 2,160 1,068 639 1, 596 552 645 1,271 3,753 940 652 112 1,512 691 124 567 181 773 637 817 818 574 503 1,490 6,384 3,303 1,768 5, 233 1,915 2, 232 4,166 12,975 3,433 1,750 705 4,238 1,843 379 2,053 473 3,663 2,074 3,688 2,656 1,966 261 58 58 945 466 2,897 1,634 98 49 788 277 2, 757 116 724 205 1,084 1,343 55 6,682 1,736 3,215 1,090 593 966 253 79 464 2,027 203 716 222 25 103 915 270 3 1,610 227 708 188 158 1,479 136 1,587 352 1,008 46 378 132 180 624 71 966 279 907 329 24 131 240 59 3 71 7 334 343 45 419 73 89 3,840 4,732 24, 407 84, 083 41,129 7,934 6,110 4,917 736 1,313 1,668 516 2,748 18, 572 2, 373 3,201 6,988 2,450 10,566 7,672 1,279 1,071 505 1,524 352 2,582 444 128 1,199 4,852 819 564 395 38 366 34 731 20, 751 8,350 3 4 1 47 2 20 2 1 3 1 2,986 340 261 1,181 251 2,414 972 82 kl 465 82 994 3,497 2,743 35R 482 625 446 1,132 1,007 472 639 1,940 1,765 172 17 11 71 4 119 3,852 846 10,189 6,722 64 82 3,799 10 485 173 1,651 1,586 1, 620 898 391 1,044 93 534 478 122 721 121 714 164 2,388 1, 816 883 1,420 478 741 127 8S® 60S 112 1,003 25 15 63 87 107 56 7 27 8 23 3 2 25 84 20 41 56 159 19 19 6 2 5 459 177 2,776 2,782 2,126 672 491 930 63 482 219 91 729 1 286 1,120 26, 293 48 888 443 65 "2 115 50 418 24 286 78 24 99 21,081 5,674 See footnotes at end of table. 788 200 3,500 2,430 954 1,773 747 791 153 357 816 130 1,280 32,423 24,846 3 13 904 11 16 57 13 22 2 24 5 6 37 49 2 1 2 39 2 2 6 10 1 2 32 44 299 144 48 173 143 122 210 785 152 119 62 317 151 20 80 3 169 36 210 90 51 127 40 399 342 526 570 244 117 13 95 285 27 98 43 3,801 9,482 37, 202 132, 635 17 33 151 737 561 229 941 295 430 1,075 1,159 730 190 139 1,227 294 39 367 92 757 923 766 368 535 6 39 79 32 44 190 58 20 15 382 55 168 11 151 44 10 101 5 69 54 29 190 96 114 375 294 1,239 1,660 4, 557 823 2, 457 502 1,290 2, 032 4,789 540 1,264 1, 621 2,705 1,424 2,767 4,184 10, 866 2,204 5,419 975 1,941 613 360 2,082 4,109 600 1,316 77 299 642 1,557 107 377 1,387 2,997 1,508 2.216 998 2, 477 1,113 2,700 1,056 2,064 14, 214 2,333 30, 591 71, 720 3,274 308 563 1,502 1,122 2. 250 245 46 41 125 16 263 5,362 13,034 1,254 2,325 994 2,518 2, 437 5,019 1, 300 2,499 4, 083 8,915 27, 246 47, 997 6, 739 9,890 2,267 45 118 868 969 591 862 210 322 15 101 187 23 697 13 70 1, 427 689 551 837 73 181 16 178 449 5 1,461 448 82 2,154 3,624 993 380 304 573 77 281 548 95 777 61, 716 16,885 14,817 703 397 5,164 3,493 2,019 2,095 1,214 2,190 129 915 1,444 89 2, 213 25 22 236 166 167 135 255 41 10 42 52 6 157 29, 245 4,317 531 292 4,685 5,448 2, 302 2, 214 842 1,117 118 602 1,236 129 3,092 1,234 689 9,849 8,941 4,321 4,309 2,056 3,307 247 1,517 2,680 218 5,305 65, 264 126, 980 Earnings and dividends of national banks for the year ended June 80, 1937—Continued fin thousands of dollars] 417 '*1 60 596 21 31 146 96 69 77 726 47 55 Total Western States. 7,912 2,997 Washington Seattle—.._ Oregon California . Los Ansreles San Francisco Idaho Utah Salt Lake City.. 235 700 140 806 961 308 1, 308 430 2, 506 425 5 ; 820 1,480 244 92 126 45 117 _. 19 245 274 341 192 649 600 108 217 331 225 483 884 216 829 431 737 463 625 85 157 276 164 588 170 829 810 474 6,762 5,660 692 1,348 1 476 1, 302 5,646 11,298 216 110 179 552 983 1,211 1,012 8,818 8,882 88 1U 346 16 3 51 53 53 20 91 177 22 58 82 37 160 90 67 123 31 135 458 505 655 246 1. 171 1,085 191 289 462 271 653 789 1,616 1,656 2,587 663 2, 503 3,870 471 763 1,797 1.168 59 25 140 22 72 131 7 21 138 61 225 310 23 338 201 163 1,453 594 851 2,942 1,003 5,232 1,838 2,449 489 560 1,193 324 1,015 1,718 219 268 660 519 1,106 1,562 499 2, 554 1,740 1 ; 222 110 114 220 68 272 468 19 115 508 163 565 236 174 518 327 501 119 125 62 422 248 224 8 85 96 23 427 534 63 171 42 27 124 166 221 229 381 335 68 130 205 123 384 326 91 337 257 358 1 All other Profits on securities sold Recoveries on bonds, stocks, and other securities Net earnings Total current expenses Other expenses Other taxes Real estate taxes Interest and discount on borrowed money Interest on other time deposits Interest on other demand deposits Number SAO 153 27 23 37 1 59 45 53 9 176 121 20 118 46 24 59 88 42 140 57 27 Total net e 183 211 Employees other than officers 0 Total 430 North Dakota _. __ 498 South Dakota 841 Nebraska 125 Lincoln _ 404 Omaha 1,212 Kansas 108 Topeka . 133 Wich'ta 423 Montana . __ 288 Wvoming 595 Colorado 467 Denver 232 New Mexico -- -1,591 Oklahoma 268 Oklahoma Citv 297 Tulsa __ Number Amount Officers Amount Location Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on deposits of other banks Salaries and wages Recoveries on loans Recoveries profits on securities sold, etc. Expenses 412 450 556 728 1,077 1,148 115 448 S55 333 1,435 1,184 370 1,166 683 913 901 1,010 1.749 1,052 2,092 2,866 334 716 1,515 852 2,541 2, 746 869 3,720 2,423 2,135 2 2 10 1 14 8 19 49 5 4 10 5 19 53 21 96 31 58 513 56 99 562 27 39 298 4 K 15 324 152 748 261 189 1 1 325 58 370 4,660 10 1, 250 1,936 9,957 33, 240 15,648 4,378 2,676 3,735 1,084 11,873 27, 521 25 18 13 72 33 123 6 5 12 1 5 69 63 64 35 53 285 36 25 21 845 852 1,181 2,008 61 49 308 40 158 421 166 347 3 555 1,006 I 1, 931 1, 528 17 40 69 10 24 58 830 1,172 1,588 1,579 4,898 11,153 303 183 3,273 4,614 5 ; 864 1,213 248 2.441 388 2 ; 701 256 2,678 386 9,674 1,280 17- 725 2,377 491 82 332 40 305 80 163 109 188 194 831 6.325 ' 29 53 431 19 598 48 714 132 1,022 397 4,098 8,527 1,618 132 17 15 133 180 9 895 2,108 1,094 3,535 1,206 3,907 1,734 4,412 6,606 16, 280 18, 847 36,572 751 260 557 17 51 3 53 10 29 14 7 37 13 2 1 11 117 3 14, 901 193 174 1 3 1 234 207 21,004 47,165 1,076 795 37 86 354 m 120 Nevada.. U 291 Arizona 84 Total Pacific States... 12,999 3,302 Alaska (nonmember banks)38 IS The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) 36 233 Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank) _ 14 4 Total (nonmember banks) 285 53 Total central Reserve cities. 13,157 1,149 Total all other Reserve cities. 29, 597 5,193 Total country banks, including n o n m e m b e r banks 50, 493 18,463 Total United States._ 114 388 111 330 2 5 22, 769 16,844 314 28 140 40 187 691 27,026 2 45 15 76 171 527 625 575 7 3, 077 3,894 61 101 11 84 38, 434 5 301 8, 057 350 524 22 616 93, 633 11 M 17^ 362 42 1S7 1, 116 18 3 14 63 15 245 1, 354 696 6 7 117 128 3 54 16,080 2, 364 214 367 56^ 891 31 802 70, 236 2 1 38 149 79 fi 9? 662 12 27 142 838 29 17 254 152 14 18 297 187 6 2 425 35 7 33,058 19, 892 57,115 40,607 229 952 21 455 998 1,851 6,420 42, 290 Vo 3, 766 6,153 18 7, 360 13, 321 33, 540 96, 814 58, 248 24, 244 60, 636 214, 138 104,, 618 17, 892 31, 475 22, 283 26, 337 4, 704 45,047 6, 014 3,480 358 2,482 76, 208 247 10, 178 13, 685 64, 578 266, 899 106, 480 22,107 19, 450 53,474 6, 556 101, 587 208,067 45,190 37,119 93, 247 24, 805 135,363 97,618 6 4, 661 1,377 4,788 124,918 38 56 111 7 12 280 21, 304 33,159 158, 754 577, 851 269, 346 64 243 93 7 od 86 760 145, 008 91 236 195,854 73, 208 124,858 17, 274 279, 583 548,929 w O c 1 Number at end of period. Number of full-time and part-time employees at end of period. 2 p 3 o cj Q K5 Earnings and dividends of national banks for the year ended June 80, 1987—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Dividend! Losses and depreciation Location On loans On On bonds, banking Other stocks, house, losses furniand and ture depreother securi- and fix- ciation tures ties Total Net addition to On pre- On comprofits ferred mon Total stock stock 228 173 2,257 5,936 210 1,538 427 270 2,005 3,769 288 1,297 58 27 794 679 28 469 546 1,438 805 513 5,830 11, 279 567 3,850 Total New England States- 10,896 8,608 2,118 2,660 24, 282 17, 299 4,667 50 18, 299 4,126 7,439 2,083 2,992 89 523 5,125 1,064 84 3,592 960 1,798 246 565 40 70 123 1,760 63 3,840 1,638 2,516 307 639 29 192 53 11,336 441 46,944 10, 673 18,449 6,254 4,844 254 1,147 5,351 1,027 13, 024 370 50,067 7,551 15,152 7, 509 5,107 311 1,153 1,231 1,858 Maine _ _- _. New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Boston Rhode Island Connecticut _ New York Brooklyn and Bronx New York New Jersev Pennsylvania Philadelphia . ._ Pittsburgh Delaware Maryland Baltimore Washington, D. C . . . ._. Total Eastern States. Virginia. _ West Virginia North Carolina Charlotte South Carolina ._ Georgia 554 3,845 244 23,213 3,949 6, 696 3,618 648 96 362 50 552 63 203 579 130 42,924 43, 972 8,672 1,018 792 103 15 107 1,051 248 156 10 193 491 903 305 214 75 20 47 319 269 92 43 774 895 41 115 245 2,739 1,469 391 51 467 1,958 231 367 280 1,901 5,787 790 1,311 Percent 5.64 5.78 5.20 6.39 12.72 10.91 6.45 923 10, 061 63 47 391 24 18 3,732 2,111 884 324 772 2,599 Dividends Divion comdends on mon stock common to comstock to mon common capital capital 1 and surplus ! 2 399 34 304 233 5 1,510 6 5, 763 7 772 8 1,080 1,628 1,065 938 3,887 6,226 1,227 2,328 U, 152 106, 720 103,333 365 215 57 6 120 Ratios 149 548 Percent 3.34 3.02 3 34 3.81 5.04 5.36 3.65 Net addiNet addi- Net addi- tion to profits to Net addi- tion to tion to tion to profits to profits to common and preprofits to common common ferred common1 capital and precapital capital and surferred and surplus 1 capital! plus 1 Percent 23.01 20.25 20.95 16.45 13.74 17.34 13.91 Percent 13.63 10.58 13.46 9.82 5.45 8.52 7.87 Percent 16.77 17.27 17.41 12.37 13.74 16.24 10.74 Percent 11.17 9.71 11 90 8.20 5.45 8.25 6.75 10,984 9.18 4.44 15.79 7.63 13. 60 7.07 9 1,133 5,028 3,895 49 119 107O 636 H28 t 927 29,563 1,298 12 1,733 3,031 651 13 7,006 7, 657 102 " 5,398 5,500 10 1,626 1,616 4 174 15 170 95 16 202 297 1,356 1,320 36 562 629 67 7.19 2.67 14.04 4.56 7.43 16.69 7.12 9 77 4.30 20 79 7.35 4.36 2.22 6.19 2.81 3.50 7.38 2.87 3 99 2.26 10 81 4.28 24.05 14.10 24.31 19.86 16.07 23.22 22.50 17.87 24. 53 19 39 24.29 14.57 11.75 10.71 12.24 7.56 10.27 9.07 7.30 12.91 10 08 14.15 15.93 9.58 24.27 11. 51 13.71 21. 46 22.33 16.13 17. 21 16.98 20.17 11.13 8.44 10.70 8.46 7.00 9.91 9.04 6.99 10.55 9 39 12.64 4,081 50,899 54, 980 10.82 5.14 21.96 10.44 18. 76 9.65 110 114 51 8 "48 I? 1,873 18668 "339 75 20 243 21 1,482 1,983 782 390 83 °91 1,523 8.04 6.58 7.02 7.14 7 47 8.80 4.96 4.27 4.43 4.23 4 86 5.84 16.02 20.81 18.32 30.869 23 7 15.43 9.88 13.49 11.56 18.25 15.42 10.24 14.81 16. 50 14.62 25.41 16 74 14.48 9.41 11. 53 9.97 16.20 12 13 9.81 41 Florida Jacksonville Alabama Mississippi Louisiana New Orleans Texas Dallas Fort Worth..__ Galveston Houston.. _ San Antonio Waco Arkansas Little Rock Kentucky _ Louisville TennesseeMemphis Nashville _-. Total Southern States Ohio.— _ Cincinnati Columbus Indiana Indianapolis Illinois _ Chicago, central Reserve city banks Chicago, other Reserve city banks _. Peoria Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota _ Minneapolis _ St. Paul Iowa Sioux City __. Missouri Kansas City ._. St. Joseph _ __. St. Louis. Total Middle States 208 235 • 737 230 215 309 2,345 878 326 53 582 212 46 310 5 500 215 372 210 448 657 135 777 188 1,256 712 1,311 443 109 67 704 447 13 142 20 674 822 264 536 283 200 95 162 64 70 259 733 208 109 33 143 69 15 102 34 127 47 123 189 70 68 11 294 122 61 107 680 29 219 23 121 38 97 82 1 167 106 94 220 90 1,133 476 1,970 604 1,602 1,387 5,069 1,558 763 176 1,550 766 171 636 60 1,468 1,190 853 1,155 891 1,324 814 2,819 660 1,103 1,380 5,797 3,861 1,178 437 2,559 550 128 921 317 1,529 1,026 1,624 1,545 1,173 321 95 34 67 202 63 50 5 204 79 17 49 7 64 62 125 10,962 12,121 3,832 3,638 30,553 41,167 2,285 4,689 279 240 290 211 936 1,795 289 418 918 77 1,993 661 126 134 361 21 513 799 20 11 175 22 467 7,944 714 803 1,744 331 3,909 5,090 1,611 1,715 3,275 2,168 5,006 826 8,509 4,436 2,338 1,601 16,884 136 118 429 1,313 543 155 572 384 16 346 207 54 570 226 57 1,647 1,212 1,357 1,450 680 367 62 252 311 45 1,315 75 62 417 385 305 73 273 235 3 140 25 12 94 145 10 335 522 195 73 220 180 11 128 126 9 35 582 247 2, 828 3,432 2,400 1,751 1,745 1,166 92 866 669 120 2,014 19,997 18,907 6,253 5,084 50,241 Western See footnotes at end of table. 54 415 22 419 285 23 1,052 172 24 184 2« 1, 056 26 2, 748 271, 226 28 565 77 2» 1, 227 27 288 47 30 500 46 31673 424 32 550 435 114 473 285 1,373 267 218 1,123 2,950 1.289 615 82 1,431 367 64 549 53 737 486 675 435 529 4.89 4.75 8.81 6.31 3.76 18. 21 9.01 8.60 17.66 4.67 12.95 8.47 5.53 11.80 5.75 7.39 18.84 6.82 7.91 2.65 3.11 3.51 5.32 3.91 2.41 9.73 5.62 5.92 12.11 2.75 7.34 5.49 3.38 7.31 3.67 4.31 6.07 4.70 4.35 1.95 15.46 13.57 23.60 24.22 22.53 23.79 19.00 27.09 36.81 26.48 27.01 16.18 15.06 21.73 39.63 16.79 45.60 20. 13 28.09 27.28 9.83 10.02 14.24 14.99 14.47 12.72 11.86 18. 63 25.25 15.58 15.31 10.48 9.20 13.46 25.26 9.78 14.70 13.88 15.45 20.05 13.79 13.57 13.85 12.70 18.27 16.83 16.05 25.49 25. 26 26.48 16.78 10. 70 9.85 17.13 31.96 14.33 26. 72 14.15 28.09 14.48 9.13 10.02 9.99 9.60 12.59 10.42 10.64 17.85 19.22 15.58 11.38 7.87 6.95 11.54 21.91 8.89 11.97 10.75 15.45 12.16 16, 768 19,053 8.51 5.30 20.90 13.02 16.57 11.20 70 244 67 256 33 1, 607 490 s^ 798 35 1, 597 396 38 1, 542 2,433 490 868 1,841 463 1,798 3.87 6.20 10.47 12.38 7.54 6.99 2.51 3.59 6.56 8.08 3.55 4.43 12.25 20.39 22.51 25.39 41. 30 22.70 7.95 11.79 14.10 16.58 19 44 14.39 8.84 20 39 18.44 18.71 35.11 18.07 6.36 11.79 12.39 13.44 17.95 12.38 31,113 1,440 " 19, 081 20, 521 24.03 14.62 39.19 23.83 27.02 18.71 652 442 7,021 5,509 1,921 2, 558 311 2,141 155 651 2,011 98 3,291 16 4 572 471 107 136 291 173 5 45 49 38 201 3^340 « 1,328 « 984 42 1,597 1,104 845 43 802 27 142 4*312 io 518 47 1,239 217 344 1,900 1,455 1,704 1, 240 1,136 975 147 357 567 47 1,291 4.83 10.43 7.11 5.10 11. 44 9.28 12. 52 9.56 11.83 6.58 9.87 4.27 8.98 3.06 6.33 3.78 3.36 7.56 5.32 6.53 5.92 7.26 4.36 5.33 2.34 6.41 15.68 13. 56 37. 60 28. 55 13.77 21. 50 4.61 25. 53 12.92 13.69 38.30 8.91 23.85 9.94 8.23 19. 97 18.83 9.10 12.32 2.40 15.82 7.92 9.09 20. 67 4.87 17.03 13.17 13.56 20. 44 17.17 11.74 17.19 3.80 17.92 11.50 10.89 30.27 8.91 23.85 8.87 8.23 13.81 13.10 8.17 10.77 2.17 12.52 7.36 7.76 18.08 4.87 17.03 76, 739 4,824 39,794 12.09 7.43 26.54 16. 30 19.37 13.28 52 34,970 Earnings and dividends of national banks for the year ended June SO, 1937—Continued 00 [In thousands of dollars] Losses and depreciation Location North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Lincoln. , Omaha Kansas - Tooeka Wichita Montana WyomingColorado Denver On loans --- -- Oklahoma Oklahoma City . Tulsa _ . Total Western States. Washington Seattle Oregon California __ _ Los Angeles.. San Francisco Idaho Utah _ Salt Lake City Nevada Arizona _ .. . On On bonds, banking Other stocks, house, losses and furniand other depreture securi- and fix- ciation ties tures Total Net addition to On pre- On common profits ferred Total stock stock 220 419 472 114 154 637 78 22 346 189 396 89 183 598 195 208 181 187 156 550 691 211 64 223 328 80 727 497 108 290 215 151 96 123 100 36 147 274 26 69 109 67 134 1S6 56 349 92 193 98 111 75 71 5 184 27 190 25 19 89 58 35 85 25 87 595 840 803 771 997 1,306 195 504 808 355 1,346 830 382 1,322 527 639 306 170 946 281 1,095 1, 560 139 212 707 497 1,195 1,916 487 2,398 1,896 1,496 3 35 26 69 71 14 26 62 616 4,320 4,659 2,057 1,184 12, 220 15,301 1,322 496 212 389 520 5,123 14, 562 39 49 24 11 • 158 232 352 724 362 2,410 1,258 224 10 111 21 81 134 254 205 297 761 1,633 41 23 13 78 290 331 444 2,674 3,146 56 8 41 31 33 940 1 108 1,649 1,623 10, 968 20. 599 '360 90 189 63 366 1,168 2 427 2,258 2,789 5,312 15,973 391 467 470 501 525 84 94 Ratios Dividends 52 61 83 10 121 73 15 144 379 316 21 23 23 2 44 45 164 4 6 73 47 673 79 48 168 49 782 87 15 139 Dividends Divion comdends on mon stock common to comstock to mon commonl capital capital and surplus i Percent 5.55 3.06 11 33 5.85 4.19 8.00 7 25 6.03 8.07 16.08 10.38 12 48 17.07 12.29 20.96 10.11 Percent 3.66 2.09 7.42 3.91 2.54 5 58 5 20 3.70 5.36 9 46 6.30 5 78 10.30 7.78 16.34 5.59 Net addition to Net addi- Net addiprofits to Net addi- tion to tion to tion to profits to profits to common profits to common common and precapital ferred common and precapital capital i and surferred plus i and surcapital i plus i Percent 10.36 7.13 15 93 20.81 27.32 15. 95 11 58 9.19 16.97 23.79 26.55 45. 73 29. 90 22.99 29.72 33. 62 Percent 6.83 4.87 10.43 13.92 16.54 11.13 8 30 5.64 11.29 13.99 16.13 21 17 18.04 14.54 23.18 18. 58 Percent 7.24 3.87 13.43 17.13 18.40 13 36 11 58 8.83 14 92 19.00 20.04 33. 85 24.53 21.75 25.80 22.97 Percent 6.32 3.09 9.30 12.17 12.79 9.80 8 30 5.51 10.34 12.18 13.47 18.21 15.94 14.04 20. 72 14.79 si 338 52 467 53 523 54 278 55 1,282 56 1, 337 57 450 216 134 756 89 289 855 87 142 371 362 536 594 292 1,308 1,399 1,066 7,174 8,496 10.59 6.72 22.58 14.32 18.13 12.39 58 664 1 125 59 531 60 1, 468 4, 225 10, 037 61245 62 126 88 63 120 149 748 1 125 546 1, 612 4,604 10,353 266 149 111 131 193 10.07 8 65 6.30 13.24 13.20 13. 62 14.26 16.78 4.76 1« 80 11.69 6.80 6 72 3.71 8.06 8.33 8.00 10.27 9.02 3.07 13 69 5.95 17.71 18 67 26.80 25.16 16.60 21. 67 22.76 G2.18 25. 41 73 03 41.18 11.97 14 49 15.78 15.32 10.47 12.73 16.39 33.43 16.39 53 18 20.97 13.23 18 67 26.15 19.34 12.40 20.17 14.78 33.40 19.58 65 92 20.92 9.74 14 49 15.56 12.95 8.62 12.19 11.79 22. 85 13.75 49 31 14.05 Total Pacific States Alaska (nonmember banks) The Territory of Hawaii (nonw member bank) © Virgin Islands of the United {2 States (nonmember bank) (k Total (nonmember banks). 1 Total central Reserve cities Total all other Reserve cities ^ T o t a l country banks, including nonmember banks Total United States 21,583 5,785 3,455 11 12 9 307 5 38 37, 955 32,281 18,787 19,838 12.43 7.66 21.37 13.16 18.27 11.92 32 117 1,051 51 51 18.55 8.76 42.55 20.10 42.55 20.10 14 364 298 268 268 8.00 5.28 8.90 5.87 8.90 5.87 1 1 26 10 1 11 4.00 61.90 17.33 15.57 397 441 10 320 330 8.77 5.61 12.08 7.73 11.68 7.57 48,008 48, 598 50,084 53,797 16.82 10.83 8.03 5.93 28.45 21.85 13.57 11.97 25.26 17.95 12.80 10.70 42,373 49, 594 7.64 4.49 19.35 11.36 14.91 9.67 138,979 153,475 10.78 5.88 22.24 12.13 18.05 10.77 318 17 47 15 31,722 42,581 20, 735 35,114 5,930 8,396 5,441 11,702 36,697 38,220 12,108 13,722 100,747 107,320 7,221 111,000 94,069 26,434 30,865 262,368 286,561 14,496 i Capital and surplus as of end of period. a Includes 3 stock dividends aggregating $53,000. 3 Includes 1 stock dividend of $3,000. «Includes 4 stock dividends aggregating $56,000. «Includes 11 stock dividends aggregating $372,000. s7 Includes 1 stock dividend of $120,000. Includes 2 stock dividends aggregating $105,000. 8 Includes 2 stock dividends aggregating $68,000. 9 Includes 28 stock dividends aggregating $1,271,000. J° Includes 1 stock dividend of $50,000. »2 Includes 1 stock dividend of $1,155/000. 113 Includes 13 stock dividends aggregating $327,000. Includes 32 stock dividends aggregating $438,000. "15 Includes 3 stock dividends aggregating $65,000 Includes 2 stock dividends aggregating $7,000.• i« Includes 1 stock dividend of $25,000. 17 Includes 8 stock dividends aggregating $107,000. 18 Includes 7 stock dividends aggregating $182,000. 19 Includes 7 stock dividends aggregating $132,000. 20 Includes 3 stock dividends aggregating $26,000. 21 Includes 6 stock dividends aggregating $41,000. 22 Includes 5 stock dividends aggregating $40,000. »3 Includes 5 stock dividends aggregating $296,000. "25 Includes 4 stock dividends aggregating $66,000. Includes 2 stock dividends aggregating $600,000. 2«7 Includes 52 stock dividends aggregating $319,000. *8 Includes 1 stock dividend of $100,000. 2 Includes 2 stock dividends aggregating $350,000. 19 Includes 4 stock dividends aggregating $375,000. s« Includes 5 stock dividends aggregating $73,000. si Includes 4 stock dividends aggregating $64,000. 32 Includes 4 stock dividends aggregating $42,000. 7,132 63,828 97,793 81,180 98,061 2,076 5,199 33 2.38 104.00 Includes 17 stock dividends aggregating $256,000. 34 Includes 1 stock dividend of $220,000. 35 Includes 23 stock dividends aggregating $982,000. 3 6 Includes 52 stock dividends aggregating $476,000. 37 Includes 3 stock dividends aggregating $15,025,000. 38 Includes 3 stock dividends aggregating $128,000. 39 Includes 1 stock dividend of $200,000. 4° Includes 26 stock dividends aggregating $437,000. 4i Includes 23 stock dividends aggregating $221,000. «Includes 36 stock dividends aggregating $849,000. « Includes 26 stock dividends aggregating $470,000. <4 Includes 11 stock dividends aggregating $35,000. 45 includes 8 stock dividends aggregating $84,000. 4« Includes 6 stock dividends aggregating $12,000. 47 Includes 24 stock dividends aggregating $178,000. 489 Includes 1 stock dividend of $6,000. 4 Includes 24 stock dividends aggregating $199,000. 8° Includes 4 stock dividends aggregating $30,000. si Includes 4 stock dividends aggregating $124,000. 52 Includes 12 stock dividends aggregating $71,000. 53 Includes 2 stock dividends aggregating $190,000. «4 Includes 6 stock dividends aggregating $69,000. « Includes 22 stock dividends aggregating $137,000. 56 Includes 7 stock dividends aggregating $893,000. 5? Includes 2 stock dividends aggregating $450,000. 58 Includes 14 stock dividends aggregating $327,000. 5 9 Includes 10 stock dividends aggregating $61,000. Co Includes 32 stock dividends aggregating $648,000. 61 Includes 8 stock dividends aggregating $158,000. 62 Includes 3 stock dividends aggregating $19,000. 63 Includes 1 stock dividend of $1,000. O M o W a Earnings and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve Districts, for the year ended June SO, 1937 o [In thousands of dollars] Grand District District District District District District District District District District District District NonNo. 3 No. 6 total No. 1 No. 2 No. 4 No. 5 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 member (592 (338 (272 (493 (317 (613 (516 (529 (317 (407 (668 (231 banks (6 (5,299 banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) Capital, par value: Class A preferred Class B preferred Common - Total Surplus Total capital and surplus Capital funds 1 Gross earnings: Interest and discount on loans « _ Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities Interest on balances with other banks Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc_ Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank balances) Trust department - Service charges on deposit accounts Rent received Other current earnings Total earnings from current operationsExpenses: Salaries and wages: Officers Employees other than officers Number of officers. Numbers of employees other than officers Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on deposits of other banks Interest on other demand deposits Interest on other time deposits 13,547 2,242 106,928 43,775 6,652 294,322 18,521 1,783 113,725 24,893 888 110,477 11,555 158 59,734 20,469 2,875 64, 532 73,916 917 157,839 6,991 947 46? 872 11,680 1,018 47,370 13,805 447 64,871 16,202 16 67,445 25,543 22 150,984 125 281,012 17,965 3,650 1,288,749 122,717 115,469 344,749 314,534 134,029 137,124 136,258 92,120 71,447 39,652 87,866 35,852 232,672 104,375 54,810 28,919 60,068 29, 731 79,123 39,711 83,663 39,408 3,775 1,587,726 2,052 1,073,154 238,186 659,283 271,153 228,378 111,099 123,718 337,047 83,729 89,799 118,834 123,071 176,549 94,207 270,756 288,561 764,622 333,530 283,293 137,747 145,490 409,630 103,969 103,880 146, 722 148, 790 339,343 6,588 3,212,165 5,827 2,660,880 27,650 60,018 31,172 26,100 18,349 19,103 36,247 13,667 12,044 21, 774 22,579 67,166 863 356,732 20,478 26 718 69,803 49 3,200 35,913 76 596 32,858 89 880 14,022 56 939 13, 657 60 2,404 49,707 62 4,060 11,749 32 1,357 12,652 114 2,781 15,090 85 1,544 11,679 11 1,474 43,216 186 3,006 842 220 331,666 846 23,179 1,067 2,452 2,365 3,547 1,351 4,926 8,322 4,655 9,883 5,211 426 1,456 1,365 3,761 527 215 2,070 1,653 4,231 635 63 1,114 1,471 1,903 348 206 1,218 1,717 3,065 345 779 8,869 4,637 7,012 1,060 26 463 1,037 1,414 494 62 1,090 1,113 1,586 586 12 1,280 2,998 3,485 555 31 531 1,918 3,472 346 682 4,912 4,392 6,709 1,560 12 2 32 57 22 8,477 33,779 29,353 50,125 13,040 59,654 166,067 75,292 68,731 38,235 41, 775 112, 433 30,239 32,028 46,823 42,041 131,829 2,050 847,197 6,651 9,548 1,469 16,932 30,942 8,079 7,007 8,947 2,078 6,824 9,151 8,009 4,483 5,055 1,888 4,939 6,564 1,878 11,084 20, 614 8,564 3,889 4,166 1,815 4,830 4,733 1,576 7,120 6,843 8,585 6,239 5,757 8,076 12,964 22,746 8,295 285 297 58 93,247 135,383 24,805 6,826 6,685 8,979 5,804 14,870 8,547 8,944 5,470 4,499 16,829 187 97,618 932 133 529 16,282 387 311 468 13,769 264 93 163 7,171 236 91 370 5,182 367 59 617 13,152 178 63 148 4,447 311 92 155 5,173 237 60 346 4,102 195 8 362 2,834 314 140 683 27,015 6 2 425 4,661 1,377 4,788 124,918 6,782 457 194 88 7,905 19,246 777 133 857 17,461 Interest and discount on borrowed money. Real estate taxes Other taxes Other expenses _ Total current expenses.. Net earnings Recoveries, profits on securities sold, etc.: Recoveries on loans Recoveries on bonds, stocks, and other securities Profits on securities sold Allother 32 5,124 4,833 35,820 31 7 15 55 29 12 1 7 26 7 1,643 2,054 10,824 58 1,543 3,636 11,250 1,445 4,021 11,894 659 1, 559 6,316 1,314 1,276 8,824 2,058 5,079 21,288 853 1,305 5,454 774 1,710 6,364 1,102 2,028 9,564 1,683 1, 710 8,320 3,068 3,892 22, 591 38 56 245 21,304 33,159 158,754 39, 396 112,937 60,290 48,277 25,778 28,851 74,347 20,515 24,143 31,409 27,134 93, 420 1,354 577,851 20,258 53,130 25,002 20,454 12,457 12,924 38,080 9,724 7,885 15,414 14,907 38,409 696 269,346 «p 280 4,300 21,150 2,128 4,063 1,683 1,581 11,605 1,541 2,611 3,858 4,410 5,278 35 64,243 § 4,676 9,284 1,600 30,332 29,339 3,670 2,518 11,897 1,315 4,462 9,812 777 1,309 8,127 722 2,404 5,265 543 9,693 19,797 3,057 2,899 4,166 636 1,993 3,067 747 2,824 3,887 1,000 2,077 4,068 838 8,014 16,056 2,362 7 93 7 73,208 124,858 17,274 H o h=j 19,860 84,491 17,858 19,114 11,841 9,793 44,152 9,242 8,418 11, 569 11,393 31, 710 142 _ 40,118 137,62i 42,860 39, 568 24, 298 22, 717 82,238 18,966 16,303 26,983 26,300 70,119 838 279,583 . ... , . 548,929 fe Losses and depreciation: On loans_._ On bonds, stocks, and other securities On banking house, furniture and fixturesOther losses and depreciation 10,593 8,268 1,898 2,474 30,344 24,802 5,701 7,151 9,985 8,007 1,835 2,529 7,884 8,335 2,064 2,277 2,574 7,816 964 1,107 3,074 4,629 1,280 1,040 11,443 9,569 3,981 3,182 2,385 4,084 938 764 2,616 4,785 1,101 836 3,589 4,365 1,796 1,109 4,622 3,651 1,374 1,263 21, 573 5,741 3,455 7,118 318 17 47 15 Total Total net earnings, recoveries, etc 23,233 67,998 22,356 20, 560 12,461 10, 023 28,175 8,171 9,338 10, 859 10, 910 37,887 397 Net addition to profits 16,885 69,623 20,504 19,008 11,837 12, 694 54, 063 10, 795 6,965 16,124 15, 390 32, 232 441 286,561 Dividends: On preferred stock. On common stock.. 854 »9,926 991 2,665 3 34, 391 * 11,811 1,233 «6,109 525 6 5,218 3,010 1,130 7 5,189 8 25, 005 632 1,049 12 6, 353 is 18, 770 10 320 12,802 7,342 5,743 19, S19 330 Total. 10,780 37, 056 6,319 28, 015 774 398 1,225 « 4, 213 io 4, 546 ii 7,128 4,611 5,320 8,353 6,985 M a 111, 000 94,069 26,434 30,865 262,368 Total H O fej fr H O t~ w 14,496 138,979 153,475 ~ £ H} 1 Represents aggregate book value of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserves for contingencies, reserves for dividends payable in common stock, and retirement fund for preferred stock. 2 Includes 23 stock dividends aggregating $734,000. *Includes 39 stock dividends aggregating $2,822,000. 4 Includes 26 stock dividends aggregating $296,000. «Includes 37 stock dividends aggregating $753,000. 6 Includes 26 stock dividends aggregating $472,000. 7 Includes 26 stock dividends aggregating $1,085,000. 8 Includes 120 stock dividends aggregating $17,504,000. •Includes 29 stock dividends aggregating $415,000. io Includes 75 stock dividends aggregating $1,205,000. » Includes 107 stock dividends aggregating $2,383,000. 12 Includes 65 stock dividends aggregating $1,258,000. 13 Includes 68 stock dividends aggregating $1,214,000 o Earnings and dividends of national banks, by Federal Reserve Districts, for the year ended June SO, 1937— Continued [In thousands of dollars] to to Non- Grand District District District District District District District District District District District District No. 9 No. 7 No. 8 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 member total No. 6 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 1 No. 2 (668 (272 (529 (317 (407 (493 (231 (592 (338 banks (6 (5,299 (317 (613 (516 banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) banks) Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent 15.84 8.04 10.99 9.42 8.99 9.60 capital 11.68 10.39 5.53 10.78 9.28 12.43 8.74 8.77 Dividends on common stock to common 9.54 6.82 3.02 5.17 5.56 5.90 5.95 4.46 5.25 capital and surplus 7.66 5.65 4.71 5.88 5.61 Dividends on preferred stock to pre4.02 8.60 4.84 5.01 6.10 3.90 6.41 4.78 4.10 ferred capital 4.88 4.48 5.28 4.85 8.00 Dividends on preferred and common 12.04 7.19 8.41 8.86 10.56 8.35 11.23 8.78 9.55 stock to preferred and common capital. 5.39 10.75 8.04 9.67 8.74 Dividends on preferred and common 5.84 3.84 4.34 6.84 4.43 5.12 4.69 3.74 5.69 stock to capital funds 4.85 2.59 4.78 4.17 5.01 Dividends on preferred and common stock to preferred and common capital 8.31 5.92 7.32 7.03 5.68 5.66 and surplus _ 4.53 4.72 3.21 5.51 5.62 5.17 5.11 5.77 Net addition to profits to common 34.25 21.35 12.08 capital. _ 14.70 24.86 22.82 18.03 19.67 23.03 22.24 15.79 23.66 17.21 19.82 Net addition to profits to common capi20.62 13.15 tal and surplus 12.65 9.03 15.42 14.40 7.73 12.13 14.24 7.59 11.44 8.17 9.38 11.91 Net addition to profits to common and 23.24 14.45 11.60 18.26 11.68 18.05 preferred capital _ 20.38 18.40 19.70 13.76 20.20 15.30 13.95 16. 57 Net addition to profits to common and 7.57 10.77 12.89 7.76 11.90 preferred capital and surplus 7.56 lf>. 04 13.57 12.50 S.32 10.65 10.26 7.09 10.56 8.92 10.38 10.34 13.20 10.99 9.50 6.15 6.71 8.59 Net addition to profits to capital funds. 9.11 6.70 6.69 8.72 5.85 106. 39 111. 01 141. 95 104. 61 103. 24 83.92 92.93 95.02 Net addition to profits to net earnings.— 83. 35 131.04 82.01 88. 33 63.36 98.22 68.21 64.54 67.84 66.13 67.08 70.24 67.42 70.86 66.79 Expenses to gross earnings 68.01 75.38 66.04 69.06 66.05 NOTE .--The capital, surplus, and capital funds used in this table are as of end of period. w w o H w o g o Earnings and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, for the year ended Dec. 81, 1936 TOTAL UNITED STATES [In thousands of dollars] Banks operating throughout entire year with deposits on Dec. 31,1936, of— Number of banks Total deposits Capital, par value: Class A preferred Class B preferred Common _ _ _„ __ Total Surplus... Total capital and surplus Capital funds 3 _ Gross earnings: Interest and discount on loans Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, and other securities Interest on balances with other banks Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank balances) Trust department _. _ Service charges on deposit accounts Rent received Other current earnings Total current earnings Operating less than1 1 year Total« $100,000 and under $100,001 to $250,000 $250,001 to $500,000 38 2,937 424 79, 305 1.026 384,803 774 479, 658 25 1,100 1,760 79 12,452 8,375 613 37,869 8,455 575 38, 926 8,764 733 35, 054 28,391 2,602 103, 824 46,454 4,323 143,362 99, 767 7,835 274,199 113,380 2,500 620,954 315,371 19,260 1,267,740 1,580 60 7,080 316 951 19,320 1,274,820 1,125 186 14,291 4,136 46,857 17,415 47,956 20, 737 44, 551 19, 942 134,817 65,852 194,139 115,203 381,801 197,874 736,834 604,137 1,602,371 1,045,482 8,720 2,905 1, 611,091 1,048,387 1,311 18,427 64,272 68,693 64, 493 200,669 309,342 579,675 1,340,971 2,647,853 11,6£6 2, 659,478 1,384 20,129 73,343 80, 504 75,533 234,120 363,866 695,443 1, 622,464 3,166, 786 13, 360 3,180,146 181 2,837 10,374 11,432 10, 050 30, 093 45,382 82,853 153, 277 346,479 906 347,385 25 1,025 4 273 5, 712 17 983 7,638 20 936 8,050 26 762 25,836 128 1,933 40,117 144 2,591 76,896 288 5,239 160,331 273 9,529 325,630 900 22,262 645 5 103 326,275 905 22,365 11 4 2 204 143 71 11 804 707 201 15 950 925 202 2 55 873 827 238 22 512 2,801 2,995 696 48 1,630 4,447 5,489 1,039 468 7,238 8,797 14, 457 2,571 7,127 22,180 8,450 22,535 8,006 7,667 31, 643 27,337 48,082 13,024 33 131 61 25 7,667 31,676 27,468 48,143 13,049 237 4,559 18,809 22,118 20,883 65, 016 100,887 198,807 391,708 823,024 1,909 824,933 16 $500,001 $750,001 $1,000,001 $2,000,001 $5,000,001 $50,000,001 to to to to $750,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $50,000,000 and over 553 1,093 836 480, 521 1,547,611 2, 548,988 Total 5,312 69 499 6,364, 577 15, 682,465 27, 570,865 19 5,331 98,278 27, 669,143 I 1-3 H a o 3 w a a See footnotes at end of table. CO Earnings and dividends of national banks, by size of banks, for the year ended Dec. SI, 1936—Continued to TOTAL UNITED STATES—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Banks operating throughout entire year with deposits on Dec. 31,1936, of— Expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers - - .Employees other than officers.. ._ 4 Number of officers Number of employees other than officers *-._ Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees Interest on deposits of other banks Interest on other demand deposits Interest on other time deposits Interest and discount on borrowed money Real-estate taxes Other taxes __ Other expenses _ Total current expenses.__ Net earnings Recoveries, profits on securities sold, etc.: Recoveries on loans __ Recoveries on bonds, stocks, and other securities Profits on securities sold Allother Total Total net earnings, recoveries, etc Losses and depreciation: Onloans.. On bonds, stocks, and other securities On banking house, furniture and fixtures Other losses and depreciation Total Net addition to profits $100,000 and under $100,001 to $250,000 $250,001 to $500,000 77 1,301 230 985 459 4,242 1,255 2,753 1,865 8 71 25 $500,001 $750,001 $1,000,001 $2,000,001 $5,000,001 $50,000,001 to to to to to $750,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $5,000,000 $50,000,000 and over 4,255 1,726 2,890 2,080 3,604 1,837 1,760 1,989 9,616 6,907 3,912 6,227 12,638 12,861 8,713 9,979 21,545 31,452 4,208 22,815 33,139 74,471 4,547 48,124 90,417 130,747 24,334 93,563 781 949 2,141 42,837 8 9,662 14, 224 76,400 254, 612 4,387 1,422 5,137 126,118 254 21, 519 27, 916 155, 572 563,489 137, 096 259, 535 40 1 211 9 258 15 219 16 689 43 955 89 146 202 167 501 524 12 32 522 1 8 4 122 2,997 16 462 4,192 26 530 4,501 13 472 649 724 664 3,869 15,797 3,578 15, 071 14, 273 80 1,748 1,826 10,850 46, 533 22,668 61 2,818 2,952 17,021 72, 587 1,232 300 1,424 34,116 45 5,697 6,698 39,277 141, 786 6,321 5,812 18,483 28,300 57, 021 2 Total Operating less than Total» 1 year* 315 90, 732 131,040 24,404 93,763 13 1,524 4,400 1,422 5,149 126,430 264 21, 558 27,965 156, 053 565,013 385 259,920 293 70 200 12 312 10 39 49 481 8 61 171 938 177 3,361 3,578 13,565 60 1,198 5,244 17 278 1,078 1,117 823 2,982 5,645 15,069 42, 558 69, 567 91 69, 658 8 103 647 2,272 1,035 3,049 1,126 3,520 3,470 11, 092 14, 213 37,396 3,426 70,104 92,998 80, 729 5,157 221, 442 120,300 157, 595 12,166 359, 628 234 595 120, 534 157,832 12,199 360, 223 1 1 333 44 203 396 207 778 27 758 4,200 5,597 5,676 18,322 6,700 19, 203 1,954 33, 502 87 1,956 9,444 11,918 11,488 36,805 61, 802 127,125 358, 538 619,163 980 620,143 42 5 614 160 2,119 1,062 650 501 4,332 2,397 1,437 728 641 5,203 1,945 1,915 667 477 5,004 7,048 6,213 2,217 2,233 17,711 12, 666 12, 264 3,414 4,174 32,518 24,832 26,130 6,862 8,165 65,989 102, 824 42, 353 11, 651 17,144 173,972 154,487 91, 539 26,380 33, 464 305,870 127 225 60 181 126 1,081 60 35 447 154,614 91,764 26,440 33, 499 306,317 27 875 5,112 6,715 6,484 19,094 29,284 61,136 184,566 313, 293 533 313,826 10 3 237 33 Dividends: On preferred stock. On common stockTotal. 8,788 13 72,853 18,146 117,725 20 M144 18,166 117,869 25,280 81, 641 135, 871 164 136,035 Percent 7.52 Percent 11.73 Percent 9.29 Percent 2.03 Percent 9.25 4.00 4.37 5.95 5.09 1.44 5.07 4.30 4.20 4.34 7.58 5.42 1.22 5.40 5.61 6.43 6.62 11.08 1.88 8.44 3.45 3.23 3.43 3.64 5.03 4.29 1.23 4.28 4.65 17.25 4.04 18.50 3.77 18.39 4.03 4.36 20.43 22.30 6.09 29.72 5.13 24.71 1.41 7.53 5.12 24.62 9.25 11.25 11.78 11.25 11.33 12.95 15.08 13.54 5.34 13.51 6.12 10.91 14.00 14.55 14.16 15.08 16.01 25.05 19.55 6.11 19.48 4.75 4.35 73.04 73.72 7.95 6.97 97.48 72.12 9.78 8.34 106.23 71.42 10.05 8.58 111. 56 72.17 9.52 8.16 103.31 71.57 9.47 8.05 103.48 71.95 10.55 13.76 11.38 134. 63 65.00 11.83 9.89 120. 71 68.47 4.58 3.99 138. 44 79.83 11.80 9.87 120. 74 379 2,812 435 »2,170 1,333 6, 225 2,131 « 10,348 3,191 2,605 7,558 12,479 Percent 5.80 Percent 7.22 Percent 6.19 Percent 6.00 Percent 7.22 2.92 3.97 4.71 3.95 3.67 3.59 3.88 4.20 4.58 3.86 5.43 6.65 5.85 2.74 3.47 3.96 2.99 7.03 3.96 13.50 5.27 22 «485 22 551 349 ' 2,195 2,544 Percent 3.89 Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common Percent capital _ 2.00 Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplus _ 1.71 Dividends on preferred stock to preferred capital Dividends on preferred and common stock to preferred and common capital 1.96 Dividends on preferred and common stock to capital funds _ 1.59 Dividends on preferred and common stock to preferred and common capital and surplus. 1.68 Net addition to profits to common capital 2.45 Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus __ 2.10 Net addition to profits to common and preferred capital _ 2.40 Net addition to profits to common and preferred capital and surplus 2.06 Net addition to profits to capital funds 1.95 Net addition to profits to net earnings 45.00 Expenses to gross earnings 74.68 8 0 4,665 12 20, 615 8.79 107. 22 71.35 W O o O 68.49 1 Includes also figures of first six months for banks which were inactive on Dec. 31, 1936. 2 The difference of $60,746,000 in total deposits, $1,180,000 in class A preferred stock, $10,000 in class B preferred stock, $4,890,000 in common stock, $1,805,000 in surplus and $9,136,000 in capital funds between figures shown in this column and in Dec. 31,1936, abstract of reports of condition, is due to the inclusion in this column of all figures (except number of banks) of banks which were active on June 30, 1936, but were inactive on Dec. 31, 1936. 3 Represents aggregate book value of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, reserves for contingencies, reserves for dividends payable in common stock, and retirement fund for preferred stock. 4 Number at end of period. a6 Number of full-time and part-time employees at end of period. Includes 4 stock dividends aggregating $32,000. 7 Includes 57 stock dividends aggregating $373,000. 8 Includes 60 stock dividends aggregating $568,000. • Includes 42 stock dividends aggregating $335,000. i° Includes 68 stock dividends aggregating $1,084,000. n Includes 63 stock dividends aggregating $2,430,000. 12 Includes 50 stock dividends aggregating $4,782,000. is Includes 8 stock dividends aggregating $6,370,000. 1* Includes 3 stock dividends aggregating $45,000. NOTE.—The total deposits, capital, surplus, and capital funds used in this table are as of Dec. 31, 1936, for 5,331 active banks on that date, together with figures as of June 30, 1936, for 52 banks which were active on June 30,1936, but were inactive on Dec. 31,1936. o H W o d j to o National-bank investments in U. S. Government securities and other bonds and securities, etc., loans and discounts (including rediscounts), and losses charged off on account of bonds and securities owned and loans and discounts, years ended June SO, 1918 to 1937, inclusive to [In thousands of dollars] Percentage of losses charged off— Year ended June 30— 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925... 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933.. 1934 1935 1936 1937 _ . - _ . __ _ _ .. . _. _ ... U. S. Government securities Other bonds and securities Total bonds and securities Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) 2,026,663 2,942,576 2,138,615 1,919,173 2,242,984 2,658,894 2,449.236 2,515,083 2,469, 268 2,596,178 2,891,167 2,803,860 2,753,941 3,256,268 3,352,666 4,031,576 6,003,652 7,173,007 8,447,364 8,219,195 1,810,831 1,868,912 1,912, 281 2,002,754 2,274,969 2,372,880 2,657,985 3,190,147 3,372,985 3,797,040 4,256,281 3,852,675 4,134,230 4,418, 569 3,843,986 3,340,055 3, 344,901 3, 543,379 4,035,261 3,903,092 3,837,494 4,811,488 4,050,896 3,921,927 4,517,953 5,031,774 5,107,221 5, 705,230 5,842, 253 6, 393, 218 7,147,448 6,656, 535 6,888,171 7,674,837 7,196,652 7,371,631 9,348, 553 10,716,386 12,482,625 12,122,287 10,152,126 11,013,227 13,620,634 12,004,515 11, 248,214 11,817,671 11,978,728 12,674,067 13,417,674 13,955,696 15,144,995 14,801,130 14,887, 752 13,177,485 10,281,676 8,116,972 7.694,749 7,365,226 7,759,149 8,807,782 Losses Losses charged off charged off On bonds On account on bonds on loans loans and and secuand secuand disdiscounts rities to rities counts to total total bonds loans and and secudiscounts rities 44,350 27,819 61,790 76,179 33,444 21,890 24,642 25,301 23,783 27,579 29,191 43,458 61,371 119,294 201,848 236,557 241,789 136,743 i 93,339 94,069 33,964 35,440 31,284 76,210 135,208 120,438 102,814 95, 552 93,605 86,512 92,106 86,815 103,817 186,864 259,478 231,420 379,294 188,237 l 154,964 111, 000 1.16 .58 1.53 1.94 .74 .44 .48 .44 .41 .43 .41 .65 .89 1.55 2.80 3.21 2.59 1.28 ».75 .78 0.33 .32 .23 .63 1.20 1.02 .86 .75 .70 .62 .61 .59 .70 1.42 2.52 2.85 4.93 2.56 12.00 1.26 sn 8 § W d 1 Revised figures. a Number of national banks, capital, surplus, capital funds, net addition to profits, dividends, and ratios, 1869 to 19S7, inclusive £In thousands of dollars] Dividends Capital, par value Number of banks Preferred stock 6 m o n t h s ended A u g . 31, 1869 Year ended A u g . 31: 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 - Common stock Surplus Capital funds l Net addition to On pre- On common ferred profits stock stock Ratios Dividends on preferred stock to preferred capital DiviNet addition to profits dends on Total common dividends To comstock to to capi- To com- mon and To capicommon tal funds mon cap- preferred tal funds capital ital capital 1,619 422, 659 82,219 548,691 29,221 21,768 Percent 5.15 Percent 3.97 Percent 6.91 1,612 1,723 1 853 1 968 L983 2,076 2 091 2 078 2,056 2,048 2,076 2 115 2,239 2 417 2,625 2 689 2,809 3 r 014 3,120 3 239 3,484 3,652 3,759 3,807 3 770 3, 715 3 689 3 610 3 582 3,583 3 732 4,165 427,236 450,331 470, 543 490,110 491,004 501, 569 500,394 481,045 470,393 455,245 455,909 460,228 477,185 500,298 522, 516 526, 274 539.109 571,649 588,384 605,852 642,074 672,904 684,678 685, 787 671,091 658,224 651,145 632,153 622,017 604,865 621, 536 645, 719 91,690 98,322 105,182 116,847 126,239 133,169 131,897 124,714 118,179 114,321 118,102 126, 680 131,079 138,332 145,763 146,524 153, 643 172,348 183,106 196,912 212, 615 227,199 238,240 249,138 245,728 247,782 248,368 246,404 247,935 248,146 256,249 274,194 561,788 594,188 625,959 662,264 675, 576 686,898 678,900 656,267 629,055 615, 369 624,455 641,592 660,393 706,984 738,877 725,028 760,415 806,292 841,787 875,297 934,543 987,551 1,011,145 1,028,870 1,001,388 987, 228 982,997 962,420 954,989 947,187 1,013,084 1,062,459 55,811 54,558 58, 076 65,048 59,581 57,936 43, 638 34,867 30,606 31, 552 45,186 53, 623 53,322 54,007 52,363 43, 625 55,166 64, 507 65,360 69,618 72,056 75,764 66, 658 68, 751 41, 955 46,867 49,742 44,274 50,033 54,347 87, 277 81,854 42, 559 44,330 46, 687 49, 649 48,459 49,069 47,376 43, 921 36,941 34,943 36, 411 38, 378 40, 792 40, 679 41, 255 40, 656 42,413 44,153 46, 532 46, 618 51,159 50,795 50, 401 49,633 45, 333 45,970 45, 526 42, 394 44,292 46, 692 48,033 51,700 9.96 9.84 9.92 10 13 9.87 9.78 9.47 9.13 7.85 7.68 7.99 8.34 8.55 8.13 7.90 7.73 7.87 7.72 7.91 7.69 7.97 7.55 7.36 7.24 6.76 6.98 6.99 6.71 7.12 7.72 7.73 8.01 7.58 7.46 7.46 7 50 7.17 7.14 6.98 6.69 5.87 5.68 5.83 5.98 6.18 5.75 5.58 5.61 5.58 5.48 5.53 5.33 5.47 5.14 4.98 4.82 4.53 4.66 4.63 4.40 4.64 4.93 4.74 4.87 13.06 12.12 12.34 13 27 12.13 11.55 8.72 7.25 6.51 6.93 9.91 11.65 11.17 10.79 10.02 8.29 10.23 11.28 11.11 11.49 11.22 11.26 9.74 10.03 6.25 7.12 7.64 7.00 8.04 8.98 14.04 12.68 Percent Percent Percent 5 33 9 93 9.18 9 28 9 82 8.82 8.43 6 43 5.31 4.87 5.13 7.24 8.36 8.07 7 64 7.09 6.02 7.25 8.00 7.76 7.95 7.71 7.67 6.59 6.68 4.19 4.75 5.06 4.60 5 24 5.74 8.61 7.70 i Represents aggregate of capital stock, surplus, undivided profits and reserves. In the years 1869 to 1933, inclusive, the amount of capital stock included in capital funds consists of the par value thereof, whereas subsequent to 1933 only the book value of capital stock is included in capital funds. I W O O W O 3 Number of national banks, capital, surplus, capital funds, net addition to profits, dividends, and ratios, 1869 to 1987, inclusive—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Dividends Capital, p a r value Number of banks Year ended Aug. 31—Con. 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 10 months ended June 30, 1907 Year ended June 30: 1908 1909 1910 1911 _ . . 1912 1913 1914 1915 _ 1916 1917 . 1918 1919 1920 - . . 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928.. 1929 1930 1931. „ 1932 1933 — 1934 1935 1936 1937 Preferred stock Common stock Surplus Capital funds i Net addition to On pre- On comferred profits mon stock stock 4,535 4,939 5 331 5,668 6,053 701,991 743,506 767,378 791,567 826,130 325,525 359,054 389, 647 413,436 448,858 1,184,368 1,285,690 1 349,016 1,406,858 1,491,293 106,581 109,882 112,936 105,909 127,527 6,429 883,691 534, 795 1,604,104 152, 235 6,824 6,926 7,145 7,277 7,372 7,473 7,525 7,605 7 579 7,604 7,705 7,785 8,030 8,154 8,249 8 241 8,085 8,072 7 978 7,796 7,691 7,536 7,252 6,805 6,150 4,902 5,422 5,431 5,374 5,299 919,101 937,004 989, 567 1,019,633 1,033, 571 1,056,920 1,058,192 1,068, 519 1,066,049 1,082,779 1,098,556 1,118,603 1,224,166 1,273,880 1,307,216 1,328 891 1,334,011 1,369,435 1,412,872 1, 474,173 1, 593,856 1,627,375 1, 743,974 1,687,663 1,568,983 1,463,412 1,326, 722 1,288,848 1, 254, 762 1,288,749 564,045 590,838 644,857 671,947 693,990 720,607 723,338 722,089 731,389 762,367 809,138 872,226 98fi. 384 1,026, 256 1,048,806 1,070 616 L, 080, 578 L, 118,928 L, 198,899 L, 256,945 L 419.695 1,479,052 1, 591, 339 1,493,876 1,259,425 940,598 854,057 831,846 973, 393 1,073,154 1,667,803 1,744,075 1,850, 970 1,933,134 1,984,398 2,045,668 2,049, 714 2,105,363 2,103 288 2,198, 553 2, 249, 793 2,363,478 2, 622,075 2,796,291 2,848,456 2,875 712 2,916,245 2,970.074 3,089,358 3,239, 539 3,570,988 3, 674, 763 3,976,148 3, 755,730 3,279,848 2,856, 554 3,001,033 3,086,418 3,165, 728 3,212,165 131,335 131,186 154,168 156,985 149,057 160,980 149, 270 127,053 157,543 194,321 212,332 240,366 282,083 216,106 183, 670 203,488 195, 706 223,935 249,167 252,319 270,158 301,804 246, 261 52, 541 2139,780 2 218, 384 2 303, 546 71,372 3 241, 654 286, 561 53,793 412,070 525,122 443,489 298,977 'Deficit. Ratios DiviNet addition to profits dends on Total common dividends To com- To comstock to to capimon and To capicap- preferred common tal funds mon tal funds ital capita] capital Percent 15.18 14.78 14 72 13.38 15.44 Percent 9.00 8.55 8 37 7.53 8.55 Percent 9 72 8.55 9 85 9.24 10 81 Percent 5.76 4.94 5 60 5.20 5.99 99, 728 11 29 6.22 17.23 9.49 97,336 92,993 105,899 114, 685 120,301 119,906 120, 947 113, 639 114, 725 125, 538 129, 778 135, 588 147, 793 158,158 165,884 179,176 163, 683 165,033 173, 753 180, 753 205,358 222, 672 237,029 . 211, 301 169,155 99,124 72,418 87,241 3105,172 138,979 10 59 9.92 10 70 11.25 11.64 11.34 11.43 10 64 10 76 11.59 11.81 12.12 12.07 12.42 12.69 13 48 12.27 12.05 12 30 12.26 12.88 13.68 13.59 12,52 10.78 6.77 5.46 6.77 8.38 10.78 5.84 5.33 5.72 5.93 6.06 5.86 5.90 5.40 5 45 5.71 5.77 5.74 5.64 5.66 5.82 6.23 5.61 5.56 5.62 5.58 5.75 6.06 5.96 5.63 5.16 3.47 2.53 3.35 3.97 4.78 14.29 14.00 15.58 15.40 14.42 15.23 14.11 11.89 14 78 17.95 19.33 21.49 23.04 16.96 14.05 15.31 14.67 16.35 17.64 17.12 16.95 18.55 14.12 3.11 2 8.91 2 14.92 2 22.88 5.54 19.26 22.24 7.87 7.52 8.33 8.12 7.51 7.87 7.28 6.03 7.49 8.84 9.44 10.17 10.76 7.73 6.45 7.08 6.71 7.54 8.07 7.79 7.57 8.21 6.19 1.40 2 4.26 2 7.64 2 10.11 2.31 7.63 8.92 68,199 63,566 75 589 73,138 89,265 22 3,430 16,176 3 20,432 14,496 Dividends on preferred stock to preferred capital Percent 04 .83 3.08 4 61 4.85 •Revised figures. Percent 214.39 217.46 3.93 14.23 18.05 129 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY NATIONAL BANKS CLASSIFIED ACCORDING TO CAPITAL STOCK The following recapitulation concerns tables published in the appendix of this report in relation to the number of active national banks in Reserve cities and States on December 31, 1936, classified according to capital stock, with the amount of loans and discounts, including rediscounts, investments, cash and exchange, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank, total assets, capital stock, surplus, profits, and reserves for contingencies, and total deposits. National banks classified according to capital stock, Dec. 81, 1936 [In thousands of dollars] Loans and disNum- counts, ber of includbanks ing rediscounts * Capital of less than $50,000—. Capital of $50,000 b u t less than $200,000 Capital of $200,000 b u t less t h a n $500,000 Capital of $500,000 but less than $1,000,000 Capital of $1,000,000 but less than $5,000,000_ _.. Capital of $5,000,000 but less than $25,000,000 Capital of $25,000,000 but less t h a n $50,000,000 Capital of $50,000,000 or more. Total United S t a t e s . . . * Includes overdrafts. Investments Cash and exchange, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank Total assets Surplus, profits, and reTotal Capital serves deposits for contingencies 21, 371 334,207 129, 383,910 27, 679 3,120 1,041,108 1, 563,080 1,072, 3, 811, 563 263,433 215, 627 180, 523 2,953,024 970 115,549 127,303 227,044 3,312,221 794 890,198 1,391,389 946, 3, 359, 524 234 628,740 694, 2, 332,469 143,174 1, 588,895 2, 609,734 2,116, 6, 516,340 303, 694 287,650 5,882,444 1, 353, 702 2,326,085 1, 743, 5, 561,437 249,375 337,069 4,928,348 847,474 683, 716, 214 1, 936,804 2,999,110 1, 594, 2,328, 564 6, 776, 634 93,063 302,770 118,857 2,089,967 295,877 6,032,528 915, 103,804 2,075, 658 5,331 I, 271, 21012, 780,044 8,981, 081 31,070,4411, 598,8151,572,195 27,608,397 FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Assets and liabilities of the 12 Federal Reserve banks combined, as of the last weekly statement date in October 1935-37 [In t h o u s a n d s of dollars] Oct. 30, 1935 Oct. 28, 1936 7,285,303 6,128 4,676 2,430,172 181 507,936 146,908 8,913,929 6,107 3,087 2,430,227 9,451, 301 23,426 2,830 2,526,190 573,806 138,417 622,341 134,391 10, 381,304 12,065, 573 12, 760,479 3,511,319 4,086,242 4,256,097 5,652,989 60,279 296,146 508,913 130,356 168,350 52, 952 6,732,003 99,903 219,649 577,408 130,241 172,589 47, 538 6,950,730 94,046 484, 570 624, 534 132,683 173,469 44,350 10,381, 304 12,065, 573 12,760,479 Oct. 27, 1937 ASSETS Total reserves Bills discounted Bills bought in open market U. S. Government securities Other securities. Uncollected items All other assets _ Total _ "_ LIABILITIES Federal Reserve notes in circulation . . Deposits: Member bank reserve account. Government Other— D eferred availability items _ Capital paid in Surplus.. _ . All other liabilities Total 130 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Principal assets and liabilities of the 12 Federal Reserve banks combined, on the last weekly statement date in each month, from January 1935 to October 1937 [In millions of dollars] Liabilities Assets Deposits Federal Federal Reserve bankU.S. Total Reserve in note Bills GovernMemreserves notes Bills bought circulacirculament Total i bers' disTotal tion open securition, reserve counted in market ties net Bills and securities Date Capital and surplus 1986 Jan. 30 Feb. 27 Mar. 27 Apr. 24 May 29 June 26 July 31 Aug. 28 Sept. 25 Oct. 30 Nov. 27 Dec. 31 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2, 430 2,430 2,431 2,460 2,461 2,464 2,468 2,470 2,470 2,470 2,474 2,475 2,474 2,474 2,473 5,647 5,816 5,835 5,998 6,110 6,389 6,515 6,730 6,795 7,285 7,512 7,835 3,068 3,139 3,131 3,146 3,172 3,198 3,262 3,352 3,430 3,511 3,627 3,709 4,542 4,588 4,285 4,719 4,827 5,029 5,100 5,346 5,236 5,653 5,789 5,587 4,792 4,898 4,919 5,064 5,163 5,415 5,478 5,609 5,610 6,009 6,124 303 305 308 307 312 312 . 313 314 299 299 299 300 19S6 Jan. 29 Feb. 26 Mar. 25 Apr. 29 May 27 June 24 July 29 Aug. 26 Sept. 30 Oct. 28. Nov. 25 Dec. 30 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,474 2,474 2,472 2,471 2,470 2,470 2,467 2,469 2,471 2,466 2,465 2,463 8,006 8,033 8,034 8,056 8,148 8,243 8,500 8,571 8,659 8,914 9,028 9,112 3,600 3,677 3,732 3,742 3,759 3,980 3,951 3,994 4,049 4,086 4,169 4,279 5,863 5,839 5,059 5,506 5,747 5,308 6,016 6,332 6,357 6,732 6,795 6,572 6,643 6,594 6,546 6,547 6,617 6,489 6,780 6,811 6,844 7,052 7,080 7,076 303 303 303 303 303 303 302 303 303 303 303 303 1937 Jan. 27 Feb. 24 Mar. 31 Apr. 28 May 26 June 30 July 28 Aug. 25 Sept. 29 Oct. 27 2,430 2,430 2,430 2,526 2,526 2,526 2,526 2,526 2,526 2,526 2,460 2,461 2,468 2,564 2,571 2,562 2,566 2,569 2,573 2,572 9,170 9,129 9,141 9,142 9,146 9,159 9,167 9,150 9,454 9,451 4,140 4,168 4,174 4,177 4,184 4,206 4,193 4,235 4,246 4,256 6,773 6,705 6,639 6,934 6,944 6,900 6,776 6,730 7,033 6,951 7,268 7,187 7,186 7,299 7,285 7,278 7,309 7,247 7,542 7,529 305 305 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 306 iIncludes (in addition to bills discounted and bought and United States securities) industrial advances and other miscellaneous securities. NEW YORK CLEARING HOUSE The figures compiled and furnished by the manager of the New York Clearing House Association for the year ended September 30, 1937, disclose there were 21 banks comprising the New York Clearing House Association with capital of $523,547,000. Clearings amounted to $194,891,611,115, an increase in the year of $8,401,347,332, and balances reported aggregating $28,975,696,772 showed an increase in the year of $2,712,641,704. The average daily clearings amounted to $645,336,461, and the average daily balances $95,946,016. The percentage of balances to clearings was 14.86. BEPOET OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 131 CLEARING-HOUSE ASSOCIATIONS IN THE 12 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK CITIES AND ELSEWHERE Clearing-house transactions in the 12 Federal Reserve bank cities during the year ended September 30, 1937, aggregated $278,961,274,000, an increase in the year of $17,949,357,000. The ratio of bank clearings in the 12 Federal Reserve bank cities was 78.01 percent of the total clearings of all banks in 268 reporting cities in the United States, in comparison with a ratio of 79.38 percent reported for the year previous. Clearings of banks in 20 other principal cities, each of which had clearings in excess of $1,000,000,000, amounted to $51,386,947,000 and showed an increase of $6,825,337,000 over clearings reported for the same cities in the preceding year. The total clearings of the 268 cities reporting to the New York Clearing House Association in the current year aggregated $357,587,604,000, as compared with $328,797,129,000 reported by these cities in the preceding year. Tables showing the following information are published in the appendix of this report: Statement showing the total of transactions of the New York Clearing House from 1854 to 1913, and annually since 1914; exchanges, balances, and percentages of balances to exchanges by the New York Clearing House, annually since 1914; exchanges of the reporting clearing houses of the United States for each year ended September 30, 1914 to 1937; comparative statement of the exchanges of clearing houses of the United States, by cities, for years ended September 30, 1937 and 1936; and comparative statement of transactions of clearing-house associations in the 12 Federal Reserve bank cities and elsewhere in years ended September 30, 1937 and 1936. ALL ACTIVE BANKS IN THE UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS It has been customary in the past for the Comptroller to obtain summaries of the returns of all banks other than national in the country for but one date each year, namely, June 30, which together with the reports of national banks made it possible to include in his annual reports to Congress the consolidated returns of all classes of banks for that date. In the year 1936, however, summaries of all banks were also obtained for the first time as of December 31. The figures shown in the following statement reflect the assets and liabilities of all banks in the United States and possessions as of the latter date. (Summaries by States and classes of banks are published in the appendix of this report.) Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, ' classes, at the close of business Dec. SI, 1986 CO to [In thousands of dollars] Total all banks Number of banks 15,704 ASSETS Loans on real estate Other loans, including rediscounts.. Overdrafts _ U. S. Government securities, direct and fully guaranteed ' Other bonds and securities Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house — Cash in vault Balances with other banks, including reserve with reserve agents Other assets - 8, 500,175 13,104,844 13,108 17,497, 059 10. 700,905 1, 346,665 1,288,396 1,025,586 15,871, 668 772,883 Total assets National banks 5,331 1,432,062 6,835, 266 3,882 8, 685, 554 4,094,490 633,095 176, 506 518, 503 8,462,578 228, 505 All banks other than national Banks other than national State (commercial)1 Mutual savings Private 9,682 565 126 7, 068,113 6, 269,578 9,226 8, 811, 505 6, 606,415 713, 570 1,111,890 507, 083 7, 409,090 544,378 2,128,223 6,070, 565 7,789 6,135,414 3,782,432 572,728 411, 535 449, 492 6,779, 626 398,933 4,936,720 97,494 2,356,774 2, 690,183 133,381 698,684 56,025 507,153 97,367 3,170 101,519 1,437 319,317 133,800 7,461 1,671 1,566 122,311 48,078 10,373 70,121,289 31,070,441 39, 050,848 26, 736, 737 11, 573, 781 740,330 24,770,038 23,887, 355 3,358,907 1,124, 463 7,079, 554 934, 697 12, 691, 606 7, 281,494 2,057,872 658, 230 4,450,048 469,147 12, 078, 432 16,605,861 1,301,035 466, 233 2, 629, 506 465, 550 11, 632,420 6,427,964 1,298,635 466, 233 2, 530, 277 464,875 702 10,143, 561 602 445,310 34,336 1,798 147 38 99,082 637 61,155,014 55,456 566 1,215 270, 399 72,157 27,608,897 2,588 62 835 94,630 47,636 S3,546,617 52,868 504 380 175, 769 24, 521 22,820,4.O4. 45,330 501 380 130,160 22,877 10,145,050 3,721 33, 644 390,514 28, 642 116, 641 5,002 273,873 335,081 1,263,734 1,046,582 204,845 189,268 1,300,086 2,687,379 LIABILITIES Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations: Demand... TimeState, county, and municipal deposits U. S. Government and postal savings deposits__ Deposits of other banks _ Certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit, etc - —. Total deposits Bills payable Rediscounts Agreements to repurchase securities sold Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Dividends declared but not payable and amounts set aside for undeclared dividends and for accrued interest on capital notes and debenturesOther liabilities Capital notes and debentures.. Preferred stock Common Stock „• Surplus 204,845 524, 349 2, 563,820 3,733,961 681,163 3,817 1,635 45, 609 9 2,968 244,952 2,034 24,264 4,657 187, 310 189, 268 1,255,458 1,365,700 17, 535 44,628 33,667 Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies _ __ _ Retirement fund for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures Total capital account-Total liabilities, including capital account 651,406 448,972 14, 971 307 368, 525 146,467 10, 621 282,881 302, 505 4,350 210,588 256,491 4,350 71,986 19,544 8,142,324 3,171, 010 4,971,314 3, 469,165 1, 397,077 105,072 70,121, 289 31, 070, 441 11,573,781 740,330 _, 39,050,848 26,736,737 26,470 i Includes loan and trust companies and stock savings banks. NOTE.—The foregoingfiguresfor each class of banks, by States, are published in the appendix of this report. o H The following statement shows a summary of reports of condition of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by classes, on June 30, 1937: Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by classes, at the close of business June 80, 1987 Banks other than national Total all banks N u m b e r of b a n k s _ _ _ _ _ _ 15,580 National banks State (commercial) i Mutual savings 3 Private 5,299 10,281 9,632 564 85 215,188 1,292,082 2, 298, 715 73, 782 354, 545 6, 739, 597 2, 609, 304 53,379 314,672 1, 872, 524 2, 539,197 52, 481 39,048 4,864, 787 26,213 3 825 2,286 43,894 895 358, 776 4, 569, 239 842,103 3, 279, 016 815,136 3,165,910 8,608 72,294 18,359 40,812 8,807,782 5,113 13,877,944 7,337 8,759,920 6,146 5,010,953 8 107,071 1,183 ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts): Real estate loans, mortgages, deeds of trust, and other liens on real estate: 569, 733 On farm land 8,031, 679 On other real estate . __ _ __ __ ._ _ __ 4,908, 019 Loans secured by U. S. Government and other bonds, stocks, and securities (exclusive of loans to banks) . 127,161 Loans to banks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Commercial paper bought in open market; acceptances payable in United States, and notes, bills, and 1, 200,879 acceptances payable in foreign countries _ _ All other loans _ _- _ 7, 848, 255 22,685, 726 Total 12, 450 Overdrafts _ _ _ _- _. w o o K [In thousands of dollars] All banks other than national O w H o o See footnotes at end of table. CO CO Assets of liabilities of all active banks in the United States and possessions, by classes, at the close of business June SO, 1987—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Banks other than national Investments: U. S. Government securities (direct obligations) Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government as to interest and principal: Reconstruction Finance Corporation _ _ Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation _ Home Owners' Loan Corporation Total U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed Obligations of— Federal land banks. _ Federal intermediate credit banks States, counties, and municipalities _ Territorial and insular possessions of the United States _ Bonds, notes, and debentures (not including stock) of railroads, public utilities, real estate and other domestic corporations _ Stock of Federal Reserve bank and other domestic corporations Foreign government bonds and other foreign securities .__ Total.. -.. Banking house, furniture and fixtures _ Real estate owned other than banking house Cash in vault Amounts due from banks (including reserve with Federal Reserve banks or other reserve agents), cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house. Other assets (including securities borrowed, acceptances of other banks, and bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement, and customers' liability on account of acceptances) _ Total assets Demand deposits: LIABILITIES Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations U. S. Government deposits State, county, and municipal deposits— Deposits of other banks and trust companies: In the United States In foreign countries.Total _... Total all banks National banks All banks other than national 14, 569,033 6,902,521 7,6664 512 5,155,018 223, 299 561. 958 1,614,196 16,968,486 153,189 28S, 099 875, 386 70,110 273,859 738,810 70,110 206,977 555, 578 65,463 180,038 1,419 3,194 8,219,195 8,749,291 5, 987,683 2, 391,027 870,581 212,734 134, 554 3, 572, 402 27, 527 125,494 73, 545 1,451, 629 13, 589 87,240 61,009 2,120, 773 13,938 77, 262 60, 784 1, 244,396 11, 451 9,260 74 828, 413 2,396 718 151 47,964 91 5,183, 643 827,107 347,686 1,822,824 252,046 163,965 3,350,819 575,061 183, 721 1, 569, 794 420, 032 117,956 1, 756,645 126,816 63,338 34,380 28, 213 2,427 27, 274,139 12,122, 287 15,151,852 9, 489,358 5,177, 969 484, 525 1, 349, 208 1, 261,049 635, 670 162,409 444, 598 713, 538 1, 098, 640 572, 706 399,085 456, 597 133, 500 697,998 55, 577 7,332 1,557 1,545 6,108, 759 473,474 154,793 361,585 95, 262 State (commercial) i Mutual savings Private 2,145, 526 513, 719 958,317 7,933,271 6, 737, 026 14, 670,297 729,883 68, 941,069 30,337,071 503,942 38, 603, 998 26,154,156 11, 644, 741 47,095 805,101 23,698,641 672,885 3,233,847 12, 430,183 379,331 1,973,578 11, 268,458 293,554 1, 260,269 10, 745,037 293, 554 1,257,678 3,752 519,669 ""475' 5,892,413 332,001 3,416, 233 266, 661 2,437,179 13, 542 17 33,829,787 18,465, 986 2, 476,180 65.340 15,363,801 14, 746, 990 4,244 225, 941 38,984 51, 798 612,567 CO t^> 0 H 1 J^ Time deposits (including postal savings): State, county, and municipal deposits... Deposits of other banks and trust companies Other time deposits: Deposits evidenced by savings pass books: Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) Open accounts...Christmas savings and similar accounts Postal savings deposits _ _ Total... I Certified and cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash and outstanding and amounts due to reserve agents (transit account) Total deposits Bills payable... Rediscounts Agreements to repurchase securities sold Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid... _ Dividends declared but not payable and amounts set aside for undeclared dividends and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures Other liabilities (including securities borrowed and acceptances of other banks and bills of exchange or drafts sold with endorsement) _ ._. Capital stock, capital notes and debentures: Capital notes and debentures. _ Preferred stock 2 Common stock __ ± Surplus — Undivided profits, net * Reserves for contingencies Retirement fund for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures Total capital account Total liabilities, including capital account - 345,414 126,889 229,888 107,693 115, 526 19,196 114,854 18,997 603 199 22,181,865 1, 378,132 878,806 132,882 133, 950 6, 511, 352 591, 423 305, 715 61,352 88,542 15, 670,513 7S6, 709 573, 091 71, 530 45,408 5, 478,972 780, 716 545, 735 51, 348 45,408 10,185, 271 467 2,381 20,158 6,270 5,526 24,975 24 25,177, 938 7,895, 965 17, 281, 973 7,036, 030 10, 209,079 36,864 814,645 403, 962 410,683 409,722 79 59, 822, 370 26, 765, 913 33,056, 457 22,192, 742 10, 213,402 650,313 44, 443 2,005 193 163, 370 19, 738 35, 901 2,005 193 121,066 17,961 2,768 5,774 1,775 42,304 2 52, 411 2,567 869 276, 780 70, 959 7,968 562 676 113, 410 51, 221 45,255 27, 703 17, 552 14, 052 3,500 433,427 157,453 275,974 248,744 19, 513 167, 992 173, 218 1, 266,808 1, 394. 560 235, 857 273, 210 9,847 16,972 298,977 1, 283,154 1, 073,154 389, 233 155, 623 12, 024 184, 964 173, 218 1, 310, 337 2, 627, 330 398, 504 319, 645 10, 268 184, 964 472,195 2, 593, 491 3, 700,484 787, 737 475, 268 22,292 1,200,294 162, 231 23,865 421 8, 236, 431 3, 212,165 5,024, 266 3, 521, 492 1, 403,783 18, 941,069 30,337,071 38, 603, 998 26,154,156 11,644, 741 7,717 43,529 32, 476 416 22, 570 805,101 1 Includes loan and trust companies and stock savings banks, which were shown separately in reports prior to 1936. See reference to consolidation of statements of these 3 classes of banks made on p. 153. 2 The common capital stock reported for banks other than national represents the par value of such stock. In the case of national banks, however, the common capital shown represents the net book value. The par value of common capital stock of national banks on June 30, 1937, aggregated $1,288,749,000. 8 s o w o ^ o d The following table shows the approximate population of each State, number of active banks, assets and liabilities, a classification of loans and discounts, investments, capital and demand and time deposits, June 30, 1937. (Summaries by States and classes of banks are published in the appendix of this report.) CO C7I Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States, Alaska, and insular possessions, June 1987 (includes National, State (commercial), savings, and private banks) l Assets (in thousands of dollars) Population Num- Loans and (approxi- ber of discounts mate) banks (including rediscounts) Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont _ Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut _ Total New England States. New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware ^ Maryland _ District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia. North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee _. _. _ Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois 859,000 512,000 383,000 4,456,000 686,000 1,746,000 103 109 91 395 35 196 111, 123 99,447 87,984 1,883, 797 181,670 603,871 Overdrafts Investments 10 3 12 101 7 25 209,887 173,603 78,714 1,832,867 284,461 563,324 Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house Cash in vault 3,996 4,062 3,413 67, 733 16,665 30,360 4,747 8,892 20,491 175, 248 9,884 58,232 6,784 3,544 2,796 50,372 9,047 22,802 Amounts due from banks * 49,278 24,632 17,782 494, 085 50,260 159,262 Other 823 372 1,574 37,052 2,087 8,281 Total assets 386,648 314,555 212,766 4, 541,255 554,081 1,446,157 8,642,000 929 2, 967,892 158 3,142,856 126,229 277,494 95,345 795,299 50,189 7,455,462 13,026,000 4, 359,000 10,208,000 261,0Q0 1,686,000 623,000 910 416 1,122 48 199 22 8,463,773 750,210 1,548,274 78,767 210,090 5,128 52 104 6 16 35 8,691, 770 996, 506 3,025,916 103,143 470,406 142,309 392,194 75,996 164,435 3,929 16.224 15.225 476,314 105,127 148,941 2,526 7,867 4,272 151,647 41,744 91,857 3,289 13,421 9,060 4,819,515 344, 740 1,170,153 47,442 195, 360 80, 622 394, 798 14,359 65,471 559 3,152 884 23,395,139 2,328,734 6,215,151 239,661 916,536 355,296 30,163,000 2,717 11,154,003 5,341 13,430,050 668,003 745,047 311, 018 6, 657,832 479, 223 33,450,517 2,690,000 1,843,000 3,481,000 1,873,000 3,082,000 1,654,000 2, 884,000 2,022,000 2,137,000 6,160,000 2,037,000 2,904,000 2,884,000 323 186 239 151 285 162 217 207 146 874 223 437 312 262,344 124,527 147,823 48,646 202, 657 75,532 105,285 58,977 121,352 430,312 53,059 212,368 192,385 48 38 319 16 41 619 201 737 74 154 190 188,370 98,457 146, 747 52,699 93,913 167,482 102,900 77,318 173,308 442,260 61,801 161,040 155,158 17,829 9,669 9,385 2,460 14,145 9,038 7,814 4,775 9,961 38,132 3,187 9,812 15,490 8,031 7,685 3,699 1,312 6,436 2,331 7,442 2,720 3,339 10,456 2,362 7,189 6,381 13, 752 9,668 11, 711 5,307 9,604 10,465 8, 062 5,984 9,152 28,101 4,072 14,838 9,855 147,526 88,070 108,137 47,072 115, 062 115,629 79, 685 54, 808 148,519 528,195 62,890 119,482 164,990 2,829 1,426 3,019 804 1,158 1,731 1,878 2,708 3,128 3,144 671 8,155 3,180 640,729 339,535 430,529 158,338 443.294 382,224 313,107 207,909 468,960 1,481,337 188,116 533,038 547,629 35,651,000 3,762 2,035,267 2,478 1,921,453 151,697 69,383 140,571 1,780,065 33,831 6,134,745 63,751 22, 537 49,345 37,668 12,954 18,505 63,299 27,380 64,089 569,531 229,675 1,250,192 10,133 2,321 34,446 2,623,665 953,204 4,312,761 6,761,000 3,483,000 7,900,000 713 530 882 841,600 257,907 999,878 132 47 291 1,037,551 400,383 1,896,015 CO Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota. Iowa.. Missouri . . . . . _ .. __ _ Total Middle Western States North Dakota South D a k o t a . . . . Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado.,. _. New Mexico Oklahoma. _ _ Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho— Utah Nevada.Arizona . Total Pacific States Alaska . . . The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico Philippines _ Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and possessions _ . 4,817,000 2,929,000 2,653,000 2,561,000 3,987,000 470 605 688 660 668 354,172 249,612 294,864 236, 012 433,750 90 83 195 102 203 744,001 467,454 445, 580 242,734 580,634 26,314 20,941 18,373 9,989 19,282 8,835 7,900 3,827 2,103 14,519 40,933 20,474 13,778 15,859 19,601 397,472 222,819 265,318 172, 580 458, 641 5,970 4,386 4,838 1,071 4,893 1,577,787 993,669 1,046,773 680,450 1, 531,523 35,091,000 5,216 3, 667,795 1,143 5,814, 352 230,532 106,311 265,413 3,566,228 68,058 13,719,832 708,000 697,000 1,374,000 1,899,000 535,000 235,000 1,073,000 425,000 2,546,000 191 181 432 701 117 58 149 41 401 24,630 33,449 107,046 138,789 30,907 23,800 81,373 17,159 130,812 25 49 84 143 50 28 48 16 123 33,715 119,539 140,107 61, 985 18,975 128,327 20,226 150, 540 2,742 2,943 7,897 10, 626 3,574 1,431 4,505 1,171 10, 076 1,145 831 778 2,749 468 172 935 175 562 1,764 2 211 5,182 7,705 3,537 2,048 7,194 1,730 6,813 16, 745 24,856 109,759 155,362 46,957 19,549 129, 645 19,119 195, 738 362 599 1,053 1,322 455 85 939 71 1,063 81,128 99 482 351,338 456,803 147,933 66,088 352,966 59,667 495,727 9,492,000 2,271 587,965 566 707,958 44,965 7,815 38,184 717, 730 5,949 2,111,132 1,655,000 1,024,000 6,102,000 488,000 519,000 101,000 409,000 179 80 238 53 59 10 13 194,287 82, 588 1,716,291 26,653 53,695 7,598 24,759 172 71 1,781 44 118 18 15 210,221 141, 232 1,662,985 43,648 58,932 15,110 32,490 9,629 6,702 97,853 1,946 2,240 683 1,622 1,858 1,166 44,339 137 654 67 726 11,153 6,486 42, 057 2,946 2,175 1,169 2,783 137,325 71,417 772, 034 27, 714 45,933 10, 539 26, 510 2,061 2,062 28,839 673 361 167 383 566, 706 311,724 4,366,179 103,761 164,108 35 351 89,288 10,298,000 632 2,105,871 2,219 2,164,618 120,675 48,947 68,769 1,091,472 34,546 5,637,117 62,000 399,000 1,774,000 13,439,000 22,000 13 13 13 13 1 5,357 40,580 24, 660 95,784 552 14 21 510 5,709 54,075 3,012 29,419 637 421 3,270 1,026 2,377 13 71 1, 557 1,198 3,221 5 1 496 7,519 6 324 23,492 186 137 1,847 31,836 24,251 16 O H w o o 17 088 130, 359 76 061 207,087 1,669 15,696, 000 53 166,933 545 92,852 7,107 6,052 39, 017 61, 671 58,087 432,264 . 145,033,000 15,580 22, 685, 726 12,450 27, 274,139 1,349,208 1,261, 049 958,317 14, 670,297 729, 883 68,941, 069 i Includes also loan and trust companies and stock savings banks. * Includes reserve with Federal Reserve banks or other reserve agents, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house. 3 883 21,490 7,495 28,543 260 O W H W O d 3 a CO Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States, Alaska, and insular possessions, June 1937 (includes national, State (commercial), savings and private banks)*—Continued Liabilities (in thousands of dollars) Location Time Demand deposits (includdeposits ing postal savings) Certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit, Total deand posits amounts due to reserve (transit account) 1,344 Maine 83,137 251,010 1,395 47,497 225,178 New Hampshire 26, 621 784 143,011 Vermont., 1,372,116 2, 584, 625 22,972 Massachusetts 130, 455 343, 229 2,156 Rhode Island. 344, 621 920, 499 Connecticut.. _ 8,237 Total New England States 2, 004, 447 4, 467, 552 New York. 12, 111, 689 7, 337,873 462,344 774,164 1, 239, 440 17,083 New Jersey 2, 719, 958 2,443,088 29,470 Pennsylvania 113, 697 4,758 75,375 Delaware 375,434 2,797 428,623 Maryland 194, 511 5,973 108,327 District of Columbia Total Eastern States 16, 289. 453 11, 632, 726 522,425 Virginia 287,097 4,458 West Virginia 160, 580 3,941 122, 959 North Carolina 257, 215 7,220 110, 244 108,160 1,226 South Carolina 32, 481 262, 761 1,266 Georgia 113, 067 270, 966 2,866 Florida. _. 69, 564 170, 233 1,432 91, 953 Alabama 118, 221 705 62,907 Mississippi.-_ 315,448 2,739 100,824 Louisiana 1,083,321 13,990 203,409 Texas__ Agreements toreBills Redis- purcounts chase securities sold 335,491 274,070 170,416 3,979, 713 475,840 1,273,357 467 634 793 3,022 125 709 6,508,887 19,911,906 2,030, 687 5,192,516 193,830 806,854 308,811 5,750 21,079 4,278 1,691 114 100 28,444, 604 27,262 224 568 839 389 1,683 115 586 179 98 618 552,453 287,480 374,679 141,867 377,094 343,396 263, 618 181,833 419,011 1,300,720 1,488 85 1,573 Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks Other liabilities Capital stock 3 Surplus Undivided profits, net Retirement fund for preReferred serves stock for con- and tingen- capital cies notes and debentures 125 110 348 5,455 347 823 218 69 429 6,627 804 1,773 20,137 7,422 23,276 117, 736 20, 924 44,114 9,230 970 7,688 18, 757 1,135 8,192 86 33 1.070 538 31 424 7,208 9,920 233, 609 408, 206 201, 523 45, 972 838, 656 1, 946, 212 71, 762 151, 772 89, 558 25, 930 18, 660 140, 211 323, 870 457, 623 110, 518 81, 465 1.218 26,045 5,626 12, 079 7,649 38, 587 21,611 38, 478 1,640 14, 222 7,463 21, 244 2,182 7,938 12,818 20, 740 10,373 4,282 4,298 251, 468 132,138 5,124 45, 599 78,163 36, 788 20,301 732 82 500 21,115 10, 590 217,357 63 326 14,389 451 12 10. 249 2,680 6,606 237 710 726 16, 544 205, 885 2,066 11, 922 3,329 21,460 239 246 424 1,282 197 761 63 232, 535 21,208 52 389 194 766 113 198 788 404 350 731 2,286 22, 799 241, 556 1, 374, 538 2, 572, 247 242, 910 262, 404 46,002 22, 623 9,283 728 3,735 5,137 13, 853 5,323 28, 497 90 343 2.877 13, 532 6,960 26, 749 269 2,314 3,229 49 9,284 3,776 2,321 112 281 16, 360 7,061 605 33, 828 1,778 3,994 10, 255 3,131 211 22, 667 687 938 10, 987 4,903 341 28,645 623 2,109 1,976 112 17,142 5,189 384 410 5,175 11,431 27,103 388 1,029 1,910 42, 743 23,602 1,378 102,168 1,050 4,969 "664 145 138 134 166 5,000 3,420 1,732 Dividends declared but not yet pay-2 able 500 101 453 4 54 Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid 13 158 2 261 5 1,194 498 2,229 2,353 1,599 27 390 220 6,818 103 168 512 146 84 30 563 329 889 1,185 00 Arkansas _ Kentucky _Tennessee,Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois ._ Michigan Wisconsin _ -,___, Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total;Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas _ _ -Montana Wyoming -Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma. Total W e s t e r n States Washington Oregon California Idaho . Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States. Alaska, „ The Territory of Hawaii. Puerto Rico Philippines Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and possessions—. 1 2 1 116,586 283,109 316,023 45,709 149,580 161, 945 1,092 11,936 2,611 163,387 444,625 480, 579 293 976 123 3. 749, 720 1, 227,036 522,274 2, 925, 484 779, 570 433, 393 537, 925 396, 356 1,054. 476 1, 525, 540 1,068,379 317,207 949, 670 637, 334 423, 903 392,245 212,957 293,161 55,482 22,802 8,302 34,091 13,045 8,026 11, 464 5,962 11,822 5, 330, 742 2,318, 217 847, 783 3,909, 245 1, 429,949 865,322 941,634 615,275 1,359,459 6,691 755 140 252 110 20 7, 876, 514 4, 294,856 29, 986 26,793 65,903 78, 492 41, 790 21, 229 96,308 11,080 85, 096 115, 514 12,286,884 69, 522 86, 742 312,939 403, 257 131,812 58, 353 319,721 54, 974 444,890 7. 553 24 25 100 359 10 8 13 456, 677 209,937 106, 810 2, 203, 734 27,540 57,507 11,974 24,829 19, 589 4.148 2,930 49,914 724 1,037 879 1,046 2, 336, 739 8,782 49, 592 33,633 74,494 2, 642, 331 6,284 58,896 28,889 63,190 60,678 101 786 -fc.145 1,036 1. 882,210 512,863 285,432 3,888,077 94,316 144,627 32,603 81,830 5,039,748 15,167 109 274 64,667 138, 720 539 298, 778 175, 692 1, 634, 429 66,052 86,083 19, 750 55,955 469 166, 970 997 158, 256 1 4,069 1,467 329, 295 456 33,829, 787 25,177,938 814,645 59,822,370 52,411 38, 891 59,115 243, 812 321, 420 88, 047 36, 638 220, 296 43 226 354, 499 1, 405, 944 645 834 3,224 3,345 1,975 486 3.117 668 5,295 12 725 25 18 781 190 42 74 1 118 6,158 344 44 164 14, 851 1,527 14,112 38, 412 38,156 4,881 22, 283 13, 346 3,848 6,865 8,731 1,097 4,204 3,669 115 159 93 7,131 6,631 908 11,168 1,151 867 1,729 119 676 4,751 28, 597 8,848 1,769 5,258 4,051 13, 540 4,258 1, 240 11,483 432, 765 191. 259 68, 624 26,367 95,997 28, 625 18,194 29, 491 15, 375 34, 826 89,079 34. 824 25, 574 12, 796 38, 814 16, 983 14, 283 10, 746 7,999 22,675 9,738 3,403 41, 239 8,546 6,138 3.485 2,758 7,357 4,376 2,091 1,185 595 335 725 166 609 78 50, 447 52 154 242 552 109 59 307 14 386 784,107 317, 499 149,870 2,530 662 2,096 1,353 8,648 3,998 13,009 7,387 3,579 2,590 2,111 1.058 9,770 4', 684 1,312 299 13,028 6,472 82, 664 1,855 129,923 1,643 951 50, 065 24 393 277 299 28, 719 11,197 209, 215 5,167 10, 624 1,025 3,584 56,083 12,186 7,313 113, 578 1,680 3,825 373 2,153 28,501 7,704 3.977 55,110 1,223 3,017 916 497 53, 652 269, 531 141.108 72, 444 500 5,230 41, 662 840 9,470 3,386 12,331 570 5,944 704 6,847 377 1,265 382 1,374 8 47,400 150 26,177 17 14,082 3,410 21 66 358 280 12, 953 2,268 569 577 3,692 15 292 9 85 21 13, 591 5,239 807 35 J 185 2,970 54 72 9 56 3,697 5,635 94 52 5 10 204 66 212 11 25 431 2,567 207 290 775 223 2 1,274 869 276, 780 70,959 Includes also dividend checks and travelers' checks sold for cash and outstanding. Includes amounts set aside for undeclared dividends and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures. Includes capital notes and debentures. (See classification on pp. 142-143.) 1,009 536 2,471 966 229 203 34 532 5,980 116 47 4,160 120 265 195 23, 249 99 130 273 187 171 13 872 1 522 31 12 4,113 3, 615 1,253 36 3,790 7 50 155 99 398 417 180, 858 58,189 203,932 87,063 74, 301 54, 906 36, 923 87,935 115 251 1, 958 842 425 233 2,468 181 1,196 5,784 54 63 512 80 31 30 96 48 93 7, 669 1,007 2, 214 1, 652 24, 940 1,143 1,106 103 648 31, 806 129 3, 459 1,388 4,947 99 160 1,445 139 105 36 136 2, 120 6 9,929 5 45,255 433,427 3,250, 650 3,700,484 787,737 475, 268 22, 292 4 17 107 222 4 77 162 17 197 5 3 3 2 13 8,066 8,651 22, 469 30,856 9,197 4,136 14, 873 2,790 28,885 12 5 CO CO Assets and liabilities of all active banks in the United States, Alaska, and insular possessions, June 1987 {includes national. State {commercial), savings and private banks)—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts Real-estate loans, mortgages, deeds of trust, and other liens on real estate Location On farm land Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States On other real estate Commercial paper bought Loans in open on securities Loans market; (excluto and sive of banks bills, loans to acceptbanks) ances, etc., payable 48,722 16,767 642 63,991 14,101 7,024 ... 21,309 31,921 i, 171,223 203,585 5,171 1, 32,065 82 99,945 1,114 77,549 133 1,650 411,882 England 27,728 1,827,684 351,091 5,515 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States 16,150 3,408, 762 2, 508, 70869,349 34,612 342,797 120,562 2,193 22,523 423,640 468, 111 9,173 25,976 690 24,921 3,116 10,093 79,061 39,072 1,397 26,068 120 118 34,935 86,612 4,314,116 3,188,497 82,922 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana 16,415 4,731 7,064 1,838 7,678 1,991 4,964 _ _ 7,033 50,204 34,877 19,261 5,612 24,081 13,119 13,021 10,221 18,983 Investments 45,855 26,350 28,417 5,116 34,593 17,143 12,448 5,678 19,010 771 130 1,160 274 3,194 1,294 556 348 1,427 Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government as to interest and principal All other loans U.S. Government se- Recurities con- Federal Home (direct Farm Owners' Fedobliga- struction MortLoaneral tions) FiCorland nance gage Corporabanks Cortion pora- poration tion 5,065 3,568 6,019 88,418 15.070 19,096 38,636 17,101 40, 743 21,711 23,691 414,235 1,037,695 33,394 134,301 93,561 214,144 46 2,609 5,458 2,821 2,300 7,426 4,356 "~I45 4,391 13,924 5,133 4,150 16,695 10,185 27,826 137.236 618,638 1,533,843 2,560 27,061 77,913 , 757,461 5,082,047 114,105 703,343 1, 23,279 226,767 412,207 2,099 1,359,187 475 41,941 31,327 10 5,305 18,759 3,259 77,208 276, 776 100 97,438 2,515 39,133 779,642 2,702,214 7,258,982 116, 789 2,951 3,080 3,674 1,060 1,137 5,632 2,605 587 1,371 146,148 55,359 88,247 34,746 131,974 36,353 71,691 32,874 73,528 Obligations of— 97,408 42,323 62,150 22,461 44,689 83.996 40.997 17,624 97,844 509,745 62,048 53,171 158,489 596 7,151 8,022 13, 956 3,724 15, 393 155,179 766,782 81,002 508 6,466 4,151 7,727 50 2,212 16 2,626 200 9,277 6,669 15 1,822 1,979 19,154 10, 795 11, 531 5,642 8,026 28, 690 9,059 5,232 13,397 FedStates, eral inter- counmedi- ties, and municiate credit palities i banks 660 43 342 4,802 368 590 25 4,543 731 2,722 10, 256 11,641 5,026 141, 615 10,714 44,374 9,648 8,064 223,628 17,277 54,712 1,035,887 "' 140,355 6,753 646 284,793 25,218 62 15,202 186 558 20, 794 9,299 110 2,647 2,803 61,536 56,922 1,499,678 3,961 2,679 3,191 700 689 2,296 717 648 785 799 445 223 201 2,634 1,500 7 101 25,027 11,991 55,029 17,447 13,646 25,991 32,492 47,404 48,827 Territorial and insular possessions of the United States 108 56 27 2,221 57 77 Stock of FedBonds, eral notes, Reand serve deben- bank tures of and railother roads, domesetc 2 tic corporations 83,708 82,943 34,056 533,032 84,903 184,626 8,342 17, 662 5,029 68,146 35,790 41,570 Foreign government bonds and other foreign securities 6,922 7,081 3,478 14,392 3,056 42,859 2,546 1,003,268 176, 539 77, 788 2,440 1, 411,822 286,467 3,139 317, 238 32,211 1,575 957,492 132,096 71 41,878 V" 237 125,088 10,260 14,476 4,163 300 7,762 2, 867, 994 469,685 96,266 10,958 52. 774 2,172 5,316 1,255 >8, 741 27,039 18, 735 4,703 2,745 16,250 12,943 9,810 3.078 4,363 1,673 1,397 68 195 947 871 822 169 709 4 15 26 226 90, 452 V 6,292 5,872 2,121 1,031 4,364 1,492 2,237 773 4,565 Texas Arkansas. _ Kentucky. Tennessee, Total Southern States... 14,005 4,702 20,137 10,417 110,244 35,389 59,582 1,570 6,776 7,270 173 39,588 31,535 3,711 19,760 34,877 765 290,892 327,874 15,373 Ohio 38, 565 287,968 172,283 3,202 Indiana 23,659 70,517 28,252 1,384 Illinois 23,758 64,619 264,039 4,424 Michigan _ 188 10, 923 98,644 43,016 Wisconsin _ 20,446 46,835 42,274 3,165 Minnesota 16,217 32. 285 34,254 1,787 327 43,244 28,086 19,670 Iowa. 74,906 5,114 17,577 Missouri _ Total Middle Western 194,389 703,860 692,591 19,591 States North Dakota f! South Dakota 2,044 Nebraska. 6,934 Kansas 10,740 Montana 1,262 Wyoming 1,175 Colorado 2,421 New Mexico 572 Oklahoma 3,488 Total Western States. .- 30,634 Washington . Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States 2,344 2,963 3,501 11,222 2,489 1,947 7,819 1,849 7,074 41,208 3,943 46,230 10,667 2,342 106,231 731,930 3,015 1,305 15,832 2,774 2,581 316 5,032 861 117, 772 815,287 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico Philippines.. Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions 1,648 535 1,598 15,062 1,021 20, 792 78 2,354 159 38,632 1,246 1,514 9,990 9,662 2,965 1,773 13,857 777 11,135 52,919 32 210 313 18 8 60 652 1,293 72 17,245 23 10,491 237,876 1,705 22 1,661 26 6,954 887 500 2,348 277,462 2,348 19 15,158 291 2,114 17,585 36 119 4,460 315,306 1,051 33,087 13,106 104,291 5,423 121,143 46,137 1,244, 747 260,673 790 12,166 22, 619 41 2,622 69,715 57 11,486 6,692 68,958 931,457 1,709 75,895 1,922 1,012 83,607 845 1,339 1,091 491 5.371 92,994' 32,972 6,940 3,290 7,217 1,224 498 20,536 10,089 4,763 795 24,112 12,454 1,731 1,975 48,015 174,258 30, 324 13, 306 463, 511 21,531 17,180 32,890 15, 665 16,437 18,031 16,604 15, 308 23,260 7,' 1,122 487 5,562 737 35, 620 2,588 1,693 774 9,050 5,''"" 173f158 44,980 10, 927 6,407 1,700 9,487 11,017 57 2,071 430 5,1 135,935 46,228 259,559 84,733 34, 249 82, 226 55,785 76,839 2,658 1,949 1,771 331 206 309 1,138 958 176,249 19,869 18,587 5,733 3,912 76.657 207,491 19,935 11, 552 3,473 6,757 108,399 3,216 6,691 151,460 67,872 3,024 5,466 3,372 1,712 40,910 56, 521 33,012 2,051 157,006 1,900,358 3, 234,512 95, 678 153,646 385,220 !9, 636 36,865 885, 559 91,634 56, 728 16,054 11,386 54,315 14,651 12,899 11,273 18, 732 17,696 323, 528 523, 699 122, 709 207.898 588, 723 1,191,828 186, 750 416,470 225,813 123,993 199,048 240, 725 101,170 125,953 229,654 326.909 '635 16 1,409 35,931 775, 554 9,320 24 84 275 44 15 71 245 1,111 111, 218 540 12,663 116,791 11,681 1,097 824 37, 967 250 10,363 79, 611 55,908 23, 260 9,302 245 550 71, 606 121,893 5,498 6,742 342, 738 619,180 941,836 406 3,377 23,426 955 19, 311 8,237 133 8 3,022 34,014 8,717 4*407 27,474 15 1,382 25 1,129 7,461 2,725 1,619 20 3,798 199 15,751 823 4,444 14,609 4,467 291 2,424 857,071 1,213,317 1, 779 102,983 157, 744 7,478 12, 347 428, 111 1,441 51 84 123 19 1,834 27,426 15,823 124,564 1,911 4,269 1,732 3,547 179,272 1,456 5,233 589 1,789 31,280 14,837 550 204 173 2,841 32 45 467 257 36,672 23,081 558 490 7, 312 23 7,567i 1,525 684 817 2,124 13,222 626 7,784 192 177 776 2,162 9 7 1,444 1,270 558 15,392 3,026 211 23,967 2,406 14,635 14,094 66,767 67,6X0 36,034 11,037 80,165 11,384 54,262 355,988 169 848 471 11,856 3,571 9,383 21,146 60,487 2,590 26,922 1,318 9,978 1 311 94,898 126 40,934 13,345 35,208 8,100 23, 280 2,314 1,484 5,356 3,405 10, < 56 7,869 432 110 11,364 581 206 21, 209 4,952 36,192 2,.3O9 3,436 1,251 106 8.898 162 40 3,300 1,194 1,972 15,958 3,882 729 2.321 566 57,858 13, 931 6,492 166, 530 1,575 2,288 5,729 8,607 3,802 323 3,065 833 5,360 31, 582 430,329 10,00.6 3,157 19,369 95,486 30,014 54,615 93,997 26, 502 19,409 17. 71" 47,480 235 3,202 76 2,110 351 9,917 367 12,699 950 2,860 1,216 140 5,955 1,074 2,665 6,642 4,784 45, 675 2,224 1,953 5,022 12,434 3,411 901 6,092 1,760 17,442 51,239 637 345 1 51 1,519 1,040 130 51 Total United States and possessions 569,733 8? 031, 679 4,908,019 127,161 1, 200,879 7,848,255 14, 569,033 223, 299 561,958 1,614,196 212, 734 134, 554 3, 572,402 i Including school, irrigation, drainage, and reclamation districts, and instrumentalities of one or more States. a Includes bonds, notes, and debentures of public utilities, real estate, and other domestic corporations. 584 258 122 38 1,9 116 4,428 3,682 8,958 3,518 6?785 1,841 14,007 1,043 6,163 50,425 248 224 715 858 379 160 857 193 1,557 5,191 362 266 1,167 640 1,296 247 1,742 83 789 6,592 198 3,829 27, 527 5,183,643 827,107 347,686 and liabilities of all active banks in the United States, Alaska, and insular possessions, June 1987 {includes national, State {commercial), savings, and private banks)'—Continued to [In thousands of dollars] Capital stock, capital notes and debentures Demand deposits Time deposits Deposits of other banks Location Maine _ New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts... Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England StatesNew York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia.. Total Eastern States. Virginia West Virginia. „_ North Carolina. South Carolina _. Georgia Florida _. Alabama Mississippi. Louisiana Texas Capital Prenotes and de- ferred stock bentures 1,379 8,024 7,603 1,231 8,149 15,699 1,579 8,255 Deposits State, of individU.S. county, Common uals, part- Govern- and mustock nerships, ment de- nicipal and corpo- posits deposits rations 11,155 6,191 7,103 102,037 19,345 35,859 64,901 36, 610 23,365 1,012,429 108,056 275,860 948 404 314 49,340 515 3,616 9,403 42, 516 181,690 1,521,221 55,137 70,723 600 29,156" 62,045 45,109 188 2,899 1,562 738,777 8,326,576 584,872 77, 566 278,761 1,979,105 103,904 11, 699 264,374 29, 346 171,943 18, 250 341,072 9,011 45,128 1,271 12,832 584 192 6,233 1,432 9,843 7,443 5,371 5,112 1,812 1,130 87, 774 . 213,622 6,909 14, 701 24,205 40,940 152, 649 3,602 700 2,127 11, 297 8,028 75 8,410 ~5t~587' 15,936 37,733 22, 246 20,017 7,207 30, 588 20, 685 17,348 9,039 18, 693 80,645 209,613 131,663 155.255 73, 058 183,391 182^ 589 123,506 75,118 188,956 757,570 3,, 320 1,090 2,536 376 5,694 3,933 3,859 950 4,999 14,128 State, county, and In for- municeign ipal decoun- posits tries 1,951 274 504 174 1,147 693 2,776 5,235 Deposits of other Deposits Certifibanks evidenced cates of by savings deposit passbooks 55 333 2,517 917 876 21,340 5,572 11,680 143 42 39 18,405 1,000 8,347 1,850 1,438 680 14,654 3,170 6,054 849 746 321 2,743 416 1,066 42,902 9,227, 10, 529 1,336 4,350, 822 24,482 14,029 41,177 847 4,192 15.352 1,439 36.176 50 3,877 338 6,727, 926 1,164, 970 2,018,757 71, 293 398, 491 97, 536 3,119,560 291,013 84, 727 57,232 10,478,973 25,953 17, 508 45,330 27,898 22,786 43,185 22,118 33,139 47,433 114,739 266,213- 48, 210 10,319 54,094 6,828 50, 854 41,107 20,583 9,014 73,041 196,063 36 152 167 ,,Q 821 11,136 95 5,646 1,122 348 116 2,084 3 3,741 3,915 1,281 370 4,127 105 295 1,590 90S 15 145 946 Christ- Postal mas savings Open savings deposits acand counts similar accounts 245,092 221, 528 139,853 2, 525,942 330, 295 888,112 619, 503 2. 538,335 286,203 152,747 27,308 226 230, 539 461,157 4,029 6,870 1,652 69, 521 28,479 228 70 21, 587 327 79,180 140,959 1,154,399 11,430,774 8,269 2,649 6,732 1,377 1,113 1,982 In the United States s Other time deposits 218,151 102,541 72, 528 25, 565 93,056 63, 696 77,953 41, 638 73,895 156,036 27,976 27,846 6,141 77,312 486,022 29,109 13,049 125,998 180,024 662 1,157 3,855 13,363 4,629 1,790 6,779 16,844 13,018 509 3,479 3,584 27,938 857 1,366 450 238,726 698,244 44,213 30,611 2,765 1,211 1,055 377 909 266 890 400 620 1,118 3,172 2,738 4,397 300 2,241 1,528 1,842 2,323 6,547 5,079 21.063 15,767 21.064 4,603 15,104 926 7,403 18, 528 14,805 32,924 3,330 237 1,427 409 1,114 1,442 873 1,071 3,391 Arkansas Kentucky Tennesee - Total Southern States Ohio Indiana -_„ Illinois Michigan _ ._ "Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma 76,743 202, 432 188,799 597 4,389 6,399 22,045 28, 774 51,075 17,201 47, 514 69,750 89,108 331, 531 2, 548,693 52, 270 501,983 644, 578 17, 720 5,532 42,195 36,379 12, 796 6,808 7,569 2,618 122, 910 40,852 157, 217 50,084 47, 307 45,786 29,354 85,317 929,056 349, 707 1,983, 745 593,195 300, 702 329, 598 265,387 650, 743 9,528 8,659 46,327 8,260 3,161 1,749 1,675 11, 883 148,912 112,180 317, 929 104, 699 70,195 99,381 79, 627 75, 932 139,008 51, 690 572,172 72,605 59,169 106, 536 49,667 315, 787 73, 663 131, 617 578,827 5,402,133 91,242 1,008, 855 1, 366,634 4,055 8,340 10,920 12,126 40, 228 11, 805 4, 520 600 14,198 2,312 1,335 957 9 1,768 1,516 6,410 17, 513 11, 693 39,861 8,648 1,494 32,460 1,345 1,055 435 1 4,018 19,148 2 471 6,230 3,152 1, 713 1,178 207 1,771 7,922 3 890 2,344 1,310 3,452 5, 575 1,149 3,050 596, 583 49, 456 35, 870 28,692 14,361 13, 749 31,459 31,104 30, 980 16. 248 83, 745 8,019 48, 472 14,819 12,027 32, 742 36, 448 10,079 4,256 5, 976 2,722 23, 735 16 41 169 8,531 112 43 84 42 4,632 48 59 1,010 379 101 84 726 57 195 264 299 374 1,288 270 142 592 127 829 216 665 8,020 30,876 94,892 105, 740 12,093 45, 513 37,922 402 3,O2j2 795 2,196 33,508 18,683 1,156, 567 247, 715 532 38 5, 311 811 166 661 131 9,139 104 6,347 3,254 388 1,568 23 986 6,389 8,084 234 1,054 1.130 4, 232 5 6,104 935,269 232, 800 807, 651 587,318 348,300 284,853 127, 262 211, 763 81,864 68,364 94,404 39,901 67, 865 94, 406 84,310 65, 469 7,650 21, 807 27, 232 3, 535,216 463 602 110 276 210 181 195 87 2,593 15 16 39 466 38 275 4,990 26 4,640 32, 321 39, 409 160,789 213,108 64,185 24,159 164,839 27,056 234, 624 2,495 23,621 103, 807 960.490 6,878 221,375 217,145 4,717 10, 505 278,137 142, 804 13, 670 2,659 4,185 1,323 361 4,500 2,231 211 37,077 1,816 1,397 131 1,259 25,165 10,625 167, 638 3.351 7; 764 894 2,325 198, 999 123,378 1, 243, 340 44, 597 54,376 14,054 40, 766 4,141 4,035 43, 543 101 409 139 157 51, 808 32,951 142, 612 19,193 14, 778 4,943 13, 526 42, 664 14, 821 197, 574 2,161 16, 520 610 1,383 1,166 416 507 1,877 7,360 166,468 8 301 92 4 172 123 253 239 10,826 20 470 8,954 7,819 47, 993 5,314 2,714 478 966 614 169 70, 221 52 118 112 203 30 9,301 3 62 10 198,850 96,260 1,877, 758 21,824 53,715 10, 888 23,349 33 820 446 21,167 319 127 404 96 44,122 217, 762 1, 719, 510 52, 525 279,811 275, 733 9,160 169, 334 11,818 2, 282, 644 74,238 71, 489 9,429 23,379 6,882 36,621 22,695 49,434 188 444 1,948 2,471 318 1,488 656 84 4 28 1,133 11,538 4 515 10,174 9,987 112 408 50 240 573 268 3 5,367 42,509 17,986 32,762 882 1,172 80 72 1,138 9,507 6,678 13,438 205 673 13, 719 331 20,441 125 840 9,343 2,936 12,331 25 252 25,475 115,820 4,935 30, 966 2,550 12,699 20, 792 83 99,506 35,164 458 1,172 1,081 672,885 3,233,847 5,892,413 332,001 345,414 * 126,889 22,181,865 1,378,132 878,806 132,882 133,950 __„.„ 1,463 Total Pacific States 7,647 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico Philippines Virgin Islands of the United States. Total possessions _ 2,232 3,431 54,469 42,171 7,603 3,312 37. 480 2,006 64, 441 5,456 5,687 17, 550 26, 326 7,461 2,837 11,178 2,132 25,180 194 __ 1 505 276 788 1,683 208 108 366 368 2,576 3,833 15, 999 27,764 64,458 16,051 9,059 17, 557 13, 796 52,858 1,275 2,007 4,910 4, 530 1,542 1,299 3, 695 658 3,705 _ Total United possessions 109 1,311 662 245 2,661 2,396 Western Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona . . 10,057 30,037 27, 236 35 127 450 450 2 54 56 States and 184,964 472,195 2, 593,491 23, 698,641 00 144 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The assets and liabilities of all active banks June 30, 1933 to 1937, are shown in the following statement: Assets and liabilities of all active banks on or about June 80, 1983-87 (In thousands of dollars] 1933 (14,624 1934 (15,894 1935 (16,053 1936 (15,803 1937 (15,580 banks)» banks) > banks) banks) banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) 22,377, 371 21,417,924 20,409,786 20,829, 205 10,447 13,229 9,474 Overdrafts 9,954 U. S. Government securities, direct ob7,795,999 10,995,673 12,201,560 14,840,174 ligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Gov» 667,594 2,082,492 ernment. 2, 518,026 10,134,664 9,626,227 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 9,933,103 10,501,333 1,382,831 1,284,375 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 1,380,768 1,363,426 Real estate owned other than banking 637,646 845,136 house 1,083,019 1, 263, 742 672,556 713,968 784,576 Cash in vault 1,018,951 Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank or other reserve agents, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clear'7,092,229 » 9,501,781 11,612,972 14,103,430 ing house 1,198,165 1,094,018 Other assets 895,307 750,340 Si, 301,908 56,159,925 Total- 22, 685,726 12,450 14, 569,033 2, 399,453 10,305, 653 1,349, 208 1, 261,049 958,317 14,670,297 729,883 60,393,057 67,198,581 68,941,069 LIABILITIES Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings). _ U. S. Government deposits Deposits of other banks Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc Deposits not classified * Total deposits National-bank circulation Bills payable and rediscounts Agreements to repurchase securities sold Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Dividends declared but not payable and amounts set aside for undeclared dividends and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures Other liabilities Capital stock, capital notes and debentures: Capital notes and debentures * Preferred stock Common stock Surplus Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies Retirement fund for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures Total 15,248,864 21,352,664 860,399 3,364,885 17,519,037 22,440,823 1,736,683 4,518,429 21,557,078 23,128,115 824,415 5,563,411 25, 404,853 24,045,286 1,147, 502 6,905, 794 26,932,488 25,051,049 672,885 6,351,303 679,642 27,016 384,288 25,781 493,377 19,727 833,788 2,592 814,645 41,633,470 46,625,041 61,686,123 222,095 61,340 58,339,815 59,822,370 698,293 188,050 46,231 14,928 10,399 883 54,978 869 303,382 229,300 8,005 73,906 65,823 71,776 403,575 26,364 355,879 33,473 527,305 45,255 433,427 3,371,321 646,246 « 468,180 322,461 541,273 2,695,052 3,174,691 643,442 »475,181 274,756 711,069 2,619,618 3,093,562 617,791 514,635 244,719 633,667 2,542,840 3,408,418 706,427 423,632 184,964 472,195 2,593,491 3,700,484 787,737 475,268 650 4,303 11,390 22,292 51,301,908 56,159,925 60,393,057 67,198,581 68,941.069 730,435 503,883 26,799 445,187 76,300 600,546 2,899,541 276,780 70,959 »1 Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. 3 4 Includes cash items not in process of collection. For banks other than national. • Includes reserves for dividends. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 145 Principal items of assets and liabilities of all active banks in continental United States as compared ivith similar data for member banks of the Federal Reserve System, on or about June SO, 1937 Member banks Items All active banks, 15,527 banks Percent all rebanks (000 6,357 omit- to porting1 omitted) i (000ted) banks $22,530,698 $14,284,875 Loans a Investments 27,181,287 18,453,686 919,300 629,305 Cash in vault 3,224,473 2,444,249 Capital* 2,894, 546 Surplus and undivided profits «__. 4,958,355 Total deposits 59,493,075 41,490,046 68, 508,805 47,468,613 63.40 67.89 68.45 75.80 58.38 69.74 69.29 Percent Mutual Private to all resavings banks, porting banks, 564 85 banks banks, ex- banks (000 (000 omitcept mu- omitted) 2 ted) * tual savings and private i 82.04 $5,010,961 85. 76 5,177,969 72.99 55, 577 77.25 16,972 82.32 1,386,811 85.32 10, 213,402 84.68 11,644, 741 $108,254 484, 525 1,545 43,529 55,462 650,313 805,101 1 Exclusive of banks in Alaska and insular possessions. 2 Included in all reporting banks in column 1. 3 Including overdrafts. 4 Including capital notes and debentures. * Including reserves. Per capita demand and time and savings deposits in all active banks Statement showing the population, amount of demand and time deposits, amount of savings deposits, and per capita savings deposits reported by all active banks in each State, the District of Columbia, Alaska, and insular possessions, follows: 146 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Per capita demand and time and savings deposits in all active banks June 80, 1937 Population (approximate) Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut 859,000 512,000 383,000 4, 456,000 686,000 1,746,000 Total New England States 8,642,000 capDemand and Per ita detime deposmand its (000 time omitted) * and deposits Savings de. posits (000 omitted) * $327,043 268,221 168,877 3,706,952 460, 350 1,245, 531 $380. 73 523.87 440. 93 831.90 671.06 713.36 $247,609 222,445 140,729 2, 547, 282 335,86J 899,792 6,176,974 Per cap. ita savings deposits $288.25 434.46 367.44 571.05 489.60 515.34 714. 76 4,393, 724 508.42 13,026,000 4,359,000 10,208,000 261,000 1,686,000 623,000 16,730,944 1,284.43 1,992,7J)3 457.15 4,646,026 455.14 190,857 731.25 427.28 720,396 459. 03 285,975 6,805, 238 1,194,079 2,144, 755 71,955 402,346 522.43 273.93 210.11 275.69 238.64 159.43 30,163,000 24,566, 901 814.47 10, 717,699 355. 33 2,690,000 1,843,000 3,481,000 1,873,000 3,082,000 1,654,000 2,884,000 2,022,000 2,137, 000 6,160,000 2,037,000 2,904,000 2,884,000 499,641 275,701 313,922 134, 558 320,215 296,614 238,101 171,854 339,807 1,088,762 145,373 392,057 396,410 185. 74 149.59 90.18 71.84 103.90 179. 33 82.56 84.99 159.01 176. 75 71.37 135.01 137.45 239,214 118,308 93, 592 30,168 108,160 64,622 85,356 60,166 88,700 188,960 42,969 140,405 143,662 64.19 26.89 16.11 35.09 39.07 29.60 29.76 41.51 30.68 21.09 48.35 49.81 85,651,000 : 6, 761,000 3,483,000 7,900,000 4,817,000 2,929,000 2,653,000 2, 561,000 3,987,000 35,091,000 4,613,015 129.39 1,404,282 39.39 2,162, 760 779, 312 3, 285,201 1, 347, 219 801,696 828,456 563,928 1,025,554 10, 794,126 319.89 223.75 415.85 279.68 273. 71 312.27 220.20 257. 22 307.60 1,017,133 301.164 902,055 627, 219 416.165 379, 259 211, 572 277,232' 4,131, 799 708,000 697, 000 1,374,000 1,899,000 535,000 235,000 1,073,000 425,000 2,546,000 9,492,000 66,770 83, 019 257, 641 358,937 123,963 54,658 276,831 52, 574 373, 233 1,647,626 94.31 119.11 187.51 189.01 231. 71 232.59 258.00 123.70 146.60 173. 58 29,180 25, 776 64, 201 67, 552 41,059 20, 504 89, 721 10, 741 72,207 420,941 150.44 86.47 114.18 130.21 142.08 142.95 82.61 69.53 117.75 : 41.21 36.98 46.73 35.57 76.75 87.25 83.62 25.27 28.36 44.35 Washington Oregon.. California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona _ Total Pacific States 1,655,000 1,024,000 6,102,000 488,000 519,000 101,000 409,000 10, 298,000 464, 639 265,830 3,628, 774 92,034 127,228 31,850 80,157 4,690, 512 280. 75 259.60 594.69 188.59 245.14 315.35 195.98 455.48 207,804 104,079 1,925,751 27,138 56,429 11,366 24,315 2,356,882 125.56 101.64 315.59 55.61 108.73 112. 53 59.45 228.87 Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico Philippines Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions 62,000 399,000 1, 774,000 13,439,000 22,000 15,696,000 14,405 105,810 60, 327 127, 098 1,388 309,028 232.34 265.19 34.01 9.46 63.09 19.69 6,040 56,228 18,317 53,203 97.42 140.92 10.33 3.96 134,670 8.58 145,033,000 52, 798,182 364.04 23,559,997 162.45 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia _ Florida... Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas. Kentucky Tennessee.. _ _ Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois _ Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western Gtates North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana _ _ Wyoming Colorado New Mexico.— Oklahoma Total Western States _ Total United States and possessions 40.09 i Total deposits, except United States and interbank deposits. * Represents deposits evidenced by savings passbooks and time certificates of deposit. (Does not include postal savings or Christmas savings accounts, etc.) Savings deposits and depositors in all active banks in the United States and possessions, according to classes of banks, on or about June 80, 1987 [Deposits in thousands of dollars] Total all active banks Location Maine . New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts.. _ Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York _ New Jersey Pennsylvania . Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States , Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia ._ Florida _ .. Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States Deposits Deposits Time cerDeposits Time cer- Total Total Total 2 evidenced evidenced Time cersavings l of savings 1 Depositors2 bevidenced y savings tificates of savings l Depositors by savings tificates of by savings tificates deposits deposit deposits deposit deposits deposit passbooks passbooks passbooks 245,092 221,528 139,853 2, 525,942 330,295 888,112 2,517 917 876 21,340 5,572 11,680 247,609 222,445 140,729 2, 547,282 335, 867 899,792 542,827 373,161 274,526 3,773,808 414,093 1,431,120 68,623 19,947 33,431 228,158 13, 373 78, 924 4, 350, 822 42,902 6,727,926 1,164,970 2, 018, 757 71,293 398,491 97,536 77,312 29,109 125, 998 662 3,855 1,790 4,393, 724 6,809, 535 6, 805, 238 1,194,079 2,144, 755 71,955 402,346 99,326 9,912,243 2,523,908 3,837, 324 118,183 886,535 259,292 10,478,973 218,151 102,541 72,528 25, 565 93,056 63,696 77,953 41,638 73,895 156, 036 30, 876 94,892 105,740 238,726 10, 717,699 17,537,485 2, 098, 660 21,063 15,767 21,064 4,603 15,104 926 7,403 18,528 14,805 32,924 12,093 45,513 37,922 239,214 118,308 93,592 30,168 108,160 64,622 85,356 60,166 88,700 188,960 42,969 140,405 143, 662 477,162 279,745 252,919 65,447 384,665 197,670 258, 507 87,409 321, 080 371, 504 68,308 221, 615 328, 378 128,425 52,156 20, 072 11, 679 58, 320 44,117 55, 636 18, 213 54,568 146,621 19,720 54,709 78, 689 10, 048 6,245 5,845 1,641 4, 661 494 3,639 4,106 3,686 19,929 5,885 16,256 16,836 138,473 58,401 25,917 13, 320 62, 981 44, 611 59, 275 22, 319 58,254 166,550 25,605 70,965 95, 525 1,156, 567 247, 715 1,404,282 3,314,409 742,925 99,271 842,196 1 Excludes postal savings and Christmas savings accounts, etc. 2 Represents number of savings passbook accounts. All banks other than national National banks Depositors 3 994 75 608 7,405 2,073 4,296 177,463 201,656 107,030 2,305,189 318,995 813,484 3,908, 366 15,451 3,923,817 5,727,717 6, 022, 801 783, 956 1,142, 046 62,813 312,265 56,432 46,253 22, 617 50,832 268 1,073 88 6, 069,054 806, 573 1,192,878 63,081 313, 338 56, 520 8,126,138 1,632, 026 2,029, 249 106,709 745,397 153, 354 176,469 201,581 106,422 2,297,784 316,922 809,188 401,424 316,485 199, 242 3,176,495 397,225 1, 236, 846 1,523 842 268 13,935 3,499 7,384 70,146 20,789 33,699 242,093 16,872 86,308 141,403 56,676 75,284 597,313 16,868 194,274 442,456 27,451 469,907 1,081,818 705,125 381,014 876, 711 8,480 86, 226 41,104 31, 059 6,492 75,166 394 2,782 1,702 736,184 387, 506 951,877 8,874 89,008 42,806 1,786,105 891,882 1,808,075 11,474 141,138 105,938 117, 595 2, 216, 255 4, 744,612 8,380,313 121,131 270, 693 135,253 69,174 32,501 257, 562 147, 928 155,306 38, 636 252,475 336, 210 41,885 119,462 251,413 89, 726 50,385 52,456 13,886 34,736 19,579 22, 317 23,425 19, 327 9,415 11,156 40,183 27, 051 11,015 9,522 15,219 2,962 10, 443 432 3,764 14,422 11,119 12,995 6,208 29,257 21,086 100, 741 59,907 67,675 16,848 45,179 20, 011 26,081 37,847 30,446 22,410 17,364 69,440 48,137 206,469 144,492 183,745 32,946 127,103 49, 742 103, 201 48,773 68,605 35,294 26,423 102,153 76,965 2,108,498 413, 642 148,444 562,086 1, 205,911 8, 501,444 12,792,873 W O O P o a Savings deposits and depositors in all active banks in the United States and possessions, according to classes of banks, on or about June SO, 1937— Continued |4 OO [Deposits in thousands of dollars] Total all active banks Location Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan. Wisconsin Minnesota.. Iowa Missouri- __ __ Total Middle Western States.. North Dakota South Dakota _ _. . Nebraska Kansas _____ Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma -Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah. Nevada Arizona Total Pacific States Deposits evidenced Time cerof by savings tificates passbooks deposit Total savings deposits All banks other than national National banks Deposits Deposits Time cer- Total Total evidenced Time cer- savings Depositors bevidenced y savings tificates of savings Depositors by savings tificates of deposits deposits deposit deposit passbooks passbooks S Depositors 935,269 232,800 807,651 587,318 348,300 284,853 127,262 211,763 81,864 68,364 94,404 39,901 67,865 94,406 84,310 65,469 1,017,133 301,164 902,055 627,219 416,165 379,259 211,572 277,232 2,323,062 609, 637 2,281,129 1,496,253 1,151,383 804,584 485,553 711,789 303,989 104,961 489, 563 223, 351 165,116 166,947 44, 030 83,470 35,344 24,164 56,924 6,591 17,488 38,901 17,753 15,045 339,333 129,125 546,487 229,942 182, 604 205,848 61, 783 98,515 735,049 255, 748 1, 338,106 578, 505 470, 745 506, 582 167, 503 268, 780 631,280 127,839 318,088 363,967 183,184 117,906 83,232 128,293 46,520 44,200 37,480 33,310 50,377 55, 505 66, 557 50,424 677,800 172,039 355, 568 397, 277 233,561 173,411 149, 789 178,717 1, 588, 013 353,889 943, 023 917,748 680,638 298,002 318,050 443,009 3,535,216 596, 583 4,131,799 9,863,390 1,581,427 212,210 1,793,637 4,321, 018 1,953,789 384,373 2,338,162 5,542,372 14,361 13,749 31,459 31,104 30,980 16,248 83,745 8,019 48,472 14,819 12,027 32,742 36,448 10,079 4,256 5,976 2,722 23,735 29,180 25,776 64,201 67,552 41, £59 20,504 89,721 10,741 72,207 51, 658 52,016 158,757 182,642 7_Q, 239 38,383 218,396 20,752 142,526 11,988 10,180 26,544 21,117 18,632 11,495 65, 735 6,285 44,611 8,190 5,826 17,034 15,756 4,911 2,490 3,863 2,057 17,819 20,178 16,006 43, 578 36,873 23,543 13,985 69,598 8,342 62,430 39, 618 34,775 128,423 97,982 40,661 26,939 167,467 15,375 130,250 2,373 3,569 4,915 9* 987 12,348 4,753 18,010 1,734 3,861 6,629 6,201 15, 708 20,692 5,168 1,766 2,113 665 5,916 9,002 9,770 20, 623 30,679 17,516 6,519 20,123 2,399 9,777 12,040 17,241 30,334 84, 660 29,578 11,444 50,929 5,377 12, 276 278,137 142,804 420,941 935,369 216,587 77,946 294,533 681,490 61,550 64,858 126,408 253,879 198,850 96,260 1,877,758 21,824 53,715 10, 888 23, 349 8,954 7,819 47,993 5,314 2,714 478 966 207,804 104,079 1,925,751 27,138 56,429 11,366 24,315 445,882 262,640 3,186,792 56,600 163,447 18, 593 50,909 98,454 79,739 1,181,942 10,699 18,693 9,523 11,620 5,728 104,182 ft, 091 85,830 36,697 1,218,639 2,085 12, 784 894 19, 587 210 9,733 661 12,281 231, 019 219,529 2, 222,658 23, 610 48,957 14,941 26,960 100,396 16, 521 695,816 11,125 35,022 1,365 11, 729 3,226 1,728 11,296 3,229 1,820 268 305 103, 622 18,249 707,112 14.354 36, 842 1,633 12,034 214,863 43, 111 964,134 32,990 114,490 3,652 23,949 2,282,644 74,238 2,356,882 4,184,863 1,410,670 52,366 1,463,036 2,787, 674 871,974 21,872 893,846 1,397,189 1-3 w o o 1-3 W Q O Alaska __ _ The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico Philippines Virgin Islands of the United States.. Total possessions Total United States and posessions 5,367 42, 509 17 986 32, 762 882 673 13, 719 331 20,441 6,040 56,228 18, 317 53, 203 882 9,141 173,131 50,130 497, 004 3,235 1,917 15,828 88 4,496 2,005 20,324 882 882 3,235 4,584 23,211 591,423 7,102,775 99,506 35,164 134,670 732,641 18,627 22,181,865 1,378,132 23,559,997 43,377,692 6,511, 352 3,105 62,769 3,450 26,681 17,986 32, 762 585 9,223 331 20,441 4,035 35,904 18,317 53, 203 6,036 110,362 50,130 497,004 69,109 80,879 30, 580 111, 459 663,532 15,794,219 15,670, 513 786, 709 16,457,222 27,583,473 o o o a Savings deposits and depositors in all active banks in the United States and possessionst according to classes of banks, on or about June 80, 1937— Continued [Deposits in thousands of dollars] State (commercial) banks» Deposits Time evidenced certifiby savings cates of passbooks deposit Location Maine.. _ - New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts _ _ __ Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York Ne w Jersey.. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland _ District of Columbia Total Eastern States Virginia _ West Virginia North Carolina _ South Carolina Georgia Florida . Alabama. Mississippi Louisiana. — _ _ Texas Arkansas Kentucky . _ Tennessee8 - - Total Southern States __ Total savings deposits 2 Mutual savings banks Depositors 3 Private banks Time certificates of deposit Total savings deposits2 Depositors 3 126, 427 189,659 64,076 2,153,899 175,557 715,089 241,661 280,028 101,109 2,848,388 190,842 981,611 337 42 379 1,394 3,424,707 4,643, 639 337 42 379 1,394 4 5, 246,087 328,979 571, 906 35,100 219,671 * 6,467, 553 523.810 683; 368 54, 243 405,007 880 7 3,841 1,781 1,831 2,661 7 5,672 «1,981 21 17,332 6,401, 743 8,133, 981 4,728 3,612 8,340 19,334 187 187 50,042 11,922 42,373 143,885 141,365 93,762 994 75 581 7,405 2,073 4,254 51,036 11,997 42,954 151,290 143,438 98,016 159,763 36,457 98,133 328,107 206, 383 253,841 126,427 189,659 64,049 2,153,899 175, 557 715,089 27 483, 349 15,382 498,731 1,082,684 3,424,680 27 775,834 455,020 566, 299 27,713 92, 594 56,432 44,472 22,567 49,001 268 1,073 88 820,306 477,587 615,300 27,981 93,667 56,520 1,656, 604 1,108,195 1,328, 549 52,466 340,390 153,354 * 5,246, 087 328, 929 571, 906 35,100 219.671 1,973,892 117,469 2,091,361 4, 639, 558 6,401,693 89, 726 50,385 52,456 13,886 34,736 19,579 22,317 23,425 19,327 9,415 11,156 40,183 27,051 11,015 9,522 15, 219 2,775 10,443 432 3,764 14, 422 11,119 12,995 6,208 29,257 21,086 413, 642 148,257 50 50 100,741 206, 469 59,907 144,492 67,675 6183. 745 16,661 32; 946 45,179 127,103 20,011 49, 742 26,081 • »103, 201 37,847 «48,773 30,446 68,605 22,410 35,294 17,364 26,423 69, 440 »102,153 48,137 6 76,965 561,899 s Deposits evidenced by savings passbooks Deposits Time Total evidenced certifi- savings 2 by savings cates of deposits passbooks deposit Depositors 3 H o H H O o 3 o o d a 1,205,911 187 _ _ . , _ _ _ • • • • _ « — 187 Ohio Indiana. Illinois Michigan _ ho Wisconsin Q Minnesota to Iowa *? Missouri gg _ _ Total Middle Western States..- North Dakota 1 South Dakota ^ Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma _ _ __ _ _ Total Western States Washington Oregon___ California Idaho UtahNevada Arizona, « _ __ Total Pacific States ___ Alaska The Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico Philippines Virgin Islands of the United States Total possessions Total United States and possessions 512, 426 108,090 318, 088 363,967 178,752 51,494 83, 215 128, 293 45,768 42,958 37,480 33,310 50,377 55,505 66,476 50,424 558,194 151,048 355,568 397,277 229,129 106,999 149, 691 178, 717 1,415,606 321,511 943,023 917,748 659, 230 207,959 317,778 443,009 118,109 19,306 1,744,325 382, 298 2,126,623 5,225,864 208,259 2,373 3,569 4,915 9,987 12,348 4,753 18,010 1,734 3,861 6,629 6,201 15, 708 20,692 5,168 1,766 2,113 665 5,916 9,002 9,770 20,623 30,679 17, 516 6,519 20,123 2,399 9, 777 12, 040 17,241 30,334 84,660 29,578 11,444 50,929 5,377 12, 276 162 228 4,432 66,412 390 118,271 19,534 170,687 30,096 4,432 66,412 21,408 90,043 208, 649 312, 234 61, 550 64,858 126,408 253,879 39, 035 14, 999 608.060 11,125 35,022 1,365 11, 729 3,226 1,728 11, 296 3,229 1,820 268 305 42, 261 16, 727 619,356 14,354 36,842 1,633 12, 034 108,820 41,338 896,199 32,990 114,490 3,652 23,949 61,361 1, 522 87, 756 61,361 1,522 87, 756 106, 043 1,773 67,935 721,335 21, 872 743,207 1, 221,438 150, 639 150,639 175, 751 3,450 26, 681 17,986 32, 762 585 9,223 331 20,441 4,035 35,904 18,317 53,203 »6, 036 110, 362 50,130 497,004 80,879 30, 580 111, 459 663, 532 5, 478,972 780, 716 6, 259,688 14, 292, 866 10,185, 738 13, 265,605 10,185,271 467 1 Includes loan and trust companies and stock savings banks, which were shown separately in reports prior to 1936. 2 Excludes postal savings and Christmas savings accounts, etc. s Represents n u m b e r of savings passbook accounts. < Jan. l t 1937. 8 Estimated. • M a r . 31. 1937. 745 443 590 1,014 1,335 1,457 1,720 2,282 17 81 98 272 1,205 1,685 2,890 4,274 6,270 5,526 11,796 25,002 152 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY National Banks The assets and liabilities of all active national banks June 30, 1933 to 1937, are shown in the following statement: Assets and liabilities of all active national banks on or about June 80,1988 to 1987 fin thousands of dollars] 1933 (4,902 banks) 1 1934 (5,422 banks) i 1935 (5,431 banks) 1936 (5,374 1937 (5,299 banks) banks) Loans and discounts (including redis8,116,972 7,694,749 7,365,226 counts) 2,994 2,800 3,491 Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obliga5,645,741 6,077,724 4,031,576 tions-_ .-_ Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Govern»357,911 1,095,283 ment 3,340,055 3,344,901 3,543,379 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 641,694 655,819 651,463 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 132,187 151,970 171,455 Real estate owned other than banking house288,478 352,402 405,513 Cash in vault Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank or other reserve agents, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing •3,830,468 * 5,344, 563 »6,462,708 house 350, 542 284,823 476,261 Other assets — Total.. 7,759,149 4,193 8,807,782 5,113 7,072,979 6,902,521 1,374,385 4,035,261 641,550 184,123 531,694 1,316,674 3,903,092 635,670 162,409 444,598 7,849,732 249,773 7,933,271 225,941 20,860,491 23,901,592 26,061,065 29,702,839 30,337,071 7,884,226 6,169,643 449,661 2,000,693 9,265,844 6,791,156 889,678 2,767,896 11,273,912 7,136,142 436,821 3,410,674 13,452,356 7,533,922 692,527 4,168,004 14,403,761 7,788,272 379,331 3,790,587 269,892 218,086 353,644 403,962 LIABILITIES Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings).... United States Government deposits Deposits of other banks Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc Total deposits 16,774,115 19,982,660 28,518,246 National-bank circulation 698, 293 730,435 222,095 15, 679 117,855 Bills payable and rediscounts 4,643 Agreements to repurchase securities sold 4,399 9,223 Acceptances executed by or for account of 4,194 reporting banks _ 139,904 232,678 Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued 93,770 and unpaid 41, 741 41,617 Dividends declared but not payable and 42,335 amounts set aside for dividends not de21,004 clared-_ , () () 98,014 67,883 68,360 Other liabilities Capital stock: 525,122 53,793 412,070 Preferred 1,284,381 1,461,854 1,325,757 Common 831,846 940, 598 854,057 Surplus 235, 600 297,967 257,311 Undivided profits, net 143,951 » 164, 709 » 151,267 Reserves for contingencies _.._ 3,151 571 Retirement fund for preferred stock Total.— 1 20,860,491 23,901, 592 26,061,065 26,200,458 26,765,918 2,872 586 8,530 676 95,659 113,410 47,316 51,221 28,043 162,182 27,703157,453 1,247,886 973,393 443,489 298,977 1,283,154 1,073,154 346,039 389, 233 147,219 7,702 155, 623 29, 702,839 30,337,071 . 12,024 Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. * Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. * Includes cash items not in process of collection. * Dividends declared but not yet payable in 1932 were included with reserve for contingencies and in 1933 and 1934 with "Other liabilities." Amounts set aside for dividends not declared were not segregated from reserves for contingencies prior to 1935. «Includes reserves for dividends. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 153 Banks other than national The cooperation of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Banking Departments of Alaska, the insular possessions, and the several States of the Union make it possible for the Comptroller, as the law requires, to present statistics in this report relating to active banks other than national banking associations. In the statement following and in other statements of the report, figures showing assets and liabilities of loan and trust companies and stock savings banks are combined with figures for State commercial banks. Upon the assumption that differences in their names indicated pronounced differences in the nature of their business activities, the assets and liabilities of the institutions named have been shown separately in previous annual reports. In former times material differences may have existed. In these days, however, many loan and trust companies and most stock savings banks receive deposits subject to check and make loans in much the same manner and upon much the same security that State commercial banks do. In some States commercial banks without the word "Trust" in their title exercise trust powers. It is well known, of course, that practically all State commercial banks pay interest upon time deposits or operate savings departments. The result is that although trust companies and savings banks in some States may enjoy corporate powers that enable them, should they desire, to limit their activities to fields that cannot be invaded by State commercial banks, they do not generally do so. Instead, such institutions for the most part have broadened their activities to include general banking and, moreover, have seen their own fields encroached upon by State banks organized primarily to do a commercial banldng business. It is because of the foregoing considerations that figures for loan and trust companies, stock savings banks, and State commercial banks are again being combined in this report, which practice was begun in 1936. Although the foregoing remarks to some extent may apply to private banks and to mutual savings banks, figures showing the assets and liabilities of such institutions will be reported separately as heretofore. Officials of State banking departments and number of each class of active banks under their supervision in June 1937 from which reports of condition were received Banks Names of officials Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont; Massachusetts Rhode Island. Connecticut _ _ Thomas A. Cooper Clyde M. Davis Donald A. Hemenway. Wm. P. Husband, Jr_._ M. Joseph Cummings— Walter Perry Bank commissioner Commissioner of "banking and insurance Commissioner of banks.Chief of division of banking and insurance Bank commissioner William R. WhiteCarl K. Withers. ... Luther A. Harr Ernest Muncy Warren F. Sterling.. Superintendent of banks _ Commissioner of banking and insuranceSecretary of banking State bank commissioner Bank commissioner M. E. Bristow George Ward.. Gurney P. Hood Edward A. Wayne.. R. E. Gormley J. M. Lee. J. H. Williams.... J. C. Fair. J. S. Brock „_ Z. Gossett.. G. S. Jernigan Hiram Wilhoit D. D. Robertson- Commissioner of insurance and banking-. Commissioner of banking Commissioner of banks Chief bank examiner Superintendent of banks Comptroller, State of Florida Superintendent of banks. State comptroller State bank commissioner __ _.. Commissioner, department of banking Bank commissioner _ Director, division of banking Superintendent of banks Total New England States.. NewYark New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Total Eastern States. Virginia _" West Virginia North Carolina.South Carolina. Georgia Florida... _ Alabama _ Mississippi Louisiana _ Texas Arkansas Kentucky _ Tennessee _ Total Southern States.. Ohio _ Indiana _ Illinois Michigan. Wisconsin Titles S. H. Squire.Richard A. McKinley.. Edward J. Barrett Chas. T. Fisher, Jr H. F.Ibach Superintendent of banks _ Director, department offinancialinstitutions. Auditor of public accounts Commissioner of banking Secretary, State banking department State (com- Mutual mercial) ] savings 32 44 14 193 9 73 Private Total 63 57 49 267 23 142 232 365 601 311 158 392 30 124 13 135 25 7 2 12 460 184 420 32 136 13 1,028 181 1,245 191 107 196 130 230 109 149 182 116 417 173 337 240 191 107 196 131 230 109 149 182 116 417 173 337 240 2,577 2,578 448 372 572 387 496 465 404 572 387 500 Minnesota Robert D. Beery Iowa D W. Bates Missouri 0. H. Moberly Total Middle Western States Adam A. Lefor North Dakota South Dakota James E Stewart Nebraska B. N. Saunders Kansas Elwood M Brooks Montana W. A. Brown "Wvominsr A E Wilde Grant McFerson Colorado Woodlan P. Saunders New Mexico Oklahoma Howard C. Johnson Total Western States C E Jenks Washin ton Mark Skinner Oregon California Friend W Richardson Geo W Wedgwood Idaho Utah R. F. Starley D G La Rue Nevada Lloyd Thomas Arizona Total Pacific States Oscar G. Olson . Alaska The Territory of Hawaii _ E. S. Smith Puerto Rico Philippines Total possessions Total United States and possessions. i Includes trust companies and stock savings banks. Commissioner of banks Superintendent of banking Commissioner of finance _. _ State examiner _ Superintendent of banks Superintendent, department of banking Bank commissioner Superintendent of banks __ State examiner State bank commissioner _ _ State bank examiner Bank commissioner . _ ._ 491 545 582 1 3,893 13 134 134 296 514 73 32 71 19 187 - do Commissioner of finance Bank commissioner Superintendent of banks do. _ Secretary, Territorial banking board Bank examiner Treasurer _ Bank commissioner.. ____ 492 547 582 43 3,949 1 1 1,460 Supervisor of banking Superintendent of banks 2 134 134 296 515 7,3 32 71 19 187 1,461 122 50 132 33 46 5 7 3 1 1 125 51 133 33 46 5 395 5 400 7 9 9 12 13 13 O O 1 12 13 13 47 9,632 H O 47 564 85 10, 281 o d O Or C7I 156 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national, June 30, 1933 to 1937, are shown in the following statement: Assets and liabilities of all active banks other than national on or about June SO, 1988 to 1987 [In thousands of dollars] 1933 (9,722 1934 (10,472 1935 (10,622 1936 (10,429 1937 (10,281 banks) » banks) l banks) banks) banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts). 14,260,399 13, 723,175 Overdrafts 10,235 7,647 U. S. Government securities, direct obliga3,764,423 5,349,932 tions Securities fully guaranteed by XJ. S. Govern« 309,683 ment 6, 281,326 6,794, 609 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 741,137 628,556 Banking house, furniture and fixtures 505,459 693,166 Real estate owned other than banking house384,078 Cash in vault 361,566 Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank or other reserve agents, cash items in process of collection and exchanges for clearing house... * 3,261, 761 i 4,157,218 Other assets 743,476 721,904 13,044,560 13,070,056 5,761 13,877,944 7,337 6,123,836 7,767,195 7,666,512 987,209 6,389, 724 729,305 911, 564 379,063 1,143, 641 6,466,072 721,876 1,079,619 487,257 1,082,779 6,402,561 713,538 1,098,640 513,719 5,150, 264 610,484 6,737,026 503, 942 37,495, 742 38,603,998 8,253,193 10,283,166 11,952,497 15, 649,667 15,991,973 16,511,364 847,005 387,594 454,975 1, 750, 533 2,152, 737 2,737,790 12,528,727 17,262,777 293,554 2,560,716 480,144 2,592 410,683 Total deposits _. U, 759, S55 26,692, 381 29,067,877 43,359 56,697 Bills payable and rediscounts 386,028 172,371 297 6,205 Agreements to repurchase securities sold... Acceptances executed by or for account of 17, 576 10, 529 112, 346 135,530 reporting banks. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued 212, 509 163,478 24,460 and unpaid Dividends declared but not payable and 34,683 32,165 amounts set aside for undeclared dividends and for accrued interest on capital notes 5,360 5,430 and debentures 365,123 287, 519 Other liabilities _ _ 502, 532 Capital stock, capital notes and debentures: 244,719 322,461 274, 756 Capital notes and debentures 190,178 129,203 185, 947 Preferred stock 1,383,894 1,294,954 1,369,295 1,335,237 Common stock 2,430,723 2, 320, 634 2, 261, 716 2,435, 025 Surplus 360,388 410,646 386,131 319,824 Undivided profits, net * 323,914 276,413 < 303,471 Reserves for contingencies \ 370,684 Retirement fund for preferred stock, capital 79 3,688 notes and debentures 1,152 37,495,742 Total.. 30,441,417 32,258,333 34,331,992 33,056,457 46,448 TotaL 10,441,417 32, 258,333 34,331,992 LIABILITIES 7, 364, 638 Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings).__ 15,183,021 410,738 United States Government deposits 1,364,192 Deposits of other banks Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc 409, 750 27,016 Deposits not classified 166,202 25.781 19, 727 193 163,370 19, 738 17,552 275,974 184,964 173,218 1,310,337 2,627,330 398, 504 319,645 10,268 i Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. * Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. »Includes cash items not in process of collection. «Includes reserves for dividends. 157 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The assets and liabilities of State (commercial) banks June 30,1933 to 1937, are shown in the following statement: Assets and liabilities of State (commercial) banksf June 1983 to 1937l [In thousands of dollars] 1933 (8,962 banks) a 1934 (9,658 banks)» 8,296,613 7,538 7,947,672 5,946 7,581,772 5,115 7,849,387 4,885 8,759,920 6,146 3,212,610 4,176,579 4,476,515 5,576,638 5,155,018 3, 233,260 601,697 249,040 320,015 a 239,607 3,008,796 482,336 309, 608 305,918 790,995 3,322,440 585,337 365,365 330,371 3,607,940 580,286 410,473 433,210 832,665 3,501,675 572,706 399,085 456,597 4,584,684 400,047 5,620,525 363,832 6,108,759 361,585 1935 (9,808 1936 (9,732 1937 (9,632 banks) banks) banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking houseCash in vault Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank or other reserve agents, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house Other assets Total.. 1 2,888,711 ' 3,607,785 617,877 576,346 1 19,427,361 20,660,593 22,442, 641 7,342,451 5,462,316 410, 738 1,364,014 8,053,683 5, 789,476 9,948,784 6,019, 216 387,593 2,071,915 11,508,736 6,417,171 454,975 409, 592 24,225 165,903 25,708 189, 276 19,720 479,412 2,575 25,355, 515 26,154,156 LIABILITIES Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings) United States Government deposits Deposits of other banks Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc Deposits not classified.. 2,633,413 12,002,715 7,017,033 293,554 2,469,718 409,722 Total deposits 16,013,336 16,6 U, 661 18,636,604 21,496,282 22,192,742 Bills payable and rediscounts 152, 557 45,012 368,939 34,925 37,906 Agreements to repurchase securities sold 10, 529 6,205 Acceptances executed by or for account of 17,576 297 193 reporting banks 134,135 107,078 Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued 212,509 112,346 121,066 30, 207 and unpaid -15,721 Dividends declared but not payable and 31,449 17,707 17,961 amounts set aside for undeclared dividends and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures 2,030 14,052 1,725 248,744 Other liabilities 310,992 263,940 474,608 315,188 Capital stock, capital notes and debentures: 293, 761 249,136 226,132 167,992 Capital notes and debentures 129,203 19A178 Preferred stock 185,947 173,218 1,379,031 1,313,688 Common stock 1, 266,174 1,248,529 1,266,808 1, 373,028 1,197,901 1, 235, 244 1,270,873 1,394,560 Surplus 210,978 239, 299 179,822 Undivided profits, net 235,857 265,102 230, 789 Reserves for contingencies «299,485 248,994 « 291, 783 273, 210 Retirement fund for preferred stock, capital 3,457 notes and debentures 1,139 79 9,847 Total 19,427,361 20,660,593 22,442,641 25,355, 515 26,154,156 1 2 3 Includes trust companies and stock savings banks, which were shown separately in reports prior to 1936. Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. * Includes cash items not in process of collection. «Includes reserves for dividends. 158 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The assets and liabilities ofmutual savings banks June 30, 1933 to 1937, are shown in the following statement: Assets and liabilities of mutual savings banks, June 1988 to 1987 [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc. Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house Cash in vault. Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank or other reserve agents, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house Other assets _ Total- 1933 (576 banks) 1» 1934 (578 banks) 12 1935 (571 banks) * 1936 (566 banks) 5,941,048 5, 647,308 2 5,342,477 5,113,633 1 5,010,953 550,265 991,998 1,379,429 1,851,139 2,145,526 3, 552, 911 138, 252 3 69,270 3,195,394 138,021 189,442 2,942, 549 135,611 230,866 2, 771,372 134,014 245,501 2, 786,942 133,500 253,482 62,781 378,762 53,332 536,915 46,544 667, 399 52,177 697,998 55,577 • 365,759 102, 645 «461,038 129,943 < 476,269 123,283 492,428 ' 96,027 473,474 95,262 ity 967,143 11,065,068 11,172,520 11,409,056 11,644,741 3,132 0,709,861 113 2,526 9, 777,296 241 1,894 9,917,645 253 3,704 10,055,981 153 4,227 10,208,880 216 1937 (564 banks) LIABILITIES Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings)... Deposits of other b a n k s . . _ Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc Deposits not classified _ Total deposits Bills payable and rediscounts _. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid _ Amounts set aside for dividends and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures Other liabilities Capital notes and debentures Surplus _. Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies Retirement fund for capital notes and debentures Total... 126 20 9,118,252 16, 271 9,780,099 6,369 9,919,846 4,935 10,059,951 3,439 10,218,402 2,768 3,158 1,648 7,604 6,751 1,775 24,706 13,752 « 28, 700 1,073, 097 144,353 « 17,050 3,365 12,024 » 25,620 977,178 139,016 82,919 3,400 14,911 18,587 1,131,767 148,966 21,053 3,500 19, 513 16,972 1,200,294 162,231 23,865 13 231 421 11,172,520 11,409,056 11,644,741 1 1,054,370 144,687 « 10, 699 10,967,143 79 11,065,068 1 Includes 1 stock savings bank. » Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis, together with banks having limitations on deposit withdrawals in 1 State. 8 Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to Interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. * Includes cash items not in process of collection. »Includes capital stock of $10,200 for 1 stock savings bank. «Includes reserves for dividends. Number of active mutual savings banks, number of savings depositors, amount of savings deposits, and average deposit account, by States, June SO, 1986 and 1937 1937 1936 Location M!aine New Hampshire - -Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States.. New York „ New Jersey . __ Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Total Eastern States Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Minnesota... Total Middle Western States.. Washington Oregon . __ California Total Pacific States. Total United States Number of Depositorsl banks - - -- _- . . . _ _ .__ ... Deposits * 32 «45 14 193 9 73 236,778 277,534 10.5,828 2,851,227 187,248 949,959 $123,230,000 186,109,000 67,195,000 2,112,468,000 171,521,000 690,345,000 366 4,608,574 3,350,868,000 135 6 25 7 2 13 6,451,000 512,538 667,812 51,538 7 377,573 • 5,216,960,000 322,427,000 548,771,000 31,957,000 212, 717,000 182 8,060,461 6,332,832,000 3 5 4 1 177, 652 28,611 21.313 94,497 118,055,000 19,194,000 4,061,000 64,939,000 13 322,073 206,249,000 3 1 1 103,440 1,403 69,094 57,705,000 1,099,000 88,416,000 Average due each depositor Number of Depositors1 banks Deposits» Average due each depositor 32 8 44 14 193 9 73 241,661 280,028 101,109 2,848.388 190,842 981,611 727.09 365 4,643,639 3,424,707,000 737.51 808.71 629.08 821. 74 620.07 563.38 «135 25 7 2 12 6,467,553 523,810 683,368 54,243 405,007 * 5,246,087,000 328,979,000 571,906,000 35,100,000 219, 671,000 811.14 628.05 836.89 647.09 542.39 785. 67 181 8,133,981 6,401,743,000 787. 04 664. 53 670.86 190. 54 687. 21 3 5 4 1 170,687 30,096 21,408 90,043 118,271,000 19,534,000 4,432,000 66,412,000 692.91 649.06 207.03 737. 56 640. 38 13 312,234 208,649,000 668. 25 557.86 783. 32 1,279. 65 3 1 1 106,043 1,773 67,935 61,361,000 1,522,000 87,756,000 578.64 858.43 1,291.76 $520.45 670.58 634. 94 740.90 916.01 726.71 $126,427,000 189,659,000 64,076,000 2,153,899,000 175,557,000 715,089,000 $523.16 677.29 633. 73 756.18 919.91 728.49 " 5 173, 937 147,220,000 846. 40 5 175,751 150,633,000 857.12 566 13,165,045 10,037,169,000 762.41 564 13,265,605 10,185, 738,000 767.83 1 Represents number of savings passbook accounts. 2 Represents deposits evidenced by savings passbooks and time certificates of deposit. 3 Includes 10 guaranty savings banks. «Includes Christmas savings and similar accounts. «Jan. 1, 193V. «Includes 2 "associations," which formerly have been classified as mutual savings banks. These institutions possess the characteristics of both a savings bank and a building 7 and loan association, in that all of the deposits are invested in bonds and mortgages and each depositor has the privilege of making a mortgage loan. Dee. 31,1935. g n o o E3 H o d w I a Or CO 160 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Number of mutual savings banks in the United States, number of savings depositors, amount of savings deposits, and average amount due each depositor June SO, 1914 to 1937, inclusive [For prior years, see annual report for 1920, vol. 1, pp. 236-242] Year 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 , . 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935. . 1936 1937 . Banks - . _ . _ _ _ '_ _ . . _- 634 630 622 622 625 622 620 623 619 618 613 611 620 618 616 611 606 600 594 576 578 571 566 564 Depositors * 8,274,418 8, 305, 562 8, 590,746 8,935,055 9, Oil, 464 8,948,808 9,455, 327 9, 619, 260 9,665, 861 10, 057, 436 10,409, 776 10,616,215 11,053,886 11,337,398 11, 732,143 11, 748,085 11,895,075 12,356,114 12, 521, 750 12,683, 788 13, 077, 111 13, 213, 211 13,165,045 13,265,605 Deposits* $3,915,143,000 3, 946,069,000 4,135, 552,000 4,340,805,000 4,344,166,000 4,723,629, 000 5,172,348, 000 5,395, 552. 000 5,686, 720', 000 6,282, 618,000 6, 686,366,000 7,139, 510, 000 7, 558,668,000 8, 054,868,000 8, 665, 592, 000 3 8,981,020, 000 9,190,969, 000 10,017,225,000 10,021,852,000 9,699, 509,000 B, 764, 596,000 9,902,107, 000 10,037,169, 000 10,185,738,000 Average due each depositor $473.16 475.11 481.40 485.82 482.07 527.85 547.61 560.91 588.94 624. 67 642.32 672.51 683.80 710.47 738.62 * 764.47 772.67 810.71 800.36 764.72 746.69 749.41 762. 41 767.83 i Represents number of savings passbook accounts. » Represents deposits evidenced by savings passbooks and time certificates of deposit. * Revised since published in reports prior to 1936. NOTE —Figures for stock savings banks not published separately since 1935. of banks on p . 153 of this report.) (See reference to this class REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 161 The assets and liabilities of private banks June 30, 1933 to 1937, are shown in the following statement: and liabilities of private banks, June 1933 to 1937 [In thousands of dollars] Loans and discounts (including rediscounts).. Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house Cash in vault Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank or other reserve agents, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house Other assets Total.. LIABILITIES Demand deposits Time deposits (including Postal Savings) U. S. Government deposits _ Deposits of other b a n k s . _ Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, e t c . . . . . . . Deposits not classified _ Total deposits Bills payable and rediscounts Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Dividends declared but not payable and amounts set aside for undeclared dividends and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures Other liabilities Capital Surplus Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies Total.. 1933 (184 banks) 1934 (236 banks) » 1935 (243 22,738 109 1,548 128,195 4,287 181, 355 2 806 77,136 8,199 4,796 2,316 120, 311 867 267,892 6,772 124,735 8,357 9,284 2,148 107,036 875 339,418 4,436 86, 760 7,576 1,747 1,870 107,071 1,183 365,968 4,613 113,944 7,332 1,557 1,545 3 7, 291 3 88,395 1,382 37,187 46,913 532, 672 »89,311 87,154 716, 831 140,745 40, 70S 731,171 154, 793 47,095 805,101 19,055 10,844 332,488 55,112 1 80,569 440,057 38,212 521, 785 36,864 65 196,984 82,895 17 87,489 104, 224 90, 782 32 2,771 32,767 818 281 55 367,721 13,445 43,357 511,527 6,750 583,129 4,995 650, SIS 5,774 8,438 1,188 2,937 1,282 banks) l 1936 (131 banks) 1937 (85 banks) 29,343 28, 452 42,304 76 310 163 2 3,218 4,863 3,325 857 6,752 55,607 49, 636 2,479 * 7,379 270 11, 555 69,063 49, 294 986 38,771 39,220 46,425 32,385 444 24,571 7,717 43, 529 32,476 416 22, 570 46,913 532,672 716,831 731,171 805,101 1 2 Licensed banks, i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. s Includes cash items not in process of collection. * Includes reserves for dividends. In the preceding summary, showing the assets and liabilities of private banks as of June 30 each of the 5 years 1933 to 1937, there are shown for the years 1936 and 1937 only the returns of associations which were doing business under the supervision of State authorities. Section 21 (a) of the Banking Act of 1933 provided, in part, that after June 16, 1934, private banks not under State supervision would be required to submit to periodic examination by the Comptroller of the Currency or by the Federal Reserve bank, also to make to the Comptroller and publish periodic reports of condition the same as required of national banks. However, under section 303 of the Banking Act of 1935, section 21 (a) of the Banking Act of 1933 was amended to provide that it shall be unlawful for private banks to operate unless they— (A) shall be incorporated under, and authorized to engage in such business by the laws of the United States or of any State, Territory, or District; or 162 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY (B) shall be permitted by any State, Territory, or District to engage in such business and shall be subjected by the law of such State, Territory, or District to examination and regulation; or (C) shall submit to periodic examination by the banking authority of the State, Territory, or District where such business is carried on and shall make and publish periodic reports of its condition, exhibiting in detail its resources and liabilities, such examination and reports to be made and published at the same times and in the same manner and under the same conditions as required by the law of such State, Territory, or District in the case of incorporated banking institutions engaged in such business in the same locality. It will be noted from the foregoing that private banks are no longer required to submit to examination by the Comptroller of the Currency or the Federal Reserve bank, nt>r are they required to make to the Comptroller and publish periodic reports of condition. The last condition reported rendered to the Comptroller by private banks was as of June 1935. BANKS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The statement following shows the amount of assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia, by classes, on June 30, 1937: Assets and liabilities of banks in the District oj Columbia, by classes, June SO, 1987 l [In thousands of dollars] Total all National banks banks Number of banks Trust companies Savings and State banks 22 ASSETS Loans and discounts: Commercial paper bought in open market. Loans to banks and trust companies: On securities _._ Loans on securities, exclusive of loans to banks: To brokers and dealers outside New York City Toothers Real estate loans, mortgages, deeds of trust, and other liens on real estate: On farm land ... On other real estate All other loans _ Total Overdrafts _ U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed: Direct obligations of the United States Government: Treasury bonds maturing on or before Dec. 31, 1949 Treasury bonds maturing after Dec. 31, 1949 _. Other United States bonds .__. Treasury notes Treasury bills Subtotal Obligations guaranteed by the U. S. Government as to interest and principal: Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation.. _. Home Owners' Loan Corporation Subtotal Total U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks, and securities: Obligations of— Federal land banks. Federal intermediate credit banks Joint-stock land banks States, counties, and municipalities Territorial and insular possessions of the United States.. 1 Exclusive of the Export-Import Bank of Washington. 2,515 1,780 120 120 508 25,560 420 15, 222 81 8,024 7 2,314 118 34,935 39,133 44 5,806 24, 088 44 23,032 6,049 30 6,097 102,889 47,480 37,230 18,179 35 28 24,438 45,000 180 27, 642 178 16, 549 24,721 60 20, 781 178 7,834 18,887 30 5,623 55 1,412 90 1,238 97,438 62,289 32,354 2,795 3,724 15,393 1,581 9,824 1,816 5,145 327 424 19,117 11, 405 6,961 751 116,555 73, 694 39,315 3,546 2,803 110 130 2,647 300 1,164 110 120 1,545 200 1,468 171 1,036 100 10 66 KEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 163 Assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia, by classes> June 80, 1987— Continued [In thousands of dollars] Total all National banks banks Trust companies Savings and State banks ASSETS—continued Other bonds, stocks, and securities—Continued. Bonds, notes, and debentures (not including stock) of other domestic corporations: Railroads Public utilities Real estate corporations Other domestic corporations Stock of Federal Reserve bank Stock of other domestic corporations: Real estate corporations Banks a n d banking corporations Other domestic corporations Fofeign securities: Obligations of foreign central governments _. Obligations of foreign provincial, State, a n d municipal governments _. Other foreign securities __. Total other bonds, stocks, and securities _ Customers' liability on account of acceptances n__. Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other t h a n banking house Reserve with reserve banks Cash, balances with other banks, a n d cash items in process of collection: D e m a n d balances with other banks in the United States (except Federal Reserve banks, private banks, a n d American branches of foreign banks): D u e from banks in N e w York C i t y D u e from banks elsewThere in t h e United States Cash items in process of collection, including items forwarded to Federal Reserve banks a n d exchanges for clearing house T i m e balances with other banks in t h e United States (except private banks a n d American branches of foreign banks) Balances with private b a n k s a n d American branches of foreign banks Balances with banks in foreign countries (including balances with foreign branches of other American banks b u t excluding amounts due from own foreign branches) Cash in vault 5,307 5,717 110 3,212 887 2,928 2,902 23 1,734 440 2,011 2,421 56 1,142 447 394 31 336 2,409 35 832 237 2,054 25 593 355 1 2 900 718 149 3a 161 194 126 34 20 145 15 15 25,754 12,290 11,667 1,797 12 15, 225 4,272 47,204 12 6,220 915 27, 749 7,850 3,269 15, 577 1,155 88 3,87& 7,999 12,180 5,275 7,945 2,483 3,876 241 359 12,837 7,890 3,637 1,310 250 5 40 205 112 58 56 40 9,060 7 5, 308 31 2,643 2 1,109 42,478 Total. Cash items not in process of collectionOther assets Total assets. 12, 766 3,226 73 799 61 165 11 530 1 104 355, 296 195,100 128, 219 31,977 171,943 584 70 102, 865 533 43 57,012 12,066 46 27 21,397 19,826 1,402 109 LIABILITIES D e m a n d deposits: Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations U . S. Government deposits State, county, and municipal deposits. Deposits of other banks in the United States (except private banks a n d American branches of foreign banks) Deposits of private banks and American branches of foreign banks__ ___ "__. Deposits of banks in foreign countries (including balances of foreign branches of other American banks b u t excluding amounts due to own foreign branches). .— Certified a n d cashiers' checks (including dividend checks), letters of credit and travelers' checks sold for cash, a n d amounts due to Federal Reserve bank (transit account). 190 327 Total T i m e deposits: Deposits of individuals, partnerships, a n d corporations: Certificates of deposit (other t h a n for money borrowed). Open accounts Christmas savings and similar accounts Deposits evidenced b y savings pass books Postal savings deposits 1,790 4,629 3,584 97, 536 450 91 2S5 42 3,7 1,839 127,444 iO, 446 12,594 1,702 2,500 1,309 41,104 412 73 564 1,122 43,710 15 1,565 1,153 12,722 38 346 164 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia, by classes, June 30, 1987— Continued [In thousands of dollars! Total all National banks banks Trust companies Savings and State banks LIABILITIES—continued Time deposits—Continued. Deposits of other bajiks in the United States (except private banks and American branches of foreign banks).-. Total Total deposits Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments.-Acceptances executed by other banks for account of reporting banks -.. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid __. Dividends declared but not yet payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared Other liabilities Capital notes and debentures.. Capital stock (see Tri@rnnr?vndft h^low) Undivided profits, net -Reserves for contingencies --__ .Retirement fund for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures -- -- Total capital account Total liabilities, including capital account Memoranda: Par value of capital stock: Preferred.. ... . Common Total , Loans and investments pledged to secure liabilities: U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks, and securities Loans and discounts Total Pledged— Against U, S. Government and postal savings deposits Against deposits of trust department Against other deposits With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers For other purposes.— Total 338 290 108,327 47,317 45,469 15,541 308,811 174,761 105,915 28,135 10,796 298,015 8,258 166,503 2,340 103, 575 198 2-7,937 12 726 12 303 317 106 197 761 1,432 19,812 14,222 7,463 1,640 93 415 93 96 614 9,400 7,927 3,161 696 11 250 818 1,200 813 374 166 9,212 5,482 3,928 778 48 220 116 44,789 19,516 21,798 3,475 355,296 195,100 128, 219 31,977 1,562 18,250 1,562 7,65'» 9,400 1,200 19,812 9,212 9,400 1,200 18,367 1,053 12,085 851 6,044 189 238 13 19,420 12,936 6,233 251 1,130 4,643 8,571 1,052 1,271 8,268 3,372 175 128 5,018 58 2,337 8 2,681 5 45 19,420 12,936 6,233 251 104 78 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 165 Assets and liabilities of all banks in the District of Columbia at date of each call during year ended Oct. 31, 1937 [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1936 (22 banks) Mar. 31, 1937 (22 banks) June 30, 1937 (22 banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S Government Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc _ Customers' liability account of acceptances Banking house, furniture and fixtures _ _. Real estate owned other than banking house Reserve with Federal Reserve bank and approved Reserve agencies. Cash in vault Balances with other banks and cash items in process of collection Cash items not in process of collection Other assets Total. 95,217 17 84,130 22,638 27, 765 25 15,286 4,651 59,604 11, 323 57,907 40 723 97,893 22 99,113 20,428 28,230 27 15,263 4,398 56,663 11,388 52,261 62 1,012 102,889 35 97,438 19,117 25, 754 12 15,225 4,272 47, 204 9,060 33,418 73 799 379,326 386,760 355,296 191,330 109,115 1,244 27, 333 198, 634 112,562 1,426 24,867 172,013 107,989 584 22,252 5, 022 824, 064 25 720 3,749 841,238 12,167 829,071 27 657 5,973 808,811 10,796 298,015 12 726 284 538 19,900 1,495 13,930 6,700 1,507 183 217 648 19,812 1,432 14,146 6,772 1,619 192 197 761 19,812 1,432 14,222 7,463 1,640 220 379, 326 386, 760 355,296 1,650 18,250 1, 562 18, 250 1,562 18,250 19,900 19,812 19,812 17, 591 1,371 20,469 1,393 18,367 1,053 18,962 21,862 19,420 2,884 2,803 8,287 2,733 5,995 8,215 1,130 4,643 8,571 4,929 59 4,858 61 5,018 58 18,962 21,862 19,420 LIABILITIES Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings) U. S. Government deposits _ _ Deposits of other banks— Certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc Total deposits Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments Acceptances executed by other banks for account of reporting banks. Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Dividends declared but not yet payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared -Other liabilities Capital stock (see memoranda below) Capital notes and debtentures Surplus. Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies Retirement fund for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures. Total. Memoranda: Par value of capital stock: Preferred stock Common stock TotalLoans and investments pledged to secure liabilities: U. S. Government obligations _ Other bonds, stocks, and securities..: Loans and discounts _ Total. Pledged: Against U. S. Government and postal savings deposits. Against deposits of trust department _. Against other deposits .__ With State authorities to qualify for the exercise of fiduciary powers For other purposes _ TotaL 166 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The assets and liabilities of banks in the District of Columbia, June 30, 1933 to 1937, are shown in the following statements: Assets and liabilities of all banks in the District of Columbia June 80, 1983-87 [In thousands of dollars] 1933 (20 banks)} 1934 (21 banks)» 1935 (22 banks) 1936 (22 banks) 89,030 27 62,071 88,657 33 27,929 15,821 4,924 9,978 75,282 2 726 27,367 15,719 5,314 7,828 82,540 25 65,249 24,858 27,055 15,627 6,032 9,595 91,040 24 74,223 23,211 28,028 15,401 5,522 11,390 102,889 35 97,438 19,117 25,754 15,225 4,272 9,060 »47,005 909 » 59,709 1,350 3 77,324 1,436 100,815 974 80, 622 257,694 281,985 309,741 350,628 355,296 Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings) U. S. Government deposits Deposits of other banks Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc 109,587 83,672 2,360 13,969 119,879 137,032 103,352 903 20,748 166,600 106,625 1,315 25,836 172,013 107,989 584 22,252 3,295 3,768 4,528 6,037 5,973 Total deposits. National-bank circulation Bills payable and rediscounts Agreements to repurchase securities sold _Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and undd. paid Dividend declared but not payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared Other liabilities Capital stock, capital notes and debentures: Capital notes and debentures Preferred stock _ _ Common stock Surplus _ Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies Retirement fund for preferred stock and capital notes and debentures Total.. £12,883 4,413 230 87 236,133 2,852 234 21 266,563 962 130 306,413 308,811 44 16 12 710 723 755 726 886 156 96 189 660 197 761 17,350 13, 765 4,785 8 2, 578 1,850 1,500 18,485 13,175 4,412 « 1,720 1,850 1,650 18,235 13,090 4,917 1,245 1,550 1,650 18,250 13,481 6,292 1,343 1,432 1,562 18,250 14,222 7,463 1,640 80 257,694 281,985 309,741 25 350, 628 355,296 1937 (22 banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) Overdrafts _ U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government.... Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures._ _ Real estate owned other than banking house Cash in vault _ Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank or other Reserve agents, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house Other assets Total.. LIABILITIES 92,992 3,271 16,223 11 0) 4 220 * Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. *Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. «Includes cash items not in process of collection. < Dividends declared but not yet payable were included with "Other liabilities" In 1933 and 1934. Amounts set aside for dividends not declared were not segregated from reserves for contingencies prior to 1935. • Includes reserves for dividends. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 167 Assets and liabilities of national banks in the District of Columbia June 80, 1988-87 [In thousands of dollars] 1933 (8 banks) * 1934 (9 banks) » 1935 (9 banks) 1936 (9 banks) 1937 (9 banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government—. Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house Cash in vault Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve bank, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house Other assets Total—. 4,375 42,750 18 51, 259 2 310 11,271 6,294 1,082 5,049 38,642 16 47, 534 12,665 12,147 6,278 1,105 5,714 41,540 20 48, 731 12, 985 12,934 6,250 1,074 7,009 47,480 28 62, 289 11,405 12,290 6,220 915 5,308 3 48,440 584 173,125 64,973 331 142,039 » 40,345 538 158,916 195,847 48,927 238 195,100 62,908 42,070 2,329 11,859 71,973 45,841 3,223 14,452 81,205 48,831 882 19,673 48,094 1,213 24,035 102,908 47, 027 538 20,500 46,570 10,911 6,283 1,002 5,867 «29,633 LIABILITIES Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings) U. S. Government deposits _ Deposits of other banks Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc Total deposits National-bank circulation i Agreements to repurchase securities sold Acceptances executed by or for account of reporting banks _ Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Dividends declared but not payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared Other liabilities Capital stock: Preferred Common Surplus Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies Retirement fund for preferred stock Total _ 2,599 2,944 3,581 4,376 3,788 121,765 4,413 87 138,438 2,852 154,172 962 176,584 174,761 7 44 16 262 291 315 0) 6,950 5,100 2,549 • 803 1,500 7,950 4,850 2,352 «645 142,039 158,916 12 303 56 47 85 501 93 415 1,650 7,650 4,750 2,886 518 75 173,125 1,650 7,650 5,092 3,411 589 1,562 7,650 5,482 3,928 778 116 195,100 195, 847 i Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis »Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. 8 4 Includes cash items not in process of collection. Dividends declared but not yet payable were included with "Other liabilities" in 1933 and 1934. Amounts set aside for dividends not declared were not segregated from reserves for contingencies prior to 1935. «Includes reserves for dividends. 27021—38 168 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of loan and trust companies in the District of Columbia June SO, 1983-87 [In thousands of dollars] 1933 (5 banks)1 Loans and discounts (including rediscounts)— Overdrafts U. 8. Government securities, direct obligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government— Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house Cash in vault Balances with other banks, including reserve with Federal Reserve and other Reserve banks, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house Other assets 1935 (5 banks) 1936 (5 banks) 1937 (5 banks) 34,117 2 23,140 9,325 12,467 7,997 4,234 3,220 37,230 4 32,354 6,961 11,667 7,850 3,269 2,643 30, 200 587 125,289 25,700 541 128,219 56,338 44,561 1,510 57,012 45,469 1,595 14,813 8,295 3,692 3,539 35,762 13 22,291 2 275 13,551 8,206 3,994 2,221 « 15,337 500 s 15,606 759 « 24,785 799 98,500 102,678 112,943 Demand deposits Time deposits (including postal savings) Deposits of other banks Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc 41,631 32,232 2,059 41,205 36,830 1,678 47,317 42,810 649 709 737 1,395 1,839 Total deposits Bills payable and rediscounts Agreements to repurchase securities sold Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Dividends declared but not payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures Other liabilities Capital stock, capital notes, and debentures: Capital notes and debentures Common stock Surplus _ _ Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies 76,571 80,4X2 134 21 91,849 55 103,804 106,916 325 316 336 317 Total™. 37,630 12 14,682 1934 (5 banks)i 32,267 16,796 10,532 12,041 8,100 4,670 2,946 LIABILITIES Total.... 9,400 7,700 2,033 •1,688 1,000 9,400 7,700 1,901 « 931 1,000 9,400 7,700 1,844 671 93 34 700 9,400 7,709 2,567 646 98,500 102,678 112,943 125,289 802 15 614 9,400 7,927 3,161 128,219 1 Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. 1 Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. 8 Includes cash items not in process of collection. 4 Dividends declared but not yet payable were included with "Other liabilities" in 1933 and 1934. Amounts set aside for dividends not declared were not segregated from reserves for contingencies prior to 1935. 6 Includes reserves for dividends. EEPOET OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 169 Assets and liabilities of savings and State banks in the District of Columbia June 80, 1983-87 [In thoasands of dollars] 1933 (7 banks) 1934 (7 banks) 1 1935 (S banks) » 1936 (8 banks) 1937 (8 banks) ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) Overdrafts _ U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities fully guaranteed by U. S. Government Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc. _ Banking house, furniture and fixtures Real estate owned other than banking house.. Cash in vault.. _ Balances with other banks, including reserve with reserve banks, cash items in process of collection, and exchanges for clearing house -, Other assets Total. 10,025 1 819 11, 631 2 919 1,661 2,867 1, 249 257 935 15,383 2 2,352 901 2,627 1,154 214 1,161 18,179 3 2,795 751 1,797 1,155 88 1,109 2,205 1,243 230 572 10,145 2 1,732 2 141 2,545 1,219 238 558 3 2, 035 25 3 3, 758 53 »4,C 53 5,642 56 6,995 105 17,155 20, 391 23,673 29,492 31,977 5,048 9,370 6,701 10, 321 48 93 8,510 11,711 21 90 11,396 13,970 102 291 12,093 15,493 46 157 LIABILITIES Demand deposits _. Time deposits (including postal savings) U. S. Government deposits* Deposits of other banks Certified and cashiers' checks and cash letters of credit and travelers' checks outstanding, etc Total deposits Bills payable and rediscounts. _ Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaidDividends declared but not payable and amounts set aside for dividends not declared and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures Other liabilities. Capital stock, capital notes and debentures: Capital notes and debentures Common stock Surplus Undivided profits, netReserves for contingencies Retirement fund for capital notes and debentures Total. 1 31 51 47 115 210 266 346 14,647 230 17,278 100 20,542 75 26,025 4 28,1S6 121 94 92 150 106 7 34 11 125 11 250 (*) 1,000 965 203 »87 850 1,135 625 159 5 144 850 1,185 640 187 56 5 850 1,200 680 314 108 25 818 1,200 813 374 166 104 17,155 20,391 23, 673 29,492 31,977 Licensed banks; i. e., those operating on an unrestricted basis. * Includes Home Owners' Loan Corporation 4-percent bonds, guaranteed by the United States as to interest only, the amount of which was not called for separately. »Includes cash items not in process of collection. 4 Dividends declared but not yet payable were included with "Other liabilities" in 1933 and 1934. Amounts set aside for dividends not declared were not segregated from reserves for contingencies prior to 41935. Includes reserves for dividends. 170 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Earnings and dividends of banks other than national in the District of Columbia The following statement shows comparative figures concerning the earnings and dividends of banks other than national in the District of Columbia for the years ended June 30,1937 and 1936: Earnings and dividends of trust companies and savings banks in 1the District of Columbia for the years ended June 80, 1937 and 1986 [In thousands of dollars] 6 months ended 6 months ended June 30,1937 Deo. 31,1936 Year Year ended ended June June 30, 30, 5 trust 8 sav- 13 total 5 trust 8 sav- 13 total 1937, 1936, com- ings com- ings 13 13 panies banks banks panies banks banks banks banks Capital: 645 Capital notes and debentures 9,400 Common stock (par value) 10,045 Total 7,821 Surplus 17,866 Total capital and surplus 21,246 Capital funds> Gross earnings: Interest and discount on loans 903 Interest and dividends on bonds, stocks, 772 and other securities Interest on balances with other banks _ Collection charges, commissions, fees, etc. 82 Foreign department (except interest on foreign loans, investments, and bank 4 balances) Trust department 52 Service charges on deposit accounts 288 Rent 49 Otherreceived earnings-«. Total 2,473 Expenses: Salaries and wages: Officers 241 Employees other 3than officers 481 Number of officers Number of employees other than offi cers3 79 717 Fees paid to directors and members of executive, discount, and advisory committees 12 Interest on deposits of other banks. Interest on other demand deposits Interest on other time deposits 475 Interest and discount on borrowed money n 80 Real estate taxes 140 Other taxes _ _ Other expenses . . . 374 Total 1,803 Net earnings -- _ _ > - - _- 670 850 1,495 1,200 10,600 614 9,400 818 1,432 1,432 1,200 10,600 10,600 1,550 10,600 2,050 12,095 10,014 755 8,576 7,927 2,018 12,032 12,032 813 8,740 8,740 12,150 8,38& 2,805 20,671 17,941 2,831 20,772 20,772 20,539 3,354 24,600 21,798 3,475 25,273 25,273 24,199 485 1,388 917 519 1,436 2,824 2,532 94 1 71 866 1 153 833 95 72 2 81 905 2 176 1,771 3 329 1,601 1 302 76 27 4 323 128 315 5 345 59 282 86 24 5 345 145 306 9 668 273 621 } 113 10 709 227 790 12 61 49 3 52 766 3,239 2,585 787 3,372 84 126 53 325 607 132 931 238 493 79 723 86 127 54 231 324 620 133 954 6 2 18 14 6 20 125 600 420 121 541 1,141 8 46 137 88 186 511 78 142 398 6 52 154 84 194 552 2 172 380 } 495 1,063 1, 042 534 2,337 1,783 552 2,335 4,672 4,443 232 902 802 235 1,037 1,939 1,729 214 2 6,611 6,172 649 1,227 } 1,706 ISO 133 907 954 38 2 4 20 3 18 1,157 1 Excludes the Export-Import Bank of Washington. 2 Represents aggregate book value of capital stock, capital notes and debentures, surplus, undivided profits, reserves for contingencies, and retirement fund for capital notes and debentures. 3 Number at end of period. * 6 months ended June 30, 1936, when first called for separately; such amounts previously included with "other expenses." NOTE.—The capital, capital notes and debentures, surplus, and capital funds used in this table are as of end of period. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE 171 CURRENCY Earnings and dividends of trust companies and savings banks in the District of Columbia for the years ended June 30, 1937 and 1936—Continued 6 months ended Dec. 31, 1936 6 months ended June 30, 1937 Year Year ended ended June June 30, 30, 5 trust 8 sav- 13 total 5 trust 1936, total 1937, comings banks com- ings 13 13 13 banks panies banks banks banks banks Recoveries, profits on securities sold, etc.: Recoveries on loans Recoveries on bonds, stocks, and other securities Profits on securities sold Allother Total _ Total earnings, recoveries, etc Losses and depreciation: On loans On bonds, stocks, and other securities.._ On banking house, furniture and fixtures. Other losses and depreciation Total 303 182 973 414 200 59 79 50 388 Net addition to profits.. Interest and dividends: On capital notes and debentures On common stock Total 12 119 74 585 ... Ratios: Dividends on common stock to common capital Dividends on common stock to common capital and surplus Interest on capital notes and debentures to capital notes and debentures outstanding Interest and dividends on capital notes and debentures and common stock to capital notes and debentures and common capital Interest and dividends on capital notes and debentures and common stock to capital funds _ Interest and dividends on capital notes and debentures and common stock to capital notes and debentures, common capital and surplus... Net addition to profits to common capital Net addition to profits to common capital and surplus Net addition to profits to capital notes and debentures and common capital.... Net addition to profits to capital notes and debentures, common capital and surplus.. _. Net addition to profits to capital funds... 249 12 294 306 61 123 100 115 238 283 76 184 102 64 126 102 75 159 112 151 343 214 } 723 485 392 461 946 1,111 2,885 2,840 345 280 257 133 611 210 249 193 1,387 1,194 241 124 111 77 80 124 106 45 304 104 156 146 56 553 355 107 462 1,015 834 839 197 1,036 1,870 27 340 10 246 367 256 49 105 1,577 24 281 51 621 560 305 672 628 Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet Pet. Pet. 3.13 3.83 3.21 2.62 2.92 2.65 5.86 5.28 1.71 2.35 1.77 1.42 1.74 1.45 3.21 2.95 1.86 1.'76 1.81 1.63 1.71 1.68 3.56 4.39 3.05 2.98 3.03 2.56 2.43 2.53 5.59 5.17 1.44 1.82 1.49 1.17 1.41 1.21 2.66 2.60 1.71 6.22 2.17 20.75 1.43 8.93 1.73 16.42 1.47 9.77 3.24 17.64 3.40 12.74 1.78 7.87 4.35 4.84 9.79 5.36 9.67 3.06 14.88 8.30 5.82 12.15 6.90 8.38 9.76 8.61 15.54 12.98 3.27 2.75 8.88 7.42 4.03 3.39 4.68 3.85 £.67 4.99 4.10 9.00 7.40 7.68 6.52 Building and loan associations in the District of Columbia The assets of the 27 building and loan associations operatiag in the District of Columbia under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency on June 30, 1937, totaled $117,840,000 and exceeded by $5,238,000 the assets of 28 associations on June 30 a year ago. The loans, which aggregated $108,903,000, showed an increase in the year of $6,128,000. Installment payments on shares increased also from $99,688,000 to $103,631,000. 172 KEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Twenty-two of the associations operated on the permanent plan, four on the serial plan, and one on both the permanent and serial plans. The total membership was 126,759, as compared to 133,679 members a year ago, and of the total in the current year the numbers borrowing and nonborrowing were 30,305 and 96,454, respectively. The following statement discloses the number of building and loan associations in the District of Columbia, their aggregate loans, installments paid on shares, and total assets on June 30 each year 1914-37. (Summaries of the assets and liabilities of the individual associations on or about June 30, 1937, together with consolidated statements of assets and liabilities and receipts and disbursements for the 6-month periods ended Dec. 31, 1936, and June 30, 1937, are published in the appendix of this report.) [Figures for previous years published in report for 1931] Number of associations Years Loans Installments on shares $18, 582,156 19, 524,065 20,186, 662 20,951,089 21, 567,904 23,654,000 27, 398,000 29,520,000 33, 233,000 36,157,000 38,968,000 42,482,000 46,781,000 50,940,000 57,505,000 63,566,000 68,143,000 74,365,000 81, 298,000 82,919,000 84,946,000 92,306,000 102,775,000 108,903,000 $17,113,899 17,866,337 18,668,808 19,413, 266 20, 252,005 22,463,000 25, 373,000 27, 593,000 30, 506,000 32,858,000 35, 452,000 38, 653,000 42, 794,000 47,887,000 53, 738,000 58,916,000 64,480,000 70,244,000 76,773,000 78,308,000 83,871,000 90,710,000 99,688,000 103,631,000 Total assets June 30— 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925.. 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930.. 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 . . . . . 20 20 19 19 20 20 21 24 22 23 23 24 22 22 22 22 24 24 26 28 28 28 28 27 $19,029,260 20,655, 614 21,611,007 22, 264, 005 23, 215,027 25, 699, 000 29, 322,000 31, 683,000 34,879,000 37, 589,000 40,467,000 43,977,000 48,573,000 43,829,000 59,855,000 65,964,000 71, 629,000 77,992,000 84,991,000 88,350,000 93,359,000 101,477,000 112,602,000 117,840,000 District of Columbia credit unions At the close of business October 31, 1937, there were 24 active credit unions operating in the District of Columbia which have been recommended for approval by this office and licensed by the District Commissioners under the provisions of the District of Columbia Credit Unions Act, approved June 23, 1932. A list of such credit unions, the date originally licensed and the date of latest renewal of the license appear in the following statement: 173 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Date of original license Title Adjutant General's Office Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia Agricultural Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia Armour Washington Credit Union of the District of Columbia Department of Commerce Credit Union of the District of Columbia _. Educational Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia F . C. A. Employees Credit Union of the District of ColumbiaF . E. U. Local 262 Credit Union of the District of Columbia F . E. U. No. 105 Credit Union of the District of Columbia F . E. U. No. 261 Credit Union of the District of Columbia Q. A. 0 . Employees' Credit Union of the District of Columbia In-Com-Co. Credit Union of the District of Columbia Navy Department Branch of F. E. U. No. 2 Credit Union of the District of Columbia. Title changed to "Navy Department Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia" _ Navy Yard Credit Union of the District of Columbia Police Credit Union of the District of Columbia Post Office Department Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia _ .Railway Mail Service Credit Union of the District of Columbia St. Anthony's Parish Credit Union of the District of Columbia— Standards Credit Union of the District of Columbia. _. _ Swift Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia Uniformed Fireman's Credit Union of the District of Columbia ... United States Department of Labor Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia. Title changed to "Credit Union of the Employees of the Department of Labor in the District of Columbia" Veterans' Administration Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia Washington Postal Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia Western Union Employees Credit Union of the District of Columbia Mar. May Feb. Nov. Mar. May Nov. Nov. Jan. Nov. Jan. Date of last renewal of license 25,1933 Apr. 20,1937 2,1934 May 14,1937 3,1933 Feb. 18,1937 14,1932 Nov. 9,1936 2,1933 Feb. 11,1937 3,1934 •Sept. 15,1937 25,1932 Dec. 11,1936 29,1932 Nov. 17,1936 16,1933 Feb. 4,1937 10,1933 Nov. 21,1936 16,1933 Dec. 28,1936 Jan. 19,1933 Mar. 27,1933 Aug. 30,1935 Jan. 13,1937 Mar. 24,1937 Aug. 20,1937 Apr. Oct. Nov. Nov. July Dec. 2,1934 17,1932 16,1932 14,1933 27,1933 18,1933 Apr. June Feb. Nov. July Dec. May 3,1935 Dec. 23,1937 Oct. 27,1932 Feb. 7,1933 Jan. 7,1933 Nov. 3,1937 Jan. 28,1937 Do. 12,1937 25,1937 23,1937 17,1936 22,1937 17,1936 Summaries of the assets and liabilities of the individual credit unions as of June 30, 1937, together with a consolidated statement of assets and liabilities and receipts and disbursements for the 6-month periods ended December 31, 1936, and June 30, 1937, are published in the appendix of this report. Export-Import Bank of Washington The Export-Import Bank of Washington, incorporated under the provisions of title 5, chapter 9, section 261 of the Code of Laws of the District of Columbia, was established pursuant to an Executive order dated February 2, 1934. A statement of its assets and liabilities as of the date of each call in the year ended October 31, 1937, appears below: 174 KEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities of the Export-Import Bank of Washington at date of each call in year ended Oct. 81, 1937 [In thousands of dollars] Dec. 31, 1936 Mar. 31, 1937 June 30, 1937 ASSETS Loans arid discounts Customers' liability account of acceptances Furniture and fixtures -Balances with other banks Due from United States Treasurer Cash items not in process of collection. _ Other assets Total -- $17,502 71 2 55 4,577 15 $18,817 90 2 28 2,009 1,600 15 $16,521 309 2 52 1,082 4,500 16 22,222 22, 561 22,482 71 548 90 635 309 133 20,000 1,000 562 41 20,000 1,000 775 61 20,000 1,000 960 80 22, 222 22, 561 22,482 LIABILITIES Acceptances executed by other banks for account of reporting b a n k . . . Other liabilities Capital (par value): Preferred Common .. . __ ._ .. Undivided profits Reserves for contingencies Total SAVINGS, BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES The following statements relative to State-chartered building and loan associations and Federal savings and loan associations in the United States were taken from reports compiled by the Secretary of the United States Building and Loan League: Savings, building and loan associations, by States, at close of 1936 Number of associations States State Alabama Arizona. Arkansas..California Colorado. Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia.. Florida Georgia __. Idaho. Illinois _ Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland * Massachusetts,. _ Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri— Montana.Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey _. New Mexico New York North C arolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon. _ Pennsylvania Rhode Island i Estimated. * Not including borrowers. 28 2 27 132 41 38 42 27 52 20 5 770 244 68 136 139 89 36 900 213 57 51 27 189 25 78 5 28 1, 14 228 174 19 642 46 15 2,370 Federal Total 43 3 63 199 63 53 42 27 100 62 13 863 301 100 155 182 101 42 917 219 78 82 46 227 26 93 5 30 1,498 23 286 186 24 733 77 37 2,408 Total assets Number of members State 9,916 1,000 4,984 239, 266 26, 422 26, 694 15, 600 122,984 8,000 9,373 3,000 311,340 98, 553 36,954 89,638 80,991 108,885 24,120 211,000 392, 361 100, 369 31, 846 4, 200 140,000 19, 978 283,800 1,250 13, 452 641,890 3,383 7,243 13,112 1,020,133 14,996 18,160 577,150 47,369 Federal 4,490 201 4,618 24. 648 6,502 3,512 8,352 9,672 5,884 35,997 68,363 6,273 4,337 36, 549 5,559 319 8,254 1,850 10, 795 23, 718 2,367 20, 966 32 3,045 3,610 765 90,071 3,768 1,683 115,080 24,548 8,236 9,330 Total 14, 406 1,201 9,602 263,914 32,924 30,206 15,600 122,984 16,352 19,045 8,884 347,337 166,916 43,227 93,975 117,540 114,444 24,439 219, 254 394, 211 111, 164 55, 564 6,567 160, 966 20, 010 86,845 1,250 17,062 641,890 4,148 439, 015 91,011 14, 795 1,135,213 39, 544 26, 396 586, 480 47,369 Increase or Decrease over 1935 10,220 17,332 774 104 400 4,196 2,110 2,790 1,225 166,458 98,788 4,109 7,308 85,033 7,891 4 191 1,471 SO, 221 6,455 298 21,192 7,654 46,826 50 1,229 59, 057 1 8,052 11, 316 210 282,064 6,788 1,689 78,645 1,681 State $12,007,253 410,855 4,301,907 230,984,385 20, 582,442 21,689,478 12,558,147 113,270,492 7,242,978 5,362,037 1,327,998 181,624,176 85, 606,858 33,145, 990 72,801, 788 58, 937,366 88, 404, 672 22,338,293 142, 000,000 456,196, 954 97, 659, 218 21, 450,816 5,147, 531 100, 742,427 11,091,511 72, 305, 708 1,043, 599 10,906, 461 883,477, 982 3,426,866 263, 414, 498 60, 313, 504 8, 508, 305 659, 645,831 20,320,162 14,191, 717 647, 700,032 34,365,868 Federal $3,697, 595 755,820 7,100,025 47,096,673 8,259, 609 5,105,980 18,568,311 9, 004,929 4,513,790 56, 593,295 68,858,835 5,547, 752 5, 473,252 40,582,300 10, 633,080 167,337 11,752, 682 5,048,489 14, 093,893 21, 270, 299 2,004, 677 29,151, 676 67, 226 4,071, 294 4, 607,002 786, 447 99,984, 418 5, 722,038 1, 328,449 132, 779,427 36, 563,533 7,115,638 11, 524,685 Total $15,704,848 1,169, 675 11,401,932 278,081,058 28,842,051 26, 795,458 12, 558,147 113,270,492 25,811,289 14,366,966 5,841,788 238,217,471 154, 465,693 38, 693, 742 78,275,040 99, 519,666 99,037,752 22,505,630 153, 752,682 461, 245,443 111, 753, 111 42, 721,115 7,152, 208 129,894,103 11,158, 737 76, 377,002 1,043, 599 15, 513,463 883,477, 982 4,213, 313 363, 398, 916 66,035, 542 9,836, 754 792, 425, 258 58,883, 695 21,307,355 659,224, 717 34, 365,868 Increase or Decrease over 1935 $1,122,097 636,103 2, 970,536 2,983,624 1,913,565 808,511 5, 942, 492 10,471,978 3, 593,916 2,043,426 109,002,354 28,332,008 809,546 8,099,096 10,521,063 19,930 3, 961, 736 489,109 13,274,095 7, 606,346 9,278 5,154,201 224,565 11,079,436 42,359 1,786,359 64,693,847 264,469 8, 740, 037 5, 749, 783 593, 523 31, 078, 797 1,836, 775 3 H O W o o H o d 2,247, 649 89,511,438 1,071, 710 Or Savings, building and loan associations, by States, at close of 1986—Continued Number of associations States State South Carolina. South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Hawaii Alaska - - .. ._ _ _ __ - Grand total.. . _ Federal Total Total assets Number of members State Federal Total Increase or Decrease over 1935 State Federal Total Increase or Decrease over 1935 51 14 18 94 16 12 77 36 47 180 5 11 26 5 37 88 4 2 21 36 21 28 9 1 1 77 19 55 182 20 14 98 72 68 208 14 12 1 8,000 5,500 11,800 52,343 25,000 4,992 42,800 77,593 21,300 180, 788 8,000 24,000 7,463 1,397 11,160 10, 565 1,631 566 5,661 71, 784 7, 512 3,353 745 268 15,463 6,897 22, 960 62,908 26,631 5,558 48, 461 149,377 28,812 184,141 8,745 24,268 6,697 190 101 48,702 28, 539 38 1,469 5,783 6,671 12,216 1,010 2,495 7,890,457 3,330,679 8,321,714 59, 246,445 24,211,084 4,248,820 34,250,018 18,552,791 14,816,377 181,753,288 3, 932,868 4,797,747 7,643,845 1,137,166 13,173,132 18,468, 693 1,437,614 757,420 8, 781,037 26,142,712 9,185,153 5,045,074 1,290,757 332,200 15,534,302 4,467,845 21,494,846 77, 715,138 25,648, 698 5,006,240 43,031,055 44, 695,503 24,001,530 186, 798,362 5,223,625 5,129,947 4,990,897 124,893 3,901,060 1,605,243 2,378,407 82,630 414,481 3, 758,818 1,468,043 6,418,722 265,710 10,121 9,044 1,212 10,256 5,450,472 675, 499 6,125,971 923,596 4,851,858,393 773,225,259 5,625,083,652 268,626,674 o 8 a o 3 1 Q REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 177 Mortgage loan investments of savings, building and loan associations, at close of 1936 State associations States Alabama Arizona Arkansas California _ •Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia... Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky.. Louisiana Maine Maryland ! Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana: Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota.Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington. _ West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Hawaii Total. $4,317,515 204,289 4,301,907 128,791,403 7,758,694 18,533,884 9,984,623 104,296,156 2,394,890 4,681, 980 1,145, 549 181,624,176 54,235,689 23, 714,420 39,944,134 43, 271,050 54, 206, 561 18,392,311 99,000,000 336, 333,901 38,128,261 16,630,163 3,286, 442 65,509, 089 7,541,381 45,059,534 611,627 9,818,235 440,075,419 3,426,866 192,212,755 49,860,563 5, 729,310 435,419,201 14,161,409 9,403,352 431,005,386 26,194, 526 6, 557,951 2,322, 723 3,034,070 37,470,070 10,639,851 3, 375,125 26,372,909 10,984,617 14, 816, 376 96,116,403 3,932,868 3,578, 724 Federal savings and loan associations $2, 785,747 637,612 5,631,089 36,802,346 6,245,125 4,312,030 Increase or Total, 1936 $7,103,262 841,901 9,932,996 165,593,749 14,003,819 22,845,914 9,984,623 104,296,156 16,170,955 18,565,845 8,368,350 13,050,330 4,181,020 5,326,569 42,051,435 223,675,611 49,390,421 103,626,110 4,862,808 28,577,228 4,523, 665 44,467,799 29,735,393 73,006,443 9,044,068 63,250,629 150,903 18, 543, 214 7,863,230 106,863,230 4,454,106 340, 788,007 9,177,340 47,305,601 16,495,389 33,125,552 1,836,621 5,123, 063 87,011,504 21,502,415 7,584,868 43, 487 48,454,139 3,394,605 611,627 14,068,714 4,250,479 440,075,419 4,131,613 704,747 266,981,677 74,768,922 5,923,015 55, 783, 578 998,103 6, 727,413 99, 759,960 535,179,161 23,895,922 38,057,331 6,059,375 15,462, 727 8, 715,649 439, 721,035 26,194, 526 6,692, 278 13, 250,229 '906, 505 3,229, 228 11, 216, 212 14,250,282 15,146, 724 52, 616,794 1,240, 784 11,880,635 675,882 4,051,007 7, 587,835 33,960, 744 21,214, 525 32,199,142 7, 991,543 22,807,919 4,584,888 100,701,291 1,102,042 5,034,910 319,871 3,898,595 Total, 1935 $7,066,217 304,961 7,179,004 151,706,635 14,815,321 20,951,724 10,227,486 9,032,654 9,573,096 3,177,750 234, 596,454 118,516,183 27, 664, 626 46,538,470 83,955,799 62, 4C0,656 18, 935, 219 104,501, 736 346,640, 291 63,242,103 25, 308, 556 4, 816,367 87,908,240 7,748,217 56,418,172 15,310, 945 526,489, 406 2,976,817 262,914,374 48,764,342 6, 263,158 535,555,447 35,435,120 11,877,136 505, 079,115 24,386,135 15,751,088 3,017,420 11,096,872 46,873,041 12, 217,697 4,016,713 32,846,870 27, 755,203 16,451,852 105,316, 777 3,612,073 3, 677,026 decrease 1936 over 1935 $37,045 536,940 2,753,992 13,887,114 811,502 1,894,190 242, 863 6,798,156 9,533,191 3,477,234 2,148,819 10,920,848 14,890,073 912, 602 2,070,671 10,949,356 849,973 392,005 2,361,494 5,852,284 15,986,502 7,816,996 306,696 896,736 163,849 7,964, OSS 123,388 1,242,281 86,418,987 1,154, 796 4,067,303 7,019,236 464, 255 876,286 2,622,211 3,585,591 65,358,080 1,808,391 2,600,859 211,808 3,153,410 5,743,753 887,062 34, 294 1,113,874 4,443,939 6,356,067 4,615,486 1,422,837 221,569 3,150,408,338 593,415,421 3,743,823,759 3,878,896,803 135,078,044 i Estimated. Percent total mortgage loans to total assets 45.2 72.2 87.1 59.5 48.6 85.3 79.5 92.0 71.9 90.8 91.2 93.9 67.1 73.9 56.8 73.4 63.9 84.8 69.5 73.9 42.3 77.5 71.6 67.0 68.0 63.4 58.6 90.7 49.8 98.1 73.5 84.5 63.7 67.5 66.9 72.6 66.7 76.2 85.3 72.3 66.3 67.7 46.3 80.9 78.9 72.0 95.0 53.9 96.4 76.0 178 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Number, membership, total assets, and mortgage loans of building and loan associations in the continental United States on or about Dec. 81, 1914 to 1936 1 lAmounts in thousands of dollars] Number of associations Year Number of members 6,616 6,806 7,072 7,269 7,484 7,788 8,633 9,255 10,009 10,744 11,844 12,403 12,626 12,804 12,666 12,342 11,777 11, 442 10,997 10,727 10,920 10,534 10, 256 1914. 1915. 1916. 1917. 1918. 1919. 1920. 1921. 1922 1923. 1924. 1925. 1926. 1927. 1928. 1929. 1930. 1931. 1932. 1933. 1934. 1935. 1936. 3,103,935 3,334,899 3,568,432 3,838,612 4,011,401 4, 289,326 5,026,781 5,809,888 6,364,144 7,202,880 8,554,352 9,886,997 10,665,705 11,308,061 11,995,905 12, 111, 209 12,350,928 11,338,701 10,114,792 9,224,105 8,370,146 7,049,567 6,125,971 Total assets 1,357,708 1,484, 206 1, 598,628 1, 769,142 1,898, 344 2,126, 620 2, 519,915 2,890,765 3,342, 531 3,942,940 4,765,937 5, 509,176 6,334,104 7,178,562 8,016,034 8, 695,154 8,828,612 8,417,376 7,750,491 6,977,532 6,450,424 5,888,710 5,625,084 Mortgage loans outstanding () 5,085,010 5,852,690 6,584,818 7,267,005 7,790,835 7,764,035 7,209,647 6,394,725 5,518,700 4,487,535 3,878,896 3,743,824 i Includes the Territory of Hawaii beginning with the year 1930. > Not available. NOTE.—Includes figures for Federal savings and loan associations beginning with the year 1934. Failures of building and loan associations, 1920-36 Total number of associations Year 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 . 1925 1926 1927 . 1928 1929 1930 . . 1931 .. 1932 . . 1933. 1934 2 1935 2 1936 2 _.. . _ _. 8,633 9,255 10, 009 10, 744 11,844 12,403 12,626 12, 804 12, 666 12, 343 11, 777 11,442 10,997 10,727 10,920 10, 534 10, 256 Total assets $2, 519,914,971 2,890,764,621 3,342,530, 553 3,942,939,880 4, 765,937,197 5, 509,176,154 6,334,103,807 7,178, 562,451 8,016,034,327 8, 695,154, 220 8,828, 611,925 8,417,375, 605 7, 750,491,084 6,977, 531, 676 6,450, 424,392 5,888,710,326 5,625,083,652 liabiliNumber Total ties of failed failed associations 1 2 6 4 9 18 26 12 21 23 159 190 126 122 88 68 239 3144 $80,437,508 61,908, 529 52,818, 387 215,516,812 34, 727, 616 31, 946, 235 20,316,197 Estimated loss $506 91,547 158,674 132,612 398, 245 500,000 380, 725 1,013,000 568,000 2, 312,626 24, 676,059 22, 327,842 20, 337, 255 43, 954, 547 10,174, 442 15, 782,068 9,051, 583 1 Principally installment payments on shares. Includes savings and loan associations. * Located as follows: Colorado 1, Delaware 1, District of Columbia 1, Illinois 22, Indiana 12, Maryland 7, Missouri 1, North Carolina 7, Pennsylvania 83, Texas 5, Wisconsin 3, and West Virginia 1. 2 MONEY IN THE UNITED STATES Statements showing the stock of money in the United States in the years ended June 30, 1914 to 1937, and the imports and exports of merchandise, gold, and silver in the calendar years 1914 to 1936, and the 9 months ended September 30, 1937, follow: EBPOET OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 179 Stock of money in the United States, in the Treasury, in reporting banks, in Federal Reserve banks, and in general circulation, years ended June 80, 1914 to 1937 Year ended June 30— In general circulation, exHeld by or for clusive of amounts held Coin and Coin and other Coin and other money in Treas- money in report- Federal Reserve by reporting banks, other ing banks 3 banks and agents Federal Reserve banks ury as assets * money and Treasury in the United PerPerStates PerPerPer Amount cent Amount cent Amount cent Amount cent capita Millions $3,797.8 4,050.8 4,541.7 5,678.8 6,906.2 7,688.4 8,158. 5 8,174. 5 8, 276.1 8,702.8 8,846.5 8,299.4 8,429.0 8, 667.3 8,118.1 8, 538.8 8,306.6 9,079.6 9, 004.4 10,078.4 13,634. 4 15,114. 0 17,402.5 19,376.8 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Millions $338.4 348,2 299.1 269.7 363.5 585.1 490.7 463.6 406.1 386.5 359.4 363.9 353.2 350.9 351.3 373.1 247.2 254.9 278.2 314.5 2,955.9 2,865. 9 2,496.4 3,444.5 8.91 8.60 6.59 4.75 5.27 7.61 6.01 5.67 4.91 4.44 4.06 4.38 4.19 4.05 4.33 4.37 2.98 2.81 3.09 3.12 21.68 18.96 14.35 17.78 Millions $1,630. 0 1,447.9 1.472.2 1.487.3 882.7 981.3 1,047. 3 926.3 814.0 777.1 900.8 938.3 975.2 985.1 866.5 799.1 853.8 865.5 774.1 649.9 689.6 760.0 987.7 42.92 35.74 32.41 26.19 12.78 12.76 12.84 11.33 9.84 8.93 10.18 11.30 11.57 11.36 10.67 9.36 10.28 9.53 8.60 6.45 5.06 5.03 5.68 4.75 Millions $383.0 593.3 1.342. 7 2,061. 0 2, 226. 7 2, 200.2 2, 799.9 3,406.8 3,493. 0 3,637.8 3.120.3 3,190. 5 3,465.1 2,970. 2 3.419.4 3, 537. 3 4,002. 7 3,031.1 4,043. 2 5,305.0 6,680. 0 8,664.9 9,485.1 Millions $1,829.4 1,871.7 2,177.1 2,579.1 3, 599. 0 3,895.3 4,420. 3 3,984. 7 41.16 3,649. 2 40.14 4, 046.2 41.12 3,948. 5 37.63 3,876.9 37.85 3,910.1 3,866. 2 36.59 3, 930.1 40.04 3,947.2 42.58 3,668.2 44.08 3,956. 5 33.66 4,921.0 40.12 5,070.8 38.91 4,683.9 44.20 4,808.1 49.79 5,253.5 48.95 5,526.3 9.45 13.06 23. 64 29.84 28.96 26.97 34.25 48.17 46.21 47.94 45.42 52.11 50.67 54.18 48.75 44.09 46.49 44.64 46.69 46.39 44. 61 48.41 46.23 44.16 43.58 54.65 50.31 34.35 31.81 30.19 28.52 $18.46 18.56 21.24 24.74 33.97 36.67 41.50 36.71 33.18 36.20 34.69 33.58 33.35 32.57 32.72 32.47 29.76 31.87 39.41 40.32 37.03 37.79 40.89 42.71 i Public money in national-bank depositories to the credit of the Treasurer of the United States not included, a Money in banks of island possessions not included. NOTE.—Population estimated at 123,250,000 in 1930; 124,135,800 in 1931; 124,881,806 in 1932; 125,753,206 in 1933; 126,485,606 in 1934; 127,233,106 in 1935; 128,475,000 in 1936; and 128,399,000 in 1937. Imports and exports of merchandise, calendar years 1914 to 1986, inclusive, and from Jan. 1 to Sept. 80, 1937 Imports of merchandise 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 . 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 (9 months) " . . Total, 23 years and 9 months i Preliminary, subject to correction. - Exports of merchandise Excess of exports over imports $1,789,276,001 $3,113,624,050 1,778,596,695 3,554, 670,847 2,391,635,335 5,482,641,101 2,952,465,955 6,226,255, 654 3,031,304,721 6,149,241,951 3,904,364,932 7,920, 425, 990 5,278,481,490 8,228,016,307 2, 509,147,570 4,485,031,356 3,112,746,833 3,831, 777,469 3,792,065,963 4,167,493,080 3, 609,962,579 4,590,983,845 4, 226,589, 263 4,909,847, 511 4,430,888,000 4,808,660,000 4,184,742,000 4,865,375,000 4,091,444,000 5,128,356,000 4,399,361,000 5, 240,995,000 3,060,908,000 3,843,181,000 2,090, 635,000 2,424,289,000 1,322,774,000 1,611,016,000 1,449, 559,000 1,674,994,000 1, 655,055,000 2,132,800,000 2,047,485,000 2,282.874,000 2, 422, 592,000 2,455.978, 000 1 2,427, 591,000 12,379,145,000 $1,324,348,049 1,776,074,152 3,091, 005, 766 3,273, 789, 699 3,117,937,230 4, 016,061, 058 2,949, 534,817 1,975,883,786 719,030,636 375, 427,117 981,021, 266 683, 258,248 377,772,000 680,633,000 1,036,912,000 841, 634, 000 782,273,000 333, 654,000 288, 242,000 225,435,000 477,745,000 235,389.000 33, 386,000 -48,446,000 71,959,671,337 101,507,672,161 29,548,000,824 180 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Gold and silver imports and exports in periods indicated GOLD Imports 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 (9 months) - . - - Total, 23 years and 9 months Exports Excess of exports over imports $57,387,741 451,954,590 685,990,234 552,454,374 62,042,748 76,534,046 417,068,273 691,248,297 275,169,785 322,715,812 319,720,918 128,273,172 213,504,000 207,535,000 168,897,000 291,649,000 396,054,000 612,119,000 363,315,000 193,197,000 1,186,671,000 1,740,979,000 1,144,117,000 1,455,587,000 $222,616,156 31,425,918 155,792,927 371,883,884 41,069,818 368,185,248 322,091,208 23,891,377 36,874,894 28,643,417 61,648,313 262,639,790 115,708,000 201,455,000 560,760,000 116,583,000 115,967,000 466,794,000 809,528,000 366,652,000 52,759,000 1,960,000 27,534,000 652,000 $165,228,415 12,014,183.990 4,763,114,950 1,602,777,235 Imports Exports Excess of exports over imports $25,959,187 34,483,954 32,263,289 53,340,477 71,375,699 89,410,018 88, 060,041 63, 242,671 70,806,653 74,453, 530 73,944,902 64,595,418 69,596,000 55,074,000 68,117,000 63,940,000 42,761,000 28,664,000 19,650,000 60,225,000 102,725,000 354,531,000 182,816,000 52,392,000 $51,603,060 53, 598,884 70,595,037 84,130,876 252,846,464 239,021,051 113, 616,224 51,575, 399 62,807,286 72,468,789 109,891,033 99,127, 585 92,258,000 75,625,000 87,382,000 83,407,000* 54,157,000 26,485,000 13,850,000 19,041,000 16,551,000 18,801,000 2, 965,000 3,399,000 291,651,202 134,366,618 391,863,000 446,213,000 173,455,000 Excess of Imports over exports $420,528,672 530,197,307 180,570,490 20,972,93a 94,977,065 667,356,920 238,294,891 294,072,395 258,072,605 97,796,00O 6,080,000 175,066,00O 280,087,000 145,325,000 1,133,912,000 1,739,019,000 1,116,583,000 1,454,935,000 8,853,846,275 SILVER 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 _ _ 1924 1925 1926 1927 _. . 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 (9 months) _ ._ — - Total, 23 years and 9 months 1,842,426,839 1,755, 202,688 $25,643,873 19,114,930 38,331,748 30, 790,399 181,470,765 149,611,033 25,556,183 35,946,131 34,532,167 22,662,000 20,551,000 19,265,000 19,467,000 11,396,000 Excess of imports over exports $11,667.272 7,999,367 1,984,741 2,179,000 5,800,000 41,184,000 86,174,000 335,730,000 179,851,00O 48,993,000 634,338,229 721,562,380 GOVERNMENTAL CORPORATIONS AND CREDIT AGENCIES OF THE UNITED STATES The statement following shows the assets and liabilities of governmental corporations and credit agencies of the United States as of September 30, 1937: Assets and liabilities of governmental corporations and credit agencies, Sept. 80, 1987 on compilation by U. S. Treasury Department from reports received from organizations concerned. In millions of dollars] Financed wholly from Government funds Reconstruction Finance Corporation Commodity Credit Corporation Public Works Administration Agricultural credit institutions Total Financed partly from Government funds Farm mortgage institutions Other Other farm credit institutions Home mortgage institutions Sept. 30, 1937 Other Aug. 31, 1937 Sept. 30, 1936 ASSETS n O o Loans and preferred stock: Loans to financial institutions Preferred stock, etc Home mortgage loans . _ _ _ . Farm mortgage loans Other agricultural loans All other loans Total loans and preferred stock . Cash___ _ _ United States direct obligations Obligations of Government credit agencies: Fully 2guaranteed by United States Other Production credit association class A stock Accounts and other receivables All other assets Total assets other than interagency 2 300 566 1 829 1,696 5 24 31 7 1,763 180 3 200 2,472 1 2,892 123 (i) 123 19 126 126 19 7 5 14 25 77 1 (i) 0) 21 123 147 (0 148 149 317 467 53 34 46 268 30 113 2,852 80 18 8 14 358 40 6 14 102 5 27 463 3 439 3,430 4 20 506 2 35 316 907 (i) 268 2,892 60 176 160 3,341 8 0) 488 766 2,472 2,892 561 1,272 8,452 248 597 490 762 2,497 2,892 561 1,259 8,461 236 594 540 759 2,870 2,936 617 1,204 8,926 267 500 170 40 77 279 170 34 76 289 198 33 75 282 964 907 10,827 10,768 10,861 4,669 1,423 4,668 1,422 4,667 1,460 529 512 395 W O O 580 LIABILITIES Bonds, notes, and debentures: Guaranteed by United States Other 2 Other liabilities (including reserves) . 60 52 Total liabilities other than interagency 2 Excess of assets over liabilities, excluding interagency transactions Privately owned interests _ U. S. Government interests (0 296 _. 0) 5 348 60 1,415 63 1,415 63 147 147 3 43 1,410 2 1 115 170 191 7 2,963 54 145 (l) 107 5 46 2,695 199 3,161 107 6,621 6,603 6,521 143 861 646 174 264 3 269 39 399 139 4,206 4,165 4,340 355 359 353 472 261 230 259 3,851 3,807 3,987 143 861 1 Less than $500,000. 23 Excludes $761,000,000 of Federal land bank bonds held by Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation. Shares of Federal savings and loan associations subscribed by HOLC are classified in "Preferred stock, etc." Shares held by U. S. Treasury amounting to $48,000,000 are classified under "All other assets." Q j Q oo 182 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY RECONSTRUCTION FINANCE CORPORATION The following statements were taken from the report of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation for the second quarter of 1937: Statement of condition of the Corporation as of the close of business, June 80, 1937 ASSETS Cash on deposit with Treasurer of United States Funds held in suspense by custodian banks and trustees Petty cash funds, travel and other advances U. S. Government securities (par) Allocated for expenses regional agricultural credit corporations prior to May 27, 1933 1 Allocated for expenses regional agricultural credit corporations lsince May 26, 1933 (under Farm Credit Administration) Allocated for Federal Emergency Relief Administration (1933 Relief Act) Allocated for Federal Emergency Relief Administration (under Emergency Appropriation Act of 1935) 2 Allocated under Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 3 Allocated to Secretary of Treasury 45 Allocated to Secretary of Treasury Allocated to Land Bank Commissioner 6__ $300, 000, 000. 00 Less: Reallocated to Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation 55, 000, 000. 00 Allocated to Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation 7 Allocated to Federal Housing Administrator Allocated to Secretary of Agriculture 8 __. $200, 000, 000. 00 Less: Reallocated as capital regional agricultural credit corporations $44,500,000.00 Reallocated to Governor of Farm Credit Administration 40, 500, 000. 00 85, 000, 000. 00 Capital regional agricultural credit corporations Allocated for revolving fund (capital regional agricultural credit corporations) 3, 108, 278. 64 13, 777, 500. 00 500, 000, 000..00 500, 000, 000. 00 500, 000, 000. 00 124, 741, 000. 00 200, 000, 000. 00 245, 000, 000. 00 55, 000, 000. 00 51, 121, 074. 55 115, 000, 000. 00 15, 000, 000. 00 29, 500, 000. 00 Allocated to Governor, Farm Credit Administration Stock, Commodity Credit Corporation, purchased Stock, Disaster Loan Corporation, purchased Relief authorizations (1932 act): Advances to Governors of States and Territories, proceeds disbursed Interest on notes issued for funds for allocations and relief advances Relief authorizations (1932 act): Advances to municipalities and political subdivisions including Puerto Rico, proceeds disbursed (less repayments) See footnotes at end of table. $1, 763, 775. 05 544, 235. 12 20, 737. 36 10, 310, 800. 00 44, 500, 000. 00 40, 500, 000. 00 97, 000, 000. 00 6, 000, 000. 00 280, 025, 518. 00 23, 195, 857. 06 3, 054, 623. 00 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 183 Statement of condition of the Corporation as of the close of business, June 30,1937— Continued ASSETS—continued Loans under sec. 5: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments): Banks and trust companies 9 $163, 799, 870. 03 Credit unions 180,931. 58 9 Building and loan associations _ 2, 076, 345. 35 Insurance companies 3, 702, 568. 15 Federal land banks 13, 757, 474. 18 Joint-stock land banks 2, 576, 002. 65 Livestock credit corporations 300, 663. 58 9 Mortgage loan companies 121, 177, 165. 75 Agricultural credit corporations. 125, 000. 00 Railroads (including receivers) __ 354, 319, 852. 94 Fishing industry 577, 671. 68 Proceeds not yet disbursed: Banks and trust companies 9 9 66, 997, 875. 54 Building and loan associations _ 1, 391, 224. 73 Joint-stock land banks 9 621, 556. 60 Mortgage loan companies 87, 729, 331. 42 Railroads 78, 000. 00 Fishing industry 25, 125. 00 Loans to industrial and commercial business: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Proceeds not yet disbursed Loans to mining, milling, and smelting business: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Proceeds not yet disbursed Loans on assets of closed banks: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Proceeds not yet disbursed Loans and contracts for self-liquidating projects: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) (par $215,725,365.46) Proceeds not yet disbursed (par $100,482,000) Loans for repair or reconstruction of property damaged by earthquake, etc.: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Proceeds not yet disbursed Loans under sec. 201c, for financing sale of agricultural surpluses in foreign markets: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Loans for financing the carrying and orderly marketing of agricultural commodities and livestock produced in the United States: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Proceeds not yet disbursed Loans to drainage, levee, and irrigation districts: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Proceeds not yet disbursed Loans to public-school authorities: Proceeds disbursed Proceeds not yet disbursed Loan to Rural Electrification Administration: Proceeds disbursedProceeds not yet disbursed Loans secured by preferred stock, insurance companies: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Loans secured by preferred stock, banks and trust companies: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Proceeds not yet disbursed. Stock, mortgage companies: Purchased Subscription authorized See footnotes at end of table. 27021—38 13 $662 > 593> 5 4 5 ' 89 156, 843, 113. 29 70, 549, 182. 37 17, 860, 962. 64 1, 879, 805. 79 1, 957, 000. 00 1, 205, 754. 43 2, 162, 531. 95 213, 138, 754. 34 100, 450, 881. 89 8, 768, 361. 65 1, 386, 481. 32 46,895. 99 48, 694, 654. 84 209, 443, 853. 10 72, 424, 250. 78 45, 029, 855. 42 75, 920. 47 1, 433, 079. 53 4, 000, 000. 00 42, 500, 000. 00 27, 874, 930. 55 12, 143, 439. 38 100, 000. 00 25, 000, 000. 00 500, 000. 00 184 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Statement of condition of the Corporation as of the close of business, June 80,1987— Continued ASSETS—continued Preferred stock, banks and trust companies: Purchased (less retirements) Subscriptions authorized Preferred stock, insurance company: Purchased Capital notes and debentures, banks and trust companies: Purchased (less retirements) Subscriptions authorized Preferred stock installment sales contracts Purchases of securities from Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works: Purchases (less sales and retirements) (par $120,110,240).. Purchases authorized but not yet consummated Notes receivable Advances for care and preservation of collateral: Proceeds disbursed (less repayments) Proceeds not yet disbursed Collateral purchased (cost plus advances and expenses) Accrued interest and dividends receivable Reimbursable expense Furniture and fixtures $763, 371. 19 Less: Allowances for depreciation 298, 909. 76 Miscellaneous disbursements Total $448, 811, 298. 51 32, 322, 500. 00 100, 000. 00 152, 988, 511. 98 58, 681, 800. 00 464, 615. 39 119, 585, 240. 00 56, 127, 000. 00 6, 380. 00 939, 989. 91 429, 541. 11 5, 628, 671. 03 35, 944, 408. 62 1, 183, 393. 76 464, 461. 43 804, 655. 26 5, 457, 209, 121. 40 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Payable on certificate of Federal Emergency Relief Administrator (1933 Relief Act).__ Payable to Secretary of the Treasury 4 Payable to Land Bank Commissioner « Callable by Farm Credit Administration10 for expenses of regional agricultural credit corporations Payable for capital regional agricultural credit corporations. Liability for funds held as cash collateral Liability for funds held as cash collateral, Commodity Credit Corporation ._ Liability for deposits with bids . Liability for funds held for other agencies Liability for funds held pending adj ustment Proceeds not yet disbursed: Loans under sec. 5 Loans to industrial and commercial business Loans to mining, milling and smelting business Loans on assets of closed banks Loans and contracts for self-liquidating projects Loans for repair or reconstruction of property damaged by earthquake, etc__ Loans for financing the carrying and orderly marketing of agricultural commodities and livestock produced in the United States..._ Loans to drainage, levee, and irrigation districts Loans to public school authorities Loan to Rural Electrification Administration Loans secured by preferred stock, banks and trust companies . Advances for care and preservation of collateral Subscription authorizations: Stock, mortgage companies Preferred stock, banks and trust companies Capital notes and debentures, banks and trust companies See footnotes at end of table. 119. 11 4, 227, 000. 00 97, 400, 000. 00 1, 565, 847. 08 29, 500, 000. 00 571, 999. 38 2, 284, 974. 87 25, 000. 00 7, 086, 267. 59 549. 69 156, 843, 113. 29 17, 860, 962. 64 1, 957, 000. 00 2, 162, 531. 95 100, 450, 881. 89 1, 386, 481. 32 209, 443, 853. 10 45, 029, 855. 42 1, 433, 079. 53 42, 500, 000. 00 100, 000. 00 429, 541. 11 500, 000. 00 32, 322, 500. 00 58, 681, 800. 00 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 185* Statement of condition of the Corporation as of the close of business, June 80, 1937— Continued LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL—continued Proceeds not yet disbursed—Continued. Purchases of securities from Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works authorized Cash receipts not allocated pending advices Other receipts not allocated pending advices Miscellaneous liabilities (including suspense) Unearned discount Interest paid in advance Interest and dividend refunds and rebates payable Interest accrued Deferred credits: Profits from sale of securities purchased from other governmental agencies (net) $9, 611, 920. 87 Collections on collateral purchased 2, 120, 223. 13 Income on collateral purchased 394, 615. 08 Other 33, 920. 37 Notes, series H, K, and L Capital stock Surplus Dec. 31, 1936 (adjusted) Reserve for self insurance 150, 261, 808. 04 175, 000. 00 Interest and dividends earned less interest and expenses Jan. 1, 1937, through June 30, 1937 Total $56, 127, 000. 00 2, 444, 084. 97 996, 529. 04 31, 620, 301. 04 5, 249. 27 163, 635. 41 176, 122. 93 13, 349, 285. 57 12, 160, 679. 45 3, 860, 234, 666. 67 500, 000, 000. 00 150, 436, 808. 0# 15, 731, 401. 0# 5, 457, 209, 121. 40 1 See. 201 (e) of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932, provides that all expenses incurred' in connection with the operation of the regional agricultural credit corporations shall be paid by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Under the provisions of this act the Corporation has allocated $16,885,778.64i for such expenses. 2 Title II of the "Emergency Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1935," approved June 19, 1934, provides: u* * * That n o t exceeding $500,000,000 in the aggregate of any savings or unobligated balances in fundsof the Reconstruction Finance Corporation may, in the discretion of the President, be transferred and applied to the purposes of the Federal Emergency Relief Act of 1933 and/or title II of the National Industrial Recovery Act, * * *." Under this act $500,000,000 has been transferred to the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. 3 The Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, approved Apr. 8, 1935, provides: " T h a t in order to of any savings or unexpended balances in funds of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation $500,000,000 has been disbursed by the Corporation under these provisions of the act. 4 Sec. 2 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended, provides that "in order to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to make payments upon stock of Federal Home Loan banks subscribed for by him in accordance with the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, the sum of $125,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for such purpose is hereby allocated and made available to the Secretary of the Treasury * * *." The amount of such stock subscribed for by the Secretary of the Treasury is $124,741,000. 5 Sec. 4-b of the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933, provides that to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to make payments for subscriptions by him to the capital stock of the Home Owners' Loan Corporation the Reconstruction Finance Corporation shall allocate and make available to the Secretary of the Treasury the sum of $200,000,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary. The amount of such stock subscribed for by the Secretary of the Treasury is $200,000,000 and this amount has been paid to him. 6 Sec. 30 (a) of the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, as amended, made $100,000,000 available to the Farm Loan (now Land Bank) Commissioner for loans to joint-stock land banks, of which $2,600,000 has been paid to him. Sec. 32 of the same act made $200,000,000 available to the Farm Loan (now Land Bank) Commissioner for direct loans to farmers, of which $145,000,000 was paid to the Land Bank Commissioner and the remaining $55,000,000, reallocated and paid to the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation under sec. 3 of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act. 7 Sec. 4 of the National Housing Act provides that "the Reconstruction Finance Corporation shall make available to the Administrator such funds as he may deem necessary." Pursuant to this act $51,121,074.55 has been paid to the Federal Housing Administrator. 8 Sec. 2 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended, made available to the Secretary of Agriculture $200,000,000. Of this amount $135,000,000 was paid to him of which $20,000,000 was returned to the Corporation. Of the $85,000,000 then held by the Corporation, $44,500,000 was reallocated and disbursed as capital of the regional agricultural credit corporations (sec. 201 (e) Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932). The remainder, $40,500,000, was made available and has been paid to the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration, pursuant to the provisions of sec. 5 (a) (1) of the Farm Credit Act of 1933. 8 Loans under sec. 5 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended, to aid in the reorganization or liquidation of closed institutions have been authorized in the aggregate amount of $1,303,261,271.78of which $304,533,068.91 has been canceled. After taking into consideration repayments of $846,970,060.31 items (10) of the balance sheet include the balance of $81,965,368.32 representing proceeds disbursed (less repayments) and $69,792,774.24 representing proceeds not yet disbursed, exclusive of a $25,000 loan approved in principle upon the performance of specified conditions. w Represents undisbursed portion of estimated expenses of the regional agricultural credit corporations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1938. 186 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY In addition to loans and other authorizations reflected on the statement of condition, the Corporation has approved in principle, upon the performance of specified conditions, loans in the amount of $163,724,284.65, purchases of preferred stock and debentures in the amount of $36,117,430.41, and purchase of stock of a mortgage company in the amount of $10,000,000. The Corporation has also agreed to purchase from the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works at par and accrued interest such part of securities having aggregate par value of $44,673,000 as may be available for delivery. Under the provisions of section 5 (b) of an act approved June 16, 1934 (Public, No. 362, 73d Cong.), the Corporation is required to purchase debentures or other obligations of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, upon its request, up to but not exceeding $250,000,000. The Corporation has not been called upon to purchase any such obligations. This statement of condition does not take into consideration expenditures incurred but not paid by the Corporation at the close of business June 30, 1937, nor income of regional agricultural credit corporations whose capital stock was subscribed by the Corporation Loans to aid in the reorganization or liquidation of closed banks and trust companies from Feb. 2, 1932, to June 30, 1937, inclusive, by States (includes loans to receivers, liquidating agents, and conservators, and loans through mortgage loan companies to aid in the reorganization or liquidation of closed banks, under sec. 5 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended; and loans on the assets of closed banks and trust companies under sec. 5e of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended) Banks and trust companies Amount authorized Alabama Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut District of C o l u m b i a . Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois — Indiana Iowa Kansas. Kentucky _— Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri-..-. Montana Nebraska Nevada N e w Hampshire N e w Jersey N e w Mexico N e w York N o r t h Carolina _. O National * State Amount withdrawn or canceled All others Amount disbursed $1,173,300.00 217,000.00 1,785, 200.00 13,948,484. 71 1, 867,950. 20 $382, 402.20 62,000.00 318, 801. 29 2,832, 093. 37 439,019.63 $790,897.80 149,400.00 1,428,948.71 11,093, 301. 62 1,428,930.57 16,300,241. 35 1, 866, 300. 00 513, 800. 00 3, 628,400. 00 37, 466, 212. 96 21, 040, 426. 87 11, 401,002. 20 2, 285, 700. 00 8,956, 572. 41 336,300. 00 11, 019, 500. 00 3, 508, 900. 00 9, 375,700. 00 258, 980, 465. 59 2, 589, 247.13 2,902,400.00 7, 971, 500. 00 465, 200. 00 1,518,126. 58 430,000. 00 1,917, 748. 39 720. 503.82 204, 631.45 364,206. 73 8, 651,919. 69 4,302,961. 65 2, 270, 363. 26 621, 267. 40 1, 627, 968.86 230, 000.00 649, 535. 32 578,075. 59 2, 382,837. 02 45,459,122. 20 534,992. 52 567,400.00 2,301,158. 68 115, 700. 00 344, 818. 61 80,000. 00 13, 216,492.96 1,145,796.18 309,168. 55 3, 264,193. 27 28,110,413.27 16, 334,478. 27 9, 056, 438.94 1, 616,832. 60 6, 470,903. 55 105,000. 00 10, 232, 464. 68 2,865,424.41 6, 974,462. 98 213, 317, 643. 39 2,006,854. 61 2,297,600.00 5, 654, 741. 32 337, 500. 00 1,087, 707.97 350,000. 00 23,705,489. 91 65, 000. 00 43,178, 062. 09 6,949,900.00 6.161,495. 56 25,800.00 5,863, 685. 78 1,727,192.11 16,896,041.76 39, 200. 00 35,608, 305. 29 5,159,707.89 i Includes District of Columbia banks and trust companies. Total Amount withdrawn or canceled Amount disbursed 3, 366, 681. 44 71, 500. 00 3,331,000.00 $2,703,267.89 117,198.27 3, 564, 788. 72 293, 443.90 2,951.70 675,234.48 $2,404, 544. 57 130, 301.73 4,833, 582.88 3,073,237. 54 68,548.30 2,655,765. 52 4,957,072.27 4,637,195.48 3,024,308. 48 2,031,933.06 1,931,663. 79 2, 605, 262.42 30,008,964.86 6,042,450. 85 7, 430, 700.00 1,393,800. 00 1, 231,425.06 49, 704,417. 72 31, 858, 776. 50 10, 269,024. 00 25, 468,148. 32 58, 455, 304. 71 3,130,100. 00 4,618, 559.94 9, 519, 532. 54 576,000.00 2, 460,926. 07 1, 977, 364.19 500,000.00 9,234,000.00 413,473. 54 17,062,369. 54 8,081,751.4g 10,645,901.15 2, 410,465.28 1,098,168. 76 512, 602.31 395, 533.69 7, 790, 798. 49 3, 374, 615.84 1, 686,286. 22 2,492,360. 34 17, 851, 417. 56 2, 370,467.20 956, 326.95 1, 972, 339. 75 76, 386. 34 815,824. 20 395,864. 39 39, 597.69 4,514, 574. 59 34, 996. 50 7,168,496.15 4,619,964.84 19,032,949.44 3,432, 421. 77 6, 332, 531. 24 864, 697. 69 823,325.18 29, 224, 619. 23 28, 484,160. 66 8, 582,737. 78 22, 871, 674. 80 31,948, 336. 53 759, 632. 80 3,662,232.99 7, 201, 842. 79 499, 613. 66 1, 637,101. 87 1, 44fi, 499. 80 460, 402.31 4, 069, 425.41 378, 477. 04 9,893,873. 39 3,461,786.64 Amount authorized $5,107,812. 46 247, 500. 00 Amount authorized $6,281,112.46 464, 500.00 10, 268, 063. 08 17,315,166.15 1,939,450. 20 3, 331,000. 00 18, 300, 241. 35 6, 823, 372. 27 5,150,995.48 3, 628, 400.00^ 67,475,177.82 27,082,877. 72 18,831, 702. 20 3, 679, 500. 00 10.187,997.47 50, 040, 717. 72 42, 878, 276. 50 13,777, 924. 00 34, 843, 848. 32 317, 435, 770. 30 5,719, 347.13 7, 520,959.94 17,491,032. 54 1,041, 200. 00 3,979, 052. 65 2, 407,364.19 500,000. 00 32, 939, 489. 91 478,473. 54 60,240, 431. 63 15.031,651.48 Amount withdrawn or canceled $3,085, 670. 09 179,198. 27 3,883, 590. 01 3,125, 537. 27 441,971.33 675,234. 48 1,917,748.39 3,744,812. 30 2, 236, 564. 51 364,206. 73 19,297,820.84 6,713,426.93 3, 368, 532. 02 ' 1,133, 869. 71 2,023, 502. 55 8, 020, 798. 49 4,024,151.16 2,264,361.81 4,875.197. 36 63, 310', 539. 76 2,905, 459. 72 1, 523, 726.95 4, 273, 498. 43 192,086. 34 1,160,642. 81 475,864. 39 39, 597. 69 10, 676,070.15 60,796. 50 13,032,181. 93 6,347,156.95 Amount disbursed $3,195,442.37 279,701.73 6, 262, 531. 59 14,166, 539.16 1,497,478.87 2,655, 765. 52 13, 216,492.96 3, 077,459.97 2,914,430.97 3,264,193. 27 47,143,362. 71 19, 766,900. 04 15, 388,970.18 2, 481, 530. 29 7,294,228.73 29, 329, 619. 23 38,716,625.34 11,448,162.19 29,846,137. 78 245, 265,979.92 2. 766,487.41 5,959,832.99 12,856, 584.11 837,113. 66 2, 724,809. 84 1,796,499. 80 460,402.31 20,965,467.17 417,677.04 45,502,178. 68 8,621,494.53 o i h3 O § a d a Loans to aid in the reorganization or liquidation of closed banks and trust companies from Feb. 2, 1982, to June 80, 1937, inclusive, by States (includes loans to receivers, liquidating agents, and conservators, and loans through mortgage loan companies to aid in the reorganization or liquidation of closed banks, under sec. 5 of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended; and loans on the assets of closed banks and trust companies under sec. 6e of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended)—Continued Banks and trust companies State Amount authorized North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma . Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Puerto Rico Total Amount withdrawn or canceled $2,663,264.68 14,022,664.07 2,261,303.15' 2,970,800.00 80,366,284.97 $914,482.14 3,230,329.27 966,131.84 382,567.84 19,737,825.39 5,201,680.14 1,295,184.30 16, 761,143.68 5,966,434.14 39,500.00 1,349,800.00 2,199, 700.00 9,255,369.82 8, 111, 084.16 7,019,721.08 1,285,812.37 264,120.91 951,679. 72 984,746.55 4,500.00 275,100.71 368,134.96 1,061,155.67 796,193.37 1, 554,466.26 654,830,316.19 124,514,948.13 o All others National Amount disbursed Amount authorized Amount withdrawn or canceled Amount disbursed $1,616,882.54 $52,079.30 10,690,534.80 232,880,592.50 1, 268, 754. 76 769,918.00 733,920.25 2,521,032.16 48,303,479.65 57,865,840.37 1,255,841.54 3,858,567.77 2,264,763.16 1,000,313.39 1,115,643.81 15,703,663.96 1,492,875.64 4,947,279.64 6,933,607.27 35,000.00 4,388,776.52 1,064,999.29 1,766,365.04 5,320,500.00 8,129,214.15 10,314,516.19 6,879,190.79 4,717,256.00 5,389,954.82 6,632,006.05 185,500.00 1,485,000.00 $12,247.68 36,375,061.25 438,320.34 235,022.55 24,209,042.06 248,409.55 263,153.31 715,909.97 539,733.70 743,137.19 2,378,692.06 $39,831.62 161,084,432.74 331,597.66 498,897. 70 24,063,543.48 1,007,431.99 2,001,609. SF. 350,847.73 953,141.94 6,130,470.08 1,948,584.46 911,883.25 1, 653,154 05 2, 023,867. 28 4,618,539.98 185,500.00 4,408, 616. 75 8,661,362.14 2, 668,388. 72 2,013,466.07 638,484,989.93 159,187,788.96 418,933,472.70 520,086,444.07 n Total Amount authorized $2,615,843.98 246,903,256.57 3,031,221.15 3,704,720.25 128,689,764.62" 1, 255,841.54 7,466,443.30 2,410,828.11 18, 254,019.32 12,900,041.41 4,428,276.52 1,349,800.00 7,520,200.00 19,569,886.01 12,828,340.16 13,651,727.13 185,500.00 1,485,000.00 1,293,315,306.12 Amount withdrawn or canceled Amount disbursed • $926,729.82 39,605,390.52 1,404,452.18 617,590.39 43,946,867.45 248,409.55 1,548,965.68 980,030.88 1,491,413.42 1,727,883.74 2,383,192.06 275,100. 71 1, 280,018. 21 2,714,309.72 2,820,060.65 6,173,006.24 185,500.00 $1,656,714.16 171,774,967.54 1,600,352.42 3,019,929.86 81,929,383.85 1,007,431.99 5,860,177.62 1,351,161.12 16,656,805.90 11,077,749.72 1,983,584.46 1,064,999.29 6,174,981.79 16,790,576.29 9,547,579.51 7,403,420.89 283,702,737.09 939,019,916.77 w o Loans on and purchases of preferred stocky and purchases of capital notes or debentures, of banks and trust companies, disbursed by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation from Mar. 9,1933, to June 30,1937, inclusive; and outstanding as of June 30, 1937 {under sec. 304, title III, of the act approved Mar. 9, 1933, as amended) Banks and trust companies National Disbursed State Number of banks and trust companies Amount All others Outstanding Number of banks and trust compa- Amount * Disbursed Number of banks and trust companies Amount Alabama $6,858,921 $4,856,775 $10,996,800 16 44 1 Alaska 37,500 3 Arizona 1, 540,000 1,329,640 2 890,000 24 Arkansas 1,570,000 1,251,425 16 2,849,000 California 62 19,899, 925 16,270,386 45 59 28, 602,500 Colorado 32 4,118,500 3,186,450 30 24 775,000 Connecticut 3,723,426 3,463,827 15 16 23 3,468,700 Delaware 137,300 4 132,300 4 7 430,000 District of Columbia» 1,100,000 2 1, 052,900 2 5 1,800, 000 Florida 1,330,000 13 918,000 12 27 846.200 Georgia 1,722, 500 18 1,087,875 14 68 3,113,000 Idaho 1,090,000 9 926,300 8 15 1,040,000 Illinois 83, 720, IU 128 41,094,981 109 91 ' 6,871,000 Indiana 7,188,500 51 3,750,470 39 9,478, 500 230 Iowa 6,447,500 47 3,922, 250 39 92 3,800, 500 Kansas 46 2, 282,500 1,892,525 42 Ii52 2,990,250 Kentucky 29 3,397,350 2,355, 625 25 83 5,482, 500 Louisiana 15 4,400,000 3,541,700 14 96 11,112,000 13 2,610,000 1,532,425 Maine 11 6, 515,500 18 13 2, 728,170 2,217,006 Maryland 12 52 6,350,000 43 10, 723, 200 6,438,075 Massachusetts 26 24 5,951,000 52 20,400,160 15,487,699 Michigan 45 131 20, 224, 501 97 13, 547, 525 7, 278,199 Minnesota 68 160 3, 774,500 15 2,652,650 2,362,048 Mississippi 15 133 11, 630,500 30 8, 517,125 2,409,575 Missouri 22 189 12, 234,000 20 1,511,000 Montana 15 910,022 37 2,519, 500 t Amount outstanding includes repayments unallocated, pending advices, as of June 30,1937. «Excludes subscriptions for preferred stock of export-import banks of Washington. S 8 Total Outstanding Number of banks and trust companies Amount l $3,985,512 1 82 40 24 23 6 5 27 59 14 67 209 79 139 78 74 18 51 20 117 126 124 172 29 24,967 2,528,688 14, 963,967 765,500 2,944, 250 192, 000 1,381,700 793,292 2,201, 506 884,350 4,637, 200 8, 232, 725 3, 221,860 2, 564,699 4, 401, 075 4,810,200 5,196, 593 5, 467, 288 3,992, 687 17,102, 951 2,417,461 5,581,804 5,878,274 1,445,050 Disbursed Number of banks and trust companies 70 1 5 113 121 56 39 11 7 40 86 24 219 281 139 198 112 111 31 65 67 183 257 148 219 57 Amount $15,853,575 37,500 2,430,000 4,419,000 48,502,425 4,893,500 7,192,126 567,300 2,900,000 2,176, 200 4,835, 500 2,130,000 90, 591,114 16,667,000 10,248,000 5, 272, 750 8,879,850 15, 512, 000 9,125, 500 9,078,170 16, 674, 200 40, 624, 661 17,322,025 14, 283,150 20,751,125 4,030, 500 Outstanding Number of banks and trust companies 54 85 54 38 10 7 39 73 22 176 248 118 181 103 88 29 63 46 162 194 139 194 44 Amount i w $10,844,433 1,354,607 3,780,113 31, 234,353 3,951,950 6,408,077 324,300 2,434,600 1, 711, 292 3, 289,381 1,810,650 45,732,181 11,983,195 7,144,110 4,457, 224 6, 756,700 8,351,900 6,729,018 7,684, 294 10,430,762 32,590.650 9, 695,660 7,943,852 8,287,849 2,355,072 O o d 3 OO CO Loans on and 'purchases of preferred stock, and purchases of capital notes or debentures, of banks and trust companies, disbursed by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation from Mar. 9, 1933, to June 30, 1937, inclusive; and outstanding as of June 30, 1937 {under sec. 304, title III, of the act approved Mar, 9, 1933, as amended)—Continued CO O Banks and trust companies National Disbursed State Number of banks and trust companies Nebraska ___ Nevada New HampshireNew Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina._ North Dakota. Ohio Oklahoma ___ Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina... South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total. Outstanding Number of banks and trust companies Amount 135 6 239 18 31 83 40 20 200 $5,834,950 175, 000 651, 635 29,449,436 410, 000 127,860, 606 1,905, 000 2, 410, 500 35,300,737 10,874,000 890, 000 20, 678, 736 43 2 4 127 6 193 17 23 71 31 11 178 $4,112,302 74,000 144,135 26,576,625 350,000 22,619,851 1,308,610 1, 508, 650 21,085,353 3,907,928 325,600 15,157, 299 27 27 147 8 9 36 1 23 35 56 10 648, 500 1, 505,000 2,954,100 8,062,500 23, 371, 625 1,325,000 560, 000 3,917,400 125,000 2,740,000 3, 395,067 15,195,100 702. 500 3 5 22 24 330 7 9 28 1 19 28 47 480,000 1,352, 500 2,091,893 7,210, 250 16,341,203 976,811 452, 250 1,742,975 124, 000 2,056, 750 1,976, 935 12,686,035 404, 616 49 2,029 Amount All others 518,334,137 1,681 276,737,195 Disbursed Number of banks and trust companies g Total Outstanding Amount Amount 99 1 1 70 13 237 114 97 304 6 33 86 3 1 29 92 94 256 33 46 $2,073,000 30, 000 100,000 44,522,580 305,000 179, 715,000 5,558, 500 1,594,000 56,821, 500 60, 000 1, 060,000 25,316,360 1, 250,000 250,000 1,266,800 1,484,000 4,496, 550 7, 752, 500 2,670,000 15, 235, 000 6,777, 250 85 1 1 68 11 153 99 92 242 6 28 82 2 1 28 77 90 210 27 46 92 $1,471,547 29,000 100,000 39, 535,419 276,625 46, 531, 274 5, 093, 786 1,455,900 38,938,475 57,875 936, 400 23,678, 314 475,000 248,750 691,950 1, 004, 400 4, 247,175 5, 944,809 1,470, 250 14,965, 700 5,913,150 71 55 346 13 3,324, 500 3,016,000 17,952, 000 665,000 50 302 11 1,322, 550 2, 600, 074 14,010, 200 591, 833 4,047 540,900, 966 3,486 317,206,055 Disbursed Number of banks and trust companies Amount Outstanding Number of banks and trust com pa- W Amount 2,771,800 4,438,100 12, 559,050 31.124,125 3,995, 000 15, 795, 000 10, 694,650 125, 000 6, 064, 500 6, 411,067 33,147,100 1,367, 500 128 3 5 195 17 346 116 115 313 37 39 260 2 4 33 99 114 340 34 55 120 1 79 78 349 17 $5, 583,849 103,000 244,135 66,112,044 626, 625 69,151,125 6, 402,396 2,964, 550 60,023,828 3,965,803 1,262,000 38,835,613 475, 000 728, 750 2, 044, 450 3, 096, 293 11, 457,425 22, 286,012 2,447,061 15, 417,950 7, 656,125 124, 000 3, 379,300 4, 577,009 26,696,235 1,059, 235,103 5,167 593,943, 250 148 4 9 205 19 476 132 128 387 46 53 286 3 4 35 119 121 403 41 55 132 1 94 90 402 23 $7,907,950 205,000 751,635 73,972,016 715,000 307, 575, 606 7,463,500 4,004, 500 92,122, 237 10,934, 000 1,950,000 45, 995, 096 1,250,000 6,076 H a o O I o REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 191 FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION The following statement shows the assets and liabilities of the Farm Credit Administration as of June 30, 1937: Consolidated statement of condition, June 30, 1937 ASSETS Loans and discounts: Agricultural credit corporations $559, 621. 28 Real estate mortgages 2,l 905, 884, 487. 05 Crop, livestock, and commodities.._ 418, 279, 142. 89 Cooperative associations 89, 103, 217. 73 Joint-stock land banks 116, 996. 96 Other—stabilization 67, 998, 372. 83 Purchase money mortgages and real-estate contracts Accrued interest receivable Accounts and other receivables Cash: 8 With U. S. Treasury. _ _ $84, 856, 289. 52 On hand and in banks.. 41, 950, 409. 36 In trust funds 2, 914, 317. 54 Investments: United States securities. _ _ F. F. M. C. bonds F. F. L, bonds P. C. A. class A stock F. I. C. B. debentures Other investments 148, 673, 660. 57 83, 588, 501. 97 786, 457, 690. 00 76, 385, 811. 68 1, 203, 119. 36 21, 425. 19 Real estate and business property: Banking house and equipment Stores and supplies Real estate and other property held for sale Other assets Interagency assets: Due from governmental corporations or agencies Allocations from R. F. C . $3, 481, 941, 838. 74 78, 410, 438. 70 2 101, 409, 600. 93 4, 891, 080. 78 129, 721, 016. 42 4 Xj 096, 330, 208. 77 7, 181, 494. 78 59, 139. 59 146, 910, 534. 10 __ 154, 151,168. 47 7, 590, 575. 06 $42, 604, 146. 36 128, 465, 847. 08 171j 069? 9 9 a Total, all assets 44 5, 225, 515, 921. 31 LIABILITIES Bonds, F. F. F. notes, and debentures: F. M. C. bonds F. L. bonds I. C. B. debentures - $1, 422, 190, 900. 00 1, 877, 622, 615. 00 .___ 180, 895, 000. 00 Accrued interest payable: Guaranteed by United States Less cash deposited with Treasurer United States for payment of matured interest Net Not guaranteed by United States.. 3, 480, 708, 515. 00 26, 752, 404. 08 17, 686, 773. 91 9, 065, 630. 17 21, 485, 368. 34 30, 550, 998. 51 1 Does 9 not include P. O. A. loans not discounted with F. I. C. B. Includes accrued interest on F. F. M. C. bonds, F. F. L. bonds, and F. I. C. B. debentures held by banks and corporations under the supervision of the F. C. A. 3 Does not include balances of appropriations and allocations on the books of the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants, available for requisition. * Includes F. F. M. C. bonds, F. F. L. bonds, and F. I. C. B. debentures held by banks and corporations tinder the supervision of the F. C. A. 192 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Consolidated statement of condition, June 80, 1987—Continued Other liabilities: Deferred income Other indebtedness LIABILITIES—continued $5, 825, 380. 41 50, 452, 596. 37 Reserves: For uncollectible items Other operating reserves 197, 298, 012. 29 43, 118, 206. 15 Interagency liabilities: Due to governmental corporations or agencies ._ Capital and surplus: Capital (including appropriations and funds).. $1,089,264,377.26 Paid-in surplus 191, 083, 196. 22 Undivided profits 27, 016, 158. 47 Surplus reserves: Legal reserves Other—contingent Total, all liabilities. _-_ 40, 150, 549. 96 13, 669, 228. 44 ._. $56, 277, 976. 78 240, 416, 218. 44 56, 378f 702. 23 1, 307, 363, 731. 95 53, 819, 778. 40 5, 225, 515, 921. 31 NOTE.—This statement does not include assets directly held by the national farm loan associations. Banks for cooperatives The following statement shows the condition of the 12 district banks for cooperatives and the Central Bank for Cooperatives as of June 30, 1937, taken from report compiled by the Farm Credit Administration: Consolidated statement June 80, 1987 ASSETS Loans, less reserve Loan funds in escrow pending closing Cash U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed Consolidated Federal intermediate credit bank debentures Loans in process of liquidation, less reserve Assets acquired in liquidation of loans, less reserve Accounts receivable Notes receivable, less reserve Accrued interest receivable on loans and investments Automobiles, furniture, fixtures and equipment (net) Prepaid and deferred expense Other assets _ -_ Total. $44, 188, 414. 66 13, 565. 00 14, 546, 252. 53 95, 955, 166. 95 1, 203, 119. 36 33, 313. 63 24, 452. 09 13, 135. 64 34, 845. 97 794, 039. 93 39, 422. 77 4, 769. 49 35,927. 76156, 886, 425. 78 LIABILITIES Loans rediscounted with Federal intermediate credit banks 5, 500, 383. 51 Accounts payable 2, 864. 50 Trust accounts > 79, 520. 53 Accrued interest payable on loans rediscounted with Federal intermediate credit banks-28, 653. 23 Other liabilities. 84, 795. 88 Capital stock and guaranty fund 142, 450, 500. 00 Surplus earned _ _ 7, 719, 859. 58 Undivided profits -_ 1, 019, 848. 55 Total 156, 886, 425. 78 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 193 Federal land hanks The following statement shows the condition of the 12 Federal land banks as of June 30, 1937, taken from report compiled by the Farm Credit Administration: Consolidated statement June SO, 1987 ASSETS Mortgage loans, less matured principal unpaid $2, 051, 324, 364. 77 Extensions, less reserve. 24, 421, 614. 67 Delinquent installments, less partial payments, delinquent installments and reserve 5, 392, 397. 38 Accounts receivable (tax advances, insurance advances, etc.). 2, 690, 600. 07 Purchase money mortgages and contracts 77, 549, 159. 69 Cash _ 30, 959, 160. 82 Deposits with the Treasurer of the United States for matured or called obligations. 11, 091, 923. 23 Due from the Secretary of the Treasury (interest reductions and paid-in surplus) 11, 810, 650. 68 U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guarnateed-. 43, 853, 118. 75 Other bonds and securities 9, 225. 19 Accrued interest receivable (not yet due) _ 32, 180, 054. 27 Real estate owned, less reserve 74, 376, 165. 42 Sheriffs' certificates, judgments, etc., less reserve 22, 088, 138. 97 Loans called for foreclosure, less reserve 18, 945, 955. 50 Banking houses, furniture, fixtures, equipment, etc., less reserve. 6, 503, 477. 27 Deferred expense 7, 449, 139. 96 Other assets 706, 390. 23 Total 2, 421, 351, 536. 87 LIABILITIES Farm loan bonds outstanding, less bonds held by banks 1, 868, 587, 960. 00 Matured obligations (farm-loan bonds including interest) 9, 515, 863. 86 Notes payable 61, 057, 719. 63 Accrued interest payable (not yet due) 20, 473, 457. 70 Deferred proceeds of loans.. _. 906, 265. 88 Accounts payable 674, 165. 39 Dividends declared but unpaid 195, 070. 64 Trust accounts 5, 371, 303. 57 Payments received on unmatured installments 1, 536, 754. 82 Partial payments on extensions, purchase money mortgages, contracts, etc 1, 759, 151. 14 Taxes and assessments due on bank-owned real estate 612, 288. 90 Other liabilities 1, 768, 594. 15 Deferred income 4, 795, 427. 24 Insurance reserve, bank-owned farm improvements 395, 141. 95 Capital stock. _ 234, 297, 100. 00 Paid-in surplus 146, 397, 284. 69 Legal reserve40, 150, 549. 96 Earned surplus 4, 500, 000. 00 Reserve for contingencies 12, 651, 566. 97 Undivided profits 5, 705, 870. 38 Total - 2, 421, 351, 536. 87 194 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation The following statement shows the condition of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation as of June 30, 1937, taken from report compiled by the Farm Credit Administration: Statement of condition June SO, 1937 ASSETS Mortgage loans, less matured principal unpaid $828, 418, 326. 71 Delinquent installments, less partial payments, delinquent installments and reserve 2, 158, 612. 68 Accounts receivable 193, 051. 42 Purchase-money mortgages and contracts 1, 208, 322. 63 Cash 16,006,725.60 Deposits with the Treasurer of the United States for matured bond interest 17,686,773.71 Consolidated Federal farm-loan bonds (par) 761, 129, 840. 00 Notes receivable, Federal land banks 24, 200, 000. 00 Accrued interest receivable (not yet due) 20, 862, 919. 24 Real estate owned, less prior liens not assumed and reserve 2, 059, 613. 43 Sheriffs' certificates, judgments, etc., less prior liens not assumed and reserve 2, 169, 273. 50 Loans called for foreclosure, less reserve 3, 038, 800. 26 Furniture, fixtures and exuipment (Central Office) 1. 00 Unamortized discount on bonds sold 860, 119. 04 Other assets 202, 328. 49 Total 1, 680, 194, 707. 71 LIABILITIES Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation bonds outstanding 1, 422, 190, 900. 00 Matured interest on Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation bonds 17, 686, 773. 91 Accrued interest on Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation bonds (not yet due) 9, 065, 630. 17 Deferred proceeds of loans 380, 388. 58 Accounts payable 711, 053. 53 Trust accounts 1, 345, 435. 17 Other liabilities 62, 731. 74 Unamortized premium on bonds sold 1, 383, 006. 52 Capital stock 200, 000, 000. 00 Reserve for losses on mortgage loans 27, 368, 788. 09 Total 1, 680, 194, 707. 71 Federal intermediate credit banks The following statement shows the condition of the 12 Federal intermediate credit banks as of June 30, 1937, taken from report compiled by the Farm Credit Administration: REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 195 Consolidated statement June 80, 1987 ASSETS Loans and discounts, less reserve Notes receivable, less reserve Cash on hand and in banks U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed Accounts receivable Accrued interest receivable on loans and investments Prepaid and deferred expense Other assets, less reserve Total $211, 090, 125. 12 805, 229. 72 6, 948, 240. 71 73, 215, 000. 00 15, 696. 56 1, 315, 634. 54 759. 15 148, 128. 80 293, 538, 814. 60 LIABILITIES Unmatured consolidated debentures outstanding Trust accounts Accounts payable Liability for cash collateral Deferred proceeds, loans and discounts Accrued interest payable (not yet due) Interest collected, not earned : Unamortized premium on outstanding debentures Other liabilities Capital stock paid in Surplus paid in Surplus earned and undivided profits Total 180, 895, 000. 00 182, 761. 47 5, 417. 55 946, 977. 57 16,046. 85 1, 002, 966. 92 118, 558. 21 388, 499. 98 38, 684. 87 70, 000, 000. 0ft 30, 000, 000. 00» 9, 943, 901. 1& 293,538,814.60 Joint-stock land banks On June 30, 1937, there were 40 joint-stock land banks in operation, 3 in voluntary liquidation, and 5 in process of liquidation through receivership. A consolidated statement of condition of the active banks on the date indicated was not compiled by the Farm Credit Administration, although individual statements of such banks, as well as the banks in process of liquidation through receivership, are available. The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, approved May 12, 1933, provided that "After the date of enactment of this act, no jointstock land bank shall issue any tax-exempt bonds or make any farm loans except as are necessary and incidental to the refinancing of existing loans or bond issues or to the sale of any real estate now owned or hereafter acquired by such banks." The act in effect prohibits jointstock land banks from acquiring new business and restricts them to the orderly liquidation of their existing assets. Sections 30 and 31 of the Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1-933, as amended by the Farm Credit Act of 1935, as a means of expediting the required liquidation authorized and directed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make available to the Land Bank Commissioner until May 13, 1937, the sum of $100,000,000 to be used for the purpose of making loans to the joint-stock land banks organized and doing business under the Federal Farm Loan Act, as amended, at a rate of interest not to exceed 4 percent per annum, payable annually. 196 KEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM The following statement shows the assets and liabilities of the Federal Home Loan Bank System as of September 30, 1937: Consolidated statement Sept. 80, 1937 ASSETS Cash: On hand __ On deposit with: United States Treasurer United States Treasurer, special account symbol 17-6781 Commercial banks Federal Home Loan Bank of New York, agent In transit Total cash $40, 375. 34 10, 116, 962. 43 185,250.00 3, 951, 329. 84 15, 000. 00 15, 627. 40 14, 324, 545. 01 Investments: U. S. Government obligations and securities guaranteed by United States ^ 30, 700, 305. 79 Advances outstanding: Members 179, 508, 230. 86 Nonmembers.. 2, 975. 00 Total advances outstanding Accrued interest receivable: Investments Advances to members.. 179, 511, 205. 86 142, 689. 80 449, 341. 42 _ Total accrued interest receivable 592, 031. 22 Deferred charges: Prepaid debenture expense Prepaid assessment, Federal Home Loan Bank Board Prepaid surety bond and insurance premiums Other Total deferred charges _ 63, 422. 63 74, 999. 94 3, 636. 70 652. 61 ...._ Other assets: Accounts receivable Miscellaneous 9, 076. 78 2, 405. 02 Total other assets Total assets 142, 711. 88 _ 11,481. 80 — 225, 282, 281. 56 LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Liabilities: Deposits: Members— Time... _ Demand _. Applicants. _ Prepayment on advances Total deposits _ .. 10, 652, 742. 60 1, 084, 888. 83 120, 000. 00 175, 676. 00 12, 033, 307. 43 * Funds deposited with the United States Treasurer as special agent, for the purpose of maturing interest •coupons due and payable Oct. 1,1937, on series A, IH percent consolidated Federal Home Loan bank debentures dated Apr. 1,1937. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Consolidated statement Sept. 80, 1937—Continued LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL—continued Liabilities—Continued. Accrued interest payable: Deposits, members Debentures Total accrued interest ^payable _ _ Accounts payable Premiums on debentures Debentures outstanding (short term) 2 Total Less unpaid subscriptions $15, 609. 36 272, 750. 01 288, 359. 37 2, 720. 84 43, 349. 80 52, 700, 000. 00 Total liabilities Capital: Capital stock (par): Members (fully paid) Members (partially paid) 197 65, 067, 737. 44 ._ 33,032,600.00 444, 500. 00 33, 477, 100. 00 202, 650. 00 33, 274, 450. 00 U. S. Government subscription Less amount uncalled 124, 741, 000. 00 3, 227, 000. 00 121, 514, 000. 00 Total paid in on capital stock 154, 788, 450. 00 Surplus, reserve as required under sec. 16 of act 2, 403, 485. 43 Undivided profits. 3, 022, 608. 69 Total surplus and undivided profits 5, 426, 094. 12 Total capital 160, 214, 544. 12 Total liabilities and capital 225, 282, 281. 56 1 Consolidated Federal Home Loan bank debentures issued by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and now outstanding are the joint and several obligations of all Federal Home Loan banks. 198 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Home Owners1 Loan Corporation The following statement shows a summary of the operations of the Home Owners7 Loan Corporation from the date of its organization in 1933 to the close of business on September 30, 1937: Summary of operations Applications received: Number $1, 886, 693 Amount 6, 172, 647, 000 Average per application $3, 272 Content of loans disbursed: Number 1, 026, 190 Amount: J Bonds issued: 4-percent bonds dated July 1, 1933, due July 1, 1951 $37, 319, 575 Series A 3-percent bonds dated May 1, 1934, due May 1, 1952. 755, 448, 525 Series B 2%-percent bonds dated Aug. 1, 1934, due Aug. 1, 1949. 1, 167, 433, 275 Series G 2%-percent bonds dated July 1, 1935, due July 1, 1944_.. 442, 759, 725 Series F l^-percent bonds dated June 1, 1935, due June 1, 1939 (series F issued in place of 4's called) 285, 254, 750 Cash content of loans 388, 600, 816 Accrued bond interest included in loans 16, 642, 605 3, 093, 459, 271 Average loan disbursed $3, 015 In addition to bonds of $2,688,215,850 authorized in exchange for home mortgages and shown above, the following bonds have been issued for cash (for capital and operating needs, including the purchase of shares in savings and loan associations and building and loan associations) and for subscription to the capital stock of the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation: 4-percent bonds dated July 1, 1933, due July 1, 1951 $3, 396, 525 Series A 3-percent bonds dated May 1, 1934, due May 1, 1952 183, 727, 750 Series B 2%-percent bonds dated Aug. 1, 1934, due Aug. 1, 1949___ 2, 100 Series G 214-percent bonds dated July 1, 1935, due July 1, 1944 50, 000, 225 Series E 2-percent bonds dated Aug. 15, 1934, due Aug. 15, 1938. __ 49, 532, 100 Series D 1%-percent bonds dated Aug. 15, 1934, due Aug. 15, 1937- 49, 843, 000 Series C l^-percent bonds dated Aug. 15, 1934, due Aug. 15, 1936__ 49, 736, 000 Series F lH-percent bonds dated June 1, 1935, due June 1, 1939___ 40, 000, 000 Series H ^-percent bonds dated Oct. 15, 1936, due Oct. 15, 1937 _ _ 132, 000, 000 Total . * After application of conversion and refunding operations. . 558, 237, 700 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 199 The following bonds have been retired and canceled from the bond retirement fund: 4-percent bonds dated July 1, 1933, due July 1, 1951 Series A 3-percent bonds dated May 1, 1934, due May 1, 1952 Series B 2%-percent bonds dated Aug. 1, 1934, due Aug. 1, 1949 Series C 1 ^-percent bonds dated Aug. 15, 1934, due Aug. 15, 1936__ Series G 2^-percent bonds dated July 1, 1935, due July 1, 1944 Series D 1%-percent bonds dated Aug. 15, 1934, due Aug. 15, 1937__ Series H ^-percent bonds dated Oct. 15, 1936, due Oct. 15, 1937 $39, 837, 275 1, 710, 875 35, 023, 450 49, 726, 000 222, 375 49, 345, 000 107, 000, 000 • Total 282, 864, 975 Matured bonds on which interest has ceased: 4-percent bonds dated July 1, 1933, called for redemption July 1, 1935 Series C 1%-percent bonds dated Aug. 15, 1934, due Aug. 15, 1936__ Series D 1%-percent bonds dated Aug. 15, 1934, due Aug. 15, 1937__ $878 825 10] 000 498, 000 1, 386, 825 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION The following statements, taken from reports compiled by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, show the assets and liabilities of the Corporation and of insured commercial banks in the United States and possessions as of June 30, 1937: Assets and liabilities June 80, 1937 ASSETS Cash on hand and on deposit $12, 003, 041. 35 U. S. Government securities (cost, less reserve for amortization of premiums) and accrued interest receivable 343, 961, 164. 66 Assets acquired through bank suspensions and mergers: Subrogated claims of depositors against closed insured banks Net balances of depositors in closed insured banks, pending settlement or not claimed, to be subrogated when paid— contra Loans to merging banks to avert deposit insurance losses Assets purchased from merging banks to avert deposit insurance losses $355, 964, 206. 01 11, 430, 192. 93 1, 602, 692. 71 7, 971, 115. 79 992, 188. 48 21, 996, 189. 91 9, 483, 739. 39 Less: Reserve for losses 12, 512, 450. 52 1. 00 44, 703. 41 Furniture, fixtures, and equipment Deferred charges and miscellaneous assets Total assets _ 368, 521, 360. 94 LIABILITIES Current liabilities: Accounts and assessment rebates payable Net balances of depositors in closed insured banks, pending settlement or not claimed—contra 27021—38 14 $75, 203. 87 1, 602, 692. 71 1, 677, 896. 58 200 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Assets and liabilities June 80, 1937—Continued LIABILITIES—continued Unused credits for assessments paid to temporary Federal deposit insurance funds and prepaid assessments Reserve for undetermined expenses and losses Total liabilities $2, 624, 249. 31 69, 517. 24 __ 4,371,663. 13 CAPITAL Capital stock _ 289, 299, 556. 99 Surplus: Balance Dec. 31, 1936 $54, 105, 323. 78 Less adjustments applicable to periods prior to Jan. 1, 1937 ._ 174, 089. 71 Balance as adjusted Dec. 31, 1936 53, 931, 234. 07 Surplus for the 6 months ending June 30, 1937: Additions: Deposit insurance assessments $19,336,829.99 Interest earned (less provision for amortization of premiums),- 4, 437, 985. 79 23, 774, 815. 78 Deductions: Deposit insurance losses and expenses Administrative expenses Furniture, fixtures, a n d equipment purchased and and charged off.. 1, 522, 046. 08 1, 300, 807. 98 33, 054. 97 2, 855, 909. 03 Total capital Total liabilities and capital 20,918,906.75 _ 74, 850, 140. 82 364, 149, 697. 81 368, 521, 360. 94 RBPOBT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 201 Assets and liabilities of operating insured commercial banks, by classes, June SO, 1937 fin thousands of dollars] Number of banks... All banks National banks members Federal Reserve System State banks members Federal Reserve System 1 13,885 5,293 1,064 17,528 17,004,627 9,996 11,850.167 8,791,388 5,089 6,891,783 5,484,971 3,427 3,978,621 2,728,268 1,480 979,763 2,114, 545 7,213,851 190,745 1,172, 617 537,430 6,896, 663 844,197 1,314, 640 3,890, 571 96,409 633,923 162,353 4,152,889 440, 696 503,890 1,874,181 90,734 346,452 191,361 2, 743, 774 296,015 1,449,099 3,602 192, 242 183, 716 6,799,291 818 256,629 3,771,710 229 128,345 1,688,070 116 94,382 1,339,511 473 33,902 54,891, 576 30, 280,025 17,188, 588 7,422,963 22,624,279 12,412,525 7,859,907 2,351,847 13,932,794 3, 511,114 783,091 7,446,341 2,198, 662 464,922 3,371,541 671,063 262,939 3,114,912 641,389 55,230 Banks not members Federal Reserve System ASSETS Loans and discounts (including rediscounts) . Overdrafts U. S. Government securities, direct obligations Securities guaranteed by U. S. Government as to interest and principal _ Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc Customers' liability account of acceptances Banking house, furniture and fixtures. Other real estate owned Reserve with Federal Reserve banks Cash in vault.,Balances with other banks and cash items in process of collection... Securities borrowed... Other assets • Total assets 214,892 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations • State, county, and municipal deposits U. S. Government and postal savings deposits Deposits of other banks, certified and cashiers' checks, cash letters of credit, and travelers' checks outstanding 6,948,614 4,193,106 2,609,040 146,468 47,799.892 Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments... $,368,921 Not secured by pledge of loans and! or investments. 44, 430,971 26, 715,556 2,239,386 24,476,170 14,774,490 755,500 14,018,990 374,035 5,935,811 Total deposits _ Bills payable and rediscounts 3_ Acceptances outstanding executed by or for the account of reporting banks Securities borrowed 'Mortgage bonds and participation certificates outstanding _ Dividends declared but not yet payable3 Other liabilities -Capital stock, notes, and debentures ^ Surplus Undivided profits, net Reserves for contingencies and undeclared dividends 3. Retirement fund for preferred stock, capital notes, and debentures 35,425 9,216 8,218 17,991 215,267 818 113, 378 229 98,421 116 3,468 473 21,823 46,599 375, 694 27, 696 208,373 16,969 16.403 140, 753 4,854 2,500 26, 568 3,053.970 2,225,180 707, 589 384,103 1, 578, 356 1,071,102 389,035 155,065 865,893 900, 362 198, 460 164, 583 609,721 253, 716 120,094 64,455 25,216 12,019 3,920 9,277 6,396,058 2,133,218 1,057,263 , 54, 891, 576 17,188,588 7,422.963 .Assets pledged to secure liabilities: U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed. Other assets 3,114,308 979,258 804,432 190.128 255,421 190,697 Total capital account Total liabilities, including capital account Memorandum 2,054,455 598,433 * Includes 2 national banks in Alaska and 1 national bank in the Virgin Islands, none of which is a member •of2the Federal Reserve System. Excludes 6 State banks not members of the Federal Reserve System. Includes agreements to repurchase securities sold and obligations on industrial advances transferred to Federal Reserve banks. 3 Dividends declared but not yet payable includes for national banks, amounts set aside for dividends snot declared, and for State banks members of the Federal Reserve System, amounts set aside for dividends not declared and for accrued interest on capital notes and debentures. 202 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL CREDIT CORPORATION The Pacific National Agricultural Credit Corporation of Fresno, Calif., was authorized under the act of March 4, 1923, to transact business within the States of California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. A statement of its assets and liabilities as of the date of each call in the year ended October 31, 1937, appears below: Assets and liabilities at date of each call in year ended Oct. 81, 1937 D e c . 31, 1936 M a r . 31,1937 $54, 287.04 187,675.00 $29,796.87 187,675.00 June 30,1937 ASSETS Cash on hand and in banks _ .. United States bonds . Cash with Federal Reserve bank in lieu of United States securities Loans Livestock and other assets owned _ ___ Furniture and fixtures Accounts receivable Customers' funds held in trust Total LIABILITIES Capital stock . Undivided profits Discounts _ Other liabilities Undistributed trustee funds Total .. _ $69,625.93 207,729.82 100,000.00 959,473.42 1.00 1,208. 21 52.94 14,103. 61 20,000.00 1,021,133.99 6,132.16 1,123. 21 287.97 32,400. 28 874,365.84 1.00 866.94 1,316,801.22 1, 298, 549.48 1,160, 779. 75 500,000.00 25,930. 78 776, 766.83 500,000.00 7, 457. 74 645,131.79 14,103. 61 500,000.00 25,930. 78 738, 851.85 1,366. 57 32,400. 28 1,316,801. 22 1,298, 549.48 1,160, 779.75 8,190.22 8,190.22 UNITED STATES POSTAL SAVINGS SYSTEM The following tables, compiled by the Third Assistant Postmaster General, under whose supervision the System operates, disclose comparative statements of the resources and liabilities of the Postal Savings System for the years ended June 30, 1937 and 1936, together with a summary of the postal-savings business for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1937, by States. (The total number of depositors on June 30, 1937, was 2,791,371, an increase of 86,219 in the year, but the average amount on deposit per depositor was $454.14, compared with $455.31 a year ago.) Comparative balance sheet for June $0, 1937, and June SO, 19S6 Items Working cash: Depository banks Postmasters June 30,1937 June 30,1936 Increase RESOURCES $136,217,912.81 2,108,979.35 Special funds, Treasurer of the United States: Reserve fund Miscellaneous (working) funds 59,300,000.00 2,900,538.98 Accounts receivable: Accrued interest on bond investments Due from late postmasters Investments, United States securities: Postal savings 2^-percent bonds U. S. Treasury bonds. _ U. S. Treasury notes Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation bonds. _ Home Owners' Loan Corporation bonds _ 62,200,538.98 Par value $22,210,120 865,520,250 36,117,000 87,156,400 79,678,000 $203,057,384.80 9,471,472.47 60,800,000.00 18,378,904.75 6,522,048.94 171,522.15 6,543,302.76 135,172.79 _ _ $138 326,892.16 6,678, 475. 55 22,210,120.00 875,110,759. 36 36,061,691.61 87,434,587.35 79, 111, 896. 50 1,090,681,770 1,099,929,054.82 $212,528,857. 27 $66,839,471.99 7, 362,493.12 74,201,965.11 79,178,904.75 1, 500.000.00 15,478,365. 77 16,978,365.77 $21,253.82 6,693,571.09 19,774,580.00 652,371,698.76 128,014,082.55 87,475,397.01 79,111,896.50 1,307,134,961. 51 2,435,540.00 222, 739,060.60 966, 747, 654.82 133,181,400.00 1, 265,148,987.93 41,985,973.58 1,260,787,703. 92 35,980,541.00 2,968,182.33 2,382.70 20,043.00 38,971,149.03 36,349.36 15,095. 54 O w a O 91,952,390.94 40,809.66 a LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS FUNDS Due depositors: Outstanding principal, represented by certificates of deposit Accrued interest on certificates of deposit. Outstanding savings stamps Unclaimed deposits. _ Accounts payable: Due Postal Service—Interest and profits Due discontinued depository banks Total liabilities Surplus funds—Interest and profits (undistributed earnings) subject to future allocation of maturing interest charges 1,267,626,801.00 32,009, 326. 75 75, 786. 20 46,939.00 5,335, 742. 74 6,270.14 1,299, 758,852. 95 5,342,012.88 1,231,646, 260.00 29,041,144.42 73,403.50 26,896.00 2,938,008.53 2,397, 734.21 10,599.09 2,408,333.30 2,933,679.58 1,305,100,865.83 1,263,196,037.22 41,904,828.61 2,034,095.68 1,952,950. 71 81,144.97 1,307,134,961. 51 1,265,148.987.93 41,985,973.58 W ~4~328.~95 2 8 CO Comparative statement of interest-earning resources and interest-bearing liabilities for June 30, 1937, and June 80, 1986 Items June 30,1937 June 30,1936 Increase g RESOURCES—INTEREST-EABNING Working cash—Depository banks, per balance sheet Investments per balance sheet $136,217,912.81 1,099,929,054.82 - $1,236,146,967.63 $203,057,384.80 966,747,654.82 $133,181,400.00 - $1,169,805,039.62 66,341,928.01 LIABILITIES—INTEREST-BEARING $66,839,471.99 Q :::::::::::::: § O Due depositors—Outstanding principal, represented by certificates of deposit, per balance sheet Excess of interest-bearing liabilities 1,267,626,801.00 1,231,646,260.00 31,479,833.37 61,841,220.38 35,980,541.00 " H 30,361,387.01 O O Comparative statement of interest and profits for the fiscal years ended June 80', 1937, and June 80, 1986 Items Credits: Interest on bank deposits Interest on bond investments, less amortization charges. Miscellaneous receipts Profit realized on investments Debits: Interest credited to depositors Allowances to postmasters: Losses by fire, burglary, etc Erroneous payments, uncollectible items, etc Miscellaneous losses Final closing, previous year Excess of income Fiscal year 1937 $3,590,545.92 29,280,566.38 679.21 151,466.37 $33,023,257.88 Fiscal year 1936 $6,866,908.78 24,563, 545.58 500.47 103,663.71 Increase $31,534,618.54 22,009,451.16 1,044,568.80 19,513.63 175.84 193.34 11,314.92 14,607.98 5.10 22,026,454.67 4,905.65 170.74 193.34 8,924.49 1,058,763.02 9,508,163.87 429,876.32 9,938,040.19 2,390.43 Decrease 3 P $4,717,020.80 178.74 47,802.66 1,488,639.34 23,054,019.96 23,085,217.69 K $3,276,362.86 ' • g O 1-3 w o Summary of postal savings business for the fiscal year ended June SO, 1987, by States State Balance to the credit of depositors, Deposits June 30, 1936 United States. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia. Hawaii Idaho. _ Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas. Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota— Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New H a m p s h i r e N e w Jersey N e w Mexico N e w York N o r t h Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma... Oregon. $1, 231, 646,260 9, 229, 334 783,913 6, 351,172 12, 503, 692 69, 506, 615 17,117,016 11,496,152 445, 229 7, 971,641 31,446,448 12, 755,126 451,913 6, 933, 764 160,028,907 34,804, 787 59,122, 544 22, 443, 485 8,205, 281 8, 530,925 2,104, 343 4,984,173 29, 288, 478 94, 815.045 39, 479,147 7,165, 794 38, 448, 572 12,487,898 24,317,370 2, 435,912 2,129,789 32, 578,386 3, 878,999 104,313,841 15, 012,052 9,952, 422 70, 855,308 21,979,308 16,797,129 1 Balance to Increase in credit of balances to Withdrawals i the depositors, the credit of June 30, 1937 depositors 2 Amount at interest in banks, June 30, 1937 Interest received from banks2 Interest paid depositors Sold Redeemed $59,145.80 $136,094,899. 42 $3,590, 545.92 $20,016,007.58 1,847,333.44 240,809.18 97,115. 95 1,777,711.96 21,243, 656. 47 594,989. 72 1,058,388. 72 880,451.13 558, 742. 41 1, 528,178.78 2,241,007. 29 579,875. 59 311,445.17 2,830,616.93 3,946, 742. 94 1,191,222.03 1, 287,730.07 1, 528,003. 47 6, 546, 779. 54 848,861.16 1, 250, 607. 73 2,918, 559.01 1,420,511.14 5, 575, 582.10 2, 332,155. 61 3, 277,861. 28 272,889. 63 377,024.86 408, 267. 55 746,150.13 31,349.97 63,127.46 15, 732.85 4, 453, 757. 49 310,963.95 7,981,619. 58 829,433. 76 448,524.74 33.065.33 7, 239. 57 3, 740. 54 49,086. 56 594, 548.12 13,945.03 28,356. 06 22,064.30 13, 779.31 55, 584.49 65,276.02 15,195. 86 8, 614. 59 7, 539. 34 106,366.89 29,479.67 29.312.34 39, 549. 37 161,836.61 21,112. 53 35,817.17 64,956. 97 42, 572.17 148,545.68 62, 686. 63 85, 665. 69 142,869.97 12,397. 33 100, 753.08 207,041. 31 1,200,291.25 285,935. 40 168,635. 67 6,186.44 113, 523. 95 464,417. 05 211,600.36 8,274. 00 116,635.15 2,597,712.10 558,633. 39 1,015,069. 95 363,954. 03 131,877. 99 132,005. 34 32,086.14 75,563. 58 451,030. 62 1,481, 601.83 675,891. 38 114,327. 20 630,962.31 201, 531.66 398,084.28 36,182.93 36,412. 65 517,172. 51 65,814.73 1,662,169.03 235,154. 66 163,447.14 1,169,877.35 359,259. 71 291,021.36 $972,743,476 $936, 762,935 $1,267,626,801 $35,980,541 $61,528.50 8,074,343 614,635 5,841,303 10,841,323 53, 596,616 15,311,958 6, 680,002 312, 552 7,402, 786 37,287,944 10,721,976 493,912 5,346,913 136, 200,382 31,246,034 48, 208,119 19,803,218 6,960,398 6,437,446 1,195,473 2,812,817 15,191, 721 75,536,244 29,988, 590 6, 565,384 31,058,805 10,875,127 20,666,761 1,815, 301 1, 218,182 21,997,063 3,146,883 62,488,898 12, 202, 720 7,406,164 54,177,857 17,827,168 14, 299,579 7,641,277 540,155 5,396,375 10, 579, 777 57,238, 584 13,913,435 6,356, 767 305, 529 7,045, 584 36,091,365 10,467,298 552,183 5, 460, 578 126,045,363 28,406,869 46, 752,394 18,003,078 6,652,912 6, 266,960 1, 246, 462 2,971,398 15,458,793 70,776, 539 28,342, 629 5, 546, 275 30,154,075 9,893,747 18,882,818 1,929,843 1,287,442 21, 683, 250 3,086, 068 65, 254,124 12,023,067 6,895, 760 52, 454, 264 17,932,182 13, 680,351 9,662,400 858,393 6, 796,100 12, 765, 238 65,864,647 18,515,539 11,819,387 452,252 8,328,843 32,643,027 13,009,804 393,642 6,820,099 170,183,926 37,643,952 60, 578,269 24, 243,625 8, 512, 767 8,701,411 2,053,354 4,825,592 29,021,406 99, 574,750 41,125,108 8,184,903 39,353,302 13,469,278 26,101,313 2,321,370 2,060, 529 32,892,199 3,939,814 101, 548, 615 15,191, 705 10,462,826 72,578,901 21,874,294 17,416,357 433,066 74,480 444,928 261,546 -3,641,968 1,398,523 323, 235 7,023 357,202 1,196, 579 254,678 - 5 8 , 271 -113,665 10,155,019 2,839,165 1,455,725 1,800,140 307,486 170,486 -50,989 -158,581 -267,072 4,759,705 1, 645,961 1,019,109 904, 730 981,380 1, 783,943 -114,542 - 6 9 , 260 313,813 60,815 - 2 , 765,226 179,653 510,404 1,723,593 -105,014 619,228 95.30 90.80 101. 20 266. 00 1,915. 80 361.40 390. 70 36.00 1,122. 60 822.30 378.10 .40 120.90 4,349. 40 1,114. 60 436. 70 343.90 241. 80 134. 60 238. 50 178.10 2, 291. 30 1,233.90 351. 60 106. 80 657. 50 158.60 263.00 67.20 225.10 1,861.50 36.60 7, 212. 80 277. 90 88.50 1,214.40 396. 40 215.30 103. 00 648.00 1,852.90 349. 80 382. 00 32.00 1,133. 00 717.60 361.60 4.00 101. 00 3, 745.90 1,003.10 398. 00 303.80 155. 50 157. 00 192.10 162. 80 2,191. 30 1,076. 60 346.10 95.90 607. 80 190.80 202.00 66.90 232.10 1,743.40 19.60 7, 242.80 247. 60 83.10 1,155. 50 383.00 196.80 This total includes $20,043, written off postmasters' accounts current as unclaimed. 3 A minus sign (—) denotes decrease. Savings stamps 10,051.04 14,116. 20 26, 589. 31 -2,695.81 3, 563. 70 462.88 104, 251.90 7,990. 04 230,912.22 21,103.82 12, 707.10 o H H o o I tu o 8 Summary of postal savings business for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1937, by States—Continued Balance to the credit of depositors, State Deposits Withdrawals J u n e 30, 1936 Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island.— South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont.__ Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming __. 60,652,581 1,707,391 1,716,130 14, 655, 375 12,872, 690 8, 655,634 31,165,151 3,058, 558 580,061 5,125, 707 86, 337 33,188,330 7,925,948 33, 240,089 3,864,368 43, 277, 457 2, 671, 392 1, 042,366 12, 611, 430 9, 677,821 6,860,349 26,487, 735 1, 927, 743 294, 909 3,601,073 70,079 27, 706,149 5, 088,152 26, 509,009 3,065,215 42,082,462 2, 242,884 1,002, 553 11,690,350 9,189,069 6, 598,079 25,256,928 2,056,235 299,357 3, 566,010 65,529 27,292, 530 5,095, 555 24,127,422 2,982,402 Balance to Increase in the credit of balances to depositors, the credit of June 30, 1937 depositors 61,847, 576 2,135,899 1, 755,943 15,576,455 13,361,442 8,917,904 32,395,958 2, 930, 066 575,613 5,160,770 90,887 33,601,949 7, 918,545 35,621,676 3,947,181 1,194,995 428,508 39,813 921,080 488,752 262,270 1, 230,807 -128,492 -4,448 35,063 4,550 413,619 -7,403 2, 381, 587 82,813 Savings stamps Sold 5,252.10 23, 704. 90 445. 60 205.10 214. 80 191. 00 587.90 37.10 32.40 331. 00 154. 30 318. 80 312. 90 397.80 36.10 Amount at interest in banks, June 30, 1937 Redeemed 4,968.30 23,165. 00 446. 00 226. 00 186. 60 161. 40 501. 80 61.00 24.60 308. 40 146. 00 307. 20 251. 40 357. 90 59.00 Interest received from banks 28,121,682. 96 265, 272.11 527,948.02 298, 005. 38 311, 265. 09 6,410,061. 08 5,151,848. 03 128, 728. 07 321,076. 04 3,248,100.10 769,893.19 6,525. 51 11,501.36 9, 877. 65 6, 584. 06 167, 222.15 127, 572. 54 3. 381. 02 7, 832. 29 90, 349.03 1, 046, 675.90 2, 796, 944. 71 3,469,646. 60 143,864. 54 29,236. 49 73,002. 97 98, 469. 06 5,901. 28 Interest paid depositors 1,017,753.66 20,419.19 27, 706.98 224,161. 71 215,894. 01 139,345. 64 507, 255.14 50,925. 99 7, 691. 72 78,801. 92 1,055. 71 561,331. 76 128,071.17 533,989.63 66,198. 52 g B O tad H M o I o tad o a W a 207 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY SCHOOL SAVINGS BANKING Statistics relative to school savings banks in the various States and the District of Columbia for the school years ended 1936 and 1937, with comparative yearly totals beginning with the school year ended 1920, are shown in the following tables: School savings, by States, 1985-86 and 1986-87 [Compiled by the savings bank division of the American Bankers' Association] Number of schools Number participating Deposits Net savings States 1935-36 1936-37 1935-36 United States- 9,070 Alabama 67 Arizona 1 Arkansas 1 California _ 2,340 Colorado 3 Connecticut 617 Delaware 59 District of Columbia i_^ Florida 26 Georgia . 84 Hawaii 62 Idaho 8 Illinois 83 Indiana 42 Iowa __ 69 Kansas 13 Kentucky 1 Louisiana i Maine 241 Maryland 109 Massachusetts594 Michigan 10 Minnesota 182 Mississippi 5 Missouri 103 Montana * Nebraska * Nevada 2 New Hampshire. 100 New Jersey 424 New Mexico 6 New York 1,408 North Carolina»_ North Dakota.._ 15 Ohio 283 Oklahoma 0) Oregon L . . Pennsylvania 1,036 Rhode Island 331 South Carolina20 South D a k o t a . . . 29 Tennessee 35 Texas 191 Utah 1 Vermont 17 Virginia 66 Washington 111 West Virginia... 174 Wisconsin 102 Wyoming 2 1 2 1936-37 1935-36 1936-37 1935-36 9,034 2,786,253 2,823,246 $13,081,183.69 $14,258,790.15 $3,730,085.87 199,450.99 283. 97 51,902.44 185. 33 450, 831 1,184,374. 72 1,081, 765. 79 886. 60 367 817.32 772,874. 49 102,177 867,514. 66 99, 073.35 25, 088 127,174. 27 749, 656.15 795, 666. 51 297, 789.99 10, 564.89 380, 766. 64 40, 738.09 6,623. 00 8,352.40 6,439. 68 188,189. 49 60, 900. 75 125, 678.20 28, 271.77 2 2,972. 31 8,101.46 20,117. 50 1,211.40 38,803.80 12, 697.23 22, 509. 69 1,606.16 1, 505. 60 36, 259.61 18, 265. 85 29,050. 20 1,854.05 138, 751.11 139,862. 50 514,977. 72 22,862.38 505,313. 38 8, 399. 44 179. 346.78 31,455. 56 111,411.78 179,484.36 1,804.00 101,937.18 2, 962. 73 42, 575. 27 53, 240.08 139, 392.04 220, 534.10 6, 219.09 116, 791. 75 2,938. 86 2 57, 742.89 1,731.73 550 1,712.76 411.35 28,132. 22 7,360 26, 248.02 2, 874. 59 896,742.81 117,994 813,337. 91 202, 392. 69 20, 552.96 3,707 13,423.95 1,418. 57 832,679 3,670,761.14 3, 979,915.53 1,037,870.74 573.33 6,910.17 280,943.96 6,476.89 1,180,184. 75 26, 201 236 2,286 3 609 57 371,921 460 104,113 28,130 26 74 19,193 28, 240 5,274 1,631 28,695 14,413 30.444 3,536 19,564 29,087 10,000 1,220 25, 033 13,524 26,921 3,716 21, 333. 62 111,118.12 19, 380. 49 6, 017. 28 174. 663. 66 51, 376. 04 111, 221. 83 26,161. 06 29,959.00 103,977. 76 224 110 582 10 181 5 102 28,111 45, 218 74, 021 2,195 85,107 27,424 47,378 88, 032 2,214 92,196 990 35,623 155,491.37 114, 727. 37 471. 649. 91 17.390. 27 433,460.45 5,691.31 179, 043.70 2 100 395 6 1,413 420 6,407 123, 429 3,378 850, 402 15 189 1 967 92,850 1,279 331 22 10 34 208 455,679 129,952 3,071 9,256 5,623 60, 958 28 24 120 221 98 3 2,228 12. 391 52,211 30,108 13,931 No report this year. Loss. 8 75 43 70 13 0) 35,853 0) (0 $4,660,832.56 210,732. 09 607. 05 56 1 W 1936-37 20,060 243 755 37,899 5 0) 0) 2,912. 49 425.97 0) 0) 4, 337. 45 370,908. 64 21. 90 1, 057. 07 119, 369.37 741.83 124,384.17 21.90 496,991 2. 237, 756. 32 2, 753, 830. 63 670,419. 30 726, 587. 65 117, 593 9,479. 52 9,192. 56 3,152 31, 935. 39 12,422.99 2,200 85, 032. 00 96,067. 39 6,072 279,115. 64 384, 477. 06 57, 556 451, 762. 81 a 19,757. 90 6, 901. 33 4, 983. 28 12, 618. 04 81,809. 46 773,054.00 62,983. 90 6, 540.05 454. 74 11,876. 39 163, 248. 58 3,927. 07 11, 021. 76 79, 725. 78 43, 747.18 4,148.13 10, 617.06 1, 625.10 155,364. 22 62,392.91 8, 645.17 4,064 4,042 56,982 38, 437 13,520 0) 4,050. 20 515, 252.14 0) 4, 948. 85 56.192. 08 324, 519. 20 104, 474. 57 75, 791. 26 1, 089.84 13, 570. 53 4, 602. 54 384, 304.13 136, 664. 45 91,829.14 1, 356. 70 0) 0) 0) 208 KEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY School savings, by States, 1985-86 and 1936-87—Continued TOTALS—UNITED STATES Number of schools 1936-37 1935-36 1934-35 1933-34 1932-33 1931-32 1930-311929-30 1928-29 1927-28 1926-27_ 1925-26 1924-25 1923-24 1922-23 1921-22 1920-21 1919-20 >Loss. . — . __ . _. „ — 9,034 9,070 8,940 9,482 10,890 12,686 14,628 H 14,610^ 14, 254^ 13 835 12, 678 11,371 10,163 9,080 6,868 4,785 3,316 2,736 Number participating 2,823,246 2,786,253 2,836, 595 2,816, 525 3, 080,685 3,106, 510 4,482, 634 4, 597, 731 4,222,935 3,980,237 3, 742, 551 3, 403. 746 2, 869,497 2, 236,326 1,907,851 1, 295, 607 802,906 462,651 Deposits $14,258,790.15 13,081,183.69 12, 598, 076.42 11,641,776.68 10,332, 569. 55 17,680,364.92 25,977,216.41 29,113,063.48 28,672,496.00 26,005,138. 04 23,703,436.80 20,469,960.88 16,961,560. 72 14,991, 535.40 10,631,838.69 5,775.122.32 4,158,050.15 2,800,301.18 Net savings $4,660,832.56 3,730,085.87 2,762,968.41 1,622,127.15 « 2,315,252.21 > 2,926,902.12 2,167,499. 58 7, 690, 529.68 10, 539,928.46 9,476,391.32 9.464,178.93 8,770,731.05 7,779,992.55 8,556,991.27 EXPENSES OF THE CURRENCY BUREAU The following statement shows the expenses incident to maintenance of the Currency Bureau in the fiscal year ended June 30, 1937: Expenses incident to maintenance of Currency Bureau, fiscal year ended June 80,1937 Expenses paid from appropriations Salaries: Regular roll, Including retirement deductions National currency, reimbursable roll, including retirement deductions Federal Reserve issue and redemption division, including retirement deductions _ Insolvent national bank division roll, including retirement deductions Total salaries.._ General expenses: Printing and binding Stationery _ Amount expended for light, heat, telephone, telegraph, furniture, labor-saving machines, etc., partially estimated Miscellaneous, rent, etc Total general expenses Currency issues—Federal Reserve notes: Paper Printing, etc Plates Total currency issues Expenses account of national bank examining service, paid by banks Postage on shipments of Federal Reserve notesInsurance on shipments of Federal Reserve notes Surcharge paid on consignments Total expenses paid from appropriations Total expenses reimbursed by banks.. Total expenses Expenses reimbursed by banks Total ex- $212,708.30 $23,163.81 46,522.18 947,727.13 $1,230,121.42 24,862.00 1,595.48 14,092.29 13,108.14 1,646.19 39,078.13 139,503.30 233,885.53 143,402.00 945,395.00 116,965.00 1,205,762.00 2,961,040.44 130,834.70 33,842.84 192,612.60 1240,811.97 5,747,287.56 2,961,040.44 130,834.70 33,842.84 192,612.60 5,988,099.63 i Exclusive of $55,055 expenses incurred and paid from "Expenses, Emergency Banking, Gold Reserve and Silver Purchase Act, 1937." Respectfully submitted. J. F. T. O'CONNOR, Comptroller of the Currency. To the SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. APPENDIX 209 BEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 211 TABLE NO. 1.—Comptrollers and Deputy Comptrollers of the Currency, dates of appointment and resignation, and States whence appointed Date of appointment Name No. Date of resignation State COMPTROLLEES OF THE CURRENCY McQulloch, Hugh Clarke, Freeman. Hulburd, Hiland R Knox, John Jay Cannon, Henry W Trenholm, William L_ Lacey, Edward S Hepburn, A. Barton Eckels, James H Dawes, Charles G. Ridgely, William Barret Murray, Lawrence O Williams, John Skelton Crissinger, D. R Dawes, Henry M Mclntosh, Joseph W Pole, John W O'Connor, J. F. T May Mar. Feb. Apr. May Apr. May Aug. Apr. Jan. Oct. Apr. Feb. Mar. May Dec. Nov. May 9,1863 Mar. 8,1865 21,1865 July 24,1866 1,1867 Apr. 3,1872 25,1872 Apr. 30,1884 12,1884 Mar. 1,1886 20,1886 Apr. 30,1889 1,1889 June 30,1892 2,1892 Apr. 25,1893 26,1893 Dec. 31,1897 1,1898 Sept. 30,1901 1,1901 Mar. 28,1908 28,1908 Apr. 27,19131 2,1914 Mar. 2,1921 17,1921 Apr. 30,1923 1,1923 Dec. 17,1924 20,1924 Nov. 20,1928 21,1928 Sept. 20,1932 11,1933 Indiana. New York. Ohio. Minnesota. Do. South Carolina. Michigan. New York. Illinois. Do. Do. New York. Virginia. Ohio. Illinois. Do. Ohio. California. DEPUTY COMPTROLLERS OF THE CURRENCY Howard, Samuel T Hulburd, Hiland R Knox, John Jay. Langworthy, John S Snyder, V. P Abrahams, J. D Nixon, R. M.._ Tucker, Oliver P Coffin, George M Murray, Lawrence O Kane, Thomas P Fowler, Willis J Mclntosh, Joseph W__ Collins, Charles W Stearns, E. W Await, F. G. Gough, E. H Proctor, John L Lyons, Gibbs Prentiss, William, Jr i Term expired. May 9,1863 Aug. 1,1865 Mar. 12,1867 Aug. 8,1872 Jan. 5,1886 Jan. 27,1887 Aug. 11,1890 Apr. 7,1893 Mar. 12,1896 Sept. 1,1898 June 29,1899 July 1,1908 May 21,1923 July 1,1923 Jan. 6,1925 July 1,1927 July 6.1927 Dec. 1.1928 Jan. 24,1933 Feb. 24,1936 Aug. Jan. Apr. Jan. Jan. May Mar. Mar. Aug. June Mar. Feb. Dec. June Nov. Feb. 1,1865 31,1867 24,1872 3.1886 3.1887 25,1890 16,1893 11,1896 31.1898 27.1899 2,1923' 14,1927 19,1924 30.1927 30.1928 15,1936 Jan. 23,1933 New York. Ohio. Minnesota. New York. Do. Virginia. Indiana. Kentucky. South Carolina. New York. District of Columbia. Indiana. Illinois. Do. Virginia. Maryland. Indiana. Washington. Georgia. California. a Died Mar. 2,1923. TABLE N O . 2.—Names and compensation of officers and clerks in the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Oct. 81, 1937 Name Kane, William A Marble, George R Bentley, Thomas B Frye, Ruby M Fuller, Jane L_._ Oflutt, William F Verrill, Harry M Wigginton, Norval P._. Tucker, Samuel M Reese, William H Herndon, John W Furbershaw, Miriam... Horsey, Olga S Stafford, Catherine M_. Basinger, Walter S Tylor, Gertrude I O'Mara, Vera L Reed, Samuel E Whelan, Marjorie B___. McPherson, Mabel E_. Heizer, Helen V Lovelly. Laura F O'Brien, May F Haley, John R Treuthart, Hubert Crittenden, John W . . . Designation Administratiye officer Senior administrative assistant., .do.. Junior administrative assistant.. .do .do _ -do., .do., -do., -do.. Principal clerk Junior administrative assistant., do _ do Principal clerk. do Senior clerk .do.. Senior clerk-stenographer. Principal clerk Senior clerk _ do do Clerk Senior clerk Senior clerk-stenographer. Salary $4,200 3,800 3,200 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,900 2,800 2,700 2,700 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,500 2,500 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,300 2,300 2,200 2,100 2,040 2,000 2,000 212 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 2.—Names and compensation of officers and clerks in the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Oct. 31, 1937—Continued DesignatioD Name Haygood, Ethel King, Dorothy C.._ Friedrichs, Minna K__Mortimer, Mary H Smith, Helen M Jamieson, William G Buckley, Regina C.__ Henderson, Virginia D Bales, Anna S__ _ Beall, Clara M _ Chisholm, Elizabeth Colburn, Nellie A Dodge, Victor H Hopkins, Edna I Magruder, Edith P McKinney, Elva L Walker, Johanna S Watts, Metta F Brannock, Burneta Grossman, Albert F Fox, Bessie E Barksdale, George T Haymon, N. Mabel Sazama, Alice R Tschifiely, Lacey B. R___ Smith, Clara E . _ Baldwin, Wallace N Jorgenson, John A Canavan, Josephine M . . . Croson, Maud B Dailey, William McFadden, Arthur M Smith, Mabel W Wilson, Mildred C._ Wolfe, Alice M Ford, Ethel D Gorham, Eloise H__ Parsons, Ruth Ethridge, Elsie E Joyce, Atha-Lane Shea, Catherine L Hurd, Agnes E O'Donnell, Josephine A Dent, Mary J Harleston, Catherine.. Spring, Mildred A. Chamberlain, Robert J Murtaugh, Ruth A Rutherford, Marjorie L Shely, Myrtle B Taylor, Mathilda S Frock, Annie C Brown, Edith L Wood, Kathleen Dillon, Minnie L Kemether, Eva O_.— White, Grace M Curtin, Anna E ___ Snoddy, Ralph D Marks, Grace _ Reese, Aline Whiteman, Edgar Gervais, Gladys E Settle, May C. W Cover, Thomas C Mims, Alvin E Lipkovitz, Israel S Schaff, Boyd F Simber, Marie C Blount, Joseph T Jones, George S . . _ . Thompson, Frank,.,. Mann, Harry C Berkley, Guy H Hill, Edgar W , Robinson, Clarence E Sampson, Ellis James Barrett, Lester J ._ Moore, Frederick S . •-- _ .. _ ___ _ -. _ _ _ _._ _ _. _ - _ .... _ __ - Senior clerk-stenographer. Clerk-stenographer Assistant clerk Clerk-stenographer Clerk. Senior operator, office devices. Clerk ._. Clerk-stenographer Assistant clerk Head typist Assistant clerk .do.. Assistant clerk-stenographer. Assistant clerk .do.. .do., -do., .do.. Clerk. do C1 er k.-stenographer_. Assistant clerk .do.. Assistant clerk-stenographer. Assistant clerk .do.. Junior clerk do Assistant clerk, .do .do., .do., .do.., -do.. Assistant clerk-stenographer. do.. _ do Senior stenographer, do., .do.. Junior clerk do Assistant clerk, .do.. Senior operator, office devices.. Junior operator, office devices. Senior stenographer ._ Assistant clerk Head typist ._ Junior clerk _ Counter clerk Junior clerk.. do.. clerk.. Counter Junior operator, office devices. Junior clerk-typist Under clerk .do.. Money counter. do..... Messenger Counter clerk... Money counter. do . . Under clerk, .do.. Money counter. Messenger .do.. Junior laborer.. Under clerk Messenger do, -. -do.. Salary $2,000 1,980 1,980 1,920 1,920 1,920 1,860 1,860 1,860 1,860 1,86a 1,86a 1,86a 1,860 1,860 1,860 1,860 1,860 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,74a 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,74a 1,74a 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,74a 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,740 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,680 1,620 1,62a 1,620 1,620 1,620 1, 560 1,560 1,56a 1,560 1,56a 1,56a 1,560 1,56a 1,500 1,500 1,44a 1,440 1,440 1,440 1,380 1,38a 1,380 1,380 1,380 1,380 1,320 1,320 1,32a 1,320 1,320 1,26a 1,26a 213 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 3.—Number of national banks organized since Feb. 25, 1863, number passed out of the system, and number in existence Oct. 31, 1937 Under Under Under Under act of Feb. 25, 1863... act of June 3, 1864, as amended gold currency act of July 12, 1870 act of Mar. 14, 1900 _ _ 456 9,176 10 4,752 _ Total number of national banks organized Number reported in voluntary liquidation Number passed into liquidation upon expiration of corporate existence Number consolidated under act of Nov. 7, 1918 Number placed in charge of receivers 1 Total number passed out of the system Number now in existence _ 1 Exclusive of those restored to solvency. _ _ 5,699 208 404 _. 2,793 _ 14,394 9,104 -. 5,290 TABLE NO. 4.—National banks reported in liquidation from Nov. ly 1936, to Oct. 31, 1937, the names where known, of succeeding banks in cases of succession, with date of liquidation and capital Capital Name and location of bank Date of liquidation Common The Oldham National Bank, Oldham, S. Dak. (12662), succeeded by The Oldham State Bank The First National Bank of El Monte, Calif. (6993), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif The First National Bank of Almena, Kans. (8255), succeeded by The First State Bank, Almena _. The Birdseye National Bank, Birdseye, Ind. (8835), absorbed by The First National Bank of Huntingburg, Ind The First National Bank of Nashua, Mont. (11048) The First National Bank of Elko, Nev. (7743), absorbed by First National Bank in Reno, Nev. 1 The First National Bank of Junction City, Oreg. (10218), absorbed by The United States National Bank of Portland, Oreg The First National Bank of Napoleon, N. Dak. (11378), succeeded by Stock Growers Bank in Napoleon The First National Bank of Claremont, Calif. (9467), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif-First National Bank of Pelham, Ga. (9870), succeeded by Pelham Banking Company The Hancock National Bank, Hancock, Minn. (7033), succeeded by Hancock State Bank. The First National Bank of New Salem, Pa. (6599), absorbed by The Second National Bank of Uniontown, Pa First National Bank in Paynesville, Minn. (13518), succeeded by The First State Bank in Paynesville The First National Bank of Nelson, Wis. (10733), absorbed by American Bank of Alma, Wis The Nebraska National Bank of Minden, Nebr. (13322), absorbed by The Minden Exchange National Bank The First National Bank of Marianna, Fla. (6110), succeeded by The First Bank of Marianna The Franklin National Bank of Washington, D. C.2 (10504), absorbed by The City Bank of Washington The Wyoming County National Bank of Warsaw, N. Y. (737), absorbed by Wyoming County Bank and Trust Company, Warsaw-_ The National Bank of Wyoming, N. Y. (13229), absorbed by Wyoming County Bank and Trust Company, Warsaw, N. Y The Roseburg National Bank, Roseburg, Oreg. (8955), absorbed by The United States National Bank of Portland, Oreg.. The Danielsville National Bank, Danielsville, Pa. (7931), absorbed by The Cement National Bank of Siegfried at Northampton, P a — Peoples National Bank in Reynoldsville, Pa. (13957), absorbed by The First National Bank of ReynoJdsville The First National Bank of Downey, Calif. (11701), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif— United States National Bank of Newberg, Oreg. (9358), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland, Oreg The First National Bank of Cranford, N. J. (12263), absorbed by Union County Trust Company of Elizabeth, N. J._ The First National Bank of San Dimas, Calif. (10068), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif The Central National Bank of Rutland, Vt. (1700) Footnotes at end of table. Oct. 31,1936 $25,000 Oct. 15,1936 80,000 Oct. 3,1936 50,000 Nov. 10,1936 Nov. 15,1936 25,000 25,000 Nov. 10,1936 50,000 Nov. 21,1936 50,000 Dec. 7,1936 25,000 Nov. 17,1936 100,000 Dec. 8,1936 40,000 Dec. 12,1936 35,000 Oct. 25,000 6,1936 Dec. 19,1936 25,000 Oct. 10,1936 20,000 Jan. 40,000 2,1937 Preferred $20,000 15,000 30,000 Dec. 31,1936 50,000 Dec. 12,1936 225,000 Jan. 100,000 400,000 25,000 25,000 7,1937 50,000 25,000 Jan. 13,1937 25,000 25,000 Jan. 12,1937 50,000 2,1937 .—.do Jan. Dec. 15,1936 25,000 Dec. 22,1936 50,000 Jan. 12,1937 100,000 Nov. 6,1936 Dec. 21,1936 50,.000 100,000 214 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 4.—National banks reported in liquidation from Nov. ly 1936, to Oct. Sly 1937\ the names where known, of succeeding banks in cases of succession, with date of liquidation and capital—Continued Capital Name and location of bank The First National Bank of Del Rey, Calif. (11041), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif The New York State National Bank, Albany, N. Y. (1262), succeeded by State Bank of Albany The Calistoga National Bank, Calistoga, Calif. (9551), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif _ The First National Bank of Atascadero, Calif. (12833), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif The City National Bank in David City, Nebr. (14194), absorbed by The First National Bank of David City First National Bank at Koppel, Pa. (14070), absorbed by First National Bank at Beaver Falls, Pa The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oreg. (8556), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland, Oreg-The American National Bank of Klamath Falls, Oreg. (11801), absorbed by The United States National Bank of Portland, Oreg California First National Bank of Long Beach, Calif. (11873), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif. __ The First National Bank of Ashland, Oreg. (5747), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland, Oreg The First National Bank of Holyrood, Kans. (11796), absorbed by The Bank of Holyrood..._ Central National Bank of Chardon, Ohio (13569), absorbed by Central National Bank of Cleveland, Ohio _ The First National Bank of Cando, N. Dak. (5798), succeeded by The First State Bank of Cando First National Bank in Paso Robles, Calif. (12172), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif The Seaboard National Bank of Los Angeles, Calif.3 (12545), absorbed by Bank of American National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif Brockport National Bank, Brockport, N. Y. (13965), absorbed by Lincoln-Alliance Bank and Trust Company, Rochester, N. Y The American National Bank of Bellingham, Wash. (12234), absorbed by The First National Bank of Bellingham The First National Bank of Coquille, Oreg. (6849), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland, Oreg The First National Bank of Park River, N. Dak. (3436), succeeded by The First State Bank of Park River _ The First National Bank of Southern Oregon at Grants Pass, Oreg. (4168), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland, Oreg... The First National Bank of Hood River, Oreg. (7272), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland. Oreg. The First National Bank of Wheeler, Tex. (12627) The First National Bank of Toledo, Oreg. (11937), succeeded by The National Security Bank of Toledo _. The Merchants National Bank of Cavalier, N. Dak. (12046), succeeded by Merchants and Farmers Bank of Cavalier _. The First National Bank of Douglas, Ariz. (6633), absorbed by The Valley National Bank of Phoenix, Ariz The County National Bank of Punxsutawney, Pa. (9863), absorbed by The Punxsutawney National Bank ___ The Platteville National Bank, Platteville, Colo. (9451) The Commercial National Bank of Charles City, Iowa (5979), absorbed by The Commercial Trust and Savings Bank, Charles City.. The First National Bank of Churchs Ferry, N. Dak. (6337), absorbed by The First National Bank of Devils Lake, N. Dak The Security National Bank of Arkansas City, Kans. (10746), absorbed by The Home National Bank of Arkansas City The First National Bank of Sipesville, Pa. (11849), absorbed by The First National Bank of Somerset, Pa The First National Bank of Parkers Landing, Pa. (6045), absorbed by Foxburg Bank, Foxburg, Pa First National Bank in Rockaway, N . J. (13574), absorbed by The First National Bank of Morristown, N. J_ Crescenta-Canada National Bank at Montrose, Calif. (13007), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif _ _ The Sheffield National Bank, Sheffield, Ala. (6759), absorbed by Tennessee Valley Bank, Decatur, Ala Footnotes at end of table. Date of liquidation Common Preferred Jan. 19,1937 $25,000 Feb. 1,1937 2,000,000 $999,900 Jan. 26,1937 35,000 40,000 Jan. 19,1937 25,000 Jan. 12,1937 25,000 25,000 Jan. 28,1937 25,000 25,000 Feb. 5,1937 25,000 25,000 Feb. 8,1937 75,000 50,000 Jan. 27,1937 100,000 200,000 Feb. 6,1937 100,000 Feb. 17,1937 25,000 Mar. 1,1937 50,000 Feb. 27,1937 50,000 Feb. 24,1937 50,000 Feb. 5,1937 1,260,000 Feb. 27,1937 50,000 Mar. 2,1937 100,000 Feb. 24,1937 50,000 Mar. 6,1937 25,000 Feb. 24,1937 50,000 Feb. 13,1937 Feb. 23,1937 30,000 25,000 Jan. 10,1936 25,000 Mar. 20.1937 30,000 Mar. 6,1937 50,000 Mar. 31,1937 Jan. 12,1937 100,000 25,000 Mar. 11,1937 50,000 Mar. 24,1937 25,000 50,000 46,300 70,000 95,840 15,000 Apr. 10,1937 52,500 47,500 Apr. 19,1937 25,000 22,500 Apr. 28,1937 50,000 do Apr. 6,1937 do 100,000 35,000 15,000 50,000 75,000 215 REPOKT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 4.—National banks reported in liquidation from Nov. 1, 1936', to Oct. 31, 1937, the names where known, of succeeding banks in cases of succession, with date of liquidation and capital—Continued Name and location of bank T h e First National Bank of Blakely, Ga. (7018), succeeded by First State Bank of Blakely The First National Bank of Covina, Calif. (5830), absorbed by Bank of American National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif -. The First National Bank of Horseheads, N. Y. (8301), absorbed by First National Bank and Trust Company of Elmira, N. Y The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Minneota, Minn. (6917), succeeded by Farmers and Merchants State Bank, Minneota . First National Bank at DeKalb, Tex. (14312), succeeded by State Bank of DeKalb The Phillips National Bank, Phillips, Me. (4957).. The Nixon National Bank, Nixon, Tex. (12782), absorbed by The Nixon State Bank The Franklin National Bank, Franklin, Mass. (1207), absorbed by Norfolk County Trust Company of Brookline, Mass... The First National Bank of Pukwana, S. Dak. (99§S), absorbed by Northwest Security National Bank of Sioux Falls, S. Dak The First National Bank of Mahanoy City, Pa. (567), absorbed by The Union National Bank of Mahonoy City.The Farmers National Bank of Grayville, 111. (6460), succeeded by The Peoples National Bank of Grayville-_ The First National Bank of Kent, Wash. (10174), absorbed by Peoples Bank and Trust Company of Seattle, Wash.. The First National Bank of Merrill, Oreg. (10056), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland. Oreg • The First National Bank of Coos Bay at Marshfield, Oreg. (7475), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland, Oreg The First National Bank of Ravena, N. Y. (9529), absorbed by The National Commercial Bank and Trust Company of Albany, N. Y. The First Central National Bank of Calexico, Calif. (13054), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif The First National Bank of Glendora, Calif. (8652), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association. San Francisco, Calif The First National Bank of Wolf Point, Mont. (11036) The First National Bank of Hugoton, Kans. (11300) _ The First National Bank of Clinton, Okla. (6940), succeeded by First National Bank in Clinton Vancouver National Bank, Vancouver, Wash. (14186), absorbed by The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, Wash The First National Bank of Mabank, Tex. (6422), succeeded by Security State Bank of Mabank The First National Bank of Klamath Falls, Oreg. (7167), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland, Oreg _. The Altona National Bank, Altona, 111. (13625), absorbed by First Galesburg National Bank and Trust Company, Galesburg, 111 The First National Bank of Ismay, Mont. (9103), absorbed by The Bank of Baker, Mont The La Grange National Bank, La Grange, Ga. (7762), succeeded by The Citizens and Southern Bank of La Grange Auburn National Bank, Auburn, Wash. (14038), absorbed by "National Bank of Washington, Tacoma, Washington", Tacoma, Wash The First National Bank of Mission, Tex. (10090), succeeded by First National Bank of Mission... The Kent National Bank, Kent, Wash. (12217), absorbed by "National Bank of Washington, Tacoma, Washington". Tacoma, Wash. The First National Bank of Earlville, N. Y. (4493), absorbed by The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich, N. Y The First National Bank of Scenery Hill, Pa. (7262) The First National Bank of Collinsville, Ala. (11337), absorbed by Tennessee Valley Bank, Decatur, Ala The First National Bank of Fontana, Calif. (12976), absorbed by Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association, San Francisco, Calif—_ The First National Bank of Cosmopolis, Wash. (12509), absorbed by The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle, Wash First National Bank in New Freedom, Pa. (13887), absorbed by The First National Bank of York, Pa The First National Bank of Molalla, Oreg. (11271), absorbed by The First National Bank of Portland, Oreg _ Date of liquidation May 15,1937 50,000 2,1937 75,000 May 29,1937 60,000 Feb. 19,1937 June 30,1937 50,000 50,000 July 2,1937 do July 25,000 100,000 8,1937 25,000 June 22,1937 125,000 July Preferred $100,000 June $20,000 6,1937 5,000 50,000 July 10,1937 35,000 15,000 June 23,1937 25,000 June 26,1937 July 22,1937 50,000 50,000 25, 000 July 16,1937 110,000 90,000 July 23,1937 Aug. 9,1937 Aug. 5,1937 50,000 25, 000 25,000 25,000 15,000 July 30,1937 25,000 25,000 Aug. 2,1937 55,000 45,000 June 29,1937 50, 000 June 24,1937 200,000 July 21,1937 25,000 Aug. 6,1937 35, 000 July 31,1937 150, 000 Aug. 21,1937 26, 000 24,000 Aug. 25,1937 50,000 75,000 Aug. 26,1937 40,000 Aug. 28,1937 Sept. 8,1937 50,000 25,000 50,000 Aug. 25,1937 25,000 25,000 Aug. 24,1937 40,000 10,000 Sept. 21,1937 25,000 Oct. 1,1937 50,000 Sept. 30,1937 25,000 Title changed to "First National Bank of Nevada, Reno, Nevada". 3 With five branches. 27021—38 15 Common May 25,1937 Total (98banks) 1 Capital — 8,188,500 J 2,861,040 With one branch. TABLE NO. 5.—Capital stock, surplus, undivided profits, and total assets of banks consolidated under act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended Feb. 25, 1927, and June 16, 1988, in the year ended Oct. 81, 1987, as shown by their last reports prior to consolidation Closing banks Charter No. Title and location San Mateo County Bank, Redwood City. State 6878 The Monaca National Bank, Monaca. 12528 The Wood River National Bank, Wood River. 8 national banks. 1 state bank , 1 2 UndiCapital Surplus vided profits Charter No. Title and location 7279 The First National Bank of San Mateo County at Redwood City. 2272 The National Bank of Cortland. 85,000 13,447 695,604 Pa 25,000 50,000 25,541 Ill 60,000 31,000 19,204 969, 721 5879 The Citizens National Bank of Monaca. 515,553 11876 The First National Bank of Wood River. 25,000 50,000 3,119 200,000 50,000 13,202 100,000 51,000 42,314 Ariz.... 400,000 400,000 93,639 N. Y... * 72,000 10,000 19,998 UndiCapital Surplus vided profits 9 national banks. Total assets Date of reports $200,000 $101,550 $17,785 $1, 721,956 June 30 350, 000 250,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 36,000 401,339 8171 The Lincoln National Bank 1 60,000 15,000 of Hanilin. ,259,865 14321 National Union Bank in 2 200,000 40,000 Paterson. 400,000 173,000 ,358,724 1354 The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich. 300,000 155,000 ,399,549 3728 First National Bank of Arizona at Phoenix. 677,053 11292 The Port Washington Na- * 325,000 tional Bank and Trust Company, Port Washington. 1,082,000 727,000 230.464 18, 277,408 100,000 50,000 55,400 1,297,419 Includes $25,000 preferred capital stock. Includes $100,000 preferred capital stock. * With one branch reauthorized for the consolidated association, *5 Includes $22,000 preferred capital stock. Includes $200,000 preferred capital stock. Total assets 200,000 10097 The Oil Field National Bank W . V a . of Griffithsville. 12383 National Bank of America in N . J_._. Paterson., 1166 The Sherburne National Bank. N . Y___ Sherburne. 4729 The Phoenix National Bank,' Phoenix. 13310 The Harbor National Bank of Port Washington. Continuing banks Calif... $100,000 $50,000 $55,400 $1,297,419 2827 Second National Bank and N. Y . . . Trust Company of Cortland. to ^ Date of consolidation 1936 Dec. 16 92,640 5,108,805 . . . d o . . . . . Dec. 29 688,680 Dec. 31 25,094 908,119 . . . d o 22,112 1937 613,455 June 30 1937 Jan. 4 do. June 30 15,118 1,808,496 Aug. 7 78, 723 3,392, 733 do. 67,897 6,446,762 Oct. 30 2,851, 618 a o P do. 1,925,000 830,550 328,172 23, 540,624 3 o l REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 217 TABLE N O . 6.—National banks, consolidated in the year ended Oct. 81, 1937, under act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended June 16, 1933, together with their capital, surplus,, undivided profits, and total assets, as of date of consolidation Consoli- Charda- ter tion No. Title and location of bank State Date of consolidation Capital Surplus Undivided profits Total assets No. 540 2272 First Natxonal Bank of Cortland. 541 5879 The First National Bank of Monaca. 542 11876 The First National Bank of Wood River. 543 8171 The Lincoln National Bank of Hamlin. 544 14321 National Union Bank of America in Paierson. 545 1354 The National Bank and Trust Company of Norwich. 546 3728 First National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix. 547 11292 The Port Washington National Bank and Trust Company. Total (8 banks) i Includes *1 Includes Includes 4 Includes $25,000 preferred capital stock. $100,000 preferred capital stock. $328,000 preferred capital stock. $453,000 preferred capital stock. 19S6 N. Y____ Dec. 29 $510,000 $300,000 $175,428 $8,629,581 Pa Jan. 100,000 20, 000 Ill 100,000 20, 000 i 75,000 30, 000 13,618 2 300,000 40,000 21, 010 2, 791,604 W. Va__ June 30 N. J Aug. 7 20, 549 1, 573, 745"; 5,637 1,433,949' 990, 741 N. Y____ 500,000 224,000 108,179 5,829, 748 Ariz 550, 000 550,000 292, 536 15,962,936 Oct. 30 N. Y____ 3 500,125 35,000 16,813 3, 512,248 « 2,635,125 1,219,000 653, 770 40,724,552 TABLE NO. 7.—State banks and national banks consolidated in the year ended Oct. 81, 1987, under act of Feb. 25, 1927, as amended June 16, 1983, their consolidated capital, surplus, undivided profits, and total assets, as of date of consolidation Consolidation No. 539 Title and location of State bank San Mateo County Bank, Redwood City. Charter No. of national bank 7279 Title and location of national bank The First National Bank of San Mateo County at Redwood City. Date of consolidation Capital Surplus Undivided profits 1936 Calif.... Dec. 16 $200,000 $200,000 State $143,302 Total assets $2,985,058 Increase in authorized capital to I w o o o1 tf w Q o 219 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 8.—Number and capital of State banks converted into national banking associations in each State and Territory from 1863 to Oct. 31, 1937 Number of banks Location Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts . Rhode Island ConnecticutTotal New England States 34 28 22 190 52 65 391 117, 571, 510 New York... New Jersey Pennsylvania.. Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Total Eastern States... 241 50 128 6 36 6 125, 331, 291 9, 820, 450 i 37, 859.095 585,010 10, 249,372 1, 080, 000 467 184, 925, 218 67 35 40 48 33 23 34 19 13 147 45 44 51 5,937,100 2, 508, 900 2 4, 311, 000 6,837, 000 2, 365. 000 4. 560, 000 1, 560,000 3, 625, 000 12,492, 500 3 357 500 3 8, 006, 900 8,090,000 599 68,162,900 Virginia _ ._ West Virginia North Carolina Georgia. Florida. . Alabama . . . Mississippi Louisiana Texas. __ Arkansas Kentucky Total Southern States.. Number of banks Location Capital $4,605,000 2, 595,000 2,029,990 72, 691, 200 16, 717, 550 18,932, 770 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan ._ Wisconsin Minnesota ,-. ..-. Iowa. Missouri Total Middle Western States.. _. North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana -. W'voming' Colorado New Mexico Capital 25 28 60 26 36 117 44 51 $3,490,000 2,108,000 84, 260. 000 3,020, 000 3, 620, 000 7, 691,000 2, 285,000 18 001, 800 387 124,475,800 84 51 108 84 38 9 35 2, 760,000 1, 750,000 5, 535, 000 * 4, 237,000 1, 585, 000 320 000 2, 755, 000 Oklahoma Total Western States... 195 8,170,000 611 27, 512,000 Washington Oregon California Idaho Nevada Arizona 74 30 113 26 1 5 8,175, 000 1,951, 000 45, 272, 800 1, 080, 000 50, 000 300,000 ._ ... Total Pacific States.... Total United States 56,828,800 249 . 2,704 5 579,476,228 i $200,000 of which is preferred capital stock. * $300,000 of which is preferred capital stock. » $1,000,000 of which is preferred capital stock. * $25,000 of which is preferred capital stock. 5 $1,525,000 of which is preferred capital stock. TABLE N O . 9.—Conversions of State banks and primary organizations as national banks from Mar. 14, 1900, to Oct. 81, 1937 Conversions of State banks Classification Number Capital less than $50,000 Capital $50,000 or over Total Capital Reorganizations from State and private banks and national banks Number Capital Primary organizations Number Capital Total Number Capital 898 $23,933, 300 1,167 $30,909,500 2,687 $69,375, 500 4,752 $124,218,300 887 276,322,800 1,342 236,708,500 2,149 347, 604,600 4,378 840, 635,900 1,785 300, 256,100 2,509 247,618,000 4,836 416,980,100 9,130 964,854, 200 TABLE Nd. 10.—Number of national banks increasing their capital, together with the amount of increase monthly for years ended Oct. 81, since 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 Month November.. December.. January February... March April May June July August September.. October Total $245, 000 355,000 550, 000 187, 500 65,000 630, 000 115,000 1,841, 350 3, 268,300 475, 000 473, 700 775. 000 $482, 500 $680, 000 7, 576, 900 5,394,000 32 20, 011, 200 6. 582,000 4, 750, 000 2, 560, 000 1,185, 000 355, 000 182, 500 1, 270, 750 430, 000 200, 000 760,000 610, 000 1,176, 500 1, 028.810 873,100 5 $540, 000 25 62, 222, 500 55 87, 515, 000 73 9, 295,000 160 79, 093, 500 118 28, 637, 500 127 8,392, 500 194 41, 955,900 177 17, 553, 75C 138 15, 695, 000 115 10,406, 750 3 106 3 12, 037, 750 $186,200 1, 330, 000 597, 750 778, 000 320, 500 474, 000 360, 500 307, 500 499, 500 946, 000 256,000 1, 087, 300 i 53 i 8,980, 850 166 48, 739,100 «107 2 8,332, 527 3 1,293 3 373,345,150U72 < 7,143,250 $7,177, 500 10, 279, 000 10,605, 750 18, 940, 000 4,995,000 2, 760, 000 3,387, 000 5,450,500 1,528, £00 4, 055, 000 2, 732,500 2, 000,000 $190, 000 532, 500 1,004,350 1,387, 535 784, 550 935, 790 140, 000 1,222, 500 5, 998, 000 7, 299, 729 1,494.325 1.124,875 13 25 50 30 29 9 16 25 93 32 30 « 73,910, 7506361 6 $225, 000 715,000 260, 000 8. 360, 000 55, 000 $225,000 1,050, 000 50, 000 34,000 650, 000 675,000 320, 000 207, 250 100,000 50, 000 10, 000 191, 000 10, 000 22,114,154 32 11, 270, 000 ' 35,199, 395 1,917, 250 1 Of these cases, 3 were effected wholly or in part by stock dividends aggregating $260,000. * Of these cases, 6 were effected wholly or in part by stock dividends aggregating $700,000 and 8 banks with an aggregate increase of $175,600 from net earnings incident to the retirement of preferred capital. 34 Revised. Of these cases, 24 were effected wholly or in part by stock dividends aggregating $1,469,200; 100 cases aggregating $2,485,750 were increases from net earnings incident to the retirement5 of preferred capital stock, and 1 case of $90,000 was a conversion of preferred capital stock. Includes $5,000. previously reported in 1934 as common capital stock. • Of these cases 29 were effected by stock dividends aggregating $1,184,170; 296 cases aggregating $13,005,290 were increases from net earnings incident to the retirement of preferred capital stock, and 4 cases aggregating $259,160 were conversions of preferred capital stock; also includes a correction of $2,000. 7 Of these cases 37 were effected by stock dividend aggregating $5,086,100; 673 cases aggregating $22,407,545 were increases from net earnings incident to the retirement of preferred capital stock, and 18 cases aggregating $1,036,700 were conversions of preferred capital stock. O O o1 tr w o c} 221 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 11.—Number and authorized capital of national banks chartered and the number and capital stock of banks closed in each year ended Oct. 31, since 1913, with the yearly increase or decrease Closed Chartered Consolidated under act Nov. 7, 1918 Year No. 1914 1915 1916. . 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 . . . . 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934. 1935 1936 1937 Capital Loss to capital No. 195 $18,675,000 144 9,689,500 6,630,000 176 11,590,000 164 13,400,000 ?,45 21,780,000 361 31,077,500 169 20,005,000 24,890,800 190 30,522.500 135 21,375,000 251 26,040,000 160 29.705,000 135 43,570,000 113 26,160,000 141 38,195,000 108 12,240.000 78 9,690,000 68 87.145,000 176 74,761,500 476 61,174,100 49 7,780,000 ?0 2,465,000 29 3 5,355,000 m 26 i $3,220,000 15 i 1,650,000 24 i 850.000 i 3, 275,000 19 12,575,000 16 i 1,255,000 15 i 1.660.000 30 4,455,010 ?5 i 3,407,000 27 6,857,500 50 i 4, 780,075 45 i 1,355,000 2,882,500 26 » 3,385. 500 10 i 2.765.000 13 3 8 I 447.166 H15.000 1 302,875 In voluntary liquidation Capital No. 113 $26,487,000 8? 13,795,000 135 14,828,000 107 14,367, 500 68 16,165,000 83 16,380,000 84 14, 730,000 93 37,075,000 103 18.910,000 121 39, 290,000 155 40, 745,000 123 14, 467,500 153 28, 668,300 165 37,495,000 156 27,381,000 98, 267, 500 263 39,230,400 308 59,595,000 236 97,340,300 155 26,805,000 357 45, 263,000 189 IS, 615,250 76 7,680,000 98 411,049,540 Net yearly Net yearly decrease increase (exclusive of (exclusive of existing banks existing banks decreasing increasing their capital) their capital) Insolvent No. Capital No. 21 $1,810,000 14 1,830,000 13 805,000 7 1 230 000 2 250,000 1 25,000 5 205,000 34 1,870,000 31 2,015,000 53 3.405,000 138 9, 635,000 98 6,420,000 91 5,412, 500 135 8, 257,000 61 4,135.000 79 6, 575,000 104 8.355,000 369 46,862,000 380 50, 505,585 348 76,107. 500 394 56,585,000 25 4,305,020 6 10,200,000 5 1,987,150 Capital 61 48 62 94 135 $2 155,000 257 14,492,500 18 690.800 77 No. Capital $9,622,000 5,935,500 26 9,003,000 4 007, 500 3,015,000 19,790,000 3 14.747,500 174 30,260,000 15 3,492,500 114 8,820,810 176 4,439,000 125 11,743,500 201 70, 707,575 288 35,260,400 599 96. 809,500 515 55,406,385 305 27,656,000 210 30,208,900 158 14,827,370 59 5,230,000 6 82 7,269,565 1 Amount of capital stock reductions incident to consolidations. Preferred capital stock reduction. 3 Includes $130,000 preferred capital stock authorized for 4 banks. < Includes $2,861,040 preferred capital stock authorized for 37 banks. 5 Includes $97,150 preferred capital stock authorized for 2 banks. Also includes 6 banks with an aggregate capital stock of $715,000 which had been placed in voluntary liquidation by their shareholders prior to Nov. 1, 1936. 6 There was a decrease of 82 banks considering the 6 banks which had been previously reported in voluntary liquidation. 3 TABLE NO. 12.—Total number of national banks organized, consolidated under act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended June 16, 1933, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, and in existence on Oct. 31, 1937 Organized States Maine New Hampshire . Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut . __ . > __ Total New E n d a n d States New York New Jersey . . _ Pennsvlvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia.. Total Eastern States . _ .- _ Consolidated under act Insolvent N o v . 7, 1918 127 79 85 370 67 120 4 2 1 20 2 4 848 990 415 1,276 30 140 31 2,882 In I n liquidation existence 13 5 16 28 2 6 71 20 26 195 51 56 39 52 42 127 12 54 33 70 419 326 50 16 "42 1 4 128 59 207 1 17 7 366 107 328 13 59 11 446 233 699 16 63 9 113 419 884 1,466 222 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 12.—Total number of national banks organized, consolidated under act of Nov. 7, 1918, as amended June 16, 1933, insolvent, in voluntary liquidation, and in existence on Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Organized States Virginia ._ West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas _ Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee _ _ __._ -.. . _ . Total Southern States Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri . . .._ . - - - . . . . Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana "Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma _. .. _ _ . - - _- . _ . . . _ . - Total Western States Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Nevada Arizona - - . .._. _. _ _- Total Pacific States Alaska Territory of Hawaii Puerto Rico Virgin Islands... Total Alaska and insular possessions Total of United States, Alaska, and insular possessions Consolidated liquiIn under act Insolvent In dation existence Nov. 7, 1918 248 188 147 118 181 136 170 76 101 1,160 142 245 205 17 11 4 6 8 1 2 4 3 31 1 9 6 27 36 44 43 42 42 45 16 16 139 39 37 36 72 63 56 49 77 39 56 31 52 534 51 100 91 132 78 43 20 54 54 67 25 30 456 51 99 72 3,117 103 562 1,271 1,181 690 432 832 310 269 484 542 289 24 11 15 4 9 6 4 9 112 98 227 77 53 115 204 58 306 197 276 146 102 167 220 136 248 126 314 83 105 196 114 86 3,848 82 944 1,550 1,272 259 219 402 446 193 58 217 82 739 3 10 1 4 3 12 100 93 83 75 76 12 55 25 83 99 69 182 181 71 20 81 35 427 57 47 136 186 43 26 78 22 217 2,615 36 602 1,165 812 221 147 509 109 38 16 31 17 2 12 3 1 1 51 30 64 35 6 4 6 102 87 329 54 16 6 18 51 28 104 20 13 5 6 1,071 36 196 612 227 4 1 3 5 6 1 1 1 1 4 1 13 1 6 6 14, 394 404 5,907 5,290 1 2,793 REPORT OF THE .COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 223 TABLE NO. 13.—Changes of corporate .title of national banks, year ended Oct. 31, 1937 Char ter No. Title and location Date 2500 The First Commercial National Bank of Kenton, Ohio to "The First National Bank of Kenton" . _ _ _ Dec. 1 12186 6212 8025 11669 12766 2137 13861 14372 9926 14322 11375 12236 13549 3417 13536 7038 318 Republic National Bank and Trust Company of Dallas, Tex. to "Republic National Bank of Dallas" .. The First National Bank of Troupe, Troup, Tex. to "The First National Bank of Troup". The Hamblen National Bank of Morristown, Tenn. to "The Hamilton National Bank of Morristown" _ _. The First National Bank of Hastings-upon-Hudson, Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. to "The First National Bank of Hastings-on-Hudson"__ The American National Bank of Mansfield, La. to "First National Bank in Mansfield".. _ The Temple National Bank, Temple City, Calif, to "The Temple City National Bank"... The National Bank and Trust Company of Boyertown, Pa. to "The National Bank of Boyertown" The New Public National Bank of Rochester, N. H. to "First National Bank of Rochester" The Cook County National Bank of Homewood, 111. to "The National Bank of Harvey", Harvey, 111 The Ocala National Bank, Ocala, Fla. to "Florida National Bank at Ocala" American National Bank in Wetumka, Okla. to "First National Bank in Wewoka", Wewoka, Okla The Second National Bank of Hempstead, N. Y. to "The Second National Bank and Trust Company of Hempstead" State National Bank of Brownsville, Tex. to "First National Bank at Brownsville" The First National Bank of Ethan, S. Dak. to "First National Bank in Armour", Armour, S. Dak. _ The National Bank of Tacoma, Wash, to "National Bank of Washington, Tacoma, Washington" __ The Rifle National Bank, Rifle, Colo, to "The First National Bank in Rifle" J First National Bank in Reno, Nev. to "First National Bank of Nevada, Reno, Nevada"—! The First National Bank of Concord, N. H. to "First National Bank of Concord" I 1937 Jan. 22 Jan. 23 Jan. 26 Feb. 1 Do. Feb. 12 Feb. 15 Mar. 1 Mar. 5 Mar. 15 Apr. 14 May 1 Aug. 2 Aug. 16 Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. 21 1 4 15 TABLE N O . 14.—Changes of corporate title incident to consolidations of national banks and of State banks with national banks, year ended Oct. 81, 1937 The National Bank of Cortland, N . Y. (2272), and Second National Bank and Trust Company of Cortland (2827), consolidated under the charter of the latter with title "First National Bank of Cortland". The Monaca National Bank, Monaca, Pa. (5878), and The Citizens National Bank of Monaca (5879), consolidated under the charter of the latter with title "The First National Bank of Monaca". National Bank of America in Paterson, N. J. (12383), and National Union Bank in Paterson (14321), consolidated under the charter of the latter with title "National Union Bank of America in Paterson". The Phoenix National Bank, Phoenix, Ariz. (4729), and First National Bank of Arizona at Phoenix (3728), consolidated under the charter of the latter with title "First National Bank of Arizona, Phoenix". 224 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF, THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 15.—National banks chartered during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937 Capital Charter No. Title Common Preferred ARKANSAS 14389 The First National Bank in Blytheville... $100,000 COLORADO 14384 The First National Bank in Golden 50,000 FLORIDA 14367 14376 14388 The Southern National Bank of St. Petersburg The Barnett National Bank of Fort Lauderdale The Broadway National Bank of Tampa Total (3 banks) 200,000 100,000 100,000 _ 400,000 ILLINOIS 14366 14368 14369 14372 14380 14381 14385 14386 14387 14390 14391 The Central National Bank of Sterling-Arlington Heights National Bank, Arlington Heights The Stillman Valley National Bank, Stillman Valley The Cook County National Bank of Homewood 1__ _ _ Merchandise National Bank of Chicago The Berwyn National Bank, Berwyn _ _ . _ _ _. The Peoples National Bank of Grayville The I-C. National Bank of Chicago The Harrisburg National Bank, Harrisburg __ ____ The First National Bank of Highland Park First National Bank of Mundelein _ Total (11 banks) 150,000 50,000 50,000 50, 000 500,000 100,000 10, 000 200,000 150, 000 200,000 10,000 1,470,000 $40,000 40,000 80,000 INDIANA 14379 14382 The Calumet National Bank of Hammond First National Bank of Warsaw Total (2 banks) - 200,000 50,000 _ 250,000 KANSAS 14370 First National Bank in Fredonia.. _ _ 30,000 _ 50, 000 25,000 NEBRASKA 14374 The First National Bank in Ogallala NEW JERSEY 14378 Woodbridge National Bank, Woodbridge. _ 100,000 OKLAHOMA 14392 14393 National Bank of Frederick The First National Bank in Claremore... Total (2 banks) _ _ 50,000 50,000 _ 100,000 _ ___ TEXAS 14371 14373 14375 14377 14383 Commercial National Bank in Nacogdoches Dallas National Bank, Dallas Union National Bank of Laredo The Citizens National Bank of Greenville First National Bank of Mission Total (5banks)___ _ _ 100,000 1,000,000 100,000 100,000 25, 000 25, 000 1,325,000 25,000 WASHINGTON 14394 Peoples National B ank of Washing ton in Seattle Total United States (29 banks) _ i Title and location changed to The National Bank of Harvey, 111. _ 1,350,000 5,225,000 130,000 225 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 16.—National banks for which increase of capital has been authorized, under act of Mar. 9, 1938, as amended, by the issuance of preferred stock which was purchased by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation unless otherwise noted, together with the amount of increase, and the rate of dividend, etc., during the year ended Oct. 81, 1937 Charter No. Title Date Preferred increase capital Par value of shares Percent of dividend Sold at to be per paid share on the par value ARKANSAS 13534 1937 June 8 /I i $2, 250 2 3 5? 000 $6.00 33 H $40.00 100.00 i$1.60 2 $6.00 1937 Feb. 6 325,000 100.00 100.00 ZH 1936 Dec. 21 1937 The Central National Bank of Sterling.. Feb. 25 The Cook County National Bank of Homewood 4_ Mar. 5 The I-C National Bank of Chicago July 22 25,000 125.00 125.00 ZH 100,000 25,000 3 100,000 125.00 50.00 10.00 125.00 50.00 10.00 ZH 100. 00 100.00 ZH The First National Bank in Ashdown IDAHO 1668 The Idaho First National Bank of Boise ILLINOIS 14365 14366 14372 14386 The First National Bank of Winnetka Total (4 banks). _._ 2 250,000 INDIANA 2747 The First National Bank of Michigan City 1937 Aug. 10 2 3 50,000 KENTUCKY 14320 Liberty National Bank and Trust Company of Louisville 1937 5 Feb. 19 2 3 250,000 2.50 3.50 1936 Dec. 11 i 175, 000 8.75 25.00 1937 Apr. 2 Sept. 9 Oct. 9 2 3 9, 000 2 3 10, 000 3 85, 000 50.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 106,000 16.00 16.00 1937 2 5 , 000 Feb. 3 /\ U 2350,000 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 36 MASSACHUSETTS 261 The First National Bank of New Bedford $0.87* NEW JERSEY 12917 9285 3922 The National Bank of Mantua The Merchants National Bank of Cape May The City National Bank and Trust Company of Salem Total (3 banks) 5 4 104,000 NEW YORK 11292 The Port Washington National Bank and Trust Company 1937 Oct. 30 m OHIO 56 The First National Bank and Trust Company of Hamilton PENNSYLVANIA 12526 3997 1936 The Cheltenham National Bank, Cheltenham... Dec. 9 1937 The Union National Bank of Mahanoy City June 5 Total (2 banks) TEXAS 4214 14375 The First National Bank of Amarillo Union National Bank of Laredo Total (2 banks) 1937 Feb. 17 Apr. 13 2 3 25,000 10.00 10.00 4 200,000 225,000 80.00 80.00 3H 200,000 25, 000 225,000 25.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 $2 • =3 WEST VIRGINIA 10369 The First National Bank of Keystone Total United States (19 banks) __ s Local. »B. 1937 Mar. 5 3 25,000 100.00 100.00 1,917, 250 * Title and location changed to The National Bank of Harvey, 111. 3H 226 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 17.—National banks chartered which are conversions of State banks during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937 Charter No. 14366 14369 14370 14371 14372 14373 14374 14375 14377 14379 14380 14386 14387 14388 14390 14392 14393 14394 Title and location ApproxisurDate of Authorized mate plus and Approxicharter capital undivided mate assets profits State 1936 The Central National Bank of Sterling.. 111 The Stillman Valley National Bank, Stillman Valley do First National Bank in Fredonia Kans Commercial National Bank in Nacogdoches . ,. Tex The Cook County National Bank of Home wood 3 . 111 Dallas National Bank, Dallas Tex The First National Bank in Ogallala Nebr.... Union National Bank of Laredo _ . . Tex The Citizens National Bank of Greenville do The Calumet National Bank of HamInd mond_ Merchandise National Bank of Chicago Ill The I.-C. National Bank of Chicago The Harrisburg National Bank, Harrisburg do The Broadway National Bank of Tampa. Fla The First National Bank of Highland Park Ill National Bank of Frederick.. . . Okla The First National Bank in Claremore.. . . . d o . . . . Peoples National Bank of Washington in Seattle Wash... Total (18 banks) Nov. 2 $150,000 $68,336 $3,864,620 Dec. 31 do 50,000 155,000 22,060 21, 678 612,259 833,146 100,000 19S7 Jan. 26 Jan. 28 Jan. 30 Feb. 8 Mar. 3 127, 958 1,603,809 50,000 1,000,000 50,000 100, OCO 6, 391 858, 573 19,083 65, 789 695,894 25, 547,633 645, 511 1,193,639 Mar. 27 100,000 56, 948 1,665,089 Apr. 30 May 6 June 30 200,000 500,000 200,000 74,230 689, 282 47, 779 3,420,980 17,122,375 2,444,114 do _._do.__. 150,000 100,000 103,131 39,694 1,694,146 837,410 Sept. 30 Oct. 30 200,000 50,000 50,000 100,460 13,993 13, 504 4,081,545 476,057 641,244 1,350,000 643,662 25, 733,248 4, 455,000 2, 972, 551 93,112, 719 i i Includes $25,000 preferred capital stock. * Title and location changed to "The National Bank of Harvey", 111. TABLE N O . 18.—National banks by States and geographical divisions, organized, failed, and reported in voluntary liquidation during the year ended Oct. 81, 1937 Organized Location Voluntary liquidation Failed Number Authorized Number Authorized with charcommon preferred preferred Number tered capital capital stock Capital Assets Virginia West Virginia. North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama. Mississippi Louisiana _ Texas Arkansas... Kentucky ___ Tennessee _ Total Southern States See footnotes at end of table. Common capital Number with preferred stock Preferred capital Assets o H O Maine New Hampshire Vermont . __ Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York ._ _ New Jersey . Pennsylvania „ Delaware. _ __ __ Maryland District of Columbia ... Total Eastern States... Number 1 1 100,000 3 400,000 $522, 670 1 1 100.000 100,000 1, 204, 517 1,080,841 3 250,000 2,808,028 2,325,000 200,000 500,000 546,313 7 2 10 1 225, 000 834,650 3,858, 783 20 3,250,000 3 1 2 290,000 50,000 75,000 5 11 $700,000 2 2 3 4 $50,000 134,650 12 $100,000 1 $3, 312, 470 5 $1,521,200 3 72,500 77, 458, 673 2,803, 394 7, 078, 647 8 1,593,700 91,377, 343 2 100,000 3,831,685 1, 203,701 1, 619,842 200,000 1 75,000 1, 362,832 615,000 3 175,000 8,018, 060 O O 4,036, 629 _ 5 1 9 1.325,000 100, 000 1, 825, 000 1 1 $25,000 25, 000 * 1 50,000 *2 250,000 1, 711,903 3 300, 000 1,711,903 W o d 3 a to to ^1 TABLE NO. l&.-~Naiionat banks by States and geographical divisions, organized, failed, and reported in voluntary liquidation during the year ended Oct. 81 % i£S7—-Continued Organized Number Authorized Number Authorized with common preferred charpreferred Number capital capital tered stock Location Ohio __ _. Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin _ _ Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States... North Dakota South Dakota __ Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico _ Oklahoma _ Total Western States.. Nevada Washington Oregon ._ . _ California Idaho Arizona Utah... Total Pacific States Failed _ _ _ _ Total United States 1 _. 2 11 250,000 1,470,000 13 1, 720,000 1 1 50,000 30,000 1 50,000 2 5 230,000 1 1,350,000 2 2 1 80,000 80,000 Capital 265, 666 Voluntary liquidation Assets <2 1 500, 000 3 765, 000 3,881,964 1 • 87,500 583,056 167,081 3,714,883 25,000 100,000 1 1, 350,000 29 5, 225,000 1 4 25,000 130,000 1 11 87, 500 1,987,150 583,056 10,035, 706 Number with preferred stock Preferred capital Number Common capital 1 1 2 50,000 25,000 30,000 1 50,000 1,204,364 136, 706 720, 736 1 3 1 20,000 120,000 50,000 1 1 1 30,000 15,000 15,000 201,999 1,761,485 883,501 9 295, 000 4 110,000 4,908, 791 5 2 2 4 3 155,000 50, 000 65,000 152, 500 85,000 1 1 1 2 1 20,000 20,000 25,000 62,500 25,000 1,890,655 414,676 698,301 1,375,765 389,816 1 25,000 Assets a o p 245,163 1 25,666 I 25,000 537,184 18 557, 500 7 177,500 5,551, 560 1 6 14 15 50,000 281,000 805,000 2,035,000 3 5 6 84,000 220,000 405,000 3,107,611 5,639,682 21, 235, 489 30,047,906 1 50,000 1 95,840 1,184, 721 37 3, 221,000 15 804,840 61, 215,409 98 8,188,500 37 2,861, 040 173,879,191 Includes one bank with $200,000 common capital stock and aggregate assets of $306,025, previously reported in voluntary liquidation. 2 Includes one bank with $50,000 common capital stock and aggregate assets of $139,908, previously reported in voluntary liquidation. Includes $59,650 of preferred capital stock for one bank. Previously reported in voluntary liquidation. * Includes one bank with $150,000 common capital stock and aggregate assets of $60,704, previously reported in voluntary liquidation. • Includes preferred capital stock of $37,500. 8 4 to to oo H O g 3 3 o 229 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 19.—Number and classification of national banks chartered monthly during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937 Primary organizations Reorganizations Conversions Total Months Number November December January February March April May June July August September October Total. Number Capital Number Capital 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 3 $150,000 105,000 1,150,000 50, 000 200,000 200, 000 500,000 450,000 3 I 200, 000 1,450, 000 1 50,666 i 18 4,455,000 23 150,000 $100,000 2 Number Capital 1 1 $200, COO 50,000 1 3 I 100,000 100,000 200,000 1 8 Capital 2 3 3 1 3 2 6 3 $350,000 155,000 1,150,000 50.000 300,000 300,000 800,000 450,000 100,000 1 1 4 100,000 200,000 1, 500,000 750, 000 3 29 5,355. 000 11 of these b a n k s had $25,000 preferred capital stock. 2 These b a n k s had $105,000 preferred capital stock. 3 4 of these b a n k s h a d $130,000 preferred capital stock. TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock, Dec. 31, 1936 CAPITAL STOCK OP LESS THAN $50,000 [In thousands of dollars] Cash and Loans exchange, and disNum- counts, Invest- including reserve ber of includwith banks ing re- ments Federal disReserve counts l bank Location Total assets Surplus, profits, and re- Total Capital serves for deposits contingencies COUNTRY BANKS Maine, New Hampshire Vermont M assachusetts ConnecticutTotal New States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland 1 3 1 3 2 England ._ __ Total Eastern States,__. Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Texas Arkansas Kentucky. __ Tennessee . _ . Total Southern States— i Includes overdrafts. 77 231 105 443 374 243 266 83 316 497 160 200 77 319 228 483 722 265 1,096 1,120 25 <0 25 75 70 74 79 33 117 69 383 553 206 898 986 10 1,230 1,405 984 3,692 285 372 3,026 45 4 78 1 5 6,060 910 11,702 35 638 8,286 1,641 17,426 47 1,456 4,277 673 8,650 38 720 19,270 3,376 39,170 137 2,855 1,275 132 2,177 25 140 1,541 266 3,872 8 252 16,386 2,973 33,058 103 2,463 133 19,345 28,856 14,358 64,808 3,749 5,939 54,983 20 9 2 3 5 2 12 108 12 11 15 3,512 1,091 286 461 361 144 1,457 9,104 1,169 1,817 2,055 2,092 1,032 204 467 401 144 1,560 6,480 1,362 1,300 2,094 2,360 1,050 463 705 894 359 2,743 14,135 1,969 1,214 1,967 8,177 3,368 981 1,657 1,700 670 5,910 30,861 4,686 4,474 6,351 540 275 50 90 130 50 325 3,059 390 305 440 485 176 46 69 96 58 439 1,779 209 320 287 7,133 2,915 882 1,498 1,470 561 5,112 25,962 4,082 3,848 5,617 199 21,457 17,136 27,859 68,835 5,654 3,964 59,080 230 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock Dec. 31, 1936—Continued CAPITAL STOCK OF LESS THAN $50,000—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Number of banks Location COUNTRY BANKS—continued Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri _ Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming __ Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma -.. __ _ ___ Total Western States... Washington Oregon California Idaho Utah Arizona . .-- -. .. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts Cash and exchange, including reserve Investwith ments Federal Reserve bank Total assets Capital Surplus, profits, and reTotal serves for deposits contingencies 30 28 61 7 10 66 22 16 4,286 3,691 6,282 1,206 1,291 8,435 2,711 2,255 4,453 4,039 10,142 1,609 2,137 14, 289 2,826 1,973 2,871 3,536 9,384 1,084 1,090 7,378 4,092 2,083 11,898 11,630 26,659 3,973 4,657 31, 201 9,845 6,496 878 780 1,774 240 320 2,066 590 482 679 548 1,066 183 182 1,266 409 256 10 334 10,295 23,785 3,550 4 147 27, 798 8,845 5,720 240 30,157 41,468 31, 518 106,359 7,130 4,589 94,474 31 24 45 74 17 5 27 8 113 2,275 2,269 5,990 7,492 1,614 879 4,003 1,083 10, 706 3,836 2,104 4,354 6,152 1,363 613 2,196 911 10,307 2,432 2,470 6,269 9,940 2, 390 1,386 5,837 1,569 14,095 8,985 7,137 17,002 24,286 5,635 2,958 12, 257 3,674 36,047 892 728 1,309 1,994 537 140 733 230 3,043 515 321 823 1,063 186 193 464 153 1,719 7,558 6,088 14. 863 21, 205 4,907 2,605 11,049 3,289 31, 215 344 36,311 31,836 46,388 117,981 9,606 5,437 102,779 11 10 13 6 3 1 1, 524 1,205 2,299 923 771 327 2,167 1,133 2,155 741 200 206 1,428 1.700 2,704 1,603 325 215 5,245 4,127 7,425 3,359 1,322 757 323 250 397 185 75 25 175 188 475 93 110 29 4,736 3,687 6,529 3,076 1,134 703 Total Pacific States 44 7,049 6,602 7,975 22, 235 1,255 1,070 19,865 Total United States 970 115,549 127, 303 129,082 383,910 27,679 21,371 334, 207 CAPITAL STOCK OF $50,000 BUT LESS THAN $200,000 RESERVE CITIES Dallas Waco - Total Reserve cities 1 1 3,039 129 3,204 331 2,786 439 7,169 1,002 150 100 316 79 6,703 821 2 1,168 3,535 3, 225 8,171 250 395 7,524 24 39 34 62 4 22 10,047 15, 664 12,094 24,209 1,159 8,268 19, 357 15,332 15, 38S 32,010 839 9,485 9,282 11, 275 6,849 19,165 805 6,017 39,590 43,937 35,382 77,666 2,835 24, 613 2,756 3,550 3,268 6,045 420 2,176 2,670 3,971 2,401 6,278 411 2,207 34,111 36,124 29,628 65,113 1,993 20,154 92,411 53,393 224,023 18,215 17,938 187,123 COUNTRY BANRS Maine _ _ NewHampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New States _ _. _. England New York . _. New Jersey .— _ _. Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland ^.. Total Eastern States. _ . 185 71,441 254 140 440 11 44 83, 520 52,082 172, 782 3,407 19,421 137,405 96,329 278,488 3,466 28, 254 49, 219 38,907 107,483 1,439 13, 334 281, 597 196,954 586, 637 8,857 63,072 24,759 14,292 40,521 956 3,639 17, 398 11, 471 54, 658 882 4,444 237,905 170, 567 490,491 6,987 54,907 889 331,212 543,942 210, 382 1,137,117 84,167 88,853 960,857 231 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock, Dec. 31, 1936—Continued C A P I T A L STOCK OF $50,000 BUT LESS T H A N $200,000—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Loans and disNum- counts, ber of includbanks ing rediscounts Location Investments Cash and exchange including reserve with Federal Eeserve bank Total assets Surplus, profits, and reTotal Capital serves for deposits contingencies COUNTRY BANKS—continued Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia -Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee 83 51 27 10 40 33 38 15 20 281 28 72 40 38,82' 18,054 11, 245 2,502 15, 254 10.927 11, 892 3,673 5,978 69, 225 7,291 29, 675 17,459 27,945 17,924 13, 576 6,063 11,020 19,983 9,622 10, 382 7,414 78,170 9,168 28, 408 11,387 23,877 14,973 16, 622 6,101 15,544 19,340 15,428 10,268 11, 225 108,523 13,677 25,063 13,817 95,185 53,483 43,014 15,023 43, 505 51, 539 38, 544 25,155 25, 579 264,039 30,833 86, 205 44, 608 7,235 4,344 2,589 850 3,603 2,920 3,025 1,525 1,720 20,100 2,084 6,122 3,336 5,938 2,48? 2,460 471 3,028 2,302 2,665 671 996 15,494 1,449 5,542 1,903 81,782 46, 553 37,834 13 679 36 755 46, 236 3? 797 22,790 22 792 227 880 27,207 74, 436 39, 301 Total Southern States_. 738 241,999 251,062 294, 458 816,712 59, 453 45, 401 710, 042 157 7( 178 52 72 110 79 45 50,839 21,768 46, 362 15, 646 21,820 28,496 24, 391 13,369 85, 755 39,638 105, 554 37. 841 56,986 68,960 32, 443 16, 631 52,513 25,088 70,333 18, 242 24, 230 32, 416 31,888 15,453 195,198 89, 614 228.951 73, 407 105, 962 133,874 90, 684 47,177 13, 724 6,112 13,816 4,287 6 284 7,837 5,090 3,310 11,44P 3,963 9,893 3,275 4 967 5,933 3,472 2,303 169 798 79 374 204 830 65 722 94 491 119 716 82 034 41, 517 763 222, 691 443,808 270,163 964,867 60, 460 45, 252 857,482 95 19 79 97 20 16 41 12 85 6,998 5,273 21,631 26,582 4.893 5,670 13, 266 5, 690 20,177 14,495 8,659 27.168 30,386 12, 103 6,401 18,905 8, 013 36, 845 6,948 6,712 29, 582 44,932 9,367 7.758 20, 368 11,285 42, 558 29,689 21, 524 79,908 105,296 27,399 20, 287 53,835 25,414 107, 832 2,030 1,460 5,245 7,192 1,690 1,160 3, 599 950 6,067 1,190 882 3,894 4,373 1 311 1,339 1,491 837 5,225 394 116,180 162,975 179,510 471,184 29,393 20, 542 420, 418 32 23 65 11 6 4 3 12, 216 7,040 27, 292 3,178 2,462 1,062 1,191 17, 570 10,354 24,988 4,501 1,272 2,683 1,838 15,512 10,924 20,98.5 5, 060 1,993 1,095 1,764 46, 522 29,432 75,867 13,164 6,068 4,885 4,969 2,455 1, 585 5,304 770 400 260 296 1,943 1,015 4,209 427 282 320 112 42, 026 26, 802 66 048 11,953 5,381 4,304 4,469 144 54,441 63, 206 57,333 180,907 11,070 8,308 160, 983 4 1,542 1,718 3,477 6, 955 275 323 6,357 1 434 423 745 1,627 150 32 1,435 5 1,976 2,141 4,222 355 7,792 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri - Total Middle Western States North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska . Kansas Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States.._ Washington Oregon . California Idaho _ Utah Nevada. Arizona . _. Total Pacific States Alaska (nonmember banks).. Virgin Islands of the United States (nonmember bank)__ Total (nonmember banks) 26,383 19,128 70,700 93,599 24 349 17,740 48,613 23 588 96, 318 8,582 425 Total country banks 3,118 1,039, 940 ,559, 545 1,069,461 ,803,392 263,183 226, 649 , 304. 697 Total United States 3,120 1, 041,108 , 563, 080 1,072, 686 , 811,563 263,433 227,044 , 312, 221 27021—38 16 232 KEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock, Dec. 31, 1936—Continued CAPITAL STOCK OF $200,000 BUT LESS THAN $500,000 [In thousands of dollars] Cash and Loans exchange, and disNum- counts, Invest- including reserve Total ber of includwith assets banks ing re- ments Federal disReserve counts bank Location Surplus, profits, and re- Total Capital serves for deposits contingencies CENTRAL RESERVE CITY 1,846 2,460 5,055 3,367 2,485 16,862 5,688 3,195 4,936 5,044 13,475 5,686 5,015 2,881 9,040 2,058 11,360 2,500 2,299 1,411 6,486 4.292 2,107 8,695 3,820 11,088 9,489 7,900 3,239 450 105 9,790 5,616 33,993 14, 526 6,906 20,167 13, 276 33, 220 19,174 17,807 8,535 27, 744 9,093 23,202 4,773 90,069 5,954 8,830 9, 520 29, 223 7,913 22, 549 6,392 13,042 17, 207 5,794 7,336 6,336 14, 331 10, 720 6,643 735 500 2,258 700 400 850 790 600 400 1,494 250 993 300 900 385 3,200 394 490 300 1,350 400 600 350 300 650 200 200 400 650 650 498 286 331 2,844 820 538 1,566 889 1,517 666 546 299 789 478 2,266 163 2,941 24" 238 469 996 259 762 236 636 501 148 150 293 368 260 11 127, 474 190,996 509, 681 22,187 22. 614 462,850 192,841 514, 736 22, 63' 22, 719 467,348 11,487 53, 295 9,088 30*878 3,759 19,80' 29, 365 135,041 1,023 6,808 14, 722 60,147 3,312 2.050 1,679 10, 670 650 4,832 3,715 3,001 1,322 7,816 1,019 3,491 46,072 25, 742 16, 740 116,168 5,106 51,500 261,328 Chicago OTBER RESERVE CITIES Brooklyn and Bronx Buffalo Philadelphia Pittsburgh Baltimore Washington, D . C Charlotte El Paso Galveston..San Antonio Waco Little Rock Nashville— Cincinnati Toledo Chicago... Minneapolis St. Paul Dubuque Sioux City Kansas City, Mo St. Joseph. --St. Louis Lincoln Omaha Kansas City, Kans Topeka Wichita Oklahoma City Tulsa Spokane Total other cities 3,802 9,' 4,107 1,265 3J 694 8,333 3,673 3,439 2,223 5,919 2,352 3,307 925 23,313 2,473 4,137 697 7,541 2,139 7, ' • • • • • — — 749 4,380 3,729 1,270 1,147 1,053 2,355 3,430 1,418 —• • Reserve Total all Reserve cities. 76 128,137 32,115 1,042 1,766 6,718 10,861 1,552 5,901 3,787 4,013 8,975 2,862 2,823 2,821 6,355 3,119 2,694 12.220 4,471 7,284 1,324 32, 956 2,203 2,822 1,999 10, 262 4,210 8,449 1, 833 4,359 4,406 1,659 3,310 2,410 5,360 3,680 2,276 8,579 4,776 28,607 12,966 5,952 17, 696 11,539 31,002 17, 975 15,713 7,987 25,905 8,282 20,019 4,185 83,409 5,317 7,988 8,751 26,814 7,229 21,166 5,772 12,086 15,971 5,429 6,969 5,640 13,300 9,798 6,028 COUNTRY BANKS Maine New Hampshire.. Vermont Massachusetts— Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States.. • New York New Jersey— PennsylvaniaDelaware Maryland Total Eastern States... Virginia West Virginia-.North Carolina.. South Carolina.. Georgia Florida Alabama 15,834 8,876 5,397 46, 756 2,021 22, 522 25,167 12,113 10,179 51, 775 3,667 20, 246 »9, 444 305,973 23,193 20,364 101 64 127 4 8 91,136 186,195 55, 710 98,981 137, 786 213,495 6,761 4,209 9, 589 16, 515 62,091 353,959 43, 323 211, 794 92, 747 469,054 3,037 14, 643 7,740 35,026 28, 320 17,872 33, 389 913 2,547 18,909 305, 570 10,273 183.036 42, 499 391,955 2,401 11, 301 1,249 31,141 304 298, 430 521, 94' 208,938 1,084, 476 83,04 75,331 923,003 3,854 2,249 1,333 1,526 732 1,550 2,960 47,504 41,299 26, 666 25, 417 14, 252 40,010 46,728 83 101,406 23,279 17,204 9,846 9,128 6,191 7,302 14,154 123,14' 13, 725 15,182 8,272 8,510 4,311 17,429 17,293 15,841 12,343 10, 996 10,208 5,311 18, 236 20,175 55, 509 47,150 30,176 28, 378 16, 534 43, 925 54,278 3,925 3.431 2,115 1,350 1,500 2,300 4,175 233 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock, Dec. 81, 1986—Continued C A P I T A L STOCK OF $200,000 B U T LESS THAN $500,000—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Cash and Loans exchange, and disincluding Num- counts, Invest- reserve ber of includwith banks ing re- ments Federal disReserve counts bank Location Total assets Surplus, profits, and re- Total Capital serves for deposits contingencies COUNTRY BANKS—continued Mississippi Louisiana Texas _ Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee .. _ , --- Total Southern States.. Ohio - - , Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin... Minnesota Iowa Missouri _ 133 912 29, 272 5,045 13,101 5,900 151, 722 14, 229 235 37. 779 11,036 16.003 4,472 16, 360 2,806 57,037 11, 375 8,360 6,173 42,604 4,101 128,948 28, 228 38. 678 17, 537 2,548 200 6,850 1,450 2,868 1,660 1,366 179 5,054 1,626 1,837 434 38, 631 3,723 116,706 24,925 33,894 15,419 168,476 195, 221 536,046 34,372 24, 700 475,174 39,151 22, 534 49, 704 18, 339 16, 545 13, 665 5,147 7,736 153,078 77, 237 148, 523 66,095 52, 230 52, 679 15, 937 10,488 4,317 7,250 3,625 3,278 3,000 850 1,599 8,273 2,953 5,719 1,906 2,034 1,879 444 954 133,843 69,845 135,189 60,418 46, 759 47, 658 14, 572 23,925 172,821 592, 275 _._ 9 , r •• - 10,! 4,873 7,019 65, 794 33, 761 67, 723 34, r 24, 468 26,445 5,533 10, 774 131, 649 269, 404 2,367 6,025 2,398 6,403 4,354 6,295 5,683 4,24" 7,195 6,204 9,206 3,877 6,624 7^ 736 8,549 6,072 11, 722 13,804 14, 672 14,171 11,102 5,468 11, 505 44, 967 74, 616 i 721 3. 764 19,050 2,032 4,320 4,975 6,318 21, 950 4,981 2,733 33,887 40,957 41, 919 18, 329 26, 747 11, 928 Total Middle Western States... 128 Nortn Dakota.. South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Montana Wyoming Oolorado New Mexico Oklahoma Total Western States... 42 Washington Oregon.. California Idaho Arizona Total Pacific States Total country banks Total United States 718 762,061 1,798, 547 198 1,391,389 34,407 24,162 532,209 12, 614 21,159 8,341 28,011 34, 576 28, 741 26,357 16, 377 31, 735 900 1,475 450 1,650 1,350 1,300 1,100 785 1,900 411 438 468 1,127 1,624 923 737 362 1,610 11, 269 19,079 7,404 25,213 31, 561 26, 477 24, 474 15, 230 28,036 81,042 207, 911 10,910 7,700 188,743 4,245 4,559 17, 357 3,722 8,068 15.003 15,153 61, 214 10,934 15,803 l,0CO 600 4,267 500 700 778 709 3,097 229 734 13,166 13, 790 53, 720 10,189 14.354 37,951 118.10: 7,067 5,547 105, 219 3, 506 5,116 1 If "" 765,417 2,844, 788 192, 990 157,804 2,485, 676 946,196 3, 359, 524 215, 627 180, 523 2,953,024 C A P I T A L S T O C K O F $500,000 B U T L E S S T H A N $1,000,000 CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES New York Chicago Total central Reserve cities 750 1,260 2,152 3,185 715 2,766 3,726 7,301 500 500 405 227 2,812 6,538 2,010 5,337 3,481 11, 027 1,000 632 9,350 5,141 1,327 3,624 5,930 10,354 1,342 5,482 5,373 7,588 4,243 2,709 3,463 8,147 4,097 16,746 3,257 576 3,812 4,577 5,359 3,547 851 3,220 9,535 21, 757 4,314 1,556 9,423 8,093 7,944 19,762 3,814 12,427 21,339 48,187 12,258 5,384 17,209 22,117 18,213 1,955 500 700 1,350 1,900 500 500 750 1,550 1,250 788 162 609 1,266 2,335 475 175 475 988 303 OTHER RESERVE CITIES Brooklyn and Bronx.__ Philadelphia Pittsburgh Baltimore Washington, D. C Charlotte _ Savannah Fort Worth Galveston Houston 16,932 3,131 11,034 18,617 43,859 11,263 4,644 15, 963 19,289 16,595 234 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock Dec. 31, 1936—Continued CAPITAL STOCK OF $500,000 BUT LESS THAN $1,000,000—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Cash and Loans exchange, and disincluding counts, NumTotal ber of includ- Invest- reserve with banks ing re- ments Federal disReserve counts bank Location Surplus, profits, and re- Total Capital serves for deposits contin- j gencies ! OTHER RESERVE CITIES—COn. Waco Chicago Peoria Grand Rapids Cedar Rapids__ Kansas City, Mo St. Joseph St. Louis Lincoln Omaha Kansas City, Kans Topeka Helena Denver Pueblo Oklahoma City Ogden Salt Lake City Total other cities -_._ Reserve 4,557 14,200 13,965 9,039 13,753 22,277 2,501 17, 377 14,228 2,956 5,085 10,228 5,228 18,789 6,900 5,952 6,314 16,054 4,351 11, 257 10,826 • 6,450 9,128 23,988 4,350 4,709 11,240 2,758 6,Q98 11', 107 3,580 12,519 17,223 9,488 7,011 22,728 13,279 29,647 31,825 20,413 33,364 69,551 8,991 27,686 32,038 8,176 15,452 24,646 10,143 41,055 25,185 16,338 21,445 47,654 950 1,075 1,260 1,505 500 2,150 500 1,750 1,350 700 750 1,000 600 1,050 500 500 945 2,400 399 870 2,146 696 1,276 2,755 410 1,039 683 87 214 875 290 2,704 1,252 329 985 2,096 11,883 27,553 28,377 18,142 31, 588 64,319 8,060 24, 857 29, 947 7,386 14,457 22, 726 9,248 37,142 23,373 15,509 19,423 43,055 598,372 145,728 246,281 249,051 657,598 30,440 26,682 50 147,738 251,618 252, 532 668,625 31,440 27, 314 607,722 5,089 2,627 3,176 43,774 13,506 25,626 8, 531 3,668 2,426 54,529 8,540 26,408 93,798 61,752 29,954 61, 206 2,961 48 Total all Reserve cities.- 3, 998 3,581 6,238 4,878 9,160 22,821 2,020 4,280 5,845 2,317 3,535 2,706 996 9,485 774 473 7,961 8,391 COUNTRY BANKS Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts — Rhode Island Connecticut— Total New England States New York New Jersey Pennsylvania " Maryland ._ Total Eastern States 5,241 819 1,179 26,005 5,176 17,772 19,246 7,251 6,972 130,730 28,105 73,211 1,500 600 600 9,530 2,500 4,650 783 408 413 7,011 2,359 4,242 16,963 6,207 5,911 113,458 23,108 63,890 104,102 56,192 265,515 19,380 15,216 229,537 89,494 50,257 96,088 2,592 31,886 23,939 48, 013 967 16,685 7,213 14, 015 500 7,675 4,083 17,306 249 167,488 97, 318 186,131 6,127 155,873 238,431 38,413 29,313 457,064 ._- 23, 232 7,888 5,879 3,790 1,905 3,952 20, 518 22, 209 6,860 1,208 4,390 11,532 7,991 3,799 1,709 1,282 3,561 23,174 15, 322 9,727 840 5,219 10,854 6,119 5,610 2,753 3,731 3,379 40,662 33,174 10,234 1,417 6,456 48,611 23, 362 15, 572 8,513 7,170 11,557 87,550 73, 584 27,377 3,536 16,469 4,000 2,000 1,300 500 800 1,250 4,130 5, 703 1,500 500 1,250 2,631 1,604 611 324 287 343 2,215 2,619 1,172 727 412 41, 758 19, 713 13,626 7,647 6,069 9,923 80,449 65,141 24,664 2,278 14, 780 Total Southern States.. 38 101,831 84,156 124,389 323, 301 22, 933 12,945 286,048 14,664 15,696 25,029 12,251 12,401 2,078 1,932 3,808 32,814 37,794 44,714 27,213 31,622 1,954 3,388 3,333 17,722 23,479 31,939 16,340 14,344 4,076 1,630 4,411 68,457 79,386 103,830 61,632 61,096 8,190 7,487 11,814 5,140 4,125 4,775 4,738 3,885 600 600 600 2,235 2,539 3,983 2,005 2, 658 335 184 334 60,894 72,453 94,768 54, 342 54,392 7,225 6,659 10,875 87,859 182,832 113,941 401,892 24,463 14,273 361,608 Virginia West Virginia North Carolina Georgia Florida Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky. Tennessee Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Iowa Missouri Total Middle Western States 40 104, 805 527, 768 235 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY "TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items oj assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock, Dec. 81, 1936—Continued CAPITAL STOCK OF $500,000 BUT LESS THAN $1,000,000—Continued [In thousands of dollars] Location Cash and Loans exchange, and disincluding Num- counts, Invest- reserve ber of includwith banks ing re- ments Federal disReserve counts bank Total assets Surplus, profits, and re- Total Capital serves for deposits contingencies COUNTRY BANKS—continued. North Dakota . South Dakota Montana Total Western States... Washington •California Idaho Nevada.-. Total Pacific States Total country banks Total United States 1 1 1 2,464 2,760 1,344 2,322 5,049 5,193 3 2 3 1 1 7 184 234 6,568 2,924 24, 449 3,643 4,057 35, 073 481. 002 628, 740 12, 564 2,595 17, 428 11, 088 11,055 42,166 664, 251 915, 869 6,838 11,135 10,477 500 800 600 7,965 28,450 4, 413 10, 697 17, 241 61, 716 5,182 20,462 24,043 8,213 35,049 116,918 442, 341 1,663. 844 694,873 2, 332, 469 1,900 1,300 2?070 775 500 4.645 111, 734 143,174 1,633 2,800 3,532 128 136 367 6,191 10,154 9,473 631 25,818 367 9,026 2,574 57,061 486 19,167 22, 607 685 4,112 107,861 76,490 1,467,936 103,804 2,075, 658 C A P I T A L S T O C K OF $1,000,000 B U T LESS T H A N $5,000,000 CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES New York Chicago Total central Reserve cities 30,773 53,003 26,414 80,127 28,902 88,185 122, 311 257,077 4,014 9,150 4,594 7,225 77, 528 239,812 83, 776 106, 541 151,213 345, 262 13,164 11,819 317, 340 71, 348 3,375 147, 260 17,456 135, 306 56,024 34, 770 12,174 44, 733 103,872 9,149 21, 217 69,860 35, 367 36, 745 50,110 6,412 5r76, 87, 391 14,006 47,150 17,968 6,330 9,835 28,913 66,400 22,365 46, 511 20,514 51, 563 4,879 15,724 39, 578 7.067 109, 991 75, 677 1,731 68, 017 2,073 119,684 13,129 74,986 55, 587 46,833 12, 835 44, 714 71, 848 7,691 35,149 74, r " 25,032 49, 731 62, 796 6,744 5,181 58,468 65, 202 7,463 55,125 14, 768 5,917 12,187 17, 452 74,701 19, 531 36,052 25, 768 67,863 11.374 18, 253 29,949 8,451 57, 534 33,290 2,741 232, 734 7,905 431, 354 39, 244 232, 369 145, 787 103,854 36,373 112,873 238, 549 29, 989 84,880 182, 750 75, r " 131, 253 164,061 25,945 17,191 173,168 185, 244 28, 343 142,075 40, 291 18, 730 27, 419 66,060 169, 578 56,364 111, 503 56,080 149. 676 22,053 51, 673 101,163 20,868 217, 928 136,315 11, 252 7,500 1,000 18, 501 2,000 5,500 6,550 4,000 1,500 6,000 8,200 2,000 3,950 8,875 3,700 3,968 5,500 1,000 1,000 9,500 6,250 2,000 3,000 2,200 1,000 1,700 4,100 4,115 2,000 4,585 2,000 5,000 1,200 2,500 5,000 1,000 7,000 3,000 1,000 14, 223 259 34, 523 4,116 8,819 5,914 4,652 937 3,045 7, 534 798 2,684 8,331 2,681 5,531 8,362 920 730 5,949 8,514 800 3,855 1,652 363 476 1,569 4,800 2,189 3,093 2.167 6, 329 525 1,241 4,539 415 8,680 5,098 310 207,475 6,605 371, 034 33,045 216,678 132, 811 94,830 33, 869 103, 521 220, 799 27,158 78,108 163, 742 69, 218 120,869 149,497 23, 851 15,448 157,189 169,881 25,488 132,258 36,176 17,254 25,148 60,157 160,427 52,088 103,450 51, 779 137,933 20, 269 47. 706 90, 223 19,414 201, 280 127, 674 9,777 OTHER RESERVE CITIES Boston Brooklyn and Bronx Philadelphia Pittsburgh Baltimore Washington, D. C Richmond Atlanta Jacksonville New Orleans Dallas Fort Worth__ Houston __. San Antonio Louisville Memphis Nashville Cincinnati _ Columbus.. Indianapolis Peoria.. Detroit.. Milwaukee _. Minneapolis .St. Paul Des Moines Kansas City, Mo St. Louis Omaha Wichita Denver Oklahoma City Tulsa Seattle. _ Spokane Portland Los Angeles San Francisco Total other Reserve cities.... Total all Reserve cities.. 87, 916 2,006 146, 705 6,157 18, 792 29,690 21, 597 10, 854 19, 232 54, 700 12,817 25, 718 32, 934 12, 962 42,891 46,882 12, 252 5,403 32, 289 28, 932 5,052 39, 246 6,749 6,249 5,195 19,050 27, 298 14,033 24,829 8,345 28,122 5,221 15, 999 29,864 5,119 44, 397 25, 931 6,544 81 967,972 1,611,430 1,398,927 4,078. 783 158, 894 176, 623 3, 714,129 1,051, 7481, 717,971 1.550.140 {4,424,045 172. 058, 188,44214,031,469 236 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stock, Dec. 31, 1936—Continued CAPITAL STOCK OF $1,000,000 BUT LESS THAN $5,000,000—Continued fin thousands of dollars] Cash and Loans exchange, and disincluding Num- counts, Invest- reserve Total ber of includwith assets banks ing re- ments Federal disReserve counts bank Location Capital Surplus, profits, and re- Total serves for deposits contingencies COUNTRY BANKS Maine ._ Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Total New England States New York. . New Jersey ... Pennsylvania Total Eastern States- _. Virginia -West Virginia South Carolina Florida. - _ Alabama Kentucky Tennessee Total Southern States.. Ohio Indiana Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Total Middle Western States Washington _. California Arizona __. Total Pacific States The Territory of Hawaii (nonmember bank) _ Total country banks Total United States 2 4 2 5 4,052 21.802 21, 994 46, 231 15, 372 39,624 26, 710 51, 320 6,469 20, 648 23, 404 56, 755 26, 222 85, 271 72, 718 162, 699 2,325 6,200 4,000 10, 267 616 3,963 5,173 8,056 23,224 74,281 63, 036 142,182 13 94,079 133,026 107, 276 346,910 22, 792 17,808 302, 723 9 13 15 57,006 85,832 80, 919 130, 385 160,696 141, 494 45,100 103,315 49, 052 239, 011 370,465 290, 385 12, 806 25, 451 21,010 13, 437 10, 294 26,803 211, 775 332,906 242, 031 37 223, 757 432, 575 197,467 899,861 59, 267 50, 534 786, 712- 4 2 1 3 3 1 3 25, 256 13, 635 14, 476 12, 828 19, 211 7,011 19, 457 37,894 11.940 14, 051 33, 809 24, 655 3,476 33, 605 26. 596 13, 762 16, 652 20,819 22,979 5, 935 28, 422 93,475 42, 310 46, 371 69, 692 70,162 16,926 84, 638 5,500 2,787 2,300 3,900 3,000 1,000 5,000 3,719 2,290 479 1,791 3,799 1,017 2,506 83, 729 37,046 43, 570 63, 888 62, 960 14,853 76, 620 17 111,874 159, 430 .135,165 423, 574 23,487 15, 601 382, 666 5 2 2 2 2 25 231 10,093 9,055 6,160 10, 252 39 239 14, 233 19, 804 15, 857 16,858 31.423 10,097 10, 292 15, 581 16, 436 102, 636 36, 574 41, 590 39, 336 44, 312 6,750 2,200 2,250 2,475 2,500 4, 434 791 1,741 1,414 1,854 91, 207 33, 367 37, 354 35,077 39, 76a 13 60, 791 105, 991 83. 829 264, 448 16,175 10, 234 236, 765 2 1 9,122 12 692 12, 721 10,199 16 205 12,511 9,468 10 325 9,134 29,920 41 879 35, 283 2,500 2 500 1,565 1,229 601 945 26,142 38,690 32,528 5 34, 535 38,915 28. 927 107,082 6,565 2,775 97, 360 13,919 50, 420 2,256 44, 749- 1 12. I l l 21, 826 86 537,147 891, 763 . 3,350 566, 583 2, 092, 295 131, 636 99, 208 1, 850, 975 175 1, 588,895 2,609, 734 2,116, 723 6, 516, 340 303, 694 287, 650 5,882,444 C A P I T A L S T O C K O F $5,000,000 B U T L E S S T H A N $25,000,000 CENTRAL RESERVE CITY New York 187,012 448,693 292,139 940, 578 22, 775 127, 606 778,655 33,396 222, 759 380, 255 39, 752 19,859 23,727 50, 257 22,917 13, 701 23, 934 147,443 194, 532 94, 550 180,138 152, 045 31, 328 31,894 20,249 72,836 19,218 20,030 36, 328 86,121 178, 338 213, 571 497,392 608, 586 113,499 97,106 70,129 212, 256 57, 369 60,484 89, 830 322,976 440,351 10, 000 14, 000 19, 500 5,400 5,000 9,900 13, 500 5,400 7,000 6,000 20,500 15,000 OTHER RESERVE CITIES Boston Philadelphia Pittsburgh Atlanta Savannah Birmingham Dallas Houston Nashville Cincinnati Cleveland Detroit _. .._ 76, 791 80,977 59, 315 38,930 41,067 20,645 80, 830 13, 537 23,577 27, 786 82, 248 65, 568 20, 601 27, 228 47,979 6,231 2,703 1,566 6,813 1,471 773 180,264 446,883 538, 332 101,320 88, 723 58,324 189,582 50, 270 52, 327 77, 033 7,764 293,634 12,694 412,171 237 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 20.—Principal items of assets and liabilities of national banks, classified according to capital stocky Dec. 81, 1936—Continued CAPITAL STOCK OF $5,000,000 BUT LESS THAN $25,000,000-Continued fin thousands of dollars] Cash and Loans exchange, and disNum- counts, Invest- including reserve ber of includwith banks ing re- ments Federal disReserve counts bank Location Total assets Surplus, profits, and re- Total Capital serves for deposits contingencies OTHER RESERVE CITIES—Con. Milwaukee Minneapolis St. Paul St. Louis Oklahoma City Tulsa. ._ Seattle Los Angeles San Francisco __ 42,057 82, 561 43, 786 64,850 17, 016 14,081 40, 240 51.314 199, 514 _ 113,068 119,836 49,133 100,064 27, 789 25, 361 68,243 36, 713 164, 653 62, 561 84,673 52,631 80,191 19, 036 22, 463 41, 220 32,921 132,644 224,486 293, 578 150, 716 248, 646 64,419 64,391 152,989 125, 648 512,437 14, 500 13, 500 6,000 10, 200 5,000 5,000 8,000 5,000 28, 200 4,558 10, 773 8,009 7,925 2,771 2,317 3,800 4,765 22,693 203, 575 265, 995 135,947 229,907 56,476 56,870 140,300 114, 595 457,165 Total other Reserve cities 28 1,166, 690 1, 877,392 1, 451, 415 4,620,859 226,600 209,463 4,149, 693 Total United States 31 1, 353, 702 2,326,0851,743,554 5,561,437 249,375 337,069 4, S T O C K O F $25,000,000 B U T LESS T H A N $50,000,000 CAPITAL CENTRAL RESERVE CITY Chicago __ 1 253, 613 434,871 292, 540 993,854 30,000 35, 816 922, 207 1 1 217, 635 244,966 181,344 231, 259 253, 210 137,997 689, 515 645,195 27,813 35, 250 57,977 25,064 587,109 580, 651 2 462, 601 412, 603 391,207 1, 334, 710 63,063 83,041 1,167, 760 3 716, 214 847, 474 683, 747 2, 328, 564 93,063 118,857 2,089, 967 2 1,171,498 1, 765, 923 1,058, 533 4,:, 142,447 335, 650 1, 232, 513 lj 237,501 609,826 177, 770 75, 000 198,07''4 3,i, 643, 994 40,808 1,100,606 3 1,408,999 2,375, 749 1,394,183 5,374,960 252, 770 238,882 4, 744,600 OTHER RESERVE CITIES Boston Los Angeles.__ Total other Reserve cities __ Total United States C A P I T A L S T O C K O F $50,000,000 OR M O R E CENTRAL RESERVE CITIES New York Chicago Total central Reserve cities •__ __ OTHER RESERVE CITY San Francisco Grand total States 200, 037 1,401,674 50,000 56,995 1,287,928 1,936,804 2,999,110 1, 594,220 6, 776, 634 302, 770 295,877 6,032, 528 527,805 Total United States._.. 623, 361 United 5,331 8,271,210 12,780,044 8,981,081 31,070,441 1,598,815 1,572,195 27,608,397 r TABLE N O . 21.—National-bank notes redeemed and outstanding, by denominations and amounts, on October31, each year, 1983 to 19871 [For prior years see Annual Reports for 1920, vol. II, p. 42, and 1931, p>. 220, a n d 1936, p . 209] Year Ones Twos Fives Tens Twenties Fifties One hundreds 22,828,928 340,749 15,332,618 162,420 3,660,392,200 11,527,160 5,953,627,055 20,001,425 3,445,941, 600 18,453,920 407,217,300 3,402,450 497,890,800 4,327,100 505,699, 255 168,200,390 623,622, 510 379,324,670 236,362,360 292,900, 540 15,018,750 36,294,600 5,573,000 32,564,900 Five hun- One thoudreds sands tO OO Total OLD SERIES 1933 Redeemed Outstanding 12,202,000 87,500 7,433,000 21,000 14,022,865,501 58,323,724 O W NEW SERIES 1933 Redeemed Outstanding . 1,386,275,875 909,285,100 1934 Redeemed Outstanding . 22,828,928 340, 749 15,332,618 162,420 3,661, 286,630 10,632.730 5,956,074,125 17,554,355 3, 449, 022,940 15,372,580 407,808,350 2,811,400 498, 550, 700 3, 667,200 12, 202, 000 87, 500 7,433.000 21,000 14,030, 539,291 50,649,934 NEW SERIES 1934 Redeemed Outstanding 1935._ Redeemed Outstanding 1935 Redeemed Outstanding 2 ^ H OLD SERIES 657,043, 515 152,601,080 834,990,840 346,590,300 323,455, 560 291,705,660 20,163,900 35,982, 550 8,364,400 35,101,300 3, 661,844,473 10,074,887 5,957,720,975 15,907,505 3,451,177, 290 13,218,230 408,176,675 2,443,075 498,965,800 3,252,100 797,434,320 54,062,650 1,065,974,810 176,389,130 450,631, 570 196,967,390 29,701,400 28,339, 200 14,947,600 30, 743,900 1,844,018,215 861,980,890 OLD SERIES W H O 8 ^ H 22,829,397 340,280 15,332, 955 162,083 12, 202,000 87,500 7,433,000 21,000 14,035,682,565 45, 506,660 5 p NEW SERIES 2,358,689, 700 486,502, 270 OLD SERIES 1936 Redeemed Outstanding . 22,829,453 340, 224 15, 332,992 162,046 3,662,162,930 9,756,430 5,958,717,410 14,911,070 3,452,436, 240 11,959,280 408,406,150 2,213,600 499, 242,400 2,975,500 829,501,365 21,995,605 1,148,774,090 93,589,850 520,421,080 127,177,880 37,065,950 20,974,650 22,025,800 23,665,700 12,202,000 87,500 7,433,000 21,000 14,038,762,575 42,426,650 NEW SERIES 1936 Redeemed Outstanding 2,557,788,285 287,403 685 OLD SERIES Redeemed Outstanding 1937 22, 829,483 340,194 15,333,018 162, 020 3, 662,450,220 9, 469,140 5,959, 530,670 14,105, 710 3,453,432,990 10,967, 810 408,599,250 2,021, 650 499,495,000 2, 725,000 12, 203,000 86, 500 7, 433, 000 21,000 14,041,306,631 2 39,899,024 Redeemed -_ Outstanding 3 2 836, 394, 035 15,102,935 1,176, 532,130 65, 831, 810 552,872, 260 94, 726, 700 41,040, 300 17, 000, 300 26,171, 800 19, 519, 700 2,633,010, 525 212,181,445 Fractions and nonassorted notes not included. Includes $7,900 in 10's, $5,280 in 20's, $1,150 in 50's, and $2,100 in 100's, a total of $16,430, representing 1,098 notes of 27 national banks which were illegally put into circulation in the period from Apr. 5,1912, or immediately prior thereto, to Mar. 26,1921. and which on Apr. 7,1937, were added to the amount of notes outstanding under authority of an act of Congress (Private, No. 190, 74th Cong.) approved Aug. 7, 1935. HI w Q d w W ^ o NEW SERIES 1937 hj O K REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 239 TABLE NO. 22.—National-bank notes received monthly by Comptroller of the Currency from Currency Redemption Division for redemption on retirement account, during year ended Oct. 31, 1937 Amount November.. December Amount 1936 1937—Continued $6,847,800. 00 8, 073, 855.00 1937 January February March April 8, 306, 477. 50 7, 355,402.00 6,892,115.00 6. 960, 835. 00 May June July . August September.. October _._ Total $6,155,190.00 5, 920, 221.00 6,072,295.00 3,949,965. 00 4,814,680. 00 6, 211, 630.00 77, 560,465. 50 TABLE NO. 23.—Vault account of currency received and destroyed during year ended Oct. 31, 1937 Amount in vault of Redemption Division of Currency Bureau awaiting destruction at close of business Oct. 31, 1936 $1,233,010.00 Amount received during year ended Oct. 31, 1937 77,560,465.50 Total i. Withdrawn and destroyed during year Balance on hand in vault Oct. 31,1937 78,793,475.50 77, 766, 290. 50 1,027,185.00 TABLE NO. 24.—Amount of currency received for redemption, by months, from July 1, 1936, to June 30, 1937, and counted into the cash of the Currency Redemption Division National-bank Federal Reserve Federal Reserve United States notes bank notes notes currency 1936 July August September October November December Total $13, 218,850. 50 10, 718,147. 50 9, 707,940.00 8, 750,924. 50 6, 796, 328.00 8, 445,182. 00 $2, 251, 356.00 1,479, 635.00 1, 313, 577.00 1,017,145. 50 1,196, 207. 00 1,175, 285. 00 $12, 828,130.00 9, 359, 410.00 10, 742, 405.00 10,860, 595.00 10,107,875.00 11,840, 845.00 $4, 281, 438. 41 3, 533, 605. 54 4,092,901. 55 4, 203, 766. 61 3, 873,156. 64 5, 379, 278. 04 $32, 579, 774.91 25,090, 798.04 25,856, 823. 55 24,832,431.61 21,973, 566.64 26, 840, 590. 04 8, 783, 080.00 6, 603,916.00 7, 369,904. 50 6,473,939. 50 5,828, 261. 50 5, 880,431.00 1, 226,873.00 887, 408. 50 1,101, 536.00 962, 448.00 1,158, 344. 00 803, 437. 50 11, 608, 705.00 11,214,220.00 12,478, 267. 50 12,130, 605.00 10, 927,152. 50 11,139, 590. 00 4, 543,929.93 4, 243,876. 28 5,162, 345.15 5, 244,136.19 4, 608, 052.43 4, 999, 868. 23 26,162, 587.93 22,949, 420. 78 26,112,053.15 24,811,128.69 22, 521,810.43 22, 823, 326. 73 98, 576,905. 00 14, 573, 252. 50 135, 237,800. 00 54,166, 355.00 302, 554, 312. 50 1937 January February March April May June ._- Total— TABLE NO. 25.—Amount of currency received by the Currency Redemption Division for redemption in the year ended June 30, 1937, from principal cities Boston _ $6,777,101.88 Kansas City $2,209,000.00 New York. _. 18,191,033.53 Dallas 1,535,700.00 Philadelphia 8,437,048.50 San Francisco 6,362,800.00 Cleveland 4,875,500.00 Cincinnati 2,402,300.00 1,641, 617.00 Richmond 2,785,950.00 Baltimore Atlanta •... 2,357,300.00 New Orleans 1,871,664.50 Chicago 21,936,471.00 Other places 212,714,329. 58 St. Louis 4,455, 534.33 Total... 302,680,850. 32 Minneapolis 4,127,500.00 NOTE.—The difference of $126,537.82 between the totals shown by this table and table No. 24, represents the net adjustments for overs, shorts, and spurious issues found in remittances received. The total amount of currency of all issues received by the National Bank Redemption Agency and the Currency Redemption Division and counted into cash from June 30, 1874, exclusive of deductions for shortages and spurious issues, is $22,098,180,144.30. 240 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 26.—Cost of redemption of national-bank notes during the year ended June 30, 1937 Amount of expense Office Treasurer United States (N. C. R.) Salaries Printing and binding Contingent expenses Insurance... Postage _ _. _ ... Total Tlfidep/rneri on retirPTPPnt fmnonnt Office Comptroller of Currency Total $47,824.37 62.51 296.11 2, 545. 61 1,470.40 $23,160.33 49.17 61.28 $70,984.70 111. 68 357.39 2, 545. 61 1,470.40 . 52,199.00 23,270.78 75,469. 78 Amount redeemed Rate per $1,000 $99, 573,790. 50 $0.75792816 Amount of expenses $75,469.78 TABLE NO. 27.—Classification of Federal Reserve currency redemptions, the amount redeemed, number of notes, cost of redemption per 1,000 notes, and amount assessed upon Federal Reserve banks, year ended June 30, 1937 Amount Federal Reserve notes: Received from various sources, whole notes: Salaries Printing and binding Contingent expenses $2,141.47 17.47 82.76 2,241.70 Total Received direct from Federal Reserve banks and branches, canceled and cut: Salaries Printing and binding Contingent expenses 49, 525.40 137. 79 311.34 49,974. 53 Total Federal Reserve bank notes, new series: Received from various sources: Salaries . . Printing and binding Contingent expenses Insurance.. Postage 845.30 7.14 33.84 374.02 165. 58 1,425. 88 Total 53, 642.11 Aggregate Amount in dollars Federal Reserve notes: Received from various sources, whole notes... $33,072,440 Received direct from Federal Reserve banks 1,504,311,900 and branches, canceled and cut Federal Reserve bank notes, new series: 14,800,100 Received from various sources Total 1, 552,184,440 Number of notes Rate per 1,000 notes Assessment 2,246,413 $0.99790198 $2,241.70 128,128,156 .39003550 49,974. 53 924,630 1.54210873 1,425.88 131,299,199 .40854865 53, 642.11 KEPOET OP THE COMPTKOLLEE OF THE CUEEENCY 241 TABLE N O . 28.—Taxes assessed on national-bank circulation, years ended June 30, 1864-1936; cost of redemption, 1874-1937; and assessments for cost of plates, etc., 1883-1935 [For yearly figures 1883-1911 see report for 1931, p. 227] Year 1864-1882 1874-1882 1883-1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 ._ 1937 . Semiannual duty on circulation Cost of redemption of notes by the United States Treasurer AssessAssessAssess- ment for Assessment for ment for cost of ment for cost of cost of adding plates, plates, plates, signatures addinew l extended tional to plates, banks banks or duplietc1 cate $52,253,518.24 $1,971, 587.10 $821,110 $473, 295 62, 595, 336. 73 5,269,078.81 505, 735. 21 22, 740 3,690, 313. 53 28,190 517, 842. 93 28, 560 3, 804, 762. 29 19,805 529,013. 36 11,560 3, 889, 733.17 8,500 f 3,901,541.18 } 498, 328. 60 16, 660 13,855 - \ 2 2, 977, 066. 73 3, 744,967. 77 450,150. 22 10, 085 9,700 3, 533,631. 28 420,160. 42 9,200 6,000 3, 656,895. 34 412, 785.92 16, 770 11,120 3, 627,060. 80 528,424. 24 15,600 15, 340 3, 706,901.15 974,058.11 31,850 28, 990 3,806,590. 02 1,115,146.00 31,070 82.160 3, 941,461.17 594,168.70 18, 244 52, 780 4,030, 336. 30 514, 598. 55 23, 464 5,850 4,063, 708. 32 527,979. 90 18, 756 3,556 3, 661,819. 45 459, 790. 43 12, 682 4,456 3, 277, 512. 90 494, 470. 91 22, 948 3,253,461.97 467,411.42 22,618 3, 234, 240. 29 465,080.16 20, 890 / 15,792 461, 375. 92 \ 3,441,152. 95 3,930 } 2,286 642,676. 54 3, 248,327.85 3,174 445,683.09 3, 242,977. 92 6,762 424,431. 75 3,175,189. 24 11, 270 424,963. 21 3,415,840. 63 15, 364 422,391. 83 4, 518,904. 84 5,290 388,711.65 4, 365, 601. 32 142,091. 70 694, 743. 49 75,469. 78 Total-_ 206,753,596.87 1 20,143,606.46 1,218, 675 763, 597 $4,130 6,975 6,300 11,175 3,420 6,460 9,100 7,590 20, 770 12,670 17, 226 25, 262 31, 388 4,404 30, 564 37, 924 21, 728 f 17, 914 \ 12 96 36 12 275,156 $493.00 841. 00 773.00 591.00 1,610.00 1,110.00 1, 229. 89 1, 322. 30 54.00 8, 280. 00 11,079.00 11,028.00 11,181.00 11,256.00 7,335.00 68,183.19 Total $52,253,518.24 1,971,587.10 69,158,820.54 4, 251,108. 74 4, 377,945. 22 4, 445,106.53 7,418,626. 51 4,218,322.99 3,975,451. 70 4,106,671. 26 4,194,015.04 4, 762, 569. 26 5, 047,636.02 4,624, 372. 87 4, 600, 351.85 4, 646,161. 22 4,143, 742.88 3,827,105.81 3, 782, 525. 39 3, 743,168.34 | 3,941,541.17 3.901,570.39 3, 702, 914. 01 3,617,422.99 3,863, 350. 84 4,967, 952. 67 4, 766,949.97 836,835.19 75,469.78 229,222,814. 52 Beginning in the latter part of 1929 amounts in this column concern logotypes incident to reduced size notes, series of 1929. * Tax collected on additional circulation under act May 30,1908. 242 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 29.—Federal Reserve notes outstanding according to weekly statements (amount issued by Federal Reserve agents to Federal Reserve banks less notes redeemed), and collateral security therefor, from Nov. J+, 1986, to Oct. 27,1937 [In thousands of dollars] Collateral security Date 1936 Nov. 4__ Nov. 10 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 9 Dec. 16 Dec. 23 Dec. 30 Jan. 6 Jan.13 Jan. 20 Jan. 27 Feb.3 Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Feb. 24 Mar. 3 Mar. 10 Mar. 17 Mar. 24__ Mar. 31 Apr. 7 Apr. 14 Apr 21 Apr. 28 May 5___ May 12 May 19 May 26 June 2 June9__ June 16 June 23 June 30. July 7 July 14 July 21 July 28 Aug. 4_ Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Aug. 25 Sept. 1 Sept. 8__ Sept. 15__ Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27._ 1937 _. _. _ _ _ Federal Reserve notes outstanding Gold certificates on hand and due from U. S. Treasury Eligible paper Excess U.S. Gov- collateral ernment securities 4,397, 757 4, 443, 261 4, 466, 513 4,473,196 4,497,999 4, 538,157 4, 576, 604 4, 646, 501 4, 637,989 4,369,838 4, 395, 838 4, 437, 838 4,437, 838 4,464, 838 4, 492, 338 4, 535, 838 4, 616, 838 4,616,838 5,289 5,147 3,534 4,395 4,695 4,290 6,143 7,397 4,636 93,000 93, 000 84, 000 88, 000 88, 000 90, 000 95,000 95, 000 95, 000 70, 370 50, 724 58,859 57,037 59, 534 48,471 60, 377 72, 734 78,485 609,640 558, 517 494,145 477,966 475,246 487,216 472.449 472,092 476, 257 474,025 464,801 473,064 480,832 478, 480 474, 511 480,484 494, 218 496,178 501,481 498,606 496,626 505,125 517,118 505, 873 501,262 508,973 550,464 552,646 540,032 523,643 532,357 544,445 554, 501 560,971 563,174 624,774 620,315 613,505 602, 269 609,199 608,405 618,979 612, 569 4, 582, 838 4, 540, 838 4, 488, 838 4, 491, 838 4, 491,132 4,492, 132 4, 48S, 132 4, 492,132 4,492,132 4, 518,132 4, 511,132 4, 499,132 4, 509,132 4, 508,132 4, 510,132 4, 516,132 4, 518,132 4, 521,132 4, 536, 632 4, 535, 632 4, 537,132 4, 538,132 4, 550,132 4, 544, 632 4, 542, 632 4, 552,632 4, 563, 632 4, 587, 632 4, 585, 632 4,580,632 4, 582,132 4, 593. 632 4, 593, 632 4, 594, 632 4, 600, 632 4,619,132 4, 632.132 4, 633,132 4, 633,132 4, 636,132 4, 639,132 4, 641,132 4,637,132 2, 331 1,735 1,897 2,588 2, 556 2,390 2,948 3,886 7,168 4,518 3,813 7,394 11, 750 7,912 10, 949 7,472 10, 848 16, 759 16, 344 15,891 18,037 19,943 16,324 15,634 13, 801 9,984 12,844 14,860 11, 677 14,531 14, 579 16,117 17, 907 18, 277 23,339 23,166 22, 807 22, 755 22,183 22,822 23,149 18,276 23,186 101,000 101,000 93,000 87, 000 87,000 87, 000 87,000 87, 000 87,000 65, 000 72, 000 72, 000 62,000 45,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 52,000 45, 000 35, 000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20, 000 20, 000 20,000 20, 000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20, COO 20,000 20, 000 20,000 20,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32,000 32 000 32; 000 76, 529 85, 056 89, 590 103, 460 105,442 94, 306 105, 631 110,926 110. 043 113,625 122,144 105,462 102,050 82, 564 98, 570 95,120 86, 762 93,713 96, 515 87, 917 78, 54372,950 69, 338 74,393 75,171 73. 643 46,012 69,84677, 277 91, 52084, 354 85,304 77,038 71, 93a 80, 797 49, 524 66, 624 74,38285,046 81, 755 85, 876 72,429' 79, 74* TABLE NO. 30.—Federal Reserve notes, segregated by series, printed, shipped, and canceled, issued to banks, retired, and destroyed since organization of the banks with balance in vaults and amount outstanding Oct. 31, 1937 VAULT BALANCE OCT. 31, 1937, 1914-18 SERIES Fives Tens Twenties Five One hundreds Five hundreds One thousands thousands Fifties Ten thousands Total o Total printed $5,370,100,000 $5,978, 520,000 $6,092, 240,000 $1,283,800,000 Total shipped and can5,370,100, 000 5, 978, 520,000 6,092,240,000 1, 283,800,000 celed Total on hand 0 0 0 0 $884,400,000 $173,000,000 884, 400,000 173,000,000 333, 600,000 108,000,000 184,000,000 20,407,660,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 $333,600,000 $108,000,000 $184,000,000 $20,407,660, 000 VAULT BALANCE OCT 31, 1937, 1928-34 SERIES Total printed $2,829, 780,000 Total shipped and can2,199,280,000 celed Total on hand 630, 500,000 $6,061,080,000 $5,102,640,000 $1,811, 600,000 $2,440,400,000 $1,105, 760, 000 $1,433,996,000 $159, 840, 000 $206,880, 000 $21,151,976,000 5, 566,000,000 4,093,200,000 1,106, 600, 000 1, 457, 600,000 554,060,000 797,196,000 67,120,000 89, 720,000 15,930, 776,000 495,080,000 1,009,440,000 705,000,000 982,800,000 551, 700,000 636,800,000 92, 720,000 117,160,000 5, 221,200, 000 COMBINED VAULT BALANCE OCT. 31, 1937, BOTH SERIES Q O o1 tr Total printed $8,199,880,000 $12,039, 600,000 $11,194,880,000 $3,095,400,000 $3,324,800,000 $1,278,760,000 $1,767, 596,000 $267,840,000 $390,880,000 $41, 559,636,000 Total shipped and can727,060,000 1,130, 796,000 175,120,000 273, 720,000 36,338,436,000 7, 569,380,000 11,544, 520,000 10,185, 440,000 2,390,400,000 2,342,000,000 celed Total on hand 630, 500,000 495,080,000 1,009,440, 000 705,000,000 982, 800,000 551, 700,000 636,800,000 92, 720,000 117,160,000 5,221, 200,000 1-3 W ISSUED, R E T I R E D , AND OUTSTANDING OCT. 31, 1937, 1914-18 SERIES d Total issued Total retired Total outstanding._ $6,148, 375, 250 $6,990, 812, 040 $7,192, 258,040 $1, 486,660,050 $1,111,562,800 7,170, 592,000 1,477,511,800 1,101,382,400 6,975,980,330 6,135,978,470 12,396, 780 14,831, 710 21,666,040 9,148, 250 10,180,400 $184, 528,500 182, 431, 000 $424,150,000 417,996,000 2,097,500 6,154,000 $73, 340, 000 $127,260,000 $23,738,946, 680 73, 270, 000 127,170, 000 23,662,312,000 70, 000 90,000 76, 634,680 3 o K! to CO TABLE N O . 30.—Federal Reserve notes, segregated by series, 'printed, shipped, and canceled, issued to banks, retired, and destroyed since organization of the banks with balance in vaults and amount outstanding Oct. 31, 1937—Continued ISSUED, RETIRED, AND OUTSTANDING OCT. 31, 1937, 1928-34 SERIES Fives Tens __ $2,884, 239,250 2, 769,617,640 $7,191,835,000 5,702,371,890 Total outstanding.. 114,621,610 1,489,463,110 Twenties Fifties Five One hundreds Five hundreds One thousands thousands Ten thousands Total o Total issued Total retired $5, 654,565,600 $1, 479,160,850 $2,040,133, 300 4,246,365,380 1, 112,786,250 1,363,254,300 1, 408, 200,220 366,374,600 676, 879,000 $591,358,000 $1,011 829, 000 448, 622, 500 717 480, 000 142, 735, 500 $59, 930,000 $143,100,000 $21, 056,151,000 49, 860, 000 120,180,000 16 530, 537,960 294 349,000 10, 070,000 22,920,000 4 525,613,040 W C O M B I N E D I S S U E D , R E T I R E D , A N D O U T S T A N D I N G O C T . 31, 1937, B O T H S E R I E S Total issued Total retired... $9,032, 614, 500 $14,182, 647,040 $12,846,823, 640 $2,965,820,900 $3,151, 696,100 8,905, 596,110 12,678, 352,220 11,416,957,380 2, 590,298,050 2,464, 636, 700 Total outstanding-. 127,018,390 1,504,294,820 1,429, 866, 260 375,522,850 687,059,400 $775, 886,500 $1 435, 979, 000 $133, 270, 000 $270, 360, 000 $44, 795, 097,680 631, 053,500 1 135, 476, 000 123, 130,000 247, 350, 000 40,192,849,960 144, 833,000 300, 503, 000 n 10, 140,000 23,010,000 o o 4, 602, 247, 720 M U T I L A T E D F E D E R A L R E S E R V E N O T E S , B Y D E N O M I N A T I O N S , R E C E I V E D A N D D E S T R O Y E D S I N C E O R G A N I Z A T I O N O F B A N K S A N D ON H A N D I N V A U L T O C T . 31, 1937, 1914-18 S E R I E S Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland... Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis. Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco _.. -_ Total received Total destroyed _ ._. $451, 253,340 1,485,847,095 518, 260,050 365, 280,940 229, 225,905 271,471,875 822, 378,890 208,043, 700 145,850, 610 218,940,400 142, 308,000 458,059,165 $696,234,, 690 1,763,211,470 565,121,600 437, 527,060 274,662,130 312,692,100 845, 766, 650 214,479, 530 143,104,960 163,942, 780 129, 518,450 413,244,370 $513,805,000 1,170,490,820 600,199,040 768,151,400 337,769,600 317,245,960 932,086,400 214,002,400 130,951,000 182,446,120 136, 785,660 712,662,660 $52, 280,200 260,916,550 184,894,950 298,363,150 82,688,300 43,014,200 198,278,900 28,325,200 7,901,000 18,461,100 10,709,400 67,354,250 $72,092,400 305, 065,000 62,928, 200 66,055, 500 41, 296, 000 46, 857, 400 87,407, 500 18,473, 000 11, 766, 900 25, 224, 700 12,228, 400 105,121,900 $6, 721, 500 62,132,000 3, 360, 500 7, 658, 000 1, 997, 500 13,107, 500 14,878,000 3, 344, 500 1,977, 000 3, 514,000 2,165,000 10,029,000 $20, 518, 000 123,490,000 13, 384,000 8, 607, 000 8, 302, 000 41, 046, 000 18, 561,000 4, 205,000 2, 733,000 4, 272,000 4, 352, 000 21, 548,000 $3, 995, 000 7,985, 000 $8, 010,000 15,970,000 I, 980,666 2, 000, 000 3, 970,000 4, 000,000 3, 985,000 2, 000, 000 4, 000, 000 13, 985, 000 19, 960, 000 $1,824,910,130 5,195,107,935 1, 948,148,340 1,957, 593,050 981, 941,435 1,045,435,035 2, 923, 342,340 696,873,330 444, 284,470 616,801,100 438,066, 910 1,821,964,345 5,316, 963,220 5,316,919,970 5,959, 568,290 5, 959, 505, 790 6,016, 733,960 6,016,596,060 1,253,251, 750 1,253,187,200 854,619, 600 854, 516, 900 130,901, 500 130, 884, 500 271,047,000 271, 018, 000 75,930,000 75, 930, 000 183, 910,000 183, 910,000 20,062,925,320 20,062,468,420 43,250 62, 500 137,900 64, 550 102,700 17,000 29, 000 Balance on hand 456,900 o MUTILATED FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, BY DENOMINATIONS, RECEIVED AND DESTROYED SINCE DATE OF FIRST SHIPMENT (APR. 30, 1929) AND ON HAND IN VAULT OCT. 31, 1937, 1928-34 SERIES Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta. Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas. San Francisco .. Total received Total destroyed $141,636,170 344,142,920 190,959,470 147, 079,645 84, 941,490 165, 206,195 222,831, 930 136, 386, 795 42,194,875 49,852, 630 70,044,895 178, 782,375 $455,322, 750 1,022,586, 200 356,543,420 327, 700,180 207, 953,800 157, 654,190 565,251,410 165,528, 530 81,367,130 114, 912,630 75, 943, 630 211,4C6, 520 $173,287,060 440,049,500 204,651,960 280,874,880 201,228,820 86,457,140 349, 696,420 92, 466, 580 51,658,000 86, 318, 660 49,086,840 195,533,320 $29,727,350 74,945,900 57, 710,000 43,076,400 28,258,700 12, 681,650 63,162,850 7,470, 550 2,159,150 5, 653, 550 3,499,050 14,124, 750 $26, 254, 700 87,501,000 20,586, 200 13, 276,200 18, 707, 900 15, 206, 200 30,183, 700 10, 852,000 3, 721, 500 8, 638,600 5, 867, 300 24,211,700 $2,475,0,00 20,975, 000 1, 657, 000 4, 662, 000 726, 500 5, 014, 500 5, 528, 500 926, 000 459, 500 2, 442, 500 651, 500 1,424, 500 $4,901,000 31, 303, 000 2, 682, 000 7, 736, 000 8. 289, 000 11, 803, 000 12, 574, 000 1, 254, 000 500, 000 6, 686,000 818, 000 2, 537, 000 $265, 000 105, 000 $430,000 420,000 170,656 85, 000 50, 000 780, 000 880,000 380, 000 70, 000 10,000 70, 000 15,000 20, 000 10, 000 100,000 $834, 299,030 2,022,028, 520 834, 790, 050 835, 455,405 550, 571, 210 454,142,875 1, 250, 018,810 414, 884, 455 182,060,155 274, 594, 570 205, 936, 215 628,120,165 1,774,059, 390 1,772, 691, 590 3,742,170,390 3,731,405,640 2,221,309,280 2,214, 696,680 342,469,900 341,492,250 265,007,000 264, 081,800 46, 942, 500 46, 763, 500 91,083,000 90,804,000 1, 540, 000 1, 540,000 2, 320, 000 2, 310,000 8,486,901,460 8,465, 785,460 w 1, 367,800 10,764, 750 6, 612,600 977, 650 925, 200 179,000 279, 000 10,000 21,116,000 o o Balance on hand C O M B I N E D M U T I L A T E D F E D E R A L RESERVE NOTES, BY DENOMINATIONS, R E C E I V E D AND D E S T R O Y E D SINCE ORGANIZATION OF BANKS AND ON HAND I N VAULT OCT. 31, 1937, BOTH SERIES Total received Total destroyed __ $7, 091, 022, 610 7, 089, 611, 560 $9, 701, 738,680 9,690,911,430 1,411,050 10,827,250 Balance on hand $8,238 043,240 $1, 595, 721, 650 $1, 119,626,600 8,231 292,740 1 594 679 450 1, 118,598,700 6 750,500 1, 042 200 1,027,900 $177 844 000 177 648 000 $362 130, 000 361, 822, 000 196 000 308, 000 $77, 470, 000 $186, 230,000 $28, 549, 826 780 470, 000 186, 220, 000 28,528, 253, 880 10,000 21, 572 900 NOTE.—During the fiscal year Nov. 1,1936, to Oct. 31,1937, badly mutilated, burned, and fractional parts of Federal Reserve notes amounting to $66,482; new series, $61,565; ]tf series, $4,907; Federal Reserve bank notes, 1929 series, $10, have been identified, valued, and the bank of issue determined. H O 1-3 w d a j to Oi TABLE N O . 31.—Aggregate amount of Federal Reserve bank notes, old series, printed, issued, cancelled and redeemed by denominations, since fcO inauguration of Federal Reserve System, and amount outstanding Oct. 31, 1937 g£ VAULT BALANCE OCT. 31,1937 Twos Ones Total printed Total issued and cancelled - Total on hand Fives Tens Twenties Fifties Total $478,892,000 478,892, 000 $136, 232, 000 136,232, 000 $132,500,000 132,500,000 $24,040,000 24,040,000 $14,080,000 14,080,000 $2,600,000 2,600,000 $788,344, 000 788, 344,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $16,440,000 16,391,025 $9,760,000 9, 716,010 48,975 43,990 ISSUED, R E D E E M E D , AND O U T S T A N D I N G OCT. 31 1937 Total issued . Total redeemed . __ Total outstanding . __ _ _. _. __ _ _- $478,892,000 477,337, 753 1,554,247 $135,192,000 $121,460,000. 00 134, 822,458 121,226, 222.50 369, 542 233, 777.50 $200,000 $761,944,000.00 191, 650 759, 685,118. 50 8,350 o o 2, 258,881. 50 w H O Q TABLE NO. 31 A.—Aggregate amount of Federal Reserve bank notes, series 1929, printed, shipped, and on hand; issued, retired, and outstanding; received for destruction by denominations, during the period Mar. 10, 1933 {date of first shipment), to Oct. 31, 1937, under terms of sec. 18, Federal Reserve Act, as amended Mar. 9, 1933 VAULT BALANCE OCT. 31,1937 Fives Total printed Total shipped Total on hand _ _ -- _- - Tens Twenties One hundreds Fifties $126,300,000 72,860,000 $216,720,000 118, 720,000 $269, 280, 000 143, 920, 000 $138,600,000 61, 400, 000 $160,800,000 64,000, 000 53,440, 000 98, 000,000 125, 360,000 77, 200, 000 96, 800, 000 g Total $911, 700,000 460,900,000 450, 800, 000 ISSUED, R E T I R E D , AND OUTSTANDING OCT. 31, 1937 Total issued. Total retired Total outstanding W $64, 985, 500 63, 528,340 $79,918,000 74,362,670 $87, 384, 000 74, 884, 540 $19, 415, 250 15, 572, 600 $33. 200, 500 23, 176,700 $284, 903, 250 251, 524,850 1, 457,160 5, 555,330 12, 499,460 3, 842, 650 10, 023, 800 33, 378, 400 M U T I L A T E D F E D E R A L RESERVE BANK NOTES, SERIES 1929, BY DENOMINATIONS, R E C E I V E D AND DESTROYED DURING T H E PERIOD MAR. 10, 1933 (DATE OF FIRST S H I P M E N T ) , TO OCT. 31, 1937 Fives Bank Tens Twenties s One hundreds Fifties o K 3 O tr1 Total o Boston __ New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco . _ - . .__. _. Total received Total destroyed . __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ I, 993,490 9,362, 780 1,332,975 2,489, 205 2,085,110 2,698, 715 1,457,130 $4,196,840 8,396,120 5,103,380 5,161,070 1, 027,900 2, 273, 300 5,480, 720 9, 630,910 1,193,830 4,300, 610 2, 752,090 2, 549,950 $7,430,880 10,900, 600 2, 849, 820 4, 575,940 3, 094, 720 1,307, 960 5, 502,100 117, 560 1, 555, 500 2, 417,180 3, 325, 800 5,125,280 46, 497, 490 46,497,490 52, 066, 720 52, 066, 720 48, 203,340 48, 203, 340 0 0 $6, 721,725 3,855,335 8, 325, 230 6,175, 795 . . _.- 0 $4,302, IQQ $4,183,100 888, 650 731,000 2, 323, 300 $18, 349,445 31, 637, 255 16, 278, 430 17, 532,455 4,122, 620 5, 574, 750 22, 668,900 11,081,445 5, 238, 535 8, 802, 900 9, 273, 755 9,132, 360 139, 850 357, 300 5,330, 600 5, 330, 600 7, 594, 700 7, 594, 700 159, 692. 850 159,692; 850 0 0 0 TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure Report No. Organization 469 887 .9091 L918 919 i 928 1027 1031 1108 1110 1115 1128 1156 1157 1201 1214 1222 1231 1242 1259 1261 1265 1276 1277 1280 1284 1285 1287 1292 1294 Name and location of bank Farmers & Drovers National Bank, Waynesburg, Pa National Bank of Commerce, Pierre, S. Dak.9 Georgia National Bank, Athens, Ga.» Burgettstown National Bank, Burgettstown, Pa.9 First National Bank, Selma, N. C.9 9 _ First National Bank, St. Cloud, Minn. National Farmers Bank, Owatonna, Minn Farmers9 & Merchants National Bank, Merced, Calif. First National Bank, Allegan, Mich.8 Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Mount Morris, Pa.9 First National Bank, Dunbar, Pa.9._ First National Bank, Columbia City, Ind.9 First National Bank, Bishop, Calif Citizens National Bank, Waynesburg, Pa.9 Astoria National Bank, Astoria, Oreg.9 First National Bank, Bristow, Okla First National Bank, Arcadia, Ind.88 ._. First National Bank, Dublin, Ga. . 9 _ Fourth National Bank, Macon, Ga. _ First Exchange National Bank, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 9 Minneapolis National Bank, Minneapolis, Kans.6 First National Bank, Avon Park, Fla.99.._ First National Bank, Sandersville, Ga. National Bank of Emmetsburg, Emmetsburg, Iowa.9 Peoples National Bank, Adena, Ohio9 First National Bank, Lakeland, Fla. ... First National Bank, Auburndale, Fla.9 First National Bank, Shinnston, W. Va Polk County National Bank in Bartow, Fla.9 National Bank of Newberry, Newberry, S. C Charter No. Date 30,1865 13,1890 14,1902 25,1879 7,1915 25,1882 29,1893 $150,000 75,000 100,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 80,000 $597, 750 139,048 716,000 444,500 11,400 401,000 199,200 10352 Jan. 4,1913 1829 May 11,1871 100,000 50,000 26,000 272,050 839 4279 6525 2408 10739 2790 4928 Jan. Feb. Oct. Jan. May Sept. May Capital Total dividends paid d u r ing existence as a national banking association Failures Capital $200,000 100,000 400,000 100,000 30,000 250,000 75,000 Receiver appointed Dec. Feb. Apr. May May June Sept. 12,1906 11,1925 17,1925 14,1925 16,1925 24,1925 10,1926 100,000 Sept. 23,1926 50, 000 Feb. 18,1927 Lawful money deposited $100,000 79,500 200,000 98,400 8,800 74, 550 Circulation outstanding at date of failure Total deposits at date of failure $100,000 $1,126,045 79,500 200,000 998,869 98,400 70,000 8,800 72,847 402,890 81,099 74,550 $1,131,990 1,073,294 1,418, 519 1,724,366 199,987 1,889,085 1,446,671 229,029 117, 049 1,128,135 581, 948 26,150 240,564 98,484 38,934 638,851 1,673,000 310,068 366,597 1,010,834 719,199 4,080,072 2, 242,061 548,130 173,740 893,686 7,690,486 68,000 115,800 199,616 1,018,391 525,118 345,432 231,649 105, 673 159,150 52,675 73, 656 494, 531 84,118 701,118 498,265 1, 907,478 289,053 840,213 1,046,039 1,108,313 46, 900 46,900 6983 7576 7132 10999 4267 4403 6260 9488 6374 8365 Sept. Jan. Feb. Nov. Jan. Aug. Apr. July May Aug. 22,1903 20,1905 2,1904 21,1916 15,1890 9,1890 29,1902 8,1909 3,1902 2,1906 25,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 250,000 29,000 61,000 171,000 126,000 1, 565,000 297,354 202, 500 15,000 461,000 701,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 50, 000 500, 000 200,000 50,000 25,000 200,000 500,000 Feb. Mar. Mar. Aug. Aug. Feb. Apr. July Sept. Nov. 21,1927 7,1927 31,1927 15,1927 17,1927 24,1928 25,1928 3,1928 24,1928 26,1928 24, 500 48,100 94, 200 24,500 48,100 94,200 275,000 275,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 100, 000 7120 3731 10826 7934 Jan. June Feb. Aug. 14,1904 14,1887 10,1916 15,1905 100,000 60,000 25,000 42,000 71,000 231, 600 104,000 154,880 100, 000 60,000 100, 000 50, 000 Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. 19,1929 9,1929 18,1929 14,1929 100,000 60,000 16,250 25,000 100,000 60,000 16, 250 25,000 13059 6016 9811 12983 9453 13309 1844 Apr. Aug. June Aug. June Apr. May 5,1927 8,1901 9,1910 17,1926 14,1909 1,1929 6,1871 60,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 45,000 200,000 50,000 86,687 206,000 3,000 123, 750 60,000 50,000 100, 000 50,000 90, 000 200,000 100, 000 Mar. 15,1929 Apr. 13,1929 May 15,1929 do _ May 22,1929 June 28,1929 July 1,1929 25,000 25,666 44,400 44,400 98,600 98, 600 705, 500 Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure 93, 312 44,000 o o W Q First National Bank, St. Augustine, Fla.9 First National Bank, Taylorville, 111.9. First National Bank, New Bern, N. C— First National Bank, Grundy, Va_._ Carolina National Bank, Spartanburg, S. C First National Bank, Greeley, Nebr.9 9__ First National Bank, Samson, Ala. First National Bank, Seward, Pa.9___ Dothan National Bank, Dothan Ala— First National Bank, Humphrey, Nebr.» Texas National Bank, Fort Worth, Tex... First National Bank, Northwood, N. Dak First National Bank, Gaffney, S. C American National Bank, Kewanna, Ind Commercial National Bank, Chatsworth, 111 First National Bank, Wanette, Okla.9 Pana National Bank, Pana, 111 Saunders Co. National Bank, Wahoo, Nebr. 9 .... First National Bank, Pineville, W. Va First National Bank, Jasper, Fla.9 National Loan & Exchange Bank, Greenwood, S.C. First National Bank, St. Petersburg, 9Fla.9 First National Bank in Poultney, Vt. Union National Bank, Connellsville, 9Pa First National Bank in Fresno, Calif. National Bank of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Ark._. Citizens National Bank, Connellsville,9 Pa Citizens National Bank, Galion, Ohio First National Bank, McLeansboro, 111.9 Port Newark National Bank, Newark, N. J Clymer National Bank, Clymer, Pa.9 Farmers National Bank, Wilkinson, Ind.» 9 First National Bank, Altus, Okla. City National Bank, Spur, Tex.9 First National Bank, Martinsville, 111.9 First National Bank, Perry, Fla Old First National Bank, Farmer City, Ill.i First National Bank, Auburn, Wash.9 Peoples National Bank, Brookneal, Va Quincy-Ricker National Bank & Trust Co., Quincy, 111 Holston-Union National Bank, Knoxville, Tenn_. National Bank of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky First National Bank, West Salem, 111.9 City National Bank, Spokane, Wash.1 • American National Bank, Asheville, 9N. C_ First National Bank, Campbell, Mo. Citizens National Bank, Hendersonville, N. C First National Bank, Benton, 111 See footnotes at end of table. 3462 3579 13298 11698 12146 7622 8028 11899 5909 5337 12371 5980 5064 10616 5519 6641 6734 3118 7672 7757 7027 Feb. 16,1886 Oct. 9,1886 Mar. 18,1929 Apr. 19,1920 Jan. 16,1922 Feb. 3,1905 Dec. 22,1906 Dec. 21,1920 July 6.1901 Apr. 16.1900 M a y 3,1923 Aug. 28.1901 Mar. 11,1897 Apr. 21.1914 July 14,1900 Feb. 6,1903 Apr. 14,1903 Jan. 3,1884 Mar. 6,1905 Jan. 17,1905 Sept. 16.1903 50,000 75,000 150, 000 50,000 200, 000 25, 000 25, 000 25,000 50, 000 25, 000 300, 000 25,000 50, 000 25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 55, 000 25, 00C 30, 000 50, 000 807,900 657, 290 7730 13261 6408 11473 10768 6452 1984 6649 12946 9898 9279 7159 10703 6721 7865 4958 Apr. 26,1905 Nov. 12,1928 Aug. 9.1902 Sept. 29,1919 Aug. 12.1915 Sept. 12.1902 Mar. 20,1872 Apr. 4,1902 M a y 5,1926 Oct. 10,1910 Nov. 2,1908 Feb. 15.1904 Feb. 4,1915 Mar. 17.1903 July 11.1905 M a y 14,1894 25, 000 100,000 50, 000 200,000 100,000 25, 000 60,000 25, 000 200,000 25,000 25, 000 30,000 40,000 25,000 25, 000 50,000 927, 750 8,000 26, 50C 18,000 185, 000 170,000 383,400 113,000 10585 July 10,1914 11960 Aug. 7,1920 50,000 50,000 155, 000 1,500 3752 4648 5312 9338 12418 8772 6885 10734 6136 June Oct. Apr. Dec. July May Apr. Apr. Jan. 7,1887 13,1891 23,1900 12,1908 3,1923 15,1907 4,1903 21,1915 11,1902 54, 000 83, 250 127,000 3,500 798, 683 67, 270 237, 369 90, 750 380, 000 8,500 100,100 75, 250 133, 500 181, 950 25, 500 49,085 152,000 41,000 32, 50C 214, 800 44, 200 54,125 125, 500 194, 500 130,000 July 25,1929 200, 000 Oct. 18,1929 150,000 Oct. 26,1929 50, 000 Dec. 13,1929 200, 000 Dec. 30,1929 25, 000 .. _do 100. 000 Jan. 8,1930 25, 000 Jan. 10,1930 400, 000 Jan. 30,1930 35,000 do 500, 000 Feb. 4,1930 50, 000 Feb. 5,1930 150, 000 Feb. 17,1930 25,000 Feb. 25,1930 40, 000 Mar. 8,1930 25,000 Mar. 24,1930 100, 000 Apr. 1,1930 50,000 Apr. 22,1930 25, 000 M a y 1,1930 30, 000 M a y 13,1930 100,000 M a y 16,1930 600,000 100,000 50,000 400,000 100,000 100, 000 100,000 50,000 200, 000 75,000 25,000 60, 000 40,000 25,000 50,000 65,000 June June July July July July Aug. 9,1930 20,1930 3,1930 7,1930 21,1930 31,1930 4,1930 do \U2 » 1930 Aug. 22,1930 Sept. 19,1930 Sept. 26,1930 Oct. 7,1930 Oct. 11,1930 Oct. 25,1930 do 75,000 Oot 28 1930 50,000 Oct. 31,1930 500,000 Nov. 10,1930 100,000 450,! 750,000 Nov. 12,1930 100,000 1, 607,303 1, 645, 000 9, 885, 550 4, 000,000 Nov. 17,1930 25, 000 Nov. 18,1930 25,000 22, 750 200,000 Nov. 20,1930 200,000 50, 000 200, 000 Nov. 21,1930 300, 000 154, 500 40, 000 Nov. 24,1930 30,000 54, 400 100, 000 Nov. 28,1930 50,000 71,000 100,000 Dec, 2,1930 210, 250 25, 0001 98, 550 23,900 50,000 130,000 98, 550 23,900 50, 000 7,000 12,500 8,320 7,000 12, 500 8,320 130,000 9,980 484,940 24,460 37, 497 25, 000 39,280 6,300 100,000 24,460 25, 000 29, 040 100,000 623,197 285,920 328,103 61,920 145,000 57,475 53,083 15, 000 303,570 67,965 9,980 484, 940 1,171,161 71,933 24,460 170,000 37,497 17,114 25,000 58,010 39, 280 28,807 6,300 100,000 111, 260 24,460 247,491 25,000 24,408 29, 040 32,390 100,000 90,353 48,438 50,000 200,000 98,920 100,000 58,740 25, 000 48, 438 50,000 200,000 98,920 100,000 58, 740 25,000 75, 000 25, 000 25,000 9,040 25,000 50,000 75, 000 25, 000 25,000 9,040 25, 000 50,000 929, 725 86, 523 470,000 485,000 224, 700 198,547 112, 726 15,666 23,057 132,194 114, 964 8,925 46,916 65, 262 46,996 80,169 586, 680 500,000 500,000 742,198 742,198 1, 774, 450 2, 500,000 2, 500,000 7,083,021 24, 815 24, 815 40, 563 200,000 150,000 150,000 412,051 7,200 7,200 48,000 49, 580 49, 580 249,081 97,720 97, 720 368, 579 1, 649,312 1,023,437 1,472,945 159,202 927,503 251,187 84,378 157,319 970, 705 264, 580 6, 362, 097 221,828 1, 261,844 208,100 319, 205 272,906 674,920 469, 076 256,931 161,344 988,433 4,336,700 764,122 747, 648 3, 348, 725 1, 599, 482 2, 582,278 906,948 480,325 586,763 676, 769 141,893 447,432 184,464 298, 702 392,610 W O O 3 H 745,494 342,198 3, 564,347 11,162,384 26,966, 990 223,941 50,536 1,949,431 109,663 1,075, 536 1,119, 568 Q to CO TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Report No. Organization Name and location of bank 1439 1444 1448 1450 First National Bank, Rector, Ark.9 First National National Bank, 111N. C First Bank, Marion, Charlotte, Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Tyrone, PaAmerican National Bank, Redfield, S. Dak Benton County National Bank, Bentonville, Ark Union National Bank, Fairmont, W. Va 9 First National Bank, Caruthersville, Mo. _. .First National Bank, Capac, Mich.9, 8 First National Bank, Ridgeway, Mo. . ._ City National Bank in Miami, Fla9 _. First National Bank, Augusta, 111. 9 First National Bank, Ladonia, Tex. First National Bank, Sesser, 111 First National Bank, Greenwood, Miss._ First National Bank, Connersville, Ind- National Bank of Goldsboro, Goldsboro, N. CA_ Interstate National Bank, Helena, Ark.. Merchants & Planters National Bank, Dillwyn, Va Lawrence Ave. National Bank, Chicago, Ill__ First National Bank, Floyd, Iowa 9 First National Bank, Corning, Ark.i National Bank of Wilkes at Washington, Ga City National Bank, Bessemer, Ala_ First National Bank, Rogers, Ark. __ 9 First National Bank, Brookhaven, Miss. --- __. First National Bank, Brookfield, Mo.9 Howard National Bank, Kokomo, Ind.1 Planters National Bank, Clarksdale, Miss_ ,. 9 Anoka National Bank, Anoka, Minn. .. First National Bank, Clinton, S. C.9 ._ Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Sheridan, Ind 1452 1456 1457 1462 1463 1468 1470 1471 1475 1476 1477 1479 1481 1484 1488 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1500 1501 1502 1505 1506 1513 Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association 10853 Apr. 17,1916 4502 Dec. 27,1890 1547 Aug. 26,1865 $25,000 50,000 50,000 $24,750 378,000 2,090,000 6499 8125 8135 9645 10784 10631 6549 13159 6751 4311 8758 7216 1034 5048 11234 Nov. Feb. Feb. Jan. Sept. Sept. Dec. Dec. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Feb. Apr. July 19,1902 16,1906 28,1906 10,1910 17,1915 17,1914 12,1902 23,1927 13,1903 26,1890 25,1907 2,1904 13,1865 28,1896 23,1918 60,000 30,000 60, 000 150, 000 50,000 25,000 30,000 500,000 60,000 50,000 25, 000 250,000 100,000 50,000 200,000 162,400 85,200 179,400 242,429 68, 250 51,750 139,800 11501 12873 9821 7311 8848 11905 7789 10494 12820 2375 12222 3000 8041 Oct. Jan. June June July Dec. May Feb. Sept. Nov. June May Jan. 27,1919 11,1926 16,1910 7,1904 25,1907 6,1920 19,1905 17,1914 5,1925 28,1877 10,1922 26,1883 8,1906 50,000 200,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 100,000 50,000 13050 M a r . 9,1927 40,000 99,000 315, 216 47, 250 862, 500 727, 250 234,000 285,000 13, 500 21,500 122, 700 131, 205 61,476 130, 500 131,000 827,000 140,000 146, 500 112,085 Failures Capital Receiver appointed $25,000 Dec. 100,000 Dec. 300,000 Dec. Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure Total deposits at date of failure 3,1930 5,1930 8,1930 $24, 520 96, 995 299,980 $24, 520 96, 995 299,980 $51,730 214,000 523,250 $193,204 1, 567,657 1, 671, 709 150,000 40,000 60,000 420,000 50,000 25,000 60,000 500,000 60,000 100,000 25,000 250,000 200,000 100,000 250,000 Dec. 12,1930 do Dec. 16,1930 do Dec. 18,1930 Dec. 19,1930 Dec. 23,1930 . _ do do Dec. 26,1930 do Dec. 27,1930 Dec. 30,1930 do Jan. 3,1931 100,000 40,000 58, 500 194,960 46, 580 9,280 100,000 40,000 58, 500 194,960 46, 580 9,280 35,000 35,000 6,260 236, 380 197,000 6,260 236,380 197,000 84,935 34,026 159,185 696, 759 35,199 39,137 18, 000 362,960 38, 590 29,185 43,000 678,828 79,508 36, 527 337,108 362,750 533,474 791,374 2,474,918 449,850 421,434 87,181 5,996, 970 299,969 256,384 231,184 1, 454,676 1,117,419 329,045 1, 636,678 50,000 200,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 50,000 100,000 Jan. 9,1931 Jan. 9,1931 do__ .- — Jan. 12,1931 do -._ do Jan. 13,1931 do Jan. 22,1931 do Jan. 26,1931 Jan. 27,1931 do._ 191, 300 24,700 191,300 24,700 151,325 633, 079 170,653 48,915 93,700 48,320 74, 998 19, 460 48, 915 93,700 48, 320 74,998 19, 460 322,962 605, 272 561,673 912, 728 121,516 95,500 12,500 94,660 95, 500 12,500 94,660 39,044 124, 950 9,974 125, 547 44, 310 107,050 74,700 142, 758 8,705 716,994 1, 040,997 24,191 33,499 68, 027 348,777 50,000 Feb. 9,1931 846,655 615,068 269,679 3 o o I o H Cj j Peoples National Bank, Osceola Mills, Pa Clinton National Bank, Clinton, M o . . First National Bank, Connellsville, Pa.i 9 First National Bank, Panama City, 9Fla_ First National Bank, Republic, Pa. First National Bank, Hartselle, Ala9 First National Bank, Jackson, Miss. _ National Bank of Thurmond, Thurmond, W. Va. First National Bank, Fairchance, Pa National Bank of Toronto, Toronto, Ohio Lincoln National Bank, Avella, Pa American National Bank, Paris, Tex Citizens National Bank, Wilmington, Ohio 9 First National Bank, Stone, Ky Coolville National Bank, Coolville, Ohio First National Bank, Portage, Pa Central National Bank, Ellsworth, Kans First National Bank, Rockwell, Iowa 9 First National Bank, Worthington, W. Va.9_ National Bank of Norton, Norton, Va First National Bank, Oak Park, 111.9 Austin National Bank, Chicago, 111 Orangeburg National Bank, Orangeburg, S. C.1.. Woodlynne National Bank, Woodlynne, N.9 J.9_. First-Rempel National Bank, Logan, Ohio Second National Bank, Altoona, Pa Monongahela National Bank, Brownsville, Pa__. First National Bank, Richwood, Ohio 9_. First National Bank, Masontown, Pa Central National Bank & Trust Co., St. Petersburg, Fla.9 Old National City Bank, Lima, Ohio National Bank of Kinston, Kinston, N. C.9 First National Bank, Kinston, N . C.9 Farmers National Bank, Hickory, Pa Overbrook National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa Albany Park National Bank & Trust Co., Chicago, 111 Farmers National Bank, Pomeroy, Wash Citizens National Bank, Odessa, Tex__ First National Bank, Holton, Kans. 9 Iron National Bank, Ironwood, Mich First National Bank, Smithfield, Pa McCartney National Bank, Green9 Bay, Wis First National Bank, Fowler, Ind. First National Bank, Irvona, Pa Citizens National Bank, Warren, Pa First National Bank, Smithfield, Ohio 1 Washington Park National Bank, Chicago, I1L_. Inland-Irving National Bank, Chicago, 111 See footnotes at end of table. 11966 7806 2329 10346 10466 8067 3332 8998 8245 8826 7854 8542 8251 11890 8175 7367 3447 1021 10450 9746 11507 10337 10674 12894 7649 2781 648 9199 5441 Mar. Apr. Mar. Feb. Nov. Jan. Mar. Dec. Apr. July May Jan. May Dec. Mar. July Jan. June Apr. Apr. Oct. Feb. Dec. Feb. Jan. Aug. Dec. Jan. May 23,1921 29.1905 25,1876 26,1913 7,1913 15.1906 14.1885 30.1907 21.1906 30.1907 19,1905 23.1907 2,1906 3,1920 8,1906 18.1904 13.1886 11.1912 14.1913 25,1910 31,1919 7,1913 24.1914 15,1926 24.1905 19,1882 10,1864 24.1908 10,1900 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 30, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 50, 000 25, 000 50, 000 25, 000 150, 000 60, 000 50, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 25, 000 30, 000 25, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 25, 000 50, 000 100,000 200, 000 25, 000 25, 000 133, 500 435, 000 904, 500 58, 250 124, 500 100, 000 50,000 200, 000 250, 000 50, 000 100, 000 200. 000 50, 000 25, 000 100, 000 100, 000 150, 000 100, 000 50, 000 25, 000 60, 000 100, 000 25, 000 30, 000 50, 000 100, 000 250, 000 200, 000 50, 000 100, 000 125, 000 100, 000 40, 000 100, 000 7796 8701 9044 9085 7405 12573 Apr. Mar. Feb. Feb. Aug. July 18,1905 29,1907 14,1908 25,1908 17,1904 1,1924 25, 000 125,000 100, 000 100.000 25,000 300, 000 361,000 370, 667 281, 600 340, 500 61,450 118, 500 300, 000 300, 000 120, 000 125,000 90,000 500,000 Apr. 21,1931 Apr. 29,1931 M a y 1,1931 do M a y 6,1931 M a y 15,1931 Apr. July Mar. Sept. Sept. Jan. June May Oct. Feb. June June 10179 Apr. 13,1920 19,1919 29,1906 27,1883 2,1919 14,1903 30,1892 23,1900 12,1917 8,1875 24,1864 21,1888 18,1912 200,000 105,000 5,000 50,000 130, 700 25,000 324, 700 50,000 96, 000 100,000 25, 000 101, 250 50, 000 1, 036, 584 151,850 25,000 27, 000 25, 000 50, 000 431, 667 447, 575 63, 000 50,000 1, 098, 942 313, 250 100, 000 300,000 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 100, 000 75, 000 500, 000 75,000 25, 000 125, 000 100,000 600, 000 525, 000 M a y 19,1931 do do M a y 23,1931 M a y 26,1931 M a y 27,1931 M a y 29,1931 June 2,1931 do June 4,1931 June 5,1931 June 9,1931 do 11737 11416 8169 3061 11469 6642 4783 5430 11115 2226 501 3916 14, 500 130, 500 400, 000 313, 950 32, 500 190, 333 724, 500 99, 000 22, 750 102, 000 54, 750 328, 500 171, 500 28, 500 41, 250 100, 475 349, 250 23, 250 30, 900 53, 250 1,000 166, 500 155, 000 Feb. 10,1931 do Feb. 12,1931 .do. Feb. 13,1931 Feb. 16,1931 d Feb. 18,1931 Feb. 26,1931 .do. M a r . 7,1931 Mar. 9,1931 do Mar. 17,1931 Mar. 18,1931 Mar. 25,1931 Mar. 30,1931 do Mar. 31,1931 do Apr. 1,1931 Apr. 6,1931 Apr. 9,1931 Apr. 11,1931 Apr. 16,1931 .do. do Apr. 17,1931 Apr. 18,1931 29, 340 48, 380 29, 340 48, 380 25, 000 90, 220 25, 000 90, 220 48, 500 24, 700 100, 000 24, 700 94, 960 97, 420 9,040 18, 700 25,000 25, 000 18, 270 29. 220 50, 000 48, 500 24, 700 100, 000 24, 700 94, 960 97, 420 9,040 18, 700 25, 000 25, 000 18, 270 29, 220 50, 000 24, 700 24,700 45, 000 104, 000 235, 026 151,943 136, 239 266,860 56, 889 30, 000 165,460 21, 625 279, 703 89, 308 49, 500 47, 728 57, 500 148, 514 12,000 33, 650 74, 245 348, 047 421, 017 672,638 151, 829 447, 841 1, 957, 807 242,459 344, 486 752, 806 849,299 960, 388 566, 471 378, 320 298, 788 749, 845 958, 087 177,137 156, 448 203, 502 395, 788 2,116, 813 47, 780 48,140 98,140 38, 500 98, 800 508,107 498, 39f 56,427 110, 250 724, 809 66, 000 39, 500 285, 031 245. 354 769, 937 2,158, 821 4,454,324 357, 035 1, 631, 948 150,000 24, 340 24,400 24, 635 150, 000 150, 000 24, 340 24, 400 24, 635 150, 000 42, 532 349, 878 180, 931 235. 938 15, 000 753,847 2, 602, 558 2,149, 631 714,382 623, 322 537, 618 2, 528, 547 200, 000 19,460 32, 360 200,000 19,460 32, 360 515,600 91, 750 54, 968 63, 576 24, 294 70, 000 314,479 38,410 55,000 45,100 50, 517 1, 700, 609 132, 744 424,875 403,898 502, 305 448, 347 2, 089,423 296,451 248, 004 933, 649 901,957 7, 521, 346 4,169, 504 47, 780 48,140 98,140 38. 500 98; 800 100, 000 50, 000 249,995 14, 520 5,960 96, 220 100, 000 50, 000 249,995 14, 520 5,960 96, 220 500, 000 296, 760 500, 000 296, 760 o o §1 tr1 f Q d to TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, to capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United to States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Organization Name and location of bank Manufacturers National Bank & Trust Co., Rockfort, 111 Mahaffey National Bank, Mahaffey, Pa First National Bank, St. Clair Shores, Mich Security National Bank, Rockford, 111 Peoples National Bank, Delmont, Pa First National Bank, Downers Grove,9111 First National Bank, Chillicothe, Mo. Planters National Bank, Saluda, S. C Waukegan National Bank, Waukegan, 111 Kingwood National Bank, Kingwood, W.9 Va._Citizens National Bank, Jenkintown, Pa. First National Bank, Watseka, 111.9 Peoples National Bank of Winston, WinstonSalem, N. C.9 First National Bank, Morrisonville,8 111.9 First National Bank, Bagley, Iowa First National Bank, Blisfcfield, Mich.9 First National Bank, Darborn, Mich First National Bank, Royal Oak, Mich First National Bank, Begges, Okla.9 First National Bank, Mechanicville, N. Y.9 Boston National Bank, South Boston, Va Second National Bank, New Hampton, Iowa Will County National Bank, Joliet, 111 Floyd County National Bank, Floydada, Tex.9_ Third National Bank, New London, Ohio 9 Greenville National Bank, Greenville, 9Mich First National Bank, Greensboro, Ala. First National Bank, Beaverdale, Pa First National Bank, Ripley, N. Yr Oconto National Bank, Oconto, W is Union City National Bank, Union City, N. J__. National Bank of North Hudson at Union City, N.J Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association 3952 7610 12661 11731 9996 9725 3686 10802 10355 6332 12530 1721 Nov. 20,1888 Dec. 27,1904 Feb. 16,1925 M a y 3,1920 Mar. 24,1911 Jan. 31,1910 Jan. 22,1887 Nov. 11,1915 Mar. 7,1913 July 3,1902 Apr. 18,1924 Aug. 27,1870 $125,000 35,000 50,000 200,000 25,000 35,000 50,000 30,000 100, 000 25, 000 150,000 50,000 $842,470 111, 000 16,500 70,000 - 27,750 148,075 323,500 64,900 213, 500 39,250 1,500 439, 764 4292 6745 6995 11813 12989 12657 6868 3171 8414 7607 1882 12692 10101 11843 5693 11317 6386 3541 12749 Mar. 24,1890 Mar. 18,1903 Oct. 5,1903 Aug. 3,1920 Aug. 17,1926 Feb. 26,1925 June 22,1903 Mar. 6,1884 Oct. 10,1906 Jan. 3,1905 Aug. 4,1871 Apr. 18,1925 Sept. 29,1911 Sept. 11,1920 Jan. 15,1901 Mar. 1,1919 Aug. 9,1902 July 15,1886 M a y 22,1925 100,000 25, 000 25,000 60,000 150, 000 100,000 25, 000 50,000 50, 000 50, 000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 25, 000 50,000 100,000 296, 500 65,855 62, 500 43,200 9,000 9867 Sept. 19,1910 100,000 40, 500 170, 500 159, 500 246,250 793,000 31,000 52,000 28,000 263,000 39,000 79, 000 197, 700 500,700 Failures Capital Receiver appointed June 16,1931 do June 17,1931 June 18,1931 do CirculaLawful tion outstanding money at date deposited . of failure $19G, 760 47,420 30,000 197,060 9,760 35,000 98,800 $196, 760 47, 420 30,000 197,060 9,760 35,000 98,800 do 250,000 June 23,1931 25,000 June 27,1931 150,000 June 29,1931 250,000 250,000 94,120 48 980 do.... _ . „ do July 3,1931 do... . . . do do. July 9,1931 do July 10.1931 July 14,1931 July 15,1931 July 17,1931 July 20,1931 July 21,1931 do July 28,1931 July 30,1931 Aug. 3,1931 Aug. 6,1931 150, 000 25,000 19,520 58,380 48,200 47, 360 24,280 48, 500 189,440 100. 000 198, 500 94,120 48, 980 150, 000 25, 000 19, 520 58,380 48, 200 47,360 24,280 48, 500 189,440 100,000 198, 500 $500,000 50,000 50,000 200, 000 25,000 100,000 100. 000 ioo; ooo 50,000 150,000 50,000 25,000 60,000 150,000 150,000 25.000 50,000 200,000 100, 000 200,000 50,000 50, 000 50,000 100,000 50,000 25, 000 60, 000 300,000 600,000 J u n e 19,1931 J u n e 22,1931 .do. do 50,555 50,000 38, 240 48, 320 25, 000 59, 460 50,000 50, 000 38,240 48, 320 25,000 59, 460 140,000 140,000 Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure $200,055 44,810 10, 000 158, 500 25,651 184,084 62,135 163, 501 35, 650 141,870 24,450 236,123 43, 224 24,404 97,986 75, 660 35, 576 24,997 325,760 214,000 73,538 20, 328 31,850 157, 384 42,000 44, 362 94, 318 70, 000 620,000 Total deposits at date of failure $4,237,013 574,955 676,110 1,908,707 313,986 928,952 790,465 421,164 2,870,921 201,808 384,791 288, 539 906.141 219,705 128,868 593,860 604,702 743,053 134,380 1,299,051 685,845 684, 980 2. 662,267 ' 281,128 237,026 168,085 503,293 522, 701 612,430 884,493 8,128,016 a o o E a o First National Bank, Boyne City, Mich First National Bank, Maryville, Mo Manufacturers National Bank, Mechanicville, N. Y__ Columbus National Bank, Columbus, Ohio 1 First National Bank, Polo, 111 First National Bank in Mount Vernon, S. Dak.. First National Bank, Colony, Kans. e _._ United States National Bank, Los Angeles, Calif. First National Bank, Wauseon, Ohio Farmers National Bank, Bridgewater, S. D a k . . . Peoples National Bank, Latrobe, Pa Queensboro National Bank of the City of New York, New York, N. Y The Farmers National Bank, Fairfax, S. Dak.9.. First National Bank, Lyons, Ga First National Bank, Vidalia, Ga First National Bank, Westbrook, Minn. 9 First National Bank, El Paso, Tex__ First National Bank at Smithfield, Ohio National Bank of Defiance, Defiance, Ohio First National Bank in Alexandria, S. Dak First National Bank, Eudora, Ark." Plainview National Bank, Plainview, Tex Rockaway Beach National Bank, New York, N. Y. Bank of Pittsburgh National Association, Pittsburgh, Pa Inkster National Bank, Inkster, Mich Rogers Park National Bank, Chicago, 111 Commercial National Bank & Trust Co., St. Joseph, Mich Alderson National Bank, Alderson, W. Va Highland National Bank, Pittsburgh,9 Pa First National Bank, Viborg, S. Dak. Ogden National Bank, Chicago, 111 First National Bank Fort Mills, S. C.» First National Bank, Bode, Iowa First National Bank, Hagerstown, Md First National Bank, Reed City, Mich Peoples National Bank, Pulaski, N . Y First National Bank, Orbisonia, Pa First National Bank Kewanee, 111 .._. Security National Bank, Bowie, Tex National City Bank, Ottawa, 111 First National Bank, Smithyille, Tex. 9 . _. Calumet National Bank, Chicago, 111 First National Bank, Colville, Wash. 9 Peoples National Bank, Point Marion, Pa Planters & Merchants First National Bank, South Boston, Va FirstNational Bank, Carterville, 111.9 See footnotes at end of table. 9020 Jan. 15,1908 Aug. 28,1884 50,000 100,000 37, 500 582, 074 273, 600 50,000 Aug. 7,1931 100,000 Aug. 10,1931 5037 12350 13497 13282 11531 7632 7091 7426 5744 Feb. Apr. Oct. Feb. Nov. Feb. Oct. Sept. Jan. 1,1896 2,1923 11,1930 8,1929 7,1919 11,1905 22,1903 28,1904 14,1901 60,000 500,000 50,000 25, 000 25,000 200,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 12398 13302 7979 9879 6412 2532 13171 13457 12611 12813 9802 12252 June Mar. Aug. June July May Jan. Apr. Oct. Aug. June June 11.1923 9,1929 30,1905 21,1910 15,1902 25,1881 17,1928 16; 1930 18.1924 15.1925 15,1910 21,1922 52,000 200,000 200, 000 Aug. 26,1931 25, 000 25, 000 do , 25,000 38, 500 25, 000 Sept. 3,1931 35, 000 63, 000 35, 000 do 25,000 64, 250 30, 000 Sept. 4,1931 50, 000 2, 614, 000 1, 000,000 . do 50,000 50, 000 Sept. 10,1931 150, 000 150, 000 do. . 50,000 4,000 50, 000 Sept. 11,1931 40,000 10,400 40,000 Sept. 12,1931 100, 000 92, 240 125, 000 Sept. 16,1931 200, 000 40, 000 200, 000 Sept. 19,1931 5225 Oct. 3,1899 12878 Dec. 16,1925 10305 Dec. 16,1912 100,000 500,000 50,000 2,500 25,000 12, 000 25, 000 740,000 1,000, 000 104, 750 50,000 55,000 25, 000 211,000 200,000 1, 200, 000 11,520,000 25,000 50, 000 161,500 do Aug. 11,1931 Aug. 12,1931 do Aug. 14,1931 Aug. 18,1931 Aug. 22,1931 Aug. 24,1931 do 3, 000, 000 Sept. 21,1931 25, 000 Sept. 23,1931 100, 000 Sept. 24,1931 50,000 96, 040 50,000 96,040 100,000 100,000 463,883 497, 746 25,000 25,000 275,000 500,000 29,837 40,806 43,125 50, 000 6,500 98,495 50,000 6,500 98,495 52,100 22,957 145,000 ~~~~434,~l78 124,769 83,147 7, 798,942 551,688 247,707 2,477,973 24, 640 25,000 34,860 25,000 700,000 49,700 150,000 24,640 25,000 34,860 25,000 700,000 49, 700 150,000 20,000 20,000 300,000 42,899 48, 501 99,903 42,770 895, 675 38,000 213,863 40,401 68,710 189,786 402, 500 1,982, 752 120,105 106, 533 236, 354 316, 254 7,623,905 274,677 1,115, 874 389,434 163,379 1, 671, 786 1, 757,118 7, 647, 325 50,000 50,000 328,178 43, 611,807 247,338 893,508 147,360 12,137 196,820 147,360 12,137 196,820 40,666 6, 250 148,080 50, 000 40,000 6,250 148,080 50,000 388, 700 25,000 50, 000 50,319 78,121 83, 015 8,287 451,318 68,482 112,000 74, 280 74, 280 5594 Sept. 15,1900 9523 July 19,1909 12414 July 16,1923 Dec. 6,1915 12480 Nov. 24,1923 9941 Feb. 21,1911 10371 Mar. 29,1913 1431 May 2,1865 4413 Aug. 26,1890 10788 Sept. 6,1915 8985 Jan. 2,1908 1785 Nov. 23,1870 12731 Jan. 28,1925 1465 June 26,1865 7041 Nov. 11,1903 3102 Dec. 20,1883 8104 Feb. 3,1906 9503 June 18,1909 50,000 25,000 200, 000 40,000 200,000 25,000 25, 000 69,070 50,000 50,000 25,000 75,000 100,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 25, 000 50, 000 210, 500 40,750 123,000 35, 500 67,000 53,80C 12, 750 959,000 308, 732 33,500 65, 250 633, 625 71,000 910, 500 105, 250 593, 500 83, 700 36,000 200, 000 25, 000 200, 000 40, 000 200, 000 40, 000 25, 000 150,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 125,000 50, 000 200,000 50, 000 400,000 60, 000 50, 000 Oct. 8,1931 _ do 23, 320 99, 520 58,140 49, 400 8643 Mar. 15,1907 7889 Aug. 10,1905 100,000 50,000 237, 750 83, 000 125, 000 Oct. 10,1931 50, 000 do 97,120 50, 000 Sept. 28,1931 do do Oct. 1,1931 do Oct. 1,1931 do Oct. 5,1931 do. do do Oct. 6,1931 do do . Oct. 7,1931 51,826 2,840,127 23, 320 99, 520 58,140 49, 400 228, 538 87,033 120,094 10,000 482,691 80,918 44, 650 2, 720,900 476,530 4,007,474 292, 267 498,397 214,181 87,412 2, 317,176 1,184, 725 548,207 477,839 1, 219, 269 141,119 1,025,009 238,999 2, 299, 269 651,861 373, 559 97,120 50, 000 344,299 62,000 1,366,935 287,441 O W O o 1-3 H 3 Q l to CO TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Organization Name and location of bank Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure to Total deposits at date of failure O H N a t i o n a l B a n k of F a y e t t e C o u n t y , U n i o n t o w n Pa M o s h a n n o n N a t i o n a l B a n k , Philipsburg, P a N a t i o n a l M o h a w k Valley B a n k , M o h a w k , N . Y . Farmers National B a n k , Leechburg, P a M a i n e Line National B a n k , W a y n e , P a First National B a n k , Hastings, N e b r First N a t i o n a l B a n k , Belington, W . Va First National B a n k , Fairview, W . Va. 9 First N a t i o n a l B a n k , Fort Stockton, Tex First N a t i o n a l B a n k , Chase City, Va Citizens N a t i o n a l B a n k , Vandergrift, P a First National B a n k , A u b u r n , N e b r 9 F a r m e r s & M e r c h a n t s N a t i o n a l B a n k , Webster, S. D a k H o u s t o n N a t i o n a l B a n k , D o t h a n , Ala. 9 First N a t i o n a l B a n k , Stewartville, M i n n . 9 G a r y National B a n k , Gary, W . Va First National B a n k , Anawalt, W . Va First National B a n k , Brunswick, M o . 9 First National B a n k , Isanti, M i n n . 9 First N a t i o n a l B a n k in Versailles, M o . 9 West Side Atlas National B a n k , Chicago, 111 First National B a n k , Elizabethton, T e n n W e s t m o n t National B a n k , W e s t m o n t , N . J First National B a n k , Roxboro, N . C First National B a n k , Erie, 111 Belvidere National B a n k , Belvidere, N . J. 9 L y o n C o u n t y N a t i o n a l B a n k , Rock R a p i d s , Iowa. 9 First N a t i o n a l B a n k , Cowen, W . Va First N a t i o n a l B a n k , Lake C i t y , Iowa. 9 First N a t i o n a l B a n k , T u r k e y , Tex. 9 First N a t i o n a l B a n k , B a l d w i n P a r k , Calif C i t y N a t i o n a l B a n k . H e r r i n . Ill 681 5066 1130 9290 12504 2528 6619 10219 9848 9291 7816 3343 Dec. May Apr. Sept. Jan. May Feb. June Aug. June May May 19,1864 3,1897 3,1865 14,1908 22,1924 23,1881 4,1903 8,1912 12,1910 23,1908 22,1905 12,1885 $65,000 $1,663,900 50,000 417, 000 150,000 555,750 50,000 72, 000 50,000 3,125 60,000 1, 447,240 30,000 57, 600 30,000 28, 500 25,000 11,000 50,000 179, 000 50,000 167, 500 50,000 276, 000 $500,000 Oct. 12,1931 150,000 do 100,000 .,do_. 50, 000 _do_. 50,000 200, 000 Oct. 13,1931 do 40,000 do 30, 000 50,000 do .do 100, 000 do 125,000 do 50,000 $200,000 148, 320 96,940 48,800 8559 7932 5330 13505 10392 4083 10554 13367 11009 9558 12519 11211 6951 1096 Oct. Sept. Apr. Dec. May July June Aug. May Aug. Mar. July July Apr. 27,1906 22,1905 11,1900 3,1930 2,1913 81889 1,1914 5,1929 , 5,1917 31,1909 311909 11,1924 10,1918 28,1903 10,1865 25,000 44,000 50,000 272,000 25,000 130, 500 100,000 25,000 91, 000 50,000 88, 250 25,000 25, 750 30,000 200,000 168,000 25,000 114, 750 25,000 3,750 50,000 76,100 25,000 180, 500 200,000 1, 459,000 50,000 Oct. 15,1931 do 150,000 do 50, 000 100,000 do 50, 000 do 50,000 Oct. 16,1931 25, 000 do 30,000 do 200, 000 do ... 75,000 Oct. 19,1931 25, 000 do. 150,000 _do_. 40, 000 .do., 100,000 .do.. 49, 040 122,737 24, 640 47,180 24, 640 12, 500 24, 700 30, 000 196, 820 50, 000 49, 040 122, 737 24,640 47,180 24, 640 12, 500 24, 700 30, 000 196,820 50; 000 38,920 38, 920 7089 10559 4966 11138 10685 8670 Dec. May June Jan. Dec. ADr. 15,1903 19,1914 21,1894 16,1918 30,1914 24.1907 224,000 75,000 Oct. 20,1931 25, 000 do 50,000 Oct. 22,1931 25, 000 do 35, 000 do 50. 000 do 74, 280 74, 280 48,800 48,800 '"49." 280 "~49.~280 75,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 50.000 147, 875 19, 955 44, 800 75. 500 147, 900 39,340 29, 460 24, 340 50,000 26, 960 49,338 $200,000 $1,107, 500 148, 320 95,750 96,940 174, 828 19,525 48,800 149, 484 456, 823 147, 900 37, 246 39,340 10, 000 29, 460 50,000 24,340 194, 216 50, 000 114,871 26, 960 76, 902 49, 338 $8, 931,863 1, 351, 249 902,789 584, 676 641, 322 1, 563,970 333, 548 285, 431 397,974 453, 412 1,239, 841 239,051 209,895 10, 000 105, 865 3,700 82, 276 36, 041 24,850 434,733 211, 774 13, 455 236, 985 45, 845 60, 000 520, 567 501,020 470, 719 560,275 192,873 209, 239 200, 036 228,482 1, 350, 284 1,061,410 367,017 285, 371 516,122 1, 841,833 70, 000 5,650 16, 707 93, 718 29, 247 94. 350 1,065,798 89, 084 321, 573 41,461 231, 514 711. 721 o o o H W d a Citizens National Bank, Prosperity, S. C.9 First National Bank, Newark, N . Y Exchange National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa Citizens National Bank, Kokomo, Ind Commercial National Bank, Eufaula, Ala.9 First National Bank, Graceville, Fla City National Bank, Paducah, K y First National Bank, Cardington, Ohio 9 First National Bank, North Rose, N . Y. National Bank of Albion, Albion, 111 Monongahela National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa Citizens National Bank, Phillippi, W. Va First National Bank, Buchanan, Mich First National Bank, Newburg, W. Va First National Bank, Sycamore, 111 Security National Bank, Paducah, Tex. e Citizens National Bank, Seward, P a Hutchings First National Bank, Siloam Springs, Ark.» First National Bank, Alliance, Nebr First National Bank, Somerfield, Pa 9 Citizens National Bank, Sedalia, Mo. First National Bank, Hoquiam, Wash First National Bank, St. Thomas, N . Dak First National Bank, Belle Fourche, S. Dak First National Bank & Trust Co., Monessen, PaFirst National Bank, Logansport, Ind City National Bank & Trust Co., Corpus Christi, Tex First National Bank, Sea Isle City, N . J Second National Bank, Morgantown, W. Va Phoenix National Bank, Columbia, Tenn First National Bank, Pharr, Tex.9 First National Bank, Marceline, 9Mo. 9 First National Bank, Noble, 111. American National Bank, Dayton, Tenn First National Bank of Custer City, Custer, S. Dak First National Bank, Steamboat Springs, Colo__ First National Bank, Tilden, Nebr. 9 Second National Bank, Brownsville, Pa. 1 First National Bank, Houtzdale, Pa First National Bank, Corinth, Miss Norfolk National Bank, Norfolk, Nebr First National Bank & Trust Co., Woodbridge, N. J Twin Falls National B ank, Twin Falls, 9Idaho 9 . Hopewell National Bank, Hopewell, Pa. First National Bank in Gulfport, Miss First National Bank, West Frankfort, 111 First National Bank, Christopher, 111 See footnotes at end of table. 12774 349 1057 4121 5024 7423 2093 127 10016 13449 3874 6377 3925 7626 1896 12748 13011 29,1925 2.1864 8.1865 22,1889 3,1895 26,1904 14,1873 15,1863 7,1911 4,1930 9,1888 26,1902 10,1888 23.1925 15,1871 8,1925 18.1926 Nov. Dec. Aug. Aug. Sept. Mar. 65&1 Dec. 5253 Dec. 3084 Oct. 29,1930 19,1889 10,1907 9,1872 22,1890 7,1891 8,1902 14,1899 3,1883 50, 000 502,000 50, 000 39, 750 25, 000 759, 000 100, 000 50,000 1, 244,000 49,000 50, 000 50,000 25,000 236,900 50, 000 230,000 855,200 50,000 100, 000 25, 000 100, 000 300,000 25,000 25,000 160,000 250,000 do Nov. 3,1931 Nov. 5,1931 Nov. 6,1931 do. do Nov. 6,1931 do Nov. 11,1931 13506 4226 8901 1971 4427 4550 50,000 50, 000 1, 000, 000 100, 000 70, 000 25,000 200, 000 50,000 25, 000 50, 000 250, 000 40,000 50, 000 25, 000 50,000 50,000 25,000 12, 000 50,000 594, 000 150, 000 Oct. 23,1931 d 6, 643, 250 750, 000 897,825 350, 000 __._do 422,800 150, 000 Oct. 27,1931 73,625 35,000 1, 299,382 300, 000 Oct. 28,1931 432,400 60, 000 Oct. 29,1931 do 45,000 50,000 do 2,000 50,000 do 4, 250,000 1, 000, 000 136,350 50, 000 Oct. 30,1931 do 201,000 50,000 do 42,000 25, 000 628,909 175, 000 Oct. 31,1931 22, 500 50,000 Nov. 2,1931 do 2,500 25,000 May Mar. Apr. Feb. Sept. Sept. Jan. Oct. Apr. Apr. Apr. June Sept. Jan. Sept. May Oct. 150,000 145, 920 742, 980 1, 697,301 263,858 58,672 98, 320 10,169 34,340 300,000 1,022,100 5,606 60, 000 69, 000 25, 000 116, 500 386,860 4, 784, 500 134,484 39,400 55, 000 48, 740 24,460 27,904 104,891 175,000 123,821 20,000 167,497 2,060, 550 4, 264,123 2,966, 246 139, 309 148,401 4,487,975 207, 666 421, 713 560, 349 8,857,684 651, 330 499,875 276,082 1, 387,452 386,856 70,141 17,960 49,158 24,160 98, 258 294,000 25, 000 6,330 143, 760 246, 340 17,960 49,158 24,160 98, 258 294,000 25, 000 6,320 143, 760 246, 340 125,400 579,106 15, 200 93, 200 31,592 29, 000 167,408 87,980 364,474 1,623, 327 210, 794 1, 925, 817 1,800,002 174,052 503,421 2,401,668 4,9(01,206 230, 440 23, 380 77, 780 120, 560 24,160 14,820 24,700 23,920 230,440 23, 380 77, 780 120,560 24,160 14,820 24, 700 23,920 407,638 52,183 400,974 198,776 35,008 29,500 34,100 139, 560 1, 272,890 280, 248 1,990,228 433,137 161,265 248,829 151,753 456, 719 10, 944 44,302 24,465 195, 150,000 299,058 42,798 155, 284 431, 589 181,547 145,920 742, 980 98, 320 34,340 300, 000 60,000 25, 000 386,860 39,400 48, 740 24,460 175, 000 7668 12279 2458 7870 10169 7066 9527 7579 Mar. Oct. Feb. Aug. Mar. Nov. July Jan. 18,1905 26,19_22 11,1880 8,1905 21,19^2 19,1903 19,1909 8,1901 50,000 25,000 60, 000 200,000 25, 000 25,000 25,000 25,000 261,350 20,500 405, 500 431, 500 17,500 143, 750 17,87r 180,000 200,000 _do_ 50,000 _do_ 100, 000 _do_ 200. 000 do. 50,000 Nov. 12,1931 25,000 Nov. 13,1931 25, 000 Nov. 14,1931 25,000 d 4448 6454 9217 267: 669i 9094 3347 Sept. Sept. Aug. Apr. Mar. Feb. May 27,1890 12,1902 3,1908 11,1882 21,1903 27,1908 13,1885 50,000 25,000 50,000 56,000 50,000 100,000 60,000 27, 500 39,750 112,250 379,675 329, 500 206,000 406,000 25,000 Nov. 17,1931 25, COO do 50,000 .do. 125,000 Nov. 30,1931 125, 000 .do. 100,000 do. 100,000 Dec. 2,1931 10,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 12, 700 33,980 100,000 12, 700 33,980 100,000 8299 11274 9638 13553 7673 8260 June Oct. Oct. June Feb. May 12,1906 28,1918 13,1909 5,1931 28,1905 12,1906 25,000 150,000 25,000 400,000 25,000 25,000 93,097 4,500 25, 250 150,000 do 150,000 do. 25,000 Dec. 3,1931 400, 000 do 25,000 Dec. 7,1931 60,000 do 100,000 49, 280 17, 500 246,100 24,998 58, 200 100, 000 49, 280 17, 500 246,100 24,998 58, 200 98,000 196,296 200,000 56,032 484,213 40,000 46, 500 8 w Q O o F d 1,005,048 970,948 856,635 1, 543, 721 241,348 222,415 3,050,178 965, 518 841,288 to TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Organization Name and location of bank Ithaca National Bank, Ithaca, Mich Citizens National Bank & Trust Co., Terre Haute, Ind First National Bank, Glen Campbell, Pa Peoples National Bank, Lodi, Ohio 9 Citizens National Bank, Ellwood City, Pa First National Bank, Geneva, Ohio First National Bank, Washington, 9N. C First National Bank, Chaflee, Mo. Nogales National Bank, Nogales, Ariz First National Bank in Aberdeen, Wash First National Bank, Twin Falls, Idaho West Point National Bank, West Point,9 Nebr__. First National Bank, Dougherty, Iowa Federal National Bank, Boston, Mass First National Bank, Momence, HI Gillespie National Bank, Gillespie, 111 Commercial National Bank, Raleigh, N. C First National Bank, Chardon, Ohio i • Boston-Continental National Bank, Boston, Mass First National Bank, Louisburg, N.9 C.9 First National Bank, Venice, Calif. First National Bank, Idaho Springs, Colo State National Bank in Lynn, Mass... _. Marion National Bank, Marion, Ohio First National Bank, Kelso, Wash.» American National Bank & Trust Co., Benton Harbor, Mich First National Bank, Fredericktown, Ohio 9 National Bank of Seymour, Seymour, Iowa 9 Itasca National Bank, Itasca, Tex First National Bank, Cambridge, I1U Creighton National Bank, Creighton, Nebr Farmers &Merchants National Bank, Enterprise Ala. Charter No. Date Oct. 10,1902 Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association $25,000 $57,100 11,1895 19,1911 15,1917 22.1920 14,1905 9,1885 30,1900 19.1923 14,1903 24,1905 15,1908 14,1891 200,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 60,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 1,500,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 30,000 247,000 43,500 59,000 229,000 269,500 80, 250 47,000 54, 500 241, 000 Dec. Jan. Jan. May Apr. June Feb. 21,1920 6,1905 3,1912 19,1883 16,1923 12,1902 1,1907 Feb. Nov. Sept. Mar. June June July 5,1912 22,1900 2,1930 15,1901 17,1881 27,1907 2,1913 13224 5204 10677 11570 153 4997 9928 11012 11751 7608 3340 5576 12336 7079 7903 9067 4671 July Apr. Nov. Dec. June Apr. Jan. May May Jan. May July Mar. Dec. July Feb. Dec. 11903 7554 10233 2962 12362 6308 8639 10143 5640 13495 5749 2540 8797 10421 24,1928 8,1899 12,1914 19.1919 6,1863 Failures Capital Receiver appointed $25,000 Dec. 7,1931 293,000 45, 750 410,081 106,500 102,000 770,000 205, 000 200,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 2,005, 585 50,000 75,000 600,000 100,000 do do Dec. 8,1931 .do Dec. 9,1931 Dec. 11,1931 do do Dec. 12,1931 Dec. 14,1931 .do Dec. 15,1931 Dec. 17,1931 Dec. 19,1931 —.do Dec. 22,1931 200,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 25,000 152, 750 62, 500 7,359 292,500 65,000 408,000 122,000 1,000,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 Dec. 23,1931 100,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 339,000 23, 750 200, 000 25,000 25,000 60,000 50,000 25,000 150,000 155,400 247,145 24, 750 164,500 Lawful money deposited $25,000 98,620 36, 600 93,160 48, 680 97, 660 39, 040 48, 860 97, 660 Circulation outstanding at date of failure $25,000 98,620 36, 600 93,160 48,680 97, 660 39,040 48, 860 97,660 49,' 49,998 12, 500 12,500 1, 500,000 1, 500,000 24, 7S0 24, 760 75,000 75, 000 171,000 171, 000 894, 520 49,460 15,000 894, 520 49, 460 15,000 Dec. 24,1931 Dec. 29,1931 196,100 24, 280 196,100 24, 280 Dec. 30,1931 do. Jan. 2,1932 Jan. 8,1932 Jan. 9,1932 Jan. 11,1932 197,420 25,000 197,420 25,000 .—do. do Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure 59,100 59,100 ~'6,070 ~~6~ 070 Total deposits at date of failure to 3 3 $521,939 •> $92,377 62,058 68,834 54,130 76,000 263, 061 15,100 84, 507 133,656 131,953 268, 093 38,473 1,665, 386 55,000 181,817 1,098, 741 50, 000 1,145,060 28,000 44, 700 122, 336 311, 773 14,000 420, 500 21, 730 10,350 56, 776 196,991 42,888 371,109 1,146,413 466,999 597,358 693,076 491,828 255,718 410,584 1,452,512 907,985 646, 287 190,940 24, 452,825 489, 703 1,130,403 3,653,385 5,489,940 228,621 223,113 137,336 2,061,948 1, 009,200 432,657 1,692,239 173, 275 152,991 138,533 105,405 384,648 O o H M o I Q First National Bank, Farmer, S. Dak.*» Walnut Park National Bank, Walnut Park, Calif. First National Bank in Florence, S. C Vandeventer National Bank, St. Louis, Mo.9 Bishopville National Bank, Bishopville, S. C.K. First National Bank, Yorba Linda, Calif First National Bank, Ozark, Ark.® Hammond National Bank & Trust Co., Hammond, Ind First National Bank in Decatur, Ala First National Bank in Hazard, Ky .._ Farmers National Bank, Granville, N. Y 9 National Bank of Sabetha, Sabetha, Kans. 9 Home National Bank, Elgin, 111. Oskaloosa National Bank, Oskaloosa, Iowa Citizens National Bank, Long Branch, N. J Valparaiso National Bank, Valparaiso, Ind.9 First National Bank in Mount Olive, 111 Bozeman Waters First National Bank, Poseyville, Ind.9 Corinth National Bank, Corinth, N. Y.9 Citizens National Bank, Albion, N. Y National Bank of Adrian, Adrian, Mo.9 First National Bank, Woodward, Okla Germantown National Bank, Germantown, N. Y_ First National Bank, Iowa City, Iowa First National Bank, Culver City, Calif National Bank of Rensselaer, Rensselaer, N. Y._ First National Bank, Arcadia, Fla Elkin National Bank, Elkin, N. C.9. Ocean Grove National Bank, Ocean Grove, N. J_. Farmers National Bank, Pekin, 111 National Bank of Whitehall, Whitehall, N. Y... Anamosa National Bank, Anamosa, Iowa First National Bank, Gary, Ind Third National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa.i9 First National Bank, Hiawatha, Kans. Trigg National Bank, Glasgow, Ky Bell National Bank, Pineville, Ky First National Bank, Murfreesboro, Tenn First National Bank, Harvey, 111 Cumberland National Bank, Fayetteville, N. C. Peoples National Bank, Clinton, Mo... _. Hopedale National Bank, Hopedale, 111.9 First National Bank, Palatine, 111 Washington National Bank in the City of Tacoma, Tacoma, Wash Middlesex National Bank, Lowell, Mass __. First National Bank, Milton, Oreg Coast National Bank, Seaside Heights, N. J See footnotes at end of table. 11456 12572 12799 13270 10872 10905 12985 Aug. Aug. June Dec. May Aug. Aug. 30,1919 6,1924 26,1925 31,1928 16,1916 15,1916 23,1926 25,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 75, 000 25,000 25, 000 8199 10336 13248 3154 4626 2016 241 6038 6215 13452 Apr. Feb. Oct. Mar. Aug. July Mar. Nov. Mar. Apr. 2,1906 2,1913 10,1928 20,1884 28,1891 3,1872 6,1879 20,1901 6,1902 2,1930 100, 000 100,000 100,000 50,000 60, 000 100,000 50, 000 100,000 100,000 50,000 13503 6479 4998 12413 5575 12242 18 11732 12773 5534 5673 5403 2287 8426 291 2589 5486 7215 1692 8667 13168 8509 9398 11934 Nov. 7,1930 Oct. 13,1902 May 2,1895 July 9.1923 Sept. 4,1900 7,1922 Jan. June 12,1882 May 24.1920 Dec. 2.1924 June 15,1900 Dec. 19,1900 Apr. 20,1900 July 19,1875 Sept. 29.1906 Feb. 4,1892 9,1906 Oct. Dec. 30,1863 Nov. 12,1881 June 25,1900 Mar. 28,1904 Feb. 27,1869 Mar. 11.1907 Jan. 12,1928 Dec. 31,1906 Apr. 1,1909 Jan. 25.1921 50,000 25, 000 121,100 50,000 400,500 25,000 25,000 111,350 50,000 4,500 100, 000 457,000 25,000 17, 750 100,000 10,000 30,000 179,000 25,000 95, 500 25,000 162,025 50,000 543, 500 50,000 151, 500 50,000 204,000 25,000 582, 500 300,000 2,408, 500 50,000 213,000 50,000 249,063 25,000 127,250 100,000 1,133,400 50,000 118, 250 150,000 36,000 50,000 76,000 50,000 85,250 25,000 16, 500 do 50,000 do ._ 35,000 200, 000 Jan. 21,1932 do 25, 000 do. 50,000 50,000 Jan. 22,1932 .do. 100,000 100,000 Jan. 23.1932 do 100,000 100,000 Jan. 26,1932 .do. 500,00 100,000 100,000 .do., .do100,000 100,000 Jan. 27,1932 do 250,600 500,000 Jan. 28,1932 do_. 55,000 do... 75,000 do 100,000 200,000 Feb. 1,1932 .do.. 100,000 150,000 . . . . . d o 50,000 Feb. 2,1932 .do. 50,000 50,000 do 12667 12343 9201 12354 Dec. Mar. June Mar. 200,000 200,000 50,000 25,000 200,000 . . . . d o 200,000 Feb. 3,1932 do 50,000 25,000 27,1924 30,1923 6,1908 17,1923 79,500 50,000 18, 750 16, 250 1,500 361, 096 262, 000 250, 700 279, 300 825, 500 444, 500 437,000 337,000 103,000 120,000 do 25,000 100,000 . . . . . d o 100, 000 do 250,000 do 75,000 Jan. 12,1932 25, 000 do ._. 25,000 Jan. 13,1932 400, 000 Jan. 18,1932 200, 000 do 100, 000 Jan. 18,1932 do 100,000 .do. 60,000 150,000 Jan. 20,1932 do . 100, 000 150, 000 do 150, 000 do 50,000 do 384,460 200,000 384,460 200,000 97, 540 59, 280 114,100 97, 540 59,280 114,100 98, 435 48, 380 48, 680 19,460 49,280 98, 435 48,380 48, 680 19, 460 49, 280 49, 460 9,520 98., 020 95,260 49, 460 9,520 98,020 95, 260 69,280 24,700 24,040 95,800 47,900 98,740 244, 240 415,220 54, 220 71,880 95, 980 86, 540 48,800 24, 700 24,040 95,800 47,900 98, 740 244, 240 415, 220 54, 220 71,880 95, 980 86, 540 49,280 23,980 15,000 49,280 23, S80 15,000 191, 960 176,960 191, 960 176, 960 25,000 99,265 170,989 324,532 46,689 24,845 19,261 39,117 1,123,550 820, 272 1,196,262 232,987 137,405 90,211 369,483 326,033 25,300 389, 315 98,865 237,827 171,928 419,600 54,745 50,647 2, 569,503 760,770 625, 344 1,173,449 503, 713 1,290, 646 1, 382, 759 1/478,736 653,645 419,379 82,937 425,207 1, 555,411 3,190,726 43,671 402,464 295,459 880, 545 814,166 872, 922 455,690 455,625 1,429,061 961,039 940,379 620,019 2, 703,458 780,883 30,633 53,079 163,075 197,692 30,000 159, 904 138,715 104,248 345,139 75,000 285,600 20,000 875,000 500,000 70,136 161,300 24,500 352,866 112,970 304,652 20,434 33,191 331,989 591,789 464,511 1,049, 518 879,016 1,046,755 281,040 112,748 128, 593 115,000 114,210 43,002 91,999 4,842,072 479, 662 202,108 2 W o o 3 d 3 9 to TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Organization Name and location of bank Point Pleasant Beach National Bank & Trust Co., Point Pleasant Beach, N. J Olympia National Bank, Olympia, Wash First Willapa Harbor National Bank, Raymond, Wash Pikesville National Bank, Pikesville, Md South Gate National Bank, South Gate, Calif.._ Peoples National Bank, Wellsville, Ohio First National Bank, Boswell, Pa First National Bank, Monterey Park, Calif First National Bank, Victoria, Va Joliet National Bank, Joliet, 111 Commercial National Bank, High Point, N. C_ _ National Bank of America at Gary, Ind First National Bank, Shelbyville, Ind Rockford National Bank, Rockford, 111 First National Bank, Mendota, 111 Mendota National Bank, Mendota, 111 Sedalia National Bank, Sedalia, Mo.9 National Bank of De Pere, De Pere, Wis Wayne National Bank, Goldsboro, N. C First National Bank, Pittsburg, Kans First National Bank, Newport Beach, Calif.9 Seaside National Bank, Long Beach, Calif Pioneer National Bank, Waterloo, Iowa John Weedman National Bank, Farmer City, 111.9. First National Bank, Le Roy, 111 First National Bank, Foosland, 111.9 Citizens National Bank, Great Bend, Kans First National Bank, Sedro-Woolley, Wash First National Bank, Renovo, Pa First National Bank, Hornell, N. Y First National Bank, Pitcairn, Pa Peoples National Bank, Pitcairn, Pa _._ First National Bank, Trafford, Pa Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure to 00 Total deposits at date of failure w 13215 May 1,1928 5652 Nov. 10,1900 11672 8867 12807 634J 6603 12061 12183 4520 4568 11094 1263 1816 1177 508C 4392 6469 10614 3463 10702 12819 5120 3407 6586 11299 5705 7908 3763 262 5848 11892 6962 Mar. July Aug. June Jan. Nov. Apr. Oct. Mar. Dec. May Mar. Feb. July July Oct. Sept. Feb. Jan. Aug. Apr. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. Aug. July Nov. May Dec. May 23,1920 23,1907 3,1925 27.1902 8,1903 3,1921 14,1922 29.1890 23.1891 11,1916 2,1865 8,1871 13,1865 14.1897 10,1890 6,1902 11,1914 8,1888 8,1915 29,1925 12.1898 26,1885 10.1903 10,1919 31,1901 31,1905 16,1887 21,1863 20,1901 1,1920 11,1903 $100,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 65,000 100,000 65,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 325,000 50,000 25,000 300,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 75,000 50,000 $313, 500 $100,000 Feb. 3,1932 do 125,000 54,000 100,000 do 40,000 Feb. 6,1932 49, 200 50,000 2,000 do do. 223, 500 100,000 30,000 Feb. 9,1932 95,400 do 22,000 25,00C 6,000 do 25,00C 1,084, 500 700,000 Feb. 10,1932 do 1, 402,000 1,000,000 127, 500 150,00G do 862,750 do 100,000 2, 044, 000 750,000 Feb. 12,1932 do 762, 856 100, 000 234, 500 do 100,000 267, 500 100,000 Feb. 15,1932 205,000 100,000 Feb. 16,1932 461, 500 325,000 Feb. 17,1932 356, 785 do 100,000 15, 500 25, 000 do 300,000 692, 900 200,000 Feb. 18,1932 363, 320 75,000 Feb. 19,1932 do 116,000 50,000 do 2,750 25,000 166, 300 50,000 Feb. 20,1932 23,000 25,000 Feb. 23,1932 248, 500 50,000 Feb. 26,1932 300, 000 Feb. 27,1932 1,179, 723 M a r . 2,1932 100,000 226,125 do 75,000 18,000 30,000 18, 900 do...:._.. $94, 900 $94,900 $230, 274 130, 780 $228, 721 1,828,063 48,! 6,250 48,860 6,250 97, 780 29, 397 25,000 25,000 97,180 474,140 93, 220 69, 280 199, 980 48, 800 12, 320 100,000 100,000 177, 320 96,337 97,780 29,397 25,000 25,000 97,180 474,140 93, 220 69, 280 199,980 48, 800 12, 320 100,000 100, 000 177,320 96,337 97,900 196,940 71, 280 48, 560 97, 900 196,940 71, 280 48, 560 60, 250 75,000 35,000 192,110 1 70, 815 66, 438 62,173 1,035,956 2, 307, 509 136,115 91,146 601, 501! 50, 980 73, 625 70,0001 27.000 i 513, 675 86, 755 18,8751 175, 577 842,904 19.0001 40, 262 49, 340 49, 340 12, 200 98,080 23, 860 23, 800 28,860 12, 200 98, 080 23, 860 23, 800 957,619 853,133 440, 249 578,054 625,303 411,215 259, 249 3, 512, 518 3,892,564 882,274 496, 588 4,450,746 438, 364 696, 739 472,862 612,864 1, 538,103 1,425,067 197,349 975,185 1,874,209 354, 993 183,331 121,462 287,205 318, 286 885,193 1, 661,595 803, 720 383,801 466,618 72,143 7, 250 65,611 727,05ll 69, 500 116,781 55, 500 O O o First National Bank, Bardwell, Ky.99 First National Bank, Hamilton, 111.9 First National Bank, Hartwell, Ga. City National Bank, Knoxville, Tenn.i First National Bank of Bay Point, Port Chicago, C l i f s : First National Bank, Alva, Okla Security National Bank, Fairfield, Idaho 9 National Bank of Commerce, Garnett, Kans Merchants National Bank, Brownsville, Tex First National Bank, Fairfax, Okla.9 Forest City National Bank, Rockford, 9111 First National Bank, Highland, Kans. Bayard National Bank, Bayard, W. Va First National Bank in Driggs, Idaho 9 Citizens National Bank & Trust Co., Hornell, N. Y Douglass National Bank of Chicago, Chicago, 111. United States National Bank, La Grande, Oreg.199 . First National Bank, South Glens Falls, N. Y. .. Hancock National Bank, Sparta, Ga United States National Bank, Iron Mountain, Mich Citizens National Bank, Salmon, Idaho 9 First National Bank, Hartington, Nebr First National Bank, Crofton, Nebr.s* Baraga County National Bank, L'Anse, Mich... Liberty National Bank, Waco, Tex. 19 First National Bank, Beverly Hills, 9Calif. National Bank of Holla, Holla, Mo. First National Bank, Jayton, Tex.9 Washington National Bank, New York, N. Y__. First National Bank, Sutersville, Pa First National Bank, Rock Falls, 111 Leominster National Bank, Leominster, Mass__. First National Bank, Sheffield, Iowa 9 Henderson National Bank, Henderson, Ky New Jersey National Bank & Trust Co., Newark, N. J Holston National Bank, Elizabethton, Tenn. 1 ... Alliance National Bank, Chicago, 111 First National Bank, Whitesburg, Ky First National Bank, Etowah, Tenn Bowmanville National Bank, Chicago, 1119 Boonville National Bank, Boonville, Mo. Hurley National Bank, Hurley, Wis First American National Bank & Trust Co., Berwyn, 111 Columbia National Bank, Columbia Heights, Minn. 9 See footnotes at end of table. May 19,1906 Oct. 10,1910 25, 000 Mar. 4,1932 50, 000 do 75,000 Mar. 8,1932 1,000,000 Mar. 9,1932 23, 440 49, 580 23, 440 49, 580 309,400 309, 400 24,700 24, 700 24, 700 249, 997 11, 960 198,620 6,250 25, 000 24, 700 249, 997 11, 960 198,620 6,250 25,000 May 10,1932 May 21,1932 May 23,1932 May 24,1932 do— -- 98, 315 238,540 98, 315 238, 540 25,000 25,000 25, 000 25,000 do_— .. May 25,1932 June 1,1932 do June 2,1932 June 3,1932 June 7,1932 June 8,1932 do—_____ June 10,1932 do do June 11,1932 do do - 100,000 96,160 49, 820 25,000 6,250 100, 000 96,160 49, 820 25. 000 6,250 400, 000 49, 340 9,400 400, 000 49, 340 9,400 25, 000 24, 460 144,000 39, 700 25, 24, 144, 39, 11695 Mar. 17,1920 3837 Jan. 12,1888 25,000 50, 000 50,000 100,000 90, 750 49, 750 28,000 1,845, 000 11561 5587 11884 5292 7002 7972 4325 9136 11664 13267 Dec. Sept. Nov. Apr. Oct. Oct. Apr. Apr. Feb. Dec. 19,1919 18,1900 12,1920 3,1900 1,1903 27,1905 8,1890 11,1908 23,1920 21,1928 25, 000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 100,000 25,000 100,000 25, 000 25,000 25, 000 1,500 206, 250 10, 000 123, 375 655,000 114, 375 774,000 48, 200 2,500 25,000 50,000 25, 000 25,000 250,000 25, 000 300,000 25, 000 25,000 25,000 Mar. 18,1932 do Mar. 19,1932 Mar. 25,1932 Mar. 28,1932 Apr. 12,1932 Apr. 19,1932 Apr. 26,1932 Apr. 28,1932 May 3,1932 2522 12227 9314 5851 12317 Mar. Nov. Dec. Apr. Feb. 12,1881 4,1921 9,1908 24,1901 2,1923 125,000 200, 000 100,000 25, 000 25, 000 385, 584 39, 000 672,400 62, 000 14, 500 125, 000 250,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 11929 9432 4528 8186 9509 11140 11461 1865 9845 13360 6270 6998 3204 12430 1615 Jan. Apr. Feb. Feb. July Jan. July Aug. 15,1921 27.1909 13,1891 16,1906 21.1909 24,1918 7,1919 1,1871 3,1910 23,1929 20,1902 1,1903 9,1884 7,1923 21,1865 58,500 104,000 259, 900 32, 750 51, 000 339, 000 457, 725 293, 350 64, 000 May Mar. Sept. Apr. Aug. Nov. Nov. 17.1910 Mar. 6,1917 July 22,1921 July 14,1913 Feb. 27,1908 July 25,1912 Oct. 24,1916 Jan. 30,1920 100, 000 60, 000 50, 000 25, 000 25,000 300, 000 30, 000 100, 000 40,000 500, 000 25,000 25, 000 150, 000 40, 000 100, 000 100,000 100,000 60,000 25,000 50, 000 300, 000 450,000 50, 000 40, 000 500, 000 25,000 50, 000 150,000 40, 000 200, 000 200,000 25, 000 200, 000 25, 000 25,000 50, 000 75, 000 50, 000 1,472, 582 52.000 153, 500 105, 500 72, 500 3i4, 500 131, 250 66, 000 12426 J u l y 31,1923 100, 000 9912 10976 12001 10433 9162 10237 10915 11594 £r Ug> 13114 J u l y 6,1927 25, 000 53, 500 53,250 465, 000 23, 200 966, 000 2, 800,000 50, 000 200,000 50, 000 50, 000 300, 000 200,000 50,000 175,000 6, 250 25,000 do June 14,1932 June 15,1932 June 17,1932 June 21,1932 do do.. .do do do - 47,450 25,800 74. 476 3, 392,874 229, 720 197, 228 100, 312 25, 000 182,449 11, 256 43,886 719,457 112, 675 340, 758 81, 797 300, 484 2, 786, 273 266, 849 2,005, 242 96, 520 144, 340 84, 525 180.000 39, 227 29, 554 62,028 976, 609 109,683 50,000 29,400 74, 729 1, 517,460 419, 689 94,455 150, 726 129,131 66, 261 108, 947 300, 000 1,011,964 148,174 62,942 463,480 381,689 231, 343 97, 201 404, 956 428, 557 148,523 5,197, 831 505, 612 117,600 49,533 366, 351 357,803 1, 366,833 250, 030 1,032, 681 000 460 000 700 27,000 66, 780 261,186 48, 550 236, 900 1,026,600 1,026, 600 147, 720 50,000 49, 580 35,000 175,000 50,000 5, 703.466 297, 448 782, 826 56, 350 155, 297 608, 667 255,392 132,951 7,946, 632 147, 720 50,000 49, 580 35, 000 175, 000 50,000 167,646 523, 510 92, 200 212, 519 688,242 499, 860 380,606 1,665,187 673. 628 413, 811 o o w o 3 fcO CO TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1987, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Organization Name and location of bank San Bernardino National Bank, San Bernardino, Calif. _ Jefferson Park National Bank, Chicago, 111 Jackson Park National Bank, Chicago, 111 Ravenswood National Bank, Ravenswood, 111... First National Bank, Wilmette, 111 National Bank of Woodlawn, Chicago, 111 First National Bank, Martinsville, Ind Midland National Bank, Chicago, 111 Peoples National Bank & Trust Co., Chicago, 111 9 First National Bank, Maquoketa, Iowa First National Bank, Gardener, 111.9 West Hollywood First National Bank, West Hollywood, Calif.9 First National Bank, Willoughby, Ohio 19 First National Bank, Spartanburg, S. C Hyde Park-Kenwood National Bank, Chicago, 111. First National Bank, Tyndall, S. Dak Farmers National Bank in Vinton, Iowa First National Bank, Davidsville, Pa First National Bank, Riverside, HI State National Bank in Terrell, Tex First National Bank, Waynesboro, Miss.9 First National Bank in Aurora, HI First National Bank & Trust Co., Chicago Heights, 111 First National Bank, Burns, Oreg Pulaski National Bank, Pulaski, N. Y First National Bank, Jenkins, Ky Ross County National Bank, Chillicothe, Ohio 9__ Consolidated National Bank, Dubuque, Iowa Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure Total deposits at date of failure O 8 w 17,1887 5,1911 25,1923 30,1912 3,1916 5,1921 2,1865 18,1927 $100,000 50,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 100,000 200,000 $852,000 289, 500 32,000 108, 500 119, 500 114,000 706,788 $100,000 June 21,1932 300,000 June 25,1932 200,000 do 200,000 do— 150,000 do 300,000 do 100, 000 June 27,1932 250, 000 do 13311 Apr. 2,1929 999 Feb. 20,1865 9406 Apr. 21,1909 1,000,000 50,000 25,000 492,000 414, 250 39, 750 1,000,000 do •50,000 June 28,1932 25,000 do 3818 10108 12391 10215 10828 11980 794 13036 Oct. Oct. May Apr. Feb. May Jan. Jan. 11025 11994 1848 13235 6792 13283 11407 12386 1328' 13413 13655 June Apr. June Aug. May Nov. June Apr. Feb. Dec. July 21,1917 26,1921 5,1871 1,1928 6,1903 23.1928 19,1919 6,1923 26.1929 30,1929 28,1931 25,000 100,000 60,000 500,000 25,000 75,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 200,000 69, 625 36,500 1, 548,800 240, 000 91, 277 5876 6295 1496 10062 1172 2327 June May July June May Jan. 11,1901 31,1902 3,1865 29,1911 9,1865 31,1876 50,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 256, 500 130,000 276, 375 158, 250 1,058,000 1,300,000 6,000 18, 000 >,250 75.000 100,000 500,000 600, 000 40,000 75,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 200,000 do June 29,1932 June 30,1932 July 1,1932 July 2,1932 .do. July 6,1932 do _. do do do 200,000 50,000 75,000 75,000 150,000 500,000 July 7,1932 do July 11,1932 July 12,1932 July 14,1932 do $99,100 74,400 $99,100 74,400 $187,100 632,314 336,694 21,920 57, 560 407,760 177,234 192, 679 $1,188,300 1,141,839 736,519 507,939 895,084 1, 344,928 762, 539 439, 793 2,061, 344 166,119 54,431 3,729,097 523,112 130,878 100,000 100,000 "99," 700 " "99," 700 27, 320 24, 760 27, 320 24, 760 299, 997 299,997 "25," 666 ~ 25,666 25,000 49, 280 25, 000 49,280 41, 800 1,073, 390 989,617 729,450 81,400 119,322 12,800 46,288 198, 200 198,200 105, 609 299, 558 50, 000 50,000 50, 000 50,000 72, 600 149,100 49, 700 72, 600 149,100 49, 700! 325,879 222,000 64,395 298, 520 921,350 •a o o 182,866 2,023,106 3,133, 265 302, 752 584,961 119,415 227,890 145,041 462,294 2,602,460 912,123 128,123 1,480, 573 217,587 1,054,436 3,495,517 w fel o d a Peoples National Bank & Trust Co., Sullivan, Ind Commercial National Bank, Waterloo, Iowa Clearfield National Bank, Clearfield, Pa First National Bank, Artesia, Calif.9 Whitley National Bank, Corbin, K y Farmers National Bank, Wewoka, Okla First National Bank, Thomasville, Ga. 9 First National Bank, Sylacauga, Ala Producers National Bank, Tulsa, Okla. 1 9 Monroe National Bank, Monroe, N . Y. 9 Spencer National Bank, Spencer, Ind. 9 First National Bank, Leland, 111 Buchanan County National Bank, Independence, Iowa First National Bank in Sioux Rapids, Iowa 9 First National Bank, Adams, M i n n First National Bank, Northwood, Iowa Boise City National Bank, Boise, Idaho First National Bank, Gulfport, Miss. 1 9 First National Bank, Aurora, 111.1 .__ Fiist National Bank, M o u n t Olive, 111.19 First National Bank & Trust Co., in Pontiac, 1 Mich. National Bank of Unionville, Unionville, M o . 8 First National Bank, Silverton, Oreg First National Bank, Lawrenceville, 111 Twin City National Bank, Bluefield, Va First National Bank, Marengo, 111 Broadway National Bank, Chicago 111.'*» Citizens National Bank; Indiana, P a P a r m a National Bank, Parma, Idaho 9 First National Bank, Northboro, Iowa 9 First National Bank, Yukon, P a American National Bank, Gillespie, 111.19 Springfield National Bank, Springfield, Pa. 9 First National Bank, Cairnbrook, Pa First National Bank, Emporium, Pa First National Bank, Frazee, M i n n First National Bank, Letcher, S. Dak.< 9 Central National Bank, Decatur, Ala. 1 Brown National Bank, Jackson, Minn. 9 First National Bank, Vincennes, Ind Andalusia National Bank, Andalusia, Ala Liberty National Bank, Dickson City, Pa First National Bank, Lewisville, Ind First National Bank, Mazon, 111.9 First National Bank, Egan, S. Dak.* & First National Bank, Story City, Iowa First National Bank, Gormania, W. Va.1 9 First National Bank, Greensburg, Kans. 9 See footnotes a t end of table. 5392 2910 4836 8063 9634 8052 3767 7451 12042 7563 9715 7864 May Mar. Dec. Jan. Dec. Jan. July Oct. Nov. Nov. Mar. July 21,1900 16,1883 20,1892 4,1906 22,1909 10,1906 20,1887 10,1904 14,1921 19,1904 17,1910 15,1905 287, 000 100, 000 50,000 1,239,993 788,000 100,000 43, 750 25, 000 44, 250 25,000 92, 750 25, 000 300, 500 100,000 91,132 30,000 72,500 250,000 51, 250 25,000 95,000 50, 000 47,400 30, 000 150,000 400,000 200,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 50,000 250, 000 50,000 50,000 30,000 13188 13400 8059 8373 3471 6188 38 7350 Mar. Nov. Jan. Aug. Mar. Feb. June July 15,1928 8,1929 11,1906 125,000 50,000 72,075 25,000 77, 750 50, 000 793, 500 50, 000 595, 750 100, 000 50,000 1,370, 925 115, 200 25, 000 do 125,000 do 50,000 Aug. 8,1932 30, 000 .do 50,000 Aug. 9,1932 375,000 do 400,000 300,000 Aug. 12,1932 do 70,000 446, 000 do 600,000 40,000 Aug. 13,1932 35,000 Aug. 15,1932 100,000 Aug. 22,1932 .do 50,000 50, 000 Aug. 29,1932 200, 000 Sept. 7,1932 50, 000 Sept. 12,1932 25,000 do. 25, 000 Sept. 16,1932 30.000 Sept. 20,1932 50,000 Sept. 22,1932 50,000 do. 25,000 Sept. 23,1932 200,000 Sept. 24,1932 30,000 Sept. 26,1932 25,000 Sept. 27,1932 200,000 Oct. 1,1932 40,000 Oct. 3,1932 do. 200,000 200,000 Oct. 5,1932 100,000 Oct. 6,1932 35,000 Oct. 8,1932 50, 000 —_do 25,000 Oct. 10,1932 75,000 do 25,000 Oct. 11,1932 40,000 Oct. 12,1932 12288 13268 11106 5385 7782 1870 12323 7993 11556 9015 12808 12314 13031 10704 3255 7024 9188 10423 7797 1873 11955 12459 5526 10186 7252 9017 8751 10557 20,1906 9, 1886 1,1902 20,1863 15.1904 Dec. 15,1922 Dec. 12,1928 Nov. 21.1917 M a y 4,1900 M a y 13.1905 Aug. 8,1871 Nov. 25.1922 Nov. 27,1905 Oct. 11,1919 Jan. 17,1908 Aug. 8,1925 Feb. 2,1923 Jan. 12,1927 Nov. 21,1914 Sept. 23,1884 Oct. 2,1903 M a y 25,1908 July 10,1913 M a y 17,1905 July 15,1871 Apr. 9,1921 Oct. 24.1923 June 7,1900 Apr. 16,1912 Apr. 23,1904 Jan. 15,1908 Apr. 11,1907 June 5,1914 200, 000 40, 000 35,000 25, 000 25,000 50,000 200,000 50,000 25.000 25,000 30,000 50,000 50, 000 25,000 50,000 25, 000 25,000 100,000 40,000 100,000 200.000 100,000 25,000 35,000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 25,000 38, 500 23, 750 338,000 67,000 28, 750 11, 500 88, 250 600 35,000 395, 000 428,000 96, 700 48, 750 154, 500 50, 398 672, 000 128,000 18, 000 81,475 110, 000 47, 250 166, 750 34, 000 92,475 July 15,1932 July 18,1932 do .do do July 22,1932 July 27.1932 do .do. July 28,1932 July 30,1932 Aug. 1,1932 97,660 97, 660 197, 600 25,000 24, 700 6,500 48,860 48,077 197. 600 25,000 24, 700 6,500 48, 860 48,077 34, 280 34, 280 49,100 29, 520 49, 700 248, 080 49,100 29, 520 49, 700 248,080 (10) 39, 700 24, 700 50, 000 49,100 12, 500 206,382 717,150 284,245 69, 723 82,029 29, 600 99, 984 59, 842 411, 752 70, 500 82, 880 31,140 1,165,325 4, 531, 689 556, 907 400,948 137, 718 669, 769 208,857 326, 850 233, 515 48,796 795,312 155, 510 283, 692 197,957 2, 365,834 35, 610 181,149 2,319,135 555,000 199,841 373,180 5, 353,850 39, 700 19,000 40,138 24, 700 106, 915 50, 000 46, 534 49.100 92,439 12, 500 50, 000 50,000 "25," 656 ~25~666 24,460 197,117 29, 700 -.25,000 24,460 197,117 29, 700 25, 000 25,000 19, 980 200,000 24,160 19,820 50,000 25,000 74, 997 25,000 19, 980 200, 000 24.160 19, 820 50, 000 25, 000 74. 997 9,820 76,168 ...37,850 45, 394 40,250 146,283 31,966 71,000 163,933 37,500 37,794 292,089 72, 532 465,074 461, 379 125,820 59,436 37, 625 53, 295 81, 750 71, 534 122,385 425, 243 588,424 221,886 o o 90,295 218,230 596,472 535, 967 705,941 83,048 111, 127 76,847 85, 505 207, 581 1,180, 669 309,972 63,288 143, 272 899,703 767,854 282, 243 207,054 74, 687 96, 540 407,206 147,880 g 1-3 W d TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Report No. Organization 2155 2156 2158 2160 2161 2162 2163 2165 2166 2168 2169 2170 2171 2173 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2181 2182 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2192 2194 2195 2196 2198 2199 2200 Name and location of bank First National Bank, Scappoose, Oreg.9 Homer City National Bank, Homer City, Pa First National Bank, Palestine, 111 First National Bank, Springfield, Oreg.9 Masontown National Bank, Masontown, Pa.1 Q . First National Bank, Portsmouth, Va.1 United States National Bank, Deer Lodge, Mont_ Schmelz National Bank, Newport News, Va.19. National Citizens Bank, Lake Benton, Minn First National Bank, Flandreau, S. Dak.94 9 First National Bank, St. Francis, Kans. Farmers National Bank, Gonzales, Tex Diamond National Bank, Pittsburgh,9 Pa___ Park National Bank, Sulphur, Okla. Duquesne National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa Shawnee National Bank, Shawnee, Okla -First National Bank, McLoud, Okla.9 United States National Bank & Trust Co., Kenosha, Wis Tecumseh National Bank, Tecumseh, Okla ._ __ First National Bank, Ocean City, N. J Painesville National Bank, Painesville, Ohio 1 9Ayers National Bank, Jacksonville, 111 City National Bank, Georgetown, Tex First National Bank, Webster City, Iowa Belmont National Bank, Belmont, Ohio i 9 Gadsden National Bank, Gadsden, Ala First National Bank, Woodlake, Calif 9 First National Bank, Faulkton, S.Dak. Reno National Bank, Reno Nev First National Bank, Winnemucca, Nev Public1 National Bank & Trust Co., Houston, Tex. 9 . Merchants National Bank, Wadena, 9Minn First National Bank, Motley, Minn. _ Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful money deposited 10992 8855 8892 8941 6528 9300 9899 11028 6696 5854 11857 8392 2236 9046 2278 5115 6660 Apr. July July Oct. Nov. Dec. Nov. June Mar. May Sept. Sept. Mar. Feb. May Mar. Mar. 17,1917 20,1907 23,1907 9,1907 19,1902 9,1908 9,1910 25,1917 16,1903 29,1901 18,1920 13,1906 22,1875 3,1908 25,1875 1,1898 2,1903 $25, 000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 100, 000 50, 000 200,000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 50,000 200,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 25,000 $13,000 51,000 43, 500 35,050 229, 000 345,000 160, 500 282,000 41,000 111, 285 35,000 186, 500 3, 700, 333 59,800 2, 236, 500 720,000 102, 750 $25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 300, 000 100, 000 400, 000 25,000 40,000 25,000 100,000 600,000 25,000 500,000 150,000 25, 000 Oct. 18,1932 do Oct. 20,1932 do Oct. 24,1932 do Oct. 25,1932 Oct. 27,1932 Oct. 28,1932 Nov. 3,1932 do Nov. 4,1932 Nov. 14,1932 do Nov. 15,1932 do do $23,920 48,920 12, 500 6,250 12351 10304 6060 2842 5763 12680 1874 6391 8560 10309 10961 8424 3575 Mar. Dec. Oct. July Mar. Apr. Aug. July Jan. Dec. Feb. Oct. Sept. 31,1923 14,1912 23,1901 26,1882 25,1901 6,1925 10,1871 26,1902 25,1907 7,1912 19,1917 20,1906 27,1886 100,000 25,000 50,000 200,000 200, 000 50, 000 50,000 25, 000 125,000 25, 000 25,000 500,000 50, 000 134,000 25, 250 463,000 504,500 978,000 7,000 517, 715 35,875 151,875 12,000 23,000 1, 363, 500 939,660 200,000 25,000 300,000 150,000 500,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 125,000 25,000 25,000 700,000 200,000 do Nov. 18,1932 do Nov. 21,1932 do do Nov. 30,1932 Dec. U1932 do-.-;... Dec. 2,1932 Dec. 8,1932 Dec. 9,1932 Dec. 10,1932 12055 Nov. 7,1921 4916 May 15,1893 7764 May 13,1905 300,000 50, 000 25,000 129,499 349, 750 69,000 800,000 Dec. 13,1932 100,000 Dec. 16,1932 25,000 do Circulation outstanding at date of failure $23,920 48,920 12, 500 6,250 12,500 12,500 24, 760 39,700 24,760 39,700 97, 240 295, 320 25,000 493, 337 50,000 7,000 97,240 295,320 25,000 493,337 50,000 7,000 175,000 25,000 300,000 175,000 25,000 300,000 492, 740 492,740 100,000 100,000 67, 500 7,000 67,500 7,000 665,000 82,000 49, 760 24,700 Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure $32,364 30,610 31,915 14,500 301,327 147,525 400,000 44,591 83,437 51, 760 120, 218 1, 500,350 2, 235,844 62,585 Total deposits at date of failure $105,379 433,152 198,727 90,298 421,439 to to d o W O O 3 188,910 263,834 228,479 366,917 9,605,721 156,072 4,096, 735 1,935, 232 95,325 895,548 275,283 1,629,885 665,000 82,000 287,142 19,312 965,408 191,000 742,146 49,088 91,613 27,038 199,999 10,000 67,942 3, 261,216 204,610 737,629 92,593 137,53fe 4,020,537 1,592,412 49,760 24,700 3,051,013 93,201 24,503 3,265 509,051 76,411 5,090,458 87,167 489,542 o Kl First National Bank, Fort Gaines, Ga.9 First National Bank, Chester, W. Va First National Bank, Marshfield, Wis 9 First National Bank, Iowa Falls, Iowa . Mills County National Bank, Glenwood, Iowa 9 First National Bank, Rocksprings, Tex.9 First National Bank, Ortonville, Minn First National Bank, Hermosa Beach, Calif Winder National Bank, Winder, Ga First National Bank, Centerline, Mich9 First National Bank, Russiaville, Ind. Putnam National Bank, Palatka, Fla First National Bank, Herrin, 111 Third National Bank, Mount Vernon, 111 First National Bank, Monrovia, Ind_ Citizens Security National Bank, Sisseton, S. Dak First National Bank, Ellwood City,9 Pa First National Bank, Fowler, Kans. 9 First National Bank, Greenfield, 111. 9 First National Bank, St. Marys, Kans. First National Bank, Yale, Mich First National Bank, Sodus, N. Y First National Bank, Anna, 111 First National Bank, Littleton, Colo.9 St. Louis National Bank, St. Louis, Mo First National Bank, Maryville, Tenn. 9 Jackson National Bank in Jackson, Minn First National Bank in Mamaroneck, N. Y Liberty National Bank, Marine City, Mich First National Bank, Algonac, Mich Arlington National Bank, Arlington, Oreg.9 First National Bank, Wheaton, 111 Farmers National Bank, Taylorville, 111 First National Bank, Madison, Nebr California National Bank, Sacramento, Calif Commercial National Bank, Columbus, Nebr-_. First National Bank, Morristown, Tenn First National Bank, Statesville, N. C Chelsea-Second National Bank & Trust Co., Atlantic City, N. J 9 First National Bank, Manilla, Iowa First National Bank, Craig, Nebr. 9 Atlantic City National Bank, Atlantic9 City, N. J_ First National Bank, Steelville, Mo. City National Bank, Oshkosh, Wis First National Bank, Leigh, Nebr Lincoln Park National Bank, Lincoln Park, Mich First National Bank, Heppner, Oreg See footnotes at end of table. 6002 6984 4573 3252 1862 11634 6459 12209 10805 13240 5524 4813 5303 5689 6354 3,1901 9,1903 May 18,1891 Aug. 28,1884 Aug. 11,1871 Feb. 27,1920 Oct. 4,1902 Mar. 10,1922 Oct. 16,1915 Aug. 28,1928 June 23,1900 Oct. 22,1892 Apr. 11,1900 Jan. 12,1901 Apr. 25,1902 6395 4818 9595 8473 3374 5482 9418 4449 7533 12216 10542 13269 13592 11260 12944 3918 9368 5410 3773 8504 5180 3432 3682 Aug. 18,1902 Oct. 22,1892 Oct. 26,1909 Nov. 28,1906 July 29,1885 June 8,1900 Apr. 17,1909 Sept. 13,1890 9,1904 Dec. June 1.1922 Mar. 21,1914 Dec. 26,1928 Jan. 15,1932 7,1918 Oct. Feb. 24,1926 June 28,1888 Mar. 6,1909 May 18,1900 Aug. 1 1887 Dec. 18,1906 Jan. 17,1889 Jan. 4, 1886 Feb. 8,1887 5884 5873 9591 2527 8914 9347 9831 Oct. Oct. May 20,1901 14,1901 25,1909 24,1881 31,1907 9,1909 12,1910 June Oct. Mar. July Jan. Oct. 12999 July 3,1926 3774 July 26,1887 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 65,000 35,000 25,000 50, 000 100,000 50,000 25,000 50, 000 25, 000 50,000 25,000 107, 650 55, 500 285, 550 311, 500 541,125 7,000 92,500 19, 500 181,000 103,375 297,000 316, 250 521, 542 44,400 50,000 50,000 150,000 50,000 65,000 35.000 50,000 50,000 100,000 50, 000 25,000 100, 000 50, 000 150,000 30,000 Dec. 19,1932 Dec. 22,1932 .do. Dec. 27,1932 do Dec. 28,1932 Dec. 29,1932 do Dec. 30,1932 do. do. Dec. 31,1932 do Jan. 3,1933 Jan. 5,1933 50,000 do 50,000 173,000 341,025 125,000 Jan. 10,1933 100,000 d 25,000 25,000 59,500 148, 500 do 55,000 55,000 205, 250 50, 000 50,000 Jan. 12,1933 107, 550 35, 000 40, 000 .do. _do_ 30,000 99,600 60, 000 299, 250 50,000 50, 000 ..do_ 25,000 90, 500 25, 000 _do_ 200,000 44, 000 200,000 Jan. 13,1933 50,000 100, 000 do 127,175 40,000 5,200 40,000 Jan. 16,1933 150,000 250, 000 do 50,000 73,000 50, 000 Jan. 17,1933 30, 000 5,700 30, 000 do 50,000 102. 350 25,000 Jan. 19,1933 25,000 129,000 50,000 .do. _do_ 100, 000 221,000 100, 000 50,000 320,000 100,000 Jan. 20,1933 1, 000,000 2,982, 771 2,000,000 Jan. 21,1933 50,000 214,000 50, 000 Jan. 24,1933 50, 000 477,500 100, 000 Jan. 25,1933 50,000 309,732 100,000 Jan. 27,1933 100,000 691,000 25,000 51, 250 25,000 66, 750 50, 000 1, 503, 860 25,000 71, 500 602, 400 200, 000 184,000 50, 000 600,000 25,000 25,000 300,000 25,000 300,000 50, 000 100,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 239,404 ..—do Jan. 30,1933 doJan. 30,1933 do Jan. 31,1933 Feb. 2,1933 _do_. _do- 50,000 1*7,180 49, 580 41,250 50,000 147,180 49, 580 41,250 25,000 49,640 96, 580 25,000 49,640 96, 580 24,695 49,460 49,695 100,000 24,760 24,695 49, 460 49,695 100,000 24, 760 39, 760 100,000 24, 640 15,000 50,000 40,000 60,000 48,800 25, 000 96,520 96,520 39, 100,000 24, 640 15,000 50,000 40,000 60,000 48, 800 25, 000 96, 520 96,520 54,046 86,184 260, 495 14, 050 80, 734 42, 286 69,190 38, 330 98,666 10, 000 21,469 291,068 106,068 10,525 41, 728 282,302 1, 041,644 278, 645 277,219 36, 726 545.910 222,417 220,005 230, 634 85,834 1,062, 700 1,164,606 2,317,165 105, 924 89,577 447, 849 41,595 21,500 67,639 31,951 273,150 122,481 31, 482 473,029 146,800 64, 239 49,700 49, 700 1,410, 856 34.100 34,100 97,388 19, 280 19,280 63,085 29, 262 24,700 24,700 115,962 100,000 100,000 106,695 63,980 63,980 207, 688 1,701, 580 1, 701,580 2,119, 977 49,640 49,640 67, 571 75,000 75,000 262, 262 100,000 168,800 100,000 1, 288,085 355, 238 11, 258, 781 368,128 1, 028, 225 421,555 300,000 25,000 24, 700 296,100 6,250 200,000 37, 200 300,000 4, 575,657 26, 642 25,000 61, 755 24, 700 296,100 3, 662, 258 6,250 41,000 200, 000 110,000 37, 200 82, 529 5, 439, 556 156, 792 94, 349 7, 674, 055 209,308 2,679,849 236, 786 100,000 25, 000 100,000 25, 000 87, 096 60, 774 864, 029 79,143 455, 666 169, 323 304,892 589, 428 645, 518 325,113 1, 265, 769 573,249 205, 704 1,944, 442 423, 629 205, 709 91,820 450,839 279, 652 305, 040 TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. SI, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Organization Name and location of bank Charter No. Date Farmers & Stock Growers National Bank, Heppner, Oreg 11007 Apr. 28,1917 Pleasantville National Bank, Pleasantville, N. J. 12510 Feb. 20,1924 First National Bank, Ridgway, 111.9 9439 May 7,1909 First National Bank, Secor, 111 6007 Oct. 21,1901 Citizens & Security National Bank, St. James, Minn 7021 Sept. \24,1903 1934 June 9,1872 Nokomis National Bank, Nokomis, 111 9 3059 Sept. 8.1883 First National Bank, North Bend, Nebr.6 5613 Sept. \25,1900 First National Bank, Lumberton, Miss. 5255 Jan. :16,1900 Citizens National Bank, Irwin, Pa.* 9 3188 M a y :12,1884 Union National Bank, Fremont, Nebr. 3196 M a y 3.1884 Ashland National Bank, Ashland, Wis 3067 Nov. 20,1886 Northern National Bank, Ashland, Wis Sunrise National Bank & Trust Co., Baldwin, N.Y 13062 Apr. 5,1927 8069 Dec. 21,1905 First National Bank, Oceanside, Calif Citizens National Bank, New Brunswick, N. J_. 12468 Aug. 7,1923 10074 Aug. 11,1911 McDaniel National Bank, Springfield, Mo.i 19 First National Bank, Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J. . 12422 July 23,1923 7446 Oct. 18,1904 Commercial National Bank Washington D. C._ 5793 Apr. 23,1901 Smith National Bank, St. Edward, Nebr.9 8471 Dec. 4,1906 National Exchange Bank, Chester, S. C.« 3441 Dec. 28,1885 First National Bank, The Dalles, Oreg5 9755 Apr. 13,1910 First National Bank, Hampstead, Md. 9537 July 20,1909 Continental National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind.7 1. 11553 Nov. 19,1919 Broad Street National Bank, Red Bank, N. J. _. 12643 Feb. 9,1925 Cherokee National Bank, St. Louis, Mo.7 _ 12420 July 28,1923 American National Bank, Rushville, Ind,6 9502 Aug. 4,1909 Central National Bank, Oakland, Calif.7 9 Guardian National Bank of Commerce, Detroit, Mich.7 8703 Apr. 24,1907 First National Bank, Detroit, Mich.7 _ 10527 Apr. 22,1914 First National Bank of Kitzmillerville, Kitzmiller, Md.7 8302 June 25,1906 Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed $50,000 100,000 25, 000 25,000 $12, 500 14,000 26, 750 50, 250 $50,000 Feb. 2,1933 100,000 Feb. 4,1933 25, 000 do. 25,000 Feb. 6,1933 25,000 50, 000 50, 000 25, 000 50,000 60, 000 50, 000 100, 000 140,900 480,925 171, 500 207,000 323, 500 422. 420 406, 500 651,000 80,000 75,000 50, 000 50,000 100,000 150, 000 100,000 100,000 d( Feb. 9,1933 d ____do Feb. 10,1933 Feb. 13,1933 100, 000 75, 000 100,000 79,950 25, 000 250,000 20,000 250, 000 300, 000 325, 000 100, 000 50,000 25, 000 300, 000 1,996, 250 1,000,000 50, 000 25, 000 62, 652 100, 000 100, 000 185,000 200,000 50, 000 508, 500 25, 000 62,000 50,000 400, 000 400,000 402, 000 100, 000 150,000 130,500 200, 000 200,000 29,000 100, 000 100,000 49,000 1,000, 000 2,027, 750 1,200,000 Feb. 14,1933 Feb. 15,1933 Feb. 16,1933 Feb. 17,1933 Feb. 27,1933 Feb. 28,1933 M a r . 3,1933 M a r . 9,1933 M a r . 10,1933 .do. Apr. 8,1933 Apr. 15,1933 Apr. 22,1933 Apr. 25,1933 M a y 8,1933 750, 000 6,032, 500 10, 000, 000 M a y 11,1933 do 5,000, 000 15, 664, 708 25, 000,000 25, 000 25,250 25,000 M a y 19,1933 Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure $100,000 25,000 25,000 $100,000 25,000 25, 000 50,000 75,000 49, 400 49,100 50,000 75,000 49,400 49,100 149, 280 99, 400 99,100 149, 280 99, 400 99,100 984,400 25, 000 100,000 91,660 44, 040 984, 400 25, 000 100, 000 91,660 44,040 24,820 24, 820 1,149,900 1,149,900 Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure Total deposits at date of failure $25,641 122, 669 10,500 48,451 $87,997 288,891 73,144 99,154 119,986 156, 658 27, 207 97, 089 102,200 85, 648 205,879 198, 483 298,421 674, 399 145, 369 305, 253 235,683 141,634 671,691 981,500 86, 000 2, 953, 219 84, 908 194,033 637,810 70,498 110,000 615,482 491,044 110, 715 5,692 525, 264 1, 515, 954 998, 004 299,645 427,361 931, 445 23, 430 10,140 o o W H 10,147, 364 244,166 464, 697 1, 507,174 769,103 1, 839,891 1,119, 832 468, 374 19,807, 968 105,146 113,866,273 4,844, 240 4,844, 240 9,351,060 9, 351,060 16,250, 000 398,798,006 23,430 to 204,918 Q Q First National Bank, Massillon, Ohio 7 7 Citizens National Bank, Greenville, Tenn. First National Bank, Silverton, Tex.7 a 7 Citizens National Bank, Frostburg, Md. 5 Citizens National Bank, Richmond, Ky. Britton7 & Koontz National Bank, Natchez, Miss. National Loan & Exchange Bank, Columbia, S. C 7 City National Bank, Huntington Park, Calif.7— First National Trust & Savings Bank, Chico, Calif.7 79 First National Bank, Garden City, Kans. First National Bank, Franklin, N. Y.7 7 Pelham National Bank, Pelham, N. Y. Douglastqn National Bank, New York, N. Y. 7 .. First National Bank, Augusta, Kans.7 9 First National Bank, Kingfisher, Okla.c First National Bank, Rialto, Calif.7 Athol National Bank, Athol, Mass.77 First National Bank, Everly, Iowa Brasher Falls National Bank, Brasher Falls, N. Y.™ Millers River National Bank, Athol, Mass.7 Mount Holly National Bank, Mount Holly, N.J.* Larchmont National Bank & Trust Co., Larchmont, N. Y.7. Central National Bank, Spartanburg, S. C.7 7 First National Bank, Bank, Burnside, Ky.7 Millersville National Millersville, 7 Pa. _-_ Citizens National Bank, Mulberry, Ind. 7 First National Bank, Hoopeston, 111.7 First National Bank, Albany, Oreg. 7 First National Bank, Clintonvflle, Wis. First National Bank, Mebane, N. C> First National Bank, Oakley, Kans.7 Rockland National Bank, Rockland, Maine 7_... Montezuma Valley National Bank, Cortez, Colo.*' South Side National Bank, St. Louis, Mo.7 First National Bank, Eutaw, Ala.77« First National Bank, Verona, Pa. 7 Citizens National Bank, Monticello, Ky. First National Bank, Dunkirk, Ohio.7 7 Peoples National Bank, Seymour,7 Mo. First National Bank, Ellis, Kans. 7 First National Bank, Oberlin, La. First National Bank, Fairmont, N. C.7» Maple 7Shade National Bank, Maple Shade, N.J. — See footnotes at end of table. 216 13482 8816 4926 7653 Jan. July June May Feb. 8,1864 11,1930 13,1907 24,1893 8,1905 175, 000 1,514,500 75,000 6,000 30, 000 58,184 50, 000 180, 500 100,000 182,000 300, 000 75, 000 30, 000 50, 000 100, 000 May June June June June 23,1933 3,1933 5,1933 8,1933 26,1933 100,000 July 281,460 75, 000 7, 260 49, 580 67,380 281, 460 75,000 7,260 49, 580 67, 380 575, 063 651,237 103,232 230, 539 61,129 2, 391, 485 651,311 87, 518 1,138,028 522,928 12537 Apr. 30,1924 100,000 30,000 1,1933 100, 000 100, 000 451,913 1, 516, 039 6871 July 4,1903 12988 Aug. 6,1926 500,000 100,000 895, 030 13,000 500, 000 July 5,1933 125,000 July 13,1933 390, 000 390, 000 837, 585 142,482 2, 282,965 635,961 2 g 50, 000 50, 000 63,000 50, 000 100, 000 25, 000 25, 000 25,000 100,000 25,000 168,500 224, 500 313, 041 57,000 150, 000 July 18,1933 50, 000 July 21,1933 50, 000 do do 200, 000 do 100,000 75,000 July 27,1933 do 25, 000 75, 000 Aug. 2,1933 Aug. 3,1933 100, 000 25,000 .. 25,000 do 150,000 Aug. 4,1933 150, 000 12, 500 50, 000 150,000 12, 500 50, 000 260, 662 145, 835 174, 654 1, 260, 529 84,873 75, 000 146,334 24, 520 50, 000 289,187 99, 200 267, 053 25, 000 18,937 2,252,104 S 8798 3448 282 11951 13115 6643 5328 8768 2172 7828 July Nov. Dec. Mar. June Feb. Apr. July Mar. June 8,1907 16,1885 24,1863 18,1921 21,1927 9,1903 25,1900 3,1906 6,1874 17,1905 10943 Oct. 16,1916 708 Dec. 15,1864 120, 500 82, 000 128, 000 229,000 79, 500 25, 000 25, 250 150, 000 1, 080, 750 • 75,000 24, 520 50,000 99, 200 25, 000 24, 220 150,000 24, 220 150, 000 156, 563 221, 521 239,346 425, 628 365,282 1, 275, 295 196,114 522, 520 232, 482 378, 564 1,383, 568 215, 390 279,282 571, 000 100,000 do __ 100,000 100, 000 Oct. 28.1901 Apr. 17,1895 Aug. 10,1907 Apr. 10,1908 Apr. 26,1912 Sept. 26,1882 Apr. 4,1883 May 19.1902 Apr. 14.1920 May 25,1911 June 24,1865 50, 000 151, 000 100, 000 943,000 25,000 55, 500 25,000 14, 000 50,000 48, 000 50,000 505, 314 50, 000 608,400 25,000 190, 220 50,000 15,000 40,000 95,700 150,000 1,156, 500 200, 000 400, 000 25,000 25, 000 50,000 100,000 125,000 100,000 50,000 40,000 150,000 Aug. 5,1933 Aug. 8,1933 do ... Aug. 15,1933 do ... do A u g . 16,1933 do A u g . 16,1933 Aug. 18,1933 do 200, 000 385, 560 25, 000 25,000 49, 400 65, 000 100, 000 100,000 24, 550 10,000 149,100 200, 000 1, 066,144 385, 560 1, 228,806 25, 000 10,000 25,000 71, 229 49,400 11,946 65, 000 158,338 100, 000 209, 718 100, 000 284,848 75,860 24, 550 10,000 55,963 149,100 31,896 1, 509,936 2,383, 566 87,689 442,080 174, 650 589, 576 569,674 1, 278, 940 81,124 117, 229 4,373,399 9100 132G4 3931 4877 6419 6628 9932 10987 11324 12009 Feb. 26,1908 Dec. 5,1928 Oct. 5,1888 Feb. 24,1893 Sept. 2.1902 Feb. 9.1903 Jan. 19,1911 Apr. 17,1917 M a r 11,1919 Aug. 19.1921 30,000 200,000 50,000 50, 000 25,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 25,000 40,000 108, 600 315,000 407,500 493,500 86,000 30,000 19,050 5,000 23, 500 20,400 30,000 do 600,000 Aug. 19,1933 100,000 Aug. 23,1933 200,000 do 25,000 do 50,000 . .do 25,000 do50,000 do 25,000 do 40,000 do 30,000 197, 500 99,995 50,000 25,000 50,000 23,000 30,000 197,500 99, 995 50,000 25,000 50,000 23,000 164,915 17,401 168, 675 341,987 64,820 45,421 46,941 9,093 162,646 186, 777 5, 476,286 217,581 1,750,670 155, 272 195,147 95,993 119,068 151,993 39,433 12428 June 27,1923 50,000 1,000 76,020 119,480 100, 000 50,000 ....'-do W 187,185 1,184, 111 6019 4996 8903 9259 10234 2808 2928 6273 11697 10041 1446 1356 June 1,1865 O Hrj o hrj w a a o to TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 81, 1937, dates of organization and appointment oj receiverst capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Repor tNo. Organization 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2366 2367 2369 2371 2374 2377 2378 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2387 2388 2392 2394 2395 2396 2397 2399 2401 2402 Name and location of bank Union and Peoples National Bank, Jackson, Mich.7 First National Bank, Haverhill, Mass.?7 Essex National Bank, Haverhill, Mass. 7 First National Bank, Lebanon, Ind. __ -.. First National Bank, Louisa, Va.7 7 First National Bank, Lorimor, Iowa _7 9._ First National Bank, Clearfield, Iowa National Bank of Commerce, Amarillo, Tex.1 9__ First National Bank, Peru, Ind. 7 - _. First National Bank, Clay Center, Kans. 7 . . . _ First National Bank & Trust Co., Baraboo, Wis. 7 . 79 First National Bank, Waynoka, Okla. First National Bank, Adams, Nebr. 7 »_._• First National Bank, Hicksville, Ohio 7 9 First National Bank, Elmore, Ohio 77 First National Bank, Kansas, Ohio » 7 First National Bank at Pontiac, Mich. First National Bank, Hart, Mich. 7 Tri-County National Bank, Oliver Springs, Tenn. 7 _ , _ Midway National Bank, Midway, 79 Pa.7 First National Bank, Fleming, Ky. First National Bank, Midland Park, N.9J.7 First National Bank, Hatton, N. Dak.i City National Bank and Trust Co., Niles, Mich.7_ First National Bank of Trenton, Barnveld, N. Y.7 Rubey National Bank, Golden, Colo.7 9 Westside National Bank, West Paterson, N. J. 7 . Grand Rapids National Bank, Grand Rapids, Mich.7 First National Bank, New Matamoras, Ohio 7___ First National Bank, Nappanee, Ind. 7 7 Olney National Bank, Hartford. Mich. Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure Total deposits at date of failure to g w 1533 481 589 2057 10968 12248 9549 6865 363 3072 3609 9709 9223 4867 6770 11598 13600 6727 June 28,1865 June 23,1864 Nov. 7,1864 Aug. 30,1872 Mar. 24,1917 Aug. 7,1922 Aug. 19,1909 June 26,1903 Jan. 1,1864 Nov. 1,1883 Dec. 8,1886 Mar. 7,1910 Aug. 14,1908 Feb. 14,1893 Apr. 2,1903 Sept. 11,1919 Feb. 26,1932 Apr. 14,1903 11998 6626 11988 12603 6743 13307 June Feb. June Oct. Apr. Mar. $100,000 $1,306, 763 200,000 1, 321, 500 100,000 495, 000 100,000 555, 515 50,000 41,521 35, 000 9,800 25, 000 69, 250 75,000 75,000 1,699, 750 50,000 235, 625 50,000 243,884 25,000 31, 500 25,000 100,000 50,000 132,109 25,000 43, 449 25,000 5,500 500,000 30,000 98,747 $700,000 200,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 35,000 25,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 150,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 37, 500 25,000 500,000 75,000 Aug. 24,1933 Aug. 29,1933 do do Aug. 30,1933 Sept. 5,1933 do do Sept. 6,1933 do Sept. 11,1933 Sept. 12,1933 do Sept. 13,1933 do do do Sept. 14,1933 $700,000 199,997 100,000 100,000 10, 000 50,000 25,000 10,000 50, OGO 25,000 150, 000 22,1921 7,1903 16,1921 6,1924 1,1903 21,1929 25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 20, 250 54,000 58,00C 6,000 59, 000 36, 750 25,000 do 50,000 Sept. 15,1933 25,000 do 50, 000 do 25, 000 Sept. 16,1933 150, 000 Sept. 18,1933 11238 Aug. 30,1918 6497 Oct. 28,1902 12848 July 17,1925 25,000 50, 000 75,000 3,750 214, 000 40,000 Sept. 20,1933 50,000 Sept. 21,1933 75, OGO Sept. 22,1933 500,000 25,000 40,000 25,000 3,405,434 102, 750 72, 400 54, 250 1,000,000 Sept. 25,1933 50,000 Sept. 26,1933 40, 000 do 25,000 do 3293 5999 8785 9854 Jan. Oct. June July 2,1885 7,1901 27,1907 20,1910 35,000 6,250 100,000 50,000 150,000 6,500 10,000 49,640 10,000 25,000 500,000 75,000 $700,000 $1,919,004 199, 997 8,513 100,000 6,824 100, 000 127, 659 32,041 36,857 35,000 30,918 6,250 478, 831 363, 408 100, 000 131,937 50,00C 178,184 150,000 38, 228 6,500 55, 677 10,000 64,735 49, 640 20,562 10,000 8,864 25,000 25, 961 500,000 81, 698 75,000 $7, 621, 645 1,923,434 2, 375,863 539,425 640,872 255,890 103,600 10, 773 1,099, 298 449,968 922,525 106, 019 142,416 178, 681 369, 729 44,886 7, 235,853 346, 501 150, 000 16, 768 14,100 41,374 72, 295 17, 566 232, 780 1, 228, 306 12, 500 25, 000 12,500 25,000 125, 732 385,912 115,138 284, 360 673,445 215,919 500,000 10,000 39, 695 25,000 500,000 10,OGO 39, 695 25,000 2, 456, 322 20, 465 16,259 95,006 12,838,053 330,062 215,985 380,014 58,555 254,917 94, 298 350,035 o g O f o 0 o First National Bank, Crescent City, 111.7 9 First National Bank, Carrier Mills, 111.7 First National Bank, Sidell, 111.7 9 First National Bank, Odin, 111.7 First National Bank, Ironton, Minn. 7 79 First National Bank, La Harpe, Kans. 7 Newman National Bank, Newman, 111. Citizens National Bank, Brazil, Ind.7» Peoples-American National Bank, Princeton, Ind.7 First National Bank, Meadow, Tex.7 9 Central Park National Bank, Central Park, N. Y.7 First National Bank & Trust Co., Cambridge City, Ind. 7 9 First National Bank of Marshall County at Plymouth, Ind. 7 7 First National Bank, Montpelier, Ind. First National Bank, Boswell, Ind.77 9 First National Bank, Clinton Ind. Rosedale National Bank, Rosedale,7 Ind. 7 9 First National Bank, Cayuga, Ind. 7 Lynch National Bank, Lynch, Ky. Cherokee National Bank, Cherokee, Okla.7 Madison National Bank, Tallulah, La.7 79 First National Bank, Kanawha, Iowa Merchants National Bank, Galena, 111.7 7 First National Bank, Central City, Colo. First National Bank, Freeport, 111.7 79 Galena National Bank, Galena, 111. First National Bank, Mancos, Colo.779 First National Bank, Almont, Mich. 79 First National Bank, Brighton, Mich.7 9 First National Bank, Ridge Farm, 111. First National Bank, New Richland, Minn. 7 9._Knoxville-Citizens 7 National Bank & Trust Co., Knoxville, Iowa Second National Bank, Bel Air, Md. 7 Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Bel Air, Md. 7 Citizens National Bank, Romeo, Mich.7 7 First National Bank, Goodhue, Minn. Mount Ephraim7 9 National Bank, Mount Ephraim, N. J. First National Bank, Somers Point, N. J.7 Mechanics National Bank & Trust Co., Millville, N. J.7 First National Bank, Plumville, Pa. 7 7 9 First National Bank, Cherry Tree, Pa. National Bank of Newport, Newport, N . Y.7 7 First National Bank in Avon-by-the-Sea, N. J. _. See footnotes at end of table. 8015 8374 9525 10382 7226 7575 Nov. Nov. July Aug. Mar. Apr. Jan. Mar. 8,1902 11,1905 23,1906 3,1909 31,1913 11.1904 12.1905 4,1907 25,000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 25,000 25,000 50, 000 100, 000 62, 250 36,625 130, 970 45, 875 42, 250 47,200 189, 000 143,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 10551 1292S May Feb. 5,1914 8,1926 125,000 25,000 246, 250 125,000 25, 000 Sept. 27,1933 do do do do Sept. 30,1933 Oct. 2,1933 .do., .do.. 25,000 25,000 25,000 19, 700 25,000 24,700 50, COO 98, 700 25, 000 25,000 25, 000 19, 7C0 25,000 24, 700 50, 000 98, 700 30, 573 38, 260 32, 312 10, 729 49, 567 31,995 38, 375 63, 598 100, 000 100,000 271, 593 98,891 90,137 106,115 143* 729 67,603 207, 223 421, 683 811,455 37,185 g 206, 225 H O 8, 538 12951 June 25,1926 70 May 11,1882 .do.. 25,000 25, 000 3,1933 49,990 49, 990 do _do_ do_. .do.. do_. .do.. -do.. Oct. 4,1933 do Oct. 7,1933 Oct. 9,1933 .do_ .do. .do-, -do-. Oct. 9,1933 do Oct. 10,1933 do 129, 997 50, GOO 6,250 30, 000 25. 000 25i 000 129,997 50, 000 6.250 30, 000 25, 000 25, 000 40, 000 25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 200, 000 24. 820 50, 000 20, 000 40, COO 25, 000 25,000 25, 000 200, 000 24, 820 50,000 20,000 1, 900 115, 500 8,750 130,000 50,000 25,000 60,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 30, 000 50, 000 50, 000 100, 000 25,000 300,000 100, 000 50, 000 25, 000 35, 000 50,000 25, 000 50, 000 50, 000 50,000 50, 000 72,863 50,000 Oct. 189,445 100, 00C 336,000 2119 5278 5476 6480 9006 9189 12649 12049 12923 9018 979 2129 2875 3279 9674 12793 12869 5313 10642 June Mar. June Sept. Jan. June Jan. Nov. Feb. Dec. Mar. Sept. Jan. Dec. Jan. May Dec. Apr. June 19,1873 20,1900 11,1900 25,1902 4,1908 29,1908 21.1925 16,1921 19.1926 L4,1907 7,1865 15,1873 11,1883 23,1884 18,1910 20,1925 18,1925 3,1900 11,1914 50, 000 50, 000 25, 000 30, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50,000 30, 000 50,000 25, 000 125, 000 50, 000 120, 000 100, 000 50, 000 25, 000 25, 000 30, 000 25, 000 466,325! 121, 500 73,000 98, 400 42, 250 112, 500 74, 500 33, 300 12849 3933 Nov. 4,1925 Sept. 7,1888 100, 000 60, 000 6, 568 130,105 100, 000 60, 000 _do_ Oct. 11,1933 100, 000 60, 000 100, 000 60, 000 376, 731 9474 2186 7603 June 30,1909 Aug. 19,1874 Dec. 27,1904 25,000 50. 000 25, 000 80, 250 329, 692 66, 000 100,000 50, 000 25, 000 do Oct. 12,1933 Oct. 13,1933 25,000 49, 640 25, 000 49, 640 110,211 55, 552 114, 917 402,077 525, 762 352,312 12618 12559 Dec. 22,1924 June 12,1924 25, 000 50, 000 4,250 3,000 25, 000 50, 000 .do. .do. 38, 047 90, 826 144, 953 203, 091 5208 7887 7000 1655 13560 June Aug. Sept. May June 250, 000 60, 000 100, 000 50, 000 Ido-do. .do. _do. _do. 361, 002 135, 213 223,499 216, 869 176, 429 626,472 267, 066 850, 604 202,972 179,024 6,1899 25,1905 8,1903 8,1865 29,1931 100, 000 30, 000 25, 000 50, 000 50, 000 78, 25C 661, 750 366, 250 1, 215, 729 473, 000 132, 000 268, 91, 232, 254, 500 200 000 000 50,000 49, 550 49, 550 98, 560 10, 000 98, 020 49, 600 98, 560 10, 000 49, 600 39, 567 208,609 126, 518 63,980 325, 783 18,147 49, 599 121, 768 54, 781 143,159 51, 845 359 7,071 38,744 70,181 206,873 18,820 23, 606 44,315 12, 272 823, 642 271, 564 137,083 1,026,470 132, 709 115, 263 151,604 244, 263 153,987 102, 397 405, 790 223, 540 2, 462,095 2,167, 633 228, 502 166, 910 142, 638 36, 623 124, 111 1,163, 545 1, 004, 256 H w o o g Hri o F F $3 Q ~ H W O hri s a TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—-Continued Report No. Organization Name and location of bank First National Bank, Birmingham, Mich.? First National Bank, Channing, Tex.77 First National Bank, Fosston, Minn. __ __ Harriman National Bank & Trust Co. of the City of New York, New York, N.7 Y.7 2460 First National Bank, Avoca, Mich. 3 7 2461 First National Bank, Waverly, N. Y. N. Y.7«_ 2462 National Central Bank, Cherry Valley, 7 _ 2463 First National Bank in Salem, Oreg. 7 9 2464 First National Bank, Humboldt, Iowa7 2466 First National Bank, Grantsville, Md. _ 7 2468 First National Bank, Oak Harbor, Ohio 7 2169 Peckville National Bank, Peckville, Pa. Mich. 7 .. 2470 Millington National Bank, Millington, 7 2471 First National Bank, Valier, Mont. 7 2472 First National Bank, Conrad, Mont. 7 2475 First National Bank, Hankins, N. 7Y. 2476 First National Bank, Oregon, Wis. 7 2477 First National Bank, Ypsilanti, Mich. 7 _ 2478 Peoples National Bank, Monmouth, IU. 7 2480 First National Bank, Dallas City, 111. 7 9 . 2481 First National Bank, Woodstock, Minn. 7 2482 First National Bank, Neillsville, Wis. 7 2483 Falls National Bank, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 2484 First National7 9 Bank of Commerce, Tarpon Springs, Fla. _ _ -_ 7 }485 First National Bank, Marseilles, 111. 7 2487 First National Bank, Shullsburg, Wis. 2488 Pleasant Unity National Bank, Pleasant Unity, Pa.7 M89 Earlville National Bank, Earlville, 111.779 >490 First National Bank in Braidwood,7 9111. First National Bank, Cresco, Iowa 7 First National Bank, Chelsea, Iowa First National Bank, Graettinger, Iowa 7 9 2456 2457 2458 2459 111 Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure 9874 Sept. 7,1910 10949 Jan. 19,1917 6889 June 12,1903 $25,000 25,000 25,000 $207,250 7,750 83,100 $200,000 Oct. 14,1933 25,000 do .-_ 30, 000 Oct. 16,1933 $100,000 $100,000 29,997 29,997 Mar. 2,1911 Oct. 4,1915 Feb. 13,1864 Apr. 13,1865 Oct. 8,1885 May 24,1906 Aug. 6,1901 Jan. 15,1903 Feb. 24,1905 May 6,1907 July 12,1909 Mar. 23,1910 Mar. 29,1924 May 25,1914 Nov. 25,1863 May 2,1890 Oct. 2,1900 Feb. 21,1905 Sept. 28,1909 Oct. 16,1919 200,000 25,000 50,000 200,000 75,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50, 000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 75, 000 25, 000 25,000 50,000 100, 000 4, 630,000 35, 500 487, 750 412, 250 419, 875 108, 550 46,000 91,125 240,125 33. 500 34,250 55, 500 do 2, 000, 000 25, 000 Oct. 24, 1933 do 100, 000 do 50, 000 do... . 200,000 do 50,000 25,000 Oct. 25,1933 do 50, 000 do 150, 000 do 25, 000 do 25,000 do 75, 000 do 25, 000 do 25,000 150,000 Oct. 26,1933 do 75,000 do 75, 000 do 25, 000 do 50, 000 do 100,000 300,000 300,000 100,000 49, 997 100,000 48, 920 25,000 25, 000 49,250 6,250 6,500 75, 000 100,000 49, 997 100,000 48, 920 25, 000 25, 000 49, 250 6,250 6,500 75, 000 12. 500 150,000 49, 997 75,000 25, 000 49, 997 25, 000 12274 Nov. 8,1922 1852 June 27,1871 4055 May 23,1889 50,000 50,000 50,000 4,500 274,875 163, 500 do 75, 000 75,000 Oct. 27,1933 do 50,000 25, 000 50,000 25,000 50, 000 25,000 25, 000 61, 625 68, 500 47, 500 185, 375 53,550 61, 053 25,000 do 50, 000 do 25, 000 do 50, 000 Oct. 30,1933 40, 000 do 25,000 do 9955 10790 297 1136 3405 8277 5943 6632 7785 8723 9520 9759 12549 10620 155 4313 5609 7625 9606 11489 6581 7555 11895 4897 5412 5571 Dec. Dec. Dec. Apr. May July 5,1902 6,1904 6,1920 7,1893 17,1900 13,1900 23, 000 712, 250 276, 000 119, 000 41, 500 84,000 37,000 Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure Total deposits at date of failure $255,855 20,164 40, 730 $2,346,905 72, 666 500,122 12, 500 150, 000 49,997 75, 000 25,000 49,997 25, 000 1, 388, 500 67, 924 16, 000 117, 267 210, 639 206, 731 7,332 37, 678 254,449 37, 644 114,807 107, 020 46,911 116 158, 998 123, 668 52, 295 45, 950 164, 217 227,083 23, 760, 278 237, 075 886, 020 844, 498 1, 420,988 724, 744 321, 755 722, 609 1, 371, 986 82,107 72,103 204,812 188,744 150,239 2, 300, 280 454, 553 92. 533 55; 903 244, 057 1,127,066 49, 580 49, 580 101, 243 200,415 37,877 123,161 405,683 397,671 24, 700 24, 700 50, 000 25, 010 11, 760 50, 000 25,010 11. 760 18, 460 46, 481 75, 278 77, 009 30, 920 53, 751 248, 228 169,332 157,051 275, 507 115, 668 92,944 to QO s Q O g O E d First National Bank, Stanton, Iowa 7 New London National Bank, New London, Iowa 7 9 First National Bank, Hubbard, Iowa 7 9 7 Farmers National Bank, Kingsley, Iowa 7 First National Bank, Grand River, Iowa 7 Farmers First National Bank, Rake, Iowa First National Bank, Marathon, Iowa 7 9 7 First National Bank, Rock Valley, Iowa7 First National Bank, Dunkerton, Iowa First National Bank, Little Rock, Iowa7 7 9 First National Bank, St. Angsar, Iowa First National Bank, Whiting, Iowa 7 9 7 First National Bank, Port Norris, N. J. First National Bank, Aurora, Colo.7 Federal-American National Bank & Trust Co., Washington, D. C 7 7 Commercial National Bank,Wilmington, 111. First National Bank, Grayville, 111.797 First National Bank, Steward, 111. 7 First National Bank, Compton, 111. First National Bank, Ransom, 111.7 9 Central 79City National Bank, Central City, Nebr. First National Bank, Sheridan, 111.7 7 9 Farmers National Bank, Dahlgren,7 111. Farmers National Bank, Viola, 111. Old-First National Bank & Trust Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.7 First National Bank of Jewell Junction, Jewell, Iowa 7 9 First National Bank, New B~erlin, Pa.7 9 7 9 Citizens National Bank, Dickson, Tenn. First National Bank, Hawkeye, Iowa 77 99 First National Bank, Gouldsboro, Pa.7 First National Bank, Mansfield, Ark. Webster National Bank, Webster, Mass.77 Lehigh National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa. First National Bank, Portland, Maine 7 Peoples-Ticonic National Bank, Waterville, Maine 7 79 Springvale National Bank, Springvale, Maine . District National Bank, Washington, 13. C.7 7 First National Bank, Richmond, Mich. Uniontown 1National Bank & Trust Co., Uniontown, Pa. Chattanooga National Bank, Chattanooga,Tenn.7 Presque Isle National Bank, Presque Isle,7Maine7. Coast National Bank, Fort Bragg, Calif.7 First-Henry National Bank, Henry, 111. First National Bank, Park Rapids, Minn.7 See footnotes at end of table. 6434 Apr. 23,1902 25,000 106,500 25,000 25,000 25,000 35,814 339, 690 25,000 25, 000 25,000 25, 000 25,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 25,000 25, 000 25, 000 25,000 25,000 18, 750 105, 650 30, 500 32, 750 25,000 -do. 50, 000 .do. 25,000 .do_ 25,000 do 25,000 -—do 25, 000 Oct. 31,1933 50, 000 — .do.. 40,000 — .do 25, 000 do 25, 000 .do 25, 000 -—do 100, 00 "" 0. 25, 000 .do 19,820 37,020 25,000 25,000 16, 000 12, 500 49, 760 40, 000 25, 000 24, 820 25,000 23, 950 19, 820 37,020 25,000 25,000 16,000 12, 500 49, 760 40,000 25, 000 24, 820 25,000 23,950 41,807 107, 240 25, 728 22,154 50,827 31,400 106,953 60,438 38, 902 42, 586 84,093 315, 352 101,434 92,802 174,929 106,128 65,927 80, 036 74,446 167, 552 315,152 104, 041 149,150 167, 747 259,313 397,856 500,000 3,078,979 2, 000,000 — d o 397, 500 50.000 50, 000 Nov. 1,1933 182,000 50; 000 50, 000 .do. 88,000 25, 000 50, 000 — d o 59, 000 25,000 25, 000 do 55,250 25, 000 25,000 — d o 49, 817 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 49, 817 4, 289,129 50, 000 46,056 50, 000 94, 293 50,000 49, 219 30, 552 22,000 6,500 9, 583, 792 184,030 279,886 78, 511 144,109 116, 742 11,119 13, 552 5,718 40,302 212, 597 156,169 125,158 185, 578 1, 750, 000 1, 750,000 7, 782,834 14,443, 693 do. 8352 8970 9116 9737 11735 4789 5200 6722 8119 10684 10861 10036 11682 Aug. Dec. Apr. Mar. May Aug. June Apr. Jan, Dec. May Oct. Mar. 22,1906 3.1907 6.1908 10,1910 12,1920 1,1892 20,1899 1,1903 24,1906 9,1914 2,1916 26,1910 5,1920 10316 1964 4999 6543 7031 Jan. Mar. May Nov. Nov. June 15,1913 15,1872 8,1895 20,1902 3,1903 27,1906 Sept. June Apr. June 12,1906 22,1915 2,1930 22,1920 40, 000 25, 000 25, 000 40, 000 20,1884 350,000 Feb. July June Sept. Oct. Apr. Aug. June Jan. 28,1901 13.1905 14.1906 16.1907 25,1907 23,1918 15,1918 17,1929 4,1864 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 4,039, 349 Jan. 7835 June 9545 Sept. 10742 May 28,1865 22,1905 8,1909 24,1915 100,000 25,000 400,000 25,000 1,025, 653 300,000 163,167 100,000 .do 1,081, 500 1,000,000 ,.do85, 250 50, 000 ,.do_ Feb. Dec. Aug. Sept. June July 4,1924 30,1932 15,1887 30,1909 5,1865 12,1900 250,000 1, 500,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 8385 10760 13451 11779 3285 Dec. 5743 7897 8292 8900 9072 11195 11236 13341 221 12500 13654 3827 9626 1482 5542 119,446 180,000 120,392 66, 750 13,500 15, 000 111,250 14, 750 158,000 21, 750 12,400 50, 000 25,000 25, 000 40, 000 do -do. _do. .do. 2,084, 750 1, 750, 000 Nov. 2,1933 33,000 19,125 96, 750 27, 500 36, 000 19, 500 90, 500 25,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 200,000 600,000 Nov. 3,1933 ..—do .do. —do —do —do —do —do Nov. 6,1933 250, 000 -do. 1, 500,000 .do. 374, 500 100, 000 Nov. 7,1933 53, 500 100, 000 — d o 501, 500 50, 000 do 215,000 50,000 Nov. 8,1933 6,500 19, 820 25, 000 19, 640 37,495 25,000 25,000 24,050 98,050 19, 820 47, 595 22,231 56, 504 31,026 15,000 8,232 181, 516 225, 321 596, 700 596, 700 149, 525 205, 282 287,888 68, 602 200,996 118, 518 1,127,829 297,072 6, 647, 208 300,000 6,250 903,000 50,000 152,109 300,000 71,813 6,250 903, 000 1,061,693 27, 272 50,000 5,976, 675 2,000,038 6,077, 504 768, 019 12, 500 50,000 295,941 2,944,618 788,461 12, 500 5,277 50,000 178,999 45,800 2,013 9,883, 045 2,498,106 667, 946 636, 757 388, 417 45,800 25,000 19, 640 37, 495 25,000 25, 000 24,050 98,050 sn w o o O Q CO TABLE NO. 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—'Continued Organization Name and location of bank 1 Charter No. t,o ft & 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2559 2560 2561 2562 2565 2568 2569 2570 2571 First National Bank, Huttig, Ark.7 First National Bank, Monroeton, Pa. 7 9 Jefferson County National Bank, Brookville, Pa. 7 . First National Bank, Medford, 7Wis. 19 First National Bank, Joliet, 111. First National Bank, Earlville, 111.7 First National Bank, Woodruff, S. C.7 National Bank of Ellensburg, Wash.7 _ __ __. First National Bank in Blooming Grove, Tex.7._ National White River Bank, Bethel,7 Vt.7_ Belton National Bank, Belton, Tex. 7 National Bank of Fairmont, Fairmont, W. Va. _. Richmond National Bank, New York,7 N. Y.7__First National Bank, Wilsonville, 111. 9 7 Webster National Bank, Webster, N. Y. 9 7 First National Bank, Grand Forks, N . Dak. First National Bank & Trust Co., Petersburg, 19 2572 2573 2575 2576 2577 2578 2580 Jackson National Bank, Jackson, Minn. First National Bank, Montour, Iowa 7 9 _ First National Bank, Murray, Ky. 7 _ 79 National Black River Bank, Proctorsville,Vt. __ 7 First National Bank, Marion, Ind. . . . First National Bank, Wilkinsburg, Pa. 7 . . . ___ First Lake County National Bank, Libertyville, 2581 2582 2584 Garrett National Bank, Oakland, Md. 7 National Bank of Commerce, Adrian, Mich. 7 American Exchange National Bank, St. Louis, Mo. 7 9 National Bank of Anaconda, Anaconda, Mont.7__ First National Bank of 7The Thousand Islands, Alexandria, Bay, N. Y First National Bank, Morrison, 111.7 7 Chilton National Bank, Chilton, Wis. 111.7 9 2585 2586 2587 2588 Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Nov. 8, 1933 do Nov. 9,1933 . . . . do Nov. 10,1933 do do do do Nov. 13,1933 do do Nov. 14,1933 Nov. 15,1933 do do 10060 12597 2392 5695 512 3323 10593 11045 13555 962 7509 9462 11655 12630 13145 2570 July Sept. July Dec. Aug. Mar. July June June Mar. Nov. June Feb. Jan. Nov. Sept. 8.1911 15,1924 27,1878 3,1900 1,1864 3,1885 2i, 1914 2,1917 4,1931 14,1865 12,1904 19,1909 17,1920 14,1925 1,1927 12,1881 $25,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 75,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 25,000 50,000 50, 000 $86, 375 1,000 744, 500 79,900 2, 932, 500 291, 500 75, 500 21, 500 3515 6992 7469 10779 1383 4189 4728 May Aug. Oct. Aug. May Dec. Apr. 18,1886 24,1903 25,1904 3,1915 22,1865 4,1889 2,1892 100,000 30,000 25, 000 25,000 50,000 100, 000 50,000 1,155,000 113, 200 65, 226 122,000 253, 750 768, 681 613, 500 6514 N o v . 1,1902 6588 J a n . 15,1903 9421 M a y 10,1909 25, 000 50,000 100,000 162,075 301, 250 186,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 do do._ do 12506 Feb. 19,1924 12542 M a y 7,1924 200,000 100,000 84, 000 12, 500 300, 000 100, 000 do do 5284 M a r . 24,1900 1033 J a n . 28,1865 5933 J u l y 31,1901 30,000 50,000 50,000 184,400 675,476 161,000 432," 625 232, 450 1, 227,000 246, 941 11,000 686,000 $25,000 25,000 125,000 50, 000 1,040,000 50,000 50, 000 50, 000 25,000 50, 000 50,000 400,000 400,000 25,000 50,000 400,000 700,000 Nov. 16,1933 80,000 do _ do 30,000 100,000 Nov. 23,1933 50,000 Dec. 5,1933 do 350,000 do 400,000 50,000 Dec. 7,1933 do 100,000 do 50,000 Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure $25,000 $25,000 50,000 50,666 Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure $32,966 3,000 162, 622 196,883 29,075 81, 208 53,175 61, 622 71, 606 20,000 1,070, 786 1,030,954 16, 276 17,022 990,927 Total deposits at date of failure $90,946 185,009 1,470,625 107,000 6,075,283 203,377 73, 590 200, 503 59, 515 1, 204,762 256,213 4,478,625 3,155,569 71,122 397,243 3, 684, 515 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 24, 640 400,000 335,480 25,000 50,000 399, 995 50,000 25,000 50,000 24, 640 400,000 335, 480 25,000 50,000 399, 995 692,200 692, 200 30, 000 100,000 25,000 350,000 400,000 30, 000 100,000 25,000 350, 000 400,000 1,147,880 35, 657 76,103 146,493 8,399 734,847 656,979 156, 591 922,431 247,848 2,400, 774 4,670,447 98,440 98, 917 100,000 98,440 98,917 100,000 1,057 96, 715 119,424 987,864 834,893 682,339 49, 63? 49, 637 324,162 95,181 1,783,653 526,800 14, 995 49, 700 49,400 14,995 49, 700 49,400 334,982 87,059 90, 595 584,207 192,822 274,261 3,061,875 to o 5 n o o I o o d 3 o First National Bank, La Harpe, 111.7 7 First National Bank, Swanville, Minn. 7 Romulus National Bank, Romulus, N. Y. First National Bank, Keyser, W. Va.7 First-Kenmare National Bank, Kenmare, N. Dak.7 First National Bank, Marmarth, N. Dak.7 7 Farmers National Bank, Hendricks, Minn. Farmers & First National Bank, New Castle, Ind.7 First National Bank, Holland, Minn.7 9 Tulpehocken National Bank & Trust Co., Philadelphia, Pa.7 First National Bank, Tamaroa, 111.77 State National Bank, Windsor, Vt. First National Bank, White Lake, S. Dak.7 Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Milbank, S. Dak.i 9 First National Bank, Gary, S. Dak.77 First National Bank, Hayti, S. Dak. First National Bank, White Bear Lake, Minn.7.. First National Bank, Del Rio, Tex.i 9 7 First National Bank, Rochester, Mich. Day & Night National Bank, Pikeville, Ky.i »_.. First National Bank, Stone Lake, Wis.7 7 9 First National Bank, Canton, S. Dak. 7 Farmers National Bank, Freeport,7 Pa. First National Bank, Canton, 111. 7 .___ Canton National Bank, Canton, 111. _'___ Millbury National Bank, Millbury, Mass.7 Union National Bank, Atlantic City, N. J.i First National Bank, Arthur, 111.7 9 Union National Bank, Fostoria, Ohio 7 First National7 Bank of Douglas County at Castle Rock, Colo. 9 Cooperstown National Bank, Cooperstown, N. Y.7 Mountains National Bank, Tannersville,7 N. Y.7_ First National Bank, St. Albans, W. Va.7___. First National Bank, Portsmouth, Ohio Orange National Bank, Orange, N. J.7 7 First National Bank, Canonsburg, Pa. National Citizens Bank, Charles Town.1 W. Va.7_ Union National Bank, New Castle, Pa. First National Bank, New Wilmington, Pa." National Bank of Clayville, Clayville, N. Y.7 9___ National Shoe & Leather Bank, Auburn, Maine 7 . First National Bank, Hull, Iowa 7 9 79 Citizens National Bank, Oaldwell, Ohio 7 First National Bank, East Orange, N. J. Noble County National Bank in Caldwell, Ohio7 •_ See footnotes at end of table. 20,1906 29,1916 3,1920 5,1902 50,000 25, 000 25,000 60, 000 11, 250 171, 400 6555 Dec. 12,1902 9082 Mar. 24,1908 9457 M a y 10,1909 25,000 25,000 25,000 Aug. 11,1910 11724 M a y 4,1920 100,000 25,000 13185 Mar. Mar. 7721 Mar. 8291 June 6,1928 9,1907 25,1905 22,1906 200, 000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 61,850 81. 250 39,000 Apr. Mar. Nov. June Apr. June Feb. Jan. Nov. Aug. Apr. Nov. Oct. Aug. Oct. June 27,1907 1,1909 3,1915 14,1921 2,1900 2,1908 28.1921 24,1913 3,1882 1,1904 2.1864 17,1886 25,1864 14,1890 31,1899 19,1908 25, 000 25,000 25,000 25, 000 30,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50, 000 100, 000 100, 000 50,000 100,000 99, 250 66,000 21, 000 11,000 391,875 169.000 8,000 7,500 160,500 79, 500 707,875 459, 750 558,184 323, 000 204, 375 194,000 6556 Dec. 12,1902 25,000 74, 750 Nov. 10824 Jan. 11739 M a y 6205 Mar. 9393 10800 11987 5294 9218 11944 10322 2830 7366 415 3593 572 4420 5233 9192 7305 11057 9640 68 131 4570 7270 8503 9554 11277 2270 6953 6458 12338 13154 Mar. June Dec. Aug. June Apr. May Dec. Aug. Dec. May Aug. Sept. Mar. Dec. 26,1904 30,1917 29,1909 8,1863 13,1865 1,1881 16,1904 31,1906 25,1909 4,1918 24,1875 14,1903 9,1902 13,1923 12,1927 50,000 _ do 25,000 _.__ do do 25, 000 80, 000 Dec. 8,1933 12, 500 20,000 5,000 58, 680 12, 500 20, 000 5,000 58,680 96,721 54,142 21,875 184, 914 217,055 133,019 79,991 980,867 85, 500 25, 750 19, 500 25,000 25,000 25,000 _ do do _ 16, 250 25, 000 24, 700 16, 250 25,000 24, 700 84,431 30,171 182,924 137, 294 132,072 254, 613 197,000 200,000 25, 000 do do 199,400 199, 400 294,959 41, 671 1,064,872 40, 370 24, 347 24, 347 10,000 10,000 90, 570 39,977 35,735 130,659 129,848 443,036 975, 253 97,420 24, 750 24, 750 50,000 50,000 25. 000 50,000 50,000 99, 700 99, 997 50, 000 25,000 50, 000 50,000 99, 700 99, 997 50, 000 50,000 75, 000 50,000 75, 000 63, 537 183, 225 75, 603 68,144 422,815 290.436 78,834 24,941 158,935 2,059 60,103 112,492 77,191 564,117 33, 368 259, 716 12, 500 79,946 199,044 40,161 167, 280 32,490 406,086 1,109,418 259,287 99, 965 100,000 65,063 81, 735 408,081 32,140 13, 662 216,262 4,256 560,894 242, 755 290, 756 4, 212, 610 4,151, 235 1, 958, 617 207, 626 70, 500 50,000 51,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 54, 250 110,000 1, 643. 275 200,000 1, 828, 000 50, 000 573, 600 50, 000 114, 250 118, 500 100,000 132, 250 40,000 25, 000 815, 000 200,000 105, 000 35,000 192, 000 60,000 76, 000 100,000 60, 000 200, 000 40, 000 Dec. 9,1933 50,000 Dec. 11,1933 25, 000 do 75,000 35,000 25, 000 25, 000 100,000 100, 000 100, 000 25,000 50, 000 50,000 100,000 125, 000 50, 000 100,000 50. 000 125,000 do do do Dec. 11,1933 Dec. 12,1933 . do do do Dec. 13,1933 do do do do do do Dec. 15,1933 50,000 D e c . 50,000 50, 000 25, 000 400,000 500,000 200, 000 50, 000 100, 000 50,000 25, 000 200, 000 35, 000 60, 000 200, 000 60, 000 18,1933 -_ do do do Dec. 19.1933 do .__ do do do do do do Dec. 20,1933 Dec. 21,1933 do do _ 12, 500 50,000 25,000 19, 000 400, 000 50, 25, 19, 400, 000 000 000 000 100, 000 50,000 100, 000 50, 000 50,000 50, 000 200, 000 35, 000 60,000 200,000 35, 000 60,000 60,666 60,666 293, 527 106, 964 306,521 s o o 1,493,812 39, 704 389,132 651,204 877,893 816,862 617,449 o E 195,195 732, 633 925,426 161,831 3, 243, 788 122,902 666,974 1,111,885 443, 549 w d to TABLE N O . 32.—-National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1987, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Report No. Organization Name and location of bank 2642 2643 First National Bank in Gibsland, La. 7 Bellefontaine National Bank, Bellefontaine, Ohio 7 First National Bank, Swayzee, Ind. 7 7 Hastings National Bank, Hastings, Mich. First National Bank, Paw Paw, Mich.7___ 7 Welden National Bank, St. Albans, Vt. 7 First National Bank in Bessemer, Ala. .___ First National Bank, Hancock, Md. 77 First National Bank, Russellton, Pa. 7 First National Bank, Wyandotte, Mich. First National Bank, Litchfield, Nebr. 7 First National Bank, Lykens, Pa. 7 First National Bank, Woodsfield, Ohio 7 7 Public National Bank, Rochester, N . H. Commercial National Bank, Fond du Lac, Wis. 7 . Morris National Bank, Morris, Minn. 7 9 5 First National Bank, Chattanooga, Tenn. 7 Pittsfield National Bank, Pittsfield, Maine.7 First National Bank, East Palestine, Ohio Union National Bank, Massillon, Ohio l First National Bank, Finleyville, Pa. 7 Farmers National Bank, Lake Geneva, Wis. 7 9 ... First National Bank, Branchville, N . J. 77 Palmyra National Bank, Palmyra, N . J. _. Fort Fairfleld National Bank, Fort Fairfield, Maine7. .. 7 First National Bank, Crafton, Pa. First National Bank, Roseto, Pa.7__ 7 Calais National Bank, Calais, Maine Farmers National Bank, Houlton, Maine77 Citizens National Bank, Stoughton, 7Wis. First National Bank, Burnham, Pa. • Farmers & Wabash National Bank, Wabash, Ind. 7 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 ?66Q 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 Charter No. Date 13169 Jan. 16,1928 1784 Aug. 12,1870 Capital $25,000 100,000 Failures Total dividends paid during existence as a national! Capital Receiver banking appointed association $426,200 $25,000 Dec. 21,1933 100,000 Dec. 26,1933 Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure $100,000 $100,000 50,000 . . . . d o 50,000 Dec. 27,1933 75,000 Dec. 28,1933 100,000 do 100,000 do 30,000 do 25,000 do 150,000 do 25, 000 Dec. 29,1933 50.000 do 50,000 Jan. 2,1934 150,000 do 500,000 do 25,000 do 2, 500,000 Jan. 3,1934 50,000 do 25,000 do. _150,000 do 25,000 Jan. 4,1934 50,000 Jan. 5,1934 50,000 Jan. 6,1934 50,000 do.. 49,997 50,000 24, 760 49,400 78, 570 29,700 25,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 48,980 100,000 372,450 25,000 49,997 50,000 24, 760 49, 400 78: 570 29\700 25,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 48,980 100,000 372,450 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 25, 555 50,000 25,000 12, 500 25,000 50,000 25,000 12, 500 12, 500 50,000 12, 500 50, 000 49,400 25,000 50, 000 25,000 49,400 25,000 50, 000 25,000 157,550 157,550 8820 1745 1521 3482 6961 7859 10493 12616 8093 11062 5414 11893 6015 6310 1606 4188 6593 1318 6420 5592 7364 11793 July Nov. May Feb. Aug. July Feb. June Feb. July May Oct. Oct. Apr. Oct. Oct. Dec. June Sept. Sept. June July 22,1907 25,1870 29,1865 17,1886 25,1903 21,1905 17,1914 14,1924 2,1906 24,1917 15,1900 28,1920 29,1901 15,1902 25,1865 15,1889 20,1902 10,1865 6,1902 4,1900 20,1904 2,1920 25,000 115,300 50,000 410, 500 50,000 600, 740 100,000 339,000 100,000 513,000 30,000 49, 500 25,000 74, 500 150, 000 6,000 25,000 89 250 50,000 39^ 750 50,000 106,000 100,000 73,000 125,000 829, 375 25,000 30, 500 200,000 4, 281, 250 50,000 261,500 25,000 37, 250 100,000 763, 250 25.000 26, 750 30,000 103,100 25,000 81, 500 50,000 21,500 4781 6010 13002 1425 4252 9304 11257 May Mar. Oct. May Jan. Nov. Sept. 23,1892 5,1901 7,1926 30,1865 27,1890 25,1908 21,1918 50,000 25, 000 50,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 354,800 71, 625 605,170 223, 500 78,500 3,500 200,000 Jan. 8,1934 50,000 do... 50,000 do 100,000 Jan. 9,1934 do 50,000 50,000 Jan. 10,1934 25,000 6309 June 13,1902 100,000 288,950 160,000 Jan. 11,1934 Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure to fcO Total deposits a t d a t e of failure $15,213 339,433 $87,218 887,595 42, 759 55,915 49,521 474,498 251,239 185,486 62,929 147,191 52, 701 121,196 40, 714 50, 536 634.169 76,324 6.003,349 101, 743 58, 556 202,340 74, 591 141,889 105,951 223,400 276,874 760,971 494,501 1, 533, 772 1,037,997 501,020 419,405 655,202 156,451 196,747 752,650 2,069,675 2,628,689 148,303 760, 769 215, 229 62,957 189,710 130,681 38,350 1,092,787 806,628 259,106 1,760,092 742,161 387,036 138,644 241, 784 1,459,185 1,991,189 1,249,328 w o M 538,860 350,660 728,896 337,790 a Montpelier National Bank, Montpelier, Ohio 7._ 7 First National Bank, Monticello, 111. 7 First National Bank, Savanna, 111. 7 First National Bank, Mascoutah, 111. State National Bank, Peru, 111.7 First National Bank, Chadwick, 111.7 7 «. First National Bank, Hampshire, 111. » National Bank of Niles Center, 111.7 7 National Bank of Bellows Falls, Vt. Caribou National Bank, Caribou, Maine 7 First National Bank in Ponca City, Okla.7 Anaheim First National Bank, Anaheim, Calif.7Farmers-Merchants National Bank, Princeton, 7 Wis. » Crestwood National Bank, Tuckahoe, N. Y.7 7 Mount Airy National Bank in Philadelphia, Pa. _ Commercial National Bank in Jefferson, Tex.19_. National Bank of Pico, Calif.7 9__. 7 National Bank of Orange County at Chelsea, 79 Vt. Miners National Bank, Ishpeming, Mich. 7 First National Bank, Birdsboro, Pa. Salt Springs National Bank, Syracuse, N. Y.7__. Wilshire National Bank, Los Angeles, Calif.7 9._. Cedar Rapids National Bank, Cedar Rapids, Iowa l First National Bank, Darby, Pa.7 Seven Valleys National Bank, Seven Valleys, Pa.7 9 First National Bank & Trust Co., Yonkers, N. Y.7 Edisto National Bank, Orangeburg,79 S. C.7 First National Bank, Eaton, Colo. First National Bank, Van Buren, Maine 7 National City Bank, New Rochelle, N. Y.7 First National Bank, Greenup, KyJ _. First National Bank, Lintbn, Ind*7 7 First National Bank, Logan, W. Va. 19 First National Bank, Youngsville, Pa. Farmers National Bank, Fairfax, S. Dak.i * 7 First Inland National Bank, Pendleton, Oreg. . _ First National Bank, Brockport, N. Y 7 First National Bank & Trust Co., Mamaroneck, N.Y.i Wabash National Bank, Wabash, Ind.19 7 9 UnitedStatesNationalBank,Vancouver,Wash. . First National Bank, Marietta, Ohio77 First National Bank, Jasonville, Ind. 7 First National Bank, Edgewater, N. J. 7 First National Bank, Johnstown, Pa. First National Bank, Bryan, Ohio 7 Seneca National Bank, West Seneca, N. Y.7 See footnotes at end of table. 5341 4826 8540 9736 13577 5619 11602 13218 1653 6190 9801 10228 12575 12940 13113 13450 13L79 49^9 5668 3905 1287 12577 3643 Apr. 21,1900 Nov. 17,1892 Jan. 30,1907 Mar. 28,1910 Nov. 9,1931 Nov. 1,1900 Jan. 26,1920 June 14,1928 June 12,1865 Feb. 12,1902 June 28,1910 June 26,1912 Aug. 30,1924 Mar. 18,1926 Aug. 8,1927 Apr. 3,1930 Feb. 4,1928 Sept. 9,1893 Dec. 26,1900 Apr. 26,1888 May 20,1865 Aug. 14,1924 Feb. 28,1887 July 15,1890 9507 May 25,1909 50,000 100,000 50, 000 50, 000 150. 000 25,000 25,000 100, 000 100,000 50,000 50, 000 50,000 40, 000 8,000 50, 000 7,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 486,000 100, 000 276, 750 50,000 200, 000 2, 249,000 52,000 200,000 40, 000 100,000 125,000 25,000 50, 000 50,000 100, 000 50,000 800,000 200, 000 100,000 1, 447, 500 50, 000 407, 500 600,000 J a n . 23,1934 250,000 do 19, 250 Dec. 9,1864 Oct. 19,1914 Dec. 7,1901 June 9,1914 Aug. 18,1902 Oct. 31,1903 July 25,1904 Feb. 19,1906 Mar. 10,1906 Feb. 3,1923 Oct. 19,193.1 Apr. 4,1864 150,000 1, 394, 774 100, 000 195, 000 25, 000 107,138 25, 000 62, 250 100,000 945, 500 25, 000 107,000 50, 000 170, 300 50, 000 283, 500 30,000 64,500 50, 000 400,000 50, 000 468, 607 5411 3935 9646 142 7342 8401 51 237 12925 May 28,1900 50.000 287,000 120,000 392,000 100, 000 64, 500 50, 000 1, 654, 250 25,000 130, 250 25,000 20, 500 100,000 2,177, 000 50,000 663, 335 50, 000 9,000 15,1888 11,1910 14,1863 11,1904 12,1906 15,1882 8,1863 27,1925 12,1934 do .. . . do do 124,081 23, 250 9,000 687,000 126, 500 195,000 62, 500 653 10650 6057 10628 6427 7037 7411 8138 8165 12325 13576 382 Aug. Jan. Nov. July July June Oct. July Jan. 60,000 150, 000 100, 000 100, 000 150, 000 50,000 25,000 100,000 100,000 100, 000 50, 000 75,000 25, 000 164,900 459,500 166,250 172,750 do do do Jan. . do do do J a n . 36,1934 J a n . 16,1034 J a n . 17,1934 do J a n . 19,1934 J a n . 22,1934 do 37, 500 99,600 98, 860 49,997 50,000 49, 600 99, 250 12. 500 49, 250 50,000 99, 12, 49, 50, 250 500 250 000 52,173 44, 284 54,574 97,~316 53,130 26,433 84,702 161,172 825,839 46,146 262, 080 ._ 25,000 . 1,000, 000 110,000 50, 000 75, 000 500.000 50,000 100, 000 150,000 50, 000 15,1934 do do do. . 37,600 99,600 98, 860 49, 997 50, 000 49, 600 do „ do do Jan. 26,1934 Jan. 31,1934 Feb. 1,1934 do . do do do 400,000 do 75, 000 Feb. 2,1934 do 150,000 200,000 do 100, 000 Feb. 5,1934 500, 000 do - . 50, 000 do 50, 000 do 400, 000 . do 150, 000 Feb. 7,1934 50,000 do 345, 231 261,411 9,193 39,367 43,092 191, 605 145, 881 1,144, 260 103,956 307,918 393,973 377, 513 o 125,389 863, 714 2,147,928 814, 354 4,165, 850 235,038 w 100, 000 1, 608, 526 1,229,963 2, 967, 666 25, 000 36,277 209,439 4,459, 262 639,361 84, 703 257, 350 3,119, 707 10,450 701 946, 739 53,183 29, 225 1,208,898 158,607 12, 746, 547 1, 543,498 255,432 269,084 7,127, 736 ' 395,360 846, 220 1,978,132 100, 000 100,000 49,997 100, 000 48, 260 49,997 100, 000 48, 260 100, 000 25,000 295, 110, 49, 12, 700 000 995 500 295, 110, 49, 12, 700 000 995 500 24, 640 100, 000 12,500 47, 960 24, 100, 12, 47, 640 000 500 960 99,995 50, 000 100, 000 500,000 25, 000 39,050 397, 650 14P, 640 438,103 627,083 616,396 654, 291 1, 372, 748 119,811 185, 383 868, 539 480, 305 1,131, 645 1,107, 639 368,375 99. 995 50,000 100,000 500,000 25,000 39,050 397,650 149, 640 1,852,011 27,085 103 687, 257 42, 231 81,643 2, 372, 076 103, 863 143,334 3,181, 589 1,444,630 1,023, 579 2, 329,475 370, 774 890,871 11,011, 789 802,053 627,266 H o o F o H W o cj 3 Q to CO TABLE NO. 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, to capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—-Continued Organization Name and location of bank Farmers National Bank, Bryan, Ohio 7 First National Bank, West Allis, Wis. 7 First National Bank, Hempstead, N. Y. 7 Bright National Bank, Flora, Ind. 7 Security National Bank, Randolph, Nebr. 7 First National Bank, Mountain Grove, Mo. 7 Union National Bank, Scranton, Pa. 7 Macon Ridge National Bank, Delhi, La. 7 Elmhurst National Bank, New York, N. Y. 7 Newtown National Bank, New York, N. Y. 7 First National Bank in Lowell, Ind. 1 First National Bank in Ness City, Kans. 7 County National Bank, Clearfield, Pa. 7 Citizens Third National Bank & Trust Co., Qreensburg, Ind. 7 First National Bank, Enosburg Falls, Vt. 7 » First National Bank, Coeburn, Va. 7 First National Bank & Trust Co. in Orlando, Fla. 7 First National Bank, Holly Grove, Ark. 7 9 First National Bank & Trust Co., Fleetwood, Pa. 7 Farmers National Bank, Oxford, Pa. 7 First National Bank & Trust Co. at Flint, Mich.7_ First National Bank, Freeland, Pa. 7 First National Bank, East Rutherford, N. J.7 First National Bank, Clarksville, Tex. 7 First National Bank, La Grange, 111.7 First National Bank, Fremont, Ohio 7 First National Bank, Eaton Rapids, Mich. 7 9 First National Bank, Lyndhurst, N. J. 7 Stockgrowers & Farmers National Bank, Wallowa, Oreg.7___ Yardley National Bank, Yardley, Pa. 7 . First National Bank & Trust Co., Ludington, Mich. 7 Charter No. Date 2474 6908 4880 8014 7477 7282 8737 10912 13035 13379 5931 8142 855 Mar. June Mar. Dec. Nov. Mar. May Sept. Jan. Sept. July Feb. Feb. 2844 7614 6899 10069 12296 Dec. 4,1882 Feb. 11,1905 July 21,1903 Aug. 1,1911 Dec. 7,1922 2906 10997 6175 12228 3973 12653 5 2367 10417 June Feb. Apr. Feb. May Jan. Feb. May July May 26,1880 27,1903 2,1893 13.1905 2,1904 3,1904 4,1907 11,1916 5,1927 6,1929 11,1901 17.1906 6,1865 Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association $50,000 $473, 500 25,000 264, 375 50,000 700, 000 25,000 41, 250 50,000 150, 750 25,000 51, 500 500,000 780,000 25, 000 16, 250 200,000 200,000 50, 000 83,000 25,000 62, 750 100, 000 3,067,847 Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful money deposited $200,000 Feb. 8,1934 150,000 Feb. 9,1934 500, 000 Feb. 13,1934 25, 000 —do. do 50, 000 25, 000 Feb. 19,1934 500,000 Feb. 21,1934 do 25, 000 200,000 ..—do do 200,000 50, 000 — d o do 25,000 500, 000 Feb. 26,1934 $198,500 148, 560 250, 000 25, 000 50,000 12, 320 500, 000 25, 000 100, 000 25,000 495, 237 Circulation outstanding at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure $198, 500 $64, 268 148, 560 342, 688 248, 801 250, 000 25, 000 26, 298 129,419 50,000 12, 320 50, 806 500,000 1, 451, 031 25, 000 73, 844 100, 000 105, 957 138, 218 34, 305 25,000 116, 384 495, 237 1,175, 007 Total deposits at date of failure $1,382, 020 1, 548,112 4,149, 523 300,822 197, 421 149, 800 2, 911, 055 137, 404 692, 607 451,093 o o o 225, 745 3, 428, 707 50, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 25,000 549, 750 39, 750 198, 566 149, 000 16, 250 do 150, 000 25, 000 100,000 Feb. 27,1934 200, 000 25, 000 do 140, 000 19, 995 100, 000 50, 000 10, 000 140, 000 19, 995 100,000 50, 000 10, 000 310, 530 122, 082 108, 842 515, 525 33,879 601,065 634, 276 211,297 2,114, 277 30, 597 20,1907 27,1883 13,1917 15,1902 31,1922 26,1889 18,1925 23,1863 3,1877 20,1913 25, 000 75,000 200, 000 50,000 50, 000 50, 000 100, 000 100, 000 50, 000 50, 000 161,000 254, 250 424,000 177,250 11, 000 264, 000 11,000 734, 500 277,475 116, 500 do 125, 000 75,000 ..—do 400, 000 .do. 150,000 Feb. 28,1934 50, 000 Mar. 1,1934 .do. 50, 000 100, 000 Mar. 2,1934 200, 000 Mar. 5,1934 do 50, 000 do 100, 000 125, 000 73,800 200, 000 75, 000 125,000 73, r ~ 200, 000 75, 000 99, 550 25, 000 99, 997 99, 550 25, 000 99, 997 202, 724 137,105 667, 224 65,900 96,712 29, 673 10,417 263, 663 102, 957 329, 261 567, 716 408,388 6, 697, 624 2,035,377 455,028 288,430 536,677 2, 076,116 415, 795 938,937 9002 Oct. 26,1907 4207 Oct. 25,1889 50,000 50, 000 95, 500 233, 500 50,000 Mar. 6,1934 125,000 Mar*. 7,1934 25,000 100,000 25,000 100,000 100,680 166,1 138,818 325,514 A u g . 28,1882 50,000 542, 500 100,000 Mar. 8,1934 99,160, 99,160 105, 567 873,847 2773 8 w d a First National Bank, Urbana, 111.* Collingswood National Bank, Collingswood, N.J. 7 7 Capitol National Bank, Lansing, Mich. First National Bank, Manawa, Wis.7 First National Bank, Dawson Springs, Ky. 7 First National Bank, Granville, 111.7 Farmers National Bank, Cotton Plant,7 Ark.7 Grand National Bank, St. Louis, Mo. Taylorville National Bank, Taylorville, 111.1 New Albany National Bank, New Albany,7 Ind.7_ Second National Bank, New Albany, Ind. 7_--__Citizens National Bank, South Bend, Ind. _--_.Wisconsin National Bank, Watertown, Wis.7.__First National Bank, Ambler, Pa. 7 Bethlehem National Bank, Bethlehem, Pa. 7 . Old National Bank, Waupaca, Wis.77 First National Bank, Honaker, Va. .__ 7 First National Bank, San Gabriel, Calif. 9___-__. First National Bank, Windsor, Mo. 7 9 Boulder National Bank, Boulder, Colo.3 7 9__ 7 First Sterling National Bank, Sterling, 111. 7 Elk National Bank, Fayetteville, Tenn. 7 First National Bank, Hillsdale, Mich. First National Bank, Toledo, Ohio 7 7 State National Bank, Shawnee, Okla. First National Bank, Perry, Okla.7 s . First National Bank, Webster Springs, W. Va.7-__ Citizens National Bank, Franklin, Ind.7__ 7 Carlstadt National Bank, Carlstadt, N . J. -_ First National Bank, Grundy Center, Iowa l 9 First National Bank, Hendricks, Minn.i 9 First National Bank, Clarion, Pa. 7 _._ First National Bank, Camden, Ark.3 7 Farmers National Bank, Fayetteville, Tenn. 7 Arkansas National Bank, Fayetteville, Ark.i First National Bank, Rockwood, Pa. 7 Farmers & 7Merchants National Bank, Rockwood, Pa. First National Bank, Council Bluffs, Iowa 7 Tower City National Bank, Tower City, Pa.7_ __7 First National Bank & Trust Co., Frackville, Pa. Carrollton National Bank, Carrollton, Ky. 7 First National Bank, Oxford, N . Y.7_. Whitman County National Bank, Rosalia, Wash.7 9 East Berlin National Bank, East Berlin, Pa.7 First National Bank, Naperville, III.7 Lee County National Bank, Marianna, Akr.7 7 First National Bank, Indiana, Pa. 7 First National Bank, Elton, La. See footnotes at end of table. 2915 M a r . 29,1883 8148 8710 11548 10458 12219 12220 8940 775 2166 4764 1010 3220 3961 4424 10252 12253 9519 3246 1717 8555 168 91 6416 6972 8360 3967 5416 3225 6468 774 4066 10198 8786 5340 Nov. Jan. Feb. Nov. Oct. May June Apr. Jan. Aug. May Feb. May Dec. Sept. Aug. Sept. July Aug. Sept. Jan. Dec. June Sept. Sept. June Jan. May July Aug. Jan. June Apr. June Apr. 1479 6117 7860 3074 273 May June Jan. June Oot. Feb. 50,000 511,500 16.1907 21,1919 17,1913 29,1922 5,1922 6,1907 3,1865 6,1874 2,1892 27,1865 12,1884 10.1888 6,1890 5,1912 5,1922 12,1909 19,1884 15,1870 31,1907 16,1863 10,1865 2,1902 15,1903 30,1906 3,1889 21,1900 10,1884 6,1902 23,1865 22.1889 18,1912 8,1907 28,1900 25,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 50, 000 25,000 200,000 150,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 55,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 200,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 25,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 147,132 987, 500 62,500 4,800 69,000 12, 750 202,000 186,000 1,300,050 1,084,000 934, 250 484, 250 420, 750 197, 500 77,100 26,000 34,000 261, 250 1,184, 829 246, 000 537,083 3,481, 500 255,000 121, 875 17,000 304, 250 195,000 282,000 87.250 562,000 378, 375 48,000 276, 500 114, 500 4,1910 1,1865 22,1902 22,1905 23,1883 10,1864 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 11, 250 982,000 199, 750 202, 648 194,900 895, 000 1,1905 16.1906 9273 Sept. 28,1908 6878 May 27,1903 4551 Feb. 26,1891 10854 May 4,1916 313 Dec. 10,1863 11541 Nov. 13,1919 40, 000 118,500 25, 000 94,000 50,000 273, 375 50,000 63,800 200,000 1, 706, 000 50,000 50,000 Mar. 13,1934 12, 500 100,000 do 600,000 do 25,000 Mar. 14,1934 do 40,000 50,000 Mar. 15,1934 25,000 Mar. 19,1934 do 700,000 do 150,000 M a r . 23,1934 150,000 do 300,000 700,000 75,000 Mar. 26,1934 250,000 .... do 300,000 .... do do . . . 50,000 35,000 ... do 50,000 Mar. 27,1934 50,000 Mar. 28,1934 50,000 do 200,000 Mar. 29,1934 75,000 Mar. 30,1934 100,000 Apr. 3,1934 do 500,000 100,000 Apr. 9,1934 50,000 do _ 25,000 .... do 100,000 Apr. 10,1934 do 100,000 50,000 Apr. 11,1934 25,000 do 100,000 Apr. 16,1934 do_ ... 150,000 50,000 do 150,000 do 25,000 Apr. 20,1934 100,000 600,000 25,000 40, 000 25,000 do 300,000 ..._ do 50,000 .... do 125, 000 Apr. 23,1934 60,000 Apr. 25,1934 100,000 do 50,000 25,000 75,000 80, 000 200,000 50,000 do Apr. 26,1934 Apr. 27,1934 M a y 1,1934 M a y 2,1934 do. _. 12, 500 164, 204 647,096 1, 217,393 12,446,482 300,777 236,144 370,989 63, 204 1,833,496 149,150 73,950 99,600 498,150 100,000 25,000 6,250 100,000 186,858 600,000 1,160, 675 25,000 87,666 40, 000 82,492 53,166 41,020 340, 729 500,000 300,125 198,239 99, 550 292, 850 129,980 700, 000 1,914, 520 127, 305 507,481 100, 000 50,000 1,484,873 109, 677 50, 000 116, 518 25, 000 92,143 73, 794 49, 520 75,991 112,110 149,150 222,940 73,950 123,363 99, 600 752,999 498,150 137,440 100,000 58,429 25,000 66, 850 6,250 100,000 100,000 100,000 110.000 50,000 100,000 110, 000 50,000 25, 000 25, 000 25,000 200, 000 50.000 50, 000 60,000 99,120 25, 000 200, 000 50,000 50,000 60,000 99, 120 51, 626 443,894 140, 423 283, 381 139,385 83,000 100,960 2, 003, 362 1, 205, 060 1,359, 548 651," 427 836,873 43,000 25, 000 43, 000 25, 000 198, 500 198, 500 64, 338 47, 307 266,310 334,983 803,530 12,619 234,170 932, 240 421,293 395, 233 3, 771,991 64,000 500,000 99, 550 292,850 700,000 100,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 49, 520 123, 787 255.980 54,821 61 656 13, 065 167,816 17,100 84,810 95,429 801,311 1, 753,371 2,811,264 848,186 1, 741,486 4,335,044 596, 588 346,420 239,918 140, 759 433, 370 1,274,042 663,243 766,461 5,420,931 1,386,178 411,123 374,488 480,473 865,611 d o H H Q O g 3 r 1,475,196 821,465 127, 677 516,138 o cj to Ox TABLE NO. 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 81, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 81, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Organization Name and location of bank Planters National Bank, Fredericksburg, Va.* City National Bank, Goshen, Ind. 7 7 First National Bank, Beaver Falls, Pa. First National Bank, Midland, Md. 7 Peoples National Bank, Bronson, Mich. 7 9 Hewlett-Woodmere National Bank, Woodmere, N. Y.7 Lincoln National Bank, Lincoln, 111.7 7 Peoples National Bank, Lakewood, N. J. Coldwater National Bank, Coldwater, Mich. 7 ..7 Hancock County National Bank, Carthage, 111. . Commercial National Bank, Philadelphia Pa.7_. First National Bank, Charleroi, Pa.7 First National Bank, Clifton Heights, Pa.7 7 American National Bank, Marshfield, Wis. First National Bank, Hartford City, Ind. 7 7 9 Farmers National Bank, Crystal Lake, Iowa _. First National Bank, Antigo, Wis.7 Langlade National Bank, Antigo, Wis.7 American-First National Bank, Mount Carmel, 111.7 ____ First National Bank, Breese, 111.7 First National Bank & Trust Co.,Ford City, Pa.7 First National Bank, Tigerton, Wis.7 Citizens National Bank, Winterset, Iowa 7 First National Bank, Frostburg, Md. 7 7 First National Bank, West Concord, Minn. First National Bank, Saegertown, Pa. 1 Aurora National Bank, Auora, 111.7 7 8 First National Bank, La Junta, Colo.7 . First National Bank, Secaucus, N. J. 7 First National Bank, Tuseumbia, Ala. First National Bank, Howell, Mich.7 9 Ocean City National Bank, Ocean City, N. J.7-__ First National Bank in Sea Bright, N. J. 7 . Charter No. Date Capital 10325 2067 3356 5331 9704 Feb. Sept. June Apr. Mar. 4,1913 25,1872 2,1885 24,1900 7,1910 $75,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 12294 3369 7291 1235 1167 3604 4534 6275 5437 6959 9853 5143 5942 Nov. July May May Feb. Dec. Mar. Apr. Jane July Sept. Aug. Aug. 29.1922 1,1885 21,1904 30,1865 24,1865 7.1886 12,1891 17.1902 7.1900 18.1903 22,1910 31,1898 1.1901 50,000 60,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 5782 9893 5130 5446 2002 4149 5362 11910 2945 4507 9380 11281 11588 12521 13552 Apr. Oct. June June May Oct. May Dec. Apr. Nov. Mar. Dec. Jan. Nov. June 5,1901 14,1910 24,1898 9,1900 11,1872 30.1889 7,1900 31,1920 30,1883 19.1890 17,1909 17,1918 19,1920 16.1923 2,1931 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 100, 000 50,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful moneydeposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure Total deposits at date of failure to o 3 W $100,000 May 3,1934 100,000 May 8,1934 150,000 do_._ — . 25, 000 May 9,1934 50,000 do__ $98,000 148,120 25,000 50,000 $98, 000 148,120 25, 000 50,000 $212, 301 299, 200 207, 061 40, 614 73, 422 $768, 774 1,085,934 234, 277 210, 912 o 12, 500 do-__—. 50,000 672,000 150, 000 May 10,1934 234, 500 150, 000 May 14,1934 771,000 100,000 May 15,1934 433,067 140, 000 May 22,1934 3,643, 500 2,000,000 do__ 281, 750 50, 000 167. 250 50, 000 . — .do 335, 250 150,000 May 23,1934 75, 000 do 60, 875 25, 000 do 19,000 100,000 May 31,1934 319, 250 100,000 .._. d o . . . — . 249, 500 12,130 150,000 146, 600 100,000 75,000 950,000 50,000 49,150 150,000 50,000 25,000 98, 950 100,000 12,130 179, 776 150,000 232, 426 146, 600 503, 567 100, 000 156, 530 75, 000 85, 713 950,000 4,892,140 50, 000 359, 645 49,150 393, 246 150,000 585,916 50, 000 65, 759 25, 000 39, 993 125, 797 139,343 100, 000 947,395 1. 306, 298 1, 415, 597 557,993 642, 535 8,150,620 1, 786,566 1, 257,191 946,771 345,992 78,759 1, 018,602 762,824 w _do_ 100, 000 50,000 _do_ 125, 000 June 4,1934 40, 000 do. .do. 200, 000 50,000 do 50, 000 June 6,1934 25, 000 .do. 300, 000 June 18,1934 50,000 do 100, 000 do 75. 000 do do 100, 000 100, 000 do 50,000 98,950 50,000 124,100 39, 500 199,100 49, 050 50,000 98,950 50,000 124,100 39, 500 199,100 49,050 50,000 1, 447,692 239,043 1, 506,601 253,619 451,805 1, 218, 519 280,627 $138,000 372, 388 479, 250 59, 750 67, 500 280, 625 90,000 326, 750 63,450 480, 250 219,000 108,000 12,750 942,000 241, 500 110, 500 61, 500 86,000 4,000 99,150 49,100 25,000 39,450 98,050 79,500 387, 088 35,598 225,946 29, 953 45, 732 333,870 69, 625 25, 650 99,150 1,044, 598 84,188 49,100 25, 000 307, 445 39,450 98,050 86,116 79, 500 409, 502 52, 529 1,707,192 298,033 1,042,915 347,029 400,663 366,351 222, 732 First-Farmers National Bank, Arcanum, Ohio 7 9__ 4839 Dec. 10,1892 Herkimer National Bank, Herkimer, N. Y.i 7 5141 July 30,1898 5694 N o v . 24,1900 First National Bank, Mingo Junction, Ohio _ First & Tri State National Bank & Trust Co., M a y 6,1882 Fort Wayne, Ind.» First National Bank, Darlington, Wis.7 3161 Mai-. 20,1884 Northwestern 7National Bank & Trust Co., Phila3491 Apr. 3,1886 delphia, Pa. _._ 6762 M a r . 3,1903 First National Bank, Dalhart, Tex.? First National Bank of Mt. Healthy, Mount 7661 Feb. 24,1905 Healthy, Ohio 7 7 5789 Apr. 9,1901 National Bank of Ionia, Ionia, Mich. 9088 Mar. 17,1908 First National Bank, Millen, Ga.7 11902 Dec. 11.1920 Bumside National Bank, Burnside, Pa.7 762 Jan. 3,1865 Ticonic National Bank, Waterville, Maine 1 79 12050 Nov. 15,1921 Security National Bank, Clinton, Okla. 11845 Sept. 21,1920 First National Bank, Livingston, 111.7, 7 6250 M a r . 27,1902 First National Bank, Hooversville, Pa. 7 Citizens National Bank, Hooversville, Pa. . 11413 July 17,1919 2921 M a r . 26,1883 National Bank of Ashland, Ashland, Nebr.7 9 7 9 Citizens National Bank, West Alexander, Pa. _. 11993 M a y 24,1921 11492 Oct. 3,1919 First National Bank, Lima, Mont.0 8 Merchants & Farmers National Bank, Charlotte, 1781 J a n . 17,1871 N. C.7 10436 Aug. 1,1913 Farmers National Bank, Haviland, Ohio * 5518 June 4,1900 First National Bank, Forest City, Pa.7 Farmers & Miners National Bank, Forest City, Aug. 18,1908 Pa.7___ _. 606 Nov. 14,1864 Second National Bank, Erie, Pa.7.... 7_ July 21,1871 1863 Citizens National Bank, Faribault, Minn. 9084 Jan. 30,1908 Valley National Bank, Green Lane, Pa.7 Dec. 18,1886 3613 American National Bank, Lincoln, Hl.i Southwestern National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.7. 3498 Apr. 13,1886 6636 Jan. 5,1903 First National Bank, Bridgeville, Pa.77 6901 July 3,1903 First National Bank, Scribner, Nebr. 7933 Aug. 25,1905 First National Bank, Foley, Minn.7 National Bank of Shawneetown, Shawneetown, 111.7 9__ _ ___. 7752 Apr. 24,1905 4857 Sept. 13,1893 First National Bank, Patton, Pa.7__ 7 5602 June 21,1900 First National Bank, Bethesda, Ohio 7 9062 Feb. 22,1908 First National Bank, West Milton, Ohio 2141 Mar. 25,1874 National Bank of Pontiac, Pontiac,7 111.7 9098 Feb. 21,1908 First National Bank, Clinton, Ky. 352 Mar. 18,1864 Sixth National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa.7 7 10141 Dec. 19,1911 First National Bank, East Rochester, N. Y. Crystal Falls National Bank, Crystal Falls, Nov. 20,1919 11547 Mich.? Iron County National Bank, Crystal Falls, 7 Dec. 15,1904 752; Mich. 9 July 4,1903 Farmers National Bank, Hodgem/ ille, Ky.i 7 Oct. 22,1907 Merchants National Bank, Pottsville, Pa. See footnotes at end of table. 260, 502 50,000 75,000 25, 000 140,875 665,000 121, 250 100,000 June 21,1934 200,000 do 25,000 100,000J 100,000 "25," 666 25,000 76,836 1,158,653 76,115 300,000 50,000 2,867,868 312,000 2, 250,000 J u n e ! 2,1934 75,000 J u n e 25,1934 74, 500 74, 500 3, 016,666 147,457 572, 289 200,000 25,000 1,456,750 162,625 500,000 June 25,1934 do 75,000 197,400 75,000 197,400 75,000 3,043, 562 120,011 3,820,635 300,814 25,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 99,875 238, 600 37,000 6,000 582,000 65, 500 75,000 150,000 25,000 50,000 200,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 60,000 25,000 25, 000 74,050 147,700 24,650 49,350 74,050 147,700 24,650 49,350 968,524 1,115,091 37,960 102,096 24,700 25,000 25,000 60,000 25,000 25,000 24, 700 25,000 25, 000 60,000 25,000 25,000 140,694 121,472 47,398 42, C10 567,633 92,024 39,839 65,296 51,165 8,203 16,895 150,000 25,000 25,000 1, 437,828 3,000 276, 750 200,000 July 24,1934 25,000 Aug. 9.1934 150,000 Aug. 10,1934 200,000 200,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 80,000 25,000 50,000 200,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 66,750 2,380, 667 480,400 67, 750 455, 500 496,000 49,000 74,000 72, 500 £0,000 500,000 80,000 50,000 150,000 300,000 .50,000 25,000 25,000 do Aug. 13,1934 Aug. 14,1934 Aug. 15,1934 do. Aug. 17,1934 Sept. 20,1934 do 50,000 250,000 50,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 49, 997 50,000 8,000 25,000 25,000 55,250 50,000 432,000 25,000 61, 500 30,000 66,300 50, 000 330, 500 50,000 134,000 100,000 1,173, 250 25,000 136, 915 25,000 200,000 25,000 30,000 50, 000 50,000 300,000 150, 000 Sept. 21,1934 do do do Sept. 26,1934 __do_ Sept. 29,1934 Oct. 10,1934 65,250 31, 500 280,300 48, 500 50,000 50,000 25,000 30,000 200,000 184, 500 167, 866 263,125 50,000 do June 26,1934 do. do. June 28,1934 do July 5,1934 July 12,1934 do. J u l y 16,1934 do J u l y 19,1934 .do. 100,000 110,000 !Ido" 125,000 Oct. 12,1934 532,931 13.057 157,022 "687," 424 400,854 155,360 341, 732 232,998 221,109 302,242 41,950 1,306,458 a o "1,085,121 617,870 8,457,648 1,019,507 522,935 49, 997 50,000 8,000 25,000 240,391 952,074 379,332 179,869 276,366 1,034,202 125,958 251,899 125, 795 25,000 200,000 25, 000 7,500 49,695 49, 500 149, 998 150,000 25,000 200,000 25,000 7, 500 49, 49, 500 149, 998 150,000 76,898 70,137 43,164 383, 308 60,791 2, 622,010 631,241 197,473 1,586, 520 509,047 200,401 909, 026 275, 024 3,426,956 909,492 50, 000 50, 000 21,425 454,817 24, 700 24, 700 125,000 125,000 128, 793 51,408 544,804 1,135,026 643,205 430,643 144,970 756, 213 1," 949," 748 o Q j a TABLE N O . 32.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends- paid while solvent, lawful money deposited with Treasurer of the United States to redeem circulation to Oct. 31, 1937, circulation outstanding, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure—Continued Report No. Organization 2900 2902 2903 2904 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 Name and location of bank First National Bank, Malvern, Ark.7 9 Farmers National Bank & Trust Co., Bedford, Pa.7 First National Bank & Trust Co., Bedford, Pa.7 Reading National Bank & Trust Co., Reading, Pa.7 First National Bank & Trust Co., Hamburg, Pa.7. Ozone Park National Bank, New York,7 N. Y First National Bank, Rockwood, Tenn.7 First National Bank, Shenandoah, Pa. _ _- _.. Farmers National Bank & Trust Co., Reading, Pa.7 7 First National Bank, Gratz, Pa. Peru National Bank Peru, 111! 7 First National Bank,. Lanark, 111. First National Bank, Pleasantville, N. J.7 7 First National Bank in Manistique, Mich. Penn National Bank & Trust Co., Reading, 7Pa.7_ First National Bank, West New York, N.7J. Citizens National Bank, Shenandoah, Pa. . - __. First National Bank, Robinson, 111.1 1 9 First National Bank in Harrison, Ark. _._ National Bank of Herndon, Herndon,1VaA- ._. First National Bank, Seabright, N. J. First National Bank, Nephi, Utah 7 7 First National Bank, Du Quoin, 111. Eau Claire National Bank, Eau Claire, Wis.1 American National Bank, Shreveport, La.11 Citizens National Bank, Winchester, Ky. First National Bank, Pender, Nebr.s is_ Farmers National Bank, Sardinia, Ohio 81. Citizens National Bank, Barnesville, Ga. . 1 Old First National Bank, Mount Vernon, Ind. •_. Commercial National Bank, Bradford, Pa.8 Livingston County National Bank, Pontiac, 111.1. Charter No. Date Capital Total dividends paid during existence as a national banking association Failures Capital Receiver appointed Lawful money deposited Circulation outstanding at date of failure Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure ^1 OO Total deposits at date of failure 7,1905 $25,000 $64,000 $24, 500 $23,448 $128,777 w 11188 May 17,1918 3089 Oct. 31,1883 25,000 50,000 67,625 256,750 150,000 Oct. 26,1934 150,000 do 150,000 49,750 150,000 49, 750 236,536 436,858 500,181 908, 707 H Q O 600,000 Oct. 27,1934 125,000 Oct. 30,1934 do 200,000 do 80,000 100,000 Nov. 7,1934 590,900 122,250 48,800 50,000 100,000 590,900 122,250 48,800 50,000 100,000 3,021,681 249,360 364,614 233, 659 512,356 7, 263,125 1,049,122 1, 396,657 843, 289 1,944,196 Nov. 8,1934 Nov. 16,1934 Nov. 21,1934 do _do Nov. 22,1934 Nov. 26,1934 Dec. 14,1934 Dec. 19,1934 Dec. 27,1934 Jan. 10,1935 do-_ Jan. 28,1935 Feb. 5,1935 Feb. 6,1935 Apr. 15,1935 Apr. 19,1935 July 25,1935 do do Aug. 29,1935 Sept. 16,1935 Sept. 30,1935 Oct. 15,1935 575,000 50,000 575,000 50,000 6, 809,523 427,336 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 97,850 100,000 100,000 97,850 100,000 2,336,093 80,613 284,936 64, 292 602,891 149,096 1, 278,302 2. 083,863 242,843 76,225 8,748 24,500 24,500 100,000 100,000 7634 Feb. 4887 9028 12280 4169 3143 Jan. Sept. Oct. Oct. Mar. 27,1893 19,1907 30,1922 24,1889 14,1884 200,000 25,000 200,000 50,000 100,000 1,688,500 184,750 55,000 221,300 625, 000 696 9473 2951 1755 6508 13513 2899 12064 9247 5049 10801 9635 5926 3537 4737 2759 8440 2148 4791 12013 12404 12466 4199 1837 Dec. May Apr. Nov. Oct. Nov. Mar. Nov. July July Nov. Oct. July June Apr. July Jan. May Aug. Aug. June Oct. Jan. Apr. 31,1864 8,1909 28,1883 22,1870 9,1902 11,1930 3,1883 14,1921 28,1908 l, 1896 9,1915 25,1909 9,1901 25,1886 11,1892 17,1882 16,1886 6,1874 2,1892 6,1921 15,1923 30,1923 1,1890 14,1871 400,020 25,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 126,500 50,000 30,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 3,441, 688 78,625 289,000 336, 588 162,898 4,000 1, 264,000 190,000 280,000 265,630 56,750 45,500 22,250 435,719 295,000 630,000 467,750 532, 750 137,000 10,350 21,000 70,000 990,500 415,250 $25,000 1,000,020 50,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 50,000 1, 000,000 300,000 100,000 75,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 300,000 100,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 100,000 300,000 50,000 Oct. 15,1934 $24, 500 406,490 971,865 320,654 3,463,930 3,966,769 1,453,137 312,860 47, 543 298,643 626,991 193,155 333,000 94, 535 41,333 386,130 2,164,171 204,494 267,666 70,110 112,275 4, 613, 782 115, 238 Q Cj B 2934 2935 2936 2937 to 2938 g 2939 jo 2940 F 2941 I 2942 0^2943 I 2944 2945 I 2946 5 2947 2948 2949 2950 Commercial National Bank, Shreveport La. 1 Atlantic National Bank, Boston, M a s s . 1 . . First National Bank, Carthage, Mo. 1 9 Montour National Bank, Montour Falls, N . Y.1 9. Citizens National Bank, Washington, Ga. 1 9 First National Bank, Kirkwood, 111.*» First National Bank, Centerville, S. Dak.s _ City National Bank, Lansing, Mich.i Roseland National Bank, Chicago, 111.1 Broadway National Bank, Scottdale, Pa. 1 National Bank of Ridgewood in New York, N . Y. 1 . P a m p a National Bank, P a m p a , Tex. 1 Fort Greene National Bank in New York, N . Y A Taylor National Bank, Campbellsville, Ky.s n.._ First-Mercer National Bank, Harrodsburg, Ky.L Nescopeck National Bank, Nescopeck, Pa.s H e n r y National Bank, Henry, 111.1 Grand total (1,208 receiverships) Total active (869 receiverships) Total liquidated and finally closed (339 receiverships) Total restored to solvency (0 receiverships). Total 1937 failures (11 receiverships) 3600 643 3005 10497 8894 2313 5477 3513 12605 5974 12897 13291 13336 6342 2531 12159 7049 Nov. Nov. June Feb. Sept. Dec. June June Dec. Sept. Mar. Mar. June July June Apr. Nov. 18,1886 28,1864 17,1883 17,1914 10,1907 6,1875 30.1900 1,1886 8,1924 20.1901 6,1926 8,1929 10,1929 17.1902 3,1881 5,1922 30.1903 100,000 2,916, 250 1,000, 500, 000 14,436, 750 8,950, 100,000 477, 500 100, 25,000 22, 750 25, 50,000 55, 782 75, 50,000 456,500 50, 25,000 320,258 87, 100,000 1,018, 500 500, 200,000 54,000 200, 50,000 68,000 50, 200,000 200, 50,000 11,000 50, 500,000 2,679 500, 25,000 160, 000 100, 60,000 447, 451 150, 84, 25,000 14, 324 30,000 96, 900 65, Feb. 21,1936 Mar. 18,1936 Mar. 23,1936 May 1.1936 Aug. 12,1936 Sept. 16,1936 Dec. 19,1936 Dec. 22.1936 Mar. 29.1937 June 8.1937 July 12,1937 Aug. 13,1937 Aug. 14,1937 Aug. 24,1937 Sept. 21,1937 Oct. 22,1937 Oct. 27,1937 3,261, 929 11,376,213 69,086 23,822 14, 726 11,516 523, 793 4,004,152 23,060 60,667 292, 941 94,412 (12) 50,000 41,170 (12) (12) ""40,"42l (12) (12) 100,174, 590 412, 068,859 224,515, 255 1,824, 473,091 105,396,343 105, 769, 523 371, 531, 491 w 81, 957, 590 361, 628, 654 198,165, 255 94, 035, 642 94,408,822 331,394,461 1, 670, 459, 225 18, 217,000 50,440, 205 26,350,000 11,360,701 11,360, 701 40,137,030 a o 154, 013,866 1, 265,000 2,193,112 1,987,150 4, 566,402 4, 025, 004 1 Receiver appointed to levy and collect stock assessment covering deficiency in value of assets sold, or to complete unfinished liquidation (89 banks). 23 Restored to solvency (none—1937). Licensed banks closed through revocation of license with appointment of conservator, subsequently found insolvent and placed in receivership (3 banks). 4 Final closing effected through "Termination loan" obtained from Reconstruction Finance Corporation (5 banks). 5 Suspended under terms of bank holiday proclamation without subsequent appointment of conservator (4 banks). «7 Licensed banks found insolvent and immediately placed in receivership (3 banks). Formerly in conservatorship. 8 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation appointed as receiver in accordance with terms of Banking Act of 1933 (9 banks). s Liquidated and finally closed during report year ended Oct. 31, 1937 (339 banks). 10 Circulation liability of $373,180 assumed by First National Bank at Pontiac, Mich. (No. 2381) (accounting for difference between lawful money and outstanding circulation totals). " Conservator appointed June 30, 1937 (No. 2947). « Preliminary figures, subject to revision. 13 Conservator appointed June 29, 1935 (No. 2928). n O 1, 981, 669 1,479,121 O w o cj Q fcO CO TABLE NO. 32 A.—District of Columbia State chartered banks and banks incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia, under the supervision of the Comptroller of the Currency, in charge of receivers during the year ended Oct. 31, 1937, dates of organization and appointment of receivers, capital at date of organization and at date of failure, dividends paid while solvent, borrowed money, and total deposits at date of failure l Incorporation Name and location of banks Jurisdiction under laws Date of incorof which incorporated poration Capital authorized Arizona, .do... do... .do.. District of ColumbiaAlabama Arizon a do.. .do.. West Virginia.. Virginia June Sept. Apr. Aug. Jan. Aug. Dec. Dec. Jan. July Feb. 30.1921 3,1912 26.1922 24,1920 25,1912 28,1909 2071915 11,1920 15,1917 1,1912 28,1903 $300,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 500,000 50,000 100, 000 .50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 West Virginia District of Columbia. Arizona District of Columbia- May Mar. Nov. Mar. 16,1906 25,1913 4,1920 5,1929 100,000 5,000 100,000 25, 000,000 427, 591 26,963 Grand total (15 receiverships) 27,055,000 2,053,471 Total active (13 receiverships) Total liquidated and nnally closed (2 receiverships) . Total restored to solvency (0 receiverships) Total 1937 failures (0 receiverships) 26, 505,000 550,000 1, 412,471 641,000 International Exchange Bank, Washington, D. C North Capitol Savings Bank, Washington, D. C Bank of Brightwood, Washington, D. C Departmental Bank, Washington, D. C Continental Trust Company, Washington, D. C. 2 * Park Savings Bank, Washington, D. C.3 Northeast Savings Bank, Washington, D. C.3 3 Chevy Chase Sayings Bank, Washington, D. C * Washington Savings Bank, Washington, D. C.3 3 Seventh Street Savings Bank, Washington, D. C. Potomac3 Savings Bank of Georgetown, Washington, D. C. United States Savings Bank, Washington, D.3 C.3 Industrial Savings Bank, Washington, D. 2C. _. The Prudential Bank, Washington, D. C. The Fidelity Building & Loan Association, Washington, D. C. la 2a 3a 4a 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a lla 12a 14(7 15a 16a 1 2 3 4 Total dividends paid during existence as a State banking association $46,096 112,143 2,000 2,077 615,000 165,000 92, 783 26,000 28,000 127, 500 228, 283 Failure Capital $116,830 90. 000 100, 030 106,060 1,000,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100, 000 140,000 Receiver appointed July 14,1932 .. July 16,1932 July 22,1932 Feb. 28,1933 July 13,1933 Nov. 15,1933 do $452,850 1,027,862 839, 380 802.373 5,766 3, 379, 554 1, 121, 795 734, 575 418,111 1,175,847 2, 377, 436 499,193 238, 273 213,552 483,164 1, 894,067 590, 227 4, 833, 278 2, 213,010 5,097, 478 19, 653,121 1,113,000 1,100,000 3, 956, 289 1,141,189 18, 912, 780 740, 341 100,000 50,000 100,000 154,035 Dec. 7,1933 Dec. 21,1933 Jan. 18,1934 Feb. Sept. Mar. July 10,1934 20,1934 17,1936 18.1936 8 Total deposits at date of failure $112,129 111,857 25, 000 150,000 1,028,047 593, 555 456,830 113,142 144, 200 302, 080 626,456 Including building and loan associations Receiver appointed to levy and collect stock assessment covering deficiency in value of assets sold, or to complete unfinished liquidation. Formerly in conservatorship. Liquidated and finally closed during the report year ended October 31, 1937 (2 banks). Borrowed money (bills payable, rediscounts, etc.) at date of failure to a o d Q 282 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Book value of assets at date of failure Capital stock at date of Name and location of banks failure Date receiver appointed Estimated Estimated Estimated good doubtful worthless ALABAMA Dollars 1323 1329 1494 1521 1635 1738 1772 1883 1897 2103 2142 2146 2190 2347 2648 2851 First National Bank, Samson Dothan National Bank, Dothan City National Bank, Bessemer First National Bank, Hartselle. First National Bank, Greensboro Houston National Bank, Dothan Commercial National Bank, Eufaula. Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Enterprise. First National Bank in Decatur First National Bank, Sylacauga 1 Central National Bank, Decatur __ Andalusia National Bank, Andalusia. Gadsden National Bank, Gadsden.. First National Bank, Eutaw " 7 First National Bank in Bessemer 7 ._ F i r s t N a t i o n a l B a n k , T u s c u m b i a _. 100,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. July Oct. Oct. Jan. 200,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 125,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 8,1930 30,1930 12,1931 16,1931 21,1931 15,1931 27,1931 11,1932 Dollars Dollars Dollars 40,355 784,467 193, 746 275, 693 147,999 300,474 97,069 178,742 87,801 611,767 514,871 378,281 241,418 567, 702 226,487 489, 562 118,001 343,092 117, 765 55,390 38,070 155, 509 76,057 278,330 Jan. 18,1932 July 27,1932 Oct. 1,1932 Oct. 5,1932 329,126 126, 909 7,672 130,032 874,771 178, 764 269,840 947,336 134,028 152,196 246, 265 470,299 Dec. Aug. Dec. June 1,1932 23,1933 28,1933 8,1934 263,757 231,451 511, 288 218,392 707, 341 305, 326 1,012,820 185,468 130,876 5,735 51, 461 90,942 50,000 Dec. 11,1931 225, 290 274,585 86,183 100,000 July 21,1930 913,376 1,089, 340 274,851 25,000 Dec. 3,1930 60,000 Dec. 16,1930 170,979 179, 307 96, 680 461,305 5,460 414, 607 ARIZONA 1841 Nogales National Bank, Nogales ARKANSAS 1384 1439 1456 1484 1492 1495 1677 1789 1893 2532 2550 2746 2771 2803 2805 National Bank of Arkansas at Pine •RlnfF JJIUII. First National Bank, Rector Bank, Benton County National Bentonville. Interstate National Bank, Helena... First National Bank, Corning i First National Bank, Rogers First National Bank, Eudora Hutchings-First National Bank, Siloam Springs. First National Bank, Ozark 7 First National Bank, Mansfield ___ First National Bank, Huttig 7 First National Bank, Holly Grove 7 . Farmers7 National Bank, Cotton Plant 7n First National Bank, Camden _-_ Arkansas National Bank, Fayette- 2817 ville.i Lee County National Bank, Ma- 2900 2920 rianna.7 First National Bank, Malvern 7 First National Bank in Harrison L_ 1031 Farmers & Merchants National 1156 1382 1658 First National Bank, Bishop First National Bank in Fresco 250,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 50, 000 Jan. Jan. Jan. Sept. Nov. 3,1931 12,1931 13,1931 12,1931 2,1931 1,231, 483 3,967 251,159 109,670 60, 201 855, 325 32,457 395,303 147, 632 287,979 177,937 136, 385 101,189 22,456 210,077 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 Jan. Nov. Nov. Feb. Mar. 13,1932 3,1933 8,1933 27,1934 19,1934 31, 210 71,673 49,706 23,812 92,490 92, 507 79,463 112,192 62, 233 33, 902 13,906 4,242 9,958 11, 204 12,087 150,000 Apr. 16,1934 150,000 do 519,767 580,198 113,786 61, 508 94, 325 1,1934 652, 779 168,244 6,879 25,000 Oct. 15,1934 25,000 Jan. 10,1935 101,099 75,801 6,491 80,000 May CALIFORNIA 1762 1864 1885 "Rnnlr A/TprpprJ United States National Bank, Los Angeles. First National Back, Baldwin Park. First National Bank, Venice Walnut Park National Bank, Walnut Park. Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 100,000 Sept. 23,1926 278,992 658, 287 436,698 ' 50,000 Aug. 15,1927 400, 000 July 7,1930 1,000,000 Aug. 18,1931 306,184 1, 812,938 6,174, 953 330, 486 1,950, 672 2,236,904 91,002 487,867 525, 464 35,000 Oct. 22,1931 50,000 Dec. 23,1931 100, 000 Jan. 11,1932 148,739 78,138 606,851 95, 585 178, 410 572, 855 46, 786 44, 536 154,183 283 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937 Progress of liquidation to date of this report AddiTotal tional assessassets ment received upon since date shareof failure holders Total Cash colassets and stock as- Cash col- lections from sessment lections stock from asset:; assessment Receivership earnings, cash collections from interest, premiums, rent, etc. Unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Offsets allowed and settled Total collections from all sources, including offsets allowed and unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Dollars Dollars Dollars 34,609 32, 532 36, 991 67,817 53,085 261,761 172,221 65, 079 100,000 400,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Dollar, Dollars Dollars Dollars 93,602 380,766 17,825 4,555 742, 097 144,! • 53,759 2,171, 858 390,239 22,6171 34,914 963,373 377,342 65,046 30,182 877,181 148, 778 11,451 8,159 580, 572 470,667 32,076 30,031 1,435,446 6,412 153, 292 29,373. 721,834 423, 203 17, 2771 9,984 1,161,713 29,960 45,237 11, 945 119,553 200,000 50,000 200,000 200,000 1, 567,1 553,106 735,722 1, 867, 220 864, 522 178, 319 145,580 591,150 82,833 21, 659 84,146 : 81, 550 61,309 5, 954 21, 556 51, 62^ 58,645 45, 781 55,428 35,394 125,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 501,948 1,285, 619 360,955 688, 293 1, 730, 997 1, 064.468 247,113 605,196 86,375 39, 656 37,936 37,159 41, 732 25,041 93,907 18, 643 129,239 50,000 765, 297 319, 562 1,800 j 130, 472 100,000 2,508,039 1,261, 623 47, 634 72,403 263, 024 j 1,644,684 1384 2,764 111,164 25.000 60,000 300,883 1, 226,383 94, 261 329, 342 5,563 31,5' 7,623 25,618 17,469 108,123 138, 783 37,463 4,828 35,671 250,000 50,000 50, 000 40,000 50,000 2,653, 528 1,496. 426 40,368 222,809 370,166 835,114 324, 586 170,838 643,928 231, 079 154, 910 19, 653 32,472 23,018 5,724 105, 636 2,492 27, 234 4,223 11,484 8.701 22, 796 7,485 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 166, 846 191,862 205, 55' 145,045 170,964 83,995 73,455 89. 365 59, 32S 83,630 13,310 13,304 13, 498 16,342 15,447 8,063 5,865 7,661 6,332 11,762 33,913 35, 547 150,000 150,000 1, 345,386 393,658 788.078 41,267 47, 688 51,432 1,800 92, 963 80,000 1, 000,865 532, 777 5,435 35,8411 9,317 25,000 25,000 217, 708 25,000 128,819 9,793 8,453 12,021 240 322,191 100,000 1, 796,168 867, 599 49,159 64,086 101, 847 1,082, 691 1031 10,194 278.325 508; 0851 54,221 81, 051 366, 509 137, 227 693, 349 1156 360,193 3,880,191 1382 721,980 7, 454, 738 1658 19,973 8,972 39,521 10, 431 13, 461 47, 338 Dollars Dollars 262, 233 491, 707 50,000 1,039,905 400,000 4, 709, 497 3,160, 622 58,020 154, 300 1,000,000 10,091,621 5,858,164 12, 599 18, 707 36, 285 35,000 50,000 100, COO 338,709 369,791 1,470,174 140, 767 154, 487 705, 864 i 29,0681, 1,030, 788 541, 951 567,455 189, 701 588, 344 225, 739 483,412 53, 537 27,169 5,251 76,305 1,062,201 1897 ' 233,101 2103 256, 533 2142 800,632 2146 71,411 27,018 108,997 26,469 58, S 174,3 56,149 16,573 20,359 9,959 8, 3341 10,925! 10, 888 3,858 9, 577! 87, 900! 61,000 121,834 1323 5,852 89,936 94,181 94,885 21,313 55, 570 36, 662 32,948 701,466 452,670 1,305,308 329,384 1329 1494 1521 1635 1738 1772 1883 2190 2347 2648 2851 409, 317 1841 124.916 1439 494, 660 1456 1,931,309 62, 513 486, 021 218, 527 267,121 1484 1492 1495 1677 1789 113,702 103, 549 121,412 85, 860 120, 416 1893 2532 2550 2746 2771 975,098 2803 43,067 2805 75, 948 j 711,001 2817 18,504 169,137 2900 8,693 2920 33,922 15, 749 118, 971 205,093 1762 192,669 1864 911, 694 1885 284 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31,1987, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Progress of liquidation to date of this Teport—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation- Conservators' distributions Loss on assets compounded or sold under order of court Book Book value of value of remain- remaining uning uncol- collected lected stock asassets sessment Dollars Book value of assets returned to shareholders' agents To secured creditors To unsecured creditors Dollars Dollars Dollars Dividends paid by receivers Secured and preferred liabilities paid except through dividends, including offsets allowed On secured claims On unsecured claims Dollars 664 Dollars 33,905 481,085 169,172 221,383 11,196 150,443 84,749 36, 813 Dollars 60,837 399,526 251,688 237,153 135, 881 323,100 87,052 321,034 1323 1329 1494 1521 1635 1738 1772 1883 Dollars 181,312 325,364 125,550 109,880 310,481 759,209 381,880 304, 928 250,634 Dollars 82,175 255,004 77,383 34,954 88, 549 119, 969 120,627 132, 723 1897 2103 2142 2146 89,825 70, 298 122, 359 239, 978 360,001 227,320 262, 532 759, 787 117,167 28,341 115, 854 118, 450 97,832 4,009 65,147 47,893 368, 254 72,917 89, 438 478,855 87,014 157,463 545,469 2190 2347 2648 2851 191,148 200, 320 230, 358 46, 065 396,112 17,820 17, 521 227,174 210, 549 38, 625 60, 344 62, 064 37,841 227,182 210, 780 314, 985 15, 429 308,824 184, 538 669, 975 115,209 1841 51,536 285, 312 48, 200 34, 947 122, 253 177,455 1384 360,437 522,955 52, 366 1439 1456 164,153 159,505 569, 413 19,437 23, 423 1484 1492 1495 1677 1789 288, 417 132,441 99, 345 97,175 342 490 1893 2532 2550 2746 2771 49, 517 5,350 27, 740 56,859 8,579 2803 2805 614,461 253,403 195, 074 444,348 259, 454 95,090 30,347 17, 523 16,982 44 276 65.042 27. 284 11, 606 39, 599 17, 274 30, 221 3 9 2,084 9 207,667 133, 527 621, 726 855,416 4,646 7, 333 21,670 186, 248 69,422 212,078 7,582 19, 295 6,480 6,203 9,874 1,093,293 9 235, 781 57, 543 22,146 673,076 40,368 161,099 124,363 202,150 30,690 56,103 28, 790 28, 264 29, 596 61,007 18,319 45, 979 39, 766 52, 694 107, 596 371, 838 3,546 151,013 70, 519 431,816 9 65, 254 35, 563 6,261 46,980 :::::::::: — 44,178 11, 690 11,696 11, 502 8,658 9, 553 139,080 180, 328 202, 391 102, 312 150,000 2817 22, 622 289, 518 74, 565 2900 2920 45, 385 15,207 16, 547 1031 726 722 50,841 516, 710 434,975 1156 1382 1658 291, 629 788, 682 501, 914 39,806 121, 675 491,915 381, 511 8 2,465, 339 35,000 4,763,778 186, 559 1, 264, 349 2,039,969 1762 1864 1885 50, 593 149, 555 189,283 77,132 52, 564 838 i 3,146 9 377, 414 9 I 69,342 2,009,563 78,427 356,056 15,027 41,028 60,479 Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. ! 12, 340 12. 019 43,188 125, 282 297.658 108. 658 46,457 499, 529 285 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation—Con. Cash ad- Conservators' vanced salaries, in pro- legal and tection other of assets expenses Dollars Dollars 3,919 12,807 656 181 288 2,697 3,911 5,709 84: 5,423 Receiv- Cash in ers' sal- hands of comparies, legal and troller and reother expenses ceivers Total liabilities Amount estabAmount claims to ofproved returned lished of to share- date report holders in cash Dividends (percent) Dollars Dollars Dollars Dalian Dollar, 149, 463 22, 509 87, 078 9&, 595 40, 775 1, 283,866 877, 223 41, 605 13, 788 490, 572 717,1 44, 991 36,463 592, 573 320, 276 30, 730 327, 943 285,021 72, 505 732, 935 462, 725 32, 753 200, 756 131, 641 48,080 41, 555 771,895 663,440 41.07 77.5 10 1323 1329 1494 1521 5/18/37 1635 9/11/37 1738 2/26/37 1772 1883 71.33 24.5 21 15 1897 2103 2142 2146 54, 679 31, 425 11,823 40, 731 1,115, 460 512,815 392, 226 295, 792 309,816 304, 565 1, 256, 506 830, 937 74, 463 30,022 43,103 20,112 66, 900 46, 652 29, 313 962,848 399, 846 1,325, 910 417, 952 617,666 213,186 635, 543 296, 593 2,865 55,046 16, 751 502,363 327, 703 45 6,192 113, 658 47,692 2,106, 730 1,242, 406 50 57 10, 282 29,121 52, 547 19,486 117, 474 2,721 58, 429 27, 454 31, 319 1,915 5,814 15, 228 12, 398 14,485 2,964 1,632 26,172 20,398 120 9,747 796 1,728 320 2,442 7,091 3,183 3,524 2, 568 6,310 21, 209 16, 716 14, 276 12, 820 13, 870 6,662 28, 523 3,650 16,867 52, 261 10,469 1,187 21,896 32, 540 131 7, 706 106, 091 266 4,164 131,414 79, 971 146, 339 1,347 569 1,902 21, 092 20, 361 59, 349 2190 o 7.09 5/28/37 2347 2648 2851 1841 1384 1439 1456 215,174 734,688 12.23 25 7/28/37 2,011,702 1, 303,123 125, 594 15, 500 644, 718 474, 816 235, 77' 112, 625 494, 976 363, 865 83.33 22.65 48 56.6 1484 1492 1495 5/25/37 1677 9/21/37 1789 1893 2532 2550 8/31/37 2746 2771 7,709 49, 580 111,515 81, 289 28, 254 57, 337 61.9 50 33.33 100 57 45, 472 29,052 1,023, 528 84,810 624, 777 84,810 8 77 2,030 775, 261 332, 521 8 65 158,142 8,748 109, 465 8,748 3 92.1 71.56 1, 469, 784 1, 030, 327 50.15 2/25/37 1031 952, 095 762, 682 3, 838,776 2, 570, 257 8,465, 854 6, 337,183 50 95. 918 75 7/30/37 1156 1382 1658 32 59.25 41.5 "6/18/37 1762 1864 1885 45, 042 107,717 35.5 100 8 81. 66 8 50 112,136 132, 559 128, 964 69, 221 109, 975 13, 503 2,432 24, 915 252,462 960,117 4/14/37 39.7 54 42.5 61, 769 32, 313 22,100 75,186 6,277 3,995 5,614 3,396 Interest diviDate dends finally (perclosed cent) 18, 468 41,237 264,783 261,494 1, 236,049 143,474 211,446 716, 3,05' 8 6/17/37 2803 2805 2817 10/30/37 2900 9/29/37 2920 286 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31,1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Book value of assets at date of failure Name and location of banks Capital stock at date of failure Date receiver appointed Estimated Estimated E s t i m a t e d good doubtful worthless CALIFORNIA—continued 1892 1921 1955 1959 1976 1977 2001 2036 2057 2073 2098 2192 2210 2244 2278 2297 2310 2311 First National Bank, Yorba Linda.. First National Bank, Culver City_ _ South Gate National Bank, South Gate. First National Bank, Monterey rarK. Pnrlr First National Back, Newport Beach.National Bank, Long Beach. Seaside First National Bank of Bay Point, Port Chicago. First National Bank, Beverly Hills. San Bernardino National Bank, San Bernardino. West Hollywood First National Bank, W^est Hollywood. First National Bank, Artesia First National Bank, Woodlake..--First National Bank, Hermosa Beach. California National Bank, SacraFirst National Bank, Oceanside Central National Bank, Oakland7 2K City National Bank, Huntington Park 7 First National Trust & Savings First National Bank, Rialto 7 Coast National Bank, Fort Bragg.-Anaheim First National Bank, Anaheim.7 2692 National Bank of Pico 7 23 2698 Wilshire National Bank, Los Angeles.7 ^ 2784 First National Bank, San Gabriel7— 2322 2546 2687 Dollars 25,000 Jan. 12,1932 100,000 Jan. 23,1932 50,000 Feb. 6,1932 Dollars 115,010 207, 251 194, 943 Dollars 33,875 717, 495 358, 734 Dollars 46,846 53, 028 5,774 9,1932 88,042 386, 058 25, 000 Feb. 17,1932 147, 430 96,101 3,252 do 300, 000 25, 000 Mar. 18,1932 1, 001,329 19, 956 458, 317 129, 505 10, 952 19, 733 450, 000 June 7,1932 100, 000 June 21,1932 3, 032,107 245, 557 2, 234, 771 803, 478 1, 607, 978 678, 874 25, 000 Feb. 34,373 75, 000 June 28,1932 86, 041 195,900 22, 546 50, 000 July 18,1932 25, 000 Dec. 2,1932 50, 000 Dec. 29,1932 280, 735 83, 812 16,913 224, 466 27, 051 248,862 35, 022 16, 592 43,571 2, 000, 000 Jan. 21,1933 6, 667, 085 7, 093, 858 1,963, 879 349,170 100,000 Feb. 15,1933 . 1, 200, 000 May 8,1933 10, 433,904 125, 000 July 13,1933 387, 502 290, 546 7, 627, 637 364, 660 40,098 4, 798, 947 173,888 150, 000 July 18,1933 1, 547,169 897, 484 277,891 75, 000 Aug. 2,1933 100, 000 Nov. 7,1933 75,000 Jan. 15,1934 322, 965 336, 749 306, 256 380, 387 436, 665 396,308 48, 534 35, 250 33, 474 50, 000 Jan. 16,1934 200, 000 Jan. 22,1934 75, 231 179, 535 136, 771 247, 598 1,950 139, 644 50,000 Mar. 27,1934 254, 850 103,150 38, 533 25,000 Nov. 17,1931 215,806 248, 539 35, 920 50, 000 Dec. 23,1931 25, 000 Jan. 12,1933 30,000 Aug. 18,1933 27,198 79, 818 190, 740 206, 330 272, 773 223, 452 631 39,103 7,869 Sept. 21,1933 Oct. 9,1933 do Oct. 31,1933 Dec. 18,1933 556, 545 136, 991 155,132 210, 549 160,102 603,461 130, 689 328, 741 214,893 171, 335 33,216 1,182 31, 259 61, 068 4,890 50, 000 Jan. 26,1934 50, 000 Mar. 28,1934 50, 000 June 18,1934 266, 543 275,172 330, 451 81, 266 322,113 88, 594 36, 371 1,810 29, 668 COLORADO 2395 2432 2435 2513 2623 First National Bank, Steamboat Springs. First National Bank, Idaho Springs. First National Bank, Littleton Montezuma Valley National Bank, Cortez.7 Rubey National Bank, Golden 7 7 First National Bank, Central City . First National Bank, Mancos77 First National Bank, Aurora _ First National Bank of Douglas 2704 2787 2849 First National Bank, Eaton 7 23 Boulder National Bank, Boulder7 7 n _ First National Bank, La Junta 1811 1866 2228 2344 v^ouniy ax vvastic JttocK.' CONNECTICUT None . DELAWARE None Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 50,000 25, 000 50, 000 25,000 50,000 287 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Progress of liquidation to date of this report AddiTotal tional assessassets ment received upon since date shareof failure holders Dollars 9,201 32, 224 32, 639 Dollar, 25,000 100,000 50,000 Total Cash colassets and stock as- Cash col- lections from sessment lections stock :rom assets assessment Dollar, 229,932 1,109,998 642,090 Dollars 120,131 527, 469 346, 451 Receivership earnings, cash collections from interest, premiums, rent, etc. Unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Dollars Dollars Dollars 14. 200 6,917 33, 340 43,547 16,427 24, 520 Offsets allowed and settled Total collections from all sources, including offsets allowed and unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Dollar, Dollars 9,9 151, 236 1892 688, 603 1921 84, 247 422,659 1955 35, 261 16, 784 25,000 550, 257 301,198 13, 944 31,042 31,104 377, 288 1959 7,426 25,000 279, 209 145, 974 10, 218 14, 715 14, 443 185, 350 1976 300,000 1, 818, 222 199, 210 25, 000 826,030 91, 420 61, 743 7,616 450, 000 7, 679, \ 4,068, 779 100,000 1,948, 668 1,123,098 157, 581 21, 569 189, 491 78, 734 209, 6181 120,391 47, 624 5,016 355, 013 120, 759 58, 212 1,103, 566 1,283 121, 888 505, 416 4,973, 304 90, 454 1,412, 677 1977 2001 2036 2057 4,272 75,000 383, 759 181,527 25, 629 20,018 8,514 235, 688 2073 69, 285 9,466 6,183 50,000 25, COO 50,000 659,508 161,921 365, 529 347,166 100,445 171, 953 16, 385 14, 30^ 22,102 13,185 5,841 8,851 30,104 10, 538 8,584 406,840 131,131 2192 211,490 2210 199,015 2,000,000 17, 923, 837 9,815, 671 1, 367, 726 634,012 15,859 809, 452 390,180 29, 638 100,000 2, 695,091 1,200,000 26, 755, 579 17, 341, 683 1, 036, 467 546, 541 19,258 12, 407 125,000 1,063,457 23,401 789, 290 39, 650 157, 624 150,000 3,030,168 2,084,148 126, 380 119, 259 43,137 9,341 11,486 75,000 100, 000 75,000 870, 023 918, 005 822, 524 390, 979 639, 611 455, 787 42,126 60, 566 22, 777 40, 874 46, 679 47, 500 10,121 50,000 200,000 274,073 829, 559 154,724 323, 050 25, 286 48, 056 50, 000 456,145 307, 893 124, 499 25,000 649, 764 23, 950 34, 600 35, 682 50,000 25, 000 30,000 308,109 451, 294 487, 743 86,981 38,048 38,126 38, 284 50,161 31, 521 40, 809 72, 881 62, 782 9,612 1, 633,048 13, 450,457 2244 66,000 12, 471 441,911 2278 2, 437, 543 21, 604, 983 2297 700,006 2310 28, 557 80, 045 2, 409,832 2311 27, 345 20, 774 30,090 501,324 2322 767, 630 2546 589,154 2687 10,963 17, 935 7,438 30, 773 198,411 2692 419, 814 2698 16, 667 26, 956 19, 910 371, 426 357, 472 19,050 25, 649 60, 260 462, 431 1811 125, 721 265, 643 330, 348 15,661 12, 574 5,270 14, 864 21, 246 24, 275 13, 656 15, 373 21,137 169, 902 314,836 2228 381,030 2344 50, 000 1, 330, 203 331,910 25,000 603, 258 50,000 549,794 25,000 436, 488 50,000 983.750 187., 471 375., 749 317, 559 268, 553 11, 263 25, 000 20, 234 2, 400 21, 227 90, 583 22,907 29, 619 27, 675 19,711 73, 747 1,159, 343 2395 263,557 2432 28,179 437, 903 2435 12, 301 364, 048 2513 16,414 323, 648 2623 14,15' 50, 000 50,000 50, 000 315,612 430, 616 311,933 34, 988 32, 245 28, 220 39,482 29, 570 18, 777 21, 409 28, 910 53, 323 465, 701 689, 904 571, 594 33,000 411,491 2704 521, 341 2787 412, 253 288 REPORT OF THE COMPTKOLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 81, 1987, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Progress of liquidation to date of this report—C ontinued Loss on assets compounded or sold under order of court Dollars Disposition of proceeds of liquidationConservators' distributions Book Book Book value of value of value remainassets of remain- ing un- returned ing uncol- collected to shareTo selected stock as- holders' cured assets sessment agents creditors Dollars Dollars Dollars To unsecured creditors Dollars Dollars Dividends paid by receivers On secured claims On unsecured claims Dollars 3,538 2,016 Dollars 69,939 223, 400 166, 645 Secured and preferred liabilities paid except through dividends, including offsets allowed Dollars 1892 1921 1955 74,813 157,120 123, 641 241,162 86, 737 10,800 66, 660 33, 573 1959 103,490 89,465 11,056 18, 229 119,466 1976 93, 792 14, 782 9,485 76, 719 77,100 1977 2001 214,137 81, 507 419,843 142, 419 3,431 521, 658 28, 960 461, 612 72,108 2036 2057 1, 288, 697 206,894 1, 366. 977 428, 222 260, 509 21, 266 2073 118,718 49 371 115, 559 101,949 2192 2210 232, 238 25 938 131,989 3,003 33, 615 10 693 27,898 119, 841 70,824 17,462 254,947 35, 976 147, 707 2244 2, 533, 659 1, 941, 459 632, 274 2278 2297 2310 99, 442 1, 711, 845 54, 014 207, 359 2311 291,977 423,998 23,620 2322 2546 2687 102 702 104,815 92, 810 273 997 52 805 168,837 32 874 39, 434 52, 223 2692 2698 11 220 101, 724 24, 714 151,944 2784 78, 342 33 333 1811 203, 710 3,322 5,950 1866 2228 2344 82,818 145, 278 106,258 35,914 34, 339 12, 426 24 730 7,787 15, 992 2,693 2395 2432 ?435 2513 2623 222, 706 54 692 165. 208 48, 922 103 778 38, 737 2704 2787 2849 27, 087 180 378 156, 338 309, 345 14, 667 81, 753 5,749 9 7,535 9, 705,474 9 9 1, 230, 587 2, 923,843 702, 711 430,815 375,293 51, 593 8 9 163, 826 119, 033 82, 247 300,027 5,184, 445 6,036,639 495, 774 140, 353 589,699 765,334 282,143 184, 782 393,399 64, 336 343,845 55, 531 143,857 323,466 225,889 131, 921 206,963 307,155 105,445 48, 974 199, 728 135,427 67, 656 74, 631 217,276 53, 231 10, 065 35, 696 18, 266 488, 977 160, 510 91,920 114,875 190,163 562, 665 45. 688 284, 808 177, 372 105,635 2,120 196, 778 129, 087 74, 316 169, 465 186, 521 186, 639 3,563 50 691 174,012 Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 9,760 872, 862 29, 766 22, 600 28 773 15,012 17 755 21, 780 200,385 6, 479, 610 6,094, 268 84,141 . 163, 533- 4,064,508 105, 742 36 568 141,899 55,048 382,891 209, 308 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY 289 dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation—Con. Cash advanced in protection of assets Conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses Dollars Dollars 597 75 Receiv- Cash in hands ers' salof comparies, legal and troller and reother expenses ceivers Amount returned to shareholders in cash Total liabilities Amount estab- of claims lished to proved date of report Dollar, Dollars \ Dollars Dollars 15,530 6,584! ! 163,103 50,9156 20,476 I 856,775 42, 208 4,423. j 484,994 3,840 33, 518 64 21, 982 1,731 17 90, 603 20,803 61, 695 696 236,207 93,121 Dividends cent) Interest diviDate dends finally (perclosed cent) Dollars 1892 1921 1955 104, 207 463, 950 273,665 67 48 60 482, 740 298, 948 46 216, 886 146,981 58.65 689,263 75,514 75 38.35 1977 Td/21/37 2001 506*305 103, 581 1,157,197 147, 782 6, 328,229 3, 1, 395,921 352, 605 872,280 36.66 80 2036 2057 l,850l 27,962 L 1959 6/11/37 975 17,205 227,057 122,155 94.6 10/29/37 12,953 21,339 473,969 103, 289 267,354 216,398 66, 843 111, 979 55. 38 100 15 7/27/37 355 161 32, 052 11, 023 19,072 9,083 439,501 427,995 13, 550,673 7, 405,629 41,864 4,862 338,734 41, 216 ""§,"906 582,339 274,195 180,582 20,029,411 13,949,707 797,242 280, 741 5,376 114,446 3,071 44,663 5,926 14,144 64,180 98, 617 9,737 166 12, 435 7,024 8,135 14, 634 41,133 25,647 28, 418 50, 031 8,347 5,040 1,163 1,306 4,632 10, 721 11,945 23,254 12,786 19,756 278 4,292 925 "728 8 2, 537, 673 1, 760,932 1,674 14, 787 694,619 680,999 665,474 573,056 606,978 313, 084 172,346 356, 039 48, 317 128,444 357, 732 150, 081 8 100 100 11, 228 480, 056 371,183 82 3,388 192,531 361, 000 361,508 111, 304 285,306 144,613 44 75.61 95.51 10,157 4,781 6,348 6,168 5,673 44,313 15,383 18, 853 27,937 22,177 1,097,092 235, 023 452,824 506,851 286,334: 529, 294 178, 345 182,308 304,756 180,198 8,123 10,119 15,470 17,330 31, 788 16, 067 345,665 521,286 399, 554 172,355 328,746 204,277 _i 16,750' 2/1/37 2278 2297 2310 2322 2546 2687 3.14.93 3 12 5/19/37 2692 11/23/36 2698 8/30/37 2784 22,9921. 15,138|_ i 6. 74 100 59 22,395 24,485 22,246 27,130 j - 2244 83 38,603 -I- 2073 2192 2210 5.95 87.5 30 15 100 50 1976 1811 1866 8/25/37 2228 4/30/37 2344 100 90 70 39 100 io 2.44 100 89.1 94. 65 3 15.4 8 8 6/30/37 2395 2432 2435 2513 io 5. 53 "9/24/37 2623 4/30/37 3/8/37 2704 9/30/37 2787 12/9/36 2849 290 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1987, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Book value of assets at date of failure Name and location of banks Capital stock at date of failure Date receiver appointed Estimated Estimated Estimated good doubtful worthless DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Dollars 2285 2514 2540 Commercial National Bank, Washington. Federal-American National Bank & Trust Co., Washington.* District National Bank, Washington.^ 1300 1366 1370 1411 1470 1518 1559 1773 1924 2214 2484 2745 First National Bank, Avon Park First National Bank, Lakeland First National Bank, Auburndale-.. Polk County National Bank in Bartow. First National Bank, St. Augustine.. First National Bank, Jasper ... First National Bank, St. Petersburg. First National Bank, Perry City National Bank in Miami First National Bank, Panama City. Central National Bank & Trust Co., St. Petersburg. First National Bank, Oraceville First National Bank, Arcadia Putnam National Bank, Palatka First National Bank of Commerce, Tarpon Springs.7 First National Bank & Trust Co., in Orlando." Dollars Dollars 7, 458, 557 1,006, 784 2, 000, 000 Oct. 31,1933 7,462, 720 6, 389, 942 3,242,901 1, 000, 000 Nov. 6,1933 4, 228,968 3, 397, 235 975,197 100,000 100,000 50,000 200,000 Feb. May May June 18,1929 15,1929 15,1929 28,1929 181,452 731,968 109, 667 413,486 274, 513 1,315,256 236,338 885,600 131,038 293,814 82, 267 730,857 130,000 30,000 600,000 50,000 500,000 250,000 300,000 July May June Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr. 25,1929 13,1930 9,1930 25,1930 23,1930 12,1931 21,1931 812,843 201,856 1, 977,477 44, 694 3,274,828 187,750 900, 250 1,164, 714 27,951 3,905,656 366,355 3,390,130 599, 097 1,648,468 526,181 199 394,067 94, 753 671,239 403,136 577,393 35,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 Oct. Jan. Dec. Oct. 27,1931 26,1932 31,1932 26,1933 61, 554 106,107 54, 679 145, 431 97, 823 595,044 1, 352,824 134,028 42, 699 27,356 328, 790 23,580 200,000 Feb. 27,1934 1,833, 250 709, 262 534,824 FLORIDA 1265 1284 1285 1292 Dollars 6, 289^537 1, 000, 000 Feb. 28,1933 GEORGIA 909 1231 1242 1276 1493 1667 1668 1997 2028 2102 2201 2211 2865 2930 2938 Georgia National Bank, Athens First National Bank, Dublin.. _ Fourth National Bank, Macon First National Bank, Sandersville— National Bank of Wilkes at Washington. First National Bank, Lyons First National Bank, Vidalia First National Bank, Hartwell Hancock National Bank, Sparta First National Bank, Thomas vine.2_. First National Bank, Fort Gaines K Winder National Bank, Winder First National Bank, Millen 7 23 Citizens1 National Bank, Barnesviile. Citizens National Bank, Washington.1 400,000 200,000 500,000 50,000 50,000 Apr. Sept. Nov. Mar. Jan. 17,1925 24,1928 26,1928 14,1929 12,1931 1,916, 328 277, 770 8,123, 464 77, 510 145,08 743,757 911,439 1,070,097 378,082 254,767 585,896 561,448 938,815 72,135 50, 387 25,000 35,000 75,000 25,000 100,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 50,000 Sept. 3,1931 do- ---Mar. 8,1932 May 24,1932 July 27,1932 Dec. 19,1932 Dec. 30,1932 June 26,1934 127,698 169, 230 80,069 100, 250 123, 96 18,18 148, 27 71,42 10,47 34, 702 91,055 160, 471 109,975 191, 630 130,654 259, 615 36,045 61,406 26,203 135,037 25,216 49, 649 100,874 8,435 32,837 11,394 50, 781 12, 233 54, 848 First Exchange National Bank, Coeur d'Alene. Twin Falls National Bank, Twin Falls. First National Bank, Twin Falls.... Security National Bank, Fairneid... First National Bank in Driggs Citizens National Bank of Salmon.. Boise City National Bank, Boise Parma National Bank, Parma 100,000 Jan. IDAHO 12*9 1816 1843 2003 2020 2031 2112 2130 Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. A u g . 29,1935 75,000 1 Aug. 12,1936 i 150, 000 Dec. 100, OOC 25, OOC 25,000 100, OOC 375, OOC 25, OOC Dec. Mar. May May Aug. Sept. 19,1929 804,62 211,021 125,967 2,1931 52,54 142, 645 228,821 12,1931 19,1932 3,1932 25,1932 9,1932 12,1932 494,82 52,68 63,58 194,86 1,539,38 64,17 463,506 74, 308 62, 479 377,064 886,087 82,735 240, 481 540 58, 269 74,213 616,544 10,843 291 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Progress of liquidation to date of this report Total Addiassesstional ment assets upon received »ince date shareof failure holders Total assets and stock assessment Cash collections from Cash colstock lections assessTorn assets ment Receivership earnings, cash collections from interest, premiums, rent, etc. Unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Offsets allowed and settled Dollars Dollars Dollar, Dollars Dollars 9, 420, 699 256, 559 295,007 2,000,000 19, 390, 570 8, 682, 388 1,293,112 Dollar, 224,967 Dollars Dollars 1,000,000 15,979, 845 606,187 502,043 575, 839 826,124 220, 000 Total collections from all sources, including offsets allowed and unpaid balance R. F. O. or bank loan Dollars 11? 361, 327 2285 12,140, 779 2514 1,119,155 503,820 1,000,000 10,105, 220 5,140, 448 670, 89' 394, C 6, 996. 702 2540 791, 349 25,675 215,166 66,003 71,16: 100,000 100,000 50,000 200,000 712, 678 2, 656, 204 544,2"" 2, 301,105 239, 218 999, 317 124,055 959,316 23, 723 30, 892 9,370 127, 910 16,041 25, 755 5,859 43, 730 332, 038 47,051 184, 254 1, 388,00: 1284 186,335 1285 1,315,210 2292 170, 759 37, 468 1,000, 341 83,833 230,074 166, 436 489, 770 130,000 30,000 600,000 50,000 500,000 250,000 300,000 2, 804, 497 297,474 7, 877,541 639, 635 8,066,271 1, 636, 419 3, 915, 881 1,198, 344 126,024 3,041,320 206, 542 3, 397,968 419, 058 1, 494, 541 116,264 6,412 342, 905 31,240 331,977 66, 815 169,929 91, 754 7,298 208, 237 16, 323 218, 388 22. 644 95, 286 152. 998 9,796 544, 869 30,053 700, 572 40,197 381, 87t 1,559,360 149,530 4,137,331 284,158 4,648,903 548, 714 2,141, 632 1300 1366 1370 1411 1470 1518 1559 11, 206 216, 642 98, 568 112,909 35,000 100, 000 100.000 75,000 248, 282 1,045,149 1,932, 861 490.948 91, 590 317,986 794, 503 175,167 21. 733 32, 734 58,66E 23, 520 10,161 16.376 25, 598 9,455 6,55f 51,578 86,061 20, 308 130, 040 418.674 964( 827 228,450 1773 1924 2214 2484 129,083 200,000 3, 406, 419 1, 905, 088 167, 069 120, 434 156,015 243,819 157,433 14, 293 140, 430 400, OOf 3,801,996 200,000 2.194,476 500,000 10,789,809 50.000 592,020 50,00C 640,665 1, 821, 414 818,038 7, 376, 651 248, 521 183, 284 315, 846 80,6€6 285,44C 11,522 23, 738 125, 438 37,15; 207, 256 15, 279 21, 547 346,151 115,317 1,006,227 19, 481 29,579 2,608, 849 1,051,178 8, 875, 57' 294, 801 258,148 1231 1242 1276 1493 25,00C 35, 00C 75,00C 25,00C 100,00C 50.001 100, 00C 25,001" 50,001 227,396 469, 384 395. 28.' 296, 41' 607, 538 217, 323 573,086 152,30i 172, 741 109,883 146, 878 127, 656 150, 506 175, 262 87,022 249,078 88, 274 25, 79' 7,642 12, 650 51. 548 21, 700 60,710 25, 222 47, 62' 8,317 26,995 12, 14,009 10, 869 16, 8"~ 9,7' 8,104 19,084 10,033I 4,753 21,010 32, 502 12, 335 14, 782 14,192 3,748 27, 765 6,934 10 151,312 206, 039 202, 408 203, 860 259,939 124,096 343, 554 113,558 57,555 1667 1668 1997 2028 2102 2201 2211 2865 2930 75,00C 142,08 3,250 1,393 100,00( 1, 254, 38' 34,126 36,961 13,793 39, 062 54, 525 11, 540 91,069 10,04" 32,363 8,445 12, 774 3, 2(1' 817, 23C 86, 62C 150,00C 660, 63 158, 5S£ 44,20 11,97* 22,104 74,326 364,91 2,58 100, OOf 25,00C 25,00C 100,00C 375,00C 25,00 1,343,01, 164, 51: 231, 44 820, 47i 3,781,928 185,336 811,18€ 119,92 102,912 402, 256 1, 733, 452 103, 804 24, 71: 56, 84! 12, 89 12,131 48; 405 123, 263 7,0681 9,854 69, 652 11,991 7,524 38, 877 103, 203 10, 700. 1265 334, 397 185,130 2,712,118 2745 2938 95, 780 984,097 1259 34, 710 227, 86£ 1826 66, 265 3,543 25, 832 60, 632 143, 281 4,736 1,003,952 148, Z4T 148, 40' 550,17 2,103, 19i 126, 30! 1843 20 03 2020 2031 2112 2130 292 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31,193?', at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Progress of liquidation to date of this report—C ontinued Disposition of proceeds of l i q u i d a t i o n - Conservators' distributions Loss on assets compounded or sold under order of court Dollars 2285 2514 2540 877,115 1,051,973 432,177 Book Book Book value of value of value assets remainof remainreturned ing un col- ing un- to sharecollected lected holders' stock asassets agents sessment Dollars 4,106,192 Dollars 743,441 6,537,054 706,888 2, 741,246 329,103 Dollars To secured creditors To unsecured creditors Dollars Dollars 9 30,102 Dividends paid by receivers Secured and preferred liabilities paid except through dividends, including offsets allowed On secured claims On unsecured claims Dollars 29 Dollars 3, 365,338 Dollars 7,412,737 9 4,173,109 1,276,921 5,695,202 9 1,918,208 993,114 3,308,767 84,813 500,949 33,765 129,277 157,343 647,293 106,996 1,017,175 1265 1284 1285 1292 343, 578 1, 224,849 323,169 957,535 76,277 69,108 40,630 72,090 11,102 8132,431 9,111 68,645 1300 1366 1370 1411 1470 1518 1559 1,323,155 131,654 3, 691,352 150,768 1,154, 712 323,749 1,739,464 13,736 23, 588 257,095 18,760 168,023 183,185 130,071 69,954 4,120 67,324 22,187 16,547 57,256 782 351,883 64,289 1,765,384 74,062 1,497,954 174,890 955,290 1,036,487 46,679 1,980,040 120,766 2, 520,607 229,657 946,435 1773 1924 2214 2484 47,393 475,694 506, 509 220,473 67,743 99,891 445,788 13,267 67,266 41,335 51,480 2,426 15,363 34, 669 53,692 83, 580 80,749 58,337 35,099 231,024 747, 388 141,961 2745 254,447 861,754 32,931 500 2,301,516 909 1231 1242 1276 1493 1, 234,431 1,061,121 1,906,931 274,018 90, 481 287,321 84,154 119,334 214, 560 .38,478 26,26? 81,103,954 25,855 150,396 8 32,430 8 5,709,253 36,551 38,259 114,147 1, 376,347 812,106 2,899,485 183,973 79,720 1667 1668 1997 2028 2102 2201 2211 2865 2930 71, 503 111,212 180,290 19,048 318,084 39,410 118,839 9,938 11,150 2938 63,821 1259 202,272 2, 313,021 573,415 17,358 22, 350 23,452 3,300 39, 290 24,778 52,373 16, 683 23,00 9 183,297 8,056 6,119 17,580 3,865 22,694 9,903 33,517 8 43,119 14,369 83,713 54, 697 112, 551 40,014 134, 596 40, 537 14,022 63 822 135,575 71,694 100 772 97,745 53,797 118,325 54,349 27 822 71,75 2,165 4,232 241,377 65,87 «7,979 1826 317,333 125,28 7,49 72,32 111,267 1843 2003 2020 2031 2112 2130 203,69 16,04 77,69 257, 58 525,958 51,79 43,15 12,10 12,86 51,59 251, 73 17,93 7,78 12,66 7,10 18,73 33,87 8,06 434 26 57,20 31 13 213 45 838,05 41,23 401 434 29, 558 92 938 269 979 948,130 58,858 143,792 87,078 77,404 85, 783 161,87 1,004,23 37,143 22,160 Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 8 620,20 314,384 293 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation—Con. Cash advanced in protection of assets Conser- Receiv- Cash in vators' ers' salhands salaries, aries, of complegal and legal and troller other other and reexpenses expenses ceivers Dollars Dollars 34,058 Total liabilities Amount estabAmount lished to of claims returned proved to share- date of report holders In cash Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 13,244,195 5,603,948 453,968 95,197 146,319 284,068 510,308 24,750 14,249,645 8,379,962 55,974 127,211 335,138 258,290 2514 468,879 317 593 2,192,816 1, 754,032 364,331 285,833 1, 575,017 776,166 30 2 8 36.11 15 25.5 2 336,624 195,042 5,487,816 444,262 6,403, 277 830, 758 2,802, 585 1 451,104 155,191 3, 565,580 333,905 3,735, 559 638,616 1,824,915 29 07 44 08 51.4 28 40 35 52.39 2/11/37 1300 2/27/37 1366 10/30/37 1370 1411 1470 1518 9/28/37 1559 45 23.33 15 67 1773 1924 2214 8/13/37 2484 1,933 1,844 217 13,247 36,488 43,951 5,284 25,576 50,286 56, 226 22, 651 159,854 613,622 1,388, 206 233,820 118, 613 357,929 636,705 87,070 17, 506 60, 736 87,837 60, 726 2, 759,412 604, 241 14,277 2,480,259 1,103,955 1, 567, 532 841,295 9,447,423 6,632,417 434,850 395,819 387,682 302,018 71 207 192 1,646 606 21,998 27,486 29,229 31,520 26,343 19,009 38,504 11,352 8,424 6,784 14,246 22,283 75 50 7 95.817 45 59.15 100 78 100 20 1,510 14,726 14,726 14.7 1,373 291 7,287 1265 1284 1285 1292 2745 6/30/37 5/13/37 9/27/37 7/21/37 2 100 20.95 8 86. 57 18.9 37.5 85,069 214,655 106,830 121,218 228, 646 42,242 170,957 34,094 70,110 17,951 3/20/37 8/31/37 1/28/37 9/24/37 8 30 158, 545 361,924 177,436 229,812 315,747 100,728 329,989 90,074 70,120 11, 360 2285 2540 101,036 28,444 275, 500 48, 663 380,863 70,597 215, 633 73,485 60,614 230,867 34, 628 48,555 60 8 5,998 49,083 828 38, 240 3, 253 23,492 55,063 2,207 3,539 1,392 1,449 Date finally closed 7,346,412 3,867,358 42,172 87,408 32,402 86,481 17, 652 194,692 13,061 Interest dividends (percent) 8 65 13,434 19,921 4,061 13,632 661 245 Dividends (percent) 909 1231 1242 1276 1493 1667 1668 1997 2028 5/18/37 2102 7/24/37 2201 2211 7/17/37 2865 2930 8/30/37 318.. 17 318.9 7/16/37 2938 485 41,049 1,029, 363 712,220 8 88.2 1/29/37 1259 4,221 32,558 308,850 210, 605 37.9 9/18/37 1826 5,719 77,891 18, 598 16,834 43,538 113,718 18,151 388 4,465 4,502 76,860 17 30, 321 164,918 635, 359 1 051,137 94,102 62,490 154,013 69,622 543,171 281, 304 2, 566,868 1,571,778 124, 725 67,441 68 100 54.9 82.54 53.33 73.1 3 11. 81 1843 5/13/37 2003 9/23/37 2020 8/31/37 2031 2112 6/18/37 2130 294 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31,1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Book value of assets at date of failure Name and location of banks Capital stock at date of failure Date receiver appointed Estimated Estimated Estimated good doubtful worthless ILLINOIS 1312 1347 1359 1389 1407 1413 1420 1425 1437 1444 1471 1476 1490 1546 1547 1582 1596 1597 1601 1604 1606 1609 1614 1616 1629 1651 1688 1696 1708 1711 1715 1721 1750 1755 1765 1779 1786 1808 1830 1831 1850 1853 1880 1906 1910 1928 1939 1943 First National Bank, Taylorville.— Commercial National Bank, Chatsworth. Pana National Bank, Pana. First National Bank, McLeansboro. First National Bank, Martinsville_. Old First National Bank, Farmer City.i Quincy-Ricker National Bank & Trust Co., Quincy. First National Bank, West Salem. _. First National Bank, Benton First National Bank, Marion First National Bank, Augusta First National Bank, Sesser Lawrence Avenue National Bank, Chicago. First National Bank, Oak Park Austin National Bank, Chicago Albany Park National Bank & Trust Co., Chicago. Washington Park National Bank, vyincago. Inland-Irving National Bank, Chicago. Manufacturers National Bank & lrust t o . , KOCKiora. Security National Bank, Rockford.. First National Bank, Downers Grove. Waukegan National Bank, Waukegan. First National Bank, Watseka First National Bank, Morrisonville. Will County National Bank, Joliet. First National Bank, Polo Rogers Park National Bank, Chicago. Ogden National Bank, Chicago First National Bank, Kewanee National Citv Bank, Ottawa Calumet National Bank, Chicago... First National Bank, Carterville West Side Atlas National Bank, umcago. First National Bank, Erie - _ City National Bank, Herrin National Bank of Albion, Albion First National Bank, Sycamore First National Bank, Noble First National Bank, West Frankfort. First National Bank, Christopher First National Bank, Momence Gillespie National Bank, Gillespie.. First National Bank, Cambridge l.Home National Bank, Elgin First National Bank in Mount Olive. Farmers National Bank, Pekin First National Bank, Harvey Hopedale National Bank, Hopedale Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. Dollars 200,000 Oct. 18,1929 40,000 Mar. 8,1930 841, 377 213, 643 Dollars 525, 887 167, 012 Dollars 207,807 41,712 1,1930 4,1930 11,1930 25,1930 318,034 265, 528 164, 622 553,102 276,120 141, 238 34, 792 110, 068 24,344 500, 000 Nov. 10,1930 100, 000 50,000 25,000 65, 000 Apr. Aug. Oct. Oct. Dollars 721,120 3, 525, 610 509, 361 18,1930 2,1930 5,1930 23,1930 26,1930 9,1931 188, 473 315,405 1,130, 763 150, 583 98, 526 200, 336 108,188 1, 216, 006 771, 438 206, 466 167, 866 609, 989 15, 893 177,159 50, 442 49,887 45, 590 126, 068 100, 000 Apr. 1,1931 250, 000 Apr. 6,1931 300, 000 May 19,1931 149, 099 1, 495,116 908, 969 319, 550 1,531,216 1, 595, 801 17, 570 84, 248 86, 003 600, 000 June 2,863, 461 4, 086, 761 1, 593, 884 1, 992, 425 3, 243, 080 468, 707 500, 000 June 16,1931 2, 204, 934 2,895,098 81,831 200, 000 June 18,1931 100, 000 June 19,1931 724, 599 393,110 1, 272, 625 611,026 412, 832 50, 212 250,000 June 22,1931 1,108,437 2,311,901 57,157 50, 000 50, 000 200, 000 50, 000 100, 000 June 29,1931 do . . . . July 15,1931 Aug. 12,1931 Sept. 24,1931 156,136 88, 272 772, 242 263, 798 223,731 189, 675 175, 884 2, 309, 567 256, 619 1,146, 953 40,889 11,859 105, 397 17, 6Q2 24,106 200, 000 125, 000 200, 000 400, 000 50. 000 200, 000 Oct. 1,1931 Oct. 6,1931 do Oct. 7,1931 Oct. 10,1931 Oct. 16,1931 165,412 901, 339 355,425 681, 534 109, 729 233, 221 385, 314 674, 316 835, 070 2, 473,162 302, 490 1, 399, 639 193, 443 15, 423 182, 284 352,113 12, 237 441, 558 40, 000 50, 000 50, 000 175, 000 25,000 25,000 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. 19,1931 22,1931 29,1931 31,1931 14,1931 7,1931 364, 944 55, 784 268, 285 755, 978 42, 226 126, 400 254, 077 821, 906 469, 540 881,853 159, 472 968, 697 8,885 31,012 5,081 117, 316 19, 733 46, 233 do Dec. 17,1931 Dec. 19,1931 Jan. 8,1932 Jan. 20,1932 - . do 102, 802 82, 500 103, 838 52, 441 611,515 44, 547 878, 008 555, 887 1, 359, 075 200,181 1, 047, 685 504, 590 21, 826 148 15,129 21, 249 356. 370 3,163 100, 000 Jan. 26,1932 100, 000 Feb. 1,1932 50. 000 1 Feb. 2,1932 506, 461 479, 533 54, 513 743, 929 655, 030 99, 796 3,779 56, 433 28, 388 25, 000 100, 000 100, 000 60,000 25,000 200, 000 525, 000 60. 50, 75, 50, 150, 50, 000 000 000 000 000 000 Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. 9,1931 do 295 REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Progress of liquidation to date of this report Total Additional assessassets ment received upon since date shareof failure holders Total . assets and stock assessment ReceiverearnCash col- ship ings, cash Cash col- lections collecfrom lections tions from stock from.assets assessinterest, premiment ums, rent, etc. Unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Offsets allowed and settled Total collections from all sources, including offsets allowed and unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Dollar, Dollars 104, 936 1, 381, 835 1312 40,851 283, 625 1347 121,691 21, 395 Dollars 200,000 40,000 Dollars 1,896, 762 483, 762 Dollars 1,049,006 205,009 22, 307 11, 494 32, 618 14 100,000 50, 000 25,000 65,000 1,028,235 713,210 387,822 65, 014 508, 776 286, 402 155, 690 1 65,239 4,990 13, 253 57, 718 43,652 13, 715 15, 584 756 94, 326 500,000 5,350,417 2, 630, 840 343, 363 202,065 24, 228 155, 779 96, 670 30,184 54, 662 10,394 25, 000 100,000 100,000 60,000 25,000 200,000 361,782 1, 964, 349 2,149, 313 497,120 391, 644 1,146, 787 139,689 865,045 869,140 193, 549 175,021 354,987 20, 705 30, 796 60,916 48,066 13, 755 54, 707 9,023 85, 344 103, 955 15,518 10,184 28,048 38, 961 208, 378 1425 81,027 1, 062, 212 1437 140,388 1,174, 399 1444 20, 771 277, 904 1471 23,183 222,143 1476 58,805 496, 547 1490 43, 821 27, 740 165,004 100,000 250,000 300,000 630,040 3, 388, 320 3,055, 777 223,881 1, 657,162 1, 661,889 18,810 118,315 127, 203 12, 235 113,805 105,491 32, 666 287, 592 1546 173,164 2,062, 446 1547 82, 797 1, 977,380 1582 380, 523 600,000 9, 524, 629 4, 523,147 273, 511 334,478 626,010 163,952 525,000 6,393,164 3,001, 935 163, 566 224, 547 494, 438 3,884, 486 1597 267, 458 500,000 5, 949, 321 3,169,511 291,455 95,058 107,818 21, 371 200,000 100, 000 2, 717,874 1,175, 719 1,051,572 514, 395 131,210 50,130 45,912 46,428 13,800 205, 487 1,447,981 1604 70, 476 681, 429 1606 85, 566 250,000 3, 813,061 1, 502, 350 122, 528 165,510 11,500 258,457 28, 281 62. 572 177, 221 8,692 12, 327 50,000 50, 000 200, 000 50,0Q0 100,000 464, 981 388, 587 3, 564, 427 596, 711 1, 507,117 182, 649 132, 777 1, 747, 043 341, 949 612, 369 22, 029 31,029 118, 295 34,126 44,192 14,174 9,876 169,107 24, 730 79, 672 18, 815 237, 667 18, 991 192, 673 155,028 2,189, 473 23, 367 424,172 60,919 797,152 69, 389 164. 567 180, 606 102, 732 1,266 26,057 200, 000 125, 000 200, 000 400, 000 50,000 200,000 1,013,558 1,880, 645 1, 753, 385 4,009, 541 475, 722 2, 300, 475 265, 202 1,054, 099 564, 323 1, 684,122 192, 329 1, 269,115 19, 938 88, 345 40, 539 151,585 15,876 85, 615 71,147 405,950 1696 66, 851 1, 315, 958 1708 115,624 774, 602 1711 167,076 2,167,135 1715 11,897 254,066 1721 137, 702 1, 564, 736 1750 31, 644 59,182 1,697 58, 564 4,394 105, 407 40, 000 50, 000 50,000 175,000 25,000 25,000 699, 550 1,017,884 794,603 1, 988, 711 250,825 1, 271, 737 340, 988 556, 393 344,906 1,003, 498 111, 726 733,441 49, 663 106, 663 54.116 164, 352 33, 964 72,304 15.117 31,381 41, 321 131,949 18,831 14,500 26, 437 32, 506 18,961 90,166 8,603 39,925 32,064 414, 606 1755 92, 228 712, 508 1765 40, 873 446, 061 1779 125, 342 1, 350. 955 1786 8,343 147, 503 1808 32,102 820, 968 1830 66,485 84, 282 45, 628 75, 854 124,052 113, 909 60,000 50,000 75,000 50,000 150.000 50,000 1,129,121 772,817 1, 598, 670 399, 725 2, 289, 622 716, 209 776, 629 342,132 765, 931 132, 573 1; 290, 252 300,128 40, 395 43, 851 39, 657 20, 500 121,850 31,105 46, 410 36. 981 88, 466 13, 734 57. 328 27, 654 148, 655 39, 844 46, 247 100,000 100,000 50,000 1, 502,824 1, 330,840 278,944 831.060 621, 785 94, 212 85,800 82,183 35, 640 i 65,805 56, 675 11,5221 Dollars 27021—38 20 Dollars 156,767 21, 716 Dollars 71,126 16,049 Dollars 38,032 37, 661 14,865 26, 000 655, 699 342, 768 199, 392 58, 475 1359 1389 1407 1413 230, 196 3, 432,464 1420 5, 757,146 1596 369, 387 3, 925, 411 1601 1,000 12, 261 23, 307 19,997 156,728 2,060, 345 1609 875, 695 446,271 914,051 166,807 1, 626,158 367, 675 1614 1616 1629 1651 1688 1831 1850 1853 18S0 1906 1910 67, 597 1,050,262 1928 56, 098 816, 741 1939 43,067 184, 441 1943 296 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31,1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Progress of liquidation to date of this report—0 ontinued Disposition of proceeds of liquidationConservators' distributions Loss on assets compounded or sold under order of court Dollars Book Book Book value of value of value remainassets of remain- ing un- returned ing un col- collected to shareTo selected stock as- holders' cured sessment agents creditors Dollars Dollars Dollars On secured claims On unsecured claims Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 824, 582 467,569 130,466 100,632 23,091 3,494 7,897 13 34, 761 45,010 11,747 7,282 1,146,676 156,637 542,820 197,902 1359 1389 1407 1413 101,865 339,147 192,267 279, 562 1420 842, 705 1425 1437 1444 1471 1476 1490 158,132 271, 733 347,614 222,800 168,440 102,450 1546 1547 1582 1596 430, 545 4,295 69,204 39,084 11, 934 11,245 145,293 273, 493 600, 598 318,636 707,396 692,455 81,190 131, 685 172,797 913,677 2,861,795 326,489 646, 544 692,171 1597 877,636 1,494,155 361,434 1601 420,431 1,489,992 208, 545 9,833 91,675 697, 816 409,817 69, 847 67, 904 211,229 9,661 2,484 203, 978 1, 041,081 35,372 769,202 716,478 927, 721 2,760 4,360,166 1,819,813 814,128 1, 567,237 1,847,864 25,431 162, 94 97,411 1,382,340 304,683 283,526 43, 705 72,386 570,486 57,297 382.101 51,177 157,907 763, 970 387,906 907,264 132,842 483,490 151,272 399,087 315,893 927,963 100,471 813, 554 249,260 214, 586 189,404 896, 786 83,420 298,186 78,298 405, 279 175,096 298,321 38,819 477, 710 192, 569 303,011 244,144 607, 571 80,350 585,085 142,840 789, 317 117,466 102,145 1,700,109 1614 1616 1629 1651 1688 213,517 186,819 238, 536 75,493 366,257 1,223,820 105,902 367,572 1696 1708 1711 1715 1721 1750 350,348 272, 976 105,496 482,386 221,496 537,215 126,861 361, 719 767,942 1,275,957 1755 1765 1779 1786 1808 1830 64,133 170,842 245,323 105,756 293,807 222,365 148,421 266,125 439, 548 1831 1850 1853 1880 1906 1910 146,059 146, 629 420,333 217,152 692, 642 155,107 150,337 18,337 145,884 235,648 16,036 127,696 24,883 18, 619 8,679 43,051 6,169 10, 500 19, 605 6,149 35,343 29, 500 28,150 18, 895 1928 245,951 258,216 14,200 1939 323, 365 229, 592 17,817 1943 91, 665 14,360 Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 1,063,056 92,459 238,957 572,956 174, 499 97, 733 150,613 27,971 18,971 81, 705 15,874 55,808 1609 202,186 2,135,031 52,209 127,472 68,790 49,870 134,172 210,749 317,409 320,828 156.100 36,407 145 2,617 994,483 351,140 187,387 265,625 147,123 134, 220 1,653, 586 759,467 399, 742 1,332,984 266, 332 139, 708 156,443 Secured and preferred liabilities paid except through dividends, including offsets allowed To unsecured creditors 43,233 18,284 1312 1347 1604 1606 Dollars Dividends paid by receivers " 128," 706 4,358 1,057 14,054 13,973 756,830 171, 953 760, 527 348,361 101,805 580,204 156,340 494,922 207,010 299, 791 297 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation—Con- Cash advanced in protection of assets Conservators' salaries, legal and other expenses Dollars Dollars 9,474 Receiv- Cash in ers' salhands aries, of complegal and troller other and reexpenses ceivers Total liabilities Amount estab- of claims Amount lished returned date ofto proved to share- report holders in cash Dollars Dollars Dollars 57,119 29,689 22,838 7,646 168 1,410 43,126 31,480 27,355 2,329 14,980 56,003 164,580 13,794 641 6,192 50,113 2,579 3,221 15,208 23,603 84, 062 101, 401 30, 979 24,346 52,558 15,476 14, 312 128,254 3,792 Dollars Dollars 1,335,520 879,420 391,632 289,306 798,998 599,394 319,291 65,262 472, 313 455, 001 282 212 65,262 Dividends (percent) 96 39 45 55 34.07 47 56 80 Interest diviDate dends finally (perclosed cent) 8/21/37 1312 1347 1359 2/24/37 1389 9/23/37 1407 1413 4,159,466 3, 044,278 70 42.43 30 19,278 64, 455 296,912 217,910 1, 504,485 795,088 1,792,941 1, 347,470 340,068 268,047 289, 755 210,378 783,970 556,828 32, 766 158, 062 139,959 79,789 64, 968 411, 772 367,198 2, 641,388 1, 851,819 2,232, 025 1,478,316 55.55 63 6/23/37 1546 1547 1582 37,360 365,604 179,888 7,565,237 6,695,990 65 1596 27,518 278,929 188,229 5,264,352 3,632,287 50 1597 38,813 154,631 230, 517 4,501,128 2 635,949 61 1601 18,617 19,135 82,813 66,970 6,880 36,625 2,074,557 1, 502, 786 931,784 770, 316 49 1604 1606 55,713 169,707 7,019 3,042,792 2 514,732 53 2,351 232 30,914 5,765 13, 770 28,664 22,644 155,726 29,419 90,005 24,576 27,008 27,750 334,288 287 384 264,859 192,133 2,923,940 2,299,224 465, 088 404,124 1,228, 359 833,878 56 7 50.7 60 5,696 2,379 3,926 61, 842 102 158 1,360 7,369 2,355 15,490 2,533 5,658 57,714 74,066 61,352 144, 023 20,651 119,100 33,361 76,456 5, 525 74,866 44,976 45,315 44,036 95,113 18,373 38,130 40,712 39,959 35,170 45,245 4,113 41,662 18,140 17,380 3,722 32,013 29,780 44,770 46, 704 6,191 80, 011 28,912 46 7,900 1,100 62,843 66,920 17,843 19, 836 93, 769 19,681 35,185 30,279 19,728 1,284 3,358 596,466 434,189 1,465,386 1 046 190 1,156,142 823,848 2,883, 911 1, 870,351 352,575 249,939 1,819,830 853,196 42 65.1 45 27 56 52 75 34 35 73 47 48.5 53.15 56.66 1420 4/30/37 1425 1437 1444 9/16/37 1471 1476 1490 1609 9/22/37 1614 7/13/37 1616 1629 1651 1688 1696 1708 1711 1715 8/30/37 1721 1750 563,695 484,766 822,694 403,391 678,835 497,886 1,514, 049 1,193,228 187,181 151,159 1,027,630 536, 017 51 38 75 58.07 55 1755 1765 1779 1786 5/28/37 1808 1830 914, 715 546,097 1,358, 715 202,947 1, 553,229 477,178 297, 948 459, 031 766,160 167, 888 762, 012 342,777 65 66 32 7.5 99.32 50 1831 1850 1853 1880 10/30/37 1906 1910 1,046,795 999,136 166,210 823, 070 688 680 102, 316 92.16 50 99.5 1928 1939 8/13/37 1943 53 298 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Book value of assets at date of failure Name and location of banks ILLINOIS—continued Capital stock at date of failure Dollars Date receiver appointed 50,000 Feb. 2,1932 First National Bank, Palatine 700,000 Feb. 10,1932 Joliet National Bank, Joliet 750,000 Feb. 12,1932 Rockford National Bank, Rockford. 100,000 do First National Bank, Mendota 100,000 do Mendota National Bank, Mendota. 75,000 Feb. 19,1932 John Weedman National Bank, Farmer City.23 50,000 do 1983 First National Bank, Le Roy 25,000 do 1984 First National Bank, Foosland 50,000 Mar. 4,1932 1994 First National Bank, Hamilton 300,000 Apr. 19,1932 2013 Forest City National Bank, Rockford. 250,000 May 21,1932 2025 Douglas National Bank of Chicago, Chicago. 50,000 June 10,1932 2041 First National Bank, Rock Falls 200,000 June 15,1932 2047 Alliance National Bank of Chicago, Chicago. 300,000 June 21,1932 2051 Bowmanville National Bank of Chicago, Chicago. 175,000 do 2055 First American National Bank & Trust Co., Berwyn. 300,000 June 25,1932 2058 Jefferson Park National Bank of Chicago, Chicago. 200,000 do 2060 Jackson Park National Bank of Chicago, Chicago. 200, 000 do 2062 Ravenswood National Bank, Chicago. do 150,000 2063 First National Bank, Wilmette 300,000 2064 National Bank of Woodlawn of do._ Chicago, Chicago. 250,000 2067 Midland National Bank of Chicago, June 27,1932 Chicago. 1, 000, 000 2069 Peoples National Bank & Trust do Co., of Chicago, Chicago. 25,000 June 28,1932 2072 First National Bank of Gardner 600,000 July 1,1932 2077 Hyde Park Kenwood National Bank of Chicago, Chicago. 50, 000 July 6,1932 2082 First National Bank, Riverside 200,000 '.do. 2085 First National Bank in Aurora 200,000 July 7,1932 2086 First National Bank & Trust Co., Chicago Heights. 30, 000 Aug. 1,1932 2107 First National Bank, Leland 300, 000 Aug. 12,1932 2117 First National Bank, Aurora * 70,000 .do. 2118 First National Bank, Mount Olive L 100,000 Aug. 22,1932 2124 First National Bank, Lawrenceville. 50, 000 Aug. 29,1932 2127 First National Bank, Marengo 200,000 Sept. 7,1932 Bank of Chi2128 Broadway National 1 cago, Chicago. 50,000 Sept. 22,1932 2134 American National Bank, Gillespie*50,000 Oct. 8,1932 2149 First National Bank, Mazon 23 25,000 Oct. 20,1932 2158 First National Bank, Palestine 500,000 Nov. 21,1932 2186 Ayers National Bank, Jacksonville.. 50,000 Dec. 31,1932 2215 First National Bank, Herrin 150,000 Jan. 3,1932 2216 Third National Bank, Mount Vernon. 55,000 Jan. 10,1933 2223 First National Bank, Greenfield 50,000 Jan. 12,1933 2227 First National Bank, Anna 50,000 Jan. 19,1933 2236 First National Bank, Wheaton do 100,000 2239 Farmers National Bank, Taylorville. 25,000 F e b . 4,1933 2263 First National Bank, Ridgway 2264 25,000 F e b . 6,1933 First National Bank, Secor. Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 1944 1961 1968 1969 1970 1982 Estimated Estimated Estimated good doubtful worthless Dollars Dollars Dollars 32,141 17, 229 107,990 207,178 268, 810 1,229,847 2, 379, 291 84, 823 166,108 208, 339 163, 947 4, 346,476 4, 284,188 381, 618 475, 892 196, 095 111,090 44,032 58, 743 1,171,980 135,116 110, 209 141, 560 1, 555, 934 57, 625 673, 268 22,006 137, 814 217, 902 314, 820 46, 014 8,794 335, 821 43,098 293, 312 220, 717 225, 680 1, 675,105 2, 089,159 812, 733 1,843, 228 1,006, 584 528, 226 72, 745 41,012 1,956 75, 462 154,869 229,865 27, 015 22,859 95, 538 9,502 357, 657 180, 974 635,413 166, 228 107, 652 117,253 1, 908, 095 153,090 480,937 700,917 73, 753 57, 681 908, 568 6, 726, 552 155, 075 3,145, 838 222,191 2, 067, 710 1,151,328 7,865 795, 364 110,828 861, 634 223, 328 69, 903 11, 056 200 130, 094 1,110 394, 575 194, 884 591 536 850 870 930 84, 883 845, 904 3,151 107, 030 191, 888 704 46,170 51, 232 1, 426, 279 320,832 1,112,467 71,144 108, 258 163,809 3, 994, 537 730, 967 1, 535,644 75,168 13, 401 42,141 1, 679, 820 188, 589 60,915 110,026 114,523 211,073 246, 581 369,263 555,914 379,541 1,209,203 59,816 155,193 46, 430 43,686 26,536 68,001 80,444 105, 527 6,385 7,965 152, 201, 196, 564, 505, 299 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Progress of liquidation to date of this report Additional assets received since date of failure Total assessment upon shareholders ReceiverCash col- ship earnTotal assets and Cash col- lections ings, cash from stock ascolleclections stock sessment from assets tions from assessinterest, ment premiums, rent, etc. Dollar, 31,540 189, 569 498, 300 82,404 72, 720 44, 616 Dollars 3,103 321,358 351, 682 71, 460 141, 284 158, 616 Dollars 50,000 700,000 750,000 100,000 100,000 75,000 Dollars 273,459 6, 614,910 7, 873,151 845,079 1,152, 094 710, 795 Dollars 76, 583 2, 515, 563 2, 874,156 333, 948 611,613 333, 228 107, 284 3,653 915 223,141 50,000 25,000 50,000 300,000 444, 502 184,850 326, 680 3, 405,924 186, 794 101,025 161, 219 1, 675,113 25, 000 12, 685 33, 874 201,122 17, 980 10,214 8, 655 103, 290 123,677 250,000 1,126, 576 263, 476 27, 221 53,569 17,831 47,168 50,000 200,000 566,479 2,148, 969 230, 383 1,000, 744 32,193 17, 574 59, 278 Dollars 8,779 198,935 184,062 33, 201 42, 757 36, 997 Unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Dollars 13 185,100 10,500 Offsets allowed and settled Dollan 4,200 395,173 583, 546 15, 419 49, 595 38,033 Dollan 121,102 3,484, 340 4,140,064 475,472 776, 685 452, 874 1944 1961 1968 1969 1970 1982 5,817 25, 515 254,805 248,837 129, 741 1984 229, 263 1994 2, 234, 330 2013 42, 324 407,490 2025 19, 595 32, 307 299, 745 2041 1,136, 610 2047 1,801, 639 2051 19, 063 20, 900 Total collections from all sources, including offsets allo wed and unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan 44, 281 203, 689 300, 000 3,158, 534 1, 378,264 35,924 175,000 1,093, 770 298,821 73, f 15 300, 000 2, 532, 914 1, 246, 705 32, 466 200,000 1, 555, 305 777, 393 75, 484 200,000 1,038,892 389,' 53,495 143, 969 150, 000 300, 000 1, 362, 7 620, 821 972,092 108,054 84,000 154,405 40, 942 4,300 24, 627 419, 743 2055 91, 034 1, 532, 502 2058 76, 916 51, 053 82,823 111, 940 56,718! 57,039 959,967 2060 57,510J 30,165 533, 463 2062 49, 533 45,172 68, 953 129, 526 68,817 2, 640, 690 13, 789 130, 726 46, 201 52, 508 4, 253,! 162, 651 367, 611 152, 526 1, 235, 049 328, 024 1, 000,000 2067 718, 488 14, 865 529,876 25, 000 600,000 8, 609, 266 260, 486 5, 979, 646 129, 715 2, 548, 049 12,131 171, 602 9,284 132, 902 1,229 503,249 17,443 13,450 14, 518 50,000 200, 000 200,000 401, 572 3, 537, 369 1, 784, 058 186, 999 2, 051, 832 1,126, 672 44, 287 191, 796 80, 925 13, 843 155, 384 99, 784 26, 296 222, 200 82, 099 75, 221 50, 985 31,652 9,596 30, 300, 70, 100, 50, 200, 000 000 000 000 000 000 419, 476 1, 433, 717 321,186 933, 646 826, 081 200,000 162, 442 250, 889 67, 246 447, 469 485,988 20, 841 223,6231 40, 903 42, 713 17, 953 8,000 13, 587 25,117 •4,858 35, 435 39, 597 43,247 17,218 19, 689 7,496 93, 594 201,891 136, 633 50,000 50,000 25, 000 500,000 50, 000 150, 000 214, 234 237, 518 289, 678 7, 694, 230 1,492, 279 \ 659 35, 552 101,152 145,575 3, 579, 647 639.188 1, 782, 950 13,127 30, 515 18, 320 133, 234 40,195 137, 322 2,243 8,167 14, 659 147,450 41,490 95, 911 45,641 59, 234 13, 632 83,376 55, 000 50,000 50, 000 100, 000 639, 746 934, 864: 700,676 1,682,846 288, 516 536,478 424. 775 1, 220,897 37,471 37,184 25, 200 61,197 13.935 46,136 34,943 90,454 13,779 18, 936 22,161 50, 387 14, 541 7,027 25, 000 25, 000 152, 906 j 213, 5201 84,386 84, 379 22, 420 9,495 5,786 10,360 4,148 6,621 797,837 2063 2064 1, 292, 318 489, 053 250, 000 55,840 58, 530 145, 528 2069 4,936, 657 2,809 37, 014 27, 384 2072 152, 359 2077 3, 355,802 271, 425 2082 2, 621, 212 2085 1, 368, 461 2086 240,117 499,629 115,816 562, 631 570,922 8,000 2107 2117 2118 2124 2127 2128 4,684 55, 606 2134 3.037 142,871 2149 7,633 186,187 2158 353, 096 4, 213,427 2186 65,545 786.418 2215 190, 799J 2, 206, 9822216 353, 701 638, 734 507, 079 1,422,935 2223 2227 2236 2239 116,740 2263 110, 855 2264 300 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937\ at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Progress of liquidation to date of this report—Continued Loss on assets compounded or sold under order of court 1944 1961 1968 1969 1970 1982 Disposition of proceeds of liquidationConservators' distributions Book Book Book value of value of value assets remainof remain- ing un- returned ing uncol- collected to share* To selected stock as- holders' cured assets sessment agents creditors Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 13,199 129,477 18,460 625,122 2,379,052 510,431 420, 533 3,244, 916 251, 700 219, 092 176, 620 17, 596 114, 555 276,331 27,280 185,102 79,432 30,384 1994 2013 45,494 53,008 89, 946 396, 292 779, 714 25, 000 12,315 16,126 98,878 2025 54, 599 516,177 222, 779 2041 2047 266,501 596,205 143,151 155, 719 Secured and preferred liabilities paid except through dividends, including offsets allowed To unsecured creditors On secured claims On unsecured claims Dollars Dollars Dollar, Dollars 40,373 49,193 1,137, 641 1, 742, 571 2, 018,212 1,398,159 67,289 360,652 128, 659 592, 578 57,445 340,008 16, 772 6,555 9,537 17,807 319, 713 Dividends paid by receivers 152, 202 108,664 143,988 1,444,039 63, 611 10, 986 63, 691 570,946 134,158 165,067 114, 223 149, 071 111, 835 888,840 501, 381 1,069,332 2051 358,969 966,896 223,084 2055 115,153 480,169 123, 947 52,314 236,078 2058 542, 049 353,126 188,060 423, 260 925,878 2060 157, 422 363,451 131,183 358, 664 409,049 2062 57,394 361,385 144,160 269, 202 106,231 2063 2064 83, 097 655,210 439, 922 583,862 91, 470 154,472 247, 729 592,341 393, 702 555,821 186,169 290,46* 346,144 2067 257,319 119,274 2069 1, 653, 621 1, 549, 250 837,349 2072 2077 104, 542 394, 335 1,934,013 12,869 428,398 2082 2085 75,129 215, 591 275, 787 63,148 847,746 120, 519 5,713 8,204 119,075 2107 2117 2118 2124 2127 2128 73, 579 882, 828 181,131 104, 382 150,34' 110,208 9,159 76, 37" 29,09; 57, 287 32,047 192,000 2134 2149 2158 2186 2215 2216 2223 2227 2236 2239 244, 781 112,362 123,998 54, 509 46, 600 64,870 1,911,609 1,349,878 166, 822 570, 724 367,125 504, 282, 451 137,870 84, 938 122,892 191,580 118,802 188,670 36,873 19,485 6,680 366, 766 9,805 12, 678 40,500 1, 742, 215 2, 644, 008 56, 753 1,882,131 3,026 55 66,849 73,808 1,419,428 712,110 136,324 672, 382 469,349 4,990 170,295 36, 221 65,130 2,680 99,455 142,414 74, 042 198,377 128, 865 6,461 299, 338 375,735 28,820 17, 529 12, 816 24,800 38,803 2263 39,372 2,580 2264 9,963 87,557 15,505 Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 77,412 907,086 9,542 2,569 42, 236 38,663 80,803 109, 521 40, 538 827,949 3, 058, 803 143,743 537, 018 882,955 1,150, 430 283,330 206, 046 172,069 689, 214 44,049 343, 553 265,192 652,085 74,896 13,638 14,694 57,152 301 EEPOET OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1987—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation—Con. Cash advanced in protection of assets Conser- Receiv- Cash in hands ers' salvators' of comparies, salaries, legal and legal and troller and reother other expenses expenses ceivers Dollars Dollars 5,073 67,602 44,687 516 249 202 Total liabilities Amount estabAmount lished of claims returned date ofto proved to share- report holders in cash Dividends (percent) Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 21,347 5,116 163,186 120,968 4 634,958 2,843 531 201,518 335,008 216, 737 445,497 5, 075,497 3, 610,600 4,248 42, 767 493, 200 423,975 45,262 8,727 778,474 643,835 24,093 31,126 377,876 317, 705 40.66 40 56 85 92 100 224,517 160,213 110,431 121, 700 224,388 158,875 2,193, 837 1,601,838 95 98.4 90 63 90 Interest dividends (percent) 3 7.02 Date finally closed 3/13/37 1944 1961 1968 1969 1970 1982 1983 1984 1994 2013 49, 014 22, 947 10, 091 21,584 114, 663 5,791 94,449 8,025 566,380 353, 049 38 2025 2 206 31,833 51,298 35, 297 37,658 426, 071 1,490,150 305, 098 566,297 37.5 28 2041 2047 10, 077 55,668 63, 581 162,631 4,714 27,918 101,124 2,309 9/10/37 8/21/37 40 2051 717,657 418,203 12.5 2055 2,376,302 1, 252,897 1,661 121,660 60,043 1,805,890 838,720 50 2058 8,481 93, 901 49, 372 1,092,289 698, 912 54 2060 66,598 75,367 16, 065 534,977 414,109 65 2062 1,131 24,214 71,324 98,248 83, 951 21,694 42 48.5 2063 2064 1,014,456 588,935 1,760,856 1,193,981 7,481 65, 901 8,495 289,125 100 2067 82,330 308,233 159,871 5,984,188 3,286,989 53 2069 69, 33,1 18,194 243,439 253,815 187,866 130,412 4,184, 299 2,237,843 59.36 40.5 167 94,996 18,731 24, 670 195,687 93, 729 33,430 238,664 7,693 133,904 276, 081 2,914,799 2, 213,132 711,803 1, 255,477 7 25,343 18, 792 47,406 5,553 39,484 44, 251 1,539 51,743 111,491 3,962 349,860 609, 956 201,862 710,024 631, 807 6 461 25,432 18,109 289 9,859 5,767 22,114 3,828 18, 578 19, 615 153, 608 61, 647 87, 454 256 23,000 10, 393 6,246 26,066 44,358 38, 609 51, 669 21, 777 20,816 23,721 905 10,782 14, 315 22,991 6,292 641,878 16, 163, 38, 64, 224 208 243 029 20 244,296 578,188 199,051 507,457 501,629 27.25 30.5 18.19 59 75 2/8/37 12/15/36 5.97 100 57.5 25 53 75 478, 502 780, 753 579, 914 1,422,079 434, 402 459, 728 312.853 762, 600 65.22 45 55 90.33 83, 732 150,175 69, 060 90,907 100 15 2072 2077 2082 2085 2086 55 64.5 100 165,811 159,826 2,258 113, 799 74, 526 231, 759 190, 517 6, 216, 883 3,118,034 1,172,138 1, 012, 745 2,441,471 1,153, 832 1 1 , 930 10/14/37 2107 2117 2118 2124 2127 2128 5/29/37 2134 3 11.87 5/28/37 2149 2158 2186 2215 2216 12/23/36 2223 2227 2236 2239 3 8.45 10/28/37 2263 2264 302 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937. at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Book value of assets at date of failure Name and location of banks Capital stock at date of fuilure Date receiver appointed Estimated Estimated Estimated good doubtful worthless ILLIN ois—continued Dollars Nokomis National Bank, Nokomis.. 75,000 Feb. 9,1933 First National Bank, Hoopeston 7 100,000 Aug. 15,1933 25,000 Sept. 27,1933 First National Bank, Crescent City7 25 000 . First National Bank, Carrier7 Mills do do First National Bank, Sidell 23 25| 000 25,000 First National Bank, Odin 7 do Newman National Bank, Newman 77 . 50,000 Oct. 2,1933 100,000 Oct. 9,1933 Merchants National Bank, Galena _ First National Bank, Freeport 7 237 300,000 do 100,000 Galena National Bank, Galena do First National Bank, Ridge Farm 7 23 50,000 Oct. 10,1933 75,000 Peoples National Bank, Monmouth ~ Oct. 26,1933 First National Bank, Dallas City7 7._ 75,000 do 75,000 Oct. 27,1933 First National Bank, Marseilles ___ 50,000 . . . do Earlville National Bank, Earlville7 2S do . First National Bank in Braidwood 7_ 25,' 000 Commercial National Bank, Wil50J 000 Nov. 1,1933 7 mington. 2516 50,000 First National Bank, Grayville7 723 do 2517 50,000 First National Bank, Steward 7 .._ do 2518 25,000 First National Bank, Compton7 23 do 2519 25, 000 First National Bank, Ransom 7 do 2521 95 000 First National Bank, Sheridan do—. 7 2522 Farmers National Bank, Dahlgren . do 25,000 2523 Farmers National Bank, Viola 7 40, 000 do 2548 50, 000 Nov. 7,1933 First-Henry National Bank, Henry 7 . 2554 First National Bank, Joliet" 1,040, 000 Nov. 10,1933 2555 First National Bank, Earlville 7 7 50,000 _ do 2568 First National Bank, Wilsonville __ 25, 000 Nov. 15,1933 2580 First-Lake County National Bank, 100, 000 Dec. 5,1933 Libertyville. 7 23 2587 First National Bank, Morrison " 100, 000 Dec. 7,1933 2589 First National Bank, La Harpe 7 50,000 do 2602 First National Bank, Tamaroa " 40,000 Dec. 9,1933 2616 First National Bank, Canton 7 7 100,000 Dec. 13,1933 2617 do 125,000 Canton National Bank, Canton 2620 First National Bank, Arthur 7 23 do—5o'. 00C 2676 First National Bank, Monticello 7 ~ . 150,000 Jan. 12,1934 7 2677 First National Bank, Savanna 100,000 do . _ 2678 First National Bank, Mascoutah 7__ do 100,' 000 2679 State National Bank, Peru 7 150, 000 do— 2680 First National Bank, Chadwick " 50,000 do 2682 First National Bank, Hampshire ' 23. 25,000 do 2683 National 7Bank of Niles Center, Niles 100,000 do Center. 2755 First National Bank, La Grange 7 100,000 Mar. 2,1934 2764 First National Bank, Urbana 7 50,000 Mar. 13,1934 2770 First National Bank, Granville 7 50. 000 Mar. 15,1934 2773 Taylorville National Bank, Taylor150,000 Mar. 19,1934 7 ville. 2788 First Sterling National Bank, Ster200,000 Mar. 29,1934 ling.7 First National Bank, Naperville 7___ 2816 75, 000 Apr. 27,1934 2828 Lincoln National Bank, Lincoln 7-__ 150,000 May 10,1934 2831 Hancock County National Bank, 140,000 May 22,1934 7 Carthage. 2840 American-First National Bank, 100,000 May 31,1934 Mount Carmel.7 2841 „ do.__ First National Bank, Breese 7 7 50, 000 2848 Aurora National Bank, Aurora 300, 000 June 18,1934 2870 First National Bank, Livingston 7_-_ 25,000 July 5,1934 2883 American National Bank, Lincoln L 150,000 Aug. 15,1934 Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 2266 2337 2403 2404 2405 2406 2411 2431 2433 2434 2439 2478 2480 2485 2489 2490 2515 Dollars Dollars 108,052 78,427 78, 324 63, 908 101,653 79, 515 164, 727 240,123 5, 212, 954 137, 083 22, 534 502, 953 277,692 77, 982 59, 618 103,423 94,114 71,142 110,085 461, 686 1,807,698 142,191 95,152 612, 502 52, 712 40, 379 79,710 1,340 2,420 7,622 7,939 216,169 70,180 17, 335 3,980 22,654 90, 415 93, 799 347,241 301,320 375, 500 133,053 358,821 602,862 223, 280 889,184 102,679 156,517 419, 975 260, 512 104, 580 123, 917 739, 580 749, 652 111,888 354, 863 327, 792 720,190 830, 422 140,896 60, 425 691,137 65, 673 178,071 37,498 71, 506 16,021 46,312 145, 991 45, 335 11,358 4,210 2,884 28,679 18,108 410,655 408, 589 268, 217 408 186,890 376, 813 221, 244 347, 609 58,528 138,762 18, 998 77,680 882,183 741,651 59, 379 382,808 816,114 298,125 354, 973 840, 439 239,223 51,134 113,331 313, 329 796,647 1,156,602 136,035 187, 797 2, 287, 468 99, 055 1,375 52, 524 611,717 135, 766 278, 573 5,305 313, 718 186 136,806 85,596 637, 746 64,037 86,114 85,084 56,359 150,559 127, 448 1, 740,157 479, 766 18,694 249,037 85,893 272,850 187,272 69,690 179, 974 819,010 145,132 66, 971 64,002 76, 298 60, 791 139, 879 387, 518 1,207,057 2, 056,873 60, 429 444,803 134, 499 389, 610 83,652 205, 466 135,864 Dollars 10, 220 127,042 28,878 6,117 20,051 9,056 13,379 45, 883 10, 560 59, 540 55, 311 48,084 4,103 57,847 4,069 138 7,270 303 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Progress of liquidation to date of this report AddiTotal tional assets ment received upon since date shareof failure holders Dollar, 19,861 12,824 21,033 16, 461 19,180 14, 01I 96, 795 11, 760 180, 060 63, 257 19,193 37, 241 21,655 58, 945 22, 337 39, 295 5,951 Dollar, 75,000 100,000 25,000 25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 100. 000 300, 000 100, 000 50,000 75,000 75. 000 75, 000 50, 000 25, 000 50,000 31,691 1,167 11,261 22, 553 15,415 2,113 21, 545 9,939 698, 542 101, 97' 7,675 50, 285 50, 000 50, 000 25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 40, 000 50, 000 50, 000 25, 000 50, 000 Total assets and stock assessment ReceiverearnCash col- ship ings, cash Cash col- lections collecfrom lections tions from stock from assets assessinterest, premiment ums, rent, etc. Dollars Dollars Dollar, 53,785 666, 421 1,009, 687 69,464 1. 022, 744 683,967 ' 205, 919 109,281 5,850 197, 694 4,648 83,474 225, 619 140. 10, 620 165, 221 9, 359 62, 244 450, 61 8,932 196,488 672; 609 43.910 424, 340 3,437, 834 2, 344, 637 176, 398 2, 759, 436 1,867. 006 " 71,323 203, 627 24,456 66,896 854,165 453,092 46,117 321,150 121, 068 14,331 854, 252 421,982 14,800 347, 330 184,812 39, 029 339, 589 212, 6' 16, 951 379, 059 217,136 11,378 188,689 520,147 118, 942 247, 955 140.380 253, 913 141, 70; 191,224 122,189 238.602 107, 620 185, 392 195, 222 344,296 398,545 977, 917 7, 789, 374 5, 462, 032 195, 007 448, 65. 795 154, 341 963; 877 1, 238, 394 37, 609 20,840 24,000 20,305 19, 981 31,836 34,021 31, 790 15, 254 20, 051 Dollar, Unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Offsets allowed and settled Total collections from all sources, including offsets allowed and unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Dollars Dollars Dollars 832, 013 856, 211 129, 949 102, 670 176,684 90, "" 246, 971 510.128 2,814, 065 2, 069,039 7,827 34,429 12,678 31,149 13,533 20.733 32, 875 33, 294 38,990 5,230 5,991 11,909 12. 548 30,107 11,713 137,166 24.910 4,550 31. 96r 9.293 24, 907 16, 231 9, 260 14, 846 10, 973 10, 655 11,485 18,690 9,630 5,378 15,168 41,486 302, 784 11,989 6,809 70,780 14, 360 7,150 9,264 4, i""" 3,432 7.731 11,128 27,186 311,805 7,752 7,719 49,461 251, 631 2516 157, 587 2517 185.129 2518 165, 285 2519 155, 556 2521 140, 710 2522 253, 354 2523 521, 238 2548 6, 707, 221 2554 246, 538 2555 95, 577 2568 1,104.169 2580 9,331 10,839 21, 769 38,417 51, 277 13, 232 55, 644 28, 204 20,165 94, 056 10,448 11,343 22, 883 415, 309 2587 181, 333 2589 252, 218 2602 902, 362 2616 1, 010, 352 2617 298, 087 2620 825,183 2676 759, 331 2677 740, 521 2678 1, 600, 257 2679 220, 704 2680 252, 201 2682 1,022,690 78,513 63, 790 9,588 5, 557 13,656 6,477 11.444 30.165 155,864 105,800 3,000 20, 000 630, 600 103,729 565, 605 157, 370 492,838 253, 605 259,621 276, 235 2337 2403 2404 2405 2406 2411 2431 2433 2434 2439 2478 2480 2485 2489 2490 2515 87, 708 118, 085 1,281 72, 375 49, 992 19, 442 289. 392 43,879 15,819 228, 248 58,448 47, 64" 27,98 604, 308 301, 659 544. 535 140,954 549, 937 171,457 736,983 1, 284.781 790, 637 1,316J165 230, 725 360, 695 677, 926 1,299,06: 658,098 1,119, 868 632,628 1,070, 647 1, 952,064 1,414, < 174,1 50, 000 354,907 194,715 25.000 318, 268 859,034 100,000 1, 257, 201 20, 917 20, 722 38,619 18, 697 48,837 72, 036 18,142 41,327 40, 272 30,619 91,215 14,471 25, 421 102,154 12, 909 195, 926 24, 029 106,412 100, 000 768, 982 50, 000 1,170, 090 582,488 50, 000 682,109 150, 000 470,063 550,413 380, 830 199, 941 55, 919 21,299 18, 567 64,360 27,343 43, 523 18, 490 11,015 47, 016 69, 865 24,130 95, 519 200, 000 1, 978, 732 1,144, 664 134, 245 94, 882 107, 397 1,481,188 2788 32,479 84, 071 54,814 75, 000 896, 394 566, 970 150, 000 2, 003, 955 1, 465, 528 292, 348 140, 000 1, 045,491 50,! 88, 405 62, 71' 40, 566 92, 664 33, 098 6, 000 56,439 65, 831 58,645 714,824 2816 1, 712, 428 2828 452,808 2831 2, 225,492 913, 953 69, 099 94, 994 59, 000 92,134 1, 229,180 50,000 298,152 201, 771 300,000 3, 723,852 2, 262,131 277,102 165, 828 25,000 691, 739 124,222 150, 000 13. 596 200^ 337 4,678 127.456 7,934 162, 243 13, 608 22, 71 100,000 50,000 40,000 100, 000 125,000 50,000 150, 000 100, 000 100,000 100,000 2,526 210, 951 17,095 124,985 77, 742 20, 582 26, 241 78,125 96, 402 35, r~~ 50, 286 32, 757 57,109 26, 577 14, 054 12, 521 199, 789 15, 339 600,341 685,100 442, 017 275, 316 2755 2764 2770 2773 235, 822 2841 2, 824, 500 2848 199, 453 2870 274, 395 304 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Progress of liquidation to date of this report—Continued Loss on assets compounded or sold under order of court Dollars Disposition of proceeds of liquidation Conservators' distributions Book Book Book value of value of value remainassets of remain- ing un- returned ing uncol- collected to shareTo selected stock as- holders' cured assets sessment agents creditors Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 21,215 30,536 19,150 20,352 14,380 37,835 15,641 41,068 56,090 123, 602 408,055 28, 677 25, 544 ""59,142 Dividends paid by receivers Secured and preferred liabilities paid except through dividends, including offsets allowed To unsecured creditors On secured claims On unsecured claims Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 595,927 171,739 267,261 487,866 35,857 79, 764 52,101 23,681 48,181 101,527 23,126 39,559 68,482 139,148 12,082 155, 598 380,596 143,458 484, 522 42, 581 34, 608 293,144 190,647 35,143 65,464 183,442 248, 313 160,424 72, 725 121,211 89,962 168, 767 60,903 2266 2337 2403 2404 2405 2406 2411 2431 2433 2434 2439 2478 2480 2485 2489 2490 2515 92,065 93,094 66,408 34,809 10,376 2,296 29,253 100.046 247,976 485,032 2516 2517 2518 2519 2521 2522 2523 2548 2554 2555 2568 2580 153, 541 113,557 15,318 16, 480 62, 789 15,887 12, 506 ~75,~475 45,041 30,327 67, 619 53,067 449,119 256, 066 1, 759, 471 139, 223 56, 604 55,827 80, 624 2587 2589 2602 2616 2617 2620 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2.682 2683 144, 214 118, 391 36, 409 101,860 91,667 10,002 65, 711 119,953 210,415 87, 346 75,108 28, 721 66, 408 49,104 224, 351 280,302 307, 521 257.584 2755 2764 2770 2773 22, 711 136,246 54, 918 332,168 129,192 363,566 72, 610 44,081 28,701 31, 433 85, 640 9 212, 390 9 134,443 2788 388,966 137, 705 65,755 9 509, 693 515,967 340, 616 2816 2828 2831 76,613 130,815 45, 970 121,372 191, 781 508, 528 24,151 61, 595 77, 283 9 133,993 9 191, 749 683, 995 59, 369 326, 637 515,103 199,120 2840 258,366 861,039 30,901 554,045 555, 734 23,039 93, 308 37, 656 33,892 6,918 92,652 25, 780 142,907 106,693 48,420 63,133 144,764 36, 510 282,488 200, 798 78,133 298, 471 71, 297 349, 786 213,613 107,439 355, 676 44,483 208,87 60, 669 60,200 10, 971 8,049 38,622 89,369 12,391 29,160 1,000 56, 545 9 255. 565 1 , 392, 370 1,351,693 11,281 5,113 28,742 4,695 5,019 8,164 15,979 18, 210 9,746 29,949 22,258 29, 418 13, 759 21,875 28, 598 14,012 99, 714 67, 243 42,891 29,083 4,278 61,381 » 14,847 94, 432 56, 736 9 1 , 299,457 9 221,901 390, 567 9 293,420 401,196 307, 977 603,653 9 9 18,821 603, 515 9 9 9 9 115, 722 83, 740 56,409 81,416 39,816 89,515 27,033 122,891 24, 704 105,121 23, 449 103,510 52, 472 162,910 239,136 224, 298 1,885,466 3,062, 202 131,456 46,843 55,452 27, 732 275,085 164,083 1,805 275, 569 30,061 124,810 414, 838 195, 035 198,374 263,101 100, 761 353,080 489,620 115,426 190, 503 724,871 99,972 114,195 78,746 191, 708 334,903 51,699 131, 503 178,609 47, 357 403,390 63,861 42, 776 107,585 37,108 280 71,102 267,090 102,017 206,767 303, 355 158, 679 208,757 58,489 2841 4,520 36, 404 29, 340 2848 99,663 120,149 841, 783 20, 322 2870 25,144 45, 791 22, 544 2883 100.047 317,4701 Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 9 9 47, 513 9 9 352,08 139, 682 337,162 113,310 54, 518 156, 035 872, 470 1, 336,006 73, 360 100, 288 143,752 46 305 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY dales of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation—Con. Receiv- Cash in Cash ad- Conservators' ers' sal- hands vanced salaries, of comp aries, in pro- legal anc lesral and troller tection and reother other of assets expenses expenses ceivers Dollars Dollars 6,084 5,903 9,147 2,359 7 2,548 3,642 6,388 2,368 6,474 4,985 406 2,808 4,736 54, 629 19, 591 20, 998 10, 078 2,190 8,202 1,032 4,199 1,650 10,479 843 1 3,304 1,672 5,218 113 25, 679 15,141 12,302 11,375 17, 804 11,170 19, 530 42, 731 177, 951 18, 945 10,142 27,874 655 5,401 4,456 5,743 13, 073 18, 570 3,472 14, 748 12, 200 5,824 19, 820 4,769 4,970 9,342 24,550 22, 795 29,119 36, 528 32,135 27, 642 51, 740 24,874 19, 946 39, 040 18, 686 13,897 47, 095 133,142 464 977 549 22,156 16, 274 8,018 22,841 40, 031 12, 545 12,156 27, 513 57, 093 25, 766 6,890 264 510 97, 743 252 1,442 12, 278 14, 680 4,313 12, 589 31,489 10, 334 1,646 17 Total liabilities Amount established to of claims proved date of report Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 19,936 38,327 264 235 872,012 45, 975 759,050 40, 059 487, 793 11,969 131, 607 95, 297 133, 399 6,590 17, 743 79, 518 143, 091 16, 752 194 93, 016 103, 034 5, S28 13, 273 78 672 255,563 16, 662 17,288 182, 243 13,210 395, 096 408, 768 15, 526 50, 603 86, 735 11,546 2, 539, C02 2,147,413 22, 111 36,179 2, 238,864 2, 203,077 12,086 40, 042 983 86, 652 38,410 390,964 585, 969 34,170 19,866 78,843 151, 673 25, 935 35,029 617, 561 14, 732 366, 911 13, 205 221,784 148,203 3,946 238, 503 18, 078 28, 698 147, 838 15,962 25, 272 238,866 177, 649 3,879 2,638 3,491 2,099 1,448 2,581 3,413 8,779 66, 511 3,014 2,251 13, 088 98 283 305 97 938 Amoun returnee to share holders in cash 22, 513 387, 808 270,138 131,319 74, 742 178, 095 137, 755 140, 741 1,790 113,326 170, 907 145,857 135, 306 112,303 233, 718 180, 705 830,586 597,820 6,477,919 3, 278, 608 251, 784 187,153 91, 610 63, 995 20,272 1,010,242 843,996 1,700 39,700 5,546 14, 765 5,784 84, 223 46, 280 9,817 8,384 1,522 9,634 34, 829 37, 377 31,357 4,691 44, 717 17,962 375, 226 269, 860 323, 996 200, 890 494, 855 415, 796 966, 210 765, 689 999, 374 650, 651 232, 408 180, 602 4,311 753,185 616, 607 683,591 501, 956 661,994 614,170 1, 632,121 1, 214, 258 179, 332 115,426 216, 250 173,184 55 852,789 982,345 564, 353 855, 628 437, 469 300,157 502, 592 534,178 278,175 215, 967 Dividends (percent) 65 100 83.7 30 100 50 75 8 100 13 100 8 88 100 75 45 50 100 82 95 31 100 65 100 72 92.17 90 40 8 98 70.33 86.65 15 100 100 15 30 8 83 8 90 100 8 90 8 100 8 100 8 90 100 100 85 15 44, 537 44,480 25,880 1,434, 527 1,074,804 8 95 20, 511 30, 054 19,161 30, 523 50, 235 30,158 10, 983 75,955 3,713 711, 723 383, 228 1, 567, 608 1, 035, 785 774,689 569,511 8 85 8 100 8 35 28,498 26, 625 55,585 8,692 1, 869, 531 1,229, 253 19,109 1,049 4,695 59, 785 5,238 11,797 84,583 11,328 5,650 281, 384 225, 4761 2,851, 775 1, 504, 593 127, 007 201,134 276,478! 278,955 Date finally closed 2266 2337 8/27/37 2403 2404 3 9.15 9/30/37 2405 2406 2411 4.21 2431 5.288 16/21/37 2433 2434 3 14.6 4/30/37 2439 2478 2480 2485 3 8.24 5/19/37 2489 2490 2515 2516 10/16/37 2517 2518 12/31/36 2519 2521 5/24/37 2522 2523 2548 2554 2555 6/17/37 2568 8/28/37 2580 3 8.93 3 8.44 4.1 2587 2589 2602 2616 2617 8/24/37 2620 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2/19/37 2682 2683 7.62 3 9. 84 7 3 3 10 2755 2764 2770 2773 8 92.5 50 8 85 22 428 4,999 1,605 8,777 115, 385 8,1901 11,637! Interest dividends (percent) 2788 j | I 2816 2828 2831 2840 69 8 80 75 41 2841 2848 2870 2883 306 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE N O . 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. SI, 1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Book value of assets at date of failure Name and location of banks Capital stock at date of failure Date receiver appointed Estimated Estimated Estimated good doubtful worthless ILLINOIS—continued 2888 2892 2912 2913 2919 2924 2933 2939 2942 2950 National Bank 7 23 of Shawneetown, Shawneetown. National Bank of Pontiac 71 Peru National Bank, Peru 7 First National Bank, Lanark . !_ _ First National Bank, Robinson First National Bank, Du Quoin 7 . . . Livingston County National Bank, First National Bank, Kirk wood *___ The Roseland National Bank, Chicago.1 The Henry National Bank, Henry l Dollars 25,000 Sept. 21,1934 Dollars 244,430 Dollars 46, 533 Dollars 9,870 Sept. 26,1934 Nov. 21,1934 do. „ Dec. 27,1934 Feb. 6,1935 Oct. 15,1935 827, 525 33, 598 362, 987 2,337 2, 033, 389 19, 597 562, 426 133,624 97,056 61, 848 858, 825 71,917 12,041 43, 416 91,836 43,095 288,802 105,117 50,000 Sept. 16,1936 200,000 Mar. 29,1937 480 166 37, 747 166, 915 7,418 50,000 100,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 50,000 65,000 Oct. 27,1937 (4) INDIANA 1128 1222 1342 1402 1479 1501 1513 1592 1771 1800 1833 1896 1909 First National Bank, Columbia City. First National Bank, Arcadia American National Bank, Kewanna. Farmers National Bank, Wilkinson. First National Bank, Connersville.. Howard National Bank, Kokomo.-. Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Sheridan. First National Bank, Fowler Citizens National Bank, Kokomo. __ First National Bank, Logansport Citizens National Bank & Trust Co., Terre Haute. Hammond National Bank & Trust Co., Hammond. Valparaiso National Bank, Valpa- 100,000 25,000 25, 000 25,000 200.000 200, 000 50,000 Mar. July Feb. Sept. Dec. Jan. Feb. 31,1927 3,192S 25,1930 19,1930 30,1930 22,1931 9,1931 512, 727 122, 205 157,941 110, 427 984, 252 87,261 243,623 498, 470 102,141 73,270 99,238 325, 925 344,212 153, 399 188,005 12, 554 22,221 7,095 125,350 521,157 . 96,705 75,000 350,000 250,000 200,000 June Oct. Nov. Dec. 2,1931 23,1931 11,1931 7,1931 199,290 1, 365, 523 2,085, 361 350, 561 160,236 1, 931, 568 3, 071, 576 1,087,192 67,011 413, 876 81, 201 114, 453 400,000 Jan. 18,1932 756,124 2, 663, 658 150,000 Jan. 20,1932 260, 225 618, 457 191, 589 381,282 7,173 19, 565 raiso. 23 1911 1931 1963 1964 2065 2094 2106 2145 2148 2213 2219 2293 2296 2336 2359 2366 2401 2412 2413 2416 2417 2418 2419 Bozeman Waters First National Bank, Poseyville. First National Bank, Gary National Bank of America at Gary.. First National Bank, Shelbyville.- _ First National Bank, Martinsville.. Peoples National Bank & Trust Co., Sullivan. Spencer National Bank, Spencer First National Bank, Vincennes First National Bank, Lewisville First National Bank, Russiaville First National Bank, Monrovia Continental National Bank, Indianapolis, i American National Bank, Rush ville6. Citizens National Bank, Mulberry ". 7 First National Bank, Lebanon First National Bank, Peru : First National Bank, Nappanee 7 -_Citizens National Bank, Brazil 7 Peoples-American National Bank, Princeton. 7 First National Bank & Trust Co., Cambridge City.7 23 First National Bank of Marshall County at Plymouth. 7 7 First National Bank, Montpelier First National Bank, Boswell 723 . . . Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. do 50,000 250,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 150,000 Jan. 27,1932 Feb. 10,1932 . June 27,1932 July 15,1932 1,991,128 479,143 331,927 477, 319 162, 365 1, 851, 321 735,156 375, 576 284, 356 1,116, 310 218,053 118, 611 28,712 274,423 245,176 50, 000 200,000 35.000 25,000 30,000 400, 000 July 30,1932 Oct. 3,1932 Oct. 8,1932 Dec. 30,1932 Jan. 5,1933 Apr. 8,1933 252,109 160, 603 165,955 67, 395 54, 275 40S, 194 957,864 139,143 34, 693 72, 967 55, 702 490,473 48, 883 42,691 17, 634 3,900 100,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 40,000 100,000 125,000 Apr. 25,1933 Aug. 15,1933 Aug. 29,1933 Sept. 6,1933 Sept. 26,1933 Oct. 2,1933 do 393,015 175, 207 496,161 468,514 115,319 164,106 561, 730 263, 866 74, 579 303, 562 796, 817 178,885 453, 282 664, 358 76, 592 821 10,850 366, 509 16,311 32,021 42, 573 168, 593 105,019 21,164 790,193 350, 334 47,491 183,142 150,029 256,049 85, 359 20, 254 32, 871 50,000 Oct. 130,000 50,000 . . 25,000 3,1933 do .do. do ... 307 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 81, 1937—Continued Progress of liquidation to date of this report AddiTotal tional assessassets ment upon received since date shareof failure holders Dollar, 67,007 Dollars Total Cash colassets and stock as- Cash col- lections from sessment lections stock from assets assessment Dollar, Dollars 367,840 283,394 1,522, 397 70,405 48 80,684 33,937 60, 296 1,781 50,000 100,000 50,000 75.000 100,000 50,000 682, 563 216, 217 3,341,312 248,412 848, 276 22,080 386, 989 40, 706 2,405, 781 57,434 49, 363 6,867 200, 000 95,008 373,948 13,469 7,050 Dollars 21, 525 50, 595 4,500 64,162 40,949 42, 375 Receivership earnings, cash collections from interest, premiums, rent, etc. Dollar, 9,416 Unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Dollars 51,309 3,383 26, 783 4,745 211,948 923 Offsets allowed and settled Dollars 16,170 67,275 29, 593 114, 546 31 26 1,846 Total collections from all sources, including offsets allowed and unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan Dollars 308,980 988,385 76,058 447,865 109, 613 2,773, 224 58, 388 2892 2912 2913 2919 2924 2933 13,495 51, 271 2942 2950 54,856 31,858 5,384 21, 308 10,670 53,979 115, 242 100,000 1, 354,058 25,000 293, 758 25,000 283,816 25,000 263,068 200, 000 1,646,197 200,000 1, 206,609 50,000 658, 969 754,130 177, 585 181,806 121, 720 903, 293 357,669 215, 530 76, 240 21,419 20,317 15, 005 173,934 127, 660 38, 587 58, 517 11,325 21, 735 12, 329 76,486 58, 682 13, 426 38, 277 217,024 108,578 22, 487 58, 659 270, 919 180,444 145, 778 15,816 216,983 416,194 68, 531 512,897 66, 646 111, 728 77, 689 75, 222 539,814 75,000 188,063 350, 000 4, 277,991 2, 064,193 250,000 5, 596, 716 3, 896, 479 200,000 1,774, 693 774, 348 400,000 4,037,149 1, 713, 974 150,000 1,110,814 595,592 50,000 633, 649 426,356 250,000 4,823, 399 2, 485,396 150, 000 1, 549, 556 614, 298 100,000 947, 943 443, 526 100,000 1, 213,787 594, 261 150,000 1, 749,073 870, 361 114,901 114, 526 4,1'"" 10,094 22, 441 2,620 50,000 880,' 200,000 1, 923, 466 35,000 393,873 25,000 179,873 30, 000 197, 317 120, 000 126, 520 217,367 62, 567 3,605 52. 257 11,716 60, 637 83, 722 6,320 46, 734 75, 657 76, 542 965, 429 1128 9,584 219, 913 1222 17, 629 241,487 1342 17, 534 166, 588 1402 72, 522 1, 226, 235 1479 600 544,611 1501 44,121 311, 664 1513 223, 500 26,091 288,629 1592 273, 780 3, 049, 375 1771 289, 286 4, 782, 403 1800 73,311 1,061,968 1833 183,481 135,053 333,108 2,365, 616 1896 117,125 72,840 42, 910 828,467 1909 35,115 40,492 45, 336 547,299 1911 116,022 48, 649 73,113 65, 602 94, 605 120,088 45,355 38,028 52, 285 75,455 442, 578 971, 417 174, 701 113,702 96,358 5,093 151, 482 20, 479 17, 653 23,138 103, 580 28, 692 68, 832 11,751 9,612 10, 547 1,224 64,825 541,188 2106 167,852 1, 359, 583 2145 15, 958 222,889 2148 146,073 2213 5,106 142, 692 2219 12, 649 111,324 2293 6,520 525, 799 100, 000 885,730 178,101 50, 000 312, 323 566,796 100,000 971, 210 100, 000 1, 815, 562 1,147, f 181, 390 40,000 356,835 419,032 100. 000 796,143 125,000 1, 469, 318 749, 372 53,151 27,146 74, 700 72, 950 22, 552 75, 706 81,085 33, 734 11,; 37,795 126, 802 15, 467 27, 536 66,011 45,156 657,840 2296 12, 916 230, 002 2336 60, 260 739,551 2359 65, 755 1, 413, 491 2366 236,975 2401 17, 566 540,822 2412 18, 548 981, 391 2413 57, 923 22, 000 36, 600 10, 300 39,500 27,000 304,093 3,047, 599 1931 135,462 880,364 1963 34,350 599, 317 1964 51, 587 763, 735 2065 54,464 1,134, 385 2094 5,210 50,000 349,986 227,919 18, 222 18, 902 12,084 133,802 130,000 1, 451, 820 885, 578 80,057 70, 833 46, 659 1,082, 927 2417 2,977 20,071 50,000 25, 000 512,422 313,330 276,575 205, 229 26, 13, 375 22, 877 18,: 6,000 17, 653 9,464 277,127 2416 349,730 2418 246,916 2419 308 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Progress of liquidation to date of this report—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation— Conservators' distributions Loss on assets compounded or sold under order of court 2888 Dollars 7,413 2892 2912 2913 2919 2924 2933 27, 345 14, 723 51, 738 23,453 69,843 140. 211 2939 2942 81, 539 Book Book value of value remainof remain- ing uning uncol- collected lected stock asassets sessment Dollars Dollars 529,501 173,883 164, 243 77,058 651,142 736 28,475 49, 405 45, 500 10,838 59,051 50,000 166,898 157,625 Book value of assets returned to share^ To seholders' cured agents creditors Dollars 60,863 Dollars To unsecured creditors Dollars 9124,920 Dividends paid b y receivers Secured and preferred liabilities paid except through 1 dividends, including offsets allowed On secured claims On unsecured claims Dollars Dollars 75, 288 Dollars 93,068 72,983 11,171 302,178 2,687 418,890 589,577 24,842 100, 232 38,997 2,087,8^6 56, 705 9 181,232 """28," 721 8 58, 693 12,133 22, 221 2950 1128 1222 1342 1402 1479 1501 1513 423,386 81,589 15, 774 98,814 181,425 168,125 116, 350 288,957 480, 215 232, 968 23,760 3,581 4,683 9,995 26,066 72,340 11,413 1592 1771 1800 1833 250, 660 358,062 543,018 514,967 1, 231, 956 617,933 212,067 16,341 79,081 69, 556 54, 222 1896 351,902 1, 238,165 216, 519 1909 92,024 32,875 1911 111,957 14,885 1931 1963 1964 2065 2094 177,851 76,306 98, 552 219, 239 268, 939 2106 2145 2148 2213 2219 2293 323, 503 213,883 91,133 36,065 13,085 2296 2336 2359 2366 2401 2412 2413 76,896 16, 899 165, 540 237, 639 85,193 258,563 140,627 2416 44,426 2417 69, 433 320,150 49, 943 2418 2419 65,891 102,303 23, 375 11,625 43, 607 1, 606,059 573,490 271, 515 248, 700 405, 309 370,314 77,081 45,225 137,879 54, 407 78, 614 264,184 32, 686 396, 396 196,104 1,830,081 3, 756,921 629,031 65,146 862,475 529, 743 238,509 292, 705 471, 558 1, 309,118 28,914 520, 955 208, 762 64, 529 8 230, 288 376, 705 130,472 44,100 9,576 1,636 52,485 765 879,125 388,869 346,908 191, 352 664,228 1, 937,875 379,850 150,825 346,149 350, 285 44, 907 48, 518 14, 521 7,347 6,862 16, 420 6,715 29,136 13,309 270,522 392, 686 63, 462 71, 795 78,092 4,344 214,146 821, 696 82, 374 40,904 23, 614 10,250 450, 731 147,176 433, 769 541, 643 141, 697 405, 877 461, 435 160, 324 25, 276 221,330 686, 294 53,492 92, 668 392,159 83,600 46,849 22,854 25,300 27,050 17, 448 24 294 43, 915 2,685 20,049 1,936 7,512 15, 557 62.140 Footnotes at end of table, p p . 420 and 421. 174,582 50,822 35, 217 40,970 182, 780 369, 662 115,381 133,978 101, 351 26,887 34,398 55, 395 31, 778 11 4Q7 684,157 145,901 141, 588 101,858 892,457 55 142,398 1,772 6,383 9,851 164,293 78, 269 663,578 318,708 68,903 144,445 233,141 73,413 309 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dales of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessments, amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1937—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidation—Con. Cash advanced in protection of assets Conser- Receivvators' ers' salsalaries, aries, legal and legal and other other expenses expenses Dollars Dollars 704 7,989 44, 645 31, 752 606 20, 582 1,196 66,400 32,415 4,000 Cash in hands of comptroller and receivers Dollars Dollars 6,535 Total liabilities Amount estabAmouni of claims returnee lished to proved date of to sharereport holders in cash Dollars 476 Dollars 276,273 Dollars 179,961 23,384 7, 305 17, 670 3,147 53,812 576 44, 812 4,019 6,597 4,893 113,891 1,107 1,336,419 284,937 494,269 115, 723 2,950,243 115, 237 723,853 284,937 389, 865 76, 725 840,178 1,362 2,125 22, 925 12,133 64, 601 42, 380 Dividends (percent) Interest dividends (percent) 18 100 11.25 Date finally closed 12/8/36 8 35 14 8 77.5 80 50 2888 2892 2912 2913 2919 2924 2933 6/6/37 2939 2942 2950 71.14 90.9 72.5 77.5 85 9 44 11/28/36 3/19/37 30,778 68, 891 10, 882 1,137, 713 961, 638 213,620 162,455 192, 545 228, 241 131, 429 170,227 1, 240,252 1,046,314 717, 983 722, 225 312, 941 432, 729 26, 690 240,655 187, 023 87,872 287,416 350,799 3,284,899 2,383, 998 4, 915, C62 4, 360, 984 1,265, 964 1,008,338 68.23 76.66 8 85 61 7/27/37 40, 570 236, 210 97,891 1592 1771 1800 1833 109, 966 155,874 26,395 746 67, 775 9/8/37 1909 2/27/37 1911 18,047 1,488 3,617 4,358 36, 680 583 4,630 88, 643 19,930 30,608 19, 402 83,540 40, 891 38,373 689 75, 594 72,506 8,665 800 39,322 38,353 18,116 17,386 9,927 20, 935 143,149 81, 277 73,926 92,364 86,023 4,518 1,708 1,290 45, 287 64, 922 22,873 15, 532 16, 540 1,071 2,002 30, 457 1,315 4,997 2,676 8,636 71,458 12,149 3,088.. 586 1,910,355 40 713,076 494,486 100 528, 290 401,475 93.83 3, 732, 534 1, 704,913 1,046,950 639,374 592,678 432, 782 956,912 687, 730 1,384, 532 1, 025,047 51.5 60.66 80 35 64.66 749,282 1,399, 018 283,921 2217,842 107, 671 22,444 118,870 12,059 125,965 561,890 £81,835 204,288 66, 625 94, 419 115,715 49.34 73 34.5 100 80 76 584,794 188, 964 686,333 1,510,819 236, 523 501,591 1,104,508 416, 375 163,103 456, 479 777, 356 180,442 408, 406 705, 315 100 90 95 70 78.33 100 65 49,435 39, 581 1222 1128 1342 1402 1479 1501 1513 1896 3 11.2 1931 1963 1964 2065 2094 2106 2145 2148 9/28/37 2213 2219 2293 10/23/37 3 7.76 7.83 1,510 8,418 15, 258 3,346 5,168 7,439 38,187 16, 296 38, 943 55,839 18,421 29, 597 73, 695 4,315 21,623 235,108 155, 301 100 21, 378 8,184 60,569 10,510 1, 058, 657 736,152 90 2417 913 247 6,422 3,463 26,388 16, 601 4,112 412,313 204, 380 179,206 130, 484 44 100 2418 3 16.7 5/24/37 2419 1,287 222 2,019 27, 321 8,598 38,457 34,184 92,389 18, 083 9/24/37 19,342 2,244 8,747 2336 2359 2366 2401 io 1. 22 7/24/37 2412 2413 3 9.9 7/27/37 2416 310 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE NO. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 31, 1937\ at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Book value of assets at date of failure Name and location of banks Capital stock at date of failure Date receiver appointed Estimated Estimated Estimated good doubtful worthless INDIANA—continued 2420 2421 2422 2524 2577 2599 2644 2674 2713 2720 2723 2731 2738 2742 2775 2776 2777 2797 2822 2836 2858 2931 First National Bank, Clinton 7 . 7 Rosedale National Bank, Rosedale . First National Bank, Cayuga 7 Old-First National Bank & Trust 7 Co., Fort W^ayne. First National Bank, Marion 7 Farmers & 7First National Bank, Newcastle. First National Bank, Swayzee 7 Farmers & Wabash National Bank, •\T7*_ 7 w "aL ociVl oasn. • First National Bank. Linton 7 Wabash National Bank, Wabash7 i__ First National Bank, Jasonville .... Bright National Bank, Flora 7 First National Bank in Lowell1 Citizens Third National7 Bank & Trust Co., Greensbur&. New Albany National Bank, New A l k n *ITT 7 AiDany.' Second Albany.7National Bank, New Citizens7 National Bank, South Bend. Citizens National Bank, Franklin 7 . City National Bank, Goshen 7 First National Bank, Hartford First and Tri State National Bank & Trust Co., Fort Wayne.1 Old-First 1 National Bank, Mount Vernon. Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 518,312 65,659 72,325 12,854,941 894,937 92,003 107, 752 9,271, 569 6,462 25,197 13 558 2,894,190 5,1933 8,1933 2, 528, 310 883,940 1,018, 701 702,004 34, 214 24, 592 50,000 Dec. 26,1933 160,000 Jan. 11,1934 275,260 1, 547, 826 114,427 335,195 13, 699 28, 295 Feb. 1,1934 Feb. 2.1934 Feb. 5,1934 Feb. 13,1934 Feb. 21,1934 Feb. 26,1934 576,079 2,858 191,370 194,365 870,383 358,319 5,177 283, 849 160, 784 27,627 220,123 43,449 36,924 9,863 2,325 42, 318 6,042 150,000 Mar. 23,1934 424,006 60,000 Oct. 3,1933 25,000 do 25,000 do 1, 750,000 Nov. 2,1933 350,000 Dec. 200,000 Dec. 100,000 200,000 50,000 25,000 50,000 150,000 594,022 181,643 300,000 do 996, 431 1,043,090 293, 796 700,000 do 4,644,358 778, 932 176, 249 100,000 Apr. 10,1934 100,000 May 8,1934 75,000 May 23,1934 489, 502 676,052 289, 282 212,417 511,560 182, 487 19,985 37,360 26, 664 2, 250, 000 June 22,1934 16, 302 880,022 942, 249 60, 000 Mar. 15,1929 303, 761 441, 349 42 ; 345 Jan. Mar. July July 9,1931 30,1931 3,1931 14,1931 112,147 98, 994 77,720 386, 933 73,172 108, 590 70, 244 370, 051 18, 787 7,983 33, 384 45, 305 25, 000 Oct. 1.1931 75, 000 Oct. 20,1931 17, 298 330,455 97, 510 792, 814 10, 993 126,618 50, 000 Oct. 22,1931 25, 000 Dec. 14,1931 25, 000 Dec. 30,1931 110,553 49, 019 60,103 147, 012 181, 995 119, 590 142, S62 24, 237 12, 081 20,1932 22,1932 27,1932 18,1932 11,1932 28,1932 2,1932 14,1932 282, 334 800, 631 240,169 279, 450 59, 016 302, 031 275,802 1, 209, 680 1, 382, 787 300, 761 491,85.1 2, 736, 632 284,135 504, 621 496, 669 3, 609, 939 37, 566 90,266 7,559 7,290 2,615 9,278 11,442 193, 433 400, 000 July 18,1932 1,668,830 3, 929, 873 240, 981 468,114 694, 924 23,996 172, 529 36, 727 100,000 Sept. 16,1935 IOWA National Bank of Emmetsburg, Emmetsburg. 1491 First National Bank, Floyd 1543 First National Bank, Rockwell 1619 First National Bank, Bagley 1627 Second National Bank, New Hampton. 1699 First National Bank, Bode 1757 Lyon County National Bank, Rock Rapids. 1760 First National Bank, Lake City 1845 First National Bank, Dougherty 1877 National Bank of Seymour, Seymour. 1907 Oskaloosa National Bank, Oskaloosa. 1919 First National Bank, Iowa City 1930 Anamosa National Bank, Anamosa. 1980 Pioneer National Bank, Waterloo.__ 2043 First National Bank of Sheffield 2070 First National Bank of Maquoketa. 2080 Farmers National Bank in Vinton.. 2093 Consolidated National Bank, Dubuque. 2095 Commercial National Bank of Waterloo. 2108 Buchanan County National Bank, Independence. 2109 First National Bank in Sioux Rapids. Footnotes at end of table, pp. 420 and 421. 1277 25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 200,000 40, 000 50,000 75, 000 500,000 Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. June June July July 125, 000 Aug. 50, 000 do 1,1932 50,846 311 REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY dates of appointment of receivers and final closing, with nominal amounts of total assets stock assessmentSy amounts collected from all sources, including offsets allowed and indicating the progress or results of liquidation to Oct. 31, 1987—Continued Progress of liquidation to date of this report AddiTotal tional assessassets ment upon received since date shareof failure holders Total Cash colassets and stock as- Cash col- lections from sessment stock lections from assets assessment Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars Dollars 34, 638 60,000 1,514,806 1,132,241 35,095 140, 684 25,000 211,393 23, 603 3,534 25,000 4,497 36,150 122, 555 254, 785 801,172 3,827, 572 1, 750,000 30, 598, 272 16, 575,495 Receivership earnings, cash collections from interest, premiums, rent, etc. Unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank Joan Dollar, Dollars 100,856 15, 618 9,921 1, 209, 586 45,387 117, 077 210,000 200,000 3, 836, 612 1,927, 613 3, 014,185 1,114, 224 156, 441 101,047 184,097 72, 473 21, 036 31, 452 50,000 160,000 474,422 2,102, 768 295, 441 1, 589, 568 33,099 86,673 15, 506 104, 367 37,138 20,401 7,776 30,004 63 100,000 1,114,985 125, 360 60, 000 542,858 50,000 412, 478 25,000 120,008 50,000 685, 762 38,836 42,144 34, 090 24, 531 94, 555 835 27, 738 13, 500 1, 774 1,120,424 23, 876 94, 556 239, 409 455,907 58, 043 75, 900 27,136 150,000 1,444,227 300,000 2,872, 726 6,055, 446 60,000 ; 839,947 100,000 1, 400,872 75,000 45, 607 2,250,000 1,529 100, 000 600, 569 4,134,180 353,067 318,526 20, 214 923, 409 571, 610 1, 421, 712 Dollar, 1,301, 662 188,959 149, 487 1, 000, 000 2, 744, 385 22, 330, 638 173,787 31.154 3,926 17, 575 17, 739 70,896 47,051 135,777 82, 725 50,697 62,145 42, 946 145, 382 45, 467 56, 288 30, 433 352, 611 863,066 38,842 4 96,000 206 2420 2421 2422 2524 3,481,876 2577 1,381, 509 2599 363, 604 2644 19, 558 83,422 1,864,030 2674 46, 726 4, 334,550 578,898 842, 879 300,390 Dollars 33,927 9,054 12, 514 127,153 93,765 60, 589 75,609 Offsets allowed and settled Total collections from all sources, including offsets allowed and unpaid balance R. F. C. or bank loan 501,485 15,000 2,000 49, 059 57, 821 23, 340 6,910 850, 65, 432, 374, 30, 307 774 470 296 872 1, 054,894 740, 996 1, 814,001 4, 981, 417 2713 2720 2723 2731 2738 2742 2775 2776 2777 2797 724,121 2822 1,034,133 2836 399,109 2858 1, 261,429 2931 101, 529 96,210 6,023 60, 000 853, 478 404,406 44,132 21, 504 66, 687 536,729 1277 31,179 6,147 ' 76,594 55,962 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 260, 285 246,714 282,942 958, 251 118,004 108, 312 81,234 483,501 14, 560 11,175 17,459 90, 632 7,179 6,238 6,494 47,108 19,092 20,419 11,248 45, 213 158,835 146,144 116,435 666,454 24,499 4,387 88,143 5,414 25, 399 25,000 75,000 175, 300 1, 329, 274 57,988 783,142 18, 289 14, 399 5,283 64,828 5,289 54, 547 86,849 916,916 1757 50,000 25,000 25,000 538, 570 285, 665 242,173 189, 705 110,959 109,922 22, 710 11, 749 16,007 15,196 8,471 8,490 18,982 21,121 9,523 246,593 1760 152, 300 1845 143,942 1877 39,418 398,987 47,038 346,798 10,673 108, 721 9,563 139,987 100,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 40,000 50,000 75,000 500,000 1, 842,105 1, 690, 645 886, 617 3, 570,170 396, 439 974, 651 868,476 5, 653, 039 944, 673 896, 215 434, 708 1, 670, 577 244, 412 437,170 435, 230 3, 286, 294 52, 464 70, 557 47, 839 78,153 20, 269 33, 747 47, 351 424, 503 61, 492 62,144 30,199 137,040 20,498 30. 897 31,028 220, 577 57, 324 76, 579 50,834 233, 407 14, 571 47,944 37,126 253, 554 1,115,953 1,105, 495 563, 580 2,119,177 299, 750 549* 758 550, 735 4,184,928 262,245 3, 528, 560 182, 664 192, 569 406, 546 4, 310, 339 2095 29,597 804, 216 86, 344 67,113' 51,025 1, 008, 698 2108 143.977 16, 251! 13, 385 3,235 50,000 27021—38- 9,4001 1491 1543 1619 1627 1907 1919 1930 1980 2043 2070 2080 2093 183,013 2109 312 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY TABLE No. 33.—National banks in charge of receivers during year ended Oct. 81,1937, at date of failure and additional assets acquired subsequent thereto, capital stock and earnings, together with the disposition of such collections, and various other data Progress of liquidation to date of this report—Continued Disposition of proceeds of liquidationConservators' distributions Loss on assets compounded or sold under Order of court Book Book Book value of value of value remainassets of remain- ing un- returned ing uncol- collected to shareTo selected stock as- holders' cured assets sessment agents creditors 2420 2421 2422 2524 Dollars 185,327 36,655 94,666 409, 340 50 9,119,052 Dollars 25,362 1,397 20,503 948,828 2577 2599 305, 754 266, 707 179, 520 252, 917 53,559 98,953 2644 2674 52,486 190, 779 56,937 78,999 16,901 73, 327 2713 2720 2723 2731 2738 2742 57,329 42,565 88, 738 37,069 25,437 24,181 240,740 61,164 17,856 15,910 469 41,116 2775 90,917 584