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ANNUAL RETORT COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY SECOND SESSION OF THE FORTY-NINTH CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, DECEMBER 4, I £86. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 188(5. TREASURY DKPARTMENT, Document No. 919? 2d ed. Comptroller of the Currency. TABLE OF CONTENTS. [A full index will be found at page ccxxi; of this volume.] REPORT. Report submitted to Congress Requirements of section 333, United States Revised Statutes, as to Comptroller's report.. Summary of the state and condition of every national bank reporting during the year Statements of national banks closed during the year Suggestions as to amendments to the laws, by which it is thought the system may be impro ved Apparent violation of section 5243 of the Revised Statutes National Savings Bank of the District of Columbia ...' Legal decisions affecting organization, operations, and dissolution of national banks....... State banks, savings banks, and loan and trust companies Resources, liabilities, aud condition thereof Official and unofficial information as to State banks, loan and trust companies, and savings banks Private bankers and banking firms Names and compensation of officers and clerks in the office of the Comptroller of the Currency Expenses of the office of the Comptroller of the Currency for the year ending June.30, 3886.. National banks organized during the year, with their location by States, capital, and circulation Statement of banks failed during the year, their capital, surplus, and liabilities Causes of failure Organization, circulation, and dissolution Conversion of State banks Rules governing the title of "First National " State banks converted into national banking associations Number of national banks of primary organization Summary of national banks organized and dissolved, and number existing November 1, 188G : Extension of corporate existence of national banks . Date of expiration Number, capital, and circulation of national banks whose periods of succession terminated during the year Deposit of lawful money by national banks extended February 25, 1883 Number and capital of national banks whose corporate existence was extended prior to November 1, lfc'86 National-bank shareholders Reappraisal of national-bank shares Distribution of shares by States and geographical divisions Number of shares issued, and where held Circulating notes Comparison as to banks with capital of $150,000 or under and those having larger capital.. Interest-bearing funded debt of the United States, and amount held by national banks Redemption of called bonds Security for circulating notes Decrease of national-bank circulation Comparison of national banks organized for five years Banks without circulation Dissolution Insolvent banks closed H. Ex. 3 Page. Ill Ill IV V VI IX IX X XI XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVII XVIII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXI XXII XXH XXII XXIII XXIII XXIV XXIV XXVI XXVIII XXX XXX XXXI XXXII XXXIII XXXIV XXXV XXXVI XXXVI XXXVII CONTENTS. Page. Dividends paid to creditors of insolvent banks XXXVIH Issues and redemptions of national-bank notes XXXIX Additional circulation issued and amount retired XL Redemption of national-bank notes in detail XLI Duration of national-bank circulation XLHI Reports of national banks to tho Comptroller of the Currency LIII Explanation of diagram accompanying report LIV Classification of the loans of the national banks LV Twenty-five States having the largest national banking capital LVI Reserve LVII Transactions of the New York Clearing-House LYIII Clearing-House transactions of the Assistant Treasurer of the United States at New York. LIX Comparative statements of clearing-houses of the United States LX Movement of reserve in New York City for last ten years LXII Comparative statement as to clearing-houses of the world LXIV Taxes upon national banks LXIV State taxation of national banks LX VI Conclusion LX VI APPENDIX. Contents of digest of national-bank cases LXXIII Digest LXXV National-bank and legal-tender notes outstanding at various dates XC V Number, capital, bonds, and circulation of the national banks XC VI Numbers and denominations of national-bank notes issued, redeemed, and outstanding... XC VH National-bank currency issued, redeemed, and outstanding October 31, 1886 XCVIII Comparison of national banks in each State, Territory, and reserve city; amount of capital and bonds deposited XCIX National banks in States, Territories, and reserve cities; their capital, minimum amount of bonds required by law, bonds held, and circulation outstanding October 7,1886 CI Monthly and yearly increase or decrease of national-bank circulation CIH Number of national banks in operation in each year from 1866 to 1886, bonds deposited, circulation issuable, amount actually issued, maximum circulation obtainable, minimum bonds each period, and maximum amount of circulation ob1 ainable thereon CIV Circulation issued and legal-tender notes deposited to retire the same CVII National banks in voluntary liquidation under sections 5220 and 5221, Revised Statutes of the United States, dates of liquidation, amount of capital, circulation issued, retired, and outstanding C VIII National banks in liquidation under provisions of sections 5220 and 5221, Revised Statutes of the United States, for the purpose of organizing new associations CXVI National banks in liquidation under section 7 of the act of July 12, 1882 CXVIII National banks in liquidation under section 7 of the act of July 12,1882, succeeded by associations with the same or different titles CXIX National banks in the hands of receivers CXX Classification of the loans and discounts of national banks CXXX Liabilities of national banks, and reserve required CXXXI Dividends and earnings of national banks CXXXII Lawful money reserve of the national banks CXLIV Clearings and balances of the national banks in New York City CXLVIH Resources and liabilities of State banks at various dates CL Resources and liabilities of savings banks at various dates CLII Resources and liabilities of trust and loan companies at various dates CLIII Resources and liabilities of trust and loan companies in New York State CLIV Aggregate resources and liabilities of State banks and savings banks for five years CLV Aggregate deposits of savings banks in 1885 and 1886 CLVI Aggregate resources and liabilities of loan and trust companies for five years CLVI Report of condition of the National Savings Bank of the District of Columbia CLVII Aggregate resources and liabilities of the national banks for each year from 1863 to 1886.. CLIX Summary of state and condition of the national banks during the past year CLXXVEL General index * CCXXI List of States, Territories, and reserve cities CCXXVII Report of the condition of each national bank on October 7, 1886 1 REPORT THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Washington* December 4, 1886. Sir: In obedience to law, 1 have the honor to submit a report for the year ending November 1, 188G, exhibiting— First. A summary of the state and condition of every association from which reports have been received the preceding year, at the several dates to which such reports refer, with an abstract of the whole amount of banking capital returned by them, of the whole amount of their debts and liabilities, the amount of circulating notes outstanding, and the total amount of means and resources, specifying the amount of lawful money held by them at the times of their several returns. Second. A statement of the associations whose business has been closed during the year, with the amount of their circulation redeemed and the amount outstanding, Third. Suggestions as to amendments to the laws relative to banking by which it is thought the system may be improved. Fourth. A statement exhibiting under appropriate heads the resources and liabilities and condition of the banks, banking companies, and savings banks organized under the laws of the several States and Territories, such information being obtained by the Comptroller from the reports made by such banks, banking companies, and savings-banks to the legislatures or officers of the different States and Territories, and where such reports could not be obtained the deficiency has been supplied from such other authentic sources as were available. Fifth. The names and compensation of the clerks employed in the office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the whole amount of the expenses of the banking department during the year. This is the twenty-fourth annual report of the Comptroller of the Currency. iji IV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. FIRST. SUMMARY of the STATE and CONDITION of E VERY NATIONAL BANK reporting during the year ending November 1, 188(5. December 24. j 2,732 banks, March 1. j 'J,7(18 banks. | Juno 3. | August 27. | 2,849 b a n k s . ! 2,SOU banks. October 7. 2,852 b a n k s . RESOURCES. Loans and discounts !$1,337,887.1)18 21 :$1,302,315,383 28'$1,393,253 742 57 $1,415,627,777 61 $L443.668,240 77 5,019,421 61 f 7,288,814 16 Overdrafts ... i 5.629,64175! ' 5,3hO,8bO f>2:, 5,208,357 14 TJ. S. bonds to secure 270,315,850 00 258.498,950 00 circulation 200,001,400 00 270,414,400 00 304,770,750 00 U. S. bonds to secure 18,810,000 00 10.084.900 00 20,105,900 00 deposits 18,012.000 00 18,037.000 00! 14,3Li8,950 00 12,326,500 00 U. S. bonds on band .. 16,580,050 00! 12.065,750 00 Other stocks, bonds, 81,825,266 40 80,227,388 98; 83,347,110 93! 82.439.901 64 and mortgages 77,533.841 38 Duo from approved 140,764.570 01 reserve agents 143,815,221 45 139,269,822 81 142,805,686 01; 133,027,130 53 Duo from other na- i 80,526,615 47 78,001,411 58 tional banks.J 79.421,931 GG 76,033.570 67 77,632,1 OS 47 Due from State banks! 20,140,256 27 18,387,215 76 and bankers j 18,553,946 40 • 18,834,235 88: 17,720,024 26* Heal estate, furni- t : I 54,090,071 24 ture, and fixtures.. j 53,834,583 58 51,963,062 01 52,262,718 07' 53,117,564 42!. Current o x p e n s o s i 5,837.175 21 and taxes paid j 7,438,741. 12 9,416,971 01! 7,705,850 57^ 8,684,672 331 Pi'cm i u m s pa id I 13,641,463 72 14,303,529 55 13,208,200 23! 11,802,190 fctJj 12,237,689 15 j Clearing-house loan ; i certilicates -; 505,000 00 205,000 00i 85,000 00 630,000 00 Checks and other j cash items ; 10,308,341 58 13,277,169 64 15,135,538 48 12,181,455 80: 12,800,940 57 Exchanges for clear- i 76,140.330 60! 62,474,005 90 95,536,941 15 ing-houso ! 99,923,656 84 92,351.206 77 Bills* of other banks, j 25,129,938 00 21.602,061 OOj 22,734,085 00 20.503.303 00J 23,178,052 00 Fractional currencyJ 434,220 93 452JHJ1 34; 451,308 891 •170,175 18i 415,082 71 Trado dollars J 1,889,794 55 1.713,384 35! 1.857,081 5Uf * Specie, viz: j 1,681,530 65 1,671,208 77 Gold coin i 71,249,234 14 71,682,807 13 77,663,587 67; Gold Treasury j 74,262,789 98; 70,107,747 56! certificates . . 48,426,920 00 41,446,430 00 41,339,220 00 Gold clearing62,377,500 00! 59,611,840 00 house cert'sl..} 24,520,000 00 26,867,000 00; 25,700,000 00 • Silver coin, dol- I 23,115,000 00i 26,034,000 0( lars ' ! 6,465,702 00 6,200,600 OOj (j.757,263 00; i Silver coin, frac5,303,288 00 tional . 2,681,524 37 2,675,667 06! 2,913,304 82 ; 6,029,733 00; Silver Treasury 2,327,936 41! 2,060,136 81 certilicates 1,820.770 00! 2,610,652 00 1,812,200 00: 1,502,900 00i 1.637,340 Or 64,039,7 51 00 Legal-tender notes..79,656,783 00; 67,014,866 00| 67,585,466 00 V. S. certificates of 62,812,322 00 ! deposit for legal8,115,000 00 tender notes 11,850,000 00 11.765,000 00 12.430,000 OOj Fivo per cent, re5,855,000 00 demption fund i with Treasurer 11,870,612 52 12,953,248 20! 13.404,764 84 Dno from Treasurer 11,358,014 97 other than redemption fund 1,507,623 36 1,513,019 67. 12,198,526 43 1,576,256 95 I 2,592,042 94 Aggregate . . . . 2,457,675,256 13 2,494.337,129 44: 2,474.544.481 89; 2,453,666,950 07 2,513,854,751 17 *Total specie... LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund Other undivided profits "National-bank eirculation outstanding. 165,354,352 37j 171,615,010 39: 1,416,802 WO! 157,450,875 41.) 149,000.402 10 156,387. €96 00 520,360,725 00; 150,155,549 52| 533,360,615 00: 152,872,349 01 j 530,109,201 72 153.642.934 86 545,522.508 00 157,003,875 60 548,240,730 00 157,240,190 87 69,229,645 82 59,376,381 8(V 267.430,837 00 256,972.158 00 67,662,886 02: 244,893.097 00 62,211,565 61 66,503,404 72 238,273,705 00 228,672,610 00 State-bank notesoutstanding ; 133,932 00 133.93100; 132,470 00 128,336 01) 125.002 00 Dividends u n p a i d . . . ! l,3oi',977 27, 1,534,005 58 1.520.776 06 1,803.303 62 2,227,780 59 1 Individual deposits.. 1,111,429,914 98 1.152,600,402 06 1,146,240.011 43 l,113.450J87 35 1.172,968.308 64 13,842.023 ' 69 14,205,927 74 V. S. deposits 12.058,708 12.058,768 36: 30: 12,414,506 52. ~ " 13,670,721 76 Deposits of 17. S. dis- i : " : ! 2,721,276 77 2,884,865 62 3,005,783 2,708.804 55' bursingoflicers ; 3,005,783 11 11' 3,019,018 72: D u e to of her national bank 218,305,0X0 54 216,564,533 90' 219.778,171 80' 204.405/273 111 218,327,437 33 Duo to State banks and bankers 90,246,483 31 85,060,162 27 92,063,570 46 90.501,102 81 90,366,354 90 Notes and billsredisconnted 9,932,828 24 8,37(5,095 20 7,918,608 27 10.917,176 508,718.911 71 Bills payable 1,744,603 48 i;951,598 60! 1,381,095 01! 1,174,874 29; 1,145,240 261 Aggregate 2,457,675,256 13! 2,494,337,120 441 2,474,544,481 89J 2,453,666,950 07j 2,513,854,751 17 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. SECOND. STATEMENT of NATIONAL "Name and location of bank. ! j ! | BANKS CLOSEJ) during the year. Date of nu! thority *o Date ofelos-j Capital commence imr j stock. business. • First National Tank, Centreville, Ind May 18, 1.881! i •Oct. 3,18t-5 Fir^t National Bank, Plankeiiton, i i Dak | Feb. 29,1884- ! -Oct. 21,1885 Vallev Nai ional Baiik, Saint ! \ j Louis, Mo 1 Aim. 9, 1871 |Nov. 21,1885 | First National Uank, Belton, r lVx..| Juno 17,1882 | Dec. 24,1885 ! First National Bank, Lake City. Minn '. Nov. 29,1871) Dec. 28,1885 j Lar-ica • ter National Bank, Clinton, Mass Nov. 22,18C4 Jan. 1,1886 | First National Bank, Grimvillc, j Ohio... j Oct. 25,1880 j Jan. 12, 1886 j Ccmcordia, National Bank, Con- | ] co: dia. Kans . . . Dec. 15,1883 Feb. 23,188G , First National Bank, Sioux Falls, Dak .. . Mar. 15,1880 Mar. 1,1880 I Citizens' National Bank, Ueloit, Wis Jan. 21,1879 Mar. 11,1886 I First National Bank, Dayton, Wash _" Apr. 21,1881 Mar. 1G, 188G | First National Bank, Wahpeton, j Dak Fob. 2,1882 Mar. 27,1880 First National Bank, Maeomb, 111 A pr. 1, 1805 Apr. 10, 1880 First Not ional Bank, Jesup, Iowa . J an. 10,1883 Apr. 15, 1886 First National Bank, Angelica, N.Y ./: Nov. 3,1804 Apr. 19, 1880 City National Bank, Williamson)? t, Pa.. ! Mar. 17,1874 Apr. 20,1886 Dallas Nat ional Bank, Dallas, Tex.j July 18, 1883 Apr. 30,1880 First National Bank, Lewisiown, j 111 Apr. 1,1871 May 8,1886 First Nat ional Ban k, Cedar Rapids,' Aug. 23,1804 May 15,1886 Iowa ... Abiuiitnii National Bank, Abington. Mass i July 1,18C5 J u l y 1,1886 Ouster Co lint v National Bank, Broken Bo\v| Nebr J Jan. 30,188G July 2,1886' First National Bank, Socorro, N. i Mex Feb. 13,1882 July 24,1886 First National Bank, Blair, Nebr. Juno 7,1882 Auh;. 25, 1886 National Bank of Lebanon, Tenn.. Oct. 13,1800 Aug. 30,1886 Roanoko National Bank, Koanoke, Mar. 24, 1883 Sept. 1, 1886 Va. First National Bank, Saint Clair, j Mich :: Feb. 14,1871 Sept. 9, 1886 First National Bank, Brownvillo, j July 12,1871 Sept. 11,1886 Nebr First National Bank, Leslie, Mich. Aug. 1, 1874 Sept. 25,1886 Mount Veinon National Bank, { Mount Voi non, 111 ....! June 10,1872 Oct. 1,1886 Merchants' National Bank, Lima, i Ohio I Nov. 17,1880 Oct. 1,1886 National Bank of Piedmont, W. Va. j Sept. 21,1871 Oct. 2,1886 First National Bank, Milford, ! Mich j Mar. 14,1878 Oct. 21,1886 Hubbard National Bank, Hub bard, Ohio June 21,1878 Oct. 23,1880 Total . $50, 000 50, 000 250, COO 50, 000 Circulation. Issued. i deemed Outstanding. I $04, 525 $54, 427 $10, 098 2, 740 8, 510 44,900 j 9, 480 23,490 i 4, 090 35, 480 11,250 18, SCO 50, 000 44,420 !), 347 35,073 100, 000 . 72,300 18,001 53, 759 50, 000 26, 500 4,790 i 50, 000 11, 240 2,120 | 50, 000 11,250 2,480 j 21,710 0, 120 50, 000 50, 000 50, (100 100,000 50, 000 8,770 11, 240 | 2,450 " 8,790 13, 490 j I 4,050 », 440 17, 120 1 2,000 I 14,430 ! 13, 229 ; 70, 281 80, 520 25, 700 I 4,300 i 21, 370 100,000 ! 89,980 I 13,908 ! 100,000 150, 000 50, 000 70,012 41,140 j 7,375 33,750 • 3, C00 33,705 30,150 45,000 I 39,300 5,700 100, 000 35,480 I 4,203 30, 5*37 150, 000 131,370 | 7, 235 124,135 50, 000 11,240 | 11, 240 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 11,250 ! 20, 180 i 24,550 | 700 500 570 10,490 25, 080 22, 980 50, 000 11,250 | 920 10,330 50,000 39,310 50, 000 50, 000 39, 080 13,410 509 39, 111 13,410 51,100 45, 000 45,000 50, 000 50, 000 45, 000 45, 000 850 45,000 44,150 50,000 45, 000 45, 000 50, 000 45, 000 45,000 39,310 2,301,100 1,245,725 193, C84 1, 052, 041 *Did not notify of liquidation until after November 1, 1885, and therefore did not appear in last report. Of the above banks, twenty-four went into Yoluntary liquidation, one ceased to exist by expiration of charter, and eight failed. VI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. THIRD. SUGGESTIONS AS TO AMENDMENTS TO THE LAWS RELATING TO BANKING BY WHICH THE SYSTEM MAY BE IMPROVED AND THE SECURITY OF THE HOLDERS OF ITS NOTES AND OTHER CREDITORS MAY BE INCREASED. The security now afforded to the holders of national-bank notes by the deposit of bonds in trust with the Treasurer, seems to be complete, and as long as the bonds of the United States remain (as they now are and have been for some years) readily salable at above ninety cents on the dollar, the national-bank currency will continue to enjoy the confidence of the public. It must not be lost sight of, however, that there are conceivable contingencies in which the salability of these bonds would be impaired, and the security of the notes correspondingly affected, but the probability of any such contingency is too remote for present consideration, while the provision of law giving to the United States a first lien upon all the assets of the bank for the amount of any deficiency in the proceeds of the bonds would seem to be a sufficient factor of safety in any case. The security of other creditors depends upon two conditions: first, the proportion of assets to liabilities 5 and, second, the solid value of the assets. Both proportion and value, in any given case, will depend upon the management of the business of the bank; hence the supervision of the business and management of every bank, by the Comptroller of the Currency, has now become the most important feature of the national banking system. The laws providing for this supervision, and those which prescribe and limit the character of the business that maybe done by the national banks should be frequently revised in order that the light of experience may be utilized to their constant improvement. To this end 1 respectfully submit the following suggestions: First. That section 5137 of the Revised Statutes should be so amended as to express more clearly and definitely the limitation put upon national banks with respect to their dealings in real estate and in mortgages, and to provide a penalty for violation of the law. Second. That section 5145 be amended by adding the following clause: Whenever the vice-president and the cashier, or either of them, is a director, the board of directors must consist of at least fixe members besides such officers. Third. That section 5151 be so amended as to exempt from further liability the shareholders of national banks of which the surplus shall exceed by 20 per cent, the amount of the capital stock of the bank, and that they shall be partially relieved from such responsibility in proportion as the surplus shall exceed the 20 per cent, now required by law. Provision, however, should be made that such exemption cannot be obtained through any j>rocess by which capital becomes converted into surplus, and also that such exemption is not to be enjoyed until after the Comptroller of the Currency is satisfied that the entire capital and surplus are represented by good assets. Fourth. That section 5160, as modified by the act of July 12,1882, be so amended as to require that the bonds which,every association must at all times have on deposit with the Treasurer shall be registered United States bonds bearing interest. Fifth. That section 5192, as modified by the act of June 20, 1874, be so amended as to require all banks to keep on hand, or at some centre REPORT OT THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. VII near their location, a larger proportion of tlieir reserve thai) that now specified in the law. The present provision, allowing a part of the reserve to be kept in a distant city, appears to be a survival from the system of redemption formerly existing, which was repealed by the act of June 20, 1874, and its maintenance seems inconsistent with the general policy of the laws as they now exist. Sixth. That the act of June 20,1874, be so amended as to make it evident whether banks need keep a reserve on Government deposits secured by bonds. Seventh, That section 0200 be so amended as to render its application practicable in all cases. It would appear tfeat when in 1864* a limit was placed upon the accommodation which a national bank might extend to any person, company, corporation, or firm, for money borrowed, Congress had in view the then existing limit as to the number of national banks and as to the formation of new banks, arising out of the limitation upon the total volume of national-bank currency. At that time the privilege of issuing currency was the most valued of all the privileges conferred by the national-bank act, and the limit upon this restricted the number of banks in each community; hence it was logical and consistent for the law to provide that this limited bank accommodation should not be monopolized by any small group of persons. Now, however, all limitations upon the total volume of national-bank currency have been removed, and to all intents and purposes the system has become one of free banking, open to citizens of the entire country, to any extent to which they may desire to avail themselves of its privileges; hence there does not appear to be any longer the same reason that there was formerly for the law to enforce a general distribution through the community of the amount of accommodation at the disposal of a national bank. As a matter of fact, with the growth and extension of the system, banks, especially in the large cities, have had their business very much specialized, and such banks cannot continue to exist or remain in the system if they should now be held to a strict conformity with section 5200. The specialization of the business of the banks means, of course, their becoming identified with special lines in trade, manufacturing, farming, &c, and as in all such industries there has long been a tendency toward concentration in the hands of a comparatively small number of large houses, it follows that banks so situated must lend largely to particular firms or else lose their most important customers. Thus business necessity on the one hand, and the limitations of the law on the other, have produced, in many cases, habitual disregard of the law, and in other cases evasions of the law. all of which must be either ignored or tolerated by the Comptroller of the Currency, because the only penalty now provided is forfeiture of the corporate existence of the offending bank. While these reasons exist for modifying the law, at the same time it is of course important that some limitation should be imposed upon the amount that any bank should hold in the paper of any person, company, corporation, or firm, and that the limit should be such as can be effectively enforced by the Comptroller. To this end I respectfully suggest the following: (1) That the limit of 10 per cent, of the capital, in loans to one party, * The limitation in the original act of 18&J was different and complicated. VIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. be extended so as to be computed upon capital and whatever surplus may be held in excess of the legal requirement of I'O per cent, of capital. (2) That this limit may be exceedeiUonly in cases where a. bank holds security of undoubted value, and which is not in any way dependent for its ready convertibility upon the borrower. (3) That the penalty for violation of this restriction be such, in the discretion of Congress, as shall appear to be proportionate to the nature of the offense and such as may be readily enforced by the Comptroller of the Currency. Eighth. That section 5200 be so amended as to extend the penalties therein specified for making false entries, reports, or statements, so as to make them apply to bank examiners or other persons in the employment of the Comptroller of the Currency, and also to all such acts done with intent to deceive the Comptroller of the Currency or any person in his employment. The protection of banks and of those whose interests are in the keeping of the banks against fraud on the part of the bank officers invites the attention of Congress, both in the interest of general order and for the improvement of the banking system. In order that legislation deemed advisable may be framed, with reference to past experience, I have given in the Appendix to this report extracts from records in this office showing the causes of national-bank failures in all cases in respect to which such information is accessible. Ninth. That section 5219 be so amended as to enable the national banks to obtain that practical protection against unequal State taxation which it was manifestly the intention of Congress to secure to them in this section. v Tenth. That section 5240 be so amended as to apportion the compensation for examination of national banks according to the aggregate investments in each case, rather than according to the amount of capital, and that provision be made for more frequent examinations than are now possible by adding to the amount paid by the banks a suitable amount to be paid out of the Treasury in order that supervising examiners may be employed. Eleventh. That a law be enacted to the effect that any oath required of the officers or directors of a national banking association may be taken before any commissioner of a circuit court, or before a notary public having an official seal, or before any other officer using a seal, where such notary or officer is qualified by the law of any State or Territory to administer oaths. There is a practical necessity for such an enactment; for upon an examination of the statutes, in the light of the decision of the Supreme Court in the case of the United States v. Curtis (107 U. S., 671), it appears that no provision has been made for giving legal effect to the oaths required of bank officers and directors, except in the one case to which the act of February 2G, 1881, specially applies, This act evidently aimed to supply an omission in the law, but inasmuch as it applies to only one case out of several, other omissions seem by implication to have the sanction of Congress, which I am sure they have not, because, as the law now stands, a director who swears ftilsely as to his qualifications for such position, or a president or cashier who makes oath to a false statement of the dividends and earnings of his association, cannot be convicted of perjury. Twelfth. That, in the absence or disability of the cashier, all certificates required by law to be made by him maybe made, with the author- REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, IX i;\ of tlic board of directors, by the assistant cashier, if the bank has such an officer, and if it has no such officer, then by someone appointed by the directors to perform the duties of the cashier; provided, however, that no assistant or acting cashier shall be authorized to sign circulating notes. The want of such a provision in the banking law is the cause of considerable inconvenience and annoyance to the banks. Thirteenth. 1 renew the recommendation oJ my predecessor for further legislation to ascertain and protect the rights of shareholders desiring to withdraw from national banks which are extending their corporate existence. My attention has been called to several cases of apparent violation of section 5243 of the lie vised Statutes of the United States, but there does not appear to be in the law any diiection or authority to the Comptroller of the Currency to take action in such cases. The instances reported are th-:* following: National Savings Bank, of New Haven, Conn.; National Savings BtmU, ol Albany,N. Y.; National Savings Bank, of Buffalo, N. Y.: National Bank of Honduras, of Washington, \). C. The only bonk in the District of Columbia to which section 332 of the Kevised Statutes applies is the National Savings Bank of the District of Coinnibia. This institution was chartered May 24, 1870, never had any capital slock, and appears, from such examinations as are reported, never to have accumulated a surplus fund. The charter required the bank to lile2 in the office of the clerk of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, a bond, with security for $200,000, to be approved by ope of the judges of the court, and the court was given authority to require a new bond and additional security whenever the interests of the depositors might seem to render it proper to do so. Upon examination I iind that there is a bond on tile in the clerk's office for $200,000, binding the bank and sixteen persons u jointly but •not severally" to pay and satisfy creditors, &c. This bond is under the seal of the bank and the respective seals of the other obligors, but it is not dated. The approval of Mr. Justice Olin is affixed to it, dated October' 30, 1870. By the records of this office it appears that at various times communications have been addressed by my predecessors to the chief justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia, calling attention to the impairment of this security by the death of some of the obligors and the departure of others from Washington. By the records of that court it appears that on February 13, 1884, an order was made reciting certain of these communications and requiring the bank to file a new bond on or before February 25, 1884, or to show cause to the contrary. The answer of the bank to this rule sets forth, substantially : 1. That the Comptroller of the Currency had no authority to inquire into the sufficiency of the bond. 2. That the bond was still sufficient because of the wealth of four of the obligors out of the original sixteen. No further proceedings are on tile, and no new bond has been executed. The charter of this bank required annual reports to be made to Congress by its officers, but no such reports have been lately made, and upon inquiry the examiner from this office was informed that it was considered by the bank that the reports sent in to the Comptroller of X REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY the Currency, under the act of June 30,1876, operated to discharge the bank from the duty of reporting to Congress. According to section 332 the Comptroller may, in his discretion, report to Congress the results of such examinations as he may see proper to make of the banks in the District of Columbia, and if this bank were now reporting directly to Congress there would be no occasion, in my opinion, for me to make a report on it also; but since it appears that between the charter and the act of 1876, both providing for reports, no report at all reaches Congress, I respectfully submit in the Appendix a copy of the report made by the bank on October 7, 1886, which agrees substantially with the report made tome by a special examiner on November 15, 1886. LEGAL DECISIONS. In the Appendix will be found a carefully compiled digest of decisions on points of law affecting the organization, operations, and dissolution of national banks. Numerous legal questions, involving points not yet adjudicated, are constantly arising, especially in connection with insolvent banks; and there are many quasi-judicial functions imposed upon the Comptroller of the Currency which in his absence devolve upon the Deputy Comptroller, so that it would seem only just to these officers, as well as to the banks and their creditors, that there should be in the office of the Comptroller of the Currency a law officer or clerk, with a salary of not less than $2,400, to make.a special study of corporate and bank law and to be the responsible legal adviser of the Comptroller. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XI FOURTH. STATE BANKS. SAYINGS BANKS, LOAN AND TRUST COMPANIES. Since November 30,1882, the latest date at which banks and bankers outside the national system were required by law to make returns to the Treasury Department, it has been impossible to obtain full and satisfactory information as to their number, capital, or transactions. By the courtesy of the officers of some of the States I am enabled to present official returns made to those States, but as these returns do not embrace the whole country, I have presented them separately from information obtained otherwise as to all such banks and bankers. The figures thus obtained, in respect to the States from winch official returns have been received, will indicate, upon comparison with such official figures, the degree of reliance to be placed upon the unofficial information as to the other States. The table below presents a summary of the data obtained from official sources and is followed by a comparative statement of the official and unofficial figures relating to the same institutions: The RESOURCES, LIABILITIES, and CONDITION of BANKS, SAVINGS BANKS, LOAN AND TRUST COMPANIES organized under STATE AND TERRITORIAL LA TVS. j I Savings banks. I C38 banks. i Loan find State banks. ; trust i companies. : 849 banks. j 42 banks. Total. ; 1,529 banks. RESOURCES. Loans on real estate I Loans on personal and collateral security..; Loans and discounts \ Overdrafts i United States bonds ... ! State, municipal, and other bonds and stocks j Railroad bonds and stocks \ Bank stock ! Duo from banks i Eeal estate j Other assets ! Expenses j Cash items j Specie J Local tenders, bank notes, &c , Cash i Total $118, 372, 642 127, 677, 702 $331,183,026 i $156,828,458 1,169,388 j 419 4,392,421 27,985,658 197,171,307 27,194,093 I 43,816.716 241, 051; 530 03, 51 lj 735 39,029,813 49,747,429 ! 43,689.103 10, J (50,112 14,605,853 j 30, 984, 883 9, 774, 575 8, 224, 880 ; 3, 439, 646 79, 451, 502 1,047,782 664, 497 142, 717 51,668,218 : 3 9,644,510 24, 734, 68-4 i. j 14,726,040 i. ... 19,757,941 I | 1, 260, 840, 941 \ 528, 695, 920 $418, 372, 642 127,677.702 488, 012! 084 1,169,807 229, 549, 386 312,062,945 6:5.511,735 39,029,813 109, 590, 644 55, 365, 311 91,110,094 1, 854, 996 71,312,728 24, 734. 684 14, 726, 940 19, 757, 941 278, 314, 591 ! 2, 067, 851, 452 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Circulation Surplus fund Undivided profits Dividends unpaid Deposits. Duo to banks Other liabilities Total j I I I | I 4,028,299 ; 96,924,117 15, 326, 391 1,141,530,578 3, 031, 556 1,260,840,941! 109,611,596 I 27,644,150 ! 141,284,045 103,930 !. 103,430 27,813,508 '. 21.671,152 140,408,777 10,095,760 • 2,849,549 28,271,700 430,699 : 38, 900 469. 599 342,882,767 ! 214, 063, 415 1, 698, 476, 760 ?7, 800, 280 | 192,2-13 27,992,523 9,957,880 j 11,855,182 24,844,018 528,095,920: 278,314,591 2, 067, 851,452 XII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. OFFICIAL and UNOFFICIAL INFORMATION obtained as to STATF BANKS, LOAN AND TRUST COMPANIES, and SA VINGS BANKS in the following Slates and Territories. STATE BANKS AND LOAN AND THUST COMPANIES. Official. States and Territories. Maine New H a m p s h i r e . . Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Ni-w York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware . . . Maryland Dist. of Columbia . Virginia W e s t Virginia . . North Carolina . . . South Carolina . . . Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Ohio Indiana Illinois Wisconsin Iowa M innesota Missomi Kansas Nebraska Colorado Nevada California Oregon Unofficial. j 'Surplus and Deposits, No. I Capital. | undivided ! ! profits, i 1 8 6 11 14 112 10 88 Surplus i Xo i $50,0001 $10, 300: $38,359 I 394,000: 0,000 2,530,288 . i 3, 300, OOO: 1,013,646 23,255,033 ] 2,5110,(585: 201,^27 8,725,974 i 3,47(5,000: 630,335 <>, 128,619 J30, 319, 150: 2(5, 710. 020 276, 480, 477 I 1,310,220 503,053 3,400,398 i.lii, 290, 323 9, 953, 154 08, 404, 727 10 2, 006, 855 402, 5G8: 3,738,050; 50, 000 3,024 81,300. 503, 4 94i 128, 955; 891,149, 72* ill", 899,877! 1,121,904: 15,441,334 3 1,752,504 * 19, 950,"777 5 j 2*221,"890! 1,302,350 46 2, 217. 200 59 3, 108,313 41 4, 303, 000 199 12, 588, 573 G8 2, 338, 648 449, 400 75 30, 255, 538 382, 33G 718, 533! 026, 733! 8ii5, 820. 6, 780, 553 371, 242 4, 201,8:;8 16,427,0^4 4,728,241 10,416,217 48,430,594 3,083, 100 124,542 I. 9, 983, 054^ 1.481,492 l i n ( l " " • Deposits. pvotits. 2 ; $250,000 $17, 009; 3. 700, 000 785, 201! 151, 4G7J .5, GOO 0*5, 547| 10 23,282,700 12,609,440 7 : 1 , 104,350 409,757' •!3, 050,080 6, 152, '..Wi. 820, 000 22;), 000'. 2,075,050 371,45l|. 200, t»;0 . , . . |. 2,073,005 58:!,20.'ji. 1,027,922 218,571! '44S'.0()0 140,(559! 300, COO 03,219;. 14,005,900 2, 113,9(381. 4 0 4 7 •J 3;J HI 75 4-J 8 1 01 i 594,580 155, 953: ! 580, 700 40, 750j j 2,593,800 420, ()()()! 244, 807j ! 959,100 23, 877! i 132, 000 12,748,370 2,371,912; 404, 945 1,700,000 118, 942 001, 300' 3G0. 910 1,081,284 3, 597, 000; 1, 908, 978 429, 023! 1,323,200; 019, 4701 1,975.200 051, 125 j 2, 994, 04 i : 707,949 ; 3, 875, 000 : 0,79!), 890 4, 105,251 05:', 789 i ],3:.O,i)8o! 191,0(51 : 1,420, 700| i ' 380, 000[ 178, 079 I 50.00 10,820,07 9, 400, 484 TERRITORIES. Id 1 Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington . Wyoming Arizona '. Total 537,()00| 25, 000 1 : 500,000 1 i 0,230,000: 123, 000 30, 789 2,919,911 540, 323i 150,000;. 891 137,255,740 62,429,909 556, 940,1H2 903 139,409,922: 50,775,221 SAVINGS BANKS. Maine New Hampshire . . Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey 54 67 18 171 37 84 123 29 35,111, oro: 2,154,488: 47,231.01!)! 4,104, 422' 07 , 582, 321 i 11.7-3.075; 24 ; 340, 000:: 11,814,989! 274,908,413: 107 ! 32 ! 2, GOO, 051 i 51, 8Hi, 39oj 82 I 6, 095, 4. G02, 876| 92,481,4251 *" ' ! 77,282,889 457, 050. 250i 114 ! ! 65 00 o| 21 I 2, 100, 928j 25, 335, 7^0 1, 756. GOO 35, 770,, 485 40.281,, GC6 3,891,090 721.875 13,539,804 30,713,673 200, 205,574 49, 033, 636 2,601.005 3, 828, 070 92, G24,911 70,9-19,453 447,30!,,814 1,923,509: 25, 253,379 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XIII OFFICIAL and UNOFFICIAL INFORMATION obtained as to STATE BANKS, LOAN AND TRUST COMPANIES, and SAFINGS BANKS, ^c—Continued. SAVINGS BANKS-Continued. Official. States and Territories. Unofficial. Surplus and undivided profits. No. j Capital. Deposits. No. Capital. Surplus and undivided profits. Deposits. STATES—cont'd. Pennsylvania M ar viand IMst. of Columbia. 4 18 i $3, 837, 803 $37, 530, 370 16, 781 30, 542, 902 793, 943 ! 1 We^t Vii°inia v Soutli ('a- olina Gcor<M'i Florisla Mississippi Louisiana Texas Kentucky Tennessee Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan W iscousin Iowa Minnesota Missouri "Wbrask'i Colorado.. Nevada Caliibrnia Orctron 200, 463 4 i j 7 i ! $150, 000 12, 823, 374 i 112, 878 3. 654. 528 2, 713, 016 60, 435, 919 j 21 3, 878, 299 43 $3, 685, 639 $1,690,334 63, 000| 1 143,155 16 71,102 8 1 442, 250 25,000 105, 096 3, 293 4 4 1 4 1 1 1 300, 000 1, 383, 600 20, 000 340, 000 50,000 100, 000 100, 000 214, 534 736, 096 25, 000 30 000 3 4 23 9 9 13 7 32 3 52 8 4 400, 000 183 000 2, 626, 200 1, 350, 000 2,215,020 375, 000 1, 695 000 .150, 000 5,153, 233 205 531 200 000 86, 986 80 500 957, 693 9i), 500 374 1G9 637, 073 185. 026 4l'> 871 101,744 2,100,853' 78 934 34 538 23 3 4,371,865 181 000 2, 834, 095 12 600 1 50, 000 15, 000 $13. 417. fiSfi 523,132 24,784, 063 25, 000 25, 000 322, 279 616, 381 45,000 1, 616, 815 TICUKITOUIES. Dakota Idalio Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming Arizona Total 638 4, 028, 299 112 250, 508 1-141. 530. 578 837 32,195, 748:133, 467, 928 1, Oil, 402,787 The official returns and such information as has been obtained otherwise will be found in the Appendix. Besides the institutions accounted for in the above tables, 1 have a. list of 3,008 private bankers and banking firms. Of these, 1,509 are reported as having an aggregate capital of $117,718,432, and $13,807,070 in surplus and undivided profits. Of the other 2,039 1 have been unable to obtain any information beyond their existence and location. The following table, stating, by geographical divisions, the number of private banks in the United States, with the aggregate amount of their capital, deposits, and investments in United States bonds for the six months ending May 31, 1882, has appeared in previous reports. It XIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. is perpetuated for the reason that it has been impossible to obtain similar information from any official source since the date above mentioned: Geographical divisions. N e w England States Middle States Southern States Western States and Territories United States Deposits. 94 967 280 2, 0G2 3,412 $6, 215, 637 62,418,206 6,334,090 j 30,308,300 105, 276, 233 $6, 112, 20, 149, 568, (!90, 675, 023, Invested in U. S. bonds. 310 656 301 311 $963, 958 9, 227, 728 107,167 3, 298, 990 288, 957, 578 13,597,843 FIFTH. NAMES and COMPENSATION of OFFICERS and CLERKS in the OFFICE of the COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, October 31, 1886. Names. Comptroller Deputy Comptroller .. William L. Trenholm . Valentine P. Snyder -. George M. Coffin John J. Crawford Alonzo B. Dickerson. Robert P. Mayfield .. David L. Perkins J. D. G. Ferguson Theodore O. Ebangh Charles E. Bray ton Fernando C. Cate Edward -A. Domaray Watson W. ELdridge George T. May Edmund E. Schreiner Charles J. Stoddard Thomas P. Kane Z. Warner Den ham John A. Hebrew Washington K. McCoy . Isaac C Miller William D. Swan* Charles McC. Taylor Walter Taylor..". Edwin D. Tracy George H. Wood Harriet M. Black William E. Colladay . Julia R. Donoho . R. LeRoy Livingston Mary L. McCormick . Morris M. Oiiden Arthur M. Wheeler. Ephraim S. Wilcox Eviline C. Bates Sarah F. Fitzgerald Eliza R. Hyde George Jvoehler Joseph K. Miller Carrie L. Pennock Eliza M. Peters Margaretta L. Simpson Eliza M. Barker William H. Heald Grade. - Chief of division do do .do . Superintendent Teller Bookkeeper Fourth-class clerk . do ... do do do do do ... Stenographer Third-class clerk . .do . do . .do. do . .do . .do . .do . .do . Second-class clerk . do do i do .do . .do . . do . j do First class clerk do do do | do | do 1 do j do Clerk . do . $5, 000 00 2,800 00 2, 200 2,200 2,200 2,200 00 00 00 00 2, 000 2, 000 2,000 09 0© 0© 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1, 800 00 1,800 00 1, 800 00 1. SCO 00 1,600 00 1,600 00 1,600 00 1, 600 00 1,600 00 1,600 00 1,600 1,600 00 1,600 00 1,600 00 oe 1,400 06 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1,400 00 1, 400 00 1,200 00 1, 200 Gt 1, 200 00 1,200 00 1, 200 00 1, 200 00 1, 200 09 1, 200 0© 1,000 1,000 1,000 Lafayette J. Garner. Thomas H. Austin Ettie J. Broughler Salary. Clerk . do . •Additional as bond clerk, $200. oe 00 00 900 00 900 00 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. NAMES and COMPENSATION of OFFICERS and CLERKS, Grade. Xaraea. Margaret L. Browne Willard E. Buell Louisa Campbell Sarah M. Cartwright Virginia H. Clarke Sarah G. Clemens Mary L. Conrad Margaret F. Dewar Talma Drew Margaret E. Goo&ing ... Willi#J. Fowler Alice M. Kennedy Lucre! ia W. lvnowlton . Emma Lafayette Annie W. Lockhart Edward S. May Maggie B. Miller James D. Moler Mary E. Oliver Fraiik E. Patterson Carrie B. Pumphrey Annie E. Kanney Marie Richardson ...... Hannah Sanderson Eliza A. Saumlcrs Fayetto C. Sneacl Charles A. Stewart M. C. Stoffreajen Sarah A. W.Tiffey Julia C Town sen a Anna M. Whiteside Frederick Widdows Ainanda W. Doty PhiloL. Bush William GriHiths Silas Holmes. Langaton W. Allen W. .Frank liohey Jno. A. McDonald Bessie P. Cowell Francis J. Byrne Lambert A. Wbiteley Clerk... do . do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do. .do . .do . .do . .do . .do . .do. .do . .do . .do. .do. .do . -do . -do. .do . .do do . .do . .do. .do . .do . .do. do . .do . Messenger Assistant messenger. do do Watchman .do . I ' Fireman . I Laborer.. do do XV J-c—Continued, Salary. $900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 000 00 00 00 00 00 0® 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 840 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 720 00 660 00 GOO 00 600 00 The Comptroller is necessarily dependent upon the officers and clerks in liis office for the proper administration of the laws and dispatch of public business. It is proper, therefore, to say that their conduct has been exemplary, and their diligence commendable. Those who have assisted in the preparation of this report deserve special credit for their labors and devotion. EXPENSES OF IHE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1886. For npccial dies, plates, printing, &c For salaries .. For salaries reimbursable by national banks $102, 111 27 96,494 G9 13,742 96 The contingent expenses of the office are not paid by the Comptroller, but from the general appropriation for contingent expenses of the Treasury Department; no separate account of them is kept. XVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. INFORMATION. Section 333 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, in prescribing the scope of the annual report to be made by the Comptroller of the Currency, imposes upon that officer the further duty of submitting to Congress such other information in relation to the banks as in his udgment may be useful. The following information is accordingly submitted: The following table gives the number of national banks organized in each State and Territory during the year ending November 1, 1886, with their aggregate capital, bonds, and circulation: No. of banks. States and Territories. Verm on t Massachusetts Division No. 1 2 3 New York New tTovsey Pennsylvania Capital. Bonds. Circulation. $150, 000 330, 000 $37, 500 87, 500 $33, 740 78, 740 5 500 000 125, 000 112, 480 I GOO, 000 200, 0(0 3, 200, 000 75, 000 50, 000 400, 000 67, 500 22, 480 315, 000 Division No. 2 10 15 4, 000, 000 525, 000 404, 980 IVf arvland District of Columbia Virginia 1 1 2 100,000 200,000 150, COO 25, 000 50,000 37. 500 22, 500 Division No. 3 ^ 450, 000 112, 500 45,000 2 2 4 2 2 8 3 150, 000 113, 000 210,000 150, 000 150, 000 700, 00<» 183, 0G0 37, 500 32, 500 50, 500 38, 000 25, 000 175, 000 4G, 250 33, 740 29, 250 45 420 34, 200 11,250 140, 250 24, 740 23 3,058,000 404,750 324, 850 8 3 7 7 2 1, 075. 000 '•03, 000 2, 375, 000 7GO, 000 150,000 306, 53, 243, 202, 37, 250 000 750 500 500 251,000 47, G90 202, 500 182, 240 33,740 1 27 i 5, 4G5, 000 843, 000 717,170 1 4 : 6 : 3 '• 28 17 250,000 475,000 2, 500, 000 3,595,000 1, 010, 0(10 G2, 500 118,750 150, 000 398, 750 252, 500 50. 230 73,190 J33s C00 280, 000 182,170 58 5, 830, 000 082, 500 72G, 490 2 i 100,000 c» 1 550 000 400, 000 ; 42, 500 r> 500 187 500 125,000 123, 740 112, 4S0 18 2, .100,000 3G7, 500 North, Carolina South Carolina - . Florida Alabama Mississippi .. Texas - Tennessee . . . . . - Division No. 4 O»uo Indiana Illinois Michigan W iscousin . . . . . . . . Division No. 5 Iowa Minnesota Missouri Kansas . Nebraska Division No. 6 Colorado N «•. vada California Oregon . i 1 : Division No. 7 I) ifk ota . .. Idaho Montana, New Mexico Utah "Washington "Wyoming 1 12" .. Division No. 8.. Grand total . . . 1 ... . 2 4 : 24 174 j «•>.":,"». 0O0 ; "iCO. Oil1-) i ;")!) 0 0 0 10(1, OUO ; 50 f'00 ''•'."- 0; 0 17:-, 000 : 1, 355. (00 21, 358, 000 164,500 37,500 T* 500 23,000 r* 500 57 500 43,750 353, 250 3, 713, 500 | 22, 500 38, 000 274,230 -----33, 750 11 240 11,240 11 240 51,730 39,370 295, 350 2,900,550 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XVII Eight national banks with an aggregate capital of $050,000 failed and were placed in the hands of receivers during the year, as shown in the following tabulated statement, to which is appended a brief account of the chief cause of failure in each case. STATEMENT of BANKS FAILED dnrwy the year, their CAPITAL, SURPLUS, and LIABILITIES according to last report of condition. A s show I a t date of last report in each ca se. Date of Date of apCapital. JTanie and location of bank. organization. failure. pointed. i . The First National Bank of Lake Citv, Minn. 1886. i 188." Nov. 29,1870 Dee. 29 Jan. 4 • $50, 000 ! 886. Surplus und un- Other lia- Date of divided bilii.iea.* report. profits. $22, 032 $129, 635 1885. Oct. 1 i 2. The Lancaster National Nov. 22,18G4 Jan. \ Jan. 20 100, 000 32, 150 237, 997 Oct. 3, The. First National Bank Mar. 15,1880 Mar. i Mar. 11 50, 000 r^,288 ] 70, 033 Dee. 24 Bank of Clinton, Mass. of Sioux Falls, Dak. Feb. of Wahpeton. Dak. 5. The First National Bank Nov. of Angelica, N. Y. 6. Thft Citv National Bank Mar, of Willinnisport. Pa. <jt Tho Abin^ton National Julv Bank of A binni on, Mass. 8. The Vivc-A: National Bank June of Bhiir, Nebr. 4. Tho First National Bank Total. 1 2,1882 Mar. 27 ! Apr. 8 50, 000 7, 9G7 100,306 Dec. 24 3,1864 Apr. 1G 1 Apr.10 100,000 23, 285 48,203 Dec. 24 ] 00, 000 20, 500 1.6-., 897 Dec. 24 150. 000 HO, 513 1(57, 572 June 3 50, 000 12, 394 279, 059 June 3 17. 1874 Apr. 20 M a y 1,1805 Julv 1 Auix. 7, 1882 Aws. 25 Sept 4 1FSG. 2 '•• 8 i 050 (JO.) ••'i 204,195 1,296,312 * Total, as per statement, except capital, surplus, circulation, and undivided profits. 1. The First National Bank of Lake City, Minn., failed in consequence of heavy losses, having its funds locked up i?j inconvertible, piper. The stockholders, believing that the assets would prove valuable, bought nearly all the claims against the bank and then deposited u sum tiiat enabled the Homptroller to pay all debts, principal and interest. After this was done the remaining assets were f urned. over to an aueiit of the stockholders in accordance with, the provisions of section ^ of the act of June ;30, 1.870. 2. The Lancaster National Bank of Clinton, Mass.. was wrecked by its president, who absconded to Canada. Money and securities of the bank and of others were taken bodily away, but a large amount was subsequently recovered, which had been buried on a mountain in Vermont. o. The First National Bank of Sioux Falls. Dak., had its assets seized •on writ of attachment in a suit on its cashier's cheek for upward of $10,000, which was claimed to have been fYnndulenrly obtained. This caused the bank to fail; but it had been badly managed for some time previous, and had suffered lirge losses on overdue paper and mortgages. 4. The First National Bank of Wah pe ton, Dak., appears to have failed through reckless management, which locked up its funds in speculative enterprises. 5. The failure of the First National Bank of Angelica, N. Y., was due to the embezzlement, by its cashier of an amount nearly equal to half its capital stock. He lost the money in grain and pork speculations, and concealed the defalcation by false entries on t e books. The president and directors of the bank were the victims of over confidence in H. Ex. 3 ii XVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. this man, and seemed blind to signs of his irregularities up to the hour of his flight. 6. The City National Bank of William sport, Pa., was closed in consequence of a run upon it. Subsequent examination of the books revealed embezzlement by a former assistant cashier and by the cashier at the date of suspension. Suit has been brought to recover on the bond of the late cashier, and criminal proceedings against him have also been instituted. 7. The failure of the Abington National Bank of Abington, Mass., was due to overloaus to its president, both directly and as endorser for irresponsible parties. In this case the creditors were paid in full, principal and interest, within sixty days after the receiver was appointed. 8. The First National Bank of Blair, Nebr., failed through trying to do too much business for its means. The assets as at present estimated should pay the creditors in full. Lists will be found in the Appendix, showing the amount of capital, nominal assets, amounts collected, claims proved, and dividends paid in each of these cases. ORGANIZATION, CIRCULATION, AND DISSOLUTION. As the laws now stand a national ban-king association maybe formed by any number (not less than five) of natural persons. The conditions are simple and reasonable, the only one appearing- onerous being that which requires the bank to deposit in the Treasury United States registered bonds, bearing interest. Before 1882 every bank was required to place and keep on deposit with the Treasurer such bonds to the amount of at least one-third of its capital, but the act of July 12, 1882, reduced this minimum requirement to one-Jourth the capital of banks having not more than $150,000 capital, and to $50,000 of bonds in all other cases, however large the capital may be. Every bank, before beginning business, is also required to deposit with the Comptroller a copy of its articles of association, a complete list of its shareholders, directors, and principal officers, all duly authenticated, and evidence that at least 50 per cent, of the capital is actually paid in. The Comptroller may, in his discretion, cause a special examination to be made in order to satisfy himself on any of these points, and he may refuse to authorize any bank to begin business if he has reason to believe that the purposes of its promoters are not in accord with those of the national banking laws. When the Comptroller issues his certificate of authority to begin business the bank is established, and is thenceforward bound to conform to all the requirements of the law governing its business, while, on the other hand, it is entitled to exercise the rights, privileges, and franchises secured to it by the statutes. By a special provision of law banks and banking corporations having State charters may be converted into national banks, upon satisfying the Comptroller of the Currency that they are in sound financial condition, and upon complying with such of t lie general requirements of the law as are applicable to them. In all such cases, both of conversion and of primary association, applicants for authority to enter the national-bank system must select a title approved by the Comptroller of the Currency. The title "First National Bank77 being very much sought after, some cases of contention for it have arisen, and during the ppst year the following general rules have been adopted to govern the concession of this title, which have obviated controversy, and have been accepted by competing applicants as entirely just. ERRATUM. To be pasted between pages xvm and xix, facing sixth paragraph, page xvm. (See over.) Correction of sixth paragraph, page XYIII, OPPOSITE. Before 1882 every bank with a capital not exceeding $150,000 was required to place and keep on deposit with the Treasurer such bonds to the amount of at least one-third of its capital; but the act of July 12, 1882, reduced this minimum requirement to one-fourth the capital. Tinder the act of June 20, 1S74, $f)0,00u of bonds is the minimum requirement for all other banks, however large the capital. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XIX RULES. u The title of First National Bank" will not be approved unless: 1st. The application therefor is really the first application to establish a national bank in the place named in the title, or unless all such applications previously made have lapsed or been abandoned. k 2d. Unless no national bank is located at the time in the place named in the title. 3d. Unless the title asked for, though once in use, is at the time vacant by reason of the entire extinction of the bank that had it. 4th. Unless every national bank at the time located in the place named in the title assents to the application. The term "place" means any ward of a city, or any town, city, county, State, or geographical area. CONVERTED AND ORIGINAL BANKS. Banks that have entered the national system are of two classes, viz, institutions already organized under State laws, converted to national banks under section 5154, Revised Statutes of the United States, and national banking associations primarily organized as such under various acts of Congress. The following tables show the history of these two classes: X oiE xrzrnr.n of STATE BANES CONVERTED to NATIONAL HANKING ASSOCIATIONS, their CAPITAL at DATE of CONVERSION, PUESI'IST CAl'lTAL and SURPLUS; specififiinj xuch vx have since (/one into VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION ami such m have become INSOLVENT. Voluntary liquidation. Years. 1863... 1864... 1805... 18(5(5. .. 1807... 1808... 1800 . . 1S70. . 187L. . 1872... 1873 . 1874. . 1875... 1876... 1877... 1878. . 1879... 1H80. . ] 881 1882... 1883... J885. 1880. #0 710 000 755 •-'00 r.s •too 3, 100 000 $9 on 500 25 942 700 24 538 700 129 200 2 46 250 00U 39 700 Whole Number Capital at Present in dateof number converted. existence. conversion ! capital. 1 284 ! 6i 1; 3 ! 1 5 5 4 11 7 2 5 7 10 6 11 13 16 1 5 i 10 I 12 146 223 3 $(5 no ooo 739 59 228 400 860 ;"•()<) :>oo 250 000 1, 000 000 1 S7H 000 1 110 000 3 i-'55 000 4 944 000 9 5 850, 000 2 Kit, 000 3 680, 000 710 000 7: 1. 285, 000 10 1 147, 000 6 i 1, 445 700 1 100 300 I 13 ! 080, 000 50, 000 13 850, 000 1 I o 152, 000 l r 50O 000 000 830 000 (too 560 000 86!), 000 141, 000 980, 000 0(10 r 11 435, O'IO "00 0U> •'13 100 590 '{00 105, 000 50, 000 850, 0i;0 2, 200, 000 ' • 400 151, 376, 200 104, 875, 000 Total. Surplus. | Number. Existing. 218, 000 188 000 153.500 235, 200 478 800 177,500 20, 300 307, 000 150 ttOO 404, 000 319 300 349, 800 225 000 120,200 25, 000 109, 700 27, 400 56, 800, 800 1 Capital at Capital at Surplus at date of uate of date of conversion. liquidation liquidation. B $250. 000 10, 048! 700 250, OOO 100, 000 200, 000 $38, 900 1, 706, 300 1 2 £200,000 11,61)2,700 275, 000 50, 000 200,000 3 2 278, 000 150,000 300, 000 150,000 35, 000 13 500 9 2 250, 000 200, 000 250, 000 130, 000 15, 500 12,000 1 50, 000 50, 000 4,500 3 150, 000 150, 000 8, 700 66 13, 465, 700 11,878,700 1, 987,400 $267, 000 4,551,100 3,410,300 15 1 O s $107. < )00 4. 521,1' 0 2, 50u, OoO o o 1 1 1 130, 000 130,000 19 8, 358, 400 7,318,100 1 1 verted banks thru went into voluntary liquidation. liveried banks that went into insolvency ,.„ averted banks that are still iu existence Percentage of incr(^aso of eapital of national hanks organized as such Percentage of increase of capital of converted hanks. Capital at Capital at date of date of conversion. failure. 11,' 100 29,700 Percentage of :api.t,al of naiiuiiiil banks, organized as such, that went into voluntary liquidation.. 14 3 Percentage of •apitnl of national banks, organized as .such, that went into insolvency 83 Percentage f •apit::l of national banks, organized as such, that are in existence Percentage of •anira! of Percentage of :apira] of Percentage of :apital of Insolvent. 5 87 16 • o L/C NUMBER of NATIONAL BANKS of I* HI MARY ORGANIZATION under the val'wnal-bank law*, CAPITAL at date of organization, and WHOLIi ESENT CAPITAL and S URPL US, specifyiny auch an have since gone into VOL UNTARY LIQUID A TIONand such as have become INSOLVENT. PRESENTC Existing. Whole number organized. Years. 25)7 71 443 23 ^9 10 8 62 148 156 94 I 27 I. 26 ! ' Present en pital. Number. Surplus. Capital at date of j organization. ; ' j , I ': :i,<<05 50, 0oo ! 2. :;7* i .i;i ! . &< ot.O . /••••• 1. 3\M. .!'Mi ; 10-), IHO.SO1* i liquidation. Capital at date of liquidation. Insolvent. Surplus at t date of liquidation. $14, 984, 200 $25, 424, GOO \. 210. 000 6,116,000 19, 292, 300 18,215,000 800. 000 775, 300 150, 000 150, 000 200, 000 200, 000 260, 000 310,000 2,401, 000 i 2, 8F0, 000 3. 040, 000 j 3, 000, 000 4, 205, 000 i 3. 703, 100 | 925, 000 I 1,125, 000 ! 1. 250, 000 '. L220, *'<IO ; 1, 000, 000 I 1,010,(M>0 : 250, 000 ' 250, 000 : 100, 0"0 1OO.(H)O : 250, 000 I 250,000 : 150, 000 , 150,000 | 250, 000 j 250,000 770, ouO j 67o, ooo ; 1, 170, 000 j 1,170,000 I 2, 035, 000 j 2,035,000 j 300, 000 300, 000 | 147 30 141 $4'». 638, 900 12, 04 s, 100 N K 077, 400 o S?,l 23 30 47 97 230 236 179 L42 142 Voluntary $50. 024, 800 $23, 845, 900 7, 010, 600 15, 520, 100 ! 112.079, 700 j 32, 727, 500 4. :^-5, 000 ! 2, 060, 600 2 T.v.\ 000 515, 000 8^0, 000 coo 260, 500 71 o, 000 000 650. 000 195, 000 8f:0, 000 4 5,110, 500 4, 2M, 000 1, 588, 500 40 14,528, 900 j 4, 488, 600 109 12,351. !>, 124,700 3, 592, 300 98 100 4, 5!'.',,000 1,0(59,300 4, 055, 000 38 1,364,000 4. 4::f>, 3. 82o, 500 48 000 I 3, 378, 900 11,044, 000 : 79 mi 012, ooo 23 2, 427. 800 G:J4, 600 2, 020, 800 814,600 2.414. 000 1.014,000 396, 300 1.7!>5, 000 18 1, <>25, 000 730, 500 3.11)0, 2(J 000 2, 000, 00") 1, 177. 400 »>. 072. 100 i 43 5.222,100 1,1)67, 300 90 j 10, Gi:*,500 ! i). 285. 000 216 35, 054, 005! ! 7, OS's, 50-:) 2«, 57S, 000 2, 665, 0 0 0 218 500 i 20,201, 2'i i .2. 000 1,808,80!) 174 ' ! 19, S&l 461), 000 1-42 i ;>7.<, 000 I!. 0:M. 703, I M O 141 | in. 445 62. 200 ";«'•:, 0 0 0 474 104 603 1863..1864... 1865. 1866... 1867... 1808... 18G9.-1870... 1871... 1872... 1873... 1874... 1875. . 187G .. 1877... 1878... 1879.- 1880... 1881. ... 1882 .. 1883... 1884... 1885... 1886... Total... Number. Capital at date of organization. -^. n-!*. •».'' j :,'34 •<.>. M i O Number. $7, 839, 300 1, 538, 900 4, 857, 300 176, 200 14, 300 7,500 48, 500 375, 300 656, 000 508, 100 I 116,700 i 7u\9'J0 i 75,800 j 11,400 | 11. 000 21,400 9, 000 32, 400 18, 500 60, 200 47, 2oO 500 Capital at date of organization. Capital at date of failure. $3,410,000 350, 000 2,475, 000 100, 000 $5, 069, 500 400, 000 3, 560, 000 150, 000 350, 000 300, 000 1, 000, 000 1, 450, C00 370, 000 350, 000 50, COO 350, OviO 350, 1,300, 1,485, 000 350, O('O 350, 000 50, 000 300, 000 60, 000 50, 000 50, 000 175,000 450,000 O s 1,011,300 60, 50, 50, 175, 250, 000 000 000 000 000 o o ! .. >;:>, •144jiii(> * !»:.5GX,4nM 0.'{ j 11,200,000 15, lJ10,8<-'O r S H M M A R Y O F N A T I O N A L H A N K S O l t r \ . \ i Z E l > A N D L ' i S S O L V KU ; , 1 N C M K I ^ J ! : i A R Y L ' \•sc;;, A N ; > T O i - ; N U A t B E l i K X I S T I N T , N O V E M B E R 1, 1886. .Xow exist in'S. 1 Banks organized. Converted from State system Other banks Total . K,iin. | Inliqnidinioii, volun- \ t a r y orby expiration, j c rj i Failed. Total I number (lldsolved Per cent. Number.,' Per cent. | -| 575 ! 3,005 i 66 534 19 : 93 ; 3,580 600 112 ! Per j cent. H5 :, 378 I 712 I 2, 8»5S 1 80 Remarks. O Of 600 banks which have gone into voluntary liquidation. 456 took that stop for the j)iirpot*o of winding u]> their affaiis, 79 for the purpose of reorganization, and (55 went into liquidation by reason of expiration of charter, 38 of them having since been reorganized. XXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. EXTENSION OF THE CORPORATE EXISTENCE OF NATIONAL BANKS. Under the provisions of the original national currency act of February 25,1863, 488 banks were organized, of which 88 had ceased to exist when the act of July 12,1882, went into effect, leaving 400 still in operation at that date. Of these 400 banks 72 were succeeded by other associations with the same or different names, 12 went out by voluntary liquidation or expiration of corporate existence, 2 were placed in the hands of receivers, and 314 were extended under the act. The act of June 3,1864, is designated u the national-bank act" in the act approved June 20, 1874. Up to July 12, 1882, there had been organized under this act 2,266 banks, of which 450 had been closed, leaving 1,816 in operation at that date. The following table shows how many of these surviving banks will reach the term of their corporate existence during each year from 1886 to 1902, inclusive, with their capital and circulation: No. of backs. Tears. 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 5 10 3 60 99 102 38 64 77 Capital. Circulation. $1, 050, 000 1, 364, 900 600, 000 9, 285, 500 13,493,900 13,190,150 4,510,000 7, 353, 000 11,159, 000 $495, 000 421, 200 184, 500 4, 626, 200 4, 742, 535 5, 285, 225 2, 275, 700 3, 484, 750 5, 391, 450 Tears. 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 No. of banks. 23 26 24 40 50 110 231 Total . . . . Capital. Circulation. $2,218,800 3, 324, 000 2, 354, 000 5, 080, 000 7,582,100 15,150,150 37,6G7, 300 $1, 322, 550 1,391,545 1. 367,100 2, 552, 950 3, 257, 990 4, 540, 935 10,401,450 9G2 1.35, 394, 800 51, 807, 060 On November 1, 1886, 915 banks, organized under the act of June 3, 1864, had been extended, making with the 314 extensions of banks organized under the act of February 25,1863,1,229 associations extended under the act of July 12, 1882. In the Appendix will be found a table showing the distribution and capital of these banks, arranged geographically. The number, capital, and circulation of the national banks whose periods of succession terminated between November 1, 1885, and November 1, 1886, are shown by the following table, which also indicates the number of which the corporate existence has been extended. One went into liquidation and has not been succeeded by another national bank: Date. November December January February March May June July August September October 1885. 1886. Number of bunks Circulation. that have extended. Number of banks that have expired. $1, 200, 000 , 3, 250, (100 , Total 300, 000 700, 000 750, 000 200, 000 300, 000 125, GOO 50, 000 300, 000 100,000 $027, 000 2, 037, H00 270, 104, 235, 244, 90, 45, 45, 235, 72, 7, 33.">, 000 ! 4, 3C4, 500 | Circulation. $1, 200, 000 3, 250, 000 $927, 000 2, 037,500 300, 000 700, 000 750, 000 260, 000 300, 000 125, 000 270,000 164,000 235,000 244,000 90, 000 45, 000 300, 000 100, 000 235, 000 72, 000 7, 285,000 4, 319, 500 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XXIII Of the 400 existing' banks originally organized under tho art of February 25, 1863, 270, with a circulation of $47.1)07,430, were extended on February 25, 1883, and the provisions of section <> of the act of July 12, 1882, required that lawful money should be deposited within thirty days from February 25, !&$(>, to retire such portion of this circulation as then remained outstanding. It was of course evident 1 tint the amount of the tinal deposit required by law to be made in lawful money during the thirty days succeeding February 25, 1880, would be very large, and that this deposit within so short a period would probably occasion temporary disturbance at money centres, particularly as new circulation to replace the amount retired could not at once be issued. In anticipation of any difficulty which might arise, my predecessor, j\Jr. Cannon, began early to advise national banks which would be required to make such deposits of lawful money on or before March 25, 1880, to make them in sums of 810,000 or multiples thereof in advance, extending them over a considerable period of time. These banks were also advised in advance to order the preparation of notes of new design, which were required by the same section of the act, that they might be in readiness to be issued to replace the circulation necessarily retired under the operation of the law. In consequence of this forethought and sagacity, the whole amount required to be deposited was very evenly distributed between the months from July, 1885, to March, 188G, as shown by the following table: Moiiths. Amount. July, 1*85 August, 1885 September, 1885 . October, 1885 Xovrmber, 1885 . December, 1885.. J.-mnary. >\ b i n a r y . 188t> M .iivii. 16W - J ! Total amount which the law required to be deposited within 30 days $519, 600 603, 610 1, 425, 434 2, 25*, 92G 2,1!).-», 787 2, 4!. r, 75t} 2,811,084 2, «21,19t* 873, 90*2 j Hi, 023, 381 Table shaving by Slate* the number and capital of national banks ike corporate existence • of which ivas extended prior to November 1, 1886. State. Alabama" Arkansas < ,'vilorado Connecticut I Delaware -.. Dish i-1 of Columbia Illinois. !"*.".*!".*.^!"! Indiana X.insas. Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Xo. of bauka. W 73 ! 11 ! 48 ' 32 ! 24 ! 3i 11 2 53 29 199 19 6 Capital. $350, 000 250, 000 460, 000 \ 450, 820 . 503, 185 500, <)00 o. of State. 1 Montana | jj I! || ,] Now IIam [>shire Kew Jersey New Y o r k ' Xorth Carolina 000 Sonih Carolina 24 (V 000 '.\ Ohio 157, 00'! .'. Orepm 595, 000 Pennsylvania 1)00 |; Khode Island 1 ~)i\ 000 300, 000 630, (iO(J 069, 000 Virginia. 712, 500 West Virginia 000 Wisconsin :. loo' 000 , 150,000 Total I j | | j | 3 35 48 221 3 2 $500, 000 750, 000 4,605, 000 783, 350 72,572, 460 650, 000 75i), 000 14,854. 000 250, M 0 !tt0 44,479, l It), X)i), 8i-0 1,150,000 625, 0(;0 ,",25(5, 000 2t010, 0t0 l[ :;4i, ooo 1,685, 000 1, 229 339,169, 505 XXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY- National ftavks whose corporate existence will exj ire (hiring the year 1887, with the date of the expiration, the amount of capital stock of each hank, the United States bonds on deposit with the Treasurer, and flic amount of circulation ivsiud thereon. Charter nnmher. 1668 1669 1670 1671 1675 Title of bank. The The The The The First National Bank of Idaho, Boiao City. Fourth National Bank of Nashville II ion National Bank. Citizens' National Bunk of Davenport.. National Security Bank of .Boston ' i Expira- i | State. I t i o n o f I Capital ;corporate stock. existence. i 1887. Idaho Mar. 5 Tenn .' MSJI-. 5 N. Y . . ' Mar. 14 Iowa.. 1i May 3 JVlasy. Xov. 22 $100, 000 500, 000 100,000 100, 001.) United States bonds. $30, 000 70, 000 100, 000 100, 000 250,000 I 250,000 Circulation. $27, 000 03. 000 90, 000 90,000 225, 000 REAPPRAISAL OF NATIONAL-BANK SHARES. It is provided by section 5 of the act of July 12,1882, that when any national banking' association has amended its articles of association for extension of its corporate existence, and the Comptroller has granted his certificate of approval, any shareholder not assenting to such amendment may, within thirty days from the date of the certificate of approval, give notice in writing to the directors of his desire to withdraw from said association. Each shareholder giving this notice becomes entitled to receive from said banking association the value of the shares so held by him, to be ascertained by an appraisal made by a committee of three persons, one to be selected by such shareholder, one by the directors, and the third by these two ; and in case the value so fixed shall not be satisfactory to any such shareholder, he may appeal to the Comptroller of the Currency, who shall cause a reappraisal to be made, which shall be final and binding. (jf the 1,229 associations extended under the act there have been but two cases in which an appeal has been made to the Comptroller for a reappraisal of shares held by dissenting shareholders. It appears, however, from complaints made to the Comptroller that in some instances the, banks have neglected to take action upon notice of the desire of the shareholders to withdraw, and, as was pointed out by my predecessor, there is no penalty provided in the law for such neglect, although individual rights are thereby violated. Remedy may doubtless be obtained by suit at law, but it would seem that justice demands speedier and less costly relief. NATIONAL-BANK SHAREHOLDERS. With a view to ascertaining how the stock of the national banks is distributed, a laborious examination has been made of Hie official lists of shareholders, deposited in this office in accordance with section 5210, .Revised Statutes of the United States. The results of this examination, carefully compiled, are exhibited in the following tables, and, for purposes of comparison, similar tables contained in the report of the Comptroller of the Currency for the year 1870 are here reproduced. Upon an examination it will be seen that the capital stock of the 2,86$ national banks now existing is represented by 7,116,894 shares, and that of these 6,426,320, or over 90 per cent., are held by residents of the State in which the bank is located, aud 690,574, or less than 10 per cent., by non-residents. In 1876 less than 90 per cent, of the stock was held by residents. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. k XXV Tlii number of shares held by natural persons is 0,524,143, or over 91 per cent., while the remainder are held as follows: 82,094 shares by religious, charitable, and educational insiituiions; 0,188 by municipal corporations; 490,903 by savings banks, trust companies, and insurance, companies, and 12,897 by all other corporations. The number of shareholders in national banks is 223,583, of which number 215,870, or over 00 per cent., are natural persons, while more than 38.] per cent, of all the stockholders are residents of the State in which the bank is located. Of the 223,583 shareholders, 117,974, being more than halt', hold ten shaies or less, 78,78L, or about a third, hold over ten shares but less than fifty, while those holding over fifty shares number only 20,828, or but little more than one-ninth of I he whole. The details as to State and geographical divisions wi1! doubtless be found interesting and suggestive. Among other things, it will be perceived that out of 82,000 shaiv^ held by religious, charitable, and educational institutions, upward of 40,000 are held in'New England and 4<U)00 more in the Middle States. In the same way, out of 490,903 shares held by savings banks, trust companies, and insurance companies, nearly 478,000 shares are held north and east of the District of Columbia. Geographical divisions Nos. 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, mid 8 contain 1,000 banks, with $225,000,000 capital, and in all this great area the national-bank stock is held almost exclusively by natural persons. Out of 7,704 corporations of all kinds appearing as mitional-bank stockholders, only 002 hold stock in banks anywhere in these six divisions. Another observation to be drawn from these tables is that in those States in which the older banks are situated the stock is more largely held by residents, and is more widely distributed, while in the area in which nearly all the banks are of recent organization, the proportion of non-resident shareholders is larger, and the amount of stock held in large amounts is greater. This shows the very important and. significant fact that the nationai-bank system is serving to bring capital into those new districts from the older States, and in this way it is a constant and valuable factor in the process by which American industry and enterprise are being extended all over the continent, and by which the ties oi a common citizenship are being daily strengthened by the bonds of commercial intercourse and of interdependent interests. The total number of shares exceeds one for every $100 of capita!, which is accounted for by the fact that a large number of the banks converted from State institutions have availed themselves of the privilege of retaining their shares at their original par value. (See section 5154, Revised Statutes.) XXVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. DISTRIBUTION by STATES and GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS of the Number of shares. ;"•*••»: i ious,' ilTeldby Whole ! States and Territories, number oi ™«»™J« I in the I outsid State. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Khode Island Connecticut 110,204 62, 850 100. 150 98G. 430 43!», 458 310,430 I of the State. 102,530 57. 105 89, 258 025, 381 400, 50(» 288, 434 IIS l Held by charita- rnunicinatural ble, and palcorpersons. : educatii.ual instilu. turns. ^ » ' 124 19, 129 ; 9, 338 473 3,047 535 304, 192 544 50,470 150 01, 140 80. 740 50.893 , 95, 599 704, 022 300, 339 244, 824 2, 000, 522 1, 883, 214 143, 308 1, 542, 417 153 091 198, 034889,1)79 954,599 198,492 1,113,820 170, 759 I 21.275 195,052 850,820 ' 39,159 ' 880,717 34,294 i 737 1,388 4,505 : 1,520 1,982, 178 ! 258, 920 2. 190,189 Delaware Maryland District of Columbia Virginia West Virginia 33,002 908, 440 15, 770 38,503 21,300 27, 470 887, 549 11,092 32. 482 17,982 0. 132 20, 891 4,078 0,081 3, 378 North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Division No. 4 Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan \V isconsin 384,890 118,512 ! 201,800 : 140,840 I 14,250 Division No. 5 Iowa M innesota Missouri Kansas Nebraska 377, 409 117,532 201. 130 140. 049 14,250 . i ! ' 910,970 101,042 29, 100 29,000 G3, 382 124, 389 101,408 27,7*5 29, 000 02,8n0 < 124,389 I 24.334 0,529 I 219 I 729 i 2 241 500 I I 10 1,202 | 12 100 ! I REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XXVII STOCK of all NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATIONS now in operation. Xumber ( f shareholders owning specified N u m b e r of shareholders. amounts. 1 Natural persons. Corporations. 6,812 3,914 3,815 4,838 12,340 13, 839 610 202 53 4, 083 635 887 6, 862 3,617 3, 348 47, 980 11,446 13,135 500 499 520 i 4,491 ' 1, 529 • 1,591 7, 422 4,116 3,868 52,471 12,975 14, 726 89, 108 6,470 86, 388 9,190 29, 680 8, 309 33, 483 375 68 185 23, 4S8 7,441 32, 243 6.571 936 1,425 71,472 632 63,172 1, 542 0, 926 560 1, 624 938 21 307 11 3 4 11, 590 877 1, 101 820 134 467 188 778 1, 353 167 4. 726 1. 092 vi. im ... _.. . X 202 NonResident. resident. Over 50 Owning 10 jOver 10 and and not shares 1 not more Over 300. and less. ; t h a n 50. t h amore n 300. Total. 102 '. ; 4,028 2,882 2, 199 i 3 3 , l>77 | 5. 741 9,272 2, 3.'0 1, 056 1,325 15,012 5, o;.)O 4 v o9 95, 578 j 58, 099 30, 212 0, 757 510 30, 059 i 8, 377 ! 33, 608 I i:f.531 ' 4.384 17.279 12, 193 3, 209 12,090 3,914 3, 483 421 29 210 8. 932 72,104 j 35,194 28, 098 8,152 660 1.212 6, 727 424 1,375 786 351 506 147 252 156 1,563 1 7, 233 571 1,627 942 783 2, 575 208 1, 005 534 643 3, 035 246 414 332 i:?4 1,447 54 190 70 3 176 3 12 6 346 10, 524 1,412 4, 670 1,901 200 4 34 21 732 1, 066 655 106 417 149 09 186 338 321 250 37 179 37 293 495 61 1, 710 624 75 40 111 26 71 g 145 277 31 705 294 11, 9156 0 1 612 1,073 I Tl 4, 442 l,f,84 53 41 178 286 34 290 109 881 i 1,135 841 1 134 ! 470 189 I 790 ! 1, 359 ; 167 i 4, 732 1, 693 I 71 212 144 339 553 7*' 2, 291 7 57 3 12 6 401 704 470 342 165 300 3", 298 1, 531 1,121 13 44 184 73 94 13 34 3 26 18 88 10,968 1.423 12, 391 ! 0,134 4, 345 1, 789 123 <*,i 552 2. 045 4. 002 •'.,45: 755 3,737 329 445 'i 15 10 !>. 307 ! 2. 279 5, 047 3, 706 345 : 2, 140 1.509 157 3,874 839 1, (542 1, 552 107 1,571 042 1, 132 5'JO 75 125 64 127 55 6 20,612 132 18, 979 1, 765 20. 744 1 8,343 8, 014 4,010 377 3.291 793 314 i, 988 1,217 3 13 2. 590 3, 294 806 3 '4 1.994 1,217 1.681 :;54 10'5 1, i 20 501 1,046 1, 429 921 704 264 94 56". 290 118 544 3-7 542 181 78 3: o 332 25 6 15 20 57 7, 603 22 5, 702 1,923 7, 625 3, 759 2, 300 1.443 123 436 17 612 176 1 337 100 170 8:; 12 4 571 45 172 4 1*7 13 269 71 142 02 18 6 i. 241 7 l.O.SO 1.08 1.24 b 402 523 287 30 518 U 173 205 233 402 11 51 920 471 200 15 74 ""'US 917 542 2°0 6 16 ;1 '••*>4 2.14 243 3 79 1 1,950 7 210, 879 7, 704 437 : ! 17 610 178 ! •)•;! 734 91 94 i>.-,7 205 10 24:5 l:;7 74 4S 80 : 9 •M 1,338 019 1,937 j 878 198, 151 25, 432 ""• 223, -m i 117,974 78,781 i 24, 490 208. 480 : 104,976 77,496 j . -17 00 28 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 15 4 16 10 17 18 8 19 105 7 7 13 2, 272 5, 040 ';, I'i'.i :U5 1 21 22 *•»:-« 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 j'2 33 35 36 37 ;:9 40 " ;!" 11 12 4 43 4 44 1 '••* ' > 183, 996 019 XI 4 ' 46 431 29 24, 770 2, 058 XXVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Total number of shares of national-bank slock issued in each State and geographical division residents respectively; the number of resident and of non-resident shareholders, and the trolleys report for the year 1876. Shares, where held. Shares issued. States. Maine New Hampshire . Vermont Massachusetts - - Rhode Island Connecticut Number. Number of shareholders. la the State. \ B.V dents. ™*- 113,080 ' 60, 150 129,586 988, 700 388, 03(5 339,274 I Non-resi- In the State. i dents. 106, 057 55, 532 l:> 1,401 913, 320 350, 954 311,068 7, 023 4,618 8, !25 75, 374 37,082 ' 28. 206 ' 7,199 I 3, 663 3. 910 46, 564 11,341 j 14,298 ! 476 i 384 I 358 i 5,162 1,741 i 1, 536 '( 'Eastern States. Now York New Jersey. . Pennsylvania. Delaware Maryland 2,018,826 ! 1,858, "98 | 160,428 j 86,975 I 9,657 ! 1, 482, 746 221, u44 884,53!) 28, 404 434,555 I 1,216,478 198,463 849, 249 23, 920 414, 159 266,268 ! 22.581 I 35,200 I 4; 574 i 20,396 ! 26,339 6,811 28,612 ' 798 ! 5, 566 i 7, 742 ; 864 ) 1,283 ' 409 ! 464 \ Middle States... District of Columbia . Virginia.. West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Missouri 3,051,378 ! 2,702,269 349,109 68,126 i Southern and Southwestern States 15, 520 36,911 18,460 23, 060 31,850 24, 856 500 16,930 34, 000 10, 250 2, 051) 103, 530 31,126 80, 350 429, 393 Ohio Indiana Illinois.... Michigan .. "Wisconsin. Iowa Minnesota . Kansas Nebraska.. 295, 240 178,043 187, 352 103, 092 39, 000 I 62,706 j 46, 800 15,600 9, 500 Western States Oregon Colorado Utah Idaho Montana Wyoming New Mexico. Dakota California 937,333 i Pacific States and Territories 2,500 ! 8,250 . 2,000 1,000 i 3,500 j 1,250 I 3,000 i 500 j 47,000 I .11,351 29. 734 16; 812 20, 886 28, 832 10. 779 270 14. 512 22,207 9, 087 1, 126 94, 965 27, 052 64, 722 358,335 4,169 , 7, 177 I 1,648 2,174 3,018 ! 8,077 ! 230; 2.418 i 11,793 ! 1,163 ' 924 i 8,565 ! 4,074 i 15.628 71, 058 ~274^ 747" 159, 808 173,932 86, 806 29,406 57,766 38, 348 12, 999 5, 579 20, 493 18, 235 13,420 16, 286 9, 594 4,910 I 8,452 I 2,601 I 3,921 ! 839,391 97,942 ! 2,240 ! 6,292 ; 1.950 ' 1 000 3, 125 ' 1,013 • 2,381 1 243; 44,271 260 1, 958 50 375 237 619 257 2,729 10,762 j 362 j 903 635 ' 615 1,381 : 370 : 11 i 384 ! 755 : 145 20 ! 3,010 i 727 ' 1,686 I 47 228 4'0 16 i 192 { C9 489 I 11,004 I 1, 756 ! 5,986 ! 2,454 ! 3,433 I 2,118 i 625 1,524 687 : 264 ' 79 ! 17,170 5! 87 ! 44 I 11 . 42 ' 14 i 25 i 11 I 482 131 191 82 79 56 103 3 I ! i ! i 448 : 264 ; 387 '• 383 318 ' 143 , 141 1 58 ; 69 ! 2,211 ! 2 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XXIX by hanks in operation; the number of *ltan>s of each Slate held by its residents and by nonnuinber of shareholders holding respectively specified amounts of stock, as stated in Comp- N u m b e r of s h a r e h o l d e r s o w n i n g specified a m o u n t s of s t o c k . Over 10 Over 20 and Over 30 and Over 40 anc Over 50 and O v e r 100 Owning 10 not more . and not s h a r e s or less. and n o t m o r e not more ! not more not more more than than 30. than 40. than 50. t h a n 20. than 100. 500. 5, 2, 2, 32, 5, 9, 359 835 22« 2155 077 581 1,185 618 827 9,097 3,030 2,986 57,9.15 440 259 391 3,601 1,391 1,187 190 100 391 1,675 830 576 17, 743 7, 269 6,963 1,600 5, 7**0 238 1, 033 3,610 761 2,824 112 632 33,373 15, 614 2-J6 017 391 107 105 127 138 ''72 65 12,784 • 3,457 . 14,021 597 ; 1, 03 4 832 21«> 8 167 477 75 227 103 280 2,157 1, 033 655 3,562 2,930 2, 232 524 1, 493 72 391 2,223 366 1,418 44 427 7,939 4,712 60 84 05 00 102 43 1 48 98 28 1 319 91 240 16 44 . 103 i 300 00.3 164 957 389 G.0.VJ 2, 305 1,240 2, 388 1. WU 6f>2 276 342 1,441 1H7> 1, I'.'S i 'Mil oH2 774 1:82 15>' , 5,» • 7,394 — •• if 87 158 20 144 74 161 1,604 555 392 :^, 24- j 482 6!7 46:! 172 19 270 98 140 09 23 13 3, 422 1,905 283 148 49 1 17 6 23 ! 10 ! 7 114 5 3 3 87 ; 31 34 25 58 22 18 ! 34 7 124 54 169 1,304 529 414 6 4 21 53 37 43 4,445 2,594 164 3, 573 642 2 260 107 781 2,491 313 1,386 36 748 205 12 83 1 104 4, 508 7,363 4,974 405 28 67 30 52 54 44 1 48 70 35 74 44 63 76 46 19 51 25 25 41 33 2 5 1 1 2 4 40 97 1 3 10 o 7 3 8 4 212 08 159 290 10:4 198 21 44 20 5 164 48 121 557 i 859 1,088 619 40 :*72 489 202 508 3(52 ;>;} j. 372 37 4L 27 7 75 298 93 152 195 HI 11 103 157 '; 196 . 1L7 ! ~,:; 45 19 ; I.OIil : 3 1 1 1 4! 01 09 7-J8 : 5 3 9 8 ]•• 28 8(5 •)!) 11 20 22 1 1, 549 2,141 1,772 137 10 1 15 2 15 3 ] (i.* * i , 45 2 39 4 oC 0 4 ' 'J ; 5 1 i (i ! 122 02 49 88 116 104,976 39,206 18, 415 9,941 9, 934 15,163 j 1 9 i*2 242 Over 500 shares. 14 ii'5 21 10, 084 707 XXX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CIRCULATING NOTES. Upon the security of its bonds deposited with the Treasurer, each bank is entitled to receive, and the Comptroller of the Currency is by law required to issue to it, circulating notes to the amount of 90 per cent, of the market value, and not more than 90 per cent, of the par value of the bonds. Any bank may deposit more than the minimum of bonds, and may take out circulating notes for 90 per cent, of its deposit, provided its entire outstanding circulation against bonds does not exceed 90 per cent, of its capital stock actually paid in. The circulating notes when issued by the Comptroller are in sheets, and are not valid until signed by the bank officers designated by the statute. Under the present law the minimum deposit of bonds required to be made by the 2,852 national banks in operation in the United States on October 7, 1880, in order to continue as national banking associations, would be but $84,305,312. Tables in the Appendix show by States and geographical divisions the national banks in operation on October 7, 1880, separated into two classes, namely, banks of which the capital does not exceed, and banks of which the capital exceeds, $150,000. The first class contains 2,001 banks, with an aggregate capital of $167,201,2455 the second 851, with an aggregate capital of $380,979,485. The minimum of bonds required to be kept on deposit by the entire body of banks in the first class is $41,815,312; the minimum for the 851 banks of the second class is $42,550,000. If all banks held only the minimum of bonds, the total national-bank circulation would be $75,928,781, while the possible maximum of circulation, being 90 per cent, of the aggregate of the nationalbank capital, would be $493,410,057. The actual circulation on October 7,1886, was $303,176,776, inclusive of $71,953,145 still outstanding, but which is no longer represented by bonds, but by that amount of lawful money deposited with the Treasurer of the Uuited States to redeem it. The $231,223,631 of circulation for which the banks are responsible is composed of $86,517,585 secured by the bonds deposited by the 2,001 banks having $150,000 capital and less, and $144,706,046 secured by the bonds belonging to the 851 banks of which the capital exceeds $150,000. The first class of banks have therefore $48,883,805 more than their minimum, and $04,017,536 less than their possible maximum circulation, while the larger banks have $106,411,046 more than their minimum, and $198,175,491 less than their maximum. The following table shows the number of banks organized from July 1, 1882, to July 1, 1886, their capital stock, amount of bonds deposited, and the circulation issued thereon : Bonds Tear. July July July July 1,1882, to July 1,1883, to July 1,1884, to July 1,1885, to July required. 1,1883 .. 1,1884.. 1,1885 .. 1,1886 .. 251 |$26, 552, 300 j $5,155,500 218 142 1G3 19,944,000: 4,016,000 1f», 205,000 '<• 3,061,2,10 17, 553, 000 . 3, 404, 500 T Circulation issued. deposited. ; Per cent. $7,116,400 4,670, 100 ! 3,332,800 | 3,715,500 ; 28 14 8 8 $6. 404, 760 4, 208, 490 2, 9<J9, 520 3. 342, 950 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XXXI From the foregoing table it appears that 774 banks have been organized between the dates given, with a capital of $79,254,300$ that they have deposited $18,840,800 bonds, upon which circulation to the amount of $16,056,720 has been issued. The minimum deposit of bonds as required by law for such banks is $15,G37,250, and it will be observed that while the actual deposit has in the aggregate exceeded the minimum absolutely required, yet this excess steadily decreased during the first three years covered by the table, and during the. years ending July 1, 1885, and July 1, 1886, the percentage of excess remained the same, namely, 8 percent. Of the 163 national banks organized during the past fiscal year, 96 have a capital of $50,000 each, amounting to $4,800,000 ; 44have a capital of over $50,000 and not exceeding $150,000, amounting to $4,218,000; and 23 have a capital of $8,5:35,000. The latter class of banks deposited only $100,000 of bonds in excess of the minimum required by law. Tables have been prepared, and will be found in the Appendix, showing for the national banks in each State, Territory, and reserve city the minimum amount of bonds required by law, the bonds actually held, and the circulation issued thereon and outstanding October 7, 1886; also all other information deemed useful, as to circulation. Banks are privileged to change their deposited bonds from time to time, to increase and to reduce the amount, within limits, and are required to inspect once a year, the bonds held for them in trust by the Treasurer. The Comptroller of the Currency is the agent and medium of all such changes, his indorsement on the bonds establishes their ownership and alone validates their transfer. Section 5163 of the Revised Statutes requires him to record every act of deposit, transfer, and withdrawal, and to keep a set of books for the purpose. INTEREST-BEARING FUNDED DEBT OF THE UNITED STATES, AND THE AMOUNT HELD BY NATIONAL BANKS. The connection between the banks and the distribution of the funded debt of the United States renders the following statement appropriate. The public debt, at its maximum on August 31, 1865, amounted to $2,844,649,626; of which, obligations not bearing interest amounted to $461,616,311, leaving $2,383,033,315, carrying an average rate of interest of about 6.33 per cent. On November 1, 1886, the interest-bearing debt amounted to $1,153,443,112. XXXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. The following table shows the intermediate changes: Bonded debt at (hiten named. 4i-per cent, bonds. 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 Total. $140,000,000 240, 000, 000 250, 000. (100 250, 000, 000 250, 000, 000 $98, 679, 739, 739, 2.10, COD, 001) | 850, 878, 347, 347, 000 110 800 800 ! $1,108,310,191 1,206,916,904 1,619.644. 154 2, 063, 1II), 200 2, 107, 930, (500 1,986,521,600 1,888, 133,750 1,780,45 5, 100 1, 695, 805, 950 1, 724, 25'J, 750 1, 707, 998, 300 1,696,6*5,450 1, 696, 888, 500 1,780,735,650 1,887,716, 110 1, 709. 993,100 1,625,567,750 739,340,350 1,449,810,400 250, 000, 000 ! 737, 942, 200 1,324,229,150 250,000.000 2 0,00.00 250, OOf'j'OO 25u, 000. 00<) 250,000] 000 1, IS), 910, 350 1, 13!, 81.16,300 I, 074, 6l'5, 100 i j j• j !i 737,661,700 73,661,700 I " ' 71!>, " i " 850 «r>" 737, 737,759,700 .U.1UU 7:;7, 770, 400 1,212,273,850 Pacific sixes amounting to $64,623,512, the Navy pension fund, ;uuountini: to $14,000.;)00 in 3 porcents, the interest upon which is applied to the payment of navai pensions exclusively, and $194,500 of refunding certificates are not included in the table. On November 1, 1885, there were $11)4,190,500 3-per cent, bonds outstanding. During the year ending November 1, 1880, $127,283,100 of these bonds were called for payment, and $2,GG4,«S50 of uncalled bonds were redeemed, having been voluntarily surrendered under Treasury Department circulars dated August 30, ISSQ, and September 15, 188G. Of the called bonds $95,075,000 have been redeemed, making a total redemption of $98,340,450. These changes in the debt have induced corresponding changes in the amount of bonds held by the national banks. In January, 18GG, 1,582 banks, with a capital of 8403,000,000, held $410,000,000 of 'United States bonds. On October 7, 1880, 2,852 banks, with a capital ot $548,000,000, held only about $291,000,000 of bonds. The total bank circulation on January 1, LSGG, was $213,000,000, and on October 7, 1886, that which was secured by bonds was about $228,000,000. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XXXIIT The amount and classes of United States bonds owned by the banks, including those pledged as security for circulation and for public deposits, on the 1st day of July in each year since 1865, and upon November 1 of the present year, are exhibited iu the following table : United States bonds hold us security for circulation. Date. July July July July July July July July JvJy July July July July July July July July 1,1865.. 1,1866.. 1,1867.. 1,1868.. 1,1869 . 1,1870.. 1,1871.. 1,1872.. 1,1873.. 1,1874.. 1,1875 . 1,1876.. 1,1877.. 1,1878.. 1,1879.. 1,1880.. 1,1881.. July 1,1882. July 1,1883. July 1,1884. Jnly 1,1885. July 1,1886. Nov. 1,1886. I 6-per cent. ; 5-per cent- j 4&-per cent.) 4-per cent. : bonds. bonds. ; bonds. ' bonds. | !$170. 382, 500J $05, 576, 600 j 241, 083, 500 i 86, 226, 850 I 251,430,400! 89,177, 100 ; 250, 726. 950 j 90, 768, 950 255, 190, 350 87. 661, 200 247, 355, 350 94, 923, 200 220,497, 750 139, 387. 800 173, 251, 450 20F, 189, 250 I 160,923,5Q0 229, 487, 0501 154, 370, 700 236, 800, 500 136,955, 100 239, 359, 400; 109,313,450 232, 081, 300; 87, 690, 300 206, 651, 050 $44,3; 2, 250; 82, 421, 200 i 199,514,550! 48. 4-J5' (5501 56, 042, 8001 144,0JO, 300i 35, 0, tj, 550; 58,056,150 139, 758, €ty: 37,760.9501 61, 901, 800 172, 348, ;;;>u; 32, 600. 500! Continued Continued '< a t 3£ p e r | a t 3J p e r \ cent.: | cent.: 25,142, 600 202, 487, 650, 32, 752, 650 7, 402, 800' 9, 408, 500 385, 700 < 3 percent a 200, 877, 850 172, 412, 550 46, 546,400 Paciaos. j 3, 520, 000; 142, 240, 850 48, 483, 050| 3, 565, 000 107,782,100 50, 484, 2001 3, 586, 0001 69, 038, 050 57, 430, 850j SECURITY Total. United ; States : bonds lield ; for otb6i; i purposes at nearest date. Grand total. $235, 959,100 $155, 785, 750 $391, 744, 850 327,310,350! 121, 152,050 44H,4!J3,.'{00 j 340,607,500'' 84. 002,650. 424,610,150 341,495,900 80, 922, 500 422, 4! 8, 400 342,851,600! 55, 102,(100 397, 953, 600 342, 278, 550 43, 980, COO 386,259,150 359, 885, 550 39 4-"J0, SOOj 399, 330, 350 380, 440, 700! in 868, 200! 412, 308. 900 390,410,550 25; 724,400; 410, 134,150 391,171,200 25, 347, 101)' 410,518, 300 376, 314, 500' 26, 900,l;«:o! 40.!, 2.14, 700 341,394,750: 45, 170, JMMI: 380, 565, 050 338,713,600 -------- 315, C 50: 3*0. 02^,650 850, 900 418, :>J7, 300 $19,162,000 349, 546, 400 6 603, 520; 430, 858,120 118, 533, 950 354 354, 254 254, 600 831,300; 404,483,350 126,076,3001 361,652,050 849, i)50j 424, 338. 350 93, 6;J7, 7001 360, 488, 400. - - • • - 97, 429, 800i 357, 812, 700 43,122, 550 400, 935, 250 104, 954, 6501 353, 029, 500 34,094,150 387,123,650 111, 690, 9Oo' 330, 649, 850 31, 203, 000 361, 852, 850 117, 901, 300 312,145, 200 114, 143, 500 275, 974, 800 115,383,150j 245,444, 050 32,195, 800 344, 341, 000 31,345,550 307 320. 350 32, 431, 400 277,875, 500 FOR CIRCULATING- NOTES. The following table shows the authorizing act for each class of bonds held by the Treasurer as security for the circulating notes of the national banks on the 1st day of November, 1886, and a comparison as to the holdings during the years ending November 1, 1885, and November 1, 1886: Class of bonds. Authorizing act. R a t e of | A m o u n t i n t e r e s t . | 1885. \Per cent. ! Funded loan of 1891 j J u l y 14, 1870. and J a n u a r y 20,1871.1 4£ j $49, 547 250 o of 1907 j Funded .<lo " u e d loan """ ' ' ' " . . [. | 4 116,391,650 , , Funded ! F d d loan of f JJu lly 12, 1882. j July 12, 1882 138, 920. 650 Pacific Railroad bonds ! J u l y 1, 1862, and J u l y 2, 1864 j 3, 505, 0C0 | 308,364,550 Total. Am on Tit 1886. $57,'];,<>, 850 115, 3S3, 150 69, c:;s, o.'O 3, 586, 000 245,444,050 It will be seen that the average rate of interest now paid by the United States on the bonds deposited as security for circulating notes is nearly 3.9 per cent, upon their par value, while, owing to the high premiums commanded by all but the rapidly diminishing 3 per cent, bonds, the banks are receiving only 2.41 per cent, per annum upon the present market value of their aggregate bond investments. H. Ex. 3 in XXXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. By reference to the table it will be seen that, notwithstanding the fact that 174 new banks were organized during the past year, with a capital of $21,358,000, depositing $3,713,500 of bonds as security for circulating notes, the aggregate of bonds on deposit for that purpose has diminished from 8308,304,550 to $245,411,050, a net reduction of bonds, as the result of deposits and withdrawals, during the year ending jSovember 1, 1880, of $02,92i),500. The changes were as follows: An increase of $81,000 in Pacific currency sixes, and of $7,889,000 in the amount-of 4J percents; a reduction of $1,008,500 in the amount of 4 perceuts, and of $09,882,000 in the amount of 3 percents, which are payable at the option of the Government. The following tables show the decrease of national-bank circulation during the years ending November 1, 1884, November 1, 1885, November 1, 1880, and the amount of lawful money on deposit at each of the dates named: National-bank notes outstanding November 1, 11*83, including notes of national gold banks $35*2, 013, 787 Less lawful money on deposit, at same date, including deposi ts of national gold hu nks 35,993, 461 National-bank notes outstanding November 1, 1884, including notes of national gold banks Less lawful money on deposit at same date, including deposits of national gold banks 333, 559, 813 41, 710, 163 Net decrease of circulation 291,849,650 24,170, 676 National-bank notes outstanding November 1, 1884, including notes of national gold banks Less lawful money on deposit at same date, including deposits of national gold banks 333,559, 813 National-bank notes outstanding November 1, 1885, including notes of national gold banks .. Less lawful money on deposit at same date, including deposits of national gold banks 315, 847,168 41,710,163 39,542,979 Net decrease of circulation 291,849,650 276,304.189 15,545,461 National-bank notes outstanding November 1, 1885. including notes of national gold banks Less lawful money on deposit at same date, including deposits of national gold banks 315, 847,168 National-bank notes outstanding November 1, 1886, including notes of national gold banks Less lawful money on deposit at same date, including deposits of national gold banks 301,529,889 Net decrease of circulation $316?020,326 39, 542, 979 81,819,233 276,304,189 219,710,656 56,593,533 The following table shows to what extent banks organized during the past five years have availed themselves of the privilege of issuing circulation by depositing bonds in excess of the minimum amount of bonds which the law obliges them to keep on hand. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XXXV Statement of the NUMBER and CAPITAL of NATIONAL BANKS ORGANIZED in each geographical division of the United States from November 1, 1831, to November 1, 1886, showing the amount of bonds deposited to secure thrir circulation, the minimum amount of bonds required by the act of July 12, 1882, and the excess deposited over requirements both in amount and percentage. United States bonds. Divisions. ber of banks. 1882. First... Second.. Third... Fourth.. Fifth.... Sixth . . . Seventh. Eighth.. 22 ' 38 I 4 S! Capital. ! Deposited. ! Minimum. $950,000 i 2,167,000 ! 755,300 | 2,065,000 \ 4, 345, 000 ! 3,630,000 i 420,000 i 1,435,000 i $395, 000 959, 500 255, 000 887, 500 1,715,500 1,528,000 220, 000 631, 500 19 i 171 ; 15,767,300 j 6,592,000 Total . 1883. 1, 275, 000 2, 975,200 295, 000 3, 643, 650 11, 210, 000 7, 085, 500 620. 000 1, 550, 000 First Second... Third.... Fourth . . Fifth . . . . Sixth . . . . Seventh . Eighth . . Excess. $202,500 , 697,200 ; 229, 100 371,600 1,358,850 1,071,400 131,650 442,050 Per cent, of excess over minimum. $132, 500 50. 476 202, 300 37. 621 25, 900 11.303 515,900 138. 832 25. 804 356, 050 4")(i, 600 42. 617 67.109 88, 350 42. 857 189,450 4,564,350 2,027,650 \ 44.423 995,000 312,500 082,500; 218.40 743,8(0 : , 110, 700 149. 32 1, 854, 500 73,700 ' SI, 800 '110. 99 155,500 748, 400 4 8 0 , 7 0 0 '••65. 43 1,238,100 813,000 . 40. 06 2, 578, 000 1,765,000 i 1,246,400 482,850 ; 38. 73 1,729,250 208,400 : 155,000 ' 113,400 73.16 375,000 ! 181,800 , 48.48 556, 800 262 j 28, 654,350 j 9, 375, 550 ; 5, 419, 800 ; 3, 955, 750 ; . 72. 987 Total. 1884. 810, 000 io ! 22 ! 1,662,250 280,000 2, 861,100 3,413,100 5,492,780 380, 000 19 1,143, 000 First Second... Third.... Fourth .. Fifth . . . . Sixth - - Seventh . Eighth... 191 Total . 1885. 4 18 3 20 35 41 8 16 First Second... Third.... Fourth . . Fifth Sixth.... Seventh . Eighth . . 145 Total . 190,000 ! 340,500 ! 70,000 ' 627,700 '• 570,700; 1,135,600 | 95,000 ' 285,700 : 16,042,230, 4,487,100: 3,315,200 : 400,000 100,500 ; 100, 000 2,6:15,000 : 1,037,500 543, 700 112, 500 660,000 ; 112,500 506,100 2,025,000 ; 561, 500 1,218,200 7, 123, 000 i 1,963,500 587,500 , 2,350,000 i 759, 800 : 725,000 ! 109,000 ! 168,700 255,000 1.020,000 i 255, 000 16, 938, 000 123,000 > 64.73 377,500 :110. 86 96, 500 137. 85 65, 900 10.49 356,300 i 62. 43 104, 150 j 9.17 25,000 ; 26.31 23,550: 8.24 1,171,900 I 35.349 500 493,800 .5 90.822 55,400 , 10, 946 745,300 i 61.172 172,300 29. 329 300 .177 4, 959, 300 3,491,700 ; 1,467,600 : 42.031 1886. First . . . . Second... Third . . . Fourth . . Fifth . . . . Sixth . . . . Seventh Eighth .. Total. 5: 500,000| 15 4,000,000! 4 ! 450,000 i 23 1,658,000 ! 27 5,465,000 56 5,830,000 18 2,100,000 24 1,355,000! 174 ! 21,358,000 125,000! 525,000 i 112,500 | 404,750 j 843,000 982,500 367,500 ! 353,250 j 125, 000 ' 525, 000 : 112,500 402,000 743,750 982,500* 360,000 i 313,750 i 3,713,500 j 3,564,500 I i 2,750 ! .684 99,250 I 13.344 | 7,500 '• 2.083 39,500; 12.589 149,000 4.18 •Excluding 56 banks reorganized from old banks placed in liquidation for purpose of reorganization. XXXVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. The following table shows the changes in detail which have occurred during the past year in the amount of national-bank circulation, so arranged as to illustrate how it is that with a constant accession of new banks and an increase in the aggregate national-bank capital, still the circulation steadily decreases: CAPITAL and CIRCULATION. Circula! tion repreI sented I by bonds. Paid-in capital. _ ii Increase by banks existing Norember 1, 1885 . Increase caused by formation of new banks... Increase by banks organized during the year. Total increase . Decrease of banks still in operation November 1, 1885 Decrease by banks goinj.; into voluntary liquidation and failed. Total decrease . Net increase of capital Net decrease of circulation. $3, 366, 600 21, 858, 000 158, 000 $1, 837, 550 2, 900, 550 24, 882, 600 4, 738,100 3,318,015 2,401,100 59, 893, 973 1, 437, 660 5, 719,115 61, 331, 633 19,163,485 56, 593, 533 BANKS WITHOUT CIRCULATION. The following is a list of national banks which have complied with the law requiring a deposit of registered United States bonds, bearing interest, but which either have not availed themselves of the privilege of taking out circulating notes, or have surrendered their circulation : Banks "with no circulation. Chemical, New York, N. T Fulton, New York, N. Y National City, New York, N. Y American Exchange, New York, N. Y Third National, New York, N. Y National Bank, Washington, D. C . Chestertown National Hank, Chestertown, Md . First National Bank, Houston, Tex Mechanics' National Bank, New York, N, Y . . " " • - - - - - - Total. Capital. | ; $300,000 , 300, 000 | I, 000, 000 • 5, 000, 000 1,000,000 Bonds. 50, 000 100, 000 2, 000, 000 $50, 000 50,000 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 12, 500 25, 000 50, 000 9,950,000 ! 387, 500 2 0 0 ) 0 0 0 DISSOLUTION. Since the establishment of the national banking system on February 25, 1863, there have been organized 3,580 national banks. Of these 456 have gone into voluntary liquidation for the purpose of winding up their affairs; 70 have gone into voluntary liquidation for the purpose of reorganization 5 G5 are in liquidation by expiration of charter, of which number 38 have been reorganized, and 112 have been placed in the hands of receivers for the purpose of closing up their affairs; leaving the total number in existence 2,868 on November 1, 1886. The corporate existence of 31 national banks expired during the year ending November 1, 1886; 30 of them have been extended under the act of July 12, 1882, and one is in liquidation under section 7 of said act. KEPORT OF THE COMPTTOLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XXXVII The corporate existence of one national bank with a capital of 6150,000 will expire during December of this year, and the corporate existence of five national banks with an aggregate capital of 81,050,000 will expire during the year 1887. There were eight failures of national banks during the year ending November 1,1886, as against (bur during the previous year, and, as has been seen, in two cases the creditors were paid in full, principal and interest, two banks have paid 50 per cent., one 75 per cent., and one 20 per cent. The affairs of eight failed banks have been closed during the past year, and final dividends have been paid to their creditors. These banks, with the total dividends paid in each case, are given below. Name and location of bank. U Proportion ,'\T™"8 of intt•restpaid. Scandinavian National Bank of Chicago, 111 Fourth National Bank of Chicago, 111. Charlottesvillo National Bank of Cliarlottesvillo, Va Second National Bank of Scranton, Pa First National Bank of Lake City, Minn City National Bank of Lawrencoburgh, Ind First National Bank of Bozeman, Mont First National Bank of Waynesburg, Pa The City National Bank of Lawrenceburgh, Ind., one of the banks closed during the year, went into voluntary liquidation on August 13, 1883. The officers of the bank were large debtors to it, and turned over property enough to pay the creditors in full; but these officers were indebted to outside parties, who, while the bank was in process of liquidation, brought suit against them, and were declared judgment creditors of the bank for the value of certain j>roperty turned over to it. Pending this decision the creditors of the bank had been paid amounts ranging from 25 to 100per cent, of their claims. The decision of the court rendered the bank hopelessly insolvent, and a receiver was appointed by the Comptroller on March 11, 1884. Tht) receivership became involved in considerable litigation, and when most of the assets had been realized the question was raised by one of the largest creditors of the bank, who had already received 50 per cent, on his claim, as to the date from which dividends to the creditors should be computed, namely, whether it should be the date of liquidation, August Kl, 1883, or the date of the appointment of the receiver, March J1,188-1. Tli is question was brought into court, and it was decided that the chums of creditors should be leveled up as from the date of liquidation. In accordance with this decision dividends amounting to 81.1 per cent, were paid to creditors, those who had received more than that while the bank was in liquidation receiving nothing, and those who had received less being paid such amount as would make 81.1 per cent, on the principal of their claims. A number of banks still remain in the hands of receivers, the affairs of which have been completely liquidated, with the exception of some matters in litigation and pending in the courts. This fact has delayed the final closing of such associations. When the affairs of insolvent banks are in this condition, receivers are not as a rule paid salaries, it XXXVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. being understood that when the final settlement is obtained they shall be paid a reasonable sum for services actually rendered. The titles of banks in this condition, with the dividends already paid to their creditors, are as follows: Name and location of bank. ! ^p^Jj" 1 1 8 Per New Orleans National TiXnb ing Association of Now Orleans, La F i r s t Nat ional Bank of A nder.-,on, Ind : National Bank of the Stato of Missouri, Saint Louis, Mo Third National Hank of Chicago, 111 Central National Bank of Chicago, III Peoples National Bank of Helena, Mont German American Nal ional Ban k of Washington. D. C First.: Aationa! Bank of Butler, Pa '....'. First National Bank of Union Mills, Union City, Pa ' cut. 62 39. * 100 *1OO GO 40 50 70 05 * And interest. The following dividends have been paid to the creditors of insolvent banks during the past year, the total dividends paid up to November 1, 1880, being given in each case: Name and location of bank. Scandinavian National Bank of Chicago, 111 .. Charlottes virile National Bank of Charlottesvilie, Va. . Fourth National Bank of Chicago, 111 National Exchange Bank of Minneapolis, Minn First National Bank of Bozenian, Mont Second National Bank <>f Scrauton, Pa Mechanics' National Bank of Newark, N. J Pacific National Bank of Boston, Mass First National Bank of Union Mills, Union City, Pa .. First National Bank of Leadville, Colo City National Bank of Lawrence bin gh, Ind First National Bank of Saint Albans, Vt First National Bank of Moninouth, 111 Mat hie National Bank of the- City of New York, N.Y.. Kot Springs National Bank of Hot Springs, Ark .. Logan National Bank of West Liberty, Ohio Middletown National Bank of Middletown, N. Y Scliohario County National Bank of Schoharie, N. Y . Exchange National Bank of Norfolk, Va First National Bank of Lake City, Minn Lancaster National Bank of Clinton, Mass First National Bank of Sioux Falls, Dak First National Bank of Angelica, N. Y City National Bank of Williamsport, Pa Abington National Bank of Abington, Mass Total i \ Total Proportion ; Dividends paid during' dividends : of interest I the past \ ear. j paid to ; paid to i | depositors, depositors. $18,592 ! 1, 909 8d 358 03 659 32 9, 370 87 16,727 03 32, 847 21 118,203 35 9, 121 32 12,521 63 28, 608 47 36, 398 07 13, 483 87 449, 825 87 10, 958 04 8, 958 85 97, 429 60 13,732 47 294, 079 82 131,024 05 85,121 33 9, 870 31 37, 409 59 65, 131 19 115,202 23 Percent. Percent. Percent. 7.40 i 57.4(5 . 62. 50 .56 51 1 89. 170 .29 98. 35 13. 35 100 100 13.04 61. 25 1.25 r 20 5 65 5 30 81.10 81.10 25 12.50 95 5 50 10 100 30 40 10 15 55 10 30 10 30 100 100 100 50 50 20 75 50 50 100 100 100 $1, 617, 671 24 Out of 3,580 national banks organized since February, 1863, only 112, or about 3 per cent., have been placed in the hands of receivers. Of these 112, 38 have paid their creditors in full, while 20 have besides paid interest, 15 in full and 5 in part. Of the banks which have been placed ill the hands of receivers, 9 had been previously placed in liquidation by their stockholders, but, failing to pay their depositors, receivers were afterward appointed by the Comptroller to wind up their affairs; 78 have been finally closed, leav- REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XXXIX ing 34 in process of settlement, of which, as has been seen, 9 are virtually closed with, the exception of pending litigation, leaving* 25 receiverships only in active operation. The total amount so far paid to creditors of insolvent national banks has been $27,1299,108, upon proved claims amounting to $44,211,338. The amount paid daring the year has been $1,047,718.35, which includes $30,047.13 which was paid on additional claims proved against other banks and in payment of dividends declared prior to November 1, 1885. Assessments amounting to $9,802,750 have been made upon stockholders of the insolvent national banks to enforce their individual liability under section 5151 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. From this source $4,045,808 has been collected, $03,181 of this amount during the past year, and some suits are still pending. It will be observed that the collections from stockholders of insolvent banks amount to only about 41 per cent, of the assessments, showing how illusory this form of security is. i he cost of the litigation attending such collections cannot be made uj) in time for this report, but it has been very great, and the litigation itself has an injurious moral influence. ISSUES AND REDEMPTIONS. The following table exhibits the number and amount of national-bank notes of each denomination which have been issued and redeemed since the organization of ihe system, and the number and amount outstanding on November 1, 1880: Number oi" notes. Denominations. Issued. Redeemed. Outstanding. 409, 090 107,077 : 22,757,987 Ones 107,713 Twos 7, 747,51.9 ' ", o:;9. 007,300 I 61,109,272 10, 558, 088 Fives. : 31, 707, 278 9, <)2x, (>;>2 Tens !), 397, 854 3,;) 17, 704 915,018 Twenties ; 1,451,301 303, 873 815.17-1 Fifties 1,055, 330 280,(571 One hundreds • 1,342,001 23,1)24 2:5. 138 780 Five hundreds 79 One thousands . . 7, 369 7, 290 Fractions outstanding:. Total Issued. $23,107,077 15,495,038 488,330, 800 410,959,700 258, 912, 300 90, 758, 700 L'U, 20(1, 100 11, 902, 000 7, 309, 000 Redeemed. Outstanding. $22, 757, 987 $409, 000 00 15,279,012 215, 420 00 405, 540. .%'() i 82, 79(1. 4 40 00 317,072! 780 I 99, 280. 920 CO 187, 957 080 j "0, 955, -JSO 00 72, 50;" 18, 19:{.050 00 105, 533. 28, 007 100 00 11, 509. 393, (KM) 00 7, 290, 79, 000 00 22.715 00 180,412,612 155,209,250 | 31,203,350 jl, 447,101, 375 jl, 146, 170, 809 ,301,013,221 60 A table showing the number and denomination of national bank notes issued and redeemed, and the number of each denomination out standing on November l,for the last thirteen years, will be found in the Appendix. The incomplete currency issued to banks in replacement of notes redeemed and destroyed under the provisions of the act of June 20,1874, is kept distinct from issues to new banks, to banks increasing the volume of their circulation by adding to the amount of bonds deposited, and to banks taking out new circulation upon an extension of their corporate existence under the act of July 12, 1882. The notes issued in these three cases have been designated on 7the books of this office and in previous reports, "additional circulation.' XL REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. The following table shows by States the amount of " additional circulation7' issued during the year ending October 31, 1886, and the total amount of such circulation issued since Juno 20, 1874. It also shows the amount of circulation retired during the year, and the total amount retired since June 20, 1874: Circulation retired. States and Territories. Additional circulation issued. i $454,025 ; 130,210 362, 895 2,337,675 97, 670 860, 245 2, 249, 420 516, 030 2, 379, 940 97,010 364,830 Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts... Ithode Island Connecticut New YoTk New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia. Virginia "West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas* Kentucky Tennessre Missouri Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Io Minnesota Kansas Nebraska Nevada Ore iion Colorado Urah Montana Wyoming Now Mexico Dakota Idaho Washington Arizona California (currency) . 67, 500 96, 554 33, 740 33,790 45, 000 5G, C80 34,200 33, 760 225,000 175, 520 11,240 20, 250 129, 480 382, 820 1,471,360 198,040 510, 040 232, 300 151,070 i as, 119 85, 200 371,100 221, 630 163, 360 105, 570 11,240 33, 760 14, 630 39, 370 67, 480 182, 920 51, 730 186, 740 Total Surrendered to this office and retired . Total From June 20,1874, to October 31,1886 Surrendered and retired same dates Grand total Insolvent June 20,1874. and liquidatj ing banks. ! | 15,488,203 I 15,488,203 181,216,699 i 196, 704, 902 Total. o $48, 800 247,170 194,070 2, 270,190 499, 550 281, 705 1, 623, 535 396, 570 1,386,710 87, 480 281, 030 36,420 102,470 55,130 30, 810 50, 820 114, 050 4,110 49, 030 20,050 284, 460 128.300 25,520 . 749,440 I 242, 020 219,080 1,190,950 367, 860 501,000 224, 140 108, 980 396,240 j 107,620 65, 680 133,600 j 7, 060 ! 270 i 74,470 I HO, 970 32,190 ! 6, 190 24,900 • $395,287 ; 152,046 294,705 3, 53(5. 029 538J 524 (Si).'}, G50 3.031,437 ' 4(4, 976 1,833,018 22. 430 318,010 1,4M> 88,150 87,1:85 $444, 087 1599, 216 488, 775 5, 800, 819 !, 038, 074 975,301 4, 054, 972 801, 516 3,218,728 105,510 5!)9, 040 37,iH)6 190, C2C i 42,415 77, 546 56, 820 142.455 40, 730 28, 405 13,530 123,511 27,833 i 5,385 ! 22fi, 239 i 170,161 ' 135,394; 1,434,799 ! 767,193 | 508,440 | 4?9, 015 161, 314 183, 790 86,711 28,016 33, 595 55 43, 342 1,133 7,445 ' 7f>0 22,145 35, 700 : 14,990 23, 240 57, 845 14, 990 32, 540 12,520 99, 930 9, 300 12.520 14, 290 85,040 j 15,918,727 12,805,210 ; 158,909,811 | 15,918,727 42,428,500 171,775,021 ! 58,347,227 : 12, 865, 'J10 4, 110 02, 500 20, 075 407,971 150, l:^ 30. 905 975, 070 412,1*1 354, 474 2, 025, 749 1,135,053 1,009,440 053,153 270, 294 580, 030 191,331 93. 096 167,195 7,115 270 .117,812 32,103 39, 035 0, 190 25, GOO 28, 783, 937 99;). 025 ; 29, 777, 062 201, :*:;8,3ii 14,253,939 245,369,312 Notes of gold banks are not included in the above table. Of the above $15,488,203 issued this year, $2,900,550 was issued to banks organized during the year, $10,750,103 under act of July 12,1882, and $1,837,550 to already existing banks increasing their circulation. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XLI ISSUES. The total issues of incomplete currency during the year are shown by the vault account, as follows: National-bank currency in vaults October 31, 1885 $78,601,550 Amount received from Bureau of Engraving and Printing during the year ending October 31, 1886 46,872,850 Total 125,474,400 Amount issued to banks during the year $62,026,940 Amount canceled during the year, not having been issued. 960,800 62,987,740 Balance in vaults $62,486,660 The duties devolving upon the clerical force in the Division of Issue of this office are of great responsibility, requiring absolute accuracy and promptness on the part of those to whom these duties are assigned. The records of receipts and issues are balanced daily with the vault accounts, and the work of each day completed before that of another day is begun. During the past year 42,478 packages of currency were forwarded to banks by exx>ress, the same number of receipts prepared for signature and return by the banks, and a large amount of correspondence was conducted. REDEMPTION. Prior to the act of June 20, 1874, national banks were required to redeem their circulating notes, either at their own counters or through redemption agents in certain designated cities. That act abolished redemption agencies, made the circulation redeemable only at the banks of issue and at the Treasury in Washington, and required the banks to keep on deposit at the Treasury a redemption fund of 5 per cent, upon outstanding circulation. Under the operation of this law the redemption agency at the Treasury has received, up to November 1, 1880, $1,711,850,786 of nationalbank currency. During the past year the receipts amounted to $117,485,048, of which amount $44,755,800, or 33 per cent., was received from the banks in the city of New York, and $25,042,300, or 21 per cent., from banks in the city of Boston. The amount received from Philadelphia was $7,232,500, from Chicago $6,250,600, from Cincinnati $1,880,400, from Saint Louis $3,533,300, from Baltimore $3,662,100, from Providence $1,309,500, from New Orleans $1,103,400, and from Pittsburgh $491,500. The amount of national-bank notes tit for circulation returned by the redemption agency to the banks of issue during the year was $41,180,010. The amount received by the Comptroller of the Currency for destruction, from the agency and from the banks direct, was $47,154,430, and on account of reducing, insolvent, and liquidating banks, $28,865,577. The act of June 20, 1874, provided that any national banking association might withdraw its circulating notes upon the deposit of lawful money with the Treasurer of the United States in sums of not less than $9,000. Under this act, and on account of liquidating and insolvent banks, and under the act of July 12, 1882, which provides for a deposit of lawful money to retire the old circulation of national banks whose corporate existence has been extended, $310,495,460 of lawful money has been deposited with the Treasurer. This includes $2,663,720 for redemption of the notes of national gold banks, and $52,253,177 for the XLI1 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. redemption of national-bank notes under section 6 of the act of July 12, 1882. During the year ending November 1, 1880, lawful money to the amount of $71,148,892 was deposited with the Treasurer to retirecirculation, of which $2,201,310 was deposited by banks in liquidation, $30,819,725 by banks reducing circulation under the act of June 20, 1874, and $38,127,357 by banks retiring old circulation under the act of July 14, 1882. The amount previously deposited under the acts of June 20,1874, and July 12,1882, was $ 191,516,297; by banks in liquidation, $62,075,581; making a total of $324,740,270. Deducting from the total the amount of circulating notes redeemed and destroyed without reissue, which was $242,921,036, there remained in the hands of the Treasurer on November 1, 1886, $81,819,233 of lawful money for the redemption and retirement of national bank circulation, including $296,069 for the redemption of the circulating notes of national gold banks. Prior to June 20,1874, there were redeemed and destroyed $ 10,431,135, and since that date $232,489,901 of bank notes have been redeemed, destroyed, and retired. This latter amount includes $2,367,651 of the notes of national gold banks and $15,414,458 of the notes of national banks whose corporate existence has been extended under the act of July 12, 1882. There are at present no national gold banks in existence. Of those which had been organized three went into voluntary liquidation, and the others became currency banks, under the provisions of the act approved February 14, 1880. The following table exhibits the amount of national-bank notes received monthly for redemption by the Comptroller of the Currency during the year ending October 31,1886, and the amount received daring the same period at the redemption agency of the Treasury, together with the total amount received since the passage of the act of June 20,1874:* Received by the Comptroller of the Currency— I From naFrom the redemption agencytional banks in connection with reI For re- ; Insolvent i duction of ductionof ; For recirculation placement I circulation l i q i and li(latill?! and replace- wjlh new under act national ment with June 20, notes. banks. new notes. 1874. Months. 1885. November December $225, 010 $2,774,710 ; 15, 745 4,522,680 ; 1886. January February March April May June July August September October 35, COO 136, 780 15 10.5 1,050 1,020 31, 300 40 1,120 99, 030 Total Received from June 20, 1874, to October 31, 1885 Grand total 546, 215 $681, 760 $1, 924, 660 $5, 606,140 ! 923, 310 1,138,451 6,600,186 $7, 772, 270 11,237,901 7,113,910 8,447,500 . 8,455,342 i 5,250,112 7,084,931 8,048,769 6, 687, 755 4, 892, 075 4,245,768 , 3,587,519 17,485, 298 12, 208,474 10, 8-Jf>, 508 8, 420, 691 11, 480,256 11,140,326 9,261,571 6, 296,341 5, 438, 047 5,91H, 365 258, 040 5L4, 990 652,217 147, 077 5:51, 631 719,019 407, 565 134, 935 016,088 474,054 944, 610 1,217,510 1, 388, 640 920, 360 1, 287, 525 ], 557, 330 1, 295, 130 981, 300 823, 820 925,555 876, 260 578, 220 414,470 182, 570 264, 725 771,400 953, 700 675, 800 404,740 088,880 Total. Received at United States Treasury redemption agency. 46,608,215 ! 12,946,850 ; 15,918,727 | 76,020,007 | : 117,485,048 I 15, 519, 590 693,664,885 1158,918,301 i 42,303,509 910,406,285 , 1,594,365,738 j 16, 065, 805 740,273,100 171,805,151 58,222,236 986,426,292 | 1,711,850,786 * Notes of gold banks are not included in the table. REPORT OP" THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XLIII The following table exhibits the amount of national-bank notes received at this office and destroyed yearly since the establishment of the system: Prior to November 1,1865 D u r i n g year ended October 31— I860 1807 I8G8 18f>9 1870 3871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1870 1877 1878 ... .- .. $175, 490 1? (»"(), 382 ;•{, 401,423 4 . (»«»•_•. 8 L ' 5 fi, (iwU, 7lM> 14, ;{():>, 6fei» 24, H-R 047 30, L"U,7L« :M>,4:W, 171 4S>, !.W». 741 l.'}7, 0!)7, (J9ti 1*8. (57'J. 710 7C, i) 1S, 90:; 57,381,249 41, J 01, 830 1879 1880 J 881 '882 1883 1884 I 8S5 \H>.() Additional amount of insolvent and liquidating national banks 35, 53!>, fifiO 54, 941, 130 74,917,011 82, 913, 706 93, L78, 418 91, 048, 723 59,989,810 08, 778, 304 lotjtl 1,140,148,153 Notes of gold banks are not included in the above table.* There was in the vjiult of the Redemption Division of this oiiice, awaiting (lestruction, at the close of business, October :U, 188"> $1~'>, 030 .Received during the year ending October :>1, 1886....' 76, 110, 047 Tota.1 Withdrawn and destroyed during the year ...... Balance in vault November 1, 1836 76, 2K), 977 75, 9;)6, 737 #'287,240 Received from the Treasurer of the (Tinted States $75,503,832, in. 88,717 packages; received from banks direct $54:0.215, in 20 packages. The work in this division, in handling this vast amount of mutilated notes, requires great accuracy, skill and precision. In connection with this subject I respectfully present a series of tables, for which L am indebted to Mr. E. 1>. Elliott, Government actuary, whose widely-extended reputation is a guarantee for their accuracy. They are intended to show, as fully as the data permit, how long, on the average, the national-bank notes of the several denominations remain out. DURATION OF NATIONAL-BANK CIRCULATION. The tables herewith presented show the average length of time that lias elapsed from the date when the notes of each of the several denominations were issued to the banks by the Comptroller of the Currency up to the date when they were redeemed and destroyed. This includes whatever time may have passed in each case between transmission to banks and entrance into actual circulation—a variable and unobtainable period. During the early part of this investigation (in August, 1880) an estimate* of the average duration of the circulation of the notes of the several denominations issued to the national banks was arrived at by assuming, in the absence of detailed information on this point, that the i>sues of each denomination were distributed uniformly during the four years and the redemptions in like manner during the three years prior to November 1, 1808. * This provisional estimate appeared in the Eeport of the Convention of the American Bankers' Association held at Boston, Mass., August 11 and 12, 1886. XLIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. It has since been ascertained that both the issues and the redemptions commenced one year earlier than had been assumed, and accordingly, in the accompanying tables, the issues and redemptions of the notes of each denomination are distributed for each year prior to November 1, 1868, on the basis of the entire amount of such circulation during those years, as is shown in the second table. Statement showing the Amounts of national-bank currency issued and redeemed during each year ending October 31, and the Amount Outstanding at the close of each year from the establishment of the national banking system in 18(53 to November 1, 1885 ;* also the calculated aggregate and average number of life-years experienced when redeemed. Year ending— Issued during the year. October 31 1864 October 31,1865 October31 1866 October 31 1867 October 31,1868 $58,810,980 145,999,715 89, 502, 126 9 757 287 5, 740, 499 October 31,1869 October 31,1870 October 31,1871. October 31,1872 October 31,1873 October 31,1874 October 31,1875 October 31,1876 October 31,1877 October 31,1878 October 31,1879 October 31,1880 October 31,1881 October 31,1882 October 31,1883 . October 31,1884 October 31,1885 309,810,007 8,933,118 16, 667, 875 48, 660, 707 50, 889, 578 46, 234, 275 51, 760 644 130, 025, 195 78 4X0 410 75 611, 241 63, HM, 804 58, 365 756 43, 787, 774 73,221, 180 80 076 449 78 0M.070 81,040, ::18 83, 040, ihio 1,385, 134, ;'.34 Total Tledeeraed during the year. $175,490 1, 050, 382 3 575 417 si121! 643 9, 922, 932 9, 095,138 14, 532, 971 26, 044. 044 34, 373, 330 38. 876, 790 51 3->'5 441 141, 033, 119 101 787 442 79 605,447 60. 065, 673 4'> 883 373 30. 858, 827 5o, 343,143 78 010 991 8^ <)()-> 580 99,352,001 100,619,308 1, 070, 239, 616 year. $58,810,980 204. 63.'), 205 293. 086, 949 9 0 0 9f)fi Q1Q 299, 887, 675 299, 725, 655 301,860.559 324, 477, 222 340,993 470 348, 350, 949 34^,701 152 343,183.228 319 876 196 315, 8P1 990 319, (J52, 121 335 13j 504 342 0(5:5,451 358,941,488 361 00(1 946 350 779 436 332.4 73,093 314, 804, 918 (i, 813, 770, 606 * Compiled from records in the office of the Comptroller of the Currency. It will be seen that $314,894,018 were still outstanding and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life-years already experienced by the $1,385,134,534 issued was 6,498,875,688 (that is, 6,813,770,606 less 314,894,018), and the average number was 6,408,875,688 divided by 1,385,134,534, or 4.602 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life-time of the dollars issued, because there were $314,804,018 outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, this amount be assumed to be redeemed in 4.602 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of $67,113,154 per annum—which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full lifetime of the total amount issued ($1,385,134,534) would be 7,087,323,820 years, showing an average full lifetime of about 5.117 years. From the foregoing table it; will be seen that the earliest issues of national-bank notes were made during the year ended October 31, 1864, and the earliest redemptions of such notes during the year ended October 31, 1865; but as there are no accessible data showing how many notes of each denomination were issued and redeemed annually prior to November 1, 1868, the annual issues and redemptions during that X)eriod, as given hereafter in the tables relating to each denomination, are assumed to have been made on the basis of the ascertained amounts of the total issues and redemptions during each of those years, these totals embracing all denominations. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XLY The following table shows for each of these years the total amount of national-bank currency issued and redeemed, together with the corresponding percentages. Issued. Redeemed. Year ending— Per cent, Amount. October 31,1864. October 31,1865. October 31,1866. October 31,1867. October 31,1868 . Total. Amount. $58, 810, 980 145, 990, 715 I 89, 502,126 I 9,757,287 I 5,740,499 I 18.983 : 47.120 , 28.889 3.149 ' 1.853 None. $175, 490 1, 050, 382 3, 575, 417 5,121, 643 309,810,607 | 100.000 , 9, 922, 932 ' Per cent. 1, , 709 10. 585 36. ,032 51. 014 Table showing for each denomination of national-bank notes (1) the total number issued from the establishment of the systemin 1863 to November 1, 188"), (2) the calculated aggregate number of life-years experienced when redeemed, and (3) the resulting average' lifetime of the notes of each denomination respectively. Denomination. On© dollar Two dollars Five dollars Ten dollars Twenty dollars Fifty dollars One hundred dollars . Five hundred dollars. One thousand dollars. All denominations. : j Total number ; issued to i November 1, 1885. ! Calculated !aggregate num'Result-in;: i ber of iiieaverage lire| years expo- ; time oi' each I nenced "when j note in years, I redeemed. : 23,167, 677 7, 747, 519 93,208,400 39,804,001 12,318,173 ! 1,758,533 1,287,(186 23,924 | 7,309 j 179,323,282 j 99, 886, 922 ; 34, 923, S98 : 458, 0G4, 896 i 212, 652, 573 ! 66,445,423 i 8,820,7.">2 6,103, 723 | 120,165 24, 234 4.3il 4. 508 4. 914 r>. :t42 5. 394 ">.(MG 4.710 f>. 023 3. 289 887, 042, 586 Statement showing the number of national-bank notes of the denomination of One Dollar issued and redeemed during each year ending October 31, and the number of such notes outstanding at the close of each year from the establishment of the system in 1863 to November 1, 1885; also the calculated aggregate and average number'of life-years experienced by the notes when redeemed. Tear ending— October October October October October 31,1864. 31,1865. 31,1866. 31,1867. 31,1868. October 31,1869 October 31,1870 October 31,1871 October 31,1872 October 31,1873 October 31,1874 October 31,1875 October 31,1876 October 31,1877 October 31,1878 October 31,1879 October 31,1880 October 81,1861 October 31,1832 October 31,1883 October 31,1884 October 31,1885 Total. | leaned during ! Redeemed dur- atOutstanding close of the i the year. ing the year. year. 1,688, 837 • 4,192,000 i 2, 570,132 280,153 ; 164,854 I 8, 896, 576 692, 584 i ,140,167 : ,808,330 | ,759,703 j 226,829 • 024,070 I 497,917 ; 803,088 : 766,760 ! 862,391 j 689,202 '' ^,167,677 4, 500 26, 060 91,703 131,489 1, 688, 837 5 870,9:51 8, 420, 097 8, 008, 457 8,041,822 254, 754 649, 259 1, 664, 690 2, 707, 354 2, 643, 332 1,872,217 1,252,000 2, 948, 520 1,464,582 1,258,860 1, 378, 628 1,406,281 1, 274, 738 0(33,350 515,312 240, 032 78, 027 60, 027 8. G85,147 8,100,624 7,261,600 6, 377, 971 5, 632, 583 5, 404, 653 3, 954, 050 3. 292, 556 3, 800, 456 4,284,219 3, 567, 200 2,292, 462 1,329,112 813, 800 573, 768 495, 741 435, 714 22,731,963 99,597, 800 XLVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. It will be seen that there wore 435/714 one-dollar notes still outstanding and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life-,\enrs already experienced by the 23,167,077 notes issued was 99,102,080 (that is, 99,597,800 less 435,714), and the average number was 1)9,102,080 divided by 23,lG7,077, or 4.280 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life-time of the notes issued, because there were 435,714 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be redeemed in 4.280 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of 101,802 notes per annum—which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 23,107,077 notes issued would be 99,880,922 years, showing an average lull lifetime of about 4.311 years. Statement showing the number of national-bank notes of the denomination of Two Dollars issued and redeemed during each year ending October 'M, and the number of such notes outstanding at the clone of each year from the establishment of the system in 1863 to JVo vember 1, 1885; also the cah-uUued aggregate and are) age number of life-years experienced by the notes when redeemed. October October October October October 31, 1864 31, 1865 . . . 31, 1806 31, 1807 31, 1808 I i : ! October 31, 1869 October 31, 1870 October 31, 1871 October 31, 1872 October 31, 3873 October 31, 1874 October 31, 1875 October 31, 1870 October 31, 1877 October 31, 1878 October 31, 1879 October 31, 1880 Ociober31, 1881 October 31, 1882 October 31, 1883 October 31, 1884 October 31, 1885 Total i I • ! j \ I j | ' 505, 344 ! 1,4 3,488 : SOU, 301 : 9:5,782; 55,185; 2,978.100 ; 231,228 : 0*0,709. 605, 634 ; 580, 837 ', 412, 483 ' 344,002 . 500.039 ' 207,006! 589, 520 i 020,797] 2LU, 704 i 1 i 7,747,519 1,294; 7, 746 I 26,367 | 37, 769 | • ! j ! 7.'}. 176 | 159, 048 ! 435, 509 i 825 593 j 915, 003 i 712, 334 I 434,296; 1,061,604 ! 507,923; 430, 980 i 471,106 474, 578 ! 442.619 • 342,545 : 197, 70G 80,703 3t\ 382 ! 25,592 ; 7,028,877 50", 344 7,9(57.5:J8 2, h2(.», li>S 2,887,508 2, 9<;4. 984 2. 977,164 2,922,424 2, 702, 405 2, 374, 23!) 2. 074, 388 J,l>84,o94 1,423,129 1,182,902 1, 341,442 1,491.073 1, 2-10, 249 803,030 401,085 2(53, 379 176,616 144,234 118.642 34,832,742 It will be seen that there were 118,042 two-dollar notes still out standing and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life-years already experienced by the 7,747,519 notes issued was 34,714,100 (that is, 34,832,742 less 118,042), and the average number was 34,714,100 divided by 7,747,519, or 4.481 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life-time of the notes issued, because there were 118,042 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be mleemed in 4.481 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of 20,477 notes per annum— which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 7,747,519 notes issued would be 34,923,898 years, showing an average full life-time of about 4.508 vears. EEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XLVII Statement shotting the number of national-hank notes of (lie denomination of Five Dollars issued (md redeemed during each year ending October :>l, <tud, the number of such votes outstanding at the close of each year from the establish/noil of the system in 18(53 to November 1, Irtd5; also the calculated aggregate and average number of life-years experienced by ihe noten when redeemed. Issued dur- Redeemed dur- Outstanding of tin ing the year. I ing the year. at close year. Year ending— October:}!, 18(54.. October ,'51, 18tj5. October 31, 18Gti. October :n,1807 . October 3!, 1808 . October 81,1869.. October 31. 1870.. October 31, 1871... October 31, 1872.. October 31, 1873.. October 31, 1874.. October 31, 1875.. October 31, 1876 Od )ber 31, 1877 Oci ober3!, 1878. October 31,1879 Oc ol»er31,188u... Oe ol)er31, 188L. October 31,1882 October 31, 1883 .. October 31, 1884 .. October 31,1885... Total. j 4, 386, 350 10, 889, 277 6, 075, 302 727, (331 428,168 8, 529 51,033 173, 722 248, 848 4, 386, 350 15.267,098 21.891,367 22, 445, 276 22, 624, 596 23,106, 728 570, 032 959, 960 3, 5:58, 220 3, 758, 408 2,901, 108 4,3-18, 0F0 7,812, 048 4, 728. 344 5, 033. 320 440 152 5o'(i 528 920 784 980 482,132 503, 808 752, 043 1, 538, 391 2, 684, 293 3,181,296 3, 899, 642 11,885, 166 7, 455, 285 5, 733,812 4, 567, 565 3,312,643 3, 153,748 4, 30i>, 664 5,796,745 5, 829, 334 5, 8!)fi, 790 5, 777, 709 22, 690, 820 22, 898, 737 24, 898, 566 25, 972, 681 25, 752, 493 26,201,531 22,128,413 19,41)1,472 18, 700, 980 18. 507. 855 19,5*2.364 19.982, 152 20,096, 0!6 19,384.191 18,304,641 17,061,831 16,391,334 i i i i 212 ! 93,208,400 76,817,066 444, 570, 764 It will be seen that there were 16,391,334 five-dollar notes still outstanding1 and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life-years already experienced by the 93,20S,400 notes issued, was 428,179,430 (that is, 444,570,704 less 16,391,334), and the average number was 428,179,430 divided by 93,208,400, or 4.594 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full lifetime of the notes issued, because there were 16,391,334 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be redeemed in 4.594 equal annual installments, that is, at the tate of 3,507,987 notes per annum—-which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 93,208,400 notes issued would be 458,004,896 years, showing an average full life-time of about 4.914 years. XLVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Statement showing the number of national-bank notes of the denomination of Ten Dollars issued and redeemed during each year ending October 1>1, and the number of such notes outstanding at the close of each year from the establishment of the system in'1863 to iVbvember 1, Id85; also, the calculated aggregate and average number of life-years experienced by Hie notes when redeemed. Year ending— Issued during Redeemed dur- atOutstanding close of the the year. • in£ the year. year. October 31,1864. October 31,1865. October 31,1866. October 31,1867. October31,1868. 1,502,678 3,730.4:4 2, 286, 828 249, 27*2 146, 082 October3l, 1869. October 31,1870. October 31,1871. October 31,1872. October 31,1873. October 31,1874. October 31,1875. October 31,1876. October 31,1877. October 3!, 1878. October 31, 1879. October 31,1H80. October 31,1881. October 31,1882. October 31,1883. October 31,1884. October 31,1883. 7,915,914 178, 731 318, 599 1,315,131 1, 525, 077 1, 306, 947 776,677 4, 073,431 2, 598,145 2,257,412 1, 891, 229 1,746,930 1, 298, 945 2, 274, 351 2, 564, 741 2,501,826 2,638,016 2, 621, 899 142, 359 131,136 210, 640 449, 310 760, 257 873, 3G8 1,339,637 3, 695, 825 2, 760,682 2, 065,565 1,424,370 1,071,450 890,511 1, 525, 525 2, 424, 299 2,941,421 3, 337, 752 3, 332, 765 7,821,150 7, 929,109 8, 794, 930 9, 553, 750 9, 987, 329 9, 424. 369 9,801,975 9, 639, 438 9,831,285 10,298,144 10, 973, 624 11,382,058 12,130, 884 12,271,326 11,831,731 11,131,995 10,421,129 39, 80'4, 001 29, 382, 872 202, 933, 796 Total. 2, 518 1"), 0(59 i 51,29.") i 73,477 ! 1,502,678 5, 230, 014 7, 502, 373 7, 700, 350 7, 773, 555 It will be seen that there were 10,421,129 ten-dollar notes still outstanding and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life-years already experienced by the 39,804,001 notes issued was 192,512,067 (that is, 202,933,796 less 10,421,129), and the average number was 192,512,607 divided by 39,804,001, or 4.837 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life-time of the notes issued, because there were 10,421,129 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be redeemed in 4.837 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of 2,154,461 notes per annum—which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 39,804,001 notes issued would be 212,652,573 years, showing an average full life-time of about 5.312 years. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XL1X Statement showing the number of national-bank notes of the denomination of Twenty Dollars issued and redeemed during each year ending October M, and the number of Hitch notes outstanding at the close of each ueeir from the establishment of the snstem in 1^63 to November 1, 18S5; also, the calculated aggregate and. average number of life-years experienced by the noles when redeemed. Year endingOctober October October October October tstanding Issued during Redeemed dur- atO uclose of t h e the year. ing t b e year. year. 31,1864.. 31, 1865 . 31, I860.. 31, 1867.. 31,1868.. 421,294 1, 045, 878 o-i:, 140 (59, 886 41, 124 643 3, 848 13,100 IS, 764 421 294 1, 46(5, 529 2,103, 821 2,160, 607 2, 182, 967 October 31,1869.. October 31, 1870.. October 31, 1871.. October 31,1872.. October 31.1873.. October 31, 1874.. October 31,1875.. October 31,1876.. October 31,1877.. October 31,1878.. October 31,1879.. October 31,1880.. October 31,1881.. October 31,1882.. October 31, 1883.. October 31, 1884.. October 31,1885.. 2, 219, :!22 50, 442 100. 292 409, 336 44(5, 296 362, 53 L 353, 890 1,333,955 790, 428 689, 761 567, 914 525, 784 396, 447 674,419 810,967 827, 062 803, 245' 876, 082 30, 355 35, 300 57, 530 116,176 193,491 214,219 518,537 1, 032, 856 847. 782 651,282 429, 650 304, 165 247,477 400, 172 665,715 672, 931 1,057, 124 1, 082, 035 2,198,109 2, 240, 871 2, 534, 031 2, 786, 836 2, 955,148 2, 790, 501 3,091,600 3,034, 246 3, 072, 725 3, 210, 989 3, 432, 608 3, 581, 578 3, 855, 825 4, 000, 077 4, 154, 208 3, 960, 329 3, 754, 376 8, 563, 797 62, 989,275 Total 12,318,173 It will be seen that there were 3,754,376 twenty-dollar notes still outstanding and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life-years already experienced by the 12,318,173 notes issued was 59,234,891) (that is, 62,989,275 less 3,754,376), and the average number was 59,234,899 divided by 12,318, L73, or 4.809 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life-time of the notes issued, because there were 3,754,376 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be redeemed in 4.809 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of 780,698 notes per annum—which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 12,318,173 notes issued would be 66,445,423 years, showing an average full life-time of about 5.394 years. H. Ex. 3 rv L REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Statement showing tite number of vaUoval-bank notes of the denomination of Fifty Dollars issued and redeemed during each year ending October 31. and the number of such notes outstanding at the clone of each yaar from the establishment of the system in iriti'A to November 1, 1885; also, the calculated aggregate and average number of life-years experienced by the nous when redeemed. Issued during Redeemed durthe year. ing t h e year. Year ending— October 31,1864. OctoberSl, 1865 October 31, 18(6. October 31,1867. October 31, 1868. October 31, 1869 October 31, 1870 October 31, 1871 October 31, 1872 October 31, 1873 October 31, 1874. October 31, 1875 October 31, 1H76 October 31, 1877 October 31, 1878 October 31, 1879 October 31, 1880 October 31, 1881 October 31,1882 October 31, 1883 October 31, 1884 October 31,1885 Total. 67,424 167, 383 102, 608 11,185 6, 581 * j | i , I | i 1 355,181 I 8,342 | 14,959 i 54,1)44 I 63, 773 ; 62,523 ; 107,228 ' 217,215 i 101.450 i 94, 166 ! 67,797 i 61,183 ! 42, 104 ! 103,709 | 95, 750 : 102,685 , 105,001 i 97.523 ! 1,758,533 ! :K)5 I 1,827 | 6,218 I 8,906 ! 17, 256 11,603 ' 18,986 35,127; 43, 208 42, 796 62, 580 149, 481 134, 747 118, 895 93, 543 57, 041 40, 236 66, 391 88, 292 110, 521 125. 870 129. 189 1, 345, 762 Outstanding ;lose of year. 67. 424 234. 502 335, 283 340, 250 337, 925 334, CC4 35(>! 454 371. 01!? iliil), 74ii 50;{|'l2<S 4(51). 831 445. 10*2 410,350 420. 49* 428, 360 465, 684 473,142 465, -i()fi 444, 4^7 412.771 8, 481, 919 It will be seen that there were 412,771fifty-dollarnotes still outstanding and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life years experienced by the 1,758,533 notes issued was 8,069,148 (that is, 8,481,919 less 412,771), and the average number was 8,069,148 divided by 1,758,533, or 4.589 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life-time of the notes issued, because there were 412,771 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be redeemed in 4.589 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of 89,948 notes per annum—which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 1,758,533 notes issued would be 8,820,752 years, showing an average full life-time of about 5.016 years. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LI Statement showing the number of national-banlc notes of the denomination of One Hundred Dollars Issued and redeemed during each year ending October 31, and the number of such noteb outstanding at the close of each year from the establishment of the system in 18(33 to November 1, 1885; also the calculated aggregate and average number of life years experienced by the note* when redeemed. Y e a r ending— October October October October October 31,1864. 31,1865. 31,1866. 31,1867. 31,1868. Oetober31, 1869. October 31, 1870. October 31, 1871.. October 31, 1872.. October 31, 1873., October 31, 1874. October 31, 1875.. October 31, 1876.. October 31, 1877.. October 31, 1878.. October 31, 1879.. October 31, 1880.. October 31, 1881.. October 31, 1882.. October 31, 1883. October 31, 1884.. October 31, 1885.. Total. Issued dur- \ Redeemed dur- atOutstanding close of the ing t h e year. year. ing t h e year. 50, 751 125. 901 77, 235 8,419 4,954 267, 350 449 9, 661 30, 703 4(5, 634 48. 793 892 3;"6 062 56, 4;"., 37, 28, 80, 75, 79, 85, 87, 417 586 817 770 222 406 604 028 936 1, 287, 686 j 276 1, 649 5,615 8, 043 50, 751 176,466 252, 052 254, 856 251, 767 15,583 10,385 17,631 32. 688 34, 702 33, 068 52, 515 102, 850 90, 357 83, 532 62, 542 39, 745 28, 997 49, 601 ^ 928 69, 995 85,418 97, 379 248, 831 240, 861 244. 876 256, 808 272, 533 295, 910 340,410 315, 115 288. 000 271, 044 269,116 268, 889 299, 510 315,988 325. 597 325, 207 315,764 971, 922 5,886,351 It will be seen that there were 315,764 one-hundred-dollar notes still outstanding and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life years already experienced by the 1,287,686 notes issued was 5,570,587 (that is, 5,886,351 less 315,764), and the average number was 5,570,587 divided by 1,287,686, or 4.326 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life time of the notes issued, because there were 315,764 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be redeemed in 4.326 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of 72,992 notes per annum—which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 1,287,686 notes issued would be 6,103,723 years, showing an average full life-time of about 4.740 years. LII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Statement showing the number of national-bank notes of the denomination of Five Hundred Dollars issued and redeemed during each year ending October 31, and the number of such notes outstanding at the el se of each year from the establishment of the system in 1863 to November 1, 1885; also the calculated aggregate and average number of life years experienced by the notes when redeemed. Tear end ing— Issued during the year. October 31,1864. October 31,1865. October 31,1866. October 31, 1867. October 31, 1868. 2,560 6, 355 3, 896 425 250 October 31, 1869. October 31,1870. October-31, 1871. October 31, 1872. October 31,1873. October 31,1874. October 31,1875. October 31,1876 October 31,1877. October 31,1878. October 31, 1879. October 31,1880. October 31,1881. October \\ 1,1882. October 31,1883. October 31,1884. October 31,1885. Total..... Redeemed during the .year. Outstanding at close of the year. 31 186 634 908 2, 560 8,884 12,594 12,385 11, 727 13,486 182 258 716 979 875 848 1,132 245 1,301 188 360 193 1,196 828 376 573 188 1, 759 826 1, 367 2, 065 1,850 1,791 2,018 2, 795 1,746 1,398 1,280 392 197 1,011 385 487 614 746 11, 083 9,974 8, 625 7,754 6,838 5,668 4,005 2, 504 2,407 1, 315 1, 283 1,279 1,464 1,907 1,796 1,755 1,197 23, 924 22, 727 119,004 It will be seen that there were 1,197 five-hundred-dollar notes still outstanding and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life years already experienced by the 23,924 notes issued was 117,807 (that is, 119,004 less 1,197), and the average number was 117,807 divided by 23,924, or 4.924 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life-time of the notes issued, because there were 1,197 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be redeemed in 4.924 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of 243 notes per annum—which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 23,924 notes issued would be 120,165 years, showing an average full life-time of about 5.023 years. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LIII Statement showing the number of national-bank notes of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars issued and redeemed during each year ending October 31, and the number of such notes outstanding at the close of each year from the- establishment of the system i)i 1^63 to Kovemher 1, ]rH">; also the calculated aggregate and average number of life years experienced by the notes when redeemed. T e a r ending— October October October October October Issued during the year. 901 2, 237 1, 371 149 88 31 1864 31 1865 31 1866 31,1867 31,1868 4, 746 2') 10 64 90 215 92 October 31 1869 . October 31 1870 October 31 1871 October 31 1872 . October 31,1873 October 31,1874 October 31 1875 . October 31,1876 October 31, 1877 October 31, 1878 . . . October 31 1879 October 31. 1880 October 31,1881 October 31, 1882 October 31,1883 October 31,1884 October 31,1885 129 536 136 23 781 90 1)2 Total 7,369 Redeemed during the year. Outstanding at close of the year. 33 195 (365 953 901 3,105 4,281 3,765 2, 900 1,846 569 848 742 310 215 153 3G5 224 139 489 157 67 819 47 102 64 82 2,354 1,516 838 618 618 557 482 267 257 304 283 239 201 197 185 213 131 7, 238 24, 212 It will be seen that there were 131 one-thousand dollar notes still outstanding and unredeemed at the close of the period. Accordingly, the aggregate number of life-years already experienced by the 7,369 iuites issued was 24,081 (that is, 24,212 less 131), and the average number was 24,081 divided by 7,369, or 3.208 years. But this result is obviously somewhat smaller than the full life-time of the notes issued, because there were 131 notes outstanding and still to be redeemed. If, however, these notes are assumed to be redeemed in 3.268 equal annual instalments, that is, at the rate of 40 notes per annum-—which does not seem unreasonable—the aggregate full life-time of the 7,309 notes would be 24,234 years, showiug an average full life-time of about 3.2S9 years. REPORTS. The law imposes upon the Comptroller of the Currency the duty of exercising a supervision over the national banks, and to that end requires him to exact reports from them as to their condition on at least h'veda^s in each year, and reports of the dividends and earnings of each bank as often as it declares dividends, and iii all cases at least every six months. in addition, the Comptroller may call for special reports from any or from all of the banks as often as he thinks proper, and may from time to time cause examinations to be made into their books, cash, securities, and general condition. The proper performance of the duty of supervision is essential to the maintenance of the high character and credit to which the national banks have attained, as well as to the protection of their depositors and stockholders against fraud and mismanagement. The multiplication of banks, and the wide area over which the system now extends, renders the discharge of these duties more and more difficult every year, and requires the maintenance of a large force of expert clerks in the office of the Comptroller. LIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. The duties of national-bank examiners have also become more exacting and more difficult in consequence of the expansion of the business of these banks. These statements will doubtless be accepted when it is considered that in the past five years the number of banks has increased from 2,132 to 2,852, reporting October 7, 1886. while the aggregate of their loans and discounts has risen from $1,173,800,000 to $1,443,665,000. It is of the highest importance to the banks themselves, as well as to the public, that the examiners should be expert, vigilant, and trustworthy, and that the examinations should be frequent and unexpected. While the examiners now employed are generally competent, and many of them are excellent, yet in some cases the territory to be covered is too large, and the pay too small, to secure the best men for the work. I have elsewhere made some recommendations on this subject. During the past year 14,010 reports of condition, about 6,000 reports of dividends and earnings, and 2,930 reports from examiners have been received at the office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and fully 6,000 letters and circulars have been sent out in connection with them. The reports received are all carefully examined, compared with one another, and abstracts are made from them. The work in this division of the office is continuous and exacting. From these various reports, after examination and verifiratiou, the subjoined tables have been compiled, and other tables compiled from the same sources will be found in the Appendix showing the condition of the reserve of national banks, their loans and discounts, abstract of reports of dividends and earnings, ratios to capital and to capital and surplus, and other valuable information as to the condition of the national banks on the date of the last report. A large table on folded sheet, appended hereto, exhibits for October 7, 1886, in aggregate every detail embraced in the tabulated reports required of the banks. Similar tables are made up for the information of the Comptroller from the reports gathered from all banks five times each year. The amounts are given separately for each State, reserve city, and Territory. DIAGRAM. The diagram accompanying this report exhibits in a very striking manner the main features of the national banking system, and how each has varied during the twenty-one years since the peace of the country has been re-established. On the 1st of January, 1866, there were 1,582 national banks; on the 7th of October, 1886, there were 2,852—a net increase in number alone of 1,270. The following table groups in a compendious form the most important facts shown in the diagram : i 1 J a n u a r y 1, 1866! Highest point touched. Lowest point touched. October1 7, 1886. ; Amount. Date. Amount. Date. Capital $403,000,000 $543,000,000 $543,000,000 Oct. 7,1880 $403,000,000 403, 000, 000 Jan. J a n . 1,1866 Capital, surplus, and j ; ; • undivided profits . . . . 475,000,000 77'J, 000, 000 772, 000, 000 Oct. 7,1880 j 475, 000, ooo; Jan. 1,1866 Circulation 213, 000, 000 228, 000, 000, 341, 000, 000, Dec. 26, 1873 ! 213, 000, 000' Jan. 1,1866 1 Total investments in I ; j United States bonds.. 440, 000, 000 291,000,000 712, 000, 000 A p r . 4,1870! 291, 000,000 Oct. 7,1886 Deposits 522, 000, 000 1, 1T3, 000,. 000 1,173, 0U0, 000 Oct. 7,1886 501, ooo, 000 Oct. 8,1870 Loans and discounts . . . j 500, 000, 000 1, 443, 000, 000 1, 443, 000, 000* Oct. 7,188(5 500, 000, 000 Jan. 1,1886 Cash: *i National-bank notes 20, 000, 000, 23, 000, 000, 28, 000, 000' D e c . 31, 1883 I 11,,000, 000 Oct. 7,1867 Legal-tender notes... 187, 000, 000! 63. 000, 000 205, 000, 000! O c t . 1.1866 j 50, 000,000: Mar. 11,1882 Specie 19, 000, 000| 156, 000, 000 177, 000,000 J u l y 1,1885 j , 000,000 Oct. 1,1875 LV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. An examination of this table shows that the aggregate ca]>ital, surplus, undivided profits, circulation, and deposits have increased from $1,210,000,000 in January, 180(5, to $iU73,000,000 in October, 18S0, which is less than double, while the loans and discounts have gone up from $500,000,000 to $1,443,000,000, which is nearly treble, showing how lmicli more widely the banks are now identified with the general business of the country than they were twenty-one years ago. The investments in bonds have taken an opposite course. Amounting 1o $440 000,000 in 1.860, increasing to $712,000,000 in April, 1879, they Lad subsided by 7th October last to $291,000,000, but little more than half what they were in I860, and scarcely over a third of what they momentarily amounted to in 1879. The specie, which at the beginning of the period was but $19,000,000, had got down in October, 1875, to $8,000,000, is now $156,000,000, and in July, 1885, was $177,000,000. It is interesting to see how these changes appear when reduced to percentages. The capital, surplus, undivided profits, circulation, and deposits constitute together the fund upon which a bank does its business. Loans and discounts, United States bonds, specie, &c, are different forms in which this fund is invested. Taking the fund at $1,210,000,000 in 1866 and at $2,173,000,000 in 1886, these investments represent the following proportions of those amounts, viz: 1866. •' 1886. Loans a n d discounts United States bonds Specie ; 41. 32 . 30. 30 ! j 1. 57 ! t>6. 40 13. 39 7.18 ! 79.25 8(5.97 ! Total Another striking fact is that in 1866 the circulation was $213,000,000 and in 1886 it is only $228,000,000. At the former period, therefore, the circulation was nearly 45 per cent, of the capital, surplus, and undivided profits, while now it is only about 29 per cent. LOANS. The following table gives a classification of the loans of the national banks in the city of New York, in the three cities Boston, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, in the other reserve cities, and in the rest of the country, at nearly the same dates, in each of the last three years: S E P T E M B E R 30, 1884. N e w York. Throe cities. Other cities. Country. Total. 44 b a n k s . 104 b a n k s . 99 b a n k s . 2,417 b a n k s . 2,664 b a n k s . Classification. On IT. S. bonds on demand On other stocks, bonds, &c, on demand On single-name paper without other security All other loans' Total $2,933,785 $644, 017 $268, 396 $970, 691 $4, 816,889 69, 805, 215 25, 763, 605 18, 573, 905 34, 050, 829 148,193, 554 12,559,441 120, 054, 830 22, 458, 370 150, 372,086 1.6. 239, 550 107, 543,129 83,816,871 574, 016, 071 135,074,232 951, 986,122 205,353,277 199, 238, 078 142, 624, 980 692, 854, 462 1, 240, 070,797 LVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. OCTOIJKR 1, 1885. Classification. 44 hanks. On U. S. bonds on demand j $3, 286,124 On other stocks, bonds, & c , i on demand | 80, 687, 265 On single-name paper without other security 25, 331, 820 All other loans' 127, 518, 389 Total.. 98 banks. 105 banks. 236,823, 598 $190,195 $585,154 33,157, 319 25, 421, 092 34, 806, 254 lfiO, 270, 503 218,424, 271 2,467 banks. 2,714 banks. <&504,134 $4 565, 607 036, 931 173, 302. 607 18,480,233 106,948,959 92 873, 780 567 057,152 171, 492, 087 951, 795, 003 151, 435, 438 694 471,997 1, 301, 155, 304 34 OCTOBER 7, 1886. 45 banks. Classification. On U. S. bonds on demand On other stocks, bonds, &c.,on demand On single-name paper, without other security All other loans Total 111 banks. ' 106 banks. 2,590 banks. 2,852 banks. $2, 002, 550 $262, 355 $486,099 $563, 717 $3,314,721 91, 636, 791 35, 741, 645 28, 028, 229 41, 008, 812 196,415,477 24, 646, 008 135, 447,027 37,315,993 156, 261,282 25, 488, 998 127, 251,447 110, 677, 534 198,128, 533 626, 849, 753 1,045,809,509 253, 732, 376 229, 581, 275 181, 254,773 779, 099, 816 1,443,668,240 In the table below is given a full classification of the loans in New York City alone for the last five years: October 3,. Loans and discount. 1882. On indorsed paper On single-named paper On U. S. bonds on demand On other stocks, &c, on demand On real-estaite security All other loans I October 2, 1883. September 30,1884. October 1, 1885. October 7, 1886. 48 banks. 44 banks. 44 banks. 45 banks. 50 banks. $121,644,201 i $116,010,062 19,147,051 2, 093, 527 i 2,093,527 94,321,605 )4, 821,605 ii 184,083 ! 7,717,265 I $118,692,051 21,203,573 1,707,087 89, 532, 702 304, 732 7, 600, 487 239, 041, 802 Total 82, 559, 443 2, 9,'H, 785 2,9,'W, .__ 60,805,215 103,397 3,881.375 $114,013,775 $121,381,380 25, 33 i, 820 24, 646, 008 3, 286,124 2, 00?! 560 80, 687, 205 i 91,636, 791 211,432 5.385 j 13. 289 59,229 I 13.854,215 245,108,332 j 205,353,277 I 236,823,598 | 253,732,376 The following table exhibits, in the order of capital, the twenty-five States (exclusive of reserve cities) having the largest amount of nationalbank capital, together with the amount of circulation, loans and discounts, and individual deposits of the banks in each on October 7,1886: Massachusetts New York Pennsylvania Connecticut Ohio Rhode Island Illinois Indiana New Jersey Minnesota Michigan Maine Iowa Kentucky Vermont Texas Nebraska Kansns .New Hampshire Missouri Tennessee Wisconsin Virginia... Dakota California Circulation. Capital. States. 500 760 ',540 I 820 850 0.H) 500 5*i() ' 350 ; 0(50 '• 12. 10, 300 ! 10, 000 1 10, 000 : 9, 7.r>8, 900 ! 7, 001. OlJO ; 7, 000 i 7, 000 i 100 i 000 : 0U0 ! 500 000 I $45, , j ; : ; , 500 000 '! ans and discounts. $30,679,190 •• $88,361,209 07 21,542,490 •• 92, 520, .-M 59 19, 396, 59.~> 72, f>5T. 170 04 42,70^,564 31 n!M2«]c91 44. 880, l«7 42 9,192.726 8tf, <m\ 194 >6 5, 20i», 0;J0 :*2, 217. 8".O 12 5 977, 930 21 83"N :^4 4r> 7, 2:>8. 272 Ho, o-'J;"), 8»>."> 40 1,797,701 ' 31,791. 551! 84 3, 284, 955 ' 25, 746. 522 88 6,8:53,473 i 17, 84,') 615 84 i*!»3 22, 130, 229 88 4.374, li() ! 16. 068, <'12 47 4, 589, 015 ! 11,77;}, H80 48 1,737,380 i 15,485,910 33 1, 602, 660 ! 18, 699, 9C0 48 1, 686. 810 : 14,442. i-'Kt, Ti 4,170,220 : 9, O.">4, 262 78 | 12, 438. 999 r»9 l', 32K, 045 : 13,473,: 184 97 1,394,618 ! 11,2«8.200 90 1,915,410 ; 10,509,4 29 85 779, 190 ! 5. 104. 5J9 48 89i, 720 8, G02, 672 45 Individual deposits. \ $54, 429.904 43 84.991. 702 64 67. 557,SV1 11 25, 847,208 3;J 37. 69:?,6:0 87 13,748, 576 25 29, 525,241) 04 23. 'W\ S27 H 35, 7: 6,912 23 22, 088,907 30 29. 403.692 78 10, 249.663 42 17, 813,880 18 9,133, 451 30 5.915. 120 70 11,647, 162 22 14,214, 337 51 12.591, 124 83 5. 705,741 18 9, 564,181. 89 9, 224.256 61 11.011, 032 53 9,531, C77 93 4,585, 637 93 9. 2-')l,035 10 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LVII RESERVE. The following table exhibits the amount of net deposits and the reserve required thereon by the act of June 20, 1874, together with the amount and classification of reserve held by the national banks in New York City, in the other reserve cities, and by the remaining banks, at the dates of their reports in October of each year from 1876 to 1883, September 30, 1884, October 1, 1885, and October 7, 1886: N E W YORK CITY. Reserve held. Reserve Dates. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. 2,1876 1.1877 1.1878 2.1879 1.1880 1.1881 3.1882 2.1883 Sept. 30; 1884 Oct. 1,1885 Oct. 7,1886 Classification of reserve. No. of Net de- required banks. posits. (25 per Ratio to cent.*). ; A m o u u t - deposits. 47 47 47 47 47 48 50 48 44 44 45 Other law! Due from Redempful money. agents. tion fund., Specie. Millions. Millions. Millions. Per cent. | Millions 14.6 49. 5 30.7 | 60.7 197.9 13.0 43. 7 27. 5 ! 48.1 174.9 13.3 47.4 50.9 I 189.8 26.8 j 19.4 52.6 53.1 25.3 210.2 58.7 67.0 70.6 ! 26.4 I 268.1 50.6 67.2 62.5 ! 23.3 ! 268. 8 44.5 63.5 (54.4 ! 25.4 i 254.0 50.3 66.7 70.8 26.5 I 266.9 63.1 63.7 90.8 ! 35.6 255.0 91.5 78.2 115.7 i 37.0 ! 312.9 64.1 70.7 77.0 ! 27.2 : 282.8 Millions. Millions. 45.3 34.3 36.5 32.6 11.0 10.9 18.9 19.7 S7.0 23.7 12.5 MiUions. 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.5 0.4 OTHER RESERVE CITIES.t Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. 2,1876 1,1877 1,1878 2,1879 1.1880 L 1881 3, 1882 2. 18S3 30,1884 1,1885 7, 1886 76.1 67. 3 71.1 83.5 105.2 100.8 89.1 .100.6 99.0 122. 2 114.0 217.0 204.1 199.9 288.8 289.4 335. 4 318.8 323. 9 307. 9 4.5 381. 5 189 188 184 181 184 189 193 200 203 203 217 | ! 35.1 33 0 35.6 36. 5 36. 2 30.0 28.0 i | 3 1 . 1 '• 32.2 \ ! 33. 5 ! 25). 9 i 4.0 5.6 9 4 i 11.3 ! 28.3 i 34. 6 I 28.3 26.3 ' 30. 3 j 42.0 ! 44. r> i 37.1 34.3 29.4 ' 33.0 25.0 21.9 24.1 30.1 33.3 34.9 26.0 32.0 24. 4 29.1 35.7 48.2 40.6 33.2 40.8 32.3 42.4 41.3 j 31.0 31.6 31. I 30.3 28. 3 '27. 1 ?5.4 48.9 56.0 71.3 80. 4 92. 4 80.1 84.1 79.7 10.8 10.7 11.0 11.2 11:3 11.4 11.3 i«5. 0 ] 0. 2 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.5 3.7 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.2 STATES AND TERRITORIES.: Ocr, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. 1, 1878 187!) l] 1*80 1, 18.-1 :•? 18S'2 < if!. ! 8 S 3 1876 h !877 } ^ 4 '-•< pt. Oct. 1 1S«."> ' a i. "• 18M 201.7 290.1 1 289. 1 329. 9 410, 5 507. 2 I 545.8 ! 577.9 j 5l*r>.H ' 570.8 I 637. 6 ! 1, 853 1, 845 1, 822 1,820 1,859 1, 895 2. 026 2, '253 2,417 2, 407 2, 590 43.8 , 43. G i 43.4 i 45). 5 ! 61.6 ! 70. 1 j 81.0 ! 80.7 j 80.4 : 85. 6 ! 05.0 , 99 9 i 95. 4 106.1 124.3 147.2 158.3 150.4 157. 5 150. 'A 177. 5 180.'2 34.3 ! 32.9 i 3*5.7: 37.7 i '.*">. 8 I :n.-2 27. 5 27.2 20.2 i :ti. i ; 29. 2 i » 7 4! 2 8.0 ' 11.5 21.2 '27. 5 30. 0 31.2 XCK r*r. 0 • ;{•.'. 8 3i >. !> 2li. 0 2 41.5 47. 8 3(», 1 09.5 113.4 100.2 97.0 95.9 04. 3 59.9 72.0 80.6 91.2 88. 5 68.7 87.4 73. 3 85.1 107.0 134. 6 133.0 113.3 124. 9 112.0 138. 3 140.8 11. 3 10. 5 8.7 SUM MA T I Y . Oct. Oct. Oct. 0(1. o<-t. Oct. 2 187<i ]] 1877 1. 1878 o 1X79 1. 5 8 8 0 1. 1881 ( ) c t . 3, 1882 18*3 i )ct. Sept. 30| 1884 Oct. 1, 1885 Oct. 7, 1886 2,089 •2, 080 2, 053 2, 048 2. 090 2, 132 2,269 '2,501 2. b64 2,714 2,852 1 1 1 1 1 706. 6 669. I 678. * 768. 9 908. 0 111.6 118.6 108.7 09*. 7 248.2 HO!. 8 147.5 138.3 740.8 159 3 201.0 2M7. 2 225. 1 234. 4 221. 1 254. 9 '261.7 '236. 7 210 8 •228. i 200. 9 3*23. 0 321.6 • 303.9 328. D 346. 1 415.4 377. 2 3:5. 5 j 31.5 i 33.6; ;{;>. 9 ; :v.i. i ] 28.9 ' 27. 2 ! 281T ! 31.6 ! M.-i j 20.0 ; 21.3 22. 8 ; 3 0 . 7 • 42.2 . 1 0 8 . 2 : 112.7 ! 102. 8 ! 107.8 128.6 i 175.0 156.4 : * All in cash. t Reserve 25 per cent., one-half in cash. I Reserve 15 per cent., two-fifths in cash in bank. 14.6 14. 5 15.3 15.8 15. 9 16.1 15.8 15.6 14.3 13.6 11.4 LVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Upon examining tbe foregoing* table it will be found that, except in 1884 and 1885, the percentage of reserve in New York was less than in the other reserve cities, while the banks outside of reserve cities which are required to keep but 15 per cent, have never fallen below 27.2, and have averaged over 31 per cent., which is more than double the legal requirement. These latter banks are allowed to keep three-fifths of their reserve with their correspondents in reserve cities; but, in fact, for the first four years of the eleven they held the entire amount in their own vaults, and the average so held for the entire period is 98 per cent. It would appear, therefore, that the privilege of keeping a part of the reserve elsewhere than in the bank is one but little availed of in practice among the banks generally, and this fact supports the recommendation elsewhere made to modify the present law. TRANSACTIONS OF THE NEW YORK CLEARING-HOUSE. The New York Clearing-House Association is composed of 64 members, of which 45 are national banks, 18 are State banks, and the other member is the assistant treasurer of the United States at New York. One national bank and nine State banks in the city do not belong to the association, but clear through members. Mr. W. A. Camp, the manager of the association, has kindly supplied the data lor the following tables, showing the transactions during the year ending October 1, 1886: COMPARATIVE STATEMENT for two years of the TRANSACTIONS of the NEW YORK CLEARING HOUSE, showing AGGREGATE AMOUNT of CLEARINGS, AGGREGATE BALANCES, and the KINDS and AMOUNTS of MONEY PASSING in SETTLEMENT of these balances. Aggregate clearings. Year end in""— October i, 1885 October 1,1886 !| $25, 250, 791,440 33, 374, 082, 210 lacrease i 8,123, 890, 770 Aggregate balances. $1, 295, 355, 252 1, 519, 565, 385 224, 210,133 KINDS OF MONEY AND AMOUNT OF EA'CH KIND. . ; Treasury Percentages. Bank of | Clearing-i for ^3*}™? legal ,Legal tenders, America house tenders, sec. and minor i gold loan cer- - l o .j f r o P r i , coin. Gold cer- Legal certificates.* | titicates.t- vised •' -'-Stat- • '. j tincates. tenders. utea. * ! i Tear ending- October 1,1885.. $556,376,000 $120, 436, 000 I $405. 900, 000 ! $212, 643, 251 : 52.249 ! 47.751 October 1,1886.. j 645,043,000 j 177, 073, 000 $140,000 285,795,000 410,314,385 I 54.181+1 45.809+ Increase Decrease 89,267,000 ! 57, 237, 000 140, 000 197,671,134 120, 105,000 1.932 1. 942 * When the Government ceased issuing gold certificates. December 1, 1878, the New York banks agreed to have a common depository for their gold coin, and in that way retain the use of certificates at the clearing-house. This has been found convenient and ssives the, expense and cost of moving large amounts in specie. The Bank of America performs this fimet on. tClearing-house, loan certificates were issued by the New York Clearing-House Association, in pursuance of resolution adopted May 15, 1884, to banks who were members, upon their securities or bills receivable, at the rate of 75 cents on the dollar. The total amount issued was $24,915,000. and the balance outstanding was canceled and redeemed during the present year. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LIX Following is a comparative statement of transactions of the New York Clearing-House for thirty-three years; showing for each year the number of banks, aggregate capital, clearings and balances, average of the daily clearings and balances, and the percentage of balances and clearIngs : Years. 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 i860 5861 1862 i863 1864 1865 .1866 1867 1868 1869 J870 1H71 1872 Ih73 1874 . . . . 1875 J 876 1877 •1-S78 1*79 5880 3.881 1>>H2 ,.S83 i 884 ;^85 ld«ti No. of banks. 50 48 50 50 46 47 50 50 50 50 49 55 58 58 59 59 61 62 61 59 59 59 59 58 57 59 57 (i0 61 63 61 64 63 Clearings. Capital.* $5,750.455, 987 5, 362, 912, 098 6, 906, 213, 328 8, 333, 226, 718 4, 756, 664, 386 5,448, 005, 956 7,231,143,057 5, 91 o, 742, 75S 6, 871, 443, 591 14, 867, 597, 849 24.097, 196,6.16 26, 032, 384, 342 28. 717,146, 914 28,675, 159.472 28, 484, 288, 637 37, 407, 028, 987 27, 804, 539, 406 29, 300, 986, 682 33, 844, 369, 5(58 35,461,052,826 22, 855, 927, 636 25,061.237,902 21, 597, 274, 247 23, 289, 243, 701 22, 508, 438, 442 25,178, 770, 691 37,182,128,621 48,565,818,212 40,552,846.161 40, 293, 1C5, 258 34, 092. 037, 338 25,250,791,440 33,374. 682.216 $47, 044, 900 48, 884,180 52, 883, 700 (54, 420, 200 67,146, 018 67,921,714 69, 907, 43.3 68, 900, 605 68, 375, H20 68, 972, 508 68, 586, 703 80,363,013 82, 370, 200 81, 770, 200 82, 270, 200 82, 720, 200 83, 620, 200 84,420, 200 84, 420, 200 83, 370, 200 81, 635, 200 80, 485, 200 81,731,200 71,085.200 63,611,500 60, 800, 200 60, 475. 200 61, 162, 700 60, 962, 700 61,162,700 , 60,412,700 58,612, 700 59,312,700 169, 689, 696 Balances paid in money. Average daily clearings. Average daily balances paid in money. Ratios. $297,411,494 289,694,137 334, 714, 489 365,313,90.! 314, 238, 911 363,984,683 380, 693, 438 353, 383, 944 415, 5,'iO, 331 677, 626, 483 885,719,205 1,035,765,108 1,066,135,106 1,144,963,451 1, 125,455,237 1, 120,318,308 1. 036, 484, 822 1, 209, 721, 029 1, 428, 582, 707 1,474,508,025 1,286,753,176 1, 408. 608, 777 1,295,042,029 1,373,990.302 1, 307, 843, 857 1,400,111,063 1,516,538,631 1,776,018,162 1,595,000,245 1,568,983,196 1,524,930,994 1,295,355,252 1,519,565,385 $19, 104,505 17,412,052 22, 278,108 20, 908, 371 15, 393, 736 20, 867, 333 23,401,757 19, 269, 520 22, 237, 682 48, 428, 657 77, 984, 455 84, 796, 040 93, 541,195 93,101,167 92,182,164 121,451,393 90, 274, 479 95,133, 074 109,884,317 115,885,794 74, 692, 574 81,899,470 70,349,428 76, 358, 176 73, 555, 988 82,015,540 121, 510, 224 159,232,191 151,637,935 132, 543, 307 lll.048.9s2 82, 789, 480 109, 067, 589 $988, 078 940, 565 1, 079. 724 1 182, 246 1 010,954 1 177,944 1 232, 018 1 1.11,088 1 344, 758 '> 207. 252 2, 866, 405 3, 373, 828 3, 472, 753 3,717,414 3, 64'J, 250 3, 637, 397 3, 365, 210 3, 927, 666 4, (i3(i, 032 4,818,654 4, 20.\ 076 4. 603, 297 4,218,378 4. 504, 906 4, 274, 000 4. 5oO, 622 4, 95(5, 009 5,823,010 5, 195,440 5, 161,12!) 4. 91)7, 202 4, 247, 009 4, 965, 900 Per at. 5.2 5.4 4.8 4.4 6.6 5.6 5.3 6.0 6.0 4.6 3.7 4.0 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.7 4.1 4.2 4.1 5.7 5.6 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.6 4,1 3.5 3.4 3.9 4.5 5.1 4.5 176, 857,475 Ml, 377,602 4.4 J-778, 069, 921. 084 134,188.991,879 * 1 ho cai>ital is for various dates, the amounts at a uniform date in each year not beitis: obtainable. The clearing-house transactions of the assistant treasurer of the United States at New York for the year ending October 1, 1886, were as follows: Exchanges received from clearing-house Exchanges delivered to clearing-house r ... Balances paid to clearing-house Balances received from clearing-house Showing that the amount paid by the assistant treasurer to the clearing-house was in excess of the amount received by him $300, 138, 237 63 125,494, 508 37 182, 084,503 84 1, 440, 774 58 180,643,729 26 The debit balances were paid to the clearing-house as follows: United States gold certificates Legal tenders and change $80,128,000 00 101,956,503 84 182.084,503 84 LX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of the EXCHANGES of the CLEABING-HOUSES of the UNITED STATES for October, 1886, arid October, 1885. Clearing-house at— New York Boston Philadelphia Chicago Saint Louis Baltimore San Francisco Pittsburgh jSTew Orleans Cincinnati Providence Louisville Milwaukee Detroit Cleveland Indianapolis Kansas City Hartford...' New Haven C olumbu s Memphis Peoria Worcester Springfield Lowell Syracuse Portland Omaha Saint Joseph Denver Galveston Total Increase Exchanges for Exchanges for month of Octo- month of October, 1886. ber, 1885. $3, 248, 318, 061 $3,189, 746,197 380, 669, 570 271,572,441 253, 518, 821 69, 822,165 | 53,856,829 ; 56,175,257 37, 612, 868 j 31,683,200 !! 45,384,750 2?, 663, 600 ! 19, 093, 914 20,183,280 14,926,506 12, 527, 278 12, 445, 599 25,993, 960 7,195, 784 5,175,379 8,462,124 7, 666, 552 4,220,702 4, 528, 762 3,669,715 2, 732, 069 2,735, 744 4,663,258 18, 564, 321 4,447, 511 16, 679, 004 7,775,484 4, 674, 964, 508 4,462,453,388 212, 511,120 342,121,551 236, 905, 761 230, 605,282 66,532,755 51, 509, 734 51, 609, 656 32, 765, 984 40,349, 600 40,950,400 22, 819, 000 18, 866, 654 38, 864, 906 14,807,294 9, 858,182 6, 379, 008 25, 085, 762 8, 301, 504 4,851,282 6, 505,280 6,496, 848 4,454, 202 4,459, 517 3,409,539 2, 456, 340 2, 386,143 4,456,284 11,575,137 3, 323,586 New. New. 4,462,453,388 Comparisons. Increase. Decrease. $58,571,864 38,548,019 34, 666, 680 22, 913, 539 3,289, 410 2,347, 095 4, 565, 601 4, 846, 884 4,434, 350 227, 260 1, 318, 374 119,212 2,669, 096 6, 066, 591 908,198 324,097 1, 956, 844 1,169, 704 $8,666,400 155,400 1,105,720 69,245 260,176 275, 729 349, 601 206,974 6, 989,184 1,123,925 16,679, 004 7, 775,484 222,672,140 10,161,020 212, 511,120 10,161,02© REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXI COMPARATIVE STATEMENT of iht EXCHANGES of the ( LEAIUNG-HOUSES of the UNITED STATES for week* i-tuinnj October ;*U,*18HS, and October 31,1885. Clearing-house at— New York Boston Philadelphia -. "Chicago Saint Louis Baltimore San Francisco . Pittsburgh Xew Orleans... Cincinnati Providence — Louisville Milwaukee Detroit Cleveland Indianapolis... Kansas City... Hartford New Haven Columbus Memphis Peoria , Worcester Springfield Lowell Syracuse Portland , Omaha Saint Joseph .. Denver Galveston Total. Decrease. Exchanges for week ending October 30, 1886. j I£xchange..s for ! week ending I October 81, ! 1885. $625, 098, 0G4 77, 443,134 55, 2G2, 510 49,463, 6.S0 13,428, 029 11, 554, 889 14, 931, 044 8.543.709 ; 7.861.710 j 9,182,250 i 5,482,100 j 3, 980,646 4,741, 945 2,964, 573 2, 980,490 2,728,216 5, 564,, 678 1, 529, 645 1, 081, 233 1, 861., 425 2,039, 997 927,149 917,916 819, 206 504, 913 549,011 1,127, 517 4, 075, 874 799, 574 3,142,465 1, 625, 986 922,214,178 $095, 214, 390 76, 974, 841 47,353, 039 48, 771, 242 13,662,131 10, 337, 785 11,512,515 7, 407,080 10,700,103 8, 062,250 5, 579, 400 3, 863,906 4,105, 726 2, 949, 221 2,142, 899 1,377,473 4,771,467 1,534, 252 981, 323 1, 396, 809 1, 582,422 936,421! i 794,904 713,723 I 408,836 473,980 993,441 I 4,187, 930 • 633,284 , New. 2,204,000 ! Comparisons. Increase. $70,116, 326 $468, 293 7, 909,471 692, 438 234,102 1, 217,104 3, 418, 529 1,136, 629 2,898,393 1,120,000 97,300 116,740 636, 219 15,352 837,591 1, 350,743 793,211 4,607 99, 910 464, 616 457,575 9,272 122,952 105,483 96,077 75, 631 134, 076 112, 056 166, 290 3,142, 465 971,686,853 , 24, 577, 395 922, 214,178 | 49,472,675 j Decrease. 578, 014 74,050, 070 24, 577, 395 49,472,675 LXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. The following table, compiled from returns made to the Clearing House by the national banks in New York City, exhibits the movement, of their reserve, weekly, during October, for the last ten years: Ratio of reserve to— Week ending— October 6,1877 October 13,1877 October 20, 1877 _ October 27,1877 October &, 187b October 1_>, 1878 October 19,1878 (>ctober 26, 1878 October 4,1879 October 11, 1879 October 18,1879 October 25, 1879 October 2, 1880 October 9,1880 October 16,1880 October 23,1880 October 30,1880 October 1,1881 October 8,1881 October 15,1881 October 22, 1881 October *9,1881 October 7,1882 October 14,1882 October 21,1882 October 28,1882 October 6,18*3 October 13,1883 October 2n,1883 October 27,18f3 October 4,1884 October 11,1884 October 18,1884 October 25,1884 October 3,1885 October 10,1885 October 17,1885 October 24,1885 October 30,1885 October 2,1886 October 9,1886 October 16,1886 October 23,1886 October 30,1886 Specie. $14, 665, 600 14, 720, 500 14, 087, 400 15, 209, 000 14, 995, 800 12,184,600 13,531.400 17, 384,200 18, 979, (300 20, 901, 800 24, 680, 500 25, 636, 000 59, 823, 700 62,521,300 62, 7(30, 600 60, 888, 200 61,471,600 54, 954, 600 53, 287, 900 51, 008, 300 54,016,200 55, 961, 200 47,016,000 48,281,000 49,518,200 48, 374, 200 51, 580, 700 50, 894, 000 47, L'62, 900 46, 372, 800 67, 470, COO 68, 922, 500 67, 579,400 67, 638, 000 92, 351, 600 93, 642, 500 91, 945, 300 87,:-09,100 84, 954, 600 64,111,700 65,723, 800 65,228, 600 65, 668, 400 66,195,100 Legal tenders. $36,168, 300 35,178, 900 35, 101,700 34, 367, 800 38, 304, 900 37,685, 100 . 36, 570. 000 35, (390, 500 34, 3G8, 000 32, 8:.'O, 300 29, 305, 200 2(3,713,900 11, l'J9, 100 10, 785, 000 10, 9:59, 200 10, 988, 200 10, 92.% 000 12,150, 400 12,153, 800 12, 452, 700 12.496,500 12, 947, 900 18, 384, 500 18,002,700 17, 023, 900 17, 204, 700 20,122, 500 21,145,800 i 20,719.700 ! 20,617,600 ! 25,817,300 ! 27, 654, 100 ' 27,875,500 : 27, 354, 200 24,516,600 23, 002, 000 22,221,100 21,059,800 21, 874, 900 14, 607,700 13, 209,100 13,133,100 12, 803, 800 13,177, 200 Total. Circulation and ! deposits. Deposits, '•• Per Per cent. $50, 833, 900 ! 49, 905, 400 i 4i>, 189. 100 49 57(>, 800 53. 800, 700 i 49! 869, 700 j 50, '. 07, 400i 53,074,700 i 53, 347, 600 53, 722,100 53,991, 700 52, 349, 900 70. 952, 800 73, 306, 300 73, 699, 800 71,876,400 72, 396, 600 67,105, 000 65, 441, 700 63. 4(31, 000 6(3, 512, 700 68, 909,100 65, 400, 500 66, 283, 700 m, 542,100 65, 578, 900 71,709,200 72, 039, 800 67, 982, 600 66, 990, 400 93, 287, 900 96, 57t>, 600 95, 454, 900 94, 992, 200 11(5, 808, 200 116,644,500 114,166,400 108,3/58,900 106,829,500 78,719,400 78. 932, 900 78, 361, 700 78,472,200 79, 372, 300 cent. 27.0 26.7 26.5 2fi. 8 25.7 24.4 24.7 25.8 23 3 23. 4 23. 5 23. 0 25. 4 25.4 25.5 24.8 25.0 23.1 23.1 23.2 24. 6 25.6 24. 0 24.7 25. 0 24.8 25.5 25.4 24.5 24.5 34.5 35.2 34.8 34.6 36.0 35.8 34.9 33.5 33.0 27.1 27.0 26.7 26.9 27.1 29.5 29.2 29.0 29.4 28.427. 0 27. 3 28.5 25.8 25. & 26.1 25.5 26.4 27.2 27.1 26.6 26.7 24.8 24.9 25.0 26.6 27.4 26.3 26.6 26.8 26.5 27.0 26.8 25.9 25.9 36.3 36.9 36.5 36.3 37.1 37.0 36.0 34.5 34.1 27.9 27.7 27.4 27.7 27.9 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXIII The following table exhibits the transactions of the clearing-houses located in 31 cities for the year ending October 1, 1886, from official returns received from the manager of the New York Clearing-House^ and a comparison is made with the year ending October 1, 1885, by indicating the increase or decrease in the exchanges and balances: ; I Exchanges for Balances for Clearing-hou8e ] .No. of j yeareridins year ending Oc at— j banks. ! October 1,1886. tober 1,1886. Comparison with year ending October 1, 1885. Increase. Decrease. Exchanges. New York Boston Philadelphia Chicago Saint Louis Baltimore San Francisco Pittsburgh New Orleans Cincinnati Providence Louisville Milwaukee Detroit Cleveland Indianapolis Kansas City Hartford.-' New Haven Columbus Memphis Peoria Worcester Springfield Lowell Syracuse Portland Omaha Saint Joseph Denver Galveston Total. ! I ! I J i j I j j I I Balances. 63 f$33, 374, 682, 216 $1,519,565,385 $8, 123,890,776 I $224,210,133 493, 098, 000 642, 862, 536 4, 008, 565, 206 50,125,668 258, 606, 420 541,681,044 2, 785, 875,450 43,142.3!! 291,220,078 312,139,083 2, 560, 369. 272 33, 637, 708 148, 847, 966 800, 370, 610 26, 790, 729 54, 79:$, 287 81, 533, 604 600, 584, 993 4, 909, 727 9, 725, 647 106,984,444 599,341,061 10. 833, 657 36, 700, 878 74,115,612 386, 298, 704 27, 780, 854 47, 000, 000 434, 000, 000 46, 514,100 287, 800 85, 061, 000 492, 440, 500 53, 40(5, 500 85, 061, 000 N o record. 233, H50, 700 28, 275, 700 54, 641, 077 230,133, 557 21,419,437 4, 846, 868 34. 406, 722 193, 777, 209 14, 339, 256 2,439,259 147,98(5,702 25, 298, 366 .13,336,696 1,448, 867 120,096,237 N o record. 18,790,955 69, 358, 799 9, 897, 507 4,123, 460 265,009,168 58, 055, 832 55, 673, 253 24, 745,877 86, 977, 569 26, 605, 949 9, 482, 043 3,120, 989 56, 850, 362 13, 742, 630 2, 046, 725 1,199, 944 42, 841. 413 12, 908, 434 9, 208, 896 2, 003,176 75,351,489 19, 398, 750 8,152, 229 3,390, 418 10,108, 500 12, 819, 088 12, 674, 360 9,021,179 6,148, 054 8, 836,073 N o record. 11,919,402 12, 252, 792 19, 717, 710 38, 331, 388 43,557,619 41, 342, 731 26,760,172 26, 777, 352 46, 667, 360 162,295,900 43,775,013 144, 272, 063 73,102, 796 507 48,211, 643,771 3, 464,490,, 934 * Balances. *$345, 379 *1,038,627 5 *1,261,717 {12,222,945 6, 520,627 4, 588, 045 4, 356, 558 2,405, 330 1,880,813 162,295,900 9, 990, 310 144, 272, 063 73,102, 796 2, 408, 917 12, 252, 792 19,717, 710 10,443, 755, 797 561, 506, 820 1,460, 424 2, 278,130 442, 250 472, 794 279,652 2,645,723 2,222,945 t Exchanges. From the above table it will be seen that the exchanges in New York City amounted to 69.2 per cent, of the whole sum, and the balances in that city were nearly 43.8 per cent, of the total balances. LXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. The following table affords an interesting comparison of the exchanges in the clearing-houses of the world: COMPARATIVESTATEMEXTof*eUl<:Ment*ofCiJ{:ARlXi;-Hor$E8nj the WOULD. [Foreign money reduced to dollars.] Date. Location. State or country. Kew York Massachusetts. P e n n s y l v a n i a .. Illinois New York City (6H banks) . , Oct. 1.1880 i $33, 374, 682. 21 (> Boston (:>2 Imiks) .... ! Oi:-t. 1,1886. 4, 0 s. r.<>:~, -JiHi ; Philadelphia, (37 banks) Oct. 1, 1880 ! 2, 785. 87f>, 450 ! Chicago (20 banks) Oct. 1, 1880 j 2, r>U0, IW\), 212 Other cities (27) of tho United States (335banks) Out. 1,1880 1 5,482. ir>l, f»f.i7 England a . London London (country dealings) . Manchester NewcasMe-on-Tyne Total United States (507 banks).. Total England 71 Ja Jan. Jan. | Jan. 1,1880 20,810,871,480 1,188(3! 2, 072, OKi, COO 1,1880 51-'.,!)"«. 07!) 1, 1880 155, 8*'J, 382 ! 29, 589, 60<i, 847 France b Paris i J a n . 1,1886 708, 747, 832 Austria c... Vienna i Jan. 1,1880 1,771, 138, 171 Germany d . Hamburg Berlin Frankfort Cologne Bremen Leipsic Stuttgart Breslau Dresden ; Jan. ' Jan. Jan. \ Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Italy e. Milan 1,1880 1,1880 1,1886 1, 1886 1, 1880 I, 1886 1,1880 1,1886 I 1,1880 2, 987, 957, 981 Total Germany. , Jan. 1,1886 Six other Italian clearing-houses Total Italy Australia a . Melbourne 1, 249, 070,190 728, 374, 9G2 481,058,088 133,711,018 105,331,700 83, 122,000 72, 2 L2r 128 53,730,713 20, 705, 904 Jan. 1,1880 79, 395, 481 35,401,300 114, 850, 787 ; Jan. 1,1886 « £ at $4.86,6. & Franc at 19.3 cents, c Florin at 39.3 cents, d Mark at 23.8 cents, 813,057,891 e Lira at 19.3 cents. TAXES UPON NATIONAL BANKS. National banks are subject to a semi-annual duty of one-half of 1 per cent, upon the average amount of their notes in circulation during the preceding six months. They are also required, by the act of June 20, 1874, to pay the cost of the redemption of their notes at the office of the Treasurer of the United States at Washington, and the cost of the plates from which their notes are printed. Banks extending their corporate existence have to pay for new plates. Previously to the act of June 20,1874, the expense of the plates had been paid out of the tax on the banks, which at that time attached to capital and deposits as well as to circulation. The banks are further required to pay the fees of the examiners employed to ascertain their condition, under section 5240, Eevised Statutes of the United States. The taxes and assessments collected during the past year were as follows: Semi-annual duty on circulation Cost of redemption of notes by United States Treasurer Assessments for cost of plates, new banks.. Assessments for cost of plates, extended banks. Assessments for examiners' lees, sec. 5240, R. S . Total $2,592,021 3.1 168, 243 35 14,810 00 24,825 00 107,272 83 2.907,172 51 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXV It has not been customary heretofore to include assessments with taxes, but it seems proper to do so. The following tables are brought forward from previous reports. For the sake of uniformity the only addition made is the semi-annual duty on circulation during the past year: Tears. 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869. 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 188? 1884 1885 1886 O n circulation. O n deposits. $95,911 87 $53,193 32 733, 247 59 1, 087, 530 86 2,106, 785 30 2,633,102 77 2, 8C8, 636 78 2, 650,180 09 2, 946, 343 07 2, 564,143 44 2,957,410 73 2,614, 553 58 2, 949, 744 13 2,614,767 61 2, 987, 021 09 2, 802,840 85 3,193,570 03 3,120, 984 37 3,196, 569 29 3, 353,1H6 13 3, 404, 483 11 3, 209, 967 72 3, 2-3, 45089 3,514,265 39 3,091,795 76 3, 505,129 64 2,900, 957 53 3, 451, 965 38 3,273,111 74 2,948,047 08 10 ! 3, 309, 668 90 3, 009, 047 3, 15:5,0:55 03 ; 4,058,710 61 3, 121,374 33 I 4, 940, 945 12 3,100,981 98 i 5,521,927 47 3,132.0(10 73 i *2, 773,790 46 3, 024, (36824 ! 2, 704, 584 01 ! 2,592,021 33 ! Aggregate. O n capital. Total. $18,432 07 133,251 15 406, 947 74 321,881 36 306,781 67 312,918 68 375. 902 26 385; 292 13 389, 356 27 454, 891 51 469, 048 02 507, 417 76 632,296 16 660, 784 90 560, 296 83 401, 920 61 379,424 19 431,233 10 437, 774 90 *269, 976 43 $167, 537 26 1, 954,029 60 5,146, 835 81 5, 840,698 23 5,817, 268 18 5, 884,8t*8 99 5, 940,474 00 0, 175,154 67 6, 703,910 67 7, 004,646 93 7, 083,498 85 7, 305,134 04 7, 229,221 56 7,013, 707 81 6, 781,455 65 6,721, 236 67 7, 591,770 43 8, 493,552 55 9, 150,084 35 6, 175,773 62 3, 024,608 24 2, 794,584 01 2, 592.021 33 6;», 790, 798 55 , 60, 940, 067 167, 855, 887 74 132, 592, 753 45 * Six months to June 1, 1883. The following table exhibits the taxes upon the circulation, deposits, and capital of banks, other than national, collected by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, from 1864 to November 1, 188J, thfc date upon which the taxation of capital and deposits ceased: Tears. 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1882* On circulation. I $, $2, 050, , 996 30 1,993,061 84 990, 278 31 214,298 75 28, 669 88 16, 565 05 15,419 94 22,781 92 8,919 82 24,778 62 16,738 26 22, 740 27 17,947 67 5,4.r5O 10 1,118 72 18. 903 29 28,77:5 :I57 4.205 08 4, 285 77 .. Aggregate. On deposits. $780,723 52 2,043,841 08 2, 099, 635 83 1, 355, 395 £8 1, 438, 512 77 1,734,417 63 2,177, 576 46 2, 702,196 84 3, 643, 251 71 3, 009, 302 79 2, 453, 544 26 2, 972, 200 27 2, 999, 5:50 75 2,890,(337 93 2, 59:5, 687 29 2,354,911 74 2,510,775 43 2, 940, 906 64 4,<i90,102 45 1,993,020 02 $903, 367 98 374,074 11 476, 867 73 399, 562 90 445, 071 49 827, 087 21 919,262 77 976, 057 61 736. 950 05 916,878 15 1,102,241 58 989,2 9 01 927,661 24 897, 225 84 830,008 f)fS 811,436 48 811, 0(i0 35 1, lf.3,070 25 489, 033 53 Total. $2,837,719 82 4, 940, 870 90 3,463, 988 05 2, 046, 562 46 1, 866, 745 55 2,196,054 17 3, 020, 083 61 3,644,241 53 4, 628, 229 14 3,771,031 46 3, 387,160 67 4,097,248 12 4, 006. G98 03 3, 829, 729 33 3,492, 0'JI 85 3,198, 883 59 3, 350, 985 28 3, 7(i2, 208 07 5,25:5.4;8 47 2, 482, 059 55 5, 487,1508 82 : 48, 802, 237 39 | 14, 980,143 44 C9, 275, 98!) (55 * Six months to November 30, 1882. H. Ex. 3- On capital. LXVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER UF THE CURRENCY. STATE TAXATION OF NATIONAL BANKS. There has been for some years more or less friction arising out of the mode of assessing and collecting taxes on national-bank shares in some of the States. The subject has been frequently and fully treated by my predecessors, and therefore in renewing it I need say only that as Congress obviously intended to protect the national banks from discriminative taxation, it would seem proper that force be given to this purpose by its more definite expression in the law. In consequence of different constructions placed by taxing officers upon the existing statute, litigation of a costly and more or less irritating character has arisen in States which together contain nearly onehalf of all the national-bank capital in the Union. CONCLUSION. In selecting the information presented in this report, I have endeavored to exhibit the practical working of the present national currency and bank laws, and I have also had in view the importance of supplying material for a full understanding of the relations between the national banks and the general business of the country, in order to explain the widely prevalent desire among business men for some legislation directed to the establishment of these banks upon a more permanent basis. The national banking system had its origin during the war, and it will always stand splendid in history as an example of financial skill successful under very difficult circumstances. The problem in 18(>o was how to bring the banking capital of the country to the support of the Treasury, and it cannot be doubted that the banks then had it in their power to exact from the Government concessions far more valuable than those granted them. Even these moderate concessions have long since lost all the elements of monopoly, and the act of June 20, 1&74, actually took away $55,000,000 of circulation, partly from banks organized during the war, in order to give the privilege of issuing that sum to banks in States that were cut off by the war from access to the national banking system; a measure entitled to honorable consideration, because at that time those States were without sufficient political influence to exact a share in this valuable privilege, and the then existing banks were strong enough to have made a successful resistance if they had been selfishly inclined. The last vestige of monopoly was swept away by the act of January 14, 1875, which created a free banking system throughout the United States, and, supplemented by the act of July 12,1882, brought its benefits within reach of even small communities. Under the sanction of these laws the national banks have become numerous, widely distributed, and intimately identified with the varied industries by which our entire population literally obtain their daily bread, but during the same time the rapid reduction of the funded debt of the Government has been introducing into the very basis of the system an element of instability which now hampers its extension, impairs its usefulness, and even threatens its continued existence, while there are still great areas of our country in which the natural resources are awaiting development by just such means as these banks might be made to supply. The present financial prospects of the country induce the expectation that the funded debt will be paid off as fast as the bonds mature, and, in consequence, a question has arisen as to what changes should be REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXV1X made in the national-bank system in order that it shall not suffer deterioration or destruction upon the withdrawal of the support upon which it is based by the present laws, which require every bank before begin ning business to deposit a certain amount in United States bonds. The payment of the 3-per cent, bonds, the maturity in 1891 of the 4£per cent, bonds, amounting to $250,000,000, and in 1907 of the 4-per cent, bonds, amounting to nearly $738,000,000, have combined to produce a prospective scarcity in the securities available to the banks as a. basis for their corporate existence, and this is reflected in the advance of these bonds to a premium so high that every day their enforced purchase becomes more and more onerous. Banks now holding only 3-per cent, bonds, and newly organized national banking associations, are forced into the market as purchasers of the 4 per cent, or the 4£ per cent, bonds, and this constant demand, in connection with the prospective scarcity already referred to, sustains and tends still further to elevate the premium on these bonds. As the time approaches for the payment of the 4^-per cent, bonds, it is reasonable to expect a still greater demand for the 4 percents, and it is a question of serious importance whether the banks can afford to hold or to buy 4 per cent, bonds after 1891. In the present age all business men try to anticipate future conditions and to provide well in advance against foreseen contingencies; hence it is to be expected that the banks will not wait until the approach of 1891 to shape their policy with reference to the continued holding of high-priced bonds. For this reason it is not too early now to consider what legislation may be proper to remove this element of future uncertainty from the national banking system, and looking to the possible consideration of this subject by Congress, I respectfully submit the following statement of the question as it appears from the point of view officially occupied by the Comptroller of the Currency: The fundamental postulates underlying every banking system estab lished by law, whatever may be its form, must necessarily be: First. That banks promote the general welfare of the community; and Secondly. That the particular system established by law is the best obtainable under the conditions prevailing at the time and place. These postulates, therefore, underlie our national banking laws. The first postulate will not be questioned, since no people in modern times have ever risen to civilization, or maintained their civilization7 without banks; and least of all can it be questioned in this country where, besides 2,868 national banks now in operation, we have over 5,000 State banks, savings banks, and private banks and bankers, whose operations extend into the minutest ramifications of the employments and resources of our 60,(W0,U00 of population. The second postulate involves the question, whether the present national-bank system should be preserved, and, if so, whether it is good enough as it is or whether it can be improved. The National Currency Act of February 12, 1863, was controlled as to its purposes by the paramount necessity of inducing the banks and other capitalists to become purchasers of Government bonds under conditions that would give a basis of solid value to the currency then being paid out in immense volume under the pressure of military exigencies; hence the consolidation of these banks into a national banking system adapted to commercial and industrial needs appears only as a subordinate incident in the general scheme. As early, however, as the year 1804, it was perceived that the general welfare of the people would LXV1II REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. be promoted by giving greater cohesiveness and method to the system regarded more especially in its banking than in its currency features, and from that time to this the effort of legislation has been to subordinate the issuing of currency to the more important functions performed by the banks as institutions of discount and deposit. The effect of this legislation and its wisdom are exemplified in the present high credit and the consequent wide commercial usefulness of national banks. If the system could be preserved purely as one of deposit and dis count, there would probably arise an almost universal sentiment in favor of bestowing upon its preservation immediate and careful attention, but it is doubtful whether the banks would find sufficient inducement to remain in the system without enjoying some privileges as to the issue of currency, and it has been questioned whether there is power under the Constitution for the charter of national banks, except as instrumentalities for a money circulation. It follows, therefore, that any legislation directed to the improvement and permanent establishment of the national banking system must include some provision for the maintenance of a national-bank circulation, while on the other hand it appears that whatever opposition exists to the national banks attaches to them mainly as banks of issue, and under our system of government nothing can be regarded as permanently established until it has obtained the support of a well-settled public opinion. Hence it is evident that the problem now to be solved is how to remodel the currency features of the national-bank system so as to obtain popular approval of them. Objections to the present national-bank currency appear to be comprised within three classes, namely: 1. A general objection to paper money in any form. 2. An objection to national-bank notes based upon the assumption that they take the place of an equal amount of paper money that might be issued directly upon the credit of the Government. 3. The objection that a currency determined in volume by a definite percentage upon deposited securities of high value can never possess the flexibility and elasticity of volume which are the chief commercial advantages of a bank currency in any form. Against these objections it has been answered— 1. That the question as to having paper money at all is not at present a practical one, because it is evident that our people will have paper money in one form or another, and that of all forms of paper money of which we have had any experience, the present national-bank currency is the least objectionable, even to those who think that all such money should i e avoided. 2. That while a bank currency based on Government bonds and redeemable hi greenbacks may be considered as a kind of Government money, on which the banks are getting the profit, yet without this privilege, or some other equivalent to it, the national-bank system could never have been established, nor can it now be maintained, and that this is the cheapest price at which the people or the Government could have got any banking system so good in all respects and so valuable as this has proved to be. Another argument is that the Government must pay interest upon its bonds whether these are held by the banks or not, hence the profit to the banks on these bonds has been obtained without charge on the Treasury; while, on the other hand, if the banks had not been offered sufficient inducement to invest in these bonds, many more of them REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY. LXIX would have gone abroad at low prices, and the country as a whole would now be so much the worse off. 3. That the want of flexibility in the currency and of elasticity of volume are consequences arising from the scarcity of bonds and the high prices to which they have risen, and that this could not have been foreseen nor provided against in the original acts, but may now be remedied by proper legislation. These objections and the answers to them are stated without comment. They are gathered from current discussion in the press, and seem worthy of consideration. Some suggestions have been made to me as to new legislation on this subject, which, together with such conclusions as I have been able to reach, are subject to whatever disposition Congress may be pleased to order. W. L. TRENHOLM, Comptroller of the Currency. Hon. JOHN G. CARLISLE, Speaker of the Rouse of Representatives. APPENDIX. A DIGEST OF NATIONAL-BANK CASES. CONTENTS.* I. Constitutional law. (1) Powers of Congress; (2) Powers of the States. II. Powers and liabilities of national banking associations. (1) Implied powers; (2) As to collateral securities; (3) Specif] deposits; (4) Government securities; (5) Certified check: (G) Purchasing check; (7) Stocks; (#) Deposits to secure performance of contracts; (9) Loans in excess of one-tenth capital; (10) Real estate; (11) Certificates of deposit; (12) Lien on dividends; (13) Contracts and obligations of old corporation; (14) Place of business; (15) Circulating notes. III. Ultra vires. (1) Dealing in stocks; (2) Purchasing negotiable paper; (3) Lending credit; (4) Mortgages on real estate; (5) When association cannot set up want of power. IV. Stock. (1) Purchasing its own stock; (2) Liens on stock; (3) May be attached ; (4) Capital set free belongs to shareholders; (5) Contracts to give Bhares for business; (6) Transfer of stock ; (7) Specific performance of contract to sell. V. Shareholders. (1) Estopped to deny incorporation; (2) Individual liability. VI. Officers. (1) Tenure of office; (2) Bonds of officers; (3) Borrowing of association; (4) Cashier's liability for loan in excess of one-tenth capital; (5) Directors ol converted banks. VII. Interest. (1) What interest associations may take; (2) On claims against insolvent associations; (3) Usury. VIII. Insolvent associations. (1) Not subject to bankrupt act; (2) What constitutes insolvency; (3) Assets a trust fund; (4) United States has no priority; (5) Claims for torts; (6) Preferences; (7) Basis for estimation of dividends ; (8) Set-off. IX. Receivers. (1) Officer of the United States; (2) Whom he represents; (3) How far subject to Comptroller's orders; (4) Power of courts to appoint; (5) Debtors of association cannot question legality of appointments; (6) Receiver's decision not final; (7) Sale by; (8) Contracts of. X. Taxation. (1) What may be taxed; (2) Rate; (3) Valuation; (4) Exemptions; (5) Collection of tax from the association; (G) License tax; (7) Powers of taxing officers; ^8) Enforcement of taxes; (9) Location of association for taxing purposes. XL Jurisdiction. (1) Jurisdiction of Federal courts prior to the act of July 12,1882 ; (2) Jurisdiction of Federal courts subsequent to act of July 12, 188*2 ; (3) Jurisdiction of State courts; (4) United States cannot be subjected to jurisdiction of court; (5) Citizenship. * Cases which turned upon a peculiar state of facts, and many which hut reiterate settled principles, have been omitted; also, a few which are reported so badly or so lueagerly that the precise points decided do not clearly appear. LXXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, XII. Suits. (1) By and against associations; (2) By shareholders; (3) By receivers; (4) By creditors of insolvent association; (5) For usury; (6) To enforce liability of shareholders; (7) Execution; (8) Attachments; (9) Abatement; (id) Estoppel; (11) Suits against liquidating associations; (12) Transitory aud local suits ; (13) Survival of suits. XIII. Evidence. (1) Certificates of Comptroller ; (2) Evidence of insolvency ; (3) Necessity for assessment by Comptroller. XIV. Crimes. (1) Under United States laws ;»(*2) Under State laws; (3) Term " United States currency" in penal statutes. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXXV L CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. 1. POWEKS OF CONGRESS : (a) Congress bas the constitutional power to incorporate banks. (McCulloch v. Maryland, 4 Wheat., 31G; Osborn v. Bank of the United States, 9 Wheat., 738.) (6) Congress bas power to clothe national hanking associations, as to their contracts and dealings with the world, with any special immunities and privileges exempting them, in their trade and intercourse with others, from the laws and remedies applicable in like cases to other citizens. (The Chesapeake Bank v. The First National Bank of Baltimore, 40 MA., 269.) (c) Thus, the provision of the banking law that no attachment, injunction, or execution shall issue against a national hanking association before final judgment in any suit, action, or proceeding in a State court is constitutional. '(Ibid.) (d) The tax imposed on State or national banks paying out the notes of individuals or St ate banks used for circulation is constitutional. (Veazie Hank v. Feinto, 8 Wall., 533.) (e) So is tlie tax imposed on them for paying out the circulating notes of municipal corporations. (Merchants' National Bank of Little Bock v. United States, 101 U.S., 1.) (/) Snob a tax is not a direct tax within the meaning of the clause of the Constitution, which declares that " direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several States, according to their respective numbers." (Veazie Bank v. Fenno, and Merchants' National Bank of Little Hock v. United States, supra.) (g) Congress having, in the exercise of undisputed constitutional powers, undertaken to provide a currency for the whole country, may secure the benefit of it to the people by appropriate legislation. ( Veazie Bank v. Fenno, supra.) (h) Congress had the power to divest the United States courts of their jurisdiction of suits by or against national banking associations. (National Bank of Jefferson v. Fare ei al., U. S. C. C. (E. 1). Texas), 25 Fed. Hep., 209.) 2. POWEKS OF THE STATES: (a) National banking associations, being instruments designed to aid the Government in the administration of a branch of the public service, cannot be controlled by the States, except in so far as Congress may seel proper to permit. (Farmers and Mechanics' Bank v. Bearing, 91 U. S.,2 3.) (b) No authority from the State is necessary to enable a State bank to convert itself into a national banking association. (Casey v. Galli, 94 U. #.,673.) (c) National banking associations located outside of a State are subject to its restraining acts prohibiting all corporations, not authorized by the law of the State, from keeping therein offices for the purpose* of discount and deposit. (National Bank of Fair haven v. The Phamix Warehousing Company, 6 Bun, 71.) (d) It is competent for a State by penal enactments to protect its citizens in their dealings with national banking associations located within the State. (State v. Fuller, 34 Conn., 280; see also Taxation and jurisdiction.) II. POWERS AND LIABILITIES. 1. IMPLIED POWERS: To the enumerated powers of national banking associations are to besupeiadded all the powers incidental to the business of banking. (Fattison v. 8>iracusr National Bank, 80 N. Y., 82.) 2. AS TO COLLATERAL SECURITIES : (a) A national banking association may take stock of a corporation as collateral security for a loan. (Shoemaker v. The National Mechanics' Bank, 2 Abb. U- S., 416 ;' Canfleldv. The State National Bank of Minneapolis, U. S C. '". (Vist. Minn.), i Northwestern Reporter, 173.) (b) And it may take for such purpose the stock of another national banking association/ (National Bank x. Case, 99 U. S., G2d.) NOTE.—But this poinl was not necessary to the decision of the case. LXXVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 2. AS TO COLLATERAL SECURITIES—Cont iliued. (c) A national banking association may take a pledge of personal chattels as security for a loan. (Pittsburgh Locomotive and Car Works v. State National Bank of Keokuk, U. S. C. C. (Eighth. CircuP, 187.>), 2 Cent. L. </., (592.) (d) A national banking association may take as security fora loan the indorsement of a married woman, charging her separate estate. Such security is to be treated as personal security, within the meaning of the banking law, and not as a mortgage. (Third National Bankv. Blake, 73 N. Y., 200.) (e) A national banking association may take as collateral security for a loan a warehouse receipt for merchandise. (Cleveland, Brown $• Co. v. Shoeman, 40 Ohio St., 176.) (/) A national banking association may take as security for a loan the stock of a corporation whose entire capital is vested in real estate. Such a loan does not amount to a lending upon mortgage. (Baldwin v. Canfield, 26 Minn., 43.) (g) An agreement by a national banking association to the effect that, in case a note discounted by it shall not be paid, a mortgage given by the maker to his indorser shall inure to the benefit of the association, is not inhibited by the national banking law. (First National Bank v. Haire, 36 Iowa, 443; see also National Bank v. Matthews, 98 U. £., 021.) (h) A national banking association having taken a mortgage on real estate to secure a debt i>revionsly contracted may, in order to protect itself, pay off a prior lien on the said real estate; and the lien which it thus acquires it may enforce. (Onmv. Merchants' National Bank, 16 Kans., 341; Holmes v. Bold, 90 Ind., 332.) (i) Where a national banking association has taken collaterals to secure a loan, and, after the loan has been repaid, holds them to secure future advances, it is not a gratuitous bailee ; and it is responsible for the loss of such collaterals occasioned by its lack of ordinary care and diligence, though at the time the bailor was not indebted to it. (Third National Bank of Baltimore v. Boyd. 44 Md., 47.) 3 SPECIAL DEPOSITS : (a) A national banking association may receive special deposits. The provision in section f>228, Revised Statutes, authorizing an association " to deliver special deposits" implies that it may receive them as apart of its legitimate business; and this implication is as effectual as an express declaration to the same effect would have been. (National Bank v. Graharn, 100 U. S., 699.) (b) National banking associations have power to receive special deposits either gratuitous!}/ or otherwise. (Pattison v. Syracuse National Bank, 80 N. Y., 82.) (c) But the executive officers of an association cannot bind it as a gratuitous bailee, unless they have a special authority from the board of directors so to do, or there exists a general custom or usage to that effect. (First National Bank of Lyons v. Ocean National Bank, 60 N. Y., 278.) 4. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES : (a) National banking associations can engage in the business of dealing in and exchanging Government securities. ( Van Leuven v. First National Bank, 54 N. Y., (371; Yerkesv. National Bank of Port Jervis, 69 N. Y., 383; Leach v. Hale, 31 Iowa, 69.) (b) And where an association receives United States bonds of one class for the purpose of having them converted into bonds of another class, it is not a mere mandatary, but is responsible for the failure to deliver the bonds on demand. (Leach v. Hale, supra.) 5. CERTIFIED CHECK : A national banking association may "certify" a check. A "certified" check is not within the meaning of section 5183, Revised Statutes, which prohibits the issuing of post-notes or any notes to circulate as money other than such as are authorized by the national banking law. (Merchants1 National Hank v. State National Bank, 10 Wall, 604.) 6. PURCHASING CHECK: A national bank may buy a check drawn upon another bank; and whether the check is payable to order or to bearer is immaterial. (First National Bank of Rochester v. Harris, 108 Mass., 514.) 7. STOCKS: (a) A national banking association, in the compromise of a claim growiug out of its legitimate business, may take railroad stock. (First National Bank of Charlotte v. National Exchange Bank of Baltimore, 92 77. S., 122.) REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY LXX\II 7. STOCKS—Continued. (b) And when necessary to do so, it may pay the difference between the value of the stock and the amount of the claim. (Ibid.) (c) A national banking association may take and hold the coupons of municipal bonds, and may maintain actions thereon. (First National Bank of North Bennington v. Town of Bennington, U. S. C. C. (Dist. Vt.)t Browne's N. B. Cas., 43? ; see also Lyons v. Lyons National Ba?ikf 19 Blatch., 279.) 8. DEPOSITS TO SECURE PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT : A national banking association may receive a deposit to be held by it as security ibr the faiihiul performance of a contract between the depositor and another. (Bushnellv. The Chatauqua County National Bank, 10 Hun, 378.) NOTE.— But the court put the decision upon the further ground that even were the contract ultra vires, the association, having received the deposit, was estopped from setting up its want of power. 9. LOANS IN EXCESS OF ONE-TENTH CAPITAL: (a) Sec. i>200, Revised Statutes, which provides that the total liabilities to any association of any person, &c, shall not exceed one-tenth j)art of the capital stock paid in, was intended only for the guidance of the association, and, though i s franchises may be liable to forfeiture for violation of the law, the association may recover of the borrower the full amount of the loan. (Gold Mining Company v. Rocky Mountain National Bank, 96 U. 8., 640; O'Harv v. Second National Bank of Tifusville, 77 Venn. St., 96'; Shoemaker v. The National Mechanic*' Bank, 2 Abb. U. S., 41(>; Stewart v. National Union Bank of Maryland, 2 Abb. U. S., 424.) (&) A note is not illegal because at the time it was discounted by the association the maker was indebted to the association in a sum equal to more than one-tenth part of its capital. (O'Jfare v. /Second National Bank of Titusville, supra.) (c) And a court of equity will not enjoin an association, at the instance of the borrower, from transferring to innocent third persons notes and securities, on the ground that the notes represent part of a Joan made in excess of 10 per cent, of the capital of the association. (Elder v. First National Bank of Ottawa, 12 Kans., 23H.) (d) Where a State bank makes a loan to one person of an amount in excess of one-tenth part of its capital, and is afterward converted inlo a national bank, it may, after conversion, extend tho time for payment of such loan without violating section f>"200, Revised Statutes. (Allen v. The First National Bank of Xenia, 23 Ohio St., 97.) 10. REAL ESTATE : (a) Where a national banking association acquires real estate which it is not authorized to take, the conveyance to it is not void, but only voidable. And the title of the association to such real estate is good until assailed in a direct proceeding by the Government. (Reynolds v. Craivfordville Bank, 112 U. iS'., 405; see also National Bank v. Matthews, 98 U. S., 621; National Bank v. Whitney, 103 U. 8., 99 ; Swopev. Leffingivell, 105 U. S., 3; Fortier v. New Orhans Bank, 112 U. S., 439.) (b) The amount of real estate which a national banking association may purchase to secure a pre-existing debt is not limited to the exact amount of the debt, but as much may be purchased as is necessary to secure the debt due, so long as the security of such debt is the real object ot the purchase. ( Upton v. National Bank of South Reading, 1^0 Mass.. 153.) (c) Where the purpose is to secure a debt previously contracted, a national banking association may take a conveyance of real estate worth more than the debt, and pay the difference between the debt and the value of the property. (Libby v. Union National Bank, 99 ///., (J22.) (d) Where a national banking association sells real estate it may take a mortgage thereon to secure the payment of the purchase-money. (New Orleans National Bank v, Raymond, 2\) La. Ann., 355.) 11. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT: National banking associations may issue certificates of deposit. Such certificates are not post-notes Aviihin tho prohibition of section 5183, Revised Statutes. (Iluntv. Appellant. Supreme Court of Mass., May 7, 1886; Riddle v. First National Bank U. S. C. C. ( W. D. Venn.), 21 Fed. 7iVj?.,503. ) 12. LIEN ON DIVIDENDS: An association has an equitable lien upon dividends declared for any just debt due to it from the shareholders. (Hagerx. Union National Bank, 63 Me., 509.) LXXVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 13. CONTRACTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF OLD CORPORATION: (a) Where a State bank has been converted into a national banking association it may enforce all contracts made with it while a State corporation* (City National Bank v. Phelps, 97 N. Y., 44.) And it is liable, after the conversion, for all the obligations of the old institution. {Coffee v. The National Bank of Missouri, 46 Mo., 140; Kelsey v. The National Bank of Crawford, 69 Penn. St., 426.) (c) A national banking association organized as the successor of a State bank may take and hold the assets of the bank whose place it takes, though there was not in form a! conversion from a State to a national corporation, but the organization of a new corporation. (Bank v. Molntire, 40 Ohio St., 528.) (d) 4 n ( i such association will be liable to the depositors of the former bank. Eans v. Exchange Bank, 79 Mo., 182.) 14. PLACE OF BUSINESS: (a) The provision requiring u the usual business" of the association to be transacted ' i at an office or banking-house in the place specified in its organization certificate" must be construed reasonably; and a part of the legitimate business of the association which cannot be transacted at the banking-house may be done elsewhere. (Merchants' Bankv. State Bank, 10 Wall., 604.) (b) Although the general business of a national banking association is to be transacted at its place of business, yet, if the association is fully advised of the facts, and does not object, and there is no fraud, its officers, when acting within the general scope of their authority, may bind it by acts done at another place. (Burton v. Burley, 9 Biss., 253.) 15. CIRCULATING NOTES: The circulating notes of a national banking association are valid, though they do not bear the imprint of the seal of the Treasury. Such imprint was intended to be simply evidence of the contract, and forms no part of the contract itself. ( United States v. Bennett, 17 Blatch., 357.) III. ULTRA VIRES. 1. DEALING IN STOCKS: (a) A national banking association is not authorized to act as a broker or agent in the purchase of bonds and stocks. (First National Bank of Allentown v. Hoch, 89 Penn St., 324 ; Weckler v. The First National Bank of Hagerstown% 42 Md., 581.) (6) A national banking association cannot deal in stocks. The prohibition is tobe implied from the failure to grant the power. (First National Bankv. National Exchange Bank, 92 U. S., 122.) NOTE.—But see as to its power to deal in Government securities, Powers, 4. 2. PURCHASING NEGOTIABLE PAPER: A national banking association cannot purchase negotiable pay>er. (Lazear v. National Union Bank of Baltimore, 52 Md., 78; First National Bank of Rochester v. Pierson, 24 Minn., 140; see also Farmers and Mechanics1 Bank v. Baldwin, 23 Minn.. 198. But see Smith v. The Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh, 26 Ohio 8t.9 141.) 3. LENDING CREDIT : (a) A national banking association cannot lend its credit. (Johnston v. Charlottesville National Bank, 3 Hughes, 657 ; Seligman v. Charlottesville National Bank, 3 Hughes, 647.) (b) A national banking association cannot guarantee the paper of a customer for his accommodation. (Seligman v. Charlottesville National Bank, supra.) (c) The accommodation paper of a national banking association is void in the hands of one who takes it with knowledge of its character. (Johnston v. Charlottesville National Bank, supra.) 4. MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE: (a) National banking associations are by implication prohibited from taking mortgages on real estate as security for contemporaneous loans. (National Bank v. Matthews, 98 U. S., 621; Fowler v. Scully, 72 Penn. St., 456; Kansas Valley National Bank v. liowell, 2 Dill., 371; Commonwealth Bank v. Olark, 4i/o.',59; Crockerv. Whitney, 71 N. Y., 161; Fridleyv. Bowen, 87 III.,,*151.) (6) But where such security has been taken, no one but the Government can be heard to complain that the association has exceeded its powers. (National Bankv. Matthews, supra; National Bankv. Whitney, 103 U. 8., 99; Swopev* REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXXIX 4. MORTGAGES ON REAL ESTATE—Continued. Lcfingicell, 105 U. S., 3 ; Reynolds v. National Bank, 112 U. S., 405; Fortier v. National Bank, 112 U. S., 439.) NOTE.—These decisions overrule, on this point, Kansas Valley National Bank v. Rowell, 2 Dill., 371; Crocker v. Whitney, supra; Fowler v. Scully, supra; Matthews v. Skinker, 62 Mo., 329; Woods v. People's National Bank of Pittsburgh, 83 Penn St., 57 ; Fridley v. Bowen% supra. 6* WHEN ASSOCIATION CANNOT SET UP WANT OF POWER : Where a national banking association has entered into a contract which it was not authorized to make, a party who has enjoyed the benefit; of such contract cannot question its validity. (Casey v. La SocieUcle CreditMobilier, 2 Woods, 77; German National Bank v. Meadoxvcroft, 95 III., 124.) IV. STOCK. I. PURCHASING ITS OWN STOCK: Where a national banking association purchases shares of its own stock, and divides them among its directors, to whom the shares are transferred upon the stock books, the transaction is void, and no title passes. (Meyers v. Valley National Bank, U.S. B.C. (E. Dist. Mo.), 13 National Bankruptcy Register, 34.) U. LIENS ON STOCK: (a) A national banking association cannot acquire a lien on the stock of a shareholder. And a by-law prohibiting a transfer until all liabilities of the shareholder to the association are discharged, or a provision to that effect in the certificates of stock, is void. (Bullard v. National Bank, 18 Wall., 589; Bankw. Lanier, 11 Wall., 369; Conklin v. The Second National Bank, 45 N. Y., 655.) (6) A national banking association cannot take a pledge of its stock to secure a deposit made 1# it with another bank. Such a transaction amounts to a lending upon the security of its own shares. (Bank v. Lanier, supra.) (c) Though a bank is prohibited from lending money upon the security of its own shares, yet if the shares have been sold and the proceeds applied to the payment of the debt, the courts will not aid the shareholder to recover the value of the shares. He can dispute the validity of the transaction only while the contract is executory, and the security still subsists in the possession of the bank. (National Bank of Xeniav. Stewart, 107 U. S., 676.) 3. MAY BE ATTACHED: The stock of a shareholder indebted to it may be attached by the association and sold on execution. (Hagar v. Union National Bank, 63 Me., 509.) 4. CAPITAL SET FREE BELONGS TO SHAREHOLDERS : When a national banking association reduces its capital stock the amount of capital thus released belongs to the shareholders pro rata, and must be returned to them; and it cannot be retained by the association for a surplus. (Seely v. New York National Exchange Bank, 8 Daly, 400; 8. e., 4 Abb. N. C, 61.) 5. CONTRACTS TO GIVE SHARES FOR BUSINESS: Where an association has made or ratified a contract to give a person a certain number of the shares of its stock, upon condition that he will continue to do his business with it, and derives the benefit from this contract, the other party may recover of the association the value of the shares. (Rich v. State National Bank of Lincolny 7 Nebr., 231.) 6. TRANSFER OF STOCK: (a) The transfer of shares in national banking associations is not governed by different rules from those which are ordinarily applied to the transfer of shares in other corporate bodies. (Johnson v. Lajiin, 103 U. S., 800.) (b) The entry of the transaction in the books of the association is required, not for the translation of the title, but for the protection of the parties and others dealing with the association, and to enable it to know who are its stockholders. (Ibid.) (c) A shareholder in a national bank, while it is a going concern, has the absolute right, in the absence of fraud, to make a bona tide and actual sale and transfer of his shares, at any time, to any person capable in law of purchasing and holding the same, and of assuming the transferees liabilities in respect thereto; and this right is not, in such cases, subject to the control of the directors or other stockholders. (Johnson v. Lajiin, 5 DiM.,65.) LXXX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 6. TRANSFER OF STOCK—Continued. (d) Under the pretense of prescribing the manner thereof, an assoeiation>canuot clog the transfer with useless restrictions. (Johnson v. Lajlin, supra.) (e) When a shareholder, acting in good faith, delivers his certificates of stock, with a blank power of attorney for making the transfer, and receives the purcbase-money, the sale is complete, and the title passes. (Ibid.) ( / ) Where a cashier, who is intrusted by the directors with the duty of transferring the stock of the association, refuses, for insutiicienb reasons, to transfer shares, and tho association subsequently becomes insolvent, the owner of the shares may maintain an action against the receiver for the injury sustained. (Case v. Citizens7 Bank, 100 U.' S., 446.) 7. SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT TO SELL : A specific performance of a contract to sell the stock of a national banking association will not. be enforced in favor of a purchaser who places his claim for equitable relief upon the ground that he desires to obtain control of the association. Such an object is contrary to public policy. (Foil's Appeal, 81 Perm. St., 434.) V. SHAREHOLDERS. 1. ESTOPPED TO DENY INCORPORATION : A shareholder who has held himself out to the world as such is estopped to deny thatthe association was legally incorporated. (Casey v. Galli, 94 U. S., 673; Wheehck v. Eost, 77 JH., 296.) 2. INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY : (a) The question whether there is a deficiency of assets, and when it is necessary to eniorce the individual liability of shareholders, is for the Comptroller to determine; and his decision in this matter is final and conclusive. (Kennedy v. Gibson, 8 Ma//., 498; National Bank v. Case, 99 U. S., 628; Casey Y. Galli',94 U.S., 673.) (fc) The amount contributed by each shareholder should bear the same proportion TO the whole amount of the deficit as his own stock bears to the whole amount of tho capital stock at its par value. And the solvent shareholders cannot be made to contribute more than their proportion to make good the deficiency caused by the insolvency of other shareholders. ( United States v. Enox, 102 U. S.,422.) (c) A shareholder who disposes of his stock will continue to be liable thereon until the transfer is noted on the books of the association. (Bowdell v. Farmers and Merchants1 National Bank of Baltimore, U. S. C. C. (D. Md», 1877), Browne?8 N. B. Cas., 147. (d) The individual liability of a shareholder adheres to his estate after his death until his place as a member of the association is taken by some new shareholder. (Davis v. Weed, U. S. D. C. (Dist. Conn.), reported 44 Conn., 569. (e) The receiver has a valid claim against the estate generally of a deceased shareholder who died prior to the insolvency of tho bank, but whose stock has not been transferred. (Ibid.) (f) And the fact that the title to the stock of a deceased shareholder vests in his administrator does not relieve the estate from the burden of an assessment. (Ibid ) (g) Nor will the fact that the administration is complete, and all the assets have been distributed, defeat an action brought to recover the assessment. (Ibid.) (h) One who appears on the books of the association as the owner of shares of its stock is individually liable, though he hold the stock merely as collateral security. (National Bankv. Case, 99 U. £.,028; Moore v. Jones, 3 Woods, 53; Bowdell v. Farmers and M<rchants' National Bank of Baltimore, supra; Haley. Walker, 31 Iowa, 344; Wheelock v. Kost, supra.) (i) But where a pledgee, for the express purpose of avoiding a personal liability, and before tin* association becomes insolvent, or is in danger of insolvency, transfers the stock to an irresponsible person, he, the pledgee, will not be liable to contribute as a shareholder. (Anderson v. Warehouse Co., I l l U. S., 479.) (j) And where stock has been transferred as collateral security for a loan, with the understanding that in case of default in the payment of the loan the shares shall be sold, the transferee, upon default made, and be lore the bank closes its doors, may sell the stock for a nominal consideration, though his purpose be to avoid a personal liability; and such a transaction cannot be set REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXXXI 2. INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY—Continued. aside as a fraud upon the creditors of the association. (Magruder v. Colston. 44 Md., 349.) NOTE.—The court put the decision upon the ground that the sale was in pursuance of a stipulation which formed a part of the contract between the original owner and his transferee. See also Holyoke Bank v. Burnham, 11 Cush., 187,, upon the authority of which the Maryland case was decided. (k) If the trusteeship of one who holds stock in trust does not appear upon the books of the association he will be individually liable. (Davis v. Essex Baptist Society, U. S. D. C. (Dist. Conn.), reported 44 Conn., f>82.) (I) A transfer of shares for the purpose of avoiding liability, though made "out and out," is void. (National Bank v. Case, supra; Bowden v. Santos, 1 Hughes, 158.) (m) And where a shareholder, who has knowledge of tbe insolvent condition of the bank, transfers his shares, without consideration, to a person unable to respond to the assessment, the transfer may be set aside and the individual liability of tbe transferer enforced. (Boivden v. Johnson, 107 U. S., 251.) (n) The real owner of the stock is liable as a stockholder, though when he purchased the stock he had it transferred upon the books to another. (Davis v. Stevens, 17 Blatch., 259.) NOTE.—The case of the owner of stock is thus different from that of a pledgee. (See Anderson v. Philadelphia Warehouse Company, supra.) (o) Where shareholders have assessed themselves to the amount of the par value of the stock for the purpose of restoring impaired capital, the contributions made in pursuance of such assessment, though all used in paying the debts of the association, will not so operate either at law or in equity as to discharge the shareholders from their individual liability. (Delano v. Butler, U. S. S. C., October Term, 1880.) (p) The individual liability of the shareholders of an insolvent association may bo enforced for the purpose of paying all of its liabilities, and not merely for the purpose of paying its •' debts," technically so called. (Stantonv. Wilkeson, 8 Ben., 357.) VI. OFFICERS. 1. TENURE OF OFFICE: (a) The officers of a national banking association can hold their positions enly by the tenure specified in section 5136, Revised Statutes, viz, the pleasure of the board of directors. (Harrington v. First National Bank of Chittenango, S. C. N. Y., 1H73, Thomp. N. B. Cas., 761; see also Taylor v. Hution, 43 Barb., 195.) (b) Directors of national banking associations may remove the president, both under the law of Congress and the articles of association, where the latter so provide. The power exists 'hough the association has adopted no bylaws. ('Taylor v. Mutton, supra.) 2. BONDS OF OFFICERS: (a) It is not necessary that national banking associations shall signify their ap X>roval of the official bonds of their officers by memoranda entered upon the journals or minutes of the directors. The acceptance is to be presumed from the retention of the bond, and from the fact that the officer is permitted to enter upon, or continue in the discharge of his duties. (Grover v. The Lebanon National Bank, 10 Bush, 23.) (6) Where the sureties of an officer can reasonably be presumed to have been deceived by the statement of the condition of the bank published just prior to tbe execution of the bond, and to have been led to think that there was no deficit, whereas there had been a misapplication of a large part of the funds by the officer whose bondsmen they became, which fact would have been ascertained had the directors exercised ordinary diligence, the sureties are discharged from their liability. (Grover v. The Lebanon National Bank, supra.) 3. BORROWING MONEY OF ASSOCIATION: An officer may, in the ordinary course'of business, borrow money of the association. (Blair v First National Bank of Mansfield, U. S. C. C. (N. D. Ohio, 1877), 10 Chicago Legal News, 84.) 4. CASHIER'S LIABILITY FOR LOAN IN EXCESS OF ONE-TENTH CAPITAL: If a cashier, without authority from the directors so to do, make a loan in excess of one-tenth oi; the capital of the association, he will be liable, in case of loss, ii>r tliu amount, of the excess. (Second National Bank of Oswego v. Burt% XXY New York Weekly Digest, 290.) H. Ex, 3 YI LXXXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 5. DIRECTORS OF CONVERTED BANKS: (a) When a State bank is converted into a national banking association all of the directors at the lime will continue to be the directors of the association until others are appointed or elected, though some of them may not have joined in the execution of the articles of association and organization certificate. (Lockwood v. The American National Bank, 9 i?./., 308.) (b) Au<\,semble, that the directors of a bank at the time of its conversion into a national banking association are not required to take the oath of directors. (Ibid.) (c) But even were the oath required, a majority of all who were directors at the time of the conversion, and not merely a majority of those who take the oath, are necessary to constitute a quorum. (Ibid.) VII. INTEREST. 1. WHAT INTEREST ASSOCIATIONS MAY TAKE : (a) The provision in section 30 of the act of 1864 "that where, by the law of any State, a different rate is limited for banks of issue organized under State laws, the rate so limited shall be allowed for associations organized in any such State under the act," is enabling, and not restrictive; and, therefore, a national banking association in any State may stipulate for as high a rate of interest as by the laws of such State a natural person may, although State banks of issue are restricted to a less rate. {Tiffany v.National Bank of the State of Missouri, 18 Wall, 409.) (b) But it is not to be inferred from Tiffany v. National Bank of Missouri that whatever by the laws of the State is lawful for natural persons in acquiring title to negotiable paper by discount is lawful for national banks. (National Bankv. Johnson, 104 U. £.,271.) (c) The interest which a national banking association may charge is limited to the rate allowed to the banks of the State generally ; and the fact that a few of the State banks are specially authorized to take a higher rate is not a warrant fora national banking association to do so. (Duncan v. First National Hank if Mount Pleasant, V. S. 1). V. (IV. D. Penn., 1876), 11 Bank. Mag., 787 ; Gruber v. First National Bank, 87 Perm. St., 408.) (d) Where the State law does not limit the rate of interest which may be charged on loans to corporations, a national hanking association located in that State cannot charge more than 7 per cent, interest on such loans (In re Wild, 11 Blatch., 24X) 2. ON CLAIMS AGAINST INSOLVP:XT ASSOCIATIONS : (a) A depositor in a national banking association which has become insolvent is entitled to interest on his deposit. (National Baik of Commonwealth v. Mechanics' National Bank, 94 U. S., 437.) (b) He is entitled to interest from the date of the suspension of payments; and no demand upon the association is necessary. (Chemical National Bank v. Bailey, 12 Blatch,, 480.) (c) Claims, when proved to the satisfaction of the Comptroller, are upon the same footing as if put in judgment, and therefore bear interest; and the fact that, under certain circumstances, there might be thus a compounding of interest, will not defeat the right to interest. (National Bank of Commonwealth v. Mechanics' National Bank, supra.) (d) But where a creditor has obtained judgment against an insolvent national banking association for the full amount of his claim and interest, he is not entitled to interest upon the face of the j udgment, but only upon the amount of the claim at the time of the failure. ( White v. Knox, 111 U. S.y 784.) (e) The creditors of an insolvent national banking association in the hands of a receiver are entitled to interest on their claims during the period of administration. (Chemical National Bank v. Bailey, supra.) ( / ) The assessments made by the Comptroller upon the shareholders of an insolven t association bear interest from the date of the order. (Casey v. Galli, 94 17. £.,673.) 3. USURY: (a) The usury laws of the States do1 not apply to national banking associations. (Farmers and Mechanics Bank v. Bearing, 91 U. £.,29; Central National Bankv. Pratt, 115 Mass., 539; First National Bankv. Gorlinghouse, 22 Ohio St., 492; Davis v. Randall, 115 Mass., 547; Hintermisterv. First National Bank, 64 N. Y., 212.) (6) And the remedies provided by the SUte1 for the taking of usury cannot be resorted to. (Farmers and Mechanics Bank v. Dearinqt supra; Wiley v. Starbuck, 44 lnd.} 298.) REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXXXIII 3. USURY—Continued. (c) The taking of illegal interest by a national banking association does not render the contract void. (Farmers and Mechanics? Bank v. Bearing, supra.) (d) It does not invalidate an indorsement or a guaranty of the notes upon which the usurious interest was paid. (Gates v. First National Bank of Montgomery, 100 U. S., 239; Lazear v. National Union Bank of Baltimore, 52 Md.9 78.) (e) But usury destroys the interest-bearing power of the obligation ; and there will be no point of time from which it can bear interest. (Lucas v. Government National Bank, 78 Penn. St., 228.) (/) The usury works a forfeiture of the entire interest accruing after maturity and before judgment, as well as that which accrues before maturity. (Skunk v. The First National Bank of Gallon, 22 Ohio St., 508.) (g) The.discounting of business paper by a national banking association at a higher than the legal rate is usurious, though the law of the State fixes no liAiit to the rate which natural persons may take for the discount or purchase of such paper. (Johnson v. National Bank of GlovtrsviUe, 74 N. F., 329; affirmed in National Bank v. Johnson, 104 U. S., 271). (h) By charging more than legal interest on overdrafts, a national banking association loses the right to recover any interest at all. (Third National Bank of Philadelphia v. Miller, 90 Penn. St., 241.) (i) The liabilities of antecedent parties to a note or bill will not be affected by the usurious character of the transaction between the payee and the association ; and the association may recover the loll amount of the note or bill from the maker or acceptor. (Smith v. The Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh,2Q Ohio St., 141.) (j) Usurious interest which has been paid to a national banking association cannot be applied by way of payment or set-off in any action by the association to recover the amount of the loan. {Bar-net v. Muncie National Bank, 98 U. S., 855.) (k) Nor can the penalty for taking the usurious interest be recovered by wray of counter claim in such action, but a separate action must be brought therefor. (Ibid.) NOTE.—This case overrules portions of the decisions in Lucas v. Government National Bank, supra; Overholt v. National Bank, 82 Penn. St., 490 ; Cake v. The First National Bank of Lebanon, 83 Penn. St., 303. (I) A director is not by reason of his position estopped from setting up the defense of usury in an action brought against him by the association. (Bank of Cadiz v. Slemmons, 34 Ohio St., 142.) (m) Where a national banking association has discounted notes for another bank at a usurious rate of interest, the fact that the other bank has charged illegal interest on those notes to its customers will not affect its right to set up the defense of usury in an action by the association. (Third National Bank of Philadelphia v. Miller, supra.) (n) The amount which may be recovered from the association as a penalty is twice the amount of interest paid, and not simply twice the amount in excess of the legal rate. (Crocker v. First National Bank of Chctopa, U. S. C. C. (Eighth Circuit), 3 Am. L. T. [N. S.], 350; Overholt v. National Bank of Mount Pleasant, 82 Penn. St., 490 ; see also Bar net v. Muncie National Bank, supra.) VIII. INSOLVENCY. 1. NOT SUBJECT TO BANKRUPT ACT : National banking associations were not subject to the bankrupt act while that act was in force. (In re Manufacturers' National Bank, 5 Biss., 499.) 2. WHAT CONSTITUTES INSOLVENCY : The term " insolvency," as used in section 5242 Kevised Statutes, forbidding transfer of the assets of national banking associations after, or in contemplation of, such insolvency, has the same meaning as it had when applied to traders in the bankrupt act; that is, it does not mean an absolute inability of a debtor to pay his debt at some future time, upon a settlement and winding up of his affairs, but a present inability to pay in the ordinary course of business. (Case v. Citizens' Bank of Louisiana^ 2 Woods, 23; Market Bank v. Pacific National Bank, 30 Hun, 50.) LXXXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THT3 CURRENCY. 3. ASSETS A TRUST FUND : Upon the appointment of a receiver all the assets of the association become in his hands a trust fund which the statute of limitations does not touch or affect. (Riddle v. First National Bank, U. S. C. C. ( W. D. Venn.), 27 Fed. Rep.. 503.) NOTE.—But this point was not necessary to the decision of the case, for suits against insolvent corporations are by a law of Pennsylvania expressly excluded from the operation of the statute. 4. UNITED STATES HAS NO PRIORITY : (a) Section 346(5, which gives the United States a priority for all claims it has against insolvent debtors, does not apply to the case of an insolvent national banking association. (Cook County National Bank v. United States, 107 U. S,7 445.) (6) And as against the proceeds of the bonds deposited to secure circulation the United States can set off no claim, except for money advanced to redeem the notes. (Ibid.) (c) And upon the failure of an association its five per cent, redemption fund cannot be retained by the Treasurer to pay taxes due to the United States, but the fund passes to the Comptroller as an asset of the association. (Jackson v. United States, 20 Ct. Cls., 298.) 5. CLAIMS FOR TORTS : Claims arising out of the non-feasance or malfeasance of the association should bo paid ratably with the debts, technically so called. (Turner v. The First National Bank of Keokuk et al., 26 Iowa, 562.) 6. PREFERENCES : (a) A preference, to be within the meaning of section 5242 Revised Statutes, must be given to an existing creditor to secure a pre-existing debt. A transfer by an insolvent bank to secure a contemporaneous loan is not a violation of the law (Casey v. La Societyde Credit Mobilier, 2 IVoods, 77 ) (b) The insolvency need bo in the contemplation of the bank only. It need not be known to the person to whom the transfer is made. ( Case v. Citizens' Bank of Louisiana, supra.) (c) After the directors of an insolvent association have voted to close its doors, any transfer of assets whereby a creditor secures a preference must be presumed to be made with an intent to prefer. (National /Security Bank v. Price, 22 Fed. Rep., 697.) (d) Where the officers of an association which is in danger of insolvency, for the purpose and in the expectation of preventing a failure, make a pledge of securities to a depositor to induce him not to withdraw his deposit, such a pledge is not a preference within the meaning of section 5242 Revised Statutes, and will not be set aside when the association afterward is declared insolvent. (Roberts v. Hill, 23 Fed. Rep., 311.) (e) Where an insolvent association receives a deposit a short time before closing its doors, its officers knowing of the insolvency at the time, the receipt ol such deposit is a fraud upon the depositor, and no title passes to the association ; and, therefore, the depositor may reclaim the whole amount of the deposit; and as he claims under his original title, and not under a transfer from the association, such reclamation does not amount to a preference. (Cragie et al v. Hadleyy 99 N. Y., 131.) 7. BASIS FOR ESTIMATION OF DIVIDENDS: In estimating the dividends tp be paid out of the assets of an insolvent association, the value of the claims at the time when the insolvency is declared is to be taken as the basis of distribution. (White v. Knox, 111 U. S., 784.) 8. SET-OFF: (a) A person liable upon a note to an insolvent national bank may set off against his indebtedness the amount of his deposit with the bank. (Platt v. Bentley, Thomp.N B. Cas., 758.) (6) But a debtor cannot set off the amount of a deposit assigned to him after the act of insolvency committed. ( The Venanqo National Bank y. Taylor. 56 fenn. St.,U.) REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXXXV IX. RECEIVERS. 1. OFFICER OF THE UNITED STATES : A receiver, when appointed by the Comptroller, with the concurrence of the Secretary, is an officer of the United States. (Stantonv. Wilkeson,SBen.9 3i7.) 2. WHOM HE REPRESENTS: Ho represents the hank, its stockholders, and its creditors; but ho does not in any sense represent the Government. (Case v. Terrell, 11 Wall., 199.) 3. HOW FAR SUBJECT TO COMPTROLLER'S ORDERS: (a) The clause of section 50, act of 18G4, which prescribes that the receiver shall be " under the direction of the Comptroller," means only that he shall be subject to the Comptroller's direction, not that ho shall not act without orders. He may br'ng suit to collect assets without having been instructed to do so by the Comptroller. (Bank v. Kennedy, 17 Wall.) (b) The receiver of a national bank is the instrument of the Comptroller, and may be removed by him. (Kennedy v. Gibson, 8 Wall., 505.) 4. POWER OF COURTS TO APPOINT: (a) The power of the Comptroller to appoint a receiver is not exclusive; it does not oust the courts of equity of their authority in the matter; and, therefore, a court of competent jurisdiction may place the bank in the hands of a receiver in cases where, according to the rules of equity, H may pursue such a course with regard to insolvent corporations generally. (Irons 9 v. Manufacturers' National Bank, 6 Biss., 301; Wright v. Merchants National Bank, 1 Flippin, 5(31.) (b) Where a bank has gone into voluntary liquidation, and the Comptroller has no power to appoint a receiver, a proper court, in a case where such action is necessary to protect the interests of a creditor, will appoint a receiver for it. (Irons v. The Manufacturers1 National Bank, supra.) 5. DEBTORS OF ASSOCIATION CANNOT QUESTION LEGALITY OF APPOINTMENT : The legality of the appointment of the receiver cannot be questioned by the debtors of the bank when sued by him. The bank may move to have the appointment set aside, but the debtors cannot. (Cadie v. Baker, 20 Wall., 650 j see also Platt v. Beebe, 57 N. T., 339.) 6 RECEIVER'S DECISION NOT FINAL: The decision of a receiver rejecting a claim is not final. The claimant still has the right to sue. (Bank of Bethel v. Paliquioque Bank, 14 Wall, 383.) 7. SALE BY : (a) The receiver cannot sell the real or personal property of the bank without an order from a court of competent jurisdiction. (Ellis v. Little, 27 Kans., 707.) b) Nor can he sell upon terms in conflict with the order. (Ibid.) c) And under an order permitting him to sell the property of the bank he cannot exchange, trade, or barter it for other property. (Ibid.) (d) A sale made by a receiver under order of a court is to all intents and purposes a judicial sale. (In re Third National Bank, 9 Biss, 535.) 8. CONTRACTS O F : (a) As the power of a receiver of a national bank appointed by the Comptroller is limited, a person dealing with him in his official capacity is bound as a matter of law to have knowledge of his authority to act, and if contracts and agreements are entered into with the receiver in excess of his authority as conferred by law, the parties contract at their own peril, and the estate of the bank cannot be charged for the default or inability of a receiver acting outside of his functions as receiver and beyond the "duties which it involves. (Ellis v. Little, 27 Kans., 707.) (b) The receiver cannot charge the estate of the bank by any executory contract, unless authorized so to do by the provisions of the national banking law, and the order of a court of competent jurisdiction obtained upon the terms of said law. (Ibid.) LXXXVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE X. TAXATION. 1. WHAT MAY BE TAXED: (a) A State cannot tax the capital stock of a national bank, as such. The tax must be assessed upon the shares of the different stockholders. (Collins v. Chicago, 4 Jiies., 472.) (b) The entire interest of the shareholders may be taxed without any deduction for that portion of the capital which is invested in United States securities. (Van Allen v. The Assessors, 3 Wai., 573). (o) New shares issued by a national banking association cannot be taxed until the increase of capital has been approved by the Comptroller of the Currency. (Charleston v. People's Rational Bank, 5 S. C, 103.) (d) The undivided surplus of a national banking association, unless invested in Federal securities, may be lawfully taxed by the State. (North Ward National Bank of Newark \. City of Newark, 10 Vroom, 380; First National Bankv. Peterborough, 56 N. //., 38.) (e) But, of course, if the surplus is taken into consideration in estimating the taxable value of the shares, it is not to be taxed separately. (North Ward National Bankv. City of Newark, supra.) NOTE.—But it has been held in Maryland that the stock of an association represents its whole property, and where a tax is assessed upon the shares a separate tax upon the real or personal estate amounts to double taxation ; and, therefore, where the organic laws of the State prohibit double taxation, such a tax upon the property of1 an association is void. (County Commissioners v. Farmers and Mechanics National Bank, 48 Md. Ill; see also National State Bank v. Young, 25 Iowa, 311, wherein it was held that the Siates could tax only the shares, eo nomine, and the real estate.) (/) The surplus fund of a national banking association is not excluded in the valuation of its shares for taxation. (Strajford National Bank v. Dover, 59 N.H., 31(3.) (g) Where shares of stock are assessed at their actual cash value without any deduction for the real estate owned by the association the real estate should not ]>e taxed eo nomine. (Commissioners of Rice County v. Citizens1 National Bank of Faribault, 23 Minn., 280.) (h) The States cannot tax t he circulating notes of national banking associations. (Home v. Greene, 52 Miss., 452; Contra Board of Commissioners v. Elston, 32 Jnd.,27; see also Hitffin v. Board of Commissioners, 69 N. C, 498; LilyY. The Commissioners, 69 N. C, 300.) 2. RATE: (a) Where the State banks are taxed upon their capital, no tax can be imposed upon the shares of national banking associations; for as the capital of the State banks may consist of the bonds of the United States, which are exempt from State taxation, a tax on capital is not equivalent to a tax on shares. (Van Allen v. The Assessors, 3 Wall., 573; Bradley v. The People, 4 Wall., 459.) (b) But though the tax upon the State banks is not eo nomine a tax on shares, yet if it is equivalent to such a tax the shares in the national banking associations located in that State may be taxed. (Frazer v. Seibern, 16 Ohio St., 614; Van Slyke v. State, 23 Wis., 656; Boy noil v. State, 25 Wis., 112.) (c) When by local legislation different rates are prescribed for different classes of moneyed capital, the rate imposed upon shares of national banks should approximate as closely as may be to the rate imposed upon other moneyed cupital of the same or similar class, viz, shares of State banks. (City National Bank v. Paducah, U. S. C. C. (Sixth Circuit, 1877), 5 Cent. L. J., 347.) (d) Congress meant no more thau to require of the States as a condition to the exercise of the power to tax the shares in national banks, that they should, as far as they had the capacity, tax in like manner the shares of banks of issue of their own creation. (Lionberger v. Rouse, 9 Wall., 468.) (e) Therefore, where a State has previously contracted with, the banks which it has chartered that they shall not be taxed above a certain rate, a tax upon national-bank shares at a ^eater rate is not invalid, if this rate is not greater than that assessed upon all the moneyed capital within the State, except that of the State banks. (Ibid.) ( / ) Any system of assessment of taxes which exacts from the owner of the shares of a national banking association a larger sum in proportion to the actual value of those shares than it does from other moneyed capital, valued in like manner, taxes the shares at a greater rate, notwithstanding that the percentage of tax on the valuation is the same as that applied to other moneyed capital. (Peltonv. Commercial National Bank, 101 U. S., 143.) REPORT OF* THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXXXV1I 3. VALUATION: O) In estimating the value of the shares for the purpose of taxation reference mav be had to all the property and values of the bank. (St. Louis National Bankw Papiu, U. S. C. C. (Eighth Circuit), 3 Cent. L.J., 669.) (b) If no excessive valuation is complained of, and a correct result is arrived at, equity will not restrain the collection of a tax because the method of computation was erroneous. (Ibid.) (c) The shares may be valued for taxation at an amount exceeding their face value, if this amount is not at a greater rate than the valuation set upon other moneyed capital in the State. (Hepburn v. School Directors, 23 Wall., 480.) (d) Under the statute of New York, shares in national banking associations should be taxed at their real or market value. (People v. The~Commissionerf> of Taxes and Assessments, 94 U.S., 415.) (e) Where shares in. national banking associations are purposely valued proportionally higher than the other moneyed capital in the State, the assessment is void. '(Pelton v. Rational Bank, 101 U. S., 14:5.) (/) And the collection of what is in excess of the rate imposed on the other moneyed capital may be enjoined. (Ibid.) 4. EXEMPTIONS : (a) The intention of Congress was that the rate of taxation of the shares should be the same as, or not greater than, the tax upon the moneyed capital of the individual citizen which is subject and liable to taxation." (People v. The Commissioners, 4 Wall., %244). (b) Therefore, it is not a ground of objection to the validity of a tax on shares i.liat, v\"lnle deductions for United States bonds are made from the personal estates of individuals and the capital of State corporations, no deductions are made on account of the capital of national banking associations invested in such bonds. (Ibid ) (c) The fact that by the statutes creating ihem, which statutes were passed prior to the national banking law, State banks are entirely exempt from taxation, will not rend* r a tax'upon the shares of national banking associations void. (City of Richmond v. Scott, 4H /wd.,50'8.) (d) And a State tax upon shares in national barTking associations is not rendered invalid by an exemption of the shares of other corporations the capital of which consists oi property required to be listed for taxation, as such. (M elver v. Robinson, 53 Ala., 456.) (c) Merely a partial exemption of other moneyed capital will not invalidate a tax upon shares in national banking associations. (Htpburn v. School Directors. 23 Wall., 48U.) (/) But though Congress did not contemplate that there should be an absolute equality (which in the nature of things is impossible), yet it did intend that there should be a substantial equality ; and, t here I ore,'if i he exemptions in favor of o! her moneyed capital are so palpable as to show that there is a serious discrimination against capital invested in the shares of nat ional banking associations, the tax will be declared unlawful. (Boi/erv. Bayer, 113 U.S., 690. i (g) A State law which does not permit a deduction to be made from the assessed value of bank shares for all debts due by the holder thereof, while authorizing such a deduction to be made from the assessed value of moneyed capital otherwise invested, is void. (Ptople ex ret. Williams v. Weaver, 100 U. S., 539 ; reversing S. C, 67 N. ¥., 516, and overruling People v. Dolan, 36 A'. Y, 59.) f>. COLLECTION OF TAX FROM THE ASSOCIATION : (a) A State tax upon shares is valid, though the tax is collected from the bank. (National Bank v. Commonwealth, 9 Wall., 353.) (b) And the State may require the banks to pay a tax rightfully laid upon the shares. (Ibid.) (c) And where the tax on shares is payable by the association the collect ion of the tax may be enforced by distraint of its property. (First National Bank v. Douglas'Comity, 3 1W/./330.) (d) But where the tax laws of the State make the bank the mere agent for paying the tax on shares, and direct it to retain so much of the dividends us will answer that purpose, other agents being required to pay taxes for their principals only when they have under their control the property, money, or credit of such principals, the bank cannot be made liable unless it has the control of the" property, & c , of its shareholders, or has dividends in its possession, or has failed to retain them. (Hershire v. The First National Bank, 35 Iowa, 272.) LXXXVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 6. LICENSE TAX: (a) National banking associations cannot be subjected to a license or privilege tax. (Mayor v. First National Bank of Macon, 59 Ga., 648 ; City of Carthage v.Firsi National Bank of Carthage, 71 Mo., 508; National Bank of Chattanooga v. Mayor, 8 Heiskell, 814.) (b) A State law prohibiting the establishment of banking companies in the State without authority of the legislature was not intended to apply to banking corporations created by authority of Congress, Hi nee such corporations may be legally established ill the State without the consent of the legislature. (Stetson v. City of Bangor, 56 Me., 274.) 7. POWERS OF TAXING OFFICERS: (a) Municipal officers cannot assess a tax upon the shares of national banking associations until authorized to do so by some law of the State. (Stetson v. City of Bangor, 56 Me., 274.) (&) The officers of a national banking association cannot be compelled to exhibit to the taxing officers of a State the books of the association showing the deposits of its customers. (First National Bank of Youngstown v. Hughes, V. S. C. C. (N. D.Ohio, 1878), Broivne's N. B. Cas., 17(3.) (c) A national banking association is not exempt from examination by internal revenue officers when it has in its possession any articles subject to an internal-revenue tax. Such an examination is not the exercise of a visitorial power, and, therefore, is not prohibited by the provision of section 5241, Revised Statutes, that the national banks shall not be subject to any visitorial powers except those authorized by the national-bank act or vested in the courts of justice. ( United States v. Ehawn, U. S. D. C. (E. D. Penn.), Thomp. N. B. Cas., 3o8.) (d) Where by the tax laws of a State a perpetual lien for taxes attaches to property only by virtue of a levy thereon, and such levy is not made prior to the insolvency of the bank, the taxing officers of the State will be restrained, at the instance of the receiver, from levying upon the property of an insolvent national bank, arid selling it, for the purpose of collecting a tax. ( Woodward v. Ellsworth, 4 Colo., 580.) (e) A State may require the cashiers of national banking associations located within its territory to transmit lists of the shareholders to the taxing officers of the various towns vn which the shareholders reside. (Waite v. Dowley, 94 U. £.,527.) 8. ENFORCEMENT OF TAXES : A tax duly assessed upon shares may be enforced in accordance with the general laws of the State on that subject. ( Weld v. City of Bangor, 59 Me., 416.) 9. LOCATION OF ASSOCIATION FOR TAXING PURPOSES: An association which opens an office for the purpose of receiving deposits in another place than that in which it was organized does not become "located" in that place for purposes of taxation. (National State Bank of Camden v. Pierce, U. S. C. C. (E. D. Penn.), 18 All). L. J., 16.) XI. JURISDICTION. NOTE.—The jurisdiction of the Federal courts in national-bank cases has been very materially changed by the proviso to the fourth section of the act of July 12, 1882. The proviso is as follows: " Provided, however, That the jurisdiction for suits hereafter brought by or against any association established under any law providing for national "banking associations, except suits between them and the United States, or its officers and agents, shall be the same as, and not other than, the jurisdiction for suits by or against banks not organized under any law of the United States which do or might do banking business where such national banking associations may be doing business when such suits maybe begun. And all laws and parts of laws of the United States inconsistent with this proviso be, and the same are hereby, repealed." 1. JURISDICTION OF FEDERAL COURTS PRIOR TO THE ACT OF JULY 12, 1882: (a) National banking associations may sue in the Federal courts. The word " b y " was omitted from section 57 of the act of 1864 by mistake. (Kennedy v. Gibson, 8 Wall, 505.) (b) A national banking association may sue and be sued in the circuit court for the district in which the association is located, irrespective of the amount in controversy and the citizenship of the parties. (County of Wilson v. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. LXXXlX 1. JURISDICTION OF FEDERAL COURTS, &C.—Continued. National Bank, 103 U. 8., 770; Mitchell v. Walker, U, S. C. C. (W.D. Penn., 1879.), Browne's N. B. Gas., 180; Commercial Bank of Cleveland v. Simmons, U. S. C. C. ( W. D., Ohio), 10-Alb.L. J., 155.) (c) But where the amount in controversy does not exceed live hundred dollars, the association cannot sue in a Federal court outside of the district in which it is established. (St. Louis National Bank v. Brinkman, U. S. C. C. (D. Kans.), 1 Fed. Hep., 45.) (d) A national banking association located in one State may bring an action in the circuit court of the United States sitting within another State against a citizen of that State. (Manufacturers' National Bank v. Baack, 8 Blatch., 147.) (e) When a uational bank is sued in a Federal court the suit must be brought in the district in which the bank is located. And service upon an officer of the bank in another district will not give the court of that district jurisdiction of the cause. (Maine v. Second National Bank of Chicago, 8 Biss., 26.) (/) A United States district court has jurisdiction of a suit in equity by or against a national banking association located within the district. (First National Bank of Pittsburgh v. Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon Railroad Company, 1 Fed. Rep., 190.) (g) A circuit court has no jurisdiction of a suit by a private person to compel the Comptroller of the Currency and the Treasurer of the United States to disclose what disposition has been made of the United States bonds deposited with the Treasurer by a national banking association, and for a decree directing those officers as to their duty regarding such bonds. (Van Antwerp v. Hulburd, 7 Blatch., 425; Van Antwerp v. Jlulburd, 8 Blatch., 282.) (h) Section 380, Revised Statutes, which provides that "All suits and proceedings arising out of the provisions of law governing national banking associations, in which the United States or any of its officers or agents shall be parties, shall be conducted by the district attorneys of the several districts under the direction and supervision of the Solicitor of the Treasury," does not enlarge the jurisdiction of the circuit court, and cannot be held, to confer jurisdiction in such suits or proceedings upon a court not having, independently of this section, authority to entertain them. ( Van Antwerp v. Mulburd,7 Blatch., 42(3.) (i) National banking associations being corporations, organized under the laws of the United States, are entitled as such to remove into the circuit courts of the United States suits br uglit against them in the State courts. (Cruikshank v. Fourth National Bank, 21 Blatch., 322; see also Removal Cases, 115 V. S., 1.) (,;") A United States district court has jurisdiction to authorize a receiver to compromise a debt. (Matter of Platt, 1 Ben., 534.) (k) An action at common law to recover a debt due to the bank may be instituted by a receiver in a United States district court, he being an officer of the United States within the meaning of section 5(33, Revised Statutes. (Platt v. Beach, 2 Ben., 303; Stanton v. Wilkeson, 8 Ben., 357.) (I) The power of a national banking association to take a mortgage upon real estate is a question which the party raising it should be permitted to litigate in a Federal court; aiid he should not be sent into the State courts to try this question on the distribution of surplus moneys in a foreclosure suit, or in a suit brought by the party holding the alleged invalid mortgage. (In re Duryea, U. 8. I). C. (S, D N. ¥.), 17 National Bankruptcy Register, 495.) 2. JURISDICTION OF FEDERAL COURTS SUBSEQUENT TO ACT OF JULY 12, 1882: (a) The tenth subdivision of section (329, Revised Statutes, which confers upon the circuit court of the United States jurisdiction of all suits by or against any national banking association established in the district for which the court is held, has been repealed by the proviso to section 4 of the act of1* July 12, 1882. (National Bank of Jefferson v. Fare et al. U. S. C. C. (E. D. Tex.), 25 Fed. Rep., 200.) . (b) The object of this proviso was to deprive the United States courts of jurisdiction of suits by or against national banking associations in all cases where banks organized under State laws could not likewise sue or be sued in such courts. (National Bank of Jefferson v. Fare el al., supra.) (c) But the proviso does not affect the right of the receiver of an insolvent association to sue in a Federal court. (Hendee v. Connecticut and P. R. R. Co., 26Fed. Rep., 677.) XC REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 3. JURISDICTION OF FEDERAL COURTS, &c—Continued. (d) Nor would the act of June 12, 1882, take from the circuit court jurisdiction of a suit brought against a director for negligent performance of his duties ; for, as such suit rests upon the requirements of the United {States laws, and by-laws made pursuant thereto, it is a case arising under the laws of the United States. (Witters v. Foster, U. S. C. C. (D. U.), 28 Fed. Rep., 737.) 3. JURISDICTION OF STATE COURTS : (a) State courts have jurisdiction of suits by and against national banking associations. (Bank of Bethel v. Pahquioque Bank, 14 Wall., 383; see also Ordway v. Central National Bank, 47 Md., 217, and Clafiin v. Houseman, 93 U. S., 130.) (b) Where a national banking association is sued in a State court, the suit must be brought in the city or county in which the bank is located. (Cadle v. Tracy, 11 Blqtch., 101*; Crocker v. Maine National Bank, 101 Mass., 240.) NOTE.—But the New York court of appeals has held that the provision of the national banking law as to the jurisdiction of State courts is permissive only, and not mandatory, and that a State court, in a proper case, may entertain a proceeding against a national bank located-in another State. (Cooke v. The State National Bank of Boston, 52 N. F., 96; Robinson v. National Bank of New Berne, 81 N. Y.% 385; see also Adams Y. Daunts, 29 La. Ann., 315.) And in Talmagc v. Third National Bank, 27 Bun, 01, the supreme court of New York said: ''The words of restriction to the place where said 'association is situated' apply to the county and municipal courts and not to the State courts. In the State courts of general jurisdiction a national banking association can be sued whenever an individual can be for the same cause." In Cooke v. The State National Bank Chief Judge Church questioned the constitutional right of Congress to deprive the State courts of jurisdiction in such cases. (c) A State court can entertain an action brought to recover of a national banking association the penalty for taking usury. (Ordway v. The Central National Bank, 47 Md., 217 ; Hade v. McVay, 31 Ohio St., 2iil; Bleiz v. Columbia National Bank, 87 Pcnn.SL, 87.) d) The State courts have jurisdiction of an action brought by a shareholder on behalf of himself and other shareholders to recover of the directors of an insolvent association damages for injuries resulting from their negligence and misconduct. (Brinckerhojfv. Bostwick, 88 N. T., 52.) (e) A State court has no power to make an order directing the receiver of a national bank, who has been appointed by the Comptroller of the Currency, to pay a judgment obtained against the* bank before the receiver was appointed. (Ocean National Bank v. Carll, 7 Hun, 237.) (/) State courts have no jurisdiction of the caseof an embezzlement of the funds of the association by one of its officers. {Commonwealth v. Felton, 101 Mass., 204 ; Commonwealth, ex rcl. Torrey, v. Ketner, 92 Penn. St., 372 ) (g) The defense of usury may be set up in action brought in a State court. (National Bank of Wintemet v. Eyre, 52 Iowa, 114.) 4. UNITED STATES CANNOT BE SUBJECTED TO JURISDICTION OF COURT : Neither the Comptroller nor the receiver by putting in an appearance to a suit can subject the United States to the jurisdiction of a court. (Case v. Terrell, 11 Wall., 199.) 5. CITIZENSHIP : A national banking association is for jurisdictional purposes a citizen of the State in which it is located. (Davis v. Cook, 9 Nev., 134.) XII. SUITS. 1. BY AND AGAINST ASSOCIATIONS : (a) Suit may be brought against a national banking association though it is in the hands of a receiver. (Bank of Bethel v. Pahquioque Bank, 14 Wall., 383; Security National Bank v. National Bank of the Commonwealth, 2 Hun, 287; Green v. The Walkill National Bank, 1 Hun, 63.) (b) Where the tax on shares is collected from the association it may bri 11*2; a. suit to enjoin the collection of an illegal tax. (Cummings v. National Bank, 101 U. £.,153 ; Pelton v. Commercial National Bank, 101 U. S., 143; Boyerv. Boyer, 113 U. S., 143.) REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XCI 1. BY AND AGAINST ASSOCIATIONS—Continued. (c) A State law authorizing national hanking associations which have heen converted from State hanks to use the name of the original corporation for the purpose of prosecuting and defending suits is not in conflict with the national banking law, and, therefore, proceedings based upon a judgment obtained before the conversion, may be instituted by such association in its former corporate name. (Thomas v. Farmers1 Bavk of Maryland, 46 Md., 43.) (d) A national hanking association is a foreign corporation within the meaning of a State statute requiring corporations created by the laws of any other State or country to give security for costs before prosecuting a suit in the courts of the State. (National Park Bankx. Gnnst, 1 All). N. C, 292.) (e) As a national banking association can acquire no title to negotiable paper purchased by it, it can maintain no action thereon in a State where the person suing must be owner of the paper. (First National Bank of Rochester v. Pierson,24 Minn., 140.) (/) But in a State where the holder may sue without respect to the ownership an association may bring suit upon paper so acquired. (NationalPemberton Bank v. Porter, 125 Mass., 333; Atlas National Bank v. Saver if, 127 Mass., 75.) (g) Suits brought by a receiver cannot be settled or compounded upon an order of the Comptroller; this can he done only with the authority of the court. (Case v. Small, 2 Woods, 78.) 2. BY SHAREHOLDERS: (a) The shareholders of a national banking association cannot maintain an action against the directors to recover damages sustained for neglect and mismanagement of the affairs of the association, whereby it became insolvent and its stock was rendered worthless. Such an action can be brought only by the corporation itself. (Con way v. Halsey, 15 Vroom, 62.) (b) But whore the receiver refuses to bring an action against negligent directors to recover the amount which the shareholders have been compelled to contribute to pay the debts of the association, an action against such directors maybe brought by a shareholder on behalf of himself and the other shareholders. (Nelson'v. Burrows, 9 Abb. u\. C, 280.) (c) And when the receiver is a director, and one of the parties charged with misconduct and against whom a remedy is sought, the action may bo brought by a shareholder on behalf of himself and the other shareholders. (Brinckerhoff v. Bostwick, 88 N. Y., 52.) 3. B Y RECEIVERS : (a) A receiver may sue either in his own name or the name of the bank. (National Bank v. Kennedy, 17 Wall., 19.) (b) A receiver being an agent of the United States, all suits and proceedings in which he is concerned should be conducted by the,proper district attorney. (Kennedy v. Gibson, 8 Wall., 498.) (c) But section 380, Revised Statutes, is directory merely, and the employment of private counsel by the receiver cannot be made a ground of defense to a suit brought by him. (Ibid.) (d) Receivers may sue in the courts of the United States by virtue of the act, without reference to the locality of their personal citizenship. (e) The provisions of the codes that every action must be brought in the name of the real party in interest, except in the case of the trustee of an express trust, or of a person authorized by statute to sue, does not apply to the receiver of a national banking association suing in a Federal court held in a State which has adopted the code procedure ; for the right of the receiver to sue is derived from the national banking law. (Stanton v. Wilkeson, 8 Ben., 357.) (/) Under section 1001 of the Revised Statutes no bond for the prosecution of the suit, or to answer in damages or costs, is required on writs of error or appeals issuing from or brought to the Supreme Court of the United States by direction oi' the Comptroller of the Currency in suits by or against insolvent national banking associations, or the receivers thereof. (Pacific National Bank v. Mixier, 114 U. S., 463.) 4. BY CREDITORS OF INSOLVENT ASSOCIATION : The creditors of an insolvent association must seek their remedy through the Comptroller, in the mode prescribed by the statute; they cannot proceed directly in their own names against the stockholders or debtors of the bank. (Kennedy v. Gibson, 8 Wall, 498.) XCII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 5. FOR USURY : (a) The penalty for all illegal interest paid to a national banking association within two years prior to the commencemenj; of proceedings may be recovered in a single action, whether the amount was in one payment or in several. (Hintermister v. First National Bank, 64 N. Y., 212.) (b) Where a bankrupt has paid usurious interest, his assignee may bring an action against the association to recover the penalty. (Wright v. First National Bank of Greensburg, U. S. C. C. (Dist. Ind.,* 1878); Crocker v. First National Bank of Chetopa, U. S. C. C. (Eighth Circuit, 1876); 3 Am. L. T., N. 8., 350.) (c) The party who paid the usurious interest is the only party to the note who is entitled to sue for the penalty. (Lazear v. National Union Bank of Mary' land, 52 Md., 78.) 6. TO ENFORCE LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS: (a) When the full personal liability of shareholders is to be enforced the action must be at law. (Kennedy v. Gibson, 8 Wall., 505; Casey v. Galli, 94 U. 8.9 67;*.) (b) And it may be at law though the assessment is not for the full value of the shares; for, since the sum each shareholder must contribute is a certain, exact sum, there is no necessity for invoking the aid of a court of equity. (Bailey v. Sawyer, 4 Dili., 463.; (c) But the suit; may be in equity. (Kennedy v. Gibson, supra.) 7. EXECUTION : A judgment against a national bank in the hands of a receiver only establishes the validity of the claim; the plaintiff can have no execution on such judgment, but must wait pro rata distribution. (Bank of Bethel v. Pahquioque Bank, 14 Wall., 383.) 8. ATTACHMENTS: (a) When a creditor attaches the property of an insolvent bank he cannot hold such property against the claim of a receiver appointed after the attachment suit was commenced. Such creditor must share pro nit si with all others. (Bankof Si-hna v. Colby, 21 Wall., 609; Harvey v. Alien, 16 Blatch.,29.) m (b) It, was not intended by the national banking law to prohibit attachments against the property of national banking associations, except in cases where an act of insolvency has been committed or is contemplated. (Robinson v. National Bank of Xew Berne, 81 N. Y., 385.) (c) But where the association is insolvent an attachment issued against its 9 property will be void. (National Shoe and Leather Batik v. The Mechanics National Bank, 89 N Y., 407.) (d) And such attachment will not afterward bo rendered valid by the acquisition of new capital by the association and its resumption of business. (liaynor et al. v. Pacific National Bank, 93 N. Y., 371.) (e) A State court may issue an attachment against property in the State belonging to a national banking association located in another State. (Southwickv. The First National Bank of Memphis, 7 Ilun, 90; Contra, Central National Bank v. Itichland National Bank, 52 How. Pr., 130.) (/) The provision of the banking law forbidding attachments in the case of insolvent associations was not repealed by the act of July 12, 1882. (Eaynor et ah v. Pacific National Bank, supra.) 9. ABATEMENT: An action brought by the creditor of a national bank is abated by a decree of a district or circuit court dissolving the corporation and forfeiting its franchises. (First National Bank of Selma v. Colby, 21 Wall., 609.) 10. ESTOPPEL: (a) A shareholder against whom suit is brought to rec >ver the assessment made ui)on him by the Comptroller will not be permitted to deny the existence of the associate n, or that it was legally incorporated. (Casey v. Galli, 94 U.f., 073.) . (b) Where (mo sued by a national bank is accustomed to deal with it, as such, and does so deal with it in respect to the matter in suit, he is estopped from denying its incorporation. (National Bank of Fairhaven v. The Phoenix Warehousing Company, 6 Hun, 71.) KP:PORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, XCIII 11. SUITS AGAINST LIQUIDATING ASSOCIATIONS : A national bank which, has gone into voluntary liquidation will continue to exist as a body corporate for the purpose of suing and being sued until its affairs are completely settled. {Rational Bank v. Insurance Company, 104 U. 8., 54; Ordway v. Central National Bank, 47 Md., 217.) 12. TRANSITORY AND LOCAL SUITS: The provision of the banking law (Section 5198, Revised Statutes) which requires that actions brought against national banking associations in State courts shall be brought iu the county or city in wfiich the association is located, applies only to transitory actions; it was not intended to apply to actions local in their character. {Casey v. Adams, 102 U. S., 66.) 13. SURVIVAL OF SUITS: Whether a suit against a director for negligent performance of his duties, as required by the Statutes of the United States and the by-laws of the association, will survive against the executor or administrator depends upon State laws. ( Witters v. Foster, U. S. C. C. {Dist. Ft.), 25 Fed. Rep., 737.) XIII. EVIDENCE. 1. CERTIFICATES OF COMPTROLLER : (a) The certiticate of the Comptroller of the Currency that an association has complied with all the provisions required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking is admissible in evidence upon a plea of tml tiel corporation] and such certificate,together writh proof that the association has been acting as a national banking association for a long time, is amply .sufficient evidence to establish, at least prima facie, the existence of the corporation. {Mix v. The National Bank of Bloomington/Jl III., 20 ; see also Merchants' National Bank of Bang or v. Glendon, 120 Mass., 97.) (6) The certificate of the Comptroller that the association has complied with all the provisions of law touching the organization of associations removes any objection which might otherwise have been made to the evidence upon which lie acted. {Casey v. Galli, 94 V. 8.s 673; Thatcher v. West River National Bank, 10 Mich., 196.) (c) And in a suit against'the association or its shareholders such certificate of the Comptroller is conclusive as to the completeness of the organization. {Casey v. Galli, supra.) (d) A letter from the Comptroller directing the receiver to institute suit, if not objected to at the time, is sufficient evidence that the Comptroller has decided 1 hat the enforcement of the individual liability of the shareholders is necessary. {Bowden v. Johnson, 107 U. £.,251.) (2) EVIDENCE OF INSOLVENCY: {a) It is not necessary that the facts upon which the Comptroller bases his action in appointing a receiver should be established by what is competent legal evidence; but lie is left to be satisfied as best he can be, under the peculiar circumstances of each case, of the facts and the necessity for the exercise of his authority. {Flatt v. Beebe, 57 JV. Y., 330.) {b) A return of nulla bona upon an execution issued against the property of a national bank is proof of its insolvency. ( Wheelock v. Kost, 77 IlL, 296.) (3) NECESSITY FOR ASSESSMENT BY COMPTROLLER : It is not essential, in an action, to enforce the individual liability of the shareholders of an insolvent national banking association, to aver and prove that the assessment was necessary; for the decision of the Comptroller on this point is conclusive. {Strong v. Southw§rth, 8 Ben., 331; Kennedy v. Gibson, 8 Wall., 505; Casey v. Galli, 94 U. S., 673.) XIV. CRIMES. I. UNDER UNITED STATES LAWS: {a) The wilful misapplication of the moneys and funds of a national banking association, made an offense by section 5209, Eevised Statutes, must be for the use or benefit of the party charged or of some person or company other than the association. {United States v. Britton, 107 U. 8., 655.) (&) The exercise of official discretion in good faith, without fraud, for the advantage or the supposed advantage of the association is not punishable; but if official action be taken in bad faith, for personal advantage and with fraudulent intent, it is punishable. ( United States v. Fish, 24 Fed. Rep., 585.) XCIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 1. UNDER UNITED STATES LAWS—Continued. (c) It is not necessary that the officer should personally misapply the funds of the association. He will be guilty as a principal offender though he merely procures or causes the misapplication. (Ibid.) (d) A loan in bad faith, with intent to defraud the association, is a wilful misapplication within the meaning of the statute. (Ibid.) (e) It is no defense to a charge of embezzlement, abstraction, or misapplication of the funds of a national banking association that the funds were used with the knowledge and consent of the president and some of the directors. The intent to defraud is to be conclusively presumed, from the commission of the offense. ( United States v. Taintor, 11 Blatch., 374.) (/) Where the president charged as a trustee with the administration of the funds of the bank in his hands, converts them to his own use without authority for so doing he embezzles and abstracts them within the meaning of section 5209, Revised Statutes. (In the matter of Fan Cam-pen, 2 Ben., 419.) (g) If, with intent to defraud the association, an officer allows a firm in which he is a member to overdraw its account, he will be guilty of misapplying the funds of the association. (Ibid.) (h) As the national banking law makes the embezzlement, abstraction, or wilful misapplication of the funds of a national banking association merely a misdemeanor, a person who procures such an offense to be committed cannot be punished under a State statute which provides that a person who procures a felony to bo committed may be indicted and convicted of a substantive felony. (Commonwealth v. Felton, 101 Mass., 204.) (i) An indictment charging defendants with aiding and abetting a director in a wilful misapplication of the money of an association must state facts to show that there has been such misapplication committed by the director. (United States v. Warner, U. S. C. C (S. D. N. Y.), Feb. 13/ lfcW6, 26 Fed. itep.,616.) (j) Allowing the withdrawal of the deposit of one indebted to the association cannot be charged as a misapplication of the money of the association. ( United States y. Britton, 108 U.S., 193.) (k) It is not a wilful misapplication of the money of the association within the meaning of section 5209, Revised Statutes, for a president who is insolvent to procure the discounting by the association of his note not well secured. (Ibid.) (I) Prior to the act of February 26, 1881, a notary public holding his commission under a State had no authority to administer the oath required by section (5211,Revised Statutes; and, therefore, a cashier who made oath before such notary to a false statement of the condition of his association, was not guilty of perjury. ( United States v. Curtis, 107 U. S., 671.) (m) Where false entries are made by a clerk at the direction of the president, the latter is a principal. (In the matter of Van Campen, supra; United States v. Fish, supra.) 2. UNDER STATE LAWS : (a) An officer of a national banking association cannot be punished under State laws for embezzling the funds of the association. (Commonwealth, ex rel. Torrey v. Ketner, 92 Penn. St., 372 ; Commonwealth v. Fcllon, 101 Mass.,204.) (b) But where the offense committed by an officer is properly a larceny of the funds, and not an embezzlement, he may be indicted under a State law. (Commonwealth v. Barry, 116 Mass., 1.) (c) Ar.d an officer may be punished under State laws for making false entries in the books of the association with intent to defraud it. (Luberg v. Commonwealth, 94 Penn. St., 85.) (d) The officers of a national banking association may be prosecuted under State statutes for fraudulent conversion of the property of individuals deposited with, and in the custody of tho association. (Commonwealth v. Ten( ney, J7 Mass.,50; State v. Fuller, 34 Conn.,280.) 3. TERM "UNITED STATES CURRENCY" IN PENAL STATUTE: The circulating notes of national banking associations are included in the phrase " United States currency " when used in a penal statute. (State v. Ga8tingy2'3 La. Ann. ,IGO9.) REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XCV Statement showing the amount of national-hank and of legal-tender notes outstanding, on June 20, 1874, January 14, 1875, May :U, 1878, and November 1, 188(5, and the increase or decrease in each. NATIONAL-BANK NOTES. Amount outstanding June 20,1874 Amount outstanding January 14,1875 .. Amount outstanding May 31* 1878 Amount outstanding November 1, 1886* Decrease during the last month Decrease since Kovember 1,1885 $349, 894,182 351, 861,450 322, 555, 965 301, 233,820 1, 978,332 14, 229, 079 LEGAL-TENDER NOTES. Amount outstanding June 20,1874 Amount outstanding Jamiar v 14,1875 Amount retired under act of January 14,1875, to May 31,1878 Amount outstanding on and since May 31,1878 '. Amount on deposit with the Treasurer U. S. to redeem notes of insolvent and liquidating banks, and banks retiring circulation under acts of June 20,1874, and July 12,1882. Increase in deposit during the last month ". Increase in deposit since November 1,1885 * Circulation of national gold banks not included in the above, $296,069. 382, 000,000 382, 000,000 35, 318,984 346, 681, 016 81,523,165 12, 993, 748 42, 364,455 XCVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Number of banks organized and in operation, with their capital, bonds on deposit, and circulation issued, redeemed, and outstanding on November 1, 1886. Banks. Circulation. States and TerIn ritories. In Organ- liqui- operadaized. tion. tion. Maine NewHampshire Vermont Massachusetts. Rhode Island .. Connecticut ... 63 205 C* 94 5 14 15 3 10 Eastern States 81 54 10 71 49 49 250 61 84 in. on deposit. $10,2(10,000 6,155, 000 7,691,000 96, 553, 000 20, 340, 050 24, 671, £20 $7, 367, 950 4, 787, 300 4, 619, 900 49, 954,150 8, 997, 950 14,403, 250 Issued. Redeemed. -, Outstanding. $33, 677, 520 21,204,925 29, 688, 370 285,866, 235 6Jf 700, 855 79, 411, 070 $25,151,840 16,110, 282 24, 086, 941 227, 446,455 48,428,182 62, 922,446 $8,525,680 5, 094, 643 5, 601, 429 58,419, 780 12, 272, 673 16, 488, 624 *• 57 5(54 165, 670,870 90,130, 500 510,548,975 404.146,146 106, 402, 829 New York New Jersey Pennsylvania.. Delaware Maryland Dist. Columbia. 417 85 342 16 48 12 99 10 48 318 75 294 16 45 7 82, 564, 760 12, 823, 350 64, 063, 740 2, 033, 985 14,429, 960 1, 577,000 33,917,200 8, 069, 350 31,597,300 1,708,200 5, 630, 450 960, 000 258, 355,965 46, 955, 460 180, 500, 405 6,108,115 36, 042, 360 4, 752, 800 216, 664, 861 38, 038, 879 138, 723, 208 4,571,425 28, 081, 432 3, 933,437 Middle States. Virginia West Virginia. North Carolina. South Carolina Georgia Florida ... .... Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee 920 165 755 177,492,795 81, 882, 500 532, 715,105 430,013,242 102, 701,863 39 20 20 16 23 10 15 10 13 79 8 81 50 14 6 3 6 1 3 2 4 5 2 13 16 25 20 17 16 17 9 12 8 9 74 6 68 34 3,764,770 2,136,000 2, 376, 000 1, 786, 600 2,736, 000 550, 000 1, 925, 000 650, (100 3, 525,000 7,615,000 755, 000 13, 200, 400 5, 455, 000 2, 314, 700 861,150 907, 000 966, 350 788, 500 200, 500 923, 500 225, 000 1, 315, 000 1, 995, 750 332, 500 5, b38. 600 1,572,900 11, 385, JPO 7, 045, (HO 6, 085, 980 5,238, 105 7, 566,940 293, 930 4, 456,850 318, 660 9, 937, 8L 0 4, 869, 240 1, 085, 220 32, 72(>, 555 10,256,120 9,107,597 5, 633, 762 4, 898, 776 4, 235, &v30 5, 893, 790 129, 672 3, 400, 465 144, 894 7, 654, <>T0 2,874, 144 748, 875 24, 065, 993 8,041,032 Southern States Missouri Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Iowa . .. Minnesota Kansas Nebraska 390 75 315 46, 474, 770 18,241,450 101, 267, 080 76, 835,440 24,431,640 70 287 150 231 145 81 171 20 121 07 62 39 31 43 IS 10 6 41 '208 92 169 10(5 50 128 8,881,000 38, 294, 560 12, 404, f>()0 27,804,000 13,801,600 4, 685, 000 10,215,000 12,361,700 0,912,100 7, 348, 900 1,545, 350 18, 654. 450 6, 647, 3i;0 0, 4CO, 900 4,014,000 2. 025. 000 3, 552, 000 2, 2'9,050 2, 098, 000 1, 933, 250 15,924,205 94,111,030 48, 94(5. 055 47, 9G7, 345 20,21)1,920 1L, 780, 730 20, 453, 990 10, 873, 820 5, 696, 600 4, 898, 060 13, 227, 591 70, 780,188 40, 333, 236 39, 600, 646 21, 198, 003 9, 348, 031 15, 975, 987 8, 672. 938 3, 718, 695 2, 894, 950 2, 696, 671 23, 933, 842 8,612,819 8, 366, 099 5, 093, 2.37 2, 432, 699 4, 478, 003 2, 200, 882 1, 977, 905 2,003,110 Western States 1, 425 381 1, €44 142, 888, 300 49, 138, 900 286, 946, 815 225, 750, 928 61,195, 887 Nevada Oregon Colorado Utah Idaho Montana Wyoming New Mexico... Dakota "Washington ... California -. 3 18 36 10 6 21 7 10 60 21 3 29 1 2 18 27 7 6 16 7 9 54 18 150 000 1, 320,000 2, 435, 000 837,175 350,000 1, £83, 500 937, 500 825,000 3,164,500 1,120, 000 ISO, 500 624, 600 957, 200 400, 000 105, 300 455, 600 236, 250 355, 000 942, 250 252, 500 3 26 5, 490,000 1, 685, 500 199, 880 1,254,230 3,919,390 1, 406, 990 385, 780 1, 459, 950 400, 770 1, 356, 500 1,651,550 883, 570 65 790 2, 699, 000 177, 0C3 661,450 2, 772, 544 994, 804 281,374 1, 008, 981 251, 340 924, 097 765, 690 355, 920 4l> f;(JO 1,166, 935 22, 877 592, 780 1,146, 846 412,186 104, 406 4.-0, 969 149,430 432, 403 885, 860 507, 050 23 530 1, 532, 065 34 190 18,512, 675 6,050, 700 15, 683,400 9, 402, 398 6 281, 002 Pacific States & Territories Add for Tmitilated notes Total currency banks Add gold banks United States.. 224 3 5 9 3 5 1 6 3 3 102 91 41,691,104 8, 916, 581 41,777,197 1, 530, 690 7, 960, 928 819, 363 2, 278, 373 1,411,878 1,187, 204 1,002, 275 1, 673,150 164, 258 1, 050, 385 173, 766 2, 283, 260 1,995,096 386, 345 8, (i60, 562 2,215,088 ; 220, 599 1,447, 161,375 1, 146,148,151 301, 013, 221 3, 405, 240 3,169,171 296, 069 3, 580 712 2,868 551, 039, 470 245,444, 050 1, 450,626, 615 1, 149, 317, 325 301, 529, 889 •Including $81,523,165 for which lawful money has been deposited with the Treasurer tff the United States to retire an equal amount of circulation which has not been presented for redemption. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XCVII Number and denominations of national-bank notes issued and redeemed, and the number of each denomination outstanding, on November 1 in each year, from 1874 to 1836. ! Ones. 1874. Issued Redeemed.. Twos. Tens. ! Twenties. Fifties. Fives. One hundreds. F i v e ! One hun- | thoudreds. sands. 16, 548, 259 5, 539,113 39, 243,136 13, 337, 076 3,962,109 11,143, 606 3,555,019,13,041,605 ~ " ~ """' 1,171,6 3,912,707! 666, 950 231, 556 492,482 196, 572 Outstanding, j 5, 404, 653 1, 984, 094 26, 201, 531 9, 424, 369', 2, 790, 5011 435, 394 295, 910 5,668J 557 5,530 5,048 17,344! 5,240 11,676] 4,683 18, 046,17C (5, 039, 75247, 055,184 17,,410,507: 5,296,064 14, 092, 126 4, 616, 623.24, 926, 771 7, 608, 532 \ 2, 204, 464 884,165 381, 037 645,: 299, 428 j 18,476, 14,471i Outstanding. \ 3, 954, 050 1, 423,129 22,128, 413 9,801,975; 3,091,600 503,128J 346,410 4,005| 482 18, 849, 264 6, 307, 448 51, 783, 528 20, 008, 652 6, 086, 492 15, 556, 708,5,124, 546 32, 382, 05610, 369, 214; 3, 052, 246 985,615 515, 784 710,900 395, 785 18, 721 16,217 5, 539 5, 272 3, 292, 5561,182, 902-19, 401, 472} 9, 639, 438 3,034,246| 469,831| 315,115 2,504 267 20, 616. 024 6, 896, 968 56, 816, 848:22, 2G0, 064 6,776,2531. 079, 781 16, 815, 568 5, 555, 526 38,115, 86812,434, 779 3, 703, 528) 634, 679 767, 31 479,317 20, 022 .17, 615 5, 668 5, 411 3, 800, 456 1, 341, 442-1.8, 700, 980] 9, 831, 285 3, 072, 725| 445,102J 288,000 2,407J 257 .22,478,415 7,517, 765 61,191, 28824,157, 293 7, 344,167 1,147, 578 J18.194,196;6,026, 692 42, 683, 433!13, 859, 149! 4,133,178j 728, 222 812, 903 541, 859 20, 210 18, 895' 6, 204 5, 900 271, 044 1, 315! 304 850,720 581,604j 20,570| 19, 2871 6,340 6, 057 269,116j 1,283 283 879, 490' 20, 763 610, 601 i 19,484 6, 363 6,124 1875. Issued Redeemed 1876. Issued Redeemed Outstanding. 1877. Issued Redeemed Outstanding 1878. Issued Redeemed.. Outstanding. 1 4, 284, 219 1, 491, 07318, 507, 85510, 298,1441 3, 210, 989J 1879. I I ! 23,167, 677:7, 747, 519 65, 578, 440 25, 904, 223 7, 869,951 1,211,761 '19, 600,477,6, 501, 27045, 996, 076,14, 930, 599 4, 437, 343; 785, 263 Issued Redeemed 3, 567, 2001, 246, 24919, 582, 364|lO, 973, 624 3,432,608 Outstanding 1880. Issued Redeemed 426,498 23,167, 677i7, 747, 51969,131, 976 27, 203,168 8, 266, 398 1, 253, 865 •20, 875, 215 6, 943, 88919,149, 82415, 821,110 4,684,8-JO; 825,499 ! ! 803, 630 19, 982, 15211, 382,058 3,581,578 Outstanding. 2, 292,462 1881. Issued . Redeemed 428,366 !23, 167, 677J7, 747, 519to, 612, 504 29,477, 519 8,940,817,1,357,574 21, 838, 565,7, 286, 434J53, 516, 488 17, 346,635 5, 084, 992i 891, 890 Outstanding. 1, 329,112, 461, 085:20, 096, 016:12,130, 884 1882. 519'78. 697, 42432, 042, 260 23,167, 677i7, Issued 140 59, 313, 23319, 770, 934 Redeemed J22, 353, 877,7, 813,800! Outstanding 1883. 3,855,825 1,2791 239 959,712! 21,959 660, 202; 20,495j 7,144 6, 943 299,510! 1,464 9, 751, 784 1, 453, 3241, 035,118 5; 751, 707 980,182 719, 130i 22, 787 20, 8801 7,1.87 6, 990 1,907: 197 23,163 21, 367 7,277 7, 092 263, 37919, 384,191 '12, 271,326 4,000,077 465,684 268,889' 473,142 315,988; 1 23,167, 677|7 747, 519183, 447, 208 34, 544, 086 10, 578. 846 1 556, 0091,114, 722 '22, 593, 909 7 570, 903J65,142, 567 22, 712, 355 6, 424, 638 1 090,703j 789,12."! Issued Redeemed Outstanding. 573,768 176, 616-18, 304, 64111, 831, 731 4,154, 208 1884. 465, 306! 325, 597 519 88,101,186 37,182,102 11, 442, 091 ,661,0101,199,750 28571, 039, 357 26, 050,107, 7,481, 762 ,216,573; 874,543 23,167, 677J7. 22,671,930,7, Issued Redeemed.. 23, 736 21,981; 185 7, 369 7,156 1,755 23,167, 677 747, 51993, 208,400 39, 804, 00112, 318,173*, 758. 533 1, 287,1 22, 731, 963 7, 628, 877 76, 817, 066 29, 382, 872i 8, 563, 7971, 345, 7621 971,922 23, 924 22,727 2 16,391,33410,421,129i 3,751, 3761 412, 771 j 315,764 1,197 7,369 7, 238 131 - . . . 23,167, 677,7, 747, 519 97, 6G7, 360 41, 695, 970,12, 945, 6181,L, 815,174.1, 342, 001 J22, 757, 987j7, 639, 806,81,109, 27^ 31, 767, 278 9, 397, 8541, 451,3011,055,330 23,924 23,138 7,369 7,290 786 79 495, 741 Outstanding Outstanding.! 144, 234 17, 061, 83111,131, 995; 3, 900, 329 435,714 409, 090 H. Ex. 107, 713 16, 558, 088 9, 928, 692 3, 547, 764 -VII 444,437! 1,79 325,207 Outstanding 1885. Issued Redeemed Issued Redeemed 419, 35t , 363,873| 286,671 213 National-bank currency issued.redeemed, and outstanding for the year ending October 31, 1886. Denomination of notes on each plate. Amount. Total. Ones. Twos. Fives. Tens. Twenties. Fifties. One hundreds. Five hundreds. One thousands. S >-< a Hi Issued and canceled: ! $500 $204,000 $100—$100 4,000 $20—$20—$50—$100 . . . . 56,430 $50—$100 8,182,650 99, 880 $20—$20—$20—$50 $50-$50 63, 200 $10_$10—$20—$50 38, 880 $20—$20—$20—$20 140,880 $5—$D-$5-$5 22,420, 700 $10—$10—$10—$10 . . 875 120 $10—$10—$10—$20 31,402 000 Total. ... $11,880 54, 480 $8,640 8,640 140, 880 3 $204, 000 $14, 850 2, 727, 550 45, 400 63, 200 21, 600 Q $4, 000 29, 700 5, 455,100 H . ...... .. .. $22,420, 700 $62,987,740 00 22,420, 700 L_J LJ g 375,120 18, 841, 200 12, 560, 800 19, 224, 960 12, 776, 680 2, 872, 600 5, 488, 800 11,480 14, 350 14, 300 2, 200 9,700 28, 700 28, 600 H o 204, 000 Canceled:* $500 $20—$20—$50—$100 $50-$100 $20—$20—$20—$50 $10—$10—$20—$50 $20—$20—$20—$20 $5—$5-$5—$5 $10—$10—$10—$10 $10—$10—$10—$20 Total. 204, 000 54 530 42,900 4,840 17, 460 57, 520 125, 900 73,000 380, 650 . .. 204 000 3,880 2, 640 3,880 57, 520 • ' • M f—t £-1 125, 900 73, 000 228, 390 152, 260 960, 800 00 125, 900 305, 270 227, 750 40, 550 57, 300 62,026,940 00 22, 294, 800 18,919,690 12,548,900 2, 832, 050 5,431,500 466, 042, 000 398, 040, 010 246, 363,460 87, 926, 650 128, 768, 600 11, 962, 000 488,336,800 405, 546, 360 416.959, 700 317, 672, 780 258. 912, 360 187,957,080 90. 7."»8, 700 72, 56oy 050 134, 200,100 105, 533,100 11,962,000 7, 361). 000 11,569,000 j 7,25)0,000 82, 790, 440 99, 2SG, 920 70, 955, 280 18,193, 650 28,667, 100 204, 000 1-3 Actual issues to banks fro m October 31,1885, to November 1,1886 Total issiu-8 to banks prior to November 1 18S0 1,385,134,435 00 $23,167, 677 $15,495,038 Total issues to bank* since organization Total redeemed and destroyed 1, 447,161, 375 00 1, 146,170, 869 00 23,167, 677 22,757, 987 15,495,038 15, 279, 612 Total whole notes outstanding Total tract ions outstanding Total'.o.jal-bank currency outstanding f 300, 990, 506 00 22, 715 60 409, 690 215,426 ! w 393, 000 $7, 369 000 "' 79,000 301,013,221 60 * Nation;* currency canceled is such as has never been issued, but is loft on hand in the vaults in this office by banks which extend their corporate existence, fail, or go into voluntary liquidation. tExclusive of gold notes, $296,069; amount due banks for mutilated notes, $220,599. eV HH Q W # P3 Jzj /-*, REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. XCIX Table, by States, Territories, and reserve cities, exhibiting the number of banks in each with capital of $150,000 and under, and those ivith capital exceeding $150,000, and showing the amount of bonds deposited to secure circulation on October 7, 1886, Banks with capital of Banks with capital over $150,000. $150,000 and under. Total. States, Territories, and reserve cities. Capital. Maine New Hampshire.. Vermont Massachusetts Boston Rhode Island Connecticut U.S. bonds. $5, 060,000 $4,161, 500 4, 555,000 3, 769,500 3, C41,000 2, 777, 500 9,912, 500 6,996, 850 2, 968, 250 3, 200, 750 Division No. 1. New York New York City.. Albany New J e r s e y Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pittsburgh 2, 392,150J 2,481, 000 U.S. bonds. $5, 300, 000' 1, 600, 000 4, 050, OOO' 35, 278,000, 50, 950, 000' 17,371,800. 21, 471, 070' $3,499, 000 900, 000 2, 425, 500 27, 344, 900 17, 377, 650 7,84G,400 12, 831, 000 275 29, 337, 500J 22, 578; 500, 289J136, 020,870| 72,224,450J ~207 18, 811, 660 13, 4G1, 950' 4, 288, 350 3, 085, 350 4P 374 16, 470,370 11, 842, 500 150, 000 1 85,000 100, 000 1 25, 0r0 Division No. 2 . Capital, 601[ 16,043, 16,043,100. 45 45,150, 0001 6 l,750,000 ; 27 8, 010, 000' 571 16, f>54, 970, 39 20,438,000 : 22 10,080,000 430 39, 820, 380 28,499,800 250118,026,070 Delaware Maryland Baltimore District of Columbia Washington Virginia W e s t Virginia . . . . Division No. 3 . N o r t h Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana N e w Orleans Texas Arkansas Kentucky Louisville Tennessee 71 $10, 360, 000 49; (5,155,000 49 7, 691,000 190j 45,190,500 54; 50,950,000 01 20,340,050 84 24,671,820 TJ.S. bonds. $7, 660, 500 4, 669, 500 5,203, 000 34, 341,750 17, 377, 650 10,238,550 15,312, 000 564* 165, 358, 370J 94, 802,950 10, 709,600j 207 34,854,700 24,171,550 4 45,150,000 10,015,000 10, 015, 000J 1,218,000 1, 750, 000' 1, 218, 000 5, 064,000 74 12, 298, 350' 8,149, 350 10,104, 000 | 33,0-25,340 21,946,500 5,991,800 40 20, 588, 000 (5, 076, 800 6,980,500 231 10, 180,000 7,005,500 50,082,900 686* 157, 846. 4501 78, 582,700 I | ' 28 2,710,700' 17 11,713,260, 2,010,500 4,988,500 252, 000i 250, 000 1,325,000' 630,000 3,731,580' 2,17:1,350 1, 986, dOO. 1, 018, 500 72 112, 23,758,525 12,699,050 ], 201, 000 1,129,100 986, 000! 550, 000 560, 000 625,000 100, 000 ! 26 Division No. 4. Ohio j 154 Cincinnati .. Cleveland... Indiana 71 Illinois 140 Chicago Michigan 89 Detroit Wisconsin 43 Milwaukee.. Division No. 5. Capital. 609, 500 686,350 628,000 200, 500 223, 000 212, 500 50, 000 8 5, 375, 000 1, 522, 750 8 82, 500 305, 000 2 3, 973, 900 1, 696,1001 22 9. 848, 650 7. 1, 967, 500 194 16,772, 500 6,819,850! 13,429, 850 8,28G,250! 6,414, 500 4,056,800' 10, 911, 500 4,904, 250 6, 894,700 2, 906, 500 I 3,135, 000 1, 320, 000 74 17 i 2, 376, 000j 1,019,500 , i 980, 350 1,779,100; 1, 088, 500 2, 680, 000; 200, 500 550, 00fl; 97;}, 000 1,935, 000; 212,500 . 025,000 50, 000 100,000 1,705,000 3,425, 000 1, 705, 0001 3, 425, OOO', 1, 983, 250 460. 500 2,810,000 7, 085, 000' 332, 500 250, 000 450, 000j 7:.5, 000! 4,791,100 5, 785, ()00| 3, 095, 000 9, 758,. 900! 1,191,000 3, 551, 50lli 1,194, 000 3,551. 500. 1, 503, 050 3, 450, 000| 055, 000 5, 417'500; 23, 871,500J 9, 220, 000J 268; 268 40, 044, 000i 16, 039, 850 8,714,000 9, GOO, 000 0, 550,000 5, 930, 0001 3, 025, 000 13. 950, 000 3, 800, GOO 3,300,000 850, 000 050, 000| 4, 425,150 187; 22,143, 850' 12,711,400 4,910,000 13| 9, 000, 000!! 4, 910, 000 705, 000 705, 000 Oi 6, 550, 000 2, 035, 000 92; 12, 344, 500: 6,001,800 930, 900 153' 13,936,500! 5,841,150 1, 083, 500 15! 13, 950, 000j 1,(185,500 780, 000 ioi! 10, 695, 300' ?>, 080, 500 550,000 3, 30i.i, OOO' 550, 000 250, OOOi 3, 985, 0001 l,570,00n 5 2 0 . <•..;> 520, 000 650, OOO; A 31 497 40,785, 550 21,473,800; 130 56,369,600; 16,801, 550j 627, 97,155,150 38, 27 ., .'i.'.o REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Table, by States, Territories, and reserve cities, Banks with capital of $150,000 and under. States, Territories, and reserve cities. Capital. $c.—Continued. Banks with capital over $150,000. U.S. bonds. Capital. Total. U.S. bonds. U.S. bonds. 525 Iowa . , Minnesota Missouri Saint Louis. Kansas Nebraska Division No. 6..; Colorado Nevada California San Francisco. Oregon 122 $8,595,000 $3,450,000 37 2,465, 060 919,600 32 2,231, 000 1, 078, 200, '"97 "6,'532,'i6o " 1,942,'000] 80 4,683,900 1,342,250, 700, OOO' 825; 000, 600, 000 000, 000i 200, 000J 2, 500, OOO'. $396, 500 1,133,000 442. 850 810,000 50, 000 450, 000 128 $10, 295, 000 $3, 846, 500 53j 12,290,060 2, 054, 000 39 5, 831, 000 1,521,050 5 3, 000, 000 810, 000 98 6, 732,100 1, 992, 000 88j 7,183,900 1,792,250 411 45,332,060 368 24,507,060', 8,731,450; 43 20,825,000: 3,284,350 22: 1, 335, 000 1| 100,000 17 i 1, 285, 000 520,000, 25, 000 598,000 1,100, OOOi 500, 000 17 374? ouu, 600 ;i/4. 1,600,000 2,500,000 250, O OOJ zou, uuui 450,000 650, 000 250, ^ u 000 Division No. 1.. Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming 52 6 14| 9 5| 18j 4 Division No. 8.. 108 United States .. $1, 9. 3, 3, 1, 070, 000| <u, vvw 2! l1 3,790,000; 1,517,600 13 5,450,000 872,250 105,300 305, 600 300 0 300,000 750, 000 ! | 150,000; "400,000 250,660! 3,015,500 350,000 1,113,500 825,000i 437,175 1,115,000 300,000 7,156,175 150,000 402,500 80,000 2,212,650 27 1 22] 2i 18| 12,015,800 2, 435, COOj 1, 020, 000 100,000i 25,000 2,885,000! 1,048,000 2, 500, 000 650, 000 1, 320, 000 624, 600 1,850, 000| 70 9, 240, 000J 3, 367, 600 '600,'OOO! "ioo, 666! 1,750,000; 500,000 52 3, 015, 500 6 350, 000 16 1, 863, 500J 872, V50 105, 300 455, 600 300, 000 400, 000 402,500 180, 180 000 000 825, 000 837, 175! 1,115, 0001 6!! 900,000 900 000 114 8, 906,175 2, 715, 650 18 2,001167,261,2451 96,130,650| 85ll380, 979,465:162, 368,300J2,852 548, 240,730J258, 498, 950 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CI Table, by Stales, Territories, and reserve cities, exhibiting the number of banks in each, with their capital, minimum amount of bonds required by law, bonds actually held and circulation outstanding thereon on October 7, 188(5. United States bonds. States, Territories, and reserve cities. ba£k°s f Capital. Minimum. Held October 7, 1886. Circulation outstanding October 7, 1886. Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts ... Boston Rhode Island Connecticut 71 49 49 196 54 61 84 $10, 360, 000 6,155,000 7.691,000 45.190, 500 50, 950, 000 20, 340. 050 24, 671, 820 $1, 965, 000 1, 488, 750 1,560,250 8, 078, 125 2, 700, 000 2, 442, 063 3, 550,188 $7, 660, 500 4, 669, 500 5, 203, 000 34, 341, 750 .1.7, 377, 650 10, 238, 550 15,312,000 $6, 833,473 4, 170, 220 4,589,015 30, 679, 190 15, 566, 700 9,192, 726 13, 654, 374 Division No. 1. New York New York City ... A>bany NTew Jersey Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pittsburgh 564 165, 358, 370 21, 784, 376 94,802,950 84, 685, 698 267 45 6 74 231 40 23 34, 854, 760 45,150.000 1,750. 000 12, 298, 350 33, 025, 340 20, 5^8, 000 10,180, 000 7,702,915 2, 250, 000 300.000 2, 422, 087 6, 967, 593 1, 987, 500 1, 125, 000 24,171,550 10,0,5,000 1,218.000 8,149, 350 21, 946, 500 6, 076, 800 7, 005, 500 21, 542,496 8, 129, 522 1,084,030 7. 258, 272 19, 396, 595 5, 250. 213 6, 244, 690 Division No. 2. Delaware Maryland Baltimore District of Columbia . Washington. Virginia West) Virginia 686 157, 840 450 22, 755, 095 78, 582, 700 6S, 905, 818 16 28 17 1 6 24 20 2, o;;;. 985 2, 716, 700 11,713,260 252, 000 1,325,000 3,731,580 1, 986, 000 430, 200 666, 250 850. 000 50, 000 275, 000 494, 070 507, 500 1, 622, 200 2,016.500 4, 988, 500 250, 000 630, 000 2,173,350 1, 018, 500 1,441,609 1, 744, 821 4,421,230 185,120 493, 670 1, 915, 41C 889, 040 Division No. 3 . North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana New Orleans Texas Arkansas Kentucky Louisville Tennessee 112 23, 758, 525 3, 273, 020 17 16 17 9 12 7 1 8 74 6 59 9 33 2, 376, 000 1,779,100 2, 686, 000 550 000 1, 935, 000 625. 000 100 0*00 3, 425, 000 7, 685, 000 755, 000 9,75^,900 3, 551, 500 5,417,500 550, 250 432, 275 496, 500 137.500 390 000 156,250 25. 000 400. 000 1, 748, 750 176. 250 2, 093, 475 450. 000 841, 875 1,019,500 986, 350 1,088,500 '200, 500 973, 000 212, 500 50. 000 1, 705, 000 1,983,250 332, 500 4, 791, 100 1,194,000 1,503,650 860, 800 874,1!5 979, 250 164, 740 872, 360 180,855 45, 000 1,504,075 1,737 380 298, 360 4, 374,110 1,074,490 1,328,045 Division No. 4. Ohio Cincinnati.Cleveland .. Indiana Illinois Chicago Michigan Detroit Wisconsin Milwaukee. 268 40, 644, 000 7, 893,125 16, 039, 850 14,293,600 187 13 9 92 153 15 101 7 47 3 22,143, 850 9, 600, 000 6, 550, 000 12,344,500 13, 936, 500 13, 950, 000 10, 695, 300 3, 300. 000 3, 985, 000 650, 000 5, 007. 463 650. 000 450, 000 2, 653, 625 3, 377, 875 750, 000 2, 323, 675 350, 000 983, 750 150, 000 12,711,400 4, 91fi,000 705. 000 6. 691, 800 5. 841,150 1,083,500 3, 686, 500 550, 000 1, 570. 000 520, 000 11,328,694 4, 350. 300 589, 450 5, 9^7, 930 5, 200. 630 8:57,180 3, 284, 955 473, 730 1, 394, 618 468, 000 Division No. 5 Iowa Minnesota Missouri Saint Louis.. Kansas Nebraska 627 97,155,150 38, 275, 350 33, 905, 487 128 53 39 5 98 88 10,295, 000 12, 290, 060 5, 831, 000 3, 000, 000 6, 732,100 7,183,900 2, 448, 750 1, 416, 265 907. 750 250, 000 1,683,025 1, 570, 975 3, 846, 500 2, 054, 000 1,521,050 810,000 1,992,000 1,792,250 3,421,693 1,797,701 1, 365, 623 725, 430 1,686,810 1,602,660 Division No. 6. Colorado.. Nevada .. 411 45, 332, 060 8, 276, 765 12, 015, 800 10, 599, 917 27 1 2,435,000 100, 000 583.750 25,000 1, 020, 000 25 000 914, 050 22,480 16,690,388 12,099,050 11,090,900 CII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Table of States, Territories, and reserve cities, exhibiting the number of banks in each, with their capital, minimum amount of bonds required by law, $c.—Continued. United States bonds. No. of States, Territories, and reserve cities. banks. Capital. Minimum. Division No. 7.. Division No. 8 United States Circulation outstanding October 7, 1886. $2, 885,000 2, 500, 000 1, 320, 000 $571, 250 100, 000 317, 500 $1,048,000 j 650,000 I 624,600 $894, 720 498, 060 524, 580 70 9,240,000 1,597,500 3, 367,600 2, 854, 390 52 6 16 9 7 18 6 3 015, 500 350,000 1,863, 500 825, 000 837,175 1,115, 000 900, 000 753, 875 87, 500 378, 375 206, 250 209, 293 278, 750 175, 000 872, 250 105, 300 455, 600 300, 000 400, 000 402, 500 180, 000 779.190 93, 300 399 560 25a, 980 303, n o 348, 200 160,460 2,336, 800 California San Francisco. Oregon Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico . Utah Washington.. Wyoming Held October 7, 1886. 114 | 2,852 8, 906,175 j 548, 240, 730 2, 089, 043 84, 365, 312 2, 715, 650 258,498,950 228,672,610 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CIII Statement of monthly increase and decrease of national-bank circulation from November 1, 18S2, to October 31, 1886, to which is added the preceding yearly increase and decrease since January 14,1875. National-bank circulation. Months. Increase. Issued. Decrease. Retired. I November December January February ... March .* April May June 1882. August September.. October November .. December . . January . . . February . . March .'.-.. April May June July August September. October From From From From From From From From 1, 371, 980 1,272,780 1,290,220 1, 075, 650 1,107,790 1,305,200 1,114,110 1, 318, 770 642, 980 793, 850 445, 240 1,177, 010 1, 657, 272 2,115,551 2, 798, 819 1, 595, 875 2, 076, 373 2, 644,072 2,147, 800 2,494,194 1, 883, 885 1, 991, 194 1, 500, 866 1, 649, 953 285, 292 842, 771 1, 508, 599 520, 225 968, 583 1, 338, 872 1, 033, 690 1,175, 424 1, 240, 905 1,197, 344 1,055, 626 472,943 1,126, 020 509, 004 579, 850 963, 440 733, 960 1,101, 050 943, 950 1,279,030 943, 390 569, 750 208, 580 379, 930 2,021,895 3, 373, 760 2, 497, 596 2, 559,448 2, 829, 758 2,510,737 2, 543, 502 2, 388, 946 1,744,057 2, 700, 871 2, 255,139 2, 663, 801 895, 875 2, 864, 756 1, 917, 746 1, 596, 008 2, 095, 798 ], 409, 687 1, 599, 552 1,109. 916 800, 667 2,131,121 2,046, 559 2,283,871 677, 010 523, 560 548, 330 1, 053, 370 403, 790 690, 240 1, 066, 080 1,160,710 1,914,710 2,516,340 2, 363, 360 2, 660, 545 2,923,115 2, 775, 207 2, 990, 575 2, 369, 330 2, 442, 668 484,135 2, 804, 870 1, 505, 725 1, 473, 694 3,778, 735 685, 270 2, 742,900 2, 246,105 2, 251, 647 2, 442, 245 1,315, 960 2,038, 878 2, 727, 889 2, 954, 953 1, 340, 990 404, 441 478, 035 500, 780 490, 510 527, 970 571, 230 467, 500 2,153,091 2, 875, 730 2, 603, 498 2, 617, 935 2, 517, 330 3, 233, 943 2, 674, 213 2, 640,142 1,738.553 2, 089, 532 574, 798 79, 223 51,512,747 10, 986, 675 7, 093,680 16, 306, 030 16, 291, 685 22,933,490 13,402,215 30, 979, 630 22,464, 250 110,335,303 14, 570, 305 27, 506, 981 18,265,331 10,986,116 7, 040, 397 6.193, 053 ]3, 705, 259 19,121, 971 3,105, 273 5, 305, 569 15, 893, 093 7, 209,162 17, 274, 371 3, 342, 279 191, 970, 402 227, 724, 716 52,129, 747 87, 884, 061 52,129,747 103,071,025 1884. June July A g September. October November December . January . . . February.. March .'.... April May June July August September. October November. December.. $1,520,369 1, 749, 379 1883. July., January . . . February . . March April $1, 341, 450 1, 875,4>0 1885. 1886. Total January 14, 1875, to October 31, 1875 November 1, 1875. to October 31,1876... November 1 , 1870, to October 31,1877... November 1, 1877. to October 31,1878... November 1, 1878, to October 31. 1879... November 1, 1879, to October 31.1880 .. November 1.., 1880, to October 31,1881... November 1,, 1881, to October 31,18^i Circulation surrendered to this office and retired Total. $178,919 $126, 041 206,105 1, 738,790 345, 015 441,016 1, 262, 395 1, 678, 090 82," 355 1,562, 508 2, 213,494 2, 039, 295 2,733,163 2,183, 703 2,112,172 3,167,323 1,622,032 15,186, 964 15,186, 964 191,970, 402 242, 011, 680 61, 927, 829 3, 583,630 20, 413, 301 1, 959, 301 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CIV The following table shows, for every date on which reports of condition have been made from January 1,1866, to October 7,1886, the number of banks in operation, their aggregate capital, the aggregate amounts of bonds on deposit to secure circulation, the full amount of circulation issuable thereon, the amount actually issued, maximum circulation obtainable under the law as it stood at each period, bonds required to be deposited for obtaining such maximum circulation, minimum of bonds required at each period, and the maximum amount of circulation obtainable thereon: NUMBER of BANKS IN OPERATION, AGGREGATE, CAPITAL, #c. [Aggregate capital stock, &c, in millions.] Full amount of circulation due on such bonds. Circulation actually issued thereon. Maximum circulation attainable under law. Bonds required for such circulation. Minimum amount of bonds required for deposit. 1,582 1,612 1,634 1 644 403 409 414 415 298 315 326 331 268 283 293 297 213 248 267 280 354 354 354 354 394 3il4 394 394 141 127 1,647 1, 642 1,637 1,642 419 418 418 420 339 338 337 338 305 304 303 304 291 291 291 293 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 142 128 1, 642 1, 643 1,640 1, 645 420 420 420 420 339 339 339 340 305 305 305 306 294 295 294 295 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 142 128 1,628 1, 620 1,619 1,617 419 420 422 426 338 338 338 339 304 304 304 305 294 292 292 293 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 144 130 1,615 1,615 1,612 1,615 1 648 426 427 427 430 435 339 339 338 340 344 305 305 304 306 309 292 292 291 291 296 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 394 146 131 1,688 1,707 1,723 1, 767 1,790 444 446 450 458 460 351 354 357 364 366 315 318 321 327 329 301 306 307 315 318 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 394 156 140 1,814 1,843 1,853 1,919 1 940 464 467 470 479 482 370 374 377 382 384 1 333 336 339 343 345 321 325 327 338 336 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 394 103 147 1 947 1,962 ] 968 1,976 1,976 484 487 490 491 490' 384 386 388 388 389 345 347 349 349 350 336 338 338 339 341 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 394 1866. Maximum circulation attainable thereon. Bonds deposited to secure circulation. January April July October Capital stock paid up. Date. Total number of banks. 1 1867. January April July October 1868. January April July . October 1869. January April..'. June October January 1870. TVfarr.h June... October December 1871. TWarp.h April June October December February April June October December . . .. 1872. 1873. April June Sentember December . ... 167 151 CV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. NUMBER of BANKS in OPERATION, AGGREGATE CAPITAL, ^c—Continued. [Aggregate capital stock, &c, in millions.] 6 ?* 1 ft.2 n 'ft Q c <^ G ^ £s ! SS i .2 B j ircul thei Zi tal ft O S moil ei Date. O ft ! -U c I for ft p g 1 il' 11 P_. 1874. February . May . . . . . . June October . . . December. 1876. March May June October December 1877. ' 1878. March May June October December January... April./ June October . . . December. February April June October December March May June October December 490 490 491 493 495 389 389 390 383 382 350 350 351 344 343 339 340 338 333 331 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 394 2,029 ' 2,040 i 2,070 i 2,087 : 2,086 j 496 498 501 504 505 380 378 375 370 363 342 340 337 333 326 324 323 318 318 314 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 2,091 ! 2,089 ' 2, 091 2,089 i 2,082 504 500 500 499 497 354 344 339 337 336 318 309 305 303 302 307 300 294 291 292 354 354 354 354 354 394 ! ; 2, 083 I 2, 073 2,*078 ] 2, 080 ! 2, 074 j 493 489 481 479 477 337 339 337 336 343 303 305 303 302 308 292 294 290 291 299 354 354 354 354 354 394 2,063 2, 059 2, 050 2,053 2, 055 473 471 470 466 464 343 345 347 347 347 308 310 312 312 312 300 301 299 30 L 303 | 354 I 354 j 35'i 354 I 354 2, 051 2, 048 2, 048 2, 048 2, 052 462 455 455 454 454 347 2,001 2,075 2,070 2, 090 2, 095 454 456 455 457 458 361 361 359 357 358 324 324 323 321 322 320 320 318 317 317 • ! 2,094 ! 2,102 ! 2,115 2,132 2,164 458 459 460 463 465 339 352 358 363 368 305 316 322 326 331 298 309 312 320 •325 168 151 172 155 171 154 1875. March May June October . . . December. January April*. June October December 1,975 1,978 1,933 2,004 2, 027 i j i : ! ! 1879. 1880. 1881. | ....! ! I i 394 '•W4 394 394 394 394 i 394 ! 164 148 394 i | : 394 i 394 394 ! 394 j 160 144 394 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 394 j j j ! ] 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 "i58" ""142 394 , ; I ' I 354 354 354 354 354 394 394 394 394 394 312 303 348 •• 313 304 352 ' 316 307 357 i 321 313 364 j 327 321 156 "ieo" 140 '"ill 1882. 394 March 2,187 469 367 330 323 | 354 May ! 2,224 473 360 324 315 I 354 394 July 2,239 477 355 319 308 i 429 477 October 2,269 483 357 321 314 434 483 *72 65 December | 2, 308 484 357 321 315 I 435 484 * Prior to the act of July 12, 1882, practically every bank with a less capital than $90,000 had to deposit $30,000 in bonds, and all banks of $00,000 and upwards, one-third of their capital. After the act of July 12, 1882, all banks over $150,000 capital had to deposit $50,000 in bonds, and all banks with a capital of $150,000 or less, one-fourth of their capital. CVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY. NUMBER of BANKS in OPERATION, AGGREGATE CAPITAL, ^c—Continued. [Aggregate capital stock, &c, in millions.] .a 2 ^ "75 <D Date. a-a March May . June October . . . December . March April June September . December.. March May July Ootober . . . December. March . . June August . October . 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 2,343 2,375 2,417 2,501 2,529 490 493 500 509 511 354 354 354 351 345 318 318 318 315 310 312 313 311 310 304 441 443 450 458 459 490 493 500 509 511 2,563 2,589 2,625 2,664 2,664 515 518 522 524 524 339 337 334 327 317 305 303 300 294 285 298 297 295 289 280 463 466 469 471 471 515 518 522 524 524 2,671 2,678 2,689 2,714 2,732 524 525 526 527 529 313 312 310 307 304 281 280 279 27G 273 274 273 2G9 268 267 471 472 473 474 476 524 525 526 527 529 2,768 2,809 2,849 2,852 533 530 545548 296 279 270 258 266 251 243 232 256 244 238 228 479 489 490 493 533 539 545 548 r 77 80 72 81 73 84 75 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Table showing, by States, the amount of national-bank circulation issued, the amount of lawful money deposited in the United States Treasury to retire national-bank circulation from June 20, 1874, to November 1, 1886, and the amount remaining on deposit at the latter date. Lawful money deposited to retire national-bank circulation since June 20, 1874. Additional circulation States and Territories. issued since For reTo retire To retire June 20, demption circulation circulation Total of notes of under act 1874. under act deposits. liquidating of July 12, of June 20, 1882. banks. 1874. Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland j District of Columbia.. Virginia West Virgin ia North Carolin.i South Carolina I Georgia :! Florida Alabama . Mississippi Louisiana — Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Missouri Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Iowa M innesota Kansas Nebraska Nevada Oregon Colorado Utah Idaho Montana Wyoming New Mexico Dakota Washington I Arizona I California Lawful money deposited prior to June, 20,1874, and remaining at that date. -. Total. $2,671, 019 1,381,025 3,137, 075 32,138, 705 4,174, 750 G, 649, 295 38,153, 055 4, 592, 915 24, 837, 890 592, 985 2,861,440 457, 000 1, 588, 000 448,414 1, 309, 300 234,790 701, 530 189,420 401,000 229, 500 2,251,010 2,126, 080 438, 740 6, 697, 500 1,569,980 3,109,050 16, 298, 550 6,781,710 6, 655, 945 4,635, 010 2,344,750 4, 0-'!3, 949 2,016,150 1,818,780 1,990,210 36, 000 346, 370 1,193,150 488,14-0 67, 750 616. 070 134. 720 233,980 1, 098,100 677, 230 53,090 2, 092,490 $786, 500 $1,476, 845 $1, 676,100 j 465, 983 515, 460 899,000 I 963,185 1, 059, 277 3,421,170 j 1, 942, 630 13,122,720 ! 30,473,555 | 222, 750 2,861,040 j 5,654,930 i 795, 878 3,237,780 ! 7,542,277 : 8, 323, 703 8,469, 615 44, 9«7, 965 5, 925,212 1, 347, 408 1, 309, 232 9, 316, 420 23,250,061 4,182,986 136, 870 220, 000 " " i 66," 600 1,830,280 I 3, 648, 420 455, 064 665, 060 112,990 | 1, 903, 920 1, 038, 219 430, 485 731,060 687, 615 290, 900 1,918,735 1, 568, 755 1, 428, 575 395, 550 330, 925 9,000 743, 320 135, 000 38,150 666, 413 684. 000 2, 999,250 135, 830 931,200 30, 290 312, 750 11,250 692, 020 1, 070, 417 6, 724, 533 150,490 854, 191 1,987,1.'4 242, 940 1, 204, 075 5, 474,630 6,805,118 3, 368, 840 12, 897, 026 625,230 4,881,285 9, 676, 705 946, 805 3, 598, 884 11, 002, 491 232, 670 2, 718, 5G3 4, 620, 612 274, 520 1, 209, 260 2,069, 724 284, 520 1, 605, 907 3, 990, 735 208, 340 2, 305, 251 862, 079 15, 750 748, 220 814,941 194, 800 968,130 67, 490 13, 500 347, 475 161,191 123,490 384, 930 370,050 63,000 272, 250 15, 750 210,700 238, 550 273, 350 2,500 621,000 $3, 939, 445 1, 880, 443 5, 443, 632 45, 538, 905 8,738, 720 11,575,935 61,761,343 8,581,852 36,749,467 3f>6, 870 5, 645, 300 1,120, 724 3, 055,129 1, 849,160 2, 209, 635 1, 568, 755 2,155,050 9,000 878, 320 38,150 4, 349, 663 1, 097, 320 324, 000 8,486, 970 2, 991, 835 6, 921, 645 23, 070, 984 15,183, 220 35, 548,180 7, 571, 845 3, 553, 504 5, 881,162 3, 375, 670 1, 578, 911 1,230,420 13, 500 9,270 855, 895 531, 241 63,000 462,190 15,750 221,950 319, 840 313, 850 53,090 711,000 52,253,177 205,825,081 311,645,415 9, 270 189, 940 11,250 81, 290 40, 500 50,590 90, 000 Lawful money on deposit with the United States Treasurer at date. $1,848, 045 929, 651 1,684,375 14, 005, 208 3, 690,645 4, 268, 830 11, 446,165 2, 094, 632 13,019,828 163,410 2, 010,429 119, 575 431,757 497,441 278, 084 201,810 873,179 4,890 147,568 13,046 925, 449 244,603 63, 371 3,150,171 1,112, 378 720,177 7, 444, 388 2, 654, 844 2, 694, 374 1, 218,432 630, 375 1,043, 291 354, 061 201,160 387, 532 7,543 223,481 62, 280 17, 590 38,874 310 170,330 80,433 58,440 24,660 266,050 3, 813, 675 196,704,902 49,753,482 81,523,163 CVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CtfRllKNCY. National banks that hare gone into voluntary liquidation tinder fho provisions of sections 52*20 and 52^1 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, with the dates of liquidation, the amount of their capital, circulation issued and retired, and circulation outstanding November 1, 1886. Circulation. Name and location of bank. Date of | Capital. liquidation. Issued. Retired. Outstanding. First National Bank, Penn Yan. N. Y.* . Apr. 6, 1804 ' First National Bank. Norwich, Conn.*... May 2,1804 i Second National Bank, Ottuinwa, Iowa.t I M a y 2,1804 ! i Oct. 3.1804 Second National Bank, Canton, Ohiot First National Bank, Lansing, Mich.t - - -j Dec. 5,18(14 $89, 875 $90, 000 $100,000 ! First National Bank, Columbia, Mo Sept, 19,1804 $125 25, 500 25,384 First National Bank, Carondelet, Mo ! Mar. 15,1865 30,000 116 First National Bank, Utica, N. Y.* June 9,1865 200,000 ; Pittston National Bank, Pittston, Pa Sept. 16,1805 100, 000 100,000 ! 99, 135 Fourth National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind. Nov. 30.1805 865 Berkshire National Bank, Adams, Mass. J Dec. 8.1805 i 100,000 ! National Union Bank, Rochester, N. Y .. Apr. 20, I860 j 400,000 , "i92, 500 191,193 1,307 First National Bank, Leonardsville, N.Y I July 11.1806 45, 000 44, 370 50,000 ! 630 Farmers' National Bank, Richmond, Va 83, 01-3 100,000 j 85, 000 22,1806 1, 917 Farmers' National Bank, Waukesha, Wis j Nov. 25,1866 100,000 ' 90, 000 89, 485 | 515 National Bank of Metropolis, WashingI ton, D.C .'. JNov. 28,1866 | 180,000 200, 000 3,482 170, 518 ! 100, 000 90, 000 First National Bank, Providence, Pa . . . ! Mar. 1,1867 I 1,405 88,595 ! 150, 000 National State Bank, Dubuque, Iowa . . . Mar. 9,1867 ' 127, 000 1,479 125,521 | First National Bank of Newton, Newton130, 000 128,563 j 150,000 | ville, Mass iMar. 11,1867 1, 437 53,105 First National Bank, New TJlm, Minn . . Apr. 18,1867 60,000 i 54, 000 895 National Bank of Crawford County, 300,000 I Meadville, Pa . Apr. 19,1867 Kittanning National Bank, Kittanning, ! Apr. 29,1867 Pa.+ 200,000 I May 28,1867 City National Bank, Savannah, Ga.t 100, 000 j 443, 205 450, 000 July 3,1867 6,795 Ohio National Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio 500,000 | 177, 379 2, 021 Sept. 26,1867 First National Bank, Kingston, N. Y 200,000 j 180, 000 : 5,1867 44, 541 I Dec. 4r>, ooo 459 First National Bank, Blutfton, Ind 50,000 178, 970 1,030 National Exchange lAxnk, Richmond, Va. Dec. 5,1867 180, 000 200,000 1 133,514 1,486 First National Bank, Skaneateles, N. Y.. I Dec. 21.1867 135, 000 150,000 45, 270 230 Dec. 26,1807 First National Bank, Jackson, Miss 45, f>00 | 100,000 1,1.89 88,811 First National Bank, Downingtown, Pa.. Jan. 14.1868 90,000 | 100, 000 1,186 85, 564 Jan. 15,1808 First National Bank, Titus villo, Pa 80,750 | 100, 000 44, 340 000 A|)pleton National Bank, Appleton, Wis Jan. 21, 1808 45, 000 50, 000 45,168 332 Feb. 14,1808 National Bank of Whitestown, N. Y 45, 500 120, 000 First National Bank, New Brunswick, 88, 539 100, 000 90, 000 1,461 Feb. 26,1868 N.J First National Bank, Cuyahoga Falls, 44, 400 Mar. 4,1868 50, 000 45, 000 600 Ohio 90, 000 100, 000 623 First National Bank, Cedarburg, Wis . Mar. 23,1808 89, 377 Commercial National Bank, Cincinnati, 342, 920 Apr. 28,1808 345, 951) 500, 000 3,030 Ohio 90, 000 100. 000 1,520 Second National Bank, Watertown, N.Y. July 21,1868 88, 480 First National Bank, South Worcester, 155, 641 A u g . 4,1868 175, 500 157 400 N.Y 1,759 National Mechanics and Farmers' Bank, 312, 240 Aug. 4,1868 350, 000 314, 950 Albany, N. Y 2,710 42,102 50, 000 42, 500 Second National Bank, DesMoines, Iowa Aug. 5,1868 3b8 First National Bank, Steubenville, Ohio. Aug. 8,1808 135, 000 132, 647 150, 000 2,353 Aug. 25,1808 87, 500 85, 902 First National Bank, Plumer, Pa 100, 000 1,598 Sept. 30,1808 45, 000 44, 580 50, 000 First National Bank, Danville, Va 420 130,172 150, 000 132,500 First National Bank, Dorchester, Mass .. Nov. 23,1808 2,328 C6, 940 First National Bank, Oskaloosa, Iowa . . . Dec, 17,1808 75, 000 67, 500 560 Merchants and Mechanics' National 184,750 I 182, 878 Dec. 31,1868 300, 000 Bank, Troy, N. Y 1,872 90,000 ! 100, 000 89, 200 National Savings Bank, Wheeling, W. Va. Jan. 7,1869 800 109,850 Jan. 12,1809 125, 000 108, 792 First National Bank, Marion, Ohio 1,058 85,000 I 200,010 84, 309 National Insurance Bank, Detroit, Mich. Feb: 26,1869 631 135,000 ! National Bank of Lansingburg, N. Y — Mar. 6,1869 150, 000 133, 050 1,350 National Bank of North America, New Apr. 15,1809 1, 000, 000 333, 000 330, 303 York, N.Y 2,697 Apr. 19,1809 53, 350 52, 857 60, 000 First National Bank, Hallowell, Me 493 Apr. 23,1809 43,215 44, 000 First National Bank, Clyde, N. Y 50, 000 785 134, 990 133, 892 422, 700 1,098 Pacific National Bank, New York, N. Y.. May 10,1869 84, 730 85, 250 514 Grocers' National Bank, New York. N. Y. J u n e 7,1869 390, 000 84, 335 85, 000 665 Savannah National Bank, Savannah, Ga. June 22,1H69 100, 000 July 30,1869 44, 723 277 45, 000 50, Q|0 First National Bank, Frostburg, Md Aug. 30,1869 44, 455 545 45, 000 50, 000 First National Bank, La Salle, 111 National Bank of Commerce, Georgetown, D. C Oct. 28,1869 i 100, 000 90, 000 88, 970 1,030 * New bank with same title, t Never completed organization. { Consolidated with, another bank. REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CIX National banks that have gone into voluntary liquidation under the provisions of sections 5220 and 5221 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, <f-c—Continued. Circulation. Date of liquidation. Name and location of bank. Capital. Issued. Miners' National Bank, Salt Lake City, Dec. 2,1869 Utah .$150, 000 First National Bank, Vinton, Iowa Dec. 13,1869 50, 000 National Exchange Bank, Philadelphia, Pa Jan. 8,1870 300, 000 Jan. 10,1870 First National Bank, Deeatur, Til 100, 000 ] Jan. 11,1870 ! 100,000 National Union Bank, Owego, N. Y i Jan. 25,1870 | 500, 000 First National Bank, Berlin, Wis Central National Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' Mar. 31, 1870 j 500, 000 ! Apr. 9,1870 ! 150, 000 First National Bank, Dayton, Ohio National Bank of Chelming, Elmira, N.Y. : June 10,1870 | 100, 000 Merchants' National Bank, Milwaukee, Wis ' June 14,1870 j 100, 000 First National Bank, Saint Louis, Mo ... 1 July 10,1870 i 200, 000 Chemung Canal National Bank, Elmira, N.Y i Aug. 3,1870 j 100, 000 Central National Bank, Omaha, Nebr.* .. Sept. 23,1870 ! 100,000 I First National Bank, Clarksville, Yn , Oct. 13, 1870 i 50,000 ! First National Bank, "Burlington, Vt. -. Oct. 15,1870 300, 000 Oct. 24,1870 First National Bank, Lebanon, Ohio. 100, 000 National Exchange Bank,Lausmgburg, 100, 000 N.Y :: .. | Dec. 27,1870 Mnskingum National Bank, Zanesville, Jan. 7,1871 100, 000 Ohio I Feb. 15,1871 i 50, 000 United National Bank, "Win on a, Minn...I Mar. 25,1871 , 100, 000 First National Bank, Dcs Moincs, Iowa.. ! Saratoga County National Bank, Water- ! Mar. 28,1871. j 150, 000 ford, N. Y ...: ! Mar. 31,1871 100, 000 State National Bank, Saint Joseph, Mo . i May 2,1871 ! 100,000 First National Bank, Fenton. Mich !1 June 2^, 1871 ' 100, 000 First National Bank, Wollsburg, W. Va . Aug. 11,1871 I 200, 000 Clarke National Bank, Rochester. N. Y. . Commercial National Bank, Oshkosh, 1 Nov. 22,1871 100, 000 Wis Fort Madison NationalBank, Fort Madi- j Dec. 26,1871 75, 000 son, Iowa i Jan. 6,1872 300, 000 National Bank of Maysville, Ky j Jan. 9,1872 105, 500 Fourth National Bank, Syracuse, N.Y... American National Bank, New York, | M a y 10,1872 500, 000 N.Y Carroll County National Bank, Sand- ' May 24,1872 50, 000 wich, N.H./. June 24,1872 100, 000 Second National Bank, Portland, Me July 15,1872 200, 000 Atlantic National Bank, Brooklyn, N". Y Merchants and Farmers1 National Bank, Aug. 8,1872 150,000 Quincy, Til Aug. 9,1872 400, 000 First National Bank, .Rochester, N. Y Sept. 10,1872 200, 000 Lawrenceburji; National Bank, Ind Jewett City National Bank, Jevvett City, ! Oct. 4,1872 60, 000 Conn .-'. Oct. 22,1872 100, 000 First National Bank, Tvnoxville, Tenn... |i Nov. 7,1872 115, 000 First National Bank, Goshen, Ind i Kidder National Gold Bank, Boston, : Nov. 8,1872 300, 000 Mass 154, 700 Second National Bank, Zanesville, Oliio. Nov. 16,1872 Orange County National Bank, Chelsea, Jan. 14,1873 200, 000 Vt '. 100, 000 Second National Bank, Syracuse, N. Y. | Feb. 18,1873 Richmond National Bank, Richmond, 1 Feb. 28,1873 230, 000 Ind. * ! Mar. 7,1873 * 75,000 First National Bank, Adams, N. Y Mechanics' National Bank, Syracuse, Mar. 11,1873 140, 000 N.Y : : Farmers and Mechanics'National Bank, Apr. 15,1873 100, 000 Rochester, N. Y 100, 000 Montana National Bank, Helena, Mont.. Apr. 15,1873 j June 3,1873 50, 000 First National Bank, Havana, N. Y Merchants and Farmers'National Bank, i June 30,1873 50, 000 Ithaca, N.Y ! July 18,1873 150, 000 National Bank of Cazenovia, N. Y Merchants' National Bank, Memphis, i 250, 000 Term *.... Manufacturers' National Bank, Chicago, Aug. 30,1873 111 -•• K 500, 000 Sept. 25,1873 New bank, with same title. Retired. $135, 000 42, 500 Outstanding. $133, 790 42, 264 $1, 210 236 750 250 250 000 000 000 000 173, 2C4 84,163 87, 100 43, 6iO 420, 475 133, 584 89 433 89, 2,486 1,087 1,150 390 4, 525 1,416 567 90, 000 179,990 89,150 178, 446 850 1, 544 90, 000 89, 0"9 941 27, 000 270, OdO 85, 000 '20, 855 265, 988 84,214 145 4, 012 • 780 175, 85, 88, 44, 425, 135, 90, 90, 000 89, 277 723 90,000 i 45,000 | 90, 000 89, 070 930 475 936 44, 525 I 89,004 j 135,000 j 90,000 49,500 I 90,000 ! 180,000 133,807 89, 429 48, 978 89,108 177, 973 90,000 89,132 67, 500 270, 000 91,700 268, 093 90, 656 620 1, 907 1,044 450, 000 442,790 7,210 45, 000 81,000 165, 000 44, 208 79, 478 163, 290 792 1,522 1,710 135, 000 206,100 180,000 i 133, 475 203, 490 177, 476 1,525 2, 610 2, 524 48, 750 80, 910 103, 500 48, 027 79, 801 102,010 723 1,109 1,490 120, 000 138,140 120, 000 136, 028 2,112 180, 000 j 90,000 j 176, 651 88, 690 3, 349 1,310 207,000 j 60,900 j 207, 000 0o, 839 1,061 93,800 | 92, 640 1,160 83, 250 31, 500 45, 000 82,129 31, 360 44, 215 1,121 140 785 45, 000 116,770 44,174 115, 024 826 1,746 225, 000 221, 668 3,332 450, 000 443, 049 6,951 i 1,193 571 522 892 2,027 CX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. National banks that have gone into voluntary liquidation under the provisions of sections 5220 and 5221 of the Revived Statutes of the United States, tfc.—Continued. Circulation. Name and location of bank. Date of liquidation. Second National Bank, Chicago, 111 Sept. 25,1873 $100,000 Merchants' National Bank, Dubuque, Iowa 200, 000 Sept. 30,1873 Beloit National Bank, Beloit, Wis 50,000 Oct. 2,1873 Union National Bank, Saint Louia, Mo... Oct. 22,1873 500, 000 City National BaDk, Green Bay, Wis 50, 000 Nov. 29,1873 First National Hank, Shelbiua. Mo 100, 000 Jan. 1,1874 Second National Bank, Nashville, Tenn.. Jan. 8,1874 125, 000 First National Bank, Oneida, N. Y 125, 000 Jan. 13,1874 Merchants' National Bank, Hastings, Minn 100, 000 Feb. 7,1874 National Bank of Tecuniseh, Mich 50, 000 Mar. 3,1874 Gallatin National Bank, Shawneetown, 111 250, 000 Mar. 7,1874 First National Bank, Brookville, Pa 100, 000 Mar. 26,1874 Citizens' National Bank, Sioux City, Iowa Apr. 14,1874 50, 000 Citizens' National Bank, Charlottes ville, . Va ... Apr. 27,1874 100, 000 Farmers' National Bank, Warren, 111 50, 000 Apr. 28,1874 First National Bank, Medina, Ohio 75, 000 May 6,1874 Croton River National Bank, South East,N. Y May 25,1874 200, 000 Merchants' National Bank of West Virginia, Wheeling, W. Va ; July 7,1874 500,000 Central National Bank, Baltimore, Md...' Jmly 15,1874 200, 000 Second National Bank, Learen worth, I Kans ! July 22,1874 100, 000 Teutonia National Bank, New Orleans, j La . j Sept. 2,1874 300, 000 City National Bank, Chattanooga, Tenn.. I Sept. 10,1874 170, 000 First National Bank, Cairo, 111 ! Oct. 10,1874 1 100, 000 First National Bank, Olathe, Kans j Nov. 9,1874 i 50, 000 First National Bank, Beverly, Ohio i Nov. 10,1874 ' 102, 000 250,000 Union National Bank, La Fayette, Ind... Dec. 4,1874 Ambler National Bank, Jacksonville, Fla.* -. Dec. 7,1874 42, 500 Mechanics' National Bank, Chicago, 111.. Dec. 30,1874 250, 000 First National Bank, Evansville, Wis ... Jan. 9,1875 55, 000 First National Bank, Baxter Springs, Ivans 50, 000 Jan. 12,1875 People's National Bank, Pueblo, Colo Jan. 12,1875 50, 000 National Bank of Commerce, Green Bay, Jan. 12,1875 100,000 Wis First National Bank, Millersburg, Ohio.. Jan. 12,1875 i 100,000 First National Bank, StauntoivVa Jan. 23,1875 100, 000 National City Bank, Milwaukee, Wis ... Feb. 24,1875 100, 000 Irasburg National Bank of Orleans, Iras- i burg, Vt ' Mar. 17,1875 '• 75, 000 Mar. 25,1875 100, COO First National Bank, Pekin, 111 Merchants and Planters' National Bank, j Augusta, Ga ' Mar. 30,1875 I 200, 000 Monticello National Bank, Monticello, :j Iowa Mar. 30,1875 100, 000 Iowa City National Bank, Iowa City, !j Iowa Apr. 14,1875 125, 000 First National Bank, Wheeling, W. Va .] Apr. 22,1875 250, 000 First National Bank, Mount Clement, j 50, 000 Mich I May 20,1875 First National Bank, Knob Nostw, Mo,. ;<May 29,1875 50,000 First National Bank, Brodhead, Wis June 24, 1875 50, 000 Auburn City National Bank, JLuburn, ! 200, 000 N.Y ; June 26,1875 50,000 First National Bank, El Dorado, Kans.. Juno 30,1875 50,0u0 ! First National Bank, Junction City, Kans July 1, 1875 July 19,1875 50,000 ' First National Bank, Chetopa. Kans Aug. 25,1875 50, 200 First National Bank, Golden. Colo Aug. 26,1875 60, 000 National Bank of Jeiferson, Wis Green Lane National Bank, Green Lane, ' 100, 000 Pa . Sept. 9,1875 Sept. 15,1875 State National Bank, Topeka, Kans 60, 500 Farmers National Bank, Marshalltown, ; Iowa |1 Sept, 18,1875 i 50, 000 Bichland National Bank, Mansfield, Ohio Sept. 25,1875 j 150, 000 *No circulation. Eetired. Outstanding. $97,500 $95,661 j 180, 000 45, 000 150, 300 45,000 90,000 92, 920 110,500 174, 946 44,176 147, 548 43, 950 88, 684 91,105 108, 383 5, 054 824 2, 752 1,050 1,316 1,815 2,117 90, 000 45, 000 87, 898 44,145 2,102 855 225, 000 90, 000 3, 498 1,765 45, 000 221, 502 88, 235 44, 670 90, 000 45, 000 45, 000 88, 519 44,136 44, 569 1,481 864 431 166, 550 163, 243 3,307 450, 000 180,000 44'?, 552 177, 763 7,448 2,237 , ! ! | $1,839 330 90, 000 87, 353 2,647 270, 000 148, 001 90, 000" 4T>, 000 90, 000 224, 095 265, 345 145, 688 88, 059 44, 441 87, 949 219, 268 4, 655 2, 313 1,941 559 2, 051 4,827 125, 900 45, 000 122, 765 44,355 3,135 645 36, 000 27, 000 90,000 60,400 90, 000 60, 000 35, 490 26, 758 88, 675 59,652 88, 462 58, 525 510 242 1, 325 748 1, 538 1,475 65, 977 87, 863 1,523 2,137 169, 000 165,535 i 3,465 45, 000 44,174 i 07, 500 | 90,000 ' 826 104, 800 225, 000 102,492 ! 218, 870 27, 000 43, 800 45,000 26, 810 43, 322 44, 337 190 478 663 141,300 45, 000 45, 000 36, 000 27, 000 54, 000 137, 741 44, 356 44, 505 35,510 26, 740 52, 632 3,559 644 495 490 260 1,368 90,000 30, 600 27, 000 130, 300 89,132 30, 357 243 26, 705 126,066 295 4,234 2,308 6,130 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXI National hanks that hare gone into voluntary liquidation under the provisions of sections 5^20 and 5221 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, cfc.—Continued. Circulation. Name and location of bank. Date of liquidation. Capital. Issued Planters' National Bank, Louisville,Ky . Sept. 30,1875 First National Bank, Gallatiu, Tenu .. Oct. 1,1875 First National Bank, Charleston,W.Va.. Oct. 2,1875 People's National Bank, Winchester, 111. Oct. 4,1875 First National Bank, New Lexington, Oct. 12,1875 Ohio First National Bank, Ishpenaing, Mich .. Oct. 20,1875 Fayette County National Bank, WashOct. 26,1875 ington, Ohio Merchants' National Bank, Fort Wayne, Nov. 8,1875 Ind . . . Kansas City National Bank, Kansas Nov. 13 1875 City, M o . ' First National Bank, Schoolcraft, Mich . Nov. 17,1875 First National Bank, Ourwensville, Pa .. Dec. 17.1875 National Marine Bank, Saint Paul, Minn. Dec. 28,1875 Jan. 11.1876 First National Bank, Rochester, Ind Jan. 11,1876 First National Bank, Lodi, Ohio Iron National Bank. Portsmouth, Ohio.. Jan. 19, 1876 Jan. 26,1876 First National Bank, Ashland, Nebr Jan. 28,1876 First National Bank, Paxton, 111 First National Bank, Bloomfield, Iowa.. Feb. 5,1876 Marietta National Bank, Marietta, Ohio. Feb. 16,1876 Salt Lake City National Bank, Salt Lake Feb. 21,1876 City, Utah Feb. 24,1876 First National Bank, La Grange, Mo Mar. 7,1876 First National Bank, Atlantic, Iowa Mar. 11,1876 First National Bank, Spencer, Ind National Currency Bank, New York, N. Y Mar. 23,1876 Caverna National' Bank, Caverna, N. Y . . May 13,1876 May 25,1876 City National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa . National State Bank, Des Moines, Iowa June 21,1876 June 22,1876 First National Bank, Trenton, Mo July 10,1876 First National Bank, Bristol, Tenn July 11,1876 First National Bank, Leon, Iowa Anderson County National Bank, LawJuly 29,1876 renceburg, Ky Aug. 7,1876 First National Bank, Newport, Ind Aug. 17,1876 First National Bank, De Pere, Wis Second National Bank, Lawrence, Kans. Aug. 23,1876 Coramercial National Bank, Versailles, Aug. 26,1876 Ky Aug. 31,1876 State National Bank, Atlanta, Ga Syracuse National Bank, Syracuse, N.Y. Sept. 25,1876 First National Bank, Northumberland, Oct. 6,1876 Pa First National Bank, Lancaster, Mo . . Nov. 14,1876 First National Bank, Council Grove, Nov. 28,1876 Kans National Bank Commerce, Chicago, 111.. Dec. 2,1876 Dec. 12,1876 First National Bank, Palmyra, Mo Dec. 16,1876 First National Bank, Newton, Iowa National Southern Kentucky Bank, | Bowling Green, Ky I Dec. 23,1876 First National Bank, Monroe, Iowa | Jan. 1,1877 First National Bank, New London, Conn. Jan. 9,1877 Winona Deposit National Bank, Winona, Minn : Jan. 28,1877 First National Bank, South Charleston, ; Ohio j Feb. 24,1877 Lake Ontaria National Bank, Oswego, j N.Y I Feb. 24.1877 First National Bank, Sidney, Ohio Feb. 26,1877 Apr. 9,1877 Chillicothe National Bank, Ohio First National Bank, Manhattan, Kans . Apr. 13,1877 National Bank, Monticollo, Ky Apr. 23,1877 Apr. 25, 1877 First National Bank, Rockville, Ind M a y 31,1877 Georgia National Bank, Atlanta, Ga J u n e 11,1877 First National Bank, Adrian, Mich First National Bank, Napoleon, Ohio .. June 30,1877 First National Bank, Lancaster, Ohio... A u g . 1. 1877 First National Bank, Minerva, Ohio . . . A u g . 24,1877 Kinney National Bank, Portsmouth, A u g . 28, 1877 Ohio First National Bank, Green Bay, Wis .. Oct. 19,1877 $350, 000 75, 000 100, 000 75, 000 50, 000 50, 000 $315, 000 45, 000 90, 000 67, 500 45, 000 45,000 j Retired. Outstanding. $303,175 44, 345 88, 671 66, 006 $11,825 655 1,329 1,494 44,440 43, 951 560 1,049 100, 000 81,280 ! 79,833 1,447 100, 000 46,820 | 45, 810 1,010 100, 000 50, 000 100, 000 100, 000 50, 000 100, 000 100, 000 50, 000 50, 000 55, 000 150, 000 65,991 ! 45,000 ! 90,000 ; 59,710 ! 45,000 I 90,000 | 90,000 i 45,000 | 45,000 j 49,500 ! 90,000 ! 64, 386 44, 242 86, 743 57, 510 42, 820 86,820 88, 357 44, 405 43, 526 48,140 87, 029 1,605 758 3,257 2,200 2,180 3,180 1,643 595 1,474 1,360 2,971 100, 000 50, 000 50, 000 70, 000 100,000 50, 000 200, 000 100, 000 50, 000 50, 000 60, 000 45,000 45, 000 45, 000 63, 000 45, 000 45, 000 68, 929 50, 795 45, 000 45, 000 45, 000 43, 767 44, 079 44,110 62, 031 43, 325 44, 355 66, 469 48, 570 44,171 44, 370 43, 389 1,233 921 890 969 1,675 645 2,460 2,225 829 630 1,611 100,000 00, 000 50, 000 100, 000 45,000 45, 000 31, 500 67, 500 44,335 43,168 31,104 65,910 615 1,832 396 1,590 170, 000 200, 000 200, 000 153, 000 73, 725 117, 961 148, 080 70, 800 111, 372 4,920 2,925 6,589 100, 000 50, 000 59,191 26, 707 2,915 293 50, 000 250,000 100, 000 50, 000 62,106 27, 000 26, 500 71, 465 46,140 45, 000 25, 69, 44, 42, 960 050 216 043 540 2,415 1,924 2,957 50, 000 60, 000 100,000 27, 000 35, 700 38, 300 26, 520 34,702 35, 831 480 998 100,000 ! i 100, 000 63, 285 60, 005 90,000 ! 86, 579 2,469 3,280 275, 000 52, 000 100, 000 52, 000 60, 000 200, 000 100, 000 100, 000 50, 000 60, 000 50,000 66,405 46, 200 53, 825 44, 200 49, 500 173, 090 45, 000 43, 500 45, 000 54, 000 45, 000 61, 399 44, 322 50, 605 43, 093 45,625 165, 005 42, 908 41, 674 43, 287 51, 501 43, 725 3,421 5,006 1,878 3,220 1,107 3,875 8,085 2,092 1, 826 1, 713 2,499 1,'275 100, 000 50,000 90,000 45,000 87,435 43,158 2,565 1,842 CXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. National hanks thai hare f/one into voluntary liquidation under the provisions of sections 5220 and 5221 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, §G.—Continued. Circulation. Name and location of bank. Date of liquidation. Retired. Issued. National Exchange Bank, Wakefield, Oct. 27,1877 R.I First National Bank, Union City, I n d . . . First National Bank, Negaunee, Mich .. Tenth National Bank, New York, N. Y. First National 'Hank, Paola. Kans National Exchange Bank, Troy, N. Y . . . Second National Bank, La Fayetto, Ind State National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn Second National Bank, Saint Louis, Mo. First National Bank, Siillivan, Ind Rockland County National Bank, Nyack, Nov. Nov. Nov. Doc. Dec. Dee. Dec. Jan. Jan. 10,1877 13,1877 23,1877 1,1877 6,1877 20,1877 31,1877 8, 1878 8, 1878 Jan. 10,1878 N. Y : Jan. 19,1878 First National Bank, Wyandotte, Kans . -Jan. 22,1878 First National Bank, Boone, Iowa Feb. 7,1878 First National Bank, Pleasant Hill, Mo . Feb. 28, 1878 National Bank of Glovers ville, N. Y . . . . Mar. 1, 1878 First National Bank, Independence, Mo. Mar. 2,1878 National State Bank, Lima, Ind Mar. 4,1878 First National Bank, Tell City, Ind Mar. 5,1878 First National Bank, Pomeroy, Ohio Eleventh Ward National Bank, Boston, Mar. 14,1878 Mass Mar. 19, 1878 First National Bank, Prophctstown, 111. Mar. 26,1878 First National Bank, Jackson, Mich Mar. 30,1878 First National Bank, Eau Claire, W i s . . . Apr. 5,1878 First National Bank, Washington, Ohio. Apr. 20,1878 First National Bank, Middleport, Ohio.. Apr. 24,187S First National Bank, Streator, 111 Apr. 25,1878 First National Bank, Muir. Mich Kane County National Bank, Saint May 31,1878 Charles, 111 Juno 1,1878 First National Bank, Carthago, Mo Security National Bank, Worcester, June 5,1878 Mass June 15,1878 First National Bank, Lake City, Colo ... July 31,1878 People's National Bank, Norfolk, Va . . . Aug. 7,1878 Topeka, National Bank, Topeka, Kans .. Aug. 13,1878 First National Bank, Saint Joseph, Mo . Aug. 24,1878 First National Bank, Winchester, Ind .. Muscatine National Bank, Muscatine, Sept. 2,1878 Iowa ... Sept. 4,1878 Traders' National Bank, Chicago, 111 Sept. 10,1878 Union National Bank, llahway, N. J Sept. 14,1878 First National Bank, Sparta, Wis Herkimer County National Bank, Little Oct. 11,1878 Falls, N. Y Nov. 22,1878 Farmers' National Bank, Bangor, Me ... Pacific National Bank, Council Bluffs, Iowa . Nov. 30,1878 First National Bank, Anamosa, Iowa ... Dec. 14,1878 Smithfield National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa Dec. 16,1878 First National Bank, Buchanan, Mich .. Dec. 21,1878 j First National Bank, Prairie City, 111 .. Dec. 24,1878 Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, 111 Jan. 4,1879 Franklin National Bank, Columbus, j Ohio i Jan. 4,1879 Traders' National Bank, Bangor, M e . . . . i Jan. 14,1879 First National Bank, Gonic, N. II | Jan. 14,1879 Fiist National Bank, Salem, N. C ! Jan. 14,1879 First National Bank, Granville, Ohio ' Jan. 14J1879 Commercial National Bank, Petersburg, ; Va.-. Jan. 14,1879 First National Gold Bank, Stockton, Cal Tan. 14,1879 First National Bank, Sheboygan, Wis ..! Jan. 14,1879 First National Bank, Boscobel, Wis ! Jan. 21,1879 National Marine Bank, Oswego, N. Y . . . Jan. 25,1879 Central National Bank, Ilightstown, I • N. J j Feb. 15,1879 j Brookville National Bank, Brookville, i I Ind I Feb. 18,1879. $70, 000 50, 000 50, 000 500, 000 50, 000 100, 000 200, 000 100,000 200, 000 50, 000 Outstanding. $34, 650 45, 000 45, 000 441,000 44, 350 90, 000 52,167 82, 500 53, 055 45, 000 $32, 230 43,190 43,403 408, 644 42, 673 85, 453 46,712 77, 368 46, 692 43, 740 $2,420 1,810 1,597 32, 356 1,677 4,547 5,455 5,132 6,363 1,260 84, 381 43, 544 30, 780 43, 346 61,208 24,271 30, 767 43, 550 69, 983 4,619 1,456 1,620 1,654 3,542 2,729 2, 704 950 5,730 100, 50, 50, 50, 100, 50, 100, 50, 200, 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 89, 000 45, 000 32, 400 45, 000 64, 750 27, 000 33,471 44, 500 75, 713 200, 50, 100, 60, 200, 80, 50, 50, 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 89,400 ! 45,000 ! 88,400 j 38,46t ! 69,750 \ 31,500 ! 40,500 ! 41,200 85, 740 44,129 83, 225 36, 875 64,139 30, 655 39, 605 42, 787 3,660 871 5,175 1,586 5, 611 845 895 1,413 50, 000 50, 000 26, 300 44, 500 25, 053 43, 102 1,247 1,398 100,000 50, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 60, 000 49, 000 29, 300 85, 705 89, 300 67,110 52, 700 46, 270 28, 819 77,170 80, 588 60, 490 48, 246 2,730 481 8,535 8,712 6,620 4,454 100, 200, 100, 50, 000 000 000 000 44, 200 43, 700 89, 200 45, 000 38, 771 37,774 82,426 42,182 5,429 5,926 6,774 2,818 200, 000 100, 000 178, 300 89, 100 163, 317 81, 462 14, 983 7,638 100, 000 50, 000 43. 050 40, 042 1,950 4,458 200, 000 50, 000 50, 000 45, 000 44, 500 78, 750 27, 000 27, 000 68,150 25, 958 22, 650 10, 600 1,042 4,350 500, 000 59,160 50, 941 8,219 93, 070 76, 400 45, 597 128, 200 34, 365 84, 903 67, 024 41, 632 114, 595 30, 994 8,167 9,376 3, 965 13, 605 3,371 i 100, 100, 60, 150, 50, 000 000 000 000 000 120, 000 99, 800 86, 463 13, 337 300, 000 50, 000 50,000 120,000 238, 600 45, 000 43, 900 44, 300 208, 311 42, 865 41,662 " 40, 840 30, 289 2,135 2, 238 3,460 100,000 32,400 30, 995 1,405 89,000 78, 745 10, 255 100, 000 iii-:i*OKT iKi.'ih'-i fluff i:o^i;pr!?cM,Li;ii O F T H E C U R R E N C Y , or /.'<' 2^0 and 52\5i. <> /•'>;*(: / , v / o r>[:t n!:i)'i! Hi(iiida!iA)n- under the prov-in'ionx cxni of XCC Recited Statute* of the United States, <j'*c.—Continued. Circulation. Name and location of bank. Date of ! p a ^ t o i liquidation. | C a P l t a L Issued. Farmers' National Bant, Centrevillo, I Iowa Feb. 27,1879! $50,000 First National Bank, Olarinda. Iowa, ... Mar: 1,1879 j 50, 000 Watervillo National Bank, Watcrville, I Me ... Mar. 3,1879 125, 000 First National Bank, Tremont, Pa Mar. 4,1879 I 75, 000 First National Bank, Atlanta, 111 Apr. 15,1879 ! 50, 000 Union National Bank, Aurora. Ill Apr. 22,1879 ! 125,000 National Bank of Menasha, Wis Apr. 26,1879 j 50, 000 National Exchange Bank, Jefferson City, i Mo ."..I May 8,1879 50,000 First National Bank, Hannibal, Mo I May 15,1879 ; 100, 000 Merchants' National Bank, Winona, !i ! Minn June 16,1879 | 100,000 Farmers'National Bank, Keithsburg, 111. July 3. 1879 i 50,000 First National Bank, Franklin, K y . . July 5. 1879 I 100, 000 National Bank of Salem, Salem, Ind July 8,1879 50. 000 Fourth National Bank, Memphis, Tonn. 1 July 19, J879 125,000 Bedford Naiional Bank. Hertford, Ind . . . July 21, 1879 100,000 First National Bank, Aft on, Iowa : Aug. 15,1S79 50, 000 First National Bank, Deer Lodge, Moiit. Aug. 16,1879 50, 000 First National Bank, Batavia, 111 Aug. 30, J879 50, 000 National Gold Bank and Trust Company, San Francisio, Cal . . . Sept, 1,1870 | 750,000 Gainesville National Bank, Gainesville, 100,000 Ala ., Nov. 25,1879 100, 000 First National Bank, Hackcnsaek, N. J . . D e c 6,1879 50, 000 National Ban k of Delavan, Delavan, Wis i Jan. 7, 1880 Mechanics' National Bank, Nashville, , 100, 000 Tenn J a n . 13,1880 I Manchester National Bank, Manchester, 50, 000 Ohio .. J a n . 13,1880 50, 000 First National Bank, Me.versdalo, Pa . . . Mar. 5,1880 100, 000 First National Bank, MiiUiubnrjr, Pa . Mar. 8,1880 National Bank of Michigan, Marshall, : 120, 000 Mich ' May 14,1880 100,000 National Exchange Bank. Houston, Tex. Sept. in, 1880 100, 000 AscutMcy National Bank, Windsor, Vt.. Oct. 19, 1880 GO! ooo First National Bank, Seneca Falls. N. Y.! : Nov. 2'-, 1880 50, oao First National Bank. J .Jam boo. Wis . . . . Nov. 27,18H0 50, 000 Bundy National Bank. NV.w Castle, Ind. Dec. 6. 1880 50, 000 Vinolimd National .Bank, Vineland, N. J. Jan. 11, 1881 Ocean County Nati-.uial Bank, Tom's ; 100.000 j River, N'.J" . . . J a n . 11,1891 50,000 I Tlungcrfor.i Nation;;] Bank, Adams, N. Y j Jan. 27, 1881 Merchants' National Bunk, Minneapolis, i 150, 000 Minn ; Jan. 31,1881 Farmers' National Busk, .Mechanic'- j 100, 000 burg, Ohio . I Feb. 18,1831 50, 000 First National Hank, Green Spring-, Ohio. | JM>. 18,1881 50, 000 FirstNaiionalBmk, Cannon b'ulis, Minn.'; Feb. 21, 1381. 50, 000 First National Bank, Coshocton, Ohio... Feb. 21,1881 Manufacturers' National Bank, Tiiree 50, 000 Rivers, Mich Feb. 25,1881 50, 000 First National Bank, Lansing, Iowa . Feb. 25,1881 j First National Bank, Watertown, N. Y.\ May 26,1881 j 100, 000 60, 000 First National Bunk, Americas, Ga. . . .• June 17, 1881 j Fii'dt. National Bank, Saint Joseph, Mich.1 June 30.1881 ! 50, 000 50,000 First National Bank, L^gaii. Ohio ...'• July 8,1881 j 50.000 I First National Bank, liocheJio, lil : Aug. 9,1831 | 50,000 ; First Nation:)]. Bank, Siiakoj>oe, Minn...1 Aug. 10.1881 50,000 ! National State Bank, Oskoloosa, Iowa... ; Aug. 13,1881 100,000 ! First National Batik, Ilobait, N. Y . | Aug. 27,1881 50,000 | Attica National .!5;tnk. Attica, N. Y I Aug. 30,1881 National Bank of Brighton, Boston, j I 300,000 ! Mass 1 . . . . O c t . 4,1881! 100,000 ;. Clement National Bank, Rutland, Vt,* ..! Aug. 1,1881 ' 50,000 ! First, National Bank, Lisbon, Iowa ! Nov. 1,3881 50,000 ; First National Bank, Warsaw, Ind !: Dec. 1,1881 Brighton National Bank, Brighton, j 50,000 Iowa I Dec. 15,1881 ! Merchants'National Bank, Denver, Colo | Dec. 24,1881 i 120,000 51), 000 Merchants' National Bank, Hoily, Mich .1 Dec. 31,1881 50, 000 First National Bank, Alliance, Ohio ! Jan. 3,1882 * New bank with same title. H. Ex. 3—vni Retired. Outstanding. $41, 500 45, 000 $39, 928 43, 535 $1, 572 1, 465 110, 64, 26, 82. 44, 300 600 500 000 500 100,749 55, 219 23, 4 SO 7],633 42, 433 9, 551 9,881 3,020 10, 367 2,067 45, 000 88, 200 40, 986 77, 796 4,014 10, 404 35, 27, 54, 44, 45, 87, 26, 45, 44, 33, 229 24, 005 48,915 42, 992 39, 265 83, 4(50 24, 619 43, 220 40, 846 1.771 2, 99* 5,085 1,408 5, 735 3, 740 1, 88! 1,780 3, 454 000 000 000 400 000 200 500 000 300 40, 000 26,650 | 13, 350 90, 000 90, 000 27, 000 76, 739 ! 80,891 I 23,615 i 13,261 9,109 3, 385 90, 000 73,450 I 16,550 48,303 ; 30.000 J 90, 000 | 42,781 . 29, jf«r> ; 76,625 5,522 1,405 13, 375 100,800 i 31,500 ' 90, 000 i 54,000 I 27, 000 : 45,000 j 4."), 000 i 119,405 \ 45,000 j 89, 602 '. 11,198 4, 658 20, 842 j 78, lf,_» ; 11,848 2, 862 51,138 2, 574 24,42(5 1,512 4."{, 488 1,902 43,098 : 101,(510 , 38,0J2 j 17, 795 6, 988 98, 208 93,440 j 4,828 30,140 45, 000 45, 000 53, 058 28, 140 42,117 41,445 49, 697 2, 000 2,883 3, 555 3, 361 45, 000 45, 000 75,510 45, 000 ' 26,500 | 45, 000 45, 000 45, 000 81, 605 90, 000 45,000 I 42,137 41,808 i 59,800 ' 42, 422 23, 528 41, 880 41,213 39, 895 69, 540 76, 880 40, 530 270,000 ! 45,000 I 48,500 I j 45,000 : 72,000 i 45 0s>0 232,516 2, 863 3,132 15,710 2,578 2, 972 3,120 3,787 5,105 12,125 13,120 4, 470 37. 484 41,02i 43,970 i 3, 975 4, 530 40,«588 ! 52.040 ; 4i!.r>22 38, 5')8 : 4, 312 19,960 3, 478 6,492 CXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. National banks tliat have gone into voluntary liquidation under tlic provisions of se5220 and 5221 of the lievised Statutes of thd United States, $-c.—Continued. Circulation. Date of liquidation. Name and location of bank. Capital. Issued. : Retired. National Union Bank, New London, Conn Jan. 10,1882 | $30 ), COO Jan. 10, 18b2 \ ' 100, ouu National Bank of Roy alt on, Vi 50, 000 First National Bank," Whitehall, N. Y... Jan. 18,1882 j Jan. 23,1882 i 70, 000 ; National Bank, Pnlaski, Teiin Mar. 30, 1882 j 100, 000 : First National Bank, Alton, III 50, 000 • Havana National Bank, Havana, N. Y .. Apr. 15,1882 000 First National Bank, Brownsville, Pa... May 2,1882 1 Juiie 20, 1882 ; iob! Second National Bank, Franklin, Ind.-. ooo; Merchants' National Bank, Georgetown, Colo50, 000 j June 22,1882 | Commercial National Bank, Toledo, Ohio. | July 6,1882 j 100, ooo • 50, 000 I Harmony National Bank, Harmony, PH.. JJull y 71882 7,1882 : GO, ooo ! First National 1Bank, Liberty, Ind J u l y 22,1882 j Manufacturers National Bank, Amster1.000 I dam, N. Y Any. 1,1882 • >, 000 First National Bank, Bay City, Mich.... Nov. 8,1882 : ) ? 000 First National Bank, Kipley, Ohio Nov. 10,1882 ; National Bank of State of Now York, 800, 000 Sew York, N. Y Dec. 6,1882 j 100, 000 First National Bank, Wellington, Ohio.. Dec. 12,1882 ! 100. 000 Second National Bank, Jefferson, Ohio.. Dec. 26, 1882 200, 000 First National Bank, Paiuesville, Ohio .. Dec. 30,1882 Saint Nicholas National Bank, New York, 500, 000 Dec. 30,1882 I N.Y 500, 000 1 tec. 30,1882 Fifth National Bank, Chicago, 111 First National Bank, Dowagiac, Mich ... flan. 3,1883 50, 000 First National Bank, Greenville, 111 Jan. 9,18*3 150, 000 Merchants' National Bank, East Saginaw, Mich 200, 000 Jan. 9,1883 Logan County National Bank, llussellville.Ky...: J a n . 9,1883 50, National Bank of Vandalia, 111 J a n . 11,1883 ! 10,), 50. ( Traders' National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. J a n . 16, 1883 j 45, i First National Bank, Norfolk, Nebr Feb. 3,1883 ?>o. ooo i FirstNatioualBank, Midland City.Micb/ F e b . 5,1883 50. 000 j Citizens' National Bank, New Ulm.Minn Mar. 1, 1883 56, 000 ' National Bank of Owen, Owunton, Ky.-. Mar. 5,1883 Merchants' National Bank, Nashville, 300, 000 J u n e 30,1883 Tenn Indiana National Bank, Bedford, Ind 35, 000 A u g . 25,1883 I 100, 000 Stockton National Bank, Stockton, Cal .. Oct. 1,1883 j Wall Street National Bank, New York, N.Y 500, ooo Oct. 15,1«S3 I Commercial National Bank, Heading, Pa. Oct. 23,1883 j 150, ooo Corn Exchange National Bank, Chicago, ~ • 111.* " . . ' Farmers' National Bank, Sullivan, Ind .. City National Bank, La Salle, 111 Hunt County National Bank, Greenville, Tex Waldoboro' National Bank, Waldoboro', Me Third National Bank, Nashville, Tenn... Madison County National Bank, Anderson, Ind First Natioual Bank, Phoenix, Ariz Cobbossee National Bank, Gardiner, Me . Mechanics' and Traders' National Bank, New York, N. Y Princeton National Bank, Princeton, N. J Kearsargo National Bank, Warner, N. 11 Second National Bank, Lansing, Mich. First National Bank, Eliensburg, Wash . German National Bank, Millerstown, Pa Exchange National Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio . First National Bank, Rush ville, 111 ... Mechanics1 National Bank, Peoria, 111 ... First National Bank, Froeport, Pa. Genoseo County National Hank. Batavia, N.Y Valley National Bank, Red Oak, Iowa ... Merchants' National Bank. Bismarck, Dak Manufacturer;)' National Bank, Minneapolis, Minn N o v . 10, 1883 j D e c . 24, 18*3 J an. 8,1884 ! 700, 000 50, 000 100, 000 $112,818 y j , ooo 45,000 43,700 90, 000 45,000 67,500 81, 060 . j : ; . , i Outstanding. $90, 261 74,470 36, 969 34, 953 74, 854 40, 097 52, 670 61, 930 40, 348 77,070 36, 280 • 45,371' $22, 557 15, 530 8,031 8,747 15,146 4, 903 14, 830 19, 130 4,652 12, 930 8,720 8,629 45. 000 ! 90,000 i 45,000 ! 54,000 72, 000 150, 100 : 69,201 60, 680 125,276 52, 775 11,320 30, 824 16,426 397, 004 90,000 90, 000 162, 800 335, 807 72,521 68, 624 123,536 61,197 17, 479 21, 376 39,264 450, 000 2<), 700 45, 000 59, 400 318,969 18, 023 37, 068 42, 729 101, 031 11,677 7, 932 16, 671 101,100 i 79,627 21, 473 40, 050 90, 000 38,800 11,240 i 33, 890 65, 350 32, 453 7,460 6,160 24, 650 6,347 3,780 27,000 ! 48,900 j 19,600 36, 760 7,400 12,140 141,200 11,250 j 90,000 | 87, 300 11,250 63,140 53, 900 None. 26, 860 102,800 ! 135,000 | 76,176 88, 650 26, 624 46, 350 45, 000 22, 500 28, 840 10,560 16,160 11,940 8,320 8,980 44, 000 167, 600 29,413 112, 330 14, 5S7 55, 270 Jan. 22,1884 68, 250 Jan. 31,1884 Feb. 20,1884 50, 000 300, 000 M a r . 25,1884 A p r . 7,1884 I Apr. 18,1884 | 50, 000 . 50, 000 ' 150, 000 45,000 | 11,240 | 90,000 i 29, 030 6, 630 58, 032 15, 970 4, 610 31, 968 Apr. 24,1884 ! M a y 17, 1884 Jun<;30,1884 ! July 31, 1884 | A u g . 9,1884 A u g . 12, 1884 200, 000 100, 000 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 85,400 12, 500 23, 586 40, 000 13, 500 45, 000 54, 060 49, 790 16, 568 22, 381 7, 620 21,415 31, 340 22,710 7,018 17,619 5, 880 23, 585 A u g . 27, 1884 Sept, 30,1884 Oct. 4,1884 Oct. 10,1884 500, 000 000 000 000 78, 66, 72, 44, 000 500 000 200 35, 570 29,414 33, 963 21, 260 42,430 37, 086 38, 037 22, 940 Oct. 11,1884 Oct. 20. 1HS4 Oct. 28, 1884 50, 000 50, 000 73, 000 45, 000 22,150 22, 500 ! 26,400 11,040 8, 170 18,600 11,110 14, 330 45,000 | 17,280 | 27,720 N o v . 1,1884 j 300, ooo N o circulation issued. ! REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXY National banks that have gone into voluntary liquidation under the provisions of sections 5220 and 5221 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, $c— Continued. Circulation. Name and location of bank. Date of liquidation. Capital. Issued. OutRetired. I| standing. Farmers and Merchants' National Bank, l i $50, 000 Uhricsville, Ohio $34, 600 $16, 220 Nov. 10,1884 Metropolitan National Bank, New York, j 18,1884 3, 000, 000 Nov. 1, 447, 000 790, 480 N.Y | First National Bank, Grand Forks, Dak. Dec. 2,1884 50, 000 19, 250 11, 560 Freehold National Banking Company, | 50, 000 53,212 93, 000 Freehold, N. J ; Dec. 10,1884 50, 000 11, 240 4, 650 Dec. 1(5,1884 Albia National Bank. Albia, Iowa 50, 000 22, 450 12, 530 First National Bank, Carlin ville, 111 i Dec. 1G, 1884 50, 000 11,250 5,270 Iron National Bank, Gunnison, Col . - — I1 Dec. 8, 1884 90, 000 100,000 49, 534 Freeman's National Bank, Augusta, Me - Dec. 20,1844 45, 000 250, 000 20, 980 First National Bank, Kokomo, Ind j Jan. 1,1885 50, 000 10, 740 4,260 First National Bank, Sabetha, Kans i Jan. 2, J 885 Jan. 13, 1885 50, 000 11,200 First National Bank, Wyoming, 111 4,300 50, 000 42, 500 First National Bank, Tarentum, Pa j Jan. 13, 1885 18,190 50, 000 10,740 3,880 Farmers'National Bank, Franklin, Tenn <Jan. 24,1885 GO, 000 30, 000 14, 000 First National Bank, Walnut, 111 i Jan. 21, 188;") I 50, 000 11,240 4,140 Citizens' National Bank, Sabetha, Kans . : Jan. 27,1885 | 28,100 100, 000 15,300 First National Bank, Tucson, Ariz ; Jan. 3i, 1885 16,200 50, 0U0 4,610 Eipon National Bank, Ilipon, Wis ; Feb. 7, 1885 27, 350 50, 000 11,140 Farmers' National Bank, Franklin, Ohio ; Apr. 1,1885 50, 000 18, 780 National Union Bank, Swanton, Vt.. ' Ax>r. 28,1885 43, 800 50, 000 4, 000 First National Bank, Prescott, Ayiz | Apr. 9,1885 11, 250 175, 300 50, 765 German National Bank, Memphis, Tenn.j May 6,1885 120,100 May 16, 1885 60, 000 11,140 First National Bank, Superior, Wis 18, 900 32, 203 100, 000 72, 000 Shetucket National Bank, Norwich, Conn May 18,1885 Cumberland National Bank, Cumberland, 125, 000 106, 200 R.I J u n e 5,1885 48, 591 Merchants' and Farmers' National Bank, M a y 12,1885 50, 000 10, 240 Shakopel, Minn 2, 890 100, 000 G6, 800 J u l y 14,1885 21,311 First National Bank, Columbia, Tenn 25,100 Union National Bank, New York, N. Y.. J u l y 21,1885 1, 200, 000 7,115 Manufacturers' National Bank, Applo50,000 , 45, 000 11,345 : ton, Wis Oct. 10,1885 51),000 I 11,250 2,740 i First National Bank, Plankinton, Dak... Oct. 21,188.1 50,000 | 54,427 i First National Bank, Centerville, Ind . . Nov. 2,1885 6I, 525 250, 000 ! 9, 480 j Valley National Bank, Saint Louis, Mo .. Dec. 4, 1885 44, 960 50, 000 4,090 I Jan. 6, 1886 23, 400 First National Bank, Belton, Tex 50, 000 4,790 ! Feb. 15,1886 26, 500 First National Bank, Granville, Ohio Coneordia National Bank, Concordia, 50, 000 2,120 ' 11,240 Mar. 12,1886 Ivans 50, 000 2,450 11, 240 Mar. 22, 1886 Citizens' National Bank, Beloit, Wis 50, 000 4, 050 13,490 Mar. 24,18S6 First National Bank, Dayton, Wash 100, 000 89, 520 13, 239 Apr. 14, 1886 First National Bank, Macomb, 111 50, 000 25, 760 4, 390 Apr. 20,1886 First National Bank, Jesup, Iowa 150, 000 33, 750 3, 600 May 8,1886 Dallas National Bank, Dallas, Tex 50, 000 45, 000 5, 700 May 12, 1886 First National Bank, Lewistown, 111 100, 000 35, 490 4, 903 First National Bank, Cedar Rapids.Iowa. May 28,1886 50, 000 11, 250 760 First National Bank, Socorro, N. Mex . . . July 31,1886 Custer County National Bank, Broken Aug. 9, 1886 50, 000 11, 240 Bow, Nebr 11, 240 50, 000 920 Roanoke National Bank, Roauoke, Va... Sept, 16,1886 11, 250 50, 000 569 First National Bank, Brown ville, Nebr .. Sept. 16,188(3 ! 39, 680 Sept. 25,1886 j 50, 000 First National Bank, Leslio, Mich 13,410 None 51,100 Mount Vonion National Bank, Illinois .. Oct. 11,1886 I 45, 000 None Oct. 14,1886 j 50, 000 45, 000 National Bank, Piedmont, Weat Va 850 50, 000 39, 310 None Fiibt National Bank, Saint Clair, Mich .. Oct. 20,1886 | 50, 000 45, 0U0 None Merchants' National Bank, Lima, Ohio .. Oct. 22,1886 50, 000 45, 0U0 None JJubbard National Bank, Hubbard, Ohio Oct. 23,1886! Oct 21,1886 50, 000 45, 000 None First National Bank, Milford, Mich Total 58,671,250 36, 614, 870 32, 453, 944 $18,380 656, 520 7,690 39, 788 6,590 .9, 920 5,980 40. 466 24, 020 6,480 6, 900 24, 310 6,860 22, 000 7,100 12, 800 11, 590 16,210 25, 020 7, 250 69, 335 7,760 39, 797 57, 609 7, 350 45, 489 17, 9do 3 {, C55 8, 510 10,098 35, 480 18,800 21,710 9,120 8, 790 0,440 7(3, 281 21,370 30,150 39, 300 30, 587 10,490 10,330 39,111 13,410 45, 000 44,150 39,310 45, 000 45,000 45, 000 4,160,926 CXVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. National banks that have gone into voluntary liquidation under the provisions of .sections 5*220 and 5221 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, for the purpose of organizing new associations with the same or different title, with date of liquidation, amount of capital, circulation issued, retired, and outstanding on November 1, 1880. Circulation. Name and location of bank. Date of liquidation. Issued. Oct. 30,1880 First National Bank. Rondout, N. Y First National Hank, Huntington, Ind... Jan. 31,1881 First National Bank, Indianapolis, Ind .. July 5,1881 Apr. 24,1882 First National Bank, Valparaiso, I ml First National Bank, Stillwater, Minn... Apr. 29,1882 Apr. 29,1882 First National Bank, Chicago, III Apr. 30,1882 First National Bank, Woodstock, 111 Second National Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio. Apr. 28,1882 Second National Bank, New York, N. Y . Apr. 28,1882 First National Bank, Portsmouth, N. H.. Apr. 29,1882 May 5,1882 First National Bank, Richmond, Ind Second National Bank, Cleveland, Ohio.. May 6,1882 First National Bank, New Haven, Conn May 6,1882 May 2,1882 First National Bank, Akron, Ohio First National Bank, "Worcester, Mass .. May 4,1882 May 9,1882 First National Bank, Barrc, Muss . First National Bank, Davenport, Iowa .. May 9,1882 First National Bank, Kendallvill<\ Ind .. May 32,1882 First National Bank, Cleveland, Ohio ... May 13,1882 First National Bank, Youngstown, Ohio May 15,1882 May 15,1882 First National Bank, Evansville, Ind May 15,1882 First National Bank, Salem, Ohio May 18, 1882 First National Bank, Scranton, Pa First National Bank, Centreville, Ind .. May 18,1882 First National Bank, Fort Wayne, Ind .. May 22,1882 May 22,1882 First National Bank, Strasburg, Pa May 27,1882 First National Bank, Maiietta, Pa First National Bank, La Fayette,.Iud ... May 31,1882 First National Bank, McConnelsville, Ohio May 31,1882 First National Bank, Milwaukee, Wis.. - May 31,1882 May 31,1882 Second National Bank, Akron, Ohio First National Bank, Ann Arbor, Mich.. June 1,1882 June 1,1882 First National Bank, Geneva, Ohio June 1,1882 First National Bank, Oberlin. Ohio First National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa... June 10, 1882 June 10, 1882 First National Bank, Troy, Ohio Third National Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio .. June 14,1882 First National Bank, Cambridge City, Ind "... June 15,1882 First National Bank, Lyons, Iowa June 15,1882 First National Bank, Detroit, Mich . ... June 17,1882 First National Bank, Wilkes Barre, Pa.. June 20,1882 First National Bank, Iowa City, Iowa ... June 24,1882 First National Bank, Nashua, N. H June 24,1882 First National Bank, Johnstown, Pa .. . June 24,1882 June 29,1882 First National Bank, Pittsburg, Pa First National Bank, Terre Haute, Ind.. June 29,1882 First National Bank, Hollidaysburg, Pa- June 30,1882 June 80, 1882 First National Bank, Bath, Me First National Bank, Janesville, Wis-.... June 30,1882 First National Bank, Michigan City, Ind June 30, 1882 July 3,1882 First National Bank, Moimiouth, III July 11,1882 First National Bank, Marion, Iowa First National Bank, Marlboro', Mass... Aug. 3, 1882 Oct. 3,1882 National Bank of Stanford, Ky Oct. 6, l-<82 First National Bank, Sandusky, Ohio First National Bank, Sandy Hill, N. Y... Dec. 31,1882 First National Bank, Lawrence-burg, Ind. Feb. 24, 1883 First National Bank, Cambridge, Ohio... Feb. 24,1883 First National Bank, Oshkosli, Wis Fel . 24,1883 First National Bank, Grand, Mich F e l >. 24, 1883 First National Bank, Delphos, Ohio Fel ». 24, 1883 First National Bank, Freeport, 111 Fel t. 24, 1883 First National Bank, Elyria. Ohio Feb. 24,1883 First National Bank, Troy, N. Y Feb. 24,1883 Second National Bank, Detroit, Mich Feb. 24,1883 Second National Bank, Peoria, III Fah. 24, 1883 National Fort Plain Bank, Fort Plain, N. Y Feb. 24,1883 ' Loi>ansport National Bank, Logansport, Ind Dec. 1,1883 ; National Bank of Birmingham, Ala i May 14,1884 ' $300, 000 100, 000 300, 000 50, 000 130, 000 1, 000, 000 50, 000 200, 000 300, 000 300, 000 200, 000 1,000, U00 500, 000 100, 000 300, 000 150, 000 100, 000 150, 000 300, 000 500, 000 500, 000 50, 000 200, 000 50,000 300, 0u0 100,000 ioo, ouo 150, 000 50, 000 200, 000 100, 000 100, 000 100, 000 50, 000 1, 000, 000 200, 000 800, 000 $270, 000 90, 000 279, 248 45, 000 83,450 90, 000 45, 000 180, 000 376, 890 28(5, 000 87, 400 510,800 355,310 114, 822 252, 000 135, OUO 45, 000 90, 000 260, 402 . 441,529 442, 870 110,540 45, 000 G4, 525 45, 000 79, 200 99, 000 175, OG0 Retired. Outstanding. $38, 029 $231, 971 83, 455 6, 545 230, 821 48, 427 39, 249 5, 751 75,968 | 7,488 77, 472 12,528 38, 520 6,480 140,480 39, 520 305, 455 71,435 236, 578 49, 422 68, 034 19,366 400, 205 110,595 297, 070 58, 240 68, 093 26, 729 214,452 37, 548 111,152 23, 848 34,375 j 10,625 72,297 I 17,703 207,860 ! 58, 602 364,082 I 77,447 351,610 91,260 88,695 21,845 34, 260 10,740 54, 427 10, 098 33, 500 11,500 65,347 13, 853 78, 660 20,340 149, 423 25, 637 84, G40 229,170 102, 706 85, 078 90, 000 58, 382 79!\ 800 180, 000 609, 500 67, 562 180,252 80, 800 70, 520 69, 480 45,983 615,300 144, 654 478. 010 17, 078 48,918 21,906 14, 558 20, 520 12,399 184, 500 35, 346 131,490 50, 000 100, 000 500, 000 375, 000 1 00, 000 100, 000 GO, 000 750, 000 200, 000 50, 000 200, 000 125, 000 100, 000 75, 000 50, 000 200, 000 150, 000 150, 000 50, 000 1< 0, 000 100, 000 100, 000 400, 000 50, 000 100,000 100,000 j 300,000 ! 1,000,000 100, 000 45, 000 90. 000 336'345 337. 500 88, 400 90, 000 54, 000 594, 000 141,5.75 45, 000 180.000 121,050 45, 000 45, 000 45. 000 180,000 135, 000 90. 000 45, OUO 90, 000 80, 800 47, 800 155,900 45, 000 53, 500 90, 000 229, 550 363, 700 90, 000 34,100 64,7*3 280, 305 269, 285 72, 450 73, 651 42, 775 458, 857 112,743 37, 770 147, 566 94, 780 41, 766 40, 229 38, 753 148, 029 110,058 67, 205 35, 300 70, 585 59, 095 40, 330 134, 400 37, 491 46,708 68, 278 176, 049 271,936 58,160 10,894 25, 217 50, 040 68,215 15,950 10,349 11, 225 135, 143 28, 832 7, 230 32, 434 26, 270 3, 234 4, 771 6, 247 31, 971 24, 942 22, 795 9, 640 19, 415 21,705 7,470 21,500 7,509 6, 792 21,722 53, 501 91, 764 31, 840 200, 000 174, 300 134,056 40, 244 16, 850 45, 000 11,750 28,311 5,100 16, 6 8 J 100,000 ! 50,000 ! REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY. CXVII National banks that have gone into voluntary liquidation under the provisions of sections 5220 and 5221 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, ^ c . C t i d Circulation. Name and location of bank. First National Bank, Westfield, N. Y First National Bank, Independence, Iowa First National Bank, Stur«is, Mich National Bank of Rutland, Rutland, Vt.. Kent National Bank, Chestertown, Md .. National Fulton County Bank, Gloversville.N.T First National Bank, Centralia, III. National Exchange Bank, Albion, Mich. First National Bank, Paris, Mo First National Bank, Yakima, Wash First National Bank, Flint, Mich Total Date of liquidation. June Oct. Dec. Jan. Feb. 1,1884 31,1884 31,1884 13,1885 12,1885 Feb. 20,1885 Feb. 25,1885 Feb. 28,1885 Mar. 31,1885 Juno 20,1885 June 30,1885 Capital. Issued. $50, 100, 50, 500, 50, 000 000 000 000 000 $42, 800 90,000 43, 850 238, 700 29,450 150,000 80, 000 75, 000 100,000 50, 000 200, 000 135, 000 70, 600 30, 600 89,155 14, 650 122, 500 17, 570, 000 12,441,963 i Retired. $24, 44, 21, 127, 20, Outstanding. 643 030 624 5(56 040 $18,157 45, 970 22, 226 111,134 9,410 67, 831 2c<, 070 12, 393 33, 213 5,180 47, 236 67,169 42, 530 18, 207 55, 942 9, 470 75, 264 9,665,518 2, 776, 445 CXVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Names of hanks in liquidation under section 7, act July 12, 1882, with date of expiration of charter, circulation issued, retired, and outstanding November 1, 1886. Name and location of bank. First National Bank, Pontiac, Mich First National Bank, Washington, Iowa First National Bank, Fremont, Ohio Second National Bank, Dayton. Ohio First National Bank, G-irard, Pa First National Bank, Xenia. Ohio First National Bank, Peru, 111 First National Bank, Elmira, N. Y FJrst National Bank, Chittonango, N. Y. First National Bank, Eaton, Ohio First National Bank, Leoininster, Mass. First National Bank, VVinona, Minn American National Bank, Hallowell, Me. First National Bank, Attica, Ind Citizens'NationalBank, Indianapolis,Ind First National Bank. North East, Pa First National Bank, Galva, 111 First National Bank, Tborntown, Ind... Muncie National Bank, Muncie, Ind ... ^lerchants' National Bank, Evansville, Ind Saybrook National Bank, Essex. Conn .. Union National Bank, Albany, N. Y. Battenkill National Bank, Manchester, Vt First National Bank, Owosso, Mich. . Coventry National Bank, Anthony, R. I State National Bank, Keokuk, Iowa ... Tolland County National Bank, Tolland, Conn City National Bank, Hartford, Conn ... West River National Bank, Jamaica, Vt. National Bank, Lebanon, Tenn Total Date of liquidation. Circulation. Capital. Issued. Dec. 31,1881 Apr. 11, 1882 May 22,1882 May 26,1882 June 1,1882 1 Feb. 24,1883 ! Feb. 24,1883 ; Feb. 24,1883 | Feb. 24,1883 | July 4,1884' July 5,1884 . July 21,1884 | Sept. 10,1884 Oct. 28,1884 Nov. 11,1884 Dec. 23,1884 Jan. 2,1885 Jan. 13,1885 Jan. 28,1885 $50, 000 100, 000 100, 000 300, 000 100, 000 120,000 100,000 100, 000 150, 000 50, 000 300, 000 50, 000 75, 000 56, 000 300, 000 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000 200, 000 $88, 890 88, 565 90, 000 262, 941 90, 000 108, 000 45, 000 90, 000 135, 000 41,300 244, 400 44,200 67, 500 50, 400 87, 800 24, 550 36, 000 43,740 161, 000 Feb. 6,1885 Feb. 20,1885 Mar. 7,1885 250, 000 100, 000 250, 000 90, 800 61, 200 144, 400 Mar. Apr. Apr. May 21,1885 14,1885 17,1885 23,1885 75, 60, 100, 150, June June Aug. Aug. 6,1885 9,1885 17,1885 30,1886 100, 000 550, 000 60, 000 50, 000 000 000 000 000 4, 046, 000 OutRetired. II standing. $71,272 70,825 71,127 204,179 73,790 78, 460 31,761 69, 040 114,890 23,200 154, 930 24,814 40, 880 29,114 43, 5_'5 11,347 17,487 20,730 70,127 ; ' i j i ! : I $17,618 17,740 18,873 58, 762 16,210 29, 540 13,239 20, 960 20, ]10 21,100 89, 470 19,386 20, 620 21,286 44,275 13,203 18,513 23,010 90,873 43,092 i 32,480 . 77,502 47,708 28,720 66,898 700 700 000 000 26,987 19,978 ] 43,721 ! 15,090 • 30,713 27,722 45,279 29,910 44,100 90, 000 54, 000 24, 550 17,810 I 41,648 ; 20,476 570 i 26,290 48,352 33,524 23,980 57, 47, 89, 45, 2,550,736 j 1,560,852 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXIX Names of hanks in liquidation under section ?, atit J'thf 12, 1882, with date of expiration of charier, circulation issued, retired, and ouioiandntg, succeeded by associations with the same or different title, November 1. lSsiJ. Name and location oi' bank. Date of liquidation. Circulation. Capital. Issued. First National Bank. Kit-tanning, Pa j July 2. 188:: National Bank, Beaver County, New | Brighton, '. Nor. 12,1884 g , Pa t i l B k Beaver B D Wi National Bank. Dam. Wis. ; Dec.24,1864 Merchants' National Bank, Cleveland, j Dec. 27.1884 Ohio Dec. 29,1884 Union Nation:;! Bank. Chicago, 111 Jan. 2,1885 First National Bank, Lo Roy. N. Y Evansville Naiional Bank, Evansville, -Tan. 3,1885 Ind National Alb;)uy E::ehaniie, A lbauy, N.Y Jan. 10.1885 Jan. 11,1885 National Bank, Galena, 111 National State Bank, La Fayette, Ind... Jan. 16, 1885 Jan 16,1885 First National Bank, Ivnox ville, III Farmers' National Bank, Ripley, Ohio .. Jan. 17, 1885 City National Hank, G rand Hap ids, Mich. Jan. 21.1885 Lee County National Hank, Dixon, 111... Jan. 21,1885 Fort Wayne National Bank, Fort Wayne, ind...; : . . . . Jan. 25,1885 National Exchange B ink, Tiltin, Ohio.. Mar. 1,1885 Mar. 9,1885 National Bank, Malone, N. Y Jefferson National Bank, Steubenville, Mar. 21,1885 Ohio First National Hank. Battle Creek. Mich Mar. 28,1885 Central National Hank, Danville, Ky..-. Mar. 28,1885 Knox County National Bank, Mount Apr. 1, 1885 Veriiou, Oh»o First Nation;!I Bank, lloughton. Mich . . Apr. 18,1885 Apr. 22,1885 National Ban k, Fort". Edward, N. Y May 4,1885 National Bank, Salem. N.Y National Exchange Bank, Seneca Falls, N. Y V | May 6,1885 Trinnbull National Bank, Warren, Ohio.j July 5, 1885 Attleborough National Bank, North At- • tleborouirh, Mass ! July 17,188") American Naiional Bank, Detroit, Mich-! Jn)y 24,1885 First National Bank, Paris, III \ Aug. 12,1885 First National Bank, Saint John. Mich..; Aug. .14,1885 Second National Bank, Pontiac, Mich...i Sept. 1,1885 Raleigh National Bank of North Carolina, I Raleigh, N. C I Sept. 5,1885 First National Bank, Danville, Ky | Sept. 22, 1885 Total $200, O'JO 200,000 | 50,000 j ; 800,000 j 1,000,000 i 150,000 ! OutRetired. ! standing. $199, 500 | $155,750 $43, 750 97, 300 41,100 ; 47, 725 19,373 49, 575 21,722 228,100 ' 62, 800 135, 000 113,595 26,180 114,505 30, 620 62, 873 72,127 800, 000 300,000 I 100, 000 i 300, 000 60, 000 100, 000 300, 000 100, 000 543, 050 243, 900 55, 900 615,000 43, 600 87, 400 45, 000 41, 500 244, 129, 22, 547, 18, 36, 25, 20, 350, 000 125,000 200, 000 257, 300 50, 500 65, 900 108,136 21, 203 31,888 150, 000 100, 000 200, 000 132, 600 89, 200 180, 000 75. 000 300,000 ! 100, 000 100,000 53, 45, 88, 80, 200 000 900 100 945 95f) 831 259 052 905 250 488 298,105 113,950 33, 069 67, 741 25, 548 50, 495 19, 750 21,012 149,164 29, 297 34, 012 51, 042 j SI, 120 j 71,501 j 81, 558 58, 080 108, 499 21,249 ; 17, 229 ! 44,370 : 38,786 : 31,95b 27, 771 44,530 47, 314 100,000 j 150,000; 88, 400 132, 400 39,022 ! 36,760 | 49,378 95,640 100, 000 400, 000 125,000 ; 50, 000 j 100,000 I 84, 300 251, 500 111,500 21, 000 43,100 32,644 i 77,040 i 30,058 ; 6,850 j 15,494 ! 51,656 174, 460 81,442 14,150 27, 606 400,000 | ] 50, 000 123, 000 130, 500 40,403 | 37,497 j 83,402 93,003 7,535,000 | 4,474,450 2, 232, 732 2, 241, 718 CXX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. National hanks that hare been placed in the hands of receivers, together ivith iheir capital, circulation issued, lawful money deposited icilit the Treasurer to redeem, circulation, the amount redeemed, and the amount oulsiandi.i*/ on Xoremher 1, 18*3(3. Capital stock. Name and location. Lawful money deposited. Circulation. Redeemed. Outstand- Issued. First National Bank, Attica, X. Y Vonango Rational Bank, Franklin, Pa — Merchants' National Bank, Washington, $50,000 300,000 ! $44, 000 85, 000 $44, 000 85, 000 $43, 751 8J,753 :. 200,000 ! 50,000 ! 100,000 ; 100,000 ' 180, 40, 90, 85, 500, 0(>0 ', UN), 000 ! loojooo 180, 000 40,000 j 90,000 I 85,000 i 180,000 ! 100,000 ; 179, 274 39, 752 89,659 ! 84, 552 i 178,720 99,769 726 248 341 448 1, 280 231 252, 530 179,605 I 26,089 89, 594 ' 25,424 44,683 1, 370 395 211 406 76 317 128, 601 791,222 .!, 099 8, 778 49,644 i 240.621 177J 290 356 2,772 1,710 1, 008 530 612 1,542 D.C First National Bank, Medina, N. Y Tennessee National Bank, Memphis, Tenu First National Bank, Sohna, Ala -. First National Bank, New Orleans, La 'National Unadilla Bank, Unadilla, N. Y . . . Farmers and (Citizens' National Bank, Brooklyn, N. Y Croton National Bank, Now Yovk. N. Y . . First National Bank. Bethel. Conn First National Bank, Keokuk, Iowa National Bank of Vicksburg, Miss First National Bank, Rockford, 111 First National Bank of Nevada. Austin, Nev Ocean National Bank, New York, N. Y Union Square National Bank, Now York, N.Y.. Eighth National Bank, Now York. N. Y .. Fourth National Bank, Philadelphia, Pa .. Waverly National Bank, Wavei ly, N. Y .. First National Bank, Fort Smith. Ark Scandinavian National Bank, Chicago, 111 Walk ill National Bank. Middletown, N. Y. Crescent City National Bank, New Orleans, La "..... Atlantic National Bank, New York, N. Y. First National Bank. Washington, D.C .. National Bank of Commonwealth, New York, N. Y Merchants' National Bank, Petersburg,Ya First National Bank, Petersburg, Va First National Bank, Mansfield, Ohio . New Orleans National Banking Association, New Orleans, La First National Bank, Carlisle, Pa First National Bank, Anderson, Ind First National Bank, Topeka, Kuns First National Bank, Norfolk, Va Gibson County National Bank, Princeton, Ind First National Bank of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Cook County National Bank. Chicago, 111. First National Bank, Tiflin, Ohio Charlottesville National Bank, Charlottesyille, Va Miners' National Bank, Georgetown., Colo Fourth National Bank,'Chicago. Ill First National Bank, Bedford, Iowa First National Bank, Osceola, Iowa First National Bank, Duliith, Minn First National Bank, La Crosse. Wis City National Bank, 'Chicago, 111 Watkins National Bank, Wat kins, N. Y .. First National Bank, Wichita, Ivans First National Bank, Greenfield, Ohio National Bank of Fishkill, N.Y First National Bank, Franklin, Ind Northumberland County National Bank, Shamokin, Pa First National Bank, Winchester, 111 National Exchange Bank, Minneapolis, Minn National Bank of State of Missouri, Saint Louis, Mo First National Bank, Delphi, Ind First Xational Bank, Georgetown, Colo . . . Lock Haven National Bank, Lock Haven, Pa Third National Bank, Chicago, III Central National Bank, Chicago, 111 000 000 000 OdO $249 247 I 253,900 | 180, 000 I 26, 300 ! 90,000 J 25,500 45, 000 253.900 I 180,000 i 26,300 | 129, 700 800, tUO 129.700 : 800,000 i '.50, 000 . 200, 000 i 106, 100 : 50, 000 250,000 175,000 ; 50, 000 243, 393 179, 000 71,000 45, 000 135, <K)0 : 118,900 ' -43, 179, 71, 45, 135, 118, 500, 000 300, 000 500, 000 450, 000 100, 000 ; 450, 000 450, 000 100, 000 450, 000 446,205 98, 567 439, 929 3, 795 1,433 10, 071 750,000 : 400,000 : 200,000 I 234,000 ! 300, 000 170,200 ; 90, 000 ; 234, 000 360. 000 179, 200 90, 000 229, 877 353, 845 175, 605 68, 351 4, 123 6,155 3, 595 1,649 360,000 45, DUO , 300, 000 353, 000 44, 180 43. 997 88,415 92, 895 7, 000 820 1,003 1,585 2,105 300,000 j 20.), 000 : 60, 00:) ; 1(10,000 : 50, 000 j 50, 000 : i 250, 000 i 1,000,000 2 0 0 , 00(» •• loo, ooo 601,000 50, 000 50,000 ' 100,000 : 100, 000 I 4."), ooo ; 90, OiiO I 95, OJO : au,ooo ! 25.500 j 45,000 : 50,000 I 393 000 000 000 000 900 4~>, 000 45, 90. 000 j 95, 0G0 1 (it), 992 44, 470 134,388 117,358 : 43,800 i 43, 800 116,258 I 281,138 I 43,502 j 1, 933 3, 962 1,498 200, 000 150,000 200, 000 80, 000 50, 000 100, 000 50, 000 250, 000 75, 000 00, 000 50, 000 200,000 132, 000 118,191. ; 2*5, 100 i 45, 000 j 146, 585 ! 45, 000 ' 85, 700 j 27, 000 45, 000 45, 000 45, 000 137,209 j 67,500 | 43,200 I 29,662 j 177,200 j 92,092 ! 118,191 285, 100 45, GOD 146, 585 45, 0i)0 85, 700 27, 000 45, 000 45, 000 45, 000 137, 209 67, 500 43, 200 29, 662 177,200 92, 092 142,810 ! 44,230 ! SI, 557 ! 25, 670 44, 135 43, 996 43, 778 132, 316 64, 709 42,281 28, 290 170, 047 87,202 3, 775 770 4,143 1, 330 865 1,004 1, 222 4, 893 2, 791 919 1, 372 7, 153 4,890 67, 000 50, 000 60,300 I 45,000 ; 60, 300 45, 000 57, 620 43,144 2, 6? 3 1,856 50,000 I 150,000 500, OtfO 100, 000 100, 000 2, 500, 000 50, 000 75, 000 120, 000 750, 000 200,000 90,000 ! 1,678,800 45,000 45,000 71,200 i 597,810 ' i 45.000 I 43, 260 540 90,000 j 84,155 5,845 1,603,660 i 45, <);() ! 45,000 ! 1, 662, 547 43, 430 42, 965 31,113 1, 570 2,035 71,200 ' 597, 840 45.000 65, 903 537, 451 42,671 5,297 60, 389 2, 329 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXXI National banks that have been placed in the hccnda of receiver*, <fV. — C o n t i n u e d . Circulation. Naino and location. First National Bank. Kansas City, Mo . Commercial National Bank, Kaunas City, Mo .. -----First National Hank, Ashland, Pa First National Bank, Tarrytown. X. V First National Ij.Mnk, A'lentown, Pa First National Bank, Waynesimra', I'a .. "Washington Couni y Nat ional Hank, Greenwich, N.Y ' First National Bank, Dallas, Tex People's National Bank, Ilelenu, M o n t . . . . First National Hank, Hozeman, .MODI . .. Merchants' National Hank, Foi t Scott, Ivans Farmers' National Bank. Platte City, Mo. First National Bank, AVarrenslmfg, Mo . . . German-American National Hank, Washington, DA) German National Hank, Chicago, Til Commercial National Bank, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.. . \.. Second National Bank, Scranton. Pa. National Bank of IVmltney, Vt First National Bank, Montieello, Ind First National Bank, Butler, Pa . First National Bank, Meadville, Pa First National Hank, Newark, N. J First National Bank, Brattleboro', Vt Mechanics' National Bank, Newark, N. J.. First National Hank, Buffalo, N. Y Pacilic National Bank. Boston, MassJ First National Bank, Union Mills, l a Vermont National Bank, Saint A1 bans, Vt First National Bank, Leadvillc, Colo City National Hank, Lawreiu'eburg, Ind . . . First National Hank, Saint Albans, Vt First National Bank, Monmoiitli, 111 Marine National Hank. New York, N. Y . . . Hot Springs National Bank, Hot Springs, Ark " . Richmond National Bank, Richmond, Ind . First National Hank, Livingston. Mont First Nat ional Bank, Albion, N. Y First National Bank, J amest own, Dak Logan National Bank, West Liberty, Ohio. Mkldletown National Bank, Middletown, N.Y Fanners' National Hank, Buslmell, 111 Sehoilarie County National Bank, Sckoh a r i e , N . Y . .. .*. Exchange National Bank, Norfolk. Va First National Bank, Lake City, Minn Lancaster National Bank, Clinton, Mass .. First National Bank, Sioux Falls, Dak First National Bank, Walipeton, Dak First National Hank, Angelica, Nr. Y City National Bank, Williamsport, Pa Al>ingt<.ii National .Bank, Abington, Mass. First National Bank, Blair, Nebr Total stock. posited. Issued. ; Redeemed, i; Outstanding. $500, 000 $14, M0 ; $44,940 100,000 112,500 100, 000 250, 000 .100,000 44,500 75,554 ¥i\ 2(/0 78, OH (51), 345 44.500 75,551 89, 2( 0 78, (HI 69, 345 200, 000 50, 000 100,000 50,000 114,220 I :".). MO | 89, 300 i 44,400 | 114, 2^0 29. 800 • 8!L 300 44,400 107, 388 28, 575 83,945 42,990 6, 832 1,225 5, 355 1,410 50, 000 5(1, 000 100,000 35,3^8 j 27, 000 I 45,000 j 35,328 27, COO 45, 000 33, 831 26, 005 t ; 4 6 1,497 995 i, 754 130,000 500, 000 02, .")()«) : 61,276 i 35, HO 1,224 7, 675 100,000 , 2U0, 000 • 100, 000 50, 000 50,000 - 8*5,900 91,465 : 90, 000 : 27,000 : 71, 1(55 80 80, i() 82,852 i 81.778 84, 747 25, (529 60, 935 78, li'S 293, mo 74, 247 374,722 84,490 415. Gi 3 35, 045 48, 792 37,465 42, 7C0 59, (5C8 13, Ot.O 183, 3<0 4,048 9, 687 5, 253 1,371 10,230 11,302 33, 603 15, 753 75, 278 15,010 34, 387 7, 955 16,408 15, 535 34,300 30,312 13, 940 76, 740 22,720 69, 567 5,675 37,503 7,493 12,840 $39, 490 $5, 450 i i j : : ; i : : ] ; 62, 500 42, 795 41,275 67,833 83,348 72,095 6f, 210 ! I ! i | 320, 043 00, 000 : 450,000 ! I)!), 500 '. 450, 000 i 4' : (J5, 200 ! 53. 000 77! 000 i 8:», 980 i 27,000 i 260,100 | 86, 900 i 91, 465 i 90, 0t!0 i 27, 000 ! 71,165 j 89,500 ; 326, Ci4li I 90, 000 ; 450, 000 | 99, 500 ' 450, 000 • 43, COO i 65, 200 j 53. 000 ! 77,000 ! 89, 980 I 27, 000 i 260,100 | 50,000 250,000 50,000 100,000 50, 000 50,000 40,850 113,900 11,240 90, 000 18,650 23,400 : • j I i j 40,850 158,900 11. 240 90,000 18,650 23,409 , ! ! I j '. 18,130 8 9 , il'Ui 5, 515 52, 4('7 11, 1T.7 10,560 i 176,000 l 44,000 ; ; i | I | 104,334 2i2i 50,000 300,000 50, 000 100,01.10 50, 000 50, 000 100, 000 100,000 150,000 50,000 44,000 3^.350 228,200 41,420 45,360 10,710 5, 870 44,000 16,110 108, 870 None. 38,350 : 228, 200 44,420 | 72,300 | 11,250 ' 17, 120 89,980 41, 140 13L.370 26, 180 17,805 107,0fi4 | 9.347 : 18,601 j 2, 480 2. 690 13,968 7, 375 ; 300, 000 I 300,000 500,000 100, 000 9iil, 300 50, 000 200, 000 GO, 000 100, 0()i> 300, 1-00 75,000 400,000 i : : < i j ] I I ! ! ! ! I 200, 000 j 50,000 ! . \ i . . 3, 225 7,721 5, 852 6, 546 1,135 71,666 22, 769 ' 500 20, 545 121,136 35, 073 53, Toil 8, 770 14, 430 76.012 33, 765 124,135 "25, G80 22,508,900 j 14,261,238 ! 14,509,518 j 13,052,512 1,457, 006 I I I i j | I ! ! j | : i ; : CXXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Insolvent national banks, with date of appoint nail of rvneiccrs, amount of capital stock and claims proved, and rate of dividends paid to creditors. Name and location of bank. Receiver appointed. Capital stock. Pioved claims. Dividends paid. ; Remarks, Pr.ct. I First National Bank of Attica, N.Y. Apr. 14, 1865 I $50,000 i $122,089 j 58 i Finally closed. ! Finally closed. Venango National Bank of Frank- May .1,1800 | 300, 000 j lin, Pa. I ; Finally closed. Merchants' National Bank of Wash- May 8,18GG ! 200,000 ! fjoi), 5 1 3 : ington, D. C. 50,000 I Finally closed. 82,338 First National Bank of Medina, Mar. 13,1867 N. Y. 100,000 ! 370,932 Finally closed. Tennessee National Bank of Mem- Mar. 21,1867 phis. Tenn. 46.6 Finally closed. First National Bank of Selma, Ala. Apr. 30,1807 *J8n,4fl7 Finally closed. First National Bank of New Or- May 20,18i>7 i 100,000 .I, 119, 313 79 i leans. La. : 45. 9 127, 801 Finally closed. National Unadilla Bank, Unadiila, Au«;. 20,1867 I 5J0, 0OL> N.Y. 120,000 i 00 ; Sept. 6,1S67 j 1, 191,500 Finally closed. Farmers and Citizens' National Bank of Brooklyn, N. Y. 300, 000 ; 88.5 Croton National Bank of New York, ! Oct. 1,1867 170, 752 Finally closed. N.Y. Finally closed. First National Bank of Bethel, Feb. 28,1868 ' 200,000 j 68,986 ! 100 i Conn. i 60,000 j 205,256 68i Finally closed. First National Bank of Keokuk, Mar. 3,1868 100,000 ; ; Iowa. 49. 2 50,000 : National Bank of Vickshurg, Miss. i A p r . 24,1868 j 33, 562 Finally closed. 'XI ! 41.9 First National Bank of Roekford, | Mar. .15,1861) | 5e>, 000 j 69, 874 Finally closed. 111. 250,000 ; 170, 012 92.7 Fiist National Bank of Nevada, | Oct. 14, 1869 Finally closed. i Austin, Nev. Ocean National Bank of New York, Dec. 13,1871 jl ,000,000 i1, 282, 254 100 Finally closed; 4t> per N.Y. cent, of interest paid. Finally closed ; H) per Union Square National Bank of Dec. 15, 1871 i 200, 000 I 157,120 100 cent, paid to stockNew York, N. Y. holders. Eighth National Bank of New Dec. 15,1871 | 250, 000 ; 378. 772 100 Finally closed. York. N. Y. i Finally closed. Fourth National Bank of I'hiladel- Dec. 20,1871 200,000 j 645,558 100 phia, Pa. 106,100 ! 79,864 100 Finally closed: 32.5 averly National Bank of Wav- Apr. 23,1872 per cent, paid to erly, X. Y. j stockholders. 15,142 i 100 Finally closed ; 13 per First National Bank of Fort Smith, : May 2,1872 ! 50,000 Ark. cent, paid to stockholders. 250, 000 I 249,174 57.46 Finally closed; 7.46 Scandinavian National Bank of i Dec. 12,1872 since last report. Chicago, 111. I Finally closed ; 30 per Wallkill National Bank of Middle- Dec. 31, 1872 175, 000 ! 171,468 100 cent, of interest paid. ton, N. Y. ! 81.83 Finally closed. 500, 000 I 657,020 Crescent City National Bank of Mar. 18, 1873 New Orleans, La. i Finally closed ; 50 per 300, 000 • 574,513 100 Atlantic National Bank of New Apr. 28,1873 cent, of interest paid. York, N. Y. Finally closed. F i r s t National Bank of Washing- I Sepr. 19. 1873 500, 000 1,619,965 100 ton, D. C. I i Finally closed; 35.8 National Bank of t h e Common- Sept, 22,1873 : 750, 000 ! 79(5,995 100 per cent, paid to wealth. New York, N. Y. | I stockholders. 34 400, 000 j 992, ma Merchants' National Bank of s Sept. 25,1873 Finally closed. Petersburg, Va. ! 76 200, 000 j 167,285 F i r s t National Bank of Petersburg, i Sept. 25,1873 Finally closed. Va. ' 1 57.5 175, 068 100, 000 F i r s t National Bank of Mansfield, ! Oct. 18,1873 Finally closed. Ohio. 600, 000 1,429,595 N e w Orleans National Banking Oct. 23,1873 Association, New Orleans, La. 67, 292 50, 000 73. 3 I Finally closed. F i r s t National Bank of Carlisle, Oct. 24,1873 Pa. 50,000 , 143, 765 39. 5 First National Bank of Anderson, { Nov. 23,1873 Ind. 100,000 I 55, 372 58. 3 ! Finally closed. First National Bank of Topeka, | Dec. 16,1873 Ivans. j 57. 5 100.000 I 170, 330 Finally closed. F i r s t National Bank of Norfolk, Va.| Tune 3,1874 62, 64<J 100 Finally closed. Gibson County National Bank of j Nov 28,1874 j 5(», 000 I Princeton, liid. 1 ; 24. 391 Finally closed. j 93,021 F i r s t Bank of Utah, Salt I Dec. 10,1874 ; Lake City, Utah. i i 150, 000 14. 941 Finally closed. il, 795, 992 Cook County National Bank of Feb. 1,1875 500, 000 Chicago, 111. G6 ! 237,824 Finally closed. F i r s t National Bank of Tiffin, Ohio. Oct. 22,1875 i W 100, 000 BEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXX1II Insolvent national banks, with date of appointment of receivers, <f*c.—Continued. Name and location of bank. I Ueceiverappointed. Capital stock. Divi- ; (lends paid, i Proved claims. Pr.ct. ' G.\ 50 F i n a 11 y closed : .50 since last report. 70. 5 Finally closed. Charlottesville National Bank of Oct. 28, 187;") $200, 000 $376, 750 Charlottesville, Va. lf>0,000 177,512 Miners' National Bank of George- J a n . 24,1870 town, Colo. 35,801 Fourth National Bank of Chicago. Fob. 1,1870 2C0, 000 111.* First National Bank of Bedford. Iowa. First National Bank of Osccola, Iowa. First National Bank of Duluth, Minn. First National Bank of La ('rosso, A Vis. City National P>ank of Chicago, 111. Wat kins National Bank of Watkins, N. Y. 51 IIO, Oi 0 5;>, 457 50. 000 34, 535 100 87, 780 100 M a r . 13, 1876 100,000 A p r . 11, 1876 , 50, 000 M a y 17, 187G j 250, 000 J u l y 12,1870 ! 75,000 Finally closed; 1 per cent, wince last report. Finally closed. 22.5 1, LV7(i Feb. 25,1870 Feb. lie marks. Finally closed. i Finally closed; interest paid in full. 48.4 Finally closed. 135, 952 703, 058 i 77. 512 Finally closed. 5!), 220 100 Finally closed; 13 per 97. 404 First National Bank of Wichita, ; Sept, 23,1876 60, 000 Kans. i ! 35, 023 50, 000 First National Bank of Greenfield, j D e c . 12,187G Ohio.* 352, 062 200, 000 National Baiikof Fishkill, Fishkill, I J a n . 27,1877 N.Y. First National Bank of Franklin, Feb. 13,1877 132, 000 181,457 Ind. 175, 952 Northumberland County National Mar. 12,1877 | 07, 000 Dank of Shainokin, Pa. 143, 300 First National Bank of Winchester. Mar. 16,1877 | 50, 000 Til. Na • ional E xehange Bank of Minne- May 24,1877 ; 100,000 apolis, Minn.t i 500, 000 i,o;.;5,721 National Bank of the State of MisJ u n e 23,1877 ;2, souri, Saint; Louis, Mo. First National Bank of Delphi, Ind. 133,112 50, 000 ! J u l y 20,1877 First National Bank of George- ; 19H, 350 75, 000 Aug. 18,1877 town, Colo. 251, 647 Lock Haven National Bank, of 120, 000 ! Aug. 20,1877 Lock Haven, Pa. Third National Bank of Chicago, 750, 000 .1, 001, 598 Nov. 24,1877 111. Central National Bank of Chicago, 1 200, 000 : 298,324 Dec. 1,1877 111. 392, 394 First National Bank of Kansas 500, 000 I Feb. 11,1878 City, Mo. Commercial National Bank of Kan- i 100, 000 I 75,175 sas City, Mo. | Feb. 11.1878 First National Bank of Ashland, i 112, 500 i 33,105 Feb. 28,1878 Pa.* First National Bank of Tarry town, 100, 000 \ 118,371 Mar. 23,1878 \ N.Y. First National Bank of Allen town, 250, 000 j 90,424 j Apr. 15,1878 j Pa.* 100, 000 33. 362 First National Bank of WaynesMay 15,1878 j burg, Pa. 200, 000 Washington County National Bank 202, 887 J u n e 8,1878 of Greenwich, N.Y. First National Bank of Dallas, Tex. J u n e 8,1878 50,000 i 77,104 People's National Bank of Helena, Sept. 13,1878 100,000 | 108, 04S Mont. ! First National Bank of Bozeman, Sept. 14,1878 70,191 50,000 : Mont. 27, 801 Merchants' National Bank of Fort Sept. 25,1878 50,000 . Scott, Kans.* Farmers' National Bank of Platte Oct. 1.1878 i 50,000 ! 32, 449 City, Mo. First National Bank of Warrens- Nov. 1,1878 ; 100,000 I 156, 200 burg, Mo. German American National Bank Nov. I, 1878 I 130,000 | 282, 370 of Washington, I). C. i cent, paid to stock' holders. ; Finally closed. ; ; Finally closed. | i i 100 • 81.59 : 100 03.0 Finallyclosed; 38.5per cent, of interest paid. Finally closed: interesf paid in full. Finally closed. Finally closed. 89.179J Finally closed. 100 Interest paid in full. Finally closed; interest paid in full. 37. 648; Finally closed. 100 100 Finally closed. 100 Interest paid in full. 60 100 Finally closed. 100 Finally closed; 37.165 per cent, paid to stockholders. 100 90.5 88 60 100 38.1 40 Finally closed. Finally closed. Finally closed. Finally closed. Finally closed. Finally closed. 98. 35 Finally closed; 13.35 since last report. 00 Finally closed. 100 100 Finally closed; 18 per cent, paid to stockholders. Finally closed; interest paid in full. 50 * Formerly in voluntary liquidation. r I n the Comptroller's reports for several years past this bank has been reported as finally closed. An additional sum of $662.24 having recently been received from an unexpected source, the Comptroller has been enabled to declare a supplementary dividend of .29 per cent., making the total dividends paid 89.179 per cent. CXXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Insolvent national banks, with dale of appointment of receivers, Receiver ap- Capital pointed. stock. Name and location of bank. German National Bank of Chicago, 111.* Commercial National Bank of Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Second National Bank of Scranton, Pa.* National Bank of Poultney, Yt First National Bank of Monticello, Ind. First National Bank of Bntler, Pa.. First National Bank of Meadvillo, Pa, First National Bank of Newark, N.J. First National Bank of Brattleboro', Vt. Mechanics' National Bank of Newark, N. J. First National Bank of Buffalo, N. Y. Pacific National Bank of Boston, Mass. First National Bank of Union Mills, Union City, Pa. Vermont National Bank of Saint Albaus, Vt. First National Bank of Leadvillo, Colo. City National Bank of Lawrenceburg, Ind.* First National Bank of Saint Albans, Vt. First National Bank of Monmouth, 111. Marine National Bank of New York, N. Y. Hot Springs National Bank of ilot Springs, Ark. Richmond. National Bank of Richmond, Ind. First National Bank of Livingston, Mont. First National Bank of Albion, N. Y. First National Bank of Jamestown, Dak. Logan National Bank of West Liberty, Ohio. Middletown National Bank of Middletown, N. Y. Farmers' National Bank of Bushnell.Ill. Schoharie County National Bank of Schohario, N. Y. Exchange National L'ank of Norfolk, Va. First National Bank of Lake City, Minn. Dec. 20,1878 $300,0001 $197,353: 128, 832 Mar. 15,1879 200, 0001 132,461: 100 Apr. 7,1879 | 100,00()| 81, 801 100 July 18,1879 j no, ooo: July 23,1879 June 9,1880 I ">0, 000j 100,000 108,385! 70 93,025, 100 Juno 14, 1880 j 300, 000 580, 592 100 June 19,1880 ] 300, 000 104, 749 100 Nov. 2,188J ' 500,000 2,703,285 21,182 98 61.25 100, 000' May 22,1882 Mar. 24,1883 901,300- 2.456,840 20 i 50, 000, 180, 993 65 893, 379 38 Aug. 9,1883 200, 000 401,492 42.5 Jan. 24,1884 60, 000: 199,855 30 Mar. 11,1884 100, 000J Apr. 22,1884 100, 000 Apr. 22,1884 75, 000 46, 441 81.10 283, 285 25 232, 724 95 400, 000 4, 409, 589 50 June 2,1884 50, 000] 30, 520: 100 July 23,1884 250, 000 365, 93l| 36 Aug. 25,1884 Aug. 2C, 1884 100, 000 50, 000, Oct. 18,1884 80, 564 40 Nov. 29,1884 200, 000; 640, 046 55 Dec. 17,1884 50, 000 Mar. 23,1883 \ r>o, ooo 4,1880 8,131 100 est paid in full. 1.25 per cent, since last report. 5 per cent, since last report. 5 per cent, since last report. 5 per cent, since last report. Finally closed. 12.5 since last report. 5 per cent, since last report. 10 per cent, since last report. I 30 per cent, since last I report. Interest paid in full. 10 per cent, since last report. 15 per cent, since last report. 80, 5351 40 137, 333! 30 300, 000 2, 884, 708 30 50,000; ! ! 18, 286! 50,000. Jan. ; ; Finally closed; interest paid in full. Finally closed; interest paid in full. Finallyy closed;; inter- 158, 608 Sept, 13,1884 Apr. 9,1883 paid. Finally closed; interest paid in full. Finally closed; interest paid in full. Finally closed; interest paid in full. Finally closed.- i Apr. 22,1882 50, 000: Remarks. Pr. ct. Finally closed; 42.3 10 J per cent, of interest 100, OOi;; Lancaster National Bank of Clin- Jan. 20,1886 ton, Mass. First National Bank of Sioux Falls, Mar. 11,188G Dak. First National Bank of Wahpeton, Apr. 8,1886 Dak. First National Bank of Angelica, Apr. 19,1886 N.Y. City National Bank of Williams- May 4,1886 port, Pa. I Abington National Bank of AbingAug. 2,1886 ; ton, Mass. First National Bank of Blair, Nebr. Sept. 8,1886 ! Total DiviProved | dends claims, i paid. Feb. 11,1879 May 13,1884 cfc.—Continued. 127,524; 100 100, 000 170, 242' 50 50, 000 49, 382 20 50, 000 110, 073 100, 000 60,340 75 100,000 130,264| 50 150, 000' 114.8691 100 so, ooo; . !22, 508, 900 44, 236, 247 * Formerly in voluntary liquidation. 10 per cent, since last Teport. 10 per cent, since last report. Finally closed; interest paid in full to May 27,1886. Interest paid in full to September 4,1886. INSOLVENT NATIONAL BANES, with DATES of FAILURE, CAUSES of FAILURE, NOMINAL ASSETS, AMOUNTS COLLECTED, CLAIMS PROVED, DIVIDENDS PAID, and DATES of CLOSING. Title of "bank. Date of organization. Receiver appointed. Nominal assets. Cause of failure. Amount collected. Claims proved. Dividends. Finally closed. \Perccnt.\ J a n . 14,1864 Apr. 14,1805 $76, 373 02 ! $122,089 ! 58 Jan. 2,1807 First National Bank, Attica, N. Y $986, 637 00 23.37 Venango National Bank, Franklin, Pa... May 20, .1805 May 1,1866 122, 239 37 j 434,531 F e b . 2,1865 24. 7 Merchants' National Bank.WaHbinfftoih Dec. 14,1864 May 8,18G6 6C9, 513 J u l y 29,1878 D. C. Feb. 3, 1864 i Mar. 13,1867 82, 338 39.15 J u l y 28,1870 First National Bank, Medina, N. Y 370, 932 17.33 : F e b . 4,J870 Tennessee National .Hank, Memphis, •Juno 5, 1805 j Mar, '21,1867 Tenn. Aug. 24.1865 i Apr. 30,1867 289,467 i 46. 6 : N o v . 25,1882 First National Bank, Selrna. A 1st 79 1,987,238 90 j 942,509 63 Sept. 28, 1882 First National Bank, New Orleans, La .. Dec. 18,1863 | May 20,1867 1,119.313 45.9 National Unadilla Bank, ITnadilla, N. Y . J u l v 17,1805 I Au'ff.'JO, 1867 Dee. 19, 1871 127,801 96 Farmers and Citizens' National Bank, Juiie f>, 1865 ! Sept. 6,1867 N o v . 18,1871 1,191,500 Brooklyn, N. Y. ; 88. 5 Sent. 0,18(1.". Oct. 1,1867 . A n jr. 15,1^7:: Croton National Bank, New York, N. Y 170, 752 May 15,1805! Yob. 28,1868 |. Apr. 7,1881 68, 98U 100 First National Bank, Hotlul, Conn : 68. 33 Nov. 30,18712 First National B;;nk, K(-okuk. Iowa. . .. Sop't. \K 1*03 'M:<r. 3,1868 I. 205, 250 49. 2 Fib. 14, 1S65 ; Apr. 24,1868 |. Nov. 25,1882 National Bank. Vicksbui'i:, Miss 33, 562 i 41.9 May '-0, 1H64 • Mar. 15,1869 1. D(-c. 4, Uw." First National Bank, Kockfuid. Ill GO, 874 92.7 May 10, 1881 First National Bank ot Nevada. Austin. June23,18d5 Oct^ 14,1869 |.. 170, 012 Nov. 1, 282, 254 | 100 2,935,921 00 I 1,730,845 00 Apr. 20,1882 Ocean National Bank, New York. X. Y.. J u n e 0,1865 Dec. 13,1871 i. 157,120 I 1(0 Union Square National Bank, New York. Alar. 30, 1800 Dec. 15,1871 j . | Nov. 16, lt'74 N.Y. 100 \ Sept. 1, 1875 Ei^htb National Bank, N-;\v York. N. Y., Apr. IO.IK'4 D e c . 15,1871 \ , 100 Fouith National Bank, Philadelphia, I'n Fib. lit),18r,4 P e c . 20.1871: i 1-Yb. 13,1>7:.S 645, 558 100 Wuverly National Bank, Wavi-rly, >.'. Y JNlav 29, 1M55 i A p r . 23J872 ! 39, 617 00 j " 67, 827'00 ! Oct. 2,1877 79, 804 100 Felt. (5,18G6!il;iy 2,1872 \ !! Jan. 3, lh~i; First Nitt ioual P.nnk, Fort Smiili, Ark 15,142 400, 57-1 00 i 169,661 00 Feb. 15,1880 Scandinavian National Bauk.Chicaj.vo, III Mnv 7,1872 • "De.r. 12.1872!! 2-19, 174 100 227,871 00 | "Wallkill National Bank, Middictown. J u l y 21,1805 i Dec. 31,1872 218,204 00 j .I:iii. 8,1880 171,468 N. Y. 84. 83 feOli, 993 657, 020 1, 632,027 00 Jr Crescent City National Bank, New Or- ! F e u . 15,1872 i Mar. 1-, 1873 ! leans, La. Apr. 29, l>:si ! 742,419 574.513 ! 100 786, .';60 00 Atlantic National Bank, New York, N.Y i1 J u l y 1,1805 Apr. 28,1873 i : July 24, is:o ! Fir.stNat ional Bank, Washington, 1). O .. J u l y 10,1803 Sept. 10,1873 I 1,619! 0(55 | 100 National Bank of the Commonwealtb, | J u l y 1,1865 Sept. 22, 1873 j Injudicious banking and depreciation j 3,"509, 000 I," 042, 000 00 796, 995 ! 100 : Alar. 31, 18b:.; i I of securities. \ Now York, N. Y. May 1,18 70 299, 358 00 Merchants' National Bnnki IVf-M-shiny. Sept. 1.1865 Sept. 25.1873 I Defalcation by officers: fraudulent 1,019,841 992,630 ! 34 ! management and depreciation of I Va. i | securities. • May 15,1870 do ! 272, G34 142,321 00 167,285 | 76 First National Bank, Petersburg,Va ... J u l y 1,1865 | Sept. 25,1873 i I 175,068 i 57.5 Nov. 30,1883 First National Bank, Mansfield, Ohio... May 24,1864 ' Oct. 18,1873 : # o ^ nf • - - • Ci X INSOLVENT NATIONAL BANKS, with DATES of FAILURE, CAVSES of FAILURE, NOMINAL ASSETS, Date of organization, Title of bank. Receiver appointed. Cause of failure. New Orleans National Banking Associa- May 27,1871 Oct. 23,1873 Investments in real estate and morttion, New Orleans, La. gages and failure of large debtors. J u l y 7,1863 j Oct. 24, 1873 First National Bank, Carlisle, Pa J u l y 31,1863 | Nov. 23, First National Bank, Anderson, Ind Injudicious banking and depreciation Nominal assets. Amount collected. of securities. Fraudiilent management and depreciF i r s t National Bank, Topeka, K a n s | Aug. 23, 1866 Dec. 16, 1873 ation of securities. I F e b . 23,1864 •; J u n e 3, F i r s t National Bank, Norfolk,Va Excessive loans to officers and direct1874 ors, and depreciation ot securities. Gibson County National Bank, Prince- Nov. 30,1872 Nov. 28, Investments in real estate and mort1874 ton, I ml. gages and depreciation of securities. Injudicious banking and depreciation First National Bank of Utah, Salt Lake Nov. 15,1869 '' Dec. 10, 1874 of securities. City, Utah. do CookVomitv National Bank, Chicago, Til. J u l y 8,1871 Feb. # 1, Mar. 10, ISC),") Oor. 22, 1875 I Depreciation ef securities First National Bank, Tiffin, Ohio Chariottesvillu National Bank, Char- J u l y 19, 1805 Oct. 28, 1875 Fraudulent management and injudilot tea VIIIO.VH. cious banking. 1875 Injudicious Miners 1 National Bank,Georgetown,Colo. Oct. 30,1874 J a n . 24, 1876 banking and depreciation of securities. Feb. 24, 1804 Feb. 1, 1870 i d« Fourth National Bank, Chicago, 111 . Sept. IS, 1875 Feb. 1, 1870 j Fraudulent management First National Bank, Bedford, Iowa Jan. .20,1871 Feb. 25, 1870 i Injudicious banking and depreciation First National Bank, Osci-ohi, Iowa ! | of securities. Apr. 6, 187- j Mai1. 13,1870 | Fraudulent management auddepreciaj tion of securities. June 20,186.1 j Apr. 11, 1870 | do. First National Bank, LaCrosse, Wis Feb. 18,1805 j May 17, 1876 ! Injudicious banking and depreciation City Nat ional Bank, Chicago, 111 j of securities. Wat kins National Bank, Watkins, N. Y. .| June 2, 1804 j July 12,1870 I Excessive loans to officers and directI ors ami depreciation of securities. Jan. 2, 1872 I Sept. 23,1876 j Defalcation by officers and fraudulent First Nat ional Bank, Wichita, Kans management. First Niitioual Bank, Greenfield, Ohio Oct. 7,1863 I Dec. 12, 1876 !. National Bank of Fishkill, Fishkill, N. Y . Apr. 1,1805 I Jan. 27, 1877 j Defalcation by officers and fraudulent I management. First National Bank, Franklin, Tnd Aug. 5, 1863 Feb. 13,1877 \ do' Mar. 12,1877 | Failure of large debtors Northumberland County National Bank, ' Jan. 9, 1805 Shani>kin, L*a. July 25,1865! Mar. 16,1877! Injudicious banking and failure of Fh\st National Bank, Winchester, III ! i large debtors. National Exchange Bank, Minneapolis, Jan. 16,1865 ! May 24,1877 j Fail ure of large debtors Minn. First National Bank, Duluth. Minn :; Claims proved. ! $1,429,595 $115, 304 00 $56,941 00 I 1873 O fc—Continued. 67, 292 143, 765 X X Finally closed. Dividends. Percent; 62 !. 73.5 39.5 | Dec. 6,1882 205, 348 00 60, 314 00 55, 372 58.3 Sept. 11,1878 217, 913 00 109, 769 00 176, 330 57. 5 June 2,1883 100 O 124, 833 00 67, 252 00 62, 046 229,433 00 30, 332 00 93, 021 24. 391 May 14,1879 3, 260, 323 00 342, 059 00 503,089 00 3C5, 274 00 190, 903 00 281,754 00 1, 795,992 237, 824 376, 756 14.941 60 62. 50 Nov. 20,1883 Mar. 19,1879 Apr. 5,1886 o 232, 357 00 193, 775 00 177, 512 76. 5 June 2,1884 c 227, ?36 00 33, 349 00 35, 801 56, 457 34, 535 51 22. 5 100 231, 0C4 00 575, 604 00 87, 786 100 109,912 00 1,104, 000 00 85,107 00 642, 749 00 135,952 703, 058 59, 220 100 April 23 1>iP.k i-" 208, 825 00 79, 594 00 07, 404 70 July 14,1880 21, 522 00 534, 072 00 9,175 00 394, 331 00 35, 023 352, 002 27 100 Nov. 25, 1882 W Aug. 11, 1H« 4 369, 806 00 218, 017 99 197, 634 00 152, 488 96 184,457 175,952 100 81. 59 Sept 14.1881 Jan. 18, lns:j 228, 074 00 112,408" 00 143, 300 63.0 .Tuly 23,1881 00 216, 705 00 227, 355 89.179 June 10,1880 i 367, 964 48.4 77. 512 Sept, 18,1870 1 Mar. 4,1886 Mar. 2«, 1883 Feb. 28,1878 i-H Jan. 31,1881 o July 20,1882 Feb. 28,1885 J s -r; O o ! National Bank of the State of Missouri, ' Oct. 30,1866 ! June 23,1877 Fraudulent management, excessive 4, 820, 738 00 3, 083, 070 00 1,935,721. ! 100 loans to officers and directors, and j Saint Louis, Mo. i I depreciation of securities. 98, 974 00 | 133,112 100 Oct. 15,1881 First National Bank, Delphi, Ind ' Mar. 25,1872 ' July 20,1877 Injudicious banking and failure of I 201,022 00 large debtors. " I i j 741,894 00 196,356 5, 1885 37. 6483 ! Oct. First National Bank, Georgetown, Colo ..j May 31,1872 Aug. 18,1877 Injudicious banking... ! Mar. 3,1882 25J, 647 100 Lock Haven National Bank, Lock Haven, i June 14,1865 Aug. 20,1877 Injudicious banking and depreciation : 430,471 00 """293,"436"66"i of securities. i Pa. do j 2,683,808 31 1,385,863 74 I 1,061,598 j 100 Feb. 5,1804! Nov. 24,1877 ! Third National Bank. Chicago, 111 do 298,324 ! 60 Sept. 18,1872 j Dee. 1,1877 Central National Bank, Chicago, 111 392,394 i 100 First National Bank, Kansas City, Mo.. - Nov. 23,1865 Feb. 11,1878 Investments in real estate and mort, J u l y 6,18*1 gages and depreciation of securities. 75,175 100 Commercial National Bank, Kansas City, June 3,1872 Feb. 11,1878 Injudicious banking and depreciation ! M a r . 9,1882 184,1)72 00 94, 613 00 I of securities, Mo. I do 33, 105 100 ! A u g . 5,1879 First National Bank, A shland, Pa Apr. 27,1864 Feb. 28,1878 176, 831 00 47, 941 00 I 118,371 90. 5 : J u n o 20,18«2 do . First National Bank, Tarry town, Pa : Apr. 5. 1864 :! Mar. 23,1878 339,748 00 110, 607 00 90, 424 88 First National Bank, Alleiitown, Pa i Dec. 16,1803 ! Apr. 15,1878 Fraudulent management Mar. 9,1885 60,014 00 33. 3G2 60 First National Bank, Waynesburg, Pa . . . | Mar. 5,1864 May 15,1878 Injudicious banking and depreciation 28, 508 00 of securities. [ Sept. 7, 1885 I i Fraudulent management and deprecia387, 075 00 j 987, 955 00 262,887 100 Washington County National Bank, j June 30,1805 June 8,1878 tion of securities. • J u l y 5, 187-) Greenwich, N. Y. > Injudicious banking and depreciation 77,104 38.1 of securities. Mar. 24, 18S5 First National Bank, Dallas, Tex July 16,1S74 j June 8,1878 management and injudi168, 048 40 People's National Bank, Helena, Mont . . . May 13,1873 j Sept. 13,1878 Fraudulent cious banking. do ' 70,191 98. 35 First National Bank, Bozeman, Mont | Aug. 14,1872 ! Sept. 14,1878 ; Oct. 28,18S<:; Merchants' National Bank, Fort Scott, ; Jan. 20,1872 j Sept. 25, it78 : Investments in rent estate and mort27,801 A p r . 8,1881 60 gages and depreciation of securities. Kans. | 32, 449 100 Oct. 10,1870 Farmers' National Bank, Platte City, Mo.I May 5,1877! Oct. 1,1878!: Fraudulent management . First National Bank, Warrensburg, Mo..i July 31,1871 i Nov. ], 1878 Investments in real estate and inort- ! 328,938 00 !; 166,009 00 • Mar. 15,1881 156, 260 100 gages and depreciation of securities. i 494,688 00 ;; 176,021 00 German American National Bank, Wash- i May 14,1.677 ' Nov. 1,1878! Fiaudulentinanagementanddeprecia282, 370 50 tion of securities. ; ington, D. C. • ; ; • i German National Bank, Chicago, III ; Nov. 15,1870 ; D e c 20, 1878 j Defalcation by ofiicers and fraudulent Mar. V . N M J 97, 353 .100 management. i ; 185,760 00 : Commercial National Bank, Saratoga | June 6,1805; Feb. 11,1879 ! Investments in real estate and mort- \ 431,067 00 Jau. 17.1^1 128, 832 100 gaues and depreciation of securities. i i Springs, N. Y. | ! ! 132. 461 100 ' 518,437 7 1 ! 258,48188! Second National Bank, Seranton. Pa I Aug. 5,186:} | Mar. 15. 1879 ....".'do Apr. 24.1.^15 .. < ! o . . . . i ! 81.'801 100 National Bank of Poi.itney, Poultnev. Vt. May 31,1865 Apr. 7,1ST!); Aug. 1, It*! Fraudulent management '. 43, 835 00 j 33, 796 00 21,182 98 First National Bank, Monticello, Ind ! Dec 3, 1874 July IS, 1879 i Feb. c. i£e;; (*) ! 70 108, 385 First National Bank. Butler, i'a | Mar. 11,1«64 July 2:8,1879 ! Dtp!eciation of securities . 250,527 00 j 106.915 00 First National Bank. Meudville, Pa j Oct. 27,1803 i June 9,]880 ! Defalcation by officers, fraudulent 93, 625 100 Feb. 4,1882 management, and depreciation of ' j securities. i ; 580,060 20 ; 591,995 00 I 5S0,."•!>:! ! 100 First National Bank, Newark, N. J Aug. 7,1863 ! June 14,1880 Excessive loans to others, injudicious : Feb. 18. 188^ lianking. and depreciation of sreuri; " . j | ties. 104.749 100 488,123 77 24 i, 420 00 First National Bank. Brattleboro'. Vt . . .; June 30,1864 ! J u n e 19,1880 j Fraudulent management Oct. 12, 18>; 61.25 2, 703, 285 Mechanics'National Bank, Newark, N. J .: June 9,1865 i Nov. 2,1881 I Defalcation by officers and excessive 1,480,396 14 I 1,726,399 27 loans to others. i *A waiting final report. O Pi 4 o INSOLVENT NATIONAL BANES, with DATES of FAILURE, CAUSES of FAILURE, NOMINAL ASSETS, #c—Continued. ; Title of bank. First National Bank, Buffalo, N. Y Pacific National Bank, Boston, Mass j Date of j organization, Feb. Receiver appointed. Cause of failure. Nominal assets. 5 1864 Apr. 22, 1882 Fraudulent management and deprecia- $1,384,3G5 00 Nov. <),18T7 May 22, 1882 tion of securities. i Fraudulent management, injudicious | 3, 588, 256 00 banking, investments in real estate and mortgages, and depreciation of securities. Amount collected. Claims proved. $511,860 00 $893, 379 601, 237 00 2, 456, 840 240,: i 00 149,155 00 First National Bank, Union Mills, Union Oct. 23, 1 8G3 Mar. 24, 1883 City, Pa. 1883 Injudicious banking and depreciation 223, 989 84 782, 2G0 78 Vermont National Bank, Saint Albans, Oct. 11. 1865 Aug. i of securities. Vt, Mar. 11), 1879 Jan. 24, 1884 i Defalcation by officers and fraudulent 260, 619 85 108,312 57 First National Bank, Leadville, Colo j management. Mar. 1884 1883 Feb. 32, 645 69 Excessive loans to officers and direetCity National Bank, Lawreneeburg, Ind.. 24, 39, 598 84 i ors and depreciation of securities. 530,796 00 109,238 00 First National Bank, Saint Albans, Vt... Feb. 20 1864 Apr. 22 1884 \ Fraudulent management and depreciaj tion of securities. 378, 432 00 First National Bank, Monmouth, H I . . . . July 7, 1882 A pi1. 2° 1884 [ Defalcation by officers and fraudulent 299, 916 00 management. Marine National Bank, New* York, N. Y. June 3 1803 May 13, 1884 Fraudulent management, excessive 6,818,039 00 2,907,154 00 loans to officers and directors, and • i excessive loans to others, 92,321 00 Hot Springs National Bank, Hot Springs, Feb. 17, 1883 June 2, 1884 i Depreciation of securities 48, 053 00 Ark. 717,218 00 Richmond National Bank, Iiiehmond, Mar. 5 1873 July 23 1884 Excessive loans to officers and direct230, 918 00 Ind. ors and investments in real estate and mortgages. 71,513 00 First National Bank, Livingston, Mont .. I July 10,1883 i Aug. 25,1884 Investments in real estate and mort13, 238 81 gages and depreciation of securities. First National Bank, Albion, N. Y .'.. | Bee. 22,18G3 j Aug. 26,1884 Di-fa'lcaiiiui by officers and fraudulent 214,664 00 55, 296 00 management. First National Bank, Jamestown, D a k . . . Oct. 'J.">. 1881 i Sept. 13, 1884 Depreciation of securities 69, S90 00 18, 934 00 Logan National Bank, West. Libertv, May 7, 1883 ' Oct. 18, 1884 Fraudulent management and deprecia120, 041 00 47,027 00 Ohio. tion of securities. Middlbtown, Middletown, | Ji:nc 14, 18G5 i Nov. 29,1884 Excessive loans to others and deprecia914,153 00 417,618 00 N. Y. ! tion of securities. 43, 969 16 Farmers' National Bank, Bushnell, 111.... i Feb. 18,1871 Dec. 17,1884 Excessive loans to officers and direct139,970 04 ors. Schoharie, County National Bank, Scbo- ' Aug. i>, 1865 Mar. 23,1885 Defalcation by officers and fraudulent 67, 360 35 164,494 00 narie, N. Y. ! management. Exchange National Bank, Norfolk, Y a . . . May 13,1865 Apr. 9,1885: Fraudulent management, excessive 3, 746, 517 00 1, 09T, 074 00 loans to officers and direetois, and depreciation of securities. Dividends. X Finally closed. Per cent. 38 2 20 Hi 186,993 I 65 O 401,492 ! 42.50 199,855 30 40, 441 81.: 283, 285 25 232, 724 95 4,469, 589 50 36, 526 100 365, 931 "30 Oct. 25, 18, 286 158, 608 8,131 80, 5G4 40 640, 046 55 80, 535 40 137,333 30 2, 884, 708 30 O F i r s t National B a n k , F a k e City. M i n n . . ; Xov. 20,1870 J a n . 4, lfiSC | Depiv-f-iation of securities L a n c a s t e r isatiouai ijauk, Clinton, M A S S . j Nov. 22. i<L6"i ! J a n . 20, 1886 i Defalcation l>v ollieers and fraudule lent | f Fh\st N a t i o n a l Bank, Sioux Fulls, D a k . . j Mar. L\1880 ; Mar. II, .1*86 \ E x e ssive 1{)!IMR to others and invest; ! j 1 1 1 tw in iea! estate and mortgages. P F i r s t "National Bunk. WnhrM'ton. D a k ; F e n . 2, l^SJ I A p r . 8, J88« ! • First XiiiM.uiii r>:.-:»k. Aii-ciica. N. Y . . . ; Nov. :?. If-til i Apr. U). ;^8o i I >< f.i •iiti(in iiti(n bbyy OiHcei.s hrj Ciiy Xaii<mai Hank, W i l l i a m s o n , Pa : M a r . 17,1874 j May 4, l>bt> \ D»J'a •ation r»v oilioers and depreeiai{ i i ! tio vf securities. Abinjrton Xation A <>,iijk, Ahin^ion, Masss July 1,18G5 i Au^. 2.1886 i Esc& sive loans to oiHcers and direct- T First National Bank, Blair, Nel.r ; Juno 7,1882 | Sept. 8,1886 Injudicious banking 214. 7(18 00 ; 30.1,731 CO | 148. 611 00 KJ3, 100, i*71 00 | d'60 00 17, 541 00 l'.i-2, 0:<8 no ! 7, 1 i 3 00 170,44:? 2.! I 200, 520 00 j M), 809 95 100,703 00 314, 068 00 14?, 581 00 127, 524 170, 242 100 50 49, 382 20 110,073 Gil, 340 130, 264 50 114,809 | 100 May 27,1886 H3 O •8 279,157 00 c M W CXXX REPORT OF THK COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CUofssijication of tin: loans and discounts of the -national hanks in the rcscrrc the Stales and Territories on Oetoher 7, ltS6f>. Cities, States, and Territories. No. of I On 8inglebanks, name, paper. 45 54 40 17 6 23 G 8 9 13 9 15 New York City \ Boston : Philadelphia i Baltimore Albany , Pittsburgh ; Washington i Kcw Orleans ; Louisville ! Cincinnati : Cleveland | Chicago I Detroit I Milwaukee ' S.nnr Louis ! San Francisco .- . . . i Total Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts . . . . . . Rhode Island Connecticut . New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland — District of Columbia Virginia W e s t Virginia . . . . . . Norlh Carolina South Carolina Georgia l-'lorida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana... Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Missouri Kansas Nebraska Colorado Nevada California Oregon . . . Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming Total On TJ. S. bonds. On otherbonds and stocks. All other loans. v and in- Total. $24. 19, 12, 5, ! j , ; j ! . (}46, 007 C2|$;2,002,550 00 $91, 630, 791 31 $135, 447, 026 78 349, G04 32 94, 900 00| 17, 532, 872 20 85, 560, 970 39 289, 595 99 1(52,255 00J ]4,044, 377 77 52,441,485 59 670, 792 08' 5, 200 00, 3, 5(54, 394 92 18, 258, 820 56 513,143 78| 1, 055 00j 2, 113,844 43 5,900,818 72 32G, 794 07 1.347,317 58 24,109,270 43 927, 785 46 4,9GG i)H, 805 00 2,127,848 71 402, 5C5 30 5, 000 00 2, "MiX, 135 61 0, 827, 727 59i 579, 781 97 155,089 90 8, 021, 300 48! 125, 338 50, 3,70.1,988 67 4,310,613 97 10, 787, 034 47' 1.132,230 85 200,000 00' ], 842. 21G 91 12,042,084 72' 663, 005 04 12, 593, 920 90 85, 900 00' 10, 32,058,515 72 1, 497, 454 53 7ii.i,iV2'.i 38j. 8, 045, 746 78 674,054 50 1,755,750 14! 2, 092, 290 69 028, 430 42 355, 372 07 8, 291, 907 97 304,737 15 10, 000 00! 2,157,857 31 886, 240 85 i _ _202 1 87, 450, 998 85J2, 751, 003 5()| 155, 400, (^ 53, 365 621 7, 855 00: 13,433 82: 24, 220 00! 30, 9G3 76 33 675 00 45, 133 00, 55, (500 00: 63,910 OOi 50 895, 029 0" 1, 119.490 63* 327. 374 00! 5,472,015 5!)' 715.486 781 2, 087, 924 8(5 7,729,157 12 5,333,745 51 1,805,742 41 20, 000 00 210.903 87 100.904 73 1, 003,503 04 1, 665 00i 42, 236 67; 151, 199 37' 005. 23:2 43 10,870 41 296, 340 78 239, 020 56 20. 612 99! 041,045 38! 114,018 75| 384,107 34! 1,643,589 10' 1,703,055 17i 701.752 37| 1,252, 610 971 404, 445 88j 231,307 00 400, 974 03 2,217.541 95 428, 409 02 117,848 97 200.753 81 102,918 39, 19, 088 731 729, 502 83| 20,200 00 129,129 26: 418, 959, 750 45J 664, 568, 424 36 15, 7G1. 431 04 7, 193, 435 09] 10, 600, 417 28 66, 587 473 911 25, 383, 360 79J 34,520, 201 88! 70. 468, 995 15: 2(i! 802, 774 21; 65, 103, 331 92; 4, 572, 400 42! 5,516, 277 62: 188, 333 43 8, 961, 904 84; ?., 430, 1.18 53 4, 651, 298 86 4, 389, 812 04 4, 445, 179 62 1, 078, 351 76 3, 531, 839 69 1,204, 570 54 124, 794 02 11,714, 214 01 1,877, 229 751 14,719, 513 27 9, 087, 584'83 39, 200, 132 07 21,27G, 855 78 25, 028, 817 78 21, 220, 809 09| 9, 505, 948 41 17, 440, 037 91 18,132. 576 31 9, 008, 240 001 12,377, 639 40j 15, 553, 315 24 6, 894, 107 86| ]13, 523 01 5, 598, 020 13j 2,181, 020 53 4, 245, 598 15 335, 255 20 3, 984, 377 62| 1, 009, 005 81 1,105, 410 4« 1, 951, 672 33 1,559,»; 777 54 17,843,615 84 9, 054, 2G2 78 11, 7*;, 580 48 88,301,209 07 35, 085,194 50 42,702,504 31 92, 520, 834 59 35, 535, 865 40 72, 551,170 04 4, 659, 509 04 0, 092, 526 70 291,271 66 10, 509, 429 85 3, 546, 091 30 5,026, 656 48 4,687,941 52 6,153,837 10 1,266,281 65 4,251,410 40 1,548,134 57 145,407 01 15,485,910 33 2,138, 314 81. 16,008,612 47 13,471,384 97 44, 880,167 42 24, 835, 384 45 32,217,830 12 25, 746, 522 88 11,288,200 90 22,139, 229 88 31,791,553 84 12,438,909 69 14,442,130 51 18,699,900 48 9, 774, 975 10 257, 505 15 8, 002, 672 45 3, 442, 240 50 5,104,519 48 453, 937 '52 6, 258, 092 84 1,529,155 45 1,767,373 31 2, 367, 941 47 2, 290, 405 38 ] 2,590 |110,677,533 7l| 563 717 44, 41,008,812 111 626,849,753 15 779, 099, 810 41 49 49 loo oi 84 2G7 74 231 10 28 ,132,889 53 j 733,470 06! ! 772, 355 32 !16, 277, 409 57 6, 055, 377 23! ', 5,454,702 57i I 8. 277, 649 32j i 3, 343, 745 08; :' 5,188,185 711 I 67, 013 22; j 355, 224 61! : ai 20 17 16 17 ; 484,021 97 114,307 77 333,120 951 146,930 11 803, 425 05 176, 679 48 423, 229 93; 104, 543 47| 1,120 GO 2 033 50! 3, 129, T)0 94 2 500 00' 143, 966 31 450 00> 064, 481 1 940 00| 2, 738,271 04 21 300 00" 3, 955,080 18! ! 02 ' 2, 760,626 30 150 OOi 153 j 5, 936.351 1)1, 50 00i 101 ! 4,121, 267 91; 47 : 1, 400,944 89 ; ! 128 4, 279. 180 38 13 031 56; 53 i 11,383, 703 07i 57,672 51; 39 2, 402!2 GO 07 1,946, 042 14' 98 88 ! 2, 880. 831 43| 5, 000 00; i 2, 717,888 85! 124! 353 41! 1 149 49j i , 400 00, 1.241 020 03! 18 709 792 071 "26,660 60; 6 ! 11 (-82 3d! !, .135, 182 15! 108,533 07 * 4.05, COO 23 ! 610, 108 38' ]8 '; 329, 320 30,. 720, 097 04 ! . 6 ! 'Si! 30,000 00 25,140 41! 42, 788 45[ 80, 039 84i 10,530 80! U n i t e d S t a t e s . . . j 2, 852 J198,128, 532 56j3, 314, 720 #4 196, 415, 477 0 7 1 , 045, 809,509 6o|l, 443,668, 240 77 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXXXI Liabilities of the national banks, and the reserve required and held at three dates in the years 1883, '84, '85, ?8i>. STATES AND TERRITORIES EXCLUSIVE OF RESERVE CITIES. Classification of reserve. Reserve held. Date. ; No. of N e t do- I Reserve I banks. posit., required. Amount, j ^ I Millions. Millions. Millions. 83.4 , 148.9 May 1,1883 ; 2,128 ! 556.3 84.1 157.7 J u n e 22,1883 2,169 I 560.7 86. 7 i 157. 5 Oct. 2,1883 ; 2,253 ! 577.9 ! Per i i ! Apr. 24,1884 June 20,1884 Sept. 30,1884 2, 340 2, 376 2, 417 576. 0 544 7 535. 8 86.4 ! 81.7 ; 80.4 . 162.5 j 146.0 j May 2,432 2, 442 2, 467 540. 3 552. 2 570.8 81.1 82.8 1,1885 Mar. 1,1886 June 3,1886 Oct. 7,1886 2, 518 2, 552 2,590 596.1 611.7 637.6 89.4 91. 8 95.6 171.0 170.3 177.5 i j 181.6 i 181.0 i 186. 2 6,1885 July 1,1885 oct: o j Specie. Other lawful money. Due from agents. Redemption fund. I cent. Millions. \ Millions. • Millions. Millions. 31.4 ! 31.0 75.2 11.3 26.7 31.1 ' 29. 6 ! 85.8 11.2 28.1 31.2 : 30.8 i 84.1 11.3 27. 2 28.2 26.8 . 29.2 36.4 i 36.4 I 35.2 31.5 30.9 83.7 66. 8 79.7 10.9 10.7 10. 5 31.6 i 30.8 i 40.7 40.1 41. 5 30.2 28.1 i 29.9 ; 90.0 92.1 95.9 10.1 10.0 10.2 30. 4 29.7 29. 2 45.1 49.1 47.8 29.7 30.1 98.9 93. 5 99.5 9.8 9.3 8.7 32.0 : NEW YORK CITY. May 1,1883 J u n e 22,1883 Oct. 2,1883 253.7 i 279.3 266.9 j 63.4 69.8 66.7 64. 6 i 80. 5 i 70.8 ! 25.5 28. 8 26.5 47.3 56.8 | 16.5 ! 22.8 19.7 ! 0.8 0.8 0.9 A p r . 24,1884 J u n e 20,1884 Sept. 30,1884 282.2 j 231.8 j 254.9 | 70.5 57. 9 63.7 75. 2 69.1 90.8 26.6 29. 8 35.6 49. 5 43. 5 63. 1 24.9 24.9 27.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 May July Oct. 6,1885 1,1885 1,1885 297.7 j 312.7 i 312.9 | 74. 4 78.2 78.2 i 123. 5 j 132.8 | 115.7 ! 41.5 42.5 37.0 96. 5 96. 5 91. 5 26.4 37. 5 23.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 Mar. 1,1886 J u n e 3,1886 Oct. 7,1886 323.6 | 296.8 I 282.8 ! 80.9 74.2 70.7 101.2 89. 9 77.0 31.3 30. 3 27. 2 77. 2 57. 9 64. 1 23.5 31.5 12.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 OTHER RESERVE CITIES. May 1,1883 J u n e 22,1883 Oct. 2,1883 199 200 200 314.6 332. 0 323. 9 78.7 S3. 0 81.0 91.8 103.9 100. 6 29. 2 31.3 31.0 24.9 27. 5 26.3 29.2 32.1 30.1 34.1 40.8 40.8 3.6 3.6 3.4 A p r . 24,1884 J u n e 20,1884 Sept, 30,1884 202 204 203 338. 0 302. 8 308.0 84. 5 75. 7 77.0 104.1 91.1 99 0 30.8 30. 1 32. 2 28.8 29.7 30. 3 33.3 29.9 33.3 38.8 28.4 32.3 3.2 3.1 3.1 May July Oct. 6,1885 1,1885 1,1885 202 202 203 346. 5 356. 5 36 i. 5 86.6 89.1 91.1 124.0 123.4 122. 2 35.8 34.6 33.5 40.2 41.0 41.9 39.9 38.8 35.0 40.9 40.7 42.4 3.0 2.9 2.9 Mar. 1,1886 J u n e 3,1886 Oct. 7,1886 205 212 217 378. 0 387. 2 381. 5 94.5 96.8 95. 4 124.0 122. 8 113. 9 32.8 31.7 29.9 49.3 50.5 44.5 28.2 30.2 26.0 43. 9 39. 6 41.3 2.7 2.5 2.2 SUMMARY. May 1,1883 J u n e 22,1883 Oct. 2,1883 2, 375 2, 417 2, 501 1,124. 6 1,172. 0 1,168. 7 225. 5 236. 9 234. 4 305. 3 312.1 328. 9 27.1 29. 2 28.1 103/6 115. 4 107.8 76.7 84.5 80.6 109. 3 126. 6 124. 9 15.7 15.6 15.6 A p r . 24,1884 J u n e 20,1884 Sept. 30,1884 2, 589 2, 625 2,664 1,196.2 1, 079. 3 1, 098. 7 241. 4 215.3 221.1 341. 8 306. 2 346.1 28.6 28.4 31.6 114.7 1U9. 6 128. 6 89.7 86.8 91. 2 J22. 5 95. 2 112. 0 14.9 14.5 14.3 May July Oct. 6,1885 1,1885 1,18S5 2.678 2,689 2, 714 1,184. 5 1. 221. 4 1, 248. 2 242.1 250.1 254.9 418.5 426. 5 415.4 35.3 34.9 33. 3 177.4 177.6 174. 9 96.5 102.6 88.6 130. 9 132 8 138.3 13.7 13.5 13.6 Mar. 1,1886 J u n e 3,1886 Oct. 7,1886 2,768 2,809 2.852 1, 297. 6 1, 295. 7 1, 301. 8 264.8 262. 8 261.7 406.8 394. 2 377. 2 31.3 30.4 28.9 171.6 157.5 156. 4 79.4 91.6 68.7 142 8 133. 0 140. 8 12.9 12.2 11.4 CXXXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of report* of carniuyx and dividends of national banks States, Territories, and reserve cities. I ^iks Maine New Hampshire . VermontMassachusetts..Boston Rhode Island Connecticut Capital stock. ; 71 48 I 47 j 194 i 54 6L 84 ; Division No. 1. New York New York City. Albany New Jersey Pennsylvania Philadelphia. Pittsburgh Division No. 2 . I 15 Delaware 16 Maryland 17 Baltimore 18 | District of Columbia. 11) I Washington 20 Virginia.... 21 | West Virginia Division No. 3 . 22 23 24 25 26 i North Carolina... i South Carolina.... : Georgia : Florida • Alabama Mississippi Louisiana New Orleans. Texas Arkansas Kentucky Louisville Tennessee Division No. 4 . Ohio Cincinnati .. Cleveland... Indiana Illinois Chicago Michigan 42 ! Detroit 43 Wisconsin 44 Milwaukee. Division No. 5 . $2, 499, 093 98 1,268.653 59 1,488; 422 38 13,650.927 16 11,417,178 99 4,015,086 11 6, 783, 024 74 165, 203, 920 41,128, 386 95 j 206, 332, 306 95 $12, 859, 093 98 7, 373, 653 59 8, 989, 422 38 58, 682, 977 16 6_\ 367,178 99 24, 355,136 11 3», 704,844 74 9.154, 777 55 43,871,737 55 24, 709, 078 31 69, 659, 078 31 2, 935, 000 00 1, 185,000 00 16.029,892 97 3,881,542 97 42,975.312 02 : 10, 309, 972 02 27, 825, 647 07 9,521,947 07 3, 6(59, 599 67 13,819,599 67 ! 62,521,917 59 | 217,116,267 59 j 2, 732, 085 00 I 3, 575, 798 79 ! 14, 847, 952 57 j 312,000 00 1, 434, 500 00 4,885,177 31 2, 534, 956 69 2, 033, 985 2,716,700 11,713,200 252, 000 1, 125,000 3, 696, 300 2,011,000 698, 100 00 859, 008 79 3, 134, 692 57 60,000 00 309, 500 00 1,188,877 31 523, 956 69 in I 23, 548, 245 6, 774, 225 36 ; 30, 322, 470 36 J 15 j 14 ! 37 5 10 6 3 8 67 6 59 9 32 2,126,000 1,935,000 2, 625, 000 300, 000 1, 835, 000 475, 000 100,000 3, 525, 000 6, 836, 200 705, 000 9, 708, 900 3, 551,500 5, 007, 500 16 27 17 1 5 ! 1\ 249 183 12 8 89 353 12 97 5 46 3 608 525,486 14 818,000 00 871,320 67 21, 922 70 341,150 00 51,378 14 10,500 00 1, 351, 675 37 2,125, 852 72 181, 864 47 2,101,971 91 870,695 13 1,056,872 87 361 ! j | 4.681, 51.2 06 h 259, 000 00 ' 7(>r>, (loo o o 3.355,224 35 4, 329, 868 64 2,891,600 00 1,9-13,995 45 380, 001) 00 962, 596 67 \ IMC, (UK) 00 21, 909, 580 8, 600, 000 6, 200, 000 12. 139, 500 13, 697, 600 11,750,000 10,294,600 2, 900, 000 3, 735, 000 650, 000 91,876,280 20,848.797 17 ~~27411, 737 1,990, 321 079, 038 946, 717 809,229 1, 062, 832 38,898,100 i 2. 085, 000 j 75, 000 2,250,000 , 1,500,000 760, 000 : 52 2,651,486 14 i 2, 753, 000 00 j 3, 496, 320 67 321, 922 70 | 2,176, 150 00 526,378 14 | 110,500 00 4, 879, 675 37 8, 962, 052 72 8,-6, 864 47 11,810,871 91 4,431,195 13 6, 064, 372 87 38,730,100 i 10,340,690 12 | 49,070,790 12 ! 10, 155, 000 31,340,000 3, 326, 000 3, 000, 000 5,077, 100 6. 000, 000 Colorado Nevada California San 1'raneisco . Oregon Division No. 7 . $10, 360, 000 6,105, 000 7, 501, 000 45, 0:26, 050 50, 950, 000 20, 340, 050 24,921,820 ~ 34. 716, 960 , 44, 950, 000 44 ! 1, 750, 000 6 i 12,148,350 71 i 32, 575, 340 228 , 18 303, 700 34 ' 10,150,000 23 | 154, 594, 350 672 Iowa Minnesota Missouri Saint Louis. Kansas Nebraska Division No. 6 . Capital and surplus. Surplus. 6, 670, 000 : 26,591,1 9, 859, C 6, 905, C 15, 494,1 18, 027, 4 14. 641, C 12, 238, i 3, 280, t 4,697, £ 990, t 112,725,077 17 27~ i ~1^7>66/737 27 6S 13,330,321 68 93 4, 005, 038 93 80 3,946,717 80 55 -5,886,329 55 29 7, 0G2, 832 29 7,899,877 52 927, 25, 581, 240, 84, 1, 863, 053 66 40,797,977 52 3,012,900 100, 000 2, 834, 933 1, 740, 720 844,500 00 j 00 I 60 ! 06 | 00 j 8, 533, 053 66 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXXXI1I in the United States from September I, 1885, to March 1, 1886. Charged off. Ratios. Dividends. Net earnings. Dividend to ^ clpitel oapiidi. $454, 375 223, 700 265, 055 1,572,141 1, 307, 500 647,143 905, 310 00 00 00 96 00 75 50 $529,860 284, 940 327, 623 1,519,331 1,591,748 652,177 1, 019, 699 5, 375, 226 21 5, 925, 380 63 1, 332, 700 1, 973, 770 76, 000 536, ()44 1,223,883 830, 850 370, 240 1.825, 540 3,106.763 48, 407 645, 851 1,569,375 971, 817 485, 271 09 07 00 00 I 10 I 00 ' 00 6,343,487 26 90, 821 125, 061 436, 834 10, 080 38,250 182, 942 78,630 97 36 60 00 00 00 00 962,619 93 91,580 78,100 101,435 4, 500 73, 000 35, 000 4, 000 131,000 404, 952 35, 000 362, 466 129, 560 257, 025 40 4:i 49 72 31 06 28 j ! i : ! 8, 653, 086 69 j 120, 692 145, 626 507, 263 12,600 45, 055 177, 762 94, 455 03 15 59 00 25 42 15 1,103,454 59 00 ~~ 95,418 83 00 120,572 28 00 85, 554 52 00 ! 18,401 87 00 : 148,448 31 00 i 30,981 81 00 i 5, 613 90 00 148,316 71 00 561,177 45 00 44,252 12 00 606, 294 22 00 160, 324 78 00 341,700 38 1, 707, 618 00 I 2,433, 057 18 820, 774 83 307, 000 00 198, 000 00 531, 062 00 693, 845 00 551, 000 00 484,175 00 ! 137, 500 00 j 228, 745 50 j 52,000 00 ! 4, 004,102 33 476,400 00 496,400 00 162, 638 30 115,000 00 265,426 13 j 495, 092 89 2, 011, 557 32 < l to'Earnings to j c asurplus. * i t a J a T l d c amirpJus. Pital and Per cent. 4.39 3. 66 3. 53 3,49 2. 56 3.1!/ 3.63 27 70 64 00 01 99 02 ivWen 3.25 | Per cent. 3.5 3. 03: 2.9. ) 2. 68 2.09 2.66 2.86 2.61 2. 87 j $16,169 13, 392 42, 191 64, 578 57, 367 38,664 18,474 68 00 38 53 25 00 57 250, 837 41 | 3.99 | 257,104 10 3.32 3. 50 2, 608 67 6,439 60 3, 500 00 l!, 500 00 3.74 j 3.10 j 4.42 j 4.07 I (5. 42 | 4.04 3.14 I 3.64 j 3.72 | 4.09 3.17 i 3.64 20,967 85 4.31 4.04 3. SO 3.45 2.84 2. 90 1.40 3.35 6. 65 3. 62 2.68 4.52 3.95 3.07 2.92 4.24 3. 60 4.37 2.45 5.72 6.82 7.03 5,08 3.04 6.26 4.99 5.64 3.62 5.63 5,000 00 500 00 32 50 15,936 84 7,144 88 10, 250 61 4,138 96 1, 780 62 1, 716 56 503 25 1, 940 00. 4,727 61 4.41 3.48 4.96 47, 752 25 952,471 89 361,855 91 255,198 14 915, 207 90 912,183 16 873, 521 10 571,772 45 282,181 91 265,181 76 73, 969 82 3.75 3.57 3.19 4.37 5.07 4.6H 4.70 4.74 6.12 8.00 3.09 3.11 2.87 3.43 3. 85 3.76 3.96 4.19 4.87 5.25 3. 58 3.67 3. 70 5. 91 5. 06 5. 96 4.67 8.60 5.64 7.47 41, 269 10 4, 500 00 1, 000 00 20, 959 94 21,011 28 18,380 00 9, 784 09 85, 000 00 5,028 97 4,000 00 5,463, 544 04 4.36 3.55 4.85 4.69 4.38 4.89 3. 83 5.23 8. 26 3. 79 3. 72 4.06 2.91 4.51 7.02 4.72 4.99 5.08 3.52 7. 63 6.90 .17 4.30 10.00 ! 8.98 ! 4.00 j 4.67 j 5.38 7. 50 7.13 3.45 4. 20 7.00 i 5.47 593,189 80 i! 665, 808 37 203,280 53 :l 138, 805 32 449, 270 30 ! 490,127 32 ,540,481 64 162,100 00 7, 500 00 I 202, 000 00 ! 60,000 00 I 35,500 00 j 201, 882 02 i 8,010 19 • 186,483 07 i 61.995 80 ! 97, 684 6!) j 467,100 00 556, 055 77 i.-a i 31 62 76 33 85 49 95 1, 415, 366 31 262, 590 24 57, 138 05 i 1, 242, 580 13 10, 600 45 4<5,133 94! 37, 197 93 4.'03 I 36, 397 60 214,906 59 387, 100 22 3.65 ! 100,218 48 j 3, 577 00 : 100,426 51 :j. 49 | 66, 500 06 2, 948 63 3.51 ! 2. 92 H. 98 7. 37 4.00 3.72 5.92 4.96 3.73 3.65 5.13 $78,153 30,541 25,404 394, 233 261, 782 164, 838 460,411 4. 16 I 4.48 j 4. 39 4.34 4.41 3. 76 4.58 3. 65 4.11 4. 46" 4.60 3.73 4. 00 3.40 4.94 3.91 Per cent. 4.12 3. 87 3.64 2.59 2. 55 2. 68 3.22 Losses. 2, 311, 301 68 j 13, 432 32 18,099 24 58, 563 64 337 50 21, 594 38 119 42, 058 12 I 20 6, 324 W7 | 21 160,409 57 j 28, 540 06 22,437 47 75, 536 97 747 42 17, 624 63 26 2, 573 26 i 27 51 17 I 28 146,318 70 29 191,815 85 !30 6, 643 15 I 31 23, 327 45 I 32 47, 548 02 I 33 49, 091 95 i 34 612, 256 10 | ~187, 905 64 j 35 76, 330 80 I 36 30,645 81 ,37 66, 447 29 I 38 136,185 35 ! 39 83,446 58 \ 40 101,878 47 ! 41 42 35,207 11 43 11,485 36 44 210, 933 38 729, 532 41 8, 070 98 2, 293 62 7,689 51 4, 059 86 13, 545 97 96, 070 43 139, 658 03 67,116 38 47, 370 09 33, 347 73 43,264 29 5. 43 35. 659 94 426, 826 95 ; 6.70 8.01 6. 58 3. 56 11.57 1,857 81 5, 746 90 600 00 5,253 50 122, 567 76 2,422 00 40,197 20 5,163 45 8, 848 75 6. 52 13,458 21 179,199 16 CXXXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF TELE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports of earnings and dividends of national banks in the No. of banks. States and Territories. Dakota Idaho Montana N e w Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming , Division ^"o. 8 United States •. : 43 4 15; 8 6 i 15 5 Capital stock. $2,520,200 j 250, 000 | 1,810,000 ; 650,000 ; 800,000 ' l,005,(KK). 800,000 : 9t> 7,835,200 2, 708 527, 356,195 Capital an<l Surplus. $r>40,791 2 J, 000 324,500 H>3, 220 274.5i;() 1:5:5,525 162,500 8111 pills. :?5 $:$, OHO, 901 35 00 271, 000 00 00 2, 134.5oo <)0 M\ \ 813. 226 40 00 ! 1,074,500 00 7:} ! 1, YAH, 525 73 0v) \ Ofi'J, 500 00 1,620.0-13 54 ! 9,455,24;* 54 152, 996, 9Q1 91 | 080, 353,186 91 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY". CXXXV United States from September 1, 1885, 1o March 1, 1886—Continued. Eatios. Dividends. $123,800 25, 000 54, 000 53, COO 33, 500 44,150 60, 500 393, 950 00 ~21,265,661 05 Charged off. Net earnings. Dividend to Dividend to Earnings to capital and capital and Premiums. capital. surplus. surplus. $156, 911 45 i 19, 018 35 | 137, 788 48 j 58, 673 87 62,188 06 ! 69, 873 32 I 73,152 58 j 577, 606 11 j 27, 252, 666 65 Per cent. 4.91 10. 00 2.98 8.15 4.16 4. 39 7.56 5.03 | 4.03 Per cent Per cent 4.04 5.13 9.23 7.02 2.53 6.46 6.52 7.21 3.12 5.79 3. 88 6.14 6.29 i 7.60 4.17 ! 6.11 Losses. I 458 179 852 378 500 312 750 ', 432 20 $57, 884 37 |56 200 00 |57 32, 126 51 : 58 J8,129 76 ! 59 ; 60 29,35060 jci 2, 056 Z50i 62 131), 747 74 », 974, 639 92 CXXXVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports of earnings and dividends of national banks No. of banks. States, Territories, and reserve cities. 71 49 49 Maine New Hampshire. Vermont Massachusetts... Boston Rhode Island Connecticut 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Capital and surplus. Surp us. $10, 360, 000 00 I $2, 510, 655 67 $12,876,055 67 6,155,000 00 I 1,328,342 31 7, 483, 342 31 7,691,000 00 1,498,225 26 9, 189, 225 26 i)S, 895, 302 03 45, 090, 500 00 ! 62,510,445 12 50, 950, 000 00 I 24, 3H4, 0i>4 88 2M, 434, 000 00 i 31, 594, 530 39 24, 671, 820 CM) i 11)5 54 til 84 Division No. 1 . New York Now York City.. Albany New Jersey Pennsylvan ia Philadelphia Pittsburgh Capital stock. ! 563 I 165,352,320 00 : 41,581,845 (J4 I 20(5,934.165 64 I 267 j 45 6 73 228 35 23 : 34, 891, 9 40 00 45, 450, 000 00 1,750, 000 00 12, 243, 350 00 32, 665 340 00 18, 507, 300 00 10,180, 000 00 64, 852,124 80 | 220r 540 054 80 Division No. 2 .. 677 Delaware Maryland Baltimore District of Columbia.. Washington Virginia West Virginia 16 27 17 1 6 24 21 2, 033, 985 00 2, 616, 700 00 11,713,260 00 252, 0d0 00 1,325,000 00 3, 6'JO, 300 00 2,011,000 00 718,500 00 ! 809, 387 05 j 3,161, 175 69 ! <i0, 000 00 I 383, (m<) 00 • 1, 2:;7,779 75 ; 535, 789 oo , Division No. 3 . 112 23,648,245 00 j 6,865,632 05 \ 30,613,877 05 North Carolina ... South Carolina — ! Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana | New Orleans. Texas ! Arkansas ! Kentucky I Louisville: Tennessee . Division No. 4. Ohio Cincinnati.. Cleveland... Indiana Illinois Chicago Michigan Detroit Wisconsin Milwaukee. Division No. 5 . Iowa Minnesota Missouri Saint Louis Kansas Nebraska Division No. 6. 16 15 17 6 12 7 1 8 69 6 59 9 33 2, 326, 000 00 1, 735, 000 00 258 39,736, 700 00 182 13 8 91 154 14 101 6 46 3 21,884, 000 00 9, 600, 000 00 6, 200, 000 00 12, 283, 500 00 33,8c2, 600 00 12, 900, 385 00 10, 604, 600 00 3, 069. 4!8 00 3,9-5, 000 00 650, 000 00 510,612 00 i 785, LOO 00! 892,651 88 25,1)22 70 ; 35!), 000 00 i m, HIS 14 ! 10, 500 00 i 1,143,(00 00 | 2,1!)], 31*3 35 : l:.i8, 648 03 2,20.5, 177 92 924.401. 40 884J43 15 2, 6^0, 300 00 386,500 00 1, 985, 000 00 625,000 00 100,0i:0 00 3,525,000 00 6, 995, 000 00 705,000 00 9, 758, 900 l;0 3, 551, f>uO 00 5, 35,, 500 00 10,194,251 63 2,752, 3, 486, 14,874, 312', 1, 708, 4, 9-54, 2, ;.4O, 56 2, 830, 612 00 2, 520, 000 00 3,578,951 88 412,422 70 2,341,0(10 00 693,878 14 110,500 00 4, 6<J8, 000 00 9, 186,316 35 903, 648 03 11,962,077 92 4,475,001 46 6,241,643 15 49, 930, 951 63 4,787, 525 50 26,671,525 50 1,332,500 00 ; 10,032,500 00 743, 500 00 6, 943, 500 00 3, 4i.-£», 688 72 : 15,693,188 72 4,398,128 08 . 18, 26t», 728 08 3,121,600 00 16,021,985 00 2,036,51)1 41 12,641,161 41 390, 000 00 3, 459, 418 00 1, 016,300 27 4,951,300 27 340, 000 i;0 990,000 00 618 | 94,980,503 00 j 21,575,8(-'3 98 \ 116,565,306 98 ~]2fi 38 10,305,000 (0 | 12, 040. 000 00 ; 4, 576, 000 00 i 3, 000, 000 00 j 5, 705, 450 00 6,485, 000 00 389 j 42,111,450 00 Colorado Nevada California San Francisco . S Oregon Division No. 7 . 155,6^7,930 00 44, 260, 410 84 71,201,409 69 2, 935, 000 00 16,277,774 51 43,042, 951 J6 28, 265,103 08 3. 777, 405 52 13, o:;r, 405 52 9, 3G-S 470 84 25,751,409 69 1, 185, (<00 00 4,034,424 51 10,977,61! 16 9, 757, 81-3 08 2, 385, 000 00 • 100, WOO 00 2, 300, 000 00 1,500, 000 00 • 1, 170,000 00 60 7, 455, 000 00 2,404,552 2,060,278 773,001 952, 530 1,005,793 1,212,7,-0 80 ' 81 47 4\J 55 83 8,408,937 92 12, 709, 552 80 14, 100,f278 81 5, 349, 001 47 3, 952, 530 46 6,711,243 55 7, 697, 780 S3 50,520,387 92 842. MI0 00 • 30. 000 00 622,401 13 247, 970 .".") 9u, JJUO 00 | 1, 834, 071 48 j 3, 227, 800 00 i;>o, ooo oo 2, 922,401 13 1, 747, 970 35 j :i,260, 9ul) 00 I 0, 289, 071 4 8 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXXXVII in the United States, from March 1, 1886, to September 1, 1886. Ratios. Net earnings. Dividends. j i Charged off. Dividend to Earnings to and capital and Premiums. to capital. capital surplus. surplus. Per cent. 4.10 3.84 3.47 3.30 2.66 3.09 3.70 Per cent. 3.29 3.16 2.90 2.56 2.17 2.59 2.89 Per cent. 3.44 3.78 3.32 3.09 3.04 3.47 3.60 Losses. $424,250 00 236, 300 00 267,170 00 1, 509, 700 00 1, 357, 250 00 630, 789 00 913,176 00 $443, 502 56 283, 210 40 305,364 62 1,820, 888 12 1, 897, 501 97 847, 071 53 1,138, 940 45 5,338, 635 00 6,736, 479 65 3.23 2.58 3.26 442, 000 56 1,315,256 00 2, 297, 975 00 71,500 00 543, 854 00 1, 219, 749 00 816, 250 00 368, 750 00 1,742,498 52 3, 289, 564 49 71, 363 57 813, 539 18 1, 542, 559 00 1, 032, 958 86 521, 542 48 3.77 5.05 4.09 4.44 3.73 4.41 3.62 2.97 3.23 2.44 3.34 2.79 2.89 2.64 3.94 4.62 2.43 4.99 3.53 3.65 3.74 130, 570 62, 716 59, 967 45, 883 135, 219 10, 075 2, 000 03 24 63 09 95 50 00 341,194 38 649, 256 80 18, 602 35 129, 789 87 361,373 21 151, 338 53 61,480 44 6, 633, 334 00 9, 014, 026 10 4.26 3.01 4.09 446,432 44 1, 713, 035 58 88, 829 97 112,493 00 440,811 00 10, 080 00 43 250 00 118,442 00 74, 600 00 107,464 46 128,489, 80 448,714 63 12, 309 84 78,130 62 137,851 61 86, 566 87 4.37 4.30 3.76 4.00 3.26 3.20 3.71 3.23 3.23 2.96 3.23 2.53 2.40 2.93 3.90 3.69 3.02 3.95 4.57 3.20 3.40 3,727 11 20, 782 30 6,661 40 2, 500 00 888, 505 97 999, 527 83 3.76 2.90 3.26 48, 412 48 140, 692 11 71, 750 00 126, 750 00 91,185 00 5, 500 00 81, 000 00 21, 000 00 4, 000 00 123, 750 00 310,691 79 28, 088 80 374, 895 00 129, 500 00 433, 375 00 84, 020 40 92,105 11 205, 176 65 18, 147 14 111,426 88 61, 573 55 4, 206 61 98 28 73 42 23 3.08 7.31 3.39 1.42 4.08 3.36 4.00 3.51 4.44 3.98 3.80 3.65 8.09 2.53 5.02 2. 55 1.33 3.46 3.03 3.62 2.05 3.38 3.10 3.13 2. 89 6.90 2.96 3.65 5.73 4.40 4.76 8.87 3.81 2.19 6.72 6.53 4.16 4.77 5.82 7,148 06 7, 469 36 25,199 32 75 00 2,348 75 1,249 13 1,500 00 4,120 00 10,196 74 l,otJ2 50 68,551 88 9, 875 00 6, 875 23 70, 855 92 22 102,012 24 23 42, 762 61 24 14, 278 76 25 26, 962 76 26 2, 087 45 27 44 80 28 440,113 00 29 127, 043 88 30 9,718 47 31 48, 980 93 32 29,338 69 33 62,345 92 34 1, 801, 495 59 2, 328, 686 98 4.53 3.60 4.66 146,170 92 976, 490 43 827, 510 05 270, 000 00 192, 000 00 543, 530 00 722, 935 00 501, 000 00 446, 355 00 115,000 00 182, 075 00 42, 000 00 940, 447 79 383, 755 02 225, 802 79 605, 272 94 875, 305 04 827, 909 37 660,724 71 168,139 60 252, 228 72 65, 949 23 3.79 2.81 3.10 4.42 5.22 3.88 4.21 3.75 4.63 6.46 3.10 2.47 2.77 3.46 3.96 3.13 3.53 3.32 3.68 4.24 3.53 3.51 3.25 8.85 4.79 5.17 5.23 4.8(5 5. 09 6.66 124, 860 69 34,500 00 186, G83 33 35 (53, 662 62 36 19,112 17 37 127, 524 01 38 273,427 00 39 175,887 63 40 51,301 92 41 8,517 92 42 12,429 62 43 1, 287 44 44 3,842,405 05 5, 005, 530 21 4.04 3.30 4.29 238, 368 72 512,613 00 514,550 00 179, 427 44 115 000 00 283, 276 00 337, 775 00 554, 069 33 617, 080 62 250. 709 Gi IF 6 348 44 521,058 89 539, 101 94 4.97 4.27 3.92 3.83 4.96 5.21 4.03 3.65 3.35 2.91 4.22 4.39 4.36 4.38 4.80 37, 585 40 3, 854 59 15, 575 85 4 71 7.76 3.11 16, 589 22 8, 915 46 163, 328 98 45 68,611 49 46 57, 264 05 47 40 802 46 <1R 30,074 31 49 35,155 31 50 1, 942, 641 44 395, 236 60 102,300 81 617, 225 59, 029 498, 658 2*3, 563 363, 503 $17,199 60 20,147 63 39, 010 00 127,967 73 94,108 46 97,425 16 46,141 98 9,831 64 4,910 03 33,275 18,987 9,105 4,697 35 84 18 87 8,803 72 4, 638 07 2, 674, 368 85 4.61 3.84 5.29 82, 520 52 172, 600 00 8 000 00 114, 500 00 52, 500 00 45,000 00 205,452 59 12 075 90 184, 392 27 72, 502 88 89, 589 93 7.24 8.00 4.98 3.50 3.84 5.35 6.15 3.92 3.00 3.56 6.37 9.29 6.31 3.15 7.11 5, 229 69 6, 628 56 600 00 22,473 75 392, 600 00 564,013 57 5.27 4.23 6.07 34, 932 00 NOTE.—-Figures in bold-faced type indicate loss. $57, 296 30 54, 519 50 30, 252 64 409,801 33 213, 269 27 131, 312 97 115, 968 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1, 012,420 33 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8, 615 46 15 8, 904 07 16 55, 549 60 17 18 10 55, 266 63 ?,0 12, 356 35 21 919, 833 66 79, 628 99 51 425 67 ?> 30, 244 75 53 1,818 90 54 7, 359 90 55 119,478 21 CXXXVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports of earnings and dividends of national banks in the States and Territories. Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming No.i °of . w II nn Capital stock. ! o aiiKs. •*• ! Capital and capital ar surplus. Surplus. $521, 716 21,000 336, 223 168,171 290, 500 146, 484 108,015 35 00 30 46 00 53 22 $3, 411, 716 35 371,000 00 ! 2,198, 723 30 | 868,171 46 | 1, 090, 500 00 I 1.220,484 53 | 1,068,015 22 I Division No. 8 1,652,110 26 ; 10,234,610 86 | United States. 537, 563,~648 00 I 157, oSr778~36~j ^947628^426 36 j REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXXX1X United States, from March 1, 1886, to September 1, 1886—Continued. Ratios. Dividends. Net earnings. Per cent. Per cent. 3.15 j 2.67 42, 000 00 34, 000 00 33, 000 00 76, 900 00 30, 500 00 $165,198 53 18 843 15 107,610 41 47, 8*2 92 90, 254 07 87, 6B7 38 66, 659 49 307, 525 00 590,135 95 3. 58 ! 2. m 3.00 21,147,142 05 27, 912, 719 14 3.93 j 3.04 , $91,125 00 Charged off. Dividend to Earnings to and capital and Premiums. to capital. i capital surplus. ; sin pins. 2. 26 i 4.86 ! 4.13 7.12 : 3. 39 1.91 3.92 3 03 6.27 Per cent. 4.84 5. 08 4.89 5. 52 8.83 7.15 6. 24 $9, 312 46 171 87 501 02 1,937 50 500 00 261 76 308 84 Losses. $57, 730 44 81,106 16,738 799 2, 274 498 49 98 71 58 65 75 45 5.77 13, 083 45 159,193 61 4.02 1,451,921 09 5,436, 580 53 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 CXL REPORT OF TH3^ COMPTROLLER OV THE CURRENCY. Dividends and earning ft of the national banks, arranged by geographical divisions, for semiannual periods from September!, 187?, to September 1, 188G. Geographical divisions. Surplus. Sept., 1877, to March, 1878 : Now Ensihmd States .. Middle States Southern States . Western States $106, 546, 320 178, 149,9.51 32, 100, £00 98.740,700 Total $40, 560, 405 I 51,551,001 j 5,482,012 j 24,779,543 475,609,751 122,373,501 March, 1878, to Sept., 1878: New England States ... M idiAle States Southern States Western States 100, 587, 820 170 694,670 31,491, 800 5,457,700 Total . Sept., 1878, to March, 1879: New England States... Middle Slates Southern States Western States - 38, 95G, 874 50, 182,022 5,684, o:;5 23, 863, 603 118, 687,13-1 ,' 3,846, 183 4, 999, 505 951,995 3, 861. 210 17, 959, 223 13, 658, <S93 3, C5S, 5, 826, 901, 4, 231, 989 062 734 275 404,413,990 ,116,744,134 37,441,984 49, 779, 783 5,198, 481. 22, 729,103 Total 5, 6, 1, 4, 257, 690, 050, 397, 520 4,701,422 394 7,128, 979 979, 490 594 353 4, 003, 303 ,132,050 J115, 149, 351 Sept., 1879, to March, 1880 New England States 37,809,312 | 5,409,351 5,610,287 51,300,583 ' 7,151,160 9,220,820 1,240,470 j 1,278,095 5,210,198 22, 840, 408 4.314,2e6 i 5,042,970 Middle States Southern States Western States Total 454, 080, 0!H) J117, 220, 501 March, 1880, to Sept., 18S0 New England States. Middle States Southern States Western States 89,007,250 Total Sept., 1880, to March, 1881 * New England StatesMiddle States. Southern States Western States 18,121, 273 -21,152, 784 23, 4 L0, 343 ! 4,172,359 5,380,078 ,072 I 454,215,002 120, 145, Oil) I 18,290,200 24,033,250 105, 023,120 38,944,841 : 5,900,861 170, 739, 045 53, 536, 248 6, 974, 934 30, 448, 700 5,898,107 90, 034, 000 24,102, 5y2 Total March, 1881, to Sept., 1881 New England States. Middle States Southern States Western States 18,877,517 24,452,021 39,878,448 55.747,501 6, 530, 694 25,081,751 165,373,120 171,500,315 30, 973, 950 91, 027,100 58,934,485 1127,238,394 Total Sept., 1881, to March, 1882 Nrw England Statos. Middle States. Sout hern States Western States 5, 459, 780 G, 074,6LH 1,115,805 4, 708, 954 93, S0-"), 700 ; 23, 382, 183 Total March, 1879, to Sept., 1879 New England States Middle States Southern States Western States Total Dividends. 6, 005, 608 8,166 7, 558,407 11,925 1, 282,120 2, 300 4, 653, 833 6, 778 19,499,968 29,170 5, 952, 275 | 7,123. T>9 7,307,409 ji'i, 210, ;y;; 1,333,715 | 1,081, 220 5,201,1)70 7,768, 661 3. 7 4. ;< 4. 2 5. 6 2.9 3.5 4.3 4.5 5.1 6.4 2,137 | 460,354,485 |l31, 291, 889 | 19,915,375 J27,083,599 599 4 3 3.4 4.6 553 OfiO 188 730 J I i I ! 102. 050, 870 171,488,315 31,072,700 94, 542, 0i,0 i ; i \ 40, 7''•'), 770 : 57,470,278 j 6,928,882 I 20,188,953 REPORT OF TPIE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXL1 Dividends and earnings of the national banks, <)'•<?.—Continued. I | No. of i banks Geographical divisions. March, 1882, to Sept., 1882: i New England S t a t e s . . . \ Middle States j Southern States ; Western States j Total Capital. Surplus. | Dividends. ' I I Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr.ct. 3.5 2.8 3.3 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.0 3.2 5. 2 6.5 j 5.1 G. 0 5,-19,093 7,542,1*0 1, 405, 019 5, 518, 844 G, 200,443 9, 900, 021 2,198,993 8, 133, 477 Total 1GG, 793, 070 173,915,405 35, 68"), 300 118, 240, 3i,5 ',65 715 218 903 41,727,679 63, 453, 454 9,084,011 26, 9o7, C-43 5,801,182 i 6,651,595 7,; .!; 795 9,960.635 1,415,529 2, 433, 336 r 0, 070 8, 528, 648 3. 5 4.3 4.0 4.7 167,478,070 i 41,86'!, 161 | 5,726.356 6,005,915 j 3.4 175, 3 i 7, 315 | 64, 8--1 j , ] 78 j 7, 039, 070 9, 529, 978 | 4, 4 .'{8,214, £10 9, 851, !);>3 i 1,700, 1 "I 2, 950, "96 i 4.4 126, 959, a.)-') I 29, 041, .>7 j 0, 01.6. 667 9,418,775 S 4.7 2,491 167, «-n<\ 370 175,707,355 40, 63S, 300 134, 599, 7o>0 | il. 905,905 ; 5. 551, iy.Y.i i 04, 580J40i". • 7, U*0, 673 j I 10,726,209 ( l,00!,:V_0 | ] 30, 5oH, 955 | 5. 83,-,.^71. 2, 582 j 518, 605, 725 11 17, 721, 475 Sept., 1884, t o March, 1885: N e w England States . . Middle States Southern States 278 Western States 1,073 d.2 4.2 5.4 5.9 3.2 4.3 2.7 3. 2 3. T 3.9 March, 1885, t o Sept,, 1885: ; N e w England S l a t e s . . . 562 165,608,370 Middle St;) tea - - - j 731 .1.72, 9:17. 352 : S o u t h e r n States 2s7 43, 5:iO, 300 W e s t e r n States 1. 083 142, 5 , 3 , 5-0 j 5, 738, -,56 8,198,012 ! 2,747,018 I 7, 683, 6>3 ' : ; 3.3, 2.6' 4.0 i 2.9 4,2 \ 3. 3 4. 3 | 3. 5 . ! 4,388,812! : 7,474,752 - • - • • —•• 2,426.858 ! ; 7,310,780 3.4 ! 2.7 4. i 4.2 3.3 4.2 | 3.4 20, 437. 0,'>0 21,6oi,202 i 3.9 I 3.0 ' 40. 780.007 j 5,391,401 4,725,305 i 3.3 j 64. 247. 88S [ 6, <;.">;*, :;;;2 7, 2f»7. 150 ; 4 . 0 i 11. ">:»••>. 4 7 7 : 1 , 0 5 5 . 2 0 1 i 2,282,782 i y. 8 S :;I»;;J04, 1J3 • 0, 218, 477 ' 7, 718,959 i 4.5 2. 2. 3. 3. 6 9 0 0 2.3 3. 1 4. 2 4. 5 . 2,665 { 524,5;;'«, 602 M46. 9o3, 4o5 ; 21), 21K, 471 2*, 024, 295 ; 3 . 9 | 3 . 0 ' 3. 3 Total Sept., 1885, t o March, 1886: ; N e w E n g l a n d S t a t e s . -. 559 ; 105, 203, 920 ; 41, 128.3^ Middle States 738 | 17:', 43"i, 2!)5 i 67, 583, JJOll \ S o u t h e r n States 2!M I 41. -i:!7,4 VI, 0:3,521 • Western States 1,117 i148,879,5b;) 32, 767, 7 690 0 ! Total 4.3 20. J.7!, £C7 24, 368,019 • 3. 9 j 3. 0 167,400,370 41,413,826 ^ 5,60!,537 7 , i r>6, 6 8 0 173,212. 1 15 6 4 , 7 4 1 , 0 0 9 42, 64 ft, 400 Hi 527, 012 I 139,638,800 •, 31,088.34 4 707 -2,650 ; 522,899,715 : ; 4 8, 771,121 Total 2.8 3.2 ! 3.2 : 3.8 ; f)07, P6!», 300 |145, COO, 819 | 2.1, 082,tt/O|27, 9-14, 704 j 4.1 i 3. 2 March, 1884, to Sept., 1884: ; N e w E n g l a n d S t a t e s . . . . 568 Middle S t a t e s , 723 Southern States 264 ! W e s t e r n States 1,027 | Total 4.3 ; 3.5 2.8 ; 3.0 I 4.3! 4.2 i 4. 1 3.3 i 5.2 | 5. 1 4.1 i G.0 . 2,350 i 494,040,140 141,232, i87 20,393,576 27,574,214 Sept., 1883, to March, 1884: New England S t a t e s . . . Middle S t a t e s Southern States W e s t e r n States 3.4 2, 267 ; 483,091,342 137,570,105 j 20,285,102 >2G,4"2r 934 j 4. 2 i 3.3 j 4.2 March, 1883, to Sept., 1883: : New England S t a t e s . . . 5G2 Middle States G98 Southern States Western States 875 Total m *™ !9f 473,917,715 1133,570.931 | 20,896,553 |26, 237, 635 | 4.4 ;2,197 : ^ . 555 $165,515,870 $41,033,296 ' $5,729,842 $6,732,530 G78 173,270,315 58,491,690 ! 7,'194^528 ~ I. 9,. -701, - . . -251. -. 1,289,362 2,062,960 32, 212, 700 194 7,503,078 7,737,893 6,602,821 102,948,830 20, 54.', 862 770 Sept., 1882, t o March, 1883: New England S t a t e s . . 165,653,070 j 41,341,246 \ Middle States j 687 ! 174. 37;>, 472 i 02,1^,694- ; Southern States j 207 !, 33, 963, 000 ! 8, 228, :>09 ! Western States j 810 j J 09, ODD, 800 j 25, 88 L, 856 ! Total... N e li'atios. 5, 3"5, 22G ! 5,925,381 I 3. 2 j 2.6 7, c44,5:;5 j 9, -181, 3.:4 4.0 2.9 , 4.4 3.4 1.96!). ] 3.8 {'>, 946, 485 2, 705, 274 4.6 9,412,687 -.2,708 I 530, 956, liK) !I."3, ."J32,1M9 j 21.335, J36 !27, 5J7, 666 , 4. 0 j 3. J j March, 188G, t o Sept. ,1886: | New Englaud S t a t e s . . . 563 i165, 352, 3:!0 Middle States 744 j 173, G28, 87.") Southern States 303 ! 45, 414. 000 W e s t e r n States 1,174 I 153, 138,453 Total |2. 784- General average J2,297 ; 2.8 3. 9 4.7 4.0 i 41,581,815 I 5, 338. 0::5 j 6, 736, 479 j 3 2 4.0 i 70, 011, !87 i 7,32^7i"8 | 9,7.-9,135 4.2 i 3.0 3.4 ! 4.0 | 11, (.i07, 8-.'l. | 1, 9'.M, 537 ! 2, 553, 055 3. 5 ! 4.7 8, 834, 050 ! 33,470,925 I 537,563,648 j 157, 064,778 j 21,117,142 J27. 912, 7Li» 485,782,781 I i:.J3~ 517^014~"\ 19, 5S6, 5\5 J23, 317, 949 I I I 3. 9 | 3. 0 ! 4.0 3.7 CXLII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Table, 1>IJ States and reserve cit'icx, of the ration to m^iful. and to capital and surplus, of Ratio of dividends to capit al for six months ending— | States, Territories, and reserve cities. 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 4L 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 01 62 Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Boston Rhodo Island Connecticut is ew York New York City Albany * New Jersey Pennsylvania Philadelphia P b h Pittsburgh Delaware Maryland Baltimore District of Columbia Washington Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia..., Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana New Orleans Texas Arkansas Kentucky Louisville Tennessee Ohio Cincinnati Cleveland Indiana Illinois Chicago Michigan Detroit Wisconsin Milwaukee Iowa . +.. i Minnesota Missouri j Saint Louis j Kansas Nebraska Colorado Nevada California San Francisco Oregon Arizona Dakota Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Washington Wyoming Average _J " 38 i - | CO xn 4.3 4.3 4.2 3.6 3.8 3.9 3.4 3.8 4.2 3.6 3. 7 3.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.4 3.4 3. 5 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.6 4.6 6.1 4.2 4.2 4.7 4.6 4.1 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.9 4.7 3.7 3.8 3.7 4.4 4.5 4.8 4.4 4.7 4.4 3.9 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.0 4.0 2.4 2.4 3.3 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.1 3.8 3.9 3.4 4.0 4.0 4.1 . 3. 3 3.7 3.4 2. 5 I 7. 6 2.5 : 4. 0 i 4. 0 3.5 8. 0 50 4.1 4.1 ! 4.1 4.2 -. 6. 9 3.6 i 5.3 i 3. 9 : 6. 3 3.8 5. 9 i! 4.0 3. 7 3.8 3.6 3.8 ; 3. 7 3.9 3 4 ! 3.9 5. 6 4.9 i 5.4 5.0 4.5 5.8 ! 4.3 4.1 ; 4. 6 10.5 I 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.1 i 4- 1 4. 7 5.9 I 4.6 7. 0 6.9 ! 5.7 9. 6 14.7 I 3.9 5.9 5.6 i 5.3 5.1 3.1 3.7 5.5 4.6 i 4.5 4. 0 3.1 4.9 5. 6 7.0 i 4.9 5.1 4.9 5.1 4.1 4.6 3.5 3.9 3. 5 2.6 : 5.9 8. 3 4.2 . 7.6 13. 8 | 4. 9 4.9 15. G 8.4 '12.0 '• 7 . 2 j 12. 0 10.0 J10. 0 10.0 4. 7 4. 7 5. 2 ! 5.6 4. 0 4.0 j 4.0 ; 4.0 12. 0 18.3 [14.2 ,19.3 '. 5. 0 '. 0 | 6. 0 4. 0 | 3. 3 !1.9 22. 0 15.0 20.0 ! 15.0 10.9 j 7. 5 7. 7 5 3 12.2 j ! 6.0 4. 0 | 4. 6 3. 0 3. 7 9. 5 11.1 1.2 i 6.9 4.4 39 4.1 4.1 2. 9 j 3. 4 4.0 4.1 4.S 6.0 4.4 3.9 4.4 3.7 4.4 ,4.4 ! 3. 7 ! 4. 0 l 2. 6 4.3 4. 5 3. 6 \ 3. 5 3.5 i 2. 5 4.1 III 4.3 CC Ratio of 4. 4 ! 4. 2 i 4.1 Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr. cf.'.Pr. c.t.\Pr. c'.' Pr. ct. Pr. ct.\ Pr. ct. 3.5 4. 1 4.1 4.1 4.3 4. 3 I 4.1 3.0 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.6 1 3.8 3.8 3.2 2.7 3.5 ! 3.4 3.6 3.9 2.8 3.6 3.3 3. 6 3.4 3.4 I 3.3 2.8 2.7 2. 3 2. 5 I 2. 6 2.8 2.7 1 2.8 3. 4 3.3 3.3 3.2 3. 1 3. 1 3. 8 3.6 3.2 3. 6 3. 7 3.7 3. 9 1 4.2 i 3.9 4.7 ! 4.3 6.2 ' 4.2 4.7 i 4.4 4. 0 i 3. 5 4.7 4.6 :!.8 3.7 4.6 4.8 4.4 4.5 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.0 3.4 3.4 5.7 4.0 4.1 3.7 3.9 3.3 4.3 4.0 3.5 3.2 2.5 3.8 3.6 7.4 2.8 4.0 4.0 a.(j 3.6 5.0 5 7 5.8 4.4 3.6 4.1 3. 5 3.8 5.0 4.7 4.0 4.0 3.3 3.2 3.8 4.1 4.1 3.9 5.7 5.0 3.7 4.7 5.9 4.4 4.2 4.2 7. 0 5.3 4.9 6.5 4.9 4.4 5.2 3. 1 4.2 4.1 3.6 3.0 7.4 8.8 5. 9 4.9 7.0 10.0 12. 0 10.0 7.9 3. 5 4.0 4.0 6.0 10.8 3. 3 7.0 8.9 5. 2 1.6 4. 2 3.7 4.5 4.3 6.2 3. 3 4.5 4.4 3.8 3.7 4.6 4. 6 3.8 3.7 4.8 4.9 4.2 4.1 3.8 3.7 4.0 4. 0 3.4 3.4 4.2 4.0 3.9 3.7 4.5 I 3 . 7 4.3 ! 4.3 3.7 i 3.6 3.0 ! 2.3 4.5 4 5.4 4.0 ' 4.0 4. 1 ; 3. 9 : 3.3 4.4 i 3.8 3.6 ! 3.8 3.3 3. 5 3.8 I 3.7 4.3 o. o 4.3 4.9 4.4 4.4 3.7 3.7 4.5 4.4 3.6 3.6 4.4 4.3 4.6 4.3 3.7 3.7 4.0 4.0 3.4 3.2 4.9 3.2 3.9 3.7 4.3 3.8 4.0 7.3 3.8 3.3 1.5 1.4 3.9 4.8 7.3 3.3 4.0 4.0 3.7 3. 5 5. 9 4.4 4.9 4. 9 3.9 3. 3. 77 3.8 3.0 3. 6 3.6 5. 1 8.1 f>. 3 ; 4,4 5.1 3.8 3.7 3.7 3. 7 3.7 3. 1 3 3 3. 3. 55 2.8 2.3 2.8 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.7 4. 6 4.3 4 4.4 4.9 4.9 5.0 5. 2 4.9 4.3 4.6 3.8 4.8 4.5 4.7 4.2 4.6 4.7 4.7 3.7 4.8 4.1 6.1 4.6 ! 6. 5 i 4. 9 8.0 6.4 I 4. 5 I 5. 0 4.6 4.9 ! 3. 9 ; 4. 1 4.3 4.2 i 3. 5 ; 6. 7 4.8 3.9 i 3. 5 i 2. 8 3.8 3.8 i 3.9 j 5.0 5.2 4.9 4.9 5. 3 5.8 5.2 9.6 7.0 7. 7 7.2 • 10.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 j 4.9 i ! 4.5 4. 3 8.9 3. 5 I 4. 0 4.0 4.0 j 5.8 5.6 4.6 3.8 I f- 4. 9 i 14.0 : 4.1 •• 0 8 ! 7. 8 <;. 1 ; 4.7 ; ;$. 9 5. G 3. 1 : 3 . 9 3. !) o. 0 •: 3 . 6 3.7 3. 9 : 4.9 10 0 2.9 8. 1 4.1 4.3 3. 9 S 3. 8 7.5 ; 3.1 4.8 I 4.1 I 7. 1 I 3.3 i I ! ! ! 3.4 3.0 3.2 2.1 3.2 3.6 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.3 3.5 3.1 5.5 5.2 3.2 3.2 4.7 3.8 4.1 3.3 3.6 5.2 5.4 4.6 3.7 4.3 2.9 4.4 4.2 3.7 2.9 6.7 5.5 10.8 JO. 5 4.0 3.6 10.0 3.2 3.2 2.6 3.3 3.2 2.7 2.8 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.2 2.0 3.2 3.4 3.3 3.1 2.7 2.3 3.4 3.1 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.8 9.4 4.5 4.6 5.2 8.7 4.5 2.4 3.7 2.2 5.6 4.3 2.9 2.2 3.4 10.4 5.9 8.4 4.0 3.5 !15. 6 5. 3 3. 4 ! 18.3 ,12.5 S 6.2L. . 5. 0 4. 2 I 3. 2.8 2.7 3. 2 8.3 j 1.0 4. 0 I 3. T9 I 3.4 3. 4 NOTE.—Figures printed in bold-faced type in column REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY CXLIIT the dividends and earnings of national banks, from March 1, i88:2, to September 1, I88(j. dividends to capital and surplus* for six Katio of earnings to capital arch 1,1883. months ending— % Pr. ct. 3.4 3.2 3.1 2.9 2. 3 2.8 3.1 3. 2 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.1 3.3 2.9 3.4 3.6 2.9 3.2 2.0 3.1 3.4 3.3 2.9 3.0 6.8 3.4 7.7 5.0 3.0 4.0 4.9 3.1 2.8 4.6 3.6 3.1 3.5 4.0 4.6 3.8 4.4 3.8 3.4 3.0 4.3 4.4 8.0 2.2 5.3 4.1 8.0 8.0 4.3 3.5 12.0 5.0 2.8 i CC * cS & 02 Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr. ct. 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.4 3.2 3. 2 3.0 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.8 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.9 2. 9 2. 7 2.8 3.1 3.1 1 3.0 2.9 3.5 3.3 j 3.1 3.0 3 . 1 3.2 i 2.9 3.0 2.4 3.5 ' 2.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 , 3.3 3.4 3.1 3.1 2. 7 2.9 3.1 3.1 i 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.9 j 2.7 2.8 3.5 3.4 ; 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.4 ! 3.4 3.2 3 . 1 3. 0 3. 0 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.1 4 . 3 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.2 3.0 3.1 2.8 3. 2 2. 7 3.6 2 . 9 3 . 1 2 . 8 3.0 2.7 2.7 2.4 2.7 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.9 3.2 3. 0 3.9 7. 0 2. 6 5.1 4 . 9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.0 4 . 8 2.7 3.0 2.9 3.7 4 . 3 4.2 3.4 5.0 3. 3 3.2 3.2 3.0 3. 5 3.0 3.2 2.8 3.1 2.7 4.2 4 . 2 4.0 4 . 3 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.1 3.4 3.0 2.9 2. 7 3.5 3.3 3.6 2^0 3.6 3.2 3.1 2.9 4 . 3 4 . 3 3.8 3.7 3.1 2 9 3.6 3.9 4 . 3 4^8 3.6 3.9 3.4 3.9 3.9 4.2 3.7 5.7 4 . 3 3.8 3.4 3. 2 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.0 3.6 3.6 4.2 4 . 3 2.6 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.4 2.9 3.2 2.9 2.4 2.7 4.9 6.2 7.7 3.4 4 . 1 5.0 4.2 4.2 4 . 8 4.8 6.5 6.0 7.9 9.5 7.5 7.5 4.6 6.6 2.7 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 16.5 9.6 5.4 5.3 6.9 6.8 3.3 1.6 2. 4 3.8 4 . 1 16.7 12. 5 26! 4 3.2 8.2 5.6 9.5 5.8 2.6 3.9 2.7 3.3 3.2 9.8 ! '3.~4 6.0 3^5 3.4 1.5 2.9 19.4 2.6 7 Q 3.2 3.0 and H ii-plus for s i x months ending— I ? p. U2 1 u 'i 1 & 00 . 1 i-t au CC CC CC s 0 CC CC ! & c3 E XJ1 111 r\ ci r7l p. CO 0.7 5.1 2.7 3.6 2.9 Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr.ct.'Pr.ct. Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr ct. Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr. ct. Pr. ct. 2.4 2. 3 2.9 3. 3 4 . 1 3.4 1 3. 5 3.2 3.9 8.6 3.5 3.6 3.0 3.1 3.4 3.4 2.9 3.9 3.7 2 3.9 2.9 3.7 3. 0 3.8 3. H 3 2.9 2. 9 3.7 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.3 2. 6 2.0 2.3 3.6 2.9 3.0 2.2 2. 5 2. 5 2.6 2.5 3.7 3.5 2.9 3.5 3.0 4 2.5 2.4 1.4 3.7 2. 5 3.0 r» 2.1 2.1 3 2 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.6 3.3 3. 3 2. 2 2. 5 2.6 3.4 6 2.6 2.5 3.6 3.4 2.7 2.8 2.8 3.6 3.6 3. 7 2.9 3.3 2.7 2 . 1 2.4 3. 2 3.0 7 3.0 8 3.0 2.9 4.1 4.4 4 . 1 4 . 3 3. 5 4.0 2.9 H. 2 4.1 3.6 2 2 2.9 3.0 4.4 4.(5 0 2.8 3.2 4.8 5.2 4 . 1 4.7 4. I 2.4 4. 1 1.0 1.6 2.4-10 2.5 2.4 3.4 2.1 5.1 3. 3 4.0 11 4 7 4.0 3.3 3. 2 4.0 3.3 3.3 3.8 4.0 4.7 4.4 3.8 4. 5 3. 9 3.7 3. 1 3. 6 3.5 12 2.8 2.7 4.4 4. 5 4.5 2.9 2.8 5.2 3.2 3.9 3.8 4.4 ; 4. 1 2.7 3! 4 3.4 3.6 13 4.3 ! 3.9 3. 3 2.6 3. 5 2.6 2.6 3.5 0.3 3.8 3.7 3.7 ' 14 4.0 ! 3.8 5.0 4.4 4.4 3.9 lf» 3. 3 3.2 3.1 4.9 4 . 6 5.1 4. 4 4. 4 3.6 3. 5 4.0 3.6 16 3.5 3.2 4.0 4.2 4.2 4 . 5 3.0 17 2.9 2.9 4.9 3.5 3.9 3.5 3.9 3.9 3.8 2.7 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.9 4.3 3.9 4.5 2.8 3. 6 3.6 3.6 4.0 3.9 '. 18 4.4 3.7 1.5 4.3 3.1 4.5 19 2.6 2.5 3.6 1.9 2. 5 3.8 3.2 20 3.7 2.4 6.7 4 . 3 4 . 5 5.1 6.3 5.2 3.8 4.7 3.6 3.0 3.9 3.1 2.5 3.7 3.4 21 3.1 2.9 4 . 3 4.0 3.9 3. 7 4.2 4.0 3. 7 2.0 3.6 2.9 ! 22 3.4 2. 5 4.7 3.3 3.3 4.9 6. 6 i 6. 7 3.3 3.0 4 . 3 3. 6 i 23 2.8 o'.O 7.3 8.8 5. 0 6.4 2.9 2.5 4.8 4 . 5 4.8 4.8 5. 5 4. 8 3.8 4 . 3 2.4 5.7 24 4.4 j 25 1.4 1.3 2.7 14.7 2.0 11. 6 O.2 6.0 4.6 7.3 5. 2 3. 9 3. 3 4.9 6.0 6.8 4.7 2G 3. 3 3.4 2.3 6.3 2. 7 2.8 6.6 3.0 0.3 5.2 8.5 5.8 : 8.0 5.4 0.2 7.0 8.8 27 0.1 i 5.8 0. 6 6. 3 i 5. 0 4.2 5.4 5.0 3.8 28 3.6 3.6 6.5 5.1 2.0 4.2 3.0 2 . 1 29 5. 4 5. 3 6. 3 2. 6 2.6 6.7 30 4 . 5 3.3 8.8 7.5 11.9 10. 8 12.3 ; 8.5 8.0 4 . 3 6.2 3.9 3. 1 4. 0 8.1 10.1 5. 3 6.5 31 8.4 12.0 5.2 4 . 3 4 . 9 4.1 32 3.0 3.1 3.3 4. 2 i 4. 5 4.5 4. 4 4. 4 4.1 3.0 5.G 2.5 3.1 4.7 33 2.9 2.8 4.0 4. 8 : 4. 0 4.4 3. 6 4.4 3.8 5.8 34 4.2 6.!) 6.4 5. 4 6. 7 5. 5 7. 8 i 5.4 5 3 4.0 5.6 2.0 3.5 35 3". 5 3.5 3.1 3.1 4. 8 4. 5 I 5. 0 4.7 4. 5 3. 4 3.1 2.4 7.7 5.8 4 . 5 3.5 3.5 36 3. 7 2.9 3. 2 3.4 3.6 2.2 4.0 3.7 2.8 2.7 6.3 8.0 5.8 4.3 3.2 37 5.0 \ 2.4 3.8 38 3.4 3.4 4.7 4.8 4.6 4.7 4.2 ; 3.4 3. 3 3.7 5.9 3.8 ;;. 9 6.6 5.8 5.9 5.X 4.7 i 39 5.1 ; 5.2 5.0 4.4 5.0 5.1 ! 40 6.1 5.7 1.6 5. 2 5.9 3.7 'i J 10. 2 8.3 10.8 7.8 5.2 | 41 3.9 3! 5 6.2 6.0 6.0 6.2 6.3 ! 4.0 4.3 4 . 1 4.6 4.8 42 4.2 3. 3 4.2 8. 3 0. 7 7.4 6.7 ! 5.6 5.0 4.0 8.6 (S.5 5.0 4.8 4 . 7 5.6 5.0 ; 43 4 . 8 3. 6 0.0 5.4 ! 5.7 6. 2 6.6 ' 44 5. 2 4. 2 0.4 18.5 9.5 8.9 6.0 : 5.6 1.3 5.4 7.4 5.9 5.1 4.9 4.7 4.7 4.3 i 45 3.7 4.0 6.6 5. 5 6.6 6.0 3.7 3.6 4.2 5.1 ' 0.9 5.7 7.9 4 . 3 4 . 6 4.0 4.9 4.3 4« 5. 5 6.6 5. 5 5.5 6.4 5.0 4.8 ! 47 4.0 3. 3 6.6 4.5 2.9 2. 9 4.6 4. 8 0. 9 5. 7 5.0 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 4.7 48 7.7 i 49 4 . 5 4.2 9.3 7.2 8.6 8.5 10.7 0.2 7.5 8.1 7.6 3 1 I 50 5. 0 4 . 3 12.1 12. 4 8. 9 8.0 11.3 7.3 7. 5 7.2 6.8 0.8 8.1 10.9 12.2 18.9 8.7 6.7 6. 3 i 51 5.3 5.3 5.1 15.4 8.6 8.0 9.2 ! 52 7.5 6.1 16.0 12.4 12.9 11. 2 12.4 12. 6 Kb 7.7 6.1 7.6 6.5 6.5 6.3 i 53 7.1 3.9 8.9 6.1 6.7 6.8 3.4 3.0 4 . 3 4.4 4.8 5.2 4.6 3.5 2.1 3.3 3.5 3.1 I 54 4.2 3.5 14. 5 20.9 14.4 24.6 19.5 16.6 0.8 11.7 11.5 7.1 i 55 56 55 7 7 90 1 8 1 4 4.0 4.2 5.1 4. 8 ! 57 7.6 3.3 4.0 2.6 10.0 8.7 11.2 9.5 9.2 5.8 58 R 4 12.7 ,17.0 12.0 22. 7 lo! 4 10.9 6.0 7.0 1.4 2.5 1.9 27.6 LI. 2 ••W.'.i 10. 1 0.8 9.2 7.7 5. 2 6.4 4.8 59 5.5 60 4.5 6.5 3.9 9.1 8.6 8.6 8. 6 7.7 7.2 2.6 5.7 7.2 8.8 61 3.8 3.1 3.0 4.4 7.4 5. 9 7.8 0.1 6.5 7.0 3.5 5.7 8. 8 8.4 8.5 6.1 7.1 62 3.8 6.2 12.5 10.1 3.5 16.9 16.5 11.1 6.2 63 3.2 6.3 2.8 16.1 4.2 8.8 8.3 11.4 7.9 7.5 8.6 7.6 3.0 3.0 13.0 Pr. ct. 3.5 3.1 2.7 2.6 2.2 2.7 2.8 3.0 2.9 2.0 3.4 2.8 3.0 2.7 3.6 3.1 2.9 3.2 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.0 3.8 2.8 3.7 2.8 2.5 3.0 3.2 2.9 3.7 3.0 2.9 2.5 3. 6 3.7 3.5 3.8 4.3 3. 3 3. 2 4.1 3.5 7.4 2.2 4.8 4.5 4.7 6.0 3.5 3.5 5.1 3.1 3.0 for 1884 and 1886 signify percentage of loss. 4.6 4. 3 | 4. 2 4.3 4.3 3.7 3.2 3.3 4.0 4.0 CXJLIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. State of the lawful money reserve of the national banks as STATES AND No. of banks. !N~et deposits. Dates. Reserve required. ~ Oct. Dec. Mar. May Juno Oct. Dec. Mar. May July Oct. Dec. Mar. May June Oct. Dec. Mar. Apr. Juno Sept. Doc. Mar. May July Oc£ Dec. Mar. Juuo Aug. Oct. 1,859 1,803 1,800 1,808 1,880 1,895 1,026 1,945 11981 1,996 2, 026 2, (165 2,097 2,128 2,169 2,253 2, 280 2,314 2,340 2, 376 2,417 2, 417 2, 425 2,432 2,442 2, 467 2, 485 2, 518 2, 552 2, 589 2,590 1880., 1880.. 1881., 1881. 1881., 1881 . 1881.. 1882.. 1882., 1882., 1882.. 1882.. 1883. 1883., 1883.. 1883. 1884 1884 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 1885 1885 1885 1886... 1886 1886 1886...... $410,522,448 439, 354, 304 447, 410, 923 4G0, 478,406 484, 089, 521 507,247,143 j 518.701,905 515,198,159 I 519,247.650 | 527, 588, 049 I 545 842,600 554, 245, 520 550, 895, 283 556, 309, 404 500, 731, 879 577, t80, 812 579,512,711 573.619,524 575, 995, 025 544,000,331 535, 807,406 520,283,576 j 537,013,418 I 540,281,214 i 552, 190, 593 ! 570,838,327 j 580,879,155 i 598,051,483 ' 611,733.799 623, 886, 736 637, 564,136 $61,598,298 : 65, 922, !M3 i 67,131, 002 , 69,091,733 { 72, 033 32!) ! 70, 196.945 ' 77, 809, 257 77, 283, (J?0 77,831, 110 79. 142,1 G!) 81.880,301 83.140, :i!!0 82, 037, 104 83, 449, 5M 84,112, 6X3 86, 685, (j«Srt 86, 930, 75:J 86, 040, 715 86, 399, 253 81, 099, 040 80,371,110 78, 042, ,>'»(; 80, 642, 01 lJ 81, 042, IS.! 82. 829, 4!-9 85, 025, 749 87. 131,87;', 89, 407,72'2 91,700,009 93, 583, 010 95, 634, 620 RESEUVE 1 ? 3 4 r>6 7 8 9 10 11 Ifl 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 "0 21 22 *>% 24 ?5 ?f> ?7 28 29 30 31 Oct. Dec. Mar. May June Oct. Dec. Mar. May July Oct. Dec. Mar. May June Oct. Dec. Mar. Apr. June Sept. Dec. Mar. May July Oct. Dec. Mar. Juno Aug. Oct. 1,1880 31 1880 11,1881 6 1881 30, 1881 1 1881 31,1881 11,188> . 19,1882 1,1882 3,1882 30,1882 13 1883 1,1883 22,1883 2,1883 31,1883 7,1884 24,1884 20,1884 30,1884 20 18S4 10,1885 6,1885 1,1885 1,1885 24,1885 1,1886 3,1880 27,1880 7,1880 231 r 9 {9 . . . . . .. . . . . . 234 234 235 237 238 242 242 243 243 243 240 247 248 248 249 249 249 249 247 247 246 246 247 247 247 250 257 200 202 557, 508, 975 544,501,717 530,112, 658 588,714.401 655,815,006 604, 438, 599 577, 163,351 564,058 531 590, 883, 075 004,391,617 572, 791, 257 565, 948, 445 559,431,070 568, 207, 540 611. 2'9,17L 590, 785, 930 612,021,433 642, 082, 644 620,221,832 534, 629, 056 502,888,105 588, 299, 710 620, G10, 97 L 644, 259, 607 669, 199,214 677, 333, 000 600 072, 097 701,570, 125 683, 992, 858 656, 759, 355 604, 245,121 139,377,244 136,12"), 429 ' 134,028, Ki5 147,178,000 : 103,953,700 151,109,650 144, 290, 838 141,014,032 i 147, 720, 769 15i.097.911 143.107,814 141,487,111 139.857,708 142, 000, 886 152,814.793 147,090,483 153,155,359 100, G70, 000 155. 055, 456 133, 637, 263 140, 722, 020 147, 074, 927 156, 654, 242 101,004,902 107, 299, 805 109, 3^3, 265 166, 668, 024 175, 394, 031 170, 998, 214 164,189,838 1G6, 061,280 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXLV •shown bi/ their reports from October 1, lb80, to October 7, 18H0. TERRITORIES. Classification of reserve held. Reserve held. Amount. Ratio ! to liabili-; ties. i I Per $147,105,244 155,406,393 | 150,919,415 [ 155, 258, 642 170, 055, 750 158. 299, 042 159,000,717 I 150,725,091 ! 154, 776. 359 i 151, 903, 107 150,351,513 158, 832, 406 155,131, J67 148,836,606 157, 728. 089 157, 493, 584 167,741,690 167,008,072 162, 466, 064 145, 997, 562 156, 304, 733 161, 864, 287 175, 030, 558 171,011,833 170, 245, 483 177, 470, 804 7181, 357, 249 181,591,775 181, 552, 648 188, 847, 786 186,191,889 Specie. Legal tenders. Due Redenipi United States eertificates of from reserve tioii fund with ! Treasi rer. deposit. agents. I cent 35. 8 $21,145,738 $27, 613, 370 25,108,888 : 29, 063, 892 35.4 26,660,882 :| 26,783,131 33.7 27,842,501 28,672,789 ; 33.7 27,635,215 i 27,416,230 I 35.1 27,509,821 i 26,473,002 31.2 30,283,767 28, 905, 001 30.7 29,161,734 I 26, 897, 694 29.3 30,036,477 i 28, 160,627 29.8 28.8 I 30, 089, 064 ! 26, 857, 620 27.5 I 30,024,289 i 28, 318, 646 31,095,496 31,038,111 2 8 . 7 '• 30,072,360 ; 28,871,031 28.2 26.7 31, 414,155 i 30, 367, 252 28.1 : 31,055,220 • 29,053,116 31,253,194 ! 30, 245, 600 27.2 28.6 ' 33,178, 829 i 32, 695, 299 33,471,053 !: 29, 859, 218 29.1 30, 944, 464 28.2 : 36,352,684 36, 407, 051 31,448,254 j 26.8 35, 238,175 ; 30, 392, 840 29.2 34,587,231 29,943,391 ' 31.1 38, 852, 692 30,134,197 i 32.6 40,736,669 ; 29,508,036 ! 31.6 27,473,329 ! 30.8 i 40, 065, 640 41, 467. 335 ; 29,375,936 : 31.1 28,898,910 ! 31.2 . 42,195, 802 45,138,994 i 27,257,991 30.4 49,082,209 : 29, 256,191 29.6 28,214,619 47,370,313 30.2 47,824,967 : 29. 672, 277 29.2 $640,000 i $86. 371, 229 630, 000 : 89i 258, 930 585,000 j 86, 06'), 705 585,000 I 87,109,924 575,000 j 103, 297,184 620,000 92, 335, 036 595, 000 | 87, 745, 656 610,000 82, 599, 924 535, 000 84, 721, 969 620, 000 83, 221, 970 610, 000 80, 064, 196 635, 000 84, 783, 917 565, 000 84, 431, 394 585, 000 75, 210, 795 575, 000 85, 825, 601 585, 000 84,119, 738 610,000 88,057,473 I 595, 000 92,267,704 I 550, 000 83,664,761 i 575, 000 66, 843, 814! I 500, 000 79,652, 119 565, 000 86, 489,195 ! 665, 000 95,289,830 635, 000 89, 991, 054 635, 000 92, 068, 593 500, 000 95, 954, 541 530, 000 99, 687, 965 475,000 ! 98,901,439 465,000 j 93, 459. 713 460,000 103,642^532 460,000 j 99, 493, 068 $11, 334, 907 11,344, 683 10, 829, 697 11,048, 428 11,132, 121 11,361, 183 11,531, 293 ] 1, 455, 739 11,322, 286 11, 119, 453 11,334, 382 11,279, 8S2 11,191, 382 11,253, 404 11,219, 153 11,290, 052 11, 200, 089 10,815, 097 10,954, 155 10, 723, 443 10,521, 599 10, 279, 470 10, 088, 839 10,141, 074 10, 002, 921 10,172, 992 10, 044, 572 9, 818, 351 9, 289, 535 9, 160, 322 8, 741, 577 ; I ! 2 [ 3 ; 12 13 14 15 1(> 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CITIES. 175, 852, 502 157, 721, 336 147, 308, 032 180, 221, 803 197, 889, 047 163, 348, 053 161,410,332 157, 802, 939 172, 827,165 167, 963, 478 153, 557, 856 162, 387, 772 .148, 700, 922 156,419,122 184, 362, 295 171, 448, 008 182, 221, 554 198, 511, 843 179, 371, 793 160, 231, 029 189, 850, 706 208, 349,105 235,974, 313 247,455, 612 256,223,121 237, 894, 989 215, 991, 777 225, 227, 964 212, 639, 672 187, 891, 591 190,985,722 31.5 29.0 27.5 30.6 30. 2 27.0 28.0 28.0 29.2 27.8 26.8 28.7 26.6 27.5 30.2 29.0 29.7 30.9 28.9 30.0 33.7 35.4 37.7 38.4 38.3 35.1 32.4 32.1 31.0 28.6 28.7 H. Ex. 87, 035, 651 80, 609, 813 77, 490, 354 93,525,721 100,058,123 85,162,735 82, 253, 632 79, 620, 297 81,177, 310 80,751,158 72, 883, 489 75, 331, 663 67, 890, 006 72,193,111 84, 299,176 76, 564, 789 81, 097, 329 88, 609, 073 78, 392, 023 73, 254, 631 93,371,299 105,159, 848 128, 263,181 136, 678,750 137, 546, 852 133, 405, 237 123,158, 550 126,476, 925 108,377,660 101,630,179 108, 562,730 29, 023, 558 30,150,982 25,371,178 33, 842,177 31,308,173 26, 677, 602 31,188,493 29, 725, 298 37, 797, 247 37,153,139 34,994,871 37, 440, 310 31, 977, 037 37, 889, 216 44, 779, 342 40, 437, 397 47, 864,497 45, 987, 877 46, 768,164 45, 468, 958 46,651,819 46,426,164 40,883,125 47, 828, 963 52, 228, 023 40, 362,183 38, 686, 556 39, 756, 895 50,400,597 35, 825,132 33,140,045 7, 015, 000 5, 520, 000 5, 525, 000 7, 460, 000 8, 965. 000 6,120, 000 7, 335, 000 8, 835, 000 9, 850, 000 10,425, 000 8, 035, 000 7, 840, 000 7, 840, 000 7, 835, 000 10, 070, 000 9, 375, 000 10, 230, 000 13,450, 000 11,440, 000 9, 295, 000 13, 700, 000 18,475, 000 22,095,000 18, 500, 000 22, 285,000 18, 300, 000 11, 235,000 11, 955, 000 11, 385,000 7, 655, 000 5, 395, 000 48, 191, 549 36, 896, 084 34, 759, 986 40, 862, 229 52, 961, 453 40, 633,147 35, 784, 810 34, 852, 796 39, 467, 976 35, 233, 042 33, 213, 032 37, 282,190 36, 592, 761 34, 090, 027 40, 821, 353 40, 798, 990 38, 942,133 46, 437,308 38, 827,197 28, 403, 338 32, 340, 900 34, 672, 781 41,172, 443 40, 912, 049 40, 661, 809 42, 402, 609 39,551,479 43, 904, 247 39, 567,423 40, 072, 089 41,271, 509 4, 586, 834 4, 544, 457 4,161,514 4,531,676 4, 596, 298 4, 754, 569 4, 848, 397 4, 769, 548 4, 534, 632 4,461,139 4,481,464 4,493, 609 4,407,118 4,411,768 4, 392, 424 4, 271, 832 4,087, 595 4, 027, 585 3,944, 410 3,809, 102 3,786,688 3,615,312 3, 560, 564 3, 535, 850 3, 501, 437 3,424, 960 3, 360,192 3.134, 897 2,908,991 2, 708, 591 2, 616, 438 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2-) 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CXLVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Lawful money reserve of the national banks, as shoivn by the report* Cities, States, and Territories. Boston Albany Philadelphia... Pittsburgh Baltimore Washington..., New Orleans .. Louisville Cincinnati Cleveland Chicago Detroit Milwaukee Saint Louis . - San Francisco. Total 16 New "£ork City . Total . Maine New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland District of Columbia . Virginia West Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Texas Arkansas Kentucky Tennessee Ohio Indiana Illinois Michigan Wisconsin Iowa Minnesota Missouri Kansas , Nebraska , Colorado Nevada California Oregon Dakota Idaho Montana , New Mexico Utah Washington , Wyoming No. of banks. Deposits. Reserve required (25 per cent.). j Ratio of reserve. 13 9 15 7 3 5 2 $92, 031, 035 9, 674, 996 81, 312, 217 23, 598, 938 19, 635, 793 6,132,702 9, 844, 254 7, 275, 224 26, 552, 655 12, 689, 550 62, 860, 827 10, 591, 602 6, 556, 472 10, 359, 416 2, 389,188 $23, 007, 759 2.418, 749 20, 328, 054 5, 899, 734 4, 908, 948 1, 533,176 2, 461. 063 1,818; 806 6,638,164 3,159, 889 15, 715, 207 2, 647, 900 1,639,118 2, 589, 854 597, 298 $25, 024,116 2, 867,103 24, 252, 530 6, 735, 072 5, 768, 656 2, 473, 693 3,180, 800 1, 750, 049 7, 845, 919 3,391,383 20, 319, 916 3, 176, 521 2, 290, 985 3, 627,163 1, 247, 851 217 45 381,454, 875 282, 790, 246 95, 363, 719 70, 697, 561 113, 951, 757 77, 033, 965 262 664,245,121 I 166,061,280 190, 985, 722 71 49 49 196 61 84 267 74 231 16 28 1 24 20 17 16 17 9 12 7 1 74 6 59 33 187 92 153 101 47 128 53 39 10, 374, 857 6,506, 973 6,104, 288 56, 457, 350 15,303,062 I 27, 226,199 87,439, 883 37, 364, 507 67,399,263 I 4,294,076 5, 776, 340 769, 596 10, 091, 751 2, 571,129 3, 590, 588 3, 712, 352 4,016,768 1,450,908 3,197, 274 1,027,111 110,808 11,354,764 1, 952,247 9,287,434 10,433, 680 37,818, 356 23,992,330 30,001,711 20,362, 246 10,746,031 18,435, 650 24,448, 973 11,389,017 11,964,716 16, 279, 866 13,260, 770 242,764 8, 692, 482 4,281,249 3, 947, 217 389, 234 6,548,478 1, 464, 039 1,765,917 1, 977,743 1,742,139 1, 556,229 976, 045 915, 644 8,468, 603 2,295,459 4, 083, 929 13,115, 983 5, 6()4, 677 10,109,889 644 112 866,451 115,439 1, 513, 7(53 385, 669 538, 589 556, 852 602,516 21T, 636 479, 592 154,067 16,621 1,703 215 292, 837 1,393,116 1,565, 052 5,672, 754 3,598,849 4,500,257 3, 054,336 1,611,905 2, 765, 347 3, 667, 346 1,708,353 1,794,708 2,441, 979 1, 989,115 36, 415 1, 303, 872 642,187 592, 083 58,385 982,272 219, 605 264,887 296. 061 261,320 637, 564,136 j 95, 634, 620 Total. 2,590 United States. 2,852 1,301,809,257 I 261,695,900 Reserve held. 28.75 3,148, 541 2, 067,756 1, 742, 982 16, 437, 354 3, 810,455 8, 555, 353 24, 040, 953 10, 536, 823 20, 258, 313 1,530,331 1, 824,196 366, 325 2, 509, 713 895, 291 888,297 1, 035, 263 882,666 362,334 760, 920 232, 884 38,594 3, 945, 508 475, 239 2,718,617 2, 257, 370 12, 342, 619 8,883,167 10, 207, 072 5,422,695 3,035,857 5,435, 383 5,764, 566 3,502,791 3,457,989 3,771,138 4,330, 585 82, 680 2, 482, 802 1, 000, 843 1,132, 408 118,028 1,742,223 418, 582 584, 311 «")8, 709 495, 363 186,191, 889 377,177,611 29. 20 j REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXLVLf of their condition at the close of business on October 7, 1886. Cash reserve. Required. Classification of reserve held. Held. tentfeis tentleis. $11,120,191 I $12, 552, 718 1,182, 276 | 1,371,709 10,029,325 I 16,326, 379 2,793,687 I 4,499,775 2,343,462 | 3,894,103 754,213 i 1,528, 550 1,192,419 2, 412,103 912,164 882, 540 4, 855, 241 3,208,472 2,164,497 1, 561,245 7,833, 224 13,522,180 1,311,575 j 1,839,672 807,859 I 1,197, 966 1, 276, 704 2, 222, 790 1,189, 288 285,148 $9,113,175 1,001,689 11, 651,638 2,388,018 j 2, 664,] 62 612,799 927,131 450,1)74 1,172,962 ! 1,132,297 i 9,316,506 i 1,109,120 i 646,680 ! 1,093,027 j 1,175,930 United States' certificates is ' of deposit. ! $2,929,543 170,020 3, 639, 741 2,111,757 964,941 715,751 1,484,972 461,190 2,142,279 1,017,200 ; 4,005,674 I 730,552 551,286 1,099,7(33 I 13,358 I 46, 582,340 70,272,236 70,489,135 76, 608,640 44,456,108 I 22,038,027 64,106,622 j 11,102, 018 I 116,854,576 147,097,775 108,562,730 j 33,140,045 j 1,259,416 827,102 697,192 6,574,941 1, 524,183 3,422,141 9,616,382 4,214,729 8,103,325 612,132 729,678 146, 540 1, 003, 885 358,117 355,319 414,105 353, 066 144, 932 304,368 93,153 15,437 1,578,203 190, 095 1 087,447 902, 948 4, 937,047 3,553, 266 4,082,828 2,169,078 214,342 2,174,153 2,305,827 1,325,121 1,383,195 1,508,455 1,732, 234 33, 072 993,120 400, 337 452, 963 47, 212 167, 43i 233, 724 263,483 198,145 856,249 482,333 533,123 4, 636,221 1,138,011 2,689, 554 8,695,940 3,825,144 7, 671,257 490, 944 722,330 244,187 1,478,182 469, 800 530,127 601, 731 766, 239 205, 574 473,622 180,439 32, 639 2, 318,409 269, 512 955, 724 1, 231,165 5, 755.151 4, 324, 652 4,195, 025 2,406,153 1, 293, 643 2,486,139 2,854, 510 1, 638,468 2, 065,107 1, 873,041 1, 798,078 62,196 1, 570, 574 673, 365 658, 786 99, 241 1,182,740 257, 099 411, 524 400, 657 350, 562 684, 771 353, 374 370,714 3, 065, 775 643, 397 1, 802, 547 5,523,517 2, 085,368 4, 970, 200 301, 993 391,885 154,487 738,687 262, 982 255,497 299,309 454, 627 79, 848 282,367 111, 795 27, 249 1, 008, 310 170, 772 550, 958 621, 576 2, 932, 417 2, 580, 771 2,551, 808 1, 620, 403 890, 480 1,494, 870 1, 623, 319 1, 065, 383 1, 250, 069 1,154, 287 1, 014, 563 61, 245 1,374, 367 631,149 317, 258 60, 089 777,158 161,038 375,188 381, 633 295, 467 171,478 I 128, 950 162,409 1,400,446 494, 614 882, 007 2,927,423 1,729, 776 2,691, 057 178, 951 330,445 89,700 739,495 206, 818 274,630 302,422 311,612 | 125,726 I 191,255 68, 644 5,390 1,31D, 099 98, 740 404, 706 609,589 2, 822, 734 1,743, 881 1,633,217 785, 750 403,163 991, 269 1, 231,191 675,162 815,038 718, 754 783, 515 951 196, 207 42, 216 341, 528 39,152 405, 582 96, 061 36, 336 19, 024 55, 095 29, 672, 277 j 74,400,760 77, 855,167 47,824, 907 191,255,336 224, 952, 942 156, 387, 697 62, 812, 322 agents. $510,000 $11,704,021 200,000 1,441,197 1,035, 000 7, 656, 746 1,922,938 265,000 1, 652, 528 200,000 920, 393 602, 472 784,158 1,540,000 2, 769. 458 15,000 1,197, 411 200,000 6, 748, 978 1, 312, 099 1,069,619 1, 367, 928 30,000 31,563 3,995,000 1,400,000 41, 271, 509 5,395,000 | 41,271,509 170, 000 5,000 245,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 460, 000 5,855,000 Redemption fund with Treasnrer< $767,377 54,197 269,405 312, 359 222, 025 24,750 76,225 53,72T 221,220 29,475 48, 758 24,750 23,400 13 36, 445 27, 000 2,191,113 425, 325 16 2,616,438 ! 1, 954,120 1,378,460 984, 973 10, 278, 045 2,212,377 5,187, 879 14,269,395 6, 355, 774 11,623, 951 967.1Q0 1, 017, 0 & 110, 888 936, 781 382, 319 316, 208 389,446 67, 912 148,197 249, 974 43, 7(58 3,705 1,541,181 191,835 1,561,335 961,412 6, 044, 397 4,267,392 5, 755,447 2, 854, 238 1, 672, 746 2, 779, 299 2, 821, 769 1, 695,176 1,306, 693 1,819,129 2,486, 633 19, 359 866, 304 300,435 436, 111 14,059 539, 584 148,787 154,787 239, 941 136, 701 338,172 206, 903 224, 886 1, 523, 088 460, 067 677, 920 1,075,618 355, 905 963,105 72, 287 84,820 11,250 94, 750 43,172 41, 96:> 44,086 48, 515 8,563 37, 324 8,677 2,250 85, 918 13, 892 201, 558 64, 793 543, 071 291,123 256, 600 162, 304 69,468 169,945 88, 287 67, 070 86,169 78,9ti8 45, 874 1,125 45,92* 27, 04.3 37, 511 4, 728 19, 899 12, 696 18, 000 18, 111 8,100 99,493, 068 8,741, 577 140,764,577 | 15,358,015 CXLVIII EEPORTOF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Average weekly deposit*, circulation, anrl reserve of the national banks of 2ft>w York City,a* reported to the New York Clearing-House, for tin; months given, iu the ucars ]H80, 1881, 1882, 188;.$, 1884, 188-'), 188(5. Liabilities. "Week ending— Circulation. Net deposits. Reserve. Total. Specie. Total. i Ratio to liabilities. : Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Per cent. 25. 71 25. 31 25. 36 25.11 25. 37 25. 42 25.46 'J4. 92 24. 98 4,1880 11,1880 18,1880 25,1H80 2,3880 9.1880 16,1880 23.1880 30, 1880 519, 324, 200 $207,791,300 $287 ] 15, 500 $61, 269, 200 19, 335, 500 267, 792, 600 287 128,100 60,716,000 19,326,400 2«8, 244, 300 287, 570, 700 61,522,200 18,804,400 204, 358, 200 2F3, 222, 600 60, 026, 600 18,618,600 263, 755, 000 282, 373, 600 : 59,823,700 18.555,600 269, 993, 400 288, 549, 000 ; 62,521,300 17,611,000 • 271, 907, 700 289, 518, 700 : 62,760,600 18,682,500 i 269, 708, 600 288, 391,100 60, 888, 200 18,628,400 271, 230, 700 289,859,100 61,471,600 3.1881 10,1881 17,1881 24,1881 1,1881 8,1881 15.1881 22,1881 29,1881 19,669,400 ! 10,764,500 i 19,768,100 19,747,500 i 19,841,400 i 19,849,400 ! 19,878,400 ' 19,901,400 | 19,930,400 ! 297, 911,100 296, 776, 200 299,173, 000 297, 016,100 290, 568, 800 282, 931, 000 274, 103,100 270, 200, 400 271 ; 410, 700 57, 816,100 59,991,600 61.2-J4,100 60,476, 000 54, 954, 600 53, 287, 900 51, 008, 300 54, 016, 200 55, 961, 200 13, 226, 600 12,591,300 11, 979, Ut > 12, 451, 300 12,150,400 12,153,800 ! 12,452, 700 12,496, 500 12, 947, 900 71, 042, 700 72, 582, 900 ! 73, 203, 100 72, 927, 300 67,105, 000 65, 441, 7U0 63, 461, 000 66, 512, 700 68, 909,100 23.85 24.46 24.47 24.55 23. 09 23.13 23.15 24.61 25.61 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 2.1882 9,1882 16.1882 23,1882 30,1882 7.1882 14,1882 21,1882 28.1882 18,278,400 271,999,400 j 290, 277, 800 18,307,000 ' 265,506,900 ' 283, 873, 900 18,357,500 2G3, 736, 700 2*2,094,200 18,623,700 260, ^05. 800 278, 829, 500 1H, 7o8,100 251, 858, 100 i 270,644, 200 18,894,800 : 249,136,800 i 268,031,600 18,732,000 268, 361, 700 249,629,700 18,749,400 247,974,400 ! 266, 723, 800 18, 764, 500 , 247,575,400 206, 339, 900 49, 775,400 47,148, 500 48,571,500 47,114, 000 44, 925, 500 47,016,000 48, 281, 000 49, 518, 200 48, 374, 200 19, 953,100 19,448,800 18,691,500 17, 993, 700 18, 389, 000 18,381,500 18,002,700 17, 023, 900 17, 204, 700 69, 728, 500 66, 597,300 67,263.000 65,107,700 63, 314, 500 65, 400, 500 66, 283, 700 66,542,100 65, 578, 900 24.02 23.46 23.84 23.35 1.1883 8,1883 15.1883 22,1883 29,1883 6.1883 13,1883 20,1883 27.1883 15,622,600 ' 15,527,000 , 15,519,700 15, 394, GOG : 15,184,800 : 15,069, ioo ; 15,164,200 : 15,252,900 : 15,336,200 . 53,529,000 i 21, 729, 000 75, 258, 000 52,601,400 j 21, 074, 500 73, 675, 900 ,1' 060,100 53,397,400 , 20, 662, 700 I 74, 49,360,600 j 22,443, 300 71,803,900 50, 067, 900 20, 566, 800 70, G34, 700 51,586,700 I20,122, 500 71, 709, 200 50,894,000 ; 21,145, 800 72, 039, 800 47,262,900 | 20, 719, 700 67, 982, 600 46,372,800 20, 617, 600 60, 990, 400 26. 35 25.91 25. 73 25. 01 24. 90 25. 51 25. 36 24. 47 24.46 6.1884 13.1884 20,1884 27,1884 4.1884 11,1884 18,1884 25.1884 14, 221,000 14,132, 300 14,081,400 ! 14, 083, 300 | 13, 578. 400 12, 884, 700 12, 752, 700 12,910,900 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 5.1885 12,1885 19.1885 26,1885 3.1885 10,1885 17,1885 24, 1885 31.1885 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. 4,188(3 11,1880 18,1886 2.1,1880 2,1880 9.1886 16,1886 23.1886 30; 1886 6,1886 13,1886 Oct. Oct. Oct. 278, 241, 700 277, 011, 700 279, 404, 900 277, 268, 600 270, 727, 400 263,081,600 254, 224, 700 250, 299, 000 251,480,300 j 269,961,900 | 285, 584, 500 2G8, 805, 500 ! 284, 332, 500 272,325,100 | 287, 844, 800 271,728,200 ; 287,122, 800 208.496,600 ! 283, 681, 400 205, 592, 500 280, 661, 600 268, 942, 000 284,106, 200 262, 535, 700 277, 888, 600 258, 589, 600 273,925, 800 251, 527, 200 251,654,700 254,141,200 252, 765, 500 256, 696, 800 261,801,600 261,527,700 ; 261,405,400 •• $12, 545, 900 $73,815,100 , 11,952,000 i 72,668,000 I 11,407,100 ! 72,929,300 11, 090, 500 71, 116,100 I 11, 129,100 I 70,952,800 i 10, 785, 000 i 73, 306, 300 | 10,939,200 73, 699, 800 10, 988, 200 71,876,400 ' 10,925.000 i 72,396,600 ' I 265, 748, 200 64,899, 900 25, 060, 800 89,960,700 265,787, 000 64, 288, 200 25,191, 800 89,480,000 ! 268, 222, 600 65,409, 500 25, 268, 000 90,677,500 ! 266, 848, 800 64, 302, 0D0 25, 375, 700 89,677,700 270,275, 200 , 67,470, GOO 25, 817, 300 93, 287, 900 274, 686, 300 i 68,922,500 27,654,100 : 96,576,600 274,280, 400 : 67,579,400 27,875,500 95,454,900 274, 316, 300 ; 67,638,000 27,354,200 ; 94,992,200 I 9, 704, 700 321,859,000 ' 331, 563, 700 102, 921,100 28, 701, 900 131,623, 000 9, 753, 300 3*>0, 910. 000 I 330, 663, 300 100,255,300 28, 842, 300 129, 097, 600 9, 735, 800 319, 0G0, 800 328, 796, 600' 97,333,200 27, 602, 800 124, 996, 000 9, 808, 000 316,767,000 ! 326, 575, 000 ; 95,037,900 26, 014, 800 121,052,000 9, 9u2, 900 315,002,600 : 324, 905, 500 92, 351. 600 24, 516, 600 116,868,200 9,921,200 315,596,200 325,517,400 ' 93, 042^500 23, 002,000 116, 644, 500 9, 954, 000 317,296,700 327, 250, 700 91, 945, 300 22, 221,100 114,166,400 10,006,000 313,767,200 323, 773, 200 87, 309,100 21, 059, 800 108, 368, 900 9, 989, 800 313,309.700 323, 389, 500 84, 954, 600 21, 874, 900 106, 829, 500 I | 8, 059, 200 283, TU50, 700 291,425,900 01,371,600 I 19,071,400 : 80,443,000 8, 058, 00') 2Si\417, 800 290, 475, 800 ! 63,403,700 ' 16,929,30') i 80,333,000 8,104,800 2,S1. 460. 500 289,571,300 i (13,823,900 j 15, 876, 700 79,700, 600 8,136, 100 283, 170,900 291,307,000 66,714,600 15, 252, 200 81, 9G6, 800 8,161,800 282, 2O.\ 800 290. 457, 600 64,111,700 ; 14, 607, 700 78, 719, 400 8,110,700 281, 170,758 289,281,458 65, 090, 900 13,069,500 78,160,400 8,215,000 295,713,900 303, 929, 800 65,028,600 i 13,133,100 78,161,700 8, 246, 400 283, 603, 500 291, 931), 900 65,668,400 ' 12, 803, 800 78, 472, 200 8, 234, 900 284, 52*], 500 292.757, 400 66,188,100 13,177, 200 79, 365, 300 8,170, 600 284, 094, 800 292,265,400 66,163, 200 12, 603, 400 78, 766, 600 8,113, 500 294, 260, 200 67,923,200 I 13, 843, 400 81, 766, 600 286,146,700 23. 25 24.03 24.70 24.97 24. 77 33. 85 ;J;J. 67 33.81 33. 61 34. 52 35.16 34. 80 34. 63 39.70 39.04 38.01 37. 07 35.97 35. 83 34.89 33.47 33.03 27.60 27.66 27.52 28.14 27.10 27.02 25.72 26.88 27.11 26.95 27.79 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXLIX Clearings and "balances of the banks of New York City for the weeks ending at the dates given. Week ending— Sept. 3,1881 Sent. 10,1881 Sept, 17,1881 Sept, •24,1881 1,1881 Oct. 8,1881.Oct. Oct. 15,1881.. Oct. 22,1881.. Oct. 29,1831.. Nov. 5,1881.. Nov. 12,1881.. Nov. 19,1881.. Nov. 26,1881.. Clearings. Balances. $857,413,263 85 639,907, 979 97 | ! 925,116,460 37 773,401,695 57 758,155,052 10 1,154,052,466 33 975,722,717 38 953, 850,125 23 881,124, 243 74 1, 021, 882,159 85 796, 664, 256 97 892, 319, 707 29 892,475, 503 06 Sept. 2,1882.. Sept. 9,1882.. Sept. 16,1882.. Sept, 23,1882.. Sept. 30,1832. Oct. 7,1882., Oct. 14,1882. Oct. 21,1882. Oct. 28,1882. Nov. 4,1882. Nov. 11,1882. Nov. 18,1882.. Nov. 25,1882. 787, 790,346 806,162, 117 1, 010, 034,295 950, 902,831 1, 011, 393,333 1,124, 300,247 999, 817,864 1,044,396, 226 857, 810,086 991, 296,926 950, 469,956 1, 054, 584,665 1, 246, 998,567 f. 16 62 97 49 57 43 93 21 35 46 50 67 95 $37, .132, 230 86 28, 808, 004 38 36,408,897 13 29, 389, 049 98 26,349,314 58 35,187,686 23 31, 673, 440 10 35,159,491 42 32, 450, 957 70 37,173,439 72 27, 635, 753 35 31, 043, 351 4a 23, 882, 022 31 27, 396, 924 64 29, 786, 386 41 30, 418, 411 78 27, 978, 458 28 34, 393, 848 91 30, 742, 717 31 35, 772, 217 86 33,623,283 86 26, 633, 506 70 37,122,701 71 26, 969, 785 92 33,258,877 77 28, 657, 750 01 645, 021. 546 86 739,732,907 18 732, 316, 071 00 700, 082, 400 54 763, 567, 336 28 759, 872, 865 58 833, 965, 948 88 919, 608, 026 44 906, 319, 847 51 817, 996, 284 43 622,487, 973 40 783, 094, 622 25 682,451, 400 44 26, 472, 986 85 31,195, 746 55 30,914,820 30 30,061, 000 19 30,260,285 71 32r844,144 42 31, 363,439 92 31, 917, 847 51 31,844,418 48 29,708,441 71 28, 478,167 32 33, 519,486 15 28, 333, 263 64 463, 912,628 422, 613,919 492, 069,873 491, 357,6fil 554, 662,698 496, 582,476 518, 575,214 605,195, 931 458, 532,568 477, 210,695 527, 541,755 555,711, 509 459, 294,007 21,278,921 75 22, 793, 219 60 21,412, 397 5B 22, 028, 008 11 32, 658, 517 10 26, 358, 572 40 28, 696, 794 93 27, 673, 214 95 23,225,190 59 28, '209, 591 5926,823,261 26 26,496, 903 la 21, 392,407 63 Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1,1883 8,1883 15,1883 22,1883 29,1883 6,1883 33,1883 20,1883 27,1883 3,1883 10,1883 17, 1883 24,1883 Sept, Sept. Sept, Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 6,1884. 13,1884. 20.1884.. 27,1884., 4,1884.. 11,1884.. 18,1884.. 25,1884.. 1,1884. 8,1884. 15,1884. 22,1884., 29,1884. Sept. Sept. Sept, Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Xov. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 1885.. 476, 800, 526 79 484, 537, 657 96 480,733, 380 21 471, 652, 048 41 572, 076, 277 97 659, 560, 549 70 702, 000, 829 74 828, 373, 048 53 695,214,389 87 775,416,616 98 779, 244, 286 61 22, 990, 787 52 23, 969, 307 46 24, 410, 868 93 22, 978, 989 63 30,158, 232 32 28,462, 678 38 29, 632, 037 42 30, 475, 583 77 29, 590, 574 77 30,751,563 50 27, 323, 721 40 Sept. Sept, Sept. Sept, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. 4,1886. 11,1886. 18,1886.. 25,1886.. 2,1886.. 9,1886.. 16,1886.. 23,1886., 30,1886.. 6,1886., 13,1886. 485, 535, 545 80 520,437, 476 86 590, 366, 037 81 691, 723, 056 66 744,5:53,107 30 830, 72(5, 858 70 774,127, 054 20 734. 586, 056 19 625, 098, C64 48 735, 609, 027 93 704, 572, 284 86 28, 387,297 77 21, 865,163 40 28, 050,351 78 25, 603, '58 94 31, 2»5,172 38 29, 964,285 79' 30, 952,375 99 27, 767,549 66 26, 607,923 82 31,825, 400 11 28, 065,256 87 ..... 57 74 06 20 69 56 89 55 11 35 74 01 66 Ch REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Table of resources and liabilities of State banks at various dates. Resources and liabilities. New Hamp-1 Vermont, shire, Jan. June 30, 1886. 1,1886. 1 bank. Rhode Island, Nov. 17, 1885. 8 banks. 10 banks. $1,931,184 $2,411,450 Connecti- New YoTk, New York cut, Oct. June 19, City, June 1, 1885. 1886. 19, 1886. 8 banks. 64 banks. 28 banks. KESOURCES. $82, Oil Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States bonds Other stocks, bonds, &c Due from banks Real estate Other assets Expenses Cash items Specie IJegal tenders, Dank notes, &c, 9,900 10, 899 1,854 67, 850 790,122 $74, 300,996 15,458 2,089,770 6, 382, 548 2, 240,051 302,241 350,800 31,594, 587 8,820,055 8, 427,428 134,523,934 439, 594 2,688, 589 6,603, 533 806, 340 105,295 206, 455 653, 829 1,001,000 1, 718, 646 107,774 3,069, 873 3,188,291 6,701 973 53,412,446 50, 000 1,130 16,360 394, 000 1,766, 685 3,148 2, 500, 000 19,286 156, 947 10, 579 1,096,150 154, 782 3, 318,233 446, 797 35, 266, 674 102,745,856 3, 401, 601 9,056,382 1, 743, 991 2, 577, 397 3,188,291 ! 6,701,973 53, 412, 446 134, 523, 934 7,315 216, 704 3,110 Total . $4,317,916 $39,588,747 40,012 173, 054 255, 220 210,433 8,397 2,192 18,389 109,156 417,924 1,299,166 227, 373 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Circulation Surplus fund Undivided profits. Dividends unpaid Deposits . . Dne to banks Other liabilities Total. Resources and liabilities. i j ; 1,925 38,359 6,000 2, 530, 288 417, 657 ""i39,'585 107, 774 3, 069, 873 New JerPennsyl- Maryland, sey, Jan. 4, vania, Nov. Aug. 27, 1886. 1,1885. 1886. 10 banks. 79 banks. 10 banks. 8,238, 900 5,470 1, 901, 059 2, 854, 751 13, 862, 700 2,605 2,814,562 3,464,432 Florida, Apr. 30, 1886. Texas, June 30, 1880. Kentucky, June 30, 1886. 1 bank. 5 banks. 72 banks. RESOURCES. $3, 678,033 $22, 035,365 $4, 417, 889 Loans and discounts 142 1,221 Overdrafts 249,950 1,245,449 55,000 United States bonds 369,126 4, 661, 291 589, 811 Other stocks, bonds, &c 778, 508 4,604,145 311, 026 Due from banks 129, 641 2, 039,408 452,079 Real estate 29,442 855,405 Other assets 97,146 16,498 184,282 Expenses 19,259 266, 805 Cash items 280,888 5,200 Specie 793,581 75, 327 1, 948, 825 Legal tenders, banknotes, &c 170,607 Total 178, 539 $1, 029, 200 $21, 889, 392 54,610 8,823 172, 884 938, 004 212,797 10, 592 2,102, 507 61,187 5,500 979,406 77, 943 16, 260 2,154, 035 21,022 26, 034 159, 425 3, 042, 045 28,543 97, 025 7,871 49, 840 17, 726 5,523,345 I 38,367,751 6,470,253 139,434 1, 717,262 31. 384, 514 Capital stock Circulation Surplus fund Undivided profits. Dividends unpaid. Deposits Due to banks Other liabilities 1,310,220 2,006,855 111 339,176 123,392 21,040 3, 738, 950 203, 846 36, 883 50,000 563, 494 344,037 1, 549, 975 219, 616 871, 504 15,035 3, 460, 398 26,564,532 102,885 785,726 71,154 655,691 3,000 5,000 32,155 96, 800 891,149 93,123 40,541 ,899,877 71,457 952,028 169,876 251,597 ,441,334 888, 559 , 759,786 Total. 5,523, 345 6,470,253 139,434 1,717,262 31, 384, 514 LIABILITIES. 7, 940, 323 38,367,751 50 i 81,360 I REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Table of resources and liabilities of State banks at various Ohio, Apr. 5,1886. Michigan, July 6,1885. 35 banks. 19 banks. 46 banks. $11, 217, 983 29, 411 2, 348, 137 6, 642, 526 2,198, 389 652, 236 122, 826 62, 323 586,101 98, 536 322, 632 $4,387,851 19,715 28,900 107, 406 805.697 82,125 51,663 24, 242 157, 858 69,249 387,319 $12, 384, 695 139, 595 111,326 1, 281, 080 3, 783, 052 273, 352 332,445 19. 270 980; 941 600, 615 24,281,100 6,122,025 19, 906, 371 2,217,200 223 CLI dates—Continued. lin, ! Wisconsi: Jan. 1, 1886. Minnesota. Resources and liabilities. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States bonds Other stocks, bonds, &c Due from banks Real estate Other assets Expenses Cash items Specie Legal tenders, bank notes, &c. Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock Circulation Surplus fund •Undivided profits. Dividends unpaid. Deposits Due to banks Other liabilities . . . 2, 221, 890 1, 302, 350 1, 337,148 415, 356 441 19, 956, 777 163, 363 186,125 241,958 140, 378 16, 065 4,201,838 20, 479 198, 957 21, 841 1,650 16,427,684 i 529,125 ! 11,956 ! 4, 728, 241 174, 212 Total. 24,281,100 6,122,025 19, 906,371 8, 697, 529 Resources and liabilities. Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Aug. 28,1886. June 30,1886. July 1,1886. 626, 733 16, 581, 225 California, Wyoming, Jan. 1,1886. Aug. —, 1886, 199 banks. 63 banks. $46,126,898 508,530 104,925 4, 007,578 10,167,484 1, 730, 875 264, 991 $4,351,430 i $1,169,895 ! $56,781,143 46,038 ; 8 banks. 554,094 281,726 5,805 10,416, 217 724, 506 235,277 75 banks. 3 banks. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States bonds Other stocks, bonds, &c Due from banks Real estate Other assets Expenses Cash items Specie Legal tenders, bank notes, &c Total. 9, 797, 228 2, 952,143 75,660,652 | 74,223 708,402 264,234 77,748 45,130 401 49, 388 1,132,057 Total. 2, 089,047 7,457,534 3, 204, 039 3,671,115 5,998 432, 371 69,620 12,663 805 6,650 170,830 10,146,305 6, 749,051 = LIABILITIES. Capital stock Circulation Surplus fond Undivided profits. Dividends unpaid. Deposits Due to banks Other liabilities... 331,671 122, 311 $419,120 2, 062, 246 83, 349,183 = = = = = 12,588,573 2, 338,648 449,400 " 6 * 780," 553 124,542 92,353 48,436, 594 7,389,407 373,172 136, 515 234,727 14,159 3,683,160 57, 824 284,018 75,660,652 6,749,051 30, 255, 538 679, 688 123, 000 9, 983, 654 1,481,492 6,812 37,837,158 3,636,974 1,635, 859 540, 323 13, 877 2,488 2,062,246 83,349,183 679,688 CLII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Resources and liabilities of savings banks organized under State laws at various dates. Resources and liabilities. New HampMassachu- Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine, setts. Nov. 2, 1885. Mar.shire, 13,1886. J u n e 30,1886. Oct. 31, 1885. Nov. 17,1885. 54 banks. 67 banks. 18 banks. 171 banks. 37 banks. RESOURCES. Loans on real estate Loans on personal and collateral security United States bonds State, municipal, a n d other bonds and stocks Railroad bonds and stocks B a n k stock Real estate Other assets Expenses D u e from b a n k s Cash Total. $5,645,969 i $22,001,093 $7, 343,146 4,219,574 ! 4,421,784 | 7,228,480 565,450 ! 1,121, 846 268,160 13, 380, 098 ! 5,329,536 ; 1,708,112 I 1,133,980 i 508,832 ; 7,632,029 i 7,971,873 I 1,833,978 i 737, 804 ! 3,459,977 2,486, 547 $105, 206,175 196,130 168, 561 219,005 I 73,064,640 | 13,666,046 ! 29,289,469 ! 16,127,795 | 26,174,122 ; 5,918, 499 ! 3,087,570 | 12,699,558 . 1,825,802 | $21,158,898: 8, 926, 424 4,812,500 5,109,3356, 545, MS 2,654, Itft 3,331,455 843, 385 1,016,510 j 175,313 502, 604 37,364,395 , 51,605,997 12, 305,999 287, 059, 676 54, 491, 059 35, 111, 600 1, 292, 502 861, 986 98, 307 47,231,919 ; 1,845,679 ! 2, 258, 743 269, 656 11,723, 675 294, 332 287, 992 274,998,413 5,210, 525 6, 604,464 246, 274 51, 816, 390 39, 00O 2,621,651 14, 01& 37, 364, 395 \ 51, 605,997 12,305,999 287,059,676 54.491,059" 1,109,17& LIABILITIES. Deposits Surplus fund Undivided profits . Other liabilities . . . Total. Resources and liabilities. PennsylConnecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, vania, Oct. 1,1885. j Jan. 1, 1886. Jan. 1, 1886. Sept. 1,1886. July 1,1886. 84 banks. ; 123 banks. 29 banks. 4 banks. 18 banks. RESOURCES. Loans on real estate $39,728,617 $153, 255,439 Loans on personal and collateral security 9,963,152 i 6, 088, 813 United States bonds 3,249,381 140,066, 610 State, municipal, and other 14, 744,489 i 133, 608 889 <• bonds and stocks ! Railroad bonds and stocks ' 14,953,460 ' 6,159,600 Bank stock \ 4,879,616 8,208,215 ! Real estate j 541, 928 57, 801, 788 ; Other assets Expenses !. Due from banks I 29,228,685 | Cash ! 3,497,678 6,278,194 Total 97,717,921! 534,536,633 $9,024,858 $4, 885, 734 $4, 843, 925 1,195, 989 10,222, 538 6, 744, 728 6, 681,088 99,155 10, 842,750 3, 814,402 7,083,822 12,583, 283 2, 672, 353 1,109, 008 911, 580 899, 390 300, 000 113, 889 9,025 2,174, 214 1,224,333 27,502,708 i 303,771 585, 788 11, 221, 670 1,132 41,475,173 30, 570, 544 LIABILITIES. Deposits Surplus fund Undivided profits. Other liabilities... Total. 92,481,425 i 457, 050, 250 3,191,096 77,282, 889 1,411,780 633,620 ! 203,494 25, 335, 780 2,16g, 928 37, 53Q, 370 2, 820, 787 1, 017, 016 107, 000 30, 542, 992- 97,717,921 27,502,708 41,475,173 30, 570, 544 534, 536, 633 27, 552 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Resources and liabilities of savings banks organized under Slate laws, CLIII #c.—Continued. District of Ohio, Minnesota, California, Columbia, Oct. 7, 1886. Oct. —, 1885. July 31,1886. Jan. 1,1886. Resources and liabilities. 1 bank. 4 banks. 7 banks. 21 banks. 100,000 513,020 $3,851,288 1,227,188 2, 225, 000 6,000,420 $2,105,245 686, 237 50,000 441, 638 $39,166,120 7,111,476- 28,000 2,841 249 10,479 147, 943 19,803 12,170 498,383 96,642 149, 286 33,031 13,817 360,663 95,641 3,715,338 474, 995- 810,724 14, 078,837 3,935,558 67,385, 717 793,943 12,823,374 16,781 200,462 1,055,000 3,654, 528 67,363 45, 515 168,152 60,435, 9192,713,016- 810,724 14, 078, 837 3,935,558 67,385,71? RESOURCES. Loans on real estate • •«• Loans on personal and collateral secarity State, municipal, and other bonds and stocks. Railroad bonds and stocks Other assets Expenses • ........ ............................ Cash Total $156,135 14,275, 02& 892, 540 1, 750, 223 LIABILITIES. Deposits Surplus fund Undivided p r o f i t s . . . . . . Other liabilities . . . . .. .... ......... ......... Total t4,236,782: * Includes $150,000 of capital stock, t Includes $3,878,299.60 of capital stock. Resources and liabilities of trust and loan companies at various dates. Resources and liabilities. MassachuRhode IslNew York, Pennsylvasetts, Oct. 31, and, Nov. 17, Connecticut, Sept. 1, Oct. 1,1885. Dec. 31,1885. nia,1886. 1885. 1885. 1 bank. 6 banks. $17,766,102 $3,348,873 $2,343,792 2.512.452 1,726,354 3,926,865 33,000 398,483 76, 975 5, 336,467 358,644 27, 849, 833 8,474,704 4, 223,783 176,474, 891 01,291,380 3, 300, 000 660, 000 383,646 1,660 23,255,033 800,000 976, 600 218, 678 14,217,550 13, 873, 772 8, 350, 000 5,110,652 2, 421, 023 11,394 41, 900,195- 6 banks. 20 banks. 9 banks. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts ........... United States bonds Other stocks, bonds, &c Real estate .... Other assets . . . . ... Exnenses Cash items .. ..... .... Specie Legal tenders, bank notes, &c. Total 840,322 $102,315,782 4i8 24,499,072 596,103 22, 875, 336 856,403 11, 976, 737 301,344 5, 934,732 2, 930,380 8,648 24,325 5, 933,786 101,816 $32,945,2321,059,50& 14, 692,058 3,326, 97& 3,501, 7G& 810, 357 114,097 4, 841, 384 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Surplus fund Dividends unpaid Deposits Other liabilities Total 44,880 7,629, 824 25, 846 2,810,416 192, 243 8,474,704 4,223,783 249,494 27,849,833 138,467,947 125,135 9, 790,487 176, 474,891 3,498,116 61,291,380 CLIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Besources and liabilities of trust and loan companies in New York State, New York City, New York State, Dec. 31, 1885. Dec. 31,1885. 15 banks. 5 banks. Resources and liabilities. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States bonds Other stocks, bonds, &c Due from banks Real estate Other assets Expenses €ash items Specie Legal tenders, bank notes, &c . $94,983,649 249 23,130, 590 22,875,336 10,991,494 5,838, 593 $7,332,133 169 1,368, 482 985,243 96,139 2,930,380 8,648 5, 827,122 106,664 163, 655, 681 12,819,210 Capital stock Surplus fund "Undivided profits.. Dividends unpaid. Deposits Due to banks Other liabilities.-. 12,790,550 9,513,852 3,784,421 18 127,742,524 80,105 9,744,211 1,427, 000 118,328 457,171 Total. 163, 655,681 Total. LIABILITIES. 10,725,421 91,'290 12, 819, 210 Table, by geographical divisions, of the resources and liabilities of State banks and trust companies, 1885-'86. Besources and liabilities. NewEngland States. Middle States. Southern States. 40 banks. 220 banks. 78 b a n k s . I Western States. 467 b a n k s . Pacific States a n d A g g r e g a t e . Territories. 86 b a n k s . 891 b a n k s . BESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States bonds Other stocks, bonds, &c Due from banks Keal estate Other assets Expenses Cash items Specie Legal tenders, bank notes, &c Total $32,201, 328 $277, 390, 721 $22,997,131 $97, 052, 746 $58,370,158 $488, 012, 084 57, 252 63,433 1,049,122 1,169, 807 2, 580, 302 27, 023, 605 J 72, 884 2, 601, 288 32, 378, 079 7,640, 322 47,965,981 2, 089, 047 938, 004 12,378, 055 71,011,409 2,421,688 33,983,469 7, 858, 825 2,325,896 19,317,663 65,907,541 781,319 15,107, 750 3, 339, 013 1, 046, 093 4,106, 253 24,380,428 822,222 4, 072, 048 3, 671, 920 2, 248, 238 850,104 11, 664, 532 103,492 1,340,491 12, 648 47,056 208, 592 1,712,279 6, 495, 309 46,162, 014 603,201 3, 230, 013 14, 822,191 71,312,728 18, 389 10, 695,163 104, 896 3, 769, 931 10,146, 305 24,734,684 551, 860 12, 265, 506 67, 566 1, 842, 008 14,726,940 53,616,231 476,064,000 | 33,241,210 157,997,953 86,091,117 | 807,010,511 9, 787, 285 23, 564 901, 038 1,003,130 40,010 40,678,303 793,822 389, 079 55, 926, 548 8,186 27, 741, 283 9,954,718 47,469 352,144, 552 13, 550,440 16,690,804 12, 513, 371 28, 200, 604 71,457 223 987,183 9, 746, 960 266, 700 1,720, 761 251, 647 130, 473 16, 413,843 107, 850, 511 931, 682 9, 058, 916 1, 805,327 1,289, 505 30, 827, 938 39, 858, 973 3, 657, 663 1,638, 347 137,255,746 103,430 49,484, 660 12, 945, 309 469, 599 556,946,182 27,992,523 21,813,062 53,616,231 476,064,000 33, 241,210 157,997,953 86,091,117 807,010,511 LIABILITIES. Capital stock Circulation Surplus fund Undivided profits.. Dividends unpaid.. Deposits Due to banks Other liabilities.... Total io,"io8,"i9e' REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLV Aggregate resources and liabilities of State banks from 1882 to 1886. 1881-82. • 1882-'83. 1883-'84. j 1884-'85. 1885-'86. 97.~> banks. 849 b a n k s . Eesources and liabilities. 672 b a n k s . 754 b a n t s . ! 817 b a n k s . RESOURCES. L o a n s and discounts Overdrafts U n i t e d States bonds Other stocks, bonds, &c D u e from b a n k s Real estate Other assets Expenses Cashitems Specie Legal tenders, b a n k notes, <fcc Total $272, 520,217 i 1,196,369 ! 8, 739,172 i 19,780, 527 | 49, 919,183 13,037,939 I 12,306,578 I 999,944 18,546,073 ! 17, 201,489 i 24,586,682 $322,358, 227 $331, 049, 510 $347, 880, 520 I 1, 392, 961 1, 262,725 1.349,998 2, 337, 705 ! 5, 287, 606 2, 991,806 31, 452, 019 22, 083, 304 32,644,859 48, 836, 689 ' 58, 709, 516 59, 062f 405 15, 058,41.1 13, 592, 791 15,873,312 9, 943, 706 7, 671, 876 5, 791f 111 918, 403 1,025,237 1,130, 883 35,118,379 28,219,414 25, 972, 922 17,429,817 25, 376, o65 29, 867,724 25, 302, 316 28, 787, 615 30, 994, 221 $331.183, 62f> 1,169,388 '1,392,421 27,194, 693 40, 747, 429 14,605,853 8.224,886 1,047.782 51.668,218 24, 734,684 14,726,940 438,834,173 | 512,137,026 521,077,766 j 553,562,761 528, 695, 920 Capital stock Circulation Surplus fond Undivided profits . Dividends unpaid. Deposits Due to banks Other liabilities... 91, 808, 213 286, 391 23,148,050 8, 902, 579 481, 858 281,835,496 18, 262,172 14,109,414 102, 454, 861 187,978 25, 762, 738 11,287,623 442, 652 334, 995, 702 20, 651, 930 16,353,542 110, 020,351 177, 554 31,483,942 12,718,894 473, 735 325, 365, 669 27,125,108 13,712, 513 109, 611, 596 103, 430 27, 813, 508 10, 095, 760 430, 699 342, 882,767 27, 800, 280 9, 957, 880 Total.. 438,834,173 512,137, 026 521, 077, 766 I 553, 562, 761 j 528, 695,920 LIABILITIES. 125, 258, 240 98,129 30,669,575 11, 574, 736 493, 926 344,307,996 29, 950,453 11,209,706 Aggregate resources and liabilities of savings banks from 1882 to 1886. Resources and liabilities. 1881^82. 1882-'83. ! 1883-'84. 629 banks. 630 b a n k s . 1307,089,227 $328,197,858 128,483,698 237,786,442 155, 874, 522 219,017, 313 141,457,111 i 133,716,9M*J 196,226,202 j 191,980,08 '. 127,677,702 197,171,307 206,291,274 32,994, 578 35,365, 717 39,882, 429 11,047. 346 132, 204 38,977,135 14,932,015 190,629, 915 41,695,701 36,587,817 37,224,601 53,235,771 144,223 43,184, 629 12,998, 594 222,218, 006 50, 994, 579 37, 929,754 34,467,276 69,166,584 156, 944 52, 358, 971 14,079,452 241,051, 536 63,511,735 39, 029, 813 30, 984,883 79,451, 562 142,717 43,689,103 19, 757, 941 I 636 b a n k s . 1884-'85. : 646 b a n k s . 1885-'86. 638 banks. RESOURCES. Loans on real estate Loans on personal and collateral security United States bonds State, municipal, and other bonds and stocks Railroad bonds and stocks Bank stock Real estate Other assets Expenses Due from banks Cash $358, 686, 040 $389,953,928 228,993, 'j:")0 59,585,489 38,460, 603 32, J 74,810 68,445,304 166, 630 46,125,014 13,423,064 $418,372,642 1,052,982, 065 1,118,790,944 1,177,740, 919 1,203,025,698 1,260,840,941 Deposits Surplus fnnd Undivided profits . Other liabilities.-. 966,797,081 1,024,856,787 1,073,294,955 1,095,172,147 72,784,155 69,454,512 82,395,717 88,647,315 15,738,223 11,136,219 16, 904, 753 13,106,359 5,411,779 5,594,253 5,145,494 6,099,877 1,141,530,578 96, 924,117 15,326,391 7,059,855 Total. ,052,982,065 1,118,790,944 1,177,740,919 1,203,025,698 1,260,840,941 Total. LIABILITIES. CLVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Table, by States, of the aggregate deposits of savings banks, with the number of their depositors and the average amount due to each in 1885 and 1886. 1884-'85. States. 1885-'8G. N u m b e r of Amount of of to each ii Number depositors. depositors. deposits. I depositor Amount of f ™ ™ f e I Maine .. New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Maryland District of Columbia... Ohio Indiana ............. Minnesota California Total 105,680 $32, 913, 835 43, 827, 356 121,216 11, 218, 285 39, 284 826, 008 262, 720,147 51,079,161 115,752 90, 614, 623 252,245 L, 165,174 437,107, 501 87, 356 24, 017, 917 135, 953 35, 362, 660 *78,101 28, 663, 083 6,735 731, 733 34,836 12,605,008 *9,402 2,171. 009 11,753 3,195, 926 58, 943, 903 *82,000 3,071,495 1,095,172,147 I 44 56 57 06 29 23 14 94 11 00 64 84 91 92 83 109, 398 $35,111,600 121,216 47, 231, 919 11,723,675 49,453 848, 787 274, 998,413 116,381 51, 816, 390 256, 097 92,481,425 1, 208, 072 457, 050, 250 25,335,780 91, 681 37, 530 370 143, 645 30, 542,992 *77,212 793,943 7, 605 12, 823,374 *34, 553 356 56 3,158,950 1,141,530,578 ; $311 361 285 318 441 359 375 274 260 367 108 361 230 271 718 14,361 *80,489 3,654,528 60,435,919 $320 95 389 65 237 07 323 99 445 23 361 12 378 33 276 35 261 27 395 57 104 40 371 12 254 48 750 86 361 36 * Estimated. Aggregate resources and liabilities of trust and loan companies from 1882 to 1886. ]881-'82. 1882-'83. 1883-'84. 1884-'85. 1885-'86. 34 banks. 35 banks. 40 banks. 42 banks. Resources and liabilities. ! banks. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts Overdrafts United States bonds Other stocks, bonds, &c Due from banks Real estate Other assets Expenses Cash items Specie Legal tenders, banknotes, &c. $132,054,203 $140,022,358 $158, 018.009 367,749 100,675 176,747 23,371,084 17,437,990 16,934,812 27,879,858 30,322,420 25,878,256 16,517,457 8,054,535 9, 561,148 6,152,771 6, 567, 756 6,877,743 2, 841,937 4, 246, 338 1,378, 627 213,183 209, 842 193,401 88,483 552,192 825,483 701, 271 3, 871, 990 2,736, 230 2, 956, 753 194, 985, 825 212,342,587 I 239,871,691 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits . Dividends unpaid. Deposits Due to banks Other liabilities . . . 21,553,718 8, 356,302 5,855,859 95, 561 144,841,596 147,179 14,135,610 22,778,175 8, 812,723 6,788,987 22, 359 165,378,515 267, 006 Total. 194,985,825 212,342,587 Total. $141, 542, 649 135, 919 25, 376,400 29, 750,200 23,458,985 8, 759, 291 9, 023, 654 302,052 94, 672 1, 388, 065 8, 557, 796 $156,828,458 419 27, 985, 658 43, 816, 716 16,160,112 9, 774, 575 3, 439, 646 664,497 19, 644, 510 248,389,683 | 278,314,591 23, 938,600 10,191, 544 9,619, 067 25, 282 188,745, 922 761, 888 6, 589, 388 26,428,600 10, 695, 984 8, 508, 000 19, 251 188,417, 293 197, 893 W, 122,662 27, 644,150 21, 671,152 2,849, 549 38, 900 214, 063, 415 192,243 11, 855,182 239, 871, 691 248,389,683 278, 314,591 LIABILITIES. 8,294,822 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY.. CLVII Beport of the condition of the National Savings Bank of the District of Columbia, at Washington, D. C, at the close of business on the 7th day of October, 1886. DR. CR. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. $378, 655 00 Undivided profits Loans and discounts (see schedule) United States bonds on hand (par Individual deposits sub100, 000 00 value) ject to check $792,943 51 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Time certificates of de(see schedule) 290, 500 00 posit 1,000 00 Due from State and private banks and bankers (see schedule) 248 52 Current expenses and taxes paid . . . . 2,841 13 Premium paid on bonds for circulation 28, 000 00 Checks and other cash items (see schedule) 7, 326 45 Bills of other banks 100 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 53 19 Specie, viz: Goldcoin $700 00 Silvercoin 100 00 Silver Treasury certificates (act Feb. 28,1878) 1, 000 00 1, 800 00 1, 200 00 Legal-tender notes Total 810,724 29 Total $16,780 78 793,943 51 810,724 29 SCHEDULES. Loans and discounts. On mortgages and other real-estate security On United States bonds (demand loans) On other stocks, bonds, &c. (demand loans) $156,135 00 2,070 00 220,450 00 378,655 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages, 3,000 Missouri 6's 3,000 District of Columbia 7's €3,000 District of Columbia 6's 50,000 District of Columbia 5's 75,000 District of Columbia 3.65's 11,000 Market Company 6's 7,000 Hannibal. Mo., 6's 20,000 Schuylkill and East Side Railroad Company bonds 1,000 New'Jersey, Morris, and Essex Railroad first mortgage 7's 25,000 State, Georgia bonds, 7's 32,500 National Safe Deposit Company stock Total $3,000 00 3,000 00 63,000 00 50,000 00 75, 000 00 11,000 00 7,000 00 20 000 00 1,000 00 25,000 00 32,500 00 290,500 00 I, Albert L. Sturtevant, treasurer of the National Savings Bank of the District of Columbia, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. ALBERT L. STURTEVANT, Treasurer. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, City of Washington: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of October, 1886. [SEAL.] Correct. Attest: The highest rate of interest paid by the bank is 2 per cent GEORGE W. BAGG-, Notary Public. BENJ. P. SNYDER, ANDREW WYLIE, LEWIS CLEPHANE, M. G.EMERY.\ Directors. AGGREGATE RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES OF THE NATIONAL BANKS FROM OCTOBEE, 1863, TO OCTOBEE, 1886. CLIX €LX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Aggregate resources and liabilities of the National APRIL. JANUARY. OCTOBER 5. JULY. Resources. 66 b a n k s . $5,466, 088 T,3 ! 5,662,600 <K) 106, 009 12 XJ S bonds sud securities Due from nat'l and other b'ks. Real estate furniture &o 2, 625, 177, 53, 2, C h e c k s and other cash, i t e m s . Bills of nat'l and other b a n k s . Specie and ot her lawful mon 'y 492,138 58 764. 725 00 1, 440. G07 62 597 565 808 503 05 09 92 69 16,797,644 00 Total 1861. TJ. S. bonds and securities Other items Due from national banks . . . . Due from other b'ks and b'k'rs Real estate, furniture, &c Current expenses Checks and other cash items. Bills of nat'l and other banks. Specie and other lawful mon'y Total JANUARY 4. APRIL 4. JULY 4. OCTOBER 3. 139 b a n k s . 307 b a n k s . 467 b a n k s . 508 b a n k s . $10, 666, 095 60 15,112, 250 00 74,571 48 $31, 593, 943 43 41,175,150 00 432, 059 95 •4,786,124 58 381,144 00 118, 854 43 4, 699, 479 56 8,537,908.94 755, 696 41 352, 720 77 577,507 92 895, 521 00 5, 018, 622 57 2, 651, 916 96 1, 660, 000 00 22,961,411 64 5, 057,122 90 5, 344,172 00 42, 283, 798 23 7, 640,169 14 4, 687. 727 00 44, 801, 497 48 37,630,691 58 114, 820, 287 66 252, 273, 803 75 297,108,195 30 $70, 746, 513 33 92, 530, 500 00 842, 017 73 15, 935,730 17, 337, 558 1, 694, 049 502, 341 13 66 46 31 $93,238, 657 92 108,064,400 00 1, 434, 739 76 19, 14, 2, 1, 965, 720 051, 396 202, 318 021, 569 47 31 20 02 1865. Loans and discounts TJ. S. bonds and securities Other items JANUARY 2. APRIL 3. JULY 3. OCTOBER 2. 638 b a n k s . 907 b a n k s . 1,294 b a n k s . 1,513 b a n k s . $166,448, 718 00 176, 578, 750 00 3, 294, 883 27 $252, 404, 208 07 277, 619, 900 00 4,275, 769 51 $362,442, 743 08 391, 744, 850 00 12, 569,120 38 $487,170,136 29 427,731,300 00 19, 048 513 15 Due from national banks Due from other b'ks aud b'k'rs Heal estate, furniture, &c Current expenses 30, 820,175 19, 836, 072 4, 083, 220 1, 053, 725 1,323, 023 44 83 12 34 56 40, 963, 243 22, 554, 636 6, 525,118 2, 298, 025 1, 823, 291 47 57 80 65 84 76, 977, 539 26,078,028 11, 231, 257 2, 338, 775 2, 243, 210 59 01 28 56 31 89, 978, 980 17, 393, 232 14,703,281 4, 539, 525 2, 585, 501 55 25 77 11 06 Checks and other cash items. Bills of nat'l and other banks. Specie Legal tenders and fraot'l cur'y 17, 14, 4, 72, 77 00 68 67 13 00 47 59 41, 314, 904 21, 651, 826 9. 437, OtfO 168,426,166 50 00 40 55 72,309, 854 16,247,241 18, 072, 012 189, 988, 496 44 00 59 28 Total 837, 496 275,153 481, 9:*7 535, 504 512,568,666 68 29, 681, 13, 710, 6, 659, 112, 999, 394 370 660 320 771,514,939 10 1,126,455,481 66 * Including amount due from national banks. 1,359,768, 074 49 REPORT J I I K C<)Mi'T'.1<»i.,!.)-;;i O F (JLXI M ' vn.:; Banks from October, 1S63, to October, 1830, 1 § O 3. BER 5, Liabilities. sir? Imnkg, $7, i::-<. :>03 00 Capital stock . Undivided profits ..., . Individual and otherdeposits. Duo to nat.'l and other banks*. 1 Other items Total 1.28, 030 08 6, 407, (581 84 381, 178 .39 2. 360 51 .1 j I-.... \ 1 6 , 7 9 7 , C4J DO S. 8 6 4 . JANUARY 4. OCTOBER 3. 139 banks. Capital stock. Surplus fund Undivided profits. 307 bau!;s. $14, 740, 522 00 : 4 - , 2 0 1 , -571 0 0 | Total. 30, 19, 450, 2,153, 822, 15") 492 771) 9i4 : 00 53 ! 38 ! 80 ! 37, 630, 691 58 : JAXUAUT2. 407 bajuka. 508 brink a. $ 7 5 , 2 1 3 . !"M5 0 0 | .'•?ir:G! 7 8 2 , 8 0 2 0 0 1. V2s» :-M'"- 2 2 ! !>,(.10 f :'."6 - 0 l, G25, t;:>6 S7 432, 827 81 '. National V k notes outstand i n %\ Indivhlual and other deposit H.j D u e to nat'l and other banks*, j Other items «... = i 9, 707, 07:> 00 l 2 ^ . >• ::.. «':!-.I-.!,-*- •.v.:ij 2/.:^:M^O VA'O. 'IUS fi!.";4f!:--'O 40 3, iu2. 337 38 114, 820, 287 tit. ! AP11IL \i. ::() ! O.{ j ;<7 I '.I'J 252, :'73, .•:().•{ 75 : ! 45. 200. "04 ; i ; ^ , 1G«. r / ' C 3 4 . 8 t ; 2 , 3r;4 43,2^.9 00 40 xi 77 297,108, 1.95 30 JL'Li' 3. OCTOBER 2. 1,294 brinks. 1.513 banks. j -638 banke. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits 907 bank.i. $135, 618, 874 00 I $215, 326. 023 1 663.311 2? ! . 2.-3.S12 65 j Nationalb'knotesoutstanding; Individual and otherdeposits. United States deposits Duo to national banks Due toother b'ks and bankers* Other items Total $3;!3; 157. 206 00 vin (:i 17, 31^ :;S. 713. 380 72 .!;!, ;-»;;0. 2 7 8 19 j 66,769.375 00 j 183. 479, 63Q 08 i 37. 764, 729 77 | 30. 61I>, 175 57 37,104, 130 62 ,153 00 . 473 ;iy-?, •:;; 55P .70 , *:L> 07 321,1W3 00 0,873 23 :>oo, HI 170,381 31 90. 044,837 08 150. 161 27 16 ! ;•;!, 692. 5.-.! 04 I I 2G5, 620 87 j 512 50£, 066 68 57-. ()M 37 ! 771, 514, ;)3i>10 , 1, * Including Stale bank circulation H Ex. 3- ! , i f ] «VJ | §44,053 70 . 481 iifi | , TOtt, 074 49 OLXH REPORT O1-' THE (COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Aggregate resources and liabilities of the National 1866. JANUARY 1. APRIL 2. 1,582 b a n k s . 1,612 b a n k s . 1 JULY 2. OCTOBER 1. 1,634 b a n k s . 1,644 b a n k s . Resources. Loans and discounts U.S. b'ds dep'd to secure circ'n OtherU .S.b'ds find securities. Oth'r stocks, b'ds, and raortg's Due from national banks Due from other b'ks and b'k'ra Real estate, furniture, &c ... Current expenses Premiums paid Checks and other cash items. Bills of national and other b'ks Specie Legal tenders and fract'l cur'j Total $500, 650,109 298, 376, 850 142, 003, 500 17,483, 753 19 00 00 18 $528. 080, 526 315, 850, 300 125, 625, 750 17, 379, 738 70 00 00 92 93,254,551 14, 658, 229 15, 436, 296 3,193,717 2, 423, 918 02 87 16 78 02 87, 564, 329 33,682,345 15, 895, f>64 4, 927, 599 2, 233,- 516 89, 837, 684 20, 406,442 19, 205, 018 187, 846, 548 50 00 75 82 105,490,619 18,279,816 17, 529, 778 189, 867, 852 1,404, 776, 619 29 • 71 12 46 79 31 $550,353, 094 326,483,350 121,152, 950 17, 565, 911 96, 690, 482 13, 982, 613 16, 730, 923 3,032,716 2, 398, 872 17 00 00 46 66 23 62 27 26 36 00 42 52 96, 077,134 17, 866, 742 12, 629, 376 201, 425, 041 53 00 30 63 1, 442, 407, 737 31 1,476; 395, 208 13 $603, 314, 704 331, 843, 200 94, 974, 650 15, 887,490 107, 650,174 15, 211,117 17,134, 002 5, 311,253 2,493, 773 103, 684, 249 17, 437, 779 9, 226, 831 205, 793, 578 83 00 00 06 18 16 58 35 47 21 00 82 76 1, 526, 962, 804 42 1867. Loans and discounts U. S.b'ds dep'd to secure circ'n U.S. b'ds dep'd to sec're dep'ts U.S. b'ds and sec'ties on hand. Oth'r stocks, b'ds.andmortg's Due from national banks ... Due from other b'ks and b'k'rs Real estate, furniture, &c Current expense© Premiums paid— Checks and other cash items. Bills of national banks Bills of other banks Specie. .. Legal tenders and fract'l cur'y Compound interest notes Total JANUARY 7. A P R I L 1. JULY 1. OCTOBER 7. 1,648 b a n k s . 1,642 b a n k s . 1,636 b a n k s . 1,642 b a n k s . $608, 771, 799 61 339, 570, 700 00 30,185, 950 00 52, 949, 300 00 15,073,737 45 $597, 648, 286 338, 8W, 650 38, 465, 800 46, 639, 400 20,194, 875 53 00 00 00 21 $588,450,396 337, 684, 250 38, 368, 950 45, 633, 700 21,452,615 12 00 00 00 43 92, 308, 911 9, 663, 322 19, 800, 905 3, 249,153 3, 338, 600 128,312,177 16, 138, 769 531,267 11,128, 672 102, 534, 613 75,488,220 87 82 86 31 37 79 00 00 98 46 00 92, 552, 200 12, 996,157 18, 925, 315 2, 822, 675 2, 860, 398 29 49 51 18 85 94,121,186 10, 737, 392 19, 625, 893 5, 693, 784 3,411,325 21 90 81 17 56 101,430,220 19,263,718 1,176,142 19, 726, 043 104, 872, 371 82, 047, 250 18 00 00 20 64 00 87,951,405 12, 873, 785 «25,748 11, 444, 529 92, 861, 254 84, 065, 790 13 00 00 15 17 00 1, 511, 222, 985 40 1, 465, 451,105 84 $609, 675, 214 338, 640,150 37, 862,100 42,460, hOO 21, 50V, 881 95,217,610 8, 389, 226 20, 639, 708 5,297,494 2, 764,186 134, 603, 231 11, 841,104 333, 209 12, 798, 044 100, 550, 849 56, 888, 250 61 00 00 00 42 14 47 23 13 35 51 00 00 40 91 00 1,494, 084, 526 01 1, 499,469, 060 17 1868. Loans and discounts U. S. b'dsdep'dto securecirc'n U.S.b'dsdep'd to sec're dep'ts U.S. b'dsandsec'tieson hand. Oth'rstocks, b'ds, and mortg's Due from national banks Due from other b'ks and b'k'rs Real estate, furniture, &o... Current expenses Premiums paid Checks and other cash items. Bills of national banks Bills of other banks Specie Legal-tender notes Compound interest notes Three per cent, eertiiicates.. Total JANUARY 6. APRIL 6. JULY 6. OCTOBER 5. 1,642 b a n k s . 1,643 b a n k s . 1,640 b a n k s . 1,643 b a n k s . $616, 603, 479 339, 064, 200 37,315,750 44, 164, 500 19, 365, 864 89 00 00 00 77 $628, 029, 347 339, 6«6, 650 37, 446, 000 45, 958, 550 19, 874, 384 65 00 00 00 33 $655, 729, 546 339, 569,100 37, 853,150 43, 068, 350 20, 007, 327 42 00 00 00 42 $657, 668, 847 340, 487, 050 37,360,150 36, 817, 600 20, 693, 406 83 00 00 00 40 99,311,446 8, 480,199 21,125, 665 2, 986, 893 2,464, 536 60 74 68 86 96 95, 900, 606 7, 074, 297 22, 082, 570 5, 428, 460 2, 660,106 35 44 25 25 09 114, 434, 097 8, 642,456 22, 699, 829 2, 938, 519 2, 432, 074 93 72 70 04 37 102,278, 547 7, 848, 822 22,747,875 5, 278, 911 1, 819, 815 77 24 18 22 50 109, 390, 266 16, 655, 572 261, 269 1, 927, 876 20, 981, 601 114,306,493 39, 997, 030 8, 245, 000 37 00 (10 78 45 U0 00 00 114, 993, 036 12, 573, 514 196,106 1, 825, 640 18, 373, 943 84,390,219 38,917,490 24, 255, 000 23 00 00 16 22 00 00 00 124. 076, 097 13, 210,179 342, 55* 1, 863, 358 20, 755, 919 100, 166,100 19,473,420 44, 9U5, 000 71 00 00 91 04 00 00 00 143, 241, 394 11,842,974 222, 668 2, 262, 791 13, 003, 713 92, 453, 475 4, 513, 730 59, 080, 000 99 00 00 97 39 00 00 00 1, 502, 647, 644 10 1, 499, 6G8, 920 97 1, 572,167, 076 26 1, 559, 621, 773 49 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLXIII Banks from October, 1863, to October, 1886—Continued. I860. JANUARY 1. APRIL 2. JULY 2. OCTOBBS 1. 1,582 b a n k s . 1,612 b a n k s . 1,634 b a n k s . 1,614 b a n k s . $403, 357, 346 00 $409,273,534 00 $414,270,493 00 $415,472, 369 00 43, 000, 370 78 28, 972,493 70 44, 687, 810 54 30, 964, 422 73 50,151, 991 77 29, 286,175 45 53, 359, 277 64 32, 593, 486 69 213, 239, 530 00 45,449,155 00 248, 886, 282 00 33, 800, 865 00 267,798, 678 00 19, 996,163 00 280, 253, 818 00 9,748, 025 00 522, 507, 829 27 29, 747, 236 15 534, 734, 950 33 29,150,729 82 533, 338,174 25 36, 038,185 03 3, 066, 892 22 564,616,777 64 30,420, 819 80 2,979,955 77 94, 709, 074 15 23, 793, 584 24 89,067,501 54 21,841,641 35 96, 496, 726 42 25,951,728 99 110,531,957 31 26,986,317 57 1,404,776, 619 29 1,442,407,737 31 1,476, 395, 208 13 1, 526, 962, 804 42 Liabilities. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits National b'knotesoutstanding State bank notes outstanding. Individual deposits TJ. S. deposits 1 Dep'taof U.S.disb sing officers Due to national banks Due to other b'ks and bankers. Total 1867. JANUARY 7. APRIL 1. JULY 1. OCTOBER 7. 1,648 b a n k s . 1,642 b a n k s . 1,636 b a n k s . 1,642 b a n k s . $420, 229, 739 00 $419,399,484 00 $418, 558,148 00 $420,073, 415 00 59, 992, 874 57 26, 961, 382 60 60, 206, 013 58 31,131, 034 39 63,232,811 12 30, 656, 222 84 66, 695, 587 01 33, 751, 446 21 Nationalb'knotesoutstanding State bank notes outstanding. 291,436,749 00 6, 901, 499 00 292, 788, 572 00 5, 460, 312 00 291, 769, 553 00 4,484,112 00 293,887,941 00 4, 092,153 00 Individual deposits U. S. deposits Dep's of U. S. disb'sing officers Due to national banks Due to other b'ks and bankers 558, 699, 768 06 27, 284, 876 93 2,477, 509 48 512,046,182 47 27, 473, 005 66 2,650,981 39 539, 599, 076 10 29, 838, 391 53 3,474,192 74 540, 797, 837 51 23, 062,119 92 4, 352, 379 43 92, 761, 998 43 24,416, 588 33 91,156, 890 89 23,138, 629 46 89, 821, 751 60 22, 659, 267 08 93,111,240 89 19,644, 940 20 1, 511, 222, 985 40 1,465, 451,105 84 1,494, 084, 526 01 1,499,469, 060 17 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Total 1 86 8. JANUARY 6. APRIL 6. JULY 6. OCTOBER 5. 1,642 b a n k s . 1,643 b a n k s . 1,640 b a n k s . 1,643 b a n k s . $420, 260, 790 00 $420, 676, 210 00 $420,105, 011 00 70, 586,125 70 31, 399, 877 57 72,349,119 60 32,861,597 08 75, 840,118 94 33, 543, 223 35 Nationalb'knotesoutstanding State bank notes outstanding. 294, 377, 390 00 3, 792, 013 00 295, 336, 044 00 3, 310,177 00 294, 908, 264 00 3,163, 771 00 205, 709, 489 00 2, 900, 352 l;U Individual deposits U. S. deposits Dep'tsof U.S. disb'sing officers 534,704, 709 00 24, 305, 638 02 3, 208, 783 03 532,011,480 36 22, 750, :<42 77 4, 976, 682 31 575, 842, 070 12 24, 603, 676 96 3, 499, 389 99 580,940,820 85 17, 573, 250 li-i 4,570,478 Hi Due to national banks Due to other b'ks and bankers 98,144, 669 61 21,867, 648 17 94,073,631 25 21,323,636 60 113, 306, 346 34 27,355,204 56 90, 414,397 28 23,720,829 id 1,502,647,644 10 1,499,668,920 97 1,572,167,076 26 1,559,621,773 40 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Total $420, 634, 511 10 77,995,701 40 36, 01)5, 883 U6 CLXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Aggregate resources and liabilities of the National l§09. APHIL 17. JUNE 12. OCTOBER 9. 1,619 banks. 1,(517 banks. Resources. 1,628 bank a. 1,620 banks. Loans and discounts J $644, 945, 039 53 338, 539, 050 00 U. S. bonds to secure oirc'lat'n; 34, 538, 350 00 U. S. bends to secure deposits.! 35, 010, 600 00 U. S.b'dsandsec'tiesonhand-! 1 •20,127, 732 96 Oth'r stocks, b'ds, and inoi tg's 65, 727, 070 80 Due from redeeming agents.. j 36,067,316 84 Due from othernational banks7,715,719 34 Due from State b'ks and b'k'rs 23, 289, 838 28 Keal estate, furniture, &o 3, 265, 990 81 Current expenses 1,654,352 70 Premiums paid Checks and other cash items. Bills of other national banks. Fractional currency Specie Legal-tender notes Three per cent certificates.. Total 142,605,984 92 14, 684, 799 00 2, 280, 471 06 29, 626, 750 26 88, 239, 300 00 52, 075, 000 00 $086, 347, 755 81 j $682,883,106 97 338, 609, 750 00 | '6M. 480, 100 00 18,704,000 00 27, 625, 350 00 25, 903, 9->o 00 27, 476, (150 00 22, 250, 607 14 20, 777, 560 53 f>0, 669, 5(52 84 62,012,636 82 35, 303, 563 47 35, 550, 504 53 8,790.418 57 9, 140. 019 24 25, 169,188 95 23,850,271 17 5, 646, 382 96 5,820,577 87 2, 002, 864 85 1, 800, 070 01 108,809,817 37 161, 614, 852 66 10, 776, 023 00 11,524,447 00 2, 000, 727 38 1,804,855 53 23. 002. 4or> 83 18, 455, 090 48 80,034,110 00 83,719,205 00 49,815,000 00 45, 845, 000 00 $062,084,813 47 338, 379, 250 00 29, 721,350 00 30, 226, 550 00 20, 074, 435 09 57, 554, 382 55 3i), f>20, 527 89 8, 075, 595 60 23,798, 188 13 5,641,11*5 01 1,716,210 13 154,137,101 23 11, 725, 239 00 2,088,545 18 9,944,532 15 80,875,161 00 51,190,000 00 1,540,394,266 50 I 1,517,753,167 i 1, 564,174, 410 65 j 1, 497, 226, 604 33 187O. JANUARY 22. MARCH 24. JUNE 0. OCTOBEB 8. DECEMBER 28. 1,615 banks. 1,615 b a n k s . 1,612 b a n k s . 1,615 b a n k s . 1,648 b a n k s . Loans and discounts . $688, 875, 203 70 $710,848,609 39 $719,341,186 06 $715,028,079 81 $725, 515, 538 49 Bonds forcirculat ion. 339, 350, 750 00 339, 251, 350 00 338, 845, 200 00 340, 857, 450 00 344, 104,200 00 15,381,500 00 15, 189,500 00 Bonds for deposits . . 17, 502, 000 00 16,102, 000 00 15,704,000 00 22, 323, 800 00 U. S. bonds on hand . 24, 677,100 00 23, 803, 300 00 28, 276. 600 00 27, 292,150 00 23, 614, 721 25 21, 082, 412 00 20, 524, 294 55 Other stocksand b'ds 22. 086, 358 59 23,300,681 87 64, 805, (ir>2 88 Due from red'gag'nls 71,641,486 05 66, 275, 6C8 92 73,435,117 98 74, 635, 405 61 33, 948, 805 65 37, 478, 166 49 Due from nat'l banks 31, 094, 609 26 29,510,688 11 36, 128,750 66 9, 202, 496 71 9,319,560 54 9,824,144 18 Due fron Stale bunks 10,430,781 32 10,238,219 85 27,470,746 97 26,002,713 01 26, 503, 357 00 28,021,637 44 ltt-al estate. &o . 26,33O,7ol 24 5,871,750 02 3, 4(>9, 588 00 6, 324, 955 47 6, 905 073 32 Coii t*nt expenses 6,683, 189 54 2,491,222 11 2,439, 591 41 3, 070, 456 74 3, 251, 648 72 Premiums paid 2, 680,882 39 13, 229, 403 34 Cash items 111, 624, 822 00 11,497,534 13 12, 53G, 613 57 11, 267, 703 12 Clear'g-houseexch'gs 83, 936, 515 64 79, 080, 688 39 76, 208, 707 00 75, 317, 992 22 17, 001, 840 00 National bank notes . 15, 840, 669 00 16, 342, :"82 00 12,512.027 00 14,226,817 00 2, 150, 52'.' 89 Fractional currency . 2, 476, 9(56 75 2, 184,714 39 2,078. 178 05 2, 285, 499 02 26,307,251 59 Specie 48, 345, 383 72 31,099,437 78 18,4(50,011 47 37, 096, 543 44 80, 580, 745 00 L«»jral-tender notes . . 87, 708, 502 00 94,573,751 00 79,324,577 00 82, 485, 978 00 Three per cent, cert'fs 43, 820, 000 00 43, 465, 000 00 43, 345, 000 00 41, 845, 000 00 43, 570, 000 00 Total. 1,546,201,357 44 1,529,147,735 85 ,1,565,756,909 67 1,510,713,236 92 1,538,998,105 93 1. MARCH 18. APRIL 29. JUNE 10. 1,688 b a n k s . 1,707 b a n k s . 1,723 banks. 1 OCTOBER 2. 1,767 banks. DECEMBER 16. 1,700 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. $767, 858, 490 59 $779,321,828 11 $789,416,568 13 $831,552,210 00 $818,906,311 74 Bonds for circulation 351,556,700 00 354, 427, 200 00 357, 388, 050 00 , 364, 475, 800 00 366, 84", 200 00 23, 155, 150 00 Bonds for deposits . . 15,231, 500 00 15, 236, 500 00 15, 250, 5(n» 00 i 28,087,500 00 17, 675, 500 00 U. S. bonds on hand . 23,911,350 00 22, 487, 950 00 24, 200, 3W» 00 j 17, 753, 650 00 23, 061,184 20 Other stocksand b'ds 22, 7(33, 860 20 22, 414, 659 05 23,132, 871 05 j 24, 517, 050 35 77,985,600 53 92, 369, 246 71 j 86, 878, 6ii8 84 Due from red'g a ^ ' n t s 83, 809, 188 92 85,061,016 31 43, 313, 344 78 39, 636, 570 35 | 43, 525, 362 05 D u e from n a t ' l b a n k s 30,201,119 00 38, 332, 679 74 13,069.301 40 D u e from S t a t e b a n k s 11,478,174 71 11,8,").'!, 308 60 i 12,772,369 83 10,271,005 34 K<*al estate, &c 30, 070, 330 57 29, 242, 702 79 29, 617, 009 30 ! 30, 089, 783 85 28,805,814 79 Cm rent expenses 6, 764, ] 59 73 6. 205, 009 46 I 6, 153, 370 29 7,330,424 12 6,694,014 17 P r e m i u m s paid 4, 414, 755 40 5, 026, 385 97 j 5, 500. 800 17 5, 956, 073 74 3, 930, 995 20 Cash items 11, 642, 644 74 CUar'p-houseexch'gs 100,69:5,917 54 "National bank n o t e s . 13,137, 006 00 F r a c t i o n a l currency . 2,103,298 16 Specie 25.769,166 64 Le^al-tender notes . . 91, 072, 349 00 T h r e e p e r cent, cert'fs 37,570,000 00 Total 13. 101, 407 tf5 ' 14, 058, '2W 8U 12, 749, 289 84 130,855,608 15 102,001,311 75 ! 101, 165.854 52 19. 101, 3S9 00 14. 107,053 00 16, 632, 323 00 2, l(»0, 7'3 22 : 2, 005,485 79 2, 13">,76.'{ 00 10,024,055 !6 13, 252, U98 17 22, 732, 027 02 106,210, 12«» 00 122, 137,660 00 . 109,414,735 00 30, (100. 000 00 , 25, 075, 000 00 33, 935, 000 00 13, 784, 424 76 114,538,539 93 13, 085, 904 00 2. 061, 600 89 29, f>95, 299 56 93,042,707 00 21.400,000 00 1,627,032,030 28 jl,694,440,912 94 1,703,415,335 65 ^,730,566,899 72 ^,715,861,897 22 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLXV Batiks from October, 1863, to October, 1880—Continued. JANUARY 4. JUKE 12* OCTOBER 9. 1,619 banks. 1,617 bank*. AI'RIL 17. Liabilities. 1,628 banks. j Capital stock ! $419,040.93100 Surplus fund Undivided profits I 1,020 banks. i &-!\:u, 818. 72! 00 • $422. 65£». 260 00 81, 16:). 936 52 :' 35,318,273 71 $426, 399, 151 00 82.653,9*9 10 ;;:7. isu, 3M 82 82. 21S, 576 47 43. 312, 898 70 86,165,334 32 40. 687, 300 92 N a t ' l b a n k jiot<'.s«>ui:stnndi-n£ S t a i e b a n k not<*soutstanding 294, 476. 702 00 ; 2. 7iJ4. CGi) 00 292, 'i ."i7, 0:)8 00 2. 615, 387 00 292, 753. 286 00 2. 5:>\ 874 00 293. 593, 64r> 00 2,454,697 00 I n d i v i d u a l d«'i>osits 568, 530, 934 11 ; 13, 21!. X5-) 10 i 3, 472, hK4 1)0 | 5i7. H22, 174 01 | li). 1 i4, 32H 32 Li, 06.'), 131 61 574,307.382 77 10, 301.007 71 2, 454, 048 99 511, 400. 196 63 7, 112,646 67 4, 516, 648 12 05, 453. io9 33 ! 2ti, 981, 94 r, 74 ! 92, 002. 648 49 23, 018, 610 02 100,933. Oil) 03 28, 04*;, 771 30 I 95, 067 892 83 23,849.371 62 Due to national banks Dm n State i.-auksand b ' k ' r s . Not'--* int.! bill* re-discounted .| Bill,, imy.-iblo. j.Total | j 1,540,394.266 50 : 1,517,753,167 03 3, 839, 357 10 2, 140, 303 12 2, 392. 205 61 '• 1, 735, 289 07 j 2,464,841) 81 .1,870, 913 2(5 1, 564,174, 410 65 1, 497, 226, 604 33 1 870. Capital stock JANUARY 22. MARCH 24. 1,015 banks. 1,615 banks. OCTOBER 8. 1,612 b a n k s . | DECEMBER 28. 1,615 b a n k s . 1,648 banks. j$42C, 074, 954 00 $427, 504, 247 00 '$427, 235, 701 00 $430, 399, 301 00 Surplus iV^d | 90,174,28114 Uiulivid. d p r o f i t s . . . . j 34. 300, 430 80 ! 292.838.935 00 2,351,993 00 292, 509,149 00 2, 279, 469 00 2, 299, 206 27 1,483,416 15 Dividends u n p a i d . . . . $435, 356, 004 00 90. 229, 954 59 i 91,689,834 1 2 : 9 4 , 0 6 1L,, 438 95 i 43,109, 471 62 42, 861, 712 59 ! 38, 008, 01S 91 I 291, 183, 014 00 ; 291, 798, 640 00 - • 222, • - - 793 • • - 00 2, , 2,138, 548 00 1, 517, 595 18 2, 462, 591 31 I 94, 705. 740 34 46, 056, 428 55 296, 205, 446 00 f u 9 1 v 799 0 0 2. 242, 556 49 Individual deposits . .1 546, 236, 881 57 U.S. deposits . . I 6.750, 139 19 Dcp is U .S.dis.ofb"cers| 2, 592, 001 21 510.058,085 26 I 542,201,503 18 ! 501,407,586 90 6,4:4.42! 25 j 10,077,873 92 i 0,807,978 49 4, 778, 225 93 | 2, 592, 907 54 i 4, 550, 142 68 507,368,618 67 6. 074, 407 90 4,155, 304 25 Due to national bank.<: 108,351,300 33 Due to State banks . .j 28, 904, 849 14 .109,(167,715 95 j 115,456,49! 84 ; 100,348,292 45 29, 767, 075 21 j 33,012,162 78 | 20,693,910 80 106, 090, 414 53 29, 200, 587 29 Notes re-disronntod -I r.ills payable .j Total Capital stock 3,842,542 30 1.543,753 49 2, 4i".2, 647 49 j 2, 873, 357 40 j 2,741,843 5 3 ; 2, 302, 756 99 ( 3,843,577 67 4, 592, 609 76 4, 612,131 08 4, 838, 667 83 jl.546.261,357 44 jl,529,147,735 85 1,565,756,909 67 ,1,510,713,236 92 j 1,538,998,105 MARCH 18. APRIL 29. JUNE 10. OCTOBER 2. 1,688 b a n k s . 1,707 banks. 1,723 b a n k s . 1,767 banks. '$444, 232, 771 00"L" !$44C, 925, 493 00 $450, 330, 841 00 $458, 255, 696 00 DECEMBER 16. 1,790 b a n k s . $460, 225, 866 00 97, 620, 099 28 44, 776, 030 71 98, 322, 203 80 45, 535, 227 79 101, 112, 671 91 42, 008, 714 38 101 573, 153 62 48 630, 925 81 ]NratMbniik circTilation 301,713, 460 00 306, 131,393 00 State bank circulation . 2 , 035, 800 00 ' 1, 982, 580 00 Dividends u n p a i d . . . . 1,263,767 70 2, 235, 248 46 Individual do posits - - 561,100,830 41 (5. 314, 957 81 611,025,174 10 U. S. i.liM'Osits - . 4, 813, 016 66 6,521,572 92 3, 757, 873 84 to national banks! 118, 904, 865 84 128. 037, 109 17 Due t > State banks . . 37,311,519 13 36, 113,21)0 G7 307, 793, 880 00 1, 968, 058 00 315,519,117 00 1, 921, 056 00 318 265, 481 00 1, 886, 538 00 Surplus funds j 90, M)2, 081 W Undivided profits . . . | 43,^83,^57 t>4 Notes re-discounted . Bills payable Total 3, 256, 896 42 5, 24H. 206 01 H, 573, 723 02 5, 740, 964 77 1, 408, 628 25 4,540,194 61 1, 393,427 98 602, 110,758 16 6,265,167 94 4, 893, 907 25 600, 868, 486 55 20,511,935 98 5, 393, 598 89 596, 586, 487 54 829, 525 65 399, 108 34 135,167, 847 69 41,219,802 96 131, 730, 713 04 40,211,971 67 118, 657, 614 16 38,116, 950 67 3. 120, 039 09 5, 278, 973 3, 904, 552 57 4,528,191 12 4, 922, 455 78 5, 374, 362 67 •s- 11,627,032,030 23 |l,694,440,012 94 1,703,415,335 65 1,730,506,899 72 1,715, 861,897 23 CLXVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Aggregate resources and liabilities of the National FEBRUARY 27. APRIL 19. JUNE 10. OCTOBER 3. DECEMBER 27. 1,814 banks. 1,843 b a n k s . 1,853 b a n k s . 1,919 b a n k s . 1,940 banks. Resources. Loans an d discounts. $839, 665, 077 91 I*< mris for circulation 370,924,700 00 Bo ads for deposits-. 15, 870, 000 00 U S. bonds on hand. 21, 323,150 00 Other stocks and b'ds 22. 838, 338 80 D u e from red'g ag'nts 89, 548, 329 93 Duo from nat'lbanks 38,282,905 86 Due from State banks 12, 269, 822 68 30, 637, 676 75 Real estate, &c 6, 265, 655 13 Current expenses... 6, 308, 821 86 Premiums paid 12,143, 403 12 Cash items Clear'g-houseexch'gs 93,154,319 74 15, 552, 087 00 National-bank notes 2, 278,143 24 Fractional currency 25, 507, 825 32 Specie Legal-tender notes.. 97,865, 400 00 U.S.cert'fs of deposit Threepercent.cert'fs 18, 980, 000 00 Total $877,197, 923 47 $885, 653,449 62 382, 046, 400 00 384, 458, 500 00 16,304,750 00 15, 479, 750 00 10, 306,100 00 12,142, 550 00 23,160, 557 29 23, 533,151 73 86,401, 459 44 80,717,071 30 42, 707, 613 54 34, 486. 593 87 12, 976, 878 01 12, 008, 843 54 33, 014, 796 83 32, 276,498 17 8, 454, 803 97 6, 310, 428 79 7, 097, 847 86 6, 546, 848 52 13, 696, 723 85 14, 916, 784 34 90,145,482 72 110, 086, 315 37 19, 070, 322 00 15, 787, 296 00 2, 270, 576 32 2,151, 747 88 19, 047, 336 45 10, 229, 756 79 105,121,104 00 102, 922, 369 00 12,650, 000 00 6,710,000,00 4,185, 000 00 7,140, 000 00 12, 005, 000 00 $844, 902, 253 49 $871, 531, 448 67 374, 428, 450 00 377, 029, 700 00 15, 409, 950 00 15,169, 000 00 16,458,250 00 19, 292,100 00 22, 270, 610 47 21, 538, 914 06 82,120, 017 24 91, 564, 269 53 36, 697, 592 81 39. 468, 323 39 13, 014, 265 26 12,299,716 94 31,123, 843 21 30, 809, 274 98 6,719,794 90 7, 026, 041 23 6, 616,174 75 6, 544, 279 29 13, 458,753 80 12,461,171 40 88,592,800 16 114,195, 966 36 16, 253, 560 00 18,492, 832 00 2, 069, 464 12 2,143, 249 29 24, 256, 644 14 24, 433,899 46 105, 732, 455 00 122, 994, 417 00 15, 365, 000 00 1,719,415,657 34 1,743,652,213 55 1,770,837,269 40 1,755,857,098 24 1,773,556,532 43 1 8 7 3. FEBRUARY 28. APRIL 25. JUNE 13. 1,947 banks. 1,962 b a n k s . 1,968 b a n k s . BEPTBMBBB 12. DECEMBER 26. 1,976 b a n k s . ' 1,976 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. $913,265,189 67 $912, 064, 267 31 $925, 557, 682 42 $944, 220,116 34 $856, 816, 555 05 Bonds for circulation 384, 675, 050 00 386, 763, 800 00 388, 080, 300 00 388. 330, 400 00 389, 384,400 00 16, 235, 000 00 14,815,200 00 15, 935, 000 00 14, 805, 000 00 Bonds for deposits.. 15, 035, 000 00 9,613,550 00 8, 630, 850 00 9, 7*9, 400 00 8, 824, 850 00 U. S. bonds on hand. 10, 436, 950 00 22. 449,146 04 22,912,415 63 23, 709, 034 53 24, 358,125 06 Other stocks and b'ds 22, 063, 306 20 88,815,557 80 73, 032, 046 87 97,143, 326 94 96,134,120 66 Duefromred'g ag'nts 95,773,077 10 38, 671, 088 63 43, 328, 792 29 41,413, 680 06 40, 404, 757 97 Due from nat'l banks 39, 483, 700 09 12, 883, 353 37 14, 073, 287 77 12, 022, 873 41 11,185, 253 08 Due fromState banks 13,595,679 17 34, 216, 878 07 34, 023, 057 77 34, 820, 562 77 34, 661, 823 21 35, 556, 746 48 Real estate, &c 7,410,045 87 8, 678, 270 39 6, 977, 831 35 7,154, 211 69 6, 985, 436 99 Current expenses . . . 7, 559, 987 67 7, 987,107 14 7, 205, 259 67 7, 890, 962 14 7, 752, 843 87 Premiums paid 11, 425, 209 00 12, 321, 972 80 11,761,711 50 13, 036, 482 58 11,433,913 22 Cash items 94, 132,125 24 91, 918, 526 59 88, 926, 003 53 62, 881, 342 16 Clear'g-houseexch'gs 131, 383, 860 95 19,310,202 00 21, 403,179 00 20, 394, 772 00 16,103, 842 00 National bank notes. 15, 998, 779 00 2,198, 973 37 2, 287, 454 03 2, 289, 680 21 2,197, 559 84 2, 302, 775 26 Fractional currency. 16, 868, 808 74 27, 950, 086 72 26, 907, 037 58 17,777,673 53 19, 868, 469 45 Specie Legal-tender notes.. 97,141, 909 00 100,fiOo,287 00 106, 381, 491 00 92, 522, 663 00 108, 719, 506 00 18, 370, 000 00 24, 010, 000 00 22, 365, 000 00 20, 610, 000 00 U.S.cert'fs of deposit 18, 460, 000 00 710, 000 00 1, 805, 000 00 305, 000 00 Threepercent.eert'fs Total 1,839,152,715 21 1,800,303,280 11 1,851,234,860 38 1,830,627,845 53 1,729,380,303 61 1874. FEBRUARY 27. MAYl. JUNE 26. OCTOBER 2. DECEMBER 31. 1,975 b a n k s . 1,978 b a n k s . 1,983 b a n k s . 2,004 b a n k s . 2,027 b a n k s . Loans and discounts $897,859, 600 46 $923, 347, 030 79 $926,195, 671 70 $954, 394, 791 59 $955, 862, 580 51 Bouds for circulation 389, 614, 700 00 389, 249,100 00 390, 281, 700 00 383, 254, 800 00 382, 976, 200 00 Bonds for deposits.. 14, 600, 200 00 14, 890, 200 00 14, 890,200 00 14,691, 700 00 14, 714, 000 00 U. S. bonds on hand. 11,043,400 00 10,456, 900 00 10,152, 000 00 13,313,550 00 15, 290, 300 00 Otherstocksandb'ds 25, 305,736 24 27, 010, 727 48 25,460,460 20 27, 807, 826 92 28,313,473 12 Due from res've ag'ts 101, 502, 861 58 97, 871, 517 06 94,017,603 31 83, 885,126 94 80,488, 831 45 Due from nat'l bauks 36,624,001 39 45, 770, 715 59 41,291,015 24 39, 695, 309 47 48,100, 842 62 Due from Statebanks 11,496,711 47 12,469, 592 33 11,196, 611 73 12,374,391 28 11, 655, 573 07 Real estate, &o 36, 043, 741 50 37, 270, 876 51 36, 708, 066 39 38,112, 926 52 39,190, 683 04 Current expenses - - . 6, 998, 875 75 7, 550,125 20 7, 547, 203 05 7, 658, 738 82 5, 510, 566 47 Bremiums paid 8, 741, 028 77 8, 563, 262 27 8, 680, 370 84 8, 376, 659 07 8, 626,112 16 Cash items 10,269, 955 50 10,496,257 00 11,949,020 71 12, 296, 416 77 14, 005, 517 33 Clear'g-houseexch'gs 62,768,119 19 63, 896, 271 31 97, 383, 687 11 112, 995, 317 55 94, 877,796 52 National bank notes. 20, 003, 251 00 20, 673,452 00 23, 527, 991 00 18,450, 013 00 22, 532, 336 00 Fractional currency. 2, 309, 919 73 2, 283, 898 92 2, 187,186 69 2, 224, 943 12 2, 392, 668 74 Specie 33, 365, 863 58 22, 326, 207 27 32, 569, 969 26 21, 240, 945 23 22,436,761 04 Legal-tender notes.. 102, 717, 563 00 101, 692, 930 00 103,108, 350 00 80, 021, 946 00 82, 604, 791 00 U.o.cert'i's of deposit 37, 235, 000 00 47, 780 000 00 42, 825, 000 00 40,135, 000 00 33, 670, 000 00 Dep. with U. S. Treas 91,250 00 20, 349, 950 15 21,043,084 36 Total 1,808,500,529 16 1, 867,802,796 28 1,851,840,913 64 1,877,180,942 44 1,902,409,638 46 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLXVII Banks from October, 1863, to October, 1886—Continued. 1872. FEBRUARY 27. APRIL 19. JUNE 10. OCTOBER 3. 1,814 b a n k s . 1,843 b a n k s . 1,853 b a n k s . 1,919 b a n k s . DECEMBER 27. Liabilities. Capital stock $464, 081, 744 00 $407, 924, 318 00 $470,543, 301 00 $479, 629,174 00 1, 940 b a n k s . $482, 606, 252 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits ... 103, 787, 082 62 43, 310, 344 46 104, 312, 525 81 46,428, 590 90 105,181,94*28 50, 234, 298 32 110, 257, 516 45 46, 623, 784 50 111,410,248 98 56, 762, 411 89 Nat'lbankcirculation State bank circulation 321, 634, 675 00 1, 830, 563 00 325, 305, 752 00 1, 763, 885 00 327, 092, 752 00 1, 700, 935 00 333, 495, 027 00 1, 567,143 00 336, 289, 285 00 1, 511, 396 00 Dividends unpaid ... Individual deposits.. V. S. deposits Dep'tsU.S.dis.oflicers 1,451,746 29 1, 561, 914 45 1, 454, 044 06 3,149, 749 61 1, 356, 934 48 593, 645, 666 16 7,114,893 47 5, 024, 699 44 620, 775, 265 78 6, 355, 722 95 3,416, 371 16 618,801,619 49 6,99:1014 77 5, 463, 953 48 613,290,671 45 7, 853. 772 41 4, 563, 833 79 598,114, 679 26 7, 863, 894 93 5,136, 597 74 Due to nationalbanks Due to State banks.. 128, 627, 494 44 39, 025,105 44 120, 755, 565 86 35, 005,127 84 132, 804. 924 02 39, 878J 826 42 110, 047, 347 67 33, 789, 083 82 124, 218, 392 83 34, 794, 963 37 Notes re-discounted. Bills payable 3,818,686 91 6, 062, 890 91 4, 225, 622 04 5,821,551 76 4, 745,178 22 5, 942, 479 34 5,549,431 88 6, 040, 562 66 6, 545,059 78 6, 946, 416 17 Total Capital stock.. 1,719,415,657 34 1,743,652,213 55 1,770,837,269 40 1,755,857,098 24 1, 773, 556, 532 43 FEBRUARY 28. APRIL 25. JUNE 13. SEPTEMBER 12. DECEMBER 26. 1,947 b a n k s . 1,962 b a n k 3. 1,968 b a n k s. 1,970 b a n k s . 1,976 b a n k s . $484, 551, 811 00 $487, 891, 251 00 $490,109, 801 00 $491,072,616 00 $490, 266, 611 00 Surplus fund Unttivided profits ... 114,681,048 73 48, 578, 045 28 115,805,574 57 52, 415, 348 46 110.847,454 62 55, 306,154 69 120, 314, 499 20 54, 515,131 76 120,961,267 91 58, 375,169 43 Xat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 336, 292, 459 00 1, 368, 271 00 338,163, 864 00 1, 280, 208 00 338, 788, 504 00 1, 224, 470 00 339, 081, 799 00 1,188,853 00 341,320,256 00 1,130, 585 00 Dividends unpaid ... 1, 465, 993 Individual deposits . 656,187, 551 U. S. deposits 7, 044, 848 Dep'tsU.S.dis. officers 5, 835, 696 Due to national banks 134, 231, 842 Due to State banks.. 38,124, 803 Notes re-discounted. 5,117,810 Bills payable 5, 672, 532 Total 1,839,152,715 60 1, 462, 336 77 1,400, 491 90 1, 402, 547 89 1, 269, 474 74 61 34 60 6.1 (), 848, 358 25 7, 880, 057 73 4, 425, 750 14 641, 121,775 27 8, 691, 001 95 6,416, 275 10 622, 6H5, 503 29 7. 821), 327 73 8, 098, 500 13 540,510,602 78 7, 680, 375 26 4, 705, 593 36 95 85 126, 631, 920 24 35, 036, 433 18 137, 856, 085 67 40, 741, 788 47 133, 072, 732 94 39, 298, 148 14 114,990,666 54 £0, 598, 076 29 50 75 5, 403, 043 38 7, 059,128 39 5,515,900 67 7, 215,157 04 5,987,512 36 5, 480, 554 09 3,811,487 89 7, 754,137 41 21 1,800,303,280 11 1,851,234,860 38 1,830,627,845 53 1, 729, 380, 303 61 FEBRUARY 27. 1,975 banks. $490, 859,101 Capital stock Surplus fund 123,497, 347 Undivided profits... 50, 236, 919 Nat'l bank circulation 339, 602, 955 Statebank circulation 1, 078, 988 Dividends unpaid... 1,978 b a n k s . JUNE 26. OCTOBER 2. DECEMBER 31. 1,983 banks. 2,004 b a n k s . 2,027 b a n k s . 00 $490, 077, 001 00$491,003,711 00 $493, 765,121 00 $495, 802, 481 00 125,561,081 23 120,239,308 41 128,958,106 84 54, 331, 713 13 58, 332, 965 71 51, 484, 437 32 130,485, 641 37 51, 477, 629 33 340, 267, 649 00 338, 538, 743 00 333, 225, 298 00 964, 567 00 1, 049, 286 00 1, 009, 021 00 2, 259,129 91 1, 242,474 81 3, 516, 276 99 1, 291, 055 63 331,193,159 00 860,417 00 20 88 00 00 6, 088, 845 01 Individual deposits.. TJ. S. deposits Dep'tsU.S.dis.officers 595, 350, 334 90 7, 276, 959 87 5, 034, 624 46 649, 286, 298 95 622, 863,154 44 669, 068, 995 88 7, 994, 422 27 7, 322, 830 85 7, 302,153 58 3, 297, 689 24 3, 238,639 20 3, 927, 828 27 682, 846, 607 45 7,492, 307 78 3, 579, 722 94 Due to national banks Due to State banks.. 138, 435, 388 39 48,112,223 40 129,188,671 42 51, 629, 602 36 Kotes re-discounted.. Bills payable 3,448, 828 92 4, 275,002 51 135, 640,418 24 143, 033, 822 25 125,102, 049 93 48, 683, 924 31 50,227,420 18 50,718,007 87 4, 581, 420 38 4,436, 256 22 4,197, 372 25 4, 772, 662 59 4, 352, 560 57 4, 950, 727 51 Total. 6, 365, 652 97 5, 398, 900 83 1,808,500,529 16 1,807,802,796 28 jl,851,840,013 64 jl,877,180,942 44 1,902,409,638 46 CLXYlll REPORT OF Till: COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Aggregate resources and liabilities of the National 1875. Resources. MARCn 1. - -: 2,029 b a n k s . MAY 1. JUNE 30. 2,040 banks. 2,076 banks. OCTOBER DECEMBER 1. 2,088 banks. 17. 2,086 banks. Loans and discounts $«5»5, 185. «.V!9 35 $971, 835, 293 74 $972, 926, 532 14 $984, 691, 434 40 $962, 571, 807 70 •Bonds for circul;:! ion :^o.G.-2.a r i) oo lfc~8, o2*», o00 00 375, 127, 900 00 370, 321, 700 00 363,618,100 00 14, 147, 200 00 14, 372. 2'J0 00 JBonds lor deposits . ; 14,492, 2()U 00 14, 097, 200 00 13, 981, 500 00 14,297, (>50 00 12, 753, 000 00 U. S. bonds on bund. 18. C62. 15;- 00 13,989,950 00 16, 009, 550 00 32, 010, :;itj 18 20. 102, i )7 10 OtheT stocks ami b'ds 28, 208. H I CO 33, 505, 045 15 31, 657, 900 52 80. ()-:0. 878 <o 89, 788,1)03 73 Due from res'vea^'ts 8 9 . 9 9 1 , 17") 3 * 85, 701, 259 82 81, 462, 682 27 48. 513.38,8 86 4G, 031) 507 57 Due from nat'l bunks 44.72<>. ';9i l i 47, 028, 769 18 44, 831, 891 48 11,025,(347 15 DuefromSratbbanka •12, 7 2 1 , 2 : ; 97 1L'.OI>!,U*> 39 11, 963, 768 90 11,895,551 08 i '^() 4';|i i)-t-) ]•> 40, 'ji;9, 020 49 41, 583, 311 94 40 "I'-' ^S') 99 42, 366, 647 65 l»e*»l estate (Me 42 7, 841, 213 05 9, 218, 455 47 4, 092. 044 34 Cnnent expenses. .. [ 7 ' . 7 9 0 , 5 . M iC> 9 00C, 880 92 8, 742. 393 83 Premiums paid 8.434.45:: 14 8, 670, 091 18 9, 442, 801 54 1 3 , 1 2 2 . 1 4 5 88 12, 433. 100 43 1 1 , 7:'.-•]. 7C-'.' 4 2 (.'ash itrms . 12, 758, 872 03 11, 338, 725 72 C11'< i r' *i -1 i o 11 s (• e .\ c \ i' '*? . 8 1 , 127. 7 i i i .'Jf; H o , 970, 8 i 9 0 5 88,924,025 93 75,142,863 45 67, 886, 967 04 10, 504, (iio 00 24, 2(ii,9ii! 00 .Bills of other batiks. i 18, 900. 307 u(j 18, 528, 837 00 17,166,190 00 2, (>20, 504 2fi 2, 702, ;i:i(i 44 ^Fractional currency. ! 3, 008. :><;:..: 12 2, 595, 631 78 2, 901, 023 10 iO, {;•>.!, :*n f!4 lfi. 667. le«; 17 18.959,582 30 Specie 8, 050, 329 73 17, 070, 905 90 87, 492, 895 00 Legal-tender not<\$ .. 78, ;").":?•', 5 70 00 84, 01f, i-::>s 00 76, 458, 734 00 70, 725, 077 00 47,310,000 00 38,615,000 'ID TT. S. cert' fs of d e posit 37 2oo ooo oo 48,810,000 00 31, 005, 000 00 19, 64U, 785 52 Due from U.S. lYeas 21, 007, 91 If 7o 21, 451, 422 20 19, 686, 960 30 19,202,256 68 ; Total 1,809,819,753 22 1,909,847,891 40 1,913,239,201 16 l,882,209,30 is 7 r 62 1,823,469,752 44 6. MARCH 10. MAY 12. JUNE 30. OCTOBER 2 . DECEMBER 22, 2,091 banks. 2,089 b a n k s . 2,091 banks. 2,089 banks. 2,082 banks. Loansand discounts. $950. 205. 555 62 $939. 895, 085 34 $933, CM, 530 45 $931, 304,714 06 $929, 066,408 42 Bonds for circulation 354. 517, 750 00 344, f/>7, 350 00 339, 141, 750 00 337,170,400 00 336, 705,300 00 14, 12;-:, INK) 00 14, 328, 000 00 Bonds for deposits. - 14,21.0, 5r;i, 00 14, 698, 000 00 14, 757, 000 00 2(5,577. 0,0 00 30, 842, 300 00 (J. S. bonds on hand. 25, 91n, (>••:) 00 33,142,150 00 31, 937, 950 00 Other stocks andb'ds 30,425,430 43 30, 905, l!)f, 82 32, 482. 805 75 34, 445,157 16 31,565,914 50 Due from res'veasf'ta 99. 068. 300 35 80. 76i). OK:J 97 87, 989, 900 90 87, 326, 950 48 83,789,174 65 47, 417. 029 03 44, .TJS, 0«;» 4(i Due from nat'i banks 42, 341, 542 07 47, 525, 089 98 44, 011, 664 97 .10, 089. 507 95 l l . ^ i i . IJ{.'{ 90 Due fr:,'U! State banku 1 L, 1*0, :')(>'J 15 12, 061, 283 08 12,415, 841 97 41, 937, till 25 42. lH.'i.yn:s 78 42, 722, 4 15 27 KealesiiU-o, Jtc 43,121,942 01 43,498, 445 49 8, 2!;6, '.'07 ^5 5. J25. 549 38 0, 820, 573 35 Current expenses. ... 6, 987, 644 46 9, 818, 422 88 10, 411,:.4? 28 10,940,713 15 10, 621. G'.U03 Premiums paid . . . 10, 715, 251 16 10, 811, 300 66 9, 517, 8i'8 .-(i 11, 724,592 t>7 9. <;•>;!, i s - ; 37 Cash items -. .. .. -. 12,043,139 68 10,658,709 26 75, 328, 87.* 84 ClearV-house e .xch 'j;s 58,803, 18.' 43 5<5, ^Oii fj;':. iVi 87, 870. 817 06 68, 027, 016 40 18, 530, ."02 00 20,3-i7.y»:4 00 20, 398, 422 00 Bills of other bar':.* 15, 910, 3i5 00 17,521,663 00 2, 7 / 1 , -s->o 2h ;\ 59 -i >0 1, 987, 897 44 I1 rac tional curren i • v. ?i)3, 21 1, 4i7, 203 1,146, 741 94 rf 077 :ji;-, 85 °5 °18 4(v) QO 21 7 ' 4 ' *4 'if! Specie 21 360 767 4° 32 999 647 89 Legal-tender notes ;.. 7<>. 708, 44*; 00 00 9o, 830, 876 00 66, 221, 400 00 84, 250, 847 00 27 3''o. (Kio 00 U.S. ce rt" fs o f <lepos t 30,805.'.:i«; oo 27, 955, 000 00 29, 170, 000 00 2.6, 095, 000 00 Due from U. S. Treas 18, 479, ! 12, 79 Hi, 911, (W<> 20 17,063,407 G5 16, 743, 695 40 16, 359, 491 73 Total 1,834,309,941 70 1,793.300,002 78 1,825,760,067 28 1,827,265,367 61 1,787,407,093 76 18*7. JANUARY 20. APlilL 14 JUNE 22. 2,083 banks. 2,073 banks. 2,078 banks. Loansand discounts. $920,561,018 05 $911,940,833 Bonds for circulation 337. M0, 7;i0 ("J 339, (558. li'O 15, 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 Bonds for deposits .. 14,7^2,000 oo 32. 904, 250 U. S. bonds on hand 31.988,«;:,() oo Other stocks and b'ds 3 j . 8 i 9 , :>'.',{) 20 32, 554, r.i/4 Due from res'veag'ts 8.-', 6!)8, 3(is 85 84,942,718 42, 027 778 3 )ue fr'oin nat'l banks 41 844. Ulii 88 11, 9H, 4,',7 Due from State b'nks .i;i.*38i»,i»9i> 81 4-i. 704, :',;•"> 47 44,731 5! Ji Keal estate, i c 4, 13.1.5id 48 7, 84!:. 2i:-G Current expenses. .. 10. 4;)4. 505 Premiums paid ...... .10. 931. 714 ."•() 10 Wt 4''-i i9 10 410 (>23 Dash 1items. 85, 15H, 422 Clear p-liouseojcflh'gs 81,317,88!) ;>4 1 8 , 4 1 8 , 7 2 7 00 17, (J42, G93 Bills ot other banks .1,233. •JJS 08 1, 114,820 Frac. tio n a 1 c \ rm nc y. 49, 7"i», 2:i7 5ft 27. n70. 037 Specie 72, 68J, 710 ;>0 72. ;;5!,.-,73 Leiral-tender notes TJ.S.oert't's o i\ U: posit 2 5 , 4 7 0 , you 00 in, 44i, .-••:> i-n }<x 2 i; 1 . 0 4 0 Duef'Oiii {.'. ft. Trtas 3 2 , Total »ii;>. '•){}'•; OCTOBER 1 L. 2,080 bankg. DECEMBER 28. 2,074 bankg. 88 $901,731,416 03 $891, 020, 593 54 $881, 856, 744 87 00 337, 754,100 00 336, 810, 950 00 343, 869, 550 00 00 14, 971, 000 00 14, 903, 000 00 13, 538, 000 00 00 32, 34 i, 050 00 30, 088. 700 00 28,479, 800 00 44 35, 653, 755 29 34, 435, 995 21 32,169,491 03 41 82, 132, 099 96 73, 284,133 12 75, 960, 087 27 81 44, 507, 303 03 45, 217, 246 82 44,123, 924 97 3(1 11,24(5,349 79 11, 479, 945 65 11,415,761 60 09 4-\ 229. 983 25 44, 818, 722 07 45, 511, 932 25 7.910,864 84 6, 915, 792 50 8, 958 903 60 s6 9, 219,174 62 8, 841, 939 09 12 10, 320, 674 34 11 674 587 50 10, 265, 059 49 87 10 099 988 •1fi 74 57,861.481 13 74, 525, 215 89 64, 664, 415 01 00 20.182, 9i8 00 15, 531, 467 00 20,312, 692 00 09 1,055, 123 61 900, 805 47 778, 084 78 78 22, 658, 820 31 32, 907, 750 70 21,335,956 06 00 78, 004, 380 00 60, 920, 684 00 70, 568, 248 00 (!(J 44. 430, 000 00 26, 515, 000 00 32,410,000 00 81 17, 932, 574 GO 16, 021, 753 01 16, 493, 577 08 1,818,174,5"-7 C8 1.7«<;.«c:>.-J75 2 9 J. 774,352,833 81 1,741,084,663 84 1,737,295,145 79 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLX1X Banks from October, 1863, to October, 1886—Continued. 187 5. MARCH 1. MATl. JUNE 30. OCTOBER 1. 2,029 b a n k s . 2,046 b a n k s . 2,076 b a n k s . 2,088 b a n k s . DECEMBER 17. liabilities. Capital etock Surplus fnnd Undivided profits $496, 272, 901 00 $498, 717,143 00 $501, 568, 563 50 $504, 829, 769 00 2,086 b a n k s . $505,485,865 00 131, 249, 079 47 51, 650, 243 62 131,604,608 66 55, 907, 619 95 133,169, 094 79 52,160,104 68 134, 356, 076 41 52, 964, 953 50 133, 085,422 20 59,204,957 81 Nat'l hank circulation 324, 525, 349 00 824, 876 00 State back circulation 323, 321. 230 00 815,229 00 318,148, 406 00 786,844 00 318, 350, 379 00 772, 348 00 314,979,451 00 752, 722 00 ... 1,601, 255 48 2, 501, 742 39 6,105, 519 34 4, 003, 534 90 1,353,396 80 Individual deposits 647, 735, 879 69 U. S. devorttto 7,971,932 75 Dep'te l/.S.diH.officere 5,330,414 16 Dividends unpaid . . . 695. 347, (577 70 ti, 7l»7. 972 00 2,706,387 41 686, 478, 6.10 48 6, 714. 328 70 3,459,061 80 664, 579, 619 39 6, 507, 531 59 4, 271,195 19 618, 517, 245 74 6, 652, 556 67 4, 232, 550 87 I)ue to nat ional banks 137, 735,121 44 Dun to State bank* . . 55, 294, 663 84 127,280,034 02 53, 037, 582 89 138, 914, 828 39 55,714,055 18 129,810,681 60 49, 918, 530 95 119, 843, 665 44 47, 048,174 56 5,071,031 44 C, 079, 032 94 4,261, 404 45 5, 758, 299 85 5, 254, 453 66 6, 590, 234 43 5,257,160 61 7, 056, 583 64 Notes re-diacounted . Bills payable Total 4.841,600 20 4, 780, 436 57 1,869,819,753 22 1,909,847.891 40 1,913,239,201 16 1,882,209,307 62 1,823,469,752 44 1 876. MARCH 10. MAY 12. j JUNE 30. OCTOBER 2. DECEMBER 22. j 2,091 banks. Capital stock 2,089 b a n k s , j 2,091 b a n k s . 2,089 banks. 2,082 b a n k s . $504,818,666 00 $500,982,006 00 $500,393,796 00 $499,802,232 00 $497, 482, 016 00 Surplus fund 133,091.739 50 \ 131.795,199 94 131,897.197 21 ! 132,202,282 00 Undivided profits . . . 51,177,031 26 • 49, 039, 278 75 j 46.609,341 51 j 46,445,215 59 131, 390, 664 67 52, 327, 715 08 Nat'l buukcirculatiun 307,476, 155 00 j 300,252,085 00 i 294,444,678 00 j 21)1,544,020 00 S t a te ban k circ u la L i o u 714, 539 00 6U7, 000 00 j Cf>8, 938 00 628, 847 00 292, 011. 575 00 608, 548 00 Dividends unpaid . . . 1, 405, 829 06 2, 325, 523 51 Individual deposits.. 620.674.211 05 612, 3!>5, 096 v sd • " 6, 600, 394 90 8. 4««, 87P Dep'taU.S.dis.officers 2, 505, 273 4,313,915 45 Due to national b a n k s ' 139,407,^80 00 ! 127,880,045 Due to State banks.. 5-*. 002. 131 i»4 | 4i>, 70ti, < Notes re-discounted. Bill*? payable: Total. 4,631,882 57 ! 6, 049, 566 31 i 6, 116. 679 I 59 I (541, 432. 88<> 18 j 7,667,722 30 | 3, 392, 939 30 ! 3, 848, 705 64 1, 286, 540 28 08 651,385,210 19 97 7, 2f>i>. MM 42 48 i 3, 746, 781 58 619, 350, 223 0G 6,727,155 11 4,749,015 39 : 04 j 131,702.164 87 ' 131. 535,969 04 51, 403, 995 59 48, 250, U 1 G3 4,65:}, U}{) 08 5, 650. 126 «7 3. 867. (i:;2 24 6, IT.i, 0(K5 03 4, 464. 407 31 0,154,784 21 122.351,818 09 48,685,392 14 4,553,158 70 5,882,672 15 1,834,309,941 70 jl.793,306.002 78 jl,825,7GU,967 28 1,827,265,3(57 U -1,787,407,093 73 18 7 7, JANUARY 20. j 2,083 b a n k s . APRIL 14. ! 2,073 b u n k s . JUNE 22. OCTOBER 1. DECEMBER 23. 2,078 b a n k s . 2,080 b a n k s . 2,074 b a n k s . Capital stock.. $493, G34, (ill 00 $489,684,645 00 $481,044,771 00 $479,487,771 00 $477, 128, 771 03 ; i • i Surplus fund i«. 130,224, 109 02 127,793,320 52 j 124,714,072 911 ' 122,770, 121 24 121,618,455 32 Undivided profits... 37, 456, 530 32 | 45, 609, 418 27 j 50, 503, 351 70 ! 44, 572, 678 72 51,530,910 18 Stot'l bn n kcirculat ion 292,851,351 00 State bankcirculation 581.242 00 Dividends u n p a i d . . . 294.710,313 00 I 290,002,057 00 535, 9C3 00 521,611 00 299, 240, 475 00 470, 54i) CO 1,398.101 52 3, 623, 703 43 1,404, 178 34 Individual deposits.. 659,891,909 76 7, 234, (i*J6 96 U. S. deposits 3,108,316 55 Dep'tsU.S.dis officers 641,772,528 08 I 636,267,529 20 7,584,267 72 I 7,187.431 67 3,076,878 70 3,710,107 20 616, 403, 987 12 7,1)7:2,714* 75 2, 376, 983 02 604,512,514 52 6,529,031 09 3, 780, 759 43 Dae to national banks 130,293, 566 36 Dae to State banks.. 49, 965, 770 27 125, 422, 444 43 48, 604, 820 09 Notes re-disoounted. Bills payable Total. 2,448,909 70 4, 000, 063 82 I 6,483,320 92 j 1, 853, 974 79 291,874,236 00 481, 738 00 3, 985, 459 75 5 5, % 9 . 241 94 121, 443, fiOl 23 115,028,954 38 48, 352, ~>M 90 ) 46, 577, 439 88 3,791.219 47 6, 137, 116 83 4 654,7*4 51 5,843, 107 03 1,818,174,517 68 ,1,796,603,275 29 jl,774,352,833 81 ,1,741,084,663 84 1,737,295,145 79 2.953, 128 08 I 6,249,426 88 115. 773. 6fi0 58 44. 807, 958 79 CLXX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Aggregate resources and liabilities of the National 1878. MARCH 15. MAY 1. JUNK 29. OCTOBER 1. DECEMBER 6. 2,003 b a n k s . 2,059 b a n k s . 2,056 b a n k s . 2,053 banks. 2,055 banks. Re§ources. Loans and discounts. $854,750.708 87 $847, 620, 392 49 $835,078,133 13 $833, 988, 450 59 $826,017,451 87 Bonds for circulation 343,871,350 00 345, 256, 350 00 347,332,100 00 347, 556, 650 00 347,812,300 00 49,110, 800 00 28, 371, 000 00 47, 936, 850 00 19, 530, 000 00 Bonds for deposits . . 13,329,000 00 44, 255, 850 00 40, 479, 900 00 46, 785, 600 00 33,615,700 00 U. S. bonds on hand. 34, 881, 600 00 35,816,810 47 36, 859, 534 82 34, 697, 320 53 36, 694, 996 24 Other stocksandb'ds 34,674,307 21 81, 733,137 00 78, 875, 055 92 85, 083,418 51 71.331,219 27 Due from res've ag'ts 86, 016, 990 78 43,144, 220 68 41,897,858 89 41, 492, 918 75 40, 545, 522 72 Due from nat'l banks 39, 692,105 87 12,259, 856 09 12,232,316 30 12,314,698 11 12,413,579 10 Due from State banks 11,683,050 17 46, 153,409 35 46, 702, 476 26 46, 728,147 36 45, 901, 530 93 Real estate, <fcc.._... 45, 792, 363 73 7, 608,128 83 4,718,618 66 6, 272, 566 73 7, 239, 3C5 78 7,786, 572 42 Current expensed-.. 6, 978, 768 71 7, 335, 454 49 7,134, 735 68 7, 574, 255 95 7, 80G, 252 00 Premiums paid 9, 985, 004 21 11, 525, 376 07 10, 982, 432 89 10,107. 5841 76 10, 989, 440 78 Cash items 61, 998, 286 11 87, 498, 287 82 82, 372, 537 88 95, 525,134 28 01 ear'g- bouse exch'gs 66,498, 965 23 19,392,281 00 17, 0G3, 578 00 16, 929,721 00 18,3(>3, 335 (JO Bills of other banks. 16, 250, 569 00 496, 864 34 610,084 25 515, 6G1 04 661, 044 69 697, 398 86 Fractional currency. 29, 251, 469 77 30, 688, 606 59 34, 355,250 36 46, 023, 7oG 06 54, 729, 558 02 Specie 71, 643, 402 00 64, 428, GOO 00 64, 672, 762 00 67, 245, 975 00 Legal-tender notes.. 64, 034, 972 00 32, 520,000 00 36, 905, 000 00 32, 690, 000 00 20, 995, 000 00 U.S.cert'fs of deposit 20, 605, 000 00 17, 940, 918 34 16, 798, 667 62 16, 543, 674 36 16.304,030 47 DuefromU.S.Treas. 16, 257,608 98 Total 1,729,465,956 90 1,741,898,959 05 1,750,464,706 51 1,767,279,133 21 1,742,826,837 37 1 8 7 9. JANUARY 1. APRIL 4. JUNE 14. OCTOBER 2 . 2,051 b a n k s . 2,048 b a n k s . 2,048 b a n k s . 2,048 banks. Loans and discounts. $823,906, 765 68 $814, 653, 422 69 $835, 875, 012 36 $878, 503, 097 45 Bonds for circulation 347,118,300 00 348, 487, 700 00 352, 208, 000 00 357,313, 300 00 Bonds for deposits.. 66. 507, 350 00 309,348,450 00 257, 038, 200 00 18,204, 650 00 54,601,750 00 62,180, 300 00 U. S. bonds on hand. 44, 257, 250 00 52,942,100 00 36, 747,129 43 37,617,015 13 Other stocks and b'ds 35, 569, 400 93 39,671,916 50 74, 003, 830 40 93,443,463 95 107, 023, 546 81 Due from res've agt's 77, 925, 068 68 39, 143, 388 90 48,192, 531 93 Due from nat'l banks 44,161, 948 46 46, 692, 994 78 10, 535, 252 99 11, 258, 520 45 Due from State banks 11, 892, 540 26 13, 630, 772 63 47, 796,108 26 Koal estate, &c 47, 091, 9(34 70 47,4(11,614 54 47, 817,109 36 6, 693, 668 43 6, 913, 430 46 Current e x p e n s e s . . . 4, 033, 024 67 6,111,256 56 6, 609, 390 80 5, 674, 497 80 Premiums paid 6, 366, 048 85 4,332,419 63 10, 011, 294 64 10, 209. 982 43 Cash items 13, 5G4, 550 25 11,306,132 48 63,712,445 55 83,152,359 49 112, 964, 964 25 Clear'g-honse exch'gs 100,035,237 82 17, 068, 505 00 16, 685, 484 00 Bills of other b a n k s . 19, 535, 588 00 16, 707, 550 00 4f>7,177 47 446, 217 26 Fractional currency. 475, 538 50 396, 065 06 41,148, 503 41 42, 333, 287 44 Specie 41,499, 757 32 42,173, 731 23 64,461,231 00 67, 059,152 00 Legal-tender notes . 70, 561, 233 00 69,196, 696 00 21, 885, 000 00 25,180, 000 00 U.S. cert'fs of deposit 28,915,000 00 26,770, 000 00 16, 620, 986 20 DuefromU.S.Treas 17. 175, 435 13 17, 029,121 31 17, 029, 065 45 Total DECEMBER 12. 2,052 b a n k s . $933, 543, 661 93 364, 272, 700 00 14, 788,800 00 40, 677, 500 00 38,836,369 80 102, 742,452 54 55, 352, 459 82 14,425,072 00 47, 992, 332 99 7, 474, 082 10 4,150,836 17 10, 377,272 77 112,172, 677 95 16, 406, 218 00 374, 227 02 79,013,041 59 54, 715, 096 00 10, 860, 000 00 17, 054, 816 40 1,800,592,002 25 11,984,068,936 53 2,019,884,549 16 1,868,787,428 19 1,925,229,617 08 1880. FEBRUARY 21. APRIL 23, JUNE 11. OCTOBER 1. DECEMBER 3 1 . 2,061 b a n k s . 2,075 banks. 2,076 b a n k s . 2,090 b a n k s . 2,095 banks. Loan sand discounts $974, 295, 360 70 $992, 970, 823 10 Bonds for circulation 361,901, 700 00 361, 274,650 00 14, 722, 000 00 Bonds for deposits.. 14, 917, 000 00 29, 509, 600 00 U. S. bonds on hand. 36,798,600 00 42,494, 927 73 Otherstocks and b'ds 41, 223, 583 33 Due from res've ag'ts 117, 791, 386 81 103, 9G4, 229 84 54, 493,4G5 09 Due from nat'l banks 53, 230, 034 03 13, 293, 775 94 Due from Statebanks 14, 501,152 51 47, 808, 207 09 Heal estate, &c 47, 845, 915 77 7, 007, 404 19 Current expenses... 6,404, 743 54 3,791,703 33 Premiums paid 3, 908, 059 27 9, 857, 645 34 Cash items *10, 320, 274 51 99, 357, 056 41 Clear'g-houseexch'gs 166,736,402 64 21, 064, 504 00 Bills of other banks. 15,369, 257 00 395, 747 67 Fractional currency. 397,187 23 86, 429, 732 21 Specie 89,442, 051 75 61, 048, 941 00 Legal tender notes.. 55, 229, 408 00 7, 890, 000 00 U.S.cert'fs of deposit 30,760,000 00 17,226, 060 01 Dae from U.S.Treas. 16,994,381 37 Total $994,712,646 41 $1,040,977.26753 $1,071,356,14179 359, 512, 050 00 357.789,350 00 358,042,550 00 14,727,000 00 14,827,000 00 14,726,500 00 28, 605, 800 00 28,793,400 00 25,016,400 00 44, 947, 345 75 48,863,150 22 48,628,372 77 115,935,668 27 134,562,778 70 126,155,01440 56, 578,444 69 63,023,796 84 69,079,32615 13, 861, 582 77 15,881,197 74 17,111,24103 47, 979, 244 53 48,045,832 54 47,784,46147 6r 778, 829 19 6,386,182 01 4,442,440 02 3,702, 354 60 3,488,470 11 3,288,602 63 9, 980,179 32 12,729,00219 14,713,929 02 122,390,409 45 121,095,24972 229,733,90459 21, 908,193 00 18,210,943 00 21,549,367 00 387,226 13 367,171 73 389.92175 99, 506, 505 26 109,346,50949 107,172,900 92 64,470,717 00 56,640,458 00 59,216,934 00 12, 510, 000 00 7,655,000 00 6,150,000 00 16, 999, 083 78 17,103,866 00 17,125,82237 2,038 066,498 46 1,974,600,472 95 2,035,493,280 15 2,105,786,62582 | 2,241,«83,829 »1 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLXXl BanTcs from October, 1863, to October, 1886—.Continued. 1 § 7 § . MARCH 15. JUNE 29. . OCTOBER 1. DECEMBER 6. 2,050 b a n k s . 2,053 b a n k s . 2,055 b a n k s . Liabilities. 2,063 b a n k s . Capital stock 2,059 b a n k s . $473,952,541 00 i $471, 971, 627 0> $470,393,366 00 $406,147,436 00 $464, 874,996 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits . . . 120, 870, 290 10 45, 040, 851 85 119, 23lr 12G 13 43, 938, 901 98 N a t ' l b a n k circnlat'n 300,926, 284 00 State b a n k circulat'nj 439,339 0U Dividends unpaid . . . 118,178, 530 75 j 116, 897, 779 98 40, 482, 522 64 j 40, 936, 213 58 116, 402,118 84 44, 040,171 84 301,884,704 00 j 299,621,059 00 301, 888, 092 00 303, 324, 733 00 400 715 00 413, 913 00 426, 504 00 417,808 00 1,207, 472 68 j 1,930,609 58 5, 466, 350 52 3,118, 389 91 1,473,784 86 Individual d e p o s i t s . . 602,882,585 17 j 625,479,771 12 i 6-21,632,160 06 620,236,176 82 U. S. deposits j 7, 243, 253 29 13, 611, 474 14 I 22, C8(i, 619 67 I 41, 654, 812 08 2,302,281 01 j 2,903,531 99 | 3,342,794 73 Dep'stf.S.dis.officers! 3, 004. 064 90 598. 805, 775 56 40. 2(59, 825 72 3, 451,436 56 D u e to national banks, 123, 239,448 50 Due to State banks .. 43, 979, 239 39 120, 261, 774 54 41, 767, 765 07 Notes re-discounted. Bills payable.. Total. 109, 720, 390 70 44, 006, 551 05 2, 465, 390 79 4, 215,1U6 23 i 117,845,495 88 ! 122,496,513 92 43, 360, 627 86 ! 42, G36, 703 42 2, 834, 012 00 4, 270, 879 74 2, 453. 839 77 5, 022, 894 37 3, 007, 324 85 4, 502, 982 92 8,228,132 93 4, 525,617 45 1,729,465,956 90 1,741,898,959 05 1,750,464,706 51 11,767,279,133 21 1,742,826,827 37 9. JAJS'UARr 1. APKIL 4. JUNE 14. OCTOBER 2. DECEMBER 12. 2,051 b a n k s . 2,048 banks. 2,048 b a n k s . 2,048 b a n k s . 2,052 b a n k s . $462, 031, 396 00 $455, 611, 362 00 $455, 244,415 00 $454, 067, 365 00 Capital stock $454,498,515 00 116. 200, 863 52 Surplus fund Undivided profits . . . 36, 836, 269 21 114,823,316 49 40, 812, 777 59 114, 321, 375 87 45, 802, 845 82 114,786,528 10 41,300,941 40 115,429,031 93 47,573,820 75 N a t i bank circulat'n 303, 506, 470 00 388, 368 00 State bank circula'n. 304, 4(57,139 00 352.452 00 307v 328, 695 00 339, 927 00 313,786, 342 00 325, 954 00 321,949,154 00 322,602 00 2,158, 516 7J> 1,309,059 13 2,658, 337 46 1,805,480 45 598, 822, 694 02 648,034,141 42 303, 46:?, 505 69 248, 421, 340 25 3, 682, 320 67 2, 689,18(J 44 719, 737, 568 89 11,018,862 74 3, 409, 600 02 755,459,906 01 6r 923, 323 97 3,893,217 43 137.300,091 60 149, 200,257 16 50, 403, 0(34 54 62, 022, 453 99 152,484, 079 44 59, 232, 391 93 Dividends uipaid . . . 5, 816, 348 82 Individual deposits.. 643, 337, 745 26 59, 701, 222 90 U. S. deposits 3, 556, 801 25 Dep'g U. S.dis. officers Due to national banks 118, 311, 635 60 110,481,170 98 43,709,770 14 Due to State banks . . 44, 035, 787 56 Notes re-discounted. Bills payable Total 2, 926, 434 95 3, 942, 659 18 2, 226, 396 39 4,510,870 47 2,224.491 91 4, 452, 544 48 2, 205, 015 54 4,208,201 89 2,116,484 47 4,041, 619 70 1,800,592,002 25 1,984,008,936 53 2,019,884,549 16 1,868,787,428 19 1,925,229,617 08 1§.§O. FEBRUARY 21. APRIL 23. JUNE 11. OCTOBER 1. 2,061 b a n k s . 2,075 banks. 2,076 banks. 2,090 banks. $454, 548, 585 00 $456, 097, 935 00 $455,909, 565 00 $457, 553,985 00 Capital stock DECEMBER 31. 2,095 b a n k s . $458,540,085 00 117, 044, 043 03 Surplus fnnd. Undivided profits . . . 42,863, 804 95 117, 299, 350 09 48,226, 087 61 118,102,014 11 60,443,635 45 120,518, 583 43 46,139, 690 24 121,824,629 03 47,946,741 64 Kat'l bank circulat'n State bank circulat'n 320, 303, 874 00 803,452 00 320,759,472 00 299,790 00 818,088, 562 00 290,738 00 317,350, 036 00 271, 045 00 317,484,496 00 268,499 00 Dividends unpaid . . . 1,865,001 91 1,542,447 98 1,330,179 85 3,452,604 17 6,198,238 38 Individual deposits . 848,926, 599 86 U. S, deposit** 7,856,791 97 D^p'sU.S.dis. officers 3, 069, 880 74 791, 555, 059 03 833, 701, 034 20 873, 537, 687 07 1,006,452,852 82 7, 925, 988 37 7, 680, 905 47 7,548, 638 07 7,808,100 94 3, 220, 606 64 8,026,757 34 3,344,386 62 8, 189,501 01 Due to national banks 170,245,061 08 Due to State banks.. 65, 439, 334 51 157,209,759 14 63, 317,107 96 171,462,131 23 67,938, 795 35 192,124,705 10 75,735,677 06 192,413,295 78 71,185,817 08 1,918,788 88 4,181, 280 53 2,616,900 55 4,529, 967 98 2, 258,544 72 5,260, 417 43 3,178,232 50 5,031,604 96 3,354,697 Ifi 4, 636, 876 0ft Notes re-discounted. Total „.. 2,038,066,498 46 1,974,600,472 95 2,035,493,280 15 2,105,786,625 82 2,241,683,829 91 or :ru CLXXII OF THE CURRENCY. Aggregate resources and liabilities of the National 1 &§ 1. MARCH 11. . Resources. 2,094 banks. MAY 6. JUNE 30. OCTOBER 1. DECEMBER 31, 2,102 banks. 2,115 banks. 2,132 b a n k s . 2,164 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. $1, 073,786,749 70 $1, 003,649,382 18 $1,144.988.949 45 $1, 173,796.083 09 $1, 169,177,557 16 363,385.500 00, 368.735.700 00 Bonds for circulation 352,653,500 00 358,287,500 00 339,811,950 00! 15,540,000 00; Bonds for deposits.. 15,240.000 00; 15,265,000 00 15,715 000 00 14,851,500 00, 40,866,750 00 U. S. bonds on hand44,116,500 OOi 48,584,9"0 00 31.884.000 00 46.626,150 00; 61.952,402 95! Other stocks and b'ds 52,908.123 98j 58.049.292 63 62.603,218 93 49,545.154 92: 132,968,183 12 Duefrora res've ag'ts 128,017.627 031 156,258.637 05 123.530.465 75 120,820,691 09 78,5D5,446 17i Due from nat'l banks 63,176.225 67' 75.703,51)!} 78 77,633.9(12 77 62,205.517 34! 19.30»i.85in 62 Duo from State banks 16,938,734 56: 18>5().775 34 17,(132,261 6i\ 17.644,704 62 47,329,111 H), Real estate, &c ... 47,791,348 36: 47,834.0*10 20: 47,445,050 46 47,525,790 02, 6,731,936 461 Current expenses... 6,096,1(19 78! 4.235,911 VJ\ 4.647,101 04 7,810.930 83' 4,138,485 7lj 4,024.763 GO! 4.115,98(j 01 3,891.728 72 Premiums paid 3,530,516 7l| 14.831,879 30; 11,826,603 16: 13,534.227 31 17,337,964 78 Cash items 10,144,682 871 189.222,255 95! 217,214,627 10 19^,633,558 01! 143.960,230 84 147,761.543 96' Clear'jr-bouse exch'gs : 17,732,712 00! 25.120.933 00 21,631,932 00; 24,190,534 00 17,733,032 00 Bills of other banks. 373,915 961 386.050 21: 372.141' 23: 366,361 52 386,56!) 63 Fractional ourrency. 114,334,736 12| 122,628,562 08 128,638,927 50! 113,680.639 60 105,156.195 24 Specie 53,158,441 001 62,516,296 00 58.728.713 00: 60,104,387 00 Legal -tender notes.. 52,156,'439 00 6,740,000 001 8,045,000 00 9.540,000 00 U. S. cert's of deposit 7,930,000 00 6,120,000 01) .7,472,505 96i 18,456,600 14' 17,251,868 22 Due from U. S. Treas 18.097,923 40 17,47: 17,015,269 83 Total 2,140,110,944 7d 2,270,226,817 76 2,325,832,700 75 2,358,387,391 59 2,381,890,866 85 1 § § 2• MARCH 11. MAY 19. JULY 1. OCTOBER 3. DECEMBER 30. 2,187 b a n k s . 2,224 b a n k s 2,239 b a n k s 2,269 b a n k s 2,308 banks." Loans and discounts $1,182,661,609 53 $1,189,094,830 35$1 208,932,655 92 $1,243,203,210 08 $1,230,456,213 00 360,153.800 00, 355,789,550 00 357,631,750 00 357,047,650 Bonds for circulation 367,333,700 16,093 000 00 15,920,000 00 15,920,000 00 16,111,000 00 16.344,000 Bonds for deposits .. 28,523,450 00 29,662,700 00 27,242,550 00 15,492,150 21,314,750 00 U. S. bonds on hand. 64,430,686 18 32 66,691.399 60.16S916 66,998,620 65,274 999 56 64 Other stocks and b'ds. Due from res've agt's. 117,45J,719 75 124,189.945 23 118,455,012 38 113,277.227 87 122.066.106 68,301,ti45 12 66,883,512 75 75,36(5, i>70 74 6*51(5.841 06 76,073,227 Due from nat'l banks 15,921,432 07 16.344,688 66 17,105.468 44 16>90.174 92 1J.405.748 Dne from State banks 47,073,247 45 46,956,574 28 46,425,351 40 46,537,066 41 #,993,408 Real estate, <fcc . 8,494,036 21 6,774.571 86 3,0: 0,164 69 5.130,505 7.238,270 17 Current expenses ... 3,762,382 59 5,002,314 52 5.494.224 35 6,515,15f, 03 6,472.585 Premiums paid 13,308.120 70 12,295,256 96 20,11)6,927 35 H,784,i'25 21 16,281,315 Cash items 2O8.;;<;o,54u 155,951,194 107,270,004 159,114.220 08 08 162,088,077 94 71 CWr'ji-house exch'gs 19,440,089 00 21.405,758 00 25,344,775 20, GX! i,4 :.';"> 00 25.226, ISO 00 Bills<>f other hanks.. 389,508 07 '3»o,230 36 373,725 83 3tHi.W»7 G4 401.314 Fractional currency. 109,984,111 04 112.415.806 73 111,694,262 54 102.857.778 27 106 427,159 Spi'ctv 65,9(;0>522 00 68.478.421 G4,0l9,'518 00 63,313,517 00 50.(533,572 00 Legal-ten demotes... 9,445.0(10 00 10,395 000 00 11,045.000 00 8,645.000 00 8,475,000 U.S. cart's of depositDue from U. S. Treas 17,720,701 07 17,099,385 14 16,830,407 40 17,161,367 94 17,954,069 Total 2,309,057,088 72 2,277,924,911 13 2 344,342,686 90 2,399,833,676 84 2,360,793,467 97 00 00| 00 36 75! 7« 49; 41 53 82 67 81 00 70 40 00 00 42 09 1 8 8 .3 . MARCH 13. MAY 1. JUNE 22. OCTOBER 2. DECEMBER 31. 2,343 b a n k s . 2,375 b a n k s . 2,417 b a n k s . 2,501 b a n k s . 2,529 banks. Loans and discounts. $1, 249 J14,870 43 $1,262.339,981 87 $1, 285,591,902 19 $1, 309,244.78164$!, Bonds for circulation 354,480,250 00, 354,746,500 00, 354,002,900 00; 351,412,850 00 Bond- for d» posits..! 16,949,000 (i0| 16,799.000 00 17,116.000 00J 17.0Hl.0i0 00i U. S. lionds on hiind.j 15.870.600 00: 17.850,100 00' 16,97^,150 00: 13,593.050 00j Other s t o r k s and b'da 68.340.590 79: 68.428,685 67! 68.552,073 03! 71,114,031 11 1 ! Due from res've a^'ts 109.306,823 23 126.646.954 621 124;918.728 71 121.024.15-1 60! D u e from nat'l banks 68,477,918 02: 67.263.503 86i ti6.Ki4.638 21 j 65.714.229 44 Du* fr< >m State banksj 19.382,129 331 10.993.341 72I 19.451.498 16: 18,266.275 05 47,155.909 801 Real estate, <fcc 47,003,305 68! 47,502.163 52, 48,337.665 02 7,754.958 861 Current e x p e n s e * . . . 8,949,615 28i 8,829,278 26| 6,808,327 30| 7,798,445 04! Premiums paid 7,420,939 84' 8,079,726 0l| 8,004.073 601 15.461.050 16! Cash it»»ins 11,360,731 07 11.101). "ol 18| 13.581,049 94 145.990.998 18 107,790,065 17 90,792,075 08! 96,353.211 76 22.655.K33 0U RiliH .7f .»ihr» liHiikn.j 19.739,526 «0 26,279 856 00; 22.675.447 00 Ki:«< titujMl euneuoy j 446.31 x 94 431.931 15 456.447 :i& 443.951 1.2 103.607,266 32| 97.962.'MW 34 n.i>.:i.'>4.;f9i 62 107,817,}>K3 53 68.256.46X 00> 73.83:.' 458 00 7",672.997 (•() •*..<• •'. p . . K i t 8,4'JO.IK.IO 00! 9.970.000 00) l0,H85.0OO u0, 17 4!)7.f)<»4 31 j 16,586,712 r.o| 17.407.906 20: Total 307,491,250 34 345,595,800 00! 16,846,000 00! 13,151,250 00 71,609,421 62 126,999,606 92| 77,902,785 Q7 19,402,047 12 49,540,760 35 4,878,318 44! 8,647,252 98 17,491,804 43 134.545,273 981 28,809,699 OOj 427,754 35! 114,276,158 0480.559.796 00 10,840.800 DOJ lfi.H65.9S8 j 2, 298,918,165 11 j 2, 360,192,235 85j 2,364,833,122 44. 2, 372,65(5.364 82j 2,445,880,917 4 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLXXJJl Banks from October, 18G3, to October, 1886'—Continued. 18 8 MARCH 11. Liabilities. Capital stock 2,094 b a n k s . MAY 6. | 2,102 b a n k s . 1. JUNK 30. OCTOBER 1. DECEMBER 31. 2,115 b a n k s . 2,182 b a n k s . 2,164 b a n k s . i . . . $458, 254, 935 00! §459, 039, 205 00: $400, 227, 835 00' $403, 821, 985 00 $465, 859, 835 00 Surplus fund Undivided profit* . . . 122, 47i». JW«) 73, 124, 4of., :UG 91: 54, 072, 22'> 4i>; 54,900,090 47] Nat'lbiiukcircuhirinn State bank circulat'n 298, 590,fr»2iM)! 309, 737, 193 00! 312, 223, 352 00} l!20, 200, 069 00 252, 705 00 252, (147 00= 242, 907 00 244, 399 00 i l l ; Dividends unpaid .. 1, 402,118 48; 2, 617, J 34 37 12(3. 679, 517 07; 128. 140, 0i7 54,684,137 161 50,372,190 5, 871, 595 59; 3, 836, 445 84 129, 8(57. 493 92 54,221,810 10 325, 018, 101 00 241, 701 00 6, 372, 737 13 Iiidividiial d e p o s i t s . . U.S. deposits Dep's U.S.dia. officers' 933, 391-, 430 75 1, 027, 040, 514 10 1, 031, 731, 043 42 1, 070, 997, 431 71 1,102, 679,163 71 7, 3S1, 149 2:') !>. ~>t)4, iM 25 8, 971, 820 73! 8.476,689 74 8,790,678 73 3. 839, 324 77 3. 371. 012 48, 3, 272, 010 45! 3, 631, 803 41. 3, 595, 726 83 Due to national banks. Due to State banks..I 1J»1, «77 L'8"» 37 71,579,477 47; Notes re-discounted Bills payable I 2 , (){(], VMP, 0 5 4,581.231 47 Total 191, 2."0, OP 1 90; 223,503,034 19,' 205, 862, 945 80j 80,700,500 06! 91,035,599 651 89, 047, 471 00i 197,252.326 01 79,380,429 38 3, 091, 165 30; 4,664,077 12| 4,122, 472 79 4, 482. 325 25 2, 90S, 370 45, 4, 4!).i, 54 4 77, 2, 220, 053 02' 5, 109, 128 57: 2, 140, 110, 944 7$ 2, 270, 2?H 8(7 76 2, 325, 832, 700 75 2, 358, 387, 391 59 2, 381, 890,808 85 i §§2. MARCH 11. MAT 19. 2,187 banks. 2.224 banks. JULTl. 2,239 banks. OCTOKEIl 3 . | 2,269 b a n k s . DECEMHttK 30. 2,308 banks. $469, 390. 2.T2 00 $473,819,124 00 $477, 184,390 00 $483, 104,213 00| $484,883,492 00 Capital stock .. 130. 024. 130 06.' 12!), 2':;, :'•"»* 24 60, 475. 7<i4 US; 62, 345, 191) 19 131,079 25116 52, 128, Hi7 Ti 131.977,450 77' 61, ISO, 310 53j 135,930.069 31 55, 343, 816 94 State bank circulation 323, 655.577 00: 315, r,71. 230 00 241,527 <:0: 241,311* !i0 308. 921. 89K 00 235, 17,i 00 314,721,215 00 221,177 00; 315,230,925 00 207,273 00 6 634, 372 2o' 3, 153, 836 30; 6, 805, 057 82 Surplus fund Undivided profits Dividends unpaid -. 1, 418, 119 12; 1, 950, 554 88 Individual deposits.. 1, 03fi, 51)5, 008 2*M, 001, 0.S7, <'.03 74 1, 060. 7^7, 248 751,122, 472, 0«2 46 1, 066, 901, 719 85 U. 8. d- poHit» ..-.I h, 853, 242 16. 9,741,133 36 9, H 17,224 44 8.817,41121 9, 622, 3u3 58 Dep's U.S. dis. officers 3. 372, 3t,3 9'Ji 3, 493, 252 88 2, 867, 385 63 3, 627, *46 72; 3, 786, 262 20 Dne to national b;mks Due to State banks . . 187. 433, 824 90: 78. 359, 675 85J 192.067,865 26 78,911,767 20 194.808,025 46 84,066,023 66. 180,075,749 77' 79,885, 652 22: 194,401,260 60 77,031,105 82 Notes re-discounted . Bills payable 3,912,992 38i 4, 42b, 531 51' 3, 754. 044 38 5, OOrt, 343 00 4, 195.210 99 5, 637, 665 88 5, 747, 614 68 4,848,517 18j 6,703,164 45 3, 856, 056 54 Total. Capital stock 2, 309, 057, OSS 7^2, 277, 924, 911 13 2, 344, 342, 686 90 2, 399, 833, 676 84 2, 360, 793, 467 09 MARCH 13. MAT 1. JUNE 22. OCTOBER 2. DECEMBER 31. 2,343 banks. 2,375 banks. 2,417 b a n k s . 2,501 b a n k s . 2,529 b a n k s . $509, 699, 787 00 $511,837,575 00 $490, 456, 932 00 $403, 963, 069 00 $500, 298, 312 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits . . . 136 P'2, 8*4 44 59,340,913 64 137,775,004 39! 138,331,902 06 60,739,878 85j 68,354,157 141,991,789 18 61, 560, 652 04 144,800,252 13 58, 787, 945 91 Nat'I bunk circulation S til to bank circulation 312 778,053 00. 313,549,993 001 311,903,302 2 779 00] 19a, 162 00' 189, 25300 206, 310,517,857 00 184, 357 00 304, 944,131 00 181,121 00 3, 229, 226 31 7, 082,682 28 Dividends unpaid 1, 389,092 96! 2, 849, 629 87j 1,454, 232 01 Individual deposits. J l , 004, 111, 400 55 1, 067, 962,238 35,1, 043,137, 763 111, 049, 437, 700 57 1,106,i, 453, 008 23 10,183,196 95 10 11, 624. 894 57 10,130, 757 88 10, 026, 777 79 U.S. deposits ...I 9,613, 873 33, 3 980, 3, 980 259 2 9 28 3, 768, 862 04 3, 618,114 79| 3, 743, 326 56 ."..^p's U. S. dis. officers 3, 787, 225 31} Dneto national b a n k s Dae to State banks .. Notes ro-discounted Uiliu payable Total 191,296,859 14! 180,445.876 92' 80, 251, 968 26! 78, 544' 128 82; 5.101,458 69' 3i 660, 724 79. 5,557.183 69; 3,364,061 60 194,150,676 43 84, 744, 666 35 5,197,514 3,137,259 186, 828, 676 27 83, 602, 073 01 200, 867,280 06 84,776,421 60 7, 387, 537 40 4, 053, 252 81 8, 248, 562 67 4,106, 297 78 2,298,918,105 112,300,192,235 85 2,304,833,122 44 2,372,650,364 82 2,445,880,917 49 CLXXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Aggregate resources and liabilities of the National 1884. Resources. MARCH 7. APRIL 24 JUNE 20. SEPTEMBER 30. DECEMBER 20. 2,563 b a n k s . 2,589 b a n k s . 2,625 b a n k s . 2,664 b a n k s . 2,664 b a n k s . Loans and discounts - $1,321,548,289 Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits . . TJ. S. bonds on h a n d . . Other stocks and b'ds D u e from r e s ' v e a g ' t s Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c C u r r e n t expenses . . . P r e m i u m s paid Cash items Cl'g-house loan cert's; Clear'g-houseexch'gs Bills of other b a n k s . . Fractional currency. Specie Legal-tender notes . . U. S. cert's of deposit. D u e from U. S. Treas. Total 62 $1,333,435,230 54 $1,269,862,935 337, 342, 900 " 334, 346, 350 17,135, 000 17,060,000 15, 560, 400 14,143, 000 73, 424, 815 72, 572, 306 122, 491, 957 95, 247,152 68, 031, 209 64, 891, 670 18,145, 827 16, 306, 500 49, 667,126 50,149, 083 8, 054, 296 8, 866, 558 9, 826, 386 10, 605, 343 11, 237, 975 11, 382, 292 10, 335, 000 83, 531,472 69, 498, 913 23, 386, 695 26, 525,120 489, 802 473, 046 114, 744, 707 109,661,682 76, 917, 212 77,712,628 11,990,000 9, 870, 000 17,468,976 17, 022, 999 339,816,150 16, 850, 000 18,672,250 73.155, 984 138,705, 012 64, 638, 322 17,937,976 49,418, 805 7, 813, 880 9,742, 601 11, 383,792 68, 403, 373 23,485, 124 491, 067 122,080,127 75,847, 095 14, 045, 000 16,465,785 96 $1,245,294,093 00, 32T, 435,000 00 16,840, 000 00 13, 579,600 93 71,. 363,477 . 62' 111, 993, 019 ~" 335, 544 13 66, 15, 833, 982 91 49,900, S8« 90 09 6, 913, 508 49 11, 6*2, 631 13,103, 098 69 00 1, 690, 000 13 66, 257,118 00 23, 258, 854 469, 023 66 11 128, 609, 474 00 77, 044, 659 00 14, 200, 000 34 17, 739, 906 37 $1,234,202,23(6 00 317, 586, 050 16, 740, 000 00 12, 305, 900 00 73, 449, 352 46 65 121,161, 976 57 69.459,884 18,329,912 49, 889,936 9,670,996 11,923,447 11, 924,152 1, 870, 000 75,195, 955 22, 377, 965 456, 778 139, 747, 079 76, 369, 555 19, 040, 000 15, 442,306 44 00 00 00 07 80 45 01 06 14 15 89 00 95 00 26 53 00 00 52 2, 390,500,638 51j2, 396, 813, 834 92 2,282, 598,742 96 2,279,493,880 07 2, 297,143,474 27 1885. MARCH 10. MAY 6. JULY 1. OCTOBER 1. DECEMBER 24. 2,671 banks. 2,678 b a n k s . 2,689 b a n k s . 2,714 b a n k s . 2,732 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. $1,232,327,453 69 $1,241,450,649 79 $1,257,655,547 92 $1,306,143,990 46 $1,343,517,559 312,168, 500 00 310, J02, 200 307,657,050 304, 776, 750 Bonds for circulation. 313,106, 200 16, 815, 000 16, 740, 000 00 17, 607, 000 17, 457, 000 18, 012, 000 Bonds for deposits .. 14, 607, 650 14,769,250 00 14, 588, 800 14,329,400 12,665, 750 U. S. bonds on h a n d . . 75,152, 919 75,019,208 99 77,249,159 77,495,230 Other stocks and b'ds 77, 533, 841 130, 903,103 77 132, 733, 904 138,378,515 Due from res've a g ' t s . 136, 462, 273 139, 239,444 66, 442, 054 Due froin nat'l banks 67, 866, 656 57 77, 220, 972 78, 967, 697 79, 452, 309 17, 572, 822 Due from State banks 17,987,891 17,348,938 11 17,180, 008 18, 553, 946 49, 699, 501 51, 293, 801 49, 886, 378 87 50, 729, 896 51, 9(53, 062 ReaJ estate, &c 7, 877, 320 6, 853, 392 7, 096, 208 06 3, 533, 759 9, 416, 971 C u r r e n t expenses 12, 330,437 12,511,333 12, 358, 982 70 12, 690, 663 11,802,199 P r e m i u m s paid 11,228, 856 14, 347, 579 11, 276, 626 48 17, 214, 373 12, 810,187 Cash items 1, 530, 000 1,110, 000 1, 430, 000.00 1, 380, 000 630, 000 Cl'g-house loan cert's 59,085, 781 84, 926, 730 72, 259,129 39 113,158, 675 92, 351, 296 Clear'g-house exch'gs 22,013,314 23, 062, 705 26, 217,171 00 23, 465, 388 23,178, 052 Bills of other b a n k s . . 519, 529 477, 055 513,200 12 489 927 415, 082 Fractional c u r r e n c y . 1, 605, 763 1, 670, 961 T r a d e dollars 167,115, 873 177,433,119 30 177, 612, 492 174, 872, 572 165, 354, 352 Specie 71, 017, 322 77, 336, 999 00 69, 738,119 79,701,352 Legal-tender notes . . 67,585,466 22, 760, 000 19,135, 000 00 18, 800, 000 22, 920, 000 U.fc>.cert's of deposit. 11,765,000 15, 079, 9_5 15, 473, 270 84 14, 897,114 14, 617, 897 Due from U. S. T r e a s . 14, 9S1, 021 Total 2, 312, 744, 247 35 2, 346, 682,452 1 Total !, 421, 852, 016 47 2,432, 913 ; 002 38:2, 457, 675, 256 l.'JJ 886. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. OCTOBER 7. 2,768 banks. 2,809 b a n k s . 2,849 banks. 2,852 b a n k s . $1, 367, 705, 252 80 Loans and discounts 296, 661, 400 00 Bonds for circulation 18, 637, 000 00 Bonds for deposits 16, 580, 050 00 U.S. bonds on hand 80, 227, 388 98 Other stocks and bonds 142, 805, 686 91 Due from reserve agents 76, 933, 579 67 Due from national banks 18, 834, 235 88 Due from State banks 52, 262, 718 07 Real estate, &c 7, 705, 850 57 Current expenses 12, 237, 689 15 Premiums paid 15,135, 538 48 Cash items 505, 000 00 Clearing-house loan certif't's. 99, 923, 656 84 Clearing-house exchanges 20, 503, 303 00 Bills of other banks 470,175 18 Fractional currency 1,681,530 65 Trade dollars 171, 615, 919 39 Specie 67, 014, 886 00 Legal-tender notes 12,430,000 00 U. S. cert's of deposit 12,953,248 20 & % fund with Treasurer 1, 513, 019 67 Due from TJ. S. Treasurer — 2,494, 337,129 44 96 00 00 00 38 80 67 46 01 01 86 64 00 77 00 64 77 37 00 00 79) $1, 398, 552, 099 279,414,400 18, 810, 000 12, 535, 550 83, 347,119 133, 027,136 77, 632,198 17, 720, 924 53,117, 564 8, 684, 672 13, 298, 269 12,181,455 205, 000 76,140, 330 25,129, 938 452,361 1, 713, 384 157, 459, 870 79, 656, 788 11, 850, 000 12,198, 526 1,416, 892 71 $1, 421, 547,199 22 $1, 450, 957, 054 93 00 270, 315, 850 00 258,498, 950 00 00 19, 984, 900 00 20,105, 900 00 00 14, 308, 950 00 12, 326, 500 00 93 82,439,901 64 81, 825,266 40 53 143,715,221 45 140, 764, 579 01 47 78,091,411 58 80, 526, 615 77 26 18,387,215 76 20,140,256 27 42 53, 834, 53;{ 58 54, 090, 070 94 33 5, 837,175 21 7,438,741 12 23 13,641,463 72 14, 303, 529 55 80 10,408,981 58 13, 277,169 64 00 85, 000 00 60 62,474, 605 90 95, 536, 941 15 00 21, 602, 661 00 22, 734, 085 00 34 451,308 89 434, 220 93 35 1, 857, 041 56 1, 889, 794 55 49 149, 000,492 10 156, 387, 696 00 00 64,039,751 00 62, 812, 322 00 00 8,115, 000 00 5, 855, 000 00 43 11, 868, 912 52 11, 358, 014 97 00 1, 599, 303 36 2, 592, 042 94 2,474, 544,481 89 2,453, 666, 93€ 07 2, 513, 854, 751 17 | UKfOttT OF TilK COMI'TROLLKR OF THE CURRENCY. CLXXV Banks from October, 1863, to October, 1886—Continued. 1384. Liabilities. JUNE 20. SEPTEMBER 30. DECEMBER 20. 2,625 banks. 2,664 banks. 2,664 banks. $5^47MS4T00i $522, 515, 996 00 $524, 271, 345 00 $524, 089, 065 00 ! 145, 741, 679 90 146, 047, 958 07! 145, 763, 41C 17 147, 055, 037 85 146, 867,119 06 63,644,801 50 67,450, 459 00! 70, 597,487 21 63, 234, 237 62 70, 711, 369 95 APRIL 24. 2,589 banks. 2,563 banks. Cajrital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 289, 775,123 00 179, 653 00 298, 791, 610 001 297, 506, 243 00; 295,175, 334 00 180,589 00| 180, 576 00; 179, 666 00 Dividends unpaid 1,422,001 911 1, 384, 686 71 1, 415, 889 58! 280,197,043 00 174, 645 00 3, 686,160 33 1,331,421 54 Individual deposits .. !1, 046, 050,167 90|], 060, 778, 388 06^ 979, 020, 349 63 975, 243, 795 14 987, 649, 055 68 U. S. deposits .. 9, 956, 875 241 11,23:5,495 T7 10, 530, 759 44) 10, 367, 909 92| 10, 65S, 803 72 3,856,401 GO! 3,588,980 50; 3, 664, 326 13| 3, 703, 804 34| 3, 749, 969 85 Dep'tsU.S.dis.officers! Due to national banks Due to State banks .. 207,461,179 63! 192, 808, 942 31 155, 785, 354 44 173,979,149 80 8,466, 363 89' 86, 778,138 85] 70, 480, 617 11 72, 408, 206 85 6, 234, 202 32:: 2, 968, 740 5() Notes re-discounted.. Bills payable Cl'g-liouse loan cert's Total 7, 299, 284 58 3,193, 6135 20 11,343.505 55 4, 202; 244 57 11, 895, 000 00 187, 296, 348 30 72, 572, 384 43 11, 008, 595 07 8, 433, 724 67 4, 580, 862 15 3, 415, 524 07 2, 390, 500, 638 51 2, 396, 813, 834 92.2,282, 598, 742 < 2,279, 493, 880 0712, 297,143,474 27 1 8 8 5. MAY 6. MARCH 10. 2,671 banks. Capital stock JULY 1. 27689 banks. 2,678 banks. DECEMBER 24. OCTOBER 1. 2,714 banks. 2,732 banks. i $524,255,151 00 $525,195,577 00 $5267573, 602 < $527, 524, 410 00, $529, 360, 725 00 Surplus fund I 145, 907, 800 02! 145,103, 776 01 146, 523, 799 94 146, 624, 642 08; 150,155, 549 52 52, 229, 946 61 59,335,519 11 i9, 229, 645 82 Undivided profits ! 60, 296, 452 56 60,184, 358 12 Nat'l bank circulation! 274, 054,157 00 273, 703, 047 00 269,147, 600 00 268, 869, 597 00| 267, 430, 837 00 144,498 00 State bank circulation! 162, 581 00 144, 489 00 13tJ, 898 00 133, 932 00 1,301,937 731 Dividends unpaid. 2, 577, 236 08 6, 414, 263 98 3, 508,325 38 1, 360, 977 27 Individual deposits... I 996, 501, 647 40 1, 035, 802,188 56 1,106, 376, 516 80 1,102, 372, 450 35,1, 111, 429, 914 98 U. S. deposits j 11,006,919 47 11, G90, 707 52 10, 995, 974 68 11, 552, 621 12,058,768 36 Dep'tsTJ.S.dis.officers! 3,039,646 40i 3, 330, 522 70 3, 027, 218 02 3, 005, 783 11 2, 714, 399 37 j i Due to national banks! 205, 877,203 09! 199, 081,104 40 20:J, 932, 800 05 213, 534, 905 08 216, 564, 533 96 82,190,567 43; 81, 906, 092 2f 88, 847, 454 78 86,115, 061 25 85, 060,162 27 Due to State banks... i 6,299,722 15 5, 864, 000 85 5, 736, 012 02 9, 932, 828 24 8, 432, 792 64 Notes re-discounted-J 1, 850, 462 loi Bills payable | 2, 074, 259 76 1,951,598 60 2,167, 333 33 2,191,380 16 Total |2, 312, 744,247 35 2, 346, 682, 452 99 2, 421, 852, 016 47 2, 432, 913, 002 38 2,457, 675, 256 13 1 Capital stock 886. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. 2,768 banks. 2,809 banks. $533, 360, 615 00 AUGUST 27. 2,849 banks. OCTOBER 7. j 2,852 banks. $539,109, 291 72 $545,522,598 00 $548,240,730 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 152, 872, 349 01 59,376, 381 80 153. 642, 934 86 67, 662, 886 02 157, 003, 875 60 62,211,565 63 157, 249,190 87 66, 503, 494 72. National bank circulation 256,972,158 00 244, 893, 097 00 238, 273, 685 00 228, 672, 610 00 133, 931 00 132, 470 00 128, 336 00 125,002 00 1,534, 905 58 1, 526, 776 66 1, 863, 303 62 2, 227, 810 59 1,152, 660,492 00 1,146,246,911 43 1,113, 459,187 35 Individual deposits 12, 414, 566 52 13,670,721 76 U. S. deposits 14, 295, 927 74 3, 019, 018 72 Dep'ts U. S. disbursing officers 2, 798, 864 55 2, 884, 865 62 1,172, 968, 308 64 13, 842, 023 69 2, 721,270 77 State bank circulation Dividends unpaid Due to national banks Due to State banks Notes re-discounted Bills payable Total 219, 778,171 80 204, 405, 273 11 218, 327, 437 33 92, 663, 570 46 • 90, 591,102 81 90, 366, 354 90 90, 24G, 483 31 8,718, 911 71 7, 948, 698 27 10. 594,176 50 1,145, 240 26 1, 381, 095 01 2, 067, 693 48 2,474, 544,481 89 2, 453, 666, 930 07 2, 513, 854, 751 17 8, 376,095 20 1,174, 874 29 2, 494, 337,129 44 218, 395, 950 54 A SUMMARY OF THE STATE A2O) CONDITION or THE NATIONAL BANKS ON DECEMBER 24, 1835, MARCH 1, JUNE 3, AUGUST 27, AXD OCTOBER 7, 1886. Arranged by States, Territories, and Keserre Cities* N O T E . — T i n 1 a b s t r a c t of e a c h S t a t e is e x c l u s i v e o f a n y r e s e r v e c i t y t h ' T ^ i n . CLXXVII H. Ex. :i xii CLXXVIII REPORT OF THE POMPTUOLLER OF TITE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports- y.nicr October l7 .1885, arravfjed M A IN E . DECEMHER 24. I Resources. 71 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. Bonds f< >r ci re u la ti< m. Bonds for deposits .. TJ. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res'YC aji'ts. Due from rat'1 banks Due from State banks Real estate, <fco Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Cle a r «;- lio.use e. xch' gs! Bills of other banks.'. Fractional currency. Trade• dollars .'.. Specie Lejjal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. Due fromU. S. Treas. Total 540 01 8, 659, 300 00 170, 000 00 19, 700 00 742, 562 27 1,722. 520 GG 419, 170 72 4-1 47 526, 700 &0 73, MARf'lM. .1U-XK3. 71 h a n k s . 71 b a n k s . AUGUST 27. ; OOTOI3KIi7. 71 b a n k s . $17. 8r,5,(;i5 38 $17, 856,1GG 07 $18, 041,425 30 8. 029, 300 00 8,312. <S00 00 ' 8, 2-J5, 300 00 7, 000,500 00 .170, 000 00 17ti, 000 00 170, 000 00 170, 000 00 i::, ;;oo oo 10,400 00 10,400 00 10, 400 00 , 101) 94 • 791,100 54 800, 744 70 702, ;m 10 ,732 17 . 1 , 110 53 1,054, 1, 753. 102 60 "05,310 00 1, 42(J, 890 30 : 433, 048 34 591, 786 38 470. 023 49 II, 182 43 : 18,209 03 16, 551 54 22.873 90 523,811 07 ! 5:J2, 7G:i 92 522,819 07 516, 500 00 01,400 85 • 02.037 37 41, 089 30 60, 771 42 205, 077 80 1(52.431 01 208.710 20 270. 492 01 230,810 42 i 1 SI, f40 1!) 24i), 970 58 302. 383 9i 78, t">30 57 : 01,513 44 72, 789 40 106, i::0 79 3H2, 2<'.9 00 , 310.340 00 373,597 00 283. 572 00 3. 335 07 4,203 31 3,057 03 2, 652 23 473 00 400 00 589 00 470 00 734. 330 32 , 721,-1(53 01 724,030 03 684, 771 35 212, 524 00 i 232, 08-2 00 332, 074 00 171, 478 00 $17, 1>7,I>:)2 05 o:;8 so 080 1 5 203' 344 2 7 11G, l>84 CO 335, 125 00 2, 710 10 3fil ('>•) 694, 207 1)7 224, 08:5 00 378, 036 96 140,215 84 370, 777 90 | 23, 8t-0 00 j 300, 590 00 10, 090 00 364, 428 50 i 15,866 75 | 338,172 HO 8, 990 00 I 32,197, 9<)7 48 I 31, 74'', 024 43 j 31,720,003 22 32, 198, 615 52 j 31, 991, 903 40 NEW 40 b a n k s HAMPSHIRE. 49 b a n k s . 40 b a n k s . .$8,479, 230 57 $8, 520, $8,492, Loans and discounts 5, }',("•>, 0 0 0 0 0 Bonds for circulation. 5, 813, 4. Uilii, 372, (»00 00 •• Bonds for deposits .. 365, 372, : J 7, 150 00 TJ. S. bonds on hand.. 0, 1,599,323 11 j Other stocks and b'ds 1, 070, 1,581, 1,189,158 71 i Due 1'roi n. res' v e a u'ts. 1, 243, 1,137, 133,5*1 05 i Due fromnat'l banks 108, 137, 71,610 57 Due from State banks 201, 4(5, 178,349 39 Real estate, &c 178, 52, 000 43 Current expenses 50. 60, 203,677 38 Premiums paid 242, 194, 98,438 96 44 Cash items 138, 187, Clear' g-houso exeh'gs Bills of other banks.. 233, 059 00 229. 225 00 267, 803 00 Fractional currency. 6. 186 08 7,751 60 6.570 77 Trade dollars '... ' 100 00 IN) 80 ! 103 «,'(> Specie 317. 640 18 323,004 92 | 321.305 06 Lesal-tender notes .. 129, 452 00 j 116, 499 00 ! 120,529 00 TJ.S. cert's of deposit .1. 5 % fund w ith Treas 249. 544 95 230, •>;<() 00 i 219, 9i;7 50 ! Due froniTJ. S. Treas 15. 370 (10 4,840 00 I 10, 0L0 00 I Total • 71 bank*. j 19,420,310 51 ! IK, (570,4-10 49 ; 49 b a n k s . 814, 609, 3(55, 10. 605; 187, 131, 65, 187, 51, 281, 06, 268, 000 00 4, 624 27 40 banks. - | ! $9,082,211 02 j 4, 6(30, 500 00 i 350, 000 00 I 35, 9 ;0 00 1, 652, 480 35 1,378,400 0(5 145. ln2 08 6-2, 540 41 191, 6i;0 (Ki 57,037 25 284. 2.'27 20 141,650 11 320.871 59 121, 952 00 245,110 5,396 114 353. 374 128, 059 00 05 25 44 00 208,972 50 4, Gl)9 40 206,902 50 1,231 20 18.371,575 17 I 18,456,555 61 I 18,991,915 64 VERM ONT. 47 banks. 49 banks. 49 banks. Loans and discounts $10, 770, 088 63 $10, 773, 317 58 $11,368,137 07 $11, 6, 017, 5no 00 -Bonds for circulation 6,017,500 00 5, 583, 000 00 Bonds for deposits. .. 50,000 00 50, 000 00 no. 000 00 TJ. S. bonds on hand.. 234,300 00 203,000 00 207, 700 00 Other stocks and b'ds 905,044 98 9i)8, 773 02 862, 442 47 Due fromres've a<j;'ts 864.476 13 889, IT6 10 892, 600 40 Due from nat, Thanks. 185. 758 05 194.930 09 157.086 76 Due from Stare banks 41,282 45 1(5.728 50 15,661 28 Real estate, &c 215,595 01 211.522 81 23 0.861 01 Current expenses 02,100 4') 52, ,«09 03 24, 882 09 Premiums paid 114,026 10 127.316 26 110, 013 40 Cash items . - •. 68,441 50 70,921 12 57, 094 40 Clear' a-housc excli'gs' Bills of other banks.. 144, 387 00 148, 028 136, 637 00 188, 141 00 Fractional currency.; 3,496 20 3, 646 82 i 3, 298 3,42! 50 Trade dollars .'.... 4,121 56 4.247 00 : 4,450 4, 32(5 50 Specie316, 001 58 ' 330, 363 29 353,212 318,652 41 Lenal-tender notes 125, 048 00 156,024 00 , 162, 982 159, 308 00 TJ. S. cert's of deposit.,1 47 banks. J96 fund with T r e a s . 266, 360 44 4,650 00 Due from U.S. Trea s Total 29, 424, 560 48 265,197 50 3, 670 00 20, 248, 000 02 243, 4C:4 50 1,170 00 240, 724 1, 760 40 banks. $11,818,011 69 5, 203. 000 00 110,000 00 154, 850 00 882,323 61 984,973 10 181,798 72 23,914 74 222, 628 60 41, 095 73 147,051 35 67, 504 55 158.103 00 3,271 27 4, 530 61 370, 714 50 102,409 00 224, 886 50 2, 520 00 20, 624, 725 05 I 20, 724, 042 J 20, 754, 523 06 REVORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, OLXXIX by States and reserve cities—-(<ontinned. MAINE. 24. Liabilities. ; Capital stock 71 b a n k s . 71 b a n k s Surplus fund .... Undivided profits. . -. 71 | banks. $!or3ci),("o7;"^; $10,300, 000 00 2,490,109 88 1, 3,38, 52< 02 1 ! JUXE 3. M A11CII I 2, "03.;::::! 85 ; 1, lu;; 2.10 s;> , 2 ! 7, 485, i;05 no ' 7 AL'Gl'ST 2 1 ; • 7! b a n k s '.?!•», 30! , ,000 00 OCTOJ3EII " 71 b a n k s (us 00 . $1.0, 3G0, 000 00 , <;r»( 20 . <::N OO . r < s 3,5 3 \\ 250 02 T 108,()OU 39 t Nat '1 bank' < •i railation \ -State bank circulation1 7, 632, u 1 00 ( - Dividends unpaid :«r. , -7") 00 7. ';•!• • ' - n 0M 6 833, 473 00 ! 54,85«; 31 ; 37, 878 27 Individual deposits .. U. S. deposits. Dep'ts U.S. dis.oilicers 9, 323, 002 G7 S~), 55"* 28 ! 45, 750 12 9,215, 7,-1 ? l ' 103, 502 Oii Due to national banks Due to State- banks... G81, 542 GO G75, 250 57 104,501 05 135,473 21 Notes re-discounted.. 30, 000 00 •i: , 3 2 5 GvJ i 0 I'ji !<>.-:{ 44 , 7{;.': 30, ooo o;» . '•)[>•> 57 , 08." 0,71' ,4\( I'll , 7 1 ! 4>: 570 44 10 240, GG3 42 05, 022 G2 52, 809 93 11- 87 0 2 : 07, rr>2 47 O'.i ,>S$, 500 027 , .-,_2 ' " 8;- 2i2 08 107 98° 34 05, 527 23 .127 208 51 14.-., 3 1 3 04 105, 240 51 Bills pavable G2, 007 38 Total 32, 107, • i.)7 48 31, 745. 024 45 N E W i 4 > bai l l i S . > : . ir.0,0,,0 (».» i ?« Surplus fund Undivided proiits-.. - 74 Nat'l1 bank circulation Stale , bank circulation 5,140, 070 00 0, 838 00 Dividends unpaid... ; J j ^ ]o,,>s , Gl." ---;- • „ • 0'il Jn'i;{ 49 H .A M P B H 1 R E •SObanKs. 49 b a n k s Capital stock 003 22 31 0M0 1,203. o:.:: 50 i 1. 3u4 4, 724, h". 00 i 0. S38 no 18, 138 15 40 b: n k ' s 40 banks. .,...() •%', 155,000 00 «.-0 5-t2 •152 82 K^iO 4. 3'M.I 030 U0 0-10 00 00 4, 170,220 00 0, S3i 00 753 20 8^5 Vj 21,35:' 07 •J;J W3 ;!i 31 73 32, OGG 20 ; Individual deposits-.. U. S. deposits Dep'tsU.S.dis.oincers ' IO;UH;O r 140,787 5 ' ' 2 2 K 3 ; ' l 7!) 573 03 43 742 41 Due to national banks 417,413 50 l^LOi!!. 01 4a 402 03 342 000 40 451,429 55 Due to State banks .. 213, 371 GO 312,330 80 3b1. '-08 Gu 248 517 45 138, 911 ~>5 Notes re-discounted.. 13,419 32 28,4 !7 20 (!,">7 00 10 000 00 7, 500 00 H.S7 03 120 00 2, 400 00 18, ;>70, -111" 40 j 18, 371 575 17 18,45;; 555 01 18, Oil 1,015 G4 ; M Bills -payable 19,420,310 51 Total V B R M O If Capital stock S u r p l u s fund ; Undividv.d proiits. ...', Nat'l bank circulation' State bank circulation 47 b a n k s . •17 I-,: n i : s . $7, 541,U(iO 00 $ 7 , 5 4 1 , (!<•() :.;0 1,457, (I";; 00 050, 251 95 ' -\i>\. 745 58 20, G01 33 U . ' S . deposits "\ *'.'.'.'.'. Dep'tsU.S.dis.o'iicers 5. 525.5'5 11 3-">, 15.) 5i 5, 721 03 D u e to national banks; 157,400 12 1 !I*. ay< o«;o 4. : '" 'k 5ti2 35 5 •!"2. \\\ (i. : 217 731 00 9, 550 43 251 77 3.1, 704 47 180 72 5, 015,120 70 31,302 71 4,127 '-2 5,-150, 287, 993 53 70 58, 840 35 AM '10 57, 575 00 84, 058 24 (»•« 51) G3 !v0 r 4, 580,015 00 3, 500 00 70 -'. ' 7 ! " i ' - GO 4, 8 0 3 5(»5 00 ")--;'o 9.4CJ - : - . i ' • • • • • (•;'} Ci-,7 2 1, 8G7 5;: \ 1, 500, 553 20 1,«;9f) !«>:, 23, Of!.J • 49 b a n k s . $7," G91, 000 00 00 242, Xotes re-discounted. 1 20,-S_4, HCv1 «)!'; 1-3. 1;87 12 :;s ; '•••\r: 80 • ! ! r80 0> 40, 200 311 Total U(H) 321 Due. to Stai(- b a n k s . ! "$7,'wi ».vi47. 34.7.';-'5 S j VV..-IW 83 i oo TrG 34 ; 5. I R 0 0 3 47 • 38.4' 1/1 ' (!, 050 00 , 4;, b;i n k s 4:) b.i $7, 5, IM3. 2*5 00 • 3. 510 00 5, 330, 008 3, •",00 00 Dividends u n p a i d . . . . Bills payable "»- 7( 5. 741 18 2,^1.534 32 45,041 74 V::'O 20, 724, 012 80 14 63 : 20, 754, 523 06 CLXXX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 18S5, arranged MASSACHUSETTS. DECEMBER 24. Eesources. 194 b a n k s i MARCH 1. JUNK 3. 195 b a n k s 10'J b a n k s Loans and discounts. $86, 608, 993 03 I $8^,811,019 02 Bonds for circulation 38,178,850 00 37, G47. 850 00 300, 000 00 300, O'.'O 00 Bonds for deposits .. 290, 750 00 236,01-0 00 U. S. bonds on hand 4,516, 5'* 4 43 Other stock and b'ds 4,477,100 47 8, 152, 072 91 Due from res'vo ag'ts 7, 592, 002 55 921,296 01 1,083,531 34 Due from nat'l banks 130,010 52 153,60' 41 Due from State banks 2,131,511 11 2, 130,243 91 Seal estate, &o 561,23a 58 571. 925 52 Current expenses 1, 084, 370 16 1, 125.461 35 Premiums paid 693,815 35 763. 583 71 Cash items 35, 0(35 51 38, 2515 45 C lear'g-honse exch'gs 1,253,712 00 Bills of other banks . 1,367,021 00 2-, (590 11 34,018 02 Fractional currency 13 890 71 795 00 Trade dollars 2, 733, 434 18 Specie - 2, 520, 781 19 1, 359, 859 00 Leaal-tender notes .. 1, 524, 5:<3 00 180, 000 00 180.000 00 U. S. cert's of deposit 1, 679. 088 75 ff % fund with Treas. 1, 700, 583 <<> 81,486 71 15,489 25 Due from U. S. Treas Total 150, 424, 529 83 149,858,400 25 •». AUGTST 27 395 b a n k s OCTOBER 7 19G b a n k s 59 00 00 50 00 $88, 442, 0;w 30 3 5 , 4 9 0 5 0 00 3(:0 000 00 2-:o. I5o 00 4, 63*. 341 6! 6,421,678 85 750, 506 19 12.!. 7*0 41 2,1'.1 737 •>8 425. 2H2 07 1,072, ]l)H 04 594, 102 8'? 43. 004 88 1,22:;, 107 00 37, 986 17 1(5 43 ' 19 2, 8G2. 072 01 1,4(0,332 00 170.000 00 1, 59.', 695 00 15, 009 40 $88,473,396 34, 34.1. 750 300, 000 262, 800 4,547.908 10,278,045 920,415 152. 276 2,173, 898 273, 042 1,095,830 830, 793 44, 636 1,301,015 38, 857 17 547 3, 065, 774 1,400,446 170, 000 1, 523, 087 30,940 149, 623, 802 01 147,991,633 52 151,2^7,462 64 54 banks. 54 b a n k s . $88,013.4*0 30,032.750 300. 000 239, 1' 0 4,792,808 7,558,221 831,789 120. 00'i 2, 152.76:; 268, 8:!" 1,0(17. 89ti 607.811 53, 9'28 1, 325, f,37 31. 872 15 'U1: 2. 8i;0. 795 1,424,32!) 175, 000 1,601,5-0 50, 884 78 00 00 00 14 83 18 77 91: 75 5") Si) 4'.i On 45 47 00 00 i • »0 41 ?3 33 84 86 89 24 59 49 00 28 27 93 00 00 50 31 CITY OP BOSTON 54 b a n k s . 54 b a n k s . Loans and discounts $127. O'J4, 629 05 Bonds for circulation. 24, 264, 650 00 175, 000 00 Bonds for deposits .. 89, 050 uo U. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds 2, 820, 509 89 12,000,617 26 Due from res' voag'ts Duo from nat'l banks 10,238,978 65 212,050 63 Duo from State banks 2, 972, 242 90 Real estate, &c 6(53,150 81 Current expenses 873, 522 ;.»/ Premiums paid 366 891 17 Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs 8, 036, 706 2, 340, 299 00 Bdls of other banks.. 8,712 98 Fractional currency. 397 00 Trade dollars 10 414 774 6 ' Specie 3, 344, 742 00 Legal-tender notes .. 870, 000 00 U. S. cert's of deposit. 1,089,471 t-i 5 96 fund with Treas. 345, 222 54 Due from U. S. Treas 208,151,618 82 Total 54 biinks. $130,580,519 00 $120,452,695 14 $121, 118.P51 10 $122,587,783 89 22, 422, 6" 0 0 0 19,697.0".!) 0;) 17,377,050 00 17, 877. (530 0 0 175, 0 >0 00 175. t:i)0 00 175,000 00 17."), (i00 0 0 114,350 00 99. "50 (>o 110. 350 00 35. 2U0 0 0 2, 879, 9*6 2, 873, -tH 07 2,812,912 46 2, 881, 724 39 1 1 , 8 7 5 , 0 7 4 70 12,546. 175 (9 10,812, 1!2 07 11,704,020 72 9, 153. 4 M) 61 11,3'M), 5:>t) 02 9, 402, 9 ".8 09 10, 12f>, 350 13 19 341,948 30 2 0 5 Ci'.)?> '17 f>2J.9:n 5J3O 010 10 2, 9'20, 870 91 2 , 9 7 1 , ISO 2, 9(56, 216 60 2, 964, 258 1, 125, <)47 64 2." 8, 0*4 57 702. 583 18 65, 028 62 670, 7ii8 0 8 828, 204 61 344, 653 Trf) 310. 653 34 •>•>! 0 4 1 ?G 3"2 ( )io 0<) 498 519 0? 459 710 85 9,051, 101 70 7. 3M), 41 5 64 8,152,118 60 5,342,017 93 1,534,716 00 1,537. 197 00 1, 438. 8S1 00 1,424,451' 00 6, 751 52 7,4:>7 81 6, 573 95 9, 005 66 397 00 497 no 00 497 00 0 7'K) ;•{.!.q T_> 11 089 311 rjq 10 438 748 'M 9 l l ' i 174 57 2,559,014 00 2,441,7(51 00 2,410. 156 00 2, 929,' 543 00 7:;<), 000 00 445,000 00 1, 105 000 Oi) 510,000 00 995,841 73 8r*6, OOtj 75 807, 003 90 767, 376 75 73, 510 00 109, 535 00 46, ISO 00 34, 750 00 n 210,543,348 44 204, 190, 333 62 187, 088, 273 53 192,043,458 38 61 b a n k s 61 b a n k s R ECODE ISLAND 61 b a n k s Loans and discounts $32, 079, 313 59 Bonds for circulation 13, 595, 400 00 150, 000 00 Bonds for deposits .. 196, 250 00 U. S. bonds on hand.. 1, 358, 630 50 Other stocks and b'ds 1, 988, 135 56 Due from res'vo ag'ts 1,003,815 49 Due from nat'l banks 62, 797 86 Due from State banks 686, 624 42 Real estate, &c 131, 944 44 Current expenses 436, 208 74 Premiums paid *>•> 179 5G6 Cash items 425, 947 20 Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. 421, 848 00 9, 005 99 Fractional currency. 375 00 Trade dollars . 565, 232 77 Specie . Legal-tender notes .. 575, 505 00 IT. S. cert's of deposit. 589, 884 68 5% fund with Treas. 9, 745 00 Due from U. S. Treas Total 54, 526, 230 76 61 b a n k s $31, 807, 233 12,84 5,400 150, 000 198,050 1,374,730 2, 259. 799 675.211 21, 750 671,757 110,412 409, 501 170 906 373, 912 322, 068 11,487 299 602 9<>6 503, 074 61 b a n k s . 19 00 00 00 52 31 45 14 01 82 72 14 00 05 00 67 00 559, 675 00 I 37, 725 00 ! $32,475,593 29 $32 189,192 13 $33,110,956 51 11,481,600 00 10,238, 550 00 10, 565. 600 00 150, 000 00 150, 000 00 150. 000 00 19(5,050 i;0 255, 050 00 197, 350 00 1, 335. 698 42 1, 343, 599 89 1,365,433 40 1, 897, 337 62 1,963,212 98 2,213,376 84 735, 875 02 981,704 99 675, 9!)9 0 ;) 46,717 11 16.242 54 44,846 49 675,379 70 670,10J 78 668, 902 26 119,729 63 109, 853 80 93, 028 83 377, 501 79 397, 985 03 382,410 68 16° 801 P0 197 770 4'* 134 666 37 170, 405 19 346,280 57 217^817 GH 291,488 00 312,131 00 346, 995 00 10, 296 49 1 10,298 95 10,023 44 6')9 00 1 1 OS'5 00 532 90 70 664 5()4 75 643 397 03 45o| 943 00 512, 078 00 494,614 00 503,581 50 i 18,227 00 465,422 00 17, £67 50 460, 067 25 12, 440 00 53, 075, 929 53 i 51, 704,429 31 : 0, 588, 825 70 51,9:27,978 37 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLXXXI by States and reserve cities—Continued. MASSACHUSETTS. DECEMUEK 24. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. 196 b a n k s . 195 b a n k s . Liabilities. 194 bank9. Capital stock 195 h a n k s . $45,020,050 00 | $45,140,500 00 ; 196 b a n k s . $45, 105, 700 00 i $4">, 053, 000 00 \ $45, 190, 500 00 Surplus fund Undivided p.'-olits. . 13, 480, 075 08 j 13. 610, 00'• 86 4,385,320 27 j 4,GlJs), 945 71 13, 753, 686 45 ; 13, 770, 339 45 4, 23u, 3r4 12 j 4, 77i>. 3rO 48 ISTat'l bank circul:\ti-.m State bank cneulaiioijj 3M, 788, 300 00 " 32, 060, 055 00 32.011,200 00 : : 31,556,24") 0J 13, 801, 009 TO 3, 6*.s! K"3 07 30,679 190 00 Dividends unpaid . . 107,-423 20 103,881 27 151,0(14 CO Individual deposits .. U. S. cls'nosits D e p ' t s U.S.dis.oilieeTs 50, 5^4, 0F0 75 210,4<>5 12 40, (350 53 51, 378, 831 18 220, 7i:< 0:1 47, 9u2 Cli 51,F54,387 31 2.m, 107 84 16,015 42 49, -91,465 90 258. 200 12 5, 155 26 51,429,904 43 225,2^4 46 23, 248 98 Duo to national b a n k s 2, 247, 389 GO 1. 340, 433 33 1,837,712 46 2, 030, 909 95 2,182, 039 10 D u e to State b a n k s . . 1(53,025 34 170,312 32 221,598 06 198,445 35 258, 822 40 Notes re-discounted.. 285,213 88 I 170, 803 89 105,946 29 288,107 49 330,188 02 03, 000 00 G3, 000 00 20, 000 00 30, 000 00 15, 040 89 150, 424, 529 83 149, 858, 409 2.3 149, 623, 802 04 147,991,633 52 ~151, 247,462 64 Bills payable . . . . . . . Total JTY Capital stock Surplus firnd Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulat-iou OF BOSTON. 54 banks. 54 banks. 130,378,52 I 54 banks. 400, 4-9 69 54 banks. 000 00 $30, 950, 000 00 $50, 950, 000 00 $50, 950, GOO 00 $50, 950, 000 00 r 4 ,"> U . 4« > 3. 565, 8!H 69 11,44'\ ^on 55 A 95ri, 515 50 11.5^4,844 32 3, 738, 4u8 27 11,586,082 70 5,135,9132 74 11,648,242 35 3, 214, 396 10 21, 435, 102 00 19, 001, 642 00 17, 531, 077 00 15, 923, 470 00 15,566,700 00 $50, £•;*;, 55 919 13 43, 522 38 | 62,843 96 37, 022 46 264, 315 79 Individual deposits... U . S . deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.otiieers 71 82, 453 107 352 93 24 553 88 84, 827 175 81 : 80, 395, 389 60 106 <;74 66 105, 147 46 33 773 06 ; 39, 8 J 3 62 69, 864". 539 15 lu3, 099 81 30, 990 29 74,087, 299 71 105, 925 70 27,866 41 Due to national banks 29, 718,747 00 on Dividends unpaid Due to State b a n k s . . 8, 397 93 i (. 4 705 781 91 29, 5G9, 109 91 25,111,658 91 26, 905,918 37 9 873 9G2 97 10,189, 740 73 8,135,447 47 9, 258,188 03 JiTotes re-discounted 23, 948 66 210, 000 00 14, 605 83 210 543 348 44 i 204,190, 333 62 187, 08», 273 53 192, 043, 458 oS Bills payable Total 208, 151 618 82 RHODE 61 banks. f anital stock $°0 340 050 00 ISLAND. 61 banks *•>(} 6L banks 61 b a n k 8 340 050 00 $20 340 050 00 $°0 340 050 00 *-*0 340 0 >() " ! | 61 b a n k s . Surplus fund Undivided profits !Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Dividends unpaid 3,991,811 43 1, 578, ;*0S 68 4 014,037 64 1, 491, 498 09 4, 037, 701 97 1, 633, 682 61 4,061,100 06 1, 624, 803 71 4,082,018 p 1,636,405 51 12, 054, 382 00 2, 790 00 11. 364, 462 00 2, 790 00 10,252, 267 00 2, 788 00 9, 455, 688 00 2, 788 00 9,192, 726 00 884 00 81,490 29 114,176 92 92,175 58 114,279 15 141, 763 14 Individual deposits.. U S deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers 13,150.420 17 50,014 8ti 52, 009 33 13 482, 472 31 6->, 444 34 60, 509 17 13, 090,135 5° 102,315 05 28, 319 17 12, 548,134 13 86, 259 28 45,914 17 13, 748, 576 25 63, 822 31, 596 24 Due to national banks 2,104, 988 4G 1 238, 308 74 1, 291, 677 36 1,493,210 57 1, 828,131 10 Due to State banks .. 1,119, 756 54 901, 492 32 878, 317 05 816, 597 73 862, 004 39 50, 588, 825 70 51,927, 978 37 !N"otes re-discounted Total 15, 000 54, 526, 230 76 53 07.), 929 53 no 51,764,429 31 CLXXXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports shite October 1, 18S5, arranged C ONNECTICUT. DECElUJKi: 21. ! Resources. 84 banks. MAiiCII 1. j OCTOI1KU 7 . 84 bunks. 84 banks. 187,002 98 : $12, 470, :N7 1() .Loans and discounts. $41,771,110 29 ! $42, J 17, ~ 3 : 4 , 100 00 ; ~ 1 n) ()0 Bonds for circulation. 17,500, 100 00 3<;o ooo oo i 3' 0, (0 0 00 301), Oi'O 00 Bonds for deposit s .. 35S, 500 00 •17D, i o n 0!> ! 211, 9(1) 0 i TJ. S. bonds on h a n d . . 3, 008. 7-5 35 3. 24»>, 938 21 ! !. 010, 7 27 Other stocks and b'ds Due from res' v o ajr't s I 5,899.890 43 4,t5si,u:J7 M j , 21 > 21) 2.194,227 SO Due from n a f l banks 2, 5:;3.774 53 ; ; 8 )7 5 5 243,715 71 Due from State banks 175,534 85 ! 1,4 12, o::S :v.} . Heal estate, &c j 1,400, 230 99 155. OK) >9 : 288, 1-3 78 I Current, expenses...« 530, 573 25 ' 408,577 1.1 Premiums paid 3)3, 4(.S 92 i Cash items 242,-! 15 72 ! 7s:,,: I;") oo " j-i.112! 39 ! 213. 891. 10 Bills of othc Fr.i:;lioii:i] >9 1u f .2 *l,> Specie i Le,ii'al-tender notes . . | ot'dept 1, (,7s\'5.'{ 03 i 805, 099 00 3. (>;S2 5o i 7, 5 5 7 5 j «5 9o <"und w i t h T r e a s . ; D u e from I". S. T r e a s - j Total '»• . 0 0, 9 K 5 it; : C'i 81 hanks. :, 557, 077 87 5(10 300, 000 450 :, 082^ 591 S 157, I'.'O !, 3 >4, 224 212, 575 ,421. UiS 933 092 55:: . 885 i, 090, : 00 00 00 70 48 28 45 90 44 42 09 00 84 b a n k s . ^12,841,04(5 80 15,:' 12. 000 00 "0i», 000 00 271.450 00 3,0-lit, 705 58 5, 187,878 71 2,012.497 04 187,122 00 l,4:n.!)84 24 210,978 57 741,271 47 405,309 02 2o:<, 7s:, 71 j 81 :?>>:'* 00 ];;,507 95 '.j.l. 809 15 i! J 00 ! "717, 74i>. 9S2 75 ; 51, M 0 00 : 1,H>2, 517 4M 88: ) . 007 0 0 f>, 001) 00 G77, 019 80 23, 060 00 78,232,0(59 :•:; ; 7 7 , 8 4 1 , 1 5 7 ^6 \ 78,511,859 (.;;$ ! 77,071,143 5(5 ! NEW Y OliK. . | Loans and discounts Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits-. U. S. bonds on. Inmd. Other stocks and b'ds Due fromres've a<;'ts Due from n a t l banks. Duo from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'^-house exeh 'gs Bills of otlier banks'^. Fractional currency. \ Trade dollars ! Specie j Le^al-tender notes .. j IT. S. cert's ofdeposit I 5 % fund with Treas ' Due from Lr. S. Treas I Total. 207 b;;nks. $80,410,70.") 27, L'20, 150 8!>2, fllJO 1, 222, 050 7, 702, 2 5 J 15. 9^17, 3:!0 2, <;;)!. u:\ . 57 (:•) 00 CO 71) ",-J, oi 208 banks 37, 97:i 07 1, 1*53, 1**0 0) 3!, 4^2 VA 218,809 ]i) 4, 805, (i'jd (it) J, 115, 2 U) 00 MOJOiiO 00 1,203,4 15 'J'i 44,0.52 4M 25,708 . (!50 ' 8 ;2 (;'j0 1.32*;,;. fioo 8. :-;i;<i, 27, :)34, 8.* 2, 1,3-\ 8, :>77. 3 5 , L' 1 2 , *'•).<, (),•-."». 1,9:)9,K 7 SO I oi3: ' 3 - i . ; .'" • i.» ' 0->8. 1,3':: I. l.:j::o; 1,!];).», 04") < 7-V) < 1, 39, 24 9, 317 ; i i 7 : (MiO ( i){U) '• :{,' I I'.i ; 40 180 52. '. 9 1 4 .. 470 251 11:'. , o09 281 533 nOo 1,U*.: 01,: 5M :' 'E W 45 b a n k s . Loans and discounts $240, 5C4, 8*0 ] t Bonds for circulation | 12, 40(5, 5()..i o-:i Bonds for deposits .. 820,000 00 U. S. bonds on hand. _ 3, 71.', 75;) e:i Oiher stocks:iml b'ds! 13, 713, 084 (.9 Dae from res' veau'ls lJuelYornnat'lbanks 2L0i)8, 94! 31 Due from Stale banks '..', 3•','.'.. 730 07 Keal estate, &« !0, ;;:\ 297 73 Current expenses 1 rreniiums paid i 477.7:."" <\> Cash items ' 2,279^ 1)2 01 O;M, ( O O d o • Cr<;-liouse I(»an ceri ';> Cleai-",u'-l)ou:se v^xcif p;n 0 7 . 8 7 7 , 7 1 0 7*) ; Bills of other banks., .1, «SJ:;, 7*i!i c o 1 i-'rac-t ional currency 39 3*5 S5 Trade doiiars . . .".. 1 9 5 , 5 1 2 90 ! Specie 17,920. 701 (.0 Lejial-tender notes . 1 Total 207 b a n k s . 207 b.i $8'.),:',[)!, i 207 b a n k s . $.-9; !'84, «i(>5 <)8 | '$92,927,244 70 25,278, 150 00 ! 24, 171,550 00 892,000 00 892. ('00 00 i 1,328,850 00 J . 3 2 \ 75.) 09 J 8, 45i>, 95H OS J 8, 2(i:', 052 92 14,082, 107 14 ! 14,209,394 So 2,415,03) 3!) i 2,433,9!)3 09 7 i 5, 038 ()2 ; 707, 500 75 3,391. I "4 90 ; 3 , ;>!•••'_», 5 3 7 8 9 :>'.)7. 2<io 11 I ' 4 5 ( > ; 3-15 0 5 I, 320, 200 10 i l,4;:M10 07 j , 505, 581 00 J,030, iho 74 ' 23, 537 10 2!, 507 04 : 1, 388, 380 00 1, 237, 5-18 00 : 30, 930 38 32, :Ji."> .10 • 250, i;80 29 2.VJ, 1<>3 90 5, 5.!3. 510 55 5,412, =!45 G"> 2, 927, 423 00 3,097, 10} 00 245, 0( 0 00 250, 000 00 1,075,017 90 1, 1-5,5-10 40 (.1,004 00 23,019 U .| 100,011,737 0! ', ICO, 477, 3,4 70 j 100,009,587 7o • 101,291,252 07 \ 103,334,439 40 | Due from U. S. Treas ! $, Y ORK 4 ~.banks. •r-25(», 10, 525. 000 00 020. <K)() ( I I 5, i i ( \ i l 0 0 0 0 17, 8 ;i,3<;9 82 7IS, IIS 1! 1^744 805, -1,^9 ! 2 i l . " > : {>;••;) i :;V.'--4 !8 .'•I, 2^5, 337 55 2lo, 7 ^ i : , 88(1, 9:H) ! , 197. 3:;5 i , 3 1 0 , (-ii0 •r:i. ]:••(> 45 banks. 45bauks. 087, 24"7 05 $250, 325, 390 927, 000 920, 000 92a, O'.iO 230. 050 737,016 ; 34,070 V'\ 1 ;s!:r.M (is 5f"5 8 0 49 5(.7, :'I8 70 2. !H3, M31) 05 5(>.\ 0i;0 00 i OS, 72.", 55S 91 77, 22l! 202 OS 2o,;j75, 825 0;) 2, !r('5 1/00 I -'! 3, .115,(10!' (r) 512 !)!»'.) do • 4 1,510 ft) 5is, 8_0 -:) 314,187 22 ! 465., 334, 117 b7 CITY 4 5 ban!-:s. 88 00 00 00 32 2:"0,819 00 1.-50, 4S;j 07 i 227, 093 09 ' 455, 234 97 851.4H 59 2Ji, m o i;i !•;.-, 000 00 • 42, ". ,;",;/!), 197 00 "•!9, "JC7 33 ' 2 3 / , ' l o t 00 ; i i! 5 3 1 , ' 2 8 ! 0 0 H, 115, (M>O 0 0 i '•!:;!>, :-;:;0 0 0 I 30 400,043,120 78 8f2, 029 015, 000 9\'0, W0 409.1H0 901,284 85*\ 522, 210, 800, 702, • •SO, 754 49 ; 505 15 | 933 10 I 020 8 0 ; 507 41 ; 587 40 01 00 15 05 0^307 018 00 COO 00 3/5 00 0u9 71 603, 3H9 481,535 29, 780 241,304 l.Oti. 102, 40 i, 425, 731), 432, 9.07, 512 'SQ 405,051,822 07 ! i i ! KEPORT O F T H E COMPTIJOLLKR by Stuic-s {(lid rcHcrre vltuia—Con O F Till] C'CRUIVSCY. 01/XXXIIl finned. CONNECTICUT. ; DECEMBER 2 4 . ; 5lARf.Hl. .11'NT, 3 . AUGUM 2V. i 84 banks. 84 banks. j 84 banks. 84 V.IIII1;H. i $24, 921, 820 00 £21, 671, Js20 00 $24, 671, 820 0o $24, 071,800 00 Liabilities. Capiial stock ! Surplus fund . . 6, 709, 019 77 ! 0, 7S0. 015 3t 6. 798, 4<;0 xi Undivided profits ; 2,239,773 25 ! 1,702,345 97 2, 1^7,4;C> 01 Nat'l bank circulation; 15,522,009 00 ! 15,071.924 00 i 14, OOS. 38| on State bank circ illation : 18,075 00 ! 18,075 00 18.005 09 Dividends unpaid 47,774 43 : 1'X), 503 57 (!f>,1C0 40 ; Individual d e p o s i t s - J U. S. deposits 81 banks-. $24,671, 820 00 6, 8r,fi, \4d 25 ; 1.8n5, 803 82 0. 855, 294 45 2,057,130 13 1,':. 054, 374 00 is, 004 00 11.342,3 14 00 ]•«. (i()4 00 103,173 SI ! 70, 275 27 2.\'.'51. (78 (51 :>i4.82:< 42 ; 8. !L'7 .12 25. iJ-47. 208 35 21)8,444 SQ 4, 8.47 84 11,411 iW •• ;;, 415, 002 70 : •2, 759, 521 61 24,590.704 21 ' 20, 748, 2<»0 12 ' 27,101.8^1 0> 302,623 13 : 1:18.858 ex :;19, 105 7." Dep'isU.S.dis.ofneers 14,582 00 ' 98, 4i;5 19 Due to national banks 2, 953, 361 32 ; 1, 734,870 42 1, 739, 059 23 Due to Stale, b a n k s . . . ; 777,933 54 521. 3 40 17 622,148 2," 40, 478 (jl 1 84,257 70 17,784 01. 13,450 00 1!, 150 43 55, 000 00 : 100,000 00 77,071,143 50 Xotes re-discounted. ; Bills payable Total 150.000 00 j 50,000 00 ; 78, 541, «5':> 03 77. 84), 15V 80 i 78. 200, 226 75 : 50,000 00 j 78, 232,000 20 NEW YORK. 267 banks. | 208 banks. ' 2<i7 banks. $34, 804, 7G0 00 $:;4,l);'4,7G0 00 j $34, 854, 7(iO 0^ Capital stock 8. 994, 370 69 6,018,432 92 Surplus fund Undivided profits. - - 043, 305 35 i»5fi, 357 23 9,171,531 44 i 9.157,757 31 5, 51.5,947 59 < 6,(551, </7s) 63 23, 028, 090 00 i 22, 905. 005 00 30, 0::3 00 29, !KS 00 Nat'l bank circulation' 24,117, 485 00 State bank circulation 30, 023 00 i Dividends unpaid 58, 000 24 207 banks. $34, 854, 700 00 207 banks. $31,^54,700 00 9,309.668 45 J 5,810,917 83 ; 9. 497, 766 45 0, 250, 229 75 22,470,831 00 i 21, 542. 496 00 29. 1.81 00 ! 29,181 00 73, 722 48 50, 020 50 Individual deposits ..i 79, 729. 223 15 83,184. :iC'.' 00 77. S. deposits I 678,441 94 | 071,381) 31 Dep : tsU\S.dis,of;icers 05,252 40 j 72, OuO 92 81, 065, 26.'; 50 7!<i, l {,'} vi 03, 238 04 82,084,451 94 68.S. 230 02 70, 084 72 84,991,702 64 670, 744 98 07, 091 92 78, 296 69 Due to national banks! 3,948,357 07 j 2,1)70, 141) 88 2,505,741 50 4,037,030 21 3, 533, 850 83 Due ro State b a n k s . . - 1, 175, 894 75 ; 879,997 12 1,241,837 01 1,380,295 72 1, 317,143 93 Notes re-discounted. - 310, 792 92 ! 273,635 25 073, 292 90 395, 502 03 432, 615 43 77, 042 90 55, 838 21 i tt,v±™j 01,473 71 I 35,597 5S j | 160, 614, 737 04 i 100, 477, 3:M 70 | ICO, 009, 587 78 101,294,252 67 56, 559 78 10 J, 334, 439 40 Bills payable Total JST E W | Capital s t o c k . . . . 45 banks. i Y OHK 45 banks. ; CITY. 45 hanks. | $45,450,000 00 j $45, 450, wO 00 j $4"*, 450, 000 00 45 banks. j 45 banks. $45, 450, 000 00 ; $!.">, 150, 000 00 Surydus fund I 24, 621, 007 68 ! 24, S'5!>. 078 31 j 24. S49, 078 31 25,751,409 69 : 25,751,409 69 Undivided profits.... | 10, 696, 240 04 j' 9, 452, 220 82 11,015, 330 49 : 9, 030J 91.3 47 I 10, 8;:4, 030 31 1 N a t l bank eireulationi ! 8,071,192 00 ' 8,129, 522 00 ;il,172 00 I 31, 172 00 i ; 00 j 257, 288 46 210,10!) 19 ; 259, 009 42 : 29 \ 215,922.204 04 1.92, 931, 098 50 ! 194.910,199 13 25, 42«. 028 78 18,042,793 79 !! 42,499,518 89 90 ! 234,580.442 22 >30 65 ! ' 505, i\'M) 5!) 494, 083 00 490.723 13 71 25, 030, 042 159, 749 44 ' 120. 311 23 245; 64|| 38 ' '2o\i, 953 51 01 492. i!f»S 65 81 ; 159,749 44 loO, 578, 900 20 103,127,344 37 93 \ 114,145,503 31 j 94,369,271 OS ! 54 38, S32, 325 21 34, 099, 494 47 31.413,379 91 33, 574, 661 18 9,084,747 00 j State bank circulationi 31,195 Dividends u n p a i d . . - . j 259,196 Individual deposits.- j 223,113,445 Cert itied chocks 30. 482,147 IT. S. deposit :* i 421, 741 Dep ! tdU.S.dis.oriicers. 01,304 Duo to national banks! 103,114,343 35, 098, 741 Due to State banks.. 8.025,782 00 oo 31.195 00 j 240,240 23 7, 851, 407 00 ; 3i. u)5 oo : Notes rc-discounted. Bills payable. Total 185,000 00 I 485, 334,117 87 j 501, 285, 337 55 j 460, 043,120 78 ! 432, 907, 512 36 | 4G5, 051, 822 67 CLXXXIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged CITY Kesourees. Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits. . XL S. bonds on hand . Other stocks and b'ds Due fromivs'Yoag'ts Duo from riat 1 banks Duo from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-hoase exch' ys Billsof other banks.. Fractional currency. Trado dollars Legal-tender notes .. XL S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. Due from U. S. Treas. Total OF ALBANY. DECEMBELl 24. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. 6 banks 6 banks. 6 banks. $7, 372, 967 1,418.000 100, 000 100 540, 097 1, 475. 724 770, 237 74, 907 276, 5U0 05 00 00 50 71 97 41 00 $6,919,496 1,418.000 100, 000 100 713,006 2, 222, 698 738, 722 62, 853 276.500 22 00 00 00 24 32 49 50 00 $7, 747. 250 1, 418, 000 100, 000 5, 400 806, 744 3, 117,547 839, 856 131,809 270, 500 89, 700 00 •37, 580 33 i.;4, t;i7 13 214,205 00 I. 077 73 (')') 0 00 955 157 00 20';). 7DO 00 200,000 00 63, 807 50 6,152 98 84,000 74, 116 202,193 90, 897 879 600 1 050 246 165, 510 200, 000 59,157 4, 350 CO 37 73 00 45 00 50 00 00 50 00 157. 087 44.8:9 oo 13,971,348 31 14,392, 327 32 NEW 72 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. $30, 697, 306 87 9,226, 850 00 Bonds for circulation 250, 000 00 Bonds for deposits... 898, 800 00 XL S. bonds on band.. 3,544,618 82 Other stocks and b'ds 8, /y 1,267 33 Duefromres'veag ts 1,400, 270 98 Due fromnat'l:>banks 157,727 92 Due from Stat banks 1, 585, 923 12 Real estate, <kc 274,139 0 3 Current expenses 399, 325 99 Premiums paid 697, 216 11 Cash V-house items exch'gs ..... Clear 426, 083 00 Billsof other banks.. 17, 193 54 Fractional currency. 58, 637 n Trade dollars 1,891,606 60 Specie Legal-tender notes .. 1, 674, 824 00 10, 000 00 XL S. cert's of deposit 406, 449 40 5 % fund with Treas 27, 820 00 Due from XL S. Treas 62, 376, 090 04 Total 4 :^s 152,468 890 606 1 051 931 152,800 200, 000 59, 867 6,780 AUGUST 2" OCTOBER 7 6 banks. 52 00 00 00 24 11 91 76 00 57 25 45 37 00 28 00 00 00 00 50 00 16, 407,148 96 6 banks. $8,154,068 J, 218,000 100,000 5,400 704, 808 1, 602, 510 955. 008 95, 857 276, 500 46 00 00 00 50 97 26 38 00 $8, 589, 565 1, 2x8. 000 100. 000 400 576. 183 1,441,196 1,131,761 111,920 276, 500 78 00 00 00 50 75 87 9'* 00 157.087 42 261 87, 644 153.666 778 600 942 891 174, 950 200. 000 54. 787 8,930 25 26 62 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 80 157, 087 39 986 123, 236 119. 524 690 GOO 1 001 689 170,020 200, 000 54,197 15. 169 63 00 08 00 50 00 00 51) 00 14, 935, 750 50 25 15, 327, 729 74 JE RSE Y. 73 b a n k s . 74 b a n k s . 74 b a n k s . $30, 960, 270 55 9, 034, 350 00 250, 000 00 1,420,200 00 3, 336, 376 72 7, 830, 678 55 1,211,278 45 158, 230 20 1, 543,148 29 164,564 97 463,413 26 1 246 390 77 $32, 392, 973 8, 743, 850 250, 000 1,375,100 3, 547, 316 6, 680, 772 1,341,228 164,346 1, 571, 785 255, 460 455, 037 733, 763 02 00 00 00 12 39 15 54 50 95 73 402,458 00 18,618 62 60 390 2,028 13603 1, 529, 769 00 10,000 00 399, 843 00 19, 377 00 508, 258 16.47J5 62 222 2, 040, 731 1,868,587 10, 000 387. 880 4, 867 00 58 62, 087, 493 56 fifl 00 00 00 88 62, 416, 656 82 74 b a n k s . $34,190,193 67 8, 703, 850 00 250, 000 00 1. 299, 050 00 3, 931,138 55 6, 667, 614 83 1, 407, 632 44 240, 968 43 1, 574, 247 58 132, 317 41 471,288-40 587 363 V« 513, 403 16, 304 81 049 2,035,214 1, 740 093 10, 000 386, 207 10,127 00 29 $35, 564, 491 8,149, 350 250, 000 747, 000 4,102, 248 6, 355, 773 1,512,484 184, 636 1, 580, 298 154,176 456,107 976 882 79 00 00 00 32 61 04 16 04 42 40 95 00 00 50 00 510,298 00 16, 936 01 70 2 085 367 78 1, 729, 776 00 10, 000 00 355, 905 00 21,897 00 64, 248, 063 76 64, 849, 374 21 PENNSYL VANI A. 228 b a n k s Loans and discounts. $66, 066, 589 67 Bonds for circulation. 26, 561, 200 00 480, 000 00 Bonds for deposits .. XL S. bonds on hand.. 1,247.650 00 Oilier stocks and b'ds 9,170, 148 18 Duefronires'voau'ts - 12.015,003 35 Due from nat 1 banks. 2, 932, 625 46 Due from State banks 1,204,960 23 3,619,716 65 Real estate, &c •363, f) 1(5 2* Current expenses 1.062,946 77 Premiums paid 690, 274 61 Cash iterus 9* 30, 099 17 Clear'g-liousecxcb/gs Bills of other banks.. 1, 055, 730 00 42, (590 37 "Fractional currency . 625, 099 10 Trado dollars 4, 253, 257 10 Specie Legal-tender notes .. 2, 852, 844 00 10,(00 00 XT. S. cert's of deposit. 5%'fund with Treas. 1,108, 654 00 78,817 02 Due from U.S. Treas Total 135, 537, 922 95 230 banks 229 b a n k s $66. 279. 529 26, 286, 700 480, 000 1, 199,050 0, 202, 352 11,418.21)9 2,629, 179 1,271. 719 3, 630, Wl 525, 89o 1,109,028 68i 274 27.518 1,251,589 40. Ii54 632, 609 4 406 047 2, 689, 882 10. 000 1,134,180 96, 525 09 00 00 00 18 49 60 76 90 70 13 '>•) 14 00 40 02 89 00 00 82 39 135, 008, 829 73 $69, 078, 873 24.471,500 480, 000 1, 150. 750 9, 254, 750 11,(197.048 2,341.424 1,054,523 3, 612, 887 414,325 1,133,104 619 541 34, 498 1,371, 190 49. 879 645,715 5 00° 203 2, 899, 291 10, 000 1,045, 032 48, 723 231 b a n k s 94 00 00 00 30 51 33 36 47 91 98 16 05 00 06 09 95 00 00 85 89 136, 415, 263 85 $70,019,665 23,717,000 480, 000 1, 260, 600 9, 747, 478 12, 826, 577 3,091,706 1, 274, 888 3,612,540 330, 693 1. 265, 494 632 705 26, 360 1, 154. 309 37, 485 649,173 4 889 763 2,740.816 10, 000 1,042.817 52r 491 231 b a n k s . 50 00 00 00 96 79 12 59 31 17 97 50 00 60 83 Ad 00 00 93 75 138, 868: 719 01 $72, 824, 630 34 21. 946, 500 00 480, (l00 00 1, 060, 050 00 9, 557, 974 80 11,623,951 43 2, 572, 4U0 79 1,178,140 68 3. 598, 519 62 508, 373 51 1,382.635 12 757 DO- 07 46, 1 GO00 1, 230, 740 00 36. 107 13 650,4)4 23 4 ()70 19) 2,691,057 00 1 10, 000 00 963, 105 18 49, 709 58 138,144, 662 24 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, CLXXXV by States and reserve cities—Continued. CITY DECK Mil Ell 2 4 . OF A L B A N Y . MAI1C1I 1 . JUNK 3. AUGUST 27. 6 banks. 6 banks. (i b a n k s . <i banks. $1, 750, 000 00 $1, 75u, 000 00 $1, 750, 000 00 $1,750,000 00 $1,750,000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 1, 175,000 00 210,259 01 1,185,000 oo 182, 925 89 : 1. 185, COO 00 177, 54L 17 1.187,000 00 227, 370 1, 237, 000 00 214, 784 77 Xat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 1 248,310 00 1,221,860 00 i 1, 201, 53U 00 1, 086, 640 00 1, 084, 030 00 Liabilities. Capital stock OCTOBER 7. 6 banks. Dividends unpaid. ... 040 00 2,088 5;; 2, 049 70 3,403 70 Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts u.S.clis.oflieers 6, 123,583 52 82, 702 CO 3,359 87 6, 905, 449 96 | 81, 605 979 64 j 9, 008, 022 05 103,508 91 1, I4:i 7, 723, 645 87, 533 40 60 ™ 8, 072, 512 44 87, 532 34 364 07 Due to national banks 2, 653, 696 20 2, 600, 697 97 i 2,;;;)!, S95 2, 448,107 57 2, 270, 631 49 Due to State "banks . . 714, 796 21 423, 362 85 607, 470 93 910 •ii : 462, 898 33 583, 416 86 1 Notes re-discounted ! Bills payable Total -. ! 13,971,348 31 | 14,392,327 32 i 10,407,1^8 90 ; 14,935,750 50 j 15,327,729 74 HEW JBRBEY, 72 banks. j 73 banks. 74 banks. Capital stock .. 7 7 7 7 $12,193,410 00 j $12,228,350 00 $!2,27i), 910 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits ' ' Nat'l bank circulation1 State bank circulation Dividends unpaid 74 bunks. $12, 293, 350 00 : 3. 929, 270 59 I 3, 984, 745 33 ! 3, 891, 453 80 ! 3, <>1fi.279 59 2, 101,310 32 • 1,1)67,035 85 • 2. 065, 081 8J j 1, 746, 038 37 8. 076, TOO 00 ! 7, 829, 552 00 7, 722, 70 00 i 7,718,077 00 ! 8, 384 00 | 8, 393 00 8, 393 00 8 ;jh CO , | 37, 000 70 | 39, 432 46 : 75,285 74 . 65,932 41 \ 74 banks. $12,298,350 00 4, 082, 245 33 2, 008,122 70 7, 258, 272 00 8,357 00 82, 506 09 ; 33, Z'.i'l,14T 96 34. 833, 566 85 ! 35,736,912 23 Individual deposits... | 33,188, 767 05 j 34, 243, 587 98 213,236 21 ; 171, 155 59 '18--', 849 79 | 209,166 72 U.S. deposit s ! 181. f> 12 85 | 1 23, 517 66 23, 967 83 | Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers 23,762 50 | 14,711 14 16, 598 55 ' Due to national banks 2, 393, 965 43 Due to State banks -.. 284,387 00 Js'otes re-discounted.. 25,155 83 Bills payable 6, 300 00 Total 2, 200. 832 79 ], 560, 337 09 ' 272,245 77 ! 2,712,282 50 ! 388, 385 08 374, 292 41 j 71, 125 75 23, 649 07 ' 0, 300 00 0, 300 00 . 62,376,090 04 | 62,087,493 56 61, 300 00 62,-41*5,656 82 64, 248, 063 76 2, 613, 210 60 405,120 40 17, 700 00 114,700 00 64,819,374 21 PENNSYLVANIA. 228 b a n k s . 229 b a n k s . 230 b a n k s . 231 banks. 2'>1 b a n k s . 532,680,340 00 $32,815,34.' 00 $:i2, 859. 310 00 •$32, 053, 340 00 . $;.;3,025,340~00 Capital stock . 10,442,21!) 06 S u r p l u s fund ! 10, 276. 584 79 I) lidivided p r o f i t s . . . . 3, 3O.">, 8</>2 45 3,213,008 12 JO, r>«6, 734 23 .10, (190, 81 (J 81 | 3, 170,453 S3 • ;;, 044, 231 00 | 10,568.381 81 3, 839, 005 47 Nat/1 bank circulation1 23, 418, 518 00 - - • - •00 - • 6,141 State bank circulation | 21,537, 6(>."> 00 ' 20, 075, 115 00 i ! 6, 141 00 (5, 141 00 19, 39fi, 505 00 4, 745 00 Dividends unpaid 184,623 64 1 Individual deposits .. i 61,494, 311 30 404 458 16 U. S. deposits.. 16, 243 38 Dep'ts U.S.dis.oiiicers1 Due to national banks! 23, 003, li'A 00 CJ, 1 4 1 0 0 176, 078 27 • 229, 446 01 ! 164,110 03 139,123 44 63,337,554 21 ' 65,154,818 20 ; 60, 622, 892 70 378,511 25 i 421,749 3D | 400,887 19 9, 038 62 21,652 72 15,071 60 67, 557, 897 11 381,472 99 9, 477 93 2,930,180 61 1,147,211 11 2, 034, 725 90 3, 426, 517 77 2, 82:!, 469 65 Due to State banks... 393, 728 22 213,876 63 262,016 23 423,481 19 284, 523 82 Notes re-discounted.. 258, 441 12 185, 164 20 '112,645 08 117, 043 32 74,139 74 Bills payable 168,490 28 85,490 28 20,490 28 20,490 28 40, 490 28 136, 415,203 85 138,808,719 01 138,144, 602 24 Toval .\ i 135,537,922 95 j 135,008.829 73 CLXXXV1 REPORT OF THE CO^VTUOXA.rJl OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of report?; sitii'c October 1, 1885, arranged CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. DECKMI5ER 24. Kesourees. j 34 b a n k s . 35 b a n k s . JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. OCTOBER 7. 38 b a n k s . 39 b a n k s . 40 b a u k s . Loans and discounts | $71,662,722 04 $72, y.\<. 247 14 $75 215. 883 <>u $78, 895, 8, 20X, 800 00 6,717. iS 19,81)0 00 Bonds for circulation. :I 9, 327. 800 00 3i'O, OIK) 00 300, ;;oo, ooo oo 300.000 00 Bonds for deposits . . 198,100 00 2 i 8 , ](>() 00 102. TT. S. bonds on hand ..! 172. 100 00 3, 847, 3, 709, 911 50 Other stocks iind b'ds; 4,210,707 65 891, 371 60 6,081, D u e f ro m res' v e a u' t s 5, 752, ]38 88 (i, 9.10. L'32 73 851.437 40 j 5, 2 J 6 , 23(1 75 Duo i'rom nat '1 banks 4, 602. 4, 454,79:$ 29 951. 822 01 Due from State banks 772. OtK) 32 893, 997, 08) \H) \ 2/S15, 391 :>7 j 2, 87i>. 2!»2 16 3,160. Eeal estate, &« 235, 6<i9 2.) 1 417, ' 4 9 2 , 125 9 i2 0 J . * U : : 3J> ;• Current expenses. ...; 246. M)3 25 : 314.876 4 5 315, 2u9,6t5 12 Premiums paid...-....' 51 S, 430 30 i 497,721 17 ; 335, 659, 6_'5 09 Cash iienis 6,781,284 (it) i 9, 057, 727 74 171). 31)5 II • 99 00 00 00 54 28 12 96 35 41 14 00 49 6, 251' 1525, 185 00 • 8^4,535 OJ ! 470. 616.484 00 Bills o? other ban Us?.23, 648 :)•:> 22. 276 78 26. 170 13 | 39. Fractional currency 227,812 00 246. 803 oo 237 i>77 00 i 311 Trade dollars "..; 219,691 78 j 11,579. Specie ' 1.2, 835, 066 82 j 13. 658, 013 53 3, 338. 4,064.354 00 ; 3,606.950 00 Lejzal-tender notes .. 99.>. tiOO 00 | 94 4,225,000 00 3,915, 000 00 ! I1". S. cert s of deposit 300, 4h\'. 87! i 50 417,714 50 | 343.494 50 i !i % fund with Treas ; i)!), Hilt 00 23, 32,414 00 i 64, 903 00 j Due from U. S. Treas i 130,408,072 51 ! 132. 8oi), 6«5 84 j 129, 800, 50 L 59 j 128,937,586 Total 00 76 0;) 20 00 00 40 00 $79, 541. 459 6, 070, 800 300, 000 52, 100 3, 833, 376 7, 050, 746 4, 929, 405 1,182, 951 3, 202, 4_'() j 579, 154 I 172 J 414, 854 | 8, 337, 824 j 656, 373 i 32, 313 i 334, -tf;0 11.651, 638 3, 639, 741 000 405 409 134, 068, 6:'5 269. 71, 33 I 17 ! 00 i 00 00 34 ; 1 34 53 : . 28 38 37 i 39 91 ; 24 I 00 ; : 58 00 i 21 i 00 ! I 00 00 I 90 64 CITY OFPITT SB U R G E . 23 banks. ' Loans and discounts j 524.988,521 71 Bonds for circulation. j 7, 080, f>00 00 250, 000 00 Bonds for deposits... | 153, 600 00 IT. S. bonds on hand. -1 498, 692 5-". Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts 2,581,024 28 Due from nat'l bank s l,!!50, 695 41 Due from State banks 279.682 00 1,468,789 91 Real estate, &c 141,284 82 Current expenses 80, 632 !M Premiums paid 236, 672 42 Cash item: Clear'g-house exeh'gs] 1,066,779 82 490, 672 0') Bills of other banks.. i 10,919 94 Fractional currency. 12, 422 00 Trade dollars 2,427.954 50 Specie 2, 017, 616 00 Legal-tender notes .TT. S. cert's of deposit ;>% fund with Treas317, 072 50 | Due from U.S. Treas 34,221 61 Total 23 banks. \ 23 banks. ! 23 banks. I 23 banks. 52-7. 80' :m 46 $27,830, 094 59 , 080, 500 00 •' 7, 080, 500 00 7, 005,500 00 250.000 00 i 250 000 00 I 250, 000 00 179, 100 00 I 397, 000 00 179, 800 00 002 58 ' 483, 140 41 • 448, 460. 343 83 ', 139,9;;() 85 ' 2, 185. 380 98 1, 922,938 39 . 4 0 4 !33 06 • 928. 280 77 959, 801 00 1 3 9 , 2 3 8 21. ': 101. 339 78 154. 070 37 . 508, 000 99 1,523, 383 08 1, 549,140 43 142. 698 22 105. 017 00 162. 393 48 97, 767 7!) 100, 31.7 79 99. 5:50 54 ]()S, 751 7!! 189, 801. 75 231, 498 98 : 9(51. 380 2 ) 873 65-"> 3S 1,148, 134 67 560, 462 0 J 388. 686 00 368, 783 00 8. 5!0 3S ' 7, 932 59 9 3,78 79 14. 710 00 14, 975 00 14, 620 00 !, 424. OH) OS 2, 224, 626 12 i 2, 388,018 26 '., 135, 956 00 2, 025, 0^5 00 2, fll,757 00 $27 >:>"», 6 7 7 , 1 9 9 C9 7, 080, 500 00 2">0. 000 00 151, 300 00 516,960 17 2. 758. 3*9 89 2, 705, 8_'O 98 25i),Sl8 04 1,43S, 302 62 155, 145 57 5S. 804 25 26S, l<87 19 1, 12o. !W0 32 44H 353 00 12.076 11 13.218 00 2, 640. 'jc,9 :*:t 2, 057, 083 00 318, 062 50 4t. 1-78 70 311,122 25 I 27 174 40 316,225 00 23, 062 21 312,358 50 17,301 21 45, 393, 753 85 j 47, i»7S, 385 42 j 47, 055, 770 64 j 46, 850, 728 49 47,175, 449 04 DELAWARE. | i6 banks. j 16 banks. | 16 banks. 16 banks. I 16 banks. 357. 934 0'. Loans and discounts % 936, 348 17 $J, 172,350 40 $4, 605, 954 34 $4, 662, 078 74 1, 818, 200 00 1,820. 200 00 1,572, 200 OC Bonds for circulation. 1,572,200 00 1, 622, 200 00 60. 000 00 6;', (!()0 00 Bonds for deposits .. 50, Oi'-O 00 50, 000 GO 50. 000 00 3, 000 00 3,0'iO 01 U. S. bonds on hand.. | 103, 000 00 3,000 00 3, 000 00 264,361 10 29!», 213 87 Other stocks; and b'ds! 2ei', 013 87 254,477 45 252,919 37 8."1, 868 2(5 Due from res voa^'ts -1 1, 2'1'y, i>X>,42 88*;, 154 09 1. 072.135 51 967, 099 68 155,930 29 159,631 ir Due from nat'l banks.! 181, 756 13 282,417 71 19J, 640 72 61,852 37 32 55") 7^ Due from State-banks571 52 51,720 49 37, 664 21 229. 053 05 ''57 207 54 2fil! 1 1 1 28 256, 283 06 lli.-al estate, &c [ 257, 683 06 51,808 94 33, 25ii OS 13,759 43 Current expenses i 25, 626 07 "is! 742 89 115,007 05 133, 654 3S 141, 600 27 Premiums paid ' 140, 237 77 n :> 133 38 60, 524 00 67, 018 80 77, 040 57 47, 912 97 Cash items _. . . . 53, 629 16 ClearV;-houseexeh'i2:s'. 122,571 00 107,294 ('»> 67, 672 0') j Bills oi' other banks,. 86,431 00 ' 84, 835 00 I 3, 139 72 ! 3,172 61. I Fract ional currency ; 3,283 63 i 3, 379 0;> 2,741 50 24,111 75 • 24,040 75 I Trade dollars 24,059 75 24, 561 75 23, 784 75 • 256, 250 48 : 211, 173 44 j Specie 284,615 61 I 192,328 00 301,99:! 68 I ; 196. 246 00 '< ISO. 493 00 ! Le.'jal-tender notes .. 185, 577 00 | 1<;9, 414 0') 178 951 00 I 10, 000 OJ l w , i;o:l i.:0 i V. S. cert'sofdeposit. 10, 000 00 ! 20, 001) 00 10, 000 00 i 81. ]s7 50 72, 177 50 ! 5 % land with Trou*. (i8, 797 50 ! 82,067 ;iw 72,287 50 I 1,3:M) u;> :. Due from I'.S.Treas. 650 00 • 1 < » , G:-Ji.i ».;•» 10,290 00 i Total i 8,4^3 177 2(i i 8, 672, 36!) 50 i 8. 925, 194 30 | 8, 950, 601 21 REPORT OF THK COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CLXXXVII by iS tares and reserve cities—Continued. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. MARCH 1. 34 banks. AUGUST 27. i JUNK 3. Liabilities. 35 banks. "I" 39 b a n k s . 38 banks. $18,333,700 &o i $18,509,31,0 00 ' $19,478,000 00 Capital stock j OCTOBEH 7. 40 b a n k s . $19,760,800 00 | $20, 588, 000 00 S u r p l u s fund . . Undivided profits.. . . 9, 521. 303 08 j 1, 750, 57,' 97 j 9, 540, 303 08 j . 067.145 01 9, 752, 803 08 I. 507.117 85 0, 744, 803 08 | 2,147,158 99 ! 9, 744, 803 08 2, 663, 039 53 N a f l b a u k circulation 7. 7S7, ISO IK, I 0, G57.165 00 (1,435,010 00 5, 703, 868 00 i 5, 250. 213 00 I 97,513 00 ! 49, 020 28 j 42, 905 90 -. S:s8, 0"v; 93 i 70,47:1, 669 0s> I 73,509,104 52 | 72,137,500 J7 ; 232, 8J.!> IS I ^5,7-iii 34 j 2;>o, 075 33 '• 238,703 54 i 5-1,814 ' 77, 724, 453 39 ' :-32, 335 71 Dividends unpaid. Individual deposits. U. S. de|>o;-,<U . . . . D e p ' t s lT.S.;u,s.oilicei Due TO national b a n k s 13,057,513 50 | Duo to State b a n k s . . . 3. 933, <..(; 0u ! ;•:, i>!4, 703 66 . .•.i j Notes re-discounted Bills payable <;'r3o3. 810 34 \ 15,008.210 u3 ! -..' 15,481,297 11 j 3, ?7o, 598 78 € IT "Y O F 23 b a n k * . Capital stock : t>(iH>!.-'.« fund U n d i v i d e d proiit* : PITTS ?<. 554. 1^2 21 ), l'5ti, i30 .19 Nal"! hciiiUi'liviiliHiiH"' State buuki.'-imi.Miiou 7>, 7 5 0 '•:() ' Divi'li-Jids \ui[>aid. . . i-7, 'Jii' va ]28.0:;7,5>G 33 . -3 banks. : 23 b a n k s . .^i0 ; i^),o<ii> 00 . $V>, :>'0, 000 00 | 3. t'.')7, fi78 84 • 09^55959; 3, 777, 4*;5 ^2 i 939, 035 33 8.777.4')." 62 1. 073, o::i 38 ii, W\ r:j\.i 00 6. ii»j, 73il 0i 0, 2 9 5 , *»fc0 0 0 ; 6. 244, COO oa 69, U^i 0\) 80, 9i7 50 : ; D u e t o iidtiiMuil b a n k s ^,340,242 L'ti ; 2, 6G2, 000 18 2,811,596 68 Due. to State banks....! 1,475.248 97 I 1. 630. 109 74 1,034,091 13 . : . ; ... !33. U8;> 27 • ; Bills payabl;Total . . - -~ 45,393,753 85 : 47,978,3^5 42 47,655,770 64 D E L A W Oanitai '"lock . .._ 79,005 ;?5 ; 16 b a n k s . 2 ; 020. 3^7 79 j 273. i/7'J ;-.-<, ; 1,60V 4^) 00 ; Mi) 00 ; 8, i.24 41. Divide-inls u n p a i d . . . . Hi b u n k s . i»98 190 00 193, 149 14 (}(•)(; ')(',+ {•(!, 110,993 1 5 ' I . . j 46, H50, 728 49 ; 4 7 , 1 7 5 , ••.'-'3 04 | l!i b a n k ^ . 3, tlii), BJ9 On ; i;i'9 <»J ' 1, ;-;9«, 579 00 | 0.»t 00 j I , 3 i ^ , 1:.:9 00 004 00 !, 4 4 3 , 6 0 9 00 \i, 9:;0, !29 37 i 4, 0.-••;'., D32 -4? 1,157.831 96 35, Jr,;i 03 2,417 22 12,581 29 33;, 109 26 j 247,264 ;59 ; 2C9, 82 i 7o 17, 055 10 j 6, 541 50 ! 11, 98o 12 41, .i-';2 2, 2i2 37 53, v)34 ',]'•} ; 1 , 4 4 9 «E I j 419,430 94 | 20,174 48 25, 2S6 70 4,700 00 1.0,1)00 00 8,483,177 2C ; <:.-.; o c 7. i'.-,0 3(5 Due to u:i.t!{Jiial banks; 34, 375 00 .10 bi\yL-'-A. $2, o.;:<. )s:< 718. .' :t 0 oo 1S5, 8S9 43 Due to Si ate b a n k s . . . ! 3 Tw3. 100 00 i -55,80!) 1-i j 3,581,259 70 ; k 079 41 : 1, 103 63 i i ; 8, 606, 599 66 \ ;75, tji'12 09 i ; 4. OiHj 76 ARE, ' 3.587 0;>8 i7 | «:-:. 357 726 87 N o t e s re-discounted..! I Bills payable : Total 20.!^;;, r;-; oo 1,533,035 67 i | 2 , ii'.y.). 985 00 i $2, 033, 085 00 ' $2 ,'.}.';3, 985 00 ! $2 033 985 00 Surplusfvn Undivided N a t ' i b a n k r i r c u l a i ion State bank circulation' : ; ; ' 16 b a n k s . 23 b a n k * . $10, ISO, ()0i) {)'.) 3, tif'«, 5:-9 U7 s : . \ :;-i;.» 78 Inrlividi'.il Mi-7);>siLS -•• 20.214,689 31 , 22,403,158 59 21, »H8, o*>l Hi : 20,7(55 852 4 " ^ U.S. dcvusit^... i i:;-u,;..;.:; Di. . = 9 J. 0>7 72 • I'M, 240 II !s.{,(n)3 53 ' N o t e s re-di:^'ou-ned.. 14,00c: 00 134,068,6-5 64 B U R G H. 2 3 !>;!!•.':•,-•. $10.15u, COO oo : $10, 1*0.-j:s. i.u ! 4'X 17i 7G ! ' 130,408,072 5; : 1.32,809,685 Hi | i29. 800, 5Mi "vj Total 3,018, 8(?2 59 i •- ; 14, 143,900 68 3,673,715 10 ; 8, 672, 361) 50 &r 925, 194 30 80*. •);">"> Gi 17,702 47 CLXXXVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged MARYLAND. DECEMBER 24. Resources. Loans and discounts Bonds for circulation. c Bonds for dpt)o iits 27 banks. $5, 853, 850 35 2,479, 000 00 MARCH 1. 27 banks. $5,732,(388 61 2,479, 000 00 AUGUST 27. OCTOBER 7 JUNE 3. . —. .. .. . . 28 banks 28 banks. 28 banks. i $5, 999, 728 88 $5, 993, 372 82 $6,142, 903 84 2, 016, 500 00 00 2,166, 500 2, 016, 500 oo ; 108, 600 00 168, 600 00 107, 750 00 559, 782 38 619,961 13 650, 049 03 76 692,216 1,119,165 60 1, 017, 045 99 366, 054 47 676, 850 66 556, 690 01 29, 715 59 71,029 14 56, 334 53 284, 079 55 293, 684 27 300,788 63 ! 90 58,107 38, 339 18 55, 943 23 130,187 02 135, 317 29 156, 315 91 40, 806 23 43, 634 65 41, 347 88 187, 550 00 217, 550 00 TJ. S. bonds on hand.. 478, 518 20 532, 999 45 Other stocks and b'ds 887, 417 86 750, 397 71 Duefromres'veag'ts. 449, 205 37 436,445 13 Due from nat'l banks 65,793 64 90, 318 62 Due from State banks 267, 507 43 265, 987 43 Real estate, &c 59, 087 97 37,987 56 Current expenses 116,747 30 119,153 48 Premiums paid 41, 333 85 62, 869 70 Cash items 76, 873 00 64, 647 00 50,117 00 Bills of other banks.. 3, 828 30 4, 042 63 4,125 07 Fractional currency . 14, 651 22 15, 309 70 13, 493 01 Trade dollars 53 345 517 15 397, 220 28 402,423 Specie 351, 660 00 341,526 00 . 310, 710 00 Legal-tender notes .. TJ S cert's of deposit 88, 025 00 100, 082 50 102, 390 91 5 % fund with Treas 5,380 00 8,720 00 1,380 00 Dae from TJ. S. Treas. 11,748,612 55 11, 626, 945 80 11,372,968 39 Total 69,334 00 3,700 34 15, 601 70 364,802 09 307, 878 00 69, 077 00 3,052 55 15,620 36 391, 885 00 330, 445 00 86, 860 00 7,092 50 11, 971,723 37 84, 820 00 4,962 50 12, 062, 381 46 CITY OF BA L TIMOR E . 17 banks. 17 banks. 17 banks. 17 banks. 17 banks. Loans and discounts. $24, 691,798 12 $24, 412, 609 04 $26, 380,456 32 $27,047,114 61 $27,515,072 48 Bonds for circulation. 5, 717, 500 00 5, 572, 500 00 5, 572, 500 00 5, 372, 500 00 4, 988, 500 00 200, 000 00 200, 000 00 200, 000 00 200, 000 00 200, 000 00 Bonds for deposits... 75, 000 00 165,000 00 75, 000 00 75, 000 00 75,000 00 U. S. bonds on hand.. 317, 880 54 370, 002 54 482,185 73 455, 924 77 407, 769 29 Other stocks and b'ds 2, 632,712 20 2,138, 347 83 1,485,331 51 1, 735, 949 42 1, 652, 528 15 Duefromres'veag'ts. 931, 989 76 1, 308,172 88 1, 269, 804 70 Due from nat'l banks. 1, 579, 729 43 1, 206, 317 65 272, 576 83 310, 326 14 199, 638 97 235, 586 05 203,404 68 Due from State banks 777, 353 8] 777,887 51 778, 609 10 777, 685 31 777,423 58 Real estate, &c 171, 869 82 98, 821 23 282, 262 95 140, 830 45 103, 503 90 Current expenses 58, 278 13 55,471 13 54, 778 13 62, 978 81 63,216 31 Premiums paid 54, 690 25 47,982 53 47,008 52 61,156 34 47,421 02 Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs 1,125, 427 59 1, 715, 979 38 1, 307, 653 64 1, 242, 151 64 1, 076,118 65 347, 023 00 274, 507 00 298, 057 00 272,164 00 307,137 00 Bills of other banks.. 6,138 89 3, 893 28 5,423 33 6, 466 67 6, 470 32 Fractional currency. 87, 0G9 00 87, 915 00 86, 300 00 87, 626 00 87, 645 00 Trade dollars 2, 658, 521 48 2, 887, 029 20 3,000,404 15 2, 664,161 63 2, 861, 684 47 Specie 964, 941 00 Legal-tender notes .. 1, 503, 849 00 1,479, 895 00 1,062, 283 00 1,124, 798 00 1, 990, 000 00 950, 000 00 265, 000 00 495,000 00 TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 1, 500,000 00 257, 280 00 250, 755 00 250, 755 00 222, 025 00 241, 755 00 5 % fund with Treas 15, 780 00 6, 840 00 8, 527 79 1,000 00 Due from TJ. S. Treas. Total 44, 050,478 09 44,052,079 46 43,459,164 90 43, 669, 748 94 43,032, 938 19 DISTRICT OF COLUM]BI A . Loans and discounts. Bond 8 for circulation. Bonds for deposits .. TJ. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts Due from nat'lbanks. Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas Due fromTJ. S. Treas Total 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. $319,424 22 250, OOu 00 $276, 348 24 250,000 00 $261, 705 53 250, 000 00 $305, 350 62 250, 000 00 $291, 567 44 250, 000 00 00 00 96 42 52 00 19 68 30 151,200 00 215, 930 00 99, 053 52 10, 296 78 480 97 20, 000 00 5, 754 16 33,407 18 9, 633 05 151,200 00 188, 930 00 85, 179 91 8, 680 86 820 02 20, 000 00 1,462 29 33, 944 68 4, 580 00 151,200 00 188, 930 00 110,887 89 16,191 14 526 38 20,000 00 3, 559 56 33, 944 68 13, 546 30 11, 592 00 52 50 7, 630 00 33 44 4,150 00 48 78 5, 686 00 29 36 7, 301 00 123 24 120, 713 00 83, 970 00 125, 377 50 79, 500 00 131, 274 00 83,500 00 147, 425 00 78,100 00 154,486 50 89, 700 00 11, 250 00 11, 250 00 11, 250 00 11,250 00 11, 250 00 1,268,297 19 1, 284, 930 25 1, 287, 683 97 151,200 00 170, 930 00 87, 287 89 5, 917 93 20, 000 00 2 05 27,493 43 8,464 17 151, 200 196, 930 114, 931 6, 093 5, 615 20, 000 2, 421 30, 844 6, 754 1,292, 638 74 1,343, 214 13 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. ChXXXlX by States and reserve cities—Continued. MARYLAND. Liabilities. Capital slock DECEMBER 24. MAL'CH 1. JUNE 3. 27 banks. 27 biinks 28 banks • AUGUST 2" OCTOBER 7 28 b a n k s 28 b a n k s . ..... — $2, 71G, 700 00 $-\71i5, 700 $2. 678, 740 00 $2,710, 150 00 $2,716,700 00 K42.LV t 302, 7;Jrf 28 008 70 eO9, 387 05 249,165 HI 8fifl, 387 05 290, 858 65 uo 1, ;4.7, 406 VO 1, 744, 821 00 Surplus fund. Undivided profita.... l;l ;;2." j 214 Nat'l bank circulation State bank virci'lation Dividends unpaid.... 2,167, i)32 87 24, f><)0 71 21,518 62 21,469 80 28, 046 81 deposits. -. XX. S. deposits 5, 382, 357 65 5, 389, P:-l 57 5, 3r>3, 718 03 6, 008, 017 06 6,025.113 41 Dep'tsT'r.S.dis.oilicers Due to national banks 216, 073 51 157, •177 13 204, 429 17 265,195 61 301,734 02 Due to State banks.. - 44, 232 23 23, 674 G-:, 23, G58 29 30, 217 06 34, 470 57 Notes re-discounted.. 48, 04S 42 G3, 409 03 8(5, 378 41 25,1.14 92 6, 249 95 45, 000 00 45, 000 00 11,971,723 37 12, 00.2, 381 46 Bills payable Total C-f- 11, 748, Oil1 55 C IT •Y 17 bank:- Capital stock $H,7-J3 I TI;O «;0 2,147, 1, 820,182 11,620, 945 8u 11, 372, 968 39 B .A.L TIMO RE . OP 17 banks OM $11. 7 i:'! 41 17 hanks ; lift 37 b a n k s . 17 b a n k s . ] 713 260 00 §11 713 260 00 $11 713 260 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 3,13(5, 500 00 1,521,676 77 3. tGO, 000 00 1,201, 708 54 3, UiO, 000 00 1,459,026 67 3,178,500 00 1,251,123 75 3,178,500 00 1, 447, 581 47 Nat'1 bank circulation State bank circulation 4, 579, 060 00 20, 802 00 4,1P-5, 5 tO 00 20, 802 00 4,517,740 00 20, 802 00 4, 606, 360 00 16, 702 00 4, 421 230 00 16,696 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits.. U. S. deposits Dept's U.S.dis.otlicers Due to national banks Due to State banks... Notes re-discounted Bills payable Total 48, 286 01 63, 135 66 49,084 46 75, 776 37 64, 014 92 19,432,764 80 100, 543 84 20, 513, 937 14 105, 585 03 19,120, 697 67 103, 030 87 18,657,201 65 112, 056 77 18, 668,124 93 113,557 08 3, 060, 021 75 2, 653, 300 57 2,912,876 29 3, 548,789 81 2, 929, 853 23 427, 662 02 434, 750 52 400,646 94 509, 888 50 480,120 56 44, 050,478 09 44, 052, 079 46 43, 459,164 90 43, 669, 748 94 43, 032, 938 19 c OLUMBIA. D I S T R 3 C T <O F Capital stock 1 bank. 1 bin i k . 1 bank. 1 bank. $252, 000 00 $252, 000 00 $252, 000 00 $252, 000 00 $252, 000 00 60, 000 0 0 40, 954 64 GO MOO 00 51, r>38 80 GO, 000 00 6J.330 03 60 000 00 52, d',S 16 60, 000 00 59, 780 47 218, C60 00 211, 390 00 2i-0, 650 00 188, 560 00 185,120 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits.... Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Dividends unpaid 1 bank. 14, 460 00 4, 968 00 4. 712 00 5,768 00 5,452 00 676,112 40 609, 570 58 707,141 80 724, 728 06 774, 938 52 Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers Due to national banks 4,705 28 4, 980 93 1,850 14 Due to State banks 1 404 78 47*> Individual deposits.. s - 5,481 28 441 86 1, 292, 638 74 1, 343, 214 i Notes re-discounted . Bills payable.... Total 52 85 00 8,561 1 1, 268, 297 hi 3., 2t; i, it'AQ 25 1, 287, 083 97 OXC REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of report* ,n;iee October 1, 1885, arranged CITY OF WASHINGTON. MA V,M l DECEMBER 2 4 . Resources. 5 banks. Loans and discounts $2, 366, 707 Bonds foi' circulation. 730, 000 Bonds for deposits .. 10'), 00!) 40'.), 000 TJ. 8. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds 220 05/ Due from resVea<rts 767 Due from nat'lbanks 134, 042 Due from State banks! l's 2 7 6 Real estate, &c 353, 0 5 4 42, 7 5 5 Current expenses Premiums paid | 85 328 13;:, •Sii Cash items j Clear' jr-lio u se exch' gs j VI 313 Bills of oth er ban k s . . I Fractional currency - j 5, 131 Trade dollars '...\ 5 403 460 070 Specie ! 330 021 Le.sal-tender notes... i U. S. cert V> o I" deposit.! 31 500 5>°.n fund vvitli Treas. j Duo from I.'. S. Treas - • Total.. !. 00 00 00 00 $2, 62 23 49 45 5i) 65 150 ^ 785 2 3 78;' 000 00 IOC . (100 Oo Oi) 028 ,441 21 <>, 630 s-j : 42 ' 17 071 403 ,163 I h 767 1 5 : , 782 375 , 922 oi ; ,114 7 753 7 , VAX-) 55; , O,j5 41)'. , 552 V2( ] 500 oo • 35 00 • O-7 CO 95 00 35 00 00 : 852 (5 k u J-:s. fi banks. JJ "2. 1)22, ;)S)4 24 78'?, "n',0 0 0 loo. OOO 00 550 0 0 $3,1. "• 2, 202 41 two, ooo 00 100, 0 0 0 00 or;. fi.) • 41 88 : 78 ' •JO 00 | 00 | 00 ! 6! ], 657 85 . 26.*'. "I-1, ?:5 5 3 • S O r . I'M UO 5(», 2l : 0 5 3 16!», ,\i'-{\ 0 2 277. •122 35 27, ;.73 s. 250 7 <;;io 57*i 382 508. 200. 630, UOO 100, 000 072, 200 328 311 92o] 393 244,177 16,005 408, 409 30, 059 177, 310 226, 402 2::i,4iS 8, 712 4'.. 7, 857 12, (*73 177] 0!!) 240, 062 39 13 72 88 50 20 l:;,226 00 •:\ !)'H. 2!) 00 82 oo oo S! 0 4 5 ;»;•)",, 6 i 5 5 5 / , !<;2 2lM, 000 2 1, 750 ;u7 oo *•<••') 0 6 banks. $3,124,951 77 !!(>!), 4 0 0 0 0 18 •5)0, 0 3 3 40 0 :.-0!) oo (i'ii) 0 0 .'."_' 7, 76" , 2 1 1 ) 10 | ~8, 27IL ::i') 84 5,645 133 ~53 OCTOBER 7 Al.TH.JST 27 Jl.'NJ 6 bil nk*. 1 ...'_1.L'" 8. 205, 7 4 0 00 00 00 18 09 30 13 72 90 50 07 30,714 00 8,333 70 8,031. 00 00 50 7.15.' 751 0 0 00 00 Oi) 200, <;:;0 0 0 24. 75-) 00 I, 125 oo 20 ("'•.» VIRGINIA. 24 banks. j 24 banks. 24 banks. 25 hanks. 24 b a n k s . Loans and discounts ! $0,602,400 21 i $0,527,315 1A ! $0,556,382 29 j $10, Bonds for ci reulation j 2, 203, 350 00 | 2.203,350 Oi) : *_, 163, 350 ou 00j 2, j(i;>,.;.;(.! Bonds tor.deposits...; 350, 001) CO I •150. (;()•) co U. S. bonds on h a n d . . j 6-)(» 00 I ' (500 00 (501) 00 : Other stocks and b'ds 355,117 08 | 540,241 57 306, :;35 30 , Due from res' ve ag'ts -1 1,220, 9((3 99 ; 1,070,031 83 : 812,237 20 Due from nat'l banks j 455, 220 98 | 374, (5! 4 03 301,30 4 30 ! Due from State banks; 277,237 2.2 i 258, 276 61 277, (!6.S 07 424,755 22 C07, 274 18 Real estate, &c ]j{()l 0-H 24 j 110,600 59 50, 500 20 Current expenses 12'J. 852 65 177,012 93 138,068 69 Premiums paid 132, 502 07 ! 169,301 3 4 203, tu)O 35 Cash items ; 3:«, 263 87 '• 10.020 95 10,430 47 Clear'<i-house exch'gs; 334-, 104 00 i 373.819 00 257, <:52 00 Bills of other banks!.' 2,001 10 ! 4. :>i'9 77 4,853 26 Fractional currency 8, 030 00 i 8, 547 75 Trade dollars r, 2os oi) 578, 806 41) I 732,891 16 Specie - 650.446 88 62J, 032 (10 ! 788, 139 00 682 Legal-teiulor notes .. 600, 272 00 $10,552,231 35 2,173,350 00 530, ()(!() 00 85, 600 00 578, 0,!4 21 030, 780 75 472,974 83 244, 858 97 412,770 24 82, 348 67 227, l'?7 48 184,455 97 48,984 11 219,138 00 3,833 65 8, 520 00 738, 687 39 739, 495 00 TJ. S. cert's of deposit 5 % iund with Treas. Due from U.S. Treas. Total WEST VIRGINIA. 21 bauks. Loans and discounts. Bonds for eirculation Bonds for deposits .. IT. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks1 and b'ds Due from res ve a^1 ts Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear y;-house•exeh'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars .'.. Specie Lejral-tender notes .. 17. S. celt's of deposit. 5% fund with Treas Due from U. S. Treas Total .21 banks. | 21 banks. | $3,534,091 29 j $3, 577, Tji\l 13 $3,680,86": SG 1,469,850 00 1,404,fc5')00 1, 168. 500 0 > 9, 800 0i) 140, 111 81 41)1, 105 87 189, 059 7S 57, 722 20 22S,0ri- 50 57,123 10 30,707 CllO, 034 .! 81,10!) <i(< j 1 , 9 1 4 00 1 170]25D 41 37. so:; 63 2-'!3, :->!(j 78 25/JJ7 47 28,5i.'J 83 23, VMM) 81 7>\ 3.-7 00 2,226 30 6, 856 ().? 6,748 12 | 228. 087 47 | 215,202 CO . 2<'S. 072 00 ""(i3,gf:2 25 " 2, 430 S4 f>S, (12 75 3. 0>3 81 6,737,402 03 j 9, SOU 00 p:,:;::(» 20 6,623, 102 64 | 34. MM) 00 I 11,1, 3'i0 20 358. 4w.i 57 1W, :;i»7 05 2'ir>ff.i7rf 5:1 j .).>, (;;!.) 12, 071- 10 78 ! 730 00 <".( J 5 1 53!) OS ~-1!-'> 2i) 20 i, 527 00 75, 2, 7. 2."7, 21 banks. I $3, 704, 4S7 81 1,058,500 00 j j | j | 47, 300 00 4.SL47:* 03 48/* 32 63 !);>, 3(>3 (55) 17, 555 05 86, 025 (•0 1, 568 C)S 7. 652 10 2 '.0. 1 ^7 i)3 j 2 0 0 . 2•}<> 00 51, 102 (!'l i 5 151 08 i 4 ( 1 . 1-V.i 7, J . i J 00 70 6, 530, 338 83 j 0,600,021 46 j 20 banks. I $-5,505,158 69 1,018,500 00 | 124, 500 00 64, 73(i 20 3S2,3IO 02 ""(^44!) 70 210, 044 93 81.087 73 60, 536 80 2i>, 566 32 OS 500 1, 512 7t 462 262, ''82 206, 818 00 75 80 '»<) 00 43, 172 00 3, 304 15 6, 43s| 910 15 ; UHPORT ')!• THK hif Stains and rrscrrc CXCL fit-irs—~% 'mil«mu\;, CITY OF WASHINGTON. DISCISMUEIt 24. I Liabilities. 5 banks. Capital stock MARCH 1. \ $1,125, 000 00 $1, 325, 000 00 I 1 307, 000 00 141 682 67 314, 500 00 9(5, 810 39 "Nafl bank circulation; S t a t e b a n k circulation 624. 180 00 618, 890 00 S u r p l u s fund "Undivided profits 1, 394 50 Dividends unpaid fiban'.-.s. G bank A. $1, 325, 000 00 314. 500 00 052 13 000 00 151, 889 05 as.i, ooo 00 194, 259 50 019, 610 00 487, 630 00 493, 670 00 2 877 00 1, 413 00 5,190,649 lr> ! 56, 255 35 ; G hanks. sj51,:i-5, 000 00 Jl, o'S'>, 0i"0 00 2,148 50 3,230,038 66 I 69, 791 61 j Ind ividual deposits . . U. S. deposits Dep fs (J S dis oilicers AU ;r:vv .".". 6 banks. i 5,546 350 42 52,106 71 1,720 50 5, 605, 319 23 : 42, 62!) 32 • 6,103, 815 23 16, 484 97 Duo to national banks i 130, 074 4 2 i 116, 846 78 1L7 136 28 173,271 09 228, 988 45 Due to State banks . . 15, 971 67 44, 148 93 50 481 30 34,124 91 41, 875 55 7, 765, 249 10 8, 279 249 84 8, 205, 740 60 8, 788, 814 20 Notcs-re-discounted T>ills oavable i 5, 645, 133 53 : Total VIRGINIA. 24 banks. 24 banks. 24 banks. $3, 696, 300 00 $3,696,300 00 Capital stock 25 banks. 24 b a n k s . $3, 696, 300 00 $3, 776, 750 00 $3, 731, 580 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 1,143, 097 75 1,188, 877 31 422, 527 05 637, 950 .16 I 1,198, 877 31 585,723 51. 1, 237, 779 75 413,109 18 1. 237, 779 75 505, 989 58 Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 2,016,700 00 j 2, 021, 360 00 1, 838,140 00 1, 877, 460 00 1, 915, 410 00 4,454 15 ! 7,831 15 2, 861 15 8, 308, 925 23 | 264.688 06 I 40,290 53 | 8,360.603 23 256, 853 33 61, 213 94 8,627,715 67 323, 149 39 60,911 13 443, 698 40 j 310, 684 02 329,381 01 274, 785 02 479,602 70 249,501 74 264, 699 48 284, 973 64 395, 212 59 405, 699 76 225, 645 65 100, 570 53 96,292 62 50, 250 00 72, 662 50 83, 000 00 20,000 00 25, 000 00 3, 000 00 14,000 00 17,114,25^ 16, 771, 520 04 17,009,325 4.1 18, 034, 902 82 18, 335, 990 62 Dividends unpaid Individual d e p o s i t s . . U. S. deposits 5, 023 65 2, 682 65 9, 558, 205 34 388,812 04 | 54, 515 25 I 9,531.677 93 375. 942 05 62,963 10 D e p t s U.S.dis.ofncers Due to national banks Due to State b a n k s . . • Notes re-discounted.. Bills payable Total. WEST VIRGINIA. 21 banks. Capital sto< k ... 21 banks. 21 banks. $2,011,000 00 : #2,011,000 00 ! S'IM>]US fund ! Undivided profits \ 517,882 24 i 197, 669 VI I X a t ' l b a n k circulation! State bank circidationj I Dividends u n p a i d . . . .| 1,285,340 00 \ i | 20, 020 00 j 1,208,980 00 Individual deposits... i U. S. deposits! 2, 493, SOS 37 i i 2, 568, 482 22 j ! ! j Dep'ts U.S.dis.oliicersj Due to State banks... | Notes re-discounted.. Bills payable . Total 524,953 71. 123,134 ^)0 25, 498 00 1.39, 550 75 i Due to national bank: 44,754 65 \ 42,241 14 27, 376 81 I 17, 300 00 i 6, 737, 402 03 j 21 banks. j $2,011,000 00 ' $2,036,000 00 j I i 529, 388 88 j 534, 964 54 180, 007 47 | 135, 984 56 1,028,025 00 i 926,555 00 20 banks. $1,986,000 00 484, 964 54 138, 234 68 889,040 00 20, 843 00 25, 961 00 23, 822 00 2, 527, 014 99 2, 800, 832 82 2, 685,115 28 99,140 65 120, 002 73 60,091 61 57, 537 34 114,541 65 70, 358 10 65, 827 23 52, 783 47 : ! 40, 842 90 1 6, 623,192 64 | 6, 530, 338 83 0,(590,621 46 j 6,438,919 IT? CXCn REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged NORTH CAROLINA. Loans and discounts Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits .. U. S. bonds on hand . Other stocks and b'ds Due from res ve asfts Due fromnat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items . . . . . . . Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks -. Fractional currency Trade dollars Speci o Lejral tender notes .. XT S cert's of deposit •5 % fund with Treas Due from U. S. Treas Total DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1 16 b a n k s . 10 b a n k s $4,559,339 21 $4,651,440 49 1,187, 000 00 1,187, 000 00 325, 000 00 3J5, 000 00 5, 000 00 5, 000 00 301, G27 62 211, 143 86 549 4*7 49 482,011 52 270.344 15 248. £54 4(5 102, 770 <M) 87, GOO 51 205. 0S2 (){ 270, 876 51 49, 129 58 18,615 43 80,401 21 100, 049 78 47, 602 04 36, 702 VI 161,220 1,947 119 222, 305 295, 444 00 14 00 25) 00 JUNE 3 . AUGUST 27. 17 b a n k s 17 banks. $4, 823,435 28 $4, 786, G94 11 1,094, fiOO 00 1, 094, 500 00 3L'."), 000 00 325. 000 00 5, 000 00 f>, 0d0 00 202,871 06 211,113 73 479, ;">:{."» 00 507, 478 32 204. 864 87 18:2, 730 10 67, 008 71 82. 452 47 20), 501 40 273, 367 07 20,916 51 48, 287 fiG 09, 773 46 100, 478 46 56, 940 38,860 56 ()•'•' OCTOBER r 17 banks $5, 086, 004 09 1, 019, 500 00 250. 000 00 5, 000 00 205, 087 82 316, 2G8 43 243, 241 21 106,470 87 276,210 25 38, 868 19 100,228 46 34, 681 88 00 03 25 61 00 123, 308 00 2, 334 87 208 85 298 036 00 247, 484 IM) 97, 855 00 2, 096 82 116 40 281 271 35 2 J6, 831 00 96, 768 00 2, 076 60 201 00 255 497 •16 274, 630 00 48,136 75 2, 232 99 49,369 20 1.656 79 45, 044 60 2, 880 19 47, 582 40 803 59 41, 962 00 2, 902 99 8,480, 250 07 8, 383, 218 68 8,374, 587 79 8, 328, 580 07 8, 355, 599 25 125,801 2,010 88 261,872 317, 997 SOUTH CAROLINA. 15 banks. 15 banks. 15 banks. 16 banks. 16 banks. Loans and discounts - $4, 280, 0 {4 91 $4, 324, 868 51 $4, 62(3, 505 79 , $4,617,093 11 $4, 764, 111 90 Bonds for circulation. 1, Out), 350 00 1,173,8 )0 00 1,00(3,350 00 :i 986, 350 00 980,350 00 Bonds for deposits... 250, 000 00 250, 000 00 250, 000 00 250,000 00 250, 000 00 XT. S. bonds on hand.. 3,100 00 53,100 00 53, 100 00.i 53, 200 00 53, 200 00 Other stocks and b"d^ 509,001 62 511,444 80 573, 585 69 ' 601,263 33 605, 303 98 Due from res'veag'ts 1,015, 168 80 454, 4">4 27 184,325 64 198,085 37 389, 445 77 Due from nat'l bank: 292,581 95 479,316 75 167, 175 92 149, 022 90 205,440 18 Duo from State banks 72, 309 65 101, 394 80 65, 830 95 i 48, 359 76 176, 940 46 Heal estate, &o 199,140 91 199, 887 84 1K5, CO.") 47 I 180,047 00 149,192 89 Current expenses . . . 30, 652 43 70,490 60 81,293 35 I 20, 299 80 52,121 59 Premiums paid 30, 004 82 25,911 07 40, .'(80 44 ! 32, 847 21 I 23, 184 20 Cash items 41,428 24 71,367 47 24, 205 39 i 19, 724 99 : 28,418 11 Clear'g- house exch'gs 178, 078 00 102, 768 00 Bills of otbef banks.. 83, 838 00 73, 022 00 1 128, 253 00 Fractional currency 1,186 17 1, 470 5C) 1,421 42 3,372 7 2 * 1,810 67 50 00 Trade dollars 40 00 40 00 i 25 00 50 00 261,413 27 Specie 38(5, 557 40 ! 300, £23 85 299, 308 85 360, 354 (>3 387,891 00 Legal-tender notes .. 409, 339 00 I 224, 787 00 : 302,422 00 206,065 00 U. S. cerfs of deposit 51,337 95 5 % fund with Treas 47. 223 75 46, 6J5 75 i 44, 085 75 j 42, 095 75 3,456 60 Due from U.S. Trea-8.! 17, 875 80 11,000 00 | 3, 553 30 I Total ! 8, 876, 202 05 8, 484, 344 89 ~8, 035,112 86 I 7 ( ^ 7 ^ 7 "G5~| GEORGIA. 17 banks. Loans and discounts Bond s for circulation Bonds for deposits .. U. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res' ve ag' ts Due from nat'l banks Due from State hanks Real estate, &e. Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items $ 7~" 7, 1, 842, 000 00 110, €00 00 241,593 540,759 253, 219 155,721 463, 695 103, 915 54, 606 171,291 Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other b a n k s . . ! 24 81 19 73 04 58 47 82 17 banks. $4, 925, o45 1. 842. 000 110,000 25, 000 357, 227 550, 926 208,434 138, 550 460, 496 40, 244 53,811 142, 361 17 banks. 53 00 00 00 44 23 79 30 10 83 47 20 $5, 035, 949 4?, 000 110, 000 25, 000 335,436 371,803 140,281 1)0, 477 471, 856 96, 010 04, 623 102,321 17 banks. 86 ! $5, 747, 525 80 00 1,542,000 00' 00 110,000 00 56, 500 00 00 298,877 81 14 152,537 48 17 142, 733 00 57 75, 9;30 00 15 451,201 09 31 25, 002 87 30 44,112 78 97 97, 838 81 88 17 banks. $0, 305, 861 36 1,088, 500 00 110, 000 00 25, 000 00 282,110 01 67, 911 85 284, 568 77 277, 599 80 463, 980 14 57,864 11 48, 224 03 191, 599 82 234, 493 00 ! 2, 903 13 i 232, 240 00 j 3, 356 85 i 274,468 00 4, 070 73 j 169, 453 00 3,193 09 185,430 00 2,781 73 i 314, 0C8 89 378, 500 00 487, 897 81 372, 222 00 628 433 14 296 692 00 551,3:20 01 239, 250 00 454, 627 34 a i l , 612 00 82, 890 00 12, 382 60 76, 350 00 21, 871 50 890 00 575 80 t59, 390 00 2, 565 85 48, 515 25 8, 945 80 10, 054, 560 57 10,050,035 05 9, 864, 890 02 Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . . U. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas Due from U. S. Treas Total j 9, 779,481 69 10,215,1H2 01 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXCIII by States and reserve cities—Continued. NORTH CAROLINA. Liabilities. Capital stock DKCKMJiKK 2 4 . MARCH 1 . 16 banks. 16 b a n k s . 17 b a n k s . 17 b a n k s . '• OCTOBER 7. 17 b a n k s . $2, 276, 000 00 iS2, 296, 000 00 i $_', 356, 0. 0 0U | $2,371,350 00 i $2, 376, 000 00 | 525,480 14 472, 378 71 525. 4 SO 14 509, 666 00 510,612 00 ! 337,351 71 ; 188,879 34 235, L'86 41 1-95, 119 86 193,032 72 337, 351 71 Surplus fund ; Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation 1, 004, 970 00 •' State bank circulation . Dividends unpaid AUGUST 27. J JUNK 3. \ j 2, 430 00 Individual deposits... U. S. deposits 3, 546, 373 48 262, 403 37 17,008 42 Dep'ts U.S.dis.onicers Due to national banks Due to State banks... Notes re-discounted.. Bills payable Total 996. 200 00 3, 700 00 105,000 00 3, 582 00 146, 933 24 j 153, 887 35 j 40,207 91 I 27,356 32 j 49, 627 38 j 59, 256 88 223, 737 68 ; 239, 925 99 j 300, 609 91 | 433, 547 13 40, 000 00 ! ;. 123, 051 39 29,463 16 ! I 8, 480, 250 07 5,723 00 I 2, 545 00 | £60, 800 00 3,646,785ft)'< 3,561,215 89 i 3, 457, 008 86 ; 3,362, 156 9L 276,793 23 284, 728 68 j L'94, 477 93 ! 209, 827 92 16,317 10 , 27, 106 67 ! 15. 110 92 I 24, 094 13 160,873 62 265,991 60 | 916, 540 00 . 908, 170 00 : 281, 381 87 I. 8, 383, 218 68 | 8, 374, 587 79 j8, 328, 580 07 j 8, 355, 599 25 S O U TH C A R OL IN A 15 b a n k s . ; 15 b a n k s 15 b a n k s . 16 b a n k s . $1,960,000 00 $1,920,000 00 $1, 735, 000 00 $1,772,800 00 $1, 779,100 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 802, 000 00 695, 761 09 768, 000 00 584, 343 79 768, 000 00 713, 959 52 785, 000 00 576, 963 39 814,198 16 585, 507 29 Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Dividends unpaid 998, 575 00 '• 927, 765 00 920, 645 00 847,125 00 874,135 00 Capital stock Individual deposits.. U. S. deposits Dep'ts U. S. dis.ofticers Due to national banks Due to State banks .. Notes re-discounted.. Bills payable Total 16 b a n k s . 7, 353 00 17, 651 50 9, 487 00 13, 398 50 9, 922 50 3, 737, 910 09 172, 600 55 51,044 01 3, 648, 067 60 183, 0G4 29 42, 391 45 3, 344, 611 29 188, 453 21 31, 385 04 2, 913, 721 32 182, 203 53 41, 493 94 3, 609,165 47 183, 955 57 31,601 36 156,990 13 208, 900 90 135, 201 37 290, 862 23 177, 866 20 185, 405 13 ' 174,160 36 107, 044 73 95, 845 54 82, 221 93 108, 563 05 10, 000 00 36, 325 70 221, 021 34 235,584 17 45, 000 00 60, 000 00 80, 000 00 8, 876, 202 05 8, 484, 344 89 8,035,112 86 7, 800, 434 79 8, 463, 257 65 GEORGIA. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 17 b a n k s . 17 b a n k s . 17 b a n k s . $2,625,000 00 $2,651,450 00 $2, 686, 000 00 $2, 686, 000 00 $2, 686, 000 00 839, 850 93 450, 217 99 871, 320 67 337, 576 49 872, 359 97 514,851 27 892, 651 88 378. 825 67 892, 651 88 432, 565 50 1, 631, 950 00 1, 631, 970 00 1, 535, 425 00 1, 364, 550 00 979, 250 00 Dividends unpaid 2,110 00 2,965 50 3, 827, 824 96 72, 658 85 11, 705 91 4, 084, 452 30 55, 056 52 13, 606 21 Due to national banks 125, 071 04 214, 848 02 Due to State banks... 214, 891 94 151, 682 17 Notes re-discounted.. 253, 278 95 10,054, 560 57 Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.onicers 2, 274 50 H. Ex. 3 -XIII 17 b a n k s . 7,252 50 6,351 50 3, 633, 274 71 80, 088 60 5,880 98 4,009, 536 57 68, 961 41 20, 786 40 178, 538 01 250, 728 90 354, 538 44 152, 804 51 195, 439 57 118, 762 18 44,108 17 97, 884 96 233, 788 88 484, 728 13 51, 000 00 161, 000 00 10,059, 036 05 9, 864, 890 02 9,779,481 69 10,215,132 01 3,735,531 74 75, 766 26 13, 453 80 Bills payable Total 17 b a n k s CXCIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstracts of reports since October 1, 1885, arrangecH FLORIDA. Loans and discounts. Bonds for c irculation. Bonds for deposits... TJ. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts. Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . . TJ. S. cert's of deposit 5% fund with Treas. Due from IT. S. Treas. Total DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1 JUNE 3. AUGUST 27 5 banks. 5 banks. 9 banks. 9 banks. $748, 791 75 147, 500 00 100, 000 00 8,300 00 96,391 17 94, 457 61 93, 870 m 54, 859 92 43,140 66 26,432 77 13,344 12 11,425 52 60, 312 00 277 50 9 banks. $1,297,984 21 $694, 989 69 147, 500 0 0 100, OOO (0 8, 300 00 158, 083 43 173, 968 39 * 57,803 13 79, 633 81 43, 033 19 24,180 56 13, H44 12 12 193 $982, 435 40 200,500 00 100, 000 00 1 350 00 158,706 51 299,401 08 159,837 86 141,158 38 95. 156 81 28,179 94 23,666 03 14 133 40 $1,222,939 200, 500 100, 000 1 450 119, 404 145, 603 114,632 68, 247 96, 027 15, 033 23, 675 11 695 92 00 00 70 89 29 34 78 89 03 115,574 148,197 83,972 75,151 96, 840 21, 293 23, 356 15 407 70 44 93 16 92 68 28 120, 306 0 0 561 90 83, 845 00 664 47 86, 036 462 23 88 272 131,186 00 25 68,372 641 23 79 847 125, 726 00 44 80 25 128 20 162,054 00 45 274 HO 187, 976 00 6,199 15 6, 637 00 1,872 15 1,692,485 03 OCTOBER 7 • 1, 875, 658 13 07 873 37 152, 344 00 8,459 00 751 95 2, 548, 463 20 20(i, 500 00 100, 000 00 00 00 00 00 9,021 00 51 95 8,562 95 99 25 2, 434, 242 72 2,461, 552 16 ALABAMA. Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits .. U.S.bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts. Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks "Real estate, &e Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . . TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund wii h Treas. Due from TJ. S. Treas. Total 10 banks. $3, 052, 426 92 1,117, 000 00 300,000 00 12 b a n k s . 12 b a n k s . 12 b a n k s . $3, 452, 809 44 980, 000 00 100,000 00 $3, 978, 250 51 973,000 00 100,000 00 $4,315,784 85 973, 000 00 100, 000 00 528,615 37 211,341 97 273, 036 99 105,596 23 192,731 43 48, 182 85 71,332 60 35, 032 39 617, 078 37 332, 025 91 369, 699 53 91, 0j)3 93 208, 246 70 32, 272 09 78, 64(5 04 16,347 53 551,170 22 375, 790 82 394, 362 65 74, 139 91 209,112 95 69, 804 80 69, 208 54 35, 313 60 576, 704 72 318,907 12 324,941 29 107, 045 92 211, 886 56 19, 805 83 66, 456 04 15,732 17 598, 733 87 249,973 65 381,257 38 88, 545 89 212,112 91 36,813 82 66, 456 04 24,056 97 67,994 00 871 24 114, 206 66 1, 246 07 206,717 20 166, 736 00 308,438 10 219,248 00 67,434 00 1.140 31 '104 00 305, 602 75 172, 838 00 89,119 00 1, 745 49 104 00 295,446 10 222, 380 00 96, 668 00 1, 250 81 104 00 282,367 10 191,255 00 43,313 88 524 98 6, 221,454 05 * 3*9, 638 93 2,052 85 40,149 23 332 85 41, 935 00 4, 071 28 37,323 53 4, 382 75 6,811,236 22 6,899,314 07 7, 347, 531 03 7,660,086 57 6 banks. M ISSISSIPPI. 7 banks. 7 banks. Loans and discounts- $1,201,845 82 175, 000 00 Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits .. 1,600 00 TJ. S. bonds on hand.. 89, 391 80 Other stocks and b'ds 78, 678 09 Due from res've ag'ts 83, 594 97 ! Due from nat'l banks. 21,893 94 i Due from State banks 44, 448 50 Real estate, &c 22, 542 84 . Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . . TT. S. cert's of deposit 5°6fand with Treas. Due from U. S. Treas. Total 12 banks. $3,126, 086 17 1,155, 000 00 100,000 00 32,092 44 12,156 29 27, 949 0 0 •' 341 52 , 103,405 37 : 63,0J 2 00 6, 374 49 1, 944, 327 13 7 banks. 7 banks. $1,148, 047 09 212,500 00 $1,350,672 05 212,5C0 00 $1, 626, 267 43 212, 500 00 1,600 00 47,089 04 164, 037 76 320,171 07 23,037 92 43,538 69 10, 255 92 15, 978 56 14, 297 38 4,600 54, 560 306,704 133, 203 45, 977 44, 870 26, 541 15,180 7,778 00 16 51 49 42 28 08 06 59 1,600 41, 627 107,156 59, 532 13, 499 45,415 10, 062 14, 323 8, 506 9, 884 00 201 68 14, 031 612 1 ' 137 ''37 96, 638 00 82 9,588 0 0 622 26 00 00 'H 00 131 216 70, 415 00 8, 962 50 9, 062 50 500 00 8,677 50 2, 257, 445 35 2, 086, 302 79 2, 286, 727 19 $1, 243, 671 97 212,500 00 138 570 60 (59, 838 00 6, 774 50 2,121, 447 09 00 12 46 99 32 97 94 81 42 2,200 42, 484 43, 767 48, 903 16, 484 41, 981 19, 389 19, 848 7, 429 00 68 58 37 26 67 50 81 60 15, 829 00 524 24 00 311 794 55 (}Sy 644 00 REPORT OF Till: COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXCV by States and reserve cities—Continued. FLORIDA. DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. 5 banks. 5 banks. $300, 000 00 21, 922 70 53, 626 29 JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. 9 banks. 9 banks. $300,00J 00 $534,500 (JO $530, 000 00 21,9.)2 70 49,21;; no 28, 922 70 44,304 16 31,000 00 50, 099 05 32, 500 00 59,683 58 126, 540 00 124,170 00 ! 157, 000 00 160,300 00 ' 164, 740 00 1, 052, 205 81 80, 926 91 9, 325 41 1, 205, 050 38 90,554 31 ; 6, 392 59 Due to national banks 12,150 03 10, 280 65 ; Due to State banks... 31, 749 80 57,963 69 Notes re-discounted . 4, 033 08 10,110 51 25, 071 82 1, 875, 658 13 2, 548, 463 20 Liabilities. i Capital stock j Surplus fund i Undivided profits JSjat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Dividends unpaid Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers Bills payable Total ! 80 00 1, 692,485 03 OCTOBER 7. ! 9 banks. $550, 000 00 1°2 00 9 00 1, 446. 329 27 87. 262 6ii 2,221 40 1,436,951 18 81, 274 69 2, 726 37 45, 590 28 72, 559 70 78,531 65 18, 587 88 8, 923 41 10, 545 76 25, 365 23 44, 596 93 1, 597, 692 23 93,661 74 3,052 39 2,434, 242 72 2,461,552 16 ALABA MA. 10 banks. 12 banks. 12 banks. 12 banks. $1,785,000 00 $1, 910, 000 00 $1, 935, 000 00 $1, 935, 000 00 $1, 935, 000 00 Surpbis fund UndfvTded profits 330, 650 00 319, 616 38 341,150 00 265, 703 34 333, 650 00 360, 709 62 356, 000 00 256, 254 30 356, 500 CO 323, 525 24 Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 999,030 00 983, 610 00 804,930 00 855,810 00 872, 360 00 Capital stock Dividends unpaid Individual deposits - U. S. deposits Dep'ts U. S. dis. officers Due to national banks 4, 669 20 3,982 60 2, 307, 820 04 81, 892 235, 768 96 2, 880, 729 45 77, 357 86 5, 057 00 2, 707 00 2, 824, 383 34 92,831 77 2, 699 29 4,605 40 4,139 00 3, 248, 931 76 76, 795 15 12,104 54 3, 350, i;>4 05 89,994 24 1,256 19 142, 742 20 128, 301 88 98, 548 82 92, 345 65 97,137 91 Due to State banks... 44, 437 88 4% 013 89 49, 007 70 55, 248 74 Notes re-discounted. Bills payable Total 214,267 48 203, 083 26 341,049 70 449, 583 23 6, 221,454 05 6, 811, 236 22 6, 899, 314 07 12 b a n k s . 7,347,531 03 78,811 70 505, 623 95 7,660, 086 57 M I S S I S S I P P I. Capital stock 6 banks. 7 banks. 7 banks. 7 banks. $475,000 00 $625, 000 00 $625, 000 00 $625, 000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits Mat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Dividends unpaid 52, 078 14 31,153 76 52, 078 14 87, 308 63 68, 878 14 49, 072 32 68, 878 14 61.U07 23 155, 990 00 154,740 00 178, 760 00 174, 270 00 180, *"5 00 1,265 00 100 00 1, 084,102 84 1,176,857 84 1, 016, 527 48 942,205 12 144,240 91 120, 708 86 49, 858 81 140, 032 84 9, 964 91 16, 731 88 11, 456 01 320 00 | 873,623 91 Due to national banks 186,802 04 ! 26, 755 53 Notes re-discounted Bills payable Total $625, 000 0<? 39,100 00 69, 403 39 Individual deposits .. U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.officors Due to State banks... 7 banks. 107 332 26 '•• 140 00 19,966 53 89, 975 03 I 10,1(30 36 258,488 50 10, 000 00 ' • 1,944,327 13 i 2,121,447 09 2, 257, 445 35 2, 086, 302 79 2,286,727 1© CXCVI REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged LOUISIANA. Resources. Loans ami discounts. Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits XT S bonds on hand Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've&g'ts Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Heal estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie .. Legal-tender n o t e s . . . IT. S. cert's of deposit 5 % fund with Treas. Due from U. S. Treas DECEMBER 24. 1 bank. $147, 626 48 100, 000 00 9,707 18 21,581 90 1,977 67 3, 599 09 1,144 80 3, 776 37 3,000 00 254 00 7 33 4,500 00 1 bank. 1 bank. $139,158 76 100,000 00 $155, 542 21 100,000 00 $154, 527 53 50, 000 00 1 bank. $145,407 01 50,000 00 8, 998 86 15,992 54 800 28 846 45 1,144 80 1,905 65 3,000 00 10, 023 44 24, 867 47 878 58 340 58 1,144 80 3,667 10 3, 000 00 22.910 24 4.474 98 1, 084 44 1, 005 22 1,100 00 1,141 74 1, 500 00 32, 356 25 3, 705 18 15, 593 10 409 26 1,100 00 2, 2] 5 49 1, 500 00 985 00 31 77 660 00 55 93 890 00 66 15 26, 056 50 1,598 00 24, 843 50 21 00 27, 248 50 5,390 00 4,500 00 2,250" 66" 2,256'66' 4,500 66" 312,634 82 CITY JUNE 3. 1 bank. 170 00 35 31 51,071 00 2, 033 00 13, 254 00 2, 206 00 Total MARCH 1. 329,656 65 333, 235 45 ! AUGUST 27. 265, 574 58 OCTOBER 7. 288,130 94 OF NE W ORLE AN S. 8 banks. Loans and discounts $10,547,174 13 $8, 829, 268 39 2, 025,000 00 Bonds for circulation. 2,125, 000 00 Bonds for deposits 723,450 00 0, 350 00 XT. S.bonds on h a n d . . 1, 035, 449 15 1, 044, 330 16 Other stocks and b'ds 904, 86 L 44 1, 200, 792 23 D u e from res've ag'ts 297, 997 34 218,422 59 Due from nat'l banks. 458, 907 53 1,131,675 77 Due from State banks 453,512 09 414,160 92 Real estate, &c 161,925 84 70, 772 25 Current expenses 62, 003 83 63,338 83 Premiums paid 709 49 8 033 07 Cash items 1,229,020 70 Clear'g-house exch'gs 1,426, 603 99 94, 004 00 154, 422 00 Bills ot other banks.. 6,492 09 7,054 07 Fractional currency . Trade dollars 2,i79.4i4 00 Specie 1, 835,138 60 Legal-tender notes . . 1, 461, 044 00 1, 713,481 00 XT. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. 90, 625 00 95,125 00 630 00 2,030 00 Due from XT. S. Treas Total 20, 974,329 12 21,203,896 98 8 banks. 8 banks. $9,366,871 74 1,815,000 00 8 banks. $9, 339, 377 86 1,705, 000 00 734, 900 00 1,161,383 54 1, 290,915 09 36J, 5C3 65 392,772 04 418,794 93 152, 766 90 108,934 91 25 289 74 1, 048, 647 28 137,169 00 5, 872 12 620, 700 I, 068, 203 851, 241 245,146 3:15, 988 420, 862 41, 422 75, 263 6 294 347, 383 114, 815 5,963 00 48 38 57 42 32 05 83 1, 956, 419 80 1, 814, 972 00 i, ois, 97i 00 81, 625 00 5, 540 00 20,887,442 74 17 00 48 8 banks. $9, 626, 048 49 1 1,705, 000 00 56, 300 00 ], 108, 272 06 692,471 85 190,203 15 339,138 77 438,129 60 96, 304 46 92,178 15 5 919 41 909,841 98 109, 874 00 6, 651 95 1, 551, 980 00 927,131 50 1, 484, 972 00 76, 225 00 76, 225 66 17, 824,838 40 17, 864, 662 37 TEXAS. Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulatioD. Bonds for deposits... U. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts. Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses.... Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . . XT. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas Due from IT. S. Treas. Total 68 banks. 69 banks. 69 banks. 73 banks. 74 banks. $13,962,459 11 $14, 355, 751 67 $15,191, 346 79 $16,098, 458 70 $16, 656, 965 22 1, 955, 000 00 1,918,250 00 1, 883, 250 00 1, 995,750 00 1, 983, 250 00 225, 000 00 275, 000 00 275, 000 00 325, 000 00 325,000 00 150, 000 00 101, 000 00 101, 000 00 286,408 09 204, 726 96 229,861 01 311, 645 10 228, 699 91 1, 732, 332 88 1,478,267 32 942, 048 70 1, 625,490 75 1, 541,181 29 912, 249 29 751,472 72 807, 978 41 1,014,882 80 1,029,443 27 701,139 86 814, 788 21 510, 464 81 859,183 60 705, 623 50 746, 508 42 809, 585 20 851, 262 08 789, 335 25 848,320 57 225,515 86 223, 316 54 97,951 82 120,489 38 161, 996 18 178,156 42 199,905 63 221,358 93 183,487 86 212,200 85 265, 619 86 161, 734 22 156,079 53 218, 525 52 223,812 93 724, 908 00 6, 334 80 167 60 1,125, 881 40 1, 946,879 00 87,981 06 i 4,880 93 I 634, 469 00 7,653 28 8 00 1,218,480 37 1, 583, 995 00 86, 885 13 27,176 98 25,237,422 58 I 25,230,709 69 475, 324 00 11,454 49 11 00 1,101, 619 44 1, 212,429 00 82,983 20 5, 685 70 24, 983, 900 42 505, 260 00 10,771 18 3, 001 00 1, 016,824 54 1, 204, 391 00 510, 952 00 9, 921 49 1 00 1,008, 309 94 1,310, 099 00 85, 575 30 4,203 20 85, 917 80 9, 200 70 25,167,240 21 26,841, 895 65 EEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CXCVII by States and reserve cities—Continued. LOUISIANA. Liabilities. Capital stock DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. OCTOBER 7. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. $100, 000 00 $100,000 00 $100, 000 00 j $100,000 00 $100,000 00 9, 000 00 9,180 15 10, 500 00 4,281 98 10,500 00 9, 494 13 10.500 00 3,260 97 10, 500 00 5, 820 72 90,000 00 90, 000 00 90, 000 00 45,000 00 45, 000 00 144 00 136 00 123, 241 32 103,485 31 126,674 22 Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Dividends unpaid Individual deposits .. U. S. deposits .. . Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers 2S 00 8 00 104,426 67 124, 866 67 Due to national banks 3,184 30 Due to State banks... Notes re-discounted Bills payable Total 312,634 82 CITY 8 banks. 329,656 65 OP NEW 333,235 45 265, 574 58 288,130 94 ORLEANS. 8 banks. 8 banks. 8 banks. $3, 525, 000 00 $3, 525,000 00 $3,525,000 00 $3,425,000 00 $3,425,000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 1, 296,715 70 669, 890 26 1, 079, 675 37 411, 626 94 1, 079,675 37 644, 530 54 1,143, 000 00 349, 664 42 1,143, 000 00 446,404 75 Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 1, 895, 315 00 1, 727, 855 00 1, 589,035 00 1,474, 215 00 1, 504,075 00 Capital stock Dividends unpaid Individual deposits.. U. S. deposits . .. Dept's IT. S.dis.offices Due to national banks Due to State banks .. Notes re-discounted Bills payable Total 8 banks. 7,476 75 14, 079 42 7,822 48 15, 242 82 11, 856 82 11, 709, 730 91 12, 023, 612 11 12,102,710 17 9, 803, 953 26 9,432,438 55 525. 342 88 817, 285 09 724, 792 24 470, 046 87 853, 913 54 1, 187,444 42 1,604,763 05 1, 213, 876 94 1,143,716 03 985,229 33 62 744 38 157,413 9 0 20, 974,329 12 21, 203, 896 98 20, 887, 442 74 17, 824, 838 40 17, 864, 662 37 TEXAS. 68 banks Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'lbank circulation State bank circulation 69 b a n k s 6 J banks 73 b a n k s 74 b a n k s . $6 001 900 00 $7 110 000 00 $7 145 nnn no $7 625 000 on $7 685 000 oft 2 024, 548 29 1, 284,608 70 2,136,277 72 777, 371 73 2 136,999 40 1, 004, 896 95 2,140, 816 35 924, 990 47 2,106,422 40 1,101,896 02 1, 740, 265 00 1,663,200 00 1 653, 780 00 1,670,240 00 1, 737, 3S0 00 Dividends unpaid — 1,921 00 4, 699 50 1, 082 00 5,231 50 2, 445 50 Individual deposits.. U S deposits Dept's U.S.dis.officers Due to national banks 11 317,937 37 36,119 03 108, 869 83 11, 844, 403 42 5f>. 999 35 119, 467 40 11 138, 801 93 85, 843 60 183, 402 44 10, 700, 929 01 139, 654 47 152, 079 47 11,047, 162 22 108, 880 84 150. 980 668, 485 99 565, 269 09 527, 430 43 581, 277 44 0(14, 948 81 Die to State banks .. 502, 660 54 442, 345 70 432, 502 00 374, 854 93 450, 4iM 47 Notes re-discounted.. 435, 056 83 450,115 78 644,161 67 802,146 57 912, .'J06 56 Bills payable Total 215, 750 00 61, 500 00 30, 000 00 50, 020 00 218,000 00 25, 237, 422 58 25, 230, 709 69 24 983, 900 42 25,167, 240 21 26, 841, 895 65 OXCVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged ARK AN S AS. Resources. DECEMBER 24. 6 banks. Loans and discounts. $1,709, 315 59 360, 000 00 Bonds for circulation. 100, 000 00 Bonds for deposits .40, 200 00 IT. S. bonds on hand.. 37, 925 30 Other stocks1 and b'ds 345, 724 31 Due from res ve ag'ts. 67,288 16 Due from nat'lbanks 73, 212 88 Duo from State banks 23, 682 66 Beal estate, &c 3, 892 78 Current exi>enses 8,824 50 Premiums paid 5, 255 13 Cash items Clear'g-house exchigs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. Due fromU. S. Treas. Total 63, 403 00 735 91 160 20 134,706 50 117, 987 00 16, 200 00 1,250 00 3,109, 763 92 MARCH 1. i 6 banks. $1,707, 928 88 360,000 00 100,000 00 40, 200 00 34, 572 94 543, 688 25 138,176 32 70, 044 27 23, 209 27 7, 646 65 34,199 50 6, 220 52 43, 485 00 1,792 37 197,474 10 105,413 00 16, 200 00 797 80 3,431,048 87 JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. OCTOBEB 7. 6 banks. $1, 627, 641 23 332, 500 00 100, 000 00 40, 200 00 164, 499 45 558, 659 41 121,414 08 60, 596 86 23, 209 27 4,194 52 35, 337 00 19, 437 30 6 banks. $1, 859,445 45 332, 500 00 100,000 00 90,700 00 134, 911 33 279, 881 33 89,976 82 46,828 66 21,709 27 2,256 57 77,998 88 5,117 67 6 banks. $2,161,373 28 332, 500 00 100, 000 00 90,800 00 135, 440 33 191, 834 92 85,148 47 39,297 93 21,709 27 3,332 79 76,524 38 9,935 33 42, 585 00 1,552 42 167 00 141,720 90 85, 562 00 37, 285 00 1, 006 07 187 00 127, 896 20 70, 569 00 13, 900 00 1,046 95 14, 962 00 13,892 00 3,374,223 39 3,293,231 25 3,576,970 71 44,850 633 187 170,771 98,740 00 06 00 95 00 KENTU CKY. 59 banks. 59 b a n k s . 59 b a n k s . 59 b a n k s . 59 b a n k s . $15, 448,373 30 $15,771,572 19 $16, 258, 960 40 $15,918,518 44 $16,389,430 69 6, 350, 300 00 6, 322, 800 00 5, 693, 600 00 5,103, 600 00 4,791,100 00 550, 000 00 550, 000 00 610, 000 00 710,000 00 710, 000 00 8,250 00 8, 650 00 6, 200 00 7, 500 00 6, 500 00 743, 069 31 723, 434 73 682, 331 86 701,721 26 707,106 46 1,446,413 82 1, 400, 753 09 1, 232, 832 48 1, 691, 608 91 1,561,334 69 704, 026 22 673, 326 31 600,331 02 984,429 60 961, 530 42 302,934 17 261,511 54 206, 809 12 277,863 34 248, 637 61 3*0, 840 63 509, 944 09 520,331 64 491, 634 06 474,212 91 153,494 97 85, 890 85 128, 842 69 86, 866 39 114,543 93 318,611 09 300, 714 86 320, 654 18 279, 595 99 277, 809 35 57, 777 99 84,168 76 96, 015 50 95, 977 59 45, 541 54 Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits .. U. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts. Due from nat'l banks. Due from State banks Heal estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. 256, 670 00 i 247, 576 00 259,473 00 206, 695 00 236,853 00 !Fractional currency. 3, 755 79 2, 994 09 2, 277 60 3,426 49 2, 669 12 Trade dollars 7, 052 50 , 8, 095 15 9,033 15 6, 884 25 9,153 75 Specio 496, 759 69 j 556, 717 20 547, 390 96 505, 554 80 550, 957 92 Legal-tender notes .. 407,163 00 432, 376 00 451, 073 00 408, 435 00 404,766 00 TJ. S. cert's of deposit. £» % fund with Treas 254, 520 84 230, 111 84 217, 874 74 258, 793 79 201, 557 69 Due from TJ. S. Treas. 1, 650 00 | 6, 225 00 4,130 00 820 00 2,357 05 27, 984, 700 83 28,120, 347 24 | 27, 841, 004 17 27, 840, 568 03 27,696,062 13 Total CITY 9 banks. 9 banks. 4.'?, 443 71 154,815 87 31,527 70 37, 681 27 53,352 00 $8, 644, 231 04 2, 074, 000 00 1, 000, 000 00 1,350 00 300,449 65 579, 478 05 207, 458 77 182, 133 75 356.9.V2 32 1,170 00 294, 748 85 437, 650 00 1. 170 00 467,811 75 358, 300 00 Loans and discounts $7, 954, 600 68 2, 583, 700 00 Bonds for cir cu lation 800, 000 00 Bonds for deposits .. 1,450 00 TJ. S. bonds on hand.. 255, 390 10 Other stocks1 and b'ds 405,191 05 Due from res ve ag'ts. 259. 707 55 Due from nf^.'l banks. 204. 5(55 74 Due from State banks 163,190 68 Real estate, &c C u r r e n t expenses P r e m i u m s paid Cash it-'-ms Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other b a n k s . . Fractional currency . Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. D u e from IT. S. Treas. Total 453 14 116, 264 00 3, 520 00 13, 802, 482 34 OF L O U I S V I L L E . $8, 547, 798 65 2, 383, 700 00 1,000,000 00 1,350 00 248, 372 63 582, 302 38 212, 730 37 205, 407 05 162,189 90 60,610 72 113,826 99 36, 671 92 16,689 88 64, 286 00 9 banks. 613 94 107, 264 00 2, 500 00 14, 573, 656IT 9 banks. 17 80 00 00 42 00 60 00 $8, 944, 259 30 2, 074, 000 00 1, 000, 000 00 1, 350 00 278, 830 48 787, 855 19 257, 824 06 157, 753 96 154, 224 52 56, 868 63 98,484 17 27,084 13 26,556 23 57,311 00 509 61 1,170 00 514, 553 16 504, 700 00 9 banks. $8, 853,275 00 1, 194, 000 00 1, 000, 000 00 1, 350 00 252,136 84 784, Tc68 34 252, 266 81 136,241. 94 157, 604 52 86, 386 42 144, 015 47 28, 699 21 25, 013 38 53,719 00 847 60 1, 7.->0 00 450, 973 65 461,190 00 93,327 50 4,809 50 14,490,969 08 93, 327 50 4, 660 00 15, 041, 321 94 53, 727 50 2, 290 00 13,939, 647 68 '.VI, 34 U51 98, 484 23, 586 16,908 71,419 966 1,170 442,287 553, 550 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY.. CXCIX by States and reserve cities—Continued. ARKANSAS. Liabilities. j DECEMBER 24. j MARCH 1. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. OCTOBEK 7. I 6 banks. 6 banks. 6 banks. 6 banks. 6 banks. $705,000 00 $705,000 00 ' $755, 000 00 167,111 17 80, 543 71 181, 864 44 40, 797 06 196, 944 49 62,305 23 198, 648 03 . 50, 213 09 [ 205, 400 00 54, 960 33 323, 260 00 317, 620 00 286,120 00 | 298, 260 00 I 298, 360 00 ! Capital stock i Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation! State bank circulation j Dividends unpaid Individual deposits .. XT. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis. officers 2, 073 00 2, 851 00 1 976 00 1, 659, 778 04 70, 834 65 12, 312 45 1,977,413 86 75,147 21 1, 869, 458 93 84 178 76 13, 057 12 9,199 15 Due to national banks 32, 303 12 Due to State banks... 32, 348 63 Notes re-discounted.. Bills Total payable . Surplus fund Undivided profits !Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 11, 007 39 12, 276 87 52,198 92 54,872 12 $755,000 00 3, 323 00 ; 3\ 102 00 1, 749, 477 04 j 1, 907, 731 39 84,169 67 ! 61,821 77 9,219 88 24, 640 24 7, 717 56 j 22, 575 51 26, 665 30 | 32, 293 30 36, 594 15 70, 800 00 90, 051 73 186 557 09 42, 803 74 15,000 00 3,109, 763 92 59 banks. Capital stock I 3, 431, 048 87 3,374,223 39 | 3,293,231 25 3, 576, 970 71 KENT u CK Y. 59 b a n k s 59 banks. 59 b a n k s . $9, 708, 900 00 $9, 758, 900 00 $9, 758, 900 00 $9,758,900 00 $9 758 900 00 2, 020, 018 21 906, 685 45 2,101, 971 91 626,023 74 2,127, 052 10 919, 066 56 2,173, 596 67 596, 730 34 2,179, 796 67 704,463 87 5, 681, 840 00 5, 661, 360 00 5, 098, 770 00 4, 565, 750 00 4, 374,110 00 59 b a n k s . Dividends unpaid Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.oflicers 23, 744 77 28,193 50 26, 323 00 30,040 50 37, 005 50 8,145, 591 74 422, 798 55 1, 939 97 8,751, 749 57 374, 571 13 6, 721 11 8, 449, 831 16 480, 261 87 18, 364 99 9, 026, 296 93 557,010 88 3, 782 88 9,133,451 30 564, 560 59 15, 066 86 Due to national banks Due to State banks... 512, 087 31 357, 861 43 350, 293 92 525, 029 41 459, 943 96 383, 726 22 262, 951 68 234, 419 45 425, 686 15 287, 574 02 167, 368 61 168, 658 27 353, 423 38 162, 841 41 166,886 50 10,000 00 21, 384 90 24, 300 74 14, 302 86 14, 302 86 27, 984, 700 83 28,120, 347 24 27, 841, 004 17 27, 840, 568 03 27, 696, 062 13 Notes re-discounted.. Bills payable Total CITY OF L O U I S V I L L E . Capital stock 9 banks. 9 banks. 9 banks. 9 banks. $3, 551, 500 00 $3, 551, 500 00 $3, 551, 500 00 $3,551,500 00 866,195 13 217,757 83 909,695 13 243, 676 91 915, 901 46 217, 852 87 924, 401 40 287, 879 08 924, 401 46 349,537 66 2, 325, 090 00 2,141, 430 00 1, 866, 490 00 1, 866, 390 00 1, 074, i90 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Dividends unpaid 9 banks. $3, 551, 500 00 6, 037 00 4,990 00 7,129 50 5, 563 00 4, 257 00 Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers Due to national banks 3,156, 215 63 585, 895 45 108, 370 61 3, 511, 941 95 736, 981 28 78, 948 87 3, 724, 545 92 785, 494 30 143,146 04 4, 074, 809 40 739, 742 40 123, 615 96 3, 963, 994 67 747, 602 54 120, 722 11 1, 268, 920 55 1,526,941 00 1, 579, 472 84 1,844, 386 19 1,436, 801 03 Due to State banks... 975,114 85 1, 201, 023 23 1,181,552 07 1,498, 034 45 1,415, 308 46 Notes re-discounted.. 636, 385 29 517, 884 08 125, 000 00 350, 972 75 Bills payable Total 105, 000 00 14,490, 969 08 15, 041, 321 94 13,939, 647 68 13, 802, 482 34 6G6, 528 47 14, 573, 656 84 cc REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1? 1885, arranged TBNNE SSEE. Resources. DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. 32 b a n k s . 33 b a n k s . 33 b a n k s . 34 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. $11, 826, 843 97 Bonds for circulation - 1,933, 000 00 430,000 00 Bonds for deposits... 3, 500 00 TJ. S. bonds on hand.. 370,287 13 Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts. 1,105, 992 67 520, 845 09 Due from nat'lbanks. 180, 807 35 Due from State banks 429,300 44 Real ©state, &c 112,492 37 Current expenses 146,060 16 Premiums paid 180,330 44 Cash items 78, 982 11 Clear'g-house exch'gs 237,169 00 Bills of other banks.. 1, 378 01 Fractional currency. 2,447 50 Trade dollars 564,263 92 Specie 595, 942 00 Legal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas 84,560 21 Due from U. S. Treas. 2, 285 08 Total 18,806,487 45 $11,791,076 19 1, 900, 500 00 430, 000 00 10,000 00 330, 927 60 1, 364, 818 80 594, 988 19 155, 942 40 426, 873 24 107, 032 58 139, 801 57 239,864 79 54,079 39 267, 910 00 3, 020 92 2,430 50 632, 744 78 623, 998 00 $11, 746, 243 87 $12, 498, 026 73 1, 610, 500 00 1, 575, 500 00 430, 000 00 429, 900 00 9,150 00 7, 400 00 350,691 03 428, 022 47 1,551,011 82 1, 351, 280 99 643,878 21 792, 025 46 143, 794 81 189, 390 77 421,168 52 423, 065 52 134, 564 88 81, 684 47 141,094 89 160,428 02 253, 931 22 120, 763 09 42,981 11 286. 373 00 374, 920 00 3, 809 80 3,373 12 2, 578 75 2, 877 50 729, 584 67 796, 279 45 714, 604 00 747, 857 00 82, 657 00 35,728 11 19,194, 394 06 OCTOBER 7. 33 b a n k s . $13,608,422 75 1, 503, 650 00 429, 900 00 5, 200 00 440,941 64 961, 4M 92 609,881 43 177,681 25 465, 609 90 106,300 76 167, 9()3 77 162, 939 59 68,357 26 242, 229 00 2, 784 01 2, 665 75 621,576 17 609, 589 00 71,217 21 11,426 80 67, 724 00 5, 590 04 64,793 25 8,125 52 19,443, 980 33 19, 910,732 89 20, 260, 052 97 187 b a n k s . 187 b a n k s . OHIO. 183 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits... U. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts. Due from nat'lbanks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. TJ. 3. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas Due fromU. S. Treas. Total $41,159,407 08 15,152,750 00 575, 000 00 454,100 00 2, 063, 533 12 4, 662, 620 22 1,306,217 49 503, 522 78 1,799,454 59 266, 950 76 431, 354 57 397,159 76 31,784 06 1, 031, 573 00 19,164 30 28,269 30 2, 491, 895 96 2,128,619 00 638, 061 31 47, 919 12 75,189,356 42 182 b a n k s . 185 b a n k s . $41, 013, 828 33 $42,797, 059 56 $45,273, 010 10 $45,184, 920 23 13, 944, 650 00 15, 223, 750 00 12,968,250 00 12,711, 400 00 600, 000 00 600, 000 00 700,000 00 700, 000 00 480,150 00 469, 050 00 455, 650 00 482, 250 00 1, 916, 416 90 2,175, 537 50 2,115, 016 13 2, 213, 637 87 4, 748, 35(3 00 5,280,170 53 6, 042, 792 88 6, 044, 397 37 1, 553, 850 66 1, 431,173 55 1,948,608 14 1, 775, 315 03 500, 521 80 467,048 10 543,146 04 605,140 59 1, 790,392 93 1, 820, 257 41 1, 832, 491 24 1, 844, 388 98 363, 689 18 244, 332 20 304, 569 89 412,079 92 421, 447 02 443, 254 53 497, 075 13 536,457 31 444,159 10 421, 804 88 388, 766 79 435, 067 21 33,751 74 14, 942 40 48, 353 95 90, 965 06 1,231,290 00 1,18:3,760 00 1, 312, 457 00 1, 467, 297 00 24,037 10 22, 007 98 20, 928 23 20,198 70 31,519 60 31, 854 55 35, 423 90 36, 320 15 2, 765, 316 91 3, 095, 019 26 2, 725, 403 69 2,932, 417 38 2, 311, 605 00 2, 436, 005 00 2,482, 632 00 2, 822, 734 00 629,427 86 34, 680 96 76,650, 005 62 578, 762 70 i 40,184 52 ' 562, 841 36 30, 542 66 543, 071 09 34, 049 16 76,965,060 14 I 80,287,959 13 80,892,107 05 CITY OF CINCINNATI. 12 b a n k s . Loans and discounts $19,642, 207 31 Bonds for circulation. 5, 536, 000 00 Bonds for deposits... 1,188, 000 00 215, 500 00 TJ. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds 1, 025, 973 57 Due from res Ve ag'ts. 2,785, 037 T.\ 1,451, 588 54 Due from nat'lbanks 576, 646 93 Due from State banks 218, 764 34 Real estate, &c 153,970 99 Current expenses 431,136 18 Premiums paid 61,657 87 Cash items 238, 053 30 Clear'g-house exch'gs 350, 845 00 Bills of other banks.. 2,484 12 Fractional currency 12, 696 00 Trade dollars 535,231 40 Specie Lejjal-tender notes .. 1,252,717 00 TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 1,140, 000 00 251,320 00 5 % fund with Treas 7, 640 00 Due from TJ. S. Treas. 37,127,470 2S Total 13 b a n k s . 13 b a n k s . $19,797,818 97 5, 536, 000 00 1,188, 000 00 254, 950 00 994, 347 73 3, 164,536 33 .1,793,488 03 • 768,586 38 270, 942 05 173,103 86 464, 009 96 113,193 04 940, 074 67 574, 026 00 2, 577 43 13, 018 00 972, 789 70 1, 606, 528 00 1, 050, 000 00 246, 865 00 17, 630 00 $23. 526, 207 31 5, 406, 000 00 1,188, 000 00 643,900 00 1,188, 340 50 2, 452, 699 47 1, 363, 282 50 567, 877 54 256,713 08 135, 853 64 617, 785 43 53, 277 53 459,861 77 431, 273 00 2, 055 65 15, 337 00 1, 242, 255 70 1, 732, 262 00 1, 870, 000 00 240, 565 00 7,300 00 39, 942,485 15 43, 400. 847 12 13 b a n k s . $24,199, 528 5, 428, 000 1, 538, 000 485, 250 1, 455, 977 3, 054, 475 1, 475, 298 606. 394 303, 738 159, 636 623, 531 68, 799 318,977 482,481 2, 658 17, 975 973,710 2, 098, 506 940, 000 176, 260 70, 510 13 b a n k s . 33 00 00 00 52 38 29 86 27 70 39 56 70 00 87 00 85 00 00 00 00 44, 479, 709 81 $24, 944, 044 59 4,916. 000 00 1,519, (t00 00 462, 350 00 1, 523, 203 65 2, 769,457 95 1, G*8,126 81 6.r!4, 452 62 312,271 72 214,488 36 637, 408 99 129, 779 56 373,997 18 553, 930 00 2,110 10 20, 027 00 1,172,962 32 2,142, 279 00 1, 540, 000 00 221, 220 00 12, 535 00 ~45, 789, 644 85^ REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CCI by States and reserve cities—Continued. TENNE SSEE. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. 32 b a n k s . 33 banks. 33 banks. 34 b a n k s . $5, 007,500 00 $5, 337, 500 00 $5, 352, 500 00 $5,467, 500 00 $5, 417, 500 00 999,483 47 720, 961 85 860,241 18 590,418 01 863,991 18 684, 505 30 891, 643 15 614, 095 29 884, 643 15 670, 626 69 1,734,740 00 1, 683,740 00 1,430, 800 00 1, 392, 770 00 1, 328, 045 00 Dividends unpaid OCTOBER 7. 33 b a n k s . 1,276 00 4, 016 00 2,113 00 3,839 00 3, 233 00 Individual deposits.. TJ. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers 8,173, 741 87 248, 834 68 57, 111 52 8, 852, 920 30 284,766 78 47,359 14 9,371,146 01 331,357 02 37, 505 40 9,477, 225 78 297,468 69 79, 038 45 9, 224, 256 61 259, 7158 74 142,359 U Due to national banks 1,086,507 76 887,152 99 745,407 21 915, 714 37 1,134, (578 53 Due to State banks... 326,418 64 407, 610 77 492, 443 67 615, 475 54 525, 383 74 Notes re-discounted.. 443,911 66 232,668 89 126,211 54 149, 962 62 563, 638 37 6,000 00 6,000 00 6,000 00 6,000 00 106,000 00 18,806,487 45 19,194,394 06 19,443, 980 33 19,910,732 89 20, 260, 052 97 Bills pajTable Total OH I O . 183 b a n k s . 182 banks 185 banks.. 187 b a n k s $21,934,000 00 $21,884,000 00 $22,065,000 00 $22,193,053 00 $22,143,850 00 4, 623,331 89 1, 808, 220 29 4,706, 562 06 1,648,723 28 4,729,156 07 1,626,386 36 4,803,940 15 1, 752, 215 82 4, 803, 940 15 2,130, 681 46- ISTat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 13, 445, 934 00 4,366 00 13,441,121 00 4,365 00 12,359,864 00 4,365 00 11,779, 579 00 4,365 00 11,328, 694 00 4, 365 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits.. U. S. deposits Dep'ts Ti.S.dis. officers 28, 513 50 22, 385 90 44,173 20 28,436 20 108, 965 80 31,080,012 34 452, 392 37 37, 992 22 32, 566, 099 21 465, 677 97 53,827 95 33,710,236 38 535,783 46 30, 000 29 36, 670, 873 85 570, 826 24 55,177 41 37, 693, 620 87 558, 360 67 20, 455 68 Due to national banks Due to State banks... 1, (,73, 384 56 1,065, 007 29 1,139,901 70 1, 507,112 35 1, 302, 270 04 4'JS. 807 77 554,711 26 504,511 19 670, 445 94 606,103 36 N o t e s re-discounted.. 241), 008 15 212,696 58 198, 682 49 244, 934 17 176, 448 15 23,3;;:; 33 24, 828 12 17, 000 00 7,000 00 14,351 87 75,189, 350 42 76, 650,005 62 76,965,060 14 80, 287, 959 13 80, 892,107 05 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Bills p a y a b l e Total CIT Y Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 187 b a n k s . OP C O CINN A 1 P I . 13 b a n k s . 12 b a n k s . 13 b a n k s . $8, 600, 000 00 $9,100, 000 00 $9,600, 000 00 $9, 600,000 00 $9, GOO, 000 00 1,233,000 00 733, 310 96 1, 259, 000 00 617,128 25 1, 305, 500 00 673, 690 11 1, 347, 500 00 727, 975 33 1,347, 5i'O 00 919,6:3 11 4, 959, 730 00 4, 773,040 00 4, 713, 020 00 4, 813, 720 00 4, 350, 300 OC Dividends unpaid 13 b a n k s 13 b a n k s 11, 703 00 5, 087 00 11,646 00 13, 688 00 11, 757 00 Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S dis.oflicers 13, 840,208 61 1, 035, 000 00 15, 576, 974 34 1, 035. 000 00 17, 524, 666 85 1, 035, 000 00 17, 20<5, 834 49 1,335,000 00 18, 393, 338 11 1, 335, 000 00 Due to national banks 4, 586, 370 65 5, 008,133 75 0,063,310 31 G, 455, 773 70 6, 830, 330 44. Due to State banks... 1, 750,147 06 2,190,121 81 2, 096, 010 85 2, 601, 218 29 2, 678, 806 10 Xotes re-discounted Bills payable Total 378, 000 00 378,000 00 378, 000 00 378, 000 00 323, 000 00 37,127,470 28 39, 942, 485 15 43,400, 847 12 44, 479, 709 Si 45,789, 644 85 <CCII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged CITY DECEMBER 24. Kesources. 8 banks. OF CLEVELAND. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. OCTOBER 7. 8 banks. 8 banks. 9 banks. 9 banks. ICiOans and discounts. $11, 728, 742 84 $11, 848, 057 74 $12, 826,469, 67 $14, 201,700 48 $15, 245, 707 42 655, 000 00 655, 000 00 705, 000 00 655, 000 00 705, 000 00 Bonds for circulation. 500,000 00 500, 000 00 600, 000 00 500, 000 00 600, 000 00 Bonds for deposits .. 2,900 00 2, 900 00 2, 900 00 U. S. bonds on hand.. 458, 297 50 492, 097 50 465,297 50 471,685 50 486, 685 50 Other stocks and b'ds 2, 081, 747 23 1, 320, 285 59 1,904,817 37 1, 397, 847 63 1,197,410 95 Due from res've ag'ts. 1,420,025 07 1, 666, 997 87 1,245,537 85 1, 235, 624 41 1, 246, 735 55 Due from nat'l banks. 622, 013 99 538, 518 03 617,445 15 516,986 83 397, 5G0 03 Due from State banks 673, 424 78 670, 643 74 673,119 44 673, 275 58 673, 670 86 Real estate, &c 131,159 75 17, 032 24 31,439 21 116,444 08 147,920 58 "Current expenses 24,125 00 24,125 00 24,125 00 24,125 00 24,125 00 Premiums paid 39, 089 86 51, 618 74 33, 719 99 58,034 57 68, 560 43 •Cash items 241,761 17 140, 705 05 129, 499 77 110,135 00 132, 476 48 Clear'g-bouse exch'gs 157, 529 00 360, 545 00 217, 563 00 203,163 00 231,263 00 Bills of other banks.. 5, 795 55 2, 493 78 9, 028 48 3,536 16 6, 3u6 70 Fractional currency. 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 1,100 00 Trade dollars 1,143,194 95 1, 205, 522 20 984, 315 25 1, 072, 870 16 1,132, 296 90 Specie 553,087 00 898,000 00 704, 458 00 778, 500 00 1,017,200 00 Legal-tender notes . . 15, 000 00 15, 000 00 15, 000 00 15, 000 00 15, 000 00 U. S. cert's of deposit 29,475 00 28,185 00 29,445 00 27, 665 00 29, 475 00 5 % fund with Treas. 3, 020 00 2, 500 00 3, 500 00 40 00 3, 040 00 Due from U. S. Treas. Total 20, 036, 053 85 20, 605, 803 59 90 b a n k s . 90 b a n k s . 21,419, 739 41 22, 212, 733 40 23,361,534 40 INDIANA. Loans and discounts. $23, 988,383 56 $23, 566,164 27 7, 529, 300 00 7, 547, 300 00 Bonds for circulation. 1, 050, 000 00 1, 050, 000 00 Bonds for deposits... 324, 250 00 497, 850 00 V. S. bonds on hand.. 1, 493, 177 66 Other stocks and b'ds 1, 575, 457 55 3, 250, 837 59 Due from res've ag'ts. 3, 442, 766 05 1, 930, 684 08 1, 699,466 26 Due from nat'l banks. 326, 476 15 232, 352 67 Due from State banks 1,170,789 48 1, 134,839 68 Jteal estate, &c 239, 036 86 122, 897 92 Current expenses 247,231 13 264,195 40 Premiums paid 271,637 07 243, 587 12 Cash items 49, 381 46 46, 717 04 Clear'g-house exch'gs 763, 300 00 725, 830 00 Bills of other banks.. 11, 607 53 13, 998 78 Fractional currency. 17, 809 99 18t 489 00 Trade dollars ... 2 230, 055 22 2, 352, 697 89 Specie 1, 585, 074 00 Legal-tender notes . . 1, 525, 951 00 XT. c^. cert's of deposit. 334, 284 37 5 % fund with Treas. 320, 983 35 21,490 74 18, 094 20 Due from XL S. Treas. Total 46, 220, 502 63 47 013, 942 44 92 b a n k s . $24, 873,115 7, 361, 300 1, 080, 000 474, 900 1, 415,242 3, 226, 380 1, 531, 524 244, 949 1, 204, 514 255,714 303, 639 250, 811 39, 865 755,189 14, 297 20.136 2 621, 931 1 641, 470 92 b a n k s 92 b a n k s . 04 00 00 00 52 28 12 07 09 27 00 00 00 13 99 79 51 92 49 24 41 65 00 71 65 16 00 315,267 81 6, (552 64 309, 935 84 12, 190 58 47 636, 900 75 50, 399, 237 34 $24, 557,007 7,121, 300 1, 080,000 673,650 1,408,312 5, 080, 566 2, 636, 850 362,753 1, 216, 776 134, 236 r>6 339. 574 93 64 285,460 45 36, 861 00 968, 901 26 12, 300 02 19,614 32 2, 479, 493 00 1,663,'361 $25,060, 145 04 6,691,800 00 1,080,000 00 871,200 00 1, 392, 507 88 4,267,391 85 2, 269, 513 48 296.437 12 1,223,620 35 170, 646 47 430, 979 69 236, 511 02 69, 845 26 964,873 00 13, 129 83 19,709 15 2,580,770 84 1, 743, 881 00 291, 122 84 22, 411 31 49, 705,496 13 ILLINOIS . 154 b a n k s 154 b a n k s Loans and discounts $31, o34, 564 16 $31,780,298 39 6, 890, 250 00 6,812,150 00 Bonds for circulation. 845, 000 00 845, 000 00 Bonds for deposits... 314,750 00 332, 450 00 CT. S. bonds on hand.. 2, <>74, 210 11 Other stocks and b'ds 2,107, 277 02 4, 973, 736 79 5, 980, 707 25 Dne from res' ve ag'ts. 998, 226 11 1, 288, 202 50 Due from nat'l banks 208, dOl OH 242, 6(9 S7 Due from State banks 1, 319, 025 94 1,311,694 20 Heal estate, &c 257, 221 40 175,331 31 Current expenses 363, 938 Hi) 354, 079 55 Premiums paid 290, 939 94 406,995 24 Cash items 26, 298 07 Clear'g-house exch'gs 43, 654 25 Bills of other banks.. 833, 975 00 899, 007 00 12,440 38 16, 873 86 [Fractional currency. 2,800 90 3, 245 25 Trade dollars Specie 2,331,071 03 2, 54l! 208 13 Legal-tender notes . . 1, 569, 890 00 1,' 498, 905 00 10, 000 00 10, 000 00 U. S. cert's of deposit. 304, 079 66 296, 790 08 5 % fund with Treas. 62,195 96 59,171 17 Due fromTT. S. Treas. Total 55,256, 342 10 57,178, 733 16 152 b a n k s $32. 046, G(55 41 6, 224, 650 00 745. 000 00 274, 74)0 00 2, 1 r>~), 326 03 5, .VJ6, 070 03 1,102,501 34 243, 'W 5 o:< 1,29."), 254 20 326,145 55 391, 75<> 64 353 457 31 ol! 788 50 890, 293 00 16,319 95 2, 857 85 2, 580, 724 93 1,641,634 00 10, 000 00 273, 621 38 51, 231 32 56, 293, 392 47 154 b a n k s $31,815,766 6, 182,150 005, 000 351,600 2,147,186 6, 948, 885 1,427,236 288, 361 1, 340, 173 133,773 473,564 274, 050 45! 858 873, 796 14,464 3, 609 2. 555', 246 l] 530,' 355 10, 000 267, 582 60, 012 153 b a n k s 94 00 00 00 40 5t 58 19 85 71 33 06 05 00 18 17 00 00 65 27 57, 738, 672 64 $32,641,642 91 5, 841,150 00 995, 000 00 290, 200 00 2,175, 370 56 5, 755, 447 38 1, 296, 996 64 232, 515 89 1,339,239 44 197, 840 21 492, 402 40 366, 246 78 54,' 217 91 827, 872 00 16, 550 19 : 3 224 75 2 *>5i' 808 £Uj fJ*J ' y KJ\JKJ 34 1, 633, 217 00 10, 000 00 256, 599 50 26, 016 78 57, 003, 558 68 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CCIII by States and reserve cities - -Continued. CITY Liabilities. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Kat'l bank circulation State bank circulation OF CLEVELAND. DECEAIIJKII 2 1 . MARCH 1. JCXK :{. AUGUST 27. 8 banks. 8 bunks. 8 banks. 9 banks. $6,200, 000 oo $(), 200, 000 00 $(i, •'()(), 000 00 $(j, 450, 000 00 $0, 550, 000 00 705, 000 00 2(!8, 403 05 70.'), 000 00 342, 121 15 743, 500 00 107, 950 89 743, 500 CO y72,044 52 743, 500 00 507, "J.>6 02 589, U0 00 58!), 400 00 5M), 410 00 589, 450 00 5i>9, 450 00 Dividends unpaid OCTOBER 7. 9 banks. 1, 035 00 774 00 2, 874 00 830 00 268 00 9,981,928 12 477 38!) 7-» 0, 370 94 10, 422, 760 35 469, 606 30 8,915 21 11,313,331 80 4fi4 766 85 33, 860 08 11,338,605 37 508 317 51 1, 047 79 11,^88,245 12 1, 005,149 -11 935,100 70 892, 635 23 1, 055, 925 43 988, 850 15 Due to State banks.. 703,259 02 822,065 82 796, 042 13 948, 006 78 1,037,429 40 Notes re-discounted.. 44 108 13 Individual deposits... Dep'ts TT.S. dis. officers Due to national banks Bills payable Total •i'Xl 4~r> 0 1 8, 083 70 125 362 43 114,000 00 110, 000 00 100, 000 00 205, 000 00 555, 000 00 20, 036, 053 85 20, 605, 803 59 21, 419, 739 41 22, 212, 733 40 23, 361, 534 40 INDIA N A . 92 banks 90 b a n k s . 90 b a n k s . $12,189, 500 00 $12,219,500 00 $12,328,000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 3, 011, 662 59 1, 767,603 45 3, 351. 894 55 1, 018| 680 12 3, .?5fi, 669 55 1,405, 199 91 3, 410, 838 72 1,097,015 63 3,411.838 72 1, 322, 444 05 Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 6, 683, 610 00 6,734,380 00 6, 561, 770 00 6, 363, 400 00 5, 977, 930 00 Capital stock Dividends unpaid 15,424 63 92 b a n k s . 92 banks. $12, 344, 500 00 » $12, 344, 500 00 6,287 58 18,587 52 Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts U. S. dis. officers 20, 238, 451 58 702, 478 68 131, 526 09 19, 962, 812 87 75(5,(533 16 208, 968 83 21, 281, 674 79 713, 335 88 282,461 26 Due to national banks Due to State banks... Notes re-discounted.. 1, 435, 250 30 1,139, 803 18 896, 238 75 1, 297, 855 94 1,264,510 87 810, 914 54 757, 584 77 774, 768 32 1,348,747 98 1, l«2, 981 79 36, 500 00 36,500 00 21, 200 00 26,300 00 20,500 00 157 63 15,157 63 157 63 157 63 157 63 47, 013, 942 44 46, 220, 502 63 47, 636, 900 75 50, 399, 237 34 49, 705, 496 13 Bills payable Total 15, 309 09 13, 128 83 23, 515, 258 07 804,838 49 175, 015 79 23, :;().\427 14 822, 973 07 59, 104 03 ILLINOIS. Capital stock Surplus fund "Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 154 b a n k s . 154 b a n k s . 152 b a n k s . 154 b a n k s . $13,721, 600 00 $13, 737,600 00 $13, 462, 600 00 $13,912, 600 00 $13, 936, 500 00 4,209,271 95 2, 218, 824 22 4, 342,086 36 1, 802, 533 11 4,215, 527 20 2, 076, 410 87 4, 330,134 44 1,647, 224 01 4, 325,441 35 1, 831, 552 40 6,150, 790 00 6, 072,125 00 5, 536, 390 00 5, 456, 700 00 5, 200, 630 00 Dividends unpaid 153 b a n k s . 15,403 00 20, 605 00 10, 432 50 24,190 50 19, 789 50 Individual deposits .. U. S. deposits Dep'ts u. S.dis. officers 27,058, 290 10 740, 859 29 37, 884 60 29,241,971 09 718, 967 04 63, 848 30 29,111,903 14 617, 602 36 62, 685 48 30,268, 910 60 847, 885 69 32,953 45 29, 525, 240 04 808,955 97 54, 093 74 Due to national banks 411,165 64 441, 988 23 582, 912 14 498, 287 63 512r 832 77 Due to State banks... Notes re-discounted.. 404, 664 14 538, 805 21 436, 908 18 662, 762 72 664, 529 90 202, 589 16 193, 203 82 149,263 16 56, 266 16 118, 993 01 85, 000 00 5, 000 00 30,757 44 757 44 5, 000 00 55, 256, 342 10 57,178,733 16 56,293, 392 47 57,738,672 64 57,003,558 68 Bills payable Total CCIV REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged C I T Y OF C H I C A G O . Kesources. Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits... U. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts Due from nat'l hanks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exeh'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. XT. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. Due fromU. S. Treas. Total DECKMUKK 24. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. OCTOBER 7. 12 banks. $47,429, 402 22 933, 500 00 200, 000 00 1,046, 150 00 1,851, 016 07 6, 084, 729 32 3, 578, 083 41 1, 678, 431 60 12 banks. 15 banks. 15 banks. 15 banks. 674, 095 49, 508 53, 044 21, 225 3,202, 156 1,249, 001 10, 049 68 87 41 53 63 00 02 8,997,841 15 3,402, 705 00 •690,000 00 42, 007 50 67, 387 00 81,260,335 01 !48, 946, 123 99 I $49, 955, 862 54 $56, 318,184 45 $55, 484, 145 25 | 1, 083, 500 00 1, 083, 500 00 1,083, 500 00 i 933,500 00 200, 000 00 200, 000 00 200, 000 00 200, 000 00 1, 0(37, 700 00 998,700 00 853, 450 00 1, 008, 050 00 1, 583, 688 75 1,983,552 03 1, 807, 824 79 [ 1,920,908 32 6, 323,080 80 7, 015, 385 89 6, 748, 977 48 i 6, 634, 893 08 3, 834, 332 25 4, 561, 0?6 12 3, 900,321 09 S 3, 977, 647 88 2,195, 055 56 2, 239, 729 10 2, 213, 675 60 I 1,564, 989 97 691,810 28 706, 655 48 707, 283 34 674, 299 68 79, 683 79 58,044 26 83, 292 43 ! 90,658 23 91,639 36 125, 279 73 109, 590 21 72, 501 49 | 45, 383 88 27, 026 01 25, 213 05 23, 999 37 i 5,019,897 66 2, 702, 261 24 3, 952,179 97 4,205, 832 34 ; 1,159, 208 00 1, 208, 055 00 969, 342 00 i 2, 253, 536 00 13,473 01 14, 940 89 11,215 56 14,045 14 i ; 229 00 8, 504, 625 98 9, 316, 505 55 9, 297, 982 05 ! 10,996,591 09 4,447, 934 00 4, 005, 674 00 2, 761, 939 00 j 5, 094, 883 00 710, 000 00 270, 000 00 200, 000 00 480,000 00 i 42, 007 50 48,757 50 48,757 50 42, 007 50 14, 000 00 34, 415 00 185,730 75 35, 390 00 83,854,170 04 1 91,277,996 60 92,497,412 72 92,165, 562 40 MICHIGAN. 100 banks. 99 banks. 102 banks. 97 banks. 101 banks. $22,555,609 69 $23,280,291 91 $25, 271,104 36 $25, 058,711 23 $25, 945, 739 61 3,843,000 00 3,890, 500 00 3, 930, 500 00 3, 816, 500 00 3, 686, 500 00 50, 000 00 50, 000 00 50, 000 00 50,000 00 50, 000 00 78, 550 00 302, 500 00 328, 300 00 89, 950 00 133, 250 00 510,581 70 681,925 64 545, 752 21 607,149 62 604,155 74 2, 505, 713 92 3, 511,908 63 3, 635, 093 08 3, 085,183 22 2, 854, 238 24 572, 254 70 724, 019 46 841,481 30 580, 248 61 579, 581 99 84, 246 66 145, 531 92 110,908 44 135, 950 63 102,284 59 I, 020, 701 48 981, 426 71 998, 668 33 1, 016, 042 16 1, 064, 816 40 203, 630 77 221,187 96 112, 942 03 90, 773 84 162, 656 97 197,091 30 217,094 62 208, 033 03 219,670 69 239, 578 60 190, 857 61 234, 669 00 249, 452 05 188, 238 81 230,615 59 Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits .. TJ. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts Due from nat'lbanks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs 548, 772 Bills of other banks.. 11,324 Fractional currency. 3,250 Trade dollars ... 1, 632, 885 Specie 816,215 Legal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. 171, 432 Due from XL S. Treas. 20,058 36,720,311 Total 070 00 090 90 046 15 681 02 099 00 556, 444 00 10, 563 35 3, 687 70 1, 647, 756 78 726, 530 00 169, 555 50 25,123 56 ieO, 354 00 29, 501 75 166,722 00 19, 674 65 37, 236, 222 39 37, 730, 575 32 38, 069,797 29 00 25 65 04 00 410, 895 00 15, 247 62 3, 502 35 1, 633,158 98 6^7,337 00 27 31 15 CITY 5 banks. Loans and discounts. $9, 240, 857 47 Bonds for circulation 450, 000 00 Bonds for deposits .. 500,000 00 XT. S. bonds on hand? 3,250 00 Other stocks and b ds 1,290,894 61 Duo from res've ag'ts 754, 207 68 Due from nat'l bankvS 143, 644 79 Due from State banks 91,701 03 Heal estate, &c 46,663 95 Current expenses 125, 375 oO Premiums paid 41,213 25 Cash items 229, 029 23 Clear'g-h ouse exch'gs 179,723 00 Bills of other banks.. 9,162 19 4 Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie 1, 027,762 02 Legal-tender notes .. 636, 019 00 U. S. cert's of deposit 5 % fund with Treas. 20,2o() 00 Due from TJ. S. Treas. 5, 873 28 14, 795, 626 50 Total 502, 13, 4, 1, 736, 751, 468, 204 11,177 3, 961 1, 620,402 785, 750 00 85 65 90 00 1.62, 304 10 21,752 35 38, 726, 970 58 O F D BTROIT 5 banks. $9,150, 763 44 450, 000 00 500, 000 00 3, 200 00 1,444,223 00 1,357,001 70 132,076 89 97, 461 43 11,758 89 125, 375 00 36, 204 04 250,851 19 59, 858 00 4,472 03 6 banks. 7 banks. $9, 303, 300 34 $10, 260, 086 85 500, 000 00 550,000 00 500,000 00 500, 0G0 00 30, 000 00 3, 200 00 3, 200 00 1,148, 371 48 1,170,714 89 614,810 74 776,495 91 93, 680 01 151, 449 80 94, 390 20 98, 657 36 40. 292 83 18,461 97 138, 952 04 139, 799 54 41,126 13 68,649 69 191,403 04 241, 996 08 219,243 00 169, 690 00 5, 445 49 4, 295 87 7 banks. $10,303, 373 47 550, 000 00 500,000 00 3, 200 00 1, 312, 098 90 931, 765 07 ] 17,132 21 99, 090 33 25, 548 04 139, 79-9 54 38,332 56 327, 697 46 215,823 00 5,168 10 1,091,821 61 536,090 00 1,127,971 25 703, 900 00 1,099,026 15 910, 332 00 1,109,120 32 730, 552 00 20, 250 00 18, 033 28 22, 500 00 1, 622 68 24,750 00 922 68 24, 750 00 16, 098 93 15,289,440 50 14, 785, 209 23 16,18H, r,_<s 7i) 16,449,549 93 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CCV by States and reserve cities—Continued. CITY OF CHICAGO. Liabilities Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Dividends unpaid DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. 12 b a n k s $11, 750, 000 00 12 banks. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27. OCTOBER 7. 15 banks. 15 banks. $11, 750, 000 00 $13,200,000 00 15 banks $13, 950, 000 00 $13, 950,000 00 2,691,600 00 1, 222,279 75 2, 891, 600 00 920, 576 96 2, 921, 600 00 1,151,158 55 3, 283, 000 00 1, 018, 797 24 3, 308, 000 00 1,143, 378 88 694, 810 00 652,330 00 669,210 00 812, 560 00 837,180 00 1,316 00 2,712 00 2,877 50 7,155 50 14, 959 00 Individual deposits... 38,761,355 62 135, 907 03 U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.offieers Due to national banks 15, 413,641 91 38, 757, 371 40 148, 893 63 45,151,273 43 108, 902 00 41.602,824 93 146,125 01 43,650,119 16 147, 548 19 17,331, 095 52 16, 485,140 31 18, 853, 625 17 17,302,315 55 Due to State banks... 10, 589,424 70 11, 399, 590 53 11, 587, 834 81 12, 823, 324 87 11,812,061 62 81,260,335 01 83, 854,170 04 91, 277, 996 60 92, 497, 412 72 92,165, 562 40 100 banks. 102 b a n k s . $10, 544, 600 00 $10, 720, 000 00 $10, 695, 300 00 Notes re'discounted Bills payable Total MICHIGAN. 97 banks. $10, 294,600 00 99 banks. $10,459, 600 00 1,882,942 87 1,459, 643 14 1, 956,495 45 1, 004,609 17 1, 973,745 45 1,404, 381 42 2, 051, 913 68 1,113,158 40 2, 053, 953 69 1, 331, 936 98 3, 467, 015 00 3,479,415 00 3,410, 455 00 3, 376, 825 00 3, 284,955 00 12, 421 10 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits.. 18, 971, 384 48 34,243 64 U. S. deposits 2,174 19 Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers 20, 286 98 22, 077 68 20, 665 46 15,719 96 19, 669, 267 41 32, 848 84 1,803 68 19, 347, 780 91 35,968 06 4, 093 64 20,024,411 56 26, 022 32 7,754 17 20,403, 692 78 26, 243 76 9, 798 89 269, 049 42 196, 324 28 286,774 12 175, 315 11 246, 297 43 299, 957 35 326,161 12 364,992 56 306,620 00 342, 359 48 21, 879 96 89, 410 46 335, 706 48 235, 111 59 304,444 94 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation Due to national banks Due to State banks... ^"otes re-discounted.. Bills payable Total 5,000 00 36,720, 311 15 37, 236, 222 39 37, 730, 575 32 CITY OP D E TR OIT 5 banks. 6 banks. 5 banks. 101 banks. 12, 000 00 12, 267 67 38, 069, 797 29 38, 726, 970 58 7 banks. $2,900,000 00 $2, 900, 000 00 $3, 059, 776 72 7 banks. $3, 290, 600 00 $3, 300, 000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 330, 000 00 366,716 23 380,000 00 229, 304 24 380, 000 00 325, 008 81 396, 000 00 290, 996 64 399, 000 00 308, 622 88 Nat'lbank circulation State bank circulation 377, 560 00 370, 930 00 392,400 00 450,350 00 473, 730 00 373 69 98 69 201 59 7, 635 00 6,882,516 50 240, 899 58 224, 647 66 7, 391,462 50 377, 826 47 108, 803 49 7, 258, 595 44 422, 542 43 65,177 67 7, 958.100 84 342,149 17 142, 592 05 8,402,467 53 334, 600 19 144, 063 71 Capital stock Dividends unpaid Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.oflicers Due to national banks 1,375, 205 01 1,496, 905 69 1,185,935 31 1,390,270 44 1,225,748 13 Due to State banks... 2,098,081 52 2, 033,834 48 1,695,674 16 1,927, 268 06 1,853,682 49 14,795,626 50 15, 289,440 56 14,785,209 23 16,188,528 79 16,449, 549 93 Notes re-discounted. Bills payable Total CCYI KKPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract <f reports since October 1, 1885, arranged WISC ONSIN. DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. JUXE 3. AUGUST 27 46 b a n k s 46 b a n k s 46 b a n k s . 47 b a n k s $11,047,138 26 1, 624, 750 00 100, 000 00 114, 700 00 581, 620 35 1, 419, 925 53 387, 533 68 80, 932 75 358, 518 54 F9, 572 24 108,483 19 69, 505 73 $11,105,097 55 1, 637, 250 00 100,000 00 112.600 00 573, 771 59 1, 709, 884 76 428,271 79 141.719 75 361,886 24 ' 27,974 59 106, 750 49 G(), 686 73 OCTOBER 7 Resources. Loans and discounts. $9, 775, 507 60 $10,180,593 17 1,715, 750 00 1, 669, 7f>0 00 Bonds for circulation. 100, 0(0 00 100, 000 00 Bonds for deposits . . U. S. bonds on h a n d . . 120, 650 06 113,500 00 553, 866 63 606, 617 81 Other stocks and b'ds 2, 062, 5H4 55 2,137, 912 50 D u e from res' ve a g ' t s . 552, 607 48 562, 649 84 D u e from nat'l b a n k s 121, 197 34 161,624 38 D u e from State b a n k s 349, 523 63 353, 522 42 Real estate, &c 52,292 26 80 743 03 C u r r e n t expenses 106, 936 26 P r e m i u m s paid 101* 014 55 112 465 76 64,475 75 Cash items Cfear'g-house exch'gs 257, 603 00 171, 999 00 Bills of other b a n k s . . 7, 606 45 Fractional c u r r e n c y . 6, 560 17 11 00 T r a d e dollars 11 00 967, 810 91 901, 013 Specie 339, 399 00 413 102 00 Legal-tender notes . . TJ. S. cert's of deposit. I 73,896 50 74, 739 00 ; «S % fund with Treas -! 6,125 8L : 7, 620 00 D u e from U . S. T r e a s . Total 17,314,065 27 CITY Loans and discounts Bonds foi-circulation Bonds for deposits . . U tS bonds on hand Other stocks and b'ds Due from re s' v e a £' t s Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-liouseexcli'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trruie dollars Specie Le<i'al-tender notes . . U. S. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. Due froniTJ. S. Treas. Total 17,678,217 25 3 banks. 3 banks. $4, 020, 489 58 520, 000 00 550, 000 00 19 25 30 29 00 86 2,871 141,130 27,728 1, 777 95 59 00 18 191,443 6, 8*8 16 904. 9G0 392, 534 00 29 00 93 00 206, 380 6,1.78 130 890, 479 403,163 4lT oo : 00 oo . 47 • 18 85 57 48 C9 06 93 00 85 00 94 00 72,661 50 2, 650 00 71, 742 75 6, 468 75 69, 468 50 ! 5, 300 00 I 17, 618, 960 17 18,005,897 21 18,081,750 93 j OF M I L W A U K E E . $4, 043, 965 18 500, 000 00 550,000 00 297, 345 530, 762 475,707 43,112 120, 000 12, 281 213,297 00 6,432 52 293 70 950.680 18 3M, 265 00 47 b a n k s . $11,401,597 I, 570, 000 100, 0U0 117, 350 574.4)1 1,672,746 331,166 99,8-Jl 363, 731 61, 183 115. ti96 93, 545 289,610 93 710,402 30 549, 266 08 46, 766 89 120, COO 00 4,188 64 4 638 'V> 1, 650 78 113, 157 84 17,730 00 3,578 47 3 banks. $3, 727, 334 37 520,000 00 550, 000 00 f>0 00 362,642 15 598,031 29 551, 580 28 82,907 11 120, 000 00 10, 069 95 11 50 5f>7 39 134, 675 29 16, 398 00 2, 947 70 3 banks. 3 banks. $4,147, 703 520,000 £50, 000 lf>0 374, 810 436, 363 480, 652 44,212 120, 000 2, 322 44 00 00 00 50 06 52 17 00 29 $4, 536-, 541 59 520, 000 00 550, 000 00 361, 746 1,069,619 464, 701 51,407 120, 000 6, 379 75 42 55 41 00 61 1,885 133, 964 26, 093 • .3, 583 69 03 00 52 1,917 142, 702 34, 667 1,871 97 08 00 93 661 664 00 628, 982 00 909, 615 00 406, 240 00 837,001 00 419,827 00 753, 559 00 455, 285 00 646, 680 00 551,286 00 22,500 00 8,810 00 25,230 00 5,810 00 23, 400 00 1,540 00 23, 400 00 23, 400 00 8, 068,637 79 8,298, 374 83 7, 958, 983 03 8, 079, 984 "22 9, 082, 921 31 127 banks . 130 banks . IO W A. Loans and discounts. $21 699,060 08 $21, 985,190 70 4, 310, 500 00 298, 000 00 Bonds for circulation 350, 000 00 350, 000 00 Bonds for deposits . . 33, 850 00 63, 650 00 U. S. bonds on hand.. 1, 027, 695 14 1, 027, 579 83 Other stocks and b'ds 3,212,996 29 2 655, 321 23 Due from res'vea g'ts 1, 530, 032 35 1, 285, 720 41 Due from nat'l banks 307, 545 79 321,893 23 Due from State banks 1, 512, 526 85 1,533,410 20 Real estate, <fcc 312, 225 49 164,169 80 Current expenses 223, 979 06 242, 830 69 Premiums paid 248,453 ?,n 275,422 03 Cash items Clear'ii'-liouse exch'gs 497,154 00 Bills of other banks. 553, 069 00 8,721 82 10, 889 24 Fractional currency 1 239 1 221 48 Trade dollars Specie 1 381 51601 371 683 14 991, 559 00 1 175,443 00 Legal-tender notes . . U. S. cert's of deposit 5 % fund with Treas. 186, 261 95 191,002 16 24, 369 21 17,186 27 Due fromU. S. Treas. Total 37, 275,049 96 38,108, 318 59 128 b a n k s 128 b a n k s . 128 b a n k s $22 132,028 46 4, 093 500 00 350, 000 00 100,750 00 980,906 20 2 750, 805 49 1 361,412 53 257, 065 82 1 582, 653 99 299, 983 03 241,059 36 241, 254 18 $21, 753, 565 3, 965, 500 350, 0(-0 100, 850 987, 530 3,466, 407 1, 567, 941 244.175 1, 598, 415 142, 780 224, 352 190, 364 55 00 00 00 79 59 04 48 40 34 59 94 $22, 517, 637 3 846, 500 350, 000 86, 050 941, 949 2 779, 299 1, 489, 769 315,476 1 596, 977 259,156 2-il, 461 252, 072 84 00 00 00 44 65 67 52 18 64 03 32 537, 339 00 11,691 40 1 50763 1 502 891 04 1 002, 812 00 418,913 11, 993 1,316 1, 504, 244 857, 955 00 06 M4 67 00 545,987 11,499 1,497 1 494, 869 991, 269 00 16 44 00 178,464 50 18, 716 66 171, 687 01 18, 037 95 169, 945 05 20, 259 41 37 644, 901 29 37, 576, 031 35 37, 901, 677 14 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CCVII by States and reserve cities—Continued. WISCONSIN. Liabilities. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation DECEMBER 24. MAHCH 1 . JUNE 3. 40 b a n k s . 46 b a n k s . 46 b a n k s . $3, 785, 000 00 923, 607 63 507, 018 17 1, 500,188 00 j Dividends unpaid Individual deposits U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis. officers Due to national banks Due to State banks... Notes re-discounted.. Bills payable Total 635 30 | $3, 935, 000 00 j $3, 935, 000 00 975, 596 67 i 313, 998 08 I 1, 475, 908 00 978, 647 65 482, 698 44 AUGUST 27. > 47 b a n k s . $3, 985, 000 00 OCTOBER 7. 47 banks. $3, 985, 000 0® 1,021,300 27 , 348, 905 85 ; 1, 0-J5, 784 36432, 159 00 1, 442,188 00 1, 442, 073 00 1.394,018 00 5,122 94 7,0G5 65 1, 519 30 j 10, 336, 867 93 j 10, 725, 483 85 j 10, 486, 805 90 ; 10, 963, 485 97 77,742 04 | 83, 249 28 90, 804 83 ! 82,202 78 9, 684 79 i 8, 719 08 2, 645 83 I 6, 484 11 I 34,583 69 i 29,148 29 . 24, 349 34 26,163 45 | 64, 741 49 ; 92, 348 76 j 91,287 40 47, 717 76 59, 417 81 73, 549 53 ; 33, 082 84 39, 440 20 11,011,032 53 (54. 546 07 5. 254 98 17, 314, 065 27 ' 17, 678, 217 25 I 17, 618, 960 17 j 18, 005, 897 21 18, 081, 750 93 25, 2_'l 32 65, 298 44 67, 669 98 CITY OP M I L W A U K E E . 3 banks. 3 banks. 3 banks. 3 banks. $650, 000 00 $650, 000 00 $650,000 00 $650,000 00 $650, 000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 340, 000 00 187, 857 90 340, 000 00 156,166 99 340, 000 00 187, 090 56 340,000 00 184, 693 38 340, 000 00 210, 714 84 Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 448, 980 00 466, 810 00 465, 650 00 467, 300 00 468, 000 00 Individual deposits .. U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers 4, 825, 464 22 378, 015 26 115, 328 09 4,936, 695 68 405,470 80 114,417 93 4,727,430 06 317, 364 37 209,724 19 4,484, 050 58 333, 638 52 179,181 74 5, 596, 911 14 284, 732 89 170, 290 56 Due to national banks Due to State banks... Notes re-discounted 763, 363 48 873,306 63 772, 509 40 874,502 53 835, 881 83 359,628 84 355, 506 80 289, 214 45 317, 619 75 327, 376 41 248 997 72 198 923 fii 8, 079,984 22 9, 082,921 31 Capital stock Dividends unpaid... - Bills payable Total 3 banks. 90 00 8,068,637 79 8,298,374 83 127 b a n k s . 130 b a n k s . $10,220, 000 00 $10,377, 500 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 2, 294,149 47 1,475,940 55 2, 383,156 77 995,611 05 2, 351, 083 82 1, 331, 625 79 2, 408, 336 35 1, 037, 717 49 2,433, 336 35 1,180,422 85 Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 3,804, 383 00 3, 773, 248 00 3, 642, 218 00 3, 535, 273 00 3,421,093 00 7,958, 983 03 IOWA. Capital stock Dividends unpaid Individual deposits.. U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers 19, 637 46 16,835,155 76 270, 890 14 64, 905 88 16,251 20 17, 640, 636 14 245,013 fl<> 44, 528 04 128 b a n k s . 128 b a n k s . $10, 305, 000 00 $10, 305, 000 00 128 b a n k s . $10, 295, 000 00 17, 284 91 16,105 70 14,002 20 17, 343, 344 90 243, 797 90 00, 648 20 17, 542, 218 75 272, 868 14 30,468 70 17,813,880 18 245,530 62 38, 988 69 Due to national banks 715, 248 41 938,170 22 846, 228 01 881,187 64 787,910 21 Due to State banks... 1,121, 837 66 1, 368,161 41 1, 292,140 73 1,366,546 52 1, 340, 572 58 Notes re-discounted.. 433,901 63 313,742 07 211, 529 03 170, 309 06 313, 328 46 19, 000 00 12, 300 00 37,275, 049 96 38,108, 318 59 Bills payable Total 37,644,901 29 10, 000 00 11, 000 00 37, 576, 031 35 37,901,077 14 CCVIII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged MINNESOTA. DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. J U N E 3. 48 b a n k s . 51 b a n k s . 51 banks. Resources. Loans and discounts . $29, 659, 270 39 Bonds for ci rculation. 2,022, 000 00 500, 000 00 Bonds for deposits .8, 800 00 U. S. bonds on hand. 587, 040 91 Other stocks and b'ds 2, 745, 520 74 Due from res've ag'ts. Due from nat'l banks. 1,138, f>55 58 455, 287 58 Due from State banks 1,167, 345 48 Heal estate, &c 208, 658 36 Current expenses 98,157 18 Premiums paid 309, 355 '28 Cash items 223, 048 90 Clear'g-house exch'gs 499,471 00 Bills of other banks.. 3,179 89 Fractional currency. 243 00 Trade dollars 1, 843, 581 95 Specie 763,157 00 Legal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 86, 845 47 5 % fund with Treas. 12, 687 15 Due from U. S. Treas. 42, 332, 205 8(5 Total ; AUCJUST 27 OCTOBER 7. ! 51 banks. 53 banks. ; $30,267,633 61 i$31,10-1, 827 25 $30, 746, 466 42 $31,911,253 52 •• 2, 034, 500 00 i 2, 027, 000 00 2,015, 500 00 2, 054, 000 00 500, 000 00 500, 0, 0 00 500. 000 00 500, 000 00 5, 200 00 5, 200 00 5,4(10 00 5, 400 00 598, 383 66 627, 141 95 €09, 438 75 608,997 11 2, 656, 785 47 3,128,815 67 2,821,769 23 3,449, 4 i5 10 899,143 62 1, 206, 998 26 1,443,354 12 974.201 74 367, 168 14 49:5,689 12 543, 975 24 448, 384 64 1,193,116 64 1, 218, 200 78 1, 376, 701 84 ; 1,346,503 04 223, 743 66 319, 658 02 134,605 53 89,117 74 101, 657 35 110,937 32 165, 337 55 ( 148,379 55 301, 904 80 332,004 33 256, 346 70 388,991 18 205, 140 17 243,593 11 353, 250 61 281,673 25 231,693 00 415, 749 00 513,611 00 275, 209 00 5, 595 67 7,682 82 4,051 21 3,816 22 244 00 245 00 268 00 247 00 ], 923, 320 f>7 1,623,318 91 ' 2,191,890 92 1,707,650 24 527, 605 00 1,231,191 00 ' 716, 683 00 54."), 536 00 85,871 50 11,440 33 42, HO, 147 19 85, 926 33 9.715 00 89, 429 40 11,055 00 88,287 10 28, 725 00 44,741,349 07 43, 503, 928 15 45,801,138 40 39 b a n k s . 39 b a n k s . MISSOURI. 30 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits .. U. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts. Duefromnat'lbanks. Due from State banks Real estate, &c "Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'ff-housecxch'jya Bills of other banks- Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. 1 U. S. cert's of deposit. •5% fund with Treas. Due from TJ. S. Treas Total 37 bunks. 38 b a n k s . $7,798,900 14 $7,967,316 44 $11,035, 115 36 $11, 487, 905 05 $12, 547,137 88 1,415, 100 00 1,465, 100 00 1,521,050 00 1,48', 050 (;0 1,5.< 1,050 00 100, 000 00 250,000 00 J 00, COO 00 250,000 00 150, 000 00 ;«, 5oO oo 34, 6.")0 00 53,100 00 46, 200 00 241,800 00 519,246 (53 677,767 13 545,323 14 042, 010 29 677,754 66 1, 208, 224 55 1, 695,175 83 1,289,561 06 2,147, 382 66 2,598,102 35 224, 829 00 412, 548 57 398, 805 55 346, 939 61 494,176 60 834, 474 32 ' 303,781 63 380, 382 68 455, 035 55 592, 378 13 345, 056 75 350, 046 22 376, 817 29 368, 749 09 37(\ 580 69 103,500 13 02,715 18 67,145 35 114,924 75 63,252 81 9(5, 143 40 108,808 15 124,852 58 103,563 39 133, 830 95 59, 5:54 82 59, 115 91 01,723 43 157, 130 14 107,746 52 84, 264 82 200, 018 94 419,311 03 230,671 99 315, 183 16 254,453 00 238,001 00 657, 954 00 420, 959 00 500, 446 00 2,012 83 2, 8.56 85 3,015 95 2, 445 10 3, 320 36 544 00 ! 815 00 527 00 647 80 720 00 502, 609 06 56'? 9£<) 7 | 1 005 382 96 874 '?12 58 1 141 17') 13 391, 445 00 1 ' 675,102 00 359, 336 00 670, 202 00 617, 784 00 i 64,225 50 ! 1, 524 48 13, 538, 945 74 03, 075 50 4,410 00 62, 552 25 1 1,690 (0 14, 233, 432 55 19,788,447 18 67, 069 75 3,610 00 05, 289 75 11,000 00 20, 974, 463 26 1 21, 359, 404 33 CITY OF SAI NT LOUIS. i Loans and discounts ! Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits . ! TJ. S. bonds on band.. Other stocks and b'ds Due from res'vo ag'ts ! Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks: I Real estate, &c Current expenses.. - I ! Premiums paid Cash items Clear'ji-bouse exch'gsJ Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . TJ. S. cert's of deposit 5 % fund with Treas Due from TJ. S. Treas Total 5 banks. 5 banks. i 5 banks. 5 banks. $8, 572, 996 36 $8,501,982 39 $9, 730, 053 98 $8,578,841 10 810,000 00 810,000 00 810,000 00 810, 000 00 500, 000 00 500,000 00 500, 000 00 500,000 00 800 00 400 00 200 00 1,700 00 i 558, 838 50 i 540, 838 50 ; 534,318 50 546,838 50 i 904, 626 38 730, 816 96 i 2,272,017 93 881, 00.') 60 673, 845 74 740, 260 91 719,10! 06 46f>, 8(39 67 i 125,474 03 377,520 55 133, 926 65 i 141, 387 08 290, 890 61 258, 004 48 290,279 14 225,391 08 94, 646 99 63, 155 40 00,128 49 50, 743 84 32, 839 18 28, 026 68 28, 026 68 28, 020 08 22, 706 89 48,122 52 47,811 09 26, 405 36 477,488 38 517,965 25 652, 531 30 784,192 58 309, 282 00 240,261 00 383, 467 00 484, 208 00 1,479 43 1,649 23 1,086 79 1, 587 59 960 771 8'J 761, 610 00 1,198,218 58 1, 015, 553 00 36, 445 00 2,000 00 36, 445 00 5, 500 00 15,152, 654 37 15, 549, 283 35 1, 569, 664 60 1, 596, 580 00 36, 445 00 17,000 00 i 16, 640, 715 01 5 banks. $9, 698, 287 85 810,000 00 500, 000 00 2,050 00 534,318 50 1,307,928 19 542, 430 27 208, 870 47 263,180 08 115,995 32 28, 026 68 30, 268 46 460,620 18 162, 204 00 1, 586 87 941 954 20 9)8'348 00 30 000 00 36, 445 00 3, 000 00 i OQQ 026 67 1,099,763 00 30, 000 00 36, 445 00 7, 000 00 18, 052, 457 53 16, 992, 008 14 KEPOET OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. CCIX by States and reserve cities—Continued. MINNESOTA. 1 DECEMBER 24. MAIICII 1. JUNE 3. j AUGUST 27. f,l b a n k s . 51 bank.*. ! 51 banks. Liabilities. 48 b a n k s . Capital stock - Surplus fund Undivided profits 53 banks. ; $11,340,000 00 | $11,540,000 00 ; $11,590,000 00 j $12,205,000 00 $12,290,000 00 i j X a t ' l bank circulation! State b a n k circulation j . 1,845,933 87 1,691,495 09 1,990,944 48 1,118, 537 23 1,991,878 K7 1, 595, 280 57 2,185, 778 87 1, 067, 053 40 2,192,278 87 1, 327, 24G 26 1, 797, 956 00 j 1, 770, 450 00 j 1, 798, 740 00 1, 797, 581 00 1, 797, 701 00 j 6, 475 84 Individual d e p o s i t s . . . ' U. S. deposits. 19,639,218 42 101,015 01 299,498 10 20, 417, 708 101,730 240, 058 2,251,441 20 1, 647, 206 2, 217, 004 29 2. 239, 790 954, 508 04 973, 243 124, 000 00 20,000 Dividends unpaid OCTOBER 7. 13,864 00 Dep'ts U.S.divS.officers Due to national banks. Due to State banks...! Notes re-discounted..! Bills payable.-. 42,140,147 19 I 44,741,319 07 42, 332, 205 86 Total 7, 473 84 : 12,814 14 21,001,0^9 42 I 20,593,114 39 ! 243, 1)00 44 ' 241, :^3 02 ! 239,818 73 ; 230,211 80 ' i 2,008, 030 49 ! 1, 077, 330 80 I 2,487,881 90 2, 300, 475 93 ' 1,159,907 10 1,101, 894 45 : 20, 000 00 20, 000 00 j 437503, 928 15 ; 11,134 14 22, 088, 907 30 138,073 12 322, 250 16 2,104, 080 23 2,124, 507 70 1, 384, 299 62 20, 000 00 45, 801,138 40 MISS OURI. 36 banks. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits ' Dividends unpaid 00 623, 925 08 472, 935 10 090, 538 284,016 93 49 1, 206, 308 00 1,202,128 00 259 00 1, 283 50 ! [ Individual deposi t s . . j U. S. deposits j 6,'lO5,401 27 98, (542 42 7, 270 93 0,750,132 71,812 71 437,317 Dep'ts U.S.dis.oiucer«; 409, 479 Due to national banks 3,8L;4 39 banks. 38 b a n k s . $3, 581, 000 '> Xat'l bank circulation State bank circulation' 37 banks. 00 $3, 326, 009 $4 581, 000 oo ; 00 ; 795, 510 37 370, 878 85 782, 091 97 452,419 23 1, 327,953 00 2,070 00 4, 227 01 00 57 71 9 003.130 ,';4 1 9. 504, 5*;0 123,484 87 ; ] 18,1^3 20 17, 840 ol 30 1 084, 061 fo ! 658, 727 05 838. 911 53 2 177, «'94 55 454, 900 50 301,4(7 40 203, 077 59 115,000 00 5, Oi.'O 00 Due to State banks .. j $5 831,000 00 689 948 43 ; 478, 497 23 : 1 321, 503 39 b a n k s . $5, 200, 000 00 1 305, 023 00 1,195 00 504,181 89 140,711 25 10, 874 20 1, 205,720 10 1 0G3, 2. Ml,759 02 2 <!89,109 31 34, 325 08 527 40, 011 Notes re-discounted.. Bills payable Total j 14, 23", 4;!;.' 55 j 19,788,4*7 18 j 20,974,403 2(5 ; i" 23 25 21,359,404 33 CITY OP SAINT LOUIS. 5 banks. Capital stock ! .$3, 000, 000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits. -. •! 1 Xat'l bank circulation State bank circulation b b;;nks. 5 bai $3. 000, 0<;0 00 931, 128 2!) 344,091 00 940,717 S'O 277,11 i 728,410 00 023, 830 00 i 18, 590 J 8 Dividends unpaid ' Individual deposits . . J 5,710,933 50 324, 051 22 U, S. deposits.. I Ls. 722, 5 banks. 5 bunks. $.'>, 0 0 0 , 0 U 0 00 p,, 000, GOO00 717 5:14 5L 9 5 2 , •".::o •4(5 952, 530 40 359, 109 48 ono00 725, 820 i)0 725, 430 00 ('<{)•) 18, 807 18 31, 076 1« 22, 8;"!7 68 ly, 759 08 5, 804, 3G915 295, 488 02 0, 287, 191 03 ' 'J8G, 0, 979, 99::35 49 0, 439, 05901 397,143 30 2,300; 231 90 2, 572, 307 83 2, 215,102 57 2,449, 021 07 ' 3, 024, 252 89 :i, 501, 21820 05, 425 00 383, 535 38 Deo';* Lf.S.dis.oiHeers! 2, 028, 274 31 2, 030, 340 29 Due to national banks: 1, 739, 833 54 !>7 . Due r o St a t o banks.. j 320, 700 :;3 j:n.2.'O 29 128, 032 28 : 2sor<;s re-discounted .! Bills payable Total | 15,152, 054 37 15, 549, 283 35 i 16, 640, 715 01 18,052,457 ! 10,902,008 14 OCX REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged KANSAS. Kesources. DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. j JUNK 3. AUGUST 27. OOTOHEK ".; 75 b u n k s . 79 b a n k s . i 89 b a n k s . 96 b a n k s . 98 biuiks. Loans and discounts $11,558,459 29 Bonds for circulation 1, 728, 500 00 Bonds for de-posits . . > 350. i;(:() 00 TJ. S. bonds on band..! 3, 3 50 00 Other stocks and b'ds 194, 775 45 Due froin res'veag'ts i 1,057.118 17 ! Due from nat'l bank s 661.573 65 j Due from State banks; (515, 680 58 ! 088, 10:> 12 I Real estate, &c j 180,049 95 j Current expenses ; 123.745 40 | Premiums paid i 133,259 90 i Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs . .1. Bills of other banks..: 544, 250 00 Fractional currency. i 4, 452 82 Trade dollars '..! 20 00 Specie ! 864,773 14 Legal-tender notes . . j 773,743 00 TJ S. cert's of deposit.!. 5 % fund with Treas.;' 76, 036 50 I Due from TJ. S. Treas. | 10,098 47 ! Total G15 85 $12,761,740 43 $14, 153. 512 Gl $14, 662. 750 00 1,774, 5-;0 00 1, 992, 1,919,500 00 350, 0U0 00 400,000 00 500. 400. 000 00 22, 550 00 G, 100 00 5. 950 00 170, 749 47 147,841 32 174, 157,382 52 , 019,800 93 1,274.809 16 , 3;;0. 1, 028, 375 24 G78, 584 13 I, :J1S. 274 94 1,461.453 07 , 007, 590, 319 GO 410.482 2-1 476, 3^7 08 723, 392 40 789. 632 07 8W, 737 :•{"{ 9-28, 0i."7 70 138, 98. i>76 75 i;{V 14o!n:{4 63 190.655 4 1 1*4, 906 26 177,614 74 184, ;;G8 :J3 : 385,645 G, 273 31 916,213 717,353 00 i 63 00 j 51. : 00 ! 71,788 59 7, tii4 29 557, 8\4 6, .728 ' 75 1, 173, G::5 902, 5l'8 00 | 548, 591 00 07 ; 5,814 00 07 i 1,072 00 41 ! 1,281, U:9 33 00 ' 826, 245 00 74,035 I I i 2. 3GG 79 i 78. 984 i!4 7,221 94 551,043 00 5, 854 71 880 00 1. 250. 068 71 815,038 00 86,189 00 7, 652 83 ! 19, 568, 395 53 j 19,693,546 9 3 ; 22,182, 299 79 f 24, 313,492 02 | 24,303,295 06 NEBRASKA. 80 b a n k s . | 85 b a n k s . j 90 b a n k s . 88 b a n k s . 77 banks. 51(5, 338. 905 17~ $16, 933~, 345 57 617.561,911 74 ;$18,599,338 72 $18,967,286 33 Loans and discounts 1, 835, 250 00 ! 1, 800, 250 00 I 1,864,750 00 2, 041, 500 00 Bondsfor circulation 1, 792, 250 00 450, 000 00 ! Bonds for deposits 450, 000 00 450. 000 00 ! 550, 000 00 550, C00 00 TJ. S. bonds on hand 60.000 00 252, 381 54 ' Other stocks and b'ds! 280, 2 k? 35 I 263,721 06 171.751 45 254, 946 55 Due from res ye ag'ts 1, 648, 936 OS : 1,864,710 58 . 2. 037, 346 GO 1,819. 129 49 2, 605,124 46 Due from nat'lbanks 856, 360 79 j 013, 508 83 : 1,375,243 82 1,154, 233 88 1,428,143 84 Due from State banks' 455, 020 10 ! 566,757 69 : 635,154 17 534, 2!5 81 484,350 85 Real estate, &c ! 1,015,201 47 I 1, 063, 053 38 \ 3, 103, 333 56 1, 159, 337 56 1, 172,639 70 177,540 46 • Current expenses 211. 006 89 I 158,000 18 231!. 42:> 45 110,610 26 Premiums paid 90. 207 13 • 202, 189 14 118, 155 66 174, 005 52 399" 512 54 Cash items 44i; 640 56 i 588,410 36 545,537 93 522. 573 00 Clear'g-housc exch'gs 294,121 0 ) 231, 867 00 Bills of other b a n k s . . 345,10:', 00 (?28, 117 00 3G0,142 00 5,373 91 Fractional currency. 5, Of'O 7i> 5,3 71. 52 4, 865 09 5, 602 94 Trade dollars ... 900 30 22 4 80 3.020 "0 1, 'J20 40 1,021 40 Specie 1,132,501) S3 985,711 08 1, 255, GD4 0G .,261,1)08 24 . 154,286 59 Legal-tender notes . . 490,2*1 00 473, 235 00 639, 833 Oj 03 4,302 00 718, 754 00 TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 5 %fund with Treas SO. 807 00 : 75. 328 50 70, 570 50 S2, r 6 8 00 ! 78, 967 75 Due from U. S. Treas. 4.850 50 ! 3.101 00 1,570 00 I 6, 549 75 Total 25,855,969 12 i 26,338,401 38 28,255,457 72 I ! i ! j I I i 30, M l , 459 72 i 29, 675, 0G6 GO COLORADO. 25 banks. j 26 b a n k s . ! 27 b a n k s . 27 banks. 1 27 banks. i Loans and discounts j $8,256,032 50 j $8,569,062 11 I $9,237,405 31 $9,629,616 04 ""$979?J472Cl~72~i Bondsfor circulation, j 1,132, 500 00 I 1,147,500 00 j 1,010,000 00 1,020,000 00 ; 1,020,000 00 600,000 00 ! GOO, 000 00 ] Bonds for deposits . I 000, 000 00 700, (Kit) 00 i 700,000 000 00 \ 700, .12,500 i)0 i TJ. S. bonds on hand..!. 20. 000 00 21,000 CO I 301,000 00 ' 720, 020 25 j 713.032 27 Other stocks and b'ds! 036, 613 81. 071,717 91 I 736,788 736, 788GO 2,391.751 41 ! 2, 279, 606 90 !, 120, 2<!0 L5 Due from res' veag'ts I 2, 874,105 34 | 2, 4SG, 63ii 997, 6156 15 .1,199.248 60 ! 1,219', 814 (i~> 1. 577. 781 04 ! 1, 575. 940 Due from nat'lbanks 501. 197 03 Due from State banks; 340,:".)'{ 6i) i 3HP, 990 09 471,322 41 ; 473, 501 370,284 89 375,427 94 Keal estate, &c 387, 246 74 384 ';35 90, 244 03 76, 200 35 I Current expenses 111.454 54 45,091 11. 59, 533 81,320 30 83, !70 24 ! Premiums paid 11(5,617 05 135,721 82 140,018 290,491 84 Cash items 21G, 273 04 204, 315 77 j 326, 612 Clear'g-house exch'gs 175,614 00 259, 016 00 Bills of other banks.. 270,631 00 244, 8'rA 00 291,083 00 1, 854 05 1,047 59 Fractional currency. l,(il;6 11 1, 786 01 1, 028 02 Trade dollars 1, 058, 235 62 j 1,189,973 81 j 1,117,370 3.5 I 1,014,562 64 959,155 36 Specie 667, 122 00 ! Legal-tender notes . . 735,892 00 744,058 00 744, GO 4 00 j 783, 5.15 00 TJ S. cert's of deposit 50,059 1(5 ; 50, 7:57 00 I 5 %fimd wiih Tivas. J 43,649 20 45, 887 00 45, 873 50 19.97L 02 ! D ue from TJ. S. T rcas ; 3.0,775 26 I 18, 394 42 1 14,177 46 18, 907 40 Total ! 17,17b, LUG 30 17,729,275 00 : Lfc, 4'jli, <;;7 (Ji) , 19,901.831 73 j 20, l>'jj, i'.i'.i GO REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER. OF THE CURRENCY. CCXI by States and reserve' cities-~-(jonuuuitCu KANSAS. DECEMBER 24. Liabilities. ~ 75~lmiks. Capital stock JUNE 3. AUGUST 27 89 b a n k * . 9.'S h : \ r i k s $5,145, 400 00 $5,39.2, 100 00 851,726 45 8°0 71') r>~> 519, 5U0 1,535,930 00 1, 522, 775 00 Undivided profits Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation M Alini 1. 79 biuiks 9, 683 57 Dividends unpaid .$"», 8GJ,950 0J 1, 532, 090 00 8, 274 47 5, 729 88 246, 534 54 2G4 0(i4 03 202, 854 59 297,758 10 2-1, 691 83 257, 026 83 G5 5-4 903 33 632, 478 01 31,000 00 40. 000 00 5 coo 00 21.521 91 19, G93, 54G 93 22.182, 299 79 402 92 24, 303, 295 66 194, 709 87 174, 774 54 274, 295 G7 Note? re-discounted.. 708,783 70 739, 221 85 - 8(5, 503 79 19, 5C8, 395 53 m NBBR A Nat'l hank circulation State bank circulation 1, 6S6, 810 00 12, fin 1,124 83 187, 107 78 .1.03, 057 77 200, 3G5 GO 80 b a n k s •1, 13 24 SKA. S3 b a n k s . 90 banks $6,143,900 00 $0, 3!0, 000 00 $0,012,500 00 9G3,25G 15 P37, 992 88 1,103,705 529,438 10 45 7*9, '138 61 1,830,885 00 1, 636, 235 00 1,572.225 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits ' 7cr>, 425 45 077 8 0 Due to State banks. . Capital stock 613 041 56 1 G01 810 00 3, 840 37 11, 593, 5:--7 2215. 5.".. 1 iu5,8J ;J 85 Due to national banks 77 b a n k s . $6,7;;2,100 00 872 29 41 167 1G-) 900 66 9, 880, G42 120,059 190, 247 9,815,311. 98 155, 32G 32 181, 903 02 Total 98 b a n k s . 100 00 tpfj () 1 '• Individual deposits.. U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis. ©ulcers Bills payable OCTOIJEB 7. 88 b a n k s . $7 Vc9> 900 00 1 •*7 1&3 900 00 0! 589. 073 74 1,107.285 86 03.1, 399 35 1 66:'., HGO 00 1,002, GGO 00 Dividends unpaid. . . 358 00 530 00 40.1 00 6.;0 00 025 00 Individual deposits . . U. S. deposit s Dop"ts U.S.dis.ofliccrs 10, 788,190 47 170, 983 53 25G, 79.1 G4 11, 720, 872 85 222,174 191, 240 4.J 13,423. 189 255, 62:! to 1GG, 249 19 14 480, i 2:J 78 280 159, 119 14,214,337 51 317. 589 20 134,206 40 Due to national banks 1, 692, 933 29 1,518,852 31 1, G28, 926 17 :> 001, Due to State banks... 1, 089,196 61 1, 290, 899 27 1, G37, 358 ;-7 1 700, .199 54 1, 5 3 6 , 5 1 1 Notes re-discounted - - 2, 061, 074 71 1, 803,453 92 1,029,409 4S G77, 5S3 61 9'-.Q, 507 62 20 40 G <i\ 5 000 00 7' 10 000 00 25, 855, 9G9 12 26, 3:<8, 401 38 ;;9, G75, OGG GO Bills payable Total COLO $2,135, 000 00 Surplus fund . . . Undivided pvoiits — 003, 600 00 612, uM 05 ISTat'l hank circulation State bank circulation 1,013,070 00 2(57 00 Dividends unpaid 2V !=:;:ilc. I?;; 1, 010, 04') 'J0 i,-m 00 10, 892. 601 $2, 4 3 5 , ()('!) 00 s::« v -. ; > f i o {"•:» > M . ei'.JO 973, 537 82 840, 083 56 83... 5S'"> 12 D u e t o Stato b a n k s . . 921, 9!0,5:;:> ^7,r,r.i .11 14, 945 ::5, LTO Bills payable Total KU/J5 17 b a n k s . $2,435,000 00 H 1.1. -152. ::f)0 -123. C;:< (•'.} '° 0074 804, 800 00 5.»G, 381 45 00 914,050 00 i"*i0 758 00 Due to national banks }•:.' 25 41.5 too 00 <!\) 10, 2G7, 933 2! 8, 602 80 117, 096 74 Notes re-discounted. 72 1, HQ7>, 684 41 7 banks 5. G : • ; ! • Indiv ".dual deposits - . U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.otLieers 2-18 62 .•TO/ : • - , 54 It- \ D O . $2, 335, 000 O'J S32, 900 on :o 091. 45') 2G batiks 25 bauks Capital stock 37 or-o "•_'{ 97:-; 00 ):: j 14, 446 58 il 496 01 45 67 I, 447 00 75 37:.', 578 G9 75,417 02 !2, W7.-.'.:>:•< 1 070 098 40 1,041,869 94 4;l 821,540 75 0'J i:;, 050 00 s , l 7;1. 2), 003,493 60 • 5 , . ; •V, • 1 *){> i . r c o 00 . 17. 3 7.-', 2"G :,» i7.72i>.l'7:> ();) i:» CCXII REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged NEVADA. DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. $299, 925 86 40, 000 00 $271, 098 80 25, 000 00 $2*9, 783 39 25, 000 00 $249, 703 95 25, 000 00 $259, 680 63 25, 000 00 AUGUST 27. OCTOBER 7. Resources. Loans and discounts Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits XT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks and b'ds Due from res'veag'ts. Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house excn'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. U. §. cert" 8 of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. Due from U. S. Treas 8, 532 15 7, 562 25 8, 068 95 10, 824 88 3, 725 69 9,598 90 8, 288 86 1,855 14 2, 025 00 313 40 8, 038 38 33, 435 69 7, 588 09 11, 512 78 9,114 86 4, 329 59 2, 025 00 517 30 18, 654 88 16, 000 61 1,453 72 8, 726 28 9,114 86 1. 060 08 2, 025 00 431 80 2, 540 00 20 96 1, 250 00 45 92 1, 230 00 50 11 1, 210 00 51 90 40, 025 45 4,613 00 53, 562 83 810 00 58,419 40 1, 302 00 61, 244 >95 951 00 1, 800 00 1,125 00 075 00 1,125 00 1,125 00 1,125 00 406, 467 78 389, 799 03 394, 297 69 432, 630 45 1,534 24 8, 288 86 4,458 23 3, 225 00 406 45 1,510 29 68 28,048 989 Total 00 45 00 29 00 408,138 83 21, 284 19, 359 12, 035 15, 827 9, 114 2, 529 2, 025 1,190 93 22 00 93 86 68 00 05 CALIFORNIA. 16 banks. Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits... U.S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks1and b'ds Due from res ve ag'ts Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses . . . Premiums paid Gash items Clear'^-house exch'gs Bills of other baaka.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit 5 % fund with Treas. Due from U. S. Treas. Total j $6, 738, 689 95 910, 500 00 60, 000 00 23, 250 00 379, 292 62 793, 427 00 198, 607 24 184, 007 26 346,817 39 61,403 62 89, 087 84 196, 307 49 51, 933 00 303 38 1, 237, 546 85 67,164 00 38, 772 50 6,110 00 11,373,220 14 CITY $2, 356,438 37 600, 000 00 Other stocks and b'da Due from res'veag'ts. Due from nat; 1 banks. Due from State banks Real estate, Sec Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-houae exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal -tender notes... F .ft.(-errs of deposit 5 % fund with Treas. Dnefrom U.S.Treas Total 01 00 00 00 24 60 49 40 65 57 06 59 33, 265 00 530 84 1, 322,032 40 71, 555 00 41, 334 50 1, 550 00 11, 337, 964 35 OP S A N 1 bank. Loans and discounts Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits . . TT.S. bonds on h a n d . . 16 banks. $6, 535, 692 935, 500 50,000 41,700 335, 839 889, 675 294, 896 194, 013 350, 423 41, 693 87, 969 110, 293 1 bank. $2, 297, 364 78 600, 000 00 17 banks. 21 b a n k s . $7, 237,138 20 913, 000 00 50, 000 00 36,200 00 343,133 73 919,178 01 415, 686 89 242, 669 01 420, 255 06 62, 299 21 94,230 06 99,192 99 $8, 770,787 69 1,048 000 00 50^ 000 00 32, 400 00 417, 930 99 866,303 97 359, 993 10 445, 492 75 468,073 58 55,212 18 108, 245 85 90,147 73 71,828 00 1,133 65 60,238 00 1, 437 67 1, 370, 512 42 173,872 00 40, 012 50 2,220 00 12,388,455 32 1, 374, 367 28 196,207 00 43, 734 50 3, 080 00 45,924 50 2,120 00 13, 802, 318 96 14, 392, 882 29 FRANCISCO. 1 bank. 1 bank. $2,413,783 43 600, 000 00 $2, 272,157 36 600, 000 00 i | 2 banks. $3, 390, 583 40 650, 000 00 375, 000 00 31, 563 08 68,307 13 192,136 95 79, 336 07 905 08 11,514 60 452 44 54, 870 23 1, 630 00 18 80 47,574 09 110, 646 15 236, 955 85 79,106 75 2, 095 83 6,000 00 7, 855 47 173, 274 24 76, 656 07 427 30 5, 700 00 56, 506 99 540 00 9 58 210, 930 99 1, 265 00 5 31 57,095 19 10, 090 00 9 21 528, 605 00 428 00 707, 280 00 1, 848 00 400,810 00 0, 595 00 27,000 00 27, 000 00 27, 000 00 27, 000 00 27, 000 00 3, 830, 928 71 3,863,807 81 • 6, 072, 605 78 4, 051, 906 61 ; $8, 265, 032 34 1, 023, 000 00 50, 000 00 60, 700 00 393, 588 78 754,184 04 452,165 11 459, 869 99 460, 032 80 41, 173 77 116,184 50 62,227 06 66, 315 00 419 05 1, 352, 646 61 93, 859 00 22 b a n k s . 4,109,607 16 32, 834 73, 694 120,420 76, 656 540 5,400 96 32 43 07 10 00 59, 037 40 13,311 55 85, 247 80 76, 656 07 2, 713 52 5, 200 00 103,467 16 2, 535 00 12 95 • 615, 340 00 1,189 00 1,175, 930 00 13, 358 00 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. OCX ITT by States and reserve cities—Continued. NEVADA. Liabilities. DECEMBER 24. MARCH 1. JUNE 3. AUGUST 27 OCTOBER 7 3 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 bank. 1 back. $75,000 00 $100,000 00 $100, 000 00 $100, 000 00 $100,000 00 25, 000 00 16, 567 66 25, 000 00 11,914 02 25, 000 00 15, 998 44 30, O00 00 6, 352 25 30, 000 00 9, 523 09 35, 920 00 21, 680 00 22,480 00 22, 4S0 00 22,480 00 213,817 63 231,180 81 243, 575 52 232, 507 21 220, 494 52 Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided, profits Nat'l 'bank circulation State bank, circulation Dividends unpaid Individual deposits.. IT. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.officers Due to national banks 10 564 19 Due to State banks. -. 29, 598 30 23 60 1,084 87 898 23 132 84 406,467 78 389,799 03 408,138 83 394, 297 69 432, 630 45 50 000 00 jSTotes re'discounted Bills payable Total C ALIPORNI A. 16 b a n k s . 16 b a n k s . $2, 350, 000 00 Capital stock j $2, 350, 000 00 .17 banks. 21 b a n k s . 22 banks. $2, 783, 500 00 \ $2, 885, 000 00 $2, 375, 000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 556,434 S7 437,436 43 588,933 50 j 354,461. 03 I 594,933 59 450,788 63 645,401 13 | 388, 742 78 : 66'i, 401 13 441, 293 65 N a t ' l bank circulation State b a n k circulation 808, 670 00 | 822, 030 00 j 798, 580 00 i 850, 020 00 1 894, 720 00 Dividends unpaid 5, 472 1,765 25 j 5,051 00 1,622 75 ; 6,953, 171 62 : 7,002,275 11 '. 8, 929, 076 40 : 40^ 014 05 ! 20,245 IS 34. 270 05 ; 1,725 00 ; 8 00 \. ; 6, 905,147 83 j 16, 475 84 \ Individual d e p o s i t s . . U. S. deposits .'?, 039 50 0,251.635 10 38, 675 73 D e p ' t s U.S.dis. officers 156, 511 43 j 112, 268 3G i 95,2-12 98 j 21, 436 95 | 54, 452 47 140, 798 49 I 104, 712 35 ! 142, 042 08 j 105,010 81 I 150,164 71 33,680 75 \ j 5, 500 00 I 11,337,904 35 j 12,388,455 32 j 13,802,318 90 j 8, 000 00 D u e to national b a n k s D u e to State b a n k s . . Notes re-discounted. Bills payable Total 11, 373,220 14 CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. 1 bauk. Capital stock $1, 500, 000 00 237, 520 48 Surplus fund 92, 270 95 Undivided profits 539, 590 00 ! Nat'lbank circulation I State bank circulation|. Dividends unpaid 5, 500 00 14,392,882 29 1 bank. $1,500,000 00 j 1 bank. $1,500, 000 00 | $1,500,000 00 2 bnnks. $2,500,000 00 240, 7L1() 06 ! 86, 894 75 21'?, 720 00 | 95,186 94 j 247, 970 35 85, 449 44 247, 970 35 121' 573 39 515, 520 00 530, 220 00 509,160 00 408, 500 00 1, 204 00 2,408 00 1, 330 25 I Individual deposits... U. S. deposits Dep'ts IJ.S.dis. officers 1,386,333 95 3,190,285 42 1,106, 636 20 ij Due to national banks 156,015 03 438, 058 70 207, 606 35 223,391 22 ; 409, 086 87 Due to State banks.. 138, 972 20 129,720 23 146, 228 91 175, 559 74 j 330,106 67 1,896 50 1, 120, 440 56 1,896 50 1, 903, 412 00 \YYY//YYY\\\\VYYYY''"'""YY''''' ]S"ote» re-di»countedBills payable Total 4,051,900 01 ! 4,109,007 10 I 3, K30, 028 71 3,803,807 81 6, 072, 005 78 CCXTV R E P O R T OF TT1F COMPTPOj .l/HR OF T H E CUKKKN'CY. Abstract of rcjU'Vls since October j , 1885, arranged O RE GO N . : DECEMI5EH 2 4 . Resources. U banks. Loans and diss-o^nls $2, 3 •:>. 4 47 Bondsforcireuialion : 49!'. 9• :i Bonds for drposits . . ' r>s.iu <;•< n U . S . bonds on hand ! 41, }•'•<» O t h e r s t o c k s and Wds 435. I -7 D u e f r o m r e s ' v c n u ' U '• 271.4'2 . D u e from n a t ' l b a n k s j l(»7. 12V D u o from S t a t e b a n k s 21 ">. Of' i R e a l estate, Sec i 2«)S. (}5> ' Current expenses....i 37, 0' 1 • P r e m i u m s paid ... - . . ; 30, \ 75 Cash i t e m s ; 20:!J3i Clear'LT-housoexch'gs Bills of oilier b a n k s . J .12. 4 GO < Fractional currency I 727 Trad*» dollars-.. Specie 693, 735 Legal-tender notes . . 10,178 TJ. S. cert s of deposit. 5 % fund with '1 ivaa 22, 493 Due from 17. S. Treas. 1, 030 Total OCTOTSEIi 7 . MA IIC11 1. 12 I).. IS U s . (is 1 'I, M i l ' Uv m (0 4:'.! ; - 0 571. I8u 17.!. 41!', 2 H , H'.-t *JS7, «'»-.:i 2i2,S'S!> 2 5 , Tit. i 10 ci 9 1<; 10 03 : 45 . 10 j 210, 223, 224, 52, 74, 20, ::8,0>8 02 ' 700, 4'J9 70 j 17,502 00 i 23,018 00 ; 3,010 00 i 6,133,283 27 ; 46 banks. 50 banks. D AKO I'O (;;;5 s.5 ; 8i-' (i6 ! l::0 03 i CiTT 1 8 i 12.S 2 4 (>!.0, 0 , 0 00 i ;-u0 CO 05:)! 024 92 208 3.!2 588 331 34 64 43 19 43 09 03 'yr] 71 I 57 42 5i 273,850 370, 802 571,574 145, Ml ;"06, 905 83, 110 79 550 83,4r7 ,31)1 00 875 8;; I , iiOl) 00 012 42 32, 995 00 540 81 579, WO 10 19, 510 00 585, 058 lo 44, IJ47 0U 631,149 20 42, 216 00 25, 306 50 1, 590 00 , 293 00 175 00 27,043 00 105 00 6, 025, 309 09 7,001,012 St j 51 banks. 52 b a n k s . 08 j 94 ! 12 j 61 ! 54 j 50 ; 08 i 21 | 272, 484 21 307, 101 02 461,322 63 145.539 47 573, 798 53 73.174 31 80,207 19 83, 505 (58 291, 730 00 436, 111 15 873,679 33 221,587 09 578, 700 92 108, 028 92 85, 9 57 20 109, 513 95 1.28, 3°8 09 3,008 91 19 00 321,280 90 209, 597 00 169.163 00 2,702 50 150,045 00 3,014 08 240. 206 70 ! 3il. 532 00 ! 301,704 01 | 277, 952 00 | 313, 637 05 254, 078 00 35,385 90 4,771 99 9,058,410 51 | 52 banks. $5, 209, 593 15 872, 250 00 250, 000 00 229, 198 91 328, 346 78 500,776 74 134,813 SO 5!j(), 321 82 133,712 93 80,598 85 147,097 92 115,100 00 ' 3,780 99 | Total 7,580,349 37 T A. 183, 087 00 3,382 25 34, 823 00 0, 847 99 05 00 00 00 70 00 34 32 60 89 2(5 08 >. 800 01 >,102 01 $5, 070, 396 88 i 55,291,919 56 , $5,374,561 61 ! 849,1.00 00 | 840. 000 00 i 872, 250 00 ! 225, 0U0 00 i 225, 000 00 i 250, OuO 00 325, 923 433, 082 720,305 171,485 538,323 117,4^0 74,409 05, 009 $3, 5(14, 450 624, 0(10 1500. (-00 7, 800 782, 084 300, 435 312,509 295,210 228, 103 41,088 100, 950 49, 002 (ii)5 42 • 10, cm 00 624 CO 5,509,070 73 Loans and discounts Bonds forcirculation Bonds for deposits . . i >U. S. bonds on hand. J Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've a.^'ts. I Due from n a t ' l b a n k s ! Due from State banks Real estate. <fcc Current expenses ! Premiums paid ' Cash items Clear ^-houso exch'^s Bills of other banks... Fractional currency Trade dollars *.. Specie notes . . IT. S. cert's of deposit 5% fund with Treas. Due from IT. S. Treas. 18 b a n k s . 18 b;:i' 317, 257 53 341, 528 00 30, 318 00 1, 747 09 37,053 19 1, 251 40 37,511 19 1, 660 00 9,254,657 13 | 9,201,513 05 9, 907, 013 93 IDAHO Loans and discounts. Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits TJ. S. bonds on hand Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts Duo from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, «fcc Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear^-house exch'gs Bills of other banks". Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . . TJ S cert's of deposit 5% fund with Treas Due fromTJ. S. Treas Total 5 banks. 5 banks. ti b a n k s . 6 banks. 0 banks. $347, 171 09 ,i 92, 800 00 $379. 755 99 92. 800 00 $420, 574 03 105, 300 00 $452, 592 16 105, 300 00 $485, 917 63 105, 300 00 84, 521 50 7, 472 38 55, 793 02 37, 008 01 24, 343 31 i (5, 857 09 15, 059 29 i() 9 4 0 75 90, 205 13, 305 35,047 32, 015 24,737 12,008 .15,874 14 757 95, 726 23, 674 48, 382 33, 259 25, 339 14,512 17, 208 *> 434 75 41 34 64 67 56 44 10 108. 307 70 10,192 36 60, 244 22 32, 808 59 25, 703 30 11,099 93 17, 384 05 V> 457 90 116,986 14, 059 64, 705 44, 640 26, 689 14, 729 17, 112 19 599 48 26 76 72 98 83 77 Q G 34,190 00 1 77 28, 090 00 5 23 42, 600 00 11 93 47, 702 00 17 71 53 5°0 30 70, 559 00 46, 961 98 67,997 00 54 396 53 63, 698 00 69,139 05 62,157 00 31, 891 10 10 60, 088 39,152 00 18 00 56 00 3,049 50 105 00 4,174 50 4, 727 50 4,727 50 4,727 50 140 00 802/998 01 857, 802 78 977, 936 59 1,032,433 53 1,045,761 53 09 93 86 06 60 j 55 73 i *>0 REPORT OV THE no\[PTT:OLT^1? OF THE CURRENCY. CCXV //;/ Plates mid reserve cttics- •Oo»itLni!r<i. OREGON. DECEMBER 24. I Liabilities. 12 b a n k s . ! $905, 000 00 Capital stock MAKCIF 1. JUNE 3. It IKIMKS. 10 banks. 18 banks. tf 1,078, 100 00 $1, 170,000 00 $1, 310, 000 00 $1. 320,000 00 AUGUST 27 OCTOBER 7. 18 b a n k s . Surplus fund Undivided profits.... Si, (500 00 088, 707 39 i 85, 700 00 0ti5, 233 15 *•!>. 200 00 729, 420 59 91,530 07 710.985 20 92. 036 07 748, 609 40 N;if'l ban!-: circulation S*-"tc Vmk circul'it'on 370,035 00 3cv-8, 805 00 477, 360 00 472, 890 00 524, 580 00 2, 532, 595 92 ' 282, 892 252, 330 40 : 27 ' 2«';l! 152 56 217, 248 55 3,094, .109 70 329,511 44 100,851 02 224|350 20 Dividends i'"ipaid Individual deposits. . U. S. deposits Dep'ts r.S.dis.ollicers 3, 758, 792 379, j<7;{ 3,091,908 60 398. 830 2f> 1.00J 195 57 Due to national banks 199,447 45 232, 147 27 307, 476 90 345,917 10 359, 020 21 Due to Stilt ( banks... 109,981 20 : 238, 284 0 6 267,318 85 301. 207 97 278, 353 77 20 420 R0 B i l l s "t**5 v*il)1<* 5, 509, 070 Total 6, 133, 283 DAK Capital stock 6 149 r i0 200 41 0, 025, 309 09 oT 7, 001, 612 81 7, 580, 349 37 A. $2, 025, 450 00 $2, 790, 000 00 $2, 907, 100 00 $3,010,500 00 $3, 015, 500 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 500, 598 35 404, 755 34 525. 738 49 .19 13 521,210 209, 024 GS 521,210 35 341,310 47 Nat'l bank circulation State bank circulation 091,710 00 715, 920 00 733, 020 00 775, 210 00 779.190 00 950 00 2, 015 00 250 00 7, 415 00 3, 294 81 3, 958, 097 123,842 06 49, 700 4,142,491 .121,447 Of) 39, 502 {,110,513 18 171,077. 64 30, 815 19 3, 928. r,JW 80 15)7, 031 50 23. 987 32 4, 585, 037 93 190, 088 09 13, 601 78 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits .. U. S. deposits Dop'tsU.S.dis.otfieers Due to national banks 47,128 39 57, 874 78 47, 988 73 Duo. to State banks..- 179, 872 31 139, 320 20 127, 343 26 118,805 01 188,796 57 Notes re-discounted. - 134", 42!) 2 3 273, 434 02 218, 809 6 5 281,402 3 3 192, 290 57 l> Bills pa vable Total 8,717,1015 22 9, 058, 4 10 51 57, 703 1 5 ; 10 0"3 " 5 5 000 Of) 9, 254, 057 13 I ! 00,464 11 15 0 9 3 9,201,513 05 9,907,013 93 0 banks. 6 banks. IDAH o. 5 banks. r> b a n k s . 0 banks. $300,000 00 $300,000 00 $35',), 000 00 Surplus fund Undivided profits 21,000 00 70, 764 51 21,000 00 55,4.15 61 21,000 (10 ! (57, 155 84 i 21,000 00 i 74,444 98 21,000 00 82, 880 61 Nat'l bank circulation State bank oireulatior 59, 770 00 09, 000 00 88, 295 00 1 89,780 00 ; 93,300 00 Individual deposits .. U. S. deposits Dop'ts U.S.dis.oflicei> 377, 347 00 382, 309 88 419,038 05 I Due to national banks 0, 009 47 2, 495 82- 1,088 56 i Due to State banks... : 27,507 03 27, 491 47 31,359 14 857, 802 78 ; 977,930 5!) Capital stock i $350,000 00 440,839 24 $350, 000 00 460, 094 17 ! 3,817 88 : 1,703 60 52, 551 43 1 30,783 09 Notes re-discounted Bills pavable .. Total 8(52, 998 01 1,032.433 53 1,045,761 53 CCXVr REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Abstract of reports since October 1, 1885, arranged MONTANA. DECEMBER 24. Resources. MAItCII 1. JUN'E 3 . 15 b a n k s . 15 banks $6,186,570 21 15 banks. Loans and discounts. $5, 866, 809 04 439,350 00 Bonds for circulation Bonds for deposits... 200, 000 00 IT. S. bonds on hand 440, 120 72 Other stocks and b'ds 427.453 18 Due from res've ag'ts 406, 332 05 Due froinnat'l banks. 193,575 01 Due from State banks 299,917 5*5 Real estate, <fee '96, 0l>2 43 Current expenses 52,602 13 Premiums paid 80, 785 81 Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs 80, 932 00 Bills of other banks.. 039 41 Fractional currency Trade dollars. .. 6G0 805 w> Specie 450, 073 00 Legal-tender notes .. TL S. cert's of deposit. 19, 277 50 5 % fund with Treas. 3, 646 54 Due from U. S. Treas. 9, 718, 922 03 Total $5, 660, 450 76 441,850 0 0 200, 000 00 513, 878 504, 595 407, 180 278, 888 330, 2(30 28, 203 51, 521 104,(9!) 443, 100 0 0 200, 000 00 71 44 445, 905 360, 460 377, 889 382, 065 326, 642 59, 040 51,003 110 006 56 91 83 10 76 35 71,500 00 42o 70 OCTOBER 7 AUGUST 2 7 - 98 59 24 91 MJ) 75 16 frt 103, 116 00 8 8 0 77 - - • - • 16 b a n k s . 16 b a n k s . $6, 088, 818 41 455, 600 00 200, 000 00 $6,417,859 75 455, 600 0 0 200, 000 00 497, 778 636, 864 733, 564 431,451 331,641 22, 273 55, 200 198 ;J96 98 33 39 30 24 76 57 531,149 539, 583 737,284 428, 458 352, 496 45, 874 67, 748 125 072 71, 197 602 2 770 k:)O7 402! 101 00 54 flr> 87 99 01 38 90 63 62 70 00 164, 067 00 455 85 j 00 777 158 10 405,582 00 19,807 59 2,113 00 20, 399 00 5, 597 69 19, 899 00 7,597 69 10, 24.5, 560 32 10, 921, 715 91 11, 275, 889 49 620 54(5 8'-! 428. 928 00 789 077 ;'f> 380, 567 0 0 19, 835 50 856 79 9, 663, 083 24 00 0T NEW MEXICO. 8 banks. Loans and discounts $1, 540, 857 97 42a, 000 00 Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits^.. 210, 000 0 0 U. S. bonds on band.. 75, 527 15 Other stocks and b'ds 201, 013 74 Due from res've ag'ts 520, 41M 19 Due from nafl banks. 63, 271 94 Due from State banks 164,806 77 Real estate, <fec 30, C76 89 Current expenses 8,138 0 8 Premiums paid 28, 607 25 Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs 31,478 00 Bills of other banks.. 1,066 85 Fractional currency. 1 00 Trade dollars 146, 826 Specie 101,440 00 Legal-tender notes .. TJ. S. cert's of deposit. 18, 602 00 5 % fund with Treas. Due from U. S. Treas. 3, 567, 898 04 Total 8 banks. 8 banks. 8 banks. $1, 605, 808 60 425, i)00 00 210,000 00 $1,584,2] 3 43 437, 500 00 2.10, 000 00 $1, 492. 918 44 450,000 00 2L0, 000 00 $1, 564,177 49 800, 000 00 210, 000 00 63,134 51 130,421. 23 412,041 75 56, (520 26 170, 579 09 24, 8i)l 18 8, 044 33 19,404 60 68, 2fi) 75 2f.'O, 81'6 77 .'512,118 11 49,819 87 16S, 007 67 36,182 02 7, 100 97 13 007 39, C,61 44 IHK), 9.57 52 352. 548 93 86, i2'.i 59 173, 286 83 15, 561 41 6, 538 68 14 '"93 11 39, 207 148, 786 377, 700 69,871 174, 903 26. 146 13,846 17, 118 66 21,613 1,073 1 124,717 77,120 00 71 9 banks. 24 82 87 48 54 75 71 39 41, 236 00 904 03 61, 055 00 777 62 00 131 875 45 85, <J19 00 161 03845 96^ 061 0 0 18,612 00 4, 840 00 19, 686 5 0 1, 520 0 0 18, 606 50 400 00 12, 696 50 3,500 00 3,392,151 33 3, 332, 877 0 6 3,329,210 93 3, 270, 994 86 1,139 62 1 00 157, 391 16 67, 104 00 00 '{(I UTAH. 6 banks. Loans and discounts Bonds for circulation. Bonds for deposits... LJ S bonds on hand Other stocks and b'ds Due from res've ag'ts Due from nat'l banks Due from State banks Real estate, &c Current expenses Premiums paid Cash items Clear'g-house exch'gs Bills of other banks.. Fractional currency. Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes .. TJ. 3. cert's of deposit. 5 % fund with Treas. Due from TJ. S. Treas. Total 6 banks. $1,429, 587 10 437, 500 00 100, 000 00 14,000 00 312,811 10 95, 756 75 215, 201 24 150, 360 19 111,214 24 19, 076 28 30,437 98 7, 904 27 $1,398,143 437, 500 100, 000 14, 000 313, 026 139,416 246, 231 126,947 123,643 14, 378 22, 937 7,638 30, 620 00 44 86 19, 021 230 8 362,185 52, 468 334, 399 90 42, 055 00 7 banks. 6 banks. 7 banks. $1,694,393 22 437, 500 00 100,000 00 $1,733,912 25 400, 000 00 100,000 00 00 96 56 17 01 40 98 30 244, 527 145,794 114,268 78, 546 123, 723 16, 842 44, 495 7,402 27 63 70 00 91 28 48 71 204, 944 279, 808 383, 077 86, 494 124,905 19, 360 52, 885 7,798 17 79 08 88 33 35 57 00 30 18,144 337 10 298, 524 27,083 00 14 30, 893 515 15 307, 341 37,172 00 74 00 10 00 23 00 00 400, 000 00 100, 000 00 00 00 15 00 00 15 0U 0 0 19, 687 50 18,497 50 19, 687 50 17,437 50 3, 350, 656 41 3, 396, 272 56 3, 371, 279 99 3, 786, 561 09 $1, 820, 584 96 204, 376 07 154, 786 85 311,973 73 134,753 85 124,921 93 28, 249 13 52, 385 57 6 461 40 24,180 00 75 56 15 00 375 188 05 36, 336 00 17, 999 50 3,792 257 60 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY by States and reserve cities—Continued. MONTANA Liabilities. | DECEMBER 24. i MARCH 1. JUSB 3. I 15 banks. 15 b a n k s . Capital stock . . . Surplus fund j Undivided profits i Natl bank circulationState bank circulation |. 15 banks. ' $1, 810, 000 00 ' $1, 810, 000 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits... U. S. deposits .' Dep'ts U.S.dis. officers 302,180 00 31)0,420 00 | 16 banks. j 1._ OCTOBER 7. 16 b a n k s . 1151,821,500 00 | $1, 847, 500 00 I 319, 420 00 : 700, 322 6- i ! 300,820 00 ' $1, 863, 500 00 333,125 00 ! fci'0, 53(i 80 333,125 00 803, 307 95 380, 330 00 309, 500 00 I 5, 729, 406 81 90,150 07 81, 908 82 5,841,522 56 79, 570 25 92,776 17 6, 277, 988 25 i 79, 957 48 ! 80,387 62 | 246, 676 42 279, JJOU 91 277,429 77 \ 90, 503 54 50,169 63 100,812 11 154, 313 75 122, 964 41 97, 928 47 Due to State banks... Bills payable Total 819, 300 00 676, 459 111 AUGUST 27. -I- Due to national banks Notes re-discounted.. 298, 000 00 825,551 27 ; I I 22'8 35 I 9, 718, 922 03 9, 663, 083 24 6,703,765 17 104, 572 32 6. 079,137 03 92, 187 85 76, .103 74 65,016 77 •189, 233 05 503, 216 46 77,550 57 107, 850 91 72,080 50 46, c()2 48 10, 245, 566 32 ! 10, 921, 715 91 j 11,275, 880 49 NEW MEXICO. 8 banks. Capital stock j Surplus fund ! Undivided profits ! JKi at/1 bank circulation! State bank circulation | Dividends unpaid Individual deposits. -. U. S. deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.oflicers Due to national banks Due to State banks... Xotes re-discounted.. Bills payable.. Total j $700, 000 00 ! 8 banks. 8 hanks. $700, 000 00 ' $750, 000 00 j j 8 banks. • 0 banks. $800, GOO 00 $825, 000 00 163,226 46 j 64,182 01 | 163, 226 46 . 53,450 40 169, 126 4,(5 j 70,700 14 ; 168,171 46 43,437 10 161108 81 52, 5liO 88 380,270 00 | 380,400 00 ; 301,270 00 j 302, 880 00 252,080 00 240 00 80 00 235,121 69 820 00 1,500 00 1, 380, 347 02 : 1,478,542 82 144, 640 95 ! 132,036 42 52, 096 50 • 61,033 51 1,538,717 08 137.465 54 40,881 15 448 00 1, 748, 912 27 ' 1,633,288 81 112, 940 73 122,621 27 82, 633 81 80, 507 01 141, 606 IS I 101,096 53 150,812 26 152, 435 78 82, 250 10 | 95,120 01 68,217 36 40, 520 83 41,184 69 ! 76,212 46 ; 23, 360 00 64,733 89 3,3:9,210 93 3, 270, 094 86 i 58, 817 33 5, 000 00 3, 567, 898 04 ...... j 3,392,151. 33 | 4, 000 00 ' 3,~332, 8 7 7 06"i UTAH. Capital stock Surplus fund Undivided profits Xat'l bank circulation State bank circulation! 6 banks. 6 banks. 6 brinks. $800, 000 00 $800, 000 00 $800, 000 00 274, 500 00 94,195 67 289, 500 00 66,466 08 289,ttH)00 302 r>00 00 1] 4,37(5 89 302, 750 00 130. 578 13 320, 560 00 312, 030 00 | 318,120 ou .; 206, 230 00 303,110 00 Dividends unpaid In dividual deposits. -. U S deposits Dep'ts U.S.dis.onicers 661 00 1, 821 00 1,400 00 1, 754, 292 55 26,115 80 47,834 17 1, 765, 648 85 9, 209 78 47, 864 00 1, 704, 437 lit 7 5, 707 50 15, 505 10 Due to national banks 16, 477 47 33, 209 17 Due to State banks... 16,019 75 69, 622 78 3, 350, 656 41 3, 396, 272 56 I 7 banks. 7 banks. $832,990 00 $837,175 00 2, 029 00 -. 274 00 2. 068. <")(/.") (',;» 43,340 70 ' 53, 075 75 ; 2, 048. 151 5 7 41, 435 42 40, 730 73 31, 885 38 30, 087 13 j 50, 466 97 18,411 04 34, 316 03 ! 11, 579 78 3, 371, 279 99 3, 786, 561 09 | Xotes re-discounted.. i Total 3, 702, 257 60 (.•TXVIIJ REPORT OV T U E COMVTU.OXJAVl OV TFITO CURRENCY. Abstracts of reports since October .1, 1885, arranged WASHINGTON. j l)ECE.\;i'.EK 24. I MALIC El 1. ' JUNE 3. AUc.rsT27. I 17 b a n k s . . 17 l ^ u k s . 18h:;nks. OCTOUKU 7. Resources. 10 b a n k s . Loans and discounts. | $2,030,570 12 $2, 101, 076 88 . $2, 2i>3, 037 71 r.ondsforeireulntion. 1 430,000 00 442, ";00 00 300, Ouo 00 I>onds for de-posits . J l r . S.bonds oil h a n d , .j ', - 5", 000 00 ()ther stocks and b'ds80,410 51 70, 907 11 ; 102,028 8! Due from res'veati'ts i 1.85,728 3:: 133,873 11 208,<iS--08 I ' u e f r o m n a t ' l banks 119, 7S3 MI 1.27, 10] OS *_'7T, 30-1- 10 i )ne from State l»anks 57, 151 82 H'4,000 38 .-<». !)TH 21 Real estate, &c 151, 50135 157, SKso 7f .163,022 74 Cunviitexpo-nscH.--. 33,358 21 21,8i(i70 4:i f :i7:iSl Premiums paid 02, s>100 (i3,00S2l. 63,233 22 Cash items 22,(390 30 2i,9'»7 30 18,200 54 23, 077 00 102 42 Bills of other banks ^. 1'Va.ctional eurrencv T r a d e dollars Specie , Leual-tend(r notes .. 307,007 07 15,720 00 of dope i". S . ( 5 ° 6 fund withTreas. 1 Due iVomU. S. Treas.' Total i ]8,4".O 00 709 00 3,630,176 83 17,501 00 185 54 313,430 00 23, 071 00 19,372 00 . 540 00 3,715,71.0 80 18 b a n k s . $2,435,074 05 : 402, 500 00 : #.i,4-24. 074 29 4:<2, 500 00 33, 7'..'{ 00 141 13 2 00 342,340 25 18,575 00 10,079 50 510 00 51). Oi'O 00 , 1 :;:<,(>;<8 22 • 278,505 41 2i),5i0 0 0 : (U,285()3 .171, 107 00 14,570 47 : 00,510 80 12,010 03 50.000 00 130,378 42 239,04139 280, 7(>8 30 174,955 91 150, 013 00 28,103 52 71,178 5-; 26,091 46 | 28, 014 210 2 381, GJj:{ 10, 024 23,052 00 • • 2.10 79 300,359 90 23, 703 00 18, 111 50 1,550 (10 ": 4, 100,578 70 < 4,200,209 24 00 03 00 '...' 25 00 18,111 50 1,350 00 4,457,75153 WYOMIN G. ! 5 banks. Loans and discounts. $2,070,840 18 Bonds for circulation 155,000 00 Bonds for deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks and b'dsj 54, 700 60 Due from res've a^'tsj 243, 780 87 Due from nat'l banks. 129, 121 44 Due from Sta to banks 7, 547 43 Real estate, Sec . 38,750 04 Current expenses 40,011 43 Premiums paid 10, 300 25 Cash items 14,403 36 Clear'ii'-housoexch'gs Bills of other banks 29, 708 00 .Fractional currency. 213 16 Trade dollars ".. 8 00 43, 645 40 Specie 55,445 00 Le^.al-tender noies . . U.S. cert's of d» posit. 6,975 00 5 % fund w i t h T r e a s . 530 00 Due from. U. S. Treas. Total 3,116, 013 10 I 6 banks. 6 banks. 6 banks. | $1,895,1(55 37 | $2,087,075 91 ! $2,253,062 95 180,000 00 j 180,000 00 ; 180,000 00 62,465 20 242, 876 04 212,880 G9 21,803 19 BO, 274 09 13, 8!W 02 10,034 94 10,304 88 39, 225 00 I 204 44 ; 259, 344 25 77,7:54 00 00, 202 83 : 197,417 07 220, 70;j 77 .17,720 02 '• 40, 320 44 28, 500 88 97,313 184,715 287, 110 5,920 77 19 00 49 I ' j j 4o. 407 30 j 9, 515 32 2li 401 55 ! 18, 008 70 ! 13, 040 49 I 30,407 00 317 19 28, 255 00 1 90 44 ; 279,39:; 7;1 ! 67, 852 00 i 300, 114 04 i 48, 283 00 ! 18, o:;o 10 8,100 00 10 00 8, 100 00 i 1,000 00 j. 3, 088, 322 01 | 3, 256, 330 88 j 6 banks. $2, 334, 925 77 ! 180,000 00 I 8, LOO 00 I 3, 486, 501 73 | 98, 290 79 136,701 39 150, 022 59 5,946 14 I 40, 580 75 j 31,471 78 18, 070 86 19,254 67 23, 024 00 99 03 295,407 12 I 55, 095 00 8,100 00 3, 398, 249 89 RKVORT ny I' by Stairs' and rwrce J.V'7 ;»'• T\)V. <'ri*I-M\XV (VXIX citim—r*mf\W\VM\. W A 3 H I N G TOM. .MAKCil I. Liabilities. ,U;M: 1 7 Capital stock " * l . r , - o . >-.;•.. Surplus finm Undivided ).n>iits . . Xat'l bank circulation 1 Statebank circulation 1 Individual deposit s ; : U. S. deposits Dcp"t.s[i.S.diH.<>ui«'f'Tsi 4liM oCTOHKU 7. 18ba-;ks. 18 bankH. 00 :•'!, !22, 5' 0 00 21 i"r.\, 2 1 2 :;:.: :!<;«fi4:'.!3 o n 4:'-8. :::;."• 2;> •l<o, 7:!i? 117 155,450 405, (j:U 07 38^,235 {,i. W.V.K 7 7 ; J On 337:')7-. i() 348, 200 00 210 3 M , 950 Dividends unpaid . . | :;. !»::•;!;••*. (50 :»3\! • 1, 552, 009 $J, 115, 000 00 . ; ? ! . ( ! . 0 . .H u «!(! (••» !, :>7«\ )X."i 27 .i() 3!0 00 .. V J J .-.»•) ...» 2. 287, 248 88 Due to national banks. 41, 8!»2 95 ! 44, 270 «::'. 50, 34.; 57 75,(1.17 54 70, 503 33 Due. to State banks... i 48. (132 50 : 58.32i; IS 48,734 23 75, !27 94 09, 404 89 Xotes re-diseount(vd. s payable Total... 8, (530,17« 83 ! 3, 715, 710 cJO I 4,100, 578 7o 4, :^H:, 201) 1M- 4,457 751 5'? WYOMING-. Capital stock I 5 banks. , j $800, HUH 00 $800, (J0^ 00 0 banks. • $iK)0, 000 00 $'000,000 00 Surplus fund Undivided p r o f i t s . . . . | 143,000 00 196,19(5 20 102,500 00 112,848 80 ; Kat'l bank circulation' State bank circulation! 130,000 00 : : 100,700 00 Dividends unpaid . . . j ; Due to national banks; 25, 058 94 | IIL 102 00 . : 12,402 50 ': 8,173 04 i Notes re-discounted — 35ills payable Total . $000, 000 00 10(5, 500 00 104, f<L»:i 02 I 1 (!6, 500 00 19:<, 103 79 !0u, 200 00 157,730 00 1(30,460 00 , 1,030,998 17 ; Due to State banks . . fi b a n k s . 102,500 00 158, 519 i0 , | 1,799,455 52 (5 batiks. $'30\i, iluc 00 $'.}Ql), 000 00 : ; ! Individual deposits. J IT. S. deposits . De p' t s u . S. di s. officers •. 0 banks. 1,749,113 71 3u() 00 ; 300 00 1,900,007 93 : 1, 7G8,104 78 6t), 228 SO , 75, 2<»4 33 08, 088 24 20,134 4 1 67,622 70 02,155 21 70, 000 00 • 39, 551 00 I 53, 053 75 i 79, 477 87 3,088.322 01 i 3,250,336 88 ; !. .1 3,110,013 16 i 3,480,501 73 3, 398, 249 89 Page. INTRODUCTION Requirements of section 333 of t h e Revised Statutes of t h e United States in detail as to Comptroller's report SUMMARY OF THE STATE AND CONDITION' O F EVERY ASSOCIATION FROM WHICH REPORTS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED THE PRECEDING YEAR, AT THE SEVERAL DATES TO WHICH SUCH REPORTS REFER A STATEJFENT OF THE ASSOCIATIONS WHOSE BUSINESS HAS BEEN CLOSED DURING THE YEAR, WITH THE AMOUNT OF THEIR CIRCULATION REDEEMED AND THE AMOUNT OUTSTANDING SUGGESTIONS AS TO AMENDMENTS TO THE LAWS BY WHICH IT IS THOUGHT THE SYSTEM MAY BKTMl'ItOVED Respecting the limitation p u t upon national banks as to their dealings in real estate and mortgages Board of directors should consist of five members besides officers of the bank Exemption from further liability of the shareholders of national banks on certain con- Ill ditions Security for circulation must be registered United States bonds, bearing interest Larger proportion of reserve to be kept on hand nearer the location of the bank Reserve on Government deposits Suggestion as to the one-tenth limit placed on loans to any person, company, corporation, or firm, as prescribed by section 5200, Revised Statutes of the United States . . . Specialization of the business of the national banks Limit of loan to ten per cent, of capital to one party to be computed upon capital and whatever surplus may be held in excess of the legal requirement Penalty for exceeding this limit Penalty prescribed by section 5209 of the Revised Statutes of the United States to be extended Legislation to protect national banks against unequal State taxation Compensation for examination of national banks to be in proportion to aggregate investments rather than to the amount of capital Appropriation for payment of supervising examiners Oaths of ofiicers ai.d directors Officer authorized to execute certificates required by law in the absence of cashier Rights of shareholders desiring to withdraw from national banks extending their corporate existence Apparent violation of section 5243 of the Revised Statutes as to the use of the word " national " Bond required by charter of the National Savings Bunk of the District of Columbia... VI VI VI VII LEGAL DECISIONS Ill IV V YI VI VI VII VII VII VIII VTTT VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IX JX IX X Reference to digest of national-bank cases in Appendix Quasi-judicial functions imposed upon the Comptroller X X STATE BANKS, SAVINGS BANKS, LOAN AND TRUST COMPANIES XI Resources, liabilities, and condition of such banks, from information received from official sources Comparison of official and unofficial information as to State banks, loan and trust companies, and savings banks PRIVATE BANKS AND BANKERS XII XIII Returns an unofficially reported by private bankers and banking firms Number of private banks, aggregate amount of capital, deposits, and investments in United States bonds for six months ending May 1, 1882 NAMES AND COMPENSATION OF OFFICERS AND CLERKS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY , XI CCXXl XIII XIII XIV CCXXII INDEX. EXPENSES OF TUB OFFICE OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CUKRENCY Contingent expenses BANKS ORGANIZED DURING THE YEAR, u r GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISIONS d u m b e r of banks, capital, bonds, and circulation XV XV XVI XVI STATEMENT OF BANKS FAILED DURING THE YEAR, DATES OF ORGANIZATION, FAILURE, AP- POINTMENT OF RECEIVER. AND CONDITION ACCORDING TO LAST REPORT Causes of failure ! ORGANIZATION, CIRCULATION, AND DISSOLUTION Requirement as to deposit of United States registered "bonds, bearing interest. Conversion of State banks i nto national banking associations Contention as to title " First National Dank " _.'. Rules of 1 he olliee governing application for such title CONVERTED AND OUJ.G FNAL BANKS Number of State banks converted, original capital, j)resent capital and surplus, such as have gone into voluntary liquidation and such as have become insolvent National banks of primary organization, capital, present capital and surplus, such as have gone into voluntary liquidation and such as have become insolvent EXTENSION OF THE CORPORATE KXISTENCE OF NATIONAL BANKS Number of banks organized under national-currency act of February 25, 1863 Number of banks organi zed under act of J'une 3, 1 HGi Dates at which surviving banks will reach the term of their corporate existence Number of banks extended under the act of July 12, 1882 Number of banks whoso corporate existence terminated during the year ending November 1, 1880 Deposit of lawful money by banks whose corporate existence expired February 25, 1883 .'...'. Number and capital of national banks the corporate existence of which was extended prior to November 1,188G Number of national banks whose corporate existence will expire during the year 1887.. REAPPRAISAL OF NATIONAL-HANK, SHARES Appeals by shareholders, under section 5 of the act of July 12, 1882 NATIONAL BANK SHAREHOLDERS Distribution of national-bank shares by States and geographical divisions, and comparison between the years 187G and 1880 Tables of same CIRCULATING NOTES Minimum deposit of bond.* required by the national banks in operation October 7,1886.. Classification of banks as to capital and circulation Comparison of banks organized during the past four years as to capital stock, bonds deposited, and circulation issued Percentage of bonds deposited over miuunum requi red XVII XVII XVIII XVIII XVIII XVIII XIX XIX XX XXI XXII XXII XXII XXII XXII XXII XXIII XXIII XXIV XXIV XXIV XXtV XXV XXVI XXX XXX XXX XXX XXXI INTEREST-BEARING FUNDKD DEBT OF THE TT.MTT.D STATES, AND AMOUNT HELD BY NATIONAL BANKS Comparison of tho interest-bearing debt of the United States in 1865 aud 188G Changes in tho bonded debt of the United States Amount of United States interest-beariu'.!; bonds called during the year ending November 1, 1886, and amount redeemed Changes in the amount of bonds held by the. national banks iti 18(>(> and 188(5 Amount in classes of the United States bonds owned by the national banks during the period between July 1, ISO 5, and November 1, 188o SECURITY FOR CIRCULATING NOTES XXXI XXXI XXXII XXXII XXXII XXXIII XXXIII Authorizing act, of each class of bonds held as security for circulation. XXXIII Average rate of interest now received by the nat imal banks on bond investments XXXIII Decrease of bonds deposited as security for rircultit ing notes aud changes in the class of bonus during tho past year. ., XXXIV Decrease of national bank circulation during tho years ending November J, 1884, November 1, 1885, and November 1. 18SG. XXXIV Comparison by geographical divisions of the number and capital of national banks organized during [lie past live years XXXV Increase of national-bank capital and decrease of circulation XXXVI BANKS WITHOUT CIRCULATION DISSOLUTION Whole number of na! ional banks organized since, the, establishment of the system Number which have gone into voluntary liquidation for the purpose of winding up their affairs , XXXVI XXXVI XXXVI XXXVI INDEX. OCXXIII DISSOLUTION—-Continued. Page. 'Xumbor which have y;ouo into voluntary liquidation for the purpose of reoi .muriz.itiou. XXXVI Number winch went into liquidation upon expiration of elurter . XXXVI Number which iiave been pLu-eil in t lie hands of receivers XXXVI Number of nation;:! hanks whoso corporate existence- expire*] during the year en-1 in,1..;' November 1, lSvSf. XXXVI Number of naf ion.; I banks extended (In rin:; the year ending Xovetnbor 1, 1886 XXXVI Insolvent Tuuiniuil banks closed during the yt-:n\ and p e r c u t a u e of dividends paid to creditors .' XXXVII Condition of mti«;**il baul;s which 'nave been virtually closed except for pending litigation XXXVII Dividends paid to the creditors of insolvent national hunks during the year ending November !, 1880 .' XXXVIII Percentage of national bunks organized which have become insolvent XXXVIII Number of insolvent banks whose affairs ar.- si ill in process of settlement.. - XXXIX Total amount paid to creditors of insolvent national blinks, amount paul during the year, amount of collections from stockholders upon assessments, and amount collected during the yenr • XXXIX IsSUKrf AM) ltKDKMP'l IONS Number and amount oi' national-bank notes of each denomination issued and redeemed since the organization of the system, and number and amount outstanding November 1, 188G . . /.'. Explanation of the term "'additional circulation " Additional circulation issued during the year, total amount issued since J u n e -0, 1874. the amount of circulation rel ired during; the year, and total amount retired since J a n e 20,187-4 Total amount of currency issued by Comptroller during the yea:1 EEDKML'TION DURATION OF NATIONAL-BANK CI UCULAT.ION - - XL XLI XLI XLI XLI XLII XLII XLIII XLIII A vera<ie life- of the di-iereui, denominations of national-bank notes ltEPOUTS OV CONDITION V.X TIIK NATIONAL BANKS . Duties of national-bank examiners and of clerks employed in I he Comptroller's Office. Al'.STRACL' OF RESOURCES AND LlAUILITIKS OF ALL Tl\ll NATIONAL iIANK;s OX OCTOI'.Kli 7, 1SSC).. Ileports received at iive\.s during each year , DlAGitAM . . Snnnuary ofdL-ijiram ac(5ompanyii)i>1 fho repoit, :-.lioM*in.'2 in compendious form the- most important- lilies LOANS. XL I I I LI IE L1V LI V LIV LI V LIV LV ('.lassiiicat ion of loans of the national banks of the clt y of New Vork, resei'\e cities and country, and comparison at nearly the same dates in each of the, last three years < Massiiication of the loans of nuli-jna! banks in New York City for the h u t live years . . Twenty-five States having the largest amount of nat i.onal-bank capita!, together with ;).uiount of circnhit.ion, 1O;.LIIS and disct)unts, and individual de-posits, on October 7,188(>. .Ul«EltVi5 Classiiication of reserve held by national hanks in New York City, lit other reserve cities, and by other banks, in October of each year from 187(5 to Ib8(i Percentiiire of reserve in New York City compared with other reserve cities and country banks ,. Members of t h e New York Clearing-House Comparative- statemen* of the transactions of f ho New Y'ork Oleamiji-ltouse for the. years cii«!iu;i- October J, 1W;">, niu\ October 1, I Mi Comparison •>}' ilje kinds of money and amount, of eaeli kind used in payment of b:ilances during; the ycjirs eiidin:^ OMober I, 188^, and OcLober 1, H 8 o . . . . XXXIX XXXIX XLI Amount of national-bank notes received for redemption at Treasury from June 2U, 1874, to Xovember 1, 1880 Amount of national-bank notes iit for circulation received for redemption but returned to the banks of issue during the year Deposit of lawful, money to retire circulation of national banks whose corporate existence has been extended Amount of lawful money in hands of Treasurer for redemption of national-bank notes on Xovember 1, 1880 Xatio;ial-b;'nk noies received monthly for redemption by the Comptroller of the Currency during the year ending October ol, 1880, and amount received during the sumo period at redemption agency National-bank notes received by Comptroller and destroyed yearly since the establishment of the system ,. .: TRANSACTIONS OF THK N E W Y O R K CLEARI.V.;-HOI'S,I<; XXXIX LV LVT LVI LVII LV'i I LVIJJL LYII.I LV.ITI" LVII I LV11.L INDEX. CCXXIV TRANSACTIONS OF THE N E W YORK CLEARING-HOUSH—Continued. Comparative statement of the transactions of the New York Clearing-House for thirtythree years Clearing-house transactions of the Assistant Treasurer of the United States at New York for the year ending October 1,1886 Comparative statement of the exchanges of the clearing-houses of the United States for October, 1885, and October, 1886 Comparative statement of the cleai ing-houses of the United States for weeks ending October 31, 1885, and October 30, 1886 , Movement of the reserve of the national banks in New York City during October for the last ten years Comparison of the transactions of the clearing-houses of the United States for the years ending October 1,1S85, and October 1,1886, as indicated by increase or decrease in the exchanges and balancesPercentage of exchanges and balances in New York City Comparative statement of settlements of clearing-houses of the world TAXES UPON NATIONAL BANKS .'. Detailed statement showing amount of tax, and fur what purpose Taxes and assessments collected during the fiscal year ending July 1, 1886 Amount of tax collected on circulation, deposits, and capital from 1864 to 1886 Taxes upon circulation, deposits, and capital of banks other than national up to November 1, 1882, the date upon which tbo taxation of capital and deposits ceased STATE TAXATION OF NATIONAL BANKS Friction arising out of mode of assessing and collecting taxes on national-bank shares. Protection of national banks from discriminative taxation Litigation in reference to such taxation CONCLUSION Page. LIX LIX LX LXI LXII LXIII LXIH LXIV LXIV LXIV LXIV LXV LXV LXVI LXVI LXVI LXVI LXVI Origin and history of the national banking system Financial prospects of tho country, and payment of the funded debt Prospective scarcity in United States bonds available to national banks as a basis for their corporate existence The national banks as promoters of the general welfare of the community Whether the present national banking system should be preserved Preservation of the national banking system as one purely of deposit and discount. . . Objections to the present national-bank currency "What has been said in answer to these objections LXVI LXVI LXVII LXVII LXVII LXVIII LXVIII LXVIII TABLES CONTAINED IN THE APPENDIX. National-bank and legal-tender notes outstanding on various dates up to November 1,1886, and the increase or decrease in each Xumber of banks organized and in operation, with their capital, bonds on deposit, and circulation issued, redeemed, and outstanding on November 1, 1886 Number and denominations of national-bank notes issued and redeemed, and the number of each denomination outstanding on November 1 in each year from 1S74 to 1886 National-bank currency issued, redeemed, and outstanding for the year ending October 31, 1886 1 Number of banks in each State, Territory, and reserve city with capital of $150,000 and under, those with capital exceeding $150,000, and amount of bonds deposited to secure circulation on October 7, 1SSG Number of banks in each State, Territory, and reserve city, with their capital, minimum amount of bonds required by law, bonds actually held, and circulation outstanding thereon, October 7, 1886 Increase and decrease of national-bank circulation from November 1,1882, to October 31, 1880, with yearly incr'.\".so and decrease since January 14, 1875 Number of banks in operation, aggregate capital, figgre^ate amount of bonds on deposit to secure circulation, amount of circulation issuable thereon, amount actually issued, maximum circulation obtainable, bonds required to be deposited for such maximum, minimum of bonds required at each period, and maximum amount of circulation obtainable thereon, from 1866 to 1SS6 Additional national-bank circulation issued, amount of lawful money deposited in the United States Treasury to retire .such circulation, from June 20, 1S74, to November 1, 18S6, with the amount remaining on deposit at. the latter date. National banks that havo gone inio voluntary liquidation under the provisions of sections 5220 and 5221 of the Revised Statutes of the. United States, with the dates of liquidation, amount of their capital, circulation issued and retired, and circulation outstanding November 1, 188G XCV XCVI XCVII XCVIII XCIX CI CHI CIV CVJI CVI.H INDEX. CCXXV Page. Hational banks that have gone into voluntary liquidation under sections 5220 and 5221 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, for the purpose of organizing new associations, with date of liquidation, amount of capital, circulation issued, redeemed, and outstanding on November I, 1886 CXVI National banks in liquidation under section 7 of the act of July 12, 1882, with date of expiration of charter, circulation issued, retired, and outstanding November 1,1886 CXVHL Hational banks in liquidation under section 7 of the act of July 12, 1882, with date of expiration of charter, amount of circulation issued, retired, and outstanding, succeeded by associations with the same or different titles, November 1, 1886 CXIX National banks that have been placed in the hands of receivers, their capital, circulation issued, lawful money deposited to redeem circulation, amount redeemed, and amount outstanding on November 1, 1886 CXX Insolvent national banks, date of appointment of receivers, amount of capital stock, claims proved, and rate of dividends paid to creditors CXXII Insolvent national banks, with dates of failure, causes of failure, amount of nominal assets, amount collected, claims proved, dividends paid, and dates of closing CXXV Classification of the loans and discounts of the national banks in New York City, other reserve cities, and in the States and Territories on October 7, 1886 CXXX Liabilities of the national banks, the reserve required and held at three dates in the years from 1883 to 1886 .. CXXXI Abstract of reports of dividends and earnings of national banks in the United States, from September 1, 1885, to March 1, 1886 CXXXH Abstract of reports of dividends and earnings of national banks in the United States, from March 1, 1886, to September 1, 1886 CXXXYI Dividends and earnings of national banks, arranged by geographical divisions, for semiannual periods, from September 1, 1877, to September 1, 1886 CXL Ratios to capital and to capital and surplus of the dividends and earnings of national banks, from March 1, 1882, to September 1, 1886 CXLII State of the lawful money reserve of the national banks, as shown by their reports, from October 1, 1880, to October 7, 1886 CXLIV Lawful money reserve of the national banks, as shown by the reports of their condition at the close of business on October 7, 1886 CXLVI Average weekly deposits, circulation, and reserve of the national banks of New York City, as reported to the New York Clearing-House, for the months given, in the years from 1880 to 1886 CXL VIII Clearings and balanees of the banks of New York City for the weeks ending at the dates given CXLIX Resources and liabilities of State banks at various dates CL Resources and liabilities of savings banks organized under State laws at various dates CLII Resources and liabilities of trust and loan companies at various dates CLIII Resources and liabilities of trust and loan companies in New York State. CLIV Resources and liabilities of State banks and trust companies, by geographical divisions.. CLIV Aggregate resources and liabilities of State banks from 1882 to 1886 CLV Similar exhibit for savings banks CLV Aggregate deposits of savings banks, with the number of their depositors, and the average amount due to each in 1885 and 1886 CLVt Aggregate resources and liabilities of trust and loan companies from 1882 to 1886 CLVI Condition of the National Savings Bank of th« District of Columbia at the close of business on the 7th day of October, 1886 CLVII Aggregate resources and liabilities of the national banks for each year from Ootober, 1863, to October, 1886..... CLIX Summary of state and condition of the national banks on December 24,1885, March 1, June 3, August 27, and October 7,1886 CLXXVH List of States, Territories, and reserve cities CCXXVII Report of the condition of each national bank on October 7,1886 1 Index to towns 967 H. Ex. 3 15 LIST OF STATES, TERRITORIES, AND RESERVE CITIES. STATES AND TERRITORIES.. States and Territories. Abstract. Reports. Page. Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Dakota Delaware District of Columbia. Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas ...... Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi cxcrv cxcvm ccxn ccx CLXXXII CCXIV CLXXXVI CLXXXVTH CXCIV CXCII ccxrv ecu ecu CCVI ccx cxcvm CXCVI Page. 483 518 913 903 166 927 423 444 480 474 945 655 624 764 840 520 490 CLXXVIII CLXXXVIII CLXXX CC1V cevm CXCIV * Abstract. Reports. Page. Albany Baltimore.. Boston Chicago Cincinnati . Cleveland.. Detroit . . . . Louisville.. CLXXXIV CLXXXVIII CLXXX CCIV cc ecu CCIV cxcvm Page. 194 429 65 663 565 571 718 530 Abstract. Reports. Page. Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina . Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania... Khode Island ... South Carolina.. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont 3 ! Virginia 429 j i Washington 61 West Virginia.. 711 Wisconsin 807 j Wyoming , 487 • RESERVE Cities. States and Territories. Page, CCVIII ccxvi ccx ccxn 947 873 912 CLXXVIII 27 CLXXXIV 300 CCXVI 953 CLXXXII 194 CXCII 462 cc ccxrv 921 CLXXXIV 325 554 CLXXX 145 CXCII 468 cc 543 CXCVI 493 CCXVI 956 CLXXVIII 44 exc 447 CCXVIII 959 exc 455 CCVI 747 ccxvm 965 CITIES. Cities. Abstract. Reports. Page. Milwaukee New Orleans... New York Philadelphia... Pittsburgh San Francisco . St. Louis Washington ... CCVI CXCVI CLXXXII CLXXXVI CLXXXVI CCXII CCVIII exc Page. 756 490 248 376 390 918 837 444 NOTE.—For index of towns, see end of volume. CCXXVII REPORTS OF THE CONDITION THE NATIONAL BANKS CLOSE OK BUSINESS ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1886. H. Ex. 3 1 REPORTS THE OF THE CONDITION NATIONAL BANKS AT THE CLOSE O F BUSINESS ON TIUTKNDAY, OCTOBER 7, I860. MAINE, First National Bank, Auburn. JEREMIAH DINGLEY, Jr., President. No. 154. Resources. $256,701 24 : Loans and discounts . Overdrafts "150,000 00 !i IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. j Dae from approved reserve agents.! 10,921 33 Duo from other banks and bankers.! IJeal estate, furniture, and fixtures i 2. GiiG 07 Current expenses and taxes paid . . . I 1,4(!8 Id Premiums paid , .. : Checks and other cash items 858 44 ! Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks ..'." ....' 2, 400 00 V ructional currency 24, 06 Trade dollars ". ' : Specie 7, &G0 00 Legal-tendei notes ' 1, 0:!8 00 IF. S. certificates of deposit i Redemption fund with U\ S. Treas . ' • G, 750 00 Due from TJ. S. Treasurer. ' Total. L. LINN SMALL, Cashier. jj Liabilities. Capital stoctf paid in $150, 000 00 Surplus f und Other undivided proiits .: Xational bank notes outstanding.. State, bank notes outstanding . . ' . . . ; 33, 000 00 7, 775 75 135, 000 00 Dividends unpaid \ Individual deposits United States deposits '. I l l , 041 04 '• Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.; Due to other national banks i Due to State banks aud bankers . . \ 3, 590 51 Notes* and bills re-discounted. Kills payable 440,407 30 ' 440, 407 30 Total. National Shoe and Leather Bank, Auburn. AKA CUSHMAX, President. Loans and discounts No. 2270. .*. Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secuie deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers H 'id estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes p a i d . . . Pt emiums paid (- becks and other cash items . E ^changes for clearing-house Bills of otiier banks ...".. Fractional currency Trade dollars ' . Specie I A jgal-tender notes V.. S. certincates of deposit Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas . ! Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $522, 825 42 300.000 00 12,530 (59 25, 508 00 806 12 li. 000 00 2. 468 27 HO, 000 00 C. I9:t 92 1,281 2!) ,'{,540 00 :U55 16 114 00 12, 0GO 00 2, 320 00 M. C. PERCIVAL, Cashier. Capital stock paid in ' $300, 000 00 31,500 00 9, 239 16 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 268, 990 00 195 00 Dividends unpaid - . Individual deposits — United States deposits Depositsof U.S. disbursing officers ; 282, 596 57 Due to other national banks ; Duo to State banks and bankers ... 19, 253 62 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 27; 848 58 ; I 13,500 00 !9, C22 93 Total. 939,622 93 REPOKT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. MAINE. First National Bank, Augusta. No. 307. DANIEL A. CONY, President. J O H N TV. FOGLER, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts | Overdrafts • U. S. bonds to secure circulation... I U. S. bonds to secure deposits j IT. S. bonds on hand ' Other stocks, bonds, arid mortgages. | Due from approved reserve agents. \ Due from other banks and bankers! Real estate, furniture, and fixtures, \ Current expenses and taxes paid...I; Premiums paid Checks and other cash items j Exchanges for clearing-house ' Bills of other banks i Fractional currency ' Trade dollars ". ! Specie i Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treaa . Due from U. S. Treasurer $541,266 90 Capital stock paid in 3. I532 57 250,000 00 Surplus fund : Other undivided profits 9,000 00 i National banknotes outstanding.. 54, 338 «7 State bank notes outstanding 2, 8GG 39 200 00 Dividends unpaid 2, 050 77 : i Individual deposits i 46, 745 72 United States deposits I Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers j 4,811 00 | 40 36 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. | io, 081" 00 i 7,200 00 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 11, 250 00 950,403 38 Total. $250, 000 00 60, 000 00 15, 087 98 222, 570 00 600 00 382, 242 94 19, 902 46 950,403 38 Total.. Augusta National Bank, Augusta. SAMUEL TITCOMB, President Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks,bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents, :i Duo from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.' Current expenses and taxes paid... | Premiums paid j Checks and other cash items ' Exchanges for clearing-house ' Bills of other banks Fractional currency j Trade dollars ' Specie ! Legal-tender notes j U S. certificates of deposit j Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. treasurer Total. S. B. GLAZIER, Cashier. No. 3271. ! $100, 000 00 $192, 751 44 Capital stock paid in. 1,154 24 j 3,000 00 25, 000 00 Surplus fund 2,952 75 Other undivided profits i 22, 500 00 National bank notes outstanding. J! 21, (592 11 j State bank notes outstanding ! Dividends unpaid | 345 00 651 75 ; | 97, 087 80 4, 000 00 :• Individual deposits 3, 766 05 United States deposits j I Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.] — 1, 825 00 j j 30, 456 80 25 70 ': i Due to other national banks , I Due to State banks and bankers .. i 6, 000 00 9,187 00 , ! 1,164 00 •| Notes and bills re-discounted ; '. Bills payable ! 1,125 00 ! ; 262, 342 35 i 262, 342 35 Total. Granite National Bank, Augusta. DARIUS ALDEN, President. No. 498. THEBY JOHNSON, Cashier. Loans and discounts $167, 592 89 I Capital stock paid in. Overdrafts i 1,205 41 ! U. S. bonds to secure circulation...! 50, 000 00 Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure deposits J 50, 000 00 ; Other undivided profits . U. S. bonds on hand j Other stocks, bonds, and mortgagee* j 5,200 00 , National bank notes outstanding. Due from approved reserve agents.; 3,492 07 j State bank notes outstanding Due from other banks and bankers, j 6 00 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. 10, 0U0 00 j Dividends unpaid Current expenses and taxes paid .. ! Premiums paid . : 4, 450 00 Individual deposits Checks and other cash items < 4, 574 07; United Staies deposits Exchanges for clearing-house.. Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers Bills of other banks 1, 6:.»S 00 Fractional currency 45 79 Duo to other national banks Trade dollars Due to State banks and bankers . Specie 10, 050 75 Legal-tender notes 600 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable U. S. certificates of deposit -• Redemption fund with U. S. Treas 2, 250 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . 311,100 18 Total $100, 000 00 25, 000 00 4, 872 80 45, 000 00 44 16 91, 884 29 79 18 38,112 79 6,112 96 311,106 18 5 REPORT OF THE COMI'TliOliLKK OF THE CURRENCY. MAINE. First National Bank, Bangor. GEORGE STETSON, President, ) (I. AVYMAN, Cashier. No. ]1.2. Resources. „ Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation . . . IT. S. bonds to secure deposits TT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Duo from approved reserve agents. Dae from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixturesCurrent expenses and taxes paid.. Premiumspaid... . Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks..." Fractional currency Trade dollars ; Specie , ; Legal-tender notes U. S. cert i h'eat< s of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . Liabilities. $603, 770 45 40 92 300, 000 00 50, 000 00 . 52, 075 OH 14, 294 20 .5, 510 97 3, 817 90 Capital stock paid in $300, 000 00 100, 000 00 40, 178 92 Surplus fund Other undivided profits. National bank notes outstanding.. State, bank notes outstanding 209, 280 00 Dividends unpaid. 548 00 309, 814 (55 3(5,722 39 220 30 Individu deposits Individual 12, 72U {)',) United Slaves deposits Depositsof U.S.disbursingofTicers. 7, 244 00 5 40 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . 23, ]00 no 2, 700 Ou Xotes and bills re-discounted . VA\ Is payable'. 13, 500 00 .1,087,701 45 Total 24,937 19 ! 1,087,701 45 Second National Bank, Bangor. NATHAN C. AYEB, President. Loans and discounts j Overdrafts \ I1'. S. bonds to secure circulation.. .| TT. S. bonds to secure deposits i. U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds.and mortgages.: Due from approved reset-reagent*.' Due from other bunks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and iixtures Current expenses and (axes paid... Premiumspaid (• hecks and other cash items.. ', Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks ! Fraet ionnlcurrency Trade dollars i Specie ... .'• Legal-tender notes TT. S. certiticates of deposit i Kedemption fund with IT. S. Treas . !j Due from IT S. Treasurer . No. 306. 846,810 71 ! I Total. GEORGE A. CROSBY, j $531, 888 45 Capital stock paid in 14+ 4i> 150, 000 00 Surplus fund ....' Other undivided profits. 11, 000 0() National bank notes outstanding.. ; 92,997 03 ' State bank notes outstanding 494 02 ; Di vidends unpaid 4 12 : Individual deposits \ United States deposits Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers. . 172 00 6,100 00 5 00 ' Due TO other national banks , 75 00 Due to State banks and bankers ..; 47,180 00 : ' Notes and bills re-discounted j Bills payable .. „ 6, 750 00 ; ; Total. $150, 000 00 30,000 00 (57,773 42 135, 000 00 1, 888 00 452, 518 85 9, 235 89 394, 55 846, 810 71 Kenduskeag National Bank, Bangor. WILLIAM 13. HAYFOKD, President Loans and discounts Overdrafts 17. S. bonds to secure circulation - - IT. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents.' Due from other banks and bankers, lloal estate, furniture, and lixturns. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks...' Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes V. S. certiticates of deposit Kedemption fund with IT. S. Treas . Due from IT. S. Treasurer Total... No. 518. GKOUGE H. HOPKINS, Cashier. $337, 626 51 Capital stock paid in 1,273 r>(» 35, 000 00 Surplus fund ,. Other undivided profits 37,717 1(5 ; National ational bank notes outstanding.. outstanding. i State bank, notes outstanding. Dividends unpaid. 10 '•{() !,784 "15 Individual deposits United States deposits i Deposits o f U. S.rii.sbiiraingofficers - j 4,7 40 00 : 20 00 Due, to other national banks . . . _ . . . . . ; Driii to State banks and bankers 18,1/5 01 i *_\ 000 00 'Notes and bills re-discounted i Biiis payable 1, 57;> 00 ; j 439, 9:'2 35 j; Total. $100, 000 00 20, 000 00 16, 225 39 31, 500 00 460 00 263,652 00 5, 584 96 2, 500 00 439,922 35 6 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. M A I N E. Merchants' National Bank, Bangor. SAMUEL H. BLAKE, President. No. 1437. ALBEHT P. BAKKK, Cashier. Resources. « Loans and discounts j Overdrafts j V. S. bonds to secure circulation-..! U. S. bonds to secure deposits j U. S. bonds on hand • O ther stocks, bonds, and mortga ges : Due from approved reserve agents. ;: Due froic other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures '; Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiumspaid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks.. T Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit • Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. Liabilities. $362, 653 42 Capital stock paid in 799 ]3 100, 000 00 Surplus fund ; Other undivided pro (its 20, 000 oo National bank notes outstanding..: 135, 863 55 State bank notes outstanding $ 100, 000 00 20, 000 00 11 -"», GL'X 6 9 90, 000 00 0, 000 00 Dividends unpaid 1. 987 75 , , - ; ; • Individual deposits ;. 1, 439 1)3 1 United States deposits De-posits of U.S. disbursing officers i. 5, 17u 00 , 11.2 24 1 Due to other national banks Due to State- banks and bankers ..; 13,593 15 520 00 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 70 00 308. 952 85 25, 903 28 3,084 35 j. i. 4,500 00 Total. 661, 639 17 661,639 17 Veazie National Bank, Bangor. CHARLES V. LOUD, President. WILLIAM C. HOLT, Cashier. Xo. 2089. Loans and discounts j Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure c i r c u l a t i o n . . . U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on band Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Duo from approved reserve a g e n t s . Duo from other banks and bankers Jteal estate, furniture, and fixtures C u r r e n t expenses and taxes paid . . Premiums paid ('becks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house I Bills of other b a n k s . .1 ' Fractional currency j Trade dollars i Specie ; Legal-tender notes ! U. S. certificates of deposit ' Redemption fund with U. S. T r e a s J Du6 from U . S. Treasurer j Total . $215, 962 3G | Capital stock paid in 25, 000 00 9,250 23, 507 4, 872 3, 000 2 2. 968 9; 284 00 98 22 00 25 75 83 $100, 000 00 14,313 14 1, KiO 24 Surplus fund Other undivided profits ] National bank notes outstanding.. i State bank notes outstanding . / 22, 500 00 Dividends unpaid. |j Individual deposits ;; United States deposits j Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 3, 699 00 158, 669 93 ! "3," 727* 00* 55 48 I' Due to other national banks I Due to State banks and bankers .. ! 400 00 ! 8, 700 00 ! < Notes and bills re-discounted j Bills x>avable 1,125 00 |i | Total. 307, 855 87 1 7, 513 56 307, 855 87 .First National Bank, Bath. GALEN C. MOSES, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U.S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Duo from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiumspaid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks. .." Fractions! currency Trade dollars ' Specie Legal-tender notes TJ. n. certificates of deposit. Redemption fund with U. S. Troas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . No. 2743. $370, 285 23 1, 284 64 200, 000 00 10, 100 00 38,012 92 3, 325 Od 2,813 40 19,093 75 , i $200,000 00 50, 000 00 2i, 462 15 National bank notes outstanding..; State bank notes outstanding . . . - 180, 000 00 Dividends unpaid.... 12 00 15,721 65 3, 000 00 . 676, 874 ri\. : Surplus fund Other undivided profits 250 0(1 Individual deposits United States deposits. Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 4, 224 00 9, OOO" 00 WILLIAM D. MUSSENDEN, Cashier. Capital stock paid in J 98, 236 06 Due to other national banks Due to State bauks and bankers Notes and bills re-discounted ; Bills payabl e Tou-l. 26, 926 30 '• 676, 874 81 liEPORT OF THE COMPTUOLLSilt OF THE CURRENCY. JfI A H E . Bath National Bank, Bath. "No. 404. ARTHUR SEWALL, President. W I L L I A M I). H I L L , Resources. Cashier. Liabilities. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U . S. bonds to secure c i r c u l a t i o n . . . U . S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and m o r t g a g e s . Duo from approved r e s e r v e a g e n t s . D u e from other b a n k s and b a n k e r s Real estate, furniture, and fixtures C a r r e n t expenses and t a x e s p a i d . . . P r e m i u m s paid Checks and other cash i t e m s E x c h a n g e s for clearing-house B ill s of o t h e r b a n k s F rat? tional currency T r a d e dollars Specie „. Legal-tender notes ". U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund w i t h U. S. T r e a s .; Due from U. S. Treasurer Total.. $117, 731 71 I, Capital stock paid in ! 10,533 i " 125,000 (00 ; Surplus fund ^ Other undivided profits . 52, G50 13, 385 25, 000 00 14, 953 63 I National bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g . . ; State bank notes outstanding . . . . . Dividends unpaid 1.H17 A, ;>;W 2 112,500 00 720 00 : " 11, 063 $125, 000 00 | Individual deposits ; United Statcw deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 70, 462 31 i' D u e to other national b a n k s , Due to State b a n k s and bankers U, 788 4, 000 Note:-) and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 5, 625 Total. 348, G35 94 348, 635 94 Lincoln National Bank, Bath. CHAKLES DAVENPORT, President Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... 0". S. bonds to secure deposits ! U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages , Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items. Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from TJ. S. Treasurer WILLIAM R. SHAW, Cashier. No. 761. Capital stock paid in [ $200, 000 00 $261, 624 89 15 86 200, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 20, 100 00 |i National bank notes outstanding.. 36, 881 93 j; State bank notes outstanding 3, 5SH 50 : 7, 700 00 ; Dividends unpaid 1 25 , 4.500 Ui);• Individual deposits ' 5, 476 00 :' United States deposits "\ Deposits of U..S. disbursing officers. 1, 032 00 7 91 i Due to other national banks : Due to State banks and bankers ..; 9,918 24V 102 00 : Notes and bills re-discounted ; Bills payable 9.000 00 ' 559,958 53 ;! Total. 37, 000 00 793 41 Total. 176, 920 00 6,119 50 137,168 80 1, 956 87 559, 958 58 Marine National Bank, Bath. S. D. BAILEY, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S- bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid.. . Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade- dollars " Specie Legal-tender nates U. "S. certificates of deposit ; Redemption fund with 17. S. Treas ! Dae from U, S. Treasurer i Total. Xo. 782. H. A. DUXCAN, Cashier. $116,125 91 C a p i t a l s t o c k paid in 258 52 ! 100, 000 00 : S u r p l u s fund i' O t h e r u n d i v i d e d profl t s 4,195 ;"4 46, 7(5."> 01 !,<j!)5 45 2, UDO fti) National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding . . . . . . Di vj d ends unpaid . Individual deposits TJnitc:l tttiitoadeposits i)o:>o?Ltsoi' U.S. disbursing officers. 1,741 00 5 15 2 00 : $100,000 00 j 27, 000 00 2, 024 92 88, 868 00 2,668 00 67, 577 43 Due to other national b a n k s Duo to State b a n k s and b a n k e r s 1IU>!)1 70 7H u0 ii N o t e s and bills re-discounted ^ l K500 00 i! 288,138 35 • Total. 288,138 35 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. MAINE. Sagadahock National Bank, Bath. Xo. 1041. FRANKLIN HEED, President. HENRY EAMES, Cashier. Liabilitie Resources. Loans and discounts • 0 rerdrafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, andmortgages Duo from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes p a i d . . . Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks ... ^'factional currency Trade dollars , Specie ;' ; Legal-tender notes TJ. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas .; Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $114,000 63 I i Capital stock paid in. | $100, 000 00 j I Other undivided profits j National bank notes outstanding.. | State bank notes outstanding..... j 20, 000 00 5,183 18 88, 345 00 " i o o , ooo 00 i Surplus fund 10, 51(5 10, 047 If), 000 682 4, 500 Dividends unpaid. 2, 489 00 . Individual deposits !j1 United States deposits , Deposit H of U.S.disbursing officers.! 2,125 0 5, 200 50 63, 541 56 j Due to other national banks ! Due to State banks and bankers. Notes and bills re-discounted j ! Bills payable ! 4, 500 00 Total., 279, 558 74 I 279, 558 74 Belfast National Bank, Belfast. TSTo. 840. JOHN Gr. BROOKS, President. Loans and discounts ... Overdrafts ,. U. S. bonds to secure circulation... ; TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits TJ. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. : Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... 1'rem iums paid C hecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars ' Specie — Legal-tender notes TI. S. certificates of deposit ...'. Redemption fund with U. S. Treas -j Due from U. S. Treasurer . Total. ALBION H . Bit ADD U BY, Cashier. $250,303 7G Capital stock paid in. "150,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits. 47, 000 40, 421 818 Xationiil bank notes outstanding. ; State bank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid. 7, r>oo 003 18,815 8, 351 33, 000 00 11, 047 57 131, 400 00 672 00 Individual deposits United States deposits 1 Deposits ofU.S.disbursmg officers. 7, 078 00 $150, 000 00 231,740 01 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . Xotes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 11,217 600 6, 750 00 | 558,519 58 Total . 558, 519 58 First National Bank, Biddeford. ESKEFF H. BANKS, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts ,. IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... i U. S. bonds to secure deposits TJ. S. bonds on hand \. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.:. Due from approved reserve agents ; Due from other banks and bankers j Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.,. Current expenses and taxes paid. ; Premiumspaid . 0 hecks and other cash items Kxchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks...' Fractional currency Trade dollars ". Specie : Legal-tender notes TJ. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with fj. S. Treas . D ae from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 1089. CHARLES A. MOODY, Cashier. $-'18,591 13 j Capital stock paid in 100, 000 00 j Surplus fund i Other undivided profits , ! National bank notes outstanding.. 2, 308 24 ,i State bank notes outstanding 3, 974 9U . Dividends unpaid Individual deposits 320 72: United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 1,407 00 15 73 Due TO other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . 8, 273 lo 2, 000 00 Xotes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 4, 500 CD 341,390 90 !i, Total. ; $100, 000 00 50, 000 00 10,537 88 88, 900 00 357 00 73, 704 09 17,891 93 341,390 90 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. MAINE. Biddeford National Bank, Biddeford. No. 1575. LUTHER BRYANT, President. CHAKLES E. GOODWIN, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation ... V. S. bonds to secure deposits IJ. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Duo from approved reserve agents. Dae from other banks and batikers. ."Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid. . Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of oilier banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $227, 639 95 ; \ Capital stock paid in $150, 000 00 Surplus fund \ ! Othor undivided profits j 19,166 02 ;11 National bank notes outstanding.. • 4, 206 68 2,831 13 ' State bank notes outstanding 00 650 44 Dividends unpaid , Individual deposits \ United States deposits !.! Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.'. 3,923 00 G 41 Due to other national banks Duo to State banks and b a n k e r s . . . 5,710 00 3,127 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 5, 300 00 Total. 422,580 63 j 37, 000 00 13,190 99 134, 000 00 3, 837 41 79, 210 31 6,135 92 422, 580 63 National Village Bank, Bowdoinham. JOHN COOMBS, President. No. 944. II. P. KENDALL, Cashier. Loans and discounts $53,107 09 Capital stock paid in 1 Overdrafts j U. S. bonds to secure circulation... 50, 000 00 Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits j IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 3, 600 00 National bank notes outstanding... j j. Due from approved reserve agents.; 10, 545 03 , State bank notes outstanding Due from other hanks and bankers., • Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.: 300 00 Dividends unpaid Current expenses and taxes paid... | j Premiums paid 7,400 00 Individual deposi ta i. Checks and other cash items | 72 95 United States deposits Deposits oi U. S. disbursing officers. I. Exchanges for clearing-house : BilJs of other banks ...' j 1,162 00 Fractional currency j 85 Due to other national banks Trade dollars . . . •; Duo to State banks and bankers.. Specie 328 00 Legal-tender notes 1, 250 00 Notes and bills re-discounted IT. S. certificates of deposit Bills payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . 2, 250 00 j Due from U. S. Treasurer 130, 015 92 I Total . Total . $50,000 00 9, 555 00 506 68 45, 000 00 1, 337 00 23, 617 24 130, 015 92 First National Bank, Brunswick. N. T. PALMER, President Loans and discounts , Overdrafts . U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits I J. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Keal estate, furniture, and fixtures., Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks ; Fractional currency Trade dollars ' Specie : ; Legal-tender rotes U. S. certificates of deposit j Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . i Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 192. J. P. WINCHELL, Cashier. $83,102 65 ! Capital stock paid in 100, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 92,466 45 , National bank notes outstanding.. 13, 904 70 : State bank notes outstanding j Dividends unpaid ' 1, 598 58 \ Individual deposits 212 97 , United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. i 1, 098 00 ; 87 41 Due to other national banks — j , Duo to State banks and bankers .. ! 1,745 30 ' 5,000 00 ij Notes and bills re-discounted ! Bills payable , 4, 500 00 . 303,716 06 j Total. $100, 000 00 20,000 00 28, 696 21 89,700 00 1, 023 00 58,238 98 1, 359 52 4, 698 35 303, 716 06 10 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. MAINE. Pejepscot National Bank, Brunswick. H. C. MARTIN, President. No. 1315. L. H. STOVER, Cashier. Resources. ; Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... T7. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Due from other bants an and bankers R >al estate, furniture, and fifixtures. C -.Trent expenses and taxes ppaid p P f!>:i:iinspa:d id P C icclis and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks. .1 ; Fractional currency ; Trade dollars S.>ecio | L-)g(il-tender notes -. V. S. certificates of deposit ! Redemption fund with U. S. Treas .! Dav from U. S. Treasurer i Total. Liabilities. $38, 307 90 Capital stock paid in $50, 000 00 50, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 39, 000 32, 693 3, 548 4, 200 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 00 93 97 00 758 94 5,300 00 2, 449 24 44, 000 00 Dividends unpaid 639 00 Individual deposits United States deposits. Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. 35, 361 15 4, 282 00 05 I Due to other national banks i Due to State banks and bankers 2,207 00 1 1,000 00 . Notes and bills re-discounted 1 Billspayable 1,750 00 Total 137,749 39 137,749 39 Union National Bank, Brunswick. STEPHEN J . YOUNG, President. Loans and discounts j Overdrafts V. S. bonds to secure circulation...! II. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand ' Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from or her banks and bankers.; Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.! Current expenses and taxes paid Premium- >j-vU\ Checks a:;•"' < >?!>or cash iterns : Exchanges tor clearing-house Bills of ot her banks ; Fractional currency ; Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes TT. S. certificates of deposit •Redemption fund with U. S. Treas .; Due from U. S. Treasurer ! Total N o . 1118. HUMPHREY A. RANDALL, $77, 346 99 j •' Capital Surplus fund Other undivided profits. 21,800 00 i National bank notes outstanding..! 7, 004 98 ; State bank notes outstanding ] 50,000 00 !' 3215 71 : 4, 400 00 i Cashier. $50,000 00 stock paid in. 45, 000 00 ! 1, 792 57 Individual deposits 574 61 United States deposits Deposits of TJ. S.disbursing officers. 1, 647 00 54, 725 23 3,712 42 2, 250 00 Dividends unpaid 10, 000 00 7, 544 91 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-discounted . Billspayable 169,062 71 Total. 169,062 71 Bucksport National Bank, Bucksport. N. T. HILL, President. No. 1079. EDWARD SWAZEY, Cashier. Loans and discounts $80,125 73 j Capital stock paid in. Overdrafts 50, 666 00 i "Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. J IT. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits i U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.; National banknotes outstanding.. I Due from approved reserve agents. 18,733 59 State bank notes outstanding Due from other banks and bankers. 6,933 80 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Dividends unpaid ! Current expenses and taxes paid... 460 00 Premiums paid . . . . . Individual deposits jl Checks and other cash items I 2,251 17 United States deposits . Exchanges for clearing-house \... Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers-1. Bills of other banks s 2,710 00 Fractional currency ] 12 04 Due to other national banks Trade dollars I : Specie 7,387 20 Due to State banks and bankers. Legal-tender notes '; ••' Notes and bills re-discounted U. S. certificates of deposit j j; Billspayable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . j 2,250 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . 170, 864 13 I Total.. $50,000 00 10, 000 00 3,464 03 44,650 00 196 25 62, 553 85 170,864 13 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 11 MAINE. Calais National Bank, Calais. No. 1425. LEMUEL G. DOWNES, President. ANK NELSON, Cashier Resources. Liabilities. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure cucuLr^oi . - -' TT. S. bonds to secure deposits VI. S. bonds on hand O' b er stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Dae from other banks and bankers. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums])aid ('hecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other b a n k s . . . . . . Fractional currency Trade dollars \ Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer $218, 5U2 22 541 49 Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 10,000 00 I, National bank notes outstanding.. ; State bank notes outstanding "i'4-J3'68"| Dividends unpaid 44,285 ;m 4, 650 99 100,000 00 50 00 733 07 Individual deposits '228 "i6" United States deposits Deposits oi" U.S. disbiii'singoifujers : 104, 621 29 1,432 00 G 89 j: 4 00 i : Due to other national banks Due to Stare banks and bankers . . 4, 889 25 i 11,362 00 . Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 353,672 79 \ Total. 89,350 00 10, 083 54 G75 58 Total. 353, 672 79 Camden National Bank. Camden. No. 2311. G. L. FOLLANSBEE; President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation .. IT. S. bonds to secure deposits TT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid .. Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks i Fraction ill currency ; Trade dollars Specie I..e^al-tender notes \ IT. S. certificates of deposit | Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . j Due from U. S. Treasurer : Total . $78, 280 25 "50," COO'00* 500 31, 227 5, 484 4,000 OK; 00 57 0(5 00 SI 2, "182 06 J . F . STETSON, Cashier. $50, 000 00 Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund Oilier undivided profits. 6, 500 00 5,023 15 Nat ional bank notes outstanding.. j State bank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid-. 43, 300 00 ; 472 00 Individual deposits ; United States deposits i Dfpositsof U. S.disbursingofneers | 79, 907 10 4,133 00 ; 9 00 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers..; 6, 320 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . j Bills payable 2, 250 00 Total.. 185,202 25 185,202 25 First National Bank, Damariscotta A D D I S O N AUSTIN, President. No. 416. Loans a n d discounts 0 verdrafts 1 r. S. bonds to secure c i r c u l a t i o n . . . I L S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on h a n d : O t h e r stocks,bonds,and m o r t g a g e s , i D u e from approved r e s e r v e a g e n t s . D u e from other b a n k s and b a n k e r s . • Real estate, furniture, and fixtures C u r r e n t expenses and t a x e s p a i d . . . P r e m i u m s paid < "hecks and o t h e r cash i t e m s E x c h a n g e s for clearing-house Bills of o t h e r b a n k s Fractional currency ' T r a d e dollars Specie : Lsgal-tender notes IT. S. certiiicates of deposit, . •' Redemption fund with U. S. T r e a s . ; Due from U. S. Treasurer. Total. ' WILLIAM FLYE, Cashier. Capital stock paid i n . $50,000 00 Surplus fund Otliei undivided profits 10, 250 00 i National bank notes outstanding. 25, 072 3(5 ! State bank notes outstanding 15,000 00 4,474 11 15(34,471 ' 50, 000 00 •., 3, 520 S3 499 37 ; Dividends unpaid Individual deposits ; 573 24 United States deposits ,! Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. j 1, 465 00 : 1 07 ; , ' 5, 599 02 . 4r>6 00 ! ....', 2,1:50 00 164,158 C4 : 44, 000 00 368 00 50,316 53 Dim to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable Total. 164,156 04 12 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. MAINE. First National Bank, Dester. Xo. 2259. C. M. SAWYEII, President. C. W: CURTIS, Cashier. Resources. Loans and discounts I Overdrafts i U. S. bonds to secure circulation...: II. S. bonds to secure deposits ; IT S. bonds on hand j Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents Due from other bunks and bankers. > Real cslute, furniture, and fixtures-! Current expenses and taxes paid...: Premiums paid I Checks and other cash items I Exchanges for clearing-house '• Billsof other banks Fractional currency j Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from XL S. Treasurer Total. Liabilities. Capital stock })aid in | $100,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits ] I 12, 000 00 12,133 51 National bank notes outstanding.. \ 3, 620 32 State bank notes outstanding . . . . . i 523 75 1, 500 00 Dividends unpaid j 505 04 j j Individual deposits 1,415 99 United States deposits j ! | Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.! 2,130 00 7 02 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. ! 4,325 75 I Notes and bills re-discounted j 299 00 I Bills payable i 4,500 00 90, 000 00 $189, 5G0 11 ioo," ooo "w Total. 308, 386 98 i->o 00 72, 834 65 2, 298 82 19, 000 00 308, 386 98 Frontier National Bank, Eastport. No. 1495. E. E. SHEAD, President. Loans and discoui ts | Overdrafts ,U. S. bonds to secure circulation...!; IT. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages • Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers.' Real estate, furniture, and fixturesJ Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house , j Bills of other banks Fractional currency , Trade dollars ' Specie j; Legal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit , Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . i Due from IT. S. Treasurer ' I $75,000 00 ..., i 27, 038 37 4,130 34 74,100 '! National bant notes outstanding...! 46,610 j! State bank notes outstanding [ 27, 071 6, 500 00 ji Dividends unpaid 520 50 | 3,116 48 : Individual deposits ; United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers, j 12, 900 107 Due to other national banks ! Due to State banks and bankers . . 5,600 3, 000 i Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 1, 935 00 | 38,700 00 43, 000 66' Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 290, 930 80 Total. G-. H. HAYES, Cashier. $66,463 17 : ] Capital stock paid in Total. 146,062 09 290, 930 80 First National Bank, Fairfield. NAHUM TOTMAN, President Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... i T J. S. bonds to secure deposits , U. S.-bonds on hand [ Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. j Due from approved reserve agents. Dae from other banks and bankors. i Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. [ Current expenses and taxes paid...I Premiums paid ; Checks and other cash items j Exchanges for clearing-house ' ! Bills of other banks..". Fractional c urrency | Trade dollars ' Specie ; Legal-tender notes U . S . certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 2175. $05, 768 13 25, 000 00 Capital stock paid in H. L. KELLET, Cashier. j $50, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 5, 800 00 1, 821 78 COO 00 National bank notes outstanding.. 15, 610 70 State bank notes outstanding 281 51 1, 597 90 Dividends unpaid 386 29 5, 562 50 j Individual deposits 20 00 j United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing onicers 2, 000 00 i 2 22 I Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers... 1,044 75 524 00 Notes and bills re-discount cd ! ' Bills payable '. !, 125 0U: 22, 450 00 119,523 00 393 50 30, 372 91 2, 875 29 5, 809 52 119,523 00 13 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY. M Sandy River National Bank, Farmington. G. BUTLKU, President. No. 901. TIMOTHY F . BELCHER, Oashieo: Resources. Liabilities. ] L aan s and discounts $72, 278 10 Capital stock paid in. < > verdrafts \- V.H. bonds to secure circulation.... 75, 000 00 Surplus fund U, S. bonds to secure deposits ' Other undivided pron'ts . U. 8. bonds on hand i 10, 0H0 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages j 21,000 00 National bank notes outstanding-. j Dm? from approved reserve agents • 9, SOU 98 State bank notes outstanding . . Due from other banks and bankers. i Jioal estate, furniture, and fixtures 4, 057 36 Dividends unpaid Curr efit expenses and taxes paid... j Individual deposits Premiums paid ! -i and other cash items 2,450 50 United States\leposits lOxchanges for clearing-house Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. i.,803 00 Bills of other banks 10 58 fractional currency Due to other national banks 22 00 Trade dollars Due to State banks and bankers . 4, 8:i7 00 Specie 500 00 Notes and bills re-discounted. Legal-tender notes U. S. certiiicates of deposit Kills payable 3, 375 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. Total. 205;, 140 52 $75,000 00 21,302 11 192 65 67, 500 00 3, 495 00 37, 650 76 205,140 52 Gardiner National Bank, Gardiner. No. 3174. I. J . CAHii, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Duo from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and iixtures. Current expenses and taxea paid... Premiums paid C hecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie. Legal-tender notes U. S. certiiicates of do-posit | Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. ! Due from U. S. Treasurer | $50,000 00 """50,"000 00 ' Surplus fund 25,000 00 5,220 59 ! Other undivided profits 8, 000 15, 438 3,(^2 «, 000 1M % uoo 2, 614 ) National bank notes outstanding.. • I State bank notes outstanding I 00 84 32 00 9 ou 30 Dividends unpaid r 45, 000 00 ! 470 00 : i Tndividual deposits \ • j United Status deposits i |i DepositsofU.S.disbursingoilicers.' 71, 759 20 '2," G7. i" 66 15 r>l ; j Due to other naiional banks 7, 977 00 Due to State banks and bankers . . Notes and bills re-discounted . . Bills payable 4, 655 50 3, KJiJ 00 2, 250 00 I - • • - • ! 205, 426 79 Total. E. L. SMITH, Cashier. $102,830 40 I' Capital stock paid in 205,426 79 Total. Merchants' National Bank, Gardiner. D A V I D D E N N I S , President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid.. Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks .Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie L"gal-tender notes U. H. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer Total 2s o. 8219. H E N R Y FAKRINGTON, $174, 596 47 ;: Capital stock paid in 843 47 !i 25,000 00 •Surplus fund Other undivided profits . National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 4, 555 65 4, 000 00 9 44 6,500 00 13, 700 37 G50 00 106 23 5,555 55 70S 00 1,125 00 237,350 18 ! Dividends unpaid. 1 ! Individual deposits ; United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing offi-ct 1 s r ; Due to other national banks Due to State banks and banker;* .. ! ; Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable : ! Total. Cashier. $100, 000 00 3, 300 00 298 47 22,500 00 762 00 100,1G9 77 2,319 94 8,000 00 237,350 18 14 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Oakland National Bank, Gardiner. No. 740. JOSHUA GRAY, President. S. BOWMAN, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts : IT. S. bonds to secure circulation. .. IF. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Duo from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items. Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer $127, 947 03 Capital stock paid in j 2,681 35 50, 000 00 Surplus fund j Other undivided profits i I Xational bank notes outstanding. - j 17,1GG 01 State bank notes outstanding | 10,093 26 Dividends unpaid j deposits 3, 480 26 Individual United States deposits 1,882 00 70 03 10, 342 00 21, 715 11 44, 500 00 250 00 77, 625 55 j Depositsof U.S. disbursing officers. Due to other national banks | Due to State banks and bankers . 5, 769 20 1,164 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 2, 250 00 500 00 223, 003 64 Total. $50, 000 00 Total . 5,963 60 12, 607 38 223,003 64 Hallowell National Bank, Hallowell. No. 3247. JOHN GRAVES, President. Loans and discounts ; Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation...' IT. S. bonds to secure deposits II. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.; Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers Jieal estate, furniture, and fixtures. C urrent expenses and taxes paid '• Premiums paid Checks and other cash items ; Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks ! Fractional currency Trade dollars ' Specie Legal-tender notes ! U. S. certificates of deposit ' Redemption fund with U. S. Treas .| Due from U. S. Treasurer >. Total. A. K. PERRY, Cashier. i,283 45 ,» Capital stock paid in. 12, 500 00 ;: Surplus fund ; Other undivided profits . - | $50, 000 00 ; 12, 500 00 5, 095 65 ; Xational bank notes outstanding. .'• 22, 312 98 . State bank notes outstanding , 11,150 00 659 35 Dividends unpaid j 1, 2(55 (53 ' Individual deposits i 4, 034 90 ! United States deposits Depositsof U.S. disbursing officers, j 726 00 j 2 46 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers. 924 00 2, 000 00 i Notes and bills re-discounted. ! Bills payable 5(52 50 500 00 Total. 134,771 27 56, 025 62 134,771 27 Northern National Bank, Hallowell. J U S T I N E . SMITH, President. Loans and discounts O rerdrafts U. S. bonds to secure c i r c u l a t i o n . . . IJ. S. bonds to secure deposits L r . S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages D u e from approved reserve agentH. D u e from other bonks and b a n k e r s Real estate, furniture and fixtures C u r r e n t expenses and taxes paid. .. P r e m i u m s paid Cbecks and other cash items E x c h a n g e s for clearing-house Bills of o t h e r banks Fractional currency T r a d e dollars ". Specie Legal-tender notes U . S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . D u e from U". S. T r e a s u r e r Total. No. 532. $127, 957 91 100, 000 00 '2, 725 37, 674 1, 445 2, 435 00 37 00 51 (5, 608 00 1,151 52 G E O R G E R. SMITH, Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund Other undivided profits Cashier. $100,000 00 ; ; 25, 000 00 15, 596 94 National bank notes outstanding.. j State bank notes outstanding i 89, 8L0 00 Di vidcuds unpaid Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 1,464 00 57, 639 74 1. ! (U> 0<> 5 37 Du<* to other national b a n k s Due to State b a n k s and b a n k e r s . 1, 8-jn 00 3. 345 00 Notes and bills re-discountedHills payable 3,180 00 289, 510 68 ! Total. 289, 510 68 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. If) MAIME. First National Bank, Boulton. No. 274$ WALTER MANSUK, President. WILLIAM C. DONNELU Cashier. Resources. Loans and discounts — Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation.. U, S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers .Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house 'Bills of" other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. Liabilities, $107,306 89 i Capital stock paid in $50, 000 00 """so," boo" 65" Surplus fund Other undivided profits . i [National bank notes outstanding.. .10, 766 95 State bank notes outstanding , >'. Dividends unpaid ii 4, aoo oo ; | Individual deposits 900 55 I United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.' 1, 931 00 i 4 12 Due to other national banks 37 00 ! Due to State banks and bankers .. ! 7,742 35 700 00 ! j Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 1, 350 00 3, 300 00 713 00 172, 541 84 Total 10, 000 00 3, 929 0;i 20, 480 00 63 00 80, 344 87 1,724 04 172, 541 84 Ocean National Bank, Kennebunk. EDWARD W. MORTON, President. ! Loans and discounts Overdrafts T7. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid...:; Premiums paid Checks and other cash items i Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks ; Fractional currency Trade dollars .". Specie ' Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Kedemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer No. 1254. [ $100, 000 00 """eo," 666 "66 20, 000 00 10,429 57 Surplus fund -I Other undivided profits . 2, 000 00 ;, National bank notes outstanding.. 20,143 01 State bank notes outstanding 3,093 77 , 3, 500 00 : Dividends unpaid 325 75 ii ',' Individual deposits 4,541. 17 H United States deposits . I Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 1,482 00 i 3 51 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . 7, 582 25 500 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 52, 000 00 423 00 48,121 79 2, 700 00 700 00 |i 230,974 36 || Total. CHRISTOPHER LITTLEFIELD, Cashier, $124, 402 90 j Capital stock paid in Total. 230, 974 36 First National Bank, Lewiston. E. F. PACKARD, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. 8. bonds on hand Other stocks,bonds, and mortgages.; Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas-' Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 330. A. L. TEMPLETON, Cashier. $694,938 43 ; j Capital stock paid in 400,000 00 j Surplus fund j Other undivided profits j $400, 000 00 ! '[ 200,000 00 30, 676 40 ! National bank notes outstanding . 51, 00'i 20 • State bank notes outstanding 3.18101 j 35,435 51 ; Dividends unpaid 1,42!? 70 : I Individual deposits 34 n.i I United States deposits 4"1 47 ! DopositsofU. S. msbursingofficers. 22. 190 00 j fi6 69 ,Due to of her national banks 175 00 Due to State banks and bankers . . 22, 535 00 I 1, 500 00 ,• Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 18, 000 CO ; I 1, 250, 953 72 I Total M 859, 270 00 964 00 250, 234 09 9, 809 23 1,250,953 72 IG REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. If I A I W E . Manufacturers' National Bank, Lewiston. JOHN M. BOBBINS, President. No. 2260. ADDISON SMALL, Cashier. Liabilities. Capital stock paid in. Resources. $200,000 00 $283, 637 89 Loans and discounts i O verdrafts !•-• ; 156,666 66 Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure circulation... | II. S. bonds to secure deposits !... Other undivided profits IT. S. bonds on hand !--648 00 i National bank notes outstanding.. (.')ther stocks, bonds, and mortgages j 22,412 59 State bank notes outstanding Dae from approved reserve agents, j 57 97 Duo from other banks and bankers, j 22,162 58 I Dividends unpaid Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures.' 1, 997 72 Current expenses and taxes paid... j 14, 475 00 I Individual deposits Premiums paid I 182 64 | United States deposits ("hecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 6,039 00 J3ills of other banks 298 10 Due to other national banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Due to State banks and bankers . . 10, 499 00 Specie 1,000 00 j|Notes and bills re-discounted . Legal-tender notes Bills payable II. "B. certificates of deposit 0, 750 00 J Redemption fund -with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer 520,160 49 Total. 18, 000 00 5, 232 20 134,330 00 304 50 161, 743 79 500 00 Total. 520,160 49 Limerick National Bank, Limerick. JEREMIAH M. MASON, President. Loans and discounts ; Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... II. S. bonds to secure deposits '• U. S. bonds on hand Other- stocks, bonds, and mortgages. j Due from approved reserve agents • Duo from other hanks and bankers ; Jloid estate, furniture, and fixtures.! O iirrent expenses and taxes paid... \ Premiums paid . . . . ' i Checks and other cash items j Exchanges for clearing-house | Bills of other banks Fractional currency ; Trade dollars Specie •-..: Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer No. 2785. 12, 500 00 3,106 88 2,674 51 | $50, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 10, 000 00 3, 284 32 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 11,220 00 Dividends unpaid ; Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 250 00 11, 012 75 41 Due to other national banks Due te State banks and bankers . . ! 122 00 429 00 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 562 50 Total. 85, 517 07 Total . JOSHUA C. LANE, Cashier. Capital stock paid in. $65,871 77 85,517 07 New Castle National Bank, N e w Castle. THOMAS C. KENNEDY, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts I II. S. bonds to secure circulation... j II. S. bonds to secure deposits i U. S. bonds on hand ' Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Dae from approved reserve agents. Duo from other banks and bankers Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie L?igal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 953. D. W. CHAPMAN, Cashier. $72, 259 85 j Capital stock paid in . 26, 66666 $50, 000 00 | Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 25, 000 00 6,048 79 6, 000 00 National bank notes outstanding.. 19,793 94 State bank notes outstanding 23,400 00 1, 725 00 Dividends unpaid . 441 84 Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. 1, 012 00 1 09 2, 590 00 300 00 450 00 28,454 93 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 1,170 00 i 131,353 72 1 Total. 131,353 72 OV TlTti COMPTROLLER OF THE (CURRENCY. 17 M A fi N E . North Berwick National Bank, North Berwick. F . 0. SNOW, President No. 1523. C. W. GREENLEAF, Cashier. Resources. Loans and discounts i Overdrafts • U. S. bonds to secure circulation. - -i TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits ! IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortga Dae from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers.! Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. I Current expenses and taxes x>aid... .j Premiums paid j C hecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars '. Specie Lsgal-tender notes U. S, certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from TJ. 8. Treasurer Total. Liabilities. $65, 710 72 ,; Capital stock paid in 31)4 06 ' 20,000 00 I j Surplus fund i Other undivided profits i ! National bank notes outstanding..! 2,156 05 I State bank notes outstanding 1,900 00 I j Dividends unpaid . $50, 000 00 8, 623 75 2, 520 48 18, 000 00 153 00 i Individual deposits j 2, 865 67 '! United States deports I .' i Deposilsof'U .S. disbursing officers.! 21, 0Gb 47 412 00 2 20 i! 1, 525 00 4,500 00 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers I Notes and bills re-discounted . i Bills payable 900 00 Total. 100, 365 70 100, 365 70 Norway National Bank, Norway. HENRY M. BEARCE, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TJ. S, bonds to secure circulation TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits... TJ. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Duo from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid. , C bocks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks..'.' Fractional currency Trade dollars Speci.0 Legal-tender notes TJ, S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from TJ. S. Treasurer Total. No. 1956. $154,833 93 50,000 00 H. D. SMITH, Cashier. Capital stock paid in. $100, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . . . 12, 500 00 3, 374 49 1, 090 00 National bank notes outstanding.. 430 55 State bank notes outstanding . . . . 7, 707 1)7 3, 290 50 Dividends unpaid 882 59 ! 10, 800 01) : Individual deposits 861) 5(3 United Stares dr-posits Deposits of U.S.disbursingofiieers 18 50 ! Due to other national hanks 5,121 00 j Duo to Stato banks and bankers . 8,500 00 ! Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable , 44, 500 00 323 00 69,372 17 5,781 06 7, 325 93 2,250 00 Total. 243,170 05 i 243,176 65 Messalonskee National Bank, Oakland. A. P. BENJAMIN, President. L >aus and discounts Overdrafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation.... T.T. S. bonds to secure deposits ' IT. S. bonds on hand Oiher stocks, bonds, and mortgagee. Due from approved reserve agents, j Due from other banks and bankers j . Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.! (Jui rent expenses and taxes paid.... \ I* renriums paid ' 0 iecks and other cash items j E ^changes for clearing-house i. BiDs of other banks.. Fractional currency • Trade dollars " :. Specie Logal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit . Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total No. 2231. $95,085 53 J . E . HARRIS, Cashier. Capital stock paid in. . . . . .....j 75, 000 00 ; Surplus fund Other undivided profits - .I National bank notes outstanding.. 2,745 63 j State bank notes outstanding ! 1,250 00 ' Dividends unpaid . 309 73 11 Individual deposits 18, 500 00 1, 073 22 United States deposits Deposits of TJ.S.disbursing officers. 3, 57r> 00 10 03 : Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . 1, 087 00 2, 500 00 Notes and bills re-diseonnted Bills payable 3, 375 00 204,511 14 j; Total. $75, 000 00 7, 959 37 3, 385 78 65, SCO 00 69 00 46, 510 01 6, 086 98 204,511 14 18 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, MAINE. Orono National Bank, Orono. No. 1134. EBENEZER WEBSTER, President. ALBERT W H I T E , Cashier, Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation... XT. S. bonds to secure deposits TJ. S bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars ' Specie Legal-tender notes XT. B. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas. Due from TJ. S. Treasurer $50, 000 00 $36,615 34 I. Capital stock paid in. 400 00 5, 200 00 12, 000 67 3, 907 95 4, 800 00 538 50 3, 409 37 475 00 31 02 7,146 97 990 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 8,403 00 2, 008 98 National bank notes outstanding-. State bank notes outstanding 9,410 00 Dividends unpaid , 74 00 Individual deposits United States deposits | Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 18,681 34 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 562 50 18,637 32 |; Total . Total. 88,637 32 Union National Bank, Phillips. J. E. THOMPSON, Cashier. No. 2267. . B. BEAL, President. Loans and discounts ; Overdrafts : U. S. bonds to secure circulation... j U. S. bonds to secure deposits ; U. S. bonds on hand I Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages-| Due from approved reserve agents. • Due from other banks and bankers.! Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.; Current expenses and taxes paid...! Premiums paid j Checks and other cash items ' Exchanges for clearing-house ! Bills of other banks ! Fractional currency j Trade dollars ". I Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas j Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $45,141 06 Capital stock paid in 50, 000 00 $50,000 00 ; Surplus fund i Other undivided profits j 500 00 ; National bank notes outstanding.. 8,352 05 State bank notes outstanding . . 676 86 :' Dividends unpaid . | j 5, 800 00 Individual deposits 544 83 United States deposits j Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. I. 880 00 39 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . 1, 002 25 177 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 2, 250 00 115,324 44 Total. 4, 200 00 1, 318 23 45,000 00 117 00 14, 689 21 115, 324 44 First National Bank, Portland. IT. J . LIBBY, President. J. E. WENGREN, Acting Cashier. No. 221. $1,760,431 84 Capital stock paid in. Loans and discounts $1, 000,000 00 5, 015 71 ' )verdrafts 800, 000 00 Surplus fund 112, 256 09 ij. S. bonds to secure circulation... 30,609 59 f J. S. bonds to secure deposits . . . . Other undivided profits . iJ. S. bonds on hand 18, 200 00 National bank notes outstanding.. 720, 000 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 35, 455 77 State bank notes outstanding ;)ne from approved reserve agents. 209, 836 57 )ue from other banks and bankers, 181, 857 63 Dividends unpaid i.leal estate, furniture, and fixtures . 308 00 '. torrent expenses and taxes paid... 3, 362 59 i?remj.ums paid 124,150 80 Individual deposits Checks and other cash items 11,095 83 United States deposits Exchanges for clearing-house 40,117 05 Deposits of U.S.disbursing ofiicers. Bills of other banks 14, 820 00 Fractional currency 129,905 74 Due to other national banks Trade dollars > Due to State banks and bankers . . 31, 515 24 Specie 67, 732 47 I Legal-tender notes 11, 000 00 '| Notes and bills re-discounted CT. S certificates of deposit j Bills payable ..i 50,000 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 36, 000 00 I Due from U . S . Treasurer 3, 910 00 j Total , 3,198, 835 46 j Total I 3,198,835 4G REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 19 MAINE. Canal National Bank, Portland. No. 941. "WILLIAM W. THOMAS, President. BENJAMIN C. SOMEUBY, Cashier. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation .. IJ S. bunds to secure deposits II., S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Keal estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid ('hecks and other cash items Exchanges tor clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . II. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from TJ. S. Treasurer <... Total. Liabilities. Capital stock paid in $1, 358,869 44 50,000 00 144, 858 81, 842 5,000 4. 380 33,125 19, 813 20,106 14,151 39 j $600, 000 00 120,000 00 261, 215 57 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding ' 58 83 00 42 00 01 11 00 31 45, 000 00 1,367 27 Dividends unpaid. ] Individual deposits 695, 501 87 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 53,840 00 4,000 00 i| Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. 49, 250 94 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable Total 1,772,335 65 | 1,772,335 65 Casco National Bank, Portland. I. P . FARRINGTON, President Loans and discounts Overdrafts U, S. bonds to secure circulation... TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Ot hex stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Due from othoi banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... P reniiunis paid C liecks and other cash items K ^changes for clearing-house J J :11s of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie I jOgal-tender notes I *. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . No. 1060. MARSHALL R. GODING, Cashier. $1,421, 310 05 !, Capital stock paid in 161,220 47 i! 50, 000 00 i i Surplus fund ; i Other undivided profits 137 15 : i $800,000 00 ! 290, 000 00 21, 975 67 ! National bank notes outstanding.. j State bank notes outstanding 45, 000 00 503 08 000 00 ;! Dividends unpaid 431 (39 i| 3,140 27 ; Individual deposits 518*23 ! United States deposits 407 90 '; Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. 248 00 36 58 612 80 712 00 ji Due to other national banks I . j Duo to State banks and bankers .. I i Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 733, 590 29 55, 681 72 2, 250 00 1,949,387 95 ; Total 1,949,387 95 Cumberland National Bank, Portland. IIOUATIO N. JOSE, President. No. 1511. W . H . SOULK, Cashier. Loans and discounts $430, 970 14 $250, 000 00 Capital stock paid in. (): verd rafts !T . S. bonds to secure circulation... 50, 000 00 155, 000 00 Surplus fund I S. bonds to secure deposits I. 38, 739 83 Other undivided profits . U.S. bonds on hand j. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. 139, 500 00 National bank notes outstanding..' Duo from approved reserve agents, j 14, 973 34 State bank notes outstanding j. Dao from other banks and bankers, j 15, 964 49 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures < j 482 32 15, 000 00 Dividends unpaid ('urrent expenses and taxes paid. ..j 2,758 09 ;| Premiums paid | j 181, 730 14 8, 000 00 IIndividual deposits (' hecks and other cash items I 8,307 '17 I United States deposits | II^changes for clearing-house : 5, 368 71 !\Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. j 1 Jills of other banks ! 4, 070 00 ' Fractional currency ! ! 17, 295 89 20 24 : Due to other national banks Trade dollars i; ! Due to State banks and bankers ..! Specie 615'00 : Ljgal-tender notes : 9, 256 00 i Notes and bills re-discounted . IT. S. certificates of deposit !_ j Bills payable iiedemption fund with U. S. Treas -I 6, 975 00 ; Due from U. S. Treasurer 470 00 , Total. 677,748 18 ;| Total. 677, 748 18 20 REPORT O F T H E COMPTROLLER O F T H E CURRENCY. A I J* E . Merchants' National Bank, Portland. JACOB MCLELLAN, President. "No. 1023. CHARLES PAYSON, Cashier. Resources. Loans and discounts ! ! Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... i TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits ! n s on hand TJ. S S. b bonds Other stocks,bonds,and mortgages | Due from approved reserve agents I Due irom other banks and bankers, j Keal estate, furniture, and fixtures, j Current expenses and taxes paid ...\ Premiums paid i C necks and other cash items i Exchanges for clearing-house j Bills of other banks...' Fractional currency | Trade dollars i Specie j Legal-tender notes i TJ. S. certificates of deposit { Redemption fund with U. S. Treas .' Due from U. S. Treasurer j Total. Liabilities. $667, 968 51 Capital stock paid in 40 40 272, OoO 00 Surplus fund 70, 000 00 : Other undivided profits | 60, 000 00 122, 329 43 48 National bank notes outstanding. 42 State bank notes outstanding 40 00 Dividends unpaid 56 Individual deposits 5,282 53 United States deposits 13,840 51 Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers 9,2G0 00 99 22 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. 33,506 00 Xotes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 12,240 00 3,492 49,003 10, 554 24, 000 2,828 1,174,116 03 $300,000 00 244, 800 00 959 82 387,411 53 28,221 05 14, 536 84 15, 857 36 Total. 1,174,116 03 National Traders' Bank, Portland. No. 1451. FRED. G. MESSER, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts | U. S. bonds to secure circulation... j TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits TJ. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Keal estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks F factional currency I Trade dollars ,... j Specie Legal-tender notes i U.S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treas .' Due from TJ. S. Treasurer ; Total . EDWARD GOULD, Cashier $516,986 11 Capital stock paid in 78 77 172,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits | $300,000 00 I 75,000 00 Xational bank notes outstanding.. 58, 378 57 State bank notes outstanding 40,488 84 Dividends unpaid 2, 745 91 Individual deposits . United States deposits 7,230 51 Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 3, 233 00 j 58 18 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. 18, 475 00 2, 809 00 Xotes andbilis re-discounted. Bills payable 7, 740 00 1,000 00 154, 500 00 831, 283 89 30, 6*J5 97 Total. 420 00 270, 606 38 91 54 831, 283 89 First National Bank, Richmond. C. H. T. J. SOUTHARD, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation... TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits TJ. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Keal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes j TJ. S. certificates of deposit -' Redemption fund with U. S. Treas DHH from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 662. JOSEPH M. ODIORNE, Cashier, $42,370 82 : Capital stock paid in. '""56*606*66* $50, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits. 8,127 80 1,327 72 National bank notes outstanding.. 17,485 58 State bank notes outstanding " 2 6 0 " 00* 218 98 7,600 00 2, 296 92 2, 895 14 9 2,426 296 42,100 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. 00 i! 05 ' Due to other national banks 00 1 Due to State banks and bankers 70 '• 00 •; Notos and bills re-discounted. -. 26, 507 53 .. Bills payable 2,230 00 ! 128,063 05 :; Total „ 128,063 05 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 21 MAINE. Richmond National Bank. Richmond. GEORGE H. THEOBALD, President. No. 909. WILLIAM H. STUART, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. .Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation- -. U. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Dae from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. \ Real estate, furniture, and fixtures, j Current expenses and taxes paid....! Premiums paid j Checks and other cash items • E^changes for cleaving-house ! Bills of other banks i Fractional currency j Trade dollars ' Specie ! Legal-tender notes -.. j U. S. certificates of deposit. ' Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. j i m e f r o m U . S. Treasurer ; $114,440 37 Capital stock paid i n . . „ 04 94 120, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 11, 600 00 24, 045 1G $120,000 00 22,500 00 4,479 05 103, 620 00 National bank notes outstanding-. State bank notes outstanding 3,125 00 | i Dividends unpaid . 298 50 ; Individual deposits 404 03 I United States deposits : Deposit s of U.S. disbursing officers 850 00 ; 21 5G ; Due to other national banks --• Due to State banks and bankers . 2,113 00 1,100 OS) Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable.. 5,400 00 283, 170 06 Total. j • 31,304 80 967 71 Total. 283,170 06 Lime Rock National Bank, Rockland. JOHN T. BEERY, President. No. 2097. Loans and discounts - -' Overdrafts. ' IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits i U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages ; Due from approved reserve agents. • Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.; Ciirrent expenses and taxes paid... ; 1 •remiumH paid I C hecks and ot her cash items Exchanges for clearing-house '• Bills of other b a n k s . . ; .! Fractional currency , Trade dollars '. ' Specie ; Legal-tender n o t c s --i U. S. certiiicatcs of deposit ! Redemption fund wirii U. S. Trcas. j Due from U. S. Treasurer ! Total ! GEORGE W. BERRY, Cashier. $138, 025 8<i ; Capital stock paid in h 09!) hi 40, 000 00 ; Surplus fund j : Other undivided profits. •, $105, 000 00 8, 500 00 833 61 1,(180 80 : National bank notes outstanding.. 13, (387 55 ; Suite bank noios outstanding 13, 034 01 i Dividends unpaid . 36, 000 00 4, 375 00 Individual deposits , 14, 830 91 United Sfcal^.s deposits : .'Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers 0,1)50 00 ; 111 04 Due to other nn-tiiMial banks : Dut- to Slate banks and bankers . . 9. 318 68 3, 070 00 Notes and bills re-discounted i Bills payable 1,800 00 . ;i 247, 089 01 | Total. 75, 842 70 3,788 72 17,332 25 691 73 247, 989 01 North National Bank, Rockland. ADCXNIBAM J. BIRD, President. No. 2371. NATHAN T. FAUWELL, Cashier. Loans and discounts | $135. 255 51 Capital stock paid in ; Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation-..' 100, 000 00 Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure deposits , Other undivided profits . U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages ; 10, 500 00 National bank notes outstanding.. Due from approved reserve agents. 3i), 041 (J8 Btate bank notes outstanding . . . . . ' Duo from other banks and bankers. 50 00 Iloai estate, furniture, and fixtures.; 2, 500 00 Dividends unpaid I Current expenses and taxes paid Premiums paid Individual deposits Checks and other cash items 3, 007 10 United States deposits Exchanges for clearing-house '' Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. Bills of other banks 3, 980 00 I Fractional currency ..s 105 28 !' Due to other national banks Trade dollars .'• Specie . 8, 022 00 Due to State banks and bankers .. Legal-tender notes 1, 180 00 | Notes and bills re-discounted . U S. certificates of deposit | l-Jifls payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas -1, 50*; 00 Dae from U. S. Treasurer , Total. 309,731 57 Total $100,000 00 12, 500 00 11, 608 50 81,000 00 850 50 102,608 22 1,164 35 309, 731 57 22 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. MAINE. Hockland National Bank, Rockland. MAYNARD SUMNER, President. No. 1446. G. HOWE "WIGGIX, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TT. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bcrnls to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items E xchanges for clearing-house... Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars ' Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $345,871 14 96 57 50, 000 00 15, 500 00 23, 708 32 12,084 72 7,500 00 Capital stock paid in ! Surplus fund Other undivided profits - : National bank notes outstanding..! State bank notes outstanding J Dividends unpaid 50, 000 00 17, 688 02 45, 000 00 1, 056 00 Individual deposits 2, 058 43 United States deposits Deposits of U. S.disbursing officers. 12,160 00 205 20 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . 11, 565 05 1, 500 00 "Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 2, 250 00 214,136 34 3, 742 22 2, 876 85 Total. 484,499 43 $] 50, 000 00 464,499 43 Saco National Bank, Saco. No. 1535. R. JORDAN, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TT. S. bonds to secure circulation-.. TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Duo from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiurnspaid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes 17. S. certificates of deposit I Redemption fund with U\ S. Treas.; Due from TJ. S. Treasurer j Total. S. S. RICHARDS, Cashier. ; $100, 000 00 ""90," 000 66"; Surplusfund Other undivided profits 18, 000 00 ! National bank notes outstanding.. ! 28, 262 73 j State bank notes outstanding 1, 062 62 j 7,821 44 Dividends unpaid ! 20,000 00 3, 450 77 79,600 00 $117,515 44 1,454 90 652 08 4, 058 00 5 19 4,162 30 3, 500 00 4, 050 00 410 00 Capital stock paid in Individual deposits ! United States deposits j Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 1 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable I Total.. 280, 954 70 1, 530 18 76, 321 65 52 10 280, 954 70 York National Bank, Saco. R. F. C. HARTLEY, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Duo from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... > Premiums paid > Checks and other cash items | Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks j Fractional currency j Trade- dollar's Specie • L-gal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund, with" IT. S. Treas Duo from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 1528. JOHN C. BRADBURY, Cashier. $173,147 17 Capital stock paid in "ioo, 666 60 Surplus fund Other undivided profits. 36, 939 95 506 42 7, 500 00 $100, 000 00 ! ...J National bank notes outstanding-.! State bank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid . Individual deposits I, 648 44 I United States deposits ' Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. 11, 973 00 3 83 i Duo to other national banks : Due to State banks and bankers .. j 12, 709 20 9, 868 00 Notes and bills re-discounted \ Bills payable j 4, 500 00 1, 500 00 360,316 01 Total. 40, 000 00 8,017 37 88, 500 00 2, 389 38 110,314 06 11,095 20 360, 316 01 KEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 23 M AI Searsport National Bank, Searsport. JAMES G. PENDLETOX, President. No. 2042. CHARLES F. GORDON. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts - IT, S. bonds to secure circulation...; IT. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Dae from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures . Current expenses and taxes paid — Premiums paid ' 0 hecks and other cash items E xchan gos for clearing-house 1 Jills of other banks.. I ; Fractional currency ; Trade dollars Specie ! Legal-tender notes : U. S, certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from TJ. S. Treasurer $86, 554 98 Capital stock paid in j $50, 000 00 " 50*000 00 I Surplus fund Other undivided profits I 4, 000 00 7, 255 18 Nat ional bank notes outstanding.. j State bank notes outstanding ;. 45, 000 00 0, 521 00 30, 212 82 I Dividends unpaid \ 828 00 Individual deposits. p 1, 015 55 I United States deposits : U.S.disbursing • Deposits of U S disbursi officers. 1, 491 00 j 4 65 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. i 4, 715 83 500 00 Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 75, 757 86 403 40 818 19 2, 250 00 Total. 183, 659 23 Total. 183, 659 23 First National Bank, Skowhegan. JAMES B. DASCOMB, No. 239. President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation. ..j II. S. bonds to secure deposits | IT- S. bonds on hand ; Other stocks,bonds,and mortgages. Dae from approved reserve agents.. Duo from other banks and bankers.; Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes p a i d . . . Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency ; Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes . . IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas . Due from XI. S. Treasurer $260, 233 49 i iso, 666 66 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 30, 000 00 129,730 G2 1, 761) 33 2, 000 00 National bank note* outstanding..; State bank notes outstanding 20, 000 00 11,920 53 0, 6(50 00 107 25 " 5,'500 66 15, 000 00 $150, 000 00 50, 000 00 11, 788 52 129, 000 00 Dividends unpaid 520 00 Individual deposits I United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. | 298, 359 70 l)ue to other national banks j Due to State banks and bankers . . j i Notes and bills re-discounted i Bills payable i 639, 668 22 Total. GEORGE N. PAGE, Cashier. Capital stock paid in Total. 639, 668 22 Second National Bank, Skowhegan. R. B. SHEPHERD, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... IT. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Cheeks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks...' Fractional currency Trade dollars ". Specie ' Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Red* mption fund with IT. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 298. JAMES FELLOWS, Cashier. $144, 513 32 Capital stock paid in 4,105 82 125, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits ' \ $125,000 00 30, 000 00 2, 942 40 National bank notes outstanding . I 15, 002 26 State bank, notes outstanding . . . . . j 5, 776 79 4,000 Ou ' Dividends unpaid . j 112,400 00 3, 000 00 j Individual deposits i [ 1, 853 31 ! United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.' 3,025 00 ; 54 67 ' Due to other national banks i Due to State banks and bankers ... I 3,401 70 ' 1. 000 00 Notes and hills re-discounted .. J Jills payable :">, 625 00 45,132 47 316,447 87 Total. 973 00 316,447 87 24 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. MAINE. South Berwick National Bank, South Berwick. "W. D. JEWKTT, President. No. 9.39. JOHN F. WALKER, Cashier. Resources. Loans and discounts | Overdrafts - - •: TJ. S. bonds* to secure circulation. - ! TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. ' Due from other bunks and bankers.:. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures.! Current expenses and taxes paid... !•. Premiums paid . Checks and other cash, items i Exchanges for clearing-house !; Bills of other banks, . t . Fractional currency > Trade dollars ....-' ! Specie ! Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit ' Redemption fund with U. S. Trcas .| Duo from IT. S. Treasurer Total. Liabilities. | $100, 000 00 $130, 412 48 ; Capital stock paid in 15, ! 20, 000 00 100, 000 00 j Surplus fund ,. Other undivided profits I 21,126 52 i 89,000 00 1G, 325 00: National V>ank notes outstanding. J 29,881 01 i State bank notes outstanding ' 1, 000 00 i Dividends unpaid . I !! Individual deposits j 022 75 J: United State?} deposits : I Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. j 1,100 00 30 19 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . 2, 901 00 2,201 00 • Notes and bills re-discounted | Bills payable 4, 500 00 288,974 18 |i Total. 3,427 00 54, 820 66 288, 974 18 Georges National Bank, Thomaston. EDWARD O'BRIEN, President. Loans and discounts ! Overdrafts ! U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits ! TT. S. bonds on hand i Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Duo from other banks and ban kern Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid. .. Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other backs Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes ... TJ S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with IJ. S. Treas . | Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. S o . 1142. JOHN C. LEVENSALEK, Cashier. $91,272 91 , Capital stock paid in | 110, 000 00 ; Surplus fund I Other undivided profits j 700 00 National bank notes outstanding..' 13,45a (JO ! 3, 250 00 State bank notes outstanding 2, 750 00 Dividends unpaid 18, 500 00 . j J.0G1 52 Individual deposits United States deposits : 878 00 Deposits of U.national S. disbursing 14 U8 Due to other banksofficers.!j Due to State banks and bankers . . 3, 270 00 l(,0 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 4, 950 00 Total. 250,200 11 $110,000 00 1,638 17 99,000 00 34, 205 98 1, 355 96 4,000 00 250,200 11 Thomaston National Bank, Thomaston. CHKISTOPHEK PRINCE, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation ... • U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. • Due from other banks and bankers. • Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. I Current expenses and taxes paid.... Premiums paid : Checks and other cash items j Exchanges for clearing-house : Bills of other banks. i .Fractional currency j Trade dollars ' ' Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit . Redemption funri with IT. S. Treas . I Due from U. S. Treasurer ! Total. No. 890. $91,420 77 FRANK H. JORDAN, Cashier. Capital stock paid in j $100, 000 00 | i 20, 000 00 4, 599 94 35,350 00 ; National bank notes outstanding. J 49,886 45 • Slate bank notes outstanding j 4, 557 (59 17, 400 00! ;Dividends unpaid . 45, 000 00 50, 000 00 i Surplus fund -. | Other undivided profits j 9, 337 52 , Individual deposits 8, 060 50 , United-States deposits j. Deposit s of U. S. disbursing officers. i. 1,3(50 00 I 10 14 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. I 7, 497 50 J 50 00 ! Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 2, 250 00 j 277,186 57 || Total. 793 00 102, 785 14 4, 008 49 '. 277,186 57 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 25 W AIN£. Medomak National Bank, Waldoboro'. SAMUKL W. JACKS.OX, President. No. 1108. DAVID W. POTTKK, Cashier. Resources, Liabilities. L a-us and discounts j Overdrafts.... U. S. bonds to secure circulation...; U. S. bonds to secure deposits ; U. S. bonds on hand . ' Otiver stocks, bonds, and mortgages > Duo from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures • Current expenses and taxes paid Premiums paid : Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks..'. : Fractional currency Trade dollars ". Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with 17. S. Treas. Duo from U. S. Treasurer Total $77, 890 42 Ca pi!;al stock paid in 50,000 00 Surplus fund. . . . Other undivided profits 8. 200 00 0, 11.3 40 $50, 000 00 , National bank notes outstanding.. ! State, bunk notes outstanding . Dividends unpaid I Indi deposits 800 50 United States deposits -. Deposits of U.S. disbursingoflicers.: 4,107 00 | ; 79 ' Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers 3, 03!) 00 1, oi)0 00 Notes and bills rc-dixeounted Bill.i payable 2,250 00 354,007 17 Total 10,000 00 .1, 713 (19 43, 200 00 432 in) 48, 720 98 ... 154,007 J7 Merchants' National Bank, Waterville. JOHN* WAKE, President N o . 2H00, Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... I •. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds en hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Una from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers I teal estate, furniture, and fixtures , () mrent expenses and taxes paid Premiums paid ("hecks and other cash items : Exchanges for clearing-house , Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Logal-tender notes V. S. certificates of deposit Kedemption fund with II. S. Tieas Due from U. S. Treasurer Total ; HOR.YTIO I). BATES, Cashier. $217,392 10 , Capital stock paid in 1, 2(57 91 100, 000 00 Surplus fund OtiuT undivided profits 18,500 00 8, 744 14 $100, 000 00 25, 000 <u) 5, 000 21 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank not.«s outstanding 89,60;) 00 ; 9, 007 49 Dividends unpaid 300 00 ; ! Individual deposits 98, 442 97 : 1, 254 34. ; United States deposits , DeposHsof U.S. uisbursingollk;ers. 2,5)17 00:; | 7 10; Due. to other national banks • 13, (515 99 10 00 \\ Due to State banks and bankers... • 3,915 00 ;, ; 5, '2H2 (>() , Notes and bills re-discounted •, 40, 500 00 >; liills uayaido i ; 4,500 00 \, " " : j 372,597 17 j| Total i 372,597 17 People's National Bank, Waterville. N. G. H. PuLBii'Kit, President No. 880. Loans and discounts $280, 053 84 Overdrafts .. IT. S. bonds to secure circulation. . . 200, 000 CO U. S. bonds to secure deposits .... . U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages id, KM «'O Due from approved reserve agents 2, 4->4 92 Due from other b a n k s and b a n k e r s Real estate, furniture, and fixtures 10. 000 0o C u r r e n t expenses a n d taxes p a i d . . . 889 33 Premiums paid Checks and other cash items : 1. (,•;;"» 5;j Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other b a n k s Fractional c u r r e n c y , - , 9 85 Trade dollars ." ". [.. Specie ' 3,350 00 Legal-tender notes 1, 2: 0 00 ; IT S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 8,130 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer .Total j 518,494 4 7 , ; H O M E R PERCIVAL, Cashier. Capi tit 1 stoc k pa id in $200, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits. 40, 000 00 9, 170 50 "National lujnk notes o u t s t a n d i n g . . Slate bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g 178,000 00 Dividends unpaid 747 52 Individual depouits . . . United States deposits Deposiisof iJ.S.disburskigoiiicers Due to other naiional b a n k s 1 )uo to State banks and bankers 90,294 06 : 282 39 \ Notes and bills re-discounted...... i Bills payable; ' I Total. 518, 494 47 26 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. Ticonic National Bank, Waterville. N. R. BOUTELLE, President. No. 702. A. A. PLAISTED, Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand O Kher stocks, bonds, and mortgages., 1)iie from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers IJaal estate, furniture, and fixtures ()• urrent expenses and taxes paid IVerMi ums paid C aeeks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other b a n k s . . 1 Fractional currency Trade dollars I ! Specie Legal-tender notes : TJ. S. certificates of deposit Kedemption fund with IT. S. Treas.j Due from U. S. Treasurer i il50, 585 03 100, 000*0) Capital stock paid in $ 100, 000 00 22, 000 00 4, 525 50 2. National bank note1;} outstanding.. Slate bank notes outstanding 89, 500 00 9, 000 00 Dividends unpaid 1,760 14 Individual deposits United Staff's deposits . Depos i t H o f U. S. disbursing officers. . 57G 00 3, SGO 00 > 57 00 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . : 2,110 50 1, 640 00 Notes and bills re-discoimted. Bills payable 2, 090 00 273, 103 02 Total. ; Surplus fund Other undivided profits Total. 40, 830 75 9, 671 37 273,103 62 National Bank, Winthrop. No. 553. CHARLES M. BAILEY, President. Loans and discounts O verdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation . . . U. S. bonds to secuie deposits 1.7. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid. Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks .Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie i Legal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer $135, 31% 60 100, 000 Oo' Surplus fund Other undivided profits 23, 2^4 83 $100, 000 00 .... National bank notes outstanding.. Stat e bank notes outstanding I)ividends unpaid 20, 000 00 5, 750 00 00, 000 00 2, 752 00 Individual deposits 171 31 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 854 00 8 !)2 Due to other national banks I>ue to State banks and bankers 4, (523 00 : I, 500 00 • Notes and bills re-discounted ... Bills payable 4,500 00 270, 260 72 ' Total . J O H N M. BENJAMIN, Cashier. Capital stock paid in Total . 51, 758 72 270, 260 72 First National Bank, Wiscasset. II. ING ALLS, Pret dent. Loans and discounts () verdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... IT. S. bonds to .secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Dae from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid Premimns paid ('hecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks . '. Fractional currency : Trade dollars ... Specie Lpgal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. D n e from U. S. T reasuror Total . No. 1549. F. W. SEWALL, Cashier. $89, Oil 43 : Capital stock paid in 10 44 100, 000 00 ; Surplus fund Other undivided profits 31, 738 04 ; National bank notes outstanding . 8, 070 27 State bank notes outstanding ..'... 6, 223 70 1, 626 64 Dividends unpaid . . 7, 036 02 3,600 419 500 4,500 Individual deposits United States deposits i Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.; 0<; " i Due to other national banks I Due to State banks and bankers . . j 15 ! ! 00 ! Notes and bills re-discounted ' : : Bills payable 00 ' " i 253, 341 75 i Total. $100, 000 00 30, 000 00 6, 358 90 89,500 00 771 60 26. 711 25 253, 341 75 REPORT OF THK COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. JE W I I A M P S II I K E . Connecticut River National Bank, Charlestown. J . G. DISHMOHK, President ' N o . i»:j7. GEORGE OI.COTT, Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. $117,283 71 Loans and discounts 0verdraft s j 00, 000 00 II. S. bonds to secure circulation. U. S. bonds to secure deposits. id U. S. bonds on han Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages '••... . . Duo from approved reserve aiients : JT}, TOO 5s> Due from o t h e r b a n k s and b a n k e r s 1.5, OoO 00 ll^al estate, furnitui'e, and fixtures C urrent expenses and taxes paid Prenii urns paid Cnecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes IT. "S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Duo from U. S. Treasurer Capital stock paid hi -', 7, 025 00 , i ' .; : 32, 000 00 J, 'j'Jo 44 Nation;;! bank notes out standing . State bank notes outstanding 90, 000 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.' 50, 56,") 97 1, 785 00 : Due to other national banks 4U • Due to Slate banks and bankers . !, 033 00 > Notes and bills re-discounted 3, 408 Oo Bills payable 4, 500 00 273,801 41 Total. .$100, 000 00 Surplus fuml Other undivided pro tits Total. 273, 801 41 Claremont National Bank, Claremont. GEORGE N . F A R W E L L , President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation . . U. S. bonds to secure deposits ' 1 J. S. bonds on hand : Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers i Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premium s paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency ...' Trade dollars Specie Le ^al-tender notes U. S. certi ficates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . ; Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . N o . 596. GEORGE N\ HARWELL, 2d, Cashier. $1 GO, 177 30 Capital stock paid in $150, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 64, 000 00 665 10 83, 825 00 National bank notes outstanding . .'{"2, G02 31 State batik notes outstanding ..... 10,191. 47 Dividends unpaid 4 80 Individual deposits . 7, OSJ 90 United Slates 'deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers 11,100 00 0 "23 Due to other national banks '' Due to State banks and bankers 10, 930 00 1, 187 00 Notes and bills re-di.seounted j Jills payable 2, 25u 00 45, 000 00 50, 000 00 381, 33(5 13 7, 030 00 114, 661 03 Total. 381,356 13 First National Bank, Concord. W. F . TIIAYER, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds t o secure circulation . . IT. S. bonds to secure deposits . . . . . U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie . Legal-tender notes IT. "S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 318. C. G-. RKMICK, Cashier. $505,242 3(5 ! Capital stock paid in , $150, 000 00 40 «J4 150, 000 00 : Surplus fund 150,000 00 Other undivided profits . 650 00 154,287 50 • | National bank notes outstanding..! r>:{, 0!Mi 6!) I State bank notes outstanding . . . . . i 61,711 57 10. 000 00 : Dividends unpaid. ii, 538 06 Individual deposits ; 10,553 80 : United States deposits ' Deposits of U.S. disbursing o/nYem 0, 000 00 468 51 Due to other national banks Duo to State, banks and bankers . 28, 555 00 Notes and bills re-discounted 19, 550 00 'Bills payable 6, 750 00 1,172,444 22 Total 100, 000 00 62, 690 83 134, 6(50 00 1.170 00 448,183 12 80, 074 14 31, 572 18 158, 087 05 1,172,444 22 28 REPORT OF THE-COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. NEW Mechanicks' National Bank, Concord. B. A. KIMBALL, President. No. 2447. * .TAMES MINOT, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. $285, 020 58 i Capital stock paid in $100, 000 00 Loans and discounts 2, 520 5)2 Overdrafts 25,000 00 Surplus fund i 11,000 00 IT. S. bonds to secure circulation.. .i IT. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits j 12, 536 42 IT. S. bonds on band --- 26,000 00 National bank notes outstanding.-! Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages > 17,740 00 146, 528 43 State bank notes outstanding . . . . . |. Due from approved reserve agents, i Dae from other banks and bankers. . Iteal estate, furniture, and fixtures. 10,000 00 ;; Dividends unpaid.. 35 00 Current expenses and taxes paid. Individual deposits | 357, 835 76 Premiums paid 3,011 03 United States deposits : Checks and other cash items , Deposits of 17. S. disbursing officers. Exchanges for clearing-house 3,973 bo" Bills of other banks ; | 353 1(5 i Due to other national banks Fractional currency i Trade dollars Due to State banks and bankers . . | 28, 352 19 21, 9C5 45 Specie ; 2, 000 00 i Notes and bills re-discounted | Legal-tender notes • IT. S. certificates of deposit |. . i Bills payable j 1,125 00 , Kedemption fund with U. S. Treas .1 Due from U. S. Treasurer 1 80 ! ~527,499 37 527,499 37 Total. Total. National State Capital Bank, Concord. L E W I S DOWNING, Jr., President No. 758. J . E. FERNALU, Cashier. Loans and discounts i $385,301 40 Capital stock paid in | $200,000 00 ! Overdrafts 279 53 r U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . J 200, 000 00 Surplus fund I 40, 000 00 U. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits 31, 611 22 17. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 51, 095 On National bank notes outstanding.. 179,430 00 Due from approved reserve agents. 05, 584 49 State bank notes outstanding . . . . . i Due from other banks and bankers. 31,200 02 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. 25, 000 00 Dividends unpaid. . 4,490 00 Current expenses and taxes paid j Pretniiuaspaid •• Individual deposits 249, 297 63 Checks and other cash items 732 24 United States deposits ;. Exchanges for clearing-house Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers, j Kills of other banks 8, 834 00 • Fractional currency \ 151 45 • Due to other national banks 82,787 38 ! Trade dollars ' 8,287 90 Due to State banks and bankers .. Specie : 6, 720 00 .. Legal-tender notes ; 12, 000 01) ' Notes and bills re-discounted U. S. certificates of deposit : Bills payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas .j 9, 000 00 j Due from U. S. Treasurer j Total. •i 795, 904 13 Total. 795, 904 13 Derry National Bank, Deny. JOHN W. NOTES, President. No. 499. F. J. SHEPARD, Cashier. Loans and discounts ' $35, 974 64 !! Capital stock paid i n . Overdrafts • U. S. bonds to secure circulation.... 60, 000 00 !' Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure deposits ' Other undivided profits IT. S. bonds on hand .'500 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. 38, 706 00 ' National bank notes outstanding-. Duo from approved reserve agents. 5, 592 29 State bank notes outstanding Due from other banks and bankers "Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. 600 00 ; Dividends unpaid Current expenses and taxes paid...! 543 07 Premiums paid 5,613 88 Individual deposits Checks and other cash items •, 27 50 United States deposits Exchanges for clearing-house '. \ Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. Bills of other banks, -T i 1, 812 00 j Fractional currency 13 .16 ! j Due to other national banks Tiade dollars '. I Specie j 4,134 55 Due to State banks and bankers . L°gal-tender notes ! 1, 333 00 Notes and bills re-discounted U. S. certificntos of deposit Billspayable Kedemption fund with U. S. Treas . 2, 700 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. 157,350 09 ; Total- $60,000 00 8. 500 00 2, 283 4G 54,000 00 429 00 32,137 63 lS?, 350 09 REPORT OP THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 29 ur m w II A. M P S ii t R E . Cccheco National Bank, Dover. No. 1087. JAMES E. LOTHROP, President HAKKISON HALEY, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts : Overdrafts ! I), S. bonds to secure1* circulation...\ I". S. bonds to secure deposits \ U. S. bonds on hand . Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. j Due fiom approved reserve agents, j Duo from other banks and bankers.: K3-1I estate, furnituro, and lixtnros.i (.':irre.nt expenses and taxes paid... ; Premiums paid -.. j Checks and other cash items L'ixciiansjes for clearing-house •' Dills of other banks. ; Fractional currency „.! ! Trade dollars ". Specie Legal-tender notes • ! [J. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Ti eas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $443, 571 67i Capital stock paid in 279 90 130, 000 00 \ j Surplus fund 1! Other undivided profits 4, 300 25 ;| National bank notes outstanding-. : 8, Gil 00 State bank notes outstanding , 0, 000 1,197 23, 025 1, 018 00 Dividends unpaid ! 58 00 Individual deposits 57 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 1,G18 00 ! 102 56 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers ..' 2, 9S7 50 300 00 Notes and bills ro-discounted. ; Bills payable 5, 850 00 Total. 330,428 12 $150, 000 00 6,170 00 2, 4i'3 11 116, 750 00 744 04 54, 340 97 T 330,428 12 Dover National Bank, Dover. No. 1043. OLIVER WYATT, President. ISAAC F . ABBOTT, Cashier. Loans and discounts : $90,39J 59 Capital stock paid in Overdrafts 25 70 U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. 100, 000 00 ! Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits : 17. S. bonds on hand — Othei stocks, bonds, and mortgages 44,(512 50 National bank notes outstanding..! Dae from approved reserve a,gonts ; 20, 42S 17 State bank notes outstanding . . Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furnitures, and fixtures.; 8,200 00 Dividends unpaid Current expenses and taxes paid...' 211 35 Premiums paid 20, 389 58 Individual deposits Checks and other cash items I 1, 030 92 United States deposits Exehansres for clearing-house ' . . . Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers Biils of other banks.. 1 3, 455 00 Fractional currency j 27 74 . Due to other national banks ; Trade dollars « Duo to State banks and bankers. Specie ; 3,030 00 , Legal-tender notes j 2, 548 00 Notes and bills re-discounted U. S. certificates of deposit ! Bills payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. j 4, 500 00 Dae from U .S. Treasurer I Total. 1 304,850 55 j : Total. $100, 000 00 20, 000 00 13. 020 27 84,100 00 8G0 00 86, 870 28 304,850 55 Stratford National Bank, Dover. WILLTAM S. STEVENS, President. Loans and discounts j Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation..., I'. S. bonds to secure deposits | U. S. bonds on hand. '' Other sicks, bonds, and mortgages. : Dae from approved reserve agents Due from ot her banks and bankers , Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.! C arrent expenses and taxes paid.... 1 P spaid. C iiecka and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house J J • 1 is of o I her banks Fractional, currency Trade dollars . . „ . / . Specie Legal-tender notes I IT. S. certificates of deposit,.. Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer : Total. No. 1353. ELISHA R. BROWN, Cashier. 871, 513 45 ; Capital stock paid in 150, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 6, 392 87 ! National bank notes outstanding.. 16, 933 29 • State bank notes outstanding ! Dividends unpaid i Imli vidual deposits 300 00 '! United States deposits : Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 11, 922 00 | 200 33 j Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . 9, 900 00 ' 5, 000 00 | • Notes and bills re-discounted. I Bills payable , 6, 750 00 578,911 94 I Total. $150, 000 00 50, 000 00 26, 299 07 134, 400 00 1, 804 00 400 00 201, 215 17 14, 793 70 578, 911 94 30 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Monadnock National Bank, East Jaffrey. C. L. RICH, Cashier. No. 1242. PETER UPTON, President. Liabilities. Resources. $100, 000 00 $112,617 61 Capital stock paid in. Loans and discounts Overdrafts 10,147 07 "ioo," 66o'66' Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure circulation... 0,397 82 U. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits IT. S. bonds on hand 17,200 00 National bank notes outstanding-.: 89, 800 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages., | 3,2:31 59 State bank notes outstanding Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers. . Dividends unpaid 442 02 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.; 579 77 Current expenses and taxes paid...! ! Individual deposits ; 34, 065 G'y Premiums paid ;. 704 75 ; United States deposits j Checks and other cash items i ! Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers i Exchanges for clearing-house |. 1, 510 00 13ills of other banks i 53 70 : Due to other national banks ' Fractional currency ; i Due to State banks and bankers... J 3, 394 20 Trade dollars j Specie : 3,800 00 | : Notes and bills re-discounted ! Legal-tender notes ' i Bills payable j XL S. certificates of deposit > Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. I 3, 620 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer ' 250,247 36 i; Total. Total. 250, 247 National Granite State Bank, Exeter. CHARLES A. MERRILL, President. No. 1147. "WARREN F. PUTNAM, Cashier. : Loans and discounts $68, 276 94 Capital stock paid in j $100, 000 00 | Overdrafts ! i 20, 000 00 U. S. bonds to secure circulation . . ; 100, 000 00 Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure deposits ' 2, ; Other undivided profits j 2, 242 242 64 64 U. S. bonds on hand 89,260 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages j 68, 550 00 ; National bank notes outstanding..! Due from approved reserve agents. i State bank notes outstanding j.. Due from other banks and bankers. | Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.; 5, 000 00 Dividends unpaid 126 00 Current expenses and taxes paid. ..\ 1, 399 19 j Premiums paid ' 25, 000 00 Individual deposits 65, 854 39 ;.. Checks and other cash items 105 00 '1 United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. i.. E xchanges for clearing-house i J Jills of other banks .. / \ 4, 617 00 i Fractional currency 10 07 ! Due to other national banks 4,525 17 Trade dollars , I Duo to State banks and bankers...;.Specie .' 4, 550 00 Legal-tender notes , I ; Notes and bills re-discounted U. S. certificates of deposit Bills payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 4, 500 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. 282, 008 20 Total. 282, 008 20 Farmington National Bank, Farmington. JOHN H. BARKER, President. No. 2022. JAMES B. EDGERLY, Cashier. Loans and disco unts $117,471 96 Capital stock paid in j $100,000 00 () verdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... 25, 000 00 ! Surplus fund ' 8,500 00 U. S. bonds to secure deposits ' ! Other undivided profits I 2,798 97 i;. S. bonds on hand 1 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. \ 10, 000 00 National bank notes outstanding .. | 22, 500 00 Due from approved reserve agents. \ State bank notes outstanding . . Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.! 4,450 73 Dividends unpaid 60 00 Current expenses and taxes paid.. .j 781 58 Premiums paid 3, 000 00 Individual deposits 26, 235 29 Checks and other cash items 286 £6 i United States deposits Exchanges for clearing-house '• Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 13i 11s of other banks | 4, 673 00 4,054 15 Fractional currency i 25 37 Due to other national banks 5,099 34 Trade dollars j Due to State banks and bankers .. Specie ! ], 833 25 Legal-tender notes | 600 00 ; Notes and bills re-discounted. . U. S. certificates of deposit i Bills payable ° Redemption fund with U. S. Treas.| 1,125 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer | Total. 169,247 75 i Total. 169,247 75 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THK CURRENCY. N E W PA If A M P S 11 £ U E . First National Bank, Francestown. M. L. Moititisox, President. 'No. 576. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation U. S. bonds to secure deposits XI. S. bonds on hand Other stocks,bonds, and mortgages 13ue from approved reserve agents. Due from other hank sand ban leers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. (,-urrent oxpeuses and taxes paid... Premiums paid < 'hecks and other cash items [Exchanges for clearing-house .Bills of othor banks . , Fractional currency Trad*1, dollars . . . . ' Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Kedeinpi ion fund with U. S. Treas . l'rom IT. S. Treasurer Total.. li. W. CUMMTNCS, Cashier. : Liabilities. $63, 119 51 ; Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 100, 000 00 i Surplus fund Other undivided profits 45, 225 00 National bank notes outstanding.. Stale bank notes outstanding 451 ill 793 49 12. 500 00 115 88 Dividends unpaid 489 50 30 00 4, 500 00 i 20, 000 00. 5, 7<i7 02 89, 750 00 31 50 Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U.S.disbursingollk'ers. 11,051 98 Due to otber national banks Due to State banks and bankers... Xotcs and hills re-discounted Bills payable 32 16 Total. 227, 232 »5G 227, 232 GO Franklin National Bank, Franklin. A. W. SULLOWAY, President. Xo. 2443. Loans and discounts #119, 316 03 16 50 Overdrafts 100,000 00 I'. S. bonds to secure circulation . U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.' 25, 000 00 Duo from approved reserve agents, j 37, 684 72 Due from other banks and bankers. •.. lieal estate, furniture, and fixtures.' 11,406 37 Current expenses aud taxes paid...: 805 97 Premiums paid ;... (Checks and other cash items ; " 5 , " 908*55' Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks • 3. 477"00" Fractional currency j 29 13 Trade dollars !: . . . Specie 1, 79iJ 00 Legal-tender notes i 3, 000 00 XT. S. certificates of deposit j . . . Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . j Due from U. S. Treasurer j . . . Total. FKAXK PKOCTOH, Cash-itr. Capital stock paid in $100, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 5, 21! 39 18,827 18 National bank notes outstanding State bank notes outstanding . . . 89, 250 00 Di vidends unpaid 480 00 Individual deposits : United States deposits Depositsof U.S.dishursinsotlicers. Due to other national hanks Due to State banks and bankers .., "Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable - Total . 312,940 27 !) 7«3,159 30 23, 012 40 312,940 27 Great Falls National Bank, Great Falls. A. A. PERKINS, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation . . . 1.7. S. bonds to secure tleposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds,and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due fro'iii other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid C liecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks...'. Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie ! Legal-tender notes XT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . No. 1180. ,T. A. STICKXEY, Cashier, $Ui6, 89G 72 Capital stock paid in *9l 66 150, 000 00 Surplus fnnd Other undivided profits. 15, 000 00 iSTatioual batik notes outstanding.. 5, 989 3(5 State bank notes outstanding.. . . . . 500 00 Dividends unpaid. $ 150, 000 00 50, 00;'l 00 4,853 95 135,000 00 084 00 1,184 03 Individual deposits 37,791 4G 357 10 United States deposits ... Depositsof U.S.disbursing officers 1, 410 00 3 04 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and hankers ... 1,047 50 1, 500 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . 2,400 00 Bills payable 0, 750 00 380,729 41 Total. 380,729 41 32 REPORT OF THE COMPL'iiOLLfiR ]\ JE IV OF THE CURRENCY. HAMPSHIRE. Somersworth National Bank, Great Falls. EDWARD HARGRAVES, President. No. 1183. H. C. GILPATRICK, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation.... U. S bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand ' Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages ; Due from approved reserve agents. j Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges ten- clearing-house , Bills- of other banks i Fractional currency i Trade dollars ; Specie j Legal-tender notes ; U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund "with IT. S. Treas .] Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $185,184 95 Capital stock paid in 390 10 100, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits | $100,000 00 20, 000 00 33, 855 64 National bank notes outstanding.. 90, 000 00 4, 765 15 State bank notes outstanding 717 57 I Dividends unpaid . 690 00 i Individual deposits 6, 529 07 i United States deposits i Deposits of IT. S. disbursing officers. 3, 700 00 28 17 j Due to other national banks 4,200 00 65, 469 37 Due to State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 4, 500 00 310, 015 01 Total . 310, 015 01 Dartmouth National Bank, Hanover. Xo. 1145. NEWTON S. HUSTINGTON, President Loans and discounts Overdrafts '. XT. S. bonds to secure circulation. . .| IT. S. bonds to secure deposits •. IT. S. bonds on hand ' O t her stocks, bonds, and mortgages.' Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. ; Jleal estate, furniture, and fixtures. . . C iirrent expenses and taxes paid...: Premiums paid Cbecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of "other banks , Fractional currency '•. Trade dollars .. Spocie Legal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer $50, 000 00 "io.OOO 66 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 13, 979 00 National bank notes outstanding-.' 32, 851 02 State bank notes outstanding I. Dividends unpaid . 313 00 2, 500 00 Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of IT. S. disbursing officers. 2, 900 00 19 07 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . 4,950 00 2, 000 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 675 00 j 30 00 j ~147, 434 29"i Total. CHARLES P . CHASE, Cashier. $72,156 60 , Capital stock paid in. 18,000 00 3,201 29 13, 500 00 62,733 00 Total. 147,434 29 First National Bank, Hillsborough. JAMES F . BRIGGS, President. ! Loans and discounts Overdrafts t TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation...i IT. S. bonds to secure deposits ! U. S. bonds on hand i Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. i Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks. Fractional currency Trade dollars 1 ! Specie j Lagal-tender notes • IT. S. certificates of deposit ; Redemption fund with U. S. Treas j Due from IT. S. Treasurer Total. No. 1688. $40, 087 2 50, 000 • JOHN C. CAMPBELL, Cashier. Capital stock paid in i Surplus fund Other undivided profits • 28,199 85 , National bank notes outstanding.. j 2, 087 59:' State bank notes outstanding |. 1, 054 2,500 1,172 3, 356 00 4,419 1, 860 2, 250 137, 893 56 Dividends unpaid $50, 000 00 10, 000 00 2,471 71 44, 400 00 j. Individual deposits j United States deposits !. Deposits of U.S.disbursingofficers. | 31, 021 85 Due to other national banks j Due to State banks and bankers . . ; Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable Total. 137,893 56 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF TItti CURRENCY. MEW 33 HAMPSHIRE. Ashuelot National Bank, Keene, No. 946. G. A. AVHEKLOCK, President. Resources. Loans and discounts i Overdrafts I 17. S. bonds to secure circulation... j TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits ! TJ. S. bonds on hand ! Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. I Due from approved reserve agents | Due from other banks and.bankers. I Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other ban ks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes , IT. S. certificates of deposit j Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas. Due from IT. S, Treasurer ! Total. IT. 0. COOLIIGE, Cashier. ; Liabilities. $173,511 10 Capital stock paid in ! $150, 000 00 33 53 150,000 00 | Surplus 1 iind : 30, 000 00 Other undivided profits 15, 440 49 63,471 20 I! National bank notes outstanding.. i 134,490 00 17, 162 61 | State bank notes outstanding ' " C,50000"i Dividends unpaid | 3, 842 15 ! Tndi vidual deposits > "i," 566 72 United States deposits ; Deposits of U.S. disbursingofticers.! 4,126 00 88 20 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. 5,551 75 5,134 00 120 00 99, 247 31 4:!(> 72 8,182 23 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 6,750 00 j 1(59 40 ! Total. 437,900 To '• 437,906 75 Cheshire National Bank, Keene. JOHX 11. ELLIOTT, President. No. 559. JtOYAL 11. POUTER, Cashier. Loans and discounts $215, 425 3 L | Capital stock paid in $200, 000 00 : Overdrafts 1,031 9(j II. S. bonds to secure circulation... : 50, 000 00 i Surplus fund '< 50, 000 00 U. S. bonds to secure deposit s i Other undivided profits ; 19, 681 49 17. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonus, and mortgages ; 93,200 00 i National bank notes outstanding. -1 45, 000 00 Due from approved reserve agents ; 24, 735 05 ! State bank notes outstanding Due from other banks and bankers j 12,900 00 Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures.j Dividends unpaid Current expenses and taxes paid-.. j 3, 464, 93 Premiums paid j Individual deposits 95, 864 05 Checks and other cash items I 7, OSS 26 United States deposits Exchanges for clearing-house i Deposits of U. S. disbursing otlicers. Bills of other banks. 4, 400 00 Fractional currency 55 32! Due to other national banks : 5,176 35 Trade dollars I 5,143 44 Specie .. 6, 374 50: ; Due to State banks and bankers . . Legal-tender notes ..' i.. Notes and bills re-discounted U. K certificates of deposit ! „. Bills payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 2. 250 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. 420, 925 33 Total- 420, 925 33 Citizens' National Bank, Keene. OBED G. DORT, President. I >oans and discounts [ Overdrafts j IT. S. bonds to secure circulation. .. I r . S. bonds to secure deposits II. S. bonds on hand -Ot her stocks, bonds, and mortgages. • Due from approved reserve agents ;! 1 >ue from other banks and bankers. Keal estate, furnit ure, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid...; Premiums paid . . . j (3becks and other rash items | Exehauges for clearing-house | Bills of other banks . .7 j Fractional currency ' Trade dollars ! Specie j Legal-tender notes ; U. S. certificates of deposit \: Redemption fund with U. S. Treas.| Due from U. S. Treasurer ! Total . H. Ex. No. 2299. $96, 468 71) 100, 000 77, 931 16, 735 666 HENUY S. MARTIN, Cashier. Capita] stock paid in. 20, 000 00 13,100 04 National bank notes outstanding...; State bank notes outstanding..."...; 89, 200 00 ; Dividends unpaid . : Individual deposits ; : United States doposity Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers 927 .. 5, 029 00 25 99 Due to other national banks Duo to State banks and bankers .. 5, 0(50 00 1,100 00 Notes and bills re-discounted '. Bills payable, 4,500 00 309,161 74 $100, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits - Total. 1,392 50 78, 759 69 6, 649 51 309,161 74 34 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. JV E W II A US P S I I I R E . Keene National Bank, Xeene. No. 877. E. JOBLIN, President. J. R. BEAL, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts j U. S. bonds to secure circulation... j U. S. bonds to secure deposits j U. S. bonds on hand . Other stocks,bonds, and mortgages. I)ae from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankets Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid C hecks and other cash items E ^changes for clearing-house Bills of other banks. Fractional currency Trade' dollars Specie Legal-tender notes IT. Is. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $136,488 38 ? Capital stock paid in ! 4,654 63 100, 000 00 jSurplus fund ; Other < undivided profits 72,900 00 National bank notes outstanding.. 33, 259 56 State bank notes outstanding 20,000 00 39, 057 74 90, 000 00 180 00 11 Dividends unpaid 'i Individual deposits 6,406 49 11 United States deposits ! Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 1, 615 00 1 98 $100,000 00 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers - and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 105,196 67 11, 502 39 4,903 76 ! 1, 207 00 i Notes 4,500 00 365, 936 80 Total. 365, 936 80 Laconia National Bank, Laconia. JOHN C. MOULTON, President. No. 1645. ORKAN W. TIBBETTS, Cashier. Loans and -discounts $223, 891 22 Capital stock paid inOverdrafts 3, 378 28 IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... 50, 000 00 Surplus fund IT. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits U. S. bonds on hand . Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. 15,000 00 , National bank notes outstanding.. Due from approved reserve agents. 23,118 87 !j State bank notes outstanding Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. ,; Dividends unpaid .. Current expenses and taxes paid... 3 50 :J Premiums paid ' jj Individual deposits Checks and other cash items I; United States deposits Exchanges for clearing-house Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. Bills of other banks..." , 31,106 00 ]\ Fractional currency 42 45 i; Due to other national banks Trade dollars I Due to State banks and bankers .. Specie 17; 585 00M;l Legal-tender notes Notes and bills re-discounted. U. S. certificates of deposit ji Bills payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. j 2, 250 00 !' Due from U. S. Treasurer i Total. 366, 375 32 Total. $150, 000 00 24, 600 00 2, 322 55 45, 000 00 1, 529 50 125, 837 27 17,086 00 366, 375 32 Lancaster National Bank, Lancaster. GEORGE R. EATON, President. No. 2600. FRANK D. HUTCHIXS, Cashier. Loans and discounts $208, 371 77 Capital stock paid i n . j Overdrafts 5 69 ! U. S. bonds to secure circulation... 32,000 00 Surplus fund TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits . ! IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. National bank notes outstanding.. Due from approved reserve agents. 20,539 97 State bank notes outstanding ' Due from other banks and bankers Ron! estate, furniture, and fixtures. 3, 000 00 Dividends unpaid . Current expenses and taxes paid... : 1, 018 81 Premiums paid 8,000 00 Individual deposits Checks and other cash items ' 912 20 United States deposits Exchanges for clearing-house '• Deposits ot'U.S. disbursing oflicers. Bills of other banks..." 1,01100; Frac tional currency 14 54 Due to other national banks Trade dollars Due to State banks and bankers . Specie 9, 594 65 Legal-tender notes Notes and bills re-discounted . U. S. certificates of deposit I Bills payable Redemption fuud with U. S. Treas. 1,440 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer i Total. 285, 908 63 Total. $125,000 00 15, 000 00 5, 920 97 28,800 00 36 00 111, 151 66 285, 908 63 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, NEW 35 HAMPSHIRE. National Bank, Lebanon. ]Nro. 808. WILLIAM S. ELA, President. E. A. KENDKTCK, Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. Loans and discounts Overdrafts I U. S. bonds to secure circulation... | U. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures.! Current expenses and taxes paid...! Premiums paid ; Cheeks and other cash items : Exchanges for clearing-house ; Bills of other banks ' Fractional currency ; Trade dollars ; Specie ' Legal-tender notes j U. S. certificates of deposit ! Redemption fund with U. S. Treas -j Dae from XL S. Treasurer Total ..!' $134, 080 06 Capital stock paid in 110 19 25,000 00 i! Surplus fund i Other undivided profits 9,337 8, 341 1,519 4,500 003 6, 312 1,041 00 35 00 00 22 50 19 i $100,000 00 i ! ! 21,000 00 6,143 85 |i National bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g . . State bank notes outstanding ;: !' Dividend aim paid !': -i Individual deposits :. United Ktau\s<Ii.'p..>-iits \ D o s i t s u l ' l T . S .>;irsLny,-oriioeris. j 3, 709 00 238 13 22,500 00 20 13 54,401 84 Due to other national 'banks. .. Due to State banks and bankers. . | Notes and bills re-discounted.. Bills payable. - "7," 099 " I s " 1,000 00 1,125 00 ; 500 00 ! 204, G05 82 Total. 204,065 82 •( Littleton National Bank, Littleton. No. 1885. JOHN FARR, President. OSCAR C. HATCH, Cashier. Loans and discounts < $275, 579 51 : Capital stock paid in : Overdrafts !. 150* 000 00 "i Surpln H iuud U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . .1 XT. S. bonds to secure deposits ;. ; Other undivided profits U. S. bonds on hand I. 38, 500 00 National b a n k notes out^ta udiug . Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. State bank notes outstanding 51. 519 02 Due from approved reserve agents J Due from otiier banks and bankers i. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures-i 0,558 12 Dividends unpaid ' Current expenses and taxes paid... j 802 78 P r e m i u m s paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other b a n k s . Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal -tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. T r e a s D u e from U. S. T r e a s u r e r j j ;. j j i. j I. .j !. Total 20,000 00 31 00 Individual deposits United States deposits 7,737 00 5 03 ! ; Due to other national bank > i Duo to Stuio banks and bankers . . : 8,811 00 3, 500 00 6,750 00 ! Notes and lulls re-discounted Bills 3<\ (K)0 no 23. (577 2t> 134, 770 00 72 00 223, 051 75 • -•• 8,253 05 I. j• Total. 569,824 00 ! $150, (){•{) 00 5C9, 824 06 First National Bank, Manchester. FREDERICK SMYTH, President. Loans and discounts O 7erdraf ts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Dae from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid ("hecks aud other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house...,_. Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars .". L : >i.r;il-tcnder n o t e s No. 1153. $141, 822 65 180 51 150, 000 00 100, 000 00 $150, 000 00 34,900 00 .National bank notes outstanding-. 2 i, 1)10 43 State b;vak notes out,standing 103 40 Dividends unpaid '•. 2, 882 74 21,000 00 Individual deposits j r 1, 078 10 : United States deposits ' 135,000 (v) 30,000 ('"» 5, 254 f>w Deposits a i'U. 8. disbursing oilicers •• 1,189 W 89,253 (H 87,111 in 877 00 1,209 40 ,i, Due to other national banks !l Due to State banks and bankers . 12, 020 25 ! '\ot(vs and bills re-discounted Bills pay-ible 1 J. S. certificates of deposit Kedomption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. 'treasurer.. Total CHARLES F. MOKRILL, Cashier. i Capital stock paid in. i I Surphifl fund j Oilier undivided profits - 497, 809 48 i Total. I i 497, 809 4b 36 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Second National Bank, Manchester. ARETAS ELOOU, President. No. 2302. J O S I A H CARPENTER, Cashier. Resources. L »ans and discounts i Overdrafts I U S. bonds to secure circulation. . . | U S. bonds to secure deposits ; U. S. bonds o i hand ! Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages i Due from approved reserve; agents, j Due from other banks and bankers Rval estate, furniture, and fixtures. C .irrent expenses and taxes paid.. J p I' id I'l-cmiums paid other cash items j Checks and ot E ^changes for clearing-house ;. B;lls of other banks. | Fractional currency j Trade dollars ' .'. Specie ; Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit j Redemption fund with U. S. Treas J Due from U. S. Treasurer ' Total. Liabilities. : Capital stock paid i n . $138, 231 83 213 19 ; 100, 000 00 ! Surplus fund Other undivided profits $100, 000 GO 6, 775 00 3, 955 59 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 8,588 12, 455 89, 300 00 1,497 00 Dividends unpaid 18 Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers 94 2,861 00 ; 9 55 : Due to other national banks . I Due to State banks and bankers . . 5,921 50 i1 Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 4, 5i 275, 507 83 72, 846 23 1,134 01 275, 507 83 Total.. Amoskeag National Bank, Manchester. M. CURRIER, President. No. 574. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds1 to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits . . . . . U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. Due from oilier banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid C hecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $475, 711 22 2,148 95 100, U00 00 G. B. CHANDLER, Cashier. $200, 000 00 Capital stock paid i n . 24, 0C6 50 164,977 47 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 42, 000 00 22, 657 85 National bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g . . State bank notes outstanding 85, 860 00 Dividends u n p a i d . 5, 847 77 15,000 00 31,570 41 13,5;:>2 00 93 49 14 25 23,790 50 5, 000 00 184 00 j Individual deposits , United States deposits : Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 343,183 91 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . i Notes and bills re-discounted. ; Bills payable 79, 020 12 92, 506 68 3, 640 00 865,412 56 Total. 865,412 56 Manchester National Bank, Manchester. N. PARKER, President. No. 1059. E. H. PAINE, Cashier. Loans and discounts : $322, 296 77 Capital stock paid in Overdrafts ' 1, 861 02 U. S. bonds to secure circulation...; 150, 000 00 Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits U. S. bonds on hand j Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages -; 24, 400 00 National bank notes outstanding. Due from approved reserve agents • 145, 039 01 State bank notes outstanding Due from other banks and bankers! 599 36 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. - - - - - Dividends unpaid. Current expenses and taxes paid... j 1, 058 32 Individual deposits Premiums paid ! Checks and other cash items i 3, 880 61 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers Exchanges for clearing-house I 13,436 00 Bills of other banks 148 37 Due to other national banks Fractional currency Trade dollars '.. ! Due to State banks and bankers .. 28,100 00 Specie 1,000 uO Notes and bills re-discounted. Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit . . Bills payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas -|; 6, 750 00 Dae from U. S. Treasurer Total. 698, 569 46 Total. $150, 000 00 60, 000 00 37, 479 60 133,990 00 465 00 252, 411 41 50,438 59 13, 784 86 698, 569 46 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OP THE CURRENCY. NEW 37 HAMPSHIRE. Merchants' National Bank, Manchester. No. 1 520. JAMKR A. WP:STON, President. DAXIEL TV. LANE, Cashier Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts ... I $251, 608 88 Overdrafts .... | 2, 555 42 U S. bonds to secure circulation. . j 150,000 00 IT S. bonds to secure deposits : IT. her S. bonds hanid' and mortgages ; 72, 000 00 Or stocks,onbonds, Dae from approved reserve agents. L. Dae from other banks and bankers !I.. Kea.1 estate, turn it a re, and fixtures -. Current expenses and taxes paid, .j Premiums paid. j.. O fiecks and other cash items j E \changes for clearing-house . .JJiils of other ban ks i 3,030 00 F;actional currency I! 5 25 T i ade dollars . . . . Specie i 15, 509 00 L^gai-tender notes ; 2, 500 00 U S. certificates of deposit !.. Redemption fund with U. S. Treas J Due from U. S. Treasurer i- Capital stock paid in 30, OOd 0'i 11, 178 54 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding . . . . . . Dividends unpaid . , 000 0 t 2, 340 00 Individual dej>osits ! United States deposits Deposits ofU.S.disbursing officers , ! Due to other national banks Due to Slate, banks and bankers . . 159,989 48 18,7(17 75 Notes and bills re-discount ed. Bills payable Total. 507,281. 77 Total . $150, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 507, 281 77 Souhegan National Bank, Milford. F. T. S.WVYEU, Cashier. No. 1070. C. S. AVERILL, President. Loans and discounts i Overdrafts ! U . S . bonds to secure circulation. ..j U S. bonds to secure deposits ! U. S. bonds on hand I Overstocks, bonds, and mortgages | Due from approved reserve agents I Due from other banks and bankers j Real estate, furniture, and fixtures j Current expenses and taxes paid. .' Premiums paid ' Checks ami other cash items [ Exchanges for clearing-house ! Bdls of other banks j Fractional currency .....; Trade dollars . Specie . Legal-tender n< U. S. certificates of de[)osit ...i Redempiion fund with U. 3. Treas . | Due from U. S. Treasurer I Total . $180,125 99 i Capital stock paid in i 25,000 00 Surplus fund. | Other undivided profits ! ..! ... | 18,100 00 \ National bank notes outstanding..| \ State-bank notes outstanding ' $100, 000 00 38,382 25 4, 480 38 22, 500 00 :;, no :Yl • 3, 000 711 6, 00'> 1,195 00 i Dividends unpaid J 07 : i 00 Individual deposits -• • US Unit ed States deposits Deposit sol'U.S. disbursing otncers 4, 005 00 197 7(5 Due to other national banks . 10" 0<t Due to State banks und bankers 10, 779 25 , 9U0 00 Notes and i»ills re-dis<;ounted. Bilks payable 1, 125 00 | .. | Total. 254,015 27 | 813 00 84, 7:9 51 254,015 27 First National Bank, Nashua. GEORGE A. KAMSDELL, President. L >ans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation .. U. S. bonds to sec (ire deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks ami other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars ' Specie . Legal-tender notes IT, S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . No. 2741. J o TIN' A. SrAi/mxfi, Cashier. $165,204 83 Capital stock paid in -. $100, 000 00 1,13.-3 22 4, 100 00 ioo,0uo oo Surplus fund. Other undivided profits 7, 840 (14 8,700 00 i National bank notes outstanding.. 48,095 51 ;: State bank notes outstanding 10,05! 42 15, 0"0 00 • Dividends unpaid 1,-119 30 7,000 00 Individual deposits 2,491 99 United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers , 89,0-10 00 398 70 173,092 00 357 00 ! Due to other national banks ; Due to State banks and bankers ..! ;*02 55 ; and bills re-discounted. 9, 000 00 j Notes Bills payable 4,500 00 11 374,495 82 j! Total. 24 42 374, 495 82 38 REPORT OF Till: COMPTROLl ,ER OF THE CURRENCY. JG W H A JTI P S I I I R E . Second National Bank, Nashua. JEREMIAH W. WHITE, President. FREDERICK A. EATON, Cashier. No. 2240. Liabilities. Loans and discounts Ovordraft.s U. S. bonds to secure circulation .. U. S bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks.bonds, and mortgages j Duo from approved reserve agents j Due-from oilier banks and bank>-M I IT/al e s t a t e , f u r n i t u r e , and fixtures i C ;rrent expensi'ti a n d ta.\(:s [mid . J Premiums paid Checks and other cnsii items K-changes for clearing-house 15iiL-iof'oih(M"l"Ujk.s...' Fraction;;! curre-rey Trade doll a rs .....'. Specie L^al-tender nwfi a oi' de ; •' ! -. r. s.. R e d e m p t i o n fins-l willi U. S. Tr.r D a e from U . S. T r e a s u r e r $207, 860 85 '. Capital stock paid in 50*000 00 • Surplus fund Other undivided profits $150, 000 00 11, 000 00 4, 576 82 : 62,500 00 i Rational bank notes outstanding.. 32, 7GH <)[ j;! State bank notes outstanding ..... 25oo -JL, ;>UIJooUUi'• 44, 980 00 279 50 10,000 00 ;;• D i v i d e n d s u n p a i d !,4(.)3 70 • i1 Individual deposits 3,200 00 : ! United Stales deposits i Denositsof U.S.disbur.sing officers. 4. 200 00;! 170 06 I Due to other national banks ' Due To State banks and bankers 177,119 20 L\ 7A)\) 0 0 • S, 5ii0 00 I Kotos and bills re-discounted 3 ])i 2, 2">0 00 ! Total. 387,5)55 52 : Total. ! j 337, 955 52 Indian Head National Bank, Nashua. EDWARD SPAUUUXG, President. Loans and discounts ()verdrafts -IT. S. bonds to secure circulation. -. U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on band ' Oilier stocks, bonds, and inort ,u;U;es.. Due from apit^^oved vcu)v\o agents Due from other b-anks and bankers Keal estate, fui'irituso. aiid li\tnrcs Cunvut expenses and ta^-s paid J reiniunis (>aid Chocks and other casli items Exchanges for e-learing-bouso Bills of other banks ..'. Fract iena! cnrreuc.v — Trado dollars Specie Legal-tcndor notes . T J. S. certiiieates of deposi t Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. Xo. 1310. $285, 09") 2(j FRANK A. MOKEAN, Cashier. Canital stock paid in $120,000 00 378 7(i 120, (>u0 00 11. 500 00 53, 4i!0 78 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 27, 000 00 25, 685 91 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding . .Dividends ^mpaid , 2,232 70 |: I • Individual deposits Unite*] States deposits , Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. 8,871 00 !|; 227 41 Duo to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . 10,900 00 -,: 4,000 00 \\ Notes and bills re-discounted • l>ijly pavable 5,400 00 M Total. 502, 632 00 ! 105,880 00 681 38 220, 368 56 3, 016 15 502, 632 00 New Market National Bank, New Market. J. C. BURLEY, President. No. 1330. Loans and discounts $1.08, i Overdiafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation .. '"'80," V. S. bonds to secure deposits - - -• | . IT. S. bonds on hand I 00 O; her si ocks, bonds, and mortgage:;t Due fiom approved reserve• agents • 92 Dae from other banks and bankrrs IJ'-a!. estate, furniture, and ii\t m ; s Current expenses and paid... l'remimv.spaid CiKvks and other cash items Evcharuces for clrnriug-house -. Bills of other banks..'.". ....' I-'i-actioral eurre-ncy Trade dollars ''. Specie ; :, o:;r> L'^gal-tender notes f>uO : U S. certiiieates of deposit- . _ . Redemption fund with U. S. Treas .; Due from U. S. Treasurer Total 211, 255 74 S. A. HALEY, Cashier. Capital stock paid in $80,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 16, 000 00 905 63 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 71, 000 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits United Stntes deposits Dcpo.jiL.S ofU. Sk Hisbursingofdeers- 561 00 42, 789 1.1 Due to other national banks Duo to State banks and bankers... Notes and bills re-discounted . Ijills payable Total. 211, 255 74 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 39 N E W If A HI P S II I R E . First National Bank, Newport D. RICHARDS, President. F. W. LEWIS, Cashier. No. 888. Resources. Liabilities. Loans and discounts Overdrafts 17 S. bonds to secure circulation... I U. S. bonds to secure deposits I : TJ. S- bonds on band Other stocks, bonds,and mortgages. \ Due from approved reserve agents.; Duo from other banks and bankers. I Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.! C urrent expenses and taxes paid... \ Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges ibr clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes IT. 8. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treas. Due from TJ. S. Treasurer Total. $118,173 25 ' • Capital stock paid in $100, 000 00 100,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits j 8, 725 00 ' National bank notes outstanding.. 12,663 92 ! State bank notes outstanding 70*6 oo ! Dividends unpaid . 87 22 ; 25, 000 00 4, 298 74 89,000 00 275 50 Individual deposits 'United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers -1 5,838 00 i 3 33 | Due to other national banks Due to State bunks ami bankers .. 7, 390 00 825 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 27, 827 74 12, 503 74 4, 500 00 | : Total 258, 905 72 || 258,905 72 Citizens' National Bank, Newport. No. 3404. LEANDER F . DODGE, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts ., U. S. bonds to secure circulation... TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand *. Other stocks, bonds,and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. CuiTent expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U.S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. 8. Treasurer Total. PEKLEY A. JOHNSON, Cashier. $54,823 35 j Capital stock paid in $50, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 10, 773 00 | National bank notes outstanding- .• 2, 799 47 ; State bank notes outstanding ..... ; " 2, 000 00 !j Dividends unpaid 375 68 2, 650 00 \ Individual deposits 64 39 United States deposits Deposits of U. S.disbursing officers. 1, 690 00 57 35 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . 1,963 60 ! 500 00 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable I 562 50 V2, 500 00 90,759 34 Total. 2,001 93 11, 250 00 20,007 41 7, 500 00 90, 759 34 First National Bank, Peterborough. No. 1179. F. LIVINGSTON, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other hanks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes. U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total "I $128, 856 ©5 1,173 85 ,100,000 00 19, 550 00 2,914 26 1, 000 00 846 44 "6*ii5"96 4, 726 00 70 90 2,219 40 500 00 C. P. RICHAKDSON, Cashier. Capital stock paid in. $100,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 20, 000 00 19, 092 75 National bank notes outstanding.. | State bank notes outstanding ! 89,400 00 492 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. 1,178 99 45, 304 12 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 4, 500 00 275,467 86 Total. 275,467 40 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. NEW HAMPSHIRE, Pittsfield National Bank, Pittsfield. JOHN A. Goss, Cashier. No. 1020. JAMES DRAKE, President. Liabilities. .Resources. Loans and discounts $50,632 78 | Capital stock paid in. Overdrafts 551 46 U. S. bonds to secure circulation . . 50, 000 00 j Surplus fund U. S. bonds to secure deposits ! \ Other undivided profits . ! U. S. bonds on hand \ National bank notes outstanding . . Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.: 2, 532 03 ; State bank notes outstanding Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers . Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.; 3, 000 00 1 j Dividends unpaid Current expenses and taxes paid... 574 88 Premiums paid 12, 974 00 i; Tndividual deposits Checks and other cash items ; .1, 600 00 United States deposits Exchanges for clearing-house ' ',' Deposits of U.S. disbursingofficers. Bills of other banks : 8,400 00 j Fractional currency 325 9'3 Duo to other national banks Trade dollars Due to State banks and bankers Specie 2, 500 00 Legal-tender notes 1, 500 00 , Notes and bills re-discounted TJ. S. certificates of deposit J : Bills payable Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 2, 250 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. Total. 130,841 08 ! $50, 000 00 8,831 00 2,4G5 84 44,460 00 172 00 30, 912 84 136, 841 68 Pemigewasset National Bank, Plymouth. NATHAN H. WEEKS, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation. U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid.. Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks- .1 Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 2587. OSMAN B. COPELAND, Cashier. $98, 422 49 i C a p i t a l stock paid i n . $75,000 00 75, 000 00 |,' Snrplus fund ....;': Other undivided profits . 1, 600 00 3, 541 70 8, 375 00 \ 22, 771 71 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 9, 246 1,301 12, 500 74 Dividends unpaid 95 15 00 94 67, 000 00 54 00 Individual deposits United States deposits •; Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers. 103, 088 55 11, 906 00 31 41 i: Due to other national banks i Due to State banks and bankers . i Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 3,375 00 j 500 00 I ~2r,0, 284 25 Total. 1, 279 60 5, 500 00 250, 284 25 First National Bank, Portsmouth. E. P. KIMBALL, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits TJ. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, a.nd mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid ! Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks..." Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U.S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total No. 2672, C. A.. HAZLETT, Cashier. $382,510 60 , Capital stock paid in 2, 450 41 200, 000 00 Surplus kind 100,000 00 Other undivided profits . 148, 8R4 53 26,131 05 15,631 ^ 4, 000 00 6,107 61 9, 500 00 3,891 09 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursingofficers " " 5 , " 147 Of')' 146 50 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers. 14, 950 00 5, 500 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . ! Bills payable 9, 000 00 30 00 933,880 37 Total. $300, 000 00 100, 000 00 16, 087 20 180, 000 00 285 00 253, 430 77 67, 348 24 13,469 56 3, 259 60 933, 880 37 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. NEW 41 HAMPSHIRE. National Mechanics and Traders' Bank, Portsmouth. J O H N SISE, President No. 401. J . V. BAKTLETT, Cashier. Resources. Liabilities. ! LoanS and discounts (.) .-erdrafts •• - - : U S. bonds to secure circulation... j U. S. bonds to secure deposits ! I r . S. bonds on hand I Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Dae from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Piirrent expenses and taxes p a i d . . . P remimns paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars , S ;>ecio .. I Legal-tender notes j U. S. certificates of deposit ..i Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas . | D a e from IT. S. Treasurer i Total. Capital stock paid i n . $410,140 12 14 83 100, 000 00 Surplus fund 0tlier undivided profits . 04,200 00 20, 397 33 $800,000 00 60, 000 00 28, 094 88 National bank notes outstanding Si-ale- bank notes outstanding . . . 90, 000 00 11,900 4,427 i), iilil 1, 744 00 Dividends unpaid 91 , (JO : Individual deposits United States deposits : S6 "DepositsofU.S.disbursingoflicers 2, 5(>0 00 : 308 85 ' Due to other national bunks ; • Due to State banks at-d bankers . . ! 5. 254 50 : 1, 650 00 : "Notes and bills re-discounted j Bills payable 4, 500 00 i 642, 473 40 ; Total. 620 00 145, 920 64 17, 837 88 642, 473 40 New Hampshire National Bank, Portsmouth. E. A. PETERSON, Xo. 1052. President. Loan s and discounts j Overdrafts j II. S. bonds to secure circulation...; IT. S. bonds to secure deposits | 17. S. bonds on hand ! Other stocks,bonds,and mortgages ! Due from approved reserve agents ! Duo from other banks and bankers, j R o al estate, furniture, and fixtures ! Current expenses and taxes p a i d . . . Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Eiils of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars * j Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with T7. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. L. S. BUTLER, Cashier. $258, 000 58 Capital stock paid in 3(57 30 150, 000 00 i Surphi s fund ,; Other undivided profits •' ' •, 30,500 34, 308 31,574 7, 500 2.472 00 ••• National bank notes outstanding..! 55 ' State bank notes outstanding ' 47 :! | GO '• Dividends unpaid .1 02 : j . . . ; Individual deposits j 5G(> 10 :: United Statesfdeposits ,.| ". Depositsof U.S. disbursing officers.' 4, 910 00 ;i | V2 70 i: Due to other national banks i ij Due to State banks and bankers . . ' 7, 308 00 !| i 6, 900 00 'I Notes and bills re-discounted i ... ji Bills payable j 6, 750 00 ;i 547, 944 72 Total. $150, 000 00 30, 000 00 6,457 61 134,460 00 227, 027 11 547, 944 72 Rockingham National Bank,, Portsmouth. JOHN' J. PICKERING, President. No. 1025. Luins and discounts Overdrafts 1T S. bonds to secure ch-culation 17. S. bonds to secure deposits r . IS. bonds on liuul Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due fioni approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers.; Real estate, furniture, and fixtures-: Current expenses and taxes p a i d . . . Premiumspaid C hecks and other cash items \ Exchanges for clearing-house ; Bills of other b a n k s . . ! | FractioiiMl currency | Trade dollars Specie , I iegal-t<?nder notes T7 S. certificates of deposit ....'•. Redemption fund with U.S. Tr-eas . D:ie from V. S. TTeasTiror ; Total ' J O H N P . H A R T , Cashier. $239, 878 27 , Capital stock paid in 200, 000 00 : Surplus fund . I Other undivided profits ; ! 5. («()() 00 33JU00 00 Xationiil hank notes outstanding.. 1 30, :'2O 48 . State b a n k n o t e s outstanding ; 2,827 08 ; ' 5,000 0;) Dividends u n p a i d . . . 14, ^75 00 Individual deposits 4,740 04 • Uni*-«'d States deposits , : Df-.jnosiisoi'LT.S.disbursiiigoflicers. 1, 138 00 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and banker? 8, 8G5 75 Notes and bills re-discounted '.Hill.-} payable 9,'JUU 00 554, 897 93 Total. £200, 000 00 40, 000 00 25, 824 84 178,000 00 4,538 00 106, 535 09 554,897 93 42 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. N E W H A M P S II I it B. Rochester National Bank, Rochester. JOHN MCDUFFKE, Vice-President. No. 2138. HENRY M. PLUMER, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts XT. S. bonds to secure circulation... U.S. bonds to secure deposits TJ. S. bonds on band Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Dae from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. C urrent expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Chetks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Dills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit iledemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from TJ. S. Treasurer Total . $90, 229 90 602 64 50, 000 00 Capital stock paid in. $50,000 00 Surplus fund ! I Other undivided profits . 30, 000 00 I1 National bank notes outstanding.. 26,705 40 State bank notes outstanding 316, 85 Dividends unpaid 812 91 3,071 88 ; Individual deposits j 4, 024 58 , United States deposits ! •: Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.! 1,291 00 i 2 65 ! Due to other national banks 7,000 00 3,003 33 45, 000 00 582 50 110,377 68 1,955 70 . Due to State banks and bankers . 4,700 00 ! Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 2, 250 00 215, 963 51 I 215, 963 51 Total. Citizens' National Bank, Tilton. AUSTIN F. PIKE, President. Loans and discounts ! Overdrafts ! U. S. bonds to secure circulation... | U. S. bonds to secure deposits j U. S. bonds on hand I Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items ' Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks , Fractional currency j Trade dollars j Specie i Legal-tender notes i U. S. certificates of deposit ; Redemption fund with U. S. Treas J Due from U. S. Treasurer I Total. No. 1333. WILLIAM T. CABS, Cashier. $77,217 27 i Capital stock paid in. $70,000 00 70, 000 00 i Surplus fund Other undivided profits . National bank notes outstanding.. 26,116 79 State bank notes outstanding 1,700 00 i Dividends unpaid 663 05 I 7, 631 42 Individual deposits ' 1, 709 99 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. | 552 00 9 05 Dae to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers. 2,538 75 . 1,500 00 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 1,750 00 Total. 191, 388 32 7,800 00 3,222 63 62, 300 00 48, 065 69 191,388 32 Winchester National B ank, "Winchester. EDWAED C. THAYER, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer. Total. N o . 887. $222,404 10 387 95 50, 000 00 HENRY ABBOTT, Cashier Capital stock paid in. Suxplus fund Other undivided profits. 23, 000 00 National bank notes outstanding.. 9,466 88 State bank notes outstanding 3, 500 00 Dividends unpaid 1, 250 43 10,000 00 Individual deposits 37 27 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 200 00 44 99 Due to other national banks I Due to State banks and bankers ..' 744 30 Notes and bills re-discounted . 227 00 Bills payable , 2. 250 00 Total. $200, 000 00 35,300 00 6, 706 07 45,000 00 144 00 36, 271 91 90 94 323,512 92 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 111 W 43 H A M P S II I K E . Lake National Bank, Wolfborough. I. W. SPRINGFIELD, President. No. I486. CHARLES F. PARKISR, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts ( $125, 000 00 $135, 400 72 Capital stock paid in Overdrafts , ! U. S. bonds to secure circulation . . j 125, 000 00 Surplus fund 1G.000 00 j U. S. .bonds to secure deposits i 4,421 16 Other undivided profits i IT. S. bonds on hand j Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages, i National bank notes outstanding.. I 112, 500 00 Due from approved reserve agents. : 8, 354 79 State bank notes outstanding.."... . I)ne from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.; 3, 000 00 Dividends unpaid 152 00 C urrent expenses and taxes paid Premiums paid ' 10, 000 00 Individual deposits 35, 588 09 (• hocks and other cash items ; 74 60 United States'deposits ; E xe haw go s for clearing-house Deposits of IT. S. disbursing officers. j Jill Is of other banks 5,121 00 s fractional currency ! 30 14 Due to other national banks ..... Trade dollars L i Due to State banks and bankers . Specie ; 1, 080 00 Legal-tender notes , JN"otes and hills re-discounted i II. S. certificates of deposit ! \ Bills payable '.Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. j 5,600 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. 293,661 25 Total. 293, 661 25 44 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. TEBMO9TT. National Bank, Barre. No. 2100. L. F. ALDRICH, President. C. M. SPENCER, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... TT. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Dae from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid.. Premiums paid C becks and other cash items : Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks ..". \ Fractional currency [ Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes II. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Dne from U. S. Treasurer ! $100,000 00 $142, ()49 45 Capital stock paid in 144 12 20, 000 00 100, 000 00 Surplus fund 10, 556 48 - Oilier undivided i>rofits 100 00 89,330 00 42. 900 On National bank notes outstanding.. 13, 200 Xi State banli notes outstanding 2, 3!8 83 5,400 00 Dividends unpaid.. 3 00 8115 04 I Individual deposits. 100, 936 95 423 37 Uni ted States deposits Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers j 2, 510 00 I 0G 87 Due to other national banks. Duo to State banks and bankers 4, 804 05 1,750 00 Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 14 63 3, 700 00 ... 320,841 00 / Total . 320, 841 06 Total. Barton National Ba*nk, Barton. A. DAVISOS, President No. 2290. II. K. DEWEY, Cashier. Loans and discounts ! 170, 914 44 : Capital stock paid in | $150, 000 00 O verdrafts ;. 11,225 00 IT S. bonds to secure circulation . ; 75, 000 00 Surplus fund V S. bonds to secure deposits 4,882 29 Other undivided profits IT. S. bonds on hand t 67,500 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages fc.« National bank notes outstanding..! Due from approved reserve agents.: 3,829 27 State bank notes outstanding j. 5, 000 00 Due from other banks and banker li jiil estate, furniture, andfixture> 1, 500 00 Dividends unpaid i 63 00 1,211 57 j Current, expenses and taxes paid... 7, 205 02 Tmli virtual deposits 41, 714 56 Premiums paid C Liocks iiiid other cash items -, 572 g'J '.. United States deposits E ^changes for clearing-house -^. Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. Bills of other banks j 8,880 00 10, 000 00 57 21 Due to other national banks Fractional currency ; Due to State banks and bankers . Trade dollars 3,822 85 i; Specie I 2, 000 00 Notes and bills re-discounted Legal-tender notes Bills payable TT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas., 3,375 00 ; Due from TJ. S. Treasurer j. Total. 285, 384 85 i Total. 285f 384= 85 National Bank, Bellows Falls. J . H. WILLIAMS, President No. 1G53. P. II. HADLKY, Cashier. Loans and discounts $183, 238 05 | Capital stock paid in Overdrafts 384 58 IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... 100, 000 00 i Surplus fund : U. S. bonds to secure deposits ! Other undivided profits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. 700 00 National bank notes outstanding. J Due from approved reserve agents 30, 722 fii), State bank notes outstanding i Duo from other banks and bankers 25,153 21 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures 14, 250 00 Dividends unpaid t ! Current expenses and taxes paid... 1, 971 99 Prern inms paid 22, 375 00 ; Individual deposits | Checks and other cash items 3, 10!) 14 : United States deposits | Exchanges for clearing-house , Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers ' Bills of other banks 3,197 00 Fractional currency Due to other national banks , Trade dollars .....'. ! 190 00 Due to State banks and bankers . J Specie 25,446 53 Legal-tender notes , 3,495 00 Notes and bills re-discounted U. S. certificates of deposit Bills payable | Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 4, 500 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . 424, 794 09 Total. $100, 000 00 20, 000 00 35, 624 89 89,400 00 3, 500 00 377 50 175, 434 27 457 43 424, 794 09 REPOJRT OF TTIK COMPTROLLER. OF THE CURRENCY. 45 V BKM ON T. First National Bank, Bemiingtcn. No. 130. LUTHER 11. GKAVKS, President. GKORGK F. GRAVES. Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation.. IT. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Of her stocks, bonds, and Mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Duo from other banks and bankers lieal estate, tt.iraiture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid.. Premiums paid > Checks and other cash items.. E schanges fc»r clearing-house IJiils of other hanks.. I1''actional currency Trade dollars Specie . Legal-tender notes C. S. certificates of deposit lledemption fund with U. S. Treas. . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total $370,3!f> TO 3i .10 110,000 00 Capital stock paid in $110, 000 00 Sur))lus fund Other undivided profits National bank notes outstanding..! 1 1, 111 15 Stiit :- bank notes outstanding 5, OHO <IO 2,031. hi - Dividends unpaid 98, 460 00 ; Individual deposits United States deposits Deposit.-, <.; f 17. S. disbu rsing officers. 00 210 07 22, 000 00 ,'50,710 0(J 203,404 77 l!. (1 i.) 1 0 , 0-S<> lO.TiiO 00 00 Due 1'.» other national banks Due to State, banks and hankers .. 7,011 W) \roTes and bills re-discounted . 532.48(5 -13 532,486 43 To tiU Bennington County National Bank, Bennington. CHAULMS THATOHEK, President. Loans and discounts 0 verdrafts U. S. bonds to secure, circulation-.. IT. S. bonds to secure deposits T.J. S. bonds on hand.. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid Premiums paid C hecks and other cash items. .• Exchanges for clearing-bouse Bills of other banks...'., Fractional currency ,„ Trade dollars " [ S pecie Legal-tender notes II. S. certificates of deposit. Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas . Duo from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 2395. CLEMENT H. CONE, Cashier. $201,915 41 Capital stock paicFin 227 07 ! 100, 000 00 j Surplus fund : Other undivided profits $100,000 00 ; ; i. National bank notes outstanding.. \ 23, 225 99 ,; State bank notes outstanding ] 2,500 00 ; Dividends unpaid . . 10, 000 00 I Iudh idual deposits 477 03 ,i United States deposits , Dej)o:.-jitsof U.S.disbursiugotUcei's.! 2, ooo oo :: | i •11 9(5 : D m : to o t h e r n a t i o n a l b a n k s j 4G2 00 i! D u e to S t a t e b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s . . • 1, 8 0 8 5 0 '•}• 11, 500 00 3, 268 92 89, 990 00 137,801 60 1,313 10 5, (>()3 34 i 3, 103 00 '. j Xotes and bills re-discounted ,j Bills payable | i 3,580 00 j, I 349, 470 OH ;! Total... . 349, 476 96 National "White River Bank, Bethel. NELSON- GAY, President. "N: o. 902. Loans and discounts $173,033 (55 0 verdrafts 3 *6 75 U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . 125, 000 no IT. S. bonds to secure deposits 1 \ S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. 4, 019 !)2 I)ue from other banks and 'bankens Iteal estate, furniture, and fixtui'es 3,000 (M» Current expenses and taxes paid.. 730 L'l Premiums paid '••..... Checks and other cash items : 7(i5 70 Exchanges for clearing-house .. I .. Uills of other banks.. .\ 3,84'!1 00 Fractional eui'n^ncy I (it, 74 Trade dollars ' i Specie (J, 41" <S5 Legal-tender notes I 2, "'.'U uu 1.1. S. e^rtiiieares of deposit j ... lledem])tion fund with IT.1 S. Treas , 5, <>.."•• 0') Due from U. S. Treasures - - - •: Total. M. SYLVESTER, Cashier. Capital stock paid in : $125,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits ! 24. 000 00 5,774 97 i National bank notes outstanding.. \ Ktatr bank notes outstanding \: Dividends unpaid Individual deposits ! Uniie<l States deposits IV posits of U.S. disbursing officers.! ' " I Dm1 to other national banks ! Due to State banks and bankers . J j Notes and bills re-discounted ' Hdls payable ! " j: Total.. 111, 560 00 682 50 57, 828 35 324, 845 82 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. VERMONT. First National Bank, Brandon. No. 278. N . T. SPRAGUE, President F . E. BRIG«S, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts • U. S. bonds to secure circulation -.. IT. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Duo from approved reserve agents. Duo from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes ]>a!d -. Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie L^sral-tender notes 17. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. IS. Treasurer Total. $197, 564 19 • Capital stouk paid i n . . . 1,112 20 j. 150, 000 00 | Surplus fund Other undivided profits | $150, 000 00 j --j 110, 000 00 8, 099 56 54, 050 00 "National bank notes outstanding.. 4, 252 07 State bank notes outstanding '5,500*00"' Dividends unpaid 499 70 ; 13,827 00 ! Individual deposits 1, 347 83 United United States deposits I, 025 00 j Deposits o f U. S. disbursing officers. 310 00 ; Due to other national banks 391 00 Due to State banks and bankers . 1,357 00 i i 1,000 00 ' Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable ; 5, 750 00 : 135, 000 00 437,985 99 437, 985 99 Total. 55 00 34, 831 43 Brandon National Bank, Brandon. E. D . THAYEK, No. 404. President. Loans and discounts | Overdrafts ! U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. ; TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits \ ! U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Duo from approved reserve agents Duo from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures C in-rent expenses and taxes paid Premiums paid i Checks and other cash items | Exchan ge.s for clearing-house Bills of "other b a n k s . . : -.. \ Fractional currency Trade dollars ....." 1 Specie i Legal -tender notes ! U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treas ., Due from TJ. S. Treasurer | Individual deposits 95G 44 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 1,164 00 , ! Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . 398 44 1,600 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 4, 500 00 333, 770 00 I Total- "VV. F . SCOTT, Cashier. j $202, 875 8(5 Capital stock paid in 3,204 05 j 100, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits j — National bank notes outstanding.. *>, 011 21 ; State bank notes outstanding h, 000 00 ;i 9,000 00 : Dividends unpaid. Total. $200, 000 00 6, 500 00 9, 9S2 13 90, 000 00 6 00 27,281 87 333, 770 00 People's National Bank, Brattleboro'. JULIUS J . ESTEY, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... TJ. S. bonds to secirre deposits U. S. bonds on hand ! Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages ' Dae from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. I Real estate, furniture, and fixtures, j Cunent expenses and taxes paid...I Premiums paid j Checks and other cash items | Exchanges for clearing-houso Bills of other banks . S~. Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes -. •U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer... I Total . .j No. 2305. O. A. MARSHALL, Cashier. $252, 419 28 Capital stock paid i n . """50,600 "66" $100, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 4,000 00 ! National bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g . . 26, 844 45 : State bank notes outstanding . . . . .j I 100 00 | Dividends unpaid 25, 000 00 21, 052 29 i 1,198 78 ,' Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers, i "*2,"889"6s" • 4, GOO 00 : 85 00 Due to other national banka Due to State banks and bankers... j 6, GOO 56 , , 5, 500 00 j;Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable !. 2, 250 00 140,204 25 356,577 15 Total. 45, 000 00 6,825 GO 18, 495 01 356, 577 15 47 KKPORT OV THK COMPTROLLER OF THK V E R HI O jtf T . Vermont National Bank, Brattleboro'. WILLIAM P . CUKE, President. No. 1430. GEORGE S. DOYVLEY, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts j Overdrafts ; XL S. bonds to secure circulation.. .i IT. S. bonds to secure deposits ; IT. S. bonds on hand ; Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages.: Dae from approved reserve agents.! Diit; from other banks and bankers \ Real estate, furniture, and fixtures, i Current expenses and taxes p a i d . . . i Premiums paid C.'leeks and other cash items K':('b;nM>C'H for clearing-house Hills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie • Legal-tender notes TJ. S. certificates of depositRedemption fund with TJ. S. Treas . Due from C". S. Treasurer Total. $409, 215 27 ;; Capital stock paid in | " iso'ooo'oo ! Surplus fund • :! Other undivided profits ; ': ! 124,000 00 National bank notes outstanding.-! 5(.),eor> 38 i State bank notes outstanding . . $150, 000 00 100,000 00 62, 555 26 134,550 00 228 29 ..!; Dividends unpaid 2,513 00 ; Individual deposits 1,707 60 I Uuited States deposits I "Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers 321, 304 53 Duo to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-discounted ; Bills payable '. 56 20 11,120 00 3. 498 00 0,750 00 Total. 76S, 693 83 284 04 768, 693 83 Howard National Bank, Burlington. F. M. VAN SICKLEX, President. No. 1698. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... IT. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Dae from appro veil reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Roal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid. .Premiums paid Checks and other cash items I E ^changes for clearing-house ' Ellis of oilier banks. i !Ffactional currency ! Trade dollars ' ! Specie j Legal-tender notes ; U. S. certificates of deposit ! Redemption fund with U. S. Treas .| Due from TJ. S. Treasurer i Total. CURTIS AVELLS, Cashier. $552, 522 14 Capital stock paid in. $300,000 00 1,140 U 50, 000 00 Surplus fund 37, 500 00 21,573 01 ,! Otliei undivided profits '! National bank notes outstanding. J 45,000 00 92,625 26 11 State bank notes outstanding 13,417 90 21,419 97 !| Dividends unpaid 2,480 14 j: 4, 000 00 !j Individual deposits 381, 528 24 2,166 78 j'! United States deposits ' Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. . 4,140 00 9 96 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers 33, 483 50 5, 246 00 j; Notes and bills re-discounted | Bills payable. 2,250 00 700 00 785, 60.1. S3 Total. 785,601 85 Merchants' National Bank, Burlington. No. 1197. C. W. WOODHOUSE, President. Loans and discounts ; Overdrafts ! U. S. bonds to secure- circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents, j Due from other banks and bankers.; Real estate, furniture, and fixtures.. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other hanks Fractional currency Trade dollars ." Specie , Legal-tender notes. IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total | $981,710 59 500, 000 5(\ 000 100,000 72, £00 97, 653 54, 998 5, 000 24 21. 00 00 00 00 08 08 00 L. E. WOODIIOUSK, Cashier. j j Capital stock paid in. 996 14 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 100, C00 00 54, 576 70 National hank notes outstanding-. ; Stale bank notes outstanding 448,310 00 Dividends unpaid .. 1,951,412 62 • 444 50 Individual deposits United States de-posits i DepositsofU.S.disbursingofiicersJ 8, 873 00 94 57 , Due to other national banks 519 00 Due to State banks and bankers 32, i\?>\) 50 ! 26, 053 00 '; Notes and bills re-discounted "2O?oio"oo"! $500, 000 00 Bills payable; Total 723,120 53 32,565 28 4,127 82 88r 267 79 . : ..i 1,951,412 62 48 REPORT 01 7'HE 0OMPTKOLLER OF THE CURRENCY. VERMONT, Castleton National Bank, Castleton. C. S. SHRKMAX, D. D. COLE, Cashier. President. Liabilities. Resources. L o a n s and discounts -. - i Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation. . . IT S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on h a n d O t h e r s t o e k s . b o n d s . and mortgages.: Duo from approved reserve a g e n t s ; D u e front other ban'ksand bankers. 1 Real esti;to, funiil are, and iixluros. • Current expenses and taxes paid 'Premiums paid ' Checks and other cash items I E x c h a n g e s for clearing-house ! Hills of oilier b a n k s . . > Fractional currency I T r a d e dollars '. j Specie I Legal -tender- not es j : (I. S. cert;ticates of deposit Kedemption fund with IT. S. T r e a s : D a e from U. S. Treasurer Total. $54,158 18 50, 000 00 Capital stock paid in j $50, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits i \ 10, 000 00 4, 299 94 i 9, 0n0 00 Xational bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g . , j 7, 653 do State bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g • 1.37 «ci> j 3, OliO 00 Dividends m p a i d 45,000 00 I n d i v i d u a l deposits Vnited States deposits - - • Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers. 730 00 4 00 D u e to ot her national b a n k s Due t o State b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s . 844 35 1,000 00 Notes and bills re-caseountod. Bills p a y a b l e . 2,250 00 19, 261 51 128, 778 U\i i 216 57 128,778 02 Total. First National Bank, Chelsea. A A H O X X. K I N G , Xo." 2120. President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts ..! TJ. S. bonds to secure circul.i1 ion. - -' IT. S. bonds to secure doposdts : IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and m o r t g a g e s . | D u o from approved resort e a g e n t s . ! D u e from other b a n k s and b a n k e r s . ' Keal estate, furniture, and fixtures.; C u r r e n t expenses and taxes p a i d . . . ! P r e m i u m s paid j ; Checks and other oash items E x c h a n g e s for clearing-house ! Bills of other b a n k s j Fractional currency ; T r a d e dollars * Specie Logal-tendrr notes U. S. of deposit liedemption fund w i t h U. S. T r e a s . D u e from U. S. Treasurer--....' •' Total. CuiiTis S. E M E R Y , Cashier. $92, 322 84 : Capital stock paid i n 1(57 " ' Surplus fund 150, 000 Other undivided profits 29, 233 81 10,000 5, MO 451 2,410 2,343 ! 4, 040 04 812 06 Xational bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 131, 090 00 303 00 Dividends u n p a i d Individual deposits ' United S t a t e s deposits j Deposits of IT. S.disbursing officers. | 1,573 34 $150, 000 00 | j 18,147 39 D u e t o other national b a n k s '.! D u e to State b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s . . \ 3,304 09 Xotes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 6, 750 304, 392 49 i 304, 392 49 Total. Caledonia National Bank, Danville. J. "W. SiMrsox, President. Loans and discounts •.. Overdrafts IT. S. bonds t o secure circ^,r»fj'on...; IT. S. bonds t o secure d e p ^ j t i i 11. S. bonds on hand , .-...'• Other stocks, bonds, a n d r : r t ^ a g e s . D u e from approved reserve) a g e n t s . D a e from other b a n k s an", h a n k e r s . Ileal estate, furniture, an ] fixtures. C u r r e n t expenses and ta::tvj p a i d . . . P r e m i u m s paid Checks and o t h e r cash it -.'us E x c h a n g e s for clearing-li :»r:fio Kills of other b a n k s . . . Fractional currency Trade- dollars ". Specie Logul-tem'lor notes U. \S. certificates of deposit Iledemption fund with U. S. T r e a s . D u e from IT. S. T r e a s u r e r Total J. B. MATTOCKS, Cashier. No. 1576. $138,37G 32 ,j Capital stock paid in 37 37 : 35, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 7. 300 00 7, 241 53 193 58 3, 500 00 8 90 3, COO 00 17 11 293 00 ! 04 00 j Xational bank uotes outstanding. State bank notes outstanding $100, 000 00 33, 045 43 106 83 31, 500 00 Dividends unpaid. 92 75 Individual deposits 34, 822 71 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursingofficers. Due to other national banks 2 , TOO 8 5 • Due to State banks and bankers . 200 oo ; Xotes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 1, 575 00 | 199,567 72 ;; Total. 199, 567 72 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 49 VERMONT. National Bank, Derby Line. AUSTIN T. FOSTER, President. No. 1368. Loans and discounts j Overdrafts ' 1'. S. bonds to secure circulation . . . ! \J S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. I n d s' ' id. Overstocks, bonds, and mortgages. i Due from approved reserve agents. Duo from other banks and bankers.;1 Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. () nrreiii o x perise? and taxes paid.. . Premiums paid ; ("hecks and o;hr-r cash items 11 ^changes for clearing-house •. Bills of other banks..." ' 1'raci ionul currenc y : Trade dollars '.. ;. Speci': , Legal-tender notes ...; U.. S>. eertilicates of deposit L Redemption fund with U. S. Treas.i Due from U. S. Treasurer i Total. STEPHEN FOSTER, Cashier. | Resources. Liabilities. j Capital stock paid in . ,.! 82 34 40,000 00 I! Surplus fund Other undivided profits 2, 012 50 j Rational bank notes outstanding.. 34, 350 61 ; State bank notes outstanding 2,157 28 7, 598 22 j j Dividends unpaid $150,000 00 8, 850 00 ! Individual deposits 2, 702 35 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 233,164 3fl $336,377 34 30, 000 00 8, 064 67 36, 000 00 4,030 00 7 34 i Duo to other national banks i Due to State banks and bankers .. I l3,23000 2,671 00 ! Rotes and bills re-discounted . I Bills payable i,'8o6"ob" 1,3G0 00 457,228 98 Total. 457,228 98 Factory Point National Bank., Factory Point. EOJJERT AMES, President No. 3080. Loans and discounts . -0 verd rafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation-.. 11". S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Ofhorstocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due- from approved reserve agents. Duo from other banks and bankers. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items.... Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency T rado dollars S nee ie L ^gal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with D". S. Treas. Diie from U. S. Treasurer Total. JAMES P. BLACK, Cashier. $121, 312 83 | i Capital stock paid in , $75,000 00 20, 000 00 | Surplus fund || Other undivided profits National bank notes outstanding.. 4, 998 20 State bank notes outstanding . . . . . 421 53 1.200 00 Dividends unpaid j 249-94 3,400 00 Individual deposits j United States deposits j Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. | 2, 084 00 52 52 Due to other national banks ! 28 80 Due to State banks and bankers . | 4,551 20 2, 600 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . ! Bills payable ! 900 00 1, 300 00 2,851 04 18, 000 00 161,799 02 Total. 64, 647 98 L.. 161, 799 02 First National Bank, Fair Haven. It. C. AUELL, President No. 344. E. H. PHELPS, Cashier. $196,245 CO i Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 L'jans and discounts -I 300 11 0v-erdrat'ts 100, 000 00 j Surplus fund 20, 000 00 U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits Other undivided profits . 21,450 95 IT. S. bond:) on hand 8, 785 00 National bank notes outstanding.. 00, 000 00 ()! her stocks, bonds, and mortgages. 33,456 29 State bank notes outstanding . . . . . ._ Due from approved reserve agents. 37 72 Duo from other banks and bankers. 5,184 00 Dividends unpaid. Koal estate, furniture, and fixtures.. 300 00 1,282 01 Current expenses and taxes paid... j Individual deposits rrewiums paid j-129,156 30 4,542 7« United States deposits C hecks and other cash items | Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.' Exchanges for clearing-house '.. ~i"136*00* Bills of other banks ! 2 14 Due to other national banks j 'Fractional currency 315 94 Trade dollars Due to State banks and bankers .. \. 2,772 50 Specie 2, 985 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Legal-tender notes ! Bills payable \ T J. S. certificates of deposit "4,"506"66*! Kedeinption fund with U. S. Treas.j Due from U. S. Treasurer !.. Total 361,229 19 ; Total.. 361,229 19 REPORT OF TilL COMPTROLLER OK THE CURRENCY. VEBMONT. Allen National Bank, Fair Haven. No. 2422. IRA C. ALLEN, President. CHARLES R. ALLEN, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation - -. U. S. bonds to secure deposits XT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents i)ue from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes paid. . Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. $80, 821 70 ! 211 30 j 50, 000 00 ; Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided proEts | National bank notes outstanding.. 5,509 57 State bank notes outstanding 382 1,010 575 2, 225 693 80 00 58 93 79 1, 356 00 130 07 5, 305 00 1, 900 00 6,158 00 2,003 49 44,115 00 Dividends unpaid. Individual deposits United States deposits Deposits of U.S.disbursingofncers. 49, 786 84 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . . 629 07 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable 1, 970 00 Total. 152, 692 40 152,692 40 Lamoille County National Bank, Hyde Park. CARLOS S. NOTES, President. No. 1163. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation . . . TL S. bonds to secure deposits TJ S bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, andmortgagos Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks...". Fractional currency Trade dollars . . . Specie Legal-tender notes TJ. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treas. Due from TJ. S. Treasurer Total $100, 370 46 3,278 34 100,000 00 24,118 73 4, 000 00 267 20 11,350 00 7, 924 77 G, 714 00 42 17 1,200 00 3, 000 00 4,500 00 ALBERT L. NOYES, Cashier. Capital stock paid in . . $150, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits. 25, 200 00 3,492 29 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 90, 000 00 Dividends unpaid. 138 00 Individual deposits United States deposits Depositsof TJ. S. disbursing officers. 55, 941 44 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable Total . . . . 324,771 73 324, 771 73 National Bank, Lyndon. D. N. TRULL, President. N o . 1140. $134, 087 64 Loans and discounts Overdrafts 56,000 00 U. S. bonds to secure circulation . . . U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand 9, 600 00 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. 4,408 01 Duo from approved reserve agents 8, 000 00 Due from other banks and bankers. 2, 998 53 Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. 925 38 Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid I. Checks and other cash items. 2, 279 05 Exchanges for clearing-house I... Bills of other banks i,47(Voo" Fractional currency 08 58 Trade dollars 70 00 Specie 3, 505 00 Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. 2, 520 00 Due from U. S. Treasurer .». Total. 225,908 19 W. J. STANTON, Jr., Cashier. Capital stock paid in. $106, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 21,200 00 12, 235 01 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding •utstanding „.'... 50,400 00 Dividends unpaid Individual deposits j United States deposits j Depositsof U.S. disbursing officers.! 384 00 35, 749 18 Due to other national banks ' Duo to State banks and bankers ..! i Notes and bills re-discounted \ Bills payable Total . 225,968 19 ftEPOKT OF THE COMPTKOJ.LKK OF THE CUKftENCY. 51 V E R M O l¥ T . Lyndonville National Bank, Lyndonville. L. B. HAHEIS, President. Ko. 3158. H. M. PEARL, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts ! Overdrafts ! TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation . . . i TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits j ; IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages \ Due from approved reserve agents.! Due from other banks and bankers. • Real estate, furniture, and fixtures i Current expenses and taxes paid... • Premiums paid | Checks and other cash items j ] Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks I Fractional currency j Trade dollars '. Specie Legal-tender notes TJ. S. certificates of deposit ! Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . | Due from TJ. S. Treasurer ; Total . Capital stock paid in $87, 681 95 $75,000 00 i6,666 DO Surplus fund Other undivided profits. 28, 700 00 Xatiottal bank notes outstanding.. 7, 081 96 State bank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid 2,500 00 706 40 3, 656 00 67 62 17,100 00 12 00 Individual deposits IJnited States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. ~2~35(i"i6' 800 00 909 50 63, 283 59 Duo to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers 2, 900 00 1,000 00 Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable 855 00 Total. 157,105 09 i 157,105 09 National Bank, Middlebury. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation... | TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits p j j TJ S bonds b d on hand h d j j TJ. S. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current exjjenses and taxes paid. . . Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house ! Bills of other banks ! Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes TJ. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with TJ. S. Trcas . Due from TJ. S. Treasurer Total. CHARLES E. PIXXEY, Cashier. 1195 ALBERT A. FLETCHER, President $258,381 42 Capital stock paid in. §200,000 00 200, 000 00 Surplus fund.. Other undivided profits 26, 400 26 400 00 8, 600 00 ;\ Xatioiiiii bank notes outstanding. ., 1.0, 620 28 State bank notes outstanding Dividends unpaid ..... 5, 000 00 178, 260 00 785 00 individual deposits . . United Stales d <U posits 381 00 40,,000 < 00 25, 005 26 97, 000 07 Deposits of U. S. <li sbursing officers - : 1, 500 00 T);ie to other national banks 40 ! Duo to State banks and bankers 9, 445 00 5,583 00 Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 9, 000 00 Total. 541, 050 83 541, 050 83 Gray National Bank, Middietown Springs. No. LEOXIDAS {.ITiiAY, President. Loans and discounts Overdrafts TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation-.. TJ. S. bonds to secure deposits TJ. S. bonds on hand Other stoc ks, bonds,and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents. Due from oti'icr banks and bankers lieal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house 13Ills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie , Legal-tender* notes TJ. S ^rtifieates of deposit Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treas Duf* from TJ. S. Treasurer Total . $65, 867 77 8 00 50, 000 u0 -. ., 7, 383 5 500 272 2, 500 732 95 88 00 21 00 08 . 855 00 19 31 F-KT A. GUEEXE, Cashier. ; C:\\,\tal stock paid in Surplus fund.. Other undivided profi ts :; National bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g . . '•• s t a t e banl-L notes o u t s t a n d i n g . ... ;' j= Dividends unpaid ! : Individual deposits Tin itcd States deposits | : Deooriitsot'U.S. disbursing officers : J; Due to other national b a n k s ji Duo to State banks and bankers 616 Y, 1,235 00 || TTotos and bills re-discounted ! Bills payable 2,250 00 I 132, 245 35 Total. $50, 000 00 .1, 000 00 4,101 48 45, 000 CO 180 00 29, 963 87 2, 000 00 132,245 35 52 REPORT OF Ttii: OOMPTttOLLEft OF THE CURRENCY. V E UMONT . First National Bank, Montpelier. No. 748. JOHX A. PAGE, President. Resources. FRED. L. EATON, Cashier. '<• Liabilities. ii Loans aud discounts ' Overdrafts ;' fT. S. bonds to secure circulation...! 11 S. bonds to secure deposits 17 S. bonds on hand ..., Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages j Due from approved reserve agents ! 1 )ue from other banks and bankers, j R'Mil estate, furniture, and fixtures.: < •irrent expenses and taxes paid.. J Premiums paid j C hecks and other cash items j Exchanges for clearing-house Kills of other banks. Fractional currency T rade dollars ". Specie Legal-tender notes TJ. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. _ ;3S2, 381 80 j i Capital 5, 3(55 15 : 50,000 00 •, Surplus stock paid in j fund ' • '; Other undivided profits I 38, 591 70 ;. National bank notes outstanding-. | 20, :u:i 32 I' State bank notes outstanding 4, 388 80 '; Dividends unpaid * 1,110 04 |! Individual deposits ji1 United States deposits , 372 76 I Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. I "5," 120 00 8 41 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers ..!. 10, 900 80 1,413 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable $250, 000 00 50, 000 00 21,338 66 45, 000 00 420 00 152,107 85 3,358 27 2,250 00 522,224 78 Total. 522, 224 78 Montpelier National Bank, Montpelier. JAMES R. LAXQDON, President. No. 857. Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation. ..I U. S. bonds to secure deposits ; II. S. bonds on hand \ Oiher stocks, bonds, and mortgages i Dao from approved reserve agents j i )ue frjm other banks and bankers.: Real estate, furniture, and fixtures I () urrent expenses and taxes paid... | ] ' remiums paid I C hecks and other cash items i i]xchanges for clearing-house ' B1 Ala of other banks \ I 'ractional currency : Trade dollars : Specie ! L>.gal-tender notes | U. S". certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas . Due from U. S. Treasurer I Total. E. D. BLACKWELL, Cashier. $161,351 22 j Capital stock paid in 134 83 ;, 300, 000 00 I Surplus fund 60, 000 00 | Other undivided profits . 13, 050 00 i 131,900 00 ;. National bank notes outstanding.. 45,857 30 ,' State bank notes outstanding . . . . 221 64 Dividends unpaid 1, 254 69 Individual deposits 144 91 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 4, 009 00: j; 1 07 Due to other national banks [! Due to State banks and bankers . 7,321 00 1,160 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . . Bills payable 13, 500 00 740, 505 66 Total. $300, 000 00 60, 000 00 14 133 18 268, 560 00 96,015 05 1, 797 43 740, 505 66 National Bank, Newport. ELISHA LANE, President. Loans and discounts O verdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits II. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents . Due from other banks and bankers Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures <) ui rent, expenses and taxes paid Premiums paid C hocks and other cash items ' Exchanges for clearing-Louse Kills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars ' Specie Legal-tender notes U S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Trras . Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 2263. EOBERT J. WRIGHT, Cashier. $215, 028 51 Capital stock paid in . 85, C00 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 13, 000 00 9, 210 00 8, 000 00 11, 032 45 Naiionnl bank notes outstanding . State bank notes outstanding 76, 500 00 3,300 00 000 00 i81. 00 ',315 00 !> 41 ', noi; 05 , 058 00 $100, 000 00 Dividends unpaid. Individual deposits United States deposits \ Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers) 145, 506 32 Due to otli"r national banks Due hi State banks and bankers . Notes and bills re-disco anted . . . Kills ]);ivable :, 825 00 344, 216 32 , Total. 344, 216 32 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. VERMONT. First National Bank, North Bennington. J". G-. MCCULLOUGH, President. Xo. 194. Resources. SAMUEL B. HALL, Cashier ;: Loans and discounts : Overdrafts ' TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation.. v 17. S. bonds to secure deposits .'• TJ S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and m o r t g a g e s . l):io from approved reserve admits Dae-from other b a n k s and b a n k e r s . K «al estate, furniture, and fixtures.: C u r r e n t e x p e n d s and taxes paid Pf-erouims paid C l u c k s and other cash items ; F,-a*ban Lies for clearing-house Bills of o t h e r banks...'." Fractional currency Trade dollars * S.sCH-ie Liabilities. $ 101, 245 (>:? j Oapital stock paid in $150, 000 00 570 72 ! 150, 000 00 Surplus fund 55, 000 00 • Other undivided profits . . . 5, 009 24 ...._.,. 100,000 00 { X a u o n a l bank notes o u t s t a n d i n g . . 134,450 00 8, M0 s.! , S?ate bank notes outstanding 1 4, 108 25 ; i 5, Out) 00 Dividends unpaid ! ' ! : 1 ndividnal deposits 105, 755 44 ; 21.4 13 ' i ' n i t r d States deposits .. Deposits of U.S. disbursingollicers. 3,1O»> 00 ; ; 00 GO Due to other national b a n k s 170 87 34<i 00 i?ue to St.iite banks and bankers 8, 7 0 0 MO Lvgal-tender notes U, K certificates of deoosit Redemption iund with U.S. Trea*. Due from U. 8. Treasurer Total. 1, 000 00 : Notes and bills re-discounted Bills payable ' 6,750 0'.) Total. 450, 985 55 * • \ \ 450, 985 55 Northfield National Bank, Northfield. Xo, 1038. GEOBGE XICHOLS, President. Loan a and discounts 0 v erdrafts ; U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. U. S. bonds to secure deposits . bonds ihand . T Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Dae from approved reserve agents lVio from other banks and bankers ll.val estate, furniture, and fixtures Current expenses and taxes p a i d . . . | Pi-cmiuins paid j d e c k s and other cash items E vchnniies for clearing-house j Bills of other banks. / . Fractional currency Tnide dollars \ | Spec ie j L3gal-tender notes ! IT S. certiiicates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas Due from U. S. Treasurer. Total. CHARLES A.EDOERTOX, Jr., Cashier. $114,815 84 Oapital stock paid in 922 19 100, 000 00 [ Surplus fund ; Other undivided proiits $1.00, 000 00 10, 500 00 4, Gil 81 7, 300 00 i Xational bank notes outstanding.. 9, 047 98 : ' State, bank notes outstanding 782 G2 : Dividends unpaid 90, 000 00 ; Individual deposits 00 82 ; United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. • 1,100 00 •• 2 95 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers ... "i,"545"6(V930 00 and bills re-discounted Bills pa> able 4,500 00 ; ; 241, 013 40 I Total. 03 00 35, 838 59 241, 013 40 First National Bank, Orwell. YIHTALON RICH, President. Loans and discounts ; Overdrafts '. V. S. bonds to secure circulation.. J U. S. bonds to secure deposits i IT. S. bonds on hand ! Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages ! Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid . . Premiums pftid Checks and other cash items Exchanges tor clearing-house Bills of other banks ] .Fractional currency j Trade dollars S tecie L :gal tender notes 17. S. certiiicates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total . Xo. 228. CHARLES E. BUSH, Cashier. $289, 978 40 i ' Capital stock paid in 2, 886 26 i; 50,000 00 i! Surplus fund j; Other undivided profits j ; j j $lo0, 000 00 21,536 87 i Xational bank notes outstanding.., 1G, 708 85 • State bank notes outstanding . . . . . ! 18,195 98 7, 500 ('0 I Dividends unpaid. 1,565 74 ! Individual deposits I 661 00 j i United States deposits j I Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers.; 1,373 00 83 13 | Due to other national banks ; ! Due to State banks and bankers . . , 4,504 60 4, 000 00 Notes and bills re-discounted i Bills payable I 45, 000 00 421, 243 83 Total i 100, 000 00 30,103 62 125 00 107, 839 36 18, 222 03 1, 053 82 18, 900 00 421,243 83 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. VEBMO1VT. First National Bank, Poultney. No. 2545. JOHN B. BEAMAN, President. MARTDT D. COLE, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. S $59, 783 42 Capital stock paid in Loans and discounts i 245 31 0 rerdrafts 50, 000 00 Surplus fund IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... IT. S. bonds to secure deposits . Other undivided profits . U. S. bonds on band . . O ther stocks, bonds, and mortga ges - i 5, 000 00 1 National bank notes outstanding.. Due from approved reserve agents. 5, (312 01 State bank notes outstanding Due from other banks and bankers. 201 30 Keal estate, furniture, and fixture**., 3, 500 00 Dividends unpaid. C urrent expenses and taxes paid... 522 51 Individual deposits Premiums paid Checks and other cash items 15 72 TTni ted States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks 2, 6.14 00 Fractional currency GO 48 Due to other national banks Trade dollars I 153 85 Due to State banks and bankers Specie i 1,191 45 Legal-tender notes ; 1, 000 U0 • Notes and bills re-discounted . Bills payable IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas. 2, 250 00 Dae from U. S. Treasurer Total. 132,176 05 Total. $50, 000 00 4,250 00 1, 752 64 45, 000 00 660 00 30, 513 41 132,176 05 National Black River Bank, Proctorsville. GEORGE S. HILL, President. No. 1383. Loans and discounts ', Overdrafts [ 17. S. bonds to secure circulation.. .j IT. S. bonds to secure deposits • V. S. bonds on hand ; Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages, j Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and banker's Heal estate, furniture, andfixture!*,j Current expenses and taxes paid... j Premiums paid ' 0hecks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house .Bills of other banks ! Fractional currency j Trade dollars Specie . Legal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas, Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. CHARLES TV. WHITCOMB, Cashier. $85, 204 54 Capital stock paid in 1, 180 00 50, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits 9, 500 00 4, 499 G8 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 1, 400 00 ! 43 12 . Dividends unpaid $50, 000 00 25, 000 00 3, 849 74 42, 650 00 12 00 Individual deposits 1,300 00 i United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 750 00 ! 93 08 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers... 4,250 00 3, 250 00 Notes and bills re-discounted . . . Bills payable 42,088 98 179 70 2,250 00 Total 163, 780 42 163, 780 42 Baxter National Bank, Rutland. JOHN W. CRAMTOX, President. Loans and discounts \ Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... IT. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid . . Premiums paid Checks ana other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars . Specie Legal-tender notes . U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 1700. GEORGE R. BOTTUM, Cashier. $493, 703 98 ;, Capital stock paid in. 4,189 19 150, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 6, 500 00 16, 850 61 National bank notes outstanding.. State bank notes outstanding 5,777 00 Dividends unpaid. 1,588,22 : Individual deposits 424 62 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officer! 4,909 00 139 95 Due to other national banks 615 00 Due to State banks and bankers. 7, 593 30 10,400 00 Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable $300, 000 00 100, 000 00 9, 703 60 64, 040 00 232, 249 27 3, 302 00 705, 992 87 ! Total. 705,992 87 REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. 55 VERMONT. Clement National Bank, Rutland. CHARLES CLEMENT, President. No. 2950. E D W A R D T. SMITH, Cashier. Resources. Loans and discounts ; Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation...;: IT. S. bonds to secure deposits 17. S. bonds on hand i 0riier stocks, bonds, and mortgages 1 1) ie from approved reserve agents. Dae fivjm other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture-, and fixtures.; Current expanses and taxes p a i d . . . ' Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of 'other banks. .Fractional eurrcnev Trade dollars p Legal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from IT. 8. Treasurer Total. Liabilities. $242,322 03 l| Capital stock paid in \ 1,053 81. i: 100,000 00 j Surplus fund Otlier undivided profits . National bank notes outstanding.. 23, 035 54 State bank notes outstanding j. 1,317 01 Dividends unpaid 6 1 0 li 9,000 GO V Individual deposits 480 34 j; United States deposits Deposits o f U. S. d is bursing officers. 6,270 00 81 l>2 Due to otlier national banks Due to State banks and bankers . 15,671 30 I 4,635 00 \ NOtes and bills re-discounted .. Bills payable 4, 500 00 ! Total. 408, 402 45 $100, 000 00 7, 000 00 4,621 63 90,000 00 15 00 206,765 82 408,402 45 Killington National Bank, Rutland. HEDFIELD PiiOCTOii, President. No. 2905. GEORGE K. MONTGOMERY, Cashier. $265, 594 59 Capital stock paid in ; Loans and discounts 482 21 Overdrafts , 90, 000 00 Surplus fund IT. S. bonds to secure circulation . . . i U. S. bonds to secure deposits :. . Other undivided pro tits. IT. S. bonds on hand National bank notes outstanding.. Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages . Due from approved reserve agents. , 14, 22G 15 State bank notes outstanding Due from other banks and bankers . .. Heal estate,, furniture, and fixtures.' 3,000 00', Dividends unpaid. Current expenses and taxes paid.. 1, 656 28 ; 3, 000 00 i Individual deposits Premiums paid 2,05.") 08 : United States deposits (.'hecks and other cash items. ' Depositsof U.S.dwbursingolncers- ! i] vchanges for cleari ng-house '.. '8,887 00'• Bills of other banks Fractional currency 4 ;>i : Due to other national banks Trade dollars , 18 40 ! Due to State banks and bankers ..! Specie 3,190 50 j and bills re-discounted . L^gal-tendor notes 2, 614 00 I Notes Bills payable IT. S. certiiicafcos of deposit 4, 050 00 i| Redemption fund with IT. S. Treas Due from IT. S. Treasurer 398, 778 55 I Total. Total. $200, 000 00 6, 000 00 5, 582 37 80, 970 00 426 00 1)3, 786 12 12, 014 06 398, 778 55 Merchants' National Bank, Rutland. J o n x X. BAXTER, President. Loans and discounts () verdraf ts U. S. bonds to secure circulation .. U. S. boims to secure deposits V. S. bonds on hand Other sI ocks, bonds, and mortgages. j Due from approved reserve agents ' Due fr >m of her banks and bankers. I Real es a:e. furniture, and fixtures J Current expenses and taxes p a i d . . . | Premiums paid ; Checks and other cash items j Exchanges for clearing-house i. Bills of other banks j Fractional currency \ Trade dollars . . . |. Specie i Legal-tender notes • 'IT. S. certificates of deposit ;. Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. j Due from U. S. Treasurer I. Total. No. 3311. $236, 886 28 2, 912 63 25, 000 00 19,395 18 38, 361 IK) 3, 760 75 1, 588 80 5. 593 75 '439 73 CHARLES "W. MUSSEY, Cashier. Capital stock paid in : Surplus fund Other undivided profits. National bank notes outstanding..' State bank notes outstanding • Div idends unpaid Indi deposits United States deposits I Deposits of U. S.disbursing officers. 10, 550 00 188 82 Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers .. 11,620 00 ">, 000 00 Notes and bills re-discounted j Bilk payable | 1,125 00 359, 402 90 Total. $100, 000 00 1,000 00 5,139 84 22, 070 00 238 00 118,083 16 112,871 90 359, 402 90 56 EEPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. VERMONT. Rutland County National Bank, Rutland. ]STo. 820. W. Y. W. RiPLEr, President HENRY F. FIELD, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure eircul.-rt ion... U. S. bonds to secure deposits •. IT. S. bonds on bund Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. . Due from a])proved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid ., Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-houseBills of other bau ks .'. Fractional currency Trade dollars '. Specie Legal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Duo from U. S. Treasurer Total $454, 076 65! Capital stock paid in . 2,521 14 300, 000 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits National bank notes outstanding.. 6, 667 54 State bank notes outstanding 1, 360 72 3, 700 00 Dividends unpaid. 1, 728 06 Individual deposits 1,130 74 United States deposits Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers. 2,533 00" 317 0-4 Due t o other national banks 777 00 Due to State banks and bankers . . $300, 000 00 75,000 00 14,204 63 268,500 00 112 0!) 93, 096 29 10,559 54 40,175 13 12,374 70 715 00 * Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills payable 13,500 00 802,307 59 Total . 802, 307 59 First National Bank, Springfield. A M A S A WOOLSOX, President. No. 122. L o a n s a n d discounts Overdrafts U . S. bonds t o secure circulation . . . • U . S. b o n d s t o secure deposits > U. S. bonds on h a n d O t h e r stocks, bonds, a n d mortgages, i Duei from approved r e s e r v e a g e n t s . : D u e from o t h e r b a n k s ami b a n k e r s . ' Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures ' Current expenses and taxes paid .. Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency ! Trade dollars '. Specie ! Legal-tender notes I U. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. : Due from TL S. Treasurer ; $121, 285 98 23 03 . 100, 000 00 Cashier. • $100, 000 00 Surplus fund \ Other undivided profits 34, 715 00 ; National bank notes outstanding..' 34,380 02 •••. State bank notes outstanding 33, 700 00 9, 999 08 90, 000 00 i 1, 000 00 j Dividends unpaid. 527 09 ' j Individual deposits 1, 700 03 j United States deposits ' Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers. 1,140 00 j 21 65 j Due to other national banks ' Due to State banks and bankers. 6,511 45 |; 152 00 Notes and bills re-discounted. |, Bills payable 4, 500 00 : •j Total 305, 956 25 Total. B. F . A L D R I C H , Capital stock paid in 225 00 72, 032 17 j 305,956 25 Weldon National Bank, St. Albans. J\ GREGORY SMITH, President Loans and discounts Overdrafts U. S. bonds to secure circulation... U. S. bonds to secure deposits U. S. bonds on hand Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents. Due from other banks and bankers. Heal estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Premiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks Fractional currency Trade dollars Specie Legal-tender notes IT. S. certificates of deposit Redemption fund with U. S. Treas. Due from U. S. Treasurer Total. No. 3482. F. STEWART STBAXAHAN, Cashier. $189,109 74 i Capital stock paid in 915 06 25, 000 00 ; Surplus fund ; Other undivided profits 80, 364 13 1,358 1,374 3,140 13 I i ; National bank notes outstanding.. I State bank notes outstanding. S3 87 02 00 i Dividends unpaid , i j Individual deposits | j United States deposits Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers.' i 5,127 00 ! | 42 00 i Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers.. j 12,153 58 2,262 00 Notes and bills re-discountedBills payable 1,125 00 321,786 43 Total . $100, 000 00 6,603 70 22,500 00 192, 682 73 321, 786 43 REPOKT OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY.. 57 VERMONT. First National Bank, St. Johnsbury. HORACE FAIRBANKS, No. 4 Si). President. J O H N C. OLABK, Cashier. Liabilities. Resources. Loans and discounts O -.-c-rd rafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation... IT. S. bonds to secure deposits . . IT. S. bonds on hand Of her stocks,bonds, and mortgages.; Dae from approved reserve agents \ from other banks and bankers ;. R--al estate, furniture, and fixtures.; Current expenses and taxes paid...]. Prerniums ])aid \. C leeks and other cash items ' E Mehan&vs for clearing-bo as e !. :i>iils of other b a n k s . . . | Fractional currency j Trade dollars ' SiH'cio i L^al-tendcr notes I IT. S. certificates of deposit '. Redemption fund with XT. S. Treas. j Due from U. S. Treasurer '. $604, ^50 15 764 00 185.500 00 Surplus fund Other undivided profits . 77,000 00 9, 915 42 5,500 00 ' "National bank notes outstanding.. 51, 608 K> ' State i>;uik notes outstanding i 27,771 35 \ Dividends unpaid 2,098 81 163, 985 00 290 00 i 158, 697 82 1 ndivitl 1 sal deposits United Stat es deposits DiMtosksof P.S.disbursing officers. 5,148 00 • 4(> 7 1 •: Due to other national banks 12:5 0 0 : .Due to Stale banks and bankers . ]2,3i3 :»i) ! 6, (5QS 00 Notes and bills re-discounted. Bills pssvji We 8,347 Total. 909, 888 24 Total. $500,000 00 Capital stock paid in. 909, 888 24 Merchants' National Bank, St. Johnsbury. W. E. PECK, President. No. 2295. W. S. STREETEK, Cashier. $531,250 52 [ Capital stock paid in. Loans and discounts Overdrafts IT. S. bonds to secure circulation . . U. S. bonds to secure deposits IT. S. bonds on hand Other stocks,bonds, and mortgages. Due from approved reserve agents Due from other banks and bankers. Real estate, furniture, and fixtures. Current expenses and taxes paid... Piemiums paid Checks and other cash items Exchanges for clearing-house Bills of other banks. ^Fractional currency Trade dollars '. Specie Legal-tender note