United States. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. "1880,"
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency
https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/56/item/19096 , accessed on March 20, 2025.
1880 Date: 1880
Table Showing the Names and Compensation of Officers and Clerks in the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
Synopsis of Decisions of the Supreme Court and Circuit Courts of the United States
Table Showing for Each State and Territory the Total Number of Banks Organized and in Operation with their Capital, Bonds on Deposit, and Circulation Issued, Redeemed and Outstanding
Table Showing the Number of State Banks and Trust Companies, Private Bankers, and Savings Banks, With the Average Amount of Their Capital, Deposits, and Investments in United States Bonds
Table Showing, by States and Geographical Divisions, the Amount of Circulation to Which the National Banks in Operation Were Entitled, the Amount Issued to Them, and the Amount Remaining Uncalled For
Table Showing, by States and Geographical Divisions, the Number, Classification, and Amount of the Loans of the National Banks, With the Average Amount of Each Loan
Table Showing the Number And Denominations of National-Bank Notes Issued, Redeemed and Outstanding
Table Showing, by States, the Amount of National-Bank Circulation Issued and of Legal-Tender Notes Deposited to Retire Circulation and the Amount Remaining on Deposit
Table Showing the Statement of the Monthly Increase and Decrease of National-Bank Circulation
Table Showing the Amount and Rate of Taxation (United States and State) of the National Banks
Table Showing the Clearing and Balances of the Banks of New York City
Table Showing, by Geographical Divisions, the Dividends and Earnings of the National Banks, Semi-Annually
Table Showing an Abstract of Dividends and Earnings of National Banks in the United States
Table, by States and Reserve Cities, of the Dividends and Earnings of the National Banks, with Their Ratios to Capital, and to Capital and Surplus
Table of the State of the Lawful-Money Reserve of the National Banks of the United States, as Shown by their Reports
Table of the Liabilities of the National Banks and of the Reserve Required and Held
Table Showing the Average Weekly Deposits, Circulation and Reserve of the National Banks in New York City, as Reported to the New York Clearing-House
Table Showing the Number of State Banks, Savings-Banks, Trust Companies and Private Bankers, With Their Average Capital and Deposits, and the Tax Thereon
Table, by Geographical Divisions, of the Number, and Average Capital and Deposits, of State Banks, Private Bankers and Trust and Loan Companies, and of Savings-Banks With and Without Capital
Table Showing the Resources and Liabilities of State Banks
Table Showing the Aggregate Resources and Liabilities of State Banks
Table Showing the Resources and Liabilities of Trust and Loan Companies
Table Showing the Aggregate Resources and Liabilities of Trust and Loan Companies
Table, by Geographical Divisions, of the Resources and Liabilities of the State Banks and Trust Companies
Table Showing the Resources and Liabilities of Savings-Banks Organized Under State Laws
Table Showing the Aggregate Resources and Liabilities of Savings Banks
Table, by States, of the Aggregate Deposits of Savings-Banks, the Number of Their Depositors, and the Average Amount Due to Each
Statement Showing the Amounts of National-Bank and Legal-Tender Notes Outstanding, and the Increase or Decrease in Each
National Banks That Have Gone into Voluntary Liquidation Under the Provisions of Sections 5520 and 5521 of the Revised Statutes of the U.S., with Dates of Liquidation, Amounts of Capital, Circulation Issued and Retired, and Circulation Outstanding
National Banks That Have Been Placed in the Hands of Receivers, Together With Their Capital, Circulation Issued, Lawful Money Deposited with the Treasurer to Redeem Circulation, the Amount Redeemed and the Amount Outstanding
Insolvent National Banks, With Date of Appointment of Receivers, Amount of Capital Stock and Claims Proved, and Rates of Dividends Paid to Creditors
Aggregate Resources and Liabilities of National Banks
Abstract of Reports of the Condition of the National Banks
City of San Francisco
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