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Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


DECEMBER 31, 1889.





KR 't V f e


University of Colorado at Boulder


U1Ö305 3S3L0ED
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


O f f ic e




C o m m is s io n e r

B a n k in g





D epartm ent,

Lansing, Mich., Dec. 31,1889.


Hon. Cyrus C. Luce, Governor of Michigan:
As required by Section 43 of the General Banking Law of the State of
Michigan, as amended July 3, 1889, I have the honor to submit for your
consideration the first annual report of this department.
When the present General Banking Law went into effect, January 7, 1889,
there were eighty banks incorporated and doing business under the State
law of 1858, as amended in 1873.
The following is an abstract of reports made to the State Treasurer
January 7, 1889:

Hoans, discounts, bonds and mortgages.......................................................... $30,753,893 95
61,803 18
Real estate, furniture and fixtures.....................................
534,411 76
Expenses and taxes...........................
62,646 31
Checks and cash item s.........................................................................................
238,006 66
Due from banks and bankers.............................................................................
4,008,836 10
3,303,819 23

$38,963,417 19


Capital stock........................................................ ................. .............................
Surplus......................................... ......................«............................ ......................
Undivided profits.... ............................................................................................
Due banks and bankers.... .................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................................
Bills re-discounted......................................................................................
Bills payable.................................



T otal................................................................................................. $38,963,417 19
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




From January 6, 1889, up to and including December 31, 1889, I have
authorized the incorporation of thirteen new banks and oue loan and trust
company, viz.:
The Belding Savings Bank, capital..................................................... . ...........
State Bank of White Pigeon, capital......................................... ......................
Citizens’ State Bank of Au Sable and Oscoda, capital. . . ..........................
Iosco County Savings Bank, Oscoda, capital............................... ................
Bank of Manistique, Manistique, capital............................... .......................
Mecosta County Savings Bank, Big Rapids, capital....................................
City Savings Bank, Detroit, capital.......................... ......................................
Clinton County Savings Bank, St. Johns, capital— ............................ .......
Commercial Savings Bank, St. Louis, ca p ita l..............................................
First State Bank of Holland, Holland, capital-------- --------- ----- ---------State Bank of Reading, Reading, capital.......................................................
Farmers and Merchants’ Bank of Milan, capital..........................................
First State Bank of South Haven, capital.......................................................
Michigan Trust Company, Grand Rapids, cap ital.......................................
An increase of bank capital in the State of......................................



$920,000 00


The First State Bank of South Haven takes the place of the First
National Bank of South Haven, and is the first national bank in the State
that has availed itself of the provisions of Section 17 of the General Banking
Law, which provides for the changing over of national banks to State
Our State Banking Law having adopted all the good features of the
National Banking Act, its depositors having the same security as do the
depositors in the national banks, its liberality as regards amounts loaned
to individuals or firms, the permitting the loaning on mortgages and
collateral security, together with the high price of United States bonds,
have induced several national banks to correspond with this department
with a view of changing to State organizations.

OF B A N K S .

There are now in this State ninety-three incorporated State banks, three
trust loan and security companies, and one hundred and thirteen national
banks. December 11, 1889, ninety State banks reported to this department.

Loans and discounts................. ...................... .................................................... $22,624,667 12
Stocks, bonds and mortgages............................................................................ 15,645,031 54
Overdrafts...... ................................... ..................................................................
165,315 19
Due from banks in reserve c itie s....................................... .............................
5,182,241 12
Due from other banks and bankers..................................................................
298,942 90
Banking house furniture and fixtures..............................................................
523,466 20
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Other real estate.................
Current expenses and taxes paid......................................................................
Interest paid..........................................................................................................
Exchanges for clearing house.......................................................................... Checks and cash item s.........................................................................................
Nickels and ce n ts^ ..............................................................................................
Gold coin..........................................................................................................
Silver coin.... .....................................................................- ...................... - ...........
U. S. and National Bank notes.......................................................................



Total................................................................................... - ............. $47,354,277 90
L IA B I L I T I E S .

-Capital stock paid i n . . .........................................................................................
Surplus fund .........................................................................................................
Undivided profits...........................................................................................
Dividends unpaid...... .....................................................
Commercial and savings deposits......................................................................
Due to banks and bankers................................................
Notes and bills re-discounted.............................................................................
Bills payable..........................................................................................................



Total.....................................................- .......................................... $47,354,271 90

Through the courtesy of Hon. E. S. Lacey, Comptroller of the Currency,
T am able to give an abstract of the reports of the one hundred and thirteen
national banks of this State, as reported to the Comptroller at Washington,
the same day, viz., December 11, 1889.

Loans and discounts................................................................... - ...................... $45,860,178 79
4,716,830 60
Stocks, bonds and mortgages.............................................................................
Overdrafts...................................................- ..........................................................
214,415 50
Due from banks in reserve cities.......................... . . . ............- ......................
5,273,805 17
Due from other banks and bankers.................................. ..............................
1,417,240 70
Banking house furniture and fixtures..............................................................
1,161,347 88
Premiums on United States bonds............................................................ .......
506,812 27
Other real e sta te ..................................................................................................
696,499 38
Current expenses and taxes paid.....................................................................
314,041 78
Exchanges for clearing house.................................... - ..........................- .........
351,040 73
Checks and cash item s...........................................................- ............................
206,917 13
Nickels and cents........ ................................................................................. .......
28,147 37
Gold coin................................................................................................................
2,181,437 90
Silver coin......................................................................................................... —
444,031 33
United States and National Bank notes...........................................................
2,502,819 00
Due from United States Treasurer................................................................ .
175,937 44
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Total........ ^ ................................................ - ................................... 466,051,502 97



Capital stock paid i n . . . ................... ................................................................... f 15,674,600 00'
Surplus fund .........................................................................................................
3,173,932 03
Undivided profits........ t .................... ...................................................................
2,589,639 53
Dividends unpaid........ .............. ................................................................. . . . .
Commercial deposits......................................................................................
35,217,989 08
Due to banks and bankers.......................
5,857,859 32
National Bank notes outstanding......................................................................
2,853,300 00
Notes and bills re discounted...............................................................
658,903 69

$66,051,502 97

By the preceding tables it will be seen that the two hundred and three
incorporated banks of this State reported December 11, 1889, as follows:
R E SO U R C E S .

Loans and discounts............................................................................................ ' $68,484,845
Stocks, bonds and morigages .................................
Due from banks in reserve c itie s.................................................................... 10,456,046
Due from other banks and bankers.......... .....................................
Banking house furniture and fixtures..............................................................
Other real estate...................................................................................................
Current expenses and taxes paid.....................
Interest paid...........................................................................................................
Exchanges for clearing house................
Checks and cash items......................
Nickels and cents..............................................
Gold coin................
Silver coin ......... ........................
United States and National Bank notes................................
Due from United States Treasurer....................................................................
Premiums on United States bonds............................................


Total...................................................................................................$113,405,780 87

Capital stock paid in ..................................... _.................................................... $22,929,159 10
Surplus fu n d ...................................... ..................................................................
4,306,261 93
4,269 565 14
Undivided profits........................................................... ........................ .............
Dividends unpaid......................................................................................... .......
27 850 95
Commercial and savings deposits.................................................................... 71,269,772 91
Due to banks and hankers................................ ..................................................
6,667 537 39
National Bank notes outstanding.....................................................................
2,853,300 00
Notes and bills re-discounted...........................................................................
1,045,333 45
Bills payable...........................................................................................................
37,000 00
Total.........................................................- ...................... . * . .......... $113,405,780 87
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




For the convenience of the State Banks, I have approved the following
as reserve cities: Detroit, Grand Rapids, Bay City, the Saginaws, Kalama­
zoo, Jackson, Muskegon, Lansing, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneap­
olis, Kansas City, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Toledo, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Boston,
Philadelphia, Washington and New York.
The law which provides that savings banks shall keep on hand, or on
deposit in banks in reserve cities, fifteen per cent of their deposits, has had
a tendency to mass deposit; in the large cities designated by the Commis­
sioner as reserve cities.
The following statements show the condition of the banks, both State
and national, in the four largest reserve cities in the State, viz.: Detroit,
Grand Rapids, the Saginaws and the Bay Cities, as reported December 11,
D E T R O IT B A N K S .

R esources.

F o u r te en
S t a te B a n k s .

E ig h t
N a t io n a l B a n k s .


L oans, sto ck s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s ........................................

821,569,873 52

$16,478,403 93

O v erd ra fts....................................................................................

23,709 01

9,118 46

$38,048,277 45
32,827 50

D u e fro m b a n k s................................................... - - - ................

3,328,208 40

2,582,177 19

5,910,385 58»

R e a l e sta te , fu rn itu r e an d fix tu r es.......................... .. —

311,254 74

291,403 53

602,658 27

E x p en ses, ta x e s a nd in ter e st p a id ....................................-

261,972 91

64,567 99

326,540 90’

239,062 50

239,062 50'

173,747 25

295,306 60

469,053 85

42,363 55

42,363 55

C a s h ...............................................................................................

1,018,395 90

2,341,169 74

3,359,565 64

T o ta ls ...............................................................................................................

$26,687,161 76

$22,343,573 49

$49,030,735 25

C a p ita l sto ck paid in .................................................................................

82,803,910 00

$4,400,000 00

$7,203,910 00

S u rp lu s fu n d a nd u n d iv id e d profits ...........................................

1,303,729 38

1,204,785 67

2,508,515 05

D e p o sits.........................................................................................

22,579,522 38

16,342,340 38

38,921,862 76

____________________ _____ _____

332,840 00

332,840 00

N o tes a n d b ills r e-d isco u n ted ..............................................

63,607 44

63,607 44

$22,343,573 49

$49,030,735 25

E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g b o u se .............................................


fro m TT

S , t r o a s u r e r ________ _________________ - ...........

L ia b ilities.

C iroulivtiug

n o tfis


T o ta ls ......................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

826,687,161 76





R esources.

State Banks.

National Banks.


L oans, sto ck s, bonds a n d m o r tg a g e s................................

SI,335,728 48

85,899,843 49

O v e r d r a fts.........................................- ........................................

218 74

19,435 07

19,653 81

D u e from b a n k s ................. .......................................................

156,436 59

1,038,889 85

1,195,326 44

R e a l esta te, fu rn itu r e and fix tu r es...................................

11,687 88

206,433 11

218,120 99

E xp en ses, ta x e s an d in t e r e s t......... .................. ..

12,329 45

31,338 87

43,668 32

44,557 CO

44,557 00


P rem iu m s on IT. ft. b o n d s....................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se..............................................

2,409 51

D ii pi fr o m TT. ft. tr e a su r e r ............................................. ........

$7,235,571 97

55,734 13

58,143 64

11,125 00

11,125 00

C a s h ............................................................................. ..................

64,202 71

577,413 81

641,616 52

T o ta ls......................................................................................

SI,583,013 36

87,884,770 33

$9,467,783 69

C a p ita l sto ck paid in ...............................................................

$398,671 10

$2,200,000 00

$2,598,671 10

Su rp lus an d u n d iv id e d profits.............................................

36,418 61

503,021 95

539,440 56

D ep o sits..........................................................................................

1,147,923 65

4,868,748 01

6,016,671 66

L ia b ilities.

C ircu la tin g n o t e s ........ _..............- ..................................... .....
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d .............................................
T o ta ls..............- ......................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,583,013 36

199,200 00

199,200 00

113,800 37

113,800 37

$7,884,770 33

$9,467,783 69



T H E S A G IN A W B A N K S .

R esou rces.

L oans, sto ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s..............................

State Banks.

National Banks.


$¿,161,662 92

$3,791,994 76

O v e r d r a fts..................................................................... .............

2,419 20

8,087 67

10,506 87

D ue fro m b a n k s.........................................................................

360,474 47

248,353 96

598,828 43

R ea l e sta te , fu rn itu r e an d fix tu res ................................

52,783 10

58,385 77

111,168 87

E x p en ses, ta x e s and in t e r e s t ................................ .

16,607 33

29,378 16

45,985 49

$5,953,657 68

P rem iu m s o n U , S. b o n d s.....................................................

18,375 00

18,375 00

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ...........................................

12,884 70

12,884 70

D u e fro m U . S. T rea su rer...............................................

10,125 00

10,125 00

C a sh .........................................................................................

37,731 61

243,698 96

281,430 57

T o ta ls .............................. - ..............................................

$2,621,678 63

$4,421,283 98

$7,042,962 61

$400,000 00

$1,000,000 00

$1,400,000 00

113,415 62

467,742 8Ï

581,158 43

2,040,162 53

2,522,357 13

4,562,519 66

200,260 00

200,260 00

68,100 48

230,924 04

299,024 52

$2,621,678 63

$4,421,283 98

$7,042,962 61

L ia b ilities.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in ........................................................
S u rp lu s a nd u n d iv id ed profits.........................................
D e p o sits.......................................................................
C ir cu la tin g n o tes...............................................................
N o te s and b ills r e -d is c o u n te d ...........................................
T o ta ls.......................................... ............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




State Banka.

R esources.

National Banks.


L oans, sto ck s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s..............................

$1,801,250 92

$1,637,173 51

O v e r d r a fts........................ .........................................................

7,650 27

937 68

8,587 95

D ue fro m b a n k s .......................................................................

115,613 21

99,129 91

214,743 12

R e a l esta te fu rn itu r e and fix tu r e s ....................................

27,103 62

39,000 00

66,103 62

E x p en ses, ta x e s a nd in t e r e s t............... ............................

25,416 69

9,573 54

34,990 23

P rem iu m s on U , S. b o n d s....................................... ..............

$3,441,424 43

7,500 00

7,500 CO

4,692 20

7,777 97

12,470 17

6,000 00

6,000 00

C a sh ...............................................................................................

77,775 50

133,295 15

211,070 65

T o ta ls .................................................. ..................................

$2,062,502 41

$1,940,387 76

$4,002,890 17

C a p ita l sto ck p aid in ...............................................................

$374,950 00

$450,000 00

$824,950 00

Su rp lus an d u n d iv id ed p rofits...........................................

171,782 89

228,256 64

400,039 53

D ep o sits..........................................................................................

1,405,043 71

1,111,840 44

2,516,884 15

E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u se .............................................
D ue fro m U. S. T rea su rer................. ..................................

L ia b ilitie s.

C ircu la tin g n o tes....................................................
N o tes and b ills r e-d isco u n ted ........................
T o t a ls ................................................

. „

90,000 00

90,000 00

110,725 81

60,290 68

171,016 49

$2,062,502 41

$1,940,387 76

$4,002,890 17


The ninety State Banks reported so this department December 11, 1889,
$7,254,559.10 as their capital stock.
This capital stock is owned by 2,885 different shareholders in the follow­
ing proportion:
817 owning
826 owning
491 owning
526 owning
225 owning

$500, and less.
more than $500, up to and including $1,000.
more than $1,000, up to and including $2,000.
more than $2,000, up to and including $5,000.
more than $5,000 each.

This table shows that the shares of stock are widely distributed, those
holding $1,000, being greater in number, caused no doubt by the law requir­
ing at least that amount to make the shareholder eligible as a director.
S A Y I N G S D E P O S IT S .

Fifty-nine of the banks reporting are savings banks, or banks with savings
departments, and these report savings deposits as $23,669,030.20, and the
number of depositors in the savings department as 97,803.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



The average rate of interest paid to these savings depositors is 3 8-10 per
You will see by this that the savings banks of the State are really philan­
thropic institutions, paying out as they do, nearly $800,000 annually as
interest to the depositors, thereby encouraging and making it possible for
the people to save their money until the amount is sufficient to engage in
business or purchase a home.
The Legislature at its last session passed a general trust, deposit and
security company law, and made this department responsible for its execution.
“The Michigan Trust Company of Grand Rapids,” with a capital of
$200,000, has been organized under the provisions of this act, and has
deposited with the State Treasurer, stocks, bonds and motgages, to the
amount of $100,000, as required by law.
This company is well officered, and we see no reason why it should not
The “Fidelity Loan and Trust Company,” and the Trust, Security, and
Safe Deposit Company both of Detroit, are under the provisions of this law,
but thus far, have confined their business solely to that of renting safes and
other compartments in safe deposit vaults, and in receiving and caring for
valuable packages in storage.

Four times during the year, the State banks have reported their condition
upon blanks furnished by this department.
These reports were made May 13, July 12, September 30, and December
11 .

Occurring as they do at different seasons of the year, the date upon which
the call was made being a past day, unknown to the bank officer until the
the call was made, we may consider these reports as a fair representation of
the business of the different banks for the year.
I cannot too heartily commend that section in the banking law which
provides for the publication of these reports, when called for by the commis­
It is not only a statement to the depositors of the condition of the bank in
which they have deposited their money, but it stimulates bank officers to
greater diligence and watchfulness in the affairs of the bank.
In addition to the four reports mentioned above, a personal examination
has been made of the affairs of each bank incorporated under the general
banking law of the State, and with a very few exceptions were found in
excellent condition; their greatest fault being, excessive loans, a looseness
in their methods of book-keeping, and carelessness as regards past due paper.
Bank officers are not wholly to blame for the latter, as borrowers at our
country banks, do not, as a class, sense their obligations, as do the borrowers
at our city banks.
It is difficult for some men to understand why their note is not just as
good sixty days after due, as it was thirty days before.
However, bank officers are making every effort to correct these matters*
and we have reason to believe will succeed.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



The total expenses of this department for the year ending December 31,
1889, were $6,561.22, and are made up of the following items:
Salary of T. C. Sherwood, Commissioner....................................................................$2,467 96
Salary of E. A. Sunderlin, Deputy Commissioner................................................... 1,725 00
Salary of L. M. Sherwood, Clerk.........................................................
700 00
Expenses incurred in examinations, e tc ..................................................................... 1,668 26

This department has been nearly self supporting, as the fees received dur­
ing the year amount to $4,754.92, which is one-hundredth part of one per
cent of the gross amount of the assets of each bank at the time the examina­
tion was made.
The following is a list of the banks examined, and the amount paid by
each, which has been deposited with the State Treasurer in accordance with
section 40 of the General Banking law:
Citizens’ State Bank, Au S ab le..................................................................................... $10 00
Iosco County Savings Bank, O scoda............................................................................
10 00
Manistique Bank, Manistique................................. .....................................................
10 00
10 00
Carson City Savings Bank, Carson City........ ..... ........................................................
Farmers’ Bank, Grass Lake.............................................................................................
10 00
Oxford Savings Bank, Oxford............................ .........................................._...............
10 00
Charlevoix Savings Bank, Charlevoix........................................... .............................
10 00
Mecosta County Savings Bank, Big Rapids...............................................................
10 00
State Bank, Fenton.........................................................................................................
10 34
State Bank, St. Johns.....................................................................................................
17 08
Belding Savings Bank, Belding..................................................... ............................
10 00
Montcalm County Savings Bank, Stanton..................................................................
10 00
Commercial Bank, Mt. Pleasant.....................................................................................
17 36
People’s Savings Bank, Mt. Pleasant............................................................................
10 00
Ionia County Savings Bank, Ionia................................ ...............................................
26 45
Hastings City Bank, Hastings........................................................................................
12 61
Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Nashville..................................................................
10 00
Michigan State Bank, Eaton Rapids..............................................................................
15 69
Lake Odessa Savings Bank, Lake Odessa.................................. .................................
10 00
West Michigan Savings Bank, Bangor........................................................................
10 00
Farmers and Merchants’ Bank, Benton Harbor......................................................
15 37
Union Banking Company, St. Joseph...................... ......... ........................................
16 00
People’s Savings Bank, West Bay City...... .................................................................
10 00
Jackson City Bank, Jackson......................... ................................................................
78 19
Genesee County Savings Bank, Flint............................................................................
55 H
People’s Bank, Leslie........................................................................................................
10 00
Bay County Savings Bank, Bay City..................................................... ......................
35 62
Commercial Bank, Bay City.................................. ......................................................
31 71
Union Bank, Jackson............................ ..................................... .....................................
67 83
Farmers’ Bank, Mason..........................................#..........................................................
19 16
Bay City Bank, Bay City...............................................................................................
89 90
•Central Savings Bank, Detroit.......................................................................................
34 64
Home Savings Bank, Detroit....................................................._...................................
78 74
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Citizens’ Savings Bank, Detroit............................
Sault Savings Bank, Sault Ste. Marie...................
Merchants and Miners’ Bank, Calumet..............
Peninsula Bank, Ishpeming...................................
People’s Savings Bank, Lansing............................
Ingham County Savings Bank, Lansing.............
State Bank, Carson City.........................................
Central Michigan Savings Bank, Lansing...........
Kalamazoo Savings Bank, Kalamazoo..........—
Paw Paw Savings Bank, Paw Paw .....................
Peninsular Savings Bank, Detroit....................... .
State Savings Bank, Detroit..................................
Mechanics’ Bank, Detroit......................................
Lumbermans’ State Bank, West Bay City........
Savings Bank of East Saginaw, East Saginaw.
People’s Savings Bank, East Saginaw................
Bank of Saginaw, Saginaw City.........................
City Bank, Dowagiac..................... ........................
Chelsea Savings Bank, Chelsea...........................
City Bank, Battle Creek.........................................
German American Bank, Detroit.........................
Farmers’ State Bank, Concord............................
Ypsilanti Savings Bank, Ypsilanti............. .........
Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Ann Arbor............. ..
Farmers and Mechanics’ Bank, Ann Arbor---People’s Savings Bank, Detroit............................
Dime Savings Bank, Detroit.................. ...............
Lapeer County Bank, Imlay City.........................
Pioneer Bank, North Branch................................
Mt. Clemens Savings Bank, Mt. Clemens.........
Commercial Savings Bank, St. Clair...................
Commercial Bank, Port Huron......... .................
Port Huron Savings Bank, Port Huron..............
State Bank, White Pigeon.....................................
Commercial and Savings Bank, Adrian.............
Hillsdale Savings Bank, H illsdale.....................
First State Bank, H illsdale..................................
People’s Bank, Manchester....................................
Lenawee County Savings Bank, Adrian............
State Bank, Midland...............................................
Midland County Savings Bank, Midland............
Oceana County Savings Bank, Hart...................
Grand Rapids Savings Bank, Grand Rapids---Kent County Savings Bank, Grand Rapids.......
Michigan Trust Company, Grand Rapids..........
Muskegon Savings Bank, Muskegon...................
First State Bank, Holland.....................................
Commercial Savings Bank, St. Louis............. .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



10 00

27 31
10 00



20 66

53 79
113 40
10 00



10 00



10 00



11 12
10 00



10 00
10 00

Clinton County Savings Bank, St. Johns...................................................................... $10 00
Wayne County Savings Bank, Detroit......................................................................... 514 07
Detroit Savings Bank, D etroit.......................... ..................... ..................................... 455 57
Michigan Savings Bank, Detroit......................f ............ .............. ..................... ........ 137 40
City Savings Bank, Detroit........................................ ..................................... ..............
28 66
American Banking and Savings Association, Detroit...............................................
98 77
Wyandotte Savings Bank, Wyandotte.........................................................................
26 58
Williamston State Bank, Williamston..........................................................................
10 00
First State Bank, Reading........................................................................ ......................
10 00
Milford State Bank, Milford................. ...........................................................................
17 74
Saginaw County Savings Bank, Saginaw City...........................................................
31 28


I would call your attention to that part of section 27 of the General
Banking Law, that deals with the reserve of savings banks.
The first part of section 27 provides that savings banks “ shall keep on
hand at least fifteen (15) per cent of its total deposits in money in its own
vaults, or on deposit, payable on demand, with banks, national or State, in
cities approved by the Commissioner as reserve cities, or invested in United
States bonds.”
You will see by this that savings banks are not required to keep any
portion of their reserve in their own vaults, but can deposit it in other
banks, payable on demand.
Yearly all the savings banks in the State keep as much of their fifteen
per cent reserve fund as they can spare with other banks and receive interest
This interest account is a matter of great importance to the savings
banks, and if deprived of it they could not pay as high a rate of interest to
the depositor as they are now paying.
But is the law, permitting the depositing the entire reserve of savings
banks with other banks in reserve cities, consistent with sound conservative
Some think it is, claiming that if banks were compelled to lock up two
million dollars of their reserve in their own vaults, it would very seriously
affect the business interests of the State.
December 11, the fourteen savings banks in the city of Detroit, although
they had a large portion of their reserve in cash in their own vaults, yet had
on deposit in the national banks of the city $2,139,990.94.
Now, the question is, should the officers of savings banks decide for them­
selves as to the amount of reserve they should keep on hand; or should they
be required by law to keep a certain per cent of said reserve in cash in their
own vaults, as commercial banks are required to do in section 24 of the
General Banking Law?
There are strong arguments for and against this proposition, and having
called your attention to the matter, I leave the question for others to
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Notwithstanding this has been a reasonably prosperous year for banking
institutions, three private banks have failed during the year, viz.:
“ The Bank of Evart,” Allen Campbell cashier and proprietor, located at
Evart, Michigan; H. G. Packard & Co., bankers, Reed City, Michigan;
Weimeister & Co., bankers, Howell, Michigan.
The Bank of Evart closed its doors, and Mr. Campbell left Evart
January 9, 1889. Liabilities, as far as can be ascertained, about $12,000;
assets, nothing.
No settlement has been effected, and it is not probable that creditors will
receive anything.
H. G. Packard & Co., bankers, made an assignment September 27, 1889.
Liabilities, $42,313.22,—all due depositors; assets, $57,290.65.
A large portion of this is poor paper, and we are informed that creditors
will not receive more than thirty cents on the dollar.
Weimeister & Co. failed September 25, 1889. Liabilities about $125,000,
of which $100,000 of more is due depositors. Assets about $105,000.
On account of litigation and poor paper, it now looks as though creditors
would receive a very small percentage of liabilities.
Neither Mr. Campbell or Weimeister & Co. ever filed the necessary
papers with the county clerk, as the law directs.
In view of these facts, the question arises, should not the private banks
and bankers be subject to the same laws that control and govern the regu­
larly incorporated banks of the State?
Why should one class of banks be under restrictions for the protection of
the depositor, and another class be allowed to receive deposits, sell exchange,
in fact do a regular banking business, without any restrictions whatever, not
even making public the amount of capital invested in the business?
The amount of capital should at least be made public, as a wealthy private
banker, if he felt disposed, could easily avoid paying his proportion of taxes,
by returning for taxation a small amount of the capital invested in his busi­
ness, while a banker with small capital could return a large amount, and by
so doing, induce the public to deposit with him, under the impression that
he was abundantly able to meet all demands, when in fact he was entitled
to little or no credit.
There are now over two hundred private banks doing business in this State,
many of which are managed by careful, conservative business men, and are
entitled to the confidence of the public, but there is no doubt that a large num­
ber have not complied with section 3128 of chapter 85 of Howell’s Annotated
Statutes of Michigan, which provides “ That no person or persons shall be
engaged in the business of a broker, or of buying or selling current or uncur­
rent money, or bank notes, or in the exchange thereof, or in the buying or sell­
ing exchange, or in the exchange of coins, or in the receiving of deposits of
money or bank notes, as such broker or exchange dealer, unless such person
or persons shall first make and file with the county clerk of the county in
which such broker’s office is or shall be located, a certificate, etc.”
Again, many of these banks by their books, checks, letter heads, and also
by the sign in their windows, or at the front of their office, convey to the
public the idea that they are incorporated banks, which is plainly in viola­
tion of section 3133, to which your attention is called.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



It is evident to me that a law should be enacted forbidding any person or
persons using the name “ bank” or “ bankers” for business purposes of a
financial nature, unless they are incorporated under the General Banking
Law of the State, or of the United States.
I know it is urged by some that a person has a right to carry on his pri­
vate business in any way he may desire, without dictation or supervision,
but they should remember that when a banker invites deposits from the
public, it ceases to be a private business and becomes a public matter, and if
public, then the people should know the amount of capital in the business,
and the disposition of the deposits made by the depositor.
The sound, conservative banks do not fear to make an exhibit of their
liabilities and assets, and all others have no right to the name “ bank” which
today carries with it the idea of safety and honesty of purpose.
Again, when a private bank is owned by an individual or by two or more
partners, if the proprietor or one of the partners should die, in most
cases it would become necessary to close up the business, and that through
the tedious process of the probate court.
This would not only cause great annoyance and inconvenience to the bus­
iness community, but the estate of the banker would suffer loss, as no bank­
ing business could be summarily closed without damage to the estate, and
in some cases the shrinkage would be so great as to cause loss to the
depositor. For this and other reasons many private bankers in the State
have already incorporated under the General Banking Law, and several
others have intimated their intention of doing so in ihe near future.



There is another class of business of a financial nature to which I would
call your attention, and that is the Building and Loan Associations.
Any business that fosters and cares for the savings of the laboring man, or
makes it possible for him to secure a home for his family, should receive the
sanction and support of every individual.
On the other hand, every corporation or association that, by the promise
of large gains, induce the laboring man to invest his earnings with them,
and then by fraud and dishonesty deprive him of his savings, should receive
the condemnation of all honest men.
Local building and loan associations have prospered and done much good
in many eastern cities, and where they were honestly and economically con­
ducted, have assisted many families in securing homes, without which assist­
ance, they never could have succeeded.
I am satisfied, however, that the member of the association is principally
benefited on account of the accumulation of his savings rather than by the
benefit derived from the loan he makes from the association. I know he
can borrow a larger amount on the property he desires to mortgage than he
could obtain from a savings bank. I also know he pays a larger interest.
But where every member is a borrower, as well as a depositor, it matters
but little whether he pays six per cent or twelve per cent, as he shares in
the profits. But where one-half of the membership are borrowers and the
other half deposit solely as an investment, it is clear to me that, if large
profits are realized, the depositor is benefited at the expense of the bor­
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



There are now fifty-nine building and loan associations, several investment
and security companies, national building associations, and others of a like
nature in this State, all seeking business, and all depending upon the public
for support.
With money as plentiful as it now is, it is safe to look with suspicion
upon any enterprise whose promoters claim a return of twenty-five or thirty
per cent on the investment.
If it was necessary a few years ago to enact a law forbidding foreign
insurance companies doing business in this State unless they complied with
certain requirements, it is of much more importance that some restrictions
be placed upon those building associations organized in other States, and
doing business in this, not subject to our laws, and of whose responsibility
we know little or nothing. All building and loan associations, in fact every
association of a financial nature that invites deposits, should be under some
State supervision for the protection of the public.
Those associations that are honestly and economically conducted do not
fear an examination, and all others have no right to exist.


Although this department has been ready to meet every demand made
upon it, so far as blanks for the different reports and for the incorporation
of banks are concerned, yet it can hardly be said that the State Banking
Department is thoroughly or satisfactorily organized at the present time.
As there was no precedent to follow, we had to commence at the begin­
ning, and as in other departments of State, time and experience only will
determine the best measures to adopt in making successful the great bank­
ing interests of our State, over which this department is placed.
The degree of success the department has already achieved is in a great
measure due to the hearty co-operation of the several banks, whose cheerful
compliance with the requirements of the new banking law have rendered
easy the duties of this department which otherwise would have been burden­
In this connection, allow me to call your attention to the honesty and
integrity of the officers and clerks in our State banks during the past year.
Numbering nearly 500, and handling as they do over one hundred
millions of dollars in cash and its representative, without proving un­
faithful to the trust imposed in them, is a matter worthy of favorable
mention, in these times of political and official dishonesty.
I might further state, that so far as I have been able to ascertain, the
same will apply to officers and clerks in the national banks of the State.
In concluding this report, I would suggest that the legislature, realizing
the magnitude of the banking business of the State, and the varied interests
that are dependent upon its success, will examine closely'every amendment
to the General Banking Law that is offered, and adopt those amendments
only which will be of obvious benefit to the State at large, and not for a
particular locality.
The succeeding pages contain a detailed financial report of each institu­
tion required to make a report to this department, together with the names
of officers and directors; also, a copy of the General Banking Law of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



In conclusion, the Commissioner gratefully acknowledges the faithful and
efficient service of the deputy and clerks associated with him in the dis­
charge of official duties.
Commissioner of the Banicing Department.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


As Made to the Commissioner of the State Banking
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 89.
T H E C O M M E R C IA L S A V I N G S B A N K , A D R I A N .
O rganized M ay 10,1888.
W . J. Cocker, P resident; S. H owell, Vice President; W m. B. Thompson, Cashier.

Directors—W. J. C ocker, S eym ou r H o w ell, J. G. M ason, C. R. M iller, N orm an Geddes, A*
B en n ett, A . M. Step henson , C has. B ow erfln d, D . M etcalf.

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d isc o u n ts_____ ______ . . . ____ _____ ____

«112,054 63

$105,376 56

$110,629 81

$120,857 23

S tock s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s____________________

182,917 21

195,769 46

203,752 36

198,342 36

1,503 55

1,261 02

1,240 21

1,070 00

O n e fr o m h a n k s in r e s e r v e c i t ie s ____ _____ ______

34,851 70

39,460 87

23,282 83

33,050 60

O n e fr o m o th e r h a n k s a n d h a n k e r s _______________

455 96

1,082 99

713 69

11,675 01

2,324 93

2,524 93

2,536 93

2,536 93

O v e r d r a fts

________________________________ . . . . . . . .

B a n k in g h o u se

-- ____


F u rn itu re and fix tu r e s ______ ________________ ____
O fh e r re a l e s t a t e

C urrent ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ________________

4,160 24

271 67

1,467 41

2,216 05

In te r est p a id _____________ _______________________

869 54

110 06

437 32

3,199 73

908 20

F x c h a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e
1,244 04

742 18

1,252 56

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ie s _____ ____ - ........ ................. .........

98 53

141 98

13 36

20 79

G o ld co in ................................................ .................................

6,000 00

5,000 00

2,000 00

6,000 00

C h e c k s an d e a sh it e m s __________________________

S ilv er c o i n ________________________ ____________

328 15

226 00

925 90

299 45

U n ite d S ta te s a n d N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ........... ........

18,102 00

12,968 00

11,098 00

12,810 00

T o t a ls ____ _______________________________ ___

$364,910 48

$364,935 72

$359,350 38

$392,986 35

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l s t o c k p a id i n _____ ______________________

$64,125 00

$75,000 00

«75,000 00

$75,000 00

9,821 10

4,427 68

8,376 75

12,004 52

70,841 38

74,575 87

70,389 97

97,483 35

37,620 68

39,813 99

Su rpl u s f u n d

U n d iv id e d p r o fits________________________________
D iv id e n d s u n p a id

In d iv id u a l dep osits su b ject to c h e c k _____________
C ertificates o f d ep o sit

________ ________________

O n e to h a n k s an d h a n k e r s

48,228 84

42,192 17

25 21

1,224 28

C a sh ier’s ch eek s o u tsta n d in g
S a v in g s d e p o sits________________________ _______

170,669 8S

168,740 00

167,937 77

168,684 49

«364,910 48

«364,935 72

8359,350 38

$392,986 35

N o t e s an d h ills r e -d is c o u n te d
B ills pa.yahle.

T o ta ls ___________ _________________ _________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 66.
L E N A W E E C O U N T Y S A V IN G -S B A N K , A D R I A N .
O rganized F eb ru a ry 1,1872.
J . R . B ennett, P resid en t ; J. K . B oies, Vice P resid en t; H . Y . C. H art , Cashier;

C. D. H ardy , A ssistant Cashier.

Directors—Josep h R . B en n e tt, W m . W . B ru ce, W m . S. W ilc o x , C lin ton D . H a rd y , H . V . C^
H a r t, Jno. K . B oies.

Report of
May 13.

R esources.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Pec. 11.

L oan s a n d d is c o u n ts .........._...................................- .........

$32,918 84

$31,720 45

$27,369 82

$34,152 59

S tock s, bonds a nd m o rtg a g es............... ..........................

441,991 10

454,120 55

467,572 84

454,801 51

183 56

800 41

562 57

83,653 35

71,019 89

54,284 09

O verdrafts .............................................................................
D u e fro m ib a n k s in reserv e c i t i e s ________________
D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a n d b a n k ers _

80,643 30

1,200 00


“R anking h o u s e ___________ _________
F u rn itu r e anrl fix tu res _
O ther r ea l e s t a te .......... .......................................................

2,293 92

2,293 92

2,293 92

C urren t e x p e n ses an d ta x e s p a id ................................

2,325 97

3,019 20

4,400 18

2,643 38
5,416 61
12,643 51

In te r est p a id ................................................................... - __
E x ch a n g e s for c le a r in g h ou se
486 07

1,370 58

586 40

8,110 00

5,556 00

10,102 00

1,711 00

600 04

2,234 18

288 69

297 57

16,945 00

10,987 00

8,337 00

8,821 00

$585,928 12

$594,254 28

$594,755 33

$575,920 23

8100,000 00

$100,000 00

8100,000 00

$100,000 00

U n d iv id e d profits.................................................................

18,927 03

18,912 29

23,633 39

38,614 88

D iv id en d s u n p a id .................................................................

101 2§

130 00

2,731 55

502 80

464,746 57

475,211 99

468,390 39

436,802 55

$585,928 12

$594,254 28

$594,755 33

$575,920 23

C hecks an d ca sh ite m s .................................. ....... ............

75 48

N ic k e ls and p en n ies

24 47

G old c o in ............................ ...................................................
S ilv er coin
U. S. and N a tio n a l ban k n o tes.......................................
T o ta ls...... ................................................ ...................... .

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in ..........................................................
S u rp lu s fu n d __ ■.............................................

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k ..........
C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit......................................................
D u e to ban ks a n d b a n k e rs...............................................

2,153 27


C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...................................................................
N o te s a n d b ills r e -d is c o u n te d ......................................
B ills p a y a b le ......................................................
T o ta ls...........................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 48.
A N N A R B O R SA Y IN G S B A N K , A N N A R B O R .
O rganized F eb ru a ry 4,1869.

R e-organ ized D ecem b er 9,1889.

Christian Mack , P resident; * W. W . W ines , Vice P resident ; Chas . E . Hiscock, Cashier.
D irectors—C. M ack, D a v id R in sey , W m . D . H a rrim an , W m . D eubel, D a n ie l H iscock , W illa r d B.
S m ith , W m . W . W in es.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

July 12.

L oans a nd d is c o u n t s ..............................

$316,834 58

$309,735 11

8315,333 94

$325,491 81

S to ck s, b o n d s a n d m o rtg a g es........... .

213,874 85

244,876 75

250,143 42

251,715 87

O v erd ra fts................................................. .

396 78

262 67

665 80

4,617 86

D u e fro m b a n k s in r eserv e c itie s__

94,246 92

68,927 01

59,618 92

50,239 70

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s a nd b an kers

458 71

5,483 72

12,193 57

17,456 95

1,930 85

1,930 85

1,930 85

1,930 85-

2,130 02

20 75

1,624 43

2,739 35-

C h eck s a n d ca sh ite m s ...............

22 90

148 71

3,659 53

682 50

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ies.....................

100 63

101 59

34 00

88 62

G old co in ............................................

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,300 00

15,000 00

S ilv e r c o in ........................................

1,212 00

930 00

1,230 53

1,900 00>

U . S, and N a tio n a l b a n k notes.

10,455 00

13,769 00

9,549 00

9,905 00'

T o ta ls...........................................

8656,663 24

$661,186 16

$671,283 99

$681,768 51

B a n k in g h o u se
F u rn itu r e an d fixtures.

Other r ea l esta te.
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s paid
In te r e s t p a id ...................................
E x c h a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l stock paid in .................................

850.000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850.000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d ........................................... .

100.000 00

100,000 00

100,000 00

100.000 00

U n d iv id e d profits........................................

11,240 31

3,896 55

10,171 90

17,202 75

D iv id en d s u n p a id ........................................

135 00

760 00

135 00

110 00

In d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b ject to ch eck

133,808 29

141,451 35

140,531 74

141,505 24

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit............................ .

13,107 58

10,427 58

11,927 58

12,371 58

304 73

878 05

513 51

1,498 62

348,067 33

353,772 63

358,004 26

359,080 32

6,663 24

$661,186 16

$671,283 99

$681,768 51

D ue to b a n k s and b a n k e rs.....................
C ertified c h e c k s ...........................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .
S a v in g s d e p o sits...........................
N o tes a n d b ills re-d isco u n ted
B ills p a y a b le.................................. .
T o ta ls .........................................
* D eceased.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 26.
F A R M E R S A N D M E C H A N IC S ’ B A N K , A N N A R B O R .
O rganized O ctober 13,1882.

R euben Kempf, P residen t; E dwaed Duffy , Vice P residen t ; F rederick H. B elser, Cashier.
Directors—E dw ard D u ffy , W m . C. S tev en s, C has. E. G reen, A m b rose K earney, W . F . B reakey,
D . F . Schairer, R eu b en K em pf, Joh n B urg.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$194,860 45

$185,485 71

1165,452 60

$189,523 78

55,951 51

54,801 51

55,701 51

51,651 51


731 76

149 18

1,072 58

1,003 62

D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c itie s ................................

39,210 57

11,928 89

21,673 85

11,148 59

D u e from o th er b a n k s a n d b a n k e rs............................

83 90

11,198 54

16,792 44

2,029 19

3,497 00

3,497 00

3,497 00

3,497 00

R esou rces.

L oans an d d isc o u n ts................. . ...............................
S tock s, bon ds a nd m o rtg a g es.........................................
O v erd ra fts.........................................

B a n k in g b o u se.......................................................................
F u rn itu r e and fix tu r es......................................................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e ......................................................... . . .
C u rren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ..................................

1,074 24

In te r est p a id ...................................................................

4 93

854 90

1,346 18

477 93

1,275 88

2,096 65

593 08

3,157 05

299 48

79 96

79 74

259 01
3,797 50

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u se ................................
C hecks an d c a sh it e m s ....................................................

1,508 80

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies................................. ......................
G old co in .......................................................................

3,105 00

5,112 50

4,679 30

S ilv er c o in ............... ......................................................

1,443 79

2,306 23

1,316 25

1,447 83

U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n otes___________________

7,211 00

15,502 00

5,997 00

14,090 00

T o ta ls ................................................................................

$308,678 02

$291,137 46

$281,553 10

$282,190 34

850,000 00

L ia b ilitie s.
C apital sto ck paid in ........................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d ...............................................

6,574 10

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

U n d iv id e d profits.............................................................

4,126 66

700 60

3,264 75

5,944 06

492 00

6 00

6 00

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k .......................

146,992 56

115,872 73

107,707 30

87,498 59

C ertificates o f d e p o sit......................................................

100,984 70

106,365 89

92,336 39

105,948 34

673 31

1,526 24

1,536 02

10,032 93

19,712 42

24,257 33

$291,137 46

$281,553 10

$282,192 34

D iv id e n d s u n p a id .......................... ...........................

D u e to banks an d b a n k e rs...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................
C ash ier’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits............................................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ...................................
B ills p a y a b le...................... .................................................
T o ta ls...............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$308,678 02



No. 18.
O rganized M ay 8, 1889.

E dwin F. Loud, P resident; Darius D. Thorp , Vice President; Robert S. D odds, Cashier;
J. H. Hanford , A ssistant Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s .—H en ry N . Lond, J. A . S a y les, V ern on E. R ix, M ain J. C onnine, J u stu s A . R ogers, C has.
V . H ick s, D ariu s D . Thorp, E d w in F . L oud.

Report of
Deo. 11.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

|2,500 33

$52,190 01

$63,718 50

191 99

39 75

340 60

J'hie fr o m h a n k s in r e s e r v e c i t i e s ........................ .........

17,742 41

8,952 29

9,290 66

6,174 34

fr o m o th e r h a n k s a n d b a n k e r s _____________

2,361 55

2,555 84

17,818 05

14,140 75

459 10

580 50

600 50

1,011 30

1,567 61

2,097 56

27 73

111 30

1,949 78

Report of
May 13.

R esou rces.

Tina,ns a n d d i s c o u n t s ...... ................. .................. ......... ..... . .

$77,526 20

S t o c k q b e n d s an d m o r tg a g e s
O v e r d r a fts

__ _______________________ . . . . . . . . . .

B a n k in g h o u s e

___ _________________

F u r n it u r e a n d f i x t u r e s .............................................. .........
O th e r r e a l e s t a t e


O urrenf- e x p e n s e s a n d t a x e s p a id __________________
I n t e r e s t pa,id

6 95

___________ _____________________ ____

Tf.Yphanges fo r e.lea.ring h o u s e
8,777 14

5,781 61

8,859 17

N ic k e l s a.nd p e n n i e s _____________________ __________

173 82

127 36

53 22

47 58

U ni d co i n

__________ _________ _______ __________

722 50

867 50

95 00

230 00

S ilv e r c o in

_______________ _____________ ____ ____

240 00

1,425 00

810 00

595 00

6,650 00

3,774 00

6.823 00

8.569 00

$39,174 70

$77,336 00

$109,683 19

$112,382 61

C a p ita l s to c k p a id in .............. ......................... ......... .........

$25,000 00

$30,320 00

837,595 00

$50,000 00

U n d iv id e d p r o f i t s . ...................... ............................. .............

50 29

1,436 95

2,858 24

5,010 33

I n d iv id u a l d e p o sits, s u b j e c t to c h e c k . . ......................

13,603 41

33,285 27

50,669 04

33,530 12

C e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ________ ____ _______________

521 00

12,293 78

18,560 91

23,842 16

$39,174 70

877,336 00

8109,683 19

$112,382 61

C h e c k s a.nd c a s h ito r e s

. __

__ ___ ..

XJt S- an d N a tio n a,1 h a n k n o te s ___________________

T o ta l s

_________ ___________________________

L ia b ilit ie s .

T o ta ls


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

_____________ __________



No. 62.
O rganized A p r il 8, 1880.

Chas . J . Monroe, P resident; A . Chapman , Vice P residen t; A. B. Chase , Cashier;
Geo. Chapman , A ssistant Cashier.
Directors—Chas. J. M onroe, A lv in C hapm an, J. E . F ergu son , D a v id K. C h arles, T. A . B ixb y, A m o s
G oss, J . G. M iller, Geo. C hapm an, A . B. C hase, W m . B rad w ell.
Report of
May 13.

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ........................................

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.


$43,533 63

548,748 82

$49,859 89

$32,336 44

S tock s, bonds a nd m o rtg a g es................... ......................

33,931 21

31,797 21

31,413 96

23,376 32

230 01

416 14

207 37

4,537 13

5,404 22

2,372 41

14,890 96

212 67

313 79

967 30

266 51

277 15

280 91

281 91

1,021 88

221 15

783 64

1,174 14

32 94

267 28

514 15

143 75

647 21

250 89

291 96

28 24

36 41

15 75

25 91

200 00

500 00

200 00

700 00

O verd rafts............................................... ................... ..........
D u e fro m han k s in reserv e c it ie s - ......................... ...
D ue fro m oth er h a n k s a nd h a n k e r s ............................
B a n k in g h o u se ....................................................................
F u rn itu r e and fix tu r es......................................................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e ..................................................................
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ..............................
In te r est p a id ..........................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ........................................
C hecks an d c a sh ite m s ...................................................
N ic k e ls and p en n ies.........................................
G old c o in ...........................................................................
S ilv er c o in ................................................................

1,592 70

852 00

900 00

400 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l b an k n o te s......................................

8,200 00

7,280 00

7,000 00

6,000 00

593,656 72

$96,340 91

$94,728 17

$80,199 16

C a p ita l sto c k p aid in ...........................................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Su rp lus fu n d ..........................................................

2,000 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

1,250 00

U n d iv id ed p rofits............................................... ..........

2,650 93

861 69

1,709 68

3,345 08

603 95

610 81

T o ta ls ............... ...........................................

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id e n d s u n p a id .........................................................
In d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e c k .............
C ertificates o f d e p o sit...... ...... .............................
D ue to b a n k s a nd b a n k e rs................................


14,177 56

11,667 24

13,988 29

18,885 51

35,071 00

39,017 11

38,668 75

27,658 35

207 86

3 02

12,240 37

11,983 90

2,309 00

5,154 00

$93,656 72

$96,340 91

2,120 39

C ertified c h e c k s .............................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ..................................
S a v in g s d e p o s it s ........................................
N o tes an d b ills r e -d isc o u n te d .................

12,500 64

1,939 83

$94,728 17

$80,199 16

B ills p a y a b le ..........................................
T o ta ls ...............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. —.
C IT Y B A N K , B A T T L E C R E E K .
O rganized J u n e 14,1871.

N elson E ld red , President; Raldon P . K ingman, Vice P residen t;
F rederick A . A llwardt , Cashier.
Directors—W illa rd A . E ld red , R ich m on d K in gm an , R od olp h u s San derson, Sim on H . M oriey,
Josep h M. W ard, R aldon P. K in gm an , N elso n E ldred.

R esources.

Report ot
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ............. ...............

$324,989 41

$338,366 46

398,141 13

$377,152 00

S tock s, bon ds and m o r tg a g e s ............

128,899 11

128,508 11

79,510 23

107,469 47

O verd rafts...................................................

10,478 12

6,811 51

3,026 95

14,274 87

D u e from h a n k s in reserve c itie s . . .

60,157 80

41,940 09

66,041 20

21,465 03

D u e fro m oth er han ks an d h a n k e rs.

97 23

1,760 33

372 88

234 63

B a n k in g h o u se ..........................................
2,800 00

2,800 00

2,800 00

O th er r ea l e s ta te ......................................

11,089 74

8,337 79

8,337 79

6,440 29

C urren t exp en ses an d ta x e s p aid . . .

548 92

2 73

9 76

127 92

C h eck s a n d c a sh ite m s ..........................

1,684 06

106 32

328 10

117 78

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s ..............................

14 39

9 94

17 12

21 09

G old c o in .................................... ..............

755 10

2,969 00

258 00

607 75

F u rn itu re an d fixtu res...........................

2,800 00

In te r e st p a id .............................................
E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u se ............

919 75

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

1,770 50

1,323 75

1,557 85

U . S. an d N a tio n a l h a n k n o te s..........

14,676 00

26,294 00

9,522 00

12,350 OO

$557,960 38

$559,230 03

$569,923 01

$543,980 58

C apital sto c k p a id in ..................................

850,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ........... .....................................

54,539 93

54,048 19

54,048 19

54,048 19

U n d iv id e d profits.........................................

6,062 24

594 39

4,057 61

9,431 77

T o ta ls.
L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ........................................
I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k .

64,209 36

56,956 53

85,802 62

68,873 63

C ertificates o f d ep o sit................................

34,539 38

37,267 56

33,377 57

27,953 20

348,609 47

360,363 36

342,637 02

333,673 79

$557,960 38

$559,230 03

$569,923 01

$543,980 58

D u e to han k s a n d h a n k e rs.......................
C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d e p o sit............................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls .................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 63.
B A Y C I T Y B A N K , B A Y C IT Y .
O rganized S eptem ber 4,1871.

W m. P eter, P resident; Geo. Y oung, Vice P residen t ; Geo . H. Y oung, Cashier.
D irectors—G eorge L ew is, J a m es M cK eon, G eorge H . Y oung, A . M cD ow ell, J u stin W en tw orth ,
G eorge Y oung, W illia m P eter.

R eso u rces.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts.................

Report of

Report of

$721,856 48

$752,280 23

May 13.

July 12.

S to ck s, bonds a n d m o rtg a g es

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 12.

$699,256 40

$660,125 31

84,353 31

117,113 14

O v e r d r a fts.................................................

3,072 57

2,409 93

2,313 76

1,952 18

D u e from b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ....

96,430 69

65,417 05

36,336 17

46,517 42

D u e fro m oth er ban k s a nd bankers.

7,570 28

3,649 10

2,929 54

2,092 51

B a n k in g h o u s e .........................................
F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r e s .....................

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

O th er r ea l e s ta te ................................

12,900 00

12,900 00

12,900 00

12,900 00

C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s paid.

5,893 89

' 301 90

2,518 15

7,940 72

In te r e s t p a id ........................................

4,588 59

1,509 88

2,376 00

7,520 46

E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u se ___

4,674 41

1,052 06

780 52

3,167 21

C h eck s a nd c a sh ite m s ....................

8,692 95

2,859 73

10,998 72

5,061 05

287 76

478 47

362 03

12,122 50

8,606 00

12,592 50

N ic k e ls a n d p en n ies..........................
G old c o i n ...............................................

7,037 50

S ilv e r c o in .............................................

3,254 23

2,818 15

3,367 30

5,012 60

U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes__

16,332 00

21,986 00

28,567 00

23,279 00

$895,803 59

$883,094 29

$899,281 34

$909,136 13

C a p ita l sto ck p a id in ...................

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ..................................

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

U n d iv id e d p ro fits.........................

26,212 74

16,254 14

27,385 69

39,595 06

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to ch eck

287,518 75

254,190 05

257,209 47

238,963 94

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit.............................

63,379 97

69,071 87

59,228 47

75,953 47

D ue to b a n k s a n d b a n k ers....................

12,258 38

5,694 94

4,600 88

5,701 50

250 00

837 56

4,046 60

3,439 60

306,183 75

336,709 73

342,995 11

345.482 56

T otals.

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s unpaid.

C ertified c h e c k s ......................................... .

336 00

C a sh ier’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..........................
N o tes an d b ills re-d isco u n ted

3,815 12

B ills p a y a b le ................................ .
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$895,803 59

$883,094 29

$899,281 34

$909,136 13



No. 43.
O rganized F eb ru a ry 1, 1884.

Thomas Cranage, P residen t ; G. H enry Shearer , Vice P residen t ; J ohn Mulholland , Treasurer
Directors—John M u lh o lla n d , N. A. E d d y , H . M. G ille tt, D. C. S m a lle y , G. H en ry Sh earer,
T h om as C ranage.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
Ju ly 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n t s ..___ _______________ _______

$188,265 81

$192,512 07

$210,741 90

$229,893 85

S tock s, bonds a nd m o rtg a g es.........................................

75,256 66

81,216 66

91,630 61

8100,055 96

O v e r d r a fts ______________________ _________ _____

339 95

256 66

31 12

280 21

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................

46,956 61

39,962 71

38,922 95

41,707 13

1,857 60

1,857 60

1,857 60

1,857 60

748 71

1,932 91

D u e fr o m n th or h a n k s and h a n k ers. ........... .....
B a n k in g h o u s e ............- ......................... - ...........................
F u rn itu r e an d fix t u r e s __________________________
Ot.hor real e s t a te ________ _______ _____. . . . ..... ...........
rim -rent e x p en ses and ta x e s p a i d ___________ ____

1,449 37

In te r est paid ____________________________________

236 62

37 69

197 13

372 08

E x ch a n g e s fo r cle a rin g h o u se ___________________

427 00

268 70

73 06

1,079 19

C h eek s and cash ite m s

_ __

59 49

57 39
65 00

81 97

60 00

70 85

____________________ _______ _________

150 00

300 00

150 00

300 00

S ilv er c o in ______________________________________

1,230 00

1,025 00

420 00

670 00

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes.............................. .......

4,970 00

3,095 00

3,848 00

3,613 00

T o ta ls __________________ ____ ________________

$321,262 01

$320,614 06

$348,740 57

$381,832 78

C apital sto ck paid in ........................................... ..............

850,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ______________________________ _____

12,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

8,657 69

2,332 51

6,784 15

11,787 96

N ic k e ls an d p en n ies _____ ______ ________ ____ ____
Gold co in

L ia b ilitie s.

U n d iv id ed profits .

______________________ _____

D iv id en d s unpaid

280 00


In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ____________

31,035 09

24,254 24

28,436 46

26,328 48

C ertificates o f d ep o sit........................................ ..............

18,433 92

17,856 73

17,635 74

19,280 37

201,135 31

210,890 58

230,884 22

259,435 97

8321,262 01

$320,614 06

8348,740 57

$381,832 78

D u e to han ks and h an kers
C ertified c h e ek s
C a s h ie r ’s eh e ek s o u tsta n d in g

___ _______
_ _____ _____

S a v in g s d e p o s it s ...... ........................................................
N o t e s e n d h ills r e -d is c o u n te d

B ills p a y a b le


T o t a l s ................................. .................-.......... ..............
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No., 30.
T H E C O M M E R C I A L B A N K , B A Y CITY .
O rganized A u g u st 15,1888.

H. N. W atrotjs, P residen t; C. C. W hitney , Vice P resident; W. O. Clift , Cashier.
D irectors—H . N . W a tro u s, C. C. W h itn e y , C. B. C h atfleld , W . H . M iller, J. R . H a ll, G. K. Jack son ,
T hos. A . E. W ea d co ck , C. R . H a w le y , L. E. N o y es.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
D ec. 11.

$301,339 05

$218,406 74

$286,090 31

$244,444 87

O v e r d r a fts_____- __ - _____________________________

636 99

3,549 38

483 98

241 32

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................

9,073 11

6,815 81

28,908 91

10,003 59

D ue fro m oth er han k s a n d b a n k e rs_____________

5,323 72

6,683 68

3,494 56

4,879 42

2,595 33

2,595 33

2,608 33

2,608 33

3,678 92

484 06

1,495 89

4,751 11

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ___________________

3,576 84

5,980 78

1,019 70

445 80

C hecks a nd c a sh ite m s ____ _____________________

1,539 97

486 13

220 53

355 79

156 82

85 46

181 93

162 94

_____ ____________ _______ ___ ______

6,837 90

5,410 00

9,857 50

3,795 00

S ilv er c o in ____________________ _________________

2,409 15

2,543 45

1,907 65

4,263 90

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ..................... ...............

8,681 00

6,284 00

3,642 00

5,287 00

»245,846 80

$259,324 82

$339,911 29

$281,239 07

»100,000 00

R esou rces.

S to c k s , h o o d s «.od TYlOrtgflgfi?*


"Ranking h o u s e __ ___________________ ____ _____ ____
F u rn itu r e and fix tu r e s__________ ________- ..............
O th e r r e a l e s t a t e _




C u rren t ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id ....................... ........
I n te r e s t, p a i d _____________ _______________________

N ic k e ls a n d jp e n n ie s ..........................................................
G old coin

T o ta ls .........................................................................
L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in ......... ..............................................

»100,000 00

$100,000 00

»100,000 00

Su rp lus fu n d .........................................................................

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

U n d iv id ed profits............................ ..................................

5,765 17

4,280 85

7,697 63

10,799 42

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ....................... ................................
I n d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

65,235 66

74,424 80

169,586 97

103,009 12

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit.. . ...................................................

29,983 49

31,107 99

28,041 34

26,514 64

D u e to ban k s an d b a n k ers.............................................

6,021 43

3,175 72

2,877 05

4,689 91

330 00

380 00

380 00

C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ......................................

185 09

26 79

S a v in g s d ep o sits..................................................................
N o tes an d b ills re-d isco u n te d ........................................

30,511 05

37,955 46

23,143 21

28,199 19

$245,846 80

$259,324 82

$339,911 29

$281,239 07

B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
T o ta ls _______________ _______________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 2.
O rganized J a n u a ry 15, 1889.
H. J . Leonard , P resid en t; F rank R.JChase , Vice P residen t ; C. E. H ills , Cashier.

Directors—A . N . B eld in g , C. E. H ills, Frank' R . C hase, J. M. E arle, H . J. L eonard.

R esources.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ..........................................................

Report of
May 13.

$37,516 66

Report of
July 12.

$34,571 97

Report of
Sept. 30.

$50,635 21

Report of
Dec. 11.

$57,763 48

S to c k s, bonds an d m o rtg a g es.........................................
O v erd ra fts...............................................................................

163 19

112 23

271 10

310 74

D u e from b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ..................................

8,236 40

2,545 18

7,772 92

5,340 27

D u e fro m oth er ban k s an d b a n k e r s............................

694 69

B a n k in g b o u se.......................................................................

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es......................................................

1,050 00

1,050 00

1,050 00

1,083 35

659 63

794 33

1,191 40

1,480 98

11 84

66 16

138 33

188 91

35 74

O ther rea l e s t a t e .................................................................
C urren t exp en ses an d ta x e s p a id .................................
In te r e s t p a i d .........................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g b o u s e .......................................
C hecks an d c a sh ite m s......................................................

13 50

1,629 80

117 16

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ies...........................................................

62 63

72 12

89 12

31 61

1,930 00

1,030 00

783 50

1,318 50

G old c o i n .....................................................................
S ilv e r c o in ...........................................................................

445 00

399 00

407 00

376 00

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ................................ .

2,084 00

5,682 00

2,029 00

2,625 00

846,844 70

$51,898 47

$68,448 31

874,657 17

$23,130 00

$35,000 00

$25,000 00

825,000 00

1,089 21

1,672 66

2,778 43

4,125 17

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

10,676 61

11,142 25

15,140 01

17,344 55

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit......................................................

11,958 88

13,423 85

24,394 87

22,585 99

659 71

1,135 00

884 72

T o ta ls ..............................................................................

L iab ilities.
C a p ita l stock p aid in ..........................................................
S u rp lu s f u n d .........................................................................
U n d iv id e d profits................ . ..........................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id .....................................................*____

D u e to ban ks an d b a n k e rs...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u t s ta n d in g .......................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits........................................... .......................
N o te s an d b ills r e-d isco u n te d .......................................

4,716 74

B ills p a y a b le ............................................ ................... .......
T o ta ls .................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

846,844 70

851,898 47

$68,448 31

$74,657 17




No. 76.
O rganized F eb ru a ry 20, 1888.
I. W . Conkey , P resident; P . M. Kinney , Vice President; Charles F oster, Cashier.

Directors—R . M. J on es, W . P. R obbins, A . P lu m m er, D. J. C u llin in e, E d w ard B ran t, R. H . S h er­
wood, S a m u e l M cG ingon, P. M. K in n ey, I. W . C onkey.

R esou rces.

L oans a n d d isco u n ts

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$106,131 16

$105,611 15

$111,288 41

$104,231 19

S to ck s, bon ds a nd m o rtg a g es............
O v erd ra fts.................................................

1,580 29

1,004 11

1,375 42

819 70

D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c it ie s ...

10,873 02

16,687 99

30,136 19

32,508 18

D u e fro m o th er ban k s and b an kers

1,014 21

311 90

572 48

1,062 79

3,125 25

3,125 25

3,125 25

3,125 25

588 99

984 34

1,532 46

C hecks a n d c a sh it e m s ..............

1,454 00

1,486 50

1,176 71

N ic k e ls an d p en n ies.....................

230 66

166 10

236 00

330 92

Gold c o in ..........................................

4,000 00

4,500 00

5,455 00

3,050 00

B a n k in g h o u s e ........................................
F u rn itu re an d fix tu r es........................ .
O ther rea l e s t a te ...........

................... .

C urren t e x p e n ses a nd ta x e s p a id ...
I n te r e st p a id .............................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u s e ...........

1,808 18

S ilv er c o in ........................................

775 00

2,584 75

4,785 65

4,615 50

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k notes.

8,965 00

12,449 00

8,821 00

9,481 00

$138,737 58

$148,941 09

¡,504 57

8161,032 71

C ap ital sto ck p aid in..

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Su rp lus f u n d .................

2,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

6,500 00

U n d iv id e d p r o fit s ...,,

2,526 78

1,582 86

3,305 83

124 52

T o ta ls .

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id e n d s unpaid.
I n d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to check .

57,386 93

57,538 00

72,519 88

71,504 73

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit..............................

26,710 30

35,610 83

38,086 85

32,526 21

D u e to b a n k s an d b a n k e r s......................

113 57

209 40

592 01

377 25

8138,737 58

8148,941 19

$168,504 57

$161,032 71

C ertified c h e c k s ............................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s OutstandingS a v in g s d ep o sits............................
N o tes an d b ills re-d isco u n ted
B ills p a y a b le..................................
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 33.
O rganized J u ly 16,1889.
D . F. Comstock, P resident; N. H. Beebe , Vice P residen t; C. W. Cunningham , Cashier.

Directors—D o u g la s R oben, P . A . E rikson , J. T. E sco tt, P . A . M oon, N . H . B eebe, H . G uedstein, D.
H a m ilto n , E. C. M orris, D. F. C om stock.

Report of
Sept. 30.

R esou rces.

Report of
Dec. 11.

___________________ _____________________________________

$34,284 10

$39,841 68

S t o c k s , b o n d s a n d m o r t g a g e s _____________________________________ ___ _________

905 00

6,050 00

13,884 01

16,756 13

671 82

992 42

B o a n s a n d d is c o u n ts

O v e r d r a fts



O n e fr o m h a n k s in r e s e r v e c i t i e s ______________ ________________________ ____ __
Tin« fr o m o th e r h a n k s an d b a n k e r s
B a n k in g h o u s e

______ __

__ ____________________________________________

F u r n it u r e a n d fix tu r e s _ ___
O th e r r e a l e s t a t e

_ _

_____ ____ ______________ _________________

_ ________________________________________________

H o r r e n t e x p e n s e s a n d t a x e s p a id ______ ________________________________________

18 79

I n t e r e s t p a id ________________________________ - ___ ___________ _- - - - - - _____________
E x c h a n g e s fo r c le a n in g h o u s e
C h e c k s an d c a s h it e m s


____________________________ ________ __

______ _________________________________________________

644 30

__ ______________________________________ __ - ___

40 42

N ic k e l s a n d p e n n ie s
C o ld c o in


___ ________________________________ _________________________

S ilv e r co in




_____________________________- - - - - -

TT S a n d N a t io n a l h a n k n o t e s ........................ ................................................................. ........

T o ta ls

....... ............. ............... - ____ ______ _________ _____________________________

3,789 55


755 00

1,126 00

559 55

1,279 75

5,360 00

1,301 00

$57,104 20

871,222 02

835,450 00

$46,640 00

606 14

890 72

5,296 08

4,614 11

L ia b ilitie s .
C a p ita l s to c k p a id in

_____ _ ________________________________________________

S u r p lu s fu n d


___________________________________________ -

U n d iv id e d p r o fits _ ................ ........... .......................................................... - _______________
T liv id e n d s u n p a id


____ _______ _____ - ......... ...................- _________________

I n d iv id u a l d e p o s its s u b j e c t to c h e c k
C e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it

__ ____



_ ________________________________

D u e t o h a n k s an d h a n k e r s
C e r tifie d c h e c k s



_________________________________ ____ - ___

C a s h ie r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d in g


_______________ __ _________

S a v in g s d e p o s its


_ _______________________- _________________


N o t e s an d h ill s re—d is c o u n te d
B il ls p a y a b le

260 00

____________________ ___ - ___ - ______


15,751 98

18,817 19

$57,104 20

871,222 02

____________ - - - - - - - _______

T o t a ls


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

__ _______________________________________________



No. 87.
O rganized A u g u st 7,1873.

Chas . Briggs , P residen t; R. H. Osborne, Vice P residen t ; H. S. Colton, Cashier.
Directors—W . A . C hilds, Jno. Sen ter, C. W . N ile s, P . R uppe, Jr., Jn o. D u n can , T hos. H oatson,
R . H . Osborne, J. N . W rig h t, C has. B rig g s.

R esources.

Report of

Report of

May 13.

July 12.

$284,079 78

Report of
Deo. 11.

Report of
Sept. 30.

$280,355 38

$293,216 92

L oans a nd d isc o u n ts..............................

390,948 30

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o rtg a g es..............

25,000 00

O v e r d r a fts..................................................

751 08

1,161 60

640 08

1,312 62

D u e fro m han k s in reserv e c itie s —. .

91,985 14

133,987 60

103,485 39

137,389 94

15,000 00



15,000 00

D ue fro m o th er han k s and h a n k ers.

3,869 23

6,809 40

11,297 92

5,036 88

B a n k in g h o u s e ..........................................

1,042 00

1,547 10

1,000 00

1,000 00

F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r es..........................

500 00

562 82

4,618 29

4,958 00

O ther r ea l e s ta te ......................................

2,300 00

2,300 00

2,300 00

2,300 00

C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id —

2,080 32

20 25

2,098 30

2 ,6 8 8

In te r est p a id ...............................................


90 87

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ............
C hecks an d c a sh ite m s .........................

243 03

33 43

1,160 88

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies................................

W0 11

204 00

152 43

307 96

12,252 50

10,500 00

G old c o in ....................................................



9,000 00

101 89

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

5,588 00

4,208 70

2,900 00

3,675 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l han k n o tes...........

104,623 00

51,642 00

52,956 00

60,861 00

$533,070 31

$510,647 55

$505,217 17

8,348 81

C apital sto ck paid i n ..................................

$100,000 00

$ 100,000 00

$100,000 00

$ 100,000 00

S u rp lus fu n d .................................................

10,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

U n d iv id ed profits.........................................

19,964 12

9,815 03

12,367 90

17,919 16

T o ta ls.
L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s un p aid ........................................

130 00

5,000 00

130 00

In d iv id u a l dep osits, su b ject to c h e ck .

400,634 03

373,066 01

376,919 27

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit..............................

800 0 0

800 0 0

800 0 0

D u e to han k s a nd b a n k e r s ....................

1,542 06

6,966 51

$533,070 21

$510,647 55

402,155 69
800 00
2,473 96

C ertified c h e c k s...........................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u t s ta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...........................................
N o te s and h ills r e-d isco u n ted ...............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$505,217 17

$538,348 81



No. 57.
C A R S O N C IT Y S A V I N G S B A N K , C A R S O N C ITY .
O rganized F eb ru a ry 1, 1887.
F. L. F uller , P resident; M. J. Miner , Vice P residen t; F rank H ale , Cashier.

D irectors—F r a n k L. F u lle r, E . A . Stow e, D a v id K e lle y , E lv ir a T. C hester, L ucinda G.'1M iner,
M artin J. M iner, C h au n cey J. R u m sey.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d is c o u n t s .........................................................

$39,628 55

$38,098 55

$43,725 66

$42,276 64

S tock s, bonds a n d m o r tg a g e s.......................... ..............

2,230 00

2,230 00

2,230 00

2,230 00

O v erd ra fts...............................................................................

506 08

332 22

331 78

1,102 07

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ..................................

1,829 29

7,092 47

2,987 23

3,769 72

D u e from o th er b a n k s a nd b a n k ers...........................

2,059 34

153 94

230 97

423 94

1,340 17

1,341 17

1,341 17

1,341 17

B a n k in g h o u se ...... ...............................................................
F u rn itu re an d fix tu r e s....................................................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e .................................................................

222 39

C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ................................

3,774 99

4,052 61

In te r e st p a id .................................... ....................................

1,395 77

1,534 87

C h eck s and ca sh ite m s ........................ 1...........................

570 15

403 44

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ies..........................................................

46 00

184 35

506 69
293 40

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u s e .......................................
583 46

2,335 61

192 78

G old c o in .................................................................................

10 00

160 00

S ilv er c o in ..................... .........................................................

120 12

462 54

U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ........................... _____

1,322 00

3,323 00

2,146 00

2,401 00

T o ta ls.................................................................................

854,332 46

859,184 81

854,215 79

$56,799 63

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

7,075 56

7,896 13

3,124 86

3,857 18

I n d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

7,030 75

9,736 78

8,320 65

10,751 78

C ertifica tes o f d ep o sit........................................................

4,600 13

5,383 14

8,395 99

8,257 44

40 00

35 00
84 39

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k p aid i n .........................................................
S u rp lu s fu n d ........................................................................
U n d iv id ed profits..... ..........................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ................................................................

D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k e rs......... ...............................
C ertified c h e c k s................. ..... .................. .........................
C a sh ie r ’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ......................................
S a v in g s d e p o s its ........ .......................................... .............

626 02

668 76

1,374 29

933 23

N o tes and b ills re-d isco u n te d ........................................

10,500 00

10,500 00

8,000 00

8,000 00

854,832 46

$59,184 81

$54,215 79

$56,799 63

B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
T o ta ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 72.
T H E S T A T E B A N K O F C A R S O N C IT Y , C A R S O N C IT Y .
O rganized February 14, i 887.
E . C. Cummings, P resident; Samuel S. W alker , Vice P residen t; E. O. Cummings, Cashier;
L. H . Cummings, A ssistant Cashier.

D irectors—S. S. W a lk e r , E. C . C u m m in gs, S. H . C a sw ell, Irv in M cC all, C bas. Cross, G eorge W .
F ish er, J n o . W . H a lle tt, C. R . D ick en so n .

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

858,244 22

$59,031 22

859,742 10

856,538 88

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

O v e r d r a fts ...... ............................... ......... .............. ............

4,091 93

2,543 47

4,245 22

5,022 15

D u e fro m ban ks in reserv e c itie s . _................... ........

3,610 49

13,065 09

5,172 23

4,937 31

R esou rces.

R oans arid d is c o u n t s -................. ......... ......... .................
Stock s, bon d s a.nd m o rtg a g es



Report of
Dec. 11.


D u e from oth er h a n k s and h an kers
R a n k in g h o u se __________________________________
1,257 00

1,257 00

1,257 00

1,257 00

515 28

14 30

510 98

1,037 38

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ......... ..... .....................................

344 28

37 75

699 11

956 75

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ie s ________ ____ _______________

18 44

11 27

4 14

1 81

165 00

40 00

95 00

120 50

F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r es____________________ ______
O th er real e sta te

_____________________ _______

<Tnrrent e x p en ses and ta x e s p a id - ._____________
I n te r e s t paid



E x c h a n g e s fo r cle a rin g h ou se

Oold c o i n . ________________ ____ ______ _________
S ilv e r c o in ................. ................................................. - .........

184 45

1,791 80

255 60

206 70

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ......................................

3,267 00

2,350 00

649 00

1,400 00

$76,698 09

$85,141 90

877,630 38

$76,478 48

C a p ita l sto ck p a id in ........................................................

$50,000 00

$50 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ____________________________________

621 64

859 93

859 93

859 93

U n d iv id e d p rofits................................................................

2,363 09

281 67

1,748 01

3,109 28

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k ____________

12,292 63

20,006 11

11,584 64

7,706 64

C ertifica tes o f d ep o sit___________ ___________ ____

11,380 18

13,951 27

13,200 54

14,529 10

40 55

42 92

237 26

273 53

$76,698 09

$85,141 90

$77,630 38

$76,478 48

T o ta ls ____- ____ - _________ ___________________
L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s un p aid ___________ _ ______ ________

D ue to h a n k s and h a n k e r s ..
C ertified ch e ck s


_______ ___________

C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g _______
S a v in g s d e p o s its _______ - ____ _________ __________
N o tes and h ills r e - d i s c o u n t e d __________ ____ __
R ills p a y a b le ______ ___


T o ta ls _______________________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 80.
O rganized A u g u st 4, 1884.

E. H. Green , P residen t; A . Buttars, Vice P residen t; F. A. Smith, Cashier.
DiRECTORS-Samuel S. W a lk e r , Jno. L o v ela n d , W . F . G ray, L. E . A lle n , F. A . Smith, Archibald
B u tta rs, A m o s F o x , F red W . M ayne, E. H. Green.

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

_________________ ___ . . ___

$44,047 73

$57,310 72

847,238 80

$52,732 91

S to ck s bon d s anrl m ort,gages_____ ___. . . ___ _____

3,629 32

3,707 32

5,202 00

1,559 43

O v erd ra fts

5,435 88

4,097 48

6,089 24

2,712 75

8,567 49

3,530 17

4,429 13

2,710 72

L oans and discount.s

_____________ ___________—

from b an k s in reserve c itie s ____ _____ _______

886 48

X)n© fro m oth er ban k s a nd b a n k e r s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B a n k in g h ou se

-- _______
____________ . . . __ . . . . . . . .

1,918 50

1,918 50

1,918 50

1,918 50

_______________. . . . . - ___ -------

753 55

753 55

754 25

3,784 40

Our ren t ex p en ses a.nd ta x e s p a id __________ ___ _

805 46

858 65

1,126 64

1,291 63

Jn terest pa.irl

635 85

668 15

729 66

933 92

F u rn itu re and fix tn r es
O th er rea l e sta te

_____ __ _

TP.-v-p L qv»croc Pr»v pi ao •riri cr Tlmi SO


__ ___

C h eck s a nd cas^1 ite m s


N 'ickels and p en n ies

____ ____ - _______

O old o^in

435 66

____________ __

_______ ____ . . . ____ ___ . . .
____. . . . . . . . . . _______

621 44

322 42

U n ited S ta te s and ^iafmna.l ba.nk n o te s ____ . . . . . .

3,000 00

2,748 50

2,242 00

2,263 30

$69,415 22

875,915 46

870,165 88

$70,794 03

$25,000 00

825,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

2,341 82

1,399 44

2,180 77

3,780 86

1,250 00

1,250 00

905 00

12,617 71

17,173 05

8,296 40

9,953 27

C ertificates o f d e p o s it___________ _____ ___________

9,604 49

13,263 77

14,036 15

10,919 72

D u e to b an k s and b an k ers

6,239 70

5,038 53

1,064 82

6,010 18

13,611 50

12,790 67

18,337 74

14,225 00

$69,415 22

$75,915 46

$70,165 88

870,794 03

S ilv er coin

T o ta ls



_ ............................. ............................. —

L ia b ilitie s.
C ap ital s to c k paid in

______________ _________ -

Su rp lus fu n d

_________________ . . . . ___ _

U nd ivid ed profits ________________ ______________
D iv id en d s u n p a id

__ _ ____________ _______

jyjrluajl d e p o s its sn h ject, to ch eck ___________

C ertified c h e c k s

_ ______ ______ . . . ___

____ ______________- _______

C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g
S a v in g s dep osits

______ ______ _____

____________ . . . . . __ - ___

N o t e s and b ills r e - d is c o u n te d ___________________

p a y a b le
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


____________ -- -----

________________ ____________ _



No. 67.
C H E L S E A SA V IN G S B A N K , C H E L S E A .
O rganized J a n u a ry 30,1882.
S a m u e l G. I v e s P resident; T h o s . S . S e a r s , Vice P resident; G e o . P . G l a z i e r , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s —Jno. R . G ates, Geo. P . G lazier, F r a n k P . G lazier, W m . J. K napp, H . M. W oods, H . S -

H o lm es, J a s. L. B abcock , T hos. S. Sears, S. G. Iv es.

R eso u rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts...............................

$67,440 67

$73,849 70

$74,460 94

$81,191 09

S to ck s, bon ds a n d m o r tg a g e s ............

100,023 42

99,681 65

101,305 02

93,994 03

D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c itie s ___

9,596 95

17,442 54

11,919 04

4,025 61

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a n d h a n k ers.

5,958 98

5,708 68

10,204 47

13,577 37

1,604 96

3,203 46

'3,559 89

3,701 20

629 50

4,365 54

31 05

524 76

1,196 87

24 38

125 81

27 45

7,076 61

O v e r d r a fts...................................................

B a n k in g h o u s e .........................................
F u rn itu re an d fix tu r e s ...........................
O th er r ea l e s t a te ......................................
C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ___

1,236 91

I n te r e st p a i d .............................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u se ............
C hecks a n d c a sh ite m s ..........................

33 77

603 1£

21 13

N ic k e ls a nd p en n ies................................

66 68

61 75

63 73

104 32

G old c o i n ....................................................

576 00

495 00

357 85

287 50

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

202 00

413 50

571 00

705 50

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes...........

3,410 00

2,948 00

2,831 00

3,578 00

$190,150 34

$204,462 83

6,574 14

$213,831 09

C a p ita l sto c k p a id in ..................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

850,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d .................................................

6,132 21

7,031 92

7,031 92

7,031 92

U n d iv id e d p rofits........................................

823 69

175 43

1,172 96

1,714 90

26,422 51

33,159 86

34,427 50

49,404 90

106,771 93

114,095 62

113,941 76

105,677 37

«190,150 34

$204,462 83

6,574 14

$213,829 09

T o ta ls.

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s u n p a id ...........................^ .........
I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e ck .
C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit...............................
D ue to h a n k s a nd b a n k ers.......................
C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u t s ta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..........................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 32.
O rganized N ovem b er 20, 1886.

W illiam D . Chapple , P residen t ; D . L. J acobs, Vice President; P ercy E. Chapple , Cashier.
Directors—D . L. J a co b s, G. S. T eft, W . D . C happle, J. P. W h eeler, A . W . R eynolds, P . E. C happle,
C. Y oung, Jr.

R esou rces.

L oans a nd d isc o u n ts - ___ ___________________ ____
S to ck s, hnnds a,rid m nrtgagfts.

Report of
May 13.

$43,431 36

Report of
July 12.

849,052 89

Report of
Sept. 30.

$58,964 65

Report of
Dec. 11.

$56,992 86-

7,240 00

O v erd ra fts........ .............................................................. .......

198 14

201 66

328 14

563 29

D u e fr o m b a n k s in rese rv e c itie s ________________

6,815 94

9,284 81

2.699 88

10,028 88'

from eth e r h a n k s and Inankers

4,944 97

6,781 14

4,977 28

B a n k in g h o u s e ....... ........................ ....................................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

F u rn itu r e a n d f ix t u r e s ________ ______ - ........ - .........

1,700 00

1,700 00

1.700 00

1,700 00

1,679 00

1,679 00

5,210 00

5 10

302 21

689 68

O ther real e sta te

__________________ ________

C urren t e x p e n ses a n d ta x e s p a id _______________
Tnterest, paid

490 71

_ _____ _____________ ______ ______

TCxehanges fo r c le a rin g h o u se ______
C hecks an d c a sh ite m s _____________ _____ ________

185 23

155 00

2 38

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies_______________ ______________

9 22

14 92

25 07

21 48

G old c o i n . ______________________________________
S ilv e r co in ______________________________________

3,620 00

5,200 00

3,400 00

4,600 00

821 00

500 00

511 00

300 00

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l b an k n o tes______________ ____

3,080 00

1,900 00

1,600 00

2,320 00

T o ta ls ........................ ........................- .............. - .............

$74,536 57

$78,319 52

$78,342 23

$84,428 57

C a p ita l sto c k p aid in .......................... ................... ..........

835,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d _____________________ _____________

350 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

U n d iv id e d p rofits.................................................................

994 52

324 50

842 18

1,404 33

458 50

154 00

35 00

I n d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b ject to c h e c k .......................

12,085 34

13,484 30

11,802 14

17,427 34

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it.....................................................

26,106 71

28,552 22

28,043 91

30,061 90

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id e n d s u n p a id _______________ ____ ___________

O ne to han k s an d h a n k ers.
C ertified c h e c k s ______________________ _________
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u t s t a n d in g ____ ____ _________
S a v in g s d e p o s it s _____________________ _____ _____
N o te s and h ills r e-d isco n n te d _ ________

2,000 00

B ills p a y a b l e ______________________ ____________
T o ta ls .............................. ............... ....................... .........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$74,536 57

$78,319 52

$78,342 23

$84,428 57



No. 79.
D E T R O IT .
O rganized A p r il 1, 1887.
W. H . Stevens, P resid en t; J no. V . Moran , Vice P resident; Chas . C. H odges, 2d Vice President,
Jno. M. N icol, Cashier.
D irectors—Jno. V . M oran, D . O. P a ig e, H. S. H odge, R ich ard M acau ley, E ber W ard, L evi L. B ar­
bour, E. H . F lin n , C. C. H odges, W . P . H o llid a y , R . W . S tandart, Geo. H . H opk ins, P e te r S c h u lte ,
Jno. M. N ic o l, W . H . S tev en s.

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
Ju ly 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts..............................

$619,931 13

$650,907 66

$666,680 13

$668,983 72

S tock s, bon ds a n d m ortgages.............

101,383 49

96,509 87

111,865 66

129,298 37

O v erd ra fts...................................................

1,707 73

1,206 13

4,340 94

3,623 64

D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c itie s___

174,378 37

140,601 64

190,833 91

114,915 90

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a nd bankers.

15,574 03

4,447 56

5,079 31

13,165 64

4,513 04

4,358 22

4,233 23

4,149 91

4,468 81

4,488 26

4,514 01

65 05

4,936 71

7,531 98

B a n k in g h o u s e .........................................
F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r es .........................
O th er r ea l e s t a te ......................................
C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id __

1,267 99

180 18

373 16

4,372 86

44,166 70

3,591 05

I n te r e st paid..............................................
E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u se ...........

6,780 65

C h eck s an d c a sh ite m s —.......................

739 12

1,427 79

2,858 62

550 62

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ie s ..............................

1,367 08

1,463 47

1,553 67

1,76.1 11

Gold c o in ....................................................

5,320 00

3,075 00

12,777 50

12,527 50

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

16,337 25

26,754 75

29,710 00

29,460 00

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o tes..........

53,811 00

23,971 00

38,995 00

18,972 00

T o ta ls ....................................................

1,003,000 86

3,627 81

$300,000 00

$300,000 00

$300,000 00

$300,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

16,023 82

24,319 39

30,450 65

$1,122,699 83 $1,013,418 61

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in .................................
S u rp lus fu n d ................................................
U n d iv id e d profits.......................................

40,858 09

777 00

D iv id en d s u n p a id .......................................
In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to check.

424,936 74

383,414 86

503,069 63

420,460 57

C ertificates o f d ep o sit...............................

74,438 29

83,606 30

92,366 12

46,537 78

D u e to ban ks a nd b a n k e rs......................

53,023 67

56,771 67

58,320 79

48,212 98

109,744 07

108,034 16

129,623 90

152,756 63

$1,003,000 86

3,627 81

C ertified c h e c k s ......................................... .
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ............. .
S a v in g s d ep o sits............................... ......... .
N o tes an d b ills r e-d isco u n te d ............. .
B ills p a y a b le ...............................................
T o ta ls........................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,122,699 82 51,013,418 61



No. 73.
C E N T R A L S A Y I N G S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized A p ril 19,1888.

Gilbert H art, P residen t; Conrad Clippert , Vice P residen t ; J oseph C. H art, Cashier.
D irectors—H en ry C. H art, W . A . C. M iller, C has. K. L ath am , W . E . B ark er, M. H . C h am b erlain ,
J osep h C. H art, C onrad C lippert, G ilb ert H art.
R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d isco u n ts .........................__...........................

$156,504 86

$184,588 19

$180,816 21

$186,593 03

S to ck s, bon ds a nd m o rtg a g es.........................................

74,700 00

83,630 00

93,310 00

95,268 56

O v e r d r a fts____________________________ _________

98 12

42 13

373 34

238 15

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................

67,218 66

25,933 19

49,568 24

48,190 31

D ue fro m oth er ban ks an d b a n k ers - ............. ...........

1,224 64

166 25

3,640 40

3,645 40

3,645 40

3,645 40

R a n k in g h o u se

F u rn itu r e and fix tu r e s ......................................................

885 69

______ _____________ _____ _____

rea l e s t a t e ............. ..................................................

C urren t ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id ................. .............

9,460 88

750 28

2,519 77

4,541 99

Interest, paid _______________ -..... ................................

704 35

78 96

120 85

2,429 36

E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g b o u s e .....................................

1,727 10

757 86

1,691 55

4,794 07

C h eck a n d ca sh ite m s ______ ____ _____ _____ ____

36 30

295 66

75 70

3,719 23

N ic k e ls and. p e n n ie s ____________________________

45 56

29 96

19 30

37 33

G old c o i n ...........................- ............................. ...................

605 00

127 50

165 00

647 50

_________________ ___ __________ ___

1,138 36

1,449 20

435 50

1,869 90

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s .......................... ..........

8,767 00

8,789 00

10,195 00

10,289 00

T o ta ls ................... .................. ..........................................

$325,871 23

$310,283 58

$342,935 86

$363,159 52

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

10,956 44

2,027 44

5,165 38

9,010 89

I n d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to c h e c k ......... ..............

87,858 52

79,175 41

87,153 39

76,494 30

C ertifica tes o f d ep o sit............................ ..........................

13,392 49

6,128 59

6,362 84

18,255 81

D u e to b a n k s an d b a n k e rs.............................. ...............

10,039 79

10,521 32

11,733 29

338 30

300 00

487 34

103,123 99

112,130 82

132,033 62

158,854 97

$325,871 23

$310,283 58

$342,935 86

$363,159 52

S ilv er coin

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck p aid in ..........................................................
S u rp lu s fu n d

_________________ ____

U n d iv id e d p rofits................................................................
R iy id e n d s n n p a id

C ertified c h e c k s _____________________________
Clashier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g
S a v in g s d ep o sits........... .......................................„..............

205 25

500 00

N o tes and t)ills re-discou nted
R ills p a y a b le . _
T o ta ls _______________________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 82.
C I T I Z E N S ’ SA Y IN G -S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized M arch 2,1385.

Christian Mack, President ; E dwin F. Mack, Cashier.
Directors—J o h n H . A v e ry , T hos. B erry, A m os C haffer, W . W . H an n an , W m . F . J e w ell, C hristian
M ack, A ug. M a rx h a u sen , C has. H . W ern er.

R esources.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ............_ .........................
S to ck s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s ............... . ..................
O v erd ra fts...................... .....................
D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s . . ........
D ue fro m oth er han ks an d h a n k e r s ............................

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$532,036 74

8499,029 84

$499,952 72

$493,327 71

112,109 25

111,720 20

107,290 96

114,097 73

351 80

372 22

2,781 61

503 39

63,038 18

60,349 95

68,466 39

73,414 53

6,490 60

8,331 71

5,165 62

3,726 74

903 20

903 20

903 20

903 20

775 38

442 68

4,392 99

3,614 40

4,957 58

4,694 37

4,790 49

12,988 67

763 75

557 25

613 80

5,532 34

25 81

78 31

64 50

106 0 2

2,244 50

472 50

2,385 00

1,587 50

B a n k in g h o u se ..............................................
F u rn itu re and fix tu r es....................................
O ther r ea l e s t a te ..................................
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a i d ............

950 00

In te r e st p a id .................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u s e ......................
C hecks a n d c a sh ite m s.........................................
N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ie s ............................
G old c o in .................................... ..............................
S ilv er c o i n . . ...............................
U. S. and N a tio n a l b an k n o te s_______
T o ta ls ......................................................
----------- —----------------------------------------------- --------------

2,469 00

4,938 35

2,346 00

4,177 05

36,095 00

38,069 00

25,577 00

30,079 00

$762,260 79

$729,959 58

$724,730 28

8745,008 28

$ 1 0 0,000 00

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

L ia b ilitie s.
C ap ital sto c k p a id in ...........................................

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 1 0 0,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ........................1................

20,000 CO

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

2 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

U n d iv id e d profits.................. ..............

16,818 04

18,785 22

23,649 97

31,963 60

265,348 57

258,405 10

272,122 09

255,477 21

7,785 00

5,265 00

3,760 00

2,725 00

164,766 73

168,444 32

137,966 88

135,348 21

247 70

7,245 00

D iv id e n d s u n p a id .............................
In d iv id u a l dep osits, su b ject to c h e c k .......................
C ertificates o f d ep o sit..........................
D ue to ban k s a n d b a n k e rs............................
C ertified c h e c k s .............................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .............................
S a v in g s deposit..............................................

250 00

400 00

267 52

187,142 45

158,544 72

159,986 34

199,044 26

$762,260 79

$729,959 58

$724,730 28

$745,008 28

200 00

N o tes an d b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ............
B ills p a y a b le ................... ..................
T o ta ls ...............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 37.
T H E C I T Y SA V IN G -S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
« %

O rganized O ctober 25, ]889.

W . H . Brace, President; Geo. R . A ngell, Vice P resident; W . G. V inton , 2nd Vice P resident;
F . B. H arper , Cashier.
Directors—W . H. B race, G. R . A n g e ll, T hos. M cG raw , A. G rosfield, J. A . R em ick , Geo. S. D a v is,
F . C. P in g ree, H. H . H um phrey, W . L. A ndrus, Jno. S. G ray, B ru ce G oodfellow ,
W . G. V in to n , Geo. D in g w a ll, F . A . N oah, H en ry A n d ries.
Report of
Dec. 11.

R esou rces.

L oans and disocunf.s

- ___

Sto ck s bon ds and ■mnrtgRgBS


O verd rafts

____ - _________ - ................ ............... ....................-



$201,921 80
21,650 00

___________________ - ________- ___ ______ ___ - ___________ -

91 01

_ __ __ ____________________________________

26,302 84

____________________________________ - ____

1,569 89

D u e from h a n k s in reserv e c itie s
D u e from nther h a n k s and h a n k ers
B a n k in g b o u se

__________ _______________ - - - - - - - - - - - -

___ ____


-- _____________


F u rn itu r e and fix tu r es ______________ _________ _______ ___ ____ - ____ ___________________

1,531 13

O th er real e sta te __________________ __________ - ____ - __________________- ____ ____ _______
C urren t e x p en ses and ta x e s p a id _______________
_______________________________ - _____

2,994 70

In te r est paid


C h eck s and cash ite m s


9,240 64

_____________________ ____________________ ______ - - - - - - - ___ _

350 00



N ic k e ls and p e n n ie s __________ _____________________________________________________ _____
G old co in _ -

........ ..................... ............................. .................... - ........................ - ____ ____ - - --_______

S ilv er coin

_ ___

__________________________________________ . . . __________

TT S. and N a tio n a l h a n k n o tes _____ ____________ ____________ ____ ______________________
T o ta ls


1 33

_______________ __________ -----

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h ou se

- ______________________________ ___________- ____ - __ ______ ______ - _______

81 84
1,685 00
5,939 60
17,561 00
$290,723 78

L ia b ilitie s.
C apital stock paid in . __________________________
Su rp lus fund




________________ ______________________


U n d iv id e d p ro fits________ _______________________________________________________________
D iv id e n d s unpaid


$171,510 00

_____________________ ______________
3,322 27

_______ ____ ___________ ____ ______ _____ ____ ______

In d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b je c t to c h e c k ________ ____ __________ ______ _____________________

67,613 48

C ertificates o f d ep o sit____________________________________________________________________

9,444 44

D u e to b a n k s and h a n k ers



C ertified c h e c k s __________ _______________________________________________________________
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g
S a v in g s d e p o s it s ____-

____ _


___ _____

_____ - ................................................................................. .....................................

N o te s a nd h ills r e-d isco u n te d ________ __ _ ______
R ills p a y a b le




38,058 59

_____1_________ ____ _________________


T o ta ls ___________________________ _______ ________ ____________________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

975 00



$290,923 78



No. 47.
D E T R O IT S A V IN G S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
,< p

O rganized, 1849; R e-o rg a n ized J u ly 18, 1871.
S i d n e y D . M i l l e r , P residen t; T h o s . F e r g u s o n , Vice P residen t ; E . C. B o w m a n , Cashier.

D i r e c t o r s —S id n ey D . M iller, Thos. F ergu son , Jas.' E. P ittm a n , A le x . C hapoton, F red erick B.

Sib ley, W . K. M uir, Geo. J ero m e, J a m e s M cM illan.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

Loans an d d is c o u n t s ...........................

558,601 01

$1,649,127 14

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o rtg a g es..............

956,910 29

1,991,618 85

2,042,779 87

O v erd ra fts...................................................

4,961 68

9,073 88

2,078 52

7,646 73

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ___

349,291 62

356,450 74

384,366 24

373,457 21

D u e fro m o th er ban ks an d b a n k e rs.

5,812 35

1,653 11

4,331 01

3,084 84

10,500 00

$1,706,709 97 $1,793,121 49
2,078,922 00

B a n k in g h o u se...........................................
F u rn itu re a n d fix tu r es...........................

10,500 00

10,500 00

10,500 00

O th er r ea l e s t a t e ................................. ..

15,091 31

15,101 93

704 31

C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ___

10,646 06

513 03

10,392 82

in t e r e s t p a i d .............................................

1,743 80

46 16

476 53

1,396 46

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u s e ............

28,263 28

10,251 90

7,815 20

28,595 67

C hecks an d ca sh ite m s ..........................

696 75

1,867 33

2,571 42

1,894 74

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ies................................

441 66

192 26

95 27

277 78

G old c o i n .....................................................

53,328 00

52,878 00

55,185 50

61,643 00

16,512 58

S ilv e r c o in ................................ ..................

23,206 00

14,184 80

29,370 80

12,361 55

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ..........

224,338 00

169,810 00

182,690 00

149,765 00

$4,243,831 81

4,283,269 13

$200,000 00

$ 200,000 00

193,435 67

182,831 48

T o ta ls .

4,440,067 46 84,539,179 05

L ia b ilities.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in ..................................

$ 200,000


$ 200,000


S u rp lu s f u n d .................................................
U n d iv id e d profits.........................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ........................................

197,156 11

221,045 96

328,994 75

1,150 00

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k .

440,184 79

372,626 63

366,677 22

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit..............................

89,782 66

24,638 24

33,062 54

18 435 57

D u e to ban ks and b a n k e rs.......................

36,161 21

27,710 06

29,781 96

28,265 49

C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................

8,414 88

2,043 00

1,738 23

1,203 42

3,275,852 60

3,472,269 72

3,611,651 40

3,741,233 86

4,243,831 81

84,283,269 13

$4,440,067 46

4,539,179 05

C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u t s ta n d in g ................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...........................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ................
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 9.
T H E D IM E S A Y I N G S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized A pril 5,1884.

Sullivan M. Cutcheon, P resident; James E. S oripps, Vice P resident; W illiam H . E lliott,
2d Vice President ; F red ’k W oolfenden , Cashier.
Directors—S. M. C utcheon, Geo. H. Barbour, W m . H . E llio tt, J. L. H ud son , Ja s. D ean, C. A .
W a rren , J as. E. Scripps, R . J. F . R oeh m , W m . L iv in g sto n e , Jr.

R eso u rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
i July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Deo. 11.

L o a n s a nd d is c o u n ts ................................

$543,597 39

8474,662 84

$379,505 53

$390,129 02

S tock s, bon ds a nd m o r tg a g e s .............

487,469 27

491,094 04

508,715 92

522,131 77

O v erd ra fts....................................................

1,508 48

1,526 21

365 74

576 66

168,855 58

66,119 57

154,729 23

169,013 57

3,499 58

1,199 28

4,805 62

7,113 57

1,644 31

D ue fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s —
D u e fro m oth er b a n k s an d b a n k e r s .
B a n k in g h o u se ...........................................
F u rn itu r e a n d fix tu res . . ....................
O ther r ea l e s t a te .......................................

1,644 31

1,644 31

1,644 31

C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id .......

6,533 39

646 94

5,080 06

8,425 85

I n te r e st p a id ............... .............................. .

2,188 87

1,410 46

3,099 29

4,153 45

7,013 04

5,997 60

3,665 23

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ............
C h eck s an d c a sh ite m s ...........................

16,653 72
299 58

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ie s ................................
G old c o in .......................................................
S ilv e r c o in ....................................................

4,316 57

2,200 00

3,888 32

1,874 22

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l h a n k n o t e s ..........

8,494 00

Î4,080 00

10,903 00

19,731 00

1,244,761 16

$1,058,548 46

$1,079,750 06

1,130,791 02

C a p ita l sto c k paid i n .................................

$200,000 00

$200,000 00


$200,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ............................................... -

15.000 00

17,000 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

U n d iv id e d p ro fits.........................................

17,217 17

9,905 09

11,145 57

22,138 90

D iv id e n d s u n p a id .........................................

20 00

52 00

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k .

168,288 09

122,003 03

120,758 33

121,753 82

T o ta ls .
L ia b ilitie s.

$ 200,000

20 00

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it................................

206,215 57

140,564 63

101,062 66

127,578 98

D u e to b a n k s and b a n k e rs.......................

13.000 00

10,097 04

20,045 00

11,095 33

C ertified c h e c k s . .. , .....................................

368 30

C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ................

104 99

S a v in g s d ep o sits............................................

624,547 04

558,926 27

609,238 50

629,878 05

1,244,761 16

$1,058,548 06

$1,079,750 06

1,130,791 02

825 94

N o te s a n d b ills r e - d is c o u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 5.
G E R M A N A M E R I C A N B A N K , D E T R O IT ..
O rganized F eb ru a ry 3, 1883.

E dward K anter , P resident; Chas . E. K anter , Vice P resident; H enry L. Kanter, Cashier.
Directors.—E d w ard K a n ter, M. L. K anter, H. L. K an ter, F. E. K an ter, C. E. K an ter.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 12.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts..........................................................

$352,451 65

$312,522 22

$259,558 72

8291,957 78

S to ck s, bon ds an d m o rtg a g es.........................................

216,305 00

216,725 27

229,745 00

238,135 00

O v e r d r a fts............................ .................................................

531 26

1,124 70

278 49

4,956 32

D u e from b an k s in reserve c itie s ..................................

210,047 27

292,904 81

327,562 05

268,242 08

D u e from oth er ban ks and b a n k e rs______________

13,695 59

9,021 54

15,933 81

5,019 62

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

2,854 39

3,599 55

2,074 74

4,567 78

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ................... ....................

5,942 71

9,975 47

8,255 23

5,008 56

C h eck s an d cash ite m s......................................................

5,277 71

1,430 27

11,154 74

3,025 23

B a n k in g h ou se . . .....................................................- ...........
F u rn itu re and fix tu res......................................................
O th er real e st a te .................................................................
C u rren t e x p e n ses an d ta x e s p a id ................................
In te r est p a id ................................ .................... ....................

N ic k e ls an d p en n ies.............................. .............................
G old c o i n ..........................................................

1,310 33

950 76

615 43

186 83

49,032 50

52,650 00

61,390 00

60,335 00

S ilv e r c o in .......................................................................

16,761 00

14,762 10

16,189 20

3,610 45

U . S. an d N a tio n a l b a n k n o tes....................................

84,484 00

85,408 00

209,041 00

163,737 00

T o ta ls .............................. ...............................................

$961,693 41

$1,004,074 69

8100,000 00

$ 100,000 0 0

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

8100,000 00

11,214 60

17,729 94

5,864 71

14,701 52

227,948 43

190,940 96

267,293 71

190,418 04

310 00

3,665 91

940 00

1,150 00

25,480 10

65,340 10

130,059 05

99,128 96

$1,144,798 41 $1,051,781 65

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k paid in ...................... ....................
Su rp lus f u n d ................................................................
U n d iv id e d p ro fits..........................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ............................................................
I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................
C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit...................................................
D u e to ban k s a n d b a n k e rs...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ............................................

9,410 70

C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits.................................................... ..........

596,740 28

626,397 78

8961,693 41

$1,004,074 69

640,640 94

636,972 43

N o tes an d b ills r e-d isco u n te d ................................
B ills p a y a b le............................................................
T o ta ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,144,798 41 $1,051,781 65



No. 90.
T H E H O M E S A V I N G S B A N K , D E T R O IT O rganized D ecem b er 11, 1888.
J a m e s M c G r e g o r , P resident; W m . C. M a y b u r y , Vice P resident; W . J. G o u l d , 2d Vice P residen t;
J. S. S c h m it t d ie l , Cashier.


D ir e c t o r s —W m .
M aybury, C. H. M ills, C. C.^Yemans, Ja s. M cG regor, A ug. R uoff, C. I. F a rrell,
Geo. W . R adford, W . H. E llis , C has. Y . B ryan , Josep h T aylor, W . J. G ould, Jno. S. S c h m ittd iel.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n t s ........................................-................

$187,014 87

$200,253 29

$467,742 21

$485,232 62

S to ck s, bon d s a nd m o rtg a g es.........................................

29,002 61

52,106 57

99,510 00

123,527 50

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................

44,564 04

62,627 60

156,383 70

130,463 06

D ue fro m o th er ban k s a nd b a n k e rs............................

537 78

3,586 98

5,982 81

4,220 88

B a n k in g h o u s e .....................................................................

2,900 00

3,217 25

3,826 38

3,826 38

F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es......................................................

2,440 67

2,925 89

3,978 79

4,098 52

3,679 00

6,102 62

9,076 30

12,029 63

351 05

470 44

5,318 46

27,190 81

10,052 10

1,689 28

Oth pi* real e sta te
C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a i d ................................
In te r est paid
E x c h a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e .................................... .

4,107 01

O beeks and easb ite m s

9,020 70


N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ies...........................................................

115 98

177 99

52 87

412 59

G old co in ..................................................................................

2,310 00

412 50

390 00

5,300 00

S ilv e r c o i n . . . .........................................................................

1,748 75

1,682 00

308 75

905 75

U . S, an d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes.......................................

15,395 00

3,080 00

5,179 00

16,699 00

T o ta ls.................................................................................

8302,836 41

$363,714 55

8762,953 35

$793,723 67

$120,000 00

$132,300 00

$175,700 00

$188,000 00

4,344 69

6,844 15

16,276 74

25,619 24

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck paid i n .........................................................
Sn rp l hr fund



U n d iv id e d profits.................................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id



I n d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................

74,171 48

98,333 45

439,340 48

424,555 87

C ertificates o f d e p o sit......................................................

12,255 00

2,225 00

1,300 00

3,111 38

D ue to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs...............................................

2,227 07

6,968 98

6,011 88

4,960 55

C ertified c h e c k s ................... ...............................................

1,127 75

50 00

200 00

619 49

S a v in g s d e p o sits...................................................................

88,710 42

116,992 97

124,124 25

146,857 14

$302,836 41

$363,714 55

8762,953 35

$793,723 67

"Notes a n d b ill s r e -d is e o n n te d
■Rills p a y a b le



____ ________________

T o ta ls............................... ...............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 4.
T H E M E C H A N I C S ’ B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized O ctober 10,1871.

W illiam A. B utler, P resident; E. H. B utler, Cashier ; W m. A. B utler, J r ., Ass't Cashier.
Directors—F red. E. B u tler, Wm. A. B u tler, Jr., M. A. B u tler, E. H. B u tler, Wm. A. B u tler.

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d isc o u n ts. - .......................................................

$483,830 68

$541,844 39

$472,444 56

$432,317 16

S to ck s, bon ds a n d m o rtg a g es.........................................

396,672 51

419,663 30

442,114 09

456,722 96

O v erd ra fts..............................................................................

2,742 51

1,224 57

2,145 64

3,220 02

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................

134,189 81

143,612 45

129,097 52

138,519 99

D u e fro m o th er ban k s a nd b a n k e rs..........................

1,461 46

2,831 04

2,412 77

3,360 24

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .................................................................

2 ,0 0 0 0 0

2 ,0 0 0 00

4,380 00

4,380 00

C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ............... ..................

4,056 01

7,689 65

11,299 28

13,626 6 6

9,404 03

B a n k in g h o u se.......................................................................
F u rn itu re and fix tu r es......................................................

In te r e st p a id ....... ...................................................................
E x ch a n g e s for c le a r in g h o u se .......................................

5,188 23

10,670 51

4,042 05

C hecks a n d c a sh ite m s .. ........................................... .

332 00

245 00

3,183 94

550 00

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ies...... ................................................

466 22

501 81

614 50

481 75
200 00

G old co in ...........................................................................

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

2,500 00

1 ,2 0 0 00

S ilv e r c o in ...............................................................................

5,500 00

4,000 00

6,500 OH

500 00

U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes................... ................

21,183 00

46,932 00

40,275 00

46,120 00

$1,067,622 43

$1,183,714 72

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

34,633 22

27,979 54

39,341 08

41,758 95

331,799 55

T o ta ls ........................................................................... .

$1,119,709 35 $1,109,402 81

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k paid in ..........................................................
S u rp lu s f u n d .........................................................................
U n d iv id e d p ro fits................................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ..................... .........................................
In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................

385,126 96

446,357 97

417,219 17

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit......................................................

4,643 28

11,008 12

13,056 24

5,356 69

D u e to banks a n d b a n k e rs...............................................

7,280 73

16,642 79

8,004 61

8,513 55

C ertified c h e c k s ...... ............ ................................................

500 00

500 00

550 00

500 00

10,063 67

60 00

535,438 24

571,112 63

541,528 25

T o ta ls................................................................................. 81,067,622 43

$1,183,714 72

C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits...................................................................

621,474 07

N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d .......................................
B ills p a y a b le ...................... - ..............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,119,709 35 $1,109,402 81



No. 81.
M I C H I G A N S A V I N G S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized F eb ru a ry 19, 1877.

George P eck, President; H orace M. Dean , Vice President; Sam’l R. Mttmford, Treasurer.
Directors—Jas. D. S ta n d ish , A . G. L indsay, C laren ce M. B urton, H en ry A . C lelan d , H orace M.
D ean, Sim on J. M urphy, Geo. W . L atim er, J o h n Ii. K aple, S a m u el R . M um ford, G eorge P eck .

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d is c o u n ts ..........................................................

5250,997 47

5278,240 17

$236,922 59

5221,023 30

S tock s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s.........................................

795,607 25

831,493 71

878,812 01

890,139 46

O v erd ra fts..............................................................................

569 61

1,221 03

384 73

421 72

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ........... ......................

238,207 47

234,507 99

186,290 26

208,432 00

D ue fro m o th er b a n k s a n d b a n k ers...........................

4,651 48

17,467 30

5,472 25

1,455 10

2,COO 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,273 69

2,273 69

1,412 57

B a n k in g h o u se .....................................................................
F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r e s....................................................

2,000 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e ............................ - ...................................
C urren t e x p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ..............................

415 28

In te r est p a id .......................................................................

7 50

610 86
16 54

E x ch a n g es for c le a rin g h o u se .......................................

3,690 12

4,767 63

6,669 15

14,247 88
2,893 60

C hecks a nd ca sh ite m s ......................................................

2,202 29

3,157 74

4,536 27

N ic k e ls and p e n n ies—..................... .................................

71 07

36 58

70 70

87 69

G old c o in ..................................................................... ..........

16,180 69

24,914 00

26,454 00

17,896 17

S ilv e r c o in ..............................................................................

12,384 25

13,623 55

2,967 67

2,280 55

U . S. and N a tio n a l ban k n o t e s .....................................

41,343 60

32,603 10

30,591 00

28,844 35

$1,367,905 30

$1,446,729 27

5150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

17,206 70

14,768 62

20,498 21

T o ta ls ........................................................................... .

$1,383,444 32 $1,391,761 79

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k paid i n ..........................................................
Su rp lus fu n d .........................................................................
U n d iv id ed profits................................................................

44,657 43

5150,000 00

D iv id en d s u n p a id ............................................ ...................

80 00

2,920 00

100 00

I n d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to c h e ck ........................

136,124 65

122,086 41

111,994 20

131,889 13

C ertificates o f d ep o sit........................................................

77,125 95

102,008 90

80,549 21

62,44 2 88

D u e to b a n k s an d b a n k e r s ..............................................

1,330 94

406 31

2,884 34

1,214 36

C ertified c h e c k s __________________ ___

1,008 72

2,615 50

2,600 00

980,532 45

993,117 21

C a sh ie r ’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g ............................
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..................................................................

957,577 61

1,022,100 95

T otals:'............................................................................... $1,367,905 30

$1,446,729 27

N o tes an d b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ....................................
B ills p a y a b le ________ ________ ______
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$1,383,444 32 51,391,761 79



No. 15.
T H E P E N I N S U L A R S A V I N G S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized A u g u st 27, J887.
A . Chapoton , J r ., President; E . Corbett, Vice President; J o s . P errien , 2nd Vice P resident;
J o s . B. Moore, Cashier; J. H. J ohnson, Assistant Cashier.

D irectors—E. O. G rosvenor, W . E. M oloney, C. S c h u lte , H . B eck er, J. P errien , T hcs. B ariu m , W .
M . J oh n son , F. H ow ard, W . P. R a tig a n , Geo. H a n ley , S. C K arrer, S. Sim on, M. B rennan, J. B.
M oore, G. W . L ee, J. M. D w y er, A . C hapoton, Jr., S. H. C larkson, C. C orbett, J. D w yer, John
A tk in so n .

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ..........................................................

$843,646 92

$944,758 44

S to ck s, bon ds an d m o rtg a g es.........................................

244,472 68

241,494 53

250,485 90

O v e r d r a fts............................................. . ...............................

454 02

950 70

7,248 72

301 04

D u e fro m ban ks in reserv e c itie s ..................................

252,091 57

156,313 45

181,615 37

119,340 11

419 30

518 95

10,627 53

4,000 00

3,600 00

3,600 00

3,600 00

C u rren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ................................

5,766 11

150 91

4,874 78

8,467 19

I n te r e s t p a i d .........................................................................

5,664 18

131 26

2,082 44

9,079 99

D u e from o th er h a n k s an d h a n k e rs............................

10,419 30

$1,007,891 97 $1,018,057 88
263,603 02

B a n k in g h o u s e ...................................................................
F u rn itu r e a nd f ix t u r e s ...................................................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e .. . ....................... .....................................

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se .......................................

6,107 31

10,385 98

17,853 14

12,620 17

C h eck s an d c a sh ite m s ......................................................

7,777 06

10,766 35

11,457 63

5,429 00

N ic k e ls a n d p en n ies............................................................

704 13

680 23

143 84

339 56

G old c o in ................................................................................

7,860 00

2,335 00

10,210 00

7,710 00

S ilv e r c o in ...............................................................................

4,813 50

5,228 00

19,751 50

8,225 00

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l han k n o te s ......................................

9,912 00

15,307 00

33,431 00

13,597 00

T o ta ls ................................................................................ $1,403,688 78

$1,392,521 15

$1,551,165 24 61,480,997 49

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita i sto c k p a id in .........................................................

3335,900 00

$342,900 00

$343,900 00

$344,400 00

S u rp lu s fu n d .........................................................................

20,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

22,000 00

U n d iv id e d p r o fit s ................ .............................................

20,994 36

6,799 44

21,437 21

33,853 62

D iv id e n d s u n p a id .................................................................

108 75

1,486 08

37 71

12 00

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

325,756 56

282,459 57

325,228 84

262,952 29

C ertifica tes o f d ep o sit........................................................

192,209 08

195,882 00

208,136 67

154,168 34

D u e to ban k s an d b a n k e r s ............................ .................

154,563 51

164,289 85

206,141 31

2i6,843 62

C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................

1,683 97

5,145 66

8,025 61

C a sh ier’s c h eck s o u t s t a n d in g ..........................................

4,880 42

S a v in g s dep osits ..................................................................

347,593 13

371,558 55

T o ta ls ............... ................................................................ $1,403,688 78

$1,392,521 15

1,055 53
20,046 97

416,257 89

425,665 12

N o tes and b ills r e-d isco u n te d .......................................
B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,551,165 24 $1,480,997 49



No. 52.
P E O P L E ’S S A Y I N G S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized J a n u a ry 1, 1872.

M. W. O’Brien , P residen t; A. P ulte, Vice P residen t ; F A. Schulte, 2nd Vice P residen t;
G. E. Lawson, Cashier; R. W . Smylie , A uditor.
D irectors—F. A . S c h u lte , J. Y . M oran, C. C arpenter, H. W . C andler, Jno. M ark, A . P u lte , J .
S c h u lte , Geo. H . B arbour, W. C. Y a w k ey , D. W h itn ey , Jr., W . B. M oran, J. D w yer, F . F. P a lm s,
J. L. E dson, W ilh e lm B oeing, M. W . O’B rien , P. F itz sim o n s.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ........................................................

$1,627,211 07

$1,656,457 54

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o rtg a g es.......................................

2,968,283 43

2,738,034 67

3,060,367 03

O v e r d r a fts.............................................................................

11,253 85

941 73

1 225 4fi

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ................................

449,782 57

559,965 46

505,135 11

489,200 51

D u e fro m o th er ban k s an d b a n k e rs............................

85,430 26

48,016 09

13,681 66

13,260 79

117,030 94

107,071 84

101,045 07

$1 581 800 45 §1 394 737 i i
3 0 0 2 701 13

B a n k in g h o u se.....................................................................
F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r es.....................................................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e ..................................................
C urren t e x p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ................................

1,400 00


992 0 0

101,536 04

17,675 66

1,228 83

23,170 42

32,275 13

I n te r e st p a i d ..................................................................

5,039 61

932 30

3,625 37

74,291 40

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ................................

2 1 ,0 2 1 2 0

27,456 09

13,843 10

59,371 73

1,004 75

3,130 05

18 40

1,739 25

860 72

280 62

324 52

449 22

8,692 50

2,492 50

3,540 00

4,747 50

C hecks a n d c a sh it e m s .....................................................
N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies.......................................................
G old c o i n ................. .............................................
S ilv e r c o in ..................................
U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ......................................
T o ta ls ........................................................................

18,092 75

21,820 00

11,410 00

17,000 00

236,350 00

210,451 00

154,729 00

117,168 00

$5,567,759 31

$5,376,278 72

$5,475,315 89 $5,822,144 67

L iab ilities.
C a p ita l stock paid in ............... ........................................

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d ....................................................................

1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

170,000 00

U n d iv id e d profits.................. ........................................... .

132,598 32

79,588 55

125,305 16

97,609 28

4,240 00

320 no

D iv id en d s u n p a id .......... ....................................................
In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k .....................

739,858 16

495,531 60

434,962 30

653,827 16

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit......................................................

390,622 99

347,324 12

384,799 78

350,271 54

D u e to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs...............................................

157,991 66

150,579 76

131,221 24

120,143 64

3,228 92

2,092 05

6,075 75

7,713 02

3,543,459 26

3,606,922 64

3,792,631 66

3,922,580 03

$5,567,759 31

$5,376,278 72

$5,475,315 89

5,822,144 67

C ertified c h e c k s ....................... .....................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u t s ta n d in g .......................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits.........................................................
N o tes an d b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ................................
B ills p a y a b le .................................................................
T o ta ls ...................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 7.
S T A T E S A V I N G S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized O ctober 24, 1883.

Geo. H. R ussel, P resident; M. S. Smith, Vice P resident; R. S. Mason, Cashier.
D irectors—W in. C. C olburn, W m . C. M cM illan , Geo. H. R u sse l, R ob ert S. M ason, M artin S. S m ith ,
H u g h M cM illan , H en ry R u ssel, J . K . B u rn h am , F r a n k J. H eck er, C has. S tin ch field , H enry
B. L edyard, R u sse ll A . A lg e r, C laren ce L. F reer, H a r v e y C. Parke.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Deo. 11.

L o a n s a nd d is c o u n ts ________ ____________________

$784,434 91

8949,690 79

$960,492 63

$951,486 67

S to ck s, bon ds and m o r tg a g e s ............_...........- .............

589,780 86

577,860 51

600,702 02

622,692 42

352 05

314 47

72 60

515 50

D ue fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ................................

246,645 25

228,922 13

246,619 58

169,490 94

D u e fro m oth er ban k s a n d b a n k e r s ...........................

5,797 01

3,870 57

1,615 02

35 8 6

F u rn itu r e a nd f ix t u r e s .....................................................

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

O ther r ea l e s t a te ........ .........................................................

1,244 04

1,233 99

1,245 42

1,179 45

C urren t e x p en ses and ta x e s p a i d ________________

2,708 62

819 48

5,373 00

I n te r e s t p a id ___________ _____ _______ ____ ________

2,036 74

410 15

21,868 05

R eso u rces.

O v erd ra fts................................................................... .......

B a n k in g h o u se .....................................................................

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .....................- .................

20,503 84

4,695 48

11,667 04

12,195 50

C h eck s a nd c a sh ite m s .................................................... .

650 04

239 89

1,842 15

2,070 27

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s ...... ................._.................................

124 15

129 13

179 82

190 98

G old c o in ............................................................._..................

755 00

3,332 50

3,847 50

1,542 50

S ilv e r c o in ...........................................................................

2,309 89

2,195 00

1,612 40

4,516 50

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ................. ...... .............

7,993 00

15,272 00

13,389 00

9,178 00

T o ta ls ......................................................................... ....... $1,667,835 40

81,791,486 09

$1,845,785 18 $1,804,835 64

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k p a id i n ........................................................

8200,000 00

$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

8200,000 0 0

56,265 94

49,681 81

55,361 33

71,749 83

44 00

4,000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d .........................................................................
U n d iv id e d p ro fits......................- ................
D iv id e n d s un paid ____
In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

155,249 61

165,549 34

185,234 82

147,905 91

C ertifica tes of d e p o sit........................................................

318,106 87

372,898 06

362.307 25

350,058 25

D u e to b a n k s and b a n k ers. . ........................................

10,644 19

13,502 85

3,758 21

15,562 19

927,568 79

989,810 03

1,035,123 52

1,019,559 46

T o ta ls ................................................................................. $1,667,835 40

$1,791,486 09

C ertified c h e c k s __________________ ____ _____ ____
C a sh ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ........................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...................................................................
N o te s a nd b ills r e -d is c o u n te d ............
B ills p a y a b le ......................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$1,845,785 18 $1,804,835 64



No. 6.
W A Y N E C O U N T Y S A V I N G S B A N K , D E T R O IT .
O rganized Septem ber 18, 1871.

W m. B. W esson, P resident; J. S. F aerand , Vice President; S. Dow El wood, Treasurer;
W m. Stagg, A ss't Treasurer.
D irectors—D. M. F erry, H. K. W h ite, Jerom e C roul, L. P. K n iglit, J. S. F arran d , F r a n c is A d am s,
S. D. E lw ood, W m . A . M oore, W m. B. W esson.

Report of
May 13.

R eso u rces.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d isc o u n ts........................................................... $1,199,401 02

$1,122,161 43

2,628,976 47

2,704,620 67

2,865,189 28

2,870,356 95

901,259 42

982,484 95

953,047 38

931,546 46

203 29

1,000 00

152 50

110,000 00

110,000 00

110,000 00

S to ck s, bon ds a n d m o r tg a g e s .......................................

$1,121,118 48 81,111,674 36

O v e r d r a fts _____________________ _________________
D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................
D ue fro m oth er b a n k s an d b a n k e r s _____________
B a n k in g h o u se ____________________


110,000 00

F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r e s ......................................... ...........

6,625 12

6,625 12

6,625 12

6,625 12

O ther r ea l e sta te ................................................................

18,885 15

20,583 08

22,138 29

27,266 70

C urrent ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ___________ _____

5,664 83

2,612 91

10,919 36

22,472 96

5,651 69

14,744 05

14,761 90

4,410 54

256 20

267 24

410 59

412 36

26,000 00

25,598 50

26,052 50

35,870 50

In te r est p a id ..........................................................................
E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se .......................................
C h eck s a nd c a sh it e m s __________________________
N ic k e ls and p e n n ie s ____________________________
G old c o i n _______________ ______________ ____ ____
S ilv er c o in ....................................................... .......................

2,850 00

2,018 05

2,995 75

3,255 33

U n ited S ta te s and N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ...................

22,699 00

34,002 00

22,750 00

25,990 00

T o t a ls ...............................................................................

$4,928,268 90

$5,025,921 29

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

180,578 06

210,350 20

255,506 46

3,846,774 43

4,545,343 23

4,646,658 45

4,594,527 32

$4,928,268 90

$5,025,921 29

$5,157,008 65 $5,150,033 78

L ia b ilitie s.
C ap ital sto c k paid i n ____________________________
S u rp lu s fu n d ...........................................................................
U n d iv id ed p ro fits.................................................................

371,639 66

D iv id en d s u n p a id _______________________________
In d iv id u a l dep osits su b ject to c h e c k ..........................

559,854 81

C ertifica tes of d e p o s it........................................................
D u e to ban k s a nd b a n k e r s..............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .....................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits...................................................................
N o te s and b ills r e-d isco u n te d ........................................
B ills p a y a b le ........................................................................
T o t a ls ...............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$5,157,008 65 85,150,033 78



No. 28.
O rganized M arch 19, 1887.

J ohn Lyle, President; N . F. Choate, Vice President; F. W . Lyle , Cashier; I. B. Gage, Ass't Cashier,
Directors—N elso n F. C hoate, F ra n k W . L y le, W . M. L yle, C. E. L yle, Jno. L yle.
1 Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

L oans an d d isc o u n ts..........................................................

$139,879 21

$118,178 29

«116,413 40

S103,935 29

S tock s, bonds and m o rtg a g es.........................................

31,990 54

43,360 54

32,985 54

32,125 54

O v erd ra fts............................................. -...............................

4,620 67

7,952 09

12,445 59

12,046 73

D u e from b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................

2,735 72

3,648 64

7,359 35

6,846 36

R esources.


Drift from ot.hftr banka and b a n k e rs_____________
R anking h ou se



F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r es......................................................

5,735 23

6,281 57

6,281 £7

6,281 57

O th er real e s t a te ...........


2,074 54

2,074 54

2,074 54

2,074 54

C urren t e x p e n ses a nd ta x e s p a id ................................

1,654 18

3 10

1,120 30

2,025 06

I n te r e st p a id ................................ ........................................

2,130 55

2,624 96

2,624 96

2,624 96

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ................... ....................

1,200 00

717 81

300 00

782 19

C hecks an d ca sh ite m s......................................................

654 96

964 01

86 24

138 05

N ic k e ls an d p en n ies....................................... ...................

90 66

135 40

178 30

90 31

Gold c o in ................................................................................

7,000 00

7,500 00

7,085 00

7,235 00

S ilv er c o in ............................................. ................................

841 00

1,631 00

2,588 00

451 00

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l han k n o tes......................................

7,697 00

6,567 00

4,410 00

10,528 00

T o ta ls ................................................................................

$201,304 25

$201,638 95

«195,952 79

$187,184 60

C apital sto ck p aid i n ........................................................

$60,000 00

$60,000 00

$60,000 00

$60,000 00

Su rp lus f u n d .........................................................................

2,000 00

2,500 00

2,500 CO

2,500 00

U n d iv id e d p rofits...............................................................

3,210 58

673 31

2,016 38

5,971 06

I n d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to c h e c k ...... .................

38,256 27

47,463 50

51,830 15

49,532 05

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit......................................................

80,895 47

81,002 14

69,606 26

69,181 49

D ue to ban k s a n d b a n k e r s ..............................................

1,911 93

15,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

$201,304 25

$201,638 95

$195,952 79

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ................................................................

C ertified c h e c k s ........................................ __........................
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits.......................... _.......................................
N otes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ....................................
B ills p a y a b le..........................................................................
T o ta ls ..............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$187,184 60



No. 38.
P E O P L E ’S S A Y I N G S B A N K O F E A S T S A G I N A W ,
O rganized N ovem b er 27,1886.

J no. A. E dget, P resident; J ohn J. R u pp , Vice P resident; J. F. B oynton, Treasurer.
DiPvECTORS—E. N . W ie k e s, G. C orning, G. B. W ig g in s, B. F. W eb ster, Jno. J. Rupp, J. S c h w a r tz , J .
W . H a w ry , W m . B. B aum , Jno. A . E d g et, J. F. B o y n to n , W . C. M cC lure, H . A . B atch elor, P . H .
K etch a m .

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept, 30'.

Report of
Dec. 11.

__________ - ____ - ___

$189,339 01

$119,499 70

8167,029 50

$179,108 18

S to c k s , b o n d s an d m o r t g a g e s ________________ - - - - -

300 00

74,803 50

81,036 18

83,112 33

O v e r d r a f t s ............................................................ ........... .........

2 57

22 92

130 21

983 63

31,607 28

42,212 13

52,515 93

48,619 51

L o a n s a n d d is c m in t s _______

O n e fr o m b a n k s in r e s e r v e e i t i e s _______________ _
D u e fr o m o fb e r b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s _______ _______
R a n k in g b o u s e

227 20

200 00

_____________________ - ___________

F’n r n itn r e a n d f ix tu r e s __________________ ______ ____

1,789 68

4,789 68

O th e r r e a l e s t a t e

1,377 21

255 06

________ _____________ _____

C u r r e n t e x p e n s e s an d t a x e s p a i d _________________
I n t e r e s t p a id

4,789 68

4,789 68

1,042 72

1,850 50

129 59


E x c h a n g e s fo r el e a r in g b o u s e ____________________
C h e e k s a n d e a s b it e m s

__________________ ____ ___

N ic k e l s an d p e n n i e s _________________________ _____
C o ld c o in

_______ ____ __ ________ ______________

93 37

241 25

2 2 0 10


25 71

20 63

3 99

196 87

510 00

492 50

215 00


338 52

.......................................................... - ...............

505 50

483 00

370 50

250 50

U . S . a n d N a t io n a l b a n k n o t e s ____________________

2,151 00

1,763 00

627 00

1,435 OO

T o t a l s .................. ........... ........................... ................- .........

$233,911 36

$271,638 98

550,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 OO

8,116 32

6,794 65

9,770 39

13,774 01

S ilv e r c o in

$308,104 81

$320,906 81

L ia b ilit ie s .
C a p ita l s to c k p a id in
S u r p lu s fu n d

__ ____________ _____________

_ _ -________________________________

U n d iv id e d p r o f i t s _______________________ ____ - .........
D iv id e n d s u n p a id



I n d iv id u a l d e p o s its , s u b je c t to c h e c k ___________ _

22,329 36

35,718 60

50,901 40

54,493 87

C p .rtifieu tcs o f d e p o s i t _____________________________

16,201 15

18,691 15

19,591 40

20,541 50

D u s t,n b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s .... ................. ............... ...........

120 2 1

C e r tifie d c h e c k s _____

708 98

___________ - ____ - _____

C a s h ie r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d in g


S a v in g s d e p o s i t ____________________ ____ - _________

137,117 29

163,134 58

177,432 67

182,097 46

$233,911 36

8274,638 98

$308,104 81

$320,906 84

N o t e s an d b ills r e - d i s c o u n t e d ________________- ___
B il ls p a y a b le

T o ta ls



__ __________________

........... - ................. ................. ...........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 44.
SA V IN G -S B A N K O F E A S T S A G I N A W , E A S T S A G IN A W .
O rganized F eb ru a ry 7, 1872.
H . C. P otter, P resident; E dwin E ddy , Vice P resident; A . S chupp , Treasurer.

Directors- P h i l i p B a u m g a rten , A u g u stu s Schupp, .las. B. P e te r , E m il M oores, H . C. P otter, Jr..
W m . J. B artow , Geo. C. W arner, E d w in E ddy, H en ry C. P o tter.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 1 1 .

5771,307 99

$781,715 56

$803,548 33

$822,466 20

113,381 39

127,737 28

154,313 63

186,162 59

27,021 05

27,089 81

32,340 13

37,241 27

O th er r ea l e s t a t e ..................................................

2 ,1 0 0 00

2,104 00

2,104 00

2,104 00

C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ..................................

2,512 11

3,488 94

7,204 43

8,778 62

135 30

458 06

88 00

757 00

1,132 30


35 76

16 1 2

151 00

1,815 00

500 00

R esou rces.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts........................................................
S tock s, bonds an d m o rtg a g es......................................
O v erd ra fts............................................. ..........................
D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c itie s .................................
D u e from o th er ban k s a nd b a n k e rs...........................
B a n k in g h o u se..................................................................
F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r es......................................................

In te r est p a id ...................................................................
E x ch a n g es fo r c le a rin g h o u se ........... ...........................
C hecks an d c a sh i t e m s ...................................................
N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies......... ................................................
■Gold co in ............................................................
S ilv e r c o in ....................................................................
U . S. an d N a tio n a l bank n o tes............... _............
T o ta ls .......................................................................... .

268 75


40 00


430 15

1,273 05

1,287 40

108 50

2,792 00

1,928 00

3,307 00

3,102 00

$919,861 88

$945,582 49

$1,006,847 98 $1,062,069 6 6

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in ..........................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d ...................................................

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

2,180 23

U n d iv id e d p rofits........................................................

38,300 19

33,195 38

34,605 17

36,862 70

. 1,005 00

2,630 00

21,818 48

21,960 45

795,556 69

824,757 11

857,924 33

901,066 28

6100,000 00

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ...............................................................
In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k .........................
C ertificates o f d e p o sit....................................................
D ue to banks a n d b a n k e rs...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................
C a sh ie r ’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits................................................................
N o te s and b ills r e-d isco u n te d .......................................
B ills p a y a b le ..........................................................................
T o ta ls.................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

7,500 00
5919,861 88

$945,582 49

51,006,847 98 $1,062,069 66



No. 53.
O rganized J u ly 22, 1884.
H o r a c e H . C o b b , President; H ir a m P. W e b s t e r , Vice P resident; C h a s . S. C o b b , Cashier;
H . H . H a m il t o n , A ss't Cashier.

D irectors—Josep h Carr, G. W . W eb ster, H . P. W eb ster, E. S. H arris, H , H. Cobb, H . H . H a m ilto n ,
C has. S. Cobb, A . R ogers, C. W . S teven s.

R esources.

May 13.

July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of

Report of

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d isc o u n ts..............................

106,904 86

897,947 36

$97,868 26

893,832 87

S to ck s, bon ds an d m o rtg a g es..............

31,812 01

32,432 41

36,517 32

33,530 92

O v erd ra fts...................................................

901 83

1,227 75

1,222 14

832 74

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s-----

1,058 51

6,398 99

2,589 46

14,316 50

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s an d ban k ers.

2,092 11

981 10

436 20

R a n k in g h o u se .........................................

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

F u rn itu r e and fix tu res .......................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

C u rren t ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id ___

1,011 40

30 56

670 87

1,242 18

I n te r e s t p aid ...............................................

576 04

8 71

432 69

866 98

C h e c k s an d ca sh ite m s ..........................

1,195 31

230 98

321 53

1,328 76

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s ..............................

82 54

83 30

115 24

71 80

G old c o in .....................................................

1,117 80

1,280 00

1,037 50

1,692 50

S ilv e r c o in ......................... .........................

1,770 55

1,162 50

363 40

503 05

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l bank n o tes...........

2,075 00

7,749 00

2,830 00

2,209 00

$158,097 96

$157,032 66

$151,904 61

$157,927 30

C a p ita l sto ck paid in ..................................

875,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d .................................................

2,500 00

2,825 00

2,825 00

2,825 00

U n d iv id e d profits........................................

5,504 03

1,424 34

3,126 91

6,122 53

172 00

12 00

12 00

O th er r ea l e s t a te ......................................

E x c h a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ............

T o ta ls .
L ia b ilities.

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ............................ ..........
In d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b ject to c h e ck .

16,029 14

14,411 62

10,266 48

19,462 49

C e rtifica tes o f d ep o sit................................

48,992 00

50,552 97

47,306 34

54,180 28

D u e to ban ks a n d b a n k e rs.......................

2,423 40

420 16

514 94

325 00

7,619 39

7,480 09

7,852 94

4,746 48

5,000 00

$157,032 66

$151,904 61

C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................
C a sh ie r ’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...........................................
N o te s a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$158,097 96

$157,927 30



No. 10.
O rganized J a n u a ry 2,1871.

J. Buckbee, P residen t ; A. Cornwall , Vice President; W . W. Millard , Cashier.
Directors—J o sia h B uckbee, L. C. B uckbee, W . W . M illard, S. S. C lark, C laren ce T inker,
A. C ornw all.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n ts .......................__...............................

$37,704 59

842,564 39

$49,562 46

$54,696 58

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s.........................................

25,390 00

25,390 00

23,690 00

21,190 00

O v erd ra fts............................................................................
D u e fro m ban k s in r eserv e c it ie s .................................

8 19

1,634 18

266 53

24,187 36

39,180 13

14,214 47

22,690 20
142 57

427 10

1,614 51

B a n k in g b o u s e ....... ................. ....................................

4.500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

F u rn itu re an d fix tu r es......................................................

1.500 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

608 28

29 70

624 88

905 03

40 10

58 87

546 27

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s a nd b a n k e r s........................

O ther r ea l e s t a te .................................................................
C urren t e x p en ses and ta x e s p a id .............................. .
In te r est p a id .....................................................................

27 78

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .......................................
C hecks an d ca sh ite m s ......................................................

203 55

645 57

197 94

N ic k e ls and p e n n ies...........................................................

86 92

81 63

93 45

66 10

6,025 00

5,435 00

7,390 00

7,717 50

G old c o in ............. ............................................................
S ilv er c o in .......................................................................

1,233 75

786 25

883 40

774 75

U . S. an d N a tio n a l b an k n o tes......................................

10,095 00

12,357 00

10,687 00

16,720 00

T o ta ls ............................................................................ .

8101,597 53

$116,872 31

$126,167 87

$150,487 27

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

3,059 22

1,160 85

2,426 63

4,595 81

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................

19,639 80

29.897 41

36,617 71

52,047 83

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it......................................................

22,698 51

35,314 05

36,623 53

43,342 63

5116,872 31

$126,167 87

$150,486 27

L ia b ilitie s.
C ap ital sto c k p aid in .........................................
Su rp lus f u n d ........................................................
U n d iv id e d profits.............. ...............................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ............................... .................................

D ue to ban ks a nd b a n k e rs...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ..................................................................
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ........................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...................................................................
N o tes a nd b ills re-d isco u n te d ........................................
B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
T o ta ls ..........................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

6,200 00
$101,597 53



No. 23.
O rganized M ay 1, 1872.

R ussell Bishop , P resident ; W. A. Atwood, Vice P residen t ; I ra H. W ilder , Cashier ;
A. G. Bishop , A ss't Cashier.
D irectors—W m . W . Crapo, R u sse ll B ishop, W . A . A tw ood , Geo. R. Gold, C. C. P ierson , H . C.
Spencer, M. D avison, J a s. C. W ilson , Ira H. W ild er.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts .................................. . ......................

$222,997 04

$243,284 64

$255,946 32

$252,248 25

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s.........................................

216,630 93

209,529 01

217,084 52

233,201 82

O v erd ra fts.................................... ........................................

4,439 01

4,078 44

5,870 14

5,797 81

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................

52,949 59

45,315 14

44,871 58

17,576 66

2,425 88

64 35

E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u s e .......................................

2,502 22

C heck a nd ca sh ite m s ......................................................

457 59

1,470 56

D ue fro m oth er ban k s an d b an kers
B a n k in g b o u se ...... .................... .........................................
F u rn itu r e and fix tu r e s .................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e .. ....................................

2,0C0 00

2,000 00

1,542 67

2,940 53

116 19

833 75

1,715 24

2,271 70

3,447 10

310 02

1,017 88

3,376 91


C urren t ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id ................................
In te r e st p a id ............. ..............................................

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ie s ......................................................
Gold c o in ....................................................................... .........

87 69

65 19

97 90

251 02

5,235 00

3,135 00

3,345 00

5,505 00

S ilv er c o in ..............................................................................

1,400 00

1,900 00

2,300 00

1,000 DO

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s .....................................

10,075 00

15,252 00

17,368 00

18,371 00

T o ta ls ................................................................................

$519,199 95

$526,482 22

$555,724 86

$544,294 26

C a p ita l sto ck paid in ..........................................................

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

8100,000 00

8100,000 CO

S u rp lu s fu n d .........................................................................

20,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

U n d iv id e d p rofits................................................................

18,583 90

6,575 91

12,039 83

19,592 56

25 00

1,315 00

102,975 96

106,754 27

106,716 17

95,519 78

13,879 82

16,557 53

18,412 44

12,863 66

263,735 27

270,279 51

293,556 43

291,318 26

$519,199 95

$526,482 22

$555,724 86

$544,294 26

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ...............................................
I n d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................
C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it...................................................
D u e to ban k s and b a n k e rs........................
C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................
C a sh ier’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g .................
S a v in g s d ep o sits..................................................................
N o tes a nd b ills re-d isco u n te d ................................
B ills p a y a b le .............................. ..........................
T o ta ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 61.
O rganized M ay 1, 1872.

J ames D . R obinson , P residen t; Moreau S. Crosby, Vice P resident; F . A. Hall , Cashier;
D . B. S hedd , Ass't Cashier.
D irectors—W m . D. T olford, C has. W . G arfield. E d w in S. P ier c e, Geo. M. E d ison , C. G. S w en sb erg,
J u stin M. S ta n le y , A aron B rew er, M oreau S. Crosby, J a m e s Û. R obin son.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n ts ................. ......................................

$582,731 95

8560,587 91

$489,819 29

$484,664 97

S to ck s, b o n d s a nd m o rtg a g es.........................................

182,770 46

202,017 54

215,983 54

240,483 54

70 65

102 02

365 96

103 09

89,092 96

85,693 41

86,526 24

69,269 71

2,772 79

R esources.

O v erd ra fts............- .............................................................
D u e from b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ................................
D u e from oth er b an k s and b a n k e r s............................

700 00

B a n k in g h o u s e ................... ..........................................
F u rn itu re and fix tu res.............................................

2,702 79

2,702 79

2,772 79

O ther real e s t a te .............................. .....................

6,904 55

6,904 55

6,904 55

6,904 55

C urren t ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id ............... .............

2,735 71

257 01

2,120 89

3;397 98

In te r e st p a id ....................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e .....................................
C hecks and c a sh ite m s ............. ..........
N ic k e ls a nd p en n ies....................................
G o ld co in ...........................................................
S ilv er c o in .................................................

U. S, and N a tio n a l ban k n o tes........................
T o ta ls...........................................................

785 43

1,109 84

2,455 94

944 93

13,923 88

12,508 19

27,477 36

29,011 02

35 25

41 30

48 65

43 14

3,665 00

3,108 00

3,465 00

3,402 50

1,430 00

1,363 20

1,773 40

1,108 85

13,053 00

18,183 00

13,060 00

17,192 00

$899,901 63

$895,278 76

$852,773 61

$859,299 07

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$¡50,000 00

$150,000 00

i son no

1 800 00

15,041 74

5,155 46

11,441 09

86 00

1 725 00

fis nn

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l stock paid in ..........................................
S u rp lu s f u n d ........ .....................................
U n d iv id ed profits.......................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id .............. ...............

19,769 52

In d iv id u a l dep osits, su b ject to c h e c k ................

173,912 17

179,325 82

89,369 68

93,963 65

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit............................

249,176 58

244,956 09

286,501 19

276,048 67

311,685 14

312,816 39

314,093 65

318,217 23

$899,901 63

$895,278 76

8852,773 61

$859,299 07

D ue to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs.....................
C ertified c h e c k s ..................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .................
S a v in g s d e p o sits....................................
N o tes an d b ills r e-d isco u n te d ............
B ills p a y a b le......................
T o ta ls .................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 65.
O rganized D ecem b er 24, 1884.

J no. A . Covode, P resident; Thos. J. O’Brien , Vice P residen t; J. A . S. V erdier , Cashier.
Directors—H en ry Id em a , A . J. B ow ne, D. A . B lo d g e tt, J a m e s B lair, E. C rofton F o x , Jno. A .
C ovode, T. J. O’B rien , Jno. W . B lo d g ett.

R eso u rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d is c o u n ts............................

$218,729 14

1197,592 38

8199,108 60

$352,363 34

S to ck s, bon ds a n d m o r tg a g e s ...........

175,480 00

175,410 00

220,021 97

191,389 98

O v e r d r a fts.................................................

141 69

121 04

398 81

115 65

D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c itie s ....

32,081 36

62,460 98

94,477 11

49,556 17

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a nd ban kers

664 17

885 88

823 47

1,381 15

1,411 15

1,411 15

1,446 65

B a n k in g h o u s e .........................................
F u rn itu r e a n d fix tu r e s ..........................
O th er r ea l e s t a te .....................................
C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s paid.

2,686 94

263 75

1,671 74

3,138 58

In te r e s t p a id ........................................

5,215 86

3,483 05

4,877 67

5,587 39

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ___

3,653 55

2,717 58

2,001 57

1,464 58

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies..........................

431 00

621 00

433 00

492 40
1,335 00

161 61

C h eck s a n d ca sh ite m s ....................

G old c o i n ...............................................

1,020 00

480 00

1,285 00

S ilv e r c o in ..............................................

650 75

1,917 95

400 50

860 00

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes___

2,725 00

3,039 00

4,950 00

8,050 00

8444,860 61

$450,403 76

$531,860 59

$515,961 35

C a p ita l sto c k p a id in ..................................

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d .................................................

917 78

2,030 59

2,030 59

2,030 59

U n d iv id e d p ro fits........................................

9,717 83

1,094 27

7,261 25

13,318 50

In d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to c h e ck .

60,500 52

60,414 49

107,212 63

68,555 78

C e rtific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................

95,321 25

93,233 73

94,342 51

100,995 93

228,403 23

243,496 68

271,013 61

281,060 55

$444,860 61

$450,403 76

$531,860 59

$515,961 35

T o ta ls.

L ia b ilitie s.

134 00

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ........................................

D a e to b a n k s an d b a n k e rs.......................
C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................
C a sh ier’s c h e c k s o u t s ta n d in g ............
S a v in g s d e p o s it s ..........................................
N o te s a n d b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 27.
O rganized A p r il 24,1883.

J no. W . K night , P residen t; O. F . H obart, Vice P residen t; Chas . M. Spinning , Cashier.
D irectors—A . H itch co c k , M. L. R aym ond , J. W . K n ig h t, O. F. H obart, J. E . C ad w ell, Geo. E.
O sborne, E. R obin son, W . S. C rafts, C has. M. Sp in n in g.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d is c o u n t s ..............................

$19,106 31

$58,775 46

853,070 74

$55,725 81

S to ck s, bon ds a nd m o r tg a g e s.............

26,901 86

<32,815 86

22,340 86

22,380 86

O v e r d r a fts...................................................

2,148 94

1,416 38

1,480 77

1,605 72

D ue fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ___

3,418 56

4,944 20

9,635 85

8,987 73

R esources.

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s a nd b a n k ers.

166 77

20 61

99 46

1,162 00

B a n k in g h o u s e ..........................................

3,600 00

3,600 00

3,600 00

3,600 00

3,200 00

1,200 00

38 05

264 44

652 28

28 90

126 56

224 15

1,226 70

1,097 11

1,627 81

134 51

101 63

94 04

472 50

567 50

563 50

F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r e s..........................
O th er r ea l e s t a te ......................................
C urren t e x p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ___

626 14

In te r e s t p a id ...............................................
E x c h a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u se ............
C h eck s an d c a sh ite m s . .......................

1,245 29

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies................................
G old c o in .....................................................

670 00

S ilv e r c o in ...................................................

1,095 11

410 95

221 70

170 75

U . S. and N a tio n a l han k n o tes...........

3,036 00

4,911 50

3,140 00

3,810 00

2,017 98

$101,995 62

8,916 62

$100,603 65

C apital sto ck paid i n ..................................

814,000 00

$44,000 00

$44,000 00

844,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d .................................................

6,010 39

5,966 75

5,966 75

5,566 75

U n d iv id e d profits.........................................

405 76

65 29

494 92

1,734 90

T o ta ls.
L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s u n p a id .........................................
In d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e ck .

13,023 05

13,823 64

13,965 08

15,081 86

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it..............................

27,078 78

34,639 94

34,519 87

34,220 14

1,500 00

3,500 00

$92,017 98

$101,995 62

3,946 62

8100,603 65

D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k e r s .....................
C ertified c h e c k s ............................................
C a sh ier’s c h eck s o u t s ta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..........................................
N o te s and b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 50.
O rganized O ctober 31, 1887.
C. T. H ills , P residen t; A . L. Carr , Vice President; E. D . R ichmond, Cashier;

W. N. Sayles , Assistant Cashier.

Directors—L. N . K ea tin g , A . L. Carr, D. J. M ath ew s, A . A . D u n ton , Jr„ E . D. R ich m on d ,
C. T. H ills, C. H. H a ck ley .

L oans and d is c o u n t s ____________________ _______
S to ck s Bonds and m o rtg a g es.
O v erd ra fts



Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$50,166 05

$46,911 63

851,807 53

45,855 97

41,905 63

2,712 87

Report of
J uly 12.

Report of
May 13.

R esou rces.

$49,445 49


46,932 22

47,032 22

_ __________

36 10

30 21

99 95

8,655 37

4,691 75

523 37

543 26

216 08

____________________ . . . . . . ___

4,178 67

4,178 67

4,178 67

4,178 67

F u rn itu r e and fix t u r e s ________________ - ___ - ___

2,554 73

2,554 73

2,554 73

2,554 73

382 18

382 18

4,079 27

471 83

1,503 56

11 25

1,646 16

3,593 35

L uc from h a n k s in reserv e c i t i e s _____________ ...
D u e from oth er h a n k s and han k ers
B a n k in g h ou se

O th er real e sta te

___________________ . . . . . .

C urren t e x p en ses and ta x e s p a id ____ . . . . . . . . . . . .
I n te r e st paid



3,033 81

682 18
36 05
3,899 73

95 54

308 43

2,027 96

1,330 05

24 03

28 36

40 39

30 38

220 00

10 00

_ ______ ____ ______ ___ __________

272 25

581 75

342 49

440 65

JT S and N a tio n a l han k n o t e s ___________ ______

2,906 00

1,721 00

1,834 00

4,222 00

$114,840 17

8116,120 80

8112,512 75

$117,242 41

_______________ _____ _____

870,000 00

$70,000 00

$70,000 00

870,000 00

___________ ________________ ______

4,644 76

4,644 76

4,644 76

4,644 76

4,054 60

830 48

4,167 23

6,592 90

In d iv id u a l d e p o s its s u b j e c t to c h e c k _____________

16,049 26

12,342 72

13,114 72

15,242 05

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s i t _______ . . . . . . _____________

13,706 10

18,206 80

11,695 85

12,764 75

C h eck s and ca sh ite m s
N ic k e ls and p en n ies
C o ld coin


___________ . . . . . . . . . . . . .
___________________ ___

S ilv er coin

T o ta ls



___________ ___ . . . _____ ____ ______

60 00

L ia b ilities.
C apital stock pa,id in
Su rp lus fu n d

XTnd i vi d ed profi t s

__________ ______- _____ _____

S a v in g s d ep o sits

T o ta ls

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

181 61

27 04

D u e to han k s and han k ers

_____ _____________ . . . . . . .

6,385 45

______________. . . . . . _____- _______

$114,840 17


10,069 00

8,890 19

7,816 34

$116,120 80

$112,512 75

$117,242 41



No. 11.
H A S T IN G S C IT Y B A N K , H A S T IN G S .
O rganized O ctober 26, 1886.
D . G. R obinson , P residen t; C. D . Beebe, Cashier.

D irectors—W m . H . P ow ers, C. D. B eeb e, N . A. F u lle r, D . G. R obin son, C hester M esser»
L. E. K nappen.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts .........................................................

$109,722 96

$108,250 06

$115,654 57

$156,525 79

S tock s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s................... ......................

6,513 00

7,153 00

8,170 25

8,520 25

2,714 95

8,088 84

21,817 05

7.487 12

539 10

539 10

559 10

559 10

1,016 03

171 70

757 07

1,311 03

1,024 00

757 59

4,267 54

1,965 09

510 CO

O verd rafts......................................................
D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c itie s ..................................
D ue fro m o th er ban k s an d b a n k e r s ............................
B a n k in g h o u se ............. .......................................
F u rn itu re and fix tu res....................................
O th er rea l e s t a t e .........................................................
C urren t exp en ses and ta x e s p a id ............................
I n te r e st p a id ....................................... ...................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ........................................
C hecks an d ca sh ite m s ....... ...............................
N ic k e ls a nd p en n ies.........................................

10 87

G old c o in ........................ ...................................
S ilv e r c o in .................................................
U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ......................................
T o ta ls ..................................... . ................

3,245 00

795 00

617 50

946 26

495 00

268 29

903 65

3,753 00

6,874 00

4,187 00

2,777 CO

$129,474 30

$133,135 16

$156,298 37

$180,559 03

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k paid in . ..................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$75,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ............................

1,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

U n d iv id e d p r o fits.................................

4,248 27

383 22

2,430 83

5,411 14

15 20

1,041 00

96 00

I n d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b ject to c h e c k ...........

26,900 85

23,480 24

62,277 49

51,215 78

C ertificates o f d ep o sit..................................

44,809 98

42,353 99

38,994 05

46,432 11

$156,298 37

$180,559 03

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ..... ...............................

D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k e rs................................

258 49

C ertified c h e c k s ....................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ...........................
S a v in g s d e p o s it s .........................................
N o te s and b ills r e-d is c o u n te d ...............................

2,000 00

13,118 22

$129,474 30

$133,135 16

B ills p a y a b le _____________ ______
T o ta ls ...............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 55.
O rganized Septem ber 19,1887.

J ames S. Galloway, P resident; A lyah B . Dickinson , Vice P resident; James K. Fisher , Cashier.
Directors—L. H . F resen d o rf, C. H. C hapm an, E li W e s tfa ll, Ira B. C ard, A . B. D ick en son ,
J a m es K. F ish er, J a s. S. G allow ay.

Report of
May 13.

R esources.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.


$85,000 03

$75,995 45

$75,301 31

$81,978 66

S to ck s, bonds a n d m o rtg a g es_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

28,039 69

30,065 19

30,047 19

27,832 61


488 50

229 50

210 23

261 28

D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c itie s .......................... .........

659 03

1,254 51

1,581 73

3,722 03

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 OO

217 90

517 90

128 44

128 50

5 50

10 84

L oans and d is c o u n ts............................ -

O verdrafts

L u o from of.Tiftr h a n k s and b a n k ers
L a n k in g h on so
E n rn itu re and fix tu res .......................... ..........................
O ther real e sta te
C urren t e x p en ses and ta x e s p a id _________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tnteresf paid



E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se
C hecks and cash ite m s
T ' i ip .' k p .l s n . n J




417 30

__ _


47 00

. _.

2 62


24 71
265 00

75 00

125 00

75 50

6,628 00

6,800 00

5,423 00

$122,857 16

8116,259 36

8114,490 80

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

250 00

250 00

1,914 66

187 99

813 90

460 00

300 00

300 00

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................

31,196 86

29,290 68

29,810 88

27,812 80

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it............. .................. .....................

39,745 64

34,717 28

33,122 69

43,570 00

1,353 41

193 33

423 83

$116,259 36

$114,490 80

8124,471 82

S ilv er coin
IT .

__ _______________ - ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

S- and N a tio n a l han k n o tes ........................ ............
T otals

. . ........... ..................... ............................... .. ..............

120 OO
8,400 00

L ia b ilitie s.
C apital sto c k p aid in ............... ...........................................................
S u rp lu s fu n d .......................- ...............................................
U n d iv id ed profits


D iv id en d s u n p a id _____ - ............ ..............- ......................

D ue to han ks and h an kers

.... ......................................

$50,000 00
250 OO
2,115 19

C ertified e h eck s
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g
S a v in g s dep osits
N o te s and h ills re-discou nted
L ills p a y a b le
T o ta ls ...............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$122,857 16



No. 78.
O rganized J u ly 30, 1884.

Chauncey F. Cook, President ; H enry S. W alsworth , Vice President ; F . H . Conklin , Cashier.
Directors—F. M. H a llo w a y , Jno. H. A rm stro n g, Jno. F. K in g, H e n r y S. Walsworth,
C h a u n cey F. Cook.

R eso u rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.... .......................................................

$163,610 19

$164,408 91

$170,507 35

$180,522 53

S tock s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s.............................. ..........

43,407 96

43,153 96

47,053 96

39,722 96

O v e r d r a fts ..............................................................................

475 38

1,223 62

1,125 95

1,705 06

D ue from b an k s in reserve c itie s ..................................

15,968 85

28,439 07

18,563 41

25,424 30

101 50

8,000 00

D ue from oth er ban k s and b a n k e r s ............................
B a n k in g h o u se ................. .....................................................
F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r e s ......................................................

3,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

413 94

762 86

948 22

1,450 79

438 12

1,065 25

450 92

415 94

59 81

27 80

30 40

9 08

6,600 00

7,583 50

4,207 50

6,482 50

O ther rea l e sta te ...................................................................
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ..................................
In te r est p a id ...........................................................................
E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se ........ ...............................
C hecks and c a sh it e m s ................................_....................
N ic k e ls and p e n n ie s...............................................
G old co in ................................. ...............................................
S ilv er co in ................................................................
U n ited S ta te s and N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ...... ..............
T o t a ls ............................................... ....................

1,606 35

270 05

124 70

1,099 25

13,458 00

10,274 00

5,815 00

11,380 00

$247,068 60

5259,208 03

$250,928 91

$278,212 41

L ia b ilitie s.
C apital sto c k paid i n ..........................................................

$60,000 00

$60,000 00

$60,000 00


Su rp lus f u n d ................................................................

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

U n d iv id ed p r o fits...........................................................

2,303 90

3,106 19

3,809 28

6,029 66

D iv id en d s u n p a id ................................ .......
In d iv id u a l dep osits su b ject to c h e c k .........................
C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it.............................................

71,895 43

74,307 25

62,572 97

47,117 69

103,869 27

112,794 58

115,546 66

120,159 91

D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k e r s.............................................
C ertified c h e c k s .......................................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .....................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits....................................................................

35,905 15

N o tes and b ills r e-d isco u n te d .........................................
B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
T o t a ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$247,068 60

$259,208 02

$350,928 91

5378,213 41



No. 56.
F IR S T ST A T E B A N K OF H O L L A N D , H O L L A N D .
O rganized D ecem b er 16, 1889.

I saac Cappon , President; J no. W. B eardslee, Vice President; Isaac Marsilje , Cashier.

Directors—Jno. W. B eard slee, Isa a c Cappon, P a u l S tec k e te e , G errit J . D iek em a, G errit J. K allen ,
Jno. C. P a st, G. W . M akina, J a n W . G arvelin k , Isa a c M arsilje.

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ............................
S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es...........
O v erd ra fts..................................................
D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s __
D u e fro m o th er ban k s a nd b an kers
B a n k in g b o u se .........................................
F u rn itu re and fix tu r es..........................
O th er rea l e s t a t e .....................................
C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ...
In terest p a id ..............................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .......... .
C hecks a n d ca sh ite m s .........................
N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies................................
G old c o in ....................................................
S ilv er c o in ...................................................
U . S. a n d N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ..........
T o ta ls ....................................................
L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in .................................
S u rp lu s fu n d ..................................... ..........
U n d iv id ed p r o fit s .................................... .
D iv id e n d s u n p a id .......................................
In d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to ch eck
C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit.............................. .
D u e to ban k s and b a n k e rs....................
C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d e p o s it s .........................................
N o tes a nd b ills re-d isco u n ted ..............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 80.

Report of
Dec. 11.



Yo. 24.
L A P E E R C O U N T Y B A N K , I M L A Y C IT Y .
O rganized J a n u a ry 26,1886.

Jno. Borland, P resident; W alter W alker, Vice President; Jno. B orland , J r ., Cashier;
W. J. A bbs, Ass't Cashier.
D irectors—J o h n B orlan d , J. E. Cooper, W a lte r W alk er, E d w ard E . P a lm e r, D. Y. Y erex, John
B orlan d , Jr.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d is c o u n ts ..........................................................

$78,612 52

$72,818 67

$80,383 27

879,713 76

S tock s, bonds a n d m o rtg a g es.........................................

12,739 33

10,346 13

17,125 01

14,346 44

O v e r d r a fts..............................................................................

230 55

256 50

363 95

2,624 26

D u e from ban k s in reserv e c itie s ..................... ............

4,805 49

25,479 18

20,915 28

22,698 64

R esources.

D ue from oth er ban ks a nd b a n k e r s .. . .......................

383 37

131 95

516 00

2,975 68

B a n k in g h o u s e ............. .......................................................

4,877 54

4,877 54

4,890 36

4,890 36

F u rn itu r e a n d fix tu r e s..................................................

1,877 54

1,877 54

1,877 54

1,877 54

C urrent ex p en ses a nd ta x e s paid ..................................

1,021 51

10 35

761 99

1,202 13

In te r est paid ................. ........................................................

163 19

1 21

75 44

1,383 46

C hecks a nd c a sh it e m s ....... ..............................................

2,089 93

2,498 51

486 44

1,407 55

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies......... .................................................

82 87

50 24

42 48

32 61

G old c o in ............................ ..............................................

245 00

210 00

S ilv er c o in ...............................................................................

872 00

1,172 00

930 00

729 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o tes......................................

6,229 00

6,212 00

6,455 00

5,149 00

T o ta ls...............................................................................

$114,229 84

$125,941 82

$134,822 76

8139,115 43

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

4,909 39

821 71

3,434 73

8,208 06

In d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................

58,030 31

72,365 44

77,651 73

77,273 51

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit......................................................

1,290 14

2,254 67

3,236 50

3,133 86

$114,229 84

$125,941 82

$134,822 96

$139,115 43

O ther r ea l e s t a te ................................................. ...............

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se .......................................

85 00

L ia b ilitie s.
C apital sto c k paid i n ............................ .............................
S u rp lus fu n d .......................................
U n d iv id ed profits.................................................................
D iv id en d s u n p aid ................................................................

D u e to ban k s an d b a n k e r s .............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u t s ta n d in g .......................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...................................................................
N o te s and b ills re-d isco u n te d ........................................
B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
T o ta ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 58.
I O N I A C O U N T Y S A V I N G S B A N K , IO N IA .
O rganized Janu ary 4, 1886.
H . R . W agab , P resident; L. B. Townsend, Vice P residen t; J osiah E. J ust, Cashier.

D irectors—L arm on B . T ow nsend , C h a u n cey J. R u m sey , N a th a n B. H a y e s, A . F . K elsey , Josiah E.
J u st, A lle n S. W r ig h t, L. N . O lm sted, H. R. W agar, F r a n k lin H . D oland .
Report of
May 18.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ........................................................

$125,716 72

$134,243 73

$136,330 68

$141,653 33

S tock s, bonds and m o rtg a g es.........................................

61,791 44

62,906 30

74,706 30

73,246 30

•O verdrafts..............................................................................

1,318 46

6,639 53

8,447 45

3,560 27

D u e fro m ban ks in reserv e c itie s .................................

25,044 94

32,949 51

15,339 55

29,731 17

D u e from o th er h a n k s a nd h a n k e rs............................

3,523 00

1,102 11

9,830 87

2,357 57

F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r e s......................................................

3,103 12

3,103 12

3,115 12

3,172 62

O ther rea l e s t a te ..................................................................

2,159 54

B a n k in g h o u se ___ ______________ _______ _______

C u rren t e x p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ................................

1,497 01

51 58

1,359 10

2,081 25

I n te r e s t p a id ............................ ............................................

2,275 25

539 19

1,380 01

2,262 51

1,489 85

4,856 13

13,185 40

21,136 85

4,383 00

795 70

E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u s e ......... .............................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................... ..................
N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ies........................................................ __
Gold c o in ................................................................................

1 69

80 00

6,423 78

5,500 00

S ilv e r c o in ...............................................................................

890 50

2,138 44

1,035 57

2,601 42

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l h a n k n o te s ................. . ..................

9,939 00

8,523 00

6,167 00

13,879 00

T o ta ls ................................................................................

$245,502 61

$263,554 33

$275,280 05

$296,557 99

C a p ita l sto ck paid in .........................................................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d .........................................................................

10,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

U n d iv id e d p ro fits. ..................... ......................................

6,910 20

415 51

3,419 42

5,638 32

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s u n p a id .................................................................
I n d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

50,818 93

57,615 33

45,083 13

65,595 58

C ertificates o f d ep o sit........................................................

117,972 80

119,948 15

146,519 20

139,724 36

D ue to b a n k s a nd b a n k e r s ..............................................

598 85

3,787 07

162 44

1,111 66

36,095 86

35,488 47


C ertified c h e c k s ..................................................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u ts ta n d in g .......................................
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..................................................................

29,171 83

36,758 27

N o tes and b ills re-d isco u n te d .......................................
5,000 00

B ills p a y a b le ........................................................................
T o ta ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$215,502 61

$262,554 33

$275,280 05

$296,558 39



No. 12.
T H E P E N I N S U L A B A N K , IS H P E M IN G -.
O rganized O ctober 27, 1887.
W m . Sedgwick , President; Ole W alsetii, Vice P residen t; A ubrey D. Garner , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s —H. H . M aldon, R . M a x w ell, E . E . Osborn, W illia m S ed g w ick , Ole W a lseth , Otto E ger,
Obas. H'. K irk w ood , D. M cV ick er, T im H ugh es.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts .......... .................................... ........

$59,262 83

881,483 19

$94,455 69

883,726 62

Stocks, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s ........ - ____ _________

21,471 12

10,268 27

10,252 97

17,942 00

O v e r d r a fts ...... ............................. ............................ ..........

760 89

567 74

69 32

244 35

16,698 54

19,949 86

20,017 68

32,400 23

D ue fro m b a n k s in reserve c itie s ............................ .

573 04

800 0 0

122 10

1,134 38

................................... _....................

15,589 17

15,589 17

15,589 17

15,589 17

F u rn itu re and fix tu r e s .......... .........................................

2,782 18

2,782 18

2,782 18

3,782 18

128 45

35 35

207 50

321 25

151 75

52 55

13 03

18 58

9 74

15,000 00

16,765 00

6,617 50

9,730 00

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a n d b a n k e rs...........................
'Ranking h o u se

o th e r real e sta te
C urrent ex p en ses and ta x e s paid
In te r est paid



8 10

- ____________

E x ch a n g es fo r c le a rin g h o u se . ___
C hecks and cash ite m s

_______ _ ____

N ic k e ls and p e n n ie s ..........................................................
G old coin

____________________________ ________

353 75

S ilv er co in __............... .......... - ........................................ .

1,618 00

1,623 35

1,081 25

1,950 70

U . S. and N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ......................................

3,500 00

5,848 00

3,156 00

1,571 00

$137,644 27

8156,026 39

$154,314 19

$167,442 22

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

.......... ...............................- ................

189 37

189 37

189 37

189 37

U n d iv id ed profits ........ ......................... ...........................

1,629 64

2 ,0 1 1 10

3,322 39

4,533 10

75,407 75

90,260 09

88,142 46

102,310 50

C ertificates o f d e p o s it .....................................- ..............

8,490 03

11,899 03

11,225 63

9,595 86

D ue to han k s and h a n k e r s .____________ _________

1,467 48

625 85

1,434 34

813 39-

$154,314 19

$167,442 33

T o ta ls

..................... ........................... ..................
L ia b ilities.

C apital sto ck paid in ~ .......................................................
Su rp lus fu n d

D iv id en d s unpaid


In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e ck




360 00

Certified chpeks

65 45

C ash ier's ch eck s o u tsta n d in g

100 00

975 50

$137,644 27

$156,026 39

S a v in g s dep osits
N ntes and h ills re-discou nted
D ills pa y a b le
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

________ - ______ _________________



No. 68.
J A C K S O N C IT Y B A N K , J A C K S O N .
O rganized Jan u a ry 1, 1865.

W. D. Thompson, P resident; R . H . Emekson, Vice P resident; Benjamin N ewkirk , Cashier;
G. R . Byrne , A ss't Cashier.

Directors—W m . M. T hom pson, G ilb ert R. B yrn e, B en ja m in N ew k irk, R u fu s H . E m erson,
W m . D. T hom pson.

Report oi
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

Tjortis n.Tid d is c o u n ts ........___ ..........................................

$425,281 60

8458,950 06

$468,122 52

$534,471 32

S to ck s bonds and m o r tg a g e s ____________ ____ __

161,000 00

161,000 00

161,000 00

161,000 00

................................ ..........................................

21,239 71

11,645 11

21,055 71

21,244 65

D ue from b an k s in reserve c itie s .................... ...........

55,147 54

69,985 54

80,863 37

33,477 07

D ne from oth er han k s a.nd h a n k e rs............................

1,576 41

3,031 37

2,830 14

493 84

B a n k in g h o u se ____________ ___________ -................

9.000 00

9.000 00

9.000 00

9.000 00

R esources.

Overd ra fts

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

1.000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u s e .........................._..........

3,071 58

2,222 74

4,123 28

4,900 39

C hecks a.nd cash ite m s ________________________

46 00

99 80

85 69

54 24

N ic k e ls and p e n n ie s ........................................................ .

54 07

190 12

102 39

95 25

12,292 50

9,617 CO

6,066 00

1,525 00

TTnrnitnre and fix tu res .............. ......................................
O ther read e sta te

.... .........................................................

C urren t exp en ses a.nd ta x e s paid
In terest paid

C old coin




_____ ______ _____ _________

S ilv er c o in ..............................................................................

1,213 45

2,697 10

2,315 50

1,104 75

T7, S. a.nd N a tio n a l han k n o te s ................................ .....

31,391 00

37,770 00

26,721 00

24,942 00

$740,313 86

$785,214 84

$801,285 60

8811,308 51

______________________ ___

$100,000 CO

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

Su rp lus fu n d ___ ______________________________

150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

150,000 00

_______________________ _

65,415 13

57,806 74

62,189 19

71,970 83

In d iv id u a l deposits, subject, to c h e c k ____________

265,166 51

311,162 86

331,232 63

317,236 96

Op/rfificates o f deposit ......................................................

159,565 45

166,245 24

157,669 97

171,072 62

193 81

1,028 10

$801,285 60

$811,308 51

T o ta ls

___ ______________________ __________

L ia b ilitie s.
C apital stock p aid in

U n d iv id ed profits

Du© £o han ks and h an kers
C ertified ch e ck s

_____ _______

166 77

___ ____- ________...

C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g


N o tes and b ills re-discou nted
B ills p a y a b le
T o ta ls

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

- _ ________________
___________________________ _

$740,313 86

8785,214 84



No. 14.
T H E U N IO N B A N K , JA C K SO N .
O rganized N ovem ber 1, 1883.

W m. H . W ithington, P residen t; 0. C. B loomfield, Vice P residen t ; E zra M. A ldrich , Cashier;
A . M. W alker , Ass't Cashier.
Directors—L. H . F ield , T hos. A . W ilso n , Z en as C. E ld red , A d d ison B. R obin son, D w ig h t S. S m ith ,
C has. C. B loom field, W m . H . W ith in g to n .

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 1 1 .

L oans an d d isc o u n ts..............................

8353,127 33

$374,443 70

$413,317 35

$357,643 98

S tock s, bonds an d m o rtg a g es.............

121,842 57

123,142 87

129,192 87

143,732 74

O v erd ra fts......................... , ........................

3,080 39

3,103 62

12,393 64

2,765 96

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ___

117,968 46

133,274 19

61,029 33

96,416 80

R esou rces.

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a n d b a n k ers.
B a n k in g h o u se......................................

1,455 00

3,610 17

28,000 00

28,000 00

28,000 00

28,000 00

F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r es...........................

2,518 63

2,518 63

2,518 63

2,518 63

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

2,490 44

2,466 94

2,492 19

C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ___

3,566 93

472 97

2,367 19

4,474 50

I n te r e st p a id ...............................................

615 54

192 99

411 18

5,456 59

8,538 62

344 72

E x ch a n g es fo r c le a r in g h o u se ............

753 90

398 45

C h e c k s a n d c a sh ite m s .. .....................

500 04

366 20

456 64

N ic k e ls an d p en n ies......... ......................

295 24

192 23

162 71

120 18

C o ld co in .......................................................

10,320 00

16,405 00

16,717 50

16,290 00

S ilv e r c o in ...................................................

2,935 60

3,893 00

991 50

1,647 30

U . S. and N a tio n a l ban k n o tes...........

13,376 00

24,539 00

8,381 00

9,007 00

$662,846 06

$717,018 96

56,513 71

8668,875 04

100,000 00

$ 100,000 00

T o ta ls ........................................................................... .
L ia b ilities.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in ..................................

100,000 00

8100,000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d .................................................

10,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

U n d iv id e d profits........................................

16,677 65

8,291 73

16,070 73

24,948 89

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k .

119,816 90

159,467 71

146,024 74

103,804 34

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit............ .................

72,066 27

73,828 08

84,970 93

106,624 50

D u e to banks a n d b a n k e rs.......................

6,607 10

13,461 57

7,491 22

7,096 40

337,678 14

350,969 87

320,956 09

315,400 91

$662,846 06

$717,018 96

6,513 71

8,875 04



D iv id e n d s u n p a id ........................................

C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .................
S a v in g s d e p o sits...........................................
N o tes and b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le...................................................
T o ta ls—
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 1.
O rganized J a n u a ry 12,1889.
C h a s . J . M o n r o e , P resident; H e n r y B r e e s , Vice President; R. J. W il l ia m s o n , Cashier;
F. G. D e w e y , Ass't Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —C. J. M onroe, H en ry B rees, T. P. Sh eld on, W m . G. K irby, Jno. M ack ey, G. C. B u rn h am ,
W m . J. K irby, A . C. W o r tle y , R. J. W illiam son .

R esources.

Report of
May 18.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n ts ..........................................................

$174,143 78

$168,768 08

$166,449 09

$200,389 64

S to ck s, bon d s an d m o r tg a g e s ......................................

183,414 36

185,270 02

192,590 93

209,115 52

85 55

174 31

35 69

61,779 08

52,871 21

56,925 12

O v erd ra fts.......................................................................
D ue from ban ks in reserve c itie s.................................
D ue fro m o th er ban ks and b a n k e rs...................
B a n k in g h o u s e .......................................................

38,862 20
4,000 00

4,913 90

4,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

16,000 00

16,000 U0

16,000 00

16,000 00

72 38

972 89

1,463 41

106 86

F u rn itu re and f ix t u r e s ................... ..................
O ther real e s t a te ............. .................................... ..
C urren t ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id ..............................

534 91

I n te r e s t p a id .............................. .............................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e .......................................
1,975 34

772 76

615 38

155 94

665 53

510 00

470 85

440 40

G old co in .................................................................................

6,195 00

4,145 00

8,422 50

8,517 50

S ilv er c o in ...... .................................................................

2,553 00

1,293 21

1,634 00

1,642 00

U . S, and N a tio n a l b an k n o tes.................................

23,627 00

24,765 00

26,524 00

19,690 00

$461,507 59

5479,275 49

$481,750 59

$523,018 67

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

14,000 00

18,000 00

1,555 95

5,562 34

9,888 56

3,127 36

C hecks a nd c a sh ite m s ............. .......................................
N ic k e ls and p en n ies.......................................

T o ta ls.................................................................................

L ia b ilities.
C ap ital stock paid i n . . . .....................................................
Su rp lus f u n d ............. ............................ .......................
U n d iv id ed profits...............................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id .................. .................................
In d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

35,946 84

36,747 78

37,010 32

48,231 22

C ertificates o f d e p o sit........ ......................................

32,548 00

34,596 22

34,819 86

35,604 93

D ue to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs.......................................

19,007 95

14,900 68

9,703 06

14,456 74

308,448 85

323,468 47

326,328 79

353,598 42

$461,507 59

$479,275 49

$481,750 59

$523,018 67

C ertified c h e c k s ................................................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ........................................
S a v in g s d e p o s its .................................................................
N o tes and b ills r e-d isco u n te d ......................................
B ills p a y a b le............................. ............................................
T o ta ls............ ...................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 41.
O rganized M ay 22, 1888.
H . R . W a g a r , P resident; E . E. W a g a b , Vice P residen t; W . J. P e r c iv a t , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —H. R . W a g a r , j?. L. W a g a r, O. E. W agar, E . E . W agar, N . W. P age.


Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$29,358 53

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ................... .................... .............. . .

$24,156 70

$29,530 91

$29,664 77

S tock s, bonds a n d m o rtg a g es.........................................

11,280 00

6,234 00

7,109 00

6,993 65

O v erd ra fts.............................. ...............................................

5,576 40

5,447 14

4,007 68

4,147 91

2,797 10

4,082 33

1,891 46

1,200 00

D ue fro m b a n k s in reserv e c it ie s ..- ............................

4,431 36

D ue from o th er ban ks and b a n k e rs............................

16 63

B a n k in g h o u se .....................................................................

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

F u rn itu r e and fix tu r e s ..................................... ...............

898 65

898 65

898 65

898 65

O ther r e a l e s t a te ................. ...................................... ........

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

C urren t ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id ................................

441 21

139 15

395 98

591 03

In te r est p a id .........................................................................

106 60

1 23

281 65

301 18

C heck a nd ca sh ite m s ......................................................

110 20

1,031 43

605 82

513 21

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ie s ..........................................................

40 62

21 67

29 74

57 42

500 00

15 00

50 00

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se .......................................

Gold c o in ............................................................................
S ilv er c o in ...............................................................................

430 15

888 40

304 35

318 45

U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ....................................

1,683 00

3,288 00

705 00

1,274 00

853,871 52

$55,477 68

$52,799 96

$50,995 49

825,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

1,523 10

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,51)0 00

678 70

525 42

1,005 61

1,315 89

7,822 78

11,634 15

12,461 03

10,608 01

18,847 94

16,406 67

12,806 06

11,968 32

211 44

27 26

583 27

$52,799 96

$50,975 49

T o ta ls ........................................................................

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in .................... ...............................
S u rp lu s fu n d .........................................................................
U n d iv id ed p ro fits..............................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id .................................................
I n d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e c k .........
C ertificates o f d ep o sit..................................
D u e to ban k s an d b a n k e r s .........................
C ertified c h e e k s ............................................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .........................
S a v in g s d ep osits........... ............ ....................

200 00

. .

N otes and b ills re-d isco u n te d ........................... ...
B ills p a y a b le ....................................
T o ta ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$53,871 52

$55,477 68



No. 85.
O rganized M ay 27, 1875.
O r l a n d o F . B a r n e s , P residen t; F r e d e r i c k T h o m a n , Vice P residen t; N e l s o n B r a d l e y , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —W m . H . H aze, A. T. D a v is, M rs. W . S. G eorge, F. T hom an , O rlando F . B arn es,
N elso n B rad ley.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ........... ..............................................

5466,501 56

$485,834 54

$536,679 34

$408,190 88-

S tock s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s........................................

9,500 00

9,500 00

9,500 00

147,374 17

O v erd ra fts............... - .................................. .........................

7,212 56

5,408 47

5,162 98

7,364 98

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s .................................

31,081 08

27,536 83

45,403 31

39,530 85'

D ue fro m oth er b a n k s a nd b a n k ers............................

1,990 00

818 10

9,321 73

7,282 08-

1,426 74

1,426 74

1,426 74

1,426 74

2,138 40

17 00

1,516 43

2,628 75

3,522 82


B a n k in g h o u s e .. .. ..............................•.............................
F u rn itu r e and f ix t u r e s ....................................................
Other rea l e s t a te ..........................................................
C urren t exp en ses and ta x e s p aid .................................
In te r est paid ..................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u se .......................................
C hecks and c a sh ite m s ....................................................

3,367 04

8,936 38

9,595 00

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ie s ..........................................................

823 53

967 96

877 43

857 64,

Gold c o in ........................................... ....................................

2,035 00

3,050 00

3,080 00

630 00

S ilv er c o in ................. ............................................................

1,090 80

1,839 50

3,621 00

1,295 45

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n otes......................................

9,362 00

10,077 00

6,674 00

5,503 00

T o ta ls ................................................................................

5536,528 71

$555,412 52

«632,857 96

$625,607 36

C apital sto ck paid i n ..........................................................

$64,000 00

$64,000 00

$64,000 00

«64,000 00

Su rp lus f u n d .......................................................................

40,000 00

45,000 00

45,000 00

45,000 00

U n d iv id ed profits................................................. ............

10,324 12

2,107 77

9,448 69

16,392 62

L ia b ilities.

D iv id en d s u n p a id ...............................................................
In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k .......................

134,190 01

93,233 44

156,925 60

136,307 02

C ertificates o f d ep o sit.......................................................

121,061 56

132,250 84

149,862 21

157,039 06

176,868 66

D u e to ban ks a nd b a n k ers. . .

275 22

C ertified c h e c k s _____
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .
S a v in g s d ep o sits...................................................................

141,877 80

186,167 98

181,968 97

N o tes a n d b ills re-d isco u n te d .......................................

16,800 00

16,652 49

25,652 49

8,000 00

16,000 00

5536,528 71

$555,412 52

R ills payab le
T o ta ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

14,000 00
16,000 00

$632,857 96

$625,607 36



No. 16.
O rganized N o v em b er 1, 1886.
H ir a m H . S m it h , P resident; J a s . M. T u r n e r , Vice P residen t; M a r q u is D . T o d d , CashierL . A d e l b e r t B a k e r , A ss't Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s —J a m es M. T urner, H en ry H u m p h rey , J. R . E ss e lsty n , H. H . S m ith , M. D. Todd A T.
D a v is, F. T hom an , H. A. F arran d , D. S. S m ith .

R eso u rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d is c o u n ts ..............................

$209,300 46

$237,058 08

197,902 74

$233,930 40

S to ck s, bon ds a n d m o r tg a g e s ............

20,716 84

22,851 84

23,151 84

21,951 84

O v e r d r a fts...................................................

889 60

4,523 34

26,440 52

2,405 12

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ___

9,511 68

10,475 41

12,821 89

14,536 88

7,286 87

4,987 12

D u e fro m o th er ban k s a nd b a n k ers.
¡B anking h o u s e .........................................
F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r e s ..........................

1,304 23

1,304 23

1,317 33

1,317 83

38 54

40 78

298 75

13 33

17,264 06

3,004 50

C h eck s a nd c a sh ite m s ..........................

24,941 22

7,792 59

4,577 42

1 95

N ic k e ls and p en n ies................................

30 05

60 76

44 48

34 51

•Other rea l e s t a t e ......................................
C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ___
I n te r e s t p a id .............................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u se ............

G old c o i n .....................................................

90 00

S ilv e r c o in ...................................................

819 65

455 00

1,929 75

291 50

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes...........

3,967 00

2,024 00

1,347 00

2,820 00

8271,609 27

$286,586 03

$294,382 65

$285,304 98

C a p ita l sto ck p a id in ..................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Su rp lus fu n d .................................................

13,000 DO

18,000 00

18,000 00

18,000 00

U n d iv id ed p ro fits........................................

2,348 01

345 55

1,428 92

4,156 54

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k .

40,597 89

41,125 15

39,124 43

25,418 66

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit...............................

13,721 78

13,939 08

13,294 16

19,861 10

T o ta ls .

10 00

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s u n p a id ........................................

D ue to b a n k s a n d b a n k e rs.......................

161 38

C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u t s ta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d e p o s its .........................................

110,941 59

131,943 12

139,535 14

143,868 68

N o te s a nd b ills r e -d is c o u n te d ...v ........

41,000 00

31,071 75

33,000 00

24,000 00

$371,609 27

$286,586 03

$294,382 65

8285,304 98

B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 46.
P E O P L E ’S S A V I N G S B A N K , L A N S I N G .
O rganized M ay 18, 1885.
W m . J . B e a l , P residen t ; N e l s o n B r a d l e y , Vice P residen t ; C. H . O s b a n d , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —J . S. M offett, A . A . W ilb u r, C. H . O sband, J o h n F ill, N elso n B rad ley, W m . J. B eal.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$50,276 85

852,976 83

847,220 48

850,594 45

13,581 00

13,584 00

13,068 00

13,466 00

O v erd ra fts..............................................................................

1,244 92

2,641 78

1,808 24

1,066 94

D u e from ban k s in reserv e c itie s.................................

9 94

1,078 83

4,511 42

871 85

D u e fro m oth er ban ks a nd b a n k e rs............................

183 20

82 20

727 69

302 40

1,144 91

1,144 91

1,144 91

1,151 91

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts .........................................................
Stock s, bonds and m o rtg a g es.................................—

B a n k in g h o u se.......................................................................
F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r es......................................................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e ................................. .......................
C urrent ex p en ses a nd ta x e s paid .................................

612 23

In te r est p aid .......................................................................

18 05

531 17

988 71

2C6 03

372 76

594 54

210 16

E x ch a n g es fo r c le a rin g h o u se .......................................
C hecks an d c a sh ite m s ......................................................

439 35

211 30

562 08

N ic k e ls aDd p en n ies...........................................................

46 26

134 50

40 31

12 61

G old co in ...............................................................................

213 50

118 50

236 00

245 00

S ilv er c o in ..............................................................................

202 25

201 56

188 90

151 00

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o te s .....................................

403 00

110 00

366 00

518 00

T o ta ls ................................................................................

868,360 41

872,508 49

$70,777 96

$70,173 57

C a p ita l sto ck p aid in .........................................................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Su rp lus f u n d .........................................................................

3,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

U n d iv id ed profits................................................................

1,421 95

552 69

1,644 40

2,813 42

L ia b ilities.

D iv id en d s u n p a id ...............................................................
I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................

16,525 10

7,687 72

8,714 24

8,600 50

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit......................................................

19,701 25

19,843 96

20,818 58

19,770 69

D u e to ban ks and b a n k e rs.......... ........ ......... .................

12 11

356 49

14 11

C ertified c h e c k s .......... ......................... _.............................
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u t s ta n d in g .............................. ........
S a v in g s dep osits....................................... . . . ......................
N o tes a nd b ills re-d isco u n te d ___________ _____ ___

10,167 63
2,700 00

4,900 00

$68,360 41

$72,508 49

10,600 74

7,974 85
2,000 00

B ills p a y a b le ......................................... _.............................
T o ta ls ........ ........................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$72,777 96

$70,173 57



No. 8.
P E O P L E ’S B A N K , L E S L I E .
O rganized D ecem b er 24,1886.
M . E. R u m s e y , P resident; W m . H a y n e s , Vice President; W . W . P ie r s o n , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —Jo h n B. D a k in , A . R. L. C overt, A . J. W ilso n , M. E . R u m sey, W m . H ayn es, J. J.
T u ttle , S. O. R u ssell.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dee. 11.

L o a n s a nd d is c o u n ts ..........................................................

$81,615 45

$79,812 37

$80,315 64

$79,148 05

S to ck s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s .......................- ..............

686 00

686 00

686 00

686 00

O v erd ra fts..............................................................................

1,354 16

165 46

1,148 47

947 65

D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c i t i e s ................................

993 65

35 69

8,406 23

9,059 17

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s an d b a n k e r s __________ _

531 75

25$ 60

B a n k in g h o u se .................................................................

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,000 00

4,500 00

F u r n itu r e a n d f ix t u r e s .....................................................

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,500 00

1,000 00

680 17

32 32

359 87

758 27

C h eck s a nd c a sh ite m s .....................................................

81 00

152 00

334 55

25 00

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ie s ...........................................................

14 14

9 59

G old c o in .................................................................................

650 00

1,350 00

1,000 00

2,750 00

R esou rces.

1,886 53

O ther r ea l e s t a te ..................................................................
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ............................ .

130 00

In te r e s t p a id ......... ................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .......................................

12 43

S ilv e r c o in ...............................................................................

320 00

400 00

127 00

230 00

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ....................... ..............

2,118 00

6,298 00

1,137 00

2,560 00

T o ta ls.................................. .............................................

$94,433 32

$94,695 03

$99,064 76

$103,693 10

C a p ita l sto c k p aid i n ........................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

850,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d .........................................................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

U n d iv id e d p ro fits............... ................................................

2,650 30

289 84

1,491 76

3,012 01

D iv id en d s u n paid...............................................................

300 00

1,265 00

625 00

295 00

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

19,558 09

19,309 22

22,339 45

24,518 55

C ertifica tes of d e p o sit........................................................

11,900 19

11,699 68

14,608 55

15,867 54

D u e to b a n k s and b a n k e rs....................................... .......

24 84

131 29

899,064 76

$103,693 10

L ia b ilitie s.

C ertified c h e c k s ..................... .............................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .......................................
S a v in g s d e p o s it s .............................. ....................... ..........
2,000 00

N o te s a n d b ills r e -d is c o u n te d ........................................
B ills p a y a b le ........................................................................
T o ta ls ...............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$94,433 32

$94,695 03



No. 88.
P E O P L E ’S B A N K , M A N C H E S T E R .
O rganized J u ly 18, 1871.
L. D. W a t k in s , P resident; J . D . C o r e y , Vice P resident; C. W . C a s e , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —S id n ey W . C larkson, L. D . W a tk in s, J a n e K in gsley, F . V a le n tin e, A . F. F reem an,
F ra n k Sp afard, J . D. C orey.

Report of
May 13.

R esources.

L oans a ml d is c o u n t s ...... ............................. ........ ...........
Sto ck s bonds find movtgagfts

$86,317 85

Report of
July 13.

Report of
Sept. 30.

$103,837 73

$93,595 47

Report of
Dec. 11.

585,808 30


O verdrafts _ _ ________________________ _________

1,336 66

1,845 14

8,651 13

7,314 91

D ne from h a n k s in reserv e c it ie s .................................

3,173 71

8,494 53

3,477 96

12,081 84

O ne from o th er han ks and h a n k e rs______________

1,713 65

1,445 33

683 33

62 12

R anking h ou se

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

'Fourniture and fixtu res ......................................... ...........

1,607 13

1,607 13

1,607 13

1,607 13

O ther real e s t a te ........... ............................... ....................

6,500 00

6,500 00

6,500 00

6,500 00

336 47

33 00

136 83

622 20


•Current e x p e n ses and ta x e s paid.......... .................. .
Tnferest paid

________ __________________

E x ch a n g es fo r c le a rin g h o u se _________ ______ ___
C hecks and cash item s

__________ ____ _________

N ic k e ls and p en n ies___ _____ _____ ______________
Gold coin

.......................... .............................................

7 14

11 89

7 33

8 34

300 00

150 00

330 00

127 50

S ilv er coin _ ______ _____ ________________ _______

534 90

633 45

330 40

436 (X)

U . S. and N a tio n a l b a n k n o tes......................................

5,433 00

6,710 00

1,364 00

2,635 00

$113,138 51

5136,346 18

$131,353 56

$123,203 34

$50,000 00

T o ta ls

........................ ........................................ ...........
L ia b ilities.

550,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00


4,606 30

4,971 40

4,971 40

2,488 28

U n d iv id ed p rofits........................ .....................................-

1,446 43

417 65

1,823 70

3,055 83

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ...... ..................

31,119 66

36,683 39

35,190 96

23,106 85

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit_____ ______________ ______

34,384 39

53,787 06

39,377 50

44,552 43

581 83

387 78

$113,138 51

$136,346 18

$121,363 56

$133,303 84

C ap ital stock paid in .........................................................
Su rp lus fu n d _

D iv id en d s unpaid

D ue to han k s and han kers
C ertified c h eck s


C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g
S a v in g s deposits
N o tes a nd h ills re-discou nted
B ills payab le

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

__________________ _____ . . . . . .



No. 21.
O rganized M ay 16, 1889.
W m , H . H i l l , President; J n o . D . M e r s e r e a u , Vice P residen t ; F . W . M c K in n e y , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —F red. W . M cK in n ey, A b ija h W esto n , W m . H . H ill, M artin H. Q uick, Jno. D. M ersereau.

Report of
July 12.

R esources.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts...................................................................................

$36,648 21

$71,478 90

$52,602 79

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s..................................................................

662 83

866 87

14,533 85

O v e r d r a fts ............. ................................

468 60

1,282 33

3,784 75

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c i t i e s ............................................ ...........

41,488 20

18,735 70

6,099 88

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a nd ban k ers............................ .........................

1,100 00

3,561 17

8,737 07

256 85

367 85

1,098 19

1,308 88

1,753 71

2,317 40

C hecks a nd c a sh ite m s................................................................................

1,230 14

665 11

585 71

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ie s ........ ...........................................................................

94 54

259 95

231 38-

............................ .........

B a n k in g h o u se ................................ ................ .............................................
F u rn itu r e a n d fix tu r es................................................................ ..............
O ther r ea l e s ta te ..........................................................................................
C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ..........................................................
In te r est p a id ...... ...........................................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u se ............... .................................. .............

G old c o in ................................ ......................


50 00


1,023 50

1,014 30

1,520 84

U . S. and N a tio n a l han k n o tes ............................ .................................

6,725 00

4,934 00

8,480 00


$91,056 75

$104,919 89

$99,041 86


$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

1,211 08

3,449 18

7,391 39

33,234 85

45,576 25

33,095 51

5,604 80

7,760 95

S ilv er c o in ................. ........................................

T o ta ls..................................................................

50 00

L ia b ilities.
C ap ital sto ck paid in .....................................

Su rp lus fu n d ...................................................................................................
U n d iv id ed profits...........................................................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id .......................... ...............................................................
In d iv id u a l d ep o sits su b ject to c h e c k ............................................... .
C ertificates o f d e p o s it...........................................


D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k e rs.............. ........................................................

4,213 55

289 66

C ertified c h e c k s................. ............................................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ..................................................

2,397 27

794 01

S a v in g s d e p o sits............................................................
N o tes an d b ills re-d isco u n te d ...................................................
B ills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o ta ls .................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$91,056 75

$104,919 89

$99,041 86




No. 22.
O rganized J u n e 7, 1886.
M . D. C h a t t e r t o n , P resident; L. C. W e b b , Vice President ; J . M. D r e s s e r , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —J. M. D resser, J. C. C annon, Jno. B. D w in e ll, H arper R eed , D . P . W h itm o r e, Geo. W .
B risto l, H . M . W illia m s, L ew is C. W ebb, M ason D . C hatterton .

R eso u rces.

L oans a n d d is c o u n ts ........ ........ .......... __.................... .
S to ck s, bon d s a n d m o r tg a g e s .......................................
O v e r d r a fts ................................................................
D u e fro m b a n k s in r eserv e c itie s ....... .........................

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$133,863 44

$150,025 46

$147,683 71

$145,599 97

16,130 00

16,960 16

20,228 00

16,028 33

671 07

233 96

347 26

12 51

10,012 04

11,965 48

13,332 99

14,263 53

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s a n d b a n k e rs............................

315 00

B a n k in g h o u s e .....................................................................
F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r e s ............... ......................................

1,300 00

1,300 00

33 44

41 70

C hecks a n d c a sh ite m s ......................................................

21 46

1,014 62

278 90

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ies......... ............... ................................

82 63

63 46

53 23

37 48

G old co in _____ __________________________________

3,162 50

2,865 00

1,785 00

1,605 00

1,300 00

1,300 00

O th er r ea l e s t a te ............................................................ .
C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ..................... ..........

690 40

In te r e st p a i d .........................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u se ........................................
1,230 86

S ilv e r c o in ...............................................................................

283 90

781 35

1,426 85

1,485 40

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes ...................................

5,662 00

5,093 00

1,416 00

6,377 00

T o ta ls ............................ ..................................................

$170,212 48

$190,344 19

$188,166 94

$188,630 48

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

8,882 48

6,127 94

7,587 29

10,412 00

53,773 99

55,205 91

52,377 73

44,998 55

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k p a id i n . . ......................................... ............
S u rp lu s fu n d ........................ ................................................
U n d iv id ed p rofits................................................... ............
D iv id en d s u n p a id ..............................................................
In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........ ................
C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit............................................. ........

28,451 47

40,405 80

42,822 31

f 46,219 93

4,104 54

13,104 54

9,879 61

11,500 00

$170,212 48

$190,344 19

$188,166 94

$188,630 48

D ue to b a n k s a nd b a n k e r s .............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ........................................... ............... .......
C a sh ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ..................................
S a v in g s d e p o s its ________________________________
N o te s a nd b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ___________________
B ills p a y a b le ..................... ....................................................
T otals

____________ _________________________

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. —.
M ID L A N D C O U N T Y SA V IN G -S B A N K , M ID L A N D .
O rganized Septem ber 10, 1886.
W i l l ia m P a t r i c k ,^President ; M a x A n d e r s o n , Vice President ; M il t o n P . A n d e r s o n , Treasurer.
D ir e c t o r s —George P eck , W m . P a trick , M ax A nderson , M . P . A n d erson , G eorge R ich n ell,
W m . R iardon, W . D. M arsh.

Report of
May 13.

R eso u rces.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d isco u n ts_____________________________

$27,511 IS

$33,397 89

$37,069 24

$36,609 12

Stacks., honds and m o r tg a g e s______ ___ ______ ____

7,316 66

6,601 66

9,800 47

11,250 47

951 42

1,150 59

O verdrafts

- - ____________________ -----

]f)no from h a n k s in reserv e c itie s _____ __________

1,039 88

395 88

2,768 22

1,650 24


1,875 46

2,128 72

1,514 93

1,272 27

862 00

862 00

862 00

862 00

O nrrent ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id _____- ......... ..........

170 77

83 75

406 00

668 00

In te r e st p aid

152 08

833 08

frn m

o th er h a n k s a.nd h a n k e rs............................

B a n k in g hm ise




F u rn itu r e and fix tu r e s _______________ ____ - _____
o th e r real e sta te



____ ___________________

___ ____________________

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se
2,150 82

1,566 78

282 49


10 05

10 02


16 81

_________ ____ ______________________

213 00

362 00

162 50

400 00

C h eck s a,nd c a sh ite m s
"Nickels and p e n n ie s ____
G old coin

65 00

216 00

96 78

166 00

U n ited S ta te s a nd N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ....................

2,216 17

2,200 00

1,424 00

2,770 00

T o t a ls _______________________________ _____ ___

$43,583 07

$47,824 70

855,338 93

$57,648 58

$25,000 00

S ilv er c o i n _______ __ _______ ____ _


L ia b ilitie s.
. $10,000 00

$15,000 00

825,000 00

Su rp lus fu n d _____________________________________

400 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

U n d iv id ed p r o fits________________________________

866 70

282 74

1,088 51

1,620 89

In d iv id u a l dep osits su b je c t to c h e c k _____________

10,303 89

7,933 75

11,692 54

11,565 65

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it............. ........ _..............................

10,350 95

9,474 34

8,166 28

8,582 05

S a v in g s d e p o s it s _________________ _____ _________

8,661 53

8,500 00

8,891 60

10,379 99

N o te s and h ills re-d isco n n ted

3,000 00

6,000 00

$43,583 05

$47,824 17

855,338 93

857,648 58

C ap ital sto c k paid i n ____________________________

133 34

d iv id e n d s un p aid

O ne to h a n k s and ha/nkers
C ertified c h e c k s ___________ _____________________ ..
O ashier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g

B ills payH,hie
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




________________ _________________



No. 13.
S T A T E B A N K O F M ID L A N D , M ID L A N D .
O rganized Sep tem b er 1, 1883.
M. P . A n d e r s o n , President ; M a x A n d e r s o n , Vice President ; W » . D . M a r s h , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —W . P a trick , W . D . M arsb, M ax A nderson , C has. B row n, W . R iardon, M. P . A n d erson .

R eport of
M a y 13.

R eport of
J u l y 13.

R eport o f
S e p t. 30.

$ 1 1 1 ,9 3 5 48

$ 1 0 7 ,1 6 6 15

$ 1 0 6 ,2 5 8 90

O v erd ra fts...................................................

1 ,4 3 6 25

435 67

3 7 9 60

D u e from b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ___

5 3 8 96

78 3 3

2 ,3 2 7 84

2 0 0 73

D u e fro m o th er ban k s a nd b a n k e rs.

1 ,3 5 6 47

1 ,0 8 9 74

256 96

3 ,3 1 8 1 0

B a n k in g h o u se...........................................

3 ,0 0 0 00

3 ,0 0 0 0 0

3 ,0 0 0 00

F u rn itu re an d fix tu r es...........................

1 ,5 5 0 66

1 ,5 5 0 66

1 ,5 5 0 66

R esources.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ..............................
S tock s, bonds and m o rtg a g es..............

9 7 ,6 8 9 35
3 ,0 0 0 00

O th er r ea l e s t a t e ................................. ..
C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ___

R eport o f
D e c . 11.

1 ,3 2 5 43

1 ,5 5 0 6 6
3 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 1 1 98

2 0 9 92

703 5 5

C h eck s an d c a sh ite m s..........................

703 00

1 ,3 5 9 06

1 ,0 8 3 49

N ic k e ls a nd p en n ies................................

77 0 0

81 20

8 2 49

6 19

G old c o i n .....................................................

900 00

5 0 0 00

1 6 5 00

7 5 00

1 ,3 1 5 79

I n te r e s t p a i d .............................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ............

677 64
5 4 12

S ilv e r c o in ..................... .............................

1 6 3 50

300 00

125 50

4 9 60

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ...........

3 ,6 8 3 00

1 ,8 0 0 0 0

1 ,2 6 8 00

1,200 00

$ 1 2 6 ,2 5 5 3 0

$ 1 1 7 ,5 7 0 6 3

$ 1 1 7 ,2 0 1 99

$ 1 1 3 ,3 6 2 61

C a p ita l sto ck paid i n . . ..............................

$ 5 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 5 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 5 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

5 0 ,0 0 0 0 0

S u rp lu s f u n d .................................................

4 ,5 0 0 00

5 ,0 0 0 0 0

5 ,0 0 0 00

5 ,0 0 0 00

U n d iv id e d profits.........................................

3 ,2 0 0 39

1 ,0 5 3 55

2 ,8 9 2 61

4 ,1 5 9 79

D iv id en d s u n p a id ........................................

2 4 0 00

1,200 00

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k .

2 9 ,4 1 4 5 2

1 9 ,1 4 4 26

1 9 ,6 3 7 71

2 0 ,2 7 4 2 5

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit..............................

2 2 ,1 5 9 37

2 0 ,7 3 3 29

2 0 ,9 9 6 08

1 2 ,8 0 6 83

D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k e rs......................

2 ,9 5 6 96

3 ,7 6 5 09

9 2 5 01

1 ,0 0 7 93

1 3 ,7 8 4 06

16 ,6 7 4 44

1 7 ,7 5 0 58

2 0 ,1 1 3 81

$ 1 2 6 ,2 5 5 30

$ 1 1 7 ,5 7 0 6 3

$ 1 1 7 ,2 0 1 9 9

$ 1 1 3 ,3 6 2 6 1

T o ta ls .
L ia b ilities.

C ertified c h e c k s ............................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u t s ta n d in g ................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...........................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ................
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 77.
F A R M E R S A N D M E R C H A N T S ’ B A N K O F M IL A N ,
M IL A N .
O rganized D ecem b er 31,1889.
M e l l B a r n e s , P resident; W . H . W h i t m a r s h , Vice P resident; T. W . B a r n e s , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —W - H . W h itm a r sh , C. H. W ilso n , M ell B arn es, W m . C .’R e ev e s, T. W . B arn es.
Report of
May 13.

R esources.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
July 12.

L oans a,nd disc,m ints _ ___ _________ ____ ________
S tock s, bonds a nd m o r t g a g e s ___________________
O v erd ra fts

_ _____

_______________ ____

O ne from h a n k s in reserv e c itie s
O ne from o th er h a n k s and h a n k e r s ...........................
B a n k in g h o u se _____________ ________ ____ _____
F u rn itu re and fix tu r es

_____ __________________

O th er rea l e s t a t e ............. ...................................................
O nrrent exp en ses and ta x e s p a id _______________
In te r est p a i d ...................................................... ................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ___________________
C hecks a nd c a sh ite m s ______________ ____ _______
N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ies_________________________ ____
G old c o in ______________________ _________________
S ilv e r c o in ......................... ............................................ .........
U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ................... _................
T o ta ls

.......................................... .................................

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck p aid in ____________________________
Su rp lus fu n d ____________________________________
U n d iv id e d p ro fits................................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ____________ _________ ___ . . . ___
I n d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................
C ertificates o f d e p o s it ......................................................
D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k ers


C ertified c h e c k s ....................................................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ___________________
S a v in g s d e p o s it s .............................. .................................
N o te s a nd b ills r e -d isc o u n te d .......................................
B ills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T otals.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Report of
Dec. 11.



No. 88.
M IL F O R D ST A T E B A N K , M IL F O R D .
O rganized O ctober 23, 1886.
A . C. O r v i s , P resident; J n o . W i l h e l m , Vice President; S. H . W i l h e l m Cashier;
A . D . W e b b , Ass't Cashier.
D i r e Ct o r S - J . W . B egole, Jno. C arter, J n o . W ilh e lm , A . C. Orvis, S. S. W ilb e lm . Jas. H . C u m m in s,
S. H . W ilh elm .

R esources.

L oans a nd d is c o u n t s ..............................

Report of
May 13.

R e p o r t of
J u l y 12.

R eport of
S e p t. 3 0 .

R eport of
D e c . 11.

$144,806 96

$ 1 5 0 ,5 4 7 8 0

$153,741 18

$161,692 53

S to ck s, bon d s a n d m o rtg a g es.............
O v erd ra fts...................................................

2,777 11

3,294 39

2,606 49

1,756 27

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s —

10,341 07

16,359 36

5,118 98

9,385 21

2.500 00

2.500 00

2.500 CO

2.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

1.500 00

849 11

102 07

682 66

1,071 08

C h eck s a n d c a sh ite m s ..........................

1,656 43

1,247 79

809 25

1,453 54

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ies................................

61 27

34 86

22 97

36 77

O old co in ......................................................

3,072 50

2,602 50

1,325 00

1,077 50

S ilv e r c o in ...................................................

1,237 00

1,410 70

18 35

38 55

U . S, an d N a tio n a l b a n k n o tes...........

9,011 00

9,030 00

4,732 00

4,006 00

$177,812 45

6188,629 47

8 1 7 3 ,0 5 6 88

$ 1 8 4 ,5 1 7 4 5

C a p ita l stock p aid in ..................................

$50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

Su rp lus f u n d ..........- .....................................

2,500 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

U n d iv id e d profits.........................................

1,075 37

311 12

1,816 55

2,932 49

452 00

40 00

40 00

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s and b a n k ers.
B a n k in g h o u s e ..........................................
F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es..........................
O ther rea l e s t a te ......................................
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p aid . . .
In te r e s t p a id ...............................................
E x c h a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u se ..........

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s u n p a id .........................................
I n d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e c k .

41,394 21

43,276 25

36,656 59

40,097 19

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit..............................

64,268 69

73,962 08

59,703 78

57,647 65

D u e to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs.......................

2,574 18

50 00

50 00

1,393 60

N o tes a nd b ills re-d isco u n te d ...............

14,000 00

15,578 02

19,789 96

27,406 52

B ills p a y a b le..................................................

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,OCO 00

2,000 00

$177,812 45

$188,629 47

$173,056 88

$184,517 45

C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...........................................

T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 51.
' O rganized M ay 30, 1877.
O l iv e r C h a p a t o n , P resident; J o h n O t t o , Vice P resident; G e o . A . S k i n n e r , Cashier;
D ir e c t o r s —A . G reiner, F . G. K en d rick , W m . J. U llr ic h , C has. D. C ritten d en , T. L u n gersh au sen ,
J n o. R ask app, Jno. O tto, O liver C hapaton.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 1 1 .

L oans a nd d isc o u n ts...............................

$281,389 94

$251,112 31

$260,608 47

$274,822 79

S to ck s, bon ds a n d m o rtg a g es.............

83,692 00

81,002 21

80,018 00



255 03

841 36

699 69

982 77

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ___

32,576 58

53,415 17

46,656 15

35,466 11

B a n k in g h o u se...........................................

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

F u rn itu re and fix tu r es...........................

3,400 00

3,400 00

3,400 00

3,400 00

R eso u rces.

O v e r d r a fts-.........................................

D u e from o th er h a n k s a n d h a n k e r s.

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ___

1,159 23

I n te r e st p a id ...............................................

83 55

753 54

1,357 45

149 13

3,094 90

4,476 36

669 46

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u se ............
C hecks a n d c a sh ite m s ..........................

422 26

509 17

1,383 29

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ies................................

30 71

22 70

77 77

67 77

G old co in ......................................................

1,500 00

5,535 00

11,975 00

16,375 00

1,760 00

504 00

1,655 00

26,973 00

35,568 00

28,157 00

19,683 00

8441,798 75

$443,398 60

8447,327 81

8459,319 51

C a p ita l sto c k paid in ..................................

850,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

S u rp lu s f u n d .................................................

10 ,C00 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

U n d iv id e d profits.........................................

39,985 70

37,136 22

41,586 09

46,544 39

S ilv e r c o in ...................................................
U . S. an d N a tio n a l h an k n o tes...........
T o ta ls .

1,400 00

L ia b ilitie s.

660 00

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ........................................
I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k .

66,074 95

58,036 27

69,072 00

52,139 52

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit..............................

183,978 63

189,908 29

178,592 72

199,950 32

91,759 47

97,657 82

98,077 00

100,685 28

8441,798 75

$443,398 60

$447,327 81

$459,319 51

D u e to banks a n d h a n k e rs.......................
C ertified c h e c k s...........................................
C a sh ier’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g .................
S a v in g s d e p o sits......................................... .
N o te s an d b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le.....................—.......................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 70.
O rganized F eb ru a ry 20,1885.
A . W . W r i g h t , P resident; W . T. K n o w l t o n , Vice President ; J o h n A . H a r r is , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —M. D ev erea u x , W illia m N. B row n, J. H . H an ce, W . T. K n ow lton , A . W . W rig h t.

Report of
May 13.

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n t s _______ __________ . ____ ____
Stock s, honds and m o rtg a g es
O verdrafts

#$161,781 99

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

8148,423 52

$141,585 17

8130,071 48

719 57

338 02

267 62

183 33

1,520 70

9,891 10

2,652 65

56 97

178 00

209 28

2,339 95

2,339 95

2,339 95

2,339 95

1,429 24

2,068 99

2,907 62

3,633 35

765 35

2,604 66

2,817 22

3,323 30


439 00

229 62

175 74

230 44

__ _______________ ____ ____

50 18

53 03

56 00

42 50

300 00

462 50

___ ____

___________ ____ _________

D ue from han k s in reserve c i t i e s _______________
D ue from o th er h a n k s and h a n k e r s ...... ...................
"Ranking h o u se

Report of
July 12.

.................... ............... ....................

F u rn itu re and fix tu r es


O th er real e sta te _____________________ - ___ _____
O nrrent e x p en ses and ta x e s p a id _______________
I n te r e st p a id ____________________________________
F x c h a n g e s fo r cleaning h o u se ............................ ..........
C h eck s and cash ite m s
N ic k e ls and p en n ies
C old co in


__________________________ ____ - ........

S ilv e r c o in ______________________ ___________ ____

793 03

500 00

195 00

471 00

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s __________ ____ ____

7,179 00

6,093 00

2,389 00

1,692 00

T o ta ls _______________________________________

$180,021 01

8172,719 89

$155,895 25

$142,506 82

$50,000 00

L ia b ilitie s.
C apital sto ck paid i n ____________________ ________
Su rp lus fu n d

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00


13,500 00

13,500 00

13,500 00

13,500 00

_____________________ ______

4,161 76

7,860 15

9,782 32

11,601 51


U nd ivid ed profits

D iv id en d s u n p aid . _ ______________ ____ _________ _
T ndividual d ep osits, subject, to c h e ck ____________

38,466 96

31,624 26

20,282 18

12,160 73

C ertificates o f d ep o sit___________________________

29,051 62 •

27,271 25

27,482 92

23,720 02

D u e to h a n k s and h a n k e rs_______________________

98 15

1,469 15

C ertified c h e c k s _____- .................... ............ ......................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ________ ____ ______
S a v in g s d e p o s its _______________________ ____ ____
N o tes a nd b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ________ ____ ______

44,742 52

42,464 23

34,847 83

30,055 41

$180,021 01

$172,719 89

$155,895 25

$142,506 82

B ills p a y a b le ____________________________________
T o t a l s ______________________ - - - - - - ......... ............
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 74.
P E O P L E ’S S A V I N G S B A N K , M O U N T P L E A S A N T .
O rganized A p r il 11, 1888.
A n s e l T y l e r , President; H e n r y D tjttm an , Vice P residen t ; J o h n F . R y a n , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —J. A . C row ley, W m . N . B row n, F rank M cN am ara, F r a n k A . Sw een ey, H e n r y D iittm a n ,
A n sel T y ler, A m a sa R u st.

R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...................................
S tock s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s ................................
O v erd ra fts.....................................................................
D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c itie s .....................
D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a nd b a n k ers....................

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

812,523 07

$13,034 02

$11,815 02

$10,068 37

42,383 13

51,088 26

54.706 77

58,978 51

DO 82

195 27

245 89

103 67

1,741 86

3,965 57

5,957 76

1,263 32

22,377 92

19,055 47

16.707 85

9,217 20

302 27

302 27

302 27

315 47

2,445 19

1,344 17

2,149 79

2,775 20

22 76

830 21

B a n k in g h o u s e ......................................................
F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu res ......................................
O ther r ea l e s ta te .....................................................
C urren t e x p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id .................................
In te r est paid...............................................................

56 55

E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u se.............................
C hecks a nd ca sh it e m s ......................................

263 84
3,659 35

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ie s ...............................................
Gold c o in ........................................................
S ilv er c o in ........................................................
U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o tes...............................
T o ta ls ....................................................

50 00

1,254 29

837 21

1,378 71

15 36

13 70

21 25

42 50

40 00

355 00

59 92

216 75

35 00

176 48

1,646 00

2,096 00

1,468 00

1,651 00

887,355 08

$92,192 85

895,107 36

$87,009 97

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

1,391 68

98 85

1,271 96

3,538 11

3,679 66

10,383 24

14,138 44

7,597 88

32,283 74

31,210 76

29,196 96

25,373 98

887,355 08

$92,192 85

$95,107 36

$87,009 97

L ia b ilities.
C ap ital sto ck paid in ......................................................
S u rp lu s fu n d .......................................................................
U n d iv id e d profits............................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ............... .............. ................................
I n d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b ject to c h e ck .........................
C ertificates o f d ep o sit................................................
D u e to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs..............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...................... ........... .............................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .......................................
Sa v in g s d ep o sits.................................................................
N o tes and b ills r e-d isco u n te d .......................... ...........
B ills p a y a b le ............................ ............................................
T o ta ls..............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 60.
M U SK E G -O N S A V I N G S B A N K , M U S K E G O N .
O rganized D ecem b er 1, 1887.
J . W . M o o n , P resident; C. H . H a c k l e y , Vice P resident; F . E . H a m m o n d , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —C. H . H a c k le y , J. W . M oon, J. A . M iller, G. R . S elk irk , R . E. B u n k er, N . F ried m an ,
W . S. W ood, Geo. H u m e, J. F . D en slo w , G. F . O u th w aite, J. C. L ew is, C. L. G unn,
L. C. G ilb ert, H . N . H o v ey , G u sta v M eeske, F. E . H am m ond.

R eso u rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dee. 11.

$174,792 83

$237,613 77

$253,673 55

$241,817 04


75,516 66

5,676 66

88,080 00

103,175 00

__________________________ ____ ___ _ _

359 85

25 66

236 04

115 15

O ne from h a n k s in reserv e c i t i e s ................................

16,523 93

37,546 41

52,049 21

25,297 99

2,676 60

2,689 32

2,689 32

1,303 23

3 82

2,089 34

2,794 58

247 44

24 57

356 08

Tjoans and d is c o u n ts ______________ ____ _____ ____
S to ck s, bon ds and m o r tg a g e s
O v erd ra fts

. _

126 25

Oil© from o th er h a n k s and h a n k ers
B a n k in g h ou se
F u rn itu r e and fix tu res . . . _______________________

2,676 60

O ther real e sta te
C urren t e x p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id .............. _................
In te r e s t paid

_______________________ ______ __

C h eck s and c a sh ite m s ,



_ ____ ..

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s ______________ _____ - ..............
O-ol d coi n

_ __________________ ____ ______

1,615 75
6,600 00

1,620 26

U x ch a n g es fo r c le a rin g hon se

36 92

12 26

1,396 27

2,078 70

234 15

137 61

142 35

44 62

5,315 00

5,237 50

5,297 50

3,020 00

______ _______________________

907 00

1,265 80

3,089 00

1,468 60

TT. S. and N a tio n a l han k n o tes _________________

9,549 00

13,287 00

19,873 00

5,574 00

$289,058 21

$305,017 92

$429,654 09

$394,248 97

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

850,000 00

U n d iv id e d p r o f it s ._______________- ______________

6,335 35

4,363 05

9,758 40

14,329 83

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ............. .......

49,620 20

40,003 09

149,716 79

94,004 93

C ertifica tes of d e p o sit___________________________

26,624 83

10,157 23

7,697 13

9,104 84

2,099 77

13,237 78

13 77


29 80

154,378 06

187,243 00

212,481 25

225,101 86

S ilv er coin

T o ta ls


„ ___________ ________________ ______
L ia b ilitie s.

C a p ita l sto c k p aid i n ____________________________
S u rp lu s fund

O ne to h a n k s and h an kers

C a sh ie r ’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g

_ _ ____

S a v in g s d e p o s it s ____ ______ ________ . _____ - ..........

13 06

1,664 65

N o te s a nd h ills re-discou nted

T otal s
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



8289,058 21

$305,017 92

$429,654 09

$394,248 97




No. 19.
F A R M E R S A ND M E R C H A N T S ’ B A N K , N A S H V IL L E .
O rganized D ecem b er 15,1888.
O. D. B e e b e , P residen t; G. A . T r u m a n , Vice P residen t; C. A . H o u g h , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —L. E . K nap pen, N . A . F u lle r, G. A . T ru m an, W . H . K le in h a n s, H. R . D ick erson ,
0 . W . S m ith , 0 . D . B eebe.

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ________________________ ____

823,811 52

$31,612 08

$46,856 04

$55,335 12

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o rtg a g es.........................................

2,850 00

3,750 00

3,750 00

3,750 00

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ..................................

2,153 92

1,069 89

8,697 66

7,072 40

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s a nd b a n k ers _________ ..

1,765 29

502 40

490 00

291 87

1,048 44

1,060 54

1,061 79

1,073 79

716 74

200 59

586 94

865 85

70 82

178 16

345 85

N ic k e ls a nd p en n ies ..........................................................

33 95

30 76

14 43

12 75

G old c o in ................................................................................

835 00

195 00

200 00

1,230 00

O verd rafts


B a n k in g h o u s e _____________________________ ____
F u rn itu r e and fix tu r es......................................................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e ....................................- ............................
C urren t e x p e n ses an d ta x e s p a i d ................................
I n te r e st p a id ...........................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u s e ........................................
C hecks an d ca sh ite m s ......................................................

S ilv e r c o in ...............................................................................

750 00

89 00

552 00

293 25

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l ban k n o tes....................- ................

1,226 00

2,394 00

2,057 00

1,723 00

T o ta ls .................................................................................

$35,220 86

$40,975 08

$64,444 02

$71,983 88

$24,400 00

$28,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

100 00

100 00

100 00

1,247 29

55 16

618 17

2,139 70

I n d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b je c t to c h e c k .......................

7,116 00

7,298 37

7,782 02

9,834 41

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit.......................................................

2,261 26

4,036 56

5,922 20

9,888 14

D u e to b a n k s a n d b a n k e rs...............................................

196 31

836 34

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k p aid in ..........................................................
S u rp lu s f u n d .......................................................................
U n d iv id e d profits..............................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ................................................................

648 65

21 63

C ertified c h e c k s .................................. ................................
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .......................................

21 63

S a v in g s d e p o sits...................................................................
N o tes a n d b ills r e-d isco u n te d ........................................
B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
T o ta ls ..........................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$35,220 86

840,975 08

$64,444 02

$71,983 88



No. 36.
T H E P IO N E E R B A N K , N O R T H B R A N C H .
O rganized J u ly 30, 1885. R eorgan ized O ctober 1, 1889.
F r e d e r ic k B. H o w a r d , President; A l b e r t S. S h o l e s , Vice P residen t; C. W . B a l l a r d , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —Geo. P eck , Geo. W . L atim er, F . B. H ow ard, C has. B a lla rd , A . B. W eston , C. W .
B a lla rd , A . S. Sh oles.

Report of
May 13.

R esou rces.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts____________________________

145,710 33

$37,934 34

$32,295 86

$29,126 16

S to ck s, bon ds a nd m o rtg a g es.........................................

7,412 05

1,801 40

20,949 96

23,581 25

1,230 11

3,199 75

3,211 55

7,719 33

O verdrafts
D ue fro m b a n k s in reserve c itie s .................................

780 00

D u e fro m o th er ban k s an d b a n k e rs________
B a n k in g b o u s e __________________________________

3,072 28

3,072 28

3,072 28

3,072 28

F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es......... ............ ...............................

1,300 39

1,300 39

1,300 39

1,300 39

O ther real e sta te ......... ................................
C urren t e x p e n ses a n d ta x e s p a id ................................

1,854 06

In te r est p a id ________ ___________ _________ _____
P ro fit and lo ss__________________ ______ _____

92 81

437 39

884 25

70 98

139 08

248 81

5,842 32

5,842 32
1 50

1,342 29

C hecks a n d c a sh ite m s............. ........................................

23 20

N ic k e ls a n d p en n ies___________ _________________

25 93

21 24

40 67

88 46

G old c o in ................................................................................

150 00

760 00

270 00

1,067 50

122 45

725 50

399 90

415 00

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes......................................

1,615 00

3,292 00

1,380 00

1,338 00

T o ta ls ........„.....................................................................

$62,515 80

$58,113 01

$70,120 90

$70,183 72

$41,250 00

$41,250 00

$50,000 00

$44,588 00

3,659 73

183 46

1,144 60

2,613 70

3,323 57

3,964 95

5,007 12

8,621 14

13,128 55

12,605 29

12,969 18

14,360 88

153 95

109 31

S ilv er c o in ___________________________

L ia b ilities.
C apital sto ck paid i n ....................... .................................
Su rp lus fund

1,000 00

U n d iv id ed p rofits................................
D iv id e n d s un paid

_ __

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k ...... ..................
C ertificates of d e p o sit......................................................
D u e to han k s and h an kers
C ertified ch e ck s _
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g
S a v in g s deposits
N o tes and h ills re-d isco u n te d ______
R ills p a y a b le __________________________

T o ta ls _______________________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

1,000 00

863,515 80

$58,113 01

$70,120 90

$70,183 72



No. 20.
O rganized M ay 15, 1889.
R o b e r t K . G o w A N L O C K jP resid en t; W m , Y . P e n o y a r , Vice President; W a l t e r L . C u r t is s , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —Green P a c k , W m . V . P en o y a r, R . K . G ow anlock, J u lie n V . O’B rien , Jno. C. G ram ,
C has. R. H en ry , D o n a ld A . M cD on ald.

R esou rces.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts............................................................................. .......

Report of
July 12.

$62,114 04

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s....................................................... .........

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$129,273 49

8182,560 63

12,476 28

15,638 83

O v e r d r a fts .........................- ............................................................................

318 73

856 66

570 83

D ue fro m ban k s in reserv e c i t i e s .........................................................

7,857 73

8,356 84

3,856 03

B a n k in g h o u se ................................................................................................

1,579 07

3,520 26

3,700 28

F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es.................... .............................................. ._.........

350 00

379 00

423 85

946 95

1,505 75

2,140 92

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a nd b a n k ers......................................................

O th er rea l e s t a te ................... ........................................................................
C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ..........................................................
In te r est p a id ...................................................................................................

439 50

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se .................................................................
C h eck s an d ca sh ite m s...............................................................................

93 42

2,062 31

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s ....................................................................................

31 57

5 57

3 77

G old c o in .................................................................. r ......................................

645 00

1,175 00

550 00

278 72

S ilv er c o in .......................................................... ..............................................

723 70

259 30

260 45

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l b a n k n o tes ..............................................................

14,716 00

3,371 00

9,437 00

T o ta ls...........................................................................................................

889,376 21

$163,241 46

$219,860 81

$37,630 00

844,760 00

850,000 00

1,067 09

3,499 50

5,899 03

L ia b ilities.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in ....................................................................................
Su rp lus fu n d ...............................................................................................
U n d iv id e d profits............ ....................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ........................................................................
In d iv id u a l dep osits su b ject to c h e c k ...................................................

30,406 29

48,872 90

57,274 82

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it................................................................................

5,207 28

14,849 59

17,367 87

D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k ers........................................................................

1,864 35

2,623 82

1,397 35

S a v in g s d e p o sits.................................................................

4,850 22

32,903 52

44,859 30

N o tes an d b ills r e -d is c o u n te d ......................................

8,350 98

15,732 13

43,062 44

889,376 21

$163,241 46

$219,860 81

C ertified c h e c k s ___________ _______
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .......................................

B ills p a y a b le ..........................................................
T o ta ls..................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 34.


O rganized J u n e 12, 1884.
W m . J . T u n s t e a d , P residen t; A l e . H a g e r m a n , Vice P residen t; C l a r e n c e E. S t a n t o n , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —J . C. P redm ore, A lle n H osm er, L. W . S tan ton , Jno. D. H agerm an , C has. P . T u n ste a d ,
N . H . C raw ford, A lf. H a g erm an , W m . J . T u n stea d .

R eso u rces.

Report of

Report of

Report of

Report of

May 13.

July 12.

Sept. 30.

D ec. 11.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts..............................

39,441 73

$41,896 94

$52,827 74

46,515 45

S to ck s, bon ds a nd m o r tg a g e s.............

1,700 00

1,710 00

1,710 00

1,710 00

O v erd ra fts.......... - ................................. - - -

91 04

6 11

6 77

7 34

8,230 70

5,717 18

2,595 67

8,176 93

54 19

5,933 63

204 08

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s paid . . .

608 98

11 15

593 03

1,006 83

I n te r e st p a id ...............................................

143 48


57 92

85 41

C heck a n d ca sh ite m s ..........................

5 00

17 63

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s ..............................

145 00

26 14

65 49

113 56

H old c o in ................................................... .

882 50

467 50

402 50

982 50

S ilv e r c o in ...................................................

293 84

1,139 33

196 80

949 30

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ..........

1,614 00

3,625 00

3,690 00

1,053 00

854,210 46

1,551 44

3,418 88

862,173 31

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

2,600 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

2,158 65

319 31

1,395 23

2,560 63

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ........................................

180 00

840 00

In d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e c k .

12,122 09

16,319 96

12,627 12

14,741 28

C ertifica tes o f d ep o sit................................

12,149 72

15,355 92

14,955 12

14,866 07

516 25

6,241 41

1,805 33

,551 44

3,418 88

3,173 31

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s —
D ue fro m oth er ban k s a nd b a n k e rs.
B a n k in g h o u se ..........................................
F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r e s ...........................
O ther r e a l e s t a te ......................................

E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u s e ...........

T o ta ls .

572 99

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck p aid in ..................................
S u rp lu s fu n d ............... ................................
U n d iv id e d p rofits........................................

D u e to b a n k s a n d b a n k e rs.......................
C ertified c h e c k s ............ ...............................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...........................................
N o te s an d h ills r e - d i s c o u n t e d . ........
B ills p a y a b le ................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$54,210 46



No. 59.
P A W P A W S A V IN G S B A N K , P A W PA W .
O rganized M ay 10, 1886.
F. W . S e l l ic k :, P resident; E. A . C r a n e , Vice P residen t; J n o . W. F r e e , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s —E. A . C rane, Jno. L y le, Geo. E . B reck , W . R. S e llic k , W . M. L y le, F . W . S e llic k , Jn o.

W . Free, W m . J. S e llic k .

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 13.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n ts ............. .................

1101,563 07

895,563 40

880,126 44

879,672 50

S to ck s, bonds a n d m o r tg a g e s ............

16,710 53

16,159 96

16,009 96

15,434 96

O v erd ra fts...................................................

1.606 99

1,267 21

1,378 12

701 58

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s . . .

3,153 09

2,772 11

3,612 56

10,564 53

D ue from o th er ban k s and b a n k e rs.

10,337 65

18,619 29

6,500 00

B a n k in g h o u se ..........................................
F u rn itu re an d fix tu r es...........................

3,979 89

2,979 89

2,996 62

2,996 62

836 46

1,475 46

1,888 75

162 18

C h eck s a nd c a sh ite m s ..........................

140 00

100 00

945 20

324 46

N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ie s ..............................

35 46

100 95

30 50

26 40

G old c o in .................................... ................

1,000 00

1,300 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

S ilv e r c o in ...................................................

425 50

386 54

36 03

345 50

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ..........

2,616 26

3,825 00

1,905 00

3,360 16

$140,393 90

8125,930 55

$128,548 47

8121,088 89

C a p ita l sto c k p a id in ..................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d .................................................

955 70

955 70

955 70

955 70

U n d iv id e d profits.........................................

732 57

64 31

1,735 77

717 71

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k .

31,356 63

27,356 34

23,903 99

18,780 80

C ertifica tes o f d ep o sit................................

51,963 43

47,187 70

42,402 51

44,494 22

4,550 50

6,140 46

O th er r ea l e s t a te ......................................
C urren t ex p en ses and ta x e s paid . . .
In te r e st p a id .............................................
E x ch a n g es fo r clea rin g h o u se ............

T o ta ls .

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ........................................

D u e to ban k s a n d b a n k e rs.......................

366 50

C ertified c h e c k s ............................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ............. ..
S a v in g s dep osit..............................................

5,385 57

N o te s an d b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ...............
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

5,000 00
$140,393 90

$125,930 55

$128,548 47

$121,088 89



No. 75.
T H E C O M M ER C IA L B A N K , P O R T H U R O N .
O rganized J a n u a ry 30,1883.
C h a s . A . W a r d , P residen t; W m . H a r t s u f f , Vice P resident; J o h n W . P o r t e r , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s —-D. N . R u n n els, J. A . D onilson, S. L. R a lle n tin e , Jno. G. O’N e ill, W m . H artsu ff, C h a s.

A . W ard, W . F . B otsford.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 13.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts .... .....................................................

$143,878 54

$169,899 37

$172,456 94

8168,378 36

S tock s, bonds an d m o rtg a g es__________ ____ _____

37,810 00

39,500 00

50,256 39

44,563 02

O v e r d r a fts............. ................................................................

613 63

537 13

295 29

77 26

D u e from ban k s in reserve c itie s .................................

34,731 09

11,789 70

27,979 92

16,617 07

331 25

288 45

214 88

1,693 00

1,693 00

1,693 00

400 00

700 00

700 00

180 10

1,091 05

1,904 89

D ue fro m oth er ban k s and b a n k e rs............................
B a n k in g h o u s e ______

_________________ ____ ____

F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r es......................................... ............

1,693 00

O th er rea l e s t a te _____________ __________ _______
C urren t e x p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ..................................

1,538 61

In te r est p a id ...........................................................................
E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u se __________


1,024 23

1,623 44

613 43

2,328 03
1,500 50

C h eck s a nd c a sh i t e m s ....................................................

6,604 64

1,345 21

807 23

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ie s ____________________________

86 69

112 77

65 80

25 18

G old c o in _______________________________________

1,985 00

947 50

677 50

1,270 00

S ilv e r c o in ................. ................... ........................................

1,040 00

2,115 00

53 00

945 00

U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes______________ ____

13,988 00

16,335 00

11,701 00

16,987 00

T o ta ls_______________________________________

$333,968 19

$245,065 93

$269,703 23

8258,827 63

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

13,433 43

11,004 99

14,136 37

16,733 91

150 00

125 00

125 00

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck paid i n .................................................... .....
Su rp lus fu n d ........................................................................
U n d iv id ed profits.................................................................
D iv id en d s un p aid __________ ____ _______________
In d iv id u a l dep osits, su b ject to c h e c k .........................

63,324 36

69,376 66

92,729 70

68,142 31

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit................................ .....................

34,075 01

36,426 86

27,705 84

28,581 09

356 73

3,704 44

83,979 76

74,402 98

85,006 32

84,897 73

$333,968 19

$245,065 93

$269,703 23

$258,827 63

D u e to ban k s an d b an kers



10,347 59

C ertified c h e c k s ................. - ................................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u t s ta n d in g ....................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits.................................................. ..............
N o te s an d b ills r e-d isco u n te d ________ _____
B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
T o ta ls _______________________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 49.
O rganized J anu ary 1, 3873.
H e n r y M c M o r r a n , P resident; J a s . H . W h i t e , Vice President ; C h a s . F. H a r r in g t o n , Cashier.
C. D. T h o m p s o n , A ssistant Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —J a m es H . W h ite , N e lso n M ills, E d w a rd V in c e n t, H e n r y M cM orran, C harles F.
H a rrin g to n .

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

__________ ____. . .

$341,745 76

$339,632 11

$308,873 88

$337,588 96

___ ____

131,132 49

127,856 63

123,606 41

151,771 61

O yerd ra.f t s ________________________________________-

2,786 51

1,265 90

2,356 65

1,828 80

D u pi fr o m h a n k s in r e s e r v e c i t ie s _______ ____ _____

109,272 03

188,534 08

168,682 73

148,618 24

83 03

208 31

2,000 00

2,000 00

R esou rces.

L o a n s an d d is c o n n ts



S t n ek s, b o n d s a n d m o r tg a g e s .

D u e fr o m o th e r h a n k s an d bftTilfftT’fi
B a n k in g h o u s e

1,143 69

- _______

F u r n itu r e a n d f ix t u r e s .... ......... ................................. .........
O th e r r e a l e s t a t e

2,000 00

2,000 00

_____ ______
2,310 20

3,351 87

4,997 65

7,205 53

507 42

31,037 35

11,742 74

17,299 37

C h e c k s a n d c a s h i t e m s __________ ______ - ...................

2,884 19

1,504 55

6,502 42

2,420 65

N ic k e l s a n d p e n n i e s ______________ _________ ______

50 77

19 34

4 83

11 20

G o ld c o i n ___________ _______- ......... - ....................... ...........

5,505 00

4,925 00

6,185 00

687 50

C u r r e n t e x p e n s e s a n d t a x e s p a i d _____ ____________
I n t e r e s t p a id

_ _______________ _____- _____ _____

E x c h a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e

S ilv e r c o i n ___ __________ __________________________

610 00

543 02

1,003 90

468 00

TT. S. a,nfi N a t io n a l h a n k n o t e s . _______ ___________

3,075 00

7,903 00

4,556 00

16,373 00

T o t a l s __________ ___________ ________ ____________

$601,962 40

$678,781 16

$640,512 21

$687,416 35

C apita, 1 s to c k p a id in _ ____________________ ____

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

.................................................. ............

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

__________________________ - ___

51,319 08

60,835 46

68,080 61

76,246 90

L ia b ilit ie s .

S u r p lu s fu n d
U n d iv id e d p r o fits .

10 00

2,565 00

138,743 16

190,521 18

144,645 43

177,017 35

__________ _____ - ___________

28,066 94

29,503 54

26,519 86

27,579 39

D u e to b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s __________ ___________

594 90

20 34

1,865 99

450 22

O ertified c h e c k s ._ ______________________________

1,189 66

1,189 66

1,189 66

1,189 66

262,038 66

274,145 98

278,210 66

284,932 83

$601,962 40

$678,781 16

$640,512 21

$687,416 35

D iv id e n d s u n p a id
I n d i v id u a l d ep osits., s u b j e c t to c h e c k
O e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it

O a s h ie r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d in g


S a v in g s d e p o s i t s _________ ______________ . _________
N o t e s an d h ill s r e -d is c o n n te d

B ills p a v a h le

_____ _


T o t a l s _______ __ _____ ________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

T H E B A N K IN G D E P A R T M E N T .


N o . 69.




R E A D IN G -, R E A D IN G -.

O rganized D ecem b er 27,1889.
H e n r y F. D o t y , President; Ge o . G. C l a r k , Vice President; W m . B. N o r t h r o p , Cashier.

D ir e c t o r s —A d elb ert R . C hapm an, H en ry F . D oty, Geo. G. Clark, F r a n k M. S tew a r t, W m . B.
N orthrop.
Report of
May 13.

R esources.

Report of
July 12.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..........................................................
S to ck s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s................... .....................
O v erd ra fts........- ............................_......................................
D u e fro m ban k s in reserv e c it ie s .- ..............................
D ue fro m o th er ban k s a n d b a n k e r s............................
B a n k in g h o u s e ....................................................................

F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es......................................................
O th er r ea l esta ,te............................ - ......... .......................
C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ........... ...................
In te r est p a id .........................................................................


E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .......................................
C hecks an d ca sh ite m s ....................................................
N ic k e ls a nd p en n ies...........................................................
G old c o in ................................................................................
S ilv er c o in __________ ____________________________
U . S. a nd N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ......................................
T o ta ls ...............................................................................
L ia b ilities.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in ____________________________

S u rp lus fu n d .......................................................................
U n d iv id ed p rofits................. ..........................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ...............................................................
I n d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................
C ertificates o f d e p o s it ______________________ ____
D u e to b a n k s an d b a n k e rs____ ____ _____________
C ertified c h eck s __________ ______________________
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ___________________
S a v in g s d e p o s it s ________________________________
N o te s a nd b ills re-d isco u n te d .......................................
B ills p a y a b le _______ ______________________
T o ta ls . .






Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Report of
Sept. 80.

Report of
Dec. 11.



No. 25.
O rganized A p r il 18,1888.
M. Butman, President; B enton Hanchett , Vice P residen t; D. W . B riggs, Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —A . T. B liss, B en to n H a n c h e tt, T hos. M errill, W . S. G reen, Ja s. E. V in c e n t, C. L. R in g,
A r th u r B arnard, P. B auer, M. B u tm an .

R eso u rces.

7 .nans a nd d ipp.mi nt,s


____ __________ ____

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 13.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$737,030 34

$739,393 87

8731,431 81

8800,333 48

3,608 76

1,436 55

3,733 79

1,435 57

53,797 93

67,335 67

73,730 74

5,700 00

S to ck s bon (is and m o rtg a g es
Overd r a f t s __________________ __ ___ _ ___________
D u e from han k s in reserv e c itie s ________ - _______
J)|j0 f rnm njhPi]1 kflllkS flTfd tifl'TlllflTfl

50,508 64

____ ___

801 36

374 64

R anking h o u s e _______________. - ________ - _______

5,700 00

5,700 00

5,700 00

"Furniture and fix tu r e s ___________________ _______

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

3,300 00

C urrent ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id .__________ . . . . . .

3,778 39

43 06

1,983 74

3,449 51

In te r e st paid

3,170 76

133 36

O ther real e sta te

- ________________ ______


E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se

- ___________


307 43

1,335 33

503 80

N ic k e ls and p e n n ie s __________________ *_________

509 05

396 93

97 43

160 70

G old c o i n _________ _____ ________ . . . . . . ____ ______

3,087 00

80 00

55 00

3,535 00

C h eck s and c a sh ite m s

_________________________ . . . . . .

3,938 75

3,953 00

3,850 50

3,085 75

TTf S. and N a tio n a l han k n o tes _________________

33,984 00

35,309 00

34,703 00

33,330 00

$844,813 03

$841,817 39

$850,581 73

$915,973 37

C apital sto ck p a id in_ __________ ________________

$300,000 00

$300,000 00

$300,000 00

$300,000 00

Su rp lus fu n d ______________________________ _____

3,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

34,564 13

7,486 88

17,633 51

37,533 87

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

387,416 13

398,014 87

366,331 45

337,311 17

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit__________________________

348,711 31

371,163 03

300,493 36

333,600 37

D ue to b a n k s a n d b a n k ers____________ __________

64,399 43

56,653 51

44,539 19

43,937 58

S ily er coin

T o ta ls


____________ _______________ _____ ___

L ia b ilitie s.

U n d iv id e d p rofits...........................................................
D iv id en d s unpaid

1,000 00

355 40

C ertified ch eck s
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u ts ta n d in g ________
S a v in g s d ep o sits
N o te s a,nd h ills r e -d isc o u n te d ______ ____ ________

17,333 03

13,839 93

68,100 48

$850,581 73

$915,973 37

R ills pa.yahle
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$844,813 03

$841,817 39



No. 84.
O rganized D ecem b er 1, 1886.

A aron T. B liss, P resident; Lorenzo T. Durand , Vice President; R ichard K huen , Treasurer.
D irectors—L orenzo T. D urand, A m a ssa R u st, W m . M oye, C has. E. B renn er, T. D . M errill, A . P.
B liss, R ich a rd K h u en , A aron T. B liss, L ev i T illotson .

R eso u rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 13.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

"Loans and d is c o u n t s _____________________ ____ __

$178,015 55

$179,671 71

8187,001 31

$193,171 73

S tock s, bon ds a nd m o r tg a g e s.........................................

63,595 10

70,336 00

76,491 00

81,169 00

38,790 30

35,118 80

10,186 38

40,960 37

613 30

613 30

618 15

618 15

613 31

1,056 63

1,515 90

3,070 64

C h eck s a nd c a sh it e m s ......... ............................................

36 11

867 16

5,707 37

77 50

N ic k e ls and p e n n ie s ___________ __ . . . ____ ________

18 86

19 51

18 96

31 37

O v e r d r a fts ___________. _____ ___ ____ _______ _____
D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ..................................
D ue fro m o th er b an k s and b a n k e r s ............................
B a n k in g h o u se ____________________


Fn rn i tn re an d fi x tu r e s .....................................................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e .._________________________ _____
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ___________ - .........
In te r e st p a id ____________________________________
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u s e ........................................


G old co in __________ ____________ _____ ____ _____

580 00

1,110 00

730 00

1,300 00

S ilv er c o i n ...... ....... ................................... .........................

130 90

309 10

137 60

373 10

U n ited S ta te s a n d N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ....................

388 00

1,395 00

989 00

734 00

T o t a ls _________ _______ __________________ - __

$383,689 99

$390,619 51

8313,118 60

$333,738 76

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k paid i n ____________________________

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

_____ ___ _________________

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

U n d iv id e d p r o fits.................................................................

7,131 87

5,815 31

10,761 95

15,571 81

315,558 13

331,801 17

313,686 65

347,153 95

$383,689 99

$390,619 51

$313,118 60

$333,738 76

S u rp lu s fu n d


D iv id en d s u n p a id ...... .........................................................
In d iv id u a l dep osits su b ject to c h e c k ...........................
C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it___________________________
D u e to b a n k s a nd b a n k e r s ...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...... ....... ......... ..................... .....................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u t s t a n d in g _______ ____ ______
S a v in g s d e p o sits.......................................- .........................
N o te s and b ills re-d isco u n te d ____________________
B ills p a y a b le

__ ____ __________________ ____ ____

T o ta ls

_______________________ _____ ____
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 29.
C O M M E R C I A L A N D S A V I N G S B A N K , S A I N T C L A IR .
O rganized O ctober 16,1886.

W m. S. H opkins , P resident; B ela. W. J enks, Vice P resident; Robt. H. J enks, Cashier;
R u ss S. J enks , A ss't Cashier.
Directors—A. C. G ray, J e re m ia h J en k s, C has. B e y sc h la g , B. W . Jen k s, R ob ert H . Jen k s,
E. C. R ecor, N a n c y H ig le y , J u stin R . W h itin g , W . S. H opk ins.

R esources.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ................ .........................................

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

194,231 41

885,628 65

$94,707 06

$110,879 30

20,000 00

21,285 50

26,235 50

27,350 00

O v erd ra fts..............................................................................

41 40

164 55

394 40

i99 95

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s . . ............................

34,631 87

47,484 46

42,673 71

16,547 99

S tock s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s __________________

D u e fro m oth er ban k s and b a n k e rs............................

450 00

105 71

B a n k in g h o u se .....................................................................
F u rn itu re a nd f ix t u r e s ______________________ __

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

O ther r ea l e s ta te ..................................................................

2,969 14

2,909 14

3,008 59

3,008 59

C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a i d ................................

1,046 36

812 91

1,396 03

189 66

959 71

In te r est p a id .........................................................................

9 30

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se .......................................
C hecks a nd c a sh ite m s......................................................

109 00

278 88

6 42

112 66

N ic k e ls and p e n n ie s ..........................................................

129 88

52 14

39 82

73 49

1,630 00

327 50

1,030 00

22 50

S ilv er c o in ...............................................................................

767 85

465 35

700 35

1,248 20

U . S. and N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ..............- ......................

5,836 00

4,192 00

2,355 00

2,533 00

T o ta ls ................. ..............................................................

$162,392 91

$164,247 47

8173,153 42

$165,437 13

G old c o in ........ ........................... ....................................

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k p a id in .... ....................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

S u rp lus fu n d ...........................................

2,880 00

3,102 54

3,102 54

3,102 54

U n d iv id e d profits.................................................................

2,901 42

205 23

2,123 29

5,488 97

D iv id en d s u n p a id ................................................................

244 00

540 00

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k .........................

34,331 82

41,374 30

40,591 24

33,754 80

C ertificates o f d ep o sit............................ ...........................

41,323 45

35,485 36

40,446 98

37,709 93

30,712 22

33,540 04

36,889 37

35,380 89

$162,392 91

$164,247 47

$173,153 42

$165,437 13

D ue to ban k s a n d b a n k e rs................................ .............
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................................................
C a sh ier’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g ............ .........................
S a v in g s d ep o sit.....................................................................
N o tes and b ills re-d isco u n te d .......................................
B ills p a y a b le .................................. .....................................
T o ta ls.................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 39.
C L I N T O N C O U N T Y S A Y I N G S B A N K , S A IN T J O H N S .
O rganized N ovem b er 27, 1889.

A lbert J . B aldwin , P resident; J osiah U pton, Vice President; P . E . W alsworth, T reasurer;
R. C. Dexter, Asst. Treasurer.
D irectors—R . M. S tee l,'A . J. B a ld w in , C ooley E. B a ll, W arn er B u n d ay, Jo sia h U pton , Jno. H icks,
Geo. A . S tee l, P . E. W a lsw o rth , G alu sha P e n n ell.
Report of
Deo. 11.

R eso u rces.

R oans arid d is c o u n ts ___________________ ____ _____________________________ ___________ __
S to ck s, bon ds a n d m o r tg a g e s ____________________________________________________________

$1,000 00

O v e r d r a fts ____________________ . . . ___ - ___ - ................. .................................................. ................... .
D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c i t i e s _____ _________________________________ _____ ______ _____

34,302 00

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s __________ ______________ _____ _________ ________ _ ___
R a n k in g lion so _ _ _ _ _

_______ ______ ______ _________ _______ _____ _____ ____ ___________

F u rn itu r e a n d fix tu res . . ________ ____ - ____ _____ _____ _________


O th er r ea l e s t a te _____________________________ ____ ______ ____ _________________ ____ ______
C urren t e x p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id __________ ______ ____________________________ ___________

128 10

In te r e s t p aid ________ _______ ____ -__________________________ _________________ ___________
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .............................. ........ - _____ _____ ____ ______ ____ ____________
C h eck s a n d c a sh ite m s _____ __________________ ___ ________________ ____ _______ __________
N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s ...... ......... ........................................... ........ .......... .........................................................


O old c o i n _____________ ______ __ _____ ______ _____ ___ _____ ____ ____ _________ ___________

20 00

S ilv e r coin

________________________________________________________________ _

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s __ ____ _____________________________ ____ __________________
T o ta ls

_ ______________________ _____ _____________________________________________

10 25
6,654 00
$42,114 63

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k p aid in . ___________________________ ______________________________________

$35,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ............................................ ............... - ...................... ....................................................................
U n d iv id ed profits

_ __________________________ _____ ____ _____ ________________ ____ __

D iv id e n d s un p aid _______ __________________ ______________ _______ ______________________
In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ____________________________________________________
C ertifica tes of d e p o s it...................................................................................................... .................................
D u e to b a n k s and b a n k ers___________________________ ______ ___________________ _____ ____
C ertified c h e c k s ________ , __________________ ____________________________________________
C a sh ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ___________________________________________ ________________
S a v in g s d ep o sits........... ......... ................ ................................................................. ..............................................

7,114 63

N o tes and b ills r e -d is c o u n te d .........................................................................................................................
B ills p a y a b le ______________________________________________________ _________________ ____
T o ta ls ...................................................... ....... ....................................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$42,114 63



No. 45.
S T A T E B A N K O F S A IN T J O H N S , S A I N T J O H N S .
O rganized A u g u st 19,1885.

Orrin W . Munger , P resident; D. H. P ower, Cashier.
Directors—Otis P u lle r, Geo. F. M arvin, P o rter K. P errin , G ilb ert E . C orbin, Jo h n H . C orbit, M .
V . B row n , J. H . F ed ew a , E d w a rd B row n , O. W . M unger, A . R etan , S a m u el S. W a lk e r .

Report of
May 13.

Report of
Ju ly 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

$139,701 72

$131,875 44

$138,930 04

$139,435 32

O v erd ra fts...................................................

2,805 31

3,422 86

1,297 12

406 43

D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ___

3,454 11

5,238 99

5,585 20

3,706 65

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a nd b a n k ers.

1,638 96

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

5,000 00

4,754 95

4,754 95

R esources.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ..............................
S to ck s, bonds a n d m o r tg a g e s ............

B a n k in g h o u se .........................................
F u rn itu r e and f ix t u r e s .........................

1,500 00

O ther r ea l e s t a te ................. ....................
C urren t e x p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ___

940 72

176 60

737 55

1,362 74

In te r est p aid ...............................................

1,354 76

22 85

770 57

1,203 49

303 93

E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ............
C hecks a nd ca sh ite m s ..........................

5 00

84 67

37 54

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ie s ..............................

91 28

95 70

184 37

255 50

Gold c o in .....................................................

2,346 30

3,500 00

847 50

2,935 00

S ilv er c o in ...... .............................................

1,061 00

1,014 75

1,525 00

2,263 70

U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ..........

6,321 00

5,856 00

3,917 00

3,826 00

$161,220 16

8157,787 86

$160,086 84

$161,953 71

C a p ita l sto ck paid i n ..................................

50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d .................................................

2,565 55

745 96

231 69

231 69

U n d iv id e d profits........................................

4,038 60

485 60

3,095 60

6,034 95

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k .

51,422 92

50,816 46

46,511 21

42,340 57

C ertificates o f d ep o sit................................

40,631 95

51,714 82

54,248 34

49,346 50

561 14

25 02

T o ta ls .

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s u n p a id ........................................

D u e to ban ks an d b a n k e rs................. ..
C ertified c h e c k s ............................................
C ash ier’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d e p o sits...........................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e -d isc o u n te d ...............

12,000 00

B ills p a y a b le ...............................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4,000 00
$161,220 16


6,000 00

$160,086 84

14,000 OO
$161,953 71

T H E B A N K IN G D E P A R T M E N T .


N o. 31.



C O M P A N Y , ST . J O S E P H .

O rganized A u g u st 24,1882.
F r a n c is J o r d a n , P resident; Or v il l e 0 . J o r d a n , Cashier.


D ir e c t o r s —J. H . G raham , F r a n c is Jordan, E . A . G raham , A . W . W e lls, Jn o. W a lla c e , H e n r y M
Z ekins, Jno. H. L ee, J a m es F orbes.

Report of
May 13.

R esources.

L ea n s a.nd d isc o u n ts

___________ - ______________

Report of
July 12.

$119,028 80

$76,702 60

9,000 00

9,000 00

Report of
Sept. 30.

863,105 26

3,153 60 i

_ _________________________________

4,256 82

4,617 73

J)li6 from Ua.nlcs in reserv e c i t i e s ______ __ ______

8,066 54

29,988 65

92,987 67

O verdrafts

$81,903 53

2,366 81
49,724 45

458 12

858 92

1,982 86

915 14

___________ ___ ____ ....____

4,450 00

4,450 00

4,450 00

4,450 00
3,002 41

D ue from o th er han k s and h a n k e rs________ _____
B a n k in g h ou se

Report of
Dec. 11.

__................. .. ........................

3,002 41

3,002 41

3,002 41

__________ _________ _______ __

600 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

C urrent e x p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ____ ___________

1,339 87

309 49

1,169 84

1,775 31

- _______________

65 50

134 32

76 64

61 00

N ic k e ls and p en n ies _ _ _____________ __________

425 43

305 00

403 38

285 32

___ ________________________

6,700 00

5,100 00

5,500 00

5,500 00

S ilv er co in _______ _______________ ______ __ _____

740 00

700 00

700 00

550 00

'12,167 00

16,850 00

16,380 00

16,203 00

$170,320 48

$152,519 12

$193,411 66

$167,236 97

$50,000 00

825,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

690 61

2,488 26

4,918 37

F ilm ifn r e and fix tu res
O ther real e sta te

In te r est paid




E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se



C hecks and cash ite m s

Cold coin



^ and N a tio n a l hank n o tes .....................................
T o ta ls

_________________________ ____ __ _____
L ia b ilitie s.

Capita,! sto ck paid i n __________ _____________ ____

8,750 59

U n d iv id ed profits ______________ ____________ __

2,970 89

S u rp lus fund

________ __

200 00

In d iv id u a l d ep osits, subject, to c h e c k ____________

84,511 32

91,501 36

119,926 27

94,890 98

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit___________________ _______

23,502 97

35,327 15

45,997 13

42,427 62

$152,519 12

$193,411 66

$167,236 97

D iv id en d s unpaid


D u e to han k s an d h a n k ers
C ertified ch e ck s




384 71

_ ________________________

C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g
P a v m g s deposits
N o te s and h ills re-d isco u n te d
B ills p a y a b le


______ ________

_ _____ __________________

T o ta ls _______________________________________
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$170,320 48


N o . 42.

T H E C O M M E R C I A L S A V I N G S B A N K O F ST. L O U IS ,
ST. L O U IS .
O rganized D ecem b er 2,1889.
L. Saviers , President ; C. W . A lthouse, Vice President ; F . E. Salisbury , Cashier.
Directors—Geo. M. F erris, L em u el S a v iers, H ira m H a rrin gton , J a m e s O. H ilto n , N a th a n a e l W h ite,
C has. J. W ille tt, C laren ce W . A lth o u se .

R esources.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts........................... ...............................................................................................................

Report of
Dec. 11.

S3,118 26

Stock s, bonds an d m o rtg a g es...........................................................................................................................
O verd rafts.................................................................................................................................................................

1,151 88

D ue fro m ban k s in reserve c itie s ............................................................_.....................................................

11,911 79

D u e fro m oth er ban k s a n d b a n k ers................................... . ........................................................................

20 00

B a n k in g h o u se ....................................................................... ...............................................................................
F u rn itu r e an d fix t u r e s .................................................................................................................................

2,371 12

O th er rea l e s t a te ..................................................................................................................................................
C u rren t e x p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ..................................................................................................................

10 95

In te r est p a id ................................ ......................................... ...............................................................................
E x ch a n g e s for c le a rin g h o u se ........................................................ ................................................................
C h eck s an d ca sh ite m s.......................................................................................................................................

73 27

N ic k e ls and p en n ies..............................................................................................................................................

133 81

G old c o in .......................................................... ........................................................................................................

2,129 50

S ilv er c o in .................................................................................................................................................................

930 25

U . S. and N a tio n a l ban k n o tes........................................................................................................................

1,802 00

T o ta ls...................................................................................................................................................................

S23,652 83

L ia b ilities.
C ap ital sto ck paid i n ............................................................................................................................................

814,800 00

Su rp lus fu n d ...........................................................................................................................................................
U n d iv id ed profits...........................................................

67 90

D iv id en d s u n p a id ..............................................................................................................................................
I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e ck ..........................................................................................................

5,584 11

C ertificates o f d ep o sit........................................................................................................................................

2,138 00

D ue to b a n k s a nd b a n k e rs......................................... ......................................................................................
C ertified c h e c k s ............................................................................................................................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................................................................................................
S a v in g s d e p o s its ........ ........................................ ............................................................................

1,142 82

N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d .......................................................................................................
B ills p a y a b le ....................................................................................................................................
T o ta ls................................................................................................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$23,652 83


N o . 54.

S A U L T S A V I N G S B A N K , L O A N A N D T R U S T CO., S A U L T
S T E . M A R IE .
O rganized N o v em b er 20, 1886.

George Kemp, P residen t; Thomas R . E asterday, Vice President; W m. Chandler , T reasurer;
G. G. Scranton, A ss't Treasurer.
Directors—Geo. K em p, C. E. A in sw o rth , T. R . E a sterd a y , J. H . S teere, A n d rew Jack son , J. H . Goff,
W m . C handler, T. C. A n th on y, G. G. S cranton .

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d isc o u n ts..........................................................

$89,414 09

593,182 74

884,274 07

$89,994 97

S to ck s, bonds an d m o rtg a g es.........................................

19,763 14

26,849 16

23,483 88

18,628 79

O v erd ra fts..............................................................................

2,218 49

1,011 22

2,206 95

719 59

D u e fro m b an k s in reserve c itie s .................................

18,353 07

53,864 36

6,522 64

8,214 58

B a n k in g h o u s e ................................... .................................

42,784 29

42,784 29

42,784 29

43,500 76

F u rn itu re and fix tu r es............................ ........................

2,893 76

2,893 76

2,893 76

3,949 76

C h eck s a n d c a sh ite m s......................................................

3,049 32

4,114 22

671 53

421 43

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ies............................................................

60 17

74 34

99 04

38 49

G old co in ................................................................................

205 00

3,205 00

1,560 00

930 00

D u e fro m o th er ban k s a n d b a n k e rs............................

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .................................................................
C urren t ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ..................................
I n te r e st p a id ..........................................................................
E x ch a n g es for c le a r in g h o u se .......................................

S ilv e r c o in ..............................................................................

1,740 75

1,593 00

1,105 00

2,099 55

U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n otes—....................................

9,303 00

4,852 00

7,822 00

1,934 00

8189,785 08

$234,423 09

$173,423 16

8169,431 92

850,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

4,106 30

10,878 25

14,009 29

11,590 84

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................

92,395 80

129,036 50

59,566 55

37,900 82

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit...........................................

15,357 04

15,200 81

14,990 11

28,037 86

34,857 21

36,848 83

T o ta ls ........................................................................... .

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k paid in .............................. ..........................
S u rp lu s f u n d .........................................................................
U n d iv id ed profits................................. .............................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ................................................................

D ue to banks a n d b a n k e rs...............................................

245 58

C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................
C a sh ier’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits...................................................................

27,925 94

29,061 95

N o tes and b ills r e-d isco u n te d .......................................

5,053 57

B ills p a y a b le...................... .............................................
T o ta ls.................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$189,785 08

$334,423 09

$173,423 16

8169,431 92



No. 71.
O rganized D ecem b er 28,1889.

Charles J. Monroe, President; H. W. W illiams , Vice P resident; L. S. Monroe, Cashier.
Directors—H en ry W . W illia m s, C has. J. M onroe, Y o ln e y R oss, M. H . B ixb y, Jno. M ack ey, Geo. C.
P a lm er, S a m u e l P . W ilso n , E u n ice E. M oore, H. E. B oard m an.

R esou rces.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
July 12.

L oans a nd d is c o u n ts ________ ______ ____ _________
S to ck s, bonds and mortirapps.
O verdrafts
D ue fro m b a n k s in rese rv e c i t i e s _______ ____ ___
D u e fro m o th er b a n k s a n d b a n k ers ________ ___
B a n k in g b o u s e ......... .. ............. ...................................... .
F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es .
O ther r ea l e sta te

........ ..........__........ ...........

___________ __________________

C urren t e x p en ses a nd ta x e s jp a id ................................
In te r est p a id


E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ........................ ..............
C hecks an d c a sh ite m s ________ _________________
N ic k e ls and p e n n ies............................................. . ............


G old c o in ................................................................................
S ilv er c o in ........................................................: ....................
U . S. an d N a tio n a l b a n k n o te s ...................... - ..............
T o ta ls.................................................................................



_____ j» _____ ____ __ ____

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto c k p a id in ....................................... __..............
S u rp lu s fu n d ................................ _........................... ..........
U n d iv id e d p r o fits ................................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ...............................................................
In d iv id u a l dep osits, su b ject to c h e c k ........................
C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit........ ..............................................
D u e to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................................................
C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g ............................ ............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...................................................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ................... ...................
B ills p a y a b le .........................................................................
T o ta ls ......................................................................... .......
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Report of
Dec. 11.




N o . 40.

O rganized M ay 1, J888.
H. R. W agar , P resident; F. L. W agar , Vice P residen t; J ames 0. P ercival , Cashier.

Directors—L. B. T ow nsend . F. L. W a g a r, J a m e s C. P e r c iv a l, H. R. W agar, J. M. W e a th e r w a x .
Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

$41,931 88

840,276 72

$36,884 99

$36,103 20

11,264 06

11,264 06

11,264 06

11,582 56

O v erd ra fts............................................................

1,374 41

862 59

387 62

1,130 65

D u e fro m ban ks in reserv e c itie s .................................

2,410 22

3,455 30

3,014 26

1,381 67

D u e fro m oth er b a n k s a n d b a n k e rs............................

168 20

203 63

462 25

72 27

3,750 00

3,750 00

3,750 00

3,750 00

1,521 25

1,521 25

1,521 25

1,521 25

R eso u rces.

L oan s a nd d is c o u n ts ..........................................................
S tock s, bon ds a n d m o rtg a g es..................................

B a n k in g h o u se ............................................. .....................
F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es.....................................

Report of
Dec. 11.

O ther r ea l e s t a t e ............................................................... .
C urren t e x p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ................................

1,838 53

15 84

344 01

545 45

I n te r e s t p a id .........................................................................

562 77

31 85

333 96

531 26

C hecks a nd c a sh ite m s ........................ ........................

87 95

560 18

2,702 17

640 69

N ic k e ls a n d p en n ies.............................................

37 47

48 05

64 15

59 18

519 80

950 00

1,144 80

814 80

S ilv e r c o in .............................. ......... ...............................

675 45

1,280 00

500 60

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l b a n k n o t e s .............................

2,660 00

920 00

2,372 00

$68,801 99

$65,139 47

864,746 12

$60,0t2 08

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

825,000 00

$25,000 00

3,352 27

1,250 27

2,443 79

2,943 41

In d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k .........................

25,007 44

22,598 40

21,611 28

15,736 40

C ertificates of d ep osit........................................................

14,513 58

14,309 83

13,916 63

10,716 39

613 68

184 38

4,840 46

928 70

1,367 29

1,590 04

775 42

$68,801 99

$65,139 47

$64,746 12

$60,012 08

E x c h a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ........„.....................

G old c o in .....................................................................

T o ta ls .................................................................

401 10
1,478 0

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck p a id in .........................................................
S u rp lu s fu n d ........................................................................
U n d iv id e d p rofits................................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ...............................................................

D u e to ban k s an d b a n k e rs..................................
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................................................
C ash ier’s c h e ck s o u t s t a n d in g ......................................
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..................................................................
N o tes and b ills r e -d isc o u n te d .......................................
B ills p a y a b le ........................................................................
T o ta ls ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. —.
O rganized J a n u a ry 1, 1875.
S p e n c e r O. F i s h e r , President ;jH . H. N o r r in g t o n , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —S. O. F ish er, K. F ish er, H . H . N o rrin gton , Jn o. S. G ray, W . A . Y aw k ey.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 13.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n ts ................................ .........................

8439,461 68

$439,081 78

$366,453 60

8383,745 33

S to ck s, b o n d s a nd m o r tg a g e s _________ _________

8,320 00

O verdrafts ______________________________________

4,949 00

D u e from h a n k s in reserv e c itie s __ _
13,940 97

10,417 49

10,803 79

7,322 13

3,310 33

3,310 33

3,310 33

3,372 33

C urrent ex p en ses a nd ta x e s p a id ................................

1,490 61

176 95

I n te r e st p a id ........... ...............................................................

3,763 63

461 00

D ue fro m o th er b a n k s and b a n k e rs............................
R a n k in g h o u se



F u rn itu re an d fix tu r es......................................................
O ther rea l e sta te


285 54
44 16

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se ____ . . __________
C h eck s a n d c a sh i t e m s ....................................................
N ic k e ls an d p en n ies...........................................................

19 04

76 74

G old co in ..................................................................................

96 06
1,115 00

1,746 39

1,400 41

1,847 55

330 20

U . S, a nd N a tio n a l b a n k n o tes.......................................

11,194 00

8,436 00

11,133 00

6,255 00

T o ta ls.................................................................................

8464,936 64

$453,373 96

$393,667 17

8415,790 59

C a p ita l stock paid in ..........................................................

850,000 00

$50,000 00

850,000 00

$50,000 00

Su rp lus f u n d ................. ......................................................

33,500 00

36,000 00

26,000 00

36,000 00

U n d iv id e d profits.................................................................

10,644 03

1,989 33

4,108 81

7,231 21

S ilv e r c o in .................................................. ...................

L ia b ilitie s.

D iv id en d s u n p a id .................................................................
In d iv id u a l dep osits, su b ject to c h e c k .........................

336,003 11

337,098 09

199,334 20

170,801 28

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit......................................................

74,949 00

46,778 00

44,696 00

49,513 20

D u e to b a n k s an d b a n k e rs...............................................

83 63

3,348 16

3,102 00

4,382 28

C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................

1,004 00

C ash ier’s ch eck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...................................................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ........................................

39,878 00

39,968 26

25,336 00

79,743 89

68,383 49

37,457 90

82,526 62

8464,936 64

$453,373 96

$393,667 17

8415,790 59

B ills p a y a b le.........................................................................
T o ta ls.............................. ...............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 17.
O rganized D ecem b er 27, 1888.
G e o . L. M o s h e r , P resident; J o h n B o u r n , Vice P residen t; L. C. B u t l e r , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —G. L. M osher, L. C. B u tler, E . T. C arrin gton, H . W . W ebber, E . C. C hapin, Jno. B ou rn ,
C. E . P ierce, J. S ta h l, A . M osher, Jr., M. H a g a r ty .

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d isc o u n ts..........................................................

$29,033 35

$28,642 37

$38,619 55

$47,247 46

S tock s, bon ds an d m o rtg a g es.........................................

2,210 00

7,233 71

11,558 71

13,305 00

7 83

100 00

615 23

227 56

3,649 32

2,468 08

6,239 38

3,091 01

1,827 35

2,823 96

2,860 36

2,865 36

C urren t e x p e n ses and ta x e s p a id ................................

944 03

1,117 13

1,874 57

2,395 71

In te r est p a id .........................................................................

28 74

84 82

150 99

218 16

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................
D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ..................................
D u e fro m o th er ban ks an d h a n k e rs............................
B a n k in g h o u s e .....................................................................
F u rn itu re a nd fix tu r es......................................................
O th er rea l e s t a te ........... ....................................................

E x ch a n g es fo r clea rin g h o u s e ....... .......... ...................

889 44

C hecks a n d c a sh ite m s......................................................
N ic k e ls a nd p en n ies.............................. .............................

4 69

G old c o in ................. ................................................
S ilv er c o in ..........................................................

187 00

527 24

14 S9

18 37

23 99

40 00

145 00

1,085 00

457 29

770 00

769 90

251 80

821 30

U . S. and N a tio n a l b an k n o tes.................................

5,000 00

2,608 00

2,536 00

2,766 00

T o ta ls ..........................................................................

$43,475 31

$46,089 86

$66,286 64

$74,503 84

$19,325 05

$21,591 57

$24,090 00

$24,950 00

741 96

1,272 14

2,289 83

3,369 24

I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

9,851 27

6,911 51

9,501 44

12,090 57

C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit.....................................................

6,254 52

6,345 61

16,893 74

19,219 77

7,302 51

9,969 03

13,511 63

14,874 26

$43,475 31

$46,089 86

$66,286 64

$74,503 84

L ia b ilitie s.
C ap ital sto ck p aid i n ...................................................
Su rp lus f u n d ........................................................................
U n d iv id ed p ro fits.................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ................................................................

D u e to b a n k s a n d b a n k e rs...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ..................................................................
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits....................................... ............
N otes an d b ills re-d isco u n te d ......................................
B ills p a y a b le..........................................................................
T o ta ls ..............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



No. 3.
O rganized J a n u a ry 24, 1889.
D a v id P . H a m il t o n , P residen t; J o h n M u r r a y , Vice P residen t; J o h n G. S c h u r t z , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —Jno. G. S ch u rtz, Jno. M urray, D a v id P . H am ilto n , P e te r P u tn a m , C has. W. H o tch in ,
F red C. H o tch in , A . W . M urray, R . F. J a r re tt, J o h n H. C otton, B ird sey P eck , John H otch in .

R eso u rces.

R eport of
M a y 13.

R eport of
J u l y 12.

R eport of
S e p t. 30.

R e p o r t of
D e c . 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n ts .............................. ...........................

$ 2 4 ,3 4 5 09

$ 3 1 ,8 5 4 51

$ 3 3 ,9 1 0 80

S to ck s, bonds a n d m o rtg a g es.........................................

1 ,2 0 0 0 0

9 0 0 00

9 0 0 00

9 0 0 00

3 6 30

2 2 4 18

2 ,4 3 5 19

4 6 8 36

5 3 4 30

5 7 37

2 5 0 00

250 00

250 0 0

8 2 3 73

19 20

2 4 0 20

466 52

6 02

8 17

19 2 0

13 10

170 00

1 5 0 00

1 0 0 00

6 5 00

O verd raf t s .......... ......................__......... ..................
D ue from b a n k s in reserve c itie s .................................

4 ,0 8 0 04

3 3 6 ,5 3 2 8 5

D ue from oth er ban ks a nd b a n k e rs............................
B a n k in g h o u se .....................................................................
F u rn itu r e and fix tu r e s ......................................................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e ..................................................................
C u rren t e x p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ................................
In te r e st p a id ...........................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .......................................
C heck a nd ca sh ite m s ......................................................
N ic k e ls a nd p e n n ie s ..........................................................
G old c o in ...... ...........................................................
S ilv e r c o in .............................................................................

75 0 0

211 20

194 50

2 2 3 50

42 00

2 ,4 5 1 00

6 7 4 00

3 ,0 0 0 00

815 0 0

$ 3 3 ,2 8 7 08

$ 3 4 ,5 5 5 0 4

$ 3 9 ,4 7 7 18

$ 4 1 ,5 7 7 0 3

$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 00

$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 00

$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 00

$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 0 0

200 0 0

2 0 0 00

200 00

5 7 6 52

2 7 77

493 11

1 ,0 3 1 6 4

I n d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................

5 ,2 2 0 84

3 ,1 6 4 82

4 ,9 4 5 42

2 ,7 2 6 88

C ertifica tes o f d ep o sit....................................................

7 ,4 8 9 72

6 ,0 8 6 00

8 ,2 1 4 59

1 2 ,1 3 3 50

7 6 45

6 2 4 06

4 8 5 01

$ 3 4 ,5 5 5 04

$ 3 9 ,4 7 7 18

$ 4 1 ,5 7 7 0 3

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ......................................
T o ta ls ..........................................................

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck p a id in ...........................................
S u rp lu s fu n d .........................................................................
U n d iv id e d p ro fits................................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id ..........................................................

D u e to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs...............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................................................
C a sh ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ................... ...................
S a v in g s d e p o sits...................................................................
N o tes a nd b ills re-d isco u n te d .............................„.......
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$ 3 3 ,2 8 7 08


I ll

No. 35.
O rganized A u g u st 30,1888.
J a m e s B. D a k i n , P resident; C h a s . W . B e a r d s l e y , Vice P residen t ; B i o n W ix s o n , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s —J o h n B. D a k in , W m . D ennis, Jno. J. R elile, T heo. H offm an, S. V , T aylor, B ion W ix s o n ,
M. Y . Jessop, Jno. J. D efen d orf, C has. W . B eardsley.

Report of
J uly 12.

R esou rces.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d is c o u n t s ..................................................................................

$61,753 46

$64,065 81

$69,116 34

S to ck s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s..................................................................

1,165 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

117 04

364 81

686 16

6,785 54

4,194 41

4,996 67

B a n k in g h o u se ....................................................................................

3,400 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es................................................................................

1,200 00

1,600 00

1,600 00

7 35

123 19

3 60

C hecks a nd c a sh ite m s ...................................................................

320 70

46 39

356 24

N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s .......................................................................

14 13

35 38

2,200 00

150 00

O v e r d r a fts .........................- ......................... ......................................
D u e fro m h a n k s in reserv e c i t i e s .................................................
D u e fro m o th er h a n k s a nd h a n k ers......................................................

O ther rea l e s t a te ...............................................................................
C u rren t ex p en ses and ta x e s p a id ..........................................................
In te r est p a id ................... 1.............................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .................................................................

G old c o in ...........................................................................................................
S ilv er c o in ...................................................................................................

873 00

299 48

299 36

4,603 00

600 00

5,175 00


$82,439 22

$75,294 09

$86,418 75

C a p ita l sto ck p aid in ............................................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

2,417 43

3,612 54

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l han k n o tes ..............................................................
T o ta ls......................................................................

L ia b ilities.

S u rp lu s fu n d ..................................................................................................

375 00

U n d iv id e d profits..........................................................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ..........................................................................................

633 16
690 00

In d iv id u a l deposits su b ject to c h e c k ...................................................

18,684 38

5,690 80

17,373 68

C ertifica tes of d e p o sit.................................................................................

11,337 41

15,990 75

17,346 91

$75,294 09

$86,418 75

D ue to b an ks and b an k ers......................................................... ..............
C ertified c h e c k s .............................................................................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u t s t a n d in g ...............................................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits...........................................................................................
N o tes and b ills re-d isco u n ted ..................................................................
B ills p a y a b le ....................................................................................................
T o ta ls...........................................................................................................|
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$82,439 22



No. 64.
W Y A N D O T T E S A V IN G S B A N K , W Y A N D O T T E .
O rganized N o v em b er 20, 1871.
J . S.'/V a n A l s t y n e , P resident; F r e d e r i c k B. S i b l e y , Vice P residen t ; W . V a n M i l l e r , Cashier.
D ir e c t o r s —E u sta c e 0 . B ow m an, S id n e y D . M iller, C has. W . T hom as, E d m u n d P. C hristian J S
V a n A lsty n e , S id n ey T. M iller, W . V an M iller, F red erick B. S ib ley.

R eport o f
M a y 13.

R eport of
J u l y 12.

R eport of
S e p t. 30.

R eport o f
D e c . 11.

L oans a nd d isc o u n ts..............................

$ 1 0 4 ,5 4 2 5 4

$ 1 1 0 ,0 5 2 61

$ 1 0 2 ,9 2 7 29

$ 1 1 6 ,6 8 6 4 2

S tock s, bonds a nd m o rtg a g es..............

100,000 00

1 1 5 ,0 0 0 00

1 1 5 ,0 0 0 00

1 1 5 ,0 0 0 00

R esources.

O v erd ra fts...................................................

7 0 62

D ue fro m b a n k s in reserv e c itie s ___

2 4 ,9 6 3 57

3 2 ,5 1 9 27

2 3 ,7 3 6 72

2 3 ,8 7 1 39'

1 ,5 6 4 57

1 ,5 6 4 57

1 ,6 4 7 53

1 ,6 4 7 53:

760 73

1 ,1 9 4 2 3

D u e fro m o th er b a n k s a nd b a n k e rs.
B a n k in g h o u se...........................................
F u rn itu re an d fix tu r es...........................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e ....................................
C urrent ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ___

9 1 8 25

in te r e s t p a i d ............................................. .
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se ............
C hecks a nd c a sh ite m s.......................... .
N ic k e ls an d p e n n ies................................
G old c o i n ..................................................... .

12 94

9 34

2 8 98

41 9 3

585 0 0

1 ,6 8 0 00

1,020 00

3 9 5 CO

S ilv er c o in ....................................................

530 00

100 00

230 00

90 00

U . S. a n d N a tio n a l ban k n o te s ...........

4 ,6 6 1 00

325 00

4 ,4 2 8 0 0

5 ,0 6 6 0 0

$237,777 87

$261,250 79

8249,849 87

8263,992 50

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

12,025 17

7,771 02

10,913 71

8,501 43

69,996 07

86,863 81

77,541 56

85,865 25

7,240 00

7,240 00

7,240 00

105,756 63

109,375 96

104,154 60

107,385 82

8237,777 87

$261,250 79

$249,849 87

$263,992 50

T o ta ls ............................ ....................

L ia b ilities.
C a p ita l sto ck p aid in ............. ......................................
Su rp lus f u n d ..........................................................

5,000 00

U n d iv id e d profits..... .............. ....................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ................................................................
I n d iv id u a l deposits, su b je c t to c h e c k .................
C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit.......................................................
D u e to ban k s a nd b a n k e rs...............................................


C ertified c h e c k s .............................................
C a sh ier’s ch eck s o u t s ta n d in g .......................................
S a v in g s d ep o sits........... .............................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ......................................
B ills p a y a b le .............................................


T o ta ls ..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




No. 86.
O rganized A p r il 30, 1887.
D. C. B a t c h e l d e r , President; S. M. C u t c h e o n , Vice President; R . W . H e m p h i l l , Cashier.
D i r e c t o r s —D on C. B a tc h e ld e r , R ob ert W . H em p h ill, H. [P. G lover, S tep h en Moon, S u lliv a n M.
C utcheon.

Report of
July 12.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans an d d isc o u n ts....................................................................................

$175,585 41

$173,117 03

$187,096 22

S to ck s, bonds an d m o r tg a g e s .-..............................................................

23,519 00

33,806 00

33,879 00

980 08

261 04

362 28

30,756 53

26,255 51

9,153 46

R esou rces.

O v e r d r a fts .........................- .............................................................
D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c i t i e s ............................................
D u e from o th er b a n k s and b a n k ers...............................................

4,754 07

11,486 97

1,326 68

B a n k in g h o u se ..........................................................................................

28,000 00

28,000 00

28,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

F u rn itu r e an d fix tu r es.................. .............................................
O th er rea l e s t a te ........................................... ...........................................
C urren t ex p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ..........................................................

3,055 93

4,839 25

6,172 67

In te r est p a id ...................................................................................................

3,109 85

4,002 73

6,092 97

E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u s e ............... .................................................

1,195 67

C h eck s and c a sh ite m s ...............................................................................

575 75

N ic k e ls an d p e n n ie s ...................................................................................

62 02

G old c o in ..................................................................................................... .
S ilv er c o in ...............................................................................


1,000 00


116 00
69 72

746 43

26 21
4,719 00

700 00

208 81

300 00

U . S. a nd N a tio n a l b an k no tes .............................................................

11,485 00

7,669 00

4,400 00

T o ta ls...........................................................................................................

$286,779 31

$297,111 77

8278,995 21

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

7,770 22

10,513 90

14,619 15

L ia b ilities.
C a p ita l sto ck paid in .................... ..............................................................
Su rp lus fu n d ...............................................................................................
U n d iv id ed p rofits...........................................................................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ..........................................................................................
I n d iv id u a l d ep o sits su b ject to c h e c k ............................................. .
C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it................................................................................

80,389 45

87,435 71

78,235 00

132,445 95

127,379 59

111,815 47

16,173 69

21,782 57

24,325 59

D u e to ban k s a n d b a n k ers........................................................................
C ertified c h e c k s .............................................................................................
C ash ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .................................................................
S a v in g s d e p o sits............................................................................................
N o te s a nd b ills re-d isco u n te d .......................................................... .......
B ills p a y a b le ...................................................................................................
T o ta ls .................................. ........................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



$286,779 31

8297,111 77

$278,995 21



L e w is H . W i t h e y , P resident; W i l l a r d B a r n h a r t , Vice P residen t ; D a r w in D . C o d y , 2d Vice
P resid en t ; H e n r y I d e m a , 3d Vice P residen t ; A n t o n G. H o d e n p y l , Secretary.
D ir e c t o r s —L. H . W ith e y , W . B a rn h a rt, T. D . G ilbert, D . D . Cody, J u liu s H ou sem an , A . D .
R ath b o n e, H. J. H o lliste r , D. H . W a te r s, J .M . B a rn ett, W m . Sears, C has. F o x , T. S tew a r t
W h ite , R . B. W oodcock, N . L. A v e r y , S. B. J en k s, Jno. W . C ham p lin, H. Id em a, A . G.
H o d en p y l, W . W . C um m er, E. G. F iler, C. H . H a c k le y .

R esources.

Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Dec. 11.

L oans a n d d isc o u n ts...............................

$37,750 00

$32,626 65

Stock s, bonds a nd m o r tg a g e s.............

55,373 50

134,200 00

25,558 95

37,610 71

563 89

O v e r d r a fts-.................................................
D ue fro m b a n k s in reserve c itie s ___
D ue fro m o th er b a n k s an d hankers.
B a n k in g h o u se ..........................................
F u rn itu re an d fix tu r es.........................

288 99

In te r e s t p a id ..............................................

178 10

C urren t e x p en ses and ta x e s p a id ...

2,185 39

P r o fit a n d lo ss...........................................

48 00
828 90

P rem iu m s p a id .........................................

157 50

C h eck s a n d c a sh ite m s ...........................

2,250 00

N ic k e ls an d p en n ies................................
G old c o in .....................................................
S ilv er c o in ..................... .............................
U . S. an d N a tio n a l ban k n o tes...........
T otals.

296 19
426 77
$111,760 70

$208,581 84

8104,625 00

$199,500 00

L ia b ilities.
C ap ital sto c k paid i n ..................................
S u rp lu s fu n d ................................................
U n d iv id ed profits........................................
D iv id en d s u n p a id ........................................
I n d iv id u a l dep osits, su b je c t to check .
C ertificates o f d ep o sit................................
D u e to b a n k s a nd h a n k ers......................
C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...............
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..........................................
N o tes a nd b ills r e-d isco u n te d ................
B ills p a y a b le .................................................
T o ta ls ........................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

1,408 07



W m . B. W e s s o n , President; J e r o m e C rotjx , Vice President; S. D . E l w o o d , Secretary and Treasurer;
W m . A . M o o r e , A ttorney.
D ir e c t o r s —W . B. W esso n , Jero m e C roul, S. D . E lw ood, W . A . M oore, J. S. F arran d , H erm an
K iefer, F r a n c is A d am s.

R esources.

Report of
May 13.

Report of
July 12.

Tjoana and d is c o u n ts _________________ ___________
S to ck s, bonds a n d m o r tg a g e s____________________
O v e r d r a fts _________________________________ ____
D u e fro m b a n k s in reserv e c it ie s ......... . . ....................
D u e fro m o th er ban k s a n d b a n k e r s ............................
B a n k in g h o u s e ________________ ___________ ______
F u rn itu r e a nd fix tu r es ..................... ...............................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e ________ ______ ____ ___________
C urren t ex p en ses a n d ta x e s p a id ................................
In te r e st p a id ...........................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r c le a rin g h o u se .......................................
C hecks a nd c a sh it e m s ............................................. .......
N ic k e ls a nd p en n ies............................................................
G old c o in .................................................................................
S ilv e r c o in _______________________________________
U . S. an d N a tio n a l h a n k n o te s ......................................
T o t a ls ..________ _____ _______________________
L ia b ilities.
C a p ita l sto ck p a id i n . ........................................................
S u rp lu s fu n d .........................................................................
U n d iv id e d p r o fits...............................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p aid .................................................................
In d iv id u a l d ep o sits, su b je c t to c h e c k ........................
C ertifica tes o f d e p o sit........................................................
D u e to h a n k s a nd h a n k e rs..............................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................
C a sh ie r ’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .......................................
S a v in g s d e p o s it s .................................................................
N o te s an d h ills r e -d isc o u n te d .......................................
B ills p a y a b le ........................................................................
T o ta ls ............................................................... ...............
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Report of
Sept. 30.

Report of
Deo. 11.



R . W . G i l l e t t , President ; F . W . H a y e s , Vice President ; J. P . G-il m o r e , Secretary.
D ir e c t o r s —R . W . G-illett, W m . H. E llio tt, J a s. D. S ta n d ish , F. W . H a y e s, Jas. E . D avis, A . E. F .
W h ite, C. A . B la c k , H . S. P in g r ee , J n o . C anüeld , W . R. B u rt, W . D. P resto n .

R eso u rces.

Report of
Deo. 11.

L o a n s an d d is c o u n ts ............................................................................................................. ...............................
S tock s, bon ds an d m o r tg a g e s ..........................................................................................................................
O v erd ra fts........................................................................... .....................................................................................
D u e fr o m b a n k s in reserv e c i t i e s ..................................................................................................................

81,761 57

D u e fr o m o th er b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s .............................................................................................................
B a n k in g h o u se ......................................................................................................... . ............................................
F u rn itu r e an d fix tu res and e x p e n s e .............................................................................................................

34,769 63

O ther r ea l e s t a te ............................................................................................................. ......................................
C urren t e x p en ses an d ta x e s p a id ....................................................................................................................
I n te r e s t p a id .................................................... - ......................................................................................................
E x ch a n g e s fo r cle a rin g h o u se ..........................................................................................................................
C h eck s a n d c a sh ite m s ........................................................................................................................................
N ic k e ls a n d p e n n ie s .............................................................................................................................................
G old c o in .......................................................................................................................... ......................................
S ilv e r c o in .......... .....................................................................................................................................................
U . S. an d N a tio n a l b a n k n o t e s ...................... ................................................................................................
T o ta ls..................................................................................................................................................................

$36,531 20

L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l sto ck p aid i n ...........................................................................................................................................

$30,000 00

S u rp lu s fu n d ............................................................................................................................................................
U n d iv id ed p rofits...................................................................................................................................................

6,531 20

D iv id en d s u n p a id ...................................................................................................................................................
I n d iv id u a l d ep osits, su b ject to c h e c k ......... ...............................................................................................
C ertificates of d ep o sit..........................................................................................................................................
D u e to b a n k s and b a n k ers.................................................................................................................................
C ertified c h e ck s................... .................. ................................................................................................................
C a sh ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....................................................................................... ................................
S a v in g s d ep osits................................................................................................ .....................................................
N o te s and b ills r e -d is c o u n te d ..........................................................................................................................


B ills p a y a b le .................................. t .......................................................................................................................
T o ta ls ...................................................................................................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$36,531 20


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

PUBLIC ACT NO. 205, 1887.

[No. 205.]
AN ACT to revise the laws authorizing the business of banking,
and to establish a banking department for the supervision of
such business.
S e c t io n 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That gSst&
^ [ \ ° ”gfor
any number of persons, not less than five (5), may associate to banks, etc.
establish offices of discount and deposit to be known as commer­
cial banks, and also to establish offices of loan and deposit to be
known as savings banks, or to establish banks having depart­
ments for both classes of business, upon the terms and conditions
and subject to the liabilities prescribed in this act, but the aggre- CaP{tal Btockgate amount of the capital stock of any such bank shall not be
less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), except that
banks with a capital of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars
($25,000) may be organized in a city or village, the population
of which does not exceed five thousand inhabitants, and with a
capital of not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) in a city or
village the population of which does not exceed twenty thousand
(20,000) inhabitants. No bank shall take as security for any secu rity
loan or discount a lien upon any part of its capital stock. The loans, etc.
same security in kind and amount shall be required of stockhold­
ers and of persons not stockholders. No bank shall be the holder
or purchaser of any portion of its capital stock unless such pur- stock, etc.
chase shall be necessary to prevent loss upon a debt previously
contracted in good faith. Stock so purchased shall in no case be
held by the bank for a longer time than six months, if the stock
can be sold for what it cost, and it must be sold for the best price
obtainable within one year, or cancelled as hereinafter provided
for the reduction of capital stock : Provided, That the provisions Proviso as to
of this act as to the amount of capital shall not apply to any bank cap ital stock,
now organized and doing business at the time of the passage of
this act.
S ec . 2. The persons associating shall execute articles of incor- ^corporation,
poration, which shall specify:
w hat to specify.
First, The name assumed by such bank, which shall be, in no
material respect, similar to the name of any other bank organized
under the laws of this State;
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




A cknow ledg­
m en t of

How execu ted
and w here filed,



Second, The county and city or village where such bank is to
be located and to conduct its business;
Third, The nature of its business, whether that of a commer­
cial bank, savings bank, or both;
Fourth, The amount of its capital stock, which shall be divided
into shares of one hundred dollars each;
Fifth, The names and places of residence of the stockholders,
and the number of shares held by each of them ;
Sixth, The period for which the bank is organized, which
shall not exceed thirty (30) years. Such articles of incorporation
shall be acknowledged before any officer authorized by the laws
of this State to take and certify acknowledgments.
S e c . 3. Such articles of incorporation shall be executed in
triplicate, one of which shall be recorded in the office of the
county clerk for the county in which the bank is located, one
filed in the office of the Commissioner of the Banking Department,
and one filed in the office of the Secretary of State. Such articles
of incorporation, or copies thereof, duly certified by either of
said officers, may be used as evidence in all courts for and against
such bank.
S ec . 4. U p o n m a k in g and filin g th e a r tic le s o f in c o r p o r a tio n
req u ired b y th is a ct th e b a n k sh a ll b e co m e a b o d y co rp o r a te , an d
as su c h sh a ll h a v e p ow er:

First, To adopt and use a corporate seal;
Second, To have succession for the period of years named in the
articles of incorporation;
Third, To make contracts ;
Fourth, To sue and be sued in any court of law or equity as
fully as natural persons;
Fifth, To elect or appoint directors, who shall choose from
their members a president and one or more vice-presidents, and
shall have power to appoint and employ a cashier or treasurer,
and other officers, define their duties, require bonds from such
officers and clerks, dismiss such officers so elected or appointed,
or any of them, at pleasure, and elect or appoint others to fill
their places;
Sixth, To prescribe by its board of directors by-laws not
inconsistent with law, regulating the manner in which its stock
shall be transferred, its directors and officers elected or appointed,
its stockholders convened for special meetings, its property trans­
ferred, its general business conducted and the privileges granted
to it by law exercised and enjoyed;
Seventh, To exercise by its board of directors or duly author­
ized officers or agents, subject to law, all such powers as shall be
necessary to carry on the business of banking by discounting and
negotiating promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other
evidences of debts, by receiving deposits, by buying and selling
exchange, coin and bullion, and by loaning money on personal
and real security as provided hereinafter; but no such bank shall
take or receive more than the rate of interest allowed by law in
advance on its loans and discounts’: Provided, That this restric-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



tion shall not authorize any transaction for a less sum than fifty
cents; and no hank shall transact any business except such as is
incidental and necessarily preliminary to its organization until
it has been authorized by the Commissioner of the Banking
Department to commence the business of banking.
Sec. 5. At least fifty per cent of the capital stock of every oae-haif capital
bank shall be paid in before it shall be authorized to commence in°beforebcom-d
business,, and the remainder of the capital of such bank shall be
paid in in monthly installments of at least ten per cent on the howpaid,
whole of the capital, payable at the end of each succeeding month
from the time it shall be authorized by the Commissioner of the
Banking Department to commence business, and the payment of
each installment shall be certified to the Commissioner, under
oath, by the president, cashier or treasurer of the bank.
S e c . 6 . Whenever any stockholder or his assignee fails to pay delinquent01
any installment on the stock when the same is required by the Installm ents
preceding section to be paid, the directors of such bank may sell onstockthe stock of such delinquent stockholder at public sale, as they
shall deem best, having first given the delinquent stockholder
twenty days’ notice, personally or by mail at his last known
address. If no bidder can be found who will pay for such stock
the amount due thereon to the bank, with any cost incurred, the
amount previously paid shall be forfeited to the bank, and such
stock shall be sold as th,e directors may order, within six months
from the time of such forfeiture, and if not sold it shall be can­
celled and deducted from the capital of the bank. If sold before ^posnio^of6’
cancellation, any surplus over the amount due on said stock to surplus,
said bank, including all costs incurred thereon, with interest for
the time delinquent, shall be returned to the original stockholder,
his heirs or assigns. If such cancellation shall reduce the capital Proceedings in
of the bank below the minimum required by law, the said capital tion reduces*'
shall, within thirty (30) days from the date of such cancel] ation, m °nim uS?w
be increased to the required amount by additional subscriptions,
in default of which a receiver may be applied for by the Commis­
sioner of the Banking Department, with the advice and consent of
the Attorney General, to close up the business of the bank.
Sec. ?. Whenever articles of incorporation are filed with the Examination of
Commissioner of the Banking Department, as provided in this act, Trank by Oomand the bank transmitting the same notifies the Commissioner mlssl0nerthat at least fifty per cent of its capital has been duly paid in, and
that such bank has complied with all the provisions of this
act required before the bank shall be authorized to commence
business, the Commissioner shall examine into the condition of
such bank, ascertain the amount of money paid in on account of
its capital, the name and place of residence of each of its directors,
and the amount of capital stock of which each is the owner in
good faith, and whether such bank has complied with all the
other provisions of this act required to entitle it to engage in the
business of banking. If upon such examination it appears that
such bank is lawfully entitled to commence business, the Commis- to com m ence
sioner shall, within thirty (30) days after receiving notice that buslness-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


Publication of

Shares of stock
deem ed per­
sonal property,
w hen not transferable.

Bank may
increase or
reduce capital.

When such
action valid.

Purposes for
w hich real
estate m ay be
held, etc.


fifty per cent of its capital has been paid in, give to such bank a
certificate under bis hand and official seal that such bank has
complied with all the provisions required before commencing
business, and that such bank is authorized to commence business;
but the Commissioner, with the advice and consent of the Attorney
General, may withhold such certificate whenever he has reason to
believe that the stockholders have formed the same for any other
than the legitimate business contemplated by this act.
S ec . 8. The bank shall cause the certificate issued under the
preceding section to be published in some newspaper printed in
the city, village or county where the bank is located, at least once
in each week for six successive weeks, the first publication to be
made within ten days after the receipt of said certificate, or, if
no newspaper is there published, then in a newspaper published
at the nearest county seat.
S e c . 9. The shares of stock of such bank shall be deemed
personal property, and shall be transferred on the books of the
bank in such manner as the by-laws thereof may direct, but no
transfer of stock shall be valid against a bank so long as the reg­
istered holder thereof shall be liable as principal debtor, surety
or otherwise to the bank for any debt which shall be due and
unpaid, nor in such case shall any dividend, interests or profits
be paid on such stock, so long as such liabilities continue, but
all such dividends, interest or profits shall be retained by the
bank and applied to the discharge of such liabilities; and no stock
shall be transferred on the books of any bank without the consent
of the board of directors, where the registered holder thereof is
in debt to the bank for any matured and unpaid obligations.
S e c . 10. A bank may increase or reduce its capital at any
time by a vote of its stockholders representing two-thirds of
the capital had at a meeting duly called for that purpose. A cer­
tificate of that fact shall be executed by its officers, including a
majority of its directors, and filed as required for articles of incor­
poration. But no increase shall be valid until the amount
thereof has been subscribed and actually paid in ; and no reduc­
tion shall be made to a less amount than is required in section
one for capital, nor be valid or warrant the cancellation of stock
certificates, or diminish the personal liability of stockholders
until such reduction has been approved by the Commissioner of
the Banking Department. Such approval must be based upon a
finding by him that the security of existing creditors of the bank
will not be impaired by the proposed reduction.
S e c . 11. A bank may purchase, hold and convey real estate
for the following purposes, but no other:
First, Such as shall be necessary for the convenient transac­
tion of its business, including with its banking office, other apart­
ments to rent as a source of income, but which shall not exceed
fifty per cent of its paid-in capital;
Second, Such as shall be conveyed to it in satisfaction of debts
previously contracted in the course of its business ;*
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Third, Such as it shall purchase at sale under judgments,
decrees or mortgage foreclosures under securities held by it; but a
bank shall not bid at any such sale a larger amount than to sat­
isfy its debt and costs. Real estate shall be conveyed under the how conveyed,
corporate seal of the bank, and the hand of its president, or vicepresident, and cashier or treasurer. No real estate acquired in Limit of time
the cases contemplated in the second and third sub-sections above of holdlngshall be held for a longer time than five years. If not sold before
the expiration of said five years it must be sold at private or
public sale within thirty days thereafter.
d ir e c t o r s .

S ec . 12. The affairs of each bank shall be managed by a board Affairs to be
of not less than five directors, who shall be elected by the stock- board of dlrecholders and hold office for one year, and until their successors are ^ t®leetlon
elected and have qualified. A majority of the board of directors
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business: Pro- Proviso.
vided, That when the number of directors shall exceed nine, they
shall once in three months designate by resolution nine mem­
bers, any five of whom shall constitute a quorum. In the first F irst and subinstance the directors shall be elected at a meeting held before ofTirectorT1100
the bank is authorized to commence business by the Commis­
sioner, and afterwards at the annual meeting of stockholders to
be held on the second Tuesday in December of each year; and if
for any cause an election is not had at that meeting it may be
held at a subsequent meeting called for that purpose, of which
due notice shall be given as provided in the by-laws adopted
by such bank. At a meeting of stockholders for election of w h o en titled to
directors each share shall entitle the owner to one vote for each vo e'
director, but no stockholder shall be entitled to vote who is
indebted to the bank upon any obligation past due. A stockholder Proxy,
may vote at any meeting of the corporation by a proxy in writing
signed by him, but no officer, clerk, teller or book-keeper of such
corporation shall act as proxy. Every director must own and ^rhe°c“^ oath
hold in his own name not less than ten shares of the capital of, etc.
stock of such bank. He shall take and subscribe an oath that he
will diligently and honestly perform his duties in such office, and
will not knowingly violate, or permit to be violated, any provision
of this act; that he is the owner in good faith of stock of the
bank, as required to qualify him for such office, standing in his
name on the books of the bank, and that such stock is not pledged
as security for any debt; such oath shall be transmitted to the
Commissioner and filed in his office. Any vacancy in the board
of directors shall be filled by the board, and the directors so
appointed shall hold office until the next election.
S e c . 13. The board of directors of a bank may declare a divi- ^ f uesnfunadnd
dend of so much of the net profits of the bank, after providing
for all expenses, losses, interest and taxes accrued or due
from said bank, as they shall judge expedient; but before any
such dividend is declared not less than one-tenth of the net
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



profits of the bank for the preceding half year, or for such period
as is covered by the dividend, shall be carried to a surplus fund
until such surplus shall amount to twenty per cent of its capital
S e c . 14. The directors and officers of any bank who shall
deposits, etc.,
fraudulently and with intent to cheat and defraud any person,
a m isdem eanor.
receive any deposit, knowing, or having good reason to believe,
that such bank is insolvent, shall be deemed guilty of a misde­
P en alty for.
meanor, and punished, upon conviction thereof, by a fine not to
exceed one thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail
or State House of Correction and Eeformatory at Ionia for a
period not exceeding one year, or both such fine and imprison­
ment, at the discretion of the court.
L ist of stock ­
S e c . 15. Every bank shall at all times keep a correct list of
holders to he
the names of all its stockholders, and once in each year on the
filed annually.
second Monday of April, file in the office of the county clerk and
with said Commissioner a correct copy of such list.
Banks re-organ­
S e c . 16. Any State bank re-organized under the laws of the
izin g under U.
S. law s liable,
States as a national bank, as soon as it shall have obtained
the certificate from the controller of the currency authorizing it
to commence business under the United States banking laws,
shall retain and hold all the assets, real and personal, which it
acquired during its existence under this act, and shall hold the
same subject to all liabilities existing against said bank at the
time of its re-organization.
Banks existin g
S e c . 17. Whenever any bank existing under the laws of the
under U. S. laws
m ay re-organlze United States is authorized to dissolve, and shall have taken the
under th is act,
necessary steps to effect dissolution, it shall be lawful for a
majority of the directors of such bank, upon the authority in
writing of the owners of two-thirds of its capital steck, with the
approval of the Commissioner, to execute articles of incorporation
as provided in this act, which articles, in addition to the require­
ments above, shall further set forth the authority derived from
the stockholders of such dissolved national bank, and upon filing
the same as hereinbefore provided upon the organization of
banks, the same shall become a bank under the laws of this State.
Thereupon all assets, real and personal, of said dissolved national
bank shall, by act of law, be vested in and become the property of
such State bank, subject to all liabilities of said national bank
not liquidated under the laws of the United States before such
P en alty for
S e c . 18. Every officer, clerk, agent or employé of a bank who
violation of
th is act.
shall knowingly aid or assist in a violation of any of the pro­
visions of this act, shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and punished as provided in section fourteen of
this act.
When check
S e c . 19. It shall not be lawful for any officer, clerk, agent or
may be certi­
employé of a bank to certify a check unless the amount thereof
actually stands to the credit of the drawer upon the books of the
bank, or to resort to any device, or receive any fictitious obliga­
tions, direct or collateral, in order to evade the provisions of this
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



prohibition ; and any officer, clerk, agent or employé who shall Penaity^for^
attempt any such evasion shall, upon conviction thereof, be s e c t i o n ,
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished as provided in
section fourteen of this act.
S ec. 20.
If the board of directors, or a quorum thereof, of a w hencharter
bank shall knowingly violate, or knowingly permit any of the felted ,
officers, agents or employés of the bank to violate any of the
provisions of this act, and after warning from the Commissioner
shall fail to make good all loss and damage resulting from such
acts or omissions, such conduct shall constitute a ground for a
forfeiture of the charter and privileges of said bank ; and it shall
be the duty of the Commissioner, with the assent of the Attorney
General, to institute proceedings to enforce such forfeiture and
to secure a dissolution and liquidation of said bank.

S e c . 21. Every bank shall make to the Commissioner of the Eeportstobe
Banking Department not less than four reports during each calen- m lssioner not
dar year, at such times as said Commissioner shall require the ^Vs^TchTear.
same, according to the forms which he shall prescribe and fur­
nish. Such reports shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of
the president, vice-president, cashier or treasurer thereof, and
signed by at least three of the directors. Such reports shall ^iM^etc18 t0
exhibit in detail, and under appropriate heads, the resources,
assets and liabilities of the bank at the close of business of
any past day by him specified, and shall be transmitted to said
Commissioner within five days after the receipt of a request there­
for from him, and in the same form such reports shall be pub­
lished in a newspaper in the city, village or county where such
bank is located, and proof of publication shall be furnished to
said Commissioner. Such Commissioner shall also have the power specia^an<i
to call for special reports from any bank or banks whenever, in reports,
his judgment, the same are necessary to inform him fully of the
condition of such banks. In addition to the reports required
above, each bank shall report to the Commissioner within ten
days after declaring any dividend the amount of such dividend,
the amount carried to surplus fund, and the amount of net earn­
ings in excess thereof ; such report to be verified by the oath or
affirmation of one of the executive officers of the bank.
S ec. 22.
Every bank failing to make and transmit to the Commissioner any of the reports required by this act shall be subject r e p o r t..
to a penalty of one hundred dollars for each day after the time
mentioned above for making such reports. Whenever any bank How recovered,
delays or refuses to pay the penalty herein imposed for a failure
to make and transmit a report the Commissioner is hereby
authorized to maintain an action in the name of his office against
the delinquent bank for the recovery of such penalty, and all
sums collected by such action shall be paid into the State treasury
and applied upon the expenses of the banking department.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


C O M M E R C IA L B A N K S .

S ec . 23. Any bank which by its articles of incorporation shall
designate its business as that of a commercial bank shall have
power to carry on the business of banking as prescribed and lim­
ited in this act, but it shall not lend to exceed fifty per cent of
its capital stock upon mortgage or any other form of real estate
security, and then only upon the adoption of a resolution by a
two-thirds vote of the board of directors stating to what extent its
E xception.
officers may loan on real estate, as herein provided, except to
secure a debt previously contracted in good faith on personal
security deemed at the time adequate to secure such loan.
In te rest on
S e c . 24. Commercial banks may allow interest on accounts
d eposits, etc.
or certificates of deposit, but all deposits in such banks shall be
payable on demand without notice, except when the contract of
deposit otherwise provides. Said banks may invest their capital
and deposits, except the reserve provided for in this section, in
negotiable or commercial paper, or loan the same upon personal
R eserve,
securities. Each bank shall keep on hand at all times at least
amount of, etc.
fifteen per cent of its total deposits, except that in cities of over
one hundred thousand population each of such banks shall keep
on hand 20 per cent of its deposits, one-half of which reserve shall
be in lawful money, and the balance may be in funds, payable on
demand, deposited in banks in cities, approved by the Commis­
sioner as reserve cities.
Proceedings in
S e c . 25. Whenever the reserve of any commercial bank shall
case th e reserve
fall below the amount above required, such bank shall not increase
falls helow
its liabilities by making any new loans, or discounts, otherwise
than by discounting or purchasing bills of exchange payable at
sight or on demand, and the Commissioner of the Banking Depart­
ment may notify any bank whose reserve shall be below the
amount above required to make good such reserve, and in case the
bank shall fail for thirty days thereafter to make good its reserve
the Commissioner may, with the concurrence of the Attorney
General, institute proceedings for the appoinment of a receiver
to wind up the business of the bank.
Lim it of amount
loaned on real
estate security.

D eposits,
repaym ent of,
e tc .

S e c . 26. Any bank which, by its articles of incorporation, shall
designate its business as that of a savings bank, shall have power
to carry on the business of banking as prescribed and limited in
this act, and may receive on deposit money offered by tradesmen,
mechanics, laborers, servants, minors, and other persons; and all
deposits in said banks shall be repaid to the depositors, or his or
her lawful representatives when required at such time or times and
with such interest and under such regulations as the board of
directors of the bank from time to time prescribes, which regula­
tions shall be printed and conspicuously exposed in some place
accessible and visible to all in the business office of said bank.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



S e c . 27.
A savings bank shall keep on hand at least fifteen Reserve to be
(15) per cent of its total deposits in money in its own vaults or kept‘
on deposit payable on demand with banks, national or State, in
cities approved by the Commissioner as reserve cities or invested
in United States bonds; three-fifths of the remainder of its s a v - how
ings deposits shall be invested by the board of directors in bonds
of the United States, or of this State, or in the bonds of any
other State of the United States: Provided, That such State has Proviso as to
not in the ten years preceding the time of such investment, repu- stages?1other
diated its debt and failed to pay the same or the interest due
thereon or upon any part of such debt; or in the public debt or
bonds of any city, county, township, village or school district of
any State in the United States which shall have been authorized
by the legislature of such State: Provided, The total indebted- ^ 0^ 0^ ^
ness of such municipality does not exceed five per cent of the pantiesmumtv
assessed valuation, except by a vote of two-thirds of the board of
directors such bonds may be purchased if the total liabilities do
not exceed ten per cent of its assessed valuation, or loan the
same upon negotiable paper secured by any of the above mentioned
classes of security; or upon notes, or bonds, secured by mort­
gage lien upon unincumbered real estate worth at least double
the amount loaned; the remainder of such deposits may be
invested in notes, bills or other evidences of debt, the payment of
which is secured by the deposit of collateral security consisting of
personal property, of known marketable value, worth ten per cent
more than the amount so loaned and interest for the time of the
loan; or may be deposited in any national bank, trust company,
or bank in cities in this or any other State approved by the Com­
missioner of the Banking Department as reserve cities; and a por- Limit of deposit
tion of said remainder, not exceeding the capital and additionalinanyoiiebant
stockholders’ liability, may be invested in negotiable paper
approved by the board of directors; but the deposits in any one
bank shall not exceed ten per cent of the total deposits, capital and
surplus of the depositing bank. In case the actual reserve shall Proceedings
fall below the fifteen per cent above provided, the bank shall 7an“be1owVe
promptly, and in good faith, take measures to restore and main- flfteen per centtain its lawful reserve, in default of which the Commissioner of
the Banking Department shall require such restoration within
thirty days after notice, and a failure to comply with such
demand shall warrant proceedings to wind up the bank, as pro­
vided in section six of this act.
S e c . 28.
A pass-book shall be issued to each depositor in the Pa8Sbooks,
savings department, containing the rules and regulations adopted use of!'* an
by the board of directors governing such deposits, in which book
shall be entered each deposit made by, and each payment made
to, such depositor, and no payment or check against any such
savings account shall be made unless accompanied by and entered
in the pass-book issued therefor, except for good cause and on
assurances satisfactory to the officers of the bank.
S ec. 29.
Any bank combining the business of a commercial separate books
bank and a savings bank shall keep separate books of account for comme?ciai°Ld
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

savings bank
b usiness.


R egulating
of in terest.


each kind of business: Provided, That all receipts, investments
and transactions relating to each of said classes of business shall
be governed by the provisions and restrictions herein specifically
provided for the respective kinds of banks.
* S e c . 30. It sh a ll be th e d u ty o f th e board o f d ir e c to r s o f ea ch
sa v in g s b a n k fro m tim e to tim e to r e g u la te th e in te r e s t to be
a llo w e d d e p o sito r s, an d p a y th e sa m e a t r e g u la r a n d sta te d
p e r io d s.
S e c . 31. When any deposit is made in any savings bank by a

Paym ent of
deposits to a
m inor.

person being a minor the said bank may pay to such depositor
such sums as may be due to him or her, although he or she have
no guardian, and the receipt of such minor shall be in all
respects valid in law.
C ertificates of
S e c . 32. All certificates or evidences of deposits made by the
deposit, etc.
proper officers of any bank shall be as effectual to bind the bank
as if made under the common seal thereof; but said bank shall
not issue any bill, note, or certificate intended to circulate as
money, and no such bank shall issue post notes.
S e c . 33. All the general powers and privileges, as well as the
of tb is act.
general restrictions and limitations provided in this act, and
applied to the corporations to be organized under and regulated
by this act, by the general designation of banks, shall be under­
stood and construed to include commercial banks, savings banks,
and those combining both branches of business.
Effect of this
S e c . 34. The powers, privileges, duties and restrictions con­
act on banks,
ferred and imposed upon any bank existing and doing business
etc., now
under the laws of this State are hereby abridged, enlarged or
modified, as each particular case may require to conform to the
provisions of this act, and to such amendments as may be made
thereto. But nothing in this act shall be construed to affect the
legality of investments heretofore made, or of transactions here­
tofore had, pursuant to any provisions of law in force when such
investments were made or transactions had, nor to require the
change of investments for those named in this act, except as the
same can be done by the sale or redemption of the securities so
invested in, in such manner as to prevent loss or embarrassment
in the business of such bank, or unnecessary loss or injury to the
borrowers on such securities; but no renewal or extension of any
such loan or investment shall be made by any bank, unless neces­
D isposition of
sary to avoid loss or embarrassment, as above provided. All
past due ob liga­
debts due to any association on which interest is past due and
tions, etc.
unpaid for a period of six months, unless the same are well
secured, and in process of collection, shall be considered bad
debts, and shall be charged off to the profit and loss account, at
the expiration of that time.
S tate banking
departm ent


There is hereby established in the State department
a separate and distinct bureau which shall have charge of the
execution of the laws relating to banks, trust, loan, mortgage
security, or safety rdeposit companies formed and transacting
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

S e c . 35.







business under the laws of this State, to be designated as the
State Banking Department.
Sec. 36. The chief officer of the department shall be denom- commissioner
inated the Commissioner of the Banking Department. He shall department
be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and con- appointment of.
sent of the Senate, and shall hold his office for the term of four
years. He may appoint a deputy, and revoke such appointment Deputy,
at pleasure, who shall possess the powers and perform the duties
attached by law to the office of the Commissioner during a
vacancy in such office, and during the absence or inability of his
principal. He may also employ from time to time such clerks cierks.
to assist him and his deputy in the discharge of the several duties
imposed upon them by this act as he shall find necessary. The salary of comsalary of the Commissioner shall be two thousand five hundred “¿put^and
dollars per annum. The salary of the deputy and such clerks as clerks-’
may be employed under this act shall be at such a rate per annum
as the Commissioner shall decide: Provided, That such rate is proviso,
not in excess of that of the deputies and clerks of the several
State departments. The salaries of the Commissioner, deputy Payment of
and clerks shall be paid monthly or quarterly by the State salarles'
Treasurer, upon a voucher countersigned by the Auditor General.
Vouchers for the Commissioner’s salary must be first approved by
the Governor. Vouchers for the deputy and clerks’ salaries must
be first approved by the Commissioner. All actual and necessary Expenses,
traveling expenses of said Commissioner, deputy or clerks,
incurred in the discharge of their duties under this act, shall be
fully itemized upon proper vouchers and certified in the order
indicated for the salaries, and presented to the Board of State
Auditors. If allowed, the Auditor General shall countersign.
The State Treasurer shall, upon the presentation of vouchers so
allowed and countersigned, reimburse the said officers’ expenses.
Within fifteen days from the notice of their appointment, respect- 0ath of officeively, the Commissioner and his deputy shall take and subscribe
the oath of office prescribed by the constitution, and file the
same in the office of the Secretary of State. The said Commis- Bond,
sioner of the Banking Department and his deputy aforesaid,
shall each give to to the people of this State a bond in the penal
sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, with two or more sureties, to
be approved by the State Treasurer, conditioned for the faithful
discharge of the duties of their respective offices; and the Com- orTe^ufyToT
missioner or his deputy shall not be interested, directly or indi- to be engaged
rectly, in any national bank, nor in any bank or other corpora-in banklng’etction under their supervision, nor engaged in the business of
banking. There shall be assigned to said Commissioner suitable
rooms in the State capitol for conducting the business of said
S e c . 37. The said Commissioner shall devise a seal for the use Sealof his office, which shall continue to be the seal of said depart­
ment. A description of the seal, with an impression thereof,
shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State.
Sec. 38. Every" bank existing° or hereafter incorporated
under toBanks
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



the laws of this State shall he subject to the inspection and
supervision of the Commissioner of the Banking Department as
provided in this act.
D uty of Com­
S e c . 39.
It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the
m issioner to
annually exam ­ Banking Department, and he shall have power for himself, his
ine books, etc.
deputy, or any examiner he may appoint for that purpose, to
examine once in each year the cash, bills, collaterals or securities,
books of account, condition and affairs of each bank under the
law, and also when requested by the board of directors of any
bank. For that purpose he may examine, on oath, any of the
officers, agents, clerks, customers or depositors of such bank
False swearing, touching the affairs and business of such bank. Any willful false
swearing in any examination shall be deemed perjury. He shall
also ascertain whether each bank transacts its business at the
place designated in the articles of incorporation, and whether its
business is conducted in the manner prescribed by law.
Fee for
S e c . 40.
For each annual examination the bank examined
exam ination.
shall pay into the State treasury for the credit of the general
fund one-hundredth part of one per cent of the gross amount of
the assets of said bank: Provided, That the examination fee of
Special expense, any bank shall not be less than ten dollars. The expenses incurred
how paid.
and services performed especially for any bank shall be paid by
C ollection of
such bank. If such charges or the annual fee are not paid after
charges and
due notice, the Commissioner shall maintain an action in his
name of office against the delinquent bank for the recovery of
such charge, or annual fee, with interest thereon, and the sums
so collected shall be paid into the State treasury. No person
shall be appointed to examine a bank in which he is interested as
Certain facts
stockholder, officer or employé, or otherwise. The Commissioner
and Information
of the Banking Department, his deputy, every clerk in his
to be kept
employment and examiner shall be bound by oath to keep secret
all facts and information obtained in the course of such examina­
tions, except in as far as the public duty of such officer requires
him to report upon or take official action regarding the affairs of
such bank. No bank shall be subject to any visitation other than
such as is required by this act, or otherwise authorized by law.
Proceedings in
S e c . 41. Whenever any officer of a bank shall 'refuse to sub­
case bank re­
fu ses to submit mit the books, papers and concerns of such bank to the inspectors
to inspection,
[inspection] of the Commissioner, deputy, or examiner appointed
as aforesaid, or refuse to be examined on oath touching the
concerns of the bank, the Commissioner may, with the con­
currence of the Attorney General, institute proceedings for the
appointment of a receiver for such bank to wind up its business.
Proceedings in
S e c . 42.
Whenever it shall appear from the report of any
case capital of
bank, or the Commissioner shall have reason to believe that the
bank is
impaired, etc.
capital of any bank is impaired or reduced below the amount
required by law, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner, and he
shall have power to examine said bank and ascertain the facts,
and in case he finds such impairment or reduction of capital, to
require such bank to make good the deficiency so appearing. If
any bank shall refuse or fail for ninety days after written requisi-
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



tion to make good the deficiency so appearing or found to exist, it
shall be the duty of the Commissioner, with the concurrence of
the Attorney General, to institute proceedings for the appoint­
ment of a receiver of such bank to wind up its business.
S e c . 43. On the thirty-first day of December the Commissioner commissioner
of the Banking Department shall make an annual report to the the Governor
Governor of the State, which report shall be published, and shall annuallyexhibit :
First, A summary of the state and condition of every bank W hat report to
from which reports have been received during the year, with an exlllblt'
abstract of the whole amount of capital returned by them, the
whole amount of their debts and liabilities, the total amount of
means and resources, separating the reports of such banks and
other corporations, and specifying the amount of lawful money
held by banks at the time of their several returns, and such other
information in relation to such banks and corporations as in his
judgment may be required ;
Seco?id, A statement of the banks and corporations whose busi­
ness has been closed during the year, the amount of their resour­
ces and liabilities, and the amount paid to the creditors thereof;
Third, The names and compensation of the clerks employed
by him, and the whole amount of expenses of the banking depart­
ment during the year ;
Fourth, The amount of fees received for the examination of
banks or other corporations, and fines collected and paid over to
the State Treasurer.
Sec. 44. Whenever the Commissioner shall deem it expedient ^°m™
he may call a meeting of the stockholders of any bank, organized m g of stockunder the laws of this State, by a personal notice of such meeting bank^eta any
for fifteen days previous thereto, and in case a majority of the
stockholders cannot be reached by personal notice, then by pub­
lishing such notice at least once in each week for four successive
weeks previous to the meeting in a newspaper published in the
city, village or county where the bank is located, and if no news­
paper is published there, then in the newspaper published at the
nearest county seat.
Sec. 45, A book shall be provided and kept by every bank, borers°etc°Cto
in which shall be entered the name and residence of the stock- be kept by
holders in the bank, the number of shares held by each, the time bank'
when each person became such stockholder, also all transfers of
stock, stating the time when made, the number of shares, and by
whom transferred. The said book shall at all times be, during su b jec t to
the usual hours of transacting business, subject to the inspection wbom.tion’ by
of the directors, officers, stockholders and depositors of the bank.
A neglect to provide and keep such book ready for examination, keeping record
as herein provided, shall subject the officers of the bank, whose and for“refusai
duty it is to provide and keep the same, to a penalty of one hun-toexlubltItdred dollars for every day’s neglect ; and a refusal by such officer
to exhibit such book to any person rightfully demanding inspec­
thereof shall subject
him to a apenalty•/ of fifty
dollars /; the recovered
said penalty may be sued for and recovered with costs by any
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



person who will prosecute for the same in the name of the people
of the State, and shall be paid to the State Treasurer for the
Book to be
credit of the banking department. In all actions, suits and pro­
ceedings under this act, the said book shall be presumptive evi­
dence of the facts therein stated.
L iability of
Sec . 46. The stockholders of every bank shall be individually
liable, equally and ratably, and not one for another, for the benefit
of the depositors in said bank to the amount of their stock at the
par value thereof, in addition to the said stock; but persons hold­
ing stock as executors, administrators, guardians or trustees, and
persons holding stock as collateral security, shall not be person­
ally liable as stockholders, but the assets and funds in their hands
constituting the trust shall be liable to the same extent as the
testator, intestate, ward or person interested in such trust funds
would be, if living or competent to act; and the person pledging
such stock shall be deemed the stockholder and liable under this
How liability
section. Such liability may be enforced in a suit at law or in
equity by any such bank in process of liquidation, or by any
receiver, or other officer succeeding to the legal rights of said
Certain transac­
S ec . 47. All transfers of notes, bonds, bills of exchange or
tions null and
other evidences of debt owing to any bank, or of deposits to its
credit, all assignments of mortgages, or other security on real
estate or judgments or decrees in its favor, or deposits of money,
bills or other valuable things for its use, or for the use of its stock­
holders or creditors, all payments of money, either after the com­
mission of an act of insolvency or in contemplation thereof, with
a view to prevent application of its assets in the manner pre­
scribed in this act, or with a view to the preference of one creditor
over another, shall be held to be null and void.
S ervice of legal
S ec . 48. Legal process against any such bank shall be served
process against
upon its president or cashier or treasurer in the county where
its business office is located or the plaintiff resides, or by leaving
any attested copy at its banking house during banking hours
with the teller, clerk or any officer of the bank.
Proceedings to
S ec . 49. All proceedings by any bank to enjoin the Commis­
sioner m the discharge of his duties under the provisions of this
act shall be had in the county where said bank is located, or
before the supreme court of this State.
W hen A ttorney
S ec . 50. All suits and proceedings arising out of the provis­
G eneral to
supervise suits ion of law governing banks in which the State or any of its offi­
under this act.
cers or agents shall be parties shall be conducted under the
direction and supervision of the Attorney General.
Copies of cer­
S ec . 51. Copies of all records and papers in the office of the
tain papers,
etc., evidence. Commissioner of the Banking Department certified by him, and
authenticated by his seal of office, shall be evidence in all cases
equally and with like effect as the original.
L iability of
S ec . 52. The total liabilities of any bank or any person or of
banks, e tc ., for
any company, corporation or firm for money advanced, including
m oney, etc.,
lim ited .
in the liabilities of the company or firm the liabilities of the
several members thereof, except special partners, shall at no time
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



exceed one-tenth part of the amount of the capital and surplus
of such bank ; hut the discount of bills of exchange drawn in
good faith against actually existing values and the discount of
commercial or business paper actually owned by the person nego­
tiating the same shall not be considered as money borrowed:
Provided, however, That the foregoing limitations shall not apply Proviso,
to loans upon real estate or other collateral securities authorized
by this act: Provided further, That by a two-tbirds vote of the Further proviso,
directors the liabilities of any bank or any person or company or
corporation or firm, may be increased not to exceed one-fifth of
the capital of the bank.
S ec . 53. Any bank organized under the provisions of this act
may go into liquidation and be closed by a vote of its stockholders decides to go
owning two-thirds of its capital. Whenever a vote is taken to go lnt011(iuldatloninto liquidation it shall be the duty of the board of directors to
cause notice of this fact to be certified, under the seal of the bank,
by its president, cashier or treasurer, to the Commissioner of the
Banking Department, and publication thereof, notifying creditors
to present their claims against the bank for payment, shall be
made once in each week for eight successive weeks, in a news­
paper published in the city of Detroit, and also in a newspaper
published in the city, village or county in which the bank is
located, or if in no newspaper is there published then in the
newspaper published at the nearest county seat.
S ec. 54. A bank which is in good faith winding up its busi- of banks!*1011
ness for the purpose of consolidating with some other bank may
transfer its assets and liabilities to the bank with which it is in
process of consolidation ; but no such consolidation of banks
shall be made without the consent of the Commissioner of the
Banking Department, and not then to defeat or defraud any of
the creditors in the collection of their claims against said banks,
or either of them.
S ec . 55. On becoming satisfied that any bank has refused to ^ en receiver
pay its deposits in accordance with the terms on which such Appointed,
deposits were received (if received in accordance with the provis­
ions of this act), or that any bank has become insolvent, or that
its capital has become impaired, or that any bank has violated
any of the provisions of this act, or for any cause hereinbefore or
hereinafter stated, the Commissioner of the Banking Department
may forthwith, with the approval of the Attorney General, apply
to a court of record of competent jurisdiction for the appointment
of a receiver for such bank, who, under the direction of such court,
shall take possession of the books, records and assets of every
description of such bank, collect all debts, dues and claims
belonging to it, and sell or compound all bad or doubtful debts,
and sell all the real and personal property of such bank on such
terms as the court shall direct, and may, if necessary to pay the
debts of such bank, enforce all individual liability of the stock­
holders. Such receiver shall pay over all money so collected or Duty of
received to the State Treasurer, and also make report to th e iece' ei‘
Commissioner of all his acts and proceedings.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



S ec . 56. The Commissioner shall, upon the appointment of a
receiver, as above provided, cause notice to be given by adver­
tising in such newspapers as he may direct once in each week,
for twelve successive weeks, calling on all persons who may have
claims against such bank to present the same to said receiver and
make legal proof thereof.
Dividends to
S ec . 57. From time to time, under the direction of the Com­
be m ade by
missioner of the Banking Department, the receiver shall make
ratable dividends of the moneys realized or collected by him on
all such claims as may have been proved to his satisfaction or
adjudicated in a court of competent jurisdiction, and the remain­
der of the proceeds, if any, after the costs and expenses of such
proceedings and all debts and obligations of the bank are satis­
fied, shall be paid over to the stockholders of such bank, or their
legal representatives in proportion to the stock by them respect­
ively held.
P enalty for
S e c . 58. Every president, director, cashier, treasurer, teller,
em bezzlem ent,
clerk or agent of any bank, who embezzles, abstracts or willfully
misapplies any of the moneys, funds, credits or property of the
bank, whether owned by it or held in trust, or who, without
authority of the directors, issues or puts forth any certificate of
deposit, draws any order or bill of exchange, makes any accept­
ance, assigns any note, bond, draft, bill of exchange, mortgage,
judgment or decree, or who makes any false entry in any book,
report or statement of the bank, with intent in either case to
injure or defraud the bank, or any company, corporation or per­
son or to deceive any officer of the bank, or any agent appointed
to examine the affairs of such bank, and any person who with
like intent aids or abets any officer, clerk or agent, in violation
of this section, or who shall issue or cause to be issued, or put in
circulation, any bill, note or other evidence of debt to circulate
as money, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in the
State Prison or in the State House of Correction and Reforma­
tory at Ionia, not to exceed twenty years.
Taxation of
S ec . 59. All real estate owned by any bank may be taxed as
bank property.
other real estate in the city, village or township where the same
may be situated, and the residue of its capital and surplus shall
be taxed as personal property, but the assessment thereof for
taxation shall not be at a greater rate than is assessed on money
capital in the hands of indivdual citizens in the same city, vil­
lage or township.
A ct to apply to
S ec . 60. The provisions of this act shall apply to and govern
all State banks.
all State banks organized and now existing within this State, and
all such banks shall, on or before the first day of January next
following the time when this act becomes operative, file with the
Commissioner of the Banking Department a certificate executed
by the executive officers of each bank in substantial conformity
to the requirements of original article of incorporation provided
E xistin g banks for in section two (2) of this act; or any bank so existing may
may re organize.
within the same time re-organize under this act, and when so
re-organized all securities, real estate, property and assets of

D u ty of Com­
m issioner on
of receiver.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



every kind shall become vested in such re-organized hank with­
out any formal conveyance or transfer, but no such re-organization
shall have the effect to discharge the original bank, its directors Ke-organization
or stockholders from any liability to its depositors, or any other exUingUabiiu6
person, but the same shall continue until legally discharged, and tIessuch re-organized bank shall be legally liable to pay every claim,
demand and obligation existing against the bank whose assets and
property, or any part thereof, it has received by virtue of such
S ec . 61. Every
officer or employé
of a bank required by this 18.186
SW 68riD 2T
act to take any oath or affirmation, who shall willfully swear or by officer, etc.,
affirm falsely, shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon con- ofbankviction thereof shall be punished as provided by the laws of this
State in case of perjury.
S ec. 62. Nothing in this act contained shall be so'construed ^ange^uT
as to prevent any bank organized or doing business under this act
from making or issuing bills of exchange on foreign countries or
places beyond jurisdiction of the United States; which bills of
exchange may be made payable at or with the customary usance,
and at or within ninety days’ sight, but no such draft or bill of
exchange shall be used or put in circulation as money by any such
S ec. 63 The legislature may at any regular session thereof Provisions for
alter or amend this act, or any part thereof, by a vote of two- a“endIngthls
thirds of the members of the Senate and House of Eepresentatives
constituting said bodies ; and hereafter it shall not be necessary to
submit any such proposed alteration or amendment to the electors
of the State for adoption or approval, but all such acts shall be
valid and effectual when so passed by the legislature and approved
as other laws are in accordance with the constitution of this State.


S ec . 64. A ll acts and parts of acts of w hich th is act is am end- Acts repealed,
atory or su pp lem entary, in con sisten t w ith th e p rovisions of th is
act, are hereby repealed.
S ec . 65. This act shall be submitted to the electors of this Act t0 be subState for their approval or disapproval at the next general elec- of electors,
tion. At said election a ballot-box shall be provided and kept by when‘
the several boards of inspectors thereof for receiving the votes Formof ballots,
cast for or against this act ; and on the ballot shall be written or
printed, or partly written and partly printed, the words “A gen­
eral banking law—Yes,” or, “ A general banking law—No.”
S ec . 66. The canvass of the votes cast for or against this act,
and the returns thereof, shall be made by the proper canvassing
officers, within the same time, and in the same manner as now
provided by law for the canvass and return of the votes cast at
the said general election, and the result be declared by the board
of canvassers at the same time and manner as the result of the
canvass for State officers; and if it shall appear that a majority when this act
of the votes cast at such election have thereon “A general bank- j ^ ecoinea
ing law—Yes,” this act shall become a law, and take effect
within sixty days after said general election.
Approved June 21,1887.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




A bstract :
of reports of State banks, Jan. 7, 1889.................................................................................
State banks, Dec. 11, 1889.......................... ....................................................
national banks In Michigan, Dec. 11, 1889..................................................
combined reports of State and National banks in Michigan, Dec. 11, 1889...........
reports of Detroit banks, Dec. 11, 1889............................................................................
Grand Rapids banks, Dec. 11, 1889...............................................................
Saginaw banks, Dec. 11, 1889.........................................................................
Bay City banks, Dec. 11, 1889.........................................................................

Page. Sec.

A ct :
may be altered or repealed...........................................................................1......................
amended....... .............................................................................................................
shall apply to all State banks..............................................................................................
when to take e ffe c t...............................................................................................................


A drian :
banks of, statements..............................................................................................................



A dministrators :
holding stock not personally liable........................................



A iding :
or abetting misdemeanors of officers of associations - ....................................................



meeting of stockholders.................................................................................



A nn A r bo r :
bank of, statements................................................................................................................


A rticles :
to specify kind of business...................................
shall be filed with commissioner of banking and Secretary of State..........................
recorded in county clerk’s office.........................................................
of incorporation shall be issued in triplicate....................................................................
acknowledgment of................................................................................................................
may be used as evidence...... .............................................................................................



A ttorney General :
to supervise suits....................................................................................................................



Au Sa b l e :
bank statements......................................................................................................................


A verage :
rate of interest paid to savings depositors........................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



B ad De b t s :
s h a ll be ch a rg ed o ff................................ »..............................................................................................

Page. Sec.

Bank :
n a m es s h a ll n o t be m a te r ia lly s im ila r ............................................................................................
s h a ll n o t ta k e its o w n sto c k a s s e c u r ity ........................................................................................
p u rch a se its o w n c a p ita l sto c k .......................................................................................
ta k e m ore th a n le g a l ra te o f in te r e st...........................................................................
a ffa irs to b e m a n a g ed b y board o f d irecto rs................................................................................
m a y lo a n o n e -h a lf its c a p ita l on r ea l e s t a te .................................................................................
126 23
p u rch a se r ea l e s t a t e ......................................................................................................................
s h a ll keep correct lis t o f s to c k h o ld e r s............................................................................................
reo rg a n iza tio n o f S ta te in to N a tio n a l...........................................................................................
N a tio n a l in to S t a te ............................................................................................
s h a ll issu e no cir cu la tin g n o tes.......................................................................................................... 128, 135 32, 62
n o t com m en ce b u sin ess u n til a u th o r ize d .........................................................................
pow ers and p riv ileg es o f........................................................................................................................
128 33-4
co m b in in g co m m ercia l an d sa v in g s departm en ts, sh a ll keep sep arate books of
a c co u n t.......................................................................................................................................................
to be e x a m in e d ........................................................................................................................................... 129-30 38-40
keep record o f s to c k h o ld er s...........................................................................................................
m a y reorgan ize............................ ..............................................................................................................
r eorgan ization o f n ot to d isch arge e x istin g lia b ilitie s ............................................................
m a y c o n so lid a te, w ith c o n sen t o f c o m m issio n e r ........................................................................
go in to liq u id a tio n b y v o te o f sto c k h o ld er s.......................................................................
n o tice o f liq u id a tio n o f to be certified to co m m ission er and p u b lish ed in n e w s­
pap ers.........................................................................................................................................................
B a n k s , P r iv a t e :
nu m ber of, e tc ......................................... ......................................•_.........................................................


B a n k in g D e p a r t m e n t ...................................................................................................................................
e s t a b lis h e d ..................................................................................................................................................
n a m es o f e m p lo y é s ..................................................................................................................................


B a n k in g L a w .......................................................................................................................................................


Bangor :
ban k sta te m e n ts............................................................................................................ ...........................


Battle Cr e e k :
b an k sta te m e n ts .......................................................................................................................................


Ba y Cit y :
b an k s of, sta te m e n ts ................................ ..............................................................................................
su m m a ry o f reports o f S ta te a n d N a tio n a l b a n k s.....................................................................


B e l d in g :
bank sta te m e n ts ........................................................................................................................................


B enton H a r b o r :
b an k sta te m e n ts ........................................................................................................................................


B i g R a p id s :
ban k sta te m e n ts ......................................................................................................................................


Books :
to be e v id e n c e ............................................................................................................................................


B u il d in g a n d L o a n A s s o c ia t io n s ........................................................................................................


B y -L a w s :
to be prescribed by board o f d ir e c to r s............................................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





Calumet :
bank statement......................................................................................................................

Page. Sec.

Capital Stock :
amount o f................................................................................................................................
may be increased or reduced...............................................................................................
increase of, not valid until fully paid...............................................................................
reduction of, to be approved by commissioner.................................................................
payment of..............................................................................................................................


Carson Cit y :
banks of, statements..............................................................................................................

35, 36

Cashier :
to be appointed by directors.................................................................................................



Certificate of A uthority :
may be withheld..............................................................- .............................................. —
to be published............................................................... ........................................................



Charlevoix :
bank statements...................................................................................................- ...............


Chelsea :
bank statem ents.....................................................................................................................


Collection :
of delinquent installments on capital stock.....................................................................




Commissioner of B anking :
how appointed.........................................................................................................................
shall hold his office four years............................................................................................
may appoint deputy and clerks...........................................................................................
deputy, powers of...................................................................................................................
and deputy to give bonds.....................................................................................................
and deputy shall not be interested in any bank..............................................................
salary o f..............................................-...................................................................................
may fix salaries of deputy and clerks................................................................................
shall devise seal............................
129 37
shall have power to appoint examiners............................................................................
shall make an annual report to the Governor.................................................................
may call meeting of stockholders.......................................................................................
shall institute proceedings against delinquent banks.................................................... 125, 130 20, 40
duty of, on appointment of receiver...................................................................................
134 56
130 39
or deputy, shall have power to examine banks...............................................................
shall issue certificate of authority......................................................................................
Concord :
bank statements.....................................................................................................................


Consolidation :
of banks...................................................................................................................................


Copies :
of certain papers to be evidence.........................................................................................


Corporate P owers :
of banks...................................................................................................................................


Detroit :
banks of, statements..............................................................................................................
Fidelity.Loan and Trust Co...............................................................................
Trust, Security and Safe Deposit Co...................................................................................
summary of reports of State and National banks..........................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





D ir e c t o r s :
h o w e le c te d .............................................................................
m a jo rity to c o n stitu te q u o ru m ......................................
n u m b er of, s h a ll n o t be le ss th a n f iv e ......................
m u st o w n n o t le ss th a n te n sh a r es o f s to c k ............
m a y adop t b y -la w s..............................................................
m a y s e ll sto ck o f d e lin q u e n t sto c k h o ld er s.............
s h a ll ta k e and subscrib e to o a th ..................................
s h a ll e le c t p resid en t a n d v ic e p r e sid en t...................
m a y d ecla re d iv id e n d .......................................................
v a c a n c y in board of, h o w fille d ....................................
w ho m a y b e ...........................................................................









D i v id e n d :
m a y he d ecla red b y d ir e c to r s........................................
to he m a d e b y r e c e iv e r ............................................... .



D o w a g ia c :
ban k s ta te m e n ts ..................................................................



E a r n in g s :
h o w disposed o f ....................................................................


E a st S a g i n a w :
ban k s of, sta te m e n ts ...........................................................
su m m a ry o f report's o f S ta te a n d N a tio n a l ban ks.


E a to n R a p id s :
b a n k s ta te m e n ts...................................................................


E l e c t io n :
o f d irecto rs.............................................................................


E m ployes :
n a m es of, a n d sa la r ie s p a id ............................................


E x a m in e r :
m a y e x a m in e officers, etc., on o a th .............................
s h a ll n o t d iv u lg e sec r ets o f e x a m in a tio n s.................
e x a m in e h a n k in w h ic h h e is in terested .





E x a m in a t io n ;
fe e fo r .................... ...................................................................
fe e s, p aid b y h a n k s in 1889...............................................
fe e , h o w c o lle c te d .......................................................... ..
sp e cia l, e x p en se of, h o w p a id ..........................................
E x pen ses :
o f d e p a rtm en t........................................................................
o f ex a m in er, h o w p a id .......................................................









F a il u r e :
o f sto ck h o ld ers to pa y in s ta llm e n t on sto c k ............



F enton:
bank s ta te m e n ts ....................................................................


F id e l it y L o a n a n d T r u s t C o .:
o f D e tr o it..................................................................................


F ir s t S t a t e B a n k :
o f Sou th H a v e n ......................................................................




F l in t :
h a n k sta te m e n ts ........................................................................


F o r e ig n E x c h a n g e ......................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



F raudulently :
receiving deposits a misdemeanor.......................................................................................

Page. Sec.
134* 14




General T rust, Deposit and Security Co.:
law ............................................................................................................... .............................


Grand R a p id s :
banks of, statements................................................................................ ..............................
Mich. Trust Co. statement..................................................................... .............................
summary of State and National bank reports.................................. .............................


Grass Lake :
bank statements....................................................................................... .............................


H art :
bank statements.-.............................................................-...................................................


H astings :
bank statements........................................................................................ .............................


H illsdale :
banks of, statements..............................................................................................................


H olland :
bank officers and directors.................................................................... .............................


I mlay City :
bank statements...................................................................................... ..............................


I mpairment :
of capital, bank to make good...........................................................................................



I nspection :
banks subject to........................................................................................ .............................



I nterest :
may be paid by commercial banks....................................................... ..............................
to be regulated by board of directors.................................................. ..............................



I o n ia :
bank statem ents...................................................................................... .............................


I shpeming :
bank statem ents...................................................................................... .............................



ac k so n


banks of, statements.......................... .................................................... ..............................


alam azoo




bank statements....................................................................................... .............................


L .
L a k e Od



bank statements................... -.................................................................. ........................................


L a n s in g :

banks of, statements...............................................................................
Le g a l P


7 5 -7



r o c ess:

against banks to be served upon officers............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





Leslie :
bank statements......................................................................................................................
Liability :
of banks limited.....................................................................................................................
may be increased by board of directors............................................................................
of stockholders........................................................................................................................
Limit :
of amount bank may loan on real estate...........................................................................
deposit in any one bank...................................................................................................
time for holding real estate............................................................................................
Lis t :
of banks examined and fees paid by same.........................................................................
stockholders to be filed annually...................................................................................
Liquidation :
notice of, to be filed with commissioner and published............ ;...................................

Page. Sec,










Manchester :
bank statements.....................................................................................................................


Manistique :
bank statements.....................................................................................................................


Mason :
bank statements.....................................................................................................................


Michigan :
Trust Co., organization of.....................................................................................................


Mid la n d :
banks of, statements..............................................................................................................


Milan :
bank officers and directors..................................................................


Milfo r d :
bank statements.....................................................................................................................


Mt. Clemens:
bank statements.............................................................................


Mt. P leasant :
banks of, statements..............................................................................................................


Muskegon :
bank statements............................................................................................................................... 89


N ashville :
bank statements.....................................................................................................................
N ational B anks...................................................................................
summary of reports.....................................................................
reorganization of, into State banks....................................................................................
N orth B ranch :
bank statements................................
N u m ber :
of banks when law became operative................................................................................
at date of report.....................................................................................................
new banks organized...........................................................






Officers :
of corporation shall not act as proxy.................................................................................
of banks to be appointed by directors................................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




Oscoda :
bank statements.....................................................................................................................
Ox fo r d :
bank statements....................................................................................................................

Page. Sec.

P ass B ook :
shall be issued to each depositor in savings department...............................................


P aw P a w :
bank statements........................................................................................................................


P enalty :
for embezzlement...................................................................................................................
issuing circulating notes, etc.........................................................................................
failure to make reports...................................................................................................
false swearing by officers...............................................................................................
not keeping record of stockholders.............................................................................
fraudulently receiving deposits....................................................................................
over certification of checks......................................................................
violation of act.................................................................................................................
how recovered........................................................................................................................



P resident :
must be a director............................................................



P rivate Banks :
number of, etc.........................................................................................................................
P roceedings :
in case bank refuses to submit to inspection..................................
of impairment of capital........................................................................................
reserve falls below required amount....................................................................
to enjoin commissioner..............
when bank desires to go into liquidation..........................................................................


126-7 25-27

P ort H e r o n :
banks of, statements..............................................................................................................




R eading :
bank officers and directors...................................................................................................
R eal E state :
may be held............................................................................................................................
loans upon................................................................................................................................




P rovisions :
for amending a c t...................................................................................................................



126-7 23-27

R eceiver :
may be appointed-.................................................................................................................
duty of............................................................................ .........................................................
to make dividends...............................................................................



R ecord B ook :
of stockholders to be kept....................................................................................................
shall be evidence................................ - ......... ........................................................................
subject to inspection...............................................................................................



R eports.............................................................................................................................................
not less than four, to be made to commissioner in each year........................................
to be verified by oath.....................................................................
published in newspaper...............................................................................................



Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



proof of publication of, to be furnished to commissioner.
special, may be called for by commissioner........................
of dividends and earnings.......................................................
failure to make, penalty for..................................................
of names of stockholders to be made...................................

Page. Sec*

R eserve ...............................................................................................
of commercial banks, amount and where kept...................
savings banks, amount and where kept.........................
to be made good.........................................................................
failure to make good, penalty for......................................... .

126-7 25-7
126-7 25-7

R eserve Cit ie s :
list of...........................................................................................



Saginaw :
banks of, statements.................................................................
summary of reports of State and National banks............


Sault Ste . Ma r ie :
bank statements.......... ....................... ....................................


Savings Ba n k :
deposits...................................................................................... .
deposits, how paid....................................................................
deposits, how loaned...............................................................
deposits in, by minors............................................................ .
interest, average rate paid..................................... - ......... —
pass book shall be issued to each depositor in.....................
interest, amount paid annually.............................................
interest to be regulated by directors of................................
number of depositors in.................. - .......................................

126-7 26-8

S hares :
of stock deemed personal property........................................
of stock, how transferred........................................................
how distributed.........................................................................


S outh H a v e n :
bank officers and directors......................................................


Special Expenses :
how paid.....................................................................................


Stanton :
bank statements....................................................... ................


St. Cl a ir :
bank statements.......................................................................


S t . Joh ns :
banks of, statements.................................................................


St. J oseph :
bank statements.......................................................................


St. Lo u is :
bank statemenst.......................................................................


Stockholders :
liability of...................................................................................
may vote by proxy....................................................................
number of...................................................................................
list of, to be reported.................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





T a x a t io n :

Page. Sec.

of bank property...................................................................................................................





to be appointed by directors.................................................................................................



T r u s t , S e c u r it y a n d S a f e D e p o s i t C o ., D e t r o i t ............................................................


T r a n sfer :

of notes, when null and void...............................................................................................
of stock, how made, etc........................................................................................................

U n it e d S t a t e s :

banks organized under laws of, may re-organize under this act.................................
re-organizing under laws of, shall hold, etc.........................................................










in board of directors, how filled.........................................................................................
V ic e P r e s id e n t :

must be a director.........................................................
V ote :

who entitled to........................................................................................................................
W .
W e st B a y C i t y :

banks of, statements..............................................................................................................
see summary of Bay City banks.........................................................................................


W h it e P ig e o n :

bank statements......................................................................................................................


W lL L IA M S T O N :

bank statements....................................................


W yando tte :

bank statements......................................................................................................................


Y p s il a n t i:


bank statements.....................................................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


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