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31, 1899

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis























L A N S IN G ,

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

[U nder A c t 205, 1887.]

Appointed January 7, 1889; resigned November 7, 189(5.

Appointed November 11, 1896 ; resigned April 1, 1897.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Appointed April 1, 1897 ; died February 19, 1898.

Appointed February 26, 1898.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


P age.
A b stra cts, com p arative, 1889 to 1899, inclu sive, s ta te b a n k s...................................................................
x iv -x v
com parative, 1889 to 1899, inclu sive, n ational b a n k s............................................................. x v i-xvii
o f s ta te banks, 1899..............................................................................................................................
o f 80 national banks, 1899...................................................................................................................
x ix
to ta l volum e o f business s ta te and n ational banks, D ecem b er reports, 1899.............
s ta te and n ational banks in D etro it........................................................................
s ta te and n ational banks in Grand R a p id s..............................................
x x ii
s ta te and na tio n a l banks in S a g in a w ..........................................................................................
s ta te and n ational banks in th e B ay C itie s ............. - ..............................................................
A m e n d m en ts............................................
B anks exam ined and fe e s p a id ............................ .................................................................. ............................
B anks in voluntary liq u id a tio n ..........................................................................................................................
Capital stock :
In crea se and d e c re a se o f ............................................................................................................................
A m ount to b e ow n ed by d irectors o f banks w ith 815,000 c a p ita l......................................................
Earnings o f banks and trust co m p a n ies............................................................................................................
D irectors, m inority rep resen ta tio n o f ................................................................................................................
G row th o f s ta te and n ational b a n k s...........................................................................................................
Liability o f directors...........................................................................................................
L ist o f bank cash iers in M ichigan.......................................................................................................................
N e w banks.....................................................................................................................................................
N um ber o f d ep o sito rs...............................................................................................................................................
Opinions o f a tto rn ey g e n e r a l.........................................................................................................................
R eceip ts and e x p e n s e s .............................................................................................................................................
R eports o f r e c e iv e r s .................................................................................................................................................
R eports o f s ta te banks and trust com pan clu sive p a g es 3 to 196
R eports o f n ational b a n k s clu sive p a g es 199 to 278
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





B a n k in g D e p a r t m e n t ,

Lansing-, December 31, 1899.

To the H on. H azen S. P ingree , Governor of Michigan:
I have the honor to submit the eleventh annual report of this depart­
ment in compliance with the provisions of section 43 of the General
Banking Law of Michigan, as follows:
On the thirty-first day of December the Commissioner of the Banking
Department shall make an annual report to the Governor of the State,
which report shall be published, and shall exhibit:
First, A summary of the state and condition of every bank from
which reports have been received during the year, with an abstract of
the whole amount of capital returned by them, the whole amount of their
debts and liabilities, the total amount of means and resources, separating
the reports of such banks and other corporations, and specifying the
amount of lawful money held by banks at the time of their several
returns, and such other information in relation to such banks and cor
porations as in his judgment ma}r be required;
Second, A statement of the banks and corporations whose business
has been closed during the year, the amount of their resources and lia­
bilities and the amount paid to the creditors thereof;
Third, The names and compensation of the clerks employed by him,
and the whole amount of expenses of the banking department during
the year;
• Fourth, The amount of fees received for the examination of banks, or
other corporations, and fines collected and paid over to the State Treas­
In accordance with the provisions of sections 39 and 40 of the General
Banking Law, all of the institutions under the supervision of this depart­
ment have been examined during the year.
At the date of this report, there are one hundred and eighty-eight
State banks and three trust companies under the supervision of this
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




It will be noticed that 187 banks and three trust companies are given
as the number of banks in connection with statistics and tables. This
is accounted for by the fact that the Benton Harbor State Bank was
organized too late in the year to furnish any report.
Statements showing the financial condition of all State banks and
trust companies as called for by this department four times during the
year, and in addition thereto reports of the financial condition of the
eighty national banks of the State, are appended; as are also abstracts
of the yearly reports for the past eleven years, which show the progress
and increasing wealth of the State.


During the year seven banks have been organized, as follow s:
N o.


T itle.

T he
T he
T he
T he
T he
T he
T he

A th en s S t a te and S a v in g s B a n k ................
S t a te B ank o f O ntonagou...............................
Old S t a te B ank...................................................
B row n C ity S a v in g s B ank...............................
Q uincy S t a te B ank..............................................
E a to n C ounty SaviDgs B a n k ..........................
B en to n Harbor S t a te B a n k ............................

L ocation .


C om m enced

A th e n s ..................
O nton agon ...........
F enn ville
Brow n C ity .........
Q uiney....................
C harlotte .........
B en ton H arbor..

25 000
50, 000

A pril 15.
May 1.
Jun e 1.
June 9.
A ugust 1.
A ugust 14.
D ecem b er 20.


An increase of banking capital of $160,000.00.
I am pleased to state that during the year none of the banks under the
supervision of this department have become insolvent.



On February 8, 1890, the Charlevoix Savings Bank, of Charlevoix,
went into voluntary liquidation by vote of its stockholders, as did also,,
on March 7, 1899, the American Commercial and Savings Bank, of Sagi­
naw, which is being liquidated through the Bank of Saginaw, Saginaw.





During the year, for good and sufficient reasons, I have allowed the
following banks'to reduce their capital stock:
Paw Paw Savings Bank................................ From $50,000 00 to $40,000
Adrian State Savings Bank........................ From 100,000 00 to 60,000
Lansing State Savings Bank........................ From 200,000 00 to 150,000
Davison State Bank ...................................From 25,000 00 to 20,000


Making a decrease of $105,000.00. To this add the retirement of Ameri­
can Commercial and Savings Bank, of Saginaw, $100,000.00, and Charle-*
voix Savings Bank, Charlevoix, $33,000.00, showing a total reduction of
In the way of increase, the State Savings Bank, of Detroit, increased
its capital stock $300,000.00 (its capital now being $500,000.00), to which,
adding the increase in capital of the seven new banks, $160,000.00, and
subtracting $238,000.00 of total reduction, leaves a net increase in capital
stock of $222,000.00.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





B A N K S.

Since the organization of this department, 1880, the increase and
growth of business lias been very great. Deposits show an increase of
$71,845,147.78, and loans $03,212,560.56, as per the following statement:
182 banks and 3
trust com ­
D ec. 1, 1898.

80 banks.
Jan. 7, 1889.

R esources.

187 banks and 3
trust com ­
D ec. 2, 1899.

L o a n s..........................................................................................
R ea l e sta te , furniture and fix tu r es..............................

$30, 815, 697 13
534,411 76
7,550,661 99

$79,136,528 24
3,960,988 02
22, 924, 209 47

$94,028,266 69
4,101, 791 70
22, 440,808 74

T o ta ls ..................................................................................

$38,900, 770 88

$106,021,725 73

$120,576, 867 13

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid i n .........................................................
Surplus fund and undivided profits..............................
D ep o sits.....................................................................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ..........................................
T o ta ls ..................................................................................

1, 818,835


$38,900, 770 88

4, 892,580
89,048, 790


$106,021,725 73

$12, 262,100


$120, 576,867 13

It will also be observed that according to the above statement, deposits
and loans in the 187 State banks and three trust companies, during the
year 1800, have increased over previous year, as follows: (For reference
I include National banks.)
N um ber o f banks.

D eposits.


187 S t a te banks and 3 trust co m p a n ies............................................................... $14,080,482 17
80 N a tio n a l banks............................................................................................................
6,433,566 15

$14,891,738 45
4, 661,189 73

T o ta l in c r e a s e .......................................................................................................... $20,514, 018 32

$19,552,928 18

On December 2, 1800, the amount of cash in the 187 State banks and
three trust companies was $22,440,808.74, and in the 80 National banks,
$16,060,624.53, making a total amount of $30,410,433.27.








Dividends paid for 1800 amounted to $845,065.00. Increase of surplus
fund was $221,303.00.
Average dividend rate on capital and surplus for 1800 was 5^ per cent.
Average dividend rate on capital for 1800 was 6 2-3 per cent.

The total number of depositors in the 187 State banks and 80 National
banks on December 31, 1800, was 381,768, as follows:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



State banks, individual deposits subject to check.......................... 48,000
State banks, commercial certificates of deposit.............................. 29,857
State banks, savings depositors.......................................................... 193,751
State banks, savings certificates of deposit...................................... 22,737
National banks, individual deposits subject to check...................... 44,005
National banks, certificates of deposit.............................................. 43,418
The following table will show number of commercial depositors and
savings depositors in the 187 State banks and 80 National banks, together
with amount of deposits and average amount to each depositor :
Class o f


N um ber
o f d e­

j C om m ercial...
187 ft tat,ft b an k s............................................................. { S a v in g s............
C om m ercial...
80 N ation al banks.........................................................
T otal


A m oun t o f

A v e ra g e
to e a c h d e­

*87, 423

$36,772,566 64
62,660,212 66
49, 920,532 07



$149,353,311 37


♦ This in clu d es c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit; s ev e r a l c e r tific a te s issu ed to on e person c o u n ted as one.





The fees collected by this department for the examination of banks
according to the provisions of section 40 of the General Banking Law,
amounted to $11,768.38.
The expenses of the department for the year were as follows:
Salary of George L. Maltz, commissioner. ................................ $2,500 00
Salary of E. A. Sunderlin, deputy commissioner. (Resigned
July 1, 1891).).................................................................................
1,000 00
Salary of W. T. Bradford, deputy commissioner. (Appointed
August 1, 1899.) ..........................................................................
833 36
Salary of W. T. Bradford, examiner. (Appointed February
13, 1899.) ........................................................................................
784 59
Salary of T. M. Joslin, examiner..................................................
1,700 00
Salary of L. M. Sherwood, examiner............................................
1,700 00
Salary of B. C. Jolly, examiner. (Appointed August 1, 1899.).
708 34
Salary of A. E. Manning, examiner. (Appointed June 24,
616 05
Salary of extra clerks....................................................................
550 62
Expenses incurred in the examination of banks....................
3,635 06
Miscellaneous expenses, viz.: printing, stationery, postage,
1,070 80
$15,098 82


Contrary to expectations, but one receivership has been closed up,
that of Edward J. Bissell, receiver of the Milford State Bank, Milford.
The following reports from the several receivers were called for under
date of December 1, 1899:
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER.Central Michigan Savings Bank, Lansing.

Charles H. Crane, receiver, reports as follows:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension, April 18, 1893
Other lia b ilities...........................................................................
Total ..................................................................................
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension.. . .
Amount: collected by receiver to date......................................
Disposition of collections:
Loans paid .............................................
$178,108 69
Dividends p a id .............................................. 350,879 54
Legal exp en ses.............................................
13,411 36
Receiver’s salary paid to date..................
16,994 83
All other expenses ......................................
13,392 34
Balance in hands of State Treasurer........
15,000 00
Balance in hands of receiver......................
2,909 77

$592,923 53
212,384 68
$805,308 21
1,316,405 65
590,696 53

590,696 53
State Bank, Crystal Falls.

H. M. Pelham, receiver, makes the following report:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension, June 10, 1893 $29,390 42
Other lia b ilitie s..............................................................................
1,294 10
T o ta l.............................................................................................
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension..........
Amount collected by receiver to date..........................................
. Disposition of collections:
Loans p a id ........................................................ $22,788 56
Receiver’s salary to date................................
1,780 00
4,765 27
All other exp en ses..........................................
Balance in hands of receiver..........................
602 37

$30,684 52
61,524 03
29,936 20

29,936 20
People's Savings Bank, Lansing.

Seymour Poster, receiver, reports as follows:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension, July 15, 1896.
Other lia b ilitie s............................................................................

$138,540 20
111,603 63

T o ta l...........................................................................................
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension........
Amount collected by receiver to date......................................

$250,143 83
409,509 19
136,650 66
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Disposition of collections:
Loans p a id ..................................
Dividends p a id ...........................
Legal expenses p a id ..................
Receiver’s salary to date..........
All other expenses ..................
Deposited with State Treasurer
Balance in hands of receiver. .

$67,784 09
4.3,843 38
7,134 99
5,629 36
7,930 35
2,687 12
1,640 77
---------------$136,650 66

Ingham County Savings Bank, Lansing.

John A. May, receiver, made the following report:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension, August 6, 1896
Other liabilities ..........................................................................

$141,004 92
12,761 34

• • • • • • • • • • • • .............. . • »• • • • • • • • • • • • • • $153,766 26
286,965 91
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension---102,693 16
Amount collected by receiver to date. ..
Disposition of collections:
$66,071 95
Loans paid ..........................................
21,602 30
Dividends p a id ..................................
4,527 33
Legal expenses ..................................
5,962 58
Receiver’s salary to date..................
3,653 21
All other e x p en ses............................
16 57
Balance in hands of State Treasurer
Balance in hands of receiver. . . . . . .
102,693 16
Mecosta County Savings Bank, Big liapids.

The Michigan Trust Company, Grand Rapids, receiver, reports as follows:
Liabilitv to depositors at date of suspension, October 26,
...................... $204,681 38
1896 ‘ ...............................................
10,639 18
Other lia
b ilitie s................................
• i n
T o ta l...................................................._....................
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension
Amount collected by receiver to date
Disposition of collections:
Loans p a id ......................................
Dividends p a i d ..............................
Legal expenses paid ....................
Receiver’s salary to date............
All other exp en ses.............. . .. .
Balance in hands of receiver. . .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$215,320 56
294,728 80
123,932 90

123,932 90



Whitehall State Savings Bank, Whitehall.

The Michigan Trust Company, Grand Rapids, receiver, reports as fol­
lows :
Liability to depositors at date of suspension, December 31,
$82,576 33
Other lia b ilitie s...........................................................................
1,660 68
T o t a l...............................................................................
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension
Amount collected by receiver to date..........................
Disposition of collections:
Loans paid ....................................................
Dividends p a id ..............................................
Legal expenses............, ...............................
Receiver’s s a la r y ...........................................
All other ex p en ses........................................
Balance in hands of receiver......................

$84,237 01
110,053 66
21,044 96
21,044 96

State Bank of Fenton, Fenton.

Clarence Tinker, receiver, reports as follows:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension, June 14, 1897. . $88,703 19
Other lia b ilitie s...........................................................................
14,141 30
Total ............................................................................................ $102,844 49
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension..........
133,199 11
Amount collected by receiver to date......................................
64,040 47
Disposition of collections:
Loans p a id ..................................................... $13,146 42
Dividends p a id ..............................................
40,033 72
Legal expenses p a id ......................................
671 99
655 00
Receiver’s salary to date..............................
All other exp en ses........................................
4,974 19
Balance in hands of receiver......................
4,559 15
--------------64,040 47
The Tawas State Savings Bank, Fast Tawas.

Benjamin Richards, receiver, reports as follows:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension, July 22, 1898.
Other lia b ilitie s...........................................................................

$11,040 63
28,039 42

T o ta l...........................................................................................
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension..........
Amount collected by receiver to date......................................

$39,080 05
63,935 60
3,554 54
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Disposition of collections:
Loans p a id ......................................................
Dividends paid ............................................\
E xp en ses.......... ..............................................
Balance in hands of receiver......................

$2 15
2,261 48
165 08
1,125 83


S3,554 54

People's Savings Bank, 3ft. Pleasant.

Charles T. Bussell, receiver, reports as follows:
Liability to depositors at date of suspension, August 20,
1897..................................... ................................................. . . . .
Other lia b ilitie s............................................................................

|65,491 80
15,810 14

T o ta l.................................... ....................................................... $81,301
Total assets at date of, and received since suspension..........
Amount collected by receiver to date............................ ..........
Disposition of collections:
Loans p a id ....................................................
Dividends paid ..................................................
Legal e x p e n se s...............................................
Deceiver’s salary to date..................................
1,638 42
All other expenses . : .......................... ..........
Balance in hands of State Treasurer..........
3,300 00
Balance in hands of receiver......................
5,484 75






This department, during the year 1899, has received queries relative
to the application of section 8553 of the Compiled Laws, as to banks
under supervision of this department, which provides for minority repre­
sentation on boards of directors. The following is the opinion of the
Attorney General:
Hon. Geo. L. Maltz,
Commissioner of the Banking Department:
My D ear S ir— Your letter of November 16, received and considered
whereby you call my attention to section 8553 of the Compiled Laws
providing for minority representation on the Board of Directors, and ask
if this provision is applicable to the election of bank directors.
In view of the holding in the case of Attorney General vs. Looker, 111
Mich. 498, the question you submit is one upon which there is liable to
be a difference of opinion. It seems to me, however that banks organ­
ized and subject to the General Banking Laws of the State stand upon
an entirely different footing from that of corporations generally. In the
first place section 2, article 15, of the State Constitution provides: “No
general banking law shall have effect until the same shall after its
passage, be submitted to a vote of the electors of the State at a general
election, and be approved by a majority of the votes cast thereon at such
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Section 12 of tlie General Banking Law expressly provides for the
election of the members of the board of directors. This section, as well
as the General Banking Law itself, is a subsequent enactment of the
Legislature to that of section 8553 of the Compiled Laws. The General
Banking Law was submitted to the voters of the State and ratified by
them in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution relating
thereto. Section 8553 of the Compiled Laws was not.
Section 63 of the General Banking Law provides the manner in which
it may be altered and amended by the Legislature and the Legislature
has not seen fit to incorporate the provisions of section 8553 of the Com­
piled Laws into the banking laws of this State.
1 am therefore of the opinion that you would be justified in refusing
to recognize said section 8553, as applicable to the election of directors
under the General Banking Law of this State, in the absence of a ruling
by the Supreme Court to the contrary on this particular question.
Respectfully yours,
Attorney General.
I also submit the following opinion of the Attorney General relative to
the number of directors required by banks with $15,000.00 capital as
provided by section 12 of the General Banking Law:
Hon. Geo. L. Maltz,
Commissioner of the Banking Department:
M y D ea r S ir —Yours of Nov. 16 received, in which you call my atten­
tion to section one of the General Banking Law as amended in 1890. This
section, as amended, provides that banks cannot be organized with less
than $20,000.00 capital. Prior to the amendment of 1899, in certain
cities and villages the law permitted the organization of banks with
$15,000.00 capital. Under section 12 of the General Banking Law, prior
to the amendment thereto of 1899, directors of banks having only
$15,000.00 capital stock -were only required to own five shares of such
stock. Under this section as it now stands, directors must own at least
ten shares of the capital stock, and this provision applies to all directors
elected after this section, as amended, went into operation, and applies
with equal force to directors of banks having a capital stock of $15,000.
Yours respectfully,
Attorney General.


During the past year this department has vigorously and repeatedly
called the attention of directors to section 12 of the General Banking
Law, which provides that the directors of a bank are its managers, and
that they should have regular and frequent meetings. In this connection
I give the following decision of the Supreme Court in the case of James
W. Flinn, complainant and appellee vs". Third National Bank, Detroit,
defendants and appellants:
“Action brought by the complainant against the receiver, who was
a director of the bank, and the other directors, alleging that the loss of
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



the assets of the bank and its insolvency was due to their neglect and
maladministration of its affairs.
“The bill charges, among other things, that the defendants’ negligence
in the management of the affairs of the bank made its ruin possible, and
that it would have been prevented had they been diligent; that they
wilfully and negligently permitted the money of the bank to be fraudu­
lently converted, wasted and squandered, and permitted irresponsible
and insolvent persons to overdraw their accounts and to borrow money
without adequate security whereby large sums were lost; and knowingly
and intelligently permitted the withdrawal of a portion of the capital
stock by paying dividends in excess of the earnings; that through their
negligence the cashier was able to abstract and misapply the funds of
the bank.
“ We find it unnecessary to discuss the degree of negligence which will justify a
court holding the directors of a hank liablefor losses. It is enough to say that the
bill charges negligence in various things and that losses resulted therefrom. That
an action for such negligence may be ^brought on behalf of the bank, we have no
doubt and that ordinarily it should be brought by the receiver, is admitted.
“The decree of the Circuit Court is affirmed with costs, defendant to
have usual opportunity to answer.”





The General Banking Law was amended by the Legislature of 1899 as
Section 1. That the capital stock of banks in cities over 110,000 inhabit­
ants shall be $250,000 instead of $100,000. That no bank under the super­
vision of the State Banking Department be organized with less than
$20,000 capital. That banks having deposits exceeding $5,000,000 shall
increase their capital to a sum not less than $400,000.00.
Sec. 12. This section is amended so that the annual meeting of stock­
holders is held on the second Tuesday in January, instead of December.
Sec. 14. Is amended by changing the penalty where directors or officers
of a bank shall fraudulently and intentionally cheat and defraud any
person, from one to four years.
Sec. 18. Amendment provides that any violation of the provisions of the
General Banking Law shall be deemed a felony, instead of a misdemeanor.
Sec. 52. Amended by inserting following proviso: “Provided further,
th at before any bank under the supervision of the laws of this State,
shall loan any of its funds to its officers or its employes, any loans shall
be first submitted to the directors of such bank for their approval.”
This section was amended further in regard to investment by banks in
legally authorized bonds of certain specified railroad companies, and giv­
ing qualifications necessary to constitute bonds of other railroad com­
panies legal and authorized investments. II specifically provides that
street and electric railway corporations are not railroad corporations,
within the meaning of this section, as amended.
An act (Public Act No. 143, 1899) was passed providing for the exten­
sion of the corporate existence of banks, whose charters are about to
expire by limitation, for the period of not more than thirty years from
the time named in such expiring charters.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



An act (Public Act No. 287, 1899) was also passed changing the legal
rate of interest from six to five per cent, and making the maximum stipu­
lated rate seven per cent, instead of eight per cent.

I desire to acknowledge the valuable services rendered this depart­
ment by Deputy Commissioner W. T. Bradford, and Examiners T. M.
Joslin, B. C. Jolly, L. M. Sherwood and A. E. Manning.
Very respectfully,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Commissioner of the Banking Department.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Comparative abstract, giving the volume of business as shown by the December reports of
and 1899, as made to the Commissioner

R esou rces.

D e cem b er 11, D ecem b er 19, D ecem b er 2, D ecem b er 9,
1889, 90 banks, 1890, 106 banks, 1891, 121 banks, 1892, 138 banks,
2 trust
2 trust
3 trust
3 trust
com panies.
com panies.
com panies.
com panies.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.......................................

$22, 624,667 12

$27,628,145 16

$30,543,959 76

$38,883,892 66

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ....................

15,645,031 54

18, 846,687 08

21,308,913 14

26,843,183 47

O v e r d r a fts...........................................................

165,315 19

183,645 30

195,618 49

222,549 92

Banking hou se, furniture and fix tu r e s ...

523, 466 20

714,313 50

941,191 77

1,274,415 65
692,412 41

O ther rea l e s t a t e ..............................................

253,782 59

311,476 52

350,381 69

E x p e n ses and ta x e s p a id ..............................

276,624 57

266, 114 72

307, 386 48

364,088 85

I n te r e s t p a id ........................................................

210,872 79

217, 130 03

145,482 78

271,426 84

Prem ium s paid....................................................
Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s .............

5,182,241 12

5, 712,028 27

7,481, 885 31

9,435,452 69

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.........

298, 942 90

371,808 62

468,162 59

526,816 22

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se ....................

200,024 37

152,723 76

319,354 22

306,521 91

C hecks and c a sh ite m s .................................

150,252 88

308,018 92

242,213 13

209,662 16-

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................

11,720 48

11, 047 14

15,630 82

18,382 56

Gold coin...............................................................

396,827 00

483,564 49

849,656 57

1,039,932 42

S ilv er c o in ............................................................

171,666 15

167, 925 17

215,054 78

293,818 72

U n ited S t a te s and natio n a l bank n o te s.

1,242,843 00

1,575,817 00

1,807,081 00

2,266,977 00

T o t a ls .................................................. ...........

$47,354,277 90

$56,950,395 68

$65,191,972 53

$82,649,533 48

C apital s to c k paid in.......................................

$7,254, 559 10

$8, 460,835 00

$9,522,420 00

$11,109,827 59

Surplus fu n d ........................................................

1,132,329 90

1,502,849 44

1,704,248 31

2,124,487 81

Gross undivided ea rn in g s..............................

1,679, 925 61

1, 912,300 21 .

2,169,532 72

2,534,015 14

L iabilities.

D ividends u n p a id ..............................................

2, 571 63

6,234 60

2,158 87

5,739 37

Individual d e p o s its ...........................................

7,879,586 71

9, 300,393 00

11,750,841 68

16,948, 803 62

C e rtific a te s o f d e p o s it...................................

4,452,081 74

6,054, 724 25

6,746,187 18

9,632,918 47

S a v in g s d ep o sit..................................................

23,669,030 20

27,779,136 09

31,186,303 14

37,909,010 12

C ertified c h e c k s ................................................

29, 987 61

40, 450 93

37,541 35

67,981 89

C ashiers’ c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....................

21,097 57

5,802 67

30,594 71

36,445 82

D ue to banks and ban kers............................

809,678 07

1, 325,103 37

1,599,224 96

1,869,563 31

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ......................

386,429 76

517,866 12

391,719 61

279,390 41

B ills p a y a b le ........................................................

37,000 00

44, 700 00

51,200 00

131,349 93

$47, 354,277 90

$56, 950, 395 68

$65,191,972 53

$82,649,533 48

L ia b ilities o th er than a b o v e s ta te d .........
T o t a ls .......... .................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Michigan State h inks for the years 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892,1898, 189^, 1895,1896,1897, 1898
of the Banking Department.
D ecem b er
D ecem b er D ecem b er 13, D ecem b er 17, D ecem b er 15, D ecem b er 1, D ecem b er 2,
19, 1893, 159 19, 1894, 164 1895, 169 banks, 1896, 173 banks. 1897, 177 hanks, 1898. 182 banks, 1899, 187 banks,.
banks, 3 trust banks, 4 trust
4 trust
4 trust
3 trust
3 trust
3 trust
com panies. com panies.
com panies.
com panies.
com panies.
com panies.
com panies.
$32,402,874 53 $34, 320,138 74

$40, 179,933 36

$36,982, 440 70

$38, 601, 949 09

$41, 384, 075 83

$50, 272, 936 26.

24,804,367 45 26, 516,601' 07

27,852, 301 82

28,451, 447 71

31,926,938 07

37,453, 689 93

43, 420, 804 26

206,537 17

192,415 39

224, 066 95

199,468 95

227,624 36

298, 762 48

334,526 17

1,517,146 91

1, 694,992 89

1,758,139 62

1,814, 724 74

1,8:0, 639 66

1, 906, 096 96

2, 075, 425 01

882,473 08

1,237,183 41

1,593,803 10

2,054,891 06

2, 032. 366 69

647,824 26

719,150 15

395,207 14

403,575 78

352, 701 34

312. 758 62
23,493 99

26,213 98

41, 708 51

47,333 15

213,747 47

7,536,024 09

9,653, 012 05

9,527,910 70

10, 689,631 08

14,460,853 39

15, 656,008 52

14,395,138 44

450,100 31

361,668 44

392, 582 07

481,787 89

837, 584 03

893,192 24

999, 267 91

246,416 43

352,725 79

360, 473 16

429,334 91

396, 454 61

418, 372 26

451,809 4»

302,096 21

213,076 23

377,047 46

285,151 36

295, 907 52

341,835 45

385, 617 28

24,102 73

26,840 53

20,384 28

22, 407 73

22,543 68

24, 283 58

26, 844 79

1,698,747 47

1, 683,739 65

2,028,483 58

2,286,076 60

2,273,685 90

2,448,122 25

2, 782,654 49

259,119 76

269, 032 24

277,618 80

289,380 11

307,663 09

387,684 17

383,374 38

2,312,851 00

2,152,421 00

2,065, 781 00

2,530,816 00

2,590,180 00

2,754,711 00

3, 016, 402 00

$73,156,116 80 $78,872, 148 57

$85, 970,689 87

$85, 686, 065 17

$95,397,535 01 $106, 069,058 88 $120,790,914 60

$12,311,041 98 $12,600,820 00

$12,518,117 21

$12, 458,275 00

$12,010,200 00

$12, 003, 600 00

2,443,906 07

2,589,052 49

2, 735,755 49

2,876,322 12

2, 986,650 27

2,981,382 73

2,987,971 24

2,639, 574 57

2, 698,387 31

*2,112,933 75

*2,042,341 06

*1,927, 498 49

*1,958,531 34

*2,102, 350 42

18,081 02

17,696 03

23,539 94

14,629 00

16,430 88

8,204 48

11,914 42

14,529,942 64 15, 476,103 85

16,562,755 06

15,274,265 98

18,025,578 88

20, 599,904 56

24,522, 326 97

6,686,895 92

$12,262,100 00.

7,024,676 13

8, 364,560 85

7,530,592 54

8, 576,587 67

9, 782,646 49

12,250, 239 67

32,216, 067 08 35,939,957 25

41,192,483 54

42, 055,852 60

48,076,282 71

54,105, 981 76

62, 660,212 66
66,649 37

42,076 74

65,583 23

85, 970 78

140,220 18

67,246 32

111,903 86

29,031 78

24,974 06

33, 828 85

22,834 67

13,771 80

19,723 43

83, 450 18

1,437,360 49

2, 007, 773 87

1,936, 615 12

2,441,456 29

3,647,253 47

4, 420, 425 42

3,748,526 37

654,100 98

354,059 88

359,129 28

273,075 73

36,886 14

51,754 81

14,'000 00

148,037 53

73,064 47

45, 000 00

32,000 00

13,148 38

25,000 00

81,173 30

524,200 00
$73,156,116 80 $78, 872,148 57

$85, 970, 689 87

$85, 686,065 17

$95, 397, 535 01 $106, 069,058 88 $120,790,914 69

* U ndivided earnings, le ss current ex p en ses, in te r e st and ta x e s paid.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Comparative abstract showing the volume of business of the national banks of the State from
and 1S99, as made to and furnished this department by

R esources.

D ecem b er 11, D ecem b er 19,
1889, 113
1890, 109
n ational
n ational

D e cem b er 2,
1891, 106

D ecem b er 9,
1892, 104

L oan s and d is c o u n ts ....................................

$45, 8GO, 178 79

$47,527,375 32

$48, 424, 955 39

$52,752,163 51

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s .................

4,716, 830 60

4,289,671 45

4,231,798 69

5,623,070 40

O v erd ra fts.........................................................

214,415 50

219,314 54

222,506 90

292,210 95

D ue from rese rv e a g e n ts ........................ .

5,273,805 17

6,000,383 99

6, 942, 032 64

8, 304,177 63

D ue from o th er banks and bankers —

1,417,240 70

1,531,500 83

2,055,712 68

2, 457, 593 23

B anking house, furniture and fixtures.

1,161,347 88

1,175,007 50

1,140,593 47

1,092, 330 52

O ther rea l e s t a t e ...........................................

696, 499 38

807,729 15

654,818 49

597,433 76

Current e x p e n ses and ta x e s p a i d . . . . ..

314, 041 78

316,798 82

308, 899 32

330,626 32

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se .................

351,040 73

291,486 06

531,466 31

420, Oil 79

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ...............................

206,917 13

252, 540 59

222,864 76

269, 288 40

C ash ...................................................................

5,156,435 60

5, 363,033 64

5,337,462 12

5,479,123 70

D ue from U n ited S t a te s trea su rer —

175, 937 44

166,537 96

155,501 41

201,723 10

Prem ium s on U n ited S t a te s bonds —

506,812 27

416, 961 40

326,649 58

415,932 79

$66,051,502 97

$68,358,341 25

$70,555,261 76

$78,235, 686 10

C apital s to c k paid in........................

$15,674, 600 00

$15,539, 600 00

$15, 244,600 00

$15,034,000 00

Surplus fu n d .........................................

3,173, 932 03

3, 332,775 18

3,715, 238 33

3,858,283 29

Gross undivided e a rn in g s...............

2, 589, 639 53

2,715, 207 61

2, 359,221 32

2, 375,539 99

T o ta ls .

L iabilities.

D ividends un p a id ...............................

25,279 32

9, 632 59

36,373 86

18,212 61

Individual d e p o s its ............................

35. 217,989 08

36,792, 399 46

38,500,510 19

42, 409, 084 23

566, 999 05

483,927 31

330,558 68

D ue banks and b a n k ers...................

5, 857, 859 32

6,052,260 90

7,140,938 64

9, 946, 624 23

N a tio n a l bank n o te s outstanding.

2.853, 300 00

2, 660, 200 00

2, 587, 020 00

3,281, 300 00

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .......

658. 903 69

689,166 46

462,157 73

466,083 07

100 00

23, 000 00

U n ited S t a te s d e p o s its ...................

B ills p a y a b le ..................................... .

T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$66,051,502 97

$68,358,341 25

2, 274 38

516,000 00

$70, 555,261 76

$78, 235, 686 10


X V I1

the December reports of the years 1889,^ 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898
the comptroller of the currency at Washington.
D ecem b er
19. 1893, 99

D ecem b er
19, 1894, 96
n ational

D ecem b er 13, D ecem b er 17, D ecem b er 15,
1897. 82
1896, 89
1895, 94
n ational
n ational

D ecem b er 1,
1898, 81

D e cem b er 2,
1899. 80
n ational

$44, 736, 533 88

$40,304,416 58

$41,143,927 46

$42,919,871 77

$47,581,061 50

6,808,219 06

6, 795. 879 01

6,061,223 33

6, 572, 265 92

9,766,446 01

11,652,043 11

191,899 31

184,138 47

174, 561 83

169,842 80

220, 627 59

194,788 80

6, 191,185 16

7,158,187 74

5,697, 542 13

8, 051, 478 98

11,777,125 43

10, 816,560 04

8,671.815 91

1,508,833 10

2.138, 681 61

1, 754,960 91

2,145, 066 98

3,492,498 90

3,757, 850 18

3,647,971 66

1,058,013 55

1,057,140 95

1,016,259 30

1,029,048 72

943,880 03

1,019,100 09

1,003,999 44

523,837 66

556,397 40

690,205 85

796, 229 53

880,219 77

1,061.231 36

1,060.810 20

$40, 783,209 13 $43.083,288 41
6,945,499 58
187,479 07

414,646 27

300,541 92

243,688 09

333.694 76

358,309 99

392,218 02

597,274 04

208,277 54

226, 913 43

160, 616 79

199,702 79

136. 857 46

179,112 92

240, 308 50

5,352,544 48

5,089, 305 10

5, 039, 661 46

5, 333, 487 61

5, 505.338 94

5, 982,621 40

6,151, 557 96

269,208 62

240,670 62

236, 528 07

231.775 11

209,475 82

234,094 42

242, 948 86

448,743 01

430,463 13

414,815 00

375,089 75

365,223 50

465, 448 84

453, 937 69

$63, 891,477 17 $67,281,708 68

$66,970,828 96

$65,435,775 97

$71.554,966 02

$76,815,182 64

$81, 498,517 67

$14,584, 000 00 $13, 634,000 00

$11.440,000 00

$13,434, 000 00

$12,959, 000 00

$11,945.000 00

$11,770,000 00

3,572,570 99

3,631, 010 78

3,418,221 47

3,242, 018 09

3,188,318 72

3,157, 388 20

*1,879,151 51 *1,803,480 48

»1,789,465 90

*1,687,088 73

*1,394, 998 14

*1,374,061 73

*1,563,841 93

3, 769,273 96

8, 348 50

11,509 58

9,156 46

17,563 29

20,387 30

17, 340 81

31,789,116 14 34,718,215 02

35, 612, 374 38

34, 391,087 75

39,217,006 25

43, 486,965 94

49,920,532 09

17, 180 18

401,760 31

383,962 29

357,750 18

409, 961 73

401, 136 29

1, 255,821 32

1,354, 864 72

6,100,036 83

8, 641, 246 57

7,406,212 51

8.260, 695 23

11,772,976 46

11,760,185 28

9, 738, 696 81

4,557,055 00

4,141, 997 50

4, 202,742 50

4,071,495 00

3, 551,767 50

3, 958. 300 00

4, 250, 300 00

426,228 15

316,887 33

386,898 33

140, 289 20

2,500 00

367, 442 03

61,000 00

137,500 00

88,400 00

10. 000 00

1,364 80

380 40

$66,970.828 96

$65,435,775 97

233 06
$63,891,477 17 $67,281,708 68

* U ndivided earnings le ss e x p e n ses and ta x e s paid.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$71,554,966 02

23, 644 61
27,000 00
1,142 35

4.908 50

$76,815,182 64

$81,498.517 67

Abstracts of reports made by the State banks to the Commissioner of Banking Depart­
ment, the reports being called fo r on p a st days unknown to the bank officers, viz.:
February 4 , June 30, September 7 and December 2, 1899.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4,
183 banks,
3 trust
com pan ies.

R eport of
Jun e 30,
185 banks,
3 trust
com panies.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7,
187 banks,
3 trust
com panies.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.......................................

$41,810,251 58

$45, 648, 203 39

$47,521,858 82

$50,272,936 26

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ....................

38,439, 960 33

41, 701,222 60

43, 087, 505 77

43,420,804 26

O v e r d r a fts...........................................................

279,807 81

226,081 87

269,541 05

334,526 17

B anking house, furniture and fix tu r es...

1,904, 003 31

1,823,769 02

1,974,855 38

2,075,425 01

O ther rea l e s t a t e ..............................................

2,174,344 65

2,352,121 54

2,144,762 71

2,032,366 69

Prem ium s paid....................................................

86,174 30

118,914 77

135,621 98

213, 747 47

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s .............

18,058, 926 56

14, 785, 307 05

16,245,145 27

14,395,138 44

R eport of
D ec. 2,
187 banks,
3 trust
com panies.

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.........

814,191 00

1,106,234 54

1,085,674 59

999.267 91

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se ....................

592, 073 40

471,928 35

451,220 95

• 451,809 45

C hecks and cash ite m s .................................

320,225 20

304, 235 91

268, 466 22

385, 617 28

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .............................................

28,948 49

25, 962 63

27,493 61

26,844 79

Gold coin...............................................................

2, 535,134 39

2,611,367 35

2. 699,910 65

2, 782,654 49

S ilv er c o in ...........................................................

405,218 51

424,051 10

455, 333 80

383, 374 38

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...................

3, 318,442 00

3, 343,948 00

2, 982,558 00

3,016, 402 00

T o t a ls ............................................................. $110,767,701 53 $114,943, 348 12 $119,349,948 80

$120,790,914 60

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in ......................................

$12,007,946 21

$12, 215, 040 00

$12, 256,460 00

$12,262, 100 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en se,
in te r e st and ta x e s p a id ..............................

3,015,099 37

2,964,702 49

2, 990,017 00

2,987,971 24

1,590,653 98

1,686,805 35

1,748,586 98

2,102,350 42

D ividends un p aid ..............................................

10,236 98

158,200 31

4,967 60

11,914 42

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e ck ..

22,731,728 18

22,360, 805 56

24,702,006 22

24,522, 326 97

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it...................................

9,723,061 91

11,047,233 46

11,269,125 99

12,250, 239 67

S avin gs d ep o sits................................................

56,454, 999 65

60,193, 491 22

61, 945,677 94

62, 660, 212 66

C ertified c h e c k s ................................................

122.807 41

163,010 35

183,587 98

66, 649 37

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....................

17,838 08

r 60,629 56

53,554 80

83,450 18

Due to banks and bankers............................

5,084,302 34

4,051,416 06

4,131,654 66

3,748, 526 37

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ......................

5, 000 00

38,581 91

26,686 69

14,000 00

Bills p a y a b le ........................................................

4,027 42

3,431 85

37, 622 94

81,173 30

T o t a ls ............................................................. $110, 767, 701 53 $114,943,348 12 $119,349,948 80

$120,790,914 60
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Abstracts of reports made by the national banks o f Michigan to the Commissioner of
the Banking Department February 4, June 80, September 7 and December 2, 1899.
For reports of individual national banks see succeeding pages.
R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.....................................

$43, 107,250 24

$45, 794, 366 82

$46, 504, 303 62

O verdrafts, sec u r e d and u n se c u r ed __

238, 977 53

205, 389 25

248,791 72

194,788 80

U . S. Donds to s ec u r e c ir c u la tio n ...........

4,695,560 00

4,840,560 00

4, 870,560 00

4, 847,560 00
1, 410, 000 00

R eso u rces.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.
$47,581,061 50

U. S. bonds to s ec u r e U. S. d e p o s its ..

1,360,000 00

1,410, 000 00

1,410,000 00

U. S. bonds on h a n d .......................................

776, 630 00

267,110 00

229, 680 00

276,530 00

Prem ium s on U . S. b o n d s............................

503, 253 69

454,682 19

457,089 94

453, 937 69
5,117,953 11

S to ck s, secu rities, e t c ...................................

3,672,136 99

4, 268, 753 65

5,190,893 94

B anking house, furniture and fix tu r e s...

1,021,410 12

1,012,961 42

999, 549 51

1, 003,999 44

O ther r ea l e s t a te and m o rtg a g es ow ned
D ue from N a tio n a l banks (not reserv e
a g e n ts )...............................................................

1,093, 555 26

1,083,620 60

1,046,335 11

1,060,810 20

2, 401,858 59

2,163, 983 59

2, 673, 745 06

2,564,271 40

Due from S t a te banks and b a n k ers.......

1,855,882 40

1,157,745 18

1, 402,654 55

1,083,700 26

D ue from approved rese rv e a g e n ts.........

12,224,589 99

9, 525, 338 87

11,194,474 35

8,671,815 9J

C h eck s and o th er c a sh ite m s ....................

242, 464 27

264, 538 81

179, 570 29

240, 308 50

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h ou se....................

421,275 48

406,122 89

492,979 80

597,274 04

N o te s o f o th e r na tio n a l banks..................
F ra ctio n a l paper cu rrency, n ick els and
c e n t s ....................................................................

643, 738 00

524, 767 00

652,225 00

551,461 00

26, 920 18

21. 823 91

20,689 00

24,554 86

S p e c ie .....................................................................

3,662,207 59

3, 767,086 65

4,007, 894 72

4,073,821 10

L eg a l ten d er n o te s ...........................................
R edem ption fund w ith U . S. treasurer
(5 % o f c ir c u la tio n ).......................................
D ue from U. S. treasurer, o th er than
5 % red em ption fund...................................

1,700,847 00

1.552,311 00

1. 647, 506 00

1,501,721 00

210,917 00

212,839 09

219.075 00

216.173 00

27,960 51

31, 554 82

19,671 51

26, 775 86

T o ta ls ..............................................................

$79, 887, 434 84

$78, 965,555 74

$83,467,689 12

$81, 498,517 67

C apital sto c k paid in .......................................

$11,770, 000 00

$11,645,000 00

$11,530,000 00

$11,440,000 00

Surplus fu n d ........................................................
U ndivided profits le ss e x p e n ses and
ta x e s paid.........................................................

3, 200,599 69

3.159.188 20

3,153, 388 20

3,157, 388 20

1, 083, 402 88

1, 226, 784 16

1,303,213 53

1,563,841 93

N a tio n a l bank n o te s o u tsta n d in g .............

4, 010,235 00

4,158,570 00

4,142, 400 00

4,250, 300 00

D ue to o th er N a tio n a l b a n k s..... ..............

3,873, 860 05

3, 382,709 97

3, 438,074 86

2,858, 629 59

Due to S t a te banks and b a n k e rs.............

8,474, 091 72

7, 050,324 49

7,722, 637 08

6, 880,067 22

D ividends un paid..............................................

16,380 62

207, 661 47

25, 713 06

17,340 81

Individual d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k __

46,151, 861 65

46, 710, 039 05

50,765, 343 74

49,920,532 09


D em and c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it................
T im e c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit........................
C ertified c h e c k s ................................................

C ashiers’ c h e ck s outstan ding......................
U n ited S ta te s d e p o s its .................................

1,236,056 14

1,186,937 59

1,193,471 64

1, 239,170 55

D ep o sits o f U . S. disbursing officers.......

70,097 28

168,641 54

168, 799 25

115,694 17

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ......................

58 672 33

24,339 26

Bills p a y a b le ........................................................

11.000 00

9.2 044 fit
27 000 00

L iab ilities o th er than th o se ab ove s ta te d

849 81

26 94

308 50

4,908 50

T o t a ls .............................................................

$79,887, 434 84

$78, 965,555 74

$83,467,689 12

$81,498,517 67
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



Abstract showing the total volume of business transacted by the State and National
banks of Michigan, as shown by reports made December 2, 1899, to the Commissioner
of the Banking Department.

R esources.

R eports of
187 S t a te
banks, 3 trust
com panies.

R eport of
80 N a tion al

L oans and d isco u n ts.......................................................................

$50,272,936 26

$47,581,061 50

$97,853,997 76

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ..................................................

43,420,804 26

5,394,483 11

48, 815,287 37

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................................

334,526 17

194,788 80

529, 314 97

U . S. bonds to sec u r e circu la tio n ...........................................

T otal.

4,847 560 00

B anking bouse, furniture and fixtures...................................

2,075,425 01

1, 003,999 44

3,079,424 45

O ther rea l e s t a t e ............................................................................

2, 032, 366 69

1,060,810 20

3,093,176 89

1,410, 000 00

1 410 000 00

U . S. bonds to s ec u r e U. S. d e p o s it s ...................................
Prem ium s p a id ..................................................................................

213,747 47

453,937 69

667,685 16

Due from banks in r ese rv e c i t i e s ...........................................

14,395,138 44

8,671,815 91

23, 066, 954 35

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k e rs.......................................

999,267 91

3,647,971 66

4, 647,239 57

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u s e ..................................................

451,809 45

597, 274 04

1,049, 083 49

C hecks and cash ite m s .................................................................

385, 617 28

240, 308 50

625, 925 78

N ic k e ls and c e n ts ................................................ ........................

26, 844 79

24, 554 86

51,399 65

S p e c ie ...................................................................................................

3,166,028 87

4,073,821 10

7,239, 849 97

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s ..................................................

3, 016,402 00

2.053, 182 00

5,069,584 00


red em ption fu n d .......................................................................

216,173 00

Due' from U . S. treasu rer...........................................................

26, 775 86

26, 775 86

$81, 498, 517 67

$202,289.432 27

$23, 702, 100 00


T o ta ls ............................................................................................. $120,790,914 60

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in .....................................................................

$12,262,100 00

$11,440,000 00

Surplus fund.......................................................................................
U n d ivid ed profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in te r e st and
ta x e s p a id .......................................................................................

2,987,971 24

3, 157,388 20

6,145,359 44

2,102,350 42

1,563,841 93

3, 666,192 35

N a tio n a l bank n o tes o u tsta n d in g .............................................
D ividends un paid..............................................................................
C om m ercial d e p o s its ...............

.................... $36,839.216.01

4,250 300 00

4 250 300 00

11,914 42

17, 340 81

29,255 23

99, 499, 428 67

49, 920,532 09

149. 419, 960 76


S a v in g s d e p o s its ....................................................62.660,212.66 )r
U . S. d e p o s its ...............................................................

1, 354, 864 72

C ash iers’ c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....................................................

83, 450 18

D ue to banks and b a n k ers.........................................................

3, 748, 526 37

9,738,696 81

N o te s and bills r e d isc o u n te d ....................................................

14, 000 00

23, 644 61

37,644 61

B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................................

81,173 30

27,000 00

108,173 30

4, 908 50

4, 908 50

$81.498,517 67

$202, 289, 432 27

L ia b ilities o th er than th o se ab o v e s t a t e d ..........................
T o ta ls .........................................................................•.................. $120,790, 914 60
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

13,487,223 18



Abstract of the published reports of the fifteen State and six national banks and one
trust company in the city of Detroit, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking
Department, December 2, 1899.

R esources.

R ep ort of
15 S t a te
banks, 1 trust
com pany

R eport of
6 N ation al

T otal.

L oans and d isc o u n ts....................................

$20,198, 874 40

$14,676,618 39

$34,875, 492 79

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...............

23,656, 374 67

1,899,529 92

25,555, 904 59

O v erd ra fts.........................................................

19,610 74

7,045 61

26, 656 35

1,550,000 00

1, 550, 000 00

U. S. bonds to se c u r e circu la tio n .......
Banking house, furniture and fixtures

719.909 86

28,038 50

^47, 948 36

O ther r ea l e s t a t e ....................................... A

1,228,846 09

384,791 56

1,613, 637 65

700,000 00

700, 000 00

Prem ium s p a id ........... .....................................

54,255 00

221,188 19

275, 443 19

D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s .........

5, 639, 801 63

2,448, 925 66

8,088, 727 29

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers__

452, 605 24

2, 239, 679 43

2, 692, 284 67

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se .................

332, 800 45

413,269 26

746, 069 71

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ...............................

116.376 14

21,907 41

138, 283 55

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .........................................

3,140 66

7.354 27

10, 494 93

S p e c ie .................................................................

1,545, 548 03

1,673,851 25

3,219, 399 28

U . S. and na tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............

1,171,023 00

U. S. bonds to se c u r e U. S. d ep o sits.

811,435 00

1,982, 458 00

F iv e per c e n t red em ption fu n d ............

67, 783 00

67, 783 00

D ue from U . S. treasu rer..........................

16,355 07

16, 355 07

$55,139,165 91

$27,167,772 52

$82,306,938 43

C apital sto c k paid in .........................................................

$3, 600,000 00

$3, 300,000 00

$6, 900, 000 00

Surplus fu n d ............................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter e st
and ta x e s p a id ..................................................................

829,100 00

607, 000 00

1, 436,100 00

1,001,130 88

273, 934 47

1,275,065 35

T o ta ls
L iabilities.

N a tio n a l bank n o tes outstan d in g.................................
D ividends u n p a id ............................................ — ............

1,323. 600 00

1,323,600 00

829 65

¡90 00

1,019 65

46, 239, 323 08

13, 367,149 66

59, 606, 472 74

672,364 72

672, 364 72

C om m ercial d e p o s its ...............................$12,234,771 85 1
S a v in g s d e p o s its ........................................ 34,004,551 23 i
U. S. d e p o s its ........................................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................

56,002 90

12, 939 55

68,942 45

D ue to banks and b a n k ers..............................................

3,389,307 10

7,610,594 12

10, 999, 901 22

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .........................................

23, 472 30

23,472 30

Bills p a y a b le ..........................................................................
L iab ilities o th er than th o se ab o v e s t a t e d .............
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$55,139,165 91

$27,167,772 52

$82,306, 938 43



Abstract of published reports of the four State arid five national banks and two trust
companies in the city of Grand Rapids, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking
Department, December 2, 1899.

R esources.

4 S t a te banks,
2 trust com ­

5 n ational


L oans and d isc o u n ts....................................

$3,161,400 62

,087,207 13

10,248,607 75

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es.................

2,776,582 72

443,713 10

3,220,295 82

'O verdrafts........................................................

5,811 41

21,182 86

26,994 27

275.000 00

275.000 00

U . S. bonds to s ec u r e c ir c u la tio n .......
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.

56,998 97

164,178 21

221,177 18

O th er rea l e s t a t e .................... ....................

113,561 10

133,654 89

247,215 99

100.000 00

100.000 00

U . S. bonds to s ec u r e U. S. d e p o s its ..
Prem ium s p a id ...............................................

31,287 95

19.000 00

50,287 95

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c i t i e s ........

832,485 82

454,682 13

1,287,167 95

Due from o th er banks and bankers . . .

68,340 29

466,486 01

534,826 30

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u s e ...............

38,499 97

144,074 86

182,574 83

C h eck s and cash it e m s ...............................

39,637 15

11,060 76

50,697 91

N ic k e ls and c e n ts .........................................

1,965 05

1,573 28

3,538 33

S p e c i e ............................................................... .

182,096 58

437,968 02

620.064 60

U S. and n ational bank n o te s ...............

174,459 00

154.352 00

328,811 00

F iv e per c e n t red em ption fund.............

12,375 00

12,375 00

Due from U . S. tr e a su re r ........................

6.000 00

6,'000 00

$7,483,126 63

,932,508 25

$17,415,634 88

$750,000 00

$2 , 200,000 00

$2,950,000 00

234,000 00

426.500 00

660,500 00

93,805 84

176,917 90

270,723 74

243,980 00

243,980 00

5,545 10

1,440 31

6,985 41

6,385,856 60

5,550,592 64

11,936,449 24

62,020 93

62,020 93

1,246,056 47

1,258,771 85

25,000 00

25,000 00

,932,508 25

$17,415,634 88

T otals.

L iabilities.
C ap ita l sto c k paid i n ...................
Surplus fund............................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter e st
and ta x e s paid....................................................................
N a tio n a l bank n o tes o u tsta n d in g ................................
D ividends un paid....................................... .........................
C om m ercial d e p o s its .................................$2,282,449 52 j
S avin g s d e p o s its ........................................ 4,103,407 08 1
U . S . d e p o s its .......................................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g ........................................

1,203 71

Due to banks and b a n k e r s .............................................

12,715 38

1,203 71

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ........................................
Bills p a y a b le ....................... ............................. ....................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

B7,483,126 63



Abstract of the published reports of the four State and two national banks in the city
of Saginaw, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, December 2,
R esources.

n n il o QnrI
a lfrtn
a, h
a u u .......................................................................


$2,531,428 09

$2,512,239 20

$5,043,667 29

2,145,305 46

480,543 00

2,625,848 46

4,776 45
U . S. B onds to s ec u r e circu la tio n ...............................
D n n lrang
in c VtAIICO

Y tllffiS ..........., , . ................
î u i u i tnVP
i u i c iTT
« u llì
u .H

T otal.

4 S t a te banks.

111,104 91
65,834 15

U. S. bonds to secu re U . S. d e p o s its ........................
114,348 09

1,261 57

6,038 02

300,000 00

300,000 00

59,000 00

170,104 91

21,784 34

87,618 49

560,000 00

560,000 00

46,454 75

160,802 84
1,225,406 58

r rvP/ A
ü s in
in rP
ic D
v /itiu

768,444 99

456,961 59

nu« T
rtiV iar Vtanlrc
a n k p r s ............................................
U diilia arwi
w uu h

55,122 69

43,952 12

99,074 81

8,936 95

25,477 08

34,414 03

9,501 38

7,166 65

16,668 03

651 73

418 82

1,070 55

158,982 30

135,871 95

294,854 25

172,245 00

72,250 00

244,495 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

4,855 00

4,855 00

$6,146,682 19

$4,737,236 07

$10,883,918 26

$400,000 00

$300,000 00

$700,000 00

207,500 00

250,000 00

457,500 00

90,877 56

165,582 56

256,460 12

269,100 00

269,100 00

u u e friATn
i ru m

n u /»

.. ...................

nr n
n n s f t ..............................................................
JliXCIld/IlgCts f
L lip
a ri ii n
g1 h


S and nation al bank

n n t .p s ..............................................................

L iabilities.

C apital sto c k pai^ in


. . , , , , ....................................................................

U ndivided profits, le ss current exp en ses, in terest
viol Vionlr
A lo e m
UdillK n
u ui it'.Gt'.Ìl.niìi

3 00

3 00
C om m ercial d e p o s its ...............................$2,718,131 21 j

5,295,026 99

2,678,402 34

7,973,429 33

535,000 00

535,000 00

S avin gs d ep o sits..........................................2,576,895 78 )

C ashier’s c h e c k s ou tstan d in g........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

500 00

2,500 00

151,274 64

538,651 17

689,925 81

$6,146,682 19

$4,737,236 07

$10,883,918 26

2,00u 00



Abstract of the published reports of the five State and tivo national banks in the Bay
Cities, as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, December 2, 1899.
R esou rces.

5 S t a te banks. 2n ation al banks.

T otal.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...........................................................

$1,718,790 90

$1,295,160 26

$3,013,951 16

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ........................................

569, 756 90

134,684 32

704,44 1 22

O v erd ra fts................................................................................

8,991 61

291 08

9,282 69

75.000 00

75 000 00

U . S. bonds to s ec u r e c ir c u la tio n ...............................
Banking house, furniture and fix tu r es.......................

44, 674 92

22,900 00

67,574 92

O ther rea l e s t a t e .................................................................

54, 939 31

10, 920 51

65,859 82

5, 000 00

a non on

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ................................

686,504 16

371,750 60

1,058, 254 76

Prem ium s p a id .......................................................................

D ue from oth er banks and b a n k ers............................

11,130 66

11,924 93

23, 055 59

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u s e .......................................

12,288 50

8,938 97

21,227 47
9,323 25

C hecks and cash ite m s .....................................................

4,147 47

5,175 78

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ................................................................

1,096 49

614 41

1, 710 90

S p e c ie ........................................................................................

77,016 16

79, 602 00

156,618 16

U. S. and n ational bank n o t e s .....................................

114,512 00

84, 968 00

199,480 00

F iv e per c e n t red em ption fu n d ....................................

2.250 00

2 , 250 00

D ue from U . S. treasu rer................................................

2,535 00

2,535 00

$3, 303, 849 08

$2,111,715 86

$5,415, 564 94

C apital, s to c k paid in ..........................................................

$400,000 00

$300,000 00

$700,000 00

Surplus fu n d ............................................................................
U ndivided profits, less cu rren t ex p en ses, in te r e st
and ta x e s p a id ...................................................................

82,000 00

26,000 00

108.000 00

31,791 25

23,869 57

55, 660 82

T o ta ls ..................................................................................

L iabilities.

N a tio n a l bank n o te s o u tsta n d in g .............

65,000 00

D ividends un paid...............................................................

6,250 00

6, 250 00

2,759,677 68

1,538,568 22

4.298,245 90

5,380 15

146,796 73

C om m ercial d e p o s its ............................... $1,368,568 75 )
S a v in g s d e p o s its ........................................ 1,391,108 93


C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .........................................
Due to banks and b a n k ers.......................................

5,231 34

5 231


152,176 88

N o te s and bills r e d isc o u n te d ........ ................................
Bills p ayab le..........................................................
T o ta ls..................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

25,000 00
$3, 303, 849 08

25, 000 00
$2,111,715 86

$5, 415, 564 94



The folloiving is a list of banks examined and the amount p a id by each, as required
by section J^Oof the general banking law.
N a m e o f bank.

L ocation.

D ate of
exam ination.

A m ount

Adrian S t a te Savin gs B a n k ....................................

A d r ia n ..........................

February 27

T he C om m ercial Savin gs B a n k ..............................

A d r ia n ..........................

May 4

L e n a w e e C ounty S a v in g s B a n k ............................

A d r ia n ..........................

A ugust

W aldby & C lay’s S t a te B a n k .................................

A d r ia n ........................

May 5 .........

A lbion S t a te B ank.......................................................

A lbion............................ O ctober 9

C om m ercial and S avin gs B a n k .............................

A lbion............................ O ctober 11

A lpena County S a v in g s B ank.................................

A lp e n a ........................

July 19 T



Ann Arbor S a v in g s B a n k .........................................

Ann A rbor..................

May 31 -



F arm ers and M ech an ics’ B ank...............................

Ann A rb o r..........

January 2«5

50 80

S t a t e S a v in g s B a n k ....................................................

Ann Arbor..................

O ctober 31


A th en s S t a te and S a v in g s B a n k ..........................

A th e n s ..........................

D ecem b er

W e st M ichigan S avin gs B ank.................................

B a n g o r..................

F ebruary 27

C ity B ank................................... ......................................

B a ttle C r ee k __


M erchants’ S avin gs B a n k .........................................

B a ttle C r ee k .............


B ay C ity B a n k ...............................................................

B ay C ity ......................

July 19

B a y C ounty S avin gs B a n k .......................................

B ay C ity ......................

July 19........

55 51

$47 M
04 50
07 31


02 77
21 78





10 00

2 ..

14 07






C om m ercial B a n k ................. .....................................

B ay C ity ......................

June 1

37 i i

B elding Savin gs B a n k ................................................

B eld in g ........................

A pril 25 ..


P e o p le s ’ S a v in g s B a n k ..............................................

B elding..........................

April 24.

19 65

*B enton H arbor S t a te B a n k ...................................

B en to n H arbor.........


-"Citizens’ S t a te B ank..................................................

B en ton H a rb or.........

Farm ers & M erchants’ B a n k ...................................

B en to n H arbor.........

Jun e 15....

00 52

B lissfield S t a te B a n k ..................................................

B lissfield.......................

A ugust


F irst S t a te S a v in g s B a n k .........................................

B reck en rid g e.............

April 5 .........

10 00
10 00



B row n C ity S a v in g s B ank.........................................

B row n C ity ................

D ecem b er 0

Burr Oak S t a te B a n k .................................................

Burr Oak....................

A ugust

C adillac S t a te B a n k ....................................................

C a d illa c........................

S ep tem b e r

M erchants and M iners’ B ank...................................

C alum et........................

A ugust 12....................

C apac S a v in g s B ank............................................

C a p a c ............................

A ugust

S t a te B ank o f Carson C ity ..................................

Carson C ity.................

S ep tem b e r 14

12 50

S t a te Bank o f C a rso n v ille.......................................

C arsonville.................

May 9 . . .

10 00

tC harlevoix S a v in g s B ank.........................................

C h arlevoix..................

F ebruary 7 ....

E ato n C ounty S avin gs B a n k ...................................

C h a r lo tte ....................

A ugust 14............... •...

10 00

C h elsea S avin gs B a n k ................................................

C h e ls e a ........................

May 18............

32 38

* A r tic le s filed D ecem b er, 1899.
t V oluntary liquidation, February
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




10 00


57 50
114 70
10 00



List of banks examined. —Co n tinued .
D a te o f
exam ination.

A m ount

N a m e o f bank.

L ocation .

T he K em p f C om m ercial and S a v in g s B a n k ...

C h e ls e a ........................

May 1 7 ..........................

Clare County S a v in g s B a n k ...................................

C la re..............................

June 20........................


B ranch C ounty S a v in g s B ank.................................

Cold w a t e r ..................

S e p tem b e r 11.............

39 56

$29 41

F arm ers’ S t a te B a n k ..................................................

C oncord.......................

May 4 ............................

12 63

C om m ercial S t a te B ank.............................................

C onstantine.................

February 21................

14 95

F irst S t a te B ank...........................................................

C on stan tin e................


14 13

S a n ila c County S t a te B ank.....................................

C rosw ell.......................




10 02

S t a te Bank o f C r o sw e ll.............................................

C ro sw ell.......................




10 00

D avison S t a te B a n k ....................................................

D a v is o n ........................

D ecem b er 4 ....

"First S t a te B ank...........................................................

D e c a tu r ........................

May 15....


May 10.........................

10 00

F arm ers’ S t a te B ank o f D e c k e r v ille ................... D e c k e r v ille ................

2 ..................


S t a te Bank o f D e c k e r v ille .......................................

D e c k e r v ille ................. May

D elray S a v in g s B a n k ..................................................

D elray............................

A ugust

C entral S a v in g s B ank.................................................

D e tr o it..........................

D ecem b er fi

C itizens S a v in g s B a n k ................................................

D e tr o it..........................

N ovem b er

C ity S a v in g s B a n k ........................................................

D e tr o it..........................

S ep tem b e r 19

3i2 14

A ugust 28

645 85

D etro it S a v in g s B a n k .................................................. D e tr o it..........................
D etro it R iver S a v in g s B ank.....................................
Dim e S a v in g s B a n k ......................................................

10 ....

10 00

10 00


10 00

D e tr o it..........................

S ep tem b e r 21

D e tr o it..........................

S ep tem b e r



165 38


75 32

260 36

G erm an A m erica n B ank............................................. D e tr o it..........................

F ebruary 1 ..

137 53

H om e S a v in g s B a n k ....................................................

May fi . . .

206 CO

D e tr o it..........................

M cL ellan & A nderson S a v in g s B a n k ................... D e tr o it..........................
M ech a n ics’ B a n k ...........................................................

D e tr o it..........................

April 25
S ep tem b e r 18

78 42
139 17

M ichigan S a v in g s B a n k .. . . ; .....................................

D e tr o it..........................

M arch 18

165 57

P eninsu lar S a v in g s B a n k ...........................................

D e tr o it..........................

O ctober 80. ..

313 40

P e o p le ’s S a v in g s B a n k ..............................................

D e tr o it......................

N ovem b er 0

812 08

S t a te S a v in g s B ank.....................................................

D e tr o it..........................

F ebruary 18

724 34

U nion T rust C om pany................................................

D e tr o it..........................

DC-cember 11 .........

368 92

W a y n e C ounty S a v in g s B ank.................................

D e tr o it..........................

O ctober 1fi

904 26

D e x te r S a v in g s B a n k ..................................................

D e x te r ...........................

July 2 ............................

12 00

C ity B ank........................................................................... D o w a g ia c ....................

February 28


M onroe C ounty B a n k ..................................................

D und ee..........................

F ebruary 9.................

10 75
10 00


B ank o f D urand.............................................................

Durand ........................

January 23

S h ia w a ss e e County B ank..........................................

D urand..........................

March 28......................

10 53

M ichigan S t a te B a n k ..................................................

E a to n R apid s.............

January 19..................

22 53

Edm ore S t a te B ank.....................................................

E d m o r e ........................

March 9 ........................

10 00

E lk Rapids S a v in g s B ank..........................................

Elk R apid s...................

A ugust 23....................

10 56

F irst S t a te S a v in g s B a n k .........................................

E v a rt.............................. June 21..........................

10 65

Old S t a te B a n k .............................................................

F en n v ille......................

June 1............................

10 00

C om m ercial S a v in g s B ank o f F e n to n .................

F e n to n ..........................


10 83
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

6 .............................



List of banks examined. —C o n t in u e d .
L o ca tio n .

D a te o f
exam ination.

C itizen s’ C om m ercial and Savin gs B a n k ...........

F lin t...............................

Jun e 23..........................

$92 24

G e n e se e County Savin gs B a n k ..............................

F lin t...............................

April 10........................

104 31

N a m e o f bank.

A m ount

U nion Trust and S a v in g s B a n k .............................. F lin t...............................

April 13

F irst S t a t e and S a v in g s B ank...............................


Mareh 29......................

S t a te S a v in g s B ank o f F o w le r ..............................

F o w le r ..........................

Mareh 29.............

10 00

G aylord S t a te S a v in g s B ank...................................

G a y lo r d ........................

July 17........................

13 77

Grand Rapids S a v in g s B ank.....................................

Grand R apid s.........

April 13........................

151 34

K e n t C ounty S a v in g s B a n k .....................................

Grand R apid s.............

June 26.........................

214 29

M ichigan Trust C om pany..........................................

Grand R apid s.............

O etober 10 .........


56 40
22 29

91 92

P eninsular Trust C om pany....................................... Grand R apid s.............

O ctober 10..................

29 85

P e o p le 's S a v in g s B ank..............................................

Grand R ap id s.............

April 10........................

145 89

S t a t e B ank o f M ichigan............................................

Grand R apid s.............

O etober 11.................


F arm ers’ B ank o f Grass L a k e ...............................

Grass L a k e ...............

M ay 15..........................

13 32

G reen ville S t a te Bank................................................

G reen ville..................

Mareh 7 ........................

25 43

Su perior S a v in g s B ank..............................................

H a n c o c k ......................

A ugust 12....................

49 48

O cean a C ounty S avin gs B a n k ...............................

H a r t...............................

M ay 19......................

13 38

Mareh 1 ........................

24 60

H astin gs C ity B a n k ...................................................... H a s tin g s ......................


H illsdale S a v in g s B a n k ..............................................

H illsd a le.......................

April 3 ..........................

42 57

F irst S t a te B ank o f H ollan d...................................

H o lla n d ........................

.Tune 10..........................

51 16

H olland City S t a te B ank..........................................

H o lla n d ........................

May 10..........................

32 65

F irst S t a t e and S avin gs B ank..............................

H o lly ..............................

June 5............................

25 58

F irst S t a te and S a v in g s B a n k ...............................

H o w e ll......... ................

O etober 80 .................

16 08

B o ie s S t a te S a v in g s B a n k .......................................

H udson..........................

Mareh 21......................

31 95

Thom pson S a v in g s B a n k ...........................................

H udson..........................

Mareh 20......................

62 23

L a p e er C ounty B a n k ..................................................

Im lay C ity ..................

July 7 ............................

26 28

Ionia C ounty S a v in g s B a n k .....................................

I o n ia ..............................

A pril 21........................

48 74

S t a t e S a v in g s B a n k ....................................................

I o n ia ..............................

April 19......................

34 59

C om m ercial B a n k .........................................................

Iron M ountain...........

A ugust 17....................

31 11

P eninsu la B ank...............................................................

Ish p em in g ..

A ugust 10....................

28 34

Ith a c a S a v in g s B a n k ..................................................


April 0 ......................

17 90

Jack so n C ity B ank........................................................ .Ta e k so n ...........

Mareh 22......................


J a c k so n S t a te Savin gs B ank..................................

J a c k s o n ........................

May 1............................

33 35

U nion B ank......................................................................


.Ta e k so n ........................

May 2 ............................

94 16

G rosvenor S a v in g s B a n k ........................................... .Tonesville....................

January 81............. ..


H om e S a v in g s B a n k ....................................................

M areh

1 ........................

30 36
80 51

K alam azoo..................


K alam azoo S a v in g s B a n k .........................................

K alam azoo..................

A ugust 16....................

L ak e O dessa S avin gs B a n k .....................................

H ake O dessa..............

.Tune 22..........................

12 25

L ansing S t a te Savin gs B ank................................r.

L a n s in g ...............: . . . .

O etober

59 09

S t a t e S avin gs B a n k ....................................................

L a p e e r ..........................

May 24..........................

17 60

S t a t e S a v in g s Bank o f Laurium ............................ L aurium .......................

A ugust 15....................

26 71
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

8 ....................



List of banks exam ined — Co n tinu ed .
D a te o f
exam ination.

Am ount

N a m e o f bank.

L ocation.

P e o p le ’s B a n k .................................................................

L e s lie ............................

March 1...............

L ex in g to n S t a te B ank................................................

L ex in g to n ....................

May 9 ............................

10 00

L o w ell S t a te B a n k ......................................................

L o w ell...........................

O ctober 12..................

19 99

A ntrim C ounty S t a te S a v in g s B ank...................

M a n celo n a..................


P e o p le ’s B a n k .................................................................

M a n c h e ster .................

April 5 ..........................

10 .............



10 00

20 98

U nion S a v in g s B a n k ....................................................

M a n c h e ster ...............

M arch 3 ........................

17 55

M anistee County S a v in g s Bank..............................

M a n iste e ......................

A ugust 25....................

33 73

M anistique B ank.............................................................

M anistique..................

A ugust 7......................

25 83

M arine S a v in g s B a n k ..................................................

Marine C ity ................


8 ...........................

30 75

M arq uette County Savin gs B a n k ..........................

M a rq u ette...................

A ugust 11....................

46 52

C om m ercial S avin gs B a n k .......................................

M arshall.......................

May 17.......

54 28

G. W. J o n e s E x ch a n g e B ank................................... M a rc e llu s....................

May 24...........................

14 31

F arm ers’ B ank................................................................

M ason............................

May 12...........................

16 42

F irst S t a te and S a v in g s B a n k ...............................

M ason............................ January

F irst S t a te B ank...........................................................

1 0 ..................

10 66

M en d o n ........................

May 25...........................

10 43

S t a te B ank o f M iddleville......................................... M iddleville..................

March 1........................

12 47

Midland C ounty S a v in g s B a n k ...............................

M idlan d........................

May 25..

13 53

Farm ers and M erchants’ B a n k ...............................

Milan ............................

February 7 ...

12 98

W akefield S t a te B ank................................................

M o ren ci........................

April 7 ..........................

28 31

Mt. C lem ens S a v in g s B a n k ......................................

Mt. C lem en s...............

Jun e 22.............

90 90

U llrich S a v in g s B a n k ..................................................

Mt. C lem en s...............

June 7 ...........................

55 06

E x ch a n g e S a v in g s B ank.............................................

Mt. P le a sa n t...............

March 13 ..

16 64

Munising S t a te B a n k ..................................................

Mnnising.. .

A ugust

M uskegon S avin gs B ank............................................

M uskegon....................

May 15...........................

Farm ers and M erchants’ B ank...............................

N a sh v ille......................

M arch 3 ....................

13 05

P io n e er B ank...................................................................

N orth B ran ch............

S ep tem b e r

1 1 ............

15 81

N orth ville S t a te S a v in g s B a n k ..............................

N o rth v ille....................

June 0 ...........................

16 24

S t a te B ank o f O ntonagon.........................................

O n ton agon ..................

A ugust 18....................

10 00

Orion S t a te B a n k .......................................................... O rion..............................

July 5 ............................

10 00

S t a te S a v in g s B ank.....................................................

Ovid .............................

M a r c h 30 ..

11 19
20 55


10 00

31 93

C itizens’ S avin gs B a n k ..............................................

O w osso..........................

O ctober

O w osso S avin gs B ank.................................................

O w osso..........................

O ctober 5 ...............

38 51

Oxford S a v in g s B a n k ..................................................

O xford...........................



P a w P a w S a v in g s B ank............................................

P a w P a w ....................

F ebruary 21................

S t a te B ank o f P e r r y ..................................................

P erry .............................

A ugust 9 ......................

10 00

F irst S t a te B ank...........................................................

P e to s k e y ......................

F ebruary 9 ....

16 17

P lym outh S a v in g s B a n k ............................................. P ly m o u th ....................

Jun e 7..........................

26 98

F irst C om m ercial B ank............................. ...............

P o n t ia c ........................

April 2 0 ................

80 25

Oakland C ounty S avin gs B a n k ...............................

P o n t ia c ............... . .. .

April 18 ........................

42 51

P o n tia c S a v in g s B a n k ..................................................

P o n t ia c ........................

April 19 ........................

40 80
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






14 04



List of banks examined.—Co n c luded .
N a m e o f hank.

L ocation.

D ate o f
exam in ation .

A m ount

C om m ercial B a n k .........................................................

P o rt H u ro n .................

A ugust

P o r t Huron S a v in g s B ank..........................................

P o r t H u ro n ................

A ugust 9 ......................

St. Clair C ounty S avin gs B a n k ..............................

P ort H u ro n ................

A ugust 2 ......................

62 76

T he U n ited H om e P r o te c to r s F r a tern ity .........

P ort H u ro n ................

T)pip.pimiipr 18...............

30 00

Q uincy S t a te B a n k ......................................................

Q u in c y ..........................

A ugust

10 00

S t a te B ank o f R ea d in g ..............................................

R ea d in g ........................


M acom b C ounty S a v in g s B ank...............................

Richmond, (L enox
P. 0 . ) .......................... June 20..........................
R o m eo ........................... June 2 8 ....

R om eo S a v in g s B a n k ..................................................



1 .....................

* A m erican C om m ercial and Savin gs B a n k __

S a g in a w .......................

B ank o f S a g in a w ...........................................................

S a g in a w ........................ July 21. ..

8 .................

January 24...................

P e o p le ’s S a v in g s B ank o f E a st S a g in a w .........

S a g in a w .......................

January 19.................

S a g in a w C ounty S a v in g s B a n k ..............................

S a g in a w .......................

January 26 ..

S av in g s B ank o f E a st S a g in a w .............................

S a g in a w .......................

July 10...........................

$105 10
56 82

19 90
10 00




229 20
51 92
48 90
207 06

C om m ercial and S a v in g s B a n k ..............................

S a in t C lair.................. June 9............................

21 40

Clinton C ounty S avin gs B ank.................................

S a in t J ohn s................. March 28......................


S t a t e B ank o f St. J o h n s..........................................

S a in t John s................

March 25......................

C om m ercial S t a te B ank............................................

S a in t J o sep h ..............

June 18 ...

11 94

U nion Banking C om pan y...........................................

S a in t J o sep h ..............

June 14..........................

80 58

March 10

C om m ercial S a v in g s B ank.........................................

S a in t L o u is................

G ratiot C ounty S t a te B a n k .....................................

S a in t L o u is................. March 10......................

Truman M oss S t a te B a n k .........................................

S a n ila c C e n tr e .........





80 84

10 00


10 00

S a u lt Savin gs B a n k ......................................................

S a u lt S te . M arie.......

A ugust 7 ..................

S t a t e S a v in g s B ank o f S c o tt v ille ........................

S c o tt v ille ....................

Jun e 21..........................

10 00

C om m ercial S t a te B ank............................................

S h ep herd ....................

A pril

10 88


55 11

C itizen s’ S t a te Bank................................. ..................

S o u th H a v e n .............

Jun e 14.. .

20 24

F irst S t a te B ank...........................................................

S o u th H a v e n .............

Jun e 12


S p a rta S t a te B a n k ......................................................

S p a rta ...........................

A pril 4 ......................

10 00

C itizens' S t a te B ank....................................................

S tu rg is..........................

February 1..................

18 74


L illey S t a te B ank.......................................................... T ecu m seh .................

A ugust 24....................

17 16

T ec u m se h S t a te S a v in g s B a n k ..............................

T ecu m seh ....................

May 24...........................

18 89

F irst S t a te S a v in g s B a n k .........................................

T hree R iv e r s .............

May 18.........................


T ra v erse C ity S t a te B a n k .......................................

T ra v erse C it y ...........

S ep tem b e r 14.............

90 02

S t a t e S avin gs B ank......................................................

V assar...........................

W a y n e S a v in g s B a n k ................................................ . W a y n e ..........................


S e p tem b e r 18. ..

18 42

January 81...................

26 82
27 14

L um berm an’s S t a te B a n k .........................................

W e st Bay C ity .........

January 16..................

P e o p le ’s S a v in g s B ank................................................

W e st B ay C ity .........

January 18.................

16 92

S t a t e B ank o f W h ite P ig e o n .................................

W h ite P ig e o n ............

F ebruary 24.................

21 66

W illiam ston S t a te B ank............................................

W illiam ston................

January 17..................

17 18

F irst C om m ercial and S avin gs B a n k ...................

W y a n d o tte ................

May 12.....................

19 74

W y a n d o tte S a v in g s B a n k .........................................

W y a n d o tte ................

April 2 8 ......................

Y p silan ti S avin gs B ank..............................................

Y p sila n ti......................

January 27.................

* Voluntary liquidation March 7, 1899.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

62 09

c r >

■' ' . '.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



. -1



_ '

:7 1. .










, n





Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





Organized May 29, 1893.
R. A . W

ir e c t o r s .

a tts,

P r e s id e n t ; B . E . T o b i a s , C a sh ie r ; R . H . W

a tts,

A s s is ta n t C a sh ier .

—R ichard A. W a tts, S e th Bean. G eorge A . W ilcox, W illiam E. J e w e t t, R. A. K aiser,
C harles G. W esley , W. O. Hunt, B. E. T obias, A. D. Ellis.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$210, 829 21

$224, 248 90

$229, 633 70

$269, 330 45

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

144, 602 49

194, 248 95

197,318 73

188,134 73

O verdrafts............................................................................

960 12


391 84

265 92

5, 000 00


R eport of
D ec. 2.

Ranking h o u s e ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

5,000 00

5, 000 00

5.000 00

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

1,434 98

1, 434 98

1,434 98

Due from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ...........................

70, 988 36

82.890 04

70, 943 92

54, 833 07

1,738 03

T)ne from o th er banks and bankers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash it e m s ................................................

26, 420 03

5.178 21

798 33

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

56 64

33 96

10 01

104 28

Gold co in ..............................................................................

3, 620 00

3, 650 00

3. 900 00

5, 752 50

S ilver c o in ..........................................................................

1. 340 25

2,227 50

839 50


S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .............’..................



7, 746 00

4, 827 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$471,533 08

$526. 669 34

$515.098 01

1,489 25
6 . 355


$533,003 23

L iabilities.
Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$ 100 . 000


$60. 000




$60, 000


7, 000 00

7, 000 00

7, 000 00

7,000 00

10,229 46

11.666 57

15. 965 20

17.100 76

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

147,604 39

144,875 83

116,918 45

106,527 99

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it......

39,902 79

58, 705 80

64,156 99

166, 796 44

244.421 14

251,057 37

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

66 , 351


T im e co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit........
S avin g s d e p o sits...............................................................

276,022 79

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it................
Certified c h e ck s ..
C ashier's c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .....................................


Due to banks and ba,nkers...........................................
N o te s and bills red iscoun ted
Rills payab le .....................................................................
T o ta ls

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$471,533 08

$526,669 34

$515,098 01

$533, 003 23





No. 89.
Organized May 10, 1888.
W . J. Co

i r e c t o r s .—



c k er


P r e s id e n t ; C . R . M i l l e r , Vice P r e s id e n t ; E . N . S

m it h


C a sh ie r .

C ocker, A. H. W ood, C. R. Miller, A. B en n e tt, A. M. Step h en son , D. M etcalf.
E. C. Sw ord, R A. K aiser, C. G. Hart.

R esou rces.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
Peb. 4.

L oan s and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$210, 082 55

$195, 470 83

$205, 997 92

$213, 312 60

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ............

281. 943 51

278,260 52

289,802 51

296, 537 39

O v erd ra fts..................................... ............

236 14

752 17

552 80

B anking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r es............... —

1 2 ,0 0 0


7, 500 00

12, 000 OO


O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

23, 321 81

23,504 74

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

84,150 01

101,506 44

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers.

2,231 52

6,515 71

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

1,052 38

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

4,757 42

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................

228 53

Gold c o in ......................................................
S ilv er c o in ................................ ...............
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........
T o ta ls.

8 , 052



398 00








30, 650 89

20,264 87



36,519 47

7,849 00

3, 520 00

1,261 44

449 37

2,536 06

1, 317 75

201 67

182 26

203 60

93 77

1 0 ,1 0 0 00

5, 290 00

5, 323 50
3,760 00

1.974 00

1, 663 00


21,123 00

18,058 00

9,137 62

$661, 425 73

$650, 715 02

$611, 661 64

$1 1 0 ,0 0 0

$1 1 0 ,0 0 0

2,873 25



L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in...............
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$ 110,000 00







$110,000 00

50, 000 00

50, 000 00

21, 666 78

11,481 38


17,121 76

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

56, 485 34

75,112 75

63,065 67

63,781 81

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

50,147 92

34,991 06

23, 944 33

16,917 30

359,371 31

370,210 30

377,128 87

354,116 53

58 70

250 00


D ividends un paid............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g .....................................
D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................

19 85

375 00

45 00

10,964 54

3,931 16

4,284 37

5, 319 62

$649,137 62

1,425 73

$650, 715 02

$611, 661 64

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 66.
Organized D ecem b er 13, 1869.
J. R.


en n et t

, P r e s id e n t;

L. H.
C. D.

S a l s b u r y , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;
H a r d y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

H. V. C.


a r t

, C a s h ie r ;

—J o sep h R. B en n e tt, Clinton D. Hardy, H erm an V . C. H art, D elos M. B aker, W arren
J. P arker, L e s te r H. Salsbury, C. E. W ea v er, H. L. Larw ill, R. A lfred Bury, Jr.

ir e c t o r s .

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.


R eport of
D ec. 2.


$160, 395 97

$150,692 38

$194,446 35

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

398,420 43

388, 672 15

378, 403 65

365,580 45

O verdrafts...........................................................................

93 90

69 63

62 14

62 13

TiOans and d isco u n ts.......................................................

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ....... ..........................................

4,400 00



4,400 00

4, 400 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

2, 942 46

2, 560 16

2, 560 16

4,493 10


351 10

263 50

273 50

273 50


93, 643 80

104,152 42

54, 344 23

1, 370 48

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

66 , 213

Due from o th er banks and ban kers........................
F/xchanges for clea rin g h o u se..............................
C hecks and c a sh ite m s .................................................

855 81

1,228 32

4,442 24

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

275 42

292 31

10 23

Gold co in ..............................................................................

3,712 50

3.045 00

3, 372 50

100 67
4, 215 00>

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

769 00

941 65

529 60

330 55

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

28, 325 00

15,163 00

14,126 00

23,559 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$659,496 00

$670, 675 49

$663.024 82

$653,175 46

$100, OCO 00

$100 . 000

$ 100 , 000

$100 , 000

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................




45, 000 00

45, 000 00

45, 000 00

45,000 00



11,981 41

14,783 83

17,642 17

499,661 69

509,981 79

499.167 95

490, 533 29

D ividends u n p a id ............................................................
C om m ercial d e p o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S av in g s d e p o s its ..............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...............................

200 00

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

3.768 45

3, 712 29

3,873 04

$659,496 00

$670, 675 49

$663, 024 82

D ue to banks and bankers .........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$653.175 46





No. 171.
O rganized Jun e 24, 1894.
F r a n k W. C l a y ,

P r e s id e n t;

R o be r t S. Mo r e l a n d , V i c e
R ia l Cl a y , C a s h i e r .

H. B. W a l d b y ,

P r e s id e n t;

M anager;

D ir e c t o r s . - E . B. W aldby, H. B. W aldby, F. W. Clay, R ial Clay, J. V. D eF o e, R. S. M oreland,
W m. H. Crane, A. W. W ood, J. W . Kirk.

R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.............................................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ..................................
O v erd ra fts.....................................................
Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es...................................................

R eport of
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

8273,635 19

$323, 986 23

$296,835 49

$274,657 89

177.275 94

209, 602 06

209, 543 74

222,665 73



765 91



44 59




50 62


2 , 000 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...........................

111,658 91

76.671 02

71,240 22

54,371 96

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

423 95

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

254 58

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ...........................................

723 53

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................







63 75

Gold co in ....................................................

575 00



1,415 00

780 00

S ilv er c o in .................................................

1,084 42

165 49

550 21

1, 733 50

1,608 55

986 10

1.632 95

14, 209 00

14, 490 00

15,018 00

12,254 00

$600, 466 29

$647,947 65

$615.558 19

$586,027 11

C apital s to c k paid in ......................................................

$55,000 00

$55, 000 00

$55.000 00

$55,000 00

Surplus fu n d ............................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ...................................................

3,000 00

3, 000 00

3, 000 00

3,000 00

1,467 87

181 37

•Com mercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

155,904 77

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

120,204 58

264, 889 07

XT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ....................
T o ta ls .........................................................

L iabilities.



751 09

182, 286 80

162,347 15

154,858 65

57,859 54

38,124 16

28,887 13

349, 619 94

350,291 91

343, 439 65

5,526 29

90 59

$615,558 19

$586,027 11

D ividends u n p a id ............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it............
S a v in g s d e p o sits........................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it................................
C ertified c h e c k s ......................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d ...................................
Bills p a y a b le ........................................................
T o ta ls ............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$600,466 29

$647,947 65






No. 179.
Organized M arch 29, 1895.
D ir



e c t o r s .— L


o bertso n

, P r e s id e n t;

W. S.



, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

D. A.


r f ie l d

W . S. K essler, M erritt O . Shepard, A . J . Gale, S. Y . Hill,
E u g e n e P. R obertson, W . H. R odenbach, G. W . Schneider.

. R . F is k ,

, C a s h ie r .

D. A.


R eport of
D ec. 2.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

D oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$103,027 98

$116,212 40

$101,467 21

$119,853 45

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

63. 742 57

70,410 07

83, 610 00

73,617 13

O verdrafts............................................................................

3,786 99

1,941 51

6,157 60

2,048 01

1.058 37

1,088 37

1,088 91

1,088 91

8.223 57

15, 490 79

8 ,499


2, 712 40

1,908 54

R esources.

Ranking house
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................
O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................
Due from banks in reserv e c it ie s ............................
Due from oth er banks and bankers. ..
F.xchanges for clearin g house
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

201 69

333 51

1. 463 27

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

72 16

53 99

72 98

Gold co in ..............................................................................

3, 015 00

3,655 00


S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,963 30


1,429 75

1,595 20


4. 030 00

3, 483 00

$217.811 84

$210,639 70

$207,931 37

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

4. 730 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$189,821 63

6 . 344



49 73
1. 575 00


C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50.000 00

$50, 000 00

$50. 000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

5,500 00

5,500 00

5, 500 00

5. 500 00

785 56

1,943 39

2.859 13

5, 316 75

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

138 00

30 00

30 00

30 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

36. 057 71

35, 827 98

35, 952 54

37.732 12

D em and com m ercial c er tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

38,640 87

40,095 19

31.356 99

30, 459 57

58, 226


81.881 71

83.707 53

77, 754 69

472 83

2, 533 57

1.233 51

838 24

$189,821 63

$217,811 84

$210. 639 70

$207,931 37

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f deposit
S avin gs d e p o sits...............................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f deoosit,
Fortified c h e ck s
o a sh ie r's c h e ck s outstan ding
Due to banks and bankers....................... ..................
N o te s and bills red iscoun ted
Rills payable
T o t a ls .................................................. - ........................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 167.

Organized S e p tem b e r 30, 1893.


D ir



ec to rs.

ro w n

, P re s id e n t;

S. B.

A l l e n , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; P. M. D
B ig e l o w , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

e a r in g

, C a s h ie r ; C h



—S. B. A llen, E dw ard S u tton, L. J. W o lco tt, S am u el D ickie, John Johnson, Frank E.
Palm er, John G. Brow n, A. L. M cC utcheon, W ashington Gardner.
R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R esources.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$88,988 41

$97,273 17

$97,140 38

$100,015 42

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

64.951 56

78, 974 06

73, 334 06

76,231 56

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

8,138 43

5,028 62

6 , 552


7,689 70

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

5, 400 00

5, 400 00

5, 400 00

5, 400 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1,750 00

1.750 00

1,750 00

1, 750 00

24,291 20

14,857 11

3.207 16

5,318 24

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................
Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................
Due from o th er banks and bankers........................

2 . 000 00

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

533 20

5,091 80

2, 424 06

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

162 96

133 92

95 35

1,276 50
98 24

Gold co in ..............................................................................

4. 650 00

5, 380 00

5, 615 00

7,055 00

S ilver c o in ..........................................................................

767 40

1,789 95

1,902 35

1,370 50

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

3. 612 00

7. 075 00

3,692 00

6.132 00

T o ta ls .............................................................................

$203,245 16

$222,753 63

$203,113 10

$212,337 16

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$35, 000 00

$35,000 00

$35, 000 00

$35,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

8 , 000 00

8 . 000 00

8 , 000 00

8 , 000 00

1, 068 67

1, 593

2.226 48

3, 508 77

L iabilities.

D ividends un paid.........................................




463 50




C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

55,447 21

45,081 09



28, 254 03

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

27,339 59

35, 579 22

27, 883 78

31,933 22

76,371 69

97, 035 96

95 490 96

98,485 14

7,000 00

7, 000 00

$203,113 10

$212,337 16



T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g.....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................

N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d ....................
Bills p a y a b le ..............................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$203,245 16

$222,753 63






No. 169.
Organized April 12, 1894.

il l ia m

H. Da

v is o n

, P r e s id e n t; F r a n k
W il l A . P r



in c e

o lm es,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;
, A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .


B. W

il l ia m s ,

C a s h ie r ;

W m . H. Davison, Frank C. H olm es, John N icholson, H. H. W h ittlesh ofer, M ichael
O’Brien, S. A . D avison, D. D. H anover, R obert M ontrose, P a trick Culligan, C. B. W illiam s.

D i r e c t o r s .—

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$127,439 05

$151,408 40

$147,983 19

58, 926 91

75,143 05

78, 678 50

88 , 435


1,636 40

1, 405 07

991 56



Banking h o u se ...........................................

10,850 00

10 , a50 00

10, 850 00

Furniture and fix tu res...........................

2,150 00

2,150 00

2,150 00

Other real e s t a t e .....................................

112 40

112 40

640 43

640 43

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

31,367 77

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................
S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es...........
O v erd ra fts........... .......................................

Due from o th er banks and bankers
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

10, 850 00



31,729 74

26, 706 45

1,177 13

1,434 25

2,652 07

2,184 54

336 82

901 77

1,766 37

476 70

586 24

794 77

1,732 40

860 41
365 19
3,540 00

6 , 916

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................

91 04

98 54

190 34

Gold co in ......................................................

3, 067 50

3,652 50

3, 545 00

980 00

2,889 25

1, 282 50

6 , 764


6,784 00

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

$165,634 52

}, 737 50

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

4,151 00

T o ta ls .....................................................

$242, 872 26

$264, 520 51

$290,976 10

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses. Inter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

2, 500 00



3,100 00

3,100 00

2, 426 49

5,640 08

5,845 32

9, 083 69

1, 500 00

150 00


$315, 766 94

L iabilities.

D ividends un paid..............................................................

Î50, 000


65,165 54

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

57, 712 18

59,135 10

68,502 57

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

470 40

11,418 05

11,736 20

9, 289 90

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it............

. 21, 789 63

20,102 87

21, 502 37

21.848 62

S a v in g s d ep o sits.......................... .............. .....................

107,973 56

114,224 41

120,236 13

140,529 39

9, 903 51

16,749 80

$290,976 10

$315, 766 94

Savin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
Due to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
12,872 26

T o ta ls.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$264, 520 51





No. 48.
Organized F ebruary 4, 1869. R eorganized D ecem b er 9. 1889.

D ir

r is t ia n

M a c k , P r e s id e n t;

e c t o r s .—


. D. H
M. J. F


a r r im a n ,
V ic e
r i t z , A s s is ta n t

P r e s id e n t;
C a s h ie r .


a s.



is c o c k


C a s h ie r ;

C. M ack, D avid R insey, W m. D. Harriman, Wm. D eubel, D aniel H iscock , L. Gruner,
C harles H. W orden.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$421,329 39

$352,822 98

$365,641 93

$396.817 52

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

724,195 08

858.027 19

883,763 06

900. 982 30

O verdrafts...........................................................................

1, 847 45

1,989 35

3, 908 83

2,188 96

20. 500 00

20. 500 00

Banking h o u se ...................................................................





R eport of
Dec. 2.

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

7.417 32

7,417 32

7, 417 32

7,417 32

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

47, 581 43

49, 245 80

49.245 80

50,745 80

D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s ............................

152.025 39

175. 066 63

118.538 95

114,260 16

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se...................................


4,268 07

259 32

1. 972 58

C hecks and cash ite m s.................................................

1.673 07

286 44

415 04

522 10

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

159 08

228 43

409 19

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

41.042 50

42, 860 00

43. 915 00

50 00



43, 152 50


1.815 00

865 00

1. 500 00

30. 999 00

27,224 (X)

25.757 00

25, 803 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $1.451.585 81 $1.541,751 21 $1,525.636 44

$1. 565, 980 77

S ilv er c o in ...........................................................................
U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s .................................


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.....................................................

$50. 000 00

$50 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 0C0 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

150. 000 00

150.000 00

150.000 00

150. 000

5,911 57

1.159 72

9.514 54


19. 697 20

398 00

2 , 808 00

404 00

396 00

203, 661 23

199, 414 28

190,257 00

227, 188 03

S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

940, 227 02

1.034.701 58

1, 027. 132 28

1.019.161 33

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

81.011 15

83, 835 08

84. 985 62

81.714 36

20, 376 84

19, 832 55

13.343 00

17. 823 85

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $1.451,585 81 $1,541.751 21 $1,525.636 44

$1,565.980 77

D ividends unpaid ...........................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............
D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....
T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier's c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g .....................................
Due to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 26.
Organized O ctober 13, 1882.

eu be n

D ir


em pf

e c t o r s .—


P r e s id e n t;

Ch a s. E. G
H. A. W

r een e


il l ia m s ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t : F r
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

e d e r ic k



el se r

Wm. C. S te v e n s, Chas. E . G reene, A m brose K earney, W . F . B reakey, D .
R euben K em pf, Junius E . B eal, G. F . A llm endinger, Oliver M. Martin.



C a s h ie r ;

S ch airer

R eso u rces.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. ,7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ................................................

$238,120 15

$289. 468 09

$300.792 58

$312,145 35

188,761 98

241,022 40

249, 332 74

217,774 09

1,340 01

1,667 15

4. 299 99

3,053 84

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................
O verdrafts................................................

R eport of
D ec. 2.

B anking h o u se .............................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ...................................

1, 000 00

1 .0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

O ther real e s t a te .........................................

7. 700 00

9. 850 00

8,450 00

8.450 00

59, 356 93

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

84, 069 37

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k e r s ......................

15,388 10

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se ...................................

43, 462 95

56. 038 64


4,481 00

7.126 65

1,172 16

964 74

126 90

1,170 18

C hecks and cash ite m s.............. .'..................

843 33

2, 343 39

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

131 31

158 42

328 52

192 80

11,289 60

11,695 00

11.602 50

12.490 00

Gold co in .............................................................
S ilv er c o in ..................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a l s ..........................................................

8 . 699




770 44

1, 406 30

2, 327 00

2,167 80

1,939 85

19, 748 00

7. 730 00

3. 390 00

5. 805 00

$570, 970 31

$645,282 54

$640. 603 00

$636. 956 84

$50.000 00

$50.000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

30, 000 00

30. 000 00

30, 000 00

30. 000 00

4, 369 74

5, 410 99



2 000 00



133,162 82

C apital sto c k paid in.....................................
Surplus fu n d ...........................................
U ndivided profits, less current e x p en ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id .............................................
D ividends u n p a id ....................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

6 , 959


6.427 82

98,822 81

122 . 282 22

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....
T im e co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d e p o sit............

103,772 14

104,852 44

116.601 60

113.994 07

S av in g s d e p o s its .....................................

247.901 27

319, 809 32

338,218 64

314,215 85

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit...................
C ertified c h e c k s .........................................

46 97



C ashier’s c h e c k o u tsta n d in g ..........................
Due to banks and bankers..........................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ..................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................
T o t a ls .................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$570. 970 31

$645,282 54

$640,603 00

$636,956 84





No. 144.
Organized N o v em b er 18, 1892.
W .




, P r e s id e n t; W


. A


, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C .




, A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

E u g en e P. Mills, John H aarer, W illiam J. B ooth, John V. S h eeh an , Wm. Arnold,.
E u g en e E. B eal, J a m es H. W ade, Geo. P. Glazier, John K och, C hristian Martin, N . J. K yer,
H enry S. Carhart, V. C. V aughan.

D i r e c t o r s .—


R esou rces.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...............................

$209, 910 85

$217, 072 54

$213, 928 06

$217, 903 75

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

143, 580 30

145, 604 30

161,226 04

176,231 04

O v erd ra fts...................................................

690 07

14, 331 57

1.391 33

517 04

76, 248 25

82, 924 91

55,650 26

7, 969 51

6,864 01

B anking h o u se ............................................
2 , 800 00

Furniture and fix tu r es...........................
O ther rea l e s t a te .....................................
D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

482 14

Due from oth er banks and bankers.


E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

279 87


6 , 669


501 41

929 77
627 00

5,001 37

79 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................

320 63

157 87

243 21

163 99

Gold c o i n ....................................................

439 80

7, 837 00

7,305 60

7,146 00

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................

S ilv er c o in .. : .............................................

132 00

1,852 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

072 00

13,649 00

1,049 45
8 , 427

1,138 00


13. 455 00


$492,523 41

$486, 740 02

$483,231 36

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

5,500 00

6 , 000 00

6,000 00

6,000 00

7,942 11

8 , 634


10,155 04

9, 287 45

D ividends un p a id ........................................................

30 00



C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .........

98,383 21

101,812 77

110,999 59

102, 837 50

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f deposit.,

49,293 63

52,376 95

230, 370 71

272,199 08

258,458 61

268,155 40

51,126 78

46,951 01

$486,740 02

3,231 36


T o ta ls .

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id .................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it...
Savin gs d e p o sits........................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit..........................
C ertified c h e c k s ........................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ............................
D ue to banks and bankers...................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d ..............................
Bills p a y a b le ...............................................................
T o ta ls ,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



$492,523 41






No. 213.
Organized April 15, 1899.
H . Mat. D



ir e c t o r s .—

, P r e s id e n t; W



. L e h r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a s . A . S
A l b e r t s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

t a n u if o k d

H. Mat. D oubleday, W illiam Lehr, S. W. H olm es, I . E . W ells, J.
W . M. A lbertson, Chas. A. Standiford.
R eport of
Feb. 4.

R esources.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.


R eport of
S e p t. 7.

, C a s h ie r ;


R eport o f
D ec 2.

$14,704 19

$30. 695 37

7, 300 00

7, 350 00

3, 735 29

4, 669 59

275 00

275 00

20, 857 67

17,744 19

14.575 63

90 06

312 01

i^henks and ea,sh ite m s ................................................

749 90

199 64

Nl’e k e ls and e.en ts...........................................................

31 70

31 81

21 09

847 50

987 50

1,607 50

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................
S to ck s bonds
‘O verdrafts

n,nd m


Banking hou se

2, 318 03


Furniture and fixtures


B B ier rea l e s ta te

250 00


Due from hank«*: in rese rv e e it ie s ............................
O ue

$13,298 35

or t,g a g e s .........................................................

frnrn o th er hanks and ha.nkers .

E x ch a n g es fen' elea.ring' h o u se...................................

(4Old e.oin


1. 597 08


537 50



1,395 00

597 00



$47,305 23

$61,925 76

C apital stool* paid in......................................................

$11,440 00

$14,060 00

$15,000 00

Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s pa,id......................................................

121 90

9 23

209 33



Lr S and N a tio n a l hank n o t e s ................................
T o ta ls


746 05


L iabilities.

C om m ereial d ep o sits s n h je e t to e h e e k ...............

10,795 30

10,060 72

18,570 83

Bern and oommeTe.ia.l o.ertifieates o f d e p o s it. .. .



23,175 28

28,145 60

$41, 477


$47,305 23

$61,925 76

T o ta ls

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 62.


O rganized April 8 , 1880.
J. E . S
D ir

e b r jn g

, P r e s id e n t; A . C h a p m



V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C . B . C h

a r les,

C a s h ie r .

Chapman, W m. B roadw ell, A nson Goss, John E. Sebring, Em m a C. M cN itt,
C. B. Charles, Wm. H. Chapman, R e b e c c a Fansnaugh, Mrs. Charles D eH aven .

ec to r s

.— A lvin

R esou rces.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$38,041 46

$43, 845 92

$48,146 19

$57, 027 98

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

34,787 51

37, 317 21

37,672 11

38, 485 81

O verdrafts...................................................
B anking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................
O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................
Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s . . .

328 40


60,666 54

200 00

200 00

200 00


1,630 00

1, 630 00

47, 736 97

42, 475 74

55, 635 58


D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h ou se...........

948 33

387 24

C hecks and ca sh ite m s..........................

772 54

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

50 02

57 36

43 29

46 95

Gold co in ......................................................

1,351 00

1,339 00

2,024 00

1,874 00

133 94

291 50

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

1, 356 00

837 59


500 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

1, 623 00

9,453 00

4,025 00

3, 660 00

$140, 956 47

$1.43,715 38

$136,997 95

$159, 739 06

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

25, 000 00

1,774 00

1,945 00

1, 945 00

1, 945 00

720 87

96 69

256 45

918 58

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

42,193 28

36, 914 75

37, 568 79

54, 590 89

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

15,371 91

12,232 55

11,099 02

10, 393 62

T o ta ls .


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ..................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s paid ................................................
D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
S av in g s d ep o sits............... ................................................

3, 384 65

3,260 23

2,999 69

3, 405 48

S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit..................................

52,511 76

64,266 16

58,129 00

63, 485 49

$140, 956 47

$143,715 38

$136, 997 95

$159, 739 06

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 93.
Organized Jun e 14, 1871.

elso n


D ir


, P r e s id e n t; J . M. W

e c t o r s .—



V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; F

r e d e r ic k

A. A

llw ardt

, C a s h ie r .

W illard H. Eldred, F. R. Kingm an, J osep h M. Ward, N e lso n Eldred,
H ow ard Morley.

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

$ 666,

R eport of
D ec. 2.

888 17

$805,159 17

$830, 632 33

$826,480 27

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

177, 301 32

167, 847 24

162, 726 74

177,221 99

O verdrafts....................................................

15, 419 80

10. 969 90

12,101 77

33, 683 46

3, 900 00

B anking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

3, 900 00

3.900 00

3, 900 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

3. 724 82

3,724 82

3, 724 82

3, 624 82

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

165, 656 10

1 2 0 ,0 1 2 10

126,269 24

153,122 13

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

24, 582 52

1, 349 16

3, 348 00

2, 389 63

2 , 228

E x ch a n g es fo r clea rin g h o u se...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s...........................

457 45

3, 586 39

2,184 42

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

444 42

138 82

69 71

151 74

Gold co in .......................................................

083 50

8,528 00

10,891 50

15, 942 50

S ilv er c o in ....................................................

104 90

1,994 55

3,989 10

870 30

TJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

290 00

35,691 00

22, 382 00

14,693 00

$1, 080, 853 00

1,162,901 15

,182,219 63

1,234,308 45

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

55, 000 00

55,000 00

55, 000 00

55,000 00

3,008 53

7,141 61

10, 640 74

11,784 94

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .............

208, 618 60

153, 324 87

156,542 08

195,018 39

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...

20,560 70

23, 539 18

25,312 82

29,707 52

741,260 93

871, 609 16

883,585 70

2,286 33

1,138 29

,162,901 15

1,182,219 63

T o ta ls .


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Sm’plus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends u n p a id ...........................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit...........
S av in g s d e p o sits.............................................................


S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sits..............................
C ertified c h e ck s'............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers.........................................

1,528 72

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...................................
Bills p a y a b le ........»............... ........................................
T otals .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1, 080, 853 00






No. 178.
O rganized M arch 28, 1895.

r a n k


, P r e s id e n t; A

u r n e r

D i r e c t o r s .—


m br o se
M in t y ,
W e l l s , A s s is ta n

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; S
t C a s h ie r .



ie l d

, C a s h ie r ; F


S c o t t F ield, P e te r H offm aster, A. M. M inty, Frank Turner, I sa a c Am berg.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$85,511 17

$108.107 92

$99,380 37

$109, 056 85

S to c k s bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

153, 259 66

183, 847 08

189.554 38

218,697 18

O verdrafts ........................................................................

2,119 86

1,558 94

4, 356 96

4, 540 84

Furniture and fix tu r es................................................ .

2. 050 00

2,050 00

1,500 00

1, 500 00

j}-QO from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................

41,611 23

68,174 48

80,110 85

49, 430 36

Duo from otfmr banks and b a n k ers.......................

815 82

1,199 25

518 59

632 86

njlOPks and cash ite m s .................................................

3,950 51

2, 503 44

802 19

6, 445 66

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ........... ...............................................

94 72

90 01

87 61

96 54

2, 392 50

5, 460 00

4, 420 00

6, 750 00

Oold coin


1, 347 50

1,228 00

2, 085 00

1,629 00

TT S and N ation al ba,nk n o t e s ...............................

4, 280 00

6,788 00

11,955 00

11,140 00

$297,432 97

$381,007 12

$394.770 95

$409, 919 29

Capital sto c k pa,id in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere st and ta x e s pa,id

3, 500 00

3, 500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

2,372 22

6,185 67

4. 556 97

5, 434 37

S ilver coin

T o ta ls



F-ommereial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c b e c k .................

60,167 44

76,125 38

75,932 25

73, 386 66

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

11,205 95

14,840 99

18,685 89

16,147 58

S a y in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

170, 187 36

230,355 08

241,095 84

260, 450 68

$394,770 95

$409, 919 29

. .. .y - r ...........

Certified, ch e ck s

Rills payab le
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$297, 432 97

$381,007 12






No. 63.
Organized S e p tem b e r 4, 1871.
Geo. H . Y


, P r e s id e n t;



en tw o rth


V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; H . C . M o

u lth r o p

, C a s h ie r .

G eorge H. Y oung, A . M cDonnell, Ju stin W en tw orth , A lvin P e te r , F. B. Chesbrough,
G eorge K. W en tw o rth , F. E. T yler, W m. A . Y oung.

D ir e c t o r s .—

R esources.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts................................

$598, 555 97

$615,120 12

$718,389 00

$689,783 67

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s .............

256,516 07

356, 996 45

387,660 49

413,817 99

O v e r d r a fts....................................................

1,873 07

1, 786 80

2,210 44

3, 280 56

7, 800 00

7, 800 00

B anking h o u se .............................................
Furniture and fix tu r es............................





O ther rea l e s t a t e .......................................

14, 000 00

16,600 00

16, 600 00

9. 930 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c i t i e s .. ..

252, 565 21

269,854 59

251, 820 21

455, 954 03

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

2,172 07

4,639 92

2, 783 52

744 65

E x ch a n g es for clearin g b o u se.............

1, 836 53

4, 437 39

1,846 60

2,065 78
1,939 00

C hecks and c a sh ite m s ..........................

393 33

838 16

1, 437 24

N ic k e ls and cen ts,.....................................

816 38

600 32

482 94

595 70

Gold co in ........................................................

26, 470 00

31,310 00

25, 970 00

40, 397 50

S ilv er c o in ....................................................

7,514 40

11,542 45

13,531 60

12, 030 85

TJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

28.372 00

39, 883 00

24, 799 00

42,945 00

1,198,885 03

,361, 409 20

1, 455,331 04

, 681, 284 73

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

50, 000 00

50, 000 00

50, 000 00

50,000 00

28,732 48

25, 379 56

17, 782 95

T o ta ls .

C apital s to c k paid in................
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id .................................................

22, 610 64

D ividends un p aid .............................................................

64 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

259,134 45

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

160 00
300,561 19

277, 599 38

461, 541 53

125, 217 05

192, 228 78

298,472 05

308,490 13

578, 361 94

627,142 83

644, 734 06

687,184 69

169 09

3,045 67

1,317 71

905 28

13,227 86

9, 698 25

7, 668 28

5, 380 15

$1,198, 885 03

1,361, 409 20

1,455, 331 04

$1, 681, 284 73

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin g s d ep o sits................................................ ..............
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u t s t a n d in g ................................
Due to banks and b a n k ers............................ .......

100 00

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le ..................................................................
T o ta ls .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 43.
O rganized F ebruary 1, 1884.

hom as



i r e c t o r s .—


, P r e s id e n t; G . H

e n r y


h e a r er

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;



- M ttlholland, T reasurer.

John Mulholland, N . A . Eddy, H. M. G illett, G. H enry Sh earer, T hom as C ranage,
G ustave H ine, F red T. N orris.

R esources.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$285,756 88

$303, 729 00

$288, 622 97

$348, 819 81

S to c k s bonds and m o r tg a g e s ..................................

87,197 38

84,705 74

81,230 74

78, 728 57

43 16

190 30

88 06

160 28

O verdrafts........

.............................. ............................


R eport of
D ec. 2.

Banking hou se ................................................................
Furniture and fixtures - - O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

6,188 47

8,061 63

8,061 63

11,145 79

Bue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

101, 699 21

134, 637 19

190,049 72

129, 396 52

381 55

178 05

2,022 01

5,978 41

66 07
6, 245 00

7, 300 00

Due from oth er banks and ban kers........................
E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u s e .................................
C heeks and cash ite m s ..........................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

70 48

76 23

Gold co in ..............................................................................

6, 240 00

6,796 00

70 39

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

263 95

751 80

633 25

1, 647 55

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

17, 997 00

25, 397 00

11,825 00

24,157 00

T o ta ls ............................................................................

$505, 838 03

$564,522 94

$588,844 45

$607,404 32

C apital sto c k paid in.'...................................................

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

25,000 00

25,000 00

25, 000 00

25,000 00

5.278 61

937 85

2, 958 52

6, 655 58

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

135 00

2, 550 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

73,457 11

107, 702 44

103,254 78

95, 752 06

S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

310,337 94

342,216 85

369,940 09

397,201 54

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

41, 429 37

35,615 80

37, 591 06

32,595 14

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

200 00

500 00

100 00

200 00

$505,838 03

$564, 522 94

$588,844 45

$607, 404 32

L iabilities.

Demond com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...
T im e com m ercial c er tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............

C ashier's c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le.


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







No. 30.
Organized A u gu st 15, 1888.
C. R.
D ir


aw ley

, P r e s id e n t;

C. C.


h it n e y

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

J. R.


a tr o u s,

C a s h ie r .

Chas. C. W hitney, Thom as A . E. W ea d o ck , C. R. H aw ley, Geo. P ennim an
U. C. Barker, B en jam in B outell, R obert C. Bialy, John C. W ead ock , J. R. W atrous.

e c t o r s .—

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$264, 984 85

$275, 975 47

$337,085 82

$373, 662 33

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

25,000 00

27,000 00

27, 000 00

27, 000 00

O v e r d r a fts......................— *....................

1,247 03

261 42

270 59

2,226 11

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

6, 444 92

6, 444 92



6, 444 92

O ther rea l e s t a te ................................... ..

4,734 79

4, 734 79

4, 734 79

4, 734 79
22,880 14

R esources.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

B anking h o u se ................... .......................

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

51,914 75

69,313 89

25,268 52

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

1,456 29

1,236 65

979 22

1, 480 79

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...........

385 56

1,184 74

564 77

2, 498 08
394 04

C hecks and c a sh ite m s .........................

882 10

410 35

432 44

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

151 89

179 25

89 00

119 50

Gold c o in ......................................................

8,245 00

5, 220 00

1, 320 00

2, 617 50

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

1, 603 64

2,126 33

6,346 32

2,153 26

H. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

22,048 00

19,004 00

9,148 00

18, 567 00

$389,098 82

$413,091 81

$419,684 39

$464,778 46

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$100 , 000

$ 100,

$100,000 00

T o ta ls

C apital sto c k paid in.
Surplus fu n d .j............................................... ................ .
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................



000 00

1, 000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1 , 000 00

15, 432 95

1,882 49

4, 959 06

7, 330 50

228,108 67

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

210, 869 27

244,187 59

236, 543 85

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

3,127 90

2, 484 06

1, 778 64

17,827 31

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...........

15,266 64

9,782 13

11,915 33

13, 438 43

S av in g s d e p o sits............................................................

42,917 14

51,917 75

61,137 51

71,085 15


1,837 79

2,350 00

988 40

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f deposit.
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ..
D ue to banks and ban kers.........

385 72

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

25,000 00
$389, 098 82

$413,091 81

$419,684 39

$464,778 46





No. 2.
O rganized'January 15, 1889.
H . J. L

eo nard

D i r e c t o r s .—

, P r e s id e n t; A . N . B

e l d in g

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a s . S . F


, C a s h ie r .

A. N . B elding, H. J. L eonard, O. F. W eb ster, H. L. P a g e , W. P. H eth erin gton ,
E. E. F a les, F. P. Hamm on.

R esou rces.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$60,774 05

$77,229 71

86, 609 21

$72, 902 85

•Stocks, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

8, 273 66

7,753 66

7, 908 66

7,025 00

O v e r d r a fts....................................................

82 72

633 73

939 69

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

Banking b o u se ...........................................

7, 875 67

7,875 67

7,875 67

Furniture and fix tu r es............................

1, 550 00

1,550 00

1, 550 00

1,550 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

4,793 42

4, 793 42

4,793 42

5, 594 58

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

4,549 89

19, 229 25

2, 789 38

18,747 01

D ue from oth er banks and bankers

2, 783 22

2,516 23

1, 263 03

677 38

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se ...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................

807 71

571 65

1,301 44

442 36

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

132 21

104 35

89 58

88 24

2. 223 50

1, 933 50

1, 928 50

Gold c o in ......................................................



7, 875 67

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

1,738 75

1,852 10

1,485 30

1. 559 25

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

4,800 00

8,429 00


5, 347 00

$100, 902 30

, 762 27

$125, 092

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

946 55

1, 855 00

1,770 64

2,475 11

15,427 48

31, 688 99

17,306 16

21, 472 07

752 72

651 72

651 72

651 72

T o t a ls .


$123,737 84

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ......................................... -.......................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ................................................
D ividends un p a id ........................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...........
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it----S a v in g s d e p o sits.........................................................

5, 444 83

7,189 56

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............................

48,222 97

63,119 57

8. 245 80
66, 720 01

59,522 35

107 75

257 43

398 55

133 01

$100, 902 30

$134,762 27

$125, 092 88

$123,737 84

9, 483 58

C ertified c h e c k s ........................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .................■............
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ..............................
Bills p a y a b le ...............................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 159.
Organized May 12, 1893.
E. R. S

pen c er

, P r e s id e n t; F

r a nk

R . C h a s e . V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; M . A . R
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .


, C a s h ie r ;

W . L.




—E. R. S p en cer, L. L. H olm es, B rinton F. Hall, Frank R. C hase, M. A. R eed, C harles
Eddy, L oren C. F a les, John G reenop, W. H. L ock e, G. M. S p en cer, Geo. H oppough, A . A.
Palm er.

Dir e c t o r s .

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
3 e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

Tionns and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$120,511 39

$125, 250 59

$125,650 84

$119,726 79

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

21,101 58

18,166 55

17, 986 55

19, 370 55

O v e r d r a fts.......................................................... .............

2,525 86

301 07

1, 868 58

Ranking b o u se ...................................................................

8,000 00

66 99
8,000 00

8, 000 00

8, 000 00

■Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

2, 750 00

2,750 00

2, 750 00

2,750 00

1,717 60

1,717 60

1,717 60

Thie f r o m banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...........................

20,805 06

10,323 53

11,727 15

13, 667 98

Due from o th er banks and bankers........................

551 93

618 08

126 21

91 40

551 21

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................


F.xehanges for clearin g h o u se...................................
O hecks and cash ite m s ................................................

343 76

736 89

150 02

N ic k e ls and. c e n t s ...........................................................

173 83

17 68

107 26

32 53

Gold co in ..............................................................................

5,532 00

5, 854 34

6,319 34

6,154 50

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,283 05

3,091 65

1,789 55

1,232 90

TT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

5, 861 00

7,400 00

3, 792 00

5,078 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$189,439 46

$183, 993 90

$180,417 59

$180, 242 04

$35, 000 00

$35, 000 00

$35, 000 00

$35, 000 00

5, 000 00

5,000 00

5, 000 00

5,000 00

362 32

336 03

566 81

1,592 44

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in ....................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, inter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends un p a id .............................................................

28 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e ck .................

34,794 90

25, 829 77

27, 385 63

24,219 81

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

3,432 69

2,570 46

2,475 86

2, 475 86

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

13,089 71

12,898 41

12, 632 10

12, 488 94

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................

97,731 84

102,359 23

97,357 19

99, 464 99

$189, 439 46

$183,993 90

$180,417 59

$180, 242 04

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le.......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 219.
O rganized D ecem b er 20, 1899.
I. W . C o
D ir

ec to rs

. — I.

n k ey

, P r e s id e n t; H .




V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; W



u p p

, J



C a s h ie r .

W . Conkey, H. D. P ool, W m. Rupp. Jr., B. M. N o w len , Geo. M. V alen tin e, J. H
L e e , L e w is Southerland, S. L. V anCam p, M ason B. W ells.

R esources.

L oan s and d is c o u n ts .....................................................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................
O verd rafts...........................................................................
B anking h o u s e ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e ............................................................
D ue from banks in rese rv e c itie s ............................
Due from o th er banks and b an kers.......................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n ts ..........................................................
Gold co in ..............................................................................
S ilv er c o in ............................ ..............................................
U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a ls ............................................................................

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................
C om m ercial c er tific a te s o f d e p o sit......................
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c er tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u t s ta n d in g ..................................
Due to banks and ban k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ...................................................... 1..............
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

R eport o f

R eport of

R eport of

R eport o f






No. 220.
A r tic le s filed D e cem b er 26, 1899.


E. L


, P r e s id e n t; C. M . E

D i r e c t o r s .—

d ig k

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; H . D . H
a n t C a s h ie r .

o p k in s


C a s h ie r ;





, A s s is t­

F red E. L ee , C. M. Edick, J. O. B ec r a ft, Geo. B. T hayer, R. E. L ee , T. L. W ilkin­
son, John Schairer, Solon Cutler, H. D. Hopkins.

R eport o f

R esources.

R eport of

R eport of

R eport of

C -fArtlro hnnrle qn fl TT1ni’t’.O'il.O'PQ ...............................

Furniture and

........................ ................

from banks in rps^rv^ c i t i e s . ..........................
Due from o th er banks an^ bankers

C hecks and cash it^m s
and. c e n ts



QiliiPi1 pm'n

................. ......................

TJ S and N a tio n a l bank n o tes


U ndivided profits, le ss cu rren t ex p en ses, inter-

C om m ercial d ep o sits subject, to c h e c k ...

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 76.
O rganized F ebruary 20, 1888.



b in s o n

, P r e s id e n t;

R. M.


n es.

D ir

ec to rs.

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; W
. T e lle r .

a r r e n


r ro ll

, C a s h ie r ; J o h n


in n e y

—R. M. Jones, W . P. Robbins, A. Plum m er. O. B. Hipp, E dw ard Brant, R. H. S h er­
w ood, John Robinson, W illiam S te w a r t, A. J. Kidd.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
, S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

T,oa,ns and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$302,452 41

$347, 826 21

$364, 385 47

$353, 500 66

S to ck s bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

40,759 00

44,659 00

64, 392 00

69,017 00

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

1,290 40

272 47

132 69

89 73

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................

4, 620 54

4, 620 54

4, 620 54

4, 620 54

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

3, 410 55

3,410 55

3,410 55

3,410 55

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

2,192 51

2,192 51

2,192 51

2,192 51

1,713 00

1,692 50

Rue from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

152, 978 91

148, 078 41

332, 833 69

258, 193 76

Rue from oth er hanks and h a n k ers.......................

619 27

990 70

272 57

86 79

284 84

69 50

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

840 30

573 72

312 16

710 43

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

20,550 00

21,325 00

21,420 00

35, 980 00

S ilv er c o in ...........................................................................

5,629 75

5,905 70

6, 364 00

9,123 85

TT S. and N a tio n a l hank n o t e s ...............................

34, 802 00

41,247 00

36,850 00

44, 382 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$570,145 64

$621, 101 81

$839,184 02

$783,089 82

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50. 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id ......... ............................................

50, 000 00

51,000 00

51, 000 00

51,000 00

4,615 18

2,861 03

6,107 94

11,192 67

Com m ercial d ep osits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

277,993 75

317,712 51

474,715 36

399,729 36

D em and com m ercial c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

42, 836 49

52, 435 07

70.235 43

70, 854 86

P r e m iu m s................. ........................................................

p.vchanpps for clearin g h o u se...............
Ohec.ks and it e m s ...

L iabilities.

R ividends unpaid


T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S a v in g s d ep o sits............................ ................................

23,856 25

26, 490 05

27, 978 09

25,176 13

Sa.vings c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................

119,743 97

120,163 15

151, 823 20

174,796 80

Certified c h e c k s ...............................................................

1,100 00

200 00

7,200 00

240 00

124 00

200 00
120 00

$621,101 81

$839,184 02

$783,069 82

C ash ier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Rue to hanks and hankers...........................................
N o te s and hills red isc o u n te d .....................................
Rills payab le ..
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$570,145 64





No. 163.
Organized May 31, 1893.
George F . F



i r e c t o r s .—

, P r e s i d e n t ; W i l l i a m »Ro t h f u s s , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a s . B . P
S a m u e l O . R o t h f u s s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

h il l ip s

, J


., C a s h i e r ;

Chas. B. Phillips, Jr., G eorge F. Ford, A dam Dreher, H. B. H ath aw ay, P. T. D aven ­
port, W m . R othfuss, S a m u el O. R othfuss.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R esources.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts................................... ..................

$72,325 32

$57,810 61

$70,622 18

$92,953 87

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

20.544 17

22, 365 25

27,165 25

26, 975 00

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

912 54

74 26

1, 328 58

728 80

B anking h o u se .................................................................

5, 432 65

5,432 65

5,432 65

5, 432 65

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

2, 317 35

2,317 35

2,317 35

2, 317 35

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
D ue from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................

12, 027 72



21,733 59

3, 675 40

8 , 874


D ue from oth er banks and ban kers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
981 89

299 11

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................



152 11

2 90

1 47

Gold co in .............................................................................

2 , 060 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2, 040 00

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

2, 455 52

374 10

244 35

542 90

342 95

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

5, 655 00

5, 980 00

7, 000 00

6,471 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$125, 425 51

$132,393 15

$138,444 51

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$15, 000 00

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

5,000 00

1, 008 66

657 30

1,125 17

1,368 97

S ilv er c o in .....................................................................




D ividends un p aid .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

14, 879 04

11,032 71

10, 090 60

13,332 29

Dem and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

57, 386 31

55. 940 79

50, 275 34

61,787 62

32, 151 50

44, 762 35

56, 953 40

52,104 00

$125,425 51

$132,393 15

$13<,444 51

T im e co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d e p o sits............. .................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’ c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and b an kers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ..
Bills p a y a b le ..............................


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$148, 592






No. 187.
Organized Aprii 7, 1896.
J • K



aw fo rd

, P r e s id e n t;

W . O.

W a t s o n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A l f .
C r a w f o r d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .



w fo rd


C a s h ie r



h o s.

J a m es B . Crawford, W . O . W atson , L em u el W aggoner, G eorge P . Y oung C P e te r ­
man, John M itchell, Jr., J a m es P. Gibbs, A lf. F. Crawford, Thos. Crawford. ’

i r e c t o r s .—

R esou rces.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...................................

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$23, 308 69

$26,754 85

$29,349 78

$29. 278 39

6,631 50

7,074 00

7, 624 00

10, 522 50

O verdrafts . . . . : ...............................................

227 54

175 60

271 95

B anking h o u se ......................................................

959 40

959 40

959 40

959 40

Furniture and fix tu r es.............................................

586 07

586 07

586 07

586 07

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...........................

3,396 91

1, 983 44

4, 395 61

2, 015 83

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

1,274 71

148 95

143 40

9 60

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ................................



O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................

e x c h a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................


401 56

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................

29 81

55 33

Gold coin...............................................................

1,227 50

607 50

487 50

642 50

S ilv er c o in ............................................................

659 25

548 10

947 25

252 10

2, 230 00

939 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a ls ..................................................


1.283 00



39 83




65 52

$40.251 30

$40,996 80



$45, 362 74

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

950 00

950 00

1,050 00

1, 050 00

362 52

1.078 77

571 77

1,751 58

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in.............................................
Surplus fu n d ..............................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ............................
D ividends un paid..................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .......
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....

8 , 777



7, 920 27

7. 769 47

15.161 57

16.970 49

22,581 64

19,791 69

$40,251 30

$40. 996 80

6 . 997

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits.................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit..................
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g ..........................
Due to banks and ban kers......................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ........................
Bills p a y a b le ..................................*. .
T o t a ls .................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



$45, 362 74





No. 216.
Organized June 9, 1899.

R. N


i r e c t o r s .—


, P r e s id e n t; J a m e s L . B


N oble, J.


u r d ic k

B en ed ict,

C h a s.

R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

. V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a r l e s N


, C a s h ie r .

N oble, F red J. Burdick, J o h n P . N iggem an,

R eport o f

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.


R eport of
D ec. 2.


$48,771 82

$46,981 73

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

4, 487 83

4,814 58

4, 716 08

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

13 04

47 98

181 94

Banking b o u s e .............. ............................ ....................

1,619 04

1,619 04

1,619 04

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1,636 75

1, 636 75

1,636 75

18, 047 97

12, 347 53

17, 305 51

972 20

378 58

$46, 637

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................
D ue from banks in r ese rv e c itie s ...........................
D ue from oth er hanks and b a n k ers........................
E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

323 99

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

72 23

Gold co in ..............................................................................

1,630 00



1 ,2 0 0 00



1, 900 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

379 45

278 25

329 20

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s .................................

4, 012 00

4, 579 00

2 , 266 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$78, 860 16

$76, 335 24

$77, 395 69

$2 0 ,0 0 0

$20 , 000

$2 0 ,0 0 0

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................




250 00
366 44

781 27

79 18

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

23,787 17

23,613 11

22, 130 05

Demand com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.......

34,706 55

31, 940


34, 936 46

$76,335 24

$77,395 69

D ividends un paid.............................................................

S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
Certifier! c h e ck s .............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$78, 860 16





No. 212.
Organized D ecem b er 21, 1898.

en r y

D ir

P. Mo

w r y

e c t o r s .— J .

, P r e s id e n t; J o h n P . K e k s e a r .
P r e s id e n t; P . E r n e s t S

B. K eeslar,


V ic e

P r e s id e n t; J a c k so n
, C a s h ie r .

S. Sh en em an, H enry P . M owry, C.
W m. M allow, S. L. H agenbaugh.
R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eso u rces.

S. S

h enem an

, 2d

V ic e

h affm aster


H olm es, M arshall F. Sm ith,

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts .....................1...............................

$3, 013 30

$11,966 80


$13,421 07

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

4, 610 00

6 , 620 00

6 , 620 00

7,445 00

51 56

15 21

314 11

O verdrafts............................................................................
B anking H o u s e ....................................... ........................

1, 716 60

1,716 60

1, 727 10

1,727 10

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1,255 58

1,264 58


1,383 10

7,957 91

K xpenses


5 95

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
Due from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

10, 223 29

7,562 36

Due from o th er hanks and han kers.......................

1,515 00

500 00

8 , 644


2 ,1 0 0 00

E x c h a n g e s f o r c l e a r i n g h o u s e ..........................

C hecks and cash ite m s.................................................

134 20

122 87

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

44 09

9 19

9 29

17 56

Gold coin..............................................................................

445 00

1,172 50

1,262 50

1,052 50

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................
U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s ............................
T o t a ls ............................................................................



162 87

411 00

312 35


2,615 00

3,256 00

827,130 73

$34,152 71

$32,973 65


812,236 21

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

50 00

50 00

50 00


121 14

57 64

594 72
3,573 00

665 25


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ................................


300 00

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

20 00

20 00


8,108 26

10,394 93

7, 111 75

10, 494 25

9,674 25

14,313 31

827,130 73

$34,152 71

$32, 973 65

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

7,782 77

D em and co m m ercial c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

8 , 240

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
Savin gs d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and b an kers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls .............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$39, 835







No. 181.
Organized O ctober 30, 1895.


C o b b s, P r e s id e n t; S . W . K

D i r e c t o r s .—

bam er


V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; H

e n r y


now lton

, C a s h ie r .

W m. F. M cA die, S. W. K ram er, John Mansfield, W. W . M itchell, Frank J. Cobbs.
W . W. Cummer, D. F. Diggins.
R eport of
D ec. 2.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

.................. ..............................

$271.194 76

$291,201 06

$289. 569 21

S to ck s bonds and m ortga.ges...................................

46, 364 56

76, 881 07

85,237 37

86 , 680


........,,, ■•...................................................

258 60

37 70

172 45



Banking h o u se ...................................................................

2 . 800 00



2 . 800 00



Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1 , 000 00

1 .0 0 0 00

1 . 000 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................

95, 059 73

84,171 48

109 272 52

39,844 08

Due from o th er barks and bankers........................

45,000 00

45,000 00

45,000 00

35, 000 00

816 59

R esources.

-Loans and discou n ts


$342,618 59

116 39

HiXCiiaiig e?s for
iu i nlparincr
1,202 27

746 79

2,100 09


112 04

87 90

190 83

225 13


5, 350 00

5. 335 00

5,995 00

C hecks and cash ite m s.................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n ts
Gold coin



899 90

2.779 50

1,257 50

634 50

S and N ation al bank n o t e s ...............................

11,107 00

13,463 00

14,541 00

25, 650 00


$527,148 50

$556,475 97

$541,637 14

$50,000 00

S ilv er cnin

8 , 980

T o ta ls

, , , ..........................................................

$480, 318

L iabilities.
$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fund . . . . , , , , , , , ..............................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere st and ta ^ es pa,id . . . . ,, ......................................

15,000 00

15, 000 00

17, 500 00

684 47

6,269 70

3, 638 90

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

165,643 70

191,341 89



149, 728 33

D em and co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it....

177,591 43

179,499 79

213,187 44

222,103 18

S av in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

71, 339 26

85, 037 12

96,750 97

96, 920 03

$52?, 148 50

$556, 475 97

$541,637 14

C apital steely paid in.

... r............................... ...



5, 385 60

90 00

C ashier s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$180, 348






No. 87.
Organized A u gu st 7, 1873.
Ch a s. B

D ir

r ig g s ,

ec to r s.

P r e s id e n t; P


R t j p p e , J r ., V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; H . S . C o l t o n , C a s h i e r ; S
P a u l l , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

teph en

—W. A. Childs, C. W . N iles, P. Ruppe, Jr., John D uncan, Chas. Briggs, H. S. C olton.
P a u l P. Roehm.

R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.............................................

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

$465, 389 57

$562, 945 27

138,850 00

138,850 00

1, 943 52

1,549 83

Furniture and fixtures.........................................

4, 673 00

4, 673 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .......................................

9,526 73

9,526 73

Prem ium a c c o u n t....................................................


S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................
O v e r d r a fts..............................................................

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.
$562, 482


133, 500 00

R eport o f
D ec. 2.
$600. 926 26



AQn ia

B anking h o u se ........................................................

Q1^ AS

1 515 00

272,913 00

273,221 92

263. 728 72


9, 550 00

5,152 64

8,264 11

C hecks and c a sh ite m s ................................................

890 25

6,331 31

875 71


N ic k e ls and c e n t s ......................................................

957 47

991 91

678 72

416 74


Due from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

477, 284 58

Due from o th er banks and han kers........................

8 , 798




E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u s e ...................................

Gold co in .........................................'........
S ilv er c o in ................................................................
TJ. S. and N a tio n a l hank n o t e s ..............................
T o t a ls ......................................................

36,385 00
4,172 00
69, 913 00


2,485 00
88 , 070


$1, 220, 699 09

QQH nn

2, 327 20
so ow nn
$1,134,708 64

qa asp;



3,116 15


$1,132,893 96

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in...................................
Surplus fu n d .................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ..............................................

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0


$100 , 000


35,000 00
1, 408 69

$1nn nnn nn

$ 1 0 0 .0 0 0


35,000 00
13,427 00

687 12


130 00

170 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

1,070, 394 96

983,297 70

987,770 35

989,847 06

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit__

2, 650 00

4, 217 50

3,615 00

3, 300 00

11,027 44

5,869 53

7,466 17


D ividends un paid...............................................


3,446 87

S a v in g s d e p o sits..........................................................
Savin gs c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ........... ....................................... ...
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and ban kers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...................................
Bills p a y a b le ....................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1, 220,699 09 $1,141,941 73 <R1 1QA 7ne A/1

^nn nQ






No. 208.
O rganized S ep tem b e r

D ir


W . P

ec to r s

o r ter

.— John

, P r e s id e n t; R . M o

8 , >1898.

, J r ., V i c e P r e s i d e n t a n d
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

r r is o n

C a s h ie r ; R . N .



W . P orter, E. J. Buck, H erb ert C. S ie g e l, W a lte r Shearsm ith, R. Morrison, Jr.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.................

.$17,570 72

S to ck s, bonds and m ortg a g es

6 , 530

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$23,399 43

$26,569 36

$25, 689 51


10,167 63

10,917 63

11,297 63

597 49

685 54

1,130 91

1,132 41

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

3,041 82

3, 909 33

2, 607 45

3,144 44

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

3,791 05

392 93

833 50

2,629 52

61 45

O v e r d r a fts................................... : ............
B anking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..........................
O ther rea l e s t a te .....................................

E xch a n g es for clearin g h o u se..
C hecks ajid c a sh ite m s ...............

769 49

1 63

552 36

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ..........................

32 37

24 55

42 65

57 23

Gold co in ............. .............................. .

380 00

807 50

302 50

817 50

S ilv er c o in ........................................

387 75

118 30

57 95

343 55

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o tes

836 00

1,176 00

332 00

1, 354 00

$33, 937 26

$40, 682 84

$43, 346 31

$46, 527 24

$ 20, 000 00

$2 0 ,0 0 0

$2 0 ,0 0 0

$20 , 000

T o ta ls

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter ­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

524 60


830 78

D ividends un paid..................................... ........................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................



200 00

200 00

38 67

656 13

33 00

33 00

4,617 57

4, 260 83

3, 677 64

3,932 91

4,915 04

3,511 29

193 29

11,301 58

13,898 77

18, 419 18

$33,937 26

0, 682 84

$43, 346 31

5, 527 24

4,264 48

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

2,954 89

Savin gs d ep o sits...............................................................


Saving^ c e r tific a te s o f deposit.
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...
D ue to banks and bankers.........
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ..
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o t a ls ...........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 72.
Organized F ebruary 14, 1887.

D ir


W . H

e c t o r s .—


, P r e s id e n t; I r v i n
Ira Cum

M cCa ll,
m in g s , A s s

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; E . C . C u m
i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

m in g s ,

C a s h ie r ;

Irvin McCall, J. W. H a llett, E. C. Cummings, John B oyer, Chas. Cross, Ira Cummings,
G. H. P a tterso n .

R esources.

R eport o£
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$57, 853 15

$67,189 04

$70, 043 80

$62, 277 82

S to c k s " b o n d s a n d m o r t g a g e s ..........................................

40, 837 50

44, 027 50

43, 650 50

43.175 50

O y e r d r a f t s ..........................................................................................

65 33

24 31

Ranking h o u s e .............................................................................

4, 700 00

4, 700 00

4,700 00

4,700 00

" F i ir n it u r e a n d f i x t u r e s ............................................................

1, 990 00

1, 990 00

1, 990 00

1, 990 00

O t h e r r e a l e s t a t e .........................................................................

524 92

524 92

524 92

O n e f r o m h a n k s in r e s e r v e e i t i e s .................................

19,207 04

13, 991 79

259 03

524 92


21, 735 36

500 00

100 00

1, 193 40

242 65

151 18

1, 632 71

2,182 54

94 04

54 35

57 90

25 20

2,425 00

3, 040 00

3, 050 00

3,550 00

"One f r o m o t h e r h a n k s a n d h a n k e r s ............................

6 , 698

E x c h a n g e s f o r c l e a r i n g h o u s e ..........................................
O h e e k s and c a s h ite m s .................................................
N i c k e l s and c e n t s .......................................... ... . . . . .. .

Gold co in ..............................................................................
S i l v e r c o in ..........................................................................

1, 492 25

1, 061


1,174 45

809 55

S . a n d N a tio n a l h a n k n o t e s ...............................

3, 866 00

5, 569 00

5,267 00

5,321 00


$142,823 69

$138,890 17

$147,744 32

C a p i t a l s t o c k p a i d in ......................................................

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d .. .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter ­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

2,506 32

3, 568 24

3,537 32

24, 421 21

28, 660 64

23, 577 08

25, 899 63

71,370 35

75,594 81

76,775 77

81, 300 81

$142,823 69

$138, 890 17

$147,744 32


T o ta ls ............................................................................


L iabilities.

5, 543


D ividends unpaid...............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................
R e m a n d c o m m e rc ia l c e rtif ic a te s o f d e p o s it....

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S a v i n g s d e p o s i t s ...............................................................

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C e r t i f i e d c h e c k s ...............................................................
C a s h i e r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d i n g ...................................
R u e to h a n k s a n d h a n k e r s ...........................................

N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$133, 297







No. 180.
O rganized O ctober 17, 1895.
J o seph

i r e c t o r s .—



ig e

, P r e s id e n t;

W m . H.


it k in

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A




il e s

, C a s h ie r .

Jo sep h M. Gaige, W m. H. Aitkin, H a ttie C. Aitkin, Mary C. R ichardson, A lla M. N iles.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ...............................

$41, 396 51

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

6 , 421


R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

$53,390 19

60,158 61

9, 542 59

7, 254 62

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$61, 379


7,093 30

1,834 00



4, 252 82


2,958 07

2, 958 07

2, 972 35

1 , 410


1,410 49

1, 488


1 , 010


1,010 66

1,010 66

1,010 66

6 , 357

173 31

O v e r d r a fts...................................................


B anking h o u s e ...........................................

2 , 9E8

Furniture and fix t u r e s ..........................
O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................



Due from banks in r ese rv e c i t i e s . . .

21, 761 02


6,169 15

8,659 19

Due from o th er banks and bankers.



140 95

761 53

695 70

C hecks and ca sh ite m s..........................



361 22

1,313 82

507 05

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................



9 84

12 74

2 10

385 00

1,220 00

1,632 50

3, 227 50

E x ch a n g es fo r clearin g h o u se...........

Gold co in ......................................................


60 75

67 70

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

341 25

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

, 215 00

1,440 00


$79,762 91

, 787 03

$85, 017 32


$30, 000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30, 000 00

1, 064 36

1, 064 36

350 00

1, 350 00

1,443 46

2, 730 46



1,183 63


11,746 29

14, 599 45

14, 030 44

32,855 09

34,059 18

38, 955 01

45, 250 93

T o ta ls ,



1, 473 00

C apital sto c k paid in................
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ................................................
D ividends u n p a id ........................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...........

13, 422

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.......
S av in g s d e p o sits..........................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it..........................
C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g................................
D ue to banks and bankers.....................................

1.016 69

977 34

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ................................
Bills p a y a b le .................................................................
$79,762 91

T otals ,

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

i>79,787 03

$85,017 32

2,831 69





No. 80.
Organized A u gu st 4, 1884.
D ir



e c t o r s .—

ic h o l e s ,

P r e s id e n t; J





V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A . B

u tta r s,

C a s h ie r .

John S a v ela n d , A rchibald B uttars, E. H. Green, John N icholls, W . H. Gray
F. E. L ew is.

R osou rces.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$47,798 92

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es...................................

11,733 38

O verdrafts....................................................................

R eport of

R eport of

R eport o f

27 60

B anking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

2,337 95

O ther rea l e s t a t e ......................................................

3,976 95

Due from banks in r ese rv e c itie s ............................

4, 916 82

D ue from oth er banks and ban kers.......................

1, 568 10

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................... *....................

272 50

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .................................................


Gold co in ........................................................

947 50

S ilv er c o in .......................................................................
U. S. and N a tio n al bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a ls .................................................................


871 40
1,641 00
$76, 200 80

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in .......................................
Surplus fu n d ................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id .............................................

$33, 000 00
1, 999 94
63 85

D ividends u n p a id ...................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

28, 074 06

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

1,256 10

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ....

11,806 85

S a v in g s d ep o sits............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g.....................................
D ue to banks and ban kers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ....................................................
T o t a ls ..........................................................

$76,200 80

* V olun tary liquidation, F ebruary 8 , 1899.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 218.
Organized A ugust 14, 1899.
E . T . Ch
D ir

e c t o r s .—

u r c h

, P r e s id e n t; A . D. B a u g

hm an

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; H . K . J

e n n in g s

, C a s h ie r .

E. T. Church, A. D. Baughm an, H. G. Barher, E. N. Ely, W . B. Otto, A lb ert M urray,
H. K. Jennings.

R esources.

R eport o f

R eport of

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R ep ort of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$4, 500 00

$19, 880 00

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

3,750 00

20 , 066 20

O v erd ra fts...................................................
B anking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r es...........................
O ther rea l e s t a t e ............................... ....
E x p e n s e s ......................................................

222 21

D ue from Other banks and bankers.

372 82

18,606 91

5, 019 72
3,780 74

2,000 00

1,000 00

$29, 079 12

550,119 48

520, 300 00

$25, 000 00

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

E x ch a n g es for clearin g hp use...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................... .
Gold co in ......................................................
S ilv er c o in ..................................................
U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........
T o ta ls .....................................................

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter ­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
140 64

In te r e st and d isco u n t....................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................
C om m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.......................
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................


24, 978 84

$29, 079 12

$50,119 48

8 , 779

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g.....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r e d isc o u n te d .. . 3 ..............................
B ills p a y a b le ................................................................. .
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 61.
Organized January 30, 1882.

D ir


. J. K

n a pp

, P r e s i d e n t ; T h o s . S . S e a r s , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; G e o . P . G l a
T h e o . E . W o o d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

z ie r

, C a s h ie r ;

John R. G ates, G eo. P. Glazier, Wm. J. Knapp, H. M. W oods, Jas. L. B abcock ,
Thos. S. S ears, W illiam P. Schenk , V. D. H indelang, Geo. W . Palm er.

e c t o r s.—

R esou rces.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

R eport of
F eb. 4.
$103, 958 30

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ept. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$92,409 13

$100, 960 87

$102,566 51

159, 351


172,272 23

173, 624 94

147, 729 75

B anking h o u se ...........................................



3, 800 00

3, 800 00

3, 800 00

Furniture and fix tu r es...........................

504 00

3.565 12

3,577 12

3, 618 97

O ther real e s t a t e .....................................

175 00

10,175 00

10,175 00

10,175 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

303 08

42,858 09

23,261 67

53,201 10

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........
O v erd ra fts...................................................

«Due from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

209 57

323 30

5, 056 25

56 53

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................

(079 78

1, 932 77

712 79

1,937 06

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .....................................

267 58

227 72

263 95

263 89

Gold co in .......................................................

580 00

2, 502 50

2, 825 00

3, 425 00

1 , 000 00

S ilv er c o in ....................................................

027 00

1, 425 50

1,360 50

1,089 25

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

536 00

6,255 00

5, 239 00

6,217 00

$323,791 97

$337, 746 36

$331, 857 09

$334, 080 06

T o ta ls.

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in................
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id .................................................



6 ,795


7,173 00

7,173 00

7,173 00
5, 494 31





$60, 000


2, 864 49

3, 341 23

3, 065 04

D ividends un p a id ......................................................

171 00

3,151 00

316 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .......

41. 129 70

41,607 63

41, 552 49

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

94, 098 17

93,875 30

92, 445 92

S avin gs d e p o sits........................................................

26,128 18

33,364 39

33, 588 51

33,813 37

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............................

92. 605 43

95, 233 81

93,716 13

94 449 82

$323,791 97

$337, 746 36

$331,857 09

$334,080 06

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f deposit.,



46,503 94
86 ,379



C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ............................
D ue to banks and ban kers.....................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d ...............................
Bills p a y a b le .................................................................
T o ta ls ,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 203.
O rganized January 14, 1898.

D ir

arm on


ec to rs.


o lm es,

P r e s i d e n t ; C h a s . H. K e m p f , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ;
G e o . A. B e g o l e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

—R euben K em pf, Charles


K em pf, H. S. H olm es,

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

J. A.


alm er

, C a s h ie r ;

K lein, R. S. A rm strong.


R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans a.nri d isc o u n ts......................................................

$50,275 90

$65,850 59

$73,299 16

$61,181 89

152,440 65

148,067 05

S to c k s bonds and m o rtg a g es...................................

134,673 08

152,492 08

O v e r d r a fts.. . .....................................................................

3 37

2 02

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................

8 ,0 0 0 00

Furniture a,nd fix tu r es..................................................


45 04

8 , 000 00

8 , 000 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

2 , 000 00

2 , 000 00

2 , 000 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

59, 352 64

31,255 41

27, 759 04

38, 738 64

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

24,191 98

26, 809 94

26, 837 42

26,837 42

231 00


E x ch a n g es for clea.ring hou se
C hecks a.nd cash ite m s .................................................

239 06

156 67

263 67

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

173 63

115 16

99 57

156 64

3, 055 00

3,305 00

3,720 00

Gold c o in ..............................................................................


S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

2, 009 05

1,147 00

1, 390 95

1, 563 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .................................

5, 597 00

4,433 00

4,113 00

6 , 036

T o ta ls ........................................... .................................

$289, 275 71

$295, 316 87

$299, 516 55


$40,000 00

$40,000 00

$40, 000 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

2,148 37

1,675 71

61, 370 23

55,197 33



L iabilities.
Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p e n ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1,183 13

D ividends un p aid ..............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............



$40, 000 00

1, 200 00

59, 545 93

63,117 12

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it............

24, 938 34

16,999 93

S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

134, 557 27

153,176 54

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

29,051 04

$289, 275 71

17,463 87
158, 825

13,325 18


170,370 52

19,523 28

19, 208 20

15,507 94

$295, 316 87

$299,516 55

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
Due to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls ........................ ...................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







No. 118.
O rganized June 23, 1891.
C. W . P


e r r y

ir e c t o r s .

, P r e s id e n t; R o

l l in

H. Jen
C. H . S

n e y


V ic e

P r e s id e n t;
, C a s h ie r .



. W

o lsey

, 3d

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

u th er la n d

—C. H. Sutherland, Wm. W o lsey , C. W. Perry, R. H. Jen n ey, J. C. R ock afellow .

R esources.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

L oans and d isco u n ts.......................................................

$54,765 97

$50,107 96

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

27,578 04

27, 264 54

O verdrafts............................................................................



63 84

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

5,500 00

Furniture and fix t u r e s ..................................................

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.
$42, 653 06
29, 068 04 •

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$48,746 14
21, 530 04


109 60

5, 500 00

5, 500 00

5, 500 00

1 , 200 00

1 ,2 0 0 00

1 , 200 00

1, 200 00

D ue from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

37,392 18

29, 386 36

30,441 18

45, 491 60

Due from oth er banks and ban kers........................

411 56

156 52

91 54

214 64

2 , 268 02


O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

850 57

644 46

730 22

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

156 69

210 70

123 97

Gold co in ..............................................................................

2, 340 00

970 00



162 39
1. 545 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

634 25

1, 652 20

1.135 85

2, 037 45

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2, 236 00

2, 644 00

4, 614 00

3,671 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$133, 178 06

$119,800 58

$117,877 72



$2 0 ,0 0 0


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$20 , 000


7, 000 00


7, 000 00

297 64

D ividends u n p a id ............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

$20 , 000

$2 0 ,0 0 0


7, 000 00

7,000 00

842 00

2, 066 75

37, 939 05

42, 567 22

840 00


39,918 94

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

28, 279 71



25, 006 35

37, 203 17

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...............................

29, 767 83

29, 580 62

27, 090 32

23, 638 74

$133.178 06

$119,800 58

$117, 877 72

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h eck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k e r s .........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$132, 475







No. 104.
Organized O ctober 14, 1890.

S. S


. P r e s id e n t; F . L.


u r d ic k

C. T.

i r e c t o r s .—

, V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; B. R .
G i l b e r t , C a s h ie r .

Mo o re, Second

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

C. T. Gilbert, B. S. Spofford, G. W . V anaken, N. A. R eynolds. F. L. Burdick,
B. R. M oore, A lfred Milnes, S. H. Clizbe, N. Baldw in.
R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R esources.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$175,109 90

$175, 502 71

$193, 620 94

$164,571 89

S to c k s bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

125, 905 20

133, 627 69

142,437 69

148, 527 28

O verd ra fts................................ .........................................

2, 556 41

1 , 228 01

1,725 45

1.122 55

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1 , 600 00

1 , 600 00



Du^ from hanks in rese rv e e it ie s ............................

62,185 22"

69, 672 84

35, 677 70

41,052 49

102 00

B anking hou se



C hecks find cash ite m s ................................................

511 00

359 00

876 00

N ic k e ls find e.en ts...........................................................

7 80

60 09

90 17

59 82

Cold eo in ..............................................................................

10, 237 50

10, 065 00

10. 042 50

S ilver eoin ........................................................................


and N a tio n a l hank n o t e s ...............................



1,525 85

1,464 95

5. 440 00

7, 887 00

567 25

919 75


6 , 086 00


$402,812 29

$394,6 6 8 20

$374,114 28

Capital sto c k paid in ......................................................

$50.000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta v e s pa,id......................................................

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

198 65

1, 891 77

2,558 11

4, 574 63

, .............................

45 00

96 00

40 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .. ...........

62. 759 85

73,788 43

72,190 10

58, 000 20

D em and co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

110.704 82

88,874 81

86,144 37

73, 346 97

S avin g s d e p o s it s .............................................................

151, 370 56

178,163 28

173,735 62

178,192 48

$402,812 29

$394,6 6 8 20

$374,114 28

T o t a ls ............................................................................



D ividends unpaid

T o ta ls

.......................................................... . . ..........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$385, 078






No. 32.
O rganized N o v em b er 20, 1886.

il l ia m

D ir


e c t o r s .—


a pple

, P r e s id e n t; C. Y



V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; P

er c y

E. Ch

a pple

, C a s h ie r .

W . D. Chapple, A. W. R eynolds, P. E. Chapple, C. Y oung, H. E rw in D ew ey,
P. Dann, A. S. W olcott.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts..................

$57, 951 09

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es

33,249 36

O v erd ra fts.......................................

5 05

360 36

536 97

285 49

B anking h o u se ..............................

2,175 00

2,175 00

2,175 00

2, 175 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ...............




1, 700 00


253 64

253 64

253 64

19,956 77

29, 836 46


$57,162 03
33, 938


$57, 969 06
33, 838


$60,110 84
33, 863



O ther r ea l e s t a t e ....................................................
P rem iu m s...............................................................

278 64

Current ex p en ses, in te r e st and ta x e s paid

500 71 ........................

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ....................

25,700 82

21,032 89

C hecks and cash ite m s.........................

45 95

198 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

15 13

42 04

8 88

Gold co in ......................................... ..........

4, 050 00

4,195 00

4, 450 00

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...........


8 02


505 00

S ilv er c o in ............. .....................................

492 00

787 00

458 00

400 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

4, 000 00

3, 987 00

2,120 00

5, 000 00

$130,163 75

$125,831 64

$35,000 00

T o ta ls



$134,150 21

$35, 000 00

$35, 000 00

$35,000 00

3, 400 00

3, 400 00

3, 400 00
595 72

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.....................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

3,210 00
*363 96

357 28

177 50

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

210 00

1,155 00

123 00

78 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

18,878 07

21,219 48

19, 583 51

25,148 36

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....

20,510 69

9,813 94

12,188 87

14, 650 16

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............

51,991 03

54, 885 94

53,227 78

55,277 97

$130,163 75

$125,831 64

S a v in g s d e p o s its ............................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f deposit.
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................
C ashier's c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ..
D ue to banks and ban kers.........
N o te s and bills r e d isc o u n te d ...
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o ta ls
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$123, 700


$134,150 21






No. 174.
Organized A ugust 1, 1894.


D ir



o n es,

P r e s id e n t; S a m
J am es a . M a

r sh

G i b s o n , V i c e P r e s i d e n t : J o h n B. G e o r g e , 2 d
, C a s h ie r ; D . E . W i l s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

—D avid E. W ilson, J. B. G eorge, J. H. Jones, A. B. G eorge, S. Gibson, W . H. Burger, C. M.
Burger, L. A. M elcher, John Blue, J. W elborn, C. E. H agenbuch, I. N . Lash, J a m es A. Marsh.

ec to rs.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$92, 352 84

$78,811 32

$82,381 32

$96, 438 71

S to c k s fronds and m-nrtig'agfss...................................

20,044 72

29,013 14

29,588 14

28, 969 48

O verdrafts ........................................................................

1, 004 40



630 34

209 33

Banking hmisft .................................................................

4, 157 26

4,157 26

4,157 26

4,157 26

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1,737 52

1,787 52

1,787 52

1, 787 52

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

20,345 36

39, 745 55

38,566 14

22, 645 60

646 77

C hecks anil cash ite m s .................................................

380 42

251 25

52 08

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

22 86

43 17

52 92

35 23

Gold c o in .............. ...............................................................

3, 715 00


2, 015 00

2,125 00


S ilver coin ........................................................................

732 50

498 30

915 80

923 00

XT S and N ation al fra.nk n o t e s ...............................

1,885 00

1, 687 00

969 00

3,705 00


$158,810 71

$161,115 52

$161,642 90

Capital sto c k paid in......................................................

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere st and ta x e s pa,id

8 , 000 00

8 , 000 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

284 55

1,241 87

1,756 39

2, 944 42

T o ta ls ........................................................... ..............

$146, 427



C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

26,953 79

23,470 90

23,240 33

22,838 56

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

86,189 54

101,097 94

103,118 80

102, 859 92

$158, 810 71

$161,115 52

$161, 642 90

T o ta ls
..............................................., .................
----------------------------------— ---------- w -----------------------

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$146, 427






No. 173.
Organized Jun e 28, 1894.

D ir

e l ia


e c t o r s .—

C r o s s e t t , P r e s i d e n t ; S. B. H a g e n b u c h , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; w .
G e o r g e C r o s s e t t H a r v e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .



a r v e y

, C a s h ie r ;

J. W . Sim ons, J. Mark H arvey, W. W . H arvey. S. B. H agenbu ch , D. S. C rossett,
E dw in W . K eig h tley , G eorge C ro ssett H arvey, C. M. H arvey.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$72, 537 85

$55, 272 37

$64, 646 50

$64,805 15

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ....................................

33, 306 30

30, 404 26

24,204 26

28, 479 26

O v erd ra fts..........................................................

3,855 27

2, 380


4, 918 36

2, 426 06

B anking h o u se ...............................................

5, 250 00

5,250 00

5, 250 00

5,250 00

15, 906 12

5,175 93

7, 572 45

12, 249 48

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

169 08

798 45

240 92

323 72

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................



156 28

154 05

164 89

6 , 000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es............... .................................
O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
Current ex p en ses, in te r e st and ta x e s p a id ...........
D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s ............................

1,676 25

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

Gold c o in ...................................................................
S ilv er c o in .........................................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .................................
T o ta ls ............................................................

700 00






100 00

2,540 00

1,557 00

2, 363 00

1.545 00

$140,390 62

$106,594 95

$114,949 54

$122.019 81

$30, 000 00

$30,000 00

$30, 000 00

$30, 000 CO

1 ,2 0 0 00

1, 200 00



1, 300 00

115 22

1,046 43



*1, 657 20

15, 275 16

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in..................................................
Surplus fu n d ...............................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ...................................................
D ividends un paid............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

21, 346


12,067 69

16,620 17

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....

34 00

34 00

34 ( 0

Tim e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.............

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

5, 000 00

8 , 000 00

61,829 36

65,787 45

Savin gs d ep o sits............................................................
S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

71,694 74

62, 246 83

C ertified c h e c k s .............................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g .....................................
Due to banks and ban kers.......................................


6 , 000 00

N o te s and bills r e d isc o u n te d ....................................
Bills p a y a b le ...........................................
T o ta ls ..............................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$140,390 62


$106.591 95

$114,949 54

$122,019 81






No. 183.
Organized D ecem b er 26, 1895.
B. R. N

D ir


e c t o r s .—

, P r e s i d e n t ; M . D . W a g n e r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; J o h
E . M . D i x o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .


P. N

ig g e m a n

, J


., C a s h i e r ;

B. R. N oble, John P. N iggem an, Jr., J a m es L. B en ed ict, M atth ew D. W agner,
Charles F. L aw son.

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................
S to c k s bonds and m o rtg a g es
O verdrafts...........................................................................
Ranking h o u se ...............................................................

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

$51,308 96

$59,254 00

5,961 00

7,348 00

R eport of
S ep t. 7.
$68,609 15

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$74,666 13

196 99

203 40

376 64

197 32

. 2,565 00

2,565 00

2, 590 00

2, 590 00


2, 710 00


2, 710 00

Other real e s t a t e .............................................................

900 00

1 ,0 2 0 00

1, 609 00

1, 609 00

Rue from ha.nks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................

20, 925 00

26 071 37

27,900 57

22, 513 57

Rue from oth er ba,nks and bankers........................

780 96

1,732 33

1,525 94

1,710 62

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................



772 60

514 56

e x c h a n g e s for clearin g house

288 08


184 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

18 38

29 62

40 56

14 91

Gold co in ..............................................................................

832 50

772 50

872 50

1, 452 50

C hecks and cash item s

S ilv er coin ........................................................................

227 50

412 00

XT S and N a tio n a l ba.nk n o t e s ...............................

3,161 00

5, 709 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$89,771 29

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$30, 000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


457 25

211 00

295 00


4, 713 00

$108,341 78

$113,783 69

$113.455 65

6 , 804

L iabilities.
$30,000 00

$30, 000 00

$30,000 00


3,100 00

3,100 00

3,500 00

1, 636 37

720 59



265 22

R ividends unpaid
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

21,289 51

26, 776 26

30, 726 63*


Dem and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it......

26,124 53

37, 869 85

40,175 52

41, 530 78

S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

7, 309 43

9,425 29

611 45

449 79

$89,771 29

$108,341 78

R ue to banks and bankers

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



9, 865 99

$113,783 69

$113, 455 65






No. 182.
Organized D ecem b er 4, 1895.
J o seph


G a ig


, P r e s id e n t; W


. H. A
H. A


it k in
it k in

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; F
, A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

r a n k

J. B

a tter sbee

, C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—J osep h M. G aige, Frank J. B a tte r sb ee , W m. H. A itkin, H. C. A itkin, M. C. R ichardson.

R eso u rces.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.


$36,289 22

$48,054 18

$45, 263 49

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

935 00

7,440 80

10, 475 80

7,471 00

O verdrafts............................................................................

1,849 96

1,040 65



1,130 61

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 , 000 00

2 , 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

948 47

948 67

947 77

947 77

O ther real e s t a te .............................................................

1,209 47

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

20,691 89

16,745 85

5, 592 25

12, 563 82

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................


D u e from o th er banks and b a n k e r s ......................



221 34

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se .................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

15 10

131 18

206 13

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

3 63

17 26

12 47

1,785 75
38 05

Gold co in ..............................................................................

885 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

300 10

256 95

212 25

36 25

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2, 853 00

1, 787 00

1,527 00

461 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$58, 977 39

$66,669 74

$69,655 95

$72, 804 08

$2 0 ,0 0 0


$2 0 ,0 0 0


$20 , 000


$20 , 000

1, 900 00





1, 900 00

1,220 35

1,592 99

2,054 74

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in..................................................
Surplus fu n d ............................................
U ndivided profits, le ss cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ................. .................................

152 37


D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

18,861 '44

19, 139 27

24,045 21

25, 274 90

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

17,810 11

24, 313


21,992 40

23,574 44

96 46

125 35

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S av in g s d e p o s its ...............................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k o u tsta n d in g ......................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................

253 47


N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$58, 977 39

$66,669 74

$69,655 95

$72, 804 08






No. 176.
Organized D ecem b er 28, 1894.
A. B. Cu
D ir

ec to rs.

lle n

, P r e s id e n t; I s r



il l

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; M . A . M c B

r a tn ey

, C a s h ie r .

—A. B. Cullen, Isra el Hill, J. H. B axter, Charles B lackm ore, J. F. C artw right,
Su san C artw right, Geo. L ea ch , S. R. Billings.

R esources.

R eport of
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$33,367 22

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

5,184 00

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

847 33

1,174 84

1,811 84

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$39, 064 69

$31,122 41

$32,020 55

6 , 769

6 , 939

6 , 659




69 23

Banking h o u se ...................................................................

6 ,937 88

6,931 38

6 , 927

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1, 330 84

1, 347 34

1, 347 34

1. 349 84

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

1, 672 03

1 699 54

1 696 06


6 , 906 66

Current e x p en ses, in te r e st and ta x e s p a id .......

589 82

1,283 22

1, 625 52

2. 460 80

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

7, 310 17

911 82

3, 605 65

1,369 04

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

430 77

2, 070 05

606 29

185 72

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and c a sh ite m s ................................................

732 12

29 98

1,629 05

90 82

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

107 61

73 53

70 45

41 41

Gold co in ..............................................................................

1,015 00

2, 335 00

630 00

365 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

609 70

87 00

937 95

332 90

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2, 594 00

911 00

T o ta ls .............................................................................

$62,728 49

$20 , 000



2. 309 00

$64,694 39

$60, 752 67

$55,856 03

$20 , 000

$20 , 000

$2 0 ,0 0 0

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in ................... ...............................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


400 00





400 00

400 00

400 00

*637 17

*1,126 35

*2.189 74

Dividends un paid..............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t t o c h e c k .................

9,049 47

10,889 81

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

33, 250 92

32,767 41


7,124 84

32, 739 95

6 , 486

20,921 90

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it............
S av in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................

19 55

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
5, 200 00

B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$62,728 49

$64, 694 39

$60, 752 67

$55. 856 03





No. 102.
O rganized S e p tem b e r 19, 1890.
D ir




e c t o r s .—


, P r e s id e n t; P . W . V


C opley,




B. C opley,

R esources.

t jz e n

L. D.


V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; L .



R eport o f
F eb. 4.


B. Brow ning,
R eport o f
Jun e 30.


il l

, C a s h ie r .

P. W .

V an Duzen.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$51,086 69

$61,677 73

$65,268 85

$68,987 10

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

50,512 00

23, 704 70

22,604 70

22,099 65

O verdrafts...........................................................................

13 54

321 96

B anking h o u se ...................................................................


Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1 ,0 0 0 00

1, 000 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

2,065 00

2,065 00

2, 665 00

2, 665 00

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

4,790 24

5,547 72

2,752 32

10,783 09

D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................

694 42

5, 950 00

135 32

771 13

789 26


34 84



5, 999 00

5, 009 00

6 , 579







2, 500 00

1 ,1 2 2


E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se .................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

192 10

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

21 05

Gold co in ..............................................................................

5, 651 50


437 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,172 00

940 00

599 00

848 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

4,272 00

5,739 00

3, 427 00

3, 441 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$123,970 54

$115,902 61

$107.107 25

$120,471 84

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30, 000 00

$30,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1 , 800 00

1 . 800 00

1, 950 00

1, 950 00


2, 593 63

1,766 41

2,991 55

L iabilities.


D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

42,097 83

31,264 22

27, 606 50

34, 444 63

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

31,442 67

34, 300 83

29, 505 77

36,008 50

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............

16, 513 65

15,707 65

15, 337 01

14, 840

236 28

236 28

941 56

236 28

$123,970 54

$115,902 61

$107,107 25

$120,471 84


S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sits...............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................... ............. 1.............
T o t a ls .......................................................................... v
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 196.
Organized June 25, 1897.




r n o t

, P r e s id e n t; A

i r e c t o r s .— I


m anda


r n o t

, V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; E.
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

A rnot, A m anda A rnot, Myra A rnot

R esou rces.


M ark,

R eport o f
F eb . 4.


r k


C a s h ie r ;


A. W ooley, P h eb e

R eport of
Jun e 30.


h ebe

R eport of
S ep t. 7.



r n o t



R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$45,000 00

$55,036 42

$55. 923 23

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

4, 368 43

5, 000 00

4, 000 00

5,000 00

O verdrafts............................................................................

4, 248 79

1, 363 59

2,128 98

5,285 49

B anking h o u se .................................................................



Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................


$57,381 04


1.865 16

1, 865 16

765 00

769 75

769 75

769 75

2.301 78

7, 100 34

3.531 72

6,390 12

1 ,1 2 2 01

6,581 64

3, 125 45

1.172 99

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
D ue from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................
D ue from oth er banks and ban kers........................
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

562 61

867 19

533 13

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................


2 19


1 85

Gold co in ..............................................................................

35 00

10 00

415 00

590 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

3, 382 00

960 00

5,995 00

1,483 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$62,525 26

$74,176 35

$81,750 62

$83,083 65

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$15,000 00

$15.000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

Surplus fu n d .....................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

2 . 000 00

2 .0 0 0 00

2 , 000 00

2 , 000 00

1,418 06

2,501 38

865 77

1,558 64

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

13, 904 45

15. 936 23

16,494 23

18, 829 87

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

29, 998 31

38, 738 74

45,817 83

45,294 74

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.............

S av in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and bankers..........................................

204 44

1,572 79

400 40

$81,750 62

$83, 083 65

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le ........... ...........................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$62, 525 26

$74,176 35





No. 195.
Organized June 1, 1897.

J o seph

D ir


ec to rs

G a ig


, P r e s id e n t;

. —J o sep h M .

W m . H. A i t k i n , V i c e
A. M . N i l e s , A s s i s t a n t

P r e s id e n t;
C a s h ie r .

J. M.


o s t w ic k

, C a s h ie r ;

G aige, W m. H. A itkin, H. C. A itkin, M. C. R ichardson, A . H. Davis.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

826,750 56

$32,668 78

$39,643 19

$39, 056 45

S to c k s bonds a.nd m o r tg a g e s ...................................

439 50

1, 389 50

1, 389 50

1,407 50

o verdraf ts


271 92

340 85

787 03

758 97

Ranking hnnsfi .................................................................

1,992 00

2, 008 85

2,198 07

2,198 07

Furniture 9,nii fix tu r e s ..................................................

698 25

712 95

731 30

731 30

7, 446 41

2, 722 78

3,513 40

3,890 54

67 07

77 35

52 39

17 03

932 62



ba.nfis in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

L uc from nt.fier banks and ba,nkers........................


Ofiecks a.nd cash ite m s.................... ..........................

1,437 27

N ic k e ls a,nil c e n ts




Uold c o in .......................................................... .................

1 ,0 2 0 00



1 46



15 65

359 80

1,874 80


18 50

34 80

13 50

25 70

and N ation a,1 ba.nk n o te s .................................

224 00

529 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

841,308 19

$41, 415 60

$49.352 45

$52,274 09

CJapital sto c k paid in......................................................

815,000 00

$15, 000 00

$15, 000 00

$15, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t a.nd ta x e s pa,id......................................................


275 00

275 00

275 00

243 29

802 36

S ilv er c o in .......................................................... .............






L iabilities.

140 44
721 17

Livid ends unpaid ...........................................................
13, 300 25

15,363 33



20.638 94

1, 327 77

123 89

194 46

$41, 415 60

$49,352 45

$52, 274 09

Lommercia.l d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

13, 707 48


D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

11,739 10

13,731 15


T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
Saving's d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....
C ertified c h e ck s .............................................................
La.sfiier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....
D u e t o banks and ban kers...........................................
N o t e s a n d b i ll s r e d i s c o u n t e d ............................................
R ills p a y a b l e


T o t a ls .......................................................... r................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$41, 308 19






No. 210.
Organized O ctober 17. 1898.
D ir

h a s.

E. L

e c t o r s .—

y o n


, P r e s id e n t;



A . H.


r een

, J



V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; F . A . S

J. Clippert, Chas. K . Latham ,
A . H. G reen, Jr.

R esou rces.

R eport of
Feb. 4.

m it h


Sm ith, Thos.

F. A.

R eport of
June 30.

C a s h ie r .

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

Sim pson,

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$57,011 82

$61,591 95

$75,237 30

9,095 25

11,662 75

14,025 50

O v e r d r a fts..................................... .....................................

14 81

31 02

Banking h o u se ...................................................................

1 00

1, 905 31

5,951 41

400 74

404 74

404 74

404 74

100 04

100 04

100 04

E xp en se a cco u n t, books and sta tio n e r y ...............

737 70

253 94

136 49


D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...........................

12,746 38

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$23,059 57

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................


Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................




O ther real e s t a t e ...........................................................
P r e m iu m s.................................................... .......................

8 , 092


21,136 05

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................


9,188 84


E xch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................

10 91

11 09

14 63

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

102 59

43 38

56 13

60 47

Gold co in ..............................................................................

1,250 00

250 00

1,370 00

975 00

145 91

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

248 80

679 55

905 25

460 50

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2, 425 00

3,900 00

2,030 00

938 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$41,599 69

$79,858 61

$101,344 36

$107,884 48

$19,960 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

15, 409 13

40,019 90

47,313 49

48,487 22

379 00

260 50

200 00

78 15

5,851 56

14, 578 21

28,830 87

32,119 11

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends un paid.............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —
T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s certificates' o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

1,250 00

C ash ier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g.....................................

950 00

Due to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$41, 599 69

$79,858 61

$101,344 36

$107, 884 48





No. 73.
O rganized April 19, 1888.
W . A.
D ir


u n g s,

ec to rs

P r e s id e n t; Co n r a d C l

.— Conrad

ip p e r t



P. Co

l l in s ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t s ; H

a r r y



C a s h ie r .

Clippert, W m. T. G age, W m. A. Pungs, H arry J. F ox, Chas. P . Collins,
A lex . I. M cL eod, D. C. R exford.

R esources.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$83,360 78

$91,017 40

$92, 299 52

$92, 862 00

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

336, 459 76

357,285 95

371, 970 95

371,374 41

O verdrafts...........................................................................

1,518 54

662 25

641 67

470 32

Banking h o u s e ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1,890 00

1, 890 00

1, 890 00

1,890 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

8 , 238


7, 614 09

5,114 09

5,114 09

110, 509 25

137,560 79

128,790 38

141,207 94

Due from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................
D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ..................................

4,103 56

1, 030 62

1,832 61

3,289 80

C hecks and cash ite m s.................................................

1,337 71

4, 395 76

3, 545 69

1,756 77

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

176 92

28 44

24 02

57 49

Gold co in ..............................................................................

18, 567 50

20, 252 50

22, 322 50

22, 405 00


S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,457 10

1,267 70


U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

7, 283 00

7, 717 00

8,250 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$574, 902 18

$630, 722 50

$638, 201 43

$646, 258 22

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$100 , 000


$1 0 0 ,0 0 0


14, 000 00




1,166 40
4,664 OO

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................



13, 500 00

14, 000 00

1,138 79

4, 632 77

6 , 268


93 00

3,000 00



C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ..............

58, 406 95

70,185 23

70, 286 44

75,081 49

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

18, 708 09

16,320 42

11, 754 82

12,817 27

381,719 47

421,708 18

433, 038 73

433, 688 84

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

10,451 55

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
S a v in g s d ep o sits........................................................
Savin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ............................................

1, 335


C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

67 57

405 17

144 07

808 33

2. 388 00

75 00

$630,722 50

$638,201 43

$846, 258 22

D ue to hanks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$574, 902 18






No. 82.
Organized M arch 2, 1885.



i r e c t o r s .—

y fe

, P r e s id e n t; T



r r y


V ic e

P r e s id e n t; F

r a n k

F. T

il h o t s o n

, C a s h ie r .

John H. A very. L ev i L. Barbour, Thos. Berry, C. A. K ent. C hristian M ack, Frank F.
T illotson, R. F. F y fe , C. B. Hubbard, W. F. J e w ell, Earl D. Babst.
R eport of
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

Report of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$614,022 39

$713,157 94

$707,735 99

$718.136 79

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

493,915 69

467,089 34

477, 406 82

476,263 36

O verdrafts................ .... .............................

745 34

1,231 53

R esou rces.



8 , 738


R eport of
D ec. 2.

456 94

B anking H o u s e .........................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

7, 514 83

7,148 18

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

140, 732 80

141,811 52

144,925 17


D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

207,283 37

150,208 13

142,223 73

173, 449 27

13,004 94

Due from o th er banks and bankers.

13,474 25

5, 924 60

13, 874 72

34,722 49

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...........

7, 393 09

17.005 97

16, 415 78

12,495 31

C hecks and cash ite m s..........................

165 90

364 94

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................

265 06

185 01

127 77

373 01

Gold co in ....................................:................


67, 822 50

50, 565 00

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

3, 775 00

4, 703 00

4, 620 00

2,122 OO

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s ........

19,313 00

32,482 00

34, 765 00

40, 490 00


$1.601,608 24

$1,670,967 16

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

26, 000

26. 000

T ota ls .

66 , 360

32 37

$1,574,961 32

, 609,134

54,190 OO

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$200,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, inter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

25, 000 00





7. 626 70

8 , 082


2,744 05

4. 262 93
6 , 000 00

30 00

30 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

349,733 09

352,822 36

334,718 36

420, 385 25

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

7,243 03

6,133 64

4,925 20

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f deposit.



S avin gs d ep o sits..................................................

570,921 95

610, 618 04

610,510 93

606,656 19

S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...................

114,100 06

97, 942 34

132, 732 30

158, 991 07

C ertified c h e c k s ..................................................

13, 624 01

21, 627 92

12,037 59

3,008 43

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ......................
Due to banks and ban kers.............................

25 00
291,595 13

264,689 39

500 00
271, 818 72

242, 388


N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted ........................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................, ___
T o t a ls ...............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

1,574,961 32 $1, 609,134 6 a $1,601,608 24

$1,670, 967 16





No. 37.
O rganized O ctober 25, 1889.






, P r e s id e n t;

F C.


in g r e e

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

H. R.


n d re w s,

C a s h ie r .

—W . H. B race, G. R. A ngell, J. A. R em ick, F. C. P ingree, W . L. Andrus, F. C. A ndrew s,
Geo. D ingw all, J o sep h S ch rä g e, H om er McGraw, F red S. Osborne, H. R. A ndrew s.

ir e c t o r s .

R esources.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...................................................... $1, 162, 865


S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

613,187 92

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

446 63

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$1, 240,600 18 $1,435, 970 77

$1, 555,8 8 8 41

898, 536 94

727,546 10

822 70

828 75

680, 967 22
1, 392


Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

6 , 000 00

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 000 00

O th er rea l e s t a te .............................................................

195,177 22

200,910 78

196,569 61

202, 307 63

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

316,338 27

346,265 13

D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

149,221 44

394,373 13


14,105 00

16,171 89

18,628 57

29,710 92

77, 648 22

46, 859 46

23,270 99
1,519 24

8 , 531

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........... .....................................

184 21

876 40

2,958 96

N ic k e ls and c e n ts ...........................................................

195 96

203 45

124 96

43 81

Gold co in ................................................ •............................

18,065 00

11,535 50

14,777 50

S ilv er c o in ...............................................................

8 , 992


2,011 75

4,162 50

5, 604 25

450 50

63, 465 00

54,281 00

62, 716 00

48, 976 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $2.416,179 81 $2, 439, 361 57 $3,078,244 17

$2, 946,502 63

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in ....................................................


$150,000 00

$150, 000 00

$150,000 00

20 , 000 00

30, 000 00

30,000 00

30, 000 00

7, 860 33

5,723 95

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

781,868 47

D em and com m ercial c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

1, 388 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


8 , 857


13, 678 38

656,005 63

1,280,405 59

1, 005, 657 41

873 67

3,131 50

150,406 50

D ividends un p aid .............................................................

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S a v in g s d ep o sits............................................................

1,014,871 13

1,135, 268 01

1,135,777 08

1,195, 406 77

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................

124,591 93

110,724 93

115,691 27

116,826 28

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

693 65

40, 296 80

1, 841 09

29,246 48

314,906 30

310,468 58

352,510 24

255, 280 81

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $2, 416,179 81 $2,439, 361 57 $3,078,244 17

$2, 946,502 63

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le.......................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 47.
O rganized 1849.


id n e y

D. Mil

l e r

, P r e s id e n t; F r e d e r ic
C a s h ie r ; C y r u

R eorganized July 18, 1871.

B . S i b l e y , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; E
B o s s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

ustac e

C. B

ow m an


—Sid ney D. Miller, J a m es E. P ittm an , F red erick B. Sibley, J a m es McMillan, G eorge
H endrie, Chas. A. D ean, W illiam K. A nderson, E. Chapoton, D. C. D elam ater.

ir e c t o r s

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.


¡61,429,531 82

4,234, 033 51

4,175, 790 35

4,110,-385 83

1,066 19

819 52

1, 455 00

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

61,172, 613 22 f 1, 232,262

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

3,972, 579 08

O v e r d r a fts.................................................

2, 042



61, 267, 507

B anking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s..........................

4, 000 00


4, 000 00

4, 000 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

103.659 10

141,487 35

142,313 19

132, 794 43

460, 373 01

372,196 45

321,614 05

379,767 25

4 ,0 0 0

32, 000 00

P r e m iu m s....................................................
Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

5,515 99

14,069 15

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

6,679 65

5,415 38

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

32, 482 21

18,404 27

88 , 250

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................

4,376 69

4,296 76

8 , 758


256 96

197 75



243 55

Gold c o in .................. ...................................

269, 275 00

269, 535 00

284, 500 00

292, 437 50

S ilver c o in ......... .........................................

49,395 75

49, 755 00

49, 816 60

40, 863 80

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

304, 764 00


231,727 00

211,240 00

,382,497 33

,601,562 52

, 580,875 00

,701,392 46

$200, 000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200, 000 00

100 , 000 00

100 , 000 00

100,000 00

100 , 000 00

254, 737 81

241,228 69

286. 140 70

338, 800 19

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .....................................

T ota ls .



45, 660 74
6 , 943


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ................................. i .................
D ividends un p a id .............................................................


10 , 600 00

625 00

625 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

359, 732 85

429,139 71

496,884 55

454,304 84

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

42,074 25

55,713 11

44, 363 03

41,136 52

5,172,128 42

5, 415,107 94

5, 353,153 35

5, 394, 590 13



T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S avin gs d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

2,081 47

6 , 938


6,423 49

C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and bankers.................* ......................

251,142 53

142.834 98

93. 284


169,764 75

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le ............................ .......................................
T ota ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

,382,497 33 $6,601,562 52

5,580, 875 00

6 , 701,392






No. 94.
Organized M arch 23, 1890.



A. P

a r k er

, P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n P r i d g e o n , J r ., V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; W
G e o r g e R . B e a r d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .


. E. R

e il l y

, C a s h ie r ;

A. A. Parker, J. E. Pittm an , J. H. McMillan, J. W . D ailey, C am eron Currie, Sid ney
T. Miller, John Pridgeon, Jr., G eorge M. H endrie, H erb ert M. F ield, Charles F. B ielm an,
L. C. W aldo.

i r e c t o r s .—

R esou rces.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..................

$337, 392 44

$347,262 05

$323,570 81

$319,796 77

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es

154,833 90

206,568 28

240, 241 96

265, 846 30

O v e r d r a fts......................................

247 18


12 42




Banking hou se
1, 265 80

1, 265 80

1, 265 80

1,265 80

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

6,829 14

6,855 53

6 , 855

8 , 330

D ue from banks in rese rv e c itie s —

107, 313 05

123,637 12

137,581 44

Furniture and fix tu r es............................



145, 804 41

D ue from o th er banks and bankers

1,142 23

1,362 87

2,474 87

1,093 15

E x ch a n g es for clearin g b o u se...........

4, 172 55

5,895 97

8 , 475


7,055 25

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

2, 365 03

3,978 18

3,226 71

2, 612 75

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

80 89

101 50

217 82

238 76

Gold co in ......................................................

10,125 00

1 1 ,2 2 0 00

14,790 00

15,025 00

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

3,895 70

2,150 65

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

12, 278 00

21,693 00

$641,940 91

9,499 10

6 , 890



16, 550 00

$732,094 63

$777,776 92

$790, 521 36

$100,000 00

$100,000 00

$ 100,000


$ 100,000

17,000 00

17,500 00



17, 500 00

1, 927 12

2,090 90

2, 884 82

7, 050 55

D ividend s un paid.............................................................

42 11

3, 000 00

112 68

79 65

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

220,297 51

256,596 03

270, 357 00

290, 936 98

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

25,765 00

25,366 70

25, 367 00

2,017 00

T o ta ls

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ........................................... ,...........................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f deposit
S a v in g s d e p o sits..................................................

227,194 97

257,491 37

297,222 84

302, 627 26

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.....................

39, 464 20

45, 982 80

54,332 58

57,229 12

Certified- c h e c k s ...................................................

250 00

13, 300 00

10 , 000 00

10,766 83

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

$641,940 91

$732, 094 63

$777,776 92

$790,521 36

1,839 38
1,241 42

C ash ier’s c h e ck s outstan ding
Due to banks and b a n k e rs...
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted
Bills p a y a b le .................................
T otals
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 9.


M . C u t c h e o n , P r e s i d e n t ; W m . L i v i n g s t o n e , G e o r g e H . B a r b o u r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t s ;
C . A . W a r r e n , C a s h ie r ; C . S . F l e m i n g , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r a n d A u d i t o r .

u l l iv a n

ir e c t o r s .

Organized April 5, 1884.


S . M. C utcheon, G eorge H. Barbour, J. L. Hudson, C. A. W arren, W illiam L ivingstone,
J a m es B. M cK ay, B eth u n e Duffield, M arshall H. G odfrey.

R eso u rces.

L oan s and d isc o u n ts..............................
S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s..........

R eport o f
F eb. 4.
$636, 655 65
1,062, 702


R eport of
Jun e 30.
$743, 702 58
1. 055, 554 72

O v e r d r a fts ..................................................

282 98

108 26
105, 000 00

B anking h o u s e ...........................................

636 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..........................

1, 000 00

O th er rea l e s t a t e .....................................

87, 312 67

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

474, 176 62

1,000 00

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.


$741,376 89

1, 039, 972 81

1,132, 238 02

105, 000 00

105,000 00



1, 000 00

87,323 05

379,184 01

410, 369 30

229, 905 37

732 00

51, 743 09

75, 067 25

752 06

E xch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se...........

135 35

15, 826 29

15, 537 56

29,954 40

C h eck s and ca sh ite m s ........................

922 78

853 12

1,741 21

7, 136 63

505 59

802 SO

178 67

365 79

Gold co in ......................................................

186 50

83,569 00

80,024 00

98, 595 00

S ilv er c o in .............................................

284 10

6,802 05

4,127 45

5,233 20

IJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

599 00

49,755 00

63, 093 00

57,186 00

2,527,132 12

2,580, 446 73

2, 611, 849


$200, 000 00

$200, 000 00

$200, 000


40,000 00

40, 000 00

40,000 00

40, 000 00
5,118 54

D ue frbm o th er banks and bankers

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................

T o t a ls ..


86 , 487

1 ,0 0 0 00


86 , 545

2, 496, 088


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in .................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$ 200,

000 00

16, 126 50

19,695 57

14,103 56

D ividends un p aid ........................................................

1,291 00

6,000 00

45 00

45 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...........

747, 229 65

687,550 19

637, 630 72

542,120 08

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.......
S avin g s d e p o sits..........................................................

1,407,116 01

1,534,419 23

1, 633,180 38

1,604,328 30

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............................

113,566 42

87,542 87

78, 468 35

95, 063 39

C ertified c h e c k s ....................... .'..............................

1,445 85

3,315 00

6 , 556

C ash ier’s c h e c k s ou tsta n d in g ................................

356 69

1,923 87

1,867 50


1,810 49
7, 602




D ue to banks and b a n k ers..................... .............
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ................................
B ills p a y a b le .................................................................
T o t a ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2.527,132 12

,580,446 73 $2,611,849






No. 5.
Organized F ebruary 3, 1883.



D ir



ecto rs


P r e s i d e n t ; C h a s . E . K a n t e r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t a n d C a s h ie r ;
P r e s id e n t, G e o . H . K i r c h n e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

L o u is


l it z

. S e c o n d V ic e

—C. E. K anter, John S. Gray, G eorge R. A ngell, L ouis Blitz, G eorge H. K irchner.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R esources.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$391,669 53

$537,721 69

$546,683 48

$557,742 84

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

385,926 19

395,615 32

403, 843 45

428,443 57

783 01

3,003 19

2, 800 74

O v e r d r a fts..............................................................

4, 688




Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es...................................


O ther rea l e s t a t e ..............................................

1, 500 00





11, 960 23

11,689 55

11,549 55

10.043 61

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

331, 733 92

212, 9C8 21

302,519 89

357, 547 98

D ue from oth er banks and ban kers........................

10,172 18

8.502 71

6 , 668 88

11,807 26

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

3, 382 48

6,249 60

4, 256 77

12,164 46

C h eck d ca sh ite m s ................................................

2,780 33

1,610 26

857 16

4, 995 15

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

349 72

240 10

219 67

177 42

64,602 50

‘ 65, 390 00

65,295 00

63,085 00

Gold co in ............................................................................
S ilv er c o in ...................................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

8,079 60

15, 494 50

12,216 75

4, 919 55

160, 252 00

65,856 00

98,891 00

71,242 00

$1,325,781 13 $1,457,302 34

$1, 528, 357 52

T o t a ls ...............................................................

C apital sto c k paid in....................................................
Surplus fu n d ..........................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$ 100 ,0 0 0


$ 100 , 000

$ 1 00,000


$100 000 00

9, 500 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

7,033 05

9, 215 31

12,435 34

15, 398 00

D ividends un paid.............................................................


3,000 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

233,561 55

238.200 76

245, 612 95

335, 338 81

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

19,026 81

7, 318 47

12,168 47

16,195 75

812,552 81

878,040 44

887,168 34

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin gs d e p o sits.............................................

893, 572


S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

39,596 80

8 , 495


13,180 29

960 00

71,510 93

176,736 95

156, 892 10

$1,373,191 69 $1,325,781 13 $1,457,302 34

$1,528,357 52

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers..........................................

151, 920 67

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ...................................................................
T o t a ls ..................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 90.
Organized D ecem b er 11, 1888.
J a m e s M cG

D ir

rego r

, P r e s i d e n t ; E d w i n F . C o n e l y , V ic e
P r e s i d e n t ; J . H . H a a s s , C a s h ie r ; W i .

e c t o r s .—

P r e s id e n t;
M c Cl e n a

C h a r l e s I.
h e n , A u d ito r .


a r r ell

, 2d

V ic e

J a m es M cGregor, C. I. Farrell, W . H. Ellis, L. Connor, Edw in F. Conely,
F red G uenther. Ralph Phelps, Jr., J. H. Haass.

R esources.

R eport o f ■ R eport o f
F eb . 4.
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oan s and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$756, 678 84

$749,718 07

$761,781 53

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

757, 662 25

930,727 91

946,584 70

1,039, 100 61

$787, 927

O verdrafts...........................................................................

821 41

42 00

310 09

978 22


Banking h o u se .................................................................

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

18, 500 00



18, 500 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................



30, 505 28

30,505 28

31.855 28


Due from hanks in r eserv e c it ie s ...........................

389,858 44

317,765 71

329,520 43



Due from o th er banks and bankers........................

2, 434 31

6,287 59

5, 766 89

6 , 008


E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

8,645 63

16,179 43

13,552 70

17, 344 29
251 17

C hecks and cash ite m s .................................................

1,695 28

356 60

673 82

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

149 81

1, 067 04

179 98

Gold co in ..............................................................................

25, 402 50

27,725 00



154 85
49, 050 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

9, 898 50

14, 833 25

15,850 00

2, 416 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

57,070 00

47. 992 00

40,379 00

54, 846 00

$2,190,184 42

$2, 310,151 98

$200 , 000

$200 , 000

T o ta ls ....................■...................................................... $2,050,279 83 $2,161,699


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current exp en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$2 0 0 ,0 0 0


35, 000 00
1,331 50

Dividends unpaid..............................................................

$2 0 0 ,0 0 0


37, 500 00
8 ,973




37,500 00

37,500 00

1,438 11

9, 7C9 74

6 ,0 0 0 00

377, 709 21

352,188 59

327, 282 59

371, 358 97

S a v in g s d ep o sits..............................................................

1,266,871 99

1,422, 924 32

1,488,686 90

1,567,904 03

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

86,511 63

70, 895 89

65, 526 35

72,861 31

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

13,237 99

12, 687 54

7, 925 46

3, 978 79

69,617 51

50, 529 93

61, 825 01

46,839 14

$2,190,184 42

$2, 310,151 98

C om m ercial d ep osits su b je c t to c h e ck ................
Demand com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...
T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ..................
Rills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................ $2,050,279 83 $2,161,699

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 161.
Organized May 18, 1893.


i r e c t o r s .—


n d er so n

, P r e s id e n t; H

e n r y



, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; E



m it h

, C a s h ie r .

G eorge A nderson, J. B. Book, S. C. S u tter, T hom as S . Jerom e, J am es H. M cDonald,
E noch Sm ith, H enry T. Phillips, H enry C ow ie, Geo. R. Shaw .

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

*384,532 25

$411,602 35

$416, 485 89

$448, 387 98

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

237, 376 57

262, 662 46

291,596 18

300,531 50

O v e r d r a fts .........................................................................

895 17

12 59

198 43

3, 261 29

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

4,101 27

10,829 31

10,917 64

10, 904 58

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

37,673 05

54,062 05

54, 443 06

51,955 49

Due from oth er banks and b an kers........................

779 24

626 52

515 22

298 24

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................

9, 687 53

8 , 946


7, 956 04

8,465 83

C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................

1,217 23

1,243 08

806 47

401 30

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

50 44

133 23

139 17

107 59

Gold co in ..............................................................................

18,552 50

20, 690 00

20, 825 00

21,415 00

Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s..................................................

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

450 50

550 00

700 00

700 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .................^.............

14, 995 00

9,088 00

15,590 00

10 , 100 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$710,310 75

$780, 426 04

$820,173 10

$856,528 80

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150, 000 00

$150, 000 00

7, 600 00

8 ,1 0 0 00

8 ,1 0 0 00

8 ,1 0 0 00

9, 410 58

6 , 835

11,239 52

10,794 29

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter ­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


D ividends un paid.............................................................

150 00

2, 850 00

50 00

50 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

143,066 39

154, 686 54

163,171 22

189,588 75

S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

297, 557 27

352, 723 87

371,008 63

388, 523 98

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

102, 126 51

105, 230 33

96, 488 40

79, 136 78

115 33

10. 335 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

20 , 000 00

$820.173 10

$856,528 80

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s outstan ding.....................................

400 00

D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

8710.310 75

$780,426 04






No. 4.
Organized O ctober 10, 1871.

H. B

u tle r

i r e c t o r s .—

, P r e s id e n t; W


. A. B

E. H. B utler, W m.


u tle r

, J



C a s h ie r ; F




u tle r

, A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

B utler, Jr., A llan Sheldon, F red E. B utler, H erb ert B ow en .

R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts....................................................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

$462, 482 50


R eport of
D ec. 2.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

$454,380 11

$434,050 05

$557,509 28

503, 400 48

491,305 25

491, 405 25
250 00

38,386 16

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

391 90

2, 240 55

986 59

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

54.213 30

43,063 46

41,063 46

7, 960 00

7, 960 00

7, 960 00

368,182 27

183,265 74

Prem iu m s......................................................... ....................

4, 942 50

D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s ............................

296,239 29

302, 449 74

D ue from oth er banks and ban kers........................

3, 642 41

4,597 50

4, 954 61

6 , 562 68

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................

9,423 20

6 , 613 68

7, 726 21

8,521 35

C h eck s and cash ite m s ................................................

549 05

666 66

1, 073 82

1, 355 07

54 87

98 99



80 83

5, 600 00



10,355 00

N ic k e ls and p e n ts...........................................................
Gold co in ..............................................................................



3,707 00

4,186 00

1,634 00

946 00

52, 956 00

52,370 00

37, 463 00

35, 039 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $1, 399, 752 90 $1,387,627 17 $1,398,969 14

$1, 341,636 36

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........................ .

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$100,000 00

$ 100,000 00





$100 , 000



$ 100 , 000


25, 000 00

5,233 78

2. 883 36

6,633 19

4, 054 33

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

454,232 28

439, 036 96

433,282 61

369, 571 42

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit—

1, 428 61

1,051 31

415 44

801,245 70

784, 077 49

783, 455 19

812,613 01

26, 055 78

21,937 70

23, 937 70

C ertified c h e c k s ........... ...............................................

5,724 12

550 00

17, 625 22

742 24

C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

282 28

2,606 90

2 00

12 00

D ue to banks and b an kers..........................................

6,606 13

D ividends un paid.............................................................


T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s its .........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................


10.617 79

1, 387, 627 17

1,398,969 14

6 , 365

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1, 399,752 90

1,341,636 36





No. 81.
Organized F ebruary 19, 1877.
George P



, P r e s i d e n t ; J n o . H . K a p l e , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C h
G e o . W il e y , A s s is ta n t T re a s u r e r .

a s,


m er so n

, T reasurer;

Jas. D. Standish, A. G. Lindsay, C laren ce M. Burton, H enry A. Cleland, Sim on J. Murphy,
John H. K aple, G eorge P e c k , Frank Crandell, C. C. Jenks, H o y t P o st, Chas. Em erson.

r u ste es—

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$294, 079 31

$357, 633 32

$368,323 29

$434, 230 55

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

846, 712 17

849,557 69

835, 641 03

856,660 71

O verdrafts....................................................

303 24

120 86

90 21

812 67

R esources.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

Banking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

2 , 000 00

2, 375 00

2,375 00

2, 375 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

59, 247 63

58, 530 90

66,128 07

66,128 07

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

311, 666 34

282, 313 23

304, 803 42

238.449 93

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

519 87

15,931 60

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

425 99

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
11,563 51

11,350 38


1, 031 98

922 16

147 96

32 69

58 82

38 28

Gold co in ......................................................

876 45

84,343 90

81, 352 50

85, 462 72

S ilver c o in ...................................................

434 90

1,424 50

489 70

1,032 95

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

473 00

27,570 00

34,484 00

33,882 00


$1,686 , 555 76

1, 706, 341 53

, 731, 345 42

$150, 000 00

$150,000 00

$150, 000 00

30, 000 00

30,000 00

30, 000 00

30, 000 00

17,951 14

19,862 79

20, 020 30

23, 374 59

'220, 347 22

269, 374 37

T o ta ls .

$1, 623,886

6 , 722

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ............................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter ­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ................................................
D ividends u n p a id ....................................... ...................

$150, 000


4,500 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ..............

194,144 19

250,879 02

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...

255 70

1,215 24

S avin g s d e p o sits.............................................................

1,080,604 04

1,130,255 75

1,197,972 14

1,168,025 53

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit...............................

119,426 73

89,072 62

82,669 39

83. 340 57

C ertified c h e c k s ............................................................

6,175 20

489 12

139 69

148 73

5,192 79

6,201 63

$1, 686 ,555 76 $1,706,341 53

1,731,315 42

877 00

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.........

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .................................
D ue to banks and bankers.........................................

3,494 54
25, 329




6 , 786 68

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ...................................
B ills p a y a b le .....................................................................
T o t a ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 15.
Organized A u gu st 27, 1887.
A. Chapo
D ir


, J


., P r e s i d e n t ; E . H . D o y l e , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; A l b e r t H . W e b b , 2 d
J . H . J o h n s o n , C a s h ie r ; J . A . L a t t a , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

. —E. O. Grosvenor, H. B eck er, F. H ow ard, M. Brennan, J. M. D w yer, A. Chapoton, Jr.,
S. W. Clarkson, A lb ert H. W ebb. E dw ard H. D oyle, John H. Johnson, C ornelius C orbett,
G eo. H. L esher, D. A. M acLaughlin, J. A. L a tta , J o sep h J. N oeker.

ec to rs

R esources.

L oan s and d is c o u n ts ..............................

R eport o f
F eb. 4.
$1, 516,469


R eport of
Jun e 30. *

$1, 470, 315 82 $1,628,398 48

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s..........

771,994 72

773, 704 48

O v erd ra fts....................................................

1,359 75

2, 275 75

B anking h o u se ............... A.........................



R eport of
S ep t. 7.

175, 000




395 76
175, 000


R eport of
D ec. 2.
$1, 677,077 77
701, 736


757 69
175, 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

1 1 ,0 0 0 00

1 1 ,0 0 0 00

1 1 ,0 0 0 00

1 1 ,0 0 0 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

58, 387 77

67, 33/ 26

71,373 53

65, 799 37

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

333,502 14

213,085 27

255,042 47

271, 240 21

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

24, 268 96

27, 798 28

60,199 62

51,736 63

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u s e .........

17, 700 57

20,574 71

18, 080 09

18,886 17

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

7.694 91

15,841 17

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................


G old c o in ......................................................
S ilv er c o in ..................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......
T o ta ls ....................................................


936 30

71,917 50

62,552 50

38,462 50


8 , 990


1 ,2 2 0 22

123, 325


4,160 22
637 37
51,210 00

19, 930






130, 526






$3,178, 993 89 52, 990,877 54

, 338, 775 77

3,150,619 31

C ap ital s to c k paid in ......................................................

$300, 000 00

$300,000 00

$300,000 00

$300, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s paid ....................................................

100,000 00


60, 000

60, 000

8,816 62


33, 559 27


33,343 33


13, 999 96

D ividends u n p a id ............... .............................................

336 00

14 50

46 50

C om m ercial d ep osits su b je c t to c h e ck ................

774,853 11

633,334 78

1,112,165 30

948,000 75

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....

6,045 48

4, 473 96

10, 623 45

4. 774 01

S a v in g s d ep o sits..............................

720,649 75

782, 849 82

811,370 53

839,829 41

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f deposit.

179,758 28

165,252 21

122, 427 30

130,218 00

C ertified c h e c k s ..............................

3, 363 56

26,132 62

8,852 19

3,261 90

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.............

4, 000 00

C ashier’s c h e c k s o utstan ding ..
D ue to banks and b an kers.........

1, 085, 171 09

985,260 38

875,947 17

850, 535 28

3,178, 993 89

2,990, 877 54

3,338,775 77

3,150,619 31

N o te s and bills r e d isc o u n te d ...
Bills p ayab le.
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 52.
Organized January 1, 1872.

W . O ’B

r ie n

, P r e s id e n t; F . A . S

c h ulte

R. W .


. V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; O . E . L
, A u d ito r .

a w so n

, C a s h ie r ;

m y l ie

—F. F. Palm s, G eo. E. L aw son, M. W. O’Brien, F. A. S ch u lte, Geo. H. Barbour, J e r e ­
m iah Dyer, C laren ce C arpenter, C. A. D ucharm e, F red T. Moran, Chas. L. Palm s, Sigm ond
R othschild.

ir e c t o r s .

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..................., .........

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

$2. 628, 094 53 $2, 955, 645 35 $3, 200, 949 75

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$3, 263, 732 74

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es...........

3,232,286 69

3, 236, 483 16

3, 308, 654 09

3, 282, 337 82

O verd rafts....................... .........................

9, 567 46

1,914 13

4,306 71

2,452 79

B anking h o u s e ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 000 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

169,527 48

185, 963 47

187,533 71

201,889 19

P r e m iu m s....................................................

15,295 00

14,295 00

14,295 00

14,295 00

D ue from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ...

1,159,667 74

1.004,770 28

825,127 02

812, 009 60

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

15, 463


35,772 74

24,563 87

27,061 97

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

67, 404 50

67, 660 36

78, 145 19

62, 960 40

C hecks and cash ite m s .........................

3,417 16

2, 907 29

543 40

3, 682 48

N ic k e ls and c e n ts ...................................

394 51

459 39

491 87

421 58

Gold co in ......................................................

235,320 00

217,470 00

212,017 50

206, 832 50

S ilver c o in ..................................................

8,691 50

10, 876 00

13,882 50

14,342 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

282.827 00

209, 084 00

203,185 00

151,628 00

$7, 833, 957 23 $7,949,301 17 $8 , 079,695 61

$8 , 049. 676 07

T o t a ls ....................................................

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$500, 000 00

$500,000 00

$500, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id .................•....................................

125,000 00

125. 000 00

125,000 00

28,313 51

30, 779 91

63,123 94

D ividends u n p a id ........................................................ .

$500, 000 00
125, 000


107,181 12

330 00

15, fOO 00

30 00

C om m ercial dep osits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

829,211 33

918,296 76


1,028, 032 82

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit__

10, 249 69

64,299 16

7,468 12

14,231 06

S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

4,911,438 04

5,221, 688 49

5, 266,263 37

5,275,178 29

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

556, 154 28

452,236 25

573,712 17

538,681 59


8,124 91

4, 572 29

615,181 13

654, 484 04

’ 456, 798 90

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $7,833, 957 23 $7,949,301 17 $8,079, 695 61

$8,049, 676 07

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................



6 , 819

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban k ers..........................................

863,038 58

N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 7.
Organized O ctober 24, 1883.
H. R u s s e l P r e s i d e n t : R u f u s
E. W i n g a n d H. P. B o r g m a n ,



W . G i l l e t t , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ) R . S . M a s o n , C a s h ie r ; A
A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r s ; E u g e n e A. S u n d e r l i n , A u d i t o r .

u s t in

—G eorge H. R ussell, R obert S. Mason, H ugh McMillan, H enry R ussel, H enry B. L edyard,
R ussell A. A lger, W. H. E lliott, H enry M. Campbell, R. W. G illett, W m. C. M cMillan, Chas. L.
F reer, Frank J. H ecker, P e te r W hite, Truman H. N ew b erry, H enry C. P o tte r , Jr.

ir e c t o r s .

R esources.

R eport o f
F e b . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...................................................... $2,766,907 48 $3,161, 472 47 $3,599,541 45
S to ck s, bonds a n d ,m o r tg a g e s...................................

2,040,527 07

2, 582, 898 69

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

4,401 41

3, 445 87

2, 674, 723 55

R eport of
D ec. 2 .
$3, 806, 003


2,607, 957 43

5,794 48

3,133 61

175. 000 00

175, 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

5, 000 00

7, 000 00

7, 000 00

6 , 000 00

O ther r ea l e s t a te .............................................................

222,747 03

226. 685 43

51,923 01

58,436 58

903, 333 40

722, 052 21


88 , 768 68

239, 006 64

146, 206 99

196,971 78

91,180 43

51,712 15

71,381 08

7, 548 54

4, 789 77

8,150 87

10,112 74

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

399 08

588 02

176 51

281 49

Gold co in ................. ;...........................................................

143,315 00

172, 078 00

205, 653 50

223, 299 31

Due from banks in r eserv e c itie s ...........................

1, 263,126 41

Due from o th er banks and b a n k e rs........................

59, 225 47

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................



S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

18,820 25

28,914 10

31,132 85

13,039 90

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s .................................

347,781 00

312, 365 00

211,273 00

130,813 00


$7,983,140 25

$8,108, 707 67


$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500, 000 00

150. 000 00

100 , 000 00

100 , 000 00

100 . 000 00

61, 667 80

15,415 31

21,779 95

22,714 19

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $7,076, 770 52 $7,583, 519

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current exp en ses, inter■est and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$200 , 000

12 00

C om m ercial d ep osits su b je c t to c h e c k ............... 2,267,083 18

2, 273, 8 S6


2,332,305 19

2,516, 650 92

D em and com m ercial cer tific a te s o f d e p o s it.......

8,636 50

6 , 010


5,099 75

26, 885 00

Savin gs d ep o sits...............................................................

2, 330, 271 51

2, 747,165 45

2, 916, 084 07

3, 005, 375 81

794,268 16

680, 630 22

761, 663 31

704,348 80

7,201 10

4,944 50

74,824 47

1,893 52

C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

8,232 69

41,587 99

34,271 24

36,236 62

Due to banks and b a n k e r s ..........................................

1,249,397 58

1,213,868 93

1,234,112 27

1,194,602 81

$7,983,140 25

$8,108,707 67

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $7, 076,770 52 $7, 583,519
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 6.
Organized S e p tem b e r 18, 1871.
C h a s . F. C o l l i n s , P r e s i d e n t ; b .
A l f r e d K. K e i f e r , T r e a s u r e r ;

ir e c t o r s

.— D.

M. F e r r y , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; W m . S.
E. H. C o l l i n s , A s s i s t a n t T r e a s u r e r ;

G r e e n , 2 d V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;
W m . A. M o o r e , A t t o r n e y .

M. Ferry, Chas. F. Collins, W m. A. M oore, W m. S. Green, E. H. Flinn,
H. K. W hite, J. B. Book, A . L. S tep h en s, F. H. Croul.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...................................................... $1,463,580 74 $1,543, 172 00 $1, 541,452 99

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$1, 539, 208 55

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

5,226,203 45

5,441,012 98

5, 586, 861 02

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

2,821 80

3, 158 49

30 11

30 11

B anking h o u se .................... r ...........................................

187,087 60

187, 087 60

187,087 60

187, 087 60

5, 635,495 94

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................
O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

132,045 48

140, 895 46

122, 401 67

130,511 39

Due from banks in reserv e c it ie s ............................

1,449,790 01

1,241,038 39

1. 171,501 38

1,150.172 77

26,442 11

15,096 36

58,130 30

D ue from oth er banks and bankers........................
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s ..................................... - .........

15, 115


N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

226 43

Gold co in ..............................................................................

198, 235 00



153 77

114 26

219,345 00

227, 367 50

218,040 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

9, 499 35

11,914 25

13,619 15

13,841 85

U . S and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

213,148 00

201,209 00

177,526 00

189, 985 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $8 , 897,753 54 $9,015, 500 96 $9,043, 097 55

$9,122,617 77

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id .............................................. . ..

150, 000 00

150,000 00

150, 000 00

150,000 00

386,900 46

367,732 10

346, 614 04

366, 683 27

S a v in g s d e p o sits....... ........................................................ 7, 216, 897 85

$150, 000 00

Dividends un p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit—
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
7,566, 250 58

7, 675, 847 12

7.841,423 45

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

993,695 83

778,518 28

716,858 81

614,172 76

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

259 40

3, 000 00

3,717 58

338 29

T o t a ls ............................................................................. $8.897, 753 54 $9, 015,500 96 $9, 043, 097 55

$9,122, 617 77

C ashier’s c h e ck s outstan ding ..................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le ........................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






D . M . F e r r y , P r e s i d e n t ; W . 0 . M e M e d i a n , F i r s t V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A . E . F . W h i t e , S e c o n d V ic e P r e s . id e n t; E l w o o d T . H a n c e , S e c r e ta r y a n d T r e a s u r e r ; H o w a r d J . L e s s e r , A s s is ta n t S e c r e ta r y .

DIRECTORS.—W. H. E lliott, S. D. Miller. H. B. Ledyard, Geo. H. Barbour, W . C. McMillan, D. W h it­
ney, Jr., D. M. F erry, H ugh McMillan, F. W . H ayes, Sim on J. Murphy, Geo. H. Hopkins,
A. E. F. W hite, C harles Stinchfield, J a m e s D. Standish, J am es McMillan, E lw ood T. H an ce
U. A. D ucharm e, H enry R ussel, T. H. N ew b erry, E llio tt T. Slocum , F. H. H eck er, Wm. C. Y aw key, H. A . Conant.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

C olla tera l lo a n s—tim e .................................................... $ 1, 0 1 2 ,2 2 2


R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

$1, 622, 597 76 $1, 548,147 49

R eport o f
D ec. 2.
$1,513,295 00

C ollateral lo a n s—d em a n d ............................................

79, 700 94

168,138 40

477, 870 47

L oans on rea l e s t a te m ortgages, in o ffic e .........
L oans on rea l e s t a te m ortgages, w ith s ta te
tr e a su re r ..........................................................................

563, 297 85

597. 453 30

587. 314 21

569,401 44

2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

200 . 000 00

200 , 000 00

2 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

O ther lo a n s ........................................................................

134,091 43

72, 394 58

51,469 67

35, 735 08

Ronds, in o ffic e .................................................................

94,182 00

107, 182 00

155, 994 50

220,619 50

239, C00 00

525, 266 99

Bonds, w ith s ta te treasu rer.........................................
S to c k s ....................................................................................

239,000 00

239, 000 00

239, 000 00

R ea l e s t a te o w n e d .........................................................

10,045 35

29,591 78

29, 732 36

33,591 78

O ther in v e stm e n ts...........................................................

134,125 00

134,125 00

134,125 00

134, 125 00


38, 924 60

61,016 94

61,038 20

3, 007 OS

2,856 71

4, 444 76

5,286 52

Due from o th er banks and bankers........................

54, 491 05

269,131 81

78,202 76

133.657 23

C ash ite m s ..........................................................................

5, 227 24

5,326 26

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

4 16

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

64 55

A d v a n c e s to tru sts.........................................................


P rem ium s paid...................................................................
S a f e d ep o sit v a u lts.........................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................
Due from approved rese rv e a g e n ts........................

8 , 073


12, 424 40


4 63

4 58

52 40

84 35

32 80


Gold c o in ..............................................................................

125 00

125 00

150 00

110 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

4, 254 00

5,136 00

3, 510 00

4,206 00

T o t a ls ................................................................................ $2,567,899 61 $3,492, 043 63 $3,579. 170 76

$3, 687,794 52

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$500, 000 00

$500,000 00

$500,000 00

$500. 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss ex p en ses, in ter e st and
ta x e s paid........................................................................

54, 000 00

54, 000 00

56. 000 00

56, 000 00

53,931 51

72,241 00

52,067 71

44, 039 84

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
T rust d e p o s its ...................................................................

308,144 08

439,184 77

332,487 52

348,519 35

D eb en tu res..........................................................................

1,592,215 13

2, 398, 336 55

2. 631,123 44

2, 735,763 03

O ther lia b ilitie s.................................................................

59,608 89

28,281 31

7, 492 09

3, 472 30

T o t a ls ......... :................................................................. $2, 567, 899 61 $3, 492,043 63 $3, 579,170 76

$3,687,794 52

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 157.
O rganized A pril 22, 1893.

D ir

hom as


ir k e t t

e c t o r s .—


, P r e s i d e n t ; E. F. C h a s e , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; E.
G . S . F r a n c i s c o , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

Thom as B irk ett, E. F. Chase, G eorge B en ton,
W. D . Sm ith, J. T. H ovey.

R esources.

R eport of
Feb. 4.




r pe n ter

EL V an Riper,

R eport Of
June 30.

, C a s h ie r ;


R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

L. Jenny,

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oan s and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$45, 280 00

$29, 650 91

$32,210 31

$35, 386 83

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

39,642 97

45,752 97

51,352 97

47,172 80

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

1 89

27 60

1 00



Banking h o u s e ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1,400 58

1, 400 58

1,400 58

1, 400 58

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

1, 964 83

2,084 40

2, 084 40

3, 977 44

Due from banks in reserv e c it ie s ......... ..................

19, 346 94

Due from o th er banks and ban k ers........................


37,140 76

26, 608 99

11,924 80


32 75

143 37

32 75

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

45 15

159 57

52 92

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

47 42

91 80

121 40

63 93

Gold co in .......................... *..................................................

815 00

340 00

895 00

520 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

734 30

347 05

192 20

371 55

U . S. and N a tio n al bank n o t e s ................................

1, 386 00

2, 850 00

1, 519 00

2, 829 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$110,738 74

$119,878 39

$116,582 14

$103,704 36

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................... ..........................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1, 500 00

1, 500 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 , 000 00

3,730 96

5,702 04

4,172 80

5, 125 92


D ividends un paid..............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

26,852 11

26, 226

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it........

22,111 94

21,797 09

18,041 46

14, 513 36

S a v in g s d ep o sits........................................................

37,803 74

46,104 08

39, 915 96

33,266 36

3, 739 99

3,548 52

4. 500 04

4, 504 97

$110,738 74

$119,878 39

$116,582 14

$103, 704 36




29, 293 75

D em and c o m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 28.
Organized M arch 19, 1887.

W . L

y le

i r e c t o r s .—

, P r e s id e n t;

N. F.

C h o a t e , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; I.


G a g e , C a s h ie r .

N elso n F. C hoate, Frank W . L yle, John L yle, I. B. G age, Oliver L yle.
R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$153,067 13

$189, 004 47

$161,635 30

$165, 936 94

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

13, 575 00

24,140 00

23, 790 00

37, 974 00

O verdrafts...........................................................................

5,324 19

3,864 50

5, 427 59

7, 695 09

R esources.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

B anking h o u se .............................................................. ..
Furniture and fix tu r e s ......... . ...................................

6,765 57

6,765 57

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

16, 937 05

16, 937 05

16, 937 05

6 , 765


14,384 00

D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s ...........................

55, 989 02

33,186 40

38,991 23

30, 898 51

6 , 765


Due from o th er banks and bankers........................
996 11

1,019 54

2, 963 77


2 ,2 2 2 22

2,249 77

1,295 36

N ick els and c e n t s ...........................................................

72 77

145 30

81 09

Gold co in ..............................................................................

10,315 00

11,730 00

10, 700 00

E xch a n g es for clearin g h ou se...................................

2,122 25

C hecks and ca sh it e m s ................................................

6 , 626



9,615 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,729 70

1, 919 00

2,347 00

595 00

XJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

10,071 00

12, 729 00

10,113 00

9, 449 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$282,595 53

$303, 639 62

$280,057 14

$287,610 12

L iabilities.
Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
est. and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends unpaid

$60, 000



12 , 000 00

550 69







1 2 ,0 0 0 00

12 , 000 00

1 2 ,0 0 0 00

5,361 76

1, 439 70

1,980 91


C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

43, 849 19

64, 529 62

45,931 13

47, 013 04

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it......

166,^95 65

161,748 24

160, 686 31

166,616 14

$282,595 53

$303 639 62

$280,057 14

$287,610 12

rpirf|e eom m ercial c e r tific a te s o f deposit. . . .
Savin gs d ep o sits


S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f deposit,
C ertified Checks



C ashier's c h e ck s outstan ding
Due to banks and bankers


N o te s and bills red iscoun ted ...................................
B ills payab le


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 142.
Organized S ep tem b e r 26, 1892.


E. L


, P r e s id e n t; M . J . H

ow e,

V ic e

P r e s id e n t; W


. Cl

u te

, C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Byron J. Corbin, C. F. E. L ong, W illiam Clute, M. J. H o w e, Geo, J. S h a efer ,

W . C. Palm er, Geo. W. Hurd.
R eport of
F eb. 4.

R esou rces.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

Tjoaris a.nd d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$44, 215 90

$52,171 40

$56,504 19

$63,438 52

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

9, 715 47

10,315 47

12,715 47

12,615 47

O verdrafts...........................................................................

3,124 59

507 50

2, 437 77

3,290 39

Banking h o u se ...................................................................

2, 561 53

2,561 53

2.561 53

2,561 53

Furniture and fix tu r e s ................................... .. ............

1,344 00

1, 344 00

1,344 00

1,344 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

44 50

44 50

44 50

44 50

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

37,871 91

40, 342 91

30,914 59

14,596 67

Due from o th er banks and bankers........................

106 44

187 26

662 93

130 39

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h ou se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

72 15

53 95

55 96

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................



57 30

79 43

135 90

Gold co in ..............................................................................

2, 705 00

3, 017 50

3, 000 00

2, 875 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

265 00

214 05

187 50

491 45

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2, 705 00

2,113 00

1 , 602 00

2, 496 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$104,820 41

$112,930 37

$112,109 87

$104, 026 05

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................








D ividends u n p a id .............................................................


2, 355 10


2, 667 10


2.859 15



3,010 08

100 00

50 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .............

25, 423 30

24,869 84

17. 143 25

1 1 ,2 2 0 66

Dem and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

61,342 01

69, 743 43

76. 507 47

74,195 31

$104,820 41

$112.930 37

$112,109 87

$104,026 05

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
Savin gs d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier's c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and ban kers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 205.
Organized A ugust

uth er

D i r e c t o r s .—


o u c k s,



P r e s i d e n t ; O . H. O b e r t , V i c e P r e s i d e n t : J.
E r n e s t T . S i d n e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .




, C a s h ie r ;

L uth er Loueks, O. H. Obert. Frank C. Gale, N . P. Leland, B en jam in G eer, A. Derham ,
O. B. Hibbard, W . L. Scribner, R. Rathbun, P. D. Brow n.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$38,895 06

$30,171 14

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

5,183 46

9,171 00

R eport of
S ep t. 7.
$41,080 75


R eport of
D ec 2.
$51,403 34
15,641 00

11 76
Banking h o u s e ...................................................................

5, 500 00

5. 500 00

5.500 00

5,500 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1, 500 00





Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

4, 985 91



nnp f r o m o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

831 41


10,266 19
1. 101


5, 336 60


1,721 31

1,547 03

FiNobanges for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

584 90

827 94

859 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

15 15

54 78

55 31

70 82

Gold c o in ..................... ......................................................

425 00

972 50

1,540 00

1,285 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a ls .................................................... .......................

1,850 00

1,150 00


3,813 00

3,226 00

$63, 746 48

$72, 478 79

$79, 638 63


$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

100 00
6 ,557


320 00
6 . 609


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current exp en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

150 00



87 25



425 71

435 97

11 01

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

5,041 00

4, 884 39

4,289 04

D em and com m ercial cer tific a te s o f d ep osit —

24, 478 00

31,509 04

40,666 53

43,960 45

4.145 11

9, 924 35

9,445 81

9, 713 39

D ividends un paid.............................................................

1 000 00
6 , 072


T im e co m m ercial cer tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and bankers...........................................

646 40

3, 058




N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .....................................................................

4, 000 00

T o ta ls ............................................................................

$63, 746 48
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$72, 478 79

$79, 638 63





No. 124.
Organized O ctober 5, 1891.


ir e c t o r s .

C. F a




, P r e s id e n t; C

h a r i .e s

H. S

a y r e

, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; F . N . C o

Sa y re, F. N. Conn, Lynds L . Conn, D .
Thom as C ooling.

R esources.


R eport of
F e b 4.

n n

, C a s h ie r .

S ayre, R obert C. Fair, Geo. N . S u fe r t

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$47.601 96

$46, 354 96

$43, 773 39

$49,445 38

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

22,045 06

22,811 42

25,585 42

31,167 97

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

87 32

531 32

4 02

99 09

Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix t u r e s ..................................................

1,811 50

1,811 50

1,811 50

1,811 50

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

6 . 776


5, 576 44

6,426 44

6,426 44

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

15,494 45

14,547 11

32, 094 29

33, 649 70

Due from o th er banks and ban kers........................

1,239 30

103 42

650 20

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

441 32

75 65

1,096 03

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

168 31

247 94

313 03

64 25

Gold co in ..............................................................................

2,670 00

3, 567 50

5. 450 00

3, 455 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1 ,8 6 8 10

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

6 , 729

T o t a ls ............................................................................

196 39

1,170 40

3, 045 30

1,259 40

10.990 00

5, 747 00

5,665 00


$125,346 42

$133, 890 32

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

750 00

750 00

750 00

750 00

756 26

£49 61



1,282 28


$106,932 76


C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep osits su b je c t to c h e ck ................

24, 155 89

13. 320 87

24,525 27

20,764 14

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

39, 098 91

44, 086 69

49,590 44

57, 536 97

17,171 70

23,995 69

25,210 11

28, 537 57

84 80

50 00

19 36

$125, 346 42

$133.890 32

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ............................ .*.................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g.....................................
Due to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .................! ..................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$106. 932 76








No. 53.
Organized July 22, 1884.

D ir



ec to rs



r b in

. —J o sep h

, P r e s id e n t;

H. P. W e b s t e r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; H. H.
E. S. H a r r i s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .


a m il t o n

, C a s h ie r ;

Carr, H. P. W eb ster, E. S. Harris, H. H. H am ilton, E. P. Knapp, J. M. Corbin,
H enry C. Minnie, I. N. R eynolds, B. S. Harris.
R eport of
D ec. 2.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L ea n s iiinil d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$132,853 16

$134,642 40

$134,250 23

$131,289 69

S to c k s bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

51,887 50

61,361 67

74,052 13

76, 046 60

O verdrafts...........................................................................

2, 640 83

1,724 40

1,421 35

1,902 19

Hanking h o u se ...................................................................

5,500 00

5, 500 00

5, 500 00

5, 500 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

975 00

975 00

975 00

975 00

Hue from banks in reserv e c it ie s ............................

16, 393 08

11,511 74

6,780 90

2,984 97



1,529 40

926 64

R esou rces.

Due from o th er banks and bankers
E x ch a n g e s for cleaning house

223 61

C hecks and ite m s , r............................................

1,768 15

2,786 29

231 07

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

153 05

21 03

12 52

5 08

field co in ..............................................................................

3, 842 50

4,212 50

4,557 50

5, 455 00

S ilv er coin...................................... ....................................
TT S and N ation al bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a ls ............................................................................

500 00

700 00

100 00

656 00


11,756 00

$236,308 43

$239,404 34

$238,794 14

$75,000 00


9, 344 00

$225,779 15

$75, 000 00

6 , 899

8 , 597

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$75,000 00

$75, 000 00


1 2 ,0 0 0 00

12 , 000 00

5, 854 75

2,989 76

5,297 16

Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t a,nd ta x e s p a id ......................................................


"Dividends unpa,id.........................................•....................



37 23

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

38,168 41

35,361 01

33.562 73

22,844 93

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

97,608 18

108, 524 45

107, 660 98

116,667 50

D ue to banks and ba.nkers.. ..

3,122 12

1,975 80

Hills p a y a b le ......................................................................

5,000 00

5, 000 00

$239, 404 34

$238,794 14


3,319 70
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





30 99

C ashier's c h e ck s o utstan ding

T o t a ls ............................................................................


$225,779 15

$236,308 43





No. 193.
Organized April 5, 1897.



W . P

f e if l e h

i r e c t o r s .— J

n o .. W .

, P r e s id e n t; F it e d e r ic
P r e s id e n t; E d w




, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; S h
A . R u n d e l l , C a s h ie r .


erm an

P feifler, F red erick Neff, Sherm an N eff, E dw ard
R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eso u rces.


R eport of
June 30.



, Second

V ic e

Rundell, H enry J. Burch,
R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2. ■

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$8,026 73


$12,485 38

$12,145 35

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

16, 312 20

20,339 18

24,206 72

24,637 51

371 04

309 82

353 54

498 36

1,776 24

1,776 24

1, 776 24

1,776 24

922 91

922 91

922 91

922 91

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

17, 865 39

18, 275 20

13, 324 30

5,192 45

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k e r s......................

214 92

4,235 98

O verdrafts....................................................................
B anking h o u se ................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ...............................................


O ther real e s t a te .............................................................

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se ...................................



7, 680 93

47 65

C hecks and cash ite m s..............................................

58 13

18 52

47 23



N ic k e ls and c e n t s ......................................................

47 50

19 81

4 84



1,812 50

1, 752 50

1,917 50

Gold co in ...............................................................
S ilv er c o in ............................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a ls ............................................................

2,017 50

643 50

467 50

547 50

3,100 00

4,075 t0

3,156 00

4, 027 00

$51,151 06

$63,511 99

$64, 449 84

$59, 802 84

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

494 41

740 96

702 47

1. 169 62

12, 355 96

21,513 61

18,510 63

11,876 83

1,353 00

825 00

200 00



C apital sto c k paid in...........................................
Surplus fu n d ............................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ............................................
D ividends u n p a id ....................................
C om m ercial dep osits su b je c t to c h e c k .........
D em and com m ercial c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
Tim e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S a v in g s d e p o s its .......................... ..............

2, 603 96

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit..............................



2,761 52

2, 608 04

19,343 73

22, 728 22

27, 275 22

29, ¡48 35

$51,151 06

$63,511 99

$64, 449 84

$59, 80,2 84

C ertified c h e c k s ................................
C ashier’s c h e c k o u tsta n d in g .............................
Due to banks and bankers.....................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ......................
B ills p a y a b le ...........................................

T o t a ls .................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 129.
Organized January 20, 1892.
R. W . B


D ir e c t o r s .—

P r e s i d e n t ; M i l t o n B. L a n g ,
P r e s i d e n t ; F.

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; H o r a t i o
M o o r e , C a s h ie r .



e w is

, Second

V ic e


H oratio B. L ew is, M. B. Lang, R. W . B agot, Frank B. M oore, B enj. R. M oore, H arry
Hirshberg, J. H. M cLane.

R esources.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

817,272 75

$49,692 98

$42, 709 52

$53,891 28:

S to c k s bends a,nd m o r tg a g e s ...................................

25,341 90

27,841 90

26,249 41

30,109 98

O verdrafts ........................................................................

17 32

1 41

2,589 52

483 36

F lim it l i r e and fix tu r e s ..................................................

2,149 52

2,149 52

2,149 52

2,149 52

Due from banks in r eserv e c itie s ..........................

12 , 086 01

9,986 37

21,196 84

13, 049 92

Due from o th er banks and bankers........................

61 69

218 85

324 27

5, 870 70

160 24

128 37
3, 890 00




981 02’

E x ch a n g es for clearin g house
C hecks and cash ite m s................................................

64 37

73 92

208 83

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

1,817 50

1,842 50

3, 355 00

N ic k e ls and c e n ts

883 28

................................................... .............

716 65

636 35

737 40

601 25

TvTn.tional bank n o te s .................................

943 00

3,484 00

1, 969 00

3, 169 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$90, 794 98

$101,798 50

$101,789 14

$109,336 98

C apital sto c k pa,id in......................................................

$35, 000 00

$35, 000 00

$35, 000 00

$35, 000 00

Surplus fu n d ............................ .........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, interesf. and t,a,xes pa,id......................................................

550 00

550 00

550 00

550 00

407 99

1,708 67

1,839 47

2, 656 72

S ilv er coin




L iabilities.

77 01

17 14

17 14

17 14

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

22, 099 05

24, 908 02

22.455 65

25, 890 45

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

19, 866 42

24, 850 72

25, 760 16

27,277 07

Sa.vings d e p o sits...............................................................

12, 794 51

14, 763 95

16,166 72

17,945 60

$90, 794 98

$101,798 50

$101,789 14

$109,336 98

D ividends unpa,id ...........................................................

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f dep osit

T o t a ls ............................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 152.
O rganized F ebruary 17, 1893.
V . R. D a
D ir

ec to rs—

v y

, P r e s id e n t;


W . Ma tth

V. E. L a cy , V. R. D avy,

ew s,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;



. R o g e r s , C a s h ie r .

H. R ose, W m . R ogers, J. W . M atth ew s, J. S. Edw ards,
E. Brandeberry.


R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.........................

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t 7.


$56, 364 14

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es___

16,310 26

18,792 42

21 , 806


O v erd ra fts.............................................

564 65

226 83



3, 790


B anking h o u se ......................................




Furniture and fix tu r es.....................



1 ,2 0 0 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e ...............................



Due from banks in r ese rv e c itie s

18,834 67




$63, 609 43

1 ,2 0 0 00



R eport o f
D ec. 2.
$63,193 26


208 46


1 ,2 0 0 00



17,069 52

9,243 79

12,019 63

105 25

1,707 12

1,061 06

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

353 47

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

32 60

Gold co in ......................................................

1,543 60

S ilv er c o in ...................................................
IT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ..........
T o ta ls.



97 43

79 21

1, 958 60

1, 778 60

1,967 60

1,294 55

1,210 45

575 20

1,357 00

2,111 00


$93,817 02

728 35


1, 179 00

$103,236 33

$104,931 30

$107,278 23

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

5, 000 00

5,000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

408 32

772 26

1, 053 94

2,031 96

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in .................
Surplus fu n d ..................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current e x p e n ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id .................................................
D ividends un paid............................................................





C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ..............

29, 693 80

25, 714 89

24, 696 03

22,469 55

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...

12, 498 04

14, 593 94

14,352 14

17, 361 94


41,975 24

39,649 19

40, 414 78

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

$104,931 30

$107,278 23

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits.............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit....... ........................
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
Due to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3,817 02

$103,236 33






No. 215.
Organized Jun e 1, 1899.

h ancy


ic h a r d s ,

W .
D ir


ec to rs.

P r e s i d e n t ; G e o r g e L. D h t c h e r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ;
H u t c h i n s o n , A s s i s ta n t C a s h ie r ; L e o n a r d S . D i c

—C hancy Richards, J. E . H utchinson, L eon ard
G eorge L. D utcher.

R esources.

R eport o f


J. E.
k in s o n

H u t c h in s o
, A u d ito r .


, C a s h ie r ;

D ickinson, John P ieter s,

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.


L oans and discounts

87, 887 99

R eport of
D ec. 2.


S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es
O v e r d r a fts..............................................................

1 15

157 47

194 81

B anking h o u s e ......................................................

6 , 000 00

6 , 000 00

6 , 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s......................................

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e ................................................
Books, sta tio n er y and current ex p en ses,
D ue from hanks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...........

254 24

365 17

4,717 22

12,070 25

6 , 506


D ue from o th er hanks and h a n k ers........
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se....................



497 55

C h eck s and ca sh ite m s ...............

461 59

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ..........................

58 33

25 42

14 09

G old co in .............................................

340 00

710 00

465 00


S ilv er c o in .........................................

148 00

74 OO

763 00

TJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o tes

4,256 00

885 00

3, 940 00

824,185 50

830,241 32

830, 465 06

C apital s to c k paid in ......................................................

$15,000 00

815,000 00


Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

........... \

T o ta ls

L iabilities.


*217 58

*399 75

579 18

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

7, 253 99

8.420 15

6 , 540 86

C om m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit........................

1,713 93

6.421 42

8 , 345

$24,185 50

$30,241 32

D ividends un p aid ..............................................................


S a v in g s d ep o sits............................................................. .
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ........................................................... a — .
T o ta ls .............................................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$30,465 06





No. 209.

O rganized O ctober 1, 1898.

H. B.
D ir


a to urette

e c t o r s .—

, P r e s id e n t;

E. C.



, V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

E. M.


ew ell

, C a s h ie r .

H. B. L a to u r e tte , E. C. F o rte, E. M. N e w e ll. L. M. Cook, Zera P atterson .

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ept. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$3 7 , 004 65

$46,876 12

$41,555 97

$33,135 54

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

10, 204 32

33,119 53

48,391 64

48, 845 75

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

52 fiS

B anking b o u se .................................................................

4,0 0 0


4,000 00

8 , 000 00

8 , 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1 , 000 00

1 .0 0 0 00

2 , 000 00

2 , 000 00

18, 063 61

7, 273 28

4,314 38

10,914 63

170 45

187 58

O ther real e s t a t e ...................: ........................................
D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................
D ue from oth er banks and bankers........................

623 22

E xch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ..................................... .....

152 37

372 67

47 72

29 25


Gold c o i n .....................................................................

992 50

895 00

1 ,0 2 0 00

S ilv er c o in ...........................................................

254 50

582 45



2, 970 00

9,158 00

6 , 684


$74, 689 67

$103,982 20

$112,904 50

$113,441 62

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ........................................................, .

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ..............................
T o ta ls .....................................................................


64 52


317 60
8 , 796


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in..............................................
Surplus fu n d ..................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id .......................................



350 15

923 28

1,072 80

D ividends un p a id ..................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

17,064 49

23, 668 23

23,693 22

26, 042 25

3, 565 51

5,564 03

3, 094 22

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...

S av in g s d ep o sits................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit........................




T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
28,034 79

49, 399 79

60,193 78

54,941 35

$103,982 2C

$112,904 50

$113,441 62


C ertified c h e c k s .........................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ............................
Due to banks and bankers..................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted ..........................
Bills p a y a b le ....................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$74, 689 67






No. 101.
Organized A ugust 4, 1890.
U . J . W h a l e y , P r e s i d e n t ; G e o . W . B u c k in g h a m , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; H . C. S p e n c e s , C a s h ie r ;
W . E . M a r t i n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s . —A lex. M cFarlan, J . H. W hiting, D. D. A itk en , G. W . Hubbard, H. C. S p en cer,
K. J . W haley, G. W. B uckingham , M. Ephraim, Wm. C. Durant, Ed. S. L ee.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R esources.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$451,616 15

$476, 784 59

$422, 527 45

$455,379 99

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

285, 892 34

268,141 21

269,683 54

254,014 35

•O verdrafts...........................................................................

18,473 34

5,718 98

5,516 76

26.846 20

'Furniture and fix tu r e s..................................................

13,000 00

13. 000 00

13, 000 00

13,000 00

C fher real e s t a t e ............................................................

7,418 71

7, 644 36

7, 644 36

7, 644 36

66,921 57

130,110 34

133,901 62

1, 315 00

10 50

1, 493 90

1,211 25

Banking holism?


P up from ha.nks in l’ftSftrvft c it ie s ...........................

87,758 40

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................
E x ch a n g es fer clearin g h ou se


C hecks and cash ite m s .................................................

998 24

492 01

464 22

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

280 95

165 95

315 15

300 20

■Cold co in ..............................................................................

34, 000 00

33.860 00

32,212 50

32, 947 50

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,680 63

2,158 53

1, 730 03

1, 059 98

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

16, 925 00

18,557 00

13.506 00

15,047 00

T o ta ls ...........................................................................

$918,043 76

$894,759 20

$896,720 85

$972, 876 35

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p e n ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

23,500 00

23,500 00

23,500 00

23,500 00

3,336 04

11,908 61

3.640 94

D ividends un p aid ..............................................................

512 00

112 00

112 00

112 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits subject, to c lie c k ................

410,891 89

372,928 50

420,756 02

482, 260 34

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

3, 733 48

7,902 37

5, 633 43

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............

119,761 70

118,068 91



131.210 18

S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

206, 308 65

208, 998 99

174, 216 98

171,026 77

L iabilities.

8 , 612


5,160 47

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f deposit,
1. 000 00

C ashier’s c h e c k s o utstan ding

993 82

Due to banks and bunkers...........................................

993 82

993 82

$896,720 85

$972,876 35

N o te s and bills red iscoun ted
346 00
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$918,043 76

$894,759 20





No. 23.
Organized M ay 1, 1872.
W . A . A t w o o d , P r e s i d e n t ; J a m e s C . W il l s o n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A . G . B i s h o p , C a s h ie r ,J a s . M a r t i n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s . — Wm. W . Crapo, W. A . A tw o o d , G eo. R. Gold, C. C. P ierson, Jas. C. W illson, F. H . P ierce,.

G eo rg e E. Taylor, A. G. Bishop, W . C. Orrell.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts....................................................

$413,179 84

$498,232 12

$439, 482 67

$423, 157 05.

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es...................................

431,615 13

428,314 76

430, 475 47

440, 279 20

O verdrafts...........................................................................

1,248 05

1 ,1 1 2 00

1,168 28

3, 983 35

R esou rces.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

B anking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00-

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

23,158 29

11, 148 13

11,407 15

10,757 15

D ue from hanks in r e se r v e c itie s ............................
D ue from o th er banks and ban kers.......................



74, 065 92

124, 433 75

119,675 09'

3,622 06

3, 025 26

2,123 64.

5,233 58-

656 85-

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................



1, 539 45

2,07.1 37

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................



42 36

61 65.

45 38

Gold co in ..............................................................................

21,985 00

18, 840 00

16, 725 00

18, 635 00

5-, 000 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

3, 300 00

3, 900 00

U . S . and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

16, 306 00

13,741 00

6 ,934


4,500 00
14,090 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $1,072,716 72 $1,058,961 00 $1,044,882 98- $1,046,012 65-

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in .....................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$100 , 000


$1 0 0 ,0 0 0


$1 0 0 ,0 0 0


$1 0 0 ,0 0 0


50, 000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

$50,000 00
30, 750 31

19,277 18

19, 317 26

22, 138 53

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

100 00

5. 000 00

275 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

182,844 36

148, 243 32

168, 425 84

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

9, 069 04

7,788 43

8 , 894

139, 963 05


12, 917 22.

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits.............................................................

524, 656 54

556, 022 63

525, 270 53

530,319 13.

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

186, 643 85

172, 589 36

169, 878 92

182,062 94

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

125 75

T o t a ls ............................................................................ 81, 072,716 72 $1,058,961 00 81,014, 882 98

$1,046,012 65-

C ashier’s c h e c k s ou tstan d in g.....................................
Due to banks and bankers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 165.
Organized July 11, 1893.
C. T. B r i d g m a n ,

W . A . P a t e r s o n , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; M. D a v i s o n , C a s h i e r ;
S i d n e y J. S m a l e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

P r e s id e n t;

D i r e c t o r s .— C. T. Bridgman, F lint P. Sm ith, J a m es J. H urley, W m. H. E dw ards, M athew D avison,

W . A. P a terso n , W . E. Braman, Wm. F. S te w a r t, G eo. H. Durand,
R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$196, 067 32

$223,341 99

$220, 785 75

$258,057 87

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

160,913 38

207,058 09

222,215 13

287, 691 54

O verdrafts....................................................



915 97

1, 294 04

B anking h o u se ...........................................

2 2 ,0 0 0 00

22 , 000 00

2 2 ,0 0 0 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

3, 000 00

3, 000 00

3, 000 00

R esources.

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

17,250 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

44, 668

D ue from o th er hanks and bankers.

16, 613 02

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se ...........

128 08

C hecks and ca sh ite m s.........................

367 70

786 20


R eport o f
D ec. 2.

1,333 10
2 0 ,0 0 0


3, 000 00

13, 800 00

11,150 00

13,150 00

101,277 16

129, 902 58

72, 650 72


20, 344 42

28, 917 12

1,176 97

110 52

518 06

818 35

2,274 53

6 ,743

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

54 65

142 00

61 67



Gold co in ......................................................

9, 907 50

12, 720 00

7,165 00

8 , 497


S ilv er c o in ..................................................

1,724 20

2, 465 50

3, 398 15

6,437 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

7,274 00

10, 486 00

13,533 00

7,584 00

T o t a ls ....................................................

$480,928 41

$605,913 35

$655,778 61

Ê710,332 72

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$100,000 00

$ 100 , 000

$ 100, 000

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

12,000 00

L iabilities.

$100,000 00

12, 000 00

12, 500 00

12, 500 00


4, 528 37

2, 864 72

6,681 79

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

247 50

27 50

47 50

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

60,438 27

65, 072 20

78,119 04

58,446 26

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

6,082 94

4,766 12

4, 012 35

4, 277 54

S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

194,046 57

290,850 60

315, 006 96

376,134 97

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sits...............................

106,418 25

128, 318 56

142, 378 04


350 00

850 00



T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................


C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
1, 286 50

D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .
Bills p a y a b le ..................................
T o t a ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

0, 928 41

$605,913 35

, 778 61

$710, 332 72





No. 126.
Organized N o v em b er 28, 1891.
D a n i e l C o t c h e r , P r e s i d e n t ; F . A . N i l e s , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; G e o r g e P a c k a r d , C a s h ie r .
C h a r l e s H . P e a s e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— D aniel C otcher, F. A. N iles, G eorge Packard, J. Kim m ell, C. S. Brown,

Ja m es M. G reenfield, Charles H. P e a se .

R esou rces.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$49, 828 52

$42, 033 20

$40, 438 29

$37. 290 49

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ....................................


117,242 45

142,252 45

131,289 45


O v erd ra fts...........................................................................
Banking h o u s e ...................................................................

2 , 700 00





2 , 800 00

Furniture and fix tu r es....................................................

1 . 800 00

1. 800 00




O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
^Current e x p e n ses and in ter e st paid, le ss undivided p rofits..............................................................

873 00


873 00
198 7fi

D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s ............................

39. 858 26

D u e from o th er banks and b a n k ers........................



52, 827 33

69,001 80

1,746 31

288 25

3, 949 46

7,875 21

'C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

863 62

460 71

255 30

302 23

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

71 91

163 71

11 72

116 82

•Gold c o in ..............................................................................

1, 690 00

1, 455 00

1,105 00

3, 000 00

E x c h a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................

•Silver c o in ................................ .......................................

895 00

528 25

1,042 25

1,327 50

"U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .................................

2, 313 00

4,689 00

315 00

5,483 00

T o ta ls .............................................................................

$213. 947 65

$248, 481 43

$247,569 80

$260,385 26

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$55,000 00

$55,000 00

$55,000 00

$55, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

2 . 600 00

8 . 600 00

8 . 600 00

12. 000 00

1,818 84

2, 678


2 ,397



30 00

998 00

17, 624 05

17,084 97

21,608 52

L iabilities.

D ividends un paid............................................................
•Commercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

45 00
10,133 80


D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

18, 593 51

13, 419 37

12,130 59

18, 445 76

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.............

27,311 70

36, 862 61

34, 380 43

32, 847 34

S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

4,529 99

4, 626 37

5. 469 20

5,637 10

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

93,854 81

109, 502 17

112, 477 07

113.848 54

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
•Cashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .....................................
Due to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$213,947 65 j $248. 481 43

$247, 569 80 !

$260, 385 26






No. 141.
Organized S e p tem b er 19, 1892.
F r e d e r i c k S c h e m e r , P r e s i d e n t ; C. G r u l e r , V i c e

P r e s id e n t;

W . H. S

n e e r in g

. C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— F red erick S ch em er, W. H. Snelling, C. Gruler, M. Sp itzley, P e te r Thorne.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R esources.

D oans and d isco u n ts.......................................................
S to c k s bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................
O verd ra fts...........................................................................
B anking hou se

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$32, 846 74

$31,018 98

$32,994 14


40,021 73

41.360 00

40, 515 00

4, 991 20

1,581 94

1. 953 56

1,375 63

1,658 18

1,658 18

1,658 18

1,658 18

12,847 61

13, 358 62

7. 222 25

9, 989 91

114 80

214 01

250 98

98 10

74 62

58 11

32 93

30 12

1,832 50

1,082 50

1, 387 50

1,007 50

$31,651 60


Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................
O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................
D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................
D ue from oth er banks and ban kers........................
F.Yohangcs for e.learing h o u se ...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s.................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................
Gold coin


S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

190 00

741 00

923 00

139 00

TT S and N ation al bank n o

4,166 00

4,231 00

4, 781 00

2 ,8 8 6 00

T o ta ls ............................................................*•.............

$99,071 37

$95,793 83

$90. 588 38

$90,693 58

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

$15 000 00

Surplus fund ...................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta ^ e s p a id ......................................................

1 ,2 2 0 00

1 ,2 2 0 00

1 ,2 2 0 00

1 ,2 2 0 00

360 11

756 43

1,089 53

1,618 26


Dividend« unpaid

................ , , TT. f ..................

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

13,520 06

10, 764 90

10. 505 93

13,139 79

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f dep osit —

58, 894 07

59, 432 61

54.079 15

50,774 62

10, 077 13

8,619 89

8,693 77

$99,071 37

$95,793 83

$90,588 38

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

8 , 940


S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...............................
C ertified c h e e k s


C ashier’s ch eck s outstan ding
D ue to hanks and hankers


INotes and hills red iscoun ted

T o ta ls

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$90,693 58





No. 153.
Organized M arch 4, 1893.

F r a n k A . K r a m e r , P r e s i d e n t ; E a r l B . B o l t o n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; S a n f o r d
H . T . G l e z e n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

W . B u c k , C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s .— San dford W . Buck, E arl B. B olton, Frank A. K ram er, John G. Berry, John C. S c o tt,


Geo. S k elto n , Solom on W. Kramer.

R esources.

R eport of
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$75,575 11

$12, 300 00

$77, 963 28

$86,978 12

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................



74, 919 81

13, 400 00

14,840 00

14 49

72 69

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

500 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

23,349 20

29,423 78

33,048 77

28,421 28

Due from oth er hanks and b a n k ers.......................

1, 708 33

1,071 65

1,274 75

2, 708 00

1, 492 07

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................



144 37

1 , 000 00

1, 000 00

Hanking h o u se ...................................................................







F x e h a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................

722 33

1, 801 55

607 14

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

198 09

141 52

145 31

185 73

Gold co in ..............................................................................

4,625 00

3,830 00

4,012 50

4,470 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,329 90

1,824 00

1, 070 00

1, 473 35

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

4,971 00

8 , 465


1,507 00

2,173 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$122, 493 45

$135,450 00

$134,820 43

$144,485 92

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

1,062 94

2,517 20

1,566 81

2, 644 40

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

44, 930 90

39,079 97

35, 940 44

44,544 09

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

46, 459 61

63, 852 83

67, 313 18

67.297 43

$135, 450 00

$134, 820 43

$144, 485 92




D ividends un paid..............................................................

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.. ..
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

40 00

D ue to hanks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$122,493 45






No. 61.
Organized May 1, 1872.
C h a r l e s W. G a r f i e l d , P r e s i d e n t ; O. A. B a l l , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; F. A. H a l l , C a s h i e r ;
D. B. S


, A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— Charles W . Garfield, G eorge M. Edison, A aron B rew er, N. F red A very, O. A . Ball,

R oger W . B utterfield, Frank E. Leonard, Thos. M. P e c k , Frank J e w ell.
R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts .....................................................

$552,059 96

$618,893 70

$629.614 05

S tock « bonds and m o rtg a g es...................................

562,409 90

569, 360 34

556 08

465 57

R esources.

O verdrafts..............................................................


568, 965


752 89

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$702, 444 09
592, 966


184 02

Banking hou se .......................................... f ....................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

3,455 90

3, 455 90

3,455 90

3,455 90

O ther rea l e s t a t e ....................................... ....................

50,485 93

38,135 93

22,511 93

22,511 93

P r e m iu m s............................................................................

9, 856 00

9,656 00

9,656 00

10 , 062 00

P u e from banks in r eserv e c itie s ............................

163, 216 89

201,738 83

198,910 93

169,920 12

blip from o th er banks and ban k ers.......................

10 00

24 82

81 07

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

4,190 16

4,974 94

1,778 32

7, 339

C heeks a,nd cash item s., ............................................

2, 412 73

1,872 93

6 , 612

1,729 50


108 74

414 73

473 70

322 34

716 17

Onld co in ..............................................................................

36,392 50

38,635 00

39,310 00

40, 607 50

S ilv er c o in ............................................................. ............

3,387 20

2, 692 30

4, 649 75

2,506 50

51, 728 00

33,375 00

34,100 00

34,527 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $1,440,575 98 $1,523, 754 96 $1,520,721 19

$1,589,079 81

N ic k e ls and c e n ts .................................................... .

TT S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends unpaid



$150,000 00

$150, 000 00

$150,000 00

30,000 00

30. 000 00

30,000 00

30, 000 00

3,431 52

5, 844 43

7,547 29

15,750 84

103 50

4,519 50


C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

96,352 18

94,261 78

91,270 43

132,876 00

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.. ..

213,800 57

178,991 54

144,556 28

99,710 45

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin g s d e p o sits...............................................................

807,391 32

875,572 07

872,767 37

898, 309 97

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

139,421 89

184, 565 64

224,407 82

262,432 55

Oertifi ed oh e o k s...............................................................

75 00



C ashier’s ch o c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and bankers.. ..
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...
Bills payab le


T o t a ls ............................................................................ $1,440,575 98 $1,523,754 96 $1.520,721 19
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,589,079 81





No. 65.
Organized D ecem b er '24, 1884.
J o h n A . C o v o d e , P r e s i d e n t ; H e n r y I d e m a , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; J . A . S . V e r d i e r , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s . —John A . C ovode, H enry Idem a, J. A . S . V erdier, E . C rofton Fox, A nton G . H odenpyl,

T. J. O’Brien, F. C. Miller, John W . B lod gett.
R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ................................

$854, 723 04

,088,878 15 $1,206,650 71

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s.............

801, 443 -75

634,575 87

701,268 84

O verdrafts................................................, ...

836 83

1,352 12

726 69

3,181 48

30, 000 00

30,000 00

30,000 00

R esou rces.

B anking h o u se .............................................

30. 000


3, 000

R eport of
S ep t. 7.


3,000 00

3, 000 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e ............................... .......

20, 358 62

18, 009 05

17,689 10

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c itie s __

121, 117 83

244,510 43

284,026 36

Furniture and fix tu r e s .......................... .

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.,

1 , 444


E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se.............

84, 642 15

1, 076 29
6 , 792


179,502 38
2,950 62
14, 700 49
30,458 73

183 81

3, 399 10

343 32

333 81

297 01

Gold co in ........................................................

61, 182 50

61, 530 00

T o ta ls .

3,000 00

925 58

2, 516 90

2 , 657 05

660, 690 76

5, 869 44

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ...........................

S ilv er c o in ....... ............................................

, 187,110 93


N ic k e ls and c e n t s ..................... .............

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

R eport o f
D ec. 2.



453 27
72,375 00

1,895 20

532 00

2, 454 03

33,537 00

31,883 00

64,770 00

$2,015,926 28 $2,125,674 45

2,347, 667 83

,265,380 55

31, 660


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in .................

$50.000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

50, 000 00

50,000 00

50, 000 00

50, 000 00

10, 702 56

17, 716 54

27. 387 40

41,901 26



2 , 08Q 00


C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ..........

740, 6C0 21

754,544 34

934/884 67

786, 465 79

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.

1,701 15

458 65

458 65

458 65

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends u n p a id ........................................................


T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ....
Savin gs d ep o sits..........................................................

863,598 98

928, 808 48

957, 248


973,6 6 6 54

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............................

298,593 38

322, 016 44

327, 258 43

362,060 19

C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................................

650 00

50 00

350 00



C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g................................
Due to banks and bankers.....................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d ..............................
Bills p a y a b le ..................................................................
T o t a ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2, 015.926 28 $2.125,674 45 $2, 347, 667 83

2,265,380 55






No. 108.
Organized D ecem b er 23, 1890.
T h o s . H e f f e r a n . P r e s i d e n t ; J n o . P a t t o n . V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; 0 . M . H e a l d , 2 d V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;
C h a s . B . K e l s e y , C a s h ie r ; M. D . H o r g e s t e g e r , T e lle r .

D i r e c t o r s .— J. H. Gibbs, C. B. Judd, D. D. Cody,

Jno. P a tton , W m. A . Sm ith, S. A. Morman,
D. E. W aters, Jno. Murray, C. M. H eald, T. Hefferan, C. W . Colt, C. H. B erk ey, R euben H atch,
A. J. Daniels, C. B. K elsey .

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts................................

500 71

$258,126 70

$78, 023 30

$275,230 69

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s .............

816 158 65

914,517 93

1,128,646 83

919,739 81

625 23

783 05

4,369 25

2, 413 60

O verd ra fts.....................................................


B anking h o u se .............................................
Furniture and fix tu r es............................

6, 350 60

O ther rea l e s t a t e ......................................

30, 436 81

P r e m iu m s......................................................
D ue from banks in r ese ry e c itie s —

5, 350 60


5,350 60

5, 350 60

29,377 94

31,067 08

7, 891 70

16,245 82

17,888 79

191, 081 91

104, 351 67

126, 366 67

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.


653 84

7,835 98

E x ch a n g e s fo r clearin g h o u se.............

7, 757 28

18,158 69

4,405 75

C hecks and c a sh ite m s ..........................


673 85

835 24

1,325 04


20,555 46
173, 379


4, 859 67
8 , 346


800 49

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .....................................

117 40

106 53

252 60



Gold co in .......................................................

21, 365 00

20,335 00

20,790 00



S ilv er c o in ....................................................
U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........
T o ta ls .

107 15

5,912 40

3,817 20

7,441 95

22, 256 00

33,892 00

36, 267 00

33,209 00

$1,370,956 13 $1,415,995 27 $1,460,563 83

1,502,842 85


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in .................

$ 100 ,0 0 0


$1 0 0 ,0 0 0


$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0


$ 100,000


20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

4,045 56

12,805 85

4. 369 25

2,748 52

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .............

95,232 73

100,352 07

94,328 65

128,679 54

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it..

24,000 00

12, 000 00

12,000 00


Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id .................................................
D ividends un p aid ..........................................................


T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f ‘d e p o s it.......
S avin g s d ep o sits...........................................................

521,071 63


599,535 13

644, 615 87

S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.............................

606, 606

604, 687

630,330 80

605,298 92

1,460,563 83

1, 502, 842 85


C ertified c h e c k s ............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers......................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .................................
Bills p a y a b le ...................................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,370,956 13

, 415,995 27





No. 139.
Organized June 25, 1892.
D a n ie l M c Co y , P r e s id e n t

; E dw ard

L o w e , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; M . H . S o r r i c k . C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s . — W m. J. S tu art, W m. H. J on es, J. K. Johnston, E dw ard L o w e, D aniel M cCoy,

C. C. Follm er, G. W . Perkins, E. A. S to w e , S . B. Jenks, M. H. Sorrick, E. H. F o o te .

R esources.

R eport of
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

$582,139 03

$566,113 14

$599,039 57

$582,328 16

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

133,884 95

135,433 52

138,866 52

149,527 81

O v e r d r a fts..................................................

1,140 87

430 18

2,588 73

2 31

Furniture and fix tu r es..........................

6,503 40

6,403 40

6,403 40

6,403 40

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

2,345 71

2,345 71

2,345 71


P rem ium s .....................................................

670 49

670 49

670 49

670 49

Due from banks in reserv e c it ie s ...

62,796 20


66,017 01

131,146 15

Due from oth er banks and bankers.

4,521 38

10,020 72

6,656 92

5,682 71

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

5,177 42

3,852 84

5,650 95

8,113 10

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................

2,640 30

7,333 08

1,087 63

1,582 32

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................

1,020 57

663 07

1,038 26

612 82

Gold c o in ......................................................

22,119 00

32,326 00

25,366 00

18,858 00

Banking h o u se ...........................................

S ilv er c o in ...................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......
T o ta ls .

6 6 ,8 8 8



5,591 00


20,793 00

26,471 00

$849,970 32

$851,206 71

79.342 19

1,334 98

2,350 00


2,510 00


L iabilities.
$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

17,000 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

17,500 00

14,672 02

10,152 03

16,712 10

18,410 10

D ividends un p aid .............................................................



4,500 00

45 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

174,210 03

195,660 43

199,896 60

199,091 43

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

203,706 64

162,527 81

180,678 65

184,588 94

285,185 02

287,749 30

283,022 07

284,660 91

12,535 00

19,208 58

72,362 13

2,000 00

427 33

287 85

3,136 61

10,154 81

11,991 34

12,715 38

1,970 32

$851,206 71

$879,342 19

$939,334 98

C apital sto c k paid in.................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S a v in g s d ep o sits................................................ ..............
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................



C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






L e w i s H. W i t h e y , P r e s i d e n t ; W i l l a r d B a r n h a r d , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; A n t o n G . H o d e n p y l , 2 d V i c e
P r e s i d e n t ; H e n r y I d e m a , 3 d V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; G e o r g e E . H a r d y , S e c r e t a r y ;
F . A . G o r h a m , A s s is ta n t S e c r e ta r y .

—T. S te w a r t W h ite, L ew is H. W ith ey , A lfred D. R athbone, J a m es M. B arnet, H arvey
J H ollister, N . L. A very, W illard Barnhart, S a m u el Sears, C harles H. H ack ley, S. B. Jenks,
H enry Idem a, D arwin D. Cody, F. A . Gorham, A nton G. H odenpyl, F red erick L o e ttg e r t, Thom as
Hefferan, W m. G. Robinson, D udley E. W aters, E. G olden Filer, W . W . Cummer, W m. Judson.

Dir e c t o r s .

R esources.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$81,138 52

$77,497 79

$101,607 79

C ollateral lo a n s—d em a n d .



146,734 58

162,856 55

164,183 96

L oan s on r ea l e s t a te m o rtg a g es, in o ffic e .........
L oan s on r ea l e s t a te m o rtg a g es, w ith s ta te
tr e a su re r ................................ .........................................

106,952 20

104,368 35

126,943 35

104,150 00

104,150 00

146,967 35
104,150 00

72,400 00

27,800 00

53,550 00

56,550 00

C ollateral loans—tim e........

$130,427 04

104,150 00

O ther lo a n s .
Bonds, in o ffic e ........................
Bonds, w ith s ta te treasurer.
S to c k s ............... ............ —...........

14,145 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

R ea l e s t a te o w n e d ................

44,936 73

41,518 05

39,123 39

37,424 81

33,987 45

43,687 27

40,340 32

16,712 23

O ther in v estm en ts.
A d v a n c e s to tru sts..................................

38,849 23

Prem ium s paid...........................................

2,709 20

S a fe d ep o sit v a u lts.................................

17,167 17

16,712 23

16,712 23

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

6,743 79

6,789 07

6,789 07

6,789 07

D ue from approved r ese rv e agents.

591,619 99

105,513 18

130,080 99

130,483 01

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

127,451 71

49,877 81

50,459 99

54,738 55

19,166 70

4,159 54

C ash it e m s ........................................

2,823 97

N ic k e ls and c e n ts . . ................................

32 47

4 01

7 42

35 28

S ilv er c o in ......................................... .'....

107 75

77 30

122 45

613 85

Gold c o in ......................................................

23,000 00

6,710 00

7,200 00

10,110 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

6,283 00

4,656 00

6,656 00

13,797 00

T o t a ls ........................................................

$1,420,999 93

$740,036 55

$875,027 20

$878,638 76

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$200,000 00

$ 200,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss ex p en ses, in te r e st and
ta x e s paid........................................................................

50, 000 00

100,000 00

1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

151 95

5,130 77

7,188 15

4,448 00

5,543 10

L iabilities.

49,918 91

P r e m iu m s............................................................ ............ .
9,000 00

D ividends unpaid
T rust d ep o sits . ..

968,310 08

355,604 81

378,983 37

344,903 55

D eb en tu res...........

148,359 37

66,694 31

152,000 92

210,315 83

O ther lia b ilitie s..

4,411 57

8,585 48

34, 464 14

10,688 13


1,036 55

$875,027 20

$878,638 Tfe

T o t a ls .............
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






O rganized April 23, 1894.
S id n e y F . S t e v e n s , P r e s i d e n t ; C h a r l e s W . W a t k in s , F i r s t V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a r l e s W . G a r f ie l d
S e c o n d V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A m o s S . M u s s e l m a n , T h i r d V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; G e o r g e G . W h it w o r t h
S e c r e t a r y a n d T r e a s u r e r ; A d o l p h B . M a s o n , A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y ; J. A r t h u r
W h it w o r t h , A s s is ta n t T r e a s u r e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— 1T hos. M. P e c k , Charles

W . W atkins, Julius B erkey, D. M. Am berg, C. C. Follm er
Carl G. A. V oight, F. C. Miller, Jo sep h H ousem an, Chas. W . Garfield, John B. Martin, E. A .
S to w e , Geo. H. D avidson, John Caulfield, Wm. W iddicom b, A. S. M usselman, Sid ney F. S te v e n s,
S tep h e n A . S ears, W m. H. A nderson, G eorge G. W hitw orth.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

C o lla tera l loans—tim e....................................................

$10,983 33

$15,466 67

$34,250 00

C o lla tera l loans—d em a n d ............................................

26, 674 50

41,343 75

42, 452 45

39, 542 45

L oans on rea l e s t a te m ortgages, in o ffic e .........
L oans on rea l e s t a te m o rtgages, w ith s ta te
tr e a su re r .......................................................................

126,721 32

122, 013 28

126, 459 46

104,714 33.

50, 500 00

50, 400 00

50, 400 00

51,300 00

$37,900 00-

O ther lo a n s ...................................................................
Bonds, in o ffic e .................................................................


Bonds, w ith s ta te tr e a su re r ...............................
S t o c k s ..........................................................................
R ea l e s t a te o w n e d ........................................................

5, 500 00

5,500 00

S a f e d ep o sit v a u lts ..............................................

14,000 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s.......................................

2 , 000 00

6 , 478


6,478 71

14, 000 00

14, 000 00

14,000 OO

2 , 000 00

2 , 000 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

30, 707 70

29,179 48

24,396 54

48,054 48'

267 38

906 57

O ther in v e s tm e n ts ......................................................
A d v a n c e s to tr u s ts ......................................................
Prem ium s p a id ...............................................

D ue from approved rese rv e a g e n ts ...................
D ue from o th er bank 8 and b a n k e rs......................
C ash ite m s .............................................

542 74

3S7 97

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...............................................

49 40

54 08

S ilv er c o in ......................................................

94 40

164 60

Gold c o in .........................................................

1,065 00

U . S. and national bank n o t e s ..............................

1,549 00

T o ta ls ................................................

702 50



39 39

23 00

122 75






1,063 00

$270, 387 39

$283,020 33

$302,879 42



$100 , 000


$ 100 ,0 0 0

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0


$ 100 ,0 0 0


16. 000




6 , 340


1, 685 OO

C apital sto c k paid in ...............................
Surplus fu n d .........................................
U ndivided profits, less ex p en ses, in te r e st and
ta x e s p a id ...............................
D ividends un paid.......................................

3, 916 35
34 50


16,500 OO
3,903 09


27 00
116,642 01

T rust d e p o s its .......................................

88 , 036


97,795 21

D e b e n tu r e s...................................

62, 400 00

62, 300 00



16, 500 00
7, 806


2 OO
124, 737 00
57, 600 00

O ther lia b ilitie s..................................................
T o ta ls ...................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$270,387 39

$283.020 33

$302.879 42

$307, 849







No. 27.
Organized April 24, 1883.
E. J. F

o st e r , P r e s id e n t;

M. W . D w e l l e ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

E. L. C o o p e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s . —A. H itch co c k , M. L . Raymond, E. L . Cooper, E. J . F o ster, M. W . D w elle, E. W .

C rafts, D. G. H ellier, E. W . H ohart, E. A. Croman.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

*34,596 59

*35,618 35

843,152 79

*50,038 98-

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

54,112 50

57,874 39

57, 317 76

5*8, 449 01

O v e r d r a fts...................................................

1,138 60

582 99

3,131 08

751 58

B anking h o u se ...........................................

3, 600 00

3. 600 00

3, 600 00

3, 600 00-

2, 500 00

2,187 00

2,187 00

2,187 00-

Furniture and fixtures............................
O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

194 35

E x p en ses and in t e r e s t..........................
31,171 03

22, 063 46

24. 890 36

C hecks and c a sh ite m s ........................

1,498 81

647 21

951 06

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

207 92

122 74

109 74

41 64

Gold co in ......................................... ...........

2, 915 00

3. 960 00

425 00

760 00

S ilv er c o in ............... ..................................

2, 349 00

2, 503 00

2.655 00

2, 326 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

3, 740 00

6 . 056


3,189 00

3,519 00

*137, 829 45

*135,215 14

*141,803 14

*139,144 21

*25,000 00

825,000 00

825,000 00

*25, 000 00





2,337 00

2,337 00

438 89



421 35

28,612 05

32,591 70

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

16, 378 38

D ue from o th er hanks and bankers.
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...........

T o ta ls .

1,092 62‘

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ............................ ■.........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends un p a id ........................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...........

28. 719 23

D em and co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f deposit.
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s its ...
S av in g s d ep o sits.........................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............................

3,045 16

4,044 77

4, 460 00


74,139 05

76,011 97

74,334 16.

8137,829 45

8135,215 14

8141,803 14

*139,144 21

2, 351 47

C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ..............................
D ue to banks and bankers.....................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...................... .
Bills p a y a b le ...................................................... ...........
T o t a ls .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 188.
Organized April 21, 1896.
F. N . W

r ig h t

, P r e s id e n t;

W . D. J o h n s o n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; E . R u t a n , 2 d
W. H. B b o w n i , C a s h i e r .


V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

D i r e c t o r s .—F. N . W right, F . S. Gibson, W . D. Johnson, W. H. B row n e, C. W . Johnson,

E. Rutan, C. T. W right.

R eso u rces.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.


$92,713 82

$93,209 18

$116,143 51

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................... :...........

77, 398 35

80, 253 35

80, 253 35

64, 078 35

O verdrafts............................................................................

1 63

1 ,0 0 0 00

1. 012 65

1.012 65

1,120 78

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

52,563 98

62,167 60

37, 517 46

21, 303 14

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k e r s ......................

2,159 51

321 24

3,131 61

4, 464 85

199 57

436 81


N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

129 24

114 37

121 21

119 12

Gold co in ..............................................................................

10, 965 00

10,675 00

10, 975 00

6.170 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,635 00

1,014 00

957 50

961 50

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

3, 535 00

6 , 425


2,955 00

7,730 00

T o ta ls ............................................................................

$234,282 59

$254,896 60

$230. 569 77

$222, 279 25

C apital sto c k paid in ......................................................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss cu rren t e x p e n ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

4,750 00

4, 750 00

4, 750 00

4, 750 00

698 89

2, 896 89

4,170 35

6,233 08

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................




C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

57,569 05

67,823 78

54,168 63

63,911 61

146,104 65

154,265 93

142, 320 79

122, 224 56

$234,282 59

$254,896 60

$230, 569 77

$222, 279 25

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

B anking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................
O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................








D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S a v in g s d e p o s its ...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ........................................... ....................
C ashier’s c h e ck o u tsta n d in g ......................................
Due to banks and bankers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 95.
Organized April 17, 1890.


C . A. W e i g h t , P r e s i d e n t ; J a c o b B a e r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; M. C . G e t c h e l l , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s . —J. V ivian, J a c o b Baer, C. A. W right, E. L. W right, M. C . G etch ell.

R eport o f
F eb . 4

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7. and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$203,055 13

Spooks bonds a.nd m o r tg a g e s ...................................

68 , 473

R esources.

O verdrafts...........................................................................
Banking h ou se



R eport o f
D ec. 2.
$247,103 90

$210,422 54

$238,006 30


66,193 48

68,136 48

343 79

2,294 21

548 61

417 03

3,063 96

68 , 288


19, 985 56

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1,563 96

3,063 96

3, 063 96

‘O ther rea l e s t a te .............................................................

8 , 920


9,412 10

9, 412 10

9,412 10

Bue from hanks in rese rv e e it ie s ............................

95, 770


79,560 18

110,953 06

107,150 96

D ue from e th e r hanks and hankers........................

10,073 72

14, 305 82

9,706 63

9,176 63

C heeks and ca sh ite m s ............................. ................

13,148 57

6,160 93

6,019 79

4, 603 49

and e e n t s ...........................................................

107 82

Gold co in ........................................................... . X ...........

2,040 00

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g house


135 84

191 79

520 00

9, 775 00

502 50


2, 363 00

1,658 45

1,081 55

1,331 50

and Irrational ha.nlc n o t e s ...............................

17,296 00

22, 997 00

29, 985 00

23, 300 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$443,142 21

$416,702 53

$486. 824 32

$474,542 34

Capital sto e k pa,id in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50.000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, inter.e s t and ta x e s pa,id......................................................

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 .0 0 0 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

20 , 000 00

5,931 72

4. 822 96

S ilv er c o in ............................................................£.............

L iabilities.

B ividends




7, 806 46

......................................... .

C om m ereial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

89,329 98


121, 874 30

107, 983 69

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

1,752 46

2,146 90

731 53

337 17

257,492 39

237, 595 89

268,706 34

274,126 01

11,195 56

12, 560 79

13,165' 97

133 16

156 40


T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f dep osit
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................



Certified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s ch e ek s .outstanding


h u e to banks and ban kers..........................................

7,479 98

594 36

6 , 202 20

966 64

$443,142 21

$416,702 53

$486, 824 32

$474,542 34

N o te s and bills red iscoun ted
Bills payab le

- -


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 50.
O rganized O ctober 31, 1887.
C. T. H

A. L. C a r r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; G e o r g e R. B a t e s , 2 d
D. J. M a t h e w s , C a s h i e r ; A. L. C a r r , A s s i s t a n t t o C a s h i e r .

il l s , P r e s id e n t;

V ic e P r e s i d e n t

D i r e c t o r s . — L. N . K ea tin g , A. L. Carr, E. D. Richm ond, C. H. H a ck ley , G eorge R. B a tes, C. T. H ills.

A. E. M otley.

R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...................................................

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D e c.2.

$70, 085 97

$54,8 8 8 87

$55,851 55

$54,271 13

39, 143 01

41,585 01

42,192 37

46, 522 39

43 15

72 87

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

4,160 00

Furniture and fix tu r es...................................................

6 , 203

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es...................................
O verd ra fts...........................................................



78 75

4,160 00

4,160 00

4,160 00.


5,155 16

5,123 16

5, 076 16

498 60

498 60

498 60

498 60


11,479 56

8,153 59

10, 382 87

96 84

332 29

169 47

295 39

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................................

2, 684 09

290 25

1,006 87

1, 038 29

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................................

100 96

31 34

24 37

21 39

2 ,2 0 0 00

2 . 000 00

2, 500 00

3, 400 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................
Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

6 , 762

E xch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

Gold co in ...............................................................
S ilv er c o in ...................................................................

1,545 00

380 00

394 30

1, 063 30

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .................................

5,701 00

6,835 00

5,132 00

4.916 00

$139,224 62

$12f , 708 95

$125, 210 96

$131,724 27

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 000 00

6 , 000 00

557 77

1,871 90

1,536 27

2, 700 91

T o ta ls ...........................................................................

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in..............................................
Surplus fu n d ....................................................
U ndivided profits, less current e x p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ..........................................
D ividends un paid......................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ........ ...

16,224 31

12,690 90

13, 506 49

18,557 27

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

29, 526 95

26,536 72

24,262 83

21,623 16

36, 915 59

30,609 43

29,905 37

32. 892 93

$139,224 62

$127,708 95

$125,210 96

$131.724 27

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it............
S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................
Savin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s .....................................
C ashier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g .................................. .
Due to banks and b a n k ers...............................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ...................................
Bills p a y a b le ..................................................
T o t a ls ......................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 11.
Organized O ctober 26, 1886.
C h e s t e r M e s s e r . P r e s i d e n t ; R. B. M e s s e r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; D a n . W. R e y n o l d s , C a s h i e r ;
A . A . A n d e r s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
^Di r e c t o r s .—C. M esser, D . S. G oodyear, D . W . R eynolds, P. T. C olgrove, R. B. M esser, M. L. Cook,

R. T. French.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ept. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$136, 619 08


S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

29,085 60

24.545 00

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

3,511 79

342 05



1,094 47

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

13,000 00

13,000 00



13,000 00
2 , 000 00


$146,128 47

25,720 00

34, 915 00

$163, 320

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

2 , C00 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e ............................................................

8 ,0 0 0 00



5, 000 00

5,000 00

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...........................

38,724 76

33, 472 84

23, 295 38

43, 287 50

1, 376 99

2, 335 79

. 1,894 06

1,513 76

'Gold co in ..............................................................................

11,232 50

7, 895 00

7,552 50

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1, 535 81



598 23

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

5,229 00

4.491 00

2 , 2 2 3 '0 0

8 , 205


T o ta ls .............................................................................

$250, 315 53

$271. 569 28

$244,705 73



C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$75, 000 00

$75, 000 00

$75,000 00

$75. 000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 , 000 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

449 47

2, 573 12

753 87

4, 869 94

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash iteim s.................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................
8 , 352


552 96


D ividends un p a id ..............................................................

20 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

44,835 73

55,564 62

34,541 46

44,615 91

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

98,885 28

106.183 43

103,147 83

108,816 85

11, 125 05

12,248 11

11,262 57

10,746 96

$250, 315 53

$271. 569 28

$244, 705 73

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g.....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ...................... ................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







No. 78.
Organized July 30, 1884.
C h a u n c e y F. Cook ,

P r e s id e n t;

H. S. W a l w o r t h ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

A s h e r B. L a F l e u r ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—J. T. Crume, J. F. King, C. F. Cook, H. S. W alw orth , A sh er B. L a Fleur.
R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and discou n ts ......................................................

$242,462 16

$228,794 56

$235,693 19

$209,572 14

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

103,452 75

118,432 75

115,132 75

120,782 75

O verdrafts...........................................................................

6,359 29

6,273 20

6,344 27

8,992 47

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

7,600 00

7,600 00

7,600 00


38,546 58

27,916 62

51,066 93

6,613 87

7,674 89

7,483 24

3,723 83

C hecks and ca sh it e m s ................................................

3,978 77

3,130 55

933 52

2,044 20

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

57 23
12,2a5 00

52 OS

40 90

65 35

13,230 00

14,355 00

1 2 ,0 2 0 00

R esources.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

B anking h o u se ..................................................................
fu rn itu re and fix tu r e s ......... ........................................
O ther rea l e s t a te ...................................


Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................
D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................


E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h ou se...................................

Gold c o in ..............................................................................
S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

728 10

542 40

2,153 40

212 30

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

9,278 00

9,318 00

13,653 00

9,176 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$414,828 85

$435,595 02

$433,305 89

$427,255 97

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................




2 0 ,0 0 0 00

9,202 05


$60, 000


$60, 000


2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 , 000 00

20 , 000 00

' l l , 400


13,270 76

14,695 01

41,100 42

27,648 62

26,874 84

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

47,518 98

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it......
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.............
S av in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

85,836 92

92,662 84

100,940 56

106,915 39

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.................................

192,270 90

210,431 76

211,445 95

198,770 73

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier's c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .....................................
D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................

B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis




8 F»

I u


$433,305 89

$427,255 97






No. 56.
Organized D ecem b er 16, 1889.
I s a a c C a p p o n , P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n W . B e a r d s l e e . V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; G. W . M o k m a , C a s h i e r , I s a a c
M a r s i l j e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— I. Cappon, J. W . B ea rd slee,.G . J . K ollen, G. W . M okma, G. J. D iekem a, I. M a rsilje

H enry K rem ers, Jan W . Bosm an, J. W . G avelink.
R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

"Loans and d isco u n ts .....................................................

$234,891 48

$223,092 60

$274,473 20

$268,067 20

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

73,297 58

125,222 61

121,930 25

141,298 65

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

1,568 65

450 22

1,013 46

B anking h o u se .................................................. .............


Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1,965 79

R esources.




2,003 37

9', 865


2,190 27

R eport of
D ec. 2.

975 09


2,190 27

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

2,285 00

2,285 00

2,285 00

2,285 00

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

90,723 00

80,164 08

90,818 55

71,474 63

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................

11,717 14

7,427 09

9,438 17

6,928 4»

1,854 82

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

1,538 45

3,219 76

1,106 05

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

425 46

98 48

72 05

298 25

Gold co in ..............................................................................

7,282 50

9,555 00

9,355 00

11,360 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

2,385 00

1,676 65

3,745 25

3,276 50

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

7,558 00

8,476 00

7,696 00

10,847 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$445,483 91

$473,516 72

$533,989 11

$530,721 75

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d ..................................... .*...............................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

7,000 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

6,903 80

6,099 35

6,343 27

10,222 17


D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

73,857 71

76,233 32

109,732 16

89,180 14

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

109,318 50

120,290 46

128,283 89

133,106 90

198,403 90

213,393 59

232,129 79

240,712 54

$445,483 91

$473,516 72

$533,989 11

$530,721 75

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
S av in g s d e p o sits....................................................*........
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g.....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le . . . . , .................................................... ........
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 91.
Organized January 30, 1890.
D. B . K . V a n R a a l t e ,

P r e s id e n t; A d r ia n

D i r e c t o r s .— C . V e r Schu re,

V a n P u t t e n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C


S c h u r e , C a s h ie r .

V an P u tten , M. V an P u tte n , W illiam H. B each , John C . P ost,
P. H. M cBride, D. B. K. V an R aalte, R. V en ek lasen , C ornelius Nyland.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
J u n e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

8194,708 45

8213,174 78

8205, 989 32

8216,703 45

S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

37,175 00

39, 675 00

39,288 00

43, 608 00

O v e r d r a fts ..........................................................................

847 41

2,311 99

1,011 42

1,611 97

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

22,191 09

22,191 09

22,191 09

22,191 09

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

4, 920 30

4, 920 30

4, 920 30

4, 920 30

D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s ............................

19,087 55

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k e r s ......................


O th er rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
16, 112 52

44,131 05

21, 607 25

487 36

224 60

1, 252 87

2 , 088 86

C h eck s and ca sh ite m s ................................................

1,899 25

555 20

474 74

762 34

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

267 93

206 41

179 02

46 58

Gold co in ..............................................................................

6,820 60

9,100 00

10.015 00

8,622 50

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

S ilv er c o in .........................................................................

1, 535 15

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

7, 315 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

784 95
8 , 056

1,258 25

611 15


11,951 00

8297,255 09

8317, 312 84

$342. 662 06

8328, 932 49

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50, 000 00

850,000 00

$50, 000 00

850,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

9,500 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

10 . 000 00

1, 679 94

1,318 43

2,758 08

5,155 16

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

59,148 48

77,332 74

69, 124


57,102 03

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

100,627 18

97,060 74



106, 685 61

76,299 49

81,600 93

97, 045 49

99. 942 47

56 17

47 22

$342,662 06

$328, 932 49


159 00

L iabilities.

D ividends un paid............... .............................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it............
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C a sh ier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g................................... .
D ue to banks and b a n k ers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

8297,255 09

8317,312 84






No. 106.
Organized O ctober 27, 1890.
J am es C

S i m o n s o n , P r e s i d e n t ; H e n r y W . D o w n i n g , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; C. A. W i l s o n , C a s h i e r ;
E m m a S a r g e n t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s . —Chas. A . W ilson, D. D. H adley, H . W . D ow ning, J. C. Sim onson, W. S. W alls.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$58,257 63

$56,836 48

$70, 342 43

$73,420 97

116,095 39

115,856 44

118,159 14

118,819 14

307 17

388 61

572 38

1,497 70

B anking h o u se ...........................................

3.000 00

3, 000 00

3, 000 00

3.000 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

1 .0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1.000 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

47,942 55

67,619 85

54,498 75

52,105 25

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

750 00

1, 524 91

1,524 91

267 34

297 60

340 07

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................



17 45

40 65

3 65

H old co in ......................................................

2,554 00

2,624 00

285 00

785 00

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...........
O v erd ra fts....................................................

O th er r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

E x ch a n g e s fo r clearin g h o u se...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

277 31

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

824 90

492 50

825 70

189 70

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s . ...

10,671 00

8,015 00

9,685 00

7,884 00

$241,692 59

$257,672 84

,274 03

$258,982 72

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

$30,000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00


2,118 35

3,638 14

4, 475 96

D ividends unpaid.......................................................

256 00

1, 324 00



148 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .........

27,553 37

33,413 64

33,207 47

34,993 55

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

12, 063 09

12,653 16

15,634 09

20,527 25

160,685 45

168,163 69

167, 634 33

158,771 97

T o ta ls .

L iabilities.
-Capital s to c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ........................................................... ..........
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, inter
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit—
S av in g s d ep o sits........................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit..........................
C ertified c h e c k s ........................................................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ............................
65 99

D u e to banks and ban kers— .............................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ..............................
Bills p a y a b le ................................... ............................
$241,692 59

T o t a ls .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$257,672 84

$260,274 03

$258, 982 72





No. 109.
O rganized January 12, 1891.
C h a r l e s F i s h b e c k , P r e s i d e n t ; C h a r l e s C u r t i s , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; P e r c y T . D u d l e y , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Charles Curtis, A sa V an K leeck , C harles F ishb eck, S. B. Rubert, John Ryan,

C harles A . G oodnow , Geo. B arnes.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.
$57, 954 28

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.
$57, 315 30

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$56,165 71

S to ck s bonds a,nd m o r tg a g e s ....................................

68,237 25

Overd r a fts ...........................................................................

411 44

247 81

1, 522 95

2,431 19

Banking h o u se ...................................................................

4, 439 32

4,439 32

4,439 32

4,439 32



63, 827


$33,143 83
62. 339 01

Furniture and fix tu r es....................................................

1, 585 41

1,585 41

1,585 41

1,585 41

O ther veal e s t a t e .............................................................

4, 865 54

4,865 54

4,865 54

4, 865 54

B ue frcm banks in rese rv e e it ie s ............................

17, 801 03

10,597 37

9, 620 45

20,398 73

D lie frorn o th er hanks a,nd h a n k e rs........................

2,515 28

3,572 24

2,834 09

9,022 23

2,191 60

"Ehrehanges for elea,ring h ou se...................................
and ite m s .................................................

3 25

33 17

822 34

N ic k e ls and e e n t s ...........................................................

51 83

28 56

11 51

42 34

Oold c o in ..............................................................................

5,095 00

5,247 50

4, 500 00

' 4,035 00

S ilv er c o in ................................ .......................................

1,892 60

1,594 75

1,240 80

1, 740 60

TT S a.nd N a tio n a l hank n o t e s .................................

10, 434 00

12,285 00

3,584 00

4, 641 00


$169.628 61

$156,169 37

$150, 875 80:

$40,400 00

$40,400 00

$40,400 00

$40, 400 00-


7,222 87

8,198 101

18, 949 01

12,944 18

T o ta ls .............................................................................

$173, 497

L iabilities.
Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

4,810 19

6 , 002

D ividends un paid............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

25, 369 27



D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.............

379 74

379 74

379 74

379 74

S a v in g s d ep o sits...................................................... ........

11,653 55

10, 293 93

9,149 75

7,696 39

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

90,884 91

93,603 79

86,072 83

77, 974 89

$169,628 61

$156,169 37

$150, 875 80

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g.....................................
D ue to banks and bankers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................
Rills p a y a b le ................................
T o ta ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







No. 140.
Organized A u gu st 27, 1892.
S t e p h e n A . E a t o n , P r e s i d e n t ; E . M. N i x ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; B y r o n

J. F

o ster

, C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— S tep h e n A. E aton, J a m es B. Thorn, David J. B eachboard, H. V. C. H art, E. M. N ix,


J. S ou th w orth , C h ester C. P e a s e , B yron J. F o ster, E dw ard F rensdorf.

R eso u rces.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L o a n s and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$83,565 90

$105,280 38

$75,637 23

$97,899 77

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

130, 739 28

138,683 32

149,946 15

151,765 40

O verdrafts...........................................................................

349 45

274 10

452 63

865 35

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

5,237 00

5,237 00

5,237 00

5,237 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1 , 812 66

1,946 79



O ther rea l e s t a te .............................................................

393 82

1, 200 00

1 ,2 0 0 00

Prem ium s paid.................................................................
D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...........................

68 , 306



1, 475 00

1,475 00

1,475 00

42,605 03

53,549 18

51,681 81

Due from o th er banks and ban kers........................
T<brch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................


1 ,2 0 0 0 0

100 00


C hecks and c a sh ite m s.................................................

49 95

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................


Gold coin..............................................................................

5,102 50


347 96

384 75

35 28

56 09

57 54

4, 585 00

5,170 00

6 , 370


222 96

450 75

1,441 95


9,066 00

5,045 00

$304,593 46

$314,154 56

$303, 852 44

$323, 974 44

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$75, 000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

$75,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................







2,579 98



6,607 30

8,131 01

S ilv er c o in ..................................... ............... ...................

530 99

IT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

8,474 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

471 70




D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to cjie c k .................

42,277 10

36, 495 32

28,136 50

33, 360 65

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit —

15,679 41

2,889 21

2,945 25

8,714 74

162,556 97

187,952 35

184,663 39

192,268 04

$304,593 46

$314,154 56

$303, 852 44

$323, 974 44

T im e co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
Certified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers.................... .....................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Rills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 143.
Organized O ctober 22, 1892.
W . B. T h o m p s o n ,

P r e s id e n t;

G. I. T h o m p s o n ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a r l e s

C. W

h it n e y

, C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— W illiam B. Thom pson, F red S. V edder, R. W . Thompson, G. I. Thom pson, C harles C.

W hitney.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts................................

$185, 681 23

$201,146 56

$183,872 17

$188,253 30

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s .............

298, 300 89

305,758 01

320,512 47

323,972 27

O v e r d r a fts....................................................

1 , 585

1,240 92

1,731 35

4,891 78

Banking h o u se .............................................

7, 500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

7,500 00

Furniture and fix tu r es............................


5,800 00

5,750 00

5,750 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .......................................

400 00





2,100 00
89,214 08



D ue from banks in rese rv e c itie s —



81,527 99



D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

682 36

1,746 56



C h eck s and ca sh ite m s ..........................

657 08

358 10

504 58

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ......................................

151 41

77 85

142 09

49 23

Gold c o in ......................................................

,090 00

7,435 00

7,075 00

7,455 00

S ilv er c o in ....................................................

,117 20

1,355 85

1,396 30

1,627 75

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

,623 00

19,112 00

13,222 00

22,873 00

$616,750 73

$635,458 84

$640,724 96

$654,150 02

$ 100,000 00

$ 100,000


100,000 00

$100,000 00



7,300 00

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se.............

T o t a ls .

463 61

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in................
Surplus fu n d .................................................... .................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................



7,300 00

9,530 81

12,326 65



12,409 73

52,414 56

54,341 05

56,729 49

48,811 97

3,889 59

5,626 36

5,914 78

458,101 55

459,999 45

479,393 28

D ividends un paid ........................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ..........
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it___

24,296 27

S a v in g s d e p o sits..........................................................

423,709 09

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit...................... .....
C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ..............................
Due to banks and b an k ers....................................

320 26

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ................................
Bills p a y a b le ..................................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

5,750 73

$635,458 84

$640,724 96

$654,150 02





No. 24.
Organized January 23, 1886.
J o h n B o r l a n d , P r e s i d e n t ; W a l t e r W a l k e r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;
A b b s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

J n o . B o r l a n d , J r ., C a s h i e r ; W . J .

John Borland, W a lte r W alker, Jno. Borland, Jr., W ill Borland, E dw ard

D ir e c t o r s .—

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.


P alm er.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$77,899 60

$78,446 70

$83,222 01

$84,406 56

77,199 54

101,868 24

115,056 21

111,404 34

163 18

599 18

385 52

646 41

"R a t i k i n g h o n s f

4,923 44

4,923 44

4,923 44

4,923 44

T T i i r n i l n r a o n il f i Y t .n r f t S ........................................................................

1,891 04

1,891 04

1,891 04

1,891 04

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

73 57

83 19

84 14

j)-Q0 from hanks in tp^pfvp p itie s ............................

47,035 85

64,594 76

ha îm
/mvi KJ
1 1 KJtSJ.
IU»ûr* h o n l r o o n rl VlQTtl/iAT’C

14,823 56

104 71

24 62

884 83

851 90

1,057 75

61 06

64 34

68 00

73 79

70 00

560 00

472 50

605 00

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................
O v p vii r fi, f t.s



84 14
35,995 42

E x ch a n g es fo
C hecks anil pash ite m s.................................................
TsTir»Iridic a n i l

n .p n t s


i^}nld enin

1,893 60

750 00

749 00


4,653 00

7,256 00

$233,754 67

$263,078 50

$253,436 89

$249,928 74

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

1 0 .0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, internoh Q.nrl t.Q .Y Pa n a i d ....................................................

4,531 91

820 26

1,218 79

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ........... . ..

23,144 53

31,537 46

19,441 72

18,411 32

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

3,690 00

4,162 50

2,785 50

3,023 59

5,922 17

5,900 00

5,897 00
135,390 69

ftiltrp v n n in

1,511 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s .................................

7,218 00

T o ta ls —

910 00

L iabilities.
Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Q n r n l n c fv m d

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............

5,922 17



S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

103,286 91

118,396 84

134,180 01

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

33,179 15

42,239 27

29,910 87

23,480 28

$233,754 67

$263,078 50

$253,436 89

$249,928 74

C achici s chc<
Due fo hanks
NuLcs and h il
D ill.. rvn xT oW û

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 58.
Organized January 4, 1886.
H . R. W a g a r , P r e s id e n t

; J ohn

G r e e n o p , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A . S . W r i g h t , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— H. R. W agar, C haun cey J .R u m sey, A llen S. W right, L. N .O lm stead , Franklin H. Doland

John G reenop, E lla V. Just, S. W. W ebber, W illiam Toan.

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n ts .................................................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................
O verdrafts........................................................................

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

$180,795 12

$187,159 81

$212,246 54

$211,915 81

130, 448 44

130,504 03

147, 839 13

151, 715 00

1,218 71

2,145 84

1, 435 55

2, 393 89


R eport o f
D ec. 2.

B anking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix t u r e s ..................................................

8 , 200 02

8 ,2 0 0 02

8 ,2 0 0 02

8 ,2 0 0 02

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

10, 759 62

16,086 58

16,116 58

16,119 58

C urrent e x p e n ses and in te r e st p a id ....................

2,240 98

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

112,548 89

113,517 39

94,797 31

41.099 39

D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................

3,765 64

4,617 35

3,775 93

3, 058 50

1,907 94

520 54

871 82

790 59

3 30

300 02

13 59

12,757 50

14,782 50

2, 003 20

501 15

2, 322 65

337 00

17,058 00

10, 457 00

372 00

17,671 00

$483, 707 36

$488,792 23

$494.356 12

$466, 103 62

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se .................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ......................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ........................................................
Gold co in .....................................................................
S ilv er c o in .......................................................................
U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................
T o t a ls ...............................................................

6 , 365


22 84


L iabilities.
C ap ita l s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ..............................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................



$80, 200


$80, 200




1, 900 33

1,900 33

1,900 33

1, 900 33

*2, 073 90

137 57

2, 290 81

2,549 49

57,907 50

30, 399 77

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................



38,040 58

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S a v in g s d e p o sits....................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.................................

75,015 40

69,799 46

70,993 82

72, 314 77

263,122 03

298,531 91

285,331 58

268,890 71

3,488 20

7,823 19

5, 469 72

2,207 74

$483,707 36

$488,792 23

$494,356 12

$466,103 62

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g....................................
D ue to banks and bankers.......................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ......................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 191.
Organized D ecem b er



O s m o n d S . T o w e r , P r e s i d e n t ; O s c a r R . L o n g , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; W . B . H e a t h , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Osmond S. T ow er, John E. Morrison, Thad B. P reston , O scar R

Long, S eym ou r B.

Gorham, Geo. Gundrum, K. R. Sm ith.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R ep ort o f
D ec. 2.

L o a n s and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$157,400 52

$178, 584 58

$194,979 23

$226,732 72

S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

43, 267 24

48, 984 98

53, 008 65

43, 700 65

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

2,420 50

4, 417 91

3,011 05

5,093 51

B anking h o u se ...................'..............................................

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 000 00

E urniture and fix tu r es..................................................









O th er rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

18,155 82

14,139 14

14, 393 69

10,700 87

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................



83,918 83

55, 111 92

11, 952 45

780 00

11,063 76

16,982 89

5,138 04

4,641 04

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
■Checks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

321 33

179 92

232 89

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

189 59

302 64

253 20

G old co in .................................................. ...........................

5,570 00

6 ,122


8 , 522




7,725 00

S ilv er c o in ....... ..................................................................

3,876 25

2, 992 45

3, 969 00

3,274 40

IT. S . and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

8,023 00



5, 631 00

5,432 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$297,725 11

$367, 424 71

$364, 696 02

$333, 124 36

O apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 .0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

506 93

887 84

2,648 04

3,848 89

D ividends un paid.............................................................

37 00

597 65

10 15

9 49

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

37, 564 96

68,798 35

70,755 08

50.688 87


D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....
Timft com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

17,210 83

20,714 20

22, 555 93

22,284 99

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

180, 060 16

216,219 27

208,510 34

196,292 12

2,345 23

207 40

216 48

$297,725 11

$367,424 71

$364,696 02

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and hills red isco u n ted .....................................
Rills p a y a b le .....................................................................
T o ta ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$333,124 36





No. 135.
Organized M arch 7, 1892.
J a m e s M a c N a u g h t o n , P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n F . H a n c o c k . V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; O l i v e r E v a n s , C a s h ie r ;
W . W. T h o m p s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— J e ss e Spalding, H erb ert M. Pelham , M. L evy, A . F. W right, J. F. H an cock ,

F ra n cis A . Brow n, M. Corry, J a m es M acN au ghton, O. C. D avidson.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

T jo a .n s a n d d isc o u n ts ................................................................

$184,811 15

S t o c k s , b o n d s a n d m o r t g a g e s ..........................................

8 , 670

R esou rces.

O v e r d r a f t s ........................................................................................

Repoi-t o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$212, 907 45

$220,248 47

$222, 783 00


10, 670 00

10, 170 00

10,170 00

85 50

1,183 15

604 58

128 09

R a n k i n g h o u se ...................................................................
F u r n i t u r e a n d fix tu r es..................................................

1,850 00

1,850 00

1, 850 00

1,850 00

O t h e r r e a l e s t a t e .........................................................................

9,471 72

10, 121 91

10, 153 01

10,151 01

Due from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................

17,612 26

11,427 62

28,657 03

26,103 17

Due from o th er banks and bankers........................

3, 540 94

1,726 81

2,557 05

1,174 72

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ..............................................

386 53

620 41

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

52 93

48 30

73 18

59 87

Gold c o i n ............................................................................

1 .0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

2 , 000 00

3, 000 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1, 280 40

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ..............................

8 , 850



515 40

1. 855 00

1,125 00

2, 091 50


13, 750 00

16, 550 00

10,213 00

$237,611 43

$267,160 65

$294, 857 98

$288, 239 76

C apital sto c k paid in ................................................................

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d ....................................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ................................................................

4,126 45

3,991 17

4, 951 44

7,534 28

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ..................

96,184 00

114,598 23

124,232 25

113, 084 85

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit ........

19,337 98

17,427. 47

28,111 93

30, 342

64,579 55

79,082 50

87,039 42

85,810 10

3, 383 45

2,061 28


1, 467 67

$237,611 43

$267,160 65

$294,857 98

$288,239 76

T o ta ls .............................................. .....................................


D ividends un p aid ........................................................................


T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it .............
S avin gs d ep o sits ...........................................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ..........................................
Due to banks and bankers ...................................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ............................................
Bills p a y a b le ....................................................................................
T o t a ls ..........................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 12.
Organized O ctober 27, 1887.
W il l ia m

S e d g w ic k , P r e s i d e n t ; O l e W a l s e t h , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; D . P . H o u s e h o l d e r , C a s h ie r ;
E . A . M a l m g r e n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— O tto E ger, R ob ert M axw ell, Ole W alseth , W illiam S e d g w ic k , F. Braastad,

Thom as W alters, T im othy H ughes, J o sep h M itchell, H. H. Mildon.
R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R esou rces.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$112, 074 12

$136,227 15

$155,101 55

$162,528 04

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

27,655 94

26,398 52

26,295 37

26,595 37

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

1,477 36

1, 948 72

1,827 38

2,188 51

B anking h o u se ..................................................................

15, 950 00

15,500 00

15, 500 00

15,500 00

Furniture and fix tu r es............................ .....................

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e ......................... v ............................

8,067 41

8 , 600

8,600 50

l, 055 36


Prem ium a c c o u n t............................. ..............................

360 00

445 00

445 00

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...........................

10,211 73

24,317 38

26,718 08

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

8,808 63

19,218 64

8 ,2 0 2


445 00

16,196 90
8 , 647


323 25
C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s — ;................... ...............................
Gold coin.................................................... .............


9,435 74


2,214 96

1,6 6 6 95

131 53

203 73

178 61

202 64

13,355 00

20, 230 00

16,570 00

17, 635 00


S ilv er c o in ............................................ ...........................

3, 668 00

1,653 00

2, 692 00

2,791 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

12,723 00

20,784 00

12,051 00

25. 232 00

T o ta ls ............................................................................

$218, 380 40

$278,741 60

$277,172 51

$289,453 03

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s paid

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00


2,521 79

2,445 42

L iabilities.

228 28


354 00

30 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

66,010 15

123,503 27

111,891 83

120, 607 70

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

10,333 17

7,141 46

5,466 04

5,426 84

81,808 80

6,981 19

96,781 58

100,819 62

D ividends un paid.............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s ou tsta n d in g.....................................
153 45

D ue to banks and bankers........................ ..................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ............................ .........................................
$218,380 40

T o ta ls .

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$278,741 60

$277,172 51

9,453 03





No. 150.
Organized January 16, 1893.
W m , F. T h o m p s o n , P r e s i d e n t ; J. L e e P o t t s , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; C . A. P r i c e , C a s h i e r ;
J. B . S c o t t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— Ja m es B. C rawford, W illiam F. Thom pson, W illiam M. W eller, J. L e e P o tts,

John C. H icks, F. H. Horr, F. H. M cK ay, E. W . K ellogg, C. A. P rice.

R eso u rces.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..................................................

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$48,897 70

$62,232 81

$62, 878 49

$67, 890 63

S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

67,637 50

80,598 50

81,628 50

82, 400 00

O verd rafts............................................................................

355 09

246 54

984 42

699 19

983 50

B anking H o u s e .................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

983 50

983 50

983 50

O th er rea l e s t a te .............................................................

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

750 00

D ue from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................


13,557 73

4,822 74

Due from o th er banks and ban kers.......................

626 95

1, 295 83

2, 159

750 00



284 36

283 26

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se ...................................
C h eck s and ca sh ite m s................................. ................

144 03

247 20

276 29

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

53 76

99 67

111 32

34 16

G old c’oin..............................................................................

4,970 00

3,712 50

4,295 00

4,840 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,127 75

1,570 00

1, 374 00


U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s ................................

4, 814 00

2,977 00

2,455 00

2, 443 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$168,187 95

$168,521 28

$162,719 12

$173,630 20

C ap ital sto c k paid in ......................................................

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

$35,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

3, 750 00

3, 750 00

710 71

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__


L iabilities.


4, 500 00

3,465 80

616 56

2,457 78

52,081 60

48,920 94

38,998 34

44,869 00

2,058 81

1,926 73

10, 359 77

12,703 99

S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

24, 334 59

23,544 76

21,475 10

24,281 35

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s i t . .. ..........................

49, 859 22

51, 913 05

51,769 35

49,818 08

$168,521 28

$162, 719 12

$173,630 20


D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers..........................................

393 02

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$168,187 95






N o . 177.
J A C K S O N C IT Y B A N K , J A C K S O N .
Organized January 1, 1865.
W m . M. T hom pson ,

R eorganized January 1, 1895.

N . S. P o t t e r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; P. B. L oomis , J r .,
G. R. B y r n e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

P r e s id e n t;

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—P. B. Loom is, A nna M. Thompson, W . M. Thom pson, G. R. B yrne, N . S . P o tte r ,
P. B. Loomis, Jr., G. A . M atth ew s.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$471, 229 03

$539,847 95

$492,931 51

$572, 543 21

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

194,867 09

221,552 09

238,247 93

283,339 12

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

4,997 40

16,553 59

17, 048 64

14,111 28

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

33,000 00

33,000 00

33,000 00

33, 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

15, 000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

185, 505 84

116,404 21

215,736 51

100,075 50

E x ch a n g e s fo r clearin g h o u se...................................

11,642 75

17,657 79

10,118 56

C h eck s and ca sh ite m s ................................................

257 58



522 21



858 52

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

1, 394 46

555 00

574 62

538 73

G old co in ..............................................................................

42,145 00

35,960 00

31,990 00

30, 755 00

S ilv er c o in ..................................... .....................................

1,067 50

4,603 00

8,516 65

1,710 30

TJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

39,563 00

31,660 00

29,104 00

44.412 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $1,000,669 65 $1,033,738 29 $1,092,790 63

$1. I ll, 162 54

$150,000 00

C ap ital sto c k paid in......................................................

$150,000 00

$150, 000 00

$150,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current exp en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

75, 000 00

75,000 00

75, 000 00

75, 000 00

16,567 54

16,531 13

18,207 42

23,131 89


C om m ercial d ep osits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

267,806 62

307, 794 72

342,023 01

312, 357

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

217,461 50

213,061 53

214,091 72

244, 847 71

S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

273,833 99

271,350 91

293,468 48

305,825 08

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $1,000,669 65 $1,033, 738 29 $1,092,790 63

$1, 111, 162 54
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 186.
Organized April 1, 1896.
B e n j a m i n N e w k i r k , P r e s i d e n t : C . C. P o n d , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; C h a s . E . T o w n s e n d , 2 d V i c e P r e s i d e n t ;
C h a s . M . S p i n n i n g , C a s h ie r ; F . H . N e w k i r k , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— B en jam in N ew kirk, C. C. Pond, Chas. E. T ow nsend, H enry H. N e e sle y , J. G. O’D w yer,

Chas. H. Sm ith, H enry J. Davis, N a th a n H. W illiam s, E dw y Knight.

R esources.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

TiOans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$167, 930 42

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

106, 814 34

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$148, 815 56

$161,588 40


123,041 62

126,104 13

1,245 01

1,471 79

759 61

1,102 45

215 83

215 83

215 83

215 83

16, 627 32

62, 636 71

59,106 62

44, 532 82

4,270 35

1,089 49

810 57

2,911 06

1,819 34

756 40

1, 736 72
483 00

$158,786 27

B anking h o u se ........................................... ....................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................
O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
Due from banks in r ese rv e c itie s ...........................
Due from oth er banks and b a n k ers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

632 20

377 36

728 45

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

217 29

295 27

194 28

275 76

Gold co in ..............................................................................

487 25

526 70

7, 670 00

9, 054 70

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

2, 014 85

1,254 50

4, 255 25

4, 046 35

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s .................................

7,500 00


12,209 00

13, 529 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$306,595 57

$358, 347 80

$358,842 11

$363,479 73

$ 100 , 000

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$ 100 , 000

$ 100.000


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

10, 653




16, 023 38

D ividends un paid.............................................................



1, 602 33

1, 602 33

13, 522 90

15,463 18

20 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .............

51,894 18

93, 438 58

93, 720 40

76, 924 05

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.......

19, 897 73

20,623 54

8,711 93

11,683 57

S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

58, 731 71

68,298 25

78,464 49

98,581 60

S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

64, 526 89

57,553 26

59, 899 29

57,180 95

537 50

25 00

891 18

1,873 29

2, 875 77

2,044 05

$306,595 57

$358,347 80

$358, 842 11

$363,479 73

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 14.
Organized N o v em b er 1, 1883.
W il l ia m h . W it h in g t o n , P r e s id e n t



C. C . B l o o m f ie l d , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A . B . R o b i n s o n , M a n a g e r ,
C . C . A m e s , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s . —L. H. F ield, T hom as A. W ilson, A ddison B. Robinson, C harles C. Bloom field,

W illiam H. W ithington, J a m es O’D onnell, F. D. B en n e tt.
R eport of
D ec. 2.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

8372, 513 74

8410,563 34

8418, 069 30

8471,914 32

S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

197, 796 54

230,957 59

220, 908 92

219,720 01

O verd rafts...................................................

22, 369 78

1,6 6 6 09

4,871 85

B anking h o u se ...........................................

28, 000 00


F u rn iture and fix tu r e s ..... ....................

6 , 498 68


O th er rea l e s t a t e .....................................

50, 446 44

46,270 98

45,910 13

47, 757 13

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

203, 580 60

153,853 24

168,691 43

71,199 05

E x ch a n g e s fo r clearin g h o u se...........

819 38

5, 675 36

3,818 80

3,911 51

C h eck s and c a sh ite m s..........................

544 21

29 23

223 23

84 09

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .................. .................

187 56

160 74

373 01

231 19

Gold c o in ......................................................

247 50

42,785 OO

31, 552 50

37,642 50

S ilv e r c o in ...................................................

590 55

6,014 05

5,136 35

3,118 25

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........


15.047 00

9,130 00

R esou rces.




6 , 517

13, 600 81






D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

T o ta ls .




8923,756 98

8953,010 00

8949,119 90

8912,826 24

8100, 000




L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in.................





Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id .....................................................

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

50,000 00

19,434 34

22,075 24

25,931 40

26 542 33

D ividends unpaid .............................................................



2,748 00
101,419 06

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

137,883 15

151,309 55

140, 618 57

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

14,257 35

25,202 24

15,646 20

18, 963 21

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............

118,357 05

91,387 00

87,504 29

94, 540 28

S avin g s d ep o sits............................................., ................

440.853 76

479,069 36

483,082 97

469,861 69

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
1,475 10

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

400 00

C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

14 07

783 18

D ue to banks and b an kers............................... ...........

42, 497 26

30,435 43

46, 336 47

50,024 57

8923,756 98

8953,010 00

9,119 90

8912, 826 24

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 115.
O rganized M arch 28, 1891.
E . O. G r o s v e n o r , P r e s i d e n t ; J . A . S i b b a l d , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; W . M . W e t m o r e , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c e o r s .— E b en ezer O. G rosvenor, John A. Sibbald, John S. L ew is, E dgar A. W isner,

Charles F . W ade.

R esources.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

Tjoans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$127,815 34

$105, 565 94

$99,520 15

$100,309 17

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

45,924 00

48,925 00

54, 975 00

60,489 75

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

5, 041 22

2,727 78

2, 996 06

3,109 17

Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1, 530 00

1,530 00

1,530 00

1, 530 00

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

8 ,6 6 8 00

8 ,6 6 8 00

9,602 76

9, 791 05

P r e m iu m s............................................................................

181 25

241 25

241 25

241 25

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

23,018 43

40,283 72

37, 300 76

5, 817 39

5, 492 75

D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................

1, 949 03

F x c h a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................

1,591 94

1,174 63

544 42

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

60 44

78 06

134 85

Gold co in ..............................................................................

5,615 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

309 67
44 37


6 , 220 00

665 65

1,126 60

1,378 30

924 05

IT. S. and N ation al bank n o t e s ...............................

5,408 00

6,958 00

5, 445 00

5, 474 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$225. 519 27

$229, 301 73

$219,888 55

$196, 933 90

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d ............. .........................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current exp en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1,621 38

3,740 97

776 26

2, 325 93

6 , 530

6 ,945


L iabilities.

D ividends un paid.............................................................
C om m ercial d ep osits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

25, 310 16

47,493 76

43,652 48

31,163 97

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit__

137,681 00

118,067 00

114,375 00

103, 444 00

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c er tific a te s o f d ep o sit..................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s outstan ding ..................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................

906 73

1,084 81

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le.......................................................................
T o ta ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$225,519 27

$229,301 73

$219,888 55

$196, 933 90





i n

No. 147.
Organized D ecem b er 27, 1892.
> H a l e P. K a u p p e r , P r e s i d e n t ; W . G. H o w a r d , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; V e r n o n T. B a r k e r , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— J a m e s T. U pjohn, W illiam G. H ow ard, P. B. Orcutt, V ern on T. Barker, J o sep h S p e y e r ,

O tto Ihling, L ym an B la k eslee. H a le P. Kauffer, John R. H unter, H eb er O. R eed, H o r a c e B. P e c k ,
A u gu st B. S ch eid , Prank H. Milham, H. B. Colman, A. M. Todd.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
J une 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oan s and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$196,004 02

$237, 323


$237,892 56

220,731 42

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

17, 684 50

24,349 55

24,966 05

29,010 87

O verdrafts..................................................

404 65

1, 343 08


Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

7,100 00

7,100 00

7,100 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

1,749 71

978 26

1, 054 97

1,054 97

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

46, 951 56

38,201 16

13,701 16

15,260 59

R esources.


R eport of
D ec. 2.

902 89

Banking h o u se ...........................................

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

7,100 OO

212 96

E x ch a n g es fo r clea rin g h o u s e .........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

3,458 72

20,129 07

2, 034 53

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

64 07

58 97

161 82

Gold co in ......................................................

9,170 00

12,650 00

8 , 505


4,479 93
79 69
8,265 00

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

307 35

1, 482 40

465 40

537 85

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

8,578 00

9, 947 00

9,261 00

9,086 09

$291, 472 58

3,563 15

,650 17

$296,722 17

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

T o ta ls .

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in .................

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00


25, 000 00

25,000 00

841 31

3,710 77

1, 022 09

2, 306 24

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

37,325 05

67, 949 44

54,184 47

52,331 54

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

80,683 73

86 , 095


82,564 85

78,732 85

53,940 50

64, 437 91

72,250 24

68,005 36

47,181 99

59. 869 44

21,628 52

20,346 18

1, 472 58

$353,563 15

$306,650 17

$296,722 17

Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id .................................................




D ividends u n p a id ............................ ................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .....................................................................
T o t a ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 1.
Organized January 12, 1889.
C h a r l e s J. M o n r o e , P r e s i d e n t ; W m . G . K i r b y , V i c e P r e s i d e n t s ; R. J. W i l l i a m s o n , C a s h i e r ;
F . G . D e w e y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .—C. J. M onroe, W illia m G . Kirby, John. M ackey, W illiam J. Kirby, A . C. W ortley,

R. J. W illiam son, John W . Kirby.

R esources.

L o a n s and d is c o u n ts .................
S to c k s, bonds and m o rtg a g es
O v erd ra fts............ .................. —
B anking h o u se .......................... ...

R eport of
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

$173,259 33

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$232,096 19

$227,684 42

$271,076 09


236, 569 48

236,979 48

228,802 58

130 58

18 76

13 25

1,040 50

11,000 00

11,000 00

1 1 ,0 0 0 00

11,000 00


Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................
O th er r ea l e s t a t e .....................................


10 , 000 00

D ue from banks in r eserv e c it ie s . ..

278,744 58

278,058 42

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

181 35

681 91

10,000 00


1 0 ,0 0 0 00

253, 026 78

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g house.

5,281 52

710 81

1,592 32

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................

224 30

223 31

142 90

178 78

Gold co in ..............................................

17,570 00

17, 867 50

23,025 00

18,275 00

S ilv er c o in .........................................

3, 905 00

4,215 00

3, 380 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o tes

28, 796 00

19, 364 00

$770,454 34

C h eck s and ca sh ite m s................

T o ta ls


5, 459 50


21,317 00

$810,805 38

$805, 988 03

$823,247 89

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50.000 00

$50,000 00

50,000 00

50, 000 00

50, 000 00

50, 000 00

5,775 28

3,912 90

7, 358 76

6,226 78


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id .............................................. ..
D ividends unpaid
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

40,756 00

40,949 52


36,021 63

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

101,760 80

110,640 52

109, 484 05

109,221 58

473, 429 98

512,586 19

516, 995 81

535,208 77

48, 732 28

42,716 25

31, 257 55

36,569 13

$770,454 34

$810, 805 38

$805, 988 03

$823,247 89


T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................: ..............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 41.
O rganized May 22, 1888.
H . R . W a g a r , P r e s i d e n t ; E. E. W a g a r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; W . J. P e r c i v a l , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— H . R . W agar, W. J. P erciv a l, O . E. W agar, E. E. W agar, N . W . P a g e .

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts....................................................

$48, 367 61

$47,816 04

$39, 690 04

$37,509 73

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

31, 004 41

33,490 84

39, 301 44

39, 320 84

O v e r d r a fts ..........................................................................

19 09

1, 749 91

3, 605 07

1,060 34

3, 000 00

3,000 00

B anking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1,882 50

1,882 50

1, 882 50

1,882 50

O ther rea l e s t a t e ...................... ...................................

7,052 00

6 , 602 00

2,177 00

2,027 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

14, 172 36

17, 592 54

7,506 28

22,926 72

619 79

843 24

919 87


138 60

Due from o th er banks and bankers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................
O heeks and ca sh iterms................................................


N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

135 39



Gold co in .....................................................................: ___

2,730 00

2,555 00

2,585 00



S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

2, 646 60

1, 349 20

2,095 60

1, 537 50

TJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2, 427 00

3,751 00

2, 884 00

3,180 00

T o t a ls ............................ ................................................

$110,643 64

$117,509 42

$105,708 77

$115,785 10

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00



L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

7, 300 00



5,000 00

5,000 00

1,399 96

1, 381 29

78 59

1,149 40

D ividends un p aid .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

25,293 65

15, 392 19

13,143 87

14, 907 61

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

51,650 03

67, 435 94

62,486 31

69,728 09

$110,643 64

$117,509 42

$105, 708 77

$115,785 10

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s outstan ding.....................................
D ue to banks and ban kers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 133.
O rganized February 25, 1892.
W il l ia m D o n o v a n , P r e s id e n t

; H.

H . L a r n e d , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; J . E d w a r d R o e , C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s . — W illiam D onovan, H. H. Larned, C harles C annell, C. J. D avis, C harles F. Hamm ond,

J. E dw ard R oe, F red erick Thoman, J. E. S t. Johns, G eorge C. C ooper.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
3 e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$238, 245 47

$278,011 67

$296,586 73

$294, 425 81

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

119,138 42

147,548 20

148,768 20

147,143 48

O v e r d r a fts.......................................................... .............

917 61

1,184 34

935 69

Banking h o u se ................. ..............................................

44,200 00

44,200 00

44,900 00

44,900 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

3,845 13

3,845 13

3, 859 13

4, 355 35

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

12,711 17

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

45,465 61

66,075 96

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

5,252 38

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

517 99





64, 914 55

3,244 81

1, 747 09

5, 950 40

535 48

652 19

910 06

8,295 00

9, 395 00

10, 416 00

D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

Gold co in ...................... .......................................................

6 , 723


S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

4,359 50

4,166 65

7,218 95

3,693 35

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

19,130 00

25,572 00

17,575 00

17, 055 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$500, 506 78

$582,679 24

$584,398 84


C apital s to c k paid in ....................................................

$150,750 00

$150, 000 00

$150,000 00

$150, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

4,000 00

4, 750 00

4,325 00

4.325 00

2, 309 35

2, 606 35

3,268 47

5, 026 81


L iabilities.

D ividends un p aid .............................................................

459 21

4,635 00

335 33

165 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

174,519 79

213,164 46

215,940 24

233,282 09

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

110,833 80

109,342 13

101,155 46

103, 856 83

57, 634 63

98,181 30

109,374 34

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

96, 438


S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers.........................................

1,581 27

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$500,506 78

$582,679 24

$581, 398 84

$594, 675







No. 117.
Organized May 9, 1891.
H. D. R o o d ,

P r e s i d e n t ; E d w a r d B r o w n e l l , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;
J . R. J o h n s o n , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

C. G. W

h it e

, C a s h ie r ■

D ir e c t o r s .—H. D. Rood, C. G. W hite, G. W . Rood, E. B row nell, Sarah R. W h ite, Kirk W h ite
R ipley W h ite.

R eso u rces.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ....................................................

$50,162 48

$54, 735 22

$56,388 03

$51,436 67

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

71,657 75

108,535 06

115,634 06

119,280 00

21,364 81

10 , 000 00

15, 000 00

9,063 00

18, 064 50

O verdrafts....................................................................


Banking h o u se ........................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................
O ther real e s t a te .............................................................
Due from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

17,323 69

D ue from o th er banks and h a n k e r s ......................
E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ................................................
Gold co in .....................................................................
S ilv er c o in ...................................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a ls ............................................................

4 20

Surplus fu n d ..........................................................
U ndivided profits, less cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ....................................................

4 20
5,000 00


4 20



1 , 080 00

1 , 080 00



$185,719 29

$197,169 29

$209,865 55

$45, 000 00



L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in..............................................

4 20
5,000 00

$45,000 00

$45, 000 00

$45, 000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

9,000 00

13,470 08

13, 763 59

14,751 30

16,539 58

72,758 14

117,955 70

128, 417 99

139, 325 97

$140,228 22

$185,719 29

$197,169 29

$209, 865 55

D ividends u n p a id ..........................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................
D em and co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S avin gs d e p o s its ................................................
S avin gs c er tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k o u tsta n d in g ......................................
Due to banks and bankers.......................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...................................
Bills p a y a b le ...................................................................
T o t a ls .....................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 201.
Organized N o v em b er



C. A . W r i g h t , P r e s i d e n t ; J a c o b B a e r , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; J a m e s T . F i s h e r , C a s h ie r .

E rn est Bolim ann, J. Wivian, Jr.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$117,026 51

$143,266 25

$141, 370 38


24,816 00

40, 546 00

46,511 00

, ................................................

173 21

61 39

114 45

Hanking b o u s e ...................................................................

3,708 46

3,708 46

3, 708 46

3, 708 46

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................



2, 481 38

2,481 38

2,481 38

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

14,949 53

15,594 45


12,183 54

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers........................

26,154 01

2, 967 40

3, 825 12

36,355 64

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

13,888 48

2, 636 63


2,724 21

"Nickels and c e n t s ...........................................................

191 61

184 92

164 59

158 97

3,775 00

1, 245 00

1, 535 00

D oans and. d isc o u n ts......................................................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................
O verdrafts


O ther real e s t a te

$97,551 91


E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................

Cold co in ..............................................................................




S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

2,024 45

2, 437 95

1, 821 32

2,616 50

TT S and "National bank n o t e s ...............................

22,771 00

37, 651 00

31,261 00

31, 395 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$202, 421 54

$213,341 09

$255,957 29

$281,040 08

L iabilities.
Fapit.n.l stnnb pn.ifl in ......................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, interesf, and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

4,272 00


7,225 15

8 ,473


71,838 21

70,271 51

90, 268 08



S a v in g s d e p o s it s ............................................................

73,321 71

83, 403 74

102,667 34

100, 670 15

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

1, 440 85

2,130 00

23, 300 00

2, 590 00

6 ,795

D ividends un paid..............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............
Demand com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ....
T im e co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

1 ,0 0 0 00

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................

1,548 77

740 28

2,466 72

216 35

$213,341 09

$255, 957 29

$281,040 08

N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................
Hills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$202, 421 54






No. 8.
O rganized D ecem b er 24, 1886.
A r t h u r J . T u t t l e , P r e s i d e n t ; L . M . R u s s e l l , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; R a y A . L u d w ic k , C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s . — M. E . R um sey, J. J. T u ttle, O. V . T u ttle. A rthur J. T u ttle, L. M. R ussell,

J. A. Landfair, R ay A. Ludw ick.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ept. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oan s and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$74, 794 83

$80,041 65

$84,150 15

$92, 952 47

S to ck s, bonds an ( f m o r tg a g e s ...................................

13,136 29

13, 036 29

13,240 29

17, 640 29

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

1.267 56

2,740 92

1,702 31

3,647 72

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................

4. 000 00

4, 000 00

4,000 00

4.000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1. 000 00

1 .0 0 0

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

4, 363 25

3,784 50

3, 725 00

3, 520 OO

20,893 73

25,657 32

7,583 83

5, 532 50

E xp en se a c c o u n t.............................................................

47 58

Rue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

35, 804 18

R ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................




36 00

175 00

228 50


25 71

29 25

1,190 00

2 ,1 2 0 00

2,235 00

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................

780 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

15 90

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

1,530 00


S ilver c o in ..........................................................................

1,151 00

410 00

IT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

4,628 00

4, 864 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$142, 668 59

Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

320 00

965 00


5,014 00'

$132,178 72

$138,477 28

$144,120 06

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00-

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

325 45

493 29

1,356 09


L iabilities.

D ividends un paid.............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

48, 697 99

37, 428 42

37, 617 53

49,239 97

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f dep osit —

33, 970 60.

34,424 85

40. 366 46

33,524 00

$138, 477 28

$144,120 06

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.............
S avin gs d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....... *.....................

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Rue to banks and bankers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Rills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$142, 668 59

$132,178 72





No. 184.
Organized January 29, 1896.
B . R . N o b l e , P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n P . N i g g e m a n , J r ., V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; D . M c N a i r , C a s h i e r ;
W a l t e r C a l k i n s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— B.

R. Noble, John P. Niggeman, Jr., D. McNair, Matthew D. Wagner, J. L. Benedict.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R esources.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$29, 384 31

$42,054 95

$49, 450 17

$44,472 17

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s....... ...........................

3.070 00

2,875 00

5,56© 00

5, 330 00


557 44


2, 500 00
2 ,0 0 0 00

O v e r d r a fts ..........................................................................
B anking h o u se ..................................................


2, 500 00



190 90

F u rn iture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 , 000 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

2,808 19

3, 087 49

3, 112 79

3,158 29


25, 685 54

15,486 34

7, 935 16

10,716 95

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................

1,591 55

1,290 33

792 35

792 35

375 01

409 00

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s .........

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C h eck s and ca sh ite m s.................................................

60 45

67 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ......................................................



22 00

1,125 00

1, 040 00

G old co in ..............................................................................


30 55

750 00

1.250 00


S ilv e r c o in ...........................................................................

325 45

225 00

315 40

200 00

XT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

1,996 00

3,168 00

1,750 00

2,764 00

$70,779 39

$74,373 55

$74, 549 28

$73.814 21

$2 0 ,0 0 0

$2 0 ,0 0 0

$20 , 000

$2 0 ,0 0 0

T o t a ls ......................................................

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in....................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................





700 00

700 00

850 00

850 00

466 75

1,556 05

775 14

991 43

D ividends u n p a id ............................ .................................
C om m ercial d ep osits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

11,070 99

11,880 05

12,189 73

11,850 57

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

38,541 65

40,237 45

40j 061 74

39, 617


T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g.....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................

672 67

504 35

$74, 549 28

$73,814 21

N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ...................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$70,779 39

$74,373 55






No. 111.
Organized January 22, 1891.
F r a n c i s K i n g , P r e s i d e n t ; C h a r l e s M c C a r t y , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; M. C. G r i s w o l d , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— M. C. Griswold, F rancis King, G. H. F orce, C harles M cC arty, F. T. King, E. L.

B en n e tt, C. B ergin, Geo. W . Parker.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts .........................................................

$18,159 11

$15,967 62

$16,977 59

$21,729 51

S t o c k s , b o n d s an d m o r t g a g e s .....................................

85, 322 54

108,564 60

107, 979 67

102,708 45





41,170 23



O v e r d r a fts ................................................................................
R a n k in g h o u s e ...................................................................

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

6 , 500


6 , 500


O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
D ue from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................

24,897 22

15,020 17

1,256 38

R u e from o t h e r b a n k s and b a n k e r s ..........................
■ E xch anges fo r e l e a r in g h o u s e .....................................

C hecks and ca sh it e m s ................................................

1,163 01

972 6 Ò

713 20

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

80 75

51 59

93 29

69 83

Gold co in ..............................................................................

15,887 50

18, 035 00

18,105 00

17, 505 00

555 50

2,271 40

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,156 25

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .................................

17,568 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

818 40



16,270 00

$187, 007 39

$195,849 69

$192,091 47

$175, 528 74

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00



L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in .........................................................

1, 800 00



2 , 000 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

1,755 33

1,805 41

1,822 46

2,504 30

33,622 38

30,135 32

22,956 87

23, 493 70

S av in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

91,962 14

127, 699 27

135,714 21

117,220 13

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...................................

32, 867 54

9, 309 69

4,597 93

5, 310 61

$187,007 39

$195, 849 69

$192, 091 47

$175, 528 74

Surplus fu n d ...........................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id .........................................................
R iv id e n d s u n p a id .................................................................

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................
R em an d o .om m ereial e e r tifio .a te s o f d e p o s i t ....
T im e m ere.ial c e r t if ic a t e s o f d e p o s it..............

C e rtified c h e c k s ..
C a sh ie r 's c h e c k s o u ts ta n d in g ..........
R u e to b a n k s and b a n k e r s .............................................
N o t e s and b ills r e d is c o u n t e d ........................................
R ills p a y a b le

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 130.
Organized January 20, 1892.
C. E. B l a k e l y ,

P r e s id e n t;

I. N. R o d e n b a u g h ,


V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;


J. M i l l s ,

C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— W arren E . W atson , C harles E . B lakely, P h in eas M edalie, W . H. Thom pson,
L. J. Mills, I. N. R odenbaugh, C. A. Johnson, H. M. Coldren, H. T. A llerton, Geo. Crout.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts .....................................................

$35,042 28

$38, 943 48

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

19,909 30

16,880 85

O verdrafts........................ .................................................

1,329 08

309 78

240 62

733 78

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

2,853 57

2,853 57

2,853 57

2,853 57

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

2, 329 83

2,329 83

2, 329 83

2, 329 83

O ther r ea l e s t a t e ...........................................................

2, 996 43

1,907 00

5,033 10

5, 033 10

40, 056 58

22,133 33

926 35

P r e m iu m s............................................................................

735 00

945 00

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c itie s ............................

24, 669 32

20,869 73

$36, 030 37
8 , 902


$45, 777 23
11,102 85


D ue from o th er banks and ban k ers.......................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n ts ..........................................................
Gold co in ..............................................................................

689 43

174 29

487 10


57 80

140 33

36 55

1 ,2 1 0 00

1,215 00

1, 230 00

575 00


S ilv er c o in .......................... .............................................

1,432 35

853 70

1, 600 50

587 50

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2,074 00

4,346 00

3,930 00

2, 292 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$95,279 39

$91,686 03

$102,834 85

$94,381 09

$20 , 000

$2 0 ,0 0 0

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


1. 658 10


$20 , 000


$20 , 000


120 00

120 00

120 00

600 45

947 52



D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

43, 302 03

38, 524 25

43,185 92

37, 418 91

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit__

23,034 75

25, 367 24

30,337 76

25,713 05

7, 164 31

7, 074 09

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

8 . 243


S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

10, 313 03

120 20

C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban k ers..........................................

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$95, 279 39

$91,686 03

$102,834 85

$94,381 09






No. 88.
Organized July 18, 1871.
W m . B u r t l e s s , P r e s i d e n t ; A. F. F r e e m a n , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; C. W . C a s e , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s . — S. W. Clarkson, C. W. C ase, F. Spafard, W. B urtless, A. F. F reem an, F. JE. Sp afard,

J. A. G oodyear, L. D. W atkins.

R esources.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$95,735 08

$99, 336 30

$95,011 85

$29, 605 53

S to ck s, "bonds and m o rtg a g es...................................

20,023 10

29, 905 53

29,905 53

107, 694 12

O verd ra fts...........................................................................

2,218 78

2, 858 06

2,167 61

3,356 55

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 ,0 0 0 0 0

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1,607 13

1,607 13

1,607 13

1,607 13

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

32,500 00

32,500 00

32,500 00

12 , 000 00

Due from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

44,895 82

25,366 94

26,667 37

22,834 77

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

3,284 87

151 28

. 131 28

2,557 94

308 27

Forch a n g es for cl e a,ring house
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

787 42

591 69

466 35

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

26 07

30 95

16 87

20 79

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

2,427 50

2,345 00

2,240 00

2,287 50

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................



870 25

1 ,1 1 0 00

1,059 25

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .................................



3,186 00

4,080 00

5,016 00

$212,476 77

$204,749 13

$201, 903 99

$194, 347 85

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

6 , 000 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

1, 000 00


2,907 90

2,785 24

4,332 00

T o ta ls .............................................................................

L iabilities.
Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p e n ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


"Dividends unpaid .
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

36, 365 25

27,398 90

29,061 04

31,249 96

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

119,489 42

119,653 93

116,557 71

107, 622 99

HHime co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit
S av in g s deposits. ...
Savin gs c e r tific a te s o f dep osit
Certified c h e ck s


C ashier’s c h e ck s outstan ding
Due to banks and b a n k ers..........................................

142 90

1,288 40

N o te s and hills red iscoun ted
Rills payable
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$212,476 77

$204,749 13

$201,903 99

$194,347 85





No. 172.
Organized June 28, 1894.
B. G. E

n g l is h

, P r e s i d e n t ; J. M. H o r n i n g , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; E d . E. R o o t , C a s h i e r .

D i r e c t o r s .— B

G. English, G eorge H eim endinger, J. M. Horning, F red B reiten w isch er,
A. H. Kühl, C. F. Kapp, John W uerthner, A. J. W aters, John H. S ch lich t.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eh . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isco u n ts..................

$58,497 19

$63, 209 48

$66 ,447 25

$68,497 19

S to ck s, bonds and m ortgages,

52,051 11

50,286 11

57,163 31

64, 005 31

11 44

15 05

Banking h o u se ...............................

11,200 00

11,200 00

11,200 00

11,200 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ...............

1, 778 30

1, 778 00

1,775 00

1, 775 00

38,531 72

52, 441 84

41,887 00

25 00

843 02

495 60

60 61

O verdrafts......................................

3 84

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................
D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...
Due from o th er banks and bankers.



E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se..
C hecks and ca sh ite m s................

804 46

771 59

744 16

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ..........................

24 04

21 79

27 16

32 03

Gold co in .............................................

1,985 00

1,756 00

1,375 00

1,950 00

S ilv er c o in .........................................

531 75

554 85

391 00

416 05

IT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o tes

3,217 00

4,222 00

3,259 00

4, 971 00

T o t a ls ............................................

$168, 632 01

$186,281 71

$185, 111 90

$185,164 49

Capital stock paid in... ........................................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

Surplus fund................... .........................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid...............................................


1, 500 00

1, 500 00


2 , 266



2, 716 43



1,484 39



Dividends unpaid....................................x. ...............

14 00

Commercial deposits subject to check..............

14, 307 26

12,549 32

9, 725 28

10,338 07

Demand commercial certificates of deposit....

1,577 03

1,498 70

1,790 70

1,283 31

Time commercial certificates of deposit..........
Savings deposits..................... .................................

66 , 630


82,676 39

88,741 37

91, 779 18

Savings certificates of deposit...........................

58,118 36

60,790 48

55,934 55

52, 547 50

$168,632 01

$186,281 71

$185,111 90

$185,164 49

Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
Due to banks and bankers........... .......................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable............................................................
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 116.
Organized May 4, 1891.
T h o m a s K e n n y , P r e s i d e n t ; E. G. F i l e r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; W . J. G r e g o r y , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— T hom as K enny, J. K irster, J. H. Grant, E. G. F iler, John Sm ith.

R eso u rces.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$68,023 33

$79,309 10

$84,191 20

$103, 598 73

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es...................................

141,343 14

150, 440 50

146,443 18

173,919 41

855 81

390 71

720 46

1 ,2 0 0 00

1 ,2 0 0 00

1 , 200 00

1 ,2 0 0 00

88,810 49

66,694 85

100,115 83

58, 419 10

2,215 44

767 95

417 72

2, 960 15


156 31

O verdrafts...........................................................................



Ranking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................
O ther real e s t a t e .............................. ............................
T>ue from banks in r ese rv e c itie s ............................
One from o th er banks and ban kers.......................
F x c h a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

254 08


5,300 00



5,640 00

Gold co in ..............................................................................

7,552 50

5,335 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,396 10

814 35

1, 913 90

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

744 00

18,630 00

5,759 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$312,394 89

$323,784 08

$346,217 60

$360,885 48

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

7, 000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

7,000 00

870 15

2, 420 20

3,663 81

7, 382 90

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

125 29

125 29

125 29

125 29

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

34,223 01

37,868 12

42,765 78

44,719 80

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f deposit —

57, 492 69

57, 631 85

63,228 81

62,371 02

162,358 18

167,885 35

179,277 73

189,286 47

325 57

853 27

156 18

$312,394 89

$323,784 08

$346,217 60

2,747 60


L iabilities.
Capital sto c k paid in .....................................................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f deposit.
Certified c h e ck s


C ashier’s c h e ck s outstan ding
Due t*o banks and b a n k e r s .........................................
N o te s and bills red iscoun ted ...................................
Rills payab le


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$360,885 48





No. 21.
O rganized May 16, 1889.
G e o r g e H . O r r , P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n P a t t e r s o n , V ic e P r e s i d e n t
H . W . C l a r k e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

; C.

B . M e r s e r e a u , C a s h ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s . — M artin H . Quick, G eorge H . Orr, R obert B . W addell, C . B . M ersereau. John P a tte rso n .

R ep ort o f
F eb. 4.

R esou rces.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
Sept.- 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$85,531 79

$120,325 20

$131,299 49

$144, 474 08

S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es...................................

19,239 30

5, 812 20

26,110 96

29,187 73

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

14 52

314 62

221 39

B anking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

3, 643 62

3, 625 12

3, 000 00

1.405 74

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

47, 606 00

43,825 52

39,831 36

39, 890 09

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

99, 019 65

66,471 96

Due from o th er banks and b a n k e r s ......................

1,209 74

3, 045

59, 763 09

59, 812 52


659 02

940 13

2.152 00

E xch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

1,272 34

587 39

1,055 30

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................


98 73

51 02

57 70


140 00

350 00

5, 880 00

Gold co in ..............................................................................


S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,093 95

1, 363 45

1, 461 30

622 15

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

3,426 00

6 , 892


7,158 00

3, 435 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$263,637 08

$252,501 85

$270, 960 93

$287, 857 14

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d ..............................................................: ___
U ndivided profits, le ss cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

22 , 000 00

22 , 000 00

22 , 000 00

22 , 000 00

815 78

6,128 57

1,728 56

3, 670 77

C om m ercial d ep osits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

133,303 11

118,398 81



136, 339 40

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

57,518 19

55, 974 47

68 , 510


75,711 16

L iabilities.

D ividends un paid............... ..............................................

T im e co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it............
Savin gs d e p o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g .....................................
Due to banks and b a n k ers.........................................

135 81

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ........................................................


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$263, 637 08

$252, 501 85

$270, 960 93

$287, 857 14






No. 122.
Organized S ep tem b e r 5, 1891.
J o h n W. P o r t e r , P r e s i d e n t ; F r a n k H a r t , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; G. W . C a r m a n , C a s h i e r ; C. E. B l o o d ,
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s . — G eo. W . Carman, M. Sicken. M. P. S c o tt, R. F olk erts, F. H art, W . F. Sanber,


E. Blood, J. W. P orter, W illiam ManneL

R esources.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$134,501 46

$120,793 58

$149,537 95

$225,160 24

S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

100. 326 38

112,030 06

112,837 27

132,266 47


364 49

537 14

390 32

870 15

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

"Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1,930 42

1,930 42

1, 900 00

1, 900 00

o t h e r real e s t a te


3,424 45

"Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

55, 283 99

62,784 13

73,504 72

115, 164 10

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................

344 79

674 09

247 14

538 39

380 56


E x ch a n g e s for clearin g house
372 45

140 87

192 69

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................



47 15

413 35

255 22

Cold c o in ..............................................................................

3. 990 44

5,012 50

5, 692 50

5, 207 50

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

3, 034 35

1,217 50

1,514 40

1,699 35


and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

1,356 00

14,118 00

5,130 00

%3,346 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$311,026 08

$325, 517 02

$357, 308 52

$492,600 11

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

■Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

2,230 34

6,235 33

3,019 57

4, 813 49

94,365 12

■Checks and ca sh ite m s .............................. ..................

L iabilities.

100 00

D ividends unpaid



C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

44,317 24

52, 972 42

62,529 97

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

4,950 84

6,129 04

1,888 84

T im e co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f deposit
Certified, c h e ck s



C ash ier’s c h e c k s ou tstan d in g


6 , 377


200 00

190, 716 30

199,900 23

8,711 36

200 00

$311,026 08

$325,517 02

229,670 14

327,044 49

$357, 308 52

$492,600 11

D ue to banks and bankers
N o te s and bills red iscoun ted

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 100.
O rganized July 26, 1890.
N. M. K

a u f m a n , P r e s i d e n t ; E d w a r d N. B r e x t u n g , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; S. R. K a u f m a n , S e c o n d
V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; G e o r g e B a r n e s , C a s h ie r ; W . B . M c C o m b s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D i r e c t o r s .— N. M. K aufm an, G eorge B arnes, S. R. K aufm an, E dw ard N. B reitung, Charles M eeske.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$202, 366 24

$221,810 97

$225,123 13

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

85,188 84

87,122 15

81,430 81

O verd ra fts...........................................................................

724 69

2,195 36

6,611 26

4,612 27

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

55,000 00

55, 000 00

55, 000 00

55,000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es...................................................

7,517 60

7, 517 60

7,517 60

R esources.

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

R eport o f
D ec. 2.
$263, 910 78
59, 218


7,692 60
20,740 00

D ue from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

33,658 12

31,847 22

49, 253 33

96,696 04

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................

901 35

2,104 99

2,119 87

1,570 61

3,160 19

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

4, 614 15

7, 097 36

15,751 87

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

160 55

174 01

413 01

634 04

Gold co in ..............................................................................

19,925 00

18, 500 00

18, 930 00

16,995 00

S ilver c o in ..........................................................................

3, 404 50

2,094 50

3,269 35

6,623 90

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

18,149 00

18, 495 00

7,014 00

7, 460 00

T o ta ls .............................................................................

$431, 610 04

$453, 959 16

$472, 434 23

$544, 314 09

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid i n . . ....................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................





1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

1,376 67

2, 434 99

1,489 65

1,213 15

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

148, 614 92

183, 795 99

189,966 77

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

463 18

3,215 18

3,285 77

2,108 79

S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

148,699 14

137, 052 24

147, 654 73

181,132 49

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

14, 644 55

12, 357 07

7,811 58

$431,610 04

D ividends un p aid ..............................................................


T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............

12 , 809


11, 888 69

5,103 69

7,228 25

4,863 11

$453, 959 16

$472,434 23

$544,314 09

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s ou tsta n d in g.....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls ..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 137.
Organized May 18, 1892.
W i l l i a m J. D i b b l e , P r e s i d e n t ; E d g a r G. B r e w e r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; W . T. P h e l p s , C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s . —J. M. Parsons, John W isem an, T. L. Cronin, E dgar G. B rew er, M. S. O’K e e fe ,

W . J. D ibble, G eorge P e r r ett, W . T. Phelps, W . E. B osley.

R esources. <

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

"Loans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$81,411 54

$79,852 42

$84,756 90

$74, 728

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

266, 324 24

270, 324 87

299, 944 87

308, 083 87

O verd ra fts...........................................................................

715 17

2,310 53

498 25

672 39

500 00

500 00

587 50

617 25


B anking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es...................................................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................
P r e m iu m s........................................................ ................

3,163 64

1 ,0 0 0 00


1, 840 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

142,524 24

162,186 14

131,340 62

116,980 40

D ue from o th er hanks and b a n k ers.......................

400 00

664 45

200 00


198 75

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and c a sh ite m s ................................................

3,625 80

1,061 81

2,414 38

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

156 22

360 36

222 17

381 64

Gold co in ..............................................................................

12, 022 50

11,265 00

12,217 50

15, 515 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

2,542 50

2,225 60

2, 356 30

3,055 70

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

14, 547 00

5,930 00

8,284 00

15,827 00

T o ta ls .............................................................................

$527,932 85

$537,681 18

$544,782 49

$540 669 07

C apital sto c k paid in ................ .....................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less cu rren t exp en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

9, 244 91

8,033 32

10,304 74

10, 809 89


2 ,0 0 0 00

2, 768 41


Dividends un paid..............................................................


C om m ercial d ep osits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

90,585 90

79,527 49

94,709 52

89, 626 81

D em and com m ercial c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

26, 300 13

29, 387 35

22,624 15

30,098 22

341,741 91

358,733 02

357,144 08

350,134 15

$527,932 85

$537,681 18

$544,782 49

$540,669 07

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .................. \ ...............
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 198.
Organized July 15, 1897.
C. S. J

o n e s, P r e s id e n t;

F, S. J o n e s ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

H. B. J o n e s ,

C a s h ie r ;

G . R . C l e m e n s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—C. S. Jones, F. S, Jones, Lizzie J on es, C. H. Hudson, G. W . Kroll.

R esources.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts....................................................

$70,657 46

$72,010 94


$66,694 16

S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

38,813 64

38,293 87

38,975 87

51,847 37

29 62

346 47

1,639 19

657 04

B anking h o u se ............. 7................................................

4,500 00

4, 500 00

4,500 00

4.500 00

Furniture and fixtures....................................................

1 ,0 0 0 00

O v e r d r a fts ......................................................

$73, 406

O ther rea l e s t a te .............................................................
D ue from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

9,302 30

13.569 60

9, 981 79

17,710 59

D ue from o th er hanks and han kers........................

82 93

67 23

390 00

465 69

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and c a sh ite m s ................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................
Gold co in .........................................................................

14 25

22 39

18 53

18 14

3,650 00

2,955 00

4, 045 00

4, 050 00

S ilv er c o in .........................................................................

763 30

863 50

867 85

979 35

IT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

7, 079 00

4, 745 00

3, 480 00

5,946 00

$135, 892 50

$137, 374 00

$137,304 89

$152,868 34

$40, 000 00

$40,000 00

$40, 000 00

$40, 000 00



T o t a ls ..................................................

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.....................................
Surplus fu n d .................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

500 00





1,316 32

84 85

449 06

2,159 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

32, 852 26

30,502 36

27,435 18

29, 999 15

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

37, 550 62

42, 722 26

44,558 12

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

23,673 30

23,264 53

24,062 53

$135, 892 50

$137, 374 00

$137, 304 89

D ividends un paid .............................................................

57, 450 61

22,459 58

S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to hanks and ban kers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$152,868 34






No. 22.
Organized Jun e 7, 1886.
M. D. C h a t t e r t o n ,

L. C. W e b b , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; A. J. H a l l , C a s h i e r ;
R . C. D a r t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

P r e s id e n t;

D i r e c t o r s . —H arper R eed, G eorge W . Bristol, L ew is C. W ebb, M ason D. C hatterton , J. K . Elm er,

E. A. B arnes, A. J. Hall, R. C. Dart, G eo. M. H oyt.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ept. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

$68,079 01

$80,909 81

$83, 857 73

$83,990 35

S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

43,539 94

41,549 06

41,234 39

37, 008 58

O v e r d r a fts...................................................

131 55

262 53

87 43

1,174 93

B anking h o u se ...........................................

4,500 00

4, 500 00

4,500 00

4, 500 00

Furniture and fix tu r es...........................

1,450 00

1,450 00

1,450 00

1, 450 00

O th er rea l e s t a t e .....................................

8,137 00

8,592 64

8 , 592

8 , 592

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s . . .



6 , 993




11,909 44

11,942 65

40 00

728 45

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
E xch a n g es fo r clearin g house.
•Checks and ca sh ite m s ...............

115 19

795 42

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .......................... .

48 01

35 74



32 48

2, 400 00

2,200 00



2,000 00

G old c o in .............................................
S ilver c o in ...................... ..................

620 40

1,540 00

429 50

1,545 30

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o tes

1,044 00

3, 410 00

925 00

5,500 00

T o ta ls ............................................

$178,240 96

$152,239 15

$153,214 65

$158, 465 38

$50,000 00

L iabilities.
$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

6 , 000 00

6 , 500

6 , 500

6 , 500

2,490 43

2,645 22

3,104 53

5,759 69

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .......

73,062 91

48,049 72

45, 303 52

51, 240 47

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f deposit.

46,687 62

45, 044 21

48, 306 60

44, 965 22

$178,240 96

$152,239 15

$153,214 65

$158, 465 38

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ............................ .........................




D ividends un p aid ......................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...
S avin g s d ep o sits..............................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f deposit.
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ..
D ue to banks and bankers.........
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...
Bills p a y a b le .....................................
T o ta ls

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 107.
Organized O ctober 27, 1890.
O. W . H a l s t e a d , P r e s i d e n t ; L. C . W e b b , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; F . E . D e n s m o r e , C a s h i e r ;
D. P. W h i t m o r e , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .
D i r e c t o r s .— L . C. W ebb, O. W . H a lste a d , Charles J. R aynor, F. E. D ensm ore, C. E. E aton,


P . W hitm ore.

R eso u rces.

R eport of
Feb. 4.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$67,922 23

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

23, 905 00

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

73 33

R eport of
June 30.
$53,971 22

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$48,506 60

$34,214 95


25, 093 69

36,459 03

401 49

17 90

19 64


B anking h o u se ...................................................................

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................






1, 400 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e ...........................................................
Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...........................

3, 612 03

13,936 56

20 348 46

43, 978 36

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

713 27

1,222 83

145 28

361 76

118 99

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................

13 03

115 95

112 14

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

65 95

84 61

50 02

Gold co in ..............................................................................

5, 470 00

6,155 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

557 85

596 50

2,318 30

963 20

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2,283 00

3,089 00

3,229 00

1, 281 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$106, 015 69

$102,708 84

$107, 801 39

$125, 731 76

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

6 ,0 0 0 00

5,000 00

5, 000 00

5. 000 00

2,211 15

2,024 24

2,249 15

3, 037 18

1 000 00

72 on

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

32,051 62

31,872 39

35, 739 17

44,399 15

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

40, 752 92

37,812 21

39, 741 07

48,243 43

$106,015 69

$102,708 84

$107,801 39

$125,731 76-

6 , 580


59 83
6 , 875


L iabilities.

D ividends un paid.............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 168.
Organized February 14, 1894.
J o h n G . S c h u r t z , P r e s i d e n t ; W m . B e a r d , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; F r a n k W o l f , C a s h ie r ;
W m . F r a n k i s h , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .
D i r e c t o r s .— John G . Schurtz, Wm. Beard, Frank W olf, W . L . Thoms, Josiah W olf.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$51,725 15

$43,853 93

$46,309 76

$52, 858 42

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

23,900 00

30,560 00

30,375 00

31,975 00


47 57

O verd ra fts...........................................................................


Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................
D ue f r o m banks in r ese rv e c itie s ...........................

14,298 15

14, 635 60

9,182 24

8 ,559


D ue from oth er banks and b a n k ers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

324 62

288 62

309 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................



218 37

236 03

264 43

Gold co in ..............................................................................

4, 765 00

5,257 50

4,032 50

5,327 50

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,195 75

1, 279 50

1,239 25

854 25

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s .................................

3, 672 00

3,066 00

2, 940 00

2, 587 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$99, 743 93

$99,195 52

$94, 604 56

$102, 782 84

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter ­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

6 , 000 00

6 , 000 00

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

31 18

1,249 46

1,781 24

3,123 12

C om m ercial d ep osits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

15, 369 87

14, 965 69

13, 048 04

16, 490 08

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.......

11,165 38

7,844 11

11, 855 45

L iabilities.

D ividends un paid................................................ ............

8 , 594


T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin gs d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

2,253 13

2,810 64

3,550 11


51,132 55

48,120 53

46, 764 08

$99,743 93

$99,195 52

$94,604 56

$102,782 84

2,165 62

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 113.
Organized F ebruary 17, 1891.
R . E. Combs ,

P r e s id e n t;

Mi n e r S. K e e l e r ,

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

W . B. K e e l e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—R. E. Combs, W . E. K e e ler , K ittie K e e ler , M. S. K e e ler , G ertie S . K eeler.

R esources.

R eport of
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L o a n s a,nd d is c o u n t s ......................................................

$43, 422 57

$47,505 34

$54, 859 92

$54,553 69

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

33,233 18

31,322 58

24, 846 58

25,371 18

O v e r d r a fts ...........................................................................

63 28

46 26

Banking h o u se ...................................................................

2, 500 00







"Furniture and fix tu r e s ......................................................




2, 500 00



34,031 92

21,845 96

25,874 46

19,750 08

1,724 32

709 93


O th e r r e a l e s t a t e .................................................................

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................
D u e from o t h e r b a n k s and b a n k e r s ..........................
F x o h a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e ......................................

C hecks and ca sh ite m s..................................................

1,201 05

2,019 83

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

47 65

30 29



93 44

Gold c o in ........................................................... ..................

150 00

935 00

1, 055 00

1 ,1 2 0 00

1, 362 35

1,165 35



5,200 00

$121,442 12

$112,833 61

$119,794 47

$114,186 90

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

2, 325 00

2,525 00

2,525 00

2,525 00

672 39

215 34

347 92

1,052 93

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

630 75

TT. S. and N a tio n a l hank n o t e s .................................

3,725 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

937 30


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d ............................ .........................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d e p o r ts su b je c t to c h e c k .................

20,627 40

17,729 87

20, 529 07

17, 827 51

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

72,817 33

67,363 40

71, 392 48

67,781 46

$121,442 12

$112,833 61

$119,794 47

$114,186 90

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e ck s o utstan ding.....................................
D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 97.
Organized S ep tem b e r 10, 1886.
S te w a r t B. Go rdo n ,

P r e s id e n t;

W m . P a t r ic k ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

D. W . C hase ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—W illiam P atrick , Geo. R ockw ell, C harles Brow n, S te w a r t B. Gordon, G eorge P e c k .
R eso u rces.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$62, 260 80

$69, 957 17

$69,842 42

$62, 822 92

S to ck s, bonds and m ortgages*...................................

22,193 22

25,608 42

27,177 90

28,466 94

O verdrafts...........................................................................

896 50

288 93

477 91





Ranking H o u s e .................................................................


Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................


O ther r ea l e s t a te .............................................................

1,193 00

1,193 00

1,193 00

713 00

Dlie from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

23,245 37

25,226 76

14, 904 75

12,263 54


Due from o th er banks and bankers.......................





2,230 05



1, 550

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s.................................................

637 27

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

69 76

25 82

116 08

63 24

Gold coin..............................................................................

2,670 00

3, 630 00

4, 005 00

5,185 00

S ilver c o in ..........................................................................

477 95

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s ................................

684 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

234 00


363 60

417 15

839 85


1,791 00

$115,209 87

$132,007 96

$124,534 59

$114,343 30

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

2,250 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

72 45

1,710 93

1, 543 58

1,703 35

31, 907 56

50, 438 94

43, 023 87

33,392 83



L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.....................................................
Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current e x p en ses, inter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................
Demand com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it___
T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............

5, 807 40

4, 350 00

4, 350 00

4,250 00

S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

18, 216 59

20, 233 58

21, 375 17

27, 303 92

R avings c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...............................

31,955 87

28,024 51

26,991 97

20,404 01

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
39 19

D ue to banks and ban kers..........................................
N o te s and bills r e d isc o u n t,e d ...................................
Rills payab le

.................................................... ............

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$115,209 87

$132, 007 96

$124,534 59

$114, 343 30





No. 77.
O rganized D ecem b er 31, 1889.
W . H. W h it m a r s h ,

P r e s id e n t;

C. H. W il so n ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

T. W . B a r n e s ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—W . H. W hitm arsh, C. H. W ilson, M ell B arnes, T. W . B arnes, O. A. K elley .

R esou rces.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D e c 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$62, 599 78

$69,942 91

$71, 313 00

$52,832 08

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

26, 840 70

28,762 30

29,645 37

30,679 70

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

4,268 20

678 92

1,685 52

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

766 51
2, 482 67

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

2 ,1 0 0 00

2 ,1 0 0 00

2 ,1 0 0 00

O ther rea l e s t a te .............................................................

6 , 695

6 , 642


6,607 72

6,515 60

12,142 22

5,265 06

28, 347 07


7, 374 05

3,541 50

4, 431 72

1, 495 56

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................
D ue from oth er banks and b a n k ers.......................


16, 249 96

2 ,1 0 0 00

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

1,135 60

222 15

42 44

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

34 62

45 00

37 03

30 92

Gold co in ..............................................................................

2,597 50

1,095 00

1,065 00

2,240 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,169 50

188 95

416 00

167 80

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

1,957 00

4,177 00

3,061 00

5,282 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$129, 748 80

$133, 370 90

$124,779 64

$137, 371 63

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

5,000 00

5, 000 00

1,126 30

3,074 74

2,241 09

2,760 41

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends un paid.............................................................

15 00

15 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

23,435 52

19,015 65

15, 501 95

23, 216 76

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

70,270 41

76,261 09

71,887 18

76,158 30

4,901 57

4,999 42

5,149 42

5, 036 16

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

5 00

200 00

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .....................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$129, 748 80

$133, 370 90

$124,779 64

$137, 371 63






No. 202.
Organized January 10, 1898.
C. C. W a k e f ie l d ,

P r e s i d e n t : F r a n k E. Ca w l e y , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ;
Cash E. W a k e f ie l d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

C. A. W il s o n ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—C. C. W akefield, J. O. W akefield, Cash E. W akefield, F. E. C aw ley, C. A. W ilson.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$144, 510 10

$190,848 74

$208,955 76

$234, 825 48

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

63,829 50

60, 429 50

62, 904 50

68,849 50

O verdrafts .................................................

98 28

B anking h o u se ...........................................

5.000 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

2.000 00

R esources.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

53 91

488 35

5.000 00

5.000 00

5.000 00

2.000 00

2.000 00

2.000 00


42,966 13

33, 095 10

16,464 67

C h eck s and c a sh ite m s .........................

1,756 00

277 39

1,581 40

409 46

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................,



69 45

101 64

65 92

3,427 50

3, 130 00

3, 337 50

4, 417 50

O th er r ea l e s t a t e .....................................
D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...


D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u s e .........

Gold co in ............................................. .


S ilver c o in ...................................................

836 75

986 10

1, 562 25

798 20

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

4,989 00

7,969 00

11, 496 00

6,065 00

$263,889 18

$313,676 31

$330,088 06

$339, 384 08

$30,000 00

$30, 000 00

$30, 000 00

$30, 000 00

11,000 00

11,000 00

T o ta ls .

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in .................
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id .................................................





6,567 38


6,283 29

53,162 64

36,197 90

44, 858 00

50,162 37

32,705 59

43,731 76

43,195 90

137, 957 35

181,127 42

202,375 11

203,262 80

$263, 889 18

$313,676 31

$330, 088 06

$339,384 08

1,587 13


D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................
D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

33,182 33

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s .......................... » ..................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T ota ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 51.
Organized May 30, 1877.
Ol i v e r Ch a p a t o n ,

P r e s id e n t;

F . G. K e n d r ic k ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

George A. S k i n n e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—A. G renier, F. G. K endrick, Oliver Chapaton, John R oskopp, W illiam C ottrell,
T. L ungershausen, John T. N urm eley, John J. Sherm an.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ..............................

$377, 047 69

$370,195 53

$334,124 92

$374,032 34

Stocks^ bonds and m o r tg a g e s ............

335, 427 20

347,247 55

356,302 55

355 540 05

O v erd ra fts...................................................

1, 318


1,729 16

1,734 60

787 70

21, 000 00

21,000 00

21,000 00

21,000 0d

400 00

3,400 00

3, 400 00

3, 400 00

152,321 91

107,058 49

190,768 58

115,024 32

B anking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r es............................


O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................
D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...
D ue from o th er banks and ban kers.

969 48



E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

313 23

492 29

1,730 91

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................

430 47

31 37

123 63

115 49

Gold c o in ......................................................

922 50

18,757 50

23,030 00

24, 815 00

1, 537 54

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

982 95

3,116 58

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

451 00

16,146 00

14,291 00

15,841 00

923,615 91

,143 95

$949,821 47

$915, 470 29

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

T o ta ls.

3,210 40

3,376 85

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10,000 00

10 . 000 00

73, 363 63

86,860 97

77,968 85

84,257 48

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

108,541 96

128, 877 73

171,397 02

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

3,906 99

3,856 99

2,408 32

157, 956 82
2, 308 32

S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

459,520 30

434,127 16

453,192 27

440,172 64

S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

217,518 03

176,421 10

183,583 14

170, 775 03

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends un paid............................................................

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.............

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g .....................................

765 00

1,271 87

Due to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

0,143 95

,821 47

$915, 470 29





No. 158.
Organized May 12, 1893.
E r n s t J. Ol d e ,

P r e s id e n t;

W m . D. W il so n , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; R. C. U l l r ic h ,
P a u l J. U l l r ic h , C a s h i e r .

2 d V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

D ir e c t o r s —P a u l J. U llrich, A . Martin K eeler, Wm. D. W ilson, E rnst J. Olde, O scar C. Lungerhausen, R euben C. U llrich, John P riehs, Prank E. N ellis, F ran cis P . U llrich.
R eport of
D ec. 2.

Reporc o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$261,304 57

$284,121 63

$295, 451 99

$294,068 45

S to c k s bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

138,045 04

173,678 67

175,427 35

183,114 85

O verdrafts...........................................................................

454 28

2,132 77

1,151 14

1,022 17

R a n k i n g h o u s e ...............................................................................

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 , 000 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 , 000

" F u r n i t u r e and fix tu r e s ..................................................

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 , 000 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

61,248 02

34,965 30

56,763 83

92,253 52

7,571 32

9, 347 00

937 04

R esources.

Q fber real e s t a te



R u e . f r o m b a n k s in r e s e r v e e i t i e s .................................
f r o m o t h e r b a n k s a n d b a .n k e r s
E x c h a n g e s f o r c l e a n i n g h o u s e ..........................................
C h e e k s and cash i t e m s .................................................

51 64

1,421 69

1,896 82

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

102 85

72 05

297 72

Gold coin..............................................................................

18,575 00

22, 870 00

25,170 00



25,080 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

740 70

1,701 35

3,211 75

1,563 30

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

3,398 00

7,775 00

7,428 00

6,132 00

T o ta ls ............................................................................

$501,491 42

$548,085 46

$576, 798 60

$614, 440 01

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$100 , 000

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$ 100, 000

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .. .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................





2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

7, 627 12

9,676 34

13,177 93



D i v i d e n d s u n p a i d ..............................................................

40 00

4,040 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

69,689 83

62,817 40

80,719 21

78,178 12

4,269 07

29, 847 73

13, 970 06

10, 772 27

S avin gs d ep o sits...............................................................

164,442 42

221,564 50

244, 062 03

267,525 62

S a v i n g s c e r t i f i c a t e s o f d e p o s i t .................................

135,422 98

100,139 49

104,869 37

120,691 14

$548,085 46

$576,798 60

$614,440 0!

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T i m e c o m m e r c i a l c e r t i f i c a t e s o f d e p o s i t ............

C e r tif ie d c h e c k s . ..
C a s h i e r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d i n g ...................................
D u e to b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s ....

N o t e s a n d b i ll s r e d i s c o u n t e d
R ills p a y a b l e


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$501,491 42





No. 170.
Organized May 1, 1894.
John K in n e y ,

P r e s i d e n t ; L. N. S m it h , V i c e P r e s i d e n t s ; George
W il l ia m C. D u s e n b u r y , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

A. D u s e n b u r y ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—D. H. N elso n , G eo rg e A. Dusenbury, L ev i N . Sm ith, John K inney, Charles M. Brooks.
W illiam C. Dusenbury, O scar F. Sh eld on.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans a,nd d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$85,906 16

$89, 620 87

$92,809 90

S to c k s "bonds a,nd m o r tg a g e s ...................................

11,011 57

11,232 13

11,761 39

15,190 51

6,503 85

6,503 85

O verdrafts...........................................................................

457 76

"Ranking h o u se ...................................................................

6,503 85

"Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1,815 84

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................



3 64

77 11
6 , 503


1,817 59

1 817 59

1, 817 59

3,880 76

3, 880 76

3,880 76

"Due from ba.nks in r ese rv e e it ie s ............................

32, 769 34

25,154 87

28, 009 74

28, 896 10

R ue from o th er banks and bankers........................

12 67

402 37

200 41

200 41

L x oh a.nges for clea rin g h o u se ..................................

243 84

468 38

411 82

743 06

O heeks a.nd cash ite m s ,,..............................................

1,486 31

906 89

346 67

263 30

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

184 49

93 58

73 25

9 81

Oold co in ..............................................................................

2,040 00

2 , 000 00

2,070 00

2, 320 00

S ilv er c o in ......................................... ................................

1,240 00

TT. S . and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

14,541 00

T o t a ls .............................................»..............................

$158,212 83

$50,000 00

590 00
6 , 993


355 00

995 00


11,985 00

$149,741 40

$155,018 38

$168,042 69

$50, 000 00

6 , 778

L iabilities.
$50, 000 00

$50,000 00


6,206 92

6,206 92

6,206 92

261 44

91 14

654 00

2, 333 31

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

61, 675 67

50,762 98

56, 563 49

69,889 27

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

20,850 55

21,787 35

23,263 55

19,390 36

C apital sto c k paid in..............................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits» le ss cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

6 , 002

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

1,750 00

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

5, 945 07

8,360 54

7, 706 37

8,758 56

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

13, 477 75

10,782 47

10,624 05

11,464 27

$158,212 83

$149, 741 40

$155, 018 38

$168, 042 69

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Rills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 189.
Organized July
R. E. Mo r r is o n ,

P r e s id e n t;

Geo . L. B u r t is ,



V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

Cl a u d e W . Case ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—Geo. L. Burtis, C laude W . C ase, R o b ert E. Morrison, H. N . Morris, Geo. R. Hill.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$47,705 46

$46,305 19

$42, 932 50

$49, 997 89

S to c k s bonds a n d m o r t g a g e s .........................................

5,812 58

11,594 83

15,864 33

15, 605 83

573 81

508 98

683 43

200 00

200 00


369 17

O verdrafts


Furniture and f i x t u r e s ..................................................


1,851 99



1,878 19

200 00

200 00

D ue fr^rn banks in r e s e r v e c i t i e s .................................

21, 461 40

13, 303 40

17,256 71

17, 308 27

Duo f r o m o t h e r b a n k s a ,n d ban kers........................

3,144 78

4,000 00

8,541 47

7,238 96

221 39


164 72

2,368 44

Jvfjc^cls a n d c e n t s ......................................................................

47 22

74 20

56 74

73 51

Gold c o i n ............................................................................

920 00

670 00

855 00

927 50

C heck 51 and c a s h i t e m s ..........................................................


S ilv er coin ........................................................................

1,017 70

627 65

1, 470 45

1,401 50

XT S and N a tio n a l b a .n k n o t e s .....................................

2,135 00

3, 904 00

3, 733 00

2, 737 00

T o ta ls r..........................................................................

$83, 329 91

$81,722 14

$95,814 06

$99, 902 14


$29, 000 00

L iabilities.
Capital s t o c k paid in......................................................
Surplus f u n d ....................................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$29,000 00

$29,000 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1, 000 00

1, 250 00

1,250 00

940 39

2, 697 52

2,431 91

3, 290 95

36,610 75

46, 623 76

44, 873 07

795 00

1.192 09

1, 385 00

3,433 03

5,956 72

6,905 39

7, 441 29

8 , 633

4,316 39

5, 357 39

9,421 92

............. ♦ ........
n o m m e r c i a .l d e p o s i t s su b je c t to c h e c k ................

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified ch e ck s



3,936 92

250 00


2,074 71

D ue to banks and b a n k ers.......................... .......

T o t a l s n ..........................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$83,329 91

$81,722 14

$95, 814 06

$99,902 14





No. 60.
O rganized D ecem b er 1, 1887.
H. N. H o v e y ,

P r e s id e n t;

J. F. D en sl o w , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; C. C. B il l in g h u r s t ,
F . E. H ammond , C a s h i e r .


V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

D ir e c t o r s .—C. C. B illinghurst, F. E. H am m ond, P au l S. Moon, H. N. H o v ey , J. F. D enslow
W illiam C arpenter, C. L. Thom pson, Thos. Munroe.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

$178, 471 21

$169,457 49

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...........

62,991 51

81,056 77

O v erd ra fts................... ...............................

163 74

R eport of
D ec. 2.


$185, 639 37

82,164 55

85,360 55

1,146 70

576 14

Banking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..........................

3, 300 00

3, 300 00

3,300 00

3, 300 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................

18, 496 44

23, 466 39

23,355 69

23,218 42

1 ,0 0 0 00

1,000 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

21, 465 98

10, 385 16

39,148 74

26, 957 39

D ue from oth er banks and bankers.

29, 600 17

26,023 48

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

1,171 39

864 38

P rem iu m .......................................................

328 50
6 , 562

10 00


6,600 26
424 41

C hecks and cash ite m s ........................



1,563 74

536 12

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

336 33

152 33

142 34

136 62

Gold co in ......................................................

3,672 50

3, 355 00

4,120 00

4,31,0 00

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

1,544 80

3,322 60

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

11,977 00

7, 967 00

$333, 703 09

T o ta ls .

2,274 65

1,695 35


13,189 00

$331, 914 34

$344, 371 60

2,417 51

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

5,400 '00

5,700 00

5, 700 00

5,700 00

499 49

3S3 76

1,222 72

3, 279 56

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ................................................
D ividends un p aid ...........................................................

100 00

1,250 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

52,806 04

44,216 83

43,002 54

26,075 67

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...

24,872 35

33, 628 94

28,740 82

30, 496 47

191,924 03

196, 734 81

215, 693 78

236, 865 81

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.........
S av in g s d ep o sits...........................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit................................
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u t s ta n d in g ................................
D ue to banks and bankers.........................................

8 . 101 18

11 74

N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted ....................................
B ills p a y a b le..........................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$333, 703 09

$331, 914 34

$344, 371 60

$352,417 51






No. 19.
Organized D e cem b er 15, 1888.
W . H. K l e in h a n s ,

P r e s id e n t;

G. A . T r u m a n ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

C. A . H o u g h ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—L. E. K nappen, G. A. Truman, W. H. K leinhans, C. W . Sm ith, S. F . Hinehm an,
R. Dickinson, B. R. R ose.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R esources.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport Of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

TiOans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$75,214 12

$89,466 53

$86 , 336 55

$88,182 19

S to c k s bonds a,nd m o r tg a g e s ...................................

17,574 44

12,623 46

16, 966 97

17,221 91

O verdrafts . . . ...................................................................



440 91

504 01

477 33

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................

2 ,1 0 0 00

2 ,1 0 0 00

2 ,1 0 0 00

2 ,1 0 0 00

"Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1,518 23

1, 518 23

1,518 23

1, 518 23

8 , 314

5, 936 36

o th e r rea>l e s ta te

D ue from ha,nks in rese rv e e it ie s ............................

16,092 58

5, 849 48

Rue from o th er ba,nks and ban kers........................

15,088 34

13,215 00

9,302 73

C h eck s and cash it e m s ,..............................................

547 79

440 18

439 26

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

32 25

13 62

22 20

5 97

Gold coin..............................................................................

2, 720 00

2,405 00

2,185 00

2,640 00



E x ch a n g e s for clea,ring house



550 00


4, 337 00

2, 928 00

3,542 00

$134, 306 63

$133,089 41

$131,167 75

$13p, 696 72

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

5,000 00

5,000 00

5, 000 00

5, 000 00

528 16

500 00

1,104 93

1, 777 71

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1, 040 00

TJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................


T o t a ls ............................................................................

612 73



L iabilities.
Ca,pita,l sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
R ividends unpaid

. . . . , .....................................

8 00



C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

19,147 36

16,294 49

14,651 65

17,394 08

D em and co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

84,623 11

85,286 92

85,411 17

79, 474 93

T im e co m m ercial certificn.tes o f d ep o sit


S av in g s dep osits
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f dep osit
2,050 00

Certified ch e ck s .............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s outstan ding
Rue to banks a>nd ba.nkers

.. .

N o te s and bills red iscoun ted
Rills payab le


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$134,306 63

$133,089 41

$131,167 75

$130,696 72





No. 36.
O rganized July 30, 1885. R eorganized O ctob er 1, 1889.
C. W . B a ll a r d ,

P r e s id e n t;

A l b e r t S. S holes ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

W . Ma h o n ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—Geo. P e c k , A lb ert H. L e e te , C. W. Ballard, A . S. S b oles, W illiam Mahon,
J a m e s E. L e e te , J. H. V andecar.
R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R esources.

R eport of
Ju n e 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

R ep ort of
D ec. 2.

$92,890 74

$95,273 38


43, 754 58

49,839 87

155 78

81 70

627 46

878 94

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3, 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

500 00

500 00

500 00

500 00

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

12,006 97

4,160 54

9,419 46

11,127 80

Due from o th er banks and bankers........................

1,923 15

645 09

494 30

2, 327 41

638 94

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$69, 943 93

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

51,263 12

O verdrafts...........................................................................

$87,480 97

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................
In te r est, e x p e n ses and ta x e s paid


1, 340 51

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se..................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

540 76

805 06

737 90

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

32 22

61 07

121 36

Gold co in ..............................................................................

2 ,2 0 0 00

1,540 00



37 03
1,125 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

547 80

523 80

495 70

420 35

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

2,614 00

1, 462 00

2, 809 00

4,040 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$144,727 73

$145,793 11

$158,171 01

$169, 208 72

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter ­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

4,400 00

4, 600 00

4,600 00

4,600 00



*732 77

2, 422 02

L iabilities.

204 67

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

24,675 20

16, 484 76

15, 260 57

21,617 05

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

1,609 80

1,359 80

1, 359 80

1,159 80

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

37,046 59

43,100 34

43,152 85

48,909 97

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.................................

26,764 05

25,156 05

29,503 63

26,139 52

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls .........................................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

5,000 00

13, 000 00

14,000 00

27 42

73 95

561 39

360 36

$144,727 73

$145,793 11

$158,171 01

$169,208 72






No. 145.
Organized D ecem b er 10, 1892.
L. W . S im m ons ,

P r e s id e n t;

E. A . Ch a pm a n , F i r s t V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; F r a n k A . Mil l e r ,
V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; L. A . B a b b it t , C a s h i e r .


D ir e c t o r s .—E rw in A. Chapman, L a w re n c e W . Sim m ons, J. M orrell Sim m ons, F. G. Ferrill,
F rank A. Miller, Chas. H. Coldren, Chas. Y erk es.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

T..oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$100,418 75

$105,579 08

$117,092 06

$101,627 93

S to c k s bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

19,700 00

20,350 00

20, 325 00

25, 565 00

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

3, 623 53

11 83

35 08

24 64

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................

3, 300 00

3,300 00

3, 300 00

3, 300 00

"Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1, 250 00

1,250 00

1,250 00

1, 250 00

32,569 30

29,741 70

739 01

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................
R ue from hanks in r ese rv e e it ie s ............................

18, 439


37, 829 21

R ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers......................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h ou se...................................
C heeks and cash ite u is ................................................

109 45

101 00

79 60

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

75 55



122 91

70 24

Gold co in ..............................................................................

2 , 000 00



2, 500 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

170 00

105 00

585 00

455 00

TT. S. and N ation al hank n o t e s ...............................

3,990 00

4,145 00

3.537 00

4,576 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$167,206 58

$167, 782 84

$167,287 73

$177,277 62

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a i d ....................................................

2,250 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

616 75

2,090 43

2,572 72

3, 203 62

17,471 54

35,142 24




R ividends un paid.............................................................

21 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

27, 816 98

22, 478 84

S avin g s d e p o sits...............................................................

48,500 92

64,872 92

73,342 73

65, 797 17

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

63,000 93

51,091 55

46, 650 74

45,884 59

$167,206 58

$167,782 84

$167,287 73

$177,277 62

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

Certified c h e c k s ......................................................... .. .
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and b a n k ers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a v a b le ........................ ..................................... -.
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 214.
O rganized May 1, 1899.
J ames Me r c e r ,

P r e s id e n t;

S. L o r a n g e r ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

C. Me i l l e u r ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—J a m es M ercer, C. M eilleur, S. L oranger, A. H alter, L. J. Longpre.
R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eso u rces.

R eport of
J une 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.
$44,001 54

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oan s and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$44,751 28

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

3,202 10

O verd rafts............................................................................

174 93

12 54

63 24

Banking h o u se ...................................................................

500 00

500 00

500 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

$2, 450 00
42,911 77


1,176 15

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

9,741 38

9,653 98

11,652 32

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................

599 29

4. 038 15

1, 170 31

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

34 08

87 69

50 46

Gold co in ..............................................................................

2 , 000 00

1, 000 00

1,425 00


1 , 220


O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................
E x p e n s e ...........................................................


1 40

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

178 58

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

385 00

400 00

IT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

1, 005 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 475


T o t a ls ............................................................................

$63,558 74

$62, 871 45



$15,000 00

$15, 000 00

$15, 000 00

*161 65

573 96

45,353 35

39,674 59

34 729 91

2,721 50

7, 510 36

17, 986 69

157 55

273 80

367 30

141 50

609 00

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, less cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends u n p a id ..........................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................
C om m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit..........................
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s .............................................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

483 89

D ue to banks and bankers..........................................
N o te s :’and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$63,558 74

$62,871 45








No. 190.
Organized July 28, 1896.
I r a Ca r p e n t e r ,

P r e s id e n t;

A. G. H a d d r il l ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

C r am e r S m it h ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s —Ira C arpenter, A. G. Haddrill, Sam u el A. F lu m erfelt, C ram er Sm ith, Geo. S w a y ze,
P o w e ll C arpenter, A. S. Laird.
R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R esources.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

829,485 53

828,524 38

835,207 65


30,029 82

34, 229 82

34,952 00

O verdrafts ...................*...................................................

209 40

35 50


226 23

Furniture and fixtures ................................................

1,216 42

1,216 42

1,216 42

1,239 92

6 , 850

L oans anci discou n ts


S to ck s bonds and m ortga.ges...................................

821, 858 23



2,965 10

2,716 54

3,539 56

15, 750 74

6,044 16

5,005 18

2,517 24

C hecks and ite m s.................................................

216 90

193 47

178 26

137 11

N ic k e ls and c e n ts .........................................................

173 75

30 03

50 58

70 99

Gold coin

805 00

705 00

700 00

900 00

Due frnm banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................
Due from oth er banks and ba,nkers........................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................


434 42

617 50

629 30

251 10

XJ S and N ation al ba.nk n o t e s ...............................

3, 084 00

3, 463 00

3,416 00

1. 409 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

874, 245 91

874, 785 53

876, 732 82

880, 450 80

$15,000 00

815, 000 00

815, 000 00

815, 000 00

450 00

450 00

450 00


892 27

15,776 01

11,916 55

11,861 83



46, 750 60

48,528 72

874,245 91

874,785 53

876,732 82

S ilver coin


L iabilities.
Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

2 04

D ividends unpaid
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................


450 00



9,940 80

Dem and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it. .. .
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
c^^yin^S dep osits


S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

53, 953


C ashier s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g.......................... . . . . .
P>"Qe to banks and bankers


N o te s and bills red iscoun ted . ..


T o ta ls . . . , . T...............................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

880. 450 80





No. 199.
O rganized O ctober 18, 1897.
H e n r y A. P o t t e r ,

P r e s id e n t;

W m. R. S h a w ,

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

H e r b e r t F. H a r r i s ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—H enry A. P o tte r, O. B. Campbell, J. E. G erow , W . R. S h aw , A bsalom W oodw orth,
N. J. Clark, John H. R obson, M. L. T aft, H erb ert F. Harris.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts .....................................................


$60.224 01

$64, 376 42

$62, 555 09

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

12, 730 00

22,730 00

22,830 00

22 , 000 00

O verd rafts....................... .................................... .........

357 50

803 24

903 11

2,101 46

Banking h o u s e ...................................................................

3,600 00

3, 600 00

3, 600 00

3, 600 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1 , 000 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e ............................................................
E x p e n s e ..............................................................................

572 24

792 94

1,719 04

D ue from hanks in rese rv e c itie s ............................

44,381 05

10, 746 73

3,690 26

6 , 335 86

D ue from o th er banks and b an kers.......................

105 62

943 01

3,714 79

297 28

58 13

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n ts ..........................................................
Gold co in ..............................................................................

122 44

120 89

160 63

90 99

45 03

70 76

1,030 00

1, 500 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1,505 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

737 25

1,328 45

503 70

974 35

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

7,185 00

7,132 00

5,436 00

7, 168 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$112,976 70

$110,220 87

$108,013 14

$109,384 97

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$25, 000 00

$25, 000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

300 00

300 00

400 00

400 00

*470 07

886 20

*379 37

*1,224 58

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

32,020 14

29, 947 37

28,141 75

27,855 62

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit__

55,186 49

54. 087 30

54, 092 02

54, 691 36

L iabilities.

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
Due to banks and ban k ers..........................................

213 41

N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$112,976 70

$110,220 87

$108, 013 14

$109, 384 97






No. 185.
Organized February 10, 1896.
I. H. K e e l e r ,

P r e s id e n t;

H er m a n C. F r ie s e k e ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

G. L. T a y l o r ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—I. H. K eeler, H erm an C. F riesek e, W illis E. Hall, J am es W . Sim m ons, Martin C. D aw es,
A lb ert Todd, Rudolph Colby, Geo. L. K e e ler , M. S. K eeler.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.
$74, 626 67

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$67, 777 79

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$71, 314 61

$78,617 05

S to ck s bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

57,186 55

77,873 50

O verd ra fts............................... .........................................

1,138 93

1, 578 97

919 85

3, 518 03

15, 502 53

15, 734 71

15, 734 71

■Ranking b o u s e ...................................................................



Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................







81, 405 38


2, 500 00

23,098 94

17,501 06


O ther real e s ta te
Due from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................

45,412 03

38, 735 81

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

1,189 13

717 51

508 41

4,713 63

1, 675 47

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................


284 81


2, 358 96

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

165 27

118 81


431 04

Gold co in ..............................................................................

2,175 00

1,847 50

85 00

1, 070 00


S ilver c o in ..........................................................................

1, 990 00

1,178 70

2,115 20

1, 252 50

TT. fi and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

5,197 00

5,637 00

4, 390 00

6,175 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$204,256 61

$229,021 01

$202,447 38

$201,466 65

C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d ......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1,050 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00


1, 300 00

1, 300 00

528 56

139 24

820 14

1,510 31

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

46,556 55

52, 778 46


30, 819 91

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

33, 633 97

7, 799 33

2,261 33

820 57

28,386 18

33,827 82

34,229 59

41, 608 43

44,101 35



76,388 46

75, 407 43

$229,021 01

$202, 447 38

$20^ 466 65


D ividends un p a id ..............................................................

T im e co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.
S avin g s d e p o s it s .............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
Certified c h e c k s ...............................................................
O ashler’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g ..
Due to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and b i ll s red isc o u n te d .....................................
Rills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$204,256 61





No. 112.


Organized January 22, 1891.
Ch as . E. R ig l e y , P r e s i d e n t ; Ch as . W. Ga l e , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; A. D. W h ip p l e , C a s h i e r ;
J. C. V a n Cam p , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r ; F. W . L a w r e n c e , 2 d A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .
Dir e c t o r s .—W illiam A . W oodard, C harles E. R igley, Chas. W. Gale, Geo. T. Mason, W. M. K ilp atrick
W a d e B. Camburn, E. F. Dudley.
R eport o f
F eb. 4

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................... ...........

$238,212 77

$255, 742 64

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

62,534 15

R esou rces.


R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$251,032 23

$225, 639 22


65, 479 02

76, 124 32


2,464 16

484 26

2,822 39

1,637 38

Banking h o u se ...................................................................

13, 000 00

13, 000 00

13,000 00

13, 000 00

O verd rafts..........................................

Furniture and fix t u r e s ..................................................

2, 500 00


2, 500 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e ...................................................... .......

13,738 77

28, 656 38

20,635 02

17,152 77

Due from banks in r ese rv e c i t i e s ............................

14.378 08

7, 587 99

13, 209 91

24,842 40

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................

1,159 76

574 89

570 22

2,194 19

267 89




E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

1,049 90

3,693 12

2, 514 38

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

359 17

181 04

247 24

271 87

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

13, 205 00

12, 655 00

4, 855 00

8 ,0 2 0 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

2, 111 95

1,884 65

2, 712 95

3, 689 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l, bank n o t e s ...............................

3, 960 00

6 , 889

6 , 242

8 , 332

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$368, 673 71

$393, 969 85

$385, 820 36

$383, 671 04

$100 , 000

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0

$ 100 , 000

$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0




L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................





2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

20 , 000 00

20 , 000 00

528 14

994 49

223 71

44 37

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

36,250 17

51, 748 06

36, 935 75

54, 073 97

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

546 65

10, 038 04

25, 029 40

15, 029 40

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

95, 983 80

97,606 07

94, 538 73

96,196 25

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

115,364 95

111,899 35

109. 013 18

97, 585 42

1, 683 84

79 59

741 63

$393.969 85

$385, 820 36

$383,671 04

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o & ils............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$368, 673 71






No. 34.
Organized Jun e 12, 1884.
W il l ia m J. T u n st e a d ,

P r e s id e n t;

C. U. R a ndal l .

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

C l a r e n c e , E. S t a n t o n ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—A llen H osm er, C harles F. T unstead, N. H. C rawford, W illiam J. T unstead,
C. L. Randall, C laren ce E. Stanton.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eso u rces.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ............................... ......................

$98, 728 22

$118,285 71

$88,077 67

$121,299 65

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

17,320 85

26,612 91

31,638 67

39,743 97

O verdrafts...........................................................................

95 96

27 12

31 82

83 20

B anking h o u se .................................................... ...........

3,200 00

3.200 00

3.200 00

3,200 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1, 300 00

1 .2 0 0 00

1 .2 0 0 00

1, 200 00

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

27,397 11

21,215 63

21,106 31

12, 545 26

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k e r s ......................

121 95

5, 235 87

20,703 08

196 45

C hecks and cash ite m s.................................................

20,929 18

416 57

1,269 74

2,144 34

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

95 39

99 47

114 11

83 93

Gold co in ..............................................................................

565 00

1,857 50

2, 067 50

2,170 00

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se ...................................

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

861 75

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

3,211 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

527 45

873 55

727 90


2, 971 00

5, 120 00

$173,826 41

$181,440 23

$173, 253 45

$188,514 70

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

25, 000 00

25, 000 00

25, 000 00

25, 000 00

5,480 77

5,821 18

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

444 00

1, 086 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

24, 883 91

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

93, 017 73

30, 655 98


C apital sto c k paid in.....................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ....................................... 1.............

6 , 630


9,264 22

31,908 30

24,083 75

26,616 91

61,968 77

48, 598 59

42, 564 67

43,682 90

50, 068 90

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S av in g s d e p o s its ...............................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ............. .................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k o u tsta n d in g ......................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................

257 32

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls .................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

10 , 000 00

$173,826 41

$181, 440 23

$173,253 45

$188,514 70





No. 59.
Organized May 10, 1886.
F. W . S e l l ic k ,

P r e s id e n t;

J. J. W oodman ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

John W . F r ee,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s . —F. W . S ellick , W illiam J. S ellick , W . R. S ellick , J. J. W oodm an, C. E. L yle,
L. H. Titus, J. W. F r e e , D. Morrison.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ............


O v e r d r a fts ..................................................

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

267 47

$67, 519 08

$76,938 63

$84,726 26

331 59

28, 912 49

29,748 77

29, 640 77

378 09

2, 096 30

985 29

1, 559 54

B anking h o u se ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..........................

005 37

3, 005 37

3,005 37

3, 005 37

O th er r ea l e s t a t e ...................... ...........





3,154 80

D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s __

251 29

10,099 91

11,923 40

50 00

39 46

303 71



22,781 70

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se ...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

,385 06

76 70

248 79

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................



49 11

35 44

56 83

Gold co in ......................................................

,005 00

1,002 50

1,050 00

2,070 00

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

909 50

271 50

390 50

978 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

,413 00

1, 626 00

3,155 00

5, 347 00

$146,018 06

$130,506 41

$128,873 36

$142,805 14

$40,000 00

$40, 000 00

,000 00


200 00

200 00

200 00

20 04

76 01

816 92

T o t a ls .

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ..................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ................................................

583 95

D ividends un paid.............................................................

1, 200 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

44,991 06

24,594 03

27, 657 63

31,143 28

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

,60,443 05

64, 492 34

60, 939 72

70,644 94

$146, 018 06

$130, 506 41

$128,873 36

$142,805 14

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s .........., ........................................ ........
C ash ier’s c h e ck s outstan ding.....................................

D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 132.
Organized F ebruary 20, 1892.
L. M. Ma r sh a l l ,

P r e s id e n t;

C. H. Ca l k in s ,

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

C. M. S p a l d in g ,

C a s h ie r .

DIRECTORS.—L. M. Marshall, G. R. Brandt, R. S. O lcott, C. H . Calkins, Mrs. M. A. Marshall.
R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R esources.

L oans and dis^ermnts...................f t t l l t .........................
S to c k s bond^ and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

R eport of
June 30.

$31, 594 65

$38,928 52

4,447 50

5, 907 00

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.


$38, 265 01

6,167 00

7,017 00


337 27
B anking hons^

........... ....... , 11, , .....................................

2 ,2 0 0 00

2 ,2 0 0 00

2 , 200 00

2 , 200 00

1, 300 00

Furniture and fix tu r es...................................................

1, 300 00

1, 300 00

1, 300 00

D ue from banks in r ese rv e eif.ies............................

34, 837 29

14, 906 03

10,049 28

18,798 52

Due from o tliei banks and. b a n k ers.......................

100 00

C hecks and p.^ssh ite m s .................................................

84 25

85 00

105 00

111 00

2 05

13 15

33 80

3 01

5,442 50

5, 600 00

4,820 00

4, 825 00

i^iokels and e e n t s .
Gold c^in


........................................... .......................

37 35

277 85

70 75

38 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...- ............................

3.007 00

3, 215 00

155 00

200 00

T o ta l4* ..............................................................................

$83, 052 59

$72, 432 55

$67,097 78

$72,757 54

$16, 000


$16, 000


S ilv er coin

L iabilities.
C apital s tfO ^ paid in






Surplus fund
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, interest- and ta x e s p a id ..........................................................

3,200 00

3,200 00

3, 200 00

3,200 00

721 54

1,038 80

472 60

1, 293 44

Dividends un paid ..................................................................



C om m ercial d^po'dts s n h j e e t to e h e e k ..................



13,840 25

11,464 80

9, 809 34

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

43, 982 17

38,341 60

35, 960 38

42,454 76

$67,097 78

$72,757 54

11 90

T o ta ls

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$83, 052 59

$72. 432 55





No. 119.
Organized July 21, 1891.
I ra Ch ic h e s t e r ,

P r e s id e n t;

Geo . S. R ic e ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

L eon Ch ic h e s t e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—Ira C hichester, E. E. C hichester, L eon C hichester, B er t H. Cook, G eo. S. R ice.
R eport of
D ec. 2.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

L oans and d isco u n ts.......................................................

$103,775 81

$133,681 81

$122,309 07

$119,042 48

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

20, 453 94

17, 552 99

18,748 59

22,283 21

O verdrafts............................................................................

2, 305 59

1,640 46

1,649 49

2,503 65

Furniture and fix tu r e s ....... , . ......................................

2,985 30

2, 985 30

2, 985 30

2, 985 30

father real e s t a te


1,250 00

T)ne from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

22, 352 46


63, 672 00

Due from oth er banks a,nd ban kers........................

550 71

220 00

538 00

208 33

R esources.

B anking b o u se ...................................................................

8 , 825


86 , 599

E x ch a n g e s for e.learing h o u se...................................

C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

660 26

809 41

2, 730 37

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................*......................

311 04

374 85

762 77

1.028 70

Gold co in ..............................................................................

1, 602 50


2,950 00

1,545 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

873 50

2,251 22

570 85

1, 255 25

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

6,177 00


3, 856 00

10, 736 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$163,298 11

$175,941 69

$243,699 59

$40, 000 00

$40,000 00

$40, 000 00

$40. 000 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00


2, 522 70

4, 945 83


6 , 300




L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

329 13


Livid ends unpaid
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

69, 055 21

67,168 11

131,281 73

96.045 28

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

43, 913 77

40,129 37

57,294 41

74, 578 85

T im e eom m ereial certifica.tes o f d e p o s it....
S a v in g s d e p o s its ._
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit . .
376 90

Certified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s check? o u tsta n d in g .................
Due to ba.nks and b a n k e r s .............
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................

14,940 55

2, 600 75

$175.941 69

$243, 699 59

Rills payab le
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$163,298 11

$225, 946







No. 99.
P L Y M O U T H S A V IN G S B A N K , P L Y M O U T H .
Organized May 29, 1890.
E. C. L ea c h ,

P r e s id e n t;

L. O. H o u g h ,
C. A. F is h e r ,

V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; E.
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

K. B e n n e t t ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—E. C. L ea ch , L. H. B en n ett, I. N. S ta rk w ea th er. J. B. T illotson. G eorge S. V an S ic k le,
C. Hough, T. V. Quackenbush, E. K. B en n ett, W . O. Allen.

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

*120,585 06

$139, 536 77

$137,816 41

$156, 368 00
52,570 19

S to c k s bonds and m o r tg a g e s..................., ..............

45,857 29

56,601 71

53, 616 71

O verdrafts...........................................................................

506 95

123 14

905 43

738 75

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................

4,500 00

4, 500 00

4, 500 00

4,500 00
3,022 98

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

3, 022 98

3, 022 98

3,022 98

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

7, 550 00

3,150 00

5,150 00

5,150 00

Rue from hanks in rese rv e c it ie s ...........................

67, 613 99

44,251 90

44,999 98

47,772 91

O hecks and cash it e m s ................................................

2,828 15

690 39

1,918 70

N .ickels and c e n t s ..........................................................

71 23

17 58

32 26

38 93

Gold co in ..............................................................................

4,584 10

4.940 00

5,130 00

5,535 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,789 95

1, 723 30

2, 333 30

2,064 95

TT. S. and N a tio n a l hank n o t e s ...............................

4, 404 00

5, 999 00

3,517 00

4,962 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$263, 313 70

$264,556 77

$263,879 43

$283, 942 32

$50,000 00

D ue from o th er banks and hankers
R vch a n g es for clearin g hou se


................ ..


1,218 61

L iabilities.
$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00


1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

3,510 67

3, 278 62

3,790 94

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................

570 00

90 00

90 00

50 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

52,700 53

• 44,715 02

41,878 69

53, 488 58

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it......

39,258 53

35,604 56

36, 667 43

41, 387 47

107,273 97

120,8 6 8 57

121,452 37

123,008 27

$263,313 70

$264.556 77

$263, 879 43

$283. 942 32

Capital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fund ....................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, inter­
e s t and ta x e s paid .....................................................

10 , 000



T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f deposit. ..
S avin gs d ep o sits...............................................................
S av in g s e er tific o f dep osit
Certified ch e ck s
C ashier's c h e ck s outstan ding
Due to hanks and hankers
N o te s and hills red iscoun ted
Ri]ls payable
T o t a ls ............................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 146.
F IR S T C O M M E R C IA L B A N K , P O N T IA C .
Organized D ecem b er 24, 1892.
A. P a r k e r ,

G. J acobs , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; F. G. J acobs ,
C. E. W aldo , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

P r e s id e n t;

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—G. J a co b s, Abram Parker, C. G. F reem an, C. M. C rofoot, A. C. B aldw in,
John H. P a tterso n , W m. H. D aw son.
R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

$527,513 91

$551,444 62

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

119,343 57

118,161 65

O v e r d r a fts..................................................

15, 449 04

6,639 64

B anking h o u se ...........................................

7,000 00

7, 000 00

7,000 00

7, 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..........................


2,775 00


2.775 00

R esou rces.

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

6 , 747


5,942 50

D ue from banks in rese rv e c i t i e s . ..

127, 249 97

76, 006 44

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

199 11

R eport of
S ept. 7.
$486, 697

R eport o f
D ec. 2.


149,149 02
6 , 207



5, 942 50

$544, 951 81


10,053 11

5, 942 50


33,000 94

654 75

25 00

220 02

8,193 60

7, 056 76

3,700 56

5, 362 25

500 36

500 24

650 52

600 71

1 0 ,1 1 0 00

10, 382 50

10, 372 50

10,265 00

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se.........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s .....................................
Gold co in ......................................................
S ilv er c o in ...................................................

1,275 00

2,245 00

2, 048 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

9.074 00

13,194 00

15,631 00

12,850 00

$835,431 06

,003 10

$816. 367 02

747,716 20

T o ta ls .



L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in ...............


$100, 000 00

$100,000 00

$ 100, 000 00


9, 150 00

9,150 00

9,150 00

11,309 05

10, 190 49

12,872 23

17,404 17

284 00

4,000 00

8 00

8 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

207, 474 37

158, 996 71

158,130 19

111.653 43

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...

367 959 79

367,709 11

376, 685 64

359.069 10

139. 903 85

151, 956 7£

159, 520 96

150,431 50

$835, 431 06

$802, 003 10

$816, 367 02

$747.716 20

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id .................................................
D ividends un paid..........................................................


$ 100,

000 00

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits....................................... ......................
S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it..............................
C ertified c h e c k s .............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .................................
D ue to banks and b a n k e r s ....................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ............. v;............
Bills p a y a b le..........\............................

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 149.
O A K L A N D C O U N T Y S A V IN G S B A N K , P O N T IA C .
Organized D e cem b er 29, 1892.
J oshua H il l ,

P r e s id e n t;

H. F. Me s sin g e r , V i c e
G. F. P e r r y , A s s i s t a n t

P r e s id e n t;
C a s h ie r .

F. L. P e r r y ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—Joshua Hill, H. F. M essinger, Frank L. P erry, H a r tw e ll G reen, P. B. Phelps,
C hauncy B race, J. A. Graley.

R eso u rces.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oan s a,nil d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$128, 322 79

$150, 331 21

$143,938 34

$152,809 61

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

177,178 33

193,198 53

211,005 43

209, 035 56

O verdrafts...........................................................................

551 21

472 75

1,089 80

2, 114 16

B anking bou se

R eport of
D ec. 2.


"Furniture a,nd fix tu r e s ..................................................

3,247 75

3,247 75

3, 247 75

3,247 75

O ther real e s t a t e .............................. ............................

1,971 29

1,971 29

1,971 29

1,971 29

Due from banks in rese rv e c itie s ............................

81,462 83

72,616 08

37,770 13

14, 953 32

630 00

45 00

706 50

350 06

1,246 69


63 38

62 80

8 , 200 00

7,455 00

6,362 50

B iie from of,her banks a>nd b a n k e rs....

65 83

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se......... ?................
C hecks and cash ite m s .................................................

946 46

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

96 00


Gold co in ..............................................................................

9,400 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1, 835 00

668 00

948 00

1, 072 00

JT S a nd Na tion a,1 ba.nk n o t e s ...............................

11,837 00

6,536 00

5,811 00

8,540 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$416,914 49

$438,150 72

$414,280 18

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

2,750 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00


4,070 82

5,009 42

6 , 469

8 00

2 , 000 00



L iabilities.
C apital sto c k pa,id in .....................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............

51,246 97

88 , 910

$50, 000 00



64, 785 84

40,596 59

Demand com m ercial certificates} o f dep osit
rpjj'PP co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

167,786 09

167,257 39

167,192 91

164,052 77

S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

140,341 43

122,912 17

124,292 01

137, 341 55

$416,914 49

$438,150 72

$414.280 18

Certified ch e ck s
C ashier’s c h e c k s outstan ding ...
Due to banks and bankers
N o te s and bills red iscoun ted ...................................
Rills payab le
T o t a ls .............................................. .............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







No. 211.
P O N T IA C S A V IN G S B A N K , P O N T IA C .
O rganized N o v em b er
J ames A. J acokes ,

P r e s id e n t;

H a r r y Coeem an ,



V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

D. H. P o w e r ,

C a s h ie r '.

D ir e c t o r s . -J a m e s A. J a c o k e s, Prank H. Carroll, E lm er R. W eb ster, S a lm o n s . M atth ew s
Harry Colem an, S. J. Tomlinson, D. H. P ow er.
R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

$155, 646 65

$201,138 63

$237,412 83

$249,097 18

48, 327 69

103,963 14

124,079 79

166 106 14

O v erd ra fts.....................................................

3,611 98

822 09

1,014 34

7,896 74

Banking h o u se .........................................

7, 000 00

7, 000 00

7, 000 00

8 , 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es...........................

1 , 000 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

2, 500 00


R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts................................
S to ck s, bonds and m o rtg a g es.....................

R eport of
D ec. 2.


O ther rea l e s t a t e ..................................
E xpense, in te r e st and ta x e s p a id .........

3,561 10

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s .........

63,012 85

87,026 58

79, 046 85

46, 368 25

1 ,0 0 0 00

26, 544 09

3, 264 77

5.001 49

815 30

1,614 77

3, 266 09

5, 386 97

86 66

115 42

155 03

45 55

5,449 61

5,880 00

7, 885 00

5, 970 00

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................


E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se..........................
C hecks and cash ite m s ...................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s .................................
Gold c o in ...............................................
S ilv er c o in .........................................
U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ..................
T o ta ls ........................................

747 00

1 , 066 00

1,522 00

889 00

6,351 00

4, 235 00

7,500 00

4,161 00

$296, 609 84

$440, 405 72

$474, 646 70

$500,422 32*

$40,900 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

*1.302 69

2, 429 62

3, 039 46

4, 191 30

104, 509 65

85, 987 78

87, 319 96

66,891 78

580 00

13,695 32

18, 839 71

31,798 01

10,213 01

7,289 55

38, 859 56

100, 482 78

117,611 63

145, 665 59

110,457 94

177,597 21

190,546 39

201, 875 64

$296,609 84

$440, 405 72

$474, 646 70

$500, 422 32

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in........................
Surplus fu n d .................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p e n ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id .............
Dividends un paid ............................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e ck
D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it........
S avin gs d ep o sits........................ . .
Savin gs c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.......
C ertified c h e c k s .....................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ....
Due to banks and b a n k ers..................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .............
Bills p a y a b le .................................
T o t a ls ...............................
*Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 75.
T H E C O M M E R C IA L B A N K , P O R T H U R O N .
Organized January 30, 1882.
Ch a r l e s A. W a r d ,

P r e s id e n t;

W il l ia m H a r t s u f f , V i c e
C. N . R u n n e l s , A s s i s t a n t

P r e s id e n t;
C a s h ie r .

John W . P o r ter ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—John G. O’N eill. W illiam Hartsuff, Charles A. W ard, J. A. Davidson. D. N . Runnels,
R obert W alsh, A. D. B en n ett, A lb ert Dixon, J. E. B otsford.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R epprt o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

$498, 921 63

$521,807 61

$452.733 70

$530,378 10

280,643 92

287,160 59

347, 990 60

357,641 44


464 39

264 91

1,288 65


27,600 00

27, 600 00

27, 600 00

3,200 00

3, 200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

400 00

400 00

400 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

158,227 57

62, 932 78

201,181 79

D ue from o th er banks and bankers.

14, 946 32

28,202 51

23, 809 63

L oans and d is c o u n ts ...............................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........
O v erd ra fts.................................................
Banking h o u se .....................................
Furniture and fix tu r es............................

27, 600


- 7, 710 62
8,420 60

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...........

2, 029 55

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

2. 508 54

6,078 60

1,349 46

114 15

218 87

218 67

12,402 50

7, 602 50

10, 645 00

Gold co in ......................................................

10,192 59


8 , 387

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .....................................


94, 600 23



4,400 00

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

4,147 00

1, 482 50

2,784 00

1,609 75

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

18, 774 00

54,070 00

30,298 00

23.507 00

T o ta ls.

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in ......................................................
i Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................



$ 100 , 000


$1, 009, 607 61 $1,112,626 42

$100 , 000


$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0


$1, 070,745


$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0


25, 000 00

25, 000 00

25, 000 00

25,000 00

29,149 61

37.264 93

32,121 39

35, 552 79

D ividends un p aid .............................................................

100 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

363, 050 48

296,042 17

421,253 45

347,816 18

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

100, 397 33

132, 945 96

84. 830 12

103, 736 51

405, 923 44,

417, 354 55

423, 656 45

300 00

1 , 000 00

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................



S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s . .. .. .. ....................................................

91 52

C ashier’s c h e c k s ou tstan d in g.....................................
25,765 01

D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................


17,897 00


Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1, 023, 920


$1,009, 607 61 $1.112,626 42







No. 49.
P O R T H U R O N S A Y IN G S B A N K , P O R T H U R O N .
Organized January
H e n r y Mc Mo r r a n ,

P r e s id e n t;

J ames H. W h it e ,
C. D. T h o m pson ,



V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; Ch a r l e s
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

F. H a r r in g t o n ,

C a s h ie r

D ir e c t o r s .—J a m es H. W h ite, N e lso n Mills, H enry McMorran, C harles F. H arrington,
Chas. D. Thompson.

R esources.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

$319, 550 04

$292,003 96

$267, 743 24

$334,788 53

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ........... .

164, 111 46

161,201 41

156, 459 85

155,895 94

O v e r d r a fts...................................................

6 , 118 75

7, 394 96

7,076 57

3, 522 67

Furniture and fixtu res............................

350 00

2, 350 00

2, 350 00

2,350 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

036 15

1,672 75

1,672 75

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

407 17

69, 070 43

172,900 32

3, 803 13

2, 867 32

B anking h o u se ...........................................

419 90


D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se ...........


C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................

4,711 02


N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

130 20

127 13

588 00

Gold co in ........... ...........................................

70 00

185 00

1,065 00

62 50

S ilver c o in ..................................................

452 25

315 00

1, 201 00

295 00

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .........

726 00

29, 932 00

15,350 00

23,452 00

$551,747 91

$568,055 77

9, 390 67

$597, 842 56

$100 , 000

T o t a ls .

655 12

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ..................................... .................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


$100,000 00

$ 100,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20,000 00

20, 000 00

33, 007 85

33, 204 97

35, 615 61

35, 871 90

$ 100 , 000


D ividends un paid............................................................

64 00

4, 000 00

40 00

Commercial deposits subject to check.............

61,405 90

53,392 74

137, 741 28

129, 831 55

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...

24,770 05

22, 365 55

14, 944 21

16, 343 28

296,498 59

304, 089 55

290, 928 51

282,571 01

T im e c o m m e r cia l‘c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.........
S a v in g s d ep o sits........................ ....................... ............
Savin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit................................
C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................................

2 00

102 00

2 00

124 82

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ..................................

119 06

229 06

119 06

6C0 00

Due to banks and ban kers.........................................

15, 880 46

30,671 90

30, 000 00

12, 500 00

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...................................
B ills p a y a b le .....................................................................
T o ta ls ,
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$551, 747 91

8 , 055


$597, 842 56







No. 98.
ST. C L A IR C O U N T Y S A V IN G S B A N K , P O R T H U R O N .
Organized May 26, 1890.
Ciftxs. W el lm a n ,

P r e s id e n t;

E. O. S pa l d in g . V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; Geo W . Mo o r e ,
F. T. Moore , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—J. B ernatz, S. A rm strong, E. G. Spalding, F. T. M oore, C harles W ellm an,
Geo. W. M oore, L incoln A very.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$344, 569 49

$392,860 49

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

108,895 89

118,132 30

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

4,159 26

B anking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

R eport of
S ep t. 7.
$370, 095 33

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$387, 763 58


127,595 98

2,108 52

4,441 93


9. 000 00

9, 000 00

9, 000 00

9,000 00

3, 500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

Due from hanks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...........................

79,948 81

90,575 93

72,013 56

107, 575 46

Due from o th er hanks and b a n k ers.......................

10,070 06

11,851 99

4,024 65

8 , 349

"Rxchanges for clearin g h o u se...................................

980 75
5, 472 00


O ther real e s t a te .............................................................

1,152 91


2, 833 77

4,679 24


46 99

114 04

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

946 50

915 00

9,242 50

8 , 352

1,121 90

4, 302 50

1,528 25


25,976 00

7,785 00

C hecks and cash ite m s ................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................


36 50

S ilver c o in ..........................................................................

954 45

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

7, 995 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$571,108 35

$644, 767 89

$628,445 63

$673, 248 58

Capital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

40,000 00

40, 000 00

40, 000 00

40,000 00

627 92

4, 729 17

7,071 00

10,491 20


L iabilities.

D ividends un paid.............................................................



C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

150, 645 63

207,896 89

174, 909 99

208, 805 60

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

43,988 97

43,550 70

44, 391 81

47,614 60

284, 913 58

298, 220 13

306, 923 54

315, 337 18

55 00

1 , 000 00

T im e co m m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.............
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit. .
Certified ch e ck s

932 25

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................

155 00

5, 094 29

Due f,c hanks and hankers. ..
N o te s and hills red isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le ............................ .........................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$571,108 35

$644.767 89

$628, 445 63

$673,248 58





No. 217.
Q U IN C Y S T A T E B A N K , Q U IN C Y .
Organized A u gu st 1, 1899.
F. A. R o e t h l isb e r g e r ,

P r e s id e n t;
Ch a s . L.

H. W . W h it m o r e , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; M. S. S e g u r ,
H arph am , A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C q & h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—F. A. R oethlisberger, H. W. W hitm ore, M. S. Segur, S. M. Golden, H. Chase.

R esou rces.

R ep o rt o f
F eb. 4.

L oans and. d isc o u n ts......................................................

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.
$10 , 688 50

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

6 , 602

O verdrafts . . . . , .................................................................



87 89

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$30,814 98
. 6,863 18


Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1, 226 78

1,261 72

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................
E x p en se and r ev e n u e ......................................................


Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

18, 454 70


D ue from o th er banks and b a n k e r s ......................

14,028 18
134 97

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

546 96

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

28 72

18 96

Gold co in .............................................................................

2, 347 50

2,342 50

S ilv er c o in ................................................................. . ...
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ..........................
T o t a ls ............................................................................

88 00

370 20

336 00

2, 654 00

4, 326 00

$43, 007 83

$60, 305 35

$20 , 000

$20 , 000

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................


*274 09



D ividends un p aid .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

10,800 14

17, 479 90

C om m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.......................

11,933 60

22, 201 74

$43, 007 83

$60, 305 35

S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g .....................................
Due to banks and b a n k ers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a v a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







No. 69.
T H E S T A T E B A N K O F R E A D IN G , R E A D IN G .
Organized D ecem b er 27, 1889.
H e n r y F. D o t y ,

P r e s id e n t;

G eorge G. Cl a r k ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

W il l ia m B. N o r t h r o p ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—A d elb ert R. Chapman, H enry F. D oty, G eorge G. Clark, W illiam B. N orthrop,
J a y W. Chapman.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

D oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$109,837 78

$98, 314 12

$95,560 52

$118,349 70

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

17, 310 00

13,810 00

17, 310 00

17, 235 00

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

1,481 65

2, 615 83

2, 373 69

2, 322 33

1,025 00

1, 025 00

1,025 00

1, 025 00

D ue from banks in reserv e c it ie s ...........................

55,227 10

28, 825 32

36,864 31

21, 484 07

Due from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

892 49

1, 739 56

620 38

3, 291 20

4,113 72

Ranking b o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu res..................................................
O th er rea l e s t a t e ...........................................................

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

790 69

1,221 47

1, 520 69

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

43 00

25 00

45 00

37 65

G old coin..............................................................................

7,000 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00


S ilver c o in .........................................................................

900 00

516 00

TT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

4, 300 00

6,830 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

2, 416 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$198, 807 71

$162,922 30

$167,921 59

$181,074 67

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25 000 00

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

6 , 000 00

6 , 000 00

1,441 26

1,342 36

1,181 70

1,975 20




L iabilities.
C ap ital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends un paid.............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —


9, 782 87

14, 909 83

17, 964 63

109,943 57

120, 797 07

120, 830 06

130,134 84


T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s ou tstan d in g.....................................

D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$198,807 71

$162,922 30

$167, 921 59

$181,074 67





No. 206.
M ACOM B C O U N T Y S A V IN G S B A N K . R IC H M O N D , [L E N O X P . O.].
Organized S ep tem b e r 1, 1898.
J ames E. W e t e r ,

P r e s id e n t;

A n d r e S im m ons ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

F r a n k J. H i r t ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—W. F . S w itzer, P a u l J. U llrich, J a m es E. W eter, A ndre Sim m ons, A. Martin K e e le r ,
G eorge A . B ailey, Frank W. F enn er, C harles Lindke, O scar L. L ungerhausen.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eso u rces.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$34, 796 78

$44,784 81

$49,795 45

$54, 942 81.

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................



17,853 34

18,853 34

23,578 34

O verdrafts............................................................................



531 02

992 81

1, 324 72

1,307 52

1, 307 52

1,343 52

1,593 02

7,649 09

12, 700 79

B anking H o u s e .................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................
O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
Due from banks in r eserv e c it ie s ............................

7, 920 48

3, 969 03

Due from o th er bfinks and ban kers.......................

995 34

2,205 10

908 04

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

74 30

173 21

922 25

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

2 48

9 38

29 24

30 14

Gold coin..............................................................................

1,275 00

3, 220 00

3, 002 50.



990 33

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

572 70

267 80

1,318 70

752 25

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s ................................

3, 812 00

5, 643 00

4,521 00

1,934 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$59,728 26

$79, 454 21

$88,645 40

$101,756 94

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00.

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss cu rren t ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

431 48

553 75

716 70

1,004 14

4,671 85

2,176 16

3,094 21

8,690 43

S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

18, 696 94

37,875 32

41.532 28

45,233 05

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...............................

10, 927 99

13, 848 98

18, 282 28

21,829 32

L iabilities.

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................
D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s ch e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b an kers.......................


19 93

N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls .............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$59, 728 26

$79, 454 21

$88 , 645 40

$101,756 94






No. 194.
R O M EO S A V IN G S B A N K , R O M EO .
Organized April 30, 1897.
M. I. B r a b b ,

E. R. Math e w s ,
H e n r y S. E v a n s ,

P r e s id e n t;

V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; L.
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

E. B ed e l l ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—M. I. Brabb, E. R. M athew s, Edw ard C. N ew b ury, H enry S. Evans, L. E. B edell,
D w ight N. L o w ell, M. A . Giddings.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$150, 605 43

$176, 693 78

$164,294 89

$173, 768 23

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

110,579 00

125,562 14

129,867 72

130, 617 72


539 75

332 82

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

5,000 00

5.000 00

5, 000 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1 , 000 00

1 .0 0 0 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 , 000 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

49,008 09

42,616 80

40, 420 55

20,243 43

D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................

305 00

262 80

9, 054 41

R esou rces.

O verd ra fts.......................................................................


R eport o f
D ec. 2.



5,000 00

O ther r ea l e s t a te .............................................................

E x ch a n g es fo r clearin g h o u se........... .......................
C hecks and cash ite m s ............................................

832 82

2, 602 35

2,499 53

61 90

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................................

305 37

256 81

112 86

149 32

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

5, 300 00

5,512 50

5, 842 50

5,330 00

S ilv er c o in ...............................................................

2, 688 75

2,261 55

994 15

2, 679 45

TT. S . and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ............................

6,689 00

8 . 040


7,019 00

$332,784 14



$357,646 82

$354,694 34

T o ta ls .............................................................................

6 , 015


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d .............................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, inter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

2, 215 79

5,137 96

3, 014 25

1,511 73

D ividends un p aid .............................................................


C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

30,401 26

56,296 16

37,541 12

32, 665 24

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.......

3,874 48

2,278 51

3, 369 52

2, 232 56

S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

185,048 05

208,255 25

210,945 41

219,881 06

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

51, 036 56

38,117 80

42, 660 52

38,403 75

$357, 646 82

$354, 694 34




T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$332,784 14

$370, 085






No. 125.
* AM E R IC A N C O M M E R C IA L A N D S A Y IN G S B A N K , S A G IN A W .
Organized N o v em b er 28, 1891.
W m. L. W e b b e r ,

P r e s id e n t;

W m. B a r i e ,

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

H. G. W e s e n e r ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—W m. L. W ebber, John F . W inkler, W m . B arie, John H. Qualmann, John K elly,
H enry P a sso lt, Wm. S c h u e tte , S a m u el E. Sym ons, L ew is C. Slad e.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

Loans and d is c o u n ts ...............................

$311, 668 10

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s .............

14, 500 00

O verdrafts....................................................

2 33

Banking h o u se ...........................................

900 24

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

929 13

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .....................................
P rem iu m s............... ; ....................................

41 40

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

104 527 30

Due from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g es fo r clearin g h o u se.........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s....................

222 77
83 13

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

105 01

Gold c o in ............. ........................................


S ilv er c o in ...................................................

168 45

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s .........

391 00


$475,665 06

T o ta ls .
L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d ..................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ................................................
D ividends unpaid ...........................................................

$ 100 , 000


30,000 00
7, 364 87
230 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

109,151 13

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

100,191 50

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............

5,000 00

S a v in g s d ep o sits...........................................: .................

123,727 56

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ..............................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tstan d in g...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ....................................
B ills p a y a b le .....................................................................
T o t a ls .
♦ V o lu n ta ry liquidation March 7, 1899.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$475,665 06

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.






No. 25.
B A N K O F S A G IN A W , S A G IN A W .
Organized April 18, 1888.
A . W. W r ig h t ,

P r e s i d e n t ; B en t o n H a n c h e t t , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; D. W. B riggs , S e c o n d V i c e P r e s i d e n t
a n d M a n a g e r ; A. W . F ie l d , C a s h i e r ; T. W . S t a l k e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r , W e st S id e;
H. G. W e s e n e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r , E a st Side.

D ir e c t o r s . —B en to n H a n c h e tt, D. W . Briggs, G ilbert M. Stark, A rthur Hill, A. W . W right,
A. P. Bliss, A. P. B rew er, Wna. S c h u e tte , Ralph L oveland, F. G. Palm erton,
Thos. Jackson.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

L oans and d isc o u n ts...................................................... $1,205,981 20 $1,125,128 99 $1,478,274
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

222,535 20

647, 204 35

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

718 09

1,537 06

Banking h o u se s .................................................................

5,700 00

25,700 00


$1, 765, 949 61

338,133 19

338, 044 25

5, 507


1,172 81

25,700 00

25, 700 00

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

6 , 300


9,539 21

O ther r ea l e s t a te .............................................................

9, 000 00

9, 450 00

9,450 00

9, 450 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...........................

681,590 27

308, 720 99

703, 459 85

367,758 71

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers......................

1, 379 70

5,351 91

12,147 34

3,659 55

E x ch a n g e s for clea rin g h o u se...................................

7,174 13

3,363 47

3,098 01

7,732 59

C hecks and c a sh ite m s ................................................

787 70

1,090 09

1,100 34

1,393 17

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

230 56

312 59

567 95

411 28

Gold co in ..............................................................................

60,224 00

57,110 00

56,548 25

59,013 50



R eport of
D ec. 2.


8 , 300

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,661 60

4,313 40

5,144 60

5,744 45

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........................ .......

37, 664 00

56,188 00

64,581 00

96,722 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................ $2,240,946 45 $2,253,770 85 $2,712,013 07

$2,692,291 13


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$2 0 0 ,0 0 0


$2 0 0 ,0 0 0


$2 0 0 ,0 0 0


$200 , 000


Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

80, 000






80, 000




26,873 91



1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1, 000,232 63

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

28,403 34

43, 074 08

972,155 24

1,410,000 38

1,242,608 04

419,039 28

841,129 64

870, 006 09

9,700 00

403 03

644 18

1,065 00

123, 209 03

122,959 08

149, 467 33

T o t a ls .................. ’........................................................ $2,240, 946 45 $2,253,770 85 $2, 712,013 07

$2,692,291 13

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

Due to banks and b a n k ers.........................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



976, 076






No. 38.
^ P E O P L E ’S S A V IN G S B A N K O P S A G IN A W , S A G IN A W .
O rganized N o v em b er 27, 1886.
J o h n J. R u p p ,

P r e s id e n t;

G u r d o n Co r n in g ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

J. F. B o y n t o n ,

T reasurer.

D ir e c t o r s .—G. Corning, John J. Rupp, J. S ch w artz, W illiam B. Baum, J. F. B oynton , L. P. Mason,
H. T. W ick es, W . C. McClure, R. H. R oys, F. P. B rew er.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.................... .........

684 99

$311,925 73

$298,043 78

$373,180 04

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...........

819 40

100, 393 65

106, 368 65

105,009 06

O v erd ra fts...................................................

007 62

898 85

1,048 27

856 03

Banking h o u se ...........................................


Furniture and fix tu r es..........................


O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................

058 77




13, 954 90

4, 789


13, 954 90

4, 789


13,954 90

P r e m iu m s....................................................

400 00

400 00

400 00

200 00

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ...

768 54

103, 227 23

174,521 90

122,069 49

D ue from oth er banks and bankers.

58 61

238 08

275 30

3,040 00

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...........

681 32



856 10

448 04

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................

205 93



447 87

532 01

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

59 78

103 13

252 40

124 64

Gold co in ......................................................

545 50

10, 603 00

10, 538 00

12, 320 50

S ilv er c o in ...................................................

514 80

1, 400 55

1, 183 65

800 70

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ........

556 00

13, 546 00

10,102 00

21, 324 00

$516,150 94

$562, 729 34

$622,782 50

$65^649 09

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

27,500 00

27, 500 00

27,500 00

27, 500 00

3, 246 95

1, 250 20

2,654 51

1, 500 00

63 00

3 00

112.573 31

T o t a ls .

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in ......... .......
Surplus fu n d .................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ................................................
D ividends un paid...........................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

85,852 46

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...

64, 529 92

8 ,447


184. 076 33

197, 583 51


60,694 80

64, 904 74

299,198 17

296,757 92

308,619 42

1,035 94

1,591 06

, 782 50

$658, 649 09


T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.........
S av in g s d ep o sits...........................................................

284,898 50

S a v in g s c er tific a te s o f d ep o sit................................
■Certified c h e c k s ..............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o utstan ding ................................
D u e to banks and bankers.........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted ....................................
B ills p a y a b le ...................................................................
T o ta ls .

$516.150 94

$562,729 34

* F orm erly “ P e o p le ’s S avin gs Bank o f E a st S a g in a w .” T itle ch an ged January 9, 1900.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 84.
S A G IN A W C O U N T Y S A Y IN G S B A N K , S A G IN A W .
Organized D ecem b er 1, 1886.
A. P. B l iss ,

P r e s i d e n t ; L o r en z o
S e c r e t a r y a n d T r e a s u r e r ; C. A.

T. D u r a n d , V i c e
K h u en , A s s is ta n t

P r e s i d e n t ; R ic h a r d K h u e n ,
S e c r e ta r y a n d T r e a s u r e r .

D ir e c t o r s .—L orenzo T. Durand, Charles E B renner, A. P. Bliss, R ichard Khuen, A aron T.. B liss,
John L. Jack son , E. G. Rust, H. B. A llen, A . W . A chard.
R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
P eb. 4.

R eso u rces.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and disco u n ts ....................., , , , , «r..................

$119,054 56

$101, 273 94

$134,046 07

$167, 906 47

S to c k s bonds and m ortga,ges....................................

225, 430 91

295,691 23

295,365 90

267, 875 84

Furniture a,nd fix tu r es....................................................

1,812 94

1,808 94

1,808 94

1,808 94

.oth er real o s ta ta .............................................................

13,904 22

12, 313 54

11,850 31

10,731 09

D ue from banks in rese rv e citi o s ............................

113,422 31

106,445 74

72,170 26

99,518 39

C hecks and ite m s .................................................

5,228 80

266 31

9 69

4,749 67

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

56 21

24 60

3,070 00

3,830 00

Gold coin
S ilv er coin


XT S and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .................................
T o ta ls



12 42

4,490 00

4,575 00



729 80

910 05

877 15

4,540 00

10,117 00

5,094 00

7,525 00

$487, 388 45

$532,501 10

$525,833 69

$565,579 97

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

50,000 00

50, 000 00

50, 000 00

2, 355 42

1,655 90

9,287 13

30 00

30 00


408,179 69

401,785 92

433,243 44

22,389 99

20,935 99

22, 361 87

23,049 40

$525, 833 69

$565,579 97


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k pa,id in......................................................
S u r p lu s fu n d .......................................................................

U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta v e s pa,id......................................................
D ividends unpaid


50,000 00
11, 986 60


D em and co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f deposit

S av in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................

352, 951

1 ,0 0 0 00

C a sh ier’s c h e c k s outstanding

T o ta ls ...........................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$487,388 45

$532,501 10





No. 44.
S A V IN G S B A N K O F E A S T S A G IN A W , S A G IN A W .
Organized February 7, 1872.
H. 0. P

D ir


, P r e s i d e n t ; W . J . B a r t o w , V ic e P r e s i d e n t ; A . S
C h a r l e s M. C o p l i n , A s s i s t a n t T r e a s u r e r .

c h u pp

, T reasurer;

.— A ugustu s Schupp, J a m es B . P e te r , H. C . P o tte r, Jr„ G ilbert M. Stark, W m J B artow
H enry C. P o tte r, Max H ea v en rich , W. F. P o tte r, Charles M. Coplin, Farnham Lyon.

ec to rs

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

L oan s and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$288, 425 32

$353, 897 48

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

1, 083, 363 33

1,199, 096 26

R eport of
S e p t. 7.
$301, 655 34


R eport o f
D ec. 2.
$224,391 97
1, 434,376 31

O verdrafts............................................................................

310 30

562 51

1,143 58

2,747 61

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

65,767 08

65, 767 08

65,767 08

65, 767 08

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

3, 500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

3,500 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

34,702 41

31, 445 64

31,793 84

31,698 16

P rem iu m s.........................................................................

34, 914 70

60, 667 85

71,823 09

114,148 09

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

288, 349 58

209,160 59

270,257 59

179, 098 40

35, 917 76

39,655 09

48, 423 14

D ue from o th er banks and bankers........................

34,213 53

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................

1,026 28

1 ,0 1 1


1,8 6 6 23

756 32

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .....................................

3,309 59

3,546 70

4, 801 50

2, 826 53

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ........................................................
Gold coin................................................................
S ilv er c o in ...................................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................
T o ta ls .............................................................

44 50

45 32

60, 825 00

60,283 75


180 94


103 39
71,580 00

1, 422 90

1, 672 03

4, 002 40

4,071 00

36,512 00

40,092 00

39, 445 00

46,674 00

$1, 936, 686 52 $2, 066, 666 58 $2,164, 027 54

$2,230,162 00

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in ...........................................
Surplus fu n d .................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id .......................................
D ividends unpaid.......................................

$ 100 , 000


$100 , 000


$ 100 , 000


$ 100 , 000


50,000 00

50, 000 00

50, 000 00

50 000 00

18, 146 83

20, 676 16

27,524 08

30, 068 99

124 00

4 000 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .............

85,173 46

93, 486 83

158,216 41

125, 322 00

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....

83,057 08

85,176 20

106, 267 09

110,371 24

1,599,578 15

1,709,130 40

1, 720,892 42

1,811, 983 52

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit............
S av in g s d ep o sits................................................
S av in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit..............................
C ertified c h e c k s ...........................................

607 00

250 00

C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers............................

4,196 99

877 54

1, 936,686 52 >2,066, 666 58

2,164, 027 54

N o te s and bills red isco u n ted ........................
Bills p a y a b le ................................................
T o t a ls .......................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

2, 230,162 00






No. 29.
Organized O ctober 16, 1886.
Ch a s . S. N im s ,

P r e s id e n t;

J u s t in R. W h it in g ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

R u ss S. J u n k s ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—E. C. R ecor, Justin R. W hiting, W. L. Jenks, Chas. S. N im s, Russ S. Jenks,
John H Jenks, J. M. Jenks.
R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

L oan s and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$156,026 67

$139,873 90

$152,020 84

$173,674 82

S to c k s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

34,222 41

36,303 18

45,813 18

50,470 18

O v e r d r a fts .................................................................................

41 75

R esou rces.

Ranking* h o u s e ...

R eport of
D ec. 2.

123 58

474 91

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00
2,507 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

750 00

750 00

750 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

5, 737 20

760 00

750 00

750 00

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

12,763 18

31,654 17

32,169 44

26,246 41

327 53

D u e from o t h e r b a n k s an d b a n k e r s ..........................
F x e h a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e ..............................

C hecks and ca sh ite m s.................................................

265 95

722 97

559 61

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

76 49

25 14

47 01

124 10

Gold coin..............................................................................

2, 910 00

3,755 00

4,620 00

4,465 00

402 70

272 35

738 50


5,881 00

1,536 00

3,997 00

$220,147 35

$223,118 06

$241,662 01

$266,775 45

C apital s to c k paid in ......................................................

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fund-.......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

7,817 45

10,009 84

5,683 00

6,380 85

S ilv er c o in ..................................... ....................................
TJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................
T o t a ls ............................................................................

424 70
6 , 929

L iabilities.

84 00

D iv id e n d s u n p a id ......................................................

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k .................

31,720 52

34, 588 75

39, 218 09

48,314 07

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.......

1,466 56

1,716 36

3,559 05

3,905 93

87,238 34

89,886 34

100, 378 11

118,305 18

31,904 48

25, 916 77

31, 739 76

28,869 42

1, 000 00

1 ,0 0 0 00

1 , 000 00

$223,118 06

$241,662 01

$266,775 45

T im e c o m m e r c ia l c e r t if ic a t e s o f d e p o s it

S avin g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C a sh ie r ’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g


D u e to b a n k s and b a n k e r s..
N o t e s and b ills r e d i s c o u n t e d ....
R ills p a y a b le .........................................

T o t a ls .....................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$220,147 35





No. 39.
Organized N o v em b er 27, 1889.
A l b e r t J. B a l d w in ,

P r e s id e n t;
S e c r e ta r y a n d T r e a s u r e r ;

Ga lu sh a P e n n e l l , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; P. E. W a lsw o r t h ,
R. C. D e x t e r , A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y a n d T r e a s u r e r .

D ir e c t o r s . - A. J. Baldw in, C ooley E. Ball, W arner Bunday, John H icks, P. E. W alsw orth,
Galusha P enn ell, C olem an C. V aughan, John C. H icks, O lney P. D e W itt.
R eport of
F eb. 4.

R esources.

R eport of
June 30.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

*38,666 40


S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

111,580 10

162,064 48


R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

134,403 38

$37,205 78



207,709 91

47,758 39

47, 549 67

14,892 07

7,000 00

O v e r d r a fts. . . ...................................................................
Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................
Prem ium s.............................................................................

1,087 50

E x p e n s e s ..............................................................................

110 91

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

88 ,399


89,034 12

D ue from o th er banks and b an kers........................
E x ch a n g es fo r clearin g h o u se...................................
C h eck s and ca sh ite m s ................................................

52 00

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

58 18

Gold co in ..............................................................................


3 30

4,750 00

5,385 00

5, 550 00

S ilv er c o in ...........................................................................

1,190 00

1,215 00

405 92

434 05

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................



3,538 00

4,017 00

10,439 00

8252,537 85

$306, 031 63

$308,199 92

$316,564 26

T o t a ls ............................................................................


2 94


C apital sto c k paid in......................................................



$28, 000







Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter ­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

7,000 00

7,000 00

5,600 00

1,409 20

1,589 30

591 18

S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................

202,200 69

244,246 50

247,711 62

256,431 19

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................

13,927 96

25,195 83

25,997 12

26, 533 07

5, 600 00

D ividends un p aid .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................

300 00

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$252,537 85

$306, 031 63

$308,199 92

$316,564 26






No. 45.
Organized A ugust !9, 1885.
P o r t e r K. P e r r i n ,

P r e s id e n t;

J. H. Co r b it ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

J o h n W . F it z g e r a l d ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—Geo. F. Marvin, John H. Corbit, J. H. F e d e w a , O. W . M unger, J e ss e Sullivan,
P o r te r K. Perrin, J. W . Fitzgerald, G. E. Corbin, John J. K eiser, W . M. L eland, F. A. Travis.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oan s and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$96,250 09

$112,615 64

$119,454 49

$111.793 62

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

54, 498 39

56,480 79

50,*690 79

47, 627 87

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

376 92

1,118 37

1,297 49

1,495 17

Ranking h o u se ...................................................................








Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................







2, 500 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

6.501 27

6.501 27

6,323 82

D ue from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

101,199 03

61,595 98

57, 988 81

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................

33 38

6 , 423



52,704 00

26 50

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................
C h eck s and ca sh ite m s .................................................

245 26

126 34

13 p4

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

139 26

97 55

174 99

C old co in ..............................................................................

7,260 00

5,740 00

5, 665 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

2,848 50

3,287 25

' 2, 441 00

4,084 00

TJ. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

14,567 00

12 , 682 00

7, 869 00

8,358 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$294,919 10

$271, 245 19

$262,945 43

$250,099 73

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

5, 705 43

5, 705 43

6 , 000 00

6 ,0 0 0 00

1,771 75

4,759 32

2, 246 02

4,519 18

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

105, 694 10

77, 535 60

72,691 51

59,704 10

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

83,856 38

83,876 54

81,285 50

79,650 23

47,891 44

49, 368 30

50,722 40

50,216 22

115 00
188 25



D ividends un paid.............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin g s d e p o s its ..............................................................
S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................... .......................

10 00

C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .....................................................................
T o ta ls .............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$2)04,919 10

$271,245 19

$262, 945 43

$250,099 73





No. 164.
C O M M E R C IA L S T A T E B A N K , S A IN T JO S E P H .
O rganized June 13, 1893.
J. M. B a u .,

P r e s id e n t;

Ma x W . S tock ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

A. L. H e a b t t ,

C a s h ie r .

D ib e c t o b s .—J a m es M. Ball, M. Shepard, M. M. Marble, Max W . S to ck , J a n e E. V anD erveer,
F. P la tt, A . L. H eartt.
R eport of
F eb. 4.

R esou rces.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

L oans and discnnn t.s............................... . ....................

$39,054 72


$57,381 11

$72, 338 64

S to c k s bonds a-nd m o r tg a g e s ........................ ..........

20,935 41

17,876 10

18,651 10

40,131 00

76 69

127 12

1,769 81


1, 783 33

1,783 33

1,783 33

Oyerdra'f t^


B anking b ou se


R eport of
S ep t. 7.



Furniture ç^nd fiYf.nrfts..................................................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e ......................................................... ..
Prem ium s

1,783 33

250 00
1,470 00

................. »»»11f ■..................
68 , 956


22, 269 93

21, 414 49
615 25

4,425 56

1,771 73

FiXChang^S for clearin g h o u s e .................................

570 35

1,597 37

1,431 78

2, 091 21

C heeks a.nd cash ite m s ... . , .........................................

130 79


fpom banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

P u e from o th er ha.nks and ban kers........................

N ic k e ls a-nd c e n t s ................................... .....................


21,534 45

333 74

572 36




265 80

376 28




2,499 50

2, 375 00

6,125 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,551 60

2,088 05

1,316 55

1,164 60

XJ S and N a tio n a l ba.nk n o t e s ...............................

6 , 635


11,419 00

7, 181 00

$95,592 18

$123,520 91

$174,208 62

$155, 580 56

Capital sto c k pa,id in......................................................

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25, 000 00

$25, 000 00

Surplus fund .....................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t a.nd ta x e s p a id ......................................................

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

3,200 00

780 62

481 60

904 18

1,719 44

Commereia.l d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

57, 480 44

83, 507 75


107,479 47

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

9,131 12

11,331 56

24,235, 62

18,181 65

$95, 592 18

$123,520 91

$174,208 62

$155,580 56

Cold coin

T o t a ls ............................................................................



5,122 50

L iabilities.

D ividends unpaid

................................ ........
120 , 868

T im e commercial! c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
S a v in g s d ep o sits
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s
Fortified c h e c k s


d ep o sit..........................

C ashier’s c h e c k s outstan ding
P u e to banks a'Ud b a rk ers


N o te s and bills red iscoun ted
jXiifs payab le


T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






‘ No. 31.
Organized A u gu st 24, 1882.

W ells

P r e s id e n t:

J o h n W allace ,
C. B. W in sl o w ,

V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; Or v i l l e
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

O. J o r d o n ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s —E A Graham, A. W . W ells, John W a lla ce, J a m es Forbes, O. O. Jordon, John H. L ee ,
John H . Graham.
R eport of
D ec. 2.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......... ....................

$116,848 24

$151,774 61

$115, 535 38

$143,826 22

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...........

33,795 00

34,715 00

59,590 00

60,225 00

O verd rafts....................................................

743 37

783, 62

1, 886 05

648 52

B anking h o u s e ...........................................

4, 450 00

4, 450 00

4,450 00

4,450 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..........................

2,596 62

2, 596 62

2,596 62

2,596 62

R esources.

O ther rea l e s t a t e .....................................
Prem ium a c c o u n t................ ....................

1,250 00

1,250 00

3,421 00

3, 420 00

D ue from hanks in r ese rv e c it ie s ...

127,122 52

65,510 64

155,939 05

119, 667 84

D ue from o th er hanks and bankers.

2, 414 77

8,252 15

2,633 71

3,404 10

E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...........

308 29

374 35

1,553 24

1,802 27

C hecks and ca sh ite m s .........................

457 48

410 96

472 60

385 74

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...................................

1,004 10

271 59

579 60

Gold co in ............. ........................................


2, 500 00

2, 500 00




7,000 00

2, 053 65

4, 867 45

5,049 60

2,818 45

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

18,693 00

29,137 00

26, 554 00

20,853 00

T o t a ls ................................... ...............

$314,237 04

, 893 99

$382, 760 85

$371,650 44

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$50,000 00

B50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fu n d ...................... ................................................
U ndivided profits, less current exp en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......... '...........................................

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

10 , 000 00

1,377 10

4,837 49

6,005 74

9,514 13

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

223, 341 31

216,733 89

274, 399 20

261,954 67

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

29, 518 63

25, 322 61

37,355 91

40,181 64

S ilv er c o in ...............................................


D ividends u n p a id ...........................................................

T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S a v in g s d e p o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.................................
5,000 00

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g....................................
D ue to hanks and hankers..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ...................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................... .........................................
T o t a ls ............. ............................ ..............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$314,237 04

$306,893 99

82,760 85

171, 650 44





No. 4 2 /


Organized D ecem b er 2, 1889.
L. S a v i e r s ,

P r e s id e n t;

J ames O. H il t o n ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

F. H. B e r n a r d ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—H. H arrington, J. O. H ilton, A . S. M cIntyre, N. W h ite, Parker Merrill, L em u el S aviers
J. W. Bernard, C. C. B arton.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$59,,508 59

$69, 055 47

$68 , 630 91

$74,285 07

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

5,216 23

5,6 6 6 23

5,366 23

5,516 23

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

414 67

361 24

537 13

542 07

Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1, 877 12

1, 877 12

1, 877 12

1,877 12

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

881 44


15, 800 18

16,188 19

20, 398 57

48 73

3 30

793 23

57 69

13 03

272 99

382 22



123 84

147 77

1,750 00

2, 202 50

2, 370 00
. 1, 446 25

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

Current ex p en ses, in te r e st and ta x e s paid...........
D ue from banks in r ese rv e c itie s ............................
D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers........................

1,271 97
12, 672

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

11 51

N ic k e ls and c e n t s .........................................................

103 77

Gold coin..............................................................................

1,690 00

S ilv er c o in .....................................................................

1,312 90

1,706 50

1,516 60

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o te s ...............................

8,064 00

9,104 00

5,521 00

T o t a ls ...........................................................................

$93,073 81

$105, 407 75

$103,029 74

$111,815 99

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25, 000 00

2, 225 00

2,225 00

2,225 00

2, 500 00

*785 39

841 48

1,387 72

77 58

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

16,924 31

17,828 24

13, 698 23

24, 301 65

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.......

11,654 99

4,131 73

2,258 50

1,313 29

4, 793 OO

L iabilities
C apital sto c k paid in..............................................
Surplus fu n d ........................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................
D ividends un paid.............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits........................................... ..........

11 , 802 20

12, 264 84

12, 407 58

13, 052 55

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

24,681 92

43,116 46

46,052 71

45, 570 92

$93, 073 81

$105,407 75

$103,029 74

$111,815 99

C ertified c h e c k s ..........................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k e r s ..........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ...................................................
T o t a ls ......................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







No. 197.
G R A T IO T C O U N T Y S T A T E B A N K , S A IN T L O U IS .
Organized July 1, 1897.
A. B. D a r r a g h ,

P r e s id e n t;

John F razer,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

B. A. Ch u r c h ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—A. B. Darragh, W . O. W atson, John Frazer, H. J. T uger, B. A. Church.

R esou rces.

R ep ort o f
F e b . 4.

R ep ort of
J u n e 30.

R ep ort o f
S e p t . 7.

R ep ort o f
D e c . 2.

Tfna,ns and d is c o u n t s .........................................................

$59,793 58

$67, 608 40

$58, 015 97

$69,717 99

S t o c k s b o n d s a.nd m o r tg a ,g e s .....................................

15, 968 34

4,223 34

4,294 94

11,122 94

O v e r d r a f t s ...............................................................................

940 79

69 63

37 98

6 68

1,700 00

Dun kin g h o u s e


"Furniture a,nd f ix t u r e s .....................................................

1,700 00

1, 700 00

1,700 00

o t h e r r e a l e s t a t e .................................................................

1,224 34

1,138 84

1,138 84

936 04

P u e from b a n k s in r e s e r v e e i t i e s .............................

12,479 94

11, 937 35

27, 396 79

39,142 03

D u e fT’orri o t h e r h a n k s and b a n k e r s .........................

28 25

2,653 68

3,155 20

239 40

115 00

E x c h a n g e s fo r c le a r in g h o u s e
C h e c k s anfi ea,sh it e m s .....................................................

135 00

237 79

110 00

N ie k e ls a,nd c e n t s ...............................................................

112 28

156 54

175 77

194 18

Crold c o in ...................................................................................

1, 532 50

1,927 50

3,155 00

3, 742 50

S ilv e r c o i n ..............................................................................

1,852 00

1,985 00

2,737 00

2, 346 00


8,191 00

6,190 00

6,384 00

6, 575 00

$103, 958 02

$99,828 07

$108,301 49

$135, 837 76

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

1,726 79

3, 490 14

3, 807 21

4,120 27

40, 214 52

32,714 21


60, 415 87

37,016 71

38,623 72

42, 437 07

46, 301 62

$108, 301 49

$135, 837 76


and N a tio n a l ba,nk n o t e s .................................

T o ta ls


L ia b ilitie s.
C a p ita l s t o c k p a id in ................................................. ......
S u r p lu s fund
U n d iv id e d p rofits, le s s c u r r e n t e x p e n s e s , in t e r ­
e s t and t a x e s pa,id ..........................................................
D iv id e n d s u n p a id .................................................................
C o m m e r c ia l d e p o s it s s u b j e c t t o c h e c k ...............
D em a n d c o m m e r c ia l c e r t if ic a t e s o f d e p o s i t ....
T im e c o m m e r c ia l c e r t if ic a t e s o f d e p o s it .............
S a v in g s d e p o s it s ...................................................................
S a v in g s c e r t if ic a t e s o f d e p o s it ...................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...................................................................
C a sh ie r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d in g ......................................
D u e to b a n k s and b a n k e r s ..............................................
N o t e s and b ills r e d is c o u n t e d .......................................

D ills p a y a b l e ...........................................................................
T o t a l s ................................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$103, 958 02

$99,828 07





No. 200.
T R U M A N M OSS S T A T E B A N K , S A N IL A C C E N T R E .
O rganized O ctober 21, 1897.
J u l ia H. Mil l s ,

P r e s id e n t;

E l iz a b e t h Moss Mil l s A n k e t e l l ,
Ch a s . J. Ole so n , C a s h i e r .

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

D ir e c t o r s .—Julia H. Mills, E lizab eth Moss Mills A n k etell, Thos. J. A n k etell, John O’Connor,
Jerem ia h O’Connor.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................

$12, 357 07

$20, 058 29

$21, 540 61

$25,837 53

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

5,749 20

3,564 04

3, 564 04

3,900 00

O verdrafts .......................................... ..............................



243 46

636 17

568 50

Banking h o u se ...................................................................

1,535 90

1, 535 90

1,535 90

1, 535 90

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

340 90

536 90

551 90

551 90

O ther real e s t a t e .............................................................

1,918 05

2, 044 55

2,049 89

2,049 89

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

3,903 29

8 , 873

3,665 76

6,805 46

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................

60 05


188 84

E x ch a n g e s fo r clea rin g h o u s e .................................
C h eck s and ca sh ite m s .................................................

252 55

665 01

913 58

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................... ....................

12 67

24 81

9 34

Gold co in ..............................................................................

110 00

35 00

55 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

11 20

283 25

500 10

118 85

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

869 00

1,454 00

804 00

.255 00

T o ta ls ............................................................................

1,977 70
17 79




$39,319 16

$35, 826 29

$44, 427 36

$20 , 000


$20 , 000

$2 0 ,0 0 0

$2 0 ,0 0 0

L iabilities.
C ap ital s to c k paid in ......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, intere s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................




1,228 54

2, 278 62

2, 473 62

3,435 36

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

4,382 53

13, 567 07

9, 986 06

16,875 30

D em and com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

1, 510 61

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................





4,116 70

T im e co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
S a v in g s d e p o s its ..............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and ban kers.........................................

304 59

153 73

$39, 319 16

$35,826 29

N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis



$44,427 36






No. 54.
S A U L T S A V IN G S B A N K , L O A N A N D T R U S T CO., S A U L T S T E . M A R IE .
Organized N o v em b er 20, 1886.
George K em p ,

P r e s id e n t;

M. J. W e a v e r ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

E. L. S t a n l e y ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—G eorge K em p, C. E. A insw orth, J. H. S te e r e , W m. Chandler, R. D. P erry, M. J. W eaver,
Frank P erry, M. J. M agee, H enry H ickier.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................

$192,814 11

$212, 672 40

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

65,184 62

86,365 81

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................

414 73

658 72

100 39

172 15

B anking h o u se ...................................................................

35,000 00

35,000 00

35,000 00

30,000 00

$228,090 98
88 , 304


Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

2, 950 00

3, 047 50

3,047 50

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

10,375 64

10,271 75

10,383 97

Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

90, 206 49

147, 758 80

156, 053 60

$255, 472 61
103,376 24

3,000 00


51,768 20

D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................

9, 447 56

1, 331 69

1,573 43

1, 376 21

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................

543 61

3,023 33

3, 578 82

2,553 27

C hecks and c a sh ite m s ....................................... .....

259 52

534 17

539 27

607 29

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

325 47

267 77

521 63

317 03

Gold co in ..............................................................................

9,835 00

10,230 00

9, 800 00

8,585 00

S ilv er c o in ................................. ........................................

2, 332 40

1,467 30

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .. . ..........................

21,583 00

14, 022 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$441,272 15

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

3,300 00

2,114 45


30, 460 50

$526,651 24

$560,675 48

$499,971 61

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00

10 , 000 00

1 0 ,0 0 0 00


L iabilities.

7,311 32

6 , 517


9, 731 89

D ividends un paid.............................................................

537 16
2,544 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ................

156, 872 36

223,702 07

217,611 38

157,139 43

C ertifica tes o f d e p o s it..................................................

27, 684 90

28, 956 07

40,050 08

43,705 46

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

188,287 98


233,121 49

235, 442 92

1,115 59

2,338 10

160 64

602 64

$441,272 15

$526,651 24

$560, 675 48

$499,971 61


S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s outstan ding.....................................
D ue to banks and ban kers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ...................... ..................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 204.
S T A T E S A Y IN G S B A N K O F S C O T T V IL L E , S C O T T V IL L E .
O rganized July 29, 1898.
C. W . McP h a i l ,

M. L. W il l ia m s , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; H. G. F l i n t ,
E. S. F a ir b a n k s , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

P r e s id e n t;

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—O. W . M ePliail, M. L. W illiam s, C. A. M cPhail, H. G. Flint, Mary A . Flint.

R eso u rces.

R eport of
F eb. 4.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......... ............................................

$13,596 23

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

7, 584

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

$21,137 06

$23, 367 89

$21, 400 04

5, 551 24

5.184 64

5. 894 29

10 35

18 99

2 00


165 00

151 00


O verdrafts............................................................................
B anking house, r e n t........................................................

214 00

Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1, 171 02

1,184 61

1.184 61

1,184 61

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c itie s ............................

7,041 48

3, 463 26

3,784 13

3,137 77

D ue from o th er banks and b an kers.......................

988 41


O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................. ............................

812 05

E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

35 76

244 55

53 35

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ...........................................................

20 55

13 33

10 00

12 00

Gold co in ..............................................................................

20 00

35 00

310 00

745 00

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................
U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

373 00


„ ,60


. . . . 2, 477 00

$32, 956 13

C apital sto c k paid in ......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e st and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

T o t a ls ............................................................................


770 35

151 10

748 35


2,193 00

$35, 080 00

$37, 370 96

$36,431 21

$15, 500 00

$15, 500 00

$15, 500 00

$15, 500 00

687 52

687 52

687 52

687 52

215 24

1,277 10

1,508 65

2,110 07

10,619 58

10, 435 49

11,495 36

8 , 982


8 , 623


L iabilities.

D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...............
D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__
T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

5,105 02


7,594 73

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

828 77

785 00

584 70

527 55

$32, 956 13

$35,080 00

$37,370 96

$36, 431 21

6 ,394

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s ou tstan d in g.....................................
Due to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 175.
C O M M E R C IA L S T A T E B A N K , O F S H E P H E R D , S H E P H E R D .
Organized D ecem b er 27, 1894.
H. D. B e n t ,

P r e s i d e n t ; N . W. S t r u b l e , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; L. D. E ste e , 2 d V i c e P r e s i d e n t ;
W . E. A dams , C a s h i e r ; W . I. N . S h e p h e r d , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

D ir e c t o r s .—I. N. Sh ep herd , Linus D. E ste e , H. D. B en t, Mrs. B. J. W h ite, M artha A . T aylor,
Oliver H. A dam s, Thom as H a n n ett, W . H. K inter, N . W . Struble.

R esou rces.

R eport o f
F e b . 4.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......................................................


R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.


$27,736 81

$32,411 47

$38, 656 27

S to ck s, "bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

9, 366 72

11,832 00

12, 332 00

11,515 00

O v e r d r a fts..........................................................................



396 85

706 56

121 31

1,450 00

B anking h ou se . . . .


"Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

1,550 00

1,550 00

1, 450 00

O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................

700 00

700 00

700 00

700 00

One from banks in rese rv e e it ie s ............................

32,478 10

33,907 15

23,388 47

20, 852 44

"Hue from o th er banks and bankers........... ............

2 0 ,0 0 0 00

2 0 , 000 00

20 , 000 00

22 , 000 00

1,981 18

434 50

FiXeha.nges for clearin g h ou se...................................
C heeks and cash ite m s ................................................

1 25
3 39

14 69

N ic k e ls and e e n t s ...........................................................

80 94

31 82

25 99

52 94

Oold eo in ..............................................................................

2,275 00

2, 705 00

2, 690 00

2, 730 00

S ilv er e o in ..........................................................................

654 80

1, 242 40

797 90

701 50

S and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

2, 675 00

4,128 00

3,072 00

3, 515 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$106, 490 48

$98, 008 89

$102,299 10




L iabilities.
$17, 000 00

$17,000 00

$17,000 00

$17, 000 00

1 ,1 0 0 00

1 ,1 0 0 00

1 ,2 0 0 00

1 , 200 00

268 05

886 00

414 35

1,948 10

Commereia.l d ep o sits su b je e t to c h e c k .................

27,361 14

24, 810 96

19, 457 35

18,539 92

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

60,761 29

62, 414 25

59, 937 19

63,611 08

$98, 008 89

$102, 299 10

C apital sto e k paid in ....................................................
Surplus fund .....................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p e n ses, intere s t and ta x e s pa,id......................................................
D ividends unpaid


T im e com m ercial c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.............
»Savings d ep o sits


S avin g s c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................
(Certified c h e c k s


C ashier’s c h e c k s o utstan ding
Due to banks find ba,nkers
N o te s and bills red iscoun ted

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$106, 490 48

$106, 211






No. 148.
C IT IZ E N S ’ S T A T E B A N K O F S O U T H H A V E N , S O U T H H A V E N .
Organized D e cem b er 28, 1892.
W . S. B r a d l e y ,

P r e s id e n t;

R. T. P ie r c e ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

L. E. P a r so n s ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—W m. S. B radley, John C. Merson, R. T. P ier c e, Orley M. V aughan, S ilas M. T row bridge,
L. F. Otis, J a m es K. B arden, C. W . W illiam s, L. A. S p en cer, W . H. H urlbert, T. A. Bixby.
R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R ep ort of
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts.......................................................

$96, 202 02

$121,970 27

$108, 004 41

$109,758 14

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

48, 386 61

49,385 26

50,518 26

60.226 29

O v erd ra fts...........................................................................

1, 394 90

1, 761 64

371 47

863 71

3,000 00

3,000 00

3, 000 00

3,000 00

Banking h o u se ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es...................................................
O ther rea l e s t a t e .............................................................
P rem iu m s............................................................................

130 50

130 50

130 50

130 50

D ue from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ............................

42,685 24

9,153 04

76, 959 19

43,669 03

C hecks and ca sh ite m s ................................................

1, 894 72

2,638 11

1, 962 22

5,264 97

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................

41 92

60 15

18 19

113 23

Gold co in ..............................................................................

7, 232 50

6,625 00

10,335 00

5,355 00

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g h o u se...................................

S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

1,004 05

1,610 30


U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

5,218 00

9,528 00

7, 543 00

$207,190 46 | $205,862 27

$261, 504 44

$237,071 32

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00



T o ta ls .............................................................................


2,529 45


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in ......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

$50,000 00
6 , 000 00

549 37

$50,000 00
6 , 500


561 64



937 95

3,804 13

D ividends un paid..............................................................



2 ,0 0 0 00

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

63,523 26

59,240 39

101, 317 59

84,183 90

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it__

15, 919 23

14, 665 78

14,591 13

14, 534 26

71, 030 60

68,911 60

88,157 77

78, 049 03

$261,504 44

$237,071 32

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ....................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................



N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o ta ls ............................................................................. > $207,190 46
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

3,000 00
$205, 862 27








No. 71.
T H E F IR S T S T A T E B A N K O F S O U T H H A V E N , S O U T H H A V E N .
Organized D ecem b er 28, 1889.
C h a r l e s J. Mo n r o e ,

P r e s i d e n t ; H. W .
E u g e n e A.

W il lia m s ,
H artm an,

V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; G eorge
A s s i s t a n t C a s h ie r .

C. Mo n r o e ,

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s —H enry W . W illiam s, C harles J. M onroe, V o ln e y Ross, M. H. Bixby, John M ack ey,
Sam u el P. W ilson, E unice E. M oore, H. M. A v ery, L. S. M onroe.

R esources.

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

L oans and d isc o u n ts......... ............................................

$104,519 55

$129,798 46

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................

106,283 20

109, 394 90

O v e r d r a fts...........................................................................

77 62



R eport o f
S ep t. 7.
$124,571 79

R eport o f
D ec. 2.
$129, 336 61


112,545 45

278 18

12 95

Banking h o u s e ...................................................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..................................................

3,000 00

3, 000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

O ther r ea l e s t a t e .............................................................

10,266 42

9,181 42

9,181 42

9,181 42

Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s ............................

51,928 37

21,047 98

65,818 39

72,791 69

32 04

848 82

2,676 10

5,024 12

D ue from o th er banks and b a n k ers.......................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se..,...............................
C hecks and cash it e m s ................................................

1,783 63

3,097 37

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ............................................................



80 72

Gold c o in ..............................................................................

5,185 00

3, 615 00


124 96

5,365 00

5, 080 00


S ilv er c o in ...........................................................................



2,735 00

IT. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ...............................

7,528 00

6,567 00

10, 617 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................

$292,148 74

$291,546 07

$333,586 99

$347, 811 02



1, 700 00


C apital s to c k paid in......................................................

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................

35, 000 00

35,000 00

35, 000 00

35, 000 00

4, 355 35

3,342 89

3,807 52

6,734 18

C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

67,792 94

69,288 45

103,270 36

103,870 30

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f dep osit —

7,488 67

7,162 87

9, 405 33

8,481 46

120,956 78

119,053 58

124,648 78

137,975 08

7, 055 00

7,455 00

5, 750 00

D ividends un p a id .............................................................

T im e com m ercial c er tific a te s o f d ep o sit.............
S avin gs d ep o sits...............................................................
S avin gs c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...............................

6 ,555


C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................

643 28

N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$292,148 74

$291,546 07

$333,586 99 |

$347,811 02






No. 207.
O rganized S e p tem b e r
C. A. B loomer ,

P r e s id e n t;



J. S. B rad fo r d , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; J o h n Ma n c h e st e r , 2 d
B. N . K e is t e r , C a s h i e r .

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

D ir e c t o r s —J. S. Bradford, John M anchester, M anly W . Burtch, C. A. B loom er, Chas. A. Johnson,
A u gu st A. Johnson, B ru ce N . K eister.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport o f
June 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

"Roans and d is c o u n ts .....................................................

$21,992 52

$29,464 94

$33,121 64

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s...................................

4, 708 00

24,533 25

26, 760 75

R eport of
D ec. 2.


30,830 95

Overd r a fts ...........................................................................
R anking h o u se ...................................................................
"Furniture and fix tu r e s ........... ......................................







11,302 49

12, 985 05

168 26

O ther real e s t a t e ............................................................
D ue from banks in rese rv e c itie s ............................

34,580 18

D ue from o th er banks and ban k ers.......................
"Exchanges for clearin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s .................................................

279 37

59 19

118 03

N ic k e ls and c e n ts ..........................................................

42 59

22 95

46 04

25 97

1, 405 00

1,525 00

1,505 00

1,640 00

Gold co in ..............................................................................
S ilv er c o in ..........................................................................

659 00

552 00


575 00

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

2,651 00

3,644 00

2, 427 00

3,6 8 8 00


$77,549 57

$75, 533 53

$81, 567 11

$15, 000 00

$15, 000 00

$15,000 00

$15,000 00

651 29

2,104 39

2,632 52

3,541 74

24, 300 32

21,846 82

T o t a ls ............................................................................

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, less current ex p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ......................................................




D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ................

22 , 662


22, 460 03

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.. ..
T im e co m m ercia l c er tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........
S a v in g s d ep o sits...............................................................

2, 703 80

3, 687 74

3,951 42

S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................

23,662 25

34,910 62

31,286 78

34,154 95

6 , 410


$77,549 57

$75, 533 53

$81,567 11

C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and b a n k ers..........................................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .....................................
B ills p a y a b le .......................................................................
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis








No. 134.
C IT IZ E N S ’ S T A T E B A N K , S T U B G IS .
Organized M arch 2, 1892.
Ma r t in E. A u l sb r o o k ,

E. S. A m id o n , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; T. J. Co l l in s ,
H. C. K r a f t , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

P r e s id e n t:

C a s h ie r ;

D ir e c t o r s .—Martin E. Aulsbrook, G eo. B. Tompkins, Edmund S. Amidon, C. B. Buck, Frank K enyon,
T. J. Collins, C harles A. Stu rges, E. C. W right, H. C. Rehm.

R esources.

R eport o f
Feb. 4.

R eport of
June 30.

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.

R eport o f
D ec. 2.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..............................

$97, 861 54

$91,213 13

$102,798 29

S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s.............

53, 269 96

65,589 57

63, 634 35

68,467 47

O verd ra fts...................................................

1,662 43

3, 295 92

3,8 8 8 51

1, 897 00

2,051 60

1,901 60

1,901 60

2,006 60

26, 412 62

34, 690 42

20,216 75

14.011 39

1,142 45


Banking h o u s e ...........................................
Furniture and fix tu r es..........................
O ther r ea l e s t a t e .i ..................................
Due from banks in rese rv e c it ie s . . .
D ue from o th er banks and bankers.
E x ch a n g e s fo r clearin g h o u se...........
C hecks and ca sh ite m s ........................

279 16

425 41

658 93

N ic k e ls and c e n t s ....................................

170 33

139 93

84 81

39 37

Gold co in ......................................................

3,135 00

4,185 00

2,742 50

5,125 00

S ilv er c o in ..................................................

2,214 85

1, 402 90

637 25

1,722 95

U . S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s .......

3, 619 00

4,219 00

2, 412 00

7,076 00


$198, 974 99

$212,613 11

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

5, 450 00

5,450 00

5, 475 00

5, 475 00

486, 68

2, 778 65

1,141 37

2,046 65

C om m ercial d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ...............

43,031 96

44,403 84

34,016 23

38,130 00

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit —

2, 447 39

1,933 51

1,921 75

1, 805 43
74,180 56

$190,676 49

T o t a ls .

$207, 062

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in.................
Surplus fu n d .................................................. ..............
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s, p a id .................................................
D ividends un p a id ..............................................................

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it........

53, 745 76

61,451 73

66,731 54

S avin g s d ep o sits...............................................................

35,514 70

41,045 15

39, 689 10

40, 975 47

$198,974 99

$212,613 11

S avin g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ...................................
D ue to banks and bankers...........................................
N o te s and bills r ed isco u n ted .....................................
Bills p a y a b le ......................................................................
T o ta ls.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$190, 676 49







No. 151.
L IL L E Y S T A T E B A N K , T E C U M S E H .
O rganized January 26, 1893.
L u c iu s L il l e y ,

P r e s id e n t;

P. W. A. F it zsim m o ns , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; F. A . S h e p a r d
F. B. B a u e r , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

C a s h ie r -

D ir e c t o r s .—L ucius L illey, J. S. Strong, L. I. B idw ell, P . W . A. Fitzsim m ons, L. C. Bid well.
R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R esources.

L oans and d is c o u n ts .......................................
S to ck s, bonds and m o r tg a g e s ...................................
O v e r d r a fts........................................................
Banking h o u s e ..................................................

R eport of
June 30.

R eport of
S ep t. 7.

$71,400 15

$69,815 06

$72, 344 26

13,787 15

9,687 15

11,337 15

166 45

416 49

1,650 00

1, 650 00


R eport o f
D ec. 2.


10. 780 00



Furniture and fix tu r e s ..................................................

1, 650 00

1, 650 00


76, 294 31

99,839 02

303 92

410 17

979 24

O ther rea l e s t a t e ..................................................
Due from banks in r ese rv e c it ie s ..........................

91,446 06


D ue from o th er banks and ban kers........................
E x ch a n g es for clea rin g h o u se ...................................
C hecks and ca sh ite m s..................................................
N ic k e ls and c e n t s .................................................
Gold co in ...........................................................

675 29
33 25
6 ,2 2 1 00



21 23

34 65

5,750 00

5,375 70

5,565 00

S ilv er c o in ...................................................................

1,048 50

353 10

53 75

464 50

U. S. and N a tio n a l bank n o t e s ................................

6,233 00

7,419 00

6,841 00

5,415 00

$192, 660 85

$182, 620 46

$174,414 50

$196, 373 09

$40, 000 00

$40, 000 00

$40,000 00

$40, 000 00

7,000 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

8 ,0 0 0 00

3, 478 43

1,091 21

1,236 01

1, 638 44

T o t a ls .................................................

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in...........................................
Surplus fu n d .............................................
U ndivided profits, le ss current e x p en ses, in ter­
e s t and ta x e s p a id ...............................
D ividends u n p a id .............................................
C om m ercial d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k .................

108, 621 42

83,185 06

77,135 82

94,580 89

D em and co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it....

33,561 00

50, 344 19

48,042 67

52,153 76

$192,660 85

$182, 620 46

$174, 414 50

$196, 373 09

T im e co m m ercia l c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit............
S a v in g s d e p o sits..................................................
S a v in g s c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.................................
C ertified c h e c k s .............................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s ou tsta n d in g ..............................
D ue to banks and bankers..........................
N o te s and bills red isc o u n te d ..........................
B ills p a y a b le .........................................
T o t a ls ..................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 156.
T E C U M S E H S T A T E S A V IN G S B A N K , T E C U M S E H .
Organized April 21, 1893.
C h a r le s R. Mil l e r , P r e s id e n t; G eo . W. K n a p p , Vice P r e s id e n t; J. H. S m it h , C a sh ie r;
Geo . W . K n a p p , A s s is ta n t C ashier.
D ir e c t o r s .—C. A. Slayton, C. R. Miller, Geo. W. Knapp, Joseph Russell, Arthur D. Gilmore,

L. M. Kellogg, L. D. Dewey, A. D. Ellis, David Howell.
Report of
Feh. 4.


Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts..............................................

$57,675 28

$48,779 80

$49,837 27

$46,143 53

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

24, 206 89

32, 495 67

29, 755 67

28, 837 44


964 30

97 56

152 54

40 64

Banking house..........................................................

4, 000 00

4, 000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

Furniture and fixtures...........................................

1,290 00

1,290 00

1,290 00

1, 290 00

30,045 14

28,074 76

21,024 65

25,916 13

923 80

Other real estate..............................


Due from banks in reserve cities........................
One from other banks and bankers ...

934 25

Fxchanges for clearing house..............................
Checks and cash items..........................................

248 85

9 24

1,554 28

Nickels and cents...................................................

78 04

135 12

150 48

96 59

Gold coin...................................................................

2,282 50

2, 835 00

2,470 00

2.215 00

Silver coin................................................................

700 65

824 20

373 70

356 05

TT. S. and National bank notes...........................

5,291 00

8,171 00

3,791 00

9,700 00

T otals..................................................................

$127,716 90

$126,712 35

$114,399 59

$119,519 18

$26, 000 00

$26,000 00

$26,000 00

$26,000 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,50u 00

1.500 00

62 89

1,906 64

2,125 31

3,261 41

Commercial deposits subject to check..............

29,426 11

24,675 29

27,281 39

28, 265 88

Demand commercial certificates of deposit....

41,174 80

20,822 12

15,644 65

16,167 01

29,553 10

51, 808 30

41, 848 24

44, 324 88

$127, 716 90

$126, 712 35

$114,399 59

$119,519 18

Capital stock paid in................................... ..........
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid..............................................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................

Time commercial certificates of deposit...........
Savings deposits......................................................
Savings certificates of deposit.............................
Hertified checks ..
flashier’s checks outstanding . . .
Due to banks and bankers...................................
Notes and bills refiisc.onnted
Bills payable ...........


T otals.... .............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 120.
T H E F IR S T S T A T E S A V IN G S B A N K , O F T H R E E R IV E R S , T H R E E R IV E R S .
Organized August 15, 1891.
A mos C. W o lf , P r e s id e n t; B ish o p P. A n d r e w s , Vice P r e s id e n t; G eorge T. W o lf , C a sh ie r ;
G. R. B e a n , A s s is ta n t C ashier.
D ir e c t o r s .—J. W. French, W. E. Clark, George T. Wolf, Bishop E. Andrews, A. C. Wolf,

W. J. Willits, E. B. Linsley.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts.............................................

$182, 823 10

$213,227 95

$194, 074 36

$192,022 15

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

42, 634 45

47,350 54

44, 015 54

46,446 79


1,186 35

2,355 33

1,115 02

4,560 39

Banking house..........................................................

15,000 00

15, 000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

Due from banks in reserve cities........................

35, 375 88

22,685 48

16,210 62

11,585 72

Due from other banks and bankers.....................

590 00
356 82


Report of
Dec. 2.

Furniture and fixtures.............................................
Other real estate.....................................................

Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Checks and cash items..........................................

158 02

83 34

380 27

Nickels and cents.......................................

167 17

113 24

90 50

194 36

12,200 00

10,542 50

10, 595 00

10, 460 00

Gold coin................................................................
Silver coin..........................................................
TJ. S. and National bank notes...........................
T otals..................................................

1,651 40

993 70

791 90

1, 381 90

11,151 00

9,145 00

9, 803 00

9, 321 00

$302,937 37

$321, 497 08

$292,076 21

$291,329 13

$30, 000 00

$30, 000 00

$30,000 00

$30, 000 00

15, 000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

15,000 00

2,100 42

1, 993 31

2,271 40

3,900 09

Capital stock paid in................................
Surplus fund................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid........................................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Commercial deposits subject to check..............

40,401 80

58,535 09

38,561 97

34,960 90

Demand commercial certificates of deposit__

116, 159 34

104,089 68

98,881 62

115,227 69

99.275 81

111,879 00

100, 389 57

92,240 45

Time commercial certificates of deposit.........
Savings deposits.....................................................
Savings certificates of deposit.............................
Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
Due to banks and bankers.....................................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................

6,971 65

Bills payable..................................................... .......
T otals........................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$302, 937 37

$321, 497 08

$292, 076 21

$291,329 13






No. 138.
T R A V E R S E C IT Y S T A T E B A N K , T R A V E R S E C IT Y .
Organized June 16, 1892.
P e r r y H a n n a h , P r e s id e n t; A. T r a c y L a y , Vice P r e s id e n t; J. T. H a n n a h , C a sh ie r;
S. Ga r l a n d , A s s is ta n t C a sh ie r; H o w ard I r i s h , 2 d A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.
D ir e c t o r s .—Perry Hannah, A. Tracy Lay, J. T. Hannah, S. Garland, Howard Irish.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

7,nans and discounts...............................................

$128, 803 05

$136,811 26

$145,077 37

$166,400 43

St-ccks bonds and mortgages..............................

469 680 09

470, 459 82

485,079 11

488,173 11


4 12

180 56

95 11

25 30

Ranking house..........................................................

298 00

298 00

298 00

298 00

"Furniture and fixtures...........................................
Other real estate.....................................................

9, 074 37

8, 809 37

8, 809 37

8,809 37

Due from hanks in reserve eities........................

135,863 85

169,337 57

195,010 14

194,143 03

17, 349 26

Due from other hanks and hankers.....................
"Rxchanges for elearing house..............................
Checks find eash items...........................................

• 10,086 30

9, 207 20

4,623 04

Niekels and eents...................................................

50 42

101 60

47 26

105 65

Gold coin...................................................................

11,659 50

7. 509 50

8,827 00

9,000 00

Silver coin................................................................

2, 375 20

4, 000 00

3,975 20

4,800 00

TT. S. and National hank notes...........................

33, 565 00

31,513 00

31,892 00

47, 327 00

T otals..................................................................

$801,459 90

$838, 227 88

$883,733 60

$936,431 15

Capital stock paid in...................................... . ....

$100, 000 00

$100, 000 00

$100,000 00

$100, 000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid..............................................

25, 000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

25,000 00

13, 409 09

13, 037 60

13,348 58

17,583 53

Commercial deposits subject to check..............

309,137 58

303,921 40

324,686 44

382, 416 87

Demand commercial certificates of deposit —

353,913 23

396, 268 88

420,698 58

411,430 75

$801,459 90

$838,227 88

$883,733 60

$936,431 15


Dividends unpaid.....................................................

Time commercial certificates of deposit...........
Savings deposits.......................................................
Savings certificates of deposit.............................
Certified checks......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
Due to hanks and hankers.....................................
Notes and hills rediscounted................................
Rills payable.............................................................
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 192.
S T A T E S A V IN G S B A N K O F V A S S A R , V A S S A R .
Organized December 30, 1896.
I saac Gib b a k d , P r e s id e n t; H. E. H a r r is o n , Vice P r e s id e n t; W m. D a t i e s , 2 d Vice P r e s id e n t;
C. C. Cu r t i s , C a sh ie r; Geo . R. B u c k , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.
D ir e c t o r s .—Isaac Gibbard, H. E. Harrison, C. C. Curtis, George R. Buck, Charles H. Richardson,

William Davies.


Report; of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts..............................................

$58,983 12

$66, 283 15

$69,153 01

$77,599 95

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

20, 974 00

26,754 42

26, 754 42

26,605 65

101 66

238 69

511 28

114 76

Banking house............................................

2,100 00

3,485 66

3, 450 00

3,450 00

Furniture and fixtures...........................................

1,500 00

1,693 45

1,650 00

1,650 00

26,605 56

23, 039 06

29, 115 95

177 62


Other real estate.....................................................
Expenses, interest and taxes paid......................

784 64

Due from banks in reserve cities........................

29,752 16 ,

Due from other banks and bankers.....................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Checks and cash items...........................................

156 88

308 60

429 77

Nickels and cents....................................................

18 90

16 95

29 90

20 19

2, 005 00

2,015 00

2, 000 00

2,125 00

Gold coin.......................................................
Silver coin.............................................................

458 80

941 20

701 15

1,178 70

D. S. and National bank notes........................

3, 862 00

3,850 00

4,351 00

4,332 00

$120,697 16

$132,192 68

$132, 069 59

$146,369 82

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

750 00

750 00

1, 000 00

1,000 00

*546 84

1,222 63

209 27

1, 450 26

28,855 67

26, 906 33

25, 731 46

32, 357 88

Savings deposits.......................................................

17, 948 32

28,738 52

29, 573 45

33, 692 45

Savings certificates of deposit.............................

47,596 33

49, 575 20

50, 555 41

52, 378 55

T otals.....................................................
Capital stock paid in........................................
Surplus fund................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid...................................
Dividends unpaid...........................................
Commercial deposits subject to check.............
Demand commercial certificates of deposit....
Time commercial certificates of deposit...........

Certified checks................................................
Cashier's checks outstanding..............................
Due to banks and bankers.....................................

490 68

Notes and bills rediscounted.............................
Bills payable........................ ....................................
T otals..................................................................
*Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$120,697 16

$132,192 68

$132,069 59

$146,369 82






N o. 105.
W A Y N E S A V IN G S B A N K . W A Y N E .
Organized October 14, 1890.
J ames R. H o sie , P r e s id e n t; L. T. B l o u n t , Vice P r e s id e n t; George H. S te l l w a g e n , C a sh ie r;
G. S tellw a ge n , A s s is ta n t C ashier.
D ir e c t o r s .—Jas. R. Hosie, Geo. H. Stellwagen, L. T. Blount, J. J Stellwagen, Joseph Waltz,

P. H. Stellwagen, Wm. Darmstaitter.
Report of
Feb. 4.


Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts..............................................

$95,710 86

$119,282 17

$117,168 05

$116,814 16

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

103,002 73

111,615 93

110,750 93

114,941 86


4,142 98

2,319 33

2,340 59

2, 747 92

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

1,200 00

53,058 43

51, 771 20

49, 935 02

50, 308 46

Checks and cash items...........................................

1,700 08

1,641 20

1,698 78

668 87

Nickels and cents...................................................

41 57

45 26

83 78

134 56

Gold coin...................................................................
Silver coin................................................................

3, 016 24

2,045 36

2,530 36

4, 785 36

700 00

370 00

850 00

400 00

U. S. and National bank notes............................

1,172 00

5,055 00

1,009 00

1,440 00

T otals..................................................................

$263, 744 89

$295,345 45

$287, 566 51

$293,441 19

Capital stock paid in..............................................

$25,000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid..............................................

12,500 00

12,500 00

12.500 00

12, 500 00

3, 449 56

4,856 55

3,821 10

5, 593 87

R a n k i n g R o u s e .............................................................................

Furniture and fixtures...........................................
Other real estate.....................................................
Due from banks in reserve cities........................
D u e fro m

Fx c h a n g e s

o th e r

banks and bankers....................

f o r e l e a r i n g h o u s e ..........................



124 00

Commercial deposits subject to check..............

28, 452 58

D iv id e n d s u n p a id

60 00

20 00

37,343 54

29,565 25

27, 449 39

155,873 79

185,155 10

188,405 57

195, 481 82

38, 344 96

30,490 26

28,214 5Q

27,396 11

$263,744 89

$295,345 45

$287,566 51

$293,441 19

D e m a n d c o m m e r c i a l c e r t i f i c a t e s o f d e p o s i t __
T i m e c o m m e r c i a l c e r t i f i c a t e s o f d e p o s i t ..........

Savings deposits.................................................
S a v i n g s c e r t i f i c a t e s o f d e p o s i t ...........................
C e rtifie d c h e c k s


C a s h i e r ’s c h e c k s o u t s t a n d i n g


D u e t o b a n k s a n d b a n k e r s ....................................
N o t e s a n d b i ll s r e d i s c o u n t e d ................................
R i ll s p a y a b l e .............................................................

Totals........... ................. ..................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 96.
L U M B E R M E N ’S S T A T E B A N K , W E S T B A Y C IT Y .
Organized January 1, 1875.
J ames D a v id s o n , P r e s id e n t; H. H. N o r r in g t o n , Vice P r e s id e n t a n d C a sh ier ;
D a n ie l M. S h a v e r , A s s is ta n t C ashier.
D ir e c t o r s .—S. O. Fisher, H. H. Norrington, James Davidson, J. E. Davidson, Peter C. Smith,

John M. Kelton.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts...............................................

$188, 665 89

$159,028 75

$164, 499 57

$193,703 54

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

20, 895 08

24,887 79

23,180 91

21,730 91

548 20

365 47

174 30



Report of
Dec. 2.

Banking house..........................................................
Furniture and fixtures...........................................

3, 000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

Other real estate.....................................................

4, 500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,710 80

1,510 46

2, 643 66

16,002 85

2,462 22

137, 603 46

49,132 76

Checks and cash items..........................................

706, 35

488 10

256 65

Nickels and cents...................................................

159 67

32 65

200 34

117 87

Gold coin........... ........................................................

4, 000 00

1,465 00

5,120 00

4, 700 00

Taxes and interest and expense account...........
Due from hanks in reserve cities........................
Due from other banks and bankers.....................

1,746 23

Exchanges lor clearing house..............................

541 22

Silver coin.................................................................

2,356 50

1,275 56

4,454 70

2, 387 75

U. S. and National bank notes...........................

10,277 00

14,749 00

25,185 00

16, 396 00


$250,563 34

$217,148 07

$369,876 56

$300,774 24

Capital stock paid in...............................................

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid...............................................

6, 000 00

6, 000 00

6, 000 00

6, 000 00

706 60

*2,915 22

Commercial deposits subiect to check.............

88,125 74

56,932 61

225,551 16

153,769 30

Demand commercial certificates of deposit__

58,103 00

42,418 00
43, 675 28

43,148 47

42, 628 00

47,005 53

44, 650 12

47, 856 47

5,000 00

10,450 68

$250, 563 34

$217,148 07

$369, 876 56

$300,774 24


Dividends unpaid.....................................................

Time commercial certificates of deposit.........
Savings deposits......................................................
Savings certificates of deposit...........................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
Due to banks and bankers.....................................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................

1,426 23

Bills payable.............................................................
T otals..................................................................
* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 17.
P E O P L E ’S S A V IN G S B A N K , W E S T B A Y C IT Y .
Organized December 27, 1888.
Mic h a e l H a g a r t y , P r e s id e n t; J o h n B o u r n , Vice P r e s id e n t; T. R. S h a v e r , C a sh ier.
D ir e c t o r s .—John Bourn, C. E. Pierce, M. Hagarty, Fred Mohr, Thos. Walsh, T. R. Shaver.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Repoi’t of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

T.nans a.nd discounts...............................................

$72,805 11

$91,291 08

$86,444 78

$112,821 55

Stocks bonds a,nd mortgages..............................

22,020 94

27,640 08

26,256 18

28, 479 43


4,121 43

1, 658 43

1, 645 59

3,150 36

Ranking house..........................................................

25,000 00

25,000 00

25, 000 00

25,000 00

Furniture and fixtures............................................

2, 430 00

2, 430 00

2,430 00

2, 430 00

Other real esta.te.....................................................

22,187 27

22,195 16

24, 420 81

24,028 73

fr.Ypenscs and interest paid

903 22

One from banks in reserve cities........................

2,507 55

24, 064 36

34,783 97

29,140 71

One from other hanks n,nd bankers.....................


4,656 99

8,035 59

8, 905 22
1,273 21

FiXehanges for clea.ring h ou se.............................
Checks and ca,sh items......... .................................

1,526 98

1,147 58

801 26

Nickels and cents...................................................

163 61

51 93

57 79

193 03

Gold coin...................................................................

2, 307 50

3,990 00

3, 680 00

3, 205 00

Silver coin................................................................

1,009 15

411 20

823 85

576 75

U. S. and National bank notes..........................

6, 956 00

11,787 00

11,355 00

12,447 00


$171,048 09

$216, 323 81

$225,734 82

$252, 250 99

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

*902 64

2,472 10

513 03

2, 665 88

26, 407 80

35, 428 42

42,377 09

44, 399 17

Savings deposits.......................................................

77,601 21

88,500 01

89, 402 81

107,569 74

Savings certificates of deposit.............................

15,046 56

31,732 60

39,327 60

47,616 20

8,190 68

4,114 29

$216,323 81

$225,734 82

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid..............................................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Commercial deposits subject to check.............
Oema.nd commercial certificates of deposit......
Time commercial certificates of deposit.........

Certified checks ...................... ............................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
Due to banks a-nd hankers

1,089 88

Notes and bfils rediscounted.
Bills payable


T otals..................................................................
*Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$171. 048 09

$252,250 99





No. 3.
Organized January 24, 1889.
Da v id P. H a m il t o n , P r e s id e n t; J o h n Mu r r a y , Vice P r e s id e n t; J o h n G. S c h u r t z , C a sh ier;
J. M. B e n j a m in , A s s is ta n t C ashier.
D ir e c t o r s .—John G. Schurtz, John Murray, David P. Hamilton, Charles W. Hotchin, Fred C. Hotchin,

A. W. Murray, John H. Catton, Birdsey Peck.

Loans and discounts..........................................
Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.



$139,053 19

$175,199 20

$169,288 10

2 2 , 199


25,435 99

25,453 99

20,489 99



3,705 36

967 95

4,293 02

Report of
Dec. 2.

Banking house..........................................................
Furniture and fixtures...........................................

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

1, 000 00

Other real e s ta te ...................................................

2. 350 00

2, 264 00

2, 064 00

2, 064 00

Due ffom banks in reserve cities........................

10, 817 39

38, 672 20

11,143 17

10,658 29

237 17

Due from other banks and bankers....................
Exchanges for clearing house...............................
Checks and cash items..........................................

95 00

444 90

265 89

Nickels and cents...................................................

34 97

31 56

31 51

38 20

Gold coin....................................................................

2, 005 00

2,255 00

2, 455 00

1, 605 00

Silver coin................................................................

386 65

860 00

724 50

391 25

U. S. and National bank notes...........................

1,631 00

5,098 00

2,244 00

10,747 00

T otals..................................................................

$215,879 66

$218,820 20

$221,549 21

$220,812 02

Capital stock paid in...............................................

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

$25,000 00

$25, 000 00

Surplus fund..........................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid..............................................

30,000 00

30,000 00

30, 000 00

30,000 00

1,048 95

3,295 49

16 40

915 93


Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Commercial deposits subject to c h e c k .............

36,544 68

36,117 74

38,811 81

39,574 56

Demand commercial certificates of deposit__

123, 286 03

124,406 97

127, 721 00

124,621 53

Time commercial certificates of deposit..........
Savings deposits.......................................................
Savings certificates of deposit.............................
Certified checks.......................................................

700 00

Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
Due to banks and bankers.....................................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable.............................................................
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$215,879 66

$218,820 20

$221,549 21

$220, 812 02








No. 35.
Organized August 30, 1888.
W. E. D e n n is ,

P r e s id e n t;

B. A. L iv e r a n c e , Vice P r e s id e n t; B io n W ix s o n ,
F J. P ie r c e , T e lle r.

C a sh ie r;

D i r e c t o r s . —W.

E. Dennis, Bion Wixson, Theodore Hoffman, B. A. Liverance, M. A. Dennis,
Jacob S toiler, Lysander Carpenter, J. N. Leasia, S. D. Dennis.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts..............................................

$86,604 59

$91,377 80

$96,218 41

$91,602 38

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

30, 533 72

28,123 72

30,798 72

32, 469 72

Overdrafts ................................... ..........................

2,777 95

722 83

1,721 27

2,218 67

Banking house..........................................................

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

3,000 00

Furniture and fixtures...........................................

1,600 00

1,600 00

1,600 00

1, 600 00

35,738 61

40,138 43

28,574 67

32,611 23

4,336 03

Other real estate.....................................................
Due from banks in reserve cities........................
Due from other banks and bankers.....................
Exchanges for clearing h ou se.............................
Checks and cash items...........................................

2,349 48

1, 803 43

1,505 90

Nickels and cents...................................................

54 82

23 06

56 78

43 63

Gold coin...................................................................

2, 030 00

2,150 00

2,025 00

2,370 00

Silver coin................................................................

1,036 40

828 00

399 95

245 75

IT. S. and National bank notes...........................

7,601 00

8,348 00

5,143 00

6, 607 00


$173,326 57

$178,115 27

$171,043 70

$177,104 41

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00
4,349 75

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid..............................................

1,000 00
857 12

1,962 68

2,487 68

Dividends unpaid.....................................................

240 00

90 00

60 00

60 00

Commercial deposits subject to check..............

32,702 05

35,815 89

26, 093 94

25,517 32

Demand commercial certificates of deposit__

88,527 40

90,246 70

92, 366 13

97,177 34

T im

e p.nmmftrr».ial certificates of deposit...........

Savings deposits......................................................
Savings certificates of deposit__
Certified checks...............

35 95

Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
Due to banks and bankers.....................................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Rills payable.



T otals..................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$173, 326 57

$178,115 27

$171,043 70

$177,104 41





No. 166.
F IR S T C O M M E R C IA L A N D S A V IN G S B A N K , W Y A N D O T T E .
Organized September 25, 1893.
W m , H. D e n m a n , P r e s id e n t; A u g u st L o e f f l e r , Vice P r e s id e n t; F r a n k Ma r x , S e c o n d Vice P r e s id e n t;
C. F. B abcock , C a sh ier.
D ir e c t o r s .—W m. H. Denman, A. M. Salliotte, Frank Marx, A u gu st Loeffler, Wm. E. Lacey,

G. A. Raupp, H. H. Eby, Jobn Desmond, Wm. H. Lacey, J. D. Haven, S. T. Hendricks.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts..............................................

$96, 014 01

$99, 926 00

$117, 895 92

$129, 306 26

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

29,040 00

32, 060 00

36, 960 00

40, 830 00


285 14

43 78

45 58

120 02

Banking bouses........................................................
Furniture and fixtures...........................................

2, 850 00

2,850 00

2, 850 00

2, 850 00

Banking house and other real estate.................

23,821 06

23,821 06

23,821 06

23,821 06

Due from banks in reserve cities........................

38,803 95

36,438 19

26,124 00

7,631 03

382 45

Due from other banks and bankers...................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Checks and cash items..........................................

156 25

679 39

158 25

Nickels and cents...................................................

15 56

53 23

5 42

58 57

Gold coin...................................................................

2,830 00

2, 530 00

2, 935 00

3,160 00

Silver coin................................................................

225 00

243 00

40 00

350 00

U. S. and National bank notes...........................

5,806 00

3,581 00

4, 886 00

7, 003 00

T otals..................................................................

$199,846 97

$202,225 65

$215,721 23

$215,512 39

Capital stock paid in...............................................

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid..............................................

4, 750 00

4,750 00

5, 000 00

5,000 00

1,919 01

1,611 39

1, 603 36

1,019 64

45,678 26

43,633 44

51,217 30

43,028 27

940 00

3,123 00

1, 795 00


Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Commercial deposits subject to check.............
Demand commercial, certificates of deposit__
Time commercial certificates of deposit.........
Savings deposits.......................................................

97,199 70

101, 090 82

104, 527 57

114.469 48

Savings certificates of deposit.............................

300 00

200 00

200 00

200 00

Certified checks.......................................................

50 00

Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
Due to banks and bankers...................................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$199,846 9J

$202,225 65

$215,721 23

$215,512 39






No. 64.
■W Y A N D O T T E S A V IN G S B A N K , W Y A N D O T T E .
Organized November 20, 1871.
J. S. A l s t y n e , P r e s id e n t; F. B. S ib l e y , Vice P r e s id e n t; F e e d E. V a n A l s t y n e , C ashier.
D i r e c t o r s —Sidney D. Miller, Chas. W. Thomas, J. S. Van Alstyne, Sidney T. Miller, F. B. Sibley,

Geo. Hendrie, Thos. H. Christian, James Cahalan.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Doans and discounts...............................................

$116,592 49

$192,640 65

$216,349 87

$179,116 98

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

121, 378 00

165,565 50

166, 015 50

168,790 50

Ranking house...................................... ...................

441 35

960 14

470 00

187 62

Furniture and fixtures...........................................

1, 647 53

1, 647 53

1, 647 53

1,647 53

6, 797 88

6,528 37

180,117 62

65,719 66

16, 479 48

70, 256 35

249 04


Report of
Dec. 2.

Other real estate.....................................................
Profit, and loss..........................................................
Due from banks in reserve cities........................
Due from other banks and bankers.....................
F.xehanges for clearing house..............................
Checks and cash item s,........................................

771 53

204 21

229 25

"NTiekels and cents...................................................

26 00

24 26

9 23

27 95

Cold coin....................................................................

2, 372 50

3, 415 00

1, 602 50

1,840 00

Silver coin................................................................

125 70

338 10

285 25

260 50

TT. S and National bank notes.............................

2,139 00

5, 879 00

4,087 00

4, 519 00


$425,611 72

$436, 394 05

$413,973 49

$433, 423 84

Capital stock pa,id in..............................................

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00*

$50, 000 00

$50, 000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less current expenses, inter­
est and taxes paid...............................................

10, 000 00

2,704 93

10,000 00

10,000 00

1,224 96

1,997 19

*1,824 61

*4, 422 62

102, 495 57

96, 947 27

81, 437 69

112, 006 59


Dividends unpaid....................................................
Commercial deposits subject to check.............
Pern and commercial certificates of deposit......

Time commercial certificates of deposit.........
Savings deposits.......................................................
Savings certificates of deposit......................

254,651 19

277,504 66

263,471 19

7, 240 00

7,240 00

7,240 00

$425,611 72

$436, 394 05

$413, 973 49

256, 994 63

Certified checks......................................................
P-ashier’S checks outstanding..............................
Due to banks and ba.nkers.....................................
and bills rediscounted ..............................
Rills payable


* Gross undivided profits.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$433, 423 84





No. 86.
Organized April 30, 1887.
S u l l iv a n


C u t c h e o n , P r e s id e n t; H e n r y

D i r e c t o r s .— R.


G l o v e r , Vice P r e s id e n t;

R. W.

H e m p h i l l , C ashier.

W. Hemphill, H. P. Glover, Sullivan M. Cutcheon, Hal W. Glover, Augustus Beyer.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts...............................................

$338,656 98

$379,162 60

$392, 876 19

$389,806 58

Stocks, bonds and mortgages..............................

59, 313 00

85,728 00

85, 628 00

90,566 00


1,985 03

3, 523 81

2,107 27

2, 479 20

Banking house..........................................................

28,000 00

27,000 00

27, 000 00

27, 000 00

Report of
Dec. 2.

Furniture and fixtures...........................................

3, 000 00

3,000 00

3, 000 00

3, 000 00

Other real estate.....................................................

12, 300 00

12, 300 00

12,300 00

12,300 00

Due from banks in reserve cities........................

132,421 73

72,843 72

61, 320 24

78,351 11

Due from other banks and bankers.....................

7,561 25

5, 986 91

23, 597 84

18,732 57

Exchanges for clearing house..............................

2,330 32

871 80

2,840 00

Checks and cash items...........................................

3,203 70

1,112 42

1,347 45

2,869 10

Nickels and cents...................................................

101 94

80 75

78 33

151 63

Gold coin...................................................................

11,880 00

13, 530 00

13, 927 50

20,120 50

Silver coin................................................................

2, 090 00

1,150 00

880 00

1, 630 00

U. S. and National bank notes...........................

15,700 00

18,264 00

10,500 00

10,085 00

T otals..................................................................

$618,543 95

$623, 682 21

$635,434 62

$659, 931 69

Capital stock paid in...............................................

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

$50, 000 00

$50,000 00

Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less cu*rent expenses, interest and taxes paid...............................................

10,000 00

10, 000 00

10, 000 00

10, 000 00

4,199 81

2,676 14

5,275 77

5,150 92

118,999 90

113,264 90

108,284 00

115,473 43


Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Commercial deposits subject to check..............
Demand commercial certificates of deposit__
Time commercial certificates of deposit...........
Savings deposits......................................................

76,602 96

81, 249 98

78,740 86

85, 870 08

Savings certificates of deposit............................

358,741 28

366,491 19

383,118 46

393, 437 26

Certified checks......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...............................
Due to banks and bankers.....................................

15 53

Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable.............................................................
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$618,543 95

$623, 682 21

$635,434 62

$659,931 69

o r THE


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


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No. 3316.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , A L B IO N .
W . O. D o n o u g h u e , P r e s id e n t; I . L . S i b l e y . Vice P r e s id e n t; H . M . D e a r i n g , C a sh ie r;
S . H t n e y , A s s is ta n t C ash ier.
D i r e c t o r s . —W.

O. Donoughue, I. L. Sibley, M. D. Weeks, A. J. Howell, W. W. Austin,
O. Harry Gale, J. C. Eslow.
Report of
Dec. 2.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts...............................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
TJ S bonds to secure TT s dpposits

$142,976 51
499 02
82,500 00

$127,162 82
2,552 82
82,500 00

$129,430 97
5, 675 49
82,500 00

$130,472 63
537 25
82,500 00

Premiums on U. S. bonds......................................
Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................

5,400 00
23,997 78
8,000 00

5,400 00
15,911 74
8,000 00

1,600 00
4, 900 00
16,757 14
8,000 00

4, 900 00,
16,757 14
8, 000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Dug from Stute bunks and bunkprs
Due from approved reserve agents......................

31.181 57
2,888 74
386 25
40,855 68

29, 481 57

36,181 57
557 58

75, 307 60

57, 393 77

Checks and other cash items........... ....................

1, 589 65

1,876 70

1,971 67

1,471 07

Notes of other National banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

3,966 00
123 28

1,660 00
123 87

2,813 00
127 63

5, 111 00
99 95

Legal tender notes............. ...............................—
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % r e -

16,493 00
3,000 00

17,194 45
2,000 00

13,574 25
1, 000 00

13, 688 35
4, 000 00

3,712 50

3,712 50

3,712 50

3,712 50


$367,569 98

$372,884 07

$366,195 57

$359, 909 90

$100,000 00
25,000 00
3, 512 52
73,400 00

$100, 000 00
25,000 00
7,494 11
72,850 00

$100,000 00
25, 000 00
5,142 40
74, 250 00

$100,000 00
25, 000 00
6, 384 99
74,250 00

Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

46,199 93
119,457 53

45, 396 87
122,143 09

47,767 84
114,035 33

52,093 55
102,181 36


$367, 569 98

$372,884 07

$366,195 57

$359,909 90


2, 202


Capital stock paid in— ..........................................
Surplus fund ...........................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Dug to other National bunks
Dug to State bunks und bunkers
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 1829.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , A L L E G A N .
B . D . P r i t c h a r d , P r e s id e n t; I r a C h i c h e s t e r , Vice P r e s id e n t; F . I . C h i c h e s t e r , C ashier.
D i r e c t o r s .—B . D.

Pritchard, Ira Chichester,


N . B.


Report of
Feb. 4.


P. Griswold,

F . I.


Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts...............................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured......................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................
Premiums on U. S. bonds......................................

$96, 260 10
6, 037 50
12,500 00

$155, 238 71
3, 553 77
12,500 00

$134,003 71
6, 042 54
12,500 00

$129,091 54
5, 206 39
12, 500 00

Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................

8,501 83
6,709 00
11,178 87
60,148 98
69 95

8,201 83
6,709 00
11.167 87
12, 910 42
589 35

7,201 83
6,709 00
9,867 87
32,041 09
285 74

10, 413 53
6.709 00
9,353 33
19,914 61
1,820 25

Due from approved reserve agents.....................
Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

40,496 86
1,006 42

24, 887 25
1, 420 88

20,440 25
1,565 34

25,487 34
1,839 14

620 00
190 29

165 00
307 64

1,290 00

375 00
321 70

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
circulation).................................... ....................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund.......................................................

16. 044 75
5, 660 00

18,021 75
5, 210 00

12,263 42
5,395 00

15, 821 92
5, 945 00

562 50

562 50

562 50

562 50

$265,987 05

$261, 445 97

$250,406 55

$245,361 25

$50,000 00
10,000 00
3,046 74
10,250 00

$50,000 00
10, 000 00
2,492 17
10,750 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00
3, 433 97
11,250 00

$50,000 00
10. 000 00
7, 730 86
11,250 00

675 00
125, 849 37
66,165 94

2,580 00
116,206 36
69,417 44

105, 577 04
70,145 54

92, 387 59
73, 992 80

$265,987 05

$261,445 97

$250, 406 55

$245,361 25

Capital stock paid in........................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks................................
Due to State banks and bankers....................... ..
Dividends unpaid.......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of "deposit.............................
Time certificates of deposit.................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted..................................
Bills payable.........................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..........................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 2847.
A L P E N A N A T IO N A L B A N K , A L P E N A .
F . W . G i l c h r i s t , P r e s id e n t; W . H . J o h n s o n , Vice P r e s id e n t; J o h n C . C o m f o r t , C ashier.
D i r e c t o r s . —F.

W. Gilchrist, W. H . Johnson, Henry Bolton, Donald McRae, John Sinclair,
W. B. Taber, Wm. Krebs.

Loans and discounts...........................
Overdrafts,secured and unsecured..
U. S. bonds to secure circulation ...
U. S.,bonds to secure U. S. deposits.
U. S. bonds on hand............................
Premiums on U. S. bonds..................
Stocks, securities, etc........................
Banking house furniture and fixtures

Report of
Dec. 2.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

$314,437 46
4,478 05
50, 000 00

$433,653 87
6,058 44
50. 000 00

$405,896 85
2,298 83
50, 000 00

$362,912 67
2. 555 89
50,000 00

27,605 83
3, 700 00

17. 062 03
3, 700 00

17,266 28
3, 000 00

27.429 30
3,000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned....................................
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
32,063 73
Due from State banks and bankers..............................................
158,406 86
Due from approved reserve agents......................

43, 419 67

5. 000 00
52, 230 28

5, 000 00
51, 463 12

140, 533 41

lié ,292 75

i 16, 966 16

691 60

681 28

534 38

447 17

1,487 00
125 49

1,675 00
233 68

2, 502 00
175 74

3,661 00
300 17

13, 937 50
6, 575 00

18, 635 00
18, 605 00

16,012 50
12, 062 00

14, 650 50
18, 408 00

2,250 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

5, 758 52

$736, 507 38

$685, 521 61

$658, 443 98

$50, 000 00
15,500 00
966 33
45,000 00

$50. 000 00
15, 500 00
5, 077 14
45. 000 00

$50.000 00
15,500 00
7, 642 08
45, 000 00

$50.000 00
15, 000 00
11.698 72
45.000 00

348,486 21
155,805 98

468.562 60
152, 367 64

409,615 42
157,764 11

377, 095 43
159,149 83

$615,758 52

$736,507 38

$685.521 61

$658, 443 98

Checks and other cash item s................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents—
Legal tender no tes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5>%redemption fund.
Totals .
Capital stock paid in ...............................................
Surplus fund..............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks.................................
Due to State banks and bankers......
Dividends unpaid..................................
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit........
Time certificates of deposit..
Certified checks.....................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits..........
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers........
Notes and bills rediscounted ...................
Bills payable................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 2714.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , A N N A R B O R .
E d w a r d D . K i n n e , P r e s id e n t; H a r r i s o n S o u l e , Vice P r e s id e n t; S . W . C l a r k s o n , C ashier.
D i r e c t o r s . — E.

D. Kinne, Harrison Soule, Wirt Cornwell, James L. Babcock, Moses Seabolt,
S. W. Clarkson, H. M. Woods, William Wagner, Frederick Schmid.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts...............................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured......................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$291,186 50
2,170 09
25, 000 00

$293, 310 15
8,673 04
25, 000 00

$316,021 29
7,891 74
25, 000 00

$330,718 93
2, 334 01
25,000 00

Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............

32,000 00
17, 500 00
9, 300 00

29.500 00
17.500 00

29.500 00
17.500 00

29, 500 00
17,500 00

Bills in transit...........................................................
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents.....................
Ohecks and other cash items................................

4, 417 69
57,044 03
1, 984 98

9, 898 42
43,830 42
1,666 28

4,701 22
39, 602 49
461 43

550 00
9, 080 64
34,047 21
530 17

Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

6, 560 00
244 70
16,126 05

8, 980 00
208 84
16,272 00

1,022 32
6,870 00
176 53
15, 973 25

1,057 70
8,890 00
275 71
16, 990 90

4, 200 00

4, 403 00

3, 986 00

4,217 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

$468, 859 04

$460, 367 15

$469,831 27

$481, 817 27

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.'........................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks.. ..7..........................

$100.000 00
20,000 00
19. 147 01
22, 500 00

$100, 000 00
20,000 00
16„805 66
22, 500 00
673 48

$100,000 00
20, 000 00
19, 680 76
22,500 00
1,107 70

$100,000 00
20,000 00
23,311 65
22,500 00
2, 757 89

Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

3, 284 87
208 00
166,237 91
137, 402 31

151 28
4,140 00
148, 092 64
147, 904 09

131 28
340 00
170, 070 17
135,584 60

140 00
172,991 11
140,008 78

Time certificates of deposit.................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..................'.............
United States deposits...........................................

78 94

100 00

416 76

107 84

$468, 859 04

$460,367 15

$469, 831 27

$481,817 27


Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U /S . treasurer, other than 5%redemp­
tion fund.................................................................
T otals................................................................

Report of
Dec. 2.


Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
Bills payable..........................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals....................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 3314.
T H E N A T IO N A L B A N K O F B A T T L E C R E E K , B A T T L E C R E E K .
E d w in


N i c h o l s , P r e s id e n t; C h a s . A u s t i n , Vice P r e s id e n t;

D i r e c t o r s —-E.

F. P.

B o u g h t o n , C a sh ier.

O. Nichols, Chas. Austin, F. G. Shepard, F. P. Boughton, Samuel J. Titus,
Wm. J. Smith, C. C. Beach.

Loans and discounts.............................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured..
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation —
U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits.
Premiums on U. S. bonds....................

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

$583, 887 73
21, 382 02
150,000 00

$669,420 51
24,564 46
150, 000 00

$758,292 93
36, 272 85
150. 000 00

Report of
Dec. 2.
$795,657 91
24,613 13
150,000 00

17,628 00

17,628 00

17, 628 00

17,628 00

69, 380 44

86, 647 69

82. 850 30

12,000 00

12,120 00
12,000 00

10,000 00

6,045 33

83,715 54
10, 087 75
11,733 33

14, 442 48

14, 240 23

11,186 94

18,573 81

Due from approved reserve agents.....................
Checks and other cash items................................
In transit for collection..........................................
Notes of other National banks.............. ...............
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents....

118,937 43
1,769 21
11,388 21
3, 260 00
395 29

123,833 52
2,837 55
25,272 38

99,445 04
1,141 06
23, 407 82
4, 500 00
145 39

136,637 16
1, 859 69
21. 983 57
5,000 00
130 73

Legal tender notes...................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund........................................................

30,461 80
9, 500 00

35.996 85
14,089 00

34, 919 50



12.000 00

6,750 00

6,750 00



Stocks, securities, etc..........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures..............
Other real estate and mortgages owned..........
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)
Due from state banks and bankers.....................



1,057, 227 93

Totals .

6.000 00

247 26

11.887 08


1,201,647 45 $1,260,426 91

$1, 338,666 62

$150, 000 00

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund..............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding.........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to State banks and bankers.
Dividends unpaid...................................
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit..

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

$150,000 00

20, 000 00

20,000 00

21,000 00

9,300 17
133, 700 00

25,172 59
135. 000 00

15. 837 65
133,900 00

21,000 00

25, 807 76
135, 000 00

6,675 03

9,441 91

8, 306 60

3,962 65

716,153 05
21, 399 68

810,774 48
51,018 47

874, 564 20
56, 318 46

941,086 73
61,809 48

240 00

500 00

Time certificates of deposit.
Certified checks......................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposit............
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers..........
Notes and bills rediscounted.......................
Bills payable...................................................
Inabilities other than those above stated.
T otals.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,057,227 93

1,201,647 45

1,260,426 91 $1,338,666 62





No. 2853.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , B A Y C IT Y .


E d d y , P r e s id e n t; T h o s . C r a n a g e , Vice P r e s id e n t; F r e d e r i c k

D i r e c t o r s -T .


B r o w n e , C a sh ier.

Cranage, F. P. Browne, H. B. Smith, E. A. Cooley, Wm. H. McEwan, F. T. Norris,
Chas. A. Eddy, Alfred E. Bonsfleld, William L. Clements.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.....................

8571.526 82
4 58
50, 000 00

$565,871 38
630 41
50,000 00

$499,439 50
289 99
50, 000 00

$429, 659 10
132 57
25,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures..................

9, 000 00
967 50
7,212 50
20,000 00

10, 000 00
1,000 00
47,600 00
20,000 00

10,000 00
1.000 00
45, 400 00
20, 000 00

35,000 00
1,000 00
66, 314 25
20, 000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

14, 372 73
331 05
8, 467 95
69, 222 64

14, 887 73
2, 192 63
4, 987 47
53, 246 33

17,473 73
5,075 76
11. 130 63
197,144 81

8, 783 66
4,009 59
4, 375 81
56, 659 25

Checks and other cash items..................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

8,416 19
2,277 90
6, 668 00
392 34

3,982 41
2,124 77
13, 234 00
349 22

363 72
1, 957 45
13, 467 00
239 31

809 20
5.136 04
23. 059 00
316 24

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund.......................................................

29,400 00
3, 300 00

31, 900 00
10, 534 00

30. 500 00
16,725 00

38,900 00
29, 939 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

1,125 00

T otals..................................................................

$803,810 20

$834, 790 35

$922,456 90

$750, 218 71

$200,000 00

$200, 000 00

$200,000 00

$100,000 00

7,628 77
40,120 00
4,170 16

13,861 90
39,800 00
9,277 34

17,648 79
44,040 00
18,128 43

16.245 23
20,000 00
25, 941 29

Report of
Dec. 2.

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund..............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

41,811 12

59,769 92

82,817 53

47, 873 71

241, 342 38

228, 093 86

255,898 04

244,882 16

Time certificates of deposit...................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding.................................
United States deposits...........................................

266, 916 60
141 50
1, 679 67

281,945 68
361 98
1, 679 67

301, 831 24
413 20
1,679 67

289,780 07
264 91
5, 231 34


Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted..................................
Bills payable..............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$803, 810 20

$834, 790 35

$922, 456 90

$750,218 71






No. 4953.
O r r i n B u m p , P r e s id e n t; J a m e s D a v i d s o n , Vice P r e s id e n t; M . M . A n d r e w s , C a sh ie r ;
O. M. B u m p , A s s is ta n t C ashier.

Directors.—Selwyn Eddy, Jas. Davidson, J. W. McGraw, A. J. Cooke, Orrin Bump.
Frank P. Chesbrough, E. B. Foss.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

$749,564 22
23 45
50, 000 00

$774,231 52
36 17
50,000 00

$753,816 00
214 05
50,000 00

$865,501 16
158 51
50, 000 00

4, 000 00
33, 145 27
2 , 900 00

4. 000 00
33,145 27
2, 900 00

4, 000 00
33. 370 07
2, 900 00

4, 000 00
33, 370 07
2, 900 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

2, 270 49
2, 968 81
10,174 87
324,017 12

4,091 37

4,164 60

2,136 85

9, 643 44
312,352 74

8, 959 05
379,020 81

3,539 53
315, 091 35

Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

214 40
4,117 82
16, 750 00
144 75

1.590 62
3,322 49
22,300 00
170 78

359 86
1,569 45
11,450 00
144 23

4,366 58
3. 882 93
13,210 00
298 17

Specie............................................................. ..........
Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund.......................................................

34, 913 00
12, 700 00

43, 918 00
25, 334 00

37,209 25
18,716 00

40,702 00
18,760 00

2, 250 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

1, 700 00

3,420 00

1,000 00

1, 410 00

Loans and discounts..........................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured
U. S. bonds to secure circulation..
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits
U. S.bonds on hand.............................
Premiums on U. S. bonds....................
Stocks, securities, etc.........................
Banking bouse, furniture and fixtures

Report of
Dec. 2.

$1,251,854 20 $1,292,706 40 $1, 309,143 37 $1,361,497 15

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to State banks and bankers.......
Dividends unpaid...................................
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit.........

$300,000 00
28, 200 00
7,103 60
45,000 00
1, 427 64

$300,000 00
25.000 00
6,101 00

45.000 00
5, 532 02

84,942 73

88,877 88

450,768 68
334,411 55

472.659 47
349, 536 03

$200, 000 00

$200,000 00

86, 575 48
17,175 00
560,371 06
363,925 85

60,819 29
6,250 00
634,941 05
368, 700 03

25,000 00
10, 786 57
45, 000 00
309 41

26, 000 00
7, 624 34
45,000 00
12,162 44

Time certificates of deposit..
Certified checks.....................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits..........
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers........
Notes and bills rediscounted.....................
Bills payable................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1,251,854 20 $1,292, 706 40 $1, 309,143 37 $1,361, 497 15





No. 3947.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , B E S S E M E R .
J o s e p h S e l l w o o d , P r e s id e n t; G e o r g e
D i r e c t o r s . —Joseph


L o o p e , Vice P r e s id e n t; W i l l i a m


P r i n c e , C ashier.

Sellwood, George L. Loope, George H. Strong, William I. Prince,
Geo. H. Abeel.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation..........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$198, 242 93
1,223 02
12, 500 00

$225,398 94
1,544 57
12, 500 00

$219,792 90
573 01
12,500 00

$234,291 92
888 80
12,500 00

U. S. bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures..................

1, 300 00
9, 300 57
9,500 00

1, 300 00
8, 300 57
9, 500 00

1. 300 00
8, 345 57
9, 500 00

1,300 00
8, 345 57
9,500 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

611 28
1,241 14
35,927 01

403 53
563 40
23,971 91

161 93
32 00
24,354 65

2,351 66
57 79
13,248 11

Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house......................... .
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents...

252 19

520 40

554 50

2,500 00
436 51

2.000 00
253 62

3.000 00
374 08

2, 500 00
48 45

8,580 60
3, 000 00

4,681 00
8, 000 00

11,108 55
4, 000 00

11,569 90
5,000 00

562 50

562 50

562 50

562 50

$284, 925 56

$299,232 23

$296,125 59

$302,719 20

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks__~...........................

$50,000 00
7, 000 00
611 43
11,250 00

$50,000 00
7,000 00
3, 470 96
11,250 00

$50, 000 00
7,200 00
2,716 63
11,250 00

$50. 000 00
7. 200 00
2.581 42
11.250 00

Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

30 00
168,154 53
47, 879 60

180, 695 95
46,815 32

60 00
181,827 21
43,071 75

187, 473 56
44, 214 22

$284, 925 56

$299,232 23

$296,125 59

$302,719 20

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
circulation;.................................................... .......
Due from U. S. treasurer,' other than 5 % re­
demption fund....................................................

Report of
Dec. 2.


Time certificates of deposit........................’...........
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 3925.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , B U C H A N A N .


S c o f f e r n , P r e s id e n t;

D i r e c t o r s .— C.

J. W.

B e i s t e e , V ice P r e s id e n t;

C. H.

B a k e r , C a sh ier.

H. Baker, D. S. Scoffern, J. W. Beistle, C. F. Pears, Charles Bishop.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts secured and unsecured.....................
TT S bonds to secure circulation.........................
XJ S bonds to secure TT. S. deposits.....................

$125, 530 31
360 62
12,500 00

$126, 700 50
242 64
12,500 00

$140.242 87
' 307 08
12, 500 00

$131. 647 49
247 72
12,500 00

TJ p bonds on hand ..............................................
"Premiums on TT. S. bonds........................................
Stocks securities, etc.............................................
Furniture and fixtures.............................................

1,200 00

1, 200 00
1,429 55
1, 730 00

1. 200 00
1, 429 55
1,730 00

1, 200 00
1,429 55
1,730 00

4, 289 54
2,181 14
414 15
41,586 24

5 322 79
2,272 52

9, 385 79
1,710 97

18, 728 77

13,127 53

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National hanks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers ..
Due from approved reserve agents......................

1,730 00
3. 289 54
6,125 29
54,607 08

Report of
Dec. 2.

65 00

274 32

1,870 00
55 57

1, 500 00
59 48

1,500 00
80 96

4,038 45
4,644 00

4, 927 55
2,540 00

4,039 80
3,140 00

3, 650 40
2,150 00

562 50

562 50

562 50

562 50

$219,191 50

$202,229 38

$193,100 36

$181.197 23

$50,000 00
10.000 00
9, 706 40
11,250 00

$50, 000 00
10, 000 00
4,457 94
11,250 00

$50,000 00
10. 000 00
4. 537 66
11,250 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00
1.213 27
11, 250,00

31,540 30
106, 694 80

17, 935 88
108,585 56

16,391 71
100, 920 99

17,065 85
91.668 11

$219,191 50

$202,229 38

$193,100 36

$181,197 23

Checks and other cash items.................................
Exchanges for el earing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

3, 030 20
1.500 00
73 51

Tlegal tender n o te s..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer other than 5%redemption fund .................
T otals..................................................................
Capital stack paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks. ..
"Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid ...................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................
Time certificates of deposit.
Certified checks
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits,..........................................
Deposits of it S disbursing officers
Notes and bills rediscounted
Pills payable
Tliabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 3457.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K O F C A L U M E T , C A L U M E T .
E d w a r d R y a n , P r e s id e n t; J o h n S . D y m o c k , Vice P r e s id e n t; W i l l i a m B . A n d e r s o n , C a sh ier;
E d w a r d F . C u d d i h y , A s s is ta n t C ashier.
D i r e c t o r s .— Edward

Ryan, John S. Dymock, James Dunstan, Joseph Herman, Josiah Hall,
John D. Cuddihy, Thomas M. Lyon.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation..........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

$722, 406 70 $1,044,149 18 $1,028,450^58 $1, 049,442 38
370 41
191 07
603 40
937 07
25, 000 00
25, 000 00
25, 000 00
25, 000 00

U. S. bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house furniture and fixtures...................

2, 000 00
287, 286 62
21,828 15

2,000 00
229,223 31
21,828 15

2,000 00
221,973 31
28,828 15

2, 000 00
154, 973 31
28, 828 15

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents).
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

17, 980 15
132, 031 27
508, 464 88

9,922 60
61, 460 46
474, 895 62

7,762 19
53, 815 52
466,069 53

6,043 02
37,103 36
483, 599 13

Checks and other cash item s................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents ...

65, 372 47

9, 448 24

5,092 96

10,169 85

22, 230 00
364 20

15, 070 00
272 33

17, 725 00
582 50

17,240 00
364 44

78,848 05
89, 545 00

77,581 45
79, 500 00

138,573 20
82, 250 00

153,974 60
90,250 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%redemp­
tion fund................................................................

1, 000 00

T otals.................................................................. $1, 974, 852 90 $2,052, 667 41 $2,079,851 34 $2,061,050 31
Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................

$100,000 00
50,000 00
22,239 71
20, 900 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00
21,168 09
22,500 00

$100, 000 00
50,000 00
28,109 22
22, 500 00

$100,000 00
50,000 00
37,406 46
22,500 00

Due to State banks and bankers...........................
9, 056 18
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check................... 1,741.087 20
Demand certificates of deposit.............................
31,526 81

1,980 13
5, 000 00
1,837, 229 27
14, 247 42

1, 861.006 69
17; 942 43

1, 835,015 08
15, 736 14

542 50

293 00

392 63

Time certificates Of deposit...................................
Certified checks...................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................

43 00

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted..................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals.................................................................. $1, 974,852 90 $2, 052, 667 41 $2,079,851 34 $2, 061,050 31
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 1812.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , C A S S O P O L IS .


H o w e l l , P r e s id e n t; A . M . K i n g s b u r y , Vice P r e s id e n t; C h a r l e s A . R i t t e r , C a sh ier;
D. L. K i n g s b u r y , A s s is ta n t C ashier.

D i r e c t o r s .— M.

L. Howell, J. H. Johnson, G. M. Kingsbury, C. A. Ritter, A. M. Kingsbury,
Ellen R. Funk, David L. Kingsbury.

Loans and discounts..........................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation..,
U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits
U. S. bonds on hand...............................
Premiums on U. S. bonds......................
Stocks, securities, etc...........................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.
Other real estate and mortgages owned...........
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents.....................
Checks and other cash items.................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents...
Specie........................................................... , ..........
Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
circulation) , l ........................................... .........
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund.......................................................

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 3J.

Report of
Sept. 7.

$151. 510 43
296 11
12?500 00

$154,907 27
1, 530 47
12, 500 00

$156,576 82
1,561 23
12. 500 00

$148, 644 38
409 87
12. 500 00

27,737 50

40, 000 00

40,000 00

40,000 00

1, 900 00
414 00

1, 900 00
5 10

1.830 00
1, 700 99

40, 695 30

28,253 12

20, 020 96

1, 025 00
217 59
26 00
33,006 51

159 09

382 50

245 75

283 42

1,235 00
171 46

2.295 00
165 12

2, 340 00
J57 76

1, 240 00
98 66

11,260 00
500 00

13,200 00
1, 000 00

13, 650 00
1,000 00

13, 340 00

562 50

562 50

562 50

562 50

$258,951 31

$256, 923 20

$252,146 01

$251,353 93

$50, 000 00
25, 000 00
7,239 63
10,750 00
146 59

$50,000 00
25,000 00
9,601 62
11,250 00

$50, 000 00
25,000 00
10,729 82
11,250 00

$50, Q00 00
25, 000 00
13,656 97
11,250 00
188 59

87,018 77
78,796 32

2,500 00
84, 015 54
74, 556 04

73,594 63
81, 571 56

64,453 18
86,805 19

$258, 951 31

$256,923 20

$252,146 01

$251,353 93

Report of
Dec. 2.

10, 000 00

9 Q2

222 12

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks.................................
Due to State banks and bankers......
Dividends unpaid...................................
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit........
Time certificates of deposit.
Certified checks.....................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits..........
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers........
Notes and bills rediscounted...................
Bills payable.................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 1758.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , C H A R L O T T E .
J . M . C . S m i t h . P r e s id e n t; C h a s . B e n n e t t , Vice P r e s id e n t; W m . P . L a c e y , C a sh ie r;
F r e d S. B e l c h e r , A s s is ta n t C a sh ie r; F r e d H . P o l l a r d , 2d A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.
D i r e c t o r s — Wm.

P. Lacey, Fred S. Belcher, Edward S. Lacey, Chas. Bennett, Fred. H. Pollard,
D. L. Tremaine, J. M. C. Smith.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans a,nd discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation................ .......
XT S Ponds to secure TT. ft. deposits...................
TT ft bonds on hand.................................................

$226, 839 41
714 65
18, 750 00

$235,648 30
222 22
18, 750 00

$247,392 36
351 47
18,750 00

Report of
Dec. 2.
$306, 477 97
756 96
18,750 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

1,500 00

10, 800 00

10,800 00

10,800 00

10,800 00

2,594 28

3,084 22

670 00

3,891 19

20, 715 08
759 94
668 00
190 77

129 99
14,346 25
928 36
439 00
125 71

42,064 41
5, 844 79
458 00
166 41

13,117 32
437 07
1,520 00
116 16

Specie..................... ...................................................
Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U.’ S. treasurer, other than 5 % rederuption fund.......................................................

10, 344 50
1, 874 00

9,408 50
9, 932 00

7,712 00
8,411 00

12,152 00
7, 000 00

843 75

843 75

843 75

843 75


$296, 594 38

$306,158 30

$344,964 19

$377, 362 42

$75,000 00
25,000 00
4,481 31
15, 770 00

$75,000 00
25, 000 00
7, 353 05
16, 870 00
584 10

$75,000 00
25, 000 00
5,216 22
16,270 00
384 10

$75,000 00
25,000 00
8,041 09
16, 370 00
311 86

70,848 54
105,494 53

64,006 14
117, 345 01

78,074 93
145,018 94

90,103 41
162, 536 06

$296, 594 38

$306,158 30

$344,964 19

$377, 362 42

Premiums on TT. ft. bonds........................................
ft toe.Its securities, etc.............................................
Rauking house, furniture and fixtures. ..............
Other real estate a.nd mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State ha,nks a,nd bankers......................
"Hue from approved reserve agents......................
Checks a,nd other cash items.................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents—

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National ba.nk notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to fttate banks and bankers................... ....
Dividends unpa,id.......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit............................
Time certificates of deposit...................................
Certified checks......................................................
Ca.shier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits......... .................................
Deposits of TT. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
Rills payable.............................................................
Li a,bill*ties other than those above stated...........
T otal...................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 3034.
M E R C H A N T S ’ N A T IO N A L B A N K , C H A R L O T T E .


C h u r c h . P r e s i d e n t ; A. D. B a u g h m a n , Vice P r e s id e n t;
M e r l i n P . R e s c h , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.

D i r e c t o r s .— E.

H. K.

J e n n i n g s , C a s h ie r ;

N. Ely, W. B. Otto, A. D. Baughman, E. T. Church, H. K. Jennings,
Homer G. Barber.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................
U. S. bonds on hand................................................

$181, 692 89
1,162 28
12,500 00

$186, 210 80
1,621 79
12, 500 00

$213, 906 96
884 04
12,500 00

2, 000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................

3,600 00
9,000 00
17,025 00
1, 236 30
9, 055 79

9, 000 00
5, 425 00
770 00
5,088 71

5, 000 00
9, 000 00
5,172 00
2,516 76
3,998 91

7. 250 00
9.000 00
6,422 00
6,733 48
11, 218 43

Due from approved reserve agents......................
Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

49,313 31
513 60

45,821 06
362 71

33, 577 68
570 99

49, 381 30
210 49

5, 085 00
199 90

5, 516 00
140 01

4,583 00
101 69

1,310 00
125 56

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
circulation).......................................... ........
Due fromU. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemp­
tion fund................................................................

16, 495 00
3,000 00

15, 396 00
2, 000 00

15,068 00
2, 000 00

13, 680 00
2,000 00

562 50

562 50

562 50

652 50

$312,441 57

$292,414 58

$311,442 53

$303,017 61

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................

$50, 000 00
25,000 00
31,901 06
11,250 00
2,910 93

$50,000 00
25, 000 00
26,427 10
11,250 00
88 66

$50,000 00
25. 000 00
27,220 08
11,250 00

$50, 000 00
25,000 00
26,282 98
13, 050 00

Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Individual deposits subject to check.................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

28, 444 22

7,093 27

102, 572 80
88, 806 78

74,096 61
105,552 21

68 972 60
100,555 63

77 512 42
104, 078 94

$312, 441 57

$292, 414 58

$311,442 53

$303, 017 61


Report of
Dee. 2.
$180,185 78
348 07
14,500 00


Time certificates of deposit..................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 3235.


R a y n o l d s , P r e s id e n t; J a c o b

D i r e c t o r s . — Geo.


P o s t , Vice P r e s id e n t;

A. W.

R a m s a y , C a sh ier<

F. Raynolds, Jacob J. Post, E. A. Smith, D. C. Pelton, Ephriam Smith.

Loans and discounts............................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured..
U. S. bonds to secure circulation......
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.
Ü. S. bonds on hand.............................
Premiums on U. S. bonds.....................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.
Due from National banks (not reserve agents) .
Due from State banks and bankers.....................

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

$187, 663 09
257 47
13, 000 00

297, 363 25
1,656 60
13,000 00

14,500 00

14, 500 00

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

$218,833 19
75 33
13,000 00

$283, 664 42
30 63
13, 000 00

14,000 00

14, 000 00

*51, 896 54

2,004 11

Due from approved reserve agents......................
Checks and other cash item s................................
Exchanges for clearing house........................
Notes of other National banks............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents ..

228, 909 82
947 28

29,649 20
865 38

151,214 07
1,108 61

107,541 67
713 03

1,432 00
213 03

1,269 00
114 85

1 052 00
197 43

1, 978 00
236 54

Legal tender notes........................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemp
tion fund................................................................

17,423 53
7,175 00

17,613 85
9,170 00

19, 001 50
18,848 00

16,907 37
2,312 00

585 00

585 00

172,106 22

$387,178 14

9,811 67

$442,972 77

$50, 000 00
10, 000 00
3, 649 13
11,700 00

$50, 000 00
10,000 00
4,105 13
11,700 00

$50, 000 00
10, 000 00
1,441 95
11.700 00

$50.000 00
10,000 00
3, 662 34
11,700 00

215,988 14
14, 894 02

118,325 97
11, 604 56

228,461 81
8, 749 05

178, 900 24
7,667 09

165,551 17
323 76

181, 442 48

179,458 86

180, 955 27
87 83

$472,106 22

$387,178 14

9,811 67

$442, 972 77


585 00

Capital stock paid in .............................................
Surplus fund............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding........................
Due to other National banks................................
Due to State banks and bankers........
Dividends unpaid.................................
Individual deposits subject to check.
Demand certificates of deposit.........
Time certificates of deposit..
Certified checks......................
Cashier’s checks outstanding.
United States deposits...........
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.........
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
Bills payable..................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated.
Totals .
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 1235.
C O L D W A T E R N A T IO N A L B A N K , C O L D W A T E R .
L. M. Wing ,

P r e s id e n t;

D. B. Dennis ,

Vice P r e s id e n t;

H. R. Saunders,

C ashier.

Directors.—D. B. Dennis, Z. G. Osborn, L. M. Wing, L. Sloman, M. D. Campbell, John T. Starr,
A. B. Dickinson.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts..............................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. ..
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.....................

$217, 838 99
2, 683 30
25,000 00

$207, 014 72
6,371 99
25, 000 00

$235, 362 33
2,833 91
25, 000 00

$189, 062 64
4,861 63
25, 000 00

Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate and mortgages owned...........

16,104 31
1, 890 00
40, 921 73

10,102 00
1, 890 00
40,763 13

10,102 00
1. 890 00
40,763 13

10,102 00
1,890 00
40, 786 97

Due from National banks ¿not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers....................
Due from approved reserve agents......................
Checks and other cash items...... .......................


200 31

46,445 08
1, 535 89

30,427 21
1,761 15

11,822 87
475 38

17,145, 69
2, 990 55

Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

1,700 00
199 44
15, 356 70

1, 808 00
85 39
15, 285 50

2, 650 00
34 39
15, 059 70

804 00
153 67
11,920 80

Legal tender notes ..................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer other than 5 % redemp­
tion fund............................................. ..................

1, 657 00

833 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1, 125 00

1,125 00

T otals...............................................................

1, 064 00

Report of
Dec. 2.

1, 000 00
$372, 278 38

$341,834 40

$348,775 71

$307, 675 95

$100, 000 00
35,000 00
3, 838 25
22, 500 00

$100,000 00
35, 00ft 00
7,391 96
22, 500 00

$100,000 00
35, 000 00
4, 771 47
22, 500 00

$100,000 00
35, 000 00
5, 704 64
22, 500 00’

92.016 52
118,923 61

61,914 21
115,028 23

64, 603 24
121,901 00

51.086 67
93, 384 64

$372, 278 38

$341,834 40

$348, 775 71

$307, 675 95

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund..........................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding.........................
Due to other National banks__ 7..........................
Due to State banks and bankers.........................
Dividends unpaid ...................................................
Individual deposits subject to check..................
Demand certificates of deposit...........................
Time certificates of deposit................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable.....................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated......
T otals...............................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis












No. 1924.

E . R o s e , P r e s id e n t; E .

D i r e c t o r s . — Cyrus


C l a r k e , Vice P r e s id e n t; A . S . U p s o n , C ashier.

G. Luce, J. S'Barber, E. R. Clarke, L. E. Rose, M. G. Clarke, N. P. Loveridge,
John Murphy.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans find disoonn t s ..............................................
Overdrafts scoured and vmsecuured....................
U. S . bonds to secure circulation ........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$515,461 09
1,523 32
165, 000 00

$449, 933 27
252 59
165, 000 00

$392,081 61
8,526 56
165, 000 00

$397, 288 12
729 30
165, 000 00

U. S.bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures................

2, 000 00
12,105 25
46,191 08
15, 200 00

1, 500 00
12, 066 75
72,464 83
15, 200 00

1, 500 00
12,066 75
90,771 08
15,000 00

2,100 00
12,120 75
94,111 86
15,000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers....................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

1,300 00
487 31
51,189 15

4, 875 00
160 65"
1,684 77
24, 684 48

4,875 00
1, 682 46
2, 432 56
34,116 39

1.500 00
632 66
5,155 98
42,736 91

Checks and other cash items................................
Fxchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents...

1, 740 96

3,726 62

929 92

1,666 73

5,824 00
69 60

1, 914 00
86 63

2,709 00
124 98

3, 624 00
99 67

Legal tender n o tes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund................................................................

18,132 80
8,250 00

18, 447 95
9,150 00

17,430 15
8,150 00

17, 098 85
9,110 00

7,065 00

7, 425 00

7, 425 00

7, 425 00

T otals..................................................................

$851,539 56

$788,572 54

$764,221 46

$775,399 83

$165, 000 00
35, 000 00
52, 707,75
148,500 00

$165,000 00
35. 090 00
61, 934 43
148, 500 00

$165, 000 00
35, 000 00
56, 051 54
148,500 00

$165,000 00
35, 000 00
61, 052 93
148,500 00

131, 695 59
318, 636 22

74, 748 91
303, 389 20

62, 994 45
296, 675 47

79,162 72
286, 684 18

$851,539 56

$788,572 54

$764,221 46

$775,399 83


Report of
Dec. 2.

Capital stock paid in.............. ...............................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to State banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid............................................. ....
Individual deposits subject to check..................
Demand certificates of deposit...........................
Time certificates of deposit.................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 1256.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K ,'C O R U N N A .
L. w .

S i m m o n s , P r e s id e n t; J o h n D r i s c o l l , Vice P r e s id e n t; W.
W . F . G a l l a g h e r , A s s is ta n t C ashier.


R c s e n k r a n s , C a sh ier;

D i r e c t o r s .— Roger

Sherman, John Driscoll, A. Garrison, W. D. Garrison, W. F. Gallagher,
L. W. Simmons, H. A. Nichols, T. M. Euler, W. A. Rosenkrans.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans a,nrl discounts..............................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured....................
TT. ft. bonds to secure circulation.......................
TT ft bonds to secure TT. ft. deposits.................

$181,086 68
401 08
50,000 00

$178,612 18
157 65
50,000 00

$202,579 09
33 54
50,000 00

$221, 544 66
300 10
50,000 00

ft bonds on hand. .
Premiums on TT. ft. bonds.....................................
fttneks securities etc
Ranking house, furniture and fixtures................

2, 500 00

2, 500 00

2,500 00

2, 500 00

500 00

8,200 00

6,500 00

6, 500 00



Other real estate a.nd mortgages owned ..
Rue from National banks (not reserve a,gents)..
Rue from ft t,ate barks a,nd bankers................
Rue from approved reserve agents.....................
Checks n,nd other cash item s..............................
Exchanges for clearing house...
Notes of other National banks...........................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts....
Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than b ’% redemption fund ..................................................


1,700 00

Report of
Dec. 2.

1,700 00

1, 700 00

38, 949 00

3. 058 66
41,757 50

628 40
49,584 26

81, 888 94

541 89

552 08

25 05

371 31

1, 859 00
143 71

9.9 00
46 39

1, 068 00
39 94

1,467 00
93 13

7, 900 00
2,000 00

7,100 00
5, 500 00

8, 800 00
4, 000 00

7, 350 00
3, 000 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

$307,095 02

$337,726 24

$318, 444 62

$311,892 36

$50,000 00
6. 300 00
1.242 76
44, 400 00

$50,000 00
8, 000 00
573 78
45, 000 00

$50,000 00
8,000 00
1, 194 23
45,000 00

$50,000 00
8,000 00
3,238 13
44, 500 00

41, 832 37
163,319 89

731 41
2,000 00
37, 663 01
193,758 04

37.241 58
175,903 99

40. 098 98
196,055 25

$307,095 02

$337, 726 24

$318,444 62

$341, 892 36


T otals..................................................................
Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding........................
Rue. to other National banks ...
Rue to State brinks and bankers ...
Rividends unpaid
Individual deposits subject to check................
Demand certificates of deposit...........................

1.104 82

Time certificates of deposit
Certified checks .
.. t................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United deposits
Deposits of TT ft disbursing officers
Notes and bills rediscounted
Rills payable
Liabilities other than those ahoye stated..
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 2707.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , D E T R O IT .
D. M . F e r r y , P r e s id e n t; J o h n T . S h a w , Vice P r e s id e n t a n d C a sh ie r: F r a n k G . S m i t h ,
A s s is ta n t C a sh ie r; A. W. C l a r k , A u d ito r .
D i r e c t o r s .— James

McMillan, D. M. Ferry, Wm. J. Chittenden. Don M. Dickinson, Wm.
Henry B. Lothrop, James Edgar, Jno. T. Shaw, Emory Wendell.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Re.port of
Sept. 7.



Report of
Dec 2.

Loans and discounts................................................ $2, 676, 922 48 82,525, 493 64 $2,697, 832 34 $2,556, 605 07
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
451 36
10 57
U. S. bonds to secure circulation..........................
300, 000 00
450. 000 00
450, 000 00
450,000 00
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................
450, 000 00
450,000 00
450, 000 00
450,0Ò0 00
U. S.bonds on hand................................................
150. 000 00
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
137,062 50
137, 062 50
137,062 50
137, 062 50
Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................................
368,195 00
537,822 50
765,102 09
624, 922 51
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.............. .*.
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
30, 600 00
Due from, national banks (not reserve agents)...
193,621 21
Due from State banks and bankers......................
76,854 80
Due from approved reserve agents...................... 1,284,688 09

30, 600 00
241, 827 25
125,641 89
545,130 92

97. 464


207. 439
98, 367


30, 600 00
221,153 29
93,311 86
535, 967 22

Checks and other cash items..................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

2, 814 52
94, 355 75
70, 970 00
1, 652 50

2,579 98
83, 788 25
48,134 00
1,712 46

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund........................................................

323, 747 25
242,500 00

339,147 75
236,110 00

429, 462 05
248, 497 00

469,285 25
131,775 00

13, 500 00

15, 264 09

20, 250 00

20, 250 00

5, 354 69

4, 500 00

1,762 09

6,671 87

T otals.................................................................. $6, 423,290 15 85, 774, 825 80 $6,444,071 61

$5, 899,243 70

71, 237


Capital stock paid in...............................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks.................................

8500,000 00
100,000 00
40, 658 59
248,100 00
850,481 81

8500.000 00
100,000 00
31.406 93
351,500 00
611,559 49

$500,000 00
100,000 00
44,229 24
343, 400 00
547, 626 57

Due to State banks and bankers........................... 1.943,345 01 1,472,703 33 1, 662,722 36
Dividends unpaid......................................................
10 000 00
Individual deposits subject to check................... 2, 198,480 97 2, 149' 138 03 2,687,281 30
Demand certificates of deposit.............................
87,495 52
91,107 00
84,039 85
Time certificates of deposit..................................
Certified checks......................................................
16, 734 90
17,564 96
1,306 50
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
2. 371 57
4,266 93
27,412 77
United States deposits...........................................
412, 309 06
333,545 69
343, 859 22
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
Bills payable............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........

23. 312 72

102.033 44

102,193 80

$500,000 00
100.000 00
397, 500 00
512, 678 71
1,355,811 53
2,456,146 69
69,172 93
8,517 53
4, 606 50
380,594 05
54,270 67

Totals................................................................. 86, 423, 290 15 85, 774, 825 80 $6,444,071 61 $5, 899, 243 70
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 3357.
A M E R IC A N E X C H A N G E N A T IO N A L B A N K , D E T R O IT .
W ald o


A v e r y , P r e s id e n t; J o h n N. B a g l e y , Vice P r e s id e n t; H a m i l t o n D e y , C a sh ie r ;
H e r m a n D e y , A s s is ta n t C ashier.

D. D. Thorp, Hamilton Dey, Simon J. Murphy. Wm. A. Moore, Thomas W. Palmer,
Geo. H. Hopkins, Jno. N. Bagley, W. A. Avery, Julius Stroh, James N. Wright, Gilbert Hart.

D ir e c t o r s .—


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts.................................................................. $1; 851,243 20 $1,985,721 34 $2, 299,687 33 $1, 917, 722 06
473 48
191 63
1,793 96
100 65
Overdrafts secured and unsecured......................
150, 000 00
150, 000 00
150, 000 00
150,000 00
XT S bonds tn secure circulation..........................
U g bonds to secure XT ^ deposits.
18,429 69
18,429 69
18,429 69
18,429 69
on TT. ft. bonds......................................
575,869 17
458. 220 69
27,120 41
32,120 41
fttocks soonrities e t c ...........................................
5, 288 50
5, 288 60
5, 288 50
5,288 50
Banking house f u r n i t u r e and f i x t u r e s .......................
10, 000 00
10,000 00
10,000 00
10,000 00
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents) ..
Due from State banks and bankers...............................
Due from approved reserve agents...............................
Checks and other cash items.................................

231, 322 56
41,666 79
387.489 57
3,911 01

126, 358 54
61,047 18
365, 390 88
3,044 09

311,577 87
29,916 36
337,703 80
2, 489 50

278,178 97
27, 554 53
359,404 17
3, 879 85

Exchanges for elea,ring house..........................................
jSfotes of other Taxational banks.........................................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts. ..
Specie ...................................................................................................

30, 984


35,770 84
10,672 00
2,717 48
286, 581 00

1, 498

2, 378

Lep*^l tender notes ....................................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (o% of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than o% redemption fund.......................................................

126,900 00

40, 750 00

51,500 00

37, 300 00

6.750 00

6,750 00

6,750 00

6, 750 00

203 40

1, 223 40

723 20

683 20





............................................................. •S3,215, 492 95 $3,138, 659 31 $4, 007,428 34 $3,721,247 43

Capital stock paid in...............................................
Surplus fund ...........................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding........................
Due to other National banks.................................

$400, 000 00
100,000 00
18. 688 35
83,880 00
392,175 69

Due to State hanks and bankers...........................

326, 268 88

Individual deposits subject, to check...................
Remand certificates of deposit.............................

1, 838,062 65
56,417 38

Cashier’s checks outstanding................................

$400,010 00
100, 000 00
12.595 11
78, 060 00
392, 333 53

$400.000 00
100, 000 00
14,468 92
74,560 00
392, 602 93

323, 225 53

$400,000 00
100, 000 00
19)014 39
95,520 00
268,079 11

334,928 64

284,664 25

1,794,187 92 2,657,870 22'
22,633 01
38,257 22

2,517,265 73
34,166 03

10,364 62

2,537 92

Liabilities other than those above sta ted
Totals ............................................................... $3,215,492 95 $3.138,659 31 $4.007,4.8 34 $3,721,247 43

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 2591.
C O M M E R C IA L N A T IO N A L B A N K , D E T R O IT .
H u g h M c M i l l a n , P r e s id e n t; M . L . W i l l i a m s , Vice P r e s id e n t a n d C a sh ie r :

A. W. Ehbman,

A s s is ta n t C ashier.

McMillan, George Hendrie. Joseph H. Berry, Gilbert W. Dee, T H Newberry
M. L. Williams. W. C. Williams, 0. F. Hammond, Robert Henkel.

Loans and discounts...............................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured...
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.......
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.
U. S. bonds on hand...............................
Premiums on U. S. bonds.....................
Other bonds od hand..............................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.
Other real estate and mortgages owned........
Due from Nationl banks (not reserve agents1
Due from State banks and bankers.................
Due from approved reserve agents.................

teport of
Feb. 4.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

724 15 $2,113, 959 42 $2, 360, 998 17 $2, 352,253 68
828 10
1,230 97
194 09
90 99
50, 000 00
50,000 00
50. 000 00
50,000 00
150, 000 00
150, 000 00
150, 000 00
150,000 CO
100. 000 00
31, 125 00
2,125 00
2, 125 00
2, 125 00
67. 993 75
251, 456 25
301, 768 75
194,646 19
4, 750 00
4,750 00
4, 750 00
4,750 00
32, 704 03
32, 472 96
32, 332 96
50,172 96
297, 282 52
261,964 81
263, 174 17
308, 759 43
27, 54(5 97
60, 577 08
161. 014 85
24, 690 92
517, 290 45
420, 262 06
722, 428 93
309,530 19

Checks and other cash item s..............................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks...........................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents.

1, 195 40
26. 355 92
42, 771 00
740 12

Legal tender notes.................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (h% of
circulation)........................................................... .
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5$ re­
demption fund......................................................

241, 462 50
189, 000 00
2 250 00


Report of
June 30.


D i r e c t o r s . —H.

85, 343
15, 493


8, 592 64
19, 714 01
70. 088 00
451 30

4.461 33
45,231 59
25. 270 00
300 58

215,667 00
73,000 00

216. 193 00
168, 000 00
2, 250 00

209,014 00
120,000 00

2,250 00

2, 250 00
,9, 000 00

*4,073,019 91

3,749,313 75 *4,534, 075 87

3. 862,546 86

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund.................................. ......... ................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding........................
Due to other National banks................................
Due to State banks and bankers......
Dividends unpaid...................................
Individual deposits subject to check.
Demand certificates of deposit..........
Time certificat s of deposit..
Certified checks......................
Cashier’s checks outstanding.
United States deposits...........
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers...........
Notes and bills rediscounted........................
Bills payable.....................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$500,000 00
100, 000 00
56.261 58
24.500 00
788,815 95

$500, 000 00
100, 000 00
59,387 83

$500, 000 00

$500. 000 00

100,000 00

100, 000 00

22,000 00

636,982 26

62. 364 69
20.850 00
798, 609 27

73,125 22
44.200 00
545,915 27

981,876 31
755,649 92
120 00
20,040 00
1,370,269 65 1,209.351 84
12,183 12
192,502 13

852,721 88
80 00
1,941,075 47
10,553 20

776,222 11
80 00
1, 603,742 35
10, 640 24

96,493 30

110,899 77

109,103 49

66,121 67

129,623 20

112,436 33

108, 136 65

117, 383 34

12,876 80

30, 063 67

30, 581 22

25,116 66

$4,073,019 91 $3,749,313 75 $4, 534, 075 87 $3, 862,546






No. 2870.
D E T R O IT N A T IO N A L B A N K , D E T R O IT .
A l e x . M c P h e r s o n , P r e s id e n t; T h e o d o r e D . B u h l , Vice P r e s id e n t; W in . T . D e G r a e e , C a s h ie r ;
D. S t e w a r t , J r ., A s s is ta n t C a sh ie r ; G e o . L . M c P h e r s o n , A u d i to r .
D i r e c t o r s . — A.

Lewis, H. P. Baldwin, A. McPherson, T. D. Buhl, Henry Stephens, P.
Edward J. Schmidt, Henry B. Joy, A. W. Wright, Oren Scotten.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept, 7.



Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts................................................ $3,828, 484 97 $4,447, 966 56 $4, 247. 092 79 $4, 264. 660 16
590 88
1. 166 84
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
6, 372 76
4,628 67
50, 000 00
50. 000 00
50,000 00
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
50. 000 00
TT S. bonds t,o secure IT. S. deposits...................
37,300 00
153,670 00

49, 800 00

49.800 00

100. 800 00

218,420 00

228,420 00

205, 42C 00

84, 840 00
110,000 00
84. 540 00
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
703,885 73
689, 964 63
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
784,925 19
409.415 85
223, 995 04
232, 925 25
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents...................... 1, 499,287 41 1,186,083 12 1,099,145 39

84,040 00
611.546 79
296. 654 63
594,215 92

U. S. bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on IT. S. bonds.......................................
Stocks, seenrities, e t e ...........................................
Hanking house, furniture and fixtures.................

Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearinghouse..............................
Notes of other N ational banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...



12,795 42
66, 888 31
27, 864 00
727 06

11,244 33
81,768 20
17, 039 00
796 03

10, 887 43
90,189 63
27,290 00
1,317 70

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (h% of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemption fund.......................................................

428, 354 00
189, 344 00

452. 389 50
157,743 00

487, 633 00
103,026 00

513,471 00
152, 307 00

2,250 CO

2,250 00

2, 250 00

2. 250 00

3,500 00

12,000 00

T otals.................................................................. $7, 578,214 46 $7, 684, 893 48 $77486,977 94 $7, 009, 678 93
Capital stock paid in................................................ $1, 000, 000 00 81,000,000 00 81, U00,000 00 81,000.000 00
200,000 00
200. 010 00
Surplus fund.............................................................
200, 000 00
200. 000 00
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
47,199 44
46,600 19
62,521 31
66, 643 67
National bank notes outstanding..........................
44,310 00
44.120 00
44, 400 00
44, 320 00
961,294 32
896, 002 94
751, 789 47
Due to other National banks.................................
701,581 49
Due to State banks and bankers........................... 2,040,003 71 1,554, 558 36 1,610.308 46
130 00
20, 000 00
120 00
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check................... 2,935, 599 50 3, 544,740 77 3, 743,620 88
116, 706 93
367,029 86
72.099 11
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

1,458, 438 83
110 60
3,470.708 13
56, 309 64

1,000 00
1, 376 25
22 46

1, 000 00
9.867 17
700 00

Time certificates of deposits.................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier's checks outstanding................................
United States deposits........................................

1.000 00
113,977 72
117,992 84

1,000 00
10, 388 39
172 97

Deposits of U. S . disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted..................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
Totals.................................................................. $7,578,214 46 $7, 684,893 48 $7,486,977 94 $7,009, 678 93
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 3730.
T H E P R E S T O N N A T IO N A L B A N K , D E T R O IT .
F . W . H a y e s , P r e s id e n t; A . E . F . W h i t e , Vice P r e s id e n t; I. B . U n g e r , C a sh ie r; J . P . G i l m o r e , A u d ito r .
D i r e c t o r s .— F.

W. Hayes, C. A. Black, W. H. Elliott, J. E. Davis. J. D. Standisti, A. E F White
A. L. Stephens, H. K. White, J. B. Book, W. R. Burt.

Report of
Feb. 4. .

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts...................................
$2,813,453 69 $2,890, 955 56 $2,875,106 18 $2,910,751 44
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured......................
25 84
229 91
198 67
U. S. bonds to secure circulation..........................
700.000 00
700, 000 00
700, 000 00
700.000 00
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.....................
100.000 00
100, 000 00
100, 000 00
100.000 00
U. S. bonds on hand.................................................
109. 500 00
Premiums on U. S. bonds..............................
62,812 50
57,321 00
57,321 00
55, 571 00
Stocks, securities, etc................................
109,100 00
130, 900 00
161,850 00
182, 872 05
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
16.500 00
15.500 00
15.500 00
15, 000 00 •
Other real estate and mortgages owned..............
171,666 39
169,906 56
170,255 14
171, 257 53
Due from National banks (not' reserve agents)..
226,141 32
229. 908 85
207,119 54
281.032 97
Due from State banks and bankers.....................
111 041 03
67,512 69
81,764 76
69,194 94
Due from approved reserve agents...................
544,561 12
451,903 86
60S, 958 92
594,848 25
Checks and other cash items...........................
37 19
995 88
157 05
508 66
Exchanges for clearing hou se.............................
77. 640 88
59, 338 49
45, 610 52
61,252 01
Notes of other National banks..............................
24, 350 00
15, 075 00
23, 125 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...
310 51
340 07
306 74
292 01
314,829 50
334, 241 50
226,367 50
231.482 50
Legal tender n otes....................................
99i 170 00
79,095 00
203,241 00
175,126 00
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
circulation)............................................ . .
31.500 00
31.500 00
31.500 00
31,500 00
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund..............................................

$5,334,724 37 $5,508, 382 02 $5,599,944 36

Capital stock paid in..................................
Sui-plus fund......................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding.......................
Due to other National banks...........................

$700,000 00
100.000 00
12,296 60
602, 770 00
529, 139 73

$700, 000 00
100, 000 00
18,407 93
615,440 00
431,039 27

$700, 000 00
100. 000 00
16,592 17
589, 850 00
442,559 78

$700. 000 00
100,000 00
35, 460 61
607, 060 00
349, 357 52

Due to State banks ar.d bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid...................... ............
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit................

1,477,825 00

1,271,601 67
17. 500 00
1,537,581 01
540,244 51

1,410,112 40

1,282,862 99

1,364,348 34
542,204 51

1,587,257 97
556,153 62

1,879, 296 92
519, 167 91

80. 908 63
8,147 16
95, 000 00

2,257 92
5,652 06
95, 000 00

1,242 83
9,613 25
95, 000 00

26, 643 28
5, 095 13
95, 000 00

Time certificates of deposit...................
Certified checks...........................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...................
United States deposits.............................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers..................
Notes and bills rediscouu ted.................
Liabilities other than those above stated........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

15,512, 639 97 $5, 334,724 37 $5,508,382 02 $5, 599, 944 36






No. 3487.
U N IO N N A T IO N A L B A N K , D E T R O IT .
F . D. E a t h e r l y , P r e s id e n t; P a t r i c k A . D t j c e y , Vice P r e s id e n t; F r e d E . F a r n s w o r t h , C a sh ie r;
L . C . S h e r w o o d , A s s is ta n t C ashier.

Eatherly, Patrick A. Ducey, H. A. Harmon, Chas. E . Swales, Henry Wunsch,
Theo. Gorenflo, Stephen Pratt, T. A. Wadsworth, Albert A. Albrecht.

D i r e c t o r s .—F . D .

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

$524, 256 78
354 34
150, 000 00

$584, 981 85
119 23
150, 000 00
254 88
000 00

$607,235 02
116 03
150,000 00



000 to


Loans and discounts..............................................
Overdrafts secured and unsecured......................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits....................
Premiums on H. S. Bonds......................................

Report of
Feb. 4.



8,000 00

Report of
Dee. 2.
$674,625 98
1,784 76
150,000 00
8 , 000 00


15,000 00
3, 000 00
38,721 07
12,798 78
14, 802 32


201,633 83
18,749 27
34,814 00
250 72

54, 959 91
54 47
59,180 31
4,502 00
144 64

31, 965 40
12, 504 00

38, 066 90
25, 773 00

42,671 70
22,961 00

10, 816 00
21,938 00-

6, 750 00

6, 750 00

6,750 00

4, 783 00

. 11, 789 70

1, 816 00

8, 028 00

$931,230 07 $1, 025,026 53

1,184,523 76

,075,111 24

$200, 000 00
6 , 000 00

$200, 000 00
7,000 00
13, 607 70
135, 000 00
17,219 76

$200,000 uO
7. 000 00
14,368 16
135, 000 00
18,288 99

$200, 000 00

Due to State banks and bankers.......
Dividends unpaid................................
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit.........

60,128 87
156 00
365,073 31

101,415 77
3, 030 00
376,685 49
162,186 55

106,814 11
60 00
492,886 62
201,333 83

417,990 95
219,053 09

Time certificates of deposit.
Certified checks.....................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits ........

143,837 70
8, 669 86

7,741 26
1,140 00

8, 772 05

1,339 40

, 025,026 53

1,184,523 76

1,075,111 24

Stocks, securities, e t c ...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures..................
Other real estate an£ mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................

3, 000 00
47, 2 2 1 07
12, 462 54
4, 322 20

15, 000
3. 000
47, 221
19, 788
3, 487

Due from approved reserve agents.............. .......
Checks and other cash item s................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

93, 701 68
420 22
7, 087 78
17, 326 00
68 36

102, 754
12, 516
5, 207

Specie............................................ ......................... ,
Legal tender notes...........................................—
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
circulation) ...........................................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund.......................................................
Totals .
Capital stock paid in..................................... >.......
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks.................................

10,405 40
135.000 00
1,958 93

7, 000 00
19, 745 49
135, 000 00
7,295 60
67, 686 71

Deposits of U S. disbursing officers........
Notes and bills rediscounted...................
Bills payable................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$931,230 07





No. 2367.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , E A T O N R A P ID S .
M a r s h a l l W o o d , P r e s id e n t; E . E . H o r n e r , Vice P r e s id e n t; F . H . D e G o l i a , C a sh ie r;
A . O s b o r n , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.

Directors.—F. H. DeGolia, A. Osborn, Marshall Wood, E. E. Horner, J. T. Hall, DanG. Vaughn
J. H. Gallory.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation..........................
IT. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$123, 509 24
234 38
12,500 00

$130, 974 27
249 53
12, 500 00

$131, 986 87
366 77
12,500 00

$131,707 73
999 96
12,500 00

II. S. bonds on hand.................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds...................................
Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from state banks and bankers.....................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

Report of
Dec. 2.

1,000 00

1,000 00

1,000 00

8,200 00

8, 200 00

8,200 00

1, 000 Ó0
1, 127 34
8, 200 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00

2,500 00
13,738 02

20, 278 63

5, 605 40

9,608 49

Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

229 53

205 46

122 05

114 55

50 00
101 06

270 00
46 02

5 00
22 27

450 00
43 71

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than b% re­
demption fund.......................................................

4,697 00
5, 602 00

5, 375 00
7,160 00

5, 644 55
3, 970 00

4, 885 40
4, 821 00

562 50

562 50

562 50

562 50

$179,464 34

$174,648 18

$176, 488 50

$182,650 21

$50,000 00
10, 000 00
936 56
11,250 00

$50,000 00
10, 000 00
2, 314 25
11,250 00

$50, 000 00
10,000 00
185 94
11,250 00

$50,000 00
10, 000 00
1,258 46
11,250 00

5,598 06
3 56
15, 689 03
79, 793 28

3,871 58

2, 090 91

21,565 44
75,276 28

19, 836 54
88, 214 30

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund...........................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to state banks and bankers..........................
Dividends unpaid....................................................
Individual deposits subject to check..................
Demand certificates of deposit...........................



Time certificates of deposit..................................
Certified checks........................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding...............................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

4, 339 26

$179, 464 34


$182, 650 21






No. 3761.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , E S C A N A B A .
F rank


V a n C l e v e , P r e s id e n t;

D i r e c t o r s .— Samuel

W. W.

O l i v e r , Vice P r e s id e n t;

C. C.

R o y c e , C a sh ier.

Mitchell, F. H. Van Cleve, C. C. Royce, A. Maitland, W. W. Oliver.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts...............................................
Overdrafts seenred and unseenred ..
U. S bonds to secure circulation........................
0 t)OTldS t'P (QPP.lTTft TT S deposits ..

$430,804 97
96 62
15,000 00

$442,110 70

$405,261 73
481 93
15,000 00

$551,769 40

15, 000 00

TT S bonds on hand................................................
"Premiums on TT. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................

5, 000 00
750 00
47,020 00
11,000 00

5,000 00
750 00
34,020 00
11,000 00

5, 000 00
750 00
34, 020 00
11,000 00

5, 000 00
1,470 00
34, 300 00
11,000 00

Other real estate find mortgages owned .
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

1,289 79
704 70
53,298 66

1,747 20
221 35
50,775 12

10, 678 60
241 44
45,162 78

1,575 65
1,090 15
51, 494 46

15, 000 00

Cheeks and other eash items.................................
Exchanges for eleaTing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

3,162 53

317 45

1,415 22

239 85

1,033 00
65 51

12,681 00
44 66

2, 562 00
46 27

12, 457 00
75 48
Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with TT. S. treasurer (5 % of
p.ire illation)............................................................
Due from IT. S. treasurer, other than 5 % rederoption fund

29,784 00
15,000 00

31,104 00
20,000 00

33, 528 00
14, 000 00

38, 740 50
20, 000 00

615 00

675 00

675 00

675 00

$614,684 78

$625, 446 48

$669,822 97

$744,887 49

$50,000 00
20, 000 00
2, 000 29
13, 500 00

$50,000 00
20.000 00
2,555 54
13, 500 00

$50,000 00
20, 000 00
3,282 37
13, 500 00

$50,000 00
20,000 00
7.319 80
13,500 00

Capital stoek paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding.........................
Due to other National hanks
hhie to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividend^ unpaid
Individual deposits snbjeet, to eheek...................
ppmf|,rid eertifieates of deposit.............................
Time eertifieates of deposit
Cashier’s eheeks outstanding
United States deposits


1, 308 73

1,157 74

1,142 40

114 25

150.315 10
377, 560 66

161,833 90
376, 399 30

192,029 59
389, 868 61

220,527 06
433,426 38

$614,684 78

$625, 446 48

$669,822 97

$744, 887 49



Deposits of TT S disbursing offieers
Notes and bills rediscounted
Pills payable
Liabilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 3361.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , F L IN T .
J o h n J . C a r t o n , P r e s id e n t; S . C . R a n d a l l , Vice P r e s id e n t; C h a r l e s S . B r o w n , C ashier.
D i r e c t o r s . —S.

C. Randall, F. Dullam, William L. Smith, Charles S. Brown, B F. Cotharin,
D. S. Fox, John J. Carton, Wm. McGregor, W. R. Hubbard.


Report of
Feb 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$242.049 84
3. 416 95
125, 000 00

$278,707 81
3.478 41
140, 000 00

$290,365 54
3, 867 48
140, 000 00

$274,429 02
7, 928 29
140,000 00

U. S.bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house’, furniture and fixtures.................

15. 880 00
6.750 00
124,294 87
21,000 00

880 00
6,750 00
100. 615 25
21,000 00

6, 750 00
99,315 41
21, 000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

171 50
746 44
54,961 31



30 019 10
96 92
2.320 18
5,689 33

6,750 00
89,038 30
21, 000 00
31 474 03
2, 919 68
4,091 42
16, 604 62

Checks and other cash items.................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

229 85
900 00
673 00
85 18

530 91

389 75
4,133 05
374 00
201 23

303 15

215 00
456 05

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund.......................................................

21,106 50
12.000 00

14,344 00
15, 500 00

10,562 00
11.500 00

10, 703 50
16, 000 00

5, 625 00

6. 300 00

6. 300 00

6, 3C0 00


$634, 890 44

$638,933 57

$632,883 99

$627, 939 18

2, 428


$150. 000 00
12,500 00
'3,404 35
126,000 00
3, 698 99

$150,000 00
12,500 00
4, 954 76
126,000 00
4,718 81

$150,000 00
12, 500 00
6,303 15
126, 000 00
626 47

Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

7, 003 59
262 50
98, 613 77
7, 885 19

4, 073 49
3,123 75
66. 151 53
18, 457 60

6, 128 53
247 50
72, 331 83
12,201 04

5,197 99
37 50
79,544 47
6,914 81

Time certificates of deposit...................................
Sundry deposits.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
United States deposits...........................................

237. 065 47
7, 148 24

241, 875 89
9,647 97

234,623 13
9,178 39

225,890 56
14, 924 23

$634, 890 44

$638. 933 57

$632,883 99

$627,939 18

Report of
Dec. 2.

190 00
207 17

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
Bills payable............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 4578.
T H E N A T IO N A L B A N K O F G R A N D H A V E N .
D w i g h t C u t l e r , P r e s id e n t: ; N e l s o n R . H o w l e t t , Vice P r e s id e n t: G e o r g e S t i c k n e y , C a sh ier.
D i r e c t o r s .— Dwight

Cutler, William Savidge, Dwight Cutler, Jr., George A . Farr, N. R. Howlett,
George Stickney, John A . Pfaff, N. Robbins, Jr., Geo. P. Savidge.
Report of
Dec. 2.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured......................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation........................

$330,476 61
4,886 93
50, 000 00

$300, 037 21
1,435 83
50,000 00

$289, 349 09
4. 990 17
50,000 00

$305, 523 65
1,830 49
50, 000 00

IT. S bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc .............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
otiior rool octntp nnrl mnpfo'n.o’pnw nPil
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

4,000 00
5,088 50
4,541 58
3, 500 00

4, 500 00
5,128 50
4, 541 58
3, 000 00

4.500 00
5,128 50
4, 541 58
3, 000 00

4,500 00
5,128 50
3, 208 25
3, 000 00

6,943 13
1,027 19
64,739 89

15. 171 81
771 48
103,677 36

7,529 73
690 44
132,167 49

9,885 23
1,192 33
91, 895 65

Checks and other cash items.................................

1,218 29

2, 200 16

1,274 09

1,514 34

Notes of other National banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents—

6,179 00

2, 032 00
248 56

3, 375 00
139 75

5,082 00
53 18

12, 894 85
15,000 00

13,149 20
19, 000 00

13,299 05
10, 000 00

15,698 18
19, 000 00

2,250 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00


Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
1fLf.ion ) T...........................................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than5 % redemp-

Totals - ..............................................................

1,000 00
$513,003 75

$527,143 69

$533, 234 89

$519,761 80

$100,000 00
15, 000 00
7, 628 04
42, 500 00
3, 434 77

$100,000 00
15, 500 00
7,792 04
43,400 00

$100, 000 00
15,500 00
8,676 70
45,000 00


20 00
90,577 25
253,843 69

3, 000 00
112,946 09
244,505 56

99,562 75
264, 495 44

77,591 80
271,700 76

$513,003 75

$527.143 69

$533. 234 89

$519, 761 80

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund
, , , .................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................

Individual deposits subject to ctjeck...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................


Liabilities otliei tlian. those abo\ e stated..........

-- . -»» t........................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 2611.
F O U R T H N A T IO N A L B A N K , G R A N D R A P ID S .
W il l ia m


A n d e r s o n , P r e s id e n t; J o h n W. B l o d g e t t , Vice P r e s id e n t; J o h n
L . Z. C a u k i n , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier a n d A u d ito r .


S e y m o u r , C a sh ie r ;

D i r e c t o r s . — W.

H. Anderson, William Sears, Wm. H. Gay, S. M. Lemon, G. K. Johnson, A. D. Rathbone,
C. Bertsch, John W. Blodgett, Chas. M. Heald, A. G. Hodenypl, George P. Wanty.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts................................................ $1, 305.697 66 $1,279,192 57 $1,369, 496 47 $1,343,726 35
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
8; 809 93
2,641 12
14,063 74
3,138 48
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
50, 000 00
50.000 00
50.000 00
50, 000 00
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................
50.000 00
100, 000 00
100,000 00
100,000 00
U. S. bonds on hand................................................
56, 440 00
2,000 00
2,000 00
1,100 00
Premiums on U. S. bonds.......................................
9.000 00
9,150 00
9,150 00
9,000 00
Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................................
76, 505 74
79, 380 00
89,025 76
75, 525 76
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
4.000 00
4, 000 00
4, 000 00
4, 000 00
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
20,626 09
19, 626 09
19,626 09
15,640 59
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
18,566 15
30,316 70
81,785 50
22,596 36
Due from State banks and bankers.................
32, 880 45
37, 858 79
43,969 71
28,230 10
Due from approved reserve agents.....................
263,478 24
313,130 50
379,180 23’
129, 435 19
Checks and other cash items..................................
171 84
548 02
1,759 08
444 75
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
14.225 98
18,832 13
15,039 31
50, 502 89
Notes of other National banks..............................
21,480 00
13,595 00
16,400 00
10,885 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...
1,809 64
1,234 55
928 40
570 59
Sp ecie........................................................................
80,700 00
78,952 55
78,302 10
88,629 00
Legal tender notes..................................................
40.000 00
25.000 00
30.000 00
25,000 00
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
2, 250 00
2.250 00
2,250 00
2, 250 00
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemp­
tion fund.................................................................
T otals.................................................................. $2, 056,641 72 $2,067,401 87 $2,307,282 54 $1, 960,675 06
Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding.........................
Due to other National banks..................................

$300,000 00
50,000 00
8,537 09
45, 000 00
40,141 41

$300, 000 00
52.000 00
9,344 55
45.000 00
75, 554 00

$300,000 00
52, 000 00
16, 384 88
45,000 00
60; 369 89

$300, 000 00
55.000 00'
14, 327 71
45.000 00
61,010 51

Due to State banks and bankers..............'............
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

414, 876 90
71 19
475,558 89
674, 400 81

429,923 38
6, 086 00
487, 399 83
564,577 78

461,419 75
52 00
676, 426 42
597,838 55

356,174 23
172 00<
445,638 17
585, 616 41

Time certificates of deposit...................................
Certified checks........................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................

23 79

16 33

291 05

?36 03

14,158 18

61,574 16

62,086 44

62, 020 93

33, 873 46

35, 925 84

35, 413 56

35,479 07

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers....................
Notes and bills rediscounted........'........................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........

Totals.................................................................. $2,056,641 72 $2,067, 401 87 $2, 307,282 54 $1, 960,675 06.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 3488.
F IF T H N A T IO N A L B A N K , G R A N D R A P ID S .


G r a h a m , P r e s id e n t; C h a r l e s H. C h i c k , Vice P r e s id e n t; W
S . W . S h e r m a n , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.

. A.

S h i n k m a n , C a sh ie r;

D i r e c t o r s .— J.

H. Bonnell, T. W. Strahan, C. H. Chick, H. Weiden, A. V. Mann, R. D. Graham,
David E, Uhl, Thomas F. Carroll, Cornelius Clark, Cornelius L. Harvey, E. F. Uhl.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured...................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
TT. S. bonds to secure TJ. S. deposits...................

$492,293 27
9, 249 71
25, 000 00

$519, 963 53
2,510 36
25, 000 00

$514,528 31
4. 868 78
25,000 00

$473,231 67
3,969 42
25, 000 00

U. S.bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on TT. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................

2,456 02
4, 000 00

5,756 02
4, 048 00

4, 690 78
4, 048 00

4,260 68
4,048 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from state banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

7, 000 00
6, 678 82
17.155 36
68, 607 06



7, 000 00
690 81
2,716 30
5, 084 98

32,430 55
211 95
2,083 86
1, 367 93

Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

747 68
3,334 84
46. 307 00
176 10

2, 818 0'4
5. 298 41
23,253 00
178 28

1,718 58
3,895 30
24, 600 00
249 32

3,137 88
7, 069 38
13,403 00
178 89

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund.......................................................

43,945 25
2, 800 00

44,319 45
3, 750 00

43,243 25
4. 550 00

42,115 60
650 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

T otals..................................................................

$730,876 11

$657,545 22

$648,009 41

$614, 283 81

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund..............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks................................

$100, 000 00
11. 000 00
292 66
18,120 00

$100, 000 00
11,000 00
3,573 53
21,360 00
837 50

$100.000 00
11. 500 00
1, 463 42
21,500 00

$100,000 00
11.500 00
4,257 40
22, 000 00

Due to state banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposits...........................

105 06
351,865 99
247, 392 40

9 31
295,524 97
188,939 91

21 31
298, 954 15
194, 270 53

9 31
279,185 81
197,331 29

Time certificates of deposit...................................
Certified checks.....................................................
Cashier’s check outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................

2,100 00

200 00

300 00

36,100 00

20, 000 00

$657,545 22

$648,009 41

Report of
Dec. 2.


Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted .................................
Bills payable..............................................................
Inabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$730,876 11

$614, 283 81





No. 2460.
G R A N D R A P ID S N A T IO N A L B A N K , G R A N D R A P ID S .
E d w i n P . U h l , P r e s id e n t; J o s e p h H o u s e m a n , Vice P r e s id e n t; F . M . D a v i s , C a sh ie r;
J. L . B e n j a m i n , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.


D i r e c t o r s . —S.

Sears, John E. Peck, G. H. Long, C. S. Hazeltine, W. G. Herpolsheimer, M. J. Clark,
E. F. Uhl, J. Houseman, Julius Berkey, J. Boyd Pantlind, D. E. Waters, William Widdicomh,
Amos S. Musselman.

Loans and discounts............................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.
U. S. bonds to secure circulation__
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.
U. S. bonds on hand......................... ...
Premiums on U. S. bonds......................
Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from state banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Dec. 2.

$1, 082,249 54 $1, 341, 942 35 $1,318,280 84 $1,263,494 75
4,108 10
1,751 93
7,105 89
5,653 84
50, 000 00
50,000 00
50, 000 00
50, 000 00
2 , 000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00

55’306 91
4,500 00

30. 306 91
4,500 00

30,212 64
4,000 00

30,212 64
4, 000 00

37, 873 75
9, 376 45
78,831 78
352, 079 29

37,873 75
4,288 28
29, 514 63
84, 695 33

32, 873 75
3,174 70
28, 970 03
102, 240 03

32, 873 75
5, 700 43
20. 746 90
72,465 00

708 89
3,919 61
5, 600 00
100 84

690 46
14, 539 95
8,580 00
79 81

Checks and other cash items.................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__



750 50
8,143 99

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund.......................................................

70,500 00
9,650 00

67.690 00
7,050 00


Report of
Sept. 7.



6,120 00

164 26

2, 250






69, 072 40
7,585 00


$1,779,873 63 $1,679,041 93 $1, 657, 406 22 $1,589, 944 93

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to state banks and bankers.........
Dividends unpaid.. ..............................
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit.........
Time certificates of deposit.
Certified checks...................
Cashier’s checks outstanding.
United States deposits.........

$500, 000 00
100, 000 00
32, 273 44
43, 800 00
76,278 36

$500,000 00

144,121 43
1,461 50
442,028 93
439,659 97

102, 513 89
501 50
408,826 61
439,726 37

250 00

75 00

100,000 00

46,749 97
44,150 00
36,498 59

$500, 000 00
100,000 00

31,775 44
44,250 00
56, 046 64



105.611 61
836 00
266, 626 79
454,336 48

310 00

75 00

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers..........
Notes and bills rediscounted......................
Bills payable..................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$500, 000 00
100, 000 00
39,281 59
44,500 00
53,677 46

25,000 00
1,779, 873 63 $1,679,041 93

, 657,406 22

1,589,944 93






No. 3293.
N A T IO N A L C IT Y B A N K , G R A N D R A P ID S .
R . C . L u c e , P r e s id e n t; L e s t e r J . R i n d g e , Vice P r e s id e n t; J a m e s R . W y l i e , C a sh ie r ;
E . H . H u n t , A s s is ta n t C a sh ie r; J . F r e d e r i c B a a r s , A u d ito r .
D i r e c t o r s .— R.

C. Luce, T. Stewart White, N. L. Avery, P. C. Fuller, T. J. O’Brien, D. M. Amberg,
J. F. Baars, L. J. Rindge, Francis Letellier, H Idema, C. Morton, Walter C. Winchester,
James R. Wylie.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

T.nans and discounts........................... .................... $1,293, 369 08 $1, 369, 685 94 $1,475,391 46 $1,500, 070 84
1,687 84
4, 989 15
548 2V
861 77
Overdrafts secured and unsecured......................
50, 000 00
50,000 00
50,000 00
50,000 00
XT S bonds to secure circulation.......................
XT S bonds to secure XT S deposits.................
XJ S bonds on band
"Premiums on TT. S. bonds.....................................
Stocks securities, e tc ...........................................
Banking house furniture and fixtures................

55,000 00
10,430 00
57, 830 93
52, 300 00

3,555 00
77,830 93
52, 300 00

3,000 00
52,830 93
52, 300 00

3,000 00
46, 330 93
52, 300 00


12,447 23

12,423 06

25,911 22
117, 941 95

33, 016 45
155, 016 29

4,774 77
5. 428 84
27, 384 59
63,919 73

Checks and other cash item s..............................
Exchanges for clearinghouse..............................
Notes of other National banks...........................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents..

1,417 81
10,235 33
13, 025 00
350 00

4,039 90
7, 469 64
25,555 00
250 00

1, 420 65
13,551 60
18, 608 00
600 00

703 56
10,278 13
24, 249 00
400 00

Specie .......................................................................
Legal tender notes........................ ........................
Redemption fund with IT. S. treasurer (5 % of
ci rcnl ati on).............................................................
Due from XL S. treasurer, other than 5 % of
eruption fund

85,101 55
21,500 00

75,313 05
13.500 00

77,928 18
23.500 00

70, 590 02
25, 000 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

2, 250 00

2, 250 00

1,000 00

2,000 00

1,000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned..........
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)
Due from State banks and bankers....................
Due from approved reserve a g en ts..................

T otals.............................................................


$1,795,165 89 $1,841,737 70 $1, 977,825 77 $1,887,542 18

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks................................

$500,000 00
100, 000 00
8,101 09
44, 080 00
913 15

$500, 000 00
100, 000 00
27,658 77
45, 000 00
6,296 85

$500,000 00
100, 000 00
18,076 74
45,000 00
2, 643 37

$500, 000 00
100,000 00
28,153 71
44,500 00
1,759 27

Due to State banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Individual deposits subject to check.................
Demand certificates of deposit............................

80, 412 77
710 98
312,387 04
748, 560 86

54,469 09
21 35
382, 405 88
725, 301 63

150,480 99
82 25
377,618 39
782, 056 23

113,522 04
36 00
384,069 63
715, 038 69

584 13

1, 867 80

Time certificates of deposit.................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................


462 84

Deposits of XT. S disbursing officers...................
Notes and bills rediscounted ..............................
Bills payable
J liabilities other than those a,hove stated ...
T otals.................................................................. $1.795,165 89 $1,841, 737 70 $1,977, 825 77 $1, 887, 542 18
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 2890.
O LD N A T IO N A L B A N K , G R A N D R A P ID S .
J a m b s M . B a r n e t t , P r e s id e n t; W i l l a r d B a r n h a r t , Vice P r e s id e n t; H a r v e y J . H o l l i s t e r , C a sh ier;
C l a y H . H o l l i s t e r , A s s is ta n t C a sh ie r; H o y t G . P o s t , A u d ito r .
D i r e c t o r s .— James


M. Barnett, Willard Barnhart, Jacob Cummer, Jos. H. Martin. W. R. Shelby,
Loettgert, L. H. Withey, E. Crofton Fox, Geo. C. Pierce, H. J. Hollister, Wm. Judson,
E. G. Studley, W. D. Stevens.

Report of
Fab. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts............................................... $2, 302,151 38 $2,255,843 32 $2, 329, 494 90 $2,506,683 52
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured....................
5,727 82
5, 037 15
5. 806 80
7,559 35
U. S. bonds to secure circulation......................
100,000 00
100,000 00
100,000 00
100, 000 00
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits................
U. S. bonds on hand..............................................
Premiums on H. S. bonds.....................................
Stocks, securities, etc...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures................

5, 000 00
263,767 21
99, 821 91

5, 000 00
224, 590 76
99,830 21

5,000 00
277,190 76
99, 830 21

5, 000 00
286,283 09
99, 830 21

Other real estate and mortgages owned..........
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)
Due from State banks and bankers...................
Due from approved reserve agents....................
Checks and other cash item s..............................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks...........................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents..

45,377 96
203, 670 82
101,716 57
240,965 25

50,032 64
168, 667 34
151, 939 29
225,112 36

49,693 13
248, 895 93
252, 500 45
159,599 12

47,935 23
185,222 77
168, 880 21
187, 494 28

7,865 36
8,349 99
5. 000 00
796 21

7, 502 02
9, 638 36
15, 000 00
270 41

7,719 03
20,102 82
28,000 00
297 19

6,084 11
61,684 51
18, 000 00
343 99

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund.....................................................

133,998 00
7,000 00

137.062 00
18, 000 00

161,586 80
32,000 00

167,561 00
21,000 00

4, 500 00

4, 500 00

4, 500 00

4, 500 00

1,100 00

6, 000 00

T otals.................................................................. $3,536, 808 48 $3,478,025 86 $3,782,217 14 $3,880,062 27
Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid
National bank notes outstanding........................
Due to other national banks................................

$800, 000 00
160, 000 00
52.241 67
88,240 00
97, 346 31

$800, 000 00
160, 000 00
44,339 11
89, 260 00
100, 512 31

Due to State banks and bankers........................
380, 335 70
Dividends unpaid.....................................................
1,290 00
Individual deposits subject to check.................
689,354 48
Demand certificates of deposit........................... 1, 266,400 32

344,433 49
24, 540 00
563, 952 48
1, 350, 123 47

Time certificates of deposit.................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
United States deposits..........................................

1, 600 00

865 00

$800,000 00
160, 000 00
64,263 59
87,740 00
118,295 07
434, 588
1, 392, 692

$800, 000 00
160, 000 00
90, 897 49
87. 980 00
110,523 86


443, 777 49
387 00
758, 900 94
1,426, 673 37

1, 365 00
12 00

922 12

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above sta te d ........
T otals.................................................................. $3, 536, 808 48 $3, 478,025 86 $3,782,217 14 $3, 880,062 27
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 2143.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , O F H A N C O C K , H A N C O C K .
S a m u e l B . H a r r i s , P r e s id e n t; A r c h i b a l d J. S c o t t , Vice P r e s id e n t; W i l l i a m C o n d o n , C a sh ie r;
M i c h a e l M . S h e a , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.
D i r e c t o r s —Samuel

B. Harris, Geo. S. North, Michael Finn, Archibald J. Scott, Thomas B. Dunstan,
William H. Roberts, Adolph Ruhl.
Report of
Dec. 2.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
TT ft Ronds to secure circulation........................
IT S bonds t-Osecure TT. ft. deposits..............

$548,159 31
13, 439 31
50,000 00

$581,965 04
969 25
50, 000 00

$607,892 38
1,072 60
50, 000 00

$611,651 43
548 64
50, 000 00

fttoeks, securities, e t c ...........................................
Ranking house, furniture and fixtures..................

5,000 00
4,062 50
24,618 95

5,000 00
3,862 50
24, 618 95

5,000 00
3,862 50
24,618 95

5,000 00
3,862 50
25,197 66

Other real estate and mortgages owned
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Rue from fttate banks and bankers......................
Rue from approved reserve agents......................

16, 393 74
68,368 15
125, 544 60

8, 500 00
8, 614 60
24,222 21
130,646 67

3,794 78
30,693 38
124,843 51

15, 513 07
26, 255 48
93,007 11

Checks and other cash items.................................
Exchanges for clearing house ...........................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

1,002 07

2, 856 21

1,191 91

2,482 07

2,750 00
440 18

8,940 00
275 78

8,420 00
287 05

16, 950 00
1,100 08

Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
circulation)................................ ..........................
Due from TJ. S. treasurer, other than 5 % rederuption fund

42,773 10
34,100 00

39,346 15
48,330 00

56, 208 95
25, 400 00

78,835 70
26,256 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

T otals.................................................................

$938, 901 91

$940,397 36

$945, 536 01

$958,909 74

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund..............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Rue to other National banks..................................

$200,000 00

40, 000 00
10,482 42
41, 980 00
1, 970 42

$200,000 00
40,000 00
9,929 90
42,790 00
6,921 44

$200, 000 00
40, 000 00
12,266 36
41,020 00
2, 544 39

$200,000 00
40,000 00
18,088 18
43,080 00
4,277 54

Rue to State banks and bankers...........................
Rividends unpaid.....................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Rema.nd certificates of deposit.............................

11,006 59
770 00
603,896 51
28,056 14

76 50
395 00
612,200 62
27,531 90

360. 00
616,707 74
31, 637 52

4,878 78
360 00
6C6, 309 70
41,915 54

mime certificates Of deposit...................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding.................................
United Sta tes d ep osits..........................................

739 83

552 00

1,000 00

$938, 901 91

$940,397 36

$945,536 01

IT S bonds on band
"Premiums on TT. S. bonds........................................


Reposits o f TT R. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted
Pills payable.............................................................
Liabilities of-her than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$958,909 74





No. 1745.
H A S T IN G S N A T IO N A L B A N K , H A S T IN G S .
J. T.

L o m b a r d , P r e s id e n t; J. F. G o o d y e a r , Vice P r e s id e n t;
H a r r y G. H a y e s , A s s is ta n t C ashier.

D i r e c t o r s . —F.

W. D.

H a y e s , C a sh ie r;

D. Pratt, W. D. Hayes. J. F. Goodyear, John T. Lombard, Clement Smith,
R. K. Grant, W. H. Chase.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
XJ. S. bonds to secure circulation........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.....................
Premiums on U. S. bonds.......................................

$200, 549 45
2. 999 62
25, 000 00

$197,335 82
246 14
25,000 00

$200.058 53
1,138 58
25, 000 00

2, 500 00

2,500 00

2, 500 00

2,500 00

Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents) ..
Due from State banks and bankers......................

14, 975 47
14,500 00
550 00
15 43

14,675 47
14, 500 00
550 00

12, 675 47
14, 500 00
550 00

12,825 47
14, 500 00
550 00

Due from approved reserve agents......................
Cheeks and other cash item s................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

12,271 62
805 77

28,648 47
2,326 97

19,249 46
1,490 24

19,966 44
2,551 46

30Ò 00
79 00

500 00
105 13

797 00
90 45

350 00
47 74

Legal tender n otes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer ( 5 f 0 of
circulation)...... •...................................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than redemp­
tion fund................................................................

6, 500 95
2, 014 00

4,911 55
6,377 00

5, 347 65
5, C00 00

7,107 35
3,417 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

$284,186 31

$298,801 55

$289,522 38

$322, 854 27

Capital stock paid in ...............................................
Surplus fund........................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks__ 7..........................

$100.000 00
10, 000 00
840 98
22, 500 00
748 72

$100, 000 00
10. 000 00
561 16
22, 500 00
674 85

$100,000 00
10,000 00
1,038 44
22,500 00
3, 702 56

$100,000 OO
10.000 00
4,714 69
22,500 00
2, 317 75

Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid.............................................
Individual deposits subject to ch eck ...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

45,295 79
104, 800 82

48,814 67
108, 750 87

42, 642 40
109,638 98

40, 900 15
124,277 07



Report of
Dec. 2.
$230.560 02
2, 353 79
25,000 00


Time certificates of deposit...................................
Certified checks....................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits..........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted ................................
Bills payable................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated............
T otals..........................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

7,500 00 -

$284, 186 31

$298,801 55

18,144 61

$289,522 38

$322,854 27







No. 168.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , H IL L S D A L E .
F. M.

S t e w a u t , P r e s id e n t;

D i r e c t o r s .— H.

C. H.

W i n c h e s t e r , Vice P r e s id e n t;
W m . P r i d e a u t , A s s is ta n t C ashier.

C. F.

S t e w a r t , C ashier;-

B. Waldron, C. H. Winchester, C. E. Lawrence, W. A. Waldron, F. M. Stewart,
H. P. Mead.
Report of
Dec. 2.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts...... ................. .....................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
TJ. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................

$336,768 97
7,799 41
13, 750 00

$399, 559 70
7, 910 20
13,750 00

$415,074 29
6, 486,96
13, 750 00

U. S. bonds on hand................................................

10,500 00

10,500 00

10, 500 00

10, 500 00
96, 862 36
5,500 00


$398,844 3T
9,120 50i
13,750 00

Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures................

57,100 00
5,500 00

85,230 00
5,500 00

86,730 00
5,500 00

Other real estate and mortgages ow ned...........
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..

4,130 00
26,901 41
911 68
97, 295 70

3,555 00
3, 272 69
70,751 07

3, 555 00
9, 677 51
1,636 87
36,461 76

34, 323 94
4,001 51
6,110 00
85 30
38, 495 00

Due from approved reserve agents......................

3, 530 OO
7,401 74

Checks and other cash items..............................

4,519 12

6, 028 46

3, 666 70

Notes of other National banks............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts..

8,110 00
69 01

4, 980 00

5,320 00
67 73

............................................... ..........
Legal tender n o tes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer ( h% of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than h% redemp-

40,476 00
5,165 00

32, 828 75
3, 867 00

38,125 00
7, 478 00

618 75

618 75


618 75-

$619, 615 05

$648, 405 95

$644, 648 57

$637,659 47T

$55,000 00
30, 000 00
20,916 75
11,375 00

$55,000 00
30,000 00
25, 045 93
10,595 00



8, 516 OO

Capital stock paid in...............................................
Surplus fvinil ........................................................
Uudivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding.........................



$55,000 OO
30,000 00
23,152 75
12, 375 00
512 47

Due to State banks and bankers........................

736 18

6, 816 70

523 02

5,004 48-

Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

143,235 29
358,351 83

116,371 88
404, 576 44

116,524 46
411,508 45

96,277 40
415, 337 37

$619, 615 05

$648, 405 95

$644, 648 57

$637, 659 47


Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 3334.
T H E N A T IO N A L B A N K O F H O U G H T O N , H O U G H T O N .
Z. W . W r i g h t , P r e s id e n t; J a m e s H . S e a g e r , Vice P r e s id e n t; J . H . R i c e , C a sh ier;
J . L. R e e s , A s s is ta n t C a sh ie r . .
D i r e c t o r s .— R.

R. Goodell, James H. Seager, Z. W. Wright, W. E. Parnall, T. L. Chadbourne,
James B. Cooper, F. McM. Stanton.

Loans and discounts.............................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.
U. S. bonds to secure circulation—
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

$858,192 29 $1,022,864 46
2, 634 42
2,745 31
50, 000 00
50, 000 00

Report of
Sept. 7.
$979,467 96
3,506 65
80, 000 00

$967, 325 60
1,211 13
80, 000 00

30,900 00
4,560 00
63,738 82
44, 304 54

30,900 00
4,560 00
83,755 48
44,304 54

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

11,500 00
6,268 12
58,706 79
.711,799 01

11,500 00
8,042 26
45,176 09
674,337 98

Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

1,095 78

1,178 97

2,709 77

1, 433 51

34,275 00
259 83

16,125 00
699 78

17,775 00
600 64

252 56

80,534 30
113, 320 00

101. 626 80
89,015 00

135,475 50
102,421 00

110,076 30
109,058 00

2, 250 00

2, 250 00

3,600 00

3, 600 00

U. S. bonds on hand.............................
Premiums on U. S. bonds...................
Stocks, securities, e tc .........................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures

Regal tender notes.................................... .'............
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
circulation)............................................... ............
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund.......................................................

900 00
4, 560 00
80, 975 00
44, 304 54

Report of
Dec. 2.



900 00
4,560 00
121, 975 00
45, 114 54


$2, 074,449 79 $2,188, 970 78 $2,312,093 63 $2,294,255 16

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund..........................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks.................................

$150,000 00
75,000 00
45,594 64
34, 210 00
20,287 61

$150,000 00
75,000 00
55, 546 95
42,840 00
4,124 95

$150,000 00
75,000 00
63, 901 78
71,950 00
3,211 73

6,411 70
7,093 47
Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
400 00
7, 500 00
Individual deposits subject to check........... ........ 1, 691.081 63 1,797,868 75
46, 984 21
Demand certificates of deposit.............................
48, 596 66

1, 900,050 17
42, 293 23

Time certificates of deposit...
Certified checks.....................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits..........

4,480 00

5,486 72
200 00

400 00

$150,000 00
75.000 00
73,534 53
72.000 00
14,446 98
1,127 89
10 00

1,866,757 96
41,248 80
129 00

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers...........
Notes and bills rediscounted........................
Bills payable....................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$2,074, 449 79

, 188, 970 78 $2,312,093 63

2,294,255 16






No. 3806.
W . S . L a i n g , P r e s id e n t; E . F . B r o w n , Vice P r e s id e n t; C h a r l e s E w i n g , C a sh ier.
D i r e c t o r s .— W.


S. Laing, J. D. Cameron, Samuel Perkins, W H. Scandling, E. F. Brown, Alfred Cruse,
H. Cundy, Sr., F. A. Janson, Wm. Bigelow, I. K. Hamilton, F. P. Judson, Amos Shepherd.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, seen red and nnseenred.....................
TT. S. bonds to secure circulation........................
TT. S bonds to secure TT. S. deposits...................

$206,057 45

$247,799 52

$232,060, 35

$258,831 11

15,000 00

15,000 00

15, 000 00

15, 000 00

Premiums on TT. S. bonds........................................
Stocks securities, etc.............................................
"Ranking1bouse, furniture and fixtures..................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............

3. 000 00
4,370 10
10,000 00
18,322 95

3,000 00
3,600 00
10,000 00
18,322 95

3,000 00
6, 860 00
10,000 00
18, 322 95

4,000 00
4, 395 00
10,000 00
18,222 95

Due from National hanks (not reserve agents)..
Due from Sr,ate banks and bankers......................
Dnft from approved reserve agents......................
Ohecks and other cash item s...............................

3,316 21
92 58
37, 210 88
592 73

14 53
12 27
20, 664 00
418 35

1 50
748 01
26,170 46
554. 80

63 70
45 75
23, 838 41
509 51

"Exchanges for clearing house..............................
"Motes of other National banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

2,800 00
81 88
13,598 25

1,740 00
117 79
11,888 45

1,570 00
169 72
12,188 40

1,750 00
250 41
12,250 55

Regal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund.......................................................

16,430 00

13, 500 00

10,500 00

12,700 00

675 00

675 00

675 00

675 00

T otals..................................................................

$331,548 03

$346,752 86

$337,821 19

$362,532 39

$50,000 00
12,000 00
4, 093 43
13,500 00

$50,000 00
10,000 00
2,492 59
13, 500 00
1, 929 28

$50. 000 00
10. 000 00
4,041 15
13,500 00
2,842 34

$50,000 00
10,000 00
4,239 91
12,840 00
2, 988 91

237,089 83
19,958 47

3, 474 45
132 00
257,646 17
20,152 46

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks.................................
Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

906 71,

85 32

233,457 11
17,590 78

246, 570 24
22,152 08

Time certificates of deposit...................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
Reserved for ta x e s..................................................

23 35

80 90
308 50

1,058 50

$337,821 19

$362, 532 39

Deposits of TT. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
Rills payable ...........................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$331,548 03

$346, 752 86





No. 3971.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , IR O N W O O D .
E . D . N e l s o n , P r e s id e n t; F . F e h r , Vice P r e s id e n t; H . F . J a h n , C a sh ie r ;
E . T. L a r s o n , A s s is ta tit C ashier.
D i r e c t o r s . —E . D .

Nelson, Fred Fehr,



F. Jahn,

J. A .

Report of
Feb. 4.

Tederstrom, George Beck.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts..............................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured......................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation........................
TT. ft. bonds to secure TT. ft. deposits...................

$96,635 74
16,381 22
12,500 00

$109,391 54
3, 004 34
12. 500 i»0

$118,196 45
3, 250 42
12,500 00

$144,128 34
5, 783 97
12,500 00

U. S. bonds on hand...................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, e tc ............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................

1,000 00
29, 000 00
4,000 00

1.000 00
84.458 00
4, 000 00

1, 000 00
84,458 00
4,000 00

1,000 00
84,458 00
4, 000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due f r o m national banks (not reserve agents) ...
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents.....................

994 23

669 88

3,117 74
48,240 83

768 58
38, 963 44

486 13
10,059 46

34,575 69

Checks and other cash item s................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

16,835 92

7,712 29

3, 785 80

1,114 00

19,681 00
100 67

13, 200 00
93 45

20,585 00
56 15

109 53

Legal tender notes............................... ................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%redemp­
tion fund.................................................................

2,700 00

8,945 00

8,670 00

11,800 00

562 50

562 50

562 50

562 50

$252,194 09

$284,599 14

$268,604 14

$300,701 91

$50, 000 00
5. 500 00
738 53
11,250 00

$50,000 00
5,500 00
2,172 35
11,250 00

$50,000 00
5, 500 00
1,346 46
12,773 33

$50,000 00
5, 500 00
629 40
11,250 00

99,126 15
85,579 41

95, 735 86
119, 940 93

74,984 85
123, 999 50

97. 266 49
136, 056 02

$252,194 09

$284,599 14

$268, 604 14

$300,701 91

T otals..................................................................

1, 438 47

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid.....................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................
Time certificates of deposit.................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted...... ...........................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 3095.
1 S H P E M IN G N A T IO N A L B A N K , IS H P E M IN G .
C. H.

H a l l , P r e s id e n t;

D i r e c t o r s .— A.

A. B.

M i n e r , C a sh ie r;

C. H. Moss,

A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.

B. Miner, C. H. Hall, John McEncroe, Donald McVichie, M. M. Duncan,
James Clancey, C. H. Moss.

Loans and discounts............................
■Overdrafts, secured and unsecured .
U. S. bonds to secure circulation—
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

1, 481

$446, 984 46
1,978 54
12,500 00
50, 000 00

$448,825 70
1,691 05
12,500 (¡0
50,000 00


Report of
Dec. 2.
$451,267 80
1, 232 26
12.500 00
50, 000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.............................
Premiums on U. S. bonds....................
Stocks, securities, ere...................
Banking house furniture and fixtures

13,028 10
28, 000 00

6,000 00

5,000 00
13, 572 60
28, 000 00

5,000 00
13. 391 34
28, 000 00

5,000 00
14,104 94
28,000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned...........
Due from National banks (not reserve agents).
Due from State banks and bankers.....................
Due from approved reserve agents.....................

4, 042 30
8, 579 32
34,241 47

6,505 56
7,549 53
63,722 05

2,603 60
7, 890 04
57, 490 14

7,909 90
11,935 19
83, 677 42

■Checks and other cash item s................................
Exchanges for clearing house...............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents ...

1,167 70

1,632 07

975 34

3. 592 44

4.000 00
116 34

2, 400 00
69 21

5, 300 00
99 55

4, 000 00
165 22

57,996 00
12, 000 00

53, 318 00
9,000 00

67, 028 00
25, 000 00

72, 206 00
9, 000 00

562 50

562 50

562 50

562 50

$828,878 93

$702,794 52

$726, 357 26

755,153 67

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................

$50, 000 00
50,000 00
1,778 16
10,190 00

$50,000 00
50, 000 00

$50,000 00
50, 000 00
3,428 18
11,130 00
355 44

$50, 000 00
50,000 00
8, 863 00
11,070 00

Due to State banks and bankers........
Dividends unpaid..................................
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit........

58.528 91
125 00
599,086 87
9,169 99

33,822 76
5. 000 00
493,016 24
9, 825 52

7, 198 82

7, 430 82

543,548 88
10,695 94

569, 878 64
7,911 21

49,965 70

49,381 41

49, 389 33

34 30

618 59

610 67

49,172 23
827 77

$828,878 93

$702,794 52

$726,357 26

$755,153 67

Specie.................................................. ..................
Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5%redemption fund ,


Time certificates of deposit.
Certified check s.....................
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits..........
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers........
Notes and bills rediscounted.....................
Bills payable ..................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

11,130 00





No. 1533.
P E O P L E ’S N A T IO N A L B A N K , JA C K SO N ..
W . R . R e y n o l d s , P r e s id e n t; B . M . D e L a m a t e r , V ice P r e s id e n t; F . H . H E L M E R , C a sh ier;
G . V . D e a r i n g , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier; J o h n O ’B r i e n , M a n a g e r,
D i r e c t o r s .— F . H .



R. Reynolds, B. M . DeLamater, John O’Brien,
E. W. Barber.

E. B.



Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits.....................

$360,756 20
2,900 34
25,000 00

$397,804 78
6,983 62
25,000 00

$407.576 61
5,085 44
25,000 00

$425,894 79
7,284 61
25,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, e tc .............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................

25,000 00

25,000 00

38, 746 36
2,375 00

40,596 36
2,375 00

47,596 36
2,000 00

47,596 36
2,000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

16, 351 94

16,387 17
902 93

16,973 82
5,156 00

16, 892 67
7,391 47


46,789 10

22,987 11

25,193 4©

Checks and other cash items.................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

257 44
2,068 37
6, 300 00
68 62

965 37
2,371 25
6, 220 00
139 97

3 90
1,555 07
2,205 00
207 67

252 62
2,921 35
6,050 00*
185 48

Legal tender n o tes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer other than b% redemp­
tion fund................................................................

40, 058 95
13, 634 00

36, 558 80
11,600 00

31,627 10
12,220 00

24,248 55
17, 052 00.

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

$651,952 00

$620,819 35

$581,319 08

$609, 088 3©

$100,000 00
20,188 20
7,766 29
22, 500 00

$100,000 00
20,188 20
15,890 79
22, 500 00

$100, 000


$100, 000 00
20,188 20'
11,637 64
22,500 00

247,710 00
253,582 51

198,595 72
263, 644 64

172,744 57
254, 536 38

173, 526 08
280,736 44

T otals..................................................................

Report of
Dec. 2.

700 00

Capital stack paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................
Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid.......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................
Time certificates of deposit...................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................

205 00

500 00.

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted..................................
Bills pavable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals..................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$651, 952 00

$620,819 35

$581,319 08

$609,088 36.






No. 191.
T H E F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , K A L A M A Z O O .
L . M . G a t e s , P r e s id e n t;
D i r e c t o r s .— J.


W . O s b o r n , Vice P r e s id e n t; F . N . R o w l e y , C a sh ier.

W. Osborn, J. A. Pitkin, F. N. Rowley, L. M. Gates, William Dunkin, Homer Manvel,.
F. M. Clark.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sepjt. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation........................
U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$337,320 97
1.871 40
35,000 00

$350,423 57
2,254 40
35, 000 00

$368, 323 67
828 26
35, 000 00

$444, 373 97
642 38
35, 000 09

U. S. bonds on hand...............................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................

42, 920 00
•5, 397 50
101, 300 19
19,000 00

42, 920 00
5, 397 50
101,300 19
19, 000 00

42,920 00
5,397 50
101,300 19
IP, 000 00

17, 920 09
3,241 25
101,300 19
19, 000 CO-

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from state banks and bankers.......................
Due from approved reserve agents.....................

32,852 53

47,852 53

46, 953 98

46, 503 98-

8,641 20
167, 772 57

1,056 74
125, 940 26

2.250 50
186, 358 56

2,606 90
121,255 55

Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents....

2,827 26

2,465 02

3, 382 29

3, 214 24

755 00
657 08

1,430 00
517 83

1, 310 00
193, 49

1,560 00
711 78

Legal tender notes...................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from XL S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund........................................................

19,126 50
32,597 00

18,004 00
32, 873 00

17, 899 00
29, 076 00

21,378 00
37, 644 00

1, 575 00

1,575 00

1, 575 00

1,575 OO

T otals..................................................................

$809,614 20

$788, 010 04

$861, 768 44

$857, 927 24

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund..............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding.........................
Due to other National banks..................................

$100, 000 00
100.000 00
12,915 22
31,500 00

$100. 000 00
100, 000 00
9,720 80
31,500 00

$100,000 00
100,000 00
11,507 57
31,500 00

$100, 000 09
100,000 00
10, 217 33
31,500 00<

Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

606 00
169, 579 84
395,013 14

3, 312 00
156, 796 93
386,680 31

660 i 0
232,481 29
385,619, 58

1,952 OO
203,074 14
411,183 77

$809, 614 20

$788, 010 04


$857,927 241

Report of
Dec. 2.


Time certificates of deposit..................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposit.............................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted..................................
Bills payable..............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 3210.
C IT Y N A T IO N A L B A N K , K A L A M A Z O O .
E . C . D a y t o n , P r e s id e n t; C . A . P e c k , Vice P r e s id e n t; W . R . B e e b e , C a sh ier.
D i r e c t o r s .— O.

M. Allen, W. S. Dewing, D. Boudeman, E. C. Dayton, C. A. Peck, H. B. Hoyt,
Dr. J. M. Snook, G. L. Gilkey, Dr. O. A. LaCrowe.
Report of
Feb. 4.


Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Loans and discounts...............................................
Overdrafts secured and unsecured......................
XJ S bonds to sfto.nrft circulation.........................
TT G Vmnrlc tr» cnmi-pe TT ft iif»rw~iQitQ
XT S bonds on hand................................................

$474,546 07
4, 479 23
52,000 00

$573,153 08
4, 407 55
52,000 00

$545, 589 64
4,624 72
52,000 00

$566,621 84
1,951 90
52,000 00

5,500 00

5, 500 00

5,500 00

5, 500 00

Premiums on TT. S. bonds......................................
Stocks securities e tc ...........................................
Banking house furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from ^National banks (not reserve agents)

8, 975 50
7,148 21
4,777 50
1,220 74

8, 975 50
13,260 71
4,777 50
1, 220 74

8,975 50
13, 260 71
4, 777 50
1,220 74

8,975 50
13,500 00
4,777 50
1,220 74

Due from approved reserve agents.....................
■Checks find other eash item s,..............................

175, 404 78
5,260 34

70,574 02
11,358 04

144,009 64
5,351 10

151, 997 93
12,279 23

'Notes of other National banks.............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

2,143 00
192 97

1, 882 00
167 93

1, 789 00
151 15

2, 672 00
125 01

Specie...................................... ..............................
Legal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with IT. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from TJ. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re-

22,734 00
27, 500 00

24, 236 65
37,000 00

20, 835 66
28,500 00

24,866 66
30,250 00

2, 340 00

2, 340 00

2, 340 00

2, 340 00


$794,222 34

$810,853 72

$838,925 36

$879,078 31

Capital stock paid in...............................................
•Surplus fund ...........................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National hank notes outstanding..........................
Due to other National banks..................................

$125,000 00
62, 500 00
11,743 35
27,860 00
2,524 46

$100. 000 00
62,500 00
17, 018 72
28, 800 00
1,115 91

$100,000 00
62, 500 00
15,966 17
28,800 00
266 18

$100, 000 00
62,500 00
19,544 30
28, 800 00
1, 967 98

Due to State banks and bankers ..
Dividends unpaid ..................................................
Individual deposits subject to cheek...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

400 00
195,610 87
368,583 66

173, 904 65
427,514 44

520 00
188,463 98
417,409 03

200 00
197, 831 30
443,234 73

25,000 00

25, 000 00

$838,925 36

$879,078 31


Certified checks
United States deposits


Deposits of XT S> disbursing officers
^j"r»tes and bills rediscounted
Bills payable
Liabilities other than those above stated.......,
T otals................................ ...............................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$794,222 34

$810,853 72






No. 3211.
K A L A M A Z O O N A T IO N A L B A N K , K A L A M A Z O O .
E. J. P helps,

P r e s id e n t;

M. J. Bigelow,

Vice P r e s id e n t;

E. P. S umption,

C a sh ier.

D irectors. — Melville J. Bigelow, Bernhard L Desenberg. John Den Bleyker, Elbert S. Roos,
Albert S. White, J. Wilfred Thompson, Edwin J. Phelps, Horace Prentice, H. H. Everhard,
M. D. Woodford, H. B. Osborne.
Report of
Dec. 2.

Report of
Peb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

TAians and discounts...............................................
Overdrafts sftp.nrftd and unsecured.....................
XT S bonds to secure circulation.........................

$467,974 61
2, 029 90
50,000 00

$555,688 13
4,614 01
50,000 00

$564,162 85
4,661 29
50, 000 00

XT S bonds on hand................................................
"Premiums on TT. S. bonds........................................
Stocks securities, e tc ...........................................
Banking house furniture and fixtures.................

300 00
2,000 00
7,812 00
2, 000 00

300 00
2,000 00
7, 563 00
2, 000 00

1.750 00
7, 563 00
1.750 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

17,757 62
16,260 69
20, 083 29
117,842 39

19,810 72
16, 543 49
99, 374 09

19,795 61
13,706 31
8,413 19
131,625 54

19.827 59
12. 195 42
12,251 92
74, 489 29

•Hhecks and other cash items................................

6,142 03

3,376 81

2, 881 75

6,518 49

Notes of other Na.tional banks..............................
Er actional paper currency, nickels and cents...

1,481 00
194 60

2, 394 00
183 10

1,608 00
265 73

1. 894 00
468 40

Specie,, .....................................................................
J,epal tender notes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund

30,310 10
39,500 00

29, 003 25
37, 675 00

25, 988 79
37, 950 00

29, 208 40
38, 300 00

2,250 00

2, 250 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00


$623,269 58
3.267 62
50 000 00


900 00

840 00
$784, 778 23

$842,046 25

$874,672 06

$886,203 71

Capital stock paid in................................................ . $150, 000 00
50,000 00
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
45, 000 00
National bank notes outstanding.........................

$150,000 00
50, 000 00
20,428 07
45, 000 00

$150, 000 00
50, 000 00
14,965 25
45,000 00

$150. 000 00
50, 000 00
19.447 78
45, 000 00

7,717 72
415 00
129, 443 68
388,261 27

7,173 06
40 00
148,.090 39
421,314 73

16,125 73
500 00
157, 005 63
441,075 45

11,079 65
90 00
146,875 35
463, 710 93

$842,046 25

$874,672 06

$886, 203 71


Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................


Totals t..............................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


$784,778 23





No. 1359.
M IC H IG A N N A T IO N A L B A N K , K A L A M A Z O O .
J. W . T
D ir

e c t o r s .—

ay lo r


P r e s id e n t; E . W

H. Bishop, W.


oo dbury


Vice P r e s id e n t; A



e n r y


C ashier.

Pattison, E. Woodbury, A. M. Stearns, I. A. Ransom, J. W. Taylor,
Jacob K. Wagner.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured......................
H. S. bonds to secure circulation..........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$500, 049 52
2,719 71
50, 000 00

$524,917 75
3, 567 37
50, 000 00

$517,958 69
4,369 06
50, 000 00

$588,107 75
3,423 95
50, 000 00
12, 350 00

U. S. bonds on hand.................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds.......................................
Stocks, securities, e t c ...........................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

Report of
Dec. 2.

12,350 00

12,350 00

12, 350 00

33,200 00
16,000 00

53. 000 00
16,000 00

53, 000 00
16.000 00

16, 000 00

11,606 54
6,542 78

11,432 34
23,388 11

11,483 84
10, 070 91

11,368 84
43,076 40

84,404 14

88, 474 43

69, 948 99

183,102 30

Checks and other cash items.................................
Exchanges for clearing house...............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

2,988 88

27,971 54

4,541 43

5, 757 68

3, 099 00
157 16

5, 666 00
81 75

3,711 00
135 00

2,603 00
145 99

Legal tender notes..............................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5% of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund.......................................................

58,553 65
8,981 00

55, 869 50
9,391 00

11,700 00

10,157 00

2, 250 00

2. 250 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00

600 00

1, 000 00

1, 000 00

T otals..................................................................

$793, 502 38

$885,359 79


$100, 000 00
100.000 00
16, 999 90
45, 000 00

$100,000 00
100,000 00
12,268 78
45, 000 00

$100, 000 00
16)516 11
45, 000 00

100,000 00
11,792 25
45, 000 00

1,002 00
154,582 93
375, 917 55

1, 056 00
204, 684 03
422, 350 98

636 00
150,192 69
411,056 87

4,878 00
330,945 42
445,741 99

$793, 502 38

$885, 359 79

Capital stock paid in........................................
Surplus fund...........................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding........................
Due to other National banks.................................
Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check ...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................
Time certificates of deposit.................................
Certified checks........................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U . S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
B i l l s payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$1, 038, 357 66






No. 3948.
J o s e p h B o s c h , P r e s id e n t; C h a s . S m i t h , Vice P r e s id e n t: J n o . E . J o n e s , C a sh ie r ;
R . T . B e n n a l l a c j k , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.
D i r e c t o r s . —J.

Bosch, Charles Smith, E. L. Wright, F. E. Fletcher, J. E. Jones, Fred Smith,
John Daniell.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

IT. S. bonds to secure circulation___

$468,532 83
1,200 56
50, 000 00

$488,264 17
524 05
50, 000 00

$503, 959 48
1,003 01
50, 000 00

$529, 373 99
669 45
50,000 00

U. S. bonds on hand.............................
Premiums on U. S. bonds....................
Stocks, securities, e tc ........................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures

2.500 00
54, 844 74
12, 025 75

2, 500 00
45, 596 78
12,400 75

2,500 00
36,356 78
12, 398 75

2,500 00
36, 356 78
12, 398 75

Other real estate and mortgages owned............
Due from national banks (not reserve agents)...
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

2, 653 24
1,663 34
44,702 03
92. 236 79

7,289 80
10,953 69
49,363 66

12.148 07
4,404 10
83. 260 07

499 31
1,214 86
27,021 61

Checks and other cash items..
Exchanges for clearing house.
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

1, 313 95

4,251 59

2,246 25

2,255 00
295 58

3, 910 00
377 83

2,540 00
197 91

5,215 00
263 25

52,102 05
35,730 00

56,167 75
30,150 00

59,175 40
27, 570 00

64,304 95
39,810 00

2,250 00

2,250 00

2, 250 00

2,250 00

$824, 324 14

$761,062 43

$802, 015 16

$774,124 20

$100, 000 00
50, 000 00
6,711 04
20, 640 00

$100, 000 00
50, 000 00
6, 773 51
45, 000 00
664 09

$100, 000 00
50,000 00
10,811 18
45,000 00
6.220 55

$100,000 00

14,439 90

720 14
5,000 00
550,144 11

7,112 37

4,874 82

Loans and discounts........................... .
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.

U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits

Legal tender notes.................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re­
demption fund........................................................

Report of
Dec. 2.

Capital stock paid in........................... ............... .
Surplus fund..........................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid
National bank notes outstanding........................
Due to other National banks................................
Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................
Time certificates of deposit.
Certified checks..................... .
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits..........

631,850 12
422 50

50, 000 00
18,011 23
45, 000 00
10, 649 87

580,100 48....... 542,827 70
10 00


260 58

2, 760 58

2,760 58

2,760 58

$824,324 14

$761, 062 43

,015 16

$774,124 20

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.........
Notes and bills rediscounted.....................
Bills payable..................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 3513.
C IT Y N A T IO N A L B A N K , L A N S IN G .

W . S p a r r o w , P r e s id e n t;

F. J.

D i r e c t o r s . —E.

E. F.

C o o l e y , Vice P r e s id e n t;
H o p k i n s , A s s is ta n t C ashier.

B. F.

D a v i s , C a sh ier;

W. Sparrow, E. F. Cooley, F. Shubel, A. A. Nichols, B. F. Davis, Jacob Stahl,
F. A. Hooker.
Report of
Feb. 4.

Loans and discounts........................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
TJ S Bonds to secure circulation........................

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Report of
Dec. 2.

$328, 654 06 • $313,917 77
627 95
96 10
100,000 00
100,000 00

$327,811 09
54 91
100,000 00

$422, 953 72

2.700 00
7.701 50
63,211 57
39,500 00

2.700 00
7, 701 50
62, 032 77
39,500 00

2.700 00
7.701 50
62,032 77
39,500 00

100,000 00

bnnds on ha,nd .............................................
"Premiums nn TT S bonds...............,, t , t .....................
{^‘konh's securities. etc ........................................
Banking house furniture a.nd fixtures....................

1,000 00
8, 040 00
51,695 00
42, 000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned .............
J_/U.fcl from
llU ill NTntioriiil
1> diulUIlcll bdnlrc;
Udlllvs /’not
\llUl rpcprvP
ic o c i vc a.S’ftntst
wgLu uoy . .
Due from State "banks a.nd ba,nkers......................
Due from approved reserve agents ........................

19,575 15

19,575 15

19,575 15

10,138 33
187,880 37

11,475 33
252,202 73

6, 594 72
271,582 52

19,575 15
54, 427 90
8,669 35
94,533 89

Cheeks and other cash items.................................

2,429 46

2, 635 26

3,104 67

4, 851 72

Notes of r»ther Nation a,1 banks...................................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts. ..

8,160 00
376 98

5,776 00
659 71

8, 660 00
598 85

6,048 00
313 55

Legal tender notes................ ......................................
Redemption fund with H. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from TJ. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re-

35,119 90
10, 000 00

37,579 35
6, 000 00

38,147 70
5, 000 00

32,052 00
10, 000 00

4, 500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4, 500 00

Totals ............................................................................

$809, 665 35

$868,062 32

$897, 563 88

$869,859 55

Capital Stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund ...........................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................

$100,000 00
25,000 00
18, 324 20
86,270 00

$100,000 00
25, 000 00
17,048 33
89, 970 00

$100,000 00
25, 000 00
19,641 33
87,170 00

$100,000 00
25, 000 00
23,414 43
86, 970 00

Due to State banks and bankers
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

360 00
357,279 12
222,424 27

4,340 00
365, 340 81
266,363 18

340 00
385,777 62
279,134 93

300 00
356, 277 95
277, 897 17


Certified checks
Cashier’s checks outstanding


500 00

7 76

Notes and bills rediscounted

Totals , ................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$809, 665 35

$868, 062 32

$897,563 88

$869,859 55






No. 1731.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , L A P E E R .
H o r a c e D . R o o d , P r e s id e n t; E d m u n d B r o w n e l l , Vice P r e s id e n t;
J . R . J o h n s o n , A s s is ta n t C ashier.
D i r e c t o r s .— H.

K. White,

H . D.

C. G.

W h i t e , C a sh ie r;

Rood, S. R. White, Ripley White, C. G. White, E. Brownell,
G. W. Rood.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Leans a/nfl discounts................................................
Overdrafts secured arid unsecured......................
XT S bonds to secure circulation.........................
XJ S bonds to secure tt S deposits. ..

$338, 995 15
6. 004 28
25,500 00

$336,427 37
5, 786 37
25,500 00

$331, 953 93
4,580 66
25,500 00

$333,432 40
7, 795 71
25,500 00

500 00
3, 000 00

400 00
3,000 00

400 00
3, 000 00

400 00
3,000 00

other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)
g*ue from State banks and bankers ...........
Due from approved reserve agents......................

24,473 78

24, 473 78

24,473 78

23, 473 78

81,142 17

64. 972 86

38, 667 20

74, 309 03

Checks and other cash items.................................
Exchanges for clearing bouse ..........................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cen ts...

872 87

634 67

2,318 14

1,297 31

2, 670 00
154 68

2,000 00
160 02

1, 895 00
248 16

2,460 00
239 12

28, 500 00
2, 377 00

26,899 00
2, 000 00

21,100 00
2, 000 00

29,747 00

1,147 50

1,147 50

1,147 50

1,147 50

$515, 337 43

$493,401 57

$457, 284 37

$502,801 85

$75,000 00
25, 000 00
72,216 46
18, 687 50

$75, 000 00
25, 000 00
72,683 73
16, 547 50

$75,000 00
25, 000 00
69,611 46
15,397 50

$75, 000 00
25, 000 00
71,316 81
21,827 50

XJ S bonds on band
Premiums on XJ
brands --.....................................
Stocks securities, etc.............................................
Banking bouse furniture arid fixtures.................

Specie .....................................................................
Tjegal tender notes
, .........................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
e.irCU1ati on )............................................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % re-

T otals........................................... ......................

Report of
Dec. 2.


Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund..............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding..........................
other National banks.................................
Due to State banks q,rd bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid
...... -..............................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

17, 323 69

21,354 86

9, 033 00

18,139 49

110,742 88
196.366 90

96, 689 33
186,126 15

81,911 78
181,300 63

108,972 34
182,545 71
......... i

Time certificates of deposit ..............................
Certified checks
Cashier’s checks outstanding
United States deposits

. .. .

Deposits Of U S disbursing officers
Notes and bills rediscounted
Liabilities other than those a'hoye stated
Totals ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$515, 337 43

$493. 401 57

$457,284 37

$502,801 85





No. 2773.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , L U D IN G T O N .
G. N.

S t r a y , P r e s id e n t; A m o s B r e i n i g , Vice P r e s id e n t; W
A . D . W o o d w a r d , A s s is ta n t C a sh ier.

D i r e c t o r s .— Thomas

. L.

H a m m o n d , C a sh ie r;

R. Lyon, Amos Breinig, James E. Danaher, Marshall F. Butters, Frank Filer
George N. Stray, W. L. Hammond.

Loans and discounts................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured__
U. S. bonds to secure circulation......
TT. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits__
Premiums on U. S. bonds........

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

$348,117 69
17 41
25, 000 00

$436, 558 21
185 54
25,000 00

$452, 367 10
26 01
25,000 00

Report of
Dec. 2.
$398,327 14
63 62
25, 000 00

2, 000 00

2, 000 00

2,000 00

2, 000 00

Stocks, securities, e tc ...........................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures__
Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................

46,300 00
9, 000 00
5, 000 00
50 00
25, 964 82

44,300 00
9, 000 00
5, 000 00
362 50
607 76

50, 000 00
9. 000 00
5, 000 00

45, 600 00
9, 000 00
5, 000 00
450 00

Due from approved reserve agents......
Checks and other cash items.............
Exchanges for clearing house.................
Notes of other National banks................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents ...

192,748 53
542 06

129,861 56
1,033 89

118,582 88
1,145 07

126, 750 14
763 16

159 00
501 51

580 00
372 60

462 00
293 85

432 00
265 46

Legal tender notes.................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemp­
tion fund................................

27,762 00
9,100 00

39, 054 00
14,225 00

31. 940 00
10, 460 00

31, 226 00
10, 340 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

$693, 388 02

$709,266 06

$707,411 91

$656, 342 52

$100,000 00
20. 000 00
10,367 67
22,500 00

$100, 000 00
20,000 00
9, 173 64
22, 500 00

$100,000 00
20, 000 00
13,429 21
22, 500 00

$100,000 00
20,000 00
17, 042 47
22,500 00

50 00
204, 697 06
335,773 29

5, 000 00
185,463 21
367,129 21

212,369 67
339, 113 03

214,228 18
282,571 87

$693,388 02

$709,266 06

$707,411 91

$656, 342 52

Capital stock paid in ...............................
Surplus fund.............................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding...............
Due to other National banks...........................
Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid....................................
Individual deposits subject to check.............
Demand certificates of deposit......................

10 00

Time certificates of deposit..............
Cashier s checks outstanding......
United States deposits........................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers...........
Notes and bills rediscounted..
Liabilities other than those above stated
T otals..............................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis







No. 2539.
F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K , M A N IS T E E .
T. J.

R a m s d e l l , P r e s id e n t; J a s . D e m p s e y , Vice P r e s id e n t; G e o .

D i r e c t o r s . —T.


D u n h a m , C a sh ier.

J. Ramsdell, J. Dempsey, Wm. Wente, G. A. Dunham, James W. Dempsey,
Geo. A. Hart, Gus Kitzinger.


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts................................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.....................
IT. S. bonds to secure circulation.........................
TJ. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$351,401 24
13,975 19
25,000 00

$401,207 78
2,133 54
25,000 00

$357,829 78
2,298 60
25, 000 00

$392,342 99
4, 882 02
25,000 00

TT. ft. bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on TJ. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures.................

3, 000 00
241,190 15

2, 500 00
241,000 00

8,800 00
3, 578 00
241, 000 00

8,800 00
3,578 00
288,000 00

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers......................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

15, 910 98
888 66
36,619 32
546, 470 13

15,748 65
2,451 68
9, 359 28
115,321 55

15,642 58
1,929 21
23, 645 70
327,955 91

10,259 68
1,440 68
16, 982 60
241,630 35

Checks and other cash items.................................
"FiNrohangcs for clearing house................................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents__

2,047 19

1,418 17

1, 738 80

1,849 40

3, 848 00
1, 064 84

22, 830 00
306 32

12,130 00
1, 077 25

4,115 00
1,512 91

Legal tender notes.................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from TJ. S. treasurer, other than 5 % redemption fund.......................................................

60,474 50
70 00

47,576 50
288 00

47,631 25
4, 606 00

52, 226 75
5, 830 CO

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

Totals................................................................... $1,303,085 20

Report of
Dec. 2.

$888,266 47 $1,075, 988 03 $1, 059, 575 38

Capital stock paid in................................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid..
National bank notes outstanding.........................
Due to other National banks.................................

$100,000 00
50,000 00
11,562 10
22,500 00
3, 096 53

$100,000 00
50, 000 00
11,050 77
22,500 00
345 91

$100,000 00
50,000 00
9, 721 78
22, 500 00
2,867 43

$100,000 00
50,000 00
13,035 08
22,500 00
4 462 75

Due to State banks and bankers...........................
Dividends unpaid......................................................
Individual deposits subject to check...................
Demand certificates of deposit.............................

39,835 57
659,496 08
416, 326 85

28,417 30
5, 000 00
276,157 87
394,769 62

36,625 80
65 00
427, 608 92
426,499 15

426,353 78
422,403 02

25 00

100 00

Time certificates of deposit...................................
Certified checks........................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding..............................
United States deposits...........................................

268 07

20, 737 41

.83 34

Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted.................................
Bills payable...........................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
T otals.................................................................. $1,303, 085 20
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$888,266 47 $1,075, 988 08 $1, 059, 575 38





No. 2606.
T H E M A N IS T E E N A T IO N A L B A N K , M A N IS T E E .
D i r e c t o r s .— A.

S a n d s , P r e s id e n t;


V i n c e n t , Vice P r e s i d e n t ; G e o .

J. Dovel, Louis Sands, Frank Firzlaff, Geo. M. Burr,
R. G. Peters.



B u r r , C ashier.

O. Wheeler, Wm. Vincent,


Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Doans and discounts...............................................
Overdrafts, secured and unsecuured....................
U. S. bonds to secure circulation ........................
U. S. bonds to secure U. S. deposits...................

$426.663 19
1,396 75
56,500 00

$523, 499 01
2, 803 42
56,500 00

$475,148 85
7, 130 66
56. 500 00

$553, 627 57
2,291 23
56,500 00

U. S. bonds on hand................................................
Premiums on U. S. bonds........................................
Stocks, securities, etc.............................................
Banking house, furniture and fixtures................

52, 635 39

54, 635 39

79,235 39

81, 635 39

Other real estate and mortgages owned.............
Due from National banks (not reserve agents)..
Due from State banks and bankers....................
Due from approved reserve agents......................

77,023 36
3, 907 06
96, 296 06

34,144 20
2,849 51
63,373 29

75,029 91
18,032 80
145, 998 90

104, 893 31
8,505 42
137, 338 98

Checks and other cash items................................
Exchanges for clearing house..............................
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents...

1,180 73

977 04

1, 420 63

1,321 21

6, 058 00
522 41

4. 840 00
411 69

5,658 00
165 56

7,478 00
149 69

45,200 00

50,732 50
10,000 00

47, 695 00_

58,915 00

2,542 50

2, 542 50

2,542 50

2, 542 50

$769, 925 45

$807,308 55

$91 f, 558 20 $1, 015,198 30

Capital stock paid in........................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding........................
Due to other National banks..................................

$100.000 00
80,000 00
15,722 37
50, 850 00
246 55

$100, 000 00
80. 000 00
24, 389 14
50, 550 00
360 33

$100,000 00
80,000 00
22,918 02
50,850 00
660 17

$100, 000 00
80,000 00
31, 863 85
50,400 00

Due to State banks and bankers........................
Dividends unpaid........................................... ........
Individual deposits subject to check..................
Demand certificates of deposit...........................

200 00
328,301 22
194, 605 31

80 00
338,679 18
212, 999 90

105 00
437.832 57
221, 942 44

105 00
515,021 48
237,557 97

250 00

250 00

250 00

Legal tender n otes..................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer, other than 5% redemp­
tion fund................................................................
T otals..................................................................

Report of
Dec. 2.


Time certificates of deposit..................................
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier's checks outstanding................................
United States deposits...........................................
Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers.....................
Notes and bills rediscounted................................
Bills payable.............................................................
Liabilities other than those above stated...........
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$769, 925 45

$807, 308 55

$914, 558 20 $1,015,198






No. 390.
P e t e r W h it e ,
E. S. B ic e ,

P r e s i d e n t ; E. H. T o w a r , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; F. J. J e n n is o n , C a s h i e r ;
A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r ; C h a r l e s L. B r a in e r d , 2 d A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

D ir e c t o r s .—P e te r W h ite, E. H. T ow ar, J. M. L ongyear, J. G. R eynolds, F. W. R ead.

Report of
Dec. 2.

Report of
Feb. 4.

Report of
June 30.

Report of
Sept. 7.

Loans and discounts..............................................
Overdrafts secured and unsecured........
XT ft bonds to secure circulation....
XT S bonds to secure TT ft deposits.
XT S bonds on ha.nd................................................

$618, 502 58
9,865 37
137,500 00

$653,265 76
2,524 29
137,500 00

$613, 435 62
7, 269 82
137,500 00

4, 000 00

4,000 00

4, 060 00

Premiums on XT. S. bonds........................................
Other bonds..............................................................
Stocks securities etc
Banking1bouse furniture and fixtures.................
nthpr rpn.l estate and mortgages owned.............

12, 375 00
8, 500 00

12,375 00
7, 500 00
10. 000 00
43,324 00
13, 682 99

12,375 00
7, 500 00
10,000 00
43.324 00
13, 777 85

7, 500
8, 930
43, 324
13, 827



8, 884 85
59, 991 97
109,885 85
3,579 38

18,087 84
20,573 29
202,566 54
3,017 91



6, 100 00
486 00
52, 758 40

5, 780 00
275 00
59, 676 50

10,485 00
• 396 00
72,615 80

6.245 00
329 00
58,669 20

13, 723 00

13,022 00

23, 599 00

12, 787 00

6,187 50

6,187 50

6,187 50

6,187 50


Due from National banks (not reserve agents) ..
Due from ft tat e banks and bankers....................
Due from approved reserve agents......................
Checks and other cash items,..............................
Exchanges for clearing house
Notes of other National banks..............................
Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents—
Legal tender notes ................................................
Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 % of
Due from U. S. treasurer other than b% redemp-

43.324 00
1,314 00
27, 510

$636,210 50
1,147 72
137,500 00
4, 000 00

T otals.................................................................. $1,117,535 12 $1,151,455 09 $1,206,711 17 $1,221,966 14
$150,000 00
50. 000 00
85 60
123, 750 00
10, 471 57

$150,000 00
50, 000 00
4,493 38
123,750 00
14, 551 62

$150,000 00
50, 000 00
8,277 77
123,750 00
9,650 11

Capital stock paid in..............................................
Surplus fund.............................................................
Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.
National bank notes outstanding.........................
Due to other National banks.................................

8150, 000 00
50, 000 00
3,263 61
123,745 00
308 88

Due to State ba,nks and bankers.........................
Dividends unpaid
Individual deposits subject to check.................
Remand certificates of deposit...........................

13,782 39

18, 953 76

4,466 86

2,486 21

734, 934 23
40,181 01

742,016 44
53, 694 35

820, 467 09
38, 430 85

833,320 93
44,124 12

1,200 00
120 00

2,370 00

413 37
138 00

180 00
177 00

Time certificates of deposit
Certified checks.......................................................
Cashier’s checks outstanding................................
United States deposits
Deposits Of II S disbursing officers
Notes and bills rediscounted
Liabilities other than those a,hove stated

Totals.................................................................. 81,117,535 12 $1,151,455 09 $1,206,711 17 $1,221,966 14

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 1515.
S. H. Go r h a m ,

P r e s id e n t;

H. E. W in s o r ,

V ic e

P r e s id e n t;

C. E. Go r h a m ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—J. L. Dobbins, S. H. Gorham, C. E. Gorham, H. E. W insor, F. A. S tu art, A. D. Hubbard.
R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts..................................
W a reh o u se r e c e ip t s .....................................
O verdrafts sec u r e d and u n se c u r ed ..........................
U. S. bonds to s ec u r e circu la tio n ..........................
IT. S. bonds to s ec u r e U . S. d e p o sits.......................

R eport of
F eb. 4.
8252, 680 50

R eport of
June 30.

813 67
25,000 00

8264, 301 25
1, 860 00
5, 078 42
25, 000 00

116,831 25
11,800 00

150 00
114,487 55
11,800 00

R eport of
S ept. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2.

8300, 022 38

8248, 907 40

3,469 15
25,000 00

347 10
25,000 00

105,431 25
11,800 00
1,206 30

112,585 59
11,800 00
2,008 15

U . S. bonds on h a n d ............................................
S to ck s, secu rities, e t c .......................................
B anking house, furniture and fix tu r es.................
O th er r ea l e s t a te and m o rtg a g es o w n e d ...............
D ue from N a tio n a l banks (n ot r ese rv e a g e n ts )..
D ue from S t a te banks and ban kers..........................
D ue from approved r ese rv e a g e n ts ..........................
C h eck s and o th er cash ite m s .............................
N o te s o f oth er N a tio n a l banks..................................
F r a c tio n a l pap er currency, n ick els and c e n t s . ..
S p e c ie ................................................................
L eg a l ten d er n o t e s ...........................................
R edem ption fund w ith U . S. treasu rer (5 % o f
c ir c u la tio n ).....................................
D ue from U . S. treasurer, o th er than 5 '% re­
dem ption fu nd...................................................
T o t a ls ................................................

5,261 22

7, 353 99

10, 735 83

12,242 28

57, 377 20
396 55
6 , 860 00

22,711 95
1. 466 94
8 , 080 00

28,216 94
243 27
8 , 885 00

38. 900 53
1,285 22
275 00

110 27
18,128 15
1, 500 00

113 75
20,399 65
1, 500 00

176 41
21,799 30

6 90
17, 430 45

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

40 00

1,125 00
140 00

8497,883 81

8485, 468 50

8520,110 83

8472, 053 62

8100,000 00
100 , 000 00
17,630 84
21,260 00

8100, 000

24,057 56
22,500 00

8100,000 00
100 . 0 C0 00
18,961 18
21, 900 00

8100, 000 00
100 , 000 00
18,329 45
22,500 00

110, 975 54
148, 017 43

103, 362 09
135, 548 85

136,774 46
142,475 19

122, 453 39
108,770 78

8497,883 81

8485, 468 50

8520,110 83

8472,053 62

L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in ..........................
Surplus fu n d ........................
U ndivided profits le ss e x p e n ses and ta x e s p a id ..
N a tio n a l bank n o tes o u tsta n d in g .............
D ue to o th er N a tio n a l ban ks......................

1 0 0 .0 0 0 00

D ue to S t a te banks and b an kers..........................
Individual d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ...........
D em and c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...................
T im e c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g ...........
D ep o sits o f U. S. disbursing o fficers........................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .............
L ia b ilities o th er than th o se a b o v e s t a t e d . ..
T o t a ls ...................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis






No. 3256.
S. M. S t e p h e n so n ,

P r e s i d e n t ; A u g u st u s S p ie s ,. V i c e P r e s i d e n t ;
C l in t o n W . G ram , A s s i s t a n t C a s h i e r .

G. A. B l e sc h ,

C a s h ie r ;

Dir e c t o r s .—S. M. S tep h en so n , A. Sp ies, G. A. B lesch, John H en es, I. S tep h en son , Jr.,
J. H. W alton , C. S. Brow n, C harles I. Cook, Edw ard D aniell.

R esources.

L oan s and d isc o u n ts.................................
O verdrafts, sec u r e d and u n secu red ..
U . S. bonds to s ec u r e circu la tio n .......
IT. S. bonds to s ec u r e U . S. dep osits
U . S . bonds on hand.
Prem ium s on U . S. bonds........................
S to ck s, secu rities, e t c .............................
B anking house, furniture and fixtures
O ther rea l e s t a te and m o rtg a g es o w n e d ...............
D ue from N a tio n a l banks (n ot rese rv e a g e n ts )..
D ue from s ta te banks and b a n k ers........................
D ue from approved r eserv e a g e n ts ..........................

R eport o f
F eb . 4.

R eport of
Jun e 30.

R eport o f
S e p t. 7.

$800, 280 44
1,152 62

$729, 967 61
83 79

100,000 00

1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00

$887. 277 46
267 44
100 , 000 00

$944. 307 46
247 91
100 , 000 00

7,100 00

19,650 00

32,731 25

32, 481 25

10, 307 43
1,129 22
170, 314 30

23, 126 90

16, 823 52

5,826 02

209, U 8 04

206, 4 io 53

153,’43 i ' 66

2, 742 99

R eport of
D ec. 2.

C hecks and o th er ca sh ite m s .....................................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h ou se...................................
N o te s o f o th er N a tio n a l banks...................................
F r a c tio n a l pap er currency, n ick els and c e n t s ...

7,577 75

3,437 13

1,919 09

3, 000 00
1, 111 05

2,000 00

1 000 00

334 51

434 20

3, 000 00
518 69

S p e c ie ....................................................................................
L e g a l ten d er n o t e s ...................................... ..................
R edem ption fund w ith CJ. S. treasu rer (5$ of
c ir c u la tio n )..................................................................
Due from U. S. treasurer, oth er than b% r e ­
dem p tion fu n d .................................................. ............

42,530 f 0
5,000 00

50, 076 00
2,000 00

48. 482 50
3, 689 00

55,184 50
3, 000 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

4,500 00

1,154,002 81 $1,144, 293 98

1,303, 534 99

1,305, 240 48

$100,000 00

$ 100,000 00

T o t a ls .


L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in ......................................................
Surplus fund.......................................................................
U ndivided profits le ss e x p e n ses and ta x e s p a id ..
N a tio n a l bank n o tes o u tsta n d in g .. ......................
D ue to o th er N a tio n a l banks.......................................

$100,000 00

$ 100, 000
4, 468


50, 000
90, 000
5, 634


Due to s ta te banks and b a n k ers.......
D ividends un paid.........................................
Individual d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k
D em and c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it...........

428, 099


2, 065 41

18 42

430,685 11
52, 244 01

579, 987 55
45,363 37

550, 822 96
64, 632 64

Tim e c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it........................
C ertified c h e c k s ....................................,.............
C ashier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g ......................
U n ited S ta te s d e p o s its ...................................

323,436 40

349,817 62

367,942 02

373,549 35

$1,154, 002 81 $1,144,293 98 $1,303,534 99

$1, 305,240 48


2,444 61

66 , 678


6 , 000 00

50, 000 00
74, 064 25
90, 000 00
2,152 86

D ep o sits o f U . S. disbursing officers.........
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d ......................
Bills p a y a b le ........................................................
L iab ilities o th er than th o se a b o v e sta te d
T o ta ls
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 4454.
A. A. Ca r p e n t e r ,

S. P. Gib b s , V i c e
S. G. R eed , A s s i s t a n t

P r e s id e n t;

P r e s id e n t;
C a s h ie r .

M. S. H a r m o n ,

C a s h ie r ;

A. A. C arpenter, J a c o b L eisen , S. P. Gibbs, C. H. Jon es, P e te r Sib en aler, M. S. Harmon,
Jos. F lesh iem , W m . S om m erville, A. B. Stryk er, W m . H olm es, H enry S w art.

D i r e c t o r s .—

R eport of
F eb . 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

L oans and disco u n ts........................................................
O verdrafts, sec u r e d and u n se c u r e d ........................
U . S. bonds to s ec u r e circu la tio n ..............................

$553,751 46
12 65
25,000 00

$563, 051 70
328 34
25,000 00

$530,060 69
127 75
25, 000 00

$584,162 29
8 42
25,000 00

S to ck s, secu rities, e t c ..................................................
Banking bouse, furniture and fix tu r es....................

3.540 95
14,000 00

3,540 95
14, 000 00

51, 940 95
14,000 00

51,940 95
14,000 00

O ther r ea l e s t a te and m o rtg a g es o w n e d ...............
D ue from N a tio n a l banks (n ot r ese rv e a g e n ts )..

850 00
7, 359 47

863 30
3,174 14

936 81
11,387 73

771 55
8,922 17

D ue from approved rese rv e a g e n ts ..........................

53,865 58


106. 695 53

37,067 58

5, 357 96

4, 487 65

4,475 24

5,146 51

N o te s o f o th er N atio n a l b a n k s.................................
F r a c tio n a l pap er cu rrency, n ick els and c e n t s . ..

1,500 00
607 01

3,155 00
193 72

3, 925 00
451 16

3, 590 00
339 34

S p ec ie . ..............................................................................
L eg a l te n d er n o t e s ..........................................................
R edem ption fu,nd w ith U . S. treasu rer (5% o f
c ir c u la tio n ).....................................................................
D ue from U . S. treasu rer, o th er th an 5% re-

24,769 20
7,000 00

28, 636 95
8 ,0 0 0 00

27,402 95
5, 000 00

27,987 80
13, 000 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

R esources.

C hecks and o th er ca sh ite m s .....................................

T o ta ls ..........................................................................

68 , 450

R eport of
D eo. 2.


700 00

$698, 699 28

$724, 627 17

$783,228 81

$773,061 61

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0
50, 000
22, 497
1, 077

$ 100 , 000
22, 497
3, 288

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00
50,000 00
35, 947 55
22, 497 50

$ 100 ,0 0 0
50, 000
22, 497

560 00


L iabilities.
C apital sto c k paid in........................................................
Surplus f u n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits le ss e x p e n ses and ta x e s p a id ..
N a tio n a l bank n o te s o u tsta n d in g ..............................
Due to oth er N a tio n a l banks.......................................







LHlP to S t at** banks and bankors
D ividends unpaid...............................................................
Individual d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ......................
D em and c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it.................................

265 00
280, 920 49
83,130 27

175 00
270,018 60
96, 415 38

90 00
352,331 49
69,041 86

783 00
325.449 35
64, 5§1 81

Time c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it............... .........................

135,494 72

149,395 14

153,320 41

186,811 64

C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g .....................................

25 45

100 20

$698, 699 28

$724,627 17

100 00

d e p o sits
TT S d isb u r sin g o ffic e r s
^ 0 ^0 ^ and b ills rediscount, p.d ......................................

T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

$783,228 81

$773,061 61






No. 1587.
Ch a r l e s R. W in g ,

P r e s id e n t;

H a r r y A . Co n a n t ,

V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

George L. L it t l e ,

C a s h ie r .

D ir e c t o r s .—G eo. Spaulding, H. A. Conant, Chas. R. W ing, Geo. L. L ittle, John E. Landon.
R eport of
Jun e 30.

D oans and d isc o u n ts........................................................
O v e r d r a fts secu red and u n se c u r ed ........................
TT S. bonds to sec u r e c ir cu la tio n .............................
TT S bonds to s ec u r e TT. S. d e p o s its ......................
U . S. bonds on h a n d ........................................................
Prem ius on TT. S. B o n d s..............................................

$133,916 77
35 30
12,500 00

$121,191 41

S to ck s, secu rities, e t c ..................................................
Banking houso furniture and fix tu r es....... t ..........
O ther real e s t a te and m o rtg a g es o w n e d ...............
D ue from N a tio n a l banks (n ot r ese rv e a g e n t s ) ..
P u e from S t a te banks and ban kers.................


One from approved rese rv e a g e n ts..........................
C hecks and o th er cash item s
, , ............................
E x ch a n g e s for clearin g hou se
. .. .
N o te s o f oth er N a tio n a l b a n k s.................................
F r a c tio n a l pap er currency, n ick els and c e n ts —

48.804 38
673 08

57,470 25
324 60

50,462 12
1,735 93

35,428 01
518 99

616 00
24 21

1,477 00
101 67

450 00
2 43

733 00
16 82

S p e c ie .. .
U egal te n d er n o tes
R edem ption fund w ith U. S- trea su rer (5 % o f
circu lation )
D ue fro m U . S. treasu rer, o th er than 5 % redem ptio n fu n d ..........................................................................

10,113 10
4,000 00

13, 054 85
6 , 000 00

9, 347 20
6,500 00

8,324 60
1,500 00

T o t a ls ............................................................................


1 ,0 0 0 00


12, 500 00
10, 300 00
1 ,0 0 0 00

31, 392
5, 200
3, 580


R ep ort o f
S e p t. 7.

R eport of
D ec. 2

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R esou rces.

$113,978 44
79 83
12, 500 00

$132,940 74
12, 500 00

10, 300 00
1. 000 00

1 1 ,2 0 0 00
1 , 000 00

3, 550

35, 929
5, 200



562 50

562 50

562 50

562 50

298 22

237 92

400 72

578 29

$263, 661 44

$256,629 25

$252,135 42

$260,461 63

$50,000 00
6 , 000 00
4,436 13
11,250 00

$50,000 00
6 . 000 00
6,021 95
11,250 00

L iabilities.
C apital s to c k paid in ......................................................
Surplus fu n d .................... .................................................
U ndivided profits le ss e x p e n ses and ta x e s p a id ..
N a tio n a l bank n o te s o u tsta n d in g ..............................
D ue to oth er N a tio n a l banks.......................................
D ue to S t a te banks and b a n k ers................................
D ividends unpaid
Individual d ep o sits su b je c t to c h e c k ....................
Dem and c e r tific a te s of d e p o s it................................
T im e c e r tific a te s o f d ep o sit ...................................
C ertified c h e c k s ...............................................................
C ash ier’s c h e c k s o u tsta n d in g .....................................
U n ited S ta te s d e p o sits..................................................



5, 814


120 00

106,132 60
85,702 71

95, 655 79
87, 681 51

90, 464 86
89, 128 99

107,081 03
79,196 44

20 00

20 00

25 00

120 00

$263,661 44

$256, 629 25

$252,135 42

$260,461 63

D eposits o f TT. S. disbursing o ffice r s........................
N o te s and bills red isco u n ted .......................................
B ills p a y a b le.
lia b ilit ie s oth er than th o se above s ta te d .............
T o t a ls ............................................................................
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 4398.
C. H. H a c k l e y ,

P r e s id e n t;

T hos . Mu n r o e , V i c e P r e s i d e n t ; T hos . H u m e ,
George A. A bb o tt , C a s h i e r .


V ic e P r e s i d e n t ;

D ir e c t o r s .—C. H. H a ck ley , L uth er W hitney, Thom as H um e, Thom as Munroe, G eorge A. A b b o tt,
Jos. C. Ford, C. H ubbell Hills.

R esou rces.

L oans and d is c o u n ts ......................................................
O verdrafts, sec u r e d and u n se c u r e d ......................
U . S. bonds to s ec u r e c ir c u la tio n ..........................
U . S. bonds to s ec u r e U . S. d e p o s its ...................
U. S. bonds on h a n d ......................................................
P r e m i u m s O n U*. S. b o n d s ...........................................
S to ck s, sec u r ities, e t c ....................................................
Banking house, furniture and fix tu r es..................
O ther rea l e s t a te and m o rtg a g es o w n e d .............
D ue from N a tio n l banks (n ot r ese rv e a g e n ts )..
D ue from S t a te banks and ban kers.......................
D ue from approved r ese rv e a g e n ts .......................
C hecks and o th er ca sh it e m s ...................................
E x ch a n g es for clearin g h o u se ...................................
N o te s o f o th er N a tio n a l b a n k s ...............................
F ra ctio n a l pap er currency, n ick els and c e n ts ..

R eport o f
F eb. 4.
$516,873 80
", 002 91
25,000 00


R eport o f
Jun e 30.
$539,667 79
1, 872 90
25,000 00

R eport o f
S ep t. 7.
$509, 398 98
7,651 37
25,000 00

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$507,516 02
7, 898 88
25,000 00


2 , 000 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

2 ,0 0 0 00

39,920 64

39, 920 64

39, 920 64

39, 920 64

6.609 09
15,692 48
64, 702 24

6 . 609

9, 978 44
81, 058 52

6 , 609
73, 634


6 , 609

9, 969 76
46 50
73, 389 90

3,042 24

7,771 62

2, 964 71

6 , 360

13,354 00

13, 590 00
773 62

12 , 000 00

6 . 938

34, 360 50
10 , 000 00

668 12

859 40


1,076 32

S p e c ie ....................................................................................
L eg a l ten d er n o t e s .........................................................
R edem ption fund w ith U. S. treasu rer (5$ o f
c ir cu la tio n )......................................................................
Due from U . S. treasurer, o th er than 5% re­
dem p tion fu n d ...............................................................

33,179 50
15,000 00

33,883 00
2 0 ,0 0 0 00

34,310 50
15,000 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

1,125 00

T o ta ls .............................................................................

$744,670 02

$783,250 62

$747,478 80

$732,210 74

C apital s to c k paid in......................................................
Surplus fu n d .......................................................................
U ndivided profits, le ss e x p e n ses and ta x e s paid.
N a tio n a l bank n o tes o u tsta n d in g ............................
D ue to oth er N a tio n a l banks.....................................

$100 , 000 00
50,000 00
1,767 00
22,500 00
1, 705 24

$1 0 0 ,0 0 0 00
50, 000 00
3,834 32
22,500 00
3, 437 09

$ 100 , 000 00
50, 000 00
5,302 79
21, 850 00
441 88

$ 100 . 000 00
50, 000 00
9, 130 35
22, 500 00
441 88

D ue to S t a te banks and b a n k e r s ............................
D ividends u n p a id .............................................................
Individual d ep o sits s u b je c t to c h e c k ....................
D em and c e r tific a te s o f d e p o s it ...............................

40 00
106, 697 46
461,960 32

4, 000 00
137, 168 71
462,310 50

114,157 80
455,726 33

109,920 86
440.217 65

$744, 670 02

$783, 250 62

$747, 478 80

$732,210 74

L iabilities.

T im e c e r tific a te s o f d e p o sit.......................................
C ertified c h e c k s ................................................................
C ashier’s c h e ck s o u tsta n d in g.....................................
U n ited S t a te s d ep o sits..................................................
D eposits o f U . S. disbursing officers......................
N o te s and bills r ed isc o u n te d .....................................
Bills p a y a b le .......................................................................
L iab ilities oth er than th o se a b o v e s t a t e d .........
T o ta ls .............................................................................

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis





No. 4840.
A . V . Ma n n ,

P r e s id e n t;

T homas H u m e , V i c e P r e s i d e n t : H. N . H o v e y ,
C . C . B il u in g h u k s t , C a s h i e r .


V ic e P r e s i d e n t -

D ir e c t o r s .—A. V. Mann, W e sle y F. W ood, C. C. Billinghurst, H. N. H ovey, L. B Sm ith
J. G. Em ery. Jr., T hom as Hum e, F. Jiroch, Wm. Brinen.

R esources.

L oans and d isc o u n ts................................
O verdrafts, secu red and u n se c u r e d ..
U . S. bonds to s ec u r e c ir c u la tio n .. . .
U . S. bonds to s ec u r e U. S. deposits.
P rem ium s on U . S. bonds......................

R eport o f
F eb. 4.

R eport o f
Jun e 30.

R eport of
S e p t. 7.

$508. 602 58
6 , 957 69
25.000 00

$548, 606 03
3,143 43
25, 000 00

$564,405 57
3, 865 37
25, 000 00

R eport of
D ec. 2.
$566,891 25
4,353 45
25,000 00

2,000 00

2,000 00